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OF     THE     WORLD 









R.    LYDEKKER,    F.R.S. 




i  m 

VOL.     1 1. 

FREDERICK     WARNE    AND     CO.,     LTD 

AND     NEW     YORK 



Printed  in  Great  Britain 





















.  241 

.  249 

.  259 

.  268 

.  286 

.  299 




I.  THE  ANIMALS  OF  ARCTIC  AMERICA  AND  CANADA  .             .     315 

II.  THE  ANIMALS  OF  THE  UNITED  STATES          .             .  .             .330 


IV.  THE  ANIMALS  OF  PATAGONIA  AND  CHILE    .           ,.  .             .421 
V.  THE  WEST  INDIES— THE  GALAPAGOS  ISLANDS        .  .             .424 


Mandarin  Duck 


jEx  galerita 


Glutton  or  Wolverine 

Gulo  luscus 

.  Facing  page  24 


Gazella  dorcas 


Asiatic  Wild  Ass 

Equus  hemionus  . 


Striped  Hyaena  and  Jackal 

Hycena  striata,  Canis  aureus    . 



Cervus  unicolor    . 


Indian  Buffalo 

Bos  bubalus 


Indian  Humped  Cattle 

]>os  indicus 



Antilope  cervicapra 


Indian  Rhinoceros   . 

Rhinoceros  unicornis 


Manchurian  Tiger    . 

Felis  tigris  longipilis 


Tiger  .... 

Felis  tigris 



Felis  pardus 


Hanuman  Monkey 

Semnopithecus  entellus    . 


Lanceolated  Jay      . 

Garrulus  lanceolatus 



Lophophorus  impeyanus 


White-Handed  Gibbon 

Hylobates  lar 


Indian  Tapir  . 

Tapirus  indicus  . 


Pied  Hornbill 

Diceros  bicornis   . 


Indian  Python 

Python  molurus  . 



Simia  satyrus 


I AK        .... 

Bos  grunniens      .             . 


viii                                       LIST 


Manchurian  Crane  . 

Grus  viridirostris 

Facing  page  234 

Giant  Salamander    . 

Megalobatrachus  maximus 

•            » 


Common  Seal 

Phoca  vitulina     . 


•            »» 


Californian  Sea-Lion 

Otaria  gillespii    . 


•                    n 


Polar  Bear    . 

Ursus  maritirmus 


'                    >• 


Silver  Gull  . 

Larus  argentatus 





Alca  tor  da 




Elk  or  Moose 

Alces  machlis 


'                               »> 


American  Bison 

Bos  bison  . 


»                               » 


Red  Co ati 

Nasua  rufa 




Llama  .... 

Llama  glama 




Great  Ant-Eater 

MyrmecopJiaga  jubata 




Giant  Toucan 

Rhamphastus  magnirostris 



Blue  and  Yellow  Macaw   . 

Ara  ararauna 

•                            • 



Kivo  Vulture 

Cathartes  papa 

•                            • 



Chested  Screamer    . 

Chauna  chavaria 




Horned  Frog 

Ceratophrys  dorsata 




The  Arctic  Fox 



Pallas's  Sand-Grouse 



Norwegian  Lemming 


Demoiselle  Cranes . 


Little  Stint 


Four-Horned  Antelope 


Red-necked  Phalarope 


Muntjacs    .            .            , 


Snowy  Owl 






Himalayan  Tahr    . 


Siberian  Pica 


Indian  Elephants  . 


Pine-Grosbeak        .             . 


Large  Indian  Squirrel 


Waxwings  . 


Hunting-Leopard  . 




Indian  Civet 


Persian  Ibex 


Sloth  Bear .            .            , 


Suleman  Markhor  . 


Indian  Fox-Bat 




Lion-Tailed  Macaque         , 


Tibet  Dog  . 


Bonnet  Macaque     . 


Bearded  Tit 


Slender  Loris 


Desert  Lark            .            . 


Indian  Cobras 


Bee-eaters  .             .             , 


Malay  Pangolin 


Griffon  Vultures     .            , 


Pig-Tailed  Monkey 


Fancy  Pigeons        .            , 


Slow  Loris .            .            , 


Spoonbills  .            .            , 




Pratincoles . 


Clouded  Leopard   .            , 

.       167 

Black-winged  Stilt 


Malay  Palm-Civet . 

,       169 

The  Scheltopusik   . 


Binturong  .            . 

,       170 

The  Sarmatian  Polecat 


Malay  Bear 

.       171 

Saiga  Antelopes 


Himalayan  Panda . 

.      172 

Rosy  Starling 


The  Gayal  . 

.       174 

Pander's  Chough-Thrush 


A  Thamin  Stag 

.       176 

Pheasants   . 


Malay  Chevrotain  . 

.       178 





Red-Beaked  Hill-Tit 

.       182 

Sze-chuan  Takin    . 

.       230 

Malay  Grackle 

.       185 

Pere  David's  Deer . 

.       232 

Small  Racket-Tailed  Drongo 

.       187 

Michie's  Tufted  Deer 


Red-Headed  Barbet 

.       190 

Bactrian  Camel 

.       234 

Necklaced  Suruku 

.       191 

Telescope  Fish  and  Veil-I 

ailed  F 


.       238 

Blue-Crowned  Hanging  Parrots    . 

.       192 

Porpoises    . 

.       241 

Red-Footed  Falconet 

.       194 

The  Killer  . 

.       245 

Crested  Wood-Partridges  . 

.       195 


The  Manx  Shearwater 


Argus  Pheasant 

.       196 


.       250 

Burmese  Peacock   . 



.       251 



Storm  Petrel 

.       255 

Indian  Darter 


Gannet       .             .            , 


Big- Headed  Tortoise 


Great  Auks 

.       257 

Bauded  Monitor     . 


Sea-Otter    . 


Malay  Flying-Dragon 


Northern  Sea-Elephants    . 


Green  Whip-Snake 


Northern  Sea-Bears            , 


Indian  Long- Nosed  Crocodile        . 


Narwhal     .            .            . 


Atlas  Moth               .              .             .             . 


Walrus        .             .            . 


Proboscis  Monkey                             .             . 


Greenland  Whale  .            , 


The  Black  Ape                            . 


Bernicle  Geese        .            , 


Tarsier                                                             , 


Eider  Drake           .            . 


Tana  Tree-Shrew   . 


Fulmar  Petrel        .            . 


The  Anoa                                         .            . 


Red-Throated  Diver          . 


Babinua    . 


Bridled  Guillemots 


Malay  Swift  and  its  Edible  Nests 


Little  Auk . 


Sumatran  Broadbill 




Beinwardt'a  Flying  Frog  . 


Cod  Fish     . 


Climbing  1'erch 


Sapphirine  Gurnard 


The  Gurami 




Stick  Insect            . 


The  Chimaura 


Dried-Leaf  Insect  . 


Hammer-Headed  Shark     . 


Thread  Scorpion    . 


Basking  Shark 


■  Deer 


Hag-Fish    . 


Raccoon  Dog 


The  Lancelet          .            , 


Short-Tailed  Panda 


Edible  Crab 




Slender  Sea-Spider 




Prideaux's  Hermit  Crab    , 


.       300 

Silky  Tamarin 


.       359 


.       301 


.       360 

The  Octopus 

.       303 

Maned  Wolf 

.       362 

A  Naked -Gilled  Gastropod 

.       304 

Kinkajou    .... 

.       364 

Hermione  hystrix     . 

.       307 

Chilian  Pudu 

.       365 

Orange  Comb-Star 

.       307 

A  Herd  of  Alpacas 

.       366 

Pustule  Star 


Vicunas       .... 

.       367 

Moseley's  Sea-Lily 


Collared  Peccaries . 

.       368 

Sea- Porcupine 



.       369 

Sailing  Jelly -Fish  . 


Chinchilla  .... 

.       371 

Actinia  equina 


Viscacha      .... 


Red  Coral  .... 


Paca            .... 

.       373 

Musk-Ox    .... 



.       374 

Wapiti        ... 


Peba  Armadillo 


Rocky  Mountain  Goat 


Unau           .... 


American  Flying  Squirrel 


Glossy  Tanager       . 


Canadian  Porcupine 


Grey  Cardinal        . 


Raccoon      . 


Orange  Troupial     . 


Rattle- Snake 


Urraca  Jay              . 


Virginian  Deer       . 


Sickle-Beaked  Tree-Pecker 


Prongbuck . 


Costa  Rican  Hammerer 


Prairie  Marmots     . 


Peruvian  Cock-of-the-Rock 


Puma          . 


Ribbon-Tailed  Humming- Bird 


American  Badger  .             .            .            . 


Guacharo    . 


The  Skunk             . 


Red-Bearded  Motmot 


Opossum     . 


Red-Tailed  Jacnmar 


Pipiri          . 


Russet-Throated  Puff- Bird 


Swallow-Tailed  Kite 


The  Harpy . 


Mexican  Turkey     . 


The  Condor 


Floridan  Eel-Salamander  . 


Turkey  Vulture     . 


Jaguar         . 


Mexican  Curassow 


White-Throated  Capuchin 


Hoatzin       . 


Woolly  Spider-Monkey 


Seriema      . 


Three- Banded  Douroucoli 


Trumpeter . 


Bald  Uacari            . 


Solitary  Tinamu     . 


Red  Howler             .             .             .             . 


Rhea  or  Nandu       - 






,      409 

Surinam  Lantern-Bearer  . 


.       417 

Horned  Iguana 

.       410 

Morpho  liecuba 

.       418 


.     '411 

Long-armed  Whip-Scorpion 


Surinam  Water-Toad 

.       412 

Bird-catching  Spider 

.       420 



The  Mara   .... 

.       42L 

The  Double-Eyed  Fish      . 

.       414 

Slender-Beaked  Parraquet 


Arapalma   . 

.       415 

Undulated  Seed-Snipe 




Cuban  Solenodon  . 


Hercules  Beetle 

.       416 

Green  Tody            . 



VOL.  II.  —  I. 



The  Animals  of  Arctic  Asia 

The  Boreal  zone  of  animal  life  extends  all  round  the  Xorth  Pole,  its  Asiatic 
portion  being  consequently  much  more  extensive  than  the  European,  which  com- 
prises only  the  coast  from  the  North  Cape  to  the  mouth  of  the  Obi  River;  and 
it  may  be  shortly  defined  as  the  tract  lying  northward  of  the  limit  of  trees, 
where  the  realm  of  the  Arctic  steppe-area,  or  tundra,  begins.  In  the  Western 
Hemisphere  the  northern  boundary  of  tree-growth  lies  somewhat  to  the  southward 
of  the  Arctic  Circle,  but  in  the  Eastern  Hemisphere  runs  slightly  north  of  the 
same  in  certain  parts  of  Siberia. 

The  landscape  and  vegetation  of  the  tundra  bear  the  impress  of  the  Polar 
climate,  with  its  long  dark  cold  winter,  and  its  short  cool  summer  of  perpetual 
daylight.  Among  the  characteristics  of  the  Arctic  winter  are  the  violent  winds 
which  heap  up  the  thin  mantle  of  snow  in  certain  parts  of  the  tundra,  and  sweep 
it  clean  away  in  others.  Equally  noticeable  is  the  absence  of  moisture  in  the  air, 
under  the  clear  wintry  sky.  The  long  winter  drags  on  into  the  months  of  our 
own  spring,  and  in  March  or  April  often  develops  its  most  intense  cold  :  but  in 
May  the   temperature   of   the  air  suddenly  rises,   July  being  the   hottest  month, 


while  the  brief  summer  ends  in  August.  Although  during  the  greater  part  of 
July  and  August  the  sun  never  sets,  its  warmth  is  for  the  most  part  used  up  in 
melting  the  enormous  masses   of  ice  and  snow,  so  that   very   little  remains  for 


warming  the  air. 

The  summer  temperature  varies  much  in  different  parts  of  the  Boreal  area, 
hut  is  almost  everywhere  low,  even  during  July.  Fogs  are  frequent,  and  in  some 
parts  occur  continually,  being  often  so  dense  that  objects  cannot  be  recognised  even 
a  yard  distant.  So  cold  and  penetrating,  indeed,  is  this  fog,  that  it  wets  every- 
thing like  rain,  and  sometimes  can  hardly  be  distinguished  from  a  drizzle.  It  is 
clear  that  such  a  brief  and  foggy  summer  cannot  allow  the  warmth  of  the  sun  to 
penetrate  the  frozen  ground  very  deeply:  and  at  the  most  the  warming  influence 
extends  only  to  a  depth  of  from  12  to  18  inches,  below  which  the  ground  remains 
frozen  solid.  In  spite  of  this  permanently  frozen  soil,  the  Arctic  countries,  where 
free  from  ice  in  summer,  are  characterised  by  a  vegetation,  which  although  poor  in 
3p  cies  clothes  a  large  extent  of  the  tundra  with  a  green  mantle,  in  which  moss 
j plays  a  conspicuous  part.  Only  indeed  in  the  southern  parts  of  the  tundra,  on  the 
hanks  of  rivers,  and  in  fiords,  are  willow-bushes  and  small  meadows,  or  thickets  of 
evergreen  small-leaved  shrubs,  rising  here  and  there  among  mosses,  met  with. 
Where  the  most  severe  climate  holds  sway,  the  vegetation  covers  only  small 
isolated  spots  separated  by  the  bare  stony  soil,  where  the  melted  snow  gathers  in 
flat  cakes  on  the  ground.  In  such  spots,  where  the  soil  becomes  a  swamp  containing 
thin  layers  of  peat,  are  the  flats  of  the  tundra  carpeted  with  a  few  flowering  plants. 
Those  most  sheltered  against  the  icy  winds  form,  indeed,  warm  areas  where  the 
almost   vertical  rays  of  the  sun  melt  so  much  of  the  ice  and  snow  that  plants 

ive  such  a  supply  of  water  as  to  cause  them  to  grow  with  the  vigour  of  those 
in  the  flower-beds  of  a  southern  garden.  These  flowery  oases  interrupt,  however, 
only  at  rare  intervals  the  dead  monotony  of  the  tundra,  as  the  time  for  develop- 
ment at  the  disposal  of  Arctic  plants  is  limited  to  a  short  period  of  some  eight  or 
nine  weeks'  duration. 

In  spite,  however,  of  the  moistness  of  the  Arctic  summer,  the  character  of  the 

station  in  these  tracts  bears  a  considerable  resemblance  to  that  of  the  deserts 
of  more  southern  latitudes,  for  owing  to  the  frozen  subsoil  the  roots  of  the  plants 
Buffer  from  dryness  at  a  slight  depth,  and  therefore  their  leaves,  like  those  of 
desert  plants,  are  adapted  for  retaining  water.  In  general  the  leaves  of 
Ar.-tic  plants  are  either  of  a  juicy,  or  a  leathery  and  hard  type,  and  their  scaly  or 
spiny  form  presents  but  little  surface  to  the  air,  and  thus  checks  wasteful 
evaporal  ion. 

Monotony  is  the  prevailing  note  of  the  tundra;  everywhere  wind  and  silence, 
the  sun unci-  one  long  monotonous  day,  lighted  by  the  pale  moon-like  sun  in  a  veil 
off  Far  or  near  there  is  no  green  like  that  of  the  grassy  plains  of  Europe, 

although  bere  and  I  here  flowery  patches  of  the  tundra  heather  (Cassiope  tetragona), 
the  crow-berry  (Empetrum  nigrum),  or  the  mountain  avens  (Dri/as  octopetab'), 
relieve  the  dull  monotone.      Here  and   there  also  the  white  coral-like   reindeer 

•  (Cladonia  rangiferina)  spreads  itself  over  the  ground,  while  in  its  midst 

half-hidden  dwarf  willow,  or    a  poor   little   blossom  of   the  golden  saxifrage 

( 7*  ryaoeplen  lum  alter  n  ifolvum),  affords  a  brighter  bit  of  colour.     In  places  again 


may  be  seen  the  pigmy  crow-foot  (Ranunculus  pygmceus)  or  perhaps  a  few 
stunted  plants,  the  tiny  whitlow-grass  or  a  clump  of  saxifrage  standing  out  con- 
spicuously. The  dry  leaves  and  stems  of  the  previous  year  or  two,  which 
generally  remain  on  the  growing  plants,  and  which  they  serve  to  protect,  do  hut 
add  to  the  characteristic  impression  of  dearth. 

Occasionally,  indeed,  a  yellow  Iceland  poppy  raises  its  head  above  the 
rest  of  the  herbage,  generalhv  close  to  spots  overflown  by  water  in  early  summer; 
and  where  the  grass  is  greener,  the  plant-patches  may  widen  out  and  the  n 
disappear.  At  wide  intervals  a  vivid  green  spot  breaks  the  monotonous  brown 
and  grey,  showing  where  the  grass  grows  more  richly  on  some  abandoned  Samoj  ed 
camp,  or  on  the  holes  of  the  Arctic  fox,  but  even  these  do  little  to  redeem  the 
cheerless  character  of  the  region. 

Apart  from  the  polar  bear,  which  is  an  inhabitant  rather  of  tin- 
Arctic  Fox.  . 

frozen  sea,  the  Arctic  fox  (Canis  lagojnis)  is  the  largest  mammal  of 
the  Asiatic  Boreal  tract,  and  is  indigenous  not  only  to  the  Eastern  but  also  to  the 
Western  Hemisphere,  the  southern  limit  of  its  distribution  being  where  tree- 
growth  begins.  This  peculiar  fox  is  distinguished  from  others  of  its  tribe  by  the 
short  and  rounded  ears,  the  short  muzzle,  and  the  whiskers  on  its  cheeks.  The  soles 
of  its  feet  are  more  thickly  haired  in  winter  than  in  summer,  to  facilitate  its 
walking  on  slippery  ice  and  frozen  snow,  and  in  these  regions  its  dark,  short- 
haired  summer  coat  is  exchanged  for  a  longer  white  winter  dress.  In  summer, 
with  the  exception  of  the  yellowish  white  of  the  under-parts,  the  fur  is  principally 
brown  or  dark  rust-colour,  but  occasionally  bluish  grey  above  and  nearly  white 
beneath.  These  parti-coloured  foxes  turn  absolutely  pure  white  in  winter.  Such 
a  change  is.  however,  by  no  means  constant  in  the  species;  the  valuable  " blue- 
fox  "  of  the  furrier  being:  skins  of  individuals  of  this  animal  in  the  winter  coat. 
As  a  matter  of  fact,  the  Arctic  fox  is  what  is  called  a  dimorphic  animal  :  some 
individuals  turning  pure  white  in  winter,  while  others  at  this  season  assunir  a 
pale  slaty-blue  coat.  Both  dark  and  light  individuals  may  be  found  in  the  same 
district,  and  apparently  in  the  same  litter.  In  Iceland  none  of  the  Arctic  foxes 
turn  white  in  winter. 

In  many  places  the  Arctic  fox  seems  to  migrate  south  in  winter,  particularly 
in  the  northern  section  of  its  American  habitat.  Although  these  foxes  are  known 
to  store  up  provisions  for  that  season  in  certain  districts,  as  in  Spitzbergen,  it  is 
possible  that  their  wanderings  may  be  undertaken  in  search  of  food.  On  the 
island  last  named  there  grow  neither  berries  on  which  the  foxes  could  subnet 
during  winter,  nor  is  there  open  water  to  be  found  for  a  distance  of  many  miles 
through  which  food  might  be  floated  to  the  shore.  Moreover  the  sea-birds,  on 
which  these  foxes  elsewhere  prey,  leave  these  inhospitable  shores  in  October. 
Nevertheless,  a  considerable  number  of  foxes  winter  in  Spitzbergen,  where  they 
are  as  active  during  the  long  polar  night  as  during  summer,  when  their  barking. is 
so  frequently  heard.  Apparently,  therefore,  the  foxes  of  Spitzbergen  must  collect 
provisions  for  the  winter,  as  is  the  case  with  those  inhabiting  other  districts. 
During  the  British  Polar  Expedition  of  1875  a  large  number  of  dead  lemmings  were 
found  hidden  in  clefts  of  the  rocks,  where  they  had  been  placed  by  the  foxes  as  a 
winter  store. 


The  most  abundant  rodent  of  the  tundra  is  the  common  lemming 

Lemming,      (jLemmus    norveygicus),    whose    distributional    area    extends    from 

Norway  through  Siberia,  and  whose  place  is  taken  by  other  species  in  North 

America.     Lemmings  have  very  small  ears,  a  rather  stout  body,  an  arched  and 

rounded   head,  an  extremely  short  tail,  long  claws,  and  thick  fur;   the  different 

3peciea  varying  to  some  degree  in  size  and  coloration.     About  5  inches  is  the 

length  of  the  common   Norwegian  species.     This  kind  hibernates  in  winter  and 

does  not  turn  white.     The  Arctic  lemming  (Dicrostonyx  torquatus),  which  under- 

„  >  8uch  a  colour-change,  is  remarkable  for  the  fact  of  its  developing  two  claws 

„.],   front-toe  with  the  assumption  of  the  winter  dress,  the  additional  claw 

being  used  for  digging.     Lemmings  subsist  on  grass,  reindeer-moss,  birch-catkins, 

and  probably  roots;  but  in  seasons  of  scarcity  they  migrate  in  enormous  numbers 

to  other  districts.      If  a  mild  winter  be  followed  by  an   early  spring  and  warm 

summer,  lemmings  increase   rapidly,  but  the  dry  summer  diminishes  their  food 


Btore,  and  thus  induces  them  to  travel  long  distances  in  search  of  a  fresh  supply. 
V  |  only  do  these  tiny  rodents  cross  mountains,  valleys,  rivers,  and  lakes,  but 
Bometimea  tiny  fall  in  such  numbers  into  wells  and  rivers  that  all  the  water  in  the 
country  i-  contaminated  and  undrinkable. 


The  Boreal  /one  is  far  richer  in  birds  than  in  mammals,  among 

its  larger  feathered  inhabitants  two  kinds  of  swan  being  common  on 

the  tundra  of  the  Siberian  area.     Of  these,  the  whistling  or  whooper  swan  (Gygnus 

bul    little  known   in   Europe,  although  it  regularly  crosses  the  North 

md  Baltic  on  migration.     This  species  is  abundant  in  the  bays  of  Rugen  and 

1       loin  bul  appears  on  the  Frische  Baffin  such  numbers  as  to  make  the  meadows 

*  > 1 1    its  journeys  it    passes    through    England    as  well    as   northern 

Germany,  and  is  seen  as  far  south  as  the  Lake  of  Constance  and  the  Swiss  lakes, 

and  sometimes  even  crosses  into  northern  Africa.     Most  whistling  swans  winter, 

lowever,  in  south-eastern  Europe,  and  thousands  have  been  seen  at  Varna  on  the 

Sea  as  well  as  in  Asia  Minor.     Those  wintering  in  Europe  and  Africa  mostly 


come  from  Lapland  and  northern  Russia.     But  this  splendid  swan  inhabits  not 

only  the  north  of  Europe  and  Asia,  but  also  the  Boreal  zone  of  North  America.     In 

Iceland  some  remain  throughout  the  year,  but  these  resort  to  the  open  sea  when 

the  inland  lakes  are  frozen.     In  America  the  swans  migrate  as  far  south  in  winter 

as  Virginia,  Carolina,  and   Louisiana.     The  Siberian  birds  winter  partly  on  the 

Black  Sea,  and  partly  on  the  Caspian,  but  some  remain  on  the  large  lakes  of 

southern  Siberia  and  China;    and   in   the  latter  country  are  sometimes  seen  in 

numbers  on  the  lakes  near  the  imperial  palace  at  Peking. 

In  disposition  the  whooper  is  a  decidedly  quarrelsome  and  tyrannical  bird, 

which  flies  very  high  while  migrating,  when  it  often  utters  the  deep  "whoop" 

from  which  its  familiar  name  is  derived.     Of  practically  the  same  size  as  the  mute 

swan,  it  lacks  the  peculiarly  graceful  movements  of  the  neck  of  that  bird.     Like 

the  mute  swan  it  is  wholly  white,  but  majr  be  distinguished  from  the  latter  by  the 

jet  black  feet  and  the  colouring  of  the  beak,  which  is  yellow  from  the  base  to 

beyond   the  nostrils,   and   elsewhere  black.      The    much    smaller    Bewick's  swan 

(C.   bewicki)  is  another   species    travelling   south    every  winter,   when   it  passes 

through  Finland,  crosses  the  Baltic,  and  visits  Scotland,  England,  Holland,  and 

north  Germany  on  its  way,  journeying  almost  regularly  every  year  in  October  and 

March.     Bewick's  swan  inhabits  nearly  the  same  countries  as  the  whistling  swan, 

but  seems  to  go  farther  north ;  it  has  been  met  with  nesting  in  Novaia  Zemlia,  but 

its  principal  breeding-area  is  northern  Siberia,  whence  it  visits  southern  Siberia, 

northern  China,  and  Mongolia,  where  it  spends  the  winter.     In  Turkestan  and 

Persia  it  has  apparently  not  yet  been  observed,  but  in  Astrakhan  it  has  been  seen 

passing  in  great  numbers,  which  probably  winter  on  the  shores  of  the  Caspian. 

This  bird  much  resembles  the  whistling  swan,  but  is  10  inches  shorter,  its  length 

not  exceeding  50  inches ;  the  yellow  in  its  beak  meets  the  black  just  at  the  nostrils, 

beyond  which  it  does  not  extend. 

The  geese  are  represented  in  the  north  Asiatic  tundra  by  the 
Geese.  .  . 

bean-goose,  and  the  white  fronted  species,  which  are  both  breeding 

birds  in  this  area,  as  well  as  by  the   snow-goose    (Chen  hyperboreus),  which  is 

seldom  seen  in  Europe.     All  these  birds  rarely  winter  on  the  Caspian,  but  are 

seen  in  innumerable  flocks  in  China,  Japan,  and  Korea,  and  in  the  southern  states 

of  North  America,  and  occasionally  wander  to  Mexico  and  the  West  Indies.     The 

snow-goose  is  a  common  bird  in  the  Arctic  zone  of  North  America,  whereas  in 

north-eastern  Asia  it  nests  on  the  inland   lakes  and   swamps  within  the  Arctic 

Circle.     It  is  caught  in  great  numbers  by  the  natives  of  the  north  for  the  sake  of 

its  savoury  flesh  and  its  excellent  feathers,  which  are  preserved  in  pits  dug  in  the 

frozen  ground  of  the  tundra,  where  they  are  covered  up  with  earth.     With  the 

exception  of  the  black  tips  of  its  wings,  the  plumage  of  the  snow-goose  is  entirely 

white,  but  the  feet  and  beak  are  bright  red. 

The  beautiful  harlequin  duck  (Cosmonetta  histrionica),  which 

Harlequin  Duck. ,    ,  ,,-,..-,!  •  •  xi  u  £ 

belongs   to   the    divmg-ducks,  appears   m  winter  on  the   shores  oi 

England    and   Germany,  occasionally  on    the    Rhine,  the    Main,    and    the   upper 

Danube,  and  less  frequently  on  the   Lake  of  Constance.     It  inhabits  the  Arctic 

zone  of  Europe,  Asia,  and  America,  but  is  particularly  abundant  in  Siberia,  where 

it  is  found  nesting  down  to  the  Caspian  and  the  Sea  of  Aral.     It  is  more  frequent 


in  America  than  in  Asia:  in  Iceland,  where  it  does  not  appear  in  very  large 
numbers,  but  Beems  to  be  resident,  with  a  marked  preference  for  flowing  water,  it 
is  called  stream-duck.  The  nest  is  found  on  the  shores  of  rapid  rivers,  well  hidden 
ander  willow-bushes  or  other  covert.  The  bird  obtains  most  of  its  food  from  the 
bottom  of  such  rivers  by  diving  in  the  roughest  and  most  troubled   waters,  and 

sists  on  molluscs,  small  crustaceans,  fish-spawn,  insects,  and  aquatic  plants,  and 
during  the  breeding-season  on  the  larvae  of  the  gnats  found  in  such  quantities  in 
places  of  this  description.  This  duck  flies  strong  and  fast,  dives  splendidly,  and 
nods  its  head  as  it  swims.  It  breeds  late,  the  eggs  not  being  laid  before  the  1st  of 
July.  The  colour  of  the  male  is  remarkable,  being  chiefly  greyish  blue,  with  the 
cheeks,  a  spot  on  the  ear,  a  stripe  on  each  side  of  the  nape,  and  a  ring  round  the 

c,  white:  the  white  markings  being  mostly  edged  with  black.  The  sides  of 
tli.-  body  are  chestnut,  as  is  a  stripe  on  the  breast;  while  the  wings  are  brown, 
blue,  white,  and  grey  with  a  purple  speculum.  The  female  is  much  more  soberly 
clad,  being  dark  brown,  with  a  white  ear-patch,  and  a  white  breast  marked  with 
brown  undulations. 
Long-Tailed  Equally  conspicuous  is  the  long-tailed  duck  (Harelda  glacialis), 

Duck.  which  appears  every  winter  in  immense  flocks  on  the  shores  of  the 
Baltic  and  North  Sea.  Also  a  diving-duck,  this  species  nests  on  the  Arctic  coasts 
of  Europe,  Asia,  and  America,  and  though  most  abundant  in  Siberia,  often 
nests  "ii  the  large  inland  lakes  of  Lapland.  Its  European  breeding-area  includes 
ill"  lakes  and  shores  of  northern  Norway,  while  in  other  parts  of  the  Continent 
it  probably  appears  only  on  migration,  which  does  not  take  it  far  to  the  south. 
Some  winter  in  Iceland,  some  in  the  Hebrides  where  it  is  known  as  the  musical 
•  luck,  sonic  in  the  Orkneys  where  it  is  termed  the  calloo,  many  on  the  mainland 
of  Scotland  and  the  coast  of  Scandinavia,  a  few  in  England,  and  fewer  still  in 

many,  where  it  is  called  the  ice-duck.  Its  southern  limits  seem  to  be  the 
Lake  of  Constance  and  northern  Italy,  where  a  few  stragglers  occur.  This  duck 
measures  about  26  inches  in  length;  the  males  being  distinguished  by  the  long 
and  narrow  middle  tail-feathers.  The  breeding-plumage  of  the  male  is  white  on 
the  head,  the  fore  part  of  the  neck,  and  the  upper  part  of  the  back,  the  lower  part 
«.!  t  In-  back  being  dark  brown  ;  the  breast  is  brown,  and  the  rest  of  the  lower-parts 
whio- :  the  lores  and  sides  of  the  face  are  grey,  separated  by  a  white  line  from  the 
beak,  which  is  lead-colour  with  an  orange  band.  The  characteristic  middle  tail- 
Feathers  arc  black,  the  outer  ones  being  white, 
scaup  Duck.  ^ie  ,scauP  (Fuligula  marila),  another  common  diving-duck  in 

the  Arctic  regions,  winters  in  thousands  in  China  and  Japan,  and 
migrates  in  the  west  of  its  Old  World  habitat  as  far  south  as  the  Mediterranean, 
lower  Egypi   and  Arabia.     The  nest  has  been  found  on  Loch  Leven  in  Scotland, 

well  as  in  Brunswick,  Mecklenburg,  and  other  parts  of  Germany;  but  the 
principal  breeding-area  of  the  species  is  the  Arctic  zone.     This  duck  feeds  more 

mimal  than  on  vegetable  matter,  diving  for  molluscs  to  depths  down  to  12  feet. 
On  tin   German  coast  it  is  taken  in  drift  nets  of  that  depth,  in  the  wide  meshes 

wind,  the  birds  entangle  their  heads  as  they  dive.     The  scaup  measures  about 

In  colour  the  drake  is  greenish  black  with  brown  wings  barred  with 

fche  b,,cl;  is  white  or  speckled,  the  lower  part  of  the  body  white,  the  beak 


bluish  grey  with  a  black  nail,  the  feet  blue  with  black  claws,  and  the  eyes  yellow. 

The  female,  which,  like  the  young  males,  has  a  white  band  round  the  base  of  the 

beak,  in  colour  is  brown  with  whitish  wavy  linos;  the  wings  being  much  the  same 

as  in  the  male. 

Among  other  northern  ducks,  six  species  of  scoter  are  common 
Scoters.  °    .  x 

to  both  hemispheres,  all  of  which  are  black  in  colour,  and  dis- 
tinguished by  a  large  knob  near  the  base  of  the  broad  and  flat  beak.  The  common 
scoter  {(Edemia  nigra)  swarms  in  the  North  Sea  every  winter,  and  appears  in 
thousands  on  the  shores  of  the  British  Isles,  Holland,  and  France.  It  nests, 
however,  in  the  polar  regions,  where  it  is  especially  numerous  on  the  Siberian 
coasts,  also  appearing,  although  rarely,  on  the  Caspian  and  the  Baltic.  Returning 
to  its  breeding-area  in  March  and  April,  this  scoter  nests  mostly  in  barren 
localities  near  fresh  water ;  but  it  is  quite  marine  in  its  habits,  and  seldom  seen 
far  away  from  the  sea.  Except  during  pairing-time,  it  seldom  comes  on  shore, 
and  even  then  prefers  deep  open  waters.  Being  a  very  shy  bird,  and  alwa}rs  out 
in  the  open,  it  is  difficult  of  approach.  In  length  it  is  about  20  inches  from  beak 
to  tail,  and  may  be  recognised  by  the  reddish  yellow  mark  round  the  nostrils. 
The  female  is  brown  with  whitish  tips  to  the  feathers  of  the  under-parts,  and  a 
very  small  knob  on  the  beak. 

The  velvet  scoter  {(E.fasca),  which  is  unknown  in  Arctic  Iceland  and  Greenland, 
and  represented  in  America  by  (E.  deglandi,  much  resembles  in  habits  the  common 
species,  with  which  it  associates  in  large  flocks.  The  feathers  are  as  valuable  as 
those  of  the  eider-duck ;  and  the  species  is  much  hunted  in  Kamchatka,  where  the 
natives  drive  it  into  the  bays  with  boats,  where  it  is  killed  with  sticks.  They 
also  take  scoters  in  nooses,  using  a  stuffed  female  bird  as  a  decoy ;  few  are, 
however,  shot,  as  these  birds  sink  the  body  deep  into  the  water  while  swimming, 
only  showing  the  head  and  neck  above  the  surface.  The  velvet  scoter  is  rather 
larger  than  the  common  species,  from  which  it  may  be  distinguished  by  the  white 
speculum  on  the  wing,  the  white  spot  below  the  eye,  the  red  feet,  and  the  reddish 
yellow  beak,  of  which  the  base  and  edges  are  black. 

The  plovers  of  the  far  north  are  represented  by  a  species  easily 
Grey  Plover.  ... 

mistaken   for  the   golden  plover,  but   recognisable  by  its   superior 

size,  stronger  beak,  and  the  presence  of   a  small  hind-toe.     This  bird,  the  grey 

plover  (Squatarola  helvetica),  during  migration  is  often  seen  on  the  North  Sea, 

more  seldom  on  the  Baltic,  and  very  rarely  inland,  though  now  and  then  visiting 

peat-moors.      Inhabiting  the   north-east  of    Europe    and  the  north  of  Asia  and 

America,   the  grey  plover    migrates   in   August   and   September,  and  returns  in 

March,   April,  or  May.      Migration  takes  it   as  far  south   as  Cape  Colony,  the 

Malay  Archipelago,    and    Australia,    and  in    America    it   is    met   with    in   Brazil 

and   Peru.     The  grey  plover  is   mostly  mottled  white   above   and   black  below, 

except  the  abdomen  and  tail-coverts,  which  are  white.     The  wing  has  a  white  bar 

when  open,  and  the  tail  is  white  with  six  or  seven  black  bars. 

Bar-Tailed  The  bar-tailed  godwit  (Limosa  lapponica),  which  breeds  on  the 

Goiwit.        large  swamps  and  inland  waters  of  northern  Sweden,  Finland,  and 

Lapland,    on    the    Peninsula   of    Kola    in   northern    Russia,   and    the   tundras   of 

northern    Siberia,    migrates    to   central    and    southern    Europe,    and    appears   in 



thousands  in  the  autumn  and  spring  on  all  the  shores  of  the  North  Sea,  swarming 
on  the  beach  as  the  tide  turns,  and  eagerly  following  the  receding  waves.  Feeding 
on  molluscs,  insects,  and  crustaceans,  this  species  may  be  distinguished  from  the 
black-tailed  godwit  by  the  brown-barred  feathers  of  the  tail  and  axillaries,  and 
the  brown-spotted  back,  of  which  the  lower  part  is  whitish. 

spotted  An  allied  species  inhabiting  the  Arctic  zone   from  Norway   to 

Redshank,      southern    Siberia,  and  visiting  in   the   Mediterranean  area,  or  even 

still  farther  south,  is  the  spotted  or  dusky  redshank  (Tota.ius  fusctis).     This  bird 

nests  in  tip-  highest  north,  beyond  the  Arctic  Circle,  whence  it  migrates  south  in 

_  ist.  in  which  month,  or  September,  it  may  sometimes  be  seen  in  flocks  of  six  to 

twenty  on  the  shores.      During  their  spring  migration  in  April  and  May  these  birds 

i  appear  in  solitary  inland  places.     One  of  the  largest  of  the  sandpipers,  this 

species  is  about  a  foo(  long,  and  may  be  recognised  by  the  white  lower  half  of  the 

«  S 


M  III  I-    STINT. 

rod  the  brownish  bars  ou  the  white  secondaries.     The  beak  is  almost  black, 
wuh  the  lower  mandible  red  ai  the  base,  and  the  legs  are  red  with  black  claws. 

The     (i,lls-  which   breed  in  the  far  north  beyond  the  limits  of 
tree-growth,  are  small   birds  frequenting  the  sea-shore,  where  they 

■''  for  f '  ""  ""■  -""'-      Sociable   in  disposition,  they  breed  in  colonies  and 

tteron  m  large  flocks  which  generally  migrate  under  the  leadership  of  a 

^"je  other  species.     The  little  stint  (Tringa  mvnuta)  selects  as  its  dwelling- 

bl<*  ' r  in  her^ge(  with   quiet  nooks  and  smooth  water.     But  seldom 

"'VV"1"^  °f  ' ''    "   preferS  8ma11  bays  with  muddy  soil,  or  inland 

;     J:     ^  *°"  fche  8ea"      "    breeds  i*   the   north  from   Scandinavia   to   the 

"insula    but    in  largest   numbers   in   northern   Asia   beyond  the  Urals. 

migrates  -  far  as  Cape  Colony  and   Ceylon,  and  occurs  in  almost 

V:UiVy.;:]    Eur°P«   «*    —  tern    Asia.     A    quiet,   brisk,   confiding   bird. 

,'"'"''-  ^me  Prom  its  grasshopper-like  call  of  "stint"  and  having  a 


twittering  trill  by  way  of  a  song,  the  little  stint  is  distinguished  by  the  shining 

white  of  its  under-parts,  the  chestnut  brown  of  the  back,  and  its  small  size,  the 

length  being  only  about  6  inches.     Teinminck's  stint  (T.  temmincki),  which  does 

not  extend  so  far  east  in  its  breeding-range  as  the  last,  and  travels  less  far  to  the 

south  on  migration,  differs  by  having  the  six  outer  tail-feathers  white  instead  of 

grey,  as  well  as  by  the  darker  colour  of  the  legs,  and  its  somewhat  superior  bodily 

size.     The  Siberian  birds  winter  in  India,  while  those  nesting  in  Europe  seem  to 

bear  to  the  west,  and  are  much  more  frequent  in  spring  and  autumn  in  Britain. 

France,   Switzerland,  and   Spain  than  elsewhere.      M  any   have  also  been  found 

wintering  in  Senegambia. 

The  knot  (T.  canutus)  also  migrates  through  the  west  of  Europe, 
Knot.  .  .  ....  r 

its   main    route    to    Africa    taking   it   through    Sweden,    Denmark, 

Scotland,  England,  France,  and  Holland,  the  numbers  passing  through  Germany 
being  comparatively  few.  When  migrating  across  Asia  it  visits  southern  Siberia, 
Lake  Baikal,  and  China,  and  journeys  as  far  south  as  New  Zealand.  As  a  breed- 
ing bird  it  inhabits  the  Arctic  countries  of  Europe,  Asia,  and  America,  and  seems 
to  nest  more  frequently  near  inland  waters  than  by  the  sea-shore.  Running  with 
short,  quick  steps,  it  holds  the  wings  straight  up  when  crossing  soft  mud  or 
stepping  over  watery  places.  The  flight  is  fast  and  straight  with  strong,  although 
not  frequent,  movements  of  the  widely  expanded  wings.  The  knot,  which  feeds 
on  the  smaller  animals  of  the  shore,  such  as  insects  and  their  larvae,  is  the  largest 
of  its  kind,  being  almost  as  large  as  the  golden  plover.  In  summer  the  plumage 
is  chestnut-brown  spotted  with  blackish  on  the  upper  part  of  the  bod}" ;  but  in 
winter  the  colour  is  ashy  grey  above,  with  dark  bars  on  the  lower  part  of  tin- 
back  and  the  white  upper  tail-coverts.  The  throat  and  under-parts  are  white,  and 
the  feet  and  beak  black. 

Purple  Frequenting  steep  and  rugged  shores,   where   the    sea    washes 

sandpiper,  the  wildest  rocks  and  sprinkles  them  with  its  spray,  the  purple 
sandpiper  (T.  maritima)  in  May  repairs  inland  to  nest  on  some  elevated  plateau 
or  in  some  moorland  valley,  where  it  is  often  found  in  numbers.  When  surprised, 
the  young  birds  hide  away,  while  the  old  ones,  uttering  the  most  pitiful  cries, 
scud  about  with  ruffled  feathers,  drooping  wings,  and  body  almost  touching  the 
ground.  At  other  times  the  purple  sandpiper  is  less  mindful  of  its  safety.  It 
walks  gracefully,  swims  well,  and  has  a  strong  undulating  flight,  while  in 
character  it  is  sociable  and  peaceable.  In  diet  it  differs  in  some  ways  from  its 
relatives,  since  it  subsists  principally  on  small  shell-fish.  The  breeding-area, 
which  is  circumpolar,  extends  to  a  higher  latitude  than  that  of  any  other  sand- 
piper, embracing  the  shores  of  Hudson  Bay,  Labrador,  Greenland,  Iceland, 
Spitzbergen,  Novaia  Zemlia,  northern  Lapland,  and  northern  Siberia,  and  seeming 
to  include  the  Fame  Islands  in  its  southern  boundary.  In  winter  this  bird 
migrates  to  the  Mediterranean,  and  the  Azores  on  one  side  of  the  Atlantic,  and 
the  Bermudas  on  the  other.  About  8  inches  long,  the  species  is  distinguished-  by 
the  blackish  upper  tail-coverts,  the  white  bar  on  the  wings,  and  the  yellow  feet. 
Broad-Billed  The  broad-billed   sandpiper    (Trivga  platyrhyncha),    which  is 

sandpiper.      f0Und  in  muddy  shallow  places  in  stagnant  water,  where  grass  does 
not  grow  too  abundantly,  and  where  cattle  drink   and  leave  innumerable  foot- 

I  2 


prints,  nests  in  the  Scandinavian  mountains  and  the  swamps  of  Finland,  although 

true    br ling-grounds   are   in   the   tundras  of   Arctic   Europe   and   Asia.     In 

autumn  this  bird  migrates  as  far  south  as  Formosa,  Bengal,  and  Madagascar. 
In  babits  it  is  as  much  a  snipe  as  a  sandpiper.  In  colour  it  is  blackish  brown 
above,  with  a  white  eye-stripe,  and  a  brown  spot  in  front  of  the  eye  which  is 
placed  well  in  the  centre  of  the  side  of  the  head;  the  beak  is  broad  in  the  middle 








and  longer  than   the  head,  curving  slightly  downwards  at  the  point.     It  is  not 

a  large  bird,  being  only  some  (i  inches  in  length. 

Another   well-known    member   of   this   group   is  the  sanderling 
Sanderling.  .  a        i  _    » 

(Cahdris   arenaria),   which    inhabits   Hat   and   sandy  shores,  Vicing 

seldom  seen  on  muddy  ground.     During   the  nightless  summer  it  breeds  within 

the    Arctic  Circle,  its   ana    extending   ;,]]    round    the   pole;    and  on    migration   it 

aches  Borneo,  Java   Ceylon,  Cape  Colony,  Patagonia,  and  the  Sandwich  Islands, 

aving  representatives  dnring  the  winter  in  almost  every  country  on  the  way. 


The  sanderling  walks  daintily   and  briskly,   with  an  occasional   short  run, 

and  flies  fast  and  energetically.     Its  food  consists  of  worms,  molluscs,  crustaceans, 

and  other  small  inhabitants  of  the  shore.     The  plumage  of  the  upper  part  of  the 

body  is  grey  in  autumn  and  chestnut  in  spring,  while  the  under-parts  are  white, 

with   the  exception  of  the  brown-spotted  breast,   and   the   beak,  legs,  and   feet, 

which   are  greenish  black.     In  length  it  is  about  8  inches.     The  sanderling  is 

best  recognised  by  its  three  toes  and  the  large  amount  of  white  in  its  plumage. 

The  phalaropes,  that  is  the  fringed  feet  —  from  their  toes  bein<r 
Phalaropes.  . 

lobed  like  those  of  the  grebes — are  also  birds  of  the  far  north  where 

they  wander  about  in  summer  on  the  shores  and  feed  on  insects,  molluscs,  and 
algee,  leaving  them  in  winter  to  find  their  food  on  the  surface  of  the  sea.  The 
red-necked  phalarope  (Phalaropus  hyperboreus)  nests  in  the  Arctic  regions, 
mostly  in  the  neighbourhood  of  the  sea,  but  sometimes  also  far  inland,  where 
it  is  not  found  at  other  seasons.  Breeding  as  far  north  as  Novaia  Zemlia, 
and  as  far  south  as  Ireland,  this  bird  is  abundant  in  northern  Asia  and  North 
America.  On  migration  the  American  birds  journey  down  the  continent  into 
Chile,  while  those  from  Asia  are  met  with  on  the  shores  of  the  Indian  Ocean  and 
the  islands  of  the  Malay  Archipelago.  Phalaropes  spend  most  of  their  time  on 
the  water,  swimming  high  and  lightly,  and  are  very  grebe-like  in  their  habits, 
although,  owing  to  the  closeness  of  the  feathers  and  the  lightness  of  the  body, 
they  cannot  dive.  They  rise  as  easily  from  the  water  as  from  the  ground,  and 
are  as  graceful  on  the  wing  as  when  swimming.  The  red-necked  phalaropr, 
which  is  7  inches  in  length,  may  be  distinguished  by  its  thin,  tapering,  black 
beak.  The  head  and  shoulder- feathers  are  dark  grey,  those  of  the  back  and 
wings  being  darker,  with  light  edges ;  the  breast  is  ashy  grey,  the  neck  chestnut, 
except  at  the  nape,  while  the  under-parts  are  white,  and  there  is  a  white 
bar  on  the  wing.  The  female,  which  is  larger  than  the  male,  has  a  brighter 
coloured  plumage.  Unlike  most  birds,  she  selects  her  mate,  and  does  all  the 
courting,  the  pair  taking  turns  in  sitting  on  the  eggs. 

The  grey  phalarope  (P.  fulicarius)  frequents  similar  haunts,  breeding  all 
round  the  North  Pole,  although  most  abundantly  in  northern  Siberia,  where  it 
nests  on  the  small  pools  in  the  lower  parts  of  the  tundra.  On  migration  this 
bird  traverses  nearly  half  the  globe,  having  been  met  with  off  the  coasts  of  Chile 
and  New  Zealand.  The  grey  phalarope  is  more  gregarious  than  its  red-necked 
relative,  being  rarely  seen  alone  and  often  in  flocks  of  fifty  or  more.  In  other 
respects  the  resemblance  between  the  two  is  close,  the  females  of  the  present 
species  being  also  larger  and  richer  in  plumage  than  the  males,  and  making  all 
the  advances  during  the  pairing-season.  The  eggs  of  both  species  are  four  in 
number,  and  both  have  the  same  extremely  pointed  shape,  but  those  of  the  grey 
kind  are  larger  and  not  so  deep  in  their  brown  ground-colour.  On  the  upper- 
parts  the  grey  phalarope  is  dusky  grey,  and  below  chestnut ;  the  tail  has  the  two 
middle  feathers  more  than  half  an  inch  longer  than  the  rest ;  and  the  beak  is  flat 
and  broad,  and  yellow,  with  a  black  tip. 

The    snowy    owl    (Nyctea   scandiaca)   not   only   breeds,  but   is 

snowy  owl.     permanently  resident,   in  the    Arctic   regions    of   both  hemispheres. 

Naturally  it  is  most  abundant  where  prey  is  most  easily  obtained.     Although  in 




winter  the  plumage  is  pure  snowy  white,  in  summer  it  is  flecked  with  brown,  thus 
exhibiting  in  a  modified  decree  the  colour-change  so  conspicuous  in  many  Arctic 
mammals.  The  loud  of  this  great  white  owl  comprises  Arctic  hares,  lemmings,  mice, 
and  birds.  If  these  animals  are  compelled  by  the  winter  cold  to  move  southwards, 
the  snowy  owl  follows  them.  In  America  it  is  said  to  reach  Florida  and  Texas: 
in   Europe  it  winters  in  Lithuania  and  Poland,  and  rarely  in  Denmark  and  Great 

Britain ;  in  Asia  it 
has  been  found  in 
the  valley  of  the 
Indus.  Its  nest  is 
a  small  heap  of  moss 
on  the  ground  ;  and 
the  eggs  are  from 
four  to  seven  in 
fejj  number,  being  more 

~%k,   j  j0  than    are      hatched 

by  any  other  owl  of 
the  same  size.  The 
adults,  which  seek 
their  prey  by  day 
as  well  as  by  night, 
select  prominent 
hillocks  for  their 
look  -  out  stations. 
At  rest  they  gener- 
ally sit  erect  with 
the  wings  partly 
'*i       ml  JmM  hidden     under     the 

fluffy  side  feathers ; 
and  when  fluttering 
and  hovering  across 
the  tundra  they 
make  an  audible 
beating  with  their 
wings,  so  that  the 
flight  is  not  silent 
like  that  of  other 
owls.  In  length  the 
vv  owl.  snowy  owl  measures 

about  24  inches.    Its 

plumage  is  white  with    dark    brown  mottlings  or  bars  in  summer,  but  tends  to 

become  lighter  with  age,   and,  as  already  said,  in  old  individuals   becomes  pure 

white  in  winter.     The  toes  are  thickly  feathered  :  most  so  in  American  examples. 

Gerfalcons.  ' '"'  '-,'rl';l,,,<)lls  ;"'e  distributed  round  the  North  Pole  in  several 

species  differing  so  slightly  from  each  other  that  they  might  almost 

ssed  as  varietiea     During  three  months  of  the  year  they  find  abundant  food 


within  the  Arctic  Circle,  but  when  the  animals  on  which  they  prey  are  driven 
southward  by  the  winter,  these  falcons  follow  them.  Above  the  tree-line  the  egga 
of  these  birds  are  laid  on  rocks ;  within  it  the  nests  are  built  on  trees,  the  old 
nests  of  other  birds  being  sometimes  occupied  and  relined  with  grass  and  moss. 
The  eggs,  from  three  to  four  in  number,  which  are  laid  in  May  or  June,  vary 
much  in  their  markings,  but  have  always  a  white  ground-colour.  This  is  more  or 
less  clouded — sometimes  entirely — with  reddish  brown.  The  young  falcons  are 
plentifully  provided  for  by  their  parents,  mainly  with  birds  caught  while  on  the 
wing.  In  the  Middle  Ages  gerfalcons  were  highly  valued  for  hawking  purposes, 
and  are  still  so  used  by  the  tribes  of  the  northern  steppes.  From  19  to  22  inches 
is  the  usual  length  of  these  birds,  which  vary  greatly  in  colour,  some  being  nearly 
white,  while  others  are  of  all  intermediate  shades  between  this  and  dark  grey. 
Light  and  dark  birds  have  been  found  in  the  same  nest,  but  none  quite  white, 
as  the  whiteness  seems  to  come  only  with  old  age.  The  species  known  as  Falco 
candicans,  the  Greenland  falcon,  has  white  plumage,  with  or  without  brown 
markings,  the  tail  being  white,  the  flanks  without  bars,  and  the  beak  yellow. 
The  other  two  northern  species  have  blue  beaks  and  barred  flanks,  F.  islandicus 
having  a  white  head  with  narrow  black  streaks,  while  in  F.  gyrfalco,  the  grey 
gerfalcon,  the  crown  is  grey  mottled  with  black.  The  Iceland  falcon  appears 
peculiar  to  the  island  from  which  it  takes  its  name.  The  Greenland  falcon  nests 
on  Bering  Island  and  throughout  Arctic  America,  while  the  grey  species  builds 
in  the  north  from  Norway  to  Hudson  Bay,  and  is  the  one  most  abundant  in  Arctic 
Rough-Legged  The  rough-legged  buzzards  (Archibuteo)  differ   from   the   true 

Buzzard.  buzzards  by  the  completely  feathered  legs,  and  from  the  eagles — 
which  they  resemble  in  having  the  tarsus  reticulated  behind — by  the  weaker  and 
shorter  beak,  and  by  the  nostrils  being  concealed  by  an  overhanging  shelf.  The 
species  common  in  Arctic  Siberia,  A.  lagopus,  is  an  inhabitant  of  the  tundra,  but 
breeds  in  Russia  as  far  south  as  56°  N.  latitude.  When  driven  south  by  the 
inclemency  of  the  winter  in  October  and  November,  it  is  seen  in  the  British  Isles, 
central  Europe,  and  central  Asia.  In  March  it  returns  north  to  nest  on  the  dwarf 
birches,  or  the  beds  of  reindeer-moss,  or  even  on  the  bare  ground.  The  food  of 
these  birds  is  generally  similar  to  that  of  the  true  buzzards,  but  in  Siberia 
principally  consists  of  lemmings.  The  rough-footed  buzzard  carries  its  wings 
somewhat  lower  than  usual,  and  its  flight  is  slow  and  straight.  The  toes  and  cere 
are  yellow,  the  head  and  neck  white ;  and  there  is  much  white  in  the  plumage,  of 
which  the  colour  is  mainly  brown  above ;  the  tail  is,  however,  white  marked  with 
black  bars,  which  are  most  numerous  in  old  birds.  The  female  has  less  white  in 
her  plumage  than  the  male,  and  is,  as  is  usual  among  birds-of-prey,  rather  larger, 
being  26  inches  in  length,  while  the  male  measures  only  22£  inches. 

Passing  on  to  a  very  different  group  of  birds,  we  find  the  snow- 
bunting  (Plectrophanes  nivalis)  living  beyond  the  boundaries  of 
tree -growth  all  round  the  North  Pole,  but  more  abundant  in  mountainous 
districts  than  on  the  tundra.  In  Scandinavia  this  strikingly  coloured  bunting  is 
found  only  on  the  highest  peaks  of  the  Dovrefjeld,  and  in  northern  Lapland  close 
to  the  boundary  of  perpetual  snow.     It  is  also  met  with  in  Spitzbergen,  Novaia 



Zemlia,  and  Iceland,  and  has  been  found  nesting  even  in  Grinnell  Land  in  latitude 
N:>    33'  X..  while  it   not    infrequently  builds    in    the  north    of  Scotland.     Every 
autumn  these  birds  migrate  in  immense  flocks  to  milder  regions  when  the  deep 
snow  makes  it  impossible  for  them  to  find  food  in  the  north.     They  do  not,  how- 
ever,  come  south  before  the  middle  of  November,  and  by  the  beginning  of  March 
they  have  all  disappeared   on    their  northward  journey.     Meanwhile    they  have 
been  wandering  about  on  the  fields  and  roads  free  from  snow,  and  even  in  village- 
streets,   thus  showing,  while 
in   their  winter-haunts,  that 
they  are  not  forest  birds,  as 
they  never   perch    on    trees, 
but  always  settle  on    stones 
or  rocks.     In  their  breeding- 
area  they  frequent  bare  cliffs, 
and     other      solitary     spots 
where   nothing   but   stunted 
willow-bushes,  heather,  or  a 
thin     carpet     of     mountain- 
plants  covers  the  ground,  and 
no    human    footstep    breaks 
the  silence.     The  snow-bunt- 
ing is  a  lively,  peaceable  bird, 
with   a  walk  like  that  of  a 
lark.    When  a  flock  is  search- 
ing for  food  on  the  ground, 
it  looks  as  if  it  were  rolling 
along,  owing  to  the  hindmost 
birds   flying   ahead    of  their 
leaders  as  soon  as  the  latter 
have  settled  down.     In  sum- 
mer  the  snow-buntino-  lives 
on  the  gnats  and  flies  of  the 
tundra,    as  well  as  on  seeds 
and  tender  plants.    In  length 
the     adult      bird     measures 
about   7  inches.     The  species 
differs   from    others     of    its 
tribe    by    the    length    of    its 
wings    which    reach    almost 
"I1    "I'    the    |;1il.     The    plumage    is    black    above,    with    white    wing- 
ts,  and  black  and    white  primaries  and  tail.     In  winter  the  black  feathers 
have  pale  brown  edges,  so  that  the  dark  plumage  becomes  rufous. 
Lapland  Bunting      .    Al|l,,1"'r    member   of    the    same    group,   the   Lapland    bunting 
I  Plectrophanea  Iwpponicus),  also  breeds  in  the  far  north,  but  inhabits 
ow-lying  swampyparts  ofthe  tundra,  and  not  the  bare  uplands,  avoidino-  when 
m,  the  snow,  before  which  it  retires  gradually  south.     For  winter-quarters  this 



bird  chooses  fields  without  trees,  and  when  the  snow  falls  keeps  to  the  high  roads. 
Nesting  all  round  the  pole,  in  America  it  has  been  seen  as  far  south  as  Colorado, 
and  in  Europe  it  visits  northern  Italy,  while  the  Siberian  birds  descend  to  the 
valley  of  the  Yang-tsi.  Among  the  conspicuous  features  of  the  plumage  is  a  broad 
white  eye-stripe,  continued  down  the  sides  of  the  neck  ;  the  crown,  throat,  and 
breast  are  black ;  the  nape  is  bright  chestnut,  the  rest  of  the  upper-parts  being 
dark  brown  streaked  with  white  or  rufous,  and  the  under-parts  white,  while  the 
wings  are  spotted.  The  beak  is  yellow  tipped  with  black,  and  the  legs  are  wholly 
black ;  the  hind  claw  is  nearly  straight,  and  longer  than  the  toe,  thereby  differing 
from  that  of  the  snow-bunting.     The  whole  length  of  the  bii*d  is  about  6j-  inches. 

The  distribution  of  this  species  is  very  similar  to  that  of  the  snow-bunting ; 
but  to  Great  Britain  it  is  only  a  casual  autumn  and  winter  visitor,  almost  unknown 
in  Scotland  and  the  neighbouring  isles,  although  a  specimen  was  recorded  from  the 
Flannan  Islands  in  the  Outer  Hebrides  in  1904.  In  Ireland  it  appears  to  be 
altogether  unknown  ;  and  no  instance  of  its  nesting  in  the  United  Kingdom  has 
been  recorded.  In  this  it  is  unlike  the  snow-bunting,  which  breeds  regularly  in  the 
Shetlands  and  on  Ben  Nevis  and  in  certain  other  parts  of  Scotland. 

On  account  of  the  length  of  the  claw  of  the  hind-toe,  which  exceeds  that  of 
the  toe  itself,  the  Lapland  bunting,  together  with  two  nearly  allied  North  Ameri- 
can species,  is  frequently  separated  generically  from  the  snow-bunting  under  the 
name  of  Calcarius  lapponicus,  but  such  distinction  seems  unnecessary  and  it  is 
therefore  here  included  in  the  genus  PlectrophaTles,  which  is  typified  by  the 

vol.  n.- 





The  Animal  Life  of  Siberia 

The  Siberian  tract  is  bounded  on  the  north  by  the  line  of  tree-growth,  on  the  west 
by  the  Ural  Mountains,  on  the  south-west  by  the  Kirghiz  steppes,  and  on  the  south 
by  the  mountain-ranges  extending  from  the  Pamir  Plateau  in  the  south-west  to 
the  Sea  of  Okhotsk  and  forming  the  north-western  slope  of  the  central  Asiatic 
highlands.  The  climate  of  this  vast  area,  speaking  generally,  is  very  like  that  of  the 
Baltic  area  of  Europe,  of  which  indeed  Siberia  may  be  regarded  as  an  eastern 
extension  where  the  original  conditions  have  been  less  altered  by  agriculture  and 

The  greater  part  of  this  tract  is  situated  within  the  forest  and  pasture  belts 

of  the  northern  temperate  zone,  the  forests  being  more  distinctly  separated  into 

those  of  deciduous  trees  and  those  of  conifers  than  is  the  case  elsewhere,  although 

mixed     forests    exist    whose    origin,    as    in    Europe,    may    in    great    part    be 

due  to  human   agency.     Wherever  forestry  has  not  interfered  with  the  original 

primitive  conditions,    forests   of   pine  generally  occupy  the  colder  districts,  and 

,h"M'  "'  deciduous  trees  the  warmer  areas,  that  is  to  say,such  as  are  situated  in  the 

south  and  within  the  maritime  zone.     Exceptions  there  are,  indeed,  due  to  peculiar- 

l,"'s"t   the  situation  or  the  soil.     Sandy  and  peaty  ground  will,  for  instance,  be 

overed  with  conifers  even  within  the  zone  of  deciduous  trees ;  while  birch-forests 

"■'•">•  more  to  the  northward  and  at  a  greater  elevation  than  pine-forests. 

1,1  comparing  the  Siberian   fauna   with   that  of  Europe,  it  will  be  interesting  to 



contrast  also  the  forests,  although,  unfortunately,  only  in  very  small  areas  in 
Europe  has  even  an  approximation  to  the  old  primeval  conditions  been  retained. 
In  Bohemia,  on  the  estate  of  Prince  Adolf  of  Schwarzenberg,  there  is,  however,  a 
large  stretch  of  forest  still  retaining  much  of  the  primeval  wild  state,  a  condition 
which  it  is  intended  to  preserve  in  perpetuity.  Unlike  woods  due  to  human  agency, 
these  virgin  forests  consist  of  a  mixture  of  firs,  pines,  beeches,  alders,  elms,  and 
sycamores;  and  it  is  only  at  a  considerable  elevation  that  firs  begin  to  reign 
supreme.  Everywhere  the  ground  is  cumbered  by  fallen  trunks,  from  the 
mouldering  remains  of  which  have  sprouted  younger  trees.  The  soil,  covered  with 
a  carpet  of  luxuriant  moss,  produces  a  plentiful  undergrowth  of  beech,  fir,  and 
pine,  which  only  await  the  falling  of  some  forest  giant  to  develop  to  their  full 
height.  Generally  speaking,  it  may  be  said  that  the  trunks  of  such  trees  have 
reached  a  diameter  of  only  from  4  to  8  inches  in  from  a  hundred  and  twenty  to 
a  hundred  and  sixty  years.  A  different  reason  is  accountable  for  the  slow 
development  of  the  Siberian  trees  ;  the  climate,  especially  in  winter,  being  poor  in 
moisture,  so  that  the  trees  are  exposed  to  long  and  dry  frosts,  and  consequently 
grow  very  slowly.  The  forests  consist  principally  of  larches,  but  partly  also  of 
pines,  firs,  and  beeches,  and  have  no  brushwood,  although  farther  north  the  long 
wreaths  of  blackish  grey  mosses  and  lichens  hanging  from  the  trees  give  an 
appearance  of  recent  origin,  which  on  closer  examination  proves  deceptive. 

The  southerly  and  maritime  forests  of  the  area  situated  in  a  milder  climate 
stamp  the  landscape  with  a  different  character;  the  dense  forests  of  Kamchatka, 
for  instance,  being  interspersed  with  fertile  meadows.  In  these  latter  the 
principal  plants  are  perennial  grasses  (mostly  growing  in  tufts,  and  seldom  creeping) 
with  flat  green  leaves,  which  do  not  roll  up  in  dry  seasons.  These  grasses,  with 
a  few  included  plants,  form  a  compact  sheet  of  verdure,  but  on  poor  ground 
there  are  wide  tracts  covered  with  moss  alone,  while  some  localities  are  actually 
bare,  thus  changing  the  character  of  the  country  from  that  of  meadow-land 
to  that  of  a  steppe,  or  giving  it  the  appearance  of  an  ordinary  field.  The  meadows 
are  mostly  of  smaller  extent  than  the  original  steppes,  especially  where,  owing  to 
a  moist  climate,  pastures  and  forests  alternate  with  one  another.  Probably  land- 
scapes of  this  description  once  extended  all  over  Europe,  since  the  climate  of  the 
Continent  is  favourable  to  the  growth  of  both  grass  and  trees,  and  produces 
numerous  plants  not  belonging  to  the  sylvan  flora,  which  seem  to  prove  the  exist- 
ence of  natural  meadows  at  earlier  periods.  These  by  cultivation  have  been 
transformed  into  the  fertile  meadows  of  the  present  day,  which  are  certainly 
widely  different  from  their  prototypes.  Siberia,  however,  has  preserved  these 
primitive  meadows  in  their  natural  condition,  and  amid  the  grass  are  many  taller 
plants,  especially  spirals  and  umbellifers,  some  of  which  exceed  the  height  of  a 


The  forest  and  meadow  zone  of  Siberia  gradually  merges  into  the  tundra  in 
the  north,  while  to  the  south,  especially  to  the  south-west,  it  passes  into  the  area  of 
the  steppes.  The  steppes,  being  situated  in  a  climate  with  cold  winters,  are  less 
abundant  in  grasses  than  the  plains  of  warmer  countries,  although  they  contain 
more  plants  with  woody  stems,  and  more  dwarf  shrubs  than  the  meadows.  The 
steppe-grasses  have  narrower  leaves  than  the  meadow-grasses,  and  are  in  conse- 



quence  curled  up  in  dry  weather— a  preservative  against  the  evaporation  of  sap, 
which  is  also  prevented  by  the  wax-like  nature  of  the  leaves,  and  close  tissue  of 
the  epidermis.  Animals,  as  well  as  perennial  bulbous  plants,  are  more  frequent  in 
the  steppes  than  in  the  meadows  ;  and  the  evergreen  shrubs  are  mostly  small-leaved, 
with  a  protective  covering  of  fine  hairs. 

Owing  to  the  milder  climate  and  more  abundant  vegetation,  the 
Siberian  fauna  is  more  varied  than  that  of  the  tundras  and  includes 
representatives  of  a  larger  number  of  groups.  Among  the  hoofed  group,  the  elk  is 
the  largest  of  the  Siberian  mammals;  the  Asiatic  habitat  of  this  species  extending 
from  the  boundaries  of  European  Russia  to  the  Siberian  forest-zone,  although  the 
precise  limits  of  its  range  are  still  undetermined. 

The  true  deer  are  represented  by  the  Manchurian  wapiti  {Cervus  canadensis 
xanihopygus),  the  isubra  of  the  natives,  which  although  long  confounded  with 
the  red  deer,  is  now  known  to  be  a  near  relative  of  the  American  wapiti,  from 
which.,  among  other  features,  it  is  distinguished  by  the  reddish  tinge  of  its  summer 
coat.  From  Manchuria  the  range  of  this  wapiti  extends  into  Amurland.  The 
Siberian  roe  (Capreolus  pygargus)  is  a  much  larger  and  lighter-coloured  animal 
than  its  European  relative,  with  heavier  and  more  rugged  antlers,  larger  and  more 
thickly  haired  cars,  and  a  greater  amount  of  white  on  the  rump.  Manchuria  is 
also  the  home  of  a  smaller  kind  of  roebuck  {Capreolus  bedfordi),  apparently  more 
nearly  akin  to  the  European  species. 

The  musk-deer  (Moschus  moschiferws)  is  likewise  found  in  Siberia,  although 
apparently  not  so  commonly  as  in  the  tract  farther  south.  The  wild  sheep  of 
this  an-a  is  the  Kamcliatkan  bighorn  (Ovis  canadensis  nivicola),  a  near  ally  of 
the  northern  forms  of  American  bighorn,  but  distinguished  by  certain  peculiarities 
in  coloration  and  the  conformation  of  the  skull.  Information  with  regard  to  the 
precise  range  of  this  handsome  sheep  is  much  required,  but  it  is  known  to  extend 
from  Kamchatka  to  the  Stanovoi  Mountains.  Horns  measurino;  from  35  to  38 
inches  along  the  curve  have  been  recorded.  A  small  member  of  the  argali  group 
(0.  ammo  a  storcki)  has  also  been  described  from  Kamchatka. 

,  With  the  exception  of  the  beaver  the  largest  of  the  rodents  in 

the  Siberian  area  is  the  mountain  hare,  a  species  also  found  in  the 
tundra.  The  Siberian  pica  (Ochotona  alpina)  is,  on  the  other  hand,  an 
inhabitant  of  the  steppe,  where  the  entrances  to  its  burrows  may  often  be  seen 
in  hundreds  or  even  thousands.  Besides  holes  in  the  ground,  these  picas 
live  in  rocky  clefts  or  among  crumbling  rocks ;  and  when  grazing  near  their 
homes  often  betray  themselves  by  the  loud  whistling,  from  which  they  take 
their  name  of  whistling  hares,  a  title,  however,  not  applicable  to  all  the  members 
of  the  group. 

Picas  drink  but  little,  and  never  hibernate,  although  many  of  the  places 
inhabited  by  them  are  under  snow  for  months.  In  autumn  they  collect  large 
quantities  of  grass,  which  is  their  principal  food,  and  in  Siberia  build  this  up  in 

-  a  yard  or  more  high,  to  afford  a  supply  during  the  winter.  Not  infre- 
quently  these  hay-stacks  are  annexed  by  sable-hunters,  as  provender  for  their  horses. 
Siberian  pica  is  about  9  inches  long,  and  greyish  brown  in  colour,  with  a 
y.ll, .wish  tinge  on  the  under-parts. 



squirrel  and  The  European  squirrel  inhabits  the  Siberian  forest  zone  from  the 

chipmunk.  Ural  in  the  west  to  the  Pacific  in  the  east :  this  eastern  representa- 
tive of  the  species  being  light  grey  in  colour.  In  the  same  area  lives  the  sniped 
Siberian  ground-squirrel  or  chipmunk  (Tamias  asiaticus),  which  extends  as  far 
west  as  the  Dwina  in  Russia,  and  as  far  east  as  Amurland.  In  North  America 
it  is  represented  by  a  number  of  allied  species. 

susliks  and  Mar-  Susliks  also  are    represented    in  northern  Asia,  the  long-tailed 

mots.  species  (Spermophilus  eversmanni)  being  the  most  abundant  in  the 
north-east.  The  bobac  marmot  (Arctomys  bobac),  ranging  from  Galicia  and 
southern  Poland  to  the  Amur  countries  and  Kamchatka,  is  also  abundant.  This 
species  inhabits  plains  or  low  hills,  where  it  digs  its  many-chambered  burrows,  each 
large  enough  to  contain  a  numerous  family.  Early  in  the  morning  the  marmots 
appear  at  the  entrance  of  their  burrows,  after  the  manner  of  their  kind,  to  feed  on 
roots,  herbs,  and  grass.  They  use  hay  to  line  their  burrows,  and  spend  the  whole 
winter  in  deep  sleep ;  the  young,  which  are  born  in  spring,  and  half-grown  by  the 
middle  of  summer,  are  not  so  numerous  as  in  the  Alpine  species,  there  being 
frequently  only  one  at  a  birth.  The  'bobac  is  a  smaller  animal  than  its  cousin  of 
the  Alps,  measuring  only  some  15  inches  from  the  nose  to  the  root  of  the  tail. 
In  colour  it  is  uniformly  grey  and  rusty  yellow,  and  its  front  teeth  are  white 
instead  of  orange.  It  is  believed  to  be  the  animal  in  which  bubonic  plague 

The  lovely  Siberian  flying-squirrel  or  polatouche  (Sciuropter"< 
volans),  which  is  a  rare  animal  in  museums,  is  one  of  the  smallest  of 
its  tribe,  being  only  about  6  inches  in  length.  In  colour  it  is  brown  above  and 
white  below,  the  tail  being  grey  superiorly  and  chestnut  underneath.  With  its 
large  expressive  eyes  this  little  creature  is  one  of  the  prettiest  of  all  rodents.  It 
inhabits  Siberia  as  far  east  as  the  Lena,  and  is  also  found  in  Lapland  and  northern 
Russia;  ranging  as  far  north  as  the  boundary  of  forest-growth,  and  to  the  south- 
west occurring  in  Lithuania  and  the  Russian  Baltic  provinces.  In  the  European 
parts  of  its  area,  however,  especially  in  the  west,  it  is  becoming  rare.  The  haunts 
of  this  species  are  the  forests,  sometimes  of  fir,  but  more  often  those  of  birch,  in 
the  latter  of  which  it  is  almost  invisible  in  winter  owing  to  its  white  winter  coat 
so  exactly  matching  the  silvery  bark.  Although  not  hibernating  during  the  cold 
season,  it  ventures  out  of  its  retreat  only  in  mild  weather.  Its  food,  which  it  eats 
in  squirrel-fashion,  consists  of  the  buds  and  bark  of  the  birch,  and  all  kinds  of  seeds 
and  fruits.  As  this  rodent  is  not  entirely  nocturnal,  it  may  often  be  observed  in 
the  day-time,  but  becomes  most  lively  towards  dusk.  Dwelling  entirely  in  trees, 
in  the  branches  and  holes  of  which  it  makes  its  nest,  in  its  flying  leaps  it  often 
covers  a  distance  of  100  feet  from  stem  to  stem  ;  its  flying  apparatus  acting, 
of  course,  as  a  parachute,  and  not  as  wings. 

One  of  the  European  dormice,  the  tree-dormouse,  is  also  found,  in 

other  Kodents.  giberi&  The  ]argest  northern  rodent,  the  beaver,  occurs  in  many 
places  on  the  Obi,  but  seems  to  have  disappeared  from  eastern  Siberia.  The 
hamster  also  ranges  into  Siberia,  but  not  farther  east  than  the  Obi.  The  water- 
rat,  however,  ranges  over  the  whole  area ;  and  on  the  lower  Yenesei,  its  fur  is 
used  for  clothing  purposes  and  forms  an  important  article  of  trade. 



The  habitat  of  the  northern  field-mouse  (Microtias  ratticeps)  extends  from 
Sweden  and  Lapland  through  northern  Russia  over  the  greater  part  of  Siberia 
where  this  rodent  lives  in  the  forests  and  their  outskirts  ;  its  principal  food  consist- 
ing of  roots.  The  root-vole  (M.  ceconomus),  which  derives  its  name  from  its  habit 
of  gathering  stores  of  edible  roots,  inhabits  Siberia  and  Kamchatka.  These  mice 
live  generally  in  pairs,  and  in  spring  migrate  in  vast  numbers  to  the  west,  whence 
th.-yreturn  in  autumn  anxiously  expected  by  the  fur-hunters  for  the  sake  of  the 
valuable  furs  yielded  by  the  small  carnivora  which  follow  the  host  in  large  numbers. 
Other  kinds  of  field-mice,  or  voles,  also  inhabit  Siberia.  Lemmings  are  repre- 
sent-! in  northern  Asia  and  North  America  by  the  banded  species  (Dicrostonyx 
torqtuitax),  whose  popular  name  appears  to  be  derived  from  the  black  stripe  down 
the  back.  Among  other  members  of  the  mouse  tribe,  the  harvest-mouse  is  found 
in  Siberia,  as  is  also  the  long-tailed  field-mouse,  although  only  in  the  western 
portion  of  the  country.  The  house-mouse  and  the  brown  rat  are  as  frequent 
in  human  habitations  throughout  this  tract  as  they  are  in  similar  situations  in 
Europe.  The  Asiatic  representative  of  the  jumping-mice  (Zapus)  is  said  to  reach 
Siberia,  although  its  main  habitat  is  the  Sze-chuan  district  of  China. 

The  lynx  ranges  all  over  Siberia;   but  the   common   wild   cat 

is  replaced  in  Asia  north  of  the  Himalaya  by  Pallas's  cat  (Felis 
manvl),  which  is,  however,  more  particularly  indigenous  to  central  Asia.  The 
Manchurian  race  of  the  tiger  (Felis  ticjris  longipilis),  which  occurs  in  the  south  of 
the  area,  can  hardly  be  regarded  as  a  true  Siberian  animal ;  and  the  same  is  the  case 
with  the  snow-leopard,  which  ranges  but  little  farther  north  than  the  Altai.  The 
fox  ranges  all  through  Siberia,  while  the  wolf  extends  beyond  the  forest  zone  into 
the  tundra,  and  is  even  said  to  venture  out  on  the  ice  of  the  Arctic  Ocean  as  far  as 
the  Kuriles,  occasionally  crossing  to  America. 

Unlike  the  wolf  and  the  fox,  the  Siberian  wild  dog  (Canis  [Oyon] 

alpinus)  does  not  belong  to  the  fauna  of  Europe,  but  to  an  Asiatic 

group  of  Canidce,  all  the  members  of  which  have  one  tooth  less  on  each  side  of  the 

lower  jaw  than  the  true  dogs.     They  have  also  a  proportionately  shorter  muzzle, 

long  hairs  between  the  pads  of  their  feet,  and  twelve  to  fourteen  teats  instead 

of  ten.     This  group,  which  in  some  respects  approaches  the  hunting-dog  of  Africa, 

ranges  over  Siberia  and  central  Asia  as  far  as  Amurland,  and  also  occurs  on  the 

island  of  Saghalin,  as  well  as  throughout  India,  Burma,  and  the  Malay  countries, 

far  as  is  known,  is  absent  from  northern  China  and  Japan.     Although  some 

other  name  than  wild  dogs  would  perhaps  have  been  more  appropriate  for  these 

animals,  from  their  habit  of  hunting  in  packs,  their  fine  and  handsome  appearance, 

and  their  courage,  the  Asiatic  wild  dogs  in  one  way  fully  deserve  their  title.     The 

Siberian  wild  dog,  which  inhabits  Siberia  at  least  to  the  Altai,  and  probably  still 

farther  Bouth,  appears  now  and  then  on  the  open  steppe,  but  prefers   forests, 

especially  those  covering  the  mountains,  as  on  the  eastern  shore  of  the  Yenesei. 

It    is  not    found  everywhere  within  this  area,  but  only  locally;    its  distribution 

depending,  perhaps,  partly  on  the  nature  of  the  country,  and  partly  on  the  supply 

of  suitable  prey,  which  in  some  parts  includes  even  deer.     The  Siberian  wild  dog, 

which  is  distinguished  from  its  Indian  and  Malay  relatives  principally  by  its  larger 

upper  tine  molar  teeth,  varies  in  hue  either  individually,  locally,  or  according 


to  season,  but  generally  speaking  its  colour  is  like  that  of  a  fox  in  summer  and 

whitish  in  winter. 

Kamchatkan  The  brown  bear  is  another  mammal  ranging  all   over  Siberia, 

Brown  Bear.    ancj  js  particularly  large  and  numerous  in  Kamchatka,  where  it  is 

represented  by  the  race  known  as  Ursus  arctus  piscator,  but  the  Siberian  race  may 

be  distinct.     In  Kamchatka  bears  make  paths  of   about  a   couple  of   feet  wide 

along  the  wooded  banks  of  the  rivers,  at  a  distance  of  some  two  yards  from  the 

water,  which  sometimes  follow  the  rivers  all  through  the  forests.     These  paths  are 

partly  made  for  the  sake  of  reaching  the  salmon  on  which  this  bear  feeds  during 

certain  seasons  in  Kamchatka.     In  places  they  are  littered  with  half-devoured  fish, 

the  heads  of  which  are  crushed,  but  the  tails  and  intestines  left  untouched.     When 

fishing,  the  bears  are  said  to  wade  slowly  into  the  water,  and  in  a  depth  of  about 

18  inches  wait  motionless  for  their  prey,  as  they  swim  upstream,  probably  killing 

them  with  their  paws,  and  then  carrying  them  ashore  to  feed  on  the  best  parts. 

The   European  pine-marten  ranges  into  Siberia,  which    is  the 

special  home  of  the  much  more  valuable  sable  {Mustela  zibellma). 

Although  a  near  relative  of  the  pine-marten,  the  latter  is  distinguished  by  the  more 

conical  head,  the  larger  ears,  the  longer  and  stouter  legs,  and  the  proportionately 

larger  feet.     Of  a  blackish  colour  above,  with  a  dark  grey  nose,  grey  cheeks,  a 

chestnut-brown  neck  and  flanks,  greyish  white  or  light  brown  edges  round  the 

ears,  and  an  orange-coloured  throat,  the  sable  sometimes  shows  a  few  white  hairs 

among  the  dark  fur  of  the  back ;  the  nose,  cheeks,  and  under-parts  being  white. 

Occasionally,  however,  it  is  yellowish  brown  above  and  nearly  white  below,  with 

onlv  the  legs  black. 

The    sable    originally    ranged    from    the   Urals    to    Bering    Sea,    and    from 

68°  N.  latitude  to  the  mountains  bordering  Siberia  on  the  south,  but  it  has  been  so 

much  hunted  that  it  has  disappeared  from  many  districts,  and  is  now  met  with 

only  in  the  forests  of  the  northern  mountains,  especially  those  of  eastern  Siberia, 

and  in  Kamchatka.     Dwelling  in  the  most  inaccessible  and  unfrequented  localities, 

deep  in  the  primeval  forest,  it  avoids  the  proximity  of  man,  and  but  very  rarely 

appears  near  villages.     Mainly  nocturnal,  and  sleeping  beneath  the  roots  of  trees, 

or  in  holes  in  their  trunks  by  day,  it  is  a  dangerous  enemy  to  hares  and  most  other 

small  mammals,  as  well  as  to  birds  of  all  kinds,  and  it  also  feeds  on  fishes  and 

berries.     Once  a  year  in  April  the  female  gives  birth  to  four  or  five  young. 

The    beech -marten    does  not  belong  to  the   fauna  of    Siberia, 
Siberian  Mink.   ,  .       , ,  ,1  •  mi 

but  the  polecat  occurs  in  the    southern  provinces.     Ihe   ermine    is 

distributed  throughout  the  area,  as  is  also  to  a  great  extent  the  weasel,  although 
the  latter  is  not  found  so  far  north.  More  noteworthy  is  the  Siberian  mink 
(Mustela  sibirica),  which  ranges  east  of  the  Yenesei,  and  also  occurs  in  northern 
and  central  Europe.  This  species  resembles  generally  the  polecat,  or  rather  has 
dark  and  light  markings  on  the  head  and  face  similar  to  those  of  the  latter.  Both 
above  and  below  it  is  uniform  tan-brown  in  colour.  Of  its  habits  scarcely  anything 
is  known. 

Although  by  no  means  confined  to  the  Old   World,  or  even  to 

0  venne.     giberia)  the  glutton  or  wolverine  (Gulo  luscus)  may  be  regarded  as 

a  characteristic  animal  of  the  latter.     So  much  has  been  written,  both  true  and 


false,  regarding  this  animal,  that  our  notice  here  may  well  be  brief.  Although 
undoubtedly  voracious,  it  does  not  appear  to  be  so  gluttonous  as  has  been  asserted. 
Neither  does  it  attack  reindeer,  unless  they  be  sick  or  wounded,  devoting  its  atten- 
tion to  foxes  and  other  mammals  of  a  size  more  suited  to  its  powers.  In  addition 
to  feeding  on  carrion,  it  is  active  enough  to  catch  hares  and  many  kinds  of  birds. 
If  it  comes  across  the  carcase  of  a  deer  left  by  hunters  it  will  not  touch  the 
inviting  banquet  the  first  night,  but  revisits  the  kill  the  second  night,  when  it 
3  its  fill,  burying  in  the  ground  what  it  cannot  eat.  So  partial  indeed  are 
wolverines  to  carcases,  that  they  will  gnaw  through  thick  wood,  or  even  dig  a 
hole  several  feet  into  the  ground  in  order  to  get  at  a  slain  deer. 

Of  other  Carnivora,  the  badger  is  widely  distributed  in  Siberia,  ranging  as 
far  east  as  the  river  Lena ;  while  the  otter  is  found  over  almost  the  whole  area, 
its  northern  limits  nearly  reaching  the  Arctic  Circle. 

tosectivora  and  Of  the  insect-eating  mammals,  the  hedgehog  ranges  as  far  east 

Bats.  as  Anmrland  ;  while  the  shrews  are  represented  in  Siberia  by  the 

common  shrew  and  the  pigmy  shrew  throughout  the  country  from  east  to  west. 
The  water-shrew  is  spread  along  the  south  of  the  tract,  and  the  spider  musk-shrew 
ranges  into  the  north-eastern  districts.  The  northern  limits  of  the  mole  extend 
to  some  portion  of  the  valle}^  of  the  Lena.  A  large  number  of  bats  inhabit 
smaller  or  larger  areas  in  Siberia,  but  as  all  these  are  essentially  southern  types 
they  can  in  no  sense  be  regarded  as  characteristic  of  this  vast  tract. 

Arctic  Blue-  The  Siberian    area   is    much   richer    in    birds    than    the   Arctic 

Throat  and      region ;  the  perching-birds,  which  are  there  so  scarce,  being  repre- 

Ruby Throat.    sente(j  j^  qUite  a  number  of  species.     One  of  the  Siberian  songsters 

is  the   Arctic   blue-throat    (Cyanecula  succica),  which   breeds   also   in   northern 

Sc  mdinavia  and  northern  Russia,  and  seems  to  be  the  onhy  blue-throat  of  northern 

Asia.      It  appears  in  Germany  on  migration,  but  so  seldom,  that  in  travelling 

during  the  night  it  would  seem  to  take  about  nine  hours  to  fly  from  the  German 

t  to  Egypt.     In  Siberia,  where  it  nests  in  great  numbers,  it  is  found  as  far  east 

i-  Kamchatka     This  bird,  which  has  a  light  ej^e-stripe,  is  distinguished  from  the 

central  European  blue-throat  b}T  a  red  in  place  of  a  white  spot  on  the  throat.     An 

allied  species,  the  ruby -throat  (Calliope  camchatkensis),  on  its  return  from  winter- 

quarters     in    India,  southern  China,  and    the   Philippines,  appears    in    southern 

Siberia  in  April,  although  it  does  not  visit  the  tundra  before  the  snows  have 

melted.     Thickets  and  underwood  are  the  haunts  of  this  shy,  solitary  bird,  whose 

song    much    superior   to   that   of   the    blue-throat— resembles  the    music  of  the 

nightingale.     The  silky  plumage  of  the   male  is  of  uniform  olive-brown  above, 

with  the  chin  and  throat  of  a  brilliant  scarlet-red,  the  breast  grey,  and  the  cheeks 

in-]  eye-stripe  white.     The  wheatear  is  as  common  in  the  north  of  Asia  as  in  the 

north  of  Europe,  and  so  is  the  dipper. 

Thrush  Tribe  ^  *"ne  thrush  tribe,  the  rock-thrush,  although  local,  is  abundant 

in     Siberia,    while    the    fieldfare,    missel-thrush,     song-thrush,    and 

redwing  abound  every  where  in  summer.    On  the  other  hand,  the  red-tailed  fieldfare 

(  Twrdua  naumanni)  and  red-necked  thrush  (T.  ruficollis),  which  inhabit  northern 

'•1  central  Asia,  are  species  equally  common,  but  unknown  in  Europe.     From  the 

Glutton  or  wolverine. 


same   districts   the    dark    thrush    (T.    obscwrus)   as    well    as  the    Siberian  thrush 
(T.  sibiricus)  visit  Europe  as  birds  of  passage. 

Accentors  and  The  Alpine   accentor  ranges  from  the  south  of  Europe  to  the 

Warblers.  cliffs  of  the  sea  of  Okhotsk,  although  its  European  relative,  the 
common  hedge-sparrow,  does  not  range  much  farther  east  than  the  Urals.  Another 
species,  the  mountain  accentor  (Accentor  montanellus),  is  found  right  across 
the  continent,  being  common  round  Lake  Baikal,  as  well  as  in  the  Stanovoi 
Mountains  and  eastern  Siberia  generally  From  western  central  Asia,  where  it 
also  appears,  it  sometimes  migrates  to  the  Crimea,  Hungary,  Dalmatia,  and  Italy, 
where,  as  in  Pekin,  it  is  caught,  and  kept  for  sale  in  cages.  Both  the  garden- 
warbler  and  the  blackcap  have  been  found  near  Omsk  in  western  Siberia,  while 
the  white-throat  also  occurs  in  that  region,  as  well  as  the  lesser  white-throat,  which 
ranges  much  farther  east.  Another  species,  Eversmann's  warbler  (Pliylloscopn* 
borealis),  which  is  found  with  the  blue-throat  in  the  high  north,  winters  in  the 
Malay  Archipelago.  This  warbler  has  a  strong  beak,  thick  at  the  base,  brown 
legs,  and  a  broad  yellow  eye-stripe ;  in  colour  its  plumage  is  greenish  and  olive- 
brown  above  and  grejdsh  white  with  a  yellowish  hue  below,  the  wings  having 
yellow  edges  and  two  whitish  bars. 

Goidcrest  and  Another  song-bird  visiting  Siberia  is  the  goldcrest,  which  may 

Tits-  be  seen  wherever  there  are  forests  suited  to  its  habits.  The  great 
and  the  coal  tit  also  nest  in  the  country,  but  the  crested  tit  does  not  breed  east  of 
the  Urals,  being  replaced  by  other  species.  The  same  holds  good  for  the  marsh-tit, 
which  occurs  in  western  Siberia,  and  is  represented  in  the  eastern  districts  by 
the  mandarin  tit  (Parus  camchatkensis).  The  blue-tit's  distributional  area  ends 
in  western  Siberia,  but  that  of  the  azure  tit  (P.  cyanus)  extends  as  far  eastward 
as  the  Amur.  This  tit  also  inhabits  northern  Europe,  where  it  has  been  found 
nesting  in  Bosnia  and  Herzegovina.  In  colour  its  plumage  is  blue  and  white,  the 
head  being  white  with  a  blue  band  through  the  eye,  the  wings  blue  with  a  white 
bar  and  white  tips,  while  the  tail-feathers  are  blue,  the  outer  ones  broadly  tipped 
and  edged  with  white.  This  handsome  little  bird  migrates  to  milder  countries  in 
autumn,  to  return  to  its  breeding-area  in  March  or  the  beginning  of  April.  Living 
in  similar  localities  to  the  marsh-tit,  it  nests  in  hollows  of  trees,  and  feeds  on  insects 
and  partly  also  on  seeds  and  berries.  Searching  every  crevice  of  the  bark,  it 
climbs  the  thinnest  twigs  for  its  food  in  a  brisk  manner,  chirping  or  uttering  the 
peculiar  "  terr  terr"  by  which  it  may  be  recognised  at  a  long  distance.  The  long- 
tailed  tit  ranges  from  west  to  east;  but  the  bearded  tit  is  represented  by  the 
closely  allied  Siberian  tit  (Panurus  sibiricus),  which  is  lighter  in  plumage  than 
the  European  bird. 

The  nuthatch  is  also  found  in  Siberia,  as  is  the   creeper,  the  latter   being 
indeed  indigenous  to  the  mountains  of  central  Asia. 

Larks,  Wagtails,  In  Siberia  the  larks  are  represented  by  several  species,  among 
and  Pipits,  these  being  the  skylark,  which  ranges  throughout  the  area.  The 
other  larks  visiting  the  country  are,  however,  mainly  restricted  to  the  southern  and 
western  districts.  The  horned  larks  (Otocori/s),  distinguished  by  ear-like  tufts  on 
the  back  of  the  head,  include  one  truly  northern  species,  ranging  not  only  over 
northern  Asia,  but  also  over  North  America  and  northern  Europe.     This  bird,  the 



shore-lark  (0.  alpestris),  appears  as  a  winter  visitor  to  Britain  and  the  German 
coast,  reaching  as  far  south  as  Carinthia.  Some  7  inches  in  length,  it  has  a  yellow 
crown  and  throat,  with  a  broad  black  band  across  the  crown.  In  habits  it 
resembles  the  skylark.  Both  the  grey  and  the  white  wagtail  are  breeding-birds  in 
Siberia,  although  the  latter  does  not  reach  the  Arctic  Circle.  Another  kind,  the 
blue-headed  wagtail,  is  represented  in  northern  Asia,  from  Scandinavia  to  eastern 
Siberia,  by  the  grey-headed  wagtail  (Motacilla  borealis).  Of  the  pipits,  the  tree- 
pipit,   water-pipit,   and    the    meadow-pipit  are    also   Siberian   breeding-birds,   but 

///  most    especially   so 

is  the  red-throated 
pipit  (An thus  cer- 
vinus),     as     it     is 
to     be    met     with 
throughout     the 
north.       This    bird 
visits  Germany  and 
Austria  on   migra- 
tion,  and  has  been 
caught  in  Bohemia, 
Salzburg,  the  Tyrol, 
and    Styria.       An- 
other   species,    the 
Scandinavian  rock- 
pipit^,  rupestris), 
which    is    resident 
in  Scandinavia  and 
Finland,  is  known 
in  India  as  a  bird 
of  passage,  and  thus 
seems  widely  spread 
over  northern  Asia. 
It  is  distinguished 
from  the  rock-pipit 
resident  in  the  Bri- 
tish   Isles    by   the 
vinous  tint  of  the 
A  considerable  variety  of  buntings  inhabit  Siberia,  among  them 
being   the   snow-bunting    and    the   Lapland   bunting.      The    yellow- 
isted   lmi. ling  (Emheriza  aureola)  commonly  ranges  from  northern  Russia  to 
south-eastern  Siberia,  but  has  been  shot  in  Austrian  Silesia.     The  pine-bunting 
,/;-   kucocephala),    which    inhabits   the   same  localities,  has   been   taken   in   lower 
A'^"';l      The  ,iMl"  bunting (E.pusilla)  inhabits  Siberia  and  northern  Russia,  and 
in    [ndia,   Burma,  and  China;  and  from  Lapland  to  the  Pacific  is  found 
he    rustic    1  muting    ( /;.    rustica),   a    species    also    abundant    in    China   during 

•  S  - 




Crossbills  The    crossbills-  are    mostly  natives   of   the   north,  the  common 

and  Grosbeaks.  European  species  inhabiting  central  Asia  and  the  greater  part  of  the 
Siberian  area,  while  in  Siberia  the  pine-crossbill  ranges  as  far  north  as  the 
boundaiy  of  tree-growth,  as  does  the  larch  or  two-barred  crossbill  ( Loxia 
bifasciafa).  The  latter  bird  is  distinguished  by  two  white  bands  on  the  wings, 
owing  to  the  greater  and  median  wing-coverts  as  well  as  the  secondaries  being 
tipped  with  white.  It  has  a  stouter  beak  than  the  American  white-winged  cross- 
bill, which  it  otherwise  much  resembles.  The  northern  representative  of  the 
bullfinch,  the  so-called  Pyrrlmla  major,  is  spread  over  Siberia  from  west  to  east, 
as  is  the  scarlet  grosbeak  (Carpodacus  erythrinus),  a  native  of  the  forests  of 
Siberia,  distinguished  by  the  scarlet  hue  of  its  plumage.  Wherever,  in  the  vast 
uninhabited  forests  of  the  high  north,  pines  and  firs  are  interspersed  with  juniper 
bushes,  there  lives  and  breeds  the  pine-grosbeak  (Pinicola  enucleator),  which 
feeds  on  the  seeds  of  the  cones  and  the  berries  of  shrubs,  particularly  those  of  the 
southernwood,  though  it  also  supplies  its  young  with  a  considerable  amount  of 
insect  food.  In  April  this  bird  makes  its  nest,  which  may  be  recognised  by  the 
way  it  is  fastened  to  the  trunk  and  adjacent  bough  of  the  tree  on  which  it  is  placed. 
At  the  proper  season  it  generally  contains  four  eggs,  much  like  those  of  the 
bullfinch,  but  larger.  In  October  and  November  this  grosbeak  migrates  to  Russia, 
southern  Sweden,  and  north-eastern  Germany,  a  few  stragglers  visiting  other 
countries  farther  west  and  south.  Breeding  close  up  to  the  Arctic  Circle  in  both 
hemispheres,  it  may  be  distinguished  by  its  red  head,  tail-coverts,  and  under-parts, 
the  red  being  replaced  in  the  female  by  yellow  of  a  deeper  tone  above  than  below. 
Finches  and  The  goldfinch  is  another  Siberian  bird,  while  the  siskin  ranges 

Linnets.  through  the  country  to  the  Pacific.  Siberia  is  also  the  principal 
breeding-area  of  the  mealy  redpoll  (Linota  linaria),  one  of  the  linnets,  which  nests 
in  the  birch-forests  of  northern  Europe  and  Asia,  building  on  low  trees,  often 
scarcely  4  inches  from  the  ground.  This  bird  is  restricted  to  birch-woods,  from 
the  fact  of  its  food  consisting  principally  of  birch  and  alder  seeds,  though  in  its 
winter-quarters  it  does  not  confine  itsslf  to  these.  It  also  feeds  on  gnats,  which 
in  its  native  home  envelop  the  shrubs  like  clouds,  and  serve  principally  as  food  for 
its  young.  The  mealy  redpoll  arrives  in  the  south  in  November  and  returns  to 
its  northern  home  in  February  and  March.  It  ranges  as  far  westward  as  the 
British  Isles,  and  in  hard  winters  migrates  to  southern  Europe  and  northern 
Africa.  In  Germany  it  is  generally  found  on  the  plains  or  in  valleys,  in  forests 
with  alder  and  birch  trees,  and  in  the  open  fields  with  trees  and  bushes  near  by, 
or  even  on  bare  stubble.  It  is  said  to  sleep  on  the  snow  if  surprised  in  the  fields 
by  night,  but  otherwise  in  high  thick  hedges.  These  redpolls,  which  are  exceed- 
ingly tame  and  lively,  climb  like  tits,  often  upside-down,  on  the  thinnest  twigs,  and 
are  so  sociable  that  they  always  fly  in  flocks,  frequently  accompanied  by  siskins 
and  sparrows  and  by  other  linnets.  When  breeding,  it  is  quite  silent,  but  at  other 
times  it  has  a  low  and  insignificant  song,  practically  a  mere  twittering.  In  length 
it  is  about  5  inches ;  in  colour  the  crown  is  red,  the  wing  white,  the  chin  black, 
and  the  breast  pink.  The  female  lacks  the  pink  on  the  breast  so  distinctive  of 
her  partner.  Although  both  the  greenfinch  and  the  chaffinch  are  found  in  western 
Siberia,  the  real  finch  of  the  Asiatic  and  European  north  is  the  brambling  (Fringilla 


itifringiUa),  which  breeds  in  immense  numbers  in  the  stunted  birch,  fir,  and 
pine  forests  of  the  mainland  of  Siberia,  as  well  as  on  the  larger  islands,  like  Japan, 
although,  on  account  of  the  absence  of  forests,  it  is  unknown  in  Iceland.  From 
the  first  half  of  September  until  October  it  migrates  to  Spain,  southern  France, 
and  Italy,  and  in  hard  winters  even  to  Greece,  Asia  Minor,  and  Algeria.  The 
brambling  flies  slowly,  sometimes  in  enormous  flocks,  and  is  mostly  found  in 
forests  rich  in  beechmast.  In  March  it  returns  just  as  leisurely  to  its  northern 
home.  A  true  forest-bird,  it  prefers  conifers  to  deciduous  trees,  and  often  travels 
distances  of  from  six  to  eight  hours  in  order  to  roost  in  its  favourite  pines.  In  its 
winter-haunts  it  associates  with  chaffinches,  yellow  buntings,  sparrows,  linnets, 
and  other  birds,  and  is  occasionally  seen  in  inhabited  districts.  In  its  breeding- 
area  it  consumes  insects  during  summer,  with  which  it  also  feeds  its  young.  The 
nest  is  higher  from  the  ground  than  that  of  the  chaffinch,  and  generally  is  partly 
cons!  meted  of  birch-bark  The  low,  chirping,  screeching  song  of  the  brambling  is 
not  comparable  to  that  of  the  chaffinch,  which  the  bird  resembles  in  so  many  ways. 
From  that  species  it  maybe  distinguished  by  its  blackish  head,  blackish  back, 
white  rump,  and  the  white  spot  on  the  wing. 

The  group  of  cherry-finches  is  represented  in  Siberia  west  of  Lake  Baikal 
by  the  European  hawfinch,  but  elsewhere  in  Asia  by  other  species.  So  far  north 
as  corn  is  grown  in  Siberia  the  house-sparrow  may  be  found,  while  the  tree- 
sparrow  is  met  with  all  through  Siberia  from  west  to  east. 

starling  The  starling  has  a  similar  distribution  to  the  hawfinch,  ranging 

and  oriole.     ag  far  nort,h  as  latitude  70°.     The  golden  oriole,  on  the  other  hand,  is 
a  more  southern  bird,  although  it  inhabits  Siberia  as  far  east  as  Dzungaria. 

Almost  all  the  crow-like  birds  of  central  Europe  are  found  in 
Crow  Tribe.  .  ,  r 

Siberia,  but  the  nutcracker  is  represented  by  the  slender-beaked  race 

i  A  ucifraga  caryocatactes  macrorhyncha),  which  ranges  as  far  as  Kamchatka  to 

the  east,  and  generally  lives  in  pine-groves,  the  seeds  of  which  form  its  principal 

food.     The  jays  are  represented  in  the  north  of  Europe  and  Asia  by  the  Siberian 

jay  ( Prrisoreus  infaustus),  which   is   found    in   great   numbers,   especially  near 

\  akutsk,  in  the  Stanovoi  Mountains,  and  also  on  the  southern  shore  of  the  Sea 

>!  Okhotsk,  while  in  Scandinavia  it  is  met  with  south  as  far  as  Stockholm  and 

'  hristiania.     Its  breeding-area  extends  as  far  north  as  firs  of  any  size  can  grow; 

In  it  in  its  winter-haunts,  in  milder  climates,  it  lives  among  birches  and  other  trees. 

\  >i  v  early  in  spring  it  returns  to  its  nest,  which  is  placed  in  the  thickest  branches 

of  some  pine  or  fir  close  to  the  stem,  and  is  built  of  lichens  and  dry  twigs,  and 

,il""1   with   hair  and  a  few  feathers  from   the  breast  of   the   builder  and  others 

borrowed  from  the  ptarmigan.     The  nest  is  by  no  means  easy  to  find  since  the 

birds  are  very  quiet  when  in  its  neighbourhood,  and  perch,  with  bristling  feathers, 

M11"''  close  to  the  trunk  of  the  tree  in  their  endeavours  to  remain  hidden  so  long  as 

ssible.     When,  however,  closely  approached,  they  suddenly  fly  off  through  the 

tops  of  the  trees  with  loud  cries.     The  jerky,  bustling  flight  is  similar  to  that 

of  the  common  jay,  which  the  Siberian  bird  resembles  in  its  habit  of  establishing 

"I    nuts  and  other  food,  and  also  in  feeding  on  insects  and  the  eggs  and 

ing  of  the  smaller  birds.     At  times  these  birds  are  so  greedy  for  animal  food 

the  Laplanders  are  obliged  to  chase  them  away  with  sticks  from  the  places 


where  they  dry  their  meat,  although  they  welcome  them  as  a  rule  on  account  of 
their  catching  the  gadflies  which  torment  the  reindeer.  Bird-lovers  appreciate 
this  species  for  the  reason  that  it  is  easily  tamed,  and  amusing  in  its  ways. 
About  12  inches  in  length,  in  colour  it  is  principally  light  grey,  with  the  crown 
and  nape  blackish  brown,  the  upper  tail-coverts  rusty  red,  the  under-parts  rufous, 
and  the  tail-feathers  grey,  the  four  feathers  on  each  side  of  the  tail  being  red 
with  grey  tips.  Of  other  members  of  the  group,  the  jackdaw  is  found  as  far  east 
as  the  Lena,  but  is  represented  in  north-eastern  Asia  and  Japan  by  the  white- 
collared  Pallas's  daw  (Gorvus  dauricus).  The  ordinary  European  rook  appears  in 
Siberia,  and  along  with  it  the  closely  allied  C.  pastinator,  in  which  the  area  at  the 
base  of  the  beak  does  not  become  bare  in  adult  life. 

The  habitats  of  the  two  commonest  crows  are  separated  in  Asia  in  the  sane- 
way  as  in  Europe,  the  Yenesei  forming  the  boundary  of  that  of  the  Siberian  hooded 
crow  (G.  sharpei)  on  the  east,  and  of  the  Siberian  carrion  crow  ( G.  orientalis) 
on  the  west.  On  the  Lena  River  and  still  farther  east  only  carrion  crows  are  to 
be  seen,  and  these  range  into  Japan.  The  raven  is  found  all  through  Siberia. 
siirikes.  Fly-  Among  the  shrike  tribe,  the  red-backed    species  is  common    in 

catchers,  and    western  Siberia,  while  the  great  grey  shrike  ranges  as  far  east  as  the 
waxwing.      Lona      >phe  flycatchers  are  represented  by  the  red-breasted  species, 
which  is  found  right  across  the  continent,  and  by  the  spotted  flycatcher,  whose  area 
is  bounded  on  the  east  by  the  Altai  Mountains. 

The  waxwing  (Anrpelis  garrulus)  is  an  irregular  visitor  to  the  west  and  south 
of  Europe,  but  a  breeding-bird  in  the  north  of  Europe  and  Asia,  as  well  as  in 
Alaska.  In  the  forests  of  its  northern  home  this  splendid  bird  feeds  during 
summer  exclusively  on  the  myriads  of  gnats  which  fill  the  air ;  but  later  on  eats 
the  berries  in  which  the  region  abounds.  When  the  trees  and  shrubs  are  covered 
with  snow,  the  waxwing  migrates  to  the  forests  of  southern  Sweden,  Russia, 
Poland,  and  Lithuania,  which  it  visits  regularly  every  year  on  account  of  their 
abundance  of  berries.  In  very  hard  winters  it  has  to  go  still  farther  afield,  ami 
extends  its  wanderings  to  the  British  Isles,  northern  Italy,  and  Turkey,  which 
form  the  limits  of  its  southern  range.  In  northern  Germany  it  appears  as  a  rule 
every  two  or  three  years,  and  sometimes  regularly  every  year,  but  to  Britain  ami 
France  its  visits  are  not  so  frequent,  though  there  as  elsewhere  it  arrives  in  flocks 
and  never  as  a  straggler.  Waxwings  swallow  berries  whole,  drink  very  seldom, 
and  catch  gnats  in  the  air  as  if  they  were  flycatchers.  They  are  generally  seen  in 
parties  sitting  quietly  together  on  one  tree,  on  the  ends  of  the  branches,  where 
they  can  be  recognised  from  afar.  Very  trustful  of  man,  they  nest  in  colonies,  on 
either  firs  or  birches,  each  nest  being  on  a  branch  near  the  stem.  The  nest  is 
built  of  fir-twigs,  moss,  and  black  hair-lichen,  lined  with  hair  and  feathers.  The 
waxwing  is  7|  inches  in  length.  In  colour  it  is  purplish  red  below  and  greyish 
brown  above,  with  a  chestnut  crest ;  the  tail  ends  in  a  broad  yellow  band,  and  the 
secondaries  have  their  shafts  prolonged  into  the  scarlet  wax-like  points  from  which 
the  bird  derives  its  name. 

The  swallows  are  represented  in  Siberia  by  the  same  species  as 

S  Weil  lows   etc 

in  Europe,  the  house-martin  ranging  as  far  east  as  Tashkent,  while 
the  chimney  swallow  reaches  the  valley  of  the  Yenesei,  eastwards  of  which  its 



place  is  taken  by  an  allied  species,  Hirundo guttv/ralis.  The  sand-martin  inhabits 
Siberia  throughout.  The  swift  ranges  as  far  east  as  Lake  Baikal,  but  not  so  far 
a-  Kamchatka. 

The  European  nightjar  is  also  a  western  species,  as  is  the  blue  roller,  while 
tin'  hoopoe  reaches  the  shores  of  the  Pacific.  The  kingfisher,  though  in  a  smaller 
and  more  brilliantly  coloured  form,  also  extends  to  the  same  shores;  and  the 
woodpeckers  of  tin-  Baltic  area  are  found  right  through  Siberia,  as  are  the 
wryneck  and  the  cuckoo. 





Several  kinds  of  owls  are  indigenous  to  the  Siberian  area;  but 

the  barn  owl,  which,  although  nearly  cosmopolitan,  dislikes  countries 

l|,]  climate,  is  unknown  in  this  tract.     On  the  other  hand,  Tengmalm's 

[Nyctala  tengmalmi),  which  has  been  found  nesting  in  the  Carpathians,  and 

as    far    west    as    the    British    Isles,  is  a  true    northern   type,  although 

OWLS  31 

nowhere  of  frequent  occurrence.  During  the  day  it  keeps  to  dense  bushes 
hollow  trees,  and  never,  like  the  little  owl,  enters  buildings.  Although  appear- 
ing in  greater  numbers  in  spring  and  autumn,  it  is  a  shy  and  solitary  bird, 
only  rarely  seen.  Its  nest  is  placed  in  firs,  beeches,  and  other  trees  at  a  height 
of  some  50  feet  from  the  ground,  generally  in  holes  with  a  wide  opening.  The 
young  begin  to  chirp  early  in  the  morning,  but  are  silenced  by  the  plaintive 
notes  of  the  female,  which  resemble  a  low  human  wailing.  This  owl  flies  so 
noiselessly  that  even  a  mouse  does  not  hear  it,  the  flight  being  very  like  that 
of  a  kite  with  much  hovering  and  fluttering,  and  never  in  jerks  and  curves 
like  that  of  the  little  owl.  Tengmalm's  owl  is  9|  inches  long  and  has  the  facial 
disc  nearly  complete,  the  toes  heavily  feathered,  and  the  plumage  thick  and  fluffy. 
It  is  brown  above,  much  spotted  with  white,  and  white  below  irregularly  barred 
with  brown,  but  the  spots  on  the  wings  and  tail  disappear  with  age. 

The  favourite  residences  of  the  hawk-owl  (Surnia  ulula)  are  the  birch-forests 
of  the  north  of  Europe  and  Asia;  but  its  breeding-area  does  not  extend  so  far 
north  or  south  as  that  of  the  snowy  owl,  although  the  bird  is  everywhere  more 
frequent,  especially  in  the  Ural  Mountains.  Avoiding  rocks,  this  species  is 
essentially  a  bird  of  the  woods,  which  frequents  the  plains  and  is  often  seen  in 
marshes  and  swamps  where  there  are  bushes.  The  northern  winter  drives  it 
southwards,  when  it  regularly  appears  in  the  Baltic  countries  down  to  Denmark 
in  the  west,  and  occasionally  straggles  to  the  British  Isles,  southern  Germany,  and 
also  to  similar  latitudes  farther  east.  In  March  these  owls  return  to  the  north  to 
breed  among  the  birch  trees,  the  trunks  of  which  they  resemble  in  colour  and 
marking.  When  it  does  not  make  use  of  the  hollow  of  a  tree,  or  the  re-lined  nest 
of  a  crow,  the  hawk  owl  builds  a  nest  of  its  own  of  thin  twigs,  leaves,  and  moss,  on 
some  tall  tree.  So  courageously  does  this  owl  defend  its  nest  against  other  birds, 
that  there  is  scarcely  a  bird  in  its  native  forest  safe  from  its  attacks.  It  seizes 
jays  as  they  fly,  and  kills  the  willow-grouse  and  other  birds  much  superior  to  itself 
in  size  and  weight;  but  it  chiefly  preys  on  voles,  mice,  and  lemmings,  on  which  it 
darts  down  like  a  falcon  and  strangles  with  its  claws.     For  a  while  it  sits  waiting 

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for  prey  on  some  dry  bough,  like  a  shrike,  soon  to  fly  hovering  and  searching  close 
to  the  ground,  after  which  it  suddenly  settles  on  some  point  of  vantage  to  watch 
again.     Its  beautiful  flight  has  much  of  the  gracefulness  of  the  kestrel,  for  which 

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it  might  indeed  be  mistaken,  did  not  its  thick  head  serve  to  show  its  owl  nature. 
It  soars  like  a  kestrel  by  day,  and  especially  in  the  afternoon,  as  also  at  dusk.  Its 
quick  and  agile  movements  and  its  habits  so  much  resemble  those  of  diurnal  birds- 
of-prey  that  it  well  deserves  its  name  from  these  traits,  as  it  also  does  from  the 
dark  undulating  hawk-like  lines  on  the  lower  parts  of  the  body.  The  head  is  flpt 
and  low,  the  face  narrow,  without  a  disc,  the  tail  long  and  graduated,  the  wings 
slightly  pointed,  the  feathers  of  the  crown  smooth,  and  those  of  the  sides  of  the 
head  bristled.  It  has  neither  ear-tufts  nor  an  operculum,  and  its  legs  are  covered 
with  greyish  feathers.  In  length  this  owl  measures  about  14  inches.  The  back 
and  wings  are  brown  with  white  spots,  the  tail  is  brown  with  nine  white  cross- 
bars, and  the  face  white  with  a  black  edge  on  each  side. 

The  same  localities  are  inhabited  by  a  still  more  exclusively  northern  species, 
the  Lapp  owl  (Syrnium  lapponicum),  which  breeds  in  the  far  north  of  Europe 


and  Asia  from  Lapland  to  the  Sea  of  Okhotsk.  Rare  in  Finland  and  farther  south, 
it  is  never  driven  far  away  from  home  by  the  cold  of  winter.  It  follows  the 
migrating  lemmings  as  far  south  as  central  Scandinavia,  and  nests  in  hollow  trees, 
on  the  ground  among  shrubs,  and  probably  also  in  rocky  clefts.  It  is  as  strong 
and  courageous  as  the  snowy  owl,  and  lives  on  much  the  same  kind  of  food.  The 
Lapp  owl  somewhat  resembles  the  hawk-owl,  but  is  more  slender,  although  con- 
siderably larger ;  it  may  always  be  recognised  by  its  large  head  and  long  body.  In 
length  it  is  from  27  to  28  inches,  the  female  being  larger  than  the  male.  In 
colour  it  is  ashy  brown  streaked  with  w^hite  above,  and  below  whitish  grey  with 
brown  stripes. 

The  eared  owls  are  represented  by  the  short-eared  owl,  which  is  found  almost 
everywhere,  and  the  long-eared  owl,  which  ranges  across  the  continent  and  reaches 
Japan.  The  eagle-owl,  which  also  inhabits  the  Siberian  area,  ranges  down  to 
central  Asia,  where  it  is  replaced  by  Bubo  turcomanus,  distinguished  by  its  paler 
Falcons  and  Of  falcons  and  hawks,  the  first  on  our  list  is  the  little  merlin, 

Hawks.  which  has  been  found  as  far  north  as  Novaia  Zemlya,  and  inhabits 
Great  Britain,  central  Europe,  and  western  and  central  Asia,  but  does  not 
apparently  reach  as  far  east  as  Kamchatka,  though  known  as  a  visitor  to  Korea, 
I  1 1  ina,  and  northern  India.  Where  trees  are  to  be  found,  the  merlin  builds  in 
them,  but  on  the  tundra  and  large  moors  and  heaths  it  nests  on  the  ground,  and  in 
mountainous  country,  on  ledges  and  in  rocky  clefts.  Sometimes  the  nest  is  a  mere 
scratching  in  the  ground,  in  other  cases  it  is  roughly  made  of  heather  and  other 
dry  plants.  The  young  birds  migrate  in  August  and  September  with  the  old  ones. 
Those  inhabiting  Europe  resort  to  the  Mediterranean  countries  and  North  Africa. 
During  March,  April,  and  May  merlins  return  to  their  breeding-area.  In  habits 
the  merlin  is  in  many  respects  very  similar  to  the  hobby.  It  is  one  of 
the  boldest  of  the  falcons,  and  attacks  not  only  smaller  birds  but  many  larger 
than  itself.  Like  the  hobby,  after  flying  several  times  round  its  sleeping-place  in 
the  evening,  it  suddenly  drops  down  like  a  stone.  When  on  the  wing,  it  may  be 
distinguished  from  the  hobby  by  the  shorter  body  and  wings,  and  it  has  also  a 
somewhat  paler  colour.  The  tail  is  slaty  blue  tipped  with  white  and  barred  with 
black,  the  last  bar  being  broader  than  the  rest.  The  cere  and  feet  are  yellow7,  and 
the  throat  is  white.  The  male,  which  is  about  10  inches  long,  is  slaty  blue  above 
with  black  streaks,  the  lower  parts  being  rufous  white,  with  brown  lancet- 
Bhaped  spots.  The  primaries  are  bluish  with  black  shafts,  and  barred  with  white 
"ii  the  inner  webs.  The  grey  gerfalcon,  the  peregrine,  and  the  kestrel 
are  found  wit  din  the  area,  the  last  ranging  up  to  the  Polar  Circle,  and  even 
farther  north,  but  the  hobby,  although  reaching  Kamchatka,  prefers  the 
southern  parts  of  Siberia. 

The  golden  eagle  is  distributed  not  only  over  Europe,  but  also  over  Asia  from 
the  Himalaya  northwards,  and  is  thus  found  in  Siberia.  The  white-tailed  sea- 
eagle  also  inhabits  Siberia,  but  is  replaced  on  the  coast  of  the  Pacific  by  the  larger 
Steller's  sea-eagle  (ThalassaetuA  peldgicus).  This,  the  largest  of  all  eagles,  is  41 
inches  in  lengj  h.  In  colour  it  is  principally  black  and  brown,  with  a  white  wedge- 
shaped  tail  and  thighs,  and  white  on  the  lower  part  of  the  back  and  wing-coverts. 


Like  its  relative,  the  almost  equally  large   black  and  white  Korean  species,  this 

giant  eagle  possesses  a  remarkably  loud  and  piercing  cry. 

The  osprey,  an  inhabitant  of    almost  all  countries,  is  also  a  member  of  the 

Siberian  fauna.      The  honey-buzzard,  which  inhabits  not  only  Europe  but  has  been 

found  in  Japan  and  near  Peking  and  breeds  in  Scandinavia  up  to  the  Arctic  Circle, 

is  probably  indigenous  to  the  greater  part  of  Siberia,  in  which  country  the  black 

kite  ranges  as  far  east  as  the  Lena,  while  its  relative,  the  red  kite,  begins  to  be 

rare  at  the  Urals.     The  sparrow-hawk  and  the  gos-hawk  are,  however,  met  with 

right  across  to  the  far  east.     The  marsh-harrier,  although  more  frequent  west  of  the 

Altai,  reaches  the  Amur.     The  hen-harrier  is  found  within  the  same  latitudes  as 

far  east  as  Japan,  but  does  not  range  far  north,  the  same  being  the   case  with 

Montagu's  harrier,  whose  habitat  extends  to  China. 

As  regards   its   game-birds,  Siberia   is   very  similar   to   central 
Game -Birds.  °  °  J 

and  northern  Europe,  the  black-cock  ranging  as  far  east  as  the 
Stanovoi  Mountains.  The  hazel-hen  is  also  found  thus  far ;  but  in  Kan-su,  and 
perhaps  farther  north,  is  replaced  by  Severtzow's  hazel-hen  (Tetrastes  severtzowi). 
The  capercaillie  ranges  into  this  part  of  northern  Asia,  as  do  the  willow-grouse 
and  ptarmigan.  The  quail  is  met  with  as  far  east  as  northern  China;  but  the 
partridge  is  represented  in  the  area  under  consideration  by  the  bearded  partridge 
(Perdix  daurica),  which  also  inhabits  Mongolia  and  China.  Somewhat  smaller 
than  the  European  partridge,  this  is  distinguished  by  the  bright  buff  breast,  the 
black  patch  on  the  lower  surface,  and  the  long  feathers  on  the  chin  and  throat. 
Herons  and  With   the   bare    mention    that    neither   the    ring-dove   nor   the 

stork.  turtle-dove  is  found  very  far  east,  it  may  be  observed  that  the 
herons  are  chiefly  restricted  to  warmer  countries,  although  the  common  species, 
which  is  of  very  wide  distribution,  occurs  in  Siberia,  where  it  is  more  abundant 
along  the  southern  border.  The  bittern  is  also  found  there,  at  least  in  certain 
localities  ;  and  the  warmer  parts  of  Siberia  are  visited  by  the  two  European 
representatives  of  the  stork  tribe,  the  white  and  the  black  stork. 
Rails,  Bustard,  Among  the  rail-like  birds,  the  European  coot  ranges  from  Europe 

and  crane,  to  China  and  Japan  ;  the  little  bustard  is  found  as  far  east  as  China, 
while  south-west  Siberia  is  the  northern  home  of  the  land-rail,  which  reaches  the 
Lena  River ;  the  water- rail  ranging  to  the  Amur.  The  European  crane  occurs  in 
Kamchatka,  but  the  great  bustard  is  unknown  beyond  the  Lena. 

The    snipe    family  is    represented   by  the    European    woodcock, 

which  is  a  true  northern  bird,  in  the  farthest  east,  while  western 

Siberia  is  the  principal  home  of  the  jack  snipe,  and  the  common  snipe  ranges  as 

far  east  as  China  and  Japan,  as  does  the  great  snipe. 

The  curlew  is  common  not  only  in  northern  Europe  but  also  in 

Siberia  and  as  far  east  as  Japan,  while    its   relative   the  whimbreJ 

{Numenius  phceopus)  is  a  true  northern  bird.  The  latter  breeds  in  the  north 
of  Asia  and  Europe,  whence  it  migrates  south,  to  appear  regularly  every  year  on 
some  parts  of  the  shores  of  the  Baltic,  as,  for  instance,  on  Riigen  and  the  neigh- 
bouring island  Hiddensee,  on  the  coasts  of  Schleswig-Holstein,  and  the  German 
shores  of  the  North  Sea  as  far  as  east  Friesland.  It  arrives  in  considerable 
numbers  in  Holland  and  the  British  Isles,  but  in  France,  Switzerland,  and  central 

VOL.  II. —  ^ 


Germany  is  very  rare.  In  winter  it  has  been  seen  in  south-east  Africa.  In  shape 
and  colouring  this  species  is  a  miniature  of  the  curlew,  which  it  resembles  also 
in  voice  and  habits.  Thunderstorms  do  not  alarm  the  whimbrel,  which  is 
most  active  when  the  weather  is  about  to  change,  so  that  it  is  regarded  as  a 
weather-prophet  by  the  peasants  of  many  countries.  Its  clear,  flute-like  calls  are 
shriller  than  those  of  the  curlew,  but  are  otherwise  very  similar.  If  these  be 
well  imitated,  the  whimbrel  may  be  lured  within  shooting-distance,  as  it  readily 
follows  the  calls  of  its  fellows,  towards  which  it  is  socially  disposed,  although  it 
does  not  seek  the  society  of  other  birds.  The  whimbrel  is  15  inches  in 
length,  the   colour  of    its   plumage  being  principally  dark  brown  streaked  with 


Among:  a  host  of  other  waders  visiting  Siberia  in  the  breeding- 
other  Waders 

season,  the  spotted  redshank  and  the  greenshank  (Totanus  canescens) 

frequent  flat  shores,  and  seek  their  food  in  still,  shallow  waters.  Although  the 
latter  bird  is  frequently  seen  during  migration  on  the  muddy  shallows  of  the  coast, 
it  prefers  fresh  waters,  avoiding  those  surrounded  by  trees  and  bushes,  but  liking 
to  wade  among  aquatic  plants.  Never  resorting  to  covert,  if  it  cannot  escape  by 
flight  from  birds-of-prey,  it  will  lie  flat  down  on  the  ground,  or  even  on  the  water. 
Sometimes  it  will  dive,  and  will  continue  to  do  so  until  the  enemy  retires.  The 
greenshank  feeds  on  small  fish  and  insects,  and  closely  resembles  a  sandpiper 
in  general  habits,  gait,  and  flight.  Its  breeding-area  is  northern  Siberia  as  far 
east  as  the  Stanovoi  Mountains ;  and  on  the  autumn  migration  it  travels  as  far 
south  as  Cape  Colony.  During  autumn  and  spring  it  visits  all  parts  of  Europe, 
either  on  its  outward  or  homeward  journey,  as  it  does  not  appear  to  return  by  the 
same  route  as  the  one  by  which  it  went.  In  length  it  measures  some  13  inches. 
It  is  ashy  brown  above,  mottled  with  white,  and  white  below,  the  lower  part  of 
the  back  and  tail  being  also  white,  while  the  wings  are  grey  beneath  and  the  legs 
olive-green.  Like  the  greenshank,  the  spotted  redshank  ranges  from  the  tundra 
to  the  south.  The  sandpiper,  the  redshank,  the  green  sandpiper,  and  the  wood- 
sandpiper  are  thorough  Siberian  birds,  as  is  also  the  ruff. 

In  addition  to  the  little  stint,  Temminck's  stint,  the  knot,  and  the  purple 
sandpiper,  there  are  two  other  Siberian  species  indigenous  to  northern  Europe, 
namely,  the  curlew-sandpiper  and  the  dunlin. 

The  former  (Tringa  subarquata),  whose  home  is  in  upper  Sweden,  Esthonia, 
Finland,  Russia,  and  Siberia,  migrates  to  the  countries  on  the  North  Sea  and  the 
Baltic,  the  shores  of  the  Mediterranean,  the  African  coast  down  to  the  Cape  of 
Good  Hope,  India,  and  even  Australia.  It  appears  in  flocks  of  hundreds  on  the 
coasts  of  Holland  and  France,  and  visits  the  German  and  Swiss  lakes.  The 
1,1,11,1111  migration  begins  at  the  end  of  July  and  ends  in  the  middle  of  October. 
On  the  spring  migration  in  April  and  May  the  curlew-sandpiper  appears  much 
Leas  frequently  along  the  German  route.  By  no  means  timid  in  disposition,  this 
bird  returns  to  its  favourite  haunts  even  when  driven  away,  and  prefers  muddy 
flats  and  shingly  beaches  to  the  banks  of  rivers  and  brooks.  It  breeds  on  the 
lower  Yenesei,  where  its  nest  and  eggs  were  found  in  1897.  In  length  this  sand- 
piper measures  about  7  inches.  The  beak  is  slightly  bent  at  the  tip.  The  tail  is 
grey,  the  rest  of  the  plumage,  save  for  the  white  tail-coverts,  being  very  similar 


in  colouring  to  that  of  the   dunlin.      In   habits  the   dunlin  (T.  alpina)  closely 

resembles   the    curlew-sandpiper,  but    is  of  much  more  common  occurrence.     Its 

breeding-area  extends  to  the  Arctic  Circle  and  throughout  Siberia  from  west  to 

■east.     The  nest  is  a  mere  depression  amid  heather  or  rushes,  or  on  a  dry  patch  in 

grass.     The  young,  which  are  hatched  in  sixteen  days,  run  as  soon  as  their  down 

is  dry,  when  they  are  taken  by  their  parents  to  grassy  or  muddy  ground  to  search 

for  the  worms  and  insects  which  form  their  principal  food.     The  dunlin  appears  in 

great  numbers  on  the  shores  and  islands  of  the  Baltic,  and  still  more  numerously 

•on  those  of  the  North  Sea,  as  well  as  on  the  shores  of  the  Mediterranean,  which  it 

•crosses  into  Africa,  where  it  goes  as  far  south  as  Zanzibar.     During  migration  it 

is  found  everywhere  on  inland  lakes,  ponds,  marshes,  and  rivers,  but  not  in  sucli 

large  numbers  as  on  the  seashore,  where  these  birds  follow  the  tide  out  and  in, 

sleeping  while  it  is  at  flood.     When  disturbed  they  fly  in  circles  out  to  sea,  their 

flight  being  peculiar  and  characteristic  owing  to  the  moderate  expansion  of  the 

wings.     In  its  summer  dress,  with  the  coal-black  shield  on  its  white  breast,  the 

dunlin  is  one  of  the  handsomest  of  the  sandpipers.     It  is  about  7  inches  in  length 

and  in  colour  rusty  brown  with  dark  markings  above,  and  white  below,  the  tail 

being  light  brown  with  white  shafts  and  narrow  white  fringes  to  the  feathers,  and 

the  beak  and  legs  black. 

In  addition  to  the  golden  plover,  the  group  of  plovers  is  represented  in  Siberia 

by  several   kinds,  northern  Siberia   being    the  home  of   the    dotterel    and    little 

ringed    plover.     The  breeding-area   of    the    European    lapwing   extends   through 

Siberia  as  far  as  Kamchatka;   and  ranging  across  more  to  the  south  is  found 

the  thicknee. 

Swans,  geese,  and  ducks  abound  in  Siberia,  but  all  belong   to 
Duck  Tribe.  .  .      , 

species   already   noticed.     Of    the    former,   Bewick's    swan   and    the 

whooper,  although  birds  of  the  far  north,  also  inhabit  Siberia  along  the  southern 

boundary  of  the  tundra,  while  the  mute  swan  is  found  on  all  the  larger  lakes. 

The  geese  need  no  special  mention,  and  the  same  is  the  case  with  many  of  the 

ducks  ;  among  the  latter  the  wild  duck,  shoveller,  gadwall,  wigeon,  pintail,  and 

teal  are  species  indigenous  not  only  to  the  north  of  the  Old  World  but  also  to 

North  America,  all  of  them  breeding  in  Siberia. 

The  sickle-winged  duck  (Eunetta  falcata),  which  visits  eastern  Siberia  and 
Japan,  is  not  indigenous  to  Europe,  although  said  to  have  been  shot  in  solitary 
places  in  Bohemia  and  Hungary.  It  is  most  common  from  Lake  Baikal  and  the 
Yenesei  eastwards,  where  it  arrives  in  April,  while  it  winters  in  more  southern 
countries,  especially  China  and  Japan.  This  duck,  which  is  found  in  the  Stanovoi 
Mountains,  is  about  18  inches  long,  and  is  distinguished  by  its  five  long  narrow 
shoulder-feathers,  which  are  bent  like  a  sickle,  as  well  as  by  a  mane-like  tuft  on 
the  nape.  The  head  is  of  a  copper  hue,  the  neck  white  with  a  bright  green  ring, 
the  body  marked  with  black  and  white  lines,  the  tail  yellow  on  each  side  with 
black  upper  and  lower  coverts,  and  the  wings  grey  with  a  wide  black  speculum. 

A  number  of  the  diving  ducks  also  frequent  Siberia;  among  them  the 
harlequin-duck,  the  long-tailed  duck,  and  the  scaup  range  from  the  tundra  down  to 
the  true  Siberian  area.  The  golden-eye  and  the  tufted  duck  are  found  all  through 
Siberia  from  west  to  east,  while  the  pochard  is  indigenous  to  the  warmer  districts. 



The  range  of  the  scoter  and  the  velvet  scoter  extends  from  the  polar  region  some 

distance  southwards.     Of  the  mergansers  the  goosander  abounds  on  Lake  Baikal. 

The  red-breasted  merganser  ranges  up  to  70°  N.  latitude  in  the  Old  World,  as  well 

as  in  the  New,  and  is  indigenous  to  Siberia.     The   smew   (Mergus   albellus)   is 

another  inhabitant  of  the  north  which  appears  regularly  every  year  in  central 

Europe.     Although  absent  from  Iceland  and  very  rare  in  northern  Norway,  it  is 

common  in  European  and  Asiatic  Russia,  near  or  a  little  south  of  the  Polar  Circle. 

Miffratine  as  far  south  as  the  Black  Sea,  Turkey,  and  Greece,  it  visits  Poland, 

Hungary,  Switzerland,  and   France,  less   frequently  Denmark    and    Sweden,  and 

rarely  Holland  and  Great  Britain.      The  smew  is  characterised  by  rising   from 

the  water  without   apparent    effort,  and    its   rapid    flight,  from    which    it    drops 

suddenly  on  to  the  water.     It  frequently  associates  with  the  golden-eye,  which  it 

resembles  when  seen  from  a  distance,  although  distinguished  by  the  smaller  body, 

and  the  more  pointed  head,  marked  with  more  white.     When  flying,  it  appears 

more  slender,  with  a  longer  neck  and  narrower  wings.     The  smew  is  17  inches  in 

length,  and  principally  white  in  colour,  although  the  face,  back,  edges  and  middle 

of  the  wings,  the  larger  wing-coverts,  and  two  narrow  bands  running  from  each 

side  of  the  back  to  the  breast  are  black.     The  long  crest  is  greenish  black,  the 

sides  are  delicate  grey,  the  tail-feathers  grey  with  whitish  tips,  the  beak  bluish 

with  a  paler  nail,  and  the  feet  bluish  grey.     The  female  is  grey  above,  with  a 

white  throat,  a  blackish  neck,  and  the  crown  and  nape  reddish  brown. 

The  cormorant  ranges  right  across  northern  Asia ;  and  on  Lake 
Other  Sea  Birds.  .         . 

Baikal  and  elsewhere  the  shag,  which  is  really  a  bird  of  the  sea, 

appears  in  myriads.  The  black  tern,  the  common  tern,  and  the  laughing  gull 
may  be  mentioned  as  species  indigenous  to  the  north  of  Europe  and  Asia  and 
North  America. 

Of  the  grebes,  the  great  crested,  the  red-necked,  and  the  black-necked  species 
are  also  not  only  European  but  likewise  Siberian  and  North  American  in  habitat. 
The  same  remark  applies  to  the  eared  grebe  (Podicipes  auritus),  which  migrates 
through  Germany,  Holland,  France,  Switzerland,  northern  Italy,  and  Hungary,, 
and  breeds  in  Greenland,  Iceland,  Britain,  Scandinavia,  Jutland,  and  the  corre- 
sponding latitudes  of  Russian  Asia  and  North  America.  The  last-named  species, 
which  is  12  inches  in  length,  has  a  black  hood  on  the  top  and  chestnut  plumes 
on  the  sides  of  the  head,  and  is  deep  chestnut  on  the  neck  and  sides. 
Reptiles  and  Like   the   birds,   the   reptiles   and   amphibians   of    Siberia   are 

Amphibians,  essentially  of  a  European  type,  although,  owing  to  the  severity  of 
tin-  climate,  the  number  of  species  is  but  small.  Of  the  lizards,  the  viviparous 
species,  which  in  Europe  reaches  Lapland,  inhabits  Siberia  from  west  to  east, 
while  the  European  sand-lizard  is  met  with  only  in  the  south-west.  The  viper 
reaches  the  Polar  Circle  and  ranges  to  the  Pacific,  and  the  ringed  snake  is  found 
as  tar  east  as  Lake  Baikal  and  as  far  north  as  the  sixty-fifth  degree. 

Among  tlir  amphibians  common  to  Europe  and  Siberia  mention  may  be  made 
of  the  edible  frog,  whose  northern  boundary  is  59°  N.  latitude,  and  whose  eastern 
limit  extends  to  the  Pacific.  The  same  is  the  case  with  the  common  frog,  which 
inhabits  Europe  as  Ear  as  northern  Scandinavia;  but  the  moor-frog  is  not  found 
so  far  east,  although  it  occurs  in  western  Siberia.     The  common  toad  ranges  to 


Japan,  although  it  is  not  a  very  northerly  form.      The  green  toad,  which  reaches 

52°  X.  latitude  in  Siberia,  but  whose  eastern  boundary  has  not  yet  been  fixed,  is 

sometimes  found  in  Mongolia;    and  the  tree-frog,  which  inhabits  Europe  up  to 

■58°  N.  latitude,  is  found  right  across  the  Asiatic  continent. 

_  Of  the  fishes  of  Siberia  it  must  suffice  to  state  that  these  are  in 


the  main  specifically  identical  with  those   of  northern   Europe,  the 

perch,  carp,  crucian  carp,  spiny  loach,  pike,  salmon,  and  sea-trout,  as  well  as  many 

others,  ranging  into  the  Siberian  rivers,  which  probably  also  harbour  the  lampern. 

Mention    must,   however,  be    made    of   the    abundance    of   salmon    of    the   genus 

Oncorhynchus    in    the    rivers    of    Siberia    and    Kamchatka;    the   group    being 

represented  by  several  species,  such  as  0.  orientalis,  0.  lycaodon,  0.  lagocrjilid/ns, 

•and  0.  proteus.     These  arrive  at  the  mouths  of  the  rivers  from  May  to  Angusl  : 

each  species  having  its  own  particular  time,  which  is  wonderfully  constant  in  spite 

of  annual   differences  in  the   seasons.      Although  a  few  remain  throughout  the 

summer  near  the  mouths  of  the  rivers,  and  return  to   the  sea  in  the  autumn, 

practically  the  whole  host  ascend  the  rivers  to  spawn,  after  which  they  perish,  in 

some  cases  actually  choking  the  rivers  with  their  bodies.     It  is  these  spawning  and 

moribund  salmon  which  form  the  prey  of  the  Kamchatkan  bears,  to  which  reference 

is  made  above.     Such  a  waste  of  life  as  occurs  in  the  case  of  these  salmon  is  very 









South- Western  Asia 

The  Siberian  a«rea  is  bordered  on  the  north-west  by  the  Baltic  province,  and  on 
the  west  by  the  eastern  European  tract.  On  the  south-west  it  touches  the  Caspian 
province,  the  fauna  of  which  is  nearly  related  to  that  of  the  Mediterranean  region ; 
ilc-  Latter,  as  stated  above,  including  a  large  part  of  south-western  Asia.  Besides- 
Asia  Minor,  Syria.  Palestine,  and  the  Sinaitic  Peninsula,  this  region  embraces 
tic-  northern  hall'  of  Arabia;  other  south  -western  countries  comprised  in  the 
Mediterranean  region  being  Mesopotamia  and,  generally  speaking,  the  basins  of 
the  Euphrates  and  Tigris  and,  farther  east,  Persia  and  Afghanistan  so  far  as  they 
are  not  included  in  the  basins  of  the  rivers  flowing  into  the  Caspian  and  the  Sea 
of  Aral;  but  Baluchistan  and  the  greater  part  of  the  Indus  countries,  as  well  as- 
Kashmir,  belong  zoologically  to  the  Mediterranean  region.     The  non-Asiatic  part 



of  this  region  comprises  North  Africa  about  20°  N.  latitude,  the  Iberian  Peninsula, 
the  south  of  France,  including  the  greater  part  of  the  Rhone  valley,  the  Apennine 
Peninsula,  the  Balkan  Peninsula  (except  its  northern  districts,  which  belong  to  the 
valley  of  the  Danube),  and  the  islands  of  the  Mediterranean. 

Generally  speaking,  the  climate  is  characterised  by  its  wet  winters,  the  rains 
occurring  in  the  cold  season,  and  the  summer  in  many  parts  of  this  tract  being 
almost  or  completely  rainless.  These  countries,  with  their  winter  rains  and  long 
summer  droughts,  are  the  home  of  evergreen  trees  and  shrubs  which  with  their  hard, 
thick,  leathery  leaves  give  the  Mediterranean  landscape  its  principal  character. 
The  trees  are  mostly  low,  with  the  stems  gnarled,  the  branches  dense,  and  the  leaves 
of  the  general  character  of  those  of  the  laurel  or  oleander,  but  usually  smaller, 
and  in  most  cases  indeed  very  small.  Both  sides  of  such  leaves  are  frequently 
provided  with  gland-hairs,  which  secrete  fluids,  while  air-conducting  hairs  are  absent, 
or  confined  to  the  under  side.  Notwithstanding,  the  leaves  are  seldom  bright  in 
colour  and  are  often  overspread  by  a  bluish  film,  probably  in  consequence  of  a 
resinous  secretion,  their  hard  leathery  condition  being  owing  to  the  compact 
arrangement  of  their  cells.  Compared  with  other  plants  of  dry  climates,  these  trees 
are  remarkable  not  only  for  their  evergreen  leaves  but  also  for  their  absence  of 
thorns  and  of  protecting  covers  to  the  buds. 

At  a  distance  large  stretches  of  country  appear  almost  devoid  of  vegetation, 
owing  to  the  colouring  of  the  dusty  and  sparse  bushes  being  so  similar  to  that  of 
the  ground.  Such  apparently  barren  spots  occur,  however,  only  on  limestone  soil, 
and  indicate  the  remnants  of  former  forests  in  which  the  ilex  (Quercus  ilex)  and 
the  Aleppo  pine  (Pinus  aleppensis)  were  predominant.  The  vegetation  on 
gravelly  soil  is  much  more  abundant,  the  shrubs  growing  denser  and  higher,  and 
representing  the  brushwood  of  primeval  forests,  the  trees  of  which  have  nearly  all 
disappeared.  Here  ilex  and  the  Aleppo  pine  are  scarce,  being  replaced  by  the 
cork  tree  (Quercus  suber)  and  the  maritime  pine  (Pinus  maritima).  The  stone- 
pine  (Pinus  pinea),  on  the  other  hand,  which  occupies  so  important  a  place  in 
Mediterranean  landscapes,  grows  on  sandy  soil,  and  seldom  forms  extensive  woods. 

Many  of  the  woodlands  chiefly  consist  of  monotonous  groups  of  mastic  trees 
(Pistacia  lentiscus),  this  monotony  being,  however,  in  some  degree  broken  by  the 
intermixture  of  shrubs  of  other  kinds. 

Among  the  hard-leaved  types,  the  olive  (Olea  europea)  occupies  a  conspicuous 
position  on  account  of  its  massive  stem,  branching  at  a  small  height,  its  gnarled 
branches,  its  thick  and  deeply  cleft  bark,  but  more  especially  on  account  of  its 
small,  narrow,  hard  leaves,  covered  on  both  sides  with  sparse  scale-like  hairs, 
which  give  to  the  under  surface  a  silvery  tinge.  As  regards  its  leaves,  the  ilex  is 
not  unlike  the  olive,  the  foliage  of  both  being  of  the  small  and  hard  type.  The 
oleander  (Nerium  oleander),  again,  which  grows  on  the  banks  and  islands  of  rivers 
with  little  water,  like  the  bay  (Laurus  nobilis),  can  scarcely  be  regarded  as  a  tree 
of  this  tract;  but  the  myrtle  (Myrtus  communis)  with  its  stiff  leaves,  the 
rosemary  (Rosmarinus  officinalis),  the  lavender  (Lavandula  latifolia),  and  thyme 
(Thymus  serpyllum),  are  common,  as  is  also  the  sage  (Salvia  officinalis);  the 
last,  with  its  wide,  felt-like,  soft-haired,  leaves,  differing  greatly  from  the  others. 
The   species   of   rock-rose   (Cistus),  with  their  large  white  or  carmine-coloured 


blossoms  are  among  the  more  beautiful  plants  of  the  Mediterranean  countries; 
their  leaves  being  either  leathery  and  brilliant,  or  sticky  from  resinous  secretions, 
or  else  closely  haired  and  consequently  softer.  The  peculiar  character  of  the  hard- 
leaved  plants  is  distinctly  shown  in  one  of  the  spurge-laurels  {Daphne  gnidium),  as 
well  as  in  an  asparagus  (Asparagus  acutifolius)  with  its  needle-shaped  evergreen 
leaves,  and  also  in  the  tree-heather  (Erica  arborea),  distinguished  by  its  almost 
tree-like  mode  of  growth.  In  spots  less  densely  covered  with  shrubs  than  else- 
where, bulbous  plants  grow  abundantly,  in  association  with  grasses,  hard-leaved 
evergreen  perennials,  and  short-lived  spring  annuals  which  die  soon  after  ripening 
their  seed.  Poplars,  ash,  and  other  deciduous  trees,  unknown  among  the  ever- 
green woods,  make  their  appearance  near  water  and  in  damp  soils.  Forests  of 
northern  trees,  such  as  horse-chestnut,  do  not  exist  in  the  countries  round 
the  coasts,  but  are  restricted  to  the  mountainous  tracts,  which  have  quite  a  different 


The  Mediterranean  region  consists  in  a  great  degree,  if  not  in  the  greatest 
degree,  of  deserts,  whose  origin  is,  of  course,  primarily  due  to  a  small  annual 
rainfall.  In  deserts,  indeed,  vegetation  depends  not  so  much  on  rain  as  on 
warmth  and  the  dryness  of  the  air  in  summer,  when  these  are  at  their  maximum, 
the  life  of  desert-plants  being  more  or  less  quiescent. 

Within  the  Mediterranean  region  is  included  the  desert-tract  crossing  North 
Africa,  Arabia,  southern  Persia,  and    Baluchistan,    throughout  which  the  winter 
climate  is  generally  mild ;  only  the  more  northerly  districts  being  visited  by  slight 
frost  and  rapidly  melting  snow.     The  summer  temperature  is  one  of  the  hottest 
known,  rising  in  July  over  the  greater  part  of  the  area  to  96"  or  even  higher. 
The    vegetation    is   of    the    same   type   as   that  of    the   Sahara.     Rocky   table- 
lands, sandy  valleys,  hilly  or  flat  stony  plains,  undulating  expanses  of  sand,  and 
broad  basins  of  clay  lands  are  the  leading  physical  features.     Yet  the  desert  is 
by  no  means  completely  devoid  of  plants  :  its  stony  table-lands  are  the  poorest  in 
vegetation,  their  only  vegetable  life  being  a  few  small  thorny  bushes.     Less  barren 
are  the  sandy  valleys  and  especially  the  banks  of  the  (for  the  most  part)  dry  water- 
courses.    The  oases,  which  are  the  deepest  valleys  and    the   best-watered  parts, 
afford  a  sharp  contrast  to  the  rest  of  the  tract,  being  abundantly  clothed  with  trees 
and  plants.     The  distribution  of  desert-plants  is  much  more  dependent  on  under- 
ground waters  than  on  casual  showers.     In  all  deserts  there  is,  however,  probably  a 
--hurt-lived  flora  due  to  the  brief  rainfall  in  spring.     Called  to  life  by  the  moisture, 
there  shoot  up  a  number  of  plants,  which  as  a  rule  die  at  the  end  of  the  rainy  period, 
leaving  the  recently  green  ground  as  barren  as  before.     Many  perennial  desert- 
plants  bear  leaves  and  blossoms  only  during  the  rainy  period,  not  because  their 
deep-seated   roots   are  watered  by  the    moisture,  but  because  the  evaporation  of 
their  sap  is  checked  by  the  moisture  in  the  atmosphere. 

Then-  is.  of  course,  a  complete  transition  from  a  true  desert  to  ordinary  country, 
and  some  of  the  tracts  of  intermediate  type  may  be  called  semi-deserts.  That 
part  of  Arabia  lying  southward  of  the  20th  degree  of  latitude  may,  for  instance, 
be  ttrine.l  a  semi-desert,  its  fauna  showing  affinity  in  the  main  with  that  of  Africa 
south  of  the  Sahara,  with  some  admixture  of  forms  characteristic  of  the  Medi- 
terranean region.     Central  Asia  Minor,  Armenia,  Kurdistan,  south-western  Persia, 



Afghanistan,  and  the  valley  of  the  upper  Indus  are  likewise  semi-deserts,  and 
the  lower  part  of  the  valley  of  the  Indus,  Baluchistan,  part  of  Persia,  and  that 
portion  of  Arabia  north  of  20°  N.  latitude  are  occupied  by  real  desert.  On  the 
other  hand,  the  Asiatic  shores  of  the  Mediterranean  and  the  Black  Sea  are  clothed 
with  hard-leaved  forests. 

Several  of  the  mammals  of  south-western  Asia  are  the  same  as 
those  of  Europe,  among  the  hoofed  group  being  the  eastern  race  of 
the  red  deer,  whose  range  extends  from  Asia  Minor  into  northern  Persia,  where  the 
animal  becomes  very  dark-coloured  on  the  under-parts.  The  fallow  deer,  as  a 
member  of  the  Mediterranean  fauna,  is  indigenous  to  Asia  Minor,  where  it  is  found 
principally  in  the  Taurus.     The  mountains  of  Luristan,  between  Mesopotamia  and 









Persia,  are  the  home  of  the  Persian  fallow  deer  (Cervus  mesopotamicus),  distin- 
guished from  the  common  fallow-deer  by  the  form  of  the  antlers,  in  which  the 
trez-tine  is  closer  to  the  brow-tine  and  the  latter  smaller  than  in  the  common 
fallow  deer,  while  the  palmation  begins  below,  instead  of  above  the  middle  of  the 
beam.  In  other  respects  the  Persian  fallow  deer,  which  may  perhaps  be  spotted 
the  whole  year  round,  is  closely  related  to  the  ordinary  species.  The  roebuck  of 
south-western  Asia,  which  is  spread  over  Caucasia,  Armenia,  and  Asia  Minor  as 
far  as  Palestine  on  one  side  and  Persia  on  the  other,  is  so  little  different  from  the 
European  animal  that  it  may  be  regarded  as  specifically  identical, 
ibex  and  wild  Although  there  are  no  wild  representatives  of  the  ox  tribe  in 

Goats.         the  area  under  consideration,  there  are  several  forms  of  wild  goat. 
Among  these  is  the  Arabian  race  of  the  African  ibex  (Capra  nubiana  sinaitica), 


which  inhabits  the  Sinaitic  Peninsula,  Arabia  Petraea,  and  Palestine,  and  is  repre- 
sented by  another  variety  (C.  nubiana  mengesi)  in    south    Arabia,    the    typical 
(C.  nubiana)  being  an  inhabitant  of  Egypt  and  the  districts  as  far  south  as  the 
tropic  of  Capricorn.     The  Arabian  race  is  of  special  interest  as  indicating  a  transi- 
tion from  the  more  typical  ibex  towards  the  wild  goat.     The  Persian  race  of  the 
latter  (G.  hircus  cegagrus)  is  found   from  the   Caucasus   and  the   mountains   of 
Asia  Minor    to    Persia   and    Baluchistan,   passing    in    the   last-named    country 
into  the  Sind  race  (G.  hircus  blythi).     In  former  times  other  races  of  the  wild 
goat  inhabited  all  the  islands  of  the  Greek  Archipelago,  but  at  the  present  day  they 
survive  only  in  Crete,  Antimilo,  and  perhaps  Gyaros,  in  a  truly  wild  form.     In  Sind 
and  Baluchistan  wild  goats  range  from  the  sea-level  upwards,  and  in  Persia  inhabit 
the  mountains  to  a  height  of  12,000  feet.     Horns  of  the  Persian  wild  goat  are  known 
which  exceed  55  inches  in  length.     They  are  scimitar-shaped  and  sharply  keeled 
in  front,  but  rounded  behind,  the  front  keel  bearing  a  number  of  irregular  bosses 
or  knobs,    unlike  the   regular   transverse    knots   of    the    horns  of  the  true  ibex. 
Although  sometimes  widely  separate,  they  are  generally  more  or  less  close  together. 
The  does  carry  much  smaller  horns,  which  are  quite  smooth  and  bent  backwards, 
slightly  compressed,  oval  in  section,  and  farther  apart  at  the  base  than  those  of  the 
bucks.     The  old  bucks  are  furnished  with  a  flowing  beard,  and  in  winter  grow  long 
hair  on  the  neck  and  shoulders.     In  winter  the  general  colour  of  the  pasang  is 
brownish  grey,  in  summer  yellowish,  or   reddish  brown,  the  under-parts  of  the 
body  and  the  inner  sides   of   the   thighs  being   whitish  or    white,    but    there  is 
considerable  variation  in  this  respect  according  to  age.     In  contrast  to  the  general 
tint  the  black  of  the  face,  shoulders,  and  legs  stands  out  very  conspicuously. 
Domesticated  Many  domesticated  breeds  of  goat,  as  for  instance  the  Caucasian, 

Goats.  still  retain  a  strong  resemblance  to  the  wild  goat,  although  others  are 
distinguished  by  the  form  of  their  horns  and  other  characters.  Some  breeds,  for 
instance,  approach  the  markhor  in  their  corkscrew-shaped  horns,  although  the 
horns  of  nearly  all  domesticated  goats  are  twisted  in  a  direction  opposite  to  those 
of  the  markhor.  Many  domesticated  goats  are,  however,  hornless,  while  in  others  an 
additional  pair  is  developed.  Besides  the  differences  in  the  size  and  shape  of  their 
bodies,  there  are  variations  in  the  length  of  their  hair.  The  hair  of  many  domesti- 
cated goats  hangs  almost  down  to  the  ground,  while  that  of  others  is  very  short  and 
of  all  colours  between  white  and  brownish  black.  The  hair  of  the  Egyptian  goat  is 
short,  generally  brownish,  but  yellow  on  the  legs,  and  often  piebald,  with  light 
round  spots  on  a  dark  ground.  This  goat,  like  the  Hausa  sheep,  is  distinguished 
by  the  strongly  arched  profile,  as  well  as  by  the  throat-lappets  and  drooping  ears 
the  horns  being  either  absent  or  very  small,  while  in  most  cases  there  is  no  beard. 
The  Sudan  goat,  again,  is  characterised  by  its  short  horns  of  3  or  4  inches  in  length, 
which  are  bent  at  first  backwards  and  outwards  while  their  tips  point  forwards, 
as  well  as  by  the  long  black  beard  which  reaches  down  to  the  chest  and  spreads 
over  the  shoulders  and  the  upper  part  of  the  fore-legs.  Among  the  long-haired 
breeds,  the  Angora  goat,  indigenous  to  Asia  Minor,  but  introduced  into  different 
I- 1 its  of  Europe  and  South  Africa,  is  distinguished  by  its  large  size,  great  hang- 
ing ears,  long  compressed  spiral  horns,  and  long,  wavy  silky  hair.  Another  long- 
haired  breed  is  the  Tibetan  shawl-goat,  which  is  of  rather  small  size  with  a  short 



neck,  fairly  long,  hanging  ears,  and  long  flat  horns,  keeled  in  front  and  curving 
outwards,  backwards,  and  inwards.     The  hair  of  the  Tibetan,  or  miscalled  Kashmir, 
goat  is  as  celebrated  as  that  of  the  Angora  goat.     The  Syrian  or  mamber  goat 
has  long,  shaggy,  silky  black  hair,  a  short  beard,  semicircular  horns  in  both  sexes, 
and  a  strongly  curved  profile.      In  this  breed  the  ears  are  longer  than  those  of  the 
Egyptian  goat,    being 
in  fact  so  long  as  to 
form  its  most  distinc- 
tive feature. 


Markhor.         . .  ™         , 


from  the  wild  goat  and 
ibex  is  the  markhor 
(0.  falconeri),  distin- 
guished by  its  spiral 
horns  and  the  long  hair 
of  the  beard  continu- 
ing on  to  the  shoulders. 
There  are  several  local 
races  of  this  tine  goat, 
distinguished,  among 
other  characters,  by 
the  shape  of  the  horns, 
which  in  some  form 
a  close  spiral  like  a 
screw,  while  in  others 
the  spiral  is  more  open 
and  corkscrew  -  like. 
They  are  compressed 
and  keeled  both  before 
and  behind,  although 
the  hind  keel  tends  to 
become  rounded  in  old 
age.  The  range  of  the 
markhor  extends  from 
Bokhara,  Cabul,  and 
the  trans-Indus  moun- 
tains through  Astor 
and  Hazara  to  the  Pir 
Panjal  mountains  of 
Kashmir.  The  typical  form  is  the  Astor  markhor,  in  which  the  horns  make  an 
extremely  open  spiral.  In  the  Pir  Panjal  race  (C.  falconeri  cashmiriensis)  the 
spiral  becomes  closer ;  and  this  closeness  of  the  twist  becomes  more  marked  in  the 
Cabul  race  (C.  falconeri  megaceros).  In  the  small  Suleman,  or  straight-horned 
race  (C.  falconeri  jerdoni),  the  twist  becomes  like  that  of  an  ordinary  screw.  In 
the  Astor  and  Pir  Panjal  race  the  colour  is  reddish  brown  in  summer  and  greyish 

'• '  .1 

'     : 

-  is   t        i 



in  winter,  being  alwaj-s  paler  on  the  under-parts,  with  a  dark  stripe  down  the  lower 
part  of  the  legs.  Young  animals  are  greyish  brown,  with  a  dark  stripe  down  the  back. 
Unlike  the  ibex,  which  frequents  rocky  regions  above  the  tree-line,  the 
markhor  is  generally  found  among  forests  on  rocky  ground,  where  it  keeps  much 
in  covert,  coming  out  to  graze  in  the  open  only  in  the  mornings  and  evenings. 
The  markhor  is  perhaps  the  most  imposing  of  all  the  wild  goats,  and  surpassed 
by  none  in  agility,  strength,  or  weight.  In  height  it  reaches  41  inches  at  the 
withers,  and  horns  measuring  56  and  even  60  inches  in  length  are  known. 

South-western  Asia  possesses  several  well-marked  forms  of  wild 
sheep,  foremost  among  these  being  the  red,  or  Gmelin's  sheep  (Ovis 
orientalis),  which  is  a  reddish-coloured  species,  often  with  a  faint  white  saddle- 
mark  in  old  rams,  and  the  horns  curving  outwards  and  backwards  in  reverse  direc- 
tion to  those  of  the  muflon,  so  as  sometimes  to  nearly  meet  behind  the  neck.     The 
ewes  are  hornless.     About  33  inches  at  the  withers  is  the  ordinary  height  of  this 
sheep ;  and  horns  measuring  36  and  40  inches  are  known,  although  the  ordinary 
length  is  much  less.     In  colour  the  rams  are  russet  yellow  or  foxy  red  above,  and 
whitish  on  the  fore-part  of  the  head  and  below,  with  a  dark  patch  on  the  throat, 
where  there  is  a  fringe  of  hair,  and  a  dark  mark  on  the  front  of  the  fore-legs,  the 
aforesaid  whitish  saddle-patch  on  the  back  being  more  or  less  conspicuous.     This 
animal    inhabits  eastern  Persia  and  Asia  Minor,  being  especially  common  on  the 
Cilician  Taurus.     This  sheep,  of  which  one  race  inhabits  Armenia,  another  Anatolia, 
and  a  third  the  southern  flank  of  the  Elburz  range,  is  represented  on  certain  islands 
in  Lake  Urmi,  in  Persia,  by  a  race  known  as  0.  orientalis  urmiana;  and  in  the 
Troodos  mountains  of  Cyprus    its  place  is  taken    by  the    typical    Cyprian   race, 
whose  shoulder-height  is  only  about  28  inches.     In  this  the  fringe  on  the  throat  is 
smaller,  and  there  is  a  dark  line  along  the  side  dividing  off  the  reddish  yellow 
Hanks  from  the  white  under-parts.     An  allied  sheep  from  the  Luristan  district  of 
Persia  has  been  named  0.  isphahanica. 

Very  distinct  is  the  urial  or  sha  (0.  vignei)  typically  from  Astor  and  Ladak, 
but  represented  in  the  Salt  Range  of  the  Punjab  by  the  race  known  as  0.  vignei 
cycloceros.  Another  race,  0.  v.  blanfordi,  inhabits  Baluchistan,  while  a  fourth, 
0,  v.  arlcal,  is  found  on  the  Kopet-Dagh,  between  Turkestan  and  northern  Persia. 
I'll''  rams  have  a  long  ruff  of  hair  hanging  down  their  neck,  starting  in  two 
i  ufts  at  the  chin,  which  join  together  on  the  chest.  The  horns  are  coarsely 
wrinkled  and  triangular  in  section,  their  bases  being  close  together,  but  above  this 
they  sweep  outwards,  upwards,  and  finally  forwards,  seldom  forming  more  than  a 
complete  circle.  Those  of  the  females  are  short  and  almost  straight.  The  colour 
is  reddish  brown  or  fawn  in  summer  and  light  greyish  brown  in  winter,  the 
lower-] .arts  being  whitish.  The  ruff  is  sometimes  black,  but  generally  blackish 
brown  interspersed  with  white,  and  in  the  rams  is  always  white  in  the  front, 
growing  gradually  black  towards  the  hinder  part.  In  height  the  Punjab  urial 
measures  32  inches  at  the  shoulder.  The  Ladak  sha  is  larger  and  is  said  to 
reach  a  height  of  36  inches  or  more. 

G  The  third  group  of  hollow-horned   ruminants  found  in  south- 

western  Asia  is  that  of  the  antelopes.     Familiar  as    is   the    name 
antelope,  yet  it  is  one  exceedingly  difficult  to  define,  as  there  is  an  almost  complete 




transition  from  the  goats  to  members  of  this  group,  while  the  group  itself  is  very- 
large  and  comprises  a  number  of  widely  different  types.  As  a  matter  of  fact, 
"antelopes"  really  comprise  a  number  of  groups  of  ruminants.  The  grea 
majority  of  the  antelopes  are  inhabitants  of  Africa.  Elsewhere,  with  the  excep- 
tion of  a  few  species  in  Syria  and  Arabia,  together  with  the  blackbuck,  the  nilgai, 
and  the  four-horned  antelope  of  India,  the  chiru  of  Tibet,  and  the  saiga  of  Russia 
and  western  Asia,  there  is  only  the  numerous  and  wide-spread  group  of  the 
gazelles.  Typically  these  are  rather  small  or  moderately  large  antelopes,  of  graceful 
build,  with  large  eyes,  a  rather  short  tail,  sharp  hoofs,  a  white  streak  bordered 
with  brown  running  down  the  side  of  the  face  towards  the  nose,  and  usually  tufts 
of  long  hair  at  the  knees.  The  colour  is  fawn  or  sandy,  in  harmony  with  the 
desert  country  these  antelopes  generally  frequent.  Gazelles  are  spread  all  over 
northern,  eastern,  and  southern  Africa,  in  suitable  districts,  as  well  as  western 
Asia  as  far  as  India,  and  a  great  part  of  central  Asia.  Of  the  Asiatic  forms  the 
Dorcas  gazelle  (Gazella  dorcas)  is  common  to  Africa  and  Asia,  occurring,  for 
instance,  in  Syria,  Palestine,  and  the  adjoining  districts  of  Asia  Minor,  although 
its  principal  habitat  is  Africa.  Three  kinds  inhabit  southern  Arabia,  namely, 
G.  arabica,  G.  marica,  and  G.  muscatensis,  while  others,  such  as  the  Baluchi 
(G.  fuscifrons),  the  Persian  (G.  seistanica),  and  the  Indian  (G.  bennetti),  occur 
farther  east.  A  well-known  species  is  the  goitred  gazelle  (G.  subgutturosa),  of 
which  there  are  several  local  races.  This  species  inhabits  an  extensive  area  in 
south-western  and  central  Asia,  extending  from  the  table-land  of  Persia,  Asia 
Minor,  and  the  Caucasus  through  Afghanistan,  the  Altai  and  the  confines  of  the 
Gobi  desert,  The  does  are  usually  hornless.  The  bucks  carry  lyrate  horns,  diverg- 
ing from  the  base,  with  the  points  turned  towards  each  other.  Seen  from  the  aide 
the  horns  appear  to  be  S-shaped,  and  have  sixteen  to  twenty -live  strongly  marked 
rings.  In  colour  the  typical  Persian  race  of  this  gazelle  in  summer  is  pale  fawn 
above,  and  white  below  and  up  to  the  root  of  the  tail,  though  not  around  it. 
The  colours  are  distinctly  separate  at  the  sides,  and  round  the  white  rump-patch  is 
a  dark  band ;  the  tail  is  blackish  brown. 

Very  characteristic  of  Mesopotamia  and  Arabia  is  the  beaut  il'ul 

beatrix  oryx  (Oryx  beatrix),  whose  allies  are  all  African.      This  small 

species  stands  about  35  inches  at  the  shoulder,  and  is  mostly  white  in  colour,  with 

brown  legs  and  brown  markings  on  the  face  and  throat,  as  well  as  a  tail-tip  of 

the  same  colour.     Its  horns  are  straight. 

It  may  be  added  that  the  wild  boar  is  a  denizen  of  much  of  the  area  now 
under  consideration. 

Passing  on  to  the  horse  tribe,  the  onager  or  Asiatic  wild  ass 
onager.  ^quus  onager)  is  an  inhabitant  of  Syria,  Asia  Minor,  the  Euphrates 
districts,  Kurdistan,  Persia,  Baluchistan,  Afghanistan,  Sind,  Each,  and  other  districts 
of  northern  and  western  India.  This  species,  of  which  there  are  several  local  races. 
has  moderately  large  ears,  an  erect  mane,  and  a  tail  covered  at  the  base  with  short 
hair  which  grows  longer  towards  the  tip.  It  is  fawn  or  chestnut-brown  above, 
and  white  below,  the  back  being  marked  with  a  dark  brown,  partly  white-edged, 
stripe,  running  down  the  middle.  Sometimes  there  is  a  shoulder-stripe  and 
sometimes  the  legs  are  barred  with  reddish  brown.     The  shoulder-height  is  about 

46  SO  UTH-  WES  TERN  A  SI  A 

48  inches,  and  the  total  length  about  80  inches,  while  the  tail  measures  about  23 
inches.  The  colour  is  darker  at  the  ear-tips  and  round  the  hoofs,  and  the  tip  of 
the  tail  is  blackish.  The  typical  race  is  the  ghor-khar  of  Persia  and  the  Caspian 
area,  which  is  replaced  in  Baluchistan  and  Sind  by  E.  o.  indicus,  and  in  Syria  by 
E.  o.  hemippus,  the  wild  ass  of  the  Bible. 

The  Asiatic  wild  ass,  which  inhabits  desert  and  semi-desert  plains,  is  generally 
found  in  herds  very  difficult  of  approach,  and  subsists  on  such  vegetation  as  is  to  be 
met  in  those  arid  districts.  An  exceedingly  swift  animal,  it  is  rarely  overtaken  by 
a  single  horseman,  and  is  generally  caught  when  young  by  being  tired  out  by  a 
number  of  horsemen  taking  up  its  pursuit  one  after  the  other. 

The  group  of  hyraxes  (Hyracoidea),  although  mainly  African, 
have  an  outlying  representative  (Procavia  syriaca)  in  the  Sinaitic 
Peninsula,  Palestine,  and  Syria.  This  little  animal — the  miscalled  coney  of  the  Bible 
— is  covered  with  rather  soft  shaggy  hair  of  a  yellowish  or  fawn  colour,  with  a  small 
oval  glandular  patch  of  yellow  hair  on  the  back.  Like  all  its  kindred,  it  is  very  wary, 
and  must  be  patiently  waited  for  at  sunrise  or  sunset,  when  it  appears  in  front  of 
its  hole.  The  young,  generally  four  in  number,  are  born  in  a  nest  of  hair  and 
grass.  The  flesh  is  dark-coloured  like  that  of  the  hare,  and  although  rather  dry 
and  insipid  is  much  appreciated  by  the  Arabs, 
squirrels  and  Many  of  the  rodents  of  southern  and  western  Asia  are  European 

Dormice.  species,  the  common  squirrel,  for  instance,  ranging  into  Asia  Minor. 
There  are,  however,  some  eastern  types.  Thus  a  striped  Indian  member  of  the 
group,  the  palm-squirrel  (Funambulus  palmarum),  whose  habitat  extends  from 
southern  India  to  Sind  and  Baluchistan,  enters  the  Mediterranean  region.  Again  the 
Afghan  marmot  (Arctomys  dichrous)  inhabits  the  neighbourhood  of  Cabul  and 
other  parts  of  northern  Afghanistan ;  and  the  European  beaver  has  also  a  wide 
distribution  within  this  region.  It  is  not  improbable  indeed  that  the  latter  rodent 
occurs  in  Asia  Minor,  as  it  has  been  observed  near  Aleppo.  Another  European 
rodent,  inhabiting  south-western  Asia,  is  the  larger  dormouse  which  ranges  into 
Syria;  and  the  tree-dormouse  is  represented  in  eastern  Persia  by  a  brighter- 
coloured  relative,  the  Persian  dormouse  (Glis  picta). 

Mice.  Rats,  and  The  common  house-mouse  has  reached  many  parts  of  the  region, 

voles.         especially  in  the  neighbourhood  of  the  coast ;  but  in  Sind,  Ladak,  and 

hmir  it  is  replaced  by  the  nearly  allied  Mus  bactrianus,  whose  range  extends 

iioin  north-western  India  to  Egypt.     In  many  respects  resembling  the  European 

mouse,  this  species  generally  has  a  shorter  tail,  and  is  of  a  light  sandy  brown  or 

lawn  colour  above,  and  white    below.     One    of   its    relatives,  the    Persian   field- 

mouse  i  .1/.  aAanus),  is  distributed  over  central  Asia,  inhabiting   Persia,  eastern 

Turk,  .stan  and  the  centre  of  the  Tian-Shan  range.     This  mouse  is  a  near  relative 

of  the  European  wood -mouse,  and  is  found  in  fields  and  pastures  close  to  forests, 

entering  houses  in  winter.     Reddish  brown  above  and  pale  yellowish  grey  below, 

ji  has  a  total  length  of  rather  more  than  4  inches. 

In  south-western  Asia  the  black  rat  is  represented  by  the  Alexandrian  rat 
<  .1/.  rattus  ah'.oindrinus),  which  is  reddish  and  brownish  grey  above,  and 
yellowish  white  below,  with  a  total  length  of  6£  inches,  the  tail  measuring  7£ 
inches.     The  original  habitat  of   this   rat   extends   from   North   Africa   and  the 






Asiatic  part  of  the  Mediterranean  area  to  India ;  but  it  has  been  carried  on  board 
vessels  to  Italy,  whence  it  has  spread  to  south-eastern  France  and  Switzerland. 
It  has  also  been  observed  in  south-western  Germany  and  in  North  America, 
having  been  carried  across  the  Atlantic  in  ships.  This  rat  has  been  called  the 
roof-rat,  because  it  is  often  seen  in  Italy  on  the  roofs  of  the  houses.  As  it  is 
unknown  in  Persia  and  Afghanistan,  it  did  not  originally  belong  to  the  south- 
western fauna. 

In  Afghanistan  there  occurs  one  of  the  Oriental  bandicoot-rats  (Nesocia 
hardwickei).  All  these  bandicoot-rats  are  indigenous  to  the  Indian  region  and 
the  adjoining  parts  of  south-western  and  central  Asia,  but  the  spiny  mice  are 
partly  inhabitants  of  the  Mediterranean  region  although  unknown  in  the  European 
portion  of  the  same.  They  occur,  however,  in  North  Africa  as  well  as  in  south- 
western Asia.  These  mice,  which  in  eastern  Africa  range  down  to  Mozambique  in 
the  south,  are  small  desert-haunting  creatures  of  about  the  size  of  house-mice,  but 
resembling  tiny  hedgehogs,  in  having  the  lower  part  of  the  back  clothed  with  stiff 
spines  instead  of  hairs.  The  pale  spiny  mouse  (Acanthomys  dimidiatus)  inhabits 
Egypt,  northern  Arabia,  Palestine,  and  Sind,  but  may  range  much  farther  over 
south-western  Asia.  It  is  sandy  coloured  above,  and  white  below,  with  a  total 
length  of  8  inches,  half  of  which  is  taken  up  by  the  tail.  The  Oriental  bush-rats 
are  also  represented  by  one  species  (Golunda  ellioti)  in  Sind ;  and  in  Quetta  and 
Afghanistan  we  have  the  so-called  Quetta  mole  (Myospalax  fuscicapillus)  as  a 
representative  of  a  genus  allied  to  the  lemmings,  with  other  species  from  central 
Asia  and  Kurdistan.  Ranging  up  to  5000  feet  in  the  mountains,  this  rodent 
constructs  long  passages  in  the  ground,  from  which  are  thrown  up  heaps  of  earth 
like  those  of  the  European  mole. 

The  hamsters  are  represented  by  the  grey  Cricetus  (Cricetulus)  phceus,  which 
ranges  from  Russia  to  central  Asia,  as  well  as  by  other  species  of  the  same  and 
-allied  sub-genera.  Equally  numerous  are  the  graceful  little  gerbils,  which 
are  such  essentially  desert-rodents.  The  common  Indian  species  (Gerbillus 
indicus),  for  instance,  inhabits  the  barren  parts  of  north-western  India,  Sind,  the 
Punjab,  western  Rajputana,  Baluchistan,  and  southern  Afghanistan.  It  is  found 
up  to  a  height  of  4000  feet,  lives  in  sandy  deserts  or  semi-deserts,  and  is  most 
common  in  Sind,  where  it  burrows  everywhere  beneath  the  roots  of  bushes,  or 
in  sandy  hillocks.  Its  food  consists  of  roots  and  seeds  of  all  kinds.  In  colour  it  is 
sandy  grey  above  and  dirty  white  below,  its  length  ranging  from  5  to  7  inches, 
that  of  the  tail  being  a  little  less.  Somewhat  smaller  than  the  Indian  gerbil  is 
the  Afghan  G.  erythrura,  which  also  inhabits  Baluchistan  and  southern  Persia 
Although  frequenting  barren  country,  this  is  often  found  in  the  neighbourhood 
of  human  habitations.  The  dwarf  gerbil  (G.  nanus),  first  discovered  in  Baluchistan 
and  Sind,  probably  also  inhabits  Arabia  and  the  coast  of  Abyssinia.  Several  other 
species  have  been  found  in  Sind,  the  east  European  province,  and  the  Oriental 

Among  the  hares,  the  Afghan  Lepus  tibetanus  ranges  over  a 
ares  an     icas.  ^^  ^^  .^  _^_fgjianjstan  an(j  Baluchistan  as  well  as  the  valley  of  the 

upper  Indus ;  but  farther  east,  in  Sind,  Each,  and  the  districts  adjoining  the  Punjab, 
it  is  replaced  by  the  Sind  hare  (L.  day  anus),  which  is  a  true  animal  of  the  desert. 



The  picas,  so  numerous  in  northern  and  central  Asia,  are  represented  in  the 
south-west  by  the  Afghan  pica  (Ochotona  or  Lagomys  rufescens),  which  is  not 
found  below  5000  or  6000  feet,  and  lives  in  colonies  in  rocky  clefts  or  burrows  of 
its  own  making,  which  it  leaves  at  mornings  and  evenings  in  order  to  feed.  It 
measures  about  7  inches  in  length. 

Of  the  jerboas,  a  group  unknown  in  Europe,  there  are  several 
forms  in  south-western  Asia.  Foremost  among  these  is  the  five-toed 
Afghan  species  (Alactaga  indica),  which  inhabits  south-eastern  Persia,  Afghanistan, 
and  northern  Baluchistan.  This  rodent,  which  is  rufous  above  and  white  below, 
has  a  length  of  almost  3i  inches  and  a  tail  double  as  long.  It  dwells  in  great 
numbers  on  the  stony  plains  of  Afghanistan,  where  it  burrows  deep  holes  in  the 
ground,  and  hops  about  with  astonishing  agility.  Leading  a  nocturnal  life,  it 
hibernates  from  October  to  April.  In  habits  it  is  much  the  same  as  the  better- 
known  alagdaga,  or  Kirghiz  jerboa,  of  Persia,  and  the  steppes  of  south-eastern 
Kussia,  the  Caspian  area,  and  central  Asia.  The  three-toed  jerboas  are  also  repre- 
sented in  south-western  Asia,  although  the  best-known  species,  the  Egyptian 
jerboa  (Di]jus  jacwlus),  which  inhabits  northern  Arabia,  has  its  principal  area  in 
the  north  of  Africa. 

The  south-western  Asiatic  portion  of  the  Mediterranean  region 
Mole-Rat.  .  r  te 

forms  approximately  the  centre  of  a  semicircular  area  extending  from 

south-eastern  Europe  to  lower  Egypt  which  is  the  habitat  of   the  mole-rats,  as 

typified  by  the  great  Spalax  typhlus.     This  extraordinary  rodent  has  rudimentary 

ears,  and  the  small  eyes  completely  covered  with  skin.     The  fur  is  as  soft  as  the 

mole's,  and  the  hairs  may  be  directed  either  forward  or  backward  with  equal  ease, 

thereby  facilitating  the  movements  of  the  animal  along  its  subterranean  passages. 

In  colour  it  is  yellowish  brown  with  an  ashy  grey  hue  above,  and  is  ashy  grey 

with  white  spots  and  streaks  below.     From  the  moles  it  differs  widely,  not  only  in 

structure,  but  by  the  circumstance  that  it  subsists  solely  on  vegetable  food,  although 

it  resembles  those  animals  in  the  form  and  construction  of  its  burrows. 

Porcu  ines.  Although  the  porcupines  are  represented  in  Asia  as  well  as  in 

Africa,  the  species  found  in  south-western  Asia,  whose  area  extends 
to  the  Caspian  and  Black  Sea,  does  not  appear  to  be  satisfactorily  determined. 
The  porcupine  of  south-western  Asia  was  formerly  identified  with  the  species 
indigenous  to  southern  Europe  and  North  Africa,  but  is  really  much  more  like  the 
Indian  porcupine  (Hystrix  leucura),  of  which  the  south-western  Asiatic  form  is 
regarded  merely  as  a  local  variety. 

Jungie-cat  Passing  on  to  the  cat  tribe,  among  the  beasts-of-prey,  it  is  not  yet 

definitely  known  how  far  the  European  wild  cat  extends  into  south- 
western Asia,  although  it  appears  to  be  represented  by  a  local  race  in  the  Altai. 
In  a  large  portion  of  the  area  under  consideration  that  species  is,  however,  replaced 
by  one  of  the  races  of  the  jungle-cat  (Felis  chaus),  which  is  one  of  the  commonest 
wild  cats  in  British  India.  The  habitat  of  the  jungle-cat  extends  from  Burma 
to  the  Caucasus  and  north-eastern  Africa,  while  in  India  the  species  is 
found  from  the  Himalaya  to  Cape  Comorin,  and  from  the  sea-level  to  a 
height  of  over  7000  feet.  It  also  inhabits  Ceylon  and  perhaps  the  Andaman 
Islands;    and    although    frequenting    primeval  forest    as  well   as   the   plains,  is 


particularly  fond  of  high  grass  and  sugar-plantations,  while  it  is  often  seen  in 
the  neighbourhood  of  villages,  where  it  is  said  to  pair  with  domesticated  cats. 
Like  the  latter,  it  breeds  twice  a  year,  each  time  giving  birth  to  three  or  four 
kittens.  In  length  it  is  from  22  to  26  inches,  the  tail  measuring  only  10  or  11 
inches,  and  the  height  at  the  shoulder  is  from  10  to  11  inches.  Although  the  tips  of 
the  ears  carry  a  few  long  hairs,  these  do  not  form  regular  tufts,  like  those  of  the  true 
lynxes.  The  jungle-cat  holds  indeed  an  intermediate  position  between  the  latter 
and  the  more  typical  cats.  In  colour  it  is  chiefly  sandy  brown  or  greyish  brown, 
darker  above  and  lighter  below.  The  limbs  are  sometimes  marked  by  dark 
cross-stripes,  and  towards  the  end  of  the  black-tipped  tail  there  are  black  rings. 
Occasionally  a  black,  or  melanistic,  phase  is  met  with. 

Like  the  jungle-cat,  the  caracal  (F.  caracal)  is  indigenous  to  both 


Asia  and  Africa ;  and  is  distributed  over  the  greater  part  of  India, 
where  it  is  most  abundant  in  the  Punjab,  Sind,  Kach,  and  the  north-west  generally. 
The  caracal  is  a  slender,  long-legged  lynx  without  whiskers,  and  with  a  tail  about 
one-third  the  length  of  the  body.  It  is  smaller  than  the  European  lynx,  the  length 
of  the  head  and  body  being  between  26  and  30  inches,  and  the  shoulder-height 
16  to  18  inches.  The  caracal  connects  the  true  lynxes  with  the  jungle-cat,  just  as  it 
is  connected  through  the  latter  with  the  true  cats.  In  general  colour  it  varies  on  the 
upper-parts  between  reddish  grey  and  brownish  red,  the  sides  of  the  upper  lip  having 
a  blackish  spot,  while  below  the  colour  is  lighter,  or  even  white,  sometimes  with 
indistinct  reddish  spots.  The  tail,  which  is  of  the  same  colour  as  the  body,  has  a 
black  tip ;  and  the  ears,  which  are  white  inside,  are  always  black,  or  nearly  so, 
externally,  with  a  terminal  pencil  of  long  black  hairs.  The  caracal  lives  amid  bushes 
and  high  grass,  and  hunts  gazelles,  small  deer,  and  hares,  as  well  as  birds,  fre- 
quently capturing  the  latter  while  on  the  wing  by  leaping  high  in  the  air,  and 
knocking  them  down  with  a  blow  of  its  paw.  It  is  sometimes  trained  for  the 
chase,  and  in  former  times  was  kept  in  great  numbers  by  Indian  princes  for 
hunting  purposes. 

The  distributional  area  of  the  lion  (F.  led)  includes  the  whole  of 

Africa  from  Cape  Colony  to  Algeria  and  Abyssinia,  but  this  area  has 
many  gaps,  since  in  some  districts  the  species  has  been  exterminated,  the  greatest 
of  these  gaps  being  the  one  separating  the  African  area  of  the  lion  from  its  Asiatic- 
habitat.  In  former,  even  historical,  times,  this  gap  was  more  or  less  filled  up,  for  the 
lion  was  found  not  only  in  Arabia  and  Syria  but  apparently  also  over  a  large  part  of 
south-eastern  Europe,  as  for  instance  Greece  and  Rumania.  In  prehistoric  times 
it  was  spread  over  Italy,  Spain,  Germany,  France,  and  Great  Britain.  In  all  these 
latter  countries  it  may  have  been,  at  least  partly,  destroyed  by  change  of  climate, 
but  the  lions  of  south-eastern  Europe  and  south-western  Asia  were  mostly  exter- 
minated by  man.  At  the  present  day  the  lion  is  much  more  abundant  in  Africa 
than  in  Asia ;  sometimes  it  is  seen  south  of  the  Euphrates,  and  it  is  still  frequent 
in  the  deltas  of  that  river  and  the  Tigris,  fresh  traces  of  these  animals  having  been 
noticed  daily  among  the  ruins  during  the  excavations  at  Babylon.  It  also  occurs 
on  the  upper  course  of  the  Tigris,  and  its  range  extends  from  the  swampy  banks  of 
the  Euphrates  and  Tigris  to  Kurdistan  and  the  mountainous  country  south  of 
Shiraz.     The  Mesopotamian  and  Indian  lion  respectively  represent  distinct  races. 

VOL.  II. — 4 


Tiger,  Leopard.  Tigers  are  found,  as  mentioned  above,  in  the  Caucasus,  and  also 

etc.  in  Persia  in  the  Caspian  provinces,  Mazandaran,  and  Ghilan,  lying 

northwards  of  the  Elburz  range,  and  corresponding  in  part  to  the  ancient  Hyrcania, 

so  famous  in  classic  times  for  the    size  and  numbers  of    these    animals.      The 

Persian  tiger   is  a  somewhat  rough-haired   race  of  the    species,    known   as  Felts 

tigris  virgata.     The  leopard,  which  is  absent  from  Sind  and  the  Punjab,  is  found 

in  many  districts  within  the  limits  treated  of  in  the  present  chapter,  the  Caucasian 

and  Persian  representative  of  the  species  forming  a  local  race  known  as  F.  pardus 

panthera,  and  it  ma}'  be  this  form  which  occurs  in  Kashmir.     The  Indian  fishing-cat 

(F.  viverrina)  enters  the  Mediterranean  region  in  Sind.     In  Rajputana  a  little  to 

the  north  we  meet  the  Indian  desert-cat  (F.  ornata),  which  may  thus  be  ranked 

with  the  animals  of  south-western  Asia,  as  well  as  with  those  of  India.     The 

hunting-leopard,  which  belongs  to  a  different  genus,  is  distributed  over  a  great 

part  of  Africa,  and  through  Syria,  Mesopotamia,  Persia,  and  India,  so  that  it 

belongs  as  much  to  south-western  Asia  as  to  Africa  or  India,  although  it  is  more 

familiar  in  connection  with  the  Indian  area. 

wolves  and  The  European  wolf  is  known  to  occur  as  far  east  as  Baluchistan 

jackals.       an(j  -western    Sind,  and   its  distribution  probably  extends  into   the 

northern  Punjab.     The  south-western  boundary  of  its  range  is  the  Indus,  and  as 

that  is  at  the  same  time,  generally  speaking,  the  western  boundary  of  the  Indian 

wolf  (Canis  pallipes),  the  latter  may  enter  the  Mediterranean  region  in  this  district, 

as  it  certainly  does  the  Ethiopian  region  in  the  south  of  Arabia. 

The  typical  jackal  (C.  aureus)  has  full  claim  to  be  called  an  animal  of  the 
Mediterranean  region,  as  it  ranges  from  Burma  to  the  Caucasus,  and  farther  west 
through  Turkey  and  Greece  to  Dalmatia.  In  North  Africa  it  is  replaced  not  only 
in  Egypt  and  Abyssinia  but  also  in  the  countries  between  the  Mediterranean  and  the 
Sahara  by  other  species  (C.  anthus  and  C.  lupaster).  The  hairs  of  the  tail  are 
reddish  brown,  but  black  at  the  base  and  tip.  The  Asiatic  jackal,  whose  tail 
measures,  like  that  of  the  other  species,  one-third  of  the  head  and  body,  and  whose 
length  is  from  24  to  29  inches,  is  yellowish,  or  pale  rusty  red  mingled  with  black 
above,  and  paler  below ;  the  ears  and  the  inner  sides  of  the  legs  being  redder  than 
the  other  parts  of  the  body,  and  the  tip  of  the  tail  black.  The  variety  inhabiting 
eastern  Europe  and  Asia  Minor  resembles  the  Indian  form,  and  is  of  a  pale  dirty 
yellow  with  a  rusty  red  hue.  The  Egyptian  jackal  (C.  lupaster)  is  much  larger, 
and  has  shorter  ears,  the  sides  of  the  body  being  yellowish  grey  and  the  hind-legs 
reddish  yellow.  The  jackal  of  north-western  Africa  (C.  anthus)  is,  on  the  other 
hand,  a  smaller,  paler,  sharper-nosed,  and  more  elegantly  built  animal. 

The  jackal  lives  on  plains  and  mountains,  in  forests  and  fields,  even  in  populous 
towns.  It  is  found  in  the  Himalaya  up  to  a  height  of  4000  feet  and  even  higher, 
especially  in  the  neighbourhood  of  the  hill-stations,  and  is  common  on  the  Nilgiris 
of  southern  India.  It  occurs  solitary,  in  twos,  or  in  packs,  sometimes  of  consider- 
able size.  Mainly  but  not  exclusively  nocturnal,  during  the  cold  season  jackals  may 
be  seen  wandering  about  at  all  hours  of  the  day,  not  unf requently  even  in  villages. 
Its  food  is  of  various  kinds,  and  consists  not  only  of  freshly  killed  mammals  and 
birds,  but  also  of  carrion,  and  in  case  of  need  of  vegetable  substances,  such  as 



Domesticated  Here  a  few  words  may  be  appropriately  introduced  with  regard 

D°£s-         to  domesticated  dogs,  some  of  which  are  derived  from  the  wolf  and  the 

Indian  wolf,  while  others  have  been  considered  to  trace  their  origin  from  jackals. 

None,  however,  come  from  the  fox.     The  number  of  different  breeds  of  domesticated 

dogs  is  so  large  and  their  relationships  so  involved,  that  it  is  difficult  to  group 

them  with  accuracy. 

As  exceptional  in  their  habits  and  environment,  mention    may  be   made  of 

the  wolf-like  Eskimo  breed  of  Arctic  America  and  Greenland.     Closely  allied  to 

-  \v-- 


I   ■-' 

UJ.  1/ •^>™<*JL~iz!>*"-~' 


this  breed  is  the  spitz,  or  Pomeranian,  of  which  two  strains  are  known,  a  larger 
and  a  smaller.  It  has  a  representative  in  the  Chinese  "chow,"  which  is 
usually  reddish  brown  in  colour,  with  a  bluish  tongue  and  muzzle.  While  the  spitz 
and  the  Eskimo  betray  close  relationship  to  the  wolf,  many  other  breeds  exhibit  an 
unmistakable  resemblance  to  the  local  wolves  or  jackals.  In  some  breeds,  on  the  other 
hand,  this  resemblance  is  very  much  in  abeyance,  as  for  example  in  the  Tibet  clog, 
which  is  not  unlike  a  mastiff,  but  distinguished  by  its  shaggy  coat  and  thick  under- 
fur,  as  well  as  by  its  long,  bushy,  curly  tail.     It  is  probably  related  to  the  St.  Bernard. 




South-western  Asia  is  the  home  of  several  species  of  foxes,  in 
addition  to  the  European  fox  which  also  occurs  within  the  area.  One 
of  these  is  the  desert-fox  (Canis  leucopas),  which  seems  to  be  widely  spread  over 
south-western  Asia,  as  it  occurs  near  Muscat  in  Arabia,  as  well  as  in  Baluchistan, 
Afghanistan,  Sind,  Rajputana,  the  Punjab,  and  the  United  Provinces  as  far  east 
as   Fatigarh.      It   is   almost   exclusively  an   animal  of   the  desert,  and  in  India 


lives  principally  on  gerbils.  It  is  rarely  found  in  the  same  localities  as  the  Bengal 
fox,  though  both  inhabit  the  desert-like  country,  occupying  the  greater  part 
of  Sind. 

The  hoary  fox  (C.  canus)  inhabits  Baluchistan,  southern  Afghanistan,  and 
perhaps  also  the  east  of  Sind,  while  in  Europe  it  is  represented  by  a  few  stragglers. 
Principally  ashy  grey  in  colour  above,  and  white  below,  it  is  smaller  than  the 
Asiatic  desert-fox,  being  only  33  inches  long  inclusive  of  the  tail,  which  measures 


15  inches.     From  the  east  the  little  Bengal  fox  (C.  bengalensis)  just  enters  the 

Mediterranean  region,  but  does  not  range  westward  of  Sind  and  the  Punjab  ;  while 

from  the  west  Riippell's  fennec  (C.  famelicus)  seems  to  extend  over  south-western 

Asia.     The  latter  is  intermediate  between  the  North  African  fennec  and  the  true 

fennecs,  having  proportionately  smaller  ears  than  the  African  forms,  although  these 

appendages  are  larger  than  in  other  small  foxes. 

Two  races  of  the  brown  bear  are  found  in  south-western  Asia, 

the  one  the  silvery  grey  Syrian  brown  bear  ( Ursus  arctus  syriacus), 

and  the  other  the  Himalayan  brown  bear  (  U.  arctus  isabellinus),  which,  at  least  in 

immature  animals,  displays  a  more  creamy  or  "  isabelline  "  tone  of  colour.     A  very 

different    species,    the    Himalayan    black    bear    (U.    torquatus),  also    enters    the 

Mediterranean  region  in  Kashmir  and  the  adjacent  countries. 

Among  the  representatives  of  the  weasel  tribe  met  with  in  the 
Weasel  Tribe.  .  . 

area  under  consideration,  the    beech-marten   is   found   in  Palestine, 

Syria,  and  Asia  Minor,  although  probably  not  in  Persia,  and  only  in  northern 
Afghanistan.  In  Kashmir  the  yellow-throated  Indian  marten  (Mustela  fiavigula) 
enters  the  region.  The  polecat  is  replaced  near  Kandahar  and  Quetta,  and  perhaps 
also  in  other  countries  bordering  on  south-western  Asia,  by  the  mottled  polecat 
(M.  sarmatica).  The  European  ermine  does  not  range  very  far  south,  although  its 
habitat  extends  into  Asia  Minor,  Persia,  and  the  Himalaya.  The  weasel  probably 
inhabits  much  the  same  part  of  the  region  as  the  ermine.  The  badger  ranges  to 
the  Caucasus,  but  in  southern  Spain  and  perhaps  Asia  Minor  is  replaced  by  an 
allied  species  or  race  (Meles  mediterraneus),  while  farther  east  the  latter  is  succeeded 
by  the  smaller  and  paler  Persian  badger  (M.  canescens).  The  limits  of  the  range 
of  the  European  otter  in  south-western  Asia  are  still  unknown,  although  the 
species  has  been  stated  to  occur  in  Mesopotamia  and  Persia.  Elliot's  otter 
(Lutra  ellioti,  or  barang),  which  is  common  in  Sind  and  elsewhere  in  the  Indus 
country,  though  not  farther  west,  extends  from  India  into  the  Mediterranean 

Certain  kinds  of  mongoose  demand  brief  notice,  the  well-known 
Egyptian  species  (Herpestes  ichneumon)  being  found  in  the  European 
and  African,  as  well  as  in  the  Asiatic  portion  of  the  Mediterranean  region.  This 
species  (which  is  represented  in  Spain  by  a  local  race,  H.  i.  wicldringtoni)  reaches 
a  length  of  about  20  inches,  with  a  tail-length  of  about  16  inches.  The  general 
colour  of  the  fur  is  greyish  browm,  the  hairs  being  ringed  with  reddish  brown  and 
pale  yellow,  and  the  tip  of  the  tail  black.  This  species  shows  the  antipathy  to  snakes 
characteristic  of  its  kindred  and  is  immune  to  their  venom,  but  whether  it  eats 
crocodile's  eggs  in  the  numbers  reputed  is  not  ascertained.  The  ancient  Egyptians 
kept  the  ichneumon  as  a  domesticated  animal,  and  perhaps  their  modern  descend- 
ants may  do  the  same,  as  it  is  an  excellent  mouser.  For  this  useful  quality  the 
ancient  Egyptians  considered  it  sacred,  and  represented  it  in  various  ways  on 
their  wall  paintings  and  elsewhere. 

The  small  Indian  mongoose  (H.  auropunctatus)  ranges  from  the  east  into 
south-western  Asia,  being  found  in  the  Punjab,  Sind,  Baluchistan,  southern 
Afghanistan,  and  Persia.  This  mongoose,  wrhich  is,  moreover,  indigenous  to 
northern  India    from  Kashmir   to   upper  Burma,  is  about  half    the   size   of    the 


ichneumon,  and  in  the  Mediterranean  region  is  much  paler  in  colour  than  in  the 
Indian  region,  where  it  varies  from  light  grey  to  dark  brown,  and  is  sprinkled  with 
small  white  or  yellow  dots.     The  common  Indian  mongoose  (H.  mungo)  occurs  in 


A  distant  relative  of  the  mongoose,  the  European  genet  (Genetta 
vulgaris)  inhabits  southern  France,  Spain,  parts  of  south-western  Asia, 
and  North  Africa.  An  exceedingly  supple  animal  with  graceful  movements,  and  a 
good  mouser,  it  is  domesticated  in  Barbary,  and  occasionally  also  in  southern  Europe. 
Like  other  genets  it  has  a  valuable  fur.  The  prevailing  colour  is  light  grey,  with 
three  or  four  longitudinal  rows  of  oblong  blackish  spots  on  the  sides.  Above  and 
beneath  the  eyes  and  at  the  base  of  the  upper  jaw  are  white  spots,  and  the  tail  is 
marked  with  white  and  black  rings.  The  length  of  the  head  and  body  is  about 
19  inches,  and  that  of  the  tail  16  inches. 

The  hyaenas,  which  in  former  times  were  spread  over  the  greater 
ripe  ysen  ^  ^  Europe,  and  eastwards  into  China,  are  at  the  present  day 
confined  to  the  warmer  countries  of  the  Old  World,  ranging  from  Africa  into  India. 
Only  one  of  the  three  existing  species,  the  striped  hyaena,  inhabits  both  Africa  and 
Asia ;  the  other  two,  the  spotted  hyaena  and  the  brown  hyaena,  being  confined  to 
Africa.  The  striped  hyaena  (Hyama  striata)  was  widely  spread  in  early  times 
over  the  greater  part  of  Europe,  although  less  common  there  than  the  spotted 
species.  At  the  present  day  it  is  abundant  in  the  northern  and  central  provinces  of 
India,  but  rare  in  lower  Bengal  and  unknown  in  Ceylon.  From  India  it  ranges 
through  Baluchistan,  Persia,  and  Mesopotamia,  to  the  Caucasus,  as  well  as  through 
Arabia,  Syria,  and  Palestine.  In  Africa  it  inhabits  Egypt,  Abyssinia,  and  the 
countries  north  of  the  Sahara,  while  in  east  central  Africa  it  is  represented  by  the 
race  known  as  H.  striata  schillingsi. 

The  striped  hyaena,  which  has  a  total  length  of  about  5  feet  from  the  nose  to 
the  end  of  the  tail,  is  distinguished  by  its  large  pointed  ears,  and  the  erect  mane 
extending  from  the  head  to  the  base  of  the  long-haired  tail.  The  hind-legs  are 
shorter  and  have  smaller  feet  than  the  fore-limbs.  In  colour  it  is  dirty  grey,  striped 
with  black  on  the  sides  and  legs.  This  species  prefers  open  country  with  hills,  or 
sandy  plains,  and  in  Syria  and  Palestine  is  often  found  among  the  tombs  in  the 
rocks.  In  India,  where  it  often  frequents  ruins,  it  hides  in  caves  or  among  the 
rocks  on  the  slopes  of  ravines.  Leading  in  the  main  a  nocturnal  life,  it  is  some- 
times seen  by  daylight,  especially  early  in  the  morning  or  late  in  the  evening. 
During  the  night  it  covers  long  distances,  no  tracks  being  more  common  than 
those  of  this  animal,  which  might  be  mistaken  for  dogs'  spoor,  were  it  not  for  the 
smaller  impressions  of  the  hind-feet.  Unlike  the  spotted  species,  the  striped 
hyaena  leads  a  solitary  life,  and  it  is  seldom  that  more  than  one  or  two  are  seen  at 
a  time. 

_.    .  Among    the    insect- eating    mammals    the    hedgehogs    are    re- 

Hedgehogs.  °  b  &        to 

presented  by  several  species  in  south-western  Asia,  the  European 
form  inhabiting  Asia  Minor  and  Syria,  while  the  large-eared  hedgehog  (Erinaceus 
<  I  a  ritus)  ranges  from  the  Caspian  district  into  Mesopotamia.  In  Persia,  Baluchistan, 
and  near  Kandahar  and  Quetta  dwells  the  long-spined  hedgehog  (E.  macracan- 
thus),  distinguished  by  the  long  spines  on  its  head,  some  of  which  are  as  much  as 






H  inches  in  length.  This  species  measures  about  9i  inches  in  length,  the  tail  being 
a  little  over  an  inch,  and  the  pointed  ears  two  inches  long.  The  Afghan  hedgehog 
{E.  megalotis),  which  has  equally  long  ears,  is  about  a  foot  in  length  without  the  tail, 
which  measures  1|  inches.  This  species  is  distributed  over  the  greater  part  of 
Afghanistan,  where  it  lives  on  worms,  insects,  lizards,  and  especially  snails.  During 
the  day  it  sleeps,  and  from  October  or  November  to  February  it  hibernates  in  deep 
holes  in  the  ground.  Another  hedgehog  of  south-western  Asia  is  Jerdon's  hedge- 
hog (E.  jerdoni),  which  inhabits  Sind  and  the  Punjab,  and  is  about  7^  inches  long 
without  its  tail,  which  measures  a  little  over  an  inch  in  length.  The  collared 
hedgehog  (E.  collaris),  which  is  found  in  the  Punjab,  Sind,  and  other  parts  of 
north-western  India,  has  long  ears,  and  a  length  of  7  inches,  exclusive  of  the  tail, 
which  measures  about  an  inch.  It  is  dark  in  colour  with  a  whitish  chin,  and  a 
band  of  white  running  along  each  side  of  the  lower  jaw  up  the  neck.  This  species 
frequents  sandy  plains,  where  it  hides  beneath  thorns  or  in  long  grass  during  the 
day.  Its  food  consists  mainly  of  insects,  but  it  also  eats  lizards  and  snails. 
Stoliczka's  hedgehog  (E.  pictus),  which  ranges  from  the  east  of  the  Mediterranean 
area  into  India,  is  a  very  small  species,  the  males  being  only  about  8  inches  in 
length  exclusive  of  the  short  tail,  while  the  females  are  smaller.  It  inhabits 
north-western  India,  the  Punjab,  Sind,  Kach,  and  Rajputana,  and  extends  as  far 
east  as  Agra.  By  day  it  hides  among  grass  or  in  holes,  such  as  those  abandoned 
by  foxes,  and  is  said  to  be  common  in  the  dry  parts  of  north-western  India,  but 
as  it  has  been  seldom  observed,  its  habits  are  not  well  known.  All  the  hedgehogs, 
it  may  be  noted,  are  immune  to  snake-poison. 

Passing  on  to  the  bats,  several  noteworthy  species  deserve  mention, 
among  them  being  the  Indian  pipistrelle  (Pipistrellus  abramus), 
which  is  very  common,  and  whose  habits  have  been  well  observed.  It  is  found 
beneath  roofs,  in  sheds,  old  houses,  etc.,  much  oftener  than  in  woods,  and  flies  early 
in  the  evening,  often  in  the  neighbourhood  of  human  habitations.  With  a  body- 
length  of  1-S-  inches  and  a  tail-length  of  almost  1£  inches,  in  colour  it  is  dark  brown 
above  and  paler  brown  below.  Its  range  extends  from  northern  Australia  and,  at 
least  in  summer,  over  central  Europe  as  far  north  as  Sweden.  In  India,  where 
it  is  found  up  to  the  height  of  7000  feet  in  the  Himalaya,  it  is  one  of  the  most 
common  bats.  It  flies  quickly,  but  smoothly;  and  in  its  pursuit  of  flying 
insects  suddenly  drops  in  its  flight  and  hovers  for  a  while  over  the  same 

Another  species,  Kuhl's  bat  (P.  Jcuhli),  is  reddish  or  blackish  brown  above 
and  more  yellowish  below,  but  is  specially  characterised  by  the  yellowish  white  hind 
edge  of  the  flying-membrane  which  extends  from  the  fifth  finger  to  the  foot.  The 
length  is  just  over  3  inches,  the  tail  measuring  1£  inches,  and  the  expanse  of  wing 
8f  inches.  Its  range  extends  from  the  valleys  of  the  southern  Alps  through 
southern  Europe  to  northern  and  north-eastern  Africa  and  south-western  Asia.  In 
southern  Europe  it  is  the  commonest  bat,  and  may  be  seen  flying  in  great  numbers 
along  the  streets  and  between  the  houses  of  towns  and  villages;  it  is  also 
found  on  the  rocky  shores  of  the  Mediterranean  at  the  foot  of  the  Maritime  Alps  and 
along  the  shores  of  the  Adriatic.  This  bat  flies  with  great  swiftness,  although  not 
so  high  or  in  such  bold  curves  as  its  two  northern  relatives.     Neither  does  it  range 



so  high  up  the  mountains,  never  being  found  higher  than  1000  feet  on  the  southern 

slopes  of  the  Alps. 

The  desert -bat  (Myotis  desertorum),  which  inhabits  Persia,  Baluchistan, 
Afghanistan,  and  probably  other  parts  of  south-western  Asia,  assimilates  in  colour 
to  the  desert-sand.  Another  bat  of  this  area  is  the  widely  distributed  Miniopterus 
schreibersi,  which  ranges  from  southern  Europe  through  Asia,  Africa,  and 
Madagascar,  to  Australia.  Its  powerful  flight  and  the  graceful  movement  of  its 
wings°make  it  almost  the  equal  of  the  swallow  in  speed.  In  length  it  is  2£  inches, 
the  tail  measuring  about  the  same ;  in  southern  Europe  and  northern  Africa  it  is 
grey,  in  India  generally  dark  brown. 

The  remarkable  long-tailed  bat  (Rhinopoma  microphyllum)  is  of  almost 
equally  wide  distribution,  ranging  from  Egypt  to  Burma.  It  is  at  once  dis- 
tinguished from  all  other  bats  by  its  extremely  long,  thin,  whip-like  free  tail. 
In  length  the  body  measures  only  3  inches,  but  the  tail  is  nearly  2i  inches  long. 
In  colour  it  is  sombre  greyish  blue  both  above  and  below.  It  may  be  added 
that  a  few  species  of  monkeys  inhabit  Kashmir,  but  as  these  are  obviously  out- 
lying Oriental  forms,  and  not  distinctive  Mediterranean  types,  they  need  not  be 
further  referred  to  in  this  place. 

Buibuiand  The   birds   of   south-western   Asia   include   a  great  number  of 

Chats.  central  European  types  mingled  with  others  unknown  in  the  former 
area.  The  nightingale,  for  instance,  is  found  in  Asia  Minor,  but  in  Persia  and 
Turkestan  is  replaced  by  the  bulbul  or  Persian  nightingale  (Daulias  hafizi,  or 
golzii),  which  is  of  rather  larger  size,  with  a  longer  and  more  rounded  tail  and 
a  paler  colour.  In  the  neighbourhood  of  the  Caspian  the  nightingale  lives 
mostly  amid  dense  brambles.  Another  European  species,  the  black  redstart,  occurs 
in  Asia  Minor ;  and  the  stonechat  of  central  and  southern  Europe  ranges  through 
the  corresponding  latitudes  of  Asia  as  far  as  Japan,  while  the  whinchat  is  met 
with  as  far  south  as  Persia.  The  wheatear,  again,  is  represented  in  south-western 
Asia  and  north-eastern  Africa  by  the  eastern  black -throated  wheatear  (Saxicola 
melanoleuca),  which  breeds  in  Greece,  southern  Russia,  and  Asia  Minor,  and  on 
migration  visits  the  Nile  valley  and  the  regions  as  far  south  as  Zanzibar.  Like  all 
the  wheatears,  it  is  a  brisk,  restless  bird,  which  feeds  on  beetles,  grubs,  caterpillars, 
and  other  flying  and  creeping  insects.  In  habits  it  resembles  the  other  members  of 
the  group,  but  dwells  on  low  mountains  among  barren  rocks  or  on  sandy  shores, 
often  appearing  near  human  dwellings  and  making  its  nest  in  walls  and  stone-heaps. 
In  length  it  is  over  5i  inches.  The  males  are  black  on  the  side  of  the  face  and  the 
throat,  and  on  the  scapulars  and  wing-coverts,  and  pale  rusty  red  mingled  with 
white  on  the  upper  part  of  the  head  and  back. 

The  dippers  have  a  representative  in  this  area  which  differs  from 

the  European  form  in  certain  details  of  coloration.     The  white-necked 

dipper  (Cinclus  albicollis),  as  it  is  called,  is  indigenous  to  Asia  Minor,  North  Africa. 

and  southern  Europe.     Although   very  like  the  common  species,  it  is  paler  and 

greyer  in  colour. 

Rock-Thmsh.  The  roc^-tnrusn  of   this   region  is  the  blue  species  (Monticola 

cyanus),  which  inhabits  the  shores  of  the  Mediterranean  from  Spain 

to  Greece  and  is  further  distributed  through  Asia  Minor,  Persia,  and  central  Asia, 

R  O  CK-  THR  USB—  WARBLERS  5  7 

as  far  as  the  eastern  coast  of  China.     This  species  frequents  quiet  isolated  rocky 

districts,  and   is    a   real    bird  of    the    rocks,  never    perching  on  trees,  and  when 

disturbed  flying  to  the  highest  spot  attainable.     It  avoids   the   society  of  other 

species,  and  is  generally  seen  only  in  company  with    its    mate,  searching  every 

crevice  and  turning  over  every  stone  for  its  food,  which  consists  of  insects,  spiders, 

centipedes,  and  berries,  especially  currants.     It  is  a  favourite  cage-bird,  and  has  a  fine 

rich  song,  consisting  of  a  few  loud  notes,  with  rather  unmusical  interludes.     During 

nesting-time  the  male  keeps  close   to   the   nest,  and  often  performs  his  graceful 

"  love "  flight,  fluttering  slowly  up    into   the    air,  and   coming   down   in    regular 

curves.     In  colour,  the    cock  is  slaty  blue,  with  blue  edges  round  his  wing  and 

tail    feathers,    the    female    being    mainly    brown.     The    thrushes    are    less    well 

represented  in  the  Mediterranean  area,  but,  like  the  blue  rock-thrush,  the  European 

blackbird  breeds  in  Asia  Minor. 

Among  the  warblers,  the  blackcap  breeds  in  Asia  Minor,  as  does 
Warblers.  w  1 

also  the  whitethroat ;    and  the  Orphean  warbler  (Sylvia  orpheus) 

has  its  principal  habitat  in  the  Mediterranean  countries.  In  the  west  it  is  reported 
as  a  straggler  into  England,  and  has  been  met  with  in  Belgium  and  more 
frequently  in  Luxemburg;  eastwards  its  range  extends  through  Asia  Minor  as  far 
as  Turkestan.  Although  perching  more  in  the  tops  of  trees  than  in  the  brush- 
wood below,  this  bird  nests  in  the  latter.  In  Spain  it  is  found  in  pines  of  50  feet 
in  height,  as  well  as  in  clumps  of  fig,  olive,  and  carob  trees.  In  Algeria  and  Tunis, 
where  it  is  very  common,  it  seems  to  prefer  mountain  woods  to  plantations  and 
gardens  in  the  plain.  In  August  and  September  it  migrates  to  central  Africa  and 
India,  and  in  the  beginning  of  April  returns  to  its  breeding-area.  Its  song  is 
loud,  clear,  and  melodious,  including  a  succession  of  resounding  notes,  which  the 
bird,  perched  on  an  olive  bough,  with  puffed-out  throat,  is  never  weary  of  repeat- 
ing, the  melody  being  continued  even  while  the  songster  is  fluttering  to  the 
ground  with  expanded  tail  and  quivering  wings.  In  olive  plantations,  where  the 
trees  are  planted  at  wide  intervals,  the  bird  is  very  wary,  but  in  the  dense  tops  of 
fig-trees  and  carobs  it  may  be  watched  without  difficulty.  Like  the  others,  this 
warbler  feeds  on  insects  and  fruit.  It  is  distinguished  by  the  black  crown  and 
sides  of  the  face,  and  the  brown  and  white  tail.  In  size  it  is  about  the  same  as 
the  barred  warbler. 

Among  other  members  of  the  group  occurring  in  south-western  Asia  are 
Bonelli's  warbler  (Sylvia  bonellii)  and  the  olivaceous  warbler  (Hypolais  pallida), 
which  is  common  to  south-western  Asia,  northern  Africa,  and  southern  Europe. 
The  latter  resembles  the  garden  warbler,  but  is  much  smaller,  and  distinguished 
by  having  the  first  primary  longer  than  the  coverts.  The  olive-tree  warbler 
(H.  olivetorum),  inhabiting  Asia  Minor  and  Syria,  is  somewhat  larger  and  darker, 
and  brownish  grey  instead  of  olive-brown  above.  The  grasshopper-warblers  are 
represented  by  Savi's  warbler  (Locustella  luscinioides),  a  species  ranging  as  far 
north  as  Great  Britain,  and  eastwards  into  southern  Russia  and  western  Asia. 
Resembling  its  relatives  in  habits  and  haunts,  it  generally  frequents  river- 
banks  covered  with  dense  shrubs,  but  for  its  nesting-place  chooses  a  more  open 
spot,  where  reeds  are  interspersed  with  other  marsh-plants.  Its  song  resembles 
that  of  the  grasshopper-warbler,  but  is  sweeter  and   more  musical,  although  so 



monotonous  that  the  bird  is  known  in  the  fen-districts  as  the  reel-bird.  In 
length  it  is  about  5  inches;  in  colour  reddish  brown  above,  and  white  on  the 
throat,  the  under  tail-coverts  being  pale  chestnut.  The  sedge-warblers  are  repre- 
sented in  this  area  by  the  moustached  sedge-warbler  (Lusciniola  melanopogon), 
which  inhabits  Asia  Minor,  northern  Africa,  and  southern  Europe,  where  it  dwells 
among  swamps  covered  with  reeds,  here  and  there  varied  with  low  bushes.  By 
no  means  shy,  it  will  continue  hunting  for  insects  when  its  haunts  are  approached. 
It  may  be  easily  distinguished  from  the  reed-warblers  by  its  peculiar  habit  of 
spreading  the  tail  aloft  and  shrugging  its  wings.  Of  the  size  of  the  common  reed- 
warbler,  it  has  a  dark,  rusty  brown  back  due  to  the  feathers  having  dark  centres. 
The  head  is  nearly  black,  the  first  primary  broad  and  long,  and  there  is  a  distinct 
greyish  white  eye-stripe. 

Cetti's  warbler  (Bradypterus  cettii)  is  one  of  the  best  songsters  of  the 
Mediterranean  area,  in  some  parts  of  which  it  remains  the  whole  year  round, 
singing  every  month.  Living  in  impenetrable  thickets,  this  warbler  makes  a  nest 
near  the  water,  in  which  it  lays  bright  red,  unspotted  eggs.  In  length  it  is 
5|  inches.  The  plumage  is  a  rich  russet-brown  above,  and  white  on  the  throat 
and  breast.     The  tail-feathers  are  ten  in  number. 

Both  the  wrren  and  the  goldcrest  occur  in  south-western  Asia, 

while  still  more  common  is  the  fan-tailed  Cisticola  cursitans,  which 

is  light  brown  with  darker  streaks  above  and  white  shading  into  brownish  below, 

the  general  appearance  being  that  of  a  small  reed-warbler  with  a  curved  beak 

and  fan-shaped  tail. 

The  coal-tit  ranges  as  far  west  as  Japan,  the  blue  tit  into  Persia,  while  the 
sombre  tit  (Panes  lucjubriv)  of  the  south  of  Europe  occurs  in  Asia  Minor  and 
Palestine.  The  last-named  species  somewhat  resembles  the  marsh-tit,  which  it 
exceeds  in  size  by  about  an  inch,  and  is  further  distinguished  by  the  black  chin 
and  throat,  the  browner  crown,  and  the  white  edges  to  the  wings  and  tail.  A  shy, 
unsociable  species,  inhabiting  mountain  valleys  with  wild  fruit-trees,  it  appears 
on  its  breeding-grounds  at  the  end  of  April,  to  leave  again  for  the  south  at  the 
beginning  of  September.  The  bearded  tit  (Panurus  biarmicus),  distinguished  by 
its  curved  beak  and  the  length  of  the  tail,  in  which  the  feathers  are  graduated, 
also  enters  the  Mediterranean  region.  The  favourite  haunts  of  this  bird  (the  sole 
representative  of  its  kind)  are  reed-beds,  especially  near  the  sea.  Not  infrequently 
it  is  found  in  small  patches  of  reeds,  and  when  these  die  down  it  betakes  itself 
to  dense  willow  bushes,  and  occasionally  trees.  The  nest,  always  well  hidden,  is 
placed  on  the  ground  in  a  bunch  of  reeds,  and  is  made  of  grass  and  flags  lined  with 
reed-flowers.  The  bearded  tit  still  breeds  in  the  vast  reed-thickets  of  Friesland  and 
south  Holland,  but  has  become  somewhat  rare  in  England.  It  is  more  frequent 
in  southern  France,  especially  in  the  Rhone  delta,  and  it  has  been  observed  in 
Spain.  Very  rarely  it  is  found  in  Germany,  as,  for  instance,  in  Oldenburg,  on  the 
Moselle,  Minister,  and  Mecklenburg.  Its  chief  habitat  includes  south-eastern 
Europe,  Asia  Minor,  and  western  Asia  as  far  as  the  Saisan  Lake  at  the  foot  of  the 
Altai.  It  is  a  lively  bird  with  a  soft,  twittering  song,  incessantly  busy  in  climbing 
up  and  down  the  waving  reeds,  and  feeding  on  snails  and  aquatic  and  other  insects, 
;specially  aphides.     In  autumn  and  winter  it  collects  in  flocks  to  feed  on  the  seeds 



of  the  reed.  In  length  it  measures  about  Qh  inches.  In  colour  the  crown  is  grey, 
the  long  moustache  black,  the  back  orange-tawny,  the  tail,  which  is  over  3  inches 
long,  fawn-coloured,  the  wings  striped  with  reddish  brown,  buffish  white  and 
black,  and  a  good  deal  of  black  on  the  coverts.  Beneath  it  is  mostly  rosy  grey, 
and  the  feet  are  black  and  the  bill  yellow. 

■  . 



Two  species  of  nuthatch,  the  European  and  the  rock,  or  Syrian 
(Sitta  neumayeri),  occur  in  the  Mediterranean  area,  the  latter 
inhabiting  Greece,  Asia  Minor,  and  Syria,  and  ranging  as  far  as  Afghanistan,  while 
it  also  occurs  in  Bosnia  and  Dalmatia.  From  the  common  nuthatch  it  diners 
widely  in  habits,  living  almost  exclusively  on  rocks  or  old  walls,  in  the  crevices  of 
which  is  placed  the  carefully  constructed  nest.  The  bird  itself,  which  measures 
about  51  inches  in  length,  is  somewhat  smaller  and  rather  browner  above  than  the 




common  species,  the  lower-parts  being  whitish,  with  the  exception  of  the  russet 
feathers  on  the  flanks,  abdomen,  and  under  tail-coverts. 

The  European  skylark  is  replaced  in  south-western  Asia  by  the 
short-toed  lark  (Calandrella  brachydactyla),  which,  like  its  eggs,  is 
of  a  pale  sandy  colour,  in  harmony  with  the  barren  plains  on  which  it  dwells.  In 
its  mode  of  flight,  and  especially  in  singing  as  it  hovers  over  one  particular  spot, 
this  species  resembles  the  skylark,  its  rich  full  notes  being  also  like  those  of 
that  bird,  although  softer.     Its  habit  of  collecting  in  large  flocks  at  certain  times 




of  the  year  is  likewise  similar.  In  addition  to  southern  Europe,  this  bird 
inhabits  northern  Africa,  south-western  and  north-western  Asia,  especially  the 
districts  round  the  Caspian  Sea.  According  to  the  climate  of  the  countries  it 
inhabits,  it  is  resident  or  migratory.  Now  and  then  it  appears  in  the  British  Isles, 
(Jermany,  and  the  northern  countries  of  Europe  as  a  straggler,  its  breeding-area 
extending  from  the  south  of  France  to  Turkestan. 

The  calandra  \-A\\(Melanocorypha  calandra)  is  another  member  of  the  group, 
distributed  over  southern  Europe  from  Spain  to  Greece,  through  Asia  Minor  and 
the  countries  round  the  Caspian  as  far  east  as  Turkestan,  and   also   inhabiting 


northern  Africa  from  Morocco  to  Egypt  and  Nubia.     Frequenting  cornfields  and 

meadows,  steppes  and  deserts,  it  leads  a  life  similar  to  that  of  the  skylark,  which  it 

resembles  in  all  its  habits,  including  that  of  nesting  on  the  ground.     In  winter  it 

associates  in  immense  flocks  with  larks  of  other  species.     An  excellent  songster, 

it  trills  its  melody  with  the  addition  of  many  passages  from  the  songs  of  other 

birds,  so  that  its  chant  is  full  of  variety.     It  is  especially  vocal  at  pairing-time 

when  the  male  soars  to  such  a  height  that  his  presence  is  betrayed  only  by  his 

melody.     This  lark,  which  is  7  inches  in  length,  has  a  large  thick  beak,  a  short 

tail,  and  resembles  the  European  skylark  in  colour  and  markings,  except  that  the 

coverts  are  bright  rufous  and  form  a  shoulder-patch. 

The  crested   lark  ranges  from  Europe  into  and  beyond  south-western  Asia. 

whereas  the  area  of  the  woodlark  does  not  extend  farther  east  than  Asia  Minor. 

The   desert-larks  are  distinguished  \yy  their  broad  flat  crest,   quite    unlike    the 

pointed  one  of  the  crested  larks,  and  the  long  thin  beak.      One  of  these  (Alcemon 

desertorum),  an    unmistakable  bird   of    the   desert,  in  its  sandy  grey  colouring, 

inhabits  the  whole  of  the  desert-zone  extending  from  north-western  Africa  to  the 

west  of  British  India,  although  nowhere  very  common,  being  distributed  in  solitary 

pairs,  each  of  which  claims  a  territory  of  its  own.     The  song  is  short  and  simple ; 

the  nest  is  made  on  the  sand,  and  the  eggs  are  greyish  with  sandy  markings. 

Wagtails  and  Of  the  wagtails,  the  white  species  is  rarer  in  south-western  Asia 

Pipits.         anci  the  south  generally  than  its  common  European  relative,  the  grey 

wagtail,  which  ranges  from  central  and  southern  Europe  and  northern  Africa  through 

the  corresponding  latitudes  of  Asia  to  the  Far  East.     The  yellow  wagtails,  in  various 

forms,  have  a  similarly  extensive  range.     The  pipits  are  represented  within  the 

present  area  by  the  water  pipit  and  the  tawny  pipit,  the  former  inhabiting  the 

mountains  and  the  latter  the  plains. 

Several  European  buntings  are  found  in  south-western  Asia  and 
Bunting's.  .  .  , 

other  parts  of  the  Mediterranean  area,  as,  for  instance,  the  corn  bunting, 

the  ortolan,  the  cirl  bunting,  the  meadow  bunting,  and  the  reed  bunting.  Another 
species  inhabiting  south-western  Asia  is  the  black-headed  bunting  (Emberiza 
melanocephala),  which  does  not  breed  in  Europe,  though  it  straggles  as  far  west 
as  the  British  Isles.  It  inhabits  south-eastern  Europe  and  south-western  Asia, 
and  ranges  from  the  shores  of  the  Adriatic  and  the  lower  slopes  of  the  Caucasus 
to  India,  migrating  east  and  west  instead  of  south  and  north.  In  India  it 
appears  from  November  to  March  in  large  numbers,  doing  great  damage  to  the 
fields,  and  in  Asia  Minor  and  Turkey  arrives  at  the  end  of  April  in  one  flock,  so 
that  places  near  the  seashore,  where  not  a  single  bunting  was  seen  the  day  before, 
suddenly  resound  with  its  song.  It  nests  by  preference  in  sage-bushes  and  the 
Christ's  thorn  (Paliurus  aculeatus)  or  on  the  ground,  and  feeds  on  insects  and 
seeds.  In  length  it  measures  7  inches,  and  in  colour  is  light  bay  with  no  streaks 
on  the  sides,  but  the  conspicuous  black  cap  from  which  it  takes  its  name. 
The  rusty  Cretzschmar's  bunting  (E.  ccesia)  dwells  in  the  desert  parts  of  south- 
eastern Europe  and  south-western  Asia,  where  it  frequents  barren  rocky  hills  and 
nests  among  shrubs  and  isolated  rocks.  This  bird  is  rather  smaller  and  somewhat 
more  brightly  coloured  than  the  ortolan,  with  a  grey  head,  neck,  and  chest-band, 
and  a  rich  chestnut  throat  and  breast. 


Among  the  finches  we  find  the  citril  finch  in  Asia  Minor  and 
Finches.  n0I.thern  Africa,  while  the  goldfinch  is  an  inhabitant  of  south-western 
Asia  from  Smyrna  to  Persia.  The  greenfinch  is  also  to  be  found  in  this  region,  and 
the  chaffinch,  which  is  rare  in  Persia,  is  a  common  bird  in  Asia  Minor,  as  is  also  the 
bullfinch,  while  the  rock-sparrow  and  the  tree-sparrow  range  as  far  as  Afghanistan. 
The  common  house-sparrow  is  replaced  in  Asia  Minor,  although  not  in  northern 
Africa,  by  the  Italian  house -sparrow. 

Starlings  are  represented  in  Palestine,  southern  Europe,  and  north- 
west Africa  by  the  Sardinian  species  (Sturnus  unicolor),  a  near  relative 
of  the  European  starling,  but  distinguished  by  the  shorter  body  and  the  unspotted 
black  plumage,  which  is  of  a  violet  hue  on  the  wings.     This  starling  is  found  in  the 
Ukraine,  Caucasia,  and  a  great  part  of  south-western  Asia,  ranging  as  far  as  Kashmir. 
Of  the  crow  tribe,  the  rook  ranges  into  Syria  and  Persia.     From 
the  north,  the  hooded  crow  enters  this  region,  but  not  the  carrion 
crow.     In  Persia  and  Mesopotamia  the  hooded  crow  is  represented  by  an  allied 
species  in  which  the    markings    are  white    instead   of   grey.     The  jackdaw    and 
magpie  are  also  present,  but  the  jay  is  replaced  in  Asia  Minor  by  the  black-headed 
jay  (Garrulus  krynicki)  and  in   Syria  by  the  Syrian  jay   (G.   syriacus).     The 
chough   occurs   in    Persia    where   the    mountains   are  sufficiently    high,  and    the 
Alpine  chough  ranges  from  the  Lebanon  to  the  Himalaya  and  Altai. 

shrikes  and  Another  European  bird  found  in  Asia  Minor  and  Persia  is  the 

Flycatchers,    lesser  grey  shrike,  which  is,  however,  rare.     The  commonest  shrike  is 

the  woodchat,  but  the  red-backed  shrike  also  breeds  within  the  region.     The  four 

European  flycatchers  already  described  are  also  frequent  in  south-western  Asia. 

swallows  and  The  swallows  are  represented  by  the  European  species,  as  well 

Martins.      as  by  the  red-rumped  swallow  (Hirundo  rufula)  which  ranges  from 

southern  Europe  to  Turkestan.     Although  very  like  the  ordinary  swallow,  it  has  a 

streaked  abdomen,  the  back  marked  with  white,  the  neck  and  lower  part  of  the 

back  variegated  with  chestnut,  and  a  chestnut  eye-stripe.     It  lives  by  preference 

among  rocks  near  the  sea  or  large  inland  waters,  and  makes  beneath  projecting 

ledges  a  rounded  nest  of  mud  and  clay,  furnished  with  an  entrance  tube  sometimes 

as  much  as  5  inches  in  length. 

The  European  martin  and  sand-martin  inhabit  the  latitudes  of  Asia  corre- 
sponding with  those  of  their  habitat  in  Europe.  Another  species,  the  crag-martin 
{Cottle  rupestris),  is  indigenous  to  the  south  of  Europe  and  thence  distributed 
through  Asia  as  far  as  China.  Nesting  in  the  towers  and  ruins  of  mountain 
castles  or  among  high  rocks  and  steep  cliffs  on  the  seashore,  only  in  cool  mornings 
and  wet  foggy  weather  does  it  come  down  from  the  heights.  On  such  occasions  it 
will  associate  with  other  swallows,  to  return  so  soon  as  possible  to  its  mountain 
home.  Here  it  builds  a  nest  of  clay  and  earth  sheltered  by  a  projecting  rock.  In 
size  it  is  slightly  larger  than  the  sand-martin ;  the  back  is  light  grey,  the  throat 
white,  the  chin  mottled  with  brown,  and  the  lower-parts  light  rusty  greyish  brown, 
the  outer  tail  feathers  having  a  white  blotch  in  the  middle  of  the  outer  web. 
Bee  Eater  and  The  swifts  are  represented  in  south-western  Asia  by  the  Alpine 

other  Picarians.  swift ;  and  in  like  manner  the  nightjar  inhabits  the  latitudes  of  Asia 
corresponding  to  those  of  its  European  habitat.     The  blue  roller,  whose  area  extends 



from  central  and  southern  Europe  into  western  Asia,  avoids  the  magpie  everywhere, 
and  never  nests  in  the  same  localities  as  that  bird.  The  hoopoe  ranges  from 
Europe  and  North  Africa  all  through  Asia  to  the  Pacific.  The  kingfisher,  although 
not  met  with  quite  so  far  east,  inhabits  the  same  latitudes  in  western  Asia  as  in 
Europe.  The  bee-eater  {Merops  apiaatcr)  principally  inhabits  the  countries 
around  the  Mediterranean  and  Black  Sea.  Like  the  other  members  of  its  kind, 
this  beautiful  bird  is  distinguishable  at  a  glance  by  the  two  long  feathers  in  the 
middle  of  the  tail,  which  end  in  sharp  points.  Generally  speaking,  this  bee-eater 
lives  on  the  steep  banks  of  rivers,  or  by  the  sea,  and  from  there  visits  sand}7  plains 
and  flowery  meadows,  grassy  mountains,  and  the  skirts  of  forests.  In  flight  it  is 
exceedingly  graceful,  executing  the  boldest  curves,  serenely  moving  in  the  upper 
air,  or  fluttering  close  above  the  ground,  catching  insects  as  it  flies.  Like  the 
swallows,  it  does 
not  walk  with  ease,  k 


and  when  on  the 
ground  moves 
about  with  short 
tripping  steps.  It 
perches  on  hillocks, 
stones,  or  bare 
branches ;  and  re- 
sembles the  swal- 
lows in  being 
gregarious,  especi- 
ally during  the 
breeding  -  season, 
where  it  may  be 
seen  in  thousands. 
The  nests  and  sleep- 
ing -  places  are  a 
labyrinth  of  bur- 
rows, excavated 
close  together  in 
sandy    or    soft 

ground  by  the  beak  and  claws.  The  colonies  are  generally  found  in  river  banks  and 
occasionally  on  flat  stretches  of  sand  a  yard  or  two  underground.  The  bee-eater 
feeds  on  wasps,  bees,  hornets,  and  other  hymenopterous  insects,  and  takes  up  its 
position  near  a  wasp-nest  or  bee-hive  to  catch  the  owners  as  they  fly  in  or  out. 

The  bee-eater  is  a  bird  of  passage,  which  arrives  on  its  nesting-grounds  in 
April  and  leaves  in  August.  In  Greece  it  arrives  earlier  and  remains  longer. 
Sometimes  it  extends  its  migrations  beyond  the  northern  boundaries  of  its  area, 
and  then  appears  in  Britain,  Germany,  Denmark,  Sweden,  Finland,  and  elsewhere: 
Its  principal  breeding-grounds  are,  however,  in  the  Mediterranean  countries,  and 
round  the  Black  Sea ;  but  the  species  ranges  from  Spain  and  southern  France, 
through  Turkey,  Asia  Minor,  and  Persia  to  Turkestan  and  Kashmir.  During 
migration  the  bee-eater  is  found  throughout  northern  Africa,  and  even  makes  its 



64  SO  UTH  -  WESTERN  A  SI  A 

way  to  Cape  Colony.  This  beautiful  bird  is  about  10  inches  long ;  the  head  and 
mantle  are  chestnut,  the  back  creamy  buff,  the  lower  part  of  the  back  being 
marked  with  blue,  while  the  tail-feathers  are  green  with  blue  edges ;  the  bright 
yellow  throat  has  a  black  edge,  and  the  rest  of  the  under-parts  are  light  greenish 

The  crested  cuckoos,  which  are  about  the  size  of  the  common 

species,  are  distinguished  by  the  slender  body,  the  thin  but  fairly 
strong  beak,  and  the  pointed  crest.  Most  of  the  species  are  African,  but  one 
inhabits  the  south  of  Europe  and  south-western  Asia,  and  two  others  are  Indian. 
The  great  spotted  cuckoo  (Coccystes  glandarius)  is  the  Mediterranean  species,  which 
is  found  in  Africa  as  far  south  as  the  Congo,  and  has  straggled  as  far  north  as 
England  and  Germany.  It  is  an  active  bird,  less  wary  than  the  ordinary  cuckoo, 
and  feeds  entirely  on  insects.  Its  haunts  are  in  forests  and  gardens  abounding  in 
trees,  particularly  mimosa-forests ;  and  it  deposits  its  eggs  chiefly  in  the  nests  of 
rooks  and  other  members  of  the  crow  tribe.  In  length  it  is  about  16  inches  ;  and 
in  colour  it  is  ashy  brown  above  spotted  with  white,  and  creamy  white  below 
with  a  burl*  hue  on  the  chest,  the  crown  and  crest  being  dark  grey. 

So  far  as  the  central  European  birds-of-prey  are  not  exclusively 

inhabitants  of  the  north,  they  are  probably  all  found  in  suitable 
districts  of  the  Mediterranean  countries.  Among  the  nocturnal  kinds,  the  barn, 
the  little,  and  the  tawny  owl  range  into  Asia  Minor,  Syria,  and  Palestine,  while 
the  scops-eared  owl  is  a  typical  bird  of  the  Mediterranean  countries. 

Among  the    falcons,  the  noble  and  widely  spread  peregrine  is 

found  in  the  Mediterranean,  as  in  other  districts,  in  the  mountains, 
while  the  lanner  (Falco  feldeggii)  prefers  the  plains.  The  latter  species  nests  in 
oaks  and  other  tall  forest-trees  near  rivers,  or  on  the  ledges  of  steep  cliffs.  It 
inhabits  southern  Europe  and  northern  Africa  and  the  corresponding  latitudes  of 
central  Asia  as  far  east  as  China.  Its  European  breeding-area  comprises  Spain, 
Bohemia,  lower  Austria,  Hungary,  Bosnia,  Galicia,  Poland,  southern  Russia,  Bulgaria, 
and,  although  rarely,  Greece ;  while  it  builds  frequently  in  Asia  Minor.  It  is  also 
found  in  forests  near  Vienna  and  all  down  the  Danube  as  far  as  the  Dobrudscha, 
where  it  generally  uses  the  abandoned  nests  of  other  birds-of-prey.  In  winter  the 
lanner  resorts  to  warmer  climates,  for  instance  Egypt,  where  it  arrives  with  other 
birds  on  the  lagoons  and  swamps  of  the  Nile  Delta,  but  soon  settles  down  to  a 
hunting-tract  of  its  own  in  places  where  it  has  a  good  view  of  the  surrounding 
country.  While  the  morning  mist  still  hangs  above  the  lagoons,  and  the  geese, 
ducks,  and  other  water  birds  fill  their  shores  with  a  deafening  noise,  the  lanner 
suddenly  dashes  down  and  seizes — amid  the  momentary  silence  caused  by  its 
appearance — a  victim  from  the  midst  of  the  flock,  which  it  carries  off  to  the 
nearest  elevated  spot.  When  young,  this  falcon  resembles  the  peregrine,  but  later 
may  be  easily  distinguished  by  its  superior  size,  more  pointed  wings,  and  the  buff 
bars  on  the  tail.  In  flight  it  is  swifter  than  the  peregrine,  and  works  its  wings 
more  vigorously,  while  when  at  rest  it  crosses  them  over  the  narrow  tail  and 
holds  the  body  erect.  The  kestrel  ranges  from  southern  Europe  and  North  Africa 
into  India,  while  the  lesser  kestrel  (F.  cenchris)  breeds  in  southern  Europe,  the 
Grecian  Archipelago,  Asia  Minor,  Persia,  Turkestan,  and  farther  east,  as  well  as  in 


northern  Africa.  Its  European  range  comprises  Spain,  southern  Italy,  Greece,  the 
Dobrudscha,  and  southern  Russia.  It  breeds  as  far  north  as  Styria  and  occasion- 
ally appears  as  a  straggler  in  the  British  Isles.  In  August  and  September  it 
migrates  to  South  Africa,  whence  it  returns  in  March  and  April  to  its  breeding 
grounds.  Although  it  may  sometimes  eat  lizards,  mice,  and  small  birds,  its  principal 
food  appears  to  be  the  larger  insects,  especially  locusts,  and  on  this  account  it  is 
protected  in  Turkey  and  Russia.  In  size  the  lesser  kestrel  measures  about  12  inches. 
The  head  and  tail  are  grey,  the  chestnut  of  the  back  is  not  spotted,  the  claws 
are  white,  and  the  feet,  lores,  and  eyelids  yellow.     The  beak  is  deeply  notched. 

With  respect  to  the  eagles,  the  golden  eagle  is  a  breeding  bird 
over  the  greater  part  of  Asia.  Bonelli's  hawk-eagle  (Nisaetus 
fasciatus)  inhabits  southern  Europe,  north-western  Africa,  and  Asia  as  far  east  as 
Madras.  Though  occasionally  building  on  river-banks,  it  nests  chiefly  on  rocky 
cliffs,  which  form  its  usual  resorts.  From  these  it  descends  to  the  plains  to  seek 
its  prey;  and,  although  a  somewhat  roving  species,  never  migrates.  An  active, 
powerful  bird,  quicker  in  flight  than  other  eagles,  it  may  be  distinguished  from 
them  by  its  slender  form,  long  tail,  and  the  buff  colour  of  the  under-parts,  as 
well  as  by  carrying  its  body  more  horizontally  and  inclining  it  more  forward. 
It  is  of  fearless  appearance,  and  as  courageous  as  it  looks.  In  India  it  is  known  as 
the  peacock-killer,  and  will  not  only  kill  pea-fowl  and  birds  of  that  size,  but 
even  attack  the  golden  eagle  and  deprive  it  of  its  prey.  In  length  it  measures 
about  26  inches.  The  feathers  of  the  head  and  back  are  mostly  white  at  their 
bases,  the  white  increasing  as  the  bird  grows  older,  so  that  it  becomes  pre- 
dominant in  old  age.  The  buff  under-parts  are  narrowly  streaked  with  dark  brown, 
the  cere  and  feet  are  yellow,  and  the  toes  and  claws  noticeably  large.  Another 
member  of  the  same  group,  the  booted  hawk-eagle  (Ar.  pennatus)  is  mostly  found  in 
the  forest-regions  of  the  south  of  Europe,  ranging  thence  eastwards  to  India  and 
Ceylon.  Nesting  as  a  rule  in  small  colonies,  where  the  forest  offers  a  wide  view, 
it  uses  by  preference  the  abandoned  nests  of  other  birds-of-prey ;  but  when  it  builds 
a  nest  this  is  large,  bulky,  and  finished  with  green  branches.  The  booted  eagle  is 
exceedingly  courageous  during  the  brooding-period,  which  lasts  for  four  weeks, 
and  until  the  young  are  fully  fledged.  In  habits  the  male  differs  from  other 
birds-of-prey  by  its  dove-like  gentleness,  and  also  by  the  way  in  which  it  returns 
to  its  mate,  perching  close  by  on  a  branch,  and  then  walking  slowly  towards  the 
nest  with  drooping  head  and  puffed-up  crop,  like  a  pigeon,  uttering  all  the  while 
a  sonorous  "  kei  kei."  When  hunting  for  prey  in  the  forest  with  the  same  skill 
as  a  hawk,  this  eagle  hovers  rather  nearer  the  ground,  capturing  as  it  goes 
starlings  and  pigeons,  but  more  especially  lizards  and  frogs.  When  loaded  with  its 
prey,  it  is  often  attacked  by  kites,  to  which  it  occasionally  yields  its  booty. 
Unlike  its  kindred,  this  eagle  has  a  sort  of  song,  consisting  of  alternating  notes, 
comparable  more  to  the  voice  of  a  singing  bird  than  to  the  shrill  scream  of  a  bird- 
of-prey.  It  is  only  24  inches  long,  not  quite  so  large  as  a  buzzard,  but  in  shape  is 
a  small  replica  of  the  golden  eagle.  A  white  patch  on  the  shoulder  is  its  most 
characteristic  mark,  other  features  being  the  pointed  feathers  on  the  neck,  the 
bluntness  and  roundness  of  the  other  feathers,  and  the  fact  that  the  tail  is  com- 
pletely covered  by  the  wings  when  at  rest. 
vol.  11. — 5 


Buzzards,  Kites,  As   regards   the   buzzards,   the   European  species   is   met  with 

etc-  in  remote  parts  of  Asia  Minor,  but  in  northern  Africa,  south-eastern 

Europe,  and  the  corresponding  latitudes  of  Asia  is  replaced  by  the  African  buzzard 

(Buteo  desertorum),  distinguished  by  its  inferior  size  and  the  rusty  hue  of  the  tail 

and  flanks.     A  relative  of  the  buzzards,  the  serpent-eagle,  a  species  indigenous  to 

southern  rather  than  to  central  Europe,  is  widely  spread  through  south-western 

Asia   as   far   as  India.      Possibly  the  sea-eagle  nests  in  some  parts  of  the  area, 

but  the  osprey,  although  not  fond  of  warm   countries,  occurs  more  frequently. 

The  black- winged  kite  (Elanus  cceruleus)  ranges  across  to  India,  and  is  also  met 

with   in    Africa   and   eastern   Europe.      Its   prey  consists   of   insects   and   small 

mammals,  especially  mice.      The  nest  is  often  found  on  lemon   or   orange  trees, 

especially  in  Egypt,  where  the  bird  is  very  tame,  as  it  is  never  harmed.     This 

kite  is  recognisable  at  a  distance  by  its  colour,  which  is  not  unlike  that  of  a  gull, 

being  ashy  grey  above  and  white  below.      When  hovering,  it  raises  the  tips  of  its 

wings  above  the  body.     Its  total  length  is  about  13  inches. 

The  black  kite  may  be  regarded  as  a  bird  of  the  Mediterranean  countries ;  and 

the  same  may  be  said  of  the  sparrow-hawk,  which  breeds  in  Asia  Minor  and  Persia, 

as  do  the  goshawk,  the  marsh-harrier,  the  hen-harrier,  and  Montagu's  harrier.    The 

pale  harrier  (Circus  swainsoni),  on  the  other  hand,  which  inhabits  the  south  of 

Europe,  especially  southern  Russia,  Turkey,  Greece,  and  the  countries  of  the  lower 

Danube,  ranges  in  Asia  as  far  as    India,  and  is  found  over  the  greater  part  of 

Africa.      Never  perching  on  trees,  it  spends  the   night  on  the  ground  in  high 

grass  or  corn.     The  nest,  which  is  made  of  grass,  flags,  and  other  plants  twisted 

together  in  a  slovenly  way,  is  either  placed  on  the  ground  before  the  reeds,  grass, 

or  corn  are  high  enough  to  hide  it,  or  in  low  bushes.     In  habits  this  shy  and 

cautious  bird  is  very  like  the  hen-harrier,  quartering  the  ground  at  a  small  height 

above  it  in  search  of  prey,  and  often  betraying  the  nest  by  indulging  in  eccentric 

performances   around    and   above.      It  is  paler  above  than  the    hen-harrier,  the 

white  upper  tail-coverts  are  barred  with  grey,  and  there  is  no  notch  on  the  web  of 

the  fifth  primary  feather. 

Passing   on   to   the   vultures,   the    black    or    cinereous   species 
Vultures.  °  r 

(Vultwr  rnonachus)  nests  on  old  oaks,  beeches,  or  limes  in  the  depths 

of   the  forest ;    and   always   where   approach   is   easy  from  above.     A  favourite 

situation,  for  instance,  is  on  the  top  of  some  dead  tree  which  by  its  bare  branches 

offers  a  convenient  perching  place.     The  nest,  which  is  used  for  many  years,  and 

may  sometimes  be  placed  in  crevices  and  on  rocky  ledges,  is  always  large  enough  to 

completely  hide  the  sitting  bird  from  below.     It  consists  of  a  foundation  of  stout 

sticks,  with  a  superstructure  of  thinner  twigs,  and  as  a  rule  contains  but  one  egg. 

The  young  vulture,  which  is  nursed  with  the  greatest  care  by  the  parents,  is  not 

able  to  seek  its  own  food  till  three  months  old.     The  black  vulture  has  an  easy, 

sweeping  flight,  and  often  rises  completely  out   of   sight  in  the  air.     Subsisting 

partly  on  living  animals,  as,  for  instance,  kids,  dormice,  lizards,  and  tortoises,  this 

vulture  feeds  chiefly  on  decaying  carcases,  especially  those  of  mammals,  the  bones 

of  which  it  gnaws  with  the  sharp  notch  in  its  beak,  severing  the  flesh  even  when 

hard  and  dried,  and  sometimes  devouring  so  much  that  it  is  scarcely  able  to  move. 

Its  range  extends  from  the  Mediterranean  to  China,  but  in  northern  Africa  it  inhabits 



only  the  Atlas  countries  and  a  part  of  the  western  coast,  and  very  rarely  appears 
in  Egypt.  In  Europe  it  is  common  in  the  plains  of  the  Danube  down  to  the 
Dobrudscha,  as  well  as  in  Bulgaria,  Rumania,  Servia,  Bosnia,  southern  Hungary, 
and  Croatia.  Farther  north  it  never  breeds,  although  common  in  Asia  Minor  and 
the  southern  slope  of  the  Ural.  It  travels  enormous  distances  in  search  of  prey, 
and  on  such  excursions  has  occasionally  been  seen  in  Holstein.  It  is  42  inches 
long,  and  blackish  in  colour  on  the  head  and  neck  On  each  shoulder  it  carries 
a  movable  tuft  of   feathers;   while  the  lower  part  of  the  neck  is  covered  with 




down,  which,  when  the  bird  draws 
in  its  head,  and  thereby  hides  the 
bare  part  of  the  neck,  forms  a  heart- 
shaped  collar  surrounding  a  triangular 
patch  of  dark  feathers.  The  rest  of 
the  plumage  is  black  with  brownish 
reflections.  The  very  different  griffon 
vultures,  which  are  about  the  size  of  turkeys,  are  distinguished  by  their  almost 
erect  carriage,  the  strong  beak,  which  in  the  middle  is  as  high  as  half  its 
length,  and  the  somewhat  slender  head  and  neck.  The  legs,  which  are  shorter 
than  the  middle  toe,  are  feathered  on  the  upper  part,  and  the  neck  and  head  are 
covered  with  down.  The  true  griffon  vulture  (Gyps  fnlvus)  is  a  bird  of  the  roojks, 
frequenting  either  mountains,  or,  more  commonly,  the  plains  or  sea-cliffs.  In  the 
pairing-season  this  vulture  heaps  up  dry  twigs  and  plants  to  form  a  loose  nest  in 
a  cavity  in  some  steep,  inaccessible  position,  in  which  is  laid  some  time  after  the 


middle  of  February  the  solitary  dull  greenish  white  egg,  occasionally  blotched 
with  brown  at  one  end.  In  a  favourite  situation  there  may  be  several  nests  from 
100  to  200  feet  apart.  Sometimes  they  are  in  caves,  but  only  in  the  absence  of 
rocks  are  they  placed  on  trees.  The  griffon  vulture  feeds  on  carcases,  which  it 
discovers  from  a  considerable  height,  and  on  which  it  descends  in  spirals.  Scarcely 
has  one  vulture  settled  on  a  carcase,  when  several  others,  attracted  probably  by  the 
downward  flight  of  the  discoverer,  arrive  on  the  spot.  Vultures  generally  alight 
some  little  distance  from  their  prey,  and  then  run  up  in  long  strides  with  neck 
thrust  straight  out,  tail  raised  and  spread,  and  wings  drooping. 

The  flight  of  the  griffon  vulture  is  easy  and  falcon-like,  in  fact,  rather  hovering 
than  flying,  being  often  continued  for  some  time  without  any  movement  of  the 
wings,  and  yet  without  diminution  of  speed.  When  descending  on  its  prey,  a 
vulture  sometimes  utters  a  twittering  note,  and  on  alighting  croaks  hoarsely. 
Although  apparently  awkward,  these  birds  move  on  the  ground  with  great 
activity ;  and  when  lamed  can  run  so  quickly  as  often  to  be  overtaken  only 
with  difficulty. 

The  griffon  is  the  most  common  of  the  European  vultures,  its  breeding-area 
extending  from  the  Mediterranean  to  Turkestan.  It  is  abundant  in  Spain,  Sardinia, 
Sicily,  south-eastern  Europe,  Asia  Minor,  and  northern  Africa  down  to  Abyssinia,  but 
rare  in  Italy.  In  the  north  of  Greece  and  Turkey  it  is  found  breeding,  as  it  is 
in  the  Dobrudscha,  Bulgaria,  Rumania,  Bosnia,  southern  Hungary,  Carinthia,  and 
Carniola ;  but  it  also  ranges  much  farther  north,  a  straggler  having  been  observed  on 
one  occasion  in  the  south  of  Ireland.  In  length  it  measures  about  44  inches.  The 
head  and  a  ruff  of  feathers  round  the  neck  are  white,  the  bare  skin  of  the  head 
and  neck  being  leaden.  With  the  exception  of  a  tuft  of  narrow  pointed  white 
feathers  at  the  base  of  the  neck,  and  the  black  wings,  the  plumage  is  pale  reddish 
and  greyish  brown. 

scavenger-  The  scavenger-vultures  are  smaller  birds,  not  much  larger  than 

Vulture.  a  pheasant,  which  carry  their  bodies  almost  horizontally.  They  have 
a  slender  beak,  unfeathered  legs,  and  a  bare  face  and  throat,  although  the  hind 
part  of  the  head  is  covered  with  either  feathers  or  down.  The  common  Egyptian 
species  (Neophron  percnopterus),  which  inhabits  Africa  right  down  to  Cape  Colony, 
ranges  from  Arabia  and  Syria  to  central  Asia  and  India,  and  from  Constantinople 
to  Spain  and  the  Canaries.  Stragglers  wander  still  farther,  and  have  occasionally 
lvacln.-d  Britain.  The  species  is  rare  in  Italy  and  the  Danubian  countries,  but 
sometimes  travels  from  northern  Italy  to  Switzerland,  where  it  has  been  found 
breeding  near  the  Lake  of  Geneva.  In  Europe  the  scavenger-vulture  is  probably 
most  common  in  the  south  of  the  Balkan  Peninsula.  Numbers  of  these  birds 
frequent  the  Turkish  quarter  of  Constantinople,  where  they  are  appreciated  and 
protected,  as  being  of  use  in  clearing  up  the  garbage.  They  are  also  well  treated 
in  Egypt,  where  they  have  been  highly  appreciated  for  many  centuries.  They  are 
excellent  street  scavengers,  feeding  upon  all  kinds  of  filth ;  but  they  will  also  kill 
and  eat  lizards,  mice,  rats,  and  other  creeping  animals.  After  they  have  eaten  their 
fill  they  sit  in  dreamy  silence  in  the  same  place  until  they  get  hungry  again, 
when  they  seek  their  food  in  company.  Large  parties  of  scavenger-vultures  are 
often  seen  performing  complicated  evolutions  in  the  air  apparently  by  way  of 


exercise,  but  when  on  a  long  journey  they  fly  straight  ahead,  giving  a  few  beats  of 
their  wings  at  a  time  and  then  gliding  on  quietly  for  a  long  distance,  looking  some- 
what like  storks.  In  walking  they  resemble  a  rook.  The  Egyptian  vulture  is 
generally  very  tame,  but  when  persecuted  soon  becomes  wary.  In  certain  localities 
it  builds  in  inaccessible  spots,  as  on  narrow  ledges  of  rocks,  or  in  caves;  and 
there  are  generally  several  nests  near  together.  In  Constantinople  it  nests  on  the 
mosques,  in  India  on  almost  any  building,  and  in  Egypt  sometimes  on  the  pyramids. 
The  nest  is  seldom  placed  on  trees,  although  in  Constantinople  it  has  been  seen  in 
cypresses.  This  vulture  does  not  even  use  trees  for  perching,  avoiding  forests  in 
favour  of  mountains  or  rocky  ravines  and  cliffs,  and  preferring  barren  country  to 
cultivated  ground.  At  times  it  visits  the  seashore,  and  often  follows  caravans 
through  the  desert  for  the  sake  of  the  carcases  and  other  waste.  The  scavengvi  - 
vulture  has  a  length  of  from  26  to  27  inches.  The  bare  parts  of  the  head 
and  neck  are  yellowish.  In  young  birds  the  body  is  dark  brown  in  colour, 
but  later  on  becomes  white,  with  black  wings,  the  primaries  being  whitish  at 
the  base. 

Quail  and  Among  the  game-birds  of  south-western  Asia  are  included  the 

Partridges,  quail  and  the  partridge,  the  latter  of  which  is  a  breeding  bird  in  Asia 
Minor.  The  chukar  partridge  (Caccabis  chukar),  distinguished  by  its  white  lores, 
is  met  with  all  through  Asia  from  Asia  Minor  to  China ;  while  Arabia  and  the  African 
shore  of  the  Red  Sea  form  the  home  of  the  black-headed  partridge  (C.  melanocejjhala), 
which  has  a  black  crown  and  grey  outer  tail-feathers.  The  sisi  partridges  are 
smaller  birds,  not  quite  the  size  of  quails,  without  spurs  on  the  legs,  and  with  twelve 
feathers  in  the  tail.  Among  these,  Bonham's  sisi  (Ammoperdix  bonhami)  ranges 
from  Arabia  and  Mesopotamia  into  north-western  India,  It  inhabits  the  hills  up 
to  the  height  of  7000  feet;  and  its  colour  resembles  that  of  the  ground  to  such 
a  degree  that  the  bird  has  only  to  keep  quiet  to  remain  undiscovered.  The 
cocks  have  a  band  across  the  forehead  continuous  with  a  black  eye-stripe,  a 
whitish  chin,  a  grey  throat,  and  the  flanks  chestnut  barred  with  black;  the 
hens  lacking  the  black  and  white  markings  on  the  head  and  the  longitudinal 
barrino-  on  the  flanks.  In  another  species,  Hey's  sisi  (A.  heyi),  which  inhabits 
both  shores  of  the  Red  Sea  and  Palestine,  and  is  rather  larger  than  a  quail, 
the  hens  are  very  similar  in  colour  to  those  of  the  preceding  species,  but  the  cocks 
are  much  paler,  with  a  chestnut  chin,  and  no  black  on   the  forehead  or  above 

the  eyes. 

Althouo-h  very  partridge-like  in  appearance,  francolins  are  more 

slender  in  build,  with  a  thinner  neck  and  longer  beak.     The  throat 

and  region  round  the  eyes  are  often  bare,  and  the  legs  of  the  cocks  are  generally 

armed  with  spurs.     The  typical  species  (Francolinus  vulgaris),  generally  known 

as  the  black  partridge  in  India,  was  formerly  common  in  Sicily,  where,  however,  it 

now  appears  to  have  been  exterminated.     It  is  rare  in  northern  Africa,  but  from 

Cyprus  it  is  met  with  more  or  less  abundantly  through  Syria,  Asia  Minor,  Caucasia, 

and  Persia,  to  northern  India.     Its  favourite  haunts  are  swampy  plains  near  rivers, 

where  it  hides  among  reeds  or  long  grass,  although  it  also  occurs  on  cultivated  land. 

The  neighbourhood  of  water  is  indispensable  to  its  existence.     Hidden  in  bushes 

and  hio-h  oTass,  francolins  wander  about  silently  and  alone  in  the  daytime,  now 


and  then  uttering  their  somewhat  subdued  call,  which  Mohammedans  regard  as  a 
prayer.  During  pairing-time  the  cry  is  heard  much  ot'tener.  Every  morning  and 
evening  in  spring  the  cock  bird  stands  on  some  elevated  spot  and  "crows,"  his 
call  being  answered  by  one  or  more  of  his  fellows.  The  nest  is  a  hollow  scratched 
in  the  ground  by  the  hen  beneath  a  bush,  and  lined  with  grass,  roots,  and  dry 
bamboo.  The  eggs,  from  six  to  ten,  vary  in  colour  from  greenish  to  brownish  buff, 
and  are  bluntly  pointed.  The  francolin  affords  excellent  sport,  and  is  one  of  the 
best-known  game-birds  of  India ;  indeed  so  much  is  it  sought  after  throughout  its 
range  that  in  many  places  it  has  been  more  or  less  completely  cleared  off.  This 
regrettable  circumstance  is  largely  due  to  the  fact  that  although  a  large  clutch  of 
eggs  is  laid,  usually  only  two  or  three  chicks  hatch  out.  The  plumage  of  the  cock 
is  noticeable  for  the  white-spotted  black  under-parts,  black  throat,  white  ear-band, 
and  chestnut  gorget.  The  upper  half  of  the  back  is  black  spotted  with  white,  the 
lower  part  of  the  back  and  tail  are  black  barred  with  white,  and  the  primaries  have 
a  row  of  spots  on  both  webs. 

In  south-western  Asia  the  most  abundant  of  the  three  pigeons  is 
the  rock-dove  (Columba  livia),  so  named  from  the  nature  of  its  haunts. 
Avoiding  the  forest  and  seeming  to  dislike  trees,  this  bird  keeps  to  steep  cliffs  or 
projecting  rocky  ledges,  nesting  in  large  gloomy  caves  or  small  clefts,  sometimes 
even  in  the  craters  of  volcanoes  or  in  wells.  In  the  British  Isles  and  other  parts  of 
western  and  northern  Europe,  it  builds  by  preference  on  cliffs  near  the  coast, 
but  elsewhere  it  may  also  be  found  inland,  and  in  the  south  it  lives  even  in  the 
desert  when  it  can  find  convenient  breeding-places.  In  these  countries  its 
numbers  are  everywhere  proportionately  small  compared  with  those  living  in 
southern  Europe.  The  species  is  common  on  the  rocky  shores  of  the  Mediterranean 
from  Portugal  and  Spain  to  Asia  Minor  and  from  Morocco  to  Syria,  whence  its 
range  extends  through  Persia  to  Turkestan  and  India. 

Rock-doves,  as  a  rule,  make  their  simple  nests  in  caves  and  crevices  among 
rocks.  The  nest  is  a  slight  heap  of  twigs,  grass,  and  heather,  or  other  plants,  on 
winch,  twice  in  the  season  and  sometimes  oftener,  are  laid  two  white  eggs.  In 
India  these  birds  often  nest  in  the  neighbourhood  of  the  Alpine  swift ;  and  in  Egypt 
they  often  lay  in  oval-shaped  pots  placed  by  the  peasants  on  the  houses  for  their  con- 
venience ;  and  many  villages  in  upper  Egypt  harbour  such  swarms  of  doves  that 
they  almost  seem  to  have  been  built  more  on  account  of  the  doves  than  of  their 
human  inhabitants.  The  rock-dove  is  a  shy  bird,  strong  in  flight,  and  able  to  cover 
long  distances  on  the  wing ;  in  fine  weather  it  is  in  the  habit  of  circling  in  the  air 
moving  its  wings  slowly  when  aloft,  and  closing  them  as  it  gently  descends.  In 
spring  it  often  extends  its  wings  with  such  force  that  the  hard  quills  clap  together 
over  its  back,  as  is  the  manner  with  many  other  doves.  As  it  rises  it  often 
produces  a  peculiar  crackling  sound  by  beating  the  ground  rapidly  with 
its  wings. 

Its  food  includes  all  kinds  of  grain  and  other  seeds,  as  well  as  the  roots  of  a 
few  plants  together  with  slugs  and  snails,  and  occasionally  worms.  In  digging  food 
out  of  the  ground,  it  uses  the  beak  to  loosen  the  earth,  and  to  aid  in  the  comminution 
of  its  food  fragments  of  gravel,  chalk,  or  hard  clay  containing  salt  are  swallowed. 
Occasionally  a  rock-dove  wil)  hover  just  above  the  water  in  order  to  drink,  and 

R  O  CK-D  O  VES — D  O  ME  STIC  A  TED   PIGE  ONS 


sometimes  during  a  shower  it  will  lie  on  one  side  and  raise  the  opposite  wing  to 
allow  the  rain  to  wash  the  body  feathers,  this  habit  being  common  to  other  doves. 

The  rock-dove  has  a  total  length  of  13  inches,  and  in  colour  is  chiefly  greyish 
blue.     The  lower  part  of  the  back  is  white,  the  wings  have  two  broad  black  bars, 


the  axillaries  are  white,  and  the  legs  dark  red.     In  appearance  it  much  resembles 

ordinary  domesticated  pigeons,  of  which  indeed  it  is  the  ancestral  form. 

Domesticated  The  variations  in  colour  and  marking  and  the  differences  in  the 

Pigeons.       shape  and  size  of  domesticated  pigeons  afford  a  most  striking  example 

of  what  can  be  done  by  careful  selection  during  a  long  period  of  years.     Many  of 

7  2  SO  VTH-  J  VE  STERN  A  SI  A 

the  existing  breeds  are  of  great  antiquity,  pigeons  having  been  kept  long  previous 
to  the  Christian  era.  In  the  Middle  Ages  the  number  of  breeds  was  considerable, 
and  these  were  greatlv  increased  when  the  sea  route  to  India  was  opened,  and 
Eastern  pigeons  introduced  into  the  Netherlands,  whence  the  breeding  of  fancy 
varieties    as    a    hobby    spread    into     England,    France,     and     other     European 


To  mention  the  many  varieties  now  kept  would  occupy  too  much  space,  and  to 
classify  them  is  not  easy.  The  largest  are  the  runts  of  which  there  are  several 
well-marked  strains;  the  smallest  is  the  white  African  owl  which  originated  in 
Turin.  The  carriers,  dragons,  and  barbs  are  distinguished  by  the  development  of 
the  eye-wattles,  the  pouters  by  the  abnormal  size  of  the  crop,  which,  as  in  the 
pigmy  variety,  is  so  large  as  to  almost  bury  the  head.  In  the  jacobins  the  head  is 
buried  in  a  hood,  in  the  frills  the  head  in  many  cases  is  crested,  and  all  the  feathers 
of  the  throat  and  chest  curl  up  so  as  to  form  a  sort  of  ruff.  In  the  fantails  the 
fancier  has  devoted  his  attention  to  developing  the  tail,  which  spreads  out  in 
peacock-fashion.  The  tumblers,  so  called  from  their  curious  acrobatic  flight,  are 
remarkable  for  their  power  of  staying  on  the  wing  for  hours.  It  was  this  quality 
which  led  to  their  being  crossed  with  the  dragons,  which  are  as  noteworthy  for 
their  speed,  and  with  the  smerle,  which  had  a  great  reputation  for  strength  and 
intelligence,  in  order  to  produce  the  most  useful  pigeons  now  bred,  namely,  the 
homers,  good  examples  of  which  are  worth  £100  apiece. 

The  turtle-dove  ranges  through  south-western  Asia  as  far  east  as 
Turtle  Doves.  pergia .  but  in  southern  Asia  generally,  west  of  India,  we  have  the 
collared  turtle-dove  (Turtur  risorius),  which  is  usually  regarded  as  the  ancestor 
of  the  variety  so  often  kept  in  confinement.  This  dove,  whose  distributional  area 
is  bounded  on  the  west  by  Turkey,  is  pale  brown  above  and  pale  ivory-grey  below. 
There  is  a  black  band  on  the  sides  of  the  neck,  and  the  middle  tail-feathers  are 
brown  throughout,  while  the  others  are  dark  brown  at  the  base  on  the  upper  side, 
and  whitish  towards  the  tips.  This  dove  is  from  11  to  12  J  inches  long,  and  has 
dark  red  legs  and  feet. 

Of  the  herons,  the  common  species  ranges  over  the  whole  Eastern 
Hemisphere,  and  the  purple  heron  (Ardea  purpurea)  has  a  similar 
distribution  although  its  haunts  are  quite  different.  Instead  of  installing  itself  in 
the  neighbourhood  of  running  water,  the  latter  bird  keeps  mainly  to  pools  and 
swamps  where  aquatic  plants  are  abundant,  amid  which  it  fishes  in  the  usual 
quiet  heron  fashion.  The  nest  is  generally  placed  in  the  middle  of  the  swamp, 
amongst  the  densest  reeds,  or  on  willows  and  other  bushes  near  the  water,  or 
occasionally,  as  in  Ceylon,  on  a  teak  tree.  It  is  built  of  reeds  bent  down  to  form 
a  sort  of  stage,  twigs,  leaves,  and  other  materials.  When  reposing,  this  graceful 
bird  generally  sits  down  on  its  hind  legs,  with  its  long  neck  forming  a  double  curve. 
If  surprised,  it  stands  motionless  with  its  neck  and  beak  directed  straight  upwards, 
so  as  to  assume  the  appearance  of  a  crooked  stick.  This  attitude,  as  in  the  case  of 
the  bittern,  is  generally  adopted  at  the  approach  of  man,  and  the  bird  rarely  takes 
to  flight  until  the  intruder  is  in  close  proximity.  When  enraged,  it  bristles 
up  the  stiff  feathers  on  the  crown  and  attacks  its  adversary  with  its  long 
and    formidable    beak.     Although    less  wary,  the    present   species    resembles   the 


common  heron  in  many  respects,  as  for  instance  in  the  choice  of  its  food.     It  nests 

in  some  parts  of  Holland,  but  more  frequently  in  Hungary,  southern  Austria,  and 

the  Dobrudscha,  occasionally  straggling  to  Britain  and  Germany  and  rangino-  into 

central  Asia.     In  length  it  measures  about  36  inches.     In  colour  the  crown  of  the 

head  and  its  crest  are  black,  the  throat  is  white,  and  the  neck  reddish  brown  with 

a  black  stripe  down  each  side,  and  another  on  the  nape.     The  back,  wings,  and 

tail  are  grey,  the  breast  is  red,  and  the  thighs  rufous. 

The  great  white  heron  or  egret  (Herodias  alba)  lives  amid  sur- 
Wliite  Heron.  .  .  .    .  .. 

roundings  similar  to  those  01  the  purple  species,  its  nesting-sites  being 
dense  reed-patches  by  the  side  of  a  swamp,  or  trees  growing  in  water.  Usually 
only  a  few  pairs  make  their  nests  in  company,  but  in  winter  these  herons  collect 
in  considerable  flocks.  They  are  exceedingly  graceful  birds,  and  in  the  air  may  be 
distinguished  from  common  herons  by  their  narrower  wings,  by  the  more  back- 
ward extension  of  the  legs,  as  well  as  by  the  lighter  and  more  buoyant  character 
of  the  flight.  Their  food  includes  fishes,  small  mammals,  and  lizards,  although 
insects  and  snails  captured  in  the  water  or  on  herbage  in  the  meadows  are 
preferred.  In  Europe  this  conspicuous  bird  is  extremely  shy,  but  in  many  parts 
of  China  it  is  so  well  treated  by  the  natives  that  it  has  become  quite  tame, 
frequently  perching  on  trees  near  human  dwellings,  and  seeking  its  food  in  the 
neighbouring  ponds.  Its  distributional  area  extends  from  southern  and  south- 
eastern Europe  through  Asia  to  Japan  and  Australia,  the  bird  wintering  in 
northern  India,  Burma,  and  Africa.  In  Spain,  France,  and  Italy  it  is  rare,  but  it 
is  rarer  still  in  Germany.  As  a  straggler  it  is  known  in  the  British  Isles  and  the 
south  of  Sweden.  Formerly  it  was  a  frequent  breeding  species  in  the  Danubian 
countries  from  Hungary  to  the  Dobrudscha,  but  it  has  been  so  much  sought  after 
for  the  sake  of  the  plumes  known  as  "  ospreys "  that  its  numbers  have  greatly 
diminished  in  those  districts.  These  plumes  are  the  long  filamentous  feathers 
developed  on  the  back  during  the  breeding-season,  which  disappear  in  autumn. 
The  colour  of  the  plumage  is  entirely  white,  with  the  beak  and  feet  black.  In 
length  the  great  white  egret  measures  about  44  inches. 

The  little  egret  (H.  garzetta)  also  frequents  swamps  and  gently 

flowing  rivers,  although  it  shuns  reed-beds  in  favour  of  trees  growing 
in  small  clumps  near  or  in  water.  A  favourite  site  for  the  nest  is  a  pollard  willow, 
some  10  or  12  feet  above  the  water.  The  nest  is  a  loosely  interlaced  mass  of  thin 
twigs,  sometimes  lined  with  reeds,  flags,  and  grasses,  its  bulk  being  equal  to  that 
of  a  crow's  nest.  Towards  the  end  of  May  it  contains  three  or  four  (rarely  five) 
bluish  green  eggs.  This  graceful  bird,  whose  plumes  are  not  so  highly  appreciated 
as  those  of  the  white  heron,  is  about  20  inches  in  length,  with  white  plumage,  black 
beak,  and  greenish  yellow  legs  and  feet.  Inhabiting  all  the  Mediterranean  countries, 
especially  in  the  east,  this  egret  is  also  found  in  the  plains  of  the  Danube,  the 
countries  round  the  Black  and  Caspian  Seas,  the  valley  of  the  Volga,  the  Sea  of . 
Aral,  and  other  inland  waters  of  central  Asia,  as  well  as  in  China  and  Japan. 
It  frequently  appears  in  the  delta  of  the  Nile,  and  occasionally  straggles  into 
Germany,  northern  France,  Holland,  and  England,  although  unknown  north  of  the 
Baltic.  It  breeds  as  far  south  as  Cape  Colony,  and  has  been  shot  in  northern 


The  squacco  heron  (Ardeola  ralloides)  also  belongs  to  the  Mediter- 
L  ranean  reoion,  and  is  found  in  similar  situations  to  the  last.  It  nests 
in  colonies  in  trees  amid  marshes,  the  nest  being  lighter  and  more  neatly  made  than 
that  of  the  egret,  and  carefully  lined  with  twigs,  ferns,  and  flags.  From  four  to 
six  is  the  number  of  the  eggs,  which  are  of  the  usual  pale  bluish  green  heron-colour, 
and  are  laid  about  the  end  of  May.  In  structure  and  habits  the  squacco  serves  in 
some  degree  to  connect  the  typical  herons  with  the  night-herons.  It  associates 
with  other  swamp  birds,  although  but  rarely  with  the  little  egret,  and  is  dis- 
tinguishable from  a  distance  by  its  pale  vinous  colour  and  thick  neck.  In  flight 
it  is  slow  and  noiseless,  and  on  the  ground  rather  deliberate  and  lethargic  in  its 
movements,  often  standing  motionless  for  a  considerable  time.  In  districts  where  it 
is  not  persecuted  it  becomes  unsuspicious  and  easy  of  approach.  The  range  of  the 
squacco  includes  southern  Europe,  Africa,  and  south-western  Asia.  It  is  a  common 
breeding-bird  in  the  valley  of  the  Danube  down  to  the  Dobrudscha,  but  is  rare  in 
Italy  and  southern  France,  and  more  so  in  Switzerland  and  southern  Germany 
while  only  a  few  straggle  so  far  north  as  Holland  and  England.  In  length 
it  measures  about  21  inches.  In  colour  it  is  warm  buff"  on  the  upper-parts, 
and  yellowish  on  the  head,  neck,  and  shoulders,  with  white  wings  and  tail, 
green  lores,  blue  and  black  beak,  and  pinkish  legs  and  feet,  the  soles  of  the  feet 
being  yellow. 

„.  ..  Night-herons  differ  from  ordinary  herons  by  their  shorter  bodies 

Night-Heron.  J9  . 

and  thicker  necks,  the  latter  being  closely  feathered.  As  regards 
habits  they  are  distinguished  from  the  true  herons  in  the  same  manner  as  are  owls 
from  falcons,  since  they  shun  the  daylight,  sleep  by  day,  and  are  active  only 
after  dark.  From  the  bitterns  they  differ  by  the  closer  plumage  and  the  presence 
of  the  characteristic  long,  narrow,  ribbon-like  feathers  at  the  back  of  the  head. 
The  common  night-heron  (Nycticorax  griseus)  frequents  swamps  bordered  by  trees 
and  brushwood,  but  never  those  unprovided  with  such  covert.  The  nest,  which 
may  be  described  as  a  cradle  of  a  few  dry  twigs,  sometimes  lined  with  flags  and 
reeds,  contains  from  three  to  five  pale  greenish  blue  eggs  at  the  usual  time.  During 
the  nesting-season  the  night-heron  is  not  exclusively  nocturnal,  the  males  generally 
crouching  in  the  daytime  near  the  sitting  females,  with  their  necks  between  their 
shoulders,  their  legs  bent,  and  their  eyes  half,  or  entirely,  closed.  In  the  twilight, 
both  birds  go  out  in  search  of  the  small  fishes,  frogs,  mice,  beetles,  dragon-flies,  and 
larvae  which  form  their  food. 

The  night-heron  has  a  wide  distribution,  inhabiting  southern  and  eastern 
Europe,  Africa,  Asia,  and  America,  but  is  absent  from  Australia.  In  Europe 
it  is  most  frequent  in  the  plains  of  the  Danube,  but  it  occasionally  wanders 
as  far  north  as  the  British  Isles,  the  Faroes,  and  the  south  of  Sweden.  The 
head  is  rather  large  and  the  neck  thick ;  but  the  feathers  are  more  compact  than 
those  of  the  squacco  and  white  herons.  When  standing  with  its  crest  erect  and 
the  white  neck-feathers  extended  like  fingers,  the  night-heron  is  a  decidedly 
handsome  bird.  It  is  about  18  inches  in  length.  The  crown,  neck,  back,  and 
shoulder-feathers  are  glossy  greenish  black,  the  lower  part  of  the  back  and 
tail  are  dove-colour,  while  a  collar  round  the  neck  and  all  the  under-parts 
are  white. 



Glossy  Ibis. 

Another  swamp-bird  of  the  region  is  the  glossy  ibis  {Plegadis 
falcinellus),  which,  as  regards  habits,  resembles  partly  the  phalaropes, 
and  partly  the  herons  and  storks.  It  has  a  light,  measured,  striding  walk,  wades 
in  mud  and  water,  and  swims  in  case  of  need.  This  bird  inhabits  the  south  of 
Europe  but  is  really  cosmopolitan  in  distribution,  being  found  not  only  in  Asia  and 
Africa  but  in  Australia  and  North  America.  In  Europe  it  is  common  round  the 
Black  Sea,  in  the  delta  and  plains  of  the  Danube,  in  southern  Russia  and  southern 


Poland,  while  it  occurs  in  Italy,  southern  France,  and  Spain.     Though  rare  north 
of   the  Alps,  it   is    known   as   a   straggler   in    Britain,  the    Faroes,    Iceland,  and 
Scandinavia.     It   is   22  inches  long,    and   bronzy  in   plumage  with  metallic   re-' 
flections,  blackish  above  and  brownish  below. 

storks  and  Both  kinds  of  European  stork  are  known  in  south-western  Asia 

Spoonbill,      mainly  as  migratory  birds,  although  they  breed  now  and  then  where 

the  climate  and  conditions  are  favourable.     The  spoonbills  in  many  of  their  habits 



resemble  the  storks.  The  legs  are  proportionately  longer  than  those  of  the  true 
ibises,  and  covered  with  hexagonal  scales ;  the  tail  is  straight,  and  the  beak  broad 
and  expanding  at  the  tip  into  the  spoon  from  which  these  birds  derive  their  name. 
The  common  spoonbill  (Platalea  leucorodia)  haunts  the  marshes  and  fens,  and  nests 
either  on  grassy  tussocks  or  on  trees,  sometimes  in  numbers  on  one  tree  which  is 
always  near  or  in  the  water.  The  young,  which  remain  in  the  nest  till  fully 
fledged  and  able  to  find  their  own  food,  are  brought  up  like  storks,  but  their  food 
consists  of  insects  and  crustaceans,  fishes,  molluscs,  frogs,  and  all  kinds  of  aquatic 
animals,  for  which  the  bird  searches  the  water  in  duck-fashion  with  its  spoon- 
shaped  beak.  It  breeds  as  far  north  as  Holland  and  straggles  into  Great  Britain 
and  Scandinavia.     It  is  common  in  Spain  and  in  the  plains  of  the  Danube,  where 





in  some  localities  it  breeds  in  thousands.  Everywhere  it  is  very  local  though  it 
ranges  right  across  Asia  to  Japan  and  down  north-eastern  Africa  to  Abyssinia.  In 
Length  the  spoonbill  measures  about  38  inches.  The  plumage  is  wholly  white, 
and  the  slate-coloured  beak  barred  with  black  and  yellow  at  the  tip. 

Of  the  active  little  birds  known  as  pratincoles,  the  Mediterranean 
region  possesses  one  representative.  The  distinctive  characteristics 
of  these  birds  are  the  short,  more  or  less  bent  beak,  the  very  long  middle  toe,  of 
which  the  claw  is  comb-like,  and  the  long  pointed  wings,  extending  beyond  the 
tail,  which  is  frequently  forked.  The  pratincoles,  which  are  spread  over  Europe, 
Asia,  Africa,  and  Australia,  are  all  alike  in  their  habits,  the  one  found  in  the 
Mediterranean  area  (Glareola  pratincola)  frequenting  treeless  steppes  traversed 
by  -hallow  rivers  with  Hat  shores.     Although  as  much  in  need  of  water  as  the 


larger  plovers,  it  keeps  more  to  dry  situations,  such  as  ploughed  ground,  or  the 
cracking  mud  of  half-dried  pools,  where  it  often  associates  with  rooks,  starlings, 
and  lapwings.  It  prefers  flying  to  walking,  and  is  mostly  found  on  opeD  places 
with  a  wide  view,  or  cultivated,  and  especially  ploughed,  ground,  the  latter  partly 
covered  with  water.  The  nest,  which  is  placed  near  pools  on  undulating  sandy 
ground  dotted  over  with  sparse  plants,  or  on  pastures  with  short  grass,  consists 
merely  of  a  shallow  hollow  lined  occasionally  with  dry  stems  and  rootlets.  The 
pratincole  breeds  in  colonies,  the  nests  being  about  6  feet  apart ;  the  eggs,  three  in 
number,  are  heavily  marked.  The  young  pratincoles  are  able  to  run  as  soon  as 
hatched,  and  in  case  of  danger  press  their  bodies  close  to  the  ground,  which  their 
down  resembles  in  colouring.  Pratincoles  eat  all  kinds  of  insects,  especially  locu-t  s, 
grasshoppers,  and  beetles,  capturing  their  prey  in  the  air,  or  from  plants  or  on 
the  ground.  They  are  lively,  energetic  birds,  in  flight  not  unlike  swallows,  and 
wading  and  swimming  like  plovers.  When  at  rest,  they  look  very  like  plovers,  not- 
withstanding the  long  pointed  wings,  and  the  forked  tail  which  is  always  in  motion. 
The  common  pratincole  inhabits  the  plains  of  the  Danube,  especially  the 
Dobrudscha,  in  flocks  of  thousands,  and  is  not  less  numerous  near  the  Volga,  the 
lakes  of  southern  Russia,  the  Black  and  Caspian  Seas  and  the  Sea  of  Aral,  as  well 
as  in  the  steppes  of  Turkestan  and  southern  Siberia,  Asia  Minor,  and  North  Africa. 
It  is  common  in  central  Hungary  and  Greece,  although  rare  in  south-western 
Europe  ;  Italy  and  southern  France  see  it  only  on  migration,  but  it  breeds  in  Spain, 
and  a  few  stray  northwards  to  Germany  and  Britain.  On  the  muddy  banks  of  the 
Nile  pratincoles  appear  in  immense  numbers  after  the  inundation  has  receded.  The 
common  species  is  about  lOi  inches  long,  and  greyish  brown  in  colour  above.  The 
throat  is  buff,  girdled  by  a  narrow  black  band,  the  lower  part  of  the  body  and  upper 
tail-coverts  are  white,  the  tail  is  greenish  black,  white  at  the  base  and  brown  at 
the  tip,  the  lower  wing-coverts  are  greyish  brown,  the  feet  black,  and  the  beak 
blackish  with  a  red  base. 

Cream-coloured  A  rare  visitor  to  the  British  Islands,  the  handsome  cream-coloured 

Courser.  courser  (Cursorius  gallicus)  is  a  common  Mediterranean  species 
ranonn£  from  the  Canaries  and  north-western  Africa  through  south-western  Asia 
to  north-western  India.  Now  and  then  it  has  been  found  breeding  in  Sicily  and 
Spain,  and  occasionally  it  straggles  into  Great  Britain,  France,  Switzerland  and 
Germany.  In  length  it  measures  about  9  inches.  The  head  is  bluish  grey  behind, 
with  a  white  and  a  black  band  on  each  side.  Although  the  larger  quills  are  black, 
the  general  colour  of  the  plumage  is  that  of  the  desert  sand,  which  the  eggs  so 
resemble  in  their  sandy  brown,  ashy  grey,  and  olive-coloured  spots  and  speckles 
that  they  are  almost  indistinguishable  from  the  stones  among  which  they  are  laid. 
The  courser  takes  its  name  from  the  speed  with  which  it  runs,  this  being  so  rapid 
that  the  legs  do  not  seem  to  move.  These  birds  appear  indeed  to  roll  along  rather 
than  run ;  the  male  always  leads  the  way,  the  female  keeping  about  thirty  paces 
behind.  At  intervals  a  courser  will  check  itself  to  pick  some  food  from  the  ground, 
and  then  dart  on  again  as  rapidly  as  before.  Thus  it  will  run  for  hours,  never 
attempting  to  take  wing,  and  leading  the  inexperienced  to  think  that  it  can  be 
caught  with  the  hands,  until  suddenly,  when  hard  pressed,  it  shows  that  it  can 
fly  as  well  as  it  can  run. 



Curlew  and  Stilt. 

Although  the  woodcock  breeds  in  remote  places  within  the  region 
'under  consideration,  and  the  common  snipe  may  perhaps  occasionally 
nest  in  northern  Africa,  the  other  snipe,  as  well  as  the  curlews,  are  essentially 
birds  of  the  north.  The  slender-billed  curlew  {Nwmenius  tenuirostris)  is,  how- 
ever, an  inhabitant  of  Asia  Minor  and  Egypt  and  southern  Europe  from  Portugal  to 
Greece.  It  differs  from  the  common  curlew  by  the  shape  of  its  beak  and  its  smaller 
size.  Some  of  the  sandpipers  of  Europe  and  northern  Asia  breed  in  the  Mediter- 
ranean area,  for  instance  the  redshank  whose  nest  has  been  found  in  Asia  Minor 
and  Greece,  although  the  majority  of  this  group  breed  in  the  far  north.     The 





stilts,  on  the  other  hand,  are  dwellers  in  warmer  climates,  the  black-winged  species 
(Evnumtopus  candidus)  inhabiting  the  south  of  Europe  from  Spain  to  southern 
Russia,  although  more  abundant  in  the  south-east  than  elsewhere.  It  also  inhabits 
south-westero  Asia,  its  range  extending  into  China;  and  it  breeds  in  Africa  as  far 
south  as  Cape  Colony.  In  Europe  it  nests  in  Hungary,  and  all  down  the  Danube, 
to  the  Black  Sea.  Stragglers  visit  the  coasts  of  Germany,  Holland,  and  Great 
Britain,  but  in  central  Germany  and  Switzerland  the  stilt  is  very  rare.  In  spring 
and  summer  stilts  build  a  large  nest  of  reeds  and  grass.  They  seek  their  food  by 
wading  deep  in  soft  mud  or  up  to  the  full  length  of  their  long  legs  in  water;  and 
they  are  always  found  in  muddy,  shallow  swamps,  or  on  low  river-banks,  where 


they  feed  on  insects,  molluscs,  and  frogs.  Stilts  walk  in  a  peculiarly  mincing  and 
leisurely  manner,  carrying  the  body  horizontally.  In  flight  they  move  the  wings 
slowly,  bending  their  tips  downwards;  they  hold  the  legs  out  straight  when  flying 
strong,  but  let  them  dangle  when  they  hover.  The  great  length  of  the  legs  is 
always  sufficient  to  distinguish  a  stilt,  either  on  the  ground  or  in  the  air.  In 
length  these  birds  measure  about  14  inches.  In  colour  the  tail  is  grey,  the  under- 
pays and  lower  half  of  the  back  are  white,  the  mantle  and  wings  greenish  black, 
the  feet  pink,  and  the  beak  black. 

,  „  „.    ,  With  the  bare  mention  that  the  two  kinds  of  European  bustards 

Purple  Gallinule. 

range  into  the  Mediterranean  area,  as  does  Macqueen's  bustard  which 
is  principally  indigenous  to  the  Caspian  region,  we  pass  on  to  the  rail  tribe,  of  which 
the  central  European  species  are  found  in  the  area  under  consideration  partly 
as  migratory,  partly  as  breeding  birds,  while  the  brighter  coloured  gallinules  are 
represented  by  the  purple  species.  These  birds  are  characterised  by  the  presence  of 
a  horny  plate  covering  the  front  and  crown  of  the  head,  as  well  as  \>y  the  relatively 
deep  beak,  of  which  the  edges  are  notched,  and  the  rather  long  hind-toe.  The 
gallinules,  of  which  there  are  about  twenty  kinds,  are  distributed  over  the  warmer 
countries  of  both  hemispheres,  and  distinguished  from  their  near  relatives  the  coots, 
which  they  approach  in  their  habits,  by  the  blue  coloration  of  their  plumage. 
The  Mediterranean  species  (Porphyrio  cceruleus)  frequents  swamps  and  marshy 
localities  in  Spain,  Portugal,  Italy,  Sicily,  Greece,  Turkey,  Asia  Minor,  and  the 
Caspian  district  south  of  the  Terek.  It  arrives  in  its  breeding-area  towards  the 
end  of  April,  and  leaves  again  in  September,  a  few  individuals  remaining  in 
certain  suitable  places.  Although  resembling  the  coot  in  its  habits,  the  gallinule 
has  a  more  stately  walk,  and  contracts  the  long  red  toes  at  every  step,  and  spreads 
them  out  as  they  descend.  The  slender  red  legs,  which  hang  down  during  its 
short  flights,  make  the  bird  conspicuous  from  a  distance.  The  gallinule  is 
an  expert  swimmer  and  diver,  generally  seen  on  the  water,  but  spending  much  of 
its  time  on  land  lurking  among  the  vegetation,  and  in  spring  robbing  other  birds' 
nests  of  their  eggs  or  young.  Its  own  nest  is  generally  placed  in  situations  difficult 
of  access,  where  it  is  concealed  amid  reeds  or  growing  rice  ;  not  unfrequently  it  is 
floating  on  the  water.  From  its  relatives  the  true  coots  the  purple  gallinule  differs 
by  the  circumstance  that  it  feeds  its  young,  which  are  soon  able  to  swim  and 
dive.  It  is  18  inches  long,  and  in  colour  is  deep  rich  blue,  the  sides  of  the 
head,  throat,  and  upper  part  of  the  breast  light  blue,  and  the  under  tail-coverts 

Representing  a  very  different  family,  the  sand-grouse,  which  are 

mostly  birds  of  the  Mediterranean  countries,  are  distinguished  by  long 
and  pointed  wings,  a  rounded  or  wedge-like  tail,  and  feathered  feet.  In  structure 
they  approximate  to  the  pigeons  on  the  one  hand  and  to  the  game-birds  on  the  other. 
The  large  sand-grouse  (Pterocles  arenarius)  inhabits  northern  Africa  from  Morocco 
to  Tripoli,  the  south-western  districts  of  the  Asiatic  part  of  the  Mediterranean 
region  as  far  as  India,  and  the  countries  round  the  Black  and  Caspian  Seas  and 
the  Sea  of  Aral.  In  Spain  both  this  species  and  the  pin-tailed  sand-grouse  occur, 
although  each  has  a  province  of  its  own,  the  two  species  being  apparently  inimical 
to  each  another.     Sometimes  the  large  sand-grouse  strays  into  other  countries  of 


southern  Europe,  and  now  and  then  stragglers  appear  in  Germany.  Being  an 
inhabitant  of  the  deserts,  it  is  coloured  in  harmony  with  its  surroundings ;  the 
plumage  is  sandy  yellow  and  black  above,  with  the  throat  chestnut  edged  with 
black,  the  chest  grey,  and  the  rest  of  the  under-parts  black.  In  length  it  measures 
nearly  14  inches.  The  three  eggs  are  laid  in  a  small  hollow  on  the  ground,  never  very 
far  from  water,  and  are  sandy  in  colour,  with  greyish  and  reddish  brown  markings. 
These  birds  are  light  and  strong  on  the  wing  and  traverse  great  distances  in  search 
of  food,  which  comprises  tender  buds  and  leaves,  seeds,  fruits,  and  insects.  They 
feed  in  larger  or  smaller  flocks,  the  members  of  which  keep  up  a  constant 
"chucking,"  like  domesticated  fowls,  or  a  kind  of  dove-like  cooing.  On  the 
wino-  these  birds  utter  a  loud  "  kadda-kadda,"  and  when  startled  an  indignant 
"  gur-gur-gur." 

The  pin-tailed  sand-grouse  (Pteroclurus  alchatus)  is  a  species  of  south-western 
Asia,  rano-incr  into  Arabia,  the  Caucasus,  and  Turkestan.  In  the  west  of  Europe  it 
is  represented  by  a  subspecies  (P.  alchatus  pyrenaicus),  which  breeds  in  northern 
Africa  and  southern  Europe,  especially  Spain  and  Portugal.  This  species  is  a  little 
smaller  than  the  ringed  sand-grouse,  from  which  it  is  distinguished  by  the  length 
of  the  two  pointed  middle  feathers  of  the  tail,  the  eastern  form  being  further 
'liti'L'i-entiated  by  the  yellowish  white  under-parts.  In  summer  the  breast  is  pale 
rufous,  in  winter  brownish  white;  in  the  western  form  the  plumage  is  darker, 
and  the  breast  in  summer  reddish  brown. 

To  provide  water  for  their  young,  cock  sand-grouse  fly  oft"  to  a  pool  in  which 
they  thoroughly  soak  the  feathers  of  the  breast.  On  their,  return  to  their  young, 
the  latter  pass  the  wet  feathers  of  their  parents  through  their  beaks,  and  thus 
obtain  sufficient  moisture. 

Comparatively  few  of  the  anserine  birds  breed  in  the  Mediter- 
ranean area ;    but  the  red-crested  pochard  ranges  from  Europe  as  far 
as  Persia  and  India ;  and  in  suitable  localities  the  white-eyed  duck,  the  pochard,  and 
the  wild  duck  are  met  with  here  and  there,  while  the  grey  lag-goose  is  also  occasion- 
ally seen.     There  are,  however,  no  mergansers  and  no  swans. 

Pigmy  In  addition  to  the  common  species,  the  pigmy  cormorant  (Phala- 

cormorant.  crocorax  pygmceus)  frequents  the  coasts,  and  is  especially  common  in 
Hungary,  where  it  breeds  from  April  to  September  and  October.  Its  distributional  area 
extends  from  Hungary  and  Dalmatia  to  northern  Africa,  the  Caspian,  the  Sea  of  Aral, 
and  Persia.  In  autumn  this  species  migrates  south.  It  lives  among  deep  marshes,  and 
nests  in  colonies  on  retired  waters  amid  weeds  and  willow-bushes,  in  company  with 
spoonbills,  ibises,  white  herons,  night-herons,  and  crested  herons.  In  these  colonies, 
where  the  nests  are  often  built  on  willow-bushes  close  beside  or  above  one  another, 
those  of  the  present  species,  to  the  number  of  three  or  four,  are  placed  on  the  highest 
branches  of  each  bush.  This  cormorant,  which  never  nests  on  tall  trees,  climbs 
slender  willow-stems,  and  even  reeds,  always  grasping  several  at  a  time  with  its 
long  toes,  aided  by  its  tail.  It  is  a  shy  and  suspicious  bird,  much  smaller  than 
the  common  cormorant,  measuring  only  from  21  to  23  inches  in  length.  In  colour 
it  is  mainly  black,  but  the  head  and  upper  part  of  the  neck  are  reddish  brown, 
and  the  lower-parts  marked  with  long  white  spots.  The  dark  grey  wing-coverts 
have  black  edges,  and  the  beak  and  feet  are  black. 


_. ,       .  _  Although  the  terns  are  represented  in  south-western  Asia  bv  the 

Whiskered  Tern. ,,,  ,    , .  .  . .         r        ,  J 

black    tern    and    the  white-winged    black    tern,  the  whiskered  tern 

(Hydrochelidon  hybrida)  is  much  more  characteristic  of  the  region.  This  bird 
arrives  on  its  breeding-grounds  towards  the  end  of  April,  and  nests  in  swamps 
and  meadows  near  large  ponds  among  aquatic  plants,  or  if  the  water  be  high,  on 
dense  willow-bushes  and  low  trees,  the  nest  being  an  untidy  mass  of  weeds,  often 
afloat  and  adrift.  The  young  remain  in  the  nest  till  fully  fledged,  and  are  later 
on  fed  by  the  old  birds,  whom  the}'  follow  with  cries,  when  on  the  wing.  When 
disturbed  by  a  bird-of-prey,  such  as  a  hen-harrier,  the  males  of  the  whole  colony 
assemble  round  the  enemy,  and  noisily  chase  it  away.  In  habits  this  species  most 
resembles  the  black  tern.  Its  range  extends  over  southern  Europe,  northern  Africa, 
and  thence  eastwards  through  the  Malay  Archipelago  to  Australia ;  but  the  species 
is  not  so  common  in  the  west  as  in  the  east,  where  it  occurs  in  large  numbers, 
especially  round  the  Caspian  and  in  Asia  Minor.  As  a  straggler  it  is  known  in 
the  British  Isles,  in  Germany  it  is  very  rare,  but  it  is  common  in  southern  Hungary 
and  the  Dobrudscha.  The  blood-red  beak,  the  white  stripe  along  the  cheek,  the 
grey  breast  and  black  crown  render  this  tern  easily  recognisable.  It  is  10 J 
inches  long,  and  grey  above  and  below,  with  a  white  edge  to  the  outermost 
tail  feathers. 
Mediterranean  One  °f  ^he  conspicuous  gulls  is  the  Mediterranean  black-headed 

Black-Headed  species  (Larus  melanocephalus),  whose  principal  home  is  in  the 
countries  around  the  Mediterranean  and  Black  Sea.  This  gull 
occurs  in  thousands  on  lake  Sinoe  in  the  Dobrudscha  and  at  Singora  in  Asia 
Minor,  while  in  winter  and  spring  it  is  abundant  near  Alexandria,  where  it  breeds 
on  small  islands,  and  floating  patches  of  grass  and  reeds,  often  at  some  distance 
from  the  sea.  In  gait  and  flight  it  resembles  the  laughing  gull.  It  has  white 
wings,  with  a  black  line  on  the  outer  web  of  the  first  primary,  and  a  pitch- 
black  head ;  the  delicate  pearl-grey  of  the  upper-parts  and  the  fine,  pinky  white 
of  the  under  surface,  together  with  the  coral-red  beak  and  feet,  rendering  it  a  very 
handsome  bird.     It  length  it  measures  from  15  to  17  inches. 

Of  the  grebes,  the  little  grebe  seems  to  be  confined  to  Europe  and 

Asia  Minor,  but  both  the  great  crested  grebe  and  the  eared  grebe  have 

a  much  wider  distribution,  extending  over  a  large  part  of  the  Mediterranean  region. 

Among  the  reptiles  of  south-western  Asia,  the  scheltopusik 
6P  e8'  (Ophisaurus  apus),  a  snake-like  lizard  in  which  the  front  legs  are 
absent  and  the  hind  pair  rudimentary,  is  very  characteristic.  It  is  about  a 
yard  long,  and  in  colour  chestnut-brown,  dark  coppery  red,  or  greyish  yellow  above, 
and  greyish  and  yellowish  brown  or  reddish  brown  below.  It  inhabits  grassy  and 
bushy  localities  in  south-eastern  Europe,  Asia  Minor,  and  northern  Africa,  where  it 
preys  on  small  animals  of  all  kinds,  and  will  successfully  attack  even  the  viper. 

Several  species  of  thorny-tailed  lizards,  such  as  Stellio  vulgaris,  occur  within 
the  area,  and  one  species  of  Amphisbcena.  Like  the  scheltopusik  the  amphisbsenas 
have  only  one  pair  of  legs,  but  in  their  case  it  is  the  front  and  not  the  hind  pair 
which  persists.  The  grey  species  (Amphisbcena  cinerea),  which  inhabits  Asia 
Minor,  northern  Africa,  and  the  Iberian  peninsula,  is  the  only  European  representa- 

VOL.  II. — 6 


tive  of  the  family,  whose  main  home  is  America.  Like  the  rest  of  its  kind,  this 
reptile  can  creep  either  forwards  or  backwards  with  equal  ease;  it  lives  in  the 
ground  especially  in  ant-hills,  and  feeds  on  insects  and  worms. 

In  addition  to  the  sand-viper,  already  noticed  in  the  chapter  on  Southern  Europe, 
the  snakes  are  represented  in  south-western  Asia,  southern  Europe,  and  northern 
Africa  by  the  Egyptian  Eryx  jaculus,  which  is  sometimes  over  30  inches  in 
length.  It  is  variable  in  colour,  though  as  a  rule  yellowish  with  brown  or  black 
spots  and  cross  lines ;  and  it  feeds  principally  on  lizards. 

Of  the  poisonous  snakes  a  few  species  are  found  in  south-western  Asia  as 
well  as  in  Europe  and  northern  Africa.     The  blind  snakes,  which  differ  in  several 


.  ,  K 

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points  from  ordinary  snakes,  and  are  remarkable,  among  other  features,  for  certain 
small  rod-like  bones  forming  the  sole  vestiges  of  the  hind-legs  of  their  ancestors, 
are  represented  by  the  European  blind  snake  (Ti/phlops  vermicularis)  in  Arabia,  Asia 
Minor,  and  the  Caucasus,  as  well  as  in  Greece.  It  is  10  or  12  inches  long,  and  in 
colour  light  yellow  or  light  brown  above  marked  with  black  spots,  and  white  below. 
While  there  are  no  amphibians  or  fishes  specially  characteristic  of 
south-western  Asia,  a  few  insects  are  worth  mention.  Among  these 
is  the  oleander  hawk-moth  (DapJtnis  nerii),  whose  wings  are  often  over  4  inches 
across.  In  colour  the  fore- wings  are  grassy  green,  marbled  and  striped  with  pink, 
white,  green,  and  violet,  and  bearing  at  the  base  a  dark  green  spot  ringed  with  white. 
This  moth  sometimes  appears  in  the  south  of  England.     The  caterpillar,  which  has 




a  long  horn,  is  green  or  yellowish  in  colour,  marked  on  each  side  by  a  kidney-shaped, 
white-centred  spot,  and  a  white  streak  along  the  body.  It  feeds  on  the  oleander 
and  the  periwinkle  from  July  to  September. 

The  locusts  in  the  Mediterranean  region  are  represented  by  the  migratory 
species  (Pachytylus  migratorius),  which  forms  a  common  pest  in  south-western 
Asia  and  north-western  Africa,  and  appears  in  flocks  so  great  as  to  darken  the  sun 
for  hours  and  strip  off  every  vestige  of  vegetation. 

Among  the  Arachnida  of  the  Mediterranean  region  are  certain 
representatives  01  the  false  spiders,  a  group  common  to  the  warmer 
countries  of  both  hemispheres.  They  live  chiefly  in  deserts  and  steppes,  and  are 
dreaded  on  account  of  their  poisonous  bite.  One  of  the  most  noxious  is  Galeodes 
araneoides,  which  inhabits  Greece,  southern  Russia,  Persia,  and  Arabia.  It  is 
about  2  inches  long,  and  pale  yellow  in  colour,  every  part  except  the  upper 
surface  being  greyish  brown.  An  allied  Egyptian  species,  G.  arabs,  frequently 
enters  dwelling-houses,  where  it  climbs  on  tables  to  catch  flies ;  and  other  species 
have  been  observed  to  ascend  trees.     False  spiders  constitute  the  suborder  Solifugce. 



The  Caspian  Area 

By  Dr.  Paul  Matschie,  who  has  devoted  much  attention  to  the  definition  of  the 
Mediterranean  region,  the  Caspian  area  is  regarded  as  an  outlying  transitional 
subresrion,  whose  fauna  is  connected  on  the  one  hand  with  that  of  the  Holarctic 
region  to  the  north  (especially  as  represented  by  the  so-called  Pontic  area  of 
eastern  Europe),  and  on  the  other  with  that  of  what  he  terms  the  Chinese  region 
in  the  east,  while  to  the  west  it  is  as  intimately  connected  with  the  typical 
Mediterranean  region.  This  tract  includes  the  catchment  basins  of  the  rivers 
flowing  into  the  Caspian  and  the  Sea  of  Aral,  although  only  the  lower  course  of 
the  Volga  and  that  portion  of  the  Urals  situated  south  of  Uralsk  lie  within  its 
limits.  The  southern  portion,  that  is  the  tract  between  the  Caspian  and  the 
Hindu  Koh  and  the  districts  around  the  upper  course  of  the  two  large  rivers 
discharging  into  the  Sea  of  Aral,  may  on  the  whole  be  characterised  as  a  semi- 
desert.  The  rest  of  the  area  has  for  centuries  been  known  as  the  steppe.  This 
steppe  is  mainly  situated  between  the  lower  course  of  the  Volga,  and  the  Caspian 
on  the  west,  and  the  Tian-Shan  Mountains  on  the  east,  and  forms  with  its 
central  Asiatic  continuation  the  north-eastern  branch  of  the  northern  African  and 
Arabian  desert,  and,  unlike  the  desert  beyond  the  Tian-Shan,  is  neither  hilly  nor 

The  Caspian  plain,  like  the  central  Asiatic  highlands,  lies  within  the  temperate 
zone,  and  is  subject  to  sudden  changes  of  temperature  and  great  dryness  of  the 
air,  the  cold  winter  giving  the  sparse  vegetation  an  appearance  differing  greatly 
from  that  of  the  desert-region  to  the  south-west.     The  influence  of  the  winter  is 

distinctly  shown  in  the  oases    and  on  the  banks  of  the   rivers,   where  the  most 



noticeable  vegetation  consists  of  deciduous  trees  and  bushes  such  as  poplars,  elms, 
willows  and  ash  trees,  amongst  which  appear  wild  roses,  raspberry-bushes, 
hawthorns,  and  a  kind  of  honeysuckle.  In  the  less  watered  parts  tamarisk, 
wormwood,  and  liliaceous  plants  such  as  garlic  and  tulips,  are  everywhere  found. 
The  characteristic  plant,  however,  is  the  saxaul  (Anatasis  ammodendron),  a  thick- 
stemmed  tree  of  about  20  feet  in  height,  with  a  hard,  heavy  wood,  and  a  sappy 
bark  apparently  serving  as  a  water-reservoir.  In  May  this  tree,  which  occasionally 
forms  small  forests,  has  little  yellow  blossoms,  and  in  September  pear-shaped, 
fleshy  fruits.  Also  prominent  and  widely  distributed  is  a  hardy  woolly  reed 
(Lasiogrostis  splendens),  nearly  7  feet  in  height,  which  grows  principally  on 
saline  soils,  and  forms  large  thickets  in  favourable  places.  Common,  although  less 
characteristic,  is  a  juicy  and  thorny  shrub  (Nitraria  schoberi)  with  small  leaves, 
which  grows  best  on  saline  and  clay  soils,  attaining  a  height  of  about  12  inches, 
and  affording  in  its  berries  a  favourite  food  to  many  animals. 

Most  of  the  plants  have  small  or  no  leaves,  and  are  protected  from  drought  in 
much  the  same  way  as  the  desert  plants  of  northern  Africa  and  south-western 
Asia.  Their  growth  depends  partly  on  the  spring  rains;  but  while  the  plants 
nourished  by  underground  moisture  bear  leaves  during  the  whole  or  the  greater 
part  of  the  summer,  those  dependent  on  these  rains  appear  for  a  few  weeks  only. 

The  western  districts,  traversed  by  the  lower  Volga,  differ  in  the  character 
of  the  landscape  from  those  farther  east,  the  vegetation  consisting  of  dwarf 
plants  widely  scattered  over  large  spaces  of  bare  ground,  and  remarkable  for  the 
predominance  of  greyish  green,  hairy  herbs  rich  in  aromatic  oils.  In  spring  there 
appear  tender  and  juicy  plants,  such  as  lilies  and  their  allies,  and  early  grasses, 
especially  Poa  bidbosa.  These  are  replaced  by  a  yarrow  {Achillea  gerberi)  and  a 
number  of  grasses  with  hard,  curly  leaves.  As  heat  and  dryness  increase,  there 
follow  a  number  of  spiny  plants,  the  spines  of  which  replace  the  tender  leaves  of 
spring.  At  the  end  of  summer  aromatic  plants  and  saline  herbs  predominate, 
the  roots  of  these  going  deep  enough  to  derive  sufficient  moisture,  while  their 
neighbours  perish  through  drought. 

Between  the  Caspian  and  the  Sea  of  Aral  is  the  Trans-Caspian  region.  Bare 
mountains,  rivers  without  estuaries  and  in  summer  without  water,  barren  salt- 
plains,  unlimited  sand,  and  innumerable  sand-hills,  partly  bare  and  partly 
covered  with  low  bushes,  form  the  Trans-Caspian  landscape.  To  complete  the 
picture  it  should  be  added  that  the  air  is  laden  with  dust  and  the  sky  cloudless. 
In  the  north-eastern  part  of  the  Caspian  area  lies  the  monotonous  Kirghiz  steppe, 
where  thorny  desert  plants  struggle  with  inclement  nature.  Wherever  the  ground  is 
damp  the  woolly  reeds  grow  in  tall,  impenetrable  thickets,  and  everywhere  the 
sand  is  clothed  with  the  ragged  saxaul,  whose  long,  hard  roots  form  the  fuel  of  the 
Kirghiz  nomads,  by  whom  it  is  piled  in  pyramids  near  their  tent-villages  or 
carried  away  in  the  caravans.  Here  and  there  the  steppe  is  traversed  b}T  water- 
courses, dry  during  the  greater  part  of  the  year,  which  feed  small  salt  lakes,  on 
the  shores  of  which  innumerable  flocks  of  birds  of  passage  stop  to  rest  in  spring 
and  autumn. 

To  the  south-eastward  of  the  Kirghiz  steppe  lies  the  Turkestan  desert,  where 
the  growth  of  plants  becomes  poorer  on  the  barren  soil  of  the  ancient  bed  of  the 


Aralo-Caspian  Sea.  Along  the  shore  of  the  Sea  of  Aral  the  yellow  sand  is  of  such 
compactness  that  the  feet  of  the  numerous  camels  leave  scarcely  an  impression 
The  depth  of  this  sea  is  inconsiderable,  and  its  water  contains  so  much  salt  as  to 
be  drinkable  only  at  the  mouths  of  the  rivers,  and  in  a  few  patches  of  fresh 
water  far  out  from  the  shore.  A  south-west  storm  drives  the  water  into  the  bays 
and  floods  the  sandy  banks,  but  in  the  warm  season  the  sand  is  driven  into  the 
water,  thus  continually  changing  the  outline  of  the  coast,  filling  the  bays,  forming 
isthmuses,  islands,  and  sand-bars,  and  cutting  off  strips  of  water  into  salt-lagoons 
which  dry  up  in  summer.  On  following  the  course  of  the  Syr-Darya  upwards, 
it  will  be  found  that  the  ground  is  as  flat  as  a  table,  and  the  country  forms  a 
typical  desert  for  vast  distances,  only  interrupted  here  and  there  by  saxaul 
bushes.  On  approaching  the  Russian  Fort  Perovsk,  a  district  showing  traces  of 
recent  floods,  and  closely  covered  with  tall  reeds,  is  entered.  Between  Perovsk 
and  Chumenarik  the  traveller  will  be  surprised  by  coming  on  a  rich  vegetation, 
which  in  its  masses  of  reeds,  saxaul,  and  thorny  plants,  affords  good  covert  for  the 
tiger,  and  forms  the  favourite  haunts  of  wild  boars  and  gazelles,  besides  containing 
innumerable  flocks  of  geese,  wild  ducks,  and,  above  all,  pheasants.  Farther  east 
the  country  becomes  mountainous,  till  at  length  the  tall  poplars  in  the  gardens  of 
the  city  of  Turkestan  stand  out  clear  against  the  sky. 

The  Caspian  area  is  bordered  by  the  Siberian  province  of  the  Holarctic  region 
on  the  north,  by  the  Pontic  or  Black  Sea  province  in  the  north-west,  and  by  the 
Mediterranean  region  on  the  south-west  and  south.  Being  a  comparatively  small 
tract,  surrounded  by  land,  it  shares  many  animal  forms  with  the  adjoining 
countries.  Wherever  climate,  soil,  and  vegetation  are  suitable,  the  northern 
Asiatic,  European,  and  south-western  Asiatic  fauna  is  to  be  met  with ;  while,  on 
the  other  hand,  there  are  many  Caspian  animal  types  either  absent  from  the 
adjoining  provinces  or  merely  intruding  on  their  confines,  save  in  the  case  of  the 
Chinese  province,  which  in  climate  and  soil  closely  resembles  the  Caspian  area. 

Where  the  climate  of  the  Caspian  area  is  like  that  of  the  wooded  zone  of  the 
northern  temperate  latitudes,  the  animals  are  of  similar  or  closely  allied  forms. 
This  is  the  case  with  the  eastern  red  deer  or  maral  (Cervus  elaphus  maral),  which 
inhabits  north-eastern  Persia,  the  Caucasus,  and  Circassia,  and  is  a  large  local 
variety  of  the  red  deer  of  eastern  Europe,  with  which  it  probably  intergrades 
in  the  Carpathians. 

A  portion  of  the  Caucasus  must  be  regarded  as  belonging  to  the 
Caspian  area.  In  addition  to  the  bison  and  the  chamois,  the  goats 
are  the  most  remarkable  hollow-horned  ruminants  of  these  districts.  Two  of 
these,  known  by  the  name  of  tur,  one  of  which  presents  some  approximation  to  the 
bharal  of  the  Himalaya,  are  highly  characteristic  of  this  part  of  the  area.  Of 
the  two  kinds,  Pallas's  tur  (Capra  cylindricornis)  occurs  to  the  west  of  the 
Kasbeg  Mountains  whence  it  ranges  over  Daghestan.  It  has  a  shoulder-height  of 
about  36  inches,  and  long,  black,  smooth,  almost  cylindrical  horns,  which  wind  in  a 
spiral  outwardly  and  backwards,  the  points  turning  towards  each  other  about  a  foot 
apart.  The  west  Caucasian  tur  (C.  caucasica),  which  inhabits  the  whole  of  the 
western  Caucasus,  is  of  the  same  size  but  more  stoutly  built,  with  long  black  horns 
curving  upwards  and  backwards  in  a  more  ibex-like  manner,  their  tips  far  apart 



and  curving  sometimes  downward  and  sometimes  outwards.  Moreover  the  horns 
are  three-cornered  at  the  base,  and  provided  with  more  or  less  distinct  knots  on 
the  front  surface.  In  the  central  Caucasus  occur  certain  tur  which  have  much  the 
appearance  of  hybrids  between  the  two  preceding  species,  although  they  have 
been  regarded  as  indicating  a  third  species. 

While  the  deer  occur  only  on  one  border  of  the  Caspian 
area,  the  saiga  antelope  (Saiga  tatarica),  although  not  strictly 
confined  to  it,  is  one  of  its  characteristic  mammals.  This  antelope,  which  is 
about  the  size  of  a  sheep,  is  one  of  the  ugliest  of  the  group,  on  account  of  the 
peculiar  shape  of  its  head  and  its  clumsy  body.  It  has  a  large,  strongly  curved, 
inflated  nose,  blunt  at  the  extremity,  with  large  nostrils  directed  downwards,  and 
yellow,  lyrate  horns  of  which  the  length  is  usually  under  12  inches.     In  summer  the 



coat  is  tawny  and  in  winter  whitish  grey,  the  under-parts  and  lower  surface  of  the 
tail  being  always  white.  In  prehistoric  times  the  distributional  area  of  the  saiga 
extended  as  far  as  the  south-east  of  England,  and  the  animal  lived  on  the  eastern 
boundaries  of  Poland  only  a  hundred  years  ago.  At  the  present  day  it  is  restricted 
to  southern  Russia,  south-western  Siberia,  and  above  all  the  Kirghiz  steppes. 

The  wild  boar  of  Hungary  and  the  Caspian  area,  on  account  of 
wild  Boar.      .^  h^&  g.^  ^  ^^  described  as  a  distinct  species  under  the  name 

of  Sits  attila,  but  as  it  is  better  regarded  as  a  race  of  the  typical  wild  boar,  it  may 

be  called  S.  scrofa  attila. 

A  characteristic  rodent  of  the  Caspian  area  is  the  large  five-toed 

Aiagdaga.      jerboa  known  as  the  alagdaga  (Alactaga  decuman  a),  the  best-known 

representative  of  its  genus,  which   ranges  from  the  Caspian  through    southern 

Russia  as  far  as  the  Crimea,  and  over  the  deserts  and  steppes  of  central  Asia  as  far 


south  as  Bushire   on   the  Persian  Gulf.     The   alagdaga  is  about  7  inches  long 

exclusive  of  the  tail,  which  is  considerably  longer.     In  colour  it  is  greyish  rufous 

above  and  white  below,  the  tail  being  brown  with  a  black  and  white  arrow-shaped 

tip.     These  jerboas  associate  in  small  parties,  two  or  three  pairs  together  in  a 

burrow,  which  they  dig  in  the  ground.     This  burrow,  which  is  of  considerable  size, 

and  somewhat  elaborate  in  plan,  consists  of  a  central  chamber  and  several  galleries, 

one  of  which  ends  near  the  surface  and  is  opened  only  as  an  exit  in  case  of  danger. 

In  the  deep  chamber  of  the  burrow,  the  young,  five  to  eight  in  number,  are  born 

in  summer,  and  remain  with  their  parents  till  the  following   spring,  the   whole 

family  hibernating  from  the  beginning  of  September  until  the  end  of  April.     On 

its  nocturnal  excursions  the  alagdaga  steals  the  eggs  and  young  of  the  steppe-lark, 

though  it  chiefly  feeds  on  vegetables  and  occasionally  on  insects.     Food  being 

scarce  in  the  desert,  the  alagdaga,  like  other  animals  of  this  area,  travels  long 

distances  in  search  of  provender.     Its  speed  when  moving  over  the  ground  in  long 

leaps  is  considerably  greater  than  that  of  the  three-toed  jerboas,  and  even  exceeds 

that  of  a  hare. 

Allied  to  the  jerboas  is  the  mouse-like  rodent  known  as  Sicista  or 

Sminthus  subtilis,  which  differs  from  ordinary  mice  and  voles  by  the 

presence  of  four,  in  place  of  three,  upper  cheek-teeth.     The  Caspian  is  about  the 

centre  of  the  distributional  area  of  this  species,  which  comprises  northern,  eastern, 

and  south-eastern  Europe,  as  well  as  western  and  central  Asia.     In  length  the 

sminthus  measures  approximately  2h  inches,  and  the  tail  is  about  the  same.     The 

hair  on  the  body  is  very  soft,  but  that  on  the  tail  is  short  and  thinly  spread.     Along 

the  yellowish  grey  upper-parts  runs  a  black  stripe  bordered  by  a  light  band,  the  sides 

being  light  greyish  yellow  and  the  under-parts  yellowish  white,  while  the  point  of 

the  nose,  the  lips,  chin,  and  feet  are  white.     In  habits  this  rodent  resembles  the 


Passing  on  to  the  mouse  tribe,  it  may  be  mentioned  that  a  pecu- 
Mouse  Tribe.     ,.,,.-.,,.,  ,  ~  . 

liar  blind  vole-like  rodent  occurs  in   the   Caucasus,   representing   a 

genus  by  itself,  for  which  the  name  Prometheomys  has  been  proposed. 

Gerbils  are  represented  in  the  Caspian  area  by  Gerbillus  tamaricinus,  which  is 

about  13  inches  long  inclusive  of  the  tail,  the  length  of  the  latter  being  about  6 

inches.     In  colour  it  is  yellowish  grey  above,  paler  at  the  sides,  and  brownish  on 

the  hind  part  of  back,  with  a  white  spot  on  each  side.     Above  the  eyes  and  behind 

the  ears  it  is  white,   as   are  the   lower  parts ;    but  the  tail  is  brown.     Another 

murine  rodent,  the  rice-hamster  (Cricetus   [Cricetulus]  phwus),  which   owes    its 

name  to  the  damage  it  does  to  rice-plantations,  and  has  been  already  mentioned 

in  the  preceding  chapter,  ranges  from  southern  Russia  through  the  Caspian  area 

into  Persia  and  Afghanistan.     Only  about  a  third  the  size  of  the  common  species, 

it  is  light  grey  in  colour  with  white  under-parts  and  feet. 

Manui  or  PaUas's         On  the  steppes  the  place  of  the  European  wild  cat  is  taken  by 

Cat  Pallas's  cat  (Felis  rnanul),  which  has  a  large  range  in  central  Asia 

extending  from  the  Kirghiz  steppe  in  the  west  to  Mongolia  in  the  east,  and  from 

southern  Siberia  in  the  north  to  the  highlands  of  Tibet  in  the  south.     About  the 

size  of  an  ordinary  domestic  cat,  it  is  distinguished  by  its  very  long  soft  fur  and 

bushy  tail.     The  general  colour  is  a  silvery,  yellowish  grey,  darker  on  the  back 


and  lighter  on  the  lower-parts,  the  chest  being  dark  brown.  It  is  often  marked  on 
the  sides  with  a  few  dark  stripes,  and  the  tail  has  six  or  seven  dark  rings,  while 
there  are  also  spots  on  the  forehead,  and  occasionally  indistinct  bars  on  the  legs. 
The  manul,  which  formerly  occurred  in  the  Orenburg  steppe,  feeds  principally  on 
small  rodents,  such  as  picas,  and  has  been  regarded  as  the  ancestor  of  the  Angora 
cat,  although  this  is  improbable. 

The  characteristic  fox  of  the  Caspian  area  is  the  corsac  (Canis 

Corsac  Fox.  . 

corsac),  a  species  whose  nearest  relative  seems  to  be  the  Asiatic  desert- 
fox.  It  is  of  the  colour  of  the  desert  sand  above,  and  white  below,  with  a  black  tip 
to  the  tail.  Its  haunts  are  more  or  less  desert-like  districts,  such  as  are  found  from 
the  shores  of  the  Volga  and  the  Caspian  to  south-eastern  Siberia,  China,  and  the 
Amur  countries.  This  fox  does  not  apparently  dig  its  own  burrow,  but  generally 
inhabits  one  abandoned  by  marmots,  where  it  will  die  rather  than  attempt  to  bolt 
when  driven  in  by  dogs.  It  lives  principally  on  small  rodents,  such  as  picas  and 
voles,  which  it  hunts  during  the  night. 

sarmatian  The    habitat    of    the    Sarmatian   polecat   (Mustela   sarmatica) 

Polecat.  extends  from  eastern  Europe,  where  it  has  been  taken  in  the  forest  of 
Bielowitzka,  right  through  the  Caspian  area  to  southern  Afghanistan  where  it  is 
particularly  common.  This  species,  which  has  a  bushy  tail  half  the  length  of 
the  body,  is  generally  about  13  inches  in  length  without  its  tail.  In  colour  it 
is  of  a  brown  and  yellow  piebald  above,  and  brilliant  black  below,  with  a  brown 
or  black  face,  and  a  white  band  across  the  forehead  extending  down  the  sides  of  the 
neck.  This  polecat  lives  in  the  environs  of  Quetta  in  holes  in  the  ground,  which 
are  probably  made  by  rats,  and  it  seems  to  be  as  common  on  cultivated  as  on  un- 
cultivated ground.  Although  its  habits  are  not  well  known,  it  is  probably  a 
nocturnal  animal,  as  it  is  rarely  seen  during  the  day.  Its  food  consists  of  birds,  rats, 
mice,  lizards,  beetles,  and  snails.  One  of  these  animals  in  captivity  killed  in  succes- 
sion four  wagtails  and  four  rats.  The  rats  were  always  seized  at  the  same  spot, 
namely,  close  behind  the  ears,  and  held  firmly  between  the  teeth  of  their  conqueror 
until  they  ceased  to  struggle,  when  they  were  finished  off  with  one  or  two  bites  in 
the  back  of  the  head.  As  soon  as  blood  flowed  from  the  wounds,  the  polecat  licked 
it  up,  but  it  never  tried  to  suck  the  blood  ;  nor,  although  it  had  fasted  for  some  time, 
did  it  eat  its  victims  at  once,  but  took  them  to  a  compartment  of  its  cage,  where  it 
was  accustomed  to  sleep,  and  there  devoured  them  at  nightfall.  The  Sarmatian 
polecat,  which  emits  the  same  disagreeable  smell  as  its  European  relative,  brings 
forth  three  or  four  young  at  the  end  of  March  or  beginning  of  April. 

Long-Eared  In  concluding  this  brief  survey  of  the  Caspian  mammals,  mention 

Hedgehog.  may  De  made  of  the  long-eared  hedgehog  (Erinaceus  auritus),  which 
belongs  to  the  same  genus  as  the  European  hedgehog,  but  is  somewhat  smaller, 
with  ears  more  than  half  the  length  of  the  head 

Many  of  the  birds  in  the  Caspian  area  are  closely  related  to  those' 

eppe-  ar  .    ^  Europe.     The  steppe-lark  (Melanocorypha  sibirica)  is  an  abundant 

and  characteristic  bird  on  the  lower  Volga  and  the  Ural  Rivers,  where  it  occurs  with 

the  skylark ;  and  thence  it  ranges  into  central  Asia  as  far  east  as  the  Altai  Mountains 

and  the  Irtish  River.      It  is  a  little  larger  than  the  skylark  with  a  stouter  beak. 

Black  Lark. 


The  crown  and  wing-coverts  are  light  rusty  yellow,  the  secondaries  white  at  the 
tip  and  black  at  the  base,  the  two  outer  tail-feathers  white,  and  the  others  blackish 
brown  with  white  edges  ;  the  flanks  are  streaked  with  dark  brown,  the  back  is  light 
brown  with  dark  spots,  and  the  under-parts  are  white.  This  bird  occasionally 
strays  as  far  west  as  Belgium,  and  has  been  taken  in  England  among  a  flock  of 

More  remarkable   than   the   steppe-lark   is  the  black  lark  (J/. 

yeltoniensis),  which  is  found  between  the  Volga  and  the  Irtish,  and 
between  the  Caspian  and  the  mountains  of  central  Asia.  It  is  so  numerous  near 
Lake  Yelton,  north-east  of  Sarepta,  as  to  be  named  after  that  sheet  of  water.  In 
size  it  is  almost  as  large  as  a  starling.  The  females  are  grey  with  dark  brown 
spots  like  other  larks,  but  the  males  are  quite  black,  especially  in  summer  when 
the  sand-coloured  edges  of  the  feathers  are  worn  off.  In  other  respects  the  species 
is  distinguished  by  its  stout,  finch-like  beak,  and  strong,  short-toed  feet.  The 
black  plumage  of  the  cocks  forms  a  striking  contrast  to  the  light  ground  of  the 
steppe ;  and  its  peculiar  fluttering  flight  as  it  descends  makes  the  bird  easily  recog- 
nisable. When  singing,  it  soars  to  a  considerable  height,  glides  on  a  little  distance 
with  half-drooping  wings,  then  soars  higher,  and  hovers  almost  out  of  sight  until 
at  last  it  comes  to  the  ground  at  a  considerable  slope.  Although  this  lark  has 
straggled  into  western  Europe  on  a  few  occasions,  it  rarely  wanders  westward 
of  southern  Russia. 

The   spurred    pipit,   or    Richard's   pipit   (Anthus  richardi),  is 

remarkable  in  more  than  one  way,  for  not  only  is  it  the  largest  of  its 
genus,  measuring  8  inches  in  length,  but  it  has  the  claw  on  the  hind-toe  over  an 
inch  in  length,  or  longer  than  the  toe  itself.  The  feathers  of  the  upper-parts 
are  dark  brown  edged  with  pale  brown  or  sandy  buff,  while  below  the  colour  of 
the  plumage  is  rusty  yellowish  white  shading  into  rufous  on  the  sides.  This 
species,  instead  of  striding  over  the  ground  like  other  pipits,  moves  more  like  a 
thrush.  In  flight  it  resembles  a  wagtail,  and  when  rising  always  utters  its  call,  a 
short  "zirp"  or  "  ziep,"  similar  to  the  chirp  of  a  sparrow.  On  migration  it 
appears  not  only  in  India,  but  also  in  southern  Europe  and  northern  Africa,  though 
not  known  to  breed  there.  Stray  individuals  have  been  taken  in  England, 
Belgium  and  Holland,  on  the  German  coast,  and  on  the  islands  of  the  North  Sea. 
Ros   stari"  ^e  starnngs  are  represented  in  the  Caspian  area  by  the  rosy 

starling  (Pastor  roseus),  conspicuous  for  its  pink  body  and  black 
crested  head,  wings,  and  tail.  Young  birds,  which  lack  the  crest,  are  brownish  grey 
with  a  whitish  throat,  and  indistinctly  spotted  on  the  breast.  In  length  the  adult  is 
about  8  inches.  The  breeding-area  of  this  bird  extends  from  the  Caspian  east- 
wards to  Mongolia,  and  westwards  to  the  plains  of  the  Danube.  In  habits  this 
species  resembles  the  common  starling,  although  the  flocks  in  which  it  collects  are 
not  so  large.  It  is  also  much  more  active  on  the  wing,  probably  by  reason  of  having 
daily  to  search  a  vast  extent  of  country  for  its  food,  and  being  compelled  to  catch 
insects  in  the  air  after  the  fashion  of  the  bee-eaters.  Its  principal  food-supply  is 
afforded  by  the  wandering  locust,  which  invades  its  habitat  in  cloud-like  swarms. 
The  Turks  have  a  saying  that  it  kills  ninety-nine  of  these  insects  and  eats  the 
hundredth.     On  account  of  its  locust-killing  habit  it  is  considered  almost  sacred  by 



the  inhabitants  of  most  of  the  countries  it  frequents,  and  is  nowhere  persecuted 
or  destroyed.  In  the  paddy-fields  of  India  it  is,  however,  so  much  dreaded  that  it 
has  been  given  the  name  of  demon-bird,  and  coolies  are  employed  to  drive  it  away  : 
for  its  food,  besides  insects,  comprises  berries,  fruits,  and  grain,  especially  rice,  of 



which  last  it  seems  very  fond.  It  seems  to  visit  India  regularly,  but  migration 
seldom  takes  it  to  northern  Africa;  and  it  appears  at  irregular  intervals  in  Italy, 
France,  England,  and  the  countries  between  these  and  its  breeding-area.  In  Europe 
the  rose-coloured  starling  generally  associates  with  the  common  starling,  visiting 
pastures  in  much  the  same  manner.     In  its  native  habitat  it  in  most  cases  roosts 


in  willow  bushes  near  rivers,  or  some  such  places,  on  account  of  the  absence  of 
taller  trees  The  nest,  which  is  nearly  always  placed  in  the  neighbourhood  of 
water  is  a  plain  structure  composed  of  dry  twigs  and  stems,  generally  in  a  hole  in 
a  tree'  or  in  crevices  in  rocks  or  ruins.  Sometimes  this  starling,  which  leaves  its 
home  in  August  and  returns  in  April,  breeds  in  the  countries  to  which  it  migrates  in 
immense  numbers.  In  1875  Germany  and  Switzerland  were  visited  by  flocks  of 
these  birds  :  in  the  north  German  plain  parties  of  thirty  were  noticed,  and  near 
Villafranca  in  northern  Italy  at  least  12,000  were  seen.  Arriving  on  the  3rd  of 
June,  they  settled  on  the  walls  of  the  fortress  and  the  roofs  of  the  adjacent  houses, 
and  drove  away  the  other  starlings  as  well  as  swallows,  sparrows,  and  pigeons. 
On  the  9th  of  June  their  nests  contained  eggs  ;  by  the  12th  of  July  all  the  young 
were  fledo-ed  :  and  on  the  14th  of  the  same  month  they  departed  with  their  parents, 
none  returning  the  following  year. 


pander's  chough-thrush. 

One  of  the  most  characteristic  birds  of  the  Caspian  area  is 
1  Pander's  chough-thrush  (Podoces  pander i),  a  species  about  the  size  of 
a  starling,  with  a  long,  stout,  pointed  beak,  short  rounded  wings,  and  moderately 
long  stout  l<gs.  Flying  only  when  in  danger,  it  commonly  runs  about  on  the  sand 
after  the  manner  of  a  fowl.  In  summer  it  feeds  principally  on  beetles,  and  in 
winter  on  seeds.  In  colour  it  is  delicate  grey  and  pale  pink  above,  with  the  throat 
white,  the  lower  part  of  the  neck  and  tail  black,  a  black  patch  on  the  lores,  and 
black  and  white  win^s. 

Red-Footed  Aim  >ng  the  birds-of-prey,  the  red-footed  falcon  (Falco  vespertinus) 

Falcon.  js  nn  inhabitant  of  the  Caspian  area  and  the  corresponding  latitudes 
of  eastern  Europe  and  central  Asia.  In  Europe  it  is  found  in  Hungary,  Poland, 
and  Russia,  is  very  common  in  the  Dobrudscha,  and  also  occurs  in  Servia  and 
Rumania,  but  is  less  abundant  in  Galicia,  east  Prussia,  and  Silesia,  and  thence 
westwards    becomes   rarer   and   rarer.     In    September   and    October    it    migrates, 



following  the  course  of  the  rivers,  and  appears  in  southern  France,  Switzerland, 
Italy,  Greece,  the  Mediterranean  islands,  the  shores  of  the  Bosphorus,  eastern 
Africa,  Arabia,  and  India.  It  returns  in  spring,  to  nest  on  cliffs  and  high  trees,  or 
on  ledges  of  rock  and  steep  slopes,  but  never  in  the  plains.  Its  nest  has  on  rare 
occasions  been  found  in  central  and  northern  Germany.  In  Hungary  it  takes 
possession  of  magpies'  and  jackdaws'  nests,  driving  away  the  rightful  owners,  if 
necessary,  with  the  assistance  of  its  fellows.  This  falcon  is  gregarious,  and  generally 
hunts  in  the  evening  till  late  at  night,  a  practice  from  which  is  derived  its  specific 
name.  It  preys  chiefly  on  insects,  especially  locusts,  following  the  swarms  of  the 
latter  on  their  journeys  in  company  with  rosy  starlings.  It  also  catches  small 
beetles  on  the  ground,  clutches  them  with  its  claws,  and  eats  them  piece-meal  as  it 
flies.  After  appeasing  its  hunger,  it  perches  on  the  dry  branches  of  a  tree,  or  on  a 
hedge  or  even  a  clod  of  earth.  It  takes  its  name  of  red-footed  falcon  from  the 
bright  red  hue  of  its  feet,  the  same  colour  obtaining  on  the  lores.  In  the  males  the 
back  is  leaden  grey,  in  the  females  bluish  grey  barred  with  black.  In  length  this 
falcon  is  about  11|  inches.  The  tail  is  black,  the  thighs  are  chestnut,  and  the  claws 
yellowish  white. 

A  much  larger  bird,  the  imperial  eagle  (Aquila  heliaca),  is  an 
"  inhabitant  both  of  the  forest  and  of  the  steppe.  In  plains  and  in 
mountains  of  moderate  height,  it  frequents  the  forest  where  it  is  much  less 
particular  in  the  choice  of  its  breeding-places  than  the  golden  eagle.  In  the 
steppe  it  nests  among  solitary  groups  of  trees,  and  even  in  treeless  districts.  The 
nest,  which  is  comparatively  small  and  built  of  the  usual  thick  sticks  at  the  base, 
with  thinner  ones  towards  the  top,  is  sometimes  lined  with  green  leaves,  dry  grass, 
wool,  and  other  material.  In  April  or  later  it  contains  two  or  three  white  eggs  with 
regular  violet  grey  and  rusty-coloured  spots  and  dots,  and  also  forms  a  home  for 
numerous  sparrows,  which  build  in  its  sides.  Most  of  the  nests  are  found  in 
districts  where  dormice  are  plentiful,  these  rodents  being  the  favourite  prey  of  the 
imperial  eagle.  By  no  means  so  bold  as  the  golden  eagle,  this  species  will  neverthe- 
less defend  its  nest  even  against  that  eagle  with  the  greatest  courage.  Like  the 
golden  eagle,  it  performs  playful  evolutions  in  the  air,  holding  itself  more  like  a  raven 
than  a  falcon,  that  is  to  say,  more  nearly  horizontal.  The  imperial  eagle  inhabits 
south-eastern  Europe  and  north-eastern  Africa,  and  ranges  eastwards  into  India 
and  China.  In  Europe  it  breeds  in  southern  Hungary,  but  more  frequently  in 
Slavonia,  Transylvania,  Servia,  Rumania,  Turkey,  Greece,  and  the  lower  Danube. 
From  southern  Europe  it  does  not  migrate  at  all,  or  at  least  not  far,  but  in  more 
northerly  parts  it  is  a  bird  of  passage,  and  in  Africa  is  met  with  far  up  the 
valley  of  the  Nile.  The  female,  like  that  of  most  other  birds-of-prey,  is  much  the 
larger  of  the  two,  although  not  so  vivid  in  colouring  as  the  male.  The  total  length 
of  this  eagle  is  from  30  to  33  inches.  The  feet  are  covered  with  dark  feathers 
down  to  the  toes  ;  on  the  middle  toe  are  five  large  scales,  and  on  each  of  the  rest  of 
the  toes  four.  The  cere  and  feet  are  pale  yellow ;  there  is  a  white  patch  on  the  sca- 
pulars, and  the  tail  shows  indistinct  ashy  grey  markings  with  a  black  bar  at  the  end. 
The  nest  of  the  steppe-eagle  (A.  nipalensis)  has  been  found  on 
steppe-Eagle.  ^  sh0res  of  the  Volga,  in  central  Asia,  and  in  the  Dobrudscha, 
where  one  was  situated  on  the  bare  ground  beneath  the  shelter  of  a  shrub.     The 


bird  is  not  rare  in  India  and  in  the  neighbourhood  of  the  Black  Sea,  and  has  been 
recorded  from  Pomerania  and  other  parts  of  eastern  Germany,  though  it  apparently 
never  strays  as  far  as  western  Europe.  Avoiding  the  forest,  it  keeps  to  wild  open 
country.  In  general  colour  it  is  pale  brown  above  and  below,  and  in  length 
measures  about  30  inches.  In  size  it  is  superior  to  the  spotted  eagle  (Aquila 
clanga),  which  measures  from  24  to  28  inches,  and  is  slenderer  in  build.  The 
home  of  the  latter  species  is  apparently  the  boundary  between  the  Caspian  and 
central  Asia  on  one  hand,  and  Siberia  on  the  other. 

By  no  means  a  true  steppe  bird,  the  spotted  eagle  prefers  leafy 
spotted  Eagle.  WQQ^^  especiaiiy  those  at  some  elevation.  Its  nest,  generally  placed 
on  some  tall  old  tree,  is  always  covered  with  fresh,  leafy  branches.  This  species 
is  distinguished  from  the  lesser  spotted  eagle  by  its  white  tail-coverts,  its  superior 
size,  and  its  call,  which  resembles  the  yelping  of  a  hound.  Its  prey  consists  principally 
of  ducks,  geese,  game-birds,  young  hares,  marmots,  mice,  frogs,  and  beetles.  This 
eao-le,  which  migrates  to  the  south  in  the  middle  of  September,  and  returns  in 
April,  occurs  frequently  in  southern  Germany,  Switzerland,  Italy,  and  France.  In 
northern  Germany  it  is  one  of  the  rarest  birds,  but  in  winter  is  common  in  Egypt, 
although  it  does  not  apparently  breed  either  there  or  in  south-eastern  and  southern 
Europe.  Since  the  two  spotted  eagles  and  the  steppe-eagle  have  often  been 
mistaken  for  one  another,  the  boundaries  of  their  respective  breeding-areas  are  not 
yet  accurately  known. 

On  the  Caucasian  boundary  of  the  Caspian  and  in  Transcaspia 
there  occur  two  kinds  of  game-birds  unknown  in  Europe,  namely, 
the  Caucasian  and  the  Caspian  snow-cocks.  The  former  (Tetraogallus  caucasicus) 
which  is  21  inches  in  length,  is  greyish  above,  and  has  all  the  feathers  of  the  back 
marked  with  narrow  black  and  light  yellow  bars.  The  back  of  the  head  and  nape 
are  reddish,  and  down  the  sides  of  the  throat  runs  a  reddish  brown  band.  In  the 
mountains  this  bird  is  found  up  to  the  snow-line,  where  it  lives  among  rocks  above 
the  limit  of  trees,  the  vegetation  consisting  only  of  grasses  and  a  few  herbs.  The 
Caspian  snow-cock  (T.  caspius)  is  a  larger  bird,  quite  24  inches  long,  differing  in 
plumage  by  the  absence  of  the  reddish  patch  on  the  nape  and  head.  It  is  similar 
in  habits  to  the  preceding  species  and  like  it  feeds  on  young  leaves,  berries,  and 
insects.  In  both  species  the  cocks  carry  stout  spurs,  and  in  both  sexes  there  is  a 
long  bare  patch  behind  the  eye. 

The  true  pheasants  are  distributed  in  the  wild  state  over  southern, 


western,  central,  and  eastern  Asia,  where  they  inhabit  small  patches 
of  wood  with  low  bushes  or  the  edge  of  forests  adjoining  open  country.  Their 
best-known  representative  is  the  common  pheasant  (Phasianus  colchicus),  in  which 
the  cock  measures  about  37  inches  in  total  length,  and  has  spurs  to  the  feet  and 
short  ear-tufts  on  the  head,  but  no  crest.  The  colour  is  glossy  blackish  green  on 
the  head,  reddish  brown  on  the  lower  part  of  the  back  and  upper  tail-coverts, 
black,  buff,  orange,  and  lake  on  the  back  and  scapulars,  red,  green,  and  purple  on 
the  chest,  breast,  and  flanks,  dark  green  down  the  middle  of  the  breast,  and  dark 
brown  and  rufous  below,  the  eighteen  brown  tail-feathers  having  narrow  black 
bars.  From  the  shores  of  the  Black  Sea  and  the  foot  of  the  Caucasus,  where  it  is 
particularly  common  near  the  river  Phasis  (from  which  it  takes  its  name),  and 



from  the  adjoining  districts  of  Asia  Minor,  the  range  of  this  bird  extends  to  fche 
Caspian.  According  to  the  old  legend  the  pheasant  was  brought  by  the  Argonauts 
from  Colchis  (the  Mingrelia  of  to-day)  to  Greece,  and  by  the  Greeks  carried  to 
Italy,  whence  it  gradually  spread  over  Europe,  where  it  has  become  thoroughly 
established  in  the  warmer  countries,  such  as  Hungary,  Austria,  and  Bohemia,  but 
in  the  colder  parts  is  maintained  only  by  artificial  preservation.  In  Europe  the 
pheasant  lives  in  woods  and  plantations  where  underwood  is  abundant,  and  is 
specially  partial  to  those  near  water.      Naturally  it  is  a  ground-bird,  fond  of 


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dusting  itself  in  sand  or  dust  in  sunny  places,  and  finding  its  food  chiefly  on  the 
ground.  While  feeding  it  slinks  quietly  amid  the  grass  from  one  bush  to  another, 
escaping  when  disturbed  immediately  into  the  undergrowth.  During  the  day 
pheasants  seldom  perch  on  trees,  although  they  shelter  amid  their  branches  at. 
night.  Where  trees  are  wanting  they  will,  however,  roost  contentedly  in  bushes. 
Although  not  migratory,  in  autumn,  when  the  leaves  begin  to  fall,  they  take  to 
wandering  about  the  country  to  a  considerable  extent. 

For  nesting  the  hen  chooses  a  quiet  spot  in  some  thicket  but  she  will  also  lay 
under  low   bushes  amid  grass,  clover,  or  even  corn,  the  nest  being  always  well 


hidden.  At  ordinary  times  and  while  searching  for  food,  the  cock  slinks  about 
with  stooping  body,  and  only  when  on  the  alert  raises  his  ear-tufts.  Generally 
the  tail  is  carried  horizontally,  but  at  certain  seasons  both  this  and  the  ear-tufts 
are  elevated,  when  the  bird  struts  about  with  the  breast  well  forward  and  the  neck 
thrown  back,  clapping  his  wings,  and  now  and  then  gliding  in  a  curious  manner 
along  the  ground.  In  Europe,  pairing-time  lasts  throughout  April  and  May,  the 
hens  beginning  to  sit  on  their  eight  to  fifteen  eggs  during  the  latter  month.  The 
eggs  are  well  concealed  in  some  hollow  in  the  ground  lined  with  twigs,  moss, 
leaves,  etc.  In  shape  they  are  round  oval,  and  in  colour  uniformly  brown,  olive-brown, 
or  greenish.  After  twenty-five  days,  during  which  period  the  cocks  do  not  take  the 
slightest  notice  of  their  partners,  the  young  are  hatched.  When  a  week  old,  their 
tail  and  wing  feathers  begin  to  appear,  and  when  the  size  of  quails  they  are 
almost  fledged  and  capable  of  flying  short  distances,  and  soon  after  this  are  able  to 
follow  their  mother  to  the  branches  of  a  tree  to  roost ;  the  mother  and  her  family 
keeping  together  until  autumn.  When  surprised,  young  pheasants  chirp,  and 
when  excited,  utter  a  low  harsh  "  girr,"  followed  by  a  high  whistling  "  rick  "  ;  when 
frightened,  they  lie  with  their  bodies  pressed  close  to  the  ground  till  the  danger  is 
past.  The  danger-signal  of  the  hen  is  a  low  hissing  "she,"  but  occasionally  a 
sonorous  "kak  kak."  The  crow  of  the  cock  is  a  rapid  repetition  of  "or-ork."  Old 
pheasants  are  easily  frightened,  and  when  danger  threatens  retain  the  habit  of 
pressing  the  body  close  to  the  ground,  and  trying  to  hide  the  head.  Although 
pheasants  have  a  noisy  and  apparently  heavy  flight,  when  once  well  on  the  wing 
they  fly  fast  and  straight,  gliding  down  from  a  height  without  moving  the  wings. 
On  the  ground  they  walk  with  long  strides,  and  generally  try  to  escape  by 
running,  their  speed  being  very  great,  and  the  distances  traversed  on  foot  often 
very  considerable. 

Young  birds  eat  small  insects,  especially  the  so-called  ant-eggs,  which  the  hen 
finds  for  them.  Adult  pheasants  feed,  according  to  the  time  of  year,  either  on 
insects  and  snails  or  on  leaves,  berries,  beechmast,  acorns,  corn,  and  other  seeds. 
Foxes  are  the  principal  enemies  of  these  birds,  but  cats,  martens,  hedgehogs,  and 
rats  also  kill  them  or  rifle  their  nests.  Peregrines,  kites,  buzzards,  sparrow-hawks, 
and  other  birds-of-prey  also  destroy  a  considerable  number  in  some  districts,  while 
ravens,  crows,  magpies,  and  jays  steal  both  the  eggs  and  the  helpless  young.  A 
large  number  of  pheasants  perish  through  storms,  floods,  and  continued  rainy 
or  frosty  weather,  the  young  being  particularly  sensitive  to  wet.  If  a  pheasant 
escapes  from  all  these  dangers,  and  last,  but  by  no  means  least,  the  gun  of 
the  sportsman  or  the  net  of  the  poacher,  it  may  reach  the  age  of  fifteen  years. 
Pheasants  are  unsuited  for  domestication,  as  they  are  restless  and  continually 
trying  to  escape,  so  that  the  only  way  to  breed  these  birds  is  to  put  the  eggs  of 
wild  pheasants  under  domesticated  hens. 

The  common  pheasant,  whose  native  home  is  the  Caspian  district  and  the 
countries  to  the  west  of  the  same,  has  many  relatives  in  the  Caspian  and  Chinese 
areas.  The  species  or  races  west  of  the  meridian  of  Calcutta  form  a  group 
characterised  by  having  the  feathers  of  the  lower  part  of  the  back  chestnut-brown 
in  colour,  while  in  those  found  to  the  eastward  of  the  same  line  the  lower  part  of 
the  back  is  always  slatey  grey.     Moreover,  all  the  northern  species  are  distin- 



guished  by  the  presence  of  a  white  ring  round  the  neck,  which  is  absenl  in  the 
more  southern  forms.  In  the  British  Isles  the  so-called  "  Old  English  pheasant," 
which  appeared  on  the  bills  of  fare  long  before  the  Norman  Conquest,  and  is 
thought  to  have  been  introduced  by  the  Romans,  is  now  rare  owing  to  the  intro- 
duction of  the  Chinese  ringed  species  (P.  torquatus),  with  which  it  has  been  so 
freely  crossed  that  the  present  birds  are  nearly  all  hybrids,  and,  whether  with  or 
without  a  white  collar,  combine  in  varying  degrees  the  characters  of  both  species. 
Paiias-s  sand-  Pallas's  three-toed  sand-grouse  (Syrrhaptes  paradoxus)  inhabits 

Grouse.        the  Kirghiz  steppe,  and  extends  thence  into  northern  China,     It  is 



specially  characterised  by  the  feathered  feet  and  toes,  the  long  and  pointed  wings, 
and  the  wedge-shaped  tail,  of  which  the  two  middle  feathers  terminate  in  long 
points.  The  general  colour  of  the  plumage  is  sandy,  and  the  entire  length  about 
15  inches.  The  back  and  shoulders  are  ornamented  with  black  transverse  markings, 
and  on  the  throat  and  along  each  side  of  the  neck  are  patches  of  rusty  red.  There 
are  no  black  spots  on  the  sides  of  the  neck,  but  across  the  breast  is  a  white  band 
streaked  transversely  with  black,  and  there  is  a  black  transverse  patch  on  the 
abdomen.  The  colouring  harmonises  so  well  with  that  of  the  barren  soil  of  the 
native  home  of  this  species  that  at  a  distance  of  only  forty  feet  the  bird  is 
almost  invisible.  The  hens  lack  the  band  across  the  breast,  and  the  patches  on 
the  throat  and  the  sides  of  the  head  are  buff".  This  sand-grouse  walks  with  the 
vol.  n. —  7 


body  sloping  downwards,  the  plumage  bristled  up,  the  head  dropped  between  the 
shoulders,  and  the  feet  pointing  inwards.  When  picking  up  food,,  it  adopts  a 
peculiar  attitude,  bowing  the  head  so  low  and  holding  the  tail  so  high  that  the 
bird  looks  as  thouo-h  it  were  about  to  turn  a  somersault.  Awkward  though  it 
may  appear  on  the  ground,  it  is,  however,  extremely  active  on  the  wing,  its 
flight  resemblino-  that  of  the  golden  plover.  On  starting,  the  bird  flaps  its 
wings  like  a  pigeon,  but  when  in  full  flight  moves  with  great  rapidity.  When 
on  the  wing,  flocks  of  these  birds  assume  the  form  of  a  solid  triangle,  with  the 
apex  in  the  direction  of  flight,  travelling  at  a  height  of  about  200  feet  from  the 
ground.  More  generally,  however,  they  fly  in  files  at  a  height  of  from  15  to  30  feet, 
although  single  birds  often  rise  higher.  When  rising,  they  utter  a  high  shrill 
"  tick,  tickticktick,  tick  " ;  the  call  is  "  kurr  kurr,"  and  sometimes  there  is  heard 
a  low  sonorous  "  geluk  geluk." 

In  the  middle  of  April  the  hens  begin  to  brood  their  three  or  four  eggs,  which 
are  greenish  or  greyish  yellow,  spotted  with  brown  and  lilac,  and  are  laid  in  a 
slight  hollow  with  little  or  no  lining.  A  second  clutch  is  laid  during  the  summer. 
In  the  late  autumn  these  sand-grouse  migrate  to  warmer  regions,  wThence  they 
return  in  March  or  the  beginning  of  April  to  their  breeding-grounds.  In  summer 
they  wander  considerable  distances  over  their  native  steppes,  and,  like  other  birds 
inhabiting  the  same  area,  sometimes  leave  their  home  to  appear  in  innumerable 
flocks  in  more  western  lands.  In  1859,  for  instance,  multitudes  appeared  in 
Europe,  as  they  did  again  in  1863.  In  the  latter  year  most  of  the  countries  north 
of  the  Alps,  including  France  and  England  in  the  west,  Switzerland  in  the  south, 
and  Jutland  in  the  north,  were  visited  by  these  birds  in  great  numbers.  In  con- 
sequence, however,  of  the  destruction  inflicted  on  the  flocks  by  gunners,  very  few 
appeared  the  following  season.  In  1888  occurred  another  incursion  when  the 
flocks  visited  Prussia,  Pomerania,  Mecklenburg,  Schleswig-Holstein,  Hanover, 
Oldenburg,  Saxony,  and  Bavaria,  and  continued  their  journe}T  in  a  westward 
direction  to  Great  Britain. 

These  long  wanderings  of  Pallas's  sand-grouse  do  not,  however,  lead  to  any 
increase  in  the  size  of  its  normal  distributional  area;  and  they  probably  occur 
merely  in  consequence  of  unfavourable  weather,  or  a  temporary  scarcity  of  food. 
Their  nutriment  apparently  consists  solely  of  green  vegetable  substances  and 
seeds,  no  less  than  forty-five  different  kinds  of  seeds  having  been  taken  from  the 
crop  of  a  specimen  killed  in  Scotland  in  1889.  In  its  partiality  for  vetch-seed  this 
bird  resembles  pigeons,  to  which  it  also  approximates  in  its  bodily  form  and 
peculiar  way  of  drinking. 

DemoiseUe  The  Caspian  province  forms  almost  the  centre  of  the  distribu- 

Crane.  tional  area  of  a  small  species  of  crane,  which  ranges  from  Algiers 
through  northern  Africa,  south-western  Asia,  the  Caspian  countries,  and  the  central 
Asiatic  steppe  as  far  as  China,  and  winters  in  southern  India  and  central  Africa, 
especially  on  the  White  Nile.  This  bird  was  known  to  the  ancient  Romans  as  the 
"  virgin  from  Numidia,"  and  is  now  called  the  demoiselle  crane  (Anthropoides  virgo). 
Its  chief  habitat  is  the  country  round  the  mouth  of  the  Volga,  where  it  dwells  amid 
the  steppes  and  marshes.  It  resembles  the  European  crane  in  the  choice  of  its 
nesting-places,  as  well  as  in  being  a  bird  of  the  open  country  rather  than  of  the 



swamps.  In  size  this  species  is  considerably  smaller  than  the  common  crane, 
measuring  only  about  30  inches  in  total  length.  Among  its  characteristic  features 
may  be  noted  the  long  and  pointed  quills,  the  tuft  of  long  whitish  feathers  behind 
each  ear,  and  the  generally  ashy  tone  of  the  plumage,  relieved  on  the  head,  chin, 
throat,  quills,  and  tail  by  black.  The  demoiselle  crane  is  a  slender  bird,  with 
graceful  movements  and  a  playful  and  gentle  disposition.    Occasionally  it  wanders  as 

o  itHifv*  ■ 

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far  away  from  its  proper  habitat  as  Heligoland  and  south  Sweden,  but  such  stragglers 
as  have  been  reported  in  the  British  Isles  had  probably  escaped  from  captivity. 
Macqueen's  A  very  characteristic  bird  of  the  Caspian  province  is  Macqueen's 

Bustard.  bustard  (Hv ha ra  macqueeni),  which  normally  ranges  from  northern 
Persia  and  Afghanistan  to  southern  Siberia,  and  visits  southern  Persia  and  north- 
western  India  in  winter.  It  leaves  the  Caspian  area  in  September,  to  return  in 
March  or  April.     In  length  this  bustard  measures  about  26  inches,  and  it  is  easily 


recognised  by  Its  crest  of  black-tipped  white  feathers,  and  conspicuous  ruff.  The 
general  colour  of  its  plumage  is,  however,  adapted  for  a  life  in  the  desert,  and  even 
beyond  its  breeding-area  this  bird  is  only  to  be  found  on  dry  sandy  plains.  Shy 
and  difficult  to  approach,  this  bustard  when  alarmed  in  the  desert  squats  on  the 
ground  beneath  a  bush  or  behind  a  stone,  but  when  sheltered  by  covert  stands  up 
to  survey  its  pursuers.  It  feeds  principally  on  plants,  but  also  eats  beetles,  and 
even  during  winter  keeps  chiefly  in  pairs,  although  occasionally  congregating  in 
small  flocks  such  as  sometimes  stray  westward  into  Germany  and  send  out 
stragglers  still  farther  west. 

Another  bird  of  the  Kirghiz  steppe  and  the  deserts  of  central 

Asiatic  Dotterel.  . 

Asia  is  the  Asiatic  dotterel  (JEgialitis  asiatica),  which  has  occasion- 
ally been  caught  in  Heligoland  and  has  strayed  into  England.  In  this  dotterel, 
which  is  7  inches  in  length,  the  colour  of  the  upper-parts  is  light  greyish 
brown ;  the  quills  are  dark  brown,  the  primaries  having  white  shafts,  while  the 
forehead,  cheeks,  and  under-parts  are  white.  There  is  a  broad  black-edged  chest- 
nut band  across  the  neck,  which  turns  light  rusty  grey  in  winter,  when  the  white 
feathers  on  various  parts  of  its  body  lose  their  pure  tint.  In  winter  this  bird 
visits  India  and  Cape  Colony  where  it  has  been  observed  to  feed  chiefly  on  beetles 
and  other  small  insects. 

Marsh  Green-  The   marsh-greenshank   (Totanus   stagnatilis),  which  frequents 

shank.        £ne  swampy  shores  of  slowly  running  rivers,  where  it  is  found  more 

commonly  during  its   spring  migration  in   April  and  May  than  on  its  autumn 

migration   in   August,   breeds    in    the   area   extending   more   or   less   round   the 

Caspian.     On  migration  it  visits  India,  Australia,  and  South  Africa.     It  is  not 

rare  in  Hungary,  where  it  breeds  in  some  parts ;  in  Germany  it  appears  only  in  a 

few  places,  and  it  has  strayed  into  the  British  Isles.     In  character  and  habits  it 

resembles  the  common  greenshank,  although   the   beak  is  more  slender,  the  leg 

longer,  and  the  size  much  less,  the  length  being  only  a  little  over  9  inches.     The 

upper  tail-coverts  are  white  with  black  bars,  and   the   tail-feathers   white   with 

brown  speckles  on  the  outer  web. 

.  „    ,  The  bramini  duck  (Tadorna  casarca)  is  a  common  breeding-bird 

Bramini  Duck.  .  x  .  '  ° 

in  Bulgaria,  and  on  many  lakes  in  southern  Russia,  especially  in  the 
Dobrudscha,  but  rarely  visits  Germany  and  Switzerland.  Its  principal  breeding- 
area,  however,  is  in  the  countries  round  the  Caspian,  the  Sea  of  Aral,  and  the  waters 
of  central  Asia.  In  autumn  it  migrates  to  southern  Asia,  Asia  Minor,  and  the 
Mediterranean  countries  as  far  west  as  Morocco.  This  duck  often  nests  at  a  long 
distance  from  the  water,  the  nest  being  placed  in  burrows,  especially  those  of  the 
bobac  or  marmot,  or  in  holes  made  by  the  bird  itself,  in  hollows  of  trees,  among 
stones,  or  in  natural  crevices  on  the  shore.  When  the  nest  is  far  from  water  the 
young  either  walk  there,  or  are  carried  by  the  duck  in  her  beak,  one  after  the  other. 
When  in  a  tree  or  other  elevated  position,  the  ducklings  drop  down  without  hurting 
themselves,  either  on  to  the  water  or  the  ground.  The  drake,  which  is  25  inches 
in  length,  has  the  general  colour  rusty  brown,  and  the  head  pale  buff;  on 
the  neck  is  a  narrow  black  ring ;  the  wing-coverts  are  white,  and  the  primaries, 
as  well  as  the  tail,  beak,  and  feet,  black.  The  female  has  no  ring  round 
the  neck. 


White-Headed  Another  species  whose  habitat  centres  in  the  Caspian  province  is 

Duck.  the  white-headed  duck  (Erismatura  leucocephala),  which  belongs  to  the 
group  distinguished  by  having  from  sixteen  to  twenty-four  stiff  narrow  feathers  in  the 
tail.  This  duck  is  easily  recognisable  by  its  white  head,  in  which  the  centre  of  the 
crown,  like  the  back  of  the  neck,  is  black,  by  the  small  wings,  long  graduated  tail, 
rusty  and  yellowish  brown  general  colouring,  and  the  large  nail  to  its  bluish  beak. 
When  swimming,  this  species  spreads  out  its  tail  like  a  fan,  and  carries  it  almost 
vertically.  It  is  about  17  inches  long,  and  ranges  from  the  Caspian  to  Siberia  in 
the  north,  Mongolia  in  the  east,  and  through  southern  Russia  to  Transylvania  and 
Hungary  in  the  west.  It  appears  occasionally  on  the  Rhine,  the  Lake  of 
Constance,  and  the  adjoining  countries  down  to  the  shores  of  the  Mediterranean. 
In  Transylvania  it  arrives  as  a  regular  breeding-bird  in  the  middle  of  May  in 
small  flocks  which  split  up  into  pairs.  Soon  afterwards  the  females  seem  to 
disappear  owing  to  their  being  occupied  on  their  nests,  while  the  males  are  left  to 
associate  by  themselves.  The  nest  is  a  floating  one  fastened  on  all  sides  to  stems  of 
reeds  and  other  water  plants,  and  contains  at  the  proper  season  eight  or  nine  greenish 
white  eggs.  This  duck  feeds  on  water-insects,  small  fishes,  molluscs,  and  aquatic 
plants,  and  gets  its  food  by  diving,  in  which  it  excels  all  other  species. 

The  little  gull  (Larus  minutus)  is  found  on  the  shores  of  the 

Little  Gull 

North  Sea  and  the  Baltic.  It  is  found  breeding  on  Lake  Ladoga,  but 
is  more  numerous  in  warmer  countries,  and  is  principally  at  home  on  the  Caspian 
at  the  mouth  of  the  Volga,  being  less  frequent  on  the  Black  Sea,  though  in  winter 
and  spring  it  often  visits  the  shores  of  the  Mediterranean.  This  gull  swims  less 
than  others  of  its  kind,  and  is  much  more  constantly  on  the  wing,  its  food  consist- 
ing of  water-insects,  small  molluscs,  and  fishes.  It  has  a  shrill  call.  In  size  it  is 
hardly  equal  to  a  tern.  As  regards  coloration,  its  distinctive  points  are  the  black 
head,  the  greyish  black  under  surface  of  the  wings,  and  the  red  beak  and  legs. 

Among  the  reptiles  of  this  area,  the  Caspian  terrapin  {Clemmys 

caspica)  is  the  most  remarkable.  Living  in  slow  and  stagnant 
waters,  it  ranges  down  to  the  Persian  Gulf  and  through  southern  Russia  and  the 
Balkan  Peninsula  to  Dalmatia.  It  is  from  8  to  10  inches  in  length,  and  yellowish 
green  or  olive  in  general  colour,  marked  with  orange-yellow  edged  with  black,  the 
black  under  surface  showing  yellow  spots,  and  the  neck  and  legs  3-ellow  stripes. 

Two  lizards  of  the  agamoid  group  inhabit  the  Caspian  and  south  Russian 
steppes,  one  of  these,  the  Caspian  agama  {Agama  sanguinolenta),  being  about  16 
inches  in  length,  and  brownish  grey  in  colour  above,  marked  with  four  rows  of 
large  black  spots,  and  plain  pale  yellow  below.  Associated  with  this  species  is 
often  found  the  eared  lizard  (Phrynocephalus  mystaceus),  which  lives  principally 
on  the  rivers  Kuma  and  Terek  discharging  into  the  Caspian  Sea;  and  like 
all  its  kindred,  is  distinguished  by  the  rounded,  almost  toad-like  head,  the  long 
slender  legs,  and  toes  serrated  at  the  edges.  The  eared  lizard,  which  has  a 
total  length  of  about  17  inches,  shows  at  each  corner  of  its  mouth  a  patch  of 
skin  covered  with  thin  scales,  which  when  the  animal  is  under  the  influence  of 
excitement  becomes  either  red  or  blue,  and  thus  stands  out  conspicuously  from  the 
dull  yellow  or  brownish  grey  wTith  numerous  black  spots  of  the  upper  surface,  as 
well  as  from  the  uniform  wThitish  yellow  under  surface. 




The  Indian  Fauna 

India,  together  with  Burma  and  the  Malay  countries  and  a  portion  of  China,  forms 
the  Oriental  or  Indian  region  of  zoological  geography.  But  in  a  work  of  the 
present  nature  it  will  be  convenient  to  treat  India  by  itself,  and  at  the  same  time 
to  ignore  the  zoological  provinces  into  which  it  is  divided  by  the  students  of 
geographical  distribution.  In  this  sense  the  Indian  area  extends  from  the  Indus  to 
the  Bramaputra,  and  embraces  the  whole  Indo-Gangetic  plain  and  the  entire 
peninsula,  tin;  northern  boundary  of  the  tract  being  formed  by  the  great  barrier  of 
tin-  I  limalaya. 

The  vegetation,  climate,  and  other  physical  conditions  differ  enormously  in 
different  parts,  but  since  a  large  number  of  readers  are  probably  more  or  less 
intimately  acquainted  with  these  variations,  it  will  scarcely  be  necessary  to 
describe  them  in  these  pages,  and  the  consideration  of  the  numerous  remarkable 
types  of  animal  life  met  with  in  this  vast  area  is  accordingly  entered  upon  without 
any  preliminary  matter  of  this  nature. 

chitai  or  One  of  the  most  characteristic,  and  at  the  same  time  one  of  the 

spotted  Deer,  handsomest,  of  the  larger  Indian  mammals  is  the  chitai,  or  spotted 
deer  (Cervus  axis),  which  is  distributed  over  a  large  extent  of  the  mainland,  and 
also  occurs  in  Ceylon.  In  size  this  species  may  be  said  to  be  medium,  the  stags  in 
in  .rthern  and  central  India  standing  about  3G  or  38  inches  at  the  shoulder,and  measur- 
ing  nearly  G  feet  in  length,  although  in  southern  India  they  are  somewhat  smaller. 
The  antlers  of  the  stags,  which  are  commonly  about  30  inches  long,  although  a 


pair  of  38  inches  is  known,  resemble  those  of  several  kinds  of  Oriental  deer  in 
having  normally  but  three  tines  aside,  both  the  bez  and  trez  tine  of  the  red 
deer  group  being  absent.  They  consequently  end  in  a  simple  fork,  of  which,  in 
this  particular  species,  the  hinder  or  outer  branch  is  always  considerably  laro-er  than 
the  other.  In  the  angle  between  the  brow-tine  and  the  beam  there  are,  however, 
often  several  small  irregular  snags,  which  in  most  cases  are  the  only  abnormal 
points.  The  ground-colour  of  the  coat  of  the  chital  is  a  reddish  fawn,  spotted  at 
all  seasons  and  ages  with  white  all  over  the  body.  From  the  nape  to  the  tip  of  the 
rather  long  pointed  tail  runs  a  dark  stripe,  bordered  on  each  side  by  one  or  two 
rows  of  white  spots  along  the  back,  these  white  spots  often  joining  into  a  streak 
on  the  lower  parts  of  the  sides.  The  chin,  the  upper  part  of  the  throat,  the  under- 
pays, the  inner  sides  of  the  limbs,  and  lower  surface  of  the  tail  are  pure  white,  as 
are  the  insides  of  the  otherwise  brown  ears.  The  uniformly  coloured  head  is 
brownish,  darker  on  the  face  than  elsewhere,  with  a  black  band  above  the  muzzle. 
Now  and  then  blackish  or  reddish  spotted  varieties  are  met  with.  The  chital  stag 
has  no  mane,  the  muzzle  is  broad,  and  there  are  usually  no  upper  tusks,  although 
these  have  been  found  in  a  few  does. 

Bushes  and  trees  near  water,  as  well  as  bamboo-thickets,  form  the  favourite 
haunts  of  this  beautiful  deer,  which  frequents  river- valleys  as  well  as  hilly  districts, 
but  is  never  found  far  away  from  its  drinking-places.  Many  of  its  haunts  are 
situated  amid  the  finest  scenery  of  the  plains  and  lower  hills,  in  situations  where 
tall  flowering  trees  stand  along  the  banks  of  streams,  or  where  clearings  of  rich 
grass  alternate  with  clumps  of  bamboos.  In  such  places  may  be  seen  at  all  seasons 
herds  of  several  hundred,  for  the  chital  is  a  gregarious  species.  It  is,  moreover,  by 
no  means  exclusively  nocturnal,  and  may  often  be  seen  grazing  three  or  four  hours  after 
sunrise,  while  it  is  abroad  again  an  hour  or  two  before  sunset.  In  the  daytime  it  rests 
in  deep  shade,  grazing  or  browsing,  and  it  generally  drinks  between  eight  and  ten 
in  the  morning,  although  at  different  hours  in  different  seasons.  Chital  have  no 
objection  to  going  into  water,  and  swim  well.  How  long  the  does  carry  their 
young  is  not  definitely  ascertained,  some  say  eight  months,  others  six.  The  pairing- 
time  seems  to  be  irregular;  it  is  commonly  said  to  begin  in  September,  and,  in 
northern  India,  in  the  cold  season,  but  young  may  be  born  apparently  at  any 
time  of  the  year.  In  the  retention  of  its  white  spots  throughout  the  year  the 
chital  agrees  with  several  other  species  of  deer  inhabiting  tropical  countries ;  and 
thereby  differs  from  species  like  the  fallow  deer  and  the  Japanese  deer,  which  lose 
their  spots  in  winter,  when,  owing  to  the  absence  of  leaves  from  the  trees,  there  is 
no  need  for  a  colouring  of  this  type. 

The  largest  Indian  deer,  the  sambar  (C.  unicolor),  the  woodland 
deer  of  south-eastern  Asia,  is  spread  widely  over  India,  and  occurs 
wherever  undulating  or  mountainous  country  is  covered  with  forests.  In  the 
Himalaya  it  is  found  up  to  the  height  of  10,000  feet,  and  in  southern  India  and 
Ceylon  is  common  even  on  the  tops  of  the  mountains.  Unlike  the  chital,  it  is  rare 
in  the  river-valleys  but,  like  the  former,  is  absent  from  the  Punjab,  Sind,  and 
western  Rajputana,  where  the  deserts  or  semi-deserts  are  unsuited  to  the  habits  of 
deer  of  all  kinds. 

The  sambar  attains  a  shoulder-height  of  4  feet,  and  a  length  of  7  feet  6'  inches, 


the  tail  measuring  about  a  foot.  This  is  the  size  of  stags,  but  hinds  are  somewhat 
smaller.  In  countries  beyond  India  proper  the  antlers  of  sambar  seldom  grow- 
longer  than  35  inches,  and  one  of  the  largest  known  pairs  has  a  length  of  48  inches. 
Fully  developed  antlers  have  only  the  usual  three  tines  of  this  group  of  deer,  and 
they  are  less  subject  to  irregularities  than  those  of  most  other  Oriental  species. 
The  brow-tine  forms  an  acute  angle  with  the  beam,  and  the  two  tines  of  the 
terminal  fork  are  generally  equally  developed  in  the  typical  Indian  race  of  the 
species,  although  they  are  subject  to  considerable  variation  in  this  respect  among 
the  local  races.  The  sambar  has  a  large  muzzle  and  coarse  hair,  the  stags  generally 
ha  vino-  a  mane  on  the  neck  and  throat.  The  general  colour  of  the  coat  is  uniform 
dark  brown,  sometimes  tending  to  grey,  and  sometimes  of  a  pale  yellowish  hue, 
becoming  a  little  paler  below,  with  some  chestnut  on  the  hind-quarters  and 
under-parts.  Old  stags  are  sometimes  almost  black  or  slaty  grey.  In  the 
typical  Indian  race  the  fawns  are  not  spotted,  although  they  are  so  in  the  Malay 
form.  Sambar  are  seldom  found  in  large  herds,  but  generally  alone,  or  in  small 
family-parties  of  four  or  five  or  a  few  more.  They  are  mainly  nocturnal  in  their 
habits,  and  although  they  may  sometimes  be  seen  grazing  in  the  open  at  morning 
and  evening,  they  generally  feed  during  the  night,  passing  the  day  amid  thick 
covert.  In  addition  to  grass  and  various  wild  fruits,  they  feed  largely  on  young 
twigs  and  leaves.  The  pairing-time  in  the  Indian  plains  is  during  October 
and  November,  but  in  the  Himalaya  is  said  to  be  in  spring.  It  is  at  this 
season  that  sambar  gather  in  herds,  and  the  loud  call  of  the  stag  resounds 
during  the  darker  hours.  Rarely  is  there  more  than  one  fawn  at  a  birth,  and  the 
period  of  gestation  is  eight  months.  The  antlers  are  generally  shed  about  April, 
but  may  fall  at  any  season,  and  in  many  cases  apparently  they  are  not  cast  every 
year.  The  call  of  the  stag  is  a  loud,  metallic  bellow  ;  that  of  the  hind  a  shriller  and 
rather  weak  grunting.  When  a  sambar  scents  a  tiger  or  leopard,  or  beholds  a 
human  being,  it  utters  a  sharp,  hissing  danger-signal.  A  large  number  of  these 
deer  are  killed  by  tigers  and  wild  dogs,  while  some  of  the  stags  meet  their  death  in 
combats  among  themselves. 

The  sambar  has  a  very  wide  distribution,  extending  from  Ceylon  and  the 
.Malay  countries  to  Sze-chuan  in  north-western  China. 

A  smaller  ally  of  the  sambar,  the  para,  or  hog-deer  (C.  porcinus), 
inhabits  the  whole  plain  of  the  Indus  and  Ganges  from  Sind  and  the 
Punjab  to  Assam,  and  thence  ranges  into  Tenasserim.  Common  in  the  Terai,  but  never 
ascending  the  mountains,  it  may  enter  the  Indian  peninsula  within  a  small  area 
along  the  tributaries  of  the  Ganges,  but  it  is  doubtful  if  it  occurs  in  central  India, 
and  the  statement  that  it  is  indigenous  to  Bombay  and  Madras  is  probably  due  to 
its  being  mistaken  for  the  muntjac.  Hog-deer  have  been  introduced  into  Ceylon, 
where  they  are  confined  to  a  small  area  near  Mathura.  A  local  race  (C.  p.  hecki), 
inhabits  Siam. 

The  hog-deer  has  rather  a  long  tail,  and  short  legs,  and  fairly  long  pedicles  to 
the  small  three-tined  antlers,  the  brow-tine  of  which  forms  an  acute  angle  with 
the  beam,  while  the  outer  tine  of  the  terminal  fork  is  longer  than  the  inner  one. 
In  shoulder-height  it  is  only  about  24  inches,  and  its  length  from  42  to  44  inches, 
the  tail  measuring  about  8  inches.     The  antlers,  which  are  shed  in  April,  do  not  as 


a  rule  exceed  a  foot  in  length,  but  in  a  few  very  rare  cases  are  known  to  attain 
19  inches.  In  colour  the  hog-deer  is  more  or  less  of  a  reddish  or  yellowish  brown, 
with  a  whitish  speckling  or  grizzling,  owing  to  the  white  tip  of  each  hair  ;  below 
the  colour  is  darker  brown.  In  summer  the  insides  of  the  ears  and  the  under  surface 
of  the  tail  are  white,  and  the  general  colour  is  paler  and  more  or  less  distinctly  sp<  >tte<  1 
with  pale  brown  or  whitish.  It  has  been  doubted  whether  full-grown  hoc-deer 
were  ever  spotted,  but  specimens  in  captivity  have  been  observed  to  assume  these 
spots  every  summer.  Young  hog-deer  up  to  the  age  of  six  months  are  spotted  all 

The  para  inhabits  alluvial  plains,  to  which  it  is  almost  entirely  confined.  In 
many  grassy  districts  it  exists  in  great  numbers,  keeping  principally  among  the 
long  grass  mingled  with  tamarisk  and  other  bushes,  which  form  the  favourite 
haunt  of  the  Indian  rhinoceros  and  buffalo.  Although  a  small  jungle  often  shelters 
a  considerable  number,  more  than  two  or  three  of  these  unsociable  animals  are 
seldom  seen  together,  and  they  are  generally  found  alone.  By  no  means  graceful 
in  their  movements,  hog-deer  run  in  a  clumsy  manner,  holding  the  head  very  low  ; 
yet  they  require  a  good  horse  to  overtake  them.  The  pairing-season  is  said  to  be  in 
September  and  October,  and  the  period  of  gestation  eight  months. 

The  barasingha  or  swamp-deer  (C.  clwvauceli)  inhabits  the  foot  of 
Swamp-Deer.  °  x  x 

the  Himalaya  from  upper  Assam  to  the  Kyarda  Dun  west  of  the 
Jumna ;  and  is  found  all  over  Assam,  as  well  as  in  some  parts  of  the  Bengal 
Sandarbans,  and  at  Bahawalpur  and  Rohri  in  upper  Sind;  it  also  occurs  in  the 
district  between  the  Ganges  and  Godaviri  River.  These  deer  likewise  inhabit 
certain  parts  of  the  valley  of  the  Narbada  as  far  as  Bastar  and  its  neighbourhood 
to  the  south,  and  are  also  spread  over  the  central  provinces  in  the  same  tracts  as 
the  dammar  tree  and  the  red  jungle-fowl.  The  barasingha  (which  must  not  be 
confounded  with  the  species  thus  miscalled  in  Kashmir)  attains  a  shoulder-height 
of  about  45  inches,  and  has  a  leno;th  of  almost  5  feet,  the  tail  measuring  some 
5  inches.  The  ordinary  length  of  the  antlers  is  30  inches,  but  a  specimen  of  MS  inches 
is  known.  The  antlers  are  smooth,  with  the  brow-tine  forming  almost  a  right 
angle  with  the  beam,  and  often  carrying  small  snags  on  the  upper  side  ;  the  bez-tine 
and  trez-tine  are  absent,  but  the  two  branches  of  the  main  fork  of  the  beam  again 
subdivide,  so  that  there  are  at  least  four  points  on  each  side,  and  frequently  more. 
The  somewhat  woolly  hair  is  rather  thin,  and  forms  a  mane  on  the  neck.  In  winter 
the  colour  is  yellowish  brown  above,  and  paler  below,  but  111  summer  it  is  a  rich 
reddish  brown,  more  or  less  distinctly  marked  along  the  back  with  one  or  two  rows 
of  whitish  spots.  The  under-parts  are  white  or  whitish.  The  hinds  and  fawns  are 
paler  coloured,  the  latter  being  fully  spotted. 

The  barasingha  does  not  live  in  the  forest,  but  on  its  outskirts,  in  plains  or 
undulating  country  covered  with  grass  and  a  few  trees,  and  hardly  deserves  the 
name  of  swamp-deer  commonly  applied  to  it  in  certain  parts  of  north-eastern 
Bengal.  In  winter  these  deer  wander  about  in  herds  of  from  thirty  to  fifty  or 
more,  but  in  spring  solitary  bucks  are  often  met  with.  They  feed  principally  on 
grass,  and  are  apparently  much  less  nocturnal  than  the  sambar,  being  often  seeD 
grazing  late  in  the  forenoon  and  again  early  in  the  afternoon.  They  rest  in  the 
shade  at  noon,  and,  if  we  may  judge  from  their  habits  in  captivity,  are  fond  of  the 



water  during  the  hot  season.     Unlike  the  species  previously  mentioned,  this  deer 
has  no  gland  and  tuft  of  long  hair  on  the  outer  side  of  the  hind-leg. 

The    muntjac,    or    kakar   (Cervulus   muntjac),  is  a   small   and 

Muntjac.       peculiar    kmd    0f    forest-deer    which    is    never    seen    in    the    open 

plains.     In    the    Himalaya   it   ranges   up  to  5000    feet,  and    even    higher.     Rare 

•    / 

-•*'  M 

'■</ '//** 


*  f 


in  central  India  and  the  north-west,  this  or  closely  allied  muntjacs  range  eastwards 
as  far  as  Hainan  and  through  the  Malay  Peninsula  and  Archipelago  to  Borneo. 
Muntjacs  have  small  (in  some  cases  almost  rudimentary)  antlers  carried  on  the  top 
of  long  pedicles  which  are  continued  on  two  rib-like  ridges  down  the  face.  There 
is  a  small  brow-tine,  directed  upwards,  to  each  antler,  but  no  branch  above  this ; 
and  the  tips  of  the  beam  incline  inwards.     A  black  line  runs  down  the  inner  side  of 


country,  though  in  the  wilder  parts  of  its  range  it  occasionally  grazes  in  cornfields. 
It  feeds  principally  on  grass,  including  sprigs  of  bamboo,  but  will  not  touch 
bamboo-leaves,  although  it  eats  the  leaves  and  even  the  bark  of  other  trees. 
Early  morning  and  early  evening  are  its  chief  feeding  times ;  and  it  drinks  and 
rests  during  the  day. 

Gaur  are  excellent  climbers,  descending  and  ascending  the  steepest  slopes  with 
the  greatest  ease.  Like  most  large  Indian  animals,  they  are  extremely  suspicious 
of  danger,  although  in  wild  parts  where,  as  a  rule,  they  are  safe  from  attack,  they 
are  not  quite  so  cautious.  When  wounded  they  will  sometimes  turn  against  man, 
and  solitary  bulls  have  attacked  intruders,  without  being  molested. 

The  calves,  which  all  have  a  black  stripe  down  the  back,  are  generally  born  in 
August  or  September,  but  some  as  early  as  April.  Gaur  have  never  been  known 
to  live  in  captivity  beyond  their  third  year ;  and  all  recent  attempts  made  to 
domesticate  them  have  failed,  though  they  were  undoubtedly  domesticated  in  the 
mountains  between  Assam  and  Burma  in  former  times ;  the  gayal  of  this  region 
being  a  domesticated  form  of  the  species. 

The  habitat  of  the  Asiatic  buffalo  (B.  bubalis)  includes  the 
'  plains  of  the  Bramaputra  and  Ganges  from  Assam  to  Tirhut,  from 
the  Terai  to  Rohilcund  in  the  west,  as  well  as  the  plains  of  Midnapur  and  Orissa 
near  the  eastern  coast,  the  eastern  side  of  the  United  Provinces  as  far 
south  as  the  Godaveri  and  the  Pranhita,  and  perhaps  a  little  beyond.  The 
species  is  also  common  in  northern  Ceylon.  As  a  domesticated  animal  its  area  extends 
into  the  Malay  Peninsula  and  as  far  west  as  Italy ;  some  of  the  small  Malay  forms 
of  the  species  probably,  however,  represent  local  wild  races,  as  is  the  case  with 
one  from  Borneo. 

The  Asiatic  buffalo,  especially  in  old  age,  is  very  thinly  haired ;  its  colour  is 
dark  ashy  grey,  almost  black,  the  legs,  which  are  thick"  and  short,  being  sometimes 
white.  The  animal  is  of  heavy  build,  and  has  large  hoofs,  a  rather  short  tail,  a 
large  wide  muzzle,  and  a  long-  head  which  is  carried  low.  The  forehead  is  com- 
paratively  flat,  and  the  large  and  angulated  horns  are  black  in  colour.  Two 
distinct  types  of  horn — the  one  sharply  and  regularly  curved,  and  the  other 
extending  straight  outwards  for  a  considerable  distance — exist,  these  representing 
either  distinct  local  races  or  dimorphic  phases  of  the  species.  Apart  from  this,  a 
pale  brown  variety  occurs  in  Assam. 

The  height  of  the  typical  race  of  this  Indian  buffalo  is  about  64  inches; 
the  length  of  the  head  and  body  9  feet  7  inches ;  and  that  of  the  tail  47  inches. 
The  horns  may  reach  a  length  of  79  inches  measured  along  the  curve.  The  wild 
buffalo  is  generally  found  in  marshy  country,  where  it  frequents  grass-jungle, 
although  it  sometimes  inhabits  open  plains  or  low  scrub-jungle,  and  very  rarely 
forests.  It  associates  in  rather  small  herds  and  feeds  principally  on  grass, 
grazing  in  the  mornings  and  evenings,  and  resting  in  the  high  grass  during 
the  day.  By  no  means  shy,  and  not  avoiding  the  neighbourhood  of  man,  the 
buffalo  often  inflicts  great  damage  on  crops,  a  herd,  or  even  a  solitary  bull,  some- 
times taking  possession  of  a  field,  and  keeping  out  the  rightful  owner.  Al- 
though an  old  solitary  bull  will  occasionally  attack  a  human  being  without 
provocation,  a  herd  will  rarely  rush  at  an  intruder,  unless  he  takes  to  flight.     The 





courage  of  the  animal,  is,  however,  unquestionable  even  in  captivity,  and  a  single 
individual  will  not  hesitate  to  charge  an  elephant,  while  a  herd  will  attack  a  tiger 
or  any  other  dangerous  beast-of-prey  as  soon  as  it  appears  on  the  scene. 

Tame  as  well  as  wild  buffaloes  are  fond  of  bathing,  and  love  to  lie  in  shallow 
water  during  the  heat  of  the  day,  with  only  part  of  their  heads  above  the  surface. 
The  pairing-season  for  both  the  tame  and  the  wild  forms  is  the  autumn.  After  ten 
months,  or  perhaps  a  few  days  more,  the  cow  brings  forth  one  or  two  calves.  It 
is  somewhat  remarkable  that  the  tame  buffalo,  which  is  kept  for  its  milk  and  as  a 
beast  of  burden  or  draught,  never  associates  with  the  humped  Indian  domesticated 
cattle,  although  tame  buffalo  cows  often  pair  with  wild  bulls  of  their  own  kind. 

The  domesticated  Indian  humped  cattle  (B.  indicus)  differ  from 
'  European  cattle,  not  only  by  the  presence  of  the  large  hump  on  the 
withers,  but  in  colour,  voice,  and  habits,  the  difference  being  so  great  that  they 
undoubtedly  represent  a  distinct  species,  probably  derived  from  the  wild  bantin 
(Bos  sondaicus)  of  the  Malay  countries ;  the  hump  being  a  feature  due  to  domesti- 
cation. Humped  cattle  have  a  somewhat  vaulted  forehead,  with  uniformly  curved 
horns,  long  ears,  and  a  large  dew-lap  occupying  the  whole  length  of  the  throat. 
The  colour  varies  in  individuals  and  breeds,  but,  generally  speaking,  the  legs  have 
a  white  ring  round  the  fetlock.  Most  are  of  a  pale  fawn,  some  cream-colour,  others 
milk-white,  while  a  few  are  red  and  brown,  black,  or  even  mottled.  The  differ- 
ence in  size  is  greater  than  that  of  colour,  the  largest  of  the  so-called  Bramini 
bulls  standing  as  high  as  a  buffalo,  while  the  smallest  are  scarcely  larger  than  a 
European  calf  about  four  weeks  old.  They  are  used  by  the  natives  of  India 
mainly  for  draught  purposes ;  but  some  of  the  bulls  are  specially  protected  by  the 
Hindus  and  allowed  to  wander  at  will  in  the  bazars  and  about  the  towns.  In 
certain  districts  of  India  these  cattle  have  reverted  to  a  half -wild  state,  and  on  the 
sea-coast  near  Nellore  there  is  a  large-sized  half -wild  breed  with  long  horns.  In 
northern  India  the  zebu,  as  this  species  is  commonly  called  in  Europe,  seems  to 
have  formed  a  variety  of  mixed  breeds  by  crossing  with  ordinary  European  cattle 
which  have  been  introduced. 

The  Indian  gazelle  (Gazella  bennetti)  inhabits  the  plains  from 
the  river  Kistna  and  Palamau,  northwards  throughout  the  United 
Provinces,  but  is  replaced  in  Baluchistan  and  eastern  Persia  by  the  allied 
G.  fuscifrons.  Both  sexes  are  horned,  the  horns  of  the  bucks  being  ringed  and 
showing  a  very  slight  double  curve,  with  the  tips  pointing  upwards  and  not  far 
apart;  those  of  the  females  are  much  smaller,  smooth,  and  conical  in  shape. 
The  bucks  have  a  shoulder-height  of  26  inches,  and  a  length  of  41  h  inches  to  the 
root  of  the  tail,  the  tail  itself  measuring  8  inches.  Their  horns  measure  from  10 
to  12  inches.  The  colour  is  chestnut-brown  above,  becoming  darker  on  the  sides 
and  thighs,  where  the  brown  blends  into  the  white  of  the  lower-parts,  the  tail  being 
blackish.  A  white  stripe  runs  down  each  side  of  the  face,  which  is  of  a  darker 
reddish  tint  between  the  bases  of  the  horns  and  the  nostrils,  and  there  is  sometimes 
a  dark  spot  over  the  nose,  and  always  a  dark  stripe  on  the  outer  edge  of  the  light 
stripes  on  the  face. 

The  Indian  gazelle  is  generally  seen  in  parties  of  from  two  to  six,  although 
there  are  sometimes  as  many  as  twenty.     Frequenting  waste  ground,  especially  in 

Indian  Gazelle. 


places  broken  up  by  ravines,  it  is  rare  on  alluvial  plains,  but  more  common  among 

sand-hills  and  scattered  trees.     Like  other  gazelles,  it  gets  over  the  ground  very 

quickly,  and  can  seldom  be  overtaken  by  dogs.     When  startled,  it  does  not  jump 

in  the  air  like  the  blackbuck,  but  stands  hissing  and  stamping  with  its  fore-feet 

on  the  ground.     It  is  closely  related  to  the  edmi  gazelle  of  northern  Africa,  as  well 

as  to  two  south  Arabian  species  (G.  arabica  and  G.  muscatensis). 

The  blackbuck  (Antilope  cervicajyra)  inhabits  the  treeless  plains 
Blackbuck  .  . 

of  India  from  the  foot  of  the  Himalaya  to  the  neighbourhood  of  Cape 

Comorin,  and  from  the  Punjab  to  Lower  Assam,  but  is  not  found  either  in  Ceylon 

or  east  of  the  Bay  of  Bengal,  or  down  the  Malabar  coast  from  Surat  southwards. 

It  is  not  met  with  in  the  marshy  delta  of  the  Ganges,  but  is  abundant  on  the  plains 

near  the  shore  at  Midnapur  as  well  as  in  Orissa. 

The  blackbuck,  which  is  the  only  representative  of  its  genus,  is  of  moderate 
size,  standing  32  inches  at  the  shoulder,  and  measuring  48  inches  to  the  root  of  the 
tail,  the  latter,  which  is  compressed,  measuring  7  inches.  The  hoofs  are  pointed, 
and  the  knees  furnished  with  tufts  of  long  hair.  As  a  rule  only  the  males  are 
horned,  the  horns  being  close  together  at  the  base,  and  then  diverging  to 
form  a  more  or  less  closely  wound  spiral.  They  are  circular  in  section,  ringed 
throughout,  and  at  the  tips  from  7  to  20  inches  apart.  They  do  not  generally 
exceed  20  inches  in  length,  but  in  Rajputana  and  Harriana  are  longer,  and  in  some 
cases  measure  over  28  inches.  Full-grown  bucks  are  blackish  brown  above,  and 
in  old  age  almost  black,  though  the  nape  remains  reddish  brown,  and  the  face  is 
blackish  brown.  There  is  a  white  streak  below  the  ears,  and  the  eyes  are  sur- 
rounded by  white  circles.  Does  and  young  bucks  are  fawn-colour  above  and  at 
the  sides,  and  like  the  older  bucks,  white  below,  in  sharp  contrast.  Old  bucks  show 
a  pale  streak  along  the  line  of  division  between  the  dark  and  the  light  areas.  This 
antelope  lives  in  herds,  sometimes  numbering  thousands  of  every  sex  and  age,  but 
oftener  consisting  of  from  about  ten  to  thirty,  or  even  fifty,  females  and  fawns, 
accompanied  by  one  old  buck.  Sometimes  two  or  three  young  bucks  of  the  same 
Bandy  colour  as  the  does  associate  with  the  herd,  but  these  are  generally  driven 
away  by  the  old  bucks,  and  form  parties  by  themselves. 

Like  most  animals  dwelling  on  open  plains,  blackbuck  have  apparently  no 
fixed  times  for  grazing,  although  they  are  in  the  habit  of  resting  at  mid-day. 
They  seem  to  frequent  the  neighbourhood  of  water  not  so  much  for  the  sake  of 
(I r'm king,  but  for  the  fresh  green  grass  growing  in  such  situations. 

Like  the  African  springbok,  the  blackbuck  is  in  the  habit  of  occasionally 
Leaping  into  the  air,  and  this  habit  is  generally  indulged  in  by  all  the  members  of 
a  herd  one  after  the  other  when  they  scent  danger,  and  are  about  to  take  to  flight. 
Many  blackbuck  are  taken  by  the  natives  in  nets  and  snares;  and  they  are  also 
caught  by  means  of  a  tame  buck  which,  with  a  cord  attached,  is  induced  to  mingle 
with  the.  herd.  In  the  fight  which  is  sure  to  ensue  between  this  buck  and  the 
leader  of  the  herd,  the  latter  is  captured. 
Four  Homed  The  four-horned  antelope  (Tetraceros  quadricornis)  is  the  only 

Antelope.  hollow-horned  ruminant  furnished  with  two  pairs  of  horns.  These 
appendages,  which  are  confined  to  the  bucks,  are  short,  smooth,  and  conical  in  shape, 
one  pair  being  situated  between  the  eyes,  and  the  other  behind  them.     The  hind  pair 






r 4 











1 1 1 

are  much  longer  than  those  in  front,  which  are  sometimes  reduced  to  small  knobs, 
and  may  be  altogether  wanting.  The  hair  of  this  antelope  is  thin,  coarse,  and  short, 
but  rather  long  on  the  tail ;  the  general  colour  is  of  a  more  or  h-ss  reddish  hue,  the 
fawn  of  the  back  gradually  blending  into  the  white  of  the  lower-parts  on  th^  Bides 


and  legs.  A  dark  stripe,  widest  on  the  front  pair,  runs  along  the  front  of  eat  h 
leg;  the  colour  on  the  muzzle  and  outsides  of  the  ears  is  darker  than  elsewhere; 
and  some  of  the  fawns  show  a  dark  stripe  along  the  back.  The  native  name  is 

The  males  are  a  little  over  25  inches  in  height  at  the  shoulder,  while  at  the 
haunches  they  measure   28   inches,  thus  standing  higher  behind  than   in  front. 


The  length  is  47  inches,  including  the  tail  which  measures  about  5  inches.  The 
females  are  considerably  smaller.  The  hind  horns  never  exceed  4J  inches  in 
length,  and  the  front  pair  range  from  1  to  2  or  sometimes  2|  inches.  This 
antelope  is  found  from  the  Punjab  to  Nepal,  along  the  foot  of  the  Himalaya  and 
probably  in  most  of  the  wooded  and  mountainous  parts  of  India. 

The  nilgai  (Boselaphus  tragocamelus),  which  inhabits  India  from 
the  foot  of  the  Himalaya  to  Mysore,  is  one  of  the  larger  antelopes, 
and  in  general  appearance  (apart  from  the  horns)  somewhat  resembles  a  horse 
with  an  unusually  thin  neck.  It  is  absent  from  Ceylon,  and  apparently  also  from 
the  Malabar  coast  and  the  neighbourhood  of  Bombay,  although  it  reappears  near 
Madras.  In  certain  parts  of  the  United  Provinces  it  is  very  common,  as  it 
is  in  Gujerat,  but  it  becomes  much  more  rare  farther  south.  The  bulls  have 
a  shoulder-height  of  52  inches,  and  a  length  of  about  80  inches  to  the  root  of  the 
tail,  18  to  25  inches  being  the  length  of  the  latter.  The  horns  are  generally 
from  8  to  9  inches  loner,  but  are  absent  in  the  much  smaller  females.     The  hind 


legs  are  shorter  than  the  front  pair ;  the  muzzle  is  narrow  and  ox-like,  and  both 
sexes  have  a  mane,  although  the  males  alone  have  a  tuft  of  hair  on  the  throat. 
The  horns,  which  are  not  very  far  apart,  rise  close  behind  the  eyes,  and  are  short, 
smooth,  pointed,  almost  straight,  and  directed  upwards  and  backwards.  In  shape 
they  are  conical  at  the  tips,  triangular  at  the  base,  flat  behind,  and  ridged  in  front. 
The  general  colour  of  the  males  is  dark  grey,  with  a  shade  of  blue  or  brown  ;  the 
mane,  the  tuft  on  the  throat,  the  upper  half  of  the  ears,  two  spots  on  the  inside  of 
the  ears,  and  the  end  of  the  tail  being  black.  A  patch  on  the  throat,  two  small  spots 
on  the  cheeks,  the  lips,  chin,  lower  half  of  the  ears,  the  under  side  of  the  tail,  the 
under-parts,  and  two  rings  just  above  the  hoofs  are  white.  The  females  and  young 
are  rufous.  The  haunts  of  the  nilgai  are  in  dense  bushes  with  a  few  low  trees,  or 
where  tracts  of  bushes  alternate  with  grassy  plains.  These  antelopes  are  found  on 
flat,  as  well  as  on  undulating  around  and  among  the  hills,  but  seldom  in  thick 
jungle;  and  they  often  do  great  harm  to  cultivated  ground.  The  bulls  often  live  a 
solitary  life,  but  sometimes  collect  in  small  herds  up  to  a  dozen,  or  they  may 
accompany  the  larger  herds  of  females  and  calves. 

Nilgai  graze  a  good  deal  all  day  long  and  also  browse  on  leaves,  especially 
those  of  the  jujube  tree.  There  are  different  opinions  as  to  how  often  they  drink, 
some  observers  saying  that  they  do  so  daily,  and  others  every  two  or  three  days, 
particularly  in  the  cold  season.  When  startled,  the  nilgai  starts  off  at  a  heavy 
gallop,  going  so  quickly  that  a  good  horse  is  required  to  overtake  it.  The  bulls  are 
sometimes  caught  and  killed,  but  the  cows  are  much  speedier.  The  nilgai  becomes 
very  tame  in  captivity,  even  to  the  extent  of  drawing  light  vehicles,  carrying  loads, 
or  as  a  riding  animal.  Both  the  four-horned  antelope  and  the  nilgai  are  related  to 
the  bushbucks  and  elands  of  Africa. 

Hi  Besides  antelopes  and  oxen,  the  Indian  fauna  includes  two  species 

of  short-horned  goats  or  tahr,  which  are  nearly  allied  to  the  goats, 
but  differ  in  the  form  and  size  of  their  horns  and  skull.  The  Himalayan,  or 
typical  tahr  (Hemitragus  jemlaicas),  is  a  shaggy  ruminant  inhabiting  the  forests 
of  the  Himalaya  from  the  Pir  Panjal  range  to  Sikhim,  and  characterised  by  the 
long  head,  with  a  narrow  straight  face.     The  black  horns  are  slightly  wrinkled, 






much  compressed,  and  flattened  on  the  sides;  towards  the  base,  where  they  almost 
touch  each  other,  they  are  rather  rounder,  though  they  are  always  flat  at  the 
back.  In  front  they  are  keeled,  and,  diverging  from  the  base,  they  curve  back- 
ward, to  approach  each  other  at  the  tips.  The  tahr  has  a  short  tail,  bare 
beneath,  hard  patches  on  the  knees  and  breast,  short  hair  on  the  head,  and  long 
hair  on  the  body.  Old  bucks  carry  on  their  neck,  shoulders,  and  breast  a  long 
shaggy  mane,  hanging  down  to  their  knees.  The  general  colour  is  a  deep  brown 
or  reddish  brown,  the  face  and  fore  part  of  the  legs  being  very  dark,  and  in  some 

cases    almost   black ;  the   bucks  are  ___  

pale  or  rusty  red  on  the  hind  side  of      g 
their  legs,  and,  when    old,  show  an 
indistinct   stripe  running  along  the 

The   tahr   has    a   shoulder-height 




of  36  to  40  inches,  a  length  of  about  56  inches  to  the  root  of  the  tail,  and  a 
tail  3  inches  long.  The  horns  of  the  bucks  measure  from  12  to  15  inches 
along  the  curve,  those  of  the  does  being  much  smaller.  On  ground  where  it 
seems  almost  impossible  for  any  other  animal  to  place  its  feet,  the  tahr  moves 
with  the  greatest  ease.  Like  goats,  these  ruminants  collect  in  herds,  the  sexes 
keeping  separate  during  most  of  the  year,  the  females  being  found  in  more  open 
country  than  the  males.  They  pair  in  October,  and  in  June  or  July  their  one 
offspring  is  born. 

VOL.  II. — 8 


The  Nilgiri  tahr  (H.  hylocrius),  the  "  ibex  "  of  Indian  sportsmen, 
inhabits  the  Nilgiri  and  Anaimalai  Hills  of  southern  India,  and  the 
Western  Ghats  down  to  Cape  Comorin.  The  bucks  stand  from  39  to  42  inches 
high,  and  measure  about  50  inches  in  length,  with  a  tail  of  about  3  inches  long ; 
the  does  are  about  35  inches  at  the  shoulder.  The  horns  of  the  bucks  measure 
alono-  the  curve  from  12  to  16  inches,  and  those  of  the  females  about  10  inches. 
In  both  sexes  the  horns  almost  touch  each  other  at  the  base,  rise  parallel  for  a 
short  distance,  then  bend  backwards  and  diverge ;  they  are  wrinkled,  flat  inside, 
and  convex  outside,  rounded  at  the  back,  and  bluntly  keeled  on  the  front  inner 
edge.  The  hair  is  close,  short,  and  coarse,  that  of  the  males  forming  a  mane  on  the 
neck  and  spine.  The  principal  colour  is  dark  yellowish  brown,  the  coat  of  the 
females  and  young  being  greyish.  A  dark  stripe  runs  along  the  back,  and  the 
lower-parts  are  lighter  coloured  than  the  rest.  The  faces  and  legs  of  the  old 
bucks  are  dark  sepia-brown,  almost  black,  with  a  wide,  pale,  whitish  stripe  on  the 
sides  of  the  face.  A  spot  behind  the  eye,  the  inner  side  of  the  legs  (which  are  dark 
brown  in  front),  and  a  saddle-like  patch  on  the  back  are  similarly  coloured,  the 
"  saddle  "  becoming  nearly  white  in  old  animals. 

With  the  exception  of  the  Abyssinian  ibex,  the  Nilgiri  tahr  is  the  only  wild 
goat  living  south  of  the  northern  temperate  zone.  Its  haunts  are  somewhat 
like  those  of  the  Himalayan  tahr  and  wild  goat,  but  of  a  more  tropical  character. 
These  tahr  are  generally  found  in  herds  of  from  five  to  fifty  or  more  in  ravines  and 
forest  country.  Sometimes  they  collect  on  the  tops  of  grassy  hills,  but  their 
favourite  haunts  are  grassy  slopes  and  steep  ridges  well  up  the  mountains.  Every 
morning  and  evening  they  graze  on  the  mountain-meadows,  and  spend  the  rest  of 
the  day  among  the  rocks.  The  Nilgiri  tahr  is  as  active  and  wary  as  its  Himalayan 
cousin,  but,  in  spite  of  its  watchfulness,  often  falls  a  victim  to  the  leopard,  although 
rarely  to  the  tiger. 

Himalayan  The  gorals,  which  approach  the  goats  on  the  one  hand  and  the 

Gorais.  antelopes  on  the  other,  may  be  recognised  by  their  short  cylindrical 
horns,  which  are  of  almost  equal  size  in  both  sexes,  taper  backwards  in  a  gentle 
curve,  and,  with  the  exception  of  the  tips,  are  finely  but  irregularly  ringed  and 
furrowed  throughout.  The  two  Himalayan  species  (Urotragus  goral  and  U. 
bedfordi)  inhabit  the  outer  ranges  of  the  Himalaya,  from  Kashmir  to  Bhutan. 
The  former  is  a  goat-like,  thick-legged  ruminant,  with  almost  parallel  horns  set 
close  together,  and  somewhat  coarse  hair  (with  a  woolly  under-fur),  which  on  the 
head  and  neck  forms  a  short  mane.  In  colour  the  coat  is  more  or  less  reddish  or 
greyish  brown,  becoming  a  little  paler  on  the  lower-parts.  The  face  is  rather 
darker  near  the  horns ;  a  black  stripe  runs  down  the  back  to  the  black  tail,  and 
there  is  a  dark  stripe  down  the  front  of  each  leg.  The  horns  are  black,  and  the 
throat  white. 

The  goral  has  a  shoulder-height  of  about  27  inches,  a  total  length  of  54  inches, 
and  a  tail-length  of  4  inches,  the  horns  of  the  bucks  being  from  6  to  8  inches  long. 
The  species  is  generally  found  in  small  parties  of  from  four  to  eight,  and  lives  in 
rugged,  rocky  country  at  heights  of  from  3000  to  8000  feet.  It  seldom  leaves  its 
feeding  grounds,  and  never  save  in  company,  although  the  old  bucks  generally  live 
alone.     In  cloudy  weather  goral  graze  at  any  hour  of  the  day,  at  other  times  only 

HIM  ALA  YAN  SER  O  W— INDIAN  CHE  VR  0  TAIN  x  1 5 

in  the  mornings  and  evenings.  They  appear  somewhat  indifferent  to  the  neigh- 
bourhood of  man,  and  are  often  found  near  hill-stations.  The  kids,  of  which 
there  is  only  one  at  a  birth,  are  dropped  in  May  or  June,  six  months  after  the 

Himalayan  The  serows,  which  are  near  relatives  of  the  gorals,  are  character- 

Serow.  jse(j  Dy  tjie  hairy  tail,  naked  muzzle,  and  short,  conical  horns  curving 
gently  backwards  and  finely  but  irregularly  ringed  and  striped.  There  is  but 
little  difference  in  the  size  of  these  latter  appendages  in  the  two  sexes.  Serows 
are  indigenous  to  south-eastern  and  eastern  Asia,  one  species  inhabiting  Japan, 
another  Formosa,  and  a  third  the  Himalaya,  Burma,  and  the  Malay  countries. 
The  Himalayan  serow  (Capricornis  sumatrensis  bubalinus),  and  other  local 
varieties  of  the  Sumatran  species,  inhabit  the  Himalaya  from  Kashmir  to  the 
Mishmi  Hills.  The  species,  inclusive  of  its  local  races,  is  distinguished  by  its 
clumsy  build,  large  head  and  ears,  coarse  sparse  hair  of  medium  length  without 
under-fur,  and  the  short  mane  on  the  neck.  The  colour  is  black  or  dark  grey 
above,  and  wThitish  below,  the  head  and  neck  being  blackish,  and  the  flank,  thighs, 
and  the  lower  part  of  the  legs  either  rufous  or  dirty  white.  The  inside  of  the 
ears,  and  the  front  and  sides  of  the  chin  are  white,  and  a  stripe  along  the  back 

The  shoulder-height  is  37  inches,  the  total  length  over  5  feet,  and  the  tail  is 
about  3  inches  long.  The  horns  of  the  bucks  are  9  or  10  inches  long,  those  of  the 
females  slightly  smaller.  Although  its  gait  is  awkward,  the  serow  moves  very 
quickly  over  difficult  ground.  It  lives  a  solitary  life,  mostly  at  heights  of  from 
6000  to  12,000  feet,  is  nowhere  abundant,  generally  keeps  to  dense  forest  and  rocky 
ridges,  shelters  in  caves  under  projecting  rocks  or  among  shady  trees,  and,  although 
difficult  of  approach,  is  bold  and  dangerous  when  wounded  or  driven  to  bay. 

Indian  The  small  but   zoologically  important  group  of  chevrotains  or 

cnevrotain.  mouse-deer  is  represented  in  India  by  Tragulus  meminna,  which 
inhabits  the  forests  of  the  southern  part  of  the  peninsula  and  Ceylon,  its  dis- 
tributional area  extending  to  Orissa  on  the  east  coast,  and  to  the  western  Ghats 
near  Bombay. 

In  this  interesting  Indian  species  (which  stands  about  12  inches  in  height 
and  measures  from  18  to  22  inches  in  length)  the  chin  and  throat  are  completely 
clothed  with  hair,  and  the  brown  back  is  ornamented  with  whitish  spots,  while 
the  sides  are  marked  with  similarly  coloured  oblong  spots  which  often  run  into 
lines.  This  chevrotain  never  ventures  out  on  the  open  plains,  but  lives  among 
rocks,  the  clefts  of  which  afford  it  shelter  from  the  heat  of  the  day,  and  a  place  of 
retreat  at  the  approach  of  an  enemy.  It  issues  forth  at  dusk ;  and,  like  all  its 
kindred,  has  a  peculiar  mincing  walk,  treading  on  the  tips  of  its  hoofs,  and  thus 
making  its  limbs  look  so  stiff  as  to  give  the  impression  that  the  fore-legs  are 
without  the  knee-joint.  The  male  lives  alone  during  most  of  the  year,  but 
accompanies  the  female  during  the  pairing-time  in  June  and  July.  The  young, 
two  in  number,  are  born  at  the  close  of  the  rainy  season,  or  the  beginning  of  the 
cold  weather. 

Chevrotains  form  a  group  quite  distinct  from  the  true  ruminants,  and  serve 
in  some  degree  to  connect  the  deer  with  the  pigs. 


Indian  Wild  Leaving  the  chevrotains,  we  come  to  the  Indian  wild  boar  (Sus 

Boar.  cristatus),  which  is  found  in  the  Himalaya  up  to  heights  of  13,000 
feet,  and  ranges  southwards  into  Ceylon  and  south-eastwards  into  Burma.  In 
shoulder-height  the  boar  measures  up  to  40  inches  or  more,  and  the  total  length  is 
about  5  feet.  Some  are  even  larger,  the  males  being  always  larger  than  the 
females.  Along  the  back  runs  a  crest  of  long  black  bristles,  the  hair  is  coarse  and 
bristly  everywhere,  has  no  under-fur,  but  is  thinner  at  the  sides,  and  thinnest 
below.  The  sparsely-haired  tail  reaches  almost  to  the  hocks,  and  is  fringed  at  the 
sides ;  the  ears  are  thinly  haired  on  the  outside  and  more  closely  inside  ;  the  general 
colour  is  black,  mixed  more  or  less  with  rusty  brown  or  white.  Old  individuals 
are  grey,  younger  ones  brown,  and  the  sucklings  show  dark  brown  stripes  along 
their  light  brown  bodies. 

The  Indian  wild  boar  is  distinguished  from  its  European  relative  by  its  longer 
tusks  (which  are  said  to  grow  as  long  as  12  inches,  although  rarely  exceeding 
9  inches),  the  longer  crest  and  the  thinner  hair  on  the  rest  of  the  body ;  it  attains  a 
large  stature.  Not  improbably  it  is  the  ancestor  of  Indian  domesticated  swine, 
with  which  it  doubtless  sometimes  pairs  since  the  young  of  the  latter  are  sometimes 

During  the  day  the  Indian  wild  boar  remains  concealed  in  high  grass  or 
bushes,  sometimes  in  the  forest  or  in  tall  standing  crops.  The  sows  and  young 
generally  associate  in  "  sounders  "  of  ten  to  twelve  or  more,  but  the  full-grown  boars 
live  by  themselves.  They  wander  about  to  feed  in  the  morning  and  evening, 
especially  in  marshes,  their  favourite  food  being  roots,  in  search  of  which  they  turn 
up  the  ground  in  a  way  similar  to  the  European  wild  boar,  doing  much  harm  to 
cultivated  fields.  Their  food  is,  however,  not  confined  to  vegetable  matter,  for 
more  than  once  they  have  been  seen  to  eat  carcases,  and  in  Assam  they  dig  out 
and  eat  the  fish  which  spend  the  dry  season  in  the  mud. 

The  Indian  wild  boar  often  feeds  at  night,  but  in  districts  where  it  is  un- 
molested its  life  is  less  nocturnal.  Its  speed  is  considerable,  but  does  not  last,  and 
on  fairly  even  ground  both  boar  and  sow  may  be  easily  overtaken  by  a  good 
horse.  Wild  boar-hunting,  universally  known  as  "pig-sticking,"  is  one  of  the  most 
popular  of  Indian  sports.  This  sport  owes  much  of  its  excitement  to  the  boldness 
with  which  the  boar  defends  himself  to  the  last,  the  badgered  animal,  although 
surrounded  by  spears,  attacking  his  adversaries  again  and  again.  Undoubtedly 
the  boar  is  the  most  courageous  of  the  wild  animals  of  India.  There  are  many 
anecdotes  of  desperate  fights  between  wild  boars  and  tigers,  and  in  several  instances 
the  tiger  is  killed  by  the  boar.  A  boar  will  even  attack  and  kill  a  camel ;  and 
instances  are  on  record  of  this  animal  charging  elephants.  The  courage  of  the 
boar  appears,  however,  to  vary  to  a  considerable  extent  in  different  parts  of  India,  as 
indeed  is  the  case  with  its  bodily  size  and  shape. 

A  very  different  animal  is  the  pigmy  hog  (S.  salvanius),  of  the 
forests  at  the  foot  of  the  eastern  Himalaya,  which  stands  only 
11  inches  at  the  shoulder,  with  a  length  of  26  inches.  Unlike  the  last  species,  it 
has  no  distinct  mane,  and  in  general  colour  is  brown  or  blackish  brown.  The 
young  are  white  below  with  whitish  stripes  along  the  back  and  sides.  In  habits 
this  diminutive  representative  of  the  pig  tribe  resembles  the  wild   boar,  being 


mostly  found  in  high  grass,  and  said  to  associate  in  parties  of  from  five  to  twenty 
which  consist  both  of  sows  and  full-grown  boars. 

The  deserts  of  north-western  India,  such  as  the  Bikanir  desert, 
Jesalmere,  the  Rann  of  Kach,  and  (across  the  Indus)  the  neighbour- 
hood of  Mithankot,  on  the  Punjab  frontier,  form  the  habitat  of  the  onager  (Equus 
onager  indicus),  which  also  occurs  in  Baluchistan  and  Afghanistan,  where  it 
probably  passes  into  the  closely  allied  Persian  race  of  the  species.  As  the 
Asiatic  wild  ass,  of  which  the  Indian  animal  is  merely  a  local  race,  is  de- 
scribed elsewhere  in  this  work,  the  bare  mention  that  it  is  represented  in  north- 
western India  will  suffice. 
Indian  Rnino-  Poor  as  is  India  in  members  of  the  horse  family,  it  is  richer  than 

ceros.  any  other  country  in  the  world  in  rhinoceroses,  all  the  three  Asiatic 
species  occurring  within  its  limits,  although  the  true  home  of  two  of  these  is  the 
Malay  area.  By  far  the  largest  of  the  three  is  the  Indian  rhinoceros  (Rhinoceros 
unicornis),  which,  in  common  with  the  other  two,  differs  from  its  African  cousins 
by  its  heavily  folded  skin.  It  is  an  inhabitant  of  the  great  grass-jungles  of  northern 
India,  and  is  now  almost  entirely  confined  to  the  valley  of  Assam,  and  to  Nepal  and 
other  districts  west  of  the  Tista  River.  Formerly  it  was  much  more  widely 
distributed.  In  the  reign  of  the  Emperor  Baber,  for  instance,  from  1505  to  1530, 
it  was  common  in  the  Punjab  up  to  Peshawar,  and  its  remains  have  been  found  as 
far  south  as  Madras. 

The  Indian  rhinoceros  attains  a  height  of  5  feet  or  more,  and  from  the  point  of 
the  nose  to  the  tip  of  the  tail  measures  over  10  feet,  the  tail  being  27  inches  in  length. 
The  horn,  however,  is  seldom  more  than  12  inches  long.  The  skin  is  bare,  except 
the  ears  and  the  tail,  and  is  studded  with  prominent  tubercles  ranging  up  to  an 
inch  in  diameter,  the  largest  of  which  are  on  the  thighs  and  shoulders.  Of  the 
folds  which  divide  the  skin  into  large  shields,  one  is  situated  at  the  back  of  each 
shoulder,  and  another  in  front  of  each  thigh.  Large  folds  also  surround  the  neck, 
others  are  below  the  shoulders  and  thighs,  and  on  the  hind-quarters,  so  that  the  tail 
lies  in  a  deep  furrow.  The  colour  is  blackish  grey,  with  no  lighter  or  darker  shades. 
The  Indian  rhinoceros  is  an  inhabitant  of  ground  where  it  can  bathe  and 
wallow  in  the  mud.  It  is  quiet  and  peaceable  in  disposition ;  all  that  has  been 
written  about  its  savageness  and  its  animosity  against  the  elephant  resting  on  no 
basis  of  fact.  A  wounded  or  much-molested  animal  may,  however,  sometimes 
defend  itself,  and  when  it  does,  it  uses  not  its  horn  but  its  pointed  lower  incisors  in 
the  same  way  as  the  wild  boar  uses  his  tusks.  It  generally  feeds  during  the 
morning  and  evening,  and  sleeps  during  the  day,  its  food  consisting  principally  of 
grass  and  herbage.  The  Sumatran  and  Javan  rhinoceroses  are  noticed  under  the 
heading  of  the  Malay  fauna. 

Unlike   the   Indian   rhinoceros    the    Indian   elephant   (Elephas 
Indian  Elephant.  .,  _....,  ■,.         .  0. 

maximus)  is  not  restricted  to  India,  its  range  extending  into  biam, 

Cochin  China,  the  Malay  Peninsula,  Sumatra,  and  even  Borneo,  where,  however/ 

it  may  have  been  introduced.     In  India  wild  elephants  are  still  found  along  the 

foot  of  the  Himalaya  as  far  west  as  Dehra  Dun,  and  in  a  few  localities  tbey  are 

met  with  down  to  Mysore  and  even  farther  south  ;  but  their  distributional  area  is 

by  no  means  so  large  now  as  it  used  to  be. 



The  Indian  elephant  is  almost  hairless,  with  a  few  faint  traces  of  woolly  fur 
such  as  that  of  the  mammoth,  and  a  tuft  of  long  hairs  at  the  end  of  the  tail.  On 
the  fore-feet  five  of  the  toes  have  nails,  but  on  the  hind-feet  only  four  are  thus 
provided.  The  trunk,  unlike  that  of  the  African  species,  is  as  uniformly  flexible 
as  an  indiarubber  tube,  and  has  a  single  finger-like  process  on  the  upper  margin  of 
the  tip.  The  tusks  in  the  females  are  short  and  rudimentary,  but  in  the  males 
they  are  generally  well  developed,  although  in  some  of  the  latter  they  are  reduced 

to  small  stumps  like 
those  of  the  females. 
The  colour  of  the 
body  is  a  uniform 
blackish  grey,  often 
varied  with  small 
flesh-coloured  spots 
on  the  forehead,  the 
base  of  the  trunk, 
and  the  ears.  The 
more  or  less  white 
elephants  considered 
sacred  in  Siam  are 
merely  partial  al- 

The  shoulder- 
height  is  almost  ex- 
actly double  the 
circumference  of  the 
fore  -  foot.  Fully 
grown  females  are, 
as  a  rule,  no  higher 
than  8  feet,  while 
the  average  height 
of  the  males  is  about 
9  feet,  though  a  few 
are  recorded  as  hav- 
ing exceeded  10  feet. 
One  of  the  longest 
tusks  known  meas- 
ured 8  feet  in  length, 
nearly  17  inches  in 
circumference,  and  weighed  74£  lbs.  Another  shorter  tusk  is  said  to  have  had  a 
weight  of  110  lbs.  In  both  these  cases  the  tusk  was  the  only  one,  so  that  it  is 
supposed  to  have  been  unusually  well  developed. 

Forests  in  undulating  or  mountainous  districts,  generally  those  containing 
many  bamboos,  are  the  favourite  haunts  of  the  Indian  elephant,  though  at  the 
beginning  of  the  rainy  season  these  animals  often  move  for  awhile  into  grassy 
plains.     They  live  in  herds  of  from  sometimes  as  many  as  a  hundred  in  number, 

-  a/./c± 









and  in  each  herd  are  elephants  of  different  sizes  and  different  ages  in  both  sexes. 
When  food  is  scarce  these  herds  sometimes  disperse  into  smaller  parties,  and  some- 
times the  males  live  alone,  though  they  always  belong  to  a  herd,  and  join  it 
occasionally.  Generally  the  elephants  in  a  herd  belong  to  the  same  family,  and 
are  all  closely  related  to  one  another,  and  the  leader  is  in  all  cases  a  female. 

The  cheek-teeth  of  the  Indian  elephant  consist  of  a  number  of  closely 
approximated  thin  vertical  plates,  evidently  adapted  for  masticating  grass  and 
leaves;  and  the  food  of  this  species  consists  almost  entirely  of  grasses  and  the 
young  shoots  and  leaves  of  certain  trees  and  plants,  especially  palm,  bamboo, 
plantain,  and  fig,  together  with  wild  fruits.  Of  such  food  an  elephant  will  con- 
sume quite  600  lbs.  weight  every  day.  Elephants  drink  only  twice  a  day,  once 
before  sunrise  and  again  after  sunset.  Water  as  well  as  solid  food  is  conveyed  to 
the  mouth  by  the  trunk,  the  tufts  of  grass  being  torn  up  and  the  leaves  and  shoots 
plucked  off  by  coiling  this  instrument  round  them.  Only  small  objects  such  as 
small  fruits  are  grasped  by  the  finger-like  process  at  the  tip.  When  an  elephant 
drinks,  the  water  is  sucked  up  into  the  two  tubes  of  the  trunk  for  a  distance  of 
about  18  inches  and  then  squirted  into  the  mouth.  A  similar  method  is  employed 
when  an  elephant  is  eating  rice  or  other  corn. 

Indian  elephants  rest  during  the  midday  heat,  and  feed  in  the  mornings  and 
evenings  and  often  far  into  the  night.  While  grazing,  the  herd  disperses,  but 
immediately  musters  again  at  the  slightest  suspicion  of  danger.  In  many  districts 
elephants  wander  for  long  distances,  probably  on  account  of  their  food,  or  perhaps 
to  escape  from  troublesome  insects,  these  journeys  being  generally  performed  in 
single  file.  In  hot  weather,  when  elephants  reach  water  they  take  a  bath  or 
wallow  in  the  mud,  and  when  heated  they  squirt  water  all  over  their  bodies  by 
means  of  their  trunks.  They  rarely  bathe  after  sunset,  and  when  exposed  to  the 
sun  and  away  from  water  they  throw  earth  and  leaves  on  their  backs. 

An  elephant  can  neither  gallop,  canter,  nor  trot,  its  only  paces  being  a  walk 
and  a  shuffle  at  the  rate  of  about  a  mile  in  four  minutes.  It  cannot  jump,  and  as 
its  stride  doe^  not  exceed  78  inches  a  ditch  7  feet  wide  effectually  bars  its  passage. 
When  ascending  or  descending  slopes,  elephants  bend  their  limbs  in  the  manner 
most  suitable  to  the  occasion,  and  if  necessary  make  holes  in  the  ground  to  afford 
a  footing.  In  kneeling  an  elephant  first  bends  its  hind-legs  one  after  the  other, 
and  then  its  fore-legs,  stretching  them  out  at  the  same  time ;  when  rising  it  begins 
with  the  fore-legs.  These  animals  are  quite  at  home  in  water,  in  fact,  few  land 
mammals  are  their  superiors  in  swimming.  They  swim  very  deep,  and  at  a  rate 
of  only  about  a  mile  an  hour,  but  they  can  keep  this  pace  up  for  at  least  six  hours 
at  a  stretch  without  resting. 

Although  an  elephant  has  a  very  keen  sense  of  smell,  its  sight  and  hearing 
are  not  particularly  good,  and  its  brain  is  small  in  proportion  to  its  bulk.  The 
latter  feature  is,  however,  characteristic  of  large  animals  in  general,  and  must  not 
be  taken  to  indicate  inferiority.  In  disposition  the  Indian  elephant  is  docile  and 
obedient,  and  its  memory  is  remarkably  retentive.  Although  in  most  cases  gentle 
and  affectionate,  in  certain  circumstances  these  animals  are  highly  passionate  and 
vindictive,  and  often  display  strong  emotion.  Fear  and  anger  are  denoted 
by  a  shrill  trumpet-like  sound  of  varying  pitch;  pain  is  indicated  by  a  terrific 



roar ;  and  the  attention  of  the  female  to  her  calf  is  attracted  by  a  subdued  rumbling 
sound  in  the  throat.  A  prolonged  squealing  through  the  trunk  indicates  pleasure, 
and  uneasiness  is  denoted  by  a  peculiar  metallic  sound  produced  by  beating  the 
ground  with  the  trunk  and  at  the  same  time  blowing  through  it.  Most  elephants 
are  timid  and  peaceful,  although  females  with  young  as  well  as  the  solitary  males 
known  as  "  rogues  "  may  sometimes  be  aggressive.  The  attack  is  made  by  the  feet 
and  tusks  and  not  by  the  trunk,  which  is  kept  tightly  coiled  up  on  such  occasions. 
An  Indian  elephant  never  charges  with  its  trunk  extended. 

Large  Indian  India  is  rich  in 
squirrel.  rodents,  especially 
squirrels,  one  of  the  handsomest 
of  these  being  the  large  Indian 
squirrel  (Ratufa  indica),  which 
attains  a  total  length  of  16  to  18 
,  inches,  and  is  represented  by 
1  several  local  races  in  different 
parts  of  its  habitat.  One  of 
these,  from  the  northern  parts  of 
the  western  Ghats  and  Mysore,  is 
red  above,  with  the  tip  of  the 
tail  whitish.  A  second  variety 
found  in  Orissa,  Bastar,  Chutia 
Nagpur,  south-western  Bengal, 
and  Manipur  is  mainly  red 
above,  but  with  black  on  the 
shoulders  and  tail,  which  latter 
generally  has  a  yellow  tip.  In 
the  third  variety,  which  inhabits 
southern  Manipur  and  certain 
parts  of  central  India,  the  shoul- 
ders and  hind  part  of  the  back 
and  tail  are  always  black,  while 
the  rest  of  the  upper-parts  is 
more  or  less  black. 

This    squirrel    dwells    among 

high  forest -trees,  rarely  coming 

down  to  the  ground,  and  places 

its  nest  of  twigs  and  leaves  amid 

the  topmost  branches.     It  is  able  to  jump  distances  of  20  feet  from  tree  to  tree, 

and  its  cry  is  a  rapid  succession  of  loud  screeches.     It  represents  a  group  of  giant 

squirrels  all  restricted  to  the  Indian  region. 

Paim-squirreL  ^ie  ^n^  Pa^m_sclunTel  (Funambulus  palmarum)  is  found  all  over 

India  with  the  exception  of  the  Malabar  coast  and  Ceylon.     In  the 

west  it  ranges  as  far  as  Sind  and  Baluchistan,  though  not  common  in  either  of  those 

countries ;  but  it  is  unknown  eastwards  of  the  Bay  of  Bengal.     Its  home  is  in  the 

open  and  cultivated  plains,  especially  in  the  neighbourhood  of  human  habitations, 



and  it  is  never  found  in  forests.  It  is  about  six  inches  long  without  including  the 
tail;  in  colour  the  back  is  greyish,  or  reddish  and  blackish  brown  with  three 
longitudinal  whitish  yellow  stripes,  the  sides  being  lighter  in  hue,  and  the  lower- 
parts  whitish. 

The  palm-squirrel  is  one  of  the  commonest  animals  of  India,  and  being 
exclusively  diurnal  is,  perhaps,  the  least  wary  of  all.  It  is  generally  found  in 
plantations  and  gardens,  on  large  banyan  and  pipal  trees,  and  especially  on 
palms.  It  is  frequently  seen  on  the  ground,  but  never  far  from  trees,  in  which 
at  any  alarm  it  may  immediately  take  refuge.  It  shelters  beneath  the  roofs  of 
houses,  and  sometimes  even  ventures  into  the  rooms,  and  since  it  is  also  common 
in  gardens  and  plantations,  it  would  appear,  like  the  rat  and  mouse,  to  be  one 
of  the  mammals  which  follow  man  wherever  possible.  Indeed  by  some  writers 
it  has  been  regarded  as  a  half -domesticated  form  of  the  three-striped  jungle 
squirrel.  Its  food  consists  of  fruits,  seeds,  and  buds  of  trees ;  but  it  also  eats 
insects,  and  is  said  to  rob  birds'  nests,  although  this  is  doubtful.  The  cry  of  this 
small  and  easily-tamed  rodent  is  a  shrill  bird-like  chirping.  The  nest,  in  which 
the  female  produces  a  litter  of  two  to  four  young  at  a  time,  is  a  large,  rough 
structure  of  grass,  wool,  or  any  kind  of  fibre,  placed  in  the  branches  of  a  tree,  the 
gutter  of  a  roof,  or  among  the  rafters  of  a  house. 

striped  The  striped  jungle-squirrel  (F.  tristriatus)  is  mainly  remarkable 

Jungle-Squirrel.  as  tne  presumed  original  form  of  the  palm-squirrel.  Although  its 
cry  is  quite  different,  being  much  more  piercing,  it  resembles  the  latter  in  colora- 
tion, and  in  nesting  on  houses,  but  it  is  much  smaller,  and  is  met  with  where 
the  palm-squirrel  is  absent.  The  back  is  black  or  blackish  brown  with  three 
narrow  longitudinal  white  or  whitish  stripes,  and  the  lower-parts  are  whitish  or 
grey.  This  species  is  widely  distributed  over  the  forest-districts  of  India  and 
Ceylon,  has  been  found  in  Sikhim,  and  is  very  common  on  the  Malabar  coast 
where  the  palm-squirrel  is  unknowTn. 

Hodgson's  Several  species  of  marmot  are  found  in  the  Himalaya  and  Tibet, 

Marmot.  an(j  since  one  of  these  (Arctomys  hodgsoni)  occurs  in  Nepal,  Sikhim, 
and  Bhutan,  it  probably  lives  on  the  southern  slope  of  the  mountains,  and  conse- 
quently belongs  to  the  Indian  fauna. 

The  lesser  flying-squirrels  are  represented  in  India  by  Sciuro- 
ying  quirre  s. ^erug  fuscicapHlUS}  which  inhabits  the  mountains  of  Travancore  and 
Ceylon,  and  is  also  said  to  occur  on  the  Nilgiris.  India  is  also  the  home  of  several 
of  the  larger  flying-squirrels,  which  belong  to  a  different  genus.  Of  these  the  large 
brown  flying-squirrel  (Petaurista  oral)  inhabits  all  the  larger  forests  from  the 
Ganges  to  Ceylon,  and  those  of  the  countries  east  of  the  Bay  of  Bengal  from  Burma 
to  Tenasserim,  as  well  as  the  Mergui  Islands.  In  length  its  body  measures  about 
18  inches  without  the  tail,  and  in  colour  it  is  dark  chestnut  or  greyish  brown  or 
rusty  black,  mixed  with  grey  above,  and  lighter,  sometimes  white,  below.  This 
species,  which  in  different  parts  of  its  range  is  represented  by  local  races,  is  nocturnal 
in  its  habits,  and  sleeps  in  holes  of  trees  during  the  day.  Although  principally  an 
inhabitant  of  the  forest,  it  is  often  found  in  the  neighbourhood  of  villages  and 
mango-plantations,  and  its  food  consists  of  fruits,  nuts,  bark  of  trees,  beetles,  and 
larvse,  but  not  of  corn.     When  asleep  this  squirrel  rolls  up  its  body,  and  sits  with 


its  head  bent  downward,  but  in  hot  weather  it  lies  on  its  back  with  its  membrane 

extended,  and,  as  the  membrane  hinders  its  movements,  is  not  so  active  as  the  true 

squirrels,  either  among  the  trees  or  on  the  ground.     Its  flight  from  tree  to  tree  is 

remarkable ;  at  first  it  drops  straight  down  from  above,  then  takes  a  curved,  and 

at  last  a  horizontal  direction,  in  order  to  ascend  again  towards  the  stem  or  branch 

where  it  intends  to  alight.     It  is  thus  enabled  to  influence  the  direction  of   its 

flight,  which  sometimes  carries  it  a  distance  of  80  yards. 

The  large  red  flying-squirrel  (P.  inornatus)  inhabits  elevations  of  from  6000 

to  10,000  feet  in   the  western  Himalaya;   it  is  common  in  Kashmir,  and  is  also 

found  in  Nepal.     A  third  species,  the   grey-headed  flying-squirrel  (P.  caniceps), 

occurs  at  elevations  of  from  5000  to  7500  feet  from  Nepal  and  Sikhim  as  far  as 

Landour  to  the  west,  while  a  fourth  species,  Hodgson's  flying-squirrel  (P.  inagnificus), 

is  found  on  the  Himalaya  from  Nepal  eastwards  at  a  height  of  5000  to  6000  feet, 

as  well  as  from  the  Assam  valley  southwards. 

The  mouse  tribe,  and  especially  true  mice  and  rats,  are  plentifully 
Rats  and  Mice.  .  .  r  J  ... 

represented   in   India.     The   brown   rat   inhabits   villages,  banks   of 

rivers,  and  high  roads,  and  in  Calcutta  and  other  cities  grows  so  large  as  to  be 

often  mistaken  for  the  bandicoot.     This  rat  is  unknown  in  most  of  the  interior  of 

India,  and  would  thus  appear  to  have  been  introduced.     The  European  black  rat, 

which  has  also  probably  been  introduced,  is  found  in  various  parts  of  the  country, 

especially  in   large   ports.     Besides  the  typical  form,  India  possesses  three  other 

races  of  the  black  rat.     One  of  these  is  the  roof-rat  (Mus  rattus  alexandrinus),  a 

rather   large   form,  whose   colour   is   brown   and    somewhat   reddish   above,   and 

generally  white  below ;  the  tail  is  longer  than  the  body,  its  lower  part,  as  is  the 

case   in   Simla,   being   sometimes  white.      This   rat   inhabits   the   western   parts 

of  India,  whence  its  range  extends  into  North  Africa.     The   second  form  is  the 

glossy  black  rat  (M.  rattus  nitidus),  distinguished  from  the  roof -rat  by  its  thinner 

fur,  partly  interspersed  with  bristles,  and  by  the  tail  being  but  little   if   at   all 

longer  than  the  body,  as  well  as  by  the  white  soles  of  the  feet.     The  tree  black  rat 

(M.  rattus  rufescens),  which  inhabits  India,  Ceylon,  and  Burma,  is  much  smaller, 

with  a  very  long  tail,  and  generally  bristly  hair  of  a  red  or  yellowish  brown  colour. 

The  tree-rat  lives  principally  in  trees,  and  in  the  Laccadives  and  elsewhere  is  found 

in  the  crowns  of  cocoa-nut  palms.     It  is  said  never  to  come  to  the  ground,  and  to 

feed  on  cocoa-nuts. 

The  universally  distributed  house-mouse  is  not  absent  from  India,  except  from 
the  Punjab,  Sind,  Rajputana,  and  some  of  the  north-western  provinces.  Whether  it 
has  been  introduced  by  ships  into  India,  or  whether  it  originated  there,  is  difficult 
to  say.  The  Himalayan  form  of  this  mouse  (M.  musculus  homurus)  generally 
has  a  shorter  tail,  and  longer  and  smoother  hair  than  the  mouse  of  the  Indian  plains, 
and  may  therefore  be  regarded  as  a  distinct  race,  as  may  also  the  Indian  house- 
mouse  (M.  musculus  urbanus),  which  differs  in  many  respects  from  its  European 

The  common  Indian  field-mouse  (M.  buduga)  does  not,  like  the  European 
field-mouse,  belong  to  the  voles,  but  to  the  typical  group  of  the  family. 
It  is  common  in  fields,  in  burrows,  and  holes  beneath  stones  and  roots, 
and  also  occurs   in   gardens,  woods,  and  even   houses.     The  burrows,  which   are 


generally  found  near  large  stone-heaps,  are  usually  inhabited  by  only  one  pair. 
These  mice  are  spread  over  India  and  Ceylon,  but  are  not  found  in  the  Indus  valley 
except  at  Karachi,  nor  in  the  Himalaya.  The  general  colour  is  light  sandy  or  dark 
greyish  brown  above,  and  white  below.  The  length  of  the  head  and  body  is  from 
2  \  to  3  inches,  and  that  of  the  tail  nearly  the  same. 

The  brown  spiny  mouse  (M.  platytJirix),  which  ranges  over  India  and  Ceylon, 
and  is  found  on  the  Malabar  coast,  in  Sind,  and  in  the  Punjab,  but  not  in  Bengal, 
is  especially  remarkable  for  its  habits.  Living  exclusively  on  red  sandstone  soil,  in 
which  it  generally  digs  holes  of  moderate  depth,  it  gathers  a  heap  of  pebbles  in 
front  of  its  hole,  with  which  it  stops  the  entrance  after  retiring  within,  and  makes 
itself  a  bed  of  pebbles  in  the  dwelling  chamber.  This  mouse  probably  feeds  on 
vegetable  substances,  and  derives  its  name  from  the  nature  of  its  fur,  which  is 
covered  above  and  below  with  flat  spines,  these  being  particularly  stiff  and  coarse 
on  the  back.  In  colour  it  is  dark  brown,  sometimes  a  little  lighter  above,  and 
white  below;  to  the  root  of  the  tail  it  measures  3  or  3^  inches,  the  tail  being 
rather  less. 

In  various  parts  of  India  lives  the  metad,  or  soft-furred  field-rat  (M.  metada), 
whose  colour  is  earthy  brown  above,  lighter  on  the  sides,  and  white  below.  It  has 
a  length  of  5  inches  to  the  root  of  the  tail,  the  length  of  the  tail  varying  between 
4  and  5  inches.  The  metad  lives  in  pairs,  or  in  parties  of  five  or  six,  in  cultivated 
fields,  where  it  digs  a  slight  and  rude  hole  beneath  the  root  of  a  bush,  or  hides 
among  stone-heaps.  It  makes  its  nest  in  holes  abandoned  by  other  rodents,  or  in 
the  crevices  formed  in  the  ground  during  the  dry  season.  At  the  beginning  of  the 
rainy  season,  when  these  crevices  close  up,  large  numbers  of  the  rats  perish  in  their 
holes,  but  if  it  does  not  rain  sufficiently,  they  increase  to  such  an  extent  that  they 
destroy  vast  quantities  of  seed-corn. 

The  bandicoot-rats,  which  differ  in  the  structure  of  their  teeth 
Bandicoot-Ra  s.  ^^  ^e  ^^  rats  a^  mice,  have  a  short  body  and  head,  short  and 

wide  snout,  a  long  scaly  and  almost  bare  tail,  round  ears,  broad  feet,  and,  with  the 
exception  of  the  first  toe  of  the  hind  foot,  strong  and  almost  straight  claws  on  the 
toes.     The  five  known  species  are  distributed  over  central  Asia  and  India. 

The  common  bandicoot-rat  (Nesocia  bandicota)  inhabits  India  and  Ceylon, 
but  is  absent  from  lower  Bengal,  as  well  as  from  Sind  and  the  Punjab,  though 
common  in  certain  parts  of  Rajputana  and  probably  elsewhere  in  the  north-western 
provinces.  It  is  of  considerable  size,  namely,  12  to  15  inches  without  the  tail, 
which  measures  from  11  to  12h  inches.  The  hair  of  this  rat  is  coarse,  often  with 
bristles  of  2  or  3  inches  long  on  the  back.  In  colour  it  is  blackish  brown  above, 
sometimes  pale  yellowish  or  greyish  on  the  sides,  and  greyish  brown  or  brownish 
grey  below.  This  bandicoot-rat,  which,  like  all  its  kindred,  is  a  burrower,  inhabits 
cultivated  districts,  and  is  particularly  common  in  south  Indian  villages  and  towns, 
and  probably  also  in  forests.  It  is  very  injurious  to  corn,  but  also  feeds  on  fruit 
and  other  vegetable  substances,  and  is  said  to  kill  a  fowl  now  and  then.  When 
wandering  about  at  night  or  attacking  its  prey,  it  grunts  like  a  pig.  It  is  lazy  and 
cowardly,  apparently  readily  tamed,  and  much  more  easily  killed  by  a  dog  than 
might  be  supposed  from  its  size. 

The  kok  bandicoot-rat  (N.  bengalensis)  inhabits  the  greater  part  of  India  from 


the  Himalaya  to  Cape  Comorin,  and  from  lower  Sind  to  Cachar,  and  perhaps  as  far 
as  Assam,  while  it  also  occurs  in  the  valley  of  Kashmir  and  Ceylon,  and  is  prob- 
ably spread  over  Burma  as  far  as  the  Mergui  Archipelago.  It  is  generally  found 
on  damp,  swampy  ground,  but  also  ranges  to  the  top  of  the  Nilgiri  and  other  hills. 
The  coarse  hair  is  dark  brown  mixed  with  yellow  above,  and  grey  or  yellowish 
below.  The  head  and  body  measure  from  6  to  9  inches  in  length,  and  the  tail 
from  5  to  7  inches.  The  kok,  which  lives  in  cultivated  ground,  gardens,  or  pastures, 
betrays  its  presence  by  the  heaps  of  earth  in  front  of  its  holes.  Its  galleries  opening 
into  the  banks  of  ditches  and  tanks  near  rice-fields  are  long  and  irregular,  often 
branched,  sometimes  circular,  and  lead  to  a  principal  chamber,  in  which  the  animal 
stores  up  grain,  often  amounting  to  a  pound  in  weight.  The  burrows  sometimes 
occupy  an  area  with  a  diameter  of  15  to  20  yards,  each  being  apparently 
inhabited  by  only  a  single  rat.  The  food  consists  principally  of  grass  and  roots. 
The  kok  is  a  spiteful  animal,  which  when  irritated  bristles  up  its  long  spines  and 
utters  a  grunting  sound.  It  takes  readily  to  the  water,  in  which  it  swims  well ; 
generally  it  has  from  eight  to  ten,  but  sometimes  fourteen,  young  at  a  time  ;  and  it 
grows  so  tame  in  captivity  that  it  will  answer  when  called  by  name. 

The  Indian  bush -rat  (Golunda  ellioti),  which  inhabits  the  greater 

n.]C,|,    Pat 

part  of  India  and  Ceylon,  is  a  rodent  with  coarse  hair,  and  a  length  of 

4J  inches  to  the  root  of  the  tail,  the  latter  measuring  about  4  inches  more.     In 

colour  it  is  yellowish  brown,  with  black  and  grey  speckling  above,  and  brownish 

white  or  grey  below.     This  rat  lives  only  in  forest,  generally  in  a  dense  thorn-bush ; 

its  round  or  oblong  nest  of  twisted  grass  and  rootlets  being  placed  on  the  ground 

among  stones  and  twigs.     This  nest  has  a  diameter  of  8  to  10  inches,  and  its  cup  is 

about  4  inches  across.     A  solitary  animal,  the  bush-rat  is  largely  diurnal,  feeding 

in  the  morning  and  evening,  and  subsisting  principally  on  the  roots  of  the  grass 

known  as  Gynodon  dactylon.     It  is  very  injurious  to  coffee-plantations  in  Ceylon 

owing  to  its  eating  the  buds  and  blossoms.     The  Indian  bush-rat  is  rather  slow  in 

its  movements,  and  cannot  leap  so  well  as  other  mice;   at  times  it   apparently 

undertakes  regular  migrations. 

Although  voles  are  practically  absent  from  the  Indian  area,  the 
Indian  GerbiL  °  r  J 

pretty  little  gerbils  have  a  representative  in  the  Indian  gerbil   rat 

(Gerbillus  indicus),  which  is  distributed  over  India  and  Ceylon  as  far  east  as  the 

Bay  of  Bengal,  and  as  far  west  as  Baluchistan.     In  colour  this  species  is  sandy  or 

fawn  above  and  white  below.     To  the  root  of  the  tail  its  length    is    from    5    to 

7  inches,  the  tail  measuring  from  6  to  8  inches   more.     Leading   an    exclusively 

nocturnal  life,  and  never  seen  outside  its  hole  by  day,  this  gerbil  frequents  sandy 

and  uncultivated  ground,  although  it  often  appears  on  the  edges  of  cultivated  fields. 

Its  burrows,  which  have  numerous  passages  and  large  chambers  of  6  to  12  inches 

in   diameter,   it  lines  with    dry    grass.      Its    food    includes    roots,    grass,    seeds, 

and  corn,  and  it   sometimes  does  great  damage   to   cornfields.     In    1878-79,  for 

instance,  it  destroyed  in  the  Dekkan  an  area  of  several  thousands  of  square  miles 

planted  with  sorghum,  by  biting  off  the  stems,  and  eating  or  storing  away  the  grain. 

This  gerbil  is  very  prolific,  and  has  eight  to  twelve  or  more  young  at  a  time.     It  can 

jump  4  or  5  yards  in  one  leap,  and  often  escapes  from  dogs  by  jumping  right  ovei 

their  backs. 


Malabar  spiny  The  Malabar  spiny  mouse  (Platacanthomys  lasiurus),  which  is 

Mouse.  the  sole  representative  of  its  genus,  occurs  in  the  Anamalai  Hills  and 
Travancore,  where  it  lives  at  heights  of  2000  feet  above  the  sea.  It  is  not  unlike 
a  dormouse,  and  is  reddish  brown  above  and  almost  white  below,  with  a  long, 
bushy,  squirrel-like  tail.  The  length  of  the  head  and  body  is  about  4i  inches,  and 
that  of  the  tail  about  5  inches.  It  lives  exclusively  in  high  trees,  gnawing  small 
holes  into  the  stems  and  branches,  and  lining  the  holes  with  moss  and  leaves. 
According  to  native  reports,  this  mouse  eats  pepper-pods,  damages  jack -fruit,  and 
drinks  palm-juice. 

Three  species  of  the  hare  family  occur  within  the  Indian  area. 


Of  these  the  red-tailed  hare  (Lepus  ruficaudatus),  which  has  a  length 
of  from  18  to  20  inches  to  the  root  of  the  tail,  is  reddish  brown  above,  with  some 
black  on  the  back  and  face,  the  chest  and  legs  being  rufous,  the  upper  side  of  the 
tail  reddish  brown,  and  the  chin,  throat,  and  lower-parts  white.  It  inhabits  the 
north  of  India,  except  Rajputana,  Sind,  and  the  south-western  Punjab,  and  ranges 
from  the  foot  of  the  Himalaya  to  the  Godaveri,  or  farther  south,  while  it  occurs 
as  far  as  Assam  in  the  east,  and  north-western  Hazara  in  the  west.  A  second 
species,  the  black-naped  hare  (L.  nigricollis),  is  found  to  the  south  of  the  Godaveri 
and  in  Ceylon.  It  is  chiefly  a  hill-species,  and  is  common  on  the  Nilgiris  and  in 
Newera  Ellia.  Like  the  red-tailed  hare,  it  seeks  refuge  in  holes  of  the  ground  or 
in  trees  when  in  danger,  and  has  apparently  only  one  or  two  young  which,  in  the 
Nilgiris,  are  born  between  October  and  February.  It  may  be  easily  recognised  by 
the  large  black  patch  on  the  back  of  neck;  and  has  been  introduced  into 

The  spiny  hare  (Cajirolagus  hispidus)  represents  another  genus,  of  which 
one  of  the  species  (0.  furnessi)  inhabits  the  Liu-Kiu  Islands,  while  an  allied  type 
{Nesolagus  netscheri)  occurs  in  Sumatra.  It  has  short  ears,  small  eyes,  and  coarse 
bristly  fur.  In  colour  it  is  black  and  brownish  white  above,  and  paler  brownish 
white  below.  This  hare,  which  inhabits  the  foot  of  the  Himalaya  from  Gorakhpur 
to  Upper  Assam,  is  remarkable  for  making  burrows  like  a  rabbit,  although,  like 
the  true  hares,  it  does  not  collect  in  colonies. 

Of  the  porcupines  the  common  Indian  species  (Hystrix  leucura) 
Porcupines.     rangeg  from  Kashmir  to  Ceylon,  and  from  the  Bay  of  Bengal  to  the 

Black  Sea.  In  length  it  measures  to  the  root  of  the  tail  from  28  to  30  inches,  the 
tail  beino-  some  3  or  4  inches  long.  In  colour  it  is  blackish  brown,  with  the  tips  of 
the  spines  on  the  cheeks,  and  on  a  collar  on  the  throat,  the  terminal  halves  of  those 
on  the  back,  and  the  whole  length  of  those  on  the  tail,  white. 

During  the  day  this  porcupine  remains  in  clefts  among  rocks,  or  in  burrows 
which  it  digs  on  the  slopes  of  hills,  the  banks  of  rivers,  or  somewhat  similar  places. 
Although  it  sometimes  ventures  out  before  sunset  and  does  not  return  till  after 
sunrise,  it  is  practically  nocturnal,  and  therefore  very  seldom  seen.  Nevertheless 
it  is  one  of  the  most  common  of  Indian  mammals.  It  feeds  principally  on  roots, 
but  does  great  damage  to  cultivated  fields  by  destroying  root-crops  of  all  kinds,  as 
well  as  fruits.  The  Himalayan  porcupine  (H.  hodgsoni)  differs  from  the  last  by  the 
absence  of  a  crest  and  by  its  dark  brown  coloration.  Inhabiting  the  lower  slopes  of 
the  Himalaya  in  Nepal  and  Sikhim  up  to  a  height  of  5000  feet,  and  also  found  in 


Assam,  it  lives  in  burrows  made  by  itself,  and  resembles  in  its  habits  the  common 

Indian  species.     A  third  kind,  the  Bengal  porcupine  (H.  bengalensis),  is  found  in 

lower  Bengal,  Sikhim,  Assam,  and  Arakan,  and  probably  throughout  Burma. 

Among   the   numerous  Indian  beasts-of-prey  the  first  place  is 
Tiger.  ...... 

undoubtedly  held  by  the  tiger  (Felis  tigris),  which  inhabits  the  whole 

of  India,  Burma,  and  the  rest  of  south-eastern  Asia,  including  Java  and  Sumatra, 

although  unknown  in  Ceylon  and  Borneo.     Its  habitat  likewise  includes  a  very 

large  portion  of  China  and  an  extensive  area  in  central  and  western  Asia.     It  is 

found,  for  instance,  in  the  district  around  Lob  Nor,  in  the  Altai,  the  Amur  valley, 

around  Lake  Aral  on  the  southern  shores  of  the  Caspian,  and  in  the  Caucasus,  but 

is  quite  unknown  in  Tibet,  Afghanistan,  Baluchistan,  and  those  districts  of  Persia 

which  lie  south  of  the  Elburz  Mountains. 

Formerly  the  tiger  was  an  inhabitant  of  almost  every  Indian  forest  and  jungle, 

but  in  the  last  thirty  or  forty  years  its  numbers  have  been  greatly  reduced,  and  in 

some  districts  it  is  now  very  rare,  and  in  others,  such  as  many  parts  of  Bengal  and 

near  Bombay,  exterminated.     It  is  still  abundant  in  the  forests  at  the  foot  of  the 

Himalaya,  in  the  western  Punjab  and  upper  Sind  it  is  rare,  and  from  lower  Sind 

and  Kach  it  has  disappeared.     The  Javan  tiger  (F.  tigris  sondaica)  forms  a  race 

different   from   the   Indian,   and   the    long-haired    Manchurian    tiger    (F.    tigris 

mongolica),  as  well  as  the  Persian  tiger  (F.  tigris  virgata),  are  likewise  distinct 

races.     In  size  the  tiger  is  quite  equal  to  the  lion,  its  length  varying  from  102 

to  114  inches,  inclusive  of  the  tail,  which  measures  about  36  inches.     Much  larger 

tigers  are,  however,  occasionally  met  with,  a  few  of  these  being  over  10  feet  long 

from  nose  to  tail-end.     The  average  weight  of  a  male  tiger  is  from  390  to  420  lbs. ; 

that  of  a  large  tigress  is  about  265  lbs. 

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The  general  appearance  of  the  tiger  is  well  known.  It  is  one  of  the  cats  with 
round  pupils  to  the  eyes ;  the  full-grown  males  have  a  fairly  well-developed  ruff 
beginning  behind  the  ears  and  extending  round  the  sides  of  the  neck.  The  fur  is 
short  and  close,  but  varies  in  length,  thickness,  and  colour  according  to  season  and 
country.  The  tail,  which  tapers  towards  the  end,  has  no  terminal  tuft  like  that  of 
the  lion.  Of  all  the  cross-striped  cats  the  tiger  is  the  most  distinctly  marked.  Its 
head  and  body  are  barred  with  broad  vertical  black  st?  Ipes  and  there  are  black 
rings  round  the  tail ;  the  ground-colour  of  the  back  and  sides  varies  from  pale  rufous 
to  dark  brownish  yellow,  but  the  lower-parts  are  always  white.  Tigers  inhabiting 
the  forests  of  the  north  are  darker  and  redder  than  those  of  the  more  open  jungles 
of  central  and  southern  India.  The  cubs,  which  are  born  striped,  are  always 
lighter  in  colour  than  their  parents.  Like  leopards  and  other  cats,  tigers  are  some- 
times black  and  occasionally  white. 

Tigers  pair  for  life,  and  breed  at  any  season  of  the  year.  About  fourteen  or 
fifteen  weeks  after  pairing  there  are  born  from  two  to  five  or  even  six  cubs,  which 
the  tigress  is  said  to  hide  from  the  tiger,  although  in  rare  cases  male  tigers  have 
been  seen  in  the  company  of  females  and  cubs.  The  latter  remain  with  their 
mother  until  they  have  reached  a  fair  size,  and  when  several  tigers  are  found 
together,  it  is  generally  a  family  party.  The  cubs  are  fully  grown  when  they  are 
three  years  old,  and  as  even  full-grown  tigers  are  accompanied  at  times  by  their 
mother,  it  is  thought  that  in  the  wild  state  tigresses  have  a  litter  every  three 


years ;  but  this  does  not  hold  good  in  the  case  of  those  in  captivity,  which  some- 
times breed  twice  a  year. 

Tigers  rest  during  the  day  and  begin  their  search  for  prey  in  the  evening, 
often  extending  their  wanderings  for  miles,  and  using  by  preference  well-trodden 
paths  or  sandy  river-beds.  The  break  of  day  does  not  always  induce  them  to  retire, 
and  sometimes  they  continue  their  prowl  till  eight  or  nine  o'clock  in  the  morning, 
the  course  of  their  wanderings  being  indicated  by  the  shrieks  of  monkeys  and  pea- 
fowl, the  warning  calls  of  crows  and  smaller  birds,  and  the  roaring  of  deer.  These 
particular  danger-signals  do  not,  however,  always  denote  the  approach  of  a  tiger,  as 
they  are  uttered  at  the  approach  of  a  leopard  or  smaller  cat,  or  bear,  dog,  or  even  man. 

After  the  night's  wanderings  tigers  usually  repair,  especially  during  the  hot 
season,  to  some  shady  spot  near  water  beneath  a  high  bush  or  tree,  or  to  a  lair 
among  high  grass,  or  a  low  thicket  of  reeds,  tamarisks,  or  other  plants  growing 
along  a  river-bed.  In  some  districts  they  will  lie  down  on  a  shelving  shore,  or  in 
rocky  countries  in  a  cave,  although  they  prefer  the  depths  of  a  forest.  With  more 
persistency  than  other  wild  animals  tigers  keep  to  certain  localities,  though  there 
may  be  others  just  as  suitable  close  by.  Some  spot  in  the  high  grass  on  the  bank 
of  a  river,  some  particular  ravine,  is  chosen  again  and  again,  year  after  year,  and 
when  the  occupant  of  such  a  spot  is  killed  it  is  soon  succeeded  by  another.  In  the 
hot  season  from  March  to  June,  when  vegetation  is  dried  up  and  water  scarce 
everywhere,  the  hunting  grounds  of  tigers  are  confined  to  small  limits.  Tigers  are 
much  more  silent  animals  than  lions.  In  districts  inhabited  by  lions  there  is 
hardly  an  evening  on  which  the  air  does  not  ring  with  their  roars,  but  even  in 
localities  where  tigers  abound  they  are  seldom  heard.  The  roar  resembles  that  of 
the  lion,  consisting  of  a  long  terrific  growl,  repeated  several  times,  growing 
gradually  louder  and  quicker,  and  ending  with  the  last  notes  repeated  three  or  four 
times.  A  startled  tiger  utters  a  peculiar  "woof,"  and  one  preparing  to  charge 
emits  the  well-known  hiss.  When  hit  by  a  bullet,  the  male  generally  roars,  but 
the  tigress  remains  silent,  and  more  than  once  tigresses  when  mortally  wounded 
have  died  without  uttering  a  sound.  The  tiger,  like  the  lion,  does  not  spend  any 
part  of  its  time  in  trees,  seldom  even  ascending  them,  and  being  incapable  of 
climbing  vertical  stems,  whether  thick  or  thin.  It  has  been  stated  that  tigers  have 
pulled  men  down  from  trees  8  or  12  feet  high,  but  in  these  cases  they  must  have 
been  assisted  by  some  peculiarity  in  the  tree,  such  as  a  much  inclined  stem  of  a 
forking  branch.  Generally  tigers  take  little  notice  of  a  man  in  a  tree  who  keeps 
quiet,  even  if  he  be  only  a  few  feet  above  the  ground ;  and  it  is  a  mistake  to 
suppose  that  they  are  good  jumpers,  as  their  hind  legs  seldom  leave  the  ground, 
unless  when  clearing  an  obstacle.  They  can,  however,  spring  to  a  moderate  height, 
and  they  share  with  other  cats  the  habit  of  scratching  tree-stems  to  smooth  the  tips 
and  edges  of  their  claws  when  these  have  grown  uneven.  They  generally  choose 
some  particular  tree  for  this  purpose  on  which  the  marks  of  their  claws  are  seen 
up  to  the  height  of  10  or  12  feet. 

Moat  tigers  prey  upon  deer,  but  almost  all  of  them  kill  cattle  now  and  then. 
They  also  prey  upon  wild  boars,  antelope,  and  porcupines,  the  spines  of  the  latter 
being  often  found  in  tiger-skins.  Peacocks  and  monkeys  are  more  frequently 
caught  by  the  leopard,  but  the  tiger  occasionally  pursues  and  eats  bears. 


Gaur-calves  fall  easy  victims,  but  the  mastering  of  a  full-grown  bull  gaur  is 
more  than  most  tigers  are  able  to  manage.  Sometimes  hungry  tigers  will  be  con- 
tented with  food  not  much  to  their  taste,  such  as  frogs;  and  during  floods  in 
Bengal  they  have  been  seen  to  devour  fish,  tortoises,  crocodiles,  and  large  lizards ; 
and  there  is  a  case  on  record  of  a  tiger  being  killed  in  whose  stomach  was  found 
nothing  but  locusts. 

The  number  of  domesticated  animals  killed  every  year  by  tigers  is  very  con- 
siderable, and  many  tigers  seem  to  live  exclusively  on  such  food.  By  long  ex- 
perience the  tiger  has  grown  more  and  more  cunning,  and  less  afraid  of  man. 
Tigresses  with  their  cubs  often  take  up  their  quarters  in  the  neighbourhood  of  a 
village,  and  prey  on  the  herds ;  and,  in  fact,  they  always  show  a  great  predilection 
for  beef.  Sheep  and  goats  are  less  frequently  attacked,  but  pigs,  horses,  and  camels 
are  never  safe  from  their  voracity. 

The  manner  in  which  tigers  kill  their  prey  has  been  often  discussed.  It 
has  been  supposed  that  they  leap  on  their  victims  from  a  distance,  and  kill  them 
with  their  paws,  or  tear  their  throats  and  suck  the  blood ;  but  this  is  not  the 
case  so  far  as  cattle  are  concerned.  It  may  be  that  tigers  kill  small  animals  by 
striking  them  with  the  fore-paw,  but  domesticated  animals  killed  by  tigers  are 
generally  found  with  their  necks  broken,  and  the  arteries  of  the  neck  untouched, 
although  the  neck  and  breast  bear  numerous  wounds  made  by  the  claws.  Con- 
sequently it  would  seem  that  tigers  do  not  spring  on  their  prey,  and  native 
herdsmen  confirm  this  opinion.  According  to  their  accounts,  a  tiger  clasps  the  fore- 
quarters  of  its  victim,  puts  one  of  its  paws  on  the  shoulder,  then  clutches  the  throat 
and  turns  its  neck  backwards,  leaping  to  one  side  at  the  same  time  so  as  to  throw 
down  its  victim  and  twist  or  break  its  neck.  Perhaps  tigers  do  not  always  trouble 
to  break  the  necks  of  small  animals,  and  when  they  attack  larger  victims,  such 
as  buffalo,  which  they  are  unable  to  throw  on  their  backs,  they  apparently  ham- 
string them. 

Very  probably  tigers  take  advantage  of  the  sudden  fright,  to  which  their 
appearance  gives  rise,  to  rush  on  their  victims ;  and  they  generally  crawl  stealthily 
as  close  up  as  possible  before  the  final  rush,  though  they  have  occasionally  been 
observed  to  gallop  up  to  their  prey.  When  a  tiger  brings  down  an  animal 
during  the  day,  it  sometimes  carries  the  carcase  a  little  way  off,  but  generally 
leaves  it  untouched  till  the  evening  in  order  to  return  after  sunset  and  carry  it  to  a 
quieter  place  before  making  a  meal.  The  manner  in  which  a  tiger  will  drag  the 
carcases  of  cattle  and  buffalo  across  uneven  ground,  through  dense  bushes,  and  up 
steep  slopes,  shows  its  enormous  muscular  strength.  Sometimes  it  will  lift  the 
carcase  clear  of  the  ground,  and  in  one  instance  a  tiger  carried  a  bull  weighing  some 
450  lbs.  for  a  distance  of  about  300  paces. 

When  disturbed  by  jackals  or  vultures,  tigers  drive  them  away,  but  frequent 
interruption  usually  makes  them  hide  their  prey  under  bushes  and  leaves,  and 
retire  to  a  thicket  near  water.  If  a  tiger  is  very  hungry  it  will  eat  both  hind- 
quarters of  a  large  animal  in  a  night,  and  when  undisturbed,  remains  with  the  carcase 
for  three  days,  eating  from  time  to  time.  Although  a  cow  may  perhaps  be  sufficient 
to  feed  it  for  five  days,  a  tiger  begins  to  look  out  for  other  prey  before  the  end  of 
that  time.     Young  tigers,  which  are  much  more  destructive  than  old  animals,  may 


perhaps  kill  from  mere  bloodthirstiness ;  and  when  one  of  these  attacks  a  herd,  it 
generally  kills  several  head.  Tigresses  with  young  are  perhaps  the  most  destructive 
of  all,  possibly  for  the  purpose  of  teaching  their  young  how  to  kill  prey. 

A  tiger  fired  at  or  wounded  when  returning  to  its  prey,  never  repeats  its  visit, 
but  goes  in  search  of  another  victim.  An  animal  which  returns  to  its  prey  several 
times,  and  takes  several  days  to  devour  it,  may  be  expected  to  eat  carrion  as  well. 
This  is  the  case  with  the  tiger,  which,  although  it  generally  hunts  living  animals, 
is  often  satisfied  with  the  carcases  of  deer  and  cattle  which  have  died  of  wounds  or 
of  some  disease,  and  it  is  even  said  to  eat  the  dead  bodies  of  its  own  kind. 

The  ordinary  tiger,  which  feeds  on  venison  or  cattle,  is  the  greatest  coward  in 
the  presence  of  man,  and  is  often  driven  away  by  the  animals  it  attacks.  Bears 
are  certainly  more  to  be  dreaded  than  tigers,  and,  with  the  exception  of  man-eaters 
and  those  that  have  been  wounded,  the  most  dangerous  tigers  are  females  with  cubs, 
or  sometimes  hungry  individuals  when  about  to  eat  their  prey. 

Tigers  become  man-eaters  when  they  are  fat,  heavy,  and  old,  or  have  become 
crippled  from  a  wound,  or  are  tigresses  with  cubs,  where  deer  are  scarce ;  and  it  is 
significant  that  man-eaters  are  generally  found  in  districts  which  are  visited  by 
herds  of  cattle  only  for  part  of  the  year.  Once  a  tiger  has  conquered  its  innate  fear 
of  men  it  will  continue  to  attack  them,  although  it  seldom  confines  itself  to  human 
prey  only.  Man-eaters  generally  become  more  cunning  than  other  tigers,  and  it  is 
such  animals  that  give  rise  to  the  stories  which  make  out  the  tiger  to  be  the  most 
formidable  of  all  wild  beasts.  The  most  remarkable  of  these  stories  is  one  common 
all  over  India,  namely,  that  the  spirits  of  men  killed  by  a  tiger  are  its  servants 
afterwards,  sitting  on  its  head  and  not  only  warning  it  of  danger  but  helping  it  to 
destroy  other  human  beings.  Considering  these  superstitions,  it  is  not  surprising 
that  tigers  themselves,  or  images  representing  them,  are  objects  of  worship  among 
many  Indian  tribes,  that  in  former  times  oaths  were  sworn  on  a  tiger-skin  in 
Indian  tribunals,  and  that  various  parts  of  the  body,  as,  for  instance,  the  front 
teeth,  claws,  and  whiskers,  are  kept  as  amulets  and  charms. 

A  tiger  may  reach  a  considerable  age ;  one  was  known  to  visit  a  certain  group 
of  villages  for  twenty  years,  and,  beyond  growing  a  little  lighter  in  colour,  showed  no 
sign  of  old  age  when  killed.  The  limits  of  a  tiger's  life  have  not,  however,  been 
ascertained,  except  in  the  case  of  captive  specimens  which  afford  no  certainty  as 
to  what  obtains  in  the  wild  state. 

Tiger-cubs  are  sometimes  born  in  captivity,  but  the  species  does  not  breed  in  this 
condition  so  readily  as  the  lion,  whose  cubs,  moreover,  are  much  more  easily  reared. 
The  second  large  cat  of  the  Old  World,  the  lion  (F.  leo),  is  now 
exterminated  in  India  except  in  the  Gir  Forest  of  the  Kathiawar 
district  of  Gujarat,  where  it  is  now  exceedingly  rare,  and  is  protected  by  Govern- 
ment. As  it  is  now  almost  entirely  an  African  animal,  it  may  be  more  appropriately 
dealt  with  among  the  fauna  of  the  southern  continent ;  and  it  is  therefore  only 
necessary  to  add  that  the  Indian  lion  constitutes  a  local  race  (F.  leo  gujratensis), 
characterised  by  the  poor  development  of  the  mane. 

The  leopard  (F.  pardus)  comes  third  on  the  list  of  Indian  cats, 

8°Par  '  and  next  in  size  to  the  tiger.  Great  difference  in  the  size  of  leopards 
is  noticeable,  but  speaking  generally,  it  may  be  said  that  the  length,  measured  from 

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the  nose  to  the  tip  of  the  tail,  varies  between  5  and  8  feet.  The  average  height 
at  the  shoulder  is  about  24  inches,  and  the  tail  varies  between  three-quarters  and 
half  the  length  of  the  body. 

On  the  head  and  upper  part  of  the  body  the  fur  is  generally  close  and  short, 
but  below  it  is  longer.  The  length  of  the  fur  varies  with  the  climate ;  in  the 
colder  parts  of  the  leopard's  habitat,  for  instance,  it  is  longer  than  elsewhere. 

The  general  colouring  of  the  upper-parts  varies  between  reddish  yellow  and 
yellowish  white,  or  pale  brownish  yellow,  being  sometimes  darker  and  sometimes 
lighter;  the  lower-parts  are  usually  white.  The  whole  body  is  marked  with 
circles  or  rosettes  of  unequal  size.  On  the  back  these  spots  generally  form  black, 
irregular  rings,  which  surround  lighter  or  darker  spots  of  the  ground-colour,  while 
the  spots  on  the  head,  the  lower  ends  of  the  extremities,  and  the  sides  are  brownish, 
solid,  and  smaller.  The  greater  part  of  the  tail  is  also  spotted,  but  the  spots  near 
the  end  are  larger  and  fewer.  Young  leopards  are  brownish,  and  their  marking 
is  less  distinct.  The  coloration  varies  from  that  of  the  ordinary  character  through 
all  the  intermediate  shades  up  to  that  of  the  black  phase,  which  was  formerly 
regarded  as  a  separate  species,  although  it  is  not  even  a  distinct  race.  It  is  just 
analogous  to  a  black  domesticated  cat,  the  parents  being  often  of  the  ordinary 
colour,  while  black  and  spotted  cubs  may  be  met  with  in  the  same  litter.  In  black 
leopards  the  rings  and  spots  are  distinctly  visible  in  certain  lights. 

There  are  several  distinct  local  races  of  the  leopard,  and  even  in  India  there 
are  two  forms  distinguished  by  their  size,  the  larger  of  these  being  the  typical 
representative  of  the  species.  In  Persia,  and  perhaps  Kashmir,  occurs  a  race 
(F.  pardus  panthera)  somewhat  approaching  the  snow-leopard  in  the  bushiness 
of  its  tail  and  longer  hair.  The  Manchurian  leopard  (F.  pardus  fontanieri)  is 
perhaps  the  most  distinct  of  all.  But  African  leopards  are  also  distinguishable  in 
colour  from  the  Indian  animal,  and  form  several  distinct  races.  Even  in  India 
leopards  vary  considerably  in  colour,  according  as  to  whether  they  inhabit  dark 
and  damp  forests  or  deserts,  so  that  sub-races  may  perhaps  be  recognised.  This, 
however,  is  not  a  subject  which  need  be  4  arther  discussed  here ;  the  main  point 
to  bear  in  mind  is  that  all  these  varieties  form  but  a  single  species.  The  leopard 
is  thus  an  inhabitant  of  the  whole  of  Asia,  from  the  Caucasus  to  Amurland,  and  it 
is  likewise  found  almost  throughout  Africa,  so  that  it  is  one  of  the  most  widely 
distributed  of  all  large  animals. 

In  habits  this  cat  differs  very  markedly  from  both  the  tiger  and  the  lion,  being 
much  more  agile,  and  capable  of  climbing  vertical  and  smooth  stems  with  the 
quickness  of  a  monkey.  It  can  also  jump  a  considerable  distance  from  the  ground  ; 
and  although  it  likes  wetting  its  feet  as  little  as  the  domesticated  cat,  and  often 
inhabits  mountainous  country  without  water,  it  swims  when  necessary  without 
hesitation  and  just  as  well  as  the  tiger. 

The  favourite  haunts  of  the  Indian  leopard  are  rocky  mountains  covered  with 
dense  forests,  where  it  hides  in  caves,  or  among  projecting  ledges,  in  order  to  survey 
the  surrounding  country  at  sunset.  Its  usual  tactics  are  to  cut  off,  with  surprising 
quickness  and  stealthiness,  any  animal  grazing  apart  from  the  herd  of  its 
companions.  Wherever  it  may  live,  it  knows  how  to  hide  in  an  almost 
miraculous  way,  owing  to  its  spotted  fur  blending  so  well  with  the  background. 





Large  leopards  will  often  kill  cattle,  ponies,  asses,  and  the  larger  deer,  but 
smaller  individuals  are  contented  with  smaller  prey.  Leopards  are  not  particular 
in  the  choice  of  their  food ;  mammals,  birds,  and  reptiles,  which  are  not  too  large 
to  be  killed,  or  too  small  to  be  caught,  are  welcome  prey,  and  they  will  leap  on  a 
cow  or  pounce  on  a  sparrow.  If  they  have  any  preference,  it  would  seem  to  be 
for  jackals  and  dogs,  especially  the  latter.  The  Indian  leopard  is  also  a  terrible  foe 
to  monkeys,  killing  many  in  the  rocky  hills  among  which  it  lives.  Leopards  seem 
to  kill  their  prey  in  a  manner  different  from  that  of  tigers,  for  they  tear  open 
the  throat  or  keep  the  necks  of  their  victims  between  their  jaws  until  broken,  or 
the  animals  are  strangled.  They  never  begin,  like  tigers,  on  the  hind-quarters  of 
their  prey,  but  always  attack  the  under-parts  first,  and  eat  the  intestines.  After  a 
meal  they  retire  to  a  hiding-place  near  by,  to  return  to  the  carcase  next  day.  Like 
tigers,  they  carry  away  their  prey  and  hide  what  they  cannot  eat,  often  among  the 
branches  of  trees. 

At  night  leopards  often  venture  over  the  roofs  of  huts  to  the  penned  goats 
and  calves  of  the  natives,  carrying  them  away  with  great  boldness  and  quickness. 
They  slink  round  human  habitations  for  the  purpose  of  stealing  cattle,  ponies, 
asses,  sheep,  and  goats,  and  thus  often  come  in  contact  with  the  villagers.  They 
fear  man  much  less  than  do  tigers,  at  least  when  not  hunting  for  prey,  and  although 
less  powerful,  are  in  many  respects  much  more  dangerous  than  the  latter,  as  they 
attack  their  adversaries  with  more  courage  and  persistency,  and  when  driven  to 
bay  defend  themselves  with  the  greatest  fury.  Some  leopards  become  man-eaters, 
and  one  is  said  to  have  killed  two  hundred  persons  within  the  two  years  before  it 
was  shot. 

Leopards  are  even  more  silent  than  tigers,  and  if  undisturbed  seldom  utter  a 
sound.  When  surprised,  or  compelled  to  defend  themselves,  they  hiss  and  growl 
exactly  like  tigers.  The  cry,  however,  is  different,  consisting  of  a  peculiar  half -grunt 
and  half-cough,  three  or  four  times  repeated,  which  resembles  in  its  regularity  the 
noise  of  a  saw. 

Leopards  are  generally  found  alone,  except  during  the  pairing-season.  About 
the  same  time  after  this,  as  in  the  case  of  the  tigress,  the  female  gives  birth  to  from 
two  to  four  cubs,  which  in  India  are  born  in  February  or  March,  and  seem,  like 
young  tigers,  to  take  three  years  to  grow  up.  As  leopards  have  an  extremely  bad 
character,  they  are  much  hunted,  especially  by  the  natives  of  India.  But  in  spite 
of  their  greater  abundance  they  are  shot  much  less  frequently  than  tigers ;  the 
cleverness  with  which  they  hide,  the  quickness  of  their  movements,  and  the 
colouring  of  their  fur,  rendering  them  very  difficult  of  detection.  Moreover,  they 
often  look  up  into  trees,  and  thus  detect  the  waiting  sportsman,  who  is  perchance 
thinking  that  his  quarry  will  never  appear,  while  it  is  all  the  time  watching 
him  from  a  short  distance,  and  eventually  slinks  off  without  Ins  being  aware  of 
its  presence. 

In  leopard-shooting,  a  young  goat,  calf,  or  dog  is  generally  tied  up  near  a  tree, 
on  which  the  sportsman  is  sitting.  From  time  to  time  a  string  tied  to  the  live 
bait  is  pulled,  to  keep  the  animal  awake  and  make  it  move  or  cry  out.  As  the 
leopard  is  more  likely  to  appear  at  night,  a  light  is  sometimes  placed  in  an  earthen 
pot,  so  that  it  may  shine  on  the  animal  tied  to  the  tree,  and  the  ground  strewn  with 


flour  or  chopped  straw  to  make  the  colour  of  the  leopard  show  up  better.  These 
methods  are,  however,  a  little  unsportsman-like.  Leopards  are  much  oftener 
caught  in  traps  than  tigers,  and  many  are  killed  by  means  of  cage-traps,  in  each 
of  which  a  live  animal  is  placed  in  a  separate  compartment  so  arranged  as  to  open 
and  leave  it  free  to  escape  as  another  door  closes  behind  on  the  leopard. 

One  of  the  most  remarkable  of  the  Indian  cats,  on  account  of  its 

haunts  and  habits,  is  the  fishing-cat  (F.  viverrina),  which  is  of  civet- 
like slenderness  of  shape,  and  has  a  length  of  from  30  to  32  inches,  exclusive  of  the 
tail,  which  measures  from  9  to  12  inches.  In  colour  it  is  earthy  brownish  grey,  rather 
lighter  below,  marked  all  over  with  black  or  dark  brown,  oblong  spots,  arranged  in 
more  or  less  distinct  rows.  It  inhabits  swampy  jungle  near  the  banks  of  rivers, 
creeks,  and  bays,  and  is  distinguished  from  most  other  cats  by  eating  fish,  fresh- 
water molluscs,  and  snakes.  It  probably,  however,  also  consumes  the  flesh  of 
birds  and  mammals,  as  cases  have  been  known  in  which  it  has  killed  calves, 
sheep,  and  dogs,  and  even  carried  off  infants  from  the  huts  of  their  parents. 

The  fishing-cat  is  found  in  Bengal,  in  the  valley  of  the  Indus,  on  the  Malabar 
coast,  and  in  Ceylon.  At  the  foot  of  the  Himalaya  it  ranges  as  far  as  Nepal  to 
the  west ;  eastwards  it  inhabits  Burma,  Tenasserim,  and  southern  China.  It  does 
not  apparently  exist  in  the  Malay  Isles  but  is  said  to  occur  in  Formosa. 

The  prettily  marked  leopard-cat  (F.  bengalensis),  which  has  its 

home  in  the  forest,  where  it  lives  on  birds  and  small  mammals,  is  of 
a  reddish,  or  light  grey  colour,  with  white  lower-parts.  It  is  marked  all  over  with 
more  or  less  oblong  black  or  brownish  spots,  arranged  in  rows  along  the  body ;  the 
head  being  striped,  and  the  tail  ringed.  Its  length  is  from  24  to  26  inches, 
exclusive  of  the  tail,  which  makes  it  half  as  long  again.  It  lives  in  the  holes  of 
trees,  stealing  domesticated  fowls,  and  preying  on  birds  generally.  The  leopard-cat, 
in  many  varieties,  is  found  all  over  India  from  the  Himalaya  to  Cape  Comorin ;  but 
is  absent  from  Ceylon,  Burma,  and  the  Malay  Peninsula,  although  present  in  the 
Malay  Archipelago,  the  Philippines,  Formosa,  and  China  up  to  Amurland. 
Rusty-Spotted  The  small  rusty-spotted  cat  (F.  rubiginosa)  inhabits  grass-grown, 

cat.  dried-up  tanks  in  southern  India  and  Ceylon,  but  is   rare   in   the 

northern  parts  of  central  India.  It  sometimes  chooses  drains  in  fields  adjoining 
villages  for  its  residence,  and  apparently  never  lives  in  the  jungles.  It  is  some 
27  inches  long,  including  the  tail.  In  colour  it  is  reddish  grey  or  rusty  red,  with 
the  lower-parts  white,  and  the  head  and  neck  marked  with  rusty  coloured  or  dark 
brown  stripes,  and  the  body  with  oblong  spots  of  the  same  colour  arranged  in  rows. 
The  desert-cat  (F.  ornata)  is  an  inhabitant  of  sandy  plains  and 

hills  m  the  dry  north-western  districts  of  India,  where  it  probably 
lives  principally  on  gerbils.  In  size  it  is  about  the  same  as  a  domesticated  cat,  and 
is  of  a  light  sandy  colour,  marked  with  numerous  small  spots,  arranged  in  more  or 
less  distinct  longitudinal  rows.  This  cat,  which  is  remarkable  for  not  leading  an 
exclusively  nocturnal  life,  is  said  to  interbreed  with  domesticated  cats  to  such  an 
extent  that  most  of  the  latter  in  the  districts  it  inhabits  are  similarly  coloured. 

The  waved  cat  (F.  torquata)  is  widely  spread  over  northern 

India,  although  nowhere  common.  It  has  been  found  in  Kashmir, 
Nepal,  Rajputana,  and  elsewhere,  and  is  noteworthy  as  being  possibly  the  ancestor 


of  the  Indian  domesticated  cats,  although,  on  the  other  hand,  it  may  quite  likely 
itself  be  the  descendant  of  domesticated  cats  which  ran  wild.  The  tail  is  a  little 
more  than  half  the  length  of  the  head  and  body,  and  like  that  of  domesticated 
cats  tapers  towards  the  end.  In  colour  it  is  brownish,  or  ashy  grey,  marked  on 
the  sides  with  dark  cross-stripes  or  rows  of  spots,  the  head  and  back  showing 
indistinct  stripes. 

Jungle-Cat  and  The  jungle-cat   (F.   chaus)   is    a   species   connecting  the   more 

caracal.  typical  cats  with  the  lynxes,  and  has  a  very  wide  geographical 
distribution,  ranging  from  northern  Africa  and  the  Caucasus  through  western  Asia 
to  India,  Ceylon,  and  Burma.  As  it  is  not  a  distinctive  Indian  animal,  it  need  not 
be  fully  described  in  this  place.  The  same  remark  applies  to  the  caracal 
(F.  caracal),  which  is  essentially  a  lynx  of  a  uniform  red  colour,  but  retains  the 
long  tail  of  the  more  typical  cats.  It  is  common  to  India  and  Africa ;  and  was  at 
one  time  very  generally  kept  by  the  native  princes  in  most  parts  of  India  fox- 
hunting purposes. 

The  range  of  the  hunting-leopard  {Cyn&lurus  jubatus)  extends 
over  Africa,  and  thence  through  south-western  Asia  to  Persia,  the 
countries  round  the  Caspian,  and  India.  It  is  as  yet  unknown  how  far  south  the 
hunting-leopard  (which  is  absent  from  the  Malabar  coast  and  Ceylon  as  well  as 
from  the  north  of  the  Ganges)  is  found  in  India,  but  its  range  there  is  probably 
much  the  same  as  that  of  the  blackbuck.  Although,  as  above  mentioned,  common 
to  India  and  Africa,  the  chita,  as  this  species  is  called  by  the  natives,  is  fully 
noticed  here  on  account  of  its  extensive  employment  in  hunting  in  the  former 

The  hunting-leopard  is  about  the  size  of  a  leopard,  but  stands  higher  on  its 
legs,  and  is  more  slender  in  build.  The  pupils  of  the  eyes  are  x-ound,  the  ears 
short  and  round,  the  fur  coarse,  rather  longer  on  the  neck  than  elsewhere,  and 
moderately  long  and  somewhat  shaggy  on  the  under-parts.  The  ground-colour, 
which  varies  between  pale  brownish  yellow  and  vivid  reddish  yellow,  is  lighter 
below  than  on  the  sides  and  the  back,  and  is  marked  nearly  all  over  with  small 
solid  round  spots,  not  arranged  in  rosettes.  The  chin  and  throat  are  whitish,  and 
without  spots,  and  a  black  line  runs  from  the  eye  to  the  upper  lip,  while  a  less 
distinct  one,  which  in  many  cases  separates  into  spots,  extends  from  the  outer 
corner  of  the  eye  to  the  ear,  the  latter  being  black  outside  and  yellowish  brown 
round  the  edge.  Like  the  body,  the  tail,  which  is  more  than  half  the  length  of 
the  body,  is  spotted  down  to  the  indistinctly  ringed  end.  Young  hunting-leopards 
look  grey,  and  appear  to  be  unspotted,  on  account  of  their  long  hair,  but  show  their 
markings  when  shorn.  The  full-grown  animal  has  a  length  of  42  inches,  a  tail- 
length  of  30  inches,  and  a  shoulder-height  of  about  32  inches. 

Hunting-leopards  are  employed  for  the  chase,  and  regarded  as  essential  to  the 
state  of  many  Indian  princes.  They  are  usually  caught  when  full-grown,  and 
their  habits  are  consequently  well  known  to  the  men  who  catch  and  train  them. 
The  usual  haunts  of  these  animals  are  low,  solitary  hills  overlooking  plains  inhabited 
by  blackbuck,  which  form  their  principal  prey,  although  they  also  kill  gazelles, 
and  no  doubt  deer  and  other  mammals  as  well.  Now  and  then  they  carry  away 
goats  and  sheep,  but  they  rarely  molest  domesticated  animals,  and  never,  so  far  as 



known,  attack  man.  When  stalking  their  prey  they  slink  along,  taking  advantage 
of  uneven  ground,  and  every  sort  of  cover  to  within  100  or  200  feet,  when  they 
make  a  sudden  rush.  In  this  they  display  an  absolutely  marvellous  speed  for  a 
short  distance,  surpassing  that  of  any  other  mammal,  even  a  greyhound,  for  no  dog 
is  able  to  overtake  a  running  blackbuck  or  gazelle.  The  hunting-leopard  has, 
however,  no  difficulty  in  outrunning  these  animals,  and  one  has  been  seen  to  over- 
take in  400  strides  a  blackbuck  200  paces  ahead. 

After  eating  its  fill  the  hunting-leopard  generally  spends  two  days  resting 
in  its  lair.      The  third  day  it  repairs  to  a  special  tree,  which  forms  a  kind  of 


assembling  place  for  these  animals,  where  it  sharpens  its  claws,  the  marks  being 
soon  recognised  by  the  trappers,  who  fix  snares  of  dried  antelope-sinews  to  poles 
driven  into  the  ground  round  the  tree. 

On  one  of  these  expeditions,  which  has  been  somewhat  fully  described,  the 
shikaris  drove  in  a  bullock-cart  up  to  the  tree,  and  fastened  all  round  it,  to  a 
distance  of  from  8  to  10  yards,  the  snares  to  the  poles.  Sending  the  cart  away,  one 
of  the  shikaris  and  a  European  hid  behind  bushes  and  branches  which  had  been 
heaped  up  at  a  distance  of  50  to  60  paces,  in  order  to  watch.  At  sunset  four 
hunting-leopards  appeared,  two  large  ones  and  two  smaller  ones.  After  stopping  at  a 
distance  of  about  400  paces  they  came  gradually  closer,  playing  with  each  other  all 

CIVETS  135 

the  while.  About  100  paces  from  the  tree  they  stopped  again,  as  if  suspecting 
danger.  After  awhile,  however,  they  grew  reassured  and  ran  quickly  to  the  tree. 
Tha  two  larger  were  the  first  to  be  caught  in  the  snares  by  their  fore-legs.  The 
shikaris  rushing  up  threw  a  blanket  over  their  heads,  and  tied  their  legs  together. 
Meanwhile  the  ox-cart  had  come  back,  and  the  blankets  were  taken  off  and  replaced 
by  a  hood,  one  of  the  natives  being  seriously  bitten  while  this  was  being  done. 
After  the  leopards  had  been  tied  to  the  carriage,  and  the  snares  all  collected,  the 
party  returned  to  camp. 

Women  and  children  remain  all  day  with  the  newly  captured  animals,  talking 
all  the  time  in  order  to  accustom  them  to  the  human  voice.  Then  the  different 
stages  of  the  training  begin,  and  in  six  months  the  leopards  are  generally  tamed, 
some  of  them  being  as  obedient  and  docile  as  dogs.  They  are  fond  of  being 
caressed,  are  good-natured  even  with  strangers,  and  like  to  rub  themselves  against 
their  friends,  purring  all  the  time  like  cats.  They  are  never  kept  in  cages,  but 
generally  tied  to  a  wall  by  a  chain,  and  allowed  to  sleep  on  a  native  bedstead,  or 

When  a  hunting-leopard  is  taken  into  the  field  a  hood  is  placed  on  its  head  to 
prevent  it  from  seeing,  a  line  is  tied  to  a  leather  belt  round  its  neck  or  body,  and 
the  animal  is  conveyed  in  a  bullock-cart  to  a  place  where  antelopes  are  likely  to  be 
found.  The  latter  allow  the  party  to  come  fairly  close,  and  when  the  shikaris  think 
they  are  near  enough,  the  hunting-leopard  is  freed  from  its  hood,  and  let  loose. 
According  to  the  distance,  the  hunting-leopard  either  runs  straight  at  the  antelopes 
or  sneaks  up  near  enough  to  be  able  to  attack  them  successfully.  When  a  buck  is 
with  the  herd,  the  hunting-leopard  generally  selects  it  for  attack,  probably  because, 
as  a  rule,  it  is  behind  the  others ;  and  brings  the  antelope  down  by  striking  its  legs. 
Immediately  it  clutches  the  fallen  animal  by  the  throat,  and  holds  it  until  the 
shikaris  come  up.  The  latter  then  cut  the  antelope's  throat  and  catch  some  of  its 
blood  in  a  basin  for  the  hunting-leopard,  who  licks  it  up  greedily.  While  drink- 
ing the  blood,  the  hood  is  again  drawn  over  its  head,  and  it  is  taken  on  to  other 
game,  as  a  good  chita  will  sometimes  catch  as  many  as  four  bucks  in  a  morning. 

Passing-  on  to  the  civet  tribe,  we  find  the  true  civets  represented 

by  the  Indian  civet  (  Viverra  zibetha),  which  ranges  from  Bengal  east- 
wards into  China  and  Hainan  and  southwards  into  Siam.  This  animal  may  be 
recognised  by  its  small  round  ears,  long  thick  tail,  which  is  thin  at  the  end  and 
measures  more  than  half  the  length  of  the  body,  and  the  crest  of  long  bristly  hair 
running  down  the  middle  line  of  the  back.  In  colour  it  is  yellowish  or  brownish 
grey,  profusely  striped  and  spotted  with  black,  the  crest  being  black  and  the  tail 
ringed  with  black.  The  lower  part  of  the  legs  and  the  feet  are  dark  brown  or  black  ; 
the  head  is  grey,  the  chin  brown,  and  the  forehead  as  well  as  the  sides  of  the  neck 
and  upper  part  of  the  chest  are  white;  on  the  throat  is  a  broad  black  band 
generally  edged  with  white,  and  the  neck  has  another  dark  band  beginning  behind 
the  ear. 

This  civet,  which  has  a  length  of  about  40  inches  including  the  tail,  usually 
lives  alone,  hiding  during  the  day  in  woods  or  high  grass,  and  appearing  in  the 
open  only  after  sunset.  It  feeds  on  small  mammals,  birds,  snakes,  frogs,  insects, 
eggs,  fruits,  and  roots.     The  civet  used  in  perfumery  is  taken  from  this  and  other 



species  of  civet-cat,  and  is  collected  when  they  are  closely  confined  in  cages,  either 
by  being  scooped  out  of  the  scent-gland  with  a  spoon  or  scraped  from  the  walls 
of  the  cage.  The  scent  is  always  recognisable,  but  most  so  when  the  animal  is 
irritated,  on  which  occasion  it  drops  the  odoriferous  matter  in  lumps  from  the  gland, 
although  as  a  rule  this  takes  place  only  every  two  or  three  weeks. 

On  the  Malabar  coast,  somewhat  widely  separated  from  the  habitat  of  the 
Indian  civet,  lives  another  species,  the  Malabar  civet  (V.  civettina).  A  smaller 
species  is  the  rasse  (V.  malaccensis),  distinguished  by  the  absence  of  a  crest,  the 
stronger  and  more  curved  claws,  the  short  first  toe  of  the  fore-foot,  the  slender  body, 
and  the  more  pointed  nose.  Its  average  size  is  22  inches  exclusive  of  the  tapering 
tail  which  measures  16  inches.     In  colour  it  varies  from  brownish  grey  to  yellowish 



brown,  and  it  is  striped  and  spotted  with  black  or  dark  brown  on  the  back  and 

In  many  cases  these  stripes  and  spots  are  indistinct  or  absent.  There  is  a  grey 
spot  in  front  of  the  eye  and  another  behind  the  ear ;  the  head  is  grey  or  brownish 
grey  and  the  chin  usually  brown.  The  feet  are  brown  or  black  and  the  tail,  which 
is  16  inches  long,  is  marked  with  alternate  black  and  white  rings.  Including  the 
tail,  the  rasse  averages  38  inches  in  length.  It  is  often  referred  to  a  distinct 
genus,  Viverricula. 

The  range  of  this  civet  includes  all  India  with  the  exception  of  the  north-west, 
south-western  Asia,  Ceylon,  Java,  Socotra,  the  Comoro  Islands,  and  Madagascar. 
As  it  is  the  only  civet  common  to  Asia  and  Madagascar,  it  may  have  been  intro- 
duced into  the  island  by  man,  as  it  is  frequently  tamed  and  kept  in  cages  by  the 
Malays.     It  lives  in  holes  in  the  ground  or  among  rocks  and  dense  bushes,  but 


although,  unlike  other  civets,  it  is  a  good  climber  and  quite  at  home  amongst  trees, 
it  does  not  apparently  choose  the  forest  for  a  residence.  Sometimes  it  settles  close 
to  human  habitations,  occasionally  seeking  shelter  in  drain-pipes  and  out-houses. 
When  wild,  the  rasse,  which  is  kept  in  captivity  for  the  sake  of  its  civet, 
feeds  on  small  vertebrates  as  well  as  molluscs  and,  to  some  extent,  on 
fruits  and  roots.  It  generally  seeks  its  prey  by  night,  although  occasionally 
by  day,  and  always  alone;  it  often  robs  fowl-houses,  and  is  therefore  cordially 
hated  by  the  Chinese,  who  are  great  poultry  -  keepers.  They  take  their 
revenge,  however,  not  only  by  eating  its  flesh,  but  by  wearing  its  fur,  which 
is  much  appreciated  in  China,  where  it  is  worn  by  people  who  cannot  afford  more 
expensive  kinds. 

Palm-civets  ^e  Palm'civets  differ  from  the  true  civets  by  the  absence  of  a 

crest,  the  small  sharp  retractile  claws,  the  vertical  pupil  of  the  eye, 
the  long  tail,  and  especially  by  the  feet  having  the  soles  bare. 

The  Indian  palm-civet  (Paradoxurus  niger)  lives  wherever  there  are 
trees  from  the  foot  of  the  Himalaya  to  Ceylon,  in  the  remotest  forest  as  well  as 
in  the  neighbourhood  of  human  habitations.  It  is  unknown  in  the  Punjab  and 
Sind,  and  is  rare  in  the  treeless  districts  of  the  north-west  as  well  as  in  the  Deccan, 
but  is  common  in  upper  Bengal  and  on  the  western  and  southern  coasts.  The  head 
and  body  measure  about  22^  inches  and  the  tail  19  h  inches ;  but  females  are  some- 
what smaller.  The  slender  tail  tapers  but  slightly,  and  is  closely  covered  with 
hair,  while  the  body  is  clothed  with  a  coat  of  coarse  blackish  or  brownish  grey 
hair,  which  is  long  and  shaggy  on  the  back,  and  has  little  or  no  under-fur. 
Although  the  back  is  not  striped,  in  young  animals  there  may  sometimes  be  indistinct 
stripes  or  rows  of  spots  in  this  region.  The  feet,  the  greater  part  of  the  legs,  and  the 
terminal  half  of  the  tail  are  black,  although  the  tip  of  the  latter  is  sometimes 
white,  and  there  may  be  a  few  spots  on  the  body.  The  face  is  generally  more 
or  less  black,  with  a  distinct  white  or  grey  spot  below  each  eye,  frequently  a 
second  on  each  side  of  the  nose,  and  often  a  third  above  the  eyes.  The  coloration 
varies,  however,  according  to  locality,  the  race  inhabiting  southern  India  and 
Ceylon  being,  as  a  rule,  blacker  than  those  from  other  districts.  The  common 
palm-civet  is  well  known  in  most  parts  of  India,  although  on  account  of  its  nocturnal 
habits  it  is  seldom  seen  in  the  daytime.  It  generally  spends  the  day  on  trees, 
coiled  up  either  in  the  branches  or  in  a  hole  in  the  trunk.  It  takes  its  name  of 
palm-civet  from  being  so  often  found  on  cocoa-nut  palms,  but  it  also  frequents 
mango-plantations,  and  often  takes  up  its  abode  under  thatched  roofs,  or  in  sheds 
and  water-pipes. 

Its  food  consists  partly  of  small  mammals  and  reptiles,  and  partly  of  birds, 
eggs,  insects,  fruit,  and  other  vegetable  substances.  Occasionally  these  animals 
destroy  domesticated  fowls,  while  they  also  rob  vegetable  gardens,  and  display  a 
predilection  for  palm -juice,  or  toddy,  from  which  they  derive  their  title  of  toddy- 

The  palm-civet  of  Ceylon  (P.  aureus),  which  is  restricted  to  the  island  from 
which  it  takes  its  name,  is  pale  rusty-red,  or  chestnut-brown  in  colour ;  another 
species  (P.  jerdoni)  inhabits  the  Palnai  Mountains  in  Madura,  the  Nilgiris,  and 
probably  all  the  higher  ranges  of  Cochin  and  Travancore. 


India  abounds  in  species  of  mongoose,  the  most  abundant  being 
the  Indian  mongoose  (Herpestes  mungo),  a  shaggy  greyish  animal 
some  18  inches  long,  speckled  with  white  or  pale  grey,  and  occasionally  rufous  on 
the  head  and  legs.  It  is  represented  by  several  varieties  in  different  parts  of  its 
range,  which  extends  from  Baluchistan,  the  Himalaya,  and  Assam  down  to  Ceylon. 
This  mongoose  lives  among  thickets,  in  plantations  and  cultivated  fields,  along  the 
banks  of  rivers,  or  on  rugged  ground  covered  with  bushes,  but  not  as  a  rule  in 
dense  forest.  Often  found  near  human  habitations,  it  digs  its  own  burrows  in  the 
ground,  lives  in  pairs,  and  has  three  or  four  young  in  the  spring.  It  feeds  princi- 
pally on  small  rodents,  snakes,  lizards,  birds  and  their  eggs,  and  insects,  but  at 
times  also  on  fruit.  It  is  often  domesticated  and  is  well  known  for  its  success  in 
catching  rats  and  killing  snakes. 

The  stripe-necked  mongoose  (H.  viticollis),  which  inhabits  the  western  coast 
from  Bombay  to  Cape  Comorin,  and  also  Ceylon,  is  the  largest  Indian  species, 
being  about  21  inches  long  without  the  tail. 

The  ruddy  mongoose  {H.  smithi)  is  found  all  over  India  with  the  exception  of 
north-western  Bengal.  It  is  about  20  inches  long,  its  tail  measuring  19  inches ; 
like  the  preceding  species  it  has  a  black  tip  to  the  tail,  but  there  is  no  black 
stripe  down  the  neck. 

The  Nilgiri  mongoose  (H.  fuscus)  has  no  black  tip  to  the   tail,  is   blackish 

brown  in  colour,  and  18  inches  long.     It  inhabits  the  Nilgiris  and  the  hills  of 

Travancore,  but  not  Ceylon,  where  it  is  represented  by  the  Sinhalese  mongoose 

(H.  fulvescens),  which  is  yellowish  in  colour,  with  a  yellow  tip  to  the  tail,  and 

measures  just  over  16  inches  in  length. 

The   hysenas   are  represented  in  India   by  the   striped   species 
Striped  Hyaena.  .        ,     -  .  ,  .  .  .  . 

(Hyama  striata),  but  since  that  animal  receives   notice   in    another 

chapter  the  bare  mention  of  its  name  will  suffice  in  this  place. 

m  ,  Among  the  members  of  the  dog  tribe,  the  European  wolf  (Canis 

Wolves.  &  .  .  „    . 

lupus)  just  enters  the  area  forming  the  proper  subject  of  the  present 

chapter,  but  is  elsewhere  replaced  by  the  Indian  wolf  (G  pallipes).     India  from  the 

Himalaya  to  the  south,  especially  the  open  plain  country,  forms  the  principal  habitat 

of  this  animal,  which   is  rare  in   hilly  and  wooded  parts,  and  is  apparently  not 

present  on  the  Malabar  coast.     It  occurs  on  the  right  bank  of  the  Indus,  but  on 

the  left  is  replaced  by  the  European  wolf,  which  is  widely  distributed  over  Asia, 

though  not  found  east  of  the  Bay  of  Bengal. 

The  Indian  species  is  unknown  in  Ceylon,  but  reappears  in  the  south  of  Arabia. 

In  some  respects  it  approaches  a  jackal,  being  smaller  than  the  European  wolf, 

without  woolly  under-fur,  and  with   the  hair  generally  shorter.     The  prevailing 

colour  is  pale  fulvous,  usually  mixed  with  brown,  and,  especially  on  the  back,  with 

a  good  deal  of  black.     Some  individuals   are  reddish,  and   others   rusty  red   all 

over.     In  length   it   measures   about   36   inches   exclusive   of  the  tail,  which  is 

about   17    inches   long.      In   habits   this   species   much   resembles   the  European 

wolf,  but,  although  social,  does  not  form  large  packs;  it  is  also  a  silent  animal, 

which  only  now  and  then  barks  like  a  pariah  dog,  and  seldom  or  hardly  ever 

howls.      It   feeds   on    such    warm-blooded   animals    as   it   is    able    to    overpower, 

but   especially   on   goats,  sheep,   and   antelopes,   and   when   in   twos   and  threes 


occasionally  attacks  man,  while  it  yearly  carries  off  a  number  of  children  from 
the  native  villages. 

Like  its  relatives,  the  Indian  wolf  is  decidedly  clever,  and  many  of  the 
stories  told  about  its  cunning  are  based  on  fact.  Sometimes  part  of  a  pack 
will  drive  blackbucks  or  gazelles  over  some  selected  place,  where  the  other 
members  of  the  pack  lie  in  wait  hidden  in  ravines  or  in  their  own  holes.  An  eye- 
witness describes  a  wolf  lying  on  its  back,  and  stretching  its  legs  into  the  air  in 
order  to  excite  the  curiosity  of  a  herd  of  antelope.  By  accident  the  antelope  were 
disturbed,  and  then  two  other  wolves  suddenly  jumped  out  from  where  they  had 
been  hiding.  When  attacking  a  flock  of  sheep,  wolves  are  said  to  divide  in  a 
similar  way,  one  half  keeping  the  dogs  at  bay,  while  the  rest  carry  off  the  sheep. 
In  this  instance  it  may  however  be  that  one  half  of  the  wolves  are  occupied  by  the 
dogs  defending  the  flock,  while  the  others  raid  the  sheep  without  the  need  of  a 
mutual  understanding  between  the  two  parties  as  to  their  respective  duties.  The 
following  story  is  said  to  be  well  authenticated.  Near  a  village  in  central  India 
lived  an  old  she-wolf  and  a  full-grown  young  male,  which  used  to  frequent  a 
certain  spot  situated  on  the  slope  of  a  hill  from  where  the  main  road,  always 
crowded  with  children,  descended  the  hill.  The  young  wolf  would  hide  in  bushes 
between  the  village  and  the  foot  of  the  hill,  while  the  older  animal  ascended  the 
hill,  waited  for  a  favourable  opportunity,  and  then  rushed  down  and  seized  a  child 
in  the  road.  This  happened  many  times.  At  first  the  inhabitants  of  the  village 
pursued  the  wolf,  and  sometimes  succeeded  in  making  it  drop  its  prey,  but  in  such 
cases  the  other  wolf  managed,  during  the  general  confusion,  to  carry  off'  another 
child,  while  the  one  first  taken  was  so  much  hurt  that  it  did  not  recover.  In  this 
case,  as  in  many  others,  superstition  prevented  the  inhabitants  of  the  village  from 
killing  the  two  wolves,  and  an  Englishman  who  succeeded  in  ridding  them  of  the 
pests  had  the  greatest  difficulty  in  finding  people  to  assist  him  in  the  task.  The 
chief  reason  which  prevents  the  natives  from  killing  a  wolf  in  many  parts  of  India 
is  that  its  blood  shed  on  a  field  is  supposed  to  make  it  barren.  It  is  therefore 
not  astonishing  that,  in  spite  of  pursuit  by  the  natives,  wolves  are  often  seen 
carrying  off  young  goats  from  villages  in  broad  daylight. 

The  Indian  wolf  brings  forth  three  to  eight  young  in  one  of  the  last  three 
months  of  the  year,  generally  in  December,  in  holes  in  the  ground,  or  in  caves 
among  rocks.  The  young  are  born  blind,  with  pendent  ears.  They  are  easily 
tamed,  when  they  behave  like  domesticated  dogs ;  and  it  is  possible  that  the  pariah 
dogs  of  India  are  partly  descended  from  the  present  species,  which  appears  to  some- 
times breed  with  village-dogs.  It  is  probable  that  the  Indian  wolf  is  the  ancestor 
of  some  of  the  European  breeds  of  domesticated  dogs. 

The  Indian  jackal  is  the  widely  spread  Canis  aureus,  of  which  mention  is 
made  in  another  chapter. 

The  Indian  wild  dog  (G.  sumatrensis  deccanensis),  which  is  a 
local  form  of  a  Malay  species,  occurs  in  all  the  larger  forests  of  India 
but  not  in  Ceylon.  It  also  inhabits  Gilgit,  Ladak,  and  parts  of  the  valley  of  the 
upper  Indus,  as  well  as  eastern  Tibet  and  the  forest  zone  of  the  Himalaya  from 
Kashmir  to  Assam.  In  form  it  more  resembles  a  jackal  than  a  wolf,  owing  to 
its  short  legs.     The  hair,  which  in  Tibet  and  the  Himalaya  has  a  close,  woolly 



under-fur,  is  long ;  and  the  tail,  which  is  black,  and  in  some  cases  whitish  at  the 
tip,  ends  in  a  long-haired  brush.  The  colour,  which  varies  much,  is  generally  rusty 
red,  but  sometimes  rusty  grey,  or  even  light  greyish  brown  above,  and  lighter 
below.  In  the  Indian  peninsula,  this  wild  dog  is  a  forest-animal,  but  in  the  valley 
of  the  lower  Indus  and  Tibet,  where  there  are  no  forests,  it  lives  in  open  country. 
The  total  length  is  45  inches  including  the  tail  of  8  inches,  but  excluding  the  long 
brush  at  the  end,  which  measures  another  6|  inches.  Although  it  may  sometimes 
hunt  at  night,  the  Indian  wild  dog  is  mainly  diurnal  in  its  habits ;  and  like  other 
dogs  feeds  on  carcases  and  sometimes  on  vegetable  substances,  one  of  these  animals 
in  captivity  having  been  in  the  habit  of  eating  grass  and  leaves  of  different  kinds, 
not,  as  in  the  case  with  domesticated  dogs,  on  account  of  being  ill,  but  apparently 
with  full  enjoyment. 

The  Indian  wild  dog  hunts  in  packs,  generally  from  six  to  twelve  in  number, 
but  sometimes  as  many  as  twenty.  In  India  it  preys  on  deer,  antelopes,  and 
wild  boars,  but  in  Tibet  seems  to  prefer  wild  sheep  and  ibex.  As  it  avoids  the 
neighbourhood  of  man  it  seldom  attacks  domesticated  animals,  although  it  now  and 
then  kills  sheep,  goats,  and  cattle,  and  in  three  instances  these  animals  have  been 
known  to  bring  down  a  tame  buffalo.  The  wild  dogs,  or  dholes,  represent  the  sub- 
genus, or  genus,  Cyon. 

The  Indian  fox  (Canis  benqalensis),  ranging  from  the  foot  of  the 
Indian  Fox.  .  _.  1.  .       ,a  />         &     & 

Himalaya  to  Cape  Comorin,  is  common  everywhere,  except   in  the 

forests.  It  is  not  known  in  Ceylon  or  Burma,  nor  is  it  found  east  of  Assam  or 
west  of  Sind  and  the  Punjab.  In  size  it  is  small,  measuring  only  about  20  inches 
long,  with  a  tail  of  about  14  inches.  In  colour  it  is  reddish  grey  above  (changing  to 
silvery  grey  or  rusty  red  according  to  the  season),  speckled  with  white.  The  sides 
are  much  greyer  than  the  back ;  the  chin  and  throat  are  white ;  and  the  lower- 
parts  pale  reddish  yellow  or  buff,  becoming  rufous  towards  the  hind-legs.  The 
ears  are  grey  outside,  and  white  inside,  and  the  tail  is  more  or  less  reddish  above, 
with  (unlike  that  of  other  Indian  foxes)  a  black  tip. 

The  Indian  fox,  which  feeds  chiefly  on  rats,  land-crabs,  grasshoppers,  and 
beetles,  has  been  observed  to  catch  quails,  and  often  kills  young  birds  and  steals 
eggs.  It  is  apparently  fond  of  lizards,  and  habitually  eats  fruits  as  well  as  the 
buds  and  sprigs  of  certain  plants.  Usually  it  digs  its  burrow  in  treeless  plains, 
sometimes  under  a  thorn  bush.  In  parts  exposed  to  floods  during  the  rainy  season 
it  chooses  sloping  banks  near  water  or  other  elevated  ground.  Each  burrow  has 
several  apertures,  some  ending  in  the  ground,  others  leading  to  a  chamber  two  or 
three  feet  down. 

Himalayan  Of  the  bears,  the  Kashmir  race  of  the  brown  bear  (  Ursus  arctus 

Black  Bear,  isabellinus)  inhabits  parts  of  the  Himalaya  but  not  the  true  Indian 
area.  On  the  other  hand,  the  Himalayan  black  bear  (U.  torquatus)  must  be 
regarded  as  an  Indian  animal.  This  bear  is  spread  over  the  whole  wooded 
zone  of  the  Himalaya,  ranging  from  Afghanistan  and  Baluchistan,  the  Khirthar 
Mountains,  and  the  border  of  Sind,  as  far  west  as  the  Persian  boundary,  and  eastward 
to  the  mountains  of  Assam,  and  south  (although  rarely)  as  far  as  the  Mergui 
Islands.  It  also  occurs  in  Sze-chuan,  southern  China,  Hainan,  and  Formosa.  This 
baar  is  specially  characterised  by  the  white  gorget  or  collar  on  the  chest.     The 


chin  is  white,  the  upper  lip  whitish,  and  the  nose  and  occasionally  the  paws 
are  reddish  brown.  The  average  length  is  about  5  feet,  exclusive  of  the  tail, 
which  measures  4  inches.  Full-grown  males,  which  are  usually  larger  than  the 
females,  have  an  average  weight  of  300  lbs.  Unlike  the  sloth-bear,  this  species  has 
a  smooth  coat  with  hair  of  moderate  length.  There  is  no  under-fur,  but  in  winter 
the  greater  length  of  the  hair  on  the  shoulders  makes  the  animal  look  humpbacked. 
The  claws  are  short  and  strong,  and  the  ears  rather  large  and  long-haired. 

In  the  Himalaya,  but  not  in  Baluchistan,  this  bear  is  a  forest-animal,  and  is 
found  in  the  mountains  in  summer  up  to  a  height  of  12,000  feet,  but  in  winter 
rarely  above  5000  feet.  It  is  often  seen  near  villages,  devouring  fruit  in  the 
orchards  and  corn  in  the  fields.  Its  food  in  winter  consists  principally  of  acorns 
and  chestnuts,  but  at  other  times  of  fruit  and  roots.  This  species  is,  however,  not 
so  fond  of  roots  as  is  the  brown  bear  of  the  Himalaya,  although  it  often  climbs 
trees  in  search  of  fruit,  generally  during  the  night  or  early  morning.  Like  other 
bears  it  is  fond  of  honey,  and  yet  in  spite  of  all  this  it  is  the  most  carnivorous  of 
all  Indian  bears,  killing  sheep,  goats,  ponies,  and  cattle,  and  at  times  feeding  on 

All  reports  agree  in  considering  the  black  bear  a  more  dangerous  animal 
than  the  brown  species,  and  sin^e  it  lives  in  the  neighbourhood  of  villages  it 
oftener  comes  in  contact  with  man.  It  is  said  to  see  and  hear  better  than  the 
brown  bear,  while  its  sense  of  smell  is  reported  to  be  singularly  keen  by  some 
observers  and  mediocre  by  others.  In  walking  and  running  it  is  a  thorough  bear, 
having  the  fast  shambling  trot  of  its  kindred ;  and,  like  its  brown  cousin,  is  a  good 

Its  usual  abode  is  in  the  depths  of  the  forest,  to  which  it  retires  for  rest  in 
caves,  hollows  of  trees,  or  dense  bushes.  Except  during  pairing-time  these  bears 
are  generally  solitary.  The  cubs,  often  those  of  two  successive  years,  remain  with 
the  mother  until  full-grown.  Generally  two  in  number,  they  are  born  in  spring  and 
are  very  small  at  birth  and  do  not  open  their  eyes  for  some  time. 

A  characteristic  mammal  is  the  sloth-bear  (Melursus  ursinus), 
which  inhabits  India  from  the  foot  of  the  Himalaya  to  Capa 
Comorin,  and  occurs  in  Ceylon.  Living  principally  in  bushy,  hilly  districts,  this 
bear  ranges  as  far  as  the  outskirts  of  the  Indian  desert  to  the  north,  and  to 
Kathiawar  in  the  west.  It  seems  to  occur  in  the  north  and  east  of  Bengal,  but  its 
identity  with  the  bear  inhabiting  the  plains  of  Assam  has  not  yet  been  satisfactorily 
made  out.  The  sloth-bear  has  one  pair  of  incisors  less  than  other  bears  in  its  upper 
jaw;  its  teeth  comprising  two  incisors,  one  canine,  and  six  cheek-teeth  on  each  side 
of  the  upper  jaw,  and  three  incisors,  one  canine,  and  seven  cheek-teeth  on  each  side  of 
the  lower  jaw.  The  claws  of  the  sloth-bear  are  large  and  strong,  and  the  snout  and 
lower  lip  very  extensile  and  flexible.  The  hair  is  coarse  and  long,  longest  between 
the  shoulders,  and  the  colour  is  black,  except  for  the  dull  grey  tip  of  the  nose,  a 
narrow  white  semicircular  spot  on  the  chest,  and  the  white  claws.  In  length  this 
bear  measures  about  5  feet,  the  tail  being  about  another  5  inches;  the  average 
shoulder-height  is  some  30  inches,  and  the  weight  of  a  male  (considerably  more 
than  that  of  the  female)  may  be  330  lbs.  or  more. 

The  sloth-bear  is  still  one  of  the  most  common  animals  of  India.     In  some 



parts,  however,  as  for  instance  in  eastern  Bengal  and  the  Dekkan,  where  some 
forty  or  fifty  years  ago  it  was  common,  it  is  now  exterminated.  Wherever  it 
exists  it  betrays  itself  by  the  holes  it  digs  in  the  ground  when  searching  for  ants, 
by  the  marks  of  its  claws  on  the  trees  it  ascends  for  honey,  and  by  its  peculiar 
trail.  This  bear  goes  about  singly  or  in  twos  and  threes ;  the  trios  being  generally 
a  female  with  two  cubs.  Now  and  then  parties  of  four  or  five  are  met  with. 
•  Bushes,  forests,  and  mountains  form  the  favourite  haunts  of  this  species ;  and  in 
the  hot  season,  while  the  monsoon  is  on  and  when  the  females  have  young,  they 
retire  into  caves,  especially  those  formed  by  the  weathering  of  the  granitic  gneiss, 
of  which  many  of  the  mountains  of  India  consist.     This  gneiss,  disintegrated  into 


large,  loose,  and  broken  blocks,  forms  large  caves  which  are  favourite  resorts  of 
these  bears,  as  they  afford  shelter  from  the  sun,  and  a  refuge  from  flies,  gnats,  and 
other  insects,  which  are  particularly  troublesome  during  the  monsoon. 

At  other  times  when  they  cannot  find  caves,  or  during  the  cool  season,  sloth- 
bears  spend  the  day  amid  long  grass,  bushes,  or  in  holes  in  the  sides  of  ravines. 
They  wander  in  search  of  food  at  night,  and  in  the  neighbourhood  of  human 
habitations  are  rarely  seen  in  the  daytime,  although  in  wild,  uninhabited  parts 
they  often  remain  out  till  eight  or  nine  o'clock  in  the  morning  and  are  again  on 
the  move  an  hour  or  so  before  sunset.  In  wet  and  cloudy  weather  they  may  be 
abroad  all  day.  Although  like  other  Indian  animals  they  avoid  the  noonday  sun, 
they  are  not  so  sensitive  to  heat  as  their  black  coat  might  lead  us  to  expect,  and 
they  have  less  hesitation  than  the  tiger  in  exposing  themselves  to  the  sun's  rays. 



Its  long  shaggy  hair,  the  peculiar  shape  of  its  long  movable  snout,  and  its 
short  hind-legs  make  this  bear  one  of  the  most  remarkable  of  its  kind,  and  as 
peculiar  in  its  appearance  as  it  is  in  habits.  It  generally  moves  at  a  quick  walk, 
but  when  frightened  or  in  a  hurry  trots  away  so  awkwardly  that  it  appears  to  roll 
along  the  ground.  If  startled  by  a  shot  or  other  sound,  it  rolls  downhill  head- 
over-heels  like  other  bears ;  ascending  rocks  comes  easy  to  it,  and  it  climbs  trees 
slowly  and  heavily,  as  is  shown  by  the  deep  impressions  of  its  claws  in  the  bark. 
Its  food  consists  almost  exclusively  of  fruit  and  insects.  Sloth-bears  generally 
visit  fruit-trees  on  their  nightly  excursions,  sometimes  climbing  about  in  the 
branches  and  shaking  off  the  fruit,  sometimes  standing  up  on  their  hind-legs  and 
drawing  the  branches  down  with  their  fore-paws.  The  animal  food  of  these  bears 
consists  chiefly  of  beetles  and  their  larvs9,  and  white  ants.  They  will  turn  over 
stones  for  beetles,  climb  the  trees  for  bees,  and  dig  holes  of  a  yard  or  more  in  depth 
for  ants.  When  they  reach  an  ants'  nest  they  blow  away  the  dust  and  then  draw 
the  hapless  inhabitants  into  their  mouths  with  such  a  powerful  suction  that  it  may 
be  heard  at  a  distance  of  two  hundred  paces.  They  are  exceedingly  fond  of  the 
fermented  sap  of  the  wild  date-palm,  climbing  the  trees  to  get  at  the  pots  which 
are  hung  up  to  catch  the  juice,  and  are  said  occasionally  to  get  intoxicated  on  this 
beverage.  They  are  also  fond  of  sugar-cane  and  do  great  damage  to  sugar- 
plantations.  Sometimes  they  eat  maize  and  other  grain,  or  steal  birds'  eggs. 
Although  they  may  occasionally  kill  the  larger  animals,  they  do  not  eat  them.  Dry 
bones  of  cattle  are  sometimes  gnawed  by  them,  and  once  a  wounded  muntjac,  and 
on  another  occasion  a  cow  killed  by  a  tiger,  were  found  partly  eaten  by  a  sloth- 

The  habit  of  sucking  their  paws,  grunting  all  the  while,  is  especially  character- 
istic of  sloth-bears,  and  young  specimens  in  captivity  are  fond  of  sucking  the  hands 
of  their  keepers.  The  sense  of  smell  is  apparently  well  developed,  but  the  sight 
of  this  bear  is  indifferent,  and  the  peculiar  way  in  which  it  looks  at  intruders  gives 
the  impression  of  its  being  short-sighted.  Neither  is  its  sense  of  hearing  very 
acute,  and  it  seems  to  discover  honeycombs  in  trees  and  ants'  nests  or  larvae  of 
beetles  underground  mainly  by  smell. 

When  sniffing  about  for  food  on  their  nocturnal  excursions  sloth-bears  utter  a 
peculiar  sound  audible  at  a  considerable  distance.  Occasionally  during  pairing-time, 
or  at  the  beginning  of  the  cold  season,  they  utter  a  shrill  scream ;  and  when 
surprised  or  startled,  and  especially  when  wounded,  they  break  into  long  loud 
guttural  tones,  while  when  mortally  wounded  they  give  vent  to  plaintive  cries. 

When  wounded  by  a  bullet,  a  sloth-bear  generally  attacks  its  unwounded 
companion.  On  the  whole  these  bears  are  cowardly,  although  in  some  cases  they 
will  furiously  attack  men,  using  both  teeth  and  claws.  When  surprised  and  trying 
to  escape,  they  content  themselves  with  knocking  down  their  adversaries  by  a  blow 
of  the  paw.  Often,  however,  they  inflict  serious  wounds,  and  in  some  cases  clutch 
their  victims  and  bite  fiercely  till  all  struggles  cease.  The  most  furious  attacks  are 
made  by  females  with  young ;  wounded  bears  are  generally  dangerous,  but  some- 
times this  species  attacks  without  provocation. 

Native  hunters  generally  send  beaters  through  the  jungle  or  over  a  hill  and 
shoot  the  bear  as  soon  as  it  is  within  range.     Elephants  are  seldom  used,  for  the 


bears  run  away  from  them  at  once,  and  moreover,  the  ground  is  too  uneven  and 
rocky  for  elephants  to  advance  quickly  enough.  A  peculiar  method  of  hunting 
this  bear  with  hounds  is  used  by  the  Polygars  who  inhabit  the  extreme  south  of 
the  Indian  peninsula.  When  the  hounds  have  driven  the  bear  to  bay  each  hunter 
sticks  a  long  bamboo  cane  smeared  with  bird-lime  on  to  its  shaggy  fur,  and  thereby 
holds  it  fast.  This  bear — which  is  also  caught  in  nets — often  tries  to  escape  when 
pursued,  and  runs  until  it  falls  down  from  exhaustion,  continuing  its  course  for 
many  miles,  heedless  of  cold  or  heat.  It  has  been  stated  that  when  attacking  it 
rises  on  its  hind-legs,  so  that  it  may  be  shot  through  the  breast;  but  this  is 
erroneous,  as  it  seldom  stands  on  its  hind-legs,  except  when  enraged  or  perhaps 
when  surprised. 

Seven  months  after  pairing-time  the  young,  of  which  there  are  generally  two, 
are  born,  mostly  in  December  or  January,  but  sometimes  as  early  as  October,  or  as 
late  as  February.  At  birth  they  are  about  the  size  of  Newfoundland  pups. 
They  remain  blind  for  three  weeks,  and  have  soft  long  hair  which  becomes  rougher 
and  coarser  in  a  few  months.  When  two  or  three  months  old,  the  mother  takes  the 
cubs  out,  carrying  them  on  her  back,  to  the  long  hair  of  which  they  cling.  In  this 
way  they  ride  about  occasionally  until  they  are  a  good  size.  Sometimes  the  mother 
will  carry  one  cub  while  the  other  runs  at  her  side.  Generally  the  cubs  remain 
with  their  mother  for  two  or  three  years,  by  which  time  they  are  fully  grown. 
Yellow-Breasted  Of  the  weasel  tribe  there  are  many  Indian  species.     Among  the 

Marten.  typical  representatives  of  the  group  the  yellow-breasted  Indian  marten 
{Mustela  flavigula)  is  found  throughout  the  Himalaya,  from  Kashmir  to  Assam, 
as  well  as  in  Burma,  the  Malay  Peninsula  and  Sumatra,  southern  China  and 
the  Amur  countries,  and  also  in  the  Nilgiris,  the  mountains  of  Travancore,  and 
probably  in  the  higher  portions  of  the  Western  Ghats,  This  marten  has  a 
length  of  from  20  to  22  inches  exclusive  of  the  tail,  which  measures  16  inches 
and  more.  In  the  southern  portion  of  its  range  it  has  rather  short  hair,  but  in 
the  Himalaya  the  hair  is  longer,  with  a  woolly  under-fur  in  winter.  The  head 
as  far  as  the  ears,  the  face,  the  hind  part  of  the  neck,  the  lower  portion  of  the  back, 
and  the  tail  and  legs  are  glossy  brown  or  black,  while  the  back  is  pale  brown,  or, 
sometimes,  brownish  white.  The  chin  and  lower  part  of  the  throat  are  white,  and 
the  rest  of  the  throat  as  well  as  the  breast  orange  or  brownish  yellow ;  the  under- 
pays being  paler  than  the  back.  The  coloration,  however,  varies  in  different 
districts ;  and  on  this  and  other  differences  several  local  races  have  been  named. 

The  yellow-breasted  marten  inhabits  the  forest  and  is  often  seen  in  the  day- 
time, sometimes  in  pairs  and  sometimes  in  parties  of  five  or  six,  among  bushes  or 
trees,  wandering  in  search  of  prey,  and  uttering  all  the  time  a  low  chuckle,  winch 
in  anger  becomes  a  hoarse  cry.  It  feeds  on  birds  and  their  eggs,  small  mammals, 
reptiles,  fruits,  and  insects. 
YenowBeiiied  The  yellow-bellied  weasel  (M.  cathia)  is  dark  reddish  brown  on 

weasel.  the  back,  face,  head,  ears,  extremities,  and  tail,  and  of  a  deep  yellow 
on  the  lower-parts.  It  is  employed  in  Nepal  for  catching  rats,  a  task  in  which  it  is 
most  successful ;  and  is  also  trained  for  catching  fowls,  geese,  and  even  sheep  and 
goats,  which  it  kills  by  biting  through  the  arteries  of  the  neck.  It  inhabits  heights 
up  to  8000  feet  in  the  Himalaya,  as  far  west  as  Masuri,  and  in  other  mountains 


from  Assam  southwards.     In  length  it  averages  10  inches,  the  tail  measuring  5  or 

6  inches  more ;  the  males  are  considerably  larger  than  the  females. 

The  common  European  otter  is  well   known  in   India  under  a 

somewhat  greyer  form.    Another  kind,  the  smooth  otter  (Lutra  ellioti), 

is  found  south  of  the  foot  of  the  Himalaya,  and  is  common  on  the  Indus,  as  well  as 
in  lower  Bengal,  Burma,  and  the  Malay  Peninsula.  It  is  much  smaller  than  the 
common  otter,  and  of  a  uniform  brown  colour  with  a  light  greyish  gloss ;  and  is 
probably  the  otter  kept  by  the  Malays  for  fishing.  The  golden  otter  (L 
aureobrunnca),  a  smaller  species,  occurs  in  the  Himalaya ;  but  the  clawless  otter 
(L.  leptonyx)  belongs  more  to  south-eastern  Asia,  although  it  is  sometimes  found 
near  Calcutta. 

Another  representative  of  the  weasel  tribe,  the  Indian  ratel 
(Mellivora  indica),  inhabits  India  from  the  Himalaya  southwards, 
but  is  unknown  in  Ceylon  and  east  of  the  Bay  of  Bengal,  and  seems  to  be  absent 
from  the  Malabar  coast.  Like  its  African  relatives,  this  ratel  has  very  long  front- 
claws,  double  the  length  of  the  hind-claws.  In  length  it  is  about  32  inches,  the 
tail  measuring  another  5  or  6.  In  colour  it  is  grey,  or  whitish  grey  above,  and 
black  below,  the  hair  being  very  thin  on  the  under-parts.  It  is  exclusively 
nocturnal,  and  common  in  hilly  districts,  as  well  as  in  the  river-valleys  of  northern 
India,  where  the  high  banks  are  convenient  for  its  burrows.  Ratels  are  said  to 
live  in  pairs,  and  to  feed  on  rats,  birds,  frogs,  and  insects,  but  especially  on  honey 
and  bees.  The  long  front  claws  are  specially  adapted  for  digging  out  honey-comb. 
The  reason  for  the  peculiar  coloration  of  the  ratel  and  certain  other  members  of 
the  weasel  tribe — light  above  and  dark  below — appears  to  be  for  the  purpose  of 
rendering  them  conspicuous,  as  they  are  all  strong-smelling  creatures,  unfit  for 

Indian  Among  the  insect-eating  mammals,  the  hedgehogs  are  represented 

Hedgehog,  by  Erinaceus  micropus,  a  species  inhabiting  Madras,  of  whose  habits 
and  range  nothing  definite  is  known.  It  is  pale  in  colour  and  only  about  6^-  inches 
in  length. 

Moles  and  Two  kinds  of  mole  (Talpa  micrura  and  T.  leucura)  inhabit  the 

snrews.  south-western  Himalaya  and  Assam,  but  none  is  known  from  the 
plains  of  India.  Musk-shrews  are,  however,  very  numerous  in  the  Indian  area. 
Among  these,  the  grey  musk-shrew  (Crocidura  ccerulea)  lives  in  the  neighbourhood 
of  human  habitations  all  over  India  and  Ceylon,  and  in  many  islands  of  the  Indian 
Ocean,  to  which  it  has  probably  been  brought  in  ships.  The  length  of  the  head  and 
body  is  6  inches,  and  that  of  the  tail  about  3^  inches.  This  shrew  may  be  only  a 
domesticated  form  of  the  brown  musk-shrew  (0.  murina),  which  lives  principally 
in  forests,  but  is  also  found  in  houses.  It  smells  particularly  strong  of  musk, 
and  feeds  mainly  on  insects  and  their  larvae  and  worms. 

The  grey  musk-shrew,  generally  called  the  musk-rat,  may  be  regarded  as  the 
common  shrew  of  India,  and  is  nocturnal,  like  other  shrews.  During  the  night  it 
hunts  for  cockroaches  and  other  insects  in  houses,  squeaking  occasionally  as  it  does 
so,  while  during  the  day  it  shelters  in  holes  and  drains.  Its  hiding-places  often 
have  a  very  strong  smell  of  musk,  emitted  by  the  secretion  of  the  glands  on  the 
sides  of  the  animal,  but  when  not  irritated  or  frightened  this  shrew  leaves  no  scent 

vol.  11. — 10 


on  objects  over  which   it   runs.      In  colour  it  is  generally  a  bluish  grey,  paler 
below  than  above,  but  there  is  considerable  variation  in  the  tint.     Analogous 
variations  occur  in  the  brown  musk-shrew,  which  probably  inhabits  the  whole 
Indian  area,  as  it  does  the  Himalaya  from  Kashmir  to  Assam  up  to  quite  8000  ft. 
insectivorous  Among   the   insect-eating   bats,  Kuhl's  bat  (Scotophilus  kuhli) 

Bats.  js  abundant  throughout  India,  and  also  ranges  to  Borneo  and  the 
Philippines.  The  upper-parts  of  this  bat  are  generally  yellowish  brown,  but  vary 
between  vivid  chestnut,  golden  brown,  and  greyish  brown,  the  lower-parts  being 
yellow  or  dull  white.  In  length  it  is  about  3  inches,  the  tail  measuring  about 
2  inches.  In  flight  it  is  easy  and  slow,  and  it  lives  singly  or  in  pairs,  or  in  small  or 
large  parties,  in  verandas,  temples,  and  other  buildings,  and  also  in  the  holes  of 
trees,  its  food  being  chiefly  white  ants  or  termites. 

Six  kinds  of  tube-nosed  bats  {Harpy  iocephalus),  recognisable  by  their  tubular 
nostrils  and  the  hairy  membrane  between  the  hind-legs,  are  indigenous  to  the 
Himalaya  and  Tibet.  The  genus  is  nearly  allied  to  Myotis — represented  in  northern 
India  only  by  the  wall-bat  (M.  rnuricola).  A  remarkable  Indian  species  of  another 
genus  is  the  painted  bat  (Cerivoula  picta),  which  is  widely  spread  over  India, 
Ceylon,  and  Burma,  although  rare  in  the  drier  districts  of  these  countries.  It  is 
small  in  size,  the  length  without  the  tail  being  about  1+  inches.  In  colour  it  is  a 
deep  orange,  or  bright  rusty  red  above,  but  lighter  and  yellower  below,  the 
membranes  being  orange  and  black.  In  the  daytime  this  species  more  resembles 
a  large  butterfly  than  a  bat,  but  is  remarkably  like  dead  leaves  when  at  rest,  and 
is  thus  well  protected  by  its  colouring.  As  it  is  often  found  on  plantain-trees,  it  is 
known  in  Ceylon  as  kehel  vulha,  or  plantain-bat,  and  this  is  probably  the  origin  of 
its  generic  name.  One  of  the  wrinkled-lipped  bats  {Nyctinomus  plicatus)  occurs 
in  India  and  south-eastern  Asia  generally,  but  neither  in  Ceylon  nor  the  Himalaya. 
This  bat  is  furnished  with  long  narrow  wings,  and  has  a  length  of  2|-  inches,  with 
a  tail-length  of  1£  inches.  In  colour  it  is  brownish  black,  or  greyish  brown  above, 
and  is  sometimes  of  the  same  hue  below,  although  generally  lighter.  Another 
family  is  represented  by  the  Indian  false-vampire  (Megaderma  lyra),  a  large-eared 
species  of  about  3£  inches  in  length,  of  a  dark  ashy  or  slate-grey  colour  above,  and 
lighter  below.  This  bat  belongs  to  a  group  characterised  by  the  long  snout,  large 
wings,  and  the  absence  of  a  tail,  and  deserves  attention  on  account  of  its  food.  It 
is  spread  over  India  from  Kashmir  to  Ceylon,  and  from  Karachi  to  Calcutta,  and  is 
also  found  in  China,  but  not  as  yet  in  Burma.  It  sleeps  in  caves,  old  buildings, 
and  under  roofs  during  the  day,  and  lives  partly  on  insects,  but  principally  on 
small  vertebrates,  the  blood  of  which  it  sucks.  Strange  to  say,  males  of  this  species 
seem  much  more  numerous  than  females.  There  are  many  other  Indian  forms  of 
insect-eating  bats — among  them  several  kinds  of  tomb-bats  (Taphozous) — but 
these  need  not  be  mentioned  in  detail  on  this  occasion. 

The  group  of  fruit-bats,  the  majority  of  which  are  of  large  bodily 
size,  are,  as  their  name  implies,  fruit-eaters ;  and  the  crowns  of  their 
cheek-teeth,  instead  of  bearing  sharp  cusps,  are,  as  a  rule,  marked  only  by  a  simple 
longitudinal  groove.  Moreover,  the  outer  and  inner  margins  of  their  ear-conchs 
are  joined  so  as  to  form  a  more  or  less  oval  ring  at  the  base,  instead  of,  as  in  most 
insectivorous  bats,  rising  from  the  head  independently  of  each  other.     All  the 


a  length  of  about  9  inches,  varies  much  in  coloration,  but  is  generally  reddish 
brown  on  the  head,  and  lighter  on  the  shoulders  and  the  hind  part  of  the  neck ; 
the  back  behind  the  shoulders  is  brown  or  black,  the  lower-parts  are  yellowish 
brown,  and  the  chin,  the  front  of  the  neck,  the  sides,  and  hind-quarters  are 
generally  darker,  and  the  breast  sometimes  dark  brown  or  black.  This  bat  roosts 
on  trees,  suspended  by  its  hind-legs,  head-downwards  during  the  day.  It  generally 
selects  the  tamarind  tree,  but  sometimes  the  bamboo,  and  when  wrapped  up  in  its 
wings  looks  like  a  large  dry  leaf.  It  is  generally  found  in  large  numbers  on  one 
tree,  and  if  not  driven  away  always  chooses  the  same  group  of  trees  for  its  abode. 
Towards  sunset  it  begins  to  grow  restless,  and  climbs  about  in  the  branches,  and 
by  and  by  starts  on  its  nocturnal  excursion,  singly  or  in  pairs.  With  the  exception 
of  oranges,  it  feeds  on  all  kinds  of  fruit,  especially  figs.  At  early  dawn  these  bats 
return  to  their  resting-places,  where,  from  the  arrival  of  the  first  few  until  the  sun 
stands  high  in  the  sky,  there  are  continuous  quarrels  about  the  best  places,  most  of 
them  trying  to  get  higher  up  the  tree,  and  to  drive  away  their  neighbours  from  too 
close  a  vicinity.  In  this  endeavour  they  climb  up  the  branches,  biting  one  another 
fiercely  as  they  pass,  striking  each  other  with  the  long  claws  of  their  thumbs,  and 
screaming  and  screeching  unceasingly.  Each  newcomer  is  driven  back  on  all  sides 
and  obliged  to  fly  several  times  round  the  tree,  and  when  it  has  gained  a  bough  on 
which  to  hang,  has  again  to  fight,  and  is  perhaps  chased  away  two  or  three  times 
before  being  able  to  maintain  its  place.  About  10  o'clock  they  begin  to  grow  drowsy 
as  they  hang  side  by  side  on  a  branch,  fanning  themselves  with  their  wings,  or  wrap- 
ping their  wings  round  their  heads,  until  evening  wakes  them  again.  When 
eating  they  hang  by  one  foot,  and  hold  the  fruit  with  the  other,  not  by  clasping  it 
with  their  toes,  but  by  thrusting  their  claws  into  it.  The  Indian  fox-bat,  like  most 
other  bats,  has  only  one  young  at  a  time,  which  is  born  at  the  end  of  March,  or  in 
April,  and  is  carried  about  by  its  mother  until  the  end  of  May  or  beginning  of 
June,  when  it  is  almost  full-grown. 

The  short-nosed  fruit-bat  (Cynopterws  sphinx),  which  is  endowed  with  an 
appetite  uncommon  even  in  this  voracious  family,  ranges  throughout  India  from 
the  Himalaya  to  Ceylon,  and  eastwards  to  Burma,  the  Malay  Peninsula  and 
Archipelago,  and  the  Philippines.  In  colour  it  is  light  or  dark  brown,  and  its  length 
is  4^  inches.  Dwelling  in  forests,  it  rests  during  the  day  suspended  either  on 
palms  and  other  trees  or  in  caves  and  hollow  trees,  and  feeds  exclusively  on  fruit. 
This  fruit-bat  has  a  particularly  light  and  buoyant  flight,  whereby  it  is  distin- 
guished from  the  fox-bats,  which  fly  heavily  and  in  a  straight  line,  although  in 
general  behaviour  and  habits  both  have  much  in  common. 

Amoncj  the  monkeys  of  India,  one  of  the  most  familiar,  in  all 
Indian  Langur.  . 

senses  of  the  word,  is  the  langur  or  hanuman  (Semnopithecus  entellus), 

in  which  the  hair  on  the  head  radiates  in  a  circle  from  one  central  point   and 

overhangs  the  black  face  like  a  penthouse.     The  hair  of  the  body  is  rather  woolly, 

and  in  colour  mainly  greyish  brown,  although  the  naked  portions  of  the  face,  ears, 

hands,  and  feet  are  black.     The  males  measure  from  25  to  30  inches  in  length, 

exclusive  of  the  tail,  which  is  a  quarter  as  long  again  as  the  body,  but  the  females 

are  much  smaller.     The  range  of  this  species  extends  from  the  Dekkan  to  the  south 

bank  of  the  Ganges  and  the  outer  ranges  of  the  Himalaya,  and  on  the  west  includes 

Hanuman  Monkey. 


Gujarat  and  Kathiawar,  but  its  extreme  limits  are  not  as  yet  ascertained.  This  is 
all  the  more  remarkable  since  the  hanuman  is  one  of  the  best-known  animals  of 
India,  being  protected  everywhere,  not  fearing  man,  and  found  as  frequently  in 
villages  as  in  the  depths  of  the  primeval  forest.  Far  away  from  villages  the 
hanuman  lives  on  trees,  the  banks  of  rivers  or  tanks,  and  on  rocky  hills,  but  never 
very  far  from  water.  It  is  very  brisk  in  its  movements,  and  leaps  with  astonishing 
sureness  from  branch  to  branch,  often  jumping  from  20  to  30,  or  even  40,  feet 
to  the  ground.  Old  males  are  sometimes  seen  alone,  but,  as  a  rule,  hanumans 
associate  in  smaller  or  larger  parties,  composed  of  individuals  of  both  sexes  and  of 
all  ages.  The  females  carry  their  young  clinging  to  their  bodies,  and  while  the  young 
are  very  small  may  temporarily  keep  apart  from  the  rest  of  the  troop,  although 
they  can  hardly  be  said  to  form  separate  parties.  It  is  distinguished  from  others  of 
its  kindred  by  the  circumstance  that  the  female,  though  generally  giving  birth  to 
only  one  young  at  a  time,  sometimes  has  twins. 

Himalayan  The  Himalayan  langur  (S.  schistaceus)  inhabits  the  area  extend- 

Langur.  jng  through  Kashmir  and  the  greater  part  of  the  Himalaya  as  far  as 
Bhutan.  It  has  long  hair,  which  on  the  head  radiates  like  that  of  the  hanuman, 
but  the  ears  are  smaller  and  covered  by  the  long  hair  of  the  cheeks,  and  the 
tail  has  a  thin  but  distinct  tuft.  The  colour  of  the  back,  tail,  and  the  outsides  of 
its  limbs  is  greyish  brown  or  dark  slaty  grey,  with  a  slight  tinge  of  purple,  the 
head  and  lower-parts  being  whitish.  Like  the  hanuman,  the  face,  ears,  palms,  and 
soles  are  black.  Except  that  it  lives  in  a  cooler  climate  and  is  larger,  the  Hima- 
layan langur  differs  little  from  the  hanuman  in  habits,  although  it  may  often  be 
seen  leaping  among  the  snow-clad  branches  of  the  Himalayan  deodar-forests. 

„ In  the  Nilgiri  langur  (S.  johni),  which  ranges  from  the  Nilgiris 

Nilgin  Langur,  etc.  .  °       x      ^  '  ~  ° 

to  Cape  Comorin,  the  head  and  body  measure  26  inches  in  length,  and 
the  tail  30  inches,  but  the  females  are  smaller.  In  colour  this  species  is  glossy  black 
or  brownish  black,  the  head  being  yellowish  brown,  and  the  lower  part  of  the  back 
and  root  of  the  tail  ashy  grey.  This  langur,  which  lives  in  small  troops  of  from 
five  to  ten,  is  oftener  killed  than  most  Indian  monkeys  on  account  of  the  beauty  of 
its  fur  and  the  flavour  of  its  flesh,  which  is  said  to  be  eaten  by  some  of  the  natives. 
Consequently  it  is  shy  and  cautious,  though  very  noisy.  The  ursine  langur  (S. 
ursinus),  which  inhabits  the  mountains  of  Ceylon,  is  distinguished  by  its  very  long 
hair  (often  4  or  5  inches  in  length  on  the  sides),  and  is  greyish  brown  in  colour. 
This  monkey  is  generally  found  in  large  troops,  jumping  from  tree  to  tree,  and 
uttering  a  short  howl  when  alarmed.  A  second  species  (S.  senex)  also  inhabits 
the  mountains  in  the  south  of  Ceylon. 

Macaque  Of  the  macaque  monkeys  the  best-known  in  northern  India  is 

Monkeys.  the  bandar  or  Bengal  macaque  (Macacus  rhesus),  the  males  of  which 
attain  a  length  of  about  22  inches,  with  a  10-inch  tail,  while  the  females  are  much 
smaller.  In  colour  it  is  principally  light  greyish  brown,  varied  with  dark  brown 
or  rufous,  the  under-parts  being  yellowish.  Its  range  extends  from  the  Himalaya 
to  the  Godaveri  and  from  Kashmir  to  Burma.  This  monkey,  which  has  been 
found  at  an  elevation  of  10,000  feet  in  Kashmir,  generally  lives  in  large  troops, 
and  has  little  fear  of  man,  being  occasionally  found  in  villages.  It  seeks  its  food 
on  the  ground,  eating  spiders  and  all  kinds  of  insects,  and  also  fruit  and  seeds. 



It  frequents  cultivated  districts,  especially  in  the  neighbourhood  of  tanks,  or  near 
clumps  of  trees  on  the  banks  of  rivers,  but  is  still  more  common  in  forests ;  it 
delights  in  going  into  the  water,  where  it  swims  well.  Closely  related  to  the  last 
is  the  Himalayan  macaque  (31.  assamensis),  which  inhabits  the  southern  slope  of 
the  Himalaya  from  Masuri  or  farther  west  as  far  east  as  northern  Burma,  and  is 
generally  found  at  a  height  of  from  3000  to  6000  feet.  Another  species,  the  lion- 
tailed  macaque  (M.  silenus),  is  a  long-haired  black  monkey,  the  males  of  which 
measure  24  inches  in  length,  with  a  tail  of  10  inches,  the  females  being  smaller. 


The  face  is  framed  by  a  grey  fringe,  which  leaves  only  the  forehead  free  and 
conceals  the  ears,  and  the  tail  is  tufted.  This  species,  which  inhabits  the  forests 
of  the  Western  Ghats  from  below  Goa  to  Cape  Comorin,  is  very  common  in  Cochin 
and  Travancore,  and  found  at  a  considerable  height  above  the  sea.  Another  kind, 
the  bonnet  macaque  (M.  sinicus),  is  found  all  over  the  south  of  India,  not  only  in 
forests  but  in  populous  cities.  It  is  one  of  the  most  inquisitive  and  mischievous  of 
the  macaques,  tamer  than  the  rhesus  monkey,  and  unsurpassed  in  making  grimaces 
by  any  member  of  the  tribe.  It  derives  its  name  from  the  fact  of  the  hair 
radiating  in  all  directions  from  the  crown  of  the  head,  although  it  rarely  falls  over 
the  forehead,  the  short  hair  on  which  is  parted  in  the  middle.     The  full-grown 



males  measure  27  inches,  exclusive  of  a  tail  of  24  inches  or  more.  This  monkey- 
inhabits  the  western  coast  up  to  Bombay,  but  in  the  east  is  not  found  north  of  the 
Godaveri.  In  Ceylon  the  bonnet  monkey  of  southern  India  is  replaced  by  the 
toque  macaque  (M.  pileatus),  which  is  perhaps  a  little  smaller  and  has  the  hair 
wavy  and  rough  instead  of  straight  and  smooth.  In  colour  it  resembles  the 
bonnet  monkey,  being  greyish  or 
brownish  above  and  whitish  below. 
The  face  is  flesh-coloured  and  the 
upper  lip  black,  while  the  naked 
parts  of  the  ears,  hands,  and  feet 
are  smoky  brown. 

The  lorises  —  com- 
monly miscalled  sloths 

by  travellers  and  sportsmen  —  are 

the   sole  representatives   in    India 

and   the    Malay   countries   of    the 

great   group   of   lemuroids,  whose 

headquarters  are  Madagascar  and, 

in    a    less    degree,    Africa.      The 

slender  or  true  loris  (Loris  gracilis) 

is  much  the    smaller   of  the   two, 

and  is   restricted   to  the   lowland 

forests    of     southern     India    and 

Ceylon.    The  slow  loris  (Nycticebus 

tardigradus),  on  the   other   hand, 

extends   from    Assam  and    Sylhet 

to  the    Malay  countries,  where   it 

is   represented  by  a  distinct  local 

race.      In  length   it  may  measure 

16  inches,  the  slender   loris  being 

only  about  half  that  size.     The  fur 

of  the  slender  loris   is  soft,  close, 

and  woolly,  greyish  in  colour,  with 

a  more  or  less  reddish,  and  often  a 

silvery,  tinge    on   the  upper-parts 

and   the  outer  sides  of  the  limbs. 

It  feeds  partly  on  fruits  and  leaves, 

and  partly  on   insects,    eggs,    and 

small  vertebrates,  and  is  very  fond 

of  honey  and   syrup.      The    large  eyes  of   this  loris,    which   are    set  very   close 

together,  form  a  favourite  remedy  among  the  uneducated  natives  for  ophthalmic 

diseases,  and  are  also  used  as  love-potions. 

The  Indian   pangolin  or   scaly  ant-eater  (Manis  pentadactyla) 
belongs   to   another   group    (the    Edentata)  of   which   there   are   no 

representatives  among  the  European  fauna.     The  range  of  this  species  extends 

from  Peshawar,  Sind,  and  probably  Baluchistan  to  Bengal  and  Orissa,  and  from 


Indian  Pangolin. . 



the  foot  of  the  Himalaya  to  Ceylon.  This  strange  animal,  whose  allies  inhabit 
the  Malay  countries,  China,  and  Africa,  has  a  short  plump  body  and  stout  tail,  the 
united  length  of  which  is  42  inches.     The  fore-feet  are  furnished  with  very  long 

claws,    the    middle    one    of 
.  i.^^*  which  is  double  the  length 

of  the  corresponding  claw 
on  the  hind-foot.  The  large 
scales  covering  the  head, 
body,  and  tail,  which  distin- 
guish the  pangolins  from  all 
other  mammals,  are  arranged 
in  this  species  in  from  eleven 
to  thirteen  rows  along  the 
body,  the  middle  row  con- 
taining from  fourteen  to 
seventeen  to  the  root  of  the 
tail.  These  scales  are  about 
double  the  width  of  those  of 
the  two  other  Asiatic  species 
of  pangolin,  and  are  light 
yellowish  brown  in  colour, 
the  skin  being  pinkish  white 
on  the  scaleless  parts.  The 
Indian  pangolin  is  a  noc- 
turnal animal,  hiding  among 
rocks  or  in  its  burrow  dur- 
ing the  day,  although  it  is 
sometimes  seen  abroad  shortly 
after  sunrise.  The  crooked 
burrow  extends  to  a  depth 
of  8  to  12  feet  below  the 
ground  to  terminate  in  a 
large  chamber  of  about  6 
feet  in  diameter.  The  aper- 
ture is  stopped  with  earth 
when  its  owners  are  inside. 
The  food  of  pangolins  consists 
of  ants  and  termites.  To 
obtain  these,  pangolins  tear 
up  the  nests  with  their  long 
claws,  inserting  their  long  sticky  tongues  into  the  passages  and  withdrawing 
them  when  covered  with  the  insects.  The  tongue  also  serves  for  drinking, 
by  being  alternately  protruded  and  drawn  back  in  quick  succession.  It 
is  doubtful,  however,  whether  pangolins  drink  at  all  when  in  the  wild 
state,  as  they  frequently  occur  in  places  far  from  any  water.  Like 
many  birds,  they  swallow  small  stones  to  aid  in  the  digestion  of  their  food. 




The  Indian  pangolin  walks  very  slowly  with  an  arched  back,  and  frequently 
stands  up  on  its  hind -legs  with  its  body  horizontal.  Although  little  is  known  of 
its  reproduction,  it  apparently  has  seldom  more  than  one  young,  or  at  most  two,  at 
a  birth.  Pangolins  are  easily  tamed,  but  it  is  difficult  to  keep  them  long  in  confine- 
ment owing  to  the  nature  of  their  food. 
Susu,  or  Gan-  The  great  rivers  of  India  are  the  home  of   a  peculiar  kind  of 

getic  Dolphin,  fresh- water  dolphin,  which  has  no  very  near  kindred  in  any  part  of 
the  world,  the  South  American  fresh-water  dolphins  representing  a  distinct  family 
The  susu,  as  this  species  is  called  in  India,  is  known  scientifically  as  Platanista 
gangetica,  and  lives  in  the  Ganges,  Indus,  Bramaputra,  and  all  the  larger 
tributaries  of  these  rivers,  principally  in  the  tidal  portions,  although  it  is  found  up 
to  the  foot  of  the  mountains.  The  head  terminates  in  a  long  compressed  snout,  a 
little  expanded  at  the  tip,  and  much  shorter  in  males  than  in  females.  The  body 
has  a  rudimentary  back-fin  and  triangular,  fan-shaped  flippers.  This  dolphin  is 
quite  blind.  The  upper  jaw  carries  thirty  pairs  of  cylindrical  teeth,  the  number 
in  the  lower  jaw  being  usually  somewhat  greater.  The  entire  length  varies 
between  7  and  8  feet,  the  females  being  larger  than  the  males ;  and  the  colour 
is  blackish. 

Although  sometimes  found  in  pairs,  the  Gangetic  dolphin  is  generally  solitary ; 
it  seems  to  migrate  towards  the  sources  of  the  rivers  in  the  hot  season.  Sight 
would  be  of  little  use  in  this  case,  since  the  water  of  the  Indus,  like  that  of  the 
Ganges  and  Bramaputra,  is  anything  but  clear  at  all  seasons,  and  the  creature 
obtains  its  food,  consisting  of  fish  and  prawns,  by  probing  in  the  mud  with  its 
long  snout. 


Like  the   mammals,   the   birds   of   India   present  a  mixture  of 
Warblers,  etc.         .  . 

Oriental  and  other  types,  many  of  them  belonging  to  European  genera 
and  even  species.  Among  the  perching-birds,  we  find  one  of  the  furze-chats  and 
many  of  the  thrushes  breeding  within  the  area.  The  moustached  sedge- warbler, 
which  is  spread  over  southern  Europe,  North  Africa,  and  Asia  Minor,  inhabits 
India  as  far  east  as  Lucknow.  The  fan-tailed  warbler  also  occurs,  and  the  wrens 
are  well  represented.  Tits,  nuthatches,  and  tree-creepers  are  likewise  all  present 
in  the  Indian  area. 

Larks  and  Wag-  The   larks   are   represented    by  the    Indian    skylark   (Alauda 

tails.  gulgula),  which  is  spread  all  over  the  country  and  Ceylon ;  and  the 
European  crested  lark  breeds  in  the  north-west  of  India,  where  the  genus  is  also 
represented  by  two  other  species.  The  finch-larks,  small  short-legged  and  short- 
toed  birds,  with  short  thick  beaks,  extend  from  India  into  Africa,  the  ashy-crowned 
finch-lark  (Pyrrhulauda  grisea)  ranging  from  Sind  to  Calcutta,  and  from  the  foot 
of  the  Himalaya  to  Ceylon,  and  being  everywhere  resident  throughout  this  large 
area.  The  rufous  finch-larks  (Ammomanes),  again,  are  represented  in  India  by  the' 
red-tailed  species  (A.  phoenicura),  distinguished  from  other  members  of  the  group 
by  its  black-tipped  tail.  More  than  a  dozen  different  kinds  of  wagtail  occur 
within  the  area,  the  most  notable  being  the  large  pied  species  (Motacilla  maderas- 
patensis),  whose  breeding-range  extends  from  Sind  to  Sikhim  and  western  Bengal, 
and  from  the  foot  of  the  Himalaya  to  Ceylon. 


The  Indian  list  also  includes  numerous  buntings,  five  of  winch  are 
resident,  the  most  widely  distributed  being  the  streaked  bunting 
(Emberiza  striolata),  which  ranges  from  Palestine  and  Arabia  through  Sind 
and  the  Punjab  into  the  United  Provinces.  The  crested  bunting  (Melophus 
melanicterus),  on  the  other  hand,  is  very  local  in  distribution,  its  range  extending 
from  Kashmir  to  Bhutan,  from  Sind  to  Mahableshwar,  and  from  Assam  to 
Tenasserim.  It  is  distinguished  by  both  sexes  being  crested,  though  differently 
coloured,  as  well  as  by  the  tail  being  nearly  square  at  the  end.  The  male  is  black 
and  the  female  dark  brown,  both  showing  a  certain  amount  of  red  on  the  wings 
and  tail. 

Finches  and  Among  the   finches   may   be    mentioned   the   universal   house- 

stariings.  sparrow,  which  in  India  is  much  whiter  about  the  cheeks  and 
blacker  on  the  edges  0f  the  white  than  the  western  race.  The  weaver-birds 
include  eight  Indian  species,  but  the  group  is  more  abundantly  represented  in  south- 
eastern Asia.  Six  species  of  starlings  are  found  in  India,  two  of  which  are 

„  .  ,        ,  The  orioles,  known  in  India  as  mango-birds,  are  represented  by 

Orioles  and  Jays.    .  .  .  °  .  . 

nine  species,  eight  of  which  are  mainly  yellow  in  coloration  and 
have  the  tail  black  and  yellow  or  green,  while  the  ninth,  Oriolus  trailli,  has  a  red 
tail  and  in  plumage  is  black  and  maroon.  The  raven,  the  carrion-crow,  the  rook, 
the  hooded  crow,  and  the  jackdaw  are  all  found  in  India,  and  in  addition  there  are 
the  more  characteristic  brown-necked  raven  (Corvus  umbrinus),  the  jungle-crow 
(G.  macrorhynchus),  and  the  house-crow  (G.  splendens).  The  handsome  green  magpie 
(Cissa  chinensis)  ranges  from  the  valley  of  the  Jumna  into  south-eastern  Asia,  but  the 
Ceylonese  magpie  (C.  ornata)  is  confined  to  Ceylon.  The  tree-pies  are  represented 
by  four  species,  one  of  which,  Dendrocitta  rufa,  the  Indian  magpie,  ranges  from  the 
Himalaya  to  Travancore.  The  lanceolated  or  black-throated  jay  (Garrulus 
lanceolatus)  ranges  from  Hazara  to  Nepal  and  is  frequent  in  Kashmir,  where  it  is 
found  in  summer  up  to  8000  feet.  It  derives  its  popular  names  from  its  chin  and 
throat  being  black  with  white  shaft-streaks,  the  black  ending  in  a  patch  of  iron  grey. 
It  has  a  blue  tail  barred  with  black,  and  not  a  black  one  like  G.  bispecularis,  the 
Himalayan  jay,  which  is  also  distinguished  by  having  the  forehead  and  crown 
purplish  instead  of  black.  The  Indian  shrikes  include  a  dozen  species ;  and  of 
cuckoo-shrikes  there  are  three,  the  most  generally  distributed  being  the  black- 
headed  cuckoo-shrike  (Campophaga  sykesi).  Sixteen  different  kinds  of  bulbul  are 
likewise  natives  of  the  country, 
swallows  and  Of  swallows  and  martins  about  twenty  species  are  found  within 

swifts.  the  area,  including  the  European  sand-martin  and  the  Indian  sand- 
martin  (Cotile  sinensis)  which  ranges  from  the  Himalaya  to  the  Philippines.  There 
are  two  kinds  of  swift  (Cypselus  melanocephalus  and  G.  cinereiventris)  in  which 
the  head  is  black,  as  well  as  a  third  kind  (C.  phceocepltalus)  in  which  it  is  grey ;  the 
distribution  of  all  three  is  curiously  local. 

Roller,  Bee-Eater,         Among  other  noteworthy  picarian  birds  of  India,  reference  may 
Kingfishers,  and  be  made  to  the  Indian  blue  roller  (Coracias  indica),  and  also  to  the 

Indian  hoopoe  (  Upupa  indica),  both  of  which  are  very  close  indeed  to 
the  European  forms.     The  long-tailed  bee-eaters  are  strikingly  represented  by  the 


Lanceolated  Jay 

O  WLS— BIRDS-  OF-PRE  Y  1 5  5 

green  species  (Merops  viridis)  and  the  blue-tailed  bee-eater  (M.  philippinus),  the 
latter  of  which  ranges  from  the  south  of  India  and  Ceylon  to  Celebes.  The 
European  kingfisher  is  represented  in  India  and  the  Malay  Archipelago  by  a  smaller 
race  (Alcedo  ispida  bengalensis) ;  but  other  members  of  the  group  occur  in  the 
Himalaya,  India,  and  south-eastern  Asia,  the  group  being  still  more  strongly  repre- 
sented in  the  Malay  countries.  The  same  is  also  the  case  with  certain  other  groups 
of  picarian  birds.  Although  the  European  cuckoo  is  only  a  winter  visitor  to  India, 
one  of  the  crested  cuckoos  (Coccystes  jacobinus)  ranges  from  the  Malay  Peninsula 
into  south-western  Asia,  and  also  occurs  in  Africa  from  the  Sahara  to  the  south. 

The  Indian  owls  include  several  European  species,  as  well  as 
other  related  types.  Among  the  former,  the  barn-owl  is  found  as  a 
breeding-species.  Nearly  allied  are  the  masked  owls,  distinguished  by  the  circum- 
stance that  the  feathers  forming  the  eye-discs  run  in  separate  rows  down  their 
foreheads,  leaving  a  space  in  the  middle.  The  Ceylon  masked  owl  (Phodilus 
assimilis),  which  has  a  wide  range  in  India,  is  exclusively  nocturnal,  and  lives  in 
the  larger  forests.  The  screech-owls  and  forest-owls  likewise  have  Indian  repre- 
sentatives. A  relative  (Bubo  bengalensis)  of  the  European  eagle-owl  is  more  or 
less  restricted  to  India,  but  the  larger  B.  coromandus,  equalling  B.  ignavus  in  size, 
ranges  from  India  to  China.  The  fish-owls  (Cetupa)  are  distributed  over  south- 
western and  southern  Asia.  They  live  chiefly  on  fish  and  crustaceans,  and  only 
partly  on  small  mammals,  birds,  and  reptiles. 

M  M    m  The  common  kestrel  may  be  regarded  as  an  Indian  falcon,  since 

Birds- of -Prey.    .  ... 

it  breeds  not  only  in  the  Himalaya,  but  in  the  Western  Ghats,  and 

probably  in  Burma.  Bonelli's  eagle  ranges  from  the  west  into  India,  although  not 
farther  east;  and  the  pigmy  eagle  is  resident  in  India  and  Ceylon,  but  rare  in 
Burma.  The  spotted  eagle  breeds  in  northern  India,  but  its  near  relative  the  small 
spotted  eagle  remains  within  the  area  throughout  the  year.  The  most  abundant 
species  is,  however,  the  tawny  eagle  (Aquila  vindhiana),  which  varies  greatly  in 
colouring,  but  is  in  most  cases  almost  uniformly  brown.  This  eagle,  which  is  from 
26  to  27  inches  in  length,  is  often  seen  either  perching  on  a  tree  or  flying  about 
over  fields  and  woods,  in  pursuit  of  small  mammals,  birds,  lizards,  snakes,  and  frogs, 
and  sometimes  helping  vultures  to  devour  the  carcases  of  cattle,  or  robbing  smaller 
falcons  of  their  prey.  Although  absent  from  Ceylon  and  the  Malabar  coast,  and 
apparently  also  from  lower  Bengal  and  Assam,  it  is  distributed  over  the  greater 
part  of  India  and  upper  Burma,  but  nowhere  beyond  these  limits.  The  Indian 
serpent-eagle  (Spilornis  chila)  is  also  confined  to  India.  The  sea-eagles  are 
represented  in  the  Indian  area  by  the  banded  Haliaetus  leucoryphus,  distinguished 
by  a  bright  bar  across  its  dark  brown  tail.  This  sea-eagle  lives  on  the  banks  of 
rivers  and  other  waters,  and  is  probably  spread  over  all  southern  and  central  Asia, 
though  absent  from  southern  India  and  Ceylon.  The  osprey  ranges  round  the 
world,  and  is  of  course  present  in  India  as  elsewhere.  The  kites  are  well  repre- 
sented throughout  the  area,  but  their  relatives  the  buzzards,  and  honey-buzzards, 
are  more  numerous  beyond  its  limits.  The  place  of  the  common  sparrow-hawk 
is  taken  in  the  Himalaya  and  the  large  forests  of  India  and  Ceylon  by  the  besra 
sparrow-hawk  (Accipiter  virgatus),  which  is  also  occasionally  found  in  the  Malay 
countries,  China,  and  Japan. 


Vultures  range  from  south-western  Asia  into  India,  but  no  farther  east.  Of 
these,  the  Egyptian  vulture,  which  occurs  in  north-western  India,  is  replaced 
elsewhere  in  the  country  by  the  somewhat  smaller  Indian  bird  {Neophron 
ginginianus).  The  range  of  the  European  griffon  vulture  extends  to  Nepal  and 
Sikhim  and  southwards  to  the  Dekkan ;  and  the  Indian  griffon  (Gyps  indicus) 
inhabits  the  peninsula  from  the  plains  of  the  Indus  and  Ganges  to  the  south,  and  is 
also  found  on  the  other  side  of  the  Bay  of  Bengal.  A  third  kind,  the  slender- 
beaked  griffon  (G.  tenuirostris),  is  a  native  of  the  southern  slopes  of  the  Himalaya ; 
while  a  fourth,  the  Bengal  vulture  (G.  bengalensis),  although  absent  from  Ceylon 
and  not  occurring  above  a  moderate  height  in  the  Himalaya,  is  the  most  common 
Indian  vulture.  These  birds  assemble  in  large  flocks  around  the  carcases  of  all 
kinds  of  animals,  and  in  1878  and  1879  accompanied  the  British  army  into  southern 
Afghanistan  to  feed  on  the  fallen  camels. 

India  is  particularly  rich  in  game-birds.     Among  these,  the  black  - 

Game  Birds. 

breasted  or  rain  quail  (Coturnix  coromandelica),  distinguished  by  the 
large  black  patch  on  the  chest  and  breast,  is  indigenous  to  India  and  the  Malay 
Peninsula.  Chiefly  Indian  are  the  two  bush-quails,  small  birds  distinguished 
from  the  true  quails  by  the  longer  and  straighter  beak,  as  well  as  by  the  presence 
of  a  short  and  blunt  spur  on  the  legs  of  the  cocks.  Of  the  two  kinds  the  jungle 
bush-quail  (Pedicula  asiatica)  is  irregularly  distributed  over  India  and  Ceylon, 
usually  frequenting  forests,  grass-jungles,  and  broken  ground,  and  generally  found 
in  coveys.  The  other  kind  (P.  argoonda)  prefers  more  rocky  situations.  The 
francolins  are  represented  in  northern  and  central  India  by  the  common  species, 
usually  known  as  the  black  partridge  (Francolinus  vulgaris),  which  ranges  from 
Cyprus  to  Manipur.  The  painted  f  rancolin  (F.  pictus),  on  the  other  hand,  is  con- 
fined to  India,  where  it  occurs  to  the  south  of  the  range  of  the  common  species. 
Three  other  francolins  (F.  chinensis,  F.  pondicerianus,  and  F.  gularis)  are  also 
found  in  the  country.  Pheasants  are  abundant  in  certain  parts  of  the  Himalaya. 
Among  these  is  the  chir  (Catreus  wallichi),  characterised  by  a  pendent  crest,  the 
feathers  of  which  are  brown  tipped  with  white.  Of  jungle-fowl,  distinguished  by 
the  comb  extending  along  the  middle  of  the  head,  by  the  wattles,  the  long  curved 
spurs  and  the  length  of  the  middle  pair  of  tail  feathers,  two  kinds  occur  in  India, 
and  a  third  is  restricted  to  Ceylon.  Of  these,  the  most  widely  distributed  is 
Gallus  ferrugineus,  the  red  jungle-fowl,  whose  range  extends  to  Cochin  China  and 
Sumatra.  This  bird  is  generally  considered  to  be  the  ancestral  form  of  domesti- 
cated fowls,  as  typified  by  game-fowls  (see  Chap.  VI.).  From  India  domesti- 
cated fowls  appear  to  have  spread  north,  east,  and  west  over  the  Old  World.  The 
Chinese  kept  them  1000  years  B.C.,  and  about  the  same  time  they  were  bred  by  the 
Persians,  Babylonians,  and  the  inhabitants  of  Asia  Minor.  The  ancient  Greeks 
kept  them  in  the  year  600  B.C.,  and  in  Italy  they  were  known  almost  as  early. 
Domesticated  fowls  were  likewise  familiar  to  the  ancient  Britons  as  well  as  to  the 
inhabitants  of  central  and  southern  Germany  long  before  the  Roman  invasions. 
They  have  been  developed  into  numerous  breeds,  differing  from  each  other  in 
many  ways — bantams  and  dwarf  Japanese,  cochins,  brahmas,  crested  houdans, 
five-toed  dorkings,  langshans,  Orpingtons,  and  many  others  bearing  but  little 
resemblance  to  each  other  except  in  the  general  character,  which  marks  them  aa 


originating  from  a  common  ancestor  which  the  ordinary  farmyard  or  game  breeds 
most  nearly  approximate. 
Pea-Fowl  and  The  typical  pea-fowl  (Pavo  cristatus)  inhabits  India  and  Ceylon 

Monai.  in  the  wild  state,  but  is  rather  local.  In  the  Himalaya  it  ranges  to  a 
height  of  2000  feet,  and  in  southern  India  as  high  as  5000  feet,  but  in  Ceylon  it  is 
never  found  above  3000  feet,  being  mainly  an  inhabitant  of  the  low,  dry  country  in 
the  north  of  the  island.  In  its  wild  state  it  is  not  found  farther  east  than  Assam,  and 
it  has  probably  been  introduced  into  Gujarat,  Katch,  and  Rajputana,  and  certainly 
into  Sind,  since  in  these  districts,  where  it  is  considered  a  sacred  bird  and  protected 
very  strictly,  it  occurs  as  semi-domesticated  in  the  neighbourhood  of  the 
villages.  Where  it  lives  in  its  original  wildness,  it  is  generally  found  in  small 
parties  in  forests  or  in  bushy,  rugged  ground  not  far  from  water.  It  feeds  on 
grain,  insects,  small  lizards,  and  snakes,  and  makes  its  presence  known  by  its 
characteristic  scream.  The  hens  lay  six  or  seven  eggs  in  a  hole  in  the  ground 
scantily  covered  with  twigs,  leaves,  or  grass,  and  the  breeding-time  lasts  from  June  to 
September.  Magnificent  birds  are  the  monals,  of  the  high  mountains  of  southern- 
central  and  southern  Asia,  whose  general  habits  are  very  similar  to  those  of  the  true 
pheasants.  Of  these,  the  Himalayan  monal,  or  impeyan  pheasant  (Lophophorus 
impeyanus),  ranges  in  the  Himalaya  from  Kashmir  to  Bhutan  up  to  heights  of 
10,000  feet  or  more  in  summer,  living  just  below  the  upper  forest-zone,  and  some- 
times rather  higher.  Its  food  consists  of  insects,  berries,  seeds,  leaves,  etc.,  and  its 
cry  is  a  loud  plaintive  whistle. 
Pigeons  and  A  very  large  number  of  species  of  the  pigeon  tribe  occur  in  India 

sand-Grouse.  an(j  Ceylon,  among  which  the  genera  Osmotreron  and  Turtur  are 
the  most  largely  represented.  Many  of  the  species  have,  however,  a  range 
extending  beyond  India  and  Ceylon,  on  which  account,  as  well  as  from  limitations 
of  space,  the  group  cannot  be  noticed  in  detail  on  this  occasion.  Of  the  sand- 
grouse,  the  painted  species  (Pterocles  fasciatus)  is  peculiar  to  India,  where  it  is 
resident;  while  the  black-bellied  sand-grouse  (P.  arenarius)  is  a  cold-weather 
migrant  to  India,  arriving  at  the  end  of  September  and  leaving  in  March. 

Among  the  heron  tribe,  several  species  chiefly  characteristic  of 
Europe  and  south-western  Asia  visit  India.  The  common  heron,  for 
example,  breeds  in  both  India  and  Ceylon ;  while  the  purple  heron  is  represented 
by  a  form  which  may  be  regarded  as  a  local  race  of  the  European  bird.  Both  the 
white  heron  and  the  little  egret  likewise  breed  throughout  the  Indian  area,  as  well 
as  much  farther  east.  The  European  little  bittern,  again,  which  breeds  in  the 
Himalaya  as  far  as  Nepal  to  the  east,  is  spread  over  the  Indian  area,  China,  Japan, 
New  Guinea,  and  northern  Australia.  The  European  representative  of  the  night- 
herons  is  a  breeding  bird  in  India,  Ceylon,  and  Burma.  On  the  other  hand,  except 
in  Sind,  the  flamingo  is  rare  in  India  and  Ceylon,  and  unknown  farther  east. 
The  European  white  stork  has  been  found  breeding  in  Ceylon ;  but  the  rest 
of  the  Asiatic  storks  are  principally  represented  outside  the  Indian  area.  The 
spoonbill  and  the  glossy  ibis  breed  in  India,  and  the  true  ibises  are  represented  by 
several  species. 

Among    the    rail   tribe,   the   grey-headed   gallinule    (Porphyrio 
poliocephalus)  ranges  from  India  and  Ceylon  to  the  Caspian,  and  also 



occurs  in  Burma ;   but  to  the  east,  in   the  Malay  Archipelago,  it  is  replaced  by 
other  species.     The  Indian  moorhen  {Gallinula  phoenicura)  is  found  as  far  east  as 
Formosa  and  Celebes :  and  the  coot  breeds  in  many  parts  of  India,  and  likewise 
ranges  to  Java  and  Japan. 
Cranes,  Fiori-  The  cranes  are  represented  in  the  north  of  India  by  the  stately 

can,  etc.       Sarus  crane  {Grus  antigone),  which  is  a  larger  bird  than  the  European 


species.     It  has  a  light  grey  plumage,  reddish  brown  eyes,  and  crimson  warts  on  its 
head  and  neck. 

Characteristically  Indian  are  the  two  floricans,  Sypheotides  aurita  and  S. 
bengalensis,  the  latter  being  confined  to  Assam,  and  the  district  between  the 
Ganges  and  the  Himalaya.  Snipe  and  woodcock  winter  within  the  area,  as  do 
the  thicknee  and  several  of  the  plovers.  The  Indian  courser  (Cursorius  coroman- 
delicus)  is  exclusively  an  Indian  species,  as  is  also  the  small  pratincole  (Glareola 






lactea),   the   so-called   Indian  pratincole  (G.  orientalis)  ranging  beyond  the  area 
into  eastern  Siberia  and  northern  Australia. 

As  regards  the  ducks,  the  most  interesting  species  are  perhaps 
Duck  Tribe.  . 

the  Indian  tree-duck  (Dendrocycna  javanica)  and  the  Indian  comb- 
duck  (Sarcidiornis  Tnelanonotus),  closely  allied  species  to  both  of  which  are  found 
in  Africa  and  South  America.  A  whole  host  of  ducks,  and  a  few  geese,  visit  India 
during  the  cold  season,  but  the  majority  of  these  must  be  regarded  as  purely 

The  common  cormorant  is  a  breeding-bird  in  India  and  Ceylon, 
and  in  several  localities  is  found  the  somewhat  rare  Indian  cormorant 
(Phalacrocorax  fwscicollis),  though  the  commonest  species  is  the  small  P.javanicus 
which,  in  addition  to  India,  inhabits  Ceylon,  Sumatra,  Java,  and  Borneo. 

As  many  of  the  reptiles  of  India  are  more  or  less  closely  related 


to  those  of  south-western  and  south-eastern  Asia,  a  brief  notice  must 
suffice.  One  of  the  most  characteristic  is  the  gharial  (Garialis  gangeticus)  of  all 
the  great  rivers,  and  there  are  two  crocodiles  (Crocodilus  porosus  and  C.  palustris). 
Chelonians  are  represented  by  land-tortoises  of  the  widely-spread  genus  Testudo, 
as  well  as  by  sub-aquatic  species  of  the  Oriental  genera  (Damonia,  Nicoria,  and 
Morenia).  The  rivers  abound  in  the  large  batagurs  (Batagur,  Hardella,  Cachuga, 
etc.),  as  well  as  in  soft-tortoises  (Trionychidce).  Among  snakes,  there  are  the  Indian 
python  (Python  molurus),  the  cobra  (Naia  tripudians),  Russell's  viper  (Vipera 
russelli),  and  the  krait  (Bungarus  cceruleus),  of  which  the  three  last  are  all  deadly. 
India  is  the  home  of  sixteen  species  of  viper,  of  which  twelve  have  a  conspicuous 
depression,  or  pit,  between  the  nostril  and  the  eye,  and  are  hence  called  pit-vipers, 
while  the  remaining  four  are  devoid  of  these.  As  examples  of  the  latter  the  saw- 
scaled  viper  (Echis  carinata)  and  the  aforesaid  Russell's  viper  may  be  mentioned. 
The  first-named  is  a  snake  of  the  plains ;  the  other,  though  more  abundant  in  the 
plains,  is  occasionally  found  even  at  an  altitude  of  7000  feet.  Among  those  of  the 
Himalaya,  the  mountain-viper  (Lachesis  monticola)  is  noteworthy  on  account  of 
being  oviparous,  instead  of  ovoviviparous.  It  is  found  on  the  lower  ridges  of  the 
eastern  Himalaya  from  Nepal  to  Assam,  from  the  foot  of  the  hills  to  an  altitude  of 
8000  feet  or  more.  To  the  lizards,  amphibians,  fishes,  and  invertebrates  of  India  it 
is  impossible  to  refer,  although  remarks  relating  to  some  of  them  will  be  found  in 
the  next  two  chapters. 






The  Malay  Province 

Burma  and  the  Malay  countries  form  a  part  of  the  great  Oriental  region,  but  may 
be  conveniently  considered  as  a  province  by  themselves.  This  province  includes  the 
Assam  and  Sylhet  districts  of  north-eastern  India,  Burma,  a  considerable  portion 
of  China,  and  all  of  the  Asiatic  continent  lying  to  the. south  and  south-east  of 
this,  as  well  as  the  islands  as  far  as,  and  inclusive  of,  the  Philippines,  the  Moluccas, 
and  Celebes.  The  fauna  of  Celebes  and  the  Moluccas  presents,  it  is  true,  a  certain 
similarity  with  that  of  Australia  and  New  Guinea,  and  for  a  long  time  all  four 
areas  were  included  in  the  same  zoogeographical  realm.  Of  late  years,  however, 
naturalists  have  realised  that  the  animals  of  Celebes  and  the  Moluccas  have  greater 
affinities  with  those  of  the  Malay  countries  than  with  those  of  Australasia.  It 
should  be  added  that  the  Andamans,  as  well  as  the  islands  of  Hainan  and  Formosa, 
are  included  in  the  Malay  province. 

As  might  be  expected  from  the  luxuriant  forests  which  clothe  the  greater  part 
of  this  vast  tract,  and  the  slight  difference  between  the  wet  winter  and  the  still 
rainier  summer,  the  fauna  of  the  Malay  province  is  decidedly  of  a  more  Oriental 
type  than  is  the  case  with  that  of  India  itself,  where  a  large  admixture  of  forms 
characteristic  of  south-western  Asia  is  met  with. 

Among  the  mammals  of  the  Malay  tract  the  number  of  kinds  of 
monkeys,  especially  langurs,  forms  a  predominant  feature  in  the 
fauna.  In  Aracan,  Pegu,  and  northern  Tenasserim  this  group  is  represented  by 
Phayre's  langur  (Semnopithecus  phayrei).  In  this  species  the  females  measure 
about  18h  inches  to  the  root  of  the  tail,  while  the  tail  itself  is  some  21  inches  more. 
The  males  somewhat  exceed  their  partners  in  size.  The  most  characteristic  feature 
of  this  langur  is  the  presence  of  a  peaked  longitudinal  crest  on  the  crown  of  the 
head.  The  general  colour  is  dark  ashy  brown,  darker  on  the  head  and  limbs  than 
elsewhere,  the  root  of  the  tail  being  whitish  and  the  tip  dark.     A  silvery  gloss  is 


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noticeable  on  the   upper-parts,  and  the  under-parts  are  white  or  whitish.     This 
langur  inhabits  forests,  or  bamboo-plantations  on  the  slopes  of  mountains  or  the 
banks  of  rivers,  and  goes  about  in  troops  of  from  twenty  to  thirty  head.     It  is 
oftener  heard  than  seen,  as  it  is  very  shy  and   cautious;   and  when  a  troop   is 
disturbed  its  members  hurry  through  the  forest,  leaping   from  tree  to  tree,  and 
violently  shaking  the  branches  as  they  go.     Sometimes  an  old  male  will  remain  in 
a  secure  situation  on  the  top  of  some  high  tree,  where  he  is  recognisable  by  his 
warning  call,  which  resembles  that  of  the  hanuman.     The  young  mew  like  cats  or 
utter    a   plaintive  sound  expressive   of  want.      Another   member   of   this    group, 
inhabiting  the  forests  of  Cochin  China  and  Hainan,  deserves  mention  on  account  of 
its  peculiar  form.    The 
body    is    remarkably 
short,   the    arms    and 
legs     are     of    almost 
equal  length,  and  the 
coloration  and  mark- 
ing   are    of    a    very 
striking    type.       The 
douc    langur   (S.    ne- 
mceus),  as  this  species 
is  called,  has  a  brilliant 
yellow  face,  with  pale 
grey   whiskers,  while 
a  bright  chestnut  band 
below  the  ear  adds  to 
the    varied  coloration 
of    its    brown    head. 
The  general  colour  is 
dark  grey  above  and 
lighter     grey    below 
with    a    large    white 


spot  on  the  lower  part 

of     the     back.      The 

tail  is  also  white,  but 

the  upper  parts  of  the  arms  and  legs,  as  well  as  the  hands  and  feet,  are  black,  the 

fore-arms  are  white,  and  the  lower  portions  of  the  legs  a  bright  reddish  brown. 

All  these  colours  are  in  strong  contrast    to  one  another,  thus  making  the  douc 

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one  of  the  most  brilliantly  coloured  of  all  mammals. 

Of  the  macaques  two  species  deserve  special  notice.  The  first, 
the  crab-eating  macaque  (Macacus  cynomolgiis),  inhabits  river-deltas 
and  the  shores  of  tidal  rivers.  Its  range  extends  over  a  great  part  of  Burma, 
including  Arakan,  as  well  as  Tenasserim,  Siam,  and  the  Malay  Archipelago,  but  in 
the  latter  area,  as  in  the  Nicobars,  it  seems  to  have  been  introduced  by  the  Malays, 
who  are  very  fond  of  animals.  This  monkey  is  distinguished  by  its  stout  body, 
large  head,  and  very  short  neck.  The  legs  are  stout  and  rather  short,  and  the  tail 
is    long  and  somewhat  thick  at  the  root.     The  general  colour  is  greyish  brown, 





vor..  ii. 

1 1 


reddish,  or  golden  brown  above,  and  light  grey  or  nearly  white  below,  with  the 
bare  parts,  namely,  the  face,  ears,  and  buttocks,  flesh-coloured  or  dark  brown,  while 
the  eyelids  are  in  manj  cases  white  or  bluish  white.  These  macaques  are  generally 
found  in  troops  of  from  fifteen  to  twenty  in  number,  and  are  most  abundant  in 
mangrove-thickets,  where  they  subsist  mainly  on  insects  and  crabs.  Old  males 
attain  a  length  of  22  inches,  with  a  tail-length  of  19  inches.  The  mouths  of  the 
rivers  of  Tenasserim  and  Arakan,  as  well  as  the  delta  of  the  Irawadi,  being  the  only 
ways  into  the  interior  of  the  country,  these  macaques  are  so  accustomed  to  the 
presence  of  man  that  they  will  allow  themselves  to  be  approached  quite  close,  and 
will  often  follow  vessels  for  some  distance.  Being  good  swimmers  and  divers,  they 
are  almost  as  much  at  home  in  the  water  as  on  the  banks  and  beaches  where  they 
seek  their  food.  The  newly  born  young  may  be  seen  clinging  to  their  mothers  at 
all  times  of  the  year.  If  its  offspring  attempts  to  let  go  its  hold  the  mother  tries  to 
soothe  it  by  patting  it  on  the  head,  and  pressing  it  with  a  serious  air  to  her  breast, 
the  screaming  and  chattering  youngster  behaving  all  the  time  like  an  obstinate 
baby.  The  young  of  this  docile  and  amusing  monkey  soon  become  tame,  and  the 
females  always  remain  gentle,  although  the  males  grow  morose  and  malicious  in 
old  age. 

The  second  species,  the  pig-tailed  monkey  (M.  nemestrinus),  is  characterised 
by  its  short  and  stout  body,  its  long  and  muscular  limbs,  and  prolonged  muzzle. 
The  hair  is  generally  short,  but  somewhat  longer  on  the  shoulders  than  elsewhere. 
The  tail,  which  is  slender  and  pig-like,  is  about  a  third  the  length  of  the  body,  and 
is  carried  erect.  In  general  colour  this  species  is  yellowish  brown  above,  and 
lighter  below,  with  the  head  dark  brown  or  black.  A  broad  black  stripe  runs 
down  the  back,  and  the  tail  is  in  all  cases  black  at  the  base  and  pale  yellowish 
brown  at  the  tip.  The  length  of  the  head  and  body  averages  about  18^  inches, 
and  that  of  the  tail  8  inches.  The  pig-tailed  macaque  inhabits  the  greater  part  of 
Tenasserim,  especially  the  south,  as  well  as  southern  Burma,  the  Malay  Peninsula, 
and  Sumatra,  Java,  and  Borneo.  In  Sumatra  it  is  trained  by  the  natives  to  pluck 
and  carry  down  cocoa-nuts  from  the  trees.  A  peculiarity  of  this  monkey  is  its 
habit  of  bending-  its  tail  in  a  double  curve  when  excited. 

Of  the  family  of  man-like  apes  (which  are  unknown  in  India 
proper)  there  are  several  Malay  representatives.  Of  these  the  gibbons, 
which  are  peculiar  to  this  tract,  are  characterised  by  their  slender  bodies,  and  their 
inordinately  long  arms,  which  touch  the  ground  when  the  animals  walk  or  stand 
erect.  One  of  the  best-known  species,  the  hulok  (Hylobates  huloc),  is  almost  con- 
fined to  mountainous  forests,  and  inhabits  the  lower  ranges  of  Bhutan,  Assam,  Sylhet, 
Cachar,Manipur,  Chittagong,  Arakan,  and  the  Irawadi  Valleynear  Bhamo.  Like  most 
other  gibbons,  the  hulok  is  generally  found  in  troops  of  fifty  to  a  hundred  or  more, 
only  the  old  males  leading  a  solitary  life.  The  males  are  black,  and  the  females 
brownish  black  or  whitish  brown  in  colour.  The  length  is  about  20  inches ;  the  arms 
measure  about  24  inches,  and  the  legs  19  inches  ;  and  the  height,  when  standing  erect, 
is  about  31  inches.  This  gibbon  is  exclusively  arboreal,  and,  assisted  by  its  long  arms, 
is  able  to  leap  enormous  distances  from  branch  to  branch  and  from  tree  to  tree ; 
it  descends  mountains  with  surprising  agility,  grasping  bamboo  stems  or  branches, 
bending  them  down  by  its  weight,  and  letting  them  go  as  soon  as  it  is  able  to  reach  the 

9W3Hh       Vi'-ifv** 

White-Handed  Gibbon. 

GIBB  ONS—L  ORIS — BA  TS  163 

next  branch  on  its  descent.  It  ascends  mountains  quite  as  quickly,  but  when  walking 
on  level  ground  may,  in  spite  of  its  rapid  strides,  be  easily  overtaken.  It  walks 
with  the  sole  flat  on  the  ground  and  the  great  toe  extended  apart  from  the  others.  It 
is  at  once  distinguishable  from  the  other  gibbons  by  the  white  bar  across  the  eye- 
brows, and  its  black  hands  and  feet.  Its  food  consists  of  fruits,  leaves,  and  young 
twigs,  but  also  includes  spiders,  insects,  birds'  eggs,  and  small  birds.  Huloks  in 
captivity  display  so  much  skill  and  activity  in  catching  and  eating  birds  that  it  is 
possible  these  may  form  the  principal  item  of  their  food  in  a  wild  state.  These 
gibbons  drink  like  baboons,  bending  down  their  heads  to  the  water,  and  drinking 
with  the  lips.  Their  name  is  derived  from  their  call,  the  two  syllables  of  which 
several  times  repeated  are  imitated  by  the  word  hu-lok.  At  some  distance  the 
voice  sounds  very  human,  and  has  a  kind  of  plaintive  ring.  Huloks  are  easily 
tamed  when  caught  young,  and  as  a  rule  are  gentle,  good-natured,  and  intelligent. 

Another  species,  the  white-handed  gibbon  (H.  lar),  inhabits  Tenasserim,  Arakan, 
and  the  Malay  Peninsula,  where  it  is  found  at  a  height  of  3500  feet  or  more  in  the 
mountains.  This  gibbon  also  has  a  whitish  bar  across  the  eyebrows,  but,  unlike 
the  hulok,  its  hands  and  feet  are  white.  The  legs  are  20  inches  long,  the  arms 
measure  25  inches,  and  the  height  when  erect  reaches  30  inches,  the  females  being 
smaller  than  the  males.  This  gibbon  is  so  exclusively  an  arboreal  animal,  and 
depends  so  much  on  its  hands  when  in  movement  that  it  carries  its  burdens  with  its 
feet.  Unlike  the  hulok,  it  is  said  to  drink  from  the  hollow  of  the  hand.  Neither  in 
the  wild  state  nor  in  captivity  is  it  so  active  or  cheerful  as  the  hulok,  nor  does 
it  walk  so  easily.  Its  voice  is  also  different,  but  in  other  respects  it  is  much  like 
its  relative. 

The  lemurs  are  represented  only  by  the  slow  loris  {Nycticebus 

tardigradus),  which  inhabits  the  mainland  east  of  the  Bay  of  Bengal, 
as  well  as  Sumatra,  Java,  and  Borneo.  This  loris  has  close,  woolly  hair,  which 
covers  the  face,  except  the  nose  and  lips,  and  almost  hides  the  ears  and  tail.  The 
larger  individuals  are  ashy  grey,  much  lighter  below  than  above,  with  a  more  or 
less  silvery  gloss  on  the  back,  and  a  chestnut  stripe  along  the  back,  expanding 
on  the  head,  where  it  forks,  one  branch  running  down  to  the  eye,  around  which  it 
forms  a  brown  ring.  From  this  larger  form  a  smaller  phase  is  distinguished  by  the 
reddish  grey  back,  and  lighter  coloured  under-parts,  the  stripe  along  the  back  being 
wider  and  in  many  cases  of  a  bright  brown.  The  broad  reddish  patch  in  which 
this  stripe  ends  on  the  head  encloses  the  ears,  but  does  not  reach  the  rings  encircling 
the  eyes.  The  slow  loris  is  exclusively  nocturnal,  and  feeds  partly  on  leaves,  young 
shoots,  and  fruits,  and  partly  on  insects,  birds'  eggs,  and  young  birds.  When  about 
to  catch  an  insect,  it  rises  on  its  hind-legs,  and  then  throws  itself  on  its  prey.  It 
is  generally  silent,  or  utters  only  a  feeble,  crackling  sound,  but  when  angry  or 
about  to  bite,  it  gives  vent  to  a  grunt. 

The  bats  of  the  Malay  province  are  mainly  of  the  same  types  as 

those  of  India.  The  Indian  fox-bat,  however,  is  represented  by  the 
kalong  or  Malay  fox-bat  (Pteropus  edulis),  which  is  the  largest  bat  known.  It  is 
very  like  its  relative,  but  darker  in  colour.  In  iength  it  measures  about  a  foot, 
but  its  wingspread  is  as  much  as  5  feet.  It  inhabits  the  Malay  Peninsula. 
Sumatra,  Java,  Borneo,  and  the  Philippines,  and  is  said  to  be  found  on  the  Nicobars 



and  Andamans.  The  small  long-tongued  fruit-bat  (Carponycteris  or  Macroglossus 
minimus),  which  ranges  from  northern  India  to  Australia  and  the  Bismarck  Archi- 
pelago, is  remarkable  on  account  of  its  diminutive  size,  its  length  being  only  2| 
inches.  Perhaps  the  most  remarkable  of  the  numerous  forms  of  insect-eating 
bats  inhabiting  the  tract  under  consideration  is  the  naked  bat  (Chiromeles 
torquatus),  which  has  almost  completely  bare  skin.  As  the  young  would  be 
unable  to  obtain  any  hold  on  a  surface  of  this  nature,  this  bat  is  provided 
with  large  pouches  on   the   under   surface    of   the  body,  in  which    its    offspring 

d/r^^-^^ir4'  -^ 




are    carried    about    in    safety.      This    bat    inhabits    the    Malay    Peninsula    and 

Among  the  Insectivora,  in  which  the  tract  is  fairly  rich,  the 
short-tailed  mole  (Talpa  micrura)  is  particularly  common  in  Nepal 
and  Sikhim,  as  well  as  on  the  mountains  of  Assam.  To  some  extent  it  differs  in 
habits  from  the  European  mole,  as  it  does  not  throw  up  hillocks  of  earth.  Its 
eyes  are  covered  with  skin,  and  it  derives  its  name  from  the  shortness  of  its  tail, 
which  is  almost  bare  and  completely  hidden  in  the  fur.  It  is  of  a  velvet-black 
colour,  with  a  more  or  less  distinct  silvery  gloss,  and  in  length  measures  about 
■ih  inches. 


Swimming-  The    Himalayan   swimming-shrew    (Chimarrogale   himalayica) 

shrew.         resembles    in    its  habits    the    European  water-shrew,  inhabiting  the 

banks    of     mountain-streams,    where    it    runs    over    the   stones    on   their   beds. 

It    swims   well,    and    is    said    to    live    on    water  -  insects    and    small    fishes.      In 

length    it    is    about    4i    inches,  its    tail    measuring    3  inches.      It    is    slaty  grey 

above  with    bright  blackish  brown  to  the  tips  of  the  hairs,  and  pale  brownish 

grey  below. 

The  gymnuras,  which  are  allies  of  the  hedgehogs,  but  without 
Gymnuras.  .  .    ,  ,.  ~.T   .  „  „  . .  ,  ., 

spines,  are  mainly  peculiar  to  Malaya.     One  or  the  two  largest  is  the 

long-tailed  gymnura  {Gymnura  rafflesi),  which  inhabits  the  Malay  Peninsula,  the 
south  of  Tenasserim,  and  the  island  of  Sumatra.  This  species  has  a  long  head, 
with  a  pointed  muzzle,  rounded  ears,  well-developed  claws,  and  a  naked  rat- 
like tail.  It  attains  a  length  of  14  inches,  with  a  tail  about  three-quarters  as 
long  as  the  body.  In  colour  it  is  white  and  black,  the  head  and  neck  being  white, 
with  the  exception  of  a  black  spot  on  the  crown  and  over  each  eye,  and  the  rest  of 
the  body  is  black.  The  arrangement  of  colour  varies  greatly,  however,  and  in 
Burma  these  animals  have  in  many  cases  a  white  tip  to  the  tail,  while  the  Bornean 
G.  alba  is  white  all  over.  Gymnuras  are  exclusively  nocturnal,  feeding  principally 
on  cockroaches,  ants,  and  larvae ;  they  exhale  a  peculiarly  disagreeable,  garlic-like 
smell.  The  short-tailed  gymnura  (Hylomys  suilla)  is  a  much  smaller  animal,  of 
less  than  5  inches  in  length,  with  a  very  abbreviated  tail.  It  ranges  from 
Burma,  Tenasserim,  and  the  Malay  Peninsula  to  Sumatra,  Borneo,  and  Java.  A 
third  genus  is  represented  by  the  Philippine  Podogymnura  truei.  It  is  allied  to 
Gymnura  and  Hylomys,  and  has  a  long  hind-foot  and  a  stout  tail  rather  more 
than  a  third  the  length  of  head  and  body. 

Very  characteristic  of  the  Malay  countries  are  the  tree-shrews, 

which  are  somewhat  squirrel-like  animals,  although  with  the  elongated 

muzzle  and  sharp-cusped  cheek-teeth  characteristic  of  the  Insectivora  generally. 
They  are  practically  unique  in  the  group  in  their  diurnal  and  arboreal  habits.  A 
well-known  example  is  the  Malay  tree-shrew  ( Tupaia  ferruginea),  which  measures 
nearly  8  inches  to  the  root  of  the  tail,  the  tail  itself  being  about  9  inches  long. 
Its  colour  on  the  upper-parts  varies  from  yellowish  and  brownish  to  deep  rusty 
red,  the  under-parts  being  white.  The  range  of  this  species  includes  Burma,  the 
Himalaya  as  far  westward  as  Nepal,  the  Malay  Peninsula,  Sumatra,  Java,  and 
Borneo.  Tree-shrews  live  both  in  forests  and  bamboo-plantations,  as  well  as  in 
bushes  or  trees  near  villages.  They  feed  on  insects  and  fruit,  and,  according  to 
native  reports,  small  birds  and  mice.  When  feeding,  they  sit  up  on  their  hind-legs 
and  hold  their  food  with  the  fore-feet,  licking  their  palms  at  the  end  of  the  meal, 
and  also  smoothing  down  their  coats  with  their  claws.  They  drink  often,  and  not 
unfrequently  bathe.  In  disposition  they  are  pugnacious,  fighting  among  them- 
selves when  in  captivity.  When  agitated  they  utter  shrill  cries,  their  usual  call 
being  a  short  jerky  whistle.  A  very  remarkable  member  of  the  group  is  the  pen- 
tailed  tree-shrew  (Ptilocercus  lowi),  of  Borneo  and  the  Malay  Peninsula,  a  mouse- 
like creature,  with  an  inordinately  long  tail,  of  which  the  greater  portion  is  nearly 
naked,  but  the  extremity  ornamented  with  two  ridges  of  long  hair  arranged  like 
the  vanes  of  a  feather. 

1 66 



Still  more  remarkable  are  the  flying-lemurs,  or  cobegos,  of  which 
one  species  (Galeopitheciis  volans)  inhabits  the  Malay  Peninsula,  Java, 
Sumatra,  and  Borneo,  and  a  second  the  Philippines.  These  strange  animals, 
which  fly  by  means  of  a  parachute,  are  evidently  related  to  the  more  typical 
Insectivora,  and  perhaps  serve  to  show  how  the  ancestors  of  the  latter  have  been 
gradually  modified  into  bats.       The  Malay  cobego,  which  has  a  length  of  about 


16  inches,  and  a  tail  measuring  some  9  inches,  is  protected  from  attack  by  its 
peculiar  coloration.  Leading  an  exclusively  nocturnal  life,  and  often  hanging  on 
the  trunks  and  branches  of  trees  during  the  day  with  its  head  downward,  the 
cobego  when  at  rest  looks  exactly  like  a  piece  of  bark.  The  short,  thin,  soft  fur  com- 
pletely covers  even  the  parachute,  and  varies  in  colour  between  darkish  grey  and 
light  chestnut-brown,  while  the  lower-parts  are  light  brown  with  a  more  or  less 
reddish  hue.  The  back  is  so  thickly  speckled  with  silvery  white  as  to  form  an 
almost  exact  imitation  of  the  lichen-clad  trunk  on  which  the  creature  rests. 




Several  carnivorous  mammals  are  highly  characteristic  of  the 
Malay  countries.  Among  them  is  the  clouded  leopard  (Felis  nebulosa), 
which  inhabits  heights  up  to  6500  feet  in  the  south-eastern  Himalaya  and  the 
mountains  of  Assam,  Burma,  Siam,  the  Malay  Peninsula,  Sumatra,  Java,  and  Borneo, 
being  replaced  in  Formosa  by  a  race  with  a  shorter  tail.     In  the  typical  race  the 


tail  is  generally  four  -  fifths  the 
length  of  its  body,  which  is  38  or 
40  inches ;  in  addition  to  its  length, 
the  tail  is  remarkable  for  its  long 
close  fur,  which  is  almost  equally 
thick  throughout.  In  general 
colour  this  cat  is  earthy  greyish 
or  pale  yellowish  brown,  the  lower- 
parts  as  well  as  the  inner  sides 
of  the  legs  being  white  or  yellow- 
ish. On  the  head  it  is  more  or 
less  distinctly  marked  with  ver- 
tical stripes,  and  on  the  sides 
with  large  irregular  dark  blotches  of  which  in  old  individuals  only  the  black 
edges  remain.  The  legs  and  lower-parts  are  marked  with  black  spots,  and  the 
tail  is  irregularly  ringed.  Although  its  habits  are  very  imperfectly  known,  this 
cat  apparently  leads  a  nocturnal  life,  feeding  on  mammals  and  birds.  Still  less 
is  known  about  its  smaller  relative  the  marbled  cat  (F.  marmorata),  which  is  of 
similar  marking  and  colouring,  and  has  a  length  of  about  21 A  inches,  with  a  tail  of 





15  inches.  It  inhabits  the  same  countries  as  the  preceding,  and  seems  to  live 
principally  on  trees.  Quite  unknown  are  the  habits  of  the  golden  cat  (F.  temminclei), 
which  is  40  inches  long  including  the  tail,  and  inhabits  the  south-eastern  Himalaya, 
Tenasserim,  Sumatra,  and  Borneo,  and  probably  also  Burma  and  Malacca.  It  has 
occasionally  been  brought  alive  to  Europe.  The  flat-headed  cat  (F.  planiceps),  so 
called  on  account  of  its  flat,  marten-like  head,  is  a  species  confined  to  the  Malay 
Peninsula,  Sumatra,  and  Borneo.  It  is  one  of  the  few  uniformly  coloured  cats,  and 
is  the  size  of  the  domestic  species,  but  with  shorter  legs  and  long  soft  fur.  Its 
colour  above  is  deep  dark  reddish  brown  with  silvery  speckles,  and  whitish  with 
more  or  less  brown  speckles  beneath. 
Burmese  Civet  To  the  east  of  the  Bay  of  Bengal  the  Indian  civet  is  replaced  by 

and  Linsangs.  the  Burmese  Viverra  megasjnla,  which  ranges  through  Burma,  the 
Malay  Peninsula,  Cochin  China,  and  Sumatra.  Much  more  interesting  are  the 
linsangs,  which  form  a  group  of  civets  confined  to  the  Malay  countries  and  the 
eastern  Himalaya,  although,  like  many  Malay  types,  Vaey  have  a  relative  in  the 
forest-district  of  Africa.  The  Nepalese  linsang  {Lbnsanga  pardicolor),  which  has 
a  tail  almost  as  long  as  its  body,  is  marked  with  large  black  spots  on  the  very  pale 
brown  of  the  back  and  sides,  but  is  unspotted  below.  The  head  is  brown  with,  in 
many  cases,  a  black  spot  behind  each  ear ;  there  are  four  vertical  bands  on  each  side 
of  the  neck,  and  two  wider  bands  start  behind  the  ears ;  these  latter  do  not  break 
up  into  spots  so  much  as  is  the  case  with  those  behind  the  shoulders.  These  bands 
are  continued  in  rows  of  large  round  spots,  interrupted  by  smaller  ones  in  the 
middle,  all  along  the  back,  while  the  sides  are  marked  by  three  rows  of  square- 
shaped  or  round  spots,  becoming  smaller  towards  the  lower-parts.  The  spots  which 
compose  these  rows  form  cross-lines ;  and  a  more  or  less  regular  spotting  is  also 
noticeable  on  the  outer  sides  of  the  limbs,  except  the  feet,  which  are  pale  brown  and 
unspotted.  The  tail  is  marked  with  from  eight  to  ten  alternately  dark  and  light 
rings  of  almost  equal  width,  and  thereby  contributes  much  to  the  beauty  of  this 
graceful  little  civet.  The  length  of  the  head  and  bod}7  is  from  14  to  15  inches,  and 
that  of  the  tail  from  12  to  13.  The  linsang  is  at  home  both  on  the  ground  and  on 
trees;  it  sleeps  and  rears  its  young  in  holes  in  branches  or  the  trunks,  and  is  generally 
solitary.  It  catches  small  birds  by  jumping  on  them  from  a  hiding-place  in  the 
grass.  In  February  and  August  the  female  produces  a  pair  of  kittens.  No  dis- 
agreeable civet-like  smell  emanates  from  this  beautiful  little  animal.  In  Tenasserim 
the  Nepalese  linsang  is  replaced  by  the  Burmese  species  (L.  maculosa),  of  whose 
habits  nothing  is  known. 

The   palm-civets  are   represented   by  the   Malay  Paradoxwrus 
Palm-Civets.  r  .  r  J  0. 

hermajjhroditiLS,  which  ranges  from  the  Bay  of  Bengal  to  Siam,  the 

Malay  Peninsula,  Sumatra,  Java,  and  Borneo.  Another  kind,  the  Himalayan  palm- 
civet  (P.  grayi),  ranges  from  Simla  into  Assam,  Arakan,  and  the  Andamans.  It  is 
more  of  a  vegetable-feeder  than  the  Indian  palm-civet,  but,  like  the  latter,  is  partly 
carnivorous,  devouring  birds  and  small  mammals.  It  lives  in  mountainous  forests, 
sleeping  in  hollows  in  trees,  where  it  probably  gives  birth  to  four  young  at  a  time. 
It  is  said  to  do  great  damage  to  the  banana-plantations  in  the  Andaman  Islands. 
A  third  kind,  the  small-toothed  palm-civet  (Arctogalidia  leucotis),  is  distinguished 
by  the  smallness  of   its  teeth,  with  the  exception  of  the   canines,  as   well   as  by 



the  large  bare  soles  of  its  feet  and  a  peculiar  divergence  between  its  first  digits  and 
the  others.  It  ranges  from  Sikhim  to  Borneo,  its  habits  being  probably  very 
similar  to  those  of  the  other  members  of  the  group.  Hardwicke's  palm-civet 
(Hemigale  hardwickei)  is  a  transversely  banded  member  of  the  group,  which  forms 
a  genus  by  itself;  it  is  a  native  of  the  Malay  Peninsula,  Sumatra,  and  Borneo.  The 
last  named-island  is  the  home  of  an  allied  striped  species,  Dvplogale  Itosei,  which 
likewise  represents  a  genus  by  itself. 



Binturo  A  distant  relative  of  the   palm-civets  is   the   weird    binturong 

(Arctictis  binturong),  which  is  probably  an  extremely  ancient  type  of 
animal,  and  is  peculiar  among  the  Carnivora  on  account  of  its  prehensile  tail,  being 
the  only  known  placental  mammal  with  a  truly  prehensile  tail  in  the  Old  World.  It 
is  the  only  representative  of  its  genus,  and  has  rather  a  wide  distribution  in  the  Malay 
Province.  It  differs  from  the  palm-civets  by  walking  on  the  whole  soles  of  its  feet, 
as  is  indicated  by  the  large  tract  devoid  of  hair  on  the  hind-pair.  The  claws  are 
short  and  partially  retractile,  and  the  short  ears  are  surmounted  with  long  tufts  of 
hair.     With  the  exception  of  a  whitish  edge  to  the  ears,  the  whole  of  the  long  and 



coarse  hair  clothing  the  head,  body,  limbs,  and  tail  is  black  with  a  more  or  less 
marked  greyish  grizzle.  To  the  root  of  the  tail  the  length  is  from  28  to  33  inches, 
and  that  of  the  tail  2G  or  27.  The  tail,  which  is  very  thick  at  the  root,  is  covered 
with  bristly  hairs  longer  than  those  on  the  body.  The  binturong  ranges  from  Simla 
through  the  Malay  Peninsula  to  Java ;  it  feeds  on  small  mammals,  birds,  fishes, 
worms,  insects,  and  fruits,  leading  a  nocturnal  life  among  the  trees,  and  climbing  in 
a  somewhat  slow  manner,  partially  supported  by  its  tail.  The  binturong  is  said  to 
have  a  loud  howling  voice,  and  to  be  fierce  by  nature,  although  easily  tamed  when 
caught  young. 

web-Footed  Another  very  remarKable  Malay  representative  of  the  group  is 

Civet.         the  web-footed  civet  (Cynogale  bennetti),  which  is  a  distinctly  aquatic 

animal,  although  a  good  climber.     It  feeds  partly  on  land  animals  and  fruits,  but 

Sis'"*'-       ., 


chiefly  on  crabs  and  fishes.  In  external  appear- 
ance it  presents  some  resemblance  to  an  otter. 
The  anterior  cheek-teeth  are  unusually  long, 
probably  for  seizing  and  rending  fish.  Like  the  otter,  it  has  a  broad  depressed  muzzle, 
thickly  fringed  with  whiskers,  which  are  unusually  long  on  the  cheeks  and  over 
the  eyes.  The  toes  are  webbed  at  the  base.  The  short  tail  measures  only  9£  inches, 
the  length  of  the  head  and  body  being  about  32  inches.  In  colour  this  civet  is 
brownish,  the  back  and  outside  of  the  legs  being  more  grizzly  than  the  rest.  It  is 
a  native  of  the  Malay  Peninsula,  Sumatra,  and  Borneo. 

Crab-Eating  The  mongooses  are  represented  by  the  crab-eating  species  (Her- 

Mongoose.  pestes  urva),  which  ranges  from  Nepal  to  southern  China,  One  of  its 
distinctive  features  is  the  white  behind  the  eye ;  the  general  colour  on  the  legs  and 
under-parts  is  reddish  brown,  and  on  the  back  grey  ;  the  tail  has  no  black  tip.  This 
mongoose,  which  is  partly  aquatic  in  its  habits,  and  feeds  chiefly  on  crabs  and  frogs, 
is  stoutly  built  and  about  20  inches  in  length  to  the  root  of  the  tail,  the  tail  itself 
measuring  about  a  foot. 



Malay  Wild 

Eastward  of  the  Bay  of  Bengal  hyaenas  are  unknown,  and  the 
only  members  of  the  dog  family  met  with  are  the  jackal  and  the 
Malay  wild  dog  (Canis  sv/matrensis).  The  latter  differs  from  the  Indian  race  of 
the  same  species  by  its  inferior  stature,  slighter  build,  and  colour,  the  upper-parts 


being  rufous  and  the  lower  surface  white.     In  habits  the  two  races  appear,  how- 
ever, to  be  practically  identical. 

The  Himalayan  black  bear  is  met  with  as  far  south  as  Mergui, 
a  ay    ear.     ^^  ^^  .^  wegtern  an(j  southern  China,  Hainan,  and  Formosa.     The 

typical  bear  of  south-eastern  Asia  is,  however,  the  Malay  bear  (Zfrsws  malayanus), 



which  ranges  from  Chittagong  to  Borneo,  and  likewise  extends  into  the  Sze-chuan 
province  of  western  China.  This  is  a  very  small  species,  apparently  never 
attaining  a  greater  length  than  4|  feet,  the  tail  measuring  about  2  inches.  It  is 
specially  characterised  by  its  short  and  rounded  skull.  The  fur  is  short  and 
coarse,  the  claws  are  curved,  the  ears  are  small,  and  the  tongue  is  very  long.  The 
general  colour  of  the  fur  is  black  shading  to  brown,  becoming  whitish  on  the 
muzzle  and  chin,  and  round  the  e}^es.  On  the  throat  is  a  pale-coloured  gorget, 
the  broad  extremities  of  this  often  coalescing  to  form  a  large  patch,  the  end  of 
which  tapers  and  is  continued  down  the  body.  Very  little  is  known  of  the  habits 
of  this  bear  in  the  wild  state,  although  it  is  comparatively  common  in  menageries. 
It  seems  to  be  a  thoroughly  forest-animal,  and  an  excellent  climber,  living  chiefly 
on  fruits,  but  preying  upon    mammals   and    birds  when    opportunity  offers,  and 


probably  also  feeding  on  insects  and  their  larvae,  while  it  evidently  has  a  liking 
for  honey. 

Himalayan  That  very  remarkable  mammal,  the  Himalayan  panda  (A^lurus 

Panda.  fulgens),  which,  together  with  the  short-tailed  panda  of  Sze-chuan 
forms  a  special  subfamily  of  the  raccoons,  inhabits  the  south-eastern  Himalaya  at  an 
altitude  of  6500  to  11,000  feet.  It  does  not  occur  west  of  Nepal,  but  is  distributed 
through  the  mountains  north  of  Assam  and  into  Yunnan.  It  has  a  broad  rounded 
head,  circular  pupils  to  the  eyes,  which  are  set  well  forward,  large  ears,  stout 
limbs,  with  the  feet  thickly  covered  with  hair  on  the  under  side,  long,  sharp, 
curved,  partially  retractile  claws,  and  a  long  ringed  tail.  The  length  of  the  body 
is  about  24  inches,  and  the  tail  measures  about  19  inches.  The  coat  is  long  and 
thick,  with  woolly  under-fur  ;  the  colour  on  the  back,  head,  and  tail  is  bright  rufous, 
but  the  under-parts  and  inner  sides  of  the  limbs  are  blackish.  The  face  and  lower 
lip  are  white,  except  for  a  reddish   stripe  extending  over  the  eyes  down  to  the 


corners  of  the  mouth  ;  the  ears  are  white  on  the  edges  and  inner  surface.     The 

panda,  as  a  rule,  is  found   in  pairs  or  small  families  in  the  forest,  living  in  the 

hollows  of  trees,  and  probably  also  among  rocks,  but  spending  much  of  its  time  on 

the  ground,  where  it  feeds.     Its  food  seems  to  consist  of  grass,  roots,  fruits,  and 

bamboo-shoots,  and  also  eggs,  and  insects  and   their  larvae.     On  the  ground  its 

movements  are  very  slow  and  awkward,  but  it  can  hold  fruit  and  other  objects 

between  the  fore-paws.     Its  senses  of  hearing,  sight,  and  smell  do  not  appear  to 

be  very  well  developed,  and  as  its  movements  are  slow  and  it  is  not  shy,  the  panda 

is  easily  caught.     It  sleeps  curled  up  like  a  dog,  with  the  head  covered  by  the  tail, 

or  hidden  between  the  chest  and  fore-paws.     It  is  also  known  to  sleep  on  its  legs, 

in  the  manner  often  seen  among  the  American  raccoons,  in  accordance  with  its 

habit  of  reposing  on  the  branches  of  trees.     It  does  not  seem  to  be  exclusively 

nocturnal  in  its  habits,  although  sleeping  a  great  deal  during  the  day ;    captive 

specimens  being  most  lively  in  the  mornings  and  evenings.      Its  usual  cry  is  a  short 

feeble  chirping  like  that  of  a  bird,  but  when  angry  it  rears  itself  in  bear-fashion 

on  its  hind-legs,  as  if  to  seize  the  intruder,  and  snorts  or  hisses.     The  male  when 

excited   emits   a   strong   smell  of   musk.      A   local  race  of  the  species  inhabits 


Very   characteristic    of   the    Malay    province    are    the   so-called 
Ferret-Badgers.  .  . 

ferret-badgers,  of  which  four  species  are  known,  two  of  these  being 

Chinese  and  the  others  more  distinctly  Malayan.     The  Burmese  species  (Helictis 

personata)  is    a  small  mammal  with  a  long  body,  head,  and  nose,  living  in  trees 

and  feeding  on  fruits,  small  mammals,  and  birds.     It  is  mainly  confined  to  Manipur 

and   lower   Burma.     The  limbs  are  short,  strong,  and  somewhat  compressed,  the 

pads  of  the  soles  being  naked,  and  the  claws  of  the  fore-feet  double  as  long  as 

those   of   the   hind-feet.     The   upper-parts  are   grey.     The  brown   ferret-badger 

(H.  orientaiis),  in  which  the  upper-parts  are  brown,  ranges  from  Nepal  to  Java. 

Like  the  Burmese  species,  it  is  about  16  inches  long,  with  a  tail  of  9  inches.     In 

habits  these  animals  appear  to  be  nocturnal,  and  they  live  chiefly  in  woods. 

The    sand-badgers,   of    which  there  are   two   species,   are   more 
Sand-Badger.  .  °  .  . 

exclusively  Malayan.     They  have  stout  bodies  and  limbs,  rather  short 

tails,  long  mobile  muzzles,  naked  towards  the  tip  and  terminating  in  a  flat  disc 

like  the  snout  of  a  pig,  very  short  rounded  ears,  small  eyes,  slightly-curved  blunt 

claws,  and  long  coarse  hair,  with  a  woolly  under-fur.     The  common  sand-badger 

(Arctonyx  collaris),  which  occurs  in  Nepal,  Sikhim,  Assam,  Sylhet,  Cachar,  Arakan, 

Pegu,  and  Tenasserim,  is  more  or  less  dirty  grey  in  colour  above,  with  a  peculiar 

mark  on  the  white  head,  the  under-parts  and  legs  being  darker.     In  length  it 

measures   about   30   inches,    the   tail    being   about   11    inches.     Nocturnal  in  its 

habits,  it  lives  in  rocky  undulating  country,  and  in  thickets  among  hills,  hiding 

in  the  clefts  of  the  rock,  or   in   holes   excavated   by  its   powerful   claws.      The 

second  species,  A.  taxoides,  occurs  in  Assam,  Arakan,  and  probably  southern  China. 

The  otters  of  the  Malay  countries  are  to  a  great  extent  closely  allied 

to  those  of  India.    The  common  Indian  species,  for  instance,  is  met  with 

on  the  eastern  side  of  the  Bay  of  Bengal,  although  it  is  not  definitely  known  how 

far  east  and  south  its  range  extends.     The  same  is  the  case  with  the  smooth  Indian 

otter  (Lutra  ellioti),  which  also  inhabits  Burma  and  the  Malay  Peninsula.     A  third 



species,  the  clawless-otter  (L.  cinerea),  distinguished  by  the  extraordinary  small, 
stunted  claws,  which  are  sometimes  entirely  absent,  ranges  from  India  into  China. 
It  is  common  near  Calcutta,  in  Assam,  Burma,  southern  China,  and  the  Malay 
Peninsula  and  Islands,  and  is  said  to  be  the  species  which  frequents  the  neighbour- 
hood of  Newera  Elliya,  in  Ceylon.  The  head  and  body  of  this  species  measure 
about  2  feet,  and  the  tail  13  inches.     A  fourth  species  is  the  large  Malay  otter 


(L.  swmatrana),  distinguished  by  the  hairy  nose ;  it  inhabits  the  Malay  Peninsula 
and  Islands,  and  may  extend  into  Tenasserim. 

Passing  on  to  the  hoofed  animals,  we  find  the  gaur  (Bos  gav/rus), 
which  has  been  already  alluded  to  in  the  preceding  chapter,  extend- 
ing through  the  hilly  tracts  of  Burma  and  the  Malay  Peninsula.  Another  member 
of  the  group,  the  gayal  or  mithan,  is  found  in  a  domesticated  condition  from 
Tippera,  Manipur,  Cachar,  and  the  Lushai  Hills  to  Chittagong.     It  is  a  somewhat 


Ban  tin. 


smaller  animal  than  the  gaur,  with  a  flat  forehead,  regularly  conical  black  horns, 
and  no  forwardly-curving  ridge  between  the  latter.  The  general  colour  is 
blackish,  with  the  lower  part  of  the  legs  white.  As  mentioned  above,  the  saladang, 
or  Malay  race  of  the  gaur,  comes,  however,  very  close  in  the  characters  of  the  skull 
and  horns  to  the  gayal,  and  there  is  little  doubt  that  the  latter  is  merely  a  domesti- 
cated race  of  the  former,  in  which  case  it  is  not  entitled  to  a  distinct  scientific 
name.  Gayal  are  kept  by  the  Kukis  and  Manipuris  for  the  sake  of  their  flesh, 
and,  according  to  some  accounts,  also  for  their  milk,  although  the  latter  is  doubtful, 
because,  as  a  rule,  Buddhists  never  drink  milk.  These  animals  apparently  are 
not  used  either  for  tilling  the  ground  or  for  carrying  loads,  and  are  allowed  to 
wander  about  in  the  woods  during  the  day,  returning  in  the  evening  to  their 
owner's  village. 

Throughout  Burma  and  the  Malay  Peninsula  as  well  as  in 
Borneo  and  Java  occurs  a  very  distinct  species  of  wild  ox,  the  bantin 
(B.  scmdaicus),  which  also  inhabits  Siam  and  perhaps  Sumatra,  and  is  distributed 
northward  as  far  as  Pegu,  Arakan,  and  the  mountain-ranges  east  of  Chittagong. 
In  many  respects  the  bantin  resembles  the  gaur,  but  is  of  lighter  build,  with 
longer  limbs,  and  the  ridge  on  the  back  much  less  strongly  developed.  The 
dewlap  is  of  moderate  size,  and  the  tail  longer  than  that  of  the  gaur,  reaching  to 
the  hocks ;  the  head  is  also  somewhat  longer.  In  young  animals  the  horns  are 
cylindrical  in  shape,  but  in  fully  grown  animals  are  flattened  at  the  base.  In  the 
Javan  and  Bornean  races  the  cows  and  calves  are  bright  rufous  in  colour,  shading 
to  chestnut  about  the  head  and  upper  part  of  the  limbs,  but  the  old  bulls  are  black. 
In  both  sexes  the  lower  part  of  the  legs  are  white,  from  the  hocks  and  knees  down- 
wards, as  is  also  a  large  patch  on  the  buttocks ;  and  the  lips  and  in  sides  of  the  ears 
are  also  white.  The  bulls  of  the  Burmese  race  of  the  species — the  tsaine  of  the 
natives — are,  however,  tawny  or  pale  chestnut-coloured  at  all  ages.  The  bantin 
stands  about  66  inches  high  at  the  withers ;  and,  judging  from  the  length  of  its 
legs,  is  riot  such  a  good  climber  as  the  gaur,  being  more  restricted  to  the  plains 
covered  with  grass  and  jungle,  and  less  of  a  mountain-animal. 

The  humped  cattle,  or  zebu,  of  India  and  Africa,  are  probably  derived  from 
the  bantin. 

Brief  mention  may  be  made  of  the  serow  (Capricornis  suma- 
Serow  and  Goral.  .  .  J  tpitt-i 

trensis),  which    ranges    from    the    eastern    end  of   the  Himalaya, 

through  Manipur  and  Yunnan,  as  far  as   Sumatra,  and  is   met  with  in   Assam, 

Burma,  Siam,  and  the  Malay  Peninsula.     In  the  typical  Sumatran  race  the  lower 

part  of  the  legs  is  reddish,  but  in  the  Malay  race  (G.  s.  swettenltami)  the  colour  is 

almost  uniformly  black.      Another  race  (C.  s.  milne-edwardsi)  inhabits  Sze-chuan. 

A  goral,  which  appears  to  be  a  local  race  of  the  ashy  goral  of  Sze-chuan,  inhabits 

the  mountains  of  Burma,  and  has  been  named  Urotragus  cinereus  evansi. 

In  the  countries  east  of  the  Bay  of  Bengal  the  sambar  of  India 
Thamin.         .  J  °  .  . 

is  represented  by  a  distinct  race  (Cervus  umcolor  eqiiirms);  while  in 

Java  and  the  Moluccas  there  exists  an  allied  species,  the  rusa  (C.  hippelaphus),  with 

much  more  slender  antlers.     One  of  the  most  characteristic  deer  of  Burma  and  the 

Malay  Peninsula  is,  however,  the  thamin  {G.  eldi),  which  belongs  to  the  same  group 

as  the  barasingha  of  India,  from  which  it  is  distinguished,  among  other  features, 




by  the  peculiar  form  of  the  antlers.  The  thamin  inhabits  Manipur  and  suitable 
districts  throughout  Burma,  the  Malay  Peninsula,  Cambodia,  and  Hainan,  where 
it  always  frequents  alluvial  plains  near  rivers.     It  is  of  fairly  large  size,  the  stags 

standing  45  inches  at 
the  shoulder,  and  the 
hinds  about  42  inches. 
The  antlers,  which 
measure  on  an  average 
40  inches  or  more, 
have  exceptional^ 
long  and  curved  brow- 
tines,  which  form  a 
continuation  of  the 
curve  of  the  beam,  the 
junction  being  gener- 
j  ally  marked  by  a 
number  of  small  snags. 
The  beam,  which  for 
.1  considerable  dis- 
tance— generally  half 
its  length  —  is  un- 
branched,  and  curves 
backwards  and  out- 
wards and  finally  for- 
wards, carries  towards 
the  tip  a  number  of 
small  snags,  from  two 
or  three  up  to  nine  or 
ten.  In  Mergui  and 
Malacca  the  antlers 
are  shorter,  the  brow- 
tines  bearing  gener- 
ally from  two  to  three 
points:  in  Siam,  where 
the  upper  part  of  the 
antler  is  flattened,  it 
carries  numerous 
small  points.  The 
Siamese  race  is  known 
as  C.  eldi  platyceros. 
The  thamin  is  short- 
tailed,  coarse-haired, 
and  in  winter  shaggy- 
coated,  the  throat  of 
the  stags  being  thickly 
a  thamin  stag.  haired.      The    colour 


of  the  coat  in  winter  is  dark  brown,  in  summer  fawn,  the  hinds  being  paler 
and  redder.  The  fawns  are  spotted.  Thamin  are  generally  seen  in  herds  of 
from  ten  to  fifteen  or  more.  During  the  day  they  may  possibly  seek  the  shelter  of 
the  woods,  but  they  usually  keep  to  the  open  plains,  and  are  often  observed  grazing 
on  wild  rice  and  other  plants  ;  they  apparently  seek  marshy  spots,  not  on  account  of 
the  presence  of  water  alone,  since  they  are  met  with  in  plains  where  there  is  no 
water  during  the  dry  season.  In  Manipur  the  antlers  are  shed  in  June,  in  lower 
Burma  about  September.  In  Burma  the  rutting-time  lasts  from  March  to  May, 
and  the  fawns — generally  one  to  each  doe — are  usually  born  in  October  or 
November.  The  antlers  appear  in  the  second  year,  but  the  stags  are  not  fully 
developed  until  about  their  seventh  year, 
schomburgk's  A  very  distinct   species,  Schomburgk's  deer  (C.  schomburgki), 

and  other  Deer,  nearly  allied  to  the  thamin,  occurs  in  Siam,  but  very  little  is  known 
of  its  habits.  There  are  also  numerous  distinct  species  of  small  deer  in  the 
Philippines — among  them  Prince  Alfred's  deer  (C.  alfredi),  in  which  the  stags  are 
black  with  white  spots  at  all  seasons. 

The  muntjacs  are  represented  in  Moulmein  by  Cervulus  feat,  a 

species  which  differs  from  the  ordinary  forms  by  its  darker  colouring 
and  the  long  tuft  of  hair  between  the  antlers.  Other  species,  such  as  Reeves's 
muntjac  (C.  reevesi),  distinguished  by  its  small  size  and  bright  coloration,  inhabit 
China  and  Formosa.  The  Indian  muntjac  also  occurs  in  the  countries  east  of  the 
Bay  of  Bengal,  its  representative  in  Burma  having  been  named  Cervulus  muntjac 

Of    the    chevrotains    or   mouse-deer,    the    small    Malay   species 

(Tragidus  javanicus)  occurs  as  far  north  as  Tenasserim,  as  well  as  in 
Cambodia,  Cochin  China,  and  the  Malay  Peninsula  and  islands.  It  is  the  smallest 
of  the  ungulates  with  the  exception  of  the  pigmy  antelopes  of  West  Africa,  the 
head  and  body  measuring  only  18  inches  long  and  the  tail  3  inches.  In  colour  it 
is  reddish  brown  above,  and  whitish  below,  with  a  dark  line  down  the  nape 
and  generally  a  brown  stripe  down  the  chest.  This  chevrotain  frequents 
dense  jungle,  and  is  also  found  in  mangrove-swamps  on  the  coast.  Like  the  rest  of 
its  kind,  it  is  a  timid,  gentle  little  animal,  walking  on  the  tips  of  its  hoofs,  living 
alone  except  during  the  pairing-season,  and  easily  tamed.  The  second  species  is 
the  napu  (T.  napu),  which  inhabits  much  the  same  localities,  and  is  distinguished 
mainly  by  its  larger  size,  its  shoulder-height  being  about  13  inches  and  its  length 
about  27  inches.  Numerous  island  forms  of  these  two  species  have  received  dis- 
tinct names.    Of  a  third  species  (T.  Stanley  anus),  the  home  is  not  definitely  known. 

The  Indian  wild  boar  extends  into  Burma  ;  but  in  the  Malay  islands 
Wild  Pigs.       .  .  . 

its  place  is  taken  by  several  more  or  less  closely  allied  species,  such  as 

Sus  vittatus,  S.  verrucosus,  and  S.  barbatus,  the  latter  distinguished  by  the  great 

length  of  its  head.     A  small  pig  (S.  andamanensis)  inhabits  the  Andaman  Isles,  and 

differs  from  the  Indian  animal  not  only  by  its  inferior  size,  but  by  the  absence 

of  a  crest  of  long  hair  on  the  back. 

Javan  Of  the  two  Malay  rhinoceroses,  the  Javan,  or  lesser  one-horned 

Rhinoceros,     rhinoceros  (Rhinoceros  sondaicus),  is  distributed  from  Assam  through 

Burma  and  the  Malay  Peninsula  to  Sumatra,  Java,  and  Borneo ;  and  is  also  found 

vol.  11. — 12 



in  the  Bengal  Sandarbans  and  parts  of  eastern  Bengal.  It  is  considerably  smaller 
than  the  large  one-horned  Indian  species,  from  which  it  differs  widely  in  the  characters 
of  the  skin.  In  place  of  the  large  tubercles  of  the  Indian  species,  the  skin  of  the  body 
and  limbs  is  covered  with  small,  angular,  scaly  discs  of  uniform  size  which  form  a 
network  of  cracks.  As  in  the  Indian  rhinoceros,  the  skin  is  divided  into  shields  by 
folds,  those  before  and  behind  the  shoulders  being  continued  right  across  the  body 
like  the  other  two  main  folds.  The  horn,  which  is  frequently  absent  in  the 
female,  is  never  very  large.  This  rhinoceros  is  more  an  inhabitant  of  forests  than 
of  grassy  plains,  and  although  found  in  the  low  swamps  of  the  Sandarbans,  is 
usually  met  with  in  mountainous  regions.  In  Burma  and  Java  it  is  found  at  a 
considerable  altitude,  its  footprints  having  been  noticed  south-east  of  Sadiya  at  an 
altitude  of  6500  feet. 



The  two-horned  Sumatran  rhinoceros  (R.  sumatrensis)  ranges 
from  Assam  into  Siam,  and  southwards  into  Sumatra  and  Borneo. 
It  is  the  smallest  existing  member  of  the  group,  the  average  height  being  only 
about  4  feet.  This  rhinoceros  is  more  thickly  haired  than  any  of  the  other 
species,  the  greater  portion  of  the  body,  which  is  greyish  brown  or  black,  being 
thinly  covered  with  longish  black  hair,  which  tends,  however,  to  disappear  with 
age.  From  both  the  other  Asiatic  rhinoceroses  it  is  broadly  distinguished  by 
possessing  two  horns,  which  are  often  of  considerable  size  and  curve  backwards. 
The  skin  is  coarsely  granular,  with  the  folds  indistinctly  marked,  and  only  the  one 
behind  the  shoulder  continued  across  the  back.  It  also  differs  from  the  other 
species  in  having  only  one  pair  of  incisor  teeth  in  the  lower  jaw.  The  Chittagong 
representative  of  this  species  (R.  sumatrensis  lasiotis),  which  was  at  first  thought 


to  differ  from  the  Sumatran  and  Malay  animal  by  its  more  abundant  hair,  now 
appears  to  be  distinguishable  only  by  its  superior  size. 

The  Malay  tapir  (Tapirus  indicus),  which  ranges  from  Tenas- 

serim  to  Sumatra,  and  perhaps  Borneo,  is  the  only  representative  of 
its  kind  in  the  Old  World.  In  height  it  stands  about  40  inches  at  the  withers, 
and  has  a  curved  back,  measuring  along  the  curve  from  the  tip  of  the  nose  to 
the  root  of  the  tail  about  8  feet.  The  head,  legs,  and  the  fore  part  of  the  body 
are  black  or  dark  brown,  the  rest  of  the  body  and  the  tips  of  the  ears  being  white 
or  grey.  The  young  up  to  six  months  differ  in  colour  from  the  adults,  being  of  a 
soft  silky  dark  brown,  marked  with  brownish  yellow  spots,  especially  on  the  sides ; 
the  under-parts  are  white.  According  to  native  reports,  this  tapir,  instead  of 
swimming,  is  accustomed  to  walk  along  the  bottom  of  rivers  or  lakes. 
It  feeds  on  leaves  and  young  sprigs  and  buds ;  and  its  colouring  seems 
intended  to  break  up  the  outline  of  the  body,  and  thus  render  the  animal 

The  Irawadi  is  inhabited  by  a  fresh-water  dolphin  of  quite  a 
'  different  type  from  the  one  found  in  the  great  Indian  rivers.  This 
dolphin  (Orcella  fluminalis)  is  characterised  by  its  rounded  head,  short  beak,  small 
scythe-shaped  dorsal  fin,  and  moderately  large,  almost  oval  flippers.  It  occurs  locally 
in  the  Irawadi  from  Prome  to  Bhamo  in  the  deeper  parts  of  the  river,  but  has  never 
been  observed  in  the  tidal  portion,  so  that  it  appears  to  be  confined  exclusively  to 
fresh  water.  This  dolphin,  which  is  nearly  related  to  another  species  of  the  genus 
(0.  brevirostris)  inhabiting  the  Malay  seas,  is  characterised  by  the  small 
number  of  its  teeth,  of  which  it  has  in  the  upper  jaw  only  fifteen,  and  in  the  lower 
jaw  fourteen  pairs.  The  sides  of  the  body  are  marked  with  numerous  small 
irregular  stripes,  the  ground-colour  being  pale  slaty  above  and  white 
beneath.  The  length  is  about  7£  feet.  This  dolphin,  whose  food  consists, 
so  far  as  is  known,  entirely  of  fish,  is  a  sociable  species,  seldom  seen  alone. 
It  keeps  to  deep  water,  coming  to  the  surface  about  every  minute  or  so  to 
breathe,  when  it  emits  a  short  blowing  noise  while  exhaling  and  a  weaker  sound 
while  inhaling. 

Like  India,  the  Malay  province   is   rich   in   rodents,  especially 

the  squirrel  tribe.  In  the  eastern  Himalaya,  Sikhim,  Bhutan,  and 
the  large  mountain-forests  of  Assam,  Manipur,  Burma,  Siam,  the  Malay  Peninsula, 
Sumatra,  Java,  and  Borneo,  and  even  in  Celebes,  the  large  Indian  squirrel  is 
replaced  by  the  nearly  allied  Malay  form  (Ratufa  bicolor).  Similar  in  habits  to  the 
Indian  species,  this  squirrel  is  generally  seen  in  pairs;  it  eats  fruits  and  nuts  of  various 
kinds,  as  well  as  insects  and  birds'  eggs,  and  has  a  loud  harsh  cry.  In  colour  it  is 
black  or  dark  brown  above,  and  paler  underneath.  The  black-backed  squirrel 
(Sciurus  atrodorsalis)  has  a  black  stripe  on  the  back ;  its  tail  is  7  inches  long,  the 
body  measuring  8^  inches.  It  inhabits  Siam,  but  is  represented  in  northern 
Tenasserim  by  8.  flavimanus.  Both  are  remarkable  not  only  for  their  varied 
coloration,  but  for  being  generally  found  not  among  tall  trees,  but  in  bushes  and 
hedges  near  villages  or  in  bamboo  thickets.  There  are  many  other  Malay  squirrels , 
and  flying-squirrels  are  also  common  in  the  Malay  countries,  but  marmots  and 
susliks  are  absent. 



Among  the  members  of  the  mouse  tribe,  the  Indian  house-rat  is 
well  known  within  the  Malay  area,  where  there  also  occurs  the  closely- 
allied  lesser  rat  (Mus  concolor),  which  lives  in  the  roofs  of  wooden  buildings.  It  is 
well  known  in  Pegu,  Tenasserim,  and  the  Mergui  Islands,  but  probably  has  a  wider 
distribution.  This  rat  is  4  inches  long,  the  tail  being  rather  longer  than  the 
body,  and  it  has  a  rough  coat  interspersed  with  bristles  on  the  back,  which  is 
reddish  brown  above  and  paler  below.  The  palm-mouse  (Vandeleuria  oleracea), 
which  occurs  for  the  most  part  in  India,  Ceylon,  Assam,  and  Burma  as  far  as 
Yunnan,  is  a  remarkable  species,  representing  a  genus  by  itself,  and  is  noticeable  on 
account  of  its  habit  of  living  in  trees  and  bushes,  especially  palms  and  bamboos. 
Here  it  builds  a  nest  consisting  of  grass  and  leaves,  which  at  the  proper  season 
contains  from  three  to  four  young.  Equally  noteworthy  is  the  mouse  known  as 
Chiropodomys  gliroides,  which  is  also  the  only  representative  of  its  kind.  It  has 
uniformly  close  hair,  which  becomes  still  thicker  on  the  tail.  In  colour  this  mouse 
is  brown  above  and  white  below.  It  is  distributed  all  over  the  Malay  countries, 
occurring  in  Burma,  the  Malay  Peninsula,  Java,  and  Borneo. 
Black-Bellied  One  vole,  the  black-bellied  Microtus  melanogaster,  occurs  in  the 

Vole.  upper  Irawadi  valley.  It  is  yellowish  brown  above  and  dark  brown 
beneath,  with  a  ground-colour  of  dark  ashy  grey.  The  head  and  body  measure 
3|-  inches,  and  the  tail  a  little  over  an  inch.  This  vole  ranges  into  Malaya  from 
south  Tibet  and  south-west  China. 

Very  characteristic  of  the  Malay  province  are  the  bamboo-rats,  the  common 
bay  species  (Rhizomys  badius)  inhabiting  the  foot  of  the  Himalaya,  Nepal, 
Sikhim,  Bhutan,  Manipur,  Burma,  and  Siam.  The  close  fur,  which  conceals  the 
ears,  is  of  a  chestnut  or  greyish  brown  colour. 

The  bay  bamboo-rat  makes  its  home  in  a  burrow,  or  sometimes  beneath  the 

root  of  a  tree,  or  in  thick  tall  grass,  the  teeth  as  well  as  the  claws  being  used  in 

digging.     In  the  evenings  this  rodent  issues  forth  from  its  hiding-place  to  feed  on 

grass,  corn,  and  bamboo-shoots ;  it  is  also  said  to  be  fond  of  roots  and  to  take  up 

its   abode   in    situations  where    it  can  obtain   them   readily.     Another  kind,   the 

larger  bamboo-rat  (R.  sumatrensis),  ranges   from  Siam  to  Tenasserim ;   it  is   of 

large  size,  measuring  17  inches  to  the  root  of  the  tail,  the  tail  itself  being  about 

5£  inches  long.     In  colour  it  is  dark  ashy  grey  or  light  brown  above,  somewhat 

darker  down  the  middle  of  the  back,  and  paler  below.     A  third  kind  (R.  pruinosus) 

apparently  ranges  from  Assam  to  Cambodia  and  China. 

The  true  porcupines  are  represented  in  the  Malay  province  by 
Porcupines.  -T  ■  •  i 

the  Himalayan  and  Bengal  species,  as  well  as  by  a  third  kind,  the 

long-tailed  Hystrix  longicauda,  which  inhabits  the  Malay  Peninsula  and  Islands, 

and  also  by  the  small  H.  ywnnanensis,  of  Yunnan,  which  lacks  the  crest  of  the 

other  forms. 

Of  the  brush-tailed  porcupines  one  species  is  indigenous  to  western  and  central 

Africa,  and  the  other  to  Burma  and  the  Malay  province.     These  rodents  are  much 

smaller  and  more  rat-like  than  the  true  porcupines,  from  which    they  differ  by 

their  long  scaly  tails,  terminating  in  a  tuft  of  flattened  and  alternately  wide  and 

narrow  spines.     The  flattened  spines  of  the  body  are  grooved,  and  taper  towards 

the  tip.     The  Malay  species  (Atherura  macrura)  is  about  22  inches  long,  exclusive 






of  the  tail,  which  measures  about  10  inches.     Its  range  extends  from  Chittagong, 
Tippera,  and  the  Khasi  Hills  to  Java,  Sumatra,  and  Borneo. 

The  Malay  pangolin  (Manis  javanica),  one  of  two  representatives 
in  this  area  of  the  Edentata,  ranges  from  Sjdhet  and  Tippera 
through  Burma,  Cochin  China,  Cambodia,  and  the  Malay  Peninsula  to  Sumatra, 
Java,  Borneo,  and  Celebes.  This  species,  which  attains  a  length  of  24  inches,  with 
a  tail  of  about  20  inches,  is  larger  than  its  two  Asiatic  relatives,  from  which  it 
also  differs  by  its  more  slender  shape,  as  well  as  by  the  much  greater  relative 
length  of  the  hind  claws,  which  are  nearly  as  long  as  those  of  the  fore-feet. 

The  Chinese  pangolin  (31.  aurita),  which  ranges  from  southern  China,  Hainan, 
Formosa,  the  Kareen  Mountains,  and  the  district  north  of  Bhamo  to  Assam  and 
the  Himalaya  as  far  west  as  Nepal,  is  distinguished  from  its  Indian  relative  by 
its  much  larger  scales,  darker  colour,  and  larger  ears.  It  has,  moreover,  many 
more  hairs  between  the  scales  than  the  other  Asiatic  species.  Its  length  is  from 
19  to  23  inches,  the  tail  measuring  from  13  to  15  inches  more. 

Ground-  Many  of  the  more  noteworthy  birds  of  the  Malay  countries  have 

Thrushes.  an  extensive  geographical  range,  the  numerous  species  of  ground- 
thrushes,  for  instance,  ranging  over  India,  central  Asia,  and  Australia.  These 
birds  resemble  ordinary  thrushes  in  many  respects,  but  differ  by  the  colours  of  the 
axillaries  and  the  pattern  formed  by  the  white  bases  of  the  quills  on  the  under- 
side of  the  wing.  The  orange-headed  ground-thrush  (Geocichla  citrina),  a  bird 
about  the  equal  in  size  of  the  song-thrush,  breeds  throughout  the  area  lying 
between  the  extreme  east  of  Assam  and  Tenasserim.  Here  it  is  found  in  large 
numbers  all  the  year  round,  and  in  summer  it  ascends  in  the  Himalaya  up  to 
heights  of  5000  or  6000  feet,  whence  it  ranges  occasionally  into  Ceylon  and  the 
Malay  Peninsula  as  far  south  as  Tongkah.  The  Malay  ground-thrush  (G.  innotata), 
which  differs  in  being  without  the  white  tips  to  the  medium  wing-coverts,  is  a  more 
southerly  species,  ranging  from  Tenasserim  to  Malacca. 

Babbling  Another  group  is  represented  by  the  babbling  thrushes,  many 

Thrushes,  species  of  which  are  common  to  India  and  the  Malay  countries. 
Babblers,  etc.  Among  ^e  m0st  striking  is  the  Himalayan  white-crested  species 
(Garrulax  leucolophus),  which  ranges  to  Bhamo  and  eastern  Assam.  Nearly 
allied  is  the  white-crested  Burmese  G.  bela/ngeri,  chiefly  inhabiting  Tenasserim  and 
Pegu.  A  third  member  of  the  white-crested  group,  the  Siamese  G.  diardi,  ranges 
over  Siam  and  Cambodia,  while  the  black-gorgetted  G.  pectoralis  and  the  necklaced 
G.  moniliger  both  range  from  the  Himalaya  to  Burma.  Closely  related  are  the 
babblers,  of  which  there  are  numerous  representatives  in  the  area  under  considera- 
tion, while  some  are  found  in  India  and  Africa.  To  another  branch  of  the  same 
family  (Timeliidce)  belong  the  hill-tits,  all  of  which  are  arboreal  in  their 
habits,  and  have  the  two  sexes  dissimilar  in  plumage.  Among  them,  the  red- 
beaked  Liothrix  lutea  is  an  inhabitant  of  upper  Burma  and  Aracan,  but  its  habitat 
extends  into  southern  China,  across  the  Khasi  Hills,  and  along  the  Himalaya  from 
Bhutan  to  Simla.  In  size  this  hill-tit  is  a  little  larger  than  the  coal-tit ;  in  colour 
it  is  olive-green  above  and  yellow  below,  with  an  orange-coloured  throat  and  chin, 
a  yellow  ring  round  the  eye,  and  yellow  or  crimson  edges  to  the  wing-feathers. 



These  birds,  which  feed  on  berries  and  other  fruits,  seeds,  and  insects,  generally 
collect  in  small  parties  among  thickets  and  underwood.  Another  member  of  the 
group  is  the  red-capped  babbler  (Timelia  pileata),  which  is  the  only  member  of 
its  genus,  and  inhabits  Borneo,  Siam,  Cochin  China,  and  Java,  although  absent 
from  the  Malay  Peninsula.  In  colour  it  is  olive-brown  on  the  upper-parts,  and 
whitish  below,  with  a  rufous  crown  and  a  white  forehead.  Its  home  is  among 
the  grassy  plains,  where  it  leads  an  almost  hidden  life  among  the  grass  on  the 
ground,  often  betraying  its  presence  by  its  agreeable  song. 



A  very  characteristic  species  is  the  tailor-bird  {Orthotonus 
sutorius),  which  ranges  from  India  and  Ceylon  through  Burma  and 
the  Malay  Peninsula  as  far  south  as  Mergui  to  Siam  and  China.  Tailor-birds  have 
long  straight  slender  beaks,  with  the  aid  of  which  they  construct  their  nests, 
formed  of  green  leaves  sewn  together  with  plant-fibres.  They  are  generally 
confined  to  well-wooded  tracts  and  bushy  districts ;  and,  for  their  size,  are 
possessed  of  singularly  loud  voices. 


Magpie-Robin  Another    noteworthy    bird    is    the    magpie  -  robin    (Copsychus 

and  snama.     saularis),    which   ranges   throughout   India   and    Burma   as    far    as 

Moulmein.     Of  equally  wide  distribution  is  the  shama  (Cittocincla  macrura),  a 

bird  frequently  kept  in  confinement  by  the  Malays. 

The  crow-tits,  an   Oriental   group  of   birds  distinguished  by  a 
Crow-Tits.  .  1 

thick    crest   and   a   deep,   short,   and  compressed   beak,  are    largely 

represented  in  India  and  the  Malay  province.  They  feed  solely  on  insects.  A  well- 
known  member  of  the  group  is  the  yellow-billed  species  (Paradoxomis flavirostris) 
which  inhabits  Assam,  the  Khasi  Hills,  Bhutan,  Sikhim,  and  Nepal,  where  it 
generally  frequents  reed-thickets. 

The  flower-peckers  are  small  birds  of  much  the  same  habits  as 
Flower-Peckers.    .  .        L 

tits,  wandering  about   m   small  parties,  and    frequenting   tall  trees. 

They  resemble  sun-birds  in  having  the  edges  of  the  beak  serrated  for  a  portion  of 

its  length,  but  the  beak  is  shorter.     They  feed  on  insects,  honey,  and  soft  fruits,  and 

construct  pear-shaped  hanging  nests  with  an  entrance-hole  at  the  side.     One  species, 

the  Nilgiri  flower-pecker  (Dicceum  concolor),  is  confined  to  the  western  coast  of 

India,  a  second,  D.  virescens,  is  peculiar  to  the  Andamans,  but  nine  others  are  common 

to  India  and  the  Malay  countries,  while  others  range  over  the  Malay  Peninsula  and 

Islands  to  New  Guinea  and  Australia.     One  of  the  most  widely  distributed  is  the 

scarlet-backed  flower-pecker  (D.  cruentatum),  whose    habitat  extends   eastwards 

from  Calcutta  to  China  and  southwards  to  Sumatra. 

The  gorgeous  sun-birds  {Nectar  iniidce)  resemble  flower-peckers 
in  the  long  tubular  tongue,  but  are  distinguished  by  the  long,  cylindrical 
beak.  Although  mainly  African,  the  group  is  well  represented  in  Burma  and  the 
more  eastern  countries  of  the  Malay  province,  while  nine  species  are  known  from 
India.  All  have  a  richly  coloured  plumage,  with  a  metallic  gloss,  resembling  in  this 
respect,  as  well  as  in  their  habits,  the  humming-birds  of  America  which  to  a  certain 
degree  they  represent  in  the  Old  World.  They  feed  on  tiny  insects,  which  they 
capture  with  their  tongues  in  flowers,  as  well  as  on  honey.  They  do  not,  however, 
hover  like  humming-birds  over  flowers,  but  cling  to  them  after  the  manner  of  tits. 
In  this  -group  the  sexes  differ  in  plumage,  and  the  nest  is  pensile. 

In  the  spider-hunters,  on  the  other  hand,  the  plumage  lacks 
a  gloss,  the  two  sexes  are  alike,  and  the  nest  is  attached  by  its 
rim  to  a  broad  leaf.  These  birds  are  represented  by  numerous  species  in  India  and 
the  islands  of  the  Malay  Archipelago ;  a  striking  member  of  the  group  being  the 
little  spider-hunter  {Arachnothera  longirostris),  the  range  of  which  extends  from 
the  Western  Ghats  of  India  to  the  Malay  Archipelago. 

The  allied*  group  of  white-eyes  have,  like  the  flower- 
peckers  and  the  sun-birds,  the  tongue  adapted  for  catching  minute 
insects  and  sucking  honey.  This  organ  is  extensile  and  forked  at  the  tip,  where  it 
is  provided  with  a  brush  of  horny  fibres.  In  general  colour  these  birds  are  green, 
but  they  take  their  name  from  the  white  rings  encircling  their  eyes.  They  are 
represented  by  about  sixty  species  distributed  over  the  tropical  countries  of  Africa 
and  Asia,  the  groups  of  islands  belonging  to  both,  and  the  whole  of  the  Australian 
area.  The  Siamese  white-eye  (Zosterops  siamensis)  inhabits  the  forests  and  gardens 
of  southern  Pegu,  Tenasserim,  Siam,  and  Cochin  China.     These  birds  dwell  in  small 


parties  in  the  crowns  of  palms,  continually  twittering  and  searching  the  leaves  for 

insects.     The  common  Indian  white-eye   (Z.  palpebrosa)  does  not  extend  farther 

east  than  Bhamo,  and  is  not  found  farther  south  to  the  east  of  the  Bay  of  Bengal. 

Very  similar  in  habits  are  the  bright  green  leaf-birds,  of  which 
Leaf  Birds 

the    golden  -  fronted    Chloropsis    aurifrons    ranges    from    southern 

Bengal  to  Cambodia.  In  this  species  the  crown  of  the  head  is  brilliant  golden 
yellow,  the  face  black,  and  the  throat  of  the  same  colour,  crossed  by  an  orange 
band,  with  a  deep  blue  spot  on  the  chin,  and  brilliant  turquoise-blue  lesser  wing- 
coverts.  Its  brilliant  plumage  makes  this  species  difficult  to  discover  among  the 
palm-leaves,  especially  as,  like  all  its  kindred,  it  mimics  the  calls  of  other  birds. 

The  bulbuls  though  largely  African  are  more  characteristically 
Buibuis.  .... 

represented  in  tropical  Asia,  especially  the  Malay  Islands.     They  are 

all  birds  of  the  forest,  living  principally  among  the  upper  branches  of  trees,  and 
rarely  in  underwood,  their  food  consisting  of  insects  and  berries.  They  resemble 
thrushes  in  habits,  and  in  all  cases  possess  a  melodious  song.  Among  these,  the 
Bengal  red- whiskered  bulbul  (Otocompsa  emeria),  one  of  the  crested  species, 
ranging  from  Simla  to  China,  Siam,  and  the  Malay  Peninsula,  has  a  black  head 
with  white  ear-coverts,  a  crimson  tuft  extending  from  the  lower  eyelid  over  the  ear- 
coverts,  the  under  tail-coverts  crimson,  and  the  tail-feathers  tipped  with  white. 
The  long  crest  springs  from  the  centre  of  the  crown,  and,  like  the  peculiar  ear-tuft, 
is  most  highly  developed  in  the  Burmese  and  Malay  form  of  the  bird. 

Among  the  finch  tribe,  the   European  tree-sparrow  inhabits  not 
Sparrows.  .  . 

only  the  Himalaya  as  far  east  as  Assam  (where  it  is  found  in  summer 

at  heights  of  7000  feet  and  more),  but  also  the  Malay  province  as  far  as  Java.  In 
the  eastern  portion  of  its  vast  distributional  area  this  bird  does  not,  as  in  Europe, 
build  in  trees  but,  like  the  house-sparrow,  nests  in  holes  of  houses  and  other  build- 
ings. The  house-sparrow  itself  ranges  as  far  east  as  Cochin  China  ;  while  the  closely 
allied  Pegu  house-sparrow  (Passer  flaveolus),  which  has  a  good  deal  of  yellow  in  its 
plumage,  likewise  lives  in  or  near  buildings,  as  well  as  in  jungle,  ranging  into 
Cochin  China,  but  most  abundant  in  the  northern  portions  of  the  area  under 

The  weaver-birds  are  near  relatives  of  the  finches,  which  they 
Weaver-Birds.  .  ,  ....  , 

resemble  m  general  bodily  form,  especially  in  the  shape  of  the  beak, 

although  distinguished  by  having  ten  in  place  of  only  nine  pairs  of  primary  quills. 
The  group  is  likewise  characterised  by  the  peculiarly  constructed  nests,  which 
differ  from  those  of  all  the  finch  tribe  by  being  closed  above.  In  shape  the  nest  is 
like  a  bottle  or  ball,  suspended  from  above,  and  attached  to  leaves  or  twigs  at  the 
side,  and  entered  by  a  tube  from  below.  This  is  the  construction  of  the  nests  of 
the  tree-weavers,  but  those  of  the  fire  and  velvet  weavers,  as  well  as  of  the  widow- 
birds  and  certain  others,  are  oval  in  shape,  provided  with  a  hole  at  the  side  or  the 
top,  and  a  roof-like  covering  with  stems  protruding  from  the  upper  wall.  This 
roof  is  fastened  by  grass-stems  to  shrubs  and  bushes,  the  twigs  and  stems  of  which 
are  ingeniously  worked  in  so  as  to  serve  the  purpose  of  rafters.  The  gorgeous 
weavers,  or  munias,  are  inhabitants  of  the  forest,  but  the  tree-weavers  frequent 
more  open  country,  where  meadows  alternate  with  coppices  or  clumps  of  trees,  or 
resort   to  plantations  surrounding  villages,  or  hang  their  nests  from  trees  over- 



shadowing  native  huts.     The  lire-weavers,  widow-birds,  and  velvet-weavers,  on  the 

other  hand,  inhabit  the  plains,  where  they  nest  in  high  grass. 

Although  mainly  African,  the  weaver-birds  are  represented  by  two  Oriental 

genera,  among  them  being  the  eastern  baya  (Ploceus  megalorhynchu*),  which  ranges 

from  Bengal  and  the  eastern  Himalaya  to  the  islands  of  Java  and  Sumatra.     The 

bottle-like  nest  of  this  species  is  built  of  grass,  with  an  entrance-tube  from  below  of 

as  much  as  24   inches  in  r 

length ;    it    is    often    seen 

hanging    from    the    eaves 

of    the    native    houses    in 

Assam,  where  the  bird  is 

known  as  the  took-ra. 

In     their 

habits    mun- 

ias  resemble  finches  more 
than  others  of  their  kin- 
dred, but  are  quicker  in 
their  movements.  In  the 
breeding-season  the  flocks 
of  these  birds  break  up 
into  single  pairs ;  each  of 
which  constructs  a  large 
spherical  nest  of  fine 
grasses  —  not  woven  but 
untidily  packed  together 
—  with  an  entrance -hole 
at  the  side.  One  of  the 
best  known  representa- 
tives of  the  group  is  the 
Indian  red  munia  or  am- 
andavat  {Sporceginlhus 
amandava),  better  known 
perhaps  as  the  abadavat, 
a  small  crimson  bird  with 
brown  wings,  and  '  num- 
erous circular  white  spots 
on  the  sides  of  the  body. 
The  allied  Burmese  species 

(S.  flavidiventris)  is  distinguished  by  the  yellowish  red,  instead  of  black,  under- 

Another  well-known  member  of  the  group  is  the  Indian  rice-bird  (S 
oryzivorus),  which  is  about  the  size  of  a  goldfinch,  and  inhabits  the  Malay 
Peninsula  and  Isles.  It  is  of  light  grey  colour  above,  and  a  pale  red  below,  in 
contrast  to  which  the  black  crown,  chin,  upper  tail-coverts,  and  tail,  as  well  as  the 
white  lower  tail-coverts,  the  black  edges  of  the  cheeks,  and  the  red  of  the  beak, 
stand  out  conspicuously.     Despite   the  fact  that  its  song  is  often  by  no   means 



pleasing,  the  rice-bird  is  often  kept  in  captivity ;  it  is  generally  considered   an 
enemy  to  the  rice-cultivator. 

The  well-known  grackles  are  glossy  black  Oriental  representa- 


tives  of  the  starling  tribe,  characterised  by  their  crow-like  beaks, 
which,  like  their  feet,  are  yellow  or  red,  and  bare  warty  wattle-like  patches  on  the 
sides  of  the  head.  Grackles  range  from  India  through  the  Malay  countries  as  far 
eastwards  as  New  Guinea.  The  Malay  grackle  (Eulabes  javanensis),  whose  habitat 
extends  from  Tenasserim  to  Borneo,  is  almost  as  large  as  a  jackdaw ;  it  easily 
learns  to  whistle  and  talk,  a  habit  very  characteristic  of  all  the  grackles,  which 
are  in  consequence  frequently  called  talking  mynas. 

Nearly  allied  are  the  beautiful  glossy  starlings,  which  also  have 
'  a  sable  plumage,  but  with  a  much  more  brilliant  metallic  gloss.     The 
most  common  species  (Calornis  calibeius)  ranges  from  Tippera,  Dacca,  and  Cachar 
through  the  Malay  Peninsula  to  Sumatra,  Java,  and  Borneo. 

Although  likewise  glossy  black   in  plumage,  the   African   and 

Oriental  drongos  form  a  very  different  group  of   birds,  characterised 

by  their  crow-like  beaks,  with  bristles  at  the  base  and  round  the  nostrils,  and 

their  long  and  generally  forked  tails.     These  birds,  which  resemble  flycatchers  in 

their  habits,  live  alike  in  thin  forest,  plantations,  and  open  plains  dotted  with  trees, 

from  the  branches  of  which  they  take  short  flights  in  pursuit  of  their  insect-prey. 

In  spite  of  their  stings,  they  capture  without  hesitation  numbers  of  bees  and  wasps. 

The  nest,  which  is  very  like  that  of  the  golden  oriole,  contains  at  the  proper  season, 

eggs  much  resembling  those  of  the  shrikes.     Drongos  live  in  pairs  or  families ;  the 

cocks  have  an  agreeable  song,  and  considerable   powers  of   mimicry.      The  most 

remarkable  of  the  group  are  perhaps  the  racket-tailed  species,  the  smaller  of  which 

(BJtringa  remifer)  ranges  from  the  eastern  Himalaya  and  the  hill-tracts  of  Assam 

through  Burma  to  Tenasserim,  and  also  inhabits  Perak,  Sumatra,  and  Java. 

In  the  crow  tribe  the  Burmese  crow  (Corvus  insolens)  replaces 
Crows  and  Kittas.  .  _.-.__.  . 

the  Indian  crow  in  the  Malay  province.      Like  its  Indian  cousin,  this 

species  generally  frequents  towns  and  villages  in  large  flocks,  although  it  will 
occasionally  take  up  its  residence  near  isolated  huts  in  the  forest.  In  another 
group,  the  kittas,  which  are  exclusively  Oriental,  resemble  magpies  and  their 
relatives  in  form  and  habits,  but  are  more  beautiful  in  plumage.  The  green 
kitta  (Cissa  chinensis)  is  light  bluish  green  with  refldish  brown  wings,  a 
brown-black  band  crossing  the  eyes  and  extending  to  the  sides  of  the  head,  a 
red  beak,  and  coral-coloured  legs.  Its  area  of  distribution  extends  from  the 
Jumna  valley  to  Mergui. 
Jays  and  Tree-  The  jays  are  represented  by  the  Burmese  Garrulus  leucotis,  a 

Pies.  species  restricted  to  tall  pine-forests.  The  tree-pies  again,  which  are 
distributed  over  India,  southern  China,  Formosa,  Hainan,  the  Andamans,  and 
Sumatra,  are  of  the  size  and  appearance  of  magpies ;  and  they  resemble  the  latter 
in  habits,  although  keeping  to  the  tops  of  trees,  and  live  principally  on  fruits, 
though  they  eat  also  insects  and  young  birds.  Among  them,  the  Indian  tree-pie 
(Dendrocitta  rufa)  ranges  from  Kashmir  to  Travancore  and  from  Assam  to  Mergui, 
while  another,  the  Himalayan  tree-pie  (D.  himalayanus),  is  found  from  the  valley 
of  the  Sutlej  to  Tenasserim. 



The  widely  spread  cuckoo-shrikes  represent  another  afroup,  char- 
Cuckoo-Shrikes.  .  .  .  ©        r> 

acterised  by  the  fairly  wide  beak,  which  is  not  distinctly  flattened  but 
slightly  bent  and  notched,  and  seldom  very  strong.     Their  plumage  is  glossy  black 


or  grey,  that  of  the  females  being  often  reddish  brown 
or  whitish  with  black  cross-bands.  The  pale  grey 
cuckoo-shrike  (Campojrfiaga  melanoptera)  inhabits 
many  parts  of  the  Malay  province,  extending  from 
Tenasserim  to  Siam  and  China.  It  is  a  pale  grey  bird 
with  black  wings  and  tail. 

Paradise-  In  no  genus  are  the  characteristics  of 

Flycatcher,  the  flycatchers  more  strongly  developed 
than  in  the  paradise-flycatchers  of  the  Oriental  region, 
among  which  the  Burmese  Terjjsiphone  affinis  ranges 
from  Sikhim  to  Tenasserim.  In  colour  it  is  black  and 
grey,  with  a  chestnut  back  and  white  under-parts. 
As  in  the  other  species,  the  two  middle  tail  feathers 
are  of  great  length. 

Very  characteristic  of  the  area  under 
consideration  are  the  pittas,  which  differ 
from  all  the  other  Oriental  perching-birds  by  the  large 
size  of  the  first  primary  quill  of  the  wing.  Pittas  are 
birds  of  the  size  of  thrushes,  but  with  a  shorter  and 
stouter    body,    longer    legs,    and    a    short   tail.      They 


1 88  THE  MALA  Y  PRO  VIA  CE 

range  from  India  through  the  Malay  countries  to  Australia,  but  have  also  one 
outlying  African  species.  Phayre's  pitta  (Anthocincla  phayrei),  distinguished  by 
the  aigrette-like  plumes  on  the  upper  part  of  the  neck,  inhabits  Burma  and 
Tenasserim.  To  an  allied  genus,  distinguished  by  the  absence  of  these  plumes, 
belongs  the  giant  pitta  (Pitta  ccerulea),  of  Tenasserim,  the  Malay  Peninsula, 
Sumatra,  and  Borneo.  It  is  the  largest  member  of  the  group,  measuring  about 
11|  inches  in  length. 

Among  the  so-called  picarian  birds,  the  large  needle-tailed  swift 
(Chcetura  indica)  ranges  from  Ceylon  and  southern  India  to  Assam 
and  the  adjacent  districts.  The  allied  tree-swifts,  specially  characterised  by  their 
minute  nests  affixed  to  the  branches  or  leaves  of  trees,  lay  only  one  large  egg, 
which  so  completely  fills  the  nest  that,  when  brooding,  the  females  are  com- 
pelled to  hold  on  to  the  supporting  branch  or  leaf  to  prevent  falling  out,  as  indeed 
are  the  young.  These  swifts,  represented  by  half  a  dozen  species,  are  distributed 
from  India  through  the  Malay  Peninsula  and  Archipelago  to  New  Guinea.  The 
smallest  members  of  the  group  are  included  in  the  genus  Collocalia,  whose  distri- 
butional area  includes  not  only  India,  the  Malay  countries,  and  Polynesia,  but  also 
Madagascar.  Their  nests  consist  of  nothing  but  saliva,  hardened  by  the  air  and 
stuck  to  rocks  in  the  shape  of  a  ball.  These  are  the  well-known  edible  nests 
imported  in  such  immense  quantities  into  China,  those  of  most  value  being  the 
almost  pure  white  ones  of  Collocallia  fuciphaga,  a  species  inhabiting  the  islands 
lying  between  Mauritius  and  Samoa,  and  also  found  on  the  Nicobars  and 
Andamans,  as  well  as  in  Tenasserim  and  Arakan,  where  it  invariably  keeps  to 
the  shore. 

Nightjar,  Frog-  In  another  group  the  horned  nightjar  (Chordiles  cerviniceps), 

Mouths,  etc  which  in  Sikhim  and  elsewhere  spends  its  days  in  caves,  belongs  to 
a  genus  widely  spread  over  southern  Asia,  the  Malay  Archipelago,  Australia,  and 
tropical  America,  and  is  distinguished  by  the  absence  of  bristles  on  the  beak.  The 
allied  nocturnal  frog-mouths,  so  called  from  the  enormous  size  of  the  gape,  are 
distributed  over  India,  the  Malay  Archipelago,  and  Australia.  Some  build  nests  of 
twigs  resembling  those  of  pigeons,  while  others  form  for  their  one  egg  only  a  loose 
basis  of  leaves  and  feathers  on  horizontally  growing  boughs.  The  group  includes  the 
genera  Podargus  and  Batrachostomus,  the  members  of  the  latter  being  exclusively 
Oriental,  and  represented  in  this  area  by  B.  hodgsoni,  which  inhabits  the  country 
between  Sikhim  and  northern  Tenasserim.  Among  the  broad  -  billed  rollers, 
represented  by  half  a  dozen  species  spread  over  the  tropical  countries  of  the  Eastern 
Hemisphere,  the  wide-beaked  Eurystomus  orientalis  ranges  through  the  Malay 
countries  into  China  as  far  as  Manchuria. 

In  the  bee-eater  group,  the  square-tailed  species  are  represented 
both  in  India  and  the  Malay  Peninsula  by  Swinhoe's  bee-eater 
(Melittophagus  swinhoei),  characterised  by  its  habit  of  awaiting  its  prey  on  some 
dead  twig,  instead  of  hawking  for  it  in  the  air  like  the  majority  of  its  kindred 
The  bearded  bee-eaters,  which,  in  place  of  inhabiting  the  plains,  frequent  clearings 
in  the  forests  of  the  higher  mountains,  never  associate  in  parties,  but  go  about  in 
pairs,  and  are  rarely  found  far  away  from  their  nest,  which  is  placed  in  the  hole 
of  some  tree.     A  well-known  member  of  the  group  is  the  scarlet-bearded  bee-eater 


{Nyctiomis  amictus),  of  the  Malay  Peninsula  and  Isles,  a  species  somewhat  larger 
than  the  European  bee-eater.  The  plumage  of  this  bird  is  green  with  a  pale 
violet  band  across  the  forehead  and  crown,  and  a  scarlet  throat. 

Although  the  group  of  pied  kingfishers  is  represented  in  India 

their  true  home  is  tropical  America  (where,  however,  they  lack  the 
pied  type  of  coloration),  while  they  are  also  found  in  Africa  and  Europe.  These 
birds  fly  better  than  the  other  kingfishers,  and  wander  over  a  large  tract  in 
pursuit  of  their  prey,  hawking  above  the  surface  of  the  water  and  seizing  their 
victims  with  a  jerk.  The  Oriental  species,  Ceryle  varia,  inhabits  India  and  the 
Malay  Peninsula.  The  wood-kingfishers,  which  live  in  forest,  or  in  fields  and 
plantations,  and  feed,  according  to  their  size,  on  insects  or  small  vertebrates, 
especially  snakes,  generally  sit  crouching  in  a  lazy,  dreamy  attitude,  with  their  beaks 
on  their  breasts,  yet  keeping  a  keen  watch  on  their  surroundings,  and  ready  at  any 
moment  to  dash  down  on  their  prey.  They  nest  in  holes  in  trees,  and  are  dis- 
tinguished from  their  kindred  by  seizing  their  prey  on  the  surface,  instead  of 
diving  for  it  in  the  water.  They  are  inhabitants  of  Africa  as  well  as  of  .tropical 
Asia,  the  range  of  the  brown  Oriental  Halcyon  fuscus  extending  from  Asia  Minor 
to  the  Philippines.  Representing  another  genus,  the  Indian  three-toed  insectivorous 
kingfisher  (Ceyx  tridactyla),  which  ranges  from  India  through  Burma  to  the 
Malay  Peninsula,  is  one  of  the  most  richly  coloured  members  of  the  whole 

If  only  on  account  of  its  habit  (shared  by  the  rest  of  its  kind)  of 

walling  up  the  female  in  a  hole  in  a  tree  during  the  period  of  incuba- 
tion, mention  must  be  made  of  the  great  pied  hornbill  (Diceros  bicornis),  the 
largest  representative  of  its  kind,  whose  habitat  extends  from  the  forests  of  the 
Himalaya  to  southern  India  and  Sumatra. 

Another   noteworthy  bird   is    the    sultan    woodpecker  (Chryso- 
Woodpeckers.  J    .  £_  J 

coiaptes  sultaneus),  a  species  about  the  size  or  the  European  green 
woodpecker,  with  the  mantle  and  wings  golden  yellow,  the  crown  and  lower  part 
of  the  back  scarlet,  the  tail  black,  the  lower-parts  white  and  black,  and  the  neck 
marked  by  white  and  black  stripes.  The  haunts  of  this  bird  are  amid  forests  and 
plantations,  and  in  Burma  frequently  on  the  banks  of  rivers.  Its  near  allies, 
the  stump-woodpeckers,  have  a  similar  type  of  plumage,  but  differ  somewhat  in  the 
structure  of  the  feet.  One  of  the  commonest  of  this  rather  large  group  is  the  tiger- 
woodpecker  (Chrysonotus  javanensis),  whose  range  extends  from  the  Malay 
Peninsula  to  Sumatra,  Java,  and  Borneo.  The  piculets  differ  from  the  more  typical 
woodpeckers  by  their  diminutive  size  and  short  beak  and  tail,  as  well  as  by  the 
circumstance  that  the  feathers  of  the  latter  are  soft  and  rounded  at  the  tips  instead 
of  hard  and  pointed.  The  rufous  piculets,  specially  characterised  by  having  only 
three  toes,  are  represented  by  three  Asiatic  species,  among  which  the  ochre-coloured 
Sasia  ochracea  ranges  from  Nepal  and  the  eastern  Himalaya  over  the  greater  part 
of  the  Malay  countries.  It  is  generally  met  with  in  bamboo-jungle,  where  it  may 
often  be  heard  hammering  vigorously  at  the  stems  in  which  it  nests.  The  four- 
toed  piculets,  on  the  other  hand,  are  chiefly  an  American  group,  although  repre- 
sented in  south-eastern  Asia  by  the  Oriental  Picumnus  innominatus,  whose 
habitat  extends  from  the  Himalaya  to  Sumatra. 




Resembling  the  woodpeckers  in  many  respects  are  the  barbets, 
the  species  of  which  vary  in  size  from  the  dimensions  of  a  wren  to 
those  of  a  green  woodpecker.  They  have  strong  beaks,  with  coarse  bristles  around 
the  base,  and  inhabit  the  edges  and  clearings  of  forests.  All  of  them,  but  more 
especially  the  larger  ones,  are  lazy  birds  of  dreamy  appearance,  in  the  habit  of 

sitting  for  hours  at  a  time 
on  a  branch,  digesting  their 
food,  and  from  time  to  time 
uttering  their  loud  shrill 
call  in  monotonous  repeti- 
tion. They  take  to  flight 
reluctantly,  and  never  go 
far  on  the  wing,  although 
the  smaller  kinds  are  in 
f  this  respect  somewhat  more 
active,  and  are  also  better 
climbers.  The  food  of  these 
birds  consists  of  berries  and 
insects  and  their  larvae, 
especially  those  living  be- 
neath bark  or  in  decaying 
wood.  In  this  respect  as 
well  as  in  their  habit  of 
nesting  in  holes  (which  some 
cut  out  for  themselves),  and 
in  their  eggs,  the  barbets 
resemble  woodpeckers.  The 
distribution  of  the  group 
extends  over  the  tropical 
countries  of  Asia,  Africa, 
and  America,  but  the  species 
of  the  genera  Megakema 
and  Chotorhea  (distinguish- 
ed by  the  very  long  bristles 
around  the  mouth)  are  ex- 
clusively Malayan.  A  well- 
known  representative  of  the 
latter  is  the  red-headed 
barbet  {Chotorhea  versi- 
color) which  ranges  from  the  Malay  Peninsula  to  Borneo  and  Sumatra. 

Another  allied  family  is  that  of  the  trogons,  which  differ  from 
the  generally  green  barbets  by  their  soft  and  glossy  plumage  being  in 
most  cases  gorgeously  coloured.  They  derive  their  name  from  the  toothed  edges  of 
their  short  strong  beaks,  which  are  bent  like  a  hook  and  fairly  wide  at  the  base. 
Although  chiefly  American,  trogons  are  represented  in  Africa  and  southern  Asia. 
They  live  in  the  depths  of  the  forest,  perching  lazily  on  the  branches,  looking  out 



Pied  Horxbill. 



Glossy  Cuckoos. 

for  passing  insects  which  they  dash  down  upon  like  flycatchers  and  devour  when 
they  have  regained  their  station.  They  also  eat  berries  and  other  fruits,  which 
they  peck  at  as  they  fly.  Trogons  have  a  remarkably  thin  and  tender  skin,  from 
which  the  feathers  readily  fall  out ;  and  their  gorgeous  colours  soon  fade  in 
museums,  if  not  carefully  protected  from  the  light.  In  the  Oriental  region  the 
family  is  represented  by  the  surukus,  which  range  from  India  to  the  Malay  Islands, 
a  well-known  species  being  the 

necklaced    suruku    {Pyrotrogon  .^         -     t 

casumba),  of  the  Malay  Penin- 
sula, Sumatra,  and  Borneo. 

Among  the  cuc- 
koo tribe  may  first 
be  noticed  the  glossy  cuckoos, 
resplendent  in  gorgeous  plum- 
age of  green,  red,  or  steel-blue, 
though  occasionally  clad  in  sober 
grey.  These  birds  are  distri- 
buted over  the  warmer  countries 
of  the  Eastern  Hemisphere,  ex- 
cepting Europe,  one  of  their  most 
beautiful  representatives,  Chal- 
cococcyx  maculatus,  inhabiting 
the  Himalaya,  the  Andamans, 
the  Nicobars,  and  Sumatra, 
where  it  frequents  the  highest 
branches  of  the  forest- trees, 
uttering  its  three  quickly  re- 
peated notes  not  only  by  day 
but  on  moonlight  nights.  The 
allied  genus  Chrysococcyx  is 
exclusively  African. 

To  the  same 
family  belong  the 
koels,  birds  of  the  size  of  the 
European  cuckoo,  with  a  black 
plumage  marked  by  bands  and 
spots  when  young.  They  gener- 
ally lay  their  eggs  in  the  nests 

of  members  of  the  crow  family ;  and  their  range  extends  from  India  to  Australia. 
The  best-known  species  is  Eudynamis  honorata,  ranging  from  India  through  the 
Malay  Peninsula  and  Islands  as  far  as  Flores. 

The  spur-cuckoos  are  strong  birds  of  medium  size,  recognisable 
by  the  long  straight  spur  on  the  hind-toe.  They  have  long  reddish 
brown  graduated  tails,  which  often  expand  like  fans ;  and  their  call  consists  of  a 
number  of  sonorous  sounds,  uttered  slowly  at  first,  and  then  repeated  quickly  until 
they  form  one  long  trembling  note.     There  are  more  than  forty  species  of  these 





birds  inhabiting  the  Oriental  region  and  Australia.  A  common  Malay  species,  also 
inhabiting  India  and  Ceylon,  is  the  hedge-cuckoo  (Centropus  sinensis),  a  bird 
about  the  size  of  a  jackdaw,  with  glossy  black  plumage  showing  greenish  and 
reddish  brown  wings.  Another  characteristic  representative  of  the  group  is  the 
bush-cuckoo  (Zanclostomus  javanicus),  ranging  from  Tenasserim  and  the  Malay 
Peninsula  to  Sumatra,  Java,  and  Borneo,  and  the  only  representative  of  its  genus. 




It  is  steely  blue  and  green  above,  and  chestnut  beneath,  with  the  head,  neck,  and 
breast  grey,  and  the  tip  of  the  tail  white. 

To  devote  any  space  to  the  description  of  the  physical  character- 
istics of  the  parrot  tribe  on  the  present  occasion  would  be  quite 
superfluous,  but  it  may  be  well  to  mention  that  in  the  wild  state  these  birds  are  of 
a  sociable  nature,  associating;:  even  during  the  breedino--time  in  colonies,  which  after 
the  young  are  hatched  increase  to  immense  flocks,  whose  members  are  accustomed 
to  fly  long  distances  in  search  of  food.  Only  those  of  one  genus  breed  on  the 
ground,  and  those  of  a  second   in  an  open  nest,  all  the  rest  using  holes  in  the 

PARR  A  Q  UETS — O  WLS— BIRDS-  OF-PRE  Y  193 

ground,  or  rocky  clefts,  or,  oftener,  holes  in  trees,  which  they  generally  cut  out  for 
themselves  with  their  beaks.  They  all  use  their  feet  and  beaks  simultaneously  in 
climbing,  or  eating,  the  beak  helping  to  grasp  the  branches  and  the  feet  holding 
the  food.  These  habits  are  not  equally  well  developed  in  all  cases,  for  the  short- 
tailed  kinds  make  the  most  extensive  use  of  their  beaks  and  claws,  and  are  most 
active  climbers,  but  walk  and  fly  awkwardly,  while  the  long-tailed  species  make 
less  use  of  their  beaks,  and  do  not  climb  so  well,  but  run  and  fly  better.  Notwith- 
standing the  shape  of  the  beak,  only  one  member  of  the  group,  and  that  but 
recently,  has  developed  into  a  bird-of-prey.  All  the  rest  feed  on  seeds  or  fruit,  as 
well  as  buds,  flowers,  and  insects,  some  being  very  fond  of  nectar  and  the  sap  of 
trees.  Parrots  are  represented  by  a  host  of  species,  ranging  over  the  warmer 
countries  of  all  the  continents  except  Europe,  and  extending  from  40°  N.  latitude  to 
55°  S.  latitude,  though  only  a  few  approach  the  extreme  of  these  limits,  their  chief 
area  being  within  the  tropics.  Most  of  the  Asiatic  species  belong  to  the  true 
parraquets,  a  group  comprising  a  great  variety  of  species,  distinguished  by  the 
upper  half  of  the  beak  being  generally  coloured  red  (although  occasionally  black) 
and  the  narrowness  of  the  naked  cere.  They  are  spread  over  an  area  extending 
from  the  West  African  coast  to  the  Solomon  Islands.  In  south-eastern  Asia  they 
are  represented  by  the  genus  Palceomis,  most  of  the  five-and-twenty  members  of 
which  are  green  in  plumage.  The  common  P.  torquatus  ranges  from  Baluchistan, 
India,  and  Ceylon  through  Burma  to  Cochin  China,  but  many  of  the  species  have 
a  very  restricted  distribution.  The  pretty  little  hanging-parrots  are  also  repre- 
sented in  southern  Asia,  where  they  range  from  India  through  the  Malay 
Peninsula  to  the  Philippines.  These  parrots,  which  feed  principally  on  soft  fruits 
and  honey,  climb  about  briskly  in  the  branches  and  move  quickly  on  the  ground. 
Their  note  is  pleasing ;  but  their  chief  peculiarity  is  the  habit  of  hanging  head- 
downwards  like  bats,  in  which  attitude  they  not  only  rest  and  sleep,  but  also 
frequently  feed.  One  of  the  most  beautiful  species  native  to  the  Malay  Peninsula 
is  the  small  blue-crowned  Loriculus  galgulus,  a  member  of  a  genus  with  no  less 
than  f our-and-twenty  species,  ranging  from  India  to  New  Guinea  and  the  Bismarck 

Among  the  owls,  special  mention  may  be  made  of  the  grass-owl 
(Strix  Candida),  a  relative  of  the  barn-owl,  which  ranges  from  India 
to  Fiji  and  north  Australia,  the  barn-owl  itself  being  represented  in  India  and 
the  Malay  countries  by  the  closely  allied  S.  javanica.  The  grass-owl  lives  among 
grass  and  breeds  in  the  ground.  Another  owl,  the  Malay  masked  owl  (Photodilus 
badius),  ranges  from  the  eastern  Himalaya  through  the  Malay  Peninsula  to  Java 
and  Borneo.  The  fish-owls  are  also  represented  within  the  area,  the  best  known 
species  being  perhaps  the  Indian  fish-owl  (Cetupa  ceylonensis),  which  ranges  from 
Palestine  through  India,  including  Ceylon,  into  China. 

Passing  on  to  the  birds-of-prey,  we  find  the  tiny  falconets,  whose 
Birds-of-Prey.  to  r     J  >  . 

bodily  size  rarely  exceeds   a  length  of    6    inches,  ranging  from  the 

Himalaya  to  the   Philippines.     They  breed  in  the  holes  of  trees  like  owls,  lay 

eggs  of  a  dull  colour  and  rather  long  in  shape,  and  live  in  clearings  of  the  forest 

where  they  perch  on  the  dead  branches  of  medium-sized  trees,  lurking  for  insects, 

and  occasionally  catching  small  birds.     Of  the  four  species  the  smallest  is  the  red- 

vol.  11. — 13 



footed  Microhierax  ccerulescens,  which  inhabits  Nepal,  Burma,  and  Cambodia.  The 
honey-buzzards  are  represented  in  Malaya  by  the  crested  Pemis  ptilorhynchus, 
whose  rano-e  extends  from  India  and  Ceylon  to  the  larger  Malay  Islands.  To  the 
same  group  belongs  the  bramini  kite  (Haliastur  indus),  whose  habitat  extends  from 
India  to  China.     The  favourite  haunts  of  this  species  are  the  neighbourhood  of  the 



seashore,  or  the  banks  of  rivers,  swamps,  and  large  artificial  ponds.  In  Calcutta 
and  other  ports  where  it  is  abundant  it  often  visits  the  shipping,  and  will  follow 
vessels  on  their  voyage  for  the  sake  of  the  kitchen-refuse.  It  captures  small  fish 
from  the  surface  of  the  water,  picks  up  frogs  and  crabs  in  swamps  and  rice-fields, 
eats  insects,  and  robs  kites  and  crows  of  their  prey,  although  it  seldom  attacks 
birds,  unless  they  be  ill  or  maimed.  A  notable  group  are  the  falcon-kites,  whose 
range  extends   from  Africa   and    India  to  Australia.     The  common  black  species 



(Baza  lophotes),  indigenous  to  India,  the  Malay  Peninsula,  and  the  Indo- 
Chinese  countries,  has,  like  all  its  kindred,  a  crest  on  the  back  of  the  head,  and  in 
colour  is  glossy  black,  with  the  wings  grey  and  white,  the  under  surface  of  the 
tail  grey,  the  shoulders  marked  with  chestnut  and  reddish  brown,  the  breast  barred 
with  white  and  chestnut  above,  and,  lower  down,  ochre-yellow  banded  with  brown. 
For  a  bird-of-prey  this  is  certainly  a  striking  coloration.  The  handsome  serpent- 
eagles,  distinguished  by  the  long,  movable  crest  on  the  head,  range  from  India 
to  the  Malay  Islands,  their  largest  representative  being  Spilornis  child, 
which  is  found  throughout  the  Oriental   region    in  the  neighbourhood  of  water, 





where  it  feeds  on  snakes,  lizards,  and  frogs,  as  well  as  small  mammals,  birds,  and 
insects.  The  crested  eagles,  characterised  b}^  their  feathei'ed  legs,  are  forest-birds 
inhabiting  Africa,  and  the  tropical  parts  of  Asia  and  America.  The  Malay  crested 
eagle  (Spizaetus  caligatus),  which  ranges  from  Kashmir  and  Bengal  to  the  Malay 
Archipelago,  preys  on  hares,  squirrels,  and  peacocks  and  other  game-birds.  Most 
remarkable  of  all  is  the  great  monkey-eating  eagle  (Pithecai )haga  jefferyi)  of  the 
Philippines,  the  sole  representative  of  its  genus,  and  first  described  in  1896. 

Among  game-birds,  a  characteristic  and  peculiar  Oriental  group 
is  that  of  the  wood-partridges ;  the  crested  representative  of  which, 
Rollulus  roulroul,   the  only    member    of    its   genus,    ranges    from    the    south    of 




Tenasserini  through  the  Malay  Peninsula  to  Borneo  and  Sumatra.  Not  less 
noteworthy  is  the  red  jungle-fowl  (Gallus  ferruginous),  which  also  occurs  in  India, 
and  is  generally  regarded  as  the  ancestral  stock  of  domesticated  game.  In  India  it 
inhabits  the  lower  ranges  of  the  Himalaya  from  Kashmir  to  Assam  and  the  greater 
part  of  the  Peninsula ;  eastward  of  the  Bay  of  Bengal  it  is  found  throughout  Burma, 
the  Malay  Peninsula,  Siam,  and  Cochin  China,  while  in  Java,  Sumatra,  and  other 
islands  it  has  probably  been  introduced.  Both  sexes  crow  like  domesticated  cocks, 
the  call  of  the  female  being  a  little  shorter  than  that  of  her  mate.  Jungle-fowl 
breed  in  the  Himalaya  between  March  and  July,  but  farther  south  much  earlier ; 
they  generally  lay  live  or  six,  but  occasionally  from  nine  to  eleven,  eggs  of  a  pale 
clay-colour,  in  a  flat  depression  on  the  ground,  sometimes  bare,  and  at  other  times 
lined  with  grass  and  dead  leaves.     Recent  experiments  demonstrate  that  in  certain 


circumstances  the  hybrids  between  the  Ceylon  jungle-fowl  (G.  Stanley i)  and 
domesticated  fowls  are  fertile,  both  inter  se  and  with  their  parents,  and  under 
really  favourable  conditions  it  is  surmised  that  complete  fertility  could  be  estab- 
lished. This  being  so,  Darwin's  argument  from  the  infertility  of  the  hybrids  that 
G.  stanleyi  cannot  be  the  parent  stock  of  domesticated  poultry  no  longer  holds 
good.  The  difficulty,  however,  is  to  convert  this  negative  evidence  into  positive 
proof  that  the  Ceylon  jungle-fowl  is  entitled  to  occupy  that  position.  An  important 
point  in  the  case  is  the  fact  that  when  domesticated  fowls  tend  to  revert  to  the 
wild  type,  the  cocks  develop  red  or  brown  (never  black)  breasts.  As  the  Indian 
Gallus  ferruginens  is  black -breasted,  the  reversion  is  thus  in  the  direction  of  the 
Sinhalese  species,  which  has  a  reddish  brown  breast  in  the  males.  An  essentially 
Oriental  group  is  that  of  the  crested  fire-backed  pheasants,  of  which  the  red-backed 
Malay  Lophura  rufa  may  be  taken  as  a  well-known  example,  with  a  magnificent 
plumage.  Its  general  colour  is  brilliant  purplish  blue,  with  white  shaft-stripes  on 
the  flanks,  the  lower  part  of  the  back  fiery  chestnut-brown,  the  middle  tail-feathers 



white,  and  the  bare  face  blue.  There  are  many  allied  pheasants,  but  we  pass  on  to 
the  splendid  Argus-pheasants,  which  almost  rival  the  lordly  peacock  in  size,  and  are 
distinguished  by  their  very  long  middle  tail-feathers,  and  by  the  gradual  increase 
in  the  length  of  the  flight-feathers  which  causes  the  secondaries  to  largely  exceed 



the  primary  quills  in  this  respect.  The  true  Argus  (Argusianus  argus)  is  a  native 
of  the  south  of  Tenasserim,  Siam,  the  Malay  Peninsula,  and  Sumatra,  and  takes 
its  name  from  the  delicately  shaded  eye-like  spots  on  the  wings.  It  is  restricted 
to  evergreen  forests,  and  feeds  on  fruits  and  insects.  Both  sexes  possess  a  loud 
call,  which  they  repeat  ten  or  twelve  times,  that  of  the  hens  being  quite  distinct 
from  that   of   the  cocks.      These    pheasants    always  live    alone,  the    cock,  which 


seeks  its  food  only  in  the  mornings  and  evenings,  spending  the  night  on  a  tree, 
but  resting  during  the  day  on  a  spot  about  6  or  8  yards  in  diameter,  which 
is  kept  scrupulously  clear  of  plants,  dead  leaves,  and  other  rubbish.  The  hen  makes 
no  such  clear  space,  and  seems  to  wander  about  the  forest  without  any  fixed  abode. 
Pea-fowl,  likewise  an  exclusively  Oriental  group,  are  represented  in  many  parts  of 
the  Malay  Peninsula,  as  well  as  in  Java  and  Sumatra,  by  the  Burmese  Pavo 
muticus,  a  species  characterised  by  the  feathers  of  the  crest  being  webbed  to  the 
bases  of  their  shafts.  Equally  characteristic  of,  and  restricted  to,  the  Oriental 
region  are  the  beautiful  peacock-pheasants,  which  resemble  the  pea-fowl  in  their 
general  habits,  and  have  the  same  way  of  extending  their  tails  like  fans.  The 
grey  peacock-pheasant  (Polyplectrum  chinquis),  ranging  from  Sikhim  to  Mergui, 
is  mainly  brown  in  colour  with  glossy,  green  and  purple  eye-spots  on  the  tail,  one 
on  each  side  of  each  feather. 

The  group  of  long-tailed  pigeons  is  peculiar  to  south-eastern 
Asia  and  Polynesia,  and  is  somewhat  closely  allied  to  the 
wood-pigeon.  They  are  all  slender  in  shape,  with  long  graduated  tails.  The 
small  Malay  dove  (Geopelia  striata),  which  ranges  from  Tenasserim  and  Siam 
through  the  Austro-Malay  Islands,  may  be  taken  as  an  example  of  the 
group.  Another  group,  the  bronze-winged  doves,  likewise  range  through 
the  Malay  Archipelago  into  the  Australian  area.  Among  these  the  golden 
green  Chalcophaps  indica,  a  species  about  the  size  of  a  turtle-dove,  occurs  in  the 
Himalaya  and  certain  parts  of  peninsular  India,  as  well  as  in  Ceylon,  the  Andamans, 
and  Nicobars,  but  is  most  common  in  the  Malay  Peninsula  and  Islands,  whence 
its  range  extends  as  far  as  New  Guinea.  The  fruit-pigeons,  again,  characterised 
by  the  longish  beak,  dilatable  at  the  base,  in  order  to  permit  of  large  fruits  being 
swallowed  whole,  are  also  well  represented  in  the  Malay  area,  the  most  note- 
worthy kind  being,  perhaps,  the  nutmeg-pigeon  (Carpophaga  ainea).  The  green 
pigeons  include,  among  others,  the  genus  Treron,  of  which  the  two  species,  T. 
nipalensis  and  T.  nasica,  are  found  in  the  present  area,  the  former  ranging  into  north- 
eastern India.  These  pigeons  are  distinguished  by  the  fairly  strong  beak,  which 
is  thickened  and  bent  into  a  hook  at  the  tip. 

Herons  and  Several  handsome  species  of  the  heron  tribe  are  met  with  in  the 

storks.  countries  east  of  the  Bay  of  Bengal,  among  them  being  the  large 
Sumatran  heron  (Ardea  sumatrana),  whose  habitat  extends  from  Tenasserim  to 
Australia.  This  bird  is  remarkable  on  account  of  confining  its  wanderings  to  the 
seashore  and  the  mouths  of  large  rivers  where,  when  the  tide  ebbs,  it  may  be  seen 
stalking  about  in  search  of  food,  which  consists  of  small  fishes  and  crustaceans, 
while  as  the  tide  comes  in  it  perches  on  the  neighbouring  mangrove-trees.  The 
Indian  cattle-egret  (Bubulcus  coromandus),  ranging  from  India  and  Ceylon  to 
Korea  in  the  north-east,  and  the  Moluccas  in  the  south-east,  is  remarkable  on 
account  of  its  habits.  It  breeds  in  colonies,  one  nest  close  to  another ;  and  seldom 
frequents  swamps,  after  the  manner  of  most  of  its  relatives,  but  is  a  constant 
companion  of  buffaloes  and  other  cattle,  sitting  on  their  backs,  and  feeding  on  the 
insects  to  be  found  there.  The  Indian  white-necked  stork  (Dissura  episcopus), 
a  species  considerably  smaller  than  the  white  stork,  has  the  plumage  black  with  a 
coppery  gloss,  except  the  hinder  part  of  the  back  and  tail,  which  are  white.     The 

STORKS— B  USTARD-  Q  U AIL— J  A  CAN  AS  1 99 

neck  is  covered  with  short,  white  down,  but  the  crown  of  the  head,  unlike  that  of 
the  African  representative  of  the  species,  is  wholly  black.  In  the  giant  storks  the 
beak  is  much  compressed  at  the  sides,  with  the  tip  bent  slightly  upwards,  and 
the  upper  half  flattened  towards  the  base.  The  tropical  parts  of  Asia,  Africa, 
Australia,  and  America,  respectively  form  the  habitats  of  the  four  species  of  these 
birds.  The  Indian  black-necked  stork  (XenorhyncJtus  asiaticus)  which  ranges  from 
the  Malay  Peninsula  to  India  and  Ceylon  in  the  west,  and  Australia  in  the  south- 
east, is  similar  in  general  habits  to  other  members  of  the  tribe.  The  ugliest  and  in 
some  respects  the  most  remarkable  of  all  storks  are  the  adjutants,  or  marabouts, 
which  are  common  to  the  warmer  parts  of  Africa  and  Asia.  Among  other  dis- 
tinctive features  of  these  birds  are  the  large,  pointed,  four-sided  beak,  the  pouch 
on  the  breast  (absent  in  one),  the  bare  head  and  neck,  the  soft  and  shaggy  plumage, 
and  the  soft  curling  plumes  of  the  under  tail-coverts,  which  are  so  much  valued  in 
the  feather-trade.  In  all  these  respects  adjutants  differ  markedly  from  other  storks, 
as  indeed  they  do  in  their  habits,  which  approximate  to  those  of  vultures ;  these  birds 
living  on  carcases  and  offal,  and  playing  an  important  part  as  scavengers.  The 
best  known  of  the  two  Oriental  representatives  of  the  group  is  the  great  Indian 
adjutant  (Leptoptilus  dubius),  whose  range  extends  from  northern  India  to  Sumatra, 
Java,  and  Borneo.  The  smaller  Javan  adjutant  (L.  javanicus),  which  lacks  the 
pouch,  inhabits  Ceylon  and  eastern  China  as  well  as  India  and  the  Malay  Islands 
mentioned  above.  Africa  and  India  form  the  respective  homes  of  the  three  kinds  of 
shell-storks,  distinguished  from  the  rest  of  the  tribe  by  the  form  of  the  beak,  which 
gapes  in  the  middle  owing  to  its  two  halves  shutting  closely  only  at  the  tip  and  base. 
These  birds  feed  on  fishes,  frogs,  insects,  and  worms,  but  mainly  on  molluscs,  the 
shells  of  which  their  peculiarly  shaped  beaks  are  admirably  adapted  to  crush.  The 
Indian  shell-stork  (Anastomus  oscitans)  inhabits  India,  Assam,  and  Manipur,  but  is 
rare  in  Pegu,  and  unknown  in  Burma,  though  it  reappears  in  Cochin  China.  In  the 
wood-storks,  which  inhabit  the  warmer  parts  of  Africa,  Asia,  and  America,  the  upper 
half  of  the  beak  is  rounded,  with  the  point  bent  slighth'  downward,  being  in  this 
respect  somewhat  intermediate  between  that  of  the  ibises  and  that  of  other  storks. 
The  Indian  wood-stork  (Pseudotantalus  leucocephahis)  is  one  of  the  best  known  birds 
of  the  country,  being  very  common  in  well-watered  parts,  where  it  lives  alone  or  in 
parties,  breeding  not  unfrequently  in  colonies  on  large  trees  in  the  neighbourhood 
of  villages.  It  is  easily  tamed,  and  inhabits  India  and  Ceylon,  Burma,  Cochin 
China,  and  southern  China. 

The  bustard-quails,  which  are  widely  spread  through  the  warmer 
Bustard-Quails.  .  •/     x  » 

parts    of    the    Eastern   Hemisphere,  are    represented    by  the    black 

species  known  as  the  island  bustard-quail  (Tumix  pugnax),  whose  range  extends 

through  south-eastern  Asia  from  India  and  Ceylon  to  southern  China,  Formosa, 

Sumatra,  and  Java.     Although  these   birds    live   in   pairs,  it  is  the  male  which 

incubates  the  eggs  and  takes  care  of  the  young,  while  the  females  fight  With  one 

another  for  the  possession  of  partners. 

Jacanas  and  Another  noteworthy  group  are  the  jacanas,  characterised  by  the 

Water-Pheasant,  inordinate  length  and  slenderness  of  their  legs  and  toes,  whereby 

they  are  enabled  to   walk  on  the    floating  leaves  of  water-plants.      The  Indian 

species  (Parra  indica)  ranges  from  India  through  Burma  and  the  Malay  Peninsula 



to  Sumatra,  Java,  and  Celebes,  but  is  unknown  in  Ceylon.  Nearly  allied  is  the 
beautiful  water-pheasant  (Hydrophasianus  chirurgus),  which  differs  from  the 
jacanas  by  the  absence  of  the  naked  shield  on  the  forehead,  and  the  possession  of 
elongated  middle  tail-feathers.  This  bird  is  an  inhabitant  not  only  of  the  Malay 
Peninsula  and  southern  China,  as  well  as  Java  and  the  Philippines,  but  also  of 
Ceylon  and  India,  and  is  very  abundant  on  the  lakes  of  Kashmir. 

Among  the  duck  tribe,  the  cotton-teal,  the  smallest  members  of 
the  family,  are  specially  distinguished  by  their  goose-like  beaks.    They 
occur  in  Africa,  and  Australia,  as  well  as  in  India,  China,  and  south-eastern  Asia, 


ft^t  <  C\  I  i  cj  ^* 


including  the  Malay  Archipelago  as  far  east  as  Celebes.  The  Indian  species 
(Ncttopus  coromandeliaMux),  which  frequents  sheets  of  water  in  which  plants  are 
plentiful,  is  rapid  on  the  wing  and  has  a  peculiar  call.  It  generally  breeds  some 
distance  from  the  water,  in  large  trees,  but  sometimes  in  the  ruins  of  old  buildings, 
laying  from  eight  to  ten  small  white  eggs. 

Pelicans  and  The  pelicans  are    represented    in    the    area  under  consideration 

Darters.  by  two  species,  namely,  the  eastern  pelican  (Pclecanus  rosrus), 
ranging  over  eastern  Asia  and  the  Malay  Archipelago,  and  the  spot- 
beaked   P.  philippensis,  which   inhabits    India    as  well.     More    remarkable   than 



the  pelicans  are  the  darters,  easily  recognisable  by  the  slender  body,  the 
long  thin  snake-like  neck,  the  long  tail,  narrower  at  the  base  than  at  the 
tip,  moderately  long  wings,  and  the  slender,  pointed  beak.  The  group  is 
represented  by  one  species  in  each  continent,  except  Europe.  The  Indian  darter 
(Plotus  melanogaster),  which  is  distributed  over  India  and  the  Malay  countries, 
lives  near  fresh  water,  and  is  not  seen  near  the  sea  except  at  river-mouths.     When 


swimming,  this  bird  raises  only  its  head  and  long  serpent-like  neck  out  of  the  water, 
and  dives  either  from  the  surface  or  from  a  tree-stump  or  root  a  little  height  above. 
It  subsists  on  fish,  which  it  captures  by  stabbing  through  the  gills  ;  afterwards,  rising 
with  its  victim  to  the  surface,  it  throws  it  into  the  air,  catches  it,  and  swallows  it 
head-first.  After  the  meal,  it  rests,  like  a  cormorant,  with  expanded  wings  on  the 
branch  of  a  tree  or  some  other  convenient  station.  The  nest  and  eggs  are  like  those  of 
cormorants,  in  whose  society,  as  well  as  in  that  of  herons,  darters  frequently  breed. 



Tortoises  and  Among  the  reptiles,  there  are  comparatively  few  meriting  special 

Terrapins.  attention.  The  land-tortoises  and  terrapins  are,  however,  abundantly 
represented.  Among  these  are  three  kinds  of  land-tortoise,  Testudo  elongata, 
T.  phifji nota,  and  T.  emys,  of  which  the  second  is  confined  to  Burma  and  northern 
Pegu,  while  the  other  two  range  from  Assam  over  a  large  part  of  the  Malay 
countries.  The  three  species  of  the  chiefly  terrestrial  genus  Geoemyda  are  peculiar 
to  this  area ;  and  the  same  is  nearly  the  case  with  those  of  Cyclemys,  although  one 
ranges  into  Cachar.  One  species  of  the  allied  genus  Morenia  is  likewise  Malay ; 
and  batagurs  of  the  genus  Cachuga  occur  in  the  Irawadi.  Very  characteristic  of 
the  province  is  the  big-headed  tortoise  (Platystemum  megacepkalum),  which 
represents  a  family  by  itself,  and  is  distinguished  by  its  slender  body,  long  tail 
and  massive  head.     It  is  a  rare  inhabitant  of    the  rivers  of    Burma,  Siam,  and 




southern  China.  The  fresh-water  soft-tortoises,  which  are  distributed  over  the 
warmer  countries  of  Asia,  Africa,  and  North  America,  are  represented  in  the  Malay 
province  by  Trionyx  cartilagineus,  the  shell  of  which  attains  a  large  size. 

The  largest  representative  of  the  lizards  is  the  banded  monitor 
( Varanus  salvator),  which  may  attain  a  length  of  over  40  inches, 
exclusive  of  the  long  tail.  It  ranges  over  India  as  well  as  south-eastern  Asia, 
dwelling  among  swamps  and  in  trees  above  the  surface  of  the  water.  Among  the 
great  group  of  agamoid  lizards,  mention  may  be  made  of  the  variable  lizard 
{Calotes  versicolor),  which  is  reddish  yellow  in  colour  with  brown  cross-bands,  and 
'I'Ti'ves  its  names  from  its  chameleon-like  change  of  colour.  This' lizard  ranges 
from  Afghanistan  and  Baluchistan  into  China,  and  Cochin  China. 

Of  the  Hying  lizards,  which  are  peculiar  to  the  Oriental  region,  the  most  common 
is  perhaps  Draco  volans,  which  ranges  from  the  Malay  Peninsula  into  Borneo.  The 
geckos,  which  are  of  much  wider  distribution,  have  a  fairly  common  representative 



in  the  touktar  {Gecko  verticillatus),  which  inhabits  eastern  Bengal,  southern  China, 
and  the  Malay  Peninsula  and  Archipelago.  The  stump-tailed  gecko  (Gehyra 
mutilata)  is  noteworthy  on  account  of  its  extensive  geographical  rano-e,  which 
embraces  Ceylon,  Burma,  the  Malay  Peninsula  and  Archipelago,  New  Guinea,  the 
Mascarenes  and  Seychelles,  and  western  Mexico.  Such  a  distribution  is  almost,  if 
not  quite,  unparalleled  in  the  case  of  a  land  verte- 
brate. Unlike  the  geckos,  which  occur  in  all  the 
continents  of  the  world,  the  chamseleons  have 
a    more   restricted    range,    and    include     only    a 



single  Oriental    species  (Chamceleon  calcaratus),  which  is    confined  to  India  and 
Ceylon,  and  does  not  therefore  enter  the  area  under  consideration. 

Among  numerous  venomous  snakes  inhabiting  the  Malay  area, 
one  of  the  most  formidable  is  Russell's  viper  (Vipera  russelli),  which 
is  common  to  India  and  the  Malay  Peninsula,  and  is  said  to  occur  also  in  Sumatra 
and  Java.  Belonging  to  the  same  genus  as  the  European  viper,  this  species,  which 
attains  a  length  of  4  feet,  is  sluggish  in  disposition,  fearless  of  man,  and  a  fierce 
biter,  so  that  it  is  one  of   the   most  dangerous  of  all  snakes.     The  cobra  (Naia 





trijpudians),  which  has  an  even  worse  reputation,  is  found  as  far  as  the  Caspian 
to  the  west,  and  eastward  ranges  into  southern  China  and  the  Malay  Archipelago. 
This  snake,  which  preys  principally  on  small  reptiles,  although  also  on  small 
mammals  and  birds,  attains  in  some  cases  a  length  of  over  6  feet.  The  giant  cobra 
(N.  bungariis),  which  is  more  than  double  that  length,  is  a  deadly  foe  to  other 

snakes,  and  by  reason 
of  its  greater  ferocity 
is  more  dangerous  than 
the  typical  species,  al- 
though fortunately  less 
common.  It  ranges  over 
the  greater  part  of 
India,  Burma,  and  the 
Malay  Peninsula.  The 
Indian  python  {Python 
f  molurus)  is  a  well- 
.  known  member  of  a 
non  -  venomous  group, 
distinguished,  among 
'  J,  other  characters,  by  the 
possession  of  vestiges  of 
\  the    hind-limbs    and    a 

prehensile  tail,  and  is 
almost  entirely  confined 
to  the  tropics,  where  it 
occurs  in  both  hemi- 
spheres. The  Indian 
species,  which  attains 
occasionally  a  length  of 
over  20  feet,  inhabits 
India,  Ceylon,  the  Malay 
Peninsula,  and  Java. 
The  Malay  python  {P. 
reticulatus),  which 
ranges  from  Burma  to 
the  Nicobars,  and  the 
Malay  Peninsula  and 
Islands,  is  larger,  grow- 
ing to  30  feet.  The 
green  whip-snake  (Dry- 
ophis  mycterizans),  which  is  likewise  poisonous,  and  sometimes  pale  brown  instead  of 
green,  takes  its  name  from  the  whip-like  shape  of  its  body.  In  length  about  5  feet, 
it  lives  principally  amid  bushes  and  high  grass,  and  ranges  over  India,  Ceylon,  and 
Burma.  That  striking  Indo-Malay  snake  the  banded  krait  (Bungarus  fasciatus)  takes 
its  native  name  of  sankni,  meaning  the  "  wearer  of  bracelets,"  from  its  alternating 
bands  of  black  and  yellow.     The  same  word  reappears  in  sank  (pronounced  like  the 



Indian  Python. 



English  "  sunk  "),  the  native  name  of  the  bangles  made  from  the  shell  of  the  great 
Indian  conch.  Although  seldom  exceeding  5  feet,  the  banded  crait,  which  is  a 
deadly  snake,  may  grow  to  as  much  as  6  feet  in  length.  It  is  mimicked  in  the 
matter  of  colour 
by  a  smaller  and 
perfectly  harmless 
snake  known  as 
L  a  <  rxlon  fasc  ia- 
tus,  which  has, 
however,  a  brown 
collar  on  the 
throat.  Whether 
this  is  a  case  of 
true  mimicry  may 
be  doubtful,  seeing 
that  the  banded 
krait  is  mainly 
nocturnal  in  habit, 
and  is  nowadays 
most  frequently 
seen  by  Europeans 
when  travelling  at 
night  by  motor. 
It  is  also  extraor- 
dinarily sluggish, 
so  that  when  trod 
upon  it  will  merely 
crawl  lazily  out  of 
the  way,  and  when 
observed  in  the 
act  of  swallowing 

another  snake  will  continue  its  meal  in  the  midst 
of  a  circle  of  admiring  natives.  It  is  essentially 
a  cannibal  species,  and  has  been  seen  in  the  act 
of  swallowing  a  rat-snake  (Zamenis  mucosus)  of 
about  5  feet  in  length,  and  likewise  a  large  tree- 
snake  of  the  genus  Dipsadomorphus.  It  is  also 
reputed  to  kill  and  eat  cobras.  Unlike  the  typical 
krait  (Bungarus  cceruleus),  which  is  stated  to  be 
responsible  for  more  deaths  than  aiiy  other  Indian 
snake,  the  banded  krait  very  rarely,  if  ever,  attacks 
human  beings.  A  vast  number  of  other  snakes  must 
be  passed  over  without  mention,  but  a  few  words  must  be  said  with  regard  to  the 
blind-snakes  (Typldopodidce),  which  are  represented  in  India  and  the  Malay  area 
by  the  typical  genus  Typhlops.  The  commonest  species  is  T.  bramimis,  the  range 
of  which  extends  from  southern  China  and  the   Malav  Peninsula  and  Islands  to 



Arabia,  Africa,  and  Madagascar.      These   remarkable   snakes  are  very  similar  in 
habits  to  large  earth-worms. 

Crocodiles,  which    inhabit    all  the  warmer  countries  of  Africa, 
Asia,  Australia,  and  America,  and  are  the  largest  of  living  reptiles, 
are  mainly  denizens  of    the  water,  and  without    exception  carnivorous,  although 






they  do  not  all  live  on  the  same  kind  of  food.  The  gharial  (Garialis  gangetica), 
which  feeds  mainly  on  fish,  and  grows  to  about  20  feet  in  length,  inhabits 
the  Indus,  Ganges,  and  the  Bramaputra,  together  with  a  few  other  rivers  in  India, 
is  an  Indian  rather  than  a  Mala}'  species.  Among  other  features,  it  is  character- 
ised by  its  long  and  narrow  jaws  and  slender  curved  teeth.  Instances  of  its  attack- 
ing human  beings  have  been  recently  recorded.  It  is  the  sole  representative  of  its 
genus.     An  allied  form,  the  Bornean  gharial,  representing  a  second  genus,  is  noticed 



under  the  heading  of  the  Malay  Islands,  although  it  also  occurs  in  the  Peninsula. 
The  true  crocodiles,  which  comprise  eleven  or  twelve  species,  are  represented 
within  the  Malay  area  by  Crocodilus  porosus,  ranging  from  Ceylon  and  eastern 
India  to  Australia  and  the  Fiji  Islands,  and  frequenting  the  lower  courses  of 
rivers  and  the  seashore,  and  also  by  the  swamp  or  Indian  crocodile  (C.  palustris) 
inhabiting  the  rivers,  ponds,  and  swamps  over  an  area  extending  from  the  Malay 
Archipelago  to  Sind  and  Baluchistan. 

In  the  first  of  these  species  the  length  of  the  snout  is  from  one-and- two-thirds 
to  two-and-a-quarter  times  the  width,  whereas  in  the  second  the  proportion  is  one- 
and-a-third  to  one-and-a-half.  Crocodilus  porosus  has,  moreover,  from  seventeen  to 
nineteen  pairs  of  teeth  in  the  upper  jaw,  and  a  more  or  less  strongty  developed  ridge 
on  the  skull  in  front  of  each  eye,  whereas  in  C.  palustris  the  number  of  pairs  of 
upper  teeth  is  invariably  nineteen,  and  there  is  no  bony  ridge  in  front  of  the  eye. 
The  former  is  stated  to  attain  the  enormous  length  of  33  feet,  and  the  latter  appears 
to  fall  but  little  short  of  these  dimensions. 




The  Fauna  of  the  Malay  Islands  and  the  Philippines 

Although  the  great  Malay  Islands  of  Java,  Sumatra,  Borneo,  and  Celebes,  together 
with  the  Philippines  and  the  smaller  islands  of  the  Archipelago,  form  a  part  of  the 
Malay  province  of  the  Oriental  region,  they  contain  so  many  animals  unknown 
elsewhere  that  they  may  be  accorded  a  chapter  to  themselves.  Throughout  the 
great  sylvan  area  of  these  islands  and  New  Guinea,  and  the  adjacent  continental 
portions  of  south-eastern  Asia,  the  annual  rainfall  is  very  great,  attaining  an 
average  of  about  80  inches,  but  rising  in  some  places  to  120,  in  others  to  160,  and 
reaching  in  Buitenzorg  in  Java  almost  200.  There  are  indeed  districts  in  eastern  Java 
in  which  the  fall  is  considerably  much  less  than  40  inches,  and  where  in  consequence 
tall  trees  or  even  savannas  are  scarce,  but,  speaking  generally,  most  of  the  land- 
surface  of  the  Malay  Archipelago  is  clothed  with  primeval  forests,  which  are  types 
of  tropical  luxuriance  and  beauty,  and  utterly  unlike  the  forest-growth  of  Europe. 
Amid  this  leafy  luxuriance  flourishes  a  rich  and  remarkable  fauna,  many  of  the 
members  of  which  are  common  to  the  mainland  of  the  Malay  province,  under  which 
heading  they  have  been  already  noticed,  while  others  are  peculiar  to  this  island  tract. 



Among  the  man-like  apes,  the  first  to  be  noticed  is  the  gibbon 
locally  known  as  the  siaman  (Hylobates  syndactylus),  which  is 
restricted  to  Sumatra,  where  it  inhabits  forests  up  to  a  height  of  about  3000  feet, 
and  is  distinguished  from  others  of  its  kind  by  the  presence  of  a  web  between  the 
second  and  third  toes,  and  of  a  kind  of  pouch  on  the  throat,  as  well  as  by  the  hair 
of  the  fore-arm  pointing  towards  the  elbow  instead  of  towards  the  wrist.  The 
siaman,  which  is  about  36  inches  in  height,  and  measures  66  inches  across  the 
arms,  has  rather  long  hair  of  a  black  colour,  except  the  whiskers,  which  are  grey 
or  whitish.  On  account  of  its  exceedingly  long  arms,  it  walks  awkwardly  on  the 
ground,  but  among  the  tree-tops,  where  it  spends  most  of  its  time,  it  moves  with 
great  agility,  often  taking  long  leaps,  especially  when  in  danger.  By  the  Malays 
the  siaman  is  considered  dull  and  stupid,  and  it  is  very  wary  and  difficult  of 
approach.  Throughout  the  day  it  is  silent,  but  at  morning  and  evening,  as  the  sun 
rises  or  sets,  it  indulges  in  terrific  cries,  given  with  the  full  strength  of  the  troop. 
Another  gibbon,  H.  agilis,  is  found  only  in  Sumatra  and  Siam,  while  a  third  kind, 
the  wou-wou,  or  silver-haired  gibbon  (H.  leuciscus),  is  peculiar  to  Java  and  Borneo. 

The  most  remarkable  of  the  man-like  apes  of  the  Malay  Islands 
is  the  orang-utan  (Simia  satyrus),  which  is  peculiar  to  Sumatra  and 
Borneo.  This  ape,  the  mias  of  the  Dyaks  and  the  "  man-of-the-woods "  of  the 
Malays,  attains  a  height  of  about  4  feet,  and,  when  standing  erect,  touches  the 
ground  with  its  finger-tips  on  account  of  its  long  arms.  The  legs  are  very  short, 
the  calves  thin,  and  the  long  slender  feet  carry  a  short  and  opposable  great  toe 
which  is  often  without  a  nail,  and  in  old  age  seems  in  some  cases  to  lose  its 
terminal  joint.  Like  the  feet,  which  touch  the  ground  only  on  their  outer  sides,  the 
long  slender  hands  are  horny  and  wart-like  on  both  sides,  with  the  thumb  relatively 
smaller  than  the  great  toe,  and  a  slight  web  between  the  fingers.  The  skull  tapers 
almost  to  a  point  at  the  crown,  the  forehead  is  high,  the  oval  face  flat,  and  the 
nose  pressed  into  the  face,  while  the  jaws  are  projecting,  and  the  long  lips  broad, 
smooth,  and  flexible.  In  the  males  each  cheek  carries  a  protuberance  which  almost 
covers  the  ear,  and  the  front  part  of  the  neck  is  furnished  with  a  loose  pouch  of  skin 
communicating  with  the  windpipe.  The  shaggy  reddish  hair,  a  foot  or  more  in 
length,  is  very  sparse  on  the  front  of  the  body,  although  somewhat  more  abundant 
than  on  the  face,  ears,  hands,  and  feet,  which,  except  for  the  whiskers  and  beard, 
are  almost  entirely  bare,  and  bluish  or  brownish  in  colour. 

The  mias  inhabits  the  primeval  forests  of  the  plains,  where,  with  the  aid  of 
its  long  powerful  arms,  it  moves  amid  the  foliage  so  easily  and  rapidly  that  a  man 
walking  in  the  same  direction  on  the  ground  is  scarcely  able  to  keep  up  with  its 
progress.  At  a  height  of  some  25  feet  from  the  ground  it  builds  of  branches  a  sort 
of  nest  or  platform  on  which  it  sleeps,  and  where  it  stays  until  the  morning 
dew  has  disappeared  from  the  leaves.  The  food  of  the  mias  consists  mainly  of 
certain  fruits,  among  which  the  evil-smelling  but  tasty  durian  seems  to  be  the 
favourite.  Orang-utans  live  in  small  family  parties,  consisting  of  the  two  parents 
and  their  offspring.  The  young,  which  are  very  much  like  human  infants  in  their 
ways,  signify  their  wants  by  crying,  but  cease  their  wailing  when  they  find  them- 
selves alone,  to  resume  their  crying  when  they  become  aware  of  the  return  of  their 
parents.     In  captivity  they  enjoy  being  caressed  to  such  an  extent  that  they  cry 

vol.  11. — 14 





when  put  down,  and  fully  appreciate  the  delight  of  a  bath,  especially  the  subse- 
quent drying  and  combing.  They  soon  grow  tame  and  accustomed  to  all  kinds  of 
food,  including  meat,  and  they  will  drink  beer,  wine,  and  spirits,  as  well  as  coffee 
and  tea.  Unfortunately,  the  life  of  captive  orang-utans  in  Europe  is  invariably 
brought  to  a  premature  close. 

of  peculiar 
species  inhabit  the  larger 
Malay  Islands  with  the 
exception  of  Celebes, 
but  they  are  eclipsed  in 
interest  by  their  ludi- 
crous-looking relative, 
the  proboscis  -  monkey 
(Nasalis  larvatus)  of 
Borneo.  This  ape,  the 
sole  representative  of 
its  kind,  is  recognisable 
at  a  glance  by  its  long 
and  flexible  nose,  which 
often  attains  its  maxi- 
mum development  in 
the  old  male.  In  colour 
this  grotesque  monkey 
is  reddish  brown,  with 
blackish  ears,  and  much 
yellow  and  whitish  on 
various  parts  of  the 
body.  Its  size  is  con- 
siderable, the  head  and 
body  measuring  about 
30,  and  the  whip-like 
tail  26,  inches.  These 
monkeys  associate  in 
small  troops,  and,  like 
langurs,  apparently 
spend  most  of  their  time 
in  the  trees.  The  object 
of  the  ungainly  proboscis  of  the  adult  male,  which  hangs  down  over  the  upper 
lip,  is  quite  unknown. 
Moor-Macaque  Peculiar  to  the  south  of  Celebes  and  the  neighbouring  island  of 

and  Black  Ape.  Bouton  is  the  moor-macaque  (Macacus  maurus),  whose  tail  is  merely 
a  short  bare  stump  about  an  inch  long  curving  upwards.  In  colour  this  monkey 
is  black,  with  a  long  narrow  face  and  a  flat  nose.  Another  black  monkey  inhabit- 
ing Celebes,  Batchian,  and  some  of  the  Philippines,  far  to  the  east  of  its  nearest 
allies,  is  the  black  ape  (Cynopithecus  niger),  a  species  representing  a  genus  by 


VjSL  :£3*M&& 





itself,  with  affinities  to  the  macaques  and  the  baboons.  It  is  likewise  a  short-tailed, 
or  rather  almost  tailless,  species,  and  its  long  narrow  face  looks  all  the  longer  from 
the  curving  crest  of  long  black  hair  with  which  the  head  is  crowned. 

Among  the  lemurs,  the  slow  loris  is  common  to  the  mainland 
and  Sumatra,  Java,  and  Borneo,  but  the  strange  tarsiers  are  confined 
to  the  islands  of  the  Archipelago.     The  typical  Tarsius  spectrum  is  an  inhabitant 



of  Java,  Sumatra,  Borneo,  and  some  of  the  smaller  islands,  and  a  second  species,  T. 
fuscus,  has  been  described  from  Celebes  and  some  of  the  islands  of  the  Philippine 
group.  Ghostly  in  appearance,  tarsiers  are  characterised  externally  by  their  nails, 
which  are  developed  into  claws  only  on  the  second  and  third  toes  of  the  foot,  but 
more  especially  by  the  disc-like  expansion  of  the  tips  of  the  fingers  and  toes,  as 
well  as  by  the  remarkably  long  ankles  and  the  enormous  eyes  and  ears.  Tarsiers, 
which  are  not  so  large  as  rats,  are  nocturnal  animals,  living  in  trees,  where  they 
hop  along  the  branches.  When  feeding,  they  hold  their  food,  which  consists  of 
insects  and  small  lizards,  between  their  fore-paws  like  squirrels. 





Pen-Tailed  Omitting  mention  of  the  bats,  as  being  of  no  very  special  interest, 

Tree-snrew.    ancj  merely  referring  to  the  occurrence  of  a  species  of  flying  lemur, 

or  cobego  (Galeopithecus  phttippinensis),  in  the  Philippines,  and  of  the  largest  of 

r  <  the    tree-shrews     (Tupaia 

tana)  in  Borneo,  attention 
must  be  concentrated  on 
the  remarkable  pen-tailed 
tree-shrew  (Ptilocercus 
lotvi),  the  sole  representa- 
tive of  a  type  long  supposed 
to  be  peculiar  to  Borneo, 
but  now  known  to  occur 
also  in  the  Malay  Penin- 
sula. From  ordinary  tree- 
shrews  this  curious  little 
animal,  which  is  about  the 
size  of  a  mouse,  differs  by 
•  f  m*--)H&&    ^  .  ..^«'V^'""  •-;  the   terminal    third  of  the 

otherwise  short-haired  long 
tail  bearing  on  opposite 
sides  two  rows  of  elongated 
hairs  resembling  the  vanes 
of  a  feather. 

A  peculiar 
generic  type 
of  gymnura  (Podogym- 
nura)  has  been  obtained 
from  Mount  Aboo  in  Mind- 
anao, Philippine  group. 

Among  the 
prey,  the  tiger  is  found  in 
Sumatra  and  Java,  but  not 
in  Borneo  or  the  other 
islands,  while  the  leopard 
also  occurs  in  Borneo,  al- 
though, like  the  tiger,  it  is 
unknown  in  Celebes.  The 
rare  Bornean  bay  cat  (Fcl  is 
badia)  is  restricted  to  the 
island  from  which  it  takes  its  name,  and  is  of  a  uniform  bright  chestnut-brown  colour, 
except  for  a  white  streak  down  the  under  surface  of  the  terminal  half  of  the  tail. 

The  civet-cats  are  represented  by   Vircrra  tanqalv/nqa,  which 
Other  Carnivora.  .  1  '  . 

inhabits  Java,  Sumatra,   Borneo,  and  the    Philippines,  and    is    also 

found  in  the  Moluccas,  its  distributional  area  thus  extending  farther  east  than 

that  of  any  other  member  of  the  group.     Borneo  is  the  home  of  the  banded  civet 







{Diplogale  hosei),  the  sole  member  of  its  genus,  while  it  is  also  one  of  the  habitats 
of  other  species  mentioned  in  the  last  chapter.  The  Malay  wild  dog  ranges  from 
the  mainland  of  the  Peninsula  to  Sumatra  and  Java  and  possibly  to  Borneo ;  while 
the  only  bear  found  in  the  islands  is  the  small  smooth-coated  Malay  species  (Ursus 
malayanus),  which  inhabits  Sumatra,  Java,  and  Borneo,  as  well  as  the  Malay 
Peninsula  and  north-west  China.  The  weasel  group  is  more  numerous  in  the 
islands,  one  of  the  most  peculiar  types  being  the  Malay  badger  {Mydaus  meliceps), 
the  only  species  of  its  genus,  which  inhabits  the  mountains  of  Java,  Sumatra,  and 


Borneo.     This  animal  is  to  be  avoided  by  the  hunter  on  account  of  its  habit  of 

ejecting  a  noisome  fluid  well  nigh  as  evil-smelling  as  the  secretion  of  the  American 

skunks.     It  is  much  smaller  and  also  browner  than  the  European  badger,  with  a 

stripe  of  white  down  the  back. 

Several  hoofed  mammals  are  indigenous  to  the  Malay  Islands. 
Buffaloes.  .  ... 

Whether  the  karabau  or  wild  buffalo  of  Java  is  an  indigenous  race  of 

the  Indian  buffalo  or  imported  is  uncertain,  but  a  small  Bornean  buffalo  has  been 

described  as  a  distinct  race  under  the  name  Bos  bubalis  hosei.     Another  buffalo,  the 

tamarao  (B.  mindorensis),  inhabiting  the  island  of  Mindoro  in  the  Philippines,  is 

covered  with  coarse,  thick,  blackish  brown  hair,  and  stands  only  about  3^  feet  at 



the  shoulder.  In  many  respects  it  forms  a  transition  from  the  Indian  species  to 
the  small  and  more  aberrant  pigmy  buffalo,  or  anoa  {B.  depressicornis),  of  Celebes. 
The  latter  stands  about  39  inches  high,  and  is  slightly  lower  at  the  withers  than  at 
the  hind-quarters.  The  small  triangular  horns  are  set  much  more  upright  and  are 
much  less  curved  than  in  the  Indian  buffalo :  their  length  is  seldom  more  than  a 
foot  even  in  the  bulls.     In  colour  the  anoa  is  either  reddish  yellow  or  black  in 


youth,  when  it  has  a  thick  coat  of  woolly  hair,  but  dark  blackish  brown  in  old  age, 
the  under-parts  being  always  paler ;  there  are  sometimes  two  white  spots  on  each 
cheek,  and  white  markings  on  the  legs,  and  the  whole  animal  much  resembles  a 
young  Indian  buffalo.  Although  it  apparently  presents  signs  of  affinities  to  the 
antelopes,  it  is  essentially,  alike  in  colour,  structure,  and  habits,  a  buffalo,  although 
less  specialised  than  the  typical  members  of  that  group. 

The  deer  of  the  Malay  Islands  include  the  rusa  or  Javan  sambar 
(Cervus  hippelaphus)  of  Java,  with  local  races  in  the  Moluccas  and 
Timor,  the  Luzon  race  of  the  sambar  (C.  nnicolor  phUippinus),  the  Basilan  race 




of  the  same  (C.  unicolor  nigricans)  from  the  small  island  of  Basilan  in  the 
Philippines,  the  much  larger  Malay  sambar  (0.  unicolor  equinus)  in  Borneo,  as 
well  as  the  very  distinct  Bavian  deer  (G.  Icuhli)  from  a  small  group  of  islands  lying 
between  Java  and  Borneo,  and  the  equally  distinct  but  much  handsomer  Philippine 




\i  Ir    ~  ^V 



*.  ■  a 


spotted  deer  (C.  alfredi).     There  are  probably  other  species  still  to  be  named  from 

the  Philippines. 

That  puzzling  group,  the  wild  swine,  has  numerous  representa- 

Wild  Swine.        .  .        ,       .  ,       T  ,  -t        ,■  *  1  ^         n         -1 

tives  in  the  islands  under  consideration.     Among  them,  the  collared 

pig  (Sus  vittatus),  which  inhabits  Sumatra,  Java,  and  Borneo,  is  distinguished  by  a 

white  stripe  on  the  sides  of  the  face  and  neck.     The  warty  pig  (S.  verrucosus),  with 

three  warts  on  each  cheek,  is  a  native  of  Java  and  Borneo,  and  is  nearly  related  to 


the  wild  pig  of  Celebes  (S.  celebensis).  Very  different  is  the  long-snouted  bearded 
pig  (S.  barbatus)  of  Borneo,  easily  recognisable  by  its  whiskers  and  elongated  head, 
and  represented  by  races,  of  which  one  has  been  named  S.  o'i,  in  the  islands  near 
the  Malay  Peninsula.  Most  remarkable  of  all  is,  however,  the  babirusa  (Babirusa 
alfurus)  of  Celebes,  represented  by  an  allied  species  in  Boru.  This  strange  pig, 
which  has  a  highly  arched  back  and  a  peculiarly  rough,  thick,  and  almost  bark-like 
skin,  stands  about  42  inches  in  height  at  the  middle  of  the  back.  The  ears  are 
small,  the  tail  is  short,  and  the  skin,  which  is  ashy  grey  in  colour  and  hangs  in 
loose  folds,  is  almost  bare,  although  sparsely  haired  along  the  middle  of  the  back. 
The  babirusa  differs,  however,  from  other  swine  most  notably  in  regard  to  the 
peculiar  formation  of  the  tusks  of  the  boar,  which  are  devoid  of  enamel,  and  attain 
an  excessive  length.  Their  abnormally  large  growth  is  due  to  the  circumstance 
that  those  of  the  upper  jaw  are  not  worn  against  the  lower  pair,  after  the 
manner  obtaining  in  most  wild  swine.  The  upper  tusks  of  the  males,  which 
occasionally  measure  between  12  and  14  inches  in  length,  pierce  the  skin  of  the 
muzzle,  and  after  rising  vertically  for  a  short  distance,  curve  backwards  and 
downwards  and  finally  forwards,  with  their  tips  often  touching  the  forehead. 
The  lower  pair,  which  do  not  grow  so  long,  are  less  stout  than  the  upper  ones, 
but  are  curved  in  a  more  or  less  similar  fashion.  Both  pairs  are  relatively  small 
in  the  females. 

Generally  speaking,  the  rodents  are  very  similar  to  those  of  the 


Malay  Peninsula  and  neighbouring  parts  of  the  mainland,  but  there 
are  certain  more  or  less  peculiar  types.  Among  the  squirrel  family  the  sharp-nosed 
Sciurus  tupaioides  is  notable  on  account  of  its  extraordinary  resemblance  to  the 
tree-shrews,  having  the  fur  similar  both  in  texture  and  colour,  as  well  as  the  same 
pointed  nose,  and  even  the  pale  stripe  across  the  shoulders.  A  peculiar  genus, 
characterised  by  its  grooved  incisors  and  large  tufted  ears,  is  typified  by  the 
groove-toothed  squirrel  (Rhithrosciurus  macrotis),  a  native  of  Borneo.  It  has 
a  long  bushy  tail,  and  the  flanks  are  ornamented  with  black  and  white  bands ; 
in  habits  it  is  terrestrial.  Borneo  is  also  the  home  of  certain  species  of  pigmy 
squirrels,  another  member  of  the  same  group  inhabiting  the  Philippines,  while  yet 
another  inhabits  West  Africa.  These  squirrels  are  distinguished  not  only  by  their 
diminutive  size,  but  also  by  certain  peculiarities  in  their  skull  and  teeth.  One  of 
the  prettiest  members  of  the  group  is  Whitehead's  squirrel  (Nannosciurus  wldte- 
headi)  of  north  Borneo. 

The  Philippines  are  remarkable  on  account  of  being  the  habitat 

of  a  number  of  peculiar  generic  types  of  rats,  the  majority  of  which 
are  confined  to  the  mountains  of  Luzon,  and  two  of  which  greatly  exceed 
all  the  other  members  of  the  family  in  size.  One  of  these  large  forms 
is  Cuming's  rat  (Phlceoinys  cumingi),  a  long  and  rough-haired  species  found 
in  the  lowlands.  Of  the  Luzon  rats,  Crateromys  scliatenbergi  is  another 
large  long-haired  form,  but  the  remainder  are  of  smaller  size.  These  have 
been  named  Chrotomys  whiteheadi,  Carpomys  melanurus,  C.  phceurus,  Batomys 
granti,  and  Rhynchomys  soricoides;  the  last  remarkable  for  its  long  shrew- 
like nose.  Another  Luzon  rat,  Xeromys  silaceus,  has  been  assigned  to  a  genus 
typically  Australian. 


21 7 

Porcupines  and         The  porcupines  are  represented  in  Borneo  by  Giinther's  porcupine 

Rabbit.       {Tricky s guentheri),  a  relative  of  the  brush-tailed  group,  but  with  shorter 

spines  and  parallel-sided  tail-bristles.     The  Sumatran  rabbit  (Nesoiagus  nitscheri) 


is  nearly  related  to  the  Assam  spiny  rabbit; 
the  group  being  known  only  by  these  two 
species,  and  a  third  from  the  Liukiu  Islands. 
The  great  majority  of  the 
mammals  of  the  Malay  Islands 
and  the  Philippines  are  related  to  those 
of  the  mainland,  but  some  (with  their  allies 
of  the  Peninsula)  exhibit  a  remarkable 
affinity  with  West  African  types.  When 
Celebes  is  reached,  indications  of  relation- 
ship to  the  Australian  fauna  are  exhibited 
by  the  presence  of  the  black  cuscus  (Phal- 
anger  ursinus),  a  member  of  an  otherwise 
exclusively  Australasian  group. 



Perching  and  Among  birds  peculiar  to  the  islands  under  consideration,  atten- 

Picarian  Birds.  ^jon  mav  grs^  be  directed  to  the  white-necked  starling  (Streptocitta 

albicollis)  of  Celebes,  a  bird  about  the  size  of  a  thrush,  with  shining  bluish  black 

plumage,  relieved  by  a  white  ring  round  the  neck,  and  with  long  narrow  feathers 



curving  forwards  on  the  forehead  and  cheeks.  The  swifts  which  build  edible  nests 
are  represented  by  Collocalia  nidifica,  a  species  unknown  on  the  mainland ;  while 
among  the  broadbills  the  black  Sumatran  species  (Eurylcemus  sumatranus)  is  con- 
fined to  the  Archipelago.  Closely  allied  to  these  is  the  beautiful  Calyptomena 
viridis,&  bird  the  size  of  a  nightingale,  with  a  short,  broad  beak  almost  covered 
by  the  curly  feathers  of  the  forehead.  The  powdered  woodpecker  (A lophonerpes 
pidverulentus)  is  common  to  India,  the  Malay  Peninsula,  and  the  Malay  Islands 

-, except  Celebes ;  but  the 

latter  island  and  the 
Philippines  are  the  sole 
habitat  of  the  four 
species  of  the  nearly 
allied  genus  Microstic- 
tus.  Of  these  the  Cele- 
besian  M.  fulvus  is  slaty 
grey  above,  and  light 
brown  below,  sprinkled 
with  small  spots  on  the 
head,  neck,  and  throat, 
the  males  being  red  on 
the  crown,  face,  and 
cheeks.  In  size  and 
colour  these  birds  ap- 
proximate to  the  black 


among  the 

pigeon  tribe  is  the  flight- 
less  Nicobar  species 
(Calcenas  nicobarica), 
which  ranges  from  the 
Nicobars  to  the  Solomon 
Islands,  and  is  the  only 
representative  of  its 
kind.  Feeding,  like  most 
of  the  group,  on  seeds, 
this  bird,  which  is  a 
little  larger  than  an  ordinary  pigeon,  is  distinguished  by  its  short  body,  the  presence 
of  a  collar  of  narrow  ribbon-like  feathers,  the  blue  plumage  with  green  and  yellow 
metallic  reflections,  the  black  head,  and  the  white  tail.  Several  types  of  ground-doves 
(some  of  which  were  formerly  assigned  to  the  American  genus  Geotrygon)  are  pecu- 
liar to  Celebes  and  the  Philippines,  and  belong  to  the  Austro-Malay  genus  Phlogoenas. 


Reptues  and  The  majority  of  the  reptiles  of  the  Philippines  and  Malay  Islands 

Amphibians.    are  so  nearly  related  to  those  of  the  Malay  mainland,  that  they  require 

but    little   notice    here.     In   Borneo  and    Java    lives,  however,   Schlegel's   ghariai 



(Tomistoma  schlegeli),  the  sole  living  representative  of  its  kind.  Schlegel's  gharial 
was  first  discovered  in  Borneo,  to  which  island  it  was  long  supposed  to  be  peculiar, 
but  in  1890  it  was  recorded  from  Sumatra,  and  later  from  the  Malay  Peninsula. 
From  the  Indian  gharial  the  Malay  species  differs  by  its  proportionately  shorter 
snout,  but  still  more  markedly  by  the  circumstance  that  in  the  skeleton  of  this 

•    ■ 

region  the  nasal  bones  extend  so  far  forward 
as  to  join  the  premaxillary  bones  which  form 
the  tip  of  the  muzzle,  instead  of  being  separated 
from  them  by  a  considerable  interval.  The 
teeth,  too,  are  less  numerous,  and  some  of  them 
are  considerably  larger  than  the  others  instead 
of  the  whole  of  them  forming  a  nearly  even 
and  regular  series.  Java  is  the  home  of  the 
common  Malay  flying-lizard  {Draco  volans).  A 
few  amphibians,  though  common  to  the  islands 
and  the  mainland,  are  worth  mention,  such,  for 
instance,  as  the  tiger-frog  (Rana  tigrina), 
whose  range  extends  westwards  to  India  and 
Ceylon.  This,  the  largest  of  the  Indian 
frogs,  lives  principally  in  water,  and  leaps  along  its  surface  in  the  same  way  as  on 
firm  ground.  The  flying-frogs,  ranging  from  India  to  China,  Japan,  and  Madagascar, 
and  characterised  by  their  long  webbed  toes  which  act  as  a  kind  of  parachute,  are 
represented  in  the  Archipelago  by  the  Javan  Rhacophorus  reinwardti,  and  another 
species  in  Borneo.  The  first  account  of  the  habits  of  the  flying  frog  of  Borneo 
{Rhaccyphorus  pardalis)  was  received  with  incredulity,  and  the  statement  as  to  its 
flying  powers  thought  to  be  exaggerated.  Recent  observations,  however,  tend  to 
show  that  in  the  main  this  account  is  correct,  and  that  the  frogs  of  this  genus 

retnwardt's  flying  frog. 



really  take  flying  leaps  by  the  aid  of  the  interdigital  membranes.  The  Javan 
species,  which  is  about  4  inches  long,  and  of  a  deep  shining  green  above  and  yellow 
beneath,  and  is  arboreal  in  its  habits,  even  breeding  amid  the  foliage.  It  is,  more- 
over, remarkable  for  its  power  of  changing  the  colour  of  its  skin.  A  specimen 
captured  in  the  daytime  and  examined  in  strong  sunlight  will,  for  instance,  be 
found  of  a  brilliant  greenish  blue ;  towards  evening  it  will,  however,  change  to 
green,  and  finally  to  nearly  black,  the  transformation  taking  place  more  rapidly  in 
males  than  in  females.  Night  is  the  time  when  these  frogs  are  really  active,  and 
it  is  then  that  they  awaken  from  their  diurnal  torpor  and  commence  to  search  for 
grasshoppers  .and  other  orthopterous  insects.  Like  other  tree-frogs,  they  hold  on 
to  leaves  and  boughs  by  means  of  adhesive  discs  to  their  toes.  In  regard  to  the 
leaps  from  which  they  take  their  name,  flying-frogs  will  leap  to  a  height  of  about  a 


foot  in  an  arc  of  a  circle  and  alight  two  or  three  yards  distant  in  a  characteristic 
attitude,  with  their  bodies  inflated  to  the  greatest  possible  degree  and  their  toe- 
membranes  fully  extended.  During  these  flying  leaps,  which  are  for  the  purpose 
of  escaping  foes,  the  webs  perform  the  part  of  a  parachute.  Each  leap  is 
of  extreme  rapidity,  lasting  only  a  fraction  of  a  second.  Among  the  curious 
worm-like  amphibians  or  coecilians,  the  widely-spread  Iclrfhyophis  glutinosus, 
whose  range  includes  Ceylon,  many  parts  of  India,  and  Burma,  occurs  in  Sumatra 
Borneo,  and  Java.  This  creature,  which  is  about  15  inches  long  and  half 
an  inch  thick,  lives  in  damp  places,  particularly  in  soft  mud,  where  it 
lays  large  eggs,  forming  a  heap  like  a  bunch  of  grapes,  in  a  hole  near 
the  water,  made  for  the  purpose.  The  mother  winds  her  body  round  the 
eggs,  and  thus  protects  them  and  the  young,  which  do  not  hatch  out  till  they 
have   lost   their   outer   gills.     The   young,  which  have   fish-like   heads   and    flat 



tails  with  a  tin    above    and  below,  lead   an    aquatic  life  during  the  early  stages 

of  their  existence. 

Like  the  reptiles,  the  fishes  of  the  islands  under  consideration 
Fishes.  . 

are  to  a  great  extent  similar  to  those  ot  the  mainland.     The  labyrinth- 

gilled  perches,  taking  their  name  from  the  complicated  structure  of  their  gill- 
chambers,  which  are  modified  to  enable  their  owners  to  live  for  a  considerable  time 
out  of  water,  are  represented  by  three  generic  types  in  the  islands,  one  of  which 
is  known  only  by  a  single  species,  the  celebrated  climbing-perch  Anabas  scandens, 
whose  range  extends  from  India  to  the  Philippines.  This  fish  works  its  way  through 
herbage  on  the  ground  by  means  of  its  pectoral  fins,  and  is  somewhat  doubtfully 
reported  to  climb  trees  in  a  similar  manner.  Isine  inches  is  the  usual  length  of 
this  fish.  In  an  allied  genus  the  paradise-fish  (Polyacanthus  signatus)  affords  an 
example  of  what  is  known  as  discontinuous  distribution,  since  it  occurs  in  Ceylon 


and  Java  and  nowhere  else.  A  third  type  is  represented  in  Java,  Sumatra,  and 
Borneo  by  the  gurami  (Osphromenus  olfax),  one  of  the  best  flavoured  fresh- water 
fishes  of  the  Malay  province.  It  has  been  acclimatised  in  Mauritius,  Cayenne,  and 
Australia,  and  attains  a  length  of  over  5  feet.  In  shape  the  gurami  is  not  unlike 
a  large  turbot,  and  it  is  one  of  the  few  fishes  which  build  nests.  This  nest,  which 
is  ball-shaped  and  constructed  of  plants,  is  built  by  the  united  efforts  of  the  two  sexes. 
Very  characteristic  of  the  Indo-Malay  fresh  waters  are  the  big-headed  and 
long-bodied  fishes  of  the  family  Ophiocephalidae.  There  are  two  genera,  Ophio- 
cephalus  and  Chorum  ;  three  of  the  representatives  of  the  former  being  African.  A 
well-known  species  is  the  lula  (0.  striatus)  of  India  and  Ceylon,  which  constructs 
a  nest  and  hatching-place  for  its  eggs  by  beating  back  the  rushes  in  the  shallow 
portion  of  a  tank  with  its  tail,  and  then  biting  off  the  ends  of  weeds  left  growing 
in  the  water  so  as  to  clear  a  space  of  sufficient  size  to  serve  the  purpose  of  a  nursery. 
Ways  leading  to  and  from  the  nest  are  cleared,  and  in  these  both  parents  take  up 
their  position  during  the  breeding  season,  although  the  male,  which  is  the  smaller,, 



alone  fights  when  protection  of  the  eggs  is  necessary.  The  eggs,  which  are  of 
large  size  and  of  a  translucent  golden  yellow  or  amber  colour,  are  spread  out  when 
first  laid  like  a  sheet  flush  with  the  surface  of  the  water  between  tufts  of  rushes 
which  serve  in  some  degree  to  protect  them  from  the  direct  rays  of  the  sun. 
During  the  breeding  season  lula  cannot  be  tempted  to  take  a  bait  of  any  kind,  but 
are  caught  by  the  Singhalese  in  a  trap  known  as  a  kuda.  This  is  a  small,  wide- 
meshed  bucket  of  deep  and  conical  form,  about  20  inches  long,  terminating  blindly 
at  the  narrow  end,  and  opening  like  a  funnel  at  the  opposite  extremity,  while 
beyond  this  it  is  just  wide  enough  to  receive  the  body  of  the  fish,  which  when  inside 
becomes  jammed.     The  kuda  is  set  in  one  of  the  ways  to  the  nest,  when  the  capture 


of  one  or  both  fish  is  almost  certain. 
The  floating  eggs  of  the  lula  owe 
their  buoyancy  to  the  presence  in 
each  of  a  globule  of  oil,  which 
occupies  the  greater  part  of  the 
whole  structure,  and  is  immersed 
in  the  golden  yellow  yolk.  As  the 
eggs  lie  immediately  below  the 
surface  and  are  exposed  to  the  full 
effects  of  the  influence  of  the  sun's  rays,  development  proceeds  with  astonishing 
rapidity,  hatching  taking  place  within  three  days,  if  not  within  twenty-four  hours, 
of  the  time  when  the  eggs  are  deposited. 

Among  the  insects  of  the  Malay  Islands,  the  Atlas  moth  (Attacus 
atlas)  is  noteworthy  on  account  of  its  size,  the  wing-spread  being 
almost  a  foot.  Many  other  insects  of  the  area,  although  by  no  means  all,  are 
likewise  very  large,  and  also  remarkable  for  their  gorgeous  colours.  Others, 
again,  as  the  stick-insects,  or  Phasmida?,  attract  attention  on  account  of  their 
strange  forms.  These  large  insects,  which  are  slow-moving  vegetable-feeders,  are 
almost  entirely  confined  to  the  tropics;  one  of  the  largest  Malay  Island  forms, 
Cyphocrania  gigas,  presenting,  like  others  of  its  kind,  a  striking  resemblance  to  a 
dry  twig.      The  leaf-insects  (Phy  Ilium),  another  genus  of  the  same  family,  are 




similarly  protected  by  their  shape  and  colouring.  One  of  the  best  known  is  the 
dried  leaf-insect  (P.  siccifolium),  the  external  appearance  of  which  is  sufficiently 
indicated  by  its  name. 


£    \ 


In  the  Malay  Archipelago,  as  in  other  parts  of  the  tropics,  are 

'  several  kinds  of  whip-scorpions,  so-called   on  account  of  their  long 

thread-like    many-jointed    tails.       The     common     thread-scorpion     (Thelyphonus 

caudatus)  of  the  islands  of  the  Archipelago  is  a  well-known  representative  of  this 

family,  which  is  spread  over  both  the  Old  and  New  Worlds. 


.<*r*>-      .■•-■■$  •--£ 


^S»f-~       • 




The  Fauna  of  the  Chinese  Province 

The  area  of  which  the  animals  form  the  subject  of  this  chapter  consists,  roughly- 
speaking,  of  a  triangle,  the  angles  of  which  are  formed  by  the  Pamir  plateau  in  the 
west,  by  the  island  of  Formosa  in  the  south,  and  by  that  of  Saghalin  in  the  north. 
The  features  of  the  landscape  of  the  area  differ  greatly  in  its  different  divisions. 
The  greater  part  of  China  proper,  for  instance,  is  occupied  by  forest-tracts 
characteristic  of  a  dry  climate ;  tropical  forests  of  considerable  extent  are  on  the 
other  hand  found  in  Formosa  and  the  adjacent  coast  of  the  continent,  while  an 
extensive  forest,  whose  primeval  condition  is  only  retained  in  the  sacred  groves, 
exists  in  southern  Japan.  In  this  forest  some  of  the  trees  and  many  of  the  tropical 
shrubs  of  the  Malay  area  have  their  northern  limit.  In  addition  to  deciduous 
forests  recalling  those  of  eastern  Korea,  there  are  large  pine-forests  in  those  parts 
of  Japan  which  have  a  cold  winter.  The  largest  of  these  forests  occur  in  the 
northern  islands  of  the  group  as  well  as  in  Saghalin,  though  in  the  latter  island 
the  forested  tracts  frequently  alternate  with  meadows,  so  as  to  form  park-like 
landscapes  recalling  those  of  north-western  China  and  the  Amur  countries. 

The  grassy  steppes  of  northern  China  and  the  Amur  countries  are  bordered  by 
the  great  Gobi  desert,  extending  from  the  Pamirs  to  Chingan  at  an  average 
elevation  of  from  3000  to  5000  feet.  This  tract  is  broken  into  by  mountain  ranges, 
and  dotted  with  lakes,  small  and  large,  saline  and  fresh-water,  the  beds  of  which 
dry  up  at  certain  seasons  of  the  year  as  do  those  of  many  of  the  rivers.  Few  of  the 
plains  are  destitute  of  vegetation,  but,  except  in  certain  cases,  there  is  no  forest. 
Tulips  are  the  most  striking  plants,  and  when  they  are  in  blossom  the  Dzungarian 


MONKE  YS—  CARNI FOR  A  2  2  5 

desert,  forming  the  north-western  branch  of  the  Gobi,  which  at  other  times  is  a 

barren  waste,  is  carpeted  with  flowers.     The  Gobi  is  separated  by  the  Kuen  Lun 

Mountains  from  the  plateau  of  Tibet,  an  area  of  very  scanty  vegetation  and  almost 

entirely  devoid  of  trees,  where  the  sandy  soil  produces  only  a  few  grasses  and  other 

plants  together  with  low  bushes.     The  Tibetan  plateau,  in  its  turn,  is  bounded  by 

the  mountains  of  south-eastern  Tibet  at  the  point  of  exit  of  the  four  large  rivers, 

the   Irawadi,   Salwin,   Mekon,  and   Yang-tsi.      The   mountains   are   cleft   in   all 

directions  by  valleys  which  develop  a  richer  vegetation  than  that  of  the  plateau 

itself.     In  the  north-west  Tibet  is  bordered  by  the  tableland  of  the  Pamirs,  or 

Roof  of  the  World,  where  the  Himalaya  unites  with  the  other  great  ranges  of 

central  Asia,  namely,  the  Karakorum,  the  Kuen  Lun,  the  Tian-Shan,  and  the  Hindu 

Kush,  to  form  an  almost  rectangular  mountain  group  attaining  an  average  height 

of  12,000  feet,  and  therefore  to  a  great  extent  above  the  limits  of  tree-growth,  while 

many  of  its  higher  peaks  tower   considerably  over   20,000   feet.      An   extensive 

portion  of  this  tract  consists  of  desert  valleys  and  steppes ;  but  in  some  parts  dense 

bushes  clothe  the  banks  of  the  rivers,  and  vegetation  abounds  on  the  slopes  of  the 


The  fauna  of  the  area  under  consideration  includes  many  animals  common  to 

the  adjacent  tracts,  or  species  and  races  nearty  related  to  the  same.     Some  of  its 

animals  are,  however,  related  to  American  types,  and  a  large  number  are  peculiar 

to  the  province,  and  it  is  these  which  claim  principal  attention. 

Among  the  mammals  of  the  Chinese  area  are  a  few  monkeys. 
Monkeys.  .  .  J 

The  highlands  of   eastern    Tibet   and  the  mountains  of   Sze-chuan, 

especially  those  parts  which  are  covered  with  snow  during  the  greater  part  of  the 

year,  are  inhabited  by  the  orange  snub-nosed  monkey  (Rhinopithecus  roxellance),  a 

brilliantly  coloured  species,  taking  its  name  from  the  peculiar  shape  of  its  nose. 

Another  member  of  the  same  genus  (R.  bieti)  is  a  native  of  the  Mekon  Valley,  a 

third  (R    avunculus)  inhabits  lower  Tonkin,  and  a  fourth  (R.    brelichi)  central 

China.     In  the  same  tract  as  the  first  dwells  the  Sze-chuan  macaque  (Macacus 

arctoides),  a  large  brown,  stump-tailed  species,  inhabiting  the  coldest  and   most 

inaccessible  forests  of   Sze-chuan.      To  the  same  group  belongs  the  macaque  of 

Japan  (31.  fuscatus),  in  wThich,  however,  the  short  tail  is  more  thickly  haired  and 

terminates  in  a  tuft. 

Among    the   beasts  -  of  -  prey    are   the   long-haired   Manchurian 
Carnivora.        .  .        .      .      7         .    .  .  . 

tiger  (Felis   tigris   longipihs),   the   heavily-spotted  and   thick-built 

Manchurian  leopard  (F.  pardus  villosa),  and  the  snow-leopard  or  ounce  (F.  undo). 

The   last   of   these,  whose  range  extends   at  least  as   far   east   as   the  Altai,  is 

found  throughout  the  mountains  of  central  Asia.     Its  ground-colour  is  whitish 

grey,  marked  with  black  spots,  which  form  irregular  rosettes  on  the  back,  sides, 

and  tail,  and  are  much  larger  than  those  of  the  true  leopard.     The  ocelot-like 

Fontanier's  cat  (F.  tristis),  the  smaller  but  allied  F.  scripta,  and  a  race  of  the  golden 

cat   (F.   temmincki    wardi)   are    likewise   distinctive   of   this   tract.      The   most 

remarkable  member  of  the  dog  tribe  inhabiting  this  limit  is  the  raccoon-dog  (Cants 

nprocyonoides)  of   the   Amur  district   and  Japan,  which   takes  its  name  from  its 

superficial  resemblance  to  a  raccoon,  and  is  characterised  by  its  pointed  muzzle, 

short,  rounded  ears,  shaggy  coat,  and  mingled  black  and  yellow  coloration. 
vol.  11. —  1  t 


A  small  banded  civet  from  Tonkin  has  been  made  the  type  of  a  peculiar  genus, 
under  the  name  of  Chrotogcde  owstoni.  It  resembles  the  banded  Hemigale 
hardwickei  of  the  Malay  countries  in  colouring,  but  is  distinguished  by  the 
spatulate  crowns  of  its  milk-incisor  teeth — a  difference  which  is  regarded  as  of 
generic  value. 

Even  more  noteworthy  is  the  short-tailed  panda  (JEluropus  melanoleucus)  of 
Sze-chuan  and  Kansu,  long  regarded  as  an  aberrant  bear,  but  the  skeleton  of  which 
indicates  relationship  with  the  long-tailed  Himalayan  panda.  This  strange  animal, 
which  has  a  rudimentary  tail  and  thickly  haired  soles,  is  white  in  colour,  with  a 
black  ring  round  each  eye  and  thick  eai"s,  shoulders,  and  limbs,  and  inhabits 
bamboo-jungle.  The  true  bears  are  represented  by  the  blue  bear  of  Tibet  (Ursus 
pruinosus)  and  a  larger  species,  both   allied   to   the  brown  bear,  as  well  as  by 




local  races  of  the  Himalayan  black  bear  and  the  Malay  bear  in  Tibet  and  Sze- 
chuan.  A  bear  from  the  Tian  Shan  (Ursus  leuconyx)  appears  to  be  the  Asiatic 
representative  of  the  American  grisly.  There  is  also  in  the  Altai  and  Siberia 
a  wild  dog  (Canis  primcevus). 

Among  a  large  number  of  hollow-horned  ruminants  inhabiting 
Yak.  .  . 

central  Asia,  the  foremost  place  is  occupied  by  the  yak  (Bos  grunniens), 

whose  habitat  includes  Tibet  and  part  of  the  Chinese  province  of  Kan-su.     The  yak, 

which  appears  to  be  most  nearly  allied  to  the  bison,  is  distinguished  from  all  other 

oxen  by  its  peculiar  coat  and  tail.     On  the  head  and  upper  part  of  the  rump  the 

hair  is  comparatively  short,  but  long  hair  covers  the  under-parts  of  the  body  and 

extends  over  the  shoulders  and  thighs,  falling  low  on  the  hocks.     On  the  chest  is  a 

tuft  of  long  hair,  and  the  tail,  which  does  not  generally  reach  below  the  hocks,  is 

very  bushy.     The  general  colour  is  dark   blackish  brown,  with  white  round  the 

muzzle,  and  in  old  age  tending  to  grizzled  grey  on  the  crown  of  the  head  and 

throat.     The  wild  yak  is  a  large  animal,  old  bulls  probably  reaching  nearly  6  feet 







in  height,  while  the  horns  often  measure  from  25  to  30  inches,  and  may  occasionally 
be  longer.  It  is  distributed  northwards  from  Tibet  into  the  Kuen  Lun  and  west- 
ward into  Ladak,  where  it  is  found  near  the  Pangong  Lake  and  in  the  Chang- 
chenmo  Valley.  It  is  said  to  be  numerous  in  the  valley  of  the  upper  Indus,  east  of 
Ladak,  and  to  be  less  shy  there  than  elsewhere.     A  great  number  are  found  in 


north  and  south  Tibet,  where  they  frequent  the  neighbourhood  of  streams,  attracted 
by  the  luxuriant  growth  of  grass,  although  the  yak  is  able  to  live  on  the 
scantiest  pasture,  upon  which  it  is  forced  to  exist  in  the  higher  valleys.  The 
country  throughout  the  greater  part  of  its  range  is  sterile  and  dreary  enough,  but 
it  chooses  the  wildest  and  most  inaccessible  regions,  and  in  summer  is  found  at 
heights  of  from  13,000  to  19,000  feet,  being  a  decided  lover  of  cold  and  extremely 
sensitive  to  warmth.     The  yak  is  a  great  wanderer,  travelling  in  summer  regularly 



to  grassy  plains  where  it  is  quite  unknown  in  winter ;  but  these  journeys  are  made 
only  by  the  cows  and  calves,  the  old  bulls,  which  live  alone  or  in  small  companies 
of  threes  and  fours,  being  supposed  to  remain  in  the  same  district  throughout  the 
year.  In  summer  the  cows  form  herds  of  from  ten  to  a  hundred  head,  or  more  in 
districts  where  pasture  is  good,  grazing  at  night-time  and  in  the  early  morning. 



J'*%r-=^->--    "^^ 


Yak  retire  during  the  day  to  some  steep  barren  slope,  where  they  remain  for  hours 
on  the  same  spot.  Old  bulls  prefer  resting-places  where  they  can  obtain  a  good 
view  of  the  surrounding  country,  and  often  wander  far  above  the  limit  of  vegetable 
growth  to  the  summit  of  some  steep  mountain.  Very  little  is  enough  to  warn  the 
yak — which  has  a  sharp  sense  of  smell,  but  appears  not  to  see  well — of  the  approach 
of  the  sportsman,  and,  when  anxious  and  expecting  danger,  the  cows  and  old  bulls 
place  themselves  at  the  head  and  on  the  flanks  of  the  herd  with  the  calves  in  the 
middle ;  but  when  the  sportsman  draws  near  the  whole  herd  takes  to  flight,  rushing 


swiftly  away  with  their  heads  lowered  and  their  tails  in  the  air,  although  very 
often  a  wounded  bull  will  turn  and  attack  its  assailant,  when  it  is  an  opponent  by 
no  means  to  be  despised.  In  many  districts  of  Tibet  yak  are  used  as  beasts  of 
burden,  and  are  also  valued  for  their  milk  or  flesh.  In  some  districts  these 
domesticated  yak  are  much  smaller  than  their  wild  relatives,  and  their  colour 
departs  from  the  original  type  by  being  more  or  less  mingled  with  white.  It  is 
from  the  domesticated  breed  that  the  white  tails  are  obtained  which  in  India  are 
used  as  fly-whisks  under  the  name  of  "  chowries." 

The  districts  inhabited  by  the  yak,  as  well  as  the  adjacent  tracts, 

are  also  the  home  of  several  species  and  races  of  wild  sheep.  Fore- 
most among  these  is  the  true  argali  (Ovis  ammon)  of  the  Altai,  which  is  probably 
the  largest  member  of  its  tribe.  In  Ladak  and  Tibet  this  species  is  represented 
by  a  distinct  race,  the  Tibetan  argali  (0.  ammon  hodgsoni),  characterised  by  the 
large  white  ruff  on  the  chest  of  the  rams  in  winter.  In  Mongolia  is  a  third  race 
(0.  ammon  mongolica),  while  the  Sair  Mountains  and  adjacent  districts  are  the 
home  of  another  race  (0.  a.  sairensis),  and  a  fifth  race  (0.  a.  littledalei)  inhabits  the 
Kulja  district.  Marco  Polo's  sheep  (0.  a.poli)  of  the  Pamir  is  another  well-marked 
race,  characterised  by  its  still  longer  and  more  curving  horns.  Of  quite  a 
different  type  is  the  bharal  (Pseudovis  nahura),  which  ranges  across  Tibet  from  the 
Himalaya  to  the  Kuen  Lun,  the  Altyn  Tagh,  and  Kan-su.  In  habits  and  structure 
this  species  is  between  a  sheep  and  a  goat,  but  in  external  appearance  it  is  some- 
what more  of  a  sheep. 

The    goats    are  represented   by  the  magnificent    Siberian  ibex 

(Capra   sibirica),  inhabiting   the   mountain-ranges    of   central   Asia 
from  the  Altai  to  the  Himalaya,  and  including  several  local  races. 
Gorai,  Serows  The  gorals  are  represented  in  Sze-chuan  by  the  ashy  Urotragus 

and  Takin.  cinereus,  and  by  a  second  species,  U.  caudatus,  in  north  China, 
characterised  by  its  long  tail.  Another  species  (U.  swinhoei)  inhabits  Formosa. 
Japan  possesses  a  small  serow  (Capricornis  crispus),  of  which  there  are  two  local 
races ;  and  a  race  of  the  Sumatran  species,  as  well  as  the  large  white-maned  serow 
(C.  argyrochostes),  are  peculiar  to  Sze-chuan  and  Kan-su.  Allied  to  the  serows  are 
the  larger  ruminants  known  as  takin  (Budorcas),  inhabiting  the  Mishmi  Hills,  north 
of  the  Assam  Valley,  Bhutan,  and  western  and  central  China.  They  are  heavily 
built  ruminants,  of  the  size  of  a  Kerry  cow,  with  curiously  twisted  horns,  and  long, 
shaggy  hair.  The  Mishmi  takin  (B.  taxicolor)  is  mainly  brown  in  colour,  but  the 
Sze-chuan  B.  tibetanus  is  mostly  yellowish  or  grey,  with  a  black  face,  whereas  the 
Shen-si  B.  bedfordi  is  entirely  golden  yellow.  The  last  species,  which  inhabits  the 
Tsin-lin  Shan  of  southern  Shen-si,  the  eastern  continuation  of  the  Kuen-Lun,  has 
a  special  interest  on  account  of  the  approximation  of  its  type  of  colouring  to  that 
of  the  golden  snub-nosed  monkey  (Rhinopithecus  roxellanos)  of  Sze-chuan.  The 
Tsin-lin  takin  forms  the  culmination  of  a  series  of  colour-changes  which  have 
resulted  in  the  transformation  of  a  comparatively  short-haired  chocolate-brown 
animal,  with  a  tawny  saddle  patch  and  black  limbs,  under-parts,  and  head,  into  one 
in  which  the  coat  is  of  great  length  and  of  a  uniformly  golden  yellow.  The  dark 
phase  is  represented  by  the  Mishmi  takin  and  its  Bhutan  relative ;  the  intermediate 
stage  by  the  Sze-chuan  species,  in  which  the  greater  part  of  the  fur  of  the  body  is 



yellow  (replaced  by  grey  in  some  individuals),  while  the  face,  ears,  and  limbs  are 
black  or  blackish ;  and  the  wholly  yellow  phase  by  the  Tsin-lin  animal,  the  coat  of 
which  may  be  likened  to  that  of  a  yellow  Polar  bear,  if  such  a  creature  existed. 

These  colour-changes  are  paralleled  by  the  snub-nosed  monkeys  (p.  225),  which, 
like  takin,  are  peculiar  to  this  part  of  Eastern  Asia,  although  differing  somewhat 
in  regard  to  the  limits  of  their  range.  The  Mekon  species  (Rhinopithecus  bieti), 
from  the  mountains  bordering  the  valley  of  the  upper  Mekon,  in  Tonkin,  is,  for 



instance,  a  slate-coloured  monkey,  with  the  cheeks,  under-parts,  and  a  patch  on  the 
thighs,  white.  On  the  other  hand,  in  R.  brelichi,  from  the  mountains  of  Kwei- 
Chow,  in  central  China,  a  golden  yellow  tint  appears  on  the  forehead,  inner  sides 
of  the  arms,  and  backs  of  the  legs,  while  there  is  a  tawny  patch  between  the 
shoulders,  and  the  under-parts  have  become  grey.  Finally,  in  R.  roxellance,  of  Sze- 
chuan,  the  prevailing  tint  is  bright  golden  yellow  mingled  with  darker  yellow. 
This  species  lives  at  a  height  of  about  1000  feet,  but  the  other  two  probably  dwell 
at  lower  levels ;  it  is  further  characterised  by  the  great  length  and  silkiness  of  the 
hair  of  the  back,  thereby  showing  another  resemblance  to  the  golden  takin. 


That  these  two  series  of  colour  are  dependent,  in  some  degree  at  any  rate,  on 
environment  and  altitude,  seems  almost  certain,  but  the  reason  of  the  development 
of  the  yellow  remains  a  mystery.  Animals  inhabiting  hot  moist  regions  are  known 
to  display  a  tendency  to  melanism,  while  in  certain  other  localities  there  is  a 
similar  tendency  to  erythrism ;  but  this  development  of  a  golden  tint  in  two  groups 
from  central  and  eastern  China  seems  unparalleled.  The  length  of  the  coat  in  the 
golden  takin  and  golden  monkey  may  be  explained  by  the  coldness  of  the  high 
ranges  on  which  these  animals  dwell ;  a  similar  feature  characterising  the  Sze- 
chuan  bamboo  rat  (Rhizomys  vestitus)  as  compared  with  its  lowland  relatives, 
but  this  has  nothing  to  do  with  colour 

Takin  are  now  known  to  inhabit  the  Mishmi  Hills,  Bhutan,  Sze-chuan,  Kan-su, 
and  the  Tsin-lin  Shan.  In  the  later  Tertiary  period  the  group  appears  to  be 
represented  by  the  extinct  Bucapra  of  the  Siwalik  Hills  of  northern  India,  at 
present  known  only  by  a  single  imperfect  skull,  unfortunately  lacking  the 

Takin  inhabit  thick  bamboo-jungle,  and  are  adepts  in  getting  over  rough  and 

precipitous  ground. 

Gazelles  Of  the  antelopes  there  are  several  representatives  in  the  Chinese 

and  cniru.     area.      Of   the   goitred   gazelle,  a  local  race  (Gazella   subgutturosa 

sairensis)  inhabits   the   Altai,  while  the  Saikik  gazelle  (G.  yarcandensis)  is    a 

native  of  Kashgaria.      The  Mongolian  gazelle  (G.  gutturosa)  is  a  native  of  the 

region  from  which  it  takes  its  name,  and,  like  the  goitred  species,  is  characterised 

by  the  presence  of  a  dilatable  sac  in  the  throat  of  the  males.     Of  a  very  different 

type  is  the  goa  or  Tibetan  gazelle  (G.  picticaudata),  which  is  found  at  heights  of 

from  13,000  to  18,000  feet  in  Ladak  and  Tibet.     Nearly  allied  is  Przewalski's  gazelle 

(G.  przewalskii)  of  Mongolia.    Ladak  and  Tibet  are  likewise  the  habitat  of  the 

chiru  or  Tibetan  antelope  (Pantholops  hodgsoni),  the  sole  representative  of  its  kind^ 

characterised  by  its  inflated  nose  the  long  slender  black  horns  of  the  bucks,  and 

the  presence  of  only  two  pairs  of  premolar  teeth  in  each  jaw. 

Deer  are  numerously  represented  in  this  extensive  tract.     Of  the 
Deer.  .  .  .... 

wapiti  (Cervus  canadensis),  which  is  typically  a  North  American 

species,  there  are  several  local  races,  such  as  the  Tian  Shan  race  (G.  canadensis 
songaricus),  the  Siberian  race  (C.  canadensis  asiaticus),  and  the  Manchurian  race 
(C.  canadensis  xanthopygus)  ranging  into  Amurland.  The  Bokhara  wapiti  (C.  c. 
bactrianus)  is  another  race  of  the  same  species,  while  a  fifth  is  the  Tibetan  wapiti 
G.  c.  wardi.  Very  distinct  from  the  wapiti  type  is  the  Yarkand  deer  (G.  yarcand- 
ensis) of  the  forests  of  the  Tarim  Valley.  Other  types  are  the  hangul  (G.  cash- 
mirianus)  of  the  valley  of  Kashmir  and  adjacent  districts,  and  the  pale  grey 
Sze-chuan  G.  macneilli,  with  a  darker  race,  G.  m.  kansuensis,  in  Kan-su.  The 
mansarowar  (G.  wallichi),  of  which  the  shou  (G.  w.  ajjinis),  of  upper  Sikhim  and 
the  district  north  of  Bhutan,  is  a  local  race,  is  a  large  stag  of  somewhat  allied  type. 
More  distinct  is  the  white-muzzled  Thorold's  deer  (C.  albirostris)  of  eastern  Tibet. 

All  the  foregoing  belong  to  the  typical  group  of  the  genus,  but  the  sikas, 
which  are  peculiar  to  this  tract,  form  a  group  confined  to  the  area  under  considera- 
tion. The  largest  of  these  is  the  Pekin  sika  (C.  hortulorum)  of  Manchuria, 
represented  by  a  smaller  race  (C.  hortulorum  kopschi)  in  the  Yang-tsi  Valley      This 



deer  is  chestnut,  brilliantly  spotted  with  white  in  summer,  but  uniformly  dark 
brown  in  winter.  The  Manchurian  sika  (G.  sica  manchuricus)  is  a  smaller  animal, 
of  which  the  still  smaller  typical  race  (G  sica)  is  a  native  of  Japan.  Another 
species  (C.  taevanus)  is  found  in  Formosa.  A  race  of  the  sambar  (G.  unicolor 
dejeani)  is  found  in  Sze-chuan. 

The  most  remarkable  of 
the  deer  of  this  area  is, 
however,  the  large  Pere 
David's  milou  deer  (Elajrfi- 
urus  davidianus),  a  species 
formerly  kept  in  confinement 
in  the  Imperial  Park  at  Pekin, 
but  now  represented  only  by 
a  herd  in  the  Duke  of  Bed- 
ford's park  at  Woburn.  The 
true  habitat  of  this  species  is 
not  certainly  known, although 
it  is  suggested  that  it  came 




riage is  more  like  that  of  a 
mule  than  a  red  deer  (which 
the  species  equals  in  size),  the 
general  colour  of  the  long 
hair  is  reddish  dun,  and  the 
antlers  of  the  stags  are  of  an 
altogether  peculiar  type,  hav- 
ing a  very  long  back  tine. 
The  Siberian  roe  (Capreolus 
pygargus)  ranges  from  the 
Altai  to  Manchuria,  the  latter 
country  being  the  home  of  a 
second  species  (G.  bedfordi). 
Muntjacs  are  represented 
in  the  area  by  the  Sze-chuan 
Ger  vulus  lachrymans,  to- 
gether with  G  sclateri,  G. 
bridgemani,  and  C.  reevesi,  of 
central  and  western  China. 
Their  allies,  the  tufted  deer, 

are  absolutely  characteristic  of  the  tract.  Of  the  latter,  Michie's  tufted  deer 
(Elaphodus  mitchianus),  which  is  common  along  the  reedy  rivers  of  eastern 
China,  is  blackish  grey  in  colour,  the  lower  half  of  each  hair  being  white  and 
the  upper  half  black.  Another  species,  the  Sze-chuan  tufted  deer  (E.  cephalo- 
phus),  inhabits  Sze-chuan  and  Kan-su,  and  a  third  kind  is  found  in  the 
mountains  of  central  China.  The  swamps  of  the  Yang-tsi  form  the  haunts 
of   the    little    Chinese    water-deer   {Hydropotes,   or    Hydrelaphus,   inermis),   an 

pere  David's  deer 



animal  of  the  approximate  size  of  the  Indian  muntjac,  with  a  long  body,  short 
legs,  and  light  reddish  brown  hair  marked  with  indistinct  rows  of  black  spots  in 
the  young.  Like  the  musk-deer,  the  bucks  have  no  antlers,  but  long  curved  tusks 
in  the  upper  jaw.  The  does  are  peculiar  in  producing  from  three  to  six  young  at 
a  time ;  those  of  other  deer  generally  having  only  one  or  two. 



The  Himalayan  musk-deer  (Moschus  moschiferus),  which  ranges 
all  over  the  Himalaya,  whence  it  extends  northward  into  Tibet  and 
so  on  through  central  Asia  to  Siberia,  represents  a  very  distinct  group  of  deer.  In 
this  species  the  bucks  attain  a  shoulder-height  of  about  20  inches,  and  are  slightly 
higher  behind.  The  coat  is  formed  of  coarse,  brittle,  pithy  hair,  the  fore-legs  are 
long  with  narrow,  pointed  hoofs,  of  which  the  outer  pair  are  abnormally  long,  the 
tail  is  short,  and  the  bucks  carry  long  scimitar-like  upper  tusks.  The  colour  is 
brown,  more  or  less  sprinkled  with  grey,  and  indistinctly  spotted.  Some  animals 
are  paler,  others  yellowish,  and  in  Kashmir  there  are  some  with  rows  of  grey  spots 
on  their  backs.  The  musk-deer  lives  alone,  seldom  more  than  two  being  seen 
together;  and  inhabits  steep  mountain-slopes,  where  it  leads  the  life  of  a  hare, 
sheltering,  like  the  latter,  in  a  lair  made  by  itself,  and  feeding  in  the  morning 
and  evening.  Very  active  in  its  movements,  it  is  enabled  to  traverse  slippery 
and  precipitous  rock-surfaces  by  means  of  its  large  lateral  hoofs.     It  leaps  rather 



than  runs,  and,  where  not  much  hunted,  is  by  no  means  shy.  According  to  some 
accounts,  it  feeds  on  grass  and  lichens ;  according  to  others,  on  leaves  and  flowers. 
A  second  species  (M.  sifanicus)  has  been  described  from  Kan-su,  and  a  third  (M. 
parvipes)  from  Korea. 

The  Bactrian  camel  (Camelus  bactrianus),  distinguished  by  the 
possession  of  two  humps,  and  its  long  and  shaggy  winter  coat,  is 
certainly  a  native  of  the  Gobi  Desert  and  adjacent  districts.  The  colour  of  the 
hair  is  generally  uniform,  but  varies  in  different  individuals  from  dark  brown  to 

Bactrian  Camel. 



pale  yellowish  grey,  similar  differences  in  colour  being  noticeable  in  the  camels 
found  in  a  wild  state  in  some  parts  of  central  Asia.  Many  of  these  latter  are 
undoubtedly  descended  from  animals  which  have  escaped  from  captivity,  but 
others  are  probably  truly  wild.  To  the  east  of  Yarkand,  however,  between  Khotan 
and  Lob  Nor  in  the  Gobi  Desert,  occur  herds  of  wild  camels  said  to  be  characterised 
by  their  comparatively  small  size,  and  the  very  distinct  callosities  on  the  knees  as 
well  as  by  certain  peculiarities  of  the  skull.  They  are  exceedingly  wary,  and  so 
swift  that  the  native  horsemen  are  unable  to  overtake  them  in  the  deep  sand,  so 
that  none  have  as  yet  been  caught  and  tamed.  So  long  as  there  is  no  snow  on  the 
ground,  these  camels  wander  about  on  the  beds  of  the  Yarkand  and  Tarim  Rivers, 
where  they  find  pools  of  stagnant  water,  but  after  the  first  snowfall  they  repair  to 

Manchurian  Crane. 


the  desert,  where  they  apparently  exist  without  water.     Possibly  they  prefer  snow 
to  the  stagnant  water,  on  account  of  its  not  being  salt,  but  even  snow  soon  acquires 
a  saline  taste  from  contact  with  the  salt-impregnated  soil  of  the  central  Asiatic 
Wild  Horses  or  The  domesticated  horse  (Equus  caballus)  is  distinguished  from 

Tarpan.  the  African  wild  ass  and  zebra,  not  only  by  the  possession  of  bare 
leathery  callosities,  or  "chestnuts,"  on  all  four  legs,  but  also  by  the  long  hair 
clothing  the  tail  to  the  root,  as  well  as  by  the  pendent  mane  and  the  forelock.  It 
has  also  a  smaller  head,  shorter  ears,  considerably  longer  legs,  and  broader  hoofs, 
this  being  notably  the  case  with  the  front  pair,  which  are  very  much  broader  than 
the  hind  ones.  Domesticated  horses,  it  is  almost  needless  to  say,  show  great 
variation  in  colour,  dun-coloured  individuals  occasionally  displaying  two  or  three 
dark  cross-stripes  on  the  shoulders,  and  dark  bars  on  the  legs.  Formerly  wild 
horses  inhabited  the  open  plains  of  Europe  and  northern  and  central  Asia;  and 
till  within  half  a  century  ago  the  tarpan  was  still  abundant  on  the  Kirghiz  steppes ; 
while  less  than  a  couple  of  centuries  since  its  range  extended  from  the  Dnieper  to 
the  Altai.  Although  these  tarpan  were  undoubtedly  more  or  less  extensively 
crossed  with  horses  escaped  from  captivity,  it  is  probable  that  they  were  the  direct 
descendants  of  the  wild  horses  which  roamed  over  the  plains  of  Europe  contempor- 
aneously with  the  mammoth  and  woolly  rhinoceros. 

The  Gobi  Desert  is,  however,  the  home  of  the  truly  wild  tarpan  (E.  caballus 
przewalskii)  named  in  honour  of  the  great  Russian  traveller,  Przewalski,  by  whom 
it  was  discovered.  The  muzzle  is  frequently  white,  the  tail  js  not  haired  com- 
pletely up  to  the  root,  there  is  a  small  forelock,  and  the  mane  is  upright,  but  may 
fall  over  in  the  adult.  The  general  colour  is  dun,  without  a  dark  stripe  down  the 
back  (at  least  in  the  summer  coat)  or  any  trace  of  a  shoulder-stripe  or  of  bars  on 
the  legs ;  but  the  fetlocks  and  the  front  of  the  legs  are  dark  brown ;  and  the  mane 
and  tail-tuft  black.  These  wild  tarpan  were  probably  the  ancestors  of  the  ordinary 
horses  of  western  Asia  and  Europe,  where  they  are  still  represented  by  the  dun 
ponies  of  Norway.  They  are  so  fleet  that  it  is  impossible  to  come  up  with  the 
adults,  and  the  young  alone  can  be  taken  and  then  only  with  relays  of  horses. 

The  kiang  (E.  kiang)  of  Tibet  and  Mongolia,  to  which  the 
chiggetai  of  the  Kirghiz  steppes  is  allied,  is  a  large  red-coloured 
animal,  with  the  muzzle,  under-parts,  and  inner  surfaces  of  the  limbs  white,  and  a 
broad  chocolate  stripe  down  the  back.  "  Chestnuts "  are  present  only  on  the 
fore-limbs,  the  lower  half  of  the  tail  is  alone  clothed  with  long  hair,  and  the  ears 
are  longer  than  in  the  wild  horse,  although  not  nearly  so  large  as  in  the  African 
wild  ass.  In  this  respect,  as  well  as  in  the  absence  of  a  shoulder-stripe  and  of 
bars  on  the  legs,  and  in  the  great  breadth  of  the  hoofs,  especially  the  front  pair, 
the  kiang  approximates  to  the  horses  and  differs  from  the  asses  and  zebras  of 
Africa.  Kiang  go  about  frequently  in  small  parties,  but  sometimes  alone ;  and  are 
most  active  in  getting  over  rough  ground.  In  Chang-chemo  they  are  found  at 
an  elevation  of  from  13,000  to  18,000  feet. 

smaller  Tibet  is  the  home  of  a  peculiar  genus  of  water-shrews  {Nectogale) , 

Mammals.      an(j  fche  Yarkand  district  is  inhabited  by  the  remarkable  long-eared 

jerboa  (EucJtoretes  naso),  the  sole  representative  of  its  genus.     Voles  of  the  genus 


Microtus  are  also  common  in  this  tract,  which  is  also  the  habitat  of  one  of  the 
zokors  or  the  mole-voles  (Myotalpa  fontanieri).  Zokors,  which  inhabit  central  and 
north-eastern  Asia,  are  members  of  the  mouse  tribe  which  lead  a  burrowing  life, 
and  although  nearly  allied  to  lemmings,  are  almost  identical  in  appearance  with 
the  mole-rat.  Both  have  the  same  curious  flattening  of  the  head  and  rounding  of 
the  muzzle  which  give  to  the  mole-rat  its  remarkable  physiognomy,  and  in  both  the 
eyes  are  rudimentary  and  the  external  ears  wanting.  Indeed,  the  likeness  between 
a  zokor  and  a  mole-rat,  if  we  except  the  more  powerful  front  claws  of  the  former, 
is  much  greater  than  that  between  a  swift  and  a  swallow.  Till  recently  zokors 
were  generally  known  to  zoologists  by  the  name  of  Siphneus,  but  it  is  now  the 
fashion  to  replace  that  term  by  Myotalpa.  Very  noticeable  is  the  occurrence  in 
north-eastern  Asia  of  a  representative  of  the  jumping-mice  (Zapus)  of  North 
America.  American  affinities  are  also  displayed  by  the  occurrence  in  Japan  of  the 
mole-like  Urotrichus  talpoides,  a  near  relative  of  the  North  American  Neiirotriclms 
gibbsi.  Quite  recently  another  peculiar  generic  type,  Scapanulus  oweni,  allied  to 
the  American  Scapanus,  has  been  discovered  in  Kan-su.  The  Japanese  Dymecodon 
and  the  Sze-chuan  Scaptonyx  are  also  mole-like  types  peculiar  to  this  region. 

The  scattered  distribution  of  the  members  of  the  Insectivora  and  the  remote 
corners  of  the  earth  in  which  many  of  them  are  found  afford  conclusive  evidence 
of  the  antiquity  of  this  primitive  and  waning  group  of  mammals.  Additional 
evidence  of  this  is  afforded  by  the  discovery  in  Sze-chuan  of  a  member  of  the  group 
which  has  been  named  Neotetracus  sinensis,  the  name  being  intended  to  suggest 
affinity  with  the  small  and  imperfectly  known  Tetracus  nanus  of  the  French 
Miocene.  The  smallest  member  of  its  group,  Neotetracus  is  nearly  related  to  the 
Malay  Gymnura  and  Hylomys,  and  the  Philippine  Podogymnura ;  but  while 
approximating  to  the  last  in  external  characters,  and  especially  the  well-developed 
tail,  it  agrees  with  the  hedgehogs  in  the  character  and  number  of  teeth  and  likewise 
in  the  presence  of  vacuities  in  the  palate,  so  that  it  forms  a  kind  of  connecting  link 
between  the  Gymnurincs  and  Erinaceinw.  In  size  the  Sze-chuan  species  may  be 
compared  roughly  to  a  half -grown  rat ;  but  the  general  colour  of  its  coat  is  reddish 

The  Japanese  dancing  mouse  is  widely  spread  in  China  and  Japan,  and  differs 
from  ordinary  mice  in  several  structural  details.  That  its  original  home  was 
China  seems  to  be  demonstrated  by  the  fact  that  it  was  formerly  known  in  Japan 
by  the  name  of  Nankin  Nesumi,  meaning  the  mouse  from  Nankin.  Perhaps  the 
most  important  difference  between  the  dancing  and  ordinary  mice  is  to  be  found  in 
the  structure  of  the  internal  ear,  in  which  there  are  several  peculiarities,  notably  the 
larger  size  of  the  so-called  crystalline  otoliths.  In  size  the  dancing  mouse  is  smaller 
and  of  lighter  build  than  the  house  mouse,  besides  being  of  a  more  delicate  consti- 
tution. The  dancing  mouse,  moreover,  has  a  shorter  tail  with  much  fewer  rings  of 
scales,  and  in  this  respect  it  resembles  Wagner's  mouse  (Mils  wagneri)  of  China,  a 
species  allied  to  M,  musculus,  but  with  a  shorter  tail.  Wagner's  mouse  is  found  not 
only  in  China  but  also  in  southern  Russia,  while  in  central  Asia  it  takes  the  place 
as  a  semi-domesticated  species  of  the  ordinary  house-mouse  of  Europe.  The  con- 
clusion arrived  at  is  that  the  dancing  mouse  is  a  variety  of  Mus  wagneri,  originally 
domesticated  in  China,  whence  it  was  carried  first  to  Japan,  and  then  to  Europe. 

Giant  Salamander. 


Among  the  few  birds  of  the  Chinese  province  of  which  space  allows 
mention,  one  of  the  most  characteristic  is  the  mandarin-duck  (/Ex 
galerita),  a  near  ally  of  the  summer-duck  (jE.  sponsa)  of  North  America,  the  Asiatic 
species  being  the  most  brilliantly  coloured  member  of  the  family  on  that  continent. 
Both  kinds  nest  in  the  hollows  of  trees.  Among  the  geese  may  be  mentioned  the 
swan -goose  (Cygnopsis  cygnoides),  the  largest  of  the  living  geese,  from  which 
many  of  the  domesticated  geese  of  the  east  are  derived.  The  stateliest  of  the 
cranes  is  the  Manchurian  species  (Grus  viridirostris).  Pheasants  abound  in  this 
tract,  among  these  being  the  gorgeous  golden  pheasant  (Chrysolophus  pictus)  and 
its  near  relative,  the  still  more  handsome  Amherst's  pheasant  (G.  amherstice).  The 
Turkoman  eagle-owl  (Bubo  turcomanus)  is  a  larger  and  paler  representative  of  the 
great  eagle-owl  of  Europe.  Lastly,  the  Asiatic  blue-winged  magpie  (Cyanopica 
cyanea)  is  remarkable  on  account  of  the  great  distance  by  which  its  habitat  is 
separated  from  that  of  its  only  relative,  the  Spanish  species. 
Alligators  and  The  resemblance  to  American  types  exhibited  by  some  of  the 

salamanders,  mammals  of  north-eastern  Asia  is  paralleled  by  the  existence  in  China 
of  an  alligator  (Alligator  sinensis)  which  inhabits  the  Yang-tsi  River,  and  is 
closely  allied  to  the  Mississippi  species.  Despite  the  fact  that  two  living  examples 
were  exhibited  in  London  in  1890,  the  Chinese  alligator,  first  brought  in  modern 
times  to  European  notice  in  1870,  appears  to  be  rare  in  collections.  It  seems, 
however,  that  the  existence  of  the  species  was  known  to  Marco  Polo  and  Father 
Martini,  who  published  a  Chinese  atlas  in  the  year  1656  at  Amsterdam,  although  in 
neither  case  was  a  specimen  seen.  According  to  Martini,  the  river  at  Chingkiang 
was  infested  by  these  reptiles,  which  were  a  terror  to  the  populace.  A  specimen 
seen  in  the  early  part  of  1869  was  carried  about  the  city  of  Shanghai  as  a  dragon 
by  a  party  of  Chinese;  but  it  was  not  till  1879  that  the  species  was  scientifically 
described  on  the  evidence  of  one  specimen  from  the  Yang-tsi  at  Wuhu,  and  a  second 
at  Chingkiang,  and  was  definitely  recognised  as  a  true  alligator  akin  to  the 
Mississippi  species,  the  other  well-known  representative  of  the  genus.  Alligators 
occur,  however,  in  the  Tertiary  strata  of  Europe,  and  these  explain  the  distribution 
of  the  existing  forms,  one  of  which  may  have  travelled  to  America  by  way  of 
Bering  Strait.  So  far  as  is  known,  the  distribution  of  the  Chinese  species  seems 
to  be  restricted  to  a  small  area  in  the  Yang-tsi  Valley.  The  giant  salamander 
(Megalobatrachus  maximus),  the  largest  living  member  of  its  tribe,  is  an  inhabitant 
of  the  fresh  waters  of  China  and  Japan,  and  attains  a  length  of  about  40  inches. 
Curiously  enough,  this  huge  amphibian  is  frequently  found  in  clear  mountain- 
streams  not  above  a  foot  or  so  in  width,  where  it  lies  curled  up  among  the  stones. 
Its  flesh  is  a  favourite  article  of  diet  with  the  Chinese.  Special  mention  must  be 
made  of  the  occurrence  in  Siam  of  a  salamander  of  the  genus  Amblystoma,  of 
which  the  other  seventeen  members  are  American. 
Domesticated  Although  it  is  impossible  to  allude  to  the  fishes  of  the  rivers  of 

Fishes.  the  area  un(ler  consideration,  brief  reference  may  be  made  to  the 
golden  carp,  as  being  a  domesticated  breed  of  the  Chinese  crucian  carp  notable  for 
its  variation  in  colour.  Some  of  these  fish  are  golden  yellow  with  a  metallic  gloss, 
others  bright  red,  and  others  again  black ;  while  there  are  yet  other  colour- 
variations,  one  of  which  is   piebald,  and  a   second    silvery  white.     Besides  these 



variations  in  colour,  there  are  breeds  distinguished  by  their  strange  form,  such  as 
the  so-called  telescope-fish  and  the  veil-tailed  fish,  which  have  been  imported  into 
Europe  from  Japan.  The  former  is  characterised  by  its  large  goggle-eyes  and  long 
tail-fin  and  the  latter  by  its  short  body  and  complex  tail. 

Another  curious  type  is  presented  by  the  paradise-fish,  a  domesticated  form  of 

■      I 


a  species  of  carp  of  the  genus  Polyacanthus.  This  fish,  which  is  from  3  to  4 
inches  long,  is  banded  with  blue  and  red,  and  assumes  a  specially  brilliant  hue 
during  the  breeding-season.  The  males,  which  are  much  lighter-coloured  than 
their  partners,  are  distinguished  by  the  excessive  development  of  their  fins. 
The  paradise-fish  is  indigenous  to  China,  but  has  been  introduced  into  Europe  as 
an  ornamental  denizen  of  aquariums.  It  is  one  of  several  fishes  which  build  nests 
for  their  young. 




The  Mammals  of  the  North  Atlantic 


The  most  abundant  mammal  of  the  shores  of  the  North  Atlantic 
is  the  common  seal  (Phoca  vitulina),  the  typical  representative  of  a 
group  of  Carnivora  specially  modified  for  an  aquatic  existence.  This  adaptation 
is  remarkably  displayed  by  the  limbs,  which  take  the  form  of  paddles,  or  flippers. 
Seals  are  also  distinguished  from  the  land  Carnivora  by  the  number  and  structure 
of  their  teeth,  none  of  them  having  three  pairs  of  front,  or  incisor,  teeth  in  each 
jaw,  and  none  showing  the  so-called  carnassial  teeth  characteristic  of  the  more 
typical  flesh -eating  mammals.  Other  features  of  the  group  are  the  absence  of 
collar-bones  in  the  skeleton,  the  shortness  of  the  tail,  and  the  prominence  of  the 

With  the  exception  of  a  few  which  ascend  rivers  some  distance  above  their 
estuaries,  and  others  inhabiting  inland  seas  or  lakes,  seals  are  confined  to  the 
sea,  where  they  subsist  almost  exclusively  on  animal  food,  especially  fishes, 
molluscs,  and  crabs  and  lobsters  of  which  they  devour  immense  quantities. 
Although  all  are  fairly  intelligent  and  easily  tamed,  the  various  kinds  differ 
considerably  in  their  mode  of  life.  The  walruses  and  eared  seals,  for  instance,  in 
which  the  males  exceed  the  females  in  size,  are  polygamous  animals,  resorting 
during  the  breeding-season  to  certain  particular  shores,  where  they  remain  for  a 
considerable  part  of  the  year.     The  typical,  or  earless,  seals,  on  the  other  hand,  for 

vol.  ii. — 16 



the  most  part  associate  in  pairs,  and  only  leave  the  water  for  short  periods.  The 
distribution  of  the  three  groups  of  these  animals  is  somewhat  noteworthy.  Out  of 
the  whole  assemblage  only  a  single  kind  appears  to  be  restricted  to  the  tropics, 
although  a  few  others  range  into  that  zone,  either  from  the  north  or  the  south,  the 
great  majority  being  thus  denizens  of  the  cooler  seas. 

Seals  inhabit  not  only  the  Caspian  and  Aral  Seas  and  Lake  Baikal,  but  also 
certain  other  inland  lakes.  Apparently  neither  the  seals  of  the  Caspian  and  Aral, 
which  inhabit  salt  water,  nor  those  of  Lake  Baikal,  which  live  in  fresh  water,  are 
specifically  distinct  from  the  ringed  seal  (Phoca  hispida  or  fcetida),  of  which  they 
respectively  constitute  local  races.  In  addition  to  those  of  Lake  Baikal,  seals, 
probably  of  the  same  race,  occur  in  the  comparatively  small  sheet  of  fresh  water 
lying  to  the  north-east  of  it  which  is  known  as  Lake  Oron.  The  seals  which 
occur  in  a  few  of  the  Russian  and  Finnish  lakes  are  stated  to  come  so  close  to  the 
typical  form  of  the  ringed  seal  that  they  are  not  even  racially  separable,  this  being 
in  accordance  with  physical  conditions  as  the  lakes  in  question  are  even  now  not 
completely  landlocked,  and  at  no  very  distant  epoch  probably  had  more  free  com- 
munication with  the  ocean.  Seals  of  this  type  occur  in  Lake  Saima,  in  the  south- 
eastern corner  of  Finland,  and  likewise  in  Lake  Ladoga,  both  these  sheets  of  water, 
although  now  fresh,  having  been  doubtless  at  one  time  in  close  connection  with  the 
Gulf  of  Finland.  Farther  east  seals  are  stated  to  inhabit  Lake  Onega,  in  the 
government  of  Olonetz,  but  the  evidence  is  inconclusive.  There  seems,  however, 
no  reason  why  it  should  not  be  true,  seeing  that  Onega  is  connected  by  water  with 
Ladoga,  as  well  as  with  the  White  Sea. 

The  typical,  or  earless  seals,  forming  the  family  Phocidce,  are  specially 
characterised  by  the  absence  of  external  ears,  the  shortness  of  the  neck,  and  the 
circumstance  that  the  hind -flippers  are  directed  backwards  so  as  to  lie  parallel  with 
the  tail,  and  are  of  use  only  in  swimming.  Moreover,  even  the  front  flippers  are, 
as  a  rule,  not  used  in  progression  on  land,  these  animals  shuffling  along  by  means 
of  a  kind  of  serpentine  movement  with  the  front  flippers  held  close  to  the  sides  of 
the  body  and  the  hind-pair  stretched  out  behind.  The  Greenland  and  the  crested 
seal  are,  however,  in  the  habit  of  making  use  of  the  front  flippers  when  on  land, 
and  drag  themselves  along  by  their  aid.  During  pairing-time  many  members  of 
the  group  associate  in  large  herds,  and  nearly  all  the  typical  seals  are  sociable 
animals,  which  display  remarkable  affection  for  their  young. 

The  typical  representative  of  the  group,  the  aforesaid  common 
seal,  grows  to  a  length  of  between  5  and  6  feet,  and  in  colour  is  mostly 
yellowish  grey  spotted  with  dark  brown  or  blackish  above,  and  yellowish  white 
blotched  with  greyish  brown  beneath.  At  birth  the  fur  is  woolly  in  texture  and 
yellowish  white  in  colour,  but  within  a  few  hours  the  young  seal  exchanges  its  first 
coat  for  a  hairy  dress  like  that  of  its  parents. 

This  species  inhabits  not  only  the  North  Atlantic,  but  likewise  the  North 
Pacific,  in  both  areas  rang-ins:  into  the  Arctic  Ocean,  so  that  its  distribution  is 
probably  circumpolar.  Along  the  European  coasts  the  range  of  this  seal  extends 
into  the  Mediterranean,  and  on  the  American  side  as  far  south  as  New  Jersey; 
while  on  the  Asiatic  coast  of  the  Pacific  it  reaches  Kamchatka,  and  on  the  American 
side,  South  California.      Off  the  Spitzbergen  and   Greenland  coasts  the  common 


seal  is  still  abundant,  but  in  the  North  Sea  it  is  less  plentiful  than  formerly 
and  from  many  places  has  quite  disappeared.  In  the  North  Atlantic  this  species 
keeps  exclusively  to  the  shore,  and  is  never  found  on  ice-floes  in  the  open  sea. 
From  the  shore  it  ascends  many  of  the  larger  rivers,  having  been  found  in  North 
America  far  up  the  St.  Lawrence.  Preferring  sheltered  channels  and  shallow 
bays,  it  chooses  such  rocks  and  sand-banks  as  are  isolated  from  the  shore,  where  it 
may  be  met  with  at  low  tide  all  the  year  round,  for  it  does  not  migrate. 

Another  British  species  is  the  grey  seal  {Halichoerus  gryjius), 
attaining  a  length  of  from  8  to  9  feet,  and  silvery  or  yellowish  grey 
in  colour,  generally  with  blackish  or  smoky  brown  irregular  spots,  which  are 
sometimes  so  large  as  to  cause  the  whole  coat  to  be  nearly  black,  though  occa- 
sionally these  are  absent.  The  under-parts  are  lighter.  This  is  essentially  a 
northern  species,  most  common  in  Britain  in  the  Hebrides. 

Although  often  seen  along  the  Scandinavian  coast  as  far  as  Finmarken  and 
around  Iceland,  it  is  apparently  unknown  in  Spitzbergen  and  the  other  European 
Arctic  Islands.  Its  occurrence  on  the  east  coast  of  Greenland  is  doubtful,  but  on 
the  west  side  of  that  country  it  is  found  as  far  north  as  Disco  Island,  Sable  Island 
off  the  coast  of  Cape  Breton  forming  its  southerly  limit. 

Very  distinct  is  the  monk  seal  (Monachus  albiventer),  inhabiting: 

Monk  Seals.  . 

the  Mediterranean  and  Black  Sea,  as  well  as  the  eastern  Atlantic, 

inclusive  of  the  coasts  of  Madeira  and  the  Canaries.     Like  the  West  Indian  seal  of 

the  same  genus,  it-is  remarkable  on  account  of  being  a  native  of  the  warmer  seas. 

This  seal  is  8  feet  or  more  in  length,  and  in  colour  is  dark  brown  and  grey  above, 

and  whitish  below.     It  is  distinguished  by  having  the  first  and  fifth  toes  of  the 

hind-feet  longer  than  the  rest,  as  well  as  by  the  presence  of  small  or  rudimentary 

nails  to  all  the  toes. 

The  West  Indian  monk-seal  (M.  tropicalis)  was  discovered  in  August  1494, 

when  the  sailors  of  Columbus  killed  eight  of  these  "  sea-wolves  "  as  they  called  them 

on  the  rocky  island  of  Alta  Vela  off  the  coast  of  Hayti.     In  colour  this  seal  is 

glossy  black  when  young,  gradually  turning  to  dark  brown  with  a  greyish  tinge  on 

the  sides  and  lower-parts,  and  becoming  more  or  less  yellowish  white  with  age. 

Its  teeth  are  well  developed  and  apparently  adapted  for  crushing  shells  as  well  as 

catching  fish,  but  little  has  been  ascertained  as  to  its  feeding  habits  beyond  that, 

like  others  of  its  family,  it  is  able  to  fast  for  months  when  captured.     Though 

known  for  centuries,  and  its  haunts  being  neither  inaccessible  nor  distant  from  the 

habitations  of  man,  there  is  a  strange  want  of  information  regarding  this  species, 

which  has  so  decreased  in  numbers  that  it  is  becoming,  or  has  become,  extinct. 

As  breathing  air  and  producing  living  young  which  are  suckled 
Dolphin.  ft  l  .  ,       . 

by  the  female  parent,  whales  and  dolphins,  collectively  forming  the 

Cetacean  order,  come  within  the  category  of  mammals  of  the  littoral  zone.  All  are 
able  to  remain  a  long  time  under  water,  and  breathe  rapidly  by  raising  the  blow- 
hole slightly  above  the  surface.  In  the  group  of  toothed  whales,  which  includes 
the  sperm-whale  and  all  the  dolphins  and  porpoises,  the  blow-hole  is  single.  One 
of  the  most  familiar  representatives  of  this  section  of  the  group  is  the  common 
dolphin  (Delphinus  delphis),  which  grows  to  a  length  of  about  1\  feet,  and  is 
generally  dark  grey  above,  and  white  or  whitish  below,  with  grey  or  pale  bands  on 


the  flanks,  though  there  is  much  variation  in  the  colour  and  markings.  The  body 
is  slender,  the  head  small,  the  muzzle  long  and  slender,  and  the  front  flipper  nearly 
three  times  as  long  as  broad.  Dolphins  feed  chiefly  on  fish,  although  some  kinds 
also  eat  crabs  and  shell-fish  ;  all  associate  in  "  schools  "  of  larger  or  smaller  siz«. 

Bottle-Nosed  Nearly  allied  is  the  bottle-nosed  dolphin  (Tursiops  tursio),  which 

Dolphin,  attains  a  length  of  12  feet,  and  is  sometimes  grey  in  colour,  in  other 
cases  black  above  and  pale  grey  below,  but  more  generally  leaden  grey  above,  and 
white  below.  The  beak  is  shorter  and  thinner  towards  the  end  than  that  of  the 
common  dolphin,  and  the  body  stoutly  built.  These  dolphins  congregate  in  schools 
of  considerable  size,  which  are  composed  during  pairing-time  of  about  equal  numbers 
of  males  and  females  of  all  ages.  In  spring  they  are  said  to  migrate  north,  and  in 
autumn  south,  but  at  Cape  Hatteras,  North  Carolina,  where  they  have  been  care- 
fully observed,  some  are  reported  to  frequent  the  same  station  throughout  the  year. 

Short-Beaked  The  group  of  short-beaked  dolphins,  which  are  mostly  natives  of 

Dolphins.       warm  and  temperate  seas,  are  characterised  by  the  shortness  of  the 

head  and  the  ill-defined  beak.     Among  them,  the  white-beaked  species  (Lageno- 

rhynchus  albirostris),  which  grows  to  a  length  of  about  9  feet,  inhabits  the  North 

Atlantic,  where  it  ranges  as  far  north  as  Greenland  and  Davis  Strait.     In  colour  it 

is  generally  purplish  black  on  the  back  and  whitish  below,  with  the  sides  greyish, 

the  muzzle  whitish,  and  some  whitish  spots  behind  the  blow-hole  and  near  the  base 

of  the  terminal  fin. 

A  second  kind,  the  white-sided  dolphin  (L.  acutus),  resembles  the  last  more  or 

less  closely  in  shape,  but  the  head  appears  more  swollen,  the  back-fin  broader  and 

more  erect,  and  the  flippers  shorter.     It  attains  a  length  of  8  feet,  and  inhabits  the 

North  Atlantic,  where  it  is  most  common  around  the  Orkneys.     The  colour  is  grey 

above  and  white  below,  with  a  wide  yellowish  band  along  the  side  enclosing  a 

large  white  spot,  a  narrow  black  stripe  extending  from  the  dorsal  fin  to  the  tail, 

a  similar  stripe  running  from  the  base  of  the  pectoral  fin  on  to  the  head,  and 

the  eyes   being   ringed  with   black.      There  are  several   other  members  of   this 

group  of  dolphins. 

In  the  so-called  blackfish  the  rounded  head  has  no  distinct  beak, 

the  back-fin  is  long,  low,  and  stout,  the  flippers  are  long  and  narrow, 

and  the  few  teeth  confined  to  the  front  half  of  the  jaws.  The  common  and  widely 
distributed  blackfish  (Globiocephalus  melas),  frequently  called  the  pilot- whale,  grows 
to  a  length  of  at  least  20  feet,  and  is  wholly  black,  save  for  a  large  white  spear- 
shaped  patch  on  the  breast.  This  dolphin  goes  about  in  schools  of  a  hundred  or 
more,  always  piloted  by  a  leader  a  little  distance  in  advance,  who  is  followed 
under  all  circumstances  even  when  driven  to  destruction  on  a  sandy  beach. 
Appearing  frequently,  although  irregularly,  on  the  northern  and  western  coasts  of 
Europe,  the  blackfish  seems  to  be  scarce  in  the  Mediterranean,  but  its  range  in- 
cludes Greenland,  the  Cape  of  Good  Hope,  and  New  Zealand. 

,  „  .     .  Resembling  the  last  in  general  external  appearance,  Risso's  dolphin 

Rissos  Dolphin  .  °  b  rr  *_ 

(Grampus  griseus)  is  distinguished  by  the  head  being  less  rounded, 
the  shorter  flippers,  the  greater  length  of  the  pointed  back-fin,  and  the  very  narrow 
tail.  This  species  is  about  13  feet  long,  and  mainly  grey  in  colour,  although  greyish 
white  below,  with  the  head  and  fore  part  of  the  body  of  a  lighter  or  darker  grey 



and  showing  a  yellowish  tinge.  The  whole  body  is  marked  irregularly  with 
light  streaks,  apparently  due  to  wounds  inflicted  by  the  spines  on  the  suckers 
of  the  squids  upon  which  this  species  feeds.  Though  a  stranger  to  the  Arctic 
seas,  this  dolphin  has  a  very  wide  distribution,  having  been  found  in  the  North 
Atlantic,  the  North  Sea,  and  the  Mediterranean,  as  well  as  in  the  South  Atlantic 
and  North  Pacific. 

Still  more  widely  distributed  appears  to  be  the  killer,  or  grampus 
(Orca  gladiator),  which  is  one  of  the  largest  of  the  group,  growing  to 
a  length  of  fully  20  feet.  It  is  easily  recognised  by  its  striking  coloration, 
conical  depressed  head,  and  tall  back-fin,  as  well  as  by  its  armature  of  powerful 
teeth,  of  which  there  are  from  ten  to  thirteen  pairs  in  each  jaw.     In  colour,  killers 




are  generally  black  above  and  whitish  below,  the  white  extending  in  a  tongue-like 
form  on  to  the  flanks,  and  also  as  a  patch  above  each  eye.  Killers  are  generally 
seen  in  small  shoals,  sometimes  consisting  of  males  and  females  only,  and  sometimes 
of  individuals  of  both  sexes  and  all  ages.  They  surpass  all  their  relatives  in 
ferocity,  and  their  principal  prey  appears  to  be  porpoises,  but  they  often  join 
in  small  parties  to  attack  the  largest  whales,  such  as  the  Greenland  species, 
which  become  so  terrified  by  the  onslaught  as  to  make  little  or  no  attempt  .at 
escape  or  resistance. 

Familiar  to  almost  all  is  the  European  porpoise  (Phocosna  com- 
munis), a  species  dark  slaty  grey  above  and  whitish  below,  with  the 
tail-fin  reddish  or  yellowish.  Gi^owing  to  a  length  of  about  5  feet,  this  species 
is  characterised  by  the  sloping  head,  the  equality  in  the  length  of  the  upper  and 
lower  jaws,  and  the  large  triangular  back-fin  placed  a  little  in  front  of  the  middle  of 



the  back.    In  many  cases  the  fin  has  horny  tubercles  on  the  fore-edge,  and  it  is  always 

longer  along  the  base  than  it  is  high.     The  species  is  widely  distributed,  not  only 

in  the  North  Atlantic  but  also  in  the  North  Pacific,  where  it  ranges  from  Alaska 

to  Mexico.     It  generally  keeps  near  the  coast,  but  will  swim  up  large  rivers  for 

a  considerable  distance  in  quest  of  food.     Porpoises  feed  exclusively  on  fish.     The 

members  of  a  shoal,  alternately  rising  and  diving  as  they  swim,  form  one  of  the  most 

interesting  sights  of  the  sea. 

The  beaked  whales  (Ziphiidce)  and  sperm-whales  (Physeteridce) 
Beaked  Whales.  , 

form  family  groups,  distinguished,  among  other  features,  from  the 

majority  of  dolphins  by  the  absence  of  teeth  in  the  upper  jaw,  at  least  in  the  existing 

members  of  the  group.     The  beaked  whales  have,  at  most,  a  single  pair  of  teeth  in 

the  lower  jaw,  which  are  placed  about  the  middle  of  its  length,  and  are  more  or  less 

laterally  compressed,  so  much  so,  indeed,  in  some  cases  as  to  assume  a  strap-like 

form.     The  commonest  species  is  Sowerby's  beaked  whale  (Mesoplodon   bidens), 

attaining  a  length  of  about  15  feet,  and  characterised  by  the  rather  small  teeth 

which  in  some  cases  project  but  little  above  the  edges  of  the  mouth  when  closed. 

The  long  beak  is  nearly  straight,  and  above  it  the  head  gradually  curves  upwards 

so  as  to  form  a  fairly  high  protuberance  in  front  of  the  blow-hole,  while  behind 

there  is  a  second  step  which  gradually  merges  into  the  line  of  the  back 

cuvier's  Beaked  Cuvier's  beaked  whale  (Ziphius  cavirostris),  although  but  seldom 

whale.        met    with,  appears   to  be  of  world-wide  distribution.     It   is  distin- 
guished by  the  two  conical  teeth  at  the  tip  of  the  lower  jaw,  as  well  as  by  the 
circumstance  that  only  the  first  three  vertebrae  of  the  neck  are  fused  together.     In 
the  bottle-nosed  whale  all  seven  of  these  vertebrae  are  united. 
Bottle-Nosed  The  bottle-nosed  whale  {Hyp>eroodon  rostratus),  is  a  near  ally, 

wnaie.  generally  seen  in  schools,  or  "  gams  "  as  they  are  called,  whereas  the 
beaked  whales  are  generally  met  with  alone  or  in  pairs.  These  whales  have  the 
back-fin  sickle- shaped  and  situated  a  little  behind  the  centre  of  the  back ;  the  head 
rises  abruptly  from  the  beak,  protected  by  a  cushion  of  fat  in  front  of  the  crescent- 
shaped  blow-hole.  They  differ  from  the  cachalot  and  resemble  the  beaked  whales 
in  having  only  one  or  two  pairs  of  teeth  in  the  lower  jaw,  which  are  largest  in  the 
males.  This  sex  attains  a  length  of  30  feet,  but  the  females  do  not  exceed  24  feet. 
The  bottle-nose  ranges  south  to  the  English  Channel,  and  as  far  north  as  the  Arctic 
Circle,  or  even  a  few  degrees  beyond,  and  although  more  frequently  stranded  on 
the  British  coasts  than  any  other  whale,  is  more  of  a  deep-water  species  than  any 
of  those  mentioned  above. 

With  the  fin-whales,  or  rorquals,  we  reach  the  first  representatives 
of  the  second  great  group  of  cetaceans,  the  whalebone  whales,  or 
Mystacoceti.  These  are  distinguished  by  the  development  of  plates  of  whalebone 
from  the  whole  surface  of  the  upper  jaw,  by  means  of  which  they  strain  off 
the  water  taken  into  the  mouth  with  their  food,  which  may  consist  of  fish  of  con- 
siderable size  or  of  minute  organisms  floating  on  the  surface  of  the  sea.  The  members 
of  this  group  take  their  name  of  fin-whales  from  the  presence  of  a  small  back-fin, 
and  their  Norse  designation  of  rorquals  from  the  flutings  on  the  collapsible  pouch 
on  the  throat  when  in  its  contracted  condition.  On  account  of  the  presence  of  this 
pouch,  in  which  the  food  is   contained,  the  whalebone  is  very  short,  and  of  no 


commercial  value.  Fin-whales  are  all  of  long  slender  build,  and  may  be  regarded 
as  the  racers  of  their  tribe.  In  habits  they  are  migratory,  the  northern  forms 
visiting  Norway,  Iceland,  and  even  Greenland  in  summer,  and  returning  in  winter 
to  warmer  seas.  Of  the  four  species  inhabiting  the  seas  of  the  Northern  Hemisphere, 
the  common  fin-whale,  or  rorqual  (Balcenoptera  musculus),  rarely  exceeds  70  feet 
in  length,  and  has  relatively  long  jaws  and  a  long  slender  body.  It  is  dark  slaty 
grey  above,  and  often  white  beneath  and  on  the  inner  side  of  the  flippers.  The 
dark  colour  of  the  upper-parts  generally  extends  to  the  left  side  of  the  lower  jaw, 
and  the  white  of  the  under-parts  to  the  right  side  of  the  same,  this  difference  in 
the  coloration  of  the  two  sides  corresponding  to  a  want  of  symmetry  in  the  skull 
common  to  many  whales.  The  first  few  plates  of  whalebone  are  white,  and  the 
others  dark-coloured  with  grey  tips.  This  finner  seldom  visits  the  Mediterranean, 
but  is  otherwise  well  represented  in  European  seas ;  it  also  extends  along  the  coast 
of  North  America,  and  may  occur  in  New  Zealand  waters,  as  the  so-called  southern 
rorqual  does  not  appear  specifically  separable.  It  feeds  largely  on  fish,  devouring 
enormous  quantities  of  herring,  and  though  often  found  alone,  is  frequently  noticed 
in  shoals  of  from  ten  to  twenty  head.  When  about  to  dive,  it  turns  almost  on  to  one 
side,  and  at  times  stands  almost  vertically  for  a  moment  or  so  in  the  water.  Its 
breathing  is  so  rapid  and  so  powerful  as  to  cause  a  loud  noise,  by  means  of  which 
this  species  is  said  to  be  distinguishable  from  its  allies. 

The  whalers  of  Finmarken  recognise  three  varieties,  or  phases,  of  this  rorqual 
— namely,  a  darker,  a  lighter,  and  a  yellowish.  The  dark  phase  is  stated  to  be  met 
with  in  company  with  shoals  of  herrings.  These  rorquals  usually  arrive  off"  the 
Faroes  in  the  middle  of  June,  coming  from  the  south-west  and  proceeding  in  a 
north-easterly  direction ;  the  immigration  lasting  till  about  the  middle  of  July. 
Early  in  August  they  commence  their  return  journey  southwards,  when  they  keep 
principally  to  the  south  side  of  the  islands.  By  the  end  of  the  same  month  nearly 
all  have  left  the  Faroes.  They  arrive  off  Finmarken  in  two  divisions,  the  first  of 
which  is  composed  of  members  of  the  dark  phase.  These  dark  whales  arrive  early 
in  March  and  advance  in  an  easterly  direction,  but  do  not,  as  a  rule,  go  beyond  the 
Varanger  Fiord,  whence  they  return  in  April  along  the  coast ;  the  migration  being 
completed  by  the  end  of  that  month.  The  second  division  consists  chiefly  of  the 
two  lighter-coloured  phases ;  and  it  seems  probable  that  it  is  this  light-coloured 
phase  which  is  taken  off  Mayo  feeding  on  shrimps,  etc.  The  members  of  this 
second  division  reach  the  Faroes  in  the  first  half  of  June,  and  are  then  met  with 
about  fifteen  miles  off  Soro,  where  they  stay  till  about  the  beginning  of  July,  when 
they  move  eastwards  as  far  as  Baadsfiord,  whence  they  disappear  in  a  north- 
easterly direction. 

The  gigantic  Sibbald's  fin- whale  (B.  sibbaldi)  generally  has  16  pairs  of  ribs,  or 
one  more  than  the  common  species,  from  which  it  differs  by  the  stouter  body.  It 
attains  a  length  of  85  feet,  and  is  the  largest  of  existing  animals.  This  species 
may  always  be  recognised  by  the  long  flippers,  as  well  as  by  the  small  size  and 
position  of  the  back-fin,  which  is  situated  close  to  the  tail.  In  colour  it  is  dark 
bluish  grey,  with  a  few  white  spots  on  the  chest  and  the  inner  side  and  edges 
of  the  flippers.  The  whalebone  is  black.  This  finner  is  said  to  swim  faster  than 
any  other  whale,  and  when  gliding  along  the  surface  of  the  sea  occasionally  shows 


its  whole  vast  length,  although  it  seldom  leaps  into  the  air :  when  about  to  descend, 

the  huge  flukes  are  lifted  high  above  the  waves.     Like  the  last,  this  species  feeds 

on  fish,  especially  pilchards  and  sprats,  but  also  consumes  minute  crustaceans. 

In  spring  it  journeys  northwards,  and  resorts  to  the  neighbourhood  of  the  shores 

during  the  breeding-season,  although  it  spends  the  winter  in  the  open  sea. 

The  lesser  fin- whale  (B.  rostrata),  which  has  a  pointed  muzzle,  and  seldom 

exceeds  about  33  feet  in  length,  is  characterised  by  a  glistening  white  band  across 

the  upper  part   of  the  flipper,  which    contrasts   conspicuously  with   the  greyish 

black  of  the  rest  of  the  outer  side  of  this  appendage  and  the  upper-parts  generally. 

The  under-parts,  inclusive  of  the  lower  side  of  the  flukes,  are  white.     The  species 

is  further  distinguished    by   having   only   eleven   pairs  of  ribs,  and   the  almost 

white  whalebone.     Inhabiting  the  northern  seas  of  both  hemispheres,  it  is  specially 

common  off"  the  coast  of  Norway,  and  is  likewise  by  no  means  rare  around  the 

British  Isles.     It  occurs  in  the  Arctic  Ocean,  which  it  enters  from  the  Pacific  by 

way  of  Bering  Strait.     In  the  North  Pacific  it  occasionally  visits  the  estuaries  of 

large  rivers,  as  it  does  the  fiords  and  bays  of  Norway  in  the  other  hemisphere. 

The  fourth  and    last  European    member    of    the  group  is    Rudolphi's   fin-whale 

(B.  borealis),  which  attains  a  length  of  about  50  feet,  and  has  thirteen  pairs  of  ribs. 

It  may  be  distinguished  from  the  last  species  by  its  smaller  back-fin  and  the  shorter 

flippers.     In  colour  it  is  bluish  black  with  long  white  spots  above,  and  more  or 

less  white  below,  though  the  under  sides  of  the  flukes  and  flippers  are  black.     The 

black  whalebone  is  more  curled  and  frayed  at  the  ends  than  that  of  the  other  species, 

for,  unlike  it,  this  finner  never  eats  fish,  but  feeds  exclusively  on  small  crustaceans. 

A  very  different  animal  is  the  hump-backed  whale  (Meqaptera 
Humpback.  J  ...  .  P 

boops),  another  North  Atlantic  species,  which  attains  a  length  of  some 

50  feet,  and  is  black  above,  and  more  or  less  marbled  with  white  below.  The 
flippers  are  either  white  or  spotted  with  white,  and  the  species  owes  its  name  to  the 
presence  of  a  protuberance  on  the  hinder  half  of  the  back,  which  apparently  varies 
in  height  in  different  individuals.  This  hump  carries  a  small  back -fin,  which, 
together  with  the  fluted  pouch  on  the  throat,  indicates  its  relationship  to  the  fin- 
whales.  From  these  it  differs,  however,  by  the  comparatively  large  size  of  the  warty 
head,  the  greater  depth  of  the  body,  and  the  excessive  length  of  the  flippers,  which 
measure  from  10  to  12  feet  in  length,  and  have  scalloped  edges.  The  black 
whalebone  is  short  and  thick.  Humpbacks  occur  north  and  south  of  the  equator 
in  both  the  Atlantic  and  the  Pacific,  and  also  in  the  Indian  Ocean ;  but  some 
naturalists  regard  the  one  inhabiting  the  Indian  Ocean  and  the  Persian  Gulf  as 
distinct  from  the  European  form. 

The  Atlantic  black  whale  or  right- whale  (Balama  biscayensis  or  glacialis)  is 
referred  to  in  another  chapter. 



The  Birds  of  the  North  Atlantic 


The  birds  frequenting  the  coasts  of  the  North  Atlantic  are  so  numerous  that  a 
mere  list  of  the  species  would  occupy  several  pages.  Many  have  been  referred  to 
in  earlier  chapters,  and  only  a  few  of  importance  remain  to  be  mentioned. 

Among  the  waders  of  the  coast,  one  of  the  most  noteworthy  is 
the  avocet  (Recurvirostra  avocetta),  conspicuous  on  account  of  its  pied 
plumage,  stilt-like  legs,  and  long,  thin,  up-turned  beak.  Wherever  common, 
this  bird  nests  in  colonies,  and  the  limits  of  its  range  include  the  British  Isles 
(where  it  is  now  but  an  occasional  visitor),  Scandinavia,  Mongolia,  Hainan,  Ceylon, 
South  Africa,  and  Spain.  The  nest  is  a  mere  depression  in  the  sand  or  mud,  or  a 
hollow  in  the  grass  near  the  shore,  and  the  pear-shaped  eggs  are  four  in  number, 
as  is  usual  with  the  birds  of  this  group.  The  young  birds  are  fully  feathered  in  a 
few  weeks,  although  they  are  taken  about  and  fed  by  their  parents  for  a  long  time. 
Avocets  feed  at  the  water's  edge,  following  the  ebbing  tide  to  the  shallows,  and 
returning  with  the  flood.  Their  food  consists  mainly  of  fish-spawn,  shell-fish, 
young  shrimps,  and  larvae,  which  are  caught  by  searching  the  mud  of  the  pools 
with  a  sideways  motion  of  the  beak,  and  sifting  it  between  the  two  jaws.  On  the 
wing  an  avocet  holds  its  long  legs  stretched  out  behind  in  a  line  with  the  beak, 
while  the  wings  curve  away  from  the  body  in  a  characteristic  manner. 




Ringed  Plover. 


A  far  commoner  shore-bird  is  the  ringed  plover  (AZgialitis 
hiaticula),  whose  range  extends  from  the  far  north  to  Cape  Colony 
and  from  Greenland  to  Kamchatka.  The  nest  is  the  usual  depression  on  the  beach, 
and  the  eggs  are  the  normal  four.  In  length  this  bird  measures  only  7  inches,  or 
not  half  the  size  of  the  avocet.  It  is  one  of  the  most  intelligent  of  birds,  and 
is  an  adept  at  feigning  death  or  lameness  when  its  eggs  are  threatened.  One  of 
the  first  to  warn  other  birds  of  approaching  danger,  it  may  frequently  be  seen 

— ^  piloting    a    flock    of 

dunlin  across  the  waves 
to  a  place  of  safety. 
The  colour  is  greyish 
brown  above  and  white 
below,  with  a  conspic- 
uous black-bordered 
white  forehead,  a  white 
eye-stripe,  and  a  black- 
ish gorget. 

Kentish  Plover.  ^ 


covered  with  short  grass 
mingled  with  other 
plants  form  the  fav- 
ourite resorts  of  the 
Kentish  plover  (AS. 
alexandrina),  a  species 
which,  except  on  migra- 
tion, rarely  frequents 
fresh  water,  although 
common  on  some  of  the 
large  lakes  of  Hungary. 
Raiiiiina  from  Iceland 
to  Japan,  it  winters  in 
the  north  of  Africa,  the 
Malay  Archipelago,  and 
Australia.  It  is  never 
found  very  far  north, 
and  is  remarkably  capricious  in  the  choice  of  its  halting-places  and  breeding- 
grounds.  The  nest  is  generally  placed  close  to  the  water,  although  far 
enough  away  to  be  safe  from  the  tide,  and  is  most  difficult  of  discovery 
owing  to  the  size  and  coloration  of  the  eggs,  which  are  three  or  four  in 
number.  It  has  been  stated  that  wherever  the  nest  of  the  ringed  plover 
contains  four  eggs,  that  of  the  Kentish  plover  has  only  three,  but  this 
merely  a  generalisation  from  insufficient  instances.  In  size  this 
about    half    an    inch    shorter    than    the     ringed    plover,    from    which 






it    may    be    distinguished     at     a    glance     by    its     black 



and     incomplete 




The  tumstones  take  their  name  from  the  fact  that  they  obtain 
their  food  in  great  part  by  turning  over  shells  and  stones,  and  thus 
capturing  the  small  worms  and  molluscs  which  live  beneath.  Wherever  the  shore 
has  grassy  patches  adjoining  sandy  pools  and  banks  of  pebbles,  the  European 
species  (Strepsilas  interpres)  may  be  seen,  either  in  families  or  solitary.  Its 
breeding-area  includes  the  north  of  Europe,  Asia,  and  America,  and  in  Europe 
extends  as  far  south  as  the  shores  of  the  North  Sea  and  Baltic.  In  August  and 
September  the  turnstone  starts  on  its  migrations,  which  take  it  over  almost  all  of 
the  Southern  Hemisphere,  and  in  April  and  May  it  returns  to  its  breeding-places. 



The  nest  is  a  mere  depression  in  the  beach,  lined  with  a  few  hairs  and  sheltered 
by  low  scrub  or  a  tussock  of  grass.  In  this  the  female  lays  her  four  greenish  grey 
eggs,  which  are  not  unlike  those  of  the  snipe. 

The  oyster-catchers  are  easily  recognisable  by  the  long  solid 
beak,  slightly  bent  upwards,  which  is  about  double  the  length  of  the 
head  and  so  much  compressed  at  the  sides  that  towards  the  end  it  resembles  the 
blade  of  a  knife  with  a  rounded  point.  This  peculiar  type  of  beak  is  employed 
for  prising  open  the  shells  of  bivalves,  as  well  as  for  thrusting  into  those  of  whelks 
and  drawing  out  the  soft  bodies  of  the  molluscs  on  which  these  birds  chiefly  subsist. 
Their  diet  includes  worms  and  molluscs,  as  well  as  the  shoots  of  maritime  plants. 
Pebbly  or  rocky  shores  with  patches  of  vegetation  are  the  usual  haunts  of  the 
European  species  (Hcematopus  ostralegus),  whose  breeding-area  extends  from  the 


North  Cape  to  Spain,  and  eastwards  into  Siberia.  Large  numbers  of  these  birds 
frequent  the  shores  of  the  North  Sea  and  Baltic,  while  many  resort  to  the  Black 
Sea  and  Caspian.  In  winter  they  journey  as  far  south  as  Portuguese  East  Africa 
and  Senegambia,  but  this  migration  is  undertaken  only  by  a  section  of  the  species, 
as  in  Iceland  oyster-catchers  migrate  in  winter  only  from  the  north  to  the  south  of 
the  island,  where  the  influence  of  the  Gulf  Stream  renders  the  climate  sufficiently 
warm  for  them  to  exist  at  that  season.  Unlike  most  shore-birds,  oyster-catchers 
do  not  take  to  the  water  solely  in  cases  of  necessity,  but  will  enter  it  occasional^' 
at  all  times.  They  swim  well,  and  escape  from  danger  by  diving.  Their  gait  is 
a  brisk  walk,  with  many  hops,  but  it  may  become  a  quick,  although  frequently 
interrupted,  run ;  the  flight  is  low  and  duck-like. 

Oyster-catchers  are  generally  found  in  small  parties  and  are  singularly  watch- 
ful and  courageous  birds.  They  will  attack  crows,  gulls,  and  birds-of-prey  with 
such  loud  cries  and  impetuosity  that  they  generally  succeed  in  driving  them  away, 
and  their  nesting-grounds  are  consequently  but  seldom  invaded.  The  nest,  which 
is  never  far  from  water,  consists  of  a  shallow  hole  scratched  by  the  bird  in  the 
shingle,  and  lined  with  pebbles  and  broken  shells.  Several  of  such  nests  are 
generally  made,  in  one  of  which  (not  necessarily  the  last)  are  laid  the  stone- 
coloured  eggs,  indistinguishable  at  a  short  distance  from  the  pebbles  with  which 
they  are  surrounded. 

Among  the  duck  tribe  mention  may  be  made  of  the  sheldrake 
(Tadorna  comuta),  which  ranges  from  Britain  to  Japan  as  a  breed- 
ing species,  and  migrates  in  winter  to  the  Mediterranean,  India,  and  South  China. 
Although  essentially  a  shore-bird,  the  shelduck  generally  makes  its  nest  in  a 
rabbit-burrow  or  some  other  hole  some  distance  away  from  the  beach.  When  a 
convenient  hole  cannot  be  found  ready  to  hand,  the  bird  will  make  one  for  itself, 
and  in  the  Isle  of  Sylt  shelducks  are  induced  to  lay  in  holes  made  by  the  natives 
with  the  object  of  collecting  the  eggs.  By  taking  these  judiciously,  as  many  as 
thirty  may  be  obtained  from  a  single  hole,  although  the  normal  number  is  about 
ten.  Of  the  hosts  of  other  kinds  of  ducks  which  visit  the  coasts  of  the  North 
Atlantic  in  winter,  to  return  to  the  Arctic  breeding-grounds  in  spring,  mention 
here  is  unnecessary. 

Nearly  all  the  terns  are  sea-birds,  but  the  little  tern  (Sterna 
Little  Tern.  .  .  ... 

minuta)  often  frequents  inland  waters,  although  its  nest  is  generally 

situated  near  the  shore.  When  looking  for  food,  this  tern  seldom  comes  nearer  the 
surface  than  10  feet,  and  often  flies  three  times  as  high,  nevertheless  it  discovers 
quite  small  creatures  from  that  height,  and  generally  flutters  some  time  above 
them  before  dashing  down  into  the  water,  to  rise  again  as  rapidly  with  its  prey. 
These  lively  birds,  which  scream  as  they  chase  one  another  in  the  air,  are  dis- 
tinguished from  other  terns  by  their  brisk  movements  and  diminutive  size.  About 
9i  inches  long,  they  have  a  black  crown,  a  white  tail,  a  yellow  beak,  and  orange 
legs.  As  breeding-birds,  they  range  from  60°  N.  latitude  down  to  the  Mediterranean, 
the  Black  Sea,  and  the  Caspian,  and  as  migrants  reach  Cape  Colony  and  Java.  The 
eggs  are  usually  laid  on  the  sand  or  among  the  shingle,  with  no  perceptible  attempt 
at  a  nest;  but  on  the  east  coast  of  Scotland  there  is  frequently  a  hollow  sur- 
rounded— not  lined — with  a  ring  of  brijjhtlv  coloured  fragments  of  shells. 

TERNS  253 

The  Arctic  tern  (S.  macrura),  well  known  on  both  sides  of  the 
Arctic  Tern 

North  Atlantic,  as  well  as  in  the  North  Pacific,  breeds  within  the 

Arctic  Circle  and  as  far  south  as  the  Humber  and  the  islands  off  the  south  of 
Ireland,  anywhere  in  fact  north  of  50°  in  Europe  and  42°  in  America.  A  migrant, 
it  appears  every  year  in  Chile  and  Cape  Colony  and  as  far  south  as  66°  N.  latitude 
in  the  Southern  Ocean.  Its  two  or  three  eggs  are  laid  close  to  the  sea,  sometimes 
on  the  bare  rock,  but  generally  in  a  hole  among  shingle  (occasionally  lined  with  a 
little  grass),  and  bear  so  great  a  resemblance  to  pebbles  that  they  are  only  re- 
cognisable by  being  alike.  In  flight  this  tern  appears  slower  than  many  of  the 
others,  owing  to  the  long  sweeping  curves  it  takes,  but  it  nevertheless  flies  lightly 
and  easily,  and  occasionally  hovers.  It  may  be  recognised  at  a  glance  by  the 
absence  of  a  black  tip  to  its  red  beak,  as  well  as  by  its  short  red  legs.  The  crown 
is  black,  the  head  grey,  and  the  tail  white  and  grey,  while  there  is  a  narrow  grey 
band  on  the  inner  webs  of  the  primaries.  In  length  the  Arctic  tern  measures  about 
15  inches. 
Common  and  The  common  tern  (S.  fluviatilis),  which  has  a  red  beak  with  a 

Roseate  Terns,  black  tip,  is  also  a  shore-bird,  breeding  in  colonies  on  shingly  beaches. 
Much  handsomer  is  the  roseate  tern  (S.  dougalli),  which  breeds  in  a  few  localities 
in  the  British  Isles,  and  on  some  of  the  islands  in  the  North  Sea,  as  well  as  in 
many  favourite  spots  within  the  temperate  and  tropical  zones,  its  nests  having 
been  found  in  the  Bermudas,  the  West  Indies,  Ceylon,  the  Andamans,  New 
Caledonia,  and  northern  Australia.  In  the  Atlantic  it  ranges  from  57°  N.  latitude 
to  the  Cape  of  Good  Hope.  The  species  is  distinguished  by  the  evanescent  roseate 
tinge  on  the  breast  and  under-parts,  as  well  as  by  the  inner  webs  of  the  primaries 
being  white  throughout,  the  very  long  outer  feathers  of  the  tail,  the  black  beak 
and  orange-red  legs,  and,  lastly,  by  its  particularly  loud  and  grating  scream. 

Another  species,  the  Sandwich  tern  (S.  cantiaca),  nests  from  the 
Sandwich  Tern.        .  .   *_.    ...  n         ,i      ™     i    o.  ->  ,-,      /-< 

Orkneys  to  the  Mediterranean  and  on  the  Black  Sea  and  the  Caspian  , 

while  on  the  American  coast  its  breeding-grounds  extend  from  the  north  of  Florida 
to  Honduras.  As  a  migrant,  this  bird  appears  on  the  western  side  of  Central 
America,  but  is  unknown  elsewhere  in  the  Pacific ;  in  the  Atlantic  its  range 
includes  Cape  Colon}^ ;  from  the  Mediterranean  it  makes  its  way  down  the  Ked 
Sea  to  the  Indian  Ocean  as  far  south  as  Natal,  and  from  the  Black  Sea  and 
Caspian  it  journeys  to  the  Persian  Gulf  and  the  north-west  coast  of  India.  It  still 
breeds  in  the  British  Isles,  though  no  longer  near  the  Kentish  town  from  which  it 
takes  its  name,  the  main  settlement  being  on  the  Fame  Islands,  though  there  are 
others  on  both  the  east  and  west  coasts.  This  is  the  largest  of  the  native  British 
terns,  and  may  be  known  by  the  yellow-tipped  black  beak,  black  legs  and  fore- 
head, long  white  nape-feathers,  and  the  deeply  forked  white  tail. 

The  gull-billed  tern  (S.  anqlica)  is  so  distinct  from  all  its  rela- 
Gull-Billed  Tern.  , .  ,,?.,.»  \  .        \  -,■,-, 

tives   that  it  is   frequently  assigned  to   a  genus   apart,  under  the 

name  of  Gelochelidon.     Ranging  over  Europe,  Africa,  North  and  South  America, 

and  Asia,  it  is  nowhere  very  common,  and  generally,  as  in  the  British  Islands, 

known   only   as   a    visitor.     It   nests    on    the   west   coast   of    Denmark,   in  the 

Mediterranean,  in  Australia,  and  on  the  west  shore  of  the  Atlantic   from   New 

Jersey  southwards,  and  it  occurs  all  down  that  coast  to  Argentina,  but  is  not  found 


on  the  Pacific  side  except  in  Central  America,  where,  like  the  Sandwich  tern,  it 
crosses  the  isthmus  from  the  Caribbean  Sea.  The  head,  beak,  and  legs  are  black 
and  the  tail  is  grey.  On  account  of  its  cry  of  "  ya-ha,  ha,  ha,"  it  is  known  in  many 
places  as  the  laughing  tern. 

The  largest  European  member  of  the  group  is  the  Caspian  tern 
{Hydroprogne  caspia),  which  is  20  inches  long,  with  a  stout  reel  beak, 
occasionally  horn-coloured  at  the  tip,  short  black  legs,  and  a  short  and  not  deeply 
forked  white  tail.  Nesting  in  the  Baltic  and  the  inland  seas  of  Asia,  as  well  as  on 
both  coasts  of  North  America  down  to  Florida  and  California,  in  the  Persian 
Gulf,  and  in  Australia  and  New  Zealand,  it  does  not  occur  on  the  Asiatic  side 
of  the  Pacific. 

Among  the  Laridce  of  the  North  Atlantic  are  the  little  gull 

Gulls.  . 

(Larus  minutus)  and  the  black-headed  gull  (L.  ridibundus),  both 
of  which  breed  in  northern  Europe  and  Siberia,  and  have  a  wide  range  of 

A  third  kind,  the  herring-gull  (L.  argentatus),  rarely  occurs  in  the  Baltic,  but 
is  common  on  the  shores  of  the  North  Sea,  and,  like  the  black-backed  species,  is  a 
common  British  breeding  bird.  Attaining  a  length  of  23  inches,  it  has  the  back 
and  wing-coverts  bluish  grey,  and  the  primaries  black  with  white  tips  and  spots 
and  a  grey  wedge  down  their  inner  webs,  which  increases  in  width  on  the  hinder 
feathers  till  the  black  is  reduced  to  a  band  near  the  tip.  The  head  is  white  spotted 
with  grey  and  the  beak  yellow,  while  the  legs  are  flesh-coloured.  This  gull 
inhabits  both  shores  of  the  North  Atlantic,  as  well  as  the  eastern  side  of  the 
North  Pacific,  and  is  most  common  near  the  mouths  of  rivers.  It  lives  chiefly  on 
the  shore,  where  it  feeds  on  the  eggs  of  other  birds,  molluscs,  crustaceans,  and 
dead  fish.  Living  fish,  however,  also  form  a  portion  of  its  diet,  and  in  capturing 
these  the  bird  will  often  dash  down  with  such  force  as  to  dive  a  couple  of  feet  or 
more  into  the  water.  It  is  said  to  prey  on  the  shoals  of  herring  as  they  pass  along 
the  coast,  and  from  this  habit  derives  its  popular  name.  The  nest,  which  is  always 
near  the  sea,  may  be  either  on  flat  sand,  sand-dunes,  or  amid  rocks,  but  on  the 
American  side  is  frequently  in  trees  or  bushes.  Sometimes  it  is  a  small  and  loosely 
built  structure,  but  it  may  be  large  and  built  of  grass  and  seaweeds  lined  with 

The  other  sea-gulls  of  the  North  Atlantic  have  their  chief  breeding-places  in 
the  far  north,  and  may  therefore  be  more  appropriately  noticed  among  the  birds 
of  the  Arctic  Ocean. 

The  petrels  and  their  allies  differ  from  the  gulls  (to  which  many 
of  them  present  a  superficial  resemblance)  by  having  the  nostrils 
taking  the  form  of  a  pair  of  tubes  on  the  upper  surface  of  the  beak,  which  is 
generally  hooked.  These  birds  are  more  decidedly  oceanic,  or  pelagic,  than  the 
gulls,  and  although  met  with  in  all  latitudes,  are  more  numerous  in  the  tropics, 
and  especially  in  the  Southern  Hemisphere,  than  in  the  north.  During  the  breeding- 
season  they  resort  to  unfrequented  coasts,  where  they  nest  either  in  cavities  of  rocks 
or  in  holes  in  the  ground  dug  by  themselves.  At  this  season  they  feed  much  more 
on  land  than  at  other  times,  a  large  portion  of  their  nutriment  consisting  of  carrion. 

The  members  of  the  group  met  with  in  the  North  Atlantic  are  few  in  number 

PE  TRELS—SHEA  R IV A  TERS  2  5  5 

and  small  in  size.     The  most  common  is  the  storm-petrel  (Procellaria  pelagica) 
which  measures  only  5h  inches  in  length,  and  is  the  smallest  web-footed  bird  met 
with  in  the  British  Isles.     Its  colour  is  blackish,  relieved  by  a  white  band  across  the 
rounded  tail.     To  its  habit  of  skimming  the  surface  of  the  wave  this  bird  owes  its 
name  of  petrel,  or  peterel,  the  equivalent  of  little  Peter. 

An  allied  species,  the  fork-tailed  petrel  {Oceanodroma  leucorrhoa),  likewise 
breeds  on  the  islands  of  the  North  Atlantic,  especially  those  on  the  American  side, 
and  also  occurs  in  the  Pacific.  Slightly  larger  than  the  storm-petrel,  this  bird  is 
distinguished  by  the  white  band  being  restricted  to  the  upper  surface  of  the  tail, 
which  is  deeply  forked. 


If  the  petrels  may  be  compared  to  swallows,  their  relatives  the 

shearwaters  may  be  likened  to  swifts,  since  when  on  the  wing  they 
assume  the  form  of  a  crossbow.  The  flight  of  these  birds  is  indeed  remarkable, 
the  members  of  a  flock  darting  about  almost  with  the  swiftness  of  arrows  in  all 
directions,  although  generally  following  one  another  in  single  file.  One  of  the 
best  known  forms  is  the  white -breasted  Manx  shearwater  (PufJUnus  anglorum), 
remarkable  on  account  of  the  length  of  the  winding  burrows  it  excavates  for  its 
nest.  About  14  inches  long,  this  bird  is  blackish  grey  in  colour,  with  greyish 
pencillings  on  the  head  and  neck  and  a  white  breast.  Its  home  is  the  North 
Atlantic  from  Iceland  to  the  Canaries  on  the  one  side,  and  from  Greenland  to 
Brazil  on  the  other.  Its  food  consists  of  fishes  and  other  creatures  to  be  met  with 
near  the  surface  of  the  water.  Although  this  bird  captures  its  prey  while 
swimming  or  diving,  it  never  descends  deep  into  the  water,  and  never  follows  in 
the  wake  of  a  ship  for  the  sake  of  the  offal.  It  takes  its  name  from  the  manner 
in  which  it  ploughs  through  the  weaves  as  it  alights. 



cormorants  The  cormorants  having  been  alluded  to  in  an  earlier  chapter,  it 

and  Gannet.    w[\\  suffice  to  mention  in  this  place  that  they  are  met  with  on  almost 

all  coasts  save  those  of  the  South  Pacific.     To  the  same  group   belongs  a  very 

cnaracteristic  bird  of  the  North  Atlantic,  the  gannet  (Sula  bassana),  a  species  of 

the  approximate  size  of  a  goose,  with  a  generally  creamy  white  plumage  relieved 


by  black  primaries.  The  bare  face  is  bluish  black,  the  beak  yellowish  white,  and 
the  leg  greenish  black.  Gannets  breed  on  a  few  islands  round  the  British  coasts 
as  well  as  in  the  Gulf  of  St.  Lawrence ;  the  almost  inaccessible  localities  where  it 
nests  in  larga  colonies  including  North  Barra,  Ailsa  Craig,  and  the  Bass  Rock. 
In  October  gannets  migrate  south,  generally  following  the  coast,  the  limit  being 
seemingly  Madeira  and  its  latitude  on  the  mainland.  In  the  north  the  breeding- 
area  extends  to  Iceland.  On  the  American  side,  where  they  have  five  or  six 
well-known  breeding-places,  gannets  travel  as  far  south  as  the  Gulf  of  Mexico  on 



migration.  On  land  these  birds  are  awkward,  their  short  legs  being  placed  far 
back,  and  the  under  surface  of,  the  body  almost  touching  the  ground ;  the  wings, 
which  are  long  enough  to  be  crossed  over  one  another  at  the  tail,  are,  however, 
very  powerful,  and  endow  their  owners  with  great  powers  of  night.  These  birds 
rest  and  sleep  on  the  water,  their  slumber  being  so  sound  that  they  may  sometimes 
be  approached  so  close  by  boats  as  to  be  captured  before  they  awake. 

Although  auks  are  more  birds  of  the  ocean  than  of  the  shore, 
their  breeding-places  are  on  the  coasts  of  the  North  Atlantic,  and 
they  accordingly  come  within  the  purview  of  the  present  chapter.     The  most  in- 

Great  Auk. 


teresting  member  of  the  group  is  undoubtedly  the  great  auk  (Alca,  or  Plautus, 
impennis),  distinguished  not  only  by  its  size,  but  likewise  by  its  total  incapacity 
for  flight,  being  the  only  bird  in  the  Northern  Hemisphere  thus  handicapped.  In 
early  times,  especially  in  North  America,  it  was  termed  penguin,  a  name  afterwards 
transferred  to  the  well-known  Antarctic  birds.  The  head,  neck,  and  back  of  the 
great  auk  are  black,  and  its  under-parts  white,  but  the  glossy  black  head  is  marked 
by  a  peculiar  white  patch  between  the  beak  and  the  eye.  Although  its  wings 
were  not  strong  enough  to  support  the  body  in  the  air,  they  formed  an  excellent 
pair  of  paddles.  Like  its  relatives,  all  of  which  use  their  wings  to  move  beneath 
vol.  ii. —  ry 


as  well  as  above  the  water,  the  great  auk  was  indeed  particularly  well  adapted 
both  for  swimming  and  diving.  The  resistance  of  the  water  being  so  much  greater 
than  that  of  the  air,  wings  employed  for  swimming  beneath  the  surface  of  the 
former  must  necessarily  be  moved  by  muscles  of  great  strength.  In  the  great 
auk  this  condition  is  fulfilled  by  the  shortness  of  the  terminal  segments  of  the 
wings,  while  in  other  diving  birds  the  same  end  is  attained  by  the  wings  never 
being  fully  opened. 

The  great  auk  was  confined  to  the  North  Atlantic  and  never  entered  the  Arctic 
Circle,  although  it  ranged  along  the  European  side  from  Iceland  to  the  Bay  of 
Biscay,  and  on  the  American  side  from  Greenland  to  Virginia.  It  was,  however, 
only  in  winter  that  the  bird  was  seen  in  the  more  southern  parts  of  this  habitat. 
Generally  known  as  the  garefowl,  it  bred  in  large  numbers  on  the  Geyrfuglasker — 
or  Garefowl-rock — a  small  rocky  island  off  the  south-west  coast  of  Iceland  ;  and  on 
Funk  Island  to  the  north-east  of  Newfoundland.  The  colony  on  the  Geyrfuglasker 
might  have  existed  for  many  years  if  that  island  had  not  sunk  into  the  sea  in 
consequence  of  a  volcanic  eruption,  so  that  the  birds  were  obliged  to  move  to  the 
rocky  islet  of  Eldey,  which  is  nearer  the  shore,  and  thus  more  accessible.  There 
the  last  two  survivors  were  killed  on  the  3rd  of  June  1844. 

The  history  of  the  extermination  of  the  great  auk  begins  with  the  21st  of 
May  1534,  on  which  day  two  boats'  crews  from  Cartier's  ships  landed  on  Funk 
Island,  and  in  less  than  half  an  hour  filled  their  boats  with  birds  as  easily  as  if 
they  had  been  so  many  stones.  Besides  those  eaten  fresh,  each  ship  took  away 
five  or  six  barrels  of  salted  birds.  After  this  date  the  French  fishermen  relied  to  a 
great  extent  on  the  supply  of  these  birds  for  food,  and  it  became  a  practice  for 
passing  ships  to  call  at  Funk  Island  in  order  to  lay  in  a  store  of  salted  auks.  The 
immense  numbers  of  the  bird  may  be  judged  from  the  fact  that  although  each  laid 
only  a  single  egg,  and  the  increase,  even  under  favourable  conditions,  was  conse- 
quently but  slow,  yet  it  took  more  4than  two  hundred  years  to  kill  off  the  colony. 
Some  might  have  survived  to  the  present  day,  if  it  had  not  become  the  practice  to 
hunt  the  birds  for  the  sake  of  their  feathers  as  well  as  for  food.  Frequently  the 
crews  of  several  ships  would  spend  the  summer  on  Funk  Island  for  the  sole  purpose 
of  auk-hunting,  when  they  would  kill  the  birds  in  thousands  and  leave  the  carcases 
to  decay,  the  result  being  that  by  the  year  1840  a  clean  sweep  had  been  made  of 
the  entire  colony. 



Mammals  and  Birds  of  the  North  Pacific 


Although  the  air-breathers  of  the  North  Pacific  include  a  consider- 
able number  of  species  identical  with  those  of  the  North  Atlantic, 
yet  there  are  a  certain  number  of  types  quite  unknown  in  the  latter  area. 
Among  these  is  the  sea-otter  (Latax  lutris),  whose  long  flipper-like  hind-feet  are 
quite  unlike  those  of  ordinary  otters,  and  more  nearly  resemble  those  of  the  eared 
seals.  As  these  are  doubled  under  when  on  land,  the  progress  of  the  animal  is 
not  a  walk  but  a  succession  of  short  leaps.  The  sea-otter  also  differs  from  ordinary 
otters  in  its  dentition,  especially  in  the  form  of  the  hinder  cheek-teeth,  which  are 
surmounted  by  lobulated  blunt  tubercles  well  adapted  for  crushing  the  shell-fish 
and  sea-urchins  which  constitute  its  principal  food.  On  the  American  coast 
sea-otters  range  as  far  south  as  Oregon,  but  are  most  common  round  Alaska 
and  near  Vancouver  Island ;  on  the  Asiatic  side  they  frequent  the  shores  of 
Kamchatka,  where,  however,  they  are  more  rare  than  in  Alaska.  Formerly  the 
Pribiloff  Islands,  in  Bering  Sea,  were  inhabited  by  sea-otters,  more  than  five  thousand 
being  killed  on  these  islands  soon  after  their  discovery.     From  these  and  many 




other  of  their  former  haunts  the  otters  have,  however,  long  since  disappeared, 
and  as  they  are  being  constantly  hunted  for  the  sake  of  their  valuable  fur, 
there  is  a  probability  that  the  species  will  be  exterminated  at  no  very  distant 

Unlike  the  common  seal,  which,  as  mentioned  in  a  previous 
chapter,  is  common  to  the  two  oceans,  the  elephant-seal,  or  sea- 
elephant  {Macrorhinus  leoninus),  has  no  representative  in  the  Atlantic.  It  con- 
siderably exceeds  the  walrus  in  bulk,  and  is  the  largest  of  all  the  members  of  the 
seal  tribe.     In  addition  to  its  huge  bulk,  this  seal  is  specially  distinguished  by  the 



dilatable  trunk  of  the  old  males,  as  well  as  by  the  circumstance  that  the  first  and 
fifth  toes  of  the  hind-flippers  are  much  longer  than  the  rest,  a  feature  in  which  the 
species  resembles  the  crested  seal.  All  the  hind-toes  are  devoid  of  nails.  Elephant- 
seals  are  found  on  both  sides  of  the  equator,  but  are  much  more  numerous  in  the 
south,  the  typical  northern  species,  first  discovered  by  Lord  Anson  on  Juan  Fer- 
nandez, making  annual  migrations  from  that  island  to  the  coast  of  California. 
Considering  the  numbers  in  which  this  seal  formerly  occurred  on  the  Calif ornian 
coast,  the  information  concerning  its  habits  is  singularly  meagre.  Apparently 
elephant-seals  inhabited  the  area  between  the  25th  and  the  35th  degree  of  N. 
latitude ;  and  previous  to  the  year  1852  were  common  on  the  Cerros  Islands, 
where,  in  spite  of  their  bulk  and  slow  movements,  they  were  accustomed  to  go 


up  the  ravines  from  the  bays,  and  there  assemble  in  herds  of  several  hundreds, 
thus  easily  falling  into  the  hands  of  the  hunters.  About  1860  they  had 
become  so  rare  that  hunting  did  not  pay,  and  from  that  time  to  1880,  so  few 
were  seen  round  the  islands  of  Guadaloupe  and  San  Benito,  that  they  were 
believed  to  be  exterminated,  but  in  that  year  the  crew  of  a  schooner  killed  thirty 
in  the  Bay  of  San  Cristobal,  and  in  1882  forty  more  were  killed  and  six  young 
ones  brought  alive  to  San  Francisco,  one  of  which  was  sent  to  the  Zoological 
Gardens  at  Philadelphia.  A  larger  number  were  killed  in  1883,  and  in  October 
1884,  when  the  schooner  Laura  visited  the  Bay  of  San  Cristobal  by  order  of  the 
National  Museum  of  the  United  States,  the  crew  found  three  young  animals, 
which  were  spared  in  the  hope  that  later  on  they  might  be  joined  by  others. 
All  the  other  localities  in  the  south  of  Lower  California  which  in  former  times  had 
been  inhabited  by  elephant-seals  were  afterwards  searched,  but  without  success. 
Returning  to  San  Cristobal  in  December,  the  party  found  fifteen  head,  all  of  which 
wei'e  killed.  Since  that  date  specimens  have  been  obtained  from  Guadaloupe 

Northern  The  largest  representative  of  the  eared  seals,  a  group  entirely 

Sea-Lion.  unknown  in  the  North  Atlantic,  is  the  northern  sea-lion  (Otaria 
stelleri),  a  species  which  grows  to  a  length  of  13  feet,  with  a  girth  of  10  feet,  and 
a  weight  of  as  much  as  1300  lbs.  Eared  seals,  it  is  almost  unnecessary  to  mention, 
differ  from  the  typical  seals  by  the  retention  of  small  external  ear-conchs.  They 
are  further  distinguished  by  the  hind-flippers  being  disconnected  with  the  tail,  and 
directed  forewards  when  on  land,  and  the  relatively  great  length  of  the  fore-flippers, 
as  well  as  by  a  distinct  constriction  at  the  neck.  The  males  are  also  much  larger 
than  the  females,  and  both  sexes  pass  the  breeding-season  on  land,  when  each  male 
collects  a  party  of  females. 

In  colour  this  species  is  light  chestnut-brown  when  young,  but  the  older 
animals  are  light  reddish  brown  when  they  reach  the  breeding-grounds.  Later  on 
the  hair  bleaches  to  an  ochery  tint,  but  the  new  coat  of  the  males  in  November  is 
a  full  brown,  darker  on  the  under-parts,  the  females  being  much  lighter.  This  seal 
ranges  from  the  islands  of  Bering  Sea  to  California  and  Japan,  and  on  the  Pribiloffs 
is  found  in  company  with  the  northern  fur-seal,  or  sea-bear,  from  which  it  differs  not 
only  by  its  general  appearance  and  greatly  superior  size,  but  likewise  by  its  gait 
and  habits.  On  land  it  is  a  much  slower  mover  than  the  fur-seal,  its  pace  being  only 
about  one-third  as  fast.  During  the  breeding-season  the  males  travel  less  far 
inland,  seldom  ascending  above  the  line  of  the  highest  tides.  The  males  arrive 
early  in  May  at  the  breeding-grounds,  where  they  are  followed  by  the  females 
three  or  four  weeks  later.  The  most  powerful  males  collect  from  ten  to  fifteen 
females  around  them,  with  which  they  remain  until  the  end  of  September.  The 
males  allow  the  females  to  go  wherever  they  please,  and  often  carry  the  young  on 
their  backs  down  to  the  surf,  where  they  play  together.  In  this  respect  they  are 
quite  unlike  the  sea-bears,  which  never  indulge  in  any  such  games.  They  also  differ 
from  the  latter  in  not  deserting  the  breeding-grounds  to  return  in  spring,  remaining 
near  the  Pribiloffs  throughout  the  year,  although  from  the  setting-in  of  rough 
weather  in  January  until  the  melting  of  the  ice  and  snow  they  divide  into  small 


caiifornian  The  Calif ornian  sea-lion  (0.  gillespii),  which  inhabits  not  only  the 

Sea-Lion.      shores  of  California,  but  both  sides  of  the  North  Pacific,  is  distinguished 

from  the  northern  sea-lion  by  its  inferior  size ;  the  largest  specimens  not  exceeding 

8  feet  in  length,  including  the  outstretched  flippers.     It  is  further  distinguished 

by  the  head  being  more  arched  above  the  eyes. 

One  of  the  sights  for  which  the  traveller  visiting  San  Francisco  for  the  first 
time  is  always  on  the  look  out  are  the  sea-lions  on  the  Farallone  and  Santa 
Barbara  Islands.  Although  some  of  these  animals  belong  to  the  northern  species, 
the  majority,  and  the  whole  of  those  on  Santa  Barbara,  are  referable  to  the 
Caiifornian  sea-lion.  To  the  inexperienced  it  is  by  no  means  easy  to  distinguish 
between  the  two  by  their  appearance ;  but  there  is  such  a  marked  difference  in  the 
nature  of  their  cries,  that  there  is  no  chance  of  these  ever  being  confounded.  The 
northern  sea-lion  utters  only  a  deep  bass  growl  and  a  prolonged  steady  roar.  The 
Caiifornian  species,  on  the  other  hand,  never  roars,  but  utters  a  sharp  bark, 
occasionally  approaching  a  howl. 

The  late  Captain  Scammon,  writing  of  his  experiences  of  the  sea-lions  on 
Santa  Barbara  in  1852,  says  that  "  at  the  close  of  the  season — which  lasts  about 
three  months  on  the  Caiifornian  coast — a  large  majority  of  the  great  herds,  both 
male  and  female,  return  to  the  sea,  and  roam  in  all  directions  in  quest  of  food,  as 
but  few  of  them  could  find  sustenance  about  the  waters  contiguous  to  the  islands, 
or  points  on  the  mainland,  which  are  their  annual  resorting  places.  They  live 
upon  fish,  molluscs,  and  sea-fowls,  always  with  the  addition  of  a  few  pebbles 
or  smooth  stones,  some  of  which  are  a  pound  in  weight." 

Some  years  ago  it  was  estimated  that  the  total  number  of  sea-lions  in  the 
neighbourhood  of  San  Francisco  was  25,000,  each  of  which  consumed  from  10  to 
■40  lbs.  weight  of  fish  daily.  Captain  Scammon,  in  his  account,  mentions  that  these 
seals  display  extraordinary  skill  and  cunning  in  the  capture  of  the  sea-gulls  which 
form  a  notable  item  in  their  diet. 

Acting  on  information  of  this  nature,  the  Fish  Commissioners  of  California 
have  of  late  years  taken  steps  to  largely  reduce  the  numbers  of  the  sea-lions  on 
account  of  the  injury  they  are  supposed  to  inflict  on  the  salmon-fishery.  The  Board 
claim  that  it  is  not  their  intention  to  exterminate  the  seals  but  merely  to  reduce 
their  numbers — estimated  at  30,000 — by  one-third.  Men  have  been  employed  to 
shoot  the  sea-lions,  of  which  a  considerable  number  have  been  already  slain ;  but 
the  Government  lighthouse  reserves  have  been  closed  against  the  work  of 

A  protest  against  this  slaughter  of  these  animals  has  been  raised  by  Dr.  C. 
Hart  Merriam,  who  is  of  opinion  that  the  number  of  sea-lions  on  the  Caiifornian 
coast  has  been  greatly  overestimated,  and  that  long  before  the  contemplated  10,000 
were  killed  there  would  not  be  one  left  alive. 

Not  content  with  merely  raising  a  protest  against  the  destruction  of  the  seals, 
Dr.  Merriam  endeavoured  to  show  that  they  do  comparatively  little  harm  to  the 
fishery.  "  The  local  fishermen,  the  State  Fish-Commission,  and  others  assert  without 
qualification,  that  the  sea-lions  feed  extensively  on  salmon,  and  the  inference  from  their 
statements  is  that  the  animals  subsist  chiefly,  if  not  entirely,  on  fish.  A  few  years 
ago,  when  similar  complaints  were  made  against  the  fur-seals,  I  took  the  trouble 

Lf//S  <■  t#W»  gt, 

C^.J3x"a  Cfr. 

Californian  Sea-Lion. 


to  examine  the  stomach-contents  of  a  large  number  of  these  animals,  and  found  to 
my  surprise  that  the  great  bulk  of  their  food  consisted  of  squids,  hundreds  of  whose 
beaks  and  pens  were  found  in  their  stomachs,  while  in  only  a  few  instances  were 
any  traces  of  fish  discovered." 

This  is  valuable  testimony  so  far  as  it  goes,  but  the  advocates  of  the  slaughter 
might  urge  that  what  is  true  of  fur-seals  may  not  hold  good  in  the  case  of  sea-lions. 
Dr.  Merriam  is,  however,  fully  prepared  for  such  possible  objections;  and  quotes 
the  results  of  observations  made  by  Professor  Dyche  upon  the  stomachs  of  twenty- 
five  sea-lions  he  had  the  opportunity  of  dissecting.  In  the  case  of  eight  of  these 
the  stomach  was  found  to  contain  remains  of  cuttles  and  squids,  several  being 
completely  filled  with  large  pieces  of  the  giant  squid.  Moreover,  although  salmon 
were  being  caught  in  numbers  by  fishermen  in  the  same  spot  and  at  the  same  time, 
not  a  bone  or  a  scale  was  detected  in  the  stomachs  of  the  sea-lions.  Of  the  seventeen 
other  sea-lions,  which  were  examined  at  another  place,  the  stomachs  of  eight  were 
filled  with  the  flesh  of  the  giant  squid,  two  were  gorged  with  large  cuttlefish,  while 
the  remaining  seven  contained  pens  and  beaks  of  squids,  varying  in  quantity  from 
about  half  a  pint  to  a  quart  or  more. 

"  Professor  Dyche  was  told  that  there  were  no  fish  within  two  or  three  miles 
of  the  sea-lion  rookeries  near  the  camp,  as  the  sea-lions  had  caught  or  driven  them 
away.  In  the  face  of  this  statement,  he  himself  caught  a  dozen  rock-cod  one 
morning  between  shore  and  the  seal-rocks ;  and  his  boatman,  an  old  salmon  fisher- 
man, caught  plenty  of  rock-cod,  weighing  from  one  to  eight  pounds  each,  within 
sixty  feet  of  the  flat  rock  where  from  one  to  three-hundred  sea-lions  landed  daily. 
The  water  close  to  these  rocks,  where  the  sea-lions  had  lived  for  ages,  proved  to  be 
the  best  fishing-ground  in  the  locality.  Professor  Dyche  states  further  that  he 
landed  a  number  of  times  on  the  rocky  islands  where  in  places  the  excrement  from 
the  sea-lions  formed  a  layer  a  foot  thick.  He  hunted  through  this  for  fish-bones 
and  scales,  without  being  able  to  discover  a  single  one.  On  the  other  hand,  the 
tough  pens  from  the  backs  of  the  squids  were  abundant." 

Although  the  fishermen  were  loud  in  their  denunciations  of  the  sea-lions  as 
salmon-fishers,  they  were  quite  unable  to  substantiate  their  assertions  by  ocular 
demonstration ;  and  their  surprise  was  great  when  they  were  shown  the  masses  of 
squid  and  cuttle  taken  from  the  stomachs  of  the  seals.  It  is  no  argument  to  say 
that  sea-lions  in  captivity  will  feed  greedily  and  thrive  upon  a  fish-diet ; — of  course 
they  will,  rather  than  perish  from  starvation.  Neither  does  it  much  affect  the 
question  when  salmon  in  nets  are  found  bitten  or  eaten,  since  this  may  be  the  work 
in  many  cases  of  otters  or  sharks,  although  it  is  quite  likely  that  the  sea-lions 
themselves  might  sometimes  be  tempted  by  such  attractive  prey. 

Dr.  Merriam  is  careful  not  to  spoil  his  case  by  attempting  to  prove  too  much. 
"  It  is  not  claimed,"  he  writes,  "  that  sea-lions  in  their  native  element  never  eat  fish  ; 
at  the  same  time  the  only  actual  evidence  we  have  on  the  subject  fails  utterly  to 
substantiate  the  allegations  of  the  fishermen.  On  the  contrary,  all  the  twenty-five 
stomachs  of  sea-lions  examined  by  Professor  Dyche  contained  remains  of  squids 
or  cuttle-fishes,  and  not  one  contained  so  much  as  the  scale  or  bone  of  a  fish.  And 
is  it  not  significant  that  in  former  years,  when  sea-lions  were  much  more  plentiful 
than  now,  salmon  also  were  vastly  more  abundant  ?     If  the  fishermen  will  look 



into  their  own  habits  and  customs  during  the  past  twenty-five  years,  it  is  believed 
that  the  cause  of   decrease  of   the    salmon  will    be  not  difficult  to  find,  and  this 
without  charging  it  to  the  inoffensive  sea-lion,  whose  rookeries  constitute  one  of 
the  greatest  attractions  to  the  visitor  on  the  California  coast.'' 
Northern  sea-  The  northern  sea-bear  (0.  iirsina)  displays  a  greater  difference  in 

Bear.  the  size  of  the  two  sexes  than  any  other  eared  seal.     The  males  are 

full  grown  in  the  sixth  year,  at  which  age  they  measure  from  7  to  8  feet  long  and 
about  7  feet  in  girth.  The  females,  on  the  other  hand,  which  are  fully  developed 
by  the  fifth  year,  rarely  exceed  4  feet  in  length  and  30  inches  in  girth.  The 
northern  sea-bear  is  thus  very  much  smaller  than  the  northern  sea-lion :  it  has  also 


longer  ears,  and  is  furnished  with  the  close  under-fur  characteristic  of  all  sea-bears, 
which  forms  commercial  sealskin.  In  1890  the  American  Commercial  Company 
was  granted  a  lease  by  the  Government  of  the  United  States  conferring  upon  them 
the  exclusive  right  to  kill,  under  certain  restrictions,  fur-seals  or  sea-bears  on  the 
Pribiloff  Islands,  for  commercial  purposes.  This  licence  expired  in  April  1909. 
Consequently  the  control  of  the  seal  herds  reverted  to  the  American  Government, 
who  had  to  decide  what  measures  should  be  taken  for  their  protection,  and  to 
what  extent  killing  should  be  continued  on  the  islands,  or  whether  it  should  be 
altogether  prohibited  for  a  certain  number  of  years.  The  Pribiloffs  were  acquired 
by  the  United  States  by  purchase  from  Russia  about  the  year  1867 ;  and  a  few 
years  later  (1874)  it  was  estimated  that  they  were  annually  visited  by  something 
like  four  and  a  half  million  sea-bears.     At  the  present  time  these  enormous  hosts 


have  dwindled  down  to  a  remnant  of  between  thirty  and  fifty  thousand  head ;  and 
in  order  to  preserve  this  remnant,  the  United  States  Government  has  recently 
established  a  close  time  for  five  years. 

The  sea-bears  reach  the  Pribiloffs  (St,  George  and  St.  Paul  Islands)  during 
June  and  July,  the  old  males  arriving  first,  and  each  collecting  round  him  a  harem 
of  breeding  females,  as  the  latter  make  their  appearance  somewhat  later.  Younger 
seals,  of  both  sexes,  associate  by  themselves  in  herds  apart  from  the  breeding  parties, 
and  of  the  former  only  the  males  or  "  bachelors "  may  legally  be  killed  for  com- 
mercial purposes.  During  the  time  of  their  sojourn  on  the  Pribiloffs  many  of  those 
not  actually  engaged  in  breeding  (exclusive  of  the  old  males)  take  long  excursions 
out  to  sea,  frequently  travelling  to  a  distance  of  from  fifty  to  one  hundred  miles 
from  the  shore,  and  remaining  at  sea  from  ten  days  to  a  fortnight  at  a  time.  It  is 
these  seals  which  fall  victims  to  pelagic,  or  open  sea,  sealing,  a  pernicious  practice 
which  appears  to  be  the  main  factor  in  the  recent  depletion  of  the  herds. 

By  a  treaty  executed  a  few  years  ago  American  subjects  were  debarred  from 
pelagic  sealing,  while  British  subjects  resident  in  Canada  were  permitted  to  engage 
in  this  pursuit  only  outside  the  sixty-mile  limit,  and  this  alone  during  the  non- 
breeding  seasons.  Japan  was  no  party  to  the  Anglo-American  agreement,  and 
Japanese  vessels  were  consequently  at  liberty  to  practise  pelagic  sealing  to  any 
extent  their  owners  please  anywhere  outside  the  three-mile  limit  without  restric- 
tion as  to  season. 

Northern  The  manatis  and  dugongs  were  formerly  represented  in  the  Xorth 

sea-cow.  Pacific  by  the  northern  sea-cow  (Rhytina  gigas),  a  gigantic  species 
exterminated  soon  after  its  discovery.  In  the  autumn  of  1741  Bering  was  ship- 
wrecked on  the  larger  of  the  two  Commander  Islands,  which  lie  about  100  miles 
off  the  coast  of  Kamchatka.  The  survivors,  who  remained  on  the  island  for  ten 
months,  are  said  to  have  lived  chiefly  on  the  flesh  of  the  large  sea-cow  they  dis- 
covered, although  they  did  not  begin  to  kill  these  animals  until  the  12th  of  June  1742. 
For  a  sirenian,  the  size  was  gigantic,  the  length  being  from  25  to  30  feet,  the  girth 
20  feet,  and  the  weight  estimated  at  over  3|  tons.  The  head  was  small ;  and,  with 
the  exception  of  a  couple  of  small  incisors  shed  in  early  youth,  the  jaws  were 
without  teeth,  whose  function  was  discharged  by  horny  plates  on  the  palate  and 
lower  jaw.  The  flippers,  too,  were  devoid  of  nails,  terminating  merely  in  some 
coarse  bristles,  and  the  dark  brown  bare  skin  was  so  thick,  rough,  and  wrinkled  that 
Steller  compared  it  to  the  bark  of  a  tree.  In  habits  the  northern  sea-cow  was  social, 
living  in  herds  near  the  mouths  of  rivers  and  feeding  on  seaweed.  It  was  unable 
to  dive,  and  so  poor  a  swimmer  as  to  be  occasionally  washed  ashore  by  heavy  seas. 

Soon  after  Bering's  crew  returned  to  Kamchatka  expeditions  of  fur-hunters 
went  out  to  winter  on  the  Commander  Islands,  where  the  sea-cows  afforded  plenty  of 
fresh  meat.  These  expeditions  were  succeeded  by  others,  the  members  of  which 
also  killed  sea-cows  for  food ;  and  ships  sailing  to  the  north-western  coast  of  North 
America  were  in  the  habit  of  landing  parties  on  Bering  Island  to  kill  and  salt  sea- 
cows,  there  being  at  that  time  no  cattle  in  Kamchatka. 

In  1754  the  sea-cow  was  exterminated  on  Copper  Island,  and  by  1763  there 
were  very  few  left  on  Bering  Island,  where  at  the  time  of  its  discovery  the  number 
was  estimated  at  from  1500  to  2000. 


Up  to  1883  two  skeletons,  one  in  the  Imperial  Museum  in  St.  Petersburg  and 
the  other  in  the  collection  of  the  Imperial  Academy  at  Helsingfors,  and  two  ribs 
preserved  in  the  British  Museum,  were  all  the  remains  of  the  northern  sea-cow 
known  to  science.  In  that  year,  however,  Dr.  Stejneger  was  sent  to  Bering  Island 
by  the  United  States  National  Museum  in  search  of  skeletons,  and  within  two  years 
he  succeeded  in  procuring  a  number  of  more  or  less  incomplete  skulls,  together  with 
vertebrae  and  other  bones  from  the  sand  of  the  island.  Many  of  these  were  found 
so  far  from  the  shore  that  it  was  suggested  that  the  island  must  have  been  elevated 
since  Bering's  time,  a  supposition  confirmed  by  the  discovery  of  a  skeleton  near  its 

Dolphins  and  Although  the  cetaceans  of  the  North  Pacific  are  very  similar  to 

Killers.  those  of  the  North  Atlantic,  there  are  some  peculiar  types.  Among 
the  forms  common  to  both  oceans,  the  bottle-nosed  dolphin  is  apparently  indigenous 
to  all  the  warmer  seas,  as  are  also  the  common  dolphin  and  Risso's  dolphin.  The 
blackfish  is  likewise  widely  distributed,  although  the  North  Pacific  form  is  distinct 
enough  to  be  ranked  as  a  separate  race,  while  by  some  it  is  regarded  as  a  species 
under  the  name  of  Globioceplialus  scammoni.  The  killer  of  the  Pacific  has  likewise 
been  distinguished  from  the  one  inhabiting  the  Atlantic,  although  there  is  apparently 
but  one  widely  spread  species.  Allied  to  the  true  killer  is  the  lesser  killer 
(Pseudorca  crassidens),  which  is  as  cosmopolitan,  although  apparently  more  common 
in  the  Pacific  than  elsewhere.  It  is  uniform  black,  with  a  total  length  of  about 
14  feet,  and  has  generally  eight  teeth  on  each  side  of  the  upper  jaw  and  ten  on  each 
side  of  the  lower  jaw.     The  porpoise  inhabits  the  Pacific  as  far  north  as  Alaska. 

Lesser  Sperm-  The  sperm-whale  is  likewise  an  inhabitant  of  the  North  Pacific, 

wnaie.        as  is  aiso  Cuvier's  beaked  whale,  referred  to  in  the  chapter  on  .North 

Atlantic  mammals.     More  noteworthy  is  the  lesser  sperm-whale  (Cogia  breviceps), 

which  does  not  exceed  10  or  12  feet  in  length,  and  is  the  sole  representative  of  its 

genus.     Widely  distributed,  this  species  is  black  above  and  paler  below,  with  a  large 

back-fin  and  short,  sickle-shaped  flippers.     The  muzzle  is  short,  and  the  blow-hole 

crescentic  in  shape,  and  placed  on  the  top  of  the  head  in  front  of  the  eye,  somewhat 

to  the  left  of  the  middle  line. 

The  largest  North  Pacific  representative  of  the  whalebone-whales 
Grey  Whale 

is  Sibbald's  fin-whale,  which  occurs  at  all  seasons  off  the  Californian 

coast.  The  common  rorqual  is  represented  in  the  North  Pacific  by  a  variety,  as 
is  also  the  hump-backed  whale.  An  exclusively  Pacific  type  is  the  grey  whale 
(Rhachianectes  glaucus),  which  represents  a  genus  by  itself.  This  remarkable  whale, 
which  is  peculiarly  a  coast  species,  and  frequently  runs  aground  in  the  surf  where 
it  remains  till  floated  by  the  next  tide,  attains  a  length  of  40  or  50  feet,  and 
has  flippers  6  feet  long,  but  no  back-fin.  In  colour  it  is  bluish  grey  with  pale 
mottlings,  becoming  paler  below,  though  occasionally  black  all  over.  The  yellow 
whalebone  is  short  and  the  oil  poor  both  in  quality  and  quantity ;  nevertheless,  the 
ease  with  which  it  is  caught  has  led  to  this  whale  being  well-nigh  exterminated. 
The  skeleton  presents  several  curious  peculiarities. 

Black  The    right -whales   form    a   small    group    characterised   by   the 

Right-Whale,    absence  of  a  back-fin,  the  relatively  large  size  of  the  head,  the  arch- 
like curvature  of  the  edges  of  the  lower  lips,  the  shortness  of  the  five-toed  flippers, 


the  union  of  the  seven  vertebrae  of  the  neck  into  a  solid  mass,  and  the  length, 
narrowness,  elasticity,  and  black  colour  of  the  whalebone.  There  are  two  species, 
the  Greenland  whale  (Balcena  mysticetus),  restricted  to  the  Arctic  Ocean,  and  the 
black  right- whale  (B.  glacialis),  now  somewhat  rare  in  the  North  Atlantic,  but  still 
found  in  all  the  south  seas,  and  ranging  in  the  North  Pacific  as  far  north  as  Japan. 
The  black  species  has  a  relatively  smaller  head  than  the  Greenland  whale,  and 
a  broader  muzzle,  the  latter  bearing  a  peculiar  horny  protuberance  commonly 
known  as  the  "bonnet."  The  whalebone  is  also  shorter,  and  the  edges  of  the 
lower  lips  form  a  higher  arch.  The  Atlantic  form  of  this  whale  was  once  abundant 
in  European  seas,  where  it  was  hunted  by  the  Basques  and  others  until  the  dis- 
covery of  Spitsbergen  at  the  close  of  the  sixteenth  century,  when,  the  present 
species  being  almost  exterminated,  attention  was  directed  to  the  Greenland  whale. 
Paiias's  The  North  Pacific  birds,  as  a  whole,  are  so  similar  to  those  of  the 

cormorant.  North  Atlantic  and,  in  somewhat  less  degree,  Indo-Pacific  that  with 
the  exception  of  one  interesting  species  they  may  be  passed  over  without  notice  on 
this  occasion.  The  species  in  question  is  Paiias's  cormorant  (Phalacrocorax 
perspicillatus),  which  deserves  attention  on  account  of  its  comparatively  recent 
extermination.  Like  the  northern  sea-cow,  this  northern  bird  was  the  largest  of 
its  tribe.  With  a  bare  white  ring  round  each  eye  and  a  crest  on  the  head,  the 
plumage  in  general  was  dark  green  both  above  and  below,  the  neck  showing  a  blue 
gloss,  and  the  wings  and  shoulders  being  deep  red.  So  far  as  known,  this  bird  was 
confined  to  Bering  Island,  where,  at  the  time  of  Bering's  shipwreck  in  1741,  it 
was  used  as  food  by  the  survivors  of  the  crew,  and  scientifically  described  by 
Steller.  Its  extermination  may  be  attributed  to  much  the  same  causes  as  that  of 
the  great  auk,  the  destruction  of  both  birds  having  perhaps  been  accelerated  by 
volcanic  eruptions.  The  great  auk,  as  already  mentioned,  was  incapable  of  flight, 
and  in  the  present  species  the  wings  were  disproportionately  short  and  the  body 
heavy  and  clumsy,  the  weight  being  about  15  lbs.  As  it  was  easily  caught  and 
its  flesh  more  appreciated  than  any  other  available  food,  the  bird  was  so  much 
sought  after  by  Bering's  shipwrecked  crew  and  those  who  followed  them  that 
when  Dr.  Stejneger  visited  the  island  in  1882  in  search  of  the  remains  of  the  northern 
sea-cow  he  found  the  present  species  had  been  extirpated  some  thirty  years  before. 



Mammals  and  Birds  of  the  Arctic 

The  beautiful  Arctic  fox  (Canis  lac/opus),  so  valued  on  account  of 
Arctic  Fox.  ,      .  .  ... 

its  fur,  is  unique  among  mammals  m  presenting  two  distinct  colour- 
phases  in  the  same  locality  at  the  same  time  of  year.  In  winter,  for  instance, 
some  of  these  foxes  are  pure  white,  while  others  are  pale  slaty  blue ;  and  there  is 
a  difference,  although  less  marked,  between  the  summer  coats  of  the  two  phases. 
Arctic  foxes  range  northward  from  Iceland  and  Norway  to  Grinnell-land. 

Even  more  Arctic  in  its  distribution   is  the  polar  bear  (Ursus 
Polar  Bear.  ...  . 

maritimus),  which  retains  its   snowy  livery  at   all  seasons.      This 

animal  is  met  with  both  on  ice-girdled  shores  and  the  open  ice-fields,  but  is  rarely 

seen  in  large  parties.     Generally,  indeed,  a  male  and  female,  often  accompanied 

by  one  or  two  cubs,  wander  about  in  company,  but  where  sealers  and  whalers  have 

left  the  carcases  of  their  victims  in  large  numbers,  there  the  bears  will  frequently 

collect  to  enjoy  the  banquet.     Seal  and  whale  flesh  and  blubber  form,  indeed,  the 

main    food-supply  of   the  polar  bear,   but   in    some    districts  quantities    of    fish, 

especially  salmon,   are    consumed    by   them,  and,  in  summer,  grass,  lichens,  and 

seaweed  are  eaten  with  relish.     Although  some  polar  bears  undoubtedly  migrate 

in  winter,  males  and  cubs  being  often  seen  at  that  season  much  farther  south  than 

in  summer,  it  is  possible  that  many  old  males  hibernate  in  the  far  north,  and  the 

females  certainly  do  so,  or  at  least  retire  beneath  the  snow  before  the  birth  of 

their  young. 




Like    its   relative    the    common    seal,   the   ringed    seal    (Phoca 

foetida)  inhabits  the  Arctic,  the  North  Atlantic,  and  the  North  Pacific 

Oceans,  but   does   not   range    so    far   south,  although    occasionally  appearing   off 

the  British  coasts.     To   the  same  genus  belongs  the  Greenland,  or  harp,  seal  (P. 

grcenlandica),  which,  like  the  last,  has  a  white  or  yellowish  white  coat  when  born, 

but  when  full  grown  is  yellowish  white  with  a  characteristic  black  mark  on  the 

back  from  which  it  derives  its  second  English  name.     It  is  this  species,  and  not 

the  common  seal,  which  now  forms  the  chief  object  of  pursuit  of  the  sealers  who 

approach  the  Arctic  regions  from  the  Atlantic. 

The  third  member  of  the  group,  the  bearded  seal  (P.  barbata),  is  by  far  the 
largest  of  the  Arctic  forms,  old  males  attaining  a  length  of  10  feet.  It  is  further 
distinguished  from  its  kindred  by  the  broad  muzzle,  arched  forehead,  small  teeth, 
and  the  long  middle  toe  on  the  front  flippers.  Associating  in  large  herds,  this 
seal  ranges  as  far  south  as  Iceland  and  Labrador,  and  has  been  seen  in  the  north 
of  Great  Britain.  A  very  different  animal  is  the  crested  or  bladder-nosed  seal 
(Cystophora  cristata),  which  takes  its  name  from  the  dilatable  sac  on  the  nose  of 
the  adult  males,  this  sac  communicating  with  the  chamber  of  the  nose.  This 
species  seldom  ranges  farther  south  than  Newfoundland,  and  is  rarely  or  never 
found  on  land,  being  essentially  an  ice-seal.  The  hooded  seal  is  a  migratory 
species.  In  summer  the  big  herds  are  found  along  the  south-east  coast  of  Green- 
land, and  in  February  and  March  these  seals  appear  in  countless  numbers  on  the 
winter-formed  ice-floes  off  the  Labrador  and  Newfoundland  coasts,  both  in  the 
open  Atlantic  and  in  the  Gulf  of  St.  Lawrence.  Sometimes  large  herds  become 
imprisoned  upon  the  floes,  through  long-continued  winds  in  one  direction  which 
pack  the  ice  and  cut  off  their  retreat.  When  this  occurs  and  the  seals  are  exposed 
to  the  rays  of  the  sun,  their  skins  burn  and  crack.  They  are  then  valueless,  and 
the  animals  are  not  molested  by  the  sealers. 

This  species  is  much  fiercer  and  bolder  than  other  seals,  and  will  often  defend 
itself  with  such  courage  that  the  Eskimos  by  whom  it  is  hunted  in  their  frail 
"kayaks"  are  exposed  to  considerable  danger,  especially  since  the  males  are 
protected  from  the  clubs  of  their  enemies  by  the  inflated  appendage  on 
the  head. 

Those  well-known  Arctic  animals,  the  walruses,  are  represented 


by  two  distinguishable  forms,  the  one  (Odobcenus  rosmarus) 
inhabiting  the  North  Atlantic  and  the  other  the  North  Pacific.  Both  are  so 
nearly  allied  that  it  appears  best  to  regard  the  latter  merely  as  a  local  race  of  the 
former.  The  formidable  upper  tusks,  which  form  one  of  the  most  conspicuous 
features  of  the  walruses,  are  longer,  thicker,  and  more  inclined  towards  each  other 
in  the  Pacific  than  in  the  Atlantic  form.  These  weapons  appear  to  be  chiefly 
employed  in  raking  up  from  the  sea-bottom  the  bivalve  molluscs  on  which  these 
animals  mainly  subsist.  The  bivalves  which  supply  most  of  the  food  are  those 
known  as  My  a  truncata  and  Saxicava  rugosa,  and  for  crushing  their  hard  shells 
the  blunt-crowned  cheek-teeth  of  the  walrus  are  admirably  adapted.  In  addition 
to  bivalves,  walruses  also  consume  fishes  and  crustaceans ;  and  with  their  animal 
food  they  also  swallow,  perhaps  unintentionally,  large  quantities  of  seaweed. 
Three  centuries  ago  the  Atlantic  walrus  occasionally  wandered  so  far  south  as  the 



north  of  Scotland,  and  so  far  east  as  the  Lena,  but  it  is  now  restricted  to  the  more 
remote  parts  of  the  Arctic  regions,  where  it  is  yearly  becoming  scarcer. 

When  feeding  on  bivalves  the  walrus  rejects  the  shells  before  the  soft  parts  are 
swallowed  ;  and  when  taken  from  the  stomach  these  soft  parts,  if  recently  swallowed, 
are  quite  uninjured,  the  siphons,  lobes  of  the  mantle,  etc.,  being  found  in  perfect 
preservation.  This  indicates  that  the  molluscs  cannot  be  ground  up  by  the  blunt 
cheek-teeth,  as  has  been  asserted,  but  that  the  shells  are  removed  in  some  other 
way,  probably  by  the  action  of  the  lips.     Off  Greenland,  at  any  rate,  walruses  like- 


wise  consume  large  quantities  of  the  small  shrimp  known  as  Gammarus  locusta,  of 
which  the  males  are  about  an  inch  in  length,  while  the  females  are  still  smaller. 
In  this  case  also  the  shell  is  removed  and  rejected  before  the  morsel  is  swallowed. 
How  this  is  accomplished  is  difficult  to  imagine. 

That  the  walrus  catches  and  eats  fish,  the  cod  being  the  chief  species  preyed 
upon,  appears  to  be  little  known.  Equally  noteworthy  is  the  fact  that  numbers  of 
eider-ducks  and  Arctic  fulmars  are  seized  and  devoured  by  these  animals.  This, 
however,  by  no  means  exhausts  the  constituents  of  the  diet,  for,  when  a  walrus 
comes  across  a  dead  whale,  porpoise,  or  seal,  it  gorges  itself  with  the  flesh,  and 
walruses  will  occasionally  attack  and  kill  live  cetaceans  and  seals.  How  they 
accomplish  this,  or  how  they  commence  operations  when  about  to  devour  a  dead 



whale,  we  are  not  told  ;  and  unless,  they  employ  their  tusks  for  the  purpose — which 
would  be  an  unrecorded  use  for  those  weapons — it  is  extremely  difficult  to  imagine 
how  they  manage  to  break  up  the  carcase  into  portions  small  enough  to  be  swallowed, 
as  there  are  no  incisors  in  the  lower  jaw,  and  those  in  the  upper  jaw  are  small  and 
scarcely  project  above  the  level  of  the  gum. 

The  Pacific  walrus  was  never  very  widely  distributed,  although  it  ranged  west- 
wards to  Cape  Chelagskoi  and  eastwards  to  Point  Barrow  in  North  Alaska,  and 
was  particularly  abundant  in  Bristol  Bay  north  of  the  Alaskan  Peninsula.  The  exist- 
ence of  walruses  in  the  North  Pacific  became  known  about  1640  ;  but,  whaling  being 
much  more  profitable,  regular  walrus-hunting  was  not  engaged  in  before  1860,  when, 
owing  to  the  decrease  of  whales,  the  whalers  turned  their  attention  to  the  walrus 
with  such  vigour,  that  the  animal,  like  its  Atlantic  relative,  is  rapidly  becoming 


Greenland  Right-  The  Arctic  Ocean  is  the  home  of  three  cetaceans,  none  of 
Whale.  which  ranges  very  far  beyond  its  limits.  By  far  the  largest  of 
these  is  the  Greenland  right-whale  (Balcena  mysticetus),  apppropriately  called 
the  Arctic  whale,  since  its  distribution  seems  nearly  circumpolar.  This  whale 
frequents  the  vicinity  of  the  ice-floes,  and,  although  in  some  cases  found  in  the 
open  sea  during  the  summer,  never  apparently  wanders  beyond  the  southern 
boundary  of  the  ice-field  in  winter.  So  soon,  however,  as  the  winter  ice,  which  has 
compelled  it  to  go  south,  breaks  up,  the  whale  once  more  travels  north.  In  the 
North  Atlantic  the  species  is  never  found  south  of  a  line  drawn  through  Lapland, 
Iceland,  and  Labrador.  On  the  Pacific  side  its  southernmost  limit  is  56°  N.  latitude  in 
the  Sea  of  Okhotsk.  In  colour  this  whale  is  usually  black,  with  very  little  white,  and 
in  length  it  ranges  from  50  to  60  feet  or  more.  It  is  the  most  specialised  member 
of  the  whole  group,  having  the  longest  whalebone,  the  narrowest  upper  jaw,  and 
the  greatest  lateral  expansion  of  the  lower  jaw.     The  head  occupies  a  third  of  the 


total  length,  and  the  high  roof  formed  by  the  upper  jaw  and    the  great  lateral 

expansion  of  the  two  branches  of  the  lower  jaw  make  the  capacity  of  the  mouth 

enormous.     This   whale,    in   spite    of    its    colossal    dimensions,    feeds   on   minute 

invertebrates,  which  it  is  compelled  to  swallow  in  immense  quantities ;    hence  the 

necessity  for  the  great  size  of  the  mouth. 

The  second  member  of  the  exclusively  Arctic  triad  of  cetaceans 

is    the    narwhal    (Monodon  monoceros),   the    males    of    which    are 

characterised  by  the  presence  of  one  (generally  the  left)  spear-like  and  spirally 

twisted  tusk,  projecting  straight  out  from  the  upper  jaw  and  reaching  a  length  of 

8  to  10   feet.     Occasionally  both  tusks   are   developed,  in   which  case   each  has 

the  same  spiral.     The  right  tusk,  as  a  rule,  however,  remains  undeveloped,  as  is  the 

case  with  both  those  of  the  female.     The  narwhal — that  is  to  say  the  corpse- whale — 

takes  its  name  from  the  pale  grey  colour  of  the  skin,  this  grey  tint  passing  into  whitish 

on  the  under-parts.     There  is  no  back-fin,  and  the  flippers  are  short  and  rounded. 

In  distribution  the  species  is  circumpolar,  and  it  is  seldom  seen  south  of  the  Arctic 

Circle.     Narwhals    go  about  in   small  parties,   and  feed  on  squids  and    cuttles, 

crustaceans,  and  fishes.     The  tusk  is  probably  employed  as  a   fighting  weapon 

in  combats  between  rival  males. 

The  third  member  of  the  group  is  the  white  whale,  or  beluga 
White  Whale.  .  ...  . 

(Delphinapterus  leucas),  distinguished  from  all  its  relatives  by  the 

glistening  buffish   white  skin  of  the  adult,  the  colour  of   the  calves  being  light 

greyish  brown.     The  head  is  rounded,  like  that  of  the  narwhal,  and,  as  in  that 

species,  the  back-fin  is  represented  merely  by  a  slight  ridge.     The  white  whale 

is  a  purely  Arctic  species,  although  it  occasionally  wanders  so  far  south  as  the 

Scottish    coast.      It   is   of    fair   commercial    importance    on   account   of    its   skin 

furnishing  some  of  the  leather  sold  under  the  name  of  porpoise-hide.     Attaining 

a  length  of   16  feet,  this  cetacean    is  reported  to  feed  chiefly  on  salmon.     From 

the  peculiar  sound  emitted  as  it  rises  to  breathe,  it  is  sometimes  called  by  sailors 

the  sea-canary. 

The  birds  of  the  Arctic  are  chiefly  those  of  swimming  habit, 
Brent-Goose.  .  .  ° 

among   them    being   the   sea-geese  which    frequent  the  shores,  and 

generally  breed  in  one  or  other  of  the  polar  regions.     In  these  birds  the  beak  is 

shorter  and  deeper  than  in  ordinary  geese,  the  cutting  edge  of  its  lower  half  being 

sbraighter  and  the  serrations  on  the  upper  half  invisible  externally.     One  of  the 

most  familiar  members  of  the  group  is  the  brent-goose  (Branta  bernicla),  which 

appears  annually  in  large  numbers  on  certain  parts  of  the  shores  of  the  Baltic  and 

North  Sea  in  winter.     This  species  inhabits  the  high  north  of  Europe,  Asia,  and 

North  America,  and  breeds  within  the  Arctic  Circle.     It  feeds  by  day,  and  seems 

to  avoid  the  company  of  its  cousin  the  bernicle  goose,  whose  feeding-time  is  always 

the  night.     A  well-grown  brent-goose  will  measure  about  22  inches  in  length.     The 

species  may  be  easily  recognised  by  the  jet-black  head,  and  the  presence  of  a  white 

patch  on  each  side  of  the  neck. 

The    nearly    allied    bernicle    goose    (B.    leucopsis)    differs    by 
Bernicle  Goose.  .  J  °  1        '  J 

having  the  head  white,  with  a  black  crown  and  nape  and  a  black 
stripe  from  the  eye  to  the  beak.     Migrating  in  smaller  flocks  than  the  brent-goose, 



this  species  appears  to  breed  generally  or  always  within  the  Arctic  Circle,  although 
comparatively  little  is  known  with  regard  to  its  nesting  haunts 


Red-Breasted  A   third    member    of    the    group,    the    red-breasted   goose   (B. 

Goose.         rtificollis),  is  characterised  by  the  black  head,  with  a  white  patch 

in    front    of   the    eye,    and    the    deep    chestnut    of    the   throat    and    breast,   the 

VOL.  II.  — 18 


colour   of    the    upper-part  of   the   body  being   mainly   black,   and   that   of   the 

under-parts  white. 

This  bird  inhabits  the  Asiatic  shores  of  the  Arctic  Ocean,  whence  it  wanders  to 

the  Caspian  Sea  and  surrounding  steppes,  where  it  feeds  principally  on  saline  plants. 

It  is  still  a  straggler  to  the  British  Isles,  and  in  former  days  seems  to  have  reached 

the  valley  of  the  Nile,  since  it  appears  in  the  old  Egyptian  paintings. 

Of  a  totally  different  type  was  the  now  extinct  Labrador  pied 

"'  duck  {Carnptolcemvbs  labradorius),  a  species  formerly  abundant  on 

the  coast  from  which  it  takes  its  name,  whence  it  migrated  into  the  New  England 

states,  and   perhaps  still    farther  south.     In  colour   this  duck  was  chiefly  black, 

with  a  white  head,  neck,  and  breast,  a  narrow  black  stripe  down  the  middle  of 

the  head  and  a  collar  of  the  same  round  the  neck.    In  the  more  soberly  clad  female 

the  general  tint  was  brownish,  with  a  white  wing-patch.     The  Labrador  duck  used 

to  nest  on  rocky  islets,  where  it  was  shot  in  such  numbers  during  the  breeding 

season  that  it  became  exterminated  some  fifty  years  ago. 

Another  member  of  the  group  is  Steller's  eider  (Somateria  stelleri), 

SteUer's  Eider.  .01  \  /> 

remarkable  for  its  narrow,  vaulted  beak,  of  which  nearly  the  whole 

tip  is  occupied  by  the  so-called  nail.     In  colour  the  adult  drake  is  bluish  black, 

with  much  white  on  the  wings,  a  violet  wing-patch,  a  white  head,  a  green  area  on 

the  nape,  and  a  chestnut  breast.     It  nests  on  the  Arctic  coast  between  Alaska  and 

the  Taimyr  Peninsula,  in  Russian  Finland,  and  on  Varanger  Fjord,  and  in  winter 

appears  in  the  Baltic,  straying  occasionally  as  far  south  as  the  north  of  France. 

Better  known  is  the  common  eider  (S.  mollissima),  which  has  a 
Eider.  .  v  ! 

black  crown  with  the  middle  line  of  feathers  on  the  beak  extending 

only  half-way  to  the  nostrils.     The  drake  is  white  above  and  black  below,  the  white 

extending  to  the  lower  half  of  the  breast,  and  the  beak,  nape,  and  legs  being  green. 

The  eider  nests  in  the  British  Islands,  in  the  islands  off  the  coast  of  Denmark  and 

Norway,  and  northwards  within  the  Arctic  Circle  all  round  the  pole,  although  the 

north-east  American  form  (S.  mollissima  dresseri)  is  often  regarded  as  a  separate 

species,  and  the  one  inhabiting  Arctic  America  and  Greenland  (S.  m.  borealis)  as  a 


Eiders  are  true  sea-birds,  always  following  the  coast,  and  never  crossing  a 

peninsula  to  make  a  short  cut.     They  fly  well,  and  swim  excellently,  braving  the 

wildest  surf,  although  at  the  approach  of  a  storm  taking  refuge  on  land.     They  are 

also  expert  divers,  frequently  remaining  under  water  for  two  minutes,  and  going 

down  10  or  12  fathoms  in  search  of  the  crabs  and  molluscs  on  which  they  chiefly 

subsist.     Owing  to  the  commercial  value  of  their  down,  eiders  are  now  protected  in 

Europe,  and  are  consequently  no  longer  decreasing  in  numbers.     The  nest  is  a  large 

structure  of  heather  and  other  plants,  including  seaweed,  grass,  and  moss,  and  lined 

with  such  a  quantity  of  down,  plucked  from  her  own  breast,  that  the  female  is  not 

only  completely  concealed  while  sitting,  but  is  able  to  cover  the  eggs  when  leaving 

the  nest — a  precaution  never  omitted.     The  first  clutch  of  eggs  consists  of  four,  five, 

or  sometimes  from  six  to  nine,  but  if  there  be  more  than  ten  in  the  nest,  they  are 

the  product  of  two  females,  which  either  sit  side  by  side  or  by  turns.     The  male 

leaves  his  mate  as  soon  as  the  eggs  are  laid,  and  goes  out  to  sea  to  moult,  returning 

when  the  female  has  finished  her  task. 



The  eider-down  trade  is  of  great  importance  to  the  inhabitants  of  the  northern 
coasts.  In  Iceland  the  privilege  of  taking  the  nests  and  eggs  of  the  eider  and 
other  sea-birds  is  usually  vested  in  the  landlords,  by  whom  the  ducks  are  encour- 
aged to  nest  on  certain  small  islands,  where  they  become  so  tame  as  to  incubate 
upon  the  houses,  and  allow  the  inhabitants  to  walk  about  among  them  as  they  sit. 
Unfortunately  the  people  are  so  ignorant  and  greedy  as  to  take  not  only  the  first 
clutch,  but  also  the  second  and  even  the  third,  although  there  are  only  three  eggs 
in  the  second  clutch,  and  two,  or  sometimes  only  one,  in  the  third  clutch,  the  eggs 
of  these  clutches  being  smaller  than  those  of  the  first.     The  result  of  this  practice 


is  to  make  the  eiders  abandon  the  places  where  they  are  thus  treated ;  and  more 
prudent  proprietors  prohibit  the  taking  of  any  eggs  save  those  of  the  first  clutch, 
and  otherwise  do  all  in  their  power  to  protect  the  eiders.  In  Norway  it  is  the 
practice  to  collect  the  young  birds  in  baskets  and  carry  them  down  to  the  sea ; 
where  they  are  followed  by  their  screaming  parents,  which,  on  arrival,  collect 
together  as  many  as  possible.  Without  this  precaution,  the  young,  which  are  com- 
paratively safe  on  the  sea,  would  suffer  severely  on  their  way  down  from  the 
attacks  of  birds-of-prey,  gulls,  and  other  depredators. 

The  female  eider  plucks  out  so  many  of  her  feathers  for  the  lining  of  the  nest, 
that  her  breast  is  frequently  quite  bare,  and  there  are  none  left  for  the  second  and 
third  broods.  In  such  cases  it  has  been  stated  the  male  bird  contributes  his  own 
down,  which    he    permits    the    female  to  pluck,  but  this  appears  to  be  a  myth. 


Eider-down  is  most  valuable  if  collected  before  incubation  has  commenced,  since 

when  this  takes  place  it  becomes  mixed  up  with  the  other  materials  of  the  nest, 

such  as  grass  and  seaweed.     When  such  a  mixture  has  occurred  the  down  is  more 

easily  freed  from  grass  than  from  seaweed,  so  that  grass-down  is  more  valuable 

than  seaweed-down.     A  pound  of  well-cleaned  down  is  the  yield  from  five  to  seven 

nests,  and  is  worth  about  fifteen  shillings.     In  colour  the  down  is  brownish,  with 

whitish  specks.     So  closely  does  it  adhere  that  scarcely  any  is  blown  away  by  the 

wind,  and  yet  it  never  felts  into  a  mass,  but  remains  light  and  elastic.     The  uses 

of  the  eider  are  many.     The  skins  are  worked  up  into  warm  underclothing ;  the 

eggs,  which  are  gathered  in    large    quantities   in  June    and    July,  are   used    for 

domestic  purposes,  and  the  flesh  is  eaten,  especially  in  Greenland,  although  said 

to  have  an  oily  flavour. 

A  much  handsomer  bird,  the  king-eider  (S.  spectabilis),  like  its 
King-Eider.  ..  .  ...  ,  ^ 

relative,  inhabits  the  American,  Asiatic,  and,  more  rarely,  the  European 

shores  of  the  Arctic  Ocean.  In  Greenland,  where  it  is  said  to  be  as  common  as  the 
eider,  the  king-eider  breeds,  as  it  does  in  Spitzbergen,  Novaia  Zemlia,  and  northern 
Siberia.  It  is  still  common  on  the  Lofoten  Islands,  but  is  rarely  found  farther 
south  than  the  north-western  coast  of  Norway  and  the  latitude  of  Iceland, 
although  on  the  Pacific  Coast  it  occasionally  occurs  so  far  south  as  California. 
Its  breeding-area  extends  farther  north  than  that  of  the  eider.  The  down,  which 
is  as  soft  as  that  of  the  eider,  is  never  collected,  the  inhabitants  of  the  far  north 
taking  the  skins  of  the  birds,  which,  after  the  larger  feathers  have  been  removed, 
they  sew  together  into  garments,  these  being  worn  next  the  body  with  the  downy 
side  inward.  King-eiders  are  captured  by  the  Greenlanders  during  the  moulting- 
season,  when  they  are  unable  to  fly,  the  flocks  being  surrounded,  and  their 
members  forced  to  dive  until  exhausted,  when  they  are  easily  overtaken  and  killed 
with  spears  or  arrows.  The  king-eider  is  said  to  be  able  to  remain  under  water 
longer  than  any  other  bird,  although  probably  not  more  than  a  couple  of  minutes. 
Resembling  the  true  eider  in  general  characters,  it  is  somewhat  smaller,  and  distin- 
guished by  the  grey  crown  and  the  orange  tubercle  on  the  beak,  which  is  also 
orange  with  a  black  margin.  The  plumage  of  the  female  is  chiefly  russet  brown. 
Another  familiar  bird  frequenting  the  Arctic  coasts  is  the  shag 
(Phalacrocorax  graculus),  which,  although  inhabiting  the  great 
Siberian  lakes,  is  essentially  a  maritime  species,  nesting  on  cliffs  or  in  caves,  and 
never  in  trees  or  bushes.  It  breeds  in  the  British  Isles,  and  even  so  far  south  as 
Morocco,  but  is  very  rare  in  the  Baltic  and  farther  to  the  east,  and  does  not  range 
west  of  Iceland.  From  the  ordinary  cormorant  the  shag  differs  by  the  gracefully 
curved  crest  on  the  head,  as  well  as  by  the  absence  of  any  white  on  the  glossy 
green  plumage,  and  the  presence  of  only  twelve,  in  place  of  fourteen,  tail-feathers. 
Common  and  Although  they  are  not  strictly  Arctic  in  their  distribution,  certain 

Herring  Gulls,  members  of  the  gull  tribe  may  be  conveniently  mentioned  in  this  place. 
Among  them  is  the  common  gull  (Larus  canus),  which  breeds  on  the  northern  coasts 
of  Europe  and  Asia  down  to  about  53°  N.  latitude  ;  and  in  winter  wanders  so  far 
south  as  the  Nile  valley  and  the  Persian  Gulf.  The  grey  back,  the  white  spot  on  the 
brown  primary  quills,  the  yellow  tip  to  the  beak,  and  the  greenish  yellow  legs  are 
among  the  distinctive  features  of  this  gull.     Much  larger  is  its  cousin  the  herring- 



GULLS  277 

gull,  with  a  yellow  beak  and  flesh-coloured  legs,  which  is  also  a  bird  of  the  north, 

but  not  an  Asiatic  one,  since  it  does  not  occur  east  of  the  White  Sea.     In  America 

this  gull  (L.  argentatus)  breeds  so  far  down  as  New  Jersey  on  the  Atlantic  side,  and 

California  on  the  western  coast.     In  summer  the  American  birds  appear  in  Mexico 

and  the  West  Indies,  while  their  European  brethren  wander  to  the  shores  of  the 

Caspian,  the  Black  Sea,  and  the  Mediterranean. 

Greater  Black-  Its  large  size,  coupled  with  the  white  head,  the  blackish  back, 

Backed  Gull.    and  the  flesh-coloured  legs,  serve  to  distinguish  the  great  black-backed 

species  (L.  marinus),  one  of  the  boldest  and  strongest   of   its   kind.     This   gull 

subsists  largely  on  the  prey  it  can  steal  from  its  relatives,  as  well  as  on  their  eggs 

and  young.     The  breeding-area  of  this  species  extends  into  that  of  the  truly  Arctic 

gulls,  and  includes  northern  Europe,  Iceland,  Greenland,  and  Baffin  Bay,  while  the 

winter  migration  takes  these  gulls  to  Egypt,  the  Canaries,  and  Florida. 

Lesser  Black-  From  its  larger  namesake  the  lesser  black-backed  gull  (L.  fuscus) 

Backed  Gull,    differs  not  only  by  its  inferior  bodily  size,  but  by  its  bright  yellow 

legs.     This  gull  breeds  from  the  northern  coasts  of  Europe  to  the  Mediterranean ; 

and  its  range  extends  in  winter  down  to  the  Bight  of  Benin,  the  Red  Sea,  and 

the   Persian   Gulf.      In    northern   Asia   and   America   this   species    is,   however, 


Greater  White-  This  gull  (L.  hyperboreus)  is  a  truly  Arctic  species,  breeding  all 

Wmg-edGuii.    r0lln(]  the  pole,  and  ranging  so  far  south  as  the  Strait  of  Gibraltar, 

Florida,  and  Japan  in  winter.     The  largest  of  all  the  gulls,  this  species  visits  the 

British  Isles,  and  is  as  omnivorous  and  rapacious  as   its   black-backed   relative, 

from  which  it  differs  in  being  wholly  white  with  a  slight  pearly  tinge,  as  well  as 

by  its  shorter  legs  and  wings.     The  nest  is  a  conical  heap  of  sand  and  seaweed, 

hollowed   slightly   at   the   apex,   and   frequently   as   much   as   a   couple   of   feet 

in  height. 

The  beautiful  Iceland  gull  (L.  leucopterus)  is  likewise  a  pearly 
Iceland  GulL  .  .  .  .  . 

white  species,  but   only  about  two-thirds  the  size  of  the  last,  with 

much  longer  legs  and  wings  and  a  shorter  beak.     Its  breeding-area  is  circumpolar, 

and  includes  Jan  Mayen,  Iceland,  Greenland,  and  Baffin  Bay.     In  winter  this  gull 

occasionally  straggles  so  far  south  as  the  British  Isles  on  one  side  of  the  Atlantic 

and  Boston  on  the  other.     An  excellent  diver,  it  feeds  chiefly  on  live  fish,  and  in 

pursuit  of   these  it   follows  seals  and   other   predaceous  marine  animals  as  they 

chase  the  shoals  of  small  fish.     The  Iceland  gull  thus  finds  its  food  with  little 

trouble,  and  at  the  same  time  indicates  to  sealers  the  whereabouts  of  their  booty. 

Of   the    two    kinds    of    fork-tailed    gulls,    the    larger    (Xema 
Sabine's  Gull.  .  <• 

furcatum)  is  South  American,  ranging  as  far  north  as  the  Galapagos 

Islands.  The  smaller  Sabine's  gull  (X.  sabinei),  on  the  other  hand,  is  Arctic,  with 
a  circumpolar  breeding-area.  In  winter  it  migrates  to  the  North  Sea,  and  in 
America,  where  it  is  much  more  abundant,  to  the  Gulf  of  Mexico,  and,  not  im- 
probably, on  the  Pacific  side  across  the  equator  so  far  south  as  Callao.  In  these 
gulls  the  head,  back,  and  wings  are  grey,  the  head  relieved  by  a  black  collar  and 
the  wings  by  black  primary  quills.  The  beak  is  black  tipped  with  red  in  both 
kinds,  but  the  larger  species  is  distinguished  by  a  white  band  at  the  base  of  the 
upper  half. 


The  familiar  kittiwake,  or  three-toed  gull  (Rissa  tridactyla),  is 
likewise  circumpolar,  with  a  breeding  -  area  extending  from  the 
farthest  north  down  to  northern  France,  the  Kurile  Islands,  and  the  Gulf  of  St. 
Lawrence.  In  colour  this  gull  is  slaty  grey  above  with  a  white  tail  and  grey 
wings,  of  which  the  outer  primaries  are  tipped  with  black  and  the  secondaries  with 
white.  The  beak  is  greenish  yellow,  and  the  three  toes  characteristic  of  the  genus 
are  black.  This  gull  is  exclusively  a  sea-bird,  frequenting  high  rocky  shores,  and 
breeding  on  lofty  cliffs,  where  it  dwells  with  razorbills  above  and  guillemots  below 
in  such  enormous  numbers  that  the  sky  is  darkened  by  their  wings  and  the  ears 
deafened  with  their  crieb.  Kittiwakes  are  excellent  swimmers,  and  the  most  grace- 
ful in  flight  of  all  the  gulls.  When  in  search  of  prey,  they  fly  slowly  and  deliber- 
ately, but  so  soon  as  a  fish  is  sighted,  they  dart  through  the  crests  of  the  waves  in 
a  downward  curve,  dive  like  a  flash,  and  never  rise  without  a  fish  in  their  beaks. 
If  the  fish  be  not  too  large,  it  is  swallowed  at  once,  but  if  of  too  great  bulk  for 
this,  it  is  borne  ashore  to  be  devoured  piecemeal. 

The  beautiful   ivory-gull  (Paqophila  ebumea)  takes   its   name 
Ivory-Gull.  .  J   &         v        .  1 

from    its  ivory-white  plumage,  relieved  by  the  black  feet,  greenish 

yellow  beak  passing  into  bluish  grey  at  the  base,  and  the  red  ring  round  the  eye. 

Even  in  winter  this  lovely  gull  seldom  strays  farther  south  than  the   limits  of  the 

ice,  and  its  northern  summer  range    is  perhaps  greater   than  that  of  any  of  its 

kindred.     Occasionally  a  straggler  reaches  the  British  Isles,  or  even  the  north  of 

France,  while  on  the  American  side  the  species  has  been  seen  in  New  Brunswick. 

Wedge-Tailed  The  wedge-tailed  gull  (Rhodostethia  rosea),  which  is  another  of 

GuU-         the  Arctic  members  of  the  group,  may  be    recognised  by  the  grey 

back,  rosy  flanks,  and  the  narrow  black  collar  round  the  neck.     The  short  beak  is 

black,  and  the  feet  are  red.     This  exclusively  Arctic  species,  which  was  discovered 

by  Sir  James  Ross  on  Melville  Peninsula  in  1823,  has  been    seen  to  the  north  of 

Spitzbergen,  in  Franz  Josef-land,  in  Bering  Strait,  and  north  of  Siberia,  so  that 

it  is  regarded  as  circumpolar.     Only  a  few  stragglers  have  been  met  with  beyond 

the  Arctic  Circle. 

The  skuas,  or  pirate-gulls,  are  provided  with  long  curved  talons 
Great  Skua.  .        ,  &      .  . 

characteristic  of  predaceous  birds,  and,  as  a  matter  of  fact,  in  general 

habits  they  are  much  more  like  frigate-birds  than  ordinary  gulls.     The  group  is 

noticeable  on  account  of  being  common    to  the  Arctic  and  the  Antarctic  region 

The  largest  of  the  northern  forms  is  the  great  skua  (Stercorarius  catarrhactes), 

whose  colour  is  mottled  brown  above  and    pale  chestnut  below,  with    the    outer 

primaries  white  at  the  base,  and  the  hooked  beak  and  feet  black.     This  fierce  bird 

feeds  on  animal  substances  of  all  kinds,  whether  alive  or  dead,  but  is  specially  fond 

of  fish,  which  it  occasionally  captures  for  itself,  but  generally  steals  from  other 

birds.     With    the    quickness    and    strength    of  a  hawk,  a  skua  attacks  any  bird 

weaker  than  itself,  which  it  kills  by  one  bite  in  the  skull,  clutching  the  body  in 

its   strong   claws   and    swallowing    the    flesh    piecemeal.     Skuas    never   breed    in 

company  with  other  birds,  but  in  colonies  of  a  hundred  or  more  of  their  own  kind, 

usually  on  some  rocky  shore,  or  upland  moor,  where  there  are  springs  or  ponds, 

perhaps  a  quarter  of  a  mile  from  the  sea.     They  seldom  breed  very  far  within 

the  Arctic  Circle,  their  favourite  haunts  being  just  south  of  this,  such  as  Iceland. 



Greenland,  and  Baffin-land.  In  Europe  the  known  breeding-places,  of  which  the 
Shetlands  are  the  most  southerly,  are  yearly  becoming  fewer.  Of  late  years, 
indeed,  these  birds  have  rapidly  diminished  in  numbers,  and  they  seem  about  to 
share  the  fate  of  the  great  auk.  Like  the  rest  of  its  tribe,  the  great  skua  takes  its 
name  from  its  monotonous  cry  of  "  skua-skua." 

Temminck's  The  second  Arctic  representative  of   the  group    is  Temmincks 

skua.  skua  (Stercorarius  pomatorhiniis).  Inferior  in  size  to  the  last,  it  has 
the  two  middle  tail-feathers  much  longer  than  the  rest,  and  twisted  vertically,  being  in 
this  respect  unlike  its  larger  relative,  in  which  these  feathers  exceed  the  others  by  less 
than  an  inch.  This  bird  breeds  in  Arctic  and  sub- Arctic  Europe,  Asia,  and  America, 
and  in  winter  ranges  southwards  as  far  as  northern  Australia,  South  Africa,  and  Peru. 


Long-Tailed  Nearly  allied   is   the   long-tailed   skua   (S.  parasiticus),  a  bird 

Skua.  which,  when  driven  inland  by  storms,  takes  readily  to  a  country  life, 
and  often  may  be  seen  in  meadows  and  fields  (especially  when  freshly  ploughed) 
seeking  its  food  after  the  manner  of  a  plover.  Since  fresh  water  is  not  much  to 
its  taste,  it  never  remains  long  away  from  the  sea,  near  which  it  makes  its  home 
among  the  marshes.  Although  migrating  as  far  south  as  Gibraltar,  it  seldom 
breeds  beyond  the  Arctic  Circle,  within  which  it  is  met  with  all  round  the  pole. 
Of  the  approximate  size  of  a  jackdaw,  this  skua  is  distinguished  by  the  middle 
tail-feathers  gradually  tapering  until  they  are  9  inches  longer  than  the  others,  as 
well  as  by  the  white  shafts  of  the  two  outer  primary  quills.  In  colour  it  is  dark 
grey  above  with  the  crown  and  nape  blackish,  and  the  throat,  neck,  and  under- 
pays white,  shading  into  pale  grey. 



Fulmar  Petrel. 

The  group  of  petrels  collectively  known  (from  their  typical 
representative)  as  fulmars  differ  from  the  shearwaters  by  the  shorter 
beak  and  the  vertical  plates  more  or  less  distinctly  developed  on  the  sides  of  the 
palate.  The  true  fulmar  (Fidmarits  glacialis)  is  an  Arctic  species,  ranging  from 
Baffin  Bay  to  Franz  Josef -land,  and  breeding  as  far  south  as  St.  Kilda.  In  winter 
it  migrates  as  far  as  Massachusetts  on  one  side  of  the  Atlantic,  and  the  north  coast 
of  Spain  on  the  other.  Thousands  of  these  birds  breed  on  steep  cliffs,  or  rocky 
islands,  the  colonies  usually  consisting  of  this  species  alone,  although  above  or 
below  them  are  the  zones  occupied  by  razorbills,  kittiwakes,  and  other  birds. 
Towards  the  end  of  May,  in  a  slight  depression  on  the  bare  ground,  is  laid  the  large, 
white  egg,  which  is  incubated  alternately  by  the  male  and  female  with  such 
assiduity  that  the  birds  will  often  refuse  to  move  till  pelted  with  pebbles,  and  even 
then  almost  immediately  return  to  their  task,  carefully  putting  the  egg  into  proper 




position  with  their  beaks,  and  sitting  as  persistently  as  before.  When  occupied  in 
devouring  a  carcase,  fulmars  become  so  absorbed  that  they  pay  no  heed  to 
approaching  boats,  and  may  be  easily  killed  with  the  oars.  In  such  feasts  the 
sharp  claws  enable  the  birds  to  obtain  a  firm  hold  on  the  slippery  skin  of  whales 
and  seals,  in  which  large  holes  are  torn  by  means  of  the  hooked  beak. 

On  the  wing  a  fulmar  looks  much  like  a  gull,  to  which  it  also  approximates  in 
coloration.  When  perching,  or  rather  crouching,  for  it  cannot  stand  long  on  its  legs, 
it  presents,  however,  a  very  different  appearance,  owing  to  its  much  stouter  build. 
The  group  of  divers  are  exclusively  inhabitants  of  the  colder 
portions  of  the  Northern  Hemisphere,  and  seldom  leave  the  sea 
except  to  breed.  They  even  preen  themselves  afloat,  this  being  due  to  the  circum- 
stances that  the  position  and  structure  of  their  legs  prevent  them  from  standing 
upright  and  even  from  walking  in  the  generally  accepted  use  of  the  term,  their 
movements  on  land  being  mere  shuffles  or  slides.  Divers  frequently  nest  near 
small   fresh-water  ponds,  situated   in   quiet  lonely  spots,  or  high   up  among  the 



mountains,  with  low  banks,  or  flat  grassy  islands,  on  which  the  nest  can  be  placed 

so  as  to  permit  the  parent  birds  to  slide  straight  into  the  water.     If  the  sheet  of 

water  be  small,  only  a  single  pair  of   divers  will  nest,  but  on  larger  lakes  each 

pair  has  its  own  defined  area,  from  which  all   intruders  are  chased  away.     The 

members   of   a   couple  are  devoted    to   one  another,  and  always  dive,  swim,  and 

fly  in  company,  each  being  careless  of  its  own  safety  when  its  mate  is  killed  or 

injured.     The  young  are  able  to  dive  long  and  perse veringly  almost  as  soon  as  they 

leave  the  egg,  and  thereby  escape  many  dangers.     When  in  want  of  rest  they 

climb  on  the  backs  of  their  parents,  where  they  nestle  close  and  hide  among  the 

feathers.     A  few  days  after  leaving  the  shell  they  begin  to  catch  their  own  food, 

which  consists  chiefly  of  fish.     Small  fish  are  swallowed  whole,  but  larger   ones 

are  brought  to  the  surface,  where  they  are  gradually  pecked  to  pieces,  the  birds 

diving  to  recover  the  carcass  as  it  from  time  to  time  sinks.     By  far  the  commonest 

of  the  four  kinds   is   the   red-throated   Colymbus  septentrionalis,  a  circumpolar 

species,  breeding  within  the  Arctic  Circle  and  southwards  as  far  as  Scotland  in  the 

Atlantic,  and  somewhat  lower  still    in   the  Pacific.     On  the  winter  migration  it 

travels  to  the  Gulf  of  Mexico  in  the  one  hemisphere  and  to  the  Mediterranean  and 

Formosa  in  the  other.     The  dark  brown  back,  grey  head,  red  throat,  and  black  beak 

are  characteristic  features  of  this  diver.     Much  larger  is  the  great  northern  diver 

(C.  glacialis),  which  attains  some  33  inches  in  length,  and  is  about  as  large  as  a 

goose.     The  back  is  ornamented  with  a  kind  of  chessboard  pattern  of  black  and 

white  squarish  patches,  while   the  throat  is  marked  by  two  black  and  as  many 

black  and  white  rings  streaked  vertically.     This  stately  bird  inhabits  the  northern 

parts  of  Europe  and  America,  but  does  not  breed  farther  south  than  the  Shetlands 

in  European  waters,  or  than  Maine  on  the  western  side  of  the  Atlantic.     A  third 

species,  the  black-throated  G.  arcticus,  distinguished  by  its  black  throat  and  beak, 

is  circumpolar,  breeding  in   the  north  of  Scotland  and   the   Orkneys,  though  at 

present   unknown    in    Iceland    and    Greenland.      It    also    breeds    in    Scandinavia 

Russia,  north-eastern  Germany,  and  right  across  Siberia  to  Kamchatka. 

Very  characteristic  of  the  shores  of  the  colder  portions  of  the 
Guillemots.  J  .  r 

Northern  Hemisphere  are  the  guillemots,  whose  movements  on  land 

are  nearly  as  awkward  and  ungainly  as  those  of  the  divers.  Owing,  however,  to 
their  powerful  claws,  guillemots  are  excellent  climbers.  The  flight  is  recognisable 
by  the  quick,  short  movement  of  the  wings,  being  low  and  in  long  downward  or 
upward  spirals  especially  when  ascending  or  descending  high  cliffs.  These  birds 
are  powerful  swimmers  and  divers,  sitting  high  on  the  water  with  the  tail  slightly 
raised,  and  the  neck  depressed  between  the  shoulders.  They  dive  noiselessly, 
opening  the  wings  as  they  descend  and  using  them  as  paddles.  The  length  of  the 
dive  is  sometimes  as  much  as  10  fathoms,  or  even  more,  and  when  undisturbed 
the  birds  generally  reappear  close  to  where  they  went  down.  The  common  species, 
Uria  troile,  breeds  as  far  south  as  the  mouth  of  the  Tagus,  in  Portugal,  and  is 
particularly  numerous  in  the  Faroes  and  Iceland,  while  northwards  its  breeding- 
range  is  known  to  extend  to  Bear  Island,  half-way  between  the  North  Cape  and 
Spitzbergen.  On  the  American  side  these  birds  breed  as  far  down  as  Massachusetts. 
On  the  Pacific  coast  of  the  New  World  the  typical  form  is  replaced  by  the  somewhat 
larger  U.  troile  californica.     At  their  breeding-places  guillemots  may  be  seen  in 



pairs,  the  members  of  which  tenderly  caress  each  other  and  rub  their  necks 
together  as  they  sit  side  by  side  on  the  cliffs  which  have  been  inhabited  by  their 
ancestors  for  ages.  Nest  there  is  none,  the  egg  being  laid  on  the  bare  rock. 
Though  always  pear-shaped  (to  prevent  them  rolling  off  the  ledges),  the  eggs  vary 
in  colour  more  perhaps  than  those  of  any  other  bird,  even  the  ground-colour 
ranging  from  white  through  every  shade  of  greenish  blue.  The  so-called  bridled 
guillemot  (U.  ringvia)  differs  from  the  typical  form  by  a  ring  round  the  eye 
and  a  short  white  streak  running  from  the  latter  across  the  temples ;  but  this 
variation  does  not  seem  to  entitle  the  birds  to  be  regarded  even  as  a  distinct 
race,  much  less  a  species,  since  they  are  found  everywhere  among  the  ordinary 


form  and  have  no  special  habitat  of  their  own.  On  the  other  hand,  the  some- 
what larger  Brunnich's  guillemot  (U.  bruennichi)  is  a  perfectly  well-defined 
species,  easily  recognised  by  the  shortness  of  its  beak.  This  bird  is  thoroughly 
Arctic  in  its  distribution,  being  known  only  as  a  straggler  outside  the  Arctic  Circle. 
More  distinct  is  the  black  guillemot  (U.  grylle),  which  lays  two  eggs  instead 
of  one,  and  is  smaller  than  the  other  kinds,  measuring  only  about  13  inches  in 
length.  In  colour  it  is  black  with  a  white  bar  on  the  wing,  and  red  feet.  It 
also  flies  lower  than  other  guillemots,  rarely  rising  more  than  a  foot  or  so  above  the 
water.  It  is  likewise  by  far  the  best  diver,  its  disappearance  being  instantaneous, 
and  its  speed  beneath  the  surface  nearly  as  rapid  as  through  the  air.  This 
guillemot  breeds  on  both  sides  of  the  Arctic  Circle,  but  not  farther  south  than 
Ireland  and  Denmark.  It  passes  the  winter  on  the  sea,  rarely  visiting  the  land, 
and  only  occasionally  strays  far  from  its  birthplace. 




The  short-beaked  guillemots  are  distinguished  by  their  small  size 
as  well  as  by  the  short  beak,  which  is  strongly  compressed  at  the 
sides.  One  species,  the  marbled  guillemot  (Brachyrhamphus  marmoratus),  inhabits 
the  north-western  coast  of  North  America,  and  is  blackish  brown  barred  with 
rufous  above,  and  white  below. 

Ltti  Auk.  ^ne  °^  the  smallest  °f  au  sea-birds  is  the  little  auk,  or  rotche 

(Alle  nigricans),  which  breeds  within  the  Arctic  Circle  nearly  up  to 
79°  N.  latitude,  and  occasionally  wanders  as  far  south  in  winter  as  the  Azores  and 
Canaries.  This  bird  appears  during  May  in  its  breeding-places,  of  which  it  takes 
possession  with  much  clamour,  such  breeding-places  being  always  situated  on  low 
shores  and  never  on  cliffs.  In  June,  when  the  snow  has  melted,  the  female  lavs 
her  one  greenish  white  egg,  which  is  about  the  size  of  that  of  a  dove,  and  thus 
comparatively  large  for  so  small  a  bird.  The  parents  sit  on  the  egg  alternatelv 
with  much  assiduity ;  and,  when  sufficiently  strong,  the  young  are  conducted  by 
them  to  the  sea.     These  birds  remain  on  shore  only  during  the  breeding-season 


and  never  resort  to  fresh  wrater  from  choice,  being  essentially  sea-birds ;  they  are, 
however,  often  driven  inland  by  winter  storms. 

The  last  incursion  of  little  auks  into  the  British  Isles  occurred  in  January 
1912,  and  was  due  to  the  stormy  weather  which  prevailed  in  the  early  part  of  that 
month.  The  birds  seem  to  have  struck  the  coast  in  greatest  numbers  between 
Norfolk  and  the  Firth  o£  Forth,  those  reported  from  the  western  and  midland 
counties  having  probably  travelled  from  the  east.  Although  the  number  of  birds 
appears  to  have  been  fewer  than  in  the  visitation  of  1895,  they  seem  to  have 
spread  over  a  wrider  area  of  country. 

An  allied  bird  breeding  within  the  Arctic  Circle,  and  likewise 
largely  to  the  south  of  the  same,  is  the  razorbill  (Alca  torda),-  the 
breeding-area  of  this  species  including  countries  as  remote  from  one  another  as 
Jan  Mayen,  Brittany,  Greenland,  and  Maine.  Young  razorbills  leave  the  cliffs  on 
which  they  were  hatched  at  the  tender  age  of  less  than  three  weeks,  when  only 
half-fledged.  Encouraged  by  the  screaming  and  expressive  gestures  of  the  old 
birds,  they  leap  dowrn  in  the  same  manner  as  young  guillemots,  many  of  them 
falling  on  rocks  instead  of  into  the  water,  and  thus  perishing  miserably.     Normally 




the  female  lays  only  one  egg,  but  if  this  be  lost  a  second  is  deposited,  and  if  need 
be,  even  a  third.  As  a  breeding-site  razorbills  prefer  bare  beetling  cliffs  with 
numerous  clefts  and  crannies  in  which  the  eggs  are  deposited,  the  open  ledges 
favoured  by  guillemots  not  being  to  the  liking  of  these  birds. 

That  grotesque  bird  the  puffin,  or  sea-parrot  (Fratcrcula  arctica)} 
is  sufficiently   characterised   by  its  curiously  shaped  and  brilliantly 
coloured  beak.     The  plumage  is  pied,  the  head,  back,  and  a  collar  round  the  neck 



being  deep  black,  and  the  under-parts  pure  white,  while  the  feet  and  much  of  the 
beak,  as  well  as  the  fleshy  rosettes,  are  brilliant  orange.  The  beak  is  indeed  of 
most  remarkable  form,  being  high  at  the  base,  like  that  of  a  parrot,  much  com- 
pressed at  the  sides,  and  deeply  grooved  in  front.  Very  powerful  is  this  beak, 
which  also  serves  as  a  pouch,  owing  to  the  presence  of  much  loose  skin  at  the  base. 




In  the  receptacle  formed  by  this  skin  are  carried  the  small  fishes  brought  home  by 
the  old  birds  for  the  support  of  their  young.  When  a  puffin  is  returning  laden, 
the  extremities  of  four  or  five  fishes  may  project  from  each  corner  of  the  beak, 
giving  to  the  bird  the  appearance  of  possessing  a  moustache.  Puffins  generally 
associate  in  vast  flocks,  which  extend  over  wide  stretches  of  rocky  shores  and 
islets,  their  gleaming  white  breasts  giving  the  breeding-places  the  appearance  of 
being  covered  with  a  snowy  veil.  On  the  east  side  of  the  Atlantic  puffins  breed  so 
far  south  as  the  mouth  of  the  Tagus ;  and  in  winter  they  visit  the  Mediterranean. 
On  the  western  side  the  southernmost  breeding-places  are  in  Newfoundland,  and 
winter  stragglers  reach  the  coast  of  New  England. 

Crested  and  With  two  very  remarkable  auks  of  small  size  this  brief  account 

Hombiiied  Auks.0f  the  birds  of  the  Arctic  may  be  brought  to  a  close.  The  first  of 
these  is  the  crested  auk  (Simorhynchus  cristatellus)  of  the  North  Pacific,  easily 
recognised  by  the  tuft  of  plumes  curling  over  the  forehead  and  the  white  bar  on 
the  ear-coverts.  The  second  is  the  rhinoceros-billed  auk  (CerorhyncJia  monocerata) 
of  the  shores  of  north-western  America  and  northern  Asia.  In  summer  the  beak 
develops  a  prominent  horny  knob  between  the  nostrils,  which  disappears  in  winter, 
although  the  white  plumes  on  each  side  of  the  head  persist. 

.,  •■ 




The  Fishes  of  the  Northern  Seas 

The  animal-life  of  the  sea,  like  that  of  the  land,  depends  largely  on  the  nature  of 
the  local  plant-life.  Marine  plants  in  the  main  belong  to  groups  entirely  different 
from  all  land  or  even  fresh-water  vegetation,  although  the  marine  flora  is  connected 
with  that  of  fresh  water  by  means  of  the  brackish-water  flora,  which,  however,  is 
of  very  limited  extent.  Apart  from  the  essential  difference  between  marine  and 
fresh-water  vegetation,  the  local  variations  in  aquatic  floras,  due  to  climatic  con- 
ditions, are  much  less  marked  than  are  those  of  land  floras,  owing  to  the  more 
equable  temperature  of  water.  Although  in  the  sea  the  influence  of  warm  and  cold 
currents  has  to  be  largely  taken  into  account,  while  in  fresh  water  the  amount  of 
rainfall  is  an  important  factor,  yet  the  depth  of  the  water  is  all-important  in  regard 
to  plant  life.  In  addition,  the  amount  of  light  received  exercises  a  most  im- 
portant influence,  the  larger  plants  growing  only  near  the  surface,  where  the  light 
is  brightest,  while  the  smaller  and  most  lowly  organised  types  alone  inhabit  the 
darkest  depths.  Moreover,  the  water  has  not  only  what  may  be  called  its  basal 
flora,  but  likewise  supports  a  vast  development  of  plant-life  which  floats  on  its 
surface,  this  floating  flora  only  being  fully  developed  where  the  water  is  of  great 
depth,  although  in  the  shallows  on  coasts  and  elsewhere  it  may  be  mingled  with 
the  basal  flora. 

The  nature  of  aquatic  floras  depends  much  on  that  of  the  river  or  sea  bottom, 
whether  this  be  rocky,  pebbly,  muddy,  or  sand}*.  The  basal  flora  in  fresh  water 
consists  chiefly  of  such  plants  as  thrive  in  mud,  while  that  of  the  ocean  is  largely 



composed  of  plants  suited  to  grow  on  rocks  or  among  stones.  In  fresh  waters  the 
temperature  of  the  air  exerts  the  maximum  influence  on  plant-life,  whereas  in  the 
deep  sea  that  influence  is  imperceptible  within  a  short  distance  of  the  surface. 
With  the  exception  of  a  few  sea-grasses  (Naiadacece),  the  bulk  of  the  ocean  flora 
is  made  up  of  various  seaweeds  or  Algae,  some  of  which  possess  a  growth  recalling 
that  of  the  larger  land-plants.  The  larger  seaweeds  and  all  the  sea-grasses  are 
confined  to  the  zone  within  tide-range  which  extends  into  the  line  of  surf,  the 
necessary  conditions  to  their  existence  being  bright  light  and  a  constant  change 
and  movement  of  water  and  air.  Such  as  are  situated  just  above  the  limits  of  ebb 
tide,  with  almost  the  whole  growth  under  water,  are  strong  and  healthy,  whereas 
those  placed  higher  up  on  the  shore  are  in  danger  of  becoming  dried  up  and  are 
therefore  more  stunted  in  growth.  In  the  upper  zone  the  seaweeds  are  chiefly 
green,  in  the  middle  zone  they  are  brown,  while  in  the  lower  zone  they  are  mostly 
red,  although  brown  forms  may  be  found  in  the  upper  and  green  in  the  middle 
zones.  Some  kinds  which  grow  at  a  considerable  depth  in  the  more  brightly 
illumined  portions  of  the  ocean  thrive  also  in  darker  situations  near  the  surface 
On  coral-reefs  many  seaweeds  are  restricted  to  violently  agitated  water,  while 
others  are  peculiar  to  the  quieter  spots ;  but  those  which  grow  on  sandy  or  muddy 
bottoms  are  essentially  still-water  types. 

On  passing  from  the  temperate  to  the  tropical  zones  the  ocean  flora  is  less  rich 
in  variety  of  form  than  that  of  the  temperate  and  frigid  zones ;  but  there  are 
certain  marine  types  of  plants  exclusively  tropical,  such  as  some  of  the  sea-grasses 
and  tree-seaweeds,  while  the  red  seaweeds  are  generally  numerous  and  the  brown 
kinds  less  abundant.  Among  the  brown  seaweeds  is,  however,  the  well-known 
yellow  Sargassum,  found  in  the  tropics  at  some  distance  from  land  floating  on  the 
surface  of  the  sea,  particularly  in  the  tropical  Atlantic,  where  it  forms  the  so-called 
Sargasso  Sea.  Other  species  of  the  same  group  occur  in  the  tropics,  although 
most  of  these  also  range  into  the  adjacent  temperate  regions.  The  scanty  flora  of 
the  bed  of  the  tropical  oceans  is  still  very  imperfectly  known,  especially  when 
compared  with  those  of  temperate  waters,  some  of  which  present  peculiarities  by 
no  means  easy  of  explanation.  The  flora  of  the  Australasian  seas,  for  example,  is 
quite  as  singular  and  unique  as  are  the  fauna  and  flora  of  the  mainland ;  while  the 
seaweeds  of  the  Red  Sea  differ  in  toto  from  those  of  the  Mediterranean.  As  a 
good  example  of  the  flora  of  the  warmer  temperate  waters,  that  of  the  Bay  of 
Naples  may  be  selected.  Here  at  low-water  mark  the  sea-bottom  is  muddy  and 
sandy  with  a  substratum  of  rocks  and  stones ;  and  upon  this  flourish  luxuriant 
forests  of  red  and  green  seaweed,  which  in  deeper  waters  become  either  wanting  or 
but  poorly  developed.  The  deeper  zones  possess,  however,  a  rich  plant-growth  of 
their  own,  the  sea-bed  off  Capri  at  a  depth  of  from  60  to  65  fathoms  having  a 
luxuriant  vegetation,  while  a  stretch  lying  at  a  depth  of  about  30  fathoms  is 
covered  with  a  regular  meadow  of  sea-grass,  whereas  in  from  40  to  58  fathoms  of 
water  vegetation  is  altogether  lacking.  Near  the  surface  plant-growth  is  strongest 
in  winter  and  spring,  while  in  the  depths  it  is  fullest  in  summer  and  autumn. 
Localities,  which  in  winter  are  covered  with  a  luxuriant  growth,  in  summer  are 
bare,  and  during  the  latter  season  many  plants  which  belong  to  the  upper  zone 
retreat  to  the  depths,  a  few  even  differing  somewhat  in  form  at  the  two  seasons. 


The  floras  of  the  cool  temperate  waters  of  the  North  Sea  and  Baltic  have  also  been 
well  investigated,  and,  since  they  are  somewhat  dissimilar,  they  may  be  taken  as 
two  representative  northern  types.  As  in  all  cool  temperate  waters,  the  brown 
seaweeds  are  predominant  in  size  and  quantity  in  both  areas,  the  well-known 
bladder-wrack  (Fucus  vesiculosa)  being  chiefly  characteristic  of  the  upper  zone  of 
the  rocky  coast  region,  while  the  allied  F.  serrata,  together  with  several  other 
species  characterised  by  their  broad  leaves,  grows  in  deeper  water.  There  are 
a  number  of  other  brown  algae,  the  thread-like  group  being  rich  in  variety  of  form, 
whereas  the  red  seaweeds  are  less  abundant  and  varied,  as  they  are  in  some  localities 
in  the  Mediterranean.  Of  the  green  seaweeds  there  are  but  few  forms,  while  the 
sea-grasses  are  only  represented  by  the  common  grass-wrack  (Zostera  marina). 
Wide  stretches  of  the  rocky  bed  of  the  Baltic  are  covered  with  bladder-wrack,  the 
most  varied  and  luxuriant  growth  being  found  in  the  lower  zone.  On  the  other 
hand,  the  sandy  and  muddy  bottom  of  the  quiet  bays  presents  a  somewhat 
monotonous  picture,  being  covered  with  sea-grasses  down  to  a  depth  of  5  fathoms. 
The  scantiness  of  the  Baltic  flora  is  attributed  to  the  small  amount  of  saline  matter 
contained  in  the  water,  this  sterility  being  most  pronounced  in  the  west  and  east 
where  the  water  is  the  least  salt.  In  these  shallow  seas  the  general  growth  in 
winter  is  much  weaker  than  in  summer.  In  spring  the  chalky  ridge  lying  off  the 
north  of  Heligoland  is  covered  with  fresh  green  seaweed,  and  farther  on,  near  the 
edge  of  the  surf,  with  the  yellowish  brown  leaves  of  the  tangle  (Laminaria).  In 
May  these  seaweeds  are  replaced  by  a  dark  red  species,  which  disappears  entirely 
in  July ;  and  in  August  and  September  the  rock  is  covered  with  a  brown  robe, 
only  to  become  bare  once  more  with  the  approach  of  winter. 

In  the  cooler  southern  seas  the  most  remarkable  seaweed  is  the  giant 
Macrocystis  pyrifera,  which  grows  to  a  length  of  1000  feet  and  exceeds  all  other 
ocean  plants  in  size.  Although  the  northern  species  of  bladder- wrack  has  not 
been  observed  in  southern  waters,  the  group  is  represented  by  a  few  species  in 
the  vicinity  of  the  Auckland  Islands,  where  there  are  none  of  the  sea-grasses  so 
common  on  the  coasts  of  Australia  and  New  Zealand.  The  Antarctic  and  Arctic 
Oceans  far  surpass  all  the  rest  in  the  rich  development  of  their  vegetation,  the 
brown  and  red  seaweeds  predominating,  while  sea-grass  is  absent. 

The   pelagic,  or  floating  flora  of  the  ocean,  consists  mainly  of  microscopic 
organisms,  most  numerous  within   100  fathoms  of   the  surface.     On   the   actual 
surface  but  few  plants  thrive,  among  these  few  being  Trichodesmum  erythramm, 
which  by  its  abundance  and  red  colour  gives  the  name  to  the  Red  Sea. 
Bass  and  sea-  Among  the  animal  inhabitants  of  the  ocean,  fishes  claim  the  most 

Perches.  important  position.  In  the  sea  dwell  the  greater  number  of  the  bony 
fishes,  among  which  the  first  place  is  now  generally  assigned  to  the  perch  tribe. 
Closely  allied  to  the  true  perches,  which  inhabit  slightly  salt  as  well  as  fresh  water, 
are  bass  and  sea-perches.  Among  these  one  of  the  most  familiar  is  the  common 
bass  (Labrax  lupus),  which  attains  a  length  of  18  inches  or  more,  and  is  fairly 
common  in  European  seas.  In  appearance  this  fish  is  like  a  slender  perch,  slaty 
blue  above  and  silvery  below,  with  a  dark  spot  on  the  gill-cover  beneath  the 
spines,  while  the  paired  fins  are  yellowish  and  the  median  fins  grey.  The  group 
is  confined  to  the  North  Atlantic  and  its  branches  and  affluents ;  but  the  allied 



genus  Serranus  is  much  more  widely  distributed,  and  its  members,  as  a  rule,  are 
brighter  in  colour.  The  comber  (£>.  cabrilla),  for  example,  is  orange-yellow  with 
blue  longitudinal  stripes,  while  the  dusky  perch  (S.  gigas)  is  a  rich  reddish  brown 
with  two  oblique  stripes  on  the  gill-covers  running  downwards  and  backwards. 
Both  these  species  are  British,  the  first  being  resident.  A  third  species  occasionally 
straying  into  British  waters  is  S.  scriba,  of  the  Mediterranean,  which  is  striped 
and  streaked  with  blue  and  spotted  with  purple. 

Belonging  to  another  genus,  with  two  species,  is  the  stone-bass  {Poly prion 
cernium),  of  which  the  colour  is  greyish  yellow,  marbled  or  blotched.  Like  Serranus, 
this  genus  has  one  dorsal  fin  in  place  of  two,  and  the  tail  is  not  forked.  The 
European  species  occurs  in  the  Mediterranean  and  on  the  west  coast  of  Europe,  the 
other  being  found  in  the  South  Pacific.  Another  British  fish  of  the  perch  tribe  is  the 
richly  coloured  Dentex  vulgaris,  gorgeous  in  a  gold  and  silver  and  purple  and  blue 




livery,  and  recognisable  at  a  glance  by  the  four  front  teeth  in  each  jaw,  of  which 
the  outer  pair  are  much  the  larger.  This  is  really  the  Mediterranean  representative 
of  a  genus  widely  distributed  in  the  Atlantic,  Indian,  and  North  Pacific  Oceans, 
and  especially  numerous  on  the  south  coast  of  Africa. 

The  sea-breams  (Sparidce)  frequent  the  coasts  of  all  tropical  and 
temperate  seas,  conspicuous  amongst  them  being  the  gilt-heads 
which  take  their  name  from  the  golden  crescent  between  the  eyes.  Among  several 
species,  the  silvery  Pagrus  auratus  occasionally  strays  into  British  waters.  All 
the  sea-breams  are  deep  and  compressed  fishes  of  brilliant  coloration,  many  of  them 
being  scarlet  or  rose-coloured.  In  common  with  numerous  other  fishes,  they  retire 
in  winter  to  the  deeper  parts  of  the  sea,  to  return  to  shallow  water  as  the  weather 
becomes  warmer  and  the  spawning  season  commences. 
Gurnards  and  The  gurnards  and  their  relatives  the  bullheads  may  be  met  with 

Bullheads.      jn  aj}  seas>  generally  near  the  coast  and  at  the  bottom.     In  the  second 
genus  the  species  known  as  Coitus  quadricornis  ranges  from  the  British  shores  to. 
vol.  11. — 19 



the  Arctic  Ocean,  while  the  so-called  "  father  lasher  "  (C.  scorpius)  has  a  nearly 
similar  distribution.  A  third  genus  of  the  family,  THglops,  is  purely  Arctic,  and 
a  fourth,  Bunocottus,  is  Antarctic.  The  gurnards  themselves  are  restricted  to 
temperate  and  tropical  seas,  the  two  most  familiar  forms  being  the  grey  Trigla 
gurnardus  and  the  sapphirine  T.  hirundo.  The  latter  is  a  brilliantly  coloured 
Mediterranean  and  north  European  fish,  reddish  brown  above,  reddish  golden  on 
the  sides,  and  reddish  white  below,  with  large  blue  pectoral  fins.  All  these  fishes 
possess  three  free  filaments  at  the  base  of  the  pectoral  fins,  which  serve  as  organs 
of  touch  and  also  for  walking  on  the  sea-bottom ;  the  broad  pectorals  likewise 
enabling  their  owners  to  spring  some  distance  out  of  water. 

"?.  tlr 


Flying  Gurnards. 


In  the  flying  gurnards  (Dactylopterus),  which  belong  to  another 
family,  the  outstretched  pectoral  fins  act  almost  as  a  parachute,  so 
that  these  fish  can  skim  the  surface  of  the  ocean  in  a  manner  similar  to  that 
characteristic  of  the  true  flying-fishes. 

Grouped  in  another  family  consisting  of  two  genera  are  the 
dories,  the  species  most  familiar  to  Europeans  being  the  John  Dory 
{Zeus  faber),  a  flat  and  deep  fish,  with  a  row  of  bony  plates  along  the  bases  of  the 
dorsal  and  pelvic  fins,  and  ragged  filaments  on  the  dorsal  spines. 

In  the  valuable  family  of  flat-fishes  the  adults  of  all  are  un- 
symmetrical,  the  head  being  so  twisted  as  to  bring  the  two  eyes  to 
the  same  side,  which  is  always  dark,  whereas  the  blind  side  is  normally  white. 
All  are  carnivorous,  and  some  members  of  the  group  abound  on  all  muddy  and 
sandy  shores,  where  the  colour  of  the  dark  side  harmonises  with  that  of  the  sea- 
bottom.    They  spawn  in  the  first  four  or  five  months  of  the  year,  moving  afterwards 



in  large  shoals  from  deep  water  to  the  coast,  where  they  remain  in  the  shallows 

during  the  summer.     The    largest   of   the    family  is   the   halibut   {Hippo glossus 

vulgaris),  of  which  one  example  is  recorded  to  have  measured  20  feet  in  length. 

This  is  a  North  Atlantic  species,  unknown  to  the   south  of  the  Bay    of  Biscay. 

The   smaller   but   more   valuable    turbot   (Rhombus    maximus)   ranges   into   the 

Mediterranean,  but  does  not  occur  on  the  American  side  of  the  Atlantic ;  its  usual 

length  is  about  17  inches,  although  it  occasionally  reaches  28  inches.     In  place  of 

scales,  the  body  is  sparsely   covered    with   scattered    bony  tubercles.     The    brill 

(R.  Icevis)  is  a  narrower  fish,  usually  about  20  inches  long,  and  covered  with  small 

smooth  scales.     In  both  the  brill  and   the   turbot  the  eyes  are  on  the  left  side, 

whereas  in  the  halibut  they  are  on  the  right,  as  they  also  are  in  the  plaice  (Pleuro- 

nectes  platessa),  the  type  of  the  whole  family.     This  species  is  common  in  British 

waters,  whence   it   extends   across   the  North  Sea  to  the  Baltic.     It  is  specially 

characterised  by  the  large  reddish  yellow  spots  on  the  dark  side  of  the  body  and 

fins.     To  the  same  genus   belongs   the   flounder  (P.  flesws),  which  has  tubercles 

round  the  base  of  the  fins,  and  is  common  in  British  seas  and  the  Baltic,  whence  it 

ascends  rivers  for  some  distance.     Perhaps  the  most  highly  esteemed  member  of 

the  entire  group  is  the  sole  (Solea  vulgaris),  in  which  the  eyes  are  on  the  right 

side  and  the  nostrils  are  equal-sized.     Soles  range  all  round  the  coasts  of  Europe, 

from  the  Mediterranean  to  the  north  of  Scandinavia,  where  they  frequent  sandy  or 

gravelly  bottoms  in  rather  shallow  water.     In  the  other  species  of  this  genus  the 

nostrils  are  unequal. 

Yet  another  family  is  typified  by  the  greater  weever  (Trachinus 
Weever-Fisli  etc 

"  draco),  in  which  a  long  spine   on  the  gill-cover  is  employed  as  a 

formidable  defensive  weapon.     This  species  occurs  throughout  the  Atlantic  and 

also  in  the  South  Pacific  off  the  coast  of  Peru. 

The   clumsy-looking    lump-suckers    are    thus   named    from   the 

presence  of  an  adhesive  disc  on  the  under  surface  of  the  body 
formed  by  the  coalesced  and  aborted  pelvic  fins.  A  well-known  representative  of 
the  group  is  the  common  lump-fish  (Cyclopterus  lumpus),  met  with  abundantly  in 
the  colder  latitudes  of  the  Northern  Hemisphere,  in  which  the  males  are  generally 
red,  the  females  blue,  and  the  young  green  or  yellow  on  the  under  surface. 

The  blennies,  on  the  other  hand,  constitute  a  family  (Blenniidce) 

by  themselves,  comprising  about  two  hundred  species  distributed  over 
the  temperate  and  tropical  seas,  although  some  inhabit  estuaries  and  fresh  waters. 
The  typical  species  is  the  viviparous  blenny  (Zoarces  viviparus)  of  the  eastern  North 
Atlantic,  which  attains  a  length  of  2  feet  or  more,  and  brings  forth  as  many  as 
two  hundred  young  at  a  time.  When  born,  these  are  more  than  an  inch  long,  and  able 
to  take  care  of  themselves.  Belonging  to  the  same  family,  but  very  different  in 
appearance,  is  the  eel-like  butter-fish  (Centronotus  gunnellus),  which  derives  its 
name  from  the  slime  on  the  body. 

Another  and  much  more  ferocious  representative,  common  to  the  temperate 
coasts  of  northern  Europe  and  North  America,  is  the  ugly  wolf-fish  (Anarrkichas 
lujms),  which  grows  to  6  feet  or  more  in  length,  and  possesses  a  formidable  set  of 
crushing  teeth.  Although  these  fishes  are  capable  of  defending  themselves  with 
ferocity,  and  will  attack  even  human  beings,  they  appear  to  have  received  their 


specific  title  from  an  idea  that  they  are  as  destructive  to  other  members  of  their  own 
tribe  as  sharks.  As  a  matter  of  fact,  their  food  consists  almost  entirely  of  shelled 
molluscs,  crabs,  and  sea-urchins,  for  seizing  and  crushing  which  their  armature  of 
teeth  is  adapted.  The  misnomer  is  not  restricted  to  the  name  wolf-fish  and  its 
Latin  equivalent,  for  the  name  Anarrhichas,  bestowed  in  1560,  refers  to  a  notion 
that  the  wolf -fish  is  in  the  habit  of  climbing  out  of  the  water  on  to  the  rocks. 
Wolf-fish  is  not  the  only  name  for  the  species,  for,  in  common  with  many  other  kinds, 
it  is  known  as  "  cat-fish,"  or  its  Scandinavian  equivalent  Halfkatten,  while  in  the 
Orkneys  it  is  termed  "  swine-fish,"  on  account  of  a  pig-like  movement  of  the  nostrils. 
Wolf-fishes,  of  which  there  are  several  species  in  the  colder  seas  of  the  northern 
hemisphere,  live  in  deep  water,  where  there  is  a  complete  absence  of  light,  and  only 
enter  the  shallows  during  the  spawning  season,  when  they  remain  quiescent  during 
the  day  and  are  active  only  at  night.  The  voracity  of  these  fishes  is  exemplified 
by  the  fact  that  at  least  five  quarts  of  sea-urchins  were  taken  from  the  stomach  of 
an  American  specimen ;  while  in  that  of  a  second  was  found  an  equal  quantity  of 
sea-urchins  and  whelks,  the  shells  of  many  of  the  latter  being  merely  cracked. 
In  other  instances  the  contents  of  the  stomach  have  included  scallops,  crabs, 
hermit-crabs,  and  brittle-stars,  so  that  the  nature  of  the  food  seems  to  depend  on 
local  conditions.  A  remarkable  habit,  apparently  connected  with  feeding,  was 
recorded  in  1886  in  connection  with  the  Alaskan  wolf-fish  (A.  lepturus).  Attention 
was  directed  to  a  mass  of  turf  floating  in  the  sea  and  undergoing  strange  move- 
ments. A  native  stated  that  these  movements  were  due  to  a  wolf-fish,  and  when 
a  canoe  was  brought  close  to  the  sods  this  was  found  to  be  true,  the  fish  being  seen 
tearing  at  the  grass,  and  not  desisting  till  driven  off  with  a  paddle.  So  well  is  this 
habit  known  to  the  natives  that  they  are  accustomed  to  catch  wolf-fish  by  means 
of  hooks  baited  with  grass  roots.  Such  attacks  on  floating  masses  of  vegetable 
matter  are  for  the  purpose  of  obtaining  crabs  and  molluscs  that  may  be  lurking 
in  these  sods  rather  than  for  the  sake  of  eating  the  grass. 

To   another  group  belong  the  well-known   sticklebacks,  all  of 
Sticklebacks.  .        .         ,  &  . 

which   can  exist   in   the  ocean,  although  the  majority  prefer  fresh 

water.  The  exception  is  the  fifteen-spined  species  (Gasterosteus  spinachia),  which 
never  leaves  salt  or  brackish  water.  This  species  is  restricted  to  European  seas, 
where  it  ranges  northwards  from  the  Bay  of  Biscay.  Indeed  the  whole  group  is 
either  arctic  or  temperate  in  distribution.  Sticklebacks,  as  mentioned  in  an  earlier 
chapter,  build  nests,  which  are  guarded  by  the  males. 

A  most  important  group  is  the  cod  tribe  (Gadidce),  in  which  the 
soft,  dorsal  fins  (varying  in  number  from  one  to  three)  extend  along 
the  greater  part  of  the  back,  and  the  pelvic  pair,  which  are  situated  far  forwards, 
may  include  several  rays  or  be  reduced  to  mere  filaments. 

The  common  cod  (Gadus  morrhua),  though  varying  much  in  colour  and  size, 
may  always  be  distinguished  by  the  white  lateral  line.  Like  all  the  other  species 
of  its  genus,  it  has  three  dorsal  and  two  anal  fins.  Next  in  importance  as  a  food- 
fish  is  the  haddock  (G.  ceglefinus),  characterised  by  the  lateral  line  being  black. 
Both  kinds  inhabit  the  North  Atlantic  above  the  fortieth  degree  of  latitude.  The 
whiting  (G.  merlangus)  differs  from  both  the  preceding  by  the  absence  of  barbels, 
and    is   also   lighter   in    colour    than    the   cod,  with    the   under-parts    white    and 


a  black  spot  at  the  base  of  each-  pectoral  fin.  Of  inferior  quality  is  the  coal-fish 
(G.  virens),  so  named  on  account  of  the  blackness  of  the  upper-parts.  In  this  fish, 
which  has  more  than  fifty  English  popular  names,  the  lower  jaw  projects  beyond 
the  upper,  thus  affording  an  easy  means  of  distinction  from  the  three  preceding 
species.  It  is  further  characterised  by  carrying  a  small  barbel,  and  by  the 
straightness  of  the  lateral  line,  which  is  white.  In  habitat  it  is  a  North  Atlantic 
species,  occurring  commonly  as  far  north  as  latitude  80°,  but  only  singly  in  the 
Mediterranean  and  Baltic.  In  America  this  fish  is  miscalled  the  pollack,  although 
the  fish  (G.  pollachius)  properly  entitled  to  that  name  is  confined  to  the  west  coast 
of  Europe,  and  is  a  much  handsomer  species,  showing  golden  and  silvery  tints  on 
the  sides. 

The  other  members  of  the  group,  all  characterised  by  the  presence  of  one 
anal  and  two  dorsal  fins,  include  the  hakes,  among  which  the  European  Merluccius 
vulgaris  is  a  small-scaled  fish  of  elongated  form  with  large,  pointed  teeth  and  no 
barbels.  In  colour  it  is  brownish  grey  speckled  with  black  above  and  silvery 
white  beneath.  From  this  species  the  ling  (Molva  vulgaris)  differs  by  possessing 
a  barbel,  while  the  lower  teeth  are  alone  large,  and  the  median  fins  bordered 
with  white.  Another  genus  of  the  group  with  a  much  more  extensive  distribu- 
tional area  is  the  one  which  includes  the  rocklings  (Motella).  In  these  fish  both 
dorsal  and  anal  fins  are  single,  the  front  portion  of  the  former  being  reduced  to  a 
mere  fringe  with  the  first  ray  long  and  spiny.  In  the  allied  genus  Raniceps,  on 
the  other  hand,  the  dorsal  fin  is  double,  although  the  first  is  rudimentary  and 
includes  but  three  rays.  In  British  seas  this  group  is  represented  by  the  lesser 
hake  (R.  raninus).  Another  British  cod,  the  torsk  (Brosmius  brosine),  which 
possesses  but  one  dorsal  fin  extending  along  the  greater  part  of  the  back,  is  a  deep- 
water  fish,  ranging  southwards  from  the  Arctic  seas,  and  frequently  found  in 
company  with  ling,  both  being  well-known  food-fishes  in  the  north  of  Europe. 
In  these  fishes  the  anal  fin  commences  near  the  throat,  but  in  the  allied  sand-eels 
it  is  placed  much  farther  back. 

Of  the  not  very  numerous  species,  the  larger  sand-eel  (Am- 
modytes  lanceolatus)  occurs  commonly  on  the  eastern  coasts  of  the 
North  Atlantic,  and  in  the  Baltic,  as  well  as  in  the  Mediterranean,  where  it  burrows 
in  the  sand,  and  subsists  on  worms  and  other  invertebrates.  Owing  to  its  silvery 
skin,  it  is  much  used  as  bait  by  fishermen.  The  lesser  sand-eel  (A.  tobianus), 
which  has  similar  habits  and  much  the  same  distribution,  is  distinguished  by  the 
fins  being  curved  in  outline  instead  of  straight. 

__.  The   great  salmon  family  includes  both  marine  and  fresh- water 

Salmon  Tribe.  °  J  . 

forms,  and  although  some  are  restricted  to  the  deep  sea,  those  most 
familiarly  known  are  either  in  the  habit  of  ascending  rivers  to  spawn,  or  spend 
the  whole  of  their  time  in  the  latter.  The  carps,  being  exclusively  fresh-water,  need 
no  mention  here. 

„     .     __,  The  herrings,  on  the  other  hand,  are  as  characteristically  marine 

Herring  Tribe.  °  J 

fishes,  but  are  seldom  found  far  from  shore,  although  they  range 
throughout  the  temperate  and  tropical  zones.  The  first  group  includes  the 
numerous  kinds  of  anchovy,  among  which  the  common  Engraulis  encrasicholus  is 
confined  to  the  European  side  of  the  North  Atlantic,  ranging  from  Norway  to  the 



Mediterranean,  where  it  is  most  abundant.  Of  true  herrings  there  are  over  sixty 
species,  the  most  important  being  the  common  Clupea  harengus,  which  occurs  in 
the  North  Pacific  as  well  as  in  the  North  Atlantic,  and  contributes  so  largely  to  the 
food-supply  of  Britain  and  other  European  countries.  From  its  larger  relative,  the 
common  sprat  (C.  sprattus)  differs  by  having  the  dorsal  tin  nearer  the  tail,  that  of 
the  herring  commencing  half-way  between  the  muzzle  and  the  base  of  the  tail.  It 
is  also  distinguishable  by  the  sharp  spines  on  the  keeled  abdomen.  Sprats  are 
generally  said  to  be  confined  to  the  North  Atlantic,  but  an  apparently  similar  fish 
is  also  met  with  off  the  coasts  of  Tasmania.  The  fry  of  sprats,  together  with  those 
of  the  herring,  constitute  "  whitebait."  In  that  very  distinct  fish  the  pilchard 
(C.  pilchardus)  the  dorsal  fin  is  nearer  the  head  than  the  tail ;  while,  in  common 


with  the  other  members  of  the  genus,  the  upper  jaw  does  not,  as  in  the 
anchovy,  project  beyond  the  lower.  In  the  immature  condition  these  fish  are 
known  as  sardines.  Pilchards  inhabit  the  North  Atlantic,  the  Mediterranean, 
and  the  North  Sea,  but  do  not  enter  the  Baltic  or  range  across  to  America. 
In  the  British  Isles  they  are  most  abundant  off  the  Cornish  coast.  Of  the 
two  other  important  European  species  of  Clupea,  the  shads,  the  twait-shad 
(C.  Jlnta),  ascends  the  Nile. 

Eels  are  represented  in  almost  every  temperate  and  tropical  sea 
and  river,  where  the  numerous  species  are  not  confined  to  any 
particular  depth,  some  thriving  in  the  shallowest  water,  while  others  live  in  the 
open  ocean  hundreds  of  miles  from  land.  Conger  eels  (Conger)  live  permanently 
in  the  sea,  but  true    eels  (Align  11  In)    descend    from    fresh   water   to    the    ocean, 




whence  they  never  return.  The  fry  are  transparent  creatures  known  as 
Leptocephali.  Apparently  the  breeding-resort  of  the  eels  of  northern  Europe 
is  in  deep  water  outside  the  500-fathom  line  to  the  south-west  of  Ireland,  where 
their  Leptocephali  have  been  taken  in  abundance.  It  by  no  means  follows  that 
all  north  European  eels  which  reach  the  sea  arrive  at  the  breeding-area,  and 
possibly  Finnish  eels  never  breed  at  all.  If  this  be  so,  it  is  practically  certain 
that  young  eels,  or  elvers — unlike  young  salmon — do  not  return  to  the  rivers 
from  which  their  parents  started ;  this  being  improbable,  seeing  that  eels  are 
hatched  in  the  sea. 

Naturalists  are  still  in  ignorance  with  regard  to  the  age  of   the   youngest 
Leptocephalus   larva   at   present   known,  namely,   specimens   of    about  7   cm.   in 


length,  it  being  uncertain  whether  these  are  six  or  eighteen  months  old.  Of 
younger  larvae  and  the  eggs  nothing  is  known,  and  we  are  also  ignorant  as  to  the 
interval  which  elapses  between  the  arrival  of  eels  in  the  sea  and  their  spawning. 
Neither  is  it  known  what  becomes  of  eels  subsequent  to  spawning ;  possibly 
they  die  soon  after  this  event,  although  they  may  live  for  a  considerable  period. 
All  that  is  definitely  known  is  that  after  having  once  entered  the  sea  they  never 
return  to  fresh  water. 

In  Sweden,  as  the  result  of  recent  investigations  it  has  been  found  that  the  great 
majority  of  the  five-year-old  eels  collect  at  the  mouths  of  the  rivers  discharging 
into  the  Gottland  and  Botten  lakes,  where  they  remain  in  a  barren  condition  from 
five  to  seven  years,  after  which  they  make  their  way,  as  ten-  to  twelve-year-old 
fishes,  by  the  Kattegat,  the  Skagerak,  and  the  North  Sea  to  the  Atlantic  for  the 
purpose  of  spawning. 




All  the  foregoing  groups  are  included  in  the  class  of  bony  fishes. 

That  strange  fish  the  sea-cat,  or  chimsera  (Chimcera  monstrosa), 
represents,  on  the  other  hand,  a  totally  distinct  section — the  Holocephali.  This 
fish,  which  ranges  throughout  the  Atlantic  and  North  Pacific,  bears  on  its  head 
the  curious  crown-like  structure  from  which  it  derives  its  popular  title  of  "  king 
of  the  herrings." 

A  third,  and  at  the  present  day  far  more  important,  section  of 

the  class — the  Elasmobranchii — includes  the  predaceous  sharks  and 
rays.  Although  sharks  are  most  numerous  within  the  tropics,  many  of  them  range 
into  temperate  seas.     Among  those  which  occasionally  put  in  an  appearance  in 



British  waters,  the  most  striking  is  the  great  blue  shark  (Carcharias  glaucus), 
which  reaches  a  length  of  25  feet  and  is  found  in  both  the  Atlantic  and  the  Pacific. 
The  tope  (Galeus  vulgaris),  which  belongs  to  the  same  family  and  has  nearly  the 
same  distribution,  is  much  smaller,  rarely  exceeding  a  length  of  7  feet.  The  strange- 
looking  hammer-head  (Zygoma  malleus)  is  a  cosmopolitan  species,  whose  chief 
peculiarity  is  sufficiently  indicated  by  its  name.  Of  more  normal  form  is  the 
smooth  hound  (Mustdus  vulgaris),  which  measures  from  3  to  6  feet  in  length,  and 
differs  from  the  tope  by  having  the  second  dorsal  fin  much  smaller  than  the  first. 
It  is  less  common  in  British  waters  than  its  cousin  the  tope. 

The  largest  shark  of  the  North  Atlantic  is  the  basking  species  (Cetorhinus 
maximus),  a  fish  with  a  huge  mouth  but  very  small  teeth.  This  shark  is  quite 
harmless  to  the  larger  denizens  of  the  sea,  except  when  attacked,  and  subsists  on 



invertebrates  or  fishes.  It  is  much  hunted  for  the  sake  of  its  oil,  of  which  a 
specimen  314  feet  in  length  yielded  no  less  than  198  gallons.  A  commoner  species, 
the  rough  hound  (Scy  Ilium  canicula),  which  sometimes  reaches  just  over 
40  inches  in  length,  but  is  generally  smaller,  preys  upon  small  fishes  and  marine 
worms,  digging  for  the  latter  in  the  sand.  Its  range  extends  from  the  Mediterranean 
all  round  the  coasts  of  Europe.  In  colour  this  shark  is  reddish  blotched  with  brown. 
Its  relative  the  nurse-hound  (»S'.  catidus)  does  not  range  so  far  north,  but  attains 
larger  dimensions,  being  known  to  reach  a  length  of  4  feet.  It  may  be  distinguished 
by  the  circumstance  that  the  oval  fin  terminates  below  the  second  dorsal  instead 
of  between  the  two  dorsals. 

The  electric  rays  are  so  called  on  account  of  the  presence  of  an 
electric  organ  between  the  head  and  the  pectoral  fin.  Of  the  half- 
dozen  members  of  the  group  (all  of  which  can  give  a  powerful  shock)  the  common 
torpedo  {Torpedo  nobiliana)  reaches  about  4  feet  in  length,  and  inhabits  the 
Mediterranean  and  the  Atlantic  as  far  south  as  Madeira.     More  familiarly  known 



are  the  true  rays,  or  skates,  among  which  the  common  skate  (Raia  bat  is)  is  largely 
used  as  a  food-fish  on  the  European  coast  of  the  Atlantic.  This  species  also  ranges 
into  the  Mediterranean,  the  North  Sea,  and  the  Baltic. 

Another  well-known  representative  of  the  group  is  the  thornback  skate 
(R.  clavata),  the  skin  of  which  is  protected  by  spines  and  tubercles,  irregularly 
dotted  all  over  the  back.  Even  more  formidable  is  the  sting-ray  (Trygon  pastinaca), 
whose  body  is  pear-shaped,  while  the  long  tail,  in  lieu  of  fins,  is  armed  with  a 
serrated  spine  capable  of  inflicting  a  dangerous  wound.  This  species  is  found  in 
both  the  North  Atlantic  and  North  Pacific,  where  it  is  most  abundant  in  the 
warmer  zones.  Of  the  whip-rays,  so  called  from  their  whip-like  tails,  the  most 
notable  are  the  ox-ray  (Dicerobatis  giorncv)  of  the  Mediterranean,  and  the  devil- 
fish (D.  diabolus)  of  the  West  Indies,  the  latter  attaining  a  length  of  10  feet, 
with  a  diameter  of  18  feet. 
Lampreys  and  Following  after  the  true  fishes  come  the  lampreys  and  hag-fishes, 

Hag-Fishes,     which  are  included  by  naturalists  in  a  class  by  themselves.     Both 
prey  on  fishes,  but  whereas  lampreys  attach  themselves  to  the  outside,  hag-fishes 


bore  deeply  into  the  tissues  of  their  victims.  The  sea-lamprey  (Petromyzon 
marinus),  like  the  rest  of  its  kind,  is  a  native  of  the  North  Atlantic,  but  the  other 
generic  groups  are  restricted  to  the  Southern  Hemisphere.  Hag-fishes  have  the 
same  distribution  as  the  cod  family,  in  the  bodies  of  whose  members  they  so  fre- 
quently take  up  their  abode.  The  European  Myxine  glutinosa  is  confined  to  the 
North  Atlantic,  where  it  is  most  common  in  the  fiords  of  the  Norwegian  coast. 

The   tiny,  transparent   fish-like  creatures  commonly  known  as 

Li.\IlC6l6tS.  Till  i* 

lancelets  belong  to  a  group  standing  on  the  borderland  between 
vertebrates  and  invertebrates.  In  the  common  \a,nce\et(Branchiostoma  lanceolatum), 
which  is  between  2  and  3  inches  in  length,  the  body  is  laterally  compressed  and 
pointed  at  the  two  ends.  There  are  no  paired  fins,  but  the  back  carries  a  long 
dorsal,  supported  at  the  ends  by  gelatinous  rays,  and  there  is  also  a  tail-fin ;  the 
lower  part  is  similarly  strengthened.  Lancelets  often  bury  themselves  in  sand, 
but  also  swim  in  long  chains  composed  of  numerous  individuals  united  together  by 
their  heads  and  tails. 


____ — '  '----' 




Lower  Forms  of  Marine  Life 

Of  the  many  forms    of   invertebrate    life    inhabiting   the  northern 
seas,  none  are  more  noteworthy  than  the  curious  sea-spiders,  some  of 

which  live    in   the   ocean-depths, 

while    others    are    found    within 

the  tide-range,  where  they  move 

about  slowly,  creeping  or  climb- 
ing over  plants  and   stones.     Of 

the  latter  section  of  the  group  a 

not  uncommon  representative  is 

the  slender  sea-spider  {NympJton 


Crabs,  Lobsters,  The   crabs,  lob- 

Sbrimps.etc.    sters,   shrimps,    and 

their      allies,      constituting      the 

Crustacea,    abound    in    all    seas. 





Among  the  short-tailed  group,  the  common  edible  crab  {Cancer  pagurus)  is  to 
be  met  with  in  large  numbers  at  low  water  on  the  coasts  of  Europe,  while  still 
more  abundant  is  the  familiar  shore-crab  {Carcinus  mamas),  which  is  eaten  in 
Italy  and  elsewhere.  The  thornback  crab  (Maia  squinado)  is  easily  recognisable 
by  the  peculiar  form  of  the  shell,  which  is  broad  behind  and  narrow  in  front, 
where  it  terminates  in  a  spine  between  the  eyes.  This  crab  is  common  in  European 
seas,  especially  the  Mediterranean.  In  this  species  the  upper  surface  is  thickly 
overgrown   with   seaweeds,   but   that   of   the   woolly  crab   (Dromia  vulgaris)  is 

3  '^A^^ur^h^-^. 


generally  covered  with  sponges,  which  are  held  in  position  by  the  hind-legs,  and 
carried  about  as  a  means  of  concealment.  Of  the  long-tailed  group,  the  hermit- 
crabs  form  a  remarkable  section  distinguished  by  the  soft-skinned  abdomen, 
which  is  protected  within  the  empty  shell  of  some  univalve  mollusc.  One  species, 
Prideaux's  hermit-crab  (Eupagurus  prideauxi),  sometimes  met  with  in  European 
seas,  almost  without  exception  carries  on  the  annexed  shell  a  sea-anemone 
(Adamsia  palliata).  How  the  crab  selects  the  particular  kind  of  anemone,  or  the 
anemone  the  particular  kind  of  crab,  is  quite  unknown. 

The  crayfish,  as  exemplified  by  the  common  Palinurus  vulgaris,  are  specially 


characterised  by  the  length  and  stoutness  of  the  feelers  or  antennae,  and  the  small 
size  of  the  claws.  In  the  lobsters,  on  the  other  hand,  of  which  Adacua  gammarus 
is  the  familiar  representative,  the  antennae  are  shorter  and  more  slender,  and  the 
claws  of  the  first  pair  of  limbs  are  much  larger  and  more  powerful.  The  Norwegian 
lobster  {Nephrops  norvegicus)  has  the  large  claws  longer,  more  slender,  and 
covered  with  tubercles.  Prawns  (Pakemon)  differ  from  lobsters  in  having  the  first 
pair  of  limbs  no  larger  than  the  three  hinder  pairs,  while  it  is  the  second  pair 
which  is  the  largest,  although,  like  the  latter,  the  first  pair  is  armed  with  pincers. 
In  the  brown  shrimps  of  the  genus  Crangon  the  last  joint  of  the  first  pair  of  limbs 
is  capable  of  being  folded  back  on  the  next  joint,  and  there  is  no  long  spine  on 
the  head  extending  beyond  the  middle  pair  of  antennae. 

To  another  group  of  crustaceans  belong  the  mantis-shrimps,  so  called  on 
account  of  the  resemblance  of  their  enlarged  pair  of  limbs  to  those  of  the  mantises 
or  praying-insects.  The  common  Sqtt,illa  mantis  of  the  Mediterranean,  occasionally 
met  with  in  British  waters,  measures  about  7  inches,  and  in  some  countries  is  used 



as  food.  As  a  well-known  representative  of  another  group,  the  rattle-spider 
(Idotea  tricuspidata),  the  sheep-worm  of  the  Baltic  fishermen,  may  be  briefly 
mentioned.  This  species  is  specially  remarkable  on  account  of  the  variability  of 
its  markings,  and  the  changes  of  colour  it  exhibits  within  extremely  restricted 
areas.  Sometimes  it  is  pale  yellow,  and  at  others  pale  brown,  green,  or  red,  while 
in  other  cases  it  is  spotted  or  striped  longitudinally  or  transversely.  Those  individuals 
which  live  near  together,  are,  however,  invariably  alike,  and  in  colour  and  markings 
are  perfectly  adapted  to  their  environment.  On  green  seaweeds  they  are  green, 
while  if  the  seaweeds  are  brown  or  red  the  rattle-spiders  are  coloured  to  match, 
as  they  also  are  when  living  upon  decaying  vegetable  matter. 

Omitting  mention  of  the  smaller  forms  of  crustaceans,  a  short  space 

BcirTici  cIgs 

may  be  devoted  to  barnacles,  which  in  the  adult  state  are  so  unlike 
ordinary  crustaceans  that  few  persons  will  believe  that  they  belong  to  the  same 
class.  When,  however,  the  valves  are  open,  the  delicate  organs  from  which  they 
derive  their  name  of  cirrhipeds  will  be  seen  to  correspond  to  the  limbs  of  crustaceans, 
and  in  the  young  state  they  are  free-swimming.  They  attach  themselves  head 
downwards  to  rocks,  piles,  ships'  bottoms,  seaweeds,  or  the   shells  or   bodies  of 


animals ;  some  affixing  themselves  to  mussels,  others  to  corals  or  crabs,  and  a  few 
to  the  bodies  of  whales.  Of  the  commoner  kinds,  the  stalked  barnacle  (Lepas 
anatifera),  which  has  the  body  compressed  laterally,  is  furnished  with  a  long 
naked  stalk,  upon  the  extremity  of  which  are  carried  the  several  shelly  valves. 

Acorn-barnacles  (Balanus),  which  live  within  tide-range,  have  no  stalk  to 
the  shell  but  resemble  the  stalked  forms  in  general  structure,  although  the  base  of 
the  shell  is  welded  into  a  solid  cone  resembling  a  miniature  volcano,  at  the  summit 
of  which  are  the  movable  valves.  These  barnacles  affix  themselves  to  rocks,  piles, 
snells,  or  seaweed,  but  never  to  coral-reefs.  They  are  widely  distributed,  their 
range  extending  from  latitude  74°  18'  N.  to  Cape  Horn,  although  they  are 
rather  more  abundant  in  temperate  waters  than  elsewhere.  Such  of  the  allied 
forms  as  attach  themselves  to  floating  objects  are  frequently  modified  to  suit  the 
special  conditions ;  the  whale-barnacles  of  the  genus  Coronula  having,  for 
example,  flattened  crown-shaped  shells. 

Cuttles  and  No  group  of  animals  is  more  abundantly  represented  in  the  ocean 

Squids.  than  that  of  the  shell-fish,  or  molluscs,  and  in  none  is  the  distribution 
more  dependent  on  depth  and  temperature,  wThile  in  none  are  different  regional 
marine  faunas  more  clearly  differentiated.  Of  the  four  main  divisions,  the  one 
which  includes  the  cuttles  and  squids  is  exclusively  marine.  One  of  the  most 
familiar  in  this  group  is  the  octopus  or  kraken  (Polypus  vulgaris),  of  the 
Mediterranean  and  west  European  seas,  wThere  it  lurks  in  rocky  clefts  or  other 
hiding-places,  and  feeds  voraciously  and  indiscriminately  on  all  kinds  of  animal 
substances.  To  the  same  section  belongs  the  paper-nautilus,  the  females  of  which 
exhibit  the  peculiarity  of  secreting  the  well-known  delicate  shell  as  a  protection 
for  their  eggs,  this  shell  being  unattached  to  the  body  and  capable  of  being  dis- 
carded. Of  the  four  kinds  of  paper-nautilus,  which  are  found  in  all  the  warmer 
seas,  the  common  Argonauta  argo  is  Mediterranean,  while  A.  tuberculata,  distin- 
guished by  the  knotted  ribs  and  tubercles  on  the  shell,  inhabits  the  Indian  Ocean. 

In  a  second  section  of  the  group,  distinguished  by  the  presence  of  ten,  in  place 
of  eight,  tentacles  around  the  mouth  and  the  horny  nature  of  the  internal  skeleton, 
or  pen,  mention  may  first  be  made  of  the  genus  Ommastrephes,  in  which  the  body 
is  cylindrical  and  pointed  behind,  and  furnished  with  two  terminal  fins.  These 
short-armed  gregarious  cuttles,  which  swim  very  fast  and  follow  shoals  of  young 
mackerel,  form  the  principal  food  of  several  kinds  of  dolphins.  One  of  the  most 
abundant  species  (0.  sagittatus)  inhabits  the  Mediterranean  and  Atlantic,  and  is 
largely  used  as  bait  in  Newfoundland,  where  it  is  occasionally  eaten  as  food. 

The  giant  cuttles  (Architeuthis),  which  belong  to  the  same  family,  attain  a 
length  of  from  40  to  50  feet,  and  are  occasionally  met  with  on  the  coasts  of  Ireland, 
Japan,  New  Zealand,  and  Newfoundland.  The  calamaries  are  also  long  in  shape, 
but  the  pen,  instead  of  being  narrow  with  a  hollow  cone  at  the  hind-end,  is 
broadly  lanceolated  and  pointed  in  front,  with  the  shaft  keeled  on  the  lower  side. 
These  calamaries  are  cosmopolitan  in  distribution,  the  best  known  being  perhaps 
the  common  squid  (Loligo  vulgaris),  so  abundant  in  the  Mediterranean  and  Atlantic. 
In  these  squids  the  pen  is  as  long  as  the  body,  whereas  in  the  allied  Sepiola  it  is 
but  half  this  length  and  proportionately  narrower.  In  the  Mediterranean  and 
Atlantic  the  latter  group  is  represented  by  Rondelet's  calamary  (Sepiola  rondeleti). 



Belonging  to  the  same  family  (Sepiolidw)  is  another  British  genus,  Rossia,  which 
differs  in  having  the  dorsal  surface  of  the  investing  "  mantle  "  strengthened  by  a 
ridge  instead  of  being  united  with  the  head  by  a  band. 

In  the  true  cuttles  of  the  family  Sepiidcv  the  pen  is  replaced  by  the  so-called 
"  cuttle-bone,"  which  has  a  thin  horny  margin,  is  oval  in  shape,  thick  in  front 
with  the  hind-end  hollow  and  furnished  with  a  spine.  The  common  cuttle  (Sepia 
officinalis)  of  European  seas  is  notable  on  account  of  the  unusual  beauty  of  its 



coloration,  the  back  being  generally  brownish  spotted  with  white,  while  the  under- 
pays are  paler  and  the  sides  violet,  with  the  arms  or  tentacles  greenish. 

In  the  northern  seas,  as  elsewhere,  the  gastropods  or  univalves 
are  more  numerously  represented  than  any  other  class  of  the  Mollusca, 
but  a  mere  list  of  their  genera  would  occupy  so  many  pages  that  we  must  restrict 
our  remarks  to  a  few  of  the  more  familiar  or  those  of  interest  from  our  special 
point  of  view.  The  common  whelk  (Buccinum  undatum),  for  instance,  ranges 
from  the  coast  of  Norway  to  the  east  coast  of  the  United  States  north  of  Cape  Cod 
Bay.  The  family  (Buccinidai)  is  widely  dispersed  in  the  northern  and  Antarctic 
seas,  and  one  representative,  Euthria  cornea,  affords  a  striking  instance  of  discon- 



tinuous  distribution,  being  found  in  the  Mediterranean  and  on  the  coast  of  New 

The  red  whelk  or  buckie  (Fusus  antiquus),  the  largest  of  the  British  univalves, 
ranges  through  the  North  Atlantic,  North  Pacific,  and  Arctic  Oceans,  the  family 
(Fasciolariidai)  occurring  in  every  sea.  Another  common  British  gastropod,  the 
dog-whelk  (Nassa  reticulata),  resembles  the  last  in  belonging  to  a  widely  spread 
genus  ranging  from  the  Arctic  to  the  Antarctic  in  both  hemispheres.  In  the  same 
group  are  included  the  murices  (Maricidai),  of  which  the  wide-mouthed  Purpura 
patula  is  a  well-known  Mediterranean  representative ;  in  this  the  ovate,  blackish 
brown  diagonally  furrowed  shell  is  about  3  inches  long.  From  its  name  it  might  be 
supposed  that  the  famous  Tyrian  purple  was  a  product  of  this  species,  but  this  is 
not  the  case,  the  dye  being  yielded  by  two  species  of  the  typical  genus  Murex. 

One  of  these  is 
the  fire-horn  (M. 
brandaris),  of  the 
shells  of  which 
there  is  a  vast 
accumulation  on 
the  site  of  the 
ancient  dye-works 
atTarantoin  Italy. 
In  length  this  shell 
measures  about  Si- 
inches,  and  the 
colour  is  pale  ashy 

The  iridescent 



\     • '.-    i   .         '      "V- 


..'  ear-shells  or  or- 
mers  of  the  family 
Haliotidce  are  the 
representatives  of 
a  group  of  uni- 
valves distinguished  from  all  the  foregoing  by  the  structure  of  the  heart.  Ear- 
shells,  which  take  their  name  from  their  enormous  apertures,  are  iridescent 
only  on  the  inside,  the  outer  side  being  rough  so  as  to  harmonise  with  the 
rocks  to  which  they  cling  after  the  manner  of  limpets,  from  which  they  may 
be  distinguished  by  their  form  and  the  row  of  perforations  in  the  shell.  The 
common  ormer  (Haliotis  tuberculoid),  of  the  Channel  Islands  and  the  Mediter- 
ranean, is  offered  for  sale  in  the  Italian  fish-markets.  Equally  edible,  but  far 
larger,  is  the  giant  ear-shell  (H.  tub  if  era)  of  the  eastern  Asiatic  and  Australian 
coasts,  the  wrinkled  shell  of  which  is  6  inches  or  more  in  diameter  and  of  a  reddish 
colour  externally.  Even  more  widely  distributed  are  the  limpets  (Patellida),  which 
are  found  on  the  coasts  of  northern  Europe,  where  ormers  are  unknown.  The  simple 
unperforated  conical  form  of  the  limpet-shell  is  sufficient  to  distinguish  the  group, 
the  members  of  which  live  between  tide-marks  and  have  one  particular  spot  to  which 
they  return  daily  after  their  wanderings  in  search  of  food. 


Quite  different  from  all  other  gastropods  are  the  chitons  (Chitonidce),  which 
have  the  habits  of  limpets,  but  in  external  appearance  look  more  like  huge  wood- 
lice,  the  shell  consisting  of  a  number  of  movable  transverse  plates,  and  the 
animal  having  the  power  of  rolling  itself  up  into  a  ball.  Ranging  in  size  from  half 
an -inch  to  6  inches,  they  arc  found  in  all  seas,  generally  near  the  shore  but 
sometimes  at  great  depths.  They  are  never  very  abundant,  although  there  are  no 
less  than  eleven  species  on  the  British  coasts,  the  largest  of  these  being  Chiton 
discrepans,  in  which  the  length  of  the  shell  is  about  1^  inches. 

An  important  group  of  gastropods  characterised  by  the  backward  position  of 
the  gills  have  the  shell  either  wanting  or  more  or  less  completely  enveloped  in  the 
body.  Among  the  latter  section  of  the  group  are  the  so-called  bubble-shells,  typified 
by  Bulla  ampulla  of  the  Atlantic  and  Indian  Oceans.  In  this  species  the  shell  is 
smoothand  globose, marked  with  brown  specklings  upon  ayellowish  ground.  Another 
type  is  presented  by  the  globe-shell  ( Acera  bullata)  of  European  seas,  which  swims 
by  means  of  the  side-lobes  which  envelop  the  rounded  shell.  A  second  section,  in 
which  the  shell  is  small  or  occasionally  absent,  includes  the  miscalled  sea-hare 
(Aplysia  depilans)  of  the  Mediterranean,  in  which  the  shell  is  arched  and  flat  and 
measures  no  more  than  a  couple  of  inches,  although  the  length  of  the  entire  animal 
is  9  or  10  inches.  The  naked-gilled  gastropods,  which  include  some  seventeen  families, 
have  no  shells  in  the  adult  state  and  differ  in  many  other  respects  from  the  fore- 
going. One  of  the  most  striking  forms  is  Dendronotus  arborescens,  of  the  seas  of 
northern  Europe,  which  is  covered  with  such  a  mass  of  tentacles  as  to  resemble  a 
moving  bunch  of  seaweed,  this  structure  being  intended  for  its  protection. 

Among  the  pelagic  molluscan  fauna  of  the  sea — that  is  to  say  the 
Pteropods.       «'  .         .  . 

free-swimming  forms  found  on  its  surface — none  are  more  important 

than  the  pteropods,  so  called  from  the  pair  of  fin-like  structures  into  which  the 

lateral  portions  of  the  foot  have  been  modified.     By  their  aid  these  small  molluscs, 

which  often  occur  in  countless  millions,  rise  at  the  approach  of  night  from  the  ocean 

depths  to  the  surface,  where  they  swim  about  for  several  hours  in  search  of  food. 

When  satisfied  they  again  sink  to  the  depths,  contracting  their  fins  and  withdrawing 

the  body  into  the  shell  or  mantle.     Pteropods  inhabit  every  sea,  not  even  excepting 

the    Arctic    Ocean ;    and  in   many  regions   the   ocean  floor   is   strewn  with  their 

empty  shells  for  acres.     One  of  the  northern  forms  constitutes  a  large  proportion 

of  the  food  of  the  Greenland  whale.     In  one  group  the  shell  persists  throughout  life, 

whereas  in  a  second  it  disappears  before  maturity  is  attained.     The  members  of  the 

shelled  group  subsist  on  algae   and    animalcules,  and  themselves  yield  the  chief 

food-supply  of  their  naked  relatives. 

„.    ,  Far  more  numerous,  and  therefore  of  more  importance  to  the 

Bivalves.  ^.    ■ *■ 

student  of  distribution,  are  the  bivalve  molluscs,  or  relecypoda,  among 
which  are  included  certain  modified  forms,  like  the  so-called  ship-worms,  whose 
shell,  although  starting  with  two  valves,  eventually  assumes  a  tubular  form.  These 
ship-worms  (Teredinidw)  bore  only  in  wood,  where  their  tunnels  take  all 
sorts  of  directions.  In  the  common  European  Teredo  navalis  the  pair  of  long 
siphons,  which  when  at  rest  are  included  in  the  tube,  do  not  exceed  8  inches  in 
length,  whereas  in  T.  arenaria,  of  the  Indian  Ocean,  they  may  grow  to  a  couple  of 
feet.  In  the  piddocks  or  pholases,  on  the  other  hand,  as  typified  by  the  common 
vol.  11. — 20 


European  Pholas  dactylics  (which  is  also  South  African),  the  two  valves  remain 
separate  throughout  life,  and  are  supplemented  by  additional  valves.  Piddocks 
form  vertical  tunnels  in  rocks  varying  in  hardness  from  mud  to  limestone.  The 
common  European  gaper  (Mya  arenaria)  typifies  another  group  of  boring  bivalves, 
which  dig  a  foot  or  so  deep  into  sandy  or  muddy  sea-bottoms.  The  shell,  which  is 
ovate  and  inequivalve,  gapes  at  both  ends,  and  the  siphons  are  long  and  united. 
Four  other  genera  are  included  in  the  Myidce,  but  the  common  European  rock- 
borer  (Saxicava  rugosa)  typifies  a  second  family,  whose  members  range  down  to 
a  depth  of  550  fathoms  and  bore  only  in  soft  stone.  In  the  European  species  the 
shell  does  not  exceed  1£  inches  in  length,  and  is  abruptly  truncated  at  the  hinder  end. 
Between  this  family  and  the  one  previously  mentioned  come  the  razor-shells 
(Solenidce),  which  bore  vertically  into  sand,  and  have  shells  resembling  a  scabbard, 
either  curved  or  straight,  open  at  the  two  ends,  and  united  for  a  part  of  one  side 
by  a  horny  ligament.  Ensis  siliqua  is  a  well-known  species  common  to  Europe 
and  North  America.  The  tellins  (Tellinidai)  are  distinguished  by  having  the  shell 
compressed,  with  the  valves  equal  and  the  ligament  external.  In  the  European 
Tellina  balthica  the  shell  is  pointed  at  the  hinder  end,  with  the  margin  rounded  in 
front  and  the  hinge-line  curved,  the  colour  being  reddish  or  yellowish  banded  with 
white.  Two  of  the  North  Atlantic  tellins,  T.fabula  and  T.  tenuis,  are  also  found  in 
South  African  waters.  In  the  Venus-shells  {Veneridce)  the  hinge  has  usually 
three  long  diverging  teeth,  the  ligament  is  external,  while  the  muscular  scars  in  the 
interior  are  oval  and  distinct,  and  the  impression  formed  by  the  margin  of  the 
lobes  of  mantle  is  curved.  A  well-known  form  is  the  clam  (Venus  mercenaria) 
of  the  west  shore  of  the  North  Atlantic,  whose  heart-shaped,  straw-coloured  shell 
is  spotted  internally  with  violet.  Clam-shell  discs  strung  together  were  formerly 
used  by  the  Indians  for  currency  and  other  purposes,  under  the  name  of  wampum. 

The  scallop-shells  (Pecten)  as  a  rule  swim  freely  and  strongly  by  flapping  the 
valves  of  their  shells  together.  They  have  a  more  or  less  circular  equilateral  shell, 
with  prominent  ears,  and  when  the  valves  are  not  equal  rest  on  the  bottom  with 
the  flatter  one  uppermost.  Two  of  the  common  British  species — P.  maximus,  the 
scallop,  and  P.  opercularis,  the  quin — are  edible.  The  pilgrim-shell,  P.  jacobceus, 
famous  as  having  been  worn  in  the  hats  of  the  pilgrims  to  the  Holy  Land,  resembles 
P.  maximus  generally,  but  has  the  ribs  of  the  lower  valve  angulated  instead  of 
rounded.  The  file-shells  (Lima)  form  a  closely  related  family,  in  which  the  valves 
are  equal  and  compressed  and  the  shell  is  obliquely  oval  with  the  anterior  side 
straight  and  gaping.  It  is  nearly  always  white.  Some  of  the  species  build  nests 
of  broken  shells  and  other  fragments  in  which  they  become  enclosed  and  anchor 
themselves  by  the  byssus ;  but  other  species  are  free.  The  commonest  British 
species  (L.  hians)  is  conspicuous  for  the  bright  orange  colour  of  its  mantle  lobes. 

In  the  next  family  (Spondylidai)  there  is  no  byssus,  but  the  foot  has  an  ap- 
pendage, the  shell  is  usually  spinose,  and  there  are  two  cardinal  teeth  in  each  valve. 
The  red  oyster  of  the  Mediterranean  (Spondylus  gcederopus)  is  perhaps  the  best 
known  representative  of  the  family.  The  oyster-family  also  belongs  to  this  order ; 
one  of  the  most  familiar  species  in  Europe  being  the  common  oyster  (Ostrea  edulis), 
which  is  confined  to  the  eastern  side  of  the  North  Atlantic  and  most  numerous  in 
the  North  Sea,  though  there  are  about  seventy  other  species  distributed  through- 



out  the  tropical  and  temperate  seas.  In  0.  edulis  the  sexes  are  united  in  one 
individual,  but  in  another  European  species,  0.  angulata,  as  in  the  American  oyster, 
0.  Virginia,  they  are  separate.  Two  other  Atlantic  species  of  the  American  coast, 
0.  concophila  and  0.  lurida,  are  both  edible ;  and  the  edible  species  of  the  Pacific 
are  all  different  in  widely  separated  localities. 



In  the  large  group  of  worms  or  annelids  the  members  of  the 
many-bristled  section  are  exclusively  marine.  Conspicuous  among 
these  is  the  sea-mouse  (Aphrodite  aculeata),  whose  body  is  covered  with  iridescent, 
fringe-like  bristles  glittering  like  gold.     In  this  form  the  fifteen  pairs  of  so-called 


elytra  are  hidden  beneath  a  felting  of  hairs ;  but  in  the  allied  Hermione,  which  is 
also  European,  the  felting  is  absent  and  the  elytra  are  exposed.  In  another  group 
of  bristle-bearing  annelids,  which  live  in  tubes  and  burrows,  is  included  the  lug- 
worm  (Arcnicola  marina)  so  common  on  the  flat  sandy  shores  of  Europe  between 




tide-marks.  Nearly  allied  are  the  sabellas  and  serpulas,  the  former  of  which  make 
tubes  of  sand  and  fragments  of  shell  aggregated  into  rock-like  masses,  while  the 
latter  secrete  stony  tubes,  from  the  summits  of  which  are  protruded  clusters  of 
graceful  tentacles.  One  of  the  most  beautiful  is  Spallanzani's  tube-worm  {Spiro- 
graphis  spallanzanii),  of  the  Channel  Islands  and  the  Mediterranean,  which  has 
an  upright  spiral   tube  and   unsymmetrical   white,  violet,  or  brown  gill-plumes. 

Another  is  the  common  tube-worm 
(Serjnda  vermicularis)  so  abundant 
on  oyster,  scallop,  and  other  shells. 
A  third  type,  which  lives  on  sea- 
weed as  well  as  on  shells,  is  Spiror- 
bis,  in  which  the  tube  is  coiled  into 
a  flat  spiral  one-eighth  of  an  inch  or 
less  in  diameter. 

Grouped  in  an- 
other sub-kingdom,  the 
Echinodermata,  are  the  starfishes, 
sea-urchins  and  their  allies.  The 
starfishes  of  the  present  day,  of 
which  there  are  at  least  five  hundred 
species,  are  cosmopolitan.  Among 
(.hose  which  inhabit  the  North 
Atlantic  is  the  red  starfish  (Asterias 
subens),  found  from  within  the  tide- 
range  to  a  depth  of  50  fathoms. 
It  has  five  rays,  averages  about 
6  inches  in  diameter,  occasionally  ex- 
ceeding 9,  and  in  colour  is  generally 
reddish,  yellowish,  or  brownish.  As 
it  is  destructive  to  oysters,  it  is 
caught  in  great  numbers  on  the 
west  coast  of  France,  where  it 
is  used  as  manure.  A  starfish 
distinguished  by  its  size,  which 
sometimes  approaches  18  inches  in 
diameter,  and  by  living  at  a  depth 
of  from  10  to  100  fathoms  in  the  Mediterranean,  and  all  around  the  British  Isles, 
from  which  the  preceding  species  is  absent,  is  the  orange  comb-star  (Astropecten 
aurantiacus),  which  on  both  sides  of  its  five  arms  has  a  row  of  upper  and  under 
edge  plates  and  also  has  flat  spines.     Its  food-canals  terminate  blindly. 

The  brittle  stars  (Ophiuroidea)  differ  from  the  sea-stars  chiefly  in  the  pos- 
session of  a  central  disc,  sharply  defined  from  the  arms,  and  in  other  features.  They 
crawl  chiefly  by  means  of  their  arms,  which  wind  about  in  so  snaky  a  fashion  that 
the  animals  are  frequently  called  snake-stars  in  consequence.  In  many  species 
they  can  be  turned  upwards,  and  are  very  strong  and  branched,  as  is  the 
case  with   the   tree-shaped    Medusa's   head    Gorgonocephalus   arborescens   of   the 




Mediterranean.  Among  those  having  unbranched  arms  is  the  pustule  star 
(Hemieuryale  pustulata),  which  lives  on  corals,  and  clasps  its  arms  round  the 
branches  as  shown  in 
the  illustration.  It  is 
remarkable  for  the  fact 
that  its  arms  resemble 
coral-branches  in  form 
and  colour,  a  similarity 
which  undoubtedly  pro- 
tects it  from  many 
enemies,  and  is  a  strik- 
ing instance  of  mimicry. 

The  feather-stars 
resemble  the  starfish 
and  brittle  stars  in 
having  arms,  but  differ 
from  them  in  being 
permanently  or  tempo- 
rarily attached  to  a 
jointed  stalk.  Moseley's 
sea -lily  {Metacrinus 
moseleyi)  may  be  taken 
as  an  example,  and  has 
forty  arms  which  are 
all  studded  with  small 
feelers,  instead  of  tiny 
feet.  The  comatulids 
differ  from  the  other 
feather-stars  in  discard- 
ing their  stalk  after  a 
time  and  thenceforth 
leading  a  free  life. 
One  of  the  best  known 
species  of  this  very 
numerous  family  is  the 
rosy  species  of  the  Medi- 
terranean and  Atlantic 
coasts  of  Europe  {Ante- 
don  rosaceus),  which 
has  a  diameter  of  about 
6  inches,  and  lives  at 
a  depth  of  30  fathoms, 
where  it  is  very  com- 
mon, clinging  to  coral-branches,  worm-tubes,  and  the  like. 

The  sea-urchins  (Echinoidea)  have  prickly  bodies  and  no  arms,  and  move  by 
means  of  their  long  tube-feet  or  their  spines.     Their  size  may  have  given  rise  to 




the  belief  that  they  live  upon  large  animals,  but  their  food  consists  partly  of  small 
organisms  and  partly  of  animal  and  vegetable  matter.     A  common  species  of  the 

European  seas  is  the  edible 
urchin  {Echinus  esculen- 
tus),  which  is  about  6  inches 
across,  and  has  a  scarlet  or 
brownish  shell,  and  short 
spines,  which  range  in 
colour  from  white  to  purple. 
Its  shape  is  almost  circular, 
but  that  of  many  other 
species  is  oval.  Another 
noteworthy  species  is  the 
sea-porcupine  (Echinothrix 
calamaris),  so  called  from 
the  alternately  light  and 
dark  rings  on  its  longspines. 
The  vast  majority  of  ccelenterates  inhabit  the  sea,  those  restricted 
to  fresh  water  being  very  few.  There  are  three  classes  in  the  sub- 
kingdom,  and  an  excellent  example  of  the  first  is  afforded  by  Syncoryne  sarsi,  which 
in  its  free  state  is  known  as  Sarsia  tubulosa,  one  of  the  Hydromedusse.     In  shape 





this  resembles  a  club  with  from  twelve  to  sixteen  tentacles,  and  is  about  half  an 
inch  high.  It  grows  in  colonies  which  fasten  themselves  to  wood-work,  seaweed, 
and  the  like,  in  the  North  Sea  and  Baltic,  at  a  depth  of  from  2  to  8  fathoms,  and 
the  free  form  buds  forth  from  the  club-shaped  body.     This  attains  a  breadth  across 



the  bell  of  three-eighths  of  an  inch,  which  has  four  long  tentacles  on  the  margin 
set  at  equal  distances. 

Representing  the  Siphonophora  we  have  the  sailing  jelly-fish  (Velella)  with  a 
flat  disc-shaped  body,  on  the  upper  side  of  which  is  an  upright  crest,  acting 
as  a  sail,  and  on  the  under  side  a  large  polyp,  surrounded  by  circles  of  smaller 
ones,  those  near  the  edge  having  tentacles.  One  of  the  best  known  species  is 
V.  spirans,  often  met  with  far  from  land,  driven  along  by  the  wind  actincr  on  the 
sail-like  crest. 

Of  the  Scyphomedusse  a  common  repre- 
sentative is  Aurelia  aurita  of  the  European 
seas,  which  often  appears  in  swarms,  and  is 
well  known  on  the  shores  of 
the  North  Sea  and  the  Baltic. 
In  colour  it  is 
blue,  but  another 
common  species, 
Cyanea  capillata, 
is  yellowish 
brown,  or  yellow, 
and  sometimes  a 
yard  wide,  the 
filamentary  ten- 
tacles being  over 
2  yards  in  length. 
A  third  species 
(C.  arctica)  is 
the  largest  of  all  known 
jelly-fish,  its  disc  exceeding 
6  feet  in  diameter  and  its 
filaments  extending  for  120 
feet  or  more.  To  the  same 
group  belongs  the  Mediter- 
ranean Cotylorhiza  tuber- 
culata,  which  has  tentacles 
in  the  shape  of  long 
suckers,  the  prevailing  colour  being  yellowish  often  spotted  with  white  on  the 
disc,  amber  on  the  arms,  and  violet  or  blue  on  the  suckers.  Another  curious 
form  also  frequent  in  the  Mediterranean  is  Charybdea  marsupialis,  one  of  the 
Conomedusae  with  well-developed  eyes. 

In  the  stationary  group  the  best  known  is  Lucemaria  quadricornis,  which 
measures  nearly  3  inches  across  and  is  greyish  or  yellowish  brown  in  colour,  and 
generally  found  on  red  seaweed  in  the  North  Atlantic,  the  North  Sea,  and  the 
Baltic.     It  connects  the  free  jelly-fish  with  the  anemones  and  corals. 

The  sea-anemones  and  corals  belong  entirely  to  the  sea,  and  reach  their  greatest 
development  and  variety  of  form  in  the  warmer  waters,  where  they  are  generally 
attached  to  rocks  or  other  substances,  including  the  shells  of  living  crustaceans. 




Among  the  anemones  is  the  red  Actinia  equina,  which  occurs  in  European 
seas  in  great  variety  of  colour.  It  lives  at  depths  varying  from  tide-range  to 
20  fathoms,  and  attains  a  breadth  of  2f  inches.  Another  abundant  European 
species,  Actinoloba  dianthus,  attains  6  inches  in  height  and  nearly  3  inches  in 
breadth,  and  lives  at  a  depth  of  from  1  to  16  fathoms. 

The  reef-building  corals  of  the  warmer  seas  are  included  in  the  same  group 
as  the  anemones,  though  their  tentacles  are  not  always  in  sixes.  To  the  other 
group,  in  which  the  tentacles  invariably  number  eight,  belongs  the  red  coral  of 
commerce  (Corallium  rubrum).  In  this  the  stock,  which  may  reach  a  height  of 
12  inches,  is  of  a  branching  type,  and  has  a  rose-coloured  or  more  or  less  whitish, 
calcareous  skeleton  and  a  red  or  orange  crust  in  which  are  the  small  white  polyps. 
This  coral  lives  in  the  Mediterranean,  and  in  the  Atlantic  along  the  north-west 
coast  of  Africa,  and  the  coasts  of  the  Cape  Verde  Islands,  being  generally  found  at 
a  depth  of  from  40  to  100  fathoms  attached  to  the  under  side  of  overhanging  rocks. 







The  Animals  of  Arctic  America  and  Canada 

The  extreme  north  of  America — the  Western  Arctic  province — much  resembles 
the  tundra  of  Siberia  in  its  physical  features  and  the  types  of  animal  life  by 
which  it  is  inhabited.  Among  the  mammals  this  area  has,  however,  several  forms 
now  unrepresented  in  the  Old  World,  as  well  as  distinct  local  races  of  Asiatic  or 
European  species. 

Barren-Ground  ^^e  remdeer  or  caribou  of  the  so-called  Barren-Grounds  of  Arctic 

and  Greenland  America  (Rangifer  tarandus  arcticus),  and  also  the  one  inhabiting 
Reindeer.  Greenland  (R.  t.  grcenlandicus),  are  markedly  distinct  from  the 
typical  Scandinavian  animal,  as  they  are  from  the  woodland  reindeer  of  lower 
American  latitudes.  A  feature  of  the  antlers  of  both  the  Barren-Ground  and 
Greenland  races  of  the  species,  is  the  great  length  of  the  main  beam  and  the 
excessive  development  of  one  of  the  brow-antlers,  which  terminates  in  a  paddle-like 
expansion.  In  size  the  Barren-Ground  reindeer  is  much  inferior  to  the  woodland 
race,  although  its  antlers  are  absolutely  larger.  In  Newfoundland,  the  group  is 
represented  by  the  light-coloured  R.  t  terrce  novce. 



Unlike  the  reindeer,  the  musk-ox  (Ovibos  moschatus),  which  takes 

Musk -Ox 

the  first  half  of  its  name  from  its  musky  smell,  is  no  longer  represented 
in  the  Old  World.  Although  called  the  musk-ox,  this  animal  has  no  intimate 
connection  with  the  true  oxen,  nor,  for  that  matter,  with  the  sheep.  Standing  about 
40  inches  at  the  shoulder,  it  is  a  very  short-tailed  and  broad-headed  animal,  with 
small  pointed  ears  and  a  long  shaggy  coat  of  a  woolly  nature.  The  profile  of  the 
face  is  decidedly  sheep-like,  but  the  broad  muzzle  is  hairy.  In  old  bulls  the 
peculiarly  bent  and  fibrous  horns  are  very  broad  and  flat  at  the  bases,  where  they 
almost  meet  on  the  forehead.  Below  this  they  curve  at  first  downwards,  then 
sharply  forwards  and  upwards,  tapering  gradually  throughout  their  length  until 
the  twisted  tips  terminate  in  front  of  the  eyes.  At  the  base  they  are  yellowish 
brown  and  very  rough,  becoming  gradually  smoother  and  darker  until  at  the 
points  they  are  quite  black.  In  the  cows  and  young  bulls,  the  horns  are  much 
smaller  and  widely  separated  at  the  bases.  The  legs  are  short  and  sturdy,  the 
feet  being  particularly  worthy  of  notice,  as  the  outer  half  of  the  hoof  is  rounded 
and  the  inner  half  pointed,  while  between  the  two  hoofs  a  growth  of  hair  prevents 
the  foot  slipping  on  the  ice.  The  coat  of  the  musk-ox  is  very  thick,  and  causes 
the  animal  to  appear  larger  than  is  really  the  case.  The  dark  brown  hair — which 
is  lighter  in  the  spring — is  long  and  close,  curly  and  matted  on  the  back,  straight 
on  the  throat  and  sides,  and  hanging  half-way  down  the  legs ;  the  paler  under- 
fur  is  soft  and  woolly,  and  the  two  coats  afford  an  efficient  protection  against  the 
bitter  winter  cold  of  the  home  of  this  Arctic  ruminant,  where  even  in  summer  the 
ground  hardly  thaws  on  the  surface.  The  typical  race  inhabits  the  mainland 
between  60°  and  80°  N.  latitude,  as  far  east  as  the  Mackenzie  River.  Greenland 
is  the  home  of  a  second  race  of  the  species  (0.  moschatus  wardi),  distinguished 
by  the  partially  white  face  and  the  narrower  horns  of  the  bulls ;  and  other  races 
have  been  named.  In  past  times  the  musk-ox  inhabited  the  greater  portion 
of  North  America  and  northern  Asia,  as  well  as  Europe  as  far  south  as  the  Alps 
and  the  Pyrenees ;  but  as  the  climate  became  milder  it  seems  to  have  withdrawn 
to  the  north,  although  it  is  difficult  to  account  for  its  total  disappearance  from 
Europe  and  Asia.  At  any  rate,  it  is  evident  that  cold  is  necessary  to  its  existence, 
for  it  does  not  migrate  in  winter  towards  the  south,  and  it  has  been  met  with  in 
Grinnell-land  in  83°  N.  latitude  in  the  month  of  March,  when  the  cold  is  most 
severe  and  the  snow  deepest,  while  it  lives  in  Greenland  the  whole  year  round. 
These  animals  know  well  how  to  protect  themselves  from  the  cold  by  huddling 
together ;  and  this  herding  in  masses  is  also  advantageous  to  them  when  attacked 
by  their  one  savage  enemy,  the  northern  wolf,  at  whose  approach  they  betake 
themselves  to  the  nearest  elevated  spot,  where,  with  their  heads  turned  towards 
the  foe,  they  form  a  single  line,  which  instantly  becomes  a  ring  should  the  attack 
be  delivered  on  several  sides  at  once.  Of  late  years  a  considerable  number  of  the 
calves  of  the  Greenland  race  have  been  brought  alive  to  Europe, 
other  Arctic  Another  type  of  mammal  characteristic  of  Arctic  America  is  the 

Mammals,  polar  hare  (Lepus  arcticus),  of  which  several  local  races  extending  as 
far  south  as  Nova  Scotia  are  recognised.  On  account  of  its  more  protruding 
incisor  teeth  and  certain  peculiarities  in  the  skull,  the  Greenland  hare  has  been 
referred  to  a  distinct  genus,  under  the  name  of  Boreolepus  groenlandicus.     The 


polar  species  becomes  white  in  winter,  and  remains  active  during  the  whole  year, 

living  chiefly  on  arbutus  and  the  bark  of  dwarf  willows. 

Like  the   reindeer,  the   lemming  of  the   Old  World  has  a  representative  in 

Arctic   America   known    as   Lemmus  trimucronatus ;    in  addition  to  this  being 

Dicrostonyx  hudsonianus.    There  are  also  representatives  of  the  stoat  or  ermine, 

the  glutton  or  wolverine,  the  wolf,  and  the  Arctic  fox.    In  the  wolverine  and  fox  no 

racial  distinction  appears  to  exist  between  the  Old  and  the  New  World  forms. 

The  birds  of  Arctic  America  belong  in  great  part  to  the  generic 
Arctic  Birds.  001  » 

types  characteristic   of   the  Siberian  tundra,  and  therefore  need  no 

special  reference  in  this  place.     There  are,  however,  of  course  a  certain  number  of 

species  or  races  peculiar  to  the  western  tract.     A  notable  fact  is  the  occurrence  in 

this  tract  of  such  familiar  European  types  as  the  raven  and  the  grey  stone-chat. 

Woodland  Leaving  the  animals  of  Arctic  America  with  the  foregoing  brief 

Reindeer,  mention,  we  pass  on  to  those  of  the  Canadian  province  of  North 
America,  where  we  still  find  a  number  of  local  representatives  of  Old  World  types. 
Foremost  among  these  is  the  woodland  reindeer  or  caribou  (Rangifer  tarandus 
caribou),  which  attains  a  height  of  55  or  56  inches  at  the  withers,  and  inhabits  the 
forest-zone  from  Labrador  and  northern  Canada  southwards  to  the  northern  part 
of  the  State  of  Maine,  being  met  with  on  both  banks  of  the  St.  Lawrence,  whence 
it  ranges  west  as  far  as  Lake  Superior.  In  this  race  the  antlers  are  of  a  much 
shorter  and  more  massive  type  than  in  the  Barren-Ground  reindeer.  The  pairing- 
season  of  this  race  takes  place  in  September,  and  the  one  or  two  young  are  born 
in  the  following  May.  In  December  the  stags  cast  their  antlers,  but  those  of  the 
hinds  are  retained  till  the  spring.  In  winter  the  woodland  reindeer  retires  to  the 
upper  forest-tracts,  whence  it  migrates  south  in  herds  of  sometimes  500  head. 
Other  local  forms  of  reindeer  have  received  separate  names. 

The  North  American  elk  or  moose  (Alces  machlis  americanus) 
American  Elk.       .  . 

differs  so  slightly  from  the  typical  Old  World  representative  of  the 
species,  that  it  is  doubtful  whether  it  is  really  entitled  to  rank  as  a  race  apart.  Its 
colour  is,  however,  slightly  different,  and  there  are  said  to  be  characters  by  which 
the  antlers  of  the  Old  and  New  World  forms  can  be  distinguished.  Elk,  as  a  rule, 
are  not  found  beyond  the  northern  limit  of  forest,  although  they  have  been  met  with 
north  of  the  Mackenzie,  while  southwards  their  range  extends  as  far  as  Ohio. 
The  largest  elk  in  the  world  are  found  in  Alaska,  and  on  this  account  they  are 
reckoned  to  form  a  distinct  race  {A.  machlis  gigas).  In  that  district  elk  are  still 
comparatively  common;  but  from  many  districts  where  they  were  formerly 
abundant,  they  have  now  almost  entirely  disappeared. 

The  favourite  summer  haunts  of  the  American  elk  are  the  marshy  lands  in 
the  vicinity  of  rivers  or  lakes,  where  there  is  plenty  of  long  grass.  In  winter  these 
animals  seek  higher  ground,  amid  the  primeval  forest,  where  they  collect  in  parties, 
often  consisting  only  of  an  old  bull  and  cow  and  the  young  born  in  the  two  pre- 
ceding years.  In  such  situations  they  make  a  so-called  moose-yard  in  some  spot 
where  young  saplings  of  birch,  poplar,  ash,  maple,  and  juniper  grow  in  sufficient 
profusion  to  afford  them  nourishment.  Very  old  bulls  appear  to  have  a  "  yard  " 
to  themselves,  where  during  the  winter  they  remain  entirely  alone.    In  January  the 



adult  elks  cast  their  antlers,  which  are  fully  developed  by  the  month  of  August. 
While  the  antlers  are  covered  with  velvet  the  bulls  spend  most  of  their  time  in 
marshes  and  bogs,  where  they  feed  on  the  leaves  of  the  yellow  water-lily,  and 
stand  up  to  their  necks  in  water  as  a  protection  from  the  bites  of  insects.  In 
October  begins  the  pairing-season,  when,  and  during  the  following  month,  resounds 
the  long-drawn  whistle  or  bellowing  call  uttered  by  the  old  males.     During  the  same 


periods  combats  for  the  possession  of  the  females  are  common  among  the  old  bulls, 
which  in  this  respect  resemble  the  majority  of  the  deer  tribe.  Before  the  birth 
of  the  calves,  the  cows  withdraw  to  some  convenient  spot,  either  an  island  in  a 
lake  or  river,  or  a  swamp  or  a  prairie  occasionally  flooded,  where  they  are  likely 
to  be  little  subject  to  the  attacks  of  wolves  and  bears. 

A  third  type  of  circumpolar  deer  found  in  America  is  the  wapiti 

(Cervus  canadensis),  unfortunately  miscalled  elk  in  the  land  of  its 

birth.     Athough  the  wapiti  is  essentially  an  Old  World  form,  it  is  only  compara- 

Elk  or  Moose. 


tively  recently  that  its  Asiatic  representatives  have  been  recognised,  and  the 
American  animal  is  the  type  of  the  species.  Next  to  the  elk,  the  various  races 
of  the  wapiti  are  the  largest  representatives  of  the  deer  tribe  now  living.  The 
antlers  are  of  the  same  general  type  as  those  of  the  red  deer,  from  which  they 
are  distinguished  by  their  greater  flatness  and  smoothness,  and,  above  all,  by  the 
great  relative  size  of  the  fourth  tine,  and  the  circumstance  that  this  tine  and  the 
ones  above  it  are  placed  in  the  plane  of  the  face.  Wapiti  have  a  large  straw- 
coloured  patch  on  the  rump,  which  embraces  the  whole  of  the  very  short  tail,  and 
are  dark  brown  on  the  under-parts  and  much  lighter  coloured  on  the  back.  Indeed, 
after  the  storms  of  winter  the  coat  on  the  back  of  a  wapiti  becomes  bleached 
nearly  white.  Wapiti  were  formerly  distributed  over  British  America  south  of 
the  60th  degree  of  N.  latitude,  and  almost  all  the  United  States  as  far  as  Mexico ; 
they  have,  however,  been  exterminated  from  many  districts  by  the  advance  of 
civilisation,  and  are  now  found  only  in  the  forests  of  Canada  and  some  of  the 
mountain  districts  west  of  the  Missouri.  The  habits  of  wapiti  much  resemble  those 
of  red  deer,  although  these  animals  differ  from  the  majority  of  deer  in  that  they 
never  feed  by  night.  At  the  end  of  December  or  beginning  of  January,  the  old 
stags  cast  their  antlers,  and  in  March  or  April  the  new  ones  begin  to  grow.  In 
May  the  wapiti  living  in  the  mountain  regions  withdraw  to  the  higher  districts, 
without  leaving  the  forest-zone,  but  approaching  as  nearly  as  possible  to  the  snow- 
limits.  At  this  time  the  hinds  leave  the  herd  to  give  birth  to  their  young  in  the 
most  secluded  thickets,  the  mothers  defending  their  fawns — usually  one,  but  occa- 
sionally two — with  great  courage  from  the  attacks  of  pumas,  bears,  and  wolves. 
Very  often  at  such  times  a  hind  may  be  heard  calling  for  help,  when  all  the 
members  of  the  herd  in  the  neighbourhood  will  at  once  hasten  to  her  assistance 
and  unite  in  driving  off  the  enemy.  In  the  middle  of  August,  when  the  new  antlers 
are  completely  developed,  the  old  stags — which  during  the  greater  part  of  the  year 
live  by  themselves,  and  during  the  pairing-season  collect  around  them  a  herd  of 
hinds — commence  to  utter  their  call,  which  is  a  long-drawn  whistle,  quite  unlike 
the  cry  of  the  red  deer.  Combats  between  rival  stags  take  place  almost  daily 
during  the  pairing-season,  but  as  a  rule  do  not  prove  fatal,  although  they  result 
in  the  loss  of  portions  of  the  antlers  and  very  often  in  serious  wounds. 

A  fourth  circumpolar  type  of  ruminant — this  time  belonging  to 
Bighorn  Sheep.  ,     „  l  J  £,      .,         .     i ■       .     ,_  it       ,1 

the  hollow-horned  group  or  Bovidce — is  typically  represented  by  the 

Rocky  Mountain  bighorn  sheep  (Ovis  canadensis),  an  animal  somewhat  inferior 

in  size  to  the  Asiatic  argali,  with  horns  of  a  smoother  and  more  sharply  angulated 

type.     The  typical  bighorn  is  a  fawn-coloured  sheep,  with  a  white  rump-patch, 

fair-sized  ears,  and  somewhat  stout  horns,  of  which  the  tips  are  nearly  always 

broken.     The  coat  in  winter  is  thick  and  close,  with  a  woolly  under-fur  at  the 

base.     On  the  Stickine  River  the  typical  form  is  represented  by  a  much  darker  race 

— the  north-western  bighorn,  or  so-called  black  sheep  (0.  canadensis  stonei),  in  which 

the   ears  are  smaller   and  the  horns    are  more  slender,  with  their  tips  usually 

unbroken.     Still  farther  north,  in  Alaska,  this  race  is  replaced  by  a  third  form, 

the   beautiful    white    Alaskan   bighorn    (0.   canadensis   dalli),   whose   structural 

characters  are  very  similar  to  those  of  the  north-western  race ;  these  two  being 

connected  by  an  intermediate  grey  race  of  the  species  (0.  canadensis  fannini). 



In  the  old  World  the  species  is  represented  by  the  Kamchatkan  bighorn 
(0.  canadensis  nivicola)  of  Kamchatka  and  Clifton's  bighorn  (0.  c.  borealis)  of 
north-eastern  Siberia,  which  are  closely  allied  to  the  Alaskan  sheep,  although 
dark-coloured.  It  should  be  added  that  the  Mexican  and  Sonoran  big-horns  form 
other  local  races  of  this  variable  and  wide-spread  species,  distinguished  by  their 
unusually  large  ears.  Inclusive  of  the  above  variations,  the  bighorn  ranges  in 
America  from  Mexico  in  the  south  to  Alaska  in  the  north,  and  from  the  valleys 
of  the  Missouri  and  Yellowstone  to  the  Pacific,  though  in  many  localities  within 
these  limits  it  has  never  been  known. 


'    t4fec  / 



White  Goat. 

With  the  white  or  Rocky  Mountain  goat  (Oreamnus  americanus), 
we  come  to  an  exclusively  North  American  type  of  hollow-horned 
ruminant,  of  which  four  local  races  have  been  named.  The  range  of  this  animal 
extends  from  about  latitude  36°  in  California  to  Alaska,  British  Columbia  being 
perhaps  the  country  in  which  it  is  most  common.  Probably  the  white  goat  is 
related  to  the  Asiatic  serows  rather  than  to  the  true  wild  goats.  It  has  pointed 
ears,  and  black  horns  from  6  to  10  inches  long  which  curve  slightly  backwards 
and  are  ringed  to  about  half-way  up  and  smooth  towards  the  tips.  In  size  it  is 
about  the  equal  of  ordinary  sheep,  but  with  the  shoulders  much  elevated.  The 
body  is  covered  with  long  hair,  nearly  straight   and   pendent  on  the  sides  and 


legs,  but  erect  along  the  line  of  the  back,  making  the  animal  appear  as  if  it  had 
two  humps.  It  is  one  of  the  few  ruminants  whose  thick  woolly  coat  is  white  all 
the  year  round,  and  it  is  consequently  almost  invisible  in  the  snow-covered  regions 
it  inhabits,  though  conspicuous  enough  among  dark  rocks  and  green  mountain 
meadows.  The  white  goat  lives  a  solitary  life,  and  is  only  social  in  winter  and 
at  the  pairing-season,  which  takes  place  in  November.  Sometimes  when  driven 
by  stress  of  hunger  it  will  descend  to  the  woods,  but  it  rarely  comes  down  to  the 
sea-level,  though  it  has  been  seen  swimming  across  rivers  or  their  estuaries. 

Throughout    Canada,  as  in  the  rest  of   North  America,  rodent 

mammals  literally  abound,  both  in  individuals  and  species.  Among 
the  squirrel  tribe  a  familiar  form  in  the  country  is  the  chickari  (Sciurus 
hudsonianus),  which  is  generally  of  a  grey  colour,  with  a  more  or  less  yellowish 
or  reddish  tinge,  and  white  below,  with  dusky  markings  on  the  back  and  some- 
times on  the  under-parts.  It  is  small  and  short-tailed,  and  in  winter  develops 
short  tufts  of  hair  on  the  ears.  By  no  means  sensitive  to  cold,  it  does  not 
hibernate,  but  is  active  all  through  the  severest  weather,  burrowing  at  times  into  the 
loose  snow  so  that  it  entirely  disappears  for  some  distance,  and  when  again  visible 
shaking  itself  and  frisking  away  with  the  same  appearance  of  pleasure  as  if  it  had 
taken  a  refreshing  bath  in  the  heat  of  the  summer.  The  chickari  differs  in  manv 
respects  from  the  common  European  squirrel  in  its  habits,  spending  most  of  its 
time  on  the  ground  and  not  leading  an  arboreal  life.  It  in  fact  makes  its  home 
frequently  in  holes  in  the  earth,  where  it  can  find  a  safe  refuge ;  although  it  has 
a  partiality  for  timber-heaps,  the  stumps  of  trees,  and  piles  of  brushwood,  over  which 
it  climbs  with  activity. 

One  of  the  most  familiar  representatives  of  the  pretty  little  striped  ground- 
squirrels  is  the  common  chipmunk  {Tamias  striatus),  whose  range  (inclusive  of  its 
subspecies)  extends  from  Canada  and  Manitoba  to  Georgia  and  western  Missouri. 
Numerous  species  of  chipmunks  are  now  recognised  by  American  naturalists,  of 
which,  for  the  most  part,  the  southern  are  paler  in  colour  than  those  from  the 
north.  The  ground-colour  of  the  common  chipmunk  is  much  the  same  as  that 
of  its  European  relative,  which  this  animal  resembles  in  most  points;  but  the 
American  species  has  on  each  side  of  the  body  a  white,  black-bordered  stripe,  and 
a  black  white-bordered  stripe  on  each  side  of  the  head,  with  a  black  stripe  down 
the  back.  This  chipmunk  prefers  hiding-places  from  which  it  can  watch  the 
passers-by,  and  consequently  instals  itself  among  piles  of  rubbish  and  brushwood, 
or  in  the  stumps  of  old  trees,  or  burrows  in  the  ground. 

The  susliks  form  another  genus  of  the  squirrel  family  common  to 

the  two  hemispheres,  and  are  represented  by  a  large  number  of  !North 

American  forms.     Of  these  latter  may  be  mentioned  the  striped  suslik  or  striped 

gopher  (Spermophilus  tridecemlineatus),  whose   range    extends   through  central 

North  America  from   Texas  to  the   Saskatchewan   plains  of  Canada.      Another 

northern  member  of  the  group,  found  in  the  vicinity  of  Bering  Strait  and  Hudson 

Bay,  is  Parry's  suslik  (S.  empetra).     The  habits  of  these  animals  are,  for  the  most 

part,  at   any  rate,    very    similar   to   those   of   their    European    relatives,  all    the 

members  of   the   group  being   sociable    species  which   consort  in  colonies.      The 

generic  name  Citellus  is  now  generally  adopted  for  these  rodents. 
vol.  11. — 21 




Of  the  three  American  representatives  of  the  smaller  flying- 
squirrels  perhaps  the  best  known  is  Sciuropterus  volans,  which  is 
greyish  brown  above  and  yellowish  white  below,  and,  like  the  rest  of  its  kind, 
strictly  nocturnal.  These  elegant  little  creatures  glide  so  lightly,  gracefully,  and 
swiftly  through  the  air,  that  even  persons  not  generally  observant  of  the  habits  of 
animals  are  moved  to  admiration.  They  live  in  the  woods,  and  when  moving  from 
place  to  place  first  ascend  a  tree,  and  then  sail  from  the  summit  to  the  base  of 
a  neighbouring  tree,  performing  alternately  these  repeated  climbs  and  leaps,  and 
always  gliding  upwards  at  the  end  of  the  flight  so  as  to  rest  not  on  the  ground 
but  on  the  stem.  As  mentioned  in  an  earlier  chapter,  these  flying-squirrels  have 
a  European  representative. 


~wi~F^Z< . 



The  American  beaver  (Castor  canadensis)  differs  chiefly  from  its 
European  cousin  by  the  form  and  relations  of  the  bones  of  the  fore- 
part of  the  skull.  In  habits  the  two  animals  are  very  much  alike,  but  the 
American  species  generally  chooses  well-wooded  districts  watered  by  small  streams, 
where  its  dams  cause  the  formation  of  large  pools.  In  these  pools  the  beavers 
build  their  lodges,  which  attain  a  considerable  size,  and  in  former  times  lay  so  close 
together  that  they  occupied  a  wide  extent  of  land,  as  at  Montreal,  where  the  greater 
portion  of  the  city  is  built  over  a  so-called  beaver-meadow.  At  the,  time  of  the 
discovery  of  America  the  beaver  had  a  wider  distribution  north  of  the  equator 
than  any  other  American  animal  except  the  puma.  Although  it  did  not  occur  on 
the  prairies  and  desert  regions  of  the  interior  of  the  continent,  it  ranged  in  the 


north  from  Hudson  Bay  to  Alaska,  and  southwards  to  Florida,  Mexico,  and 
California.  But  the  beaver  is  being  steadily  exterminated,  and  is  now  only  fairly 
numerous  in  the  country  along  the  watershed  between  the  Hudson  Bay  rivers  and 
the  St.  Lawrence,  in  the  upper  courses  of  the  Frazer  and  the  Peace  Rivers,  and  in 
the  Canadian  portion  of  the  Rocky  Mountains. 

Another  widely  distributed  group  of  North  American  rodents  are 
the  jumping-mice,  which  have  one  Asiatic  representative,  and  in  the 
Western  Hemisphere  range  through  British  North  America  from  the  Atlantic  to  the 
Pacific,  and  from  Hudson  Bay  and  the  Great  Slave  Lake  in  the  north  to  Arizona 
and  Mexico  in  the  south,  although  in  the  last-named  districts  apparently  confined 
to  the  mountains.  The  typical  representative  of  the  group  is  the  Hudson  Bay 
jumping-mouse  (Zapus  hudsonianus),  which  in  its  summer  dress  is  brown  above, 
yellow  on  the  flanks,  and  white  beneath.  In  appearance  it  is  like  a  long-legged 
mouse,  with  a  long  tufted  tail.  When  in  active  movement  it  leaps  along  so  quickly 
that  its  hind-legs  seem  scarcely  to  touch  the  ground,  and  if  suddenly  disturbed 
will  spring  a  length  of  from  8  to  10  feet,  although  the  length  of  its  bounds  soon 
decreases  to  4  feet  or  less.  This  jumping-mouse  is  by  no  means  a  strictly  nocturnal 
animal,  being  generally  seen  abroad  early  in  the  evening,  and  occasionally  even 
during  the  day.  In  this  respect,  as  well  as  in  its  preference  for  damp  wooded 
situations,  it  differs  from  most  other  jumping-mice. 

Voles  and  Voles  of  the  European  genera  Microtus  and  Evotomys  abound 

Musquash.  [n  North  America,  a  well-known  northern  form  being  the  meadow- 
vole  (Microtus  pennsylvanicus),  a  species,  with  several  local  races,  worthy  of 
notice  on  account  of  its  habit  of  forsaking  its  burrow  in  winter  to  build  a  nest  on 
the  ground.  An  essentially  American  type  is  the  musk-rat,  or  musquash  (Fiber 
zibethicus),  another  member  of  the  vole  group,  ranging  across  the  continent  from 
the  Barren  Grounds  in  the  extreme  north  to  as  far  south  as  the  Rio  Grande. 
This  rodent,  whose  body  measures  nearly  a  foot  in  length,  is  the  largest  of  the 
tribe,  and:  has  a  soft  velvety  coat  of  a  dark  brown  colour,  shading  to  grey  on  the 
muzzle  and  under  surface,  with  a  number  of  long  stiff  hairs  on  the  back  and  sides. 
As  in  the  typical  voles,  which  it  resembles  in  the  structure  of  its  teeth  and  skull, 
the  body  is  similar  to  that  of  a  rat,  but  the  head  is  broad  with  comparatively 
small  eyes,  the  ears  are  hardly  seen  among  the  growth  of  hair,  and  the  muzzle  is 
entirely  covered  with  hair  save  for  a  small  spot  round  the  nostrils.  The  legs  of 
the  musquash  are  short,  the  first  toe  of  the  fore-foot  being  rudimentary,  and  the 
toes  being  connected  by  a  membrane  which  is  not  quite  perfect.  The  soles  are 
quite  bare,  and  the  scaly  tail,  which  is  much  compressed  at  the  sides,  has  ridges 
of  hairs  on  the  upper  and  lower  edges,  and  only  a  few  sparse  hairs  elsewhere. 
Like  the  beaver,  the  musquash  has  a  habit  of  striking  the  surface  of  the  water 
with  its  tail ;  it  is  an  excellent  diver,  and  consumes  a  considerable  number  of  fishes 
and  mussels,  although  its  chief  nutriment  consists  of  the  roots  of  grasses  and  water- 
plants.  These  industrious  little  rodents  make  for  themselves  dwelling-places  from 
roots  and  bog-grasses,  mixed  with  mud  and  sticks,  sometimes  heaped  carelessly 
together,  but  at  others  assuming  the  form  of  flattened  mounds.  Where  the  water 
is  deep  these  domiciles  are  sometimes  placed  on  dry  ground,  but  when  possible 
they  are  built  in  the  water.     Sometimes  they  are  of  great  size,  and  are  generally 


high  enough  to  leave  room  for  an  air-chamber,  usually  connected  with  one  or  more 
of  the  outlets  which  serve  as  exits  for  the  owners  when  in  search  of  food.  To  a 
great  extent  these  structures  are  used  more  as  store-rooms  than  as  dwelling-places, 
but  at  times  they  contain  the  nest,  though,  as  a  rule,  this  is  placed  in  a  burrow. 
Generally  this  burrow  includes  a  single  chamber,  reached  by  a  passage  of  a  few 
yards  in  length,  which  opens  under  water. 

A   distinctive    group    of    North    American    rodents   is    formed 

Pocket-Gophers.  ^  ^  so-called  pocket-gophers,  whose  range  southwards  does  not 

extend  farther  than  Central  America.     They  take  their  name  from  the  presence  of 

a  pair  of  cheek-pouches,  which  open  outside  the  mouth  on  the  lower  edges  of  the 

cheeks.     Two  well-known  northern  representatives  of  the  group  are  the  Hudson 



Bay  pocket-gopher  (Thomomys  talpoides),  ranging  through  Canada  to  the  Missouri 
district,  and  the  common  pocket -gopher  {Geomys  bursarius),  whose  habitat 
extends  from  the  Canadian  border  southwards  to  Kansas,  Missouri,  and  Illinois. 
In  general  form  these  gophers  resemble  ordinary  mice  and  rats.  There  are, 
however,  other  allied  American  rodents  commonly  known  as  kangaroo-rats,  which 
also  have  pouches,  but  hop  on  their  hind-legs  after  the  manner  of  the  rat- 
kangaroos  and  jerboas.  Scientifically  these  are  known  as  Dipodomys,  Perodipus, 
Heteromys,  etc. 

Canadian  According  to  modern  ideas  of  classification,  another  exclusively 

Porcupine.      American  family  of    rodents  is  typified  by  the  Canadian  porcupine 

(Erethizon  dorsatus),  which  is  widely  distributed  in  North  America,  ranging  as  far 

northwards  as  the  limit  of  trees.     On  the  eastern  side  of  the  continent  it  reaches  as 


far  south  as  Virginia,  while  on  the  western  side  it  is  met  with  from  Alaska  to  Arizona 
and  New  Mexico.  It  is  true  that  American  naturalists  regard  the  western  form  as 
specifically  distinct,  but  this  is  a  matter  of  little  moment  for  our  present  purpose. 
When  excited,  this  rodent  looks  much  larger  than  it  really  is,  the  quills  being  then 
carried  erect.  These  quills,  which  are  attached  loosely  to  the  skin,  and  are  slightly 
barbed  at  the    points,  are    very  different  in  length,  some  measuring  as  much  as 

4  inches,  while  others  do  not  exceed  an  inch.  The  short  spines,  which  are  white 
tipped  with  brown,  are  nearly  hidden  by  the  long  brown  hair  of  the  body.  For 
the  purpose  of  climbing,  the  Canadian  porcupine  is  provided  with  long  powerful 
claws ;  it  spends  most  of  its  life  in  the  trees,  many  of  which  it  completely  strips  of 
their  foliage.  Although  it  appears  difficult  for  such  a  large,  awkward  animal  to 
reach  the  outer  leaves,  this  is  effected  by  the  creature  distributing  its  weight  upon 
several  boughs  and  bending  the  twigs  with  its  claws  until  it  can  draw  them 
through  its  mouth.  It  is  but  seldom  that  these  rodents  can  be  observed  thus 
occupied,  since  they  lead  a  partially  nocturnal  life,  and  in  daylight  are  so  noiseless 
in  movement  that  they  have  often  been  mistaken  for  a  bird's  nest. 

The  Canadian  lynx  (Felis  lynx  canadensis)  may  be  looked  upon 

as  a  local  race  of  the  European  lynx,  to  which  it  is  very  similar. 

In  length  it  measures  about  30  inches,  exclusive  of  the  short  tail,  which  is  only 

5  inches  long.  In  colour  it  varies  according  to  the  district  it  inhabits,  being  some- 
times almost  white,  but  usually  dark  grey  tinged  with  chestnut,  the  legs  being 
darker,  the  tips  of  the  hair  white,  and  the  back  and  upper  portion  of  the  outside 
of  the  legs  spotted  with  indistinct  dark  patches.  The  lynx  of  Alaska  has  been 
separated  as  a  distinct  form  (F.  I.  mollipilosa).  The  Canadian  lynx  is  a  forest- 
dwelling  animal,  which  rarely  ventures  near  the  abodes  of  man,  although  it  will 
kill  pigs  and  lambs  when  opportunity  offers,  and  attacks  fawns,  hares,  and  other 
small  mammals  as  well  as  game-birds.  It  moves  in  a  series  of  bounds,  alighting 
after  each  on  all  four  feet  at  once.  The  range  of  this  and  the  allied  races  in 
America  extends  from  the  Mackenzie  River  in  66°  N.  latitude  to  Pennsylvania 
and  California.  This  is  the  loup-cervier  of  the  French  Canadians  ;  the  chat-cervier 
is  the  red  lynx  (F.  rufa),  which  is  not  met  with  very  far  north  of  the  Canadian 
boundary,  whose  range  extends  into  Mexico. 

The  North  American  representatives  of  the  wolf,  whose  range 
Wolves.  . 

extends  from  Mexico  to  the  far  north,  so  much  resemble  the  typical 

European  form  that  they  may  be  regarded  as  local  races  of  that  species,  with  the 

names  of  Canis  lupus  occidentalis  and  C.  1.  nubilus.     In  colour  the  former  race 

varies  from  all  white  through  different  shades  of  grey  to  all  black,  the  majority 

of   individuals  being   grey   and    white    tinged    with    brown.     Its   range   extends 

through  western  North  America  northwards  to  Greenland  and  south  to  Mexico, 

Idaho  forming  its  limits  on  the  east.     The  second,  or  eastern  race,  extends  from 

the  Great  Slave  Lake  to    Idaho,  and   southwards    to    perhaps  California.   -  It  is 

locally  known  as  the  timber-wolf. 

The    North    American   representatives    of   the    common  fox  (C. 


vulpes)  may  likewise  be  regarded  as  local  races  of  that  species, 
presenting  considerable  variation  in  colour.  They  range  from  Alaska,  Hudson 
Bay,   and   Labrador   to   Mexico.     The   largest   is   the   Kadiak   Island   fox  (C.  v. 


harrimani)  of  Alaska,  but  the  common  form  is  known  as  C.  v.  fulvus,  or  the  red 
fox.  The  black  or  silver  fox  is,  however,  only  a  melanistic  phase  of  the  last,  which 
occurs  in  the  north,  and  especially  in  the  upper  basin  of  the  Mississippi,  and  north- 
west of  the  Missouri.  This  beautiful  animal,  so  much  valued  on  account  of  its  fur, 
which,  with  the  exception  of  the  white  tip  of  the  tail,  is  nearly  or  entirely  black, 
derives  its  name  from  the  grey  rings  on  the  black  hair  of  the  head,  hinder-parts, 
and  thighs,  which  give  it  a  silvery  appearance. 

Quite  distinct  is  the  kit  fox  (C.  velox),  which  varies  much  in  colour  and  is 
of  small  size,  the  body  measuring  only  24  inches.  It  is  characterised  by  short, 
stout  legs,  and  a  short  bushy  tail,  which,  without  the  hair,  measures  about  9  inches, 
by  its  comparatively  small  thickly-haired  ears,  and  the  great  length  and  abundance 
of  the  under-fur  which  is  often  visible  externally,  as  well  as  by  the  long  hair  on 
the  soles  of  the  feet.  Typically  from  Nebraska,  this  species  originally  extended 
from  that  state  and  Colorado  northwards  to  the  plains  of  the  Saskatchewan  and 
Assiniboia,  but  it  is  now  chiefly  restricted  to  western  Canada  in  the  area  under 

The  American  marten,  or  sable  (Mustela  americana),  so  closely 
Martens.  .  v  J  f 

resembles  the  European  pine-marten  and  the  Asiatic  sable,  that  it  is 

doubtful  if  all  these  are  anything  more  than  local  varieties  of  one  and  the  same 

specific  type.     In  colour  the  American  form  is   generally  brown,  with  a  yellow 

patch  on  the  breast,  and  a  whitish  or  greyish  head  and  ears.     This  marten  ranges 

from  Labrador  to  Alaska,  and  is  met  with  as  far  south  as  the  Adirondack  Mountains. 

A  second  species  of  marten,  commonly  known  as  the  pekan  (M.  pennanti),  is 

characterised  by  its  large  size,  and  stout  build,  attaining  in  some  cases  a  length  of 

30  inches.     It  is  distributed  over  the  greater  portion  of  the  continent  west  of  the 

Mississippi  from  Texas  to  the  Great  Slave  Lake  and  Alaska. 

The  Canadian  otter  (Lutra  canadensis),  of  which  several  local 

forms  are  recognised,  is  distributed  all  over  North  America,  extending 

nearly  to  the  Arctic  Ocean.     It  is  distinguished  from  the  European  species  by  the 

much  larger  extent  of    the   naked  patch  on  the  tip  of  the  muzzle,  which  is  not 

confined  to  the  space  between  the  nostrils  entirely.      As  a  rule,  the  colour  is 

purplish  above,  and  paler   on    the    under-parts ;    specimens   have   been   recorded 

measuring   4   feet    and    over    in    length.       In    habits   this    otter   resembles    the 

European  species ;  and  like  the  latter  at  times  amuses  itself  by  sliding  down  steep, 

smooth  banks  covered  with  mud  or  snow.     It  seems  to  be  as  partial  to  crayfish  as 

to  fish,  and  in  the  Adirondacks  the  number  of  those  crustaceans  killed  by  otters  is 

considerable.     Large  numbers  of  otters  are  killed  for  the  sake  of  their  fur,  which  is 

one  of  the  most  valuable  in  North  America,  but  on  account  of  their  acute  sense  of 

smell  and  sight  the  traps,  which  are  of  steel,  are  never  baited. 

Several    forms   of    brown   and    greyish    bears   are  met  with  in 
Bears.  .  te     J 

North  America,  ranging  from  Alaska  southwards  to  Mexico,  several 
of  which  may  be  regarded  as  local  races  of  the  brown  bear  (Ursus  arctus)  of 
Europe,  although  some  forms  depai-t  more  widely  from  the  latter  than  is  the  case 
with  others.  The  largest  races  are  the  Kadiak  Island  and  the  South  Alaskan 
brown  bears  (U.  a.  middendorfji,  and  U.  a.  dalli),  which  approximate  very 
closely  to  the  great  brown  bear  of  Kamchatka.     The  Rocky  Mountain  grisly  bear 



(U.  horribilis)  appears,  however,  to  be  a  distinct  species,  characterised  by  its  com- 
paratively straight  and  whitish  fore-claws,  and  the  generally  grey  colour  of  the  fur. 
It  is  now  nearly  exterminated.  An  allied  type  is  the  Barren  Ground  bear  (U.  h. 
richardsoni).  Gribble  Island,  off  the  coast  of  British  Columbia,  is  the  home  of  a 
white,  or  rather  cream-coloured,  bear  ( U.  kermodei),  allied  to  the  American  black  bear 
noticed  in  the  next  chapter. 



With  the  rac- 
coons we  reach  a 
family  of  Carnivora  all  the 
members  of  which,  with  the 
exception  of  the  two  Asiatic 
pandas,  are  exclusively  Ameri- 
can. The  Canadian  representa- 
tive of  the  group  is  the  common 
raccoon  (Procyon  lotor),  an 
animal  about  26  inches  long, 
exclusive  of  the  10- inch  tail, 
which  is  whitish  with  five  black  rings  and  a  black  tip.  The  general  colour  of  the 
coat  is  dark  brownish  grey,  but  it  varies  considerably  in  different  localities.  Such 
local  variations  have  afforded  grounds  for  dividing  the  species  into  several  races. 
Inclusive  of  these  local  phases,  the  range  of  the  species  extends  from  Canada 
through  the  United  States  to  California  on  the  west  and  Florida  on  the  east.  The 
northern  Pacific  form,  inhabiting  the  Cascade  Mountains  of  Washington  and 
Oregon,  is  distinguished  as  P.  /.  pacificus,  and  the  pale  form  from  the  Colorado 
desert  of  California  as  P.  I.  pallidas .  During  the  day  raccoons  for  the  most  part 
lie  asleep  in  the  hollows  of  trees,  and  it  is  not  till  the  shades  of  evening  begin  to 
fall  that  they  descend  from  such  shelter  to  the  ground  in  search  of  food.     Their 


favourite  hunting-grounds  are  on  the  banks  of  pools  and  narrow  water-courses. 
Fish  forms  the  favourite  food  of  these  animals,  but  only  such  as  have  drifted 
ashore  or  have  been  left  in  shallow  pools  are  devoured,  for  although  good  swimmers 
raccoons  are  unable  to  dive.  Besides  fish,  molluscs,  and  crabs,  raccoons  eat  insects, 
frogs,  fresh- water  tortoises  and  their  eggs,  birds'  eggs,  and  birds,  especially 
domesticated  fowls.  They  also  catch  and  kill  mice,  while  their  vegetable  food 
includes  nuts,  fruit,  and  corn. 

Among  other  Canadian  mammals,  apart  from  those  more 
characteristic  of  the  United  States,  a  few  bats  deserve  mention.  One 
of  these,  the  silver-haired  bat  (Lasionycteris  noctivagans),  is  brown  above  with 
silvery  white  tips  to  the  hairs  of  the  back,  and  has  a  white  spot  at  the  base  of 
each  ear.  This  bat  ranges  from  California  to  Hudson  Bay  in  the  north,  and  from 
the  Atlantic  to  the  Pacific  coast,  while  it  extends  farther  north  than  any  other 
American  representative  of  the  order.  In  habits  it  is  specially  distinguished  by  its 
predilection  for  the  neighbourhood  of  large  sheets  of  water ;  and  in  some  districts 
keeps  so  exclusively  over  water,  that  of  hundreds  flying  about  perhaps  only  two  or 
three  are  seen  beyond  the  limits  of  the  lake  or  pool.  Occasionally,  however,  these 
bats  are  encountered  in  thick  forest,  busily  hunting  for  insects  in  all  directions.  The 
silver-haired  bat  is  a  migratory  species,  as  is  likewise  the  hoary  bat  (L.  cinerea), 
whose  range  extends  from  Nova  Scotia  to  Chile. 

The  birds    of   the    Canadian    province  belong  partly  to  genera 
Perching  Birds.  .  .  l  ,,,.?. 

represented  in  the  north  of  Asia  and  Europe  and  partly  to  distinctive 

American  types,  many  of  the  species  being  more  characteristic  of  the  United 
States,  and  therefore  better  referred  to  in  a  subsequent  chapter.  Among  note- 
worthy types,  the  ruby-crest  or  ruby-crown  (Regulus  calendula)  breeds  in  the 
forests  of  Arctic  America  as  well  as  in  those  of  the  mountains  of  Arizona  and 
Colorado,  and  is  famous  for  its  song,  which  is  said  to  equal  that  of  the  canary  in 
fulness  of  sound  and  to  surpass  it  in  variety  and  sweetness.  The  horned  lark,  a 
bird  likewise  common  to  the  Eastern  Hemisphere,  and  inhabiting  the  higher 
mountains,  probably  ranges  as  far  south  as  the  ruby-crest,  although  chiefly  found 
in  more  northern  latitudes.  The  same  is  the  case  with  two  other  birds  of  the  Old 
World,  namely,  the  snow-bunting  and  the  Lapland  bunting,  both  of  which  extend 
farther  south  on  the  eastern  side  of  the  Rocky  Mountains.  The  white-winged  cross- 
bill (Loxia  leucoptera)  does  not  range  quite  so  far  north  as  its  Old  World  relative, 
from  which  it  is  distinguished  by  darker  plumage  and  the  broader  white  bands  on 
the  wings.  An  Old  World  compatriot  of  the  banded  cross-bill,  the  pine  grosbeak,  also 
belongs  to  the  breeding-birds  of  North  America.  The  Canadian  linnets,  like  the 
grosbeak,  are  identical  with  the  European  and  Siberian  species ;  but  the  American 
siskins  are  distinct.  Of  the  latter,  the  pine-siskin  (C/trysomitris  pinus)  resembles 
the  females  of  the  European  species.  Another  American  finch,  inhabiting  the 
higher  north,  is  the  shore-finch  (Leucosticte  littoralis),  which  belongs  to  a  genus 
comprising  about  half  a  dozen  species,  and  also  represented  in  the  north  of  Asia. 
The  nutcrackers,  again,  are  represented  in  the  Eastern  as  well  as  in  the  Western 
Hemisphere,  their  American  representative,  the  so-called  Clarke's  crow  (Nucifraga 
columbiana),  inhabiting  the  west  side  of  North  America,  where  it  frequents  the 

BIRDS  ■}  2  g 

pine-forests  of  the  higher  mountains.     From  its  relative  of  the  Old  World  it  is 

distinguished  by  its  less  numerous  spots. 

The  three-toed  woodpeckers  are  another  group  common  to  the 
Woodpeckers.    *,,,„■,,  .,  ,        ,  ,     , ,        ~  , . 

Old  World  on  the  one  hand   and    the    Canadian    province    and   the 

Rocky  Mountains  on  the  other. 

Among  the  wood-owls,  Tengmalm's  owl  of  Europe  is  represented 

in  Canada  by  a  local  race  (Nyctala  tengmalmi  richardsoni),  and 
farther  south  by  the  nearly  allied  Acadian  owl  (N.  acadica),  which  is  only  9  inches 
long,  and  differs  from  Tengmalm's  in  having  a  spotted  forehead  and  five  white  bars 
on  the  tail.  It  is  a  remarkable  fact  that  the  Acadian  owl,  which  feeds  chiefly  on 
insects,  sometimes  lives  in  company  with  the  chickari,  or  Canadian  squirrel,  in  the 
same  hole  in  a  tree.  The  great  snowy-owl  {Nyctea  scandiaca),  of  the  north  of 
Europe  and  Asia,  is  also  common  in  North  America.  On  the  other  hand  the 
European  and  Siberian  Ural  owl  (Syrnium  aluco)  has  a  specifically  distinct 
Canadian  representative  in  the  form  of  8.  nebulosum.  Another  North  American 
member  of  the  group  is  the  widely  distributed  short-eared  owl  (Asio  accipitrinus) 
of  the  Old  World. 

Of  birds-of-prey,  the  Greenland  falcon  is  found  in  the  north-east 

of  Arctic  America,  but  the  rough-legged  buzzard  is  represented  by 

St.  John's  buzzard  (Archibuteo  sancti-johannis). 

Passing  on  to  the  game-birds,  we  find  the  willow-grouse,  or  ripa, 
Game-Birds.  &  &  „       .  . 

of  the  Old  World  among  the  members  of  a  family  particularly  well 

represented  in  North  America.  Another  member  of  the  same  group  is  the  sharp- 
tailed  grouse  (Pediocoetes  phasianellus),  a  bird  of  dark  plumage  almost  entirely 
Canadian  in  its  distribution,  its  range  extending  east  to  Hudson  Bay  and  west  to 
the  Rocky  Mountains  and  no  farther  south  than  Lakes  Superior  and  Winnipeg. 
Other  species  are  noticed  in  the  next  chapter. 

Finally,  among  a  totally  different  assemblage  of  birds,  reference 

Water  Birds.  ,  J'  ,    &  J  ,„  ,        &.       ,     .     ...   '  .  ,      , 

may  be  made  to  the  trumpeter-swan  (Cygnus  buccinator),  distinguished 

by  its  wholly  black  beak  and  twenty-four  tail  feathers.     Although  nearly  related 

to  the  European  whooper,  it  is  larger  and  faster  on  the  wing,  being  indeed  the 

swiftest  of  all  the  swans.     Many  other  kinds  of  European  water-birds  are  either 

common  to  North  America  or  represented  there  by  closely  allied  forms. 

The  cold-blooded  vertebrates  and  invertebrates  of  the  Canadian  province  either 

do  not  differ  from  those  of  the  corresponding  latitudes  of  the  Old  World  or  else 

belong  to  species  more  numerously  represented  in  the  United  States. 


.  ■   - 



The  Animals  of  the  United  States 

The  United  States  area,  bordered  by  Canada  on  the  north  and  by  the  acute  angle 
of  the  Mexican  highlands  on  the  south,  may  be  divided  into  four  zones  succeeding 
each  other  from  east  to  west.  In  the  first  or  Atlantic  zone  there  is  a  copious  rain- 
fall at  all  seasons  and  the  moist  climate  produces  extensive  forests.  The  second 
zone,  which  occupies  the  area  between  the  first  and  the  foot  of  the  Rocky 
Mountains,  has  dry  winters  and  moist  summers,  vast  plains  being  clothed  with 
grass  in  consequence  of  the  moderate  rainfall,  while  the  cold  winter  with  its 
northerly  winds  and  sharp  frosts  prevents  the  growth  of  trees.  This  zone,  which 
includes  the  prairies,  is  followed  by  the  table-land  between  the  Rocky  Mountains 
and  the  Sierra  Nevada,  which  has  very  little  rain  at  all  seasons  and  least  of  all 
in  summer,  and  thus  is  largely  desert,  with  a  corresponding  type  of  vegetation. 
The  fourth  zone  is  formed  by  the  Pacific  slope  of  the  Sierra  Nevada  and  comprises 
the  States  of  Washington,  Oregon,  and  California.  The  rains,  which  are  abundant 
in  summer  in  the  north,  decrease  in  quantity  as  we  pass  from  north  to  south,  the 
southern  part  of  California  being  very  poor  in  moisture.  Accordingly,  in  central 
California  we  find  hard-leaved  trees  characteristic  of  a  climate  with  moderate 
moisture,  while  the  abundant  rains  of  the  north  give  rise  to  rich  forests  of 
deciduous  trees. 

Corresponding  to  the  more  varied  nature  of  its  physical  conditions,  the  area 
of  the  United  States  has  a  richer  fauna  than  that  of  Canada,  and  its  animals  bear 

a  decidedly  American  stamp. 



The  largest  mammal  is  the  American  bison  (Bos  bison)  universally 
known  in  America  by  the  erroneous  name  of  buffalo.  It  is  less 
well  proportioned  than  its  European  relative,  the  hind-quarters  being  very  weak  in 
comparison  with  the  magnificent  shoulders  and  the  massive  head.  Two  varieties 
are  recognised  by  American  naturalists,  the  typical  prairie  race  and  the  wood 
buffalo  (B.  bison  athabascce)  of  the  north-west.  Before  the  days  of  railways  bison 
existed  in  vast  herds  over  quite  a  third  of  North  America,  but,  with  the  exception 
of  some  herds  of  the  woodland  race  in  the  north-west,  and  those  preserved  in  the 
Yellowstone  Park,  the  species  has  been  practically  exterminated  in  the  wild  state. 
White-Tailed  With  the   exception  of   the   little   pudu  of   South  America,  the 

Deer.  whole  of  the  true  American  deer  (that  is  to  say  those  other  than  the 

elk,  wapiti,  and  reindeer,  which  are  circumpolar  types)  may  be  included  in  the 
single  genus  Mazama,  of  which  there  are  no  Old  World  representatives.  The 
members  of  this  group  are  distinguished  by  the  uniform  colouring  of  the  adults, 
by  the  narrow  bare  muzzle,  the  presence  of  a  gland  on  the  inside  of  the  hock, 
but  above  all  by  the  nature  of  their  antlers.  In  those  forms  in  which  they  are 
branched,  these  latter  differ  from  those  of  the  typical  deer  of  the  Old  World  by 
branching  in  a  characteristic  forked  manner. 

The  most  characteristic  of  all  American  deer  is  perhaps  the  white-tail 
(Mazama  [Odocoileus]  americana),  of  which  there  are  many  races,  the  Virginian 
race  being  the  typical  form.  The  antlers  are  characterised  by  the  great  develop- 
ment of  the  front  branch  of  the  main  fork,  which  carries  several  upright  tines,  and 
by  the  presence  of  a  conspicuous  sub-basal  snag.  More  characteristic  still  is  the 
long,  bushy  tail,  coloured  like  the  back  above,  but  wholly  white  beneath.  At  all 
seasons  the  Virginian  white-tail  (which  is  a  comparatively  large  animal)  has  a 
white  throat,  a  white  band  above  the  muzzle,  and  white  rings  round  the  eyes,  the 
inner  sides  of  the  legs  and  under-parts,  like  the  lower  side  of  the  tail,  and  buttocks, 
being  also  white.  There  is  a  small  circular  white-rimmed  gland  on  the  lower  part 
of  the  outer  side  of  the  hind-leg;.  The  general  colour  in  summer  is  reddish  fawn  on 
the  upper-parts,  but  in  winter  bluish  grey. 

The  various  local  races  of  this  widely  spread  species  differ  not  only  in  details  of 
colour  and  marking,  but  also  in  the  form  of  the  antlers  and  in  bodily  size  from 
this  typical  form.  The  largest  races,  like  the  Virginian  and  the  western  M. 
americana  macrura,  inhabit  the  north,  but  towards  the  south  the  forms  become 
smaller  and  smaller,  and  have  simpler  and  simpler  antlers,  until  in  the  neighbour- 
hood of  the  Gulf  of  Mexico  and  in  Central  America  they  become  so  small  that  it  is 
difficult  to  believe  they  belong  to  the  same  species.  Nevertheless  the  transition 
from  the  larger  to  the  smaller  is  so  gradual  that,  although  an  actual  gradation 
does  not  take  place,  it  is  evident  that  they  are  all  modifications  of  one  vari- 
able type.  This  is  true  even  of  the  little  Acapulco  white-tail  (M.  americana 
tolteca)  of  Yucatan,  in  which  even  the  white-ringed  gland  on  the  outer  side  of 
the  hind-leg  is  absent. 

An  allied  but  very  distinct  type  is  represented  by  the  mule-deer 

(31.  [0.]  hemionus),  which  takes  its  popular  title  from  the  enormous 

size  of  its  ears.     This  species,  of  which  there  are  likewise  several  local  races,  is 

further  distinguished  by  the  form  of  its  antlers,  in  which  the  sub-basal  snag  is 



feebly  developed,  by  the  dark  brown  patch  on  the  forehead,  and  above  all  by  the 
form  and  colour  of  the  gland  on  the  outer  side  of  the  hind-leg.     In  place  of  being 


\  lliiilNIAN    IJKEk. 

circular,  with  a  ring  of  white  hairs,  this  gland  is  elongated  and  extends  up  the 
greater  portion  of  the  lower  segment  of  the  leg,  with  which  it  agrees  in  colour. 
Another  distinctive  feature  is  afforded  by  the  tail,  which  is  short  with  a  black  tip. 
Although  the  mule-deer  rivals  the  Virginian  white-tail  in  height,  the  body  is  more 


compact  and  the  legs  are  proportionately  shorter.  The  progress  of  cultivation  has 
not  yet  diminished  the  distributional  area  of  the  mule-deer  to  the  same  degree  as 
that  of  many  other  animals,  probably  on  account  of  the  wilder  nature  of  its  home, 
which  is  mainly  the  tract  between  the  Missouri  and  the  Sierra  Nevada.  The 
survival  of  the  species  is  also  doubtless  owing  to  the  fact  that  it  accommodates 
itself  more  readily  to  the  vicinity  of  human  habitations  than  do  other  deer. 
Biack-TaUed  The  black-tailed  deer  {M.  [0.]  columbiana),  which  accords  in  the 

Deer.  form  of  its  antlers  very  closely  with  the  mule-deer,  is  not  only  of 

smaller  stature  than  the  latter,  but  has  much  smaller  ears.  Its  name  is  derived  from 
the  black  upper  surface  of  the  moderately  long  tail,  of  which  the  lower  side  is 
white.  The  gland  on  the  outer  side  of  the  lower  surface  of  the  leg  is  of  the  same 
type  as  that  of  the  mule-deer  but  shorter.  In  winter  the  general  colour  of  the 
coat  of  this  deer  is  brownish  grey  speckled  with  black  on  the  upper-parts  and 
white  below,  but  in  summer  the  shade  changes  to  yellowish  red.  British 
Columbia  is  the  home  of  the  typical  race  of  this  species  (for  there  are  several), 
which  is  unknown  east  of  the  Sierra  Nevada.  This  deer  seldom  leaves  the  pine- 
forests  of  its  native  hills  in  the  neighbourhood  of  the  Columbia  River  and  the 
Pacific  Ocean,  although  when  disturbed  it  will  descend  to  the  sea-shore  to  feed 
upon  seaweed. 

North    America   possesses    one    very   remarkable    mammal,   the 

ong  uc  ^^  representative  of  its  family,  in  the  prongbuck  (Antilocapra 
americana),  a  ruminant  resembling  an  antelope  in  general  appearance,  but  with 
an  altogether  peculiar  type  of  horn.  In  addition  to  this  feature  it  is  remarkable 
for  its  small  hoofs,  without  any  vestiges  of  the  lateral  hoofs  possessed  by  most  of 
the  ruminants.  The  hair,  which  on  the  hinder  part  of  the  neck  is  lengthened  into 
a  mane,  is  chiefly  bright  chestnut-brown  in  colour,  but  becomes  dark  brown  on  the 
face,  while  the  chin,  some  bars  on  the  throat,  cheeks,  the  inside  of  the  ears,  and 
under-parts  are  white.  The  horns  of  the  bucks  (for  the  females  are  generally  horn- 
less) are  black  in  colour  and  laterally  compressed,  with  a  well-marked  fork  about 
the  middle  of  their  length.  They  differ  from  those  of  other  hollow-horned  rumi- 
nants not  only  by  this  forking  but  likewise  by  being  annually  shed  and  renewed, 
the  new  horn  growing  up  inside  the  old  sheath,  which  it  gradually  replaces. 

Although  the  prongbuck  seems  never  to  have  ranged  east  of  the  Mississippi, 
in  former  times  it  inhabited  all  the  country  now  within  the  boundaries  of  the 
United  States  west  of  that  river,  except  the  forests  and  the  higher  mountains. 

Among  the  squirrels  of  the  United  States  mention  may  be  made 
rey  uirr  .  ^  ^e  ^re^  SqUjrrei  (Sciurus  carolinensis),  which  seems  to  resemble 
the  European  squirrel  in  its  habits  more  than  does  the  chickari.  Typically  an 
inhabitant  of  the  eastern  United  States,  this  squirrel,  inclusive  of  its  numerous 
local  races,  ranges  from  Canada  to  Guatemala.  It  is  almost  entirely  confined  to 
thick  forests,  where  it  lays  up  provision-stores  beneath  the  surface  for  winter  use. 
Occasionally  dark  olive-brown  above  and  grey  below,  it  is  generally  pale  grey 
above,  marked  by  a  pale  fulvous  line  on  each  flank.  It  is  distinguished  from  the 
chickari  by  the  absence  of  ear-tufts,  as  wTell  as  by  the  longer  tail,  and  its  larger 
bodily  size.  At  least  nine  other  species  of  squirrels  are  recognised  in  North 
America,  while  there  are  many  more  in  Central  and  South  America,  among  which 





the  fox-squirrel  (S.  rujwenter)  of  the  United  States  may  be  specially  mentioned 
on  account  of  its  large  size.     The  length  is  about  23  inches. 

The  marmots  are  represented  by  five  North  American  species, 
the  largest  of  which  has  a  total  length  of  about  2  feet,  and  much 
resembles  the  Alpine  species.  This  is  the  hoary  marmot  (Arctomys  2^ruino8Us),  so 
named  from  its  coloration.  The  second  species,  the  yellow  -  breasted  marmot 
(A.  flaviventer),  is  a  smaller  and  longer-tailed  animal,  whose  range  extends  from 
western  Texas,  New  Mexico,  and  Arizona  northwards  to  about  the  49th  parallel. 


This  species  lives  to  a  certain  extent  in  colonies,  like  the  marmots  of  the  Old 
World.  A  third  kind,  the  woodchuck  (A.  monax),  like  the  yellow-breasted  marmot, 
has  a  tail  half  as  long  as  the  body,  but  only  attains  a  total  length  of  some  14 
inches.  The  colour  of  the  back  is  a  mixture  of  grey,  reddish  brown,  and  black, 
while  the  lower-parts  are  yellowish  or  brownish,  some  specimens  being,  however, 
almost  quite  black.  This  marmot,  inclusive  of  its  local  races,  ranges  from 
Newfoundland,  Labrador,  and  Bering  Strait  southwards  to  Georgia,  and  from  New 
York  westward  to  Dakota.  It  is  remarkable  for  its  habits,  which  are  not  unlike 
those  of  chipmunks. 



In  summer  woodchucks  live  on  open  plains,  in  the  Adirondack  Mountains 
chiefly  in  meadows  or  slopes  of  rocky  hills  close  to  cultivated  country,  where  they 
make  their  burrows  in  order  to  graze  on  the  grass  and  clover.  They  feed  by  day 
and  night  and  at  any  hour  of  the  day,  according  to  the  season,  the  weather,  and 
their  feeling  of  security.  In  cultivated  districts  they  appear  abroad  in  summer 
generally  only  in  the  early  mornings,  late  in  the  afternoons,  and  on  moonlight  nights. 
In  autumn  they  venture  out  only  in  tine  weather,  and  even  then  only  during  the 
warmest  hours  of  the  day.  About  the  21st  of  September,  woodchucks  regularly 
retire  into  their  holes,  unaffected  by  the  warmth  or  other  conditions  of  the  weather, 
or  even  the  quantity  of  their  food ;  and  in  the  middle  or  the  second  half  of  March 
they  leave  them  again,  even  though  the  ground  be  still  covered  with  snow. 




The  susliks  or  gophers  of  the  United  States  all  belong  to  the 
long-tailed  group.  One  of  these,  the  long-eared  gopher  (Spermophilus 
grammurus),  which,  inclusive  of  its  subspecies,  ranges  from  Colorado  to  California, 
is  not  only  distinguished  by  its  long  bushy  tail,  but  also  by  its  long  hairy  ears.  The 
most  familiar  American  species  is,  however,  the  striped  gopher  (8.  iridecemlineatus), 
mentioned  on  p.  321,  which,  with  its  local  races,  ranges  from  Canada  to  Texas,  and  is 
distinguished  by  its  small  ears  and  remarkable  colouring.  The  back  of  this  gopher 
is  dark  rufous  brown  with  from  six  to  eight  light  stripes  running  along  it,  -and 
alternating  with  from  five  to  seven  rows  of  light  spots,  the  yellowish  brown  lower- 
parts  being  edged  by  a  narrow  yellow-edged  black  stripe. 

Another  group  of  the  squirrel  family  is  formed  by  the  prairie- 
marmots,  or  prairie-dogs,  which  are  common  to  North  America  and 
Asia    and   intermediate    between    marmots    and   susliks   in   size,  with   small    ears, 



moderately  long  tails,  and  much  narrower  cheek-pouches  than  susliks.  The 
common  species  is  the  typical  prairie- marmot  (Cynomys  ludovicianus),  which  is 
reddish  brown  with  a  grey  tinge  above,  and  yellowish  or  brownish  white  below,  with 
the  tip  of  the  tail  brownish  black.  This  species  is  an  inhabitant  of  open  plains, 
and  confined  to  the  drier  districts  east  of  the  Rocky  Mountains,  ranging  from 
western  Texas  to  the  49th  parallel,  and  from  western  Kansas  to  the  eastern  base  of 
the  Rockies.  The  Mexican  prairie-marmot  (C.  mexicanus)  is  distinguished  from 
its  relative  by  its  larger  size,  and  much  longer  tail  with  more  black  at  the  tip. 
Other  species  found  in  the  United  States  are  Gunnison's  prairie-marmot  (C. 
gunnisoni)  of  Arizona  and  New  Mexico,  which  is  smaller  than  the  type  species. 
Lewis's  prairie-marmot  (C  lewisi)  of  Wyoming  and  the  adjacent  territories,  and 
the  Arizona  prairie-marmot  (C.  arizonensis)  of  southern  Arizona.  These  rodents, 
which  associate  in  large  colonies,  live  in  separate  holes,  each  having  a  small  heap  of 
earth  in  front  of  the  entrance.  There  are  generally  three  or  four  entrances  all 
belonging  to  the  same  burrow,  each  burrow  having  perhaps  ten  or  twelve  in- 
habitants. The  common  prairie-marmot  is  distinguished  from  some  of  the  other 
species  by  forming  funnel-shaped  entrances  to  its  domicile  from  the  earth  thrown 
out  in  burrowing,  which  is  heaped  up  with  the  fore-feet,  and  pressed  down  in 
damp  weather  with  the  nose. 

North   America   is   the    sole  home  of   a   family  of   remarkable 
Sewellels.  .  . 

rodents,  the  sewellels,  whose  members  are  in  habits  half-beavers  and 

half-squirrels.  They  owe  their  scientific  name  (Haplodontidce)  to  the  structure 
of  their  cheek-teeth,  which  are  without  roots,  and  the  first  pair  of  which  in  the 
upper  jaws  are  extremely  small.  Speaking  generally,  sewellels  are  stoutly  built 
rodents,  with  a  head  somewhat  recalling  that  of  a  pug-dog,  the  body  cylindrical, 
and  the  tail  a  mere  stump.  The  Californian  representative  of  the  genus,  the  so- 
called  mountain-beaver  (Haplodon  rufus),  is  a  fairly  large  rodent  of  about  16 
inches  in  length,  typically  inhabiting  the  cascades  of  the  Columbia  River,  but 
represented  by  varieties  in  California  and  Washington.  This  rodent  resembles 
a  squirrel  in  its  climbing  propensities,  but  in  other  respects  is  more  like  a 
beaver,  since  it  inhabits  wet  ground  with  plenty  of  running  water,  where  it  forms 
small  colonies  and  makes  its  burrows  on  sloping  ground  in  such  a  manner  that 
water  can  pass  through  them. 

Although    the    mouse  tribe    is  abundantly    represented    in   the 
Mouse  Tribe.  ~  , 

continent  of  America  from  one  extremity  to  the  other,  there  are  no 

members  of  the  true  rats  and  mice  indigenous  to  the  New  World.  Their  place  is 
taken  by  voles  generically  identical  with  the  European  forms  and  by  a  vast  number 
of  forms  more  or  less  nearly  allied  to  the  hamsters  of  Europe  and  Asia.  Many  of 
these  cricetines  are  distinguished  by  white  feet,  and  are  therefore  called  white- 
footed  mice,  but  in  shape  and  in  the  length  of  tail  the  group  varies  greatly.  Some, 
for  instance,  have  long  tails  and  resemble  common  mice  ;  others  look  like  dormice ; 
others  again  have  short  hamster-like  tails  and  bodies  like  voles,  and  one  species  is 
distinguished  by  spines  growing  among  its  hair.  It  is  now  the  fashion  to  refer 
these  cricetines  to  quite  a  number  of  genera,  of  which  the  following  are  represented 
in  the  United  States :  namely,  Onychomys,  Peromyscus,  Sigmodon,  Oryzomys,  and 
Rhithrodontornys.     One  of  the  most  familiar  species  is  the  common  deer-mouse 


{Peromyscus  americanus),  which  in  some  cases  inhabits  open  fields,  although  it 
apparently  prefers  forest,  and  does  not,  like  the  European  hamster,  hibernate.  On 
the  contrary,  it  is  often  seen  running  about  in  the  snow,  on  which  its  long  tail 
leaves  a  characteristic  track.  In  the  north  of  its  habitat  it  nests  in  cavities  of 
trees,  fallen  trunks,  or  holes  in  the  ground,  while  in  the  south  it  hangs  its  nest  of 
moss,  grass,  and  leaves  on  a  horizontal  twig,  this  nest  being  always  provided  with  an 
entrance-hole  below.  Not  only  the  natural  gracefulness  and  vivacity  of  its  move- 
ments, but  also  its  fine  colouring  make  this  mouse  one  of  the  most  beautiful  of  the 
smaller  inhabitants  of  the  North  American  forests.  When  very  young  this  species 
is  of  a  dull  grey,  but  later  on  it  becomes  of  a  bright  fawn-colour,  its  snow-white 
feet  and  under-parts  being  in  strong  contrast  to  the  rest  of  its  body.  With  its 
pearl-like  eyes,  large  ears,  and  long  tail,  this  mouse  in  general  appearance  is  not  unlike 
the  European  house-mouse,  which  it  also  resembles  in  size.  To  mention  in  detail 
any  other  members  of  the  group  would  be  impossible  in  our  space,  but  it  may  be 
observed  that  the  species  of  the  genus  Rhithrodontomys  take  their  name  from  their 
grooved  front-teeth.  An  allied  sub-group  is  represented  by  the  Florida  wood-rat 
(Neotoma  floridana),  an  agile  climber  found  both  in  forests  and  on  rocky  ground, 
which  produces  from  three  to  six  young  twice  a  year.  These,  like  certain  young 
opossums,  cling  to  the  sides  and  back  of  their  mother,  even  when  she  is  walking. 
This  species  has  a  thin  scaly  tail,  but  the  bushy-tailed  wood-rat  (N.  cinerea),  which 
is  confined  to  the  north-western  and  western  States,  has  a  tail  more  like  that  of  a 
dormouse.  Wood-rats  have  grooved  upper  incisors.  The  true  voles  are  represented 
in  the  United  States  by  species  belonging  to  the  European  genera  Microtus  and 
Evotomys,  as  well  as  by  others  assigned  to  peculiar  genera  under  the  names  of 
Phenacomys  and  Synaptomys.  The  musquash  (Fiber)  has  been  already  mentioned 
in  the  chapter  on  the  Canadian  fauna,  as  have  likewise  the  lemmings  of  the  genera 
Lemmus  and  Dicrostonyx. 

Of  the  exclusively  American  family  Geomyidce,  to  which  allusion 
Pocket-Gophers.  \  f  J3 

has  also  been  made  in  the  chapter  just  referred  to,  the    common 

pocket-gopher  (Geomys  bur  sarins),  which  inhabits  the  basin  of  the  Mississippi, 
whence  it  ranges  as  far  north  as  the  Canadian  border,  is  about  8  inches  long 
and  has  a  soft  mole-like  coat  of  a  reddish  brown  colour  above,  and  greyish 
beneath,  the  feet  and  generally  the  tail  being  white.  In  habits  it  resembles  a 
mole,  but  feeds  on  roots,  nuts,  seeds,  etc.,  and  in  cultivated  districts  on  potatoes, 
which  it  is  said  to  carry  away  to  its  provision-stores  in  its  pouches.  The  provision- 
chamber  is  connected  by  a  passage  with  the  living  habitation,  which  is  generally 
situated  beneath  the  roots  of  a  large  tree,  about  5  feet  below  the  ground,  and 
lined  with  grass.  When  this  chamber  is  inhabited  by  a  female,  it  is  generally 
connected  with  a  circular,  horizontal  passage  resembling  that  of  a  mole's  burrow, 
which  probably  serves  as  a  refuge. 

The  kangaroo-rats  agree  with  the  pocket-gophers  in  the  posses- 
Kangaroo-Rats.    .  &  °  .     .  , 

sion  of  external  cheek-pouches,  as  well  as  by  their  internal  structure, 

but  are  distinguished  by  their  long  hind-legs,  long  tail,  large  eyes,  and  well- 
developed  external  ears,  as  well,  moreover,  as  by  their  habits.  They  represent 
in  America  the  jerboas  of  Asia  and  Africa  and  the  jerboa-rats  of  Australia, 
inhabiting  the  very  driest  regions,  where  they  live  in  holes  dug  by  themselves 
vol.  11. — 22 


beneath  rocks  and  stones.  Apparently  they  drink  nothing  but  the  dew  which 
gathers  on  the  cactuses,  almost  the  only  plants  of  their  native  home,  and  feed 
on  the  roots,  seeds,  and  leaves  of  the  grass  growing  sparsely  between  the  cactuses. 
The  common  kangaroo-rat  (Dipodomys  phillipsi),  which  inhabits  the  deserts  east 
of  the  Rocky  Mountains,  is  distinguished  by  four  toes  on  the  hind-feet,  is  mouse- 
brown  above,  and  tan-coloured  on  the  flanks,  with  the  under-parts,  the  tip  of  the 
tail,  and  a  spot  over  each  eye  whitish. 

North  America  is  the  home  of  several  kinds  of  hares,  some  of 

which  are  locally  known  as  "  cotton-tails "  and  others  as  "  Jack- 
rabbits."  The  most  northern  of  these,  such  as  the  polar  hare,  have  been  mentioned 
in  the  last  chapter.  Of  the  others,  two,  namely  the  large  prairie-hare  (L.  cam- 
pestris)  and  the  smaller  varying  hare  (L.  americanus),  turn  white  in  winter ;  the 
former  having  long  ears  and  the  whole  tail  white,  whereas  in  the  latter  the  ears 
are  shorter  and  the  upper  surface  of  the  tail  is  dark.  Among  those  which  do  not 
change  colour,  the  wood-hare,  grey  rabbit,  or  cotton-tail  (L.  sylvaticus)  is  a 
^ery  variable  southern  form,  with  numerous  local  races.  Nearly  allied  to  the 
prairie-hare,  or  white-tailed  Jack-rabbit,  are  several  species  distinguished  by  having 
a  more  or  less  distinct  black  stripe  on  the  upper  surface  of  the  tail.  These  include 
a  buff-bellied  species  found  in  California,  Northern  Mexico  and  South-western 
Oregon  (L.  californicus),  a  large,  long-legged  hare  from  Southern  Arizona  and 
Sonora  (L.  alleni),  the  Texan  Jack-rabbit  (L.  texianus),  and  the  black-eared  hare 
(L.  melanotis)  of  the  Great  Plains,  which  differs  from  the  third  only  by  its  shorter 
ears  and  richer  coloration. 

The  wood-hare  and  its  relatives,  forming  the  subgenus  Sylvilagus,  resemble 
the  rabbit  to  a  certain  degree  in  habits,  since  they  often  establish  their  abodes  in 
hollow  trunks  of  trees,  or  in  burrows  abandoned  by  other  mammals,  while  tb? 
females,  which  produce  from  four  to  six  blind  and  naked  young  three  times  a  year, 
scratch  shallow  holes  in  the  ground,  and  line  them  with  leaves,  grass,  and  their 
own  fur.  When  leaving  the  nest,  they  cover  their  young  so  well  that  they  are 
completely  hidden.  The  wood-hare  does  not  occur  farther  north  than  the  State 
of  New  York. 

The  American  "  wild  cat,"  or  red  lynx  (Felis  rufa),  apparently 

represents  in  the  United  States  the  European  southern  lynx.  This 
lynx  is  somewhat  smaller  than  its  Canadian  relative,  and  has  shorter  and  thinner 
hair,  and  a  more  bushy  tail.  In  many  districts  it  is  of  a  uniform  reddish  brown, 
but  in  Texas  and  southern  California  it  is  represented  by  the  handsomer  spotted 
variety  (F.  r.  maculata),  while  in  Washington  and  Oregon  there  is  a  striped  phase 
(F.  r.  fasciata)  distinguished  by  dark  cross-bars.  Numerous  other  local  modifica- 
tions have  been  described.  Inclusive  of  these  varieties,  the  range  of  the  red 
lynx  extends  into  Canada.  The  species  is  generally  confined  to  rocky  districts, 
and  differs  from  the  Canadian  lynx  in  having  three,  and  sometimes  four,  instead 
of  only  a  pair  of  cubs. 

The  range  of  the  largest  North   American  cat,  the  puma  (F. 
Puma.  °  fe  ii 

concolor),  is  perhaps  more  extensive  than  that  ol  any  other  mammal, 

extending  from  Alaska  to  the   extreme   south  of  Patagonia,  if  not  to  Tierra  del 

Fuego.      It  is  true,  indeed,  that  by  modern   American  naturalists  the  puma  (of 



which  the  type  locality  is  Brazil)  has  been  split  up  into  a  number  of  so-called 
species ;  but  it  is  from  every  point  of  view  far  preferable  to  regard  such  forms 
as  local  modifications  of  one  species,  which  from  the  extent  of  its  range  must 
necessarily  display  a  considerable  amount  of  variation.  These  remarks  will 
apply  with  equal  force  to  the  case  of  the  coyote,  which  comes  later  on  in  this 

Apparently  the  largest  known  specimen  of  this  animal  was  one  killed  in 



-  -    /  r 


^*T —  i  ■     -  ii     ■  — 


Texas  in  1846,  which  had  a  total  length  of  over  8  feet,  with  a  tail  of  about 
3  feet.  The  puma  is  a  slender  animal  with  a  long  body  and  short  legs.  In  colour 
it  is  a  uniform  reddish  or  brownish  grey  above  and  whitish  below,  with  an 
indistinct  dark  line  running  along  the  back,  and  the  tail  ending  in  a  dark  brown 
tip,  while  the  black  outer  sides  of  the  ears  are  marked  by  a  whitish  spot  in  the 
middle,  and  the  white  upper  lip  shows  a  black  spot  in  front.  It  is  distinguished 
from  other  large  cats  by  flesh-coloured  nostrils,  and  is  said  in  North  America  to 
be  redder  in  summer  and  greyer  in  winter :  but  some  of  the  races  are  yellowish 


grey,  some  dark  brown,  and  others  grey,  or  even  whitish ;  while,  as  an  individual 
variation,  black  pumas  are  met  with  in  the  tropical  forest  regions.  A  light-hued 
race  from  Patagonia  is  characterised  by  the  backs  of  the  ears  being  pale-coloured 
instead  of  black.  Young  and  old  animals  are  very  different  in  colouring,  newly 
born  pumas  showing  rows  of  large,  oblong,  blackish  brown  spots  along  the  body, 
and  rings  of  the  same  colour  round  the  tail.  This  marking  remains  distinct  for 
the  first  six  months,  and  traces  of  it  may  be  detected  even  in  full-grown  animals, 
especially  when  seen  in  certain  lights,  and  a  few  individuals  retain  this  spotting 
throughout  life. 

In  South  America  the  puma  is  found  on  the  grassy,  treeless  pampas  of 
Argentina,  as  well  as  in  the  primeval  forests  on  the  Amazons ;  and  not  only  at 
the  level  of  the  sea,  but  even  up  to  heights  of  10,000  feet,  as  is  the  case  in  the 
Cordilleras  of  Chile.  In  the  Peruvian  highlands,  where  it  inhabits  the  highest 
forests,  the  puma  is  occasionally  found  up  to  the  snow-line,  and  in  the  mountain- 
forests  of  Central  America  it  generally  ascends  to  heights  of  8000  or  9000  feet. 
In  the  northern  portions  of  its  range  the  puma  has  to  endure  very  severe  winters, 
and  find  its  food  in  the  snow ;  but  it  is  equally  at  home  in  the  hot  swamps  and 
reed-beds  fringing  the  banks  of  the  large  rivers  in  the  south.  In  the  Rocky 
Mountains  it  is  said  to  range  up  to  the  heights  inhabited  by  the  bighorn 
sheep,  and  on  Mount  Persephone  in  California  it  has  been  observed  at  a  height 
of  3000  feet  above  the  sea.  In  Mexico  it  dwells  in  the  most  isolated  spots  among 
impenetrable  thickets  or  in  caves,  while  in  the  pampas  it  probably  hides  among 
the  high  grass  or  on  the  banks  of  the  rivers.  Here  it  feeds  chiefly  on  the  larger 
animals  such  as  guanaco,  deer,  tapirs,  peccaries,  and  rheas.  The  number  of 
guanaco  which  fall  a  victim  to  the  puma  is  evident  from  the  skeletons  of  these 
animals  found  on  the  pampas  with  the  necks  broken. 

In  North  America,  among  the  animals  which  the  puma  chooses  for  its  prey, 
deer  are  the  largest ;  but  these  form  by  no  means  its  principal  article  of  food  in 
other  districts.  In  the  forests  of  the  Amazons  and  the  Orinoco,  for  instance,  the 
puma  is  said  to  have  accommodated  itself  to  a  more  or  less  arboreal  life,  like  so 
many  other  mammals  indigenous  to  these  latitudes.  It  is  stated  to  jump  from  branch 
to  branch,  and  from  tree  to  tree,  in  pursuit  of  monkeys  on  which  in  those  parts 
it  probably  chiefly  preys.  The  North  American  puma  is,  however,  said  to  disdain 
scarcely  anything,  and  to  devour  mammals  from  the  size  of  a  deer  to  that  of  a 
mouse,  as  well  as  fishes  and  even  snails.  Instead  of  the  rhea,  or  American  ostrich, 
which  it  pursues  in  South  America,  in  New  Mexico  and  Arizona  the  puma  stalks 
the  wild  turkey.  South  American  pumas  are  so  partial  to  horse-flesh  that  in  some 
parts  of  Patagonia  the  breeding  of  horses  is  impossible,  on  account  of  all  the  colts 
being  devoured  by  these  marauders.  To  some  extent  this  also  holds  good  for 
the  half-wild  horses  of  South  America.  Not  only  colts,  but  also  fully  grown 
horses  fall  victims  to  the  voracity  of  the  puma ;  and,  although  calves  are  taken  by 
preference,  cows  are  also  killed  and  eaten.  Pumas  are  likewise  particularly  fond 
of  sheep,  which  in  many  districts  form  their  chief  food.  They  generally  wander 
forth  at  night  or  in  the  morning  and  evening  twilight,  like  other  large  cats,  and 
stalk  their  prey  in  the  same  stealthy  manner.  They  slink  up  close  to  deer,  and  when 
near  enough  advance  in  a  series  of  leaps,  if  not  able  to  reach  them  by  a  single 


bound  from  some  elevation.  If  the  attack  fails  after  several  attempts,  pumas  let 
their  victims  escape,  in  spite  of  their  wonderful  leaping  powers,  which  are  such  as 
to  enable  them  to  jump  on  to  branches  18  to  20  feet  from  the  ground.  In  deep 
snow  pumas  follow  their  prey  much  farther  than  at  other  times,  and  they  have 
then  been  seen  chasing  deer  for  considerable  distances.  When  they  overtake  their 
victims,  pumas  jump  on  the  shoulders,  and  break  the  vertebrae  of  the  neck  with 
their  fore-feet.  In  South  America  the  puma  is  said  sometimes  to  jump  on  the 
back  of  the  jaguar,  when  it  inflicts  terrible  wounds  with  its  claws.  And  the  same 
story  is  told  in  North  America  with  regard  to  the  puma  and  the  grisly  bear.  In 
proportion  to  its  size,  the  puma  is  undoubtedly  one  of  the  fiercest  and  most 
courageous  beasts-of-prey,  and  it  is  therefore  all  the  more  remarkable  that  it  should 
be  such  a  coward  in  the  presence  of  man.  This  appears  to  be  especially  noticeable 
in  South  America,  where  for  many  years  it  has  been  known  that  pumas  never  attack 
grown-up  persons,  children,  or  any  sleeping  human  beings. 

Among  the  members  of  the  dog  tribe  inhabiting  the  United 
States,  the  most  characteristic  is  the  coyote  (Canis  latrans),  which 
ranges  from  Manitoba  to  Costa  Rica,  and  is  particularly  common  in  Texas  and  the 
north  of  Mexico,  as  well  as  on  the  prairies.  This  species,  which  has  been  sub- 
divided into  a  number  of  races  (species  of  American  naturalists),  is  easil}T 
distinguished  from  the  true  wolves  of  North  America,  to  which  allusion  has  been 
made  in  an  earlier  chapter,  by  its  inferior  stature  and  more  bushy  tail,  as  well 
as  by  the  closer  and  longer  fur. 

Compared  with  the  various  modifications  of  the  wolf,  the  coyote  is  a  slender, 
lithe,  graceful,  and  smaller  animal.  Except  in  the  pallid  desert  forms,  in  which 
the  fulvous  tints  are  replaced  by  buff,  the  muzzle,  back  of  the  ears,  outer  sides,  and 
in  some  cases  the  whole,  of  the  limbs,  and  the  terminal  half  of  the  lower  side  of  the 
tail  are  fulvous.  The  ground-colour  of  the  back  varies  from  buff",  or  even  from 
buffish  white,  in  the  desert  forms,  to  dull  fulvous  in  the  South  Mexican  race ;  the 
relative  preponderance  of  black-tipped  hairs  being  usually  dependent  upon  the 
intensity  of  the  ground-colour.  The  upper  surface  of  the  tail  is  coloured  like  the 
back,  but  shows  at  about  one-third  the  length  from  the  root  an  elongated  black 
spot,  marking  the  position  of  the  gland  situated  here  in  all  members  of  the  dcg 
tribe.  The  tail-tip  is  always  black,  although  occasionally  it  may  contain  a  tuft 
of  white  hair.  The  male  coyote  is  superior  in  size  to  the  female. 
Red  and  Cross  The    red    fox    (C.    vulpes  fidvus),   representing    the    common 

Fox-  fox  of  Europe,  inhabits  the  eastern  States.     In  the  same  area  occurs 

the  so-called  cross-fox,  which  is  a  mere  individual  variety,  not  even  entitled  to 
rank  as  a  distinct  race.  Of  a  very  different  type  is  the  Virginian  or  grey  fox 
(G.  cinereo-argenteus),  whose  range,  inclusive  of  the  numerous  local  races,  extends 
from  the  United  States  to  Central  America.  It  is  much  smaller  in  size  than  the  red 
fox,  and  seems  to  be  a  transitional  form  between  the  latter  and  the  fox-like  dogs  of 
South  America.  Hence  it  is  separated  generically,  under  the  name  of  Urocyon, 
by  those  naturalists  who  refer  to  the  true  foxes  as  Vulpes.  The  typical  race  of  the 
species  inhabits  eastern  North  America  from  Georgia  northwards  to  New  England 
and  westwards  to  the  valley  of  the  Mississippi.  Its  habits  are  unlike  those  of  the 
common  fox. 



American  Black  The  American  black  bear  ( Ursus  americanus),  of  which  several 

Bear.  local  forms  have  been  described,  is  much  smaller  than  the  Alaskan 
brown  bears,  and  even  inferior  in  size  to  the  brown  bear  of  Europe. 

Originally  this  bear  ranged  from  Labrador  to  the  Gulf  of  Mexico  and 
from  the  Atlantic  to  the  Pacific.  Now,  however,  it  is  mainly  restricted  to  a 
few  of  the  mountain-ranees  in  the  south  of  the  St.  Lawrence  basin,  to  the 
neighbourhood  of  the  great  lakes,  and  to  some  unsettled  districts  in  the  east  of  the 
Mississippi  basin. 

The  habitat  of  the  typical  race  extends  over  the  forest-covered  districts  of 
North  America  to  the  northward  of  Florida,  Louisiana,  and  Texas.     Normally  the 





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fur  of  this  race  is  uniformly  black  throughout,  except  on  the  muzzle,  where  it  is 
tawny  yellow.  It  is  a  comparatively  small  bear,  with  a  short  and  wide  skull,  of 
which  the  frontal  region  is  usually  moderately  elevated,  and  with  relatively  small 
cheek-teeth.  The  cinnamon-bear  (IT.  cinnamornus)  of  Audubon  and  Bachman 
was  based  on  an  animal  from  the  northern  Rocky  Mountains  with  small  molars 
like  the  common  black  bear  of  the  United  States,  of  which  it  would  seem  to  be  a 
light-coloured  phase.  These  bears  are  not  only  good  swimmers  but  also  excellent 
climbers,  and  though  avoiding  the  tree-tops,  and  thin  branches  which  will 
not  bear  their  weight,  climb  even  smooth  and  vertical  stems  to  get  at  bees  and 
honey.  They  devour  large  quantities  of  ants  and  their  so-called  eggs,  as  well 
as  various  kinds  of  fruits,  leaves,  and  roots.  They  likewise  catch  fishes,  frogs 
tortoises,  and    small  mammals,    although    they    prefer    domesticated    calves   and 


sheep,  and  are  particularly  partial  to    pigs.     The   white  Gribble   Island    bear  is 
referred  to  in  the  preceding  chapter. 

American  The   American   badger  (Taxidea   americana),  the   only   repre- 

Badger.  sentative  of  its  genus,  is  characterised  by  the  great  width  of  the 
hind  part  of  the  skull,  the  depressed  body,  which  measures  about  2  feet  in  length, 
and  the  short  tail,  with  a  length  of  barely  6  inches.  The  cheek-teeth  differ  from  those 
of  the  typical  badgers  of  the  Old  World  by  the  large  size  of  the  flesh-tooth  in  the 
upper  jaw,  and  the  long  heel  of  the  corresponding  lower  tooth.  The  fore-feet  are 
disproportionately  large,  the  eyes  are  very  small,  the  blunt  and  somewhat  crooked 
muzzle  is  haired  down  to  the  nostrils,  and  the  short,  broad,  and  rounded  ears  are 
remarkable  for  the  size  of  their  apertures.  In  colour  the  American  badger,  of 
which  three  local  races  are  recognised,  is  hoary  brown  or  greyish  above,  with  the 
under-parts  and  legs  blackish  brown.  The  head,  which  is  a  little  darker  than  the 
rest  of  the  body,  is  marked  with  a  white  line  down  the  middle,  and  a  white  patch 
on  each  cheek,  divided  by  a  dark  stripe.  This  badger  ranges  from  Canada  into 
Mexico,  where  it  is  represented  by  a  race  (T.  a.  borlandieri)  characterised  by  a 
white  stripe  on  the  back. 

Like  its  relative  in  Europe,  the  American  badger  is  an  exclusively  nocturnal 
animal,  seldom  seen  in  the  daytime ;  on  the  upper  Missouri  and  its  tributaries  it 
is  so  common  that  large  tracts  are  undermined  by  its  burrows,  which  may  be  dis- 
tinguished from  those  of  the  equally  numerous  prairie-marmots  by  the  absence  of 
the  small  mounds  surrounding  the  entrances.  The  badger  kills  and  devours 
numbers  of  these  marmots,  as  well  as  other  small  mammals,  insects,  snails,  birds, 
eggs,  and  honey.  In  the  colder  parts  of  its  habitat  this  badger  hibernates  from 
October  till  April. 

Allied  to  the  badgers  are  the  skunks,  a  group  confined  to  America, 
Skunks.  a  .  . 

and  distinguished  by  the  large  bushy  tail,  generally  carried  over  the 

back,  and  by  the  black-and-white  coloration,  in  which  the  white  is  confined  to 

longitudinal  bands  of  variable  width  on  the  back.     The  members  of  this  noisome 

group  are  split  up  into  three  genera,  in  the  two  first  of  which  there  are  thirty-four 

teeth.     The  typical    representative  of   the  group,  the    common  skunk  {Mephitis 

mephitica),  inhabits  North  and  Central  America  from  Hudson  Bay  to  Louisiana  and 

Virginia,  the  Hudson  Bay  and  the  Mississippi  forms  being  regarded  as  distinct 

local  races.     Other  forms,  recognised  as  species,  carry  the  genus  as  far  south  as 

Guatemala.     An  ordinary  skunk  is  about  the  size  of  a  short-legged  Persian  cat, 

and  is  a  strongly  built,  small-headed  animal,  with  a  bushy  tail  almost  as  long  as 

the  body,  if  the  hairs  at  the  tip  be  included.     The  long-tailed  skunk  (M.  macrura) 

of  Mexico  is  distinguished  by  a  longer  and  bushier  tail,  which  in  all  cases  equals 

the  body  in  length.     The  lesser  skunks,  as  typified  by  Spilogale  putorius,  are  very 

different  animals,  inhabiting;  the  southern  United  States  and  Central  America,  and 

not  exceeding  a  foot  in  length.     Typically  the  tail  is  shorter  than  the  body,  and 

the  back  marked  with  white  spots  and  four  interrupted  white  stripes,  while  the 

tail  ends  in  a  white  tip. 

Unlike  the  typical  skunks,  which  are  ground-animals,  the  lesser  skunks  are 

active  climbers.     All  skunks  have  the  habit,  when  attacked  or  irritated  in  any  way, 

of  ejecting  an  evil-smelling  fluid  secreted  by  two  glands  beneath  their  tail.     Few 



animals  ever  attack  skunks,  for  their  pernicious  habits  appear  to  be  well  known 
to  every  species,  and  their  striking  coloration  and  waving  tails  render  them  ex- 
tremely conspicuous  at  a  distance.  They  behave,  indeed,  as  if  they  were  perfectly 
aware  of  the  power  they  possess,  and  were  quite  indifferent  to  other  creatures. 
They  move  about  in  a  slow,  deliberate  manner,  occasionally  breaking  into  a  kind 
of  trot,  but  never  seem  to  really  hurry  themselves. 

There  are  only  two  families  of  the  Insectivora  represented  in 
North  America,  namely,  the  shrews  and  the  moles.  In  the  former 
group  the  short-tailed  shrews  are  easily  distinguished  from  other  shrews  not  only 
by  their  stumpy  tails,  but  also  by  their  ears  looking  as  if  the  tips  had  been  cut  off. 
The  common  Blarina  brevicauda,  of  which  there  are  several  races,  ranges  over  a 
considerable   portion  of  North  America,  extending  as  far  south  as  Florida  and 



California.  Like  others  of  its  kind,  this  shrew  seeks  its  food  both  by  day  and 
night ;  and  spends  the  greater  part  of  its  life  below  the  ground,  or  at  least  beneath 
fallen  wood  and  leaves,  and  under  roots  and  trunks  of  trees.  It  may  be  seen  in 
daylight  burrowing  in  the  snow  to  reach  tree-stumps  in  search  apparently  of  grubs. 
In  addition  to  the  latter,  its  food  includes  beech-nuts. 

The  Rocky  Mountains  are  the  home  of  the  marsh-shrew  (Sorex  palustris), 
which,  like  another  member  of  the  same  group  inhabiting  the  Aleutian  Islands, 
S.  hydrodromus,  is  distinguished  from  other  shrews  by  leading  a  partly  aquatic 
life,  having  long  fringes  on  the  feet  to  assist  swimming.  On  account  of  these  and 
other  differences  these  species  are  often  regarded  as  representing  a  distinct  genus, 
Neosorex.  The  large  Bendire's  shrew  (S.  bendirei),  again,  is  referred  by 
American  naturalists  to  another  genus  Atopohyrax ;  while  the  small  S.  hoyi  is 
made  the  type  of  the  genus  Microsorex.  Other  North  American  shrews  agree, 
however,  closely  with  the  typical  European  members  of  the  group. 


„  1  The  American  moles  are  all  generically  distinct  from  the  typical 

European  representative  of  the  group,  and,  except  in  one  case,  do  not 
belong  to  Old  World  genera.  The  common  North  American  mole  (Scalops 
aquaticus)  is  distinguished  from  its  relatives  in  the  United  States  by  the  presence 
of  a  web  between  the  toes  of  the  hind -feet,  as  well  as  by  its  dentition.  On  account 
of  these  webbed  feet,  it  was  formerly  regarded  as  an  aquatic  animal,  but  it  really 
swims  only  in  case  of  need,  and  instead  of  living  near  water,  frequents  dry  places. 
Like  the  European  mole,  it  spends  its  life  below  ground,  where  it  finds  its  food, 
chiefly  consisting  of  earth-worms,  insects,  and  grubs. 

Another  well-marked  type,  the  hairy-tailed  mole  (Scapanus  townsendi), 
resembles  the  common  mole  in  external  appearance,  but  has  forty-four  teeth  like 
the  star-nosed  mole.  Several  allied  species  are  known  in  North  America ;  but 
Scalops  breweri  is  now  separated  generically  by  American  naturalists  as  Para- 
scalops.  The  curious  star-nosed  mole  (Condylura  cristata)  derives  its  name  from 
the  presence  of  appendages  arranged  in  the  shape  of  a  star  round  the  nostrils ; 
while  it  is  also  distinguished  from  other  moles  by  the  length  of  its  tail.  This  mole, 
which  is  only  5  inches  long,  exclusive  of  the  tail,  lives  entirely  on  worms  and 
insects,  and  resembles  in  habits  the  other  American  moles,  but  does  not  apparently 
dig  such  long  passages,  although  it  throws  up  larger  hills.  A  very  noteworthy  type 
is  Gibbs's  shrew-mole  (Neiirotrichus  gibbsi),  belonging  to  a  group  represented 
elsewhere  only  by  a  single  Japanese  species.  Some  writers,  however,  regard 
the  American  species  as  referable  to  the  same  genus  (Urotrichus)  as  the 
Japanese  species. 

The  bats  of  North  America  are  for  the  most  part  allied  to  species 
inhabiting  Europe  and  northern  Asia.  The  European  long-eared  bat, 
for  instance,  is  replaced  in  the  States  by  the  closely  allied  Plecotus  (or  Coryno- 
rhinus)  macrotis,  distinguished  by  the  presence  on  the  forehead  of  a  thick  ridge 
ending  in  a  club-shaped  enlargement  between  the  eye  and  the  nostril.  The 
Californian  cave-bat  (Antrozous  pallidus),  although  referred  to  a  distinct  genus,  is 
allied  to  the  European  barbastelle,  from  which  it  differs  by  the  separation  of  the 
bases  of  the  ears.  The  spotted  bat  {Euderma  maculata)  is  another  peculiar  North 
American  generic  type.  There  are  several  representatives  of  the  European  genus 
Myotis;  and  in  the  pipistrelle  group  the  silver-haired  bat  (Lasionycteris 
noctivagans)  is  notable  on  account  of  its  high  northern  range,  while  the  typical 
pipistrelles  (Pipistrellus)  have  two  representatives.  The  genus  Vespertilio  is 
represented  by  the  large  brown  bat  (V.  fuscus),  which  used  to  be  regarded  as 
nothing  more  than  a  local  race  of  the  European  serotine ;  but  a  very  distinct  type 
is  presented  by  the  New  York  bat  (Lasiurus  borealis).  Many  other  representa- 
tives of  the  typical  bats  ( Vespertilionidos)  occur  in  the  States ;  in  addition  to 
which  there  are  a  few  representatives  of  the  vampire-family  (Phyllostomatidce) 
whose  true  home  is  Central  and  South  America.  Horseshoe-bats  (Rhinolophidos) 
are,  however,  entirely  absent. 

America  is  the  only  continent  except  Australia  in  which  there 

are  marsupials,  but  the  American  species  are  few  and  included  in 
two  families.  Although  the  very  distinct  Australian  phalangers  have  locally 
usurped  their  name,  opossums  (which,  it  need  scarcely  be  said,  are  marsupials)  are 



restricted  to  America,  although  they  are  nearly  related  to  the  Australian  family 
Dasyuridoe.  Opossums  are  distinguished  by  a  clawless  opposable  first  toe  on  the 
hind-foot,  which  thus  serves  as  a  hand,  by  the  long  tail  being  generally  hairless, 
scaly,  and  prehensile,  and  by  the  incisor  teeth  comprising  five  pairs  in  the  upper 
and  three  in  the  lower  jaw. 

A  few  years  ago  only  a  single  species  of  opossum  (Didelphys  marsupialis) 
was  recognised  in  the  United  States;  but  the  one  inhabiting  north-western  Mexico 
adjacent  to  California  is  now  regarded  as  distinct,  under  the  name  of  D.  californica. 
Typically  the  common  opossum  is  about  as  large  as  a  cat,  attaining  a  length  of  over 

18    inches    with 
i     a  tail    about  an 
1  inch  shorter.    In 
colour  it  displays 
variation,     some 
forms    being 
white,         others 
black,  and  others 
of  almost  every 
int  er m  ediate 
hue.    In  districts 
where  it  is  very 
common    it    not 
only      lives      in 
forests,     but     is 
found   in  towns, 
where  it  shelters 
in  drain-pipes  and    other  hiding-places  dur- 
ing the   day,  and  pays  unwelcome    visits  to 
fowl-houses    at    night.     Besides    birds    and 
other  small  animals,  it  feeds  on  eggs,  roots, 
and    fruit,    and    more    or    less    everything 
eatable,   even   carcases.     On    account   of   its 
pilferings.    it    is    much    persecuted;    it   has 
great    vitality   and    is    an    adept    at    feign- 
ing  death,  as    is    exemplified    by  the    many 
amusing   stories    told    about    opossums    believed    to    be    dead    which    afterwards 


Comino-  to  the  birds  of  the  United  States,  mention  may  first  be 
perching  Birds.  ^^  rf  ^  distinct,y  American  group  of  bluebirds,  the  best  known 
representative  of  which  is  the  so-called  blue  robin  (Sialia  sialis).  Somewhat  larger 
than  a  redbreast,  this  species  is  sky-blue  above,  and  chiefly  chestnut  below.  It 
ranges  from  southern  Canada  to  the  Gulf  of  Mexico,  and  is  one  of  the  most  popular 
birds  in  the  United  States,  owing  to  its  graceful  movements  and  pleasing  song. 
The  true  thrushes  have  numerous  North  American  representatives  ;  and  in  another 
family  mention  may  be  made  of  the  beautiful  ruby-throat.     Among  the  wrens  are 



the  species  known  as  Thryothorus  ludovicianus  and  T.  bewicki,  called  in  some 
districts  mocking-birds,  although  this  name  is  more  usually  given  to  the  members 
of  the  genus  Miraus  on  account  of  their  skill  in  imitating  the  human  voice.  One 
species  of  the  latter  group,  the  common  cat-bird  (31.  carolinensis),  is  moreover 
renowned  as  a  songster.  In  size  it  is  somewhat  smaller  than  a  song-thrush, 
and  is  bluish  grey  in  colour  with  the  head  black  and  the  under  surface  of 
the  tail  chestnut.  Although  tits  and  creepers  are  fairly  common  in  the  United 
States,  but  very  few  larks  are  present  in  America,  where  pipits  are  likewise 

Several  kinds  of  bunting  have  their  home  in  North  America,  where  the 
cardinals  are  conspicuous  members  of  the  finch  group.  One  of  these  is  the  red 
cardinal  (Cardinalis  virginianus)  of  the  southern  States  and  Mexico,  a  beautiful 
scarlet  bird  with  an  agreeable  song,  commonly  called  the  Virginian  nightingale. 
Another  well-known  species,  the  indigo-bird  (Cyanospiza  cyanea),  of  a  deep  blue 
colour  and  about  the  size  of  a  linnet,  ranges  from  the  United  States  into  Central 
America,  its  relative  the  nonpareil,  or  painted  bunting  (C.  ciris),  being  confined  to 
the  southern  United  States.  The  sparrow-buntings  (Zonotrichia)  constitute 
another  group  restricted  to  North  America. 

The  place  of  the  weaver-birds  and  starlings  of  the  Old  World  is  taken  in 
America  by  the  so-called  hangnests,  of  which  the  purple  troupial  (Quiscalus  pur- 
pureas) is  perhaps  the  best  known  member,  at  least  on  the  Atlantic  seaboard. 
Another  familiar  representative  of  the  group  is,  however,  the  Baltimore  oriole 
(Icterus  galbula).  Allied  to  these  is  the  bobolink  (Dolichonyx  oryzivorus),  which 
builds  a  carelessly  constructed  nest  on  the  ground,  and  thus  departs  widely  in 
habits  from  the  others.  The  cow-birds  (Molothrus),  which  also  belong  to  the  same 
group,  generally  frequent  marshy  plains  and  pastures,  where  they  pick  the  parasites 
from  cattle ;  they  lay  their  eggs  in  the  nests  of  other  birds,  after  the  fashion  of 
the  cuckoo. 

Among  the  crow  tribe,  the  raven  is  widely  distributed  in  North  America ;  but 
the  carrion  crow  is  represented  by  an  allied  species,  as  is  also  the  magpie,  whose 
near  relative  the  Californian  magpie  (Pica  nuttalli)  is  distinguished  by  having  a 
yellow  back.  The  crested  jay  (Cyanocitta  macrolopha),  so  common  in  the  extensive 
coniferous  forests  of  the  western  States,  belongs  to  an  exclusively  American  group. 
On  the  other  hand,  the  American  shrike  (Lanius  borealis)  represents  the  great  grey 
shrike  of  Europe,  of  which  it  is  sometimes  considered  to  be  only  a  local  form.  With 
the  greenlets  we  come  to  another  exclusively  North  American  group,  the  best 
known  species  of  which  is  the  white  -  eyed  flycatcher  ( Vireo  novceboracensis). 
Neither  the  flycatchers  nor  the  waxwings  are  numerous  in  North  America,  although 
the  latter  possess  a  noteworthy  representative  in  the  cedar-bird  (Ampelis  cedrorum). 
The  North  American  representatives  of  the  swallow  tribe  include  the  European 
sand-martin  and  the  purple  martin  (Progne  purpurea),  the  latter  of  which 
is  peculiar  on  account  of  its  habit  of  nesting  for  the  most  part  in  hollow 

Tyrants  Passing  on  to  a  totally  different  group,  mention  may  be  made  of 

Humming-Birds,  the   pipiri  (Tyrannus  pipiri),  a  member  of  the  group  of  tyrants 

00  pec  ers.e  c.  remark;ak]e  on  account  of  its  unusually  long  and  forked  tail.     The 




other  members  of  this  group  as  well  as  the  humming  -  birds  are  chiefly 
characteristic  of  tropical  America.  One  humming-bird  (Ckcatura  pelasgia)  in- 
habits, however,  the  eastern  United  States.  The  most  noteworthy  nightjar  is 
perhaps  the  piramidig  (CJtordiles  virginianus),  which  ranges  as  far  south  as 
Brazil.  The  American  kingfishers  are  mostly  tropical.  Among  the  woodpeckers 
the  so-called  flicker  (Golaptes  auratus)  cannot  be  passed  over  without  mention, 
this  bird  being  a  resident  in  the  central  and  southern  parts  of  the  United  States, 

but  also  breeding  in  the  far  north. 
It  feeds  chiefly  on  ants,  and  is  not 
so  confined  to  forests  as  other  wood- 
peckers, making  long  journeys  in 
search  of  food  through  treeless 
districts.  In  the  west  it  is  replaced 
by  the  red  -  winged  species  (0. 
mexicanus),  with  which  it  is  con- 
nected through  an  intermediate  form 
(possibly  a  hybrid)  inhabiting  the 
central  States.  The  so-called  ivory- 
bill  (Campophilus  principalis),  a 
black  woodpecker  larger  than  the 
European  species,  now  limited  to 
the  southern  States,  some  fifty 
years  ago  ranged  much  farther 

The  two  species 
of  rain-cuckoos  differ 
from  the  cuckoos  of  the  Old  World 
by  building  their  own  nests  instead 
of  depositing  their  eggs  in  the 
nurseries  of  other  birds.  Of  these 
the  yellow-bellied  Coccyzus  ameri- 
canus  ranges  as  far  south  as  lower 
Brazil,  although  the  black-bellied 
C.  erythrophthalmus  has  a  more 
northerly  distribution,  appearing 
during  the  summer  even  in 

The  Carolina  par- 
rot (Conuropsis  caro- 
linensis)  alone  represents  a  group 
otherwise  restricted  to  Central  and 
South  America.  In  the  typical  conures  (Comtrus)  the  fourth  primary  feather 
of  the  wing  is  attenuated  and  the  nostrils  are  exposed ;  in  the  Carolina  parrot 
the  corresponding  feather  is  not  narrowed  and  the  nostrils  are  concealed  among 
the  feathers  covering  the  cere.  Formerly  this  parrot  had  a  more  northern 
range  than  any  other,  extending  to  Iowa,  the  great  lakes,  and  New  York,  but 

Carolina  Parrot. 




it  is  now  confined  to  the  States  bordering  the  Gulf  of  Mexico  and  the  Mississippi 
Valley,  and  is  very  local. 

owls  and  Birds-  Perhaps  the  most  noteworthy  owl  of  the  United  States  is  the 

of-Prey.  prairie-owl  (Speotito  hypogcea),  which  extends  to  Central  America,  but 
is  represented  by  a  distinct  species  in  South  America.  Most  of  the  European  and 
north  Asiatic  owls  have 
American  representatives, 
among  which  it  must  suffice 
to  mention  the  American 
eagle-owl  (Bubo  virgini- 
anus).  Among  the  falcons 
are  the  American  sparrow- 
hawk  (Falco  sparverius),  the 
peregrine  of  the  Eastern 
Hemisphere,  and  the  pigeon- 
hawk  (F.  columbarius),  a 
bird  smaller  than  the  Euro- 
pean kestrel.  The  golden- 
eagle,  otherwise  known  as 
the  Canadian  eagle,  is  found 
in  the  Rockjr  Mountains,  but 
a  much  more  common  bird 
is  the  white-headed  sea-eagle 
(Hali  aetus  leucocephalus), 
which  has  been  adopted  as 
the  heraldic  device  of  the 
United  States.  The  kites 
have  a  conspicuous  repre- 
sentative in  the  swallow- 
tailed  Elanoides  furcatus. 
On  the  other  hand,  the  place 
of  the  vultures  of  the  Old 
World  is  taken  in  America 
by  the  condors,  of  which, 
in  addition  to  the  so-called 
turkey-buzzard  or  turkey- 
vulture  (Cathartes  aura), 
the  United  States  possses  the 
Californian  condor  (Pseudo- 
gryphus  calif 'ornianus),  now 
nearly  exterminated. 



Game  Birds. 

North  America  is  the  home  of  a  very  large  number  of  game- 
birds,  among  which  the  prairie-hen  (Tympanuchus  americanus)  of 
the  Mississippi  valley  is  a  familiar  type.  The  so-called  partridges  and  quails  of 
North  America  form  a  group  quite  distinct  from  the  one  which  includes  the  birds 
properly   thus   styled ;   one  of   the  characters  of   the  American  group  being  the 



serration  of  the  edges  of  the  lower  half  of  the  beak.  A  well-known  member  of 
the  group  is  the  Californian  crested  quail  (Lophortyx  calif ornicus),  which  owes 
its  name  to  the  tuft  of  black  feathers  on  the  head.  There  are  numerous  other 
generic  representatives  of  the  group,  such  as  the  bob- white  (Colinus  virginianus), 
the  ruffed  grouse  (Bonasa  umbellus),  and  the  sharp-tailed  grouse  (Pedioccetes 
phasianellus).  North  and  Central  America  form  the  exclusive  home  of  the 
turkeys,  of  which  two  or  three  species  are  known.  One  of  these,  Meleagris  ocellata 
(often  separated  generically  as  Agriocharis),  is  confined  to  Honduras,  Guatemala, 
and   Yucatan.     The   others,  on   the   contrary,   are   North   American,  the   typical 

'  CV-  r-'-'-V.    ■ 


'  WW 



■'  ■'.  "r":''     ■■    *  ■■  *:' 



Meleagris  gallopavo   inhabiting  the    south-western   United    States    from   western 
Texas  to  Arizona  and  south  to  the  Mexican  table-land. 

Of  the  pigeons  the  most,  remarkable  was  the  passenger-pigeon 
(Ectopistes  migrator ivs)y  which  formerly  travelled  across  many  of  the 
more  northerly  states,  notably  Michigan  and  Wisconsin,  in  flocks  many  miles  in 
length,  but  now  appears  to  be  extinct. 

cranes  Wading  and  water-birds  abound  in  North  America,  especially  in 

and  Ducks,     winter,  when  the  waters  are  crowded  with  ducks,  geese,  and  swans, 

but  it  is  impossible  to  mention  these  in  detail.     By  far  the  handsomest  American 

member  of  a  stately  group  of  birds  is  the  whooping  crane  (Grus  americana),  whose 

plumage  is  pure  white,  save  for  a  patch  of  black  down  on  the  head.     The  most 




brilliantly  plumaged  duck  is  the  summer-duck  (JEx  sponsa),  a  member  of  the  same 
genus  as  the  Asiatic  mandarin-duck,  and  furnished  with  a  similar  long  pendent  crest. 
Very  few  words,  unfortunately,  can  be  devoted  to  the  reptiles  of 
the  United  States,  although  they  are  worthy  the  best  attention  of 
the  student  of  geographical  distribution.  Terrapins  are  numerous,  very 
characteristic  being  the  box-tortoises,  Cinyxis,  in  which  the  shell  can  be  closed 
by  a  movable  flap.  The  snappers  (Cicely dra  and  Macroclemmys),  which  com- 
prise a  few  large  aquatic  species,  are  equally  characteristic.  There  is  also  a 
representative  of  the  soft-tortoises  (Trionyx  ferox)  in  the  southern  United  States. 
The  North  American  alligator  (Alligator  misvissippiensis)  was,  for  a  long  time,  the 
only  known  living  representative  of  its  genus ;  but,  as  mentioned  above,  it  has  a 
cousin  in  China.  Among  snakes,  the  rattle-snakes,  as  typified  by  Crotalus  durissus, 
form  a  very  distinctive  American  group,  the  common  species  living  on  sandy,  stony 


ground  among  low  bushes.     Another  well-known  venomous  snake  is  the  water-viper 
{Ancistrodon  piscivovus),  which  dwells  near  water,  in  which  it  finds  a  safe  refuge. 
Frogs  and  Of   the  frogs   the   largest   is   the  bull-frog  (Rana  catesbyana), 

Salamanders.  which  may  attain  a  length  of  some  7i  inches.  It  takes  its  name 
from  its  loud  roaring  voice :  besides  smaller  animals  it  eats  frogs,  fishes,  and  birds. 
In  another  group  we  have  the  eel-salamander  of  Florida  (Amphiuma  means),  dis- 
tinguished by  its  yard-long,  eel-shaped  body  and  small  three-toed  feet ;  and  the  siren 
salamander  (Siren  lacerjtina),  which  is  of  nearly  the  same  length,  but  distinguished 
by  having  no  hind-legs.  Both  generic  types  are  exclusively  North  American. 
Very  characteristic  are  the  salamanders  of  the  genus  Amblystoma,  of  which  an 
outlying  species  inhabits  Siam. 

Four   fishes   alone   can    be    mentioned.     One    is    the    blind-fish 

(Amblyoj)sis  spelwa)  of  the  caves  of  Kentucky  and  Indiana,  remarkable 

for  having  no  external  eyes.      The  second  is  the  curious  bow -fin  (Amia  calva), 

the  sole  living  representative  of  an    ancient  type.     It  is  a  nest-building  species, 


which  occasionally  comes  to  the  surface  of  the  water  to  take  in  large  gulps  of  air. 
Not  less  noteworthy  is  the  bony  pike  (Lepidosteus  osseus),  one  of  the  few 
survivors  of  the  enamel-scaled  fishes  so  numerous  in  past  epochs  of  the  earth's 

The  spoon-beaked  sturgeons,  Scaphirhynchus,  of  which  two  species  inhabit 
the  Mississippi  system,  and  the  rivers  and  lakes  of  the  western  States,  while  the 
others  are  restricted  to  Central  Asia,  are  of  special  interest  on  account  of  their 
presenting  a  geographical  distribution  very  similar  to  that  of  alligators  and  several 
groups  of  mammals. 

It  may  be  added  that  American  waters  are  also  inhabited  by  true  sturgeons 
{Acipenser).  In  the  picturesque  piece  of  water  known  as  The  Lake  of  the  Woods 
— which  lies  mainly  in  the  British  Province  of  Ontario,  although  its  southern  shore 
is  situated  in  Minnesota,  and,  therefore,  belongs  to  the  United  States — and  the 
neighbouring  waters,  is  found  the  species  commonly  known  as  the  great  lake 
sturgeon  (A.  rubicundus),  which  attains  very  large  dimensions.  Till  about  1892 
sturgeon  swarmed  in  this  lake,  but  in  that  year  the  fishery  began  to  assume  con- 
siderable proportions,  while  between  1893  and  1896  it  had  become  of  great 
value.  In  1893  the  catch  of  sturgeon  in  American  waters  was  no  less  than 
1,300,000  lb.,  while  Canada  secured  350,000  lb.,  so  that  the  total  was  1,650,000  lb., 
the  value  of  the  American  catch  being  estimated  at  $26,000.  In  1909  the  total 
catch  fell  to  53,316  lb.,  although  in  the  two  preceding  years  it  was  three  times  as 
large,  Canada  securing  83,900  lb.  in  1907,  against  80,122  lb.  by  the  United  States. 
In  spite  of  the  diminished  output  in  1909  as  compared  with  earlier  dates,  it  is 
reported  that  during  the  last  few  years  the  catch  of  sturgeon  has  been  on  the 
increase,  but  this  is  probably  due  to  closer  fishing.  In  1893  the  American  yield  of 
caviare  was  97,500  lb.,  valued  at  819,500;  in  1909  it  was  reduced  to  346  lb.,  valued 
at  $519  ;  the  Canadian  caviare  in  the  same  year  was  383  lb. 




Tropical  America  and  its  Animals 

Tropical  America,  in  which  may  be  included  the  southern  half  of  the  Florida 
Peninsula,  Mexico,  Central  America,  and  the  northern  half  of  South  America,  varies 
greatly  in  its  physical  features,  containing  as  it  does  a  portion  of  the  lofty  chain 
of  the  Andes,  and  the  teeming  forests  of  the  Amazon  and  the  Orinoco,  together 
with  the  open  campos  of  Brazil.  Its  flora  is  perhaps  the  richest  in  the  world ; 
while  its  fauna  is  perhaps  more  peculiar  and  remarkable  than  that  of  any  other 
part  of  the  globe  except  Australasia.  This  area  is,  for  instance,  the  sole  habitat  of  the 
true  edentate  mammals,  such  as  the  sloths,  ant-eaters,  and  armadillos,  together  with 
many  other  peculiar  types  of  both  mammals  and  birds.  Formerly  indeed,  South 
America,  when  it  was  cut  off  by  sea  from  the  northern  half  of  the  New  World, 
possessed  an  absolutely  peculiar  fauna ;  but  since  the  union  of  the  two  continents  the 
southern  types  have  been  introduced  into  North  America,  while  the  forms  originally 
characteristic  of  that  area  have  passed  south,  so  that  the  distinction  between  the 
vol.  ii  — 23 



two  faunas  has  to  a  considerable  extent  become  obliterated.  What  is  perhaps  more 
remarkable  is  that  types  like  the  llamas,  originally  characteristic  of  North  America, 
have  quite  died  out  there  and  survive  only  in  the  southern  continent. 

In  contrast  to  North  America  where  there  are  none,  South 
America  is  rich  in  monkeys,  which  belong,  however,  to  a  group  quite 
distinct  from  the  monkeys  of  the  Old  World,  from  which  they  differ  by  their 
broad,  expanded  nostrils.  No  American  monkeys  have  cheek-pouches  or  bare 
callosities  on  the  buttocks,  and  many  are  distinguished  by  their  prehensile  tails. 
With  the  exception  of  the  capuchins,  none  of  them  possess  an  opposable  thumb. 


Exclusively  arboreal,  these  are  restricted  to  the  warmer  countries  of  America,  being 
unknown  beyond  the  tropic  in  the  north  or  farther  south  than  the  30th  degree 
of  latitude. 

Among  the  better  known  members  of  the  group,  the  weeper-capuchin  {Cebns 
capucinus)  ranges  from  Bahia  north-westwards  across  Brazil  to  Colombia.  Its 
general  colour  is  golden  brown  with  pale  yellow  on  the  temples,  cheeks,  throat, 
chest,  and  front  of  the  shoulders,  and  a  dark  stripe  down  the  middle  of  the  head. 
It  owes  its  name  to  the  whining  whistle  which  forms  its  cry.  From  this  species 
the  white-throated  capuchin  (C.  hypoleucus)  of  Central  America  differs  by  its 
colour  being  mainly  black,  with  white  on  the  cheeks,  arms,  and  shoulders  and 
yellowish  on  the  throat  and  chest,  the  bare  face  being  of  a  pale  flesh-colour.     The 



woolly  monkeys,  as  typified 
by  Lagothrix  hiunboldti,  are 
distinguished  from  the  last 
by  the  longer  tail,  which  is 
naked  on  the  lower  side  of  the 
pointed  tip,  and  bears  on  its 
gripping  surface  ridges  and 
furrows  similar  to  those  on 
the  human  hand,  so  that  it 
does  not  easily  slide  off  any 
smooth  object  it  may  clasp. 
They  are  likewise  character- 
ised by  the  woolly  nature  of 
their  coat,  a  feature  to  which 
they  owe  their  name.  A 
connecting  link  between  the 
woolly  monkeys  and  the 
spider-monkeys  is  formed  by 
the  woolly  spider  -  monkey 
(Eviodes  arachnoides),  an 
animal  of  much  more  slender 
build  than  the  former. 

The  spider  -  monkeys, 
which  are  more  thoroughly 
adapted  to  an  arboreal  life 
than  any  of  the  rest  of  their 
kindred,  take  their  name  from 
their  long  slender  limbs  and 
thin  bodies.  Among  the 
numerous  species  ranging  over 
the  country  between  Uruguay 
and  southern  Mexico,  one  of 
the  best  known  is  the  red- 
faced  spider  monkey  or  coaita 
(Ateles  paniscus),  a  native 
of  Guiana  and  the  Amazon 
valley.  The  tail  measures 
about  21  feet  in  length  or 
about  6  inches  more  than  the 
head  and  body. 

Like  the  members  of  the 
preceding  group,  the  dourou- 
colis  have  long  tails,  although 
these  are  non-prehensile  and 
thickly  haired.  Among  the 
four  species,  all  of  which  lead 





a  nocturnal  life  and  are  distinguished  by  the  round  whiskered  face,  short  ears, 

and    exceptionally   large,  owl-like    eyes,  the    most   common   is   the   three-banded 

douroucoli  (NyctipitJtecus  trivirgatus),  whose  range  extends  from  Venezuela  and 

Guiana  to  Brazil  and  Peru. 

The  little  squirrel-monkeys 
are  specially  characterised  by 
the  great  relative  length  of 
the  hinder  part  of  the  head. 
Among  them,  the  common 
squirrel  -  monkey  (Chrysothrix 
sciurea),  which  inhabits  Brazil 
and  the  Orinoco  valley,  is  one 
of  the  best  known.  Not  much 
larger  than  a  squirrel,  it  owes 
its  name  of  death's-head  monkey 
to  the  black-snouted  large-eyed 
face  which  bears  some  resem- 
blance to  a  skull. 

The  titi  monkeys  of  the 
genus  Callithrix,  which  greatly 
resemble  in  some  respects  both 
the  squirrel-monkeys  and  the 
douroucolis,  have  smaller  heads 
and  eyes  and  long  bushy  tails. 
-  They  range  all  over  South 
America  but  are  principally 
found  in  the  Amazon  basin. 

The  sakis,  again,  may  be 
recognised  by  their  long  thick 
bushy  tails,  which  are  not  pre- 
hensile, and  are  further  dis- 
tinguished by  the  possession 
of  whiskers  and  long  beards. 
Among  them,  the  red-backed 
saki(Pithecia  chiropotes),  which 
inhabits  the  valley  of  the 
Amazon,  the  upper  Orinoco, 
and  Guiana,  is  remarkable  for 
its  way  of  drinking,  as  it  does 

not  stoop  down  to  the  water,  like  other  monkeys,  but  only  bends  its  head  and 

lifts  the  water  to  its  mouth  in  the  hollow  of  its  hand. 

The  hairy  saki,  or  Humboldt's  saki  (P.  monachus),  restricted  chiefly  to  the 

north  bank  of  the  upper  Amazon  and  ranging  as  far  west  as  Peru,  is  well  known 

in  captivity  as  an  affectionate  and  intelligent  companion. 

Nearly  related  to  the  foregoing,  the  uacaris  are  broadly  distinguished  from 

all  other  American  monkeys  by  the  shortness  of  their  tails  which  never  exceed 




one-third  the  length  of  the  body.  They  are  clothed  with  long  silky  hair,  and 
their  beard  is  either  very  slight  or  absent  altogether.  The  most  remarkable  is  the 
bald  uacari  (Ouacaria  calva),  a  species  of  about  18  inches  in  length,  conspicuous 
on  account  of  its  brilliant  red  face  which  contrasts  strongly  with  the  pale 
chestnut  of  the  long  hair.  It  inhabits  a  small  tract  bounded  by  the  Japura  and 
the  Amazon  in  the  vicinity  of  Ega.  Here  these  monkeys  live  in  small  troops 
among  the  crowns  of  the  taller  trees,  feeding  on  fruits  of  various  kinds. 


Very  different  from  all  the  foregoing  are  the  howlers,  distinguished  not  only  by 
their  protruding  muzzles  and  retreating  foreheads,  but  likewise  by  the  fringe  of  long 
hair  with  which  the  naked  face  is  bordered,  this  forming  a  well-developed  beard 
on  the  cheeks  and  chin  and  a  thick  tuft  on  the  forehead.  Their  most  noticeable 
characteristic  is,  however,  the  enlargement  of  the  upper  part  of  the  windpipe  into 
a  hollow  shell  of  bone.  It  is  by  means  of  this  organ  that  these  monkeys  produce 
the  loud  howls  to  which  they  owe  their  name.  Howlers,  which  are  "said  to  feed 
exclusively  on  leaves,  are  numerous  and  widely  distributed  in  Brazil,  whence  they 
range  northwards  into  Central  America.  One  of  the  most  familiar  representatives 
of  the  group  is  the  red  howler  (Alouatta  seniculus)  a  chestnut-coloured  species 
inhabiting    Brazil,  Ecuador,  Colombia,  and  Venezuela,  the    most  southern   species 





being  the  black  howler  (A.  nigra).     Nothing,  it  is  said,  sounds  more  terrible  than 
the  howling  of  these  monkeys,  which,  writh  short  intervals,  lasts  from  eleven  o'clock 

at  night  until 
daybreak.  The 
skulls  of  howl  in  cr 
monkeys  under- 
go a  kind  of  re- 
trograde develop- 
ment, in  conse- 
quence of  which 
.  they    assume     a 

form     assimilat- 
ing   to    that    of 
lower   mammals, 
such   as    Carniv- 
ora,  rather  than 
the  type  distinc- 
tive of  othermon- 
keys.      The    em- 
bryonic skull,  on 
the  other  hand,  is 
essentially  of  the 
monkey        type. 
The  degeneration 
displays  itself  in 
the    leno-thenini'- 
of     the     facial 
region,    so    that 
the  skull  gradu- 
ally passes  from 
a     short      to     a 
medium,  or  even 
long  type ;   thus 
most  of   the  ce- 
phalic indices  be- 
come much  lower 
than  in  any  other 
monkeys,     while 
the    hemispheres 
extend  to  a  smal- 
ler   degree    over 
the  cerebellum  in 
the    adult    than 
in  the  young. 
Although  the  thry  marmosets,  which  form  a  family  {Hapalidce) 
by  themselves,  resemble  the  other  New  World  monkeys  in  their  broad 




and  tlat  noses,  they  differ  by  having  their  cheek-teeth  numerically  equivalent  to 
those  of  Old  World  monkeys,  that  is  to  say  they  have  an  extra  pair  of  these  teeth 
in  each  jaw.  They  are  further  distinguished  by  having  claws  on  all  the  fingers 
and  toes  except  the  great  toe,  as  well  as  by  the  frequent  presence  of  tufts  of 
long  hair  on  the  ears.  In  appearance  and  habits  marmosets  are  more  like 
squirrels  than  monkeys.  They  are  divided  into  two  generic  groups  according  to  the 
length  of  the  lower  tusks  or  canines  as  compared  with  the  incisors,  the 
short-tusked  marmosets  having 
the  lower  canines  not  longer 
than  the  incisors.  The  com- 
monest of  these  is  the  ouistiti 
(Hapalejacchus),  which  inhabits 
the  island  of  Marajo  at  the 
mouth  of  the  Amazon,  and 
belongs  to  a  group  of  ring- 
tailed  species  whose  ears  are  fc 
the  most  part  bald,  but  provideu 
on  the  front  edge  with  a  broad 
tuft,  the  hair  on  both  sides  of 
the  upper  part  of  the  head  being- 
lengthened  and  the  back  being 
marked  with  light  and  dark 
cross-bands.  Another  marmoset 
from  the  same  district  is  the 
black-eared  H.penicillata,  some- 
times regarded  merely  as  a  local 
race  of  the  last,  from  which  it 
differs  by  the  black  ear-tufts 
This  marmoset  is  very  common. 
On  the  other  hand  the  black- 
tailed  marmoset  (H.  melanura) 
of  Brazil  and  Bolivia  is  a  very 
rare  form. 

The  long-tusked  marmosets, 
or  those  with  the  lower  canines 
taller  than  the  incisors,  are 
generally    known    as    tamarins. 

One  of  the  best  known  is  the  Negro  tamarin  (Midas  ursulu.s)  inhabiting 
the  valley  of  the  lower  Amazon  near  Para,  where  it  is  often  seen  in  the 
woods  bordering  the  suburban  streets.  There  are  about  twenty  species  of 
tamarins,  the  most  beautiful  being  the  silky  tamarin  or  marakina  (M,  rosalia), 
which  has  a  mane  like  that  of  a  lion.  In  colour  it  is  a  rich  glossy  golden  yellow 
with  purple  hands,  feet,  and  face.  There  are  several  varieties,  the  smallest  of 
which  is  only  7  inches  long.  It  ranges  from  south-eastern  Brazil  through 
Colombia  to  the  isthmus  of  Panama.  The  recently  discovered  calimito  has  the 
form  of  a  marmoset  with  the  teeth  of  a  squirrel  monkey. 





The  order  Insectivora  is  unrepresented  in  Central  and  South 
America,  the  reported  occurrence  of  a  shrew  {Blarina  brevicauda) 
in  Costa  Rica  being  incorrect.  We  accordingly  pass  on  to  the  Carnivora,  of  which 
the  largest  South  American  representative  is  the  jaguar  (Fells  onca),  which  ranges 
from  Louisiana  to  the  Rio  Negro  on  the  borders  of  Patagonia.  Needless  to  say, 
with  such  an  extensive  range,  the  species  includes  several  local  races.  Although 
with  a  relatively  bigger  head,  the  Brazilian  jaguar  may  be  compared  in  size  to  a 
large  leopard.     The  general  type  of  coloration  is  also  leopard-like,  but  the  black 



rosettes  are  larger  and  have  a  black  spot  in  the  centre  of  the  enclosed  light  area; 
a  feature,  sometimes  at  least,  seen  in  Siamese  leopards.  The  rosettes  are  generally 
arranged  more  or  less  distinctly  in  seven  or  eight  rows. 

Jaguars  are  partial  to  the  neighbourhood  of  water,  and  in  forest-districts 
frequent  the  wooded  banks  of  rivers  and  the  reed-beds  of  lakes.  Being  excellent 
climbers  they  live  among  trees,  which,  in  some  districts,  they  never  abandon  even 
during  floods.  They  are  also,  however,  equally  at  home  on  the  Argentine  pampas, 
where  the  numerous  rodents  afford  them  abundant  food.  In  tropical  forest  districts 
jaguars  prey  largely  on  monkeys,  and  on  the  Orinoco  they  feed  on  tortoises  and 


their  eo-^s.     Occasionally  they  will  catch  and  kill  an  alligator ;  and  even  fishes  are 

said  to  form  an  important  item  of  their  fare.     Jaguars  are  near  akin  to  leopards ; 

their  ancestors  probably  reached  America  by  way  of  Bering  Strait,  and  then  died 

off  in  the  north.     A  similar  relationship  is  presented  by  the  ocelot  of  America  to 

the  clouded  leopard  and  allied  Asiatic  species. 

The  second  largest  cat  of  South  America  is  the  puma,  to  which 
Smaller  Cats 

reference    has    already   been   made    under    the    heading    of    North 

America.     A  third  and  smaller  species,  the  ocelot  (F.  pardalis),  like  the  jaguar  is 

a  native  of  the  South  American  tropical  tract,  ranging  from  Paraguay  northwards 

to  Arkansas,  where  it  is  represented  by  numerous  local  races  not  yet  fully  denned. 

The  most  common  form  is  tawny  yellow  or  reddish  grey  marked  by  chain-like 

streaks  and  blotches  bordered  with  black,  and  spots  and  stripes  on  the  head  and 

limbs,  and  imperfect  dark  rings  on  the  tail.     Ocelots  vary  in  length  from  3  feet  to 

4  feet,  inclusive  of  the  tail,  which  may  measure  from  11  to  15  inches.     They  seem 

everywhere  to  be  true  forest  animals,  and  are  consequently  not  met  with  on  the 

pampas  of  the  Argentine.     Another  very  variable  species  is  the  margay  or  tiger-cat 

(F.  tigrina). 

A  very  beautiful  South  American  cat,  the  colocollo  (F.  colocollo),  inhabiting 

Chile,  Bolivia,  and  other  districts,  is  about  the  size  of  a  large  domesticated  cat.     In 

one  form  the  colour  is  pale  gre}T,  with  dark  spots  and  streaks,  and  a  black  streak 

uniting  the  eye  with  the  jaw.     Two  very  remarkable  types  are  the  jaguarondi  (F. 

jaguarondi)  and  the  eyra  (F.  eyra).    The  former,  which  inhabits  Paraguay,  Brazil, 

Guiana,  and  north-eastern  Mexico,  is  blackish  or  brownish  ^rev  in  colour,  without 

spots  or  stripes.     In  addition  to  the  elongated  form  of  its  body  and  tail  (which 

measure  about  35  inches),  the  jaguarondi  is  characterised  by  the  narrowness  of  its 

nose — a  feature  noticeable  even  in  the  skull.     Several  local  races  or  subspecies  are 

known.     Still  more  elongated  and  slender  is  the  eyra,  which  in  form  resembles 

a  weasel,  and  has  a  small,  flat  head,  long  neck,  and  short  legs,  standing   much 

higher   behind  than  at   the  shoulders.     In  colour    the  eyra  varies  from    reddish 

yellow  to   chestnut-brown,  without   markings   of   any  kind.     Its   range    extends 

from  Paraguay  to  the  Texan  border ;    like  the  jaguarondi,  it  is  a  forest  animal 

rarely  seen  in  the  open. 

_  By  far  the  largest  South  American  representative  of  the  dog  tribe 

Maned  Wolf.     .  r  & 

is  the  so-called  maned  wolf  (Canisjubatus),  a  long-haired,  red-coloured 
species,  in  which  the  hair  attains  its  maximum  development  on  the  neck,  although 
it  does  not  form  a  distinct  mane.  In  size  it  is  about  as  large  as  the  common  wolf, 
but  is  longer  in  the  legs  and  has  a  shorter  tail.  In  colour  it  is  bright  yellowish 
red  with  the  front  of  the  legs  and  the  ears  black.  Rare  on  the  pampas,  it  ranges 
from  Paraguay  and  northern  Argentina  to  Brazil,  everywhere  leading  a  solitary 
existence,  and  preferring  swampy  to  dry  localities.  The  food  of  this  wolf  consists 
chiefly  of  the  flesh  of  rodent  mammals,  although  birds,  reptiles,  insects,  and  even 
fruit,  are  eaten,  while  occasionally  sheep-folds  are  raided.  Although  called  a  wolf, 
the  species  is  an  overgrown  type  akin  to  the  other  South  American  Canidce. 

The  other  members  of  the  dog-family  inhabiting  the  continent 

are  smaller  and  more  fox-like  in  appearance,  although  they  are  really 
quite  different  from  the   true   foxes.     One  of  the  most  common  is   Azara's   fox 



(C.  azarce),  which  has  several  local  races,  and  apparently  ranges  from  Brazil  to 
Patagonia.  On  the  west  side  of  the  Andes  it  is  represented  by  a  closely  allied 
form.  Like  the  aguarachay,  as  Azara's  fox  is  locally  called,  the  crab-eating  fox  or 
carasissi  (C.  thous)  is  very  similar  in  appearance  to  a  fox.  Somewhat  larger  than 
the  aguarachay,  it  is  generally  brownish  grey  in  colour.  Its  range  is  commonly 
said  to  extend  from  Guiana  to  Argentina,  although  it  is  unknown  on  the  pampas. 
Like  its  kindred,  it  feeds  on   rodents    and    birds,  as  well  as  on  crustaceans,  and 


MA>"ED    WOLF. 

is  generally  a  forest  animal,  although  also  met  with  in  the  open  country.  There 
are  several  other  more  or  less  closely  allied  species  which  demand  no  special 
notice  on  this  occasion. 

A  very  remarkable  member  of  the  family  is  the  bush-dog  (Speothus  venaticus), 
of  the  Guianas  and  Brazil,  which  differs  from  other  Canidce  both  in  appearance 
and  dentition.  On  each  side  of  the  upper  jaw  it  usually  has  only  one  true  molar 
tooth,  and  only  two  pairs  of  lower  true  molars,  the  first  of  which  (the  flesh-tooth) 
has  no  cusp  on  the  inner  side  of  the  blade,  and  a  sharp  edge  to  the  heel  behind  the 
same.     In  size  the  bush-dog  is  somewhat  inferior  to  an  ordinary  fox  ;  it  has  very 

-*  ?*i" 



^   '-'■■>,:      . 

Red  Coati. 


short  ears,  a  long  body,  and  short  legs.     In  colour  it  is  dark  brown.     A  second 
species,  8.  rivetti,  inhabits  Ecuador. 

The  only  member  of  its  tribe,  inhabiting  South  America  is  the 
spectacled  bear  (Ursus  ornatus),  of  the  Chilian  Andes,  a  black 
species  marked  on  the  face  with  spectacle-like  brownish  yellow  rings.  It  is 
a  relatively  small  animal,  apparently  allied  to  the  Malay  species.  In  Bolivia 
it  is  represented  by  a  distinct  race  {U.  ornatus  majori).  This  bear  is  clearly  an 
immigrant  from  the  north. 

Raccoon  and  South    America   abounds   in    members   of    the   raccoon    group. 

cacomisties.    Among  these  a  representative  of  the  typical  genus,  the  crab-eating 

raccoon  (Procyon  cancrivorus),  inhabits  Colombia  and  Guiana  and,  in  the  form  of 

a  dark-footed  race,  Brazil  and    Paraguay.     Somewhat   larger   than  the   common 

raccoon,   it    has    bigger   teeth    and    shorter   fur,   but    seems    to    be    of    similar 


The  cacomisties  are  nearly  related  to  the  raccoons,  but  of  slighter  build,  with 

more  pointed  muzzles  and  longer  tails.     One  species  is  limited  to  Central  America, 

the  second  (Bassaricus  astwtus),  of  which  several  local  races  are  recognised,  ranges 

through  Mexico  into  the  United  States. 

Nearly  related  to  the  cacomisties  are  the  coatis,  easily  recognised 
coatis.  J  >         j  o 

by  their  extremely  elongated  and  somewhat  up-turned  muzzles,  com- 
pressed bodies,  and  long  tails,  as  well  as  by  their  long  and  powerful  claws.  Of  the 
numerous  species,  the  white-nosed  coati  (Nasua  nasica),  which  inhabits  Mexico 
and  Central  America,  is  reddish  brown  in  colour  with  a  white  nose  and  upper  lip ; 
while  the  red  coati  (N.  rufa),  said  to  range  from  Surinam  to  Paraguay,  is 
a  brighter  red,  and  has  the  tail  ringed  with  rufous.  Both  feed  on  fruits,  insects, 
birds'  eggs,  young  birds,  and  lizards. 

The  last  representative  of  the  group,  the  kinkajou  (Cercoleptes 

caudivolvulus),  is  about  the  size  of  an  ordinary  cat,  and  specially 
distinguished  by  its  prehensile  tail  and  its  unusually  elongated  tongue.  In  colour 
it  is  yellowish  brown.  Inhabiting  the  mountain-forests  which  extend  from 
central  Mexico  to  the  Rio  Negro  in  Brazil,  the  kinkajou  is  a  nocturnal  and  arboreal 
creature,  feeding  on  fruits,  honey,  birds  and  their  eggs,  and  small  mammals. 

Of  the  aquatic  Carnivora,  the  Brazilian  otter  (Lutra  brasiliensis) 

is  far  the  largest  of  its  genus,  measuring  over  40  inches  in  length, 

exclusive  of  the  tail,  which  is  23  inches  long.     This  species  is  characterised  by  the 

presence  of  a  ridge  along  the  upper  and  lower  border  of  the  tail,  and,  unlike  other 

otters,  hunts  entirely  by  day.     In  contrast  to  the  last,  the  pigmy  Chilian  otter 

(L.  felina)  is  one  of  the  smallest  of  its  tribe,  and  peculiar  from  the  circumstance 

that  it  passes  the  greater  portion  of  its  time  in  the  sea.     Common  on  the  west 

coast   of   Chile,   this   species   extends   northwards   into   Peru   and   Ecuador,   and 

southwards   to   the    Strait    of    Magellan,   where    its    range    meets   that    of    the 

Brazilian  otter. 

Skunks  of  the   genus   Conepatus  abound   in   South   America, 

among    them    being    the    large    and    heavily    built   white-backed 

C.   mapurito.     The  species   are   chiefly  distinguished   from   one   another   by  the 

extent  of  white  on  the  back,  which  is  otherwise  dark  brown  or  black. 




The  grisons,  which  form  an  exclusively  American  group  of  the 
weasel  tribe,  are  distinguished  by  the  dentition,  their  broad  flat  heads, 
small  rounded  ears,  nearly  plantigrade  feet  with  bare  soles,  and  dark  under-parts. 

■'  The  largest  of  the  group  is 

the  tayra  (Galictis  bar- 
bara),  a  species  measuring 
about  3  feet  in  length, 
blackish  brown  in  colour, 
with  the  ears  and  soles 
occasionally  white.  Its 
range  apparently  extends 
from  Mexico  to  the  Argen- 
tine pampas. 

The  grison  (G.  vittata) 
is  a  smaller  animal  than 
the  tayra,  from  which  it 
differs  in  coloration, having, 
like  many  other  members 
of  the  weasel  tribe,  the 
under-parts  darker  than 
the  back.  It  has  a  con- 
siderable range  in  South 
America.  A  third  repre- 
sentative of  the  group  is 
G.  allemandi, 


there  are    no 

martens  in  tropical  America 
the  weasels  are  represented  in  Brazil  by 
Mustela  frenata  or  a  nearly  allied  species, 
while  Patagonia  possesses  a  peculiar  type 
known  as  Lyncodon  patagonicus. 

South  and  Central  America 
are  poor  in  hoofed  animals,  the 
most  numerous  group  being  the  deer.  Among 
these,  the  whiteTtailed  deer  is  represented  by 
a  small  form  from  Colombia  and  Ecuador, 
characterised  by  its  nearly  naked  ears,  and 
known  as  Mazama  [Odocoileus]  americana 
gymnotis,  if  it  be  regarded  as  entitled  to 
specific  rank.  The  Costa  Rica  deer  (M. 
americana  truei)  may  be  regarded  as  another  local  form  of  whitetail,  charac- 
terised by  its  simple  spike-like  antlers.  The  brockets,  the  typical  representatives 
of  Mazama,  are  an  exclusively  tropical  American  group,  readily  recognised  by 
their  small  stature,  simple  spike-like  antlers,  and  the  reversal  of  the  direction  of 
the  hair  of  the  face.     The  most  familiar  representative  is  the    red    brocket    (M. 




rufa),  of  Brazil,  replaced  in  Central  America  by  M.  mrtorii.  The  wood-brocket 
(M.  nemorivaga)  is  a  greyer  South  American  species.  Allied  to  the  brockets  is  the 
pudu  (Pudua  pudu),  the  smallest  of  all  deer,  which  inhabits  the  Chilian  Andes 
and  has  very  small,  spike-like  antlers. 

Another  group  of  exclusively  South  American  deer  is  that  of  the  guemals,  in 
which  the  antlers  are  usually  simply  bifurcate.  Of  these,  the  Chilian  guemal 
(Mazama  [Xenelaphus]  bisulca)  ranges  from  Santiago  to  the  Straits  of  Magellan, 
but  is  more  common  in  the  south  than  elsewhere,  while  the  Peruvian  guemal  (M. 
[X]  antisiensis)  inhabits  the  highlands  of  Peru.  Yet  another  group,  with  a  much 
more  complicated  type  of  antlers,  is  represented  by  the  pampas  and  the  marsh  deer, 


both  of  which  are  confined  to  the  eastern  side  of  the  continent.  The  smaller  of  the 
two  is  the  pampas-deer  (M.  [Blastoceros]  bezoartica),  a  species  with  a  shoulder- 
height  of  about  30  inches,  ranging  from  Paraguay  and  Uruguay  through  Argentina 
to  northern  Patagonia  ;  it  is  the  largest  and  commonest  ungulate  of  the  pampas. 

The  second  and  larger  species  is  the  guazuti  or  marsh-deer  (M.  [B.]  dichotonia  ), 
which  inhabits  south  Brazil,  Paraguay,  and  Uruguay,  where  it  frequents  the 
vicinity  of  marshes  and  lakes.  In  addition  to  its  superior  size,  it  differs  from  the 
pampas-deer  by  the  bright  red  colour  of  the  hair,  relieved  by  black  on  the  front  of 
the  limbs.  Both  the  marsh-deer  and  the  pampas-deer  differ  from  the  other 
American  members  of  the  family  by  the  reversal  of  the  direction  of  the  hair  on 
the  withers  and  neck. 



Guanaco  and  Although  originally  a  northern  type,  the  guanaco  and  vicuna — 

Llamas.  ^he  New  World  wild  representatives  of  the  camels — are  now  charac- 
teristic South  American  ruminants  restricted  to  the  western  and  southern  districts, 
and  thrive  only  in  temperate  climates.  The  larger  of  the  two  is  the  guanaco 
(Lama  guanacus),  whose  range  extends  from  the  mountains  of  Ecuador  and  Peru 
to  the  plains  of  Patagonia  and  the  islands  of  Tierra  del  Fuego.  Guanaco  are  not 
infrequently  seen  in  large  herds  numbering  up  to  five  hundred,  and  though  they 
seem  here  and  there  able  to  exist  without  fresh  water  altogether,  they  take  to 
water  without  hesitation,  and  are  excellent  swimmers,  having  been  seen  swimming 
in  the  sea  from  island  to  island. 

A   HEliD    OF   ALPACAS. 

Young  guanaco  are  easily  tamed,  and  easily  breed  in  captivity,  which  explains 
the  fact  that  from  this  species  have  originated  the  two  domesticated  breeds  known 
as  the  llama  and  alpaca.  The  alpaca  (L.  pacos)  is  kept  the  whole  year  round  in 
large  herds  in  the  highlands  of  Bolivia  and  southern  Peru,  and  only  driven  into 
the  villages  to  be  shorn.  It  is  bred  for  the  sake  of  its,  generally  black  or  blackish 
brown,  wool,  which  is  so  long  that  in  some  cases  it  reaches  the  ground.  The  coat 
of  the  alpaca  is  long  all  over  the  body,  and  in  many  cases  there  are  none  of  the 
bare  patches  on  the  legs  characteristic  of  the  guanaco,  but  not  of  the  vicuna,  these 
being  overgrown  with  wool. 

The  llama  (L.  glama),  on  the  other  hand,  is  used  as  a  beast  of  burden,  its 
hair  being  comparatively  short,  and  hanging  but  a  little  way  down  the  flanks. 
In  colour  it  is  much  more  varied  than  the  alpaca,  being  seldom  entirely  brown  or 




black,  but  usually  spotted  with  white,  or  totally  white,  while  on  its  knees  are 
always  found  the  bare  patches  already  mentioned.  It  is  a  long-necked  and  long- 
legged  animal,  even  larger  than  the  wild  guanaco,  and  thus  considerably  taller 
than  the  alpaca.  At  the  time  of  the  conquest  of  Peru  by  the  Spaniards  there 
were  said  to  be  more  than  300,000  llamas  used  for  transporting  the  silver  from 
Potosi,  but  at  the  present  day  in  consequence  of  the  introduction  of  horses  and 
mules — and  railways — the  llama  has  almost  ceased  to  be  employed  as  a  pack- 

The  second  wild  species,  the  vicuna  (L.  vicuna),  is  confined  to  the  mountains 

0U.  !L"4ua*4,£* 

■,  _ 

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i      *" 



of  south    Ecuador   and  central  Bolivia.     Above  it  is  uniform  light  brown,  paler 
below  and  on  the  legs,  and  on  the  shoulders  it  has  long  white  hair. 

True  pigs  do  not  exist  wild  in  America,  where  they  are  repre- 
sented in  Central  and  South  America  by  the  allied  group  of  peccaries, 
which  are  small  hog-like  animals,  with  a  gland  on  the  middle  of  the  back,  the 
tail  rudimentary,  and  the  upper  tusks  directed  downwards  instead  of  upwards. 
The  collared  peccary  (Dicotyles  tajagu),  the  smaller  of  the  two  best  defined  species, 
is  blackish  brown  in  colour  marked  by  a  yellowish  white  collar  running  down  from 
the  shoulders  across  the  chest.  The  distributional  area  of  this  and  an  allied  species 
(D.  angulatus),  a  rare  species,  extends  from  the  Rio  Negro  in  Patagonia  to  Texas, 
Arkansas,  Arizona,  and  Sonora ;  but  there  are  several  local  races  of  these  animals 



in  this  extensive  tract.     Many  naturalists  substitute  the  barbarous  name  Tajagu 
for  the  appropriate  Dicotyles. 

The  white-lipped  peccary  (D.  labiatus)  is  a  somewhat  larger  animal;  the 
northern  boundary  of  whose  habitat  is  formed  by  British  Honduras,  while  Paraguay 
constitutes  its  southern  limits. 



The  only  other  group  of  South  American  hoofed  animals  is  that 
of  the  tapirs,  which,  like  the  guanaco,  are  originally  immigrants  from 
the  north.  The  Brazilian  tapir  (Tapirus  terrestris),  when  adult,  is  dark  brown, 
or  blackish  in  colour,  as  are  the  other  three  American  species,  and  its  ears 
have  white  edges.     Its  range  includes  Brazil,  Paraguay,  and  northern  Argentina, 



but   the   animal    is    everywhere    confined    to    the    forest    tracts,   and    is    entirely 

On  the  highlands  of  Ecuador  and  Colombia  this  species  is  replaced  by  Roulin's 
tapir  (T.  roulini),  which  has  a  rounder  neck  and  a  long  white  spot  on  the  chin.  The 
other  two  species  are  from  Central  America,  where  Baird's  tapir  (T.  hnirdi)  ranges 
from  Panama  to  Mexico,  while  Dow's  tapir  (T.  dowi)  is  confined  to  Guatemala, 
Nicaragua,  and  Costa  Rica. 

South  America  absolutely  swarms  with  rodents,  although  many 
well-known    northern    types   such    as    jumping-mice,    dormice,    and 
beavers  are  want- 

/        * 

Rats  and  Mice. 

ing.  Squirrels,  on 
the  other  hand,  are 
represented  by  a 
certain  number  of 
species.  The  great 
majority  of  the 
South  American 
mice  belong  to  the 
cricetine  group,  and 
include  representa- 
tives of  the  genera 
Onychomys,  Rhip  i- 
domys,  Tylomys, 
Holochilus,  Oryz- 
omys,  Rhithrodon- 
tomys,  Eligmodon, 
Neotomys,  Rh  ith- 
rodon,  Phyllotis, 
Scapteromys,  Ich- 
thyomys,  Acodon, 
0  x  y  m  y  c  t  e  r  u  s, 
Blarinomys,  Not  i- 
omys,  etc. ;  several 
of  these  being 
peculiar  to  Central 
and  South  America. 
Among  them,  the 
fish-eating  rat  (Ich- 
thyomys  stolz- 
nianni),     of     the 

mountains  of  Peru,  is  an  aquatic  species  of  the  approximate  size  of  a  water-rat, 
with  fringes  of  hair  to  the  feet. 

In  another  group,  the  South   American  porcupines,  which  are 
classed  with  the  Canadian  porcupine   in  the   family  Brithizontidce, 
have  short  spines,  in  some  cases  almost  hidden  in  the  hair,  but  very  numerous  and 

occasionally  provided  with  small  barbed  hooks.     One  of  the  most  common  is  the 
vol  11. — 24 





Brazilian  tree-porcupine  (Synetheres  prehensilis),  of  Brazil,  Guiana,  and  part  of 
Bolivia.  A  second  is  the  long-haired  Mexican  porcupine  (S.  novce-hispanice), 
which  looks,  when  in  repose,  like  a  knot  of  a  lichen-covered  branch.  The  bristle- 
spined  porcupine  (Chcetomys  subspinosus)  of  central  and  northern  Brazil,  is  rather 
larger  than  either  of  the  preceding,  from  which  it  is  distinguished  by  its  bristle- 
like spines,  the  absence  of  prehensile  power  in  the  tail,  and  the  fact  that  it  is  not 
exclusively  arboreal  in  its  habits.  Coendou,  the  native  name  of  the  Brazilian  tree- 
porcupine,  has  of  late  years  been  adopted  as  the  name  of  the  genus,  in  place  of 

Another  family  of  rodents,  whose  distribution  is  confined  to 
Africa,  the  West  Indies,  and  Central  and  South  America,  is  typified 
by  the  degu  (Octodon  degus),  a  species  resembling  a  rat  in  size  and  general  appear- 
ance, but  with  a  shorter  tail,  tufted  at  the  tip  and  often  bent  backwards  in  squirrel- 
fashion.  The  degu,  which  is  a  good  climber,  and  stores  up  provisions  like  a 
squirrel,  inhabits  Peru  and  Chile,  other  species  of  the  group  being  found  in  Chile 
and  Bolivia.  A  Bolivian  species  has  been  described  as  Octodontomys,  or  Neoctodon. 
The  members  of  the  allied  genus  Aconcemys  are  found  in  parts  of  the  southern 
Andes,  which  are  covered  with  snow  for  several  months  of  the  }Tear. 

In  the  sandy  districts  of  the  Ai-gentine  pampas  may  be  heard  all  day  and  all 
night  the  ringing  cry  of  a  member  of  the  same  group,  which  in  large  numbers  leads 
a  subterranean  life.  The  sound  of  the  tuco-tuco,  as  the  animal  is  called,  much 
resembles  the  blows  of  a  hammer,  first  strong  and  measured,  then  lighter  and  in 
quicker  succession.  Tuco-tucos  burrow  long  passages  at  no  great  depth  beneath 
the  ground,  their  course  being  marked  by  small  mounds  on  the  surface.  The  red 
incisor  teeth  of  these  rodents  are  very  broad,  and  the  fore-feet  have  long  curved 
claws.  There  are  several  species,  of  which  Ctenomys  brasiliensis  is  confined  to 
Brazil,  while  C.  magellanica  is  restricted  to  southern  Patagonia.  To  the  same 
group  belongs  the  genus  Habrocoma,  which,  like  the  preceding  and  the  following, 
is  exclusively  confined  to  Central  and  South  America.  The  coypu  (Myopotamus 
coypw),  inhabiting  both  sides  of  the  Andes  from  Peru  southwards,  resembles  a 
beaver  in  general  appearance  and  habits,  living  on  the  banks  of  rivers  and  lakes, 
and  feeding  on  the  leaves,  roots,  and  seeds  of  aquatic  plants.  In  the  banks  of  its 
native  rivers  it  forms  burrows,  consisting  of  a  passage  some  3  or  4  feet  long  ending 
in  a  chamber  2  feet  in  diameter ;  but  when  the  bank  is  not  high  enough  to  admit 
of  this,  the  eoypu  builds  a  fiat  nest  among  reeds  and  rushes.  The  coypu  seems  to 
accommodate  itself  to  different  conditions  according  to  locality.  In  the  Chonos 
Archipelago,  for  instance,  where  it  lives  exclusively  in  the  bays  among  the  small 
islands  of  the  group,  and  where  it  is  said  to  feed  partly  on  molluscs,  it  establishes 
itself  in  the  forest  at  some  distance  from  the  water.  Again,  in  parts  of  Argentina, 
where  it  was  formerly  dying  out  in  consequence  of  constant  pursuit,  but  began  to 
increase  when  its  destruction  was  prohibited,  it  is  said  to  have  forsaken  an  aquatic 
life  and  become  a  migratory  land-animal,  till  it  was  almost  exterminated  by  an 
epidemic.  In  Argentina  it  is  known  as  nutria,  under  which  name  its  fur  is  an 
important  article  of  commerce. 

To  another  section  of  the  same  family  belong  the  spiny  rats  of  the  genera 
Dactylomys,  Loncheres,  Echinomys,  etc.,  all  of  which  are  long-tailed  rodents,  with 


a  number  of  stout  spines  mingled  with  the  hair  of   the   back.     They  are  quite 
peculiar  to  Central  and  South  America. 

The  typical  representative  of  an  exclusively  South  and  Central 
American  family  is  the  beautiful  little  chinchilla  (Chinchilla 
lanigera),  a  squirrel-like,  large-eared  rodent,  about  10  inches  long,  with  a  tail  of 
half  that  length,  remarkable  for  the  softness  of  its  pearl-grey  fur.  It  inhabits 
the  higher  Andes  between  southern  Chile  and  the  north  of  Bolivia,  living  in 
large  colonies  amid  scant  vegetation,  and  digging  its  own  burrows,  which  it 
leaves  during  the  day,  when,  however,  it  keeps  in  the  shade  of  l^ocks.  The  short- 
tailed  chinchilla  (C.  brevicaudata)  is  a  much  larger  and  still  little-known  species, 
inhabiting  Peru.      Still  larger  is  Cuvier's  chinchilla  (Lagidium  cuvieri),  which 


has  only  four  toes  on  each  foot,  and  inhabits   the  Andes  of   Chile,  Peru,  and 
Bolivia,  up  to  heights  of  16,000  feet. 

To  the  same  family  belongs  the  viscacha  (Lagostomus  tricho- 
dactylus),  a  large  rodent  with  only  three  toes  on  the  hind- feet. 
A  heavily  built  animal,  with  strong  legs,  rather  short  ears,  and  a  bushy  tail  about 
one-third  longer  than  the  body,  the  viscacha  measures  about  20  inches  in  length. 
The  short-haired  fur  is  principally  grey  above,  and  white  or  yellowish  beneath  ; 
but  a  black  stripe,  with  a  white  one  above  it,  runs  from  the  point  of  the  nose 
to  each  cheek,  and  there  is  a  russet-coloured  band  across  the  forehead.  This 
rodent  ranges  through  the  open  pampas  from  the  Rio  Negro  to  Uruguay,  and 
during  the  dry  season  has  nothing  on  which  to  feed  save  withered  grass  and  thistles. 
It  generally  congregates  in  "  viscacheras " — collections  of  mounds  formed  by  the 
earth  thrown  out  from  the  burrows.  Each  viscachera  may  contain  from  twenty 
to  thirty  viscachas,  and   has   at  least  a  dozen  galleries  leading   into   chambers 






which  are  sometimes  as  much  as  a  yard  in  diameter,  and  communicate  by  similar 
galleries  with  each  other. 

Another  family  of  rodents,  peculiar  to  the  typical  American  area, 
comprises  a  number  of  short-tailed  species  with  high-arched  backs, 
known  as  agutis.  Ranging  from  Paraguay  through  the  greater  part  of  South 
and  Central  America,  agutis  are  represented  by  one  species  in  the  West  Indies. 
They  are  distinguished  by  having  live  toes  on  the  fore-feet  and  three  toes  to  the 
hind-feet,  as  well  as  by  their  coarse  hair,  which  is  somewhat  longer  on  the  hind- 
parts  than  elsewhere.  The  common  aguti  (Dasyprocta  aguti),  which  ranges  over 
Guiana,  Brazil,  and  northern  Peru,  is  about  19  inches  long,  and  olive-brown  in 
colour,  with  a  yellow  stripe  on  the  back,  and  bright  orange  hind-parts. 

The  paca  (Ccelogenys  paca),  a  heavily  built  rodent  about  2  feet 
lone,  with  tive-toed  feet  and  bare  soles,  a  wart-like  stump  of  a  tail, 

and  a  broad  head 
with  a  blunt  nose, 
is  a  member  of  the 
same  family.  In 
colour  it  differs 
from  the  agutis  by 
the  presence  of 
from  three  to  five 
rows  of  whitish 
spots  along  the 
sides  of  the  reddish 
brown  body.  Pacas 
inhabit  the  greater 
part  of  South 
America  down  to 
Paraguay,  alt  hough 
unknown  west  of 
the  Andes, and  they 
are  also  found  in 
Tobago  and  Trini- 
dad.  On  the  high- 
lands of  Ecuador 
the  common  paca 
is  replaced  by  Taczanowski's  paca  (C.  taczanowskii),  whose  burrows,  unlike  those, 
of  the  common  paca,  have  two  entrances.  Branick's  paca  (Dinomys  branicki), 
which  probably  inhabits  some  part  of  upper  Amazonia,  represents  a  distinct 
type,  and  has  a  remarkable  history,  having  for  many  years  been  known  only  by 
a  single  specimen  taken  in  a  Peruvian  courtyard. 

The  cavies,  another  family  restricted   to  the   South  American 

region,  comprise  very  short-tailed  or  tailless  rodents,  with  four  toes 

on  the  fore-feet  and  only  three  on  the  hind-feet,  all  of  which  are  provided  with  hoof- 
like claws.  In  the  typical  or  true  cavies  the  tail  is  absent,  the  body  short,  the 
ears  small,  and,  except  in  the  domesticated  guinea-pig,  the  colour  quite  uniform. 




One  of  the  most  noteworthy  species  is  the  Peruvian  cavy  (Cavia  cutleri),  which 
may  very  probably  have  been  the  ancestor  of  the  guinea-pig.  Another  species 
(C.  porcellus),  distributed  through  Brazil,  Paraguay,  and  Uruguay,  is  found 
exclusively  in  marshy  places  on  the  forest  borders.  The  Bolivian  cavy  (C.  boli- 
viensis),  which  is  smaller  than  the  last,  lives  in  large  colonies,  and  in  many 
districts  completely  undermines  the  ground.  Among  other  species,  the  small 
rock-cavy  (0.  rupestris),  which  is  remarkable  for  its  exceedingly  short  claws, 
inhabits  certain  parts  of  Brazil,  and  does  not  dig  a  burrow. 

The  largest  member  of  the  Cavidce,  and,  indeed,  of  all  living 
rodents,  is   the   carpincho,  or  capivara  (Hydrochcerus  capivara),  a 
species  measuring  about  48  inches  in  length,  with  brown  bristly  hair  and  webbed 



feet.  It  ranges  from  Argentina  northwards  over  the  east  of  South  America, 
occurring  also  in  the  plains  of  Bolivia  and  Peru.  An  exclusively  aquatic  animal, 
it  swims  and  dives  excellently.  Carpinchos  wander  about  in  herds,  probably 
having  no  fixed  abode,  though  visiting  more  or  less  the  same  places  on  the  river 
banks,  where  they  lazily  spend  their  time  eating  and  resting. 

The    widely    spread    group    of    hares  is    represented    in    South 

America  by  several  species,  among  which  the  tiny  Brazilian  hare 
(Lepus  brasiliensis)  is  a  near  relative  of  the  North  American  wood-hare. 

South  and  Central  America  form  the  exclusive  home  of  the  more 

typical  groups  of  edentate  mammals,  with  the  exception  that  one 
armadillo  has  wandered  into  Texas.  With  the  aforesaid  exception,  armadillos  are 
more  or  less  confined  to  the  warmer  countries  of  Central  and  South  America,  gener- 
ally living  in  dry  districts  in  the  forests  and  pampas,  where  they  dig  their  burrows 





so  rapidly  that  a  man  cannot  dismount  in  time  to  catch  one  before  it  disappears. 
By  means  of  their  strong  claws  armadillos  dig  for  their  food,  which  consists  of  ants, 
termites,  and  other  insects,  as  well  as  worms  and  snails,  and  occasionally  carrion. 
Ants  and  other  insects  cling  to  the  sticky,  protrusile  tongue,  and  are  drawn  with  it 
into  the  mouth.  Armadillos  are  protected  from  their  enemies  by  means  of  a  cuirass 
of  bony  plates  covered  with  horny  shields  arranged  in  such  a  way  as  to  leave 
room  for  hairs  to  grow  between.     The  more  typical  armadillos  are  characterised 


by  having  a  number  of  movable  rows  of  plates  between  the  front  and  hind  part 
of  the  cuirass,  as  well  as  by  their  large  ears,  standing  well  apart  from  each  other, 
and  by  the  slenderness  or  absence  of  claws  on  the  first  and  second  fore-toes.  In 
the  typical  genus  the  number  of  movable  bands  is  usually  six  or  seven  but  some- 
times eight.  Perhaps  the  most  remarkable  species  is  the  peludo,  or  hairy  armadillo 
(Dasypus  villosus)  of  Argentina,  on  account  of  the  variety  of  its  diet  and  the  way  in 
which  this  is  obtained.  The  peludo  searches  for  insects,  which  form  its  principal 
food,  by  running  along  with  its  nose  close  to  the  ground,  like  a  dog,  and  when 
hunting  for  larvae  or  worms  some  inches  below  the  surface,  burrows  nearly  circular, 



funnel-like  holes  with  its  wedged-shaped  head,  hundreds  of  these  holes  occurring 
on  the  pampas.  As  these  holes  are  somewhat  dangerous  to  the  horsemen,  the 
armadillos  are  sometimes  poisoned  with  strychnine.  Both  this  species  and  the 
weasel-headed  armadillo  (D.  sexcinctus)  are,  however,  also  hunted  with  clogs.  The 
last-named  species,  which  is  about  16  inches  long,  replaces  the  peludo  in  Brazil  and 
Paraguay.  Argentina  is  the  home  of  the  pichi  or  pigmy  armadillo  (D.  minutus) 
as  well  as  of  the  woolly  armadillo  (D.  vellerosus).  The  pigmy  armadillo  is  much 
smaller  than  either  the  peludo  or  the  weasel-headed  species,  and  inhabits  dry  ground, 
especially  sand-dunes  on  the  shore,  where  it  does  not  obtain  water  for  months. 
Like  most  of  its  relatives,  it  is  a  diurnal  animal,  which,  when  pursued,  tries  to 
escape  by  pressing  its  body  close  to  the  ground. 

;   •  %  ->  •  -4» 




Next  to  the  great  armadillo,  the  tatouay  (Lysiiirus  unicinctus)  is  the  largest 
representative  of  the  family,  and  belongs  to  a  genus  distinguished  by  the  presence 
of  twelve  or  thirteen  movable  bands.  It  inhabits  Surinam,  Brazil,  and  Paraguay. 
The  great  armadillo  (Priodon  gigas),  of  the  forests  of  Surinam  and  Brazil,  is,  as 
its  name  implies,  the  largest  representative  of  the  famil}-,  and  is  almost  a  yard  long 
from  the  tip  of  the  nose  to  the  root  of  the  tail,  which  is  about  the  same  length  as 
the  body. 

Of  quite  a  different  type  is  the  apar  (Tolypeutes  tricinctus)  of  the  Argentine 
pampas,  which,  together  with  two  other  species,  forms  a  genus  distinguished  by 
three  movable  bands.  The  tail,  which  is  covered  with  angular  tubercles,  is 
retractile,  as  is  the  long  narrow  head,  within  the  cuirass,  so  that  the  creature  is 
able  to  roll  itself  into  a  ball,  in  which  state  it  is  completely  protected  from  attack. 
In  colour  the  apar  is  dark  brownish  grey  above  and  russet  below,  with  the  spaces 
between  the  three  movable  bands  white.     Like  others  of  its  kindred,  it  is  remark- 


able  for  its  manner  of  walking,  the  fore-legs  touching  the  ground  only  by  the  tips 
of  their  claws,  a  circumstance  all  the  more  singular  since  the  toes  are  of  unequal 
lengths.  The  third  toe  is  even  more  strongly  developed  than  that  of  the  great 
armadillo,  while  the  first  and  fifth  have  either  very  small  claws  or  none  at  all. 

Very  different  from  all  other  armadillos  is  the  peba  (Tatusia  novemcincta) 
conspicuous  on  account  of  its  closely  approximated  mule-like  ears,  and  further  dis- 
tinguished by  certain  peculiarities  connected  with  its  dentition  and  other  parts  of 
its  structure.  The  range  of  this  species  extends  from  Paraguay  to  Texas ;  an  allied 
form  is  the  mulita  (T.  hybrida)  of  Argentina  and  other  parts  of  South  America, 
and  another  is  the  shaggy  armadillo  (T.  pilosa)  of  Peru,  in  which  the  whole  body, 
except  the  head,  is  so  densely  covered  with  light  brown  hair  that  it  looks  like  an 
ordinary  soft-skinned  animal. 

More  remarkable  than  all  is  the  fairy  armadillo  or  pichiciago  (Chlamydophorus 
truncatus),  distinguished  not  only  by  its  diminutive  size  but  by  the  peculiar  form 
and  structure  of  the  cuirass.  In  conformity  with  its  burrowing  habits,  the  pichi- 
ciago has  the  body  much  narrower  in  front  than  behind.  The  broad  disk-like 
hinder  end  of  the  body,  which  seems  to  be  used  for  ramming  down  the  earth  to 
stop  the  entrance  of  the  hole,  is  formed  of  bony  plates  closely  joined  in  rows  of 
different  sizes,  and  covered  with  thin  horny  shields,  these  making  an  almost  per- 
pendicular buckler,  at  the  lower  corner  of  which  is  situated  the  stumpy  tail.  Besides 
this  posterior  buckler,  the  pichiciago  carries  on  its  back  a  mantle-like  cuirass 
commencing  at  a  point  close  above  the  nose  and  gradually  widening  as  it  extends 
backwards.  This  mantle  is  fastened  to  the  skull,  but  is  connected  with  the  body 
merely  down  the  middle  of  the  back  so  that  it  only  loosely  covers  the  hairy  sides. 

Pichiciagos  inhabit  sand-hills  covered  with  cactus  plants  or  thorn-bushes  in 
western  Argentina,  and  are  most  common  in  the  neighbourhood  of  Mendoza,  although 
seldom  seen.  The  larger  pichiciago  (C.  retusus)  is  an  even  scarcer  species,  inhabiting 
Bolivia,  and  distinguished  from  its  smaller  relative  by  the  mantle  being  completely 
joined  to  the  body,  a  circumstance  which  has  led  to  its  being  regarded  as  the 
representative  of  a  second  genus. 

The  sloths,  which  form  the  second  family  of  edentates,  inhabit 
those  parts  of  South  and  Central  America  in  which  the  moisture  of 
the  air,  and  accordingly  the  development  and  abundance  of  vegetation,  are  at 
their  highest.  The  darker  and  more  impenetrable  the  forests,  the  more  are  they 
inhabited  by  sloths,  which  are  so  thoroughly  arboreal  that  they  never,  or  only  in 
case  of  need,  descend  to  the  ground.  They  are  indeed  able  to  touch  the  ground  only 
with  the  outer  edges  of  their  feet,  and  are  hopelessly  awkward  out  of  their  native 
trees.  Some  travellers  describe  these  animals  as  comparatively  agile,  and  during  the 
twilight  and  at  night,  when  they  are  most  lively,  they  may  perhaps  travel  some 
distance,  yet  they  are  regarded  as  types  of  laziness  by  the  natives,  although  their 
exceedingly  slow  movements  are  very  likely  due  to  extreme  caution.  A  sloth 
moving  slowly  from  branch  to  branch  is  a  most  peculiar  sight.  It  never  leaves 
go  one  branch  before  it  has  firmly  clutched  the  next,  and  for  a  long  time  fumbles 
about  in  the  air  with  its  feet  in  order  to  get  a  firm  hold  for  them.  When  asleep, 
sloths  roll  themselves  up  into  a  ball,  and  cling  to  the  branches,  with  the  head 
between  the  front-legs,  and  the  legs  in  a  position  similar  to  that  of  the  potto,  a 



West  African  lemur,  which  also  lives  exclusively  in  trees.  In  this  position  they 
are  able  to  fast  for  a  month  or  longer.  This  sluggishness  probably  accounts  also 
for  their  immunity  to  large  doses  of  poison,  and  their  power  of  resistance  in  the 
case  of  serious  wounds,  for  they  are  not  able  to  escape  poisonous  snakes,  or  beasts- 
of-prey.  Their  favourite  haunts  are  the  cecropia  trees  so  abundant  in  the  South 
American  forests,  whose  large  leaves  and  milky  sap  afford  them  abundant  food.  They 
seldom  leave  their  own  tree,  and 
on  account  of  the  moisture  in  its 
leaves,  twigs,  and  fruit,  which 
form  almost  exclusively  their  nutri- 
ment, these  animals  need  no  water, 
and  are  thus  not  compelled  to 
descend  to  the  ground  even  during 

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a  protracted  period  of  drought. 
Like  other  vegetable-feeders,  sloths 
are  provided  with  a  stomach  con- 
sisting of  several  compartments  so 
as  to  get  the  full  benefit  of  their 


food.  Their  extremely  long  front- 
legs,  which  far  surpass  the  hind- 
legs  in  this  respect,  have  elongated 
slender  feet  and  strong  hook-like 
claws  enclosed,  as  in  a  glove,  by 
a  common  skin.  Owing  to  the 
strength  of  their  claws,  these 
claspers  serve  their  purpose  so  well 
that  sloths  when  feeding  hang 
from  branches  with  their  backs 
downwards,  and  even  when  killed 
by  a  shot  do  not  drop  to  the 
ground  until  the  stiffness  of  death 
has  relaxed.  In  accordance  with 
this   strange    hanging    attitude    is 

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the  flexibility  of  the  neck,  which 
enables  them  to  turn  the  face  com- 
pletely round.  Never  very  con- 
spicuous, they  are  even  less  so  when 
asleep,   for   the    body   is    covered 

with  long,  coarse,  somewhat  brittle  hair  of  brownish  or  dull  ashy  grey  colour 
tinged  with  green,  this  green  tinge  being  due  to  the  growth  in  the  grooves  of  the 
pithy  hair  of  an  alga  allied  to  the  green  water-weeds  of  our  pools,  which,  owing  to 
the  moist  atmosphere  of  the  forests,  flourishes  luxuriantly.  Between  the  shoulders 
male  sloths  show  a  patch  of  short  under- fur  marked  with  bright  brown  and  orange 
stripes.  Young  sloths,  which  are  born  completely  developed,  but  with 
short  hair,  clasp  their  mother's  neck  with  their  arms  and  cling  to  her  long  hair. 
The    female    has   two  teats,  but   gives    birth  only  to  one  young  at  a  time.     The 



internal  structure  of  sloths  is  in  many  respects  as  remarkable  as  their  external 
appearance.  The  windpipe  is  apparently  too  long  for  the  neck,  which  accounts  for 
the  facility  with  which  they  turn  their  heads,  and,  as  in  some  birds,  forms  a  loop. 
The  neck  does  not  contain  the  same  number  of  vertebrae  in  all  the  sloths.  Most 
mammals  have  only  seven  neck-vertebrae,  but  the  three-toed  sloth  possesses  nine, 
although  the  ninth,  and  sometimes  also  the  eighth,  is  provided  with  a  pair  of  small, 
independently  moving  ribs  not  joined  to  the  breast-bone.  It  might  have  been 
thought  that  this  extra  number  of  vertebrae  had  something  to  do  with  the  flexibility 
of  the  neck  of  the  sloths,  were  it  not  that  the  two-toed  sloths  have  the  ordinary 
number  of  seven  vertebrae  sometimes  reduced  to  six. 

Besides  the  number  of  the  vertebras  of  the  neck  and  the  number  of  toes  on 
the  feet,  the  three-toed  sloths  are  distinguished  from  the  two-toed  species  by  the  form 
of  the  first  upper  tooth.  One  species  of  the  former  group  (Bradypus  tridactylus) 
inhabits  the  drier  parts  of  the  forest,  while  a  second,  distinguished  by  a  long,  tan- 
coloured  stripe  between  the  shoulders,  prefers  permanently  flooded  areas.  The 
latter  species  (B.  infuscatus),  called  by  the  natives  the  sloth  of  the  flooded  country, 
is  distinguished  by  being  able  to  swim.  The  two-toed  sloths,  which  have  only 
two  toes  on  their  fore-feet  but  three  on  their  hind-feet,  are  distinguished  by  their 
long,  thick,  and  almost  tusk-like  first  upper  and  lower  teeth.  One  of  these, 
Hoffmann's  unau  (CJiolaepus  hoffmanni),  has  been  heard  to  utter  various  sounds  such 
as  a  sheep-like  bleating  and  a  loud  snorting.  This  species,  which  has  only  six 
vertebras  in  the  neck,  is  confined  to  Brazil,  while  the  common  unau  (C.  didactylus), 
which  has  seven  neck-vertebrae,  inhabits  Ecuador  and  Costa  Rica. 

The  ant-eaters,  which  form  the  third  family  of  edentates,  although 
Ant-Eaters.  .  J  ~ 

very  different  from  the  sloths  in  external  appearance,  are  yet  closely 

allied.  They  live,  however,  exclusively  on  insects,  and  are  adapted  in  a  remarkable 
way  for  that  sort  of  nourishment.  They  have  unusually  elongated  heads  with 
tube-like  mouths,  through  the  small  aperture  of  which  they  protrude  and  with- 
draw the  long,  sticky  tongue.  The  large,  bent  claw  of  the  long  middle  toe  of 
the  fore-feet  serves  for  scratching  up  insects  buried  in  the  ground  or  hidden  beneath 
the  bark  of  trees,  while  the  long  viscid  tongue  conveys  them  into  the  mouth. 
Compared  with  this  large  middle  toe,  the  other  toes  are  small  and  in  some  cases 
rudimentary.  But  while  the  toes  of  the  fore-feet  are  irregular,  the  four  or  five  toes 
of  the  hind-legs,  which  are  as  long  as  the  fore-legs,  are  of  more  or  less  equal  size, 
and  provided  with  claws  of  equal  length.  One  species  of  ant-eater  has  feet 
somewhat  like  those  of  a  sloth,  adapted  for  climbing  trees.  The  second  also  climbs, 
and,  like  the  first,  has  a  long  prehensile  tail.  The  third  and  largest  species,  on  the 
other  hand,  lives  entirelj*  on  or  in  the  ground,  and  its  tail  though  long  is  non- 

The  great  ant-eaters  Myrmecophaga,  locally  known  in  Paraguay  as  yurumi, 
and  in  Surinam  as  tamanoir,  inhabit  the  tropical  regions  of  South  and  Central 
America,  where  they  live  either  in  river-marshes  or  forest-swamps,  and  are  nowhere 
numerous.  They  are  the  largest  members  of  the  family,  attaining  a  length  of  about 
48  inches  exclusive  of  the  tail,  which  may  be  3  feet  in  length.  The  position  of  the 
toes  and  the  powerful  claws  might  lead  to  the  belief  that  these  ant-eaters,  which 
generally  move  at  a  trot  and,  when  pursued,  at  an  awkward  gallop,  are  burrowing 






animals.  This,  however,  is  not  the  case.  The  long  claws  of  the  fore-feet  only  serve 
their  owner  to  tear  up  ant-hills,  whose  alarmed  inhabitants  cluster  in  masses  and 
stick  in  hundreds  to  the  slimy  tongue  as  it  is  alternately  darted  out  and  withdrawn 
as  quick  as  lightning.  This  process,  as  well  as  the  cleaning  of  the  mouth  from  earth 
and  saliva,  is  but  seldom  observed,  since  the  great  ant-eater  is  rarely  visible,  being 
a  nocturnal  animal  and  sleeping  throughout  the  day  in  high  grass  or  other  covert. 
Here  it  lies  on  one  side,  with  the  head  buried  in  the  long  hair  of  the  chest,  the  legs 
drawn  close  to  its  body,  and  the  back  covered  by  the  bushy  tail.  On  awaking, 
it  leisurely  gets  its  limbs  into  their  usual  position,  first  sitting  up  on  its  hind-legs, 
and  then  stretching  its  fore-legs  and  slowly  moving  its  head  to  and  fro.  Except 
during  pairing-time,  males  as  well  as  females  live  alone ;  the  lair  of  the  female 
generally  contains  a  single  young  one,  which  is  born  in  spring,  and  after  having 
been  suckled  for  several  months  remains  with  the  mother  until  she  is  again  far 
advanced  in  pregnancy.  The  typical  M.  jubata,  or  M.  tridactyla,  of  tropical  South 
America,  is  replaced  in  Central  America  by  M.  centralis,  mainly  distinguished  by 

The  tamandua  or  lesser  ant-eater  (Tamandua  tetradactyla)  is  scarcely  half  the 
size  of  the  preceding  species,  and  has  a  shorter  head,  longer  ears,  and  a  prehensile 
tail.  The  hind-feet  resemble  those  of  the  great  ant-eater,  but  the  fore-feet  are 
rather  stronger  and  somewhat  different  in  structure.  The  middle  toe  has  the 
strongest  claw,  but  the  claws  on  the  second  and  fourth  toes  are  fairly  strong, 
while  the  first  toe  carries  only  a  small  claw,  and  the  fifth,  which  is  hidden  in  the 
skin,  has  none  at  all. 

The  tamandua,  which  inhabits  South  and  Central  America,  is  much  more 
common  than  the  larger  species,  and  generally  found  on  the  edges  of  the  forests, 
where  it  lives  principally  in  trees,  often  climbing  to  the  top  of  the  highest.  Here  it 
finds  the  greater  part  of  its  food,  which  consists  of  ants  and  perhaps  also  of  honey. 
In  all  its  movements  it  is  more  lively  than  the  great  ant-eater  and  tries  to  escape 
when  pursued,  but  if  hard  pressed  will  sometimes  sit  down  like  the  other  species 
and  attempt  to  hug  and  wound  its  enemies  with  its  claws.  Although  chiefly 
nocturnal,  it  is  sometimes  seen  about  by  day.  Tamanduas  generally  sleep  with 
the  head  sunk  on  the  breast  and  covered  with  the  fore-paws,  and  the  tail  drawn 
close  to  the  side. 

The  third  species,  or  two-clawed  ant-eater  (Cycloturus  didactylus),  is  confined  to 
the  hottest  countries  of  South  and  Central  America,  inhabiting  the  north  of  Brazil, 
Peru,  and  Guiana,  and  not  found  more  than  2000  feet  above  the  sea.  It  is  not 
much  more  than  6  inches  long,  the  tail  being  rather  longer  and  prehensile.  The 
hind-feet  have  four  toes  of  almost  equal  length  placed  close  together  and  used  like 
those  of  the  sloths  as  claspers,  the  same  being  the  case  more  or  less  with  the  fore-feet, 
which  have  four  toes  but  only  the  third  and  the  fourth  clawed.  This  animal  has 
the  same  way  of  hanging  on  trees  and  the  same  slow  movements  as  the  sloths,  and, 
like  them,  is  exclusively  arboreal.  It  sleeps  among  the  branches  in  the  deepest 
parts  of  the  forest  all  day  long,  and  on  account  of  its  nocturnal  habits  is  rarely 
seen  even  by  the  natives.  Apparently  never  uttering  a  sound,  it  climbs  about 
in  a  quiet,  circumspect  way  in  search  of  food,  which  includes  ants,  bees,  wasps,  and 
their  larvae.     It  eats  its  food  like  a  squirrel,  holding  it  between  the  fore-feet. 


Although,  as  already  stated,  North  America  has  but  one  or  two 
marsupials,  in  South  America  the  order  is  well  represented.  The 
opossums  of  the  area  under  consideration  are,  however,  much  smaller  than  the 
common  species  of  the  north,  of  which  local  races  are  met  with.  One  of  the 
South  American  opossums  found  in  Guiana  and  in  southern  Brazil  and  Argentina 
is  the  thick-tailed  opossum  (Didelphys  crassicaudata),  distinguished  by  the  tail 
being  thickly  haired  along  its  basal  half  and  thinly  haired  almost  to  the  tip. 
As  in  the  rat-tailed  opossum  (D.  nudicaudata),  which  ranges  from  Costa  Rica  to 
Brazil,  its  pouch  is  rudimentary  or  absent.  Unlike  the  latter,  the  Quica  opossum 
(D.  opossum)  has  a  tail  bare  of  hair  except  at  the  base,  and  a  well-developed  pouch. 
All  three  are  of  medium  size  with  long  tails  and  short  crisp  fur.  On  the  other 
hand,  in  the  philander  opossum  (D.  philander)  of  Guiana  and  north-eastern  Brazil, 
the  fur  is  woolly  and  soft.  Another  species,  ranging  from  Mexico  to  Paraguay,  is 
the  woolly  opossum  (D.  lanigera),  which  is  of  somewhat  larger  size  and  is  the 
common  opossum  of  tropical  South  America.  Neither  species  has  a  pouch,  the  place 
of  which  is  taken  by  two  large  folds  on  the  skin,  and  consequently  the  females  have 
to  carry  their  young,  sometimes  twelve  in  number,  on  their  backs,  a  load  which  does 
not  hinder  them  from  climbing  trees  with  great  quickness.  The  philander  opossum 
is  distinguished  by  a  narrow  brown  line  down  its  pale  grey  face,  and  a  brown  ring 
round  each  eye,  its  general  colour  being  reddish  or  yellowish  grey  above  and 
yellowish  below.  The  murine  opossum  (D.  mwrina),  which  has  the  dark  eye-stripes 
very  noticeable,  ranges  from  central  Mexico  into  Brazil,  and  somewhat  resembles  a 
bright  red  mouse.  Another  group  of  opossums  is  composed  of  still  smaller  species, 
the  smallest  being  the  pigmy  opossum  (D.  sorex)  of  Rio  Grande  do  Sul,  which  is 
less  than  3  inches  long.  It  should  be  added  that  by  many  modern  zoologists 
the  ai'boreal  opossums  are  divided  into  several  generic  groups  such  as  Philander 
and  Marmosa.  Whether  such  subdivisions  are  altogether  advisable  may  be  an 
open  question,  but  there  is  no  doubt  as  to  the  right  of  the  yapock,  or  water-opossum 
(Chironectes  minima),  to  rank  as  a  genus  by  itself.  Its  range  extends  from 
southern  Brazil  to  Guatemala.  In  colour  it  is  greyish  white  curiously  marked  and 
marbled  with  dark  brown,  four  broad  saddle-like  patches  extending  from  the  dark 
line  on  the  back  down  the  sides.  In  habits  and  mode  of  feeding  the  yapock  so 
closely  resembles  an  otter  that  it  was  at  first  regarded  as  a  diminutive  member  of 
that  group.     In  length  it  measures  about  14  or  15  inches. 

Although  described  in  two  papers,  one  written  in  1860  and  the 
other  in  1863,  the  marsupials  known  as  selvas  long  escaped  full 
recognition.  In  external  appearance,  and  especially  in  their  long,  sparsely  haired 
tails,  they  resemble  rats,  and  have  almost  rat-like  incisors.  The  larger  species 
(Ccenolestes  fuliginosus)  is  a  dark  brown  animal  of  the  approximate  size  of  a  rat, 
with  a  small  and  undeveloped  but  distinct  pouch,  and  all  the  habits  of  an  opossum, 
although  not  closely  related  to  the  latter.  This  species  and  its  Bogota  relative, 
C.  obscurus,  were  at  first  referred  to  the  diprotodont  section  of  the  marsupial  order 
(see  the  section  on  Australia  in  vol.  iii.),  but  it  was  subsequently  pointed  out  that 
they  showed  so  many  polyprotodont  resemblances  as  to  preclude  their  reference  to 
the  former  group,  and  C.  fuliginosus  was  made  the  type  of  a  new  sub-order, 
Paucituberculata.     Still  later,  the  diprotodont  lower  dentition  (like  the  front  teeth 


of  the  aye-aye)  was  regarded  as  of  no  taxonomic  importance,  and  consequently 
the  genus  has  been  placed  in  the  Polyprotodontia,  and  regarded  as  a  specialised 
relative  of  the  American  opossums.  Selvas  belong  to  a  family  (Epanorthidce)  of 
which  the  existence  was  first  made  known  by  the  evidence  of  specimens  from  the 
Tertiary  deposits  of  Patagonia.  Both  species  are  very  rare,  and  their  habits  are  prac- 
tically unknown.  The  larger  species,  known  by  the  name  of  "  raton  runcho  "  in  its 
native  country,  lives  in  large  forests,  and  is  said  to  eat  birds'  eggs  and  small  birds. 
Fresh-water  The  larger  rivers  of  South  America    are    the    habitat   of    two 

Dolphins.  remarkable  fresh-water  dolphins  belonging  to  a  distinct  family,  the 
Iniidte.  One  of  these,  the  inia  (Inia  geoffroyensis),  of  the  Amazon,  has  no 
distinct  back-fin,  and  attains  a  length  of  about  7  feet.  The  second,  Pontoporia 
blainvillei,  which  frequents  the  lower  reaches  of  the  Plate  River,  is  much  smaller, 
and  has  a  well-developed  back-fin,  and  a  sharper  beak.  In  colour  it  is  brown, 
lighter  below  than  above.  The  inia  has  from  twenty-six  to  thirty-three  pairs  of 
teeth,  which  show  distinct  tubercles  at  the  inner  sides  of  their  crowns  in  the 
posterior  part  of  the  series.  A  few  hairs  occur  on  the  body.  These  dolphins  are 
commonly  seen  in  pairs,  and  this  fact,  combined  with  their  peculiar  movements  in 
the  water,  makes  them  at  once  recognisable.  When  coining  to  the  surface,  the  inia 
first  shows  the  crown  of  the  head,  after  which  it  "  spouts,"  and  then  descends 
head-downwards,  so  as  to  show  the  back  in  what  looks  like  a  somersault. 

In  addition  to  the  foregoing,  true  dolphins  occur  in  the  larger 

True  Dolphins.  .  ' ,  .  .  . 

South   American    rivers.      Among   these   is   the    Amazonian    tucuxi 

(Sotalia  tucuxi),  which  differs  from  the  inia  in  generally  swimming  about  alone, 

and  in  showing  its  back-fin  when  rising  to  the  surface.     Besides  the  tucuxi,  which 

is  very  common  in  the  mouth  of  the  Tocantins  during  the  dry  season,  the  Amazon 

is  inhabited  by  another  species,  the  pale  river-dolphin  (S.  pallida),  distinguished 

by  the  pale  flesh  colour  of  its  back  and  tail-fin,  and  the  white  of  its  under-parts. 

Reverting  to  land  mammals,  some  mention  must  be  made  of  the 


South  American  bats,  of  which  a  large  proportion  belong  to  the 
vampire  group.  Among  the  typical  bats  a  notable  species  is  the  tri-coloured  bat 
(Tltyroptera  tricolor)  of  Brazil,  which  carries  on  the  lower  surface  of  the  thumb, 
as  well  as  on  the  side  of  each  foot,  a  disc-like  sucker,  for  the  purpose  of  enabling 
it  to  cling  to  the  smooth  surfaces  of  trees  and  large  leaves.  This  bat  is  further 
distinguished  by  the  possession  of  three  joints  to  the  middle  finger.  Its  nearest 
relative  lives  in  Madagascar.  Equally  remarkable  are  the  pouch- winged  bats  of 
Central  and  South  America,  distinguished  by  a  glandular  pouch  on  or  near  the 
elbow.  One  of  these,  the  thin-tailed  bat  (Saccopteryx  leptura),  of  British  Guiana, 
has  a  frill-like  fold  of  skin  which  it  can  protrude  from  the  gland-sac,  the  use  of 
which  is  as  yet  unknown.  The  white  bat  of  Central  and  South  America  is  remark- 
able as  being  the  only  species  of  that  colour,  except  albinos.  This  bat  (Diclidurus 
albus)  is  creamy  white  on  the  body  and  pure  white  on  the  wing-membranes,  and 
has  a  peculiar  pouch  between  the  legs  on  the  under  side  of  the  membrane. 
Another  curious  species  is  the  hare-lipped  bat  {Noctilio  leporinus),  which  takes  its 
name  from  the  form  of  the  muzzle,  and  eats  cockroaches,  sucks  the  bodies  of  small 
birds,  and  catches  not  only  fresh-water  shrimps,  but  also  small  fishes. 

Another  characteristic  group  is  that  of  the  mastiff-bats,  distinguished  by  their 


thick-lipped  muzzles  which  enable  them  to  catch  the  hard,  round  beetles  on  which 
they  feed.  Although  they  fly  well  in  every  way,  they  are  better  adapted  for  walk- 
ing on  the  ground  than  any  other  bats  on  account  of  their  stout  limbs  and  large 
flat  feet,  which  are  free  of  the  membrane.  A  well-known  species  is  the  red  mastiff- 
bat  (Molossus  rufus). 

The  vampire  bats,  an  exclusively  New  World  group,  range  over  the  West 
Indies,  Central  America,  and  South  America  as  far  as  the  30th  degree  of  south 
latitude,  but  live  apparently  only  in  the  forest  regions.  Their  scientific  name, 
Phyllostomatidce,  is  derived  from  a  leaf-like,  skinny  flap  borne  by  most  of  them  on 
the  nose,  some  of  the  species  having  warts,  or  skinny  folds  on  the  chin  instead. 
Such  chin-flaps  are  found,  for  instance,  in  Blainville's  chin-leafed  vampire 
(Mormops  blainvillei),  a  bright  orange -coloured  species,  so  fragile  in  structure 
that  its  head  is  translucent. 

Vampires  differ  greatly  in  the  nature  of  their  food ;  a  few  species  with  a  well- 
developed  tail  and  a  large  membrane  between  the  hind-legs  being  exclusively 
insect-feeders,  but  some  subsist  solely  on  fruits,  some  both  on  fruits  and  insects, 
while  others  occasionally  suck  blood,  and  two  or  three  are  entirely  blood- 
suckers. The  common  vampire  (Vampyrus  spectrum),  a  gigantic  bat  of  some  28 
inches  in  expanse  of  wing,  which  inhabits  parts  of  the  Amazon  valley,  is  an  ugly 
but  harmless  species,  feeding  chiefly  on  fruits,  although  it  sometimes  eats  insects, 
and  visiting  villages  only  in  search  of  shelter.  The  large-eared  vampire  (  V.  auritus) 
of  the  same  tract  is  rather  smaller,  and  distinguished  by  possessing  a  short  tail,  the 
common  vampire  being  tailless. 

Another  group  is  represented  by  the  well-known  javelin-bat  (Phyllostoma 
hastatum),  a  species  almost  as  large  as  the  common  vampire,  which,  together  with 
two  or  three  other  Brazilian  bats,  has  the  reputation  of  occasionally  sucking  blood. 
The  long-tongued  vampires  take  their  name  from  their  long  narrow  muzzles,  and 
elongated  protrusile  tongues;  the  latter  organ,  which  has  warts  at  the  tip,  being  used, 
not  for  injuring  the  skin,  but  for  licking  up  the  juices  of  soft  fruits.  The  common 
long-tongued  vampire  (Glossophaga  soricina)  has  a  well-developed  membrane 
between  the  hind-legs  which  enables  it  to  make  sudden  changes  in  the  direction 
of  its  flight,  thus  indicating  that  the  chief  food  of  this  species  consists  of  insects, 
bats  with  less  largely  developed  hind-membranes  not  feeding  on  insects  alone. 
For  example,  this  hind-membrane  is  but  feebly  developed  in  the  short-nosed 
vampires,  which  live  chiefly  on  fruits,  although  one  of  them,  the  flat-nosed  vampire 
(Artibeus  planirostris),  was  formerly  accused  of  blood-sucking.  Of  the  undoubted 
blood-suckers  only  two  genera  are  known,  one  represented  by  two  species  and  the 
other  by  one.  The  common  blood-sucking  vampire  (Desmodus  rufus),  which  is 
about  3  inches  in  length  and  ranges  from  Central  America  to  southern  Brazil 
and  Chile,  has  no  cheek-teeth,  whereas  the  smaller  tailless  species  (Dijihylla 
ecaudata)  possesses  a  single  rudimentary  pair.  The  last-named  vampire  is 
apparently  confined  to  Brazil. 

As  mentioned  in  an  earlier  chapter,  the  birds  of  North  America 

'  are  more  or  less  closely  related  to  those  of  the  Old  World,  but  in 

Central  and  South  America,  as  well  as  in  the  West  Indies,  the  bird-fauna  is  of  a 




much  more  peculiar  type,  singing  birds  being  remarkably  few.  There  are,  however, 
a  few  representatives  of  Old  World  or  northern  types,  South  America  being  the 
home  of  some  species  of  thrushes,  while  mocking-birds,  their  allies,  range  all  over 
South  America  as  well  as  the  West  Indies  and  the  Galapagos  Islands.  Very 
characteristic  of  tropical  America  are  the  warbling  wrens  of  the  genus  Gyphorhinus, 
or  Leucolepia.  On  the  other  hand,  the  creeping  tits  (Psallriparus)  of  California 
and  Mexico  are  represented  in  Central  Asia  and  India  by  the  closely  allied  ASgi- 
thaliscus.  Tropical  America  is  the  home  of  many  species  of  sugar-birds,  so  called 
from  their  frequenting  sugar- 
factories  in  search  of  flies; 
one  of  the  best  known  being 
Dacnis  cay  ana,  of  which  the 
male  is  turquoise-blue  and 
black,  while  the  female  is 

The  tanagers, 
so  characteristic 
of  South  America,  are  finch- 
like birds  of  gorgeous  colora- 
tion, with  a  notch  at  the  tip 
of  the  beak.  The  typical 
group  comprises  about  sixty 
species,  the  majority  of  which 
are  smaller  than  the  European 
chaffinch.  Among  them,  the 
superb  tanager  (Calliste,  or 
Calospiza,  thoracica)  inhabits 
south-eastern  Brazil.  On  the 
other  hand  the  true  tanagers, 
which  range  into  North 
America,  are  somewhat  less 
varied  in  coloration,  blue  and 
red  being  the  prevailing  tones. 
A  well-known  species  is  the 
sky-blue  tanager  (Tanagra  coelestis)  of  eastern  Brazil.  The  velvet  tanagers,  again, 
are  distinguished  by  their  velvety  red  and  black  plumage  ;  the  tapiranga  {Rhampho- 
ccelus  brasilius)  of  southern  Brazil  being  blood -red  with  black  wings  and  tail. 
The  piping  tanagers  form  a  sombre-coloured  group,  the  male  of  the  mourning 
tanager  {Tachyphonus  luctuosus)  being  black,  except  for  certain  small  white 
feathers  in  the  wing  and  the  upper  wing-coverts,  while  the  females  are  olive- 
yellow.  The  organ-tanagers,  again,  are  worthy  of  mention,  their  well-known 
representative,  the  violet  tanager  (Euphonia  violacea),  being  one  of  the  most 
beautiful  birds  of  tropical  South  America. 

The    shrike-finches    form    another    New    World    group,    chiefly 
Finch-Tribe.  .  .  ... 

characteristic  of   the    tropics.      Among  these  the   Brazilian   shrike- 
finch  (Arremon  fasciata)  is  a  light  grey  bird  of  the  size  of  a  chaffinch,  with  a 




broad   black   band   along  the  sides  of  its  head.      Another  handsome  finch  is  the 
red-beaked  Pitylus  fuliginosus  of  Brazil. 

The  cherry-finches  are  confined  to  the  South  American  region,  among  them 
being  the  monk-finch  (Sporophila  nigro-aurantia)  of  Brazil.  The  siskins  have  a 
representative  in  the  red  siskin  (Chrysomitris,  or  Spinus,  cucuUata)  of  Venezuela 
and  Trinidad,  which  is  grey  above  and  white  below,  with  a  red  throat  and  head, 
and  a  pointed  crest.  The  bird  is  rather  larger  than  a  chaffinch,  but  the  glossy, 
bluish  black  satin-finch  (Volatinia  splendens)  of  tropical  America  is  much  smaller, 
and  belongs  to  a  genus  with  one  other  species.     One  of  the  sparrow  buntings,  the 

morning-finch  (Zonotrichia 
pileata),  is  South  American, 
as  is  also  the  saffron-finch 
(Sycalis  flaveola),  which 
is  confined  to  the  eastern 
side  of  the  continent,  and 
belongs  to  a  group  all  of 
whose  members  are  South 

Among  the  troupials, 
the  South  American  repre- 
sentatives of  the  starlings 
of  the  Old  World,  the  com- 
mon Icterus  vulgaris  of 
Colombia  and  Venezuela,  is 
black,  white  and  orange- 
yellow  in  colour.  Nearly 
allied  is  the  Brazilian  silky 
cow-bird  (Agelceus  bonari- 
ensis),  a  glossy  black  bird 
with  violet  or  greenish  reflec- 
tions. Among  the  cassiques, 
distinguished  by  a  rounded, 
horny  shield  at  the  base  of 
the  upper  half  of  the  beak, 
it  will  suffice  to  mention 
the  crested  Cassicus  cristatus.  The  black  starlings  again,  also  distinguished  by  a 
shield  on  the  head,  are  confined  to  the  north  of  South  America;  the  common 
black  starling  (Cassidix  ater)  being  of  the  size  of  the  European  missel-thrush, 
with  a  pale  violet  gloss  on  the  head  and  throat.  Another  group  of  glossy  black 
plumage  is  represented  in  South  America  by  the  mourning-bird  (CJtalcopltanes 

In  the  crow  family  the  Urraca  jay  (Cyanocorax  chrysops),  a  bird  of  the  size  of 
a  jackdaw,  inhabits  southern  Brazil,  Uruguay,  and  Paraguay.  It  is  easily 
recognised  by  its  large  head-crest,  and  the  white  of  the  under-parts  below  the 
upper  portion  of  the  breast. 

In   the  American  greenlets,    Cyclorhis  guianensis,  of  Guiana  and    northern 




Brazil,  is  notable  from  the  circumstance  that  it  whistles  like  an  oriole,  both  sexes 
singing  together,  and  the  female  always  having  the  last  note.  The  crested  fly- 
catchers form  a  group  indigenous  to  Central  America,  the  grey  crested  species 
(Ptilogonys  cinereus)  being  pale  grey  in  the  male  sex,  and  pale  brown  in  the 

The  swallows  are  represented  in  the  region  by  the  purple  martins,  of  which 
there  are  several  species. 

Passing    on    to    another   group,    the    piculets,   or    tree-peckers 
(Dendrocolaptes),  of  which  there  are  a  large  number  of  species,  are 


very  similar  in  habits  to  woodpeckers.  This  is  also  the  case  with  the  sickle-beaked 
tree-peckers,  distinguished  by  the  strongly  bent,  thin,  and  sickle-shaped  beak.  The 
common  species  {X  iphorhynchus  procurvus),  which  is  confined  to  the  tropics  and 
is  about  the  size  of  a  hoopoe,  is  brown  in  colour,  streaked  on  the  head,  neck,  and 
lower-parts  with  white. 

The  tree-runners  are  easily  distinguished  by  the  pointed  shafts  of  the  feathers 
extending  beyond  the  webs,  these  shafts  being  soft.  In  this  group  the  tregadors 
are  creepers  of  thrush-like  or  nightingale-like  appearance,  which  climb  trees  like 
tits  in  search  of  insects  and  grubs ;  a  well-known  representative  being  the  russet- 
coloured  tregador  (Philydor  rufus)  of  Brazil. 

VOL.  II.  —  25 





Another  group,  the  spine-tails  (Synallaxis),  includes  rather  smaller 
birds  resembling  reed-warblers,  all  of  which,  like  the  foregoing,  are 
exclusively  South  American,  and  live  in  low  bushes,  or  reeds.  These  birds,  which 
always  support  themselves  on  their  tail-feathers  when  perching  on  branches,  are 
remarkable  for  the  construction  of  their  nests,  which  are  club-shaped  and  covered 
with  twigs  projecting  on  all  sides.  The  structure  is  of  considerable  size,  a  tube 
leading  from  above  to  the  interior,  which  is  lined  with  leaves   and  plant-wool. 

These  nests  are  always  built 
in  open  situations,  where  they 
look  like  heaps  of  sticks. 

thrushes  in  their 
habits,  the  oven-birds  (Fur- 
narius)  comprise  about  thirty 
species,  of  which  more  than  half 
are  confined  to  the  temperate 
regions  of  South  America 
They  are  often  seen  on  the 
ground,  searching  for  food, 
which  consists  chiefly  of  insects, 
but  are  also  very  active  in  their 
movements  in  trees.  These  birds 
prefer  the  open  plain  to  the  for- 
est, and  often  appear  in  the 
neighbourhood  of  human  habi- 
tations.  They  live  mainly  on 
beetles  and  berries,  and  derive 
their  name  from  the  nests  they 
build  on  branches ;  these  being 
made  of  clay,  and  shaped  like 
a  baker's  oven,  with  the  open- 
ing always  directed  towards 
the  east.  In  Brazil  the  natives 
believe  these  birds  keep  Sun- 
days, and  therefore  protect 
them  carefully  as  sacred. 
Tyrant-  The  tyrant-flycatchers,  comprising  about  four  hundred  and  fifty 

Flycatchers,  species,  are  almost  confined  to  the  tropical  regions  of  America,  only 
a  few  ranging  into  temperate  latitudes,  and  none  known  elsewhere.  Except 
in  the  pairing-season,  they  live  like  tits,  frequenting  bushes  and  tree-tops,  in 
small  parties,  and  feeding  upon  beetles  and  berries.  Culicivora  is  a  well-known 
genus  of  these  birds. 

The  fork-tailed  tvrant-birds  are  distinguished  from  the  true 
tyrants  by  their  forked  and  generally  very  long  tails,  as  is  well  shown 
in  the  common  fork -tailed  tyrant  (M'dvulus  tyrannus).  The  small  tyrant  birds  are 
about  the  size  of  small  warblers,  and  in  shape  resemble  tits.     The  golden-headed 





species,  Tyrannulus  elatus.  inhabiting  the  north  of  South  America,  is  but  little 
larger  than  a  gold-crest,  and  of  similar  colour  and  marking.  The  flycatcher-tyrants 
resemble  flycatchers  in  appearance;  one  of  them,  the  crown-tyrant  (Myiobius 
swainsoni),  which  inhabits  south-eastern  Brazil,  being  distinguished  by  a  red,  fan- 
like crest  tipped  with  blue. 




The  plant-cutters  are  included  in  a  single  genus,  with  four 
species,  found  mostly  in  cultivated  districts.  These  birds,  which  are 
named  from  their  habit  of  biting  off  the  young  shoots  of  plants  with  their  short, 
thick,  finch-like  beaks,  inflict  much  damage  in  this  manner,  as  well  as  by  their 
partiality  for  ripe  grapes.     The  best  known  is  the  rarita  (Pltytotomus  vara),  of 



Chile,  a  bird  about  the  size   of    the   European    corn-bunting,   which  the  females 
resemble  in  plumage,  although  the  males  are  redder. 

The  gorgeous  chatterers,  yvvhich  are  not  unlike  crows  in  shape 
and  size,  form  a  loud-voiced  group  peculiar  to  the  region,  one  of  the 
best  known  species  being  the  umbrella-bird  (Cephalopterus  ornatus)  of  Brazil. 
Black  in  colour,  this  bird  carries  a  curious  umbrella-like  crest  of  feathers  on  the 



head.  Nearly  allied  are  the  bell-birds,  which  make  the  South  American  forests 
resound  with  their  loud  ringing  calls,  sounding  at  a  distance  like  bells.  The  common 
bell-bird  (Chasmorhynchus  nudicollis)  is  nearly  as  large  as  a  missel-thrush,  and 
lives  almost  exclusively  on  berries  and  other  fruits,  as  indeed  do  all  its  kindred. 
A  native  of  Brazil,  it  is  white  in  colour,  with  a  bare  face  and  throat.  Another 
bell-bird  is  the  Costa  Rican  hammerer  (C.  tricaruncidatus),  the  males  of  which  are 
reddish  brown  with  the  exception  of  their  white  heads,  while  the  females  are  olive- 
green  above  and  yellow  streaked  with  brown  below.     The  male  has  a  long  horny 



appendage  at  the  base  of  the  upper  half  of  the  beak  and  at  each  corner  of  the 
mouth,  the  female  having  shorter  appendages  to  the  mouth  and  only  a  small  tuft 
on  the  forehead.  The  cocks-of-the-rock,  which  are  even  more  gorgeous  than  their 
relatives  the  bell-birds,  are  spread  over  the  north  of  South  America,  and  remarkable 
for  their  helmet-like  crest-feathers,  and  for  their  splendid  red  and  orange  colouring. 
Feedino-  on  fruits  and  inhabiting  the  mountains,  these  birds  dwell  on  moss-<nn\vn 
and  fern-covered  rocks,  and  breed  in  rocky  clefts,  the  cocks  performing  the  most 
extraordinary  dances 
during  pairing-time.  In 
Guiana  and  on  the  north 
bank  of  the  lower 
Amazon  the  only  species 
is  Rupicola  croceus, 
which  is  a  little  smaller 
than  a  jackdaw,  the 
males  being  mainly  of 
a  pale  orange  red,  and 
the  females  dull  reddish 
brown.  Peru  and  Bolivia 
are  inhabited  by  the 
somewhat  larger  and 
darker  Peruvian  cock- 
of- the -rock  (R.  peru- 
vianus),  and  in  Ecuador 
lives  the  scarlet  R. 
sanguinolentus,  which 
closely  resembles  its 
Peruvian  relative,  but 
is  a  darker  and  brighter 
red.  The  closely  allied 
hangmen-birds,  also  dis- 
tinguished by  their  pre- 
dominantly red  plumage, 
are  not  quite  the  size  of 
a  thrush,  and  have  only 
a  small  crest,  while  the 

fourth  quill  of  the  males  ends  in  a  very  narrow  point.  They  are  indigenous 
to  the  north  of  South  America,  the  black-necked  hangman  (Phcenicocercus 
nigricollis)  being  found  near  Para,  and  the  russet-winged  hangman  (P.  earnifex) 
near  Cayenne  and  in  Amazonia.  The  cotingas,  or  true  chatterers,  are  small  birds 
with  thrush-like  beaks,  but  otherwise  resemble  starlings.  They  inhabit  the 
tropical  forests  of  South  America,  where  they  feed  on  fruits,  and  are  much 
sought  after  by  the  natives  on  account  of  their  flesh,  and  their  beautiful  feathers, 
which  are  used  for  ornamental  purposes.  The  gorgeous  cotinga  {Cotiruja 
maynana),  a  pale  blue  bird  with  a  violet  spot  on  the  throat,  is  indigenous  to 
Ecuador  and  the  upper  valley  of  the  Amazon. 






False  Tyrant-  The  false  tyrant-birds,  or  Lipanginoe,  in  habits  are  partly  like 

Birds.  shrikes,  and  partly  like  tyrant-birds,  and  their  food  is  chiefly  insects. 
The  becards  resemble  tyrant-birds  in  the  shape  of  the  beak,  and  partly  also  in 
colouring.  A  well-known  representative  is  the  inquisitor  (Tityra  cayana),  in- 
digenous to  the  north  of  South  America,  a  bird  about  the  size  of  the  great  grey 
shrike,  which  it  resembles  in  coloration  and  markings. 

Many  kinds  of  picarian  birds  are  characteristic  of  South  America, 
especially  the  tropical  districts,  among  which  are  some  allied  to  the 
European  nightjar.  Of  these  so-called  wood-nightjars  there  are  half  a  dozen  species, 
confined  to  the  tropics;  one  of  them,  the  great  wood-nightjar  (Nyctibius  grand  is), 
which  is  as  large  as  a  wood-owl,  ranging  from  Cayenne  to  south-eastern  Brazil 




The  most  characteristic  birds  of  South  America,  and  more 
especially  the  tropics,  are,  however,  the  humming-birds  (Troc hit  idee), 
the  largest  of  which  are  the  size  of  a  swallow,  while  the  smallest  scarcely  exceed 
a  humble-bee  in  bulk.  Humming-birds  have  thin,  and  in  many  cases  disproportion- 
ately long  beaks,  with  narrow  tips,  and  long  tongues  with  which  they  suck  in 
their  food.  This  tongue  is  extensile  like  that  of  a  woodpecker,  and  cleft  at  the  tip 
into  two  flat  strips.  The  food  of  these  birds  consists  chiefly  of  the  small  insects 
living  in  flowers,  and  also  nectar  sipped  from  blossoms.  Those  humming-birds 
which  visit  open  blooms  have  short  beaks,  while  those  frequenting  funnel-shaped 
or  tubular  blooms  are  provided  with  long  beaks.  When  on  the  wing,  humming- 
birds dart  from  flower  to  flower,  hovering  in  the  air  over  each  for  a  few  moments. 
Occasionally  they  may  peck  an  insect  from  a  leaf  or  a.  spider's  web,  but  their 
slender  beaks  are  not  adapted  for  catching  insects  on  the  wing.  Their  beaks  are, 
however,  of  great  use  in  building  their  nests,  which  are  generally  placed  in  the 


39 1 

forks  of  branches,  and  interlaced  with  soft  plant-wool  and  covered  with  lichen  and 
moss,  although  in  some  cases  consisting  of  lichen  and  moss  alone.  In  spite  of  their 
diminutive  size,  humming-birds  are  very  bold  and  quarrelsome,  fighting  with  their 
fellows,  and  also  defending  themselves  against  large  birds,  although  they  are  really 
safe  from  attack  owing  to  their  rapid  flight.  Certain  species  are  restricted  to 
particular  areas,  according  to  the  presence  of  their  respective  food-plants.    Although 


most  are  indigenous  to  the 
American  tropical  area,  some 
visit  the  temperate  zones,  and 
in  summer  range  as  far  north 
and  south  as  Labrador  and 
Tierra  del  Fuego.  Some  even 
ascend  to  the  snow-line  in 
the  mountains,  and  others  are 
restricted  to  certain  mountain- 
peaks.  They  are  divided  into 
various  groups,  the  two  prin- 
cipal divisions  being  those 
with  straight  beaks,  and  those 
with  arched  beaks.  Among 
the  latter  is  the  ribbon-tailed 
humming-bird  (JZthurus 
polytmus)  of  Jamaica,  dis- 
tinguished by  its  very  long, 
ribbon-like  tail-feathers.  To 
mention  other  kinds  is  impos- 
sible here. 

One  of    the 

most  remarkable 

types  is  the  oil-bird,  or  gua- 

charo  (Steatornis  caripensis), 

which  represents  a  family  by 

itself.     This    bird    has   rather 

short  legs  in  comparison  to  its 

long    body,    and    is    therefore 

unable  to  run,  and   can  only 

push  itself  forward  along  the 

ground  by  the  aid  of  its  wings. 

It  finds   shelter  and    nesting- 

places  in  the  deep  rocky  clefts  of  the  mountains  of   Peru,  Colombia,  Venezuela, 

and  Trinidad,  where  it  lives  in  large  numbers,  and  lays  its  white  eggs  in  cracks 

and  crevices,  without  apparently  constructing  a  real  nest.     In  habits  it  is  entirely 

nocturnal,  and  it  feeds  solely  on    fruit.     Sleeping   in  their  hiding-places  during 

the  day,  these  birds  fly  abroad  with  loud  cries  as  night  comes  on,  and  in  their 

thousands,  especially  on  moonlight  nights,  make  so  loud  a  tumult  in  the  mountain 

valleys  as  to  drown  the  voices  of  all  the  other  animals. 





Motmots  are  entirely  restricted  to  tropical  America,  a  repre- 
sentative species  being  the  red-bearded  Urospatha  martii  of  the 
district  around  Veragua.  These  birds  have  the  strange  habit  of  removing  the 
vanes  of  the  middle  pair  of  elongated  tail-feathers  for  a  certain  distance,  so  as  to 
give  them  a  racket-like  form  very  similar  to  that  which  occurs  naturally  in 
certain  kingfishers  and  humming-birds.     Recent  observations  have  shown  that  the 

length  of  feather  thus 
devaned  is  invariably 
constant,   even    when 
the    adjacent  pair  of 
feathers,  which  might 
serve  as  a  guide,  has 
been   removed.     Fur- 
ther, the  portion  des- 
tined to  be   stripped 
has  the  vanes  mark- 
edly   narrower    than 
in    the    rest    of    the 
feather,      while      the 
component  barbs  and 
barbules     are     much 
weaker  and   less   co- 
herent than  elsewhere, 
so  that  their  removal 
is     a     comparatively 
easy  matter.     Conse- 
quently, in  the  course 
of    the    preening    to 
which      these      birds 
subject  all  their  tail- 
feathers,  the  weak  area  in  the  vanes 
of  the  middle  pair  becomes  stripped, 
resulting   in    the    production    of    the 
symmetrical  pair  of  terminal  rackets. 
The  original  cause  of  the  narrowing 
and  degeneration  in  the  affected  area 
is  still  unknown,  but  it  does  not  ap- 
pear to  be  a  case  of  the  inheritance 
of  an  acquired  character. 
Motmots  represent  a  family  (Momotidce)  by  themselves,  which  contains  eight 
generic  groups,  of  which  the  typical  Momotus  has  about  sixteen  species. 
Kingfishers  and  Among  the  kingfishers  the  handsomest  species  is  perhaps  the 

woodpeckers,  glossy  kingfisher  (Ceryle  amazona)  of  Brazil,  Bolivia,  and  the 
Argentine,  which  is  about  the  size  of  the  green  woodpecker,  with  a  metallic 
green  plumage.  There  are  several  other  South  American  species  of  Ceryle,  such 
as  the  Peruvian  C.  cabanisi,  but  the  genus  itself  has  a  very  wide   geographical 




Giant  Toucan. 


distribution,  being  represented  in  North  America  as  well  as  in  Asia  and  Africa. 
No  other  kingfishers  are  found  in  South  America. 

One  of  the  woodpeckers  indigenous  to  the  region  is  the  white-headed 
Leuconerpes  candidus  of  Brazil,  a  species  remarkable  for  being  chiefly  white  in 
colour.  The  white-headed  bright-shafted  woodpecker  (Colaptes  formicivorus)  of 
Central  America  is  another  species  remarkable  for  the  manner  in  which  it  stores  up 
provisions  by  drilling  small  holes  into  the  bark  of  trees  sufficiently  large  to  be  just 
filled  by  an  acorn  each.  The  leaf -woodpeckers  of  the  genus  Dendrobates  are  common 
to  tropical  America  and  Africa ;  but  the  crested  woodpeckers  (Celeus)  are  confined 
to  tropical  America,  as  are  also  the  genera  Cerchneipicus  and  Crocomorphus. 

In  addition  to  the  above,  South  America  possesses  two  species  of  the  so- 
called  sapsuckers  (Sphyropicus),  the  remaining  two  species  being  North  American. 
Unlike  insect-eating  woodpeckers,  which  are  in  the  main  beneficial,  although 
certain  species  do  much  harm  to  telegraph-posts  and  other  timber  in  the  United 
States,  the  sapsuckers  are  exceedingly  mischievous  birds.  In  fact  the  case  against 
the  sapsuckers,  whose  main  food  consists  of  the  soft  fluid  layer,  or  cambium, 
beneath  the  bark  of  trees,  is  so  strong  that  the  owners  of  forests  and  orchards  in 
the  United  States  where  the  two  most  destructive  species  abound  are  justified  in 
destroying  them  by  every  available  means,  taking  care,  of  course,  to  identify  the 
two  species,  namely,  the  yellow-bellied  sapsuckers  (Sphyropicus  varius)  and  the 
red-breasted  sapsuckers  (S.  ruber).  The  annual  loss  in  the  United  States  due  to 
sapsuckers  is  estimated  at  no  less  than  $1,200,000  (£240,000). 

Another  family  of   picarian    birds   confined   to   the    tropics   of 
Toucans.  .  , 

America  are  the  toucans  (Rhamphastidce),  so  often  confounded  by 

non-scientific  people  with  the  hornbills  of  the  Old  World.  Toucans  are  easily  recog- 
nisable by  their  enormous  and  gorgeously  coloured  beaks,  which  are  mostly  toothed 
at  the  edges.  Although  awkward  in  their  movements,  these  birds  are  nevertheless 
active  in  the  branches  where  they  dwell.  When  asleep  they  always  hold  their  tails 
straight  up ;  and  they  breed  in  holes  in  trees,  hardly  ever  coming  to  the  ground. 
By  the  natives  they  are  eagerly  sought  after  on  account  of  their  flesh,  as  well  as 
for  their  many-coloured  plumage.  A  well-known  species  is  the  giant  toucan 
(Rhamphastus  magnirostris),  a  bird  of  the  size  of  a  crow,  indigenous  to  Central 
and  South  America. 

Five  generic  types  of  toucans  are  recognised,  namely,  the  typical  Rham- 
phastus, Andigena,  Pteroglossus,  Selenidera,  and  Aidacorhamphus ;  between  them 
they  include  at  least  sixty  species,  of  which  a  few  range  into  Mexico.  In  addition 
to  their  monstrous  beaks,  toucans  are  characterised  by  the  tufted  oil-gland,  and 
the  presence  of  ten  feathers  in  the  tail.  The  Brazilian  forests  absolutely  swarm 
with  toucans,  which  are  highly  esteemed  as  food  by  the  natives  of  South 
America.  They  fty  with  an  easy  and  graceful  flight,  and  associate  in  large  flocks, 
which  will  sometimes  venture  to  mob  intruders  on  their  domain.  Their  cry, 
which  varies  according  to  the  species,  is  loud,  short,  and  harsh. 
Jacamarsand  The  jacamars  (Galbulida*)  present  us  with  a  very  different  type 

Trogons.  0f  foa^  which  is  slender  and  slightly  curved,  instead  of  thick  and 
heavy  as  in  the  toucans.  These  birds  are  likewise  exclusively  confined  to  the 
South  American  region,  and  in  the  north  of  South  America  are  represented  by  the 



red-tailed  jacamar  (Galbula  ruficauda),  a  member  of  the  typical  genus,  which 
contains  about  ten  other  species.  The  remaining  genera  are  Urogalba,  with  two 
species,  Brack ygalba,  with  half  a  dozen,  and  Jacamar nicy on,  Galbalcyrhynchus,  and 
Jacamerops,  with  one  each.  Jacamars  are  characterised  by  the  fourth  toe  being 
turned  backwards  parallel  with  the  first,  so  that  the  foot  has  two  toes  in  front  and 
two  behind.  The  beak  is  characterised  by  its  length  and  straightness,  and  the 
feathers  of  the  body  are  provided  with  after-shafts,  a  feature  by  which  jacamars 
are  readily  distinguished  from  the  undermentioned  pulf-birds.     Usually  the  tail 


is  provided  with  a  dozen  feathers,  but  in  two  of  the  genera  (Brachygalba  and 
Jacamaralcyon)  the  number  is  reduced  to  ten. 

In  Tobago,  at  any  rate,  jacamars  breed  in  holes  in  the  mud-cliffs  on  the  banks 
of  rivers,  in  which,  like  nearly  all  birds  nesting  in  similar  situations,  they  lay 
pure  white  eggs,  nearly  round  in  shape.  In  these  respects  jacamars  resemble  their 
relatives  the  motmots. 

One  of  the  most  beautiful  of  all  birds  is  the  quezal  (Pliaromacrus  mocinno) 
of  Guatemala,  a  species  about  the  size  of  a  jackdaw,  of  a  magnificent  violet 
and  metallic  green  colour  above  and  red  below.  It  is  a  member  of  a  genus 
containing   five    other   species,    and    belongs    to    the    tropical    family    of    trogons 



(Trogonidw),  represented  by  eight  other  genera,  of  which  Ewptilotis,  Tmetotrogon, 
Prionotelus,  and  the  typical  Trogon  (with  some  five-and-twenty  species)  are  ex- 
clusively tropical  American,  where  some  of  the  species  range  so  far  north  as  Mexico. 
The  remaining  genera  are  found  in  the  tropical  parts  of  Asia  and  Africa. 

The  quezal,  which  at  one  time  tigured  on  the  postage-stamps  of  Guatemala, 
ranges  as  far  north  as  Panama,  but,  owing  to  incessant  persecution  for  the  sake 
of  its  beautiful  plumage,  has  now  become  very  scarce  in  its  more  accessible  haunts. 
The  cock,  whose  head  is  ornamented  with  a  large  comb-like  crest  of  feathers,  has 
the  two  middle  feathers  of  the  tail  so  elongated  as  to  be  fully  four  times  the  length 
of  the  head  and  body,  while 
the  lateral  feathers  are  like- 
wise of  considerable  length. 
The  general  colour  of  this 
maonihcent  bird  is  bright 
metallic  green,  but  a  consider- 
able portion  of  the  under 
surface  of  the  body  is  blood- 
red.  The  female  lacks  a  crest, 
and  has  a  much  shorter  tail  't 
than  her  partner. 

In  Guatemala  the  quezal 
feeds  on  certain  black  fruits, 
which  communicate  to  its  flesh 
an  odour  of  marjoram.  Like 
so  many  of  the  so-called 
picarian  birds,  quezals,  in  com- 
mon with  other  trogons,  breed 
in  holes,  but  are  reported  to 
lay  pale  blue  eggs. 

An  exclusively 
South  American 
group  is  formed  by  the  puff- 
birds  (Bucconidie),  which  re- 
semble kingfishers  in  appear- 
ance, habits,  and  size.     Among 

them  may  be  mentioned  the  russet-throated  Bucco  ruficollis,  which,  like  the 
others,  has  a  disproportionately  large  beak,  and  when  perching  puffs  out  its 
feathers  till  it  resembles  a  ball ;  the  latter  feature  giving  rise  to  the  popular 
name  of  the  family.  Puff-birds  are  represented  by  seven  genera,  of  which  the 
typical  Bucco  contains  by  far  the  largest  number  of  species,  no  less  than  twenty- 
one  being  recognised  by  naturalists  in  1900.  They  are  connected  with  the 
cuckoos  by  means  of  the  two  species  of  swallow-winged  puff-birds  (Chelidoptera). 
None  of  the  puff-birds  ranges  northward  of  Central  America  ;  the  distributional 
area  of  the  group  extending  in  the  opposite  direction  to  Bolivia  and  the  south  of 
Brazil.  Resembling  jacamars  in  the  conformation  of  their  feet,  puff-birds  are 
distinguishable  by  the  absence  of  after-shafts  to  the  feathers  of  the  body,  and  are 




further  characterised  by  the  bare  oil-gland  and  the  presence  of  six  pairs  of  tail- 

These  birds  are  essentially  arboreal  in  their  habits,  generally  perching  on 
the  topmost  or  outermost  branches  of  the  trees  they  frequent,  and  usually  selecting 
those  devoid  of  leaves,  in  order  that  they  may  dart  without  impediment  on  their 
insect  prey.  They  are  usually  found  solitary  or  in  pairs,  and  appear  to  be 
sluggish  and  stupid  in  demeanour.  Those  species  of  which  the  breeding  habits 
are  known  nest  in  holes  in  mud-banks,  where  they  lay  white  eggs. 

As  already  mentioned,  puff-birds  are  connected  with  cuckoos  by 
the  swallow-winged  Chelidoptera.  The  cuckoos  themselves  are  repre- 
sented in  the  South  American  region  by  the  two  rain-cuckoos,  which  live  on  the 
ground  and  run  so  quickly  that  a  horse  can  scarcely  overtake  them.  The  typical 
species  is  the  Mexican  road-runner  (Geococcyx  mexicanus),  a  bird  about  as  large  as 
a  magpie,  blackish  brown  above  and  white  below.  The  double-tailed  cuckoos  are 
considerably  smaller,  and  remarkable  for  their  long  upper  tail-coverts,  which  more 
or  less  resemble  the  feathers  of  the  tail.  One  kind,  the  lark -cuckoo  (Diplopterus 
ncevius),  derives  its  name  from  its  lark-like  plumage,  and  is  the  only  member  of  its 
genus ;  the  allied  Dromococcyx  being  represented  by  two  species.  The  savana 
cuckoos,  which  are  confined  to  the  American  tropics,  differ  from  other  members  of 
the  family  in  that  they  inhabit  open  country  and  pastures,  where  they  peck  the 
ticks  from  the  backs  of  cattle,  and  also  feed  on  small  vertebrates.  Their  bluish 
green  eggs,  covered,  sometimes  completely  and  sometimes  in  a  net-like  way,  with 
white  chalk,  resemble  those  of  other  cuckoos.  Several  females  use  one  large  nest, 
and  incubate  in  company.  The  ani  (Crotophaga  ani),  one  of  these  birds,  ranges 
from  Peru  and  Colombia,  into  the  south  of  the  United  States  and  the  West  Indies. 
Another,  the  guira  cuckoo  (Guira  cristata),  has  a  pointed  crest  on  the  head,  and  is 
like  a  partridge  in  colour.  The  last-named  bird  is  the  sole  representative  of  its 
genus ;  but  there  are  two  species  of  Crotophaga  in  addition  to  the  ani,  namely, 
C.  major,  ranging  from  Colombia  and  Ecuador  to  Brazil,  and  C.  salcirostris,  with 
a  distribution  extending  from  Texas  and  Ecuador  to  Peru.  Crotophaga  and  Guira 
represent  by  themselves  one  subfamily  (Crotophagince),  and  Diplopterus  and  Dromo- 
coccyx a  second  (Diplopterince) ;  each  of  these  groups  being  thus  characteristic  of 
tropical  America.  A  third  subfamily  group,  Neomorphino3,  is,  however,  only  in  part 
tropical  American,  where  it  is  represented  by  the  genera  Neomorphus,  Geococcyx  (with 
two  species,  of  which  G.  mexicanus  ranges  from  Mexico  to  California  and  Texas, 
and  G.  affinus  from  Mexico  to  Guatemala),  and  Morococcyx,  with  a  single  Central 
American  species.     The  remaining  genus  is  restricted  to  tropical  eastern  Asia. 

Of  the  third  subfamily  of  cuckoos,  the  Phoznicophaince,  the  majority  of  the 
genera  are  also  found  in  tropical  Asia,  but  there  is  one  genus,  Piaya,  in  tropical 
America,  where  it  ranges  from  Mexico  to  Brazil,  while  there  are  two  others  in  the 
West  Indies.  In  the  more  tropical  cuckoos  constituting  the  subfamily  Guculino3 
the  genus  Coccyzus  is  wholly  New  World,  and  includes  a  considerable  number 
of  tropical  American  species. 

The  tropical   American  area  is  very  rich  in  parrots  of  peculiar 

generic  types,  the  largest  and  most  gorgeous  being  the  macaws.     Most 

of  the  smaller  sharp-tailed  species  belong  to  the  genus  Conurus,  but  the  MexicaD 

Blue  Macaw. 

PAR  R  O  TS — BIRDS-  OF- PRE  Y  397 

Rhynchopsittacus pachyrhynchus  is  distinct;  it  is  chiefly  green,  but  marked  with 

red,  and  in  its  powerful  beak  approaches  the  macaws.     The  latter,  which  are  the 

biggest  of  all  parrots,  are  distinguished  by  their  very  large  beaks  and  long  tails. 

The  largest  is  the  cobalt-blue  hyacinthine  macaw  (Anodorhynchus  hyacinthinus) 

of  Brazil,  the  blue  and  yellow  macaw  (Ara  ararauna)  being  considerably  smaller. 

The  latter  is  blue  above  and  golden  yellow  below.    Besides  the  macaws  and  conures, 

the  family  is  represented  by  the  thick-beaked  parraquets,  one  species  of  which, 

the  monk-parrot  (Myopsittacus  monachus),  inhabits  Bolivia,  Argentina,  Uruguay, 

and  Paraguay.     In  colour  it  is  green,  with  a  grey  breast.     Unlike  all  other  parrots, 

it  places  its  nest  in  the  open,  the  nest  consisting  of  a  large  number  of  dry  twigs 

twisted  together,  with  an  entrance-hole  at  the  side.     Some  years  ago  one  of  these 

parrots  built  in  the  open  in  the  New  Forest,  near  Lyndhurst.     The  nest,  which  was 

of  large  size,  was  constructed  in  the  angle  of  the  roof  of  a  house.     The  parrotlets 

are  distinguished  by  their  diminutive  size,  and  differ  from  other  wedge-tailed  groups 

by   their   short,    almost    straight   tails.      Their    best    known    species    {Psittaculu 

passerina),  the  blue-winged  parrotlet,  inhabits  Brazil. 

Among  the  square-tailed  parrots  are  the  Amazons,  of  which  the  red-breasted 

Amazona  (or  Chrysotis)  cestiva  is  indigenous  to  Brazil  and  Paraguay ;  it  has  a 

blue  crown  and  red-edged  wings.     The  hawk-billed  parrot  (Deroptyus  accipitrinus) 

of  Guiana  and  Brazil  is  distinguished  by  the  neck-feathers  forming  a  collar.     As 

an  indication  of  the  enormous  development  of  tropical  American  parrot-life,  it  will 

be  well  to  give  a  list  of  the  genera  restricted  (with  the  exception  of  one  or  two 

species  which  range  so  far  south  as  northern  Patagonia)  to  the  region  under  review 

and  the  West  Indies.     In  the  first  place,  all  the  members  of  the  family  Conurince, 

about  one  hundred  and  fifteen  in  number,  belong  to  the  South  American  region, 

and  are  represented  by  the  genera  Anodorhynchus  (hyacinthine  macaw  and  its 

relatives),  Cyanopsittacus  (blue  macaw),  Ara  (blue-and-yellow  macaw  and  fourteen 

other   kinds),  Rhynchopsittacus  (with   one   species),  Conurus  (with  over   thirty 

species),    Conuropsis,    Cyanolyseus,   Leptosittaca,    Gnathosittaca,   Henicognathus, 

Microsittaca,  Pyrrhura  (with  over  twenty  species),  Myopsittacus,  Bolborhynchus, 

Psittacida  (parrotlets),  and   Brotogerys.      Of   the   ten  genera   of   the   subfamily 

Pionince  all  but  one  are  tropical  American ;  they  include  Amazona  or  Chrysotis, 

with    five-and-forty    species,   Pachynus,   Pionus,  Deroptyus,   Triclaria,   Piono- 

psittacus,  Gypopsittacus,  Urochroma,  Pionites,  and  Pyocephalus ;  the  total  number 

of  specific  representatives  of  the  group  being  over  one  hundred. 

,  ,     ,  Coming  to  the  birds-of-prey,  the  first  on  our  list  are  the  hook- 

Birds-of-Prey.  to  f     j  > 

beaked  kites  (Rostrhamus),  a  small  group  of  tropical  American  birds 
resembling  crows  rather  than  true  birds-of-prey,  having  slender,  rather  straight, 
claws,  and  long,  and  in  some  cases  very  thin,  beaks  with  which  they  extract 
molluscs  from  their  shells.  They  also  feed  on  lizards  and  fishes,  and  are  sociable 
birds,  flying  about  in  parties  and  nesting  in  colonies. 

The  pigmy  kite  (Gampsonyx  swainsoni),  the  only  representative  of  its  genus, 
inhabits  the  north  of  South  America,  and  is  of  the  size  of  a  thrush  and  thus  one  of 
the  smallest  birds-of-prey.  In  contrast  to  this  is  the  harpy  (TJirysaetus  harpyia), 
the  largest  and  strongest  of  all  South  American  true  birds-of-prey,  distinguished 
by  its  exceedingly  powerful  legs.     Of  the  chanting  hawks  (Asturina)  the  majority 



are  South  American  and  the  rest  African.  Very  characteristic  of  South  America 
is  the  group  represented  by  the  carancho  (Polyborus  tharus),  which  ranges  all 
over  South  America.     It  is  black  on  the  back,  lower-parts,  and  legs,  but  the  breast  is 


brownish  white  marked  with  black  cross-bands  or  spots.  This  hawk  eats  all 
kinds  of  small  animals,  as  well  as  carcases ;  when  excited  the  flesh-coloured  skin 
of  its  face  turns  yellow.  Another  caracara  is  the  chimachima  (Milvago  chima- 
chima),  whose  range  extends  from  Brazil  northwards  to  Panama,  the  allied 
M.   chimango   ranging   from  south-eastern  Brazil   and    Chile  to  the    Straits    of 




Magellan.     The  third  genus  of  the  group  is  Ibycter,  with  seven  species,  of  which 
one  inhabits  the  Falkland  Islands. 

Perhaps  the  most  common  South  American  condor  (as  it  is 
best  to  term  the  so-called  American  vultures)  is  the  turkey-vulture 
(Cathartes,  or  RliLnogryphus,  aura),  which,  like  its  relative  the  black  condor 
(Catharista  atrata,  or  Catharistes  urubu),  inhabits  not  only  South  and  Central 
America  but  the  south  of  North  America.  The  largest  of  all  is  the  true  condor 
(Sarcorhamphus  gryphus),  which  chiefly  inhabits  the  Andes  of  Peru  and  Chile, 
whence  it  ranges  down  south  to  Patagonia.  A  near  relative  of  this  species  is 
S.  aiquatorialis  of  Ecuador ;  while  a  more  distinct  type  is  represented  by  the  king- 
condor  {Cathartes  papa) 
of  Mexico  and  tropical 
South  America,  a  bird 
the  size  of  a  hen-turkey, 
mainly  black  and  white 
with  brilliant  colours  on 
the  bare  parts  of  the  head 
and  neck.  The  condor  is 
becoming  very  rare,  owing 
to  its  being  slaughtered 
for  its  quills,  which  are 
used  for  millinery  pur- 

The  condors  form 
the  exclusively  American 
family  Cathartidai,  all 
the  members  of  which 
are  distinguished,  among 
other  characters,  from  the 
vultures  ( Vulturidaj)  of 
the  Old  World  by  the 
absence  of  a  median  verti- 
cal partition  between  the 
two  apertures  of  the  nos- 
trils. The  marked  super- 
ficial resemblance  existing  between  condors  and  vultures  may,  doubtless,  be 
explained  by  the  similar  habits  of  these  birds;  just  in  the  same  way  as  swifts 
resemble  swallows,  to  which,  however,  they  have  no  near  relationship. 

Of  the  South  American  owls  the  most  remarkable  is  the  little 
burrowing  owl  (Speotito  cunicularia),  individuals  of  which  may  be 
seen  at  any  hour  of  the  day  sitting  in  front  of  their  burrows,  greeting  the  passers-by 
with  a  nod  of  their  heads,  and  when  disturbed  flying  screaming  around  the  head 
of  the  intruder.  The  chief  haunts  of  the  burrowing  owl  in  North  America  are  the 
prairies,  and  in  South  America  the  pampas.  In  the  latter  these  birds  associate 
with  viscachas,  while  in  North  America  they  are  generally  found  in  parts 
inhabited  by  prairie-marmots. 





The  Striges  are  also  represented  by  several  species  of  horned  owls  belonging  to 
the  widely  distributed  genus  Asio,  as  well  as  by  an  eagle-owl  (Bubo  nigrescens) 
peculiar  to  Ecuador,  and  by  two  North  American  species,  which  range  respectively 
as  far  south  as  Mexico  and  Costa  Rica.     The  genus  Pulsatrix,  with  two  species,  is 

peculiar  to  the  region,  and  there  are 
likewise  representatives  of  the  widely 
ranging  genus  Scops.  Lophostrix  and 
Psiloscops,  each  with  two  species,  are 
other  genera  restricted  to  tropical 
America,  while  Cicaba,  with  at  least 
eight  species,  forms  a  fourth  genus 
peculiar  to  the  area.  There  are  also 
representatives  of  the  wood-owls  (Syr- 
nium).  In  another  group  the  genus 
Gisella,  with  one  Colombian  and  one 
Brazilian  species,  is  solely  tropical 
American ;  and  the  north  Acadian  owl 
(Nyctala  acadica)  of  North  America 
ranges  as  far  south  as  Mexico.  The 
pigmy  owls  of  the  European  and 
Asiatic  genus  Glaucidium  are  fairly 
well  represented  in  the  area,  and  the 
two  species  of  the  allied  North  Ameri- 
can genus  MicropaUas  enter  Mexico. 
Finally,  there  is  a  representative  (Strix 
contempta)  of  the  cosmopolitan  barn- 
owls  in  Ecuador. 

Curassows  and  The  game-birds  known 

Guans.  as  curassows  and  guans 
form  a  family  (Cracidce)  restricted  to 
Central  and  Southern  America.  One  of 
the  commonest  species,  whose  plumage 
is  dark  green  above  and  white  beneath, 
is  the  Mexican  curassow  (Crax  globi- 
gera),  easily  identified  by  the  presence 
of  a  large  yellow  knob  at  the  base  of 
the  upper  half  of  the  beak.  Its  range 
extends  from  Honduras  to  western 
Mexico.  Some  of  these  large  and  hand- 
some birds  are  ornamented  with  head- 
crests,  and  in  most  of  them  the  dark 
green  or  blackish  plumage  shows  metallic  reflections.  There  are  eleven  genera 
of  the  family,  among  which  the  typical  Crax  has  twelve,  Penelope  fifteen,  and 
Ortalis  nineteen  species;  the  total  number  of  species  recognised  in  1900  being 
fifty-nine.  These  birds  may  be  regarded  as  occupying  in  South  America  the 
position  held  in  Malaya  by  the  megapodes. 


King  Vulture. 




A  very  remarkable  and  primitive  type  of  bird  is  the  hoatzin 
(Opisthocomus  cristatus),  whose  affinities  are  still  doubtful.  It  is 
the  only  representative  of  its  family,  and  noteworthy,  among  other  peculiarities, 
on  account  of  the  presence  of  claws  on  the  first  and  second  digits  of  the  wings  in 
the  young  birds,  by  means  of  which  they  hold  on  to  the  branches  or  bark  as  they 
climb  in  the  trees.  Among  other  peculiarities  of  this  bird,  it  may  be  mentioned 
that  the  crop  is  unique  on  account  of  having  assumed  the  structure  and  function 



of  the  gizzard  of  other  birds,  being  much  larger  than  ordinary,  with  the  walls 
thick  and  muscular  instead  of  thin  and  flabby.  Despite  this  specialised  feature, 
the  primitive  character  of  the  hoatzin  is  indicated  by  many  points,  the  vestigial 
claw  of  the  third  digit  of  the  wine  linking  it  with  the  extinct  lizard-tailed  bird 
(Archceopteryx),  while  another  claim  to  primitiveness  is  apparent  in  the  quadrupedal 
habits  of  the  young.  Thickly  wooded  river-valleys  form  the  haunts  of  the  hoatzin, 
of  which  Lower  Amazonia  may  be  considered  the  centre,  the  distributional  area, 
according  to  our  present  information,  being  in  several  instances  discontinuous. 
The  bird  has  a  peculiarly  disagreeable  odour  of  its  own,  which  is,  however,  less 
vol.  it. — 26 



powerful  than  commonly  reputed,  and,  at  all  events,  insufficient  to  render  it 
immune  to  the  attacks  of  parasites.  In  general  character  the  nest  and  eggs  are 
very  similar  to  those  of  the  Guiana  green  herons  (Butorides),  but  are  placed  higher 
above  the  water.  Both  sexes  assist  in  nest-building,  and  two  eggs  seem  to  be  the 
usual  number  in  a  clutch.  There  is  no  foundation  for  the  assertion  that  these 
birds  are  polygamous,  or  for  the  old  legend  as  to  their  snake-eating  habits. 
If  they  can  possibly  avoid  it,  hoatzins  never  resort  to  flight  or  descend  to  the 
ground,  their  method  of  locomotion  being  to  creep  from  branch  to  branch  of  the 
mangrove  and  other  trees  to  which  they  resort  in  the  river-valleys  of  Guiana, 

/.        > 



Venezuela,  and  Brazil.  When  the  foliage  and  creepers  are  unusually  dense  the 
wings  are  used,  either  alternately  or  in  unison,  to  push  aside  obstructions,  and  to 
aid  the  birds  in  preserving  their  balance  until  a  firm  grip  has  been  obtained  with 
the  feet.  In  consequence  of  this  habit  the  primary  quills  become  much  frayed  and 
worn  by  friction  with  the  branches.  The  crest,  like  that  of  the  cock-of-the-roek,  is 
permanently  erect. 

Conspicuous  on  account  of  their  gorgeous  coloration  are  the  red 
flamingo  (Phmnicopterns  ruber),  the  red  spoonbill,  or  ajaja  (Platalea 
rosea),  and  the  red  ibis  (Plegadis  rubra),  all  of  which  are  common  to  Central  and 
South  America.  Two  other  South  American  birds  of  this  group  are  the  jabiru  or 
giant  stork  {Mycteria  americana)  and  the  maguari  (Dissura  maguari),  which  is 




nearly  related  to  the  white  stork  of  Europe.  The  sun-bittern  {Eurypyga 
helias),  which  inhabits  wooded  banks  of  rivers,  where  it  lives  mostly  on  the 
ground  in  pairs  and  flies  in  an  uncertain  fluttering  way,  represents  the  family 
Eurypygidcv  in  Brazil,  Amazonia,  Bolivia,  Guiana,  and  Venezuela;  the  only  other 
member  of  the  group  being  En.  major,  of  Central  America,  Colombia,  and  Ecuador. 
Sun-bitterns,  which  are  classed  as  a  suborder  of  the  crane-like  birds,  are  character- 
ised by  the  naked  oil-gland,  the  presence  of  powder-down  patches  and  a  notch  on 
each  side  of  the  lower  border  of  the  breast-bone,  but  have  no  bare  areas  on  the 
sides  of  the  neck.     The  feathers  of  the  upper  parts  are  beautifully  barred  with 

fl^^t4Z¥A^C_    * -_ 


brown,  black,  and  white,  in  marked  contrast  to  which  are  the  red  eyes,  the  waxy 
yellow  beak,  and  the  straw-coloured  legs.  These  birds,  which  go  about  either  alone 
or  in  pairs,  derive  their  name  of  sun-bittern  from  their  habit  of  basking,  with  out- 
spread pinions,  in  the  full  glare  of  the  tropical  sun.  Insects  form  their  staple  food, 
and  in  capturing  them  sun -bitterns  display  remarkable  activity.  They  breed  in 
bushes  or  trees  at  a  height  of  only  a  few  feet  above  the  ground,  laying  two  greyish 
eggs,  mottled  and  speckled  with  rufous,  in  a  clutch. 
Courians  and  The    Brazilian   courlan    (Aramus  scolapaceus)  and   the    Florida 

seriemas.  courlan  (A.  giganteus),  which  ranges  from  Florida  to  Central 
America  and  perhaps  Ecuador,  have  been  regarded  as  large  relatives  of  the  rails, 
but  are  now  placed  near  the  sun-bitterns.     On  the  other  hand  some  doubt  still  exists 



with  regard  to  the  affinities  of  the  serieraas,  tall  greyish-brown  birds,  which  fly  seldom, 
but  run  with  great  speed.  They  roost  and  nest  on  trees,  and  lay  eggs  resembling 
those  of  birds-of-prey ;  while  they  make  their  presence  known  by  their  loud  voices. 
The  Brazilian  seriema  (Cariama  cristata)  of  Brazil  and  Paraguay,  is  a  light  brown 
bird  marked  with  narrow  dark  undulating  lines,  and  is  about  the  size  of  a  heron, 
and  is  the  sole  representative  of  its  genus.     It  is  easily  "recognised  by  the  plume 

of  feathers  rising  from  the  root 
of  the  beak,  which  are  much  less 
developed  in  the  smaller  Bur- 
meister's  seriema  {Chunga  bur- 
meisteri)  of  Argentina,  the  only 
other  living  representative  of 
the  family  Cariamidce.  That 
these  birds  are  related  to  the 
cranes  seems  practically  certain, 
their  curious  superficial  resem- 
blance to  the  secretary-bird,  or 
secretary -vulture,  of  southern 
Africa  (to  which  they  also 
approximate  in  habits),  being 
connected  with  the  similarity 
of  the  conditions  under  which 
they  live.  The  group  is  evi- 
dently an  ancient  South  Ameri- 
can type,  for  it  appears  to  be 
akin  to  a  gigantic  extinct  bird 
(Phororhachus)  of  which  the 
remains  occur  in  the  Tertiary 
deposits  of  the  Santa  Cruz  dis- 
trict of  Patagonia.  Large  as  it 
was,  this  bird  had  a  proportion- 
ately big  head,  its  skull  being 
nearly  equal  in  size  to  that  of 
a  horse. 

Another  inter- 

estmg  group  in- 
cludes the  trumpeters,  forest- 
birds  which  take  their  name 
from  their  peculiar,  subdued, 
trumpet-like  sounds.  The  typi- 
cal species  is  Psophia  crepitans  of  Guiana  and  Amazonia,  but  the  family 
Psophiidce  includes  half  a  dozen  other  species,  of  which  the  united  distri- 
butional area  extends  from  Ecuador,  Bolivia,  and  Peru  to  Amazonia.  The 
trumpeters  are  now  classed  as  a  subordinal  group,  placed  between  the  sun-bitterns 
and  the  seriemas.  They  are  long-legged  and  long-necked  birds,  without  plumes 
or  crests  on  the  head,  somewhat  resembling  big  blackish  guinea-fowls  with  abnor- 



mally  long  legs ;  the  beak  being  short,  stout,  and  slightly  bent  down  at  the  tip.  In 
the  oval  shape  of  the  nostrils  they  resemble  seriemas,  from  which  they  differ  by 
the  absence  of  notches  in  the  lower  border  of  the  breast-bone.  Trumpeters  are  poor 
flyers,  and  congregate  in  immense  troops,  which  utter  their  trumpet-like  cries  in 
chorus.  To  produce  this  volume  of  sound,  the  windpipe  is  of  unusual  length,  extend- 
ing backwards  beneath  the  skin  of  the  abdomen.  The  cry,  which  is  uttered  with  the 
beak  wide  open,  lasts  about  one  minute.  There  can  be  no  reasonable  doubt  that 
trumpeters,  like  screamers,  form  part  of  the  indigenous  fauna  of  South  America, 
dating  from  the  period  when  that  continent  was  isolated  from  North  America. 

The  three  species  of  so-called  screamers,  forming  the  family 
Palamedeidce,  are  the  sole  representatives  of  an  ordinal  group  related 
to  the  water-birds  and  flamingoes,  although  differing  from  both,  as  well  as  from  all 
other  birds,  by  the  absence  of  the  narrow  projection  arising  from  the  middle  of  the 
hind  border  of  each  rib  to  overlie  the  one  next  in  the  series.  The  typical  or  horned 
screamer  (Palamedea  cornuta)  of  Guiana  and  Amazonia  is  a  somewhat  turkey -like 
bird,  easily  recognised  by  the  slender  horn-like  projection  arising  from  the  crown 
of  the  head  and  curving  forwards  over  the  short  and  stout  beak,  the  puffy  neck,  and 
the  two  powerful  spurs  with  which  each  wing  is  armed.  These  last  at  once  proclaim 
the  screamer  to  be  a  fighter.  In  habits  these  birds  are  mainly  terrestrial ;  but  at 
least  one  of  the  other  two  members  of  the  group,  namely,  the  chaja,  or  crested 
screamer  (Chauna,  chavaria)  of  Argentina,  has  much  the  habits  of  a  goose,  to 
which  it  also  approximates  in  size.  The  third  member  of  the  group  is  the  Derbian 
screamer  (C.  derbiana)  of  Colombia,  which  agrees  with  the  last  in  the  absence  of 
a  "  horn  "  on  the  forehead. 

•     One  remarkable  South  American  duck,  the  only  representative 
Musk-Duck.  .  .... 

of  its  genus,  is  distinguished  by  the  presence  of  bare  tracts  round  the 

eyes  and  at  the  sides  of  the  neck,  and  of  warts  at  the  base  of  its  beak ;  from  the 

musk-like  smell  of   a  fat  secreted  bv  this  bird   it  takes  its  name  of  musk-duck 

(Hyonetta  moschqta).     Besides  South  America   the   musk-duck   inhabits  Central 

America,  where  it  lives  chiefly  in  swamps  among  the  forests,  being  less  fond  of 

water  than  other  ducks,  and  finding  its  food  on  the  ground  like  geese.     It  often 

perches  on  trees  and  always  nests  in  branches.     A  domesticated  breed  is  known 

by  the  name  of  Turkish  duck. 

Another  very  remarkable  group  of  birds  known  only  from  the 
Tinamus.  *  . 

South  American  region  are  the  tinamus.  In  structure  they  con- 
nect the  game-birds  very  closely  with  the  ostrich  group,  with  which  they  are 
sometimes  classed.  In  shape  they  are  very  like  partridges,  and  have  short  wings 
and  tail.  Living  chiefly  on  the  pampas  and  campos,  they  fly  heavily,  but  run 
quickly.  One  of  the  largest  is  the  solitary  tinamu  (Tinamus  solitarius)  of  Brazil, 
which  is  of  the  approximate  size  of  a  guinea-fowl,  and  belongs  to  a  genus  with  ten 
other  species,  ranging,  collectively,  from  southern  Mexico  to  Amazonia  and  the 
south  of  Brazil.  The  genus  is  one  of  seven  in  which  the  first  toe  is  well  developed. 
To  the  same  section  belong  the  genera  Nothocercus  and  Crypturus,  the  former  con- 
taining five  species,  with  a  range  extending  from  Central  America  to  Colombia, 
Venezuela,  Ecuador,  and  possibly  Chile,  and  Crypturus  with  over  thirty  species, 
of  which  the  collective  distributional  area  reaches  from  northern  Mexico  to  north- 



eastern  Argentina.  The  banded  tinamu  (0.  noctivagus)  is  a  well-known  repre- 
sentative of  the  second  genus.  These  and  the  other  smaller  representatives  of  the 
group  are  commonly  known  in  South  America  as  partridges,  but  the  great  tinamu 
or  martinetta  (Rhynchotus  rufescens)  of  Brazil  and  Argentina,  together  with  the 
Bolivian  R.  maculicollis,  is  designated  a  pheasant,  on  account  of  its  greatly  superior 
size.  In  common  with  the  other  members  of  the  family  Tinamidce,  this  bird 
lays  beautifully  glazed  and  porcelain-like  eggs.  These  are  of  a  wine-red  colour  in 
this  particular  species,  but  in  Nothurus  they  are  purple-red  or  wine-colour,  while  in 
some  of  the  other  species  they  are  blue.  The  other  genera  of  the  four-toed  section 
are  Nothoprocta,  with  eight  species,  and  ranging  from  Bolivia,  Ecuador,  and  Chile 
to  north-western  Argentina ;  Notlmra,  with  seven  species,  of  which  the  collective 
range  extends  from  Bolivia  and  southern  Brazil   to  Patagonia ;    and    Taoniscus, 

represented  only  by 
the  dwarf  tinamu  (I7. 
nanus)  of  eastern 
Brazil  and  Para- 
guay. Of  the  second 
genus  the  spotted 
tinamu  (Notlmra 
maculosa)  of  Argen- 
tina and  southern 
Brazil,  and  Darwin's 
tinamu  (X  da  r- 
wini)  of  Argentina 
and  Patagonia,  are 
two  of  the  best 
known  representa- 

Of    the   three- 
toed  tinamus  there 
are  two  genera,  Calo- 
vezus,  with  a  single 
species  from  Argen- 
tina and   Patagonia,  and  Tinamotis,  in  which  Pentland's  tinamu  (T.  pentlandi), 
is  a  native  of  Ecuador,  Peru,  and  Chile,  while  T.  ingoriji  is  a  native  of  eastern 

Tinamus  are  essentially  ground-birds,  showing  a  great  disinclination  to  fly, 
and  when  on  the  wing  flying  with  a  slow  and  heavy  flight.  They  have  plaintive, 
flute-like  notes,  that  of  the  martinetta  being  especially  loud. 

The  rheas,  or  American  ostriches,  form  a  special  group  of  the 
ostrich-like,  or  flightless,  birds.  They  are  most  familiarly  known  by 
the  typical  Argentine  species,  or  nandu  (Rhea  americana),  formerly  abundant  on  the 
pampas  of  Uruguay  and  Argentina.  Here  they  live  in  family  parties  comprising  a 
cock,  which  attends  to  the  incubation  and  nursing  of  the  young,  and  about  half  a 
dozen  hens  which  lay  their  yellowish-white  eggs,  some  twenty  in  number,  in  the 
same  nest.     Rheas  are  caught  by  the  bolas  from  horseback,  or  hunted  with  dogs 



Crested  screamer. 



for  the  sake  of  their  feathers,  which  are  not,  however,  particularly  valuable, 
although  still  forming  an  important  article  of  trade.  Sometimes  rheas  are  kept  in 
a  domesticated  state.     The  smaller  Rhea  darwini  inhabits  Patagonia  between  the 



^'.  //^•^vu4<^ 







Rio  Negro  and  the  Straits  of  Magellan,  while  a  third  kind,  the  long-billed  rhea 
(R.  macrorhyncha),  lives  in  northern  Brazil.  Rheas,  which  constitute  an  exclusively- 
South  American  family  (Rheidce),  differ  from  ostriches  in  that  they  have  three,  in 
place  of  only  two,  toes  to  each  foot,  which  terminate  in  claws  instead  of  nails; 


and  are  further  distinguished  by  the  longer  wings,  the  fully  feathered  head  and 

neck,  and  the  absence  of  a  tail.     On  the  other  hand,  they  resemble  their  African 

relatives  in  the  superior  size  of  the  cock,  as  compared  with  the  hen,  and  likewise 

in  the  presence  of  after-shafts  to  the  body-feathers. 

From  their  large  size,  rheas  are  the  most  distinctive  birds  of  the  campos,  or 

plains,  of  Brazil  and  the  pampas  of  Argentina.     It  has  been  considered  that  these 

ostrich-like  birds  form  an  essentially  southern  group ;  but  against  this  view  is  the 

fact  that  they  are  represented  in  the  upper  Tertiary  deposits  of  northern  India, 

as  well  as  in  the  lower  Tertiaries  of  Egypt. 

Among  South  American  reptiles  particular  interest  attaches  to 
River-Tortoises.  .  °  r  r      . 

the  river-tortoises,  or  terrapins,  all  or  which  belong  to  the  group  in 
which  the  head  and  neck  are  moved  sideways  in  place  of  being  retracted  with  the 
S-like  flexure  characteristic  of  the  tortoises  and  terrapins  of  the  Northern 
Hemisphere.  The  largest  is  the  great  aru  tortoise  of  the  Amazon  (Podocnemis 
expansa),  whose  shell  may  be  close  on  a  yard  in  length.  These  tortoises  are  taken 
by  the  natives  for  their  flesh,  while  their  eggs  yield  a  kind  of  oil.  The  matamata 
(Chelys  fimbriata),  which  has  irregular  processes  of  skin  on  its  head  and  neck  and 
a  much  corrugated  shell,  is  the  sole  representative  of  its  genus.  Podocnemis,  on 
the  other  hand,  occurs  elsewhere  in  Madagascar  at  the  present  day,  while  it  is  also 
represented  in  the  Tertiary  formations  of  the  Northern  Hemisphere,  a  circumstance 
indicating  apparently  that  the  Pleurodira,  as  the  side-necked  tortoises  are  technically 
termed,  originated  in  the  north,  and  made  their  way  southwards  during  the 
Tertiary  epoch. 

None  of  the  families  of  these  tortoises  is  peculiar  to  South  America,  the 
Pelomedusidce  being  represented  at  the  present  day  in  Ethiopian  Africa  and 
Madagascar  by  the  genera  Pelomedusa  and  Sternothcsrus,  and  in  South  America 
and  Madagascar  by  the  above-mentioned  Podocnemis. 

The  second  family,  Chelyidce,  on  the  other  hand,  is  partly  South  American 
and  partly  Australasian ;  the  American  genera  being  the  above-mentioned  Chelys, 
together  with  Hydromedusa,  represented  by  one  species  from  Brazil  and  a  second 
from  southern  Brazil  and  Argentina,  Hydrastis  with  some  seven  species,  Platemys 
with  two,  and  Rhinemys  with  a  single  representative.  The  Australasian  genera, 
which  range  into  New  Guinea,  are  three  in  number. 

The  absence  of  fresh- water  tortoises  of  the  family  Trionychidce  from  South 
America  is  a  fact  in  geographical  distribution  almost  as  important  as  the  presence 
of  the  aforesaid  side-necked  tortoises,  especially  when  it  is  borne  in  mind  that  the 
former  group  is  well  represented  in  North  America. 

crocodiles  and  Crocodiles  are  represented  in  South  America  by  the  sharp-nosed 

Caimans.  Crocodilus  americanus,  while  the  caimans  (Caiman),  which  differ 
from  alligators  in  having  bony  plates  on  the  lower  surface  of  the  body,  are  peculiar 
to  the  region.  Caimans,  frequently  called  alligators,  include  five  species,  of  which 
the  black  caiman,  or  black  jacare,  is  the  largest,  growing  to  a  length  of  about 
13  feet.  In  colour,  it  is  black  above  and  yellow  beneath  ;  and  it  is  further 
characterised  by  the  upper  eyelid  being  flat  and  finely  striated,  with  a  small  bony 
plate  on  the  inner  side.  In  another  species,  C.  solerops,  the  upper  eyelid  is 
prominent  and  tuberculated,  one  of  the  tubercles  sometimes  forming  a  small  horn. 



Another  type  of   eyelid  is  presented  by  C.  palpebro&us,  in  which  it  is  flat  and 
entirely  bony,  the  bone  consisting  of  four  separate  pieces. 

An  imperfectly  known  caiman  from  the  Magdalena  River,  Colombia,  on 
account  of  certain  alleged  structural  peculiarities,  has  been  made  the  type  of  a 
distinct  genus  under  the  name  of  Perosuchus  fuscus. 

In  general  habits  caimans  are  very  similar  to  crocodiles  and  alligators. 

Of  lizards,  one  species  (Heloderma  horridum)  of  the  family 
Helodermatidce  is  a  native  of  Mexico;  the  other, commonly  known  as 
the  Gila  monster  (H.  suspectum),  inhabiting  the  deserts  of  Arizona,  These  lizards, 
which  are  poisonous,  are  very  brilliantly  coloured — orange  or  red  with  black 
markings;  and,  although  it  has  been  stated  that  this  colouring  harmonises  with 
the  colour  of  the  sand  on  which  these  reptiles  delight  to  bask,  it  is  more  probably 


o    <     ^Vt 


of  the  "  warning  "  type,  that  is  to  say,  it  serves  to  proclaim  the  dangerous  nature 
of  these  lizards. 

Considerable  difference  of  opinion  has  been  expressed  in  regard  to  the  character 
of  the  bite  of  these  lizards,  some  naturalists  maintaining  that  it  is  more  or  less 
completely  innocuous,  while  others  state  that  it  is  intensel}7  poisonous.  As  regards 
frogs,  mice,  rabbits,  dogs,  pigeons,  poultry,  etc.,  experiments  leave  no  doubt  that 
the  fangs  are  venomous.  As  regards  the  effects  on  the  human  subject,  a  statement 
was  made  in  1882  to  the  effect  that  a  bite  in  the  thumb  by  a  Gila  monster  was, 
after  severe  local  pain,  followed  only  by  great  weakness  and  perspiration.  On  the 
other  hand,  in  1888,  a  case  was  cited  in  which  death  is  stated  to  have  occurred  a 
few  hours  after  the  infliction  of  the  bite  ;  this  being  the  third  or  fourth  case  of  a 
fatal  result  attending  the  bite  of  these  lizards  in  Arizona.  In  1911  a  lady  was  bitten 
in  the  index  finger  of  her  right  hand  while  holding  a  Gila  monster.     By  prising  open 



its  mouth,  the  reptile  was  removed  without  injury,  when  it  was  found  that  one  of  the 
lower  venom-teeth  had  penetrated  the  nail,  two  others  had  compressed  the  nail 
sufficiently  to  produce  extravasation  beneath,  and  two  of  the  solid  upper  teeth 
were  fixed  in  the  tissues  of  the  finger.  The  finger  became  swollen  and  discoloured, 
the  swelling  and  discoloration  extending  some  way  up  the  arm.     Soon  after  the 


bite  the  lady  was  affected  with  severe  headache,  accompanied  by  pallor  of  the  face, 
perspiration,  and  sensations  of  vertigo.  A  short  fainting  fit  also  ensued.  These 
effects  continued  for  about  a  week,  after  which  they  gradually  disappeared.  This 
experience  proves  that  heloderm-poison  has  severe  effects  on  the  human  system. 

'  The  large  lizard  known  as  the  teju  (Tubinambis  ter/uexin)  is  the  typical 
representative  of  the  New  World  family  Tiipinambidce,  to  which  also  belong  the 
exclusively  South  American  genera  Dracaena  and  Centropus,  as  well  as  several 



South  America  (in  addition  to  a  host  of  species  to  which  no  reference  is  here 
possible)  possesses  a  representative  of  the  blind  snakes  in  Typltlops  reticulatus ; 
the  group  having  a  very  wide  geographical  distribution. 

The  above-mentioned  bushmaster  differs  from  most  other  pit-vipers  in  lay- 
ing eggs  instead  of  producing  living  young;  a  similar  peculiarity  occurring  in 
Tremeresaurus  monticola  of  the  Himalaya,  as  well  as  in  the  tropical  African 
vipers  of  the  genus  Atractaspis. 

The  boas  of  South  America  are  particularly  interesting  on  account  of  present- 
ing a  remarkable  parallelism  in  their  geographical  distribution  to  that  of  the  pleuro- 
diran  or  side-necked  tortoises,  the  genera  Corallus  and  Boa  being  common  to  tropical 

America  and  Mada- 
gascar. On  the 
other  hand,  Epi- 
crates,  Trachyboa, 
Ungalia,  Ungali- 
ophis,  and  Eunectes 
are  restricted  to 
the    region    under 


consideration,  in- 
clusive of  the  West 

Although  the 
anaconda  is  ad- 
mitted to  be  the 
largest  of  living- 
snakes,  consider- 
able diversity  of 
opinion  obtains 
with  regard  to  its 
maximum  dimen- 
sions. Naturalists, 
for  instance,  mostly 
refuse  to  believe 
that  this  snake  ever 
exceeds  a  length  of  about  30  feet,  but  travellers  report  much  larger  dimen- 
sions— in  one  instance  a  length  of  no  less  than  65  feet.  Till  tangible  evidence 
of  the  existence  of  such  monsters  is  forthcoming,  naturalists  will,  however,  be 
well  advised  in  maintaining  their  attitude  of  reserve. 


Among  the  frogs  and  toads  of  the  South  American  region  the 
most  remarkable  are  the  brilliantly  coloured  horned  toads  of  the  genus 
Ceratophrys,  the  Brazilian  representative  of  which  is  a  huge  creature.  The 
"jackie-toad"  (Pseudis  paradoxa),  a  Surinam  species,  is  peculiar  on  account  of  its 
very  large  tadpoles,  which  before  they  throw  off  their  gills  are  almost  the  size  of 
the  adults.  The  southern  Brazilian  pigmy  frog  (Paliidicolafalcip>es),  which  makes  a 
noise  like  a  cricket,  is  one  of  the  smallest  of  all  frogs,  being  only  about  half  an  inch 
in   length.     The   large   Darwin's   frog   (Rhinoderma   darivini),   of    Chile,  has  a 


Frogs  and  Toads. 

Horned  Frog. 


curious  mode  of  bringing  up  its  family,  the  male  depositing  the  eggs  laid  by  the 
female  in  a  pouch  on  its  throat,  where  they  develop.  The  pouched  frogs,  on  the 
other  hand,  as  represented  by  Nototrema  marsapiatum  of  Mexico  and  Peru,  pass 
through  all  the  stages  of  their  development  in  a  pouch  in  the  back  of  the  female ; 
while  those  of  the  Surinam  water-toad  (Pipa  americana)  develop  in  the  skin  of 
the  back  of  the  female,  which  forms  a  cell  round  each  egg. 

All  the  above-mentioned  genera,  together  with  many  others,  such  as  Phyllodes 
among  the  Ranidce  and  Leptodactylus,  Paludicola,  and  Hylodes  among  the 
Cystignathidce  (in  which  group  Pseudis  is  included),  are  restricted  to  the  South 
American  region.  It  is,  however,  noteworthy  that  Pipa  has  a  near  relative  in  the 
tropical  African  Xenopus ;  these  two  genera  constituting  the  family  Xenopodidw, 
or  Dactylethridce,  which  is  distinguished  from  all  other  batrachians  by  the  absence 
of  the  tongue.  Two  families,  namely  the  Amphignathodontidce,  with  the  species 
Amphignathodon  guentheri  of  Ecuador,  and  perhaps  the  imperfectly  known 
Grypiscus  umbrinus  of  Rio  de  Janeiro,  and  the  Hemiphractidce,  with  the  genera 
Hemiphr  actus,  Ceratophyla,  and  Amphodus,  are  peculiar  to  the  present  region. 

Some  of  the  strange  "  nursery  "  arrangements  of  South  American  frogs  have 
been  already  mentioned ;  it  may  be  added  that  certain  tree-frogs  of  the  genus 
Phyllomedusa  (which  is  another  of  the  types  peculiar  to  the  region)  spawn  in 
nests  of  froth  made  in  the  leaves  of  trees  overhanging  water.  The  tadpoles  hatch 
in  the  froth,  in  which  they  move  freely  for  a  few  days  till  their  external  gills  are 
shed,  when  they  drop  into  the  water  beneath,  there  to  complete  their  development 
into  frogs.  Several  kinds  of  Hylodes,  such  as  the  well-known  cogni  (H.  martinensis) 
of  the  West  Indies,  spawn  in  damp  moss  or  under  stones,  laying  unusually  large  eggs 
in  which  the  tadpole  undergoes  practically  its  full  development,  coming  forth  with 
a  mere  rudiment  of  a  tail,  which  probably  served  as  a  breathing  organ  during  its 
incarceration.  Other  small  South  American  frogs,  pertaining  to  the  genera 
Dendrobates  and  Phyllobates,  have  been  observed  to  go  about  with  their  tadpoles 
adhering  to  their  backs  by  means  of  the  sucker-like  structure  of  their  lips  and  the 
flattened  surface  of  the  belly. 

A  dark-coloured  salamander,  furnished  with  external  gills,  and 
measuring  about  ten  inches  in  length,  which  inhabits  the  lake 
surrounding  the  city  of  Mexico,  is  of  special  interest  on  account  of  being  the 
permanently  immature  form  of  a  species,  Arablystoma  tigrinum,  ranging  from 
New  York  southwards  to  California  and  central  Mexico.  Normally  this  species  at 
the  close  of  its  aquatic  existence  develops  lungs,  sheds  its  external  gills,  and  takes 
to  a  life  on  land.  The  axolotl,  as  its  Mexican  representative  is  called,  is,  however, 
under  normal  circumstances  aquatic  throughout  its  existence,  breeding  in  this 
permanently  immature  condition.  Axolotls  when  kept  in  confinement  will, 
however,  sometimes  develop  into  adult  salamanders,  which  leave  the  water  and 
take  to  a  life  on  land  after  the  manner  of  the  rest  of  their  kind.  The  reason 
for  the  arrested  development  is  not  definitely  known. 

As  mentioned  in  the  chapter  on  the  fauna  of  North  America,  the  salamanders 
of  the  genus  Amblystoma  are  mainly  characteristic  of  that  continent,  where  they 
are  represented  by  about  sixteen  species.  Very  interesting  is  the  occurrence  of  a 
representative  of   this  otherwise  American  genus  in  Siam,  as  it  affords  another 



instance  of  the  community  of  t}*pe  between  the  animals  of  Eastern  Asia  and 
North  America. 

One  South  American  cat-fish,  known  as  the  sheath-fish  (Aspredo 
Fishes.  .  .  . 

batrachus),  has  breeding  habits  somewhat   similar   to   those  of  the 



Surinam  toad,  although  in  this  instance  the  eggs  are  attached  to  the  loose  and 
spongy  skin  of   the  female's  abdomen,  instead  of   being   embedded  in  her  back. 







To  the  same  group  belongs  the  giant  piraiba  (Piratinga  piraiba).  Another  fish, 
the  haimora  {Macrodon  trahira),  is  appreciated  on  account  of  its  savoury  flesh,  but 
dreaded  on  account  of  its  sharp  teeth.     The  piraya  {Serramlmo  pi  r<<  ya),  although 



only  a  foot  in  length,  attacks  animals  of  every  kind  with  great  ferocity,  and  is 
dangerous  even  to  the  larger  mammals  and  man.  Like  the  haimora,  it  belongs  to  the 
family  of  the  Characinidce,  which  replaces  the  carps  and  salmonoids  in  South  America. 


In  the  family  of  toothed  carps  (Cyprinodontidce)  the  double-eyed  fish  {Anableps 
tetrophthalmus)  is  unique  in  that  its  eyes  are  divided  into  two  halves,  of  which 
the  upper  one  is  adapted  for  vision  in  air  and  the  lower  one  to  see  in  water.     The 



largest  of  fresh-water  fish,  not  only  in  America  but  elsewhere,  is  the  Arapaima 
gigas  of  Guiana  and  Brazil,  which  attains  a  length  of  more  than  15  feet  and 
a  weight  of  over  400  lbs.  It  belongs  to  a  family,  Osteoglossidce,  almost 
peculiar  to  the  Southern  Hemisphere,  and  is  the  only  representative  of  its  kind. 
The  electric  eels  are  confined  to  the  American  tropics,  the  best  known  species 
(Gymnotus  electricus)  inhabiting  the  rivers  of  Guiana,  Venezuela,  and  northern 
Brazil.  It  has  been  known  to  attain  a  length  of  6  feet,  and  feeds  on  other  fishes 
and  f roo-s.  This  fish  is  provided  with  a  pair  of  electric  organs  on  the  back  of  the  tail, 
and  another  pair  along  the  base  of  the  anal  fin,  with  which  it  gives  shocks  powerful 
enouo-h  to  be  dangerous  to  man.  A  species  of  lung-fish  {Lepidosiren  paradoxa) 
inhabits  the  rivers  of  South  America  from  Brazil  to  Paraguay,  and  is  akin  to  the 

'•.^   v 


West  African  genus  Protopterus,  and  more  remotely  to  the  Australian  Ceratoclus, 
or,  as  it  is  also  termed,  Neoceratodus.  Like  its  African  and  Australian  relatives, 
this  fish  breathes  atmospheric  air  by  means  of  its  swim-bladder,  although  it  can 
likewise  make  use  of  its  gills.  Some  very  remarkable  forms  of  armoured  cat-fish 
(Loricariidce)  are  also  met  with  in  the  South  American  rivers.  These  include  the 
typical  genus  Loricaria,  the  members  of  which  are  small  fishes  specially  abundant  in 
Amazonia,  and  Acestra,  in  which  the  muzzle  is  much  elongated. 

The  insects  of  the  South  American  region,  like  those  of  other 
tropical  countries,  include  many  large  and  strange  types,  such  as,  for 
instance,  the  Hercules  beetle  (Dynastes  hercules),  the  males  of  which  are  over 
5  inches  in  length,  and  the  Surinam  lantern-bearer  {FvZgora  la  nternaria),  one  of  the 
cucujas  which  measures  some  2 \  inches  in  length  and  bears  a  bladder-like  expan- 




sion  on  the  head  resembling  a  lantern.  Tropical  American  butterflies  are  specially 
notable  on  account  of  their  numbers,  their  beauty,  and  in  many  cases  their  Large 
size.  They  are  further  remarkable  for  the  number  of  families  by  which  they  are 
represented  ;  no  less  than  thirteen  families  out  of  sixteen  recognised  in  one  of  the 
older  classitications  occurring  in  the  region,  to  which  three  of  them,  namely  the 
Brassolidce,  Heliconiidoi,  and  Eiirygonidai,  are  entirely  restricted,  while  a 
fourth,  the  Eurycinidoe,  is  found  elsewhere  only  in  North  America.  Moreover,  in 
families  occurring  in  other  parts  of  the  world,  the  South  American  forms  are 
often  quite  different  from  the  rest,  as  in  the  case  of  the  Danaidce,  which  are 
brightly   tinted   instead  of   being   of   a    sombre   type   of   colour.     Some   of   the 



Heliconiidce  mimic  species  of  the  Danaidce,  which  are  believed  to  be  unpalatable 
to  birds.  Very  striking  are  the  large  and  handsome  butterflies  of  the  exclusively 
tropical  genus  Morpho,  the  typical  representative  of  the  family  Morphidce,  of 
which  the  other  genera  are  Indo-Malay.  The  species  of  Morpho  are  conspicuous 
on  account  of  the  splendour  of  the  blue  on  the  upper  surface  of  the  wings  of  some 
of  the  species,  such  as  M.  rhetenor  of  Amazonia,  which  looks  almost  like  a  bird 
when  on  the  wing,  and  M.  cypris  of  Colombia.  Other  species  displa\',  however, 
a  different  coloration,  M.  hecuba  of  Guiana,  represented  in  the  annexed  illustration, 
being  brown  and  tawny  :  its  expanse  of  wing  is  7  or  8  inches. 

Among  moths  it  must  suffice  to  refer  to  the  magnificent  diurnal  species  of  the 
genus  Urania,  which  are  specially  interesting  on  account  of  being  represented  by 
vol.  n. — 27 



an  allied  species  in  Madagascar,  thereby  presenting  a  remarkable  parallelism  in 
development  to  the  side-necked  tortoises  and  boas. 

Ants  are  strongly  represented  in  the  region,  many  of  them  being  remarkable 
on  account  of  their  habits.  The  parasol-ants,  well  exemplified  by  the  South 
Brazilian  Atta  hystrix,  move,  for  instance,  in  troops  like  a  green  river  across  the 
forest-paths,  each  worker  carrying  on  its  head  a  circular  piece  of  leaf  half  an  inch 
across,  which  it  has  cut  out  from  some  leaf  close  by.     Others  exhibit  the  slave- 





making  habit  in  great  perfection.  In  the  case  of  an  Amazonian  species,  Polyergus 
rufescens,  it  seems  that  new  colonies  are  formed  by  one  or  more  fertilised  females 
effecting  an  entrance  into  a  nest  of  a  species,  Formica  fusca,  belonging  to  a  totally 
different  group.  The  intruding  female,  unless  she  be  stopped  by  hostile  workers, 
immediately  makes  her  way  to  the  domicile  of  the  reigning  queen,  \  hom,  when 
found,  she  attacks  and  finally  kills  with  her  powerful  jaws.  During  the  contest 
the  attendant  workers  remain  stupefied  with  fright,  but  at  the  death  of  their 
legitimate  queen  quickly  receive  the  foreign  female  in  her  place.     In  the  second 



year  the  new  queen  lays  eggs,  from  which  emerge  Polyergus  workers,  and  these 
eventually  obtain  the  mastery  of  the  nest. 

The  great  majority  of  the  numerous  kinds  of  ants  inhabiting  the  flooded  lands 
of  the  valley  of  the  Amazon  make  their  nests  in  trees,  so  as  to  be  above  the  water 
level.  Among  these  some  of  the  most  remarkable  are  the  long,  pendent,  skein-like 
nests  of  Azteca  barbifex,  the  torpedo-like  structure  formed  by  a  species  of  Campo- 
notus,  and  the  sheet-like  papier-mache  nest  of  A.  trigona.  Fungus-growing  ants 
are  very  abundant,  their  presence  being  generally  indicated  by  the  crater-like 
elevations  leading  to  the  subterranean  chambers  in  sandy  districts  of  certain  parts 
of  the  country.  To  these  the  ants  bring  fragments  of  leaves  from  long  distances, 
and,  after  storing  them  in  the  subterranean  chambers,  use  them  as  hot-beds  for  the 


cultivation  of  the  mycelium  stage  of  the  fungns  Rhozites  gongulophora.     Whether 
the  fungus,  in  its  fully  developed  state,  ever  reaches  the  surface  through  one  of  the 
entrance-tubes  is  a  point  which  has  not  yet  been  definitely  determined. 
Whip-scorpions  Among  the  Arachnida  of  South  America  is  the  curious  long- 

and  Spiders,  armed  whip-scorpion  (Tarantula,  or  PJ/rynus,  reniformis),  armed 
with  pincers  an  inch  in  length.  It  belongs  to  a  family,  Tarantulidce,  of  which  the 
typical  section,  containing  three  genera,  is  exclusively  tropical  American  and 
West  Indian,  while  the  other  two  sections  are  Old  World.  The  spiders  include 
the  large  bird-catching  forms,  such  as  Avicularia,  or  My  gale,  vestiaria,  whose 
bodies  are  clothed  with  coarse  hairs  and  bristles.  The  members  of  the  genus 
Avicularia  are  exclusively  tropical  American,  as  ai*e  those  of  the  allied  Eury- 
pelma.  Their  nearest  relatives  are  the  Indian  Poecilotheria,  and  the  West 
African  Scoclra. 

Although  the  fact  that  these  giant  spiders  ascend  trees  at  night  to  suck  the 



eggs  and  drain  the  life-blood  of  the  young  of  humming  birds  was  recorded  many- 
years  ago  by  two  French  travellers,  the  report  was  generally  discredited  in 
Europe;  and  it  was  not  till  the  naturalist-traveller  H.  W.  Bates  brought  home 
corroborative  evidence,  that  the  story  received  credence.  On  one  occasion  Bates 
saw  one  of  these  spiders,  which  was  nearly  a  couple  of  inches  in  length  of  body, 
and  covered  a  space  of  about  seven  inches  when  the  legs  were  spread  out.  Bates 
"  was  attracted  by  a  movement  of  the  monster  on  a  tree-trunk ;  it  was  close  be- 
neath a  deep  crevice  in  the  tree,  across  which  was  stretched  a  dense  white  web. 
The  lower  part  of  the  web  was  broken,  and  two  small  birds,  finches,  were 
entangled  in  the  pieces." 







The  Animals  of  Patagonia  and  Chile 

The  fauna  of  the  Patagonian  and  Chilian  province  is  closely  related  to  that 
of  the  tropical  districts  of  the  South  American  region,  but  includes  a  few- 
peculiar,  or  almost  peculiar,  tvpes,  and  is  therefore  deserving  of  a  separate  section. 
The  area  embraces  a  large  part  of  Argentina  as  well  as  Tierra  del  Fuego,  and  is 
inhabited  by  guanacos,  pampas  deer,  guemal,  and  rheas. 

One  of  the  most  characteristic  mammals  of  the  open  districts  of- 
Argentina  and  Patagonia  is  the  pampas  cat  (Felis  pajeros),  a  species 
about  the  size  of  the  European  wild  cat,  but  stouter  in  build.  In  colour  it  is 
yellowish  grey,  striped  obliquely  with  yellow  or  brownish  bands,  with  the  tail 
and  legs  ringed,  and  the  cheek  marked  by  two  dark  streaks  extending  from 
the  eyes  to  the   throat.     Another  species   is  Geoffroy's  cat  (F.   geoffroyi)  of   the 

Argentine  pampas. 


Pampas  Cat. 




Very  characteristic  of  the  province  is  the  colpeo  (Canis  magel- 
lanicus),  a  large  and  handsome  fox-like  species,  whose  range 
apparently  extends  from  the  damp  beech-forests  of  Tierra  del  Fuego  to  the 
deserts  of  northern  Chile. 

The  most  interesting  rodent  of  this  province  is  the  mara 
(Dolichotis  patagonica),  an  ally  of  the  guinea-pig.  Maras  abound 
on  the  vast  plains  of  Patagonia,  where  they  appear  in  parties  of  from  four  to 
thirty  or  forty  in  number,  running  in  single  rile.     They  stand  about  13  inches  at 




the  shoulder,  and  are  a  little  under  3  feet  in  length ;  the  head  is  hare-like,  and 
the  colour  approximates  to  that  of  a  hare  or  a  roe.  In  length  of  leg  maras 
resemble  deer,  as  they  also  do  in  the  white  patch  on  the  rump,  which  is  always 
wider  than  the  short  stumpy  tail,  and  in  one  race  is  edged  with  a  black  line  above, 
which  is,  however,  absent  in  a  second  variety.  The  eyelashes  of  these  rodents 
are  strongly  developed  to  protect  the  eyes  from  the  glare  of  the  noonday  sun, 
the  mara  being  a  diurnal  mammal  which  enjoys  basking  in  the  full  sunshine. 
A  second  and  smaller  species  of  mara  (J),  salinicola),  which  has  no  light  rump 
patch,  inhabits  the  salt-tracts,  or  "  salinas,"  of  the  Argentine. 




Among  the  more  characteristic  birds  of  the  province  under 
consideration  are  the  so-called  rail-creepers,  which  somewhat  resemble 
wrens,  but  are  almost  as  large  as  fieldfares.  They  hop  on  the  ground,  where  they 
hide  among  grass  and  bushes,  flight  being  difficult  to  them  owing  to  their  heavy 
bodies  and  short  wings.  They  breed  in  holes  in  the  ground,  which  they  probably 
dig  themselves  with  their  long  claws.  A  well-known  species  is  the  turco 
{Hylactes  megapodius),  whose  colour  is  chiefly  brown.  Another  bird  living  in 
holes   excavated   by   its   own   exertions   is   the   slender-beaked  paraquet   (Heni- 


WL  /, 





cognathus  leptorhynchus),  which  inhabits  the  beech-forests  of  Chile,  and  migrates 
northwards  in  winter.  The  deserts  of  the  Chilian  Andes  are  inhabited  by  the 
undulated  seed-snipe  (Attagis  gayi),  a  species  not  unlike  a  sand-grouse  in 
appearance,  though  very  different  in  structure.  Of  the  water-birds  the  most 
noteworthy  are  the  black-necked  swan  {Cygnus  nigricollis)  and  the  small 
Coscoroba  swan  {Coscoroba  Candida),  the  former  being  white,  with  black  head 
and  neck,  and  red  beak,  and  the  latter  white,  with  black  tips  to  the  wings. 

The  upland  or  Magellanic  goose  (Cloephaga  magellanica),  of  the  Falkland 
Islands,  visits  Patagonia  in  winter,  where,  as  previously  stated,  Darwin's  rhea  is 
a  common  bird. 



West  Indies — Galapagos  Islands 


Animals  of  the  West  Indies 

The  most  remarkable  mammals  of  the  West  Indies  are  the 
solenodons,  inhabiting  Hayti  and  Cuba,  whose  nearest  allies  are, 
undoubtedly,  the  tenrecs  of  Madagascar.  These  curious  Insectivora  are  charac- 
terised by  the  prolonged  cylindrical  muzzle,  long,  tapering,  scaly  tail,  large  strong 
claws,  especially  on  the  fore-feet,  and  coarse  shaggy  hair.  The  Haytian  species 
(Solenodon  paradoxus),  which  is  the  size  of  a  very  large  rat,  is  brown  above, 
black  on  the  thighs,  and  pale  brown  on  the  sides  of  the  head  and  under-parts. 
In  the  Cuban  species  (S.  cubanus),  on  the  other  hand,  the  general  colour  is  some 
shade  of  tawny  or  rufous,  with  a  variable  amount  of  black  on  the  back  and  throat, 
and  a  pale  nuchal  spot.  The  two  species  were  long  believed  to  be  distinguished  merely 
by  colour,  but  it  is  now  ascertained  that  there  is  a  difference  in  the  number  of  the 
vertebrae.  As  regards  habits,  these  nocturnal  insectivores  assume  a  characteristic 
pose  when  feeding,  throwing  the  body  backwards,  with  the  full  length  of  the  soles 
of  the  hind  feet  applied  to  the  ground,  and  the  strong  tail  serving  as  the  third  leg 
of  a  tripod.  In  this  posture  one  or  both  of  the  fore  feet  can  be  raised  from  the 
ground.  In  walking  the  toes  only  are  in  contact  with  the  ground,  the  greater 
part  of  the  soles  of  the  hind  pair  being  elevated.  Captive  specimens  fed  greedily  on 
chopped  meat,  but  would  also  eat  lettuce  leaves.  Usually  they  appeared  peaceful 
enough,  but  occasionally  one  would  seize  its  companion  by  its  long  snout  and 
inflict  a  severe  bite.  Very  rarely  they  uttered  a  shrill  cry,  but  they  were 
constantly  sniffing  with  a  kind  of  explosive  snort,  and  they  emitted  a  disagreeable 

odour,  somewhat  between  that  of  a  goat  and  that  of  a  porcupine.     How  these  aber- 




rant  and  primitive  Insectivora  reached  their  present  isolated  habitat  is  a  mystery, 
seeing  that  there  are  no  members  of  the  order  in  either  Central  or  South  America. 
Hutias  The  roclents  are  represented  in  the  West  Indies  by  the  hutias, 

which  appear  to  be  more  or  less  intimately  allied  to  the  South 
American  coypu,  but  are  more  rat-like  and  mainly  arboreal  in  their  habits. 
The  hutia-couga  (Capromys  pilorides)  represents  the  genus  in  Cuba,  to  which 
island  it  is  confined.     It  has  a  total  length  of  about  22  inches,  and  is  clothed  with 

long  coarse  hair  yellowish 
grey  and  brown  in  colour. 
Its  smaller  relative,  the 
hutia-carabali  (C.  prehen- 
silis),  is  distinguished  by 
the  tip  of  its  tail  being 
prehensile.  Living  in  the 
tree-tops,  it  is  much  more 
wary  than  the  hutia-couga, 
and  defends  itself  just  as 
fiercely.  Jamaica  and  the 
Bahamas  each  possess  a 
separate  species  of  these 
rodents.  Jamaica  and 
Hayti  are  likewise  inhab- 
ited oy  the  closely  related 
Plagiodon  cedium,  distin- 
guished from  the  hutias  by 
the  zigzag  enamel  folds  of 
the  cheek-teeth. 

The  todies  are 
characteristic  West 
Indian  birds,  entirely  confined  to 
those  islands ;  the}7  are  diminutive 
in  size,  with  long,  narrow  and  flat  beaks,  whose 
edges  are  finely  serrated.  Todies  feed  on  small 
insects,  which  they  capture  in  much  the  same  way 
as  flycatchers,  darting  down  on  them  as  they  pass 
the  bough  on  which  the  birds  are  perching.  Todies 
nest  in  tunnels  made  in  the  sides  of  ravines  and  high  banks,  and  even  in  deeply 
cut  ditches.  The  green  tody  of  Jamaica  (Todus  viridis)  is  perhaps  the  best 
known  species  of  the  family  Todidce,  which  contains  only  the  one  genus  with 
five  species. 

In  Martinique  is  found  a  curious  tree-frog  (Hylodes  martini- 
censis),  already  referred  to  in  an  earlier  chapter  on  account  of  the 
circumstance  that  within  ten  or  twelve  days  the  eggs,  which  are  laid  on  the  leaves 
of  plants  near  the  coast,  develop  into  the  adult  animal  without  the  intervention  of 
a  gill-bearing  tadpole  stage.  The  four  legs  appear  simultaneously,  and  a  short  tail 
is  retained  when  the  frog  leaves  the  egg,  although  it  soon  withers. 





The  Animal  Life  of  the  Gaiapagos  Islands 

The  Galapagos  Archipelago,  consisting  of  fifteen  small  islands 
situated  on  the  equator,  derives  its  name  from  the  gigantic  land- 
tortoises  by  which  it  is  inhabited,  the  nearest  relatives  of  these  reptiles  living 
on  the  isle  of  Aldabra  near  Madagascar.  Four  islands  of  the  Galapagos  group 
have  each  a  different  species  of  tortoise,  while  Albemarle  Island  possesses  two. 
The  latter,  which  is  the  lai-gest  island  of  the  group,  is  divided  by  a  lava-flow 
into  two  districts,  each  of  which  has  its  own  species  of  tortoise.  The  Galapagos 
tortoises  feed  chiefly  on  a  juicy  cactus,  which  serves  not  only  as  food,  but  likewise 
as  drink.  Nevertheless  these  reptiles  are  fond  of  water,  and  in  the  larger  islands 
traverse  long  distances  to  reach  the  springs.  Their  journeys  occupy  two  or  three 
days,  even  when  the  tortoises  travel  day  and  night,  and  regularly  trodden  paths 
lead  in  all  directions  from  the  springs  to  the  coast.  In  past  times  these  tortoises 
were  probably  found  in  large  numbers  on  all  the  islands  of  the  group ;  but  as 
early  as  1846  they  were  extinct  on  Charles  Island  and  in  1875  only  a  few  were 
left  on  some  of  the  others.  At  the  latter  date  seven  men  were  still  occupied  in 
making  tortoise-oil  on  Albemarle  Island,  of  which  they  obtained  3000  gallons  a 
year.  Dogs  introduced  by  settlers  were  largely  instrumental  in  the  destruction 
of  the  tortoises,  by  killing  not  only  some  of  the  full-grown  individuals,  but 
numbers  of  the  young.  At  the  present  day  the  tortoises  are  much  smaller  than 
formerly.  In  1888  most  of  them  weighed  little  more  than  20  lbs.  and  only  one 
reached  44  lbs.,  while  in  1835  tortoises  of  220  lbs.  were  not  rare,  and  sometimes 
it  required  six  or  eight  men  to  lift  the  largest.  The  diminution  in  weight  is 
due  to  their  being  killed  before  they  are  fully  grown,  for  tortoises  grow  all 
through  life  and  live  to  a  great  age.  All  the  Galapagos  species,  like  those  of 
the  Mascarene  Islands,  belong  to  the  typical  genus  Testudo. 

The  two  noteworthy  species  are  the  flightless  cormorant, 
Naunopterum  harrisi,  and  a  penguin,  Spheniscus  mendiculus,  the 
latter,  which  is  by  far  the  most  northern  member  of  its  kind,  being  regarded  as  a 
relic  of  a  former  extension  of  the  southern  ice.  This  tends  to  confirm  the  view  as  to 
the  continental  origin  of  the  Galapagos  group,  and  suggests  that  its  union  with 
the  mainland  lasted  until  North  and  South  America  were  themselves  connected  by 
land,  but  at  a  period  when  there  was  a  temporary  sundering  by  means  of  an  arm 
of  the  sea,  thereby  permitting  the  influx  into  the  Galapagos  area  of  forms  from  the 
Caribbean  coast  and  the  Antilles.  Some  writers  are,  however,  of  opinion  that  the 
Galapagos  are  "  oceanic  "  islands,  that  is  to  say,  islands  which  have  existed  as  such 
from  a  very  remote  epoch. 


VOL.   II 

Abadavat,  185. 
Acanthomys  dimidiatus,  47. 
Accentor  montanellus,  25. 
Accipiter  virgatus,  155. 
Acera  bullata,  305. 
Acipenser  rubicundus,  352. 
Acodon,  369. 
Aconaemys,  370. 
Actinia  equina,  312. 
Actinoloba  dianthus,  312. 
Adamsia  palliata,  300. 
Adjutants — 

Indian,  199. 

Javan,  199. 
A\gialiiis,  100. 
jEgithaliscus,  383. 
ASluropus  melanoleucus,  226. 
Mlurus  fulgens,  172. 
AZthurus  polytmus,  391. 
J5z,  237,  351. 
Agama  sanguinolenta,  101. 
Agelceus  bonariensis,  384. 
Agriocharis  ocellata,  350. 
Aguarachay,  362. 
Agutis,  372. 
Ajaja,  402. 
Alactaga,  48,  87. 
Alozmon  desertorum,  61. 
Alagdaga,  87. 
Alauda  gulgula,  153. 
4fca,  257,  283. 

Alcedo  ispida  bengalensis,  155. 
Alces  machlis,  317. 
^4?/e  nigricans,  283. 
Alligators,  237,  351. 
Alophonerpes  pulverulentus,  218. 
Alouatta,  357,  358. 
Alpaca,  366. 
Amandavat,  185. 
Amazon  Parrots,  397. 
Amblyopsis  spelcea,  351. 
Amblystoma,  351,  413. 
Amia  calva,  351. 
Ammodytes,  293. 
Ammotnanes  phcenicura,  153. 
Ammoperdix,  69. 
Ampelis,  29,  347. 
Amphisbaina  cinerea,  81. 
Amphiuma  means,  351. 
Amphodus,  413. 
Anabas  scandens,  221. 
Anableps  tetrophthalmus,  415. 
Anaconda,  411. 
Anarrhichas,  291,  292. 
Anaslomus  oscitans,  199. 
Anchovy,  Common,  293. 

Ancistrodon  piscivorus,  351. 

Andigena,  393. 

Anemone,  Red  Sea,  312. 

Ani  Cuckoo,  396. 

Anoa,  214. 

Anodorhynchus  hyacinthinus.  397. 

Ant-Eaters,  151,  353,  378,  379. 

Antedon  rosaceus,  309. 

Antelopes — 

Four-Horned,  45,  110. 

Saiga.  87. 

Tibetan,  231.  _ 
Anthocincla  phayrei,  188. 
Anthropoides  virgo.  98. 
4n<Aus  cervinus.  26. 

richardi,  90. 

rupeslris,  26. 
Antilocapra  americana,  333. 
Antilope  cervicapra,  110. 
Antrozous  pallidas,  345. 
Ants,  Parasol,  418. 
Apar  Armadillo,  375. 
Ape,  Black,  210. 
Apes,  Man-like,  209. 
Aphrodite  aculeata,  307. 
Aplysia  depilans.  305. 
Aquila  clanga,  94. 

heliaca,  93. 

nipalensis,  93. 

vindhiana,  155. 
.4ra  ararauna,  397. 
Arachnothera  longirostris,  183. 
.4ramws,  403. 
Arapaima  gigas,  416. 
Archceopteryx,  401. 
Archibuteo,  15,  329. 
Architeuthis,  302. 
Arctictis  binturong,  169. 
Arctogalidia  leucotis,  168. 
Arctomys  bobas,  21. 

dichrous,  46. 

fiaviventer,  334. 

hodgsoni,  121. 

monax,  334. 

pruinosus,  334. 
Arctonyx,  173. 
Ardea  purpurea,  72. 

sumatrana,  198. 
Ardeola  ralloides,  74. 
^IrenicoZa  marina,  307. 
Argalis,  229. 
Argonauta,  302. 
Argusianus  argus,  197. 
Armadillos,  353,  373-376. 
Arremon  fasciata,  383. 
Artibeus  planirostris,  382. 

Aru  Tortoise,  Great,  408. 
^sio,  329,  400. 
Aspredo  batrachus,  414. 
Ass,  Asiatic  Wild,  45. 
.dstacus  gammarus,  301. 
Asterias  rubens,  308. 
^rfropeden  auranliacus,  308. 
Asturina,  397. 
Ateles  paniscus,  355. 
Atherura  macrura,  180. 
Atlas  Moth,  222. 
Atopohyrax,  346. 
Atractaspis,  412. 
Attacus  atlas,  222. 
.4  Ma^is  <7ayi,  423. 
.4/ta  hystrix,  418. 
Auk,  Crested,  285 

Great,  257. 

little,  283. 

Rhinoceros-Billed,  285. 
Aulacorhamphus,  393. 
Aurelia  aurita,  311. 
Avicularia  vestiaria,  419. 
Avocet,  249. 
Axolotl,  413. 
^2<eca,  419. 

Babblers,  181,  182. 
Babbling  Thrushes,  181. 
Babirusa  alfurus,  216. 
Badgers,  24,  53,  213,  343. 

Ferret,  173. 

Sand,  173. 
Balcena,  267,  271. 
Balcenoptera,  247. 
Balomys  granti,  216. 
Bandicoot-Rats,  47,  123. 
Bantin,  109,  175. 
Barasingha,  105,  175. 
Barbastelle,  European,  345. 
Barbets,  190. 
Barnacles,  301,  302. 
Bara-Owl,  400. 
Bass,  288,  289. 
Bassaricus  astutus,  363. 
Batagurs,  159,  202. 
Batrachostomus  hodgsoni,  188. 
Bats,  24. 

Californian  Cave,  345. 

Canadian,  328. 

Desert,  56. 

Fruit,  146. 

Short -Nosed,  148. 
Small    Long  -  Tongued, 

Hare-Lipped,  381. 



Bats — (continued). 

Hoary.  328. 

Indian  Fox,  147. 

Javelin,  382. 

Kuhl's,  55,  146. 

Large  Brown,  345. 

Long-Eared,  345. 

Long-Tailed,  56. 

Malay  Fox,  163. 

Mastiff,  381,  382. 

Naked,  164. 

North  American,  345. 

Painted,  146. 

Plantain,  146. 

Pouch-Winged,  381. 

Silver- Haired,  345. 
Canadian,  328. 

South  American,  381. 

Spotted,  345. 

Thin-Tailed,  381. 

Tomb,  146. 

Tri-coloured,  381. 

Vampire,  382. 

Wall,  146. 

White,  381. 

Wrinkled-Lipped,  146. 
Bay  a,  Eastern,  185. 
Baza  lophotes,  195. 
Bears,  226,  326. 

American  Black,  342. 

Barren  Ground,  327. 

Blue,  226. 

Brown,  140.  226,  326. 

Cinnamon,  342. 

Gribble  Island,  327.  343. 

Grisly,      Rocky     Mountain, 

Himalayan   Black,   53,  140, 
171,  226. 

Himalayan  Brown,  53. 

Kadiak  Island  Brown,  326. 

Kamchatkan  Brown,  23. 

Malay,  171,  226. 

Polar,  268. 

Sloth,  141. 

Smooth-Coated  Malay,  213. 

South  Alaskan  Brown,  326. 

Spectacled,  363. 

Syrian  Brown,  53. 

Tian  Shan,  226. 
Beavers,  21,  46,  322,  336. 
Becards,  390. 

Bee-Eaters,  63,  154,  155,  188. 
Bell -Birds,  388. 
Beluga,  272. 
Bharal,  229. 
Bhringa  remijer,  186. 
Bighorns,  319,  320. 
Binturong,  169. 
Bison,  86. 

American,  331. 
Bittern,  33. 

Little,  157. 

Sun,  403. 
Blackbird,  57. 
Blackbuck,  45,  1 10. 
Blackcap,  25,  57. 
Black-Cock,  33. 
Blackfish,  244. 
Blarina  brevicauda,  344,  360. 
Blarinomys,  369. 
Blastoceros,  365. 
Blennies,  291. 

Blind-Fish,  351. 
Blind-Snakes,  205. 
Bluebirds,  American,  347. 
Blue  Rollers,  30,  154. 
Blue-Throats,  24,  25. 
Boa  constrictor,  411. 
Boars,  Wdd,  45,  87,  116. 
Boas,  411,  412. 
Boboln.k,  34  7. 
Bob-White,  350. 
Bolborhynchus,  397. 
Bonasa  umbellus,  350. 
Bony  Pike,  352. 
Boreolepus  groenlandicus,  316. 
Bos  bison,  331. 

bubalis,  108,  213. 

depressicornis,  214. 

gaurus,  107,  174. 

grunniens,  226. 

indicus,  109. 

mindorensis,  213. 

sondaicus,  109,  175. 
Boselaphus  tragocamelus,  111. 
Bow-Fin,  351. 
Box-Tortoises,  351. 
Brachygalba,  394. 
Brachyrhamphus        marmoratus, 

Bradypterus  cetii,  58. 
Bradypus,  378. 
Brambling,  27. 

Branchiostoma  lanceolatum,  298. 
Branta,  272,  273. 
Breams,  Sea,  289. 
Brill,  291. 
Brittle  Stars,  308. 
Broadbills,  218. 
Brockets,  364,  365. 
Brosmius  brosme,  293. 
Brotogenys,  397. 
Bubble-Shells,  305. 
Bubo  bengalensis,  1 55. 

coromandus,  155. 

ignavus,  155. 

nigrescens,  400. 

turcomanus,  23,  237, 

virginianus,  349. 
Bubulcus  coromandus,  198. 
Bucapra,  231. 
Buccinum  undatum,  303. 
Bucco  ruficollis,  395. 
Buckie,  304. 
Budorcas,  229. 
American,  331. 

Asiatic,  108. 

Bornean,  213. 

Pigmy,  214. 

Wood,  331. 
Bulbuls,  56.  154.  184. 
Bulla  ampulla,  305. 
Bullfinch,  27,  62. 
Bull-Frog,  351. 
Bullheads,  289. 
Bungarus,  159,  204.  205. 
Buntings — 

Black-Headed,  61. 

Cirl,  61. 

Corn,  61. 

Crested,  154. 

Cretzschmar's.  61. 

Lapland,  15,  26.  328. 

Little,  26. 

Buntings — {continued). 

Meadow,  61. 

North  American,  347. 

Painted,  347. 

Pine,  26. 

Reed,  61. 

Rustic,  26 

Snow,  15,  26,  328. 

Sparrow,  347,  384. 

Streaked,  154. 

Yellow-breasted,  26. 
Bush-Dog,  362. 
Bushmaster,  411. 
Bustard-Quails,  199. 
Bustards,  33,  79,  99. 
Buteo  desertorum,  66. 
Butter-Fish,  291. 
Buzzards,  66,  155. 

Honey,  33,  155,  194. 

Rough-Legged,  15. 

St.  John's,  329. 

Turkey,  349. 

Caccabis,  69. 
Cachuga,  159,  202. 
Cacomistles,  363. 
Ccenolestes,  380. 
Caimans,  408,  409. 
Calamary,  Rondelet's,  302. 
Calandrella  brachydactyla,  60. 
Calidris  arenaria,  12. 
Calimito,  359. 
Calliope  camchatkensis,  24. 
Calliste  thoracica,  383. 
Calcenas  nicobarica,  218. 
Calopezus,  406. 
Calornis  calibeius,  186. 
Calospiza  thoracica,  383. 
Calotes  versicolor,  202. 
Calyptomena  viridis,  218. 
Camels.  234. 
Camponotus,  419. 
Campophaga,  154,  187. 
Campophilus  j>rincipalis,  348. 
Camplolcemus  labradorius,  274. 
Cancer  pagurus,  300. 
Canis  anthus,  50. 

aureus,  50,  139. 

azarce,  362. 

bengalensis,  53,  140. 

canus,  52. 

cinereo-argenteus,  341. 

corsac,  89. 

(Cyon)  alpinus,  22. 

famelicus,  53. 

jubatus,  361. 

lagopus,  5. 

latrans,  341. 

leucopus,  52. 

lupaster,  50. 

lupus,  138,  325. 

magellanicus,  422. 

pallipes,  50,  138. 

primoevus,  226. 

procyonoides,  225. 

sumatrensis,  139,  171. 

thous,  362. 

velox,  326. 

vulpes,  325,  326,  341. 
Capercaillic,  33. 
Capivara,  373. 
Capra  caucasica,  86. 

cylindricornis,  86. 



Capra — (continued). 

falconeri,  43. 

hircus,  42. 

nubiana,  42. 

sibirica,  229. 
Capreolus,  20.  232. 
Capricornis  argyroclicetes.  229. 

crispus,  229. 

sumatrensis,  115,  175. 
Caprolagus,  125. 
Capromys,  425. 
Capuchins,  354. 
Caracal,  49,  133. 
Caracara,  398. 
Carancho,  398. 
Carasissi,  362. 
Carcharias  glaucus,  296. 
Carcinus  mamas,  300. 
Cardinals,  347. 
Cariama  cristala,  404. 
Caribou.  317. 
Carp,  37. 

Crucian,  37. 

Chinese,  237. 

Golden,  237. 

Toothed,  415. 
Carpincho,  373. 
Carpodacus  erythrinus,  27. 
Carpomys,  216. 
Carponycteris  minimus,  1 64. 
Carpophaga  arnea,  198. 
Cassicus  cristatus,  384. 
Cassidix  ater,  3S4. 
Cassiques,  384. 
Castor  canadensis,  322. 
Cat,  Bornean  Bay,  212. 

Civet,  212. 

Desert,  50,  132. 

European  Wild,  48. 

Fishing,  50,  132. 

Flat-Headed,  168. 

Fontanier's,  225. 

Geoffrey's,  421. 

Golden,  168,  225. 

Jungle,  48,  133. 

Leopard,  132. 

Marbled,  167. 

Pallas's,  22,  88. 

Pampas,  421. 

Rusty-Spotted,  132. 

Waved,  132. 
Cat-Bird,  Common,  347. 
Cat-Fish,  292,  414. 

Armoured,  416. 

South  American,  414. 
Catharista  atrata,  399. 
Catharisies  urubu,  399. 
Cathartes,  349,  399. 
Catreus  wallichi,  156. 
Cattle,  Humped,  109,  175. 
Cave-Bat.  Californian,  345. 
Cavia  boliviensis,  373. 

cutleri,  373. 

porcellus,  373. 

rupestris,  373. 
Cavies,  372,  373. 
Cebus,  354. 
Cedar-Bird,  347. 
Celeus,  393. 

Centronolus  gunnellus,  291. 
Centropus,  192,  410. 
Cephalopterus  ornalus.  388. 
Ceratodus,  416. 

Ceralophrys  dorsala,  412. 
Ceratophyla,  413. 
Cerchneipicus,  393. 
Cercoleptes  caudivolvulus,  363. 
Cerivoula  picta,  146. 
Cerorhyncha  monoctrata,  285. 
Cervulus  bridgemani,  232. 

jea>,  177. 

lachrymans,  232. 

muntjac,  103. 

reevesi,  177,  232. 

sclateri,  238. 
Cervus  albirostris,  231. 

a//redf,  177,  215. 

cms,  102. 

canadensis,  20,  231,  318. 

cashmirianus,  231. 

duvauceli,  105. 

eWi,  175,  176. 

hippelaphus,  175,  214. 

hortulorum,  231. 

Icuhli,  215. 

macneilli,  231. 

mesopotamicus,  41. 

porcinus,  104. 

schomburgki,  177. 

sica,  232. 

taevanus,  232. 

unicolor,  103,  175,  214,  215, 

wallichi,  231. 

yarcandensis,  231. 
Cen/Ze,  189,  392. 
Cetorhinus  maximus,  296. 
Celupa  ceylonensis,  193. 
Ce?/x  tridactyla,  189. 
Chcetomys  subspinosus,  370. 
Chozlura  indica,  188. 

pelasgia,  348. 
Chaffinch,  27,  62. 
Chaja,  405. 

Chalcococcyx  maculatus.  191. 
Chalcophanes  lugubris,  384. 
Chalcophaps  indica,  198. 
Chama,  222. 

Chamceleon  calcaratus,  203. 
Chamaeleons,  203. 
Chamois,  86. 

Charybdea  marsupialis,  311. 
Chasmorhynchus,  388. 
Chat-Cervier,  325. 
Chatterers,  388,  389. 
Chauna,  405. 
Chelidoptera,  394. 
Chelydra,  351. 
Chelys  fimbriata,  408. 
CAen  hyperboreus,  7. 
Cherry-Finches,  384. 
Chevrotains.  115,  177. 
Chickari,  321. 
Chiggetai,  235. 
Chimachima,  393. 
Chimara,  295. 

Chimarrogale  himalayica,  165. 
Chinchilla,  371. 
Chipmunk,  21,  321. 
Chir,  156. 

Chiromeles  torquatus,  1 64. 
Chironectes  minima,  380. 
Chiropodomys  gliroides,  180. 
Chiru,  45.  231. 
Chital,  102. 
Chiton  discrepans,  305. 

Chlamydophorus,  376. 
Chloropsis  aurifrons,  184. 
Cholcepus,  378. 
Chordiles,  188,  348. 
Chotorhea  versicolor,  190. 
Chough,  Alpine,  62. 
Chough-Thrush,  Pander's,  92. 
Chousingha,  111. 
Chow,  51. 

Chrotogale  owstoni,  226. 
Chrotomys  whiteheadi,  2 1 6. 
Chrysocolaptes  sultaneus,  189. 
Chrysolophus,  237. 
Chrysomitris  cucullata,  328,  384. 

pinus,  328. 
Chrysonotus  javanensis,  189. 
Chrysolhrix  sciurea,  356. 
Chrysotis  ozstiva,  397. 
Chunga  burmeisteri,  404. 
Cicaba,  400. 
Cinclus  albicollis,  56. 
Cinyxis,  351. 
Circus  swainsoni,  66. 
Cissa,  154,  186. 
Cisticola  cursitans,  58. 
CHtocincla  macrura,  183. 
Civets — 

Banded,  212. 
Tonkin,  226. 

Burmese,  168. 

Ceylon,  137,  168,  169. 

Indian,  135. 

Malabar,  136. 

Palm,  Hardwicke's,  169. 
Himalayan,  168. 
Indian,  137. 
Jerdon's,  137. 
Malay,  168. 
Small -Toothed,  168. 

Web-Footed,  170. 
Clam,  306. 

Clemmys  caspica,  101. 
CloSphaga  magellanica,  423. 
CZwpea,  294. 
Coaita,  355. 
Coal -Fish,  293. 
Coatis,  363. 
Cobegos,  166,  212. 
Cobra,  159,  203,  204. 
Coccystes,  64,  155. 
Coccyzus,  348. 
Cocks-of-the-Rock,  3S9. 
Cod,  292. 
Ccecilians,  221. 
Cozlogtnys,  372. 
Coendou,  370. 
Cogta  breviceps,  266. 
Cogni,  413. 
Cotaptes,  348,  393. 
Colinus  virginianus,  350. 
Collocalia,  188,  218. 
Colocollo,  361. 
Colpeo,  422. 
Columba  livia,  70. 
Colymbus,  281. 
Comatulids.  309. 
Comber,  289. 
Comb-Star,  Orange,  308. 
Condors,  349,  399. 
Condylura  cristata,  345. 
Conepatus  mapurito,  363. 
Conger  Eel.  294. 
Conomedusce,  311. 



Conures,  397. 
Conuropsis,  348.  349,  397. 
Conurus,  397. 
Coot,  33,  158. 
Copsychus  saularis,  183. 
Coracias  indica,  154. 
Corallus,  411.  412. 
Corals,  311,  312. 
Coral-Snakes.  411.  412. 
Cormorants,  36,  256,  267. 

Flightless,  428. 

Galapagos,  428. 

Indian,  159. 

Pigmv,  80. 

Small",  159. 
Corsac,  89. 
Corvus  dauricus,  29. 

insolent,  186. 

macrorhynchus,  154. 

orientalis,  29. 

pastinator,  29. 

sharpei,  29. 

splendens,  154. 

umbrinus,  154. 
Coscoroba  Candida,  423. 
Cosmonetta  histrionica,  7. 
Cotile  rupestris,  62. 

sinensis,  154. 
Cotinga,  389. 
Cotton-Tail,  338. 
Cotton-Teal,  200. 
Coitus  quadricornis,  289. 

scorpius,  290. 
Coturnix  coromandelica,  156. 
Cotylorhiza  tuberculata,  311. 
Courlans,  403. 
Courser — 

Cream-coloured,  77. 

Indian,  158. 
Cow-Birds,  347,  384. 
Co  vote,  341. 
Coypu,  370,  425. 
Crabs — 

Edible,  300. 

Hermit,  300. 

Prideaux's,  300. 

Shore,  300. 

Thornback,  300. 

Woolly,  300. 
Craits,  204,  205. 
Cranes — 

Demoiselle,  98. 

European,  33. 

Manchurian,  237. 

Sarus,  158. 

Whooping,  350. 
Crateromys  schatenbergi,  216. 
Crax  globigera,  400. 
Crayfish,  300. 
Creepers,  25,  347. 
Cricetus  {Cricetulus)  phceus,  47, 88. 
Crocidura,  145. 
Crocodiles,    159,   206,    207,   408, 

Crocodilus  americanus,  408. 

palpelrosus,  409. 

palustris,  159.  207. 

porosus,  159,  207. 

sclerops,  408. 
Crocomorphus,  393. 
Crossbills — 

Larch,  27. 

Pine,  27. 

Crossbills — {continued). 

Two-Barred,  27. 

White-Winged,  27,  328. 
Crotalus,  351,  411. 
Crotophaga,  396. 
Crow-Tits,  183. 
Crows — 

Burmese,  186. 

Carrion,  154. 

Siberian,  29. 

Clarke's,  328. 

Hooded,  62. 

Siberian,  29. 

House,  154. 

Jungle,  154. 
Crypturus,  405,  406. 
Clenomys,  370. 
Cuckoos — 

Ani,  396. 

Bush,  192. 

Crested,  155. 

Double-Tailed,  396. 

Glossy,  191. 

Great  Spotted,  64. 

Guira,  396. 

Hedge,  192. 

Lark,  396. 

Rain,  348. 

Savana,  396. 

Spur,  191. 
Cuckoo-Shrikes,  154,  187. 
Cucujas,  416. 
Culicivora,  386. 
Curassows,  400. 
Curlew,  33,  78. 
Cursorius,  77,  158. 
Cuscus,  Black,  217. 
Cuttles,  302,  303. 
Cyanea,  311. 
Cyanecula  suecica,  24. 
Cyanocitta  macrolopha,  347. 
Cyanocorax  chrysops,  384. 
Cyanolyseus,  397. 
Cyanopica  cyanea,  237. 
Cyanopsittacus,  397. 
Cyanospiza,  347. 
Gyclemis,  202. 
Cyclopterus  lumpus,  291. 
Cyclorhis  guianensis,  384. 
Cycloturus  didactylus,  379. 
Ci/gnopsi?  cygnoides,  237. 
Cygnus  beirichi,  7. 

buccinator,  329. 

musicus,  6. 

nigricollis,  423. 
Cyncelurus  jubalus,  133. 
Cynogale  bennetti,  170. 
Cynomys,  336. 
Cynopithecus  niger,  210. 
Cynopterus  sphinx,  148. 
Cyphocrania  gigas,  223. 
Cyphorhinus,  383. 
Cypselus  cinereiventris,  154. 

melanocephalus,  154. 

phoeocephalus,  154. 
Cystophora  cristata,  269. 

Dacnis  cayana,  383. 
Dactylomys,  370. 
Damonia,  150. 
Daphnis  nerii,  82. 
Darters,  201. 
Dasyprocta  aguti,  372. 

Dasypus,  375. 
Daulias,  56. 
Deer,  214,  231. 

American,  331. 

Bavian,  215. 

Black-Tailed,  333. 

Brocket,  364. 

Costa  Rica,  364. 

Fallow,  41. 

Guemal,  365. 

Hog,  104. 

Marsh,  365. 

Michie's,  233. 

Mouse,  115,  177. 

Mule,  331. 

Musk,  20,  233,  234. 

Pampas,  365,  421. 

Pere  David's,  232. 

Prince  Alfred's,  177. 

Pudu,  365. 

Red,  41. 

Schomburgk's,  177. 

South  American,  364. 

Spotted,  102,  215. 

Swamp,  105. 

Tufted,  232. 

Virginian,  332. 

Water,  232. 

White  -  Muzzled,    Thorol  d '  a, 

White-Tail,  331. 

White-Tailed,  364. 

Yarkand,  231. 
Deer-Mouse,  Common,  336. 
Degu,  370. 

Delphinapterus  leucas,  272. 
Delphinus  delphis,  243. 
Dendrobates,  393,  413. 
Dendrocitta,  154,  186. 
Dendrocolaptes,  385. 
Dendrocycna  javanica,  159. 
Dendronotus  arborescens,  305. 
Dentex  vulgaris,  289. 
Deroptyus,  397. 
Desmodus  rufus,  382. 
Devil -Fish,  297. 
Dicerobatis,  297. 
Dicer os  bicornis,  189. 
Diclidurus  albus,  381. 
Dicceum,  183. 
Dicotyles,  367,  368. 
Dicrostonyx,  6,  22.  317.  339. 
Didelphys  calijornica,  346. 

crassicaudata,  380. 

lanigera,  380. 

marsupialis,  346. 

murina,  380. 

nudicaudata,  380. 

opossum,  380. 

philander,  380. 

sorex,  380. 
Dinomys  branicki,  372. 
Diphylla  ecaudata.  382. 
Diplogale  hosei,  213. 
Diplopterus  ncevius,  396. 
Dipodomys,  326. 

phillipsi,  338. 
Dippers,  24,  56. 
Dipus  jaculus,  48. 
Dissura.  198,  402. 
Divers,  280,  281. 
Dogs — 

Bush,  362. 



Dogs — {continued). 

Domesticated,  57. 

Eskimo,  51. 

Hunting,  African,  22. 

Prairie,  335. 

Raccoon,  225. 

Tibet,  51. 

Wild,  226. 

Indian,  139. 
Malay,  171,  213. 
Siberian.  22. 
Dolichonyx  oryzivorus,  347. 
Dolichotis,  422. 
Dolphins,  243,  244,  266. 

Fresh-water,  381. 

Gangetic,  153. 

Inia,  381. 

Irawadi,  179. 

River,  381. 

South  American,  381. 

Tucuxi,  381. 
Dories,  290. 
Dormouse,  46. 

Persian,  46. 

Tree,  21,  46. 
Dotterels,  35,  100. 
Douroucolis,  355,  356. 
Doves — 

Bronze- Winged,  198. 

Golden  Green,  198. 

Ground,  218. 

Malay,  198. 

Ring,  33. 

Rock,  70. 

Turtle,  33,  72. 
Collared,  72. 
Dracaena,  410. 
Draco  volans,  202,  219. 
Dried-leaf  Insect,  223. 
Dromia  vulgaris,  300. 
Dromococcyx,  396. 
Drongos,  186. 
Dryophis  mycierizans,  204. 
Ducks,  159. 

Bramini,  100. 

Comb,  Indian,  159. 

Eider,  274,  275,  276. 

Golden-Eye,  35. 

Harlequin,  7,  35. 

Labrador,  274. 

Long-Tailed,  8,  35. 

Mandarin,  237. 

Musk,  405. 

North  American,  350. 

Sickle-Winged,  35. 

South  American,  405. 

Summer,  237,  351. 

Tree,  Indian,  159. 

Tufted,  35. 

Turkish,  405. 

White-Eyed,  80. 

White-Headed,  101. 

Wild,  35.  80. 
Dunlin,  34,  35. 
Dymecodon,  236. 
Dynastes  hercules,  416. 

Eagle,  Bonelli's,  155. 
Canadian,  349. 
Crested,  195. 
Golden,  32,  65,  349. 
Harpy,  397. 
Hawk,  Bonelli's,  65. 

Eagle — (continued). 

Hawk,  Booted,  65. 

Imperial,  93. 

Monkey-Eating,  195. 

Pigmy,  155. 

Sea,  66. 

Banded,  155. 
Steller's,  32. 
White-Headed,  349. 
White-Tailed,  32. 

Serpent,  66,  195. 
Indian,  155. 

Spotted,  94,  155. 

Steppe,  93. 

Tawny,  155. 
Eagle-Owls,  237,  349,  400. 
Ear-Shells,  304. 
Echinomys,  370. 
Echinoihrix  calamaris,  310. 
Echinus  esculentus,  310. 
Echis  carinata,  159. 
Ectopistes  migratorius,  350. 
Eels,  294. 

Conger,  294. 

Electric,  416. 

Sand,  293. 
Eel-Salamander,  Floridan,  351. 
Egrets,  73,  157,  198. 
Elanoides  furcatus,  349. 
Elanus  cceruleus,  66. 
Elaphodus,  232. 
Elaphurus  davidianus,  232. 
Flaps  corallinus,  41 1. 
Elephant,  Indian,  117. 
Elephas  maximus,  117. 
Eligmodon,  369. 
Elk,  317. 
Elvers.  295. 
Emberiza  aureola,  26,  61,  154. 

ccesia,  61. 

leucocephala,  26. 

melanocephala,  61. 

pusilla,  26. 

rustica,  26. 

striolata,  154. 
Engraulis  encrasicholus,  293. 
Ensis  siliqua,  306. 
Epicrates,  412. 
Equus,  45,  46,  117,  235. 
Erethizon  dorsatus,  324. 
Erinaceus  auritus,  54,  89. 

collaris,  55. 

jerdoni,  55. 

macranlhus,  54. 

megalotis,  55. 

micropus,  145. 

pictus,  55. 
Eriodes  arachnoides,  355. 
Erismatura  leucocephala,  101. 
Ermine,  23,  53,  317. 
Eryx  jaculus,  82. 
Euchoretes  naso,  235. 
Euderma  maculata,  345. 
Eudynamis  honorata,  191. 
Eulabes  javanensis,  186. 
Eunectes,  411,  412. 
Eunetta  falcata,  35. 
Eupagurus  prideauxi,  300. 
Euphonia  violacea,  383. 
Euptilotis,  394. 
Eurylmmus  sumatranus,  218. 
Eurypelma,  419. 
Eurypyga,  403. 

Euryslomus  orientalis,  188. 
Euthria  cornea,  303. 
Evotomys,  339. 
Eyra,  361. 

Falco  candicans,  15. 

cenchreis,  64. 

columbarius,  349. 

feldeggii,  64. 

gyrfalco,  15. 

islandicus,  15. 

sparverius,  349. 

vespertinus,  92. 
Falconets,  193,  194. 
Falcon-Kites,  194,  195. 
Falcons,  14,  15,  92.  155,  329. 
Father  Lasher,  290. 
Feather-Stars,  309. 
Felis  badia,  212. 

bengalensis,  132. 

caracal,  49,  133. 

chaus,  48,  133. 

colocollo,  361. 

concolor,  338. 

eyra,  361. 

geoffroyi,  421. 

jaguarondi,  361. 

leo,  49,  129. 

lynx,  325. 

manul,  22,  88. 

marmorata,  167. 

nebulosa,  167. 

onca,  360. 

ornata,  50,  132. 

pajeros,  421. 

pardalis,  361. 

pardus,  50,  129,  130,  225. 

planiceps,  168. 

rubiginosa,  132. 

rufa,  325,  338. 

scripta,  225. 

temmincki,  168,  225. 

tigrina,  361. 

tigris,  22,  126,  225. 

torquata,  132. 

tristis,  225. 

uncia,  225. 

viverrina,  50,  132. 
Fennec,  Riippell's,  53. 
Ferret-Badgers,  173. 
Fiber  zibethicus,  323. 
Fieldfares,  24. 
File-Shells,  306. 
Finches,  184. 

Cherry,  28. 

Citril,  62. 

Monk,  384. 

Morning.  384. 

Saffron,"  384. 

Satin,  Bluish  Black,  384 

Shore,  328. 
Finch-Larks,  153. 
Fireflies,  West  Indian,  426. 
Fire-Horn,  304. 
Flamingo,  157,  402. 
Flicker,  348. 
Florican,  Indian,  158. 
Flounder,  291. 
Flower-Peckers,  183. 
Flycatchers — 

Crested,  385. 

North  American,  347. 

Paradise,  187. 

43  = 


Flycatchers — (continued). 

Red-Breasted,  29. 

Spotted,  29. 

Tyrant,  3S6. 

White-Eyed,  347. 
Flying-Frogs,  219. 
Flying  Gurnards,  290. 
Flying-Lemurs,  166. 
Flying-Squirrels,  322. 
Formica  fusca,  418. 
Fowls,  156,  196. 
Fox,  22. 

Arctic,  5,  317. 

Azara's,  361. 

Bengal,  52. 

Black,  326. 

Crab-Eating,  362. 

Cross,  341. " 

Desert,  52. 

European,  52. 

Grey,  341. 

Hoary,  52. 

Indian,  140. 

Kadiak  Island,  325. 

Kit,  326. 

North  American,  325. 

Red,  326,  341. 

Silver,  326. 

Virginian,  341. 
Fox  -  Squirrel,     United     States, 

Francolins,  69,  156. 
Francolinus  chinensis,  69,  156. 

gularis,  156. 

pictus,  156. 

pondicerianus,  156. 

vulgaris,  69,  156. 
Fratercula  arctica,  283. 
Fringilla,  27,  28. 
Frog-Mouths,  18S. 
Frogs — 

Bull,  351. 

Darwin's,  412. 

Edible,  36. 

Flying,  219. 

Borneo,  219. 
Javan,  219. 

Moor,  36. 

Pigmy,  412. 

Pouched,  413. 

South  American,  412. 

Tiger,  219. 

Tree,  37,  413. 
Fruit-Pigeons,  198. 
Fulgora  lanternaria,  416. 
Fuligula  marila,  8. 
Fulmarus  glacialis,  280. 
Funambulus,  46.  120,  121. 
Furnarius,  386. 
Furze-Chat,  153. 
Fusus  anliquus,  304. 

Gadus,  292,  293. 
Gadwall,  35. 
GalbalcyrhyncMis,  394. 
Galbula  ruficauda,  394. 
Galeodes,  83. 
Galeopithecus.  166,  212. 
Galeus  vulgaris,  296. 
Galictis,  364. 

Gallinula  phcenicura,  158. 
Gallinules,  79,  157. 
(.'nil  us,  156,  196. 

Gam.psonyx  swainsoni,  397. 

Gannet,  256. 

Gaper,  Common  European,  306. 

Garialis,  159.  206. 

Garrulax,  181,  186. 

Garrulus,  62,  154. 

Garrulus  bispecularis,  62.  154. 

krynicki,  62. 

lanceolatus,  154. 

leucotis,  186. 

syriacus,  62. 
Gastcrosteus  spinachia,  292. 
Gastropods,  303,  305. 
Gaur,  107,  174. 
Gayal,  108,  174. 
Gazella  arabica,  45,  110. 

bennetli,  45,  109. 

dorcas,  45. 

fuscifrons,  45,  109. 

gutturosa,  231. 

marica,  45. 

muscatensis,  45,  110. 

picticaudata,  231. 

przeivalskii,  231. 

seistanica,  45. 

subgutturosa,  45. 

yarcandensis,  231. 
Gazelle,  Baluchi,  45. 

Dorcas,  45. 

Goitred,  45,  231. 

Indian,  45,  109. 

Mongolian,  231. 

Persian,  45. 

Przewalski's,  231. 

Saikik,  231. 

Tibetan,  231. 
Geckos.  202.  203. 
Geese,  7,  45,  159,  272.  350. 

Bernicle,  273. 

Grey  Lag,  80. 

Magellanic,  423. 

Snow,  7. 

Swan,  237. 

Upland,  423. 
Gehyra  mutilata,  203. 
Gelochelidon,  253. 
Genet,  European,  54. 
Geocichla,  181. 
Geococcyx,  396. 
GeoSmyda,  202. 
Geomys  bursarius,  324,  337. 
Geopelia  striata,  198. 
Geotrygon,  218. 
Gerbillus,  47,  88,  124. 
Gerbil  Rat,  Indian,  124. 
Gerfalcons,  14,  15,  32. 
Gharials,  159.  206,  218. 
Ghor-khar,  46. 
Giant  Storks,  199,  402. 
Gibbons,  162,  163,  20U. 
Gila  Monster.  409. 
Gisella,  400. 
Glareola,  158,  159. 

pratincola,  76. 
Glauc'dium,  400. 
Glis  picta,  46. 
.Globe-Shell.  305. 
Globiocephalus,  244,  2(i(i. 
Glossophaga  soricina,  3S2. 
Glutton,  23,  317. 
Gnathoslttaca,  3!)7. 
Goa,  231. 
Goats,  229. 

Goats — {continued). 

Angora,  42. 

Caucasian,  42. 

Domesticated.  42. 

Egyptian,  42. 

Mamber,  43. 

Rocky  Mountain,  320. 

Sudan,  42. 

Syrian,  43. 

Tibetan  Shawl,  42. 

White,  320. 

Wild,  41. 
Godwit,  Bar-Tailed,  9. 
Goldcrest,  25.  58. 
Golden-Eye,  35. 
Goldfinch,  27,  62. 
Golunda  ellioti,  47,  124. 
Goosander,  36. 
Gophers,  321,  324,  335,  337. 
Goral,  114,  175,  229. 
Gorgonocephalus  arborescens,  308. 
Goshawk,  66. 
Crackles,  186. 
Grampus,  245. 
Grampus  griseus,  244. 
Grebes — 

Black-Necked,  36. 

Crested,  36,  81. 

Eared,  36,  81. 

Little,  81. 

Red-Necked,  36. 
Greenfinch,  27,  62. 
Greenlets,  American,  347,  384. 
Greenshanks,  34,  100. 
Griffon  Vultures,  156. 
Grisons,  364. 
Grosbeaks,  27,  328. 
Ground -Doves,  218. 
Ground-Thrushes,  181. 
Grouse,  Ruffed,  350. 

Sand,  79,  80,  97,  157. 

Sharp-Tailed.  329,  350. 

Willow,  33,  329. 
Grus  americani,  350. 

ant.igone,  158. 

viridirostris,  237. 
Guacharo,  391. 
Guanacos,  366,  421. 
Guans,  400. 
Guazuti,  365. 
Guemals,  365,  421. 
Guillemots,  281,  282,  283. 
Guira,  396. 

Gulls,  36,81,101,254,276,277,278. 
Gulo  luscus,  23. 
Gurami,  221. 
Gurnards,  289,  290. 
Gymnotus  electricus,  416. 
Gymnura,  165,  212,  236. 
Gyopsittacus,  397. 
Gyps  bengalensis,  156. 

fulmis,  67. 

indicus,  156. 

tenuirostris,  156. 

Haddock,  292. 
Hcematopus  oslralegus,  251. 
Hag-Fishes,  297. 
Haimora,  415. 
Hakes,  293. 
Halcyon  fuscus,  189. 
Haliaetus  hucocephalus,  349. 
leutoryphus,  155. 



Haliastur  indus,  194. 
Halibut,  201. 
llalichcerus  grypus,  243. 
Jhiliotis,  304. 

Hammerer,  Costa  Rican,  388. 
Hanmier-Head,  296. 
Hamsters,  21,  47,  88. 
Hangman-Birds,  389. 
Hangnests,  347. 
Hanguls,  231. 
Hanuman,  148, 
Hapale,  359. 
Haplodon  rufus,  336. 
Hardella,  159.  _ 
Harelda  glacialis,  8. 
Hares — ■ 

Afghan,  47. 

Black-Eared,  338. 

Black-Naped,  125. 

Brazilian,  373. 

Buff-Bellied,  338. 

Greenland,  316. 

Long- Legged,  338. 

Polar,  316. 

Red-Tailed,  125. 

Sind,  47. 

South  American,  373. 

Spiny,  125. 

Varying,  338. 
Harpy,  397. 
Harriers,  33,  66. 
Hawfinch,  28. 
Hawks — 

Carancho,  398. 

Chanting,  397. 

Gos,  33. 

Pigeon,  349. 

Sparrow,  33,  66. 
American,  349. 
Besra,  155. 
Hazel-Hens,  33. 
Hedgehogs — 

Afghan,  55. 

Collared,  55. 

Indian,  145. 

Jerdon's,  55. 

Large-Fared,  54. 

Long-Eared,  89. 

Long-Spin  ed,  54. 

Stoliczka's,  55. 
Eelictis,  173. 
Heloderma,  409. 
Hemieuryale  pustulata,  309. 
Hemigale  hardwickei,  169,  226. 
Hemiphrartus,  413. 
Hemitragus,  112,  114. 
Henicognaihus,  397,  423. 
Hercules  Beetle,  416. 
Hermione  hystrix,  307. 
Hermit-Crab,  30U. 
Herodias,  73. 
Herons,  33. 

Nieht,  74,  157. 

Purple,  72,  157. 

Squacco,  74. 

Sumatran,  198. 

White,  73,  157. 
Herpestes  auropunctatut,  53. 

fulvescens,  138. 
fuscus,  138. 
ichneumon,  53. 

mungo,  54,  138. 

tmithi,  138. 

VOL.  II. — 28 

Herpestes — (continued). 

una,  170. 

viticollis,  138. 
Herpetodryas  fus  :« 9,  411. 
Herrings,  293,  294. 
Heteromys,  326. 
Hill-Tits,  181. 
llimantopus  Candidas,  78. 
Hippoglossus  vulgaris,  291. 
Hirundo,  30,  62. 
Hoatzin,  401. 
Hobby,  32. 
Hog,  Pigmy,  116. 
Holochilus,  369. 
Honey-Buzzards,  35,  155,  194. 
Hoopoe,  30,  63,  154. 
Hombill,  Great  Pied.  189. 
Horses,  235. 
Hubara  macqueeni,  99. 
Hulok  Gibbon,  162. 
Humming-Birds,  348,  390,  391. 
Hutias,  425. 
Hycena,  54,  138. 
Hydraspis,  408. 
Hydrelaphus  inermis,  232. 
Hydrochelidon  hybrida,  81. 
Hydrochcerus  capivara,  373. 
Hydromedusa,  310,  408. 
Hydro phasianus  chirurgus,  200. 
Hydropotes  inermis,  232. 
Hydroprogne  caspia,  254. 
Hylactes  megapodius,  423. 
Hylobates  agilis,  162,  163,  209. 
Hylodes,  413,  425. 
Hylomys,  165,  236. 
Hyonetla  moschata,  405. 
Hyperoodon  rostratus,  246. 
Hypolais,  57. 
Hyrax,  Syrian,  46. 
Hystrix  bengalensis,  126. 

hodgsoni,  125. 

leucura,  48. 

longicauda,  180. 

yunnanensis,  180. 

Ibex,  41,  229. 
Ibis,  75,  157,  402. 
Ichneumon.  53. 
Ichthyomys,  369. 
Ichthyophis  glutinosus,  221. 
Icterus  galbula,  347,  384. 
Idotea  tricuspidata,  301. 
Iguanas,  411. 
Ilysia  sci/tale,  411. 
Indigo-Bird,  347. 
Inia,  381. 
Inquisitor,  390. 
Ivory-Bill,  348. 

Jabiru,  402. 
Jacamaraln/on,  394. 
Jacamars,  393.  394. 
Jacamerops.  394. 
Jacana,  Indian,  199. 
Jacare,  Black,  408. 
Jackals — 

Egyptian,  50. 

Indian,  139. 

North-West  African,  50. 
Jackdaw,  29,  62,  154. 
Jack-Rabbits,  338. 
Jacobin,  72. 
Jaguar,  360. 

Jaguarondi,  361. 
Jararaca,  411. 
Javs — 

Black-Headed,  62. 

Black-Throated,  154. 

Burmese,  186. 

Crested,  347. 

Himalayan,  154. 

Lancoolated,  154. 

Siberian,  28. 

Syrian,  62. 

Urraca,  384. 
Jolly-Fish,  311. 
Jerboas — 

Afghan,  48. 

Egyptian,  48. 

Five-Toed,  87. 

Long-Eared,  235. 
John  Dorv,  290. 
Jumping-Mouse,  22,  236,  323. 
Jungle-Fowl,  156,  196. 

Kakar,  106. 

Kalong,  163. 

Kangaroo-Rats,  324,  337,  338. 

Karabau,  213. 

Kehel  vulha,  146. 

Kestrels,  32,  64,  155. 

Kiang,  23.~>. 

Killers,  245,  266. 

Kingfishers,  30,  63,  155. 

American,  348. 

Glossy,  392. 

Peruvian,  392. 

Pied,  189. 

Oriental,  189. 

Three-Toed,  189. 

Wood,  189. 

Brown  Oriental,  189. 
Kinkajou,  363. 
Kites,  155. 

Black,  33,  66. 

Black-Winged,  66. 

Bramini,  194. 

Falcon,  195. 

Hook-Beaked,  397. 

Pigmv,  397. 

Red,  33. 

Swallow-Tailed,  349. 
Kittas,  186. 
Kittiwake,  278. 
Knot,  11,  34. 
Koels,  191. 
Krait,  159. 
Kraken,  302. 

Labrax  lupus,  288. 

Lachesis.  159,  411. 

Lagenorhynchus,  244. 

Lagidium  cuvieri,  371. 

Lagomys  rufescens,  48. 

Lagostomus  trichodactylus,  371. 

Lagothrix  humboldti,  355. 

Lama,  366,  367. 

Lampern,  37. 

Lampreys,  297. 

Lancelets,  298. 

Landrail,  33. 

Langurs,  148,  149,  160,  161. 

Lanius  borealis,  347. 

Lanner,  64. 

Lantern-Bearer,  Surinam,  416. 

Lapwing,  35. 



Lark-Cuckoo,  396. 
Larks — 

Black,  90. 

Calandra,  60. 

Crested,  61,  153. 

Desert,  61. 

Finch,  153. 

Horned,  25,  323. 

Shore,  26. 

Short-Toed,  60. 

Sky,  89,  153. 

Steppe,  89. 

Wood,  61. 
Larus,  81,  101,  251,  276,  277. 
Lasionycteris,  328,  345. 
Lasiurus  borealis,  345. 
Latax  lutris,  259. 
Leaf-Birds,  184. 
Leaf-Insects,  223. 
Leguan,  410. 

Lemmings,  6,  22,  236,  317,  339. 
Lemurs,  163,  166,  211,  212. 
Leopard-Cat,  132. 
Leopards,  129,  212. 

Clouded,  167. 

Hunting,  50,  133. 

Manchurian,  130,  225. 

Persian,  130. 

Snow,  22,  225. 
Lepas  anatifera,  302. 
Lepidosiren  paradoxa,  416. 
Lepidosteus  osseus,  352. 
Leptodactylus,  413. 
Leptoptilus,  199. 
Leptosittaca,  397. 
Lepus  alleni,  338. 

americanus,  338. 

fircticus,  316. 

brasiliensis,  373. 

californicus.  338. 

campestris.  338. 

dayanus,  47. 

melanolis,  338. 

nigricollis,  125. 

ruficaudatus,  125. 

sylvaticus,  338. 

lexianus,  338. 

tibeta?ms,  47. 
Leucolepiu,  383. 
Leuconerpes  candidus,  393. 
Leucosticte  littoralis,  328. 
Lima  Mans,  306. 
Limosa  lapponica,  9. 
Limpets.  304. 
Ling,  293. 

Linnets,  Canadian,  328. 
Linota  linaria,  27. 
Linsanga,  168. 
Lions,  49,  129. 
Liothrix  lulea,  181. 
Lizards — 

Agamoid,  202. 

Eared,  101. 

Flying,  202,  219. 

Gila  Mo  ster,  409. 

Mexican,  409. 

Sand,  36. 

South  American,  409. 

Teju,  410. 

Thorny-Tailed,  81. 

Variable,  202. 
Llama,  300. 
Loach,  Spiny,  37. 

Lobsters,  299,  301. 
Locust,  Migratory,  83. 
Loligo  vulgaris,  302. 
Loncheres,  370. 
Lophophorus  impeyanus,  157. 
Lophortyx  californicus,  350. 
Lophoslrix,  400. 
Lophurarufa,  196. 
Loriculus  galgulvs,  193. 
Loris,  151,  163,  211. 
Loup-Cervier,  325. 
Loxia,  27,  328. 

Lucernaria  quadricornis,  311. 
Lug-Worm,  307. 
Lula,  222. 

Lump-Suckers,  291. 
Lung-Fish,  416. 
Lusciniola  melanopogon,  58. 
Lufra  aureobrunnea,  145. 

barang,  53. 

brasiliensis,  363. 

canadensis,  326. 

civerea,  174. 

ellioti,  53,  145,  173. 

felina,  363. 

leptonyx,  145. 

sumatrana,  174. 
Lycodon  fascial  us,  205. 
Lyncodon  patagonicus,  364. 
Lynxes,  22,  325,  338. 
Lysiurus  unicinctus,  375. 

Macacus  arctoides,  225. 

assamensis,  150. 

cynomolgus,  161. 

fuscatus,  225. 

maurus,  210. 

nemestrinus,  162. 

pileatus,  151. 

rhesus,  149. 

silenus,  150. 

sinicus,  150. 
Macaques — 

Crab-Eating,  101. 

Japan,  225. 

Pig-Tailed,  162. 

Sze-chuan,  225. 
Macaws,  390,  397. 
Macroclemmys,  351. 
Macrodon  trahira,  415. 
Macroglossus  minimus,  164. 
Macrorhinus  leoninus,  260. 
Magpie-Robin,  183. 
Magpies,  62. 

Blue-Winged,  237. 

Californian,  347. 

Ceylonese,  154. 

Green,  154. 

Indian,  154. 
Maguari,  402. 
Maia  squinado,  300. 
Malay  Swift,  217. 
Mango-Bird,  154. 
Manis,  181. 
Mansarowar,  231. 
Mantis-Shrimps,  301. 
Marakina,  359. 
Maras,  422. 
Margay,  361. 
Markhors,  42,  43. 
Marmosets,  358,  359. 
Marmots — 

African,  46. 

Marmots — (continued). 

American,  334. 

Bobac,  21. 

Hoary,  334. 

Hodgson's,  121. 

Prairie,  335. 

Yellow-Breasted,  334. 
Marsh-Deer,  365. 
Marsh-Shrew,  344. 
Martens — 

American,  326. 

Beech,  23,  53. 

Pine,  23,  326. 

Yellow-Breasted,  144. 

Yellow-Throated,  53. 
Martinetta,  406. 
Martins,   29,   62,   154,  347,  348, 

Mastiff-Bat,  381,  382. 
Matamata,  408. 
Mazama,  331,  333,  364,  365. 
Megaderma  lyra,  146. 
Megalobatrachus  maximus,  237. 
Megaptera  boops,  248. 
Melanocorypha,  60,  89,  90. 
Meleagris,  350. 
Meles,  53. 

Melittophagus  swinhoei,  188. 
Mellivora  indica,  145. 
Melophus  melanicterus,  154. 
Melursus  ursinus,  141. 
Mephitis,  343. 
Mergus  albellus,  36. 
Merlin,  Little,  32. 
Merluccius  vulgaris,  293. 
Merops,  63,  155. 
Mesoplodon  bidens,  246. 
Metacrinus  moseleyi,  309. 
Metad,  123. 

Metoporeros  cornutus,  411. 
Mias,  209. 

Micro-hierax  ccerulescens,  194. 
Micropallas,  400. 
Microsittaca,  397. 
Microsorex,  346. 
Microsticus  fulvus,  218. 
Microtus,  339. 

melanogaster,  180. 

ceconomicus,  22. 

pennsylvanicus,  323. 

raUiceps,  22. 
Midas  rosatia,  359. 
Milvago,  398. 
Milvulus  tyrannus,  386. 
Mimus  caroliiiensis,  347. 
Miniopterus  schreibersi,  56. 
Mink,  Siberian,  23. 
Mithan,  174. 
Mocking-Birds,  347,  383. 
Mole-Rat,  48,  236. 
Moles,  24,  236. 

American,  345. 

Hairy-Tailed,  345. 

Indian,  145. 

North  American,  345. 

Quetta,  47. 

Short-Tailed,  164. 

Star-Nosed,  345. 
Mole-Vole.  230. 
.Molluscs,  302,  305. 
Molossu-s  rufus,  382. 
Molra  vulgaris,  293. 
Monachus,  343. 



Monal,  Himalayan,  157. 
Mongooses — 

Crab-Eating.  170. 

Egyptian,  53. 

Indian,  54,  138. 

Small,  53,  54,  170. 

Nilgiri,  138. 

Ruddy,  138. 

Sinhalese,  138. 

Stripe-Necked,  138. 
Monitor,  Banded,  202. 
Monkeys,  225. 

Capuchin,  354. 

Douroucolis,  355. 

Golden,  231. 

Howler,  357,  358. 

Langur,  160,  161,  210. 

Macaque,  149,  150,  151, 161, 

Moor-Macaque,  210. 

Pig-Tailed,  162. 

Proboscis,  210. 

Saki,  356. 

Snub-Nosed,  225,  229,  230. 

South  American,  354. 

Spider,  355. 

Squirrel,  356. 

Titi,  356. 

Uakari,  356. 

Woolly,  355. 
Monodon  monoceros,  272. 
Monticola  cyanus,  56. 
Moorhen,  Indian,  158. 
Moose,  317. 
Morenia,  159. 
Mormops  blainvillei,  382. 
Morpho,  417. 
Moschus,  20,  233,  234. 
Moiacilla  borealis,  26. 

maderaspatensis,  153. 
Moths,  82,  222,  417. 
Motmots,  392. 
Mourning-Bird,  384. 
Mouse,  Dancing,  Japanese,  236. 

Deer,  336. 

Field,  22,  46,  122. 

Harvest,  22. 

House,  22,  46.  122. 

Jumping,  22,  236,  323. 

Palm,  180. 

Spiny,  47,  123,  125. 

Wagner's,  236. 
Mulita  Armadillo,  376. 
Munias,  184,  185. 
Muntjacs,  106,  177,  232. 
Murex,  304. 
Mus  arianus,  46. 

bactrianus,  46. 

buduga,  122. 

concolor,  180. 

metada,  123. 

musculus,  122,  236. 

platijthrix,  123. 

rattus,  46,  122. 

wagneri,  236. 
Musk-Ox,  316. 
Musk-Rat,  145,  323. 
Musquash,  323. 
Mustela  americana,  326. 

cathia,  144. 

flavigula,  53,  144. 

frenata,  364. 

pennanli,  326. 

Mustela — (continued). 

sarmalica,  53,  89. 

sibirica,  23. 

zibellina,  23. 
Mustelus  vulgaris,  296. 
Mya  arenaria,  306. 
Mycteria  americana,  402. 
Mydaus  meliceps,  213. 
Mygale  vestiaria,  41 9. 
Myiobius  swainsoni,  387. 
Mynas,  Talking,  186. 
Myopotamus  coypu,  370. 
Myopsittacus  monachus,  397. 
Myospalax  fuscicapillus,  47. 
Myotalpa  fontanieri,  236. 
My otis,  56,  146. 
Myrmecophaga,  379. 
Myxine  glutinosa,  297. 

Naia,  159,  203,  204. 

Nandu,  406. 

Nankin  Nesumi,  236. 

Nannosciurus  whileheadi,  216. 

Narwhal,  272. 

Nasalis  larvatus,  210. 

Nassa  reticulata,  304. 

Nasua,  363. 

Naunopterum  harrisi,  428. 

Nautilus,  302. 

Neoceratodus,  416. 

Neoctodon,  370. 

Neomorphus,  396. 

Neophron,  68,  156. 

Neosorex,  346. 

Neotetragus  sinensis,  236. 

Neotoma,  337. 

Neotomys,  369. 

Nephrops  norvegicus,  301. 

Nesocia,  47,  123. 

Nesolagus,  125,  217. 

Nettopus  coromandelianus,  200. 

Neurotrichus  gibbsi,  236. 

Nicoria,  159. 

Nightingale,  56,  347. 

Nightjars,  30,  62,  188,  348,  390. 

Nilgai,  45,  111. 

Nisaetus,  65. 

Noctilio  leporinus,  381. 

Nolhocercus,  405. 

Nothoprocta,  406. 

Nothura,  406. 

Nothurus,  406. 

Notiomys,  369. 

Nototrema  marsupiahim,  413. 

Nvcifraga  caryocatactes,  28. 

columbiana,  328. 
Numenius  phceopus,  33. 

tenuirostris,  78. 
Nutcrackers,  28,  328. 
Nuthatches,  25,  59,  153. 
Nutria,  370. 
Nyctala,  30,  329,  400. 
AT?/c<ea,  13,  329. 
Nyctibius  grandis,  390. 
Nycticebustardigradus,  151,  163. 
Nycticorax  griseus,  74. 
Nyciinomus  plicatus,  146. 
Nyctiornis  amictus,  1S9. 
Nyctipithecus  trivirgatus,  356. 
Nymphon  gracile,  299. 

Oceanodroma  leucurrhoa,  255. 
Ocelot,  American,  361. 

Ocholona  alpina,  20. 

rufescena,  48. 
Octodon  degus,  370. 
Octodontomys,  370. 
Octopus.  302. 
Odobcenua  rosmarus,  269. 
Odocoilcus,  331,  334.  364. 
(Edemia,  9. 
Oil-Bird,  391. 

Ommastrephes  sagitlatus,  302. 
Onager,  45,  117. 
Onchorhynchus,  37. 
Onychomys,  338,  369. 
Ophiocephalus  striatus,  222. 
Ophisaurus  apus,  81. 
Opisthocomus  cristatus,  401. 
Opossums,  345,  346,  380. 
Orang-Utan,  209. 
Orca  gladiator,  245. 
Orcella,  179. 

Orcamnus  americanus,  320. 
Orioles,  28,  154,  347. 
Ormers,  304. 
Orthotonus  sutorius,  182. 
Ortolan,  61. 
Oryx-  beatrix,  45. 
Oryzomys,  338,  369. 
Osmotreron,  157. 
Osphromenus  olfax,  221. 
Osprey,  33,  66.  155. 
Ostt-ea,  306,  307. 
Ostriches,  American,  406. 
0*.<n'a,  261,  262,  264. 
Otocompsa  emeria,  184. 
Otocorys,  25,  26. 
Otters,  24,  259. 

Brazilian,  363. 

Canadian,  326. 

Clawlcss,  145,  174. 

Elliot's,  53. 

Golden,  145. 

Indian,  173. 

Malay,  174. 

Pigmy,  363. 

Smooth,  145,  173. 
Ouacaria  calm,  337. 
Ouistiti  Marmoset.  359. 
Ounce,  225. 
Oven-Birds,  386. 
Ovibos  moschatus,  316. 
Ofia  ammon,  20,  229. 

canadensis,  20,  319,  320. 

ispahanica,  44. 

orientalis,  44. 

vignei,  44. 
Owl,  Acadian,  329. 

Barn,  30,  64,  155,  400. 

Burrowing,  399. 

Canadian,  329. 

Eagle,  32,  155,  237,  400. 

Fish,  155,  193. 

Forest,  155. 

Grass,  193. 

Hawk,  31. 

Homed,  400. 

Lapp,  31. 

Little,  64. 

Lonn-Eared,  32. 

Masked,  155,  193. 

North  Acadian,  400. 

Pigmy,  400. 

Prairie,  349. 

Scops  Eared,  64. 



Owl — (continued). 

Screech,  155. 

Short-Eared,  32.  329. 

Snowy,  13,  31,  329. 

Tawny,  64. 

Tengmalm's,  30,  329. 

Ural,  329. 

Wood,  329,  400. 
Ox,  Wild,  175. 
Oxymycterus,  369. 
Oyster-Catcher,  251. 
Oysters — 

American,  307. 

Atlantic,  306,  307. 

Common,  306. 

Edible,  307. 

Mediterranean,  306. 

Pacific,  307. 

Paca,  372. 
Pachynus,  397. 
Pachi/tylus  migratorius,  83. 
Pagophila  eburnea,  278. 
Pagrus  auratus,  289. 
Palceomis  torquatus,  193. 
Palamedea  cornuta,  405. 
Palinurus  vulgaris,  300. 
Paludicola,  412,  413. 
Pampas  Deer,  365. 
Pandas,  172,  226. 
Pangolins — 

Chinese,  181. 

Indian,  151. 

Malay,  181. 
Panlholops  hodgsoni,  231. 
Panurus,  25,  58. 
Para,  104. 

Paradise-Fish,  221,  238. 
Paradise-Flycatchers,  187. 
Paradoxornis  favirostris,  183. 
Paradoxurus,  137,  168. 
Parraindica,  199. 
Parrots,  396. 

Amazon,  397. 

Blue -Crowned,  193. 

Carolina,  348,  349. 

Common,  193. 

Hanging,  193. 

Hawk-Billed,  397. 

Monk,  397. 

Parraquets,  192,  397,  423. 

Parrotlets,  397. 

Square-Tailed,  397. 
Partridges — 

Bearded,  33. 

Black,  69,  156. 

Black-Headed,  69. 

Chukar,  69. 

North  American.  349. 

Sisi,  69. 

South  American,  406. 

Wood,  195. 
Parus  camchatkensis,  25. 

cyanus,  25. 

lugubris,  58. 
Passenger-Pigeon,  350. 
Passer  jlaveol  us.  184. 
Pastor  roseus,  90. 
Pava  muticus,  198. 
Pauo  cristatus.  157. 

muticus,  198. 
Peacock-Killer,  195. 
Peacock-Pheasants,  1 98. 

Peacocks,  157,  198. 

Pea-Fowl,  157,  198. 

Peba  Armadillo,  376. 

Peccaries,  367,  368. 

Pecten,  306. 

Pedicula,  156. 

Pedioccetes      phasianellus,     329, 

Pekan,  328 
Pelecanus  philippensis,  200. 

roseus,  200. 
Pelicans,  200. 
Pelomedusa,  408. 
Peludo  Armadillo,  374. 
Penelope,  400. 
Penguin,  Galapagos,  428. 
Perch,  37. 

Climbing,  221. 

Dusky,  289. 

Labyrinth-Gilled,  221. 
Perdix  daurica,  33. 
Peregrine,  32,  64,  349. 
Perisoreus  infaustus,  28. 
Pernis  ptilorhyyichus,  194. 
Perodipus,  326. 
Peromyscus  americanus,  337. 
Perosuchus fuscus.  409. 
Petaurista,  121,  122. 
Petrels,  254,  255,  279. 
Petromyzon  marinas,  297. 
Phalacrocorax,  80,  159. 
Phalanger  ursinus,  217. 
Phalaropes,  13. 
Pharomacrus  mocinno,  394. 
Phasianus,  94,  97. 
Pheasant,  Water,  200. 
Pheasants,  94,  97,  156,  157,  196, 

197,  237. 
PJienacomys,  339. 
Philydor  rufus,  385. 
Phlceomys  curningi,  216. 
Phlogcenas,  218. 
Phoca,  241,  242,  269. 
Phoccena  communis,  245. 
Phodilus  assimilis,  155. 
Phcenicocercus,  3S9. 
Phcenicopterus  ruber,  402. 
Pholas,  305,  306. 
Phororhachus,  404. 
Photodilus  badius,  193. 
Plxrynoceplialus  mystaceus,  101. 
Phrynus  reniformis,  419. 
Phi/Ilium  siccifolium,  223. 
I'ln/Uobates,  413. 
Phyllodes,  413. 
Phyllomcdusa,  413. 
Phylloscopus  borealis,  25. 
Phyllostoma  hastatum,  382. 
Phyllotis,  369. 
Phytotomus  rara,  387. 
Piaya,  396. 
Pica  nutlalli.  347. 
Picas,  20,  48. 
Pichi,  375. 
Pichiciago,  376. 
Piculets,  189,  385. 
I'iciiHinus  innominatus,  189. 
Piddocks,  305. 
Pi£con-Ha\vk,  349. 
Pigeons,  71. 

American,  350. 

Bar  I),  72. 

Carrier,  72. 

Pigeons — {continued). 

Dragon,  72. 

Fantail,  72. 

Fruit,  198. 

Green,  198. 

Homer,  72. 

Jacobin,  72. 

Long-Tailed.  198. 

Nicobar,  218. 

Nutmeg,  198. 

Owl,  72. 

Passenger,  350. 

Pouter,  72. 

Runt,  72. 

Snierle.  72. 

Tumbler,  72. 
Piss,  177,  215,  216. 
Pike,  37. 

Bony,  352. 
Pilchard,  294. 
Pilgrim-Shell,  306. 
Pine-Marten,  European,  326. 
Pinicola  enucleator,  27. 
Pintail,  35. 
Pionites,  397. 
Pionopsiftacus,  397. 
Pionus,  397. 
Pipa  americana,  413. 
Pipiri,  347. 
Pipistrelles,  55,  345. 
Pipifrelus  abramus,  55. 

kulili,  55. 
Meadow,  26. 

Red-Throated,  26. 

Richard's,  90. 

Rock,  26. 

Spurred,  90. 

Tawny,  61. 

Tree,  26. 

Water,  26,  61. 
Piraiba,  Giant,  415. 
Piramidig,  348. 
Piratinga  piraiba,  415. 
Piraya,  415. 
Pithecia,  35G. 
Pithecophaga  jefferyi,  195. 
Pittas,  187,  188. 
Pit- Vipers.  411. 
Pitylus fuliginosus,  384. 
Plagiodon  aidium,  425. 
Plaice.  291. 
Plant-Cutters,  387. 
Platacanthomys  lasiurus,  125. 
Platalea  leucorodia,  76. 
Platanisla  gangetica,  153. 
Platemys,  408. 

Plalysternum  megarrpimliun,  202. 
Plautus  impennis,  257. 
Plecotus     (Corynorhinus)     mac~ 

rotis,  \j'.~>. 
Plectrophancs,  15. 
Plegadis,  75,  402. 
Pleuroncctes,  291. 
Ploceu8  megalorhynchus,  185. 
Plotus  melanogaster,  201. 
Plovers,  158,  250. 

Golden,  35. 

Grey,  9. 

Little  Ringed,  35. 
Pochards,  35,  80. 
Podicipes  auritus,  36. 
Podoces  panderi,  92. 



Podocnemis  expansa,  408. 
Podogymnura,  165,  236. 
Pcecilotheria,  419. 
Pyocephalus.  397. 
Polatoucho.  21. 
Polecats.  23.  53,  89. 
Pollack,  293. 

Polyacanthus  signatus,  221. 
I '  'h/borus  tharus,  398. 
Polyergus  rufescens,  418. 
Polyplectrum  chinquis,  198. 
Polyprion  cernium.  289. 
Polypus  vulgaris,  302. 
Ponloporia  blainvillei,  381. 
Porcupines — 

Bengal,  126,  180. 

Bristle-Spined,  370. 

Brush-Tailed,  180. 

Canadian,  324. 

Giinther's,  217. 

Himalayan,  125,  180. 

Indian,  48. 

Long-Haired.  370. 

Long-Tailed,  180. 

Sea,  310. 

South  American,  369. 

Tree,  370. 

Yunnan,  180. 
Porphyria.  79,  157. 
Porpoise,  245,  266. 
Prairie-Dogs,  335. 
Prairie-Hare,  338. 
Prairie-Hen,  349. 
Prairie-Marmots,  335,  336. 
Prairie-Owl,  349. 
Pratincoles,  76,  158. 
Prawns,  301. 
Priodon  gigas,  375. 
Prionotellus,  394. 
Procavia  syriaca.  46. 
Procellaria  pelagica,  255. 
Procyon,  327,  363. 
Progne  purpurea.  347,  348. 
Trongbuck,  333. 
Protopterus,  416. 
PsaUrvparus,  383. 
Pseudis,  412,  413. 
Pseudogri/phus     californianus, 

Pseudorca  crassidens,  266. 
Pseudotantalus     leacocephalus, 

Pseudovis  nahura,  229. 
Psiloscops,  400. 
Psittacula,  397. 
Psophia  crepitans,  404. 
Ptarmigan,  33. 
Pterocles,  79,  157. 
Pteroclurus,  80. 
Pteroglossus,  393. 
Pteropus,  147,  163. 
Plilocercus  loivi,  165,  212. 
Plilogonys  cinereus,  3S5. 
Pudu.  331,  365. 
Puff-Birds,  395. 
Puffin,  283. 

Puflinus  anglorum,  255. 
Pulsatrix,  400. 
Puma,  338,  361. 
Purpura  patula,  304. 
Pustule  Star,  309. 
Pyrotrogon  casumba,  191. 
Pyrrhula  major,  27. 

Pyrrhulaudn  grisea,  153. 
Pyrrhurn.  397. 
Python  molurus,  159. 
reticulatns.  204. 
Pythons,  159,  204. 

Quails,  33,  69. 

Black-Breasted,  156. 

Bustard,  199. 

Californian  Crested,  350. 

Island,  199. 

Jungle,  156. 

North  American,  349. 

Rain,  156. 
Quezal,  394. 
Quin,  306. 
Quiscalus purpureus,  347. 

Rabbits,  217.  338. 
Raccoons  327   363. 
Raia,  297. 
Rail-Creepers,  423. 
Rain -Cuckoos,  348. 
Rana,  219,  351. 
Rangifer  tarandus,  315,  317. 
Rnniceps  raninus,  293. 
Rarita,  387. 
Rasse,  136. 
Ratel,  Indian,  145. 
Raton  runcho.  381. 
Rats,  216. 

Alexandrian,  46. 

Bamboo,  180.  231. 

Bandicoot,  47,  123. 

Black,  122. 

Brown,  22,  122. 

Bush,  47,  124. 

Cuming's,  216. 

Field,  123. 

Fish-Eating,  369. 

Gerbil,  124. 

House,  180. 

Kangaroo,  324,  337,  338. 

Lesser,  180. 

Luzon,  21<>. 

Musk,  14.".,  323. 

Roof,  47.  122. 

Spinv,  370. 

Tree.' Black,  122. 

Water,  21. 

Wood,  337. 
Rattle-Snakes,  351,  411. 
Rattle-Spider,  301. 
Ratufa,  120,  179. 
Ravens,  29,  154,  317,  347. 
Rays,  207. 
Razorbill,  283. 
Razor-Shells,  306. 
Recurvirostra  avocclta,  249. 
Redpoll,  Mealy,  27. 
Redshanks,  10,  34,  78. 
Redstart,  Black,  56. 
Redwing,  24. 
Regulus  calendula,  328. 
Reindeer,  315. 
Rhachianectes  glaucus,  266. 
Rhacophorus.  219. 
Rhamphastus  magnirostris,  393. 
Rhamphocozlus  brasilius,  383. 
Rhea,  406,  407,  421,  423. 
Rhinemys,  408. 
Rhinoceros — 

Ch.ttagong,  178. 

Rhinoceros — (continredV 

Indian,  117. 

Javan.  177. 

I.'  -  •  r  One-Horned.  177. 

Two-Homed  Sumatran,  178. 
Rhinoceros  unicornis,  1 17. 

sondaicus,  177. 

sumatrehsis,  178. 
Rhinoderma  darivini,  412. 
Bhinogryphus  aura,  399. 
Rhinopi't/iccus.  225.  229,  230. 
Rhinopoma  microphyllum,  56. 
Rhipidomys,  369. 
Rhithrodon,  369. 
Rhithrodontomys,  338,  369. 
Rhithrosciitrus  macrotis,  216. 
Rhizomys  badiiis.  ]  80. 

pruinosus,  180. 

sumatrensis,  180. 

veslilus,  231. 
Rh(.d  /  tethi  i  rosea,  278. 

bus,  291. 
Rhynchomys  soricoides.  216. 
Rhynchojisittacus  pach  yrhynchus, 

Rhyncholits,  406. 
Rhytina  gigas,  265. 
Rice-Bird,  Indian,  185. 
Ping-Dove,  33. 
Ripa,  331. 

Rissa  tridaclyla,  278. 
Road-Runner.  .Mexican.  396. 
Robin,  Blue,  346,  347. 
Rock-Borer,  Common  European, 

Rocklings,  293. 
Roebuck,  20,  41,  232. 
Rollers — 

Blue,  30,  62. 

Indian,  154. 

Broad-Billed,  188. 

Wide-Beaked,  188. 
Rollulus  roulroul,  195. 
Rook,  29,  62,  154. 
Rorquals,  246,  247,  266. 
Rostrhamus.  397. 
Rotche,  283. 
Ruby-Crest,  3:>. 
Ruby-Crown,  3i'v 
Ruby-Throat,  2-1,  347. 
Ruff,  34. 
Rupicola.  389. 
Rusa,  175,  214. 

Sabellas,  308. 

Sables,  23,  326. 

Saccopteryx  leplura,  381. 

Saiga,  45,  87. 

Saladang,  175. 

Salamanders.  237,  351,  413. 

Salmon,  37,  293. 

Sambar,  103,  175,  214,  215,  232. 

Sand-Badgers,  173. 

Sand-Eels,  293. 

Sanderlinff.  12. 

Sandpipers — 

Broad-Billed,  11. 

Curlew.  3-t. 

Green,  34. 

Purple,  11.  34. 

Wood.  34. 
Sank,  204. 
Sankni,  204. 



.Sapsuckers,  393. 

Sarcidiornis  melanonotus,  159. 

Sarcorhamphus,  399. 

Sardine,  294. 

Sarsia  tubulosa,  310. 

Sasia  ochracea,  189. 

Satin-Finch,  Bluish-Black,  384. 

Saxicava  rugosa,  300. 

Saxicola  melanoleuca,  56. 

Scalops,  345. 

Scapanulus  oiveni,  236. 

Scapanus,  236,  345. 

Scaphirhynchus,  352. 

Scapteromys,  369. 

Scaptonyx,  236. 

Scaup,  8,  35. 

Scheltopusik,  81. 

Sciuropterus,  21,  121,  322. 

Sciurus,  179,  216,  321,  333,  334. 

Scodra,  419. 

Scops,  400. 

Scorpions,  223,  419. 

Scoters,  9,  36. 

Scotophilus  kuhli,  146. 

Screamers,  405. 

Scyllium,  296,  297. 

Scypho medusae,  311. 

Sea-Anemones,  300,  311,  312. 

Sea-Bear,  264. 

S  sa-Breams,  289. 

Sea-Cat,  295. 

Sea-Cow,  Northern,  265. 

Sea-Eagles,  32,  66,  155,  349. 

Sea-Elephant,  260. 

Sea-Hare,  305. 

Sea-Lion,  Calif orni an,  262. 

Sea-Lily,  Moseley's,  309. 

Sea-Mouse,  307. 

Sea-Otter,  259. 

Sea-Parrot,  283. 

Sea-Porcupine,  310. 

Sea-Spiders,  299. 

Sea-Urchins,  308.  309. 

Seals,  241,  242,  243,  269. 

Seed-Snipe,  Undulated,  423. 

Selenidera,  393. 

Selvas,  380. 

Semnopithecus,  148, 149,  160,  161. 

Sepia  officinalis,  303. 

Sepiola  rondeleti,  302. 

Seriemas,  404. 

Serotine,  European,  345. 

Serows,  115,  175,  229. 

Asiatic,  320. 

Himalayan,  115. 

Small,  229. 

White-Maned,  229. 
Serpent-Eagles,  66,  155,  195. 
Serpula  vermicularis,  308. 
Serranus,  2S9. 
Serrasalmo  piraya,  415. 
Sewellels,  336. 
Sha,  44. 
Shads,  294. 
Shag,  36. 
Shama,  183. 
Sharks — 

Basking,  296. 

Blue,  296. 

Hammer-Head,  296. 

Hound,  Nurse.  297. 
Rough,  29(5. 
Smooth,  296. 

Sharks — {continued). 

Tope,  296. 
Shearwater,  255. 
Sheath-Fish,  414. 
Sheep,  Bighorn,  319,  320. 

Black,  319. 

Cyprian,  44. 

Gmelin's,  44. 

Hausa,  42. 

Marco  Polo,  229. 

Red,  44. 

Urmian,  44. 

Wild,  44,  229. 
Sheep-AVorm.  Baltic.  301. 
Sheldrake,  252. 
Shells,  306. 
Shell-Storks,  199. 
Ship-Worms,  305. 
Shore-Crab,  300. 
Shore-Finch,  328. 
Shou,  231. 
Shoveller,  35. 
Shrew-Mole,  Gibbs's,  345. 
Shrews,  24,  344,  360. 

Bendire's,  344. 

Marsh,  344. 

Musk,  24,  145. 

Pigmy,  24. 

Swimming,  Himalayan,  165. 

Tree,  165,  212. 

Water,  24,  235. 
Shrike-Finches,  383. 
Shrikes — 

American,  347. 

Cuckoo,  187. 

Grey,  29,  02. 

Indian,  154. 

Red-Backed,  29,  62. 
Shrimps,  299,  301. 

Mantis,  301. 
Sialia  sialis,  346,  347. 
Siaman,  209. 
Sicisfa  subtilis,  88. 
Signiodon,  338. 
Sikas,  231,  232. 
Simla  satyrus,  209. 
Simorhynchus  crislatellus,  285. 
Siphonophora,  311. 
Siren  lacertina,  351. 
Sisis,  69. 

Siskins,  27,  328,  384. 
Sitta  neumayeri,  59. 
Skates,  297. 
Skuas,  278,  279. 
Skunks,  343,  363. 
Skylarks,  25,  89,  153. 
Sladang,  107. 
Sloths,  353,  376,  378. 
Smew,  36. 
Sminthus,  88. 
Snakes,  Blind,  82,  205,  412. 

Coral,  411. 

Rat,  205. 

Rattle,  351,  411. 

Ringed,  36. 

Tree  411. 

Whip,  Green,  204. 
Snake-Stars,  308. 
Snappers,  351. 
Snipe,  33,  78,  158. 
Snipe.  Seed,  Undulated,  423. 
Snow-Bunting,  328. 
Snow-Cocks,  94. 

Solea  vulgaris,  291. 
Sohnodon,  424. 
Somateria,  274,  275,  276. 
Sorex,  344. 
Solalia,  381. 
Spalax  typhlus,  48. 
Sparrow-Buntings,  347,  384. 
Sparrow-Hawk,  American,  349. 
Sparrows — 

Hedge,  25. 

House,  28,  62,  154,  184. 

Rock,  62. 

Tree,  28,  62,  184. 
Speolhus,  362,  363. 
Speotito,  349,  399. 
SpermopJiilus  eversmanni,  21. 

gr.immurus,  335. 

tridecemline  tus,  321,  335. 
Spheniscus  mendiculus,  428. 
Sphyropicus,  393. 
Spider,  Bird-catching,  419. 
Spider-Hunters,  1S3. 
Spider-Monkeys,  355. 
Spiders,  Sea,  299. 
Spilogale  putorius,  1543. 
Spilcmis,  155,  195. 
Spine-Tails,  386. 
Spinus  cucullala,  384. 
Spirographis  spallanzanii,  308. 
Spizaetus  caligatus,  195. 
Spondylus  gecderopus,  306. 
Spoonbills,  76,  157,  402. 
Sporazglnlhus,  185. 
Sporophila  nigro-aurantia,  384. 
Sprat,  294. 
Spur-Cuckoos,  191. 
Squatarola  helvetica,  9. 
Squids,  302. 
Squilla  mantis,  301. 
Squirrels,  46,  179,  216,  321. 

Flying,  121,  122,  179,  211, 

Fox,  334. 

Grey,  333. 

Groove-Toothed,  216. 

Ground,  21,  321. 

Indian,  120. 

Malay,  179. 

Palm,  46,  120. 

Pigmy,  216. 

Sharp-Nosed,  216. 

South  American,  369. 

Striped  Jungle,  121. 

Whitehead's;  216. 
Starfishes,  308,  309. 
Starlings,  28,  154. 

Black,  384. 

Common,  384. 

Glossy,  186. 

Rosy,  90. 

Sardinian,  62. 

White-Xecked,  217. 
Steatornis  caripensis,  391. 
Stellio  vulgaris,  SI. 
Stercorarius,  278,  279. 
Sterna,  252,  253. 
Sternothcerus,  408. 
Stick-Insects,  222,  223. 
Sticklebacks,  292. 
Stilts,  78. 
Stints.  10,  11,34. 
Stoat,  317. 
Stone-Bass,  289. 



Stoneehats,  56,  317. 
Storks — 

Asiatic,  157. 

Black,  33. 

Black-Xeckcd,  199. 

European,  75. 

Giant.  199,  402. 

Shell,  199. 

White,  33,  157. 

White-Xecked,  198. 

Wood,  199. 
Strepsilas  interpres,  251. 
Streptocilta  allizollis,  217. 
Strix,  193,  400. 
Sturgeons,  352. 
Stumus  unicolor.  62. 
Sugar-Birds,  383. 
Sula  bassana,  256. 
Summer-Duek.  351. 
Sun-Birds,  183. 
Sun-Bitterns,  403. 
Surnia  ulula,  31. 
Surukus,  191. 
Sus  attila,  87. 

barbatus,  177,  216. 

celebensis,  216. 

cristatus,  116. 

ol,  216. 

salvanius,  116. 

scrofa  attila.  87. 

verrucosus,  177.  215. 

vittahis,  177.  215. 
Susliks,  21,  321,  335. 
Susu,  153. 

Swallows,  29,  62,  154. 
Swan-Goose,  237. 
Swans — 

Bewick's,  7,  35. 

Black-Xecked,  423. 

Coscoroba,  423. 

Mute,  35. 

North  American,  350. 

Trumpeter,  329. 

Whistling,  6. 

Whooper,  6. 
Swifts,  30,  62,  151,  188,  218. 
Swine-Fish,  292. 
Swine,  Wild,  215. 
Sycalis  faveola,  384. 
Sylvia,  57. 
Synallaxis,  386. 
Synaptomys,  339. 
Syncoryne  sarsi,  310. 
Synetheres,  370. 
Sypheotides,  158. 
Syrnium,  31,  329.  400. 
Syrrhaptes  paradoxus,  97. 

Tachyphonus  luctuosus,  383. 
Tadorna  casarca.  100. 

cornuta,  252. 
Tahrs,  112,  114. 
Tailor-Bird,  182. 
Takins,  229,  231. 
Talpa,  145,  164. 
Tamandua,  379. 
Tamanoir,  378. 
Tamarao,  213. 
Tamarins,  359. 
Tamias.  21,  321. 
Tanagers,  383. 
Tanagra,  383. 
Taoniscus  nanus,  406. 

Tapiranga,  383. 

Tapirs,  179,  368,  369. 

Tapirus.  179,  368,  369. 

Tarantula  renijormis,  419. 

Tarsiers,  211. 

Tarsius,  211. 

Tatouay  Armadillo,  375. 

Tatusia,  376. 

Taxidea,  343. 

Tayra,  364. 

Teal,  35,  200. 

Teju,  410. 

Tellina,  306. 

Teredo,  305. 

Terns,  252,  253,  254. 

Black,  36,  81. 

Whiskered,  81. 

White-Winged  Black,  81. 
Terpsiphone  affi/iis,  187. 
Terrapins,  101,  202,  351,  408. 
Testudo,  159,  202. 
Tetraceros  quadricornis,  1 10. 
Tetracus  nanus,  236. 
Tetraogallus,  94. 
Tetrastes  severtzoivi,  33. 
Thalassaetus  pelagicus,  32. 
Thamins,  175,  176. 
Thelypkonus  caudatus.  223. 
Thicknee,  158. 
Thomomys  talpoides,  324. 
Thrushes,  153. 

Babbling,  181. 

Burmese,  181. 

Dark,  23. 

Ground,  181. 

Himalayan,  181. 

Missel,  24. 

North  American,  347. 

Pander's,  92. 

Red-Xecked,  24. 

Rock,  24,  56. 

Siamese,  181. 

Siberian,  25. 

Song,  24. 

South  American,  383. 
Thryothorus,  347. 
Thrysaelus  harpyia,  397. 
Thyroptera  tricolor,  381. 
Tiger-Cat,  361. 
Tigers,  22,  50,  126,  212,  225. 
Timelia  pileata,  182. 
Tinamotis,  406. 
Tinamus,  405.  406. 
Tits,  153,  347. 

Azure,  25. 

Bearded,  25,  58. 

Blue,  25,  58. 

Coal,  25,  58. 

Creeping,  383. 

Crested,  25. 

Crow,  183. 

Great,  25. 

Hill,  181. 

Long-Tailed,  25. 

Mandarin,  25. 

Marsh,  25. 

Siberian,  25. 

Sombre,  58. 
Tityra  cayana,  390. 
Tmetotrogon,  394. 
Toads,  36. 

Green,  37. 

Horned,  412. 

Toads — {continued). 

Jackie,  412. 

South  American,  412. 

Water,  413. 
Todies,  125. 

Tolypeules  tricinctus,  375. 
Tomisloma  schlegeli,  219. 
Took-ra,  185. 
Tope,  296. 

Torpedo  nobiliana.  297. 
Torek,  293. 
Tortoises — 

Am,  408. 

Big-Headed,  202. 

Box,  351. 

Galapagos,  427. 

Land,  159,  202. 

Matamata,  408. 

River,  408. 

Soft,  159,  202. 
Totai Ms,  10,  34,  100. 
Totanus  canescens,  34. 

fuscus,  10. 

stagnatilis,  100. 
Toucans,  393. 
Touktar,  203. 
Trachinus  draco,  291. 
Trachyboa,  412. 
Tragulus,  115,  177. 
Tree-Creeper,  153. 
Tree-Frog,  Martinique,  425. 
Tree-Peckers,  385. 
Tree-Pies,  154,  186. 
Tree -Runners,  385. 
Tree-Sbrews,  165,  212. 
Tree-Swifts,  188. 
Tregadors,  385. 
Treron,  198. 
Trichys  guentheri,  217. 
Triclaria,  397. 
Trigla,  290. 

Trimeresaurus,  411,  412. 
Tringa,  10,  11,  34,  35. 
Trionyx,  202,  351. 
Trogons.  190,  394. 
Troupials,  347,  384. 
Trout,  Sea,  37. 
Trumpeters,  404. 
Trygon  pastinaca,  297. 
Tube- Worms,  308. 
Tuco-Tucos,  370. 
Tucuxi  Dolphin,  381. 
Tupaia,  165,  212. 
Tupinambis  teguexin,  410. 
Turbot,  291. 
Turco,  423. 
Turdus  naumanni,  24. 

obscurus,  25. 

ruficollis,  24. 

sibiricus,  25. 
Turkey-Buzzard,  349. 
Turkeys,  American,  350. 
Turkey- Vulture,  349,  399. 
Tiirnix  pugnax,  199. 
Turnstone,  251. 
Turs.  86. 

Tursiops  tursio,  244. 
Turtle-Dove,  33. 
Turtur,  72,  157. 
Twait-Shad,  294. 
Tyloimjs,  369. 

Tympanuchus  americanus,  349. 
Typhlops  braminus,  82,  205,  412. 



Tyran  nulus  elatus,  387. 
Tyrannus  pipiri.  347,  348. 
Tvrant-Birds,  380,  390. 
Tyrant-Flycatchers,  386. 

Uakari,  356. 
Umbrella-Bird,  388. 
Unau  Sloths,  378. 
Ungalia,  412. 
Ungaliophis,  412. 
11  pupa  indica,  154. 
Urania,  417. 
Urchin,  310. 
Uria,  281,  282. 
Urial,  44. 
Urochroma,  397. 
Urogalba,  394. 
Urospatha  martii,  392. 
Uroiragus,  114,  175,  229. 
Urotrichus,  236,  345. 
Ursus  americanus,  342. 

arctus,  23,  53,  140,  326. 

cinnamomus,  342. 

horribilis,  320,  327. 

kermodei,  327. 

leuconyx,  226. 

malayanus,  171,  213. 

omatus,  3  >3. 

pruinosus,  226. 

for</uetfwa,  53,  140. 

Vampires,  146,  345,  382. 
Vandeleuria  oleracea,  180. 
Farawws  salvator,  202. 
Velella  spirans,  311. 
Fe»ras  mercenaria,  306. 
V  espertilio  fuscus,  345. 
Vicuna,  366,  367. 
Vipers,  36. 

Mountain,  159. 

Pit,  159,411. 

Russell's,  159,  208. 

Sand,  82. 

Saw-Scaled,  159. 

Water,  351. 
Ftreo  novozborQcensis,  347. 
Viscacha,  371. 
Ft'verra,  135,  136,  168,  212. 
Volalinia  splendens,  384. 
Voles,  22,  180,  235,  323,  337. 
Vultures,  66,  67,  68, 156,  349,  399. 

Wagtails — 

"Blue-Headed,  26. 

Grey,  26,  61. 

Grey-Headed,  26. 

Pied,  153. 

White,  26,  61. 

Yellow,  61. 
Walrus,  269,  270,  271. 
Wapiti,  20,  231,  318. 
Warblers — 

Bonolli's,  57. 

Cetti's,  58. 

Eversniann's,  25. 

Fan-Tailed,  153. 

Garden,  25. 

Olivaceous,  57. 

Olive-Tree,  57. 

Orphean,  57. 

Savi's,  57. 

Sedge,  Moustached,  153. 
Water-Pheasant,  200. 
Water-Rail,  33. 
Water-Toad,  Surinam,  413. 
Water- Viper,  351. 
Waxwings,  29,  347. 
Weasels,^,  53,  144,  213,  364. 
Weaver-Birds,  154,  184,  185. 
Weever-Fish,  291. 
Whales — 

Beaked,  246. 

Bottle- NTosed,  246. 

Fin,  246,  247,  266. 

Grev,  Pacifio,  206. 

Hump-Backed,  248,  266. 

Pilot.  244. 

Right,  266,  267,  271. 

Sperm,  246,  266. 

Whalebone,  246,  247,  266. 

White,  272. 
Wheatears,  24,  56. 
Whelks,  303,  .304. 
Whimbrel,  33. 
Whin  chat,  56. 
White-Eyes,  183,  184. 
White-Throats,  25,  57. 
Whiting,  292. 
Widow-Birds,  185. 
Wigeon,  35. 
Willow-Grouse,  329. 
Wolf-Fish,  291,  292. 
Wolverine,  23,  137. 
Wolves,  22,  317. 

Wolves — (continued). 

American,  325. 

European.  138. 

Indian,  50,  138. 

Maned,  361. 

Timber,  325. 
Woodchat,  02. 
Woodchuck,  334. 
Woodcock,  33.  78,  158. 
Wood-Hare,  338. 
Wood-Nightjars,  390. 
Wood- Owls,  329,  400. 
Wood-Partridges,  195. 
Woodpeckers — 

American,  329,  348. 

Crested,  393. 

Leaf,  393. 

Powdered,  218. 

Red- Winged,  348. 

Stump,  189. 

Sultan,  189. 

Tiger,  189. 

White-Headed,  393. 
Wood-Rats,  337. 
Wood-Storks,  199. 
Worms,  307.  308. 
Wren,  58,  153,  347,  383. 
Wryneck,  30. 

Xema  furcatum,  277. 
Xenelaphus,  365. 
Xenopus,  413. 

Xenorhynchus  asiaticus,  199. 
Xeromys  silaceus,  210. 
Xiphorhynchus  procurvus,  385. 

Yak,  220. 
Yapock,  380. 
Yurumi,  378. 

Zamensis  mucosus,  205. 
Zanclostomus  javanicus,  192. 
Zapus,  22,  230,  323. 
Zebu,  109,  175. 
Zeusfaber,  290. 
Ziphins  cavirostris,  246. 
Zoarces  viviparus,  291. 
Zokors,  230. 
Zonotrichia  pileata.  384. 
Zoster  ops,  183,  184. 
Zygcena  inallenj,  296. 

Printed  by  Morrison  &  Gibb  Limited,   E'liiihurgh. 





Lydekker,  Richard 
Wild  life 
