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Full text of "The Willet (Willets--Willett--Willits) genealogy, a compilation of all the branches in England and America"

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WILE ‘69 g 

1€ Wille te Willett . Mittéte) 

ee Coraiidilen: Fs 
Of tee The eerieann ieee 
a ee 
| Englane ane Qmeriec oh 

| oy 
oe. &; Bookstaver | 

Tver tieth Century bcilishine Beir binay 
eas Bérghamton, 72. Y. 
1906 ' | tgs 

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_ Dreface 

oe giving a short pedigree of the MiletE 
family 2 few Years ago, the Neu England Genealogical 
and Hisborical Register'saca ~The foltorreng Peaegree of 
the Willett fam Ley hes been drawn frome many sources, al- 
though brief and imperfect We hope thes attempt will 
meet the eye of someone who wid be able to Ffauor with & 
more full and perfect work. Tt ts not at alt Unpossidie 
that the Rev.Qndanew Willet af Barley Lngland, was the 
father of Thomas Willett, as hehad wumerous Lssue.” 
Thirty years beforethcs met the authors eye he had. 

be gun t collect Cate forr Wi2dleer Generlogy, being him- 
Sel# 2 desendant:and henow offers tothe publie the re- 
sult of his researches. Té cs 20t perfect. Jéis not com- 
plete. Jt never wili:de There will adwarys de certarrn date 
vchiel ce. to complete the circle, and in the place of the 
messing links wemust make use of cercumstanticad 
evidenee. (he perfect genealogy, duke the perfect Marr — 
és yet to tome, Ferhans they will come logether. [nr 
the meantimethe best wecan do with the material 
obteinadsie,isto make it as perfect as posstdle. 

oh We tee TS 


Tt is no€ et 222 Lim possible that there cre errors 
in this generlogy,and we wilt be pleased Co have pocnted 
outtous such as may be discovered. Inthe macn how. 
ever, we delieve ct to be foerly perfect. There ioe beer 
several attempts tu cormmpile the genealogy of 2 single 
brench of the Wirvett famicy, but thes is the first ime 
the entire family has been brought gdthe in one Grand 
reunion. Jhe clifference inthe Spelling of The name 
has been influenced by loealrty and hadct, but the 
root was undoubtedly the same. In some cases tt has 
been MECESSATY, i1 the absence of documentary eUucH 
dence,to fcéx dates and descent by céreustantia & 
evidence _ by the elimainatce 72 of Thad which ts 1206 
ornot likely, and To accent the residue as thok€ 
which most likely PASSCN SS Large portion portion of 
of thes genealogy has been’ given the author inthe 
Past thirty YeAxrS dy oll members of Che famry, who 
Qre now dead, rank much of thes cmformotteon ae not 
now ote cradle Fram QI2Y other yecorcd. The blank 
pages are descgned lobeusen te note corrections 
or additions asthe reader may find them, or have 
them given them. In cases where there hasbeen found 

Conflicting vecords they have been carefucly wecg hed 
andthe seemingly most correct adopted; @ foot note or 
inserteel paragragh, beung neorole bo give the other~ 
vers Lon. 

7 Us usual in Genenlogées, ‘te lettos itt or B Storrds 
| for borr, “Dor 2° for Aen, are 2? ¢ or'm' for married’ 

Where Adate is uncer lacrs, or anproxLmete it oe TLN- 

This genealogy wes isk ees alphadet ica. 
ly but although that vs the best way for Teday Te- 
ference, or fo firn a certain person, yet ct Coes 
Not Seem To be soa exnlanatory as Lhe present Qy 
rangement, in branches. 

/he style of the print ane Dinding cs ungece, 
and Ttogeth erwilh the fact hat ccs hare-meade wi22 
doubtless moke wt arere yetuadble Look. 

Thankeng those wha have aided ame 117 my work 
Breet: | 

Very Jyuly Gf snig 

Bingham tor ny. 
/9 66 


The purehoser ot thes book ¢s entitled fo a yepor 
at any Lime hereafter of Any and all new data thet 

mey be duscavered by us, ecther addiliorr oY correct- 
(on, bearing on this genealogy — free of charge. 

oe ka 

Introductory _ 
Oicate of the name — 

ee ft i Ls clatmed that C2 Wel ahene fanedly by 
name of Yellette fled from France to England and 
that the: nreme becerme angiecizedl into Willetl. 

Qe “Origen of Names” states that Willett came 
frome We2liam, We22cams, Weleomsor ce Geras, 
Welks, Wilmoe , Weeecs, Wirrod. : 
| oe. lé cs sorccl Co gohe come from Hie mame oF 
| Orci dle tte of France. [a7 inelined Lo favor the 
first Piaugh ct might easidy have been S/7€L02 OC 
Ouitlete inthe frente. Cstothe english Speleing 
ct 6s speled in many ways, Wollet, Willett Wilets 
Welletts, Willits, anal oceascondy We reve. A large 
Quokey dbranck im New Jersey and Tennsylvanta cn. 
stsE— on Wie2its The Mover Seolia earned Gy ilthe rn 
branches, onthe claude t while the Long Istana, new 
York and norther New Jersey bramehes VaATY ther 
Spelleng. Jn Enolanal Only lwo farms of S/PCLLLIG 
Che name hove been noted, haz of Welleté aravol 

Sw Engleud 
in three loceeities tn England we ferel 

recoras of the Willet family, in Leicester* in 

Essex and im Devonshire. The Devonshire 

— famely Folemg of mele heirs 112 1736, the estorte 
Wars begueathedl to Wiléiam Saitrenx whose eldest 

Son, Og ustics, assuimedcl the name of Wirtett. He 

died im /&03 lecrvemng o Sorr, Clos lies S022lra72 ~ 
Welett. The Sssex branch we find little ae- 
Count of excene That they spe2zied the FIERA Gi 

—Widlet anc had the 802777 © coat-of-arms as that 


ae Devonshire and were prosably con mecledt, 

Jonzing to he Leceesleshtre branch, we ge& 

— Wwethin the pole of the Church of Enoland..Here 

we find first the Rev Thomes Witlet, Prebene of 
Eley ovr Suds Qlmoner To King Foweardl VI during 
his short TELON, He was also Reetor of Barley and 
was succeeded im all his ecedescasticad offeces by 
his som Rev Qndrew Wiilet The” Watkeng Led rary" 

Andrews Som Henry marriecl the sister of the 

Sishoys of London, anol hes great grand 807r Raph 

founded the famous Mereley hebrary at Meretey, 

Andrew had ecohiteen children, one of Whorrtr, 

— Thomas Wiled, settiecl in America, and aecame 

| the first VY? OLY OF of ew York Cly . J/wo orthree 
Others of Che Willet Feniuy are seca t have tome 
| LZ Amer ct. who weed De nuotect tn he porajrer pricece 

. Progadly Frlerts . See Aaprpeneey A 


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Th&® Coxt-of-arms vepresenteol herein, seems 
tb have been the sane used by both the Wirlets and 
the Wirletts. Tt ts exnrdldazoned QE Sas Gwe sos 5: 

Argent, 3 bars gemells sable; inehéef, as many 
lcons Tam 2002. of The seeortel co lor Crest, Or a dial 

 Coraneé 7S OG moorcouck: with wings exparcled $ardle 
combed and weattledl gules. Symbolism. Argent (server) 

Stmcertty or peace: Sable Back) constancy : Ortgoed) 
generosity: Cules(recd) military fortitude end mag- 

nanunity: Bars gemetls (parade) us a bearr.29 of 

honor: Alton is one of the most anecent ard honor 
able devices, a symbolism of Courage: QA duenl 
coreneél, authority and lenders hip:Qeoek or @ 

moorcock becrg heratel of the dawn, ls a2 emdler 

of watehfuiness and is granted to ahere onthe fretd. 

Ja America 

The Wille emigrants to this Country were, as 
far as ascertainecl, Thomas, Richard, France, Tobde, 

and Mathanced” They 2i2 came at anearly cale.adout 

/630-32, Thomas beeame the first meoyor of ew York 
and left alarge Line of deseendants. Richard became 

a merchant in Brook lyn ane also lefl a largenumder 
of clescendants one large branch of whch were Friends 
OT Quakers. Francis settled im New England anol age 
quite 2 large family. Nathancel settled at Hartforel 

Conn, bubashis famiry contained no mores the name 

*% c@tncez Jak 


Soon disapeared . Jobve we forol, no ES, exvcept 
that of Aes Shipprrg fron Criglaret for Qmerceok. 
Qs The name 68 sometimes Us ecl for Thomas, anol 
as hecame (1 (632, lemught be thought lo bethe 
Thomas SoKen of were Le I20& for (Re fact Chat he 
Came from Leyden cn the SREP ‘Léon’ while Todce 
came from Em glornol 211 the ship Plantceon’. léés 
Claicimeal Chaég Cleapot Thomas Wéiletl OP ECCI edo 
the father of Cod Thomas Welreté, woes Bor. aq Exngdarnod 
CmMal Come From Bristol. [fp thus were trie he nocohat wwe 
this Todce, We thenk rowever, CRE Capt Thomas Wertet 
was A Son of Ge Hor Thames Wi2lett Che INQRUYOK, 

Fram these emrcgranks branches syredkal out cnto 
New Jersey, Pennsydvancer, western New Dove. into 
Che South ane cnto Comercter andl Nove Seolin, the 
latter being generally” ‘royalest vefugees. One fg. 
in Canada are olescenolents of Conkmental prisoners 
of war Carreed thecr oe Virginie 

Rey Thomas UWiltet , Barley Pee el noted 
clergymen of Che Chia ake of England, /6% Century, 
Rev. Undrew Widlet , Bartley Englarda, rote Devine 
end author of. "Sinope Fapesimet’ of wheel Cottor — 
 Mether sacd— ‘70 encounter THe Rotor ae youwell be 

adlnrrably furnished im Willets ‘Synopsis Tapistma” 
He wrote sume forty other book, the tile page of one 

: 5 
being reprodziced. Lm thes book. 
Rowland Wellet, arelative of Rew ew wrole book 
entctled, “Peer ry Jests Concerning Funes, ?nonks &@ Fréers” 
Tho mas Wreilet wrote Buxom Joo 2 Burletle, 1778. 
In Ame len many members have ee noted _ 
Thomas Wille tf Crovale +. sotelcer, arbitrator end the 

fixse 7VAY or Of Mew York . 

Cod. Marinus Willette one of the noted officers of the 

Col. dugustine Wires wilh Warshergtore at Valley Farge. 

| Rev lar l?teLs Weide Lt clergy man 027706 ci tial aka lap 
—aned author of “Neenes inthe Wilderness” eC. 
Joseph Edgerton Welect Los Prof of. Neanira. eaeine Lt 

mercer Clnive rscly, Georgic, anc aithor of “ Wonders 
of duseak fife ge. 

Jacod We2lezz, Authar of severed schoc/ DOS. 1F20 

S H.W Liletl, aethor of razicrad Fhytes ophy™ (E30 
award Welle; author of Ce aehiae Mae hig! 

| And other hooks /bX 


WH.Willett, author of “Charles Vent or Two Clerks“ 
W.Wetels author of “Sketches of the economy of Jiune 
Providence /776 

Omer english authors were Cuiwes Wellett Liverpoo2 

—1¢80, FE.Willett and Mrary Welleti Of Lomadon 1¢7 
| cd /§FS, amd Henry LUillet¢ of Brichton 


Oliver Wendel2 (/olmes though vot of Che rameis 
Yee CoLEscenae2t detng fhe Greai granada son of 
Dorothy Quincey the great grand lorughter of or. 

Be Thomes Willett. [1 EMROrTY of thes Greve Grereiwe © 



mother the poet wrote. the poern Naee Ae which. 
we rep yodliuce. 

TlieKens Lymm bette the name «2 the persons 
of Widlcom wWéllet the landlore and his son Joe tk 
Barnaby Kuctge". Jo of The mercer feemery Rove 
realey Seer crn keeners, Eolwearel Ua. New York City 
27200 Nozrmiuel (oT a a ee Si 6OU LF OO 


Witlets. a yo0entin Upper township Cape mney Pod. 
Witletstown _ the oreginal name of what cs now calred 
South River Middlesex Co. VT. 

Willets fond _nNe&.angle of White Plains 22 Y., at 
the head of which (3 @ grest 170 and Clothiers 
works of Henry Wilet. 

Willets Meck _aneck or point of Zand near Rucshiing 
Wilett._ atown in Cayuga Co2?Y¥. namect inhonor 
of Col. narimus Willett. 

Willet Townshin Cortland CoH Y. 

Wllet Village, Cortland Co. M.Y. 

Willets Point- Queens Co.nYy 

Wcelett street, ew York Cety. 

Wille street Clban yw MY, c2zisa im Port Chester 1Y 
Wéitits.atownin Mendocino Co California 
Willet_o2 bird af the snipe or sandpiper family, ane 
So-called from its cry of wil-wit-willet#” 

(Odd notes - 4 

Ln 1780 (itched wrote to ee ia 
Lene sent Ri A ae ce with Weliet by 

‘he clay Bee the bottle of the Re eae 
Howe wrote to Washington that the woundec 
Qmericans were So PLLLMCTOLLS le Courlae Ot 
ct tlercé Zé th. 2777 ( C1700 offerecd t FOCCEV Ee Eee 
surgeon hemight sera. Washington sent Drs 
Rust, Lolimer erme Wéllet, Ltimust have Been 
Dr Soumue? Willet of Jew Jersey. | ) 

ktOou. (863, Claryt. Willetts ie he 
rebets on the steamer Chesjreake du as Julc7? Crons, 

LOG TR IEG Vs Welrete of Ke Cavalry wes 
reported Kelled. | 

Legacies ee : 
Thus ts cesuadject that never foirs ty traterest 
every member of or farmely. The Witret Tarte has 

two claime of This keira 

Payee Pate Townley-Lawrence peas es 

Ls Sorcct Lo Cmounkt Go One. HA LLI2Z CFC Mceleors 

of dlallotrs , oI202 ts sc2lee: to Come through 777 02 ry 
Townley Wer oA tae of Str Richare Town ley of 
Ernglamel. She VIMOLT Ke en Josenhk Lawrence C2272 a 

| Cetmme Lo Qrrercen about (690, Hannehk Lawrence 

Groa7ra aeaiighte7- of MAY Townley Lawrence 
marriek Qdbraham Wille arout aso. Locrzadeth 

Lawrence, Siséer-cr-law Zo /PRTL Town lee, Lawrence 
marrvred Johm U illel€. &écze@deth Lawrence rece 
of 7Rery fownly LQwrence, marred. S072 ee € 
We2eett, ene Deborah Lawrence @nocier necee, 
marriek Jonathan UWilleh. A number of effards 
hodue been 2made To secure this estate, Sut SO 
far without suecess. | 

Secorad— Thre Wirlett an! a an 
this Cloeem cs umkmnown.- C222 heat ts kmown of ct 
LS Cas jo 220wess Sle nherr Wirlek, son of Sameed | 
Wee Celێ of PIC W Jersey j7el @ STFQRIAG ETO? lie. 
Cars whe erlronuced Arraself O2§ Reu MrWietlett 
an englishmmen of Long Tslamea ( porobabey Rev 
J. Weellett Ffouncker ‘of the Kemgs Corer Cy Imedriote 
Hfome aé Fort lee ) ard Cola hier that there wes 
cn eslalve cm the Wellelt Farmeiy wr Enry lareok 
CRU CLEL L179 clecmarts; het he hacl deen over 
lo geéc2 Are found hot he was not an her, dud 
Chet the yeghtfu2e heirs were Wirletts who PAL, 
Settlect tm News Jersey ad cl jadcrce carect Wrrletds- 
town. | Q letter Lo the aecthor- from Rev J. Welvect 
the Boplest minister who Founadedlhie Fort Lee Hame 
Ater20t mention lacs estate buéstatene Ghat he was 
from Enoland and hat at kis Leathe PLCS branch 
woueed Lecome ex fine, 

JAtre2 - Capt. Wi, etd of Washington TL. bess iris + eve 
ts cz Wille Castle th Ergtlanc.% whieh Qmercear cle- 
sce siciess ea Cre Freirs.. Ke Reg e lorrce Gi2 nocrnte7g of the 

Wertezt Grms. (See Quguslus page 2) 

i es? .- 
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Ip ee Ce esc Wilvok 1 the ie: 

descendant of the french family of Urletle or 
Ouillette, and from whom we begin our genealogy 
wars bee provad ly at Sly (S10. He was Rector of 
Barer, Sud-Qlrroner b Faward V1 ane Predenot 
of Ely cureng the reign of Prary L. Lr (S60 he 
inerried £iizabeth Stanton He died nal was 
burcead GAnrel 16 159%. Hes wife dced 17 Iraurea (seg 
: They hed fourchcldren, vz: 
(2). Grerew. &. /S62..m7- Jacosina Goad _ a. /62/. 
Q. Richare, b./s64_m- Catherine Hawk. R1S9 7, 
(2). Edczabetn. 6-—_ -7- John Guir2rtingtort /SPaf 
(2).Qu re, b- _12. Thom@s Qeiams (579 
( .RKedeccr, b /ss¢e Get). Rev Lawerad Fra KEY IL 
Rector of Kelshulls Herés. Shed 1sg7 
1Q) Reeharad Willet (Thomas 1) db. (564... Cltherine Howk, 
(s9/. Issue ~ John.d. /S9/, £lL2a3eh,d. 1592, “Rebecca, 
b. /873, James, d. [SGL, ?Patthe w, oo 

7(2) Rev. Qnetrew Wedlet (Rev. Thomas 1) bases at £ly 

Carnbridgeshire site omdons /S62. Heentered atthe 

Weed Zols7t Granted dy Bishop of Leg | ‘dau. of We2decrr S tarrtor 
“Gpberwara 11a We Lambisgy. 2? Guidwuvln CWillicoms). “ Wiedliom! dieu kt oe 

age of 44 Cambridge Ene ovate os at 18. He succeeded 
his father cag ecclescasticel postition Qnra2 become 
preest L1 /S8Y, Proctor of Camdricige L715; Prebence 
of Ely Cetthectral 2 /§97- He was olso Vicar of 
Chilcleriy anee C roritesQen, Cor wImdbridige shire, 27702 
of BA? ley, Leecestershiret Ana Chander t Prence 
Hen rYy- tre Tremaine Renter af Barley 23 Yenrs. | 
He wRS CL7IMC2M OF greece Zerrning and WAS cavead 

“The As Library’ He wrote over forty Treerleses. 
Besi.ade the “Sy mopece Peepesc rex "Aa ghlyy pred se02 by 
Cotlamn other, he write rnany Comme ntevrées ort Lhe 
(hte, nrost exce?iont be er merehrelion 277 ot 
jucgement. The title page of one of hese Books LS 
Cl daiofrettect Ware ore aes roe fac? 22 poge tracing. Ci Copy 
of one of These ole books Ls Lm the possession of the 
author oli77ad Mere cs another cupy un the Rnoade 
Islamnee Hestoricad Soecety's Ledrary,which form: 
erly LeloroeR to Charles 1 and bearshis coat oftarms, 
[7 1889 fe merrcen SReobine Co RL, Laeghter of 
Reu Thornas Goad 1M. of Kings Coltlege, Cambriege. 

He hLen et Yaod@sornt ona was burieck the p arcszu 
chureA, Lee & 1624. Mis wife was Dur lea 17 S02 72,1637, 
They AAL ecghteer children, as Potcous 
CH Herre, d. 1890 —~ Cl. 1670.77 

Rebensora Bishop of Lomoor. She ad. G70 

(2) Qne7ew. G.1E91 1.1624. Vicar of Reecd. 
(3) Jacohence.&- 1SG2.,. 1650, m. Rev. Peter Smet. 10 S7 
CD) £lczedeth, 0.1594. &. (624%. 

arouse of Dr 

"Probably Herls . Gee Appendix *$ee Anpenc¢x f 
2 See appencdcy €. 7 See Qnpencicv, + THTOWN from horre at Hactelestomis 

aca akt) glee aaa 


(P) Margoaret, b. 1598. 

(7 itrcang 

(3) ELl2a@3eff, b./6O 

(3) TRormes, 6.1602. 

(3) Cl22220¢2 . 6. (O04 

(3) Tho7720a8, &. (60S~ 

(37 SLE LIAR, b./60¢ 

(3)Robert, b. 1609 

(3) ?2cethhew. USME ZT NE ae, 

(3) Fe decect, 8. /b/z. 

a) J@eobus, b, bred : 

bi On pista 5 Nes tor es /C2lo 

(a Riucherad(S) (ro Scere ve berth.) 

(a) Poteet?! 970 YECOTE, Gul Bs See by Qthene 
Cantidregeres” C25 Son of. Cncdrew, 228. cn /62/ 
ana licensecl tm 1631 fo pudlesr o2 duck oe 
hres feetrer- oi 

Weth the exeenlion of those of Thomas who wes the 
Qmeriean emignernt we have found ne casecuttve 
record of he clescenacants of the cheledren of Keu 
Anorew Wi22et. But de fore preessing onto (hat line 
we will 0€e Those uncon eetecc Weélletts found 
of reaarce cmt Enolane 

Kaew We2lett 6.1720 was the’ great bee Sort 
of Henry wWellett o2 redalive of Rev Onerew Weller 
(prota bly rough kes som Henry) purehase or 
en 757, CRe property of derley wiAceh became 
famous for cfs library. He diect tm 1795, i hes 

75th year. He pudbleshed “escreplton af Library QE 
Meretey +House, Dorchester, he sext of Kaiph Ucilece 
Esq 1776" Thes Cédrary cs describect t Ntehols? 
Lilerary Qnnecciates Vol. Vill, 2-¢. | 
Rowlore WilleLt Léoo , 2&lhor of * Wg ee Ze Con- 
Cerming Fojles Dona g frcers ’ 

We22co2m U¢2leett was left @ legacy by Thos Fete Bristoe 
Hrartha Wile ditto 165s 

Aun Witlett left Loncor 16415 t2 “Globe for Urgencer, 
Tobie Wirlett left Englene For New Engine (632. 7 
SALLI “Plantée cr’, 

Jacos Wellett Esa of Kent 1m IRary Banks of 
Meicskome (6eae 

Robert WitleF incnister of plerzleilioz. ee Piries 
Gascay 1OKF, CIM gh Aave beer Be Sor Of EY 
Cmerew We2ret) 

Helen Willett cezughter of Jfros. ee 3. (668 
Thomas We2lel, author of “Burton? Joana burletter (216, 
Wt Weilet, Lormctorr cauthor- of “Sketeh of econ — 
omy of Tivime FProvicence, /776 : 
Qugustus Sattare-Wellett, Tevonshere b 1 £2760 
Charires Weedlett Lever ood, ae = 

ust /60S cs thts recorded inthe arish Church 
at Bearley, Exglanal. Ore of eighteen children of 
the well known D7 Gndrew Wiriet Re efor of Barrdey 
and Jorcobine (Coca) Weillet, 22a groincsorz of 
the former Reetor, Thomas Willet ZL, drought 
ip inthe cloistereol atmosphere of Estord lished 
Church, he seems eerily to havehad apircone of 
of his own, certct 6 rave settiece for herself the 
Questtor of velioeer; for at C272 early age, 16 
or /& perhaps, he le fe £rglorr7e& for Leycte 1 Movana 
21702 Beanrwme 72 active menrber of tre Leyden Cor- 
Mia Mekal ae Qtler two.or three years There, Feel- 
ing Ghat even &t Leyede 2 The Lescred redegcous 
diderty wos not fudty enjoyed he decidect Co seek 
ct 122 The new Country of Qmneercec. to which the 
Duteh were emrcgralling. Sore of therm wert cathe 
may-kawer on ie first voyage tn 1620, but Lt was not. 
urntcee VEIo. 30 that Thomas Wi2leded sore Zeek inthe’ 
‘Lton" for Plymouth, at the age of 19 or 20. Some. 
make the date (632.Ln the narrative of Governor 
Wiltiom Bracdforee tL is 1629 not his age 19. 
Kus honesty anc strecohtforwardk business 
hadels ‘Soom setélece him (nm Plymouta mck 

| a | , . 
Bis) 8 Le Wt tae Cnerew / born 29th 

SWAmsec2 Qs NX merchond £292 02 aes On the Gt 
of July {636 @e MAPrTrLeECL Morry Brown laceohter 
of John anc2t Dorothy radia: of Plymm onth. Kbouk 

Tes lime he hg SO BEE a C2 Grand a [00 esr ies 

. ah ; “ Hh au ey 
7 7 sl r a " , . -' 
‘ ( rie . alia ; ay > * 
7 ‘5 rd wa tate me ¥ fa Y] an 
% we, +, 5 ‘ , > } 
a. , au ny 
'v Fhe te as Ves Vie 
me * BS a ; Voy 
< Ry ee bv tne 
sore. Wega iat ee i 

ae | 
40 es he Ar 64 ity: Cy, oe 
re, mee NO Rai ae 

‘ Px - 
v ay 
t ‘re A 
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7 « 
Mt) “%\ 
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he tue: 
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. “4 i 4 
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= rae ; 
‘ y 
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_ ondones river. Krown @s *the honest young mean from 
Leyden”, he obtarmed ct goo jrosition as assislant 
to Qgent Ashley the trader hes duly decng & keep 
Ashley cn boumas’ He was meade Centeacn of 2 Com- 
pany of jn clilerry Ln (647, Qnee from /é6Sy/ [0/664 Wag 
QR nagetre2le in Ptymacth, fle decane a shipoumer 
and Cracded with the Lite; 2t Mew Qmsteraant OY 
whorr he was much licker a Choegh C272 e7792iShRINAN 
ics rescence £7 Leeyclert riaekerg Rint Fam ecar- 
with the Zaroquage are The people of Ho2lane ang 
Als neclel. 77 facr brea trnent of Chem <1 FARAH 
gcucnect hint Checr regarar. That he wes aeepliy 
relLoLous 6s evielent from the Story hat na&cans 
comsperertg lo etlact his warehouse, seecng him 
MWeenly engaugect cn vreakc7g his acdle with Asorermy 
ane stiadiocs ctr Leeame alarrmec?t Ane Ueol 
Thecr Componcorns thet re Aad cliscovereot thers 
plot by yectolerg ty his rmegce Sook. 

When the english conguorend Che Autth ct 7Iew 
Craster atm; Thomas Witlett was The onde english ~ 
mean hey woul consent lo adi trele with, enclhe 
— parsuccer Stuyvesant To geve up. OnJune/2 (665 
Thomas Wellett was made he first english mager~ 
of the future lew York City, thennr 377222 Towre of @ 
few marrow streets south of Wal? strecێ leneee with 
Strate Thatchee Cottages arr some harctsome beg 
diuteA Sucleler os, the Lalarnece of Che tawm bang by 

cluleh Forms or bouwarces’. L# wos Chen, as NOW, 


ae ; aan ‘ i he 
iy Pi 
Rtity cn, 

| ah aoe 
Gf ae * r pa iM 


‘ ‘ . Ulan Seer: as 
' a Seas Te Med 
,* , -». .. ¢ bh y OL itip 
J ps oy aad A iy ds, i 1) Tig fie 

v)* é 
he he 7 Ct ee 
Fe Ni ith Pe 
Nici Rieke 
ot) ) - 
Pit ; 
a: eed ar. f aM 
>. ry * ‘ a 
yh é, ' 1 
ee 5 ee y 
’ * 
in a f 
‘ ES Tie | 
hil ae 
: , ale be oy Ms 
Ba aha i 

rp ful a iY apes ny 4 me wn), , "" fe 
‘ vee \q 3) Ton we bP as Yi J ’ (« AB 



Cosynopotiter town, ecghteen cdifferent languages be- 
ing spoker. Hes acti mestration was ned Q720L 
equasle, favorable as well fo the clutehk as Co the 
english, 027202 Free from graft’, Hus wife cliec? Fth 
JARURTY 1669, ANC ON SenTe mber LG lo7/he merriect 
Inxs Jeanne. Prugegerr wéiolow of Reu féeler Huceen 
of Ne 2 forced Come, Two years leeler- Che Dutch re- 
Gok Neu Qrmslevraam anak UWe2 vett reli rect To 
Barringtor. RL. where he died the year following 
Qugust 4 167% ager 64" "He was Burcect tn Bullocks 
| Cave Cemetery Swancece RL besice bits first wefe. 
Hes heated 27702 footstones, Six inehes thack are iiius- 
treater on another nage. The Laseription O72 hes 
Mes Dieee Cees reads cs folows: feeeintone 

Lea “Ye re dyeth ye body of the vértvovs Mrs. 
Trey Wic2lett wife ja thomas We22e Csq, who 
die Jerr uary ye €* edout we 6Sth Year of AC m~ 
Age, Ckr2770: Footstane, “Daughter l% the wor--kt 
Johir Broun esq Tecceasect : 

Jhe stonature of Hon Cheerios UWirlett cepnprears 
ot The head ae. are the omy wores of hes 
TeCorozteR Cre in yeferenc Zo a gooe Clerk, of uvhom 
he sortces He cs J7ever tn The way or ever Cut 
of the woe” nee yerr a¢ler his death Acs Town 
wos 2ace tr ceshes oy Lreetans 27702 AéssonHezikich, 
killee. Hes Wile wes provece lavermber 25/674, 
Ae excectars were Ads sons Termes He2ckéah, Anerew 

C2zmc2 Sots. Ke slcezes that he cs dcessect wilh 

She ofterware? m1car~rcect Kev John Ben 
RS Gis a neeaeeeen ds eC 

i ———— 
- mr eg es » 

= 5 

severa’d cheledrert c277C2 2 ~cberad estate. Wes 
english Blooe promptect ae Zo emsfruct lis sons 
eal £0 se22 he leave act of the ix0re af Wi 2lett 
lé wes KLnmosnerccam ener Lo cae ro Ue22e Lt owns 
C222t/ OF cl. Aes esle2le tmvemntorcecé Papen Cweve 
Chou sence ol 2ers C2722 Lees Ole vc ozect ch e2mered 
Welly arr: J12G /2es Bhi Cees excent a few legezeces 
lo Arve mas. He was @ 2czrge lerreet holcezey, pees br 
Chose harrys (e720 wos cheap. | 
Such wees the en who cs seenposee lo stand 
@t The Ae coz of che Wi22ete Perm cre i171 Ameren, 
ee OS ntsc eeee that other hreczots: of Bremen es 
Cez7me ~rom Englanct,wihtreA weed be Cerkerr 

2479 LH Choe. Maas alee preree: Geek Guca cf seve be 
(fre Poeet (er es Qucte probable Thok Her couse 
Fo ee Lorek to Thormas Wi22e 226 forth er Or Groene 
ferlh er Ke Rherctr20 cAareeren by Lids Se Comoe 
wife. By his frst cucfe he hac/3 2s Foclows | 

“4. IRO+Y, D.TLOUY 91637. Im st) Samered Hooker 
(688. Q) Thomes Buckingham /7O8, 

4. narher, b, 019 6,1639. 0./67¢,m.John Saffin 16st 

le. Johrr_ d&. Leg Bt (GEL ed YOLLNG , 

LU -SRIrOQR. O-~TMadly “4.1643 ~ ol. (665.0. TSoRM Ele o€. 

tL.Rebeecr-b. Tee 2 -164¢ - 0. 164G 

4 -~Thomeas-b-Ocat /. (O46 5 C2 - YOUNG 

4-4 Sther.b Tune to (6¢6-~ 02. (737.272. Tastah Fecnt (672, 

U~ Jaarmmes.6_P20u 23, 1649, art. GI LéczcdbeCe Kriicnt 

VOTH )420233 ~/7@WLoumelon CE} 

1673. @) Boece rene. 1677 

f 7 
: i 
@ ' Lary 40 
ap iP s 
i, yea % ; 
. : ve - _ a 
ay op J 4 Gs a _ 
: y k) ‘ 
oe eh A 
’ P “ , 
. if me) 
‘ Ag Ve 
ry * $4 a, y q 
: i a »s 
: , f in ont ot AN 
& > ¥ ve 
° Ms hey / ’ 
Poe r ae, f 
e 5 , iy a‘® 
> ’ yb P 
| Le eat an Tae 
n jie "i \ .. i" 
“ ‘ 4 f , LT wae. | 
7 i<¢ Pe r ® é) Ce 
. 7 
at m 5 rt nad fe ut 
il zy , gl? 1 “ ry 
«4 » +, , , ’ ‘ 
' {_* 5 7 7 i cM i ‘ 
J ¢ | ’ a F Wel 
’ fe io : 7 4 A wh 
. ae % 
.s i Lay 7 ; A 
: 2 Ss na ya § P ¢ , : 
A aa yer 
> ~ i \ a ie rl 
; p a2 3 : ay, (ie ‘ a we a ee i At 
’ 7 ae eer ns eae a m 
- » d vee yt ee | 4 y 


. ay ao . FS ; mi bd) . a re ony ll i 7 ; meta ve 
ne) Pe ys ik Tee ye 

as hia eae 6 fesy, cl. O54 
4.He2rzekiakh ib 1658. &./676 172 an Brown, (ore 
Le Dewic.& Rov fi leSee ele YOLLIG 
= QrHave i Bo O28 SO pes ae We ee cha Oy chek 
Cocdaumgton / 6% 2 
4. Seermuel. &. Oct 27 165%. | 
si) Mary Wellett ( Thomes 3) 2. novso 1637 pa? 
mm. (4) Sonneee Hookert He ce. ane ee 
5S. Thomas. b. oe 1/0 1689 
ST Seemuel-b. May 29 1661 
Jo. We2ecam -L.MQYy 11 1663 
S20OnT? . Goll) 20 1665- 
S-JTames -6 OG er Fore 
S. Koger.O~ Sent. 7y 76 Ce 
5S. Rathamnelb- Sept 2 1671 
S.reary- 6. Jury 8 1672 
S. Hezckiah_&_Hov Y (GIe 
5. Doriet_ b6-)neh.2zs 1699 
52 BRT ah oO (Cel; 
m @ /homes Buckingham 1763. (Molssue) 
(AT artha Willett (Thomas 3), Aug b 1639, e166 
m. Sbhrr Soften (GS Hect 1710 
Lsswue : 
J Soh. b- Sent. 13 1/689 
S. Joh10 iO Od. fab 766 o. 
5. Thomas. 6-Mckh. 1&8 166y 
5. Simon_ b- Clie fOCe 

nee eo 

ae To we ay 
ah : a i; 

5. Jostan-.b. Jar3zo 166¢e 
S-Jasenph-b6. Fee. 2 (670 
JS. Bernzyamin-b- Tune 1S 7672 
Vl Sara Willette TAomeas 3) 6 MaY “41643 Cl. /66S~ 
mM. Joh Eltot* Heed. (66 ¢ 
l Sot 
S- Sarak beer 
/ i) Esther Niilett (Thomas DB. Tidy (0/46 21737 
In Rev Jostah Flat 1672 He R1660- & note? man 
S- ery. OQ. ov (672 
S.Henry_b. Fed 9 107% 
S_Henry.b- Ty oe 
oe Hard Cte oe Hae 
(Gh Jezenz2es Willett ( Thozzres 3) a how. 23/649 
Ts @) L£lizabeth kere, Pog a Le Petey Hane, Veo 
SLX Ears after Ris rmerrcoege, Tames We2rrett - 
sue@w hes Fether~in-law for LL00.., alerirm L727Gg fe 
he Acrct Rareed Zo nary Aum (hot amont on his 
metrrrying Aus Gorughter. he lost Che suck but 
lhe memrriage us secret 4 have been Aheppy one, 
fio Issue ae: | 
11(2) Grece Friemtl 1677 
OST ATG.) Oe. Jiine 4)? /67¢ 
S- arth. 6- /6Fo. 
5. Thomas. b- /GF/ 
* Son of John Elliot the Incttan Apostle 


| S. Sarehk.B. 1683 | : | 
Sb) Heztkiah We22ett hie 3. ov 17 1653 1676, 
7. Ann Brown (or Qneiric Bowne) 1676 
They iver at Swanser anet he was a fevorcte 
with e222 his necghbors ane wee dukec? by meny 
of he indians. Q few moriths after he was 
Wrarrlect, es Ae wes stemereng ear hes Prove 
Ae was shot Sy Some prow ierng cree 7s are? 
Acs Arecre2 Carre ct arr Offer 71elians wiro 
knew her fencarng the The cz 02 Combed The hair 
lércverdy, Leorarvect ag weeh ee 27202 brought 
ct Gack To és jie nie: ee : 
2 (x) Qnctrew Wi2tZett (Thomes ) b. Oot 5/655 a Ll 2 

ewy20rl, KengsTown Rt 

Vi tae Okay Codldeingtorr vere She cf /7r4 
io sei | 

 S. Qnme_b~ Sens 26: ee Peet 7. Bed Onperier 
3S. 7Roary- 6. Sept 2/ 1690. 772 Joseph Carnenter 
Ss: Fromees 6. June 25/693 i776 ™, mowy Toru tor 
S.Thommes- 6. ay 13 1696 a 1725~ : : 
S.JRarthe_b.r20e 6 169% we Fease 

(4) Sariuel We2lett (Thornes 3) ) 2B. Oct 27/658 

Very dittle ezeeounet cs et o7 Ches We22etd. 
He wes Sherceff of Queens County. There Aes 
beer ce murmber cALicren creeretert & hom 
Wea who were yore dckely Crese or TRovmce s 
anc Sarah Cornett) Werle of Feusherg 4L 
-@s weet be molec? im cts preper pcace. 4 e& 

Lar Loree Cefe him, cnt Mhocte Le loi rec2 by fees 

, Kv iast 
' Pf mp 
, , 
sd ’ +i 
® e ' - : mM 
‘ z - ‘ we ‘ 
il = ® y ra 
v q Fo.- i ¢ nh ny 
* 0 
Let | Leu ee bet x 
» ns, Se i et bas 
7 r B-2 edt heat A D | 
: Tbe yy he 
Vv . » «vy e Py. ae 
« f , j = Laas 

’ is as ’ tar. vs ' 
At i oF Pi a i% he ; < ., ; yo eae 
Lg ' : AG i” 5 9 Ty AS 
a Shs Se aR 
7% . i \y v } 
Pat? on 
A Ma Suet 

: ay 
SE Wek cna 
Ls tae hs sk 

" ee 
' : ¢ : Felony De 
Ogi AD = 
Wy r 5a) Mh oy on 
ee) a 5 eh 
rf f rr ha a 
a?” kee ae” 

Pe | 

y { 


. ; it ts 

ia ® q . tb 

>» : y + 
| ae | 
ae! bs re ? 

a eS 
Pag? A “4 ae “ R 
? i) ; f j + 
¥ ; 4 


i Pe hi 

father, crc may have removed there. [tts not 
Know? whom he wroerrLecl, e2r1ce Chere ts @ family 
traciteon among the M12 letés of eile eee Co.2E 
Theet he was the Sormeel WirleH yhoo was @ lord 
hro2cler- c272.02 62777 keg per ot Weekoke. pee es 
county 7S. 67 /700% As No reearees ewe as get 
been found by whieh ais e222 Be Creccerect, Che 
Trove2ifiin ymust yo for what ct CS WOT. Frority.. 
Aecrecmstanee, role ot farther o7r, the cwuthor Aes 
beer Aji ees be etre ue these Jilecteesex eee 
Moninoclp County Weieletts to be Weserrcze222%s 
of Cod Thormes We2ert of Flush 6129 Os @720The 
Gectition makes Cherr ole Seemcze272ZS oF G27 
Qsrakoom We2dett. lhe I70L7me of A S077 27702 Sreomg- 
Sorter Co Thomas Me22edt. Ony tnformelion thet 
wid throw light on thes matter weed be grate - 
Fully yececvect by The Qicthor. we lhink how- 
ever, Chat we may creait Saree woth, 

Issue se 
Su 22bert. 6. 1oue 
in Tekee Ge ray 
o L£ewarct_b- (202. ts 

Dorethy FéLi1r deugher of Esther~ Me2vett 
Flent wes born tn 167@. Tr i701 Shemerreect 
Hon Leimunee Quincey C2 2me177 Ber of the noted 
Querney farmedy by whonr she hact three child. 
ren, L@mune 6 1703, £lezq@aeth 61706 who 


married John Menclell in 1724, he le (J0& 
ane Jostah 8.1740 — 

Dorothy Quimey* “eenohkter as Dorothy Fecrt 
Quier1ey ence Granee.ceughter of £stherMilett 
Feit, WIATTrE ecg Fotwer oz JeckSorr of 2 matecr 

Fozrmedy of thet Acey amet the.r claughter~ 
Vagiora™; JezekSor, St eee ae, Odiver Wenaezd 
Sun of Tact rer cede e270? Sarah Oecyver 
Var Y'$ eacohter, Sarak Myencde22 IMerrrcecl 
Rey Qbca2 Holmes the Aistorcare c27702 thecr 

S07 wes Ollie - Nevivedd Holmes the Poet. 

; Wemncte2rd Pacilips the matect lecturer wor S 
olso a relative. a 

EeizadeRr Qucrney, oe of er epe 4, mearrce og 
John Mendez 72¢ phew of Jacod Werece22- 
John's son, John Atemerel2 wes c2 COTTEeS DONC 
ent of Mashington, ance emterleimect John 
Feau2 Joes at hes home in Fortsmouth,. 
Hes som endlestect UI7OLCT Joan Saute Jones. 

In 1é71 Oltver Nencze2? Holmes, the grectd 
GrANCLSOTL of Aorcthy Quincey, urole The 
fotlowing noes, suggesrtect dy an octed Temey 
porhreact of Acs Great grenemathey- 

Llorothy og 
fh famicy “For trect 
LZ cCezrznot tect the story of Dorothy Q more 
SL ply in prose than I have Lote? ct in verse 
* See Qprpendiy V/ 

- *, 
(vr ; ;7 ve. 
pos a 
‘ >) ’ 
é - 
ia, see. . . 
eee “ ete 
oT] ba i . ; | ie A j Ne, 
4 ] We ‘ 
. . ¥ i \ 
7) he ye a Pe } 
a" 4 Vat ’ 
bi \ 

but Lean ede some&lhing to cz. Darethy was 
the ckaciohter~ of Jiuage £¥more Quine zy and 
neice of Josiah Quervey, Jr, the {young patriot 
— ana oretor- whe eécect just before re Qmeriean 
“kevoalilion, of whieh he wos one of the mosé 
edaguernt arned effective promotors. 

The ecarvass of the pacnteng | URS SOMmuex - 
Meecrvect Chat Lt Reco be replecect bey ou 
7eWw OVE, LR clo 9 iv bere the rapier thrust 
wes of Course 7Pe2le oe 

Cranemcathers mother: her age, 1 guess, 

TAty leer’ Stinzmers, 6r something less; 
Gir2csh bust, Out Womendy 22? 

Sriaeth ,squere forehencr with ujorodier hacr; 
Luvs hat lover Aad 2ever kissed; 

Taper firoers anc ster cdler- wresé; 
Hargeng sleeves of slit f brocnce; 

So they pacntect the 2ittle IP1RLAL, 

On her haved cr PPATrOE gree 72 

Sits UN MoULNG e270? Drooeés Serene, 

Ho2c2 wp the CRIA LADS Pye gee i772 ucew, — 

Look! there's a vent the light shines through 
Dark with 2 centre’ S fronge of otis, — 
That was 2 Ree-Caoat‘s TOD LEY thrust! 
Such us the Tete the laey ae, 

Dorothy's deughter’s ®aughter bold. 


1 age eae 
7 Neg 

ay, Ks ” 

ne ay 
‘eat ae Aen 
a ? 
ee ee 
é om ; P 
. ae 5 ye . 
. ¢ e Py ‘ we ' 5 i? ; 

7 _ ‘ ’ “J r | | “ ¥, ve ? i 1 Me . ve ft 
‘oar Wintae waite ei be is ony Teint iA ¥) ¥ Ga ee 

. : ’ ¢ hy, f vr ' » ; , , ar y 
a ja @ rr My » %, 
| Ree aiaee Manet Ran 0's 

nan . er 

lid 1 
a oS) 
) 7] R 
. " f a ; r nis 4) 2 
| wig ne 
- eo ia) ao q » ite ; vy am 
: irs mi "Ne he , i 
2 % 
art ‘ "eae al ie 
dtd ia) ua 4 4 % 
| . M ; 4 vi Lit raul f a ‘ 
* gy eX Ane ine 
: " a) 3 y 
j e « ; Met Gre 
a 3 > , ry 
o ¢ ¢ 
7 a » 7 ) 
& j 
«, a 
“ if ‘ 
wi ‘, : 
ey aba 
7 \, v 
an x / , 
aT 4 ; 
z , ; 4 
’ oh Pa ae 
i a peda 
ioe, * 
9 Pap Ges’ 
vM as 
. a ap! * » Was aw fe 
; ’ re “y » *D “7.4 -? 

¥ % : A ®, ‘ : 
ny re y \ Gd Val 
' ' AM Aoe hey ary & 
rr r tA an ain Ay ay a 
¥ id 4 "ee eet hay 
s ¢ ‘ ay ia 

' a - , a 
: , 
® : gin 
a we 
> 7 nt 
“, . rae 
no ; i: 
» , ‘er y 
. 8 “) . a 
a) , ahs 
po, ‘ M 
“Si 4 A 
2-2 » " 
$ f : : } 
bar ob Ae, 
hare Me 
+ 7 7 J 
j ° y fi 

Who the Jaainler wErS PONE W7RY Te2g; 
One whos Lest was rot over weed} 
Herc2 are ary, Oey ege de Confessen, . 
Floaé as ce rose Lhat hes 2o 29 beer? peebeeee 
Yek imhereheek the hues @re bron, 
Dorevity Colors of Feel and ere? WALee, 
One in her sie: 22 er sh ezpe APE SCRE 
Herd @nez prom ese of stately mer. 

Look nok or Bane mth eyes of SCOT?2, — 
Dorothy Q.was @ lecty born! 
Qrye! since the galloping Normans come, L 
— Englards cennodes heave known her name; 
Qnee sti2l to the three-hitied rebel Town 
Llecer vs that cenezende 7727 27717 ECS Tekmown., 
Far Mans Cvecvie Wrealk they won, 
The youthfull Sire care the Rae hacrect SOr, 

O Deanrseé Gorcehe r Dorothy Qs 
Strange cs The Go éft L Owe To you; 
| Such | cS C2 G¢fe CAS Never, a Re CITG 
Saveto ea eaughter or som might Bring,— 
QL? my tenure of heart ankankr han, 
C22 MY ttle Co house ane (are: 
Mother ance sister ehiler ance wife 
Qne joy and sorrow ane ceath anc life! 

thet tf rnhun@reak yerrs ego 

i Cat . as 
MN al?) | 

{ Ma , a 

a Pe fal é 
at) bt ped 
ns ; 
4 , i 
A we) ¢ 

a a r 
rt if » he 
- Pete 
, H 
‘ es 


Those close-shut Zips Aan angwerect 720, 
Mhen forth the Grernnious guestior came 

Thet cost the rracter2 her 2orman mame, 
One urcertheforcs that look sv sté22 , 
| The Boctece Swerrerk wucth the bosorn's ay va gy at 
—Shoure J beT, or urcuree it be | 
One terrth Rrnother Za nine CLenths mes 

Soft is the breath of e2 3 02L0e2en'6 Yes: Ae 
Rot the light gosscrmer stirs with less: 
But never oe eadie thet holes so fast 
Thro Up? 222 The Latties of wave anc Jlasd, 
CAminever 2n echo of S2eReh or song 
Theet Z2eves 171 the babbling acer so Zong! 
There weretones tn the voece that whisjerect ZReIZ 
You MAY ACO? fate 472 @ Auncirect men. 

O kacty 22208 2a ver, ow fey 022702 ae 
Your Lege Rovers ~O77c8 Fiore we ere, 
Soria C272 C2 stir r-eng L272 flesh 027202 ote 
+ £etiveryet?s dpowed Disc enh y's 222 Thecr own, 
Cl Gooely recorec tor Time to shou 
‘Of a sy2adle spoken go lang, ago! 
Shee I dless You, Llorothy, or forgeve 
For the tencer~ whisperthet bade me teve? 

lt sha? be abless 69279, my little 77A€G@ 
LT wilt head the ste ot the Rect-Cowzd }levove, 

e one e-y 
a - - e 
q . 
: i “ye 
7. <_ ' 
“i . » 7 
y ae’ > 
a a. 
7 a ea » 
> of, 
r,,.* o- 
: } rey 
= , @ = 5. | 
' se r a “ ; 

» ' 
a7 Pa : " 
> _. 2 
>. v 
a 4 ee A 
& a Po a be 


a! 4) ¢ 
¢ a" Au! LV 
i ae 
re i 
: 7 Ys re’ ry , ; 
be ea re 
oi Aa) hay 
Fal 2D 
aa Pah 
" ve j é. wy 
¥ hokey ae i 
ai wir iS ae 1° 
it, "7 \A J te 
: 7 ee | yh, ‘ . i 
: ie ey a 
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ree Py He 7 iy 
‘ , a’ of pvc) 
A | | ¥: iy OP 4 t 
a, Be \ ae 
<a eit. oe | wee 
viet ie 4 hie 
we | a nels 
gy y 5 8 Ri v | | 
' { r or, a i 
+ ai ay” 
* Me 
@ 4 p be ty ae 

Wee tea 
ae? Me 
d Vy, 4 , A 
» \ ' 
" iy ry : 
: oh + Paty 
7 U ‘ PS aie | 
me Ae ad e* D 
|e ye aire Sate) 
' an? >of ay 
. reg 4 + Wi 

i; Mi, Cra Ms a® 
\ is ye Me oars Fi Mad a t , 

43 1% Ts) f 

Lue 7 re ZY a ‘ 
7 ¢ \ a if it ‘ 

2 4) a ig te 

. iy 

, " lis 
Us Seay a eae 
| an te 
speek na 
4 ~ 
aM See 
et ¢* he . 
rhe vy ears a 
De a 4 Mm. 9) 
HS A ae 
Pore vEvu?' ae 
4 a if 
ae i 
* ‘ wen 
ete SS ce! of 
“4ihe 1) pede 
ar 4 
Sa . 
: ae : 
A 4 
ot RAS 
‘ ’ ay 
P ae, Ye 
si + 
“ pie 
a +r wr 
-f i ' i 
* ©) 4 s 

woe | 
One freshen the g 022 of the Za Rr cshece FrRmMe, 
: Anoe Gulge tcth of thyme your househeld name, 
So you sheael Smite on us brave 0272c2 brzght 
Asferst you greetecd the marrenng cope, 
Cnet live un trouble by WoeSs.al72c2 Fears 

Taro Ligh RB Seconk Youth of a hundreeyecrs,” 

20 ary Willett ( Onelrew 2) Sent ae 1690 
eg Josenh Carpenter, her sister cas hesdang 
al SEER 
6.Wreeett. b_1zrae 
6. Wiliete. b_ 1/716 
6-Pheobe_ b_ spre 3 
\ Gitimearen 76° “VLG A | ees 
6.Joseph 6. 320. ee One 
6.Cincitew _b-. 172% - 
6 Thomns be) (72S iF 
6.Fremecs. 6. 132% In- | Behe Hearn ar? lever 
. a 2 sete 
Mary, Ae Somuet Gewrener 
Weijeté, 172 E2c2 abel Case 
Frances , Odigair, Sorch , 
pers James, : ‘ 

- See Appendix Vif 

6.James b 
215) /oarther Willett ee ey 2)3 mech b ége 

mM _ Simon “Fease 

LESULE Frounccs, Wi2licem , ery, Simo, 
1% arthor. Tic coith A272, 

WLtA the exception of Those of /homas anal 
Fraiecs, $0175 of Anodrew(2), Samuee sor of Hon Thomas 
cemee of [horas son af James) we have reachee the 
ence of Lhe yrale or Willett Rescencants of Jnaxor- 
Thomas Weelett. Jhomes Sou of Ondrew lever FO 
years but has no recora of marriage. Francés 
Mmeorrtek Acts 220 vecorcz of éssue_ Sormue2 weare 
it oloctb € c2bout withoel reeorces, ane we forrer 
no reccrez of Thorras son of James PPAATIMN LRG, 
The mode essere then must ea ae on Samuec, 
Some Wi2lee Braneh now 72 the Lark rey Cnce 
Lack to him ~ joerhacxj0s the Jrew Jersey seg tee be yore 
ere Llornece | 
/here cs RLS 0; ° The OtTRe+ es ba that 
/eacyor Thormers Wti22ett$ Sor Thommes born /bul atic 
RE ot ace 277 mIaDrrLcen ag re porlecd but Aac LSSULE, 
Jr support of this theorty we have he statement 
op one Qulheorelty Tet he woes 7rayor of PReeclice ar 
Queens Co Lf cerzce mother that he Wes Sheriff 
024 Long Lslarct. RAgacnst Ches we have the fack — 
hat the epi ate Wee? ae Nat mernrdlior2 A SO7t 
EE oe rmoavect lo mon mouth 
COole2ty 72.7, 7702 Was the Hakake innkeeper 
thes we Rave ce 2079 2eme of Leseercvar2ts 
rocgn Jim, to the ereciz of Macjor hors 
Weelecé. Who has any recorcs Lo prove the 
clescenctanss of Chis Saonne? We2leze ban Ks 

, 27 
Or of Ruts brother born 1G Gr oF TRONNIRAS SGM 
of Ais brother James, born /66/, or of Thomas ang 
Framccls, born 16976 e720 (659, sons of his brothes~ 
Arereu f Bo2torns History geves Sa2297 2082 one Sor 
bs701 who Livect us ore aes C272 08 Arce a chALleren. 

I~Tbomas Willol. « of ae as 

spoken of by one authority as Coept Thomas 
Weelrett, rece sezcert by the Cornel? Genealogy 
tohave come from Engler. He clcect 164S~, 
Mn Serah Cornel 2* eeeghter aft Thomes Corie? 
) of Corne2és Meck. She atterwarc morrcea 
Chartes Bré clges on (647 ane John Lawrenee 
Tren 1662 . 
[he 7Pemorcal Hes lory of JlewW York SO¢YS aye 
Thomas We2lett Race Childrer, /3¢ Cot Thames living 
L712: F7ew York lr 1667 Aac2 2 sors, We2ecarm ere? Thomes” 
Jhis geves cotor tothe supposction thet thes Thormes 
We2dleté belonged Zo the Pr ouyor Mile tt Branch. 
Berge 72, e727 his” Lardy Settlers of ergs County ays 
Thornas Wille wars High Sheriff of Queens Counezy 
in (68F, Are uwrcrs Drobardly 2 $07 of INnyorJhomeas 
Wi2lete” He was, however spe aking of Col Thomas 
as the above Thomas eect (7 1643. Appcetor'’s 
Cyclomecia of Brogranhy says that Tho 1718S 

* L646~ See Appenden Vill 


| 28 
Uirlett, sor of Payor Thormas, born at Feymouth (bub 
Was 2 7RA/or of Mreditice of Queens County L./.. 
Baltorns Hestory Salts. Jas (209 Thornes Werrere of 
Flushing £1. son of Hon Thornes Witlere of 22 of, 
converen to his e2dest ort, MWé2rlcorm, Cor ne des Meck 
afle ward Correct Wiriteds Forrt. Lr 1731 Merle 
left éL Ta his hRecrs. Ln a ie Seare My cllede conveyed 
it to Lsaeze cance Lewis G FORM, x x «x Meryor WUc2letts 
seeome Sarr wees Col. Thomas Wetlerd (Aigh, Sheriff 
of / Flush L729 tte (670 who IN LTI-LE OL SArcrhr, Lore. | 
of Thornas Corne22 of Corne2ds reek. He lefé lwo 
sons, Wellcem who Lect without issue are Hon 
Thomas Wir2etl, Judge of Queens Cocerey from 1710 
Lo (730 er7rct was ferther of focer Sons, Willie rn, 
Hom L9cz0ze Wi2lee Hegn Shercff of Mestehestver- 
County /93& Thomes of Flushing and Crraed. 
Lus of Cornell’ Neck, 22 of whorm Aced wethodt 
mele essue. One of The daughters of Yerrecare 
mearried cr Po cl e202 et ardlhe~ ce Jones ma eK 
Capt Thomes -le2lezz of Ply rmocethe IVIASS wn AK 
left /. Cot Thomas MUe2lett of Pew Cork Li 1660.9 | 
afterwerce of Flicshe 729 FES & rhe Ace 02 tito SO7S, 
VUi2ecam ane Thomas. Thorres hore Wi22lam 
who celtee 1733 leaving Welecam, SSo2rxe keok 
Sheréff of Mestenester Cucrily why merrrceet 
Lso2be22a MIOr res , Thomas of Fltusa 057g, Corne2ees 
whe marrceoe £lczaseh wxnxx Sorrrue€d 
Sort of Cont Thomas We2lett was Shercpf Of 

| | 2G 
Queens Caccnty Wel: Stes Sor wor s Born (700. Fir 8 
thirteen CAcieren cence Cec ac GS - 

‘Tt weed be seen Lhat ctdtbes (aarzc® NIMES ane SO 
IMLxeoct éty £7 Che Bc Qs Lo EGO cai cz $Q717C— — 
Ww F202 & wepz2cerlacr. ae Sie ia 

The Doeumentary Hes a of Jew Bork WoeTes — 
the suspension of CoZ. Wetec from the Coceneed 
for Go72¢eeling pirate PIIONEY LA 169E- 

Thee 72 Y- Genecrlogread O277.02 Beogreapnr a 
Says Theet Thomes Witlett of Flushing IMAQTI-~Leck 
Sara. Cormel2 o272c? Rac a son Thomas baptirer 
tr che Delth ChurtA or Yew Lark Prov 26 Gis 
ee ir Lee Ale Geos Loo thot. Pow oF Chez 
ts Tree ther the elcler Thomas eouzee rot have 
deen 02 Son af *rievor Thomas os Le meséAave 
deen borm c2d0ut the soeme time cz77ez Lervore 
Pniacyor te 22e bt Cozmme LO Amercec. Thes might 
aisyare of fee Theory of Che Friste2"TARomeaé 
becr9 c2 wart of fhe Meeyor = But LZ A CUP O2LE 
fact that Ca2 Thomeas Wi2det! who marreect 
Heeena Slbb6t hoff was baptisect en 164s he year 
Tieet JPiereyor Thorias ¢8 SCZ Ce2 Zu Rave hravrason 
7ROMMAS whe us escecee Loe have Clcecz YOUNG Ded 
Ae © Thornpeor 9 Has eorc OF Aong LS Lo2r7MECL BCS 
that Thomas UWi22eH eleatecz Lé the Qssemely 
in 19/0~1726 was the elolest som of Thomes 
Meriett first Travor of New York, Ank was 
member of The Counecl from 1677 to1692.- 


Lf we make Cor. Thomas Willett fo be the sa72 of Ipargar 
Thommers, Cherr hake becomes of Brest" Thames 2720 
Saren Corne22 who hact 2sunThomes ° Ma he setde 
tn Rhowe [glee @s some e2adcm. Tf so, what Pos 
decome of Ais eleseenceants® Plow the lest of the 
(nhabilamts of Flushing ort 1698 Contacms the names 
of lho famittes of Willetts_ Thormas azct Helene pis 
wife ceric? {£L8o0ns Glzcl 2 claughters. E€dert Comedus, 
Qbrethem, JoAnn , Qlerece czr0t Flize2be A: cect Thormeas 
We2eee 027202 SaarczA Jats wwirxe o7702 Clezugh ter Sorrah, 
Ttho was.thes Thormes ore Soerakr § Rat Pres le? Thomes 
eer et Scxreh. Corne?2, for They hact roe Laughter Serek 
C27200 Chornes wes Clecct Fo years j efore. Li Tray 
heve been @so71 of Coe Thorrees enc He2ence, who 
Was borr abanet (67O &77Cz mIarrcect ___(SearahS/ 
76 puce Tes gueston of the mixect Thomeses tn PhApE. 
tor Ehe genealugecerl Stiuclent we Give ataduieted 
sflalermet of ex/rerels (sae ccf ferent Ceecthorizes 
017 Che Sudseed. 


Operr er2cl Rrxcous For a ee C2272 tn formatin 
we ore ak present ob8eccecz t0 make ez Lem porary cle— 
cistomn rpc Che evccterme yoresertect camer we22 
there fore degirr thés braneh wilh:the Briskor Eng. 
Thomas Wille. tn (655 Thomas Pett of Briste2 Lng. 
Zeft @ legaey to Aes sis ber Nartho Wi2rleeH and hes 
Brother-(Gro-in-law) Wiliam We2tetté. This William 
Wi2le2ze cance? MerthalTete) Wi2lezZ mary have been the 
Pores af the Jobce We2iedd ee cee me To Ormercear 

in the shin Planticon La (GG o c2re2 thes Taice P97 eee 
hove Been the ‘ris to 2° TAomes who Sarak | 
PonraIe2d. (See Qpyendiéx aL) cae 3 
| Stole ment ; 

Bolton| Mayor Thovnes Widletis secorie son was Cod. 
/4éstory| Thomas Widiett of Feushing who marrrek Sarah 
page2y| Corne22 ane hace Ko Sous We22cam cero Hon 
Thownes Wee leet Juctge of Qri.eers COLDILE: 

7) 71022 or Wi2le ees Go ungest Son Sarmmuc? 165%. 
ffes eldest sor £olwerFrez meorrcece Aletta oe 
cence? Rec? so Caz Perens Weelett 

Cant Thornas Aeilett of Plymouta tr 1629 m. 
prary Brown ener hact Cot Thormas Uie2lez2 of - 
view York ancr Flushing who Acree sors Mllccm 
cna Thomes. : oe / 



"fe £ Deas We27e a SO7? ge Prayer] 7TROMAS We2deed 
Gen, Me | Qlce ee young 
ME. se es Wi2te be Son ~ mayor Thorne We2leLe 
Hes Read) Borer fete cones 

Gppretons Meeyor Thomas Wetlece Acre? o2 Sart Tho7e2s 
Cye born at Plymouth / Cee, l646,Who wees oe 
Bicgraty|n efor of MNLecT cert of Queers Ca £,f 

I2Y Thornes Wetlect of Frew York anc wefe Scrak 
Gene. Cornel2 rd? ce son C2 Thomas Wei2edceet of 



Ge7rel Flushing who marrcect Helenn SL ot hoff Whos 

Log, Son Elbert hecason Fotwarct who marred 
ReeorctiQletle Clow -s cerc2 Freee? & son Co2. MearenusuWcriece. 

Begens|/homes Witleét was H¥e9n Sheriff of Queens 
Kings |Co in 1688. Woes ogee son of ar 
Co |Thomes We2 lee .- 

12.4. Gei/0bce WeileG Cce7e Lo /7CW Erglane from 
Mesh Re Erigteenee c72 Che ship Plankeon't71 1632 

IY QA marriage. léeense was ‘Grantee. tn 1695 
HHest.| @ Thomas WeL22eée af Queers County, RN 
Gg |Sarah HineAmarn of Flushing 

L.f, \Thomres Willeéd sor of Caé Thomas We22ece 
Hes. So | 027702 (fe lencz, O ie oe eee . 

Cornerz?|JAomes LUcile& of Bristo2 Eng 717 ie tmhe cl 
Gene, \Sarahk Cornel? ann had We22ar un mearreel, 
c2ne Thames Cayo 26 lov 16S oh L722, MAME cd 

KHe Zener Stoo £ hoff 

The 1 pou: of Thomes cerned Serrcrh Core? U2 led 
2 Willie. ble“ Ly. 3 
2-Thomas-b. ov 26 seus @./722 mn Melena Stitte/p 
2-£lietethd__ mm =Rolere Reechanr 

| 33 
2 (2) Col.-Thomas Willett (Bristor Th omas 1)b Novae lows 
He wes -Hegh Shertfft of Fiusheng im /@70./¢e 
Was en cntc-Lecstercern ame Jacd Lecster 
who wees L72 Commane of the fort atiewYork 
oreerece him arrested Ln 1OFF for becry tn 
favor of Keng James Cag cert Keng Nc 220270, 
He meee his escceve tnto FEMNIEY2VAN Le, The, 
order wore gain proceecmect tn 1690, But 
uclanc2lelyy Secretary Clarkson seat for 
— Cet. Weeleé? To b72779 Ais tren to Che fort at 
/72€wW York Zo preserve peace. FIO ON FR Ss 
In. Ke lene Stoothof# PRL. of £esert SlBotho ff 
3.Thon7es-0./670 Im Larahk be er 
3. Adreherrr. 6. (676.772. Susamner Stevens 
vie Berb. 6. /680- 772. Jeez Vertek 
3_ Helerz0r_b- 1686/ ~72- Mi22Lam Hartshorne 

3. f0RF O77 oF 771 ~ Mery Pa ol772022 
3. Cornetcus._ G_ 1772 

Se SQrerk be 
3- Chartes_b __ 
3(3) TAoniIas Willett ( TROMIAS 2) b. (670. Fiushing 
m. Sarah Henchnzenls) Feushing (m.tecense eae 

Mai William Wellett ( Thomas 3). LO9S. Pushing 

pe fr) 
J. (Romass) 2: 
S. Wertiam - ee 
S. Cornedcces. On me TOS 
Sanne blgia. pH ae) Jeaee 
S. Is cecze. b- C20 Is Isabelle PROTYCS 

S. Henneh_b6__ 777. Frectercek Stevens 
UV a a 297- 7Feev George Ogerdy 
ise M77 ery - ps PT? - Roctr71 82 - 

(5) Cornelius Willett (Wedecor Ee Bo 
mM. Elczabeth ; 

6_ E£lczadbeth-_b 
(GF) Chae Willett (We2ecam) b. Oto Flushing 
m. Darviee) Janes. This was probedly tne 
Louce Janes, rember af asseniaey R702 Speaker 
for Kings Cu Q@nee Sujrreme Court Jixcrge, & 1200, 
c2.1775. Fre hae 6 Chirct+rer2 O77e Of WROIN WAS 
Thor7as who was cro yordest Supreme Court 
Jucge are actthor of “MHiskory of Mew York cr 
the FeeveluLlion: We ferme two che lerrdra recorded. 
Lsstie | 
6-Dauice 64722 _ ss 
6_Thom7es Bi722. Tice of Supreme Court 
2_ Qnne, lac. of Gov Delaney 
(WY Abrahanevtl lett (Thomas 2)b. 1676, Feuashing 
mM. Susanna Steves 7 


4. Charity -B-(7/4~ @. 1735 
“%. Elrmer_ O- (7/7 - 
4. brahent.b_ 1717-272. Henna Lawrence ee 
bh Pope OGD Ee 
Li. SUSANNE. a ee SMO cas  Sanrecel Cece) ree! 
“4_Thomas- O- ‘7 Pie or 

Lh_rary. b_ 17 29- 327- Thomess i eee Ce as 

“i Laliurarel De C737 2 
/(3) Flelera Weilett (Thornees 3 2) 6 és. Feusheng 
m_Wiltiam Hertshorne of the Aight ands 72. “as 
TCichtoerce (Aarts hore, the yrevabZe fatherof 

We2dte2m, eezmme trom Lomector 622 1669 ema the 


follouing year gorerrect Pesse ss lor of re Land 
mow known as Allcrtte Itcechlomers_ Ae Jecee | 
Aris first Celor2cc22 rescclence at Hekoeke 
Creek, bué about (687 erectect his nana 
hoarse Op Fics 7429722027202 Estcte, C2 Large ATE 
of whkhick steel rerrecms t72 the Hartshorme 
fo2r7c2ey cerrel es kriowmn Ces Portlerrct 27072 or 
le2 /703 Recher ArorksAorrve gave Ches esterte 
tohes sor Wirliam cence Chis was the home 
of He ler er We 2de td HeextShorne. 

Jheg Atcvoz oe pa 12 TAOIMAS WAY 7202 wreck lary 
Sonith, onjnctee AC? ClargAter,7?2ar corel. Ce 970777 00~ 
S077, TRomags, Son af Thomas anced 777102717, L8 Ocercec? 
Cr CRE C222 PRON MOLL beery 679 Ground AF 
nNrectletownr 120 @S ore severazd Wirletds who 

% % 
* See. pics as x See Oppenciéx X/ 

ee “©’ec Cnnendsu Vil 

i a 

ay . a 
ke oe 
oe oe 

CGP Dicey tieces Witten: 


us Me ia 

ITIAY have been rerntives of Helenn They 2re, 
[Romans Wirletlé b. /707 @. L7 Ose ; 
Joan Wille b-1763 ec. (629 See 
John Werlett Jr 6. (602 Ol. 1F 47 | Appenel ex oe 
ary Wi2leLe wefe of Johkrz Sr $1763 ¢ area xX 
J (QV Slbert Willett (Thomes 2) bea | 
™M~- Joona Var Varcek an. of 7eev Ructorj ihe nee (FOL 
Tssuwe | : 
yk Otwaret Ob if 0k ee - Dredhe Clows 
/ (4h) E£akwerrc Peiilets (£2bere {7 6 (70% VOTE age 
in Q2ettr Cows 
Se : | 
1(51 Col. Marinus We2lect (Ectwerrve!) 6.1740 RLFBO * 
iN. 7rargare’ Barker 1790 . : 
Coleone? Wille té- was one of the Promen ent 
n21e22 of hes ee PS hfe wees Born at TArmmercecr 
July 31 (OSI (7uG CLM? CLect AUG 23 (#30. He 
Che YOuLmGest oF SLY SONS of Eotweret We2dreet 
c2 Forrxmer of Queens Lo. (We have no recorcee 
otffés Brothers has anyone!) lni7se he 
/ocmece Col. DeLaneys Tregcment ors oz dieu tenant: 
GAs lst Lieutenant of “The Boler Foresters he wore 
QS C2 uniform, o short Greer. coat ce77ce Smazl 
rounc Aat with one sice Turnect up anc Ce 
Grass plate im front conloaceming Che worel 
“Freedlort [her earricae hatehels on thecr- 


backs. In 1776 he was mrece At Coleone? anagem 
(792 Breo. General. He was. Shercf/ cr 0 
Weeyor of NewYork Lr 107. Lr (624% Ae was 
C2 presieventior? electer ara prescaent of Gre 
elecforal Collese _ tle was G/ years of C2942 
wAen Re o2ceo2. Ae wors partie celaarly Qcture : 
c2s or L970220272 Pconter e272 mors Chre Frero of 
he Sharon Snremos fighz tn wher cs the -- 
COMP MAaArVE2eT OF oz SIMO? 2 Craojo of Steete | 
MIczZitte he wor ove of Me haroiest Gattlas 
of Lhe 72&YU frontier Sees efense of CHE > 
Dare of fre Sle fe row Known AS courzes 
of O2beeny, Seber eclezcry, Oneceter, Sthohnrce, 

monkoumersg, Otsego, Herkimer, Tioge, Filion 
erage fe) Onlario; agrer7st Snecan aenreckatorn, 
when Won Rim C2 Sworce from CONGTESS , LS 
About lo be memaerterze2ec by lhe Haugrrers 
ot Omerlecen Revelutim Oy Re eresécort 
Ln Albany of 2 hugh Grancle monument, 
QA portrecdé skeleh of Cot.Wiliett appears on 


cerother wage. | 
: L8SU“e 
6. Dr marinus. 
6b. Fotweerc2 ~ S- 
6.We2licam m_b. c 
b6_Mmargarel- O - Ta: Ray 
260+ marinus Wilzlett (Merinus 1b 
mM. oi 


7. 7eev Pnarenus-6_ 
Fi f[RRTTEGE TS Oe See ee Won 
I. SHOR GATE Be. Sch eee eae 

7 J Brors074 0. : 
7_Ccorro2zere O- 
| Jette CO, Oe 
26) EaAwe2rce i2tett (Mrarenee)B- 

7 )Marcnus Pn. O_ 
7 Margarete a. PPE Oe | BOCeyr Clr 7 are | 
vy. Clermmnermtine a iene — Hoazzezz 
vee Elbert. 62 ; 
2(GMi2liam7?n Willett Wnertnus7) b. 
a : a 
: Issue | 3 i 

9: Hare Gok ae wal ton 

7. Cornetis C_b- 
y-.We2rlccm mM. b- ; 
Ji) Fhargeret Willett CMrareniss i oo. 

Re Eee 
| ; | Leeue 
7_TJrmes. 0- ™m ; 
7.Catheréne- O- 72 QOntorr 

9%) Feu ariniis Pli2lett (Dr Marinus 2) 6. 

§.WMeorenus, b- FIEL 
Fo SLE Be 
€-ThRomes, b- 7727 - 
l(a) Fhoerriet B.Witleét (Zr Mrercnus 2) b_ 
PIA tA Off nen 
3 3 Lssue- 
& £9771 ty Fh Ox 
2.094 Sarg cret Wx222et2 (Lr Texrémés 216: 
Vig ee Yan Nest 
&. GF We2?ett. a- 
o Remo 6 
n7) Meerinrs 777 We illett (Faware 2) b- 
2 CRi2eeren — clrect YIrnG 
3 (7) Vide TOGRTEL Mizietét ( £olworct 2) 6_ 
He Bo0arakI77AnN 
f _ Qmelecr PO 
e. Clemence 4. b- 
e-AOnnette 6. 
$.277a79aret W d. 
9) (71a 7-2/ Wiz 2ett CWi2r2iam 2) b- 
Pit — Wetton 
/ desue 
G. F.We22et, B- 

8.Florence W_b. eg Clark 
2(7) Cornezius C Wille (Wirriam2)b 
771- : 
a : 
F- | ; : ; 
se) Mertiustitiett (RevImarinus 9) b_.— 
T& TFL0707 C25 Me Det foe ee wus > 3) d. 
= : 

ear | ae eae. 
/ (3) Johan Wi2i2zett (Thomas 2). 1690. 


Mm. PRary Roman, cdeu. of JoAn ance [Rear acon 

fas Joh2. B. L71S oh 1738 
pu Thornash17/t- 0- /727- 

4.-Qrenee 6.1 71 279 Dowceert Golete r /7e7 't/ 

4. ~-Ho2772702-6-/720- 

Lee Je 202th202r72 -b- Yh ge hs og a Tledorah Leewrence 


dy — Sorm72e2_G- (723-777 Llczaseth Lawrence 

&“ Zlcrerdeta_b- (pac. Lirss 
ben SVR OAL 2 7s 
4 Helenrn.6./729. 

* See appemdex x! 

L-Thomas.b- (79/ 
U.Corozene. b- 1792. cl / 735" 
Catherine. b. Cae a /735~ 
4 TORWN-O. 1745 cl. id ae L£iizabeth Jaume : 
/ (bh) SO S077 02 f20272 ve Llete (7J0Kk721)6 (722. Fetish erp 
772. Lledo rok lawrence elau.of Oblecdiah Lawrence é 

7?20vecd £6 Bucks Ca, Per 29 CC2Y hengherne oe 

Si. John & 

S_ Samuel. b__ 

& Hélenn bg fon n Carter 

oe Elczadeth_b__ ate John Kirk briege 

Silat ayy e 7. Joshue “Pox 
SUB AT ah Be ae eee el? 
SF MARCY = Go “ 77~ Samue? ?ctehed2 

S_Cadot. Warter b 747 mi) __ @BAdbdget2 
SAnM7e- 6.1750 3 ye 
so Sonathar: ho i Beery Ore ee 7 
Si. Obecicah_b_ 1 775~771.0) /Rery Bi2es 2) Esther Johnson 
S Rathean (?/ 
JS Crus Corz £9) 
Ié ts clacmee that Deborah Lawrence marrieer 
“‘Nather" Willett, But there és little Qoudt tha k the neme 
Gut was accerruption of Jonothan as the Lawrence** 
| thentions butome Tertorah and she marriek Q- 
| Tonathon Welrett. Jonotham ts 2 eoondcnetion of 
John ariel nether Fe is colta Ce lanerwecd, by “eree ncr~ 

* See Appendix XI RX Lowrenee Geneaivsy 

oj hh 


ants of Jonathan) thet he hee two Sroes Quslt7r 
Creot lather, not four cr other recorec?s, So we have 
ineteuceed them. 
/ () Modn2ue L Wittett (John /) 2. foe eee 
In. Elizaielh Lawrence eu of arated. 
Sew i a a Ogrlby 
oo Cele) 6 Sw efe 
S Cathercne.b6__m John Comeley 
S_Cerreteme6—— m Augustus Stephenson 
oS Cor: Qugusline 0, oe. tr Ldicrbeth Heeks 
SASc2m7 Uuel~6 175% mt Leah deSt Crocx — 
agi dene Wu221eé22 (JoAnn!) 6 78 C2.1769. 
Mm. Eeczabelh, eau of W220 co2em2 Lawrence 
POSLE. Oe ? 
/ (S) Lawrence Willett (John 2) 3.1767 @ i618. 
In. Jennetle Sneacker dau. of £cderh 7702 
nercelKape cre) Smectiker. 6 (767 
6 _ Mary 61756 ae ES SFOS 
_ 6_ S0Ar }- 1603 ol 1ESE IM Margaret Wertex 

4S) Case 1 Hatter Willett (Jonathan) 1747 Fa 
mA Sena aD nen 

b: Thortige &: 
E-Ciléear es 


b6_ Thomas. 6~- e 

6. Wa2ter_b_ US SEG soméwhere 
6-Caratine_d_ in Fenn. | 

6 Annc_6— Plo receore? oblacnedle 

G_ Mmreen act. he ) 
These. Chiidren were feht in Tein suse cotter 
the leath af the mother, c2nee Corpt. Wetter whokeke 
been in the royacist Cer IM Y, 672 Company wilh ; 
hoes Cowmin Se2m ued We2r0 2 rermovece To Rover os 
Sdolea after the War, Gaeie 7&9, 27702 
rR (2) Ghee 
6. lsace R. @ 17Fl - m1 Qn72 edn 
6 _Greves S, } 4792. - yr Cynthca Feed 
6-?hary 61796 _ m_ Sumner Mheetock 
G Lowrence, Oo OO dg Cortherine Throop | 
G- £Leza. }, /€ol mm. Samel Checrehi22 
a margaret, b- /€03 ~ 777. Me2rcom Wate 
6_Gi2bere 6, sé0~-- m-Amerire MNheeiock 
6 Leborak 6 te is 2 liam Thomas 
/(§) Obadiah Welle ti (Fonathons) bigs-2 1847 
MO ary Biles Bucks (o, Fea | 
Iss LOS ) 
6. Sisaae (ce 
6. JiLliee as 
6-?rartha, b_ 
6- Sarah, B_ 
6-Chardles b_ 


b_Deboreh_b_ ™m.~ Augustus mitthes 
G_Rebeceaor. -Z- Br oi Samuel Beret’ 
MQ Esther Johnsor - : 

So" Llczabveth ba 

‘6 Jdoshud Bo 
6. JonerThearr, Vor | ae ie 
6. Louisa, Bee paces Phaser Jeon Arscro2rerr 

6_TaneS, B- m. £otware Yorn Sort 
6.Zetorah, b- — MN EReehkara Hoagland | 
6 vrnary, ae on. Franken Yon Sank 

2(5) Jomathean WYi2rlett Jonathan) 3 765- Pe. 
In. Elt2zmdbethA Stekles af Chester Co, Fe. 
J ssue | : 
6. Anne, 6. 1&3 
b_ rary, ORI 
6. Sarak 6. 1&6 
6 Onne, b. 181% 
6. Elizedeh b_ 1#79 
6 Cela, G2 +#2 00 Sa ae 
6. Jonalhan, b~ 1623 | : 
6. /nargareé, 6/625 
6 John, 61526" 
6. Samuel 6-530 See te 
6Charles, 6-16-32 
6 Lewes, 6.1833 
2 Sczm1ued Witletl (Semue? /) b. 1956 — Fr. 

H1e was 2 Cornet tn the Toyalist army tn 






The * Kevolutcorn ary War. One famey ae Sa2rys 
he C027772 from Emgtarc; C27702 nether rrrerkes Peer 
Sort of Sorrel erect £lizerdetR a@ned cousin of Cape. 
Wweelter Wile tt . The fect thet he Memec Pets Fcrsé 
ChL2a Qegustine, cznret the only Qlugusline L72 the 
whoZe foarmtey rees Cod. Qeuguslire Who worl have 
been Soronuel & Orother~ seers lo féx the relation, 
ship G5 we have tz. Sari Recompancecd hw 
cousin Cant.Wetter To Nove Scotia tn 1743, eng 
Nn- Leak ce. Sz, Crody 1786. She was lhe erugh- 
Zér oF av ase: he ie Lee 
© oe roe [7&F ~ IM. Cathercne Lire 
6. Ben/amen, 3, 769. Im-Phecbe Wooddury 
6. Thorers, &, 1793. MmM-Deborah Weesow 
6. Augustine b, 179s FR~ By, 
6_Leak, & 1799- Saget John Files 
6_ Jem 2e, 6, 1901 ol. Y, 
CG £iczee, 6. PBR a. Yy, 
6_ Cspnhee 6, (For 
6~ -rergaret, 6, /806 2m John Vt 2leed 
6.J0oAn R,b, 1#0F 

6. 4oucsa,&, ¢e72 9M Melton 
6. MWacter, b, ae Ww PHATY Pth itlack 
6. Samued b LY 

/(5) Col. Quoustine Willett (Samuel )3 17 87 
Ln Chis olone’? Wi2leté we hove ensther~ 
SUCH St7eKking mee etary figure, semlar 

ae ae 
o ’ 1 
ry io = 
he a” 
J . ® 
Ly a 
. 5 
* * ' 

e, 3 Pes as 
il * i 
a . 
‘ 4 « ae ue. 
anata La 4 K 
oe ‘” oa ye 
i { ‘ 2 % . 
a ra" ie a ay ee ~~) - 
We “Aas a Ae Ay ny 
i A _s* > A¥ 5 y L« 
‘ a Te at tee Ry 
a: Sa a var Pi : 
; 4 } Pere, 
4 : Mh a 
“Jt ew 
¥ P> Pe te 
re al 
fi ay i 
_ * 
> . . i 
s . ‘, 
“A yb eee @ . 4 ’ 
e : . ‘i ¥ 
‘ : “on 
oe aS : 
‘ ® . if 
. he =e ee 
¢ r4 4 a a 
cy pg” 
« bg ” ia is 
a, Pete wk 
v Cu?) * ye ae, 
+h <i“ A 
é * aa * ‘ 
* eT an (vay 
me. ay : ty iF ' 
ts ‘ 
A Nea Pe: 
: ote at ae 
ae pL tenes Mites !S 
< 7 eee 
i, 4 

te Cold. Parinus Hi22e tt. Hétherto he Aas wot bec 
poraperdy yatczcect tn Aistory ors has been his torme~ — 

OM NATATG. Leds MY nriyeZege Zo place th the 
pub Zee Light Ches jooetreolze aeror slatety Con- 
tive rmlc2@ ot fecer, cence Lo ac?@ Ore more Name 
to Che raster of Hie MHe2letts who Look & prom- 
cnet part wila rash cvegtar (1 the sleuggte 
for o yrerttor7s pres om. He wer Lorn in Bucks 
Counly Fe. where Ae cece (nm se2zm@. At the 
outbreak of the war He rarcsect anal eguippecr, 
et Als own CKDENSEC, & com JOR 17 of FE NISYLURTUMANS 
ane jonect the army es Captoun, aflerrrerce op- | 

oLnled Lo 2 Commanck as Coloned. He losk partion 
the Lattie of MActe Plains, Brandywine, Cormon- 
wr, ert Tre r7£on, pras weth Mreshcn7gtor RC 
Yatlegy Forge, clic? dyes Comnrressionect Brig ancer 
Generelt tx the pence establish ment .He WAS 
welth Qrnecce en the lerrible march lo Quevee 
inthe winter of 1779; Rac his feet Gacrtey fror- 
ert aro wos Taken joresoner after Che cleorth of 
montgomery. He commenced Re Troops 
which yveeecvecd Generer Mashinoton onere ss~ 
ing the Lleleewnre on his pelurre South Lr 
L7G ? a2nez ascortect Axx 16 The Philooze CPR Cre, 

any ole people remember seeing Che 

Colonels LINIFIOSLITG figure on Ats whele wer 
Aorse followed by Arts bleck Loy -ser vane 
Price, on cc Olwek Aorse. Hés ree leer ey 

bake ripe 

eT 4 
coat arnez Act, sicte arms, renier c2rret yacstoes re 
now cn Me 20 OSS SS COM of One of acs oleseenasternks 
C27270Z WLLL Soon be 79 2eeeect cr Caslocy oF the 7 
Bucks Co Historeen2Z Stoecezey. Theels C2so or 
pcetitre of Co 2. Wi22eee, Guk Cf cs 80 eect Prom | 
lorpse of time Chek SO torr QZ copy Ai cos nee 
ee ured for thts Look.* ; | 

£éczaBeth ee os Jags OCT GS 3 ; 
 Tssue : 
6_ Eupnhemece Di leet eS 
6_ Horetio 6, b- 
6b. Adigae?, b- 

6. Graee, b- — : ee se oy 
6. Lyctecr, On: | 77? James Street 
6. £lizadeth, b- om. Sozmue? Cox 
6. /VAary, d- In. Danie? Ureimsbury 
6_Joseptr, b- Mn- Merrgeret Jer Pyrrne 

6 NAGA, Oa Te. Howe 22 Longlvect 
6. Sareh,d- 1409 m-Wirlcam Terry 
2() JoAnn Wille zz Cheazesvemee 1) 3 re03 e. 165% 
Bio gs Fnargaret Wi2lett b_1e06 mm /63s~ 
Janughter of Soemue?l Werle 
7.7Rareg 7, Qj. 19397 m Joan Lt Whew 
vy. Seamucel Q, Bb. 1839- 7 CL FSD 
VS ORM as Gif Feel- ( Coxegp) 
7_hlezron Bb. 1e44¢-7mN Leone QBealawimn 
7. heonare OS 1847 CL, 1659 (HES) 

} 4eottery 0976 was fouwrrer ct7102 Lrrclirclen? 

ge A - 9%, ; 

7 - Heerrtet. OES wn IIH ( Wes? 
7~ Hozrricé b-. eo 272. Tern othy Hoocer 4I 

7.77 oréinis b- eae 7 Lt; 
/ (6) LS crc2ze Vu 2Zectz C Cant Yarter 1) B- (76t FAS 

722. A7172 FPLOT-TLS O70 Plover Seotcer 
| ee 
7- Qn, 6b. Im. We2lLam PHooct 
7. LSorczc, &- | : 
7. Keeot, b- m. Chezrlotle Pob.L178072 
23 Werlter be 777. Rebeeeer GtC2 26ette 

b)Crezves Willett (Cet Waiter) 6 1792 7.8 
/H- Cyn Che cee 770070 7Tiover Score 

7 Joho te m. 4£lla Trevers 
7 George, O- m.QArburthnot /N*Sweeney 
> Waiter b_ mm. Mery Fuceson 

Fae Gié2derZ,B, m. Barbera sigot 
Z(JAawrence Willett ( Cat WatteriJo— 72.8. 
Pe. Cotherine TTOOp 
LSS ie 
fe: Lawrence, ae on brarrcet Clark : 
7.OTmM in (Ce bo Zotwara Onderson. 
/ (6) Rebeacc Wille lt (Obectiorhs) 6- Po 
m.GSamuel Dure22 
7. Ophe 202, 6 ~ 
7. TCR a 
7. Charles, b- 


| 7-7HOTY, b_ | PR are an 
(6) Tazne & Willett (Odediah Ob | Fx 
PIE! ETE Van Sant 
| | ‘fssue 2 
| Bein. oe ie aoa 
I rary FB. 
7. Aware Yt, B. 
=. Poeun ee. fay | ; | eee 
Zz houtre W, ao Laat Pape Dr Femara To2ke : 
/(o/ Deborah Wel 20d (Odeaiar/J— Foz 
| N-Rlieheare Fog lerr ct ae 

fsBue ae 
: Se Sas Jennette Brower 

Tif teee Ce Oo 997, Sore SRhoemerker~ 

7 Uergen cee, o. ee | 

7- Fanny & Oo . kes 
“ig Wery Willett (Obeczeazh. De 

N. Frownk ler “Lorre WOT | 

Fa Freczereck, rs ; 

7. Faweared, b_ oe 

7. Franklen b- 2 

ag Peery Cale 7m Faware owns 

7. James Wb. : 3 

7. Laure, a | 2 
16) Allen Uclletz (Tonatther 23. ($20 


ye ouatet Qe VL 
/ (a) TosAicer Welle tt (Samuel 2) Gi7e% 72.8 
3 J. Certhertine Durreanc — 

Ws Inory, OLS PT Be can Bor2eonr 
7.GLebert, 618g. : | 
ek Levine, b1¢1-. m- | Ryer 

§ fe Cortheri7e, 6.18/16. FI IE Ores An 
os PHoli lect, 6-120. 
7 Gelbert, G-1e22- | 
he Lleeritet, Gzigee5 vie PRRreol 
bl Thiomas WY 2lett ( Samuet 2)01793 72.8. 
™m._ Tle borak Welisor 

ee George, Bb. 2. 8 ek nes 
72 On re Bb. ALA. Speer DHE Tectporer 

Ye) lero caret Witltett (Sam uel 2)b, 1606 re 
a Joan Wi tletd Son of < ume? £8 
: he (See JozArz 3) 3 ) 
Ho Loceesee MHi27ek&t (Samuel2) 6. eee Se Sea 
Vive OE jg Oe pe 
| _Tksue 
7 ~ Sl77 7266, rt ie 
26) Wetter Mil@lett (Samue 2)O0_ hover Scotter 
tn. Mary Whitlock — we 
7. Lrene, b- 12 Jceres Falmer 

perry, b. mm. Thhn Webster 

7-Loavinie, db. m. Arehibata Welker 
7.Rached, b. fs ci Lsreal Gillette 
! 7-Selr22, b. s aaa Samued aac 
ne ct Wolter b_ | 

jae ScrcaA Willett (cor Augustine df ae on Pape 
ie Weceiam “Parry ee 
ee Tgsue 
7. Imageta ler, 3189. | 
7. Elczabeth, 3. ca kee Pint Rilohé oe 
7. Pheobe, B. a Tr Wi2icam L Pneyers 
Mee Fawara, d- te vei. Fe Elizabeth Wedster- 
7. Mary, B#24 m. Wittiamn B. 2 burger 
,  L8sue | 
§& Elezcr Ft. Ou gs ‘ Ovforer For 
ao & Emme V. 6b om. Sori ue eter, 
SC) eoaryy H Wi2lezt (Joran3) 3. fed 1S, 1837. Flushéng 
TR. huis H Whitfore. Qbhany ny | 
3 Jssue e 
8. Joan, fee 1866 
8. Margaret o, b_ 1969 
ge. Charies, b_ 4877 
f (7) Qaro 1 £3. Wi Zlezz (Joho 3) 2 o_June 26 IE 44 Ma) : 
mM Leone Q Baltkwin oe 
: Lssue 
&. Leonaree. A 6.1870 At gh 
F vise AY a 1¢70 I7%.W Davis 1696 Ler) 
8. Frecteriek § b- ($72 177. Ocderlaccde 4 Howerd 



& Qlbert H, 6.1673. 
2.7) peta s: AtLilett (John 4)0 Tene 2 6 (bas 1 ahng 
Vike Timothy MO 0oleTE i a a 
i Issue 

FUSES Oak eR ae Aco Th 2 Poa aon Sh ZB. reaaies ; 
oy lorin us Willett ae hov 30 1&6 ane: 

pe MET aa ON DS 
/(7) Fee ct Willett (Isace J) 3 1600 Frove Sectic 

Tr. Charlotte Kedinson Mies : 
 £8sue . : 
| pee }6_(#20 os a 
2 (7) Q ZlaiW Willet (Arlen i) L (SLO | Urouni 
| Sssue 

9. Qitan HG eo. 
3. CL. Ce oe ee 
6 /Xorle OO Os ony. J. Browoh Zo22 
§ Virgo trea of fie on. TW. &tepkhers 
& Elizcorbeth oe aye iy Stryker 

/onFuaeteteak 8 Wi Lett (Qaron 8 Ope fess. 
* TR_Qolerlaicde £. Howard Ql & 1896 (Chceago) 
& /leurcne, b. May 13 (897 

ee, FF ees 

arraet b 
‘ip : aT 7 ¥. 
a 4 a ’ 
A Ly") / 
. soa y Ted rn " 
L ¥ pe 4 vo) 7 ’ 
‘ y ep 5 . bes 
4 > sf ey a ; i i 
ia SA at au iL, 
#1 rey te 

‘ ae a) 
: mel * > 
» ‘ ' a f ‘ : ; , A 
vs Sa SD 
4 . it 4) of, ye ? ‘will : 
; by ole ot P- y et es I ee au! 
. os } bw 
é ‘ . ’ at Ti he Ci q ve , “ , 
- : ‘| Fe Sh, aa 
. ‘. é 4 4 q ey ye m wh 
a : pes bn Ly “say : 
’ ‘ ? I 4 Sai 
im ne " - ye i y v 
J , é rm) ‘ és ad : ) 
* LON 
/ SS,’ vi 
‘ i J , J 
y aD a ® 
; te Men Bae 
é ¢ Lie é . ¢.* 
: ¢ ae 
; ty i iia 
i! ’ ' 
* bd na he fabs deny 4 
‘ RP A ? 
a by 
y « ‘ r uy 
7 i. thin ve Fa he ; 
ee 5% ds i ea bit oF a bi roy We 4 
? . « 4 a 
pi. » i , as \ im ly a a i yer 
Oy AS fs - A ’ Th 
oy et : Le RYS ; » Meals 4 
RIS Pai Batts 20 RD) Ba J 
rat 0 hey wh 
aire Sah MEANS 
‘ . } My avai € 1 OR P 
9 ?- ve » oe se iby 
vues wee 
, wi ) 
Sos toa UR 
J 4 ay ? ) By. , 
ni? Wyld ae 
: Vy <\ ity ti I 
we i 4 ] 1 7 
f i 4 ot / + vy 
Pa ee Fa Te ih vA 
‘ H 7 y pi rm 
: wees 
‘ ‘ 1 : he 
' y 
it ; dy) ‘ LESS 
: | 4 ' % 
; ar 
{ Ye 
LAY Y ¢ 4 . 
. * 
” s ie mM 
j H ( 
} q é j 
ti yy 
Ay L pila ' 4 Pi i 
7 a sah 
Lies , Pa adr 
: } te i U 
4 4 i, 
¥ & ‘ i / i ie ¥ Ay 


As ct hes m0 yer ene fully prayer iter 
thes branch comnects with Samued Willeté, 
Sor of /Horyor Wellett or with Cot Themes 
Weiiet?t of Féieshking, we have, for Corventence 
oF STULCLy , Trecztec? it AS 2 Seperate 61r-RA7eR, 

In what ts 07% Sorte Bruns week fo 
Shep, WMecrc2lesex County, lew Jersey, C20? Near 
the Ccty of lew Brunswick, there was born Bou 
1740, 2 Samuel We2letl. He ancthés 90275 
So2772e1el Gr70% Herts horme aac laughter 
Jemime Civect 072 2 farm leetedzy owrrect by 
a ?r Smcth on the Rhacte Hall roak 22702 | 
the father ctcect an the Ptouse2z2 farm on the 
melétown FAQ cincd was buried in the Famedy 
burytrg- -G7TC2unM0l onthe Smith farm. Ald that 
secliom from Rhocite Hate to South River was 
ownece £ythe Wi2letts at Chat lame, @rned 
South River wres known Os Mivlettstowr or 
Shepheras Larertng. Jt ts 6 mites Prom Rew 
Brunswiek ta the Smcth farm, 3 métes To 
the House2e farm ara S miles To South Kiver. 

Wwe fina the following recorcis of the 
rroeme of Samuel conraWe2linm MWeerett t72 



nibithie 1 4 
Ass ; vi ‘ r in 
‘ a y y my 
; a 


Mian» mocthe rie neaaleses Courities ew Jersey 

from i7e¢0 To ¢§00 





1764 me 


; BO 
Seemtued Weilett 72 /DECRS £77 27207 month, 
Colnrnity cer L7772 keejer aot HWakake. : 
He Lact #20 oreres af Zorn at Shrews bury. 
He wes ov Zanarfozcrer L712 (G7 & Ce71c2 had Cz 

Ger He-mmark regcesterect cn the Town Svok of 

of Mecietlelowr /e76. Hed Sor Wellcam reg 
acdprinistrator of Ais Wit? tn 176 ene és 

| Slepapoosead lo be the foither of Wi22c2am Who 
— Owneel the forete779 ee O72 aE A 

river. | 
SormueZ WHirtere of Deis PUT; 772. 

Sareh Tielon i952 3 

Sormued HL2leH 77.0. Son of Welicxm, or 

German Vevley RSI. 7m Sarah Caordisle. 
Sezmued Wile Son af Serre? of German 

We22cam Widlett ¢ owe cd 2 m22 c2Zt ed 
viz2e Lids : 

Weitcam Wi2teed m ee Wyokapt L7e6 
Weelcam Wider $072 of eae? in Vhorry Copr isle, 

- oy 

Qs Lo @etes, Be cet of nes cole Aewe | 

joges forther of Sormuedl of Wi2lettstowrn, RS 
Coulee else WirllLezem son of Coe Thomes ies 
of Flushing of whose eescenaants wehave 
no reCorece. Scemued Arilict of Recrc2tcmngtor 


i oe | : 

born 1730 Who TUL © Sarah Ti2ton of Freehord. 
Conec?e have Leen Sormue2 Sr a4 Wi22edts tows. 
Ltis treadkitionat in thus brench of the forrniey 
theeé Scomued Sr Wes Son of Me22@cnm Wi2rext. 
If thie ts true, ther Sormue? of Herkake couzer 
nek be arr eheseta undess Ads Son William 
Wezs olo2 enough TO Se Lhe forther- of Sozmmued 
Sr of Willetées town. Suen Grez7ttng Acs, bahar viene 
Goazmeed Of Hakeke * Possctey Che youngesté 
sor of 7Pewyor Meelett, but cH thee ecrse Re 
WEx?) ecéed Ao2ve beeu. 10K yee o2ce wher Be 
oflect Li /762z. WALA LS Not emnjoosecd Le But 
tree lhe trmprebadle_ 

tHe2e 77Ce YWre2tertd eughter of Coe Tbe 
Wee2eté of Fetes hing, as Rees Leer stezLect 
merr.ect YHiz22ccom Yrczrtshorne ot 7hon mach, 
County /L.J. cerez Llevece there. near MHoaknke. 
She Rac a brother Werteam. Sarm ued Wirierr 
oe of Wc2letéslawn momect one of Acs Sons /- 
He2réshorrn, The Only Zimme 2d O272 79ers 672 the 
formety inececttirg Thre provabiecty of thes 
Sczmuee lo be elesely relatecd lo Ke lerce 
Wirleée kfcez7ts horme ~ Lf, czs ne Cherie, Sozrmue? 
Srwes son of Witlcem Brother of He Ler 
her Ausbone P¥e2 lecom Hortshome wowloar 
hezu&turnele Lo Samuel Sr ana Re might - 
Aiave Fremece. Aus Son tor Atm; Beet wore ” 
hove Aarceey Acve chosen S072 CCR UNUSUA?e 

* beer : 

r A ’ 
’ } ‘ 
; ‘ ms Ty 
. Me J “ ~ 
4 ef: 
me had F, 
: re Oy a } 
an, ce ' 
AP See Ee tk 
th an «| ‘ 
ie ee oe } H 
i . a r "y ' ” Tos 2). ‘ 
pe a en ‘ e . i ‘ F : x 
A i 4 W : P| ; 
7 e a ie f im fie fis 4 
Fi ri r ae ry) i 
7] . iy ; ¥ * / / j A 
a » Dae i ea 
; 1? "1 ee rly a Ban 8 
4 " wh bl 
* F i” 
; r ribs a ee 
Pic, ee 
i , f, ee Ft r a) 
re a is a's ie’, eee " 
‘ ty 1. , My 
é NY ot A ahs Le ee 
yo a | <,5 Vat i ‘ 
pap : 4 ~) Ay y ru. 
) s , aera 
, Hew. ee its: ye 
Tage ad i! Oe es 
wy YD ao Mia AY, ee be 
he ee Ms a Oe Ad 
Make: 4 
ot ik ead) se 
ts ¥ £ Yee Tih ~¥, * et te ” oh ’ m4 
Ay . if pic: Vala te Cy on 
vw) 5 s Alt « } 4 ae Ha, vie nt Ss ‘ 
» ' f ne | for pire eit ‘ . a - 
eats pt hy i F 4 um. Preah 
Wh eee. btn we TS Mob pee 
u y, Mp eh 4 ss hy b he “* 
as em Pr ae ha by Silly SY: 
we TT peat no) he i‘ 
¥ ats on 
ery Oris, rae 
a Py a 

ie ge 

> i Ry 
y UN Ave Waa 
iar Wt Rear, Vin 
Aad Se bare 
‘ ' rn 
vé ah 

name forreny other reason. Thés Ls our Possclion 
but ct ts without cloecumentary proof eenez Le 
one to @orrveclion . We therefor mM oz ke LA cs Ore neh 
Terrywrartalty oseperate one Arecreréng cz with, 
WU Semuez Wi lett (WHAT), geo MF 

M1. Srozrezh. F/czmprec? or Plezrneét 
i ~  esue 
igs Pia Fieh ove vs) (260 Pr Or) Bemey Fercene 
| (27 Fadeéy Voorhees 
@ Meezow Pref 
io Soro wee, 3. Prey 19 1763 mld £eczeeBeth Sperding 
eae Pnerwther 7fooper~ 
: abe Jemckree S47 bie 2703 Beas ver Court * 
(a) Ie rishorme Wezleke (Seamuezs)z 1760 
Wes ct Solecer tn ‘Kevoletton ery Werr 
Rip ARIS Perrine  — 
Re ly os 
9 i ee 4227 PP. Jeriushea ne 
3-Deancet, &. 1779 2m. Chardectte Oliver 
pag yi Seamue 2, rh ee “7E/ mM. PNerice Sherwoec 
3. Tames, b- (pes mm. Betsey Trine | 
3- Rellic o~. [260~ | h- Deavece Gelredlan : 
3 Gecsey 'O. 7aer : | 
9-Sadldte, 0 4789. tr: Bee Rope 

8. 77-92, Oo “aso . John Chactweek 
FuLUnCCE ION. amare . Dewitt 
@) Follr Voorhees vy, 

& Deanie2z. (See Qnmer2dicwyi ) 

| Nat 

3. Voorhees, b-_ 1296 
sifmee te G- (296 
3. Po22t,b. /&00 | 
72 (3) eae: Papy or Pedi as 
(Fro Issue) 
2.(2) Bose? Wi tiwet Geriee AS ne hee a 
“C76 CL 4830" Jonte hives Fey 
VHS C2 607 a ce (72 The Revodukian - 
77? E 2cza2Bet Srer 02729 

~ a LSSUE 7 
eo ie Stenher, Ae Tr Koger 
SS Pot 2 oh: Gatien BF Omen eles Newlin 
re @) 7Vlearthez Hooper | 

ee tae Os b. 
go: 7Fleney , Us 
ak PRergereé, RE TT Beary Fics | 

3. Horriet,b- 7- Jonathen /eterson 
S Satlve po <7 Henry PHarehiaze 
ae Quam vy, O- Wt Ok ore FO eeGA: 

sas Betsey 6. 3) -™M_Tonertheare Boorarerm 
a Jane Go ek ox. Pie tes 

/IWLI LL Qe Wi20ett (Hartshorn DB 1277 659 
Mm. Jerusher Goefrey 
L55 ue 
hf x Witter Be 
4. George, B- 
kh. Horrtet, b- 


ae. Baryanien aes nA | | 
Ae), Dez 272iel Wii. Llett (era 1729 72. To es, 
i. Chorrlotle Oltver ; o 

4. Daniet, b. : 
4-Ameanee,b. ae 707 ne  etlend 
4. Seymrare b. 
4. £lczabethb-. 
4 Chet ane B- 
Of ga a 
ICG) Sapoaat Willett tutirdchorn Wb izer 
2. 72ce reek Sherwood South River 22S. 
 Tesue ee | 
4-~Hoarrcet, 3b. ; ro Oa 
4. Louse, i 
ly. Errrély,b. | | 
-trary, dB. ie 272. Joseph Obert 

4.. Herrctez, b- 
4._Crrotere dB. ae Tee or uak Whe es | 
1.3) Tames Helletz Meer thorn i243 lech 
mM. Betsey Ferene : 

“. Falter & eae | 
4. Sohn, b- 7mMarte Coykern cit? 

4h Mery, b- 27. Millcam Howes 
Lh. Saw7ued fb: ‘ 
“u-&£22er, Ou mn Scoons 


103) ellie Wi2letd (Hartshorne V b.1787 
177. Lewect Gczécdlan lew Brunswick 7.25 

| Lgsue (Se Gypecece KP Pe 

ah. Hertshorv, b- Sie 3 ue a 

be KEL SG Bo M7tH Lee Droxe | 
a (2) Henry Drake 
te Cearreté, b= o 27.0) E2L22 Does 
| | Oss | : eee ie Ie 
4-~ Sarak, ame 0) Tose Dh larackmarton 
: wets : Repke 
3 4-Lyete, Ex 772.0) Fier ay C/a272 Crsctorte 
= ee | : aYWr2son Fez 
Fiala i 0 a 2 Rea  Charies montgomery 
4“. Géebere, B_ grate) Bebses Can eo 
ee ks 5 SC: ; 
4-John,b- Weld) 



4- Davie _ 

/(3) Sa Ley VY 2extt (Hertshorn /) 2 Cus 2918-79 L652, 

lM. 7iteholos Boorcre nm b- Oct as. (756, Fre wes 
Qe Cescenrant of Willem Teacobse Van Buerum curred 
Gertje Hercirccksen whe cezme from PHo2lame Grrol 
Settle? at MewLots LT. 1249. Jorge Bocrarerm wes 
a pudlee offreer of Prreceer 2esex Co, 2. T. of slarady 
proéity anc honor. He wes County Surveyor, Shertff 
Bs ok ance helct fhe offcees of Cocemty Cler le orerce — 
Collect for 36 anct uu yerrs resmectivery. He weors 
R prom enert Figecre crt the Braac Sear Contro uersey” 

vf (837 when through his refusal t perform Cri lee. 
loz Feed cect, The Merlroreere~ Cormgress yermmccrect 27% - 
orgenmezec ale winter. Hung ty efpegy by cles poser. 
ee polilicinns cemct his life Tre jrentectle Trrectenecz, “e 
went cctiitls om Ais wert, FELTED yo 70292, Comsecous 
of heving performed what he comacivere La be is otely, 
He cieect £7 1869. Atte 5: by cele 7 Pespectori2e 777 CFL 
of czée ccna 
1LSStLe ( See PSRs xtte) 
phi £,0.1eh 17 107, hy. | 
“, Henry, 0. July r»ayr1s10 has mm 
gi Sc2ranh, 6. Rous 20 C2. FS 2: Ur. 
K-~Eetgar tl. b.feb31e29 0 ct. seo) Unt. 
4y/tceholas b.Tee231¢ Cli seuge unm. 
yn £21.22 CL, &. June 26 (Po. )77. Jako Yon Crsczcsle 
y. Leiter Pb. Oct 7 1¢12. 1m. Thomas Boorwem 
4. £7770 dive b.Feb 2 191s-%m-Dr Robert Smeth, 
y-Loccsee, dB. Dec 30 /6/¢_ 717_ Rev Jarcob Bookséaver 
4 Mary, 6. Sept 19 1922777. Tohiz Clark Tr 
4.Qugeustus C- A: July 23 /$25.772. Comciace Benham 
' 4 Theoctore B- d- Oet 7 1¢3/ 77 Anne Foster 

/ (3) Cnr Ui Llett (Heertshorr YO-_ 

Tn. Joh 772 Cheectwick Aaeey Plewer k 
| Issue (See Anpenacy xvi) 
4. Saher la, o_  tw- Ernest Cockrarn 
(Petar 77072 Daves 
aes Joh ps é- . 72-2 Feat chs Meseebaae 

4-Thomes, b- 
&-~-Deriel, B- 

4- Samued, b_ 
“._UMceliccm, b- 
4. TBI De , 

Hr. Jaze C Reence 

Pearscaz2 x 

ra a hs 
Le C7272 777, 6 - 777 ee Welsan ; 
oe KHozrtéshorn, B- ; 
“£2 lzehLeth, &- 
/(3) Ltiv2ice Willett (Hartshorn) “TPL 
fey eee Le Witt : Wrichioan 
| ’ Tesue ( See Oppencin xVI) 

4“. Betsey, b_ 
4- ery, 6~ 

4. Jetres B_ 


 2r_ Leace Qoceghd 

— I JSohr VYorr2 Fleet 
4-~ S Soanfarc2,G_ 
4-Heertshorm, 6b. 

272 Pr ucerher 7279 ah Morser 
72. Sereh £lenectorf 
mm. Charlotte 7 Seertr cage 

4. Joho, B_ 72. Joeme Oreffcr 
/W Stephen Millett ( Sarnuee a Ae | ae 
Pie 4H/Q9G¢7- ? 

4..~James, 6. 
: b- tor7- 7-72, Y pees 

4“ Scrimiue lB. 

4. Sarak, &. 
a. ie Jeary, 3. 

L998 Ke ot 


SU Poilie Wi henet @ Sezmuel2)b 

om. Soemuez 7Rariin 

So uth Wt ver 

Lae ue (See Cyapertdey KV) 
M- Mellezté, S. oL.z. i 
4“4~- Betsey 6. 172 - Jefrreys 

4. Jarre, B_ Rein i Thomas 1¢ Dowe2 2 
4b. SarahTb. 1&1 4 17- Dorrced B Mertlia 1836 
“eT Laetitia | 
4.Slenkern, 6_ | : 
4-~KHenrey, 6. 971 £bciez Godle 
pres O eeors de e. j. | | 
Hae We22 Lar, &- 
SOF Jutcus, ae 
/ (3) Mlcargerez Weltecd (Samuel 2) A . 
. Henry Kyersow Jlew York 
lose | 
4..Chearles, G. 
4 Meggte, b_ 
u-JSJorame, 6_ 
Mn Louise & gag oe 
u~ Spoencer, 3. 
LB CLr7-Le€k Pediat tone ee | 
Nn. Jonetharwm Fetersorz | Socelh River NT. 
| issue 
UMlare £7 Ox. 
~ Jezrres , }. 
Ld FALL Lee ae 0G . 
i. Witlelt Gee 
LenLEQAT HE ere. 4. 
4. 7nCerChez E, &- 
2(3) Sally Witlett ¢ Serr ued 2) b_ 
Mm. Henry JMarshaiz Daytor Ohkco 
3 Lgsue 


4. SormueZl, O_ 

4. FRrearctha, rie of ek Cormprore : : 
4. WNt22cc2m, B_ 772- (7?arthe Boorarm x 
4._7TreBecece b- 2m Wev How 2o2r7ee 

y-tHeorzr7LeZ, O- 
(HW Qmy Wtllett (Sowomusee 2h 
5g 1G Tee ee Hartosgh 
eT eel Oe 
| Le DPI COT LAE Oo a Squires 
/ (I Belver YWtl@lert (Soarmuet 2) b-_ 
. Jorezthez72 Boorcernr South River. 
LSsuE (See Appendix K1t) 


P7e@wark 22/7, 

L~ Terr hr7722,0_ : 
4~ Samuel Hitlet,d- 77 Georgia YanGreler 
Q) Quguster Simonsore 

y“-trartha,b_ m-WwWtllicm MMarshaze 

1 Gal a ee Wetllett ( Wittiams) b~ 
11. pal, ‘ Brooklyn 


| ese 

S. Lrregere 6 mm aoa te ; 
/ (bh) PUATLY Wil2ett ( Sozmued 3) D- 
77 aba Obert * Pew Breurs week 72.7 
: LSssue es 

| a 308 Imory yi on f 
Vib) Carebte me Theale CSamuee 3) O_ 
TP Tusteces Klecn  §outh Reever 22.7 
ipo) ree ream PH ae 

HO whe ee 


7 } 64. 
/ (b ToA72 Willett JN. CJeamesi) b. | 
P74: 77202 ria Co Kee ge /§3e Feline Wich. 

Sa trenréc., 62°) tril Soke Qive yw 
SF razK, B_ ee Mery A Omer eacd « 
J. 2/2e277702,0_ ae . 

JS. J02777€8, b- 
1 Leveradzé ps 
26 Mlcmy Phille lt (Tak o 
jet. Meeeccert Fhowes Bolo laces 1 6eh 
; LsSie 
se As 
ie Ge 
Se Lezzce, Ge 
SMe tlccrr2, Ge : mm. 
(mE llen Willett ( Jezmes/) B- 
VA Seoons | i open 

fe : : 
(WLmogeneWtillezy ( Berean (9 6 
dg MONI Li Brovkecyre 
(9 Frank HtZleéé (Johns) b | 
m.7hHary £ Oere22 e772 FecHt Meee 
Lssue i | 
ee lary K,b-An2 15 1éFe : 
6_Gretehen, b. Dee 2 155s ol 190S~ 

€ e . a . ‘ % 
. / my i. % ‘ ¥ ‘<: 
. th ie is 
: aN ’ ari “ 4 
» > Pi oes Soran 4 * 
us ’ 4 rw. ar § at 
‘ ‘ t m ats 
; Was 
4, * , 
‘ . \ ¥ 
4 0 
int t) 
4 7 
Oee wu ra 
7) j ; 
73 4 
‘© > 

. ne 
Mi, i 
“ ' » ; f 
ee ’ y L j on ts ; 
is , x 4 hy ae 
* : aS 7 ‘, ’ 
7 ein Bie a he 
ae if RENN Oh BOT Lk a8 

vy is ny 4 P r - * é 5 
ar 0, A 44 - 4 ; Me! 

\ A«@ ; 
4 2) , 
isi is 
7) ; * PD io 
» LaF 
4 | ' oe “laa : ee 
- ’ ‘ a 
i ’: be <! 'y Av 
. ? ( 
"J .* 
Ny % rw 
v¢ a, 
ee oP 
bg ae 
mi As 


ranch D 

Tacs Ls prab ably ee aor Tencelior of Branch 
C': 6utéces we hezve as vet 720 veecoreds tv nrove ec. 
We, for convenience inake Ct ct Senerate branch. 
We know That Scrmue2 Wi2leté the Wankake Lunkeeper 
L772 1/700, hac x son Meiilcam, born perhaps Gat 1720 
whe was Acs fathers exeentor some forty or fi fly 
years later. Lics most likely he was the Wietiam 
who owneecl Lhe mile at Potlervitle 77.7. nce who 
left 2 Sor cere Live eaucghters tn Mew Jersey when 
he removect with the rest of his Family lo dle York 
Stezte: these three CAtleven protabley Berrg 777 27 
ried anc settlec becr79 the recson for Fecr re - 
WlOZL PA So we degen lrLs breench c7s fo2r2ows: 
4) Ber zed Milietd ( : db 16708 auwner oF 

120 C2eves of Leer cz7202 L992 - keep er cee 

lrcekake 72.7. (7ed 

/ (a) Wi22Lc2m Wille Lt ( Searmue? /) bj t7Z0" 
T- Hoanreah Foster 
fe owrec? ot rm22e c2t Fotlervizie Pavan 

Che peorth branes: of the Rar eter river Lr 
[(4FU7CCY L072 COKHTY. Turing the Fev 0 lultonen 


war he furnishecl the Cortinerzlad C277 YY wilh Gracr 
take 729 Contirerlal ynoney 6m payment, whieh acd 
of pelreotism yucrzect Aiomm, cine he rerraveer mith 
huis fozr ly exeenl & Sore ezrrct ture aeoughters a7. 
Flew York Slate proberddy Zo Onon CLG CL County, 
We ferre2 2 feerrely there ceDout thet Lime whore 
cdescenderts Lace by Crezelc team Zo Jew Jersey 
C27707 FeuStLIAg | 
Sssue Cola dle i repeas e 
3. Viele Ceoret, O. 196 f ae? m aes 
POA oa ded At 72. a : 
3. clr. oe Pid: 
3. Fe271 e 2ce, O- 
cae Qbrcrkerr,b : | | 
3. Joervze , b- oe — Drew York 
3. Witlcaim 6. ee 
Jf Xe cere Os i at 
3. Feetlerce, O. 
Bye 410277 770072, b_ 
3.Qnn, b- 
LBIWt2licm Wi Zletz (We2tliam!) er a 1827 
7: Fe 77 CO JIE Hi e Koff Bectrnins ter Md 
T5sULe Be 
2WGamuel Willett W107 (Wilkem2b- 
Mm. Sarah Carlisle German se 20. 
The cle after the Gcrtle of the Breortywine 
Howe wrote Prashington thet the woundect 
Qyrertcans were sonumerous Ae could mot 

(aller Them, offering to receive ceny surgeor he 
night SOIL TIPS IC ten: Latimer ez27c2 Willet?e 
Wee se7zé To Tezke cezre of Hhem. Jz IU Glas os 
Ir Seermue? Mi2iez2 . 

Jssue | 
Bk Eliphé tet, a. my he ivro 

a fiat 8 Frc MWelrima Fromme, 
iS. Flearinek, Og Termes Frat anes 

J. Scezrcez:hk, 6. 2292 294 | 
Se Welle rre.G 7s tH Ihary Ceerzesce 

: 4~Mmerery 777° K0978 Se 
ae Clorne 22 cL s, 6) - : Fee ee Thier alee Cwiteine 

So Sost72, 6. ‘790 (Went DH Q2b6any 1.4) 
ty pl Lsc2zcre, Dr. LPO SF PMs Trorrgcret Duren berger 
5. Josenh, 3. 100 mm. Suseczr Sfout 

SW Qbrahkan Witiott (Hitliam 1) 3 reco 

(nn. Belsey Buosby — Onorctage Co HY. 
(yy) Enoch Willett (Qbrahems) a 
7. Sonhce Leaves Ononctage 77.Y 
Llssue | 
(9) Charles QWillelt (Apoch 1) 3 
2712. Lele 7) Sperry — Cortland ny 

eo 2 LSStLe) 

2) Willcom Willett (Wiltiomts)b 
PVs AEM E JOCK Sarr 77Y. Stote 

Pa Gee Corsicier 1 b- 777, Qakdéie Wi2crer~- 
4-Liccen, J. m Fath 

ea FE CLOe eA). 7. Theoctore- Lerez 

; HGP 

1(3/ (lezmvcah Peitlett (Witiam')b Wes 
WH Olfrect Smith. This namewas ee, 

by Qet of Legisleaticre cn heseonsen OPT Eleee 

JS3 ue | 
4. nc 2e272, O- Say oe Tu tier Yoger 
4 _Qbre2hozm, O_ m. Anne timer 
4- Goretor2, B_ 7 Trhery £ Yorées 
4. Temes d- In. Qmeleee Germerrz 
4- Jone, Z- In. James F Ceemming 
/ (S57 John PLL LCLE (Seemued 2) 5/790 
DT ee Cerman Vertiey 22.2 

He movec 26 year Albany 1Y. preotedzy 
Weshenglin Co where we ferret Adelésom sorof — 
JoAnn Gorm (71 séic. 

/(G) Celera Wille te (Johan 1) } 1920. Washemolor 
Canny S ferther ts serer to haveeseme — 
ica pag meee 
Es es 
/(7) Jeames Q Werle se (Cdlecson i) b rest 
figie Flew port Mews Va 

/ (SI JosenhA Witde et (Goivicei 2) j eee PR 
Marsa (TULS CR 77 Stout (andl Aulth nome) 
6. Dleence a j. 
6. Georges. 

6. E2bsert Deccezture,6_ ™m Cancece?n Bastwnk 
/ (a) Elbert Deoactur Willett (Joseprtb_ 

In. Cremedece 777 Bostwrek CG ladome. 
| oe 1 8$ue 
7- Joseyn Jee m..?7VIelAMNCe Woods 
7- £2izcibetzH, 6-_. ™ £lmore 
7. George, b- 
7: ElGer£E O:D- | 
Lig Jasenh T,Willett (ktbert J d_ 
7M ?Relczmcte Worcs Anniston Qe 
2 yo | 

— e. Josepnd, ,6- 
Ff. £2izcrd3elh 3B- 
—«e. £lbertH, b- : 
IA“) Consicer Heath Wi2leee Wirtiam2)b- 
777. Qezezie Mileter — CRieepo 
Je Conse Clee Oe 
J Fosccve , B- 
J LezeéZZe,d- 
J. Feard , B- 
S72 Yyrte b_ 
JS. Pray becle, b- 

J. Grace, B- 
J. HeZler2, b- 
/ it) hucte: Willett (Wi tlic 2) d- 
PE 7 fe Ps 

S WeeleLt 6 LIK" 

| ip) Ether Witle&t (Wi2ecan 2) b- 
MM Theoccore Lora Seyroreuse IVS 
- (moe cssue) 
(le) 7Wi Lc201 Willers (Hannah a 
777. Jit lee Reece 
Bip a Ge 
J. Qlcco, B- 
— S Ceerrie,&- 
Ly Dosccnen Wielece os Ce 
ee Clornree Pena 

J es J. 
S~ Jenriée, b- | 
f Fy Gorcton Wi2ZetZ (Hannah) j- 
Mn.] Peary E, Yeates.  Chéeeego 
I Or hur lo Be 
J. Lesice G, G~ 
om eee PN To iy 
ZL) JVaormes Wi Villekt lott c e207 7700 42 () Z. 
TH Qme2ca Germern 

S-George, yo ae 

J. William, B- 
J Geneuvre, B- 
J. E vet; Os 

5. Grezee, 0. 

he Ts) Bake 
re er) 



 $. Fern2_d- 
Qs the Ceorgéa branch ts consicderece To be a 
pert of this branck, though the link ¢s not of 
recore?,we apmenc it herewith. * — : 

3¢ JKeu Josenh Ecigertan Willett, §)d.182¢ 
He wees Professor of 7?a&lurez Secence 
at 7Hercer ULn cversily JPieteon Ger, enc 
QAuthorof ‘Woneters of Insecé Life” 
Vad) ; 
nt Hugh W22e FeO. Ctlante Ca 
* See Branch K, Page 129 


Branch & 

: Tn 1726 there was aJohni Millee 2eui79 Lr 
Placinfrele? NJ. Cts norecoree uf him has oer 
foro? there, et és Sujyrousect he was horn elseu were 
There ts a fremey Cractlion Chat he came frorre Scotlanct 
Cael CE LS gucle goosscble Cheat he may Rave Belemged 
to one of Che mumerous Willett famcices of ral part 
or lew Jersey. we sterrt wilh: 3 
yi ) John Millett ( : ) bd. Prac frecce 2S. 1786 

WL | 
He remmovece To Yortes Co N.Y. Wilh hés forrmiiy 

czG0ut 1&/0 

2.Johr, b-. /§06 ma eg Sine ake 
2.. Sczre7h , B- Bi at og Slewart 
2. fvelteme, b- 74. 27 eLyers 
ue Thomas b- 
2.Iseane, b- m. Mary 
/2..Qlbert, B-" oS 
VAD James, }- : n7 - Charistlive BELG Nena) 
Pane Cpe WrZlett (Joh 1) Sss0e 
m1) Sa roa Prerce Yates Co WY 

3. Jonctthan, 6- 1¢30 7» Christina Thomas 

oe Pete 2s WA | ie 
ma j 3 , 7 atl 4 Wy a * P eae ie 

a eo eda 


. ae Ly ‘4 ih ; rm nei ¥, : ay 
ORG ea Mee ote!) CSF 

- “a hal , i 
eo ) 


Py ® ‘ ae 

i - a a ivr: 


3_Mrearreetle2 0.1632. Im- Witecam Lewes 
N MM: @ Neary Aa Rove. : 
3. Jezmres, O16 35 LG. 
. 9. Sareh. 3.1836 7172~ 7 homeas Botly 
3. Charles 2 2/F3e nM. Verte Ce Crew 
3._4£denecezer_Z_/e ya 7H 710277 Con notey 
/ (é) ScrczA Willetl (Johns) b_ ae 
WE ee Slenare Yates Co ny. 
LSSUCS | oe 


3. Phecte_&. 
1(2) £veline Willett ( Fohnd b- = 
M. Meyers Yates Co mY 
| LS ste eet ee 
oe James. b- soe 2 
= eo ola. 

/ (2) Lec.ce Willeze (Tone) 3 | 
*n- P7aArY Beier e re eee Yales Co NY. 
3. Venee2t. b- 
3. Lomedeme- b_ 
/ () James Wilieté i Tene oye 
772. Chrisline ee ae Yesles Co 1.Y 
£ Allee de 
3.Zelos, B. 
3. Delight, &- 
(<Q) Somer hc2t VWiellert ( Tohnay he 

/ x 

1M. Chrestince Thomes Yootes Co 20 
(220 é£sscece) 
LV Merrietle. Witiett (Johan 2)b cs3r | a 
| Vit. Willtam bewrise: VGolesCo. AY 
| LSSue 
ip 7Mezrtettee, Bs 
20/ Sarah Wi2lett ( Tonn2)d-je00 
122. Thomas Betty Yates Co RY. 
Sey arty eo 
(3) Cheerles Willett (Tonn 2) b- 1996 
71. Pilartho £ Craw Umtes Co.22¥ 
{jae ; | 
4. Froamnces. b- 
(4. Clezre2, B_ 
tpi LLidiare ®: 
A. Tames DS 
/ (3) be 21¢2e7 WilleZé (Taher 2) Bages 

Vit: V)lo2re Comno icy | Yotes Co 72.% 
s Tssue 
Li. SO0R74 OF8 aig 
4.Charles 6. : 

Le. Ton 121.6. 




Lt ¢s known that there were Wiltelts (aq 
Claormee Cocer7zty Vee cerrez? £71 NarTharnjprton Co, 

ortor Lo 1a9r-. There was a Willetl 2arrcage per. 
formecd Defore 1669 amct William Wirlett cemnnears 

As GlLe2zrcitcrn Cr This fanicty imizo3_ $0 he may 

| Je Comsicverec’ G2 Son of Lheel merrrceege. The 

oregerterd ermegrer72t Lo Crgircce was prebadle, 

| / (i) Tohn Willelel f ddbesger 7 

| He mat Aeve beer Che su7 of Rieke Wer deck 
Of Emoeezmce ez7zc2 Couscrn of Meg Mé2lecl, 
ttowever, Ze WAS in Vergerrcer on /6A~2 C2772, 

/n. Edlzadaeth Douglers /ae0 
(7Aere were other Mi22etty of reecree Cn thes 
SeeZcor jrretasbly eollcz Lerceldey_ Weelea2rm : 3 
~ orn ‘7970, Meeclimer who merrcece Gelsey Wace, 
(FZ2G Ctncl Wes Soldier (634. Charles QA, who 
mer rrcece 7Nargaret Qzirm (F4G.~ ANI who 
MerrrLzece Sim tlhe Melson 6€/@_ JOAR, San off 
Wi2ltiom, Whe married Seley Hirsh +820, enci 
riadow Vraney Mirlett who mearriec Tehn B Lalwari: 
The 72eRx€ Cae Dares ote a we have 170 recort 

of, ut the probable Greene gor wes: 


() Wi22ec2n Miz@lett é )$.1220 CQaomec Cova 
U~ SOF 6.170 
Soo Kore Re eee 

J. Wi2dlccr rn, O. /7G0 
db: THOPAAE, fa) Pas: 

Turing the Wedel Eee Sees oe Westin, 
VMre22elt cazwet Cwo of Ais SorsS were Kizlecd,ot772 the 
other Clwo, We2rliam C277 OL Thomas. Bet Ll Cc2e2s° were 
S72e relect VLU C2 2 Zo Loccescer zee: Prov whenee 
We2lecaem Ccezte> wer77et Lo Visio Vier more, Quedee. 
Whetizver- Thomas vermeccemect or went weeh Wiziceem 
ls 720 Known, | 
UDWLLliczm Wi2let¢ (elias Be fF PaO 

fe Deceanve srcnowrer tm ew Reehrrond. 
[02 7 Mary Cilker B. Phitacetphic tre dere. 

She wes c2 loyalist who went lb Cenadka 

with the Farecy of (Rainn Fatehoired C2230 ee 

og | 


bse CleZian_b_ 

6. George Q, b- 

6. £ltz0beth, &-. 

6- Benjamin GO. 

6~ Peter Joh 77, d- : 

6.Wi22camThomasb tsiz dieses mTIulte Q Pritchard 

“COT uEC. a : 

7 owe : ee eae | 
eS = Teemes MW. ee : 
~Pnery PR }- ees 
3 eh Zliom Jhornces Willett Medtcorr; 2)bierae ess 
Pale Sule QFP>cze hera V2 of. Keziph Prilahaare 
| | Jee He 
/ @ JAcmners 2 We cdleLe Merzccene 3) oe a 
“PRA? Koncly Jones Ba fi fee mien : s 
Lesue wae | a 
8. Frectercek §.B61673 201 nett Pinsent 
& Cimsie OF bal en ge: R. Bremk 
§- F¥panets HO . 
777.2) £2sce QA Jide 



C770 cssue) 
/ (84 | Frectercek 8 Wirlett CThomas 1) 8 1893 
72- Lae LOMO 0) ee cto, 
| Lssue | 
as pare te Deals 
; F Stuart F Bos 
/(&) Anne OYWLllet# bea b - es 
se WR. Bronk | 
| Lgsue 
9_Qicee O- b- 

¢ Sieh y 
° i 
o rd 
» Wy / " 
’ " Kips 
q 4 $ 
y * 
es 7 
} , 
,t kd, 
' ry r,t 
Vb > 
| TE ie ae 
ay, K e | 


‘ Paes a ‘ 

f ’ i Sas | 
é r 
‘ pi 
5 ‘ 
Se rh 
‘2 6 cd eh ‘ 

heh t) iy ‘oped 

ye: a, . i 
oo ot ay, 
Alas ? ” ‘7 
4 -. : ee aay") 
a % 
PA Pes 
. 5 i a's aL 
i har | , rs 
+e ao} 
y a vie 
Mae hs a 
a f " a 
yo TNS 

( at 

( ve eae By 
qi e; ry J 



4) James Willett ¢ § D6 1720 ©=©Stonehcam Mass 
lééis easily Sip Jr08eCC That There were other 
Coneriean Qreeskors back aT James but we fence 
Wu vecora of them. He 
2. Hannes 
2 .Joomes. 5.174% m-~ Hannah _ 
2. Koznr72Aa_b-_ 

L2)T7e C2NeS Weileté (Jezernes!) B 744 
DN fie Ba 

Poi J3sue 
(On DMo2rey, 61797 i 
5 be Siukey, 0-798 

Je Enhracm, 6 /€¢0 ~ MR. Mary 

JY Lp treatm Hetlect ( Jezrmes 2) B e00 

Th. Pega 
4“. Sorly, G. 1473 . 
Kee Ephracm, b- 186 — fist 

4-~ Folly b- 1877 ~ 
4-Joho, 6.1622. 

—_—_—_————— eee 

(ltlathencel Yi llete( OP OME ahregs 
From Lhe clezTe of Ris Lerth. he musk Reave beer. 
bornin L£aolearad c27202 vince fe c2ers arcther Weilecd 
CTRRCA . | (Ae rhpe ree Con) 
THM Ederzobeth Wakeman (mo issue) : 
72~(2) Henreh Qeleams cau. of Jeremy Qelernzs 
_ L8$ue | | 
2.Saran,d/6§F _ mecharg Sanpore 
2. Qbigact,b_/660 ~ m. TéhnBisho of 1.H. 
2 Redecce, ag Aloe iui 772-4) Thomas Ranney 1650 
| Pha ia) Tacos While (729 
2.flainnen,O./670 - Pre. Baseyz Baker (696 
Tn.) £ lector, weed “of Jasper Clement a at! Browne. 
. (Mo Lssue? 
/ (2) Ke bee en cZ lett (Nathame2l) Z 1665 
77. 3 Thomes Kanney of 7nceldlebown /690 
3.U1t2letl.6- 1700 “mm. Anne Johnson 
772. (2) Treva Whele LI 2? CHo dssue) 

a - Salt ; ' ‘ a ; i, f cs i 4 

. é€ e 
. Cie ¥ 
ays : fF in: if i ' 
, : ¥ ’ bd . ‘we 
VL Lis) 
. ’ at ¥ r Ls aoe 9 ete 3 ; 
nd ee Me ea a Rd vir ia 
i ¢ “e yatay 5 ery ae 
, 1 : vee 4 s Bi exis 
ge j *, , Ash gs y tev 
‘ c é - > ae } ie 
‘ ” j 
oe sal tw’, 
or “+, 
4 rates 

ee ‘ hig 
a ip rn 
oy vi \ 4 
7. th v 
vd , 4 

‘ iy 15 . 
Lag ye f 

al ye 
i 4 Ay 
+] s 
4 ’ 
® + 
* , yj Ms P. 
i, % X b : 
: ‘ 
J a? ‘ 
at - 
. 7 
ber ‘, 
i ¢ 
P ¢ 

—_ <p 

47 Frotl77eis Wicletz C8 PIO oie & P Preece rey Meass 
He « z's Sijopr0sect Lo herve Comte from £79le22, 
ie cL 2s 720f of reaoree. Ale wees in RNewlury Ness, 
/bogek C27102 InNust have Freie out le yoLeng Che 72, as he | 
Mergied LIZ (OOF wAcehA woelee make ht 714 IS 7ELTS of 
age of hewes born cre 1634. Ip Chat was Acs birth 
cterle, Cher fre probably cicer not come from LEr9leene 
ough Acs ferther mary, There tse Mi2lekt krraw72 
fo herve come over before 1629. He might have beex 
the oou of 7obLe MWellett who came € (692, 62770C 
whose elescencteents we alo rot fered winless He Wes 
Baa tot Taper ae cts Lhark ie ore speculation, we 
staré thes Broemehk with Franeés. 
MM. WMereher Gi2vers elczee. of Thormees Séeuers 

2.Miarthe._G. (¢7a~: CO te 

2 Frerriece de [670 772 Elezee Loweeé 


2.JosephO. (67% 

2-Wkeilieam.3. 160 

2-Thomas_6~ 7662. 

2-Hevmrnah_6~ 16 $3 

2-Johr2. 5- (6e7 

2 (2) Freaeiv Wirlett (Freanecst)b e771 
Mm. £écza Loweld 
3. 7 ary. O-16¢¢ 
3. Jicadeln. 5-1 gor 
3. RULED Ie: 




19 Rickerd Wiles 

is scecoe To Frerve, Comme from Be intat or other 
West Frgdance pene Plabhene SeCer777¢ bo be known 
of heme except thet he was in the own of Hemp- 
Steace L.f in (6GS7 CIrcl was Surveyor of high- 
Wro2rs fees 4G og . There was cr Recker Ne2 let@s 
€2 merchelrnt in New York Cla7e% Qt offever of 
—Trenity Chureh in 1499, postbly the same 
mer _or cf may have been Ris Bon Richerct, 
who i @eldel Rous Deere o2 72027 of a ck Lhaz 
téeme. SEs Gucte @ posse Diddty hort Ae way — 
Rhozve Leer & Sor of Rev Gnectrew Mizlet of 
Rear le ty, Whose nazme Aes not beem yeeoraen 
ana uke may hauvé nemed for hes unmere The 
brother of Qnoadrew, Reekhara. Mts Aces Seen . 
the apencon of fhe writer; but es there ks 
vO cloecemen lary eviclence of te. The 712227 
cs lefd for future invesligalon, Caneel Richezrca 
fs mece The Aexct of a venercte brane. 
lé¢é is & eurtous fact Chat hawever he on Vidic 
r Snedlec2 his norme,adaut one Are} of hes descenc- 


ants Ssyel2 ct Widlels circ? Che other naff Weiiits 

excent a few who snedd ct Willetts or Mitiere. 
Ietehorrc Wiitiets Clcect ceB0ut /bby 

172. Wary Pash burrre & (629, Laughter of We2liam 
(cer1ce Jane) Wash biirne one Of Lite first 
Pronrcetors £72 1647. She Li eke for frply 

CVS 2 wicluw YeEmuuvero Lo Jeriehy where 


she Gecame cz Friernc” Oren ging un Aer 
eh 2etren in that faith _in whiek she 
Leecme ce meines ter 
| SSOstKxLE 
2.Thomoas 6.7650 ™. Denaek Townsend. 
2-Hogne 4.1682 ™m. nary Langclor | | 
2. John Bi geay 
2-Rieharc &- 1660 71. Qbigatz Bowne 
5 @) QdcGgcsc2 Fowele 
2. 7nary ee a 3 
/ (2) 7720771 o2S HitZets ( Rechercz ") b- /6S5O Pas 
71. Litnok Tounsenc 
| lgsue | 
3 Thomas. & (683 ™. (4) Corthercne Flos2 lock 
un. Rachel Fowe22 
3.Kiehearce-b TH. GV Search. Kar2 2oeRK 
In, (2) ergeret 1. Fowet2 
3.Qmos. b_ /7v0 (71) Redecca WAActson 
M(2) TRherg Fhoe22ock 
3. S8co2c2 @. Sj m. Clemert Hallock 


pf at 



3. Friacriz= 0: 7 - Thoveue Powe2@ 

3. Heanrah~.b- 377- Gorrmuel Unezer Rice 
3. Dinah b- 71. Wiliam Heaz2toek 
3. FéczoBeth 2B : m. Sohn llneazerhe2e 

3. LsreaZl 6- 
ads Sorre:h _ be 
2.27 homes HitleB (Thommes 1) B 1683 
VA Cottherine Heo2220ek (Je réeho PaaS a 
aS Jesse B(7/4 om: Lbiiedetr 

Ken neh. cat mm. Thomers Searc272 


“ee — Clement -f— 

ope Qmry Bs _ Wilélam PHeches 
Pg bs as Koehwe 2 ne : 

L3sue i 
Lhe ELsaheeA OSC g re. Sormuel Hughes 
a. Teeteeh. Bb. | 
2H) Fiche: roe Nillerts ( Thornes ¢) 6! th 
1)., Sorreakh Hoe2loexk (720 tssue) 
2722) Viargaret Herlricek FPowe22 
Lssue | 
921) Phecvbe eS SR ee 
m2 Qyny Fowelé 
4“ Richarc, bx inst Pie priate Strong 
4- Sarah. b_ mMiiliam Kerby 
4~Deborahk.b- mm. Taviad Willets ‘see Yauzs) 
4 ~ Phoede. B- 
A- Jane. &- 
“.- Thomes-bh- | 

4 -Dlaniel_b- 

| SSS a Bests exes | Sees 

y — i ‘sf 
2) » 
“Fe. a * ” 4 ex) i > e 
‘= : Z ao 
< ad 4 - a ~ 
s > oe « . ¢ 

t-. a - t a 

= ae in \~ - ; 

a " 7 
» = 
. d “ 
. . 
@ 4 
e , s ~~ ad 
> , 
fF . a _ 
ni < e = 

| 8S 
MBHennah Wellets (Trhomes 1) b- 
772- Samuel UncderhzlZ | 
4. SozarmeeZ2_b_ Im. Qn Corrmenser 
Ae LIL PRI Gan aes John Bowne 
Lia Matnrnahi i Be a 
M3 L8ac.e Willets (Thomas /) 3- 
7A. Clement Hea22Zo0ck 

hESC : 
M~ LPORUECELO — ™ DedoreA We22e23 eee 

FS ape Timak - Gs TTBS Qirakearm Clrrczer 72222 
Li Seimei 2 : soe 
WY (pices Catherine. ce 
Ah. LEO ULLor- G- | eg 
ie Amos WeZzietzts ie Wo, V fe foo ae 
ae (/) 7PIOr LY For2Zoex% ee oF CLOPPIDS 
4~Sormuel_ 3. n- Jane Fowez2- 
A~Ruth_- b_ pn Reekaree Wi2lb2s (Tacoap) 
i= Party. Oe ok : 
m2) FReBZeean Ahitson 
Ye. S08 ep Oe Seen 7ileuLs 
LLrorTha_& Fg gee 7Ptomrezs Freon 
LA. Saree _ D- 1725-201 -John Wei2leZ3 5) 
4. Jemime.b. m.Yeldécam Jervis 
Lk CQO SB 2. Re bBeecer 
An Catherine. m-TJanecd lUnderhiz2 


L-Hanneh. b- (77. mm. Weaeet Fowe2 
Le Tecod- Hs Dae m. Hennahk Powe22 
44-Thomes. 8- (738 72. Leo Seamer 
J Jesse Hilleés (Thommes 2) 7s iy ie VP ae 
pre Elizezbeth LO ORCL? 
| Tgsue 
oT inne "ae eae 
JS. 72orrThe- b- ! 
/ (bf Cry ANellers (Thomers 3) 
72. MWeliécom Flughes 

2 POG, 0. 1172~ £deanor Lee 
py Cm y, ae m.Moses Koberts 

/ (ol Deenced Wilets (Richard 2) b- 
TL Sheobe tees: | 
- feeie . 
7 Eee D1 Rae F< Piconhie Meeei 
SS. Joshua. b- nN. Carherisrc Sowec2 
70.2) Amy Fowe2é 
7 BILE Sc 
5. Phoebe. b- nN ee becies 32? 
ox Charreley. j. 
3YWFeLeharc Willete (Rickard 2)3_ 
Pec e Hannah Strong 

SEesie | 
5S. Deborah.2_. m. Ancrrew llnaerhilé 
S Onn, O- m. Semuel Unckerhi22 

S. Teaace. b- 

S. Samuee, b_ : 
S. Hoen11ah.3B- | 
J Sarah Willers te 
17. We te woke) Wir brie ie 
— Lesue an 
eo We llet, Fe m. bead Vite : 
/ he) Doev toe Wi2lots (Seaneer) b- 
72. Deborah ANillets olece. o7 Reenerrez 3 

LESiUe : 
S. Jonah, 3_ ™.- We ee 

§. Charity,b- mm. Job Wi2lets ($) 
b. Fara Oo : 
/& Sormueé Willets Gras ‘2B. 
7. Joanne Lowe22 

pre Tssue noe 
Rss JCIMILTN CE. 3 ™. Qmos Fowe2? 
i C0797 3 O-, Mm. Leduton Fowe2?2 
Epc Se m.Jonekh Witlezs 
3_ Qm jyeens mm. Lante2 Titus 

/ (bpd Josenh ? i2lets ( Qmoes/) d- 
72. Hornnecele Titus 
| oe Fisue 
JS. Willcom b: Letitia a: 
JS. KacheZ b_ hess mn. Benjamin 4Hieks 
J. Cathercrre, SENET oy 9 fe Samer Fost 
SI. £21203e%H,0- 176, 717. Benjamin Bareuit 
Some 3.1708 mm. Amos Whitson 
S.Richare, b-/772.. 

3-Warzt rn -nary Pesy-A See ApmV 

7 ga 
5. Sose@enn bi 179 
J. Phoete, 6-1750 
ST Robert, 6 1796) Fe ae Reblcms 
2@ Amos Willers (Qmos -- 
Tn. eb ec eck - MEET RE ERS, 

7 e2 $9ule ey 
J. LS o2cze, Os IT. CoThercime Fe2werres . 
S Qtnes' 0. I~ [iaarrin, Pages 

Ae Bs Jemcme,B~ ™m.- Mrellom Tarves 
S. Sormuue?2,B-° _Im_Mmenhitebe? Jennings 
So arig G0 8 Rowdbhrary — 
I. Keslez, 3B. mm. Cornezeics Stecige 
S_ Reith , re hey Comey Bryant 
5. £2ishez 6. oe ee 
SF. J0OAnm 6-4 i Aes Be oe 
5. Pleaté b- oe ee 
5. Lot, Bs Sh 70 | 
“sie Phedse, Oo . 

2 (4) Ploen71ch Yillevs ¢ (anos 21 oe 

TT Wace Fowe él 

Sa ghiliet, 3. 
oy Kebeceecr, few 
/ i) Jace Wi2lets (Qmost ) A 
71 TT foweél - 
— Segue 
SF. Tahoe b- SAS 
J. Jacob B_s7r0 

| S~Darrce2z, 6- 1783 mM. Marthe Seaman 
S.James, 6- 175% mm. Soheormmnez Titus 
3. TRhomes 024960 FA , 3 
y J. Phoebe, b- 1963 mu) Slephen Jitus 
| Ina] George Townsenc? 
J. SormeeéZ, BO1 763 ope Hannan Seaman 
IJ OD Os /7 6% m-Deborak UIx?2 
J. George, Ox 1769 = =}n- ary Tnucge 
34) Thomas iilezs (asmes/)b-1735¢ i 
771 Leak Snes 
5S. Charles. a L268 2 Esther Foweed 
TS. Mert ,6- 176¢- 
SJ. Phecbe fae EPID 1. ey Pole 
Spe Kachel 8. 1973. 177-4Laweerct Pecersa2d 
J-ReGeecct,&_ 1776. m-Cen/amin renee 
S$. Joseph. B. 1774. 77- Qb69e¢2 AYon 
0 pe S27 eA, Paes 2F2 pFt- Bern/2Mmen 22heriton 
fe eater j- LIRG fit. 
207 Taeod We2lerts (Danie); (73 
M- Frlannan Foweel 

Se ese “ere 
| 6-Lancet b. mm. kitty Srrcth 
6- Joshkeer, B- mm. Pheobe Kieeks | 
G. Fhoede, A- mn. Eécjah Seaman 
G- Ann ‘5 7. Thomas theron 

G. Redken a 

| 6. reper ee, o- 
y 9) LDeikerah Willets ¢ Bids es y, 2 
| 777. Oneirew ilnder ht2é 
6. Samuel, B_ 
4. £elizegeth b- 
as C772, 3. eee 
SEAN Wi2lezs (Reehorrez 3)b- 
7H. Samuel Uncterhnilé 
. See Sores -« 
6. Peeeho rez, B~ 
b. Henrich, B- 
6. KobL7E, 6. 
Bee TRATLY | Oe 
6. Tosenhk ,&- | | 
6. Qnaqe. b- om - Will2e200 We2ecr 
/ (5) Toneehe Hillekés (Devictt)b_ | 
TH )Rery Metlets eee. of Scrmmueé 

it, Wve ha. 77s Treborah. VWAtson 
6-Q072RKr2, So @. Henrietta Frost 
6.Qmy,6- °°  m-Zebulon Pinkham 
€~Deborerhk, b- 3 ; 
6_ Samuel b- 

6. lsacac, 23 
/SIWAZ Liam Willers ( Tescrsh i) 
Ih. Letctcce Yez2en Time 
L833 ue 


~ a 
eae ph Se 
pe » bv) 3s aS 

. 7 a - an + 
. x : in 
7 Moy 
‘ r?< ie ‘ 
' “ ° 
: , a 
4 ’ ae 
eA mG 
: Pot hha! Gee Wee. © 
° . byt 
i r ‘ 
J +r =<,’ +5 
lay OD / 
Y, he 
ahs oc 
. & 
i. 4 ~ oN ae 
: i vy, , = m, oe \ 
’ Fa + rte” > | ra) r we ; 
a) in ae 
ROO Oe Oy a 
Ma woe Re 

sya aey 

| | o7 
6- Joseph, b- n- Phoete Smtth | 

6- Nery, 6- 7 - OLeteor Frese: 
6. Joleod, B- gee Uncterhi22 
6. Willtam, b- Ee Pre Lave: Rushmore 

6~ Charles, b 

/ si Robenk Wetzlezs Ipsos 2. 1270 
bee Tr ore “Flo bins | 
— LeS9iULe . 
6- Qyros, 6 479n 37. Annie tus 
6- Sozrm uel, bB~1729r ™m- Sarah //ceks 
6 LEcemeanc? , 6.~/foe M- MNerther Whitson 
6~ Robert FR, 4~/602 7- Leyeczcer (itis 
6-Pheobe, Bo aede M- Priiliam Titus | 
A ~Hidece 77t O~ /&0¢ MG) Qnnte Whitson 
oe m.@) £lizebelh Titles 
6_Stenhen, b-— mm. Wrrertice Titecs | 
2(S/ L8c8e Hi2tlets (Qmos 2)6 Lore Lslance 
}?7- Certtherime Letwerezs 

6. Gldsorn Be 772 - Cone ee any 
6_ trary, d- rr - Jas toh, 7 Smee - 
6.f8sece GB £772. Fhecbe Wi22ie2mes 

‘sgl Charlotte, rs mm. Phe2étoml Brown 
6. 7hrehitedSel,6- m.Ben/sa min Penny 
6~ Seamueé, O- mC) — 

mM (2) _ 

WAC) _ 


—6-£l6220eLA, B- 
6.FA7770nNe2 S, b- 

6. Johar E. Oe 
6-S8arah, b- 
—6- Plate, B- 
36) Qmos Wi2lexs ¢ roe 29D 
ig Pilaerey, FCL+LLE | | ‘ 
i LS3Le ore PaaS & 
6_7Hary, b- . 

ig ts Cesc (On. 
6. KeBeceeect, &- 
6. £lczebveck, b~ 
| 6 Feuth, B- : 
3 6_.Odtver, a 
6: FCCOLE Bx 7. Pacete Plcoud 
V9) JbAM Wellete ( Jacob 1) 8. 1747 
TGs reas 

LSS ie f 
6.$PAvcte,b~ | 
G Seed Bee 3 Oe ee 
as “RAo ceez, b- : 

S17 SJ OLCOD YWi2lerte CJaeob /) O.1700 Resnxiu ny 

PeddJderhzer ef Selocolt Goolxs 

G.J02ec0, 6- m_LHeborah Kogers . 
6. Geo rGE ,. }- | : 
a Phecobe, 3. 

6-Rachkel, b- 

Cs eemMlorzA of Joh Rogsers Che Pr cre lu > 

ae oa £ 

a< is vd 
wae a ee 
7 “> Yee 

Rd «| 


ia Muu Pe 7 

a5 ee a 
i gO ak 


6-amy, b- 
6. Qn72, B- oes 
207 Llantel Witletcs C Jneoas) 6-193 
TH- (Rrartho Seaman 
3 LEstle 
(6. Secerqree7, 62 =m. Ann PeorserZ 
G- L2Ore  O. Ps 
6-Jhermes, O- 
6 ChezrZles, B- 
MSI Jeeves Wie lezs (Fe2008 1) 3-175 
TH. SoAanrea Titus. | 

6. nery, O- | 
6-rHlenry, &- 
6. J/Qccodb, 3. 
6~ SArax, fe 
6. JoAnn, b- 

6~ Sermued b- 

6-JS0oAce 72 F202, OW 

6. SEenherr B-1797 IM- Soe tas 
4h) [001 BS Wellets (Tae08 () 3.1760 

77. : 
bi fess Oo ; 
CG. JMO 6. 
oes Charely, vs 
6~ /fatnrmak, &- 
6. Qnw,B- 


/ (5) PRoeie Hétlets CJae0d 4) 0-1769 
20-0) Sle phen Tities 20 essece) 
777 @) George TOU PSE ?2CC 
ous Operas of: 777 - Obetiak re ee 
29 Sameer Hellels ( Trcod 1) ZB. 1768 
4 ?R. Hannah Seemen 

6. [§c2c20, ros m-Qmy 2ircterHi2t 
6. AeéZlcam,b. _m. Pheose /rece 
6. ?Rearty, 0- Im Scmuel Urnderhe2e- 
o.Henry, b - Sonhce Unaerhkc22 
6. KKez7772? OA, B- : oe 
6. Esther, b- 
6.Qnn 6. | 
6 Vane oe : 
15) TO VrizLezs ( Tee0b/) B, fo Gp ee 
eae le Sorak UetarzZ. oe 
Llasue oe : 
6_ Racked, B- mn.~ JoAnn Freeman 
6-George, b- Mm. Semen Secor 
@. Jaco Bie tm Susan Clark. 
6-An yy, ©- an. Phi2ldcant Greffcn 
.6 Phoebe, b- : om, Semue? Lewes 
6. An72, B- 777~ Jesse Secor 

/ (5) George Héllets ( Tacod/) B-/7 A 
Tits Chien 7771029 € 
Bg ead, 

6. Lance, d- mM. Jeine Jtilehens 

0 Fetzes OO Mm. John Burtes 
6. erry, 6- : 
6. SRrary, & 

6. Joan, & 

6 - Johanrer, 2. 

6. Lebo re2h, Fis es 

6. £ctwen, 6- 

G £eéeeabhet, Aa = 
6. Wearlhn,o- 

Ze SOS pA Wi 2tlecs (Thomes 3 3, re 

771- Cb igezce Lyon 


6. pene Oo ee Heniryy Uc2z2er oe 
6-Thomes, 6. mm. Cothercne Sli22 wagon 
G. WTC Was Kerby 

6. Senedcc, vy 
( Josenz, o~ 
6- Ben /amen, b- | 
6- Choiries, b- | 
29 Sarah Wr2rzr0ezs la ae ese 
/77- Be m/@rr7cr C2 —— 
Lessue io 

Ge Bensamer,3- 7.02 £eizoneth Tie wn 

ee on @) JP7e2 7™Y Jovcekson 

6.Fhoebe, b- : 
6-Kebececa, b- 7-~ L. Searceng 

6.Thomes Y4%Bb- m4. Townsend 


6- Coco e242, B- 297- Choerles Willis 

6. 7Hary ,O- PTS | LY, 72 VE Zooprt 
6. Hiezs,b— Wn. klézaberth Wiztes 
6- KteHard, b-  PA~ Phoeje Prior 

/ (S$) Zebe2onm Ve 27ers (THomes 2) B./7F6 
6 ~Lorwrene <, pave : 
6. Choplote 62) 
~ i LAA? bo ie “ 
OC (71h, D- | 
6. Henry, cue 
| 6. £lizasemH, d- ss 
30) Laniel Vbiliezs Canes 2) B-1770 
ge «Bs Keeley 5'9977¢ZA- 
pa lesie 
7. Henmah, ro eer ae Somes 
7. Tezeod, & - | oe 
Z(G) Deowvice LvclleZs a Bs 3 1260 
777 Deboreh Whitson 
7. Jonah, ob 
2-WC2%2La72 b- 
= 7-L S02702¢, O- 
HG) QL razr Wi2 lets (Tonch.t) b-176S 
PHM. (Lenzi ettee Frosté Belton? mY 
rae Lsczere, b. TTS. Perret Ciyres 


7- £eoncerct. 
7-Serch, 6. 
7. £éciadeth, b- 
7- }Rergy, b- 
"ihe CLAS OA VICE, Os : | 
to) Amos Phillets Lose 1) d- (772 
TH. Qnnce Je ttes : 

Tesue reid 
a. Zi vice, O- on. £dizabeth es 
Pan VHA rey, oS In~§ Hhezrorn Argue : 

2b) Sameer MeL hea 
77. Soorcrch Heeks 

be LU CUPOR Ie aes Correticz es 
TAVNIC LER, Bas: 772. Ealweere2 7rerrcé€ 
7-Kobert, 0~ =m. PHneargared AMe2iets 

7- Jac0U, t7, O69 Pie Soeron C. Powe 2 
A (6) L clrenc2 Wi2lers (Robert) ; L&CO 
nM. THarthe WRetsorn | 

J. LHarth oz tf Ox : 
7- Thomas, b- W771 - Keese 
9- TosenA,6- = m-HeanndhGrcppern 
Fs Sc27 oh, Des | rT. CorZe } Shepercz 
~ 7.Dancet., a- | aa 
7-ECltrmunc2, &- | ee 

7-IVNO17Y, O- > 

7- A911 ve Bie 

7— Heenm27ez kb 
qa ke ECHO OR 

Lia Robert R Wetlets ( Robert ¥) O26 02. 
P72: Aiyctec (LLiss.. | 

7.~Cormeécer, O- mMm.TJ7.S. Carle 
7~J6AR, O- ee, a RQmanac Underhedé 

i Ja PPIQTECE GS. | ry S Cir 
Fa BUELL CLEZIT O- | ice tals F Saser 
7. fobert &, b- 

7. £lczebeth,b- m- Sau Fae. 

2 wiz Licrn7 Wi22ers ( Robert 1) B. For 
77- 1) Ongie WRiL on 
7 TPROMOAS 6- | 
fit Cy ElizeateLh PETECS 
7- Onn, B (P39 
7- Willcom I, b- VFL 
Prieery, B- gn. Lsaee tf Cocks 
/ (Go) Shanhert Willers (Rotert 6).G 
77? Triarctce Titiis 
| Lsegue 
7. Slepher, 6. ye. ritery Noore ot 
7. ALycce2, b- ) : 
7. Sarah, B- Mm Rieko S Covtews 
Nb) @Le2sonw Yu2lezs (LSace 2) b- a 
bes Saroakh —__ 
Gi2son, © 1¢47-™m- £émere F_ 

——— — 

i 77 
/(@) Floelé Yitilets CQmes 3). 
Ti. Fheecte Fécelé | 
7~ Lorvect B b./#12 01654 IN_Thary Hewtett 
/(o) S€c2man Witlete ( DanceZ 2) i776 
yn. An tig) Fearsa 22 
7. Thornes. 2B 18/7, m- Redeecer Leggett 
7 Wicary bf §2/ m- Jorean Wright 
7. Trheargaret. b- 1#29 m. Robert Wi Llets (3) see 
2(G) ne aie Willers (James /) ae. 
In. Thery Prager 
7. Jorewh b-153ax% 
3(6)Lecae Willers bE 2) B- 
A. Qmy Lijotde PER 2 

Lesue : 
We2iiam, b- m.JHary Valentine 
ope Llorvcez , Ox m7, Auye2ce 7loore 
7~Fhocbe, b- m-Me2liam -rame 
#8 ary Po Si i idee Thomes Mazsor ues 
Tihpritl, One ie 
7. Jon, Ge 

4. Hannah o- 
S16) Thomas Witlets (Vosenh i 
Mm. Cettherine Stél2 wegen 

7. Gavees, db. 




am ! me 2) 
+ + oe sue Cae Tha 4 
ah ; riage - é 



Ay) Ts olne Wi2lets ( Qbrohem ae Bezmentny 
7n4 Hoerrcet Lda 

LSSue — 
B.He nie tlc2-d. : : 
gee Lemore SERIES i : 
I A (See? o) 0: 
‘nN. Neargaret Willets Ladi. of (ee / 

&. Samuel, b. (E49 ~ 


8 - Otel Os YRS & 
Ay) JHA008  We2lets (Sane? 3) b- 1609 
72. Saareh Q Powe22 
£. Carolee, b. Sled. 

ep. Emd2y bb. 164K 

R. Lelweare, O- 1eee on. Hannah B. Titus 
B. Freczercék, OF eo 

6. Wolter, b- 1650 | j 
27) Gélson 2 Hille ts Sacra Ad Sate 
YR Limerer ya 
6. Gelson, b LFGLG9 mM 
oY Devic B Lellets ( Platt 1) 
M~ Nery Hewlett b1ecr 
| Jesue 
é- - Joseph 2/60 mu Marie L Mehots 

In @) Fheebe £ few lett 96 
e George P.O 1542 h1sf2 ™m Choro Lte iP. He2e 

+ g 1 PAO tne - § 
f , 
ne Re 
: =* 4 7 < 4 | 
r bei a eels Mi ' 
; 41h," * i 
ae ee 
bit ee ae - 
pew ay, ; 
: ’ a? > ¢ ‘ : 
Rive ge ot 4 ie ‘f 
"hk. ie [ 74 f ern 
lhe Wines hints 
PA ~ uf : 
ieee an a, 7) En 
Ne Oh sd WED 
bs 7 be 
| = J 7 i 
' ' 
, Vs , 
i + ; AN 
> \ me 
} : 
» # Th ray 
» = i “f te 
a: w es ‘ y De 
‘ f 4 Ue vf if Y tal 
, Cpt ta ey 
aA ant | 1 ek a 
, n 1 , 4 
‘ at 4 + nt * R 
ow % eel a7 wii 
ya Ae 
es / \ ! 
a \ 7 ive ’ i) pie / 
i a i . “y 
; + ay 
* 7 rd k 
e mm f 
¢ we 
, : p 4 4 5 / a 
; A a 
a Pe teat 
a wey 
, : ais 
a a > 
4 ‘ ‘ 
, : Ti 
ae i arity 
’ ‘ P ial 
. ey 
q (ae a 
«| < 
" se ", a 
. s ae | : 
ig ih ate Rein 
p » “AP 
aes oh Ohi i 
: ah ae ioe ted , 
e © 4) i ‘ 
. ‘ J * a . 
| ib us 
® ° ‘ a 
‘ ég 
: te nye 
; 1 ‘ 
:. | a ty ca 
oF “, e& : / a 
i = } aa 
, 4 

i aR ‘ \ 
he hae) ae ; 
; Pod > q 

307/ Weleccr, Millets (Leone 7 b- 
Te PNary Voreenratine. : 

S. Anne, 0-164. ™mM- a Ew eeeets ere 

bly Lloevcd Willets (I. sacze JJ b_ 
err? Lyoticz Shloore 
? Tssue 
ae 3 

2(H) Se Wt2lets (teen) Hf, a5 2, 164-9 
ae Hannah B. 7ilu« 
9. Helen. b_ mn. Pec D uteher 
G- Samuez. B- | | 
9(F) Gilson Willels (Gitson 2)b- 
ee : 
o Glozson UV. Z. LEGS : 
IF) Joseph  Wilzets ( Davicz B 2) Bisa 
M1- ve Priarie L Mcehols bigag cl 1ég¥ 
Tssue (Chica Go) 
9. Mery ga DotFlG Fit. I ee Teed y (90 
G- Frectert ch See b- 167 9 SOE Bs ae : 
9.Olcve db. 1669 
9- Florence, b-/F72 
~—6G Wardle VIt. b-16 79 21 FFO 
GQncla, b.1¢0, m. Alfred HX Burnhanz 

G. Cicieze 72, b- / 861. 
G. Roy LD. b. (etme - 
n.Q Phoebe & trewleté 1/906 

Z (&) George V4 Weilels( Davici 3) 0, C82 CL FF 2 
Th. Chortezrte B. HE22 1¢6¢ Shed /tue (EL 


9- George H, QO. 1969 C1630 
o. Jasenhine H, OW/E7 2 | \ 

. riaric LB 75 76 
TRU Eee hE 
/ (2) nace Wi2lets One 2leam 3) b 194.5 ae aioe 
7m. Frecteriek LW i22ts (James = 1972.0 14a 
LEsue | 
G dane, b- 
Go Lvereél ia. 
a Frecterick b- 
9. Rerther, (ee 
9. ElczateH, b- 


Ly Takerng up The olescenctants of the : 
Fier tuo sons af Riehara arrel Mery Wash bume) 
(22ets, Hope cena Riekara@, CL és clone senerare- 
Trem the foregocng for the reason Chak the ma- 
rilly of Them syet2 Me nome Wei2tLs - SE us not 
oght, Rowever, thet the Sperling Wars arr 
y ectAer Hone or Reoharer. 
(2) leh rer Weiiels CRecherre? ee 0.1703 
2-1) Abi9gacl Bowne 
3. Hannekb1687 ™m.- John Cae 
Me (2) Cn “Powe 2 
| Tesue | 
go. Obs JO. 1690- *7F1- ee on: 
3-7Pary, 01692 m2 [lenrg Seueac2er 
| mM) Thomas WMi2ecams 
3. HA hAa: O_149u mH. Oberiak Valertine 
ce JRCOD, wae (O92 Fit PRary Jacksore 
3. Phoete, b- 1699- ™m-() Qetetan Pe LE 
m Q Tris trom Loage 
3. Fec2zebeth, 3. /2o0t 
(3 Tarceod Willits CRreharez “JS 1697 
eae Party Jackson 
bo eate | 
8 ey Riehwrea 0-171? N.kRutA Weilels (Q08 t) 
hes PIECE OL? 7 2.1 







a! = 5 




AT we 
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. *6 ta are 
yg: ene 



Sly) Riche ret Wi22its ( Teccod S) Os 7/1 & 
M.~ Ruth Willets cer. of Qmos / 
ST. Saaoh, bi zy 977. Nartrhea Weltiams 
DOR eset oe ela one 
ss rary, ree 
S. James, 0/757 ; 
J. GAmes. BD 15a Dea Faoede fowl. 
: 1. @) vat 2iz@beth Hee a 
JS. THormeas, re 7e7 ; 
S_ Sarak, 0- ae , 
S. RLehara B_ - 
6 Teed W222 ELE (Richara SJ 0. moe 
It. 777ArTR FIL C6 pee | 
LESUE pees 
6-772ary, b. 176% 
6. 70uth, 0-127 0 
6- Frizadetn, De 7 s/ eae . ushmeore 
6.)rearther.,b-1774% 12. Odecttexk Wi22ets ($) 
6 Weeliom, b-17¢0 m-Phoebe Valentine 
6- Jaeod, 6-174 Im. Abigaé2 Yi2eits (Cbeacch 1) 
GS) Xceheerc2 Weidits (Frcehinver SHO (eae 
/y2~QAbigact Seaman 
6. James, 6.1770 
6. Obectcah, 5.7772 mu) Feizabeth Robbins 
miat Phoebe Dodge 
6-Richaret, 6.177% 7m) Mary Seaman 

| (OS 
: m.@) Neary Telus 
6)71Aa7rthe, j- 477@ Ba of Serreor Luines 

JIS) Cameos We2li ts (Réeherce sD a Og oe 
ie (). Faoede Powezz a erie ew 

; — fésue : | 
6_ Hanne, o- 4779, ™m. cae Whitson | 
6 Ames, Bb. j 77 Corro line Heoles : 
6_-7Nerrtha, O- & PPTs Lsace Sherwooct* 
6. Sarah bB- = -m-Lr Morris Rogers 

L_ Tech fog ED FIT Sarah Robbins 
0. @ £lizabelr Berasale- (0 LS er: 

76) Vacca Yillits (Jacod b)bizeg 
gee Abeg act Yillits oust) Becta Zh 

: ese 
vee mraryRb- Pe Pe bide oe 
>. Phuede. Ae ed m-  Alfrea H.hoore 
7. 7a1rTAR ie i Tre Tounsend Taeksor | 

Mes Carcdine, Foe aoe agi ar, 
a LEAL oe : 772 - ecdersine Yetsen 
. p: ~£lizabeth, Gu | } 
ut Wide cesoneSDja0x $0 Fanny plewdett 
/ (6) Obadiah Wei2z2i Zs ( Richare c) oie. as 
TI Elczabe A Robbins . ake 
: Sse | | 
7-~AOLg Ree, 66-4802 ™. Jacob Mezeets Ree i) 
+ Reeharce, O./60F “i 
7.lmeary P, B- /602 se Bogs es 
7. Edizebeth, B-/sia mm. William Robdems 

pe he oe 
1 aaa 
A 4 » ¥ . 

oe ir Ld 
wean Fe 
A : 
. oe >. . ; 
7 = 4) te vy se 
’ ~ 7 . é é 
a < es 
d ," Pan f 
‘ 7 4 ee 
? vee 
- ‘ e 

ir ‘2 
| 5 
> i 

/Q. (1) Fhoebe Doctge yt eee ee 
7. Texcod, b- Bee 
ye CHORES Be | ae 
4. Hoz22772h, b- . 7 ge een 

7 (@) eek ever Willizs (Ree chain a Basar : 

(7277- Ga) -Rlary Seernse | 
| Sg $s9ue 
ye fawerct $, 0-803 Rd Esther Ottis: 

7.Annr, DBD. 1406" 
777. i er ee sabe hs 
Be | Lesue Nae eae 

re James, bez ae Orne Tikes 
7- Marthe, B-1S- | 7 

7 Mery Beers, 

7 Herre, Bp ee ee ees OS 

3 (0) Saerah Wt2litls (Osea a so Ae ee 

Bic es 5» Therris WW. 7 Rogers eghe 
Lgsue ado 
. Chat eek Do 7re Sect ts Hesks Me 
/ (6) Jaekee Wit2its (Qmos SY) is (280 
IM. Core Robbers ; 6 | 
| Tgsue : 
| 7. Pheebe, Bo : 

Ke Ames, io, pane 

7-Wil tiatwm b~ 

7. Porvrcahk, b- 


m @) oy, Wailson : 

| 107 
7~Joshicz, b- | Bes: 
“WN eLlcan8Witi2its ( Jeeccd ey. ie 
772- FANANGP/e uw Letl b-18se 
Lesae | 
&. EltzaZeth , b- yey ae 
§. Freczercek b_ /65¢ 
F— Chrz27er, L- ‘ree | 

meg Spee cl A ia oes ee (470 3 
Cs ee O. 1874 
fe. Qlice, b- 1845~ | Ch are 
a (2) JSe2zmmes Willits (Rin os Buses. : ke 
7h. Qnne Jitues te i 
| Lesue hey, Gens 
1 & Frecierra® LWildits ae ere (046 
27. Qnne Wettets oler, of Werrara ~ 
’ : | Lesue Re A oe : os 
9. Fee, Oe . | | ees ee 
g-Lverett, “Oe 
G. Frectertchk; U~ 
‘oO. I7eerTher, Pei a ae 3 
c Elizeabeth, 2. ce ; 
V4 @ bso a VWeilezs (Rie hevre Wi Breve Jercekok 
1. are lab enti, PENCE eae ar 
3. Joseph, B 1677 rr. LDeboran San 
3. Mary, 0.1679 mm. . Riehere2 Plaigeway 
F- Liezadbeth,b-i6t/ me. Gervas Pharo : 

y | : /08 
3_Rleharc?, 3 /6¢9 227-7) £iLrzabeth Ridgeway 
- dn @ CArAA Overton x 
3. Esthet (O-4Ge ke: cae a 
3. Temotlhy b- /6#7 
3.PhAoete, b-(690 

8. James, 0/694 372-Ph phe oe 
o Harnrch, | 
oe Felienee ,0-/696 ee 
3 Abigace, Des. ~ Crammer 

AAA Jose nA Weeenrs ( Hopes) b- ET, 
TP. Deborah Seotmarz 
ie Bae. 
ner Sogammee ae /po3 
2 ae Merry , Oa: /Jou~ : 
Lee Hope B. 6707 os ae 
4. Joseph, b-~ 1720 HA. Garag Beek 
gs Deborah, b-17/2 772. Sotrnuel Werorn 
4 tlenrey Of Fishes Orie Sarah Léa 
£3) RlLAAnAaraA We l2éts bMaties JD. cas 
772-() Elizabeth TR tala exteryy | 
LE Merey, Q 170 
“. Elczabelh , b-1709 
i Qhords ‘ Bx L97/ 
4. Cornetia’, 6-720 

“. Sarah, b1zry Aa 
pat Atchere, DH EP pale es Pract: Butter 
4 RLCasan B. (220 mm i ees hie 
4-eetverence,b- TP Stephen Bereroccee 
aged 2) Sorc Overton Sone Ra aan: Ae 
8a Een Wetter ( Hope EE: (Oe dl. 1763 
DIE. “Phiaebe oe | Urge. Me a 
Lesue # 
Aa Sores, Oa iaees | 2 - lara Feiaigescohgs 7 
4. 7?arthe, b- . Joseph Burrows wees 
io) Ferry Wilerts (Soran mts a gh ate 
Seed Jarrah Lee ae 

pee . ee o , ete 
a Samuel, 3b L7H ee Cig ee eee 
s John, d- (Jee ani mares latins : 
St Jesse, Be 4750 M- Phoebe Hictlore 
Ou) Reker rece Wi2z2its neers #4 se Pes 
yn. Phoese Butcher . Pat IN ene Mn Ge 

Lssue ome 
a Rieke a : 
S. Deliverence, FE re ofa ate z 
J~ Vices a K, 6. mM, Hernnerh Parker ~ 
S Din. | ae 

/ (bf) WH Cax/OrAL ESE) lias C Rechare ’) 5a / 72 zo “, 
FFL Edczabeth i 
_ . lssie 
S - $ecaaderh, O17 q2 

S. /Paary, OW 17 eF ee a ear : 
5. Reenarcd, 6. 174e 
<i Sorc, Bx LTE ee rc ae 
& Deliverence,b- IPSEC 2 : 
er os 71ate.ct/ coh, b~ 1753 ae 
ge Hanah, b- MTS | 
a Merey, b- 1760 tee Oe 
2(9) Jesse Wil 2ézs ee wy oe 
ie toate Hatton Nese : 
6Tohn 2. 1745 
6. Sarah, D178 
6~ ary, 6/765 ? ee. 
6. nary, 2- 19FC a ™- ret Starr ae 
6. Edizadbeth ioe (790 “ 
Gy Henry, Cicis Toga 
CG. Esther b- MPT ge | : 
G- Phache: fe 6297 a7 Thomas Fecrson } 
6 - Susanne, b- wie Ss 
6. Wéiltccem ae a | Etther + Liphtfet Pe: 
6~7esse, b- LF O2 
be Dedorean, b- veer 
21S] Lea/an Wi22irs ah asies Pare 
no gis Homnch Ferker 
Jesice ie | 
G - 771 eor/ eh, Boo: 7. Tucith eee 
6. /Hlercy, b- 772. Jesse CQnetrews 
6. Deliverence,b. pn. Samuet Cranmer 


6-Tichard, B- om. Rachel Bercise: 22 
Lh (ah) Sozmmes ALZZixs (7S I) 0.1776 
72. Qnn Ridgeway, Q rominent PE Pst sheer 
of fre soetety of Frceerncis Littce £o9 Harder? 
She was the daughter of Thomes ened Mary Ong 
Rictge way, omncd gra nel daughter uf Richarct anc 
kdizeheth 7 Ridpeuay of We2ford, Berks COLk7T, ly £79- 
1e272€2, rho overin he shi ‘jp “Jésenh czmez Mary’ 1672 
C272e1 forrect Che Buriinglar Pneeting of oemas. 
772 beccme fod a) eminent merister, se 
Thies Orc27ch Or SubOranek_ ts Reiecae: Bore 
Qiienkeos ranch of the We2let feemiety ane cts 
Feecre2 Zroes been able ecompezec by Oo. eseemd- 
C272 &, APT Qifrea Cc: Mi2eets. eit 
| fssue ie oS a 
ay Creche korres Or (740 hy, 
S. SQm88 3D! “pag Tek 
J. Elcakerm oe: 74S 772. Phoede ee 
Si Henry &- 174¢ ™m-.Phoede Osdorrz 
SJ Qnnie,b- 1757 mm- Josenh Sharp 
J. Thomas D- ceed hl _ Ke becca oceg 
J .-hoebe, B- 1985 
OF Javegea ye (789 7M nary Bee 
5- James, b./769 Im.) Phoede Bertiect 
(Pr margery Beodtenger 
S.JVohk2, & 1/769 IN- (Neary Boartlvekl 

7 : PRE tia 

JS) E2¢ cin Weiiits (Tho: 4). (764s 
?72 - Phoebe Kiagewey oer | 
wo. Jaledd, O47 2G: ile ae | 
ti, Sazrre 2, Ba777e Cl /762 
Oo. Derucz, B- 1789 m. Leste 
fe L2czabeth, S- (7ES- on ee Te 
P Lio re C277 eo m1 Jann Char nme 
6. Gcz7oah, B-/790 7- Fred Pharshez?e 
6¢-Qun, O- (772 . m- Lnoek Roiinson 
G_ Phoebe, b- 4797 ee es 
6_Redbeece'b- (799 
Z(5J KHenrty Wizlets ( Tames a) O-/7«uF 
N11 ~ Phoebe Osdorn Ire 
G- Dm pices OSF Ta 2) 
Ae) nary Bartlet 
6_Girn220c2, 6-/776 Im- Feoterkr Barnes — 
6_SamueZ, b- $277 07? ~ Pane yA 
G-FAoede 6- eae , | 
62 Perr tlee 3- Prete ohn Wires 
O(S/ gee VWiZ7ils ( Jazmes stad Qu VIS 
se Ke Be ence looky ee 
: : Lae! A ae 
6. Pbewerae et Se 7m Northkeis 
G- S0hKi BO 0IR 2. ™ . Coie Ate cot 
6G. Lsoce, bh 17¢y : oe 3 
6- £liekim,b- 1759 




6.Jeemes, 6. /7939 Mm. SareciAz SLi2e9 

Bee J2cod ,o- /796 pi Sterns DHartnce < 
6- Sarak o- /E2O wm. Jesse Sfiles 
CnQun, Bo reaa 2 tee Ja2mer Ketley 

LS) Jere pen Weeects (Serres “Jo- CSF 
ic PPaArY Borllett | : 
bo. ccuacade ,O-/7 $7 INU) TKQACLA Lees 
7h 2) Serrah Pormnevestt 
rae I - Soar wed Son cli. 
G— Jeremie, 0-17 94 rn. Sarak FG Sm@we- 
GS O00: O-teen FT2 Neorg Lippeneckl! 
S15) Jarmres A iL2its (Tames x)b-1763 
Tit. @ Phoebe Bartlezt — 
: Iesue 

6_Cnne, 6. (78S m. John Colliers 
Os: Harness. On f Fee aie Timothy Phcra 
6-7PRrary ,b- 1769 mm.Thormmeas Millets (f) 
6_ Sose77h Bo 1792 777. hiy@ter S Crawley 
‘6~ Cern elazus O-~/79% He ee T Flacnes 
© — Henry, b- 1297 te | 

6~Rache2,6-1799, mm. Daa ocae | 

Like Oe eat 2 | | OES 
6 ~ Joan, Beko SS FITS Hoary FPaaxore 
6- FRoete, O-vecr | 

Dig pam 777arg ery Bcedlunyer 
6. pene /FLS~ 


Bee ote © 4 
— 6 Jeane, b.1¢17- wm-Samuet B Cawley | 
2 (SI JO Tako HL ZELs ( James ae 1769 
72 7?loary Bartlett 7 
bo pee 0 379s us : 
@- Fhoebe, b- 1793 ae pies Poor ker : 
bP LOWER, Ori 17 2a- ol. ELP 
G- Chorotle, O- 1797 7PRr~ Lous TABS, 
6- Prerthe, 6-799 m- Jonathan Cr 1927 
6. Hannah, b-sé01 pr1- Wathen Borrtiext 
Cos Reome, O- r&a2 772 ~ JS IMES Ricigeway 1623 

eae Wiest ks Cm penen? t}) O-1789 

- £ fate Peete 


7. Pes: b S 
7. [71rd ae pee ees, kee 

7 Gl UGH? We ilits (Merry 2)b-1774 

I (1) 2 Teaneaesé | BS i ithaca 
: Ber ee nee / k 
Bie Onna Feo ™m Josenn Ss 
222- (2) [lary “Bertiet 
7~ Fhoebe , B- 2m. Alvar FR 7 ee ve 

FG gS i Fie URES EMER Ke 58 Asc J. Ridgeway 
*®7_Dnartetle,0- 27 George Anelersor 
(6) Samicel Wi2lits (Henry 2) d. (Te 
Im. £lcrzabeth Grezey.- 

* See Anyenctey fey oer ch 

. (fear 
Be Richerret O, 0~ 1795 &/823 Margaret k fobinson 
ye Wtllicrm Vl, B~ /796- @ 1é40 IN-TPe2rczz Purely 
ye oe Bee Loh Z, Oe LI OFo Pee Cormedius Howland : 
7- Henry, }b- LER 272 Liey 7osher 
7 ~ Balthsheic, B~/s00 2m Géceeon Herenczen /FZ3 
7. Dlaeon CG, b-1603 772. Lececer P77222er 
7. Vea lter, b6- 1#as mm_ Cherivotte QA Botspore 
7- Amos, 6- 1806 PIU) Marey Hashes 
777 @) Sorrerh Cipforet 
772032 Q2cee Slaecm 
7 (4) Abby Onthorny 
7_JoRn Oa 1F°7 Im. Perel, LanRAam 
7 Srnmuel,B- LE/O al23*oemme lee S Louk 
pa H/67-02772, B- 1600 APC x Leyelece Laygkam 
VL 2G; OH te va oe 
if EZ7¢22, @ (Flu 72 tagelt Qrthung 
Ze Ga Fi Sr eee 
3 (6) T7072 Willits ( Thomas é) Ae (7F 2 
177. Catherine Plott 
7- homes, 0.76/90 Pra~ Si1s0111 D. Smith 
7. Kebeece, 0. 1e22. M_Richare Q Cops deste Cente) 
Z Feler bi Bi TPO OI8S Georgianc 7irnver | 
ye Johan ,b- 1817 Iw. Fbczedseth Sehrimer 
7 Cheerles, d- 1#19 ol (90 tn mn 
x Caroline §.b.1#22 ™m-_ Louecs W pO 
7. Gearge §,,0- 682% 777.0) Sarah £ Githens 
7m (2) Heer P Conrerct 


Susan Lf, O_/727 21602 m™m.Frenk Joznsonr 
7. Catherine 5.1729 CrhI0 
7- Catherine Q, b- ison unm 
6G) Slmes Wei2lits (Thames page a 1793 
Rig Sarah Stiles 
Se ellne rb Te Pah Fees Slecgnez 
SOI TosenKHyizlizs (James fe: 1292. 
PER Leycte C Crerwiey 
7-Lowmeser | O- 1817 7P2- ‘Oreheleos 2 aa. 
baa Soimniled CO 18 +> 770 Phoebe QA Pearson 
eds Jorrines Dis TER IRE. Rorehed Foie, Nenene” 


7: Leyyezcez, O~12a C./f24 
ye Jos ent o- LOLS qn Kedecee Le'mmen colt 
ype Aly cee e2 a. U_- /€2>7 777 ~ Jesse C Piolge wary 
ges Q2tre cz, 830 p72- Or2n02 777? Owen 
7- VWhieitty PF Ob s8az Bese 
/ (@) hrehe lous Wiz 2éts (James S) Se P kf 
os 7PATY 7 Haines 
7--hoete Q, G- JG17 CLF 23 
J Tio eee On PF RS TTT: huey Oita : 
Jol) fee 227-02 O Li2dits (Sarr ued 3) U_izgs- area, 
771. PPlargaret Ko bi7S0m 1E9 
e. £iczatvern, D- 

kK Reehzarae © A (G23 eee an. £éizebelh Fish, 
SO) Wee licem We22i¢5 (Sor eez 3) rea Ol Po 
ikke 720% reer Fiirvely 
| te : | 
sce Pek ae Lin 1 820 FFs Pcarah Arnozet 
ae a Wel2icm E, D-ve2s n- margaret Rurstin 
IDE 207G Wi2eils (Sorrmuied 3) 3. hed peg 
eg Bere: PPiosher ee ces 
| fe LESHE | 
es Geers Oe. | 
ook PG tere Oy 
Pilih bed, Oe 
Charles, B_ 
& Aelberé. B- 
& (lary, 6. pe 
(7) Deacon O Willits (Sermue? 22. 4863 
Pie ox Lucene Mmeles Me Kee 
ah LE OS | 
F.Seeo b ee 
&. Preclertek De 
e-Beurtah, - — 
p£lizabeth, rae Nae 
/ojWadews Willits ee 3) 2D. (805- 
M- Chertotte QBotstore 
 Lssue | 
Pe: fceclien O~ /&30 rmn- Jarre 7 Lagerso2t 
e.Elizeadeth,b-132 ™m __ | 
6.Qclaline, B- VW is 




x. Lois, B- i 

S- William, b.  . 
GS. James B, b- BR ck 
S Biege7e 7, Oe ee | 
e helert. BOs e 

¢. Draartp 7H, Oo ea. 

OD Comes Willits (Samuee 2 2) Bseoe 
722 Meaney Mosher peers | 
— Lesué eS 
ge Fane I, D_/833 
m.@) Sarak Cipfara e 
| : Tgsue 
&- oa }- 1039 a | | 
™m_ (3) Qécee Sloecm (ne tssae) 
Tt (>) Cbby Onthony (ne isscle) 467 
“(7 JoAnn Wi tléits ( Samued 3) 0 /EO7 
dive isake. J. Lapham 
.  Lesue ce 
a a Mie Pao 2 3 b_iéegmm Pratherme? cA haa 
& Lrah,, 6-183 - 27- > 
. Qéfrect , b- LEB - 
Pp. 7Rary Ll ,O-1F36 - : 
we Anne T, GO. (€3¢- 777 Jason Speer 
gp. Lrmtly, Om SEL 
8. William Penn 0-14 3.777 - Rachel ¢ Ketloog 
47) S'QI97 tied Wileits (Samuee I) O_1F10 0f.1F23, 
7?7~ Parrnezca Stout | 
; L Sse 

j fs - 

ce HereamB b- /&36 -/E FO mMarg 7 React 
_ £2izabeth, 0-1539 m. Olexcencter 7” Runyon 
§. Crroltene H, B-1Fy41_m- ie Bain (8-70 
—P-Lzre ,O- / Fag Lh let 
= oa Series Fb | Fag? 
(CPDL Peis Wiztits (Sormmeat 3) 3. (E01 
Thi bl hte Lapharn 
F_ Scezm7 ued, a ht cana 
/(y £zra Wilbits P Beare! Bere Ne 
7?2- 7 

| Pesue 
F_ Hoarnah,J- D-/ Fn 
» Cherrles B. 0-1 Feu~ : 
P_ Cornelcx 77, B-/ 840 Rev Theo. 5G 
P_ Sarah £., O-7Fer. OR Flds Y Brown 
ge We iy cre O-/P 5G FF Thomas & Posk 
AGL, Thomas /L2lits (John 3)b- 1600 
177 Seeseum D] Syntth 
. | LEsue 
& Eclweorece | 
/ 7) Peter Willits (Jor say eh: (P1bf 
Te Georgiana Tarver 
L8§ Ue 
8 George, O- 
&.. CHaries Dae. 

§.7V ary, O- 77 - tA Ome © 

| fm" 
& Coctherine, OW m1 - Kelenene Prag aly. 
S(7/ Joh i222 fs (John 3) D- SLC ; 
ffi A lezadeth Sehriner oe 
PEs ae 
S Wel elam, Bo e at 
3(7) George SH+t22cts (Sohn Dire Gee 
CRG Se2rah E Gethens : Oe: 
a Pes lccde os a (P49 ieee Vet age 
&_ George SB 1853 i Sila Cesséors : 
7 (2) WP CrY RAL © 
We Mothanieé, 6. x, , 
§ Device, 0-1§59 Prisms Vie 
y (7) Cinhonse Q CELA ed Joemes 6) 

By] —_———— 

Fase : 
Be Elczedecr,0_ 


Ps haere Lup? 
 & Frecverie% b- 

F. Choerles,O- 

F. Jil eet Oe 

rF. Be2le, &- : Sos 

/(Y Louesee Wi22its ( Josenh BS) 6_ver7 
770. Avene lous / Fare 
F. Avene larus A_O1839 aX Pez 




t2. fF 

G_ Joseph W, O-1eH 
P.Louisc: F O- /P42 ee ae 
F.Timothy QO 7 her CL LES7 ee 
&Qrehelousy. 6-(%4e cL, 1850 | 
P. Leplca: EO 1850 a fee 
&~ Vrozitew Y- Q- /F ST 777 ite ners 1: BM ids0n 
5) Sam uel C Wiztits (Se sent 25) 3. 18/9 
777. Pheebe QA Feorson | . 
3 Issue | 
Wes ee j- (G0 FrIH~ Cantons Parmealee | 
8S. 4m 17702 FP 3b EG mm. sided C Carrdesce 
O. Leen Cl, Be 8b 4 3 
OB Loree SOL Be 1 PG ee TT Tsnoe FP Wolests 
U7) Termes HWLilits (JosenphnB 5) B sexs 
eT ie KReche é ik Saale | 
LE S5tLe . | 
F)?1c217 B, OS PSU IRs Robert? aes WI 
&-QreHeloaus P. b-188-7)m- nary C Linncneott 
&- Josenk 16 Nes gee Livery 
6(7/ JOSE 2A Wz Zécte (Josena a J) O- (P25 
In. Tee bececr Lépperectt eae 
S_7horres HW, S_/P69 L-1870 | | 
Mp 4uyecrcer A WLS (Joseph BS) 3.627 
ie 9 Jesse Cc Recep ewey | 
6 LowmisnU- O_1§s2m meme R Willis | 
€. Claret  O-/FF6 Li Fbs 



o 5 

Ae " 

G4 eyo 
a hed 


ie F. Alice 772 , (FCO 
co 2 Carpene 7 FCS: | ey 
VAY), OU ge: Witeits (Tie ZB ae (PIO ee 
Te cher ee 772 ee ae gh ers 
| a LSS 
| 7. Cnect Chere. 
a ar Jessel LO RR = 3 
Wis Horoe, O- /§- FG ™m- Flerence™ Bute 
ie Jassie SO pea 
H7) Tomes AHiziils (AQrehe dees / ) 2. (820° 
. 7n- ey aM Our oo 

sec. as us ° 

| | Lssue a 
ss 271 cary Oe, O~ (Page 77- ohn WF Pract 
ee Flies, ye [FS 2. 97. Flore Oo Rest Hee 
& Prargaret,b- 7- Charies H fneuus 
/ (G) otth esr Witlits (Ferenczi 1)d1767 ene 
70)  Tuelicn Leects oe 
Tague se 
Wigs Cherles ee OW 1 Bee m- Beer at Tepaa te avon 
7- P2atheze, b— Shas PF Seeral Q We? (Jaa) 
7 Samuee, b- mia) narthre Qbbott 
| | (2) Rebecca Gé22 
77 Q) Sarah [entoasE (re éssue) 
2 (6) Jeren ian Hillils laheeeee le | 
he Sarah B. Son tth 
7- Elie abech. 0. /§ 20 ep 
mm 2) Seamuet Leeas 


ee LQmand © 
fa Sara , Os ao 
7. Jitctith,. G_ Wm. VJ0hnn Crenshaw — 
7~- Jeremiah, 0,162 ¢ a-Hlernrtetle2 PR Uocaduard 
Lal Jeb HtZzeits (Jeremiah 1) /¢c0 
Shes P77 ATL Lénperectt 
7- Soran a,6~/€20™m Matha 3 Welécts 
Ds Jerse Bic Sees 
J-lRaArY, 621k 
Ta IAT Rar, Gi feag 
AGA VQAImeES YL ELLs (Thomas (Foo 
1 EJl2 ee : 
§Lloyieetee 77, O~ ($59 
S Wileiam F b-'é6; 
P_James FR j 16 6F9 
FTEre ey he 
(dD lreralke Wei22cts ¢ Fes a (ECP 
PHM) £lez2beG 7H Bicleiie (me essue) 
7? (2) FE lezcrbeth 71, Prierrete 
bg (peo Coes 
F_ Clarence Z, b- 
ee rerriz€ 2, 6- MO Leura fl Naucatn 
mm (a) Locteser 77, FeLalgeuay 

kigtenry Weilirs (Thomas 7) b-. 
7H. Fiiary Cheejr7710272 
°. Ficcoteth | 
Ze Vratharn Wellits poe oy D-162> 
Re Scarce QUNL22its cen Jab z 
Tssue ; 
ee Te ee Le: ea a pes 
6 (7) Scere’ Ac c2ets (Ralhce7 1) 
777-(1) Lee QbLoLCE 

G_ Soromucl A, O_lfaS ™m OLegace S vans 
Ol ORE Ss, Rebecca Grid = 

e. Tok G, 0~ (P&P 772~-ArINa x kastburn 
F. Chezrles, 0- (65% i . 

6. Opa BO lise 
3(7) Jeremiah Willits (Jeremiah 2)b-192% 
Vr. Henriette KR Wo gcckweree | 
&. Clare Hy G27 
en Jeremtah IS GP SE 
&. FLIRAEL, O15 7 77 Mercaret IC Crilthex 
F_ Sozmuel, 6.1659 — 
F Kenrietla-6-7F63 
/(%) Merritt H Wtz7léts (Horetiol)d 
70) Lore. £ PaUCaLH 



D. (Pope ort, OPPO 

G-Lewure F, B-/é7/ 

G-Trerrctt 77, b- 1874 

7H-@1 Locesce 77 (ing 

es Jesse R, G./8FC' 
(SOC Celre: i On tas 

9. £lczc2zbelh 6.1667 


(9) Sosenh. We2eits( Pathan 2) 0- 

Lae EE Lar Wi Reondrer 
| LSS: 
G.~QAlLee Hb./EF4 
G. Atinze2 G, O-18% 
Pe Lane Ze, O- +887 
G Nealhianw.b- LEF2 
~L£Ciwuin 7.6 - 1593 

7 (f/ ernuel AWil Lite (Semel l Jo 18 a 

Pits COG S Lrer7e 
: LSS LE 7 
ee ae 6_ 7n- At lhur WH TRECs 
_ G- Jostezh F B-ip7F7 
9 Lowered GC, B-1bo 
G -lnatior QA, b-1FF3 
Ge S’ G0b0Le b= 1 FEF 
We eLehcr rez OWL22ixs CReeXerre2 © ro) O/E2Z2 ~ 92 
PeL~ E2izerbeth Fish 
G.7RarTY £, D-1 Far 

, * y+. pretwee eb ree Petal et el et el Laelalese ht ote kt etes 

G AALS 0-18 54 
/ (87 Fura y W Willits (Wetlioom SOve2z0 
J?1- Sczerah Crno2c 
G- Apfhovecettp1 HV, G-lé46. m- aes € Lee 
Oe 777 027462 J, BH [PLl-7 | 
ae VWLelccome? b-~ FO CL, /&60 
See Benin @ O-~/E ST TH. Q2cee LI exon — 
P_ Frecerck F b= (FSC . 
(IW1ilicom £ Weleits ( Mi2e0com = Bez 
77777 7eerg crret Thiers tore 
o-Hezen, b~ ago 
o- We 22 bcm, B- 
(OP L£U9CN7 Ee 77 Pezdits (We2ter/) 


| ye 

G_ Choarictle, B- - 
9-CAores b- 
WIM LilieemP Wi2eits (Sozr, AIBlEPL8 
hg (eaehel C0. Ke2lo99 
G~ Lk INIA, O-~ (8 69 
9-Anne, &- 1873 | 
20K ir00m LiZzlits Se2zmuel 4) a (P36 A./F56 
7H~7Hatry J. Reece / 

>. * 7.9.9 we Poel e rele Ce Le Li olals Lote Le Lele ue oF ued 

| Ee 4 
G~ Sco27 uel la O.1486d: Fe Fenny H Searing : 
“ly George § Willits ( George £ 20-1853 
eras Vtlucc B. Gaston CLO2L¢. ie Oliver BG 
— Tssue 
G “Cheeeo2es Cy D8 7 ez £the? Litadnont | 
es Advere ¥, o- 18 FL : 
0. Gbfyee’ 8 B_1 bFx 
9o- Jesse QQ, 6. 7FP7 
G- Olcver G b- 1é72z : 
(FS) Ermmanea PWi2z2cz9 ( Sermue 20S) b- ee. 
Gia! 7p f/OC rare, Caor2isle 
oe? Se 
G_PhRovete; O- L693 
oe Piste b- /f97 
2(s Louise P Ari Zeits (Somue2 @ 5) BBC LL 
PP. Lsaae P? roberts 
o - ElczmBelh PF a Be oe arate 
Pik Mei FRG 
G. Sormuel WU. b6- 1 $94 
22 Ureh claus Wt Llits (Temes 7) b-(657 
7h -~PRarg C L£tpzipiereea &t 
i ee BSL S 
G-Sames lL OVEPY 
G- ROCCE P D-/F96 
SP) Blecos Hil tits (Tames &) b-ter2 
V?P0- Flore C Bathrcéek : 

Polotcl i telele lect rot lt 

vietutete Piste elele (List olelele trie celal 

: Lssue 
G.Terey &; O- 1 Pl | 
ia Scosacss WH, O-CBF aL | 
/(F) Kft raion WV Pre2 cits Pies Do: (ELL 
Phi. Edtzodveth C: Kee : 
10. Jeemes 20-1877 
fa- Veo s lien F, 60-1979 
NG) Bens; aomin QWtelels (7 scarab aa 
7702. N2cce LXRxKon 
/o-Chécee 777, ,b- (E63 
10-Beny/ C2772 A, U-1 FP 0 
lo-7riargarile O- /€9d : 
E(G) Porm ice! GHt2tilr (We700m 2) /86s~ 
wei ele ie tt, Seat 4729 
FO~ Sexy rmeur ie. O-1FGG 
lg) Esther £Wi22t7@s C Sexmue?Z Q 7) Bo 
Thi. Otthur- KH Thoms 
/0o~ Fra rt o7t WV. b./ 900 
4O-~QA7thtirH, 6. 790K 


77D) fin Wilkes age - Desert Wates 

hare we Rave Bee of the Mkittet 
fozrnizy, ote2 one Thad Rees Pike ale 2 yuect ThE Or- 

Lgtrezld syezterg of Mielel. The emegreznt, 
Joan Wre2zletl whe cs saict heave come frm 
Mroxtes 1d Buskert Lh /630, 65 eLeeemrek Sy Sore. 
of fits Cceestenczernts lo have beer Me son of 
Rev. Qneeretu Pizeet of Barley, 27702 brother 
of neater Tho mors Pi2retd. Thecs ¢(s Che sczme 
Cletton: theetl ¢s mescze for 7 Reenorrcté oF Hempstecd 
he Reacz of Braneze J, cence cv Ls not cm nosvcuce 
mor crnpretedle. Rev. Qnorrew Ue22et Aeror & 
Zo 79 ~e Poerrrczey of ¢ Cht20i0e02 C2702 Ueas PIOL rica, 
Corne2 cas he czceae in (G20 wher Lhe Yyounges & 
Worse cebece four or five SEATS oZzed 27702 Lhe 
eldest therty ,t£l ts guile lekely Lhe t fhe famiey 
Seortlerect cemcz more Lian cme oct te fever 
of emigrelien Si Qoriercect lh guile Crs lckely 
Aowever, CVE Re wes rhe stu diame of feecherret 

Palo ele taetelslele eo 

We2rtet son of Kev Thomas ancl Brather of Obpatreny, 
Nerkeng 7lIL7H nephety of Cincirew 7702 eCcustn 
of PrrarvorThomas. Thés Ton wes born ae 
cenez wouter heeve Leen ebeut 4o th 1/630. LF 
hewes 2 s90n of Reu Qnetrecu, Are mets & os 
Leer Che un yecoretect Son cncz Cetweere /5-93 
era see. Lf LAe mLsstng Ché2ez Was e gon C2772 
wo2zs Hozmecé Joh, thoet woilece clés pore art the 
theory Chat cL wes Reenholrer of /Hemnns te cel, orang 
Cf not cf mrcght pout Jihn where we Rave, ces Lhe Son 
of Riche re Jheezeێ Son of Pics Weliat ZL 
Oncl Cousin Zo Jrawor Welle Lt. Gs we have 720 
proofs , Rrowever, re leave Zt O/2e7¢ - 

Qs the sonwoft Me werrh CIHLGTRIF 2S 
given 225 *Cleee er rne2rrry4 Lente? 1719 C27 WAS 
pre Summedly nok Over Fo Ae must Reeve been 
Born bout /6Go Or 1698" ‘Wwhian weoeler tme2ke 
Tonn Sr Mer rrey cehout Lhat Lome, c272c2 of he 
weed § FO, srocilel troake At pra Lorv C2 00utE (660 or © 
7 dene Laler Chan cl Should be La mmrerke 
Zim Che son of Richere: or Rev Cmelrew. 
Lf hey was the son of either rem There 
wnusl be & genercilin Seliweer Rel ae 
Johns Aad ts Cercekeng. — 

Lt nay be obsectect Cheat oF NRYyor Merten 
Wwers ect Cousin ar brother o7 J0hA72 ur of Recher 
or balh, Che relation S249 nuulce be shown bt 
Some retore. of Lhecr imlertgurte; but CL 


z : 

; 4 

ae Y~ 
aS | Ms si 

must be rememiberect thet muck Chat hapnencd 
Them wes uwrmrecorctect ChnCe THUCA that wos 
recoretect wes clestroyedt-Qs ther 0222 Rect 
Chcletre, Criecr Brothers C2770? COKSLNE were 
Ok Pours le rececue trenlion Liz Ther wires. 

The Sock LRAE John Come from Pbecies és nog 
AP2LNPL OUT theorg, por éz Wace 2oz Reve Beem 
as nestureal for Jéh72 Co Come Lo Qmercecr 
vier. Ve2les ces for Thomas Lo Come ven Mo ceand. 
Koz 799 LHe lt (Proof pasilive Mel 2 yet, de Foner 
ZT C2lecey of Che englerh shed oe eh ve, for the 
—_, pice ee Jofzrr ot Lhe freee of dranch K 
Tssue | 
2 @) Toke eilet (JoAn 1) oa : 
t7?. rene Clark of Croton Mase C779 
Sesue of 
ese P7202ry, 6-/72/ 
(9?- JoAnn: Dat F 2S Oley. oe us 
i ai SOR Fe On (92> ae LLzaderk ey See 
3(4) JOAPA Yi2cet (Sonn 232. /727 CLt#9 : 
Mn- ElcznbeH L effengwece (74F. She was 
0.1729 @&% Morweer Ch anc? wers Cheuk. 
of 2% £77925h family from Aeffeng- 
Prelton £79 - She cl (Fo# 
4 LSS e 
72 i Lurcce, }-17%9 Cl./b30 777. 
4A~ Suclelh, B- S7S7 CLES 
4PAtlurc., b-17vze c 106. m. Seymore Murrey 




4. £&tzc2belh, B-1787 0010s 
-~ TORR, O- 1762, eee tn. Onna Fitezr 
* Lew Pricer ir O- 76S cf (P42 1H1-Jomethon Tumor. 
ae Jectictccth, D176 &. a (ESV, Mit) Frances 7 Kokgers 
we | mm @) Terry Slaun ton 
> Hanne, b./77/- m- Sentermus Clerk 
whe) eo ese We7let (SOR 7 dee hoad e2 /F30 
CFP ae erg ae 
re pe So2rak, O- 
tt huther, B= 
J. £22202 belh, B_ 
lb) PA L2tirce Aizéer Tears 3) O- (PSY a. 1606 
s ae Seymour Merrey lorunéh Cé 
Oe ese eere Oae a 
cyt John, Oae Oe Wi. 8 Weak Fuccer (Morwe 
J. Ficdabecs. D- 77. L8rec? Brown (AY, 
is” Seymour, B- tr. Funcee Ferez Brooklyn 
i Pha LUG CL, Oo. 977. Leevicz Trezeey (Moructh, 
V7, L£dccebe th, We22er (Sonn ag ceee 2 /ESO 
Og fi peeete ae! Sia Be 


Boi Lgsue oe : 
Nos SCOPE, Dae 1 Palezerce Crewe 
O- £2c202de th,6- m_ Sz2los Whipple Pres ror 
A Sczrak b- Gide tae tar vey £1/022@27 Vrorurch 
SsJeciicliah B- 7-7) ___ | 
be A erent 

J Rebeecae,O.- m-_ Jefprey Chompum 

To 9.8 .e 1 Pavan atal a? ot oe & 

J. Lips, f 7 ~ Peney Coerew \Prestm 
J. Sopnhcee, O- 77 Sc2muel SLorey 
Lily) JoAn Witie& Coat a) Ene OL 181 bb : 
hae Qn 72a Fitelo 
JS. Ashley, Ga 
asi George, Os 
i Ben/cmen, O- 
St Cheries, B- oe 


S Jornes, Back eee  (Céneernete' 
ioe Teeite ae ee) (Groton. 
ao se EE (Comecormette” 

/uiMrery Witlet ( iets 3) 51765 Li FZ | 

PoP oe J O02 Chote MPU 

: eee oe a | : as 
Sa SHOTS; On 4. Re PRose 
fe Ah ioce ae o~ mn a on we . 

DO, AOer7 bir, a GP Precrmiey 7 P72 67201 Prestrn 
Seeley, Ox F hgloe Dorey Greeve Cleaner 
re ph Ltie@ oY, pb ee PI cE 4 Ric aoe 
~S. Wl 26am, Galore 
Hea ae ceca Wiz2e£ Lobe 3) ee C2 ESD 
242. 1) Froerees 7 Readgers Zror ase ar 
LISLE ; | 
Suc Josepn, é L796 a /é50 7. orgarer Treen 
ee Ceroire Oe m.Kenson van Clcef - 
J Asher, O- m7- Susan 7 Teoney 
Se LECOP EEE, GO. PRE Mueeegor at Weg 

| | | / Bud. 
S. Tectictich,b-~ m- nary Brecprree 
Peo /MArY SLleeinton O.177/ OL 4 F3/ Graco 
Leeer, oF 4oceueeh C702 Ee 
LSI : | 
x Frances, B-¢F-07 OL. /F93 PH- Teoh /cose 
ae erty Ge aos me J4OTIVIOR Bleuvect 
3. 7lalhomie2 § O— pr. £liz2r A. ParseZs 
Vb Henn ch WiZ2et bea IB (720 | 
7?t~ Sepntemaus Clark oe 
L5sue eee 3 
George, Fe a 27 Pears) Co be Palos Rivas 
Cn Joseph, O-' 7. JMG: Oller 
SL Howrah, d~ m- Mizlecr Brown : 
So Peeneay Gs oer Coomt JL. Lay 
S. Frevees O~ tm, Pelerfollomea u 
: S. Je remeh, b- m-£li20beth James . 
MEI S OSE pA. HELA SE ( Tectia (Jb 7 9 02.1452 
772 TRargaree 1? Kay (621 (7nexean Gee 

6~ Josenn E, Gs (f26 HEE: ioe Seeders 
Gi FP URRHCE (On eT. WeZburrt 
6. Luceretice, ae PPI kL C2 (eaalge sh: 
6B eee es eee 
6-ChariesHb-~ sss 
6. *rrorlhc2z wg a a 7S arrozy 

19) Cera Zine Wel2let.(Jectiacoah t) 6- : 
Tate Pron SOL Fave Cleef ( PHalawuan Wid 


HF : wig 3ST" 
6-77 aerey, o- Prt OHO. Te Stolesdurg 
6-/2ary, D- 1 ea, 

 6.flenry, b- a | 
119 Asher Hiller Abie tl ye 
Ph Susan Ray — a hleeee York 
ee gasee ea 
b6-Pnery £,0-  m. Patter ae 
VACY Jeez alioh WizZet (Jecreercerh /) 6 Ny 
77 ary Brezc force : 

| | Tee Sas 
a bse ‘Sa raya SE (th HEE sy i Ore ereiee Ge 
6 hers, Oo 17. Sutermen Onarshartl fe, 
G6 JOC APE Ge (Paretecesh k, 
Go /o2718s, Be a ee (frowe 4ez 
—G- Qugusties, 6- aie ke ao Te 
6- Qmmeondec b- Mote Ba Ogever 
6. Josenk, : Shee (Fe2z2ee 8 Tex. 

ME Froavees 8 Ht Z27e£ Te ae /893 
iP pst Josenh / POS CO /F27— (6.1609 B78772 C72 GF. 

6.~Frances Q.B-1829 1870 mr Rave PeBinin 
Pe gone ‘ 78 i : 

7. Douglass PF. A, (846 A (bx7 Tee V 
yes Fowtn QA.6/t% Ro mann bihircsndebiin 1$70 | 

F Benjamin 3B, b- (87 1 this Q2ice roa 

Tssue ‘ 

G ee ike ts /3 3.195 $ 
(7720 Geencrt) 

rt Phi a 43fi4)4)4 | 

e 7% 
, a) 4 LI 
‘ Fey) a 
‘ < 
pia’ mg 
rue iy ‘ 
ft at 
_ . 
r P uel 
ml gt 
7 ra 
J rt 
¢ , 

‘s : ie " ," r 
* al i 4 

: ar: Mb 
“a ; . . or i \ at , \ 
\ Jf hi Med, i RA i; Ns 

: Ve 4 (Ais 
\ Bs 4, av * F 
te. A 4 oe ta y " ; 
a t 
4 } aN eto we x, 
' 4 ¢ wl : 
ar) , iJ , ari 4. 
as iy ar 
Nene’ use i 
, y ‘oa ‘ 
4 (rN Me 
‘ ' \ i 
2 Te eS Woe 
, J a ae 
ren anit 
a * ] 
1 * ny , ty 
: j Pay, Ps 
na " ; 
“4 » ' 
' i } r) ‘ 4 ed ¢ 
» i 
Am ‘ % : | 
; a “s > , i i 1, if 
ie ts i 
eta Ne La 
' J ru 
' Oe A A 
Ks shoe 
ey ey 
a s Os } 
oe : 
se ; - , 
be " 
: ' or) 
J ty . 
i \ ay , 
Oar PC } 
y? Py Sy “! 
yj j 
{i tya 
° ae 

9~ Doreceect 771. 0-1 or ; 
gg. Townsenct M. 0-903 
a. Poss Ce; OMS (E74 774 by ity BP? Lekoret 
p-Dowvcee % b.1660 | 
§—-/e7277e Lz R. Oc Pex (77¢ Qéper ) 
—e_JSosenh 7 6-890 
Sheet OO. ye, CLL ESF . 
7~—Vasenh L, b- /ES3 2.1583 (2a1¢ eeper ) 
7- George 4.b_ ESC | 777. ed yo sh ghith 
ee Zorothy, yee 
er Sernnerie, Oz ao One ainen) 
& George Z, O- 1876 
a Vrcleiame W. 0- LES on rary L Cite 

&~ S/ Cee woarct; a — 

¢. QoleZecee 7, O-— ] 

& Blows ao yee eer? 

S: Were he: 

7 Frenees QA, b-/F60 m- Joeres 7 Jt 2e 186 

Issue | | ; 

&_ James 177% Gener, 6-1 % 

¢_Dauce? A M1 Qénin, B-1 FFE 

& Ccleli cr, 777¢ Aepineb _ (EER \. 

P~Sare 7? Qilnin,b- 78997 Pye 

6. Charles TR Oinixn b.7F93 

§- Cordon 7? Alncx, nf L9O/ 


APS Pea S 


7 Nr-Deuica th t-1s62.m-£mnme Roetorfer2er 
£ESUC z 
$. Davict H, b-.197 
ip. hid Geraroiche, 1900 PC 
&. £ 2aine, B-/ POS 
7. Checervies W- a ey 
9. JOR, KX er 

6. Josenhine, O-7832. 772 Ty Merlin R heaetiie 18SO 

S~PMecw4or 1823 CL EEL 

7. JPI27- T2342, b./ase beg Sense Feose (€77 
0 | 
ee Pe Qeleeer ccve 0.166 0, m_4.T. Brownlee 
Zesue | 
| G_ Bartare FR, b-1903 
a Heeroect, B1hp2 
PP. Josenhiine, 0-/8&6 Clee? 
PH 777 ¢ Ce? rect (O- 189s 
7- Josepnn A Oo ere. 
“7~ Qlfrect h, b- 1887 

G_ Josenn Q- 0-1 Pas” L170S 7. hae os shore 
Zes ave | 

eer i 

7. Lrmrme,O— mm LO ss 
bo. George ZL Oo /P3 7, FIA Mrearg Daytort ; 
7 ELCs Zl, ©-7F€0 
7. George S 6.1882 

i" 25 FOr wWon® C.1EFE 
pa, | sips Mey 6 LR EF 

Re ORM WM eelccerre WH. b_véua 7 Qimer vs Cn 
LESLE Peis eo 
7 Fronds Sess Dew | 
6.7 Hary 1, b- J Fee 2 CL 1 heey 
G. Prercc? Cb 1 Fer (SE sh Oe cd Pree iore 
 Lssue : 
rg Frarzees&, rioee 7. 77- 1Merrny kine /¥99 
ss ean eas eg pees O~ 1903 
7- Acle Wine CL, 0.1¢70 2 Frank wy. Stites 
: JS3te 
ag Riehorcz 
§_ Margaret 
ore Roger : SZcZes 
os VWircfrece 
F afi racav~orcey”.. 
992- (5) Llawece Aine ainin (P92. 
Cvs ae Wa2rece VY, B-/P47~- L149 
ZV /Rary AWLZ2eL (Jeciicdianb- 

77. ffoe 7771072 BlczeveZ2t — New York 
6. Sarak , &. Ly. 
a: Zmare , oj. Boe RO fa aT ea 78 ce 2c2wern 
6. Fanny, Di m. A.72. Qumonyr 
“A es oT Pyle | 
CG. //armon, d- 
6. ?hary £, o- 1~ 118 .W.LVeanclerhZ0e? ‘ 
Lis ict 

~Harmon 8. m-Fanny Thonas 
~ Geo. Ww. re Lizrace Laneerbcéy 


L397 Lv Lek 


| 139 
(1 /tethanmie? §. Wit2eE (Secrecticatr 136161 @.1#92. 
¢72- Aeize Q KK VOT SC 22.5 <= BRE CE LEF 2: (orweeA 
Lesue eae 
BG bee 7heeoctore, G17 FGe 

6- Faloer, fe U3 727. Annce Peciaet ‘ 
Cn uecee A Go 18a were, Cees 7...) 
G- Lecoretec O. (ESF 777. Royrieine Jar Ue kerburg 
6. 7?2enr2ellez FP? b-1éuo 22- Jahn 7 Cooper, . 
6- Wathencee L,b- (E43 772-FANNY Coley 
6- Adeleocae % o- (844 mm, Freenk Preece 
6. Witicam O,b-1ea7 chee? 
Oo (ODF ORS Vg O~ L1E<£{P 7- Elgar E Bore 
6.~ Lone © b- 1esv pr Cheréces YHheeler 

2@) Joseph Lagerlor Wt 2let (Joseph) 3/826 
He was electect Professor of ralura Ll 
Secence of Hereer Clriversity 77720077 Cer 
Lr mmectcate?y etter Ais gradue tein fromm 
fics Crsletutcon, 27Aich he crecoptect otter 
lakchg ce Speccal Secerlifee Course CL Yere. 
Ke ARe2ce Gees position for forty Zyee2rs rvhen 
Ze rescgn ect Got ceceociaet of Li2heatt, cmd 
Look Che Choir of Cherneslry tn Che nekccaZ 
Co? lege Clegoenrzrr7ent of Lhe Uncverily of 
Georgte AVE wees clislimoucshed Ly Che 
SOockTL.e es hemes Z, geologcs tf C277¢2. 
Gotonist, comet helel Ce Aight pposttion 
ee ne Raver m7 en? Aurcay Gre Cure? 
wer. tle wees in Aioh erncanc BS ce 



leolurer Cer7c2 wes af He AZupnesz PoccazZ 3 
SFanaing - He wes a Comslon - Caml ular 
Zo Seten feo Soecelies c2770e2 MuThor OF ‘The | 
| Wonders of Lrvect Lipe” He area £03 (2. 1897. 
| kre zras Doeror OF. /redeetre cence of Lee. 
Un Sty Serene 
Z Be Se a S. -LF57 “an Trt Coren Cerner 
ae Leeverrcee ntK, G- 
7-~£elgerion Syn. oS 
7-MU9% 777,6 - 15% WrLuey Lester 
— RA mr2y §, 6-1 bb rH _Cheereer ADewées 
ris FeoserZce, 3S - CE GP mM OCrmoar Hottaway 
(G) EPR? Witlet Ge ier: , 

eee wee OUTIL 
| issue | 
= ee seg 
7~ Anace, B- 

7. Mnonogaret b- 

7~ CA c27 les, B- 

7. Priczrl prez, O- 

i fag Bou, : 
MT)? cor Lee Weilleé. (Joseprt) a. 

Yipes Banery 

:  Lgsie 

Fi TEL Be 

7. Clentert,b_ 

7. Be2Ze, B- 


7- Harry. a. 
| 7- Cheerles,b- 
| “201 Methaniel.L Willet. (Joseph £ 2)d. 27 Oe lst 
| Graduate of rercer lnevers ity cence one of 
| the premec pat business Ten of Quguste G2, | 
pili he és Presicent of the 2 L.Wwizzet Seed 
_ Meee 7 Presccient of the Cicequstaz Drug Co. 
C2 Ge of the dks) dons. 
merce. c2met hotets Other pose Lions of Romor — 
tn the @cty anc? cocerly . Of a sciemnlipee 
Ticrzt of merc, Ccke ALs Tether, he isin dlemeanct 
| es co lecturer Sofove Schools C2r7c2 Soccetics: ance 
Ls uThor of Werture im Lhe wiTress sox 
Jn. 7s Onnie Y. Cazpert of Boston Jess, 


( Re Lasue) 
(9) Mucghe 771. Witiet (Joseph£ 276. 23 July /55¢ 
s In. Lucey Lester. b- 1563 Atlante Ga 

& arthe lL, b- 1s pre? VERE (26 bees MSchell 
G.L£mély Lb: §. Ten. 6897 el 4 Dec. Legon | 
§. Hugh 7.6- 24. Sept.rege is i 
&- Joseph ces 9 ~ Mov. 189 GF ae 

y, (7) Fimely SHitlet (Josenh £ 2)2 9. Tenor CCT : 

a Cheerles Q Tavis ; 7prevcar Ce. 
7 fssice | pr es 
6 Chu pies 8 bea. obs Lizsce HacFigr dee toe 
. Tssue | 

9. Charies N*D. b_ 1905 

ney ce. 



6—~L.4. 3.7861 mm. Harry lL. Andrews 1301 
&.Tiche W.Dd.1¢e3 297. Weteeson oom /S0e 
G. féLLctson. 6.7906 
G Rosette _b-1s9¢ : 
e. Joseph WH B./#59 X-189¢9 

/ (7) tosetie Axiliet C SJoseryh & 2) i 

772. Ormer KreZ2 Coley Jen rerngs 720 
: Lesue 
& Netthe.b: 

§. Josenmhk W. b_ 

Bore o7z eesteonrnd of tneorporating Za ter: ; 
Cr formation, cere te preserve the ercter ance Syme. 
try of the Socy of the. worl, there hes Beer plaeec 
in thes eppencdex clate of Wittets ct has not Seer 
posss Ble LH locaZe, ex tension of Wi rrets tn bo other 
forrmase Les, C2222 notes ance explanations, a7? b2lustra- 
Zions, wth Cross Relerenees. e2rret olhey features. 3 

‘ea sunt le ot title Pee “ bowk Be Rev Conmencs WiNet 

The end Tice cOr pare of ie 


ues ntaining the hifterie of the cheePatsarkes, se 

en Tacob, and Ig ifs she duided, 

. into two Bookes. | 

ee ~-~—= 

| ‘Your Honours readietobe _ 
ial commaunded inthe pore, 

“Anonew Wiieet 

! ._-—--2. —. 

Printed by ] OHN hes Gat, Printer ie Vie 
finof ees ibaa 1605. | 

be | 
Jhae§ , ry 
UDO leat 

ala es 

er ty we 


1601 Jesare. Thee 14h. of Cts vienth. ums taptipece Cligabith, aK. 
| of Wie Onde Willett & facobuia tin urfe 
| 160r.. Yn 15th olay of August rad baplizeol Hara Witt Le donne 
Once Wilt one Sacobuis tis uirfe : 
jhe Hes MYykbett fetlis Sen eee QUGg29 boos. 
(609 Ct eo eS 
hor wefe 
1610 Molihaw Ufllett Che aonne of Andee Walett ere des 
Chrustiurdk lr Chity of Leflore | 
1612. Repeces Witt pth Co Ditlel hase Dapp 
| (ble Sacabecs rthotl fe bleirs Cnoltreva Vrlbletl VHasy (ICH, 
/Ot$ petra Mielke acre of ry notre Dentlet/ acot 
ae oe 
1604 Yanrnas Welle Selle Anoka lille Zeb 29 
(60% (ehekeake, clauchir, of Maar Quotren Urilketl frrrad Wem ? 
162/ By Qiickewco UnkloLf oes cowl Veta riot of hy 
ane tee ter of Chtd (rsa, pace of 23 5 years alrosl 
Qh Kaoreldone Quick Bn SHA Can Ant a barat ETS OM £7 
1639 Jia Qreobins Willett, will, cone Tice Wp 5 Boot 
"Wethitt leveraced, rad fey (7b, Panereny, 
/S89 Clipe beck wife of HK Kerra Mtthet Gureek /7 marek [see 
/S9F Pkarvvisd ildet ei Sea Mex Lurch 16 adrk 159 F 

The edbove és from cleowy of the Ferr~sh Recorces by © 
thie Rector of Boriey ere. St Margarets Church 

f ) 
a i 
ve ie \ 
7 * 
is Sore 
: | 
« re 
P 6 
* ‘ ) 
ps.# ie, 
ae f 
,, oe 
. 1 | 
Le it 
_ we 

= “ 4 
Baca yi, NN 

yy * "Aue WwW! 

) = 
y f Ni . Le Ke 

Uf pie 
je FAK 
Ms PAN we 

iY ia BR \ $ 

i > 
7 aa C 
Pat / 
\ ~e 


(HEI Woke 50 fe 
‘Of HO Iomas| | 
uUlllette9 ruAodied| 
WILLY Fin Y 64) 
yey fib Me we | 

Gm We 



ee ES LEK ee 

Greve of Hon There Wives 




e | | Lbieorivedias Mame 

Geeuee We2lezt 772 Rebeeenr 7 BeashawetZ C708" Borfor pe : 
| Anokrew Hitlett x2 TRarthc Hozmorr {TS Restore 25, 

| Q2dita We22eLe- m7. Tohn TunBar LIFE RLS * 
Qtice WZ leeL- mm. Klenry lichozs 1779 
QO lprecet Wi2letd . 419 Zane. m. Tose Ellen, eatighter of i 
| §tr Joan Burrours: . . voy | 
Qe ries WieZeLe! m George Dieta: PG ee ee er 
Amy Wiz els clere of Samm *y Raehez mTowrsend Rus Tron 
Qnna Pile mm. Shoiczh Wetson / RBNELO Qeomee Co Yee . 
Qrinha Statio Wi2teze ™. Thomes MeLiworth Li es 
Onn Wi 2éeré medion: Englana %o Va cn Clode” 
Cettherine mm. Te Fon: Coaecate’: 770 . 
Cetherine Willett. 777. Llarced WHhiteham (777 
Charity We2lett mm. Jesse Smith T7949 
Sti, eatin 7. Bites Qurcern 1816 Yer. 

Tae Medios 77- Pnerrther mae /JP2 
Tlezwice. Wi2z2evé son of Thomas , Sormercet Co 22S (600 
Douglass VYi22ec2 ene €son ef, ear % Lbascibeth bs ae 
Latwearce Willett ee ats Santi 179 & 
Fetweare? 8 Uliett m- Search Fryer S27 
£elwere Willett Jr ™.- vHiearty Gove 262 
L£i,ert Wi2lezce 2. Cathercne Qte0eeZ L763. 
Eltzeatbeth Willet?e ym. Benjamin Bvoth 1746 


\ | : ) top ' 

het 7 yi5 4 
Elcsabeth Wettetl ae ‘Jaga rales ; 
F2trzegem Wettecd re Thornes HHerece &f (772 

Frances Wittect- vm. Choistopher ec id ae 

Ger2beré We2tedtt Fie ”. Y Qeseon boy (yao. 
Gu2bert Millett —m- Ve2rlnce Oarklery Ler 
Coens Meecha oue Meet Ppestehestor Co 2?. 4 L730. 

Heze72 Héd2eet, oleate Thos + Ble. Orang Rarch Breas 

| Fes Yu2tedt ‘Aetek m- Sorahe ORG yeh 
Jomes Hi2zieLé am- Reaehe? Ken nect2y (FFB 
“Torae We22leezz- ™- Tonetthowne £cles Bos For 17/z 
Tane Wi2lett-on- Robert Qrexcancer LPF 2 

* Toann na Wi2lecé yn. Tenuate Loves Bowtihagre. 
Tonn Wer? e2Zt -711- Mary Nn ostremer Irncedlesdex Co 72. V2. 

fe ae ¢ m ~Tfery Nowes Ips wieh ‘76% 
Pete uw Son of Thomas Somerset Co MT 

ik See IS, Qbinoken ™ Lowerer Heleh Bridgewater 1799 
uw (997! Stephere) mn Heenneh Tompor. 1615 

T on Fr. Priiczerdetouire Me, Buarging Pronme {ZP3 

“t | a vr (e “ ee ct (¥O2 ~ 7) OPM 
u“ | « SON of Wi22Lar mM Seely Hurst Va (620 

‘¢ oe I+ SorrceI e221 73 & Boston 7 ease 

14 nw m- nary Kebbars 1765 

A un Im- Dlorecots Fellows /79F « ¥* 

“4 u nr- rnery Howe 1Fos~ « “ 

Joan Wirtett nz- E£lczeateth Reect 1747 BR. 
CS ee ate Deborear%. We22<'5 PPR « e 
+ ee WS a? He Qbegac2 Cox be Alieeho Ss Ses @. 
Ti. Wie22td Re v) Founcter Lne2. Home FiLec 
—— Wi22éts Pr ™m Mery /Ke2zd2vwary L76e 
— Pre2etts 1 Temes BU2Arz LAP? 
ee G2eoD We2let Kent Engtenet (625-714 Merg Barks 
Ja pret e 1770 mm 1 Suscenne, araphtes 771e295 

(ite Witter a ™ n Ondtomy Sonic 1 (2446 Iron Go 7d 

tte aee Wi2let - ™ Tr ce, Bechet (706 BR 
* Veg ctret We2e Zt mm. - Tokn Werte (TED 40 
‘Tneergerry Wetldet ie oS e eae? 
WHI orrer Les We22ere m n ners, eee 1760 ih 
JA arguctet Weédverd mm hetly Brown L750 er 
arlhce Mittete ant. Thornes N222e r- A PPE 
IN orrthez Wi2rett mm. Thormmoas Sampson 73s 
Vory Bbwcinist mA - Lovirz Samanens L737 

a au “ | James Query 7 24 

a hes We ae ape te Theres Broek (727 

" Poa ae Ld vies thier: Fizz? 170% 
1 - 4 Jozeo® Jicehors 4726 

a ae pie ti Antony Lewts 174“? 


“ “ «a Qbreham lanrnusre 1720 

“ “ a fetter Hap fmean Lebenon 7.7 
li le per ge <ymider Ley 1725 LJectham ness, 

Ch. Meerg 722, Jeremeahb trr7 

Nay wy We2le tt 7 Thomes Lewrence 

“ i a Sle pnher Laobse 4723 

mary Wi2r2its, mon. Ce. In. Sc2z710 ? Bunting Bur lo 770.1779 

Raney Willett weet) m. John B Faewereds /#/6 Yx, 

TezZierzee Willett om. Oorrmuel meyer +779 
Feter )ii2lezté Tewksbury Th FA. 17 
Phecbe Millet sz m0 m. Joseph Kengsbury CPR” 

Reehe2 Wi20ert mm. VYerer Leye rofl /7Ly 
We beeccz MWe22eze mm. (i717 thay Se uczczer / 7G 2. 
Robert Wtt2e£t 1630 minister Prredageasear P2lLh téue 
owlerme?e Wcllel Author. Enolencd 
| : , 

S070 Ar Phe2Zetl m7. Llavicz Llowley 793 

“ te 1m. George Barter 176 

20 ue oom. Sarmmuel Al 2 wert LIoF 
a oe 7. James YHorrefZ 1767 

uy UiWert 77. Jytteccem Ta2dlman (77F 
a. ‘t I72~ TRCotus TeKAy (Of Pewlowre 

« MF 777. Huddere. Stone Lee (Fang Mek 
Sherlot Jyc2?etté | 9m. Joseph Green hiz2 1723 
Stemhen « m-.tyde___.  w#J. hea son Gan 
Sfepmanus Weitzel N2- /ItcLery Smith _ 176% 

Susanne widlett 717-~ £e2werce deweombe L7KE- 

Thomas Pree 2ett on. Prrexry Embree (747 

“ um. Flezateh __ Grcdezey Paresh (669 
a Phe2Zet on. Jhary Eades 170F lsiostor 

1 t vs 

vi wry 

oe | VI 
Thornes Mtélett mm. Qocgece Stephens L7IC 
“ ua Mn leteldeloun MI urging Grouna /Jo7 ~176 4% 

eae, Oe ersel Cox d. a Sone Lcevia * JoAn 
u « RW. KeenneA Larrrsberd: 1769 
“ a“ 7. SMrak Héineh MOL (69d Flushing 

Timotttey lyizlettl Fretateeunk rever JW. 
JoBce Pte? Ze Zt came from Enoclane 1b Prew £nglend 1632 

valentine Wz Z2ere | om. Jane Kushmare 

Watt mon We2lett tr. Betsey Wack 1s29 Fea 

Wr2@ia2re Mei27el£ Hesfpohesser & hE f FOZ 
Breswt Enorerner VA ae eas 

, &.at Morlhinotemn Hass /667 
ieee ve Sa Prinry - rath cw ohare JOG . 

re u me. Sherlock Codtorn 190 F 

a Bie on Inargarez Fearks 1730 

fe la 




wi ‘ 


CG. From 1591 lo Apree2 19 (S97. 9raenrecd by Queen 
 £LezaBeln_ | | 
From “Cleamiigs th Englezrnet" 77 7. WV ~ 
Thorntore Says Chat The Rev dnv Cordon the 
Reator of Bareey vreaerr Royston, County Ae c- 
eesrtfer @optece C2722 Sent Cz Cranserept of Lhe 
Perish Peeoras as Tegorres the Jpclletz formiry. 
Thies yeeorez £8 shown herecx. Us Koystronaen 
Counky of /lerts The Leccesrer eed ave menlcone! 
musk be & mistake 

O. Mr Thornton. sors c22s0 Chat Thomas WNe2 rete 
Carne from Keyaer tn (629 preth AéZerton, 
ashis fe22ow tn Some Surt, 770% @S& CzSeErVaNt 

Cc - The enseripnlion on Teowyor Thomas Milietts 
heectstore seems te Le enneeurate ca Be 
States that he dcLeot cn 167% agect 64 . That 
bro UlCl Make Die Born Jal when we know 
he was born tn 1608. Jars Pel lerl 9 cgenerep- 
liom, cz 4s Well kor0owst is Lwaecnrvate, As 
the ate, /699, would be Jong oefley, The cleath 
Oh her husband aner wouter make her Zorn 

gi} »/ 
@ * 
Ay 4 
+ a, 

: + 
| 7 
q ro} 
| ) r 
\ fi 
, yy 

“ptt f 
y' i SEap7: 
RS we 
7 rity "ead fa 
] hae yf a ary 
0 AA’ ’, | f 
eA si ican 

Py eR 3 
nits P he ae Wit 3 
Mas v4 Rios 

hae ‘ 




bas VIII 
the year She wos w10xP7Lecd . ee “é as protacly | 
Correa? nc? we sa PATE DEL: Bees 

d. The Porch reeoree of St Harburgh, Brish2- 
E£rnglanc Hes the names MWez2ez onc Wc2x's 
otnnZcéer Lhe hit E7827. Riehorez Wi225 
Woes Qhuren WOFCLO72 Ln 16/P- 37 c2mes Thormas 
we2et or Hi2ees, Son of Thoones, was be plizect 
rere er 1620. Thes might Be TaBce ar Comte 

Thorme s title ee of Flushing AL. 

C. The 9 ane Pears mee was ce work of 300 
V Shake & tu wes Clectcce tect Zo Queen £éczabeth, 
Aan went ru@gh five edlittors . Lure sac 
to Be the esr refute ltor of 7 Fo pery ever 
wretler . 

F. : eee ChzvargK Ds daya tty T Chariest 
los* Acs for teme 

G- my Ste ffl ae OE Ire yer [homes 
Me2z2etto Clanghter, wWrele on Che Meath 
ab Acs father-in-law, as follows: 

“ Here 2Les DG rCR7IT02 Wetlect whose Goce 7exz7Ne 
ree mount Upon The Leng s o7 jfeme : 
Who inte plece clict nor im Tree, 

MHhen stir ot the fire t magrilucte, 
But prudence, prety onez zed 


Fd ' 

| » Cal 
Mey I Wa 
vi 7 


For Goct en Church eenect Comronweel 
His verl worth cere generous eo 
Whiten Constan tly he cvic2 incest 
PACS Frospoctereity BI CL love, 
Hes Qourteous Carriage, ~ekem Move 
Zitcé 80 exeel2 Theté all mighZ See 
He Reet orltacnot To the Arst of three. 
Flow fe hence Gone Zo hiés dong Frame 
Cinez Coker .frorm the 22é CS tome 
Levect Aere: olescrect, Lezamer77 rec C2Lect 
Le wilh /2cs SC2ULour ia Laee 
Of Pre We2z2ezd Re Sore ot - 
“Yecr Den 23, FezZZezs, Diener cere re Graces 
Com prorre ot wilh her shouted eitheave Zost Cheer 
preree §“ | 

A. loses S277 0€ Jab Wi2tlecs Were cmmpyorsonet 
im Che hanecster o2 J2ree ces Grces Clarins 
he Revolution, ene after Lhe war They 
went Canacce where Job merreck 
cena Rec an cleaughter who merrriect AMY 
Bowne. Job cence mases were prokadbly 
brothers; Bret ofiwhat parents he Fave 
Hot beer able Ze aeéseover.Q Job Miretr 
7M exrrce ob Cher bry ezchter of J vicr 
We2 Lets. Hears iL Thes Job? 

4¥ Mavis 



ial pf t ‘ae ‘ 
} 4 ’ \ a 
ie SARA Tite i 
‘ AV. 2 At i) ae t } 
’ 4 gh} i ‘ ; 
su We Wh } 
' sh i ih. ol q Nl 
ah 43 i le GLANS 
pts ti tw 
ae . z Vas 
y ey Ani 
a ; nse 
, ‘4 uy, 
: races 
. MRR Coy oy 
q ’ a 
ry ey 
‘ Py , 
4 4),) ia ae 
ve ’ ane 
' 4 
. } ; ‘ae iat 
a. a ” 
ft i 4 dat 
, We 


‘ 4, ‘  o he 

te seed A es ae bs I Nee To AD 
nh” ie fee 4 ? pt , 
! \ ae i >] A ge 6 

re itd Phi a win eu i 
an HN cn . et 
ei Py rl 

Ls i shane 
1 Oe ee 


ee iy; Re 


| al rift ve 
ee awa darn & 

ist is Pan 

(5) Weck Wticect (Same? ) BO 
IR- hah Post 


GGimmy,b- mm. £leazer Thrarz 
6. Henry, b- -  Thonmson 
6. S'c2™m uve CO. ONE de flannoh Carnentr 
6-Joan,b- m- kke2ebeth Hortor 
6. Jone, G- 
6. trarg, - 
b- Phoete Gs 

6_ Scerahk, 6- 

Other @hilezren of Thomes anevVnory RB WMiz2its 
7-Heannek, ORs In-We22ic2 17 Hotmicz% 
+ _Loucse:,og-  wm_-LSeae Holmen 
y. Jeemes, b- Feo In-£eezZee 
es Horeetco.b- (09 nt) Alc22BeLh MN. 7 73 cczcb2e 
+n-(2.) Edizaied, 2 .therrilt 
i. Henry, b- m-Trery Chaprner 

x / 

Me Bed a LOW cere Hear ne! Bowne 

 Obadiak 1. Sayan 
si Ne | 

[ ewrence _ Wile Et 
(See Pages 4o~4h/) 

Srv TS: Se |S 


Ae eee 

2 SYS ? 

2 kee: Beetle” 
(See Page 57) 



yee ee 
. eee: 

<e °e¢ 

40 07 es, 

+o Hee 
2 \ ee ‘ 

Hartshorn _m- Betsey Perrine _ 

 Wi2letd ~Boareen 
See “Peeges be - 63 . 

oes jon. CAtcoder 
2 eee 
“i tre Ghet-m- 

ee : — Willett. Dew itl 
<S 5 ( See Page 6/) 

re, dit dl 

: ; 2 | fey | - 
S ee 2 eae 
~ t is A, : : - ; 
~\ | L 3 
e Oh i, ae ce ry NY WS 
‘4 ol @ be 
A Ay 

Willett. Wartr 
( Gee Page o/) 





AA cLy< 

<6 : 
; 1s-F GE ere Q 
wy 2m. L Du 
ri 24 ae 8S | oetore 

pe eins | 7 . 
er sp Wet2ett ~ Checturek 
See Page ba | 


mcel Var Cours 
\ Xe 



Le rn 


ry ‘ 

Tai * 



ait Kate va} 

e77 7766 


Ce Dep 

; eS Ai : 
oo ae > 

Qczeron_ S/ 

LOY, ART. 3-3 5-67~ eee ss 


Qvigeéz_¢7- 79- (03 108/08 

Gicledccete 139° 
Qcliclisort. be 

Qlberé_S2-.72- /17./20-129-| 
Ohhe rt sor, Benjameir GS | 
Br halon Lats cga ek 

_Rebeecee os | ann. Le 2 Oy 

~Abeg ait Vat 
Hicks = 9s | 

“_mery oP ol 
._ Reche= 96 op 
~Thomas oF 

Q2 ihouts Q Rev, (20 
Q2frece-//8- (2! ap ‘f 
ca Coa Sa a 
a Stee 

Alburger Ldczer St | 
_ Emma Y M5 

Q2lan_ 497 
ee, fe 52: 
Qrlie. 7 
Qlsee_ 70-107 

uw MAN [25-12 

ne: Of 

“a (Rechols). Qp Ll 
QAllite (Dunder) Qp It 
Qrmnarnre._ SE -~/I8- 

, f mere ecw Em LgGra2nNITS _ 3 
melee. _39.97-/vo0 
: ameter COgezuce) Qplt 

amos. PS §8.92- 97- (0S/06. (08 
DS Bee 

amy. 63 -Fs~ P6- F7-90-99 9 94-97. 09% 
: 4 amy- C Rush mere) cp f1 

a | Anctrew_ 9 10-19. Ap ll 

aQnurt- P20 “k-bo- 67- F7-89 -9 0.73 
G4 G7-/U6- M2. M3 “5S. ap st 

ay eee 

| @inncr_9 -//_34- ices Ml 42 -9S- 

(OTL HI M&W Me-~ 

Anne T ae ae Bi igs “ 

COs Gel te 

- Qnne O- 77 — 
ee Anmnetle . 3D 

— Anmce_s/t : 
 Arche2aus_///- Dias 
orig lise ee ; : 
, QArlnur Jo. 

AStt-1/4- /3S- 



Aaslinias “ 
— Reegusli7e “ew 

ug uslive, Col. aw 

, Qugustlus, 2-3 -/2- 13S 

Bo red, Bete. —_ sexo 

_ Clinton. s/o 
_Chardes. /He 
Herr.” (eo 
Bathshebe. ttt 


Baly, nery org! 

Benjarre, 4563-7 - Fd | 

| Benjanet.C. /25 

BeuleAa_ 11S 047 ce 
Blauvetté Lmme. /3¢ 
Aes foes 


| _8arew_ /3F 
Boaretmar Omedie 37 — 

_ annetle 3 ¥ 
_ Clernence ag 

~ Merrgerreé 3g | | 

Bo ofastezver, Cezro2zen 

rez. — 
Opa X11 ~ Bermea 4- 

* Cherles, 
| Eelgay ae 
EF L0ct260- f: 
£ 2Ze7 60- 
it Elmer. 


Glerctys - 


iS A: Perera gc 

Qn ie Henrety -Go- 

Jemimme:.G 3 

Drecholas. 6a 

: Raymone 
re — Semuet_63 
cs Sarohk.6a 
oe Theoctore 6 
re wectcngton 

Branch A.F 
Pe ees 27 ‘ 
w PO? Fe 
P mye 3 eet 

_@ ie. 7 


te bin 78. 

uM TP 

Denson Paes 1 

7) ahs Fz 
Say eT ta 

Bee hee Os 77 
Bronson 3¢ 

- Browmn,7.B.m. Op XV 
Brownlee pera ed: /37 
i Se 12% 

r yess 

Car2esze Fe maak 

: : Corcherime Capmegute) Opi 
Cozr2iés2e FPAcese_ 7/27 ee" ChWrhitehorm) Qa zl 

Elczabech./27 | Choerity _35~ 6-07-93 

Corrpenter Adigat eat, aliss (Soni ch) - Opst 
= Laalreat oN oF: Charlotte ~SE_9/- 96/14 -( 26 

' whines fA Metts Fae 

£sther - Cherdes _/2.23- “3 - KY-74~ 
a Fromecs/[ | 9-91 -73-9S- 106-118 117-19 
—.Toermes[ | | 

eR /lo- (ay ~-/&@-/93 
Joseph 25] ; Charies Q._ @7 

ae les £ BER PP eS 
: we a 0 B we Rs: 

~Sareh ee Cc - 127 

- Thomes ES Rag: 

~ We22etu wn ra oe a8 

Cczr02t ne _8&- 41-42-43 - 
“Us. 63 ~ 100 LOS 115-134 
Caroline H_ “Ug 
C'c2+7<e — ray ave Me Rees ia “ Pa ae {2 
Cheretweek a2rar airs Lyi 

.GRe xv/) Ann bt Ye Clark, Lele Ap xe 

a SRO Ho ge 
| Clarence D-/23 
eae Clarrer_ 7K 

-Anne- - Florence ce ee 
tn is -Franecs/3% 
: _ F£2L2adeh el Ric. ' ~George ~ s3¢ 
! «| . -Frank Ka Pat George GC. ap xu 
NA gs -Harlshorn or oe a —HHonnah ./3% 
_Lrene : ap ~Khowere? F. apo xnt 
-Jane ol et Oy ica Ret ~ Teremiah _ 134% 
Poke Gh ee ae : -Toseph ~ /3+¢ 
GAEAL Cees eb  -nNeney ~ [Pe 
~Lewes 4 Petdéce -ap x1 
d - Luke ee : a ER “ 
ia Worker 2er co rg We Schuyler. ‘¢ 
— .naggie : —witlet. + 
Marg — Clement- e+ 

| ~ Searnue 2- (of 
- Mi2zertt 

Cont of Arms. 3 
Cony of Parish Recore -ap 

-We2d2icrrm ot\ Connie ee: GF. 10¥ 
Calnadines 3S ~ 41-424-FO Cornetiam. “My 

GES 87~t1G Cornelius. 323-3%-67 

Cormmedeusl- “LO 
Consicer_ 6F : 
Consicier.s.- oF as 

Diascees SO ~SF~ OF~8G~- #7. 
93-976 97QpSL 

Deavcee 1/7 -FS-~ £7-96-97- 99 ie 

Dovic? A100 
Doevict (Thomes) Qo oe. 
Dowte, Cherries ~see 

~Chartes m%.. Sen A 2 ie Se, 

oy ae 
_TechewW. ee 
Se SHE ie CR 

~ Joseph W-sep2 ey 

Deczeon OC. H7 

$4 bot Ob 6 

Detignrt- 73 

Deées -73 | 

Neliverence_ press POs: 
Denreés, Creve 2eeceve - AIP 

~ AéfreRL~ 197. eS Sete 
_ Merete. 437 ae We 

_ Joseph R- a) : 

_ Josephine 137 . 

_dnarlin- (37 

_mizarer- tad ae he 

Dewitt - “Qctcu. , 
- BeTser- 
LClarvesa. }) > 
_Franees- | 


te BLO & 

ee oe _Renjamiun 

2 ewett nergy. 
sug ot -Olneg _ 
a as : -Fanfore AapxV 
. p aver 

| Dinah. 64 PS 95S >” 
— Dortieze2 77. 7293 

sides combo Qya TT 
ee adnmn. 

_ , Ceatherine 


-  _ Helerte. 
LL Fowerea. 

“ Durete, Chezr2e3 _ 48- 
a “mary — 4s 
_Ophelcee. 4¢ 

a “Dunhem, Jean R_ apxvi 

st -Sieiney- Apxvi 

ae ia heder Jk -tlh- 
Edgerton H.148 

arr msnadi ers Elizabeth 3x. 
Lh uther- 732 
STAR. /32- 
Lcl71c2 771- (28 
Fane R-/25" 
Eclm0onct_ 1239 -/ 24 ~ 9/- 97 
Eclmonezs. 92 

Eculrarce. 20-35. 36-3F-93- 
PL fOla IL G9 = eS 

pa Pe ee 
Ectweerd,S. 106 - tee 
Ectwert, “tz ae 
Elwin 77/25 ie 
Eldert_20-36- 35. Opit 

£2ibert, Zi. 6 Wee os oo Barer 4 

wee cmd “12 z 
Bees SIRF 
klinhetet_ 67 
Elished-GF — 

Elizia Ee 95-109 us 

Ap AOE. « 
£2038, Ae ag 

Elczateth (Boom) Opi 
E2izetelh £- Sr 7 
£22Za- 74 ? 

Ellen -6e- 
E22i0txt, Scere - “e 
Elmore Q-/o0- 
Fmetine_72 % 
Frmeity- S$- (00. 118 
Emity +. 139 
 £oemrmic-/26 — 
Eorrnci Fe /27 
Emmatk-/39 ~ 
Engecsa Mizzets. 2 
Extension Branches Ap. 
73 v07raeirt- xt 
-CRactwick.. xv « 


Extensor Brenehes “Qn 

~Dewize — xiv 
— Gel 2izeon ~ xl 
‘  -hawrence es x/ 
Enoch. 67 

 Ephracm -7e- (27 
_ £sther_ CE ~PtG7/OF - (00 - 
es Estheré-~- hee B 
Yh 2 ae iy S = Were a 
Bugene 77-/26- | 
| £eereee- G/-/392- 

— Runhemec-47 
. £uer-70- 

Bverelé. soz eae 

eet £xpercence. 67 ml 
= ae icine Branches ap. 
LO-41- 4-47 SB-69-76-| 
G§4-§7-G2-GE-FO-97 - Cr ee 
1/02 -104%-10S-/06~108 ~ reg 
(10-62 ~-116~ (17 - NOLES 
Ghee > 

_Booreert ~— xe 

| TChenctweth- xVE 

—_qewi2re - : K/V 

ee “eeezedre xi 
Lawrence. xf 

| ae: 02.0 Bavee a: 7itle iC ane of 9eal 

Book of Rev Onarew Me22et 
Feenriy yo-139 
Fern .70 
OY nd Me2tet_ 69 
Fecmt. Dorothy. 18 
_ Lrfenmrg. 1& 

: _mary. /F& 
Pi avn nem: 4g -/ot 
Freevices ~- 74-140 
Frozmees &£./26 
Frances.sS. (34 
Freenéts - FOF / ~ 

Frandées. CBiz2of{f) an ri 

Frozk —~ 64 

Frecle7rcck- 00-1 01-102 ver 

AL Pas Te 

Freoleriek &. 107 (36 2% 2 ue | 

FrecericK 9.- ve are 

Freneh Met ae : as ne 

F. ia é ee te 

y GIGe sae 
a A ih ean 

“George -4F-S0-S7~ 68-92 

S4-7- “ge 199 _ by Aes 
Ap stu: a 
‘George Q- 76 
George /, SOD, 
George P. 10m 
George 8. Teo; 22 
&eor7rge Ww. Cr : 
 €enevre-7o Las 
Gi2bert - Uf 2.~ 4 F- 66-50 
ap BS gf FE ee Ba og 
Ccl2ilan, Greetie 
ts ~Daveer 
_ Garret a 

ma a pe 
_Scrroh — 
) ; Wiliam 
 6c2Zs80n. Sk OOS. 
CilsonvB. sol 
Gorcoom- 70 
- braves. 4» 
‘Ghawe of Hon gee hy 
Gretthen~ PS, 

pera bo @9-70 
Greece. G127 
6- waresle de. 39 

“Hannah. Pepe “4-0 - ae: GE 76. 
PO - 8p 8S EBB Y ~F ORFF 
7D: ~ TOS V 06 - (0%-140-/49 
Pee oe Q)a. 

E Hannah tn 1g 

HHoeroect _ 
emote T 77 | 

| Harriet. AF-S 2 ue IHG 4 


“ frourrcet ys ge 29 
Be traps Sood i Sere (ae 

Ki Mazrlorgn, ‘—Merther - 63 
“Neees horm~s6 

ie aie Marishorr, pas ie ss 

_ TRoma § JGp ¥ 

“Heater. a Saas Oe 

- Helen-12- OF 101.126 

 [telenr- ap LH 

 Hernrcetle - (00 (244 

Henry —10-9 9-94 -9S-F6- 

—166- COG 16 GO -042-S13-017 
f2ug- ap.x 

- Herbert_ Jo 

| Mezckcerh- $F PS (9 - 

Be to fa Qugustus App, viel 

yee _Henryg Gy.xiue 

Hiram. [1G -~(26 

‘is each btn i Oe “eg 
_Netice _ 49 

Hoffman Ernity~ 39 

Holmes, Odever Wenatalt-21 

Hoajre ~/07 - ~/0OF- 

fhorez fo ~(23~ ApP-B 

Morcallo C~ “7 

Horalro.7e.- 42> 
FdorczeCe ~ /2a2 . 
fhoyvoace 0. 423 
od Hooker. Qeaveci -n 
~ Hezckcak- 
_To277es - 
oP ORRTE os 
“preg 4, 
eucharn ed. 
_ Roger_ 
_ SRmuer_ 
— Farah. 
. _Wi2ebcrrn 
Pibaee Cae 
Howes - BLEDEL 



~Witica2m.- ae sf 

Mug PH ~ Sel reo aca 
H+ughes Job. §&¢ 

ees $6 a 

Toicz FF. 726 

Imogene. bu 

Lroh ~1/er 

&Itrere-JSoO | 

IS criceh Pu | f 
TSane 20-48 267-73 - es” 

&6 -9O-F/- pith Bd Vive “3 

Yt Hae 
Tsvyece2. Fh 

> ele P ' 

Jackson herg-2t 
TOreod. (2 -FF-6 9 GI-G 2 
G3 - Git -G6- 77-108 - ~/Obp. 
(O08 ~-LO0-~1 (2. aff P= 117. 
Joecd.H. foo. ApPlv 
Tozcohcnea S/o 

Pater: F -16- IP = ST 61 G44 

6F.~70-73-74u-7F-92 -1 04. 

107-009 A LA3 AIG - 120 
123-733-7865. QAn-X-LL 
Jozmes 8 a > Sige 
— Jozrmes 13 ~10 & 
Bt, Sie fhe tay 
| James O_/2% 
Jozmes P- S25 
James R-. 428 3 : 
Joarmes W. 7e | ‘ 
AAMC ~ LG-S7-67 - 66. PH- 
 GeRe~ LOR EO LILE te Ciza 
Jane (Beles) Ap iti 
| Jeclectlcth 123 94-13 S. 
Jemiime - SE 

Jeremiah -/ 73-722 123-1/2 

Jeremiah R- vb BY 4 
Tesse. €F4 -F6-/09-(/0.- 
Jesse A-/27- 

Jesse page YS | 
Jesse ves (2d u 
Jessce ifm 

— Tob~19 4-123 - ap 1x 
JoKnanna-93 ~9S- Ap tH 

2 John -9- 66 -LLO0-46~-42-4FF- 
S47 - LA&- 644 -GE-72~7¥- 
Dirk 7e- PO.F2-F3-§F- 72- . 

 PI~ GP F-9F - (08 ~1 079-010-173. 
Akh K/L OE AZO 129 LH AII. 
@70- ld 

‘Ton 1 &:- 72 

Joun G.- (24 
Jorn H.. QO. 
ONCLRAM.“/- tee y2- -79 
Jonah. 9u-96 a 
‘eres Dorvect. JI 
. —' _ TRAOMmMas. 34 

TJosenh. 6 7~O8- 80.65--F7- 
GORE G7- (06-621 A 2S LIF. 9 TF 

[a we + Lele < HE PITETETESTD RTA T ENT TINITED eee ee eae 





Josénh B- 116-121 
Josenh &. Rev-7/134- ioe” 
Joseph tH: tot ( 
‘Joseph J. OF 

JosenA A. ie War ae 
\Fosewhine A. fOr 
JOSHUC.FC- FG~¢ 06~ (07 
Teshuce. @-4¢ - co 

TecOee lH, FF 009-12 3-19 
JTL2ccF. 39 YF? ~ 7% aie hoirde 
TUuecer A. /393 as 
ih ae ee ee Oe 
Hat Si tes ‘ . 
kintele Se Tea ee 

Mesccr— F7-92 = 
(<trby Wweezee- 37 iis 
(x Zeer Teedeces _ 63 as 
Knox, Séeczmor/36 


Lancadmerics. © 
' hescercr-St 
—Leacare £./2F ase 
| Lcrccrenee _t¢2- “P-76-* 
he verre ee - SAI H-I Lee 
Le werncec? PHICK. (40 el: 
Leahk- oh. S~ 
Lee. Sehutyj2e7C- apxunt 

prs seams -7. 


evnarel- va on poe oa . 

Lewis Pnerriette: 7% 
Les2te 26: 
Lewvererl- 6K 

Lhewes . “eo 
he Dee eee 
Lol. §F 

BE lke oe  _TeAnR- 437 

Loucscr SO SEH SL AE 
Pens Fob P. fas 

| LoucsaeY- faite 
hececét - 69 © 

| Leecceze_ oF 

| Licereleze - L33-7134%-7397 
| Lecter (Srr7eth )- Cy eS 
1 Ahezotcez - 47-GF-11G-/ 21 

pol cee Q. /2S- 
hegerees <. (2d 

«\Ineazper. Es SBD 
.Bensezemen 3 _ 13s 
—Choarres 4. 137 
| Daucee H- 136-437 
— fJoretc ~ 136 
ae ‘| Dorethy./3¢ 
ad ogicess 13 5 
| feewer Q- i % 
- “ee denies faz 
_Ceorge4~- 136 
 Geretedcre (37 
LL ph Oey WATe2. (IE 
Sal ah Henriette2 -/36 
pee  __ Jennette ./ 96 

Joseph R-./36 
Poche o's 
; Ken near. 136 
Tow meenct_ 736 
ie ; see WE 2Réer mM R137 
7 — _Webivcem W.(36 
mecleeden- 76 
meargeret- 11-36-3537.  9- 
Mek ~47-62 99-22-12 
Mergareé (ether) anv 
Margare LCP earsaly iu 
ics Wettiams) 

Wicsr eerie. ~ TLE MIG AES 
P11 czrLct ~-SF s 
Trhereez £. son 
Wrare cd P. 119 
Wriercoh @./25 

Wl ererizes - Pvt wh as TN deol 

PRercms, Coz, 36. 
Pricerinmus, Dr. Se ss 
Wnearcrus, Rev- 3F 
MI crarenecs 7. GIP 
Trrarguclet . ar /Vv 
MATRA , toarriee 
Trea than 

Rebecca S63 | 
| wrary (Dow) 

Semue 2 
| Breas ar 22é ce79¢ 
Titartes 72, Becrey- | 

BUG gf Sop kee 
— _ Jiceeees-\\ 
Pee fe 8 a ge 
fs Nt oat ee Re 

_Scz7ete€ | 

~ Sarch_ | 

Vo pe oppedleod£: 

/0¢¢ ~(0S-. 406 ~1 07 4/2- ME 
Wnic7rlhee Li fel 
Prreerlher C¥mczzer) Apa lV 
WRiowrfhece (Stem psonj)api Vv 
Meare -/F~-2S-Iu -3T- 39 
LO ~ 4h -42-F I-44 ~47- 
Lt F~ G9 ~ SW ST~O1-G63.64 
70 ~7F-Fl~ O2Z-37-FF- 

| Mery 
aa erg 

aa PY ga ge 1 ARS 

Wicarther - (2x (7.1 P- 28-43 | Pnercy 

| Fnerre LE PE, L2H -1 25 

FS ~ prep? - PS-PAF-PI-P]O - 
rE Mena Be 25 ae 4O/~ 703-1064 
10S- 40G-~ (OF ~ Mh Oa 82S 1, 
be ~s /6 tt? m/l f—/ CP-/23— 
GRIM S38 APIS ap x 

piers (Sérmn07s) . AI TY 
. Treerg (Fee ect ) _ We 

| Marg (Qvery/. ap-1y i 
| Wrarg (Brock) apy 
tneeryg (Riehoes) Qyiv 
Ynerey (Lewes) Opiv 

Treery (vanRaut) apiy 

Mery (Vennese) apiv 
drnerg (Hoffmen) Aapiv 
aya Vv 
(Lewrenee) Av 
(Bunlinyg) Apv 
merry (Lappe, GPVv 
Prrarg /3-72¢ 

BE -120-09 


Mery K.6H 
Mary P. 76 

Mmnelthew. 9- at 


* Micaurene. SS : 
Jrioxytette. bf ms 

Mehiteset- 97. 
- 08-100 

Meyer Jemes 73 

Mmechoel_ 43 
Incas ah./09-/10 

mc2z2ce 3a“ 


mninnelte P. 39 
Preyictrm ts 
ynorres He s/2t 

Moses ~ apix 
Murrey LFlizcbeth 32 
hy VE Ps (hae 

Muyrtle~ 69 3 
Mame - Origen. OF OY: 
Riczme - Spe22eng of ve 
Memes of. — 

untoccrtect Mertetts apt ) 

Names of- 
Persons merry crip Wereete 

bi aa KV (UE a 

RMames of- 

omer merrcege eon meetions es se 
see paper pete -aps a 
ae Ae Peter 7~ 76 

Raney yl-S7-u$ 
Haney <Lawerds) ap \ vo 
Maome (14% | 

MNathem -“4/- (28123. re | : 

Rather! 125 
7Wtalhkan Wi 
Pozlhee2ncet— 29-120. 

Worth c2r2¢e 2. Lips beds 
PlicezcThaniez2 L- Hers cake oS 

mellice -S9 : 
Flotect Wirzites. ee 

Obcrdtic:h ma_ios 

Oberé.7Hargh- 63 pail is 

~ Mh 

Ooict 720tes_ 7 
Olive -sol 
Olicver.Fr , 
Oliver C_1/27 
OrcelcczL. 42 

Poz2melecz - 67 
Parry FQwarct sv 
_ FlL2zabeth% uf. 

Relence - G7 -/oF 
Porttence. Cmeyers Qp y 
| Peed. //_420 

) Peacie — sy 

| Peer2 .69 

auey Tie ies et 

Perey ay oe 2 hiya 
S Wee t Ef 20 

—PAllecten 732 

~Preagceler, sy . 
-~Phoebe. S/ 

- Pease - ann Wes 
ret ates 

~ Mer thee 

Ae ners: = 
a  _Pémore- 

William J 


“Peterson, Herrieé. 

Juez 62 

— pwilz2det 

Phervo, Grahkolous W 
Josenh W- 
— Locetser P. 
Ly due E- 
Timotny Q.- 
| roelter W. 
Fhoede . § 4 ~ 56-6 &-89-9/- 
92 -$¢ -P9- 103 -/05- 106- 
/10~ i(- “72- 4/3 -/1 th A106 
7 x 2 
Froese. (Kengsdury. Gray) 


Plceetl. 66 -92- 97- 
Polly .S7-6/-7% © 

Powedé -Rebectct FF 
~wreézlel-. $F 

Foern Zo ee, Q” 

Portreetts of. 
CoZ. mised Widieuh. 36 

Furey Wyi_/2z6- 

|. Rotere. Ml #2 + 9he 9 ¥-/00-/27- 
By O. M. vite Stel ies ae ; 3 Ov 


Rovert Z 2. 4 

- Robert R. oi 
Col- fe Ny hace eit ro 

Reverse, Flczaderh ? 

Ot at Qezer2cHe mea: ees Race gg RN 
| _Charies7nea- | | malian’ Chorzes 100° 
_Deavict eimea-( | Roses Ce dag Be ay Sg 
_Core2on PQ ( ie ‘Rose,  Bmeme -/37 
eh: _TFozmes mea. bares ote . Ses tye _F Las 2-437 
ah te “Saran nea. Eee Breen ces. /I 

Quincy Dorothy. eee 

_fawere.{ | 
wee eS 

_£2E2020 eth. 

Poe AO: 

” i 

Reche 2. CET ee v 
People ohh ae 
Reéey Di Fad Sage rte 
Ray, Coartrerine - oF . 
JoLrmes 35 — 
Reynor.39 eee 
Rebeecae G1) 16 -44- Fe | 
77-69-92 12 HS . 
Re le eee (Seucierer) ae vo 
Reece S2 
Rho@a ~Fz ea 
- Riehcered.9- 162-6386 
NS GD a PE «LOT = (04 108. 106- 
108-109-619 - 
Reekercd O-¢/6-/25 
Ricigewey, Auee Mn. oo ie 
Clara Di/2/ 
-Corrne- (x2 
Lowes e2 Wt2/ 

: Derdke 69 
Rowlencl ~S-/2- Cp V 
Ruta. 18 S-92-1 04-105 

‘ng litle hie 
| Ber ALGER 37 
-Georges. 37 
Sarita hp 437 
_ Josephcne./37 
Meare ~ se 
_marga- 13s 

| a Rr . ete ES, Phere. 137 
Reecneil ~St8F S09-9R IE Ni ae 

 _Reyrmone 137 
. Werd2cece W. 7.3 & 
_WetlleemW. 136 

Ruth £./ox 

— Ryersen,Charées, 

J ane- 
— nearggce- 
S pencer/ 


a Soxffin Besek whee. n 




a Bil 7) 

*, * 

Unorerhc22. Aeloaah. PS¥0 
_Joseph -Go 
Here - ge 
_ftobvert_ go 

_Reehara_ Go 
Semuer foe, 

Vazern nits a oaee 7S 

Vine ere_ ye 

Yienree _ oxy 

Ver: incee tf. $2 
Voorhees _»7 
eens, Dewize 

ba gous’ 1 mary. as ed CARRIE, 

. _Menry_ sas~ in 
Yar Court. Oefrect. | 
ER Deenée2 . 3 
A 2azerdeth_ 
-Fugene_— ae 

Sarah im. 

Yeen Pest, GC We2le ty - a7 
Be ee fag on 
‘Var Scoznv Belle 
Fawara \ 
! Tusenhene 



wizees GC. 76 

(ath Gee ONE 25 -funces- ay2 
bh Beet US a tate _Heorrison 
Sree er he Pa dH 
Wailtmen— ayo 

Waz stten F-12e 

fe Wordter_ eZ MJ ~4 8. S0- SY- 


‘ Wetter uM. for 

af Wetton Fmierted _ cP 

a ; iss Welton Jen71726-S0 
| Webel. - Sere. 2; 

_Tohkn- 2/ 

ge | heen pore. Charles. 

Sonn. a 
-™ argare? 

me Zdurn, Annie. 
Ch c27les.: 
-kiger fon. 
- Nnargeret. 
2 northa - 


| Wied tdcsrnn: (2-32-9394 -S7 

6S. 66-67-70-76_F0_9 0- 

| LOPE GF -1Ol-/OF ~10S5-- 
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| William FEF. /23-/2b- 

William P. (26 
Wt2Z2Ziam Mm, 3 
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WwW. Ae 12 

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Sarah .(Lees. Aapy 

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ScryvorA A. S22 
Sorah & WG hs as 
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95-8 7-92-99-95-97-9O- | 
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Thornes, Horm _. 13 

Thomas, Co2:_ 33 
Thomes,Cet.-27 °° » 
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Townsenet Marg - Gu 
: Bs chicane QAbsy. 
Mata  Lffannah 
TCA = 433 

Uncterhize, Qnn-— Fo 
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