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Full text of "Calendar of wills proved and enrolled in the Court of Husting, London, A.D. 1258- A.D. 1688, preserved among the Archives of the Corporation of the City of London, at the Guildhall. Edited, with introd. by Reginald R. Sharpe. Printed by order of the corporation of the City of London, under the direction of the Library Committee Part 2"

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THE historical and literary importance of wills was 
scarcely recognized until the commencement of the and literary 
present century. Previous to the production of a importance 
of wills. 
series of wills under the title of ' Testament Vetusta' 
by Sir Harris Nicolas in 186, nothing of the kind had been 
attempted if we except the 'Royal and Noble Wills,  which ap- 
peared in 1780 but since that time various literary societies- 
and notably the Camden, 1 Surtees,  and Chetham " Societies, not to 
mention others--have turned their attention to the wills once pe- 
served at Doctors' Commons, but some time since removed to 
Somerset House, as well as those in various provincial registries. 
The result has been that a new field for research has been opened 
for the genealogist, the biographer, the philologist, and the topo- 
grapher. It was Sir Harris licolas's opinion (expressed in his 
preface to the work just mentioned ) that if several thousand 
wills were printed literally from the originals, with glossarial 
notes and copious indexes, from the earliest perlod to the end 
of the seventeenth century, "the most valuable illustration of 
the dresses, manners, language, and, in a word, of everything 
connected with the domestic history of this country would be 
formed which could possibly be produced." Again, with respect to 
genealogical research, the same authority unhesitatingly asserts 
that a miscellaneous collection of wills well indexed, cannot fail 
to throw considerable light upon descents now contradictory or 
uncertain ; and whether the facts developed on these points 

 ' Wills from Doctors' Commons,' 
u , DurhamWills' 2 vols,; ' York Wills,' 
vols.; and' Richmondshire Willst' I voL 


'Lancashire and Cheshire Wills/ 
. Testamenta Vet,,' Introd. p. 15. 



confirm what was doubtful or establish what was unknown, the 
value of them is unquestionable. ! 
The wills enrolled in the Court of Husting, London--a 
calendar of which is brought to an end in the present volume-- 
substantially realize the words of Sir Harris Nicolas just cited in 
two respects, for in number they comprise " several thousand," 
and they extend " from the earliest period to the end of the 
seventeenth century." To have literally followed out his suggestion 
and to have printed the wills i extetso and in their original lan- 
guage would have been at once exceedingly laborious and expen- 
sive, and moreover would have been doing more than he himself 
practised when engaged on a similar, though far less voluminous, 
work. Enough of the wills "has been set out in these two 
volumes to afford the reader an insight into the domestic lives of 
families and individuals intimately associated with the municipal 
history of London, and oftentimes prominent in the more public 
affairs of the nation, such as he is seldom able to acquire. 

Wills of 
and others. 

1. John 

It is only necessary to mention the names of a few 
of the most eminent of those whose wills are found 
enrolled in the Court of Husting in order to justify 
this statement :- 
de Kyrkeby, Bishop of Ely, who endowed his see 

with houses, vines, and gardens situate at Holborn, whose gift 
is remembered at the present day by the names of Ely Place, 
Vine Street, and Kirby Street, and whose gardens, part and 
parcel of the gift, call to mind the well-known lines put into the 
mouth of the Duke of Gloucester by Shakspeare (' Richard III.,' 
Act III. sc. iv.) :-- 

My Lord of Ely, when I was last in Itolborn, 
I saw good strawberries in your garden there. 

2. William de Farndon, Alderman of Farringdon ard, to 
which he gave its name, and Nicholas [le Fevre ?], who married 
his daughter, took his name, and became Alderman of his ward, 
which he afterwards disposed of by will to John de Pulteneye, 

i , Testmenta Vet.,' Introd. p. 12. [ majority of wills are only given in ab- 
 In his 'Testamenta Vetu.ta' the I strtet " 


although the latter appears never to have been d .facto Alderman 
of the ward. 
3. William de Elsing, the founder of Elsing spiral, on the site 
of which was afterwards built Sion College with its almshouses, 
one of the few picturesque rehcs of Old London which till lately 
remained to us, but now vanished. 
4. William Walworth, whose prowess when Mayor against the 
rebel War Tyler at Smithfield is sufficiently well known. 
5. Sir John Philippot, who was appointed joint treasurer 
with Walworth for receiving the subsidy granted to Richard II. 
on his accession, and who received the honour of knighthood 
with Walworth, Nicholas Brembre, and others. 
6. John Northampton and Nicholas Exton, so long rivals of one 
another, the latter supporting Nicholas Brembre in his endeavour 
to sustain the monopoly enjoyed by the free fishmongers of the 
City, in opposition to the former. 
7. Richard Whityngton, four times Mayor of London, whose 
munificent gifts and charitable acts need not be recorded here, 
as they are already household words. 
8. John Colet, Dean of S. Paul's, Sir Andrew Judde, Sir Andrew 
Laxton, and many others whose names are associated with the 
cause of education, not only within the City of London, but in all 
parts of the country. 
9. Sir Martin Bowes, the wealthy and charitable goldsmith, 
whose almshouses at Woolwich still bear witness to his generosity, 
and who bequeathed to the Mayor of the City of London for the 
time being and his successors a goodly cross of gold set with 
pearls and precious, stones to hang at the collar of gold worn by 
the Mayor at high feasts, "as mentioned in the Repertory. '' 

 "Item y't was this day [15 Dec., 
1 Eliz., A.D. 1558] lovyngely gruuntyd 
and ayed by the hole Courte that the 
Righte worshipfull S r Martyn Bowes 
Knighte and Alderman shall or may at 
his free will and pleasure eyther at the 
tyme of his deathe or at any tyme before 
bestowe and appoynte his twoo chyldern 
whose names be William and Chryty 
to whatsoever person or persones it shall 
please hym togither wth theire porcions 
to be governyd and broughte up in vertue 
durynge theire mynoryty. In consy- 

derucion whereof he the sayde Sr Max- 
tyn hathe fmly gevyn to this Cyty 
Crosse of golde wth dyverse precyous 
stones and perles in it wch he hathe 
promysyd furthewth to delyver to my 
lorde Mayo r for the said use to be worne 
by his lordeship and his Successors 
Mayom of this Cyty for the tyme beyng 
for ever and w th the collor of Esses 
was lately gevyn by S r John Allyn 
Knighte and Alderman of the same 
Cyty for the lyke use and intent" (Rep. 
14, fol. 99 b}. 


10. And, lastly, Sir Thomas Gresham (not to mention numerous 
others), the founder of the college within the City which still 
bears his name, and to whose munificence the merchants of the 
City were indebted for their first bourse, or Royal Exchange. 

All the wills in the Court of Husting may be said to 
form of be drawn up more or less in "common form " fashion. 
Husting As a rule, the testator gives directions at the outset as 
to the place where he wishes to be buried, and imme- 
diately afterwards prescribes the number of masses to be said for 
his soul, or founds a perpetual chantry. His obit, or anniversary 
of his decease, is to be observed, and in some cases a memorial 
service is directed to be held one month after his decease ; this 
went by the name of the testater's " month's mind, ''1 just as the 
observance of his obit was called his "year's mind." Then follow 
bequests to his parish church, comprising service books, vest- 
ments, &c. ; to the various orders of friars in London, religious 
houses, hermits and anchorites, inmates of hospitals, prisons, and 
compters ; and, in many cases, bequests to provide marriage 
portions for poor maidens, for the repair of highways and bridges, 
and other pious and charitable objects. Occasionally we find a 
sum of money left to provide for a pilgrimage on the testator's 
behalf to the shrine of S. Thomas of Canterbury or Our Lady of 
Walsingham, or across the seas to Rome, to the Holy Land, or to 
Santiago of Compostella in Spain. 
Ia the disposal of his worldly goods among his relatives and 
friends, a testator's debts and funeral expenses are given priority 
over all legacies. His wife is next satisfied of her dower by some 
specific bequest., or left to take what law or custom allows her in 
that respect, and a life interest is usually given to her in her 
husband's real estate or some portion of it, with remainder over 
to members of his family in tail. Bequests of specific chattels 
are numerous, and possess more than ordinary interest to the 
student of mediaeval life, comprising as they do a variety of 

 This commemoration, it appears, 
was not unfrequently followed by a 
dinner, for we find Herry Rycrofte, a 
brewer, expressly desiring by will that 
if his executo should make any 

month's mind for him, no dinner should 
be made " but oonly to poure folkes" 
after the discretion of his executors 
(II. 606). 


goods, furniture, tapestry, &c., appertaining to the testator's 
household, articles of wearing apparel, his armour, offensive and 
defensive, and the implements of his trade. In the later wills we 
find gifts of mourning gowns and rings coming into fashion, and a 
large amount of real property becoming vested in civic companies, 
mainly (but not universally) in trust for pious and eharitabl 

The knowledge of a person's burial-place often Directions 
leads to the discovery of much valuable information for funeral 
respecting him and his family, and on that account obsequies. 
a testator's place of burial has been always given in the Calendar 
whenever mentioned in the enrolment. 
In former days many interments took place within the walls of 
a church, and a testator sometimes expressed a wish to be buried 
near his pew or customary seat (II. 532, 546); or, again, he 
desired to be buried in the middle of the processional way,la 
pathway running up the sides of a church and passing behind the 
altar (II. 156, 218), the object being to keep the deceased's 
memory alive by compelling worshippers at the church to step on 
his or her tombstone.  Peter Trente, whose will is enrolled in 
this volume (II. 194), expressed a wish to be buried without a 
coffin (sie cista3). 
Mary de St. Pol, widow of the unfortunate Aylmer de Valence, 

1 In one of the entries of burials in 
the Clrk of the Works' Register of 
Westminster Abbey, relative to the 
site of a particular interment there, 
occurs the quaint but expressive term 
"Middle Tread." The term probably 
applied to a central course of stone 
running along each walk of the cloisters, 
having squares placed diamond-wise on 
either side of it, and a course of square 
stones against each wall. Ben Jonson 
was buried in the north side of the nave 
of the Abbey "in the path of square 
stone." It is thought that these Middle 
Treads may have been serviceable in 
guiding the processions of the clergy 
(Stanley's ' Memorials of Westminster 
Abbey,' 1869, Supplement, p. 11). 
2 In the will of Thomas Broke, of 
Thorncombe, co. Devon, the testator ex- 

pressly desires to be buried in a certain 
spot in the churchyard of the parish 
church of Thorncombe, "as men goth 
ouer into be church at ]e South 8yde, 
rylte as they mowe stappe on me ...... 
that men mowe the rather haue mynde 
on me, and pray for me "; he further de- 
clares his will to be buried with a great 
cloth enveloping his "foule Caryin," 
and without any coffin (' Earliest 
English Wills,' ed. by Dr. Furnivall for 
Early Eng. Text 8oc., pp. 26-7). 
 Literally without a chest. See note 
inf,.a, p. 129, with which may be com- 
pared the following lines from Chaucer: 
Let him farewel, God give his soule 
He is now in his grave, and in his 
' Wife of Bath's Tale,' 11. 501-2. 


making a thurible (II. 51), and of a testator's silver girdle for the 
censer in the church of S. Stephen, Coleman Street (II. 162); 
savenaps or sa%enaps, napkins and towels, the latter in one 
instance comprising a towel of melynges and another of c'cicule 
or cross work 1 (II. 220); and lastly a sum of money for the 
purchase of a "bearinge cloth" for Christian burial, the name 
of the donor embroidered thereon (II. 739). 

The Paschal candle was a wax light of unusual 
dimensions, being many feet in height and several BequeStSpaschalfor 
inches in diameter, and was kept burning at stated candle and 
hours throughout the period between Easter Day and Sepulchre. 
Ascension Day. It stood on a high column, which 
was often of fine marble, and sometimes elaborately wrought ; 
and during the ceremony of its benediction grains of incense were 
stuck in it. Collections were made from the communicants of 
each parish for the purpose of defraying the expense of this 
candle, which may at times have come to be burdensome. It is 
not surprising, therefore, to find occasional bequests by pious 
testators for relieving parishioners from payment of this " candle 
silver," as it was called (II. 447, 562, 571, 592, 594, 619). The 
will of Thomas Wellys, draper (1472), expressly leaves a sum of 
money to the church of S. Mary Woolnoth for the purpose, that 
parishioners who were houseled yearly on Shere Thursday, Easter 
Eve, Easter Day, and Easter Monday, and in the weeks next 
before and next after Easter, might be discharged every year of 
"candell silver," such as was wont to be asked by the wardens 
of the said church of the people houseled, and by them paid 
at their kneeling "atte Goddesborde" in the said church to be 
houseled (II. 571). 
The Easter Sepulchre in a church sometimes consisted of a 
chapel, at others of a wall recess usually situate on the north 
side of the chancel, and at others of some temporary structure 

 Roger Elmesley (1434) bequeaths 
"a good bordcloth with crosse werk 
and another bordcloth with mylyngis" 
(' Earliest English Wills,' p. 101, edited 
by Dr. Furnivall, who suggests "myl- 
yngis" to mean millings, like those on 
the edge of a coin). A bequest of 

"v coarse qnaslin#e towells," valued 
at three shillings, is cited in Beck's 
' Drapers' Dict.' (s. v. "Towel "); and 
in another part of the same work (s.v. 
"Milliner ") vistlvn or mistlin is inter- 
preted as meaning a medley or mixture. 


in 1327, the citizens called a meeting, and resolved, among other 
things, that no pilgrim should be allowed to enter the church 
until he had sworn not to make even the smallest offering, and 
they threatened to provide themselves with rings for each finger of 
both hands from the gold rings belonging to the shrine.  In 
1445 we find William Estfeld, to whose will reference has already 
been made, leaving to this shrine an ouche of gold set with 
pearls and precious stones ; whilst the same testator makes also 
a similar rich offering to the shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham 
--a shrine which rivalled in popularity even that of S. Thomas 
of Canterbury. The road which led to Wa]singham, where a 
miraculous statue of the Virgin and a phial of her milk were 
religiously preserved, was called the " Palmers' Way," and 
numerous chapels were built along the line. 

Before the introduction of rates for the purpose of 
Bequests for 
repair of keeping highways in repair their maintenance largely 
highways and depended upon chance and the goodwill or necessities 
of those who lived in the neighbourhood and had most 
occasion to use them. Sometimes the Sheriffs in their "turns" 
ordered a tax to be levied on those whose lands abutted on 
a highroad and whose duty it was on that account to keep it in 
repair ; but such a proceeding often met with a protest to Parlia 
ment on the ground that the roads and bridges were " sufficient 
enough. '' The watching over the good condition of the roads 
as well as the building and maintenance of bridges, has always 
been looked upon as being more or less a religious duty. Hence 
we find, among other charitable bequests contained in these wills 
sums of money frequently left by a testator for the repair of 
"noyous and jeoperdes wayes," more especially within the City 
of London and its vicinity, although sometimes the benefit was 
extended to other parts of the country. Occasionally we find 
mention made of particular roads upon which the testator wishes 
his bequest to be expended, and it may reasonably be supposed 
that these were the roads which he had had occasion in his life- 

 Third Report on the Archives of 
the Dean and Chapter of Canterbury 
(Hist. MSS. Com., Ninth Report, Ap- 
pendix, p. 98 a). 

 M. Jusrand's 'English Wayfaring 
Life in the Middle Ages' (translated by 
Miss L Toulmin Smith) London, 1889 
p. 80 


time chiefly to use, and with the wretched state of which he was 
only too well acquainted. Thus Walter Neel, whose occupation 
as a " blader" or cornmonger in the middle of the fourteenth 
century had probably made him familiar with many of the high- 
ways leading to the City, left a sum of money for the repair of 
the several roads leading from Newgate to Wycombe, co. Berks, 
from Aldgate to the town of Chelmsford, co. Essex, from Bishops- 
gate to Ware, co. Herts, and from Southwark Bar to the city of 
Rochester, co. Kent (I. 673). That the money was not left by 
the testator before it was .needed is evident from the fact that 
within five years from the date of Neel's will the roads leading 
from the City's gates were so foundrous that complaint was made 
to the Mayor and Aldermen by those engaged in carrying victuals 
and wares to London. A tariff of charges was thereupon made 
for every horse and cart entering or leaving the City, and officers 
were appointed to levy the same at each of the City's gates and 
at London Bridge. 
In 1349 Walter de Mourden, a stockfishmonger, left a sum of 
money for the repair of the road leading from Southwark Bar to 
Croydon (I. 654). Later on we find bequests made for the repair 
of the following highways: the highway between London and 
Hoddesdon (II. 510); for the repair of Mapes Lane, running 
between Kilburn and Willesden (II. 656); the highway from 
Gray's Inn Lane to Battle Bridge (II. 670); between Hackney 
and London, between Bishops Hatfield and Barnet, and between 
the "Ringe Crosse there " and Islington (II. 674); the several 
highways between Ware and Pukeridge, between the City of 
London and St. Albans, between Barnet and Baldock, and 
between London and Ware (II. 685) ; the highway between Whir- 
chapel and Yelford or Ilford (II. 695) ; the highway between the 
" Spittle howse" and Highgate, and the corner of S. John's Wall 
and the common highway leading from Highgate through Kentish 
Town to Battle Bridge (II. 705). 
The sense of a moral and religious duty which attached to the 
repair of highways was felt even stronger in respect of building 
and maintaining bridges. From earliest times bridges partook 
somewhat of a religious character, and the very name of totifex, 
 Riley's 'Memorials,' p. 291. 


they enjoyed from tolls, they would scarcely have been maintained 
in sufficient repair but for the offerings made to their chapels by 
wayfarers and the bequests of pious testators. 
Of bridges which form the object of charitable gifts in the wills 
enrolled in the Court of Husting, London Bridge, as might be 
supposed, excels all others in the number of bequests made to its 
"use," and next to it comes the bridge at Rochester. The Roman 
occupation of London left but few traces behind it save London 
Bridge and London Wall. The former was of timber, and was 
succeeded by others of the same material until the twelfth 
century, when the first stone bridge was commenced by Peter of 
Colechurch. Great enthusiasm prevailed at the building of this 
bridge, and King John bestowed certain vacant lands for the 
erection of tenements, the profits of the same to be to the 
use of the bridge. This property, together with other estates 
similarly bestowed, 1 was vested in the Mayor and Commonalty of 
the City of London as Wardens of London Bridge, and formed 
the nucleus of what is known as the " Bridge House Estate," 
an estate which derived its name either from a dwelling-house 
attached to the chapel wherein dwelt the Brethren of the Bridge 
House,  or from a house situate in Southwark near the bridge 
end, used at one time for storing building material for the bridge. 
This trust estate, augmented with gifts and bequests of pious 
and charitable citizens, produces at the present day a very con- 
siderable yearly income, and is charged with the support, and 
expenses attaching to the paving, lighting, and cleansing, of the 
several bridges of Blackfriars and Southwark, as well as of 
London Bridge. A list of benefactors to the last-mentioned 
bridge is said to have been kept at one time in the chapel. 
Rochester Bridge was similarly endowed with real estate, 
certain manors having been assigned for its maintenance, known 
as "contributory lands." It was the duty of the Archbishop of 

' Edward I., for instance, grnted the 
Stocks Market to the Corporation, on 
the undemtanding that the profits should 
be devoted to the maintenance of the 
bridge (' Liber Cust.,' Rolls Series, pt. i. 
p0 25). 
 In France  brotherhood was fre* 
quently attached to bridges in the 

Middle Ages, the duty of the brethren 
being to assist wayfarers in case of 
accident, and to provide for the neces- 
sary repairs of the bridge. Their habit 
was u white vestment, with a repre- 
sentation, in coloured cloth, of a bridge 
and  cross on the breast. 



Canterbury to maintain one pier and a certain number of beams, 
another pier was kept in order at the cost of the bishop of the 
diocese, and the ' contributory lands" were responsible for the 
rest of the structure. 1 Both this bridge and London Bridge suf- 
fered greatly from the severe frost,  such as no man living could 
remember the like," which commenced at Christmas, 1282, and 
continued until the Feast of the Purification. The chronicler 
relates how five of the arches of the latter and the whole of the 
former were ' borne downe and carried away with the streame, and 
the like hapned to many bridges in England. '' Bequests in aid 
of Rochester Bridge will be found iqfra (II. 154, 261,392, 428, 
597, 623). 
Other bridges receiving benefits under the wills are the following: 
"Brayntebregge," which possibly may have been in the ne:igh- 
bourhood of Brentford (I. 461); a new bridge at ' Colbrook," 
co. Bucks, spanning the river Coln, which divides the shires of 
Buckingham and hiddlesex (II. 760); "Ebrugge," beyond (ultra) 
Derwent, near Derby (I. 681); the bridge at Harpeford near 
Whatele (Wheatley [?] near Oxford) (I. 461) ; the bridge span- 
ning the river Weaver at Iqolhwich, co. Chester (II. 683); the 
bridges at Maydenheth or Maidenhead (I. 461) and at Newcastle- 
upon-Tyne (II. 554); the great and little bridges at Oxford 
(I. 461), the former known as Grandpont, situate to the south 
of the city, but more commonly spoken of, at the present day, 
as Folly Bridge, the lat.ter identical either with Magdalen 
Bridge (which was formerly called Pettypont, to distinguish it 
from Grandpont), or with the bridge known as " Quaking Bridge," 
which crossed a little stream running near the Castle, and 
which is also described in ancient charters as pawus pons, or 
little bridge ;' a bridge over the Medway at "Theston" or 
Teston, co. Kent (II. 600); and the bridge over the Thames at 
Wallingford (II. 509). 
Bequests to Bequests to the four orders of mendicant friars in 
mendicant London occur in almost every other will. The orders 
orders, referred to are: (1) The Carmelites orhit.e Friars, who 
' Hist. IISS. Com.,Ninth Report, Ap- ] City of Oxford,' composed in 1661-6 by 
ioendix, p. 285. I Anthony Wood ; recently edited by 
' Stow, 'Annals,' 1592, p. 301. Andrew Clark, M.A., for the Oxford 
a , Survey of the Antiquities of the Historical Society, vol. i. pp. 409, 433. 


Hugh Peyntour in 1361 leavesmoney,however, to the several ancho- 
resses of S. Giles, S. Benedict, and S. Mary de Manny (II. 107). 
Stow mentions an anchoress (at or near Bishopsgate) who 
received forty shillings a year from the Sheriffs of London. Their 
manner of life is minutely described in the ' Ancren Riwle, ' which, 
though addressed to three anchoresses, supposed to be living at 
Tarent Keynes, co. Dorset, who had applied to the author to draw 
up for them a rule of life, was written to a great extent for the 
guidance of anchoresses generally. 

Up to the time of the Reformation hospitals were 
Bequests to 
inmates of usually connected with a priory or other religious 
hospitals house. The suppression of the monasteries not only 
and prisons. 
flooded the streets of London with the poor and 
destitute who had hitherto depended for their support upon the 
charity of these houses, but it left the sick, the aged, and the 
impotent without the shelter and care which they had been accus- 
tomed to find within their hospitable walls, and drove them to 
the parish churches.  The danger arising from this state of 
things was represented to the King by the municipal authorities, 
who asked (1) that the hospitals of S. Mary without Bishops- 
gate, S. Bartholomew, and S. Thomas, and the abbey called 
New Abbey at Tower Hill, which were practically lying 
idle, might be conveyed to them for the purpose of relieving 
those who were in real distress and punishing "sturdy 
beggers not wyllyng to labor, '' so that by God's grace they 
hoped that few or no persons should be seen abroad to beg 
or ask alms; and (2) that they might have the churches 
of the four orders of friars within the City conveyed to 
them for the purpose of seeing to the due performance of 
religious services therein. Nearly ten years were allowed to 
elapse before the King did anything with respect to these 
petitions, and it was not till the beginning of the year 1546-7 that 
he caused letters patent to be issued granting to the Mayor, Com- 

t A treatise on the rules and duties 
of monastic life, ed. by James Morton, 
B.D., for Cared. Soc., 1853. 
 "Also yn the tyme of pestylence, 
o sche aswalk and be recovered there 

ys no remedy but to goo to the parysshe 
churches, whiche were wont to goo to 
the Freers, where ys large Rowme" 
(City Records, Jor. 14, foL 130; Letter- 
Book P, fol. 179b). 


rnonalty, and citizens of London the church of the Grey Friars 
near Newgate, thenceforth to be a parish church under the name 
of Christ Church within Newgate; the Hospital of S. Bartholomew 
for the relief and sustentation of the poor, thenceforth to be known 
as the " House of the Poor in West Smithfield of the foundation 
of King Henry VIII."; and the custody of the Hospital of Bethlem 
near Bishopsgate. The King died within a fortnight after making 
this grant; but Edward, who succeeded him, followed the lines 
laid down by his father, and gave to the Corporation of London 
the site of the Hospital of S. Thomas (called after Thomas 
]3eckett, 9 the Martyr) in Southwark, as well as the church 
attached to it and a portion of its endowments, the rest of the 
endowments being conveyed to the City only upon payment of 
the sum of 2,461/. 2s. 6d. 3 This took place in 1551, and two 
years afterwards the royal mansion house of ]3ridewell was handed 
over to the Mayor and Commonalty, who were thereupon consti- 
tuted a body corporate under the name of the " Governors of the 
Possessions, Revenues, and Goods of the Hospitals of Edward VI., 
King of England, of Christ, ]3ridewell, and S. Thomas the 
In addition to the hospitals already mentioned and others 
which were devoted generally to the relief of bodily suffering as 
well "as providing education for the young and work for those 
capable of working, there were certain hospitals set apart ex- 
clusively for lepers. The chief of these, sometimes called the 
three " Colleges " of lepers near London, 4 were the hospital in 
Southwark, which went by the name of le loke, a name which 
survives in the Lock Hospitals of the present day ;5 the Hospital 
of S. Giles in the Fields, founded by Matilda, Queen of 

t Pat. Roll, 38 Henry VIII., Part v. 
memb. 53. 
" So designated in the letters patent I 
z The conveyance was made by two 
separate deeds, dated 12th and 13th 
August respectively. The first of these 
letters patent is in the possession of 
St. Thomas's Hospital; what has be- 
come of the second is not known. It 
is, however, enrolled on Pat. Roll 5 Edw. 
VI. p. 4, m. 29, in the Public Record 

4 Will of Geoffrey Patrik, a scrivener 
(II. 147). 
 The name is supposed by some to 
be derived from obsolete Fr. loqnes = r gs, 
but it is more probably referable to lock, 
the patients being locked up and sepa- 
rated from others for fear of contagion. 
Lock Hospitals were established temp. 
Henry VIII. for the reception of persona 
afflicted with syphilis, who were kelt 
apart from other patients. 


One of the methods pursued, and one which surpassed all 
others in attracting pilgrims, was that of granting indulgences to 
those visiting a particular shrine. In this respect the city of Rome 
could outbid all others. Hundreds, nay thousands of years of 
indulgence or pardon were granted to those who visited certain 
churches on days appointed. The visitation, no less than the 
shrine visited, appears to have been known as a "station. ''1 Some 
altars were held in especial favour, and if visited on their respec- 
tive feast days the ordinary indulgences were doubled. The 
number of stations throughout the year is computed to have been 
in round numbers four hundred, * so that a pilgrim could, under 
ordinary circumstances, only visit a portion of them. There was a 
quarter near S. Peter's at Rome where the English pilgrims resided, 
known as the Angle-School, sometimes called their "Borough" 
(burgus). This school is recorded in the ' Anglo-Saxon Chronicle' 
as having been burned down A.D. 816. We find a testa- 
tot, " whose will is enrolled in the Court of Husting, leaving 
a sum of ten marks for providing an honest man to go to Rome 
on his behalf, should he himself die before making the journey, 
and to remain there visiting the stations (staciones itu'o) and 
praying for his soul throughout the season of Lent (IL 251). 
Another testator 4 leaves money to provide two pilgrims to go to 
Rome and cause masses to be said for the good of his soul in the 
chapel of the Blessed Mary called Scala Cceli (II. 234). This 
chapel, which was built over the cemetery of S. Zeno, and stood 
outside the walls of the city of Rome on the Ostian road, derived 
its name from a vision of S. Bernard, who, while celebrating a 

' It was formerly usual, says Dr. 
Rock, for people to assemble in a parti- 
cular church on fast days, in order to 
proceed in regular procession to another 
church previously determined on for 
the celebration of what was called, in 
the language of the period, a station, 
so called because they stopped to hear 
mass and a sermon. When assembled 
the bishop or priest said a short prayer 
called Collect, or gathering prayer 
(' Hierurgia,' p. 62). 
 See notes by Mr. W. lI. Rossetti to 
' The Stacyons of Rome,'a poem written 
by an Englishman of the fourteenth 
century, and printed in 'Political, Reli- 

gious, and Love Poems' (Early Eng. 
Text Soc., 1866). The author was so 
struck with the advantages offered to 
the pilgrim by Rome that he saw no 
benefit in proceeding further to the 
Holy Land :- 
Hit were no nede to no mort in Crys. 
To passe yn to e holy lond oueir be 
To Jerusalem, nor to seynte Kateryne. 
Lines 350-2. 
3 Roger Crede, draper, 1383. 
4 John de Guldeford, "paneter," 1382. 


tapestry being sometimes spoken of as halliw, from its being 
hung chiefly in the hall. The following examples of it occur in 
the wills :--Tapestry with the arms of the Earl of Pembroke 
(II. 195); dorsers, costers, and quysslyns (cushions), with figures 
of peacocks, &c. (II. 250); a piece of tapestry powdered with 
leopards' heads (II. 190); three pieces of blue tapestry worked 
with grey t'eyfoyl$s (II. 262); a dorset" and b(eder (cloth for 
covering a bench) powdered with birds and roses (II. 152); a 
halling of vo'stede stained with divers beasts (II. 250); and 
others painted or embroidered with the story (history ?) of the 
Prince of Wales (II. 190), the story of Joseph (II. 661), and with 
King Richard and Hector of Troy (II. 41). 
The growth of luxury and increase of comfort which our 
ancestors began first to enjoy towards the middle of the fifteenth 
century are further attested by the elaborate description of bed- 
furniture, with hangings and curtains often richly embroidered, 
which we find in the later wills. There were countrymen living 
in Holinshed's day whose fathers were fain to be content with 
a straw pallet to sleep on, with a good round log under their 
heads instead of a bolster or pillow ; and if a man could within 
seven years of his marriage purchase a mattress or flock bed and 
a sack of chaff to rest his head upon " he thought himselfe to be 
as well lodged as the lord of the town, that peraduenture laie 
seldome in a bed of downe or whole fethers. 'n Pillows were 
at one time thought to be requisite only for women in childbed ; 
and as for servants, if they had a sheet to cover them, they 
seldom had one beneath them "to keepe them from the pricking 
straws that ran oft through the canuas of the pallet and rased 
their hardened hides." 
The bedstead, we gather from the wills, was usually of wood 
or bords ; thus we find mention made of a wooden bedstead of 
bord (II. 228, 250), a bordidbed (II. 277), and a bequest of 
twelve pairs of best bedbordis (II. 406), besides a bedstede 
new bottomed with sackcloth (II. 685), and a foldezbord and 
bedstedes (II. 703). Thomas Thwaytes, mercer (1503), be- 
quehths a sparver, "the whiche sumt.yme was Henryes 
the vjtu" (II. 621). It is not quite clear whether a sparver 
 Holinshed. ' {_'hron..' 107. i. 317. 


is a bedstead, or whether it does not rather represent a bed 
with its hangings and other stuff.  We have also a "feild 
bedsted," with curtains, vallance, and covering of green 
two feather beds upon the same bedstead, two boulsters, and 
two pillows (II. 740). 
The custom of hanging curtains round a bed and covering in 
the top with a tester or half-tester (slar or demg-sil,r) pre- 
vailed in former days more than it does now. Pepys notes with 
surprise that when, at the time of the Great Fire in the City, he 
went home late one night to Sir W. Penn's, he found the bed 
provided for him to be without curtains and hangings, all being 
down ; "so here I went the first time into a naked bed," says 
he, "only my drawers on." 
What an entire bed comprised may be gathered from a bequast 
of one made by Margaret Bradford (1400)to her servant. This 
consisted of three curtains with 8eluq" of blue card, a coverlet with 
testur of green, a pair of sheets, two blankets, and a "quylt" 
(II. 348). Bed-hangings were sometimes of coloured say, or serge 
(II. 190), sometimes of zo'stede (II. 202, 207). Mention is also 
made of a bed of No'ffolk or swansdown bed (II. 207). 
We have coverlets of Tiqeyn, a kind of linsey woolsey (I. 453), 
and others ornamented with representations of animals, e.g., dogs 
(II. 202), and butterflies (II. 220, or of flowers, e.g., roses 
(II. 158). In like manner testers were ornamented with figures 
of conies (II. 215), dolphins (II. 186), dragons and birds (II. 305), 
or boars' heads (II. 214). The coverlet and tester were frequently 
made to match in colour and ornamentation; thus Richard 
Betaigne leaves a red bed, viz., cove'lt and tester, powdered with 
roses (II. 277). In another will we find a coverlet and testeq" of red 
worked with unicorns (II. 262); and in another they are stained 
(;.e., painted) with the story of Idonia and Amedas (II. 274). Of 
other articles of bed-furniture may be mentioned a silk mattress 
(quilt ?) with cloth of Venice in the middle (I. 176), and a mattress 
covered with Bqrddalgsand'e (II. 221), a stuff frequently men- 
tioned in old inventories of churches,  which took its name 
 Nares conjectures it to be a canopy sparver, called a bed, of red velvet, 
or tester of a bed (' Glossary,' s.v.). Ann, par gold" (Nicolas,' Test. Tet.,' i. 357). 
Duchess of Buckingham (c'ca 1480), 2 The following entry occurs in the 
left to her son t.he Eaxl of Wiltshire "a churchwardens' acounts (A.D. 1473) of 


from Alexandria in Egypt, though not exclusively manufactured 
there. Dr. Rock, in his excellent little work on ' Textile Fabrics,' 
shows that this was a striped silk, "bord" in Arabic meaning a 
striped cloth. Canvas is frequently mentioned in connexion with 
bed-furniture, serving probably for sheets (II. 202, 214, 229); 
we find also sheets of Holland, which were of a coarse quality 
(II. 740), whilst the finer sheets were made of fine flax and 
"cloth of Raynes," a linen cloth manufactured at Rennes in 
Brittany. Pillows and bolsters under the name of "travesayls" 
(I. 471), and pillow-cases or "pillowberes," go to complete the 
bed-furniture (II. 676, 702, 740). 

Personal Among articles of apparel mentioned in the wills 
apparel, furs, are the following :---a holiday cassock of cloth and 
girdles, &c. another of "tawney moccaddowe -1 (II. 672, 696) ; 
cloaks of "bluet ''2 (II. 86), of "faldyng ''a (I. 658 ; IL 91, 252), 
of "broun murre ,,4 and "red melle -5 (II. 257), of "taune" 
(II. 140), and of "ray" or striped cloth (II. 86) ; a bequest from 
one man to another of a pair of "corsetys " (II. 561); a piece 
of blanket for corset (II. 186); a "courtepy-7 of black medley 
(II. 13), and a like garment and kirtle s of red "say" or serge 
(II. 210) ; a pair of "demesens -9 (II. 698) ; a "tawny satten 
doublett" (II. 672), and doublets of velvet and worsted (II. 669, 
670, 672). 
The garment of ordinary wear both for men and women was 
usually spoken of as a gown (voba), and this was of various colours 
and material, e.g., a gown of blue lined with " blak bokeram" 
(II. 576); two gowns of "browne blewe," one faced with 

the church of S. Michael, Cornhill, 
edited by the late Mr. W. H. Overall :- 
"Item for ij yerdes and a quarter borde 
tysaunder." The editor, however, in- 
correctly explains it to be "wainscot 
from Alexander Is/c]." 
 Stuff made in imitation of velvet. 
2 Blue cloth. 
3 A kind of coarse cloth like frieze. 
4 ,, Murrey" usually denotes a dark 
red-coloured cloth. 
 Medley, a cloth of mixed colours. 
 A garment caled a "corset" was 
worn in France by both sexes and all 
classes; it varied in length, shape, and 

amplitude, was lined occasional!y with 
furs, and hal sleeves (Beck's ' Drapers' 
Dict.,' s.v.). 
 A short cloak. 
 A name originally applied to a 
variety of gurments worn by either sex, 
but now more particularly to a petticoat. 
9 "Damesellours" or "Damasins" oc- 
cur in the Package Table of Rates 
appended to the City's charter granted 
by Charles I. "Damassin," according to 
Mr. Beck (' Drapers' Dict.'), was a kind 
of brocade invented by the Venetins 
in the seventeenth century. 


of the squirrel (II. 214); otter' (II. 93, 192, 304, 329); utes, 
the skin of wild cats or weasels (II. 21); and shakes, or fur 
from the legs of animals  (II. 702). 
Beatrix de Barton (1379) bequeaths a tunic with fur of kyngges, 
probably meaning ermine, as that fur was forbidden to all but 
the royal family (IL 210). 
Girdles were at one time articles of universal wear, and their 
richness varied according to the wealth and rank in life of the 
wearer. Some consisted of simple leather bands, whilst others 
were made of costly material, overlaid with jewellery and precious 
stones, and fastened with handsome buckles or clasps. Chaucer 
in the ' Romaunt of the Rose' describes a "girdle of riches" such 
as is mentioned in the will of William Brangewayn, vintner 
(II. 41). Many other girdles which form the subjects of bequest 
in the wills were harnessed with silver (II. 170, 304, 320) ; another 
girdle is described as fastened with botanet and clasps with the 
letters    (II. 182) ; another as powdered with pearls (II. 97) ; 
another as being of blue silk full of representations of griffins in 
gold (IL 190); another as composed of scaloIes I. 658); and 
another as being of silver, with the inscription Iv 'inciio erat 
verbu (II. 528). The girdle was not only ornamental, but 
served the useful purpose of carrying a variety of articles, as, for 
instance, the baselard or long dagger so frequently mentioned in 
the wills, keys, purse, knives, &c.  

Among articles of bijoute'ie, or ninute 'es as they Bequests of 
are called by one testator (I. 677), will be found jewelleryand 
bequests of atemoste's or rosaries, the beads of rings. 
which were often of amber (I. 653, 694 ; II. 11, 25, 51, 214, 216, 
233, 316, 599, 698) or of jet (II. 210, 214). A rosary usually 
comprised 165 beads, 150 of which represented Aves, and 15 
Paternosters. The latter, called gaudes, were of a larger size 
than the rest, and so arranged as to make one Patemoste. come 
after every ten Ayes ; they were further distinguished from the 
rest by being of silver or silver gilt (II. 25, 210, 698). 
A feail, in the shape of a clasp or brooch, was sometimes 
 "Schanke of bouge, fou"''c, de,  who leaves a girdle and key hangers of 
cHsscttes" (Palsgrave). I silver and a purse and knives h,'tnging at 
-' ee the will of Sus,'tn lleback (1603), the same girdle (II. 


come rings with sapphires, rubies, pearls, and emeralds. Anne 
Hawes (1646) disposes by will of her three wedding rings as well as 
of that of her grandmother (II. 764), and we have one instance 
of a man bequeathing his wedding ring to his servant (II. 727). 
Mary de St. Pol, Countess of Pembroke, bequeaths to the King, 
as a memento, a ring of precious stones, hoping that he will 
favour the religious house which she had established at Denny, 
co. Camb. (II. 195). We have also, among others, a gold ring, 
called " Comellin '' (II. 702) ; a great "Turkas rynge," or ring 
set with a turquoise (II. 675), such as Shylock would not have 
parted with for a "wilderness of monkeys";  a ring with the 
"Pawnsey ,,3 (IL 752) ; and a ring with a "Todestone" (II. 711). 
Both the turquoise, turkise, or turkey-stone, and the toadstone or 
crapaudina, were popularly believed to possess talismanic pro- 
perties. The latter, supposed to be found in the head of the 
toad 4 (but probably the fossil palatal tooth of a species of my), 
was esteemed for its efficacy in protecting new-born children 
and their mothers from the power of the fairies, as well as in- 
dicating the presence of poison by perspiring and changing 
A ring which was considered to possess healing or talismanic 
property was clled in medimval Latin vi'tzoss, and it is more 
than probable that the sapphire "of value" (virtztis) and the 
silver ring with " precious stone" (petra vi'tztis) left by Richard 
Constantyn (1342) to his son were stones of this character, and 
should have been so translated (I. 482). 
Upon the death of an archbishop or bishop the King was 
formerly entitled to a gold ring among other things. In the 
province of Canterbury the second-best ring of the bishop was 
usually surrendered, together with the seals, to the Metropolitan. 
In 1310, on the death of the Bishop of Ely, the ring was with- 
held by the monks of Ely, and the Archbishop was driven to 

 Meaning no doubt a ring with t 
cornelian stone, like that bequeathed by 
John Lute IlL 711). 
 ' Merchant of Venice,' III. i. 
3 Probably meaning a ring orna- 
mented with the flower known as hearts- 
ease or pansy, unless it be a "posy" 

4 Sweet are the uses of adversity, 
Which like the toad, ugly tnd 
venoInous t 
Wears yet a precious jewel in his 
' As You Like It,' II. i. 
 Joves's 'Finger-zing Loe,  1877, 
pp. 156, 158. 


issuing a mandate for its recovery, describing the ring as anqulum 
qui pontificalis vulgavitev appeltatuv ...... qui de jve et consue- 
tudiqe qost'e ecclesie Cantuaq'iesis ad qos dgnoscituv per- 
tinere. 1 It is, therefore, all the more remarkable that we find 
Michael de Northburgh, Bishop of London (1361), bequeathing 
his mitre and pontifical ring direct to his successors (II. 61). 
In the will of John Mercer (II. 752) we have a bequest of 
a " Gymball ringe." This ring, better known as gemmel or 
gemmaw, was constructed of twin or double hoops, kept together 
by a hinge (Fr. gemeaux, twins). Rings of this kind are 
frequently represented with clasped hands--the " clippyng of ij 
handes" in the will of Roger Elmesley already referred to - 
and were used as betrothal or wedding rings. Other fancy rings 
mentioned in the wills are one bequeathed by Johanna Fastolf 
(1418), with the inscription Vous agree de tout moun coer (II. 419), 
and another engraved with a lute and the letters "I "and "L," 
the initials of John Lute, the testator (II. 710). A similar conceit 
is to be found in the will of Sir Martin Bowes (1565), who 
bequeaths to Sir Percival Harte a gold ring "with two Bowes 
bente and a deathes hed graven betwene them upon it," according 
to a sample left with his executors, with the Scripture about it, 
"Remember thy ende " (II. 695). 
The lt-mentioned ring was evidently a mourning ring. The 
custom of having rings specially made for distribution among the 
friends of the deceased at funerals began to prevail towards the 
beginning of the sixteenth century and continued down to quite 
recent tines. That this custom obtained in the City of London " is 
shown by numerous bequests of money for the making of memo- 
rial rings which occur in the later wills. 
In 1369 a man being convicted of having sold rings or fermails 
of latten, coloured in such a way as to resenble gold and silver, 
in order to deceive, was adjudged by the Mayor and Aldermen 
to suffer the punishment of the pillory, with the rings and fer- 
mails aforesaid hung about his neck, and afterwards to be com- 
mitted to prison.  
 Wilkins's' Concili,' ii. 403. "By ten o'clock to Ironmongers' Hall 
 ,'qra, p. XL, note 1. to the funeral of ,Sir Richard Stuyner. 
 Pepys records in his ' Diary,' under ...... Here we had good rings." 
datc 28 November, 1662, the t'ollowing :  Riley's ' Memorials," p. 337. 


Bequests of armour are scarcely so numerous as one 
/3equests of 
would expect seeing that every freeman in the king- armour, 
dom was bound by various statutes to provide offensive and 
himself with certain offensive and defensive armour 
according to his condition. The first statute of the kind was the 
famous "Assize of Arms '' instituted by Henry II. in 1181. It 
included the whole free population and specified the particular 
arms to be borne by landholder and burgher and freeman possessed 
of chattels varying from sixteen to ten marks. Its object was to 
organize a force which could be depended upon in case of foreign 
invasion and it was confirmed from time to time by subsequent 
legislation. Thus the Statute of Winchester (31 Edward I. 
star. 2 c. 6) in 1285 enacted that every man possessing fifteen 
pounds in land and forty marks in goods should provide himself 
with a haubergeon or hauberk of chain mail,  a chapel de feev or 
iron helmet, a sword, a knif% and a horse ; whilst those who were 
not so well off were to find themselves in less expensive arms 
in manner prescribed. The assize of arms was to be strictly kept 
and constables were appointed to hold a view of armour twice 
a year. A few years later (A.D. 1297) we find the Corporation 
of London enjoining all citizens to provide themselves with 
two pieces of armour, viz. with haketon (a jacket of quilted 
leather sometimes worn under the armour and sometimes 
used as armour itself) and gambeson or wambeys sometimes 
called "pourpoint" another garment worn under the hauberk ; 
or, in the alternative, with haketon and plates the latter being 
pieces of aa-mour for protection of breast and back. 3 Every 
City ward was provided with armour and weapons placed in 
charge of some responsible person those belonging to the Vard 
of Cornhill being preserved at one time in the steeple of the 
parish church of S. Michael. It was usual to hold a review of 
the City's forces every year at Midsummer known as the "Mid- 
summer Watch." This was composed of a "Standing V'atch" 
all in bright harness and a "Marching VTatch '' which passed 
1 , Gesta Regis Hen. II.,' by Benedict times opening at the front, sometimes 
of leterborough (Rolls'Series), i. 278-80. at the sides. Occasionally the defence 
u Speaking generally, the haubergeon continued over the head as  coil o 
was but a smaller hauberk. The latter hood. 
was the chief knightly defence. It  Riley' 'llomorials,' p. 35, 
reached to the kne-, the .kirt uome- 


geouq (II. 149, 341), of which mention has already been made; 
a jack, or defensive garment, usually stuffed with cotton, although 
occasionally formed of mail; a jacke of movie furred with foynes 
(II. 164), which was probably an article of apparel for time of 
peace; jambes, jambers, or leghaneys, composed of a variety of 
pieces for protecting the thighs and legs (I. 649 ; II. 298, 341); 
a pair of musekyns, which, if referable to Fr. musequin and Lat. 
musachinum, would appear to be some kind of armour for 
protecting the back (I. 649); a paler with hood, representing in 
this case probably a coat of mail, and not, as in most cases, a 
headpiece, whether of iron or leather (II. 304) ; a pair of panns 
or pauns for defending the paunch or belly (II. 149) ; a pisan or 
pysa, a kind of breastplate (I. 484, 649); pairs of plates, one 
for defending the breast and the other the back (I. 648 ; II. 25, 
298, 300, 555); gauntlets also, which were originally of scale- 
work, came aierwards to be made of plate (II. 149, 266, 300, 
341); quissers or cushes covered with cloth of camaca, for the 
protection of legs and thighs (I. 649) ; and lastly, a bequest of a 
targett or shield (II. 657), and of a bo'kele" covered with plates of 
silver (II. 310). 
More than once we find a bequest of a baq'rel in connexion with 
armour (II. 298, 341), and this is to be explained by the custom 
which prevailed of cleaning armour of chain-mail by rolling it in 
a barrel, probably with sand or some other agent. 1 
Of offensive weapons we have scarcely any mention, if we 
except baselaq'ds, which were long daggers worn at the girdle, 
more, perhaps, for ornament than use. There are, however, 
bequests of bows, with or without "tyllers cases," shafts, and 
pins, among the later wills (II. 326, 657, 661,670, 672) ; of arrows 
fitted with peacocks' feathers (II. 41) ; a dagg  or pistol (II. 304) ; 
a mase (II. 657) ; and a piece with bandeleeres (II. 747). There 
is also a remarkable bequest made by Mary de St. Pol, Countess 
of Pembroke (1376), who leaves to the King of France a sword 

qui est sanz pointe (II. 195). 
' iClewitt's ' Ancient Armour,' ii. 109, 
 Cf. "one dagg w' flask and tutch- 
bockes," bequeathed by Robert Mid- 
forthe 1564 (' Durham Wills.' Surtees 
Soc.,.L4i. 226. It as an in-tructiun 

This was presumably a sword 
from the Privy Council to the citizens 
of Norwich in 1584 that a light horse- 
man's saddle was to be "light ...... and 
yet suche as a case of daggs may 
bee fastoned to the pommell thereof" 
(Hewit's ' Ancient Armour,' iii, 655). 


on stands, and "garnished" or "harnessed" with gold and silver 
ornaments (H. 307, 589, 672, 681) ; such a stand could be made 
out of an inverted mazer, thus forming a double cup (L 371). 
The only other cups are the goblets (godettes) and bolcuoois or 
bolpeces, all of which were vessels of considerable capacity. Henry 
Barton, skinner (1434), left to the Skinners' Company bowls 
weighing 7 Ib 10 oz. Troy, which were to be used for serving wine 
to the Mayor, Aldermen, or Sheriffs attending his obit, and upon 
every general meeting of the Company in theh" Hall (II. 478). 
Bowls and goblets were made to fit one inside another, so as to 
form "a neste" (II. 670, 698). 
Previously to the introduction of fictile ware towards the end 
of the fifteenth century the ordinary service of the table was of 
wood, pewter, tin, brass, or latten. There were old men living 
in Holinshed's time who reckoned the use of pewter platters in 
the place of wooden (" treene "), and silver or tin spoons in the 
place of wooden spoons, as one of the most marvellous changes in 
the shape of luxury that had taken place in their lifetime.  
Among the wills there are bequests of "half a dozen peautre 
vessel" (H. 277, 347), "half a garnish of vessell" (IL 656), and 
others of a similar kind, which are explained and illustrated 
by the following passage taken from a description of England in 
Holinshed's  Chronicle ':-- 
"Such furniture of household of this mettall [i.e., pewr] as 
we commonlie call by the name of vessell is sold vsuallie by the 
garnish, which doeth conteine twelue platters, twelue dishes, tweluo 
saucers, and those are either of silver fashion, or else with brodo 
or narrow brims, and bought by the pound, which is now valued 
at six or seven pence, or peraduenture at eight pence ...... In some 
places beyond the sea a garnish of good flat ]nglish pewter of 
un ordinarie making ...... is esteemed almost so pretious as the like 
number of vessels that are made of fine siluer, and in manet no 
less desired among the great estates, whose workmen are nothing 
so skilfull in that trade as ours, neither their mettall so good, nor 
plentie so great, as we haue here in England." 
Silver plate was for the most part reserved to decorate the cup- 
board--or "vesseller," as it was sometimes called (II. 207)--and 
the buffet only the wealthiest employing it for ordinary service. 
That amiable gossip Pepys, whose income at the time must 
i Holinshed, ' Chron,' 107, i. 317. [ ' Id., i. 399. 
VOL. II. e 


When, at the beginning of the fourteenth century, it became 
practically impossible for any craftsman to pursue his calling 
within the City and liberties unless he first enrolled himself in 
the guild which had the oversight of his particular craft, art, or 
mistery, 1 the craft guilds became very strong trade unions. 
]Iembers had a vested interest in their guild, and something in 
the nature of esprit de coTs was kindled among them. We find 
a tanner who carried on his trade in the Tanners' Seld in Cheap- 
side leaving the table at which he worked to his wife, provided 
he remained unmarried or married one of the craft. 2 Another 
testator, by name Laurence Robiout, a member of the Girdlers' 
Company leaves his wife a dwelling-house so long as she 
remain unmarried or shall marry a " mere girdell cutter. ''t Nor 
is it surprising that members are found leaing considerable pro- 
perty to those associations with which many had been connected 
from their childhood. 
Property so left to the Livery Companies was devised either-- 
1. Absolutely and unconditionally, or 
2. Conditionally. 
1. If left absolutely to the only use and behoof of the devisee 
the whole of the estate so left is as much the absolute property of 
the beneficiary Company at the present time, albeit its value may 
have enormously increased, as the hereditary estate of any wealthy 
peer in the -kingdom. That much real property within the City 
was so left to the Companies no one who studies the wills enrolled 
in the Court of Husting can deny, 5 and this accounts in no small 
measure for the position held by the greater Companies at the 

present day. 

1 By one of the new articles for the 
government of the City, which received 
the sanction of the King in 1319, no in- 
habitant of the City could be made free 
of the City except through a "mister5,.." 
 Will of William Mosehache, tanner 
(II. 135). 
 The Girdlers also had their seld in 
Westchepe, or Cheapside. See will of 
John Potyn, girdler (I. 384). 
a II. 672. 
 The customary form of such devises 
is that the property devised shall be "to 
the only use and behoof " of the bene- 
ficiary Company for evermore. This is 

occasionally varied, as in the will of 
Richard Knyght, fishmonger (1501), who 
left some real estate in the parish of 
S. Andrew Undershaft for the "relief 
and comfort" of members of his Com- 
pany, as well as for the "recreacion 
and disport " of themselves and of 
"suche other as schall please theym to 
call thyther unto theym at all tymes 
herafter" (II. 608). Other testators 
in making similar gifts to their Com- 
panies declare that such devises shall 
not be avoided excels* by express term 
in any subsequent deed or will. 




Walter de Mordon, bought for the testator at Amyas ; and one 
hundred shillings to be kept in a box in the church aforesaid in 
the care of two honest parishioners for the repair of a candelabre. 
Dated London, 21 April, A.D. 1349. Roll 86 (53). 

Monday the Feast of S. Baqmabas, Apostle [11 Juqe]. 
Drayton (JOHN DE), tailor.--To be buried in S. Paul's church- 
yard near the cross where lies the body of Agnes his late wife. 
Bequests to the church of S. Paul, for funeral expenses, and for 
chantries in the church of S. Edmund the King in Lumbarde- 
stret, to which church, among other bequests, he leaves a chalice 
weighing thirty shillings. To the Fraternity of S. John,  of which 
the testator is a member, he leaves ten shillings. To Margaret 
his wife for life his tenement called "la Belle " in Bercheverlane, 
parish of S. Edmund, the same to remain, under certain con- 
ditions, to Dyonisia his daughter, wife of William Morewode, in 
tail; remainder in trust for sale for pious uses. To Thomas 
his brother his best gown. His corner tenement in Lumbarde- 
stret to be sold, and the proceeds to go to Margaret his wife and 
John his son in equal portions. Guardians appointed for his said 
son. To Salomon de Wynton for life tenements in Bercheveres- 
lane aforesaid ; remainder to Dyonisia, the testator's daughter, in 
tail ; remainder to pious uses. Dated London, 17 April, 32 Ed- 
ward III. [A.D. 1358]. Roll 86 (59). 

Adami (Jo) de Montchesney, apothecary.-- Leaves to 
his wife [not named] whatever is due to her by the custom or law 
of the country ; also her chamber, with jewels and clothes. To 
Sir Guelf his brother one hundred pounds sterling. Jaket his 
nephew to be remunerated for his good and long service. 
Bequests to the rector of the parish church of S. Stephen de 
Walbroch, to the poor, and other pious and charitable uses at the 
discretion of his executors. Appoints rilliam and John his sons 
and Katherine his daughter his heirs, and certain citizens and 
merchants of Lucca his trustees (fidei commissaros) for recovering 
choses in action, &c. Desires this his last will to take effect by 
 Amiens. I selves into a guild or fraternity, having 
 The tailors of London formed them- I S. John the laptist for its paton saint. 



way of testament or codicils, 1 or in any other way as may be most 
effectual. Dated London, at the house of the testator near the 
church of S. Stephen de Walbrok, 20 May, A.D. 1358, XI. Ponti- 
fical Indiction. 
Afterwards, viz., on 21 May, the testator by codicil gave to 
Alice his natural daughter ten pounds sterling ; to John atte 
Done his servant ten marks; and released his apprentices from 
further service. Also on 22 May he expressed a wish that Sir 
Thomas [-Blundell], the rector of the church of S. Stephen afore- 
said, should act with his executors in executing the foregoing for 
the good of his soul. 
Whereupon came John de Triple, fishmonger, and put his claim 
upon the aforesaid testament. 
Roll 86 (60). 


Monday 9text befo'e the Feast of S. Maya'et, Vi'gin [20 July]. 
lraunceys  (SIMON), mercer.--To Thomas his son lands, tene- 
ments, and rents in the parish of S. Mary de Wolcherchawe 
in tail ; remainder in trust for sale for pious uses. To Elys 
Fraunceys, mercer, all his lands, tenements, and rents in the 
parishes of S. Olave in the Jewry and S. Stephen Colmansbret in 
tail, with similar remainder. And whereas he had already given 
to Alice his daughter and the heirs of her body his lands, tene- 
ments, and rents opposite la Ledenhalle in the parish of S. Peter 
upon Cornhull, he wills that in case she die without such heirs 
the same be sold and the proceeds devoted to the good of his 
soul, the souls of his father and mother, and of all Christians in 
purgatory. Dated London, 19 May, A.D. 1358. Roll 86 (87). 

Monday the Morrow of the Feast of S. Mary Magdalen [22 Jly]. 
Scharloes (EvA).---To be buried in the churchyard of S. Mary 
atte Hull. To the ministers, &c., of the said parish church sums 
of money, and to the high altar of the said church two cushions 
(sewcalia) worked with silk (de syzdone), and two towels. Her 
tenement at Oystergate to be sold to pay her debts and for 
maintenance of a chantry. To Agnes, wife of Roger Scharpes, 
Roger her servant, Agnes her sister, John Scharp, Robert Scharp, 
t Codicil, originally a small will. ] : Sheriff, 1328 ; Mayor, 1342 and 1355. 



Alan Scharp, and others, she leaves divers household goods, com- 
prising mazer cups, feather beds, sheets and chalons, silver 
spoons, &c. To each of her executors forty pence for their 
trouble. Dated London, Tuesday next before the Feast of 
S. Gregory [12 March], A.D. 1348. Roll 86 (90). 

St. Muur (LAURENCE de), Rector of the church of Heygham 
Ferers.t--To Alan, Thomas, and Nicholas de S Maur his nephews 
he leaves all his houses in London in successive tail; remainder to 
Laurence de St. Martin. No date. Roll 86 (91). 

Monday next after the Feast of S. Luke, Evaqgelist [18 Oct.]. 
Wodehalle (WmLIAM) of Henele,  diocese of Lincoln and 
diocese of London.--To be buried in the church of Henele. Be- 
quests to the mother church of Lincoln, the mother church of 
London, the college of secular priests of S. Paul's, London, the 
repair of the churches of Hestone " and Henele, and to various 
chaplains and others. Isabella his wife and executrix to sell his 
tenement in the parish of All Hallows de Stannchirche, and 
divide the proceeds between the conventual house of Thame,  the 
convent of Westminster, and the conventual house of Mer- 
rhone.  The residue of his property to be disposed of for the 
good of his soul by his aforesaid wife as she shall answer for it 
before God at the Great Judgment. Dated Henele, Wednesday 
next before Passion Sunday [-2 April-l, A.D. 1357. Roll 86 (110). 


Mop,day ext offer Fecst of Purificatio of V. Ma'y [2 Feb.]. 
St. lYIaur or Seymour (THOMAS DE), Knt.--To be buried in 
the Priory of Poulton,  under a plain marble stone, in the new 
church before the high altar when made. For the new work 
of Poulton he leaves his large hostel in London in the parish of 
S. Peter in Bradestrete. To William Stroky rector of the church 
' Co. Northampton.  Or Pulton, co. Wilts. A Gilbertine 
" Henley on Thames. Priory founded by the testator ei'ea 21 
 Near (3sterley Park, Brentford. Edward IlL ('l'amaer's 'lotit. lIonat.,' 
* Co. Oxford. p. 611). 
 Co. Surrey. 


annually for superintending and maintaining the same. Dated 
London, 10 January, A.D. 1358. Roll 87 (20). 

Monday ext before the Feast of S. G'egory, Pope [12 Ma'ch-I. 
Carpenter (PILIe).--To be buried in the churchyard of the 
church of S. Dionisins de Bakcherch near Grascherche. To Sir 
Richard de Brineston,  rector of the said church, and to Giles de 
Kelseye, tapicer, he leaves a messuage in Lymstrete near the 
place called "la lendenhalle"; also to Richard Turri and 
Johanna, wife of the same, two shops in the same street. To 
Alice his wife for life all his lands and tenements in the City and 
suburbs of London, with remainder to Alice and Cristina his 
daughters for their lives; remainder to John his son in fee. 
Dated London, 23 February, A.D. 1358. Roll 87 (27). 

Wyrcestre (,'ILLIAM DE), senior, " felmongere."---To be buried 
in the chancel of the church of S. John de Walbrok near the body 
of Alice his late wife. Bequests to the said church and ministers 
thereof; to the fabric of S. Paul's Church ; the five orders of friars 
in London ; the canons of H. Trinity towards Algate ; the sisters 
of the New Abbey without Algate ; the nuns of S. Elena ; the 
Hospital of S. Bartholomew; the nuns of Clerkenewelle, Stratford, 
Halywell, &c. Provision made for maintenance of chantries in 
the aforesaid church of S. John for the space of five years next 
after his decease. To Agnes his wife by way of dower of all his 
goods movable he leaves sixty pounds sterling and the third part 
of all his rents and tenements in the City and suburbs for life, as 
the law requires and allows ; also to the same for life shops in the 
parishes of S. Mildred in the Poultry and S. Laurence Jewry; 
remainder to William his son in taft ; remainder to Johanna his 
daughter. Also to the said son the rest of his lands and tene- 
ments in tail, with remainder to his said daughter. To the three 
daughters of John de Swalclyve and of Agnes, wife of the said 
John, the testator's daughter, twenty pounds sterling in equal 
portions. Guardians appointed for William his aforesaid son. 
Pecuniary bequests to Roger his brother and John, son of the 
same ; Matilda Hervy his niece and servant ; William, son of 
 Rewcourt gives Richard '" Grimston" as rector in 1350 (' Repertorium,'p. 330). 

John his brother, Thomas his cook, and others. 
6 February, A.D. 1358. 

Dated London, 
Roll 87 (39). 

Monday qext after the Feast of S. Dutstan [19 May]. 
Stuundor' (Jo'A DE), late wife of Ralph de Toudeby. 
To be bied in the church of S. Nicholas Hacon to which church 
she makes bequests of money. Idonia wife of William de Staundon 
her brother appoted guardian of Agnes her daughter, and of 
tenements in the parishes of S. icholas Hacon All Hallows de 
Bredstrete, and S. Peter de Wodestrete, until her said daughter 
come of age or mazy. Dated ndon, 9 May .D. 1349. 
ereupon came enry de Padyngton and Johanna his wife and 
put their claim upon the said stament as  nemen and en 
devised therein, &c. 
Roll 87 (53). 
Monday te Feast of S. Ma'y Magdale [2 July]. 
 (Jo).To be bied in the church of Allhallows at 
the Hay. To Sarah his daughter for her man'iage he leaves a 
sum of money and divers household goods, s said daughter 
being placed under the guardianship of Peter Steze who is to 
give secty for the same. To Margery s fe one hundred 
marks, her entre chamr, and a cup of one pearl (de uno perle) 
called "Cokyld," with silver bands and stand and cover of silver, 
and two leather bags (cophizs de ceo); also s tenements 
in the parish of S. Bchael upon Comhull for life th remainder 
to s aforesaid daughter in fl ; remainder to pious and charit- 
able uses. Dated London Satday 2 March, n.D. 1358. 
Whereupon came Peter Vivi and put his claim upon the afore- 
aid stament, &c. 


Monday next after" F. of Trans. ors. Edward, IL ad Con. [13 Oct.]. 
Grrdissorm (OTTO DE), Knt.--To be buried in the collegiate 
church of S. ]Iary de Otery  in the diocese of Exeter, to the warden 
and canons of which and their successors he leaves all his lands, 
 The testatrix appears to have re- bands occasionally resumed he first 
sumed her ftmily name after the decease husband's name. 
of her husband, ust as t woman who 
has twice maxried and lost both bus-  Otte'y St. lIary, co. Devon. 




tenements, and rents in the parishes of S. Dunstan towards the 
Tower and S. Margaret Patyns, for the maintenance of chantries. 
Beatrix his wife made one of his executors. Dated London, 
1 March, A.D. 1354. Roll 87 (86). 

Gyrdeler (MARTIN LE).  To be buried in the church of 
S. Sepulchre without ]eugate near the tomb of Margaret his 
late wife. Bequests to the fabric and ministers of the said 
church. To John his son, chaplain, he bequeaths divers goods and 
chattels, including basins and ewers, cups, spoons, tablecloths, a 
possenet,  a saeal), two audemes, " an iron plate, and a folding 
table. 4 To Philip le Gurdlere twenty shillings ; and to Johanna, 
the testator's sister, twenty shillings. Provision made for chantries 
in the aforesaid church of S. Sepulchre for the good of his soul 
and the souls of Margaret his wife, Juliana and Margery his 
sisters, Walter and Agnes his father and mother. Dated London, 
Wednesday the morrow of S. George [23 April], A.D. 1359. 
Roll 87 (92). 
Algate (THOMAS DE), Rector of the church of Scherryngge s in 
the diocese of London.--To be buried in the churchyard of 
H. Trinity within Algate near his father and mother. To his 
brother Sir hicholas, the Prior of H. Trinity aforesaid, and convent 
of the same, and his successors he leaves tenements and rents 
in the parishes of S. Katherine within Algate, S. Andrew upon 
Cornhull, and S. Botolph without Algate. To Hugh, son of John 
le Skynnere, ten pounds sterling. The residue of his goods, 
movable and immovable, he leaves to the aforesaid prior for 
pious uses. Dated London, Saturday the Feast of Purification 
of V. Mm'y [-2 Feb.J, A.D. 1358. Roll 87 (93). 

Monday text after the Feast of All Scd.ts [-1 
Refham (Jon DE), fishmonger.To be buried in the church 
of S. Mildred the brgin in Bredestret, before the roo.d, near Sarah 
his late wife. Bequests to the fabric of, and to the light of the 
Blessed Mary in, the said church, as well as to ministers therein; 
to divers orders of friars within London; to lepers and sick in 
 A small bv,in or porringer. ]  For memoranda or accounts. 
"- Or savenap, a napkin. I a Sheering, co. Essex, now in the 
 Andirons or fire-dogs, diocese of Roche-ter. 



for the maintenance of chantries in the said church. Bequests 
to the five orders of friars in London, the poor in the hospitals, 
the prisoners in Neugate, the lepers at le los near Bermondeseye, 
the lepers at Hakeneye, and in the hospitals of S. Giles without 
ttolborn and S. James near Westminster. To John his son, Johanna, 
Juliana, and Agnes his daughters, he leaves forty pounds respec- 
tively. Cecilia his wife to have the custody of his said children 
and of their goods so long as she remain a widow ; but if she 
marry again, she and her husband are to give security for restoring 
to the children their property on coming of age or marriage, and 
for their proper maintenance in the mean time. Dated London, 
2 October, A.D. 1359. Roll 87 (128). 

Madeford (WILLIAM DE), "sharman.":--To be buried in 
S. Paul's churchyard near the tomb of his wife. Bequests to 
the church of All Hallows de Honylane and to the parish 
chaplain of the same. To his children [-not named] he leaves 
sums of money, cups of silver and of mazer, four best shears, 
two feather beds, a brass pot and basin. To Katherine his 
daughter one coat and one cu'tepy of black medlet.  To Robert 
his son a party robe of blue and red (de bludo et de 
vbeo). To Walter his apprentice his leasehold interest in 
tenements in the said parish of All Hallows held under the 
Prioress of Haliwell. Dated London, Tuesday the Vigil of the 
Annunciation of B.V. Mary [-25 March], A.D. 1348. 
Roll 87 (130). 

ROLL 88 is missing from the series. 


Moqday qzext aJYe" the Feast of S. Valentine [15 Feb.]. 
Chtumpeneys (WILLIAM), baker.--To be buried in the church 
of S. Thomas the Apostle. Pquests to the churches and ministers 
of S. Mary de Fanchirche and S. Thomas aforesaid ; to various 
religious orders, the Hospital of S. Mary without Bysshopesgate, 
 A shearman, or shearer of the nap I  A short cloak made of some dark 
of cloth. [ mixed material 




and the work of S. Paul's Church. Provision made for chantries 
in the said church of S. ThoTnas for the good of his soul, and the 
souls of Agnes and Alice his wives, and others out of the issues 
and profits of a certain tenement in the parish of S. Thomas, 
which teneneut so charged he leaves to John atte Welde and 
Isabella, wife of the same, his dtughter, in tail ; remainder to the 
rector of the said parish church and his successors for ever. To 
Robert Chaumpeneys and to the aforesaid Isabella, as well as 
to John his son and Agnes, Idonea, Marion, and Cecilia his 
daughters, and to Juliana, daughter of John Chaumpeneys his 
son, aud others, he leaves sums of money and household goods. 
To Sir William, the rector of the aforesaid church of S. Thomas, 
the residue of all his movable goods and chattels for pious and 
charitable uses. Dated London, Friday next after the Feast of 
]Nativity of S. John Baptist [24 June], A.D. 1360. 
The same day came the aforesaid John Chaumpeneys and put his 
claim upon the aforesaid testament. 
Roll s9 

Grenestede (RICHARD DE).--To be buried in the churchyard 
of S. Mary atte Hull. To Alice his wife his dwelling-house near 
Billynggesgate for life; remainder to pious and charitable uses. 
Also to his said wife for life his share in certain ships ; and after 
her decease the same to remain in the custody of William de 
Taleworth in trust for the maintenance of John his son. Dated 
London, Tuesday next after the Feast of S. Gregory, Pope 
[12 March], A.D. 1348. Roll 89 (13). 

Monday te Feast of S. Peter in Cathedv [:?2 Feb.]. 
Selvestone (NmHoLAs DE), fishmonger.--His tenements in the 
parish of S. Mary Magdalen at Lamberdyshel he leaves to the 
heirs of the bodies of Ralph de Bromle and Alice, wife of the 
same, daughter of Henry Kyngessone, lawfully begotten, and to 
no heir of the said Alice by any second husband she may marry 
durig the lifetime of her first husband, unless she be separated 
from her first husband by ecclesiastical authority before marrying 
her second; remainder, in default of such heirs, to the heirs 
of Henry Kyngessone, late fi.hmonger; remainder to pious 


lane, together with his leaden and wooden troughs therein; and 
also his stall in Tannerse]d. Provision made for a chantry in the 
church of S. Sepulchre aforesaid. The residue of his goods to 
be divided into two parts, whereof he ]eaves one part to John 
his aforesaid son, and the other for pious uses. To William 
Mosach or Musach twenty shillings. Dated London, "Wednesday 
the Feast of SS. Simon and Jude [28 Oct.], A.D. 1360. 
Roll 89 (60). 
Kert (WALTER DE), clerk, late corder.- To be buried in 
S. Paul's churchyard, called "Perdonechirehehaghe," near the 
tomb of his mother. Bequests to the church of S. Dunstan Est, 
whereof he is a parishioner, and to the ministers thereof; also 
for wax tapers, one to be placed at his head, another at his feet, 
and a third upon his corpse, the said tapers to be afterwards 
presented, one to the said church of S. Dunstan, another to 
the church of S. Peter the Less near Paul's Wharf, where his 
father was buried, and the third to S. Paul's Church. Three 
hundred masses to be said for the good of his soul, and the souls 
of John his father, Agnes his mother, and others, namely, one 
hundred de beata Ma'ia, one hundred de Saclo Spi'itu, and 
one hundred de Tq'initate. Also to the aforesaid church of 
S. Peter the Less he leaves all his tenements in the parish 
of S. Giles without Cripulgate in le Voq' and le Moq'est'et, 
and also in the parish of S. Dunstan towards the Tower, on 
condition that a chantry be maintained in the said church of 
S. Peter, the presentation to the said chantry being with the 
Mayor of the City of London in case of default. Dated London, 
Sunday, Quasi qwdo genitO [4 April-], A.D. 1361. 
Roll 89 (61). 
Mop, day qext often" the Feast of Ascension [6 May]. 
Farndor  (NIChOLaS DE), goldsmith.--To be buried in the 

 Latin name for Low Sunday or the 
Sunday next after Easter Da.y ; so called 
from the introit.. Cf. a deed dated die 
nartis l)ost festum qtod eantatt" quasi 
modo gcaiti--Hust. Roll 76 (171). 
 Gra.ndn of Nicholas de Farndon, 
Alderman of the ward of that name, 
whnse will ppears in Part I. of this 
('alcndar, p. 3!7. Stow confoundsthec 

two individuals; and this confusion 
becomes worse confounded by the pre- 
sent editor having in Part I. wrongly 
called the testator "son "' of the former 
Nicholas instead of "grandson," he being 
son of Roysia his daughter. The mis- 
take is placed among the Errata, and is 
also corrected in the Index to Prt I. 



distributed among the poor. To William Plomer his kinsman 
he leaves an aevelt  and other implements appertaining to a 
certain forge. To William Cehnan, " Scallard," John Clerk and 
Agnes, wife of the stone, John, brother of Johanna his wife, his 
servants, and others, he leaves money and goods. To his said 
wife he leaves his tenement in Holbourne for life; remainder to 
pious uses. His tenement upon Houndesdich to be sold, and the 
proceeds devoted to chantries in the church of S. Sepulchre. 
Other lands and tenements in Chiselhurst and Fotescray to be 
sold for pious and charitable uses. Tenements in West Smethe- 
feld he leaves for the maintenance of the church of S. Sepulchre 
and of chantries therein. Dated London, Monday next after the 
Feast of S. George [23 April], A.t). 1361 ...... He further gives a 
general acquittance to certain parties, and makes other bequests, 
among which is one to John Fouler to assist him in finding his 
(John's) son, if living. He also acknowledges the receipt from 
Bataile (sic) of rifty-four Geneva florins (florenos de Genevyns), 
for which he had paid five pounds sterling. Roll 89 (68). 

Foket (RALPH), chandler.--To be buried in S. Mary's Chapel 
in the church of S. Michael upon Cornhull. To John his son he 
leaves his tenements upon Cornhull and Fynkeslane, and also 
his tenement upon Cornhull called " le Welleheus," in tail, 
charged with the maintenance of a chantry for the good of his 
soul, the souls of Isabella and Margery his wives, and others, in 
the said church of S. Michael; renminder to Ralph his son in 
tail; remainder to pious uses. Dated London, the last day of 
April, A.D. 1361. Roll 89 (76). 

l:{,9vea$tol2e 2 (WILLIAM DE), perpetual chaplain in S. Paul's 
Church and late Almoner.--To the Dean and Chapter of the said 
church he leaves his tenement in the parish of S. Botolph with- 
out Aldresgate in frankahnoign, and other tenements in the 
parishes of S. 3Nicholas Coldabbeie and S. Mary Magdalen in 

z A similar will of the testator is pre- 
served among the archives of S. Paul's 
Cathedral, to which an indenture is 
attached, giving an inventory of the 

various books, ornaments, mad articles 
of furniture assigned by the testator to 
the Ahnonry of S. Paul's. (Appendix 
to Ninth Report, IIi.t. MSS. Commis- 
sion, p. 47 b.) 



yard of All Hallows de Stanyngchirche. Bequests to the high 
altar and fabric of the said church; also to the clerk in charge 
of the water (clergco aque ba.nilo). To Isabella his wife his 
tenement in the parish of All Hallows aforesaid for life; remainder 
to any child with which she may be enceinte ; remainders over 
to Elizabeth his daughter and to Adam Cavve de Grenewiche. 
Dated at his house in the parish of All Hallows aforesaid, 24 May, 
A.D. 1361. Roll 89 (90). 


Monday qext befo'e the Feast of S. Barnabas [11 June]. 
lorthhall (ALICE, wife of Jo DE, called "Clerk," and late 
Alderman).--To be buried near her late husband in the chapel of 
S. John Baptist in the church of S. Nicholas Hacoun. Bequests 
to the said church, its belfry, ministers, &c. ; also to the belfry of 
the church of S. Edmund the King in Lumbardstret ; t.o the five 
orders of fi'iars in London and the suburbs ; to Sir Roger, the 
chaplain of Bartholomew Guidonis  of Florence, "chaungeour"; and 
others. To Richard Troky and Matilda his wife Alice and Margaret 
their daughters, John Boneaventure, Margaret Rokele, and many 
others she leaves sums of money, clothes and household goods too 
numerous to specify. To the aforesaid Ba,holomew she leaves 
one hundred shillings; to Sarah his wife a brooch (monile) 
of gold called " ouche" worked with perles ; and to Alice his 
daughter a bound mazer cup with stand of silver and covercle 
of mazer. The sum of money lying in the hands of the said 
Bartholomew at the date of her will is to be distributed by him 
in charity, and he is to be recompensed out of her goods and 
chattels for the trouble he took respecting her tenements in the 
parish of S. Nicholas aforesaid which are to be sold immediately 
after her decease, the said Bartholomew being preferred as pur- 
chaser. Dated 28 May, A.D. 1361. Roll 89 (95). 

 Banil, "Officialis minor Balliro, 
quasi Vice-ballivus" (Du Cange). From 
the same authority, however, we learn 
that aluamanile denotes the basin 
wherein the priest washes his hands 
after nss, as well as the ewer from 
which water is poured over his hands. 
One is telnpted to think that this is 
what is meant by the testator. 
 It was to a Bartholomew Guidonis 

de Castilon, merchant of London, con- 
jointly with Adam de St. Ire of London, 
draper, that Edward III., in the thirty- 
third year of his reign, granted all his 
money exchanges and the making of gold 
and silver coin and plate throughout the 
kingdom, for the space of one year (City 
Records, Letter-Book G, fol. 79 b; 
printed in Rymer's ' Fcedera,' vol. iii. 
part i. p. 450). 



YTalter his brother ; Agatha and Alice his sisters; Richard, son 
of Walter atte Moure ; John atte Moure John Daundelion, and 
others. Provision made for a chantry in the chm'ch of Wyveles- 
feld,  co. Essex, for the good of his soul, the souls of Isabella 
his wif% John his father, and Agnes his mother. Also to the said 
chm'ch he leaves a scoppe  of latten of the value of five shillings 
and a cope. To the Fraternity of S. Christopher  six shillings and 
eightpence. Dated London, Monday next before the Feast of 
SS. Philip and James [1 May], A.D. 1361. Roll 89 (105). 

Willeby (EDMuND).---To be buried in the church of S. Thomas 
the Apostle, to which church and ministers thereof he leaves sums 
of money as also to the Augustinian Friars and Friurs Minors 
for trentals of masses. To Agnes his wife he leaves his tenement at 
the corner of the Ryole in the parish of S. Thomas the Apostle 
for life; renainder in trnst for sale for pious uses. To Sir Andrew 
Groudesbourgh his kinsman, Rector of the chm'ch of Helgheye, 
he leaves his brewery in Goldynggeslane parish of S. Giles 
without Crupelgat% in satisfaction of a debt, if the conscience 
of the said Andrew allows him to retain it ; otherwise the same 
is to go to his aforesaid wife. Dated 15 May h.D. 1361. 
Roll 89 (106). 
Chippenham (WLLL. DE), " hakenayman."To be buried in 
the chm'ch of S. Andrew de Holburne. To Juliana his wife his 
tenement in Holburne for life ; remainder to the maintenance 
of the lights of S. Mary and S. John in the aforesaid church. 
Bequests to the said church also for pious uses, for wax tapers 
at his funeral, for a pilgrimage on his behalf to Santiago, &c. 
Dated at his house in Holbourne, Tuesday next before the Feast 
of S. Augustine in the month of May [-5 MayJ, .D. 1361. 
Roll 89 (107). 
Codyngton (ROGER DE).--To be buried in the church of 
S. Mea'y of the new work (hove [sic] ope'is) without Alderichgate. 
Bequests to the church of S. Botolph without " Alderiche" (sic) 
for vestments, &c. To Walter Haliwell his shop in the aforesaid 
 Wethersfield (?). [  Thepatron saint of tbewater-carriers 
 A scoop fo holding holy water, Fr. ] or "water laders" (Part I. p. 509, 
bniticr, note 1). 


Blessed Mary in the parish church of S. Michael in Wodestret 
near Hoggenelane. Bequest of sixty shillings for five round 
tapers to burn around his corpse and other funeral expenses. To 
Matilda his wife and his three children he leaves sums of 
money. Also to his said wife a shop in Chepe for life ; remainder 
to the heirs of his body, and in default of such heirs to William 
Welforde his brother for life; remainder to the Fraternity of 
S. Mary atte Bowe. Also to his said wife his tenement in Wode- 
stret for life ; remainder in trust for sale for the good of his soul, 
&c. Bequest of certain rents in the parish of S. Benedict de 
Grascherche for the maintenance of the light of S. Mary atte 
Bowe. To his aforesaid wife a shop at Goselane ; to the aforesaid 
William his brother, Ydania his sister, and William his brother's 
son he leaves sums of money. To the parishioners of S. Michael 
in Wodestret he leaves a chalice of silver and gold weighing thirty 
shillings. Dated London, Friday, viz., 18 June, A.D. 1361. 
Roll 89 (123). 
.reveld (JOHN DE), blader, 1 parishioner of the church of 
S. Audoen  within eugate.Any future bequest he may make 
by codicil, by writing, or by word of mouth, is to take effect as if 
written in this his present testament. Desires to be buried in the 
chancel of the church of S. Audoen aforesaid near Sarah his late 
wife. To Alice his wife he leaves his tenement, &c., in the parish 
of S. Audoen for life ; remainder to the church of S. Martin le 
Grand and the Dean and Chapter of the same for the maintenance 
of chantries. Also to his said wife he leaves his tenement called 
' Sealdynghous "; to the fraternity of which he is a member in 
the church of All Hallows under the Wall (seb nu'o) near ]is- 
schoppesgate he leaves a tenement in the parish of S. Sepulchre 
in Westsmet.hefeld, charged also with the maintenance of chan- 
tries. Dated London, 1 April, A.D. 1361.--Also he wills and 
ordains that the brethren and sisters of his fraternity founded in 
honour of the Blessed Mary and of All Saints attend his funeral 
at the church of S. Audoen, and that born bondmen  (aliv) go 

 Probably meaning cornmonger. See 
Part I. p. 533, note 3. 
 S. Owen or Ewin, near the Shambles. 
a Or "Natives"; the "Native" was one 
born in bondage, the "Bondman" being 
so by contract, and the "Villein "being 

bound to service, as belonging to the 
land. The female appellation of the 
rztiws was "nell"; that of the male 
has not survived ; "serf" is perhaps the 
nearest term. See a claim made by 
Edmund, Erl of Cornwall, upon certain 






to his houses and tenements in Smethfeld after his funeral and 
there eat together, and by so eating take seisin of the same for 
the said fraternity, for which purpose he bequeaths a certain 
quantity of bread, corn, and malt. Bequests to John atte Hull 
his godson, John Lacer, William his brewer, and others; also to 
the light of the Fraternity of S. Giles without Cripulgate, and to 
the Fraternity of S. John in the same church. Roll 89 (124). 

$ulby (JoN DE), Wardrobe Keeper of the Venerable Lady 
the Countess of Penbrok.--To be buried in S. Paul's Church. 
Bequests to the said church and the church of S. lIartin within 
Ludgate. To William Denton he leaves his best bow and all his 
arrows; and to Robert de Louth and William the clerk a bow 
respectively. Directions for funeral and keeping his month's mind. 
Bequests also to Isabella his niece, wife of William Kayscho ; to 
various orders of friars, and others. To John de Newport his calendar 
(caladavium meum). To William his son he leaves certain 
tenements in Watlyngstrete in tail ; remainder to the church of 
S. Augustine at S. Paul's Gate for pious uses for the good of his soul 
and the souls of William de Derby, Agnes, wife of the same, and 
Edmund their son. To Edith his wife a tenement in Old Change, 
parish of S. Vedast, for life ; remainder to the infant e vetve sa 
mq'e, with remainders over ; also his houses in Bassynghawe, to 
hold to his said wife, her heirs and assigns.  Dated London, Sunday 
next after the Feast of SS. Peter and Paul E29 June], A.D. 1361. 
--He further wills and ordains that, by licence of the Commissary 
General of the Dean of Arches, William Boyvile, clerk, shall 
undertake administration of the goods of lIaster Edmund de 
Derby and of Agnes, wife of the same, according to the manner 
in which he himself was bound, and that the said William receive 
remuneration for his trouble as the said Commissary shall adjudge. 
Roll 89 (125). 
luthin (RIcRAnD).--Bequests to Sir Walter Odiham, rector 
of the church of S. John de Walbrok, for having the souls of Sir 
John de Grey and Agnes, the testator's late wife, and others, in 
bondmen who were runaways and sought ]  The custom of the City restraining 
to be admitted to the freedom of the [ a man from leaving to his wife a greater 
City (Riley's ' lIemorials,' p. 23, whence estate than one for life appears to have 
this note is taken), been not always observed. 



remembrance ; also to each of the five orders of friars in London ; 
to Geoffrey Patrik, clerk of la Rgole; Richard, son of the same ; 
William, son of William le Reve, and others. A certain tene- 
ment in Bogerowe, parish of S. John aforesaid, to be sold after 
the decease of himself and Agnes his wife, late wife of John Trapp, 
skinner, and a portion of the proceeds to go to the Master and 
Brethren of the Hospital of S. John of Jerusalem in England, and 
other portions to Sir John de London, monk of Westminster, son 
of the aforesaid John Trapp and Agnes, and for the maintenance 
of chantries in the said church of S. John de Walbrok. Dated 
London, 4 Starch, A J). 1356. Roll 89 (126). 


Opton or Upton (LAURENCE DE).--To be buried within the 
church of S. Andrew in Holborne near his wife. Bequests to the 
said church, to Laurence his son, the monastery of H. Trinity at 
the Tower, and various orders of friars in London. For making 
a certain window in the aforesaid church in honour of S. John 
Baptist he leaves six marks. Also to his aforesaid son and to 
John Draper his servant he leaves his beds and all his linen 
and woollen cloths in equal portions. Dated London, the Feast 
of Translation of S. Benedict, Abbot [11 July], A.D. 1361. 
Roll 89 (127). 
I-Iarewdon (WALTElt DE), horse dealer.  --To be buried in 
the church of S. Sepulchre near the tomb of Felicia his late wife, 
to which church he makes bequests, as also to Richard his son, 
Alice and Johanna his daughters. To Marion his wife he leaves 
all his tenements and gardens in the parish of S. Sepulchre afore- 
said in Westsmethefeld for life, remainder to pious uses ; also his 
entire chamber, with all vessels of silver, mazer, &c., appertaining 
to his house. Dated London, Monday the Vigil of Apostles Peter 
and Paul [29 June], n.n. 1361. Roll 89 (128). 

Starcolf (ToMAs), mercer.--To be buried in the church of 
S. Laurence in the Jewry near the tomb of his father. Bequests 
to the said church, to various religious orders and hospitals, the 
churches of H. Trinity the Less, S. Martin in Ismongerlane, 
S. Margaret upon Lothebury, and S. Thomas ': de Aquiw. ''3 To 
 Budge Row. I a Meaning probably S. homas de 
 lFereator e[uo'rum. [ Acon. 




cloths, one of them worked with sqvi'ell, to place upon the corpses 
of poor parishioners ; to various orders of friars, &c.; and provision 
made for funeral expenses and keeping of her obit. To Daniel 
de Wyght, Katherine, daughter of John de Crepeldgate and 
Katherine his wife, Richard, son of Geoffrey le Taillour, Alex- 
ander, son of Robert de Stratford, and others, she leaves sums 
of money and household chattels. The residue of her goods to 
be sold for pious uses for the good of her soul, the souls of 
Nicholas her late husband and others. Dated London, Saturday 
next after the Feast of Corpus Christi [27 May], A.D. 1361. 
Roll 89 (142). 
Westirault (ROBERT), ' taillour." To be buried before the altar 
of S. Eligius, Bishop and Confessor, in the church of S. Thomas, 
Apostle. Bequests to the said church, the church of S. Paul, and 
the mendicant orders of friars in London ; also to Sir Richard de 
Hakebourne, Margaret his daughter, and Margaret Ufford. Dated 
London, Thursday the Feast of Nativity of S. John Baptist 
[24 June], A.D. 1361. Roll 89 (143). 

Maleway (JOHN).---To be buried in the church of H. Trinity 
de Crichurche near Margery his late wife. Bequests to the said 
church, the churches of S. Mm de Fanchurche and of S. Paul, 
the principal orders of fl'iars in London, the poor inmates of 
Neugate, &c. To John his son and heir and Johanna his daughter 
he leaves sums of money in the hands of guardians during 
minority; and to Margery his daughter the sum of 200., provided 
she marry with the consent of his executors, and not marry a 
certain John Dovy, mercer, upon pain of losing the legacy. 
Further bequests to Robert Turk, son of Margery aforesaid, his 
late wife, and to Margaret Hunston, daughter of the said Mar- 
gery; to Matilda his mother; Matilda Malewayn, one of his 
sisters; Matilda, daughter of William Malewayn his brother, and 
others. To the Abbey of Lesnes, co. Kent, he leaves twenty 
marks ; to the work of the church of Bedewynde,  co. Wilts, and 
ministers thereof, the church of Navenby, co. Linc., the church 
of H. Trinity de Cristchurche, London, divers sums of money. 
Also to John his aforesaid son and heir he leaves tenements in 

1 Gre_t and Little Bed.'n. 




buried in the churchyard of All Hallows de Honylane under the 
same stone as Margery his late wife. His corpse to be covered with 
a cover of Russet whilst on the bier, and five round tapers, each 
of six pounds of wax, to burn around him ; six poor persons to be 
clothed in coats with hoods of Russet, and each to hold a torch 
of nine pounds of wax around his corpse. Bequests to the church 
of All Hallows aforesaid of his priest's vestment, his chalice, two 
cruets, towels, and others ; provision made for chantries therein for 
the good of his soul, the souls of Margery his late wife, his father 
and mother, John de Paston, Henry Cros, and Johanna, wife of 
the same, &c. To the work of the church of S. Giles at South 
Mymmes  he leaves one mark sterling, his missal and portifory 
with music of the use of Saturn. To Katherine his wife her 
entire chamber, cups of silver and of mazer, silver spoons with gilt 
acorns, &c. ; also divers rents so long as she remain a widow, 
remainder to John, Thomasina, and Margery his children and the 
heirs of their bodies ; remainder to pious uses. His apprentices 
William Richard de Pridie, Villiam Clervaus, and Thomas de 
Jarkevill to continue to serve his aforesaid wife. Adam Fraunceys, 
merchant, appointed guardian of his children, he giving security 
for the same at the Guildhall. To John Pountz his kinsman, 
Richard Pountz, and Thomas, brother of Richard, he leaves sums 
of money and bows and arrows furnished with feathers of Pecolc. 
The seal of the Official of the Axchdeacon of London appended 
hereto, inasmuch as the testator's seal is but little known. Dated 
London, 20 April, A.D. 1361.--Also to his aforesaid wife he leaves 
lands and tenements in the aforesaid parish of All Hallows and 
in Bechelane, parish of S. Giles without Cripelgate, for life ; 
remainder to his aforesaid children and the heirs of their bodies ; 
remainder in trust for sale, and the proceeds to be devoted to 
the work of the church of South Mymmes and to the repair of 
the roads in the vill of South Mymmes where most necessary. 
Roll 89 (147). 
Brangewayn (WmLi), vintner.--To be buried in the piory 
church of S. Ma:y Overe near Suthwerk. Bequests to the 
prior and canons, ministers, &c., of the said priory. Provision 
made for chantries in the aforesaid church and in the churches 

Near Barnet, co. Middlesex. 




debts. He leaves to certain persons, or any one of them willing 
to execute his testament, all his tenements in Fletstret and 
Faitourslane,  together with certain rents in the parish of 
S. Christopher, in trust for the maintenance of a chantry for the 
good of his soul, the souls of Symon Flemyng and others. Dated 
at Fletstrete, 6 July, A.D. 1361. Roll 89 (161). 

Outepenne (ALICE, relict of WILLIAM), daughter of William de 
Derby.--To be buried in S. Paul's churchyard, commonly called 
"Pardoncherchhawe," near the tomb of her late husband. All 
her goods and chattels to be devoted to payment of debts and 
pious uses. John de Vrare, Chamberlain of S. Paul's, and Thomas 
Beuchampe her sister's husband appointed executors. Dated 
London, 1 July, A.D. 1361. Roll 89 (162). 

Chedyndon (WALTER DE).--To be buried in the churchyard 
of S. Dunstan West near his children. Bequests to the ministers 
of the said church, the lights of the Blessed Mary and Blessed 
Katherine therein, and to the parson of the church of S. Au- 
dewin  within Neuwegate. To Margaret his wife he leaves the rever- 
sion of a certain rent in the parish of S. Dunstan aforesaid for life ; 
remainder to Johanna his daughter in tail ; remainder to Johanna 
Druwys his wife's sister; remainder to the Hospital of S. Bar- 
tholomew de Smethefeld, so that the brethren of the same have 
his soul in remembrance. Also to his aforesaid wife tenements 
in Scholane, parish of S. Andrew near Holborn, in trust for sale for 
pious uses. The wardship of Richard Elys he leaves to John Deynes, 
ironmonger, for maintenance and for providing a suitable mar- 
riage. Dated London, Sunday next after the Feast of Apostles 
leter and Paul [-29 June], A.D. 1361. Roll 89 (163). 

Wyle CVILLIAM DE).--To be buried in the church of S. Sepulchre 
without Newgate near the tomb of Alice his daughter. Bequests 
to the said church. To Sir Henry de Blakeburn, clerk, and 
Richard de Dratton he leaves a tenement in the parish of 
S. Sepulchre in fee, and also his leasehold interest in a tenement 

Fetter Lane. I "- S. Audoen, Owen, or Ein. 



held under the Fraternity of S. Katherine in the aforesaid church, 
situate in Wendageyneslane and called "le Coldabbeye "; also the 
custody of the son of John de Kent, late taverner. The residue 
of his goods he leaves to Agnes his wife and his surviving children. 
Dated London, Monday the Feast of [Translation of ?] S. Fdward 
King and Martyr [20 June], A.D. 1361. Roll 89 (164). 

Crepulgate (Jom DE).--To be buried in the church of S. Peter 
in Westchepe. Bequests to the said church and ministers thereof. 
To William his son he leaves a tenement in the lane called 
"' Abchirchelane" for life, and after the death of the said son and 
of Katherine the testator's wife the same tenement, together with 
another in the parish of S. Clement, London, is to be sold, and the 
proceeds devoted to paying his debts and legacies ; the residue to 
be divided among his children. Dated London, 15 July, A.D. 1361. 
Roll 89 (165). 

Monday mct befo'e Feast of Apostles Smon and Jde [28 Oct.]. 
Rote (Jo), fishmonger.--To be buried in the chapel annexed 
to the chancel of the church of S. George near Estchepe. 
Bequests to the said church and ministers thereof, the five 
orders of fliars in London, the inmates of various hospitals 
(including the lepers at la Lokes) and prisons, &c.; also to 
Margery and Cecilia his sisters ; to Margery and Alice, daughters 
of Henry Rote; to John, son of William Rote de l'orth- 
flete; Alice Rote, living within the cloister of S. Elena within 
Bishopesgate, and others; as well as to the work of London 
Bridge, S. Paul's Church, the church of S. Thomas Acon, &c. To 
Alianora his wife by way of dower due to her he leaves a sum of 
money and divers household chattels; also his tenement in the 
vill of S. Botolph  and in the parish of S. George aforesaid for life; 
remainder in trust for sale for pious and charitable uses. Bequest 
of rents in the street called " Puddsmglane" in the parish of 
S. Margaret de Briggestret for the maintenance of a perpetual 
torch to burn in the said parish church. Dated London, 15 June, 
.D. 1361. Roll 89 (175). 

 Botolph's Town, or Boston, co. Linc. 



.ssex (JOHN), draper.--To be buried in the church of S. Stephen 
in Colmanstret before the altar of the fraternity therein. Bequests 
to the said church and ministers thereof, each house of friars in 
London, &c. Bequests also to Katherine and Alice his daughters 
William, son of Stephen Stronge his nephew and others. To 
Alice his wife for life he leaves tenements and rents in the 
parishes of S. Laurence in the Jewry and S. Stephen in Colman- 
stret ; remainder to John his son in tail  remainder to his afore- 
said daughters. Provision also made for the maintenance of 
chantries in the church of S. Stephen aforesaid. Dated London, 
Thursday next after the Feast of Translation of S. Thomas the 
Martyr [7 July], A.D. 1361. Roll 89 (176). 

laur (JOHN), pepperer.--To be buried in the church of S. An- 
tony to which he makes divers bequests, as also to London 
Bridge, the church of S. Paul, the prisoners in Neugate, lepers 
near London &c. To John and Nicholas his sons and Isabella 
his daughter he leaves sums of money. To Katherine his wife 
one hundred marks by way of dower of all his goods and chattels 
movable and immovable, and rents in the parish of S. Peter de 
Cornhull for life; remainder to his children. Dated London 
16 July A.). 1361. Roll 89 (177). 

Hemenhale (JoHA, relict of ]7DMUND).--TO be buried in the 
church of S. Martin le Grand, to which she leaves all her tene- 
ments in the parish of S. Mary Magdalen in Melkstret, situate 
near those belonging to her late brother Thomas, and acquired by 
her from Henry Cheyner her father and Alice her mother, for the 
maintenance of a chantry therein. Dated London, XV. Kal. 
September [18 Aug.], .D. 1361. Roll 89 (178). 

Man_hale (ROBERT DE), chandler.--To be buried within the 
porch of the church of S. Peter upon Cornhull. Bequests to the 
said church and ministers thereof, and provision made for main- 
tenance of chantries for the good of his soul, the souls of Isolda 
his mother and others. Bequests also to the churches of S. Paul 
and S. Thomas Acon, the Convent of the Hermit Friars of 
S. Augustine, the Preaching Friars, the Minors and Carmelites 



in London, the inmates of hospitals. To William and Robert his 
sons, and Katherine, Agnes, and Margaret his daughters, he leaves 
sums of money, silver plate, spoons, &c.; and to Agnes his wife 
two hundred marks by way of dower. Also to his said wife he 
leaves tenements in the parish of S. Peter aforesaid for life ; 
remainder to his aforesaid children in successive tail ; remainder 
to pious uses. Should his said wife remarry she and her 
second husband are to give security for his aforesaid children's 
portions, to answer for the same to each upon arriving at 
the age of eighteen years, according to the use and custom 
of the City of London. Further bequests to the nuns of the 
house of S. Leonard de Stratford, the house of S. Elena, London, 
and the nuns of Clerkenewell. Dated London, 20 March, 
A.D. 1360. Roll 89 (179). 

Atte Pole (JoHN).-- To be buried in the church of S. Mary de 
Clerkenewell. Bequests to the high altar of Edelmeton ; the 
fabric and high altar of the church of Shordich ; to Lucy, wife 
of John Porter, to Katherine his daughter, various religious 
orders, &c. To Katherine his wife he leaves his tenements 
in the City of London for life ; remainder to the church and 
nuns of S. Mary de Clerkenewell for pious uses. Mention 
made of Juliana his sister, a nun of S. Elena. Dated at Cler- 
kenewell, Thursday next after the Feast of S. James, Apostle 
[25 July], A.D. 1361. 
Whereupon came Felicia, wife of John de Romeseye, "taillour," 
and put her claim upon the aforesaid testament. Afterwards came 
Robert de Stuteville, son of Isabella, sister of John atte Pole, kins- 
man and heir of the testator, and put his claim. 
Roll 89 (180). 
Northwode (RICHARD DE).--To Robert de Bekenore and Dame 
Alice, wife of the same, his tenement in S. Martin's Lane near 
Candelwykstret, parish of S. Martin Orgar. To Dame Alice his 
mother and Agnes his sister he leaves all his chattels movable 
and immovable accruing to him at the death of Sir Robert his 
father. To Johanna his sister foly shillings ; and to Agnes his 
sister two and a half marks out of the sale of "Lovelonde." 
 Edmonton, co. Middlesex. 





Dated Saturday next before the Feast of Nativity of B. Mary 
[8 Sept.], A.D. 1361. 
Whereupon came John Lynedale and Johanna, wife of the same, 
in full ]lusting and ]put their claim. 
Roll 89 (182). 
Wyngeffeld (JOHN DE), Knt.--To be buried in the church of 
S. Andrew de Wyngeffeld with nine ta'_pres and five norters' of 
wax. To Thomas de Wyngeffeld his brother he leaves a mes- 
suage in Trinite Lane near Quynhithe which he had by feoffment 
of the Prior and Convent of Bustlesham Montagu.  Alianora his 
wife appointed one of his executors. Dated at Wyngeffeld, 3 Tues- 
day the Feast of S. Margaret, Virgin [-20 July-I, A.D. 1361. 
Roll 89 (183). 
Wynter (OSBERT), poulterer.--To be buried in the chancel of 
the church of S. Mildred in the Poultry. Bequests to the said 
church and ministers thereof; also for ,naintenance of chantries 
and tapers on the day of his obit and month's mind. To his 
children he leaves divers household goods, comprising beds with 
testers and sheets. Further bequests to Alice his nurse, Margaret 
Colbrond, Johanna his niece, and others. To Mabel his wife he 
leaves the guardianship of his children, and a tenement in the 
parish of S. Peter upon Cornhull for life; remainder to his 
children. Dated London, Thursday the Feast of Annunciation 
of B.V. Mary [25 March-], A.D. 1361. Roll 89 (184). 

llessys (RICHARD DE), clerk.--For the maintenance of four 
chantry priests to celebrate for the good of his soul, the souls 
of William his father, Mariota his mother, Master Richard de 
Clare, Dame Elizabeth de Burgo, Sir Simon de Islep, Archbishop 
of Canterbury, and others he devises certain tenements in the 
parishes of S. Benedict Fynk and S. Margaret de Lothebury, and 
the socage of divers tenements in Bradestret and elsewhere, 
saving a certain socage due froln the Archdeacon of Colchester, 
which he remits. Two chantry priests to serve in the parish 
church of Staundon in the diocese of London, and one in the 
' Large candles used at funeral was founded by William Montngu, Earl 
obsequies or "mortuaries" (Riley's of Salisbury, in 1338, still known as 
' Memorials,' p. 302 n.). Bisham Abbey, on the Thames opposite 
 Or Bysham Montagu, co. Berks, Great Marlow. 
where a priory of Augustinian canons  Winkfield, co. Berks. 



churches of S. Bartholomew the Less in London and S. Mary le 
Bow respectively. Dated London, 17 April, A.D. 1359. 
A codicil (cedula) annexed to the above testalnent to the effect 
that certain tenements should be assigned to the above chantry 
priests for pious uses. Dated at Staundon, 26 July, A.D. 1361. 
Roll 89 (184). 
Costantyn (Jor.), Alderman.--To Idonia his wife all his 
tenements, rents, goods, and chattels, to hold during the minority 
of John his son, provided she remain so long unmarried, otherwise 
the same to go to his said son in tail ; remainder to Idonia and 
Elizabeth his daughters. Guardians appointed for his aforesaid 
son. Dated London, 19 September, a.D. 1358. Roll 89 (185) 

Lambyn (GUIDO), fishmonger.-- To be buried in S. Paul's 
churchyard called "Pardonocherchehawe." Bequests to the 
churches of S. Paul and S. Magnus the Martyr in Briggestret ; 
also for tapers and other expenses of funeral. To the fabric of the 
church of the Friars Minors  he leaves twenty pounds. To Eliza- 
beth his wife his tenement in Thames Street for life, remainder to 
his infant en ventve sa mre (if any), otherwise the same to be sold, 
and after payment of specific legacies the residue to be devoted 
to pious and charitable uses, to the work of S. Paul's Church, 
London Bridge, &c. Dated London, 15 July, A.D. 1361. 
Roll 89 (186). 
Horwode (JoHNA, relict of NICHOLtS).--To be buried in the 
church of SS. Nicholas and Olave  in Bredstret. After bequests to 
the said church, and provision made for funeral, &c., she leaves to 
Katherine, daughter of William le Moygn, uncle to the testatrix, 
certain rents in the parish of S. Michael Queenhithe for life ; re- 
mainder to pious uses. To Sir Henry de Welwes, rector of the 
church of SS. Nicholas and Olave, her leasehold interest in certain 
shops within the parish of SS. Nicholas and Olave. To John 
Aspland de Wymyngton rents in the parish of S. Michael in the 
ward of Cornhulle. John de Stodeye appointed guardian of 
Nicholas her son. Among other bequests are the following :--To 
i ,, The church of the Grey Friars has by the modern Christ Church, Newgate 
disappeared as completely as that of Street" (Loftie's 'Hist. of London,' 
the Black Friars, its site being now vol. i. p. 235). 
partly  cemetery nd partly covered  See note suTra, p. 22. 





de Bothawe; remainder in trust for sale for pious uses in the 
respective parish churches. To the use of the former parish 
church he also leaves all his broken silver (forum argentum meum 
fracture), and a large seal with shield engraved with a cross 
hanging therefrom by a chain. 
Whereupon came John Walcote and put his claim upon the afore- 
said testament. 
Roll 89 (192). 
Breky'nden (JoHn), "sadelere."---To be buried in the church- 
yard of S. Mary de Abbecherche. To Johanna Lyndeseye his wife 
he leaves his tenement in the parish of S. Michael in Crokedelane, 
formerly belonging to William his father, in trust for the good of 
his soul. Dated London, the Feast of S. James, Apostle [25 July], 
A.D. 1361. Roll 89 (193). 

Bole (NICHOLAS), skinner.--To be buried in S. Paul's church- 
yard called "Pardoncherchehawe." Bequests for the maintenance 
of chantries in the churches of S. Stephen de Walbrok and 
S. Antonin for the good of his soul, the souls of John his father, 
Emma his mother, John, Simon, and Katherine (sic), and others. 
To Agnes his wife he leaves rents in the parish of S. Stephen 
aforesaid for life ; remainder to the maintenance of chantries in 
the aforesaid church of S. Antonin for the good of his soul, the 
souls of Agnes his wife, John his brother, Simon de Pulham and 
Katherine, wife of the same, and others. Dated London, 1 June, 
A.D. 1361. Roll 89 (194). 

Beny'ngton or Bedyngton (NICHOLAS), mercer.--To be buried in 
S. Paul's churchyard called " Pardoncherchawe." To Cristiana his 
wife, by way of dower, he leaves five shops in Kyrounlane, parish 
of S. John Zakary, near his capital tenement in Fasterslane, 1 for 
life ; remainder to William his son. Also to the said William 
his capital tenement with shop annexed for life, provided he take 
holy orders and become a chaplain to pray for his soul before the 
said William arrive at the age of twenty-five years ; in default the 
same to be sold for pious uses. Mention made of Alice, a former 
wife. John his son appointed his principal executor. Dated 

a S. Vedast or Foster Lane. 



London, Tuesday next after the Feast of H. Trinity [16 June], A.). 
A.D. 1359. Roll 89 (195). 

Bedeford (JoN DE), woolmonger.--To be buried in the church 
of S. Martin 0rgar. To Albreda his wife he leaves a moiety of 
all his goods and chattels whatsoever. Certain tenements which 
he and his said wife had acquired from Andrew Salman, late fish- 
monger, situate in S. Martin 0rgar Lane, in the parishes of 
S. Martin and S. Laurence de Candelwykstret, to be sold after the 
decease of his wife, and the proceeds devoted to pious uses. Dated 
London, 13 October, A.D. 1352. Roll 89 (197). 

Oxenford (Jo. DE), skinner.--To be buried in the church of 
S. Stephen upon Walbrok near the tomb of his late wife. To 
Richard his son he leaves tenements near Horshobrigg in the 
parish of S. John upon Walbrok, in Candelwykstret, parish of 
S. Martin 0rgar, as well as in the parish of S. Margaret de Brigge- 
strete, in tail ; remainder to Thomas de 0xeneford, the testator's 
brother, in tail ; remainder in trust for sale for pious uses. To 
Adam Fraunceys all his tenements in Fy-nkeslane, parish of 
S. lVIAchael de Cornhull, so that he distribute one hundred pounds, 
in specified sums, among Alice, mother of Katherine his last wife, 
Cecilia, sister of the said Katherine, and Thomas his brother, the 
residue being devoted to pious uses. Richard his son is desired, 
on pain of losing the testator's blessing (sub benedictioze mea), 
to give a deed of quitclaim to Henry de Malmesburi for a tene- 
ment acquired by the said Henry from the testator in the parish 
of S. Mary Magdalen without the Northgate of the vill of Oxford, 
within one month after his decease. Dated London, Sunday the 
Feast of S. Peter ad Vincula [1 August], A.D. 1361.--Also to 
Richard his son he leaves two silver cups with covercles to match 
(de qna secta), a tower of glass  (tou" de veer'), together with a 
portion of the aforesaid one hundred pounds. His executors are 
desired to enrol a deed of feoffment of a tenement which he lately 
sold to Roger de Claveryngg, situate in Coruhull, parish of 
S. Christopher, London, as soon as possible. Roll 89 (198). 
x Probably a tall glass set in gold or  of glass. (See the will of Richard 
silver, or it may be a gold or silver I Costantyn, Prt I. p. 482.) 
vessel modelled after the fashion of one 




Atte Dich (JottN), "Plomer de Candelwykstret," of the parish 
of S. Martin Orgar.--To be buried in the said parish church. His 
tenement in S. Martin Orgar Lane to be sold for the maintenance 
of a chantry in the aforesaid church. Avice his wife appointed 
one of his executors. Dated XV. Kal. September [15 Aug.] 
.D. 1361. Roll 89 (199). 

Pyk (JOHAr;NA, relict of NICHOLAS).---To be buried in the tomb 
of her late husband in the churchyard of S. Dunstan towards the 
Tower. All her lands, houses, gardens, &c., in the parishes of 
S. Dunstan aforesaid and All Hallows de Berkyngcherche to be 
sold for the maintenance of chantries for the good of her soul, the 
souls of her late husband, Hugh de Wychyngham her brother, and 
others, for the space of five years in the said church of S. Dunstan, 
and for payment of legacies to Agnes and Margaret her daughters 
&c. To Henry de Bruselee she leaves her share of a tenement in 
Martelane, parish of All Hallows aforesaid, subject to certain 
charges, in default of which the same is to go to Fulk de Hore- 
wode, merchant. Dated London, 10 August, A.D. 1361. 
Roll 89 (200). 

Ysilham (THOMAS).--To be buried in the churchyard of 
S. Brigid in Fletestrete. All his tenements in Fletestrete to be 
sold for payment of debts and legacies, and the residue to be 
devoted to the maintenance of a chantry in the church of S. Brigid 
aforesaid. Dated London, Saturday next after the Feast of 
SS. Peter and Paul [29 June], A.D. 1361. Roll 89 (201). 

Lenham (EDMUND DE), fishmonger.--To be buried under the 
stone where lies Avice his late wife in the church of S. George. 
To Johanna his wife he leaves all his lands and tenements in the 
City of London for life, charged with the maintenance of a chantry 
for the good of his soul, the souls of John de Grentham, Avice 
and Johanna [his wives], and others; remainder to similar uses. 
The residue of his goods within the City of London and in Great 
Jernemuthe  he leaves, one half to Johanna his wife, and the 
other half to Edmund and Sibil his children. Dated London 

Great Yarmouth. 



aforesaid wife, and the other to be devoted to pious and charitable 
uses. Dated London, 23 October, A.D. 1361.--Notwithstanding 
the premises, he further leaves to the aforesaid church of S. Mary 
de Aldermariecherche a tenement which he jointly acquired with 
others from Sir William de Bukby, rector of the said church, 
situate in Cordewanerstret in the same parish. Roll 89 (241). 


Sadelyagstanes (HUGH DE), Recorder of Londor. -- To be 
buried in the church of S. John Zakary, to which church he 
leaves a sum of money. William de Strother, Mayor of the town 
of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, to be guardian of John his son, and of 
tenements in Basingeshawe and in the Poultry, during minority, 
so that the said William pay to Isabella his wife two hundred 
marks for the marriage of his said son. Also to his said son he 
leaves all the aforesaid tenements in tail; remainder to Adam his 
son. To his aforesaid wife for life a tenement in the parish of 
S. John Zakary; remainder to his said sons in successive tail ; 
remainder in trust for sale for pious uses. His vestment of velvett 
to be sold for pious uses. Dated London, Friday next after the 
Feast of S. Botolph [17 June], A.D. 1361. Roll 89 (242). 

Macchyng 0VILLIAM DE), draper.--To be buried in the church 
of S. Nicholas Acon. Provision made for chantries in the said 
church for the good of his soul, the souls of Richard his father, 
Cristina his mother, James le Botiller and Agnes, wife of the 
same, and others. Bequests to six of the poorest of his family at 
Macching ;1 to the Prior and Convent of S. Mary without Bisshoppes- 
gate for pittance ; to various orders of friars ; to each anchorite of 
London; the lazars without Suthwerkbarre and at Hakeneie, 
&c. To Alice de Warlee and Isabella her daughter, Laurence 
Constable, and others he makes bequests of money or chattels. 
To Alianora his wife, by way of dower of all his movables, he 
leaves sixty pounds sterling, a cup called " Note," cups of silver 
and mazer, silver spoons ; also her entire chamber, with chalons, 
sheets, &c., and all his vessels and chests. To Christina and 
Isabella his daughters he leaves sums of money and household 
chattels, comprising a large chest standing in his parlour, silver 
 Matching, co. Essex. 




spoons with silver-gilt acorns, silver cups with swords on the 
bottom (cure gladiis in fndo), &c. Also to Alianora his wife 
all his tenements in the parish of S. John de Walbrok for life ; 
remainder to his next heir. The residue of his goods to be 
divided into two parts, one to go to his aforesaid wife, and the 
other to be devoted to pious uses. Dated London 22 May, 
.D. 1349. Roll 89 (243). 

Kyngham (LAPIN DE), carpenter.--To Emma his wife all his 
tenements in the parish of S. Margaret Patyns for life, and all his 
goods and chattels, provided she remain unmarried and chaste; 
remainder to pious uses. Richard de Causton mercer, mentioned 
as one of his executors. Dated London, Saturday the Feast of 
Exaltation of H. Cross [14 Sept.J, A.D. 1359. Roll 89 (244). 

Patrik (RICHARD).--To be buried in the church of S. Benedict 
de Grascherch. To William his son and Emma his daughter he 
leaves silver and mazer cups, &c. To Alice his wife his tenement 
in Grascherchestret and parish of S. Benedict aforesaid for life, 
subject to a term of years held by Richard Durhu]le ; remainder 
to William his son in tail; remainder in trust for sale for pious 
uses. Dated London, 17 December, .D. 1360. Roll 89 (245). 

Cori (RICHARD), butcher.--To be buried in the church of 
S. Leonard in Estchepe. To William and John his sons certain 
rents in the parish of S. Leonard aforesaid in successive tail ; 
remainder to his right heirs. Edith his wife appointed his prin- 
cipal executor. Dated London, Thursday, 7 August, .D. 1343. 
Whereupon came John Utlicote, draper, and put his claim upon 
the said testament. 
Roll 89 (246). 
Gilbert (Jo), "bakere."--To be buried in the church of 
S. Brigid before the image of S. Katherine which he gave to 
the chapel of S. Mary in the said church. To Margery his wife 
he leaves his tenement in Fletestret for life ; remainder in trust 
for sale for the maintenance of chantries in the aforesaid church 
for the good of his soul, the souls of Margery his wife and others. 



Guldeford (JoANNA, relict of ROBERT DE, late draper).--To be 
buried near her late husband. To Henry her son and Rosia her 
daughter she leaves sums of money and household chattels, com- 
prising beds, pots, pans, a Bykere, &c. Guardians appointed for 
her said children. The residue of her goods to be devoted to 
pious uses in the church of S. Augustine near S. Paul's Gate. 
Dated London, 27 May, A.D. 1361. Roll 89 (264). 


Monday the Feast of S. Lucia, Viq'gin [13 Dec.]. 
Michuel,  unworthy minister of the Church in London.--To be 
buried at the entrance of S. Paul's Church. Directions for funeral 
obsequies; bequests for marriage portions for poor girls, to 
poor householders, more especially bondmen (ativis ) of the 
Bishop of London, and others. The sum of one hundred 
pounds to be devoted to the maintenance of poor scholars of 
the civil and canon law at Oxford for the space of four years, 
and twenty pounds to their master. Bequests to religious houses 
at Lesnes, 3 Chesthunte, 4 Wykes, a Stratford, 6 Berdene, 7 and 
Thele. s To the Chamber of London ten pounds, and a similar sum 
for repair of roads in Essex. To Michael Fre he leaves his books 
on the civil law and his own magnum opus, called a concordance 
of law and canons; also an entire suit of armour, a missal without 
music, a small Bible, three silver dishes, salts, a Byler called 
"Katherine," an amice, cope, &c. To Thomas, brother of the said 
Michael, to each of his servants, to Richard de Ambraslee, John 
de Cauntebrigg, fishmonger, and others, he leaves sums of money 
and household goods ; and to his successor his best mitre and ponti- 
fical ring. He further leaves the sum of two thousand pounds for 
the foundation of a house according to the ritual of the Carthusian 
Order in a place commonly called "Neuchirchehawe," where there 
is a church of the Annunciation of the B.V. Mary, which place 

 Iichael de Northburgh, Archdeacon 
of Suffolk and Canon of 8. Paul's; 
elected Bishop of London 22 April, 
1354 ; oh. 9 September, 1361. His will, 
with fragment of seal attached, is pre- 
served among the archives of S. Paul's 
Cathedral, and an abstract of it is 
printed in the Appendix to the Ninth 
Report of the Hit. MSS. Com., p. 47 b. 

2 See note suTa, p. 33. 
 Co. Kent. 
a Co. Herts. 
 Or 8opwicke, co. Essex. 
 Stratford Langthorne, co. Essex. 
 Or Bierdon, co. Essex. 
s Stansted le Thele, or St. Iargarets, 
co. Hefts. 




and patronage he acquired from Sir Walter de Manny ; and he 
leaves to the said house when complete divers basins for use 
at the high altar, a silver vessel enamelled for containing the 
Host, his best silver stoup (meliorem stopam) for the holy 
water, with sprinkler, silver bell, &c., as well as all his rents 
and tenements in London. Also he leaves one thousand marks, 
to be placed in a chest to stand in the treasury of S. Paul's, 
for advancing loans upon security to different persons according 
to their degree; thus a poor man of the lower orders might 
borrow ten pounds ; the dean and greater canons, twenty pounds ; 
the bishop, forty or forty-five pounds; and other nobles or 
burgesses of the City, twenty pounds. Dated X. Kal. June 
[23 May], A.D. 1361. Roll 89 (272). 

Beaumes (GERARD DE), tailor.--To Alice his wife for life a 
tenement in S. Andrew Huberdlane, parish of S. Dionisius de 
Grascherch ; remainder to John Lucie, "taillour," his servant, so 
that the said John, his heirs and assigns, pray for his soul and the 
souls of John his father, Beatrix his mother, Ella his late wife, 
and others. Dated London 20 February, 35 Edward III. [A.D. 
1360-1], A.D. 1341 (sic). Roll 89 (273). 

llewemun (WILLIAM).--To be buried in the churchyard of 
S. Giles without Crepelgate. His tenement called "le leden- 
porch "in the parish of S. Giles aforesaid to be sold to pay his 
debts. To Cecilia his wife his dwelling-house in the same parish 
for life; remainder to William his son. Dated London, Wednesday 
viz., 17 November, A.D. 1361. Roll 89 (275). 

lous (ALr).--To be buried in the chancel of the church of 
S. Andrew upon Cornhull. To Alice his wife for life all his lands, 
tenements, and rents in the parish of S. Andrew aforesaid ; 
remainder in trust for sale for pious uses. Dated London, 

30 June, A.D. 1361. 
i When the Black Death was raging 
in 1349 he purchased a parcel of land 
lying in a place called "Spittle Cross," 
from its belonging to S. ]artholomew's 
Hospital, afterwaxds called" lew Church 
tIaw," and caused the same to be con- 
secrated for a burial-ground. In 1371 
he also caused a house of Carthusian 

Roll 89 (276). 
monks to be built there, and to be called 
the "Salutation" (Stow's ' Survey,' 
Thoms's ed., p. 161). The church here 
mentioned is referred to as the chapel 
of Neucherchehaw in West Smythfeld 
in the will of Richard atte iloure, sul'a , 
p. 26. 



Grooz (ALIANORA, late wife of OLIVER LE).--To be buried in 
the church of All Hallows de Berkyngcherche before the altar 
of S. Nicholas. To Sir Thomas de Cokefeld she leaves certain 
houses in the parish of All Hallows aforesaid. Dated London, 
Friday next after the Feast of H. Trinity [23 May], A.D. 1361. 
Roll 9o (9). 
Cortenhale (RICHARD DE), the King's Sergeant-at-Arms.--To 
be buried in the church of the Friars Hermit of the Augustinian 
Order.  Certain tenements in the parish of S. Botolph without 
Bisshoppesgate to be sold for pious uses for the good of his soul, 
the souls of Alice de Poynton and others. To Margaret his wife, 
by way of dower and in satisfaction of all claims, as well as for the 
maintenance of Johanna his daughter, he leaves tenements in the 
parish of S. Bartholomew (Botolph ?) aforesaid and elsewhere ; 
remainder in trust for sale for pious uses. Also to his aforesaid 
daughter one hundred marks for her marriage. Dated London, 
the Feast of S. Katherine, Virgin [25 Nov.], A.D. 1361. 
Roll 90 (10). 
Montkoy (HENRY), fishmonger.--To Isabella his wife his brew- 
house, &c., at Quenehethe, parish of S. Michael, to hold for life 
by way of dower; remainder to the maintenance of a chantry in 
the church of S. James de Garlekhethe. Also to his said wife 
houses and shops in the parishes of S. James aforesaid and 
S. Michael de Paternostercherch so long as she remain un- 
married; remainder to Roger his son in tail ; remainder in trust 
for sale for pious and charitable uses. Also to his said son he 
leaves his house in S. Martin Orgar Lane, parish of S. Laurence 
in Candelwykstret, and the moiety of a shop in Briggestret, 
parish of S. Magnus, in tail; remainders over to John his son and 
to pious uses. To Katherine his daughter shops in the parish 
of S. James aforesaid. Dated at his dwelling-house at Garlek- 
hethe, Wednesday next after Feast of S. Michael [29 Sept.], 
A.D. 1342. Roll 90 (11). 

Monday befo.e the Feast of S. Peter in Cathed.5 [22 Feb.]. 
Bristoll (CECILL, relict of Jo" DE, late butcher).--To be buried 
 The church of the Austin Friars. I buried there rivalling those buried in 
Stow gives a list of remarkable persons I the church of the Grey Friars. 



churchyard of S. Michael en le C.o-lcedlane. To Johanna his wife 
and to his children [not named] he leaves a portion of a tenement 
in the parish of S. Michael aforesaid for their lives ; remainder to 
pious uses. John Lynne his brother appointed one of his exe- 
cutors. Dated Friday next after the Feast of Nativity of S. John 
Baptist 1-24 JuneJ, A.D. 1361. Roll 90 (84). 


Roumale (JoN).To be buried in the church of S. Athelburga 
within Bisshoppesgate. To Johanna his wife he leaves all his 
goods not otherwise disposed of, and a tenement in the Ward of 
Bisshoppesgate for life ; remainder to pious uses in the aforesaid 
church. Dated Wednesday next after the Feast of S. Agatha, 
Virgin and Martyr [5 Feb.], A.D. 1360. Roll 90 (85). 

Monday qext befo'e the Feast of S. Margaret, Virgin [20 July]. 
ttarpesfeld (Jom DE), corder.--To be buried in the church or 
churchyard of S. Margaret, Westminster. All his lands and tene- 
ments within the Ward of Dounegate to be sold ; and one half of 
the proceeds to be devoted to payment of debts, and the other 
half to go to Cristina his wife. Dated Westminster, Monday the 
Feast of S. Ambrose, Bishop [4 April], A.D. 1361. 
Roll 90 (90). 

Monday qext after F. of Translatan orS. Edward, King [13 Oct.]. 
rnton (JoN D.), vintner.--To be buried in the church of 
S. Martin in the Vintry. To Isabella his wife all his lands, tene- 
ments, &c., for life, and the custody of John his son during 
minority; remainder to his said son in tail; remainder to pious 
uses. To Henry de Boresworth, vintner, ten pounds. Dated 
London, Sunday next after the Feast of S. Bartholomew, Apostle 
1-24 Aug.], 30 Edward III. [.D. 1356]. Roll 90 (98). 

Deynes (EDMUND), ironmonger.--To be buried in the church of 
S. Thomas de Acon. To Johanna his wife a shop in the parish of 
the church of Colchirch (sic) for life ; remainder to Thomas his 
son in tail; remainder in trust for sale for pious uses. Also to his said 
son forty pounds. Dated London Friday next after the Feast of 
S. Andrew, Apostle 1-30 Nov.], .t 1361. Roll 90 (108) 



life his tenement in the parish of S. Margaret Patyns ; remainder 
to David his son and Christiana his daughter in successive tail 
remainder to Thomas his brother for life, and after the decease 
of the said Thomas the same to he sold for pious and charitable 
uses. No date. Roll 90 (163). 
Monday qext after the Feast of S. Katherine, Vi'gin 
Atte Vyne (1)ETER).--To Henry his son in tail his brewery in 
the parish of S. Dunstan towards the Tower, charged with certain 
payments to the work of London Bridge, the Abbey of West- 
minster, and the Prior and Convent of S. Mary de Suthwerk ; 
remainder over to William his younger son and to Alice his 
daughter in successive tail ; remainder to his right heirs. To 
William his elder son, moneyer, he leaves property adjoining the 
aforesaid brewery in tail ; remainder to his other sons and daugho 
ter in successive tail. Also to the aforesaid William his younger 
son he leaves shops in the lane called "Mengeonlane ''j in the 
aforesaid parish of S. Dunstan in tail, with similar remainders. 
Dated London, Saturday next after the Feast of S. Dunstan 
[21 Oct.], A.D. 1348. Roll 90 (170). 
Monday next after" the Feast of Conception of V. Ma'y [8 Dec.]. 
Smelt (RICHARD), fishmonger.--Provision made for mainte- 
nance of chantries in the church of S. Mary Mountenhaut out of 
rents of tenements in the parishes of S. Dunstan towards the Tower 
and S. George near Estchepe. To the Chamber of the Guildhall 
London, he leaves an annual rent of twenty shillings, so that the 
Mayor, Aldermen, and Chamberlain for the time being attend and 
see to the due maintenance of the same. To Richard and Thomas 
his sons, Elizabeth his daughter, and to the infant with which 
Margery his wife is enceinte, he leaves divers sums of money. 
His executors appointed guardians of John, son of John de Glou- 
cestre, committed to his charge by will of the said John the 
father.  Dated London, 10 May, A.D. 1359. Roll 90 (176). 
Monday next after" the Feast of S. Hla.y [13 Jan.]. 
lounge or lunge (1NcIOLS), vintner.--To Laurence de Gleis- 
 Iincing Lane. I " Part 1. p. 687. Omitted in abstract. 



charged with the annual payment of four pounds of silver to 
Johanna his daughter, a nun at Berkyng i remainder to Johanna 
Gisors, daughter of John Gisors, subject to the same charge, in 
tail ; remainder in trust for sale for pious uses for the good of his 
soul, the souls of Johanna his wife, Alice his former wife, Adam 
Sarum, John Hamound, Thomas his son and Agnes his daughter, 
Symon de Farnham, and others. Also to Johanna his wife tene- 
ments in the parishes of S. Michael Paternosterchirche and 
S. John de Wallebrok for life, with similar remainders. Certain 
tenements which the testator acquired from John Dolsely, son of 
Robert Dolsely, and which formerly belonged to Thomas Dolsely, 
in the parish of S. Stephen de Walebrok, are to be sold, and one 
moiety of the proceeds he leaves to the aforesaid John Dolsely ; 
the other moiety is to remain in the hands of his executors, to be 
afterwards delivered to the same John Dolsely if his executors 
deem it desirable. Dated at the manor of Horleston,  16 October, 
A.D. 1362. Roll 91 (1). 

Crucheffeld (HENRY DE).--To Johanna his daughter his tene- 
ment in the parish of S. Augustine near S. Paul's in tail; re- 
mainder to pious uses. No date. 
Whereupon came Walter le tIoo, skinner, and Alice, wife of the 
same, and put their claim upon the above testament as to the tene- 
ment therein devised, as being the right of the said Alice. 
Roll 91 (6). 
Courtray (John), fishmonger.--To Richard his son a tenement 
in Rethergatelane in tail ; remainders over to John his elder son, 
Leticia, Johanna, and Alice his daughters, and to John his younger 
son, in successive tail ; remainder in trust for sale for pious uses. 
To Emma his wife a tenement also in Rethergatelane for life ; 
remainders over to his children in successive tail. Dated London, 
8 July, A.D. 1361. Roll 91 (14). 

Monday ext before the Feast of S. Peter in Cathedr [22 Feb.]. 
lyge (PETER), fishmonger.--To be buried near the tomb of 
William Haunsard in the chapel of S. Thomas the Martyr in the 
church of S. Dunstan towards the Tower. To the Preaching 

 Hurlestone, co. Chester (?). 

Friars of Derteford certain annual quitrents in the parish of 
S. Martin Orgar. Elena his wife appointed one of his executors. 
Dated London, 11 October, A.D. 1361. Roll 91 (17). 


Monday the Marrow of the Feast of H. Trinity [28 May]. 
ttakeneye (RIchARD, son of RIChaRD DF).--To be buried in 
the church of S. Mary atte Hulle before the great rood. In aid 
of a chantry in the same church for his father's soul he leaves a 
shop in the parish of S. Leonard in Estchep. To William Olneye 
the tenement wherein he dwells. Agnes his wife appointed one 
of his executors. Dated London, Thursday the Vigil of the 
Nativity of S. John Baptist [24 JuneJ, a.e. 1362. Roll 91 (78). 


Evatte (JOYCE), clerk.---To be buried in the churchyard of 
S. Andrew de Cornhull near the tomb of Johanna his wife. To 
Agnes his daughter he leaves six marks for her marriage, which 
together with certain shops and the wardship of his said daughter 
he wills to remain in the hands of John Hook, to trade withal, 
until she marry. Also to his said daughter divers brass pots, 
pans, pieces of tapestry, &c. To /icholaa his wife he leaves a 
certain messuage for life by way of dower ; remainder to the heirs 
of her body. In the event of her dying without such heirs, he 
wills that the said messuage and the shops before mentioned 
remain in the hands of three trusty citizens, parishioners of 
S. Andrew aforesaid, who shall put a rent upon them according to 
the custom of the City, which shall be devoted to the main- 
tenance of a perpetual chantry in the said parish church, or else 
to the maintenance of its fabric and lights therein. Bequest 
to the maintenance of the fabric of the church of S. Mary 
"attenax. ''L /o date. Roll 91 (79). 

Monday next before the Feast of S. Botolph [17 Juqe]. 
Doket (rILLIAM), vintner.--To be buried in the choir of the 
church of S. Leonard in Estchepe near the tomb of Sir John de 

 Dedicated to the Virgin Mary, 
S. Ursula, and the 11,000 Virgins, 
commonly called S. Mary at the Axe 
from the sign of an axe over against the 
end thereof ; also known as S. lIary 

Pelliper from u parcel of land in its 
vicinity belonging to the Skinners' 
Company. Now united to the church 
of S. Andrew Undershaft (Newcourt's 
' Repertorium,' i. 266). 




Licchefeld. Bequests to the said church and ministers thereof. 
To Cristiana his wife all his goods and tenements, after payment 
of debts and fulfilment of testament, in trust for pious uses, so 
long as she remain unmarried ; but upon her taking a husband 
the same are to be divided into two parts, one of which is to go 
to his said wife, and the other to be divided among John, William, 
and Robert his sons by Cristiana his wife. Pecuniary bequests 
to William, Nicholas, John, and Henry his sons, Auncilla his sister, 
Agnes, daughter of John his father (sic), John Littel, citizen and 
Alderman, 1 and others. Dated London, 6 May, A.D. 1361. 
Roll 91 (94). 

Monday qwzct be fare the Feast of S. Maq'garet, Viq'gin [20 July]. 
Forner CrILLIAM), butcher.--To be buried in the church of 
S. Botolph without Algate. To Isabella his wife he leaves a 

tenement with shops and gardens 
aforesaid for life ; remainder in 
dred shillings of the proceeds to 
residue to be devoted to pious uses. 

in the parish of S. Botolph 
trust for sale, and one hun- 
go to his children and the 
To Thomas, John, Margery, 

and Isabella his children he leaves the sum of forty pounds, to 
be divided among them in equal portions. To his infant en 
vent'e sa mre ten pounds. Dated A.D. 1360. 
Roll 91 (99). 
Kestevene (WILLIAM DE), Rector of the church of S. Mary de 
Northmymmes  in the diocese of Lincoln.--To be buried in the 
chancel of the said church. His tenement, in the parish of 
S. Olave in Moggewellestret to be sold for pious uses. Dated 
lorthmymmes, 8 September, A.D. 1361. Roll 91 (100). 

Porter (TOMAS).--To be buffed in the churchyard of S. Stephen 
de Colemanstret. The tenement within which he lies sick, to- 
gether with the reversion of the dower of Matilda Fraunceys, to 
be sold for the maintenance of a chantry for one year in the said 
church of S. Stephen. Dated London, Sunday, 4 June, A.D. 1363. 
Roll 91 (101). 
 Succeeded Adam Fraunceys as Letter-Book G, fol. 40 b). A John Little 
Alderman of Queenhithe Ward in 1355-6 was also Sheriff 1353-4. 
upon the translation of the latter to * Co. Herts. 
the Ward of Lime Street (City Records, a "Potter" in margin. 



Monday qex after" F. of Tq'aqs. of S. Edwaqd, K. and C. [13 Oct.]. 
I-Iatfeld (JOHN DE), senior, chandler.--To be buried in the 
church of S. Benedict de Grascherche near Isabella and Emma 
his late wives. To John his son called "Montagu," John de 1)ount - 
freit, junior, and others, parishioners of the church aforesaid, he 
leaves a certain tenement and rents in Grascherche Street in trust 
for the maintenance of a chantry in the church of S. Benedict afore- 
said for the good of his soul, the souls of Isabella and Emma his 
late wives, John de Stebenhethe, and others ; and in default the 
same is to remain to the Mayor and Commonalty of London for the 
time being for the maintenance of London Bridge and of a chantry 
in the chapel of S. Thomas the Martyr thereon. Also to the 
aforesaid John his son he leaves lands and tenements in the parish 
of S. Margaret Patyns in tail ; remainders to Dionisia his daugh- 
ter and to Thomas his son in successive tail ; remainder to the 
Mayor and Commonalty for uses aforesaid. Also to his said sons 
and daughter respectively he leaves other tenements in the parishes 
of S. Benedict aforesaid, S. Michael in Hoggenelane, S. John 
Zakari, and elsewhere, among them being le Swan otIe hop 
and le Castel atte hoop to hold in successive tail, with similar 
remainder. To Cecilia his wife an annum rent charge for life ; 
remainder over; also the custody of Thomas his son until he 
arrive at the age of eighteen years, she finding security for the 
same according to the custom of the City. The custody of 
Dionisia his daughter he leaves to Robert Kyng, chandler, until 
she is sixteen years of age. Dated London, 1 April, A.D. 1363.-- 
He further wills that a newly constructed well with pipe and 
privy belonging to his old tenement should serve as an easement 
to his new tenement ; and that a gutter of his new tenement 
should, in return, receive the rain water of the old. 
Roll 91 (125). 
Bacour (RICHARD), "stokfisshmongere."--To be buried in the 
church or churchyard of S. Michael near Crokedelane. To 
Juliana his wife he leaves all his tenements in the parish and 
lane of S. Martin Orgar for life ; also all his jewels, silver cups, 
mazers and household chattels, as well as the remaining term of 
service of his several apprentices, to hold the same by way of 
dower. Divers other tenements in the parish and lane aforesaid, 




Lucas a tenement in Tower Street in the parish of All Hallows 
aforesaid. Dated London, 17 June A.D. 1363. 
Roll 91 (149). 

I-Iatfeld (Jom D), senior, chandler.--To be buried in the 
church of S. Benedict de Grascherche near the bodies of Isabella 
and Emma his late wives. To John his son called "Montagu," 
Bartholomew and Thomas his sons, and Dionisia his daughter, he 
leaves divers household chattels, including a cup called "Biker" 
with silver covercle bearing his arms, a mazer called "Montagu," 
mattresses, testers, bolsters and feather beds, a silver bowl with 
covercle gilt within and without and enamelled, with ewer to 
match, a mazer with silver stand bearing figures of S. John and 
S. Mary on the bottom, silver spoons, &c. Robert Kyng, chandler, 
to take charge of the aforesaid Dionisia until she arrives at the 
age of sixteen years, he giving sufficient security before the Mayor 
and Chamberlain according to the custom of the City of London. 
Cecilia his wife appointed guardian of Thomas his son until the 
age of eighteen on the same condition. Dated London, 1 April, 
A.D. 1363. Roll 91 (156). 


Monday xt after the Feast of S. Martin [11 Jov.]. 
I-Iuntyngdon (ROBERT), butcher.--To Amicia his wife all his 
tenements in Pentecostlane, parish of S. Nicholas [Shambles], a 
shop in the Shambles of S. Nicholas in the same parish, and two 
shops in the parish of S. Botolph without Alderesgate, for life 
remainder to Robert his son in tail; remainder to pious uses. 
Dated London, Friday next after the Feast of S. Dionisius 
A.D. 1363. Roll 91 (157). 

Godm.n (ADAr).--To be buried before the door of the church 
of S. Stephen de Colemanstret in the tomb where rests the body of 
Alice his late wife. To Alice his wife he leaves his share of shops 
in a certain alley for life; remainder to his infant en vent'e sa 
m'e in tail ; remainder to the church of S. Stephen aforesaid for 
pious and charitable uses. Dated London, 13 August, A.D. 1363. 
Roll 91 (159). 
VOL. II, 6 



the parish of S. Olave de Silverstrete in fee ; also a certain tene- 
ment in Mugwelstrete in the same parish, in trust for sale for 
payment of debts. No date. Roll 92 (157). 

Monday next after the Feast of S. Andrew, Apostle [30 
Burgei- (RICHARD), chandler.--To be buried in the church of 
S. Clement near Candelwykstrete near the tomb of Agnes his late 
wife. Bequests to Sir Robert, rector of the said church, and to 
Sir John the fermer (Fi'navio) of the same, for tithes forgotten or 
withheld ; also for maintenance of the fabric of the same, lights 
therein, &c. To Johanna his wife his dwelling-house in Candel- 
wykstrete, parish of S. Clement, for life ; remainder in trust for 
sale for pious and charitable uses. Bequests to religious orders, 
hospitals, &c., as well as to Alice his niece (nepoti), Margery 
Tybbe, Richard Tybbe, John, son of the said Richard, and Alice 
Burgeis. Dated London, Monday next before the Feast of 
S. Thomas, Martyr [29 Dec.], A.D. 1361. Roll 92 (185). 

Monday next after the Feast of Coqceptioq of V. Maj [8 Dec.]. 
Imworth (BARTHOLOMEW DE), the King's Sergeant-at-Arms.- 
To be buried in the church of the Carmelite Friars 1 of London. 
Bequests to their house for a pittance, and to the high altar of the 
church of S. Michael de Bassyngeshawe. To Matilda his wife a 
tenement in the parish of S. Michael aforesaid for life ; remainder 
in trust for sale, and the proceeds to be divided between Robert 
and Nicholas his sons. William de Burton to be guardian of his 
said sons in the event of his wife's death before they come of age. 
Dated London, Tuesday, 15 June, A.D. 1361. Roll 92 (194). 

Monday the Morov of Feast of Puvificatio of V. Mary [2 Feb.]. 
I-Iyngestworth (NICOLS DE), "peutrer." To be buried in his 
parish church of S. Martin within Ludgate, where he used to sit 
during service. Bequests to the said church and ministers thereof, 
 Or White Friars, near the Temple. [ lIayor, and the Commonalty of the 
Their church was greatly benefited by I City of London. 
the munificence of John Lovekyn, 




Monday next after F. of S. John ante portam Latinam [6 May]. 
Bykenore (ROBERT), of the parish of Derteford.  --Bequests to 
S. Edmund's Chapel at Derteford, the high altar of the church at 
Derteford, its chaplains, &c. To Agnes, daughter of Alice his late 
wife, he leaves a tenement in the lane of S. Marin Orgar, his grow- 
ing crops in the manor of Northcraye,  and a pair of swans in the 
water of Northcraye (unum par signo,rum qui sunt in stagno de 
1Vorthcraye). To Robert de Louthe a pair of swans swimming at 
Portebrugge 3 (unum par signo,rum euncium apud Portebrugge) ; 
and to Edmund Lambyn and Richard Sone a pair of swans swim- 
ming in Stoneham Ree. 4 To William de Kyrkeby he leaves his 
big horse called "Bayard " and three quarters of barley (tria 
quaqtevia ordei palmal'). To John Boch six quarters of the 
same, his new rayed (stragulatam) cloak, and his rayed tunic. 
To William Hunte two quarters of the same and a cloak of 
bluet s (de Blueto). To John Cook, William Claydon, and others 
he also leaves divers measures of the same barley. To Margaret 
his late wife's servant he leaves a sum of money, a curtepy 
(curtain robam) of morre 7 with hood, and a green tunic with hood. 
Dated at Derteford, 8 April, a.D. 1365. Roll 93 (48). 

Monday next after the Feast of . Dunstan [19 MayJ. 
Wirlyngworth (THOMAS DE), goldsmith.--To be buried in 
S. Paul's great churchyard before the high cross. Bequests to the 
said church, the church of S. Matthew in Fridaystrete and the 
Fraternity of S. Katherine therein ; also to Walter de Chalfhunt ; 
John Bulstrode and John Caldecote his apprentices ; William 
Leveryngton, goldsmith ; Cristina [his wife ?], daughter of John 

 Dartford, co. Kent. 
 Near Dartford. 
a A manor near Dartford, given by 
Edward III. to the Priory of Dartford. 
a Stanham or Stoneham, a hamlet 
situate a little more than half a mile 
north-west of Dartford. The "Ree" 
(t, 'uo, 'io) probably refers to the 
little stream called the Cmnford. The 
neighbourhood of Dartford was much 
given up to swan culture, as witness the 
names "Swanley" and "Swanscombe." 
King Henry VI. granted to the eldest 
son of Sir John Stewart, Knt., and of 

Matild his wife, who at the time 
resided in their mansion house at 
Dartford, permission to make use of 
his swan-mark, viz., a little ragged 
staff, no one being allowed to use a 
swan-mark without licence from the 
king and unless possessed of a cer- 
tain amount of freehold property (see 
Hasted's 'History of Kent,' i. 225). 
 Properly a bay horse, but also a 
horse in general. 
s A blue cloth. 
 Muvvey, a dark ed colour. 



Ippegrave, and to John, Thomas, and William her sons. To the 
same Cristina he leaves his (sic) entire chamber, all the utensils of 
his house, and his tenement in Westchepe for life ; also the guar- 
dianship of her aforesaid sons upon su/[icient security. To John 
Chalfhunt he leaves a life interest in his brewery in Fridaystrete, 
he paying an annual rent of forty shillings to the church of 
S. Matthew aforesaid in aid of a chantry. Dated London, 
20 March, A.D. 1364.---Also to the aforesaid church of S. Matthew 
he leaves a piece of land situate near the rectory of the same. To 
each order of friars in London six shillings for pious uses, &c. 
Roll 93 (53). 
Abyndon (NICHOLAS DE).--To be buried in the church of the 
hermit friars of the Order of S. Augustine, London. Bequests to 
each of the four orders of friars in London ; to Sir William the rector 
of the church of S. Andrew upon Cornhull, and for the main- 
tenance of chantries in the said church ; to various hospitals ; to 
lepers at la los and at Hakeneye ; the convents of Stratford and 
S. Elena, London. Bequests also of money and chattels to William 
the bailiff of the manor of Eselyngham, co. Kent ; to each of his 
six servants ; to Mary his daughter, wife of John Bradmedwe, and 
to Margery their daughter, and others. To Walter Parker he 
leaves twenty pounds, his best girdle, and a knife with a haft 
made after a certain fashion (ad odum unius ba'ca), and 
silver mounted, so that he be one of his executors. To Johanna 
his wife, by way of dower, and before anything else that may be 
due to her at his death, he leaves all his stock and crops at the 
aforesaid manor of Eselyngham, her entire chamber, and all beds 
and household utensils ; also his tenement in Lymstret, London, 
for one year after his decease; remainder to Mary his daughter 
and Margaret her daughter aforesaid for their lives ; remainder to 
pious uses. Should his wife claim or receive any portion of the 
above tenement as her free-bench or dower according to the use 
and custom of the City of London, she is then to lose the whole 
of the goods and chattels bequeathed to her above. Dated London, 
10 September, .D. 1361. Roll 93 (56). 


Monday ex before the Feast of S. Barnabas [11 Jue]. 
Everard (JoH, daughter of WILLIAM, late goldsmith).--To 




and Agnes his sisters twenty shillings respectively. To Cristiana 
daughter of Johanna his first wife, he leaves the sum of ten pounds 
which is due to her, to be paid as soon as she find an honest 
husband. Also to Rosa his wife he leaves a tenement near Quen- 
hethe. Bequests to his executors. Dated Sunday next after the 
Feast of S. Bartholomew [24 Aug.], A.D. 1357. Roll 93 (114). 

Monday next after the Feast of S. Edmund, Archbishop [16 lov.]. 
Wetherisfeld (Jo), "juweler."---To be buried in the church- 
yard of S. Dionisius, London. Bequests to the church of the said 
Dionisius and ministers thereof. To the Carmelite Friars of Lon- 
don two trentals  (s/c), and to the Preaching Friars, Friars Minors, 
and Augustinian Friars respectively one trental. To the Fraternity 
of S. Mary de Bedlem without Bisshopesgate, of which he was 
a brother, six shillings and eightpence. To Matilda his wife his 
tenement in the lane of S. Margaret atte Patyn in the parish 
of S. Dionisius for life ; remainder to Nicholas his son in tail ; 
remainder to pious uses in the said parish church. Dated at his 
mansion, 3 February, A.D. 1364. Roll 93 (126). 

Monday next after the Feast of S. Hilary [13 Jan.]. 
Wulsted (RmD DE).---To be buried at the north gate of 
the church of S. Christopher. Bequests to the said church, the 
ministers and fraternity therein, the church of S. Botolph without 
Byssopesgate and ministers therein, the houses for lepers in the 
City of London, the Abbey of H. Trinity near" Towrhille," the an- 
choresses of London, &c. To Isabella his niece, Thomas Walsted, 
Agnes his niece, William de Southsex, and others he leaves money 
and chattels, including a silver Bolle and a standing Nutte. To 
Isabella his wife for life his tenement in the parish of S. Botolph 
aforesaid ; remainder to pious uses. Further provision made for 
chantries for the good of his soul, the souls of Isabella his wife, 
John his father, Matilda his mother, and others. To the fabric 
of S. Mary de Bedleem he leaves forty shillings, to be paid when 
the building is commenced. Among other beneficiaries are 
Geoffrey Ayling, William de Saltier his chaplain, Sir Henry 
i Meaning a sum of money for pro- I by each order of friars for the good of 
curing two trentls of mases to be sid [ his soul 




Monday next before the Feast of S. Valentine [14 Feb.]. 
'luunden (Jon DE), hosier.---To be buried in the churchyard 
of S. Mary de Stoken Newenton. Bequests to the high altar 
of the said church, the parish chaplain and clerk, the churches of 
S. Mary de Haryngeye t and of Iselden,  and the high altar of 
S. Sepulchre's Church. To Katherine his wife and to Margaret 
Naylers his shop in Corwanerstrete in Hosierlane in Westchepe a 
for their lives; and to John his servant a house in Hosierlane 
in Smithefeld for hfe; remainder to Matilda his daughter for 
life ; remainder to pious uses. Also to his said wife all his goods 
and chattels, subject to a payment in aid of a chantry in the church 
of S. Sepulchre for the good of his soul the souls of John his 
father Margery his mother, and others. Dated London, Saturday 
next after the Feast of S. Hilary [13 Jan.J, A.D. 1365. 
Roll 94 (14). 

Manday next after the Feast of S. Peter in Cathedr [22 Feb.]. 
'airher (Jom), fishmonger.---To be buried in the church of 
S. Leonard in Estchep near his father and mother. Bequests to 
ministers of the said church and of S. Vedast in Westchep for 
their prayers ; to the Friars of S. Augustine, London, for their 
prayers as well as to the other orders of friars in London ; to the 
fraternity in the church of S. Mary de Wolcherche of which he 
was a member ; to his servants, apprentices, &c. To Katherine 
his wife he leaves the revenue of his tenement in the parish of 
S. Bartholomew the Less for life ; remainder to Robert, son of 
John Litle. The residue of all his goods, after payment of debts 
and fulfilment of testament, he leaves to his aforesaid wife by way 
of dower and in satisfaction of all goods and chattels accruing to 
her at his decease. Dated London, Monday the Feast of S. Michael, 
Archangel [29 Sept.], A.D. 1365. Roll 94 (20). 
Monday next after F. of Apostles Philip and James [1 MayJ. 
Spaldyng (WILLIAM), the Kil:lg's Sergeant-at-Arms.--To Le 
 Hornsey, co. Middlesex, where there  Church in Westchepe and ran down 
is a Haringay Park at the present day. I south "through that part which of 
" Islington. later time was called Hosier Lane, now 
a Cordwainer Street began at Bow Bow Lane" (Stow). 




lains in the aforesaid church. Further bequests to William 
Gubbe, son of Isabella his wife, Johanna, daughter of William 
Hoo, and Stephen his nephew, Vicar of S. Paul's Church. To 
the fabric of the church of S. Mary Magdalen in Old Fish Street 
six shillings and eightpence. Dated Monday next after the 
Feast of S. Gregory, Pope [12 March], A,D. 1365. Roll 94 (81). 

Monday nex before the Feast of S. Botolph, Abbot [17 June]. 
Caustone (RICHARD DE), mercer. To be buried in the church 
of the Preaching Friars, London, near the tomb of William de 
Caustone his brother. To Isabella his wife he leaves all his 
vessels of silver, and all utensils belonging to his house. The rest 
of his movables to be divided into two parts, whereof one part 
is to go to his said wife by way of dower, and the other to 
be devoted to the good of his soul, the souls of Leticia 
his late wife, Thomas (sic) and Claricia, wife of the same, 
Nicholas de Caustone and Agnes, wife of the same, John, son of the 
said Nicholas, and Johanna, daughter of the said John, Robert his 
son, Agnes his daughter, Johanna Dolsaly his sister, and others. 
Bequests to the churches of S. Stephen de Colmannestrete, 
S. Paul's, S. Margaret Patyns, S. Michael de Aylesham, S. Mary 
de Farundon, and S. Thomas de Acres in Chepe ; to the Preaching 
Friars near Ludgate and other religious orders, to various hos- 
pitals, to London Bridge, &c. Further bequests to John his son, 
Thomas de Worstede and Simon, brother of the same, Johanna de 
Worsted their sister, and others. To Isabella his wife he also 
leaves the residue of the term of service of his apprentice, and 
all his tenements in the parishes of S. Margaret Patyns and 
S. Dunstan near the Tower for life ; remainder in trust for 
sale for pious uses. Dated London, Thursday, 13 March, A.D. 
1364. Roll 94 (86). 

Monday the Feast of S. Mavgavet, Vivgin [20 July]. 
Horwode (Jo DE), senior.---To John his son he leaves his 
dwelling-house in the parish of S. Martin de Ismongerslane, to 
enter upon the same one month after his decease, together with 
certain rents and shops in tail male, charged with the maintenance 
of a chantry ; remainder in trust for sale for the benefit of poor 




Sopereslane; and to Alan, son of William Everard, land in Marche- 
ford. Bequest of twenty shillings in aid of the money chest 
instituted by Master Michael,  late Bishop of London. Provision 
made for chantries in the aforesaid churches of S. Mary Magdalen 
and S. Peter de Walpole. Bequest for the repair of London 
Bridge, the bridge at Catewade, e and others, and also repair 
of roads. Dated London, Saturday next after the Feast of 
S. Dionisius [9 Oct.], A.D. 1366. Roll 94 (150). 

Copyn (To.As), butcher.--To be buried in the church of 
S. Botolph without Algate. Bequests to the said church, Sir 
Ralph the rector, and other ministers thereof; to each order of 
friars in London for a trental of masses ; to the inmates of 
various hospitals and of Neugate prison. Provision made for 
eight chaplains in the church of S. Botolph aforesaid, and for a 
pilgrim to travel on his behalf to the various shrines of S. Mary 
de Talsyngham, S. Edmund, S. Mary de Stokes, S. Mary de 
Manlond, and S. Thomas the Martyr at Canterbury, and there to 
make offerings. ToAlice his wife,byway of dower, he leaves for life 
a tenement with shops in the aforesaid parish of S. Botolph ; re- 
mainder to Thomas his son and to the infant with which his said 
wife is enceinte, and to the heirs of their respective bodies ; 
remainder in trust for sale for pious uses. Dated London, 28 May, 
A.D. 1361. Roll 94 (152). 

Monday the Feast of S. Clement, Pope [23 Nov.]. 
Atte Sloo (THoMAs).--To be buried in the churchyard of 
S. Brigid in Fletestrete. Bequests to the said church, its 
ministers, and the light of Blessed Mary therein. To Matilda 
his wife he leaves his tenement in Fletestrete, parish of S. Brigid 
aforesaid, for life ; remainder in trust for sale for maintenance of 
a chantry in the said church of S. Brigid. Dated London, 
Tuesday next after the Feast of Pentecost [16 May], A.D. 1361. 
Roll 94 (168). 
 Northburgh or Northbrooke, whose [ a Catford Bridge (?). 
will is enrolled q,fa, Roll 89 (2i2). 



to go to the Holy Land on the occasion of a general pilgrimage 
(commue passagim) of kings, dukes, earls, barons, and 
others; in the mean time the said sum of money is to be 
entrusted to William de Lobenham to trade withal. To 
John his son and to the aforesaid William de Lobenham 
he leaves all his tenements and rents in the rill of Northaml)- 
ton, with certain exceptions and excepting a meadow called 
"Flowendholm," which he leaves to Matilda, daughter of William 
de Langetoft. A tenement in Syvendenlane, London, is to be sold 
for pious uses. Dated at Brykelesworth, Tuesday the Vigil of 
S. Matthew, Apostle [21 Sept.], 30 Edward III. [A.D. 1356]. 
Roll 95 (158). 

Mop,day the Feast of S. ;$cholas, Bgshop [6 Dec.]. 
Bristowe CVILLIAM DE), cordwainer.--To be buried in the 
great churchyard of S. Paul's near the highway. Leaves twenty 
shillings for purchase of a pall for his funeral, which is afterwards 
to be given to the poor for clothing. To Matilda his wife all his 
lands and tenements in the City of London for life; after her 
decease his tenements in Athelane  in the parish of S. Mary de 
Aldermanbury to remain to William his son, and other tene- 
ments upon Aldermanbury and in Westchepe near Tannersseld 
in the parish of S. Mary le Bow, and without Newgate in the 
parish of S. Sepulchre, to remain to Simon his son for life for 
pious uses ; remainder to the aforesaid William charged with the 
maintenance of a chantry in the church of S. Mary de Aldernmn- 
bm'y. His wife to keep Simon his son in victuals ; and if the 
said Simon no longer wishes to remain at her table, she is to 
make him a reasonable allowance for the same. To William his 
son he leaves all his armour, and to Simon his son all his books. 
Dated London, Friday the morrow of S. Martin in Yeme 
[11 Nov.], .I). 1367. Roll 95 (9). 


Mo.nday next fter F. of A,uciatio.n of V. Ma'y [25 M('ct,]. 
Stute ('ILLIAM), fishmonger.--To be buried in the church of 
' Addle Street. 





Monday neot before the Feast of S. Lug, Evagelist [18 Oct.]. 
Deynes (JOHN), ironmonger.--To be buried in the church of 
S. Olave, Jewry, near the tomb of Margaret his late wife. Be- 
quests to the said church and ministers therein, and the new and 
old fabric of S. Paul's. Provision made for chantries in the afore- 
said church of S. Olave. To Walter Freman, goldsmith, he leaves 
forty shillings. To Henry his son one hundred marks of silver. 
To Alice his wife a moiety of his goods and chattels, and 
his entire household store ; also his mansion in the parish of 
S. Olave aforesaid for life. Dated London, 29 July, A.D. 1368. 
Roll 96 (120). 
Sutton (WILLIAM DE), ' chesemonger."--To be buried in the 
churchyard of S. Peter upon Cornhill. Bequests to the ministers 
of the said church, to the works of London Bridge and S. Paul's, 
the five orders [of friars] residing in London, the Rector of 
"Papay," the Fraternity of S. Mary atte Nax, &c. His place 
within Bischopsgate in the parish of Papay to be sold for pay- 
ment of debts and maintenance of a chantry. The residue of his 
goods he leaves to Johanna his wife. Dated London, Tuesday 
next after the Feast of S. John Baptist [24 JuneJ, A.D. 1368.--Here 
follows a list of his "debts" (or what is owing to him). 
Roll 96 (121). 
Stonelee (JOHN DE), cordwainer.--To be buried in the church 
of S. Michael de Paternosterchirch. Bequests for repainting the 
picture of the small crucifix and image of the Blessed Mary 
stauding in the wall of the said church, and to the high altar and 
ministers of the same church. To Elena his wife, by way of 
dower and for her share of his goods, he leaves twenty marks 
of silver; also a tenement in le Forstrete, parish of S. Giles with- 
out Crepulgate, for life; remainder to Johanna his daughter in 
tail ; remainder in trust for sale for pious uses. His wife appointed 
guardian of his said daughter, she giving security at the Chamber 
of the Guildhall according to the custom. His estate in a tene- 
ment in Redecruchestrete in the parish of S. Giles aforesaid to 
be sold to fulfil his testament. To Walter his apprentice he 
leaves all his chests, aumbries, forms, and all other uten- 
sils in his shop, and releases the said apprentice from the 

 S. Augustine near London Wall {Newcourt, ' Rcpertorium,' i. 258}. 



remainder of his term of service. To Sir Thomas de Beere, 
rector of the church of S. Michael aforesaid, and to William Boy- 
vile, respectively, he leaves a girdle with long silver-mounted 
knife 1 hanging thereto, so that they undertake to act as executors. 
Dated London, Wednesday next after the Feast of Translation of 
S. Thomas the Martyr [7 JulyJ, A.D. 1362. Roll 96 (135). 


Morlee (THOMAS).--To be buried in the chapel of S. Mary in 
the church of S. Benedict near Pauleswharf. Bequests to the 
said church. His tenement in the parish of S. Benedict afore- 
said he leaves in aid of the chantry of Henry atte Swanne in 
the said church, for the good of the testator's soul, the souls 
of Edith his wife and others. To Isabella atte Fryth his servant 
he leaves all his shops in the parish of S. Alban in Wodestrete; 
and to Richard Morlee his kinsman lands and tenements in the 
parishes of S. Margaret and S. George in Suthwerk. Dated 
London, 11 August, A.D. 1368. 
All the writings and testaments contained in this roll (in 
isto Rotulo) were acknowledged before the Mayor and Aldermen in 
the Chamber of the Guildhall on 5ionday next after the Feast of 
Assumption of V. Mary [15 Aug.], and afterwards enrolled at the 
tIusting aforesaid, &c. Afterwards, on Vecbesday next after the 
Feast of S. Michael, Archangel [29 Sept.], anno 43 Edward III. 
[. 1369], there came John Duke de 5iorle,-kinsman and heir of 
Thomas de 5iorle, late citizen of London, viz., son of Robert, brother 
of Thomas, before the Mayor and Aldermen in the Chamber of the 
Guildhall, and thereupon put his claim. 
Roll 96 (136). 
Courteys (JOHN), fishmonger.--To be buried in the chancel of 
the church of S. Michael Queenhithe, where Margaret his late 
wife lies buried. Bequest to the rector of the said church for 
tithes and oblations forgotten. To Alice Bugge he leaves a certain 
shop which he had formerly acquired from Sir John Wodhall, late 
rector of the church of S. Michael aforesaid, and Sir William 
Curlyng, Canon of S. Paul's. To John his son he leaves his 
dwelling-house for life ; remainder in trust for sale for pious uses 
for the good of his soul, the souls of Margaret his late wife and 
others. Nicholas Uske and Agnes his wife to enjoy a life interest 
in a certain mansion in the parish of S. Michael aforesaid and 

Commonly known as a "baselard." 




a shop at le Saltwlarf; remainder in trust for sale for payment 
of debts. The guardianship of John, son of Richard Courteys, 
he entrusts to one of his executors. The residue of his goods he 
leaves to Katherine his wife and John his son in equal portions. 
Dated London, 8 August, A.D. 1368. Roll 96 (145). 

Deynes (HENRY, son of JOHN, ironmonger), mercer.--To be 
bm'ied in the church of S. Olave in 01d Jewry. All his rents and 
tenements in the City of London which he got by inheritance, 
and also the reversion of all tenements held by Alice Deyns 
his stepmother for life, to be sold, and the proceeds disposed of 
as thereinafter written. Bequests of sums of money to divers 
religious orders, and the hospital called " Elsynges spitel "; to six 
priests of Oxford for prosecuting their studies (studio vacatu'is), 
the work of S. Paul's, the new work of the belfry of S. Margaret's 
at Lothebury, and the maintenance of the clock (ad custodiam 
ho'ologii) of S. Pancras ; to Walter Freman, goldsmith, Walter 
Freman de Merstone, Beatrix his aunt, Henry Frowyk, and others. 
Dated London, 1 September, A.D. 1368. Roll 96 (146). 

Burton (WILLIAM DE), goldsmith.--To be buried in the chapel 
of S. Mary in the church of S. John Zakary. B equest to the 
said church of a missal and portifory to be used in praying for his 
soul, but so that Alice his wife have an easement of the me so 
long as she reside in the parish. Bequests also to the high altar 
of the said church and to the almonry of S. Dunstan of the Gold- 
smithery of London. To Alice his wife he leaves all his stock, 
alive and dead, in his manor of Warbelton, 1 his chamber and all 
vessels belonging to his kitchen, a cup of silver called " Byker," 
and twelve silver spoons. To Robert Stolyon of Warbelton an ox 
or thirteen shillings and fourpence at the election of his wife. 
To Isabella, wife of William Essex, a silver cup with covercle. 
A certain book which he had of John Hiltoft to be sold, and the 
money devoted to the health of his soul. Bequests to the Prior 
of Tanrigge ;- to Friar John Soubourne of the Augustinian Order; 
Sir Henry de Spondon, rector of the church of S. John Zakary; 
 Co. Sussex (?). I was a priory of Canons Regular of tlm 
: Tmri,.tge, co. Surrey. where there I Order of . Augu.-tiuc. 



daughter, wife of Thomas de Mountey, Johanna his daughter, a 
nun at Berkyngg, Thomas, son of Thomas Worstede, Simon de 
Worstede, junior, Thomas de Wodeford, Isabella de Worstede, 
junior, Friar Peter Dolsaly of the Preaching Friars, and others. 
To the hall of Balliol, Oxford, he leaves twenty shillings, and a 
similar sum to be distributed among the rectors of London 
churches for pittances. To the aforesaid John his son he leaves 
his portifory, missal, Bible, and Legends of Saints for life; 
remainder to the church of S. Laurence aforesaid; also the 
reversion of tenements in the said parish of S. Laurence in tail, 
after the decease of his wife. To his aforesaid wife he gives a life 
interest in certain houses formerly belonging to William de 
Causton, late mercer in the parish of S. Michael de Hoggen,e- 
lane in Wodestrete; remainder to his said son. Dated London 
10 August, A.D. 1368. Roll 96 (154). 

Watford (ROBERT DE), carpenter.--To be buried in the church- 
yard of the Priory of S. Bartholomew de Smethefeld called 
" le Pardonchirchehawe. '' Bequests to the said priory of rents 
in the parishes of S. Mildred in the Poultry, S. Michael de 
Hoggenlane, and S. Nicholas Shambles, and lands and tenements 
in Medelane in the parish of S. James de Garlekhithe. A taper 
of ten pounds to be given yearly after the decease of Agnes his wife 
to S. Paul's Church, to stand before the crucifix in the new work, 
there to burn on Sundays and festivals, and every Friday 
during the mass of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The sacristan of 
S. Bartholomew's to cause the said taper to be so brought, and 
to have the remains of the same left unconsumed. Should the 
said crucifix be removed, the taper is to be transferred to the 
conventual church of the priory. The residue of his goods he 
leaves to Agnes his wife. Henry de " Lathebury" mentioned. 

x The churchyard near the Charter- 
house enclosed and dedicated, at the 
expense of Ralph Stratford, Bishop of 
London, and also of Sir Walter Manny, 
for the burial of those who fell victims 
to the Black Death in the years 13t8 
and 1349. There were at least two 
other churchyards of this name within 
the City, viz.: (1) The great church- 
yard of S. Paul's, situate to the north- 

west of the cathedral, famous, among 
other things, for its cloister embellished 
with a painting of the Dance of Death, 
commonly known as the Dance Macabre 
and as the Dance of Pants; (2) The 
churchyard of S. Dunstan's in the 
East, which we shall find later on to 
have been sometimes called by this 




Dated London, Wednesday next after the Feast of S. Dunstan 
[19 May], A.D. 1368. Roll 96 (155). 

Amesbery (rILLIAM DE), merchant.---To be buried in the 
churchyard of S. Martin Orgar. Bequests to the church of 
S. Martin and ministers thereof. To Idonya his wife he leaves 
certain tenements in the parish aforesaid (sic), so that she main- 
rain three chantry priests for the good of the souls of Thomas 
atte Wyche, late "stokfysshemongere," and of Leticia, wife of the 
same, for the space of one year next after his decease, in the 
aforesaid church. To Hugh his nephew the sum of twenty shil- 
lings, a feather bed, two sheets, a chalon, and a whytel. The 
residue of his goods he leaves to his wife to dispose of for the 
good of his soul, also a sum of money due on a bond from Philip 
Aylwyne de Colecestre. Dated London, Wednesday the Vigil of 
S. Laurence [10 Aug.], A.D. 1368. Roll 96 (169). 

Monday next befo'e the Feast of SS. Simon and Jude [28 Oct.]. 
Syward (WILLIAM), "peautrer."--Bequests to the church of 
S. John Evangelist in Frydaystrete, of which he was a parishioner, 
and to the 1)arish church of Waltham Holy Cross. To Alice his 
wife he leaves his tenement in the parish of S. Margaret upon 
(su.per) Lothebury for life ; remainder to his children, and in 
default of heirs of their bodies to pious uses. Dated London, 
Monday, 10 April, A.D. 1368. Roll 96 (172). 

Champney- (Jon).--To be buried in the church of S. Elena 
within Bisshopesgate. Bequests to the said church and the parish 
church of S. Michael upon Cornhulle and ministers thereof. For- 
gives John Sibyli de, co. Essex, a moiety of a debt of 
ten pounds, provided that the said John pay the other moiety to 
Katherine his wife within one year after his decease. Also to 
his said wife and to Richard his son he leaves a shop in Brygge- 
strete, parish of S. Magnus near London Bridge, for their several 
lives ; remainder to pious uses. Gilbert his brother appointed 
one of his executors. Dated London, Friday the morrow of 
S. Laurence [10 Aug.], .D. 1368. Roll 96 (lSl). 


for life, pursuant to the will of William his father  and to Johanna 
his sister the value of ten marks, but so that William Stanes have 
them not. To John Yve, chaplain, his gold vestment, a chalice [and] 
varj)o'ale to the value of ten marks, on condition that he under- 
takes administration of his will ; and to William de Lubenham 
his best silver girdle, and personal clothing such as the said 
William may choose, upon the same condition. Bequests also of 
money or household goods to Roger Daventre, Richard, John, and 
William, the testator's sons, and Leticia his daughter [a nun] at 
Stratford, to which convent he leaves two tenements in Ivelane, 
London. Other tenements in Syvethenlane, Fynkeslane, and in 
the parish of S. Bartholomew the Less to be sold for pious uses. 
Also to Leticia his wife and to Richard his son he leaves tene- 
ments in Bassinggeshawe, the Poultry, at Billynggesgate, in 
Soperlane, Watlyngstret, Chepe, and elsewhere. Also to his said 
wife he leaves the Rectory of Claveryngg and Langeleye, 1 and his 
entire term to come in the Abbey of Westminster (forum terminum 
meum vequrum n Abbah' Wesm'), so long as she remain 
unmarried ; upon remarriage the aforesaid rectory is to remain 
to the Prior and Convent of Pryterwell,  co. Essex. Also to 
Richard his son the reversion of tenements in Briggestrete. 
Dated London, Wednesday, 13 September, A.D. 1368. 
Roll 96 (210). 
Heynes (JoHl).--To be buried in S. Mary's Chapel in the 
church of S. Andrew de Holburne. His dwelling-house he leaves 
to Alice his servant, daughter of William Hankyn, and to John 
her son and the heirs of the body of the said John ; remainder in 
trust for sale for pious uses in the aforesaid church. His tenement 
called "le Peye super le hoop" to be likewise sold for the main- 
tenance of a chantry in the aforesaid chapel. His movable goods 
to be divided into two parts, whereof one part he leaves to his son 
and wife, and the other to pay his debts and the sum of thirteen 
shillings and fourpence to each of the fraternities of Corpus 
Ch'st and of S. John, to which he belonged. Dated Holburn, 
12 July, A.D. 1368. Roll 96 (211). 
Benynton (SIMON DE), draper.--To be buried in S. John's 
t Situate near each other on the] 2 Prittlewell. where there was a 
border of Essex and Hefts. ] priory of Cluniac monks. 


said son in tail. Dated London, near lethe% 1 at his own house, 
12 August, A.D. 1368. Roll 96 (215). 

Monday next after the Feast of S. Hila'y [13 Jan.]. 
In the Hale (TOMAS), "curreour."--To be buried in the church 
of S. Giles without Crepulgate near the tomb of Margery his late 
wife. His dwelling-house and others in Whytecrouchestret in the 
parish of S. Giles aforesaid to be sold to pay his debts and to 
maintain a chantry in the aforesaid church, the residue of the 
proceeds being divided between Cecilia his wife and his children. 
Also to his said wife he leaves his term to come in certain houses, 
shops, &c. ; and to John and Thomas, senior, his sons, his term in 
other houses, shops, &c., held under the Prior and Convent of 
Chrycherche, London. The residue of his goods and chattels he 
leaves to his wife for the maintenance of his children. Dated 
London, Sunday, 30 July, A.D. 1368. 
Whereupon cme the aforesaid Cecilia and put her claim, &c. 
Roll 96 (236). 
Vivyen (PETER), corder.--To be buried in S. Paul's churchyard. 
Bequests to the old and new work of the said church. To William 
Spenser, fishmonger, shops in the parish of S. Michael upon Corn- 
hull for the sum of fifty pounds sterling, forty pounds of which 
he leaves to be divided equally among John, William, and Isabella 
his children. Separate guardians appointed for each of his said 
children, they giving security at the Guildhall according to the 
custom. To Sir William, the rector of the church of S. Mary 
Magdalen in Milkstret, twenty shillings. Bequest of ten marks 
for providing a chantry priest in the church of All Hallows at the 
Hay. Dated London, Sunday next after the Feast of S. Martin 
in Yeme [11 Nov.], A.D. 1367. Roll 96 (237). 

Monday ext after Feast of SS. Fabian and Sebastian [0 Jan.]. 
I-Iathefeld (WILLIAM DE), chandler.- To Emma his wife for 
life a certain tenement in lane called "Bordhwelane" in the parish 
 The Erber or Arber,  fmous old Duke of Clarence; brother of Edwaxd IV., 
house situate on the est side of Dowgate nd Sir Francis Drake (Stow's ' Survey,' 
near the church of S. hIry Bothw. Thoms's ed., la76, p. 87). 
At different times it was inhbited by  H. Trinity, Christchurch, within 
Richard Nevill, Earl of Warwick, George, Aldgate. 



tfallows the Great, viz., in the Ropery, he leaves to Geoffrey 
Sterling, Robert de Preston, and John Holt de Ipswich in fee. 
The oticial seal of the bailiffs of the vill of Ipswich appended, 
his own being but little known. Dated at Ipswich, Sunday next 
aider the Feast of SS. Simon and Jude [28 Oct.], 42 Edward III. 
[A.D. 36S]. 05). 

Monday ext befo'e F. of SS. PeTetua and Felicitas [7 Ma'ctt]. 
Charwelton (ROBERT DE), clerk.--To be buried in the convent 
church of Catesby. Bequests to the said church and nuns of 
Catesby of sums of money, a vestment of Raye, a chalice, and a 
silver Bye'. To Agnes his daughter ten marks, an antique mazer, 
a piece of silver with the image of S. Katherine and covercle, 
and a coverlet with tester of white. To the belfry of Char- 
welton ten pounds. To Sir Simon de Charwelton, senior, Sir Simon 
de Charwelton, junior, Adam Fraunceys, Robert the testator's son, 
Johanna and Margaret his daughters, Isabella Daveys, and or.hers 
he leaves divers sums of money and chattels, comprising a By" 
with covercle and acorn, a coverlet with tester of knots (cuRt 
teste'o de wdis), a mazer with the image of S. Martin on the 
bottom, a By -/ce. and covercle with unicorn, coverlets with testers 
of green and blu, a cup and covercle with Saracen's head, a gilt 
goblet (gotet'), &c. To his executors he leaves all rents he had 
by demise of Thomas de Grantham, and also the marriage of 
Elizabeth, [daughter and] heiress of the said Thomas, to hold the 
same until the said Thomas has discharged his debt to the testator. 
Dated the Feast of S. Anne [26 July], 42 Edward III. F1368]. 
Roll 97 (24). 
ttenghan (EDMUND DE), clerk.--All his movable goods to be 
sold, and after payment of debts and funeral expenses the pro- 
ceeds to be divided into three parts, whereof one part he leaves for 
the good of his soul, another part to be divided between Robert 
his brother, John de Hardyngham, junior, Peter Wareysoun, and 
their respective wives and families, and the third part he leaves 
to the church of All Hallows de Stanyngchirche and other pious 
and charitable uses. No date. Roll 97 (25). 
 Co. Northampton, where there was a priory of Benedictine nuns. 



stede, grocer, their uncle, until they arrive at the age of 
sixteen years, at which age they may marry without disparage- 
ment (sine disparagatione ) with the consent of the said Thomas, 
Sir Robert de Wytherdeleye, master of the aforesaid college, 
and Johanna de Duresme her aunt. The said Thomas to 
give security at the Guildhall. Certain tenements jointly ac- 
quired by her and her husband in the parish of S. Laurence 
aforesaid to be sold for the maintenance of chantries and for 
charitable uses. Dated London, Monday next after the Feast 
of S. Mathias, Apostle [24 Feb.-], A.D. 1368. Roll 97 (64). 

Monday next before the Feast of S. Ma'garet, Virgin [20 July-]. 
Cne  (WILLIAM).- To Alice his wife all his tenements in 
the City of London, and all his lands and tenements in the rill 
of Berkyng, for life; remainder to Matilda and Margaret his 
daughters in equal portions; the residue of his goods to be dis- 
posed of for the good of his soul. Dated London, the morrow of 
SS. Peter and Paul [-29 June], A.D. 1369. Roll 97 (101). 

Monday next before the Feast of S. James, Apostle [25 July]. 
Crouchemun (THos[ns), potter.--To be buried in the church of 
S. Andrew upon Cornhull near his children. Bequests to the said 
church and ministers thereof; also to his servants, apprentices, 
and others. His lands and tenements in the parish of S. Andrew 
aforesaid to be sold to pay his debts. The residue of his goods 
after payment of debts and execution of his testament he leaves 
to Isabella his wife. Dated Sunday next after Feast of S. Bartho- 
lomew, Apostle [-24 Aug.-], A.D. 1368. Roll 97 (102). 

Oudeby (StMo DE).- To be buried in the churchyard of 
S. Andrew in Holbourne. To Isabella his wife a messuage in the 
parish of S. Andrew aforesaid for life ; remainder to William his 
son in tail ; remainder to the child (if any) en ventre sa mre in 

Disparagement in a legal sense 
signifies the marrying an heiress to 
one not equal in degree. It was not 
unusual in early times for guardians 
to dispose of their wards in a very 
arbitrary, unequal manner ; and it was 

on this account that it was provided by 
the Great Charter of King John that 
heirs (i.e., heiresses) should be married 
without disparagement (ira aitentu" 
nv d-isjaaragentu" ). 
 Cave (?). 




Aldermariechirche and S. Antony, for the space of one year after 
his decease, for the good of his soul, the souls of Dionisia his late 
wife, Thomas his father, Agnes his mother, Thomas his brother, and 
others. To Imania his wife by way of dower he leaves forty pounds 
and all the merchandise in his shop in Chepe; also all his household 
goods except six dishes and six sause's  of silver which are pledged 
with Robert de Louthe, junior, for six pounds sterling, and which 
he desires his wife to redeem and devote their value to pious and 
.charitable uses. Also to his aforesaid wife he leaves by way of 
dower his dwelling-house. In case his wife be not content with 
these bequests by way of dower, she is to forego the whole of 
.t.hem and take only what the law allows her for dower. Bequest 
of twenty marks in aid of the advancement of Henry, son of his 
aforesaid wife. To John his son a sum of money and all his other 
tenements in the parish of S. Mary de Aldermariechirche, together 
with the reversion of the tenement devised to his wife ; and in 
case he die under age the said tenements to be sold, and the 
proceeds divided in a specified manner, the Mayor and Recorder 
of London being left one hundred shillings respectively to see 
that his wishes are carried out. Dated London, 20 August, A.D. 
1368. Roll 97 (125). 

Careswe11 (JoN DE), baker.--To be buried in S. Paul's church- 
yard. Bequests to the church of S. Mildred in Bredstret for 
maintenance of chantry, &c., and to the church of S. Paul. To 
Cristina his wife a tenement, in the parish of S. Alban in Wode- 
stret for life ; remainder to John and William his sons in succes- 
sive tail ; remainder in trust for sale for pious and charitable 
uses. Bequests to the Friars Minors  and Carmelites 3 for a trental 
of masses. Dated London, 5 July, A.D. 1361. Roll 97 (131). 

Monday next after the Feast of S. Lu "ke, Evangelist [18 Oct.]. 
Breton (Jo).--To be buried in the chapel of the Friars of 
the Holy Cross, 4 to whom he leaves a certain tenement and garden. 
Bequests to Berkyngcherche and ministers thereof. To Elianora 
hiswife all his lands and tenements in the parish of All Hallows 
 Sltcellrs. | 4 Crossed or Crutched Friars, who had 
'-' Franciscans or Grey Friars. I their house in Hart Street, Aldgate. 
a Or White Friars 



de Berkyngcherche, situate in Syvetheneslane  for life; remainder 
to John his son. Dated Saturday next after the Feast of S. Lucia 
Vgin[13 Dec.J, A.,. 164. non o (14). 

Wodegate (JOHN), tapicer. To be buried in the place men- 
tioned in another testament concerning his goods movable. His 
dwelling-place in the parish of S. Dionisius de Baccherche in 
Fancherchestrete to be sold after the decease of Alice his wife 
and the proceeds devoted to pious and charitable uses. The rest 
of his tenements in the said parish to be sold by his wife as 
executrix, and the proceeds to be divided into two parts, one part 
of which he leaves to his said wife, and the other to be devoted to 
pious and charitable uses. A tenement in Bredstret to be also 
sold, and the proceeds disposed of in like manner, Dated London 
the Feast of the Decollation of S. John Baptist [29 Aug.], A.D. 
1369. Roll 97 (145). 

Yerdelee (HENRY DE), "fellmongere."--To be buried in S. Paul's 
churchyard. To Sabine his wife he leaves one thousand marks 
sterling, her entire chamber, with je.wels &c, appertaining 
thereto, and all household goods. Bequests to the old and new 
work of S. Paul's, the church of All Hallows at the Hay and 
ministers thereof, and the churches of S. Swythin de Candelwyk- 
strete and S. Augustine near S, Paul's Gate. Provision made for 
chantries in the churches of the Grey Friars of Stratford, of the 
Priory of H. Trinity within Algate, the Priory of S. Bartholomew 
de Smethefeld, S. Mary de Ovree, and in the chapel of the 
H. Trinity at the New Cemetery  towards the Tower, and else- 
where. To Katherine his daughter he leaves the reversion of 
a certain tenement in the parish of All Hallows aforesaid, after 
the decease of his wife, in tail ; remainder in trust for sale and 

 Seething Lane. 
2 ,, In the yeax 1348, the 23rd of Ed- 
ward III., the first great pestilence in 
his time began, and increased so sore, 
that for want of room in churchyards 
to bury the ded of the City and of the 
suburbs, one John Corey, clerk, pro- 
cured of Nicholas, Prior of the H. 
Trinity within Aldgate, one toft of 
ground near unto East Smithfield, for 

the burial of them that died, with con- 
dition that it might be called the 
churchyard of the Holy Trinity ...... 
and the ame was dedicated by Ralph 
Stratford, Bishop of London, where in- 
numerable bodies of the ded were 
afterwards buried, and a chapel built in 
the same place to the honour of God" 
(Stow's 'Survey,' Thoms's ed., 1876, 
p. 7). 



the proceeds to be devoted to the old and new work of S. Paul's 
and the work of London Bridge. Also to Sabine his wife certain 
tenements in Watlyngstrete in the parish of All Hallows de 
Bredstrete and elsewhere for life ; remainder in trust for sale, and 
twenty pounds of the proceeds to be given to the prisoners i 
Neugate, and the residue to be devoted to pious uses. The entire 
residue of his goods and chattels movable to be devoted to the 
education of poor children and in aid of the marriage of poor 
girls. Dated London, 24 May, A.D. 1368. Roll 97 (146). 
Monday text befo'e the Feast of S. Cle,ret, Pope [3 
Bonere (GEOFFREY), ' patelaostellnakere."--To be buried in the 
church of S. Michael le Quern under the stone which covers the 
body of Elena his late wife. Bequests to the said church and 
ministers thereof. All his movable goods to be sold, and the 
proceeds divided into three polions, one of which he leaves to 
Johanna his wife by way of dower, a second to be expended for the 
good of his soul, the souls of Ada, Matilda, William Bonere (sic), 
and others, and the third to be divided among his legitimate 
children. His executors appointed guardians of his children 
during minority, they giving security according to the custom. 
To Johanna his wife and to her children he leaves all his 
tenements in Brugges in Flanders, situate in Carmestrete and 
Bongarestrete, to be divided among them according to the custom 
of that counhy. His executors to collect a certain dower assigned 
to him by Cristina, late wife of John Bonere, issuing from a tene- 
ment called "le Horsheved" within Ludgate, together with 
celain other rent, and to divide the same among his children, 
reserving one third for pious uses. Also to his children he leaves 
for their lives his estate in a certain tenement in Fletestrete with- 
out Ludgate in the parish of S. Malin, reserving to his aforesaid 
wife her dower according to the law of England; remainder to 
Richard Bonere his brother and Geoffrey, son of the same, for 
their respective lives ; remainder to the brethren of the Guild 
of S. Hilda in the church of S. Michael aforesaid. Further be- 
quests to Katherine his illegitimate daughter, the Fratelaity of 
S. Katherine of the Haberdasshers t of London, Johanna, wife of 
.a The haberdashers of London were i nity in honourof S. Katherine by charter 
first incorporated as a guild or frater- ] of Henry VI. (3 June, 1448). 



Richard Brente, and others ; also of the sum of twenty shillings 
for gathering together the chief parishioners of S. Michael afore- 
said, and other friends and neighbours, within one year next 
after his decease, and giving them drinks. Dated London, l'iday 
next after the Feast of S. James, Apostle [25 July], A.D. 1368. 
Roll 97 (164). 


Monday aex after the Feast of S. Andrew, Apostle [30 5"ov.]. 
loten_hale (Jom DE), "wodemonger."--To be buried before the 
image of S. Mary in the chancel of the church of S. Andrew de 
Castel Baynard. Bequests to the said church and ministers 
thereof. To Alice his wife he leaves all his tenements and rents 
in the parish of S. Andrew aforesaid for life, charged with pro- 
viding a wax torch of twelve pounds weight to burn before the high 
altar in the said church at the elevation of the Host; remainder 
in trust for sale for the maintenance of chantries in the same 
church. To William his son a wharf and house. Also to his 
aforesaid wife a certain shout (shotam meam) and Batell 2 with 
their apparel, his other shouts being sold to pay his debts. To 
Elias his son and to Isabella his daughter he leaves specific sums 
of money. Further bequests for the repair of the bridge of 
Beuerhich, 3 to the four orders of mendicant friars in London, to 
his servants, to Nicholas and Walter his brothers, Friar John 
his wife's son, and others. Dated London, 4 September, A.D. 1368. 
Roll 97 (180). 

Monday qmoct after Feast of SS. Fabian and Sebctian [20 Jan.]. 
Bretford (HF,RY DE).--To be buried in the church of All 
Hallows de Graschirche. Bequests to the said church and minis- 
ters thereof. To John and Richard his sons shops in the parish of 
All Hallows aforesaid in tail, with cross remainders. Also to the 
said Richard his term in a tenement called " Cardinalhatte." In 
the event of his sons dying without heirs of their bodies the 
aforesaid tenements are to be sold for pious uses for the good of 
 Or schuyt. (See Calendar, Part I. "Bearidge-bridge," in the .parish of 
p. 440 n.) They are mentioned in the Bagendon, co. Gloucester, crossing the 
fleet which conveyed the army of river Churn, on the roast from London 
Richard Ccur de Lion to the Holy Land. to Gloucester (Atkyns's ' History of 
 See Calendr, Part I. p. 474 n. Glouces.,' second ed., p. 129). 
a Benerhich (?) ; possibly meaning 




his soul, the souls of Alice his late wife and others. Guardians 
appointed for each of his sons. To his official (officiali meo) for 
probate of his testament he leaves the sum of six shillings and 
eightpence because he does not wish his executors to be dis- 
tressed with accounts, but they are to pledge themselves upon the 
Bible (super librum) to carry out his last will. Lucy his wife 
mentioned as one of his executors. Dated London, 20 November, 
.D. 1368. Roll 97 (204). 

Monday qzext after the Feast of S. Agatha, Virgin [5 Feb.]. 
Lygth (WILLAM), cook.--To be buried in the churchyard of 
8. Sepulchre without Neugate near his children. Bequests to the 
vicar and chaplains of the said church, the inmates of the Hos, 
pital of S. Bartholomew de Smethefeld, the mater and brethren 
of the same ; also to Sister Johanna Percevale and Sister Lora, 
To Johanna his wife he leaves the remaining term of service of 
his apprentices, and his tenement in the parish of S. Sepulchre 
aforesaid in fee. His said wife to cause three masses de Sancta 
Maria to be sung every Saturday for the good of his uoul so long 
as she shall live. To William, clerk, a messuage and a piece of 
silver of twenty shillings weight or the sum of twenty shillings. 
Dated London, 14 August, 42 Edward III. [A.D. 1368]. 
Roll 98 (20). 
Sarisbirs or Sarisbris (ROBERT DE).- Bequests to the high 
altar of the church of S. Michael de la Crokedelane for tithes 
forgotten or withheld ; also for making a window near the tomb 
of Sir Peter de Keer, Knt., in the church of the Augustinian 
Friars ; to the hospitals of S. Thomas de Suthwerk and S. Mary 
without Bisshopesgate, the Sisters of S. Katherine near the 
Tower, and inmates of Newgate. To William Doget, vintner, he 
leaves twenty marks sterling. To Idonia his wife a moiety of all 
his tenements and rents, the other moiety being left to Walter 
his son, for their respective lives ; remainder to pious uses for the 
good of his soul, the souls of William Baynardescastel and others. 
Dated London, Tuesday next after the Feast of lNativity of B.V. 
Mary [8 Sept.], A.D. 1350. Roll 98 (21). 



wife his tenement in Lymstrete in the parish of S. Dionisius afore- 
said for life ; remainder to Thomas his son in tail ; remainder to 
John his son in fee. Dated London, Wednesday next after the 
Feast of S. Katherine, Virgin [25 Nov.], A.D. 1371. 
Roll 99 (146). 


Monday next after the Feast of S. Nicholas, Bishop [6 Dec.]. 
Andrew (JonN).--To be buried in the churchyard of the church 
of S. Elena, London. Bequests to the Prior and Convent of 
S. Elena aforesaid; to various religious orders ; to the inmates 
of divers hospitals, the lepers at la lolces near Southwerk and of 
S. Giles without Holbourne, the Prior and Convent of the new 
Abbey of S. Mary near Smythfeld,  the Minoresses of the new 
abbey without Algate, each anchorite in the City of London and 
suburbs, the work of the chapel of S. Katherine near the Tower, 
and the house of S. Leonard at Bedeford. e Provision made for a 
chantry in the church of S. Elena aforesaid. Further bequests to 
Adam Fraunceys his lord (domino meo) and Adam and Matilda, 
children of the same; to his servants; to William Andrew his bro- 
ther and Agnes, wife of the same, Isabella his sister and Johanna 
her daughter, and others. His estate in a certain tenement in the 
parish of S. Martin without Ludegate to be sold for pious and 
charitable uses. Dated London, Friday the Vigil of All Saints 
[1 Nov.], A.D. 1371. Roll 99 (155). 

Monday next before Feast of SS. Fabgan and Sebastian [20 Jan.]. 
Kilbourne (ANDaEW).--To be buried in the churchyard of 
S. Bartholomew the Less. Bequests to the church of S. Bartholo- 
mew aforesaid and ministers thereof, and the church of S. Edmund 
in Lumbardestret. Provision made for maintenance of chantries 
and tapers. His estate in certain tenements and rents in the 

1 ,, On the east and by north of the 
Tower, lieth East Smithfield and Tower 
hill, two plots of ground so called, with- 
out the wall of the City ; and east from 
them both was sometime a monastery 
called New Abbey, founded by King 
Edward IIL in the year 1359" (Stow's 
' Survey,' Thoms's ed., 1876, p. 47). The 
chronicler proceeds to state the reason 
of its foundation, namely, a vow made 
in time of peril by the king to build a 

monastery, and his taking a liking for 
the chapel built in the cemetery devoted 
to the burial of those dying of the 
Black Death. (CL suTa, p. 131 n.) 
 Little is known beyond the fact 
that before 30 Edw. I. an hospital dedi- 
cated to S. Leonard, in which were six 
chaplains, was founded by some towns- 
man, in the south part of the town 
(Tanner's ' Notit. Monast.,' p. 9). 




S. Botolph without and near Bisshopesgate. To Johanna his wife 
he leaves five shops in the parish of S. Alban in Woddestret for 
life ; remainder in trust for sale, and the proceeds divided among 
his children. For the maintenance of the light of the fraternity 
of his craft he leaves twelve pence. Bequests also to the aforesaid 
church, ministers, and lights therein, as also to the anchorite 
living there and to the fabric of the belfry. Dated London, 
VII. Ides of March [9 March], A.D. 1370. Roll 100 (69). 

Monday qex before the Feast of S. Ba?mabas, Apostle [11 Juqu]. 
Somershum (JoHn), woolman.--To be buried in the church of 
S. Mary de Fancherche, before the altar of S. John the Baptist, if 
the parishioners will consent, otherwise in the church of All Hal- 
lows de Stanyng near the tomb of his grandfather. Various 
bequests to the church of S. Mary aforesaid, for maintenance of 
lights, &c., if he be buried there ; otherwise the bequests are to 
go to the aforesaid church of Stanyng. Further bequests to the 
church of Fancherche and ministers thereof; also to the fabric of 
the conventual church of H. Trinity, London. Directions for 
funeral ceremony, burning of tapers, distributions to the poor, &c.; 
and provision made for chantries in the said church of Fanchirche. 
Bequests also to Alice his wife, Walter his brother, Katherine his 
sister, Johanna and Agnes his nieces, Isabella his brother's 
daughter, John de Kent, tapicer, and others, of sums of money 
and divers household goods and chattels, including a long painted 
chest of Flemish work. Also to Alice his wife his estate in cer- 
tain tenements in the parish of S. Mary de Fancherche for life ; 
remainder in trust for sale for pious uses in the church of Fan- 
cherche for the good of his soul, the souls of Alice his wife, Simon 
de Brunne, and others. Dated London, Saturday next before the 
least of Apostles Philip and James [-1 May], A.D. 1368.. 
Roll 100 (71). 
Monday qex before the Feast of S. Maq'gaq'e, Viq'gin [20 July]. 
Kyngesto (THOMAS), "Tortebaker. ''1- To be buried in the 
church of S. Peter in Bradstret near Matilda his wife. Directions 
for funeral and keeping his month's mind, and bequest for main- 
 Baker of tourte bread, a coarse bread made of unbolted meal. 




bourne, and at Hakeney ; the anchorite at Crepelgate and at Hol- 
bourne, &c. Also to John his son he leaves the reversion of a 
tenement in the parish of S. Giles without Crepelgate, after the 
decease of Isabella his wife, in tail; remainders to Thomas his son, 
Cecilia, Elizabeth, and Margaret his daughters, in successive tail. 
To his aforesaid wife he leaves the custody of his children so long 
as she remain unmarried, also twenty pounds sterling by way of 
dower of his movable goods, her entire chamber, and all beds, linen 
and woollen clothes, vessels, &c. The residue of his goods to be 
divided into two parts, whereof he leaves one part to his wife and 
the other to be devoted to pious and charitable uses. Dated 
London, 1 July, 45 Edward III. [A.D. 1371]. Roll 100 (103). 

Carlell (ADAM DE), draper.--To be buried in S. Paul's church- 
yard called " le Pardoncherchehawe." Pecuniary bequests to 
John his son, Margaret his daughter, and Henry his bastard 
son. Mariona his wife appointed guardian of the aforesaid John 
and Margaret, and if she marry again both she and her husband 
are to give security at the Guildhall for due performance of that 
office. Also to his said wife he leaves all his ustilments, jewels, 
and house store for hall, chamber, pantry, and kitchen, and one 
moiety of the residue of his goods by way of dower and for her 
portion of his goods, the other moiety being devoted to pious 
uses. Further bequests to the church of S. Mary Magdalen de 
Milkstrete and ministers therein, the old work of S. Paul's, various 
religious orders and recluses; to the box of the Fraternity of S. John 
founded and maintained by the Tailors of London, the poor in the 
hospitals, the lepers around London, prisoners in :Neugate and 
Marchalsea, and also at Storteford ; the work of the new chapel of 
S. Mary near Westsmythfeld, his servants, and others. Provision 
made for four thousand masses, for keeping his month's mind, and 
for the maintenance of a chantry priest in the church of S. Mary 
Magdalen aforesaid. To John his son he leaves the reversion of 
his capital and larger mansion house in the parish of S. Mary 
Magdalen in Milkstrete in tail ; remainder to Margaret his 
daughter, to whom he similarly leaves his smaller mansion. In 
the event of both children dying without heirs of their bodies, 
the said mansions are to be sold for pious and charitable uses. 



Hore (ToMAs), fishmonger.--To be buried in the church of 
S. Christopher near /e ,.tokkes, London. Bequests to the said 
church and ministers thereof; to John, Thomas, and Gido his 
sons, Juliana his sister, John Longe, his servants, apprentices, and 
others ; also to the work of S. Paul's, to the lazars atte Lo, and 
in the hospitals towards Hakeneye and Tiborne.  The residue of 
his goods, after lyment of debts, he leaves to Agnes his wife, and 
also the custody of his aforesaid sons. Dated London, 5 June, 
A.D. 1370. Roll 100 (130). 

Monday  be.fare the Feast of S. Clement, Pope [23 
Shaftysbury (John), "Felmongere."--To be buried in the 
chancel of S. John upon Walbrok. Bequests to the said church, 
its rector, ministers, &c. Bequests also of money, mazer cups, 
and other chattels to Alice his mother, Sir William his brother, Sir 
William Lelman his uncle, Petronilla his sister, John Monk, 
skinner, and others ; as well as to the fabric of the churches of 
All Hallows and S. John at Shaftysbury.  To Agnes his wife he 
leaves all his tenements in the parish of S. John upon Walbrok 
for life ; remainder to John his son in tail. To Collecta his 
daughter the reversion of a certain shop in tail ; remainder to her 
sisters (not named). Dated London, Friday, 4 January, A.D. 1369. 
Roll 100 (140). 
Hynelond CILLIAM), clerk.--Bequest of a pair of vestments 
with a cope, a pair of corporals with case of striped cloth to 
match the vestments for service at the high altar on feast days 
wheresoever he may be buried; also a new missal, a chalice, two 
towels, and a frontal. Further bequests for the maintenance of 
the light of S. Mary in his church of S. Olave near the Tower, 
and of the light of Wolvyrchers in the same ; to various orders 
of friars, the brethren and sisters of the hospitals of S. Thomas 
de Southwerk, Elsingspitele, S. Mary without Bisshopesgate, 
S. Giles without Holborne, and others ; to prisoners in the King's 
prisons, viz., in Neugate, in the Marshelsea at Westminster, Hert- 
ford, Royston, Colchester, Canterbury, Rochester, Sarum, Ilchester 
in co. Somerset, the prisons of Dorset and Exeter, as well as in 
 Tyburn ; meaning the Hospital of I - Co. Dorset. 
S. Giles in the Fields. 




wife in trust for pious and charitable uses. Dated London, 
Sunday the Feast of the Assumption of B.V. Mary [-15 Aug.], 
A.D. 1372. Roll 100 (168). 

Monday text after Feast of SS. Fabian ad Sebastian [-20 Ja.]. 
I-Ierreth 0tILLIAM), cordwainer.--To be buried in the church 
of S. Stephen in Colmanstret. Bequests to the said church for 
lights, &c.; also to the Fraternity of S. Stephen, divers religious 
orders, and the Fraternity of S. Mary founded for (by ?) cordwainers 
in the church of the Carmelites. To Juliana his wife he leaves 
houses and shops in the parish of S. Stephen aforesaid in fee. 
Further bequests of money or chattels to Johanna his sister and 
Matilda her daughter, John Pottenhith, William Tebaud, and 
others. Dated London, 6 January, 46 Edward III. [-A.D. 1372-3]. 
Roll 100 (172). 


Monday the Feast of SS. Pelzetua and Felicitas [-7 March]. 
lYlokkyngge (WHOMAS), fishmonger.--To be buried in S. Paul's 
churchyard called " Pardoncherchehawe." To Alice his wife and 
Thomas his son he leaves tenements in Bruggestrete in the parish 
of S. Mgnus the Martyr near London Bridge, and other tene- 
ments in the parish of S. Mary atte Nax, in Berchereslane, parish 
of S. Michael upon Cornhull, in the lane called " Puddynglane," 
otherwise "Retherlane," near Estchepe, and in Bercherlane, for 
their lives, with cross remainders ; ultimate remainder in trust 
for sale for pious uses. Dated London, 1 February, A.D. 1372. 
Roll 101 (').3). 

Monday qext before the Feast of S. Margaret, Virgin [-20 July]. 
Atte Legh (THoMAs), "stokfisshmongere."--To be buried in 
the churchyard of S. Michael de Crokedlane. Bequests to the 
said church for tapers, &c., and provision made for three thousand 
masses, keeping his month's mind, chantries, and funeral ex- 
penses. A cloth of russet of the value of five or six marks to be 
bought and placed over his coffin, and after burial the same to 
 Or White ltriars. 





be given to the poor. Bequests also to the old fabric of the 
greater church (maioris ecclesie) of S.Paul, the church and brethren 
of S. Katherine near the Tower, the work of London Bridge, the 
work of the church of Bethelem without Bisshopesgate, and others ; 
also to Henry his brother, Johanna his sister and Alice her 
daughter ; William and Richard, sons of Laurence de Wigh ; John, 
son of John atte Leght de Hedelegh ; Alice, wife of Thomas atte 
Holilond, co. Surrey, and many others. To every porter serving 
his craft in Stokfisshmongerrowe in Tamystrete he leaves twelve 
pence. For repair of the highway near Eggeswere  ten pounds. 
To the work of the bridge of Rochester, co. Kent, forty shillings. 
To the Convent and College of Assherugge  in Chilterne, near 
Berkhamstede, 61. 13s. 4d.; and to the Abbot of Abyndon near 
Oxenford two cups of silver with covercles called "Bykeres." To 
Edelena his wife a certain tenement in Thames Street, in the 
parishes of S. Michael de Crokedelane and S. Magnus near 
London Bridge, for life ; remainder to William, son of John 
]'iykkelham, of co. Surrey, to hold to him and one single heir 
(unico soli heredi) of his body; remainder over in trust for charit- 
able uses. Certain rents in Vrolseselane and of a tenement called 
"le horn on the hope" in the parish of All Hallows the Great, 
and of others in the parish of S. Augustine near le Eldechaunge 
and elsewhere, to be devoted to the maintenance of a chantry 
priest in the church of S. Michael aforesaid. Dated London, 
31 March, A.D. 1373. Memorandum to restore the value of forty 
pence to two men who killed their godfather (coqnpat'em). 3 Be- 
quests to servants and others. Roll 101 (98). 

Monday the Feast of S. James, .Apostle [25 July]. 
likerell (AGIES, late wife of WILLIAM saddle0.To be bied 
in the tomb of her late husband in the chch of S. Vedast. Be- 
quests to the said church, its ministers, and Fraternity of the 
H. Cross therein; also te the Fraternity of S. Katherine  the 
chch of S. Matthew in Fridaystret, and the Fraternity of S. John 
of the Tailors of ndon ;  divers religious orders in London for 
 Edre. [  A curious memordum  find at 
 Co. Bucks. A fmrnity of Bon-  the end of a will, and one difficult to 
hommes. (See Chauncy's ' Hisr. t. ] explain. 
of Hefts," pp. 551-553.) 



masses, the church of S. Thomas de Acon near the Conduit, prisoners 
in Neugate, the work of S. Paul's, the chapel of Bedelem near 
Bisshopesgate, the sisters of Herberdone, anchorites of London, &c. 
Bequests also to Peter Brauncestre her brother and William his 
son, William Galweye her godson, John Forster her kinsman, her 
servants, and others. To Robert her son she leaves her saddlery 
(sellaviar meam), except ladies' saddles, and all her household 
goods and chattels. Her ladies' saddles, brouded and unbrouded, 
are to be sold to fulfil her last will. A cloth of sarzinet  which she 
has in her house, and another to match which she directs her execu- 
tors to buy, are to be embroidered with the letters " W" and "A" 
and used for covering the holy sepulchre at Easter; and she further 
leaves a coverlit smalche'kerd 2 and her best sheet of cloth of 
Reynes " for the like purpose. Also to her aforesaid son a tene- 
ment in the parish of S. Vedast in Goderounlane, extending from 
Westchepe to a tenement called "le Longeporche," to hold in tail, 
charged with the maintenance of certain tapers for the Easter 
sepulchre in the church of S. Vedast aforesaid ; and her share of a 
tenement in Westchepe in the Saddlery, 4 London. Provision made 
for maintenance of a chantry in the church of S. Vedast, for one 
year after her decease, for the good of her soul, the souls of William 
Pikerell, William Chaumpneyne, and others; the welfare of Sir 
Edward, King of England, and of Philippa the Queen, &c. Dated 
London, 9 April, A.D. 1373. Roll 101 (102). 


Monday next after Feast of Traqs. of S. Edward, Kiqj [13 Oct.]. 
Huttefeld (SLION DE), potter.--To be buried in front of the 
altar of S. John the Baptist in the church of H. Trinity, London. 
To the Prior and Convent of H. Trinity aforesaid he leaves a 
certain tenement in the parish of S. Katherine in the churchyard 
of H. Trinity, to the use of the sacristan for repair and main- 
tenance of the church aforesaid, in return for the celebration of his 

i A thin slight kind of silk. 
2 Small chequered. 
 Riley (' Lib. Alb.," Glossary) inclines 
to think that Rennes in Brittany is re- 
ferred to rather than Rheims in the 
Department of Marne, the former place 
having been celebrated in the Middle 
Ages, and still is, for the manufacture 
of fine linen, He mentions  Sherts of 

Reyns" and "Rayns" as occurring in 
the Wardrobe Accounts of 1483; and 
again "Schets of Reynes," "Canapes of 
leynes," and "pillow-beres (cases) of 
Reynes," in the ' Ceremonies and Ser- 
vices at Court, temp. Henry VII.' 
 The Saddlers occupied a portion of 
Cheapside near S. Yedast or Foster 



Pecche was mayor and John Cantebrigge was Chamberlain, and is 
entered in the Red Book of Redemptions of Freedoms and Appreno 
rices, viz, 8 May, 36 Edward III. [A.). 1362]. 
Roll 102 (9). 
laoytel (GILBERT), "curreour."--To be buried in the church of 
S. A1phege within Crepulgate, in the processional path  (iqt vi 
p'ocessionis). Bequests to the said church, to various religious 
orders, lepers, inmates of hospitals and Newegate, the sisters of 
the Hospital of Elsingspitel within Crepulgate, and the Fraternity 
of the Resurrection of Christ in S. Paul's Church; also to Johanna 
atte Well his kinswoman, Agnes, daughter of William de Poten- 
ham, and others. To Alice his wife he leaves all his lands, rents, 
and tenements in the parish of S. Alphege aforesaid for life ; 
remainder to the aforesaid William de Potenham and Cristina, 
wife of the same, the testator's daughter, in tail, charged with the 
maintenance of a chantry in the church of S. A1phege for one year 
after his decease ; remainder in trust for sale for pious uses. 
Dated London, 26 April, A.D. 1372. Roll 102 (10). 

Monday qext after" the Feast of S. Mathias, Apostle [24 Feb.J. 
Rameseye (ROBERT DE), fishmonger.--To be buried in the 
chancel of the church of S. Magnus at London Bridge. Bequests 
to the said church and to divers orders of friars in London, also 
for tapers and torches to be placed in several churches in London, 
and in the churches ofBottesbury  and Mounteneyng a in co. Essex. 
One hundred ells of white cloth of Gyldeford to be distributed 
among the poor on the day of his funeral. Bequests to his Fra- 
ternit.y of Salve in the church of S. Magnus aforesaid. To 
Elizabeth his wife he leaves all his lands and tenements within 
the City of London so long as she remain a widow, for the main- 
tenance of Thomas, John, and William his sons, and Elizabeth his 
daughter. If she marry again he leaves to his aforesaid sons 
divers tenements in Bridge Street and in the lane formerly called 

l A space behind the choir. At Can- 
terbury, says the late Prebendary 
Mackenzie Walcott, pilgrims to the 
martyrdom passed up the south aisle of 
the nave, and through the passage under 
the platform of the crossing (' Sacred 
Archmology,' s.v.)., 

3 Mountneys-ing, commonly called 
Mountnessing. Also known as Ginge- 
lIounteneye. For the meaning of .Ing 
or Gnge see note to "Ging-joiberd- 
laundry," su_p'a, p. 55 n. It also occurs 
as a suffix in Margaretting or "Margaret 
mge." (See Calendar, Part I. p. 



Lothebury in tail, after the decease of Reyna his wife, charged 
with the payment of an annuity to John his brother and to the 
rector of the church of S. Margaret aforesaid and ministers 
thereof. To John Doget de Boterwyk tenements within Neugate, 
on condition that the said John releases to Reyna his aforesaid 
wife all claim to the manor of Duket in co. Middlesex. Written 
in London with his own hand, 16 July, 35 Edward III. [A.D. 1361]. 
Roll 102 (23). 

Monday qext after the Feast of S. Geoq'ge [23 April]. 
ttaveryngg or ttaveringg (GEOFFREY).---To be buried in the 
churchyard of S. Giles without Crepulgate. Bequests to the 
church of S. Giles aforesaid, for tithes forgotten, and the light 
of the great beam of the Fraternity of S. Mary and S. Giles in the 
same. The residue of his goods he leaves to Katherine his wife 
for her maintenance and the maintenance of Stephen their son, 
and for pious uses ; also to his wife a tenement in the parish of 
S. Giles aforesaid for life, with remainder to his said son. Dated 
London, 24 February, A.D. 1373. Roll 102 (39). 

Burstalle (Jogs), vintner.--To be buried before the high altar 
in the chancel of the church of S. Mary Wolnoth in Lombard- 
strete. Bequests to the said church, the fraternity of the same, 
the fraternities of the Blessed Mary of Bedlehem and of 
H. Trinity near the Tower, and the five orders of friars in London. 
To Cecillia his wife his tenement in the parish of S. Mary 
Wolnoth aforesaid for life ; remainder to Johanna his daughter for 
life, the said tenement being charged with the maintenance of a 
chantry in the said parish church during the lifetime of his said 
wife and daughter, and after the death of the latter the same to 
be sold for a similar use. Dated London, Palm Sunday, viz., 
21 March, A.D. 1371. Roll 102 (43). 

Manday qzct befove the Feast of S. Duqstaq, Abp. [19 May]. 
Cavendissh (ROGER), skinner.--To be buried in the parish 
church of S. Mary de Cavendissh in co. Suffolk. Bequests to the 
said church, the church of S. Mary de Wolchirchehawe and minis- 
ters thereof, and to the Friars Minors of London for celebrating 





sold, and twenty marks of the proceeds to be given to his aforesaid 
master as compensation for peculations committed by him in his 
master's shop over against le Catfithele.  A shop in Cordwanerstrete 
left to him by William Galeys his father to be also sold for 
pious uses. Bequests of money or chattels to John Norhtwych, 
William Pecche, John de Bolford, and others. Dated London, 
15 October, A.D. 1358. Roll 102 (55). 


Monday next after the Feast of S. Barnabas, Apostle [11 Jne]. 
Thume (ROn.RT D).--To be buried in the church of S. Michael 
Queenhithe near Margaret his former wife. To Rosa his wife he 
leaves one hundred marks of silver and all his movable goods, 
except a piece of silver and an enamelled cup, which he 
leaves to William his son; also his dwelling at Queenhithe for life. 
Bequests to the fabric of the church of S. Michael aforesaid, the 
prisoners in Neugate, the lazars atte-brook (sic), the old work of 
S. Paul's, for the repair of the road called "Trilmullestrete, ''* be- 
tween Clerkenwell and Smythfeld, &c. Provision made for 
chantries in the aforesaid church and elsewhere for the space of 
nineteen years, and for three thousand masses to be celebrated 
as soon as possible after his decease. Bequests also to Johanna 
his daughter by Rosa his wife, and Juliana his daughter, a nun 
at Elenstowe 3 in co. Beds. To Henry le Weer, fishmonger, he 
leaves his term in a certain tenement atte Romelond 4 at Queen- 
hithe. Mention made of Juliana, wife of William his son. Dated 
IX. Kal. March [-21 Feb.J, A.D. 1373. Roll 102 (70). 

Monday ext before the Feast of S. Margaret, Virgin [-20 July]. 
Horwod (JoN DE), senior.--Bequests to the rector and clerk 
of the church of S. Peter de Bradstret. To Margaret his wife 
his shops in Bredstret in the parish of S. Nicholas Olof for life ; 
remainder to John his son in tail; remainder in trust for sale, 
and the proceeds to be devoted to finding poor scholars at school, 
and for marriage portions for poor gifts. His tenement in Corde- 
t Ca and fiddle.  where there was an abbey of Benedic- 
 Called after "Trill mill" or "Turn tine nuns, founded tetq). William L 
mill" brook, concerning which see Part I. [ (Tanner's ' Notit. lIonast.,' p. 1). 
p. 671 n. I  Part I. p. 222 n. 
 Elstow, Elnstowe, or Alnestowe, 




sold for pious uses. Dated London, the Vigil of All Saints 
[1 Nov.], A.D. 1374. 
Whereupon John Ashewell, the King's Attorney, put his claim on 
behalf of the lord the King. 
Roll 102 (165). 

Ardreu (JAES), draper.--Provision made for the maintenance 
of a perpetual chantry in the church of All Hallows upon the 
Cellar out of rents of tenements in the parish of All Hallows 
aforesaid, formerly belonging to Richard his father, Matilda his 
mother, and others. Bequest to the Master of the College of 
Corpus Christi in the church of S. Laurence near Candelwykstrete, 
so that the master, chaplains, and clerks of the same observe his 
obit as directed. To Katherine his daughter he leaves all the 
aforesaid tenements, subject to above charges, for life; remainder 
in trust for the church of All Hallows aforesaid; also his tene- 
ments in the parishes of S. Olave and S. Laurence in the Old 
Jewry for life ; remainder to the Prior and Canons of S. Bartholo- 
mew's in Smythfeld, so that they provide two chaplains to cele- 
brate for the souls of the aforesaid Richard, Matilda, James, 
Matilda (sic), and all the faithful departed. To the Prioress and 
Nuns of Kelbourne he leaves a tenement at the corner of Corde- 
wanerstrete near Chepe in the parish of S. Mary le Bow, subject 
to an annuity to Isabella Bandon his kinswoman, a nun in that 
house. John Vyne, draper, his servant, to enjoy his leasehold 
tenements, held under the Priory of Dertford, in Cordewanerstrete 
in the parishes of S. Mary le Bow and S. Mary de Aldermarichirche. 
Dated London, Wednesday the Vigil of S. Matthew, Apostle 
[21 Sept.], A.D. 1374. Roll 102 (171). 

Monday next after the Feast of Conception of V. Ma'y [8 Dec.]. 
Pere (JoR).--To be buried in the church of S. Dionisius de 
Bakchirch. To Sir Henry, the rector of the said church, he leaves 
forty shillings, and to the parishioners of the same an entire vest- 
ment of veleu,et for a priest. To Helmyng his son the reversion 
of a tenement in the parish of S. Dionisius aforesaid, after the 
decease of Alice his wife, to hold in tail ; remainder to Margery 
and Cristina his daughters in equal portions, and the heirs of their 

bodies ; ultimate remainder to pious and charitable uses. Dated 
London, 27 October, A.D. 1374. Roll 102 (195). 


Monday et after the Feast of Conversion of S. Paul [25 Jan.]. 
Tumworthe or Thumworthe (Jo DE).--To be buried in the 
church of S. Sepulchre without Neugate. Bequests to the said 
church and ministers therein and to the rector and other ministers 
of the church of S. Andrew de Castle Baynard. To William his 
son and Richard atte Chapele, if surviving, he leaves his shout 
with all its apparel; and to the former his batel called " Feri- 
bot. ''1 Also to the aforesaid William all his timber, and the re- 
version of all his rents and tenements in Chauncelereslane 
and Ratonsrowe, of which he was jointly seised with Alice his 
wife in tail ; remainder to John his son in tail ; remainder to 
Agnes his daughter. Also to the aforesaid William he leaves 
a messuage in the Baille in the parish of S. Sepulchre afore- 
said; and to the aforesaid Richard atte Chapele his kinsman his 
place in the lane called "Faytourslane. '' In testimony whereof 
he set his seal to this his testament, as well closed as open. 
Dated London, Tuesday next after the Feast of S. Mathias, 
Apostle [24 Feb.], .. 1373. Roll 103 (1). 

Monday ext before the Feast of S. Valentqe [14 Feb.]. 
roydon (RcHnD DE), fishmonger.--To be buried before the 
altar of S. Katherine in the church of S. Dionisius de Bakcherch 
near Grascherch. To Margery his wife a life interest in certain 
tenements in the parishes of S. Andrew Huberd S. Mary atte 
Hull, S. Margaret Patyns, and elsewhere, of which he and his said 
wife were jointly seised to them and the heirs of the testator ; 
remainder as to a portion to Agnes his daughter in tail ; remainder 
to John Phelipot, Alderman,  and Margaret [wife of the said John-, 
the testator's daughter, in tail; remainder to Thomas Colewell 
his brother. Other tenements not so left to the aforesaid Agnes 
 Ferry-boat. ]  Of Cornhill Ward. See biogruphical 
note to his will, enrolled inf, ra, Roll 
 Fetter Lne. 118 (30}. 



Monday qext before the Feast of S. Benedict, Abbot [21 March]. 
Kenyngtor (Jon DE), Rector of the church of S. Dunstan 
towards the Tower.--To be buried in the chancel of the said 
church. To the high altar of the same he leaves an oscula- 
tory 1 (deosculatorium)silver gilt and an OrdinaF of the use of 
Saturn. Six poor men of his parish to be selected by his executors, 
on their merits and without favour, to hold torches at his funeral, 
to each of whom he leaves a vest. Further bequests to the 
aforesaid church for purchase of books and ornaments. To S. Paul's 
Church he leaves his book called  Catholcon, 'a to be preserved in a 
case (incraticletur) where most convenient, with a notice in large 
characters upon the same requesting any one reading the book for 
the purpose of study to devoutly repeat some prayer for the benefit 
of the souls of John de Kenyngton and John de Brampton, clerks, 
and their benefactors. And whereas he had entered into a 
covenant to leave the said book to the college of priests in 
S. Paul's 4 under penalty of sixty shillings, he desires that the 
said sum be paid to the college in satisfaction, and that the 
book be placed in the said church as aforesaid for public use. His 
executors to give seisin to John Payn de London, "fourbour," of 
a certain tenement at S. Augustine's Gate upon payment of forty 
marks. A certain tenement near the church of S. Michael le 
Quern, and certain lands at Derteford, to be sold, and the proceeds 
devoted to pious uses or otherwise as his executors may think 
expedient. A sum of forty pounds secured on lands and tene- 
merits formerly belonging to Richard Wydegate de "Bacchild" in 
co. Kent to be realized, and the said lands and tenements de- 
livered to the right heirs of the aforesaid Richard. Dated London, 
22 December, .D. 1374. Roll 103 (33). 

Monday qext before tle Feast of S. Ambrose [4 April]. 
Frowyk (ThoMas DE), of co. Middlesex.--To be buried in the 
churchyard of the parish of Southmymmes near the tomb of John 
 Paxbod or paxbed, u tablet of[ a The college of the twelve minor 
xvood or metul ornumented with some l cnons , incorporuted 18 Ric. IL For 
sucred device and used in the service [ their charter and statutes see A'chvo- 
of the Muss. " 
 A book of the ritual. I logier, xliii. 165-200. Their substunce is 
given by Dr. W. Sparrow Simpson in his 
 The Eastern name for the collected | recent 'Gleanings from Old St.. Puul's.' 
geneul epistles. |  Bapchild nea Sittingboume. 




of S. Mary Magdalen near Bermondeseye. To Alice his wife and 
Henry his son he leaves tenements in the parishes of S. Magnus 
aforesaid and S. Mary atte Hull for their respective lives; re- 
mainder to the wardens of his Fraternity of Salve Regina in the 
said church of S. Magnus for the maintenance of chantries for 
the good of his soul, the souls of Florence and Alice his former 
wives, and others. To Alice his daughter a tenement in the parish 
of S. Botolph near Billingesgate at the corner of a lane called 
"Poddynglane." His wife to be guardian of his children. Dated 
London, the morrow of the Feast of S. Giles, Abbot [1 Sept.], A.D. 
1373. Roll 103 (113). 

Monday ext before the Feast of S. Mayaret, Virgin [20 July]. 
Chelmeresford (RCHD DE), carpenter.inTo be buried in the 
churchyard of S. Andrew upon Cornhull. To Elena his wife he 
leaves all his lands and tenements in the parish of S. Andrew 
aforesaid in trust for sale to pay his debts. Dated London, 
14 May, A.D. 1375. Roll 103 (125). 

Elyot (X*VILLIAM, son of HENRY), called "William de Kyngeston," 
fishmonger.--To be buried before the altar of H. Trinity in the 
church of S. Peter upon Cornhull. To Sir John Maufyn, the 
rector of the said church, and his successors, and the parishioners 
of the same, he leaves lands, tenements, and reversions in 
the parishes of S. Peter aforesaid and S. Magnus, Martyr, de 
Bruggestret for the maintenance of chantries and lamps for the 
good of his soul, the souls of Sarah and Alianora his wives, and 
others. A tenement called "le ledenhall "l mentioned as having 
formerly belonged to Sir John de 1Nevyll. Bequest of twenty 
pounds of silver, to be kept in a box in the custody of the four 
collectors of the parish of S. Peter aforesaid, for keeping in repair 
his tenements above devised. The wardens of London Bridge to 
inspect the said tenements at least once in the year, each receiving 
for his trouble three shillings and fourpence. In default of main- 
tenance of the above chantries the tenements devised are to re- 

 "The next is Leaden Hall, of which 
I read that in the year 1309 it belonged 
to Sir Hugh Nevill, Knight" (Stow's 
'Survey,' Thoms's ed., 1876, p. 58). In 

1343 a garden is mentioned as belonging 
to Sir Hugh b[evill called "Ledenhalle 
gardyn" (City Records, Letter-Book F, 
fol. 69). 


for the good of his soul. Dated London, Sunday the Feast of 
Nativity of S. John Baptist [24 June], A.D. 1375. 
Roll 103 (17). 
Felmynghtm (THOMAS DE),  chaundeler."--To Cecilia his wife 
a moiety of his goods and chattels, and a life interest in certain 
measures, Broches,  jars for vinegar, &c. ; remainder to his ap- 
prentices. Also his tenement in the parish of S. Mary Magdalen 
in the Old Fish Market, for the maintenance of herself and of 
Agatha her sister for their lives ; remainder to pious and charit- 
able uses. Bequests to the church of S. Mary Magdalen afore- 
said, its ministers, and chantry of the Fraternity of S. Mary therein; 
also to various orders of friars in London, prisoners in Newegate, 
the hospitals for lepers within three miles of the City, and various 
other hospitals ; to every anchorite, whether man or woman, in the 
City and suburbs ; to the old and new work of S. Paul's, the re- 
pair of London Bridge, the College of Chaplains, the poor sisters 
at S. Katherine near the Tower, the church of S. Michael in 
Wodestret and ministers thereof, &c. Bequests also of money 
and chattels to Thomas, son of John Symond, his godson, John de 
Bury, Sir Thomas de Clifton, chaplain, for celebrating divine 
service in the aforesaid church for the good of his soul for the 
space of three years next after his decease, to each of his appren- 
tices, and others. Also to Cecilia his wife he gives for life his 
estate in certain houses held under the Dean and Chapter of 
S. Paul's ; remainder over. Dated London, 6 June, A.D. 1368. 
Roll 103 (18). 
Herlaxtd (WILLIAM), carpenter.--To be buried in the church 
of S. Peter the Less near Pauleswharf before the image of 
S. Katherine in S. Mary's Chapel. Bequests to the said church 
and ministers therein, and to the old work of S. Paul's, namely, the 
chapel of S. John the Baptist near le no'thdo'e. To Agnes his 
wife he leaves his tenement in the parish of S. Peter aforesaid, 
and a tenement near la Dvagou at Douegate in the parish of 
S. Michael de Paternostercherche in the Riole, for life, she to sell 
the reversion of the same, if she can, immediately after his de- 
cease and devote the proceeds to pious uses. Dated London, 
6 July, A.D. 1375. Roll 103 (129). 
 A boclw, among other things, signifies a taper or torch (Halliwell}. 




Monday next befo'e the Feast of S. James, Apostle [25 July]. 
Bury (WILLIAM DE), ' stokfisshmongere."---To be buried in the 
churchyard of S. Nicholas de Coldabbeye. His goods to be divided 
into three parts, whereof he reserves one part to himself; a second 
part he leaves to Johanna his wife, besides her entire chamber and 
hall, a best bed, a Bgker with covercle of silver, a best mazer 
cup, and other household chattels ; and the residue he leaves 
to his children, the portion of any child deceased before coming 
of age to be devoted to pious uses for the good of his soul, the 
souls of Alice his former wife, Johanna his present wife, Adam 
and Alice his father and mother, John Syward, and others. Out 
of his own third part he makes divers bequests for the main- 
tenance of chantries in the church of S. Nicholas aforesaid; to 
the old and new work of S. Paul's, the said church of S. Nicholas 
and ministers thereof, and also for wax ; to various orders of friars, 
the inmates of hospitals, anchorites, lepers at Hakeneye and 
le lo']ce near London, the Abbot and Convent of Lesnes, his ser- 
vants at Oldefisshstrete, &c. Also to Johanna his wife he leaves 
his tenements in the parish of S. Agnes within Aldrichesgate for 
life ; remainders to William, John, Henry, and Richard his sons, 
in succession, for their respective lives ; remainder to Agnes and 
Johanna his daughters, in equal portions, for their lives ; re- 
mainder in trust for sale, the proceeds being disposed of as the 
rector and certain parishioners of the aforesaid church shall think 
fit. Also to his aforesaid sons in succession he leaves certain quit- 
rents in the parish of S. Mary Somerset for their lives ; remainder 
in aid of the chantry in the aforesaid church of S. Nicholas 
founded by his master John Syward. Johanna his wife to have 
the custody of his children during minority, without rendering 
any account or giving security for the same unless she marry 
during the minority of his said children. Dated London, 18 July, 
A.D. 1375. Roll 103 (146). 

Mop, day next before the Feast of S. Pete" ad Vincula [1 Aug.]. 
ltede (WALTER), "wexchaundeller."--To be buried in S. Paul's 
churchyard in the tomb where Agnes, daughter of Gonnora his wife, 
lies buried. His goods to be divided into two parts, whereof he 
leaves one to his said wife, and out of his own share he makes 



sion of certain tenements in the parish of S. Martin aforesaid in 
trust for sale, the proceeds to be devoted towards a certain chantry 
founded in the said church for the souls of William (?) de Oteswych 
and others. To his executors he leaves his interest in a certain 
debt due from the king to Hugh de Ulseby. To Johanna his wife 
the residue of his goods not disposed of. Dated London, Tuesday 
next before the Feast of S. Margaret, Virgin [20 July], A.D. 
49 Edward III. [A.D. 1375].---A schedule of other legacies attached. 
Roll 103 (188). 
Atte Legh (EDELESIh, wife of THOMAS, late "stokfishmongere").-- 
To be buried in the cloister of the collegiate church of S. Lau- 
rence near Candelwykstrete. Bequests to the master and chap- 
lains of the said church ; the chaplains of the church of S. 5iichael 
de Crokedelane, to the high altar of which she leaves her best 
tablecloth and towel; to the Abbot and Convent of Abyndon, and 
the Priory of Assherugge ; to the church of Eton near Wyndesore, 
where she was baptized, for the maintenance of a chantry 
therein ; to the work of S. Paul's, the five orders of friars 
in London, the inmates of divers hospitals, the Prior and 
Convent of the house called "le Charthous" near Smythfeld ; 
the lepers at la lo'lce, of S. James's near Westminster, of 
S. Giles's, and at Hakeneye ; prisoners in leugate, &c. Three 
thousand masses to be sung for the good of her soul within one 
month after her decease, and provision made for her funeral, 
observance of month's mind, &c. A long cloth of russet to be 
purchased for covering her coffin at her funeral, having a fair cross 
of white cloth in the middlo; the same to be distributed to the 
poor after her funeral. Bequests also of money, goods, and 
chattels, comprising sheets, feather bed, matvas, curtains, gowns, 
&c., to William Aperdele her kinsman, Roger Goldburgh her 
brother, Alice Goldburgh, Matilda her kinswoman, wife of John 
Rothyng, and others. Also to the aforesaid William Aperdele she 
leaves for life a certain tonement in Thames Street, in the 
parishes of S. Michael de Crokedlane and S. Magnus near London 
Bridge, of which she had been jointly seised with her husband, 
who had illegally devised the same; remainder to Laurence 
Wyght of co. Surrey, woolmonger, for life ; remainder to William 
his brother for life; remainder to Thomas his brother in tail; 



ultimate remainder to pious uses. The tables with trestles, and 
the cuppebord with mirrors (cure spe'is), in the hall of the 
aforesaid tenement to remain there into whosesoever's hands 
the said tenement may come. Certain bequests illegally made 
by her late husband, charged on tenements of which they were 
jointly seised in the parishes of All Hallows the Great in Thamise- 
strete and S. Augustine near le Oldechaunge, in aid of a chantry 
in the church of S. /5chael de Crokedelane, she confirms. Dated 
London, Tuesday next after the Feast of Translation of S. Thomas 
the Martyr [-7 July], A.D. 1375. 
A codicil annexed whereby she wills that all her lands, tene- 
ments, and rents not disposed of in the parishes of S. Augustine at 
S. Paul's Gate, All Hallows at the Hay, and S. Dunstan towards 
the Tower, be sold by her executors to Laurence Wight and 
others upon payment of two hundred pounds sterling, and upon 
their giving security for the maintenance of a chantry in the 
collegiate church of S. Laurence aforesaid to the extent of one 
hundred pounds. Dated at the house of the testatrix in the 
parish of S. hIichael de Crokedelane, 27 July, 49 Edward III. 
[A.D. 1375]. Roll 103 

Bullok (JOH:), tapicer.- To be buried in the church of 
S. Dionisius Bakchirch. Bequests to the said church and divers 
orders of friars. His crops and other movable goods at Hallyng, 
co. Kent, to be devoted to payment of his debts. To John atte 
Dyke, tapicer, and Johanna, wife of the same, he leaves the 
reversion of a house, after the decease of Sibil his wife, in tail ; 
remainder in trust for sale by certain parishioners of S. Dionisius 
aforesaid for pious uses. To William Bullok his brother, and 
to Katherine his sister, wife of Giles de Kellesey, for life, the 
reversion of lands and tenements in the parishes of S. Mary 
de Fenchirch and S. Dionisius aforesaid, after the decease of his 
said wife; remainder to pious and charitable uses. Dated 
London, 20 June, .D. 1375. Roll 103 (190). 

Claverynge (RICHARD DE), draper.--To be buried in the church 
of S. Christopher at lesto]Jces near Margaret his late wife. To 
Dionisia his wife he leaves a certain tenement in Cornhull fo" life ; 





remainder to Alice his daughter and Thomas his son in successive 
tail ; remainder in trust for sale for pious uses. Also to his said 
daughter and son he leaves the reversion of his leasehold interest 
in certain shops and gardens held under the Prior and Convent of 
Crichurche, London, after the decease of his wife. The residue of 
his goods and chattels, after payment of debts, to be divided into 
three parts, whereof one part is for himself, out of which he 
makes various bequests to the churches of S. Christopher aforesaid 
and S. Benedict de Graschurche, for maintenance of chantries, &c., 
and also to various individuals ; a second part he leaves to his wife ; 
and the third to his aforesaid son and daughter in equal portions. 
Dated London,Wednesday next before the Feast of S. Bartholomew, 
Apostle [24 Aug.], A.D. 1375. 
A codicil annexed containing among other things a bequest for 
maintenance of a chantry in the church of S. Benedict de Gms- 
chirchestrete for the souls of John his brother and Johanna his 
sister. Dated Friday the Feas of S. Bartholomew [24 Aug.] in 
the same year. Roll 103 (193). 

Biernes (John), Alderman.  --To be buried :in the church of 
S. Pancras near the tomb of Cristina his wife. Bequests to the 
said church and to the rector thereof, charged on his tenement at 
le Wate'gate near S. Paul's Wharf, in aid of the collection of rents 
appertaining to the three chantries founded in the said church by 
William de Causton. His lands, rents, and tenements in the City 
of London and suburbs to be sold, and the proceeds, with certain 
exceptions, to be placed in a chest under four keys, one to be kept 
by the wardens of the mysteries of the Grocers, Mercers, and Drapers 
respectively, and one by the Chamberlain of the Guildhall ; the 
chest itself to be kept in the Treasury of the Guildhall. 2 The 
money therein to be lent in sums no exceeding ten pounds, and 
for terms not exceeding a quarter of a year, to such as are in need, 
security being taken for the same. John Romesey and Alice, wife 
of the same and daughter of the testator, to be seised of a cer- 
tain tenement held on trust for the testator, in the parish of 
S. Mary de Aldermanbury, for their lives ; remainder to Johanna, 

Ward uncertain. ] Chest" is still preserved in the Town 
The chest known as "Barnes's I Clerk's office at the Guildhall. 



daughter of the said Alice and of Sir Thomas Belhous, Knt., for 
life; remainder in trust for sale, and the proceeds to be placed in 
the aforesaid chest. A tenement in the parish of S. Pancras to be 
likewise sold and the proceeds devoted to the same purpose. 
Bequests to each order of mendicant friars in London, to Richard 
Odyham, one of his executors, John Drake, and others. Dated 
London, Monday next after the Feast of S. Mary Magdalen 
[22 July], A.D. 1375. Roll 103 (195). 


Mitford or Mytford (JOH DE), draper.--To be buried in the 
chancel of the church of S. Mary Magdalen in Milkstrete. To 
Johanna his wife all his lands and tenements in the City of 
London and suburbs for life ; remainder to Juliana his daughter 
in tail ; remainder to the rector and parishioners of the church of 
S. Mary aforesaid, for the maintenance of chantries for the good 
of his soul, the souls of Johanna his wife, John his son, Juliana 
his daughter, and others. If this devise be illegal he wills that 
the said tenements remain to his right heirs for the same purpose. 
Also to his wife his leasehold interest in the manor of Evere,' with 
all its stock-, and in a certain tenement in the City and a garden 
without Aldrichesgate. Bequests to the Fraternity of S. John the 
Baptist of the Guild of Tailors, to various orders of friars, the 
church of S. Mary aforesaid and ministers therein, as well as to 
various individuals. To ttenry Padyngton he leaves a gvyt)eshey 
garnished with silver gilt, and to John, son of the same, seven 
silver goddettes Dated London, 31 July, A.D. 1375. 
Roll 103 (216). 
Padyngton (I-IERY DE).ITo be bulled in the church of 
S. Margaret de Fridaystrete. To Juliana his wife all his lands, 
rents, and tenements in the City of London for life, except a tene- 
ment in the parish of It. Trinity with shops in ttoggenlane, 
which he leaves to Katherine, daughter of Johanna at Pitte his 
late servant, for life ; remainder to John his son, except a tene- 
ment in Wattlyngstrete in the parish of All Hallows de Bredestrete, 
the reversion of which, after the decease of his wife, he leaves to 
Thomas Neel and Lucy, wife of the same. His wife appointed 
guardian of his aforesaid son during minority, without giving 
 Perhaps Iver, co. Bucks. I  Goblets. 


security at the Guildhall. Bequests to the aforesaid church and 
ministers thereof, to various orders of friars, to his servants and 
others. His wife to have her entire chamber, with jewels, apparel, 
&c. The best part of the residue of his goods not otherwise dis- 
posed of he leaves to his wife, a second l'rt to his son, and a 
third to Katherine atte Pitte aforesaid. Dated London, 2 August, 
A.D. 1375. Roll 103 (217). 

Manday qex after" the Feast of S. L&e, Evaqgelist [18 Oct.]. 
Shirbourne (Jou).--To be buried in the church or churchyard 
of the abbey upon Tower Hill called the Abbey of Graces. Be- 
quests to the said abbey, the abbot and monks there, and the high 
altar and ministers of the church of All Hallows, Berking. To 
Agnes his wife shops in la Baille without Newgate in the parish 
of S. Martin for life ; remainder to pious and charitable uses. 
His leaseholds to be divided equally between his said wife and 
Alice his mother for their lives ; remainder to William his brother. 
Dated London, 10 August, A.D. 1375. Roll 103 (226). 

Bathe (rlLLIAM DE).--TO be buried in the church or church- 
yard of S. Brigid the Virgin in Fletestrete. Bequests to the said 
church, the rector, ministers, and lights thereof, and provision 
made for chantries therein. To Matilda his daughter he leaves a 
silver cup weighing about sixteen shillings. To John Elmede 
forty shillings, and his girdle fastened with botanet and clasps with 
the letters , and "knife hanging thereto. Bequests to various 
orders of friars for their prayers; to the work of the churches of 
Littelton near Stanys and of S. Brigid aforesaid, and the old and 
new work of S. Paul's ; also to the abbess and nuns of Ankerwyk, 
and to Matilda his daughter, a nun there. All his arms and 
girdles of silver, knives, and silver vessels to be sold to pay his 
debts and for pious uses. His tenement in Sholane he leaves to 
Alice the Prioress of Ankerwyke near Wyndesore, and convent of 
the same, on condition that they maintain a chantry for the good 
of his soul, the souls of Cristina his wife and others, and keep th 
said tenement in good repair ; and on failing this after due admo- 
nition, the said tenement is to go to the Prior and Convent of 
Westsmethefeld on the same terms ; and if they should fail to 



carry out the conditions imposed, the same is to remain to the 
Dean and Chapter of S. Paul's. To the aforesaid Cristina his wife 
he leaves a corner tenement at "Fleteblurgge" (sic), with adjacent 
wharf, for life ; remainder in trust for sale for the use of the 
church of S. Brigid and for the good of his soul. To Matilda his 
daughter certain rents issuing from a tenement near the Flete in 
the parish of S. Brigid aforesaid for life ; remainder to the nuns of 
Ankerwike for clothing, &c. One thousand masses to be said for 
the good of his soul within one month after his decease. His 
wife to forego all legacies if she claim her dower. Dated London, 
10 July, 49 Edward III. [A.D. 1375]. Roll 103 (228). 


Syward (JoHn), "peutrer."--To be buried in the same tomb 
with Agnes his late wife in the church of S. Martin. To Alice his 
wife a moiety of all his tenements in the parish of S. Martin 
aforesaid, and in the parish of S. John without the east gate of 
Wynchestre, by way of dower, for a term of forty years, after 
which his wife is to be dowered afresh up to her third part, and 
two thirds of the said tenements are to remain to Roger his son 
in tail; remainder to William Syward his brother in tail ; re- 
mainder in trust to be given to the poorest and most trustworthy 
man to be found in the parish of S. Martin aforesaid for life, 
with remainder to the next poorest, and so on. Further bequests 
to various orders of friars for two trentals of masses, to Katherine 
his sister, William his brother, his apprentices, and others. Dated 
London, Friday, 6 September, A.D. 1364. Roll 103 (229). 

Monday qex after the Feast of All Saiqts [1 5ov.J. 
Chaddesle (RIcHJD DE).--To Margaret orable his servant 
he leaves certain shops in the parish of S. Edmund the King and 
Martyr in Lumbardestrete for life; remainder to Isabella ]Norable 
in tail ; remainder in trust for sale for pious and charitable uses. 
Also to the said Isabella lands, tenements, and rents in the 
parishes of All Hallows and S. Mildred in Bredstret in tail ; 
remainder to pious uses. His executors to have the custody of 
the said Isabella and of her property until she come of age or 
marry. Dated London, 11 October, .D. 1375. Roll 103 (244). 




Podyngton (ROGER DE).--To be buried in the chapel of S. John 
the Baptist in the church of S. Andrew de Holebourne. To Agnes 
his wife his entire brewery with all its appurtenances, together 
with shops, &c., in Ho}bourne, for life, without committing waste ; 
remainder in trust for John his son during minority. If his said 
son die under age the same to be sold for pious uses. Also to his 
said son he leaves certain specific chattels. Dated London, Wed- 
nesday next before the Feast of Nativity of V. Mary [8 Sept.], A.D. 
1375. Roll 103 (248). 

Leggi or Leggy (SIMON, son of ToAs, late Mayor of the 
City of London').--To be buried in the church of S. Christopher 
de Brad6strete near the tomb of Thomas his father. Bequests to 
the Friars of S. Mary de Fletestrete and other orders for their 
prayers. To John Gille and Thomas Baker his servants he leaves 
shops in Lombardstrete in the parish of S. Mary de Wolchirchawe 
and elsewhere for life, and after their decease the same are to be 
sold, together with the reversions of a tavern called "la Raven" 
and of a brewery in the parish of S. Mary aforesaid, to fulfil his 
testament, and the residue of the proceeds devoted to the main- 
tenance of chantries in the aforesaid church of S. Christopher. 
Dated London, 20 August, .D. 1372. Roll 103 (249). 

Hanekyn (John), senior.--To be buried at the south door of 
the church of H. Trinity within Algate. Bequests to the said 
church, the Prior, Canons, &c., of the Monastery of H. Trinity, 
the parish clerk of the church of S. Katherine in the churchyd 
of the said monastery, the fabric of the priory church of Done- 
mowe, co. Essex, the works of London Bridge and S. Paul's Church. 
To Richard Randulf, Stephen Randulf, Robert "in the Hoo" his 
nephew, Amicia "in the Hoo," Katherine, wife of John ttane- 
kyn, junior, fishmonger, and others, he leaves divers sums of 
money and household goods, comprising beds, counterpanes, 
sheets, and gowns. Also to the aforesaid John Hanekyn, fish- 
monger, William Spicer, and others, all his lands, tenements, and 

' Thomas Legge (as the name is often 
spelt) was twice Mayor, viz., in 1347 and 
135t. He was beheaded in 1381 during 

the insurrection of War Tyler. An an- 
cestor o the Eaxl of Dartmouth, 



rents in the City of London and suburbs. Dated London, 
13 August, A.D. 1375. Roll 103 (255). 

Monday next after the Feast of S. Andrew, Apostle [30 Nov.]. 
lndeford (LAURENCE DE), Rector of the church of S. Andrew 
in Holbourne.--To be buried in the chancel of the said church 
before the image of S. Andrew. Bequests to the masters and 
scholars of the hall of William de Durham' in augmentation of its 
fellows (sociqrum), to the church of S.Andrew for making a window, 
to Geoffrey his brother, Emma de Leuton his aunt, and others ; 
also to the poor of his parish, and for maintaining the highway in 
Holbourne. His house in Weste Smeefeld to be sold for pious 
uses. Dated London, Thursday the Vigil of S. Laurence [-10 Aug.], 
a.D. 1375. Roll 103 (281). 

Stodeye (WLLLIAM), vintner.--To be buried in the church of 
S. Martin in the Vintry. An inventory to be made of all his 
movables at home and abroad within one month after his decease. 
One third of the same he leaves to Isabella his wife, another third 
to Elianora his daughter and his child en ventre sa mre in 
equal portions, and of the residue he makes various bequests to 
the church of S. Martin aforesaid, the church of Stodeye, co. 
Norfolk, the churches of S. John de Walbrok and All Hallows the 
Great in the Ropery, to each order of mendicant friars, and other 
pious and charitable uses. Certain tenements to be sold within 
three months after his decease and the proceeds devoted to the 
good of his soul. Dated London, the Feast of S. Bartholomew 
[24 Aug.], 49 Edward III. [.D. 1375]. Roll 103 (282). 

Moqday next offer the Feast of S. Hilary [13 Jan.]. 
Longe (RO6ER), vintner.- To be buried in the church of 
S. James near Garlekhithe. Bequests to the said church, the 
churches of S. Martin in the Vintry and S. Paul, the orders of 
friars in London, various hospitals, the convents of Haliwell, 
Clerkenwell, Kelbourne, Chesthunt, and Stratford, and the 
MSnoresses without Algate. To Thomas and William his sons, 
and John his bastard son, certain sums of money ; remainder, in 
 Now known as University College, Oxford, ee note, Part I. p. 316. 





case of their decease under age, in trust for pious uses for the 
good of his soul, the souls of Lucy his wife and others. Among 
other bequests are the following :--To John Tylney his apprentice 
he gives twenty pounds, a silver tastour, a coverlit and tester of 
Norfolk worked with deliohyqzs. To Maud Beccote for her mar- 
riage twenty pounds, a piece of silver with covercle, a qnantel of 
8aqzguyqz furred with calabre, a coverlyt with tester of red, three 
curteyqz8 of worsted and two pairs of sheets (lynceux), and if she 
be ezceite in the opinion of his executors, he leaves twenty 
marks to the uterine child. To Nicholas his valet of the kitchen 
(vadlet de la cousyqze) four pounds, a black coat of zvorstede, a dublet, 
and two pairs of shoes (chauces). To Rose Whyteman his servant 
forty shillings, a piece of coloured cloth for a coat, a piece of 
blanket for a corset, and a piece of linen for two chemises. To 
other servants he leaves measures of wheat and barley and a num- 
ber of sheep ; and to Sir John his chaplain forty shillings and his 
oorthos. Certain quitrents of tenements at la More in the parish 
of S. Gyles without Crepulgate he leaves to his sons and their 
heirs ; remainder in trust for sale for the maintenance of chantries 
in the said parish church, for which he also makes other provision. 
Bequests to the church of Mepeham and poor parishioners of the 
same. Three thousand masses to be sung with all haste possible 
for the good of his soul. Dated Saturday, the Feast of S. Michael, 
Archangel [-29 Sept.], A.D. 1375. Roll 103 (306). 

Monday 9zext after F. of SS. Perpetua and Felicitas [-7 March]. 
ttale (HE'RY), fishmonger.--To be buried in the chancel of 
the church of S. Magnus. Bequests to the high altar (azdentico 
altari) and ministers of the said church, the light of the H. Cross 
and the light of le Trendle t therein, the indulgence of S. Paul's,  the 
Prior of Bermondeseye, &c. To John Wade and John Clay- 
don his apprentices he leaves cups of silver and of mazer and 

 A t'endle or trindle was a taper 
consisting of a long thin coil of wax. 
They were expressly forbidden by the 
"Injunctions" of Edward VI. :--" Also, 
that they shall take away, utterly ex- 
tinct and destroy all shrines, covering 

of shrines, all tables, candlesticks, 
tqindles, or rolls of wax, &c." (Wilkins's 
' Concilia,' iv. 7). 
 Indulgences were frequently granted 
for the rebuilding or repair of 8. Paul's 



de Eynesford, John de Worstede, Andrew de Seinthomers, Gyles 
de 5Tormandie, John Wilcok, living near Aleinsmore, Richard 
"with the noose," living at ladle, and many others, he leaves 
divers sums of money. Dated London, 31 May, A.D. 1368. 
Roll 104 (40). 

tterlawe (JOhn).---To be buried in the church of S. Benedict 
de Grascherchestrete in the tomb where lies the body of Isabella 
his late wife. His funeral expenses not to exceed seven pounds. 
The residue of his goods to be divided into two parts, whereof one 
he leaves to Agnes his wife by way of dower ; of the other part 
he makes bequests to the aforesaid church and ministers thereof, 
and to a chantry priest therein for the good of his soul, the souls 
of Peter his father, Amicia his mother, and others ; also to divers 
orders of friars in London, the churches of" Pappay," All Hallows 
near London Wall, S. Paul, and S. Antony near Fyncheslane, the 
poor in various hospitals, the lazars near London, the work of the 
new chapel in the churchyard near Westsmethefeld, the monks at 
Estsmethefeld near the Tower, the work of the church of S. Kathe- 
rine near the Tower, the master and brethren of the house of 
S. Thomas de Acres, the poor women and widows living in 
Lymstrete, to Friar John Ingram, a recluse at Swannesnest near 
the Tower, &c. Desires that some one should make a pilgrimage 
to Rome, and there remain for a period of forty days (per uqam 
quadragesimam), at his expense. To the rector and church- 
wardens of the church of S. Benedict de Graschurche he leaves 
certain rents for the maintenance of a lamp and repair of the 
chapel of S. Mary in the said church. To Agnes his wife he 
leaves the tenement wherein he dwelt in the parish of 
S. Benedict aforesaid for life ; remainder to the rector and church- 
wardens aforesaid, charged with the maintenance of a chantry in 
the said parish church ; remainder, in case of default, to the 
Prior and Convent of the new Hospital of S. Mary without 
Bisshopesgate. Further bequests to the Fraternity of Salve 
Reg-gna in the church of S. Benedict aforesaid, to the box of 
the Fraternity of Brewers, and to Stephen le Chaundeler, John 
Steven atte Crouche, William, John, and Richard Herlawe, and 
others, comprising sums of money, clothes, and silrer plate. 





Ydonea, wife of the same ; a similar portion he leaves to John 
Phillepot  and Margaret, wife of the same ; a third to Henry 
Vannere and Margery, wife of the same, and the remaining fourth 
part to Johanna his daughter. Dated London, 22 March, A.D. 
1375. Roll 104 (123). 

Monday ex after the Feast of All Saints [1 Nov.]. 
Lyndeseye (GILBERT), tiler. To be buried in the church of 
S. Sepulchre without Neugate, Bequests to the said church and 
ministers therein, as well as for the purchase of spices, wine and 
ale wherewith to regale his neighbours on the day of his funeral, 
and for ale to be drunk at his Diige. To Thomas his son he 
leaves his Tylhous with all tiles and utensils thereto appertaining, 
as well as all his servants who are tilers. To Sir William Stoteo 
ville, perpetual vicar of the church aforesaid, and certain others, 
he leaves his tenements at the corner of Chykenlane in the said 
parish of S. Sepulchre, so that they provide for Alice his wife 
as long as she may live. To Roger Bure a goun furred with 
otur; to Nicholas Campayn a cloak lined with bleu and grene, 
and a Pylche  of Bu'e; 3 and to Johanna, wife of his aforesaid 
son, a piece of linen cloth and the pair of sheets in which 
he shall have died. Dated 21 September, A.D. 1376. 
Roll 104 (134). 

Monday next after the Feast of S. Lucia, Virgin [13 Dec.]. 
Stanton (ALICE, late wife of JOH DE, K]:lt.).-Wo be buried in 
All Saints' Chapel in the parish churchyard of Reynham. Bequests 
to the said church, the Abbot and Convent of Lesnes, the orders 
of friars in London, and in aid of the chapel aforesaid, charged on 
his tenement in the parish of S. Dunstan near the Tower. To 
Isabella his daughter, Johanna de Septuant, and various servants 
he leaves sums of money or chattels. Dated London, in the parish 

, Served the office of Sheriff with 
Brembre in 1372. They were of the 
same political party, and supported the 
freemen fishmongers against the party 
of John de Northampton. For further 
information see notes to his will en- 
rolled nfa, Roll 118 (30). 

 A fur, or garment with the hair on 
(Lat. l)ellicium). The term is used by 
Chaucer for a warm wrapper. Caxton 
says in the ' Book of Travellers,' "me 
fyndeth furres of beue's, of lombes 
lRlches of hares and of conyes." 
 Probably for beu'e, beaver. 




in the parishes of S. Mary Mountenhaut, S. Nicholas Coldabbeye, 
and S. Mary Somerset ; remainder to the aforesaid Dean and 
Chapter. The other moiety of the same he leaves to William his 
son in tail. To Alice his daughter an annual rent of four marks 
until the sum of twenty marks be paid, besides other bequests. 
His wife to have charge of his said son and daughter during 
minority without rendering any account. Bequests to his servants 
and others of money and clothes. Dated London, 23 February, 
A.D. 1375. Roll 105 (8). 

Monday next after the Feast of S. Mathias, Apostle [24 Feb.]. 
Trente (PETER), "Botelmakere." To be buried in the church 
of S. Thomas de Acon or in S. Paul's churchyard. Bequests to 
the church of S. Mary de Colcherche and ministers thereof, the 
Friars of S. Mary de Fletstrete and others for masses, &c., for the 
good of the souls of William his father, Agnes his mother, Alice 
his former wife, William de Trente, and others, and to the old 
work of S. Paul's. Desires to be buried without a coffin (s/he 
cista), and leaves instructions for disposal of tapers after his 
funeral. To Deonisia his daughter ten pounds. To Margaret his 
wife certain rents in the parish of S. James de Garlekhethe for 
life; remainder to pious uses. Dated London, 7 April, A.D. 1375. 
Roll 105 (16). 


Monday qzezt after the Feast of S. ]larl, Evarngelist [25 April]. 
Seintpol 1 (hLRm DE)," Contesse de Pembroc, dame de Weiseford 
et de Montignac." -- To be buried in the church of Sisters 
linoresses at Deneye, e her corpse being clothed in the habit of that 
order. The debts of Aymer de Valence, late Earl of Pembroc, her 
husband, to be discharged. Bequests to the Abbess and Sisters of 
Deneye; to Emma de Biauchamp, Abbess of Brusierd, a and house 
of the same, the Sisters Minoresses of London, the Provincial Priors 
of the Carmelite and Augustinian Friars, the Carthusian Friars of 
Henton 4 and of three other houses of the same order in Eng- 
land. To the Abbot and Convent of Westminster, for the main- 
tenance of a chantry priest in the chapel near the tomb of her 
i Relict of Aylmer de Valence, Earl |  Co. Cambridge. Part I. p. 637 n. 
of Pembroke, and daughter of Guy de i  Brusyrd, co. Suffolk. 
Chastilioun, Earl of St. Paul.  Co. Somerset. 

husband, she leaves a sum of money; also a gold cross with gold 
stand set with emeralds which Villiam de Yalence had brought 
from the Holy Land, two images, one of S. Peter and the other 
of S. Andrew, a gold chalice, and two tapestries of her husband's 
arms. Bequests also to the scholars in her hall at Cambridge, I and 
the work of the church of the Cistercian Abbey of Graces 
near the Tower of London, To the lord the King she leaves 
a ring of precious stones as a memento of her, hoping that he 
will assist her poor house of Deneye. To Sir Simon [Sudbury], 
Archbishop of Canterbury, a piece of the true cross set in gold 
with pearls and precious stones; and to the church of S. Paul 
in London one of her gold chalices and a silver-gilt image of 
S. Paul. To the King of France she leaves a sword qui est sanz 
l)ote; and to the Queen of France a silver-gilt image of S. John, 
a relic, being the finger (le doi)of S. John, and also a Book of 
ttours which once belonged to the Queen of Scots. Her wishes 
as set out in certain schedules under her seal and locked up are 
to be carried out by her executors, tier goods and chattels on 
her several manors are to be distributed among the poor of the 
neighbourhood. Further bequests to divers religious orders in 
England, among them being that of a gold chalice and image 
of S. Louis of France to the high altar of the Friars Minors ; 
also to the hospitals of Melton near Gravesend and Biggyng in 
Anesty, 2 to the Prior of Latton, 3 and to Aymar Dassell her nephew. 
Every religious house, abbey, or priory into which she had 
been received is to have some relic, image, or vestment as a 
memento of her, and such letters from their respective chapters 
as can be found. To her confessor she leaves twenty marks 
and her small breviary which the Queen gave to her. Her 
executors air to enjoy her hostel in the parish of S. Martin 
near Ludgate in the XVard of Nicholas de Farindon  for the space 
of two years, and then to sell the same in execution of her last 
will. Dated at her manor of Braxstede, co. Essex, 20 February, 
a.D. 1376. 
A codicil follows, whereby she leaves divers sums of money 
x She was the foundress of Pembroke  It is curious that this ward should 
College in the University of Cmbridge. still be associated with the name of 
"- Co. tIerts, one who disposed of all his rights to the 
 Or Lcton, co, Essex. aldermanry forty years before. 





to Friar William Morin, her confessor and Master in Divinity, 
Sir Arnald Pynkeney, Sir John de Shaftebery, her servants, and 
others. Dated at her manor of Braxstede, 13 March, A.D. 1376. 
Roll 105 (21). 
letigrew (RICHARD), "isroonger."--To be buried in the church 
of S. Benedict Shorhog.  Bequests to the said church, and pro- 
sion roade for chantries therein ; also to Sir Richard Vyncent 
the rector and the churchwardens of the same an annual rent, 
charged upon shops in the parish of S. Benedict aforesaid, to the 
use of the said church, which shops, so charged, he leaves to 
Johanna his wife for life ; remainder to Idonya his daughter in 
tail ; remainder in trust for sale for pious uses. Bequests to his 
servant and apprentice. Dated London, 5 March, A.D. 1376. 

Monday the Mo''ow of H. T'inity [24 MayJ. 
Benyngton (JOHN DE), draper.--To be buried in the church of 
S. Nicholas Coldeabbey. Bequests to the said church and ministers 
thereof; also for chantries for the good of his soul, the souls of 
Thomas Holbech, Katherine, wife of the saroe, and others. To 
Alice his wife he leaves his entire chamber with beds, sheets, and 

1 In Part I. of this Calendar (p. 413) 
a note was inserted to the will of a 
Benedict de Shorne to the effect that a 
fishmonger of that name was supposed 
to have given rise to the quaint title of 
S. 13ennet "Shorhog," the name of a 
parish church in the City which was 
also known as "S. Osith." This was 
,Stow's explanation, who conceived that 
"Shorne," the earliest name by which 
the church was known, was but a cor- 
ruption of "Shorehog." Riley objected 
to attributing the name of the church 
to one who lived thirty or forty years 
fter the church was thus known, and 
suggested that it probably took its 
name from the fact of hogs wallowing 
in the "shores" or ditches in its vicinity, 
which discharged themselves into the 
Vall-brook (' Memorials,' Introd. p. xix). 
On the other hand, Mr. Loftie has re- 
cently pointed out the existence of a 
"Willelmus Serehog" who lived in the 
vicinity of the church of S. Osith as 
early as the beginning of the twelfth 
century. Whether the church was 
called after a man of the name of 

"Serehog" or "Shorhog," and whether 
"Shorne" be a corruption of the name, 
may be open to doubt; but as to the 
meaning of "Serehog" or "Shorhog," 
and its improbable connexion with hogs 
wallowing in "shores," all uncertainty 
is set at rest by a suggestion made by 
Mr. J. A. Kingdon, a member of the 
Court of the Grocers' Company, to 
whom the public are indebted for a 
photographic facsimile of the earliest 
minute-book belonging to that company. 
He points out that the name has no 
connexion with hogs in the sense of 
swine, but rather is to be referred to the 
north-country term "hog," "hogget," or 
"hoggerel," by which a ram or tup is 
known after being weaned, the same 
animal, if castrated, being called a 
"wether hog.'" Aftershearing, probably 
when a year and a half or two years old, 
it is called a "sheahog" or "shearling." 
It is curious to note that the property 
devised by the Benedict de Shorne just 
mentioned was situate in the parish 
most addicted to the wool trade- 
S. lary de ll)lcherchehawe. 



other appurtenances, also his vessels of brass and tin, his mazer 
and silver cups, together with a moiety of all his goods and 
chattels by way of dower. Further bequests of money to 
Nicholaa. his sister, Simon Benyngton, "upholder, '' of Cornhull, 
John Seles, John Tours, draper, and others, as well as to 
divers religious orders in London, and to the hermit shut up 
near the church of S. Laurence in Old Jewry. The reversion of 
certain tenements situate in the parish of S. Mary Aldermanbury, 
which come into possession on the decease of Sarah, wife of Thomas 
de Basyngstok, he directs to be sold and the proceeds devoted to 
pious and charitable uses. Dated London, Tuesday next after the 
Feast of Pentecost [-17 May], h.D. 1377. Roll 105 (48). 


Monday ext after" the Feast of S. Lug, Evangelist [18 Oct.J. 
Schelley (Tos).--To be buried in the church of S. Thomas 
de Acon near the Conduit. The reversion of certain tenements 
and rents held by Matilda, relict of Stephen Cavendisch, late 
draper, for life, he leaves to William Rule, draper, together with 
the reversion of certain others held by John Foxcote for life. 
Dated London, 3 September, 1 Richard II. [-A.D. 1377]. 
Roll 106 (31). 

Monday the Feast of S. Andrew, Apostle [30 
(untebrigge (JOH: DE), fishmonger.--To be buried in S. Mary's 
Chapel of Crichiche H. Trinity, where John his son, Elizabet 
and Agnes his former wives lie buried. To the Prior and Convent 
of H. Trinity certain tenements and reversions in the parishes of 
S. Laurence near Candelwyestrete, S. Giles without Crepulgate, 
and S. Katherine within Algate. To Katherine his wife the 
reversion of a tenement called "Bacunysyn" in the parish 
of S. Sepulchre without Neugate for life ; remainder to the Abbot 
and Convent of Burton,  co. Stafford. To William Kelhull, fish- 
monger, and Agnes, wife of the same, he leaves a certain tenement 
with great gate and cellar, situate in the parish of S. Nicholas atte 

Upholsterer or second-hand dealer, I  Burton-upon-Trent, where there was 
Fr.friTTier. ee lart I. p. 1, note 1. I an abbey of the Benedictine Order. 




Coldeabbey, for their lives ; remainder to William, son of Thomas 
Conners,  in tail. In the event of the said William dying without 
issue, all the property left to him is to be divided equally between 
the Abbot and Convent of Westminster, the Prior and Convent of 
H. Trinity, and the Prior and Convent of S. Mary de Overe in 
Suthwerk. Also to the last-mentioned prior and convent he 
leaves a shop in the Goldsmithery of London in the parish of 
S. Matthew in Fridaystrete for observance of his obit. To Sir 
Richard de Kyngeston, rector of the church of Burghasch,  a gilt 
cup with covercle to match. To John Kyngeston and other his 
apprentices he leaves sums of money, and to his chaplain a Legend 
of the Saints called the ' Golden Legend.' To his aforesaid wife 
two beds called "Feder bedisse "; and to the aforesaid rector 
of Burghasch and John de Kyngeston his house at Yermys- 
mouth? Dated Saturday the Vigil of S. Laurence [10 Aug.], 
.D. 1376. Roll 106 (67). 

Monday qzext after the Feast of S. Lucia, Vg,giq [13 Dec.]. 
tures (ADAM), called "Canoun."---To be buried near Hawisia 
his late wife in the church of S. Mary atte Hull. Bequests to 
the said church and ministers therof, the church of S. ]Ticholas 
Hacoun, the five orders of friars in the City of London and 
suburbs, the prisoners in Neugate, the fabric of London Bridge ; 
also to Alice his daughter, Cristina, daughter of the same, Alice 
his sister, Alice, wife of John Beingio, and others. To Johanna 
his wife he leaves a tenement and his leasehold interest in the 
parishes of S. Andrew Huberd near Estchep and S. Margaret 
Patyns for life; remainder in trust for sale for the good of his 
soul. Dated London, 15 May, A.D. 1376. Roll 106 (71). 

Monday qext after" the Feast of S. Hila'y [13 Jaz.]. 
Groom (RIctlARD), " curreour."---To be buried in the church 
of S. Giles without Crepulgate in the same tomb with Estrilda 
his late wife. Bequests to the said church and ministers therein ; 
also for maintenance of the light upon the great beam, the light 
of H. Trinity, and the lights of S. Mary and S. Katherine therein. 

Convers (?). [  Yarmouth. 
Co. Sussex. 

parish of S. Michael, to hold in fee. Dated London, 22 February, 
1 Richard II. ]-A.D. 1377-81. 
Dunstan Harcherug put his claim upon the above testament, as 
appears at the ttusting for Pleas of Land held ou )[onday next after 
the Feast of S. Agatha, Virgin [5 Feb.], 2 Richard II. [A.). 
Roll 106 (128). 
Monday the Feast of S. Pet'oilla, T'q'gin [31 May]. 
Frowyk (HENRY), senior.--To be buried in the church of the 
Hospital of S. Mary de Elsynggespitell within Crepulgate. To 
John the Prior and Convent. of the Carthusian house near Smeth- 
feld certain tenements in the parish of S. Giles without Crepulgate. 
To Sir Robert de Braycote the Prior and Convent of Elsyngge- 
spitell aforesaid an annual rent issuing from a tenement called by 
some "la Redebrewehous," and by others "la Rededore," and from 
other tenements situate in the lane called " Sefhodlane, ''2 and 
elsewhere in the parish of S. Laurence in the Jewry ; also from a 
tenement at the corner of the King's road of la Eldechauqge, and 
fl'om others in the parishes of S. Sepulchre without :Neugate and 
S. Martin within Ludgate, for the maintenance of a chantry priest. 
To Henry his grandson (filiolo meo), son of Thomas hisson, certain 
annual rents issuing from a tenement called "le Cage" in the 
parish of S. Michael de Bassyeshawe and houses in the street 
called "la Barbycanstret," near the hostel of the Earl of 
Suffolk,  in the parish of S. Giles without Crepulgate. Dated 
London, Monday the morrow of S. Alphege, Bishop [19 April], 
.D. 1377. Roll 106 (142). 


Mop, day qext after" the Feast of S. Jaes, Apostle [25 JdyJ. 
Dachet (JoHn).--To be buried in the church of the Preach- 

 Hust. Roll (Pleas of Land series) 
1o. CI., where the said Dunstan claims 
the property here devised in reversion, 
as having been long since granted to 
him by deed of the testator, by reason 
of which the tenements were attorned to 
the clainnt. 
 Otherwise called " Seuenhodelane," 
"Seuehodeslane," &c., difficult to iden- 
tify at the present day. 

a "On the west side of the Red 
Cross is a street called the Barbican ...... 
this burgh-kenning, by the name of the 
blanor of Base court, was given by Ed- 
ward IIL to Robert Ufford, Earl of 
Suffolk, and was lately appertaining to 
Peregrine, Lord Willoughby of 
Ersby" (Stow's ' Survey," Thoms's ed., 
1876, p. 113). 





ing Friars. 1 To Johanna Katewaye, whom she places in charge of 
Hugh de Ware, fishmonger, she leaves her tenement in the lane 
called "Petreslane," near Pouleswharf, in tail ; remainder to 
Robert her son in tail ; remainder to Alice Peters  to dispose of 
for the good of her soul Also to her aforesaid son a white bed 
embroidered with hounds ' (cure leporariis), with tester and half 
canopy (cure tester et demi silur) ; another bed of double vorstede 
with blantz, sheets, canevas, matraces, &c. ; also a dosser for 
the hall with heads called "ladihevedes" worked in tapestry; 
dishes of peautq'er, and four large chargeours. To the aforesaid 
Johanna bequests of similar chattels, and to the aforesaid Hugh 
a silver cup called " chalicecoppe" with silver covercle. The 
residue of her goods to be at the disposal of the aforesaid Alice 
Peters and John de Fordham, clerk. Dated London, Sunday 
next after the Feast of S. James, Apostle [25 July], A.D. 1375. 
Roll 107 (22). 

londay qext before the Feast of SS. Simoqz aqzd Jude [28 Oct.]. 
Flete (Jor), "goldbetere."---To be buried in S. Paul's church- 
yard. Bequests to the old fabric of S. Paul's Church, the beam 
light in the church of S. Peter in Chepe, the belfry of S. John 
" Sucre, TM &c. To Johanna his wife he leaves certain rents in 
Godmaalane, parish of S. Vedast, for life ; remainder to John and 
Thomas his sons in successive tail. William Hapir, "goldbetere," 
to have all his implements of handicraft for the sum of six marks. 
His tenement near le Flete in the parish of S. Brigid in Fletestret 
to be sold and the proceeds divided equally among his daughters. 
Dated London, 13 February, n.D. 1377. Roll 107 (58). 

Monday qzext after tIte Feast of S. Agatha, Virgi% [5 Feb.]. 
lurtlaey (RALr) de Halstede.--To be buried in the chapel 

 Dominicans or Black Friars. 
" If this be the notorious mistress of 
the late King Edward III. and wife of 
Sir William de Windsor, the confiden- 
tial trust here reposed in her by the 
testatrix is remarkable. Stow records 
how, anno 48 Edward III., as Lady of 
the Sun, she rode from the Tower, 
through Cheap, ccompanied by many 
lords and ladies, every lady leading a 

horse by the bridle, till they came into 
West Smithfield, where a tournament 
was held, lasting seven days. She ac- 
quired considerable real estate in the 
City, her name frequently occurring in 
deeds enrolled in the Court of Husting. 
History has scarcely done her justice. 
See Yotes and Queries, 7th S. vii. 449. 
 Strictly speaking, harriers. 
 2.e., Zachary. 



lately erected by him in the churchyard of the Hospital of 
S. Thomas the Martyr in Southwerk. Bequests to the said hospital, 
to the poor prisoners of lee Ma'eschalesy and of the K_ing's Bench, 
the prisoners in Igeugate, and the five orders of friars in London; 
to Sir John Wyndman, chaplain of the parish [church] of S. Dun- 
stan Est, and others. To John his son he leaves all his lands and 
tenements in London in tail ; remainder to Edmund Halstede his 
-kinsman for life ; remainder over. To Margery his daughter twenty 
marks sterling. Also to his said son and daughter all his house- 
hold goods and chattels, with the exception of two beds which he 
leaves to John Broune. Dated at Southwerk, 23 December, A.D. 
1378. Roll 107 (87). 

Monday the Feast of SS. Perpetua and Felcitas 
loter&ale (rALTER), woodmonger. -- To be buried in the 
churchyard of S. Andrew near Castle Bernard (sic), near the tomb 
of Agnes his late wife. Bequests to the church of S. Andrew 
aforesaid and ministers therein, and directions for funerals, 
observance of obit, &c. Bequests also to the lights of the 
Fraternity of S. Erkenwald, the Fraternity of S. Anne, divers 
orders of friars, &c. A chantry priest to be appointed in the 
aforesaid church immediately after his decease for the good of his 
soul, the souls of Agnes and Johanna his wives, and others. To 
John and William his sons, and Johanna his daughter, respectively, 
he leaves the sum of ten marks. Agnes his wife appointed 
guardian of the same, and her husband is to give security before 
the Chamberlain at the Guildhall for their portions in the event 
of her marrying again, which if he refuses to do the said children 
and their property are to be placed under the care of John 
Asshlee. Also to his said wife he leaves a tenement and wharf 
for life ; remainder in trust for sale. Dated London, Friday next 
after the Feast of Annunciation of V. Mary [25 March], A.D. 1378. 
Roll 107 (96). 
lenwary-a (JohN), tailor.-- To be buried in the church of 
S. Mary de Aldermariecherche. Bequests to the said church and 
ministers therein. To Isabella his wife he leaves all his utensils 
belonging to his hall, pantry, butlery, and kitchen ; and all his 
lands and tenements in the parish of S. Dunstan in the Ward of 



same parish and to the Chamberlain of the Guildhall for the time 
being and their successors under the same conditions. Dated 
London, at his dwelling-house without Aldrichesgate in the parish 
of S. Botolph aforesaid, 8 June, A.D. 1377. Roll 108 (4). 


Croydon (JoHn), fishmonger.--To be buried in the churchyard 
of S. Sepulchre without Newegate in the tomb with Margery his 
late wife. Bequests to the church and ministers of the same, and 
for taking down the old wooden cross in the north part of the 
churchyard if the parishioners will set up a new one of stone in its 
place. To Thomas Croydon his brother, a friar of the Augus- 
tinian Order, he leaves a mazer cup called "God morwe," holding 
one gallon ; after his death the same to go to the house of that order. 
Bequests to divers other orders of friars in London, to the work of 
the Hospital of S. Mary de Bedelem without Bysshopesgate that his 
name may be entered in its book to be had in remembrance, and to 
prisoners in Newegate, lazars, &c. To Elena his wife, in addition 
to the goods he received with her, he leaves three of his best beds, 
namely, a bed worked with dolphins in tapestry, a bed of oq:f- 
folk  and a bed of Wuq'stede'- dyed and worked with figures, together 
with their appurtenances, two best feather beds with best bolsteris, 
a cuppeborde called "vesseller," three small cups of the measure 
of one pinty, a table with trestles, three chandeliers, and other 
household goods. His wife to have the custody of Elena his 
daughter and of her property, she giving security at the Chamber 
of the Guildhall. Also to his said wife and daughter he leaves a 
shop in Bruggestrete in the parish of S. Magnus, and his lease- 
hold interest in tenements held under the Prior and Convont of 
Merton in Southwerk beyond London Bridge in the parish of 
S. George. Dated London, 10 April, A.D. 1378. Roll 108 (7). 

Monday the Feast of S. James, .dpostle [25 July]. 
(ADAM), surgeon.--To be buried in the place appointed 

 Norfolk generally, and more espe- 
cially Norwich, was famous for weaving 
stuffs for costly household furniture. 
Sir John Cobham in 1394 bequeathed 
"a bed of Norwich stuff embroidered 
with butterflies." 
-Worsted, co. Norfolk, by a new 
method of its own for carding wool with 

combs of iron well heated, and then 
twisting the thread harder than usual 
in the spinning, enabled weavers to 
produce a woollen stuff of peculiar 
quality, to which the name itself of 
"worsted" was givcn (Rock's ' Textile 
Fabrics,' p. 65). 


by him in the monastery of S. Alban.  Bequests to the new work 
of S. Paul's, to the Abbey of S. Alban for a pittance, the church 
of S. Alphege within Crepulgate, and divers orders of friars in 
London. To Sir William Stodeleye he leaves a girdle with 
pouch and knife, which the Duke of Lancaster gave him. 
Directions as to burning of tapers at his funeral and their subse- 
quent disposal. To Juliana his wife he leaves a certain tenement 
in the parish of All Hallows called "le Mechele '' for life ; 
remainder to the Abbey of S. Alban on condition that his obit 
be observed as directed. Also to his said wife shops in la Rol)erye 
near a tenement called "le hood on the hoop" in the aforesaid 
parish for life; remainder to Abbess and Convent of the Minoresses 
of S. Clare without Algate ; also the reversion for life of a tene- 
ment upon Cornhull after the decease of William his brother and 
of Johanna, wife of the same; remainder to house of the Salutation 
of the Mother of God of the Carthusian Order near London. To 
William Bowyer his son and to Lora, wife of the same, a certain 
tenement in the parish of S. Andrew upon Cornhull in tail ; 
remainder to the aforesaid house of the Salutation. To the Prior 
and Convent of the church of S. Bartholomew de Westsmythefeld 
the reversions of certain tenements and rents in the parishes of 
S. Andrew de Holbourn, S. Mildred, S. Edmund the King in 
Lumbardestrete, and All Hallows the Great in the Ropery. 
Pecuniary bequests to the wife and children of Simon his 
brother, to Friar Thomas, son of his brother William, Cristina 
Harpesfeld, to his servants and others. Dated London, 27 April, 
A.D. 1379. Roll 108 (13). 

Spark (VILLIAM).--TO be buried under the altar of S. licholas 
in the church of S. Mary le Bow. Bequests to the said church, to 
ministers and the Fraternity of S. Mary therein ; also to divers 
orders of fl'iars in London, and to the canons of Neuwerk 3 near 
Gildeford. To William his son all his tenements uln Cornhull 
in tail ; remainder to pious uses for the good of his soul, the souls 
of Margery his wife and others ; also a moiety of all his vessels 
 Co. Herts. [  Aldebury in the manor and parish 
 Generally known as All Hallows l of Sende, afterwards called Newark, 
"upon the Cellar" (or Cellars) or "the ] New Place, or De Novo locojuta Guild- 
Less." ] ford. 



of silver. Pecuniary bequests to Robert son of Matilda de Flete, 
his bastard son, to Alice de Plukkele his servant, and others. 
Dated London, Friday the Feast of S. George, Martyr [-23 April], 
A.D. 1361. 
Whereupon the counterfeit and forged will which Andrew Smyth, 
"pyebaker," had delivered to William Cheyne, :Recorder, and Henry 
Perot, Common Clerk, in the Chamber of the Guildhall, on Thursday 
next after the Feast of the Purification of V. Mary [2 Feb.J, anno 
2 Richard II. [A.). 1378-9], in order to stay the enrolment of the 
above true will, was by order of the Court publicly cancelled and 
annulled, and the aforesaid Andrew fined one mark. 
Roll 108 
ttaket (AD0, "bowyere."--To Margery his wife a moiety of all 
his tenements and quitrents situate near Bowyerrowe in the parish 
of S. Martin within Ludgate, also near Eldeneslane and Seinte- 
brideslane in the parish of S. Brigid, by way of dower ; the other 
moiety going to William his son in tail, with ultimate remainder 
in trust for sale, and the proceeds devoted to pious uses for the 
good of his soul. Bequests to the chaplain for the time being 
serving the Fraternity of S. Mary in the church of S. Martin 
aforesaid, and to the keepers of the lamp before the Holy Cross in 
the same. Dated London, 26 July, A.D. 1378. Roll 108 (16). 


londay qext before the Feast of SS. Simon and Jude [-28 Oct.]. 
Gatesby (WILLIAM).--To be buried in the church of All Hallows 
Stanyng with his feet towards the font. Bequests to the high altar 
and rood light in the said church, the lights also of S. Nicholas and 
S. Katherine in the same, the Fraternity of S. Katherine near the 
Tower, the Fraternity of All Hallows, London Wall, and the Fra- 
ternity of S. Mary de Crichirche. To William and John his sons 
he leaves sums of money. Sarah his wife appointed guardian of 
his said sons. Also to the said John he leaves for life, with the 
assent of his wife, a certain tenement in the parish of All Hallows 
which they had acquired from the executors of John Aldreton ; 
remainder to the wardens of the Fraternity of All Saints in the 
church of Stanyng (in ecclesia de Stanyng) aforesaid. Dated 
London, 29 September, .D. 1378. Roll 108 (42). 

Monday next after the Feast of S. Leoard, Abbot [6 Nov.]. 
Barton (BEATRIX, relict of Jom DE, late vintner).--To 




within Crepulgate, which he and Alice his wife acquired from John 
Cavendissh, " draper," to them and the heirs and assigns of the 
testator, is to be sold after the decease of his said wife, and sixty 
shillings of the proceeds divided among the children of John 
Batour, and the residue devoted to pious uses. Dated London, 
I August, A.D. 1375. Roll 108 (48). 

Monday next before the Feast of S. Andrew, Apostle [30 
Burgh (TOMAS).---To be buried in S. Mary's Chapel within 
the close of the Hospital of S. Thomas the Martyr in Suthwerk. 
Bequests to the said hospital. To Agnes his daughter the rever- 
sion of a gold ring with a dyamant and a large mazer, and also of 
certain lands, tenements, rents, and services at Bilyagesgate in 
the parish of S. Mary at Hull, after the decease of Isabella his 
wife, to hold the same in tail, with remainder in trust for pious 
uses within the aforesaid chapel. Dated in his chamber within 
the close of the hospital aforesaid, Tuesday next after the Feast 
of S. Barnabas, Apostle [11 June], A.D. 1379. Roll 108 (52). 
Monday qext before the Feast orS. Valentze [14 Feb.]. 
lqichole (FRNK).--Is about to take a long journey and so 
makes his will. Immediately on hearing of his decease those who 
stand seised of his property in the City of London and suburbs, 
as also in the vill of Suthwerk and the counties of Middlesex and 
Essex, are to convey the same to his heirs (if any) to hold in fee 
tail ; remainder to Thomas Vynent and Paul Gisors, son of Peter 
Spicer, his kinsmen, as joint tenants in tail, with remainders over. 
Dated London, Friday the Feast of S. Martin in Yeme [11 Nov.], 
A.D. 1379. Roll 108 (70). 

Lovel (WILLIAM), called " Whatelee," cordwainer, who was 
admitted into the freedom of the City of London and sworn 
temp. Simon Franceys, Mayor, and Thomas Maryns, Chamberlain 
of the City, and is entered in the Green Book of Redemptions 
of Freedoms and Apprentices, viz., Friday next after the Feast 
of S. Luke, Evangelist [18 Oct., 17 Edward III. [.D. 13432. 
--Bequests to the church of S. Peter in Westchepe. His 
leasehold interest in certain lands and tenements in the parishes 




of S. Peter aforesaid and S. Margaret Moysi in Fridaystret he 
leaves to his executors, subject to an annual charge in aid of a 
chantry founded in the church of S. Peter aforesaid for the soul 
of Simon de Parys, and to the payment of certain pecuniary 
bequests to Friar Richard Lovel his brother, Master |Dionisius 
Lopham, Henry Perot, and others. To Cecilia his daughter 
he also leaves lands and tenements in the aforesaid parish of 
S. Peter, held for a term under the Abbot and Convent of 
Westminster ; remainder to his executors ; remainder to the 
wardens of his craft in Chepe for the time being. To the Hospital 
of S. Bartholomew near Smethefeld lands and tenements in 
Watlingstret in the parish of S. Augustine at S. Paul's Gate, 
charged with an annual payment of six shillings and eightpence 
to the Mayors or Wardens of the City of London, and of thirty 
shillings to two brethren of the said hospital perpetually to cele- 
brate for the good of his soul, the souls of Stephen his father, 
Matilda his mother, Agnes his wife, and others. Dated London, 
Monday, 12 December, A.D. 1379. Roll 108 (72). 

Monday next before the Feast of S. Peter iq Cathedr5 [22 Feb.]. 
Cornerthe (ToMAs DE), mercer.---To be buried in the church 
of S. Mildred in Bredestrete. His goods and chattels in silver and 
gold, merchandise, and the profits of his share of Chastelec (sic) 
to be divided into three parts, whereof one part is to be de- 
voted to the good of his soul, a second part to go to Elena his wife 
by way of dower, and a third part to Thomas and Isabella his 
children in equal portions. Also to his said wife he leaves all his 
tablecloths and household utensils, together with his (sic) entire 
chamber, except his personal apparel. Out of his own portion 
of goods he makes divers bequests to the aforesaid church of 
S. Mildred, to the high altars of Bow, London, and of the church 
of S. Michael in Basyngeshawe, the works of S. Paul's, Cricherche, 
and the church of S. Thomas de Aquino; to various orders of friars, 
the nuns of S. Elena, London, and of Stretford and Halywell ; 
the prisoners in Neugate ; to Clement and William Spraye, John 
Madour, Lora his sister, his apprentices, and others. To Sir 
John de Elford, parson of the church of Wode Norton, co. 
Norfolk, he leaves ten marks ; and to George, the parson of the 



church of Little Cornerthe, 1 a like sum. Provision made for 
chantries in the said church of Little Cornerthe as well as in the 
church of S. Mildred aforesaid. His tenement in Bredstret he 
leaves to his wife for life ; remainder to Thomas his son and 
Isabella his daughter in successive tail. Dated London, 10 May, 
.D. 1361. Roll 108 (75). 

Monday ex$ before F. of SS. Perpe$ua and Felicitas [7 Ma'ch]. 
Wyter (THo.'AS), tanner.-To be buried in the churchyard of 
S. Giles without Crepulgate. His house in lamoest'ete in the 
parish of S. Giles aforesaid to be sold by Alice his wife, she to 
retain one half of the proceeds by way of her share of his goods 
and tenements, the other half being devoted to payment of his 
debts and pious and charitable uses. Dated London, Wednesday 
the Feast of S. Thomas, Apostle [21 Dec.], .D. 1379. 
Roll 108 (101). 

lothy-ag (RICHD), "stokfisshmongere."--To be buried at the 
entrance to the church of S. Michael de la Crokedlane near 
Radegunda his late wife. To the Abbot of the new Monastery of 
Graces near the Tower, and his successors he leaves a certain tene- 
ment in Stokfisshmongerrewe near Crokedlane, which he had by 
deed and feoffment of Katherine Moigne, enrolled at the Husting for 
Pleas of Land held on Monday next after the Feast of S. Gregory, 
Pope [12 MarchJ, 30 Edward III. [.D. 1355-6J,  so that the said 
abbot provide a perpetual chantry priest to celebrate for the good 
of his soul, the souls of Radegunda his late wife and others ; and 
in default the same to go to the Blayor, Recorder and Sheriffs of 
the City of London for similar purpose in the Guildhall chapel. 
Also to Friar John Bures, Prior of the House of the Holy Cross 
near the Tower of London, and his successors, he leaves a tenement 
situate in the parish of All Hallows the Great near Douegate, and 

1 Little Cornard, co. Suffolk. 
 No such deed appears on the Hust- 
ing Roll of deeds and wills for that date; 
but a deed was enrolled at the Husting 
for Pleas of Land held on Monday 
next before the Feast of S. Barnabas 
[11 June] in the year mentioned, 
whereby Katherine, relict and execu- 

trix of John le Moigne, whose will was 
enrolled 5 Edward II. (Calendar, Part I. 
p. 228), conveys to Richard de Roth- 
yngge, citizen and "stokfisshmongere," 
and Redegund his wife, all her late 
husband's tenements in Thames Street 
in the parish of S. Michael de Candel- 
wikstret. Roll 84 (60). 





others in Syvedenlane, t for similar pious uses, with like remainder 
in case of default. To Richard Grace he leaves certain tenements 
acquired under the will of Henry Gubbe, situate near Crokedlane, 
for life, in trust for the maintenance of a chantry in the church of 
S. Michael aforesaid. Dated London, 5 October, A.D. 1379. 
Roll 108 (127). 

Monday next after F. of S. John ante potato Latinam [6 May]. 
Tonk (][hRGARET, late wife of JON DE Lh).--To be bused in 
the church of Patemostercherche in the Riole near her late 
husband. Bequests to the said church and ministers of the same ; 
also to Nicholas Coewaille and Flora Ms fe Isabella Patrik 
Alice Haltoft Alice Newecastel and others. To Juliana her sister 
she leaves a feather bed, a best catvasshe a pair of best sheets 
a tester of green colour tablecloth, a long toway a brass pot 
with leaden cover called " Tyvell" and leaden shon stula), 
and a fatt ; also, ong other things, a robe of green colour 
with fur of bysshes,  a hood fued with meny',  a fermafl of 
gold having the Royal Arms of England with a pair of pa'- 
nost8 of silver attached thereto cled " langettis" and a 
cup of silver of Parys work imitating leaves. To Margery her 
sister and John Brampton glazier, husnd of the se among 
other things a tester ornamented with boars' heads a retail of 
gold made to represent four points of the compass (ad moduq 
quat'e mye compays), a pair of patevnostvevs of aumb% a silk 
girdle with imitat.ion roses in silver a silver cup of Parys work- 
mansMp simar to that bequeathed to her sister Juliana, and a 
red robe furred with bysshes hang a hd of Tauqmy fred th 
menve'. To John, son of Henry Grene Ydonea her niece 
Isabella Drury and Margery Basg she leaves similar chattels 

1 Or Synedenlane, corrupted into 
Sydon Lane, now Seething Lane. 
: Vat. 
a According to Riley u fu made 
from the skin of the hind or female 
deer. In Alexander Neckam's voca- 
bulaxy the Lat. bissus-Fr, cheys.l 
(Wright's 'Vocab.,' vol. i. p. 99). On 
the other hasad, we find mention made 
of bys of rabbits and haxes ('lIe- 
morials," p. 267) and of squirrels. 

4 According to u marginal note on 
' Liber Horn ' (fol. 249 b) of the City's 
Records, qeneve" was the name given 
to the fu on the belly of the squirrel 
during winter, whilst the same authority 
states that the fus known as g'is and 
bis or bsshe vere manufactured from 
the back of the same animal at the 
sane season :--G/s "et his" (inserted) 
est le dos en yve desuiell et la vent'e 
en yves" est nwneve'. 



comprising a mazer cup made like a ship, primers, cloaks of medley, 
gowns furred with Grys, 1 and a tester ornamented with heads of 
conies (cunicuIo'um). Also to the aforesaid Ydonea her niece 
and Margery Basyng her servant she leaves two mansion houses 
situate in the parish of Fenchirche for their respective lives ; 
remainder in trust for sale for pious and charitable uses. Other 
mansions in the same parish she devises for sale for the mainte- 
nance of a chantry priest in the church of S. Michael [Paternoster- 
church] aforesaid. To the monks of Bermundesey thirteen 
shillings and fourpence. Dated 21 October, A.D. 1378. 
Roll 108 (129). 


Pole (Jo DE LA).--To be buried in the church of Crystes- 
hale  between the tomb of Margaret his mother and Johanna his 
late wife. To John Lealham, goldsmith, and Hawisa, wife of 
the same, he leaves his hostel in Sharmonereslane in the parish 
of S. Mary Magdalen. To Robert Antoigne, William Lyndesele, 
John Lyndesele, William Drayton, and others, divers sums of 
money. Dated at Asshby David, 3 Thursday, 1 March, .D. 1379. 
Roll 108 (131). 

Lot (JOHN), called "Foxton," fishmonger.--To be buried in the 
church of S. Andrew at Castle Baynard, to which church and 
to certain parishioners thereof, being the best and most trust- 
worthy men of the crafts of Voodmongers and Brewers, he 
leaves the reversion of a brewery situate in the parish of 
S. Andrew, and of a bakehouse in the parish of S. M.axy de 
Aldermariechirch, after the decease of Margaret his wife, charged 
with the maintenance of a chantry in the said parish church and 
other pious and charitable uses ; and in default the property 
is to go to the Mayor and Commonalty of London and their 
successors on like condition. Dated London. Easter Sunday 
[25 March], 3 Richard II. [A.D. 1380]. Roll 108 (133). 

 Lat. gviseus, one of the richest furs 
used in the lYliddle Ages, but it seems 
to be uncertain from what animal it was 
obtained. Riley is inclined to think it 

might have been the skin of the badger ; 
but see the preceding note. 
2 Chrishall (?), co. Essex. 
 Co. Northampton. 




within Ludgate. His best silver girdle he leaves to be converted 
into a cross for the said church. To Alice Midewyf a piece of 
silver and silver spoons. To William Temple and John Canoun 
six shillings and eightpence respectively. Dated London, 
3 December, A.D. 1380. Roll 109 (66). 

Monday next after Feast of SS. Fabian and Sebastian [20 Jan.]. 
Gille (JOnN), draper.--To be buried in the middle of the 
processional way  (in medio iteneris pvocessionis) of the church 
of S. Christopher, London, in case the parishioners wish to con- 
struct a north aisle (insulam) in the said church, for the 
making of which he leaves twenty marks sterling ; otherwise he is 
to be buried before the cross in the churchyard near his children, 
and the said sum of money is then to go to the work of the Con- 
duit of London. Bequests to the said church for lights, &c., to 
divers orders of friars and every anchorite in London, to the 
hermit near the house of S. Katherine by the Tower, the inmates 
of various hospitals, the lepers at Hakeneye and at S. Thomas 
Wateryng, e and the prisoners in Neugate and Flete ; to the works 
of S. Paul's and S. Peter's upon Cornhull, and of the church of 
Wynpole, co. Cambridge ; to the boxes of the fraternities of 
S. Christopher, of Bedelehem, and of the Drapers. To Margaret 
his daughter he leaves a cup called "Byker," a gilt cup of three 
leaves, twelve silver spoons, and two hundred pounds sterling. 
Johanna his wife appointed guardian of his said daughter, she 
giving security at the Chamber of the Guildhall for safeguarding 
his daughter's property. Also to his said wife he leaves all his 
lands and tenements in the parish of S. Christopher in the wards 
of Cornhull and Bradstrete, and his brewery and garden in the 
parish of S. Peter upon Cornhull, for life; remainders to his afore- 
said daughter, Isabella his sister, and Richard, son of William 
Robynet, in successive tail; remainder to pious uses in the church 
of S. Peter aforesaid. Bequests also to Robert Gille his father, 
his servants, apprentices, and others. To the box of the Fraternity 
of S. John of the Tailors of London twenty shillings. Dated 
 See note suIra, p. 157. Chaucer, Prologue to the 'Canterbury 
Tales,' 825-826 :-- 
 Or "St. Thomas of IVaterings" Andforthweridenalitelmorethanpaas, 
(Strype'- Stow), in Southwark. Cf. Unto the n, ateryngc of Seint Thomas. 



younger son in tail ; remainder in trust for sale for pious uses. 
To Alice his daughter sixty-six shillings and eightpence and a 
brass vessel holding two gallons ; and to the aforesaid William his 
younger son divers household chattels. His wife to have charge 
of the said William during minority, so long as she remain chaste 
and unmarried. If his said son die within the next eleven years, 
all his goods are to be divided into two parts, one of which he 
leaves to his aforesaid wife, and the other to pious and charitable 
uses. Richard Hervy his brother appointed surveyor of his will, 
to whom he bequeaths six shillings and eightpence for trouble 
taken in that behalf. Dated London, the Feast of S. Thomas, 
Apostle [21 Dec.], .D. 1380. Roll 109 (90). 

Monday w_xt before the Feast of S. Benedict, Abbot [1 Ma'ch]. 
Aubrey (JoH).--To be buried in the monastery of the Car- 
thusian monks near London. To Matilda his wife he leaves all 
his movables. To the church of S. Antonin twenty pounds ster- 
ling, out of which the rector is to have eight pounds and there- 
with to be content. Each of his servants to be rewarded according 
to merit. Dated at Shenley, co. Herts, Saturday the Feast of 
Conception of V. Mary [8 Dec.J, .D. 1380. Roll 109 (98). 

Cornerthe (ELEh, relict of THOIAS, late mercer).- To be 
buried in the church of S. htichael in Bassynggeshaghe near the 
tomb of Roger Madour her former husband. Leaves all her 
goods, movable and immovable, to Sir John Haitfeld, clerk, John 
Shadworthe and William Shiringham, mercers, to dispose of for 
the good of her soul. Dated London, 17 February, A.D. 1380. 
Roll 109 (102). 
Wendelyngburgh (JOHN DE), t' pouchemaker."--To be buried in 
the church of S. Botolph without Aldrychegate. Bequests to the 
said church and ministers of the same, and for the maintenance of 
tapers in the chapel where is sung the antiphon Salve tegia ; 
also to the new work of S. Paul's and for tapers therein, as well 
as for a taper to burn before the image of the Virgin at the north 
door of the monastery of S. Peter at Westminster. Bequests 
for chantries to be sung in the church of S. Botolph aforesaid, and 
at Oxford or Cambridge, for the good of his soul. To Eva his 



wife forty pounds and various articles of furniture. Bequests also 
to the fraternities of the craft of Skinners of Sarum, of S. Kathe- 
rine in S. Paul's Church, of Pouchemakers of London, and of 
SS. Fabian and Sebastian in the church of S. Botolph aforesaid ; 
to William Hyne de Wendlyngburgh and Agnes, wife of the same, 
his sister, John Pere, his servants, and others. His aforesaid wife 
to enjoy a life interest in all his tenements in the parishes of 
S. Botolph aforesaid and S. Giles the Abbot without Crepulgate ; 
remainder to pious and charitable uses. Dated London, Friday 
the Feast of S. Edmund, Confessor [20 Nov.], A.D. 1380. 
Roll 109 (103). 


Monday the Feast of S. John aqte potam Latiqwm [6 May]. 
Wendelyngburgh (EVA, relict of Jon DE, late "pouchemaker "). 
---To be buried in the church of S. Botolph without Aldrichesgate. 
Bequests to the said church and ministers of the same, and for 
the maintenance of a trental of S. Gregory 1 and other religious 
services therein. To Isabella Haliwell, Johanna her servant, 
Agnes, sister of her late husband, her godchildren, and others, 
she leaves sums of money and articles of apparel, comprising 
a cloak of russet with fur, and a blue tunic furred with black 
lambs-wool. Her tenement in the parish of S. Giles without 
Crepulgate to be disposed of for the good of her soul. Dated 
London, in Aldrichesgatestrete, 12 March, A.D. 1380. 
Roll 109 (109). 
I-Iutfeld (ROBE.T), pepperer.--To be buried in S. Anne's Chapel 
in the church of S. Antonin near the tomb of Alice his late wife. 
Bequests to the said chapel, and for the maintenance of a chantry 
priest for three years ; to divers orders of friars in London, the 
inmates of Neugate and of several hospitals, to lepers living 
around and near London, &c. Johanna his wife to have charge of 
Robert his son and of property left to him, and if she marry 
again, she and her husband are to give security at the Guildhall 
for his son's goods. To each of his daughters, viz., Agnes, 
Juliana, and Johanna, he leaves one hundred shillings for ker- 
chiefs (ad capitergia) and ornaments. To the ordinaries (sic) 
whose duty it is to take probate of this his will he leaves twenty 


See note sq, ra, p. 137. 



to burn in the churches of S. Magnus and S. Margaret respec- 
tively; remainder as to the brewery in trust for sale, the 
proceeds being divided between the Fraternity of the Salve 
in the said church of S. Magnus, Robert atte Glene his brother 
and Beatrix his sister, and their respective children, with 
remainders over to the work of S. Paul's and of the bridge at 
Rouchestre. The aforesaid shops to remain, after the decease of 
his wife, to the rector and parishioners of S. Margaret de Brigge- 
stret in trust for the maintenance of chantries. To Robert his 
brother, John and Henry, sons of the same, Beatrix his sister 
and Johanna, daughter of the same, Sir Villiam Beverlee, and 
others, he leaves sums of money and chattels. Bequests also to 
the nuns of Stratford, Chesthunte, and Kylbourne, and for the 
maintenance of a chantry in the church of S. Magnus aforesaid 
for the souls of Sir Thomas Hatfeld, late Bishop of Durham, and 
others. Dated London, 5 July, A.D. 1381. Roll 110 (1). 

$udbury (HE3RY DE), skinner.--To be buried in S. Paul's 
churchyard. Bequests to the rector and chaplains of the church 
of S. Mary Magdalen in Milkestret, to Agnes his daughter, a 
Minoress in the Abbey of S. Clare, London, Si" John his son, a 
monk of the Abbey del Bataill,  and William his son, a monk at 
Westminster, Walter Davy, and others. To Margaret his wife he 
leaves a life interest in certain rents in the parishes of S. Botolph 
without Ald-ichesgate and S. Olave " Eldiurie "; remainder to the 
Abbess and Convent of S. Clare aforesaid. To Katherine atte 
Condut, a sister of the Hospital of S. Katherine near London, he 
leaves the bed upon which he may happen to die. Dated the Vigil 
of S. Peter ad Vincula [1 Aug.], A.D. 1375. Roll 110 (4). 

Monday next after F. of Translation of S. Edva'd, Kisg [13 Od.]. 
Dymnel (HEaY).--Leaves the reversion of certain tenements 
formerly belonging to John de Paston and Johanna, wife of the 
same, and situate in the parish of S. Sepulchre without :Neugate 
in the suburb of London, which he and Agnes his wife had lately 
acquired, by deed enrolled in the Husting of London for Pleas of 
Land held Monday next after the Feast of S. Mark, Evangelist 
 lattle Abbey, co. Sussex. 





[25 April], 29 F.dward III. [A.D. 1355], 1 from John de Horewode, 
senior, and others, to Friar John de Bokelond, Abbot of Oseneye 
near Oxford, and the convent of the same, in pure and perpetual 
alms. Dated at his house in the said suburb, 4 September, A.D. 
1381. Roll 110 (31). 

Serieant (THOMAS), vintner.---To be buried in the church of 
S. Mary de Wolchurchawe. Bequests to the said church, its 
ministers, and to the chaplain of the Fraternity of S. Mary's 
Chapel therein. To Johanna his wife he leaves his leasehold 
interest in a house in Berebyndereslane  in the parish of S. Mary 
de Wolchircheawe, with rents in the same parish and in the 
parish of S. ][ildred in the Poultry, for life; remainder in trust 
for the maintenance of a chantry in the aforesaid church of S. Mary, 
and for bequests to the inmates of Neugate and of various hos- 
pitals, to the fraternity of the chapel of S. Nicholas de Berkyng- 
chirche near the Tower, and for other pious and charitable uses. 
Also to the rector of the church of S. Mary aforesaid and brethren 
of the Fraternity of S. Mary in Wolchirchhawe he gives a small 
parcel of land in aid of the said fraternity, charged with keeping 
his obit, the obit of Johanna his wife, and other services. Dated 
London, 9 May, A.D. 1380. Roll 110 (32). 

Monday next befare the Feast of S. Edmund, King [30 Yov.]. 
Boteston (GEOFFREY), " furbour."--Bequests to the church of 
S. Brigid and ministers of the same. To Alice his wife his tene- 
ment in the parish of S. Brigid aforesaid for life ; remainder to 
John and Thomas his sons and Matilda his daughter in successive 
tail ; remainder in trust for sale for pious and charitable uses. 
Dated London, 8 September, h.e. 1380. Roll 110 (59). 

Monday next afteq, the Feast of S. Andvew, Apostle [30 lov.]. 
Bampton (JoH).--Leaves all his goods, movable and immov- 
able, to be disposed of as his executors, of whom Sir William 
Courteney, Bishop of London, is one, think fit. To Isolda his 
wife a moiety of a hostel with adjacent shop in the parish of 
* Hust. Roll 83 (32). I Little George Street, running into S. 
u On or near the site now occupied by I Swithin's Lane 



S. Bartholomew the Less I (parv 0 for life; remainder in trust for 
sale for pious uses. Dated London, 19 August, A.D. 1381. 
Roll 110 (61). 


Monday zext after the Feast of Conversion of S. Paul [25 Jan.]. 
Chalton (Jon Dn).--To be buried near the stairs of the 
southern entrance to the church of S. Botolph without Algate. 
Bequests to ministers of the said church and for maintenance of a 
chantry therein, also to the Master and Brethren of the Hospital of 
S. Bartholomew de Smethefeld, to the Convent of the Augustinian 
Friars, the lepers at le lokes, in the Hospital of S. James near 
Westminster, and at Hakeneye ; the Fraternity of S. Mary in the 
church of H. Trinity within Algate, &c. Bequests also to Amy 
his daughter, Roger, son of John Chalton his son, and others. 
Certain houses in the parish of S. Botolph aforesaid to be sold 
after the decease of Alice his wife, and the proceeds devoted to 
the repair of the said parish church and of roads and bridges, 
and other pious and charitable uses. The residue of his goods, 
after payment of debts and execution of his will, he leaves to his 
aforesaid wife absolutely. Dated London, 14 April, A.D. 1380. 
Roll 110 (74). 


Monday the Feast of S. Mathias, Apostle [24 Feb.]. 
Maserer (SI.toN LE), goldsmith.--To be buried in S. Paul's 
churchyard called "Pardonchirchawe." Bequests to the church 
of S. Matthew in Chepe, its ministers, and the Fraternity of 
S. Katherine therein, and the old work of S. Paul's. To Alice 
his wife certaiu tenements with shops in the parishes of S. Olave 
de Herthstrete  near the Tower and All Hallows de Stanyng in 
Martelane, for life ; remainder to Henry his son in tail ; remainder 
to the four wardens of the mistery 3 (de mistero) of Goldsmiths of 
London and commonalty of the same in pm'e and perpetual alms, 
on condition that they observe his obit, and the obit of his afore- 
said wife, in the church of S. Matthew aforesaid. Dated London, 
6 November, a.D. 1380. Roll 110 (89). 
l It is uncertain whether the parish ] served as the chapel of the hospital of 
here mentioned is that of Little S. Bar- I that naae ; probably the former. 
tholomew by the Exchange or S. Bar- _oHart Street. 
tholomew the Less, the church of which  Craft or occupation (ministerium). 




Monday qzext after the Feast of S. Mark, Evazgelist [5 April]. 
Rose (CECILIA, relict of THOMAS ROSE, clerk).--To be buried in 
the church of S. Michael de Paternostercherche near the tomb of 
her late husband. Bequests to the said church, to every female 
recluse in the City and suburbs, and to Friar John Ingrain, 
an anchorite near the Hospital of S. Katherine by the Tower. 
Provision made for chantries in the above church for the good of 
her soul, the souls of Thomas her late husband, Edmund their 
child, and others, and for keeping their obits, charged on rents in 
Ivylane and elsewhere. To the religious called " Chartres," living 
at the new churchyard 1 without Aldrichesgate, she leaves the rever- 
sion of certain rents for keeping the above obits. To Cecilia, 
daughter of Geoffrey Patrik her late clerk, a sum of money, a 
kirtel (curtain robam) of sanguye, a mazer cup which Sir Peter, 
late rector of the church of S. Michael aforesaid, formerly gave 
to her, and a ring with a perle; and to John 57orffolk, for being 
her executor, a sum of money, a plain gold ring, and her wooden 
bedstead of bord, with curtains, &c. Dated London, l0 June, 
.D. 1380. Roll ll0 (110). 

Mo.nday zext before F. of S. John azte portam Latizam [6 May]. 
Pyel (Jon).--To Johanna his wife all his lands, rents, &c., in 
the City of London and suburbs for life ; remainder to the Dean 
and College of the church of S. Peter at Irtlyngburgh.  Henry 
his brother appointed one of his executors. Dated the Vigil of 
the Nativity of S. John the Baptist, [-24 June], A.D. 1378. 
Roll ll0 (117). 


Moqzday next after the Feast of S. Jaqnes, Apostle [-5 July]. 
Middelton (John DE).--All his tenements, rents, &c., in the 
City of London to be sold after the decease of Isabella his wife, 
and his debts paid; the residue to be divided among John, 

 See note supra., p. 62. 
2 Or Erlingworth, co. Northampton. 
"John Pyel, remit. Ed. III., intended, 
and after his decease his executrix, temT. 
Rich. I I., perfected, a college for six secu- 

lar canons or prebendaries (one whereof 
to be dean) and four clerks, in the paro- 
chial church of S. Peter here "(Tanner's 
' Not. Monast.,' p. 388). 



remainder in trust for sale for pious uses for the good of his soul, 
the souls of Isabella his former wife and others. Also to his said 
wife he leaves certain lands and tenements, formerly belonging to 
John Blount, in various parishes to hold in fee, unless they be 
redeemed by the said John Blount by payment of ninety-two 
pounds within one year after date. His tenement in the parish 
of S. Margaret de Lothbury to be sold for charitable uses. Dated 
London, 2 September, A.D. 1382. Roll 111 (56). 

I-Iaunsard (HENRY), fishmonger.--To be buried in the church 
or churchyard of S. Margaret, Virgin, in Bruggestret. Bequests 
to the said church and ministers of the same. To Matilda his 
wife certain rents of a tenement called "dolfyn o the hop" in 
the parish of S. Dionisius de Grascherche, and the residue of his 
goods after payment of debts and funeral expenses. Dated Wed- 
nesday, the Feast of S. Thomas, Apostle [-21 Dec.], A.D. 1379. 
A codicil dated the Eve of the Nativity of the B. V. Mary 
[8 Sept.], A.D. 1382, confirming the above, and granting bequests 
to the work of S. Paul's, to each order of friars in London, and 
for the maintenance of a chaplain in the aforesaid church of 
S. Margaret. Roll 111 (57). 

Monday next berate the Feast of S. Edmuqd, King [20 5"ov.]. 
Atte Brom (WILLIAM), tanner.--To be buried in the church- 
yard of S. Giles aforesaid 1 (sic). Bequests to the church of 
S. Giles and ministers of the same, comprising his best leaden 
Trough. Directions as to conducting his funeral. Alice his wife 
to enjoy his dwelling-house for life ; remainder in trust for sale, 
and one hundred shillings of the proceeds to go to his son Walter, 
the residue being devoted to the maintenance of a chantry in 
the aforesaid church. To Isabella his daughter he leaves certain 
shops for life, subject to various charges, and in case of default 
the same are to go to increase the estate of the light of the great 
beam in the church aforesaid. Releases to his apprentices a 
portion of their respective terms. Dated London, 25 December, 
a.D. 1381. Roll 111 (69). 

 lrobably S. Giles without Cripplegate. 






Besouthe (JOHn), tanner.--To be buried in the churchyard of 
S. Giles without Crepulgate near the tomb of his children who 
rest there. Bequests to the said church, its ministers, the light 
of S. Mary above the great beam, and the light in the basin (in 
gelv') therein ; also to the mendicant friars of London, the in- 
mate of the new Hospital of S. Mary without Bisshoppesgate, 
the lepers in the Hospital of S. Giles without Holbourne, &c. 
Provision made for tapers to burn at his funeral and observ- 
ance of his month's mind, and also before the images of 
S. Katherine, S. Mary over the font, and of Christ called "Trinite" 
in the aforesaid church, as well as before the images of S. Mary 
"de Newerk" in S. Paul's, and of S. Mary in the church of 
S. Mary le Bow. To Jtfliana hi wife he leaves a life interest in 
his dwelling-house, garden, &c., in la Morestret in the parish of 
S. Giles aforesaid; remainder in trust for sale for pious and 
charitable uses. Other tenements in the same parish to be sold 
after his wife's death for like purposes. Dated London, Monday, 
1 October, A.D. 1380. Roll 111 (71). 

Moqday qext after the Feast of S. Aqd, rew, .4postle [30 
Greyngham (WmLIM DE).--To be buried in the porch of the 
church of S. Margaret de Lothebury. Bequests to the said 
church and ministers of the same, and to divers orders of friars 
in London; also in aid of the chantry founded by William de 
Iford in the said church. To Alice his wife certain rents in 
the parish of S. Margaret for life; remainder to Sir Roger 
de Farendon, rector of the aforesaid church. Also to his wife 
all his lands and tenements in Colmanstrete in the same parish 
for life; remainder in trust for sale for pious and charitable 
uses; and also his leasehold interest in a tenement without 
Bisshopgate. Dated London, 10 ovember, n.D. 1382. 
Roll  11 (79). 

Monday next after the Feast of S. Valentiqe [14 Feb.]. 
Warener (Jo), otherwise called "Walsyngham" armourer. 
To be buried in the church of [,he Carmelite Friars. To the 
Friars Minors of London he leaves a silver cup with covercle. To 
Johanna his wife the reversion of certain tenements in the parish 

[and] in the parish of S. Nicholas in the vill of Systerne,' which 
he had of John Systerne, to be sold for pious uses. 
The same day and year he leaves to Katherine his wife all his 
fee simple rents in London to hold for life; remainder to the 
Priory of S. Bartholomew, charged with an annual payment of 
ten marks of silver to the Prior and Convent of the Carthusian 
Order near Smethefeld for the maintenance of a special chantry 
priest, and with a further annual payment to the Hospital of 
S. Bartholomew in Smethefeld for the maintenance of the sick, &c. 
To Richard Couland his kinsman he leaves his lands in Duffeld, 
co. Derby. Dated London, Saturday the Vigil of S. Laurence, 
Martyr [10 Aug.], A.D. 1382. Roll 111 (159). 


Monday qext befog'e the Feast of S. Botol_ph, Abbot E17 JuneJ. 
Mitford (JonaA, relict of John, late draper).--To be buried 
in the church of S. Mary Magdalen in Melkstrete, of which 
church she is a parishioner, near the tomb of Walter Frowyk. 
Bequests to the said church and ministers of the same, and pro- 
vision made for torches and tapers to bm'n on the day of her 
funeral and her month's mind, the torches being afterwards given 
to the church of S. Mary Magdalen aforesaid, and the parish 
churches of Sunderyssh, co. Kent, and S. Mary de Iver, co. Bucks. 
Her executors are to hire the larger tapers of twelve pounds 
according to the custom, the lesser tapers of six pounds remaining 
in the said church for the use and relief of the poor who die in 
the parish. Her funeral expenses to be moderate, without pomp 
or vain glory. To Alice Dale, John, son of Henry Padyngton, 
William Kelsey, and others, she leaves divers sums of money and 
chattels, comprising a bed embroidered with dogs with demi- 
celure, a mazer and godettes, and her best gown (gonellum) furred 
with grey.  To Juliana her daughter, now the wife of Robert de 
Louthe, she leaves a tenement with shops in the parish of S. Mary 
aforesaid for life  remainder in trust for sale by the rector and 
certain parishioners of the same for pious and charitable uses. 
Among other bequests she leaves to an old tailor in Melkstret, 
living opposite her house near Bradele, the sum of twelve pence; 

 Syston (?), co. Leicester. I -" See note sqra, . 214. 



a like sum. To Robert Wateville, goldsmith, a tenement in 
Aldirgastrete. Dated 1 February, 5 Richard II. [-A.D. 1381-2]. 
Roll 112 (6). 
Knyghtcote (WILLI0, mercer.--To be buried in the church 
of S. Laurence in the Jewry. One half of his movable goods and 
chattels he leaves to his children, reserving the other to himself. 
Bequests to the said church and ministers therein. Instructions 
as to his funeral and observance of his month's mind, &c. Be- 
quests also to divers orders of fl'iars in London, to every anchorite 
in the City and suburbs of London, the old and new work of 
S. Paul's ; also for the maintenance of chantry priests to celebrate 
in the churches of S. Mildred in Bredestrete and S. Martin Pomers 
for the good of his soul, the souls of Thomas de Cornerthe and 
Flena, wife of the same, and others ; and of three other priests to 
celebrate in the churches of S. Laurence and S. Martin aforesaid, 
and also at Oxford if one of the priests should wish to study there. 
Numerous bequests to his friends, executors, servants, and others. 
John'Otteley appointed guardian of his children during their 
minority, he giving surety at the Guildhall for safe-guarding 
their property. To his son and heir he leaves tenements in Cole- 
manstrete, and a garden and dovecot in the parish of S. Giles 
without Crepulgate, in tail; remainder to his other sons in suc- 
cessive tail; remainder to his daughters in similar succession ; 
remainder in trust for sale for the good of his soul. Dated London, 
23 August, A.D. 1382. Roll 112 (8). 

Monday qext after" the Feast of S. Lug, Evangelist [18 Oct.]. 
Sporier (NmHOLS) de Fletestrete.--Having already made his 
testament concerning his goods movable and immovable, he pro- 
ceeds to publish his testament or last will concerning a certain 
rent of a tenement in Fletestrete, which he leaves for the main- 
tenance of a chantry in the church of S. Brigid for the souls of 
Thomas Bryx, Elena, wife of the same, Thomas de Banham, a 
former husband of the said Elena, and others. Dated at Flete- 
strete, 20 June, n.D. 1370. Roll 112 (15). 

Cogenho (NICtIOLAS DE).- To be buried in the conventual 
church of S. Mary de Suthwerk. To Johanua his wife he leaves a 





sum of money and divers household chattels, also a certain annual 
rent of a tenement in Grobbestrete without Crepulgate. Dated 
London, Monday next before the Feast of S. Barnabas, Apostle 
[11 June], A.D. 1383. Roll 112 (30). 

StiwRrd (John), girdler.--To be buried in the churchyard of 
S. Laurence, Jewry. To Friar John de Jude de Houndeslawe 
forty pence. His tenement in the parish of S. Giles without 
Crepulgate to be sold by Cecilia his wife, to whom he leaves the 
residue of all his goods and chattels, movable and immovable. 
D,ted at. Houndeslawe, Sunday, IV. Nones August [10 Aug.], the 
first moon, A.D. 1383. Roll 112 (31). 

Monday qext after the Feast of S. Lucia, Virgin [13 Dec.]. 
Sloughtre (THois), called "Clench," fishmonger.--To be 
buried in the church of S. Clement near Estchepe, to which church 
and ministers thereof he makes bequests. To Cristina his wife 
and to William his son he leaves all his store, vessels, and utensils 
appertaining to his household in equal portions, except his silver 
vessels, mazers, and 5hets. Of the last mentioned he leaves to his 
wife a flatbile" with covercle, spoons and salts of silver, two Nuts 
with silver stands and covercles, and three cups of mazer. To his 
aforesaid son a biker of silver, with covercle and super-covercle, 
charged with a dolfyn, twelve silver spoons, and his second best 
mazer. To Katherine his daughter a bilker of silver with covercle 
similar to that left to his son, and six silver spoons with leopards' 
heads;  and to lter his brother a piece of silver with 
covercle and a small mazer. Also to his said son he leaves a tene- 
ment in the lane and parish of S. Clement near Estchep, and a 
shop in Bruggestret in the parish of S. Magnus, in tail ; remainder 
to Katherine his daughter in tail ; remainder to the maintenance 
of a chantry in the church of S. Clement aforesaid and other pious 
uses for the good of his soul, the souls of Goda and Cristina his 
wives, and others. Releases Geoffrey Scut and Katherine, wife of 
the same, the testator's daughter, from the terms of a deed of 
conveyance upon payment of a certain sum of money. Dated 
London, 5 October, A.D. 1383. Roll 112 (59). 
 Cu calitis lco]a'dis (sic). 



Monday ne after" the Feast of S. Mathias, Apostle [4 Feb.]. 
Burtyll (John).---To be buried in the church of S. Nicholas 
Acon near Lumbardstrete before the rood. To Matilda his wife 
he leaves all his tenements in the parish of S. Nicholas aforesaid 
for life, charged with the maintenance of a chantry in the said 
parish church for the good of his soul, the souls of Alexander 
ratford and Agnes, wife of the same, Bartholomew Changeour 1 and 
Sarah, wife of the same, and others; remainder to the rector 
of the said church and his successors in trust for similar uses. 
Dated London, 18 November, A.D. 1383. 
Whereupon came Alice Busshe, sister of the testator, and put her 
claim upon the above testament, saying that her brother was seised 
only of certain lands and tenements in the aforesaid parish which 
Richard, son of Thomas le Maderman, had formerly given to Cristina 
de Canefeld for life, with remainder to Alexander de Warlord and 
Agnes his wife in tail, with further remainder to the right heirs of 
the aforesaid Cristina, as appears by deed enrolled in the Husting for 
Common Pleas held on Monday next after the Feast of Purification 
of B. [ary [2 Feb.], 15 Edward II. [A.n. 1321-2J ;3 and that 
another parcel of the same lands and tenements were given to the 
aforesaid Agnes, as wife of Alexander de Watford, and to the afore- 
said Bartholomew Castilloun, by the name of Bartholomew Guid' de 
Florence, and to Sarah his wife and the heirs of the bodies of the 
said Bartholomew and Srah, with remainder to the right heirs of 
the aforesaid Agnes, as appears by deed enrolled in the Husting for 
Pleas of Land held on Monday next after the Feast of All Saints 
[1 Nov.], 19 Edward IL [A.. 1325].s She further said that 
the above Alexander de Watford and Agnes his wife had issue, viz., 
Sarah, wife of the aforesaid Bartholomew, and mother of 5ohn 
Bartyll nd Alice Busshe. And the said Bartholomew and Sarah 
had issue, viz., 5ohn Bartyll and Alice, as is aforesaid. Accordingly 
after the decease of Bartholomew and Sarah the said John Bartyll 
entered upon e lands and tenements so entailed, and was seised of 
them until he conveyed them to William Estby, "Frensshebakere," 
and Marger 3" his wife, long before the makSngof the above testament, 
against whom the said Alice had brought a writ and had recovered 
the said lands and tenements, as being the daughter nd heiress of 
Bartholomew and Sarah. She now claimed to set aside the above 

 His name appears as Bartholomew 
Guidonis de Castillon and also as Bar- 
tholomew Guidonis de Florence; a well- 
known money-changer and merchant of 
London. It also occurs in a letter from 
the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of 
London to the governor, bailiffs, and 
other officers of Count Hainault, re- 

specting an attempt at extortion prac- 
tised upon the Count de la Marche and 
Ponthieu by City tradesmen (' Calendar 
of Letters from the Mayor, &c., .D. 
1350-1370,' privately printed, p. 92). 
See note sqra, p. 23. 
 Roll 50 
 Does not appear to be enrolled. 



decease. Also to Agnes his wife he leaves a tenement called "le 
belle on the hop" in the parish of S. Botolph without Bisshoppes- 
gate for life ; remainder to John Woleward and Johanna, wife of 
the same, daughter of Thomas Poyntel, late goldsmith; also 
rents issuing from the manor of Lachele, co. Essex, all goods 
appertaining to his (sic) chamber, and one half of all his other 
goods. Dated London, Saturday, 20 August, A.D. 1384. 
And be it remembered that although Adam Stedeman, scrivener, 
is named executor in the above will, the testator declared it was not 
his wi'h that the said Adam should be so named; and Adam himself 
voluntarily acknowledged this in full ttusting, and further said that 
he would not administer any of the testator's goods, nor intermoddle, 
but ho altogether renounced administration. 
Roll 113 
Bydyk (Jo_), goldsmith.--To be buried in the church of 
S. Peter de Westchepe. To Alice his wife he leaves all the 
tenements descending to him upon the decease of Juliana his 
mother, situate in the parish of All Hallows de Fanchirche, 1 for 
life; remainder to Thomas his son in tail; remainder to Agnes 
his daughter for life ; remainder in trust for sale by the wardens 
of the Goldsmiths for pious uses. Also to his aforesaid son he 
leaves a primer s of matins of the Blessed Mary. Dated London, 
3 September, A.D. 1384. Roll 113 (34). 


Monday 'ezt after the Feast of S. Leonard, Abbot [6 Nov.]. 
Blanket (JoE), skinner, of the parish of S. Swithin.--To be 
buried in the churchyard of S. Swithin's in Candelwikstret, 
in his tomb situate "in bancv," to the north of the same. 
Bequests to the said parish church and ministers of the same, and 
directions as to tapers at his funeral and subsequent disposal of 
them. Bequests for the maintenance of two chantries in the 
aforesaid church for the good of his soul, the souls of Walter his 
father, Cecilia his mother, and others; also to the new and old 
work of S. Paul's, to various orders of friars in London, to the 
inmates of hospitals, to prisoners in Neugate and the Marshalsea 
of Suthwerk, to every anchorite in London and the suburbs, &c. 
 Perhaps All Hallows Staining. the fourteenth century. At the le- 
a Or prymer ; a service book contain- formation it ws curtailed, nd edited 
ing the Little Office of Our Lady. The thenceforth only in English instead of 
earliest trace of it is sid to be bout both Latin nd English. 




To Thomas Joce, son of Margery his sister, he leaves a coat and 
hood, but without the fur belonging to them, in place of which 
he leaves a fu'rouv of lambs-wool. The reversion of a tene- 
ment in Oldechaunge in the parish of S. Augustine near S. Paul's 
Gate to be sold, and one moiety of the proceeds to go to Sabine 
his wife, and the other to be devoted to pious uses. Dated 
London, 26 January, A.D. 1382. Roll 113 (42). 

Monday qex after the Feast of S. Katheriqe, Vivgiq [25 5"ov.]. 
Coleman (REGINALD, Son of ROBERT, senior).--To be buried in 
the chancel of the church of S. Margaret de Lothebury at the 
foot of the image of S. Margaret. Bequests to the said church, 
its ministers, &c., and to divers orders of friars for their prayers ; 
also to John Coleman, son of Robert his brother, and Sir 
Valter his brother, a monk of Bury St. Edmunds. Provision 
made for chantries in the aforesaid church for the good of 
his soul, the souls of Robert his father, Matilda his mother, 
his brothers, sisters, and others. To Matilda Hillary his 
niece he leaves forty shillings for the purchase of kerchiefs 
(flamiola). To the fabric of the church of Tolyton in co. 
]orfolk, where his father and mother lie buried, he leaves ten 
pounds, besides other sums to the vicar, and a gilt coupe for the 
Host to hang over the high altar.  To John his son two hundred 
pounds and four pieces of silver platte with two covercles, the said 
money to remain in the custody of Cristina his wife to assist in 
putting the said John to school during minority, without any 
account being rendered when his said son shall come of age. 
Bequests also to the Fraternity of the Resurrection of S. Paul for 
assisting poor brethren, to his apprentices and others. Also to his 
said wife he leaves a tenement in the parishes of S. Margaret de 
Lothebury and S. Stephen de Colemanstrete in fee, and another 
tenement in the first-named parish for life, with remainder to 

 There was a custom, says Dr. Rock 
(' Textile Fabrics,' p. 107), during the 
hliddle Ages in England, as well as in 
France and several other parts of the 
Continent, of keeping the Eucharist 
hung up over the high altar beneath 
a canopy, within a pyx (here represented 
by a coupe) of gold, silver, ivory, or 

enamel, mantled with a fine linen cloth 
or veil. Among the goods and chat.tels 
of Richard II. in Haverford Castle for- 
warded by the Sheriff of Hereford to 
the Exchequer upon the accession of 
Henry IV. was "j cou]e d'or pour le 
corps Jesu Christi." 



John his son in tail ; remainder to pious uses. Dated London, 
Wednesday next after the Feast of S. Martin, Bishop [11 Nov.], 
A.D. 1383. Roll 113 (54). 


Monday next before the Feast of S. Lucia, Virgin [13 Dec.]. 
Coggere (CRSTNA), of the parish of S. Botolph near Billynges- 
gate.--To be buried in the tomb of Roger Coggere her late husband 
in the said parish church. Bequests to Sir John Wolde, rector, and 
other ministers of the said church; to the fraternities of S. Mary 
and S. Katherine therein ; to the Friars of the Holy Cross ; to the 
poor in divers hospitals, the lepers living at Hakeney, at le loke, 
and near the Hospital of S. Giles ; to poor prisoners in Neugate, 
the King's Marshalsea and King's Bench, &c. To John Denver 
and Cristina his wife she leaves a tenement in the parish of 
S. Botolph aforesaid. To Thomas her brother, hIargery Coggere, 
Agnes, daughter of Simon Coggere, Alice her sister, and others, 
she leaves sums of money and chattels, comprising silver cups 
and spoons. Dated London, 21 November, ,.D. 1384. 
Roll 113 (SS). 

Manday qzext before the Feast of Canversian of S. Paul [25 
Horewode (WLLIM).--His testament concerning his freeholds 
(liberis tenemetis) in London. First, he leaves the tenement 
wherein he dwells in the parish of S. Michael le Quern to Johanna 
his wife for life ; remainder to William his son and Agnes his 
daughter in successive tail; remainder over. To his executors 
and the churchwardens of the church of S. Michael he leaves an 
annual rent of six shillings and eightpence for the purpose of 
keeping his obit and other pious uses for the souls of Agnes his 
former wife, Johanna his wife, and others. Dated London, 
16 November, ,.D. 1382. Roll 113 (70). 

Monday qext after the Feast of S. Agatha, Virgiq [5 Feb.]. 
Spray (CLEMENT), mercer.--To be buried in the churchyard 
of S. Michael de Bassyngeshawe. Bequests to the said church 
and ministers therein. His tenements in the parishes of S. Botolph 
without Aldresgate and S. Nicholas at the Shambles to be divided 
equally between Margaret and Elizabeth his daughters, who are 



Colmanstrete and to each order of friars in London for two tren- 
tals of masses for the good of his soul and the souls of others. 
Provision also made for a chantry in the church of All Hallows 
aforesaid. To Juliana his wife, Simon his wife's son, Valter his 
wife's brother, his two sisters [-not named], and others, he leaves 
sums of money and chattels. Also to his said wife his dwelling- 
house for life ; remainder to his infant e vent'e sa ,n'e in tail ; 
remainder in trust for sale for the maintenance of chantries in the 
church of S. Stephen de Colmanstrete. Dated London, Monday 
next before the Feast of S. Laurence, Martyr [-10 Aug.], A.D. 
1358. Roll 114 (96). 

Monday zext before te Feast of S. Pete" it Cathed?' [2. Feb.]. 
lrowyk (HE.RV), of cO. Middlesex.--To be buried in the 
churchyard of Southmymes near his father. His goods and chat- 
tels, after payment of debts, to be divided into two parts, one part 
to go to his executors for the good of his soul and the souls of 
Henry Frowyk his grandfather and others, and the other part to 
Alice  his wife for the maintenance of herself and children. Out 
of his own share (de parte rhea) he leaves sums of money to the 
Vicar of Mymmes, the work of Munkeschurche, e Sir John the priest 
of Haddeley, and others. Also to his said wife he leaves all his 
rents in the parishes of Mylkestrete and Honylane for lif% for the 
maintenance of a priest for ten years next after his decease to 
pray for him and others ; after her decease the same to remain to 
Henry and Robert his sons in successive tail. Also to the said 
Henry he leaves his rents in the parish of " Seynt Gilys " called 
" le Barbican," and others at the corner of Goderlane, in tail ; 
remainder to the aforesaid Robert. Also to the said Henry a rent 
issuing from a tenement called " le Chage" in the parish of 
Bassigeshawe. To John Lax, John Muscham, and others, various 
sums of money. Dated at Southmymes, Tuesday next after the 
Feast of S. Michael [-29 Sept.], 8 Richard II. [-A.D. 1384]. 
Roll 114 (102). 

i Daughter and heiress of John Corn- 
wall of Willesden. She afterwards 
married Thomas Chaxltoa of Oldfold 

(Cass's 'South Mimms,' London and 
Middlesex Archmol. Soc., pp. 80-81). 
 Monken Hadley. 



Monday next after the Feast of S. Mathias, Alostle [24 Feb.], 
Merk (JoN), blader.--To be buried in the church of S. Giles 
without Crepulgate. To the new fabric on the south side of the 
said church he leaves a fotheg" of lead. Margaret his wife to main- 
tain a chantry in the said church for life. To his said wife he 
leaves all his lands and tenements in the City of London and 
suburbs for life, except a garden in Goldynglane in the parish of 
S. Giles aforesaid, which he leaves to Alice his daughter ; re- 
mainder in trust for sale for pious uses. Dated London, in the 
parish aforesaid, 5 March, A.D. 1383. Roll 114 (105). 

Monday next before the Feast of S. Benedict, Abbot [21 March]. 
Bury (ADAM DE), formerly Mayor of the City of London.  --To 
be buried in a chapel lately erected near the north door 
of S. Paul's, behind the cross before the altar of the Blessed 
Mary Magdalen about to be erected there. Chantries to 
be provided in the said chapel. If the Dean and Chapter 
of the Church of London (sic) will undertake to provide 
three chaplains for the purpose, he leaves to them all his 
lands, tenements, and certain rents in the parishes of S. Stephen 
upon ,Valbrok and S. Mary de Wolchirchehawe, and in case of 
their refusal the same are to go to his executors for the like pur- 
pose. The sum of one hundred pounds sterling left for funeral 
expenses. Bequests to each of the four orders of mendicant friars 
in the City and to each hospital for lepers. Dated at Combe in 
the diocese of Rochester, 5 November, A.D. 1385.--Also to Sir 
Roger ]=[olm, u Canon of S. Paul's, he leaves all his lands, tene- 
ments, &c., in the rill of Calais. 
Whereupon came Andrew Cavendyssh, Knt., and loesia, wife 
of the same, daughter of the testator, and put their cLuim upon 

1 In 1364-5, and again in 1373, having 
previously served as Sheriff in 1349. A 
member of the Fraternity of Skinners. 
An abstract of his will is printed in 
the Appendix to the Ninth Report of 
the Hist. MSS. Com. {p. 48 a), from the 
archives of S. Paul's Cathedral. 
* At one time Chancellor of S. Paul's. 
From his having contributed largely to 
the cost of erecting the chapel here men- 
tioned, and increased the aumber of 

chantry priests, it came to be known as 
Holmes College, the statutes of which 
axe preserved among the archives of 
S. Paul's, as also is a deed of gift in 
1448 to the altar of S. James and 
S. Laurence in the chapel commonly 
called "Holme Chapell" (Hist. MSS. 
Com. Appendix to Ninth Report, p. 
55 bL The college was suppressed in 
the reign of Edward VI. 



certain rents, as appears at the Husting for Pleas of Land held on 
onday next before the Feast of S. Edmund the King [20 lov.], 
10 Richard II. [1386], where the said claim is entered.  
Roll 114 (114). 

Monday ext after F. of A%nuncation of V. Mary [25 March]. 
Atte Naps (Tgo.iAS), " frutour."---To be buried in the church- 
yard of S. Katherine Colman in Fanchirchestrete, near the tomb 
of Johanna his late wife. Bequests to the said church, to the Order 
of Friars Preachers for chanting a trental of masses called 
"S. Gregory's trental," and other orders of friars in London. His 
lands, tenements, and rents in the parish of S. Katherine aforesaid 
to be sold immediately after his decease for pious uses. To Alice 
his wife Simon White, " frutour," William atte Naps his brother, 
Walter Skynner, Alice his daughter, and others, he leaves sums of 
money and chattels, including silver plate, mazer cups, scales, 
paniers, &c. Also to Alice his wife and to Thomas Hamond his 
kinsman he leaves tenements in "Cyvyndonelane '' in the parish 
of All Hallows de Berkyngchirche, to hold absolutely. Dated 
London, 12 September, A.D. 1385. Roll 114 (120). 

Monday qext before the Feast of S. Ambrose [4 Al)ril]. 
Pecche (JoH).--To be buried in the parish church of Lullyng- 
gustone. 3 To Sir William, his son and heir, Knt., he leaves all his 
lands, tenements, &c., within the City of London and without, to 
hold in tail ; remainder in trust for sale for the good of his soul. 
To Mary his wife all her apparel appertaining to her chamber. 
Dated London, Sunday next after the Feast of H. Trinity 
[20 May], 3 Richard II. [A.D. 1380]. Roll 114 (121). 

Harengeye (ISABELLA, relict of EDhIUND).To be buried in the 
church of S. Alphege within Crepulgate. Bequests to the said 

 Common Pleas Roll CIX., where the 
claim is recorded as having been made 
within a year and a day after probate 
of the testament, according to the cus- 
tom of the City, and was to the follow- 
ing effect, viz., that Adam de Bu_ stood 
seised of certain tenements in the 
parish of S. Stephen upon Walbrook in 
tail, upon which there was a charge of 
certain rents. These rents the said 

Adam had redeemed, but nevertheless 
bequeathed the same, although they 
had become extinct; the aforesaid 
claimants, therefore, asked to hold the 
said tenements by right of inheritance 
free of the above charge, and that the 
will of the testator should not in this 
respect have effect. 
 Seething Lane. 
 Co. Kent. 





church, its ministers, rood light, and light of S. Katherine therein; 
to the old work of S. Paul's, to each of the five orders of mendi- 
cant friars in London, to Elsyngspitel and other hospitals and 
lazar-houses around London &c. A certain tenement situate in 
Babeloyne in the parish of S. Alphege to be sold, and the proceeds 
devoted to the maintenance of a chantry priest in the said parish 
church for the good of her soul, the souls of her husband, John 
her father, and others. To William 0ckle her -kinsman, Alice 
Callesterre, Isabella, daughter of William Profot, her god- 
daughter, Isabella, daughter of William Placydacy, Johanna 
Pouleshunte, and others, she leaves sums of money, silver plate, 
and clothes comprising a gown of blue with black fur, and a tunic 
with fur and hood. Dated London, 18 January, A.D. 1385.--Also 
she wills that she have two wax tapers, one at her head, the other 
at her feet, and that her corpse or coffin lie above ground. To 
her mother she leaves three pairs of sheets; and to Margery, 
daughter of Richard Harengeye, a sum of money and a tunic of 
russet, &c. Roll ll4 025). 

Monday next befo'e the Feast of S. Duqstan, Bishop [19 May]. 
Phippe (Jo), "curreour."--To be buried in the church of 
S. Giles without Crepulgate. Bequests to the said church, 
ministers, lights, &c., thereof; also to Friar William his son, of 
the Order of Friars Minors, Margery atte Stone, Leticia Fysshe, 
and others. To Beatrix his wife he leaves a certain tenement in 
le Morestrete in the parish of S. Giles aforesaid for life ; remainder 
to Thomas and Stephen his sons. Also to his aforesaid wife he 
leaves a certain other tenement in the same street for life, the 
same to be sold after her decease and a port.ion of the proceeds 
delivered to Thomas, Stephen, and John his sons, and the residue 
given to the poor. A tenement called "le horn on the hope" in 
Fletestrete, parish of S. Dunstan, to be sold after his decease, 
and certain sums out of the proceeds to go to his aforesaid wife, 
Elizabeth his daughter, Agnes Clay de Enefeld, and others. 
Directions as to tapers to burn on the day of his funeral and his 
month's mind. Bequests to the five orders of friars in London, to 
Stephen Mody, Robert de Huntyngton, scrivener, and others. 
Dated London, 16 January, A.D. 1385. Roll 114 (126). 



Lemman (-'ICHOLAA, relict of JOnN, late butcher).--To be 
buried in the church of S. Leonard de Estchepe. Bequests to 
ministers of the said church and others, to divers orders of friars, 
to the house of S. Mary de Bedlem without Bisshopesgate, and 
to the Prior and Convent of the Hospital of S. Mary without 
Bisshopesgate, for pious uses for the good of her soul, the souls of 
John her father, Alice her mother, John her husband, Richard 
and Cecilia his father and mother, and others. A tenement in 
the parish of S. Andrew Huberd to be sold ; a portion of the 
proceeds to be disposed of as directed, the residue going to the 
Fraternity of the Blessed Mary in the church of S. Leonard 
aforesaid. To Coletta, daughter of Thomas Ricard and of Alice 
his wife, she leaves a certain shop in the parish of S. Leonard ; 
and to Alice, daughter of William Maldon, a shop adjoining 
"le Cok on the hop" in Estchep in the same parish. Also to 
Thomas Ricard, John Wodelee, William Benhale, and others, she 
leaves sums of money and household goods. Dated London, 
10 February, A.D. 1383.--Also to the rood light in the church of 
S. Leonard she leaves ten shillings, and to the light of S. Katherine 
and S. Iqicholas therein five shillings. Roll 114 (127). 


Bury (BLASE DE), skinner.---To be buried in the church of 
S. Stephen in Walbrok near his father. Bequests to the said 
church and ministers therein. To John Berkyng, skinner, he 
leaves John Musshebroun his apprentice, to bring up in the 
skinners' craft. To Friar Thomas his brother one hundred 
shillings. To Robert Broun a tunic and hood, party black cloth 
and qnuq''e,  and his best cloak (collobium). To the aforesaid 
John Musshebroun a tunic and hood, party russet cloth and 
Raye,  and a cloak of bq'our muvre and Redmelle. " To William 
Musshebroun a tunic and hood of la liveree of Walbrok. To 
Amicia his wife a tenement for life. To Matilda Penne de Wode- 
strete he leaves Robert Broun his apprentice, she to teach the said 
Robert her craft. Dated London, 5 May, A.D. 1386. 
Roll 114 (134). 

A dark red colour. 
Striped cloth. 
OL. YI. 

 Red medley; medley being a cloth 
made of mixed materials. 



without Bisshopesgate. Bequests to the said church, its high 
altar, ministers, and lights therein ; also to four orders of mendi- 
cant friars in London for masses, &c. Agnes his wife to have a 
life interest in his dwelling-house in the parish of S. Botolph 
aforesaid, the reversion of which is to be sold within a year after 
his decease, one moiety of the proceeds going to his said wife for 
her own use, and the residue being devoted to pious uses. 
Dated London, 13 October, A.D. 1384. Roll 114 (165). 


Monday qext after the Feast of S. Luke, Evagelist [18 Oct.J. 
Tours (JoaN), draper.--To Dionisia his wife he leaves his 
dwelling-house in the parish of S. Mary de Aldennanbury abso- 
lutely. His leasehold interest in another tenement in the same 
parish to be sold, and twenty marks of the proceeds to go to the 
Prioress and Convent of Halywell, and the residue devoted to 
pious and charitable uses. To the rector and parishioners of 
S. Mary aforesaid he leaves a tenement in the same parish for the 
maintenance of the beam light in the said parish church. The 
reversion of two shops in Westchepe near the church of S. Peter 
he leaves to the rector of the church of S. Mary aforesaid and to 
Nicholas 0undell, chaplain of the perpetual chantry founded in 
the said church by Isabella., daughter of William Bokerell, in aid 
of the said chantry. Dated London, 28 July, A.). 1386. 
Roll 115 (42). 

Loryng ('IGEL), Knight.--To be buried in the conventual 
church of the Order of S. Augustine at Dunstaple in the diocese 
of Lincoln, near his wife [not named, who is there buried. His 
mansion and shops, &c., in the parish of S. Andrew near Bay- 
nardescastell to be sold for pious and charitable uses. Dated 
12 March, A.D. 1385. Roll 115 (44). 

Monday before the Feast of S. Leoqa'd, Abbot [6 -hov.J. 
Fryth ('ILLIAM), ' stokfisshmonger."--To be bm'ied in the Co!o 




legiate Church of S. John the Baptist at Sottesbrok,  co. Berks, 
to the warden and brethren of which he leaves a sum of money 
charged on his lands and tenements in Birchenlane in the parish 
of S. Edmund the King in Lumbardstret, on condition that they 
maintain two perpetual chantries for the good of his soul. To 
William Hyde, grocer, he leaves all his lands and tenements 
in the parish of S. Giles without Crepulgate, as well within the 
liberty of the City as without in the county of Middlesex. 
Desires his trustees of certain lands and tenements in the county 
of Cambridge to sell the same for payment of his debts. To 
William Derby de Sidingbourne, co. Kent, and Mary, wife of the 
same, and the heirs of the body of the said Mary, he leaves all 
his lands and tenements, with meadows, &c., called "le Grene," 
in the parish of Shorne, co. Kent; remainder to William 
Hyde aforesaid. To John Frith his tenement in the parish of 
S. Andrew upon Cornhull. All his other lands and tenements 
in co. Kent or elsewhere to be sold for pious uses. Bequests 
to the rector and church of S. Martin Orgar, the rectors of the 
churches of S. Michael in Crokedlane and All Hallows the Less 
in la Rol)e'ie , and to the church of Newenham, co. Kent ; also 
to divers orders of friars, and to the recluse monk at West- 
minster. Dated London, 10 July, A.D. 1386. Roll 115 (52). 

Monday qaext before the Feast of S. Beqzedict, Abbot [1 MarchJ. 
lYlaynarde (GEOFFREY), "couper."--To be buried in S. Paul's 
churchyard called "le Pardounechirchehawe" under the marble slab 
where lies the body of Margaret his late wife. Bequests to the 
old and new work of S. Paul's, the church of All Hallows at the 
Hay, the ministers and Fraternity of S. Katherine therein; also 
to William Alom and Johanna, wife of the same, his daughter, 
Johanna Whyteman his sister, his servants, apprentices, and others. 
Provision made for a chantry in the church of All Hallows afore- 
said. To Idonia his wife he leaves his tenements in the street of 
the Vintry in the parish of All Hallows aforesaid for life ; remainder 

1 Shottesbrook; where there was a 
chantry or college, consisting of a war- 
den, five priests, and two clerks, founded 
in 1337 in honour of S. John Baptist 
(Tanner's' Notit. Monast.,' p. 20). A 

grant of a messuage and shops in 
"Birchenlane" was made to the college 
in 1398 for the maintenance of a 
chantry by William Hyde and another 
--Hust. Roll 127 (33). 

to ffohanna his daughter in tail ; remainder in trust for sale, the 
proceeds of which are to be divided into three parts, and devoted 
to the maintenance of chantries, to the redemption of poor 
debtors in prison, and to the assistance of the poor and sick. 
Dated London, Tuesday next after the Feast of the Nativity of 
B.V. Mary [8 Sept.], A.D, 1386. Roll 115 (126). 

Monday qzext before the Feast of S. Barnabas, Apostle [11 Juqze]. 
Vanner (ROBERT), vintner.--Bequest to the high altar of the 
church of S. Katherine within the churchyard of H. Trinity the 
Great., London. To Agnes his wife he leaves a tenement in Bowe- 
lane in the parish of S. Michael d Paternosterchirche for life ; 
remainder in trust for sale for pious uses. Dated London, 
Tuesday next before the Feast of S. Edward, King and Confessor 
[5 Jan.], A.D. 1374. Roll 115 (174). 

Dawbeny (STEPHEN), skinner, of the parish of S. Michael upon 
Cornhull.--To be buried in S. Katherine's Chapel in the said 
parish church, in front of his accustomed seat. Bequests to the 
said church, and also for funeral expenses, tapers, &c. A cloth of 
russet, of the value of four pounds sterling, to be placed upon his 
corpse, and after his burial the same to be made up into coats 
for the needy. Bequests also to the work of the south entrance 
of S. Paul's Church, to various hospitals in London, to the work of 
London Bridge and of the bridge at Rochester, to prisoners in 
Igewegate, his servants, and others. To William Dawbeney senior, 
skinner, he leaves a certain tenement in the street of Cornhull in 
the parish of S. Christopher de Bradestrete. To Walter Pykeno 
ham and Thomas Kent, skinners, all his tenements and a garde 
in the parish of S. Botolph without Algate in trust for sale for 
the good of his soul and for the maintenance of the children of 
William Dawbeney aforesaid. Dated London, 13 August, A.D. 
1386. Roll 115 (175). 


Moqzday ex before the Feast of S. Margaret, Viyiz [20 July]. 
Blesewerth (LAUIENCE), vintner.--To be buried in the church 


Doget, and others ; remainder after the decease of his said wife to 
John his son in tail ; remainder to the rector and parishioners of 
. Leonard aforesaid, charged with the maintenance of a chantry 
for the good of his soul, the souls of Alice his wife, Thomas, 
Thomas (c), Lucy, Robe% and John his children, John Doget 
his grandfather, Agnes his grandmother, and others. Also to the 
rector and parishioners aforesaid and their successors he leaves an 
annual rent issuing from a certain messuage and shop in the said 
parish, on condition that they provide tpers to burn before his 
tomb on the day of the Preparation (pe" diem pa'aseve) and 
following days, and afterwards in the chapel of the Blessed Mary 
in the said church. The said messuage and shop to go to John 
his son, saving the aforesaid rent, in tail after the decease of his 
wife; remainder in trust for sale for pious uses as aforesaid. 
Also to Alice his wife he leaves tenements and reversions in the 
parish of S. George near Estchep and elsewhere for life ; re- 
mainder to John his son in tail ; remainder to pious uses. Also 
to his said son he leaves tenements and reversions in the parishes 
of S. Bartholomew the Less  and S. Margaret de Briggestrete, 
provision being made for safe custody of the same during 
minority ; also Lis mansion house in the parish of S. Leonard 
aforesaid, and shops in the aforesaid parish of S. Margaret, to 
hold according to the terms of the testament of Thomas Doget 
his late father, enrolled in the Husting for Common Pleas 
held on Monday next before the Feast of S. Valentine [14 Feb.J, 
26 Edvard III. [A.D. 1351-2].  Another testament concerning 
his chattels referred to. Also to Alice his wife certain rents 
for life in the parish of S. Magnus the Martyr of Brygge- 
strete ; remainder to Walter Broun, rector of the said parish 
church, and others. The Mayor and Recorder of the City to 
superintend the sale of certain tenements and rents, for which 
each is to receive one hundred shillings. Dated London, 20 July, 
49 Edward III. [.D. 1375]. Roll 116 (65). 

Mordon (ALICE, relict of Silo DE, late "stokfisshmongere "). 
--To be buried in the chm'ch of S. Michael in la Cvoellae. 

 ]Vleaning Little S. Bartholomew, or ]  lart I. p. 659. 
Bartholomew by the Exchunge. 



Bequests to the said church and ministers therein, the old and 
new work of S. Paul's, the five orders of mendicant friars in 
London, the inmates of various hospitals and the poor sick on 
beds (in grabatis)within the City and suburbs of London, and 
the lepers at le loe, near Hakeneye, and near the Hospital of 
S. Giles without Holbourne. To Sir William de Talworth, Knt., 
she leaves her best girdle, and to Dame Margaret his wife her 
best jewel. Bequests also to Johanna her kinswoman, to the 
child of Thomas de Fulham by the said Johanna, John Olyver, 
her servants, and others. All her lands, tenements, &c., in the 
City and suburbs to be sold, and the proceeds devoted to the 
maintenance of chantry priests in the churches of S. Mdchael in 
Crokedlane and S. Michael upon Cornhull, and to providing 
marriage portions for poor gixls, educating poor boys, the relief 
of debtors, repair of roads, and similar charitable uses. Dated 
London, Friday the Feast of SS. Tiburcius and Valerian [-11 Aug.], 
A.D. 1385. Roll 116 (67). 

Monday e berate F. of SS. Perpetua and Felicitas [7 Ma'ch]. 
Mordon (Jom'), called " Rothyngge," stockfishmonger.--To be 
buried in the churchyard of the church of S. Mary atte Hill. 
Matilda his wife to take the issues and profits of all his tenements 
in the parish of S. Edmund the King in Lumbardestret until his 
son Henry come of age; and if the said Henry die during 
minority, then until his son John come of age. If both sons die 
without issue of their bodies, the said tenements are to go to the 
Mayor and Commonalty of London, and to the Wardens of London 
Bridge for the time being and their successors, for the mainten- 
ance of the said bridge. Dated London, Thursday the Feast of 
S. Clement, Pope [23 h-ov.], A.D. 1385. Roll 116 (78). 

Lunt (Ro6ER), tailor.--To be buried in the choir of the church 
of S. Brigid de Fletstrete under the lamp. Bequests to the said 
church and ministers thereof, to the fabric of S. Paul's, various 
orders of friars in London, to the almonry of the Fraternity of 
Tailors of S. John the Baptist of London, the inmates of various 
hospitals, and prisoners in Neugate, Ludgate, and Flete, &c. Pro- 
vision made for chantries and for torches to burn at his funell 




residue to be devoted to works of charity for the good of his soul. 
To Ralph Massy, fishmonger, and Johanna, wife of the same, his 
daughter, he leaves his leasehold interest in certain lands and 
tenements in the parish of S. Peter aforesaid, charged with 
annuities to icholas, William, and William (sic) his sons, other- 
wise they are to maintain his said sons in their own house. 
Dated London, 8 April, A.D. 1388. Roll 116 (90). 

(look (Jott), otherwise called "Atte Itarpe," brewer.--To be 
buried in the church of S. Christopher, London, before the image 
of S. Christopher. Bequests to the said church, and to various 
orders of friars in London, and to the Friars Minors at Colchester, 
for masses. To John his son he leaves one hundred pounds 
sterling, certain measures of wheat., barley, and oats, three horses, 
three cows, and a moiety of all his sheep, as well as beds, cups, 
and other household chattels ; also his leasehold interest in 
a tenement called "le Harpe" with shops in the parish of 
S. hLichael upon Cornhull. The residue of his movables he 
leaves to Johanna his wife in the name of dower. Dated London, 
12 October, A.D. 1387. Roll 116 (91). 

ttule (RIngeD), fishmonge.--To be buried in the church of 
tI. Trinity near Algate, near his father. Bequests to the prior 
and canons of the said church, the high altar and ministers of the 
church of S. Mary de Wolchirchawe, and the Fraternity of the 
Salve in the same ; also to Katherine his sister, a Minoress, and 
to the Sisters Minoresses without Algate ; to Alice, another sister, 
and Agnes his daughter. Provision made for a chantry for two 
years next after his decease. The residue of his goods he leaves 
to Isabella his wife, Agnes his mother being paid what is owing 
to her. Dated London, 2 October, A.D. 1387. Roll 116 (97). 

Thorn_hille (rILLIAM), "armurer."--To be buried in the 
churchyard of S. Brigid. Bequests to the ministers of the church 
of S. Brigid, and provision made for a chantry therein for three 
years next after his decease. His tenement in the parish of 
S. Brigid to be sold by his executors to fulfil his testament 
and last will. To the Ordinary of the Lord Bishop of London 





he leaves his silver seal, having his arms thereon, for probate and 
fee of his testament. Dated London, 10 April, A.D. 1388. 
Roll 11 (9S). 

Monday next befe the Feast of S. Barnabas, Apostle [11 Juqe]. 
I-Ialfmark (Jon-N), citizen and "smyth." To be bied in the 
chch of S. Andrew Hu near Estchepe. Bequests to ministers 
in the said church and for the maintenance of chantries there ; 
also to the use of the Frateity of S. Loy  and the Frateity of 
S. Katherine near the Tower. To Isalla his wife all his lands 
and tenements in the parish of Shordich for life ; remainder as 
to two tMrds to omas Ms son and as to the residue to Alice 
his daughter, fe of John Marschal " irmonger." Also to Ms 
said fe all Ms lands and tenements within the City of ndon 
for life ; remainder wholly to his aforesaid son. Also to his said 
wife he leaves a life interest in his leaseholds in the parish of 
S. Andrew aforesaid ; remainder to Ms said son and daughter in 
equM shares. Dated London 9 Fbmy .D. 1386. 
Roll 116 (119). 
ok (ROBERT), glover.--To  buried in the chch of S. Magnus 
at London Bridge before the altar where he used to stand. To 
Richard senior Ms son he leaves all Ms tenements and wharf 
called "Drktereswhf," in the parish of S. Magus aforesaid 
in tail, except a shop which he leaves to icholas Ms brother for 
life ; remainder to Richard junior Ms son and Nicholas Ms son 
in suessive taft ; remainder  the aforesaid Nicholas Ms brother 
in tail ; remainder  trust for sale for pious and charitable uses 
for the gd of his soul, the sos of Johanna Ms late wife and 
others. To William his brother a bakehouse and other houses in 
the parish of H. Trity the Less in Knyghtriderestrete for life ; 
remainders over. Also  Richd junior Ms so% in tail, he leaves 
Ms tenement called "litllondon '' th houses and gardens in 
the parish of All llo called " atte Walle/' situate ne a 
tenement belonng to the work of London Bdge, and extending 
 Or Eloy; S. Eligius, Bishop of anno 41 Edwd III., by Roger Chels- 
Noyon. CL : ham, "whier," to William Knyghte- 
 grettest othe was but by Seynt Loy. cote, mercer--Roll 99 (126). The nme 
Chaucer, Prol. ' Cant. Tles,' 120. is quaint, and only to be compared t.h 
a This same property, described with " Little Briin" nd "etty Wales." 
metes and bounds s here, was conveyed 



remainder to Agnes his daughter in tail ; remainder in trust for 
sale for pious and charitable uses. Bequests also to the churches 
of S. Peter de Wodstrete in Chepe and S. Alban in Wodstrete ; 
to Emma his mother, William his brother, Marion his wife's sister, 
and others. To the aforesaid chantry he further leaves in rever- 
sion two books, viz., a Bible (tna bbletecam 1) and a Legend 
of Saints. Dated 25 December, A.D. 1382. Roll 117 (100). 

Strousburgh (John), "brauderer."-To be buried in the church 
of S. Peter upon Cornhull. Bequests to the said church and 
ministers therein. To Bernard, son of Tilmannus de Put,, now 
living with him, he leaves twenty pounds sterling. After the 
decease of Johanna his wife he wills that his tenements with 
dovecot, gardens, &c., upon Houndesdich in the parish of 
S. Botolph without Algate, remain to Alice his daughter. Dated 
London, 9 November, A.D. 1388. Roll 117 (101). 

Moqday qe after the Feast of S. Gregory, Pope [12 March]. 
Mody (Jo-).--To be buried in the church of S. Giles without 
Crepulgate, to which he leaves sums of money. All his lands 
and tenements in the county of Middlesex (except two acres of 
arable land in the parish of Shordich, which he leaves to Cristina 
his daughter) to be sold, and the proceeds to go in part to 
Johanna his wife, and in part to the maintenance of a chantry 
in the aforesaid church. Also to his said wife he leaves tenements 
in Redecrouchestrete and in De Moorslrete in the parish of 
S. Giles aforesaid for life ; remainder in trust for sale for pious 
and charitable uses. Dated 13 July, a.D. 1388. 
Roll 117 (106). 


Monday nex before the Feast of S. Ma'garet, Virgin [0 July]. 
Leueshum (, skinner.-- To be buried in S. Mary's 
Chapel in the church of S. Michael upon Cornhull. His executors 
are directed to enfeoff Agnes his wife of all his tenements in the 
t "Biblotheca, Biblioum liber, sen utrumque Testamentum, Yetus et lovum." 




3_onday next afteq" the Feast of S. James, Apostle [25 July]. 
PIMlilolOOt 1 (Jo), Knt.- To be buried in the church of 
the Friars Minors,  London, near Johanna his late wife. To 
Margaret his wife " he leaves all his lands, tenements, &c., within 
the City of London, as well in reversion as in demesne, for life, 
charged with an annual payment of ten marks to the Prior and 
Convent of S. Pancras de Lewes, t so that they maintain a chantry 
for the good of his soul, the souls of Johanna his late consort, 
Richard late Earl of Arundell, 5 and others. In case of default, 
the Mayor and Recorder of the City for the time being to 
distrain for the same. The said Margaret charged with the 
an annual rent of five marks to the Vicar of 
co. Kent, in aid of a chantry in the chapel of 

payment of 
the manor of Grenge, co. Kent. To the monks of Hurlee, 
co. Berks, an annual rent of one mark for keeping his obit, 
&c. Bequests to thirteen poor people in honour of the 
five wounds of Jesus Christ, the five joys of the blessed mother 
Mary, 6 and of the Holy Trinity, the selection of the reci- 

pleats to be made by Margaret his wife during her lifetime, and 
afterwards by the 5[ayor and Recorder of the City for the time 
being. Aider his wife's death certain tenements in the parishes 
of S. Mary Wolnoth and S. Mary Wolchirche are to remain to 
Edward and John his sons in successive tail, and certain other 
tenements in the parish of S. Augustine near Poulesgate, in the 


 A fishmonger by trade (Higden's 
' Polychron.,' ix. 30). Sheriff in 1372; 
Mayor in 1378. He -as appointed joint 
treasurer with William Walworth of the 
subsidy granted to Richard II. on his 
accession (Stubbs's ' Const. Hist.,' ii. 444, 
567). Wa.lsingham records his patriotic 
conduct when Mttyor in fitting out u 
fleet at his own expense, with which he 
sailed to attack a pirate who had long 
infested the English coast. His expedi- 
tion proved completely successful, and 
he returned in triumph to the City, 
not without exciting, however, con- 
siderable jealousy (' Hist. Angl.,' i. 370). 
He -as knighted in 1381, together 
with Walworth, Brembre, and others, 
for assisting the King against Wat 
 His wishes appea to have been car- 
ried out, although from an inscription 

on his monument in the church of the 
Grey Friars quoted by Stow (' Survey,' 
Strype's ed., 1720, bk. iii. p. 133) it would 
appear that his first wife was the Laxly 
ddne Stamford. 
 A daughter of Richard de Croydon, 
fishmonger. See his will enrolled supra, 
Roll 103 (10). 
a A Cluniac priory was founded iu 
the old church of S. Pancras at Lewes, 
co. Sussex, in 1078. 
 lichard Fitz-Alun, eighth Earl of 
Arundel, oh. 1376. 
 Also called the "joyful mysteries." 
They are (1) the Annunciation, (2) the 
Visitation, 13)the birth of Christ, (4) 
His being carried as a baby to the 
Temple, (5) the finding of Him there 
when u boy among the teachers (Rock's 
' Church of our Fathers,' vol. iii. 1 t. i. 
p. 324}. 




street called "le 01dechaunge," to Margaret his daughter and to 
John his aforesaid son in successive tail. Tenements formerly 
belonging to John de Stodeye he leaves to his child (if any) en 
qent.e sa mre ; remainder to Thomas Birlyngham and John, 
brother of the said Thomas, sons of Margaret his aforesaid wife. 
The reversion of all his lands and tenements not otherwise dis- 
posed of he leaves to the Mayor, Aldermen, and Commonalty of 
the City of London to the use and behoof of the City as most 
needed, for the making of conduits, common latrines, &c., re- 
serving to themselves the sum of 36/. 4s. 4d. for discharging 
legacies to the house of S. Pancras at Lewes, the Vicar of 
Gilyngham, and others mentioned above, after the decease of 
Margaret his wife, and also an annual payment to the Abbess 
of Deneye, 1 co. Cambridge, for the use of Thomasina his daughter, 
a nun in that house. If necessary, all his aforesaid lands and 
tenements are to be sold by the Bishop of London and the 
Mayor and Recorder of the City for the time being, at the best 
price obtainable, and the proceeds distributed as directed. An- 
other testament relating to his movable goods mentioned. Dated 
London, Monday next after the Feast of S. Edmund, Archbishop 
[16 Nov.], A.D. 1381. Three codicils  follow, to the effect :-- 
1. That Margaret his daughter is to have all the lands and 
tenements formerly belonging to John de Stodeye after the 
decease of Margaret his wife; but she is to forego her right to 
take under his testament touching his movables. 
2. That Margaret his wife is to enjoy a life interest in his place 
called "Hull Almilesende, ''3 in the parish of Stebenhethe,  co. Mid- 
dlesex; remainder to John atte Hale, junior, of the county of 
Dorset, and to Margaret his daughter, about to become the said 
John's wife to hold in tail. Also that the place called "Hog- 
geston, ''5 co. Middlesex, be his vife's for life ; remainders to 
Thomas and Edward his sons in successive tail. 
3. That the commune of London, after the decease of his 
aforesaid wife, 8hall have (among others) all his rents, tenements, 

 An abbey founded by Mary de St. 
Paul, Countess of Pembroke (Part I. 
p. 637n.). 
2 These are in French, the will being 
in Latin. 

3 Mile End. It was here that the in- 
surgents under Wat Tyler foregathered 
in 1381 and held parley with the King. 





Also by a codicil enclosed in his original will he desires his 
houses in London to be sold after the decease of Simon 
Aleysham, and the proceeds to be divided equally among the 
Friars Minors, Preaching Friars, Augustinian and Carmelite 
Friars. 1 Dated Monday next after the Feast of Invention of 
H. Cross [3 May], A.D. 1383. Roll 118 (43). 

Sewale (JoIN) de Coggeshale.--Directs that his feoffees in 
trust to execute his last will should sell his tenement called 
" le Newehalle," situate at the new port (qzovum :poq'tm) of 
Colchester, a tenement called "le Colhawe," and other tene- 
ments, &c., in the parishes of S. Rumbald and S. Peter, also in Croucherchelaue called "Maldonelane," and elsewhere in Col- 
chester, as well as a messuage at Gepeswic  at le Kay there, 
and the moieties of two ships called "le hoolygoost" and 
"Eleyne" of Herwich. Dated 24 May, A.D. 1389. 
Roll 118 (44). 

Monday next before the Feast of S. Dunstan [19 May]. 
Cornewaille (ANDREW), draper.--To be buried in the church of 
S. Augustine near S. Paul's Gate. Bequests to the fabric and 
high altar of the said church. To Isabella his wife a tenement 
wherein he lived in Watlyngstrete in the parish of S. Augustine 
aforesaid for life ; remainder to Thomas and John his sons in suc- 
cessive tail ; remainder to Johanna, Custance, and Alice his 
daughters, and the heirs of their bodies, with cross remainders. 
If all his children die without any heir of their bodies, the same 
is to be sold by the rector and certain parishioners of the church 
of S. Augustine aforesaid, and the proceeds devoted to pious and 
charitable uses. Dated 28 November, A.D. 1389. 
Roll 118 (119). 

Monday next before the Feast of S. Ma'ga'et, Vi'rgiz [20 July]. 
Tonge (WILLIAI DE).--To be bm'ied in the church of All 
Hallows called " Berkyngechurche." Bequests for the purchase 
 The co4icil i in French. I  IIs-ich. 



da.ughter in Christ, viz., " Godchilde," until marriage. To each 
of his children in Christ, viz., " Godehilders," three shillings and 
fourpenee. Directions for torches and purchase of .Resset for his 
funeral. Bequests Lo the light of the Holy Cross in the church of 
S. Brigid, Lo various orders of fl'iars, and Lo the work of S. Paul's. 
Provision made for a chantry in the church of S. Brigid. The 
residue of his goods he leaves to his wife by way of dower for 
payment of debts and execution of his last will. Dated London, 
19 August, A.D. 1390. Roll 119 (54). 

Atte Merssh (JOHN), ' curreour."---To be buried in the church- 
yard of S. Giles without Crepulgate, in the tomb where Cristina 
his late wife lies buried. Bequests to the church of S. Giles 
aforesaid and ministers therein. To Margery his wife a tenement 
in GrobstreLe in the parish of S. Giles aforesaid for life; re- 
mainder in trust for sale, and the proceeds devoted to pious uses. 
Th implements of his craft Lo be sold as soon as possible to pay 
his debts. Releases John Cxoldesburgh his apprentice from 
remaining term of service. Dated London, the Feast of S. Lau- 
rence [10 Aug.], A.D. 1388. Roll 119 (57). 

Yvory (WILLIAM), butcher.--To be buried in the church of 
S. Leonard de EsLchepe. Bequests to the said church for buying 
two new missals, for the fabric of the belfry, &c. ; also to the 
churches of S. Clement. near Estchepe and of S. Mary Magdalene 
aL Bermondeseye. To Sir Geoffrey Launde, rector, and church- 
wardens of the church of S. Leonard aforesaid, and to Sir Adam 
Chippenham, rector, and churchwardens of the church of S. Clement 
aforesaid, he leaves certain tenements and rents in the parish of 
S. Leonard in the wards of Bruggestrete and of Candelwykstrete, 
for the nmintenance of a chantry in each of the said chm'ches. 
A certain shop in the parish of S. Nicholas aL the Shambles to be 
sold to pay his debts. To Johanna his wife he leaves a brewery 
and shops in the parish of S. Leonard aforesaid for life ; remainder 
to Cecilia his daughter, wife of Tl, cmas Vyght, "grocer," in tail ; 
remainder to the rector and churchwardens of S. Clement's afore- 
said for the maintenance ofchantries. To John 'haplelcde and 
Margery, ,a-ife of the same, another daughter of the testator, he 



reliefs, &c., in the parishes of Totenham and Edelmeton, co. Mid- 
dlesex, to go to John Twyford his kinsman, after the decease of 
his aforesaid wife, in tail; remainder over. To the rector and 
churchwardens of S. John Zakarie, and the wardens or guardians 
of the craft of Goldsmiths of London, he leaves certain rents 
issuing from a tenement called " le Crane " in the parish of 
S. Nicholas at the Shambles, for keeping his obit, the obits of 
his children and of his aforesaid wife in the church of S. John 
aforesaid, the maintenance of a light therein, and other pious 
uses. Dated London, Saturday, 11 June, A.D. 1390. 
Roll 119 (74). 

Monday next before the Feast of S. Peter in Cathedra [22 Feb.]. 
Bathe (JoHr0.--To Ralph Kesteven, rector, and the church- 
wardens of the church of S. Botolph without Aldrichesgate, he 
leaves certain shops in Aldrichesgatestrete in the parish of 
S. Botolph aforesaid, on condition that they maintain thereout a 
chantry for the good of his soul, the souls of Cristina his wife, when 
dead, and others ; the residue of the profits of the said shops being 
devoted to their maintenance and to the ornaments of the afore- 
said church. To William Gedeneye, prior of the church of 
S. Bartholomew de Westsmythefeld, and convent of the same, he 
leaves all his lands and tenements in Westchepe, Goderounlane, 
and elsewhere in the parish of S. Vedast, in pure and perpetual 
ahns. To his aforesaid wife his dwelling-house in Aldrichesgate 
in the parish aforesaid for life, so that within one month after his 
decease she release to the aforesaid rector and churchwardens all 
claim of dower in the property so left to them. Dated London, 
Monday the Feast of S. Peter ad Vincula [1 Aug.], A.D. 1390. 
Roll 119 (80). 

Moday qext befoq'e the F. of SS. Peg'petta and Felicitas [7 Mag'ch]. 
Petigru alias Atte Nax (SIMON), cutler.- To be buried in 
S. Mary's Chapel in the church of S. Brigid in Fletestrete, to the 
rector and ministers whereof he leaves sums of money. Bequests 
also to Richard his son, Mariona his daughter, William Grantham 
and Simon, son of the same, Simon, son of Edward Shether, his god- 
son, Johanna, wife of Robert Lincoln, and others. T Sir Thomas 



Hayton, rector, and the wardens of the light of the Blessed Mary 
in the church of S. Brigid aforesaid, he leaves all his tenements in 
the parish of S. Brigid near Fletebrigge for the maintenance of 
two chantries therein, and in default the same are to remain to 
Friar William Wakeryng, Master of the Hospital of S. Bartholomew 
in Smythfeld, for the maintenance of chantries in the said hQspital. 
To Johanna his wife, by way of dower and for her share of his 
goods, he leaves one hundred pounds, on condition she releases 
her claim of dower to his executors within twenty days after his 
decease ; otherwise she is to have her reasonable dower of his tene- 
ments and a share of his goods as the law of God and good 
conscience require, and the legacy of one hundred pounds is to 
be void, and the rector and wardens aforesaid are to be relieved 
of maintenance of one of the aforesaid chantries during her 
lifetime. Bequests to various orders of friars, the old work of 
S. Paul's, the fabric of the church of S. Brigid, the Fraternity of 
the Blessed Mary therein, and the Fraternity of S. Brigid. Dated 
London, in the parish of S. Brigid, 8 January, h.D. 1390. 
Roll l l9 (93). 
llorthburgh (JohNh, relict of JoHn, draper).--To be buried 
in the church of All Hallows de Berkyng before the altar of 
S. Katherine, near the tomb of John Priour senior, her father. 
Bequests to the said church and ministers therein, the church of 
S. Thomas de Acon near the Conduit, the high altars of the 
churches of S. 5Iary de Colchirch and S. Bartholomew the Less. 
To Katherine her daughter, wife of John Game, armourer, she 
leaves all her lands and tenements in the parish of S. Dunstan 
in Tourstrete for t.he maintenance of a chantry, and the residue of 
all her goods, after payment of debts, absolutely. Dated London, 
15 January, .D. 1390. Roll 119 (95). 

Ancroft (WILLIAM), mercer.--To be buried in the church of 
S. Botolph near Billingesgate, under the same stone as Robert 
his father. Bequests to the rector of the said chtu'ch for prayers 
on behalf of his soul, the souls of Robert his father, Margaret his 
mother, and others; to the fraternities of S. Mary and S. Katherine, 
and to ministers therein. His body to be covered with russet 
cloth having a cross in white linen, the same to be afterwards 


souls of Johanna his wife, William his father, Isabella his mother, 
Richard and Katherine his wife's parents, William his brother 
and Juliana, wife of the same, and others; and in default the 
same to be held by the Wardens of London Bridge, in the name of 
"the Mayor and Commonalty of the City of London, and their 
successors to the use and maintenance of London Bridge" for the 
maintenance of a perpetual chantry in the chapel on the bridge. 
Roll 119 (97). 
Coraunt (John), goldsmith.--To be buried in the church of 
S. Michael in Wodestret. Bequests to Sir John Yve, rector, and 
churchwardens of the same, for "torches " for the high altar, &c. ; 
and devise of a certain vestibule built on the north side of the 
church, which he lately acquired from the executors of Robert 
Lucas, goldsmith. To Johanna his wife he leaves all his tene- 
ments in the City of London for life ; remainder, as to a tenement 
in the parish of S. Mary Magdalen near Oldfisshstret, to the 
Prioress and Nuns of Clerkenwell, on condition that they kee l) his 
obit solemnly as directed with Placebo and Dgrge and office for 
the dead. To William his son the reversion of certain shops in 

the parish of S. Michael aforesaid, after the decease of 
to hold in tail, with remainder to John his son in tail. 
the said John the reversion of his dwelling-house in the 
S. Michael aforesaid in tail, with remainder to William 
charged with the aforesaid bequest for torches. Dated 
20 March, 12 Richard II. [-A.D. 1388-9-]. Roll 119 

his wife, 
Also to 
parish of 
his son, 

Monday next before the Eeast of S. Petronilla, Viyin [31 May]. 
I-Iaberger or I-Iauberger (Jou).--To Elena his wife his dwell- 
ing-house in the parish of S. Giles without Crepulgate for life ; 
remainder in trust for sale by the vicar and certain parishioners of 
the church of S. Giles aforesaid, and the proceeds distributed 
among his children. Dated London, 3 May, n.D. 1382. 
lleupor (WtLLnM), fishmonger, of the parish of S. Nicholas 
Olof de Bredestrete.---Provision made for chantries for three years 
next after his decease. Bequests to the ministers of the church 
of S. Nicholas aforesaid, and for the purchase of books and 
vestments; also to divers orders of friars; to the inmates of 






Bridge in trust to maintain the said chantry. His tenement at 
the corner of the churchyard of the church of S. Laurence 
Pulteneye he leaves to Robert Witherdeley, the Master of the 
College of S. Laurence, and certain parishioners, for the mainte- 
nance of a chantry in the said church for the good of his soul, 
the souls of William Staneford, Johanna, wife of the same, 
Thomas their son, Elena, wife of the said Thomas, and others ; in 
default the same to go to the Mayor and Wardens of London 
Bridge as above. A messuage and houses in the parish of 
S. Botolph without Bisshopesgate to be sold to pay his debts, and 
the residue to go to Isabella his wife. To Roger Blythe, "male- 
maker," and to Mariota, wife of the same, he leaves a tenement 
in the parish of S. Brigid de Fletestrete for their lives; remainder 
to his aforesaid daughters and sons in successive tail. Bequest of 
ten marks to buy two silver candelabres for the church of S. Peter 
upon Cornhull. Dated London, Thursday the Feast of S. Laurence 
[10 Aug.], AoD, 1391. Roll 120 (1). 

Leycestre e (VALTER).--To be buried in the church of S. Peter, 
Westminster. His friends and kinsfolk to have of his money and 
clothes as his executors may direct. Alice his wife to have a life 
interest in all his rents in the City of London and suburbs ; the 
same to be sold after her death for pious and charitable uses. 
Mention made of another testament, which is still to be valid, 
except so far as it is altered by the present testament. Dated 
within the Castle of Farnham, 5 April, A.D. 1391.--And although 
he had directed his tenements to be sold after the decease of Alice 
his wife, yet, inasmuch as he desires his soul's speedy health, he 
wills that his executors sell the reversion of the aforesaid tene- 
ments as soon as possible, and dispose of the proceeds for the good 
of his soul. 
Whereupon came the aforesaid Alice, John Wakele, vintner, and 
atilda, wife of the same, and put their claim upon the aforesaid 
testament as to certain ahops in the parish of S. Edmund de Lum- 
bardestrete, because they say the aforesaid Walter and Alice lately 
acquired the same from Richard Chadesley, as appears by deed 
 A maker of males (mails) or ra- maker of mallets or hammers (' Memo- 
yelling bags. Riley draws a distinc- rials,' Introd., p. xxii). 
tion between malemoge'r and elake're,  Described elsewhere as the King's 
taking the latter to mean possibly a Sergeant-at-Arms. 



enrolled 1 at the usting for Common Pleas held on Monday next 
after the Feast of S. Katherine, Virgin [25 Nov.], 37 Edward III. 
[.). 1363] ; that the said Alice at the death of her husband acquired 
the fee thereof jure accrescendi, which she disposed of, by deed 
enrolled2 at the using for Pleas of Land held on Monday next 
after the Feast of Translation of S. Edward, King and Confessor 
[13 Oct.], 15 Richard II. [A.). 1391], to the aforesaid John and 
atilda; and that the said John and Matilda reconveyed the same to 
the said Alice for hfe by another deed enrolled "3 at the same ttusting. 
Roll 120 (9). 


Preston (RICrARD DE), citizen and grocer 4 of London, and 
burgess of the vill of Cales.--To be bm'ied in the church of All 
Hallows at the Hay, near Deonisia his former wife. To Agnes his 
wife he leaves all his lands and tenements in the City and suburbs 
for life, for maintaining a chantry in the aforesaid church for the 
good of his soul, the souls of Richard his father, Isabella his 
mother, Deonisia and Alice his wives, Stephen de Preston and 
Cristina, wife of the same, and others ; remainder as to a tenement 
called " Beaurepair," and others in the parish of All Hallows afore- 
said, to the rector, churchwardens, and parishioners of the said 
parish, for the maintenance of a chantry at the altar of S. Kathe- 
rine in the said parish church for the good of the souls just men- 
tioned, and for divers payments to the rector and chaplain for 
keeping his obit as directed, and others. In default of the 
chantries being maintained as directed, the property is to go over 
to the Wardens of London Bridge, under the name of "the Mayor 
and Commonalty of the City of London and their successors 
to the use and maintenance of the said bridge," for providing a 
chantry in the aforesaid church. All his lands and tenements 
in the vill of Cales and neighbourhood to be sold to fulfil his 
other testament touching his movable goods, saving to Alice his 
wife one third of the proceeds by way of dower, excepting the 
proceeds of the sale of his lands and tenements at Sandgate. His 
feoffees in trust of lands and tenements, water-mills, &c, in 
co. Kent and elsewhere, are directed to enfeoff Agnes his 
wife of the same, excepting a certain grange and wharf in the 

Roll 91 (168). 
Roll 120 (17). 
Roll 120 (18). 
ossaius, i.e. wholesale dealer. 

I the will of Agnes his wife (enrolled 
infra Roll 130 [115] ) he is described as 
late citizen and merchant (ecato). 





vill of Estgrenewych, which are to go to Richard Rowe and Alice, 
wife of the same. Dated London, 26 April, A.D. 1391. 
Roll 120 (16). 

Monday qzext after" the Feast of Purificatio of V. Mary [2 Feb.]. 
I-Iursham (RICAID), "ferrour."---To be buried in the church 
of S. Sepulchre without Neugate. Bequests to Sir John Hayward, 
vicar of the said church, and for the maintenance of a chantry 
therein. To Emma his wife he leaves a certain tenement in the 
parish of S. Andrew in Holbourne for life ; remainder to the 
aforesaid vicar and churchwardens in aid of a chantry. To John 
his servant, of co. Hereford, a sum of money and a gown of 
sangurgn.  Dated London, 21 December, A.D. 1391. 
Roll 120 (62). 
Power (rILLIAM), called "Wodehous," skinner.--To be buried 
in the church of S. Christopher, London, where lie the bodies of 
his wives. Bequests to the said church and ministers thereof, 
and provision made for torches for the elevation of the Host, 
funeral expenses, &c. To the Fraternity of Skinners in aid of its 
chaplains he leaves one hundred shillings. Pecuniary bequests 
also to Agnes, Emma, and Margaret his daughters; William, son 
of Adam Haket ; Custance, wife of John Duk ; William, Thomas, 
and John, sons of Thomas Provendre, mercer, and others. To 
Thomas his son he leaves one hundred pounds, and all his imple- 
ments and goods, both raw and tanned. His silver vessels and 
ustilments appertaining to his hall, chamber, pantry, and kitchen 
to be divided into three parts, one part to go to Agnes his wife, 
another to Thomas his son, and the third to be distributed among 
his other children, his wife also receiving her dower according to 
justice and law. To Sir William Bergh, rector of the said church 
of S. Christopher, and parishioners of the same, he leaves certain 
rents in the parish of S. Michael upon Cornhull, so that they 
maintain thereout a chantry for the good of his soul, the souls of 
Johanna, Anselina, and Alice his former wives, and others, within 
the said church of S. Christopher. In default the said rents to go 
to the rector and parishioners of S. Michael's upon Cornhull for 
like purposes. To Agnes his wife his tenements called "Legges- 

Cloth of crimson or blood colour 



aleye" in the parish of S. Bartholomew the Less for life ; 
remainder to Thomas his son in tail ; remainder to Emma, Agnes, 
and Margaret his daughters in equal portions. Also to Thomas 
his son tenements in the parishes of S. Michael le Quern and 
S. M_ichael upon Cornhull in tail ; remainder to his aforesaid 
daughters. To Thomas Provendre and Emma, wife of the same, 
the testator's daughter, he leaves a brewery called " lez thre 
lonnes" in the parish of S. Christopher in special tail, with 
remainders over; and similarly to John Shirbourne, vintner, and 
Agnes, wife of the same, another daughter of the testator, a tene- 
ment in Cornhull, parish of S. Michael. Dated London, Monday 
next before the Feast of Annunciation of V. Mary [25 March], A.). 
1388. Roll 120 (69). 

Monday aext before the Feast of S. Vale.ntie [14 Feb.]. 
Pykeman (ANDREW), fishmonger.MTo be buried in S. Mary's 
Chapel in the church of S. Botolph near Billyngesgate, to the 
rector and churchwardens of which he leaves certain shops in 
Thamysestret, so that they maintain thereout a chantry in the 
aforesaid chapel for the good of his soul, the souls of Johanna and 
Johanna his wives, Richard his father, Margaret his mother, 
Robert Pykeman and Sabine and Johanna, wives of the said 
Robert, Robert Furneux, and others ; also that the said rector and 
churchwardens provide tapers on occasions specified. In default 
the same to go over to the Mayor or Varden and Commonalty of 
the City of London and their successors, for the use and main- 
tenance of a chantry in Guildhall Chapel. To Margaret, daughter 
of John Sibille and of Cecilia, late wife of the same, and daughter 
of the testator, he leaves lands and tenements in the larishes of 
S. Mary atte Hull and S. Margaret de Breggestrete. Dated 
London, Sunday the Vigil of the Nativity of our Lord [25 Dec.], 
A.D. 1391.--Also he wills that his feoffees in trust of lands and 
tenements in the vill of Suthwerk, and in the parishes of Newen- 
ton and Camerwelle, co. Surrey, enfeoff the aforesaid Margaret, 
daughter of John Sibille, of the same as soon as she come to the 
age of fourteen years. Roll 120 (71). 

Brandon (NICHOLAS), ' stokfisshmonger."--To be buried in the 



church of S. Magnus near London Bridge, to which he leaves 
divers sums of money for fabric, ministers, Fraternity of Salve, 
&c. Bequests also to the work of S. Paul's, to each of the four 
orders of friars in London, to the poor on beds and in various 
hospitals, the lepers in the three houses around London, to the 
inmates of Neugate, Ludgate, and the two Marshalseas ; also to 
the churches of Clare, co. Suffolk, of All Saints, Walsyngham,  and 
of Wighton near Walsyngham, &c. To Agnes his wife he leaves 
certain rents issuing from a tenement called "le lamb on the 
hoop " in Thamysestret, parish of S. Magnus. His feoffees in 
trust of lands and tenements at New Wyndesore are instructed 
to deliver the same to his aforesaid wife ; and similarly his feoffees 
of lands and tenements at Wighton aforesaid are to enfeoff Robert 
Wych his uncle and Johanna his sister of the same. Provision 
made for chantries in the churches of S. Magnus and of ighton 
respectively. Certain sums of money to be divided among his 
poor neighbours upon London Bridge and the porters of Thamyse- 
stret. His wife to be put in possession of certain rents issuing 
from his tenement called "le Mayde on the hoop" in Suthwerk, 
on condition that she forego her dower of tenements at Wighton. 
Dated London, 4 November, A.D. 1391. Roll 120 (73). 


Monday qext befo'e the Fea.t of S. Dunstan, B.ishop [19 May]. 
Daudeley e (NIC]OLAS), lord of " Rouge Chastel1-3 and 
" Helegh. "4 ---To be buried in the chancel of the church of his 
Abbey of Hulton " near his father's tomb. Directions as to burning 
of tapers, torches, and mo'rte'ez,  and other particulars relating to 
his funeral. To the Abbey and church of Hulton he bequeaths, 
among other things, two large gilt chalices with stones, two 
patens, a large ivory image of Our Lady, a silver censer, and a gold 
cross with the bastoqs of four pieces and relics. His executors to 
purchase lands to the value of thirty liw'es by the year with 
which to endow the said abbey. To Elizabeth Daudeley his wife 
(com2)aigqe) he leaves two thousand marks of silver, his entire 
 Co. Norfolk.  Red Castle, co. Salop. 
 Or De Aldithley, son of James de a Co. Staff. 
Aldithley, who fought at the battle of  Or Hilton, co. Stafford, where Henry 
Poictiers. He died, according to Dug- de Audley erected an abbey for Cister- 
dle, on the Feast of S. Iry hIagda- clan monks in 1223. 
_en [22 July], 15 Richard II. [n.D. 1391].  See notes sup'a , pp. 49, 152. 



wardrobe, and his vessels of silver and gold, buckles, rings, &c. 
Bequests of money to Roger Mortymere, Henry Haggley and 
Alice, wife of the same, William Nassh, and John Marsshall ; 
also to "Seyntoweyn," " Brodok," "Hekoc del Pantre," " Colyn 
del Pantre," and others ; also to the friars of Hereford, Salop, 
Stafford, Chester, and New Castle under Lyme, and to twelve 
poor gentlewomen for marriage portions. The residue of his 
goods and chattels in England and "Gales ,n he leaves to the 
aforesaid Elizabeth. Dated at his Castle of Helegh, Wednesday 
next before the Feast of Translation of S. Thomas the Martyr 
[7 July], 15 Richard II. [A.i). 1391]. Roll 120 (125). 

Capelle (JonN), cordwainer.--To be buried in the churchyard 
of S. Dionisius Bakehirehe. To Alice his wife he leaves certain 
shops in the parish of S. Dionisius aforesaid for life ; remainder to 
John his son and Alice his daughter in successive tail. To 
William his son a shop in the same parish, a piece of silver, and 
silver spoons. To Isabella his daughter twenty shillings. Dated 
London, 9 August, A.D. 1390. Roll 120 (126). 


Monday ext after F. of Trane. of S. Edvard, K. and C. [13 Oct.]. 
Neve CrILLIAM), son of Nicholas Neve, late " burler, '' and of 
Johanna, wife of the same, daughter of Elias, son of Matthew 
le Chaundeller.--To be buried in the churchyard of S. Swithin 
de Candelwykstret. Bequests to the said church and ministers 
thereof. To Johanna Maykyn, formerly wife of John Hale, late 
" sherman," he leaves certain rents and reversions in the parishes 
of S. Clement near Estchepe and S. Michael de Crokedlane for 
life ; remainder to Thomas Hale her son for life ; remainder to the 
rector and churchwardens of the church of S. Swithin aforesaid, 
for the maintenance of a chantry in the said church. Dated 
London, 22 September, A.D. 1391. Roll 121 (71). 

Monday next after the Feast of S. Andrew, Apostle 
Waldegrave (JonN), "brewer."--Bequests to divers orders of 
 Wales. I 2 Bureller. 



and parish, as also a tenement called "Bell othe hope" in Brede- 
strete, to be sold within one year after his decease, and out of the 
proceeds five chaplains are to be maintained in the church of 
S. Martin for one year for the good of his soul, the souls of Simon 
Shirreve his father, Cicilia his mother, Adam Haket, and others, 
and two chaplains in the parish of All Hallows de Bredestrete. 
His manor of Northstede to be sold by his feoffees in trust for 
the purpose of fulfilling his testament. Also to the church of 
S. Martin aforesaid he leaves two missals, a Catholicon, 1 a 
Legend,  and a book called ' Pars Oculi ,;3 and to the church of 
' Quodam, ''4 co. Kent, a vestment, chalice, &c. To Margery his 
kinswoman he gives all his vessels for her marriage, and any one 
who shall marry her and be willing to give one hundred and fifty 
pounds for the manor of Northstede above mentioned is to have it 
for that sum. Dated London, 26 November, A.D. 1392. 
Roll 121 (125). 

Moaday qext after the Feast of Conversion of S. Paul [25 Jan.]. 
Atte Feld (Jo'), tanner.---To be buried in the churchyard 
of S. Sepulchre's without Neugate. Bequests to the said church, 
and to divers orders of friars for trentals of masses; also to Alice 
his daughter, Mabel his sister, and others. To Alice his wife he 
leaves a moiety of his lands and tenements ia the parish of 
S. Sepulchre aforesaid for life; remainder to his aforesaid 
daughter. Dated London, 14 February, A J). 1390. 
Roll 121 (131). 

Monday 7text befo'e F. of SS. Pe'petua and Felicitas [7 March]. 
Boxford (RoERW), draper.--To be buried in S. Paul's church- 
yard called "Pardounchirchehawe." One moiety of his movable 
goods he leaves to Clemence his wife by way of her share of his 
goods, and out of the residue he makes divers bequests to the 
fabric of S. Paul's and of the church of S. Vedast, to poor prisoners 
in Neugate and Ludgate, to the Prior, Canons, &c., of S. Mary 
 An Eastern name for the collected [ s See Part I. p. 607, note 1. 
general epistles. I a Cowdham (the name is variously 
 Or Legend of the Saints ; a book of spelt Codeham, Cudham, and Coldham), 
the acts of the saints read throughout co. Kent (Hasted's ' Hist. of Kent,' vol, i. 
the year on certain days in the offices [ p. 118). 
of the Western Church. 



de Overee in Suthwerk, the Master of the College of S. Laurence 
Pounteneye near Candelwykstrete, the ministers of the church of 
S. Mary Magdalen de Suthwerk; also for the repair of roads in 
the neighbourhood of London, and for distribution among the 
poor and infirm lying " bedreden " in the City and suburbs, 
&c. Bequests also to John Prentis his brother, John Gibbes, 
William Symme, and others. A certain rent issuing from a 
tenement called "le cok on the hoop" in the parish of S. Giles 
without Crepulgate to be sold to pay his debts. Dated at the 
priory aforesaid, the Feast of the Purification of V. Mary [2 Feb.J, 
16 Richard II. [A.D. 1392-3J.--Also to old Thomas, the bellringer 
of the priory, three shillings and fourpence. Roll 121 (145). 

Snypston (NmOLAS).--To be buried near Johanna his wife in 
the church of S. Laurence de Polteney. Bequests to the chaplain 
of the college of the said church, to the parish priest and 
chaplain of the church of All Hallows the Less upon the Solars 
(stoe" sola'gis), &c. ; also for painting an image of the Blessed 
Mary therein, and to the pardon of S. Paul (ad pe'dotem Saqcti 
Pauli). To Mabel his wife he leaves certain tenements in the 
parishes of All Hallows the Less in the Ropery and S. James 
de Garlekhithe for life; remainder to Johanna and Alice his 
daughters in several tail; remainder in trust for sale for pious 
uses. To William Prodhomme he leaves a basitet with avetall, 
a pair of plates with leghameys, vambrs, and rereb'as. To 
Edmund Oliver a barrel (ba'ellam) for keeping linen (armour ?) 
and a fur of young otters (de juvenis ot'es). To Robert Steping 
a coat of mail and cetelhat ;3 and to John his servant his cot- 
harmu'.  Dated London, 1 March, A.D. 1391. Roll 121 (146). 

 Vambrace and rerebrace; armour 
plates for the front and back of the 
 A helm most probably made of 
leather ; cf. a 2alet. It is, however, 
probable, says Way ('Prompt. larv.'), 
that the name was likewise given to 
the chapel de fe" or val)ellus fe'eus 
used from the time of Edward II. 
until the sixteenth century, the form 
being at all times nearly the same, 
and from the wide projecting brim 
bearing much resemblance to a caul- 

dron. Among bequests mde by SirWil- 
liam Langford in 1411 are the follow- 
ing :--" Also a basynet with a ventaile, 
a pare of vambrace and rerebrace, a pair 
of legge herneys ...... Also to Henre my 
son an aburioun, a ketil latte" (' Earliest 
English Wills,' ed. by Dr. Furnivall, 
Early English Text Society, p. 19). 
 Coat-armour ; a linen covering worn 
over the armour on which was embla- 
zoned the bearer's coat of arms. This 
usage became necessary for purpos of 
identification at a time when the lea- 



Monday ext before the Feast of S. Barqabas, Apostle [11 June]. 
Wyght (WmLI0, "stokfisshmonger."---To be buried in the 
cloister of S. Laurence de Pulteneye. To each of his daughters 
Agnes, Margaret, Beatrix, and Alice, fifty pounds sterling for 
their marriage or for entering a religious house ; and to Nicholas, 
John, William, and Richard his sons respectively, twenty pounds 
sterling. The custody of his said children to be in the discretion 
of his executors. His lands, tenements, &c., in the vills and 
parishes of Cheyham, 1 Hedleigh,  and Leddrede, 3 and elsewhere in 
co. Surrey, to remain to his son Nicholas aforesaid. To Johanna 
his wife he leaves all his lands and tenements in the City of 
London for life. To John his son the reversion of a tenement 
called " le Vyne " in the parish of S. Peter upon Cornhull, and 
tenements in Minchonlane in the parish of S. Dunstan towards the 
Tower. To William and Richard his sons the reversion of tene- 
ments called "le Blakerente," adjoining Distaflane in the parish 
of S. Augustine near S. Paul's Gate. Also to the aforesaid 
licholas the reversion of mansions in the parish of S. Leonard de 
Estchepe. Thomas his brother appointed one of his executors. 
Dated London, Tuesday the Vigil of the Nativity of our Lord 
[25 Dec.], .D. 1392. Roll 121 (200). 


Monday qzext before the Feast of S. Botolph, Abbot [17 Jane]. 
Offhura (JOHN), apothecary.--To be buried in the church of 
S. Mary Magdalen de Milkstrete. Bequests of money and wax 
tapers to the said church as well as to his fraternity at Brokham 
and the churches of S. Peter at the Cross of Chepe and of Bas- 
singeshawe. Bequests to his apprentices, who are to continue to 
serve Cecilia his wife; to a chaplain saying divine service in the 
church of S. Mary aforesaid for the good of his soul, the souls of 
Walter his father, Alice his mother, and others; to the Friars 
Minors of London, to Peter and Thomas his sons, and others. To 

tures were concealed by the aventaille ; 
but it was not generally adopted till the 
time of Henry III. Chaucer thus de- 
scribes the various articles of a knight's 
apparel :- 
And next his schert an aketoun, 
And over that an habergeoun 
For persyng of his herr ; 
And over that a fyn hauberk 

Was all iwrought of Jewes werk, 
Full strong it was of plate; 
And over that his cote-armour 
As whyt as is a lily flour 
In which he would debate. 
' Tale of Sir Thopas,' 149-157. 



and William his sons his tenements in the parishes of All Hallows 
de Berkyngcherche and S. Michael upon Cornhull in several tail ; 
remainder in trust for sale for the repair of London Wall, London 
Bridge, the Conduit, the College of Guildhall, &c., at the discre- 
tion of the Mayor and Aldermen, as well as in aid of the works 
and ornaments of the said parish churches. His wife to have the 
charge of his aforesaid sons and of their property during minority, 
she giving security at the Guildhall for the purpose according to 
the custom. Dated 14 June, A.D. 1390. Roll 121 (211). 


Monday ext after the Feast of All Saizts [1 
urford (WILLIAM), "belyeter."' --To be buried in the church 
of S. Botolph without Algate. Bequests to the said church, 
ministers and lights of S. Mary and S. Katherine therein. 
Johanna his wife to maintain a lamp to burn before the high cross 
in the said church during her lifetime. Bequests also to the old 
work of S. Paul's, to each of the five orders of mendicant friars 
in London, the convent of the Minoresses without Algate, the 
convent of Haliwell, the inmates of divers hospitals, to poor bede- 
folk (loauloeribvs aratricis) at S. Katherine's near the Tower and 
Elsyngspitell, the prisoners in Newgate and Ludgate, &c. Be- 
quest of one hundred pounds sterling for the maintenance of 
two chantries in the above church for the good of his soul, the 
souls of Elena his former wife and others. To Robert his son he 
leaves the tenement in the parish of S. Botolph without Algate 
which he acquired from Alice Pereris, all his craft implements, &c. 
Also to the aforesaid Johanna his wife all his vessels, utensils, 
jewels, &c., appertaining to his " houshold." Dated London, 
12 February, A.D. 1390. Roll 122 (20). 

Lincoln (rILLIAM DE), saddler.---To be buried in the church of 

i I.e. bell-founder, an early instance I served among the archives of S. Paul's, 
of the English form, which gave the I and as early as A.D. 1216 in the ' Liber 
name to a street corruptly called Billi- de Antiquis' of the City Records. Bur- 
ter Street. The craft was originally ford's will has been printed by the late 
represented by the Potters. The Latin lIr. Stahlschmidt in his work on ' Surrey 
form carnlanaris occurs in a deed, Bells and LondonBell-Founders' (Elliot 
probably of the twelfth century, pre- I Stock, 1884). 




S. Vedast near Amicia his wife. Bequests to the said church, its 
ministers, and the light of the Fraternity of the Holy Cross therein; 
also to the five orders of mendicant friars in London, the monks 
of the New Abbey near the Tower, the work of the church of 
S. Thomas de Acres near the Conduit, to every anchorite recluse 
within the liberty of the City, the Fraternities of S. Giles without 
Crepulgate and of the "Charnell" in S. Paul's churchyard, &c. 
For covering the roof of the church of S. Vedast with lead he 
leaves one hundred shillings, otherwise only thirteen shillings and 
fourpence. To the good men of the mistery (misted'i) of "Sadellers" 
a sum of money on condition they build a common hall for the 
use of the mistery within three years next after his decease, 
otherwise the same is to be distributed among the members of the 
craft. To Alice his wife all his tenements in Chepe and Gudrun- 
lane for life, charged with the maintenance of a chantry in the 
church of S. Vedast aforesaid for the good of his soul, the souls 
of Walter his father, Margaret his mother, John, Richard, and 
William his brothers, and others, and with providing certain 
tapers to burn during the singing of Salve and celebration of 
mass; remainder in trust for sale for pious and charitable uses. 
Sir John de Lynton, rector of the church of S. Vedast, appointed 
surveyor of his testament. Dated London, 20 November, A.D. 
1392. Roll 122 (22). 

Monday next after the Feast of S. A ndrew, Apostle [30 1Vov.]. 
ttolbech ([ATILDA, relict of WILLIAM, draper).--To be buried 
in the church of S. Dunstan "Est," near the window she lately 
made. To fifteen poor men and fifteen poor women she leaves 
sufficient cloth of Russet for a mantle and hood and a kyrtell of 
Blankette to each, and the sum of six shillings and eightpence. 
To Cecilia, daughter of Thomas Hauteyn, she leaves certain tene- 
ments in the parish of S. Benedict Schorhogge in tail ; remainder 
in trust for sale for pious and charitable uses. Other tenements 
in the parishes of S. Benedict de Graschirch, S. Laurence near 
Candelwykstret, and S. 1Nicholas Hacon to be sold for like purposes. 
An annual quitrent of ten marks, issuing from tenements held by 
her and Hugh Southern her former husband, to be devoted to a 
chantry in the church of S. Dunstan aforesaid. To John Clee, 



draper, and "Senicla" his wife she leaves her leasehold interest in 
a tenement called " Sernetestour '' in Bokeleresbury. To the 
house of Chestehunte ten marks. To the house of Hethyng- 
ham s for a dormitory and for erecting stalls in the choir ten pounds. 
To the church of Little Totham 3 her new missal. Bequests also 
of three pairs of vestments, viz., one best pair for festivals, another 
white pair for Lent, and another pair for weekdays, together with 
her missal and silver chalice for use at the altar of S. Margaret 
in the church of S. Dunstan aforesaid. After many other bequests 
to individuals, she leaves the residue of her goods to assist poor 
students in the universities of Oxford and Cambridge, for repair 
of roads, marriage portions of poor maidens, &c. Dated London, 
29 July, A.D. 1392.--Also to Amy living in the Convent of Strat- 
ford twenty marks, provided she take the veil. 
Roll 122 (27). 

Monday next befo'e F. of SS. Fabian azd Sebastian [20 Jan.]. 
Boterwyk (Jog).--To be buried in the church of All Hallows 
de Bredestrete. Bequests to the said church and ministers 
therein; also to Thomas, son of Geoffrey Talpole, and others. 
To Alice his wife he leaves all his lands and tenements in the 
parishes of All Hallows aforesaid, S. Sepulchre without Neugate, 
and S. Nicholas at the Shambles for life; remainders to Robert 
his son and to John Ixnyng and Elizabeth, wife of the same, the 
testator's daughter. Dated London, 21 April, A.D. 1390. 
Roll 122 (32). 
Dymmok (JogN), " taillour."---To be buried in the chancel of 
the church of S. Mary de Bothhawe. Bequests to the said church, 
and provision made for a chantry therein ; also to the mendicant 
friars of London, the prisoners in Newgate, Ludgate the King's 
Bench, and la Flete; the Fraternity of the Resurrection &c. 
Directions as to burning torches and tapers at his funeral, and 
their subsequent distribution among the churches of S. Mary 
aforesaid, S. Thomas de Acon near the Condui L the chapel of the 
 To the various modes of spelling I  Hedingham, co. Essex, where there 
this name already mentioned (su/ra, I was a nunnery of the Benedictine 
p. 10t n.), another maybe, added, namely, [ Order. 
that of "Sylvestretour, found among ]  Co. Essex. 
the rchives of S. Paul's Cathedral.  





charitable uses for the good of his soul, the souls of Felicia his 
late wife and others. Dated London, 8 October, A.D. 1393. 
Roll 122 (86). 


Monday qext before the Feast of S. Duqstan, Bishop [19 May]. 
Waltham (ThoMAs), late burgess of Kyngeston upon Hull.- 
To be buried in the chapel of the H. Trinity of Kyngeston upon 
Hull. Leaves his best horse by way of mortuary. To Friar John 
Richemond five marks sterling for celebrating an annual 1 (uqum 
annuale) for the good of his soul. To Katherine his wife all his 
lands, tenements, rents, &c., within the City of London and 
neighbourhood for life ; remainder to his right heirs. Dated at 
Kyngeston upon Hull, Tuesday next after the Feast of S. Martin 
in Yeme [11 Nov.], n.D. 1392. 
Be it remembered that the devise of tenements in the above will 
appearing to the Mayor and Aldermen to be too general, they ordered 
John Byngelee and Katherine his wife, relict and executrix of the 
testator, to specify the tenements aforesaid, which they did, as 
appears by deed of Stephen, son of ugh de Waltham, made by 
Thomas de olcote, rector of the church of All allows de Stanyng- 
chirch, and enrolled in the usting of Pleas of Land held on 
Monday next before the Feast of S. Botolph [17 June], 11 Edward III. 
,.) . 1337].  
Roll (10.% 

Monday ext after the Feast of S. Petronilla, Virgin [31 May]. 
Blakexxeye (Jo), fishmonger.--To be buried in the church of 
the Carthusian monastery near Westsmethefeld, to which monas- 
tery he leaves all his lands and tenements in the parishes of 
S. Nicholas Coldabbey and S. Mary Somerset, so that the monks 
say weey a De Profundis, &c., for the good of his soul. Also 
to the said monks he leaves the sum of thirty pounds sterling for 
the masonry of their new chapter house, together with a vestment 
and a chalice. Bequests also to the work of S. Paul's, the church 
of Charneton (?), co. Norfolk, the churches of S. Nicholas and 
S. Mary aforesaid, and others ; to divers orders of friars; the lepers 

 Service for the dead held on the 
anniversary of the duy of their decease ; 
a year's mind. 
' From this deed, enrolled in Hust. 
Roll 6 (84), the property here devised 

appears to have been situate in the 
parishes of S. James Garlickhithe, 
S. Stephen de Colmanstrete, and . Mi- 
chael de 1 -rokedelane. 




at le lo]ce, Hakeneye, and S. Giles without Holbourne ; the con- 
vents of Haliwell and Clerkenwell, and the house of H. Trinity 
within Algate. Provision made for chantries in the churches of 
Cleye, 1 \Vyveton Blakeneye,  Sheryngton, . and Brynnyngham, 
co. Norfolk, and bequests of vestments, chalices, and missals for the 
same. Bequest of twenty marks for hiring some chaplain to go 
to Rome and there remain for one year to pray for his soul, and 
ten pounds for getting two men to travel to S. James in Gala- 
cia (sgc) in fulfilment of his vow. Among other bequests are the 
following :--to the poor of the rills and parishes of Cleye, Wyveton, 
Blakeneye, Charneton, Brynnyngham, Stodeye, and Honeworth,4 a 
bushel of salt (saUs gvossg); to Richard Newenton, the King's 
Sergeant, his best horse ; to John Wade, fishmonger, his best sword 
and bolele" covered with plates of silver ; and to Sewall Hodesdon, 
fishmonger, his best bed with tester. Bequests also to the prior 
and others of the house of S. Saviour de Bermundesseye. Dated 
Suthwerk, 10 February, A.D. 1393. Roll 122 (112). 

Grenyngham (AvlCE, late wife of rILLIAM).--To be buried 
near her late husband in the porch of the church of S. Margaret 
de Lothebury. Bequests to the said church and various chaplains 
therein, and to divers orders of friars ; also to William Kyng her 
brother, Nicholas Bedyngton, mercer, her -kinsman, and others. 
To Alice, wife of William Kyng aforesaid, and to Agnes, wife of 
Nicholas Bedyngton aforesaid, respectively, she leaves a pair of 
patemost'es with silver fermails hanging thereto. To Johanna 
Therlawe her best furred gown and her best basin and ewer. Pro- 
vision made for a chantry in the church of S. ]Iargaret aforesaid 
for the space of six years next after her decease. To John Steb- 
benheth her kinsman she leaves her quitrents in Colmanstret in 
the parish of S. Stephen. Dated London, 22 November, A.D. 
1386. Roll 122 (113). 

Monday the Feast of S. Maq'gaq'et, Vgq'ggn [0 July]. 
Walleworth (MARGARET, relict of XiILLIAM, Knt.).--Her tene- 
 Cley-next-the-Sea, co. Norfolk. ]  Sharrington. 
- Or nitterley. I a Htmworth. 



ments near Billyngesgate in Thamisestret in the parish of 
S. Mary atte Hull, and in Tourstret in the parishes of S. Dunstan 
and S. Margaret Paty-ns, as well as in the parishes of S. Alban 
in Wodestret and S. Giles without Crepulgate and elsewhere, to 
be sold for pious and charitable uses. Mention made of "Love- 
lane," formerly called "Roppelane," near Billingsgate. Dated 
London, 12 January, A.D. 1393. Roll 123 (7). 


Monday nex after the Feast of S. Lug, Evangelist [18 Oct.]. 
Bonauntre (THOMAS), ' tapicer," of the parish of S. Deonisius 
de Bakchirche.--To be buried in the porch under the belfry of the 
said parish church. To Matilda his wife a brewery, bakehouse, 
shops, and houses in Fanchirchestret at the corner of Martlane in 
the parish of All Hallows de Stanyng for life, so long as she 
remain unmarried and chaste ; remainder in trust for sale to fulfil 
his testament concerning his goods and chattels if necessary, and 
for pious uses in the aforesaid church for the good of his soul, the 
souls of William his father, Agnes his mother, Matilda his wife, 
and others. Also to his aforesaid wife he leaves his tenements in 
the parishes of S. Deonisius de Bakchirche and S. Mary de Fan- 
chirche for life ; remainders to William, John senior, and John 
junior, his sons, for their several lives ; remainder in trust for 
pious uses. Among the tenements is mentioned a brewery called 
"le 1)apegeay" in the parish of S. Mary aforesaid. To Sir 
William de Calceby, rector, and churchwardens of the church of 
S. Deonisius aforesaid, an annual rent of ten shillings issuing from 
a brewery and shops called "le Sterre on the hoop," situate in the 
High Street of the parish of S. Deonisius, for keeping his obit. 
His feoffees to make a good estate to his aforesaid wife of a life 
interest in his lands and tenements at Chikewelle and in the 
parish of Berkyng, co. Essex, with remainder to William his son. 
John Bonauntre his brother appointed one of his executors. 
Dated London, 15 April, A.D. 1394. Roll 123 (12). 

Eley (JoHn) de Holborn.--To be buried in the church of 
S. Andrew in Holborn. Bequests to the said church, its ministers, 
and Fraternity of S. Sithe  therein ; also to Elena, Margaret, and 
 S. Osithe, Virgin and Martyr. A City ] was dedicated to this saint, now only 
church, near that of S. Bennet Sherehog, I remembered by " Size Lane." 



before the image of S. Mary de leuwerk' in S. Paul's, to prevent 
their removal. A chantry also to be maintained within the said 
church. To the church of S. Stephen de Colmanstrete he leaves a 
psalter. Bequests also to the prisoners in Neugate and the Mar- 
shalsea, and the King's Bench at. Storteford, Colchestre, Bury, 
and Canterbury by turn ; the nuns of Sopwell, z of Pray 3 near 
S. Alban, of Chesthunte, Stratford, Clerkenwell, Halywell, and 
Kilbourne ; the monks of the Carthusian Order near Westsmyth- 
feld ; the inmates of divers hospitals; the lepers at le lokes near 
Suthwerk, "yeveneye" (?) near Hakeneye, and at. S. Giles ; the 
Prior and Canons of Bliburgh, 4 &c. ; and to Robert Luton his 
brother, \Villiam Sonyngwell, mercer, and many others. Bequests 
also to the Abbot and Convent of S. Osithe, " among which is 
his book called ' Cronicles'in French. Dated London, Monday 
next after the Invention of H. Cross [3 May], A.D. 1393. 
Roll 123 (41). 


Monday next before the Feast of S. Edmuqzd, King [30 5ov.]. 
l.yneshum (WmLIAI), pepperer.--To be buried in the church- 
yard of the New Hospital of S. Mary without. Bisshopesgate near 
the tomb of Johanna his late wife. To John Cros, pepperer, shops 
in the parishes of All Hallows under London Wall, S. Andrew 
Hubert near Estchepe, and S. Mary de Fancherche, and at the 
corner of Secollane for life ; remainder to John Eynesham, the 
testator's son, for life ; remainder to the prior and convent of the 
aforesaid hospital for the relief of the sick, and for maintaining 
a chantry in the chapel calle "le Charnel" in the churchyard of 
the same for the good of his soul, the souls of Johanna his wife, 
Robe% his father, Alice his mother, and others. Also to John 
his son a brewery called " le Glene  on the hop" in the parish 
of S. Michael at Quenhethe, a brewery and shops in the parish 
of S. Brigid in Fletstret near "Tolclyvesyn," others in West- 

' Of the New Work in contradistinc- 
tion to the Old Work of S. Paul's. 
 Benedictine nunnery near S. Albans. 
 An abbot of S. Albans founded a 
house or hospital for poor sick and 
leprous women in honour of the Blessed 
Virgin in the meadows adjoining the 
ubbey. The hospitul cme thus to be 

known by the name of "De La Pray," 
or De t'atisjtxta S. Albanun. 
' Co. Suffolk. A priory of Black 
Canons, a cell to the Abbey of S. Osithe 
in Essex. 
 Co. Essex. See note sq)'a, p. 312. 
 Probably a sheaf (or er ?)of corn. 
This seems preferable to "glcvc"- 
glaive, a short sword. 




smythfeld in the parish of S. Sepulchre, a tenement called 
"le Raven" in the parish of S. Mary Magdalen in Milkstret, 
and tenements in Frydastret in the parish of S. John the 
Evangelist and elsewhere, to hold in tail ; remainder to the 
aforesaid hospital. Dated London, 28 November, A.D. 1391. 
Roll 123 (58). 

Monday qext before F. of SS. Perpetua and Felicitas [7 March]. 
Tyderle (JoHn), skinner.--To be buried in the church of 
S. Stephen de Walbrok. Bequests to the said church and 
ministers thereof, and to the Fraternity of Skinners of London. 
Also to Sir John Broun, rector of the aforesaid church, he leaves 
forty shillings on condition that he be surveyor of this his 
testament. His feoffees of a certain tenement in S. Swithin Lane 
near Candelwykstret are to sell the same as soon as possible, 
William Framelyngham being preferred purchaser, and the pro- 
ceeds to be devoted to pious uses. The residue of his goods, after 
discharge of debts, to be divided into three parts, whereof one 
part is to go to Alice his wife by way of dower and her share 
of his goods, another part to be divided equally among his 
children, and the third part to be devoted to the good of his 
soul. Dated London, 29 December, A.D. 1393. Roll 123 (87). 

Monday qext before F. of S. Edward, K. and M. [18 MarchJ. 
Semun (JoHn), called "Ragenhill," fishmonger.--To be buried in 
the church of S. Nicholas Coldabbey, in the same tomb as Johanna 
his late wife. To Cecilia his wife for life he leaves lands, tene- 
ments, and a moiety of a wharf called "le Saltwharff" in the 
parishes of S. Botolph without Aldrichegate and S. Michael, Queen- 
hithe, on condition that she claim not her dower of his lands and 
tenements in the 01d Jewry and the Fish Market. To Johanna, 
daughter of Robert Seman his brother, a shop in the Fish 
Market in the parish of S. Nicholas aforesaid to hold in tail; 
remainder to Cecilia his wife for life ; remainder in trust for sale 
for pious uses for the good of his soul, the souls of his aforesaid 
wives, and others ; and for the repair of highways, charitable 
gifts to poor fishmongers, &c. To Nicholas Welbergh, late his 
apprentice, he leaves a shop in the parish of S. Nicholas aforesaid 



in the 01d Fish Market, charged with a certain payment for the 
work of the nave of the said church, providing lights, &c. Certain 
lands and tenements in the parish of S. 01ave in the 01d Jewry 
to be sold for pious uses in the church of S. Nicholas aforesaid. 
Dated at Westminster, 20 September, A.D. 1394. 
Roll 123 (102). 

Monday nex after the Feast of S. Beqedict, Abbot [1 March]. 
Mokeron (WILLIAM), brewer.--To be buried in the church of 
S. Botolph without Bisshopesgate before the high cross. Bequests 
to the said church, to Sir John Porter the rector, and clerks of the 
same. Bequests to five orders of friars in London for masses. 
The sum of twenty pence to be given to the poor every week 
upon Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday for one year next 
after his decease. Three chantry priests to be maintained in the 
aforesaid church for one year for the good of his soul, the souls of 
Walter his father, Agnes his mother, and others. Chantries also 
to be maintained in the chapel of S. Nicholas before the sick in 
the Hospital of S. Mary without Bisshopesgate, and in the parish 
church of Yenge atte Stone, x co. Essex. Bequests for the repair 
of a certain road between Yenge atte Stone and Brendwode, z called 
" Stottisbrook" and " Brichwodebrigge"; to the work of S. Paul's; 
to the Prior, Canons, &c., of the Hospital of S. Mary aforesaid ; 
to John, son of John Mokeron his brother, his servants, and 
others. Johanna his wife to have a life interest in certain shops 
in Bisshopisgatestrete. Dated London, 24 December, A.D. 1394. 
Roll 123 (103). 
Southam (JOHN), " stokfisshmongere."--To be buried in the 
church of S. Laurence de Pulteney. To Margaret his wife rents 
in the Poultry in the parish of S. Mildred for life ; remainder to 
pious uses. William Prodhome his apprentice to serve his wife so 
long as she remain unmarried but to be absolutely free imme- 
diately upon her marrying again during his term. Dated London, 
the morrow of S. James [25 July], h.D. 1382. Roll 123 (116). 

Monday next befoq'e the Feast of S. Baqmabas, Apostle [11 June]. 
Wolrich (VILLIAM), ca foundour."--To be buried in the church 
 Ingatestone. I : l,'entwood, co. Essex. 





of S. Laurence in the Old Jewry in the tomb where lie the remains 
of his wife. Bequests to Sir Robert Lepere, the vicar of the said 
church; to the Friars Minors and Carmelites; to the inmates of 
Newegate and Ludgate, the lazars in the hospitals of S. Giles, 
S. Thomas de Suthwerk, and Kyngeslond, &c. Provision made for 
a chantry in the said church of S. Laurence for the good of his 
soul, the souls of Phelippa his wife and others. To William and 
John his sons he leaves certain tenements in the parish of S. Lau- 
rence aforesaid as joint tenants for life ; remainder in trust for 
sale for pious and charitable uses. Dated London, 28 September, 
A.D. 1394. Roll 123 (134). 

Monday ext befo'e the Feast of S. Ma'ga'et, V'gi [20 JulyJ. 
Lalageford (BEATRX).--To be buried near her husband in the 
church of S. Sepulchre. To the vicar of the said church she 
leaves a silver cup called "bolle "; to Sir John Boner, chaplain, 
a pair of vestments to serve at the altar of S. Stephen in the said 
church. Bequests to the fabric of S. Paul's Church and to the 
penitentiar of the same. To Agnes Langeford, Agnes Dyneslay, 
John Dyneslay, and others, she leaves household goods, comprising 
basins and ewers, testers, "ke'cheves, coverlets, &c. To Elizabeth 
her daughter a pair of paternosteves of aqtb.e. Dated London, 
the Vigil of S. John Baptist [24 June], A.D. 1395.--Also to each 
clerk of the church of S. Sepulchre aforesaid and to Richard 
"Pytmaker '' respectively sixpence. Roll 124 (8). 

Monday qext berate the Feast of SS. Sgmo a%d Jude [28 Oct.]. 
Irland (THOMAS), skinner.--Testament as to his tenements in 
London. To Katherine his wife he devises his dwelling-house 
and shop in the street of Cornhull i the parish of S. Michael 
upon Cornhull, acquired by him and Matilda his late wife to them 
and the heirs and assigns of the testator. After the decease of 
the aforesaid Katherine the same is to remain to the rector and 
parishioners of S. Michael's aforesaid for pious uses for the good 
of his soul, the souls of Robert his father, Isabella his mother, of 

Gravedigger or sexton. 



the aforesaid Matilda, Katherine and Katherine (sic) his wives, 
of Johanna, the mother of Richard the King, of Edward late 
Prince of Wales, of Simon Sudbury, late Archbishop of Canter- 
bury, and others. Dated London, 6 May, 18 Richard II. 
[A.D. 139@ Roll 124 (e0). 


Monday qext before the Feast of S. Martin, Bishop [11 l"ov.]. 
Fermere (AD0, cutler.--Provision made for two hundred and 
forty masses to be celebrated by the several orders of the Preaching 
Friars, Friars Minors, Augustinian and Carmelite Friars, and for 
forty masses by the Friars of the Holy Cross. To Isabella his 
daughter, late wife of Gilbert Meldbourne, he leaves all his lands 
and tenements in the parishes of All Hallows in Bredestrete, 
S. John, and S. Augustine for life ; remainder to Katherine his 
wife and others in trust for sale to fulfil his will. Certain tene- 
ments also in the parish of S. Brigid in Fletestrete are to be sold 
for like purpose. His wife to have her dower and share of his 
goods and chattels. To John Smyth, cutler, his "kinsman, an 
annual rent issuing from the above lands and tenements devised 
to his daughter. Dated 25 August, A.D. 1395. Roll 124 (40). 

Fyndon (THOMAS), goldsmith. -- To be buried in S. Paul's 
churchyard near Alice his late wife. Bequests to the ministers 
of the churches of S. Giles without Crepulgate, S. Vedast in 
Fasterlane, S. Matthew in Fridaystrete, and S. Peter in Chepe 
for attending his Di?'ige, &c. To Elizabeth his wife and to Alice, 
Johanna, and Matilda his daughters he leaves divers sums of 
money and his household goods, one half of which is to go to his 
wife and the other half to his children. Among other bequests 
are the following :--To Alban Stoke, goldsmith, his black gown 
furred with lambskin and hood ; to John Bedeford his best gown 
furred with a$'tilet and hood ; to John Mount his green gown 
parted with blue rayed cloth, and he wills that the fur with which 
it is lined be sold, and another fur of white lambskin be purchased 
and placed inside ; to his apprentice the weighing implements 
(? totum Tole)of his shop, except two balances which he leaves 
to his wife. Also to his aforesaid wife he leaves his tene- 
ments in the parish of S. Giles without Crepulgate for life; 




remainder to his daughters, and after their death to John 
Tunbrigg, vicar of the church of S. Giles aforesaid, and the 
wardens of the Fraternity of S. Giles in aid of the said fra- 
ternity for the good of his soul. Dated London, 27 September, 
A.D. 1395. Roll 124 (41). 

Glemesford (JULIANA, relict of RICHARD, late felmonger).--To 
be buried near her late husband in the church of S. Stephen de 
Colmanstret. Bequests to the said church and ministers thereof, 
to the poor of the parish, to divers orders of friars in London, to 
the inmates of hospitals, &c. A chantry to be maintained in the 
aforesaid church for the space of four years next after her decease. 
To Simon Codyngton her son she leaves her best pot and pan, a 
mazer cup, bed and apparel, &c., and her leasehold and other tene- 
ments in the parish of S. Stephen aforesaid for life ; remainder in 
trust for sale for the maintenance of chantries in the churches of 
S. Stephen aforesaid and All Hallows under London Wall. Dated 
London, 16 March, A.D. 1394.--Also to John, son of the said 
Simon Codyngton, twenty shillings. Roll 124 (42). 

Monday next before the Feast of S. Katherie, Via'gin [25 5ov.J. 
Abbot (ROER), draper.- To be buried before the altar of 
S. Katherine in the church of S. Dunstan de Stebbenhithe near 
London, where rest the remains of his children. Bequests to the 
said church and ministers therein, and also to the work of 
the church of S. Swithin. A chantry to be maintained before the 
altar aforesaid for the good of his soul, the souls of John his 
father, Isabel]a his mother, and others ; and a trental of masses to 
be celebrated by each of the four orders of friars in the City of 
London, viz., the Preaching Friars, Friars Minors, Augustinian 
and Carmelite Friars. Bequests to his servants, apprentices, and 
others. To Emma, Johanna, and Agnes his daughters he leaves 
sums of money and chalicecupes, the same to remain in the 
custody of Thomas Weyland until they come of age or marry, 
the said Thomas giving security for the same in the Chamber of 
the Guildhall, as is the custom for orphans. To Avice and Cecilia 
his daughters sums of money. Emma his aforesaid daughter to 
have certain lands and tenements at Petiwales in the parish of 



All Hallows de Berkyng in tail; remainders to Johanna and 
Agnes his daughters in successive tail; remainder to his right 
heirs.- Agnes his wife to enjoy the rents and profits of the afore- 
said property until one of his aforesaid daughters shall marry. 
Sir Philip, rector of the church of S. Swithin, appointed surveyor 
of his testament. Dated London, 28 July, .D. 1395. 
Roll 124 (58). 

Monday next before the Feast of Purification of V. Mary [3 Feb.]. 
Uffyngton (HENRY), hurer.- To be buried in the churchyard 
of All Hallows de Stanyng. Bequests to the said church and 
ministers therein; also to various orders of friars for saying 
Placebo and Di'ige in their respective churches, and for a trental 
of masses in each of their houses ; to his servants, apprentices, 
and others. Certain shops in Martelane in the parish of All 
Hallows de Stanyngcherche he leaves to Alice his wife for life ; 
remainder to Cecilia and Johanna, daughters of Alexander Wright 
de Casewyk, for their lives ; remainder in trust for sale, and the 
proceeds devoted to poor bedridden people unable to help them- 
selves, repair of roads, and release of prisoners. Also to Agnes 
his wife he leaves the residue of his goods and chattels, after 
payment of debts, by way of dower. Dated London, 3 August, 
A.D. 1395. Roll 124 (84). 

Taillour (NrcroLhS), draper.--His testament or last will touch- 
ing his immovables. To John and Roger his sons he leaves all his 
lands, tenements, and rents in the cities and suburbs of London 
and Saturn in successive tail ; remainder in trust for sale for pious 
uses for the good of his soul, the souls of Lucy his late wife, his 
children, and others. This testament or last will is not in any 
way to affect his testament or last will made touching his mov- 
ables. Dated London, 27 August, .D. 1395. Roll 124 (89). 

Monday ext after the Feast of S. Mathias, Apostle [24 Feb.. 
Prynee (GILBERT), painter.--To be buried in the church of 
S. Giles without Crepulgate in the same tomb with Isolda his late 
wife. Bequests to the said church and ministers therein, the old 





[A.D. 1391] ; remainder in trust for sale for the use of the 
aforesaid church, repair of roads, &c. The residue of his goods 
and his estate in his dwelling-house he leaves to his wife by 
way of dower and of her share. Dated London, 15 December, 
A.D. 1395. Roll 125 (32). 

Monday qet befo'e the Feast of Conversion of S. Paul [25 Jan.]. 
I-Ierbury (HEmY).--To be buried in the chapel of the Blessed 
Mary in the Hospital of S. Mary without Bisshopesgate. Bequests 
to the prior, canons, and isters of the said hospital, to the poor 
of the same, and to the Friars Minors of London for their 
prayers. Thirty trentals of masses to be celebrated immediately 
after his decease, and a chantry to be maintained in the chapel 
where he shall lie or elsewhere, for which he leaves one hundred 
pounds sterling. To the chapel of S. Mary in the church of Her- 
bury  he leaves the vestments of his chapel, together with a missal, 
chalice, and paten, and two towels appertaining thereto. To the 
Vicar of Herbury forty shillings to be had in mind, with special 
collects for the space of three years. To :Nicholas his son he leaves 
a book called "Portoos, ''3 and forty marks for putting him to school. 
To Elizabeth his wife and Thomas Medilton, rector of the church of 
Hakeney, his executors, he leaves all his lands, tenements, &c., 
within le Scaldyng hous 4 near le Stokkes, London, and all his 
lands, &c., in Southflete, co. Kent, held for him by trustees, for 
sale, and the proceeds to be given to his said wife. Bequests to 
Alice his sister, John Ive de Herbury, William Ive, William 
Tomkyns, and others. Dated within the aforesaid hospital, 
6 September, A.D. 1396. Roll 125 (41). 

Noket (THOMAS), draper.--Bequest in aid of the chantry 
founded by Alice, wife of Gregory de :Norton, called "atte Shire," 

 Roll 119 (67). From thedeed it ap- 
pears that the tenement here devised 
was situate in the parish of S. Margaret 
 Harbury, co. Warwick. 
* Or Portifory, a breviary for carrying 
about with one. 
* West of the church of S. Christo- 
pher le Stocks, says Stow (' Survey,' 

Thoms's ed., 1876, p. 71), "have ye 
Scalding alley, of old time called 
Scalding house or Scalding wike, be- 
cause that ground for the most part 
was then employed by poulterers that 
dwelt in the high street from the 
Stocks' market to the great conduit. 
Their poultry, which they sold at their 
Stalls, were scalded there." 

for life. To Richard Jancok his leasehold tavern in Fletestrete 
called "Fourdelys, "I charged with the maintenance of a conduit 
which the testator had erected in Fletestrete, and also with 
the observance of his obit, &c. To the Fraternity of Tailors, 
London, for their alms, he leaves four marks, and to the 
Fraternity of Fishmongers a cask of wine, viz., a pipe in Olde- 
fisshstrete and another in Briggestrete. To Alice his wife he 
leaves her reasonable par and her dower of his goods and tene_ 
menLs as the law of God and good conscience demand. Dated 
London, 10 August, A.D. 1396. Roll 125 (55). 

Monday ne: be/are the Feast of S. Peter in Cathedr [22 Feb.]. 
Chapman (TotAs), " curreour."--To be buried in the church 
of S. Olave in Old Jewry. Margery his wife to have one half of 
his movables by way of her share, and out of the remainder 
he makes divers bequests for chantries, and also to the four 
orders of mendicant friars in London, to various hospitals, 
including those of S. Giles, la loke,  and at Hakeneye, prisoners 
in Neugate and Ludgate, &c. His armour to be sold for 
pious uses. Further bequests to the old fabric of S. Paul's and 
for repair of highway between Kilbourn and Eggeswere ; also to 
Thomas Fissh, girdler, William Mullere, "hornere de Fletestrete," 
and others. To Margery his wife he also leaves certain rents in 
the parish of S. Stephen in Colmanstrete, a tenement in the 
parish of S. Margaret de Lothbery, and a tenement in Grubstrete 
in the parish of S. Giles without Crepulgate for life ; remainder 
in trust for sale for the maintenance of a chantry in the church of 
S. Olave aforesaid and other pious and charitable uses. Dated 
London, 21 January, h.D. 1394.---Also to the fabric of the church 
of Henele upon Thames forty shillings. Roll 125 (67). 

Organ (WILLIAM), clerk.--To be buried in the church of 
S. Olave in Old Jewry. His funeral expenses not to exceed four 
marks. Twelve hundred masses to be said for his soul by secular 
priests, and a sum of ten pounds due from William Bonham, 
rector of the church of Assheton Clynton, co. Bucks, to be 
expended on trentals for the good of his soul. To Thomas his 
 For "Flourdelys." I 2 At Southwark. 




of the same, he leaves a messuage and houses in the parish of 
S. Michael upon Cornhull in aid of a chantry in the said church 
for the good of his soul, the souls of Katherine his late wife, 
William de Stokesby, late vintner, Juliana, wife of the same, 
and others. To Richard Hoo his godson the reversion of a 
tenement in the parish of S. Martin aforesaid after the decease 
of Margery his wife. Dated London, 28 March, A.D. 1396. 
Roll 125 (105). 

Monday ext before the Feast of S. Margaret, Virgiq [20 July]. 
Maire (JOHN), smith.--To Alice his wife all his lands and 
tenements within the liberties of the City of London for life ; 
remainder to his sons and daughters in equal portions. To Wil- 
liam Arnald he leaves his best afeld and a best pair of Belewes, 
and to William Mosle similar chattels. Dated London, 25 June, 
A.D. 1389. Roll 126 (17). 

Monday qq2xt before the Feast of S. Javes, Apostle [55 July]. 
Shalyngford (JoHn), draper.--To be buried before the high 
cross in the church of S. Mary de Aldermarichirche near the 
tomb of Isabella his late wife. Bequests to the said church and 
ministers thereof, the church of S. Thomas de Acon, to the various 
orders of friars in London, the inmates of hospitals, the lepers at 
le loke, Hakeneye, and near the Hospital of S. Giles de Holbourne, 
the prisoners of Ludgate, Newgate, and the two Marshalseas, &c. 
Chantries to be maintained at S. Anne's altar in the church of 
Aldermarichirche for the good of his soul, the souls of Dulcia and 
Isabella his wives, Sir/Nigel Loryng, Knt., and others. To Alice 
his wife he leaves his tenement in Watlyngstret in the parish of 
S. Mary de Aldermarichirche, now called " le Stulpes," for life by 
way of dower. To Henry Julian and Elena, wife of the same, 
the testator's daughter, his tenement called "le Swan on the hop," 
situate at the Shambles of S./Nicholas, in tail ; remainder in trust 
for sale, and the proceeds to be distributed as directed. His lease- 
holds in Carterelane and Knyghtrederistret in the parish of 
S. Gregory to be sold to fulfil his testament and for pious uses. 


Fanchirche to be sold to fulfil his testament. 
17 July, .v. 1397. 

Dated London, 
Roll 126 (51). 

Wotton (rILLIAM), merchant.--To be buried in the Collegiate 
Church of S. Laurence de Pulteneye near Candelwykstret. To 
Margaret his wife his tenements in Thamysestret and Wolsyeslane 
in the parishes of All Hallows the Great and All Hallows upon the 
Solar (super Solarium), in the lane and parish of S. Laurence 
aforesaid, and elsewhere for life ; remainders over to icholas 
his son and to Robert Witherdeley, master of the collegiate 
church aforesaid, for keeping his obit, &c. Dated London, 
24 August, A.D. 1391. Roll 126 (52). 

Manday next after the Feast of All Saints [1 lov.]. 
htte Wode (THOtAS).--Bequests to the minister of the church 
of S. Peter the Poor (parvi), whereof he was a parishioner, and 
the work of the church of S. Martin within Ludgate ; also to 
William Rose, Simon Laverok, Agnes atte Wode, called "olde 
annot," and others. To William Kyngescote he leaves his horse 
called "Bayard Grenecobbe. '' Alice his wife and John his son to 
have certain meadow lands in Braynford.  Also to his said son he 
leaves the reversion of a hostel called "le George on the hope" in 
the parish of S. Sepulchre near Holbourne Crosse. The reversion 
of a certain tenement in the baily in the parish of S. Martin 
without Ludgate to be sold by his aforesaid wife, and the proceeds 
devoted to the repair of roads between Kensyngton and Braynford, 
and between Padyngton and Eggeswere. Also to his wife he 
leaves a tenement in the parish of S. Margaret de Lothebery. 
Dated London, 16 August, A.D. 1396. Roll 126 (54). 

Monday next after the Feast of S. Katherie, Virgi [25 1gov.]. 
Charteseye (John), draper.--To be buried in the monastery of 
Waltham Holy Cross, co. Essex. To William his son an annual rent 
issuing from his tenements and wharf called "Asselynswarf," in the 
parish of S. Dunstan towards the Tower, together with the rever- 
sion of the said property after the decease of Isabella his wife, for 
' Bayard strictly speking means a bay ] cobbe" is more difficult to explain; it can 
horse, but it is lso used in a general ] scarcely refer to the animal's colour. 
way for any oloured horse. "Grene-  Brentford. 



life; remainder to the Prior of Crycherche for the maintenance 
of chantries. To Margaret his daughter the reversion of certain 
tenements at Dowgate for life, charged with the payment of an 
annuity to Marion his daughter, a Minoress of the Order of 
S. Clare without Algate ; remainders to William and John 
his sons for their respective lives in succession, with further 
remainder to the Abbey of the Order of S. Clare for pious uses. 
Dated London, the Feast of All Saints I1 lov.], A.D. 1396. 
Roll 126 (72). 
Shiryngham (WrLL), mercer.--To be buried in the church 
of S. Mildred in Bredstrete in the same tomb as Matilda his late 
wife. His tenement in the parish of S. Stephen in Colmanstrete 
to be sold for pious and charitable uses. William Shiryngham 
his brother, rector of the parish church of Holtmarket in the 
diocese of Norwich, appointed one of his executors. Dated London, 
24 July, A.D. 1397. Roll 126 (73). 


Monday next after the Feast of S. Andrew, Apostle [30 Nov.]. 
Vanner (HENRV).--To be buried in the chancel of the church 
of S. Martin in the Vintry. Bequests for lengthening the body 
of the said church and raising the belfry, &c. ; also to various 
orders of friars ; the nuns of Clerkenwell, Halywell, and Dorteford, 
co. Kent ; the ]uns hLinoresses without Algate ; the inmates of 
several hospitals; the lepers at the Hospital of S. Giles in Hol- 
bourne, le loke, and Hakeney, &c. Bequests for the mainte- 
nance of chantries in the church of S. Martin aforesaid. His 
feoffees of certain lands and tenements in the parishes of S. Martin 
in the Vintry and S. James de Garlekhithe are directed to convey 
to Margery his wife, daughter of John Stodey, an annuity of 
thirty pounds within three months after his decease, and further to 
enfeoff Thomas Byrlyngham and John, brother of the said Thomas, 
of the aforesaid lands and tenements. His feoffees of certain 
other lands and tenements in the said parish of S. Martin, 
together with a wharf and the advowson to a chantry in the 
said parish church, are directed to grant to his aforesaid wife an 
annuity of fifty pounds, and to convey the property to certain 
other feoffees, who in their turn shall enfeoff John Cornewaleys 
his brother thereof in tail, with remainder to William Vanner his 




brother in tail; remainder to Johanna his mother. His feoffees 
of the reversion of lands and tenements called "le Bernes" in 
co. Middlesex, of others in Algatestrete in the suburb of London, 
as well as in the parishes of Stebenhithe, S. Mary Matfelon, 
and S. Botollh without Algate, and elsewhere, are to convey the 
same to his aforesaid brothers and mother, with cross remainders. 
His tenements in co. Kent to be sold by his feoffees. Dated 
London, Tuesday, 9 February, A.D. 1394. Roll 126 (76). 

Monday next before tle Feast of Conversion of S. Paul [25 Jan.]. 
Goldryng (JoHn), chandler.--To be buried before the high 
cross in the great churchyard of S. Paul's. Bequests to the churches 
of S. Margaret Moisy in Fridaystrete and S. Matthew in Friday- 
strete; to various orders of friars and to the Charterhouse for 
prayers and masses ; to anchorites in London and the suburbs, &c. 
His lands and tenements in Distaflane in the parish of S. Margaret 
aforesaid to be sold, and the proceeds devoted to the maintenance 
of a chantry in the said parish church for the good of his soul and 
the soul of Isabella his late wife, and to the relief of prisoners in 
Neugate and Ludgate. Dated London, 29 December, A.D. 1397. 
Roll 126 (84). 

Monday ext before the Feast of Purification of V. Mary [2 Feb.]. 
Davy (JoHn)de Holbourne.--To be buried in the church of 
S. Andrew de Holbourne. Bequests to the said church and 
ministers thereof. To John Russell his servant he leaves a new 
gown of white russet. To Alice his wife his lands and tenements 
in Holbourne for life ; remainder to John Osebern and Emma, 
wife of the same, the testator's daughter, in tail; remainder in 
trust for sale for the maintenance of a chantry in S. Mary's Chapel 
in the church of S. Andrew aforesaid for the good of his soul, the 
souls of Alice his wife and others. His goods to be divided into 
three parts : one part to be devoted to works of piety, a second 
part to go to his wife, and the third to the aforesaid John and . 
Emma. Dated Saturday, 12 January, A.D. 1397. 
Roll 126 (94). 
Whelplo (VILLIAM), cordwainer.--To be buried in the church of 
S. Alban in Wodstrete near Isabella his late wife. Among other 



bequests he leaves eight dozen pairs of best shoes to be given to 
the poor, if there be that number in his house at the time of his 
decease ; if not, then so many as are in his house at that time are 
to be so distributed. To the Prior and Convent of Holy Trinity 
within Algate the reversion of certain tenements in the parish of 
S. Alban aforesaid after the decease of Elena his wife. Dated 
London, 20 February, A.D. 1385. Roll 126 (103). 

Monday qext before the Feast of . Valentine, Martyr [14 Feb.]. 
Wultham (RICAID), cutler.---To be buried in the church of 
S. Martin near Ludgate. Bequest of twenty pounds for the 
maintenance of a chantry in the said church for three years next 
after his decease. Pecuniary legacies to Philip, George, and John 
his sons, and Johanna his daughter. His tenement in the lrish 
of S. Sepulchre in Holbourne to be sold after the decease of Alice 
his wife, and the proceeds divided between his aforesaid sons. 
Dated London, 2 November, A.D. 1397. Roll 126 (115). 

Claphethe (Jok), poulterer.- To be buried in S. Mary's 
Chapel in the church of S. Andrew upon Coruhull near Johanna 
his late wife. Bequests to the said church, the church of Uggele 
and vicar thereof; to the five orders of friars in London; the 
priory church of Holy Trinity within Algate ; also for providing 
a chaplain to make the circuit or stations of the Roman court, and 
to celebrate for one whole year at the Scala Cell I and other holy 
places, for the good of his soul. To Emma his wife forty pounds 
sterling, all his store and household goods, and his leasehold shops 
in the parish of S. Peter upon Cornhull ; also a tenement in the 
parish of S. Andrew aforesaid for life ; remainder in trust for sale 
for pious and charitable uses. Bequests also to the inmates of 
hospitals and prisons, and to the fabric of the chapel of the Fra- 
ternity of S. Giles without Crepulgate and chaplain thereof. 
Dated London, 18 October, A.D. 1397. Roll 126 (116). 

l/orharapton (Jom), draper and freeman of the City of 

1 See note #upra, p. 234. 
 Or "Comberton." Sheriff 1377, and 
Myor both in 1381 and the following 
year. In 1377 he was also elected with 

three others to represent the citizens in 
the Prliament held at Gloucester. Wasa 
violent opponent of SirNicholas Brembre 
and Nicholas Exton, who favoured the 


London.--To be buried in the church of the Hospital of S. Mary 
de Elsyngspitel within Crepelgate. 1 To the said hospital he 
leaves certain lands and tenements in the parish of All Hallows 
the Great at the Hay in the Ropery npon certain conditions, one 
of those conditions being the maintenance of a chantry for the 
good of his soul, the souls of James Andrew and Matilda, wife of 
the same, Thomas his father and Mariota his mother, Johanna 
and Petronilla his wives, and others, and the observance of his 
obit as directed. In default the aforesaid property is to go to the 
Mayor or Warden and Commonalty of the City for the main- 
tenance of chantries in Guildhall Chapel. To the church of Holy 
Trinity, Chesthunte, co. Herts, and the nuns serving God there, 
he leaves certain shops in the parish of S. Mary le Bow for pious 
rises for the good of the souls of the before-mentioned persons, 
whose names he desires to be entered on their bead- roll 
mavt.ilogio-). To James his son lands and tenements in Pente- 
costlane in the parish of S. Nicholas Shambles in tail ; remainder 
to the church of the house of the Salutation of the Mother of 
God of the Carthusian Order near London and convent of the same 
for pious uses as above set out. On the day of his obit half 
mark of silver of the profits of the aforesaid tenements is to 
be expended on a pittance for the convent, and each monk is 
to have half a pound of ginger. Also at every Lent each monk is 
to have a pound of dates, a pound of figs, and a pound of raisins, 
beyond his usual allowance. In case of default made in carrying 
out his wishes the aforesaid property is to go to the Mayor and 
Commonalty as before. Also to James his son tenements called 
"le hood" in the parish of All Hallows the Great in the Ropery 
in tail; remainder to William, son of William Comberton his 
brother, in tail; remainder to Johanna, Petronilla, and Agnes, 

monopoly of the Fishmongers. During 
Brembre's mayoralty, in 1383, he was 
proscribed, and sent a prisoner first to 
Corfo Castle, and then to Tintagel Castle 
in Cornwall. His sentence, however, 
was afterwards revorsed, and he was re- 
stored to his former position, whilst his 
rival eventually met his death at Ty- 
burn (Higden's 'Polychron.,' ix. 30, 93). 
 According to Herbert, he was buried 
in the church of S. Alphage, Cripple- 
gate (' Twelve Livery Companies,' i. 435). 

 The Martilogium, or llgartyrologium, 
was originally a register of names of 
saints and martyrs. It at a later period 
denoted a register, preserved more espe- 
cially in monastic establishments, of the 
obits and benefactions of those who had 
been received into the fraternity of tha 
congregation, and whose names wero 
thus in due course brought to mind. 
Such register was sometimes called 
2Vecologirn, and also the Zibe V/tee, or 
Book of Life (see Part I. p. 663, note 2). 




ad charitable uses. A certain rent due to him to be devoted to 
the maintenance of a chantry in the church of All Hallows afore- 
said. Dated London, 27 February, A.D. 1397. 
Roll 127 (47). 

Monday qext befo'e the Feast of S. G'egory, Pope [1 Ma'ch]. 
Fressh (Jo'), mercer.---To be buried in S. Sithe's Chapel in 
the church of S. Benedict Shorhogg.  Bequests to the said 
church. To Sir John Neuron, parson, and the churchwardens of 
the same, he leaves a certain quitrent issuing from a tenement in 
the parish of S. Mary Magdalen, Oldefisshestrete, at the corner 
of Dolitellane, in aid of a chantry in the aforesaid chapel. To 
Juliana his wife, by way of dower and her share of his goods, he 
leaves fifty pounds and a moiety of all utensils and ustilments of 
his house, except his vessels of silver, mazer cups, bykers, body- 
linen, armour, &c., whereof he leaves her certain specific chattels ; 
also lands and tenements in the parish of S. Antonin for life, 
remainders to Katherine, Margery, and Cristina his daughters in 
successive tail. Also to his said wife his cattle, crops, and house- 
hold utensils upon his manor of Northwokyngdon. Bequests for 
the relief of debtors imprisoned for debts of five marks or less, 
for bestowing marriage portions, &c. To Walter Newnton and 
Katherine, wife of the same, the testator's daughter, rents in the 
parishes of S. Ethelburga within Bisshopesgate, S. Leonard in 
Estchepe, and S. George. To Valter Cotton and Margery, wife of 
the same, another of the testator's daughters, rents in the parishes 
of H. Trinity the Less, S. Stephen in Walbrook, S. Margaret 
I)atyns and elsewhere. Mention made of "le Unicorn" in Cheap. 
His feoffees of the manor of Doures and a tenement in the 
parish of S. Benedict aforesaid to dispose of them in the 
manner he has instructed them by word of mouth. Dated 
London, 1 September, A.D. 1397.--Various pecuniary bequests to 
his servants and others. Roll 127 (64). 


Monday qext befo'e the Feast of S. George, Martyr [23 AprilJ. 
Pountfreyt (JoHn), saddler.--To be buried in the chancel of 
the church of S. Benedict de Graschirche, where his wife lies 
 Originally dedicated to S. Osithe (Newcourt). 



buried. To Agnes, wife of John Essex, saddler, he leaves certain 
chambers and a chapel in the parish of S. Benedict aforesaid 
attached to his dwelling-house, which latter he leaves to Richard 
Pountfreyt, Esq., his kinsman. To Sir Thomas Clerk, rector of 
the aforesaid church of S. Benedict, and to Sir John White, 
chaplain, a quitrent of certain lands and tenements in the parish 
of S. Mary de Fanchirche, which they are to hold at the disposal 
of William Barwe. Also to the aforesaid Richard Pountfreyt his 
leasehold interest in "le horsse on the hoop" in Graschirche- 
strete. To the rector and churchwardens of S. Benedict's 
aforesaid and their successors he leaves his estate in a tavern 
adjoining the church and rectory, for repair of ornaments of the 
church, maintenance of Salve Regina, and of the light of the 
Blessed Virgin therein. Dated London, 19 October, A.D. 1398. 
Roll 127 (65). 


Monday nex befo'e the Feast of S. Bamabas, Apostle [11 June]. 
larker (Jon).--To be buried in the church of S. Clement, 
Candelwikstrete. Bequests to the said church and ministers 
thereof, to divers orders of friars in London for Placebo and Dgrige 
with mass of Requiem by note ; to his servants and others. To 
a certain Henry Taillour, who keeps the birds (custodienti 
qolucres) in Colmanstrete near Bassyngeshaw, he leaves six 
shillings and eightpence. His lands, tenements, and rents in 
the City of London to be sold by his executors to fulfil his 
testament, and for pious uses for the good of his soul, the souls 
of Cristina, Johanna, and Alice his late wives, and others. Dated 
London, 17 February, A.D. 1398. Roll 127 (83). 

Monday qext befo'e the Feast of S. Botolph, Abbot [17 June]. 
Godard (John), goldsmith.--To be buried in the church of 
S. Nicholas Acon. To Cecilia his wife, John his son, Katherine 
and Anne his daughters, he leaves all his ustilments and household 
utensils and divers sums of money. To John his son he leaves all 
his armour. To Janicus Dartays his coat of marl (loricam) of 
Stele and a silver cup and covercle ; and to Danbry and Hankin, 
pages of the said Janicus, six shillings and eightpence respectively. 
To Edmund Nethersole two best a.nfeltes, two hamers, two best 




prentes,' one W'y'chyngbo'd, two best belyes,  and two aqfelstol&es. 
To the high altar of the church of S. Martin at Herne, co. Kent, 
he leaves six shillings and eightpence, and desires his executors 
to pave the chancel with tiles. Cecilia his wife to have sixteen 
marks sterling by way of dower, charged on his lands and tene- 
ments in the parishes of Herne, Whytstaple, and Recolvere in 
co. Kent, which he leaves to John his son when his said son 
shall have come of age. Martin Godard his brother appointed one 
of his executors. Dated London, 20 February, A.D. 1398. 
Roll 127 (85). 

Monday next befo'e the Feast of S. Edmund, King [20 Nov.]. 
Smyth (RICHARD) de Walden.--To be buried in the church- 
yard of S. Christopher, London, where his children lie buried. 
Bequests to the said church and ministers thereof, and the fabric 
of the church of Bumsted Helyon, 3 co. Essex. The reversion of 
certain tenements in the parish of S. Andrew upon Cornhill to be 
sold, and one moiety of the proceeds to go to Margery his wife and 
the other to pay his debts. Dated London, Thursday the Feast of 
SS. Philip and James [1 May-], A.D. 1399. Roll 128 (2). 

Wynchecombe (SIMON DE), armourer.- Testament touching 
lands and tenements. To the chaplains of a pepetual chantry, 
founded by him in the church of S. Mary de Abbechirche with the 
King's licence, he leaves a certain annual rent issuing from a 
brewery called "le Welhous," a tenement called "le Caponhors," 
and other tenements in Candelwykstret and elsewhere in the 
parish of S. hIary aforesaid, together with the reversion of the 
said tenements. Dated London, 6 March, 19 Richard II. [A.D. 
1395-6]. Roll 128 (14). 

Wynchecombe (SIMON), armourer.- Testament or last will 
touching his movable goods and chattels. To be buried in the 
church of S. Mary de Aldermanbury before the altar of S. Anne, 

' Probably stamps for marking his] ' Bellows. 
goods. ]  Or Helion-Bumpstead. 



before the little cross in the church of S. Dunstan near the Tower, 
in the same tomb with her late husband. Directions as to wax 
tapers, distribution of cloth to the poor, and other particulars of 
her funeral. Bequests to the aforesaid church and ministers 
thereof, as well as for maintenance of chantries and observance of 
obit therein ; also for the maintenance of the light of the frater- 
nity in the church of S. Katherine near the Tower, the repair of 
the highways between London and Braynford, and London and 
Acton, &c. To Agnes, wife of William Scantilon, her sister, Hugh 
Sprot, and others, she leaves divers sums of money and household 
goods. Bequeaths a vestment and chalice to the use of the 
church of S. Dunstan aforesaid. To Richard her son, among other 
chattels, a best chest and two tables of Prussian work (de opere 
Pruce), two foq'cers  bound with iron, a fevpanne,  an iron plate 
for fire, all her andirons, and the armour belonging to her late 
husband ; a boat called "lighter," with all its apparel, and her 
estate in a tenement and wharf in Thames Streot. Her executors 
to cause a S. Gregory's trental to be said for her soul, and to 
provide some one to make a pilgrimage on her behalf to S. James 
in Galicia, as well as a chaplain to celebrate for the space of one 
year in the church of S. John Lateran in the city of Rome, 
during which time the said chaplain is to make the circuit of the 
said city once every week for the good of her soul and the soul of 
her aforesaid husband. Also to her aforesaid son she leaves all 
her lands and tenements in the parishes of All Hallows de 
Berkyngcherche, S. Olave, and S. Mary atte Hull, for life; re- 
nainder to the rector and parishioners of the church of S. Dunstan 
aforesaid, on condition that they maintain a chantry as directed, 
otherwise the said property is to go to the Wardens of London 
Bridge, subject to the maintenance of a similar chantry, the 
residue of the profits being devoted to the use of the bridge. 
Dated London, 26 August, A.D. 1386. Roll 128 (74). 


Monday the Feast of S. Petronilla, Virgin [31 MayJ. 
Blounville (RCARD), "stokfisshmongere."--To be buried in the 
churchyard of S. Michael de Crokedlane. To Emma his wife a 
tenement with two shops in the lane and parish of S. Michael de 
 ,Strong boxe, i  Fire-pan. 



the church of S. Dionisius aforesaid, a tenement and shops in the 
parish of S. Botolph without Busshopesgate, on condition that 
they maintain a chantry for the good of her soul, the souls of 
John Bromholme her late husband and others ; and observe her 
obit and the obits of Henry and Juliana her parents. Dated 
London, 5 December, A.D. 1398. Roll 128 (86). 

ttedyagham (JoN), " hatter."--To be buried in the church of 
S. Martin within Ludgate in the place where Thomas his brother 
lies buried. Bequests to the said church, its chaplains, clerks, &c.; 
also to Roger his son and John his younger son. To Robert 
Bernewell and Philip Edmyngton his executors he leaves all his 
lands and tenements in the City of London and suburbs and the 
custody of his children. Dated London, 9 April, A.D. 1400. 
Roll 128 (87). 


Monday the Feast of S. Luke, Evaigelist [18 Oct.]. 
ttorseroft (-VILLIAM),- To be buried in the chancel of the 
church of S. Andrew de Holbourne. Bequests to the said church 
and to divers orders of friars for trentals of masses. Also to Hugh 
Sprot, rector, and the churchwardens of the aforesaid church, he 
leaves an annum rent issuing from his lands and tenements in the 
parish of S. Andrew, for pious and charitable uses a life interest 
in the said lands and tenements being left to Matilda his wife, 
with remainder to Johanna his daughter, wife of Alan Symond, in 
special tail. To Richard his brother a sum of money and his best 
cloak and hood. Dated London, 1 April, .D. 1399. 
Roll 19 (1). 
Smyth (ANDREW), ' pyebaker."--To be buried in the church of 
8. Michael upon Cornhull. Bequests to the said church and the 
Fraternity of S. Anne therein ; also to the rector and parishioners 
of the said church and their successors he leaves tenements in the 
parish of S. Clement near Estchep, on condition that they main- 
tain a chantry for the good of his soul, the souls of Hugh Smyth 
and Felicia, wife of the same, the testator's parents, Johanna his 
late wife and Robert and Johanna her parents, Johanna his 



of S. Mary without Bisshopisgate, the church of S. Botolph 
without Bisshopesgate &c. Among other bequests she leaves to 
Margaret her servant her entire bed, viz. three curtains with 
sele " of blue ca.d  a coverlet with testu" of green a pair of 
sheets, two blankets, and a quylt. To Richard Brompton mercer, 
a shop in the parish of S. Margaret de Lothebury. To William 
Bradford her son all her lands and tenements in the parishes of 
S. Margaret de Lothebury and S. Stephen in Colmanstrete in tail ; 
remainder in trust for sale for pious and charitable uses. Her 
tenements in the parishes of S. Dionisius de Bakchirche and 
S. Michael de Bassyngeshawe to be sold for the maintenance of a 
chantry in the church of S. Michael de Basyngeshawe and other 
pious and charitable uses. Thomas Wilford, Alderman appointed 
urveyor of her testament. Dated London, 25 October A.D. 1400. 
Roll 129 (28). 
Bush (JOHN), chandler.- To be buried in the church of 
S. Nicholas at the Shambles wherein a chantry is to be main- 
tained for the good of his soul, the souls of William and 2ohanna 
his father and mother, and others. Bequests to the old work of 
S. Paul's, the five orders of mendicant friars in London the 
inmates of hospital and prisons, the poor and bedridden in the 
parish of S. Nicholas aforesaid and elsewhere, the fabric of 
the church of Southflete, co. Kent, and his poor kinsmen in 
the said parish, &c. ; also to Alice his sister, his apprentices, and 
others. To 2ohn Simond, chandler, he leaves a cask or two pipes 
of best oil, provided the said John will undertake the duties of 
his executor. To Emma his wife a tenement in S. Michael's Lane 
in the parish of S. Michael de Crokedlane for life ; remainder to 
Johann his kinswoman, wife of Richard Stratton, in tail ; 
remainder in trust for sale for pious and charitable uses. Dated 
London, 4 December, A.D. 1398.--Bequests also to the Fraternity 
of S. 2ohn of the Tailors of London and the Fraternity of 
SS. Fabian and Sebastian without Aldrichesgate. 
Roll 129 (29). 
Monday next befo'e the Feast of Pu'fication of V. Mary [ Feb.]. 
luteney (Jonl), Rector of the parish church of Tange- 
 A canopy. I  See note uTra, p. 37. 



mer' within the jurisdiction of Canterbury.--To be buried in the 
minster of S. Mary de Boxgrave  in the diocese of Chichester. 
Bequests for funeral and observance of his month's mind and 
obit. Also to the aforesaid church of Tangemere and fraternity 
thereof, the convent of Boxgrave, and to Richard Mallyng, John 
atte Nasche, and others, he leaves sums of money or divers 
measures of corn and barley. His executors instructed to sell 
his tenement in Oldechaunge, his tavern near S. Nicholas 
Fleschamelus, and his tenement in Adlyngstrete, and devote the 
proceeds to the good of his soul. To Juliana Sall a tenement 
in Bredstrete for life; remainder in trust for sale for pious 
uses. Dated the morrow of All Saints [1 Nov.], A.D. 1400. 
Roll 129 (36). 

Monday ext before the Feast of S. Peter iq Cathedr5 [2 Feb.]. 
Somersete (ROBERT), draper.--To be buried in the church 
of S. Margaret de Lothebury. Bequests to the said church for 
chantries, &c., to the fabric of the church of S. Thomas de Acon, the 
five orders of friars in London, the inmates of various hospitals, 
the three houses of lepers near London, viz., of S. Thomas de 
Warring, u Hakeney, and S. Giles de Holebourne; to every anchorite 
in London, the nuns of Stratford, Haliwell, and Clerkenwell, to 
the alms of the Fraternity of S. John the Baptist of the Tailors 
of London and their beadle, the prisoners in Neugate and the 
Marshalsea in Suthwerk, the Abbey of Graces upon Tourhill, the 
Frateruity of the Drapers in the church of S. Mary atte Bowe and 
their beadle, &c. To Agnes his wife his lands and tenement in 
the parish of S. Margaret aforesaid for life ; remainder in trust 
for sale (Henry Julyan, " iremongere," to have the right of pre- 
emption), and the proceeds to be devoted to masses, maintenance 
of highways, &c. His wife also to have a moiety of all his goods 
and chattels by way of dower and her reasonable part. To 

 Tangmere, co. Sussex. 
I Boxgrove, co. Sussex. 
a S. Thomas of Watering or Water- 
ings, a spot near the Old Kent Roast, in 
Southwark, where /e loe was situate; 
at one time was the boundary of the 
City's liberties, and is said to have de- 
rived its nazne from a brook or spring 

dedicated to S. Thomas Becket. Chauc 
mentions it in his 'Canterbury Tales' 
(suTa, p. 218 n.), and the name fre- 
quently occurs in hIachyn's ' Diary' s 
the scene of executions. The memory 
of the place is still kept alive by 
S. Thomas's Road close by, and by the 
tavern signs in the neighbourhood. 




sums of money and household chattels, and to Emma his wife 
the residue of his goods and chattels. His debtors who are 
unable to pay their debts to him are to be forgiven. Also to 
Emma his wife he leaves his tenement in Grubbestrete in the 
parish of S. Giles without Crepulgate for life; remainder to his 
aforesaid son and daughter and the heirs of their several bodies. 
Dated London, 18 September, A.D. 1396. Roll 129 (113). 


Monday next after the Feast of S. Martiqz, Bishop [11 lov.J. 
Louthe (ROBERT), "joynour."---To be buried in the church of 
S. Mary de Aldermarichirche. Bequests to the said church and 
ministers thereof; to each order of friars in London ; the houses 
of lepers, viz., of Loke, Hakeney, and S. Giles without Hol- 
bourne, &c. To Robert his son he leaves his coat of mail, and 
basinet with aveqztaille. To Johanna his wife a tenement in the 
lane called " Seint Sytheslane" in the parish of S. Antonin for 
life, provided she forego her claim to dower of his lands and tene- 
ments in the parish of S. James de Garlekhithe and of his rents 
in the parish of S. Michael upon Cornhull; remainder to his 
aforesaid son, to whom he also leaves property in Byrcherslane 
and elsewhere. To Margaret his daughter the reversion of a 
certain shop. Also to his aforesaid wife his leaseholds in the 
parish of S. Michael, Queenhithe. Dated London, 3 March, 
A.D. 1400. Roll 130 (3). 

Monday next before the Feast of S. Lucia, Virgin [13 Dec.]. 
Sumpter (John), cordwainer.--To be buied in the churchyard 
of S. Dionis Bakchirche near Matilda his late wife. To Peter 
Geveyn rector of the church aforesaid, and parishioners of the 
same he leaves the tenement wherein he dwelt in Lymstret in 
the parish of S. Dionis and desires that they observe his obit, &c. 
Dated London, 8 September, .D. 1401. Roll 130 (32). 

Monday qext after the Feast of S. Hilary [13 Jaqz.J. 
Fermer (LAMBERT), Esquire.--To be buried in the church of 
S. Olave near the Tower. Among other bequests to the said 




church he leaves a vestment of black satein with apparel to serve 
at. the altar of S. Mary therein. To the wardens of the church 
of S. James at Betermere, t co. Wilts, he also leaves a vestment. 
To the fabric of the Cathedral Church of Sarum six shillings 
and eightpence. To John Robyn two gowns, two doublettes and 
hoods. His feoffees of a tenement in the parish of S. Olave 
aforesaid to convey a fee simple of the same to Agnes his wife. 
Bequests to little Agnes living with him, his servants, and others. 
Dated London, 20 May, A.D. 1401. Roll 130 (34). 

Monday qext before the Feast of S. Peter iz Cathedr5 [25 Feb.]. 
Stebenhithe (RICHARD), "ismonger." To Isabella his wife a 
tenement in Catestrete in the parish of S. Laurence Jewry for 
life ; remainder in trust for sale, and one third of the proceeds 
to be distributed among the poor, and the residue expended upon 
masses for his soul. Dated London, 3 August, A.D. 1390. 
Roll 130 (65). 
Exton  (NICHOLAS).- To Jo Ceys s brother ceain 
rents in the parish of All Hallows de Grasschche; and to Sir 
Henry Cokeham, rector of the church of S. Mary atte Hull, 
and his successors ceain other rents in the same pash for 
keeping his obit, &c. Johanna s wife appointed one of his 
executors. Dated London, 24 0cber, .D. 1393. 
Ro 130 (69). 


Monday qext befare the Feast of S. Alphege [19 April]. 
Moore (WILLIAM), vintner.- To Elizabeth his wife lands, 
tenements, and rents in the parishes of S. James de Garlekhithe, 
S. Michael de Quenehithe, S. Antonin de Watlyngstrete, and All 

a Fishmonger ; Sheriff, 1384 ; twice 
Mayor, 1386 and 1387 ; knighted with 
Walworth on the occasion of the latter 
killing Writ Tyler. Was associated 
with Nicholas Brembre and the free 
Fishmongers of the City against the 
party of John de Northampton. It 
was during his mayoralty that a book 
clled ' Jubile,' promulgated, no doubt, 
by John de Northampton and his asso- 
ciates, nd containing new regulations 
for the City's governance contrary to 
old and approved customs, ws ordered 

by the Common Council and other 
citizens to be burnt without the Guild- 
hall. There appear, however, to have 
been two opinions as to the nature and 
value of this book, for from a petition 
to Parliament, quoted by Riley (' Memo- 
rials,' p. 494, note}, it appears that 
others considered the book to comprise 
"all the good articles pertaining to 
the good governance of the said City," 
and that it had been burnt "without 
consent of the good Commons of the 

Hallows the Less near the Ropery for life, so that she maintain a 
chantry in the aforesaid church of S. James ; remainder in trust 
for sale for pious and charitable uses, repair of roads, &c. His 
feoffees of lands and tenements in the vill of Suthwerk and in 
the city of Rouchestre are to convey a life interest in the same to 
his aforesaid wife. Also his feoffees of the manor of Coldham in 
the parish of Elm, co. Cambridge, are desired to sell his share 
or moiety of the same, and devote the proceeds to pious uses. 
Dated London, 8 September, A.D. 1400. Roll 130 (96). 
ltOl (THOMAS), goldsmith.--To Johanna his wife lands and 
tenements in he parishes of S. Matthew in Fridaistrete and 
S. Brigid in Fletestrete for life; remainder in trust for sale, 
and out of the proceeds certain bequests to be paid to Matilda 
and Thomas, children of Robert Willy, late goldsmith, and 
others. Dated 2 June, A.D. 1400. Roll 130 (106). 
Monday  before the Feast of S. Pet'anilla, Vi'gi [31 May]. 
Preston (AoEs, relict of RrCHARD DE, merchant).--To Sir Roger 
ttulstre, rector or parson of the church of All Hallows at the Hay 
in the Rolery , and churchwardens of the same, she leaves a 
certain tenement situate within her late husband's tenement 
called "Beaurepeir," in the parish of All Hallows aforesaid, in 
aid of a chantry founded by her said husband in the aforesaid 
church, as by his testament  it appears. Dated 12 February, 
.D. 1400. Roll 130 (115). 
lope (John), "wexchaundeler."--To Elizabeth his wife his 
tenement in Candelwykstret at the corner of S. Clement's Lane 
in the parish of S. Clement near Estchepe for life. The reversion 
of the same to be immediately sold, William Fynch, "wex- 
chaundeler," being preferred purchaser to all others, and the 
proceeds devoted to the good of his soul, the souls of Johanna, 
Mary, and Mary his late wives, he welfare of Elizabeth his 
wife, the souls of Goda his daughter, John his father, Alice his 
mother, and others. Dated 12 May, A.D. 1402. 
Roll 130 (117). 
[There are no vills ente'ed o Roll 131.] 
 S2r , Roll 120 (16}. 
VOL. H. 2 A 

A. I}o 




Monday next aflev F.of Trans. of S. Edwavd, K. and C. [13 Oct.]. 
lraunceys (WILLIAM), goldsmith.--To Adam his son he leaves 
all his tenements in Cattestrete  in the parish of S. Laurence, 
Old Jewry, in tail ; remainder in trust for sale for pious and 
charitable uses, the Wardens of the Mistery of Goldsmithery 
being favoured in the purchase of the same, if they will, for the 
alms of the said mistery. Dated London, 24 August, A.D. 1403. 
Roll 132 (2). 
Doget (JOHN), vintner.--To be buried in the chancel of the 
church of S. Leonard de Estchepe, according to directions given 
in his other testament touching his movable goods. If Alice his 
wife prove to be ence.iqte within half a year after his decease, 
he wills that the infant enjoy an estate tail in a tenement called 
" le Bole" and shops in the parish of S. Leonard aforesaid, 
according to the form of the testament of Walter Doget his 
father, otherwise his said wife is to hold the same for life ; 
remainder to the rector and churchwardens of S. Leonard's 
aforesaid for the maintenance of chantries for the good of his 
soul, the souls of Idonia and Alice his wives, Thomas Doget and 
John Doget, father of the same, Walter Doget, Alice Doget, 
and others, and for providing tapers to burn on their several 
tombs, &c. Dated London, 29 July, A.D. 1403. Roll 132 (3). 

Monday next aft the Feast of S. Lug, Evangelist [18 Oct.]. 
Brouneubury (JogN), butcher, of the parish of S. Leonard de 
Estchep. -- To be buried in the said parish church near his 
wives. To Sir Robert Fitz  Hugh rector, and the churchwardens 
of the aforesaid church, he leaves a tenement and shops in the 
parish of S. Leonard for the maintenance of a chantry in the said 
church for the good of his soul, the souls of Johanna, Alic% 
and Isabella his wives, John his father, Eva his mother, and 
others and for the observance of his obit and other pious 
uses as directed, bo bishop nor ordinary to intermeddle with 
the said chantry, in default of the said chantry being maintained 
according to his wishes, he directs that the aforesaid tenements, 
 Now Gresham Street. ]  As to the use of "ritz" in a Latin 
document, see note sqra, p. 113. 



&c., shall remain to the Mayor or Warden and Commonalty of 
the City of London and their successors for the use of London 
Bridge 1 for the purpose of lroviding a chantry in the chapel upon 
the same. Dated London, 7 February, A.D. 1402.---Also to the 
aforesaid rector and churchwardens he leaves a vestment, a 
chalice, missal, and other ornaments for a chaplain ministering in 
the aforesaid church for his chantry aforesaid. Roll 132 (5). 


Brynchele (rILLIAM), otherwise called "atte Lee," chandler.- 
To Agneu his wife tenements in the parish of S. Laurence de 
Pulteneye in S. Martin Orgar Lane, and in S. Michael's Lane 
in the parish of S. M_ichael, Croked Lane, for life ; remainder to 
illiam his son in tail ; remainder to pious uses. Dated London, 
4 April, A.D. 1402. Roll 132 (6). 

Atte Bowe (CRISTINA, relict of THOMAS, apothecary).--To 
John her son all her tenements in the parish of S. Leonard in 
Fastreslane 2 for life; remainder in trust for sale for pious uses. 
Dated 27 March, A.). 1403. Roll 132 (8). 

Waddesworth (VILLIAM), grocer.-- To illiam his son the 
reversion of certain cottages in the parish of S. Botolph without 
Bisshoppesgate in tail ; remainder in trust for sale for the 
good of his soul, the souls of Agnes his late wife and others. 
Other tenements in the parishes of S. Antonin de Walbrook and 
S. Margaret the Virgin in Bruggestrete, of which the testator has 
the reversion under the will of Felicia, relict of John Peu- 
try 3 (Pentry ?), are also to be sold, and forty pounds sterling out 
of the proceeds to be devoted to the maintenance of chantries in 
the church of S. Stephen in Walbrook, and other sums to go to 
Margaret and Anne his daughters, Johanna Cookham his sister, 
and others. Felicia his wife appointed one of his executors. 
Dated London, 7 February, A.D. 1398. Roll 132 (10). 

Monday qex befoq'e the Feast of Canversion of S. Paul [25 Jan.J, 
Bealhomme CTILLIAM), " lethersellere." To Alice his wife, by 
 In other words, to the lIayor and[ a Foster Lane, probably a corruption 
Commonalty in their capacity as trus- ] from "Vaster" or S. Yedast Lane. 
tees for London Bridge.  Enrolled suTra , p. 233. 




in the parish of S. Mary le Bow in Westchepe for life, charged 
with the payment of an annual rent of one hundred shillings to 
John his son ; remainder to his said son in tail ; remainder in 
trust for sale for pious and charitable uses. His feoffees of a 
messuage in Milkstrete to convey the same to his wife for life, 
with similar remainders. The residue of his goods after discharge 
of debts he leaves to his wife by way of her dower and reasonable 
part of his goods and chattels. Dated London, 21 April, A.D. 1404. 
Roll 133 (33). 
Lydiwyk (ALICE, relict of ROBERT, butcher). -- A certain 
tenement in the parish of S. Bartholomew aforesaid (sic) to be 
sold by her feoffees immediately, and specific sums of money out 
of the proceeds t) go to Alice Gamelyn and Alice Goldesburgh 
her god-daughters. Dated London, 7 October, A.D. 1404. 
Roll 133 (35). 


Manday qezct after the Feast of S. Gregory, Pope [12 March]. 
Sibsay (THoMAs), tailor.--To be buried in S. John the Baptist's 
Chapel in S. Paul's or in the parish church of S. Thomas the 
Apostle. To Margaret, wife of John Norwold, mercer, his tene- 
ment called "le Saresyneshede" in Bredestrete, parish of All 
I/allows, for life, charged with an annual payment of forty shillings 
to the Master and Wardens of the Fraternity of S. John of the 
Tailors of London, to be by them expended in pious and charitable 
uses for the good of his soul. Aider the decease of the said Margaret 
the tenement aforesaid is to remain to the master and wardens, 
brethren and sisters, of the said fraternity, on condition that they 
keep the same in repair and maintain a chantry in the aforesaid 
chapel. In default, the property to go to the Mayor or Warden, 
the Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of London on similar 
conditions. To Alice his wife he leaves shops in Grubbestrete near 
the fountain  there in the parish of S. Giles without Crepulgate 
for lii ; remainder in trust for sale for pious uses. A tenement in 
" the parish of S. Stephen near London Wall to be sold to pay his 
debts. Dated London, 21 January, A.D. 1404.--To Henry Sibsay 
 A short distance from the east end ] Middleton, executor of Sir William 
of the parish church was a wter con- I Eastfield. See his will enrolled ifra, 
duit, with leaden pipes, bringing water Roll 175 (19). 
from Highbury, laid down by John 




he leaves a place called "Hadlo" in the parish of la leye, co. 
Kent, in fee simple, unless redeemed by payment of forty marks 
by Thomas Hadlo or the heirs of the same within six years after 
his decease. Roil 133 (46). 

Sussex (Jo), draper of London, and burgess of the rill of 
Calais.--His feoffees of a tenement at Bermondeseye to convey 
the same to John Brounesbury, butcher, in fee. To William 
Norhampton, clerk of the lord the King, his estate in a mansion 
situate within the cloister of the church of S. Katherine towards 
Turhill.' His tenements in Cordewanerstret in the parish of 
S. Thomas the Apostle, and a tenement called "le Belle" in 
Westchepe in the parish of S. Mary le Bow, to be sold to fulfil his 
testament. A tenement called "lytil Roche" in Courtstret in 
the rill of Calais, and another tenement in the parish of S. Mary 
in the same rill, to be also sold for pious and charitable uses. 
Dated London, 23 August, A.D. 1399. Roll 133 (47). 

Monday next after F. of Auqciation of V. Mary [5 March]. 
l:'yrl (ROGER), "Sporier."--To Sir William Doune, rector of 
the church of S. Martin near Ludgate, and successors of the same, 
he leaves a certain quitrent issuing from tenements in the parish 
of S. Martin aforesaid, on condition that a chantry be maintained 
for the good of his soul, the souls of Agnes his late wife and 
others. Dated London, 13 February, A.D. 1404. 
Roll 133 (57). 
lrankleyn (JoHn), draper.To Cecilia his wife for life all his 
tenements, held under the Dean and Chapter of the Royal College 
of S. Martin le Grand, at Baynardescastell in the parish of 
S. Benedict; remainder to Stephen and Nicholas his sons. Also 
to his said wife a tenement in Colmanstrete for life, with remainder 
to Nicholas his son in tail ; remainder in trust for sale for pious 
uses. Also to his wife another tenement in the same street for 
life; remainder to Stephen his son in tail, with similar further 
remainder. To Andrew Norwych, the rector, and churchwardens 
of S. Clement's near Candilwyk Strete, he leaves the reversion 
of a tenement in S. Clement's Lane in trust for sale, the proceeds 
 Tower Hill. 



to be devoted to pious uses for the souls of John Cok, Esquire, 
and Margery, wife of the same, the ornaments of the church of 
S. Clement, &c. Dated London, 10 October, A.D. 1403. 
Roll 133 (58). 

Monday e after F. of S. John ante Ioeran Latinam [6 May]. 
Arnold (RICHARD), goldsmith.--Leaves all his tenements in 
the parish of S. Augustine near S. Paul's to the Hospital of 
S. Mary de Elsyngspetele and canons of the same, on condition 
that his obit be observed as directed. In default the property to 
remain to the Wardens of the Mistery of the Goldsmiths and 
their successors, so that they observe his obit in like manner in 
the church of S. Vedast. To Juliana his sister an annual rent 
issuing from certain tenements in Goderenelane (or Goterene- 
lane 1) in the parish of S. Vedast for life, which tenements he 
leaves to John Grantham, goldsmith, on condition that the said 
devisee pay his executors fifty marks. His feoffees of lands and 
tenements in the counties of Middlesex and Bucks to sell the 
same to fulfil this his testament and will. Dated London, 
26 March, A.D. 1405. Roll 133 (62). 

Reygute (TttoMAS), chandler.--To be buried in the church of 
S. Botolph near Byllyngesgate. To Thomas his son in tail the 
reversion of certain shops in the parish of S. Leonard de Estchepe 
after the decease of Matilda his wife ; remainder to William his 
son in tail; remainder in trust for sale for pious and charitable 
uses. Dated London, Thursday, viz. 1 January, .D. 1404. 
Roll 133 (63). 
Wotton ([ARGARET, relict of ,'ILLIAII).---To the Master and 
Wardens of the College and Church of S. Laurence de Pulteneye 
a moiety of the tenement cMled "le Cok on the hoop," with wharf, 
&c., in Thamisestrete in the parish of S. Magnus the Martyr near 
London Bridge, for the maintenance of a chantry in the church 
of S. Laurence aforesaid for the good of her soul, the souls of 
William her late husband, Thomas her father, Johanna her 
mother, William her brother, Agnes her sister, and others. But 
her will is that the said master and wardens take no more than 

Now Gutter L,ne. 



Adam Warldesworth, parson of the church of S. Margaret Patyns, 
and his successors, for providing a chantry in the said church for 
the souls of William atte Vyne, Isabella, wife of the same, 
Thomas atte Vyne, the testator's father, and Alice, wife of the 
said Thomas, Amia, the testator's wife, and others ; the said 
bequest being made according to the terms of the will of Thomas 
atte Vyne, late woolmonger, proved and enrolled in the Husting 
of London for Pleas of Land held on Monday next after the Feast 
of SS. Philip and James [1 May], 23 Edward III. [A.D. 1349].  To 
Amia his wife he leaves all his lands and tenements in the parish 
of S. Margaret Patyns, subject to the above rent-charge, for life ; 
remainder to Andrew his son in tail ; remainder to the poor of the 
Hospital of S. Thomas in Southewerk and for observing the obits 
of the aforesaid Thomas and Andrew in the church of S. Dunstan 
en le Est. Dated London, the Feast of S. Katherine, Virgin 
[-25 Nov.], A.D. 1406. Roll 134 ('44). 

3l[onday next before the Feast of S. Peter in Cattted.r [22 $'eb.]. 
Brampton (WLL), " stokfisshmongere." To be bed in 
the chch of S. Iagnus near London Bridge. To Alice his wife 
a tenement and wharf in Thamisestrete in the parish of S. Magnus 
for fife and one year more ; remainder to 8 Thomas Over,n, 
recur, and churchwardens of the chch of S. Magnus aforesaid, 
and the successors, for the maintenance of a peetual chantry 
obseance of s obit, &c. ; remMnder, in case of default, to the 
Iayor or Warden and Commonalty of the City of London and 
their successors to the use and maintenance of London Bridge. 
The Mayor or Warden of the City for the time being  see 
that the chantry is properly matained, and to receive s 
shillings and eightpence therefor. Also to h aforesaid wife 
a brewe W called "le lampe on the hoop" in the parish of 
S. Ethelburga within Bisshoppisgate for life ; remainder  James 
his son in il male ; remainder in trust for sale, and the pro- 
ceeds to be divided among the suing daughters of the said 
James. Also to his said son tenements at the coer of the lane 
of S. Michael de Crokedlane. Dated London, 5 June, i.D. 1405. 
11 134 (54). 
 Prt I. p, 552. 




Mop,day exl after t]e Feast of S. Baqnabas, ATostle [11 Juqze]. 
Cresewyk (VILLIAM).--To William lycard, grocer, tenements 
in the parish of S. Clement near Estchepe for life ; remainder 
to Thomas Tollerton, rector, and the churchwardens of the church 
of S. Martin Orgar near Candelwykstrete and their successors, to 
whom he also leaves the reversion of other tenements in the parish 
of S. Giles without Crepulgate ; charged with the maintenance of 
certain chantries in the church of S. Martin aforesaid for the good 
of his soul, the souls of William Hyde, late grocer, John Curteys 
de Wymynton, and others, and also with the observance of his 
obit, &c. In default the whole of the aforesaid property to go to 
the Mayor and Commonalty of the City of London for maintaining 
chantries in the chapel of S. Mary at the Guildhall. Dated 
London, 19 October, A.D. 1406. Roll 134 (88). 

Wilford (THOMAS), fishmonger.--To Elizabeth his wife lands, 
tenements, and rents in the parishes of S. Anne within Aldrychgate, 
S. Mary de Colcherche, S. Mary Somerset, S. Margaret in Brigge- 
strete, S. Mary atte Hull, and S. Mary Fanchirche for life ; 
remainder in trust for sale, and the proceeds devoted to poor and 
sick in divers parts of England upon Uland, 1 viz., ploughmen, 
carters, orphans, widows, and others. Other tenements in the 
parishes of S. Dunstan in le Est and S. Michael in Wodestrete, 
jointly held by himself and his wife, to be likewise sold, either by 
his executors or by members of the art of Fishmongers in 01de- 
fisshstrete and Briggestrete with the advice of the Mayor for 
the time being, and the proceeds similarly disposed of. His 
feoffees of property in other parishes in the City and Suthwerk, 
and in the vills and parishes of Charlewode  and Thorley, 3 the 
parish of S. Mary de Newenton, the rill and fields of Pekham 
in the parish of Camerwelle, co. Surrey, to convey a life estate in 

 The general name for country places. 
At the famous Ite7 held in the City of 
London, anno 14 Edward II., A.D. 1321, 
after an interval of forty-four years, 
the poulterers of the City, in answer to 
a charge of selling poultry contrary to 
the assize, made answer that poultry 
was so very dear, as well at U2elatnd 
as in the City, that they really could 
not follow their trade for the benefit of 

the public according to the assize (' Lib. 
Cust.,' Rolls Series, Introd., p. xcii). 
Again, we find the barbers in 1376 com- 
plaining of the number of barbers, 
knowing nothing of their craft, who 
flo.cked to the City from UTfielande 
(' lIemorials,' p. 393). 
 Co. Surrey. 
a Horley (?), near Charlwood. 



the same to his aforesaid wife ; remainder in trust for sale for uses 
aforesaid. His lands and tenements in the viii and parish of 
Torlaston, co. Notyngham, to be sold, and the proceeds distributed 
among his poor relations. A chantry to be maintained in the 
chapel rebuilt by him in the church of S. Mary Somerset. Dated 
London 8 November, A.D. 1405. Roll 134 (100). 

Wakele (John), vintner.--To Matilda his wife lands, teneo 
ments, and rents in the parishes of S. Martin Oteswych, 
S. Benedict Fynk, S. Edmund, King and Martyr, in Lumbarde- 
strete, S. Andrew near Baynardescastell, and S. Brigid in Flete- 
strete for life on condition that she content herself with the 
portion of goods left to her in his will touching his movables by 
way of her share, according to law and the custom of the City of 
London ; otherwise she is to take nothing of the aforesaid lands 
tenements and rents, but only her portion of his movables 
according to law and custom. John his son to have the reversion 
of the aforesaid lands, tenements, and rents in tail. Also to his 
aforesaid wife he leaves certain chambers in the tenement wherein 
he dwelt, situate in the said (sic) parish of S. Botolph, together 
with an easement of a wharf appertaining to the said tenement. 
After the decease of his wife and son without an heir of the body 
the aforesaid property is to be sold, and the proceeds devoted to 
the repair of churches and highways, bestowing marriage portions, 
and other pious and charitable uses. The reversion of certain 
tenements held by John his son and Margaret, wife of the same, 
situate in Berebyndereslane in the parish of S. Mary de Wolle- 
chirchehawe and in Wodestret in the parish of S. Michael de 
Iffoggenlane and elsewhere, to be sold for pious uses. Dated 
London, 2 April, A.D. 1407. Roll 134 (103). 

Cresewyk (WILLIAM), citizen and f-eeman of the City of 
London.-- To Alice his wife lands, tenements and rents in the 
parishes of S. Martin Oteswych and S. Dionisius de Bakchirche 
for life, so that she maintain during her lifetime a chantry in the 
chapel of S. Katherine within the churchyard of the church of 
H. Trinity called "Crichirche " within Algate, and observe his 
obit as directed. After her death certain rents to go to the church 



of H. Trinity aforesaid and prior and convent of the same for 
pious uses for the souls of William Cresewyk, Alice, wife of the 
same [the testator and his wife ?], Henry and Richard, Agnes 
and Agnes, the fathers and mothers of the said William and 
Alice, Thomas, late husband of the aforesaid Alice, Robert, 
brother of the aforesaid William, and others. Also to the said 
Prior and Convent of H. Trinity he leaves the reversion of 
tenements in the parish of S. Martin aforesaid, charged with the 
maintenance of a chantry in the church of S. Katherine afore- 
said; also an iron-bound chest with locks and keys, his messe- 
book, vestment, chalice, his two new books called Greylles, ' and 
a large Porthers. His name and the names of his wife 
and others to be inscribed above the altar with orate pro 
animis, &c. The chantry priest is directed every day at mass 
before office to face the congregation and say in English: 
" For Williaum Soule Cresewyk and Alice his wif, and for alle 
these paresshins lyves and dedes, and for alle cristen soules 
pater qoster pro charyte, ''e and then to say a Tater qoster to 
himself and proceed to mass. His will, when proved and enrolled 
as is the custom in the Guildhall, to be placed in a box and de- 
posited in the chest before mentioned. In default of the main- 
tenance of the aforesaid chantry as directed, he wills that the 
property so devised remain to the Mayor and Commonalty of the 
City of London and the Chamberlain of the Guildhall for the 
time being for maintaining a chantry in the Guildhall Chapel. 
Also to Alice his wife he leaves lands and tenements at le Barbican 
in the parish of S. Botolph without Aldrichesgate for life ; 
remainder to the Hospital of S. Bartholomew at Westsmythefeld, 
charged with the maintenance of a chantry, observance of the 
testator's obit, &c., as directed. To the poor church of S. Augus- 
tine Pappey near Bewesmarkes, 3 the rector and parishioners 
thereof, he leaves the reversion of a certain tenement and shops 
on condition that he be had in remembrance ; and in default the 
same to go over to the Mayor and Commonalty of the City of 
 Gradal or Graduals; service books  Or "Buries lIarkes," a place in 
containing the re.Lponse., or gradalia, so Aldgate Ward, so called from having 
called because they are sung ingradibu, once belonged to the Abbot of Bury 
or by course. St. Edmund, co. Suffolk, corrupted into 
a The first sentence of English that "]3evis Markes" (Stow). 
has yet appeared in these wills. 



London for the maintenance of chantries in the Guildhall Chapel. 
To the church of S. Leonard in Fasterlane and parishioners of the 
same certain rents in Morelane near Grubstrete in the parish of 
S. Giles without Crepulgate, on condition that his obit be duly 
observed ; and to the church and parishioners of S. Sepulchre 
without Newgate certain rents in the said parish. Also to his 
aforesaid wife he leaves lands and tenements in Seintlaurence- 
lane in the parish of S. Laurence, Old Jewry, in Fynkeslane in the 
parish of S. Benedict Fynk, and in Tourstrete in the parish of 
S. Dunstan Est, for life ; remainder to John Cresewyk de Shefeld, 
co. York, his kinsman and right heir, being son of William 
Cresewyk, brother of Henry, the testator's father. To John 
Wodehous, clerk, his kinsman, a tenement in S. Botolph without 
Bisshoppesgate. To Thomas Skelton, chevalier, a tenement and 
reversion of a "Pyebakersshop" in the parish of S. Benedict in 
Greschirchestrete, after the decease of Johanna, wife of Robert 
his brother. His wife to have a life interest in his manor or place 
called "Douedale -1 in the parish of Camerwelle, co. Surrey ; re- 
mainder to John North his kinsman in tail male, with remainders 
over. The same John North to enjoy a similar estate in a 
tenement called "Whitynges " near Douedale. His feoffees of his 
manor of Coldabbeye, co. Surrey, to convey a life estate in the same 
to Alice his wife ; remainder to John Wodehous, his kinsman and 
clerk, in tail, with remainders over. Similarly his feoffees of a 
certain new tenement called "le loge," in the hamlet of Pekham 
in the parish of Camerwell, are to convey a life estate in the same 
to his wife ; remainder to John Wodehous in tail, with remainders 
over, as in the case of his manor of Coldabbeye. Other devises 
respecting a house called "Malcotes," opposite "le loge" afore- 
said, land at Strode near Heyghbury, co. Middlesex, and in "le 
Sterte " in the parish of Camerwell, a tenement in Pekham with 
land appertaining to the same in the fields of Werthe, his manor 
called " Halles" in the vill of Heston, co. Middlesex, &c. Dated 
London, 3 November, A.D. 1405. Roll 134 (105). 


Odyham (RICHARD), grocer.--To be buried in the church of 
 Or Dovedale. So called from its [ (Cold Herbergh) was also in the neigh- 
original possessor, named D'Ovedale or I bourhood. 
Dowdale. The manor of Coldabbeye, 



be, to be devoted to the purchase of an entire vestment of white 
camlet, with amices and albs with apparel, for deacon and sub- 
deacon and also three copes of white camlet for the choir t for 
service in the church of S. Christopher aforesaid, the said vest- 
ment, &c., to be embroidered with a scocho% " of the testator, 
surrounded with the words " Orate 19'o animabus dohannis 
Claveryng filii Rogeri et antecessorum suorum ac omnium 
eorum benefactoqm "; also for providing five vestments of white 
lI%'stede or Fustgan with albs, amices, and other apparel, stained 
with similar scochons and legend. The rest of the proceeds to be 
devoted to the maintenance of chantries for the good of his soul, 
the purchase of blue medle cloth for making cloaks and hoods 
for the poor of the parish of S. Christopher and neighbouring 
parishes, the purchase of russet cloth of Wales for the poor of 
the parish of Cobham and neighbourhood, the repair of roads, 
&c. Dated London, 20 March, A.D. 1407. Roll 136 (65). 

Appulby (Jo'), brewer. To be buried in the church of 
S. Leonard de Estchepe near Johanna his late wife. To Johanna 
his present wife he leaves his brewhouse called "le Cok on the 
hoope" in the parish of S. Leonard aforesaid for life; remainders 
to Thomas, John, and Stephen his sons in successive taft ; re- 
mainder to the rector and churchwardens of the church of 
S. Leonard aforesaid, for the maintenance of a chantry and other 
pious uses in the said church for the good of his soul. In default 
the property to remain to the Mayor and Commonalty to the 
use of London Bridge, and for the maintenance of a chantry in the 
chapel upon the same.  Dated London, 24 December, A.D. 1408. 
Roll 136 (68). 

Manday next before the Feast of S. Edmund, Kgng [20 Nov.]. 
Burgher-*-*h (ELZ_ETr 0 la Despenser.  --To be buried in the 

 Otherwise called "cantelcopes." 
 In this cse the property is not left 
t,9 the lIayor and Commonalty as trus- 
tees only for London Bidge, but to 
them as a municipal body, who are to 
devote the proceeds to the use or work 

of the bridge, and towards the mainten- 
ance of a chantry in the bridge chapel. 
 Elizabeth, daughter of Bartholo- 
mew, second Baron Burghersh; married 
Edward, fifth Baron Despencer, who 
died in 1375. 





church of Our Lady of Teukesbury near her lord Edward, Sire le 
Despenser, and her son Thomas, 1 Sire le Despenser. Directions for 
funeral, chantries, &c. To Geffrey Scotte a tenement in Petris- 
lane in London for life. Dated 4 July, A.D. 1409. 
Roll 137 (20). 


Monday next before the Feast of S. Wulstan, Bishop [19 Jan.J. 
Odih.m (AES, relict of RCAaD, grocer).--To be buried in 
the church of S. Antonin in the same tomb with her late husband. 
To Edward her son all her tenements in the parish of S. Antonin 
aforesaid at the west corner of Sopereslane. James her son 
appointed one of her executors. Dated London, 14 October, 
A.D. 1409. Roll 137 (36). 


Monday the Feast of S. Dunstan, Bishop [19 May]. 
Waleys (Jo), called " Conyesburgh," citizen and "pulter."-- 
To Sir John xitby, rector of the church of S. Peter de Cornhill, 
and to the Wardens of the Fraternity and Guild of S. Peter in 
the said church, of which the testator was a member, he leaves 
certain lands and tenements in the parish of S. Andrew Hubert 
near Estchepe, in aid of the chantry founded by John Fox- 
ton,  pepperer, in the aforesaid church; for the good of his soul, 
the souls of Johanna his late wife, the said John Foxton, and 
others. Should this devise be invalid by statute, he wills that 
the said property be sold, and the proceeds devoted to pious 
and charitable uses. Dated London, 20 April, A.D. 1410. 
Roll 137 (69). 

Monday the Feast of S. Augustine, Bishop [26 May]. 
Betoigne (ROBERT), goldsmith.--To be buried in the church of 
S. Martin Pomer. Bequests to the rector and chaplains of the 
said church, ltis feoffees of lands and tenements in the parishes 
of S. Mary Colchirche, S. Laurence in the Jewry, and elsewhere 
to convey a life estate in the same to Agnes his wife ; remainder 
to Richard his son in tail ; remainder to Margaret and Agnes his 
daughters in equal portions. Dated London, 10 February, h.D. 
1409. Roll 137 (78). 
 Created Earl of Gloucester, 1397 ; I  See his will, su#a, p. 286. 
beheaded by the rabble, 1400. 



Monday next after the Feast of All Saints [1 1Vov.]. 
I-Iorston (ToAs), clerk, Rector of the parish church of 
Great Halyngburyl in the diocese of London.-- To be buried 
near the remains of his father in the church of S. Benedict 
Shorhogg, to which he leaves a chalice, a vestment of Baude- 
kyn, two silver phials, together with altar cloths and red curtains. 
To the church of S. Giles at Halynbury aforesaid ten marks and 
two books, viz. Pupilla Oculi and Legenda Sactorum. To the 
fabric of the church of S. Michael at Storteford  twenty shillings. 
His lands and tenements within the City of London to be sold 
for pious and charitable uses. To Sir William Chesterton his 
chaplain four marks for celebrating in the church of S. Giles 
aforesaid for half a year next after his decease. Dated 20 Sep- 
tember, 4.]). 1410. Roll 138 (1). 

Wolfey (JOHI), carpenter.--To be buried in the church of 
S. Giles without Crepulgate near Cristina his late wife. His 
brewery called " le herr on the hoop," with vessels of lead and 
wood, situate in le Fo.estrete in the parish of S. Giles aforesaid, 
to be sold, and twenty marks sterling of the proceeds to go to 
Agnes his wife. Out of the residue he makes bequests to the 
Fraternity of S. Giles within the aforesaid church, to each order 
of mendicant friars in London, and to John his son. Certain lease- 
holds in Grubbestrete to be likewise sold for pious and charitable 
uses. Also to Agnes his wife he leaves his leasehold brewery 
called "le Cok on the hoop" in Forestrete, and houses and shops 
at the comer of Grubbestrete, in special tail ; remainder in trust 
for sale for the maintenance of a chantry in the said church of 
S. Giles. His timber, nails, &c., in a certain close of his called 
"Tymberhawe '' and in his shop to be sold to fulfil his testament. 
Dated London, 12 September .D. 1410. Roll 138 (4). 

Comberton CrILLIAM), skinner.--Testament touching his free 
lands and tenements in the City of London. To be buried in the 
church of S. John de Walbrook. The reversion of certain lands 
 Co. Essex.  a A courtyard for storing timber. Cf. 
- Bishop Stortford, co. Hefts.  Bordhwe (supra, p. 365 n.). 
VOL. II. 2 C 




and tenements in the parish of S. Michael upon Cornhill he leaves 
to the rector and churchwardens of the church of S. John afore- 
said and their successors, on condition they maintain a chantry in 
the said church for the good of his soul, the souls of Leticia his 
wife and others, keep his obit as directed, &c. In default the 
property to go to the rector and churchwardens of the church of 
S. Michael aforesaid for similar uses. Confirms certain bequests 
made by Ralph Foket 1 and Walter Furmager,  charged on the 
aforesaid property for the maintenance of chantries in the church 
of S. Michael aforesaid. Dated 25 February, A.D. 1403. 
Roll 138 (6). 
(oroberton CTrLL0, skinner.--Confirms a bequest made by 
John de Newbury, 3 charged on certain tenements in Bogerowe in 
the parish of S. John [de Walbrook] now in the possession of the 
testator, for the maintenance of a chantry in the said parish 
church for the souls of William de Bristowe and others. Leticia 
his wife to have a life interest in the aforesaid tenements ; re- 
mainder to William his son. Bequests to John Danndelyon his 
apprentice, Robert Fawne, skinner, Bartholomew Seman, "Golde- 
beterre," and others. Dated London, 15 June, A.D. 1410.- 
Confirms his other testament touching lands and tenements in the 
parish of S. Michael upon Cornhill. Roll 138 (7). 

Daveler (RICHARD), smith.--To be buried in the church of 
S. Michael upon Cornhill. To Katherine his wife for life a certain 
tenement in the parish of S. Michael aforesaid ; the reversion of 
the same to be sold for the good of his soul, the souls of Margaret 
his late wife and others. Dated London, 8 March, .D. 1408. 
Roll 18 (1). 
[Monday] qext after" the Feast of S. Adrew, Apostle [30 ov.]. 
Middelton (ISABELLn, relict of JO DE).- Pursuant to the 
will of her late husband,  she and William Cressewyk, her hus- 
band's executors, had sold the reversion of certain lands and 
tenements in the parish of S. Michael de Bassyngeshawe to 
Thomas Joye, skinner, and others,  who afterwards released the 
 See his will enrolled sw-a, p. 21. ] - See his will enrolled Part I. p. 404. 
 His will does not appear to have [  Enrolled sp'a, p. 228. 
been enrolled, s Roll 132 {29). 



same to the testatrix. Of these lands and tenements she now 
devises a portion to Thomas Mundeville, having previously sold 
one of the tenements to Richard Horwode, mercer. The residue 
to remain ia the hands of her executors for one whole year after 
her decease for providing a chantry in the church of S. Michael 
aforesaid, and then to go to the said Thomas Mundeville and 
Matilda his wife, daughter of the testatrix, in tail ; remainder in 
trust for sale for pious and charitable uses. Richard Wyldebore 
her brother appointed one of her executors. Dated London, 
Saturday, 14 June, A.D. 1410. Roll 138 (29). 

Monday the Feast of S. Wulsta, Bisho29 [19 Ja.]. 
Brownyng (NIC[tOLAS), "Schipwrighte."--To be buried in the 
churchyard of the church of All Hallows called " Berkyngchirch." 
To Margery his wife his tenement in the street called "Petiwales" 
in the parish of All Hallows aforesaid for life ; remainder to John 
his son in tail ; remainder in trust for sale for pious and charitable 
uses. Dated London, 16 February, n.D. 1396. Roll 138 (35). 

Bokkyng (ELLS), draper, citizen and freeman of the City of 
London.--Devise of a tenement in the lane called "Seint 
Swithoneslane" in the parish of S. Swithun de Candelwykstrete 
to Sir Richard Thorp, rector of the said parish church, and his 
successors, to serve as a rectory. If citizens of London were 
prevented at the time of his death from devising tenements 
within the City in mortmain, as of old they were accustomed, 1 or 
if this his devise should at any time afterwards become void by 
statute, he wills that the aforesaid tenement be sold by the rector 
and four trusty parishioners for the time being, and the proceeds 
devoted to pious and charitable uses. Dated London, 1 Septem- 
ber, A.D. 1410. Roll 138 (37). 

Bungore (PHILIP), draper.--To be buried either in S. Mary's 
Chapel or H. Trinity Chapel in the church of S. Mary de 
Abbechirch. His goods and chattels, after discharge of debts, to 
be divided into three parts, the first part to go to Margery his 
wife, the second to William his son and the third to be devoted 
 Prt I., Introd., p. xxxvii. 





to the good of his soul. Dated London, 3 January, A.D. 1409.- 
Also he wills that his feoffees in trust of lands and tenements in 
the parishes of S. Clement near Candelwikstret, S. Martin Orgar, 
S. Michael de Crokedlane, and elsewhere in the City of London, 
make a life estate in the same to his aforesaid wife, with 
remainder to William his son in taft. Roll 138 (38). 

Monday qext after the Feast of S. Agatha, Virgin [5 Feb.]. 
Scot (RICgD), " brewer."--To be buried in the churchyard of 
the conventual church of the Abbess and Convent of the Sisters 
Minoresses without Algate, near Ann his daughter. To the said 
abbess and convent he leaves certain rents in Thamysestrete in 
the parish of S. Michael de Crokidlane to have his soul in 
remembrance. Mention made of Margaret his wife as one of his 
executors. Dated London, 27 August, A.D. 1407. 
Roll 138 (43). 

Monday qext after the Feast of S. Valentiqe, Martyr [14 Feb.]. 
lYlendeham (Jom), carpenter.---To be buried in the church- 
yard of the church of S. Benedict Fynk, where Alice his late 
wife lies buried. To Johanna his wife for life all his lands and 
tenements in the parish of S. Botolph without Bisshopesgate near 
a brewery called " le dolfyn on the hoop" and the ditch called 
"le more," and his leasehold shop in the parish of S. Olave near 
the house of the Friars of Holy Cross ; remainder in trust for 
sale for pious and charitable uses. Bequest for celebration of a 
S. Gregory's trental in the church of S. Botolph aforesaid. Of the 
residue of his goods and chattels, one third to go to his wife, and 
two thirds to be devoted to pious and charitable uses. Dated 
London, 27 November, .D. 1410. Roll 138 (48). 

Monday qext after the Feast of S. Mathias, Apostle [24 Feb.]. 
Olneye (JoHn), son of William Olneye, late fishmonger, and of 
Isabella, wife of the same, daughter of Richard de Hakeneye 
senior, late woolmonger.--To be buried in the church of S. Mary 
atte Hill near the grave of Isabella his mother. To Johanna his 
wife for life a certain tenement in the parish of S. Mary aforesaid ; 
remainder to his infant en ventre sa mre in tail; remainder in 



trust for sale for pious uses for the good of his soul, the souls of 
Johanna his wife, Richard de Hakeneye senior, Alice, wife of the 
same, Richard de Hakeneye junior, and others. Also to his said 
wife the reversion of a tenement called "le lambe on the hoop," 
situate on Billyngesgate wharf, for life ; remainder to the aforesaid 
infant ; ultimate remainder to the maintenance of a chantry in 
the church of S. Mary aforesaid as directed. In default the pro- 
perry is to remain to the Mayor and Commonalty as Wardens of 
London Bridge  for the maintenance of a chantry in the chapel of 
S. Thomas upon the said bridge. If the above devise in mort- 
main be invalid, the property is to be sold, and the proceeds 
devoted to uses aforesaid. Also to his said wife for life the rever- 
sion of another large tenement in the lane and parish of S. Mary 
atte Hill, together with the advowson of the said parish church ; 
remainder to the infant aforesaid in tail; remainder in trust for 
sale for pious and charitable uses, unless the men of the Mistery 
of Fishmongers of London be willing to purchase the same to 
the use of the 5Iistery. Also to his said wife the reversion 
of a hostel called "le Vyne" in the parish of S. Ethelburga 
within Bisshopesgate for life ; remainders over. Dated London, 
15 January, A.D. 1410. Roll 138 (56). 

Monday ne after the Feast of S. Gregory, Poloe [12 March]. 
Payn (HEartY), "Foystour. '' --To be buried in the church of 
S. Alban de Vodestreet. To Matilda his wife a certain tenement 
in the parish of S. Alban aforesaid for life; remainder to the 
rector and churchwardens of the said parish church and their 
successors, on condition they maintain certain lamps and torches, 
pay a sum of money annually in aid of Salve Regina or other 
antiphon, and perform other duties within the said church as 
directed. In default, the Mayor or Warden of the City of London 
for the time being is to see his wishes carried out, the said Mayor 
receiving certain rents therefor. Also to his said wife rents in 
le Farestrete without Crepulgate, so long as she remain unmarried, 
charged with certain payments for the maintenance of the light 
of the Blessed Mary in the church of S. Alban aforesaid. To 
1 See note suT'a, p. 174. [  Fr.fstr, a joiner or maker of the 
woodwork of saddles. 





shops in the parish of S. Botolph without Aldrichgate in tail ; 
remainder to Johanna his daughter. Also to his said daughter a 
tenement in the parish of S. Laurence in Old Jewry in tail ; 
remainder to his aforesaid son. In the event of both son and 
daughter dying without an heir of their bodies, the above tene- 
ments to be devoted to pious and charitable uses. Dated London, 
3 April, A.D. 1411. Roll 139 (23). 

Monday next after the Feast of S. Vincent, Martyr [22 Jan.]. 
Pull (RICHARD), cutler.--To Juliana his wife tenements in Flete- 
strete and Bowyerrowe in the parish of S. Martin within Ludgate, 
near the lane called "Eldenlane,"x for life, so long as she remain 
a widow, otherwise she is to take no more than her reasonable 
dower ; remainder in trust for sale for pious and charitable uses. 
His feoffees of lands and tenements in the city of Rochester and 
elsewhere in co. Kent to convey a life estate in the same to his 
aforesaid wife; remainder in trust for sale by his executors, and 
ten pounds of the proceeds to be for the repair of the bridge 
of Rouchestre. To the parish church of Wroteham, co. Kent, he 
leaves a priest's vestment of the value of a hundred shillings, and 
forty shillings to be distributed among the poor of the parish. 
Dated London, 14 October, A.D. 1411. Roll 139 (27). 

Auston or Aust3rn (John), brewer.- To be buried in the 
church of S. Andrew at Baynardescastell before the image of 
S. Christopher lately set up by him. To Hugh Warde his kins- 
man his second-best gown of the livery of the Brewers with fur 
(peTtula) belonging to it. Dionisia his wife to maintain and clothe 
Thomas Shirley his kinsman. Also to the aforesaid Hugh the 
reversion of a certain tenement in the parish of S. Andrew afore- 
said. His feoffees of lands and tenements in Goldynglane to 
convey a life estate therein to his wife, with remainder to the said 
Hugh Warde, who, when he enters as heir upon his lands and 
tenements in Skellow in the parish of Auston, co. York, is directed 
to pay a certain annuity to Matilda his mother and Matilda his 
sister. The residue of his goods, after discharge of debts, he 
leaves to his aforesaid wife by way of her share and for his soul's 

Old Dean Lane, now Warwick Lane. 

health, as she would like him to do in similar case "vice versa." 
Dated London, 28 November, .D. 1410. Roll 139 (28). 

Monday next afleqz the Feast of S. Agatha, Viqzg: [5 Feb.]. 
Staundon (VrILLIAM), grocer.--To be buried in the porch of 
the church of S. Andrew at Wympole  near his late wife. One 
thousand masses to be said within three days of his death, and 
five hundred masses each quarter of the year next after his 
decease. To Agnes his wife he leaves, among other things, the 
furniture of two of his chief rooms at Wympole, his best gilt cup 
and eawere, &c. To Elizabeth his daughter two hundred pounds 
sterling ff she attain the age of fourteen years. To Johanna 
Hunte his kinswoman, for her marriage, he leaves forty marks 
sterling and a bed. To William Brook one hundred pounds 
sterling if he attain the age of twenty-one, the said sum in the 
meanwhile to be entrusted to a merchant to trade withal within 
the realm of England and not beyond the sea, the said merchant 
taking half the profits for his trouble. Bequests to his servants, 
apprentices, and others. The sum of one hundred and sixty 
marks to be devoted to a chantry in the parish church of Wympole, 
and twenty pounds sterling for building a new aisle to the said 
church. Bequests also to his poor tenants at Wympole, Armyng- 
ton,  and VChaddon, a including gifts of white and red herring and 
bread during the season of Lent ; to the inmates of Newgate and 
Ludgate, and for the maintenance of a chantry in the parish 
church of Staundon for the good of his soul, the souls of John his 
father, Alice his mother, Elizabeth his late wife, and others. 
Dated London, 3 February, .D. 1409. Roll 139 (38). 

Monday qext before the Feast of S. Mathias, Apostle [24 Feb.]. 
Brodhok (JoiN), poulterer.--To be buried in the churchyard 
of S. Andrew upon Cornhill near Alice his late wife. To John his 
son a tenement in the parish of S. Andrew aforesaid in tail; 
remainder in trust for sale for pious uses. His executors 
appointed guardians of his said son during minority they giving 
security before the Mayor and Aldermen. Johanna his wife ap- 
 Co. Cambridge. I  Wddon, co. Cambridge. 
 Arrington, near Wimpole, co. Camb. 



tenements in the vills and parishes of Dagenham and Berkyng, 
co. Essex, to sell the same for charity, except his live and dead 
stock and wood, which he leaves to his aforesaid wife. Dated 
London, 14 October, A.D. 1412. Roll 140 (21). 


Monday next after the Feast of S. Edmund, King [20 1Vov.]. 
Guphey or Ouppeye (ROBERT), mercer.--To be buried in the 
church of S. Thomas de Acon near the old Conduit, where the 
Master and Wardens of the M_istery of Mercers of London shall 
ordain. To the Commonalty of the said Mistery he leaves certain 
houses in the parish of S. Laurence in Old Jewry, in the lane 
called "Sevehodenelane," near a tenement called "le Cage," 
which he acquired jointly with others by deed enrolled  in the 
Husting, and which his joint feoffees subsequently released to 
him by deed also enrolled - to be held by the said Com- 
monalty upon condition they keep the property in repair and 
maintain thereout a chantry in the said church of S. Thomas for 
the good of his soul, the souls of John his father, Johanna his 
mother, Johanna and Johanna his late wives, and others. The 
residue of the profits, if any, to go to the relief of the poor 
of the aforesaid Mistery. If the said chantry be not so main- 
rained, and if the surplusage, after discharge of dues, be put to any 
other use, or if the bequest be void by law, he wills that the pro- 
perty remain to the Mayor or Warden and Commonalty of the City 
of London for the maintenance of a chantry in the chapel of the 
Guildhall, and the residue or surplusage of the profits to be dis- 
tributed among the poor of the hlistery of Mercers as aforesaid. 
Dated London, 12 July, A.D. 1412. Roll 140 (29). 

Monday next after the Feast of S. Katherine, Via'gin [25 5ov.]. 
8utbury (WILL,M), dmper.To be buried in the church or 
chchyard of S. Mary de Bothawe. To the rector and church- 
wdens of the church of S. Mary de Abbechirche and their 
successors he leaves a ceain tenement in Abbechchelane, on 
condition they keep the same in good repu and devote the 
profits of the same to the use and benefit of the said church. 
In default the sMd tenement to go to the Mayor or Wrden and 
 Roll 128 (25). I  Roll 136 (31). 

396 CLr_Da OF WILLS, 
Commonalty of the City of London towards the repair of London 
Bridge. Dated London, 12 January, A.D. 1411. Roll 140 (31). 

Monday next after the Feast of Conversion of S. Paul [25 
Buret OVILLIM).--To be buried in the church of S. Dunstan 
near the Tower, to the rector and churchwardens of which he 
leaves his share of a tenement called "le Horsmelle" in the 
parish of S. Peter upon Cornhill (acquired by him jointly with 
others,  who had released to him their claim), together with other 
lands and tenements in the parishes of S. Dunstan and S. Mar- 
garet Patyns and elsewhere, on condition that they keep the 
same in good repair and maintain a chantry in the aforesaid 
church of S. Dunstan for the good of his soul, the souls of Alianora 
his late wife and others, the residue of the profits being kept for 
the ornaments of the said church and other necessaries. In 
default o the chantry being properly maintained, the property is 
to go to the Mayor or Warden and Commonalty of the City of 
London for the maintenance of a chantry in the Guildhall Chapel. 
Dated London, 7 September, A.D. 1408. Roll 140 (49). 

Monday next after the Feast of S. Agatha, Virgin [5 Feb.]. 
Knotte (ROBERT), tailor.--To be buried in the common church- 
yard of S. Paul's, where lies the body of his former wife. To 
Matilda his wife all his tenements and rents in the parish of 
S. Stephen in Colmanstrete for life, the reversion of the same 
being sold immediately after his death ; also the residue of his 
goods and chattels, movable and immovable, in full satisfaction of 
her dower or share. Dated London, 12 December, A.D. 1412. 
Roll 14o (5o). 
Wyrter (RmD), "stokfisshmonger."--To be buried in the 
church of S. Magnus near London Bridge. To Elizabeth his wife 
an annual rent of one hundred shillings, issuing from a tenement 
in Thames Street in the parish of S. Magnus aforesaid, for life, so 
long as she remain a chaste widow. To John Michell, "stok- 
fisshmongere," he leaves the aforesaid tenement for life ; remainder 
to Richard, son of the said John, for life ; remainder to the Abbess 
1 By deed enrolled at the Hustingheld I S. L,ke, Evang. [18 Oct.], 17 Richard II. 
on Monday next fter tho Feust of I [..D. 1393]--Hust. Roll 122 5). 



the good of his soul, the souls of William his father, Johanna his 
mother, and others. Bequests to the churches of S. Mary Mag- 
dalen de Mylkstrete, S. Michael de Bassyngeshawe, S. Stephen de 
Colmanstrete, the old work or fabric of S. Paul's, the priors and 
convents of S. Bartholomew de Smythfeld, S. Mary de Elsyng- 
spitell, the Salutation of the Blessed Mary of the Carthusian Order 
without Alderichesgate, the house of Tanrigge, co. Surrey, &c. ; 
to various hospitals and orders of friars ; to the nuns in the house 
called "le Menoresse " without Algate, the nuns of the houses of 
S. John de Clerkenwell, Halywell, S. Elena within Bisshopesgate, 
and S. Katherine near the Tower; to the recluse at Westminster, 
to prisoners in Newgate and Ludgate, the Flete, Marshalsea, 
and King's Bench, &c. His funeral to be conducted without 
pomp ; leaves fifty pounds for its expenses. To the box of the 
Art or Mistery of the Mercers of London in aid of charity he leaves 
twenty pounds, and a further sum of twenty marks to be distri- 
buted among those of the suit and livery (de secta et veste) of the 
Fraternity of the Art of the Mercers who have become poor. To 
the parish church of Edenbruge he leaves divers vestments, and 
forty shillings to be divided among the poor of the parish. Be- 
quests to the churches of S. George and S. Mary Magdalen and 
divers religious houses at Doncastre ; also for the repair and main- 
tenance of a common latrine, and a cross in the market place, 
erected by his father in the rill of Doncastre ; and to numerous 
individuals more or less connected with that place. To William 
Askham, late Mayor of London, John Walden, esquire, his servants, 
apprentices, and others, he leaves sums of money or chattels, 
chiefly consisting of gold and silver cups. To Felicia his wife, by 
way of dower and her reasonable part, he leaves two thousand 
marks sterling, and all utensils, ustilments, linen and woollen 
cloths, &c., appertaining to his house, together with certain 
chargeours, platers, silver saucers, a silver pouderbox, &c., speci- 
fically bequeathed ; also his lands, tenements, and rents in the 
parish of S. Alban de Wodestrete, with which if she be not content 
she is to take nothing but what she can and ought to take accord- 
ing to the common law and the custom of the City of London and 
county aforesaid (sc). To John and William his sons, Johanna 
and 1)hilippa his daughters, he leaves two thousand marks 

uses. To Alice his wife his mansion house called "le Swan on the 
hoop" and brewery adjacent in the parishes of S. 5icholas Cold- 
abbey and S. 5icholas Olave aforesaid for life, by way of dower, 
charged with a certain payment to the Prior and Convent of 
Preaching Friars for observing his obit and the obit of Isabella 
his late wife ; remainder, or reversion, in trust for sale, and a por- 
tion of the proceeds to be devoted to the maintenance of a chantry 
in the church of S. 5icholas Coldabbey for three whole years. 
George his apprentice to be released from three years' service on 
condition that he serve faithfully the testator's wife. Dated 
London, 28 March, A.D. 1413.--By codicil he wills that upon the 
sale of the remainder or reversion of the above tenement a certain 
quitrent be reserved, to be devoted to pious uses in the church of 
S. Nicholas Coldabbey as directed. Dated 10 April, A.D. 1413. 
Roll 141 (31). 
Monday the Feast of S. Leona'd, Abbot [6 Nov.]. 
ttore (JOHN), brewer.--To be buried in the church of S. Alphege 
within Crepulgate. To Alice his wife all his lands and tenements 
in the parish of S. Alphege aforesaid for life, so that she keep his 
obit in the aforesaid church for the good of his soul [andJ the soul 
of the aforesaid Isabella 1 (sic), with tolling of bells, Placebo and, with music at night and mass on the morrow, &c. The 
reversion of the above property to be sold in his wife's lifetime, 
with her consent, and the proceeds devoted to pious and charitable 
uses. Dated London, 3 March, A.D. 1412. Roll 141 (68). 

Monday next after' the Feas$ of S. Kathe'ine, Viq'gi'n E25 5ov.]. 
Spicer (LTTHEW), otherwise called "Tyce," "goldbetere."--- 
To be buried in the church of S. Andrew upon Cornhill where 
Margaret his late wife lies buried. To John and Peter his sons he 
leaves a tenement called "le healme on the hoop" in the parish 
of S. Peter upon Cornhill, and others in the parishes of S. Andrew 
aforesaid and S. Mary de Fanchirche, in successive tail ; remainder 
to Johanna his daughter in tail; remainder in trust for sale for 
pious and charitable uses. Isabella his wife appointed one of his 
executors. Dated London, 1 October, .D. 1413. 
Roll 141 (69). 
 Probably a former wife of the testator. 



Monday qext after" the Feast of S. And'ew, Apostle [30 
Humerton (JOHN), tailor.--To be buried in the church of 
S. Margaret de Lothebury near Katherine his late wife. To 
Coletta his wife all his tenements in the parish of S. Botolph 
without Algate for life ; remainder in trust for sale for pious and 
charitable uses. A tenement at le Tout'hill in the parish of 
S. Botolph aforesaid to be sold, if necessary, to fulfil his testament. 
The residue of his goods to his aforesaid wife. Dated London, 
22 October, A.D. 1409. Roll 141 (73). 

Stratton (NICHOLAS).--To be buried in the church of S. Alphege 
within Crepulgate. To John his son certain lands and tenements 
in Whitecrouchestrete in the parish of S. Giles without Crepul- 
gate in tail; remainder in trust for sale for pious and charitable 
uses. William Clay appointed guardian of his said son and pro- 
perry during minority. To Agnes his wife tenements and a 
garden in Morestrete in the parish of S. Giles aforesaid for life; 
remainder in trust for sale for pious and charitable uses. Also to 
his said wife the residue of his goods and chattels, movable and 
immovable, by way of dower and of her share of his goods and 
chattels. Dated London, 13 January, A.D. 1412. 
Roll 141 (78). 

Monday the Feast of S. G'egory, Pope [15 Ma'ch-]. 
Atte Felde (JoHn), brewer.--To be buried in the parish church 
of Stondon, co. Herts. To Anna his wife houses, &c., in the 
parish of S. Giles without Crepulgate, and a tenement called 
" le Boresheued " with shops in the parish of All Hallows in Gres- 
chirchstrete, for life; remainders to John his son, Leticia, 
Johanna, and Emma his daughters, in successive tail; remainder 
in trust for sale for pious and charitable uses. Dated London, 
12 March, A.D. 1405. Roll 141 (99). 

More (JoHn), brewer.- To be buried in the church of 
S. Magnus near London Bridge, near the bodies of his wives there 
buried. To Robert his son a sum of money, and shops, &c., in the 
lane and parish of S. Laurence in the Jewry in tail ; remainder in 
trust for sale for pious and charitable uses. To Amia his wife 
VOL. II. 2 D 




shops in Birchenlane in the parish of S. M_ichael upon Cornhull 
(which the testator jointly acquired with others by deed en- 
rolled, 1 and which his co-feoffees afterwards released to him)for 
life ; remainder to his aforesaid son in tail. Also to his said wife 
for life a shop in Briggestrete in the parish of S. Magnus afore- 
said, which he and Johanna his late wife acquired from the 
executors of John Langhorne, late brasier, by deed enrolled in the 
Husting of London for Pleas of Land held on Monday next 
before the Feast of S. Margaret, Virgin [20 July], anno 11 
Henry IV. ;3 similar remainder. Dated 18 September, A.D. 1413. 
Roll 141 (100). 


Monday zext befo'e F. of S. John ante pertain Latinam [6 May]. 
Cake (THOMAS), called "Mallyng," mason.--Testament touch- 
ing his goods and chattels, as well as his lands, tenements, 
and rents. To be buried in the church of S. Mary de Wolle- 
chirchehawe under the marble slab where rests the body of 
Johanna his late wife. His lands and tenements in the parishes 
of S. Margaret and S. George in Suthwerk to be immediately sold 
by his executors, and his feoffees in trust thereof to give a good 
title to the purchasers, the proceeds to go to Cristina his wife by 
way of dower of his lands and tenements, except forty pounds 
sterling, which Johanna his daughter is to have for her marriage. 
Also to his said wife he leaves a tenement at the corner of Wal- 
brook and Bokeleresbury in the parish of S. ]Iary de Wolle- 
chirchehawe, and rents and tenements in the parishes of 
S. Mildred in the Poultry and S. Mary de Abbechirche, for life, 
charged with the observance of his obit in the church of S. Mary 
de Wollechirchehawe, and with providing clothes and shoes for 
seven poor men and women annually for three years ; remainder 
to his aforesaid daughter in tail ; remainder in trust for sale for 
pious uses, repair of roads, relief of prisoners, &c. The residue of 
 Anno 21 Richtrd II., Hnst. Roll 126 have been held on the day and year 
(79). mentioned,  hereas t deed to the same 
2 The year here given is probably a effect is enrolled at a court held on the 
mistake for 8 Henry IV., inasmuch as same day three years previously. Hust. 
no seion of the Court appears to Roll 134 (123). 



his goods and chattels, after discharge of debts and legacies, 
to go to his wife by way of her share of his movable goods. 
Dated London 10ctober A.D. 1412.--Also to Sir John Welles 
Prior of Tuubrigge a mazer cup with silver-gilt stand and 
covercle worked with Flourdelys. His feoffees of lands and tene- 
meats in the rill and parish of Westmallyng, co. Kent to make 
a life estate in the same to his aforesaid wife with remainder to 
his daughter in tail. Roll 142 (3). 


Monday  after the Feast of S. Dusta Bishop [19 May]. 
Creek (Jon) taflor.--To be buried in the church of S. Mary 
de Abbechirche near Candelwykstrete. To Johanna his wife lands 
and tenements in the parish of S. Mary aforesaid, and rents of a 
tenement formerly belonging to Sir Nicholas Brembre Knt., in 
the lane and parish of S. Nicholas Acon near Lombardestrete, for 
life, so long as she remain a chaste widow ; remainder in trust for 
sale for pious and charitable uses. Bequest of ten pounds for 
rebuilding the belfry of the church of S. Mary aforesaid, provided 
the work be commenced within two years after his decease. To 
Katherine his daughter twenty pounds sterling; and to the main- 
tenance of the alms of the Fraternity of the Valet-Tailors  (valect' 
cisso'rum) of London twenty shillings. His wife to have one half 
of the residue of his goods and chattels after discharge of debts, 
&c., the remainder being devoted to works of charity. Dated 
London, 12 February, .D. 1413. Roll 142 (6). 

Monday t Feast of S. Barnabas, Apostle [11 June]. 
Atte Lee (Jom), senior, chandler.--To be buried in S. Mary's 
Chancel in the church of S. Andrew upon Cornhill near the tomb 
of Agnes and Elena his late wives. To Margaret his daughter, 
wife of William Walderne mercer divers lands tenements rents, 

 These were servants and apprentices 
of the tailors of the City calling them- 
selves Bachelor or Yeomen Tailors, and 
claiming to be a separate craft from the 
main body. They lived in a quarter by 
themselves, and led such a lawless life 
that in 1415 the Mayor and Aldermen 
ordered them to be placed under the 
rule and governance of the Master and 
Wardens of the Fraternity of Tailors of 

London. It is diiicult says lgr. Clode, 
to determine the precise position which 
they held in the fraternity, inasmuch as 
no records of the Bachelors' Company 
exist, whilst the records of the Mer- 
chant Company only incidentally refer 
to meetings, elections, and contribu- 
tions of the Bachelors (' Early Hist. of 
the Merchant Taylors' Company,' 1.88, 
part i. ch. iii.). 



reversions, &c., in the parish of S. Andrew aforesaid, the parish of 
S. Dionisius de Bakchirche, and elsewhere, which the testator and 
Matilda his then wife, now deceased, had jointly acquired, together 
with other tenements which the testator had jointly acquired with 
Elena and Agnes his former wives, to hold in taft, with remainder 
in trust for sale for pious and charitable uses. Also to his afore- 
said daughter his leasehold lands and tenements in the parish of 
S. Andrew aforesaid. To John atte Lee, chandler, his kinsman, 
he leaves certain messuages and his tenement called " Copped- 
halle '' in the parish of S. Botolph without Algate. Certain 
rents in the parish of All Hallows de Stanyngchirche and a tene- 
ment in the parish of S. Botolph aforesaid to be sold to fulfil 
another testament touching his movable goods. To Sir William 
Derby, rector, the churchwardens and parishioners of the church 
of S. Andrew aforesaid, he leaves, besides rents, certain leasehold 
shops lately rebuilt by him upon the site of the churchyard, upon 
condition that they maintain thereout certain lights in the said 
church, and duly observe his obit as directed, &c. Dated London, 
4 September, A.D. 1413. Roll 142 (13). 

Bryght (ROBERT), otherwise called "Pannton," girdler.--To be 
buried in the church of S. Michael de Wodestrete. His funeral 
expenses to be settled by his executors according to directions 
contained in another testament touching his movable goods and 
chattels. The reversion of certain tenements in the parish of 
S. Michael de Wodestrete he leaves to the rector, churchwardens, 
and parishioners of the said parish, for maintaining a chantry in 
the said parish church for the souls of Sir Robert de Launde, Knt., 
Cristina, wife of the same, and others, for providing lights, books, 
and ornaments therein, and maintaining fabric of the said church. 
Other lands and tenements in the parish of S. Michael aforesaid 
and the parish of S. Stephen in Colmanstrete he leaves to Sir 
Robert his son. Dated London, 1 December, A.D. 1411. 
Roll 142 (15). 

 The fact that there was such a 
place as Coppedhall in the parish of 
S. Botolph without Aldgate is just men- 
tioned in Strype's Stow (ed. 1720, bk. ii. 
p. 22), and nothing more. It must not 

be confounded with the tenement of 
the same name situate near Dowgate 
in the paxish of S. John, Walbrook, 
which afterwards came to be known as 
Skinners' Hall (ide,, bk. ii. p. 201). 



Wardens of London Bridge, for carrying out the above directions. 
His tenements in the counties of Middlesex and Surrey to be sold 
for pious uses. Dated London, 17 June, A.D. 1413. 
Roll 143 (33). 

Manday next after F. of Tans. of 8. Edward, K. and C. [13 Oct.-]. 
Edward (ROBERT), butcher.--To be buried in the churchyard 
of S. Leonard's de Estchep near his mother's grave. To Lucy his 
wife his mansion house in the parish of S. Leonard aforesaid for 
life ; remainder to William his son in tail ; remainder to Johanna 
his daughter in tail ; remainder in trust for sale for pious and 
charitable uses. Dated London, 28 October, A.D. 1412. 
Roll 143 (25). 
Oxneye (JoR), grocer.- To be buried in the church of 
S. Antonin. To the Prior and Convent of the Hospital of S. Mary 
de Elsyngspitell he leaves an easement, viz., the right of sup- 
porting a beam of their house near Sopereslane by a corbel in the 
testator's wall. To Elizabeth his wife tenements and shops in 
Sopereslane and Nedereslane  in the parish of S. Antonin, subject 
to the above easement, for life ; remainder to his right heirs. 
Salamon his brother appointed one of his executors. Dated 
London, 20 November, A.D. 1409.--Also he wills that his feoffees 
in trust of lands and tenements in the county of Kent make a 
life estate to his aforesaid wife in certain land% tenements, &c., in 
the parishes of Northbourne  and Sholdon, " and "Swyllyngs ,,4 of 
Northbrook, Capell,  and Fenglesham, as well as in other property 
in Cotmanton 6 and elsewhere in co. Kent, formerly belonging to 
Giles his brother ; remainder over. Roll 143 (28). 

Odyham (ROBERT), grocer.--To be buried in the church of 
S. Antonin under the stone of Richard his father. To Johanna his 

1 Needlers Lane (Stow). 
2 Sometimes called " qorborne "; com- 
prises four boroughs, one of which is 
]'inglesham. Th church of qorth- 
bourne, with its chapels of Cotmanton 
and Sholden, was anciently appendant 
to the manor. The church and manor 
were bestowed by Eadbald, King of 
Kent, upon the Abbey and Convent of 
S. Augustine, Cnterbury, in 618 (Has- 
ted's ' Hist. of Kent,' vol. iv. p. 142 seq.). 

 Sholden, near Northbourne. 
 "Swollynga, Swulinga, vox Can- 
tianis familiaris, idem quod Anglis 
hyda, seu ut est in Domesdey, Cacata, 
nuncupatur" (Du Cange). It therefore 
may be translated ploughland, being 
etymologically connected with A.-Srulh , 
a plough, which in the dialects of the 
west of England is still called a sail. 
n Capel le Eerne (?). 
 Cottingto (?), near Sholden. 




mother shops in the parishes of S. Mary de Aldermarichirche and 
S. 1Nicholas at the Shambles for life ; remainders to John, Robert, 
Thomas, William, James, and Richard his sons, and to Elizabeth 
his daughter, in successive tail ; remainder in trust for sale for 
pious uses. To John Proffyt, fishmonger, and Elizabeth his wife, 
the testator's sister, rents issuing from a tenement in the parish 
of S. Antonin aforesaid. His manor of 1Newland in the parish of 
Tenham, 1 co. Kent, with live and dead stock thereon, to be sold 
to fulfil his testament and pay his debts. Dated London, 16 Feb- 
ruary, A.D. 1414. Roll 143 (32). 

Monday nex after the Feast of Conveq'sio'n of S. Paul [5 Jan.]. 
I-Iulton (HF.RY), gmcer.--To be ]buried in the church of 
S. Antonin. To Margery his wife for life all his lands and tene- 
ments in the parishes of S. Mary Magdalen near the Old Fish 
Market, S. Peter near Pouleswharf, S. !Iartin Pomers in 
Irmongerlane, S. hIichael Paternosterchirche in the Riole, and 
S. Swithun; remainders to Thomas, Robert, and Richard his 
sons, and to Elizabeth, Margaret, and Blanche his daughters, and 
the heirs of their respective bodies ; remainder in trust for sale 
for pious and charitable uses. Dated London, 12 October, A.D. 
1415. Roll 143 (50). 

Chuunge (SIMOn), otherwise called "Baldewyn," citizen and 
"Fleccher. ''2 ---To Richard Laurence, otherwise called Richard 
"Hoke," tanner, and Avice, wife of the same, the testator's 
mother, he leaves cottages and gardens in Lymebrennerslane in 
the paish aforesaid (sic). Dated London, 12 July, A.D. 1415. 
Roll (51). 
Monday next after the Feast of Purification of V. Ma'y [2 Feb.]. 
Bamme (IIENRY), goldsmith.--To be buried in the church of 
S. Michael in Hoggynlane, where Margaret his late wife lies 
buried. To Alice his wife, her executors and assigns certain 
lands and tenements of which he and his said wife were jointly 
 Teynham. each were jealous of interference hy 
 Maker of arrows. Although the members of the other. (See "Articles 
Bowyers and Fletchers are often men- of the ]3o3zers and Fleichers," 1371, 
lioned together, they were occupied in printed in Riley's ' Memorials,' p. 348.) 
elarate crafts, and lhe members of 



seised, to hold for her lifetime and for a term of six years after 
her decease. To John his son the reversion of tenements in 01d 
Change in the parish of S. Mary Magdalen de 01defisshstrete, to 
hold in tail after the death of his wife and expiration of the term 
aforesaid ; remainder to Henry and Thomas his sons in equal 
moieties, with further cross remainders. Also to Henry his son 
a similar reversion of a tenement in Westchepe in the parish of 
S. Vedast in tail, with similar remainders to John and Thomas 
aforesaid. Also to Thomas his son the reversion of a tenement 
in Wodestrete in tail, with remainders to his other sons in like 
manner. In the event of all his sons dying without issue the 
reversion of all the above tenements is to Master Robert Fitz 
Hugh, the rector, and churchwardens of the church of S. Michael 
in Hoggynlane, on condition they maintain a chantry in the said 
church and have his obit observed, &c., as directed. In default 
the property to be sold and the proceeds devoted to pious and 
charitable uses. Dated London, 7 ovember A.D. 1413. 
Roll 143 (54). 


Monday nex after" F. of Annunciation of V. _Mary [25 Mach]. 
Toppesfeld (STEPHEN), cordwainer.- To be buried in the 
churchyard of S. Alphege within Crepulgate. His brewery 
called " le Cok on the hoop" in Philippeslane in the parish of 
S. Alphege aforesaid to be sold, and five marks out of the 
proceeds to be given to the poor sick in the hospitals of Elsyng- 
spitell, S. Bartholomew de Smythfeld, S. Mary de Bedlem, 
S. Mary without Bisshoppesgate, and S. Thomas in Suthwerk. 
To Agnes his wife, by way of dower and reasonable part, he leaves 
another brewery called "le Cok on the hoop " and certain tene- 
ments in Grubbestrete in the parish of S. Giles without Crepul- 
gate for life ; remainder in trust for sale, and certain sums of the 
proceeds to go to Stephen and William, sons of Simon Castwater, 
"coreour." Dated London, 2 January, A.D. 1414. 
Roll 144 (7). 
Monday ext after" the Feast of S. Luke, Evangelist [18 Oct.]. 
Grantham (WLLAM), goldsmith.To be buried accoxling to 


Monday text before the Feast of S. Wdstan, Bishop [19 Ja.]. 
lokulf (HENRY), otherwise called " Lynch."--To be buried in 
the church or churchyard of S. Andrew in Holbourne. A chantry 
to be maintained in the said church for the good of his soul, the 
souls of Isabella his late wife and others. To the rector and 
churchwardens of the said church and their successors he leaves 
his tenement called "le Mykelvyne" and other tenements in 
Goldenlane and elsewhere in the parish of S. Andrew aforesaid, on 
condition they maintain certain chantries in the said church as 
directed. To Agnes his wife a hostel called "le swan on the 
hoop" in Holbourne for life, with remainder to William and Peter, 
sons of his said wife; also the residue of his goods and chattels, 
movab]e and immovable, after discharge of debts, legacies, &c., 
by way of dower and of her reasonable part. Dated London, 
29 July, A.D. 1415. Roll 144 (56). 

Crouche (ROGER), "stokfisshmongere."--To be buried in the 
church of S. Magnus near London Bridge. To Katherine his 
wife, by way of her share of his movable goods, if she will be 
content therewith, he leaves forty pounds sterling, and all orna- 
ments, clothes, vessels, jewels, &c., appertaining to his domicile. 
His tenement in the parish of S. Nicholas Olof near Oldefisshstrete 
to be sold ; forty marks of the proceeds to go to Johanna his 
kinswoman, and twenty pounds sterling for the maintenance of a 
chantry in the church of S. Magnus aforesaid for the good of his 
soul, the souls of Agnes his late wife and others. Dated London, 
24 October, A.D. 1414. Roll 144 (58). 

Monday qext after the Feast of S. Agatha, Virgi% [5 Feb.-]. 
ludwelle (RICHARD), "stokfisshmongere."---To be buried in the 
church of S. Michael de Crokidlane near Elizabeth his late wife. 
His feoffees in trust of a certain tenement and wharf in Thamyse- 
strete in the parish of S. Michael aforesaid, and of a tenement 
called " le lamb on the hoop" in the same street in the parish of 
S. Magnus near London Bridge, are directed to make a good life 
estate in the same to Matilda his wife ; remainder or reversion to 
be sold by his executors, and the proceeds devoted to pious uses for 
the good of his soul, the souls of Elizabeth his former wife, 



Matilda his present wife, James his father, Margaret his mother, 
John, James, and William his brothers, Juliana, wife of the said 
James, and others. Also to his said wife he leaves a tenement in 
Thamystrete in the parish of S. Martin 0rgar for life ; remainder 
in trust for sale for pious uses. To Sir Thomas Hassok, rector, 
and churchwardens of the church of S. Michael de Crokidlane and 
their successors, certain rents for observing his obit as directed, 
and for distribution among the poor of the parish. His lands and 
tenements at Radwell, Ruffenhale, and Norton, co. Herts, to be 
immediately sold by his executors to fulfil his testament touching 
his movable goods, and the residue to be divided into two parts, 
one part to go to his wife and the other to be devoted to masses, 
repair of highways, and other pious and charitable uses, as also 
for completing the work of covering the belfry and roof of the 
body of the church of Radwell, the chancel not benefiting by 
the bequest, that part of the church being left to the rector as is 
the custom. Dated 2 May, A.D. 1411. Roll 144 (64). 

Gippyng (THOMAS), otherwise called " Lyncoln," draper.--To 
be buried in the church of S. James de Garlekhythe. To John 
Clyfton, the rector, and churchwardens of the said church and 
their successors, he leaves certain tenements in the parish of 
S. James aforesaid, as well as in the parish of S. Michael at 
Quenehithe, to defray his funeral expenses and for the main- 
tenance of a chantry with " morowmasse" daily for the souls of 
Edward III., King of England, the testator, Johanna his late 
wife, and others, for due observance of his obit, with Placebo 
and i)irige at night and masses on the morrow, according to 
custom, and other pious and charitable uses. In default the 
property is to remain to the Abbey of Great Missenden,  co. 
Bucks, for like purposes in the church of S. Peter in the same 
vill. Also to the aforesaid rector and churchwardens of the church 
of S. James he leaves tenements in the parish of S. Dunstan 
West in Fletestrete, and in Grenewychlane in the parish of All 
Hallows at the Hay, for the purchase of tapers in honour of 
S. Nicholas in the said church of S. James, and for masses morning 
and evening, and other uses as directed; remainder in case of 
a An abbey for Black Canons built by Sir William de Missenden, Knt., A.D. 1133. 




and others. 1 John Carpenter, rector of the said church, appointed 
one of his executors. Dated London, 1 June, A.D. 1417. 
Roll 146 (27). 

Monday next before the Feast of S. Lucia, Virgin [13 Dec.]. 
Baynyng (JoHn), woolmonger.--To be buried in S. Dunstan's 
churchyard near the Tower. To Alice his wife, by way of her 
share of his movable goods, he leaves fifty pounds sterling, and 
all hustilments, ornaments, jewels, vessels, and utensils apper- 
taining to his chamber, pantry, kitchen, &c., if so be she will be 
content therewith. Certain tenements and a wharf, acquired by 
him and Agnes his former wife, in Petitwales in the parish of All 
Hallows, to be sold for pious uses. Also to Alice his wife he 
leaves tenements in Petitwales and in Berewardlane in the same 
parish for life ; remainder in trust for sale for pious and charitable 
uses. Dated London, 24 January, A.D. 1417. Roll 146 (35). 


Monday next after F. of S. Joh ante pop,am Latiam [6 May]. 
Kent (ADAM DE), skinner.- To be buried in the church or 
churchyard of S. John the Baptist upon Walbroke. Bequest of 
an annual rent, issuing from certain tenements in the parish of 
S. John aforesaid, in aid of a chantry in the said parish church, 
which rent he had jointly acquired with others, who had afterwards 
released the same to him. Dated London, the last day of May, 
A.D. 1413. Roll 147 (6). 

Monday next after the Feast of S. Faith, Virgin [60ct.]. 
White (THOMAS), "tiller."---To be buried in the church of 
S. Thomas the Martyr called " de Acon," under the marble slab 
where lie the bodies of Margery, Margaret, and Johanna his [late] 
wives. To Margery his wife a certain tenement in the parish of 

 It appears from Newcourt (' Reper- 
torium,' i. 471) that the lands and tene- 
ments here mentioned eventually be- 
came the property of the church, and 
that in course of time they became so 
neglected aud ruinous that the rents of 
them were insufficient to maintain a 

chantry priest. They were afterwards 
repaired by John Carpenter, the rector, 
as indeed he was bound to do under the 
terms of the devise, for which the 
Bishop of London grnted him an in- 
dulgence for forty days and other 
spiritual benefits. 




his obit. All his tenements in London and the suburbs, charged 
with the above bequests, are to remain in the hands of his 
executors for the space of two years in order to carry out his will, 
and afterwards to remain to his right heirs between him and 
Thomasia his wife lawfully begotten ; remainder to the Mayor 
and Commonalty of the City of London and their successors, for 
the relief of poor freemen on the occasion of assessments for 
taxes and talliages, &c. His property at Calais to be sold for 
pious uses and for repair of roads, and for the soldiers at Calais. 
His foffees of lands and tenements in co. Middlesex are directed 
to convey a lif estate therein to his aforesaid wife ; remainder to 
his right heirs as aforesaid. In default of such heirs he devises 
his manor called "Aschewys" or "Myle ende," in the parish of 
Stebenhythe and S. Mary Matfelon, 1 to John Pecche in taft, and 
another manor called "Cobammes " in the aforesaid parish to Giles 
Argentem in tail. Dated 1 January, A.D. 1405. 
Roll 147 (43). 

Mozday qzext befo'e the Feast of SS. Simon aqzd Jude [28 Oct.]. 
Speleman (STEPHEN), mercer.--To be buried in the church of 
S. Michael de Quenehithe. Bequests to the said church and 
chaplains therein. Certain tenements and rents in the parishes 
of S. Michael aforesaid and S. Vedast in Chepe to be sold by his 
executors. A brewery called "le Cok on the hoop" in the said 
parish of S. Michael to be also sold, and the proceeds devoted to 
the marriage portions of the poor, repair of highways and bridges, 
and other pious and charitable uses. His feoffees are directed to 
give a good estate in a certain tenement and wharf in Thamise- 
strete in the parish of S. Dunstan Est, and in houses and shops 
in the parish of S. Dionisius de Bakchirche, to his executors or 
their nominees, in order that the same may be sold to pay his 
debts and legacies, the residue of the proceeds being devoted to 
the health of his soul, the souls of Johanna his late wife and 
others. Also to the rector and churchwardens of the church of 

 The great manor of Stepney, ori- 
ginally belonging to S. Paul's Cathedral, 
comprised at least seven different 
modern parishes and innumerable 
smaller ecclesiastical divisions. It is 

here joined with S. Mary hIatfelon, 
the name of an ancient church which 
afterwards became the district church 
of Whitechapel (Loftie's ' Hist. of Lon- 
don," ii. 148-9}. 

S. Michael aforesaid his brewery called "le Pye on the hoop" with h-)- 
appurtenances in the parish of S. Michael aforesaid, on condition 
they maintaia a chantry in the said church as directed. In default 
the same to go to the Mayor or Warden and Commonalty of 
the City of London, on condition they maintain a chantry in the 
Guildhall Chapel. His feoffees of lands, tenements, and rents in 
the parishes of Maldon and Wathampstede in the counties of 
Bedford and Hertford are to sell the same, the proceeds being 
administered by his executors. To John Speleman his kinsman 
his lands and tenements in Totham, L co. Essex. Dated London, 
14 August, .D. 1419. Roll 147 (45). 
Monday ext after" the Feast of Conve'sion of S. Paul [35 Jan.]. A.D. 
lastolf (JoAA), widow.--To be buried in the church of 
S. Mary de Bothawe near the sepulchre of Simon Dolsaly her 
grandfather. Certain tenements in an alley called "Fastolf Aley" 
in the parish of S. Stephen in Colmanstrete, near an alley called 
"Mille Aley," and her brewery called "le George," to be sold by 
her executors and the proceeds distributed in charity. To her 
executors she leaves specific goods, among which is a diamond ring 
with the inscription Vous aime de tout qnoun coer, and a piece 
[of silver] with super-covercle fiat. Dated 13 September, A.D. 
1417. loll 147 (60). 
Monday qext before the Feast of S. Cuthbe't, Bishop [20 Ma'ch]. 
Knyght (JAMES), brewer.--To be buried in the churchyard of 
the church of S. Dionisius Bakchirche. To Alice his wife a tene- 
ment called " le Cheqer on the hoop," with houses, shops, &c., in 
Fanchirchestrete in the parish of S. Dionisius aforesaid, for life ; 
remainder to John, Henry, and James his sons in equal parts. 
The reversion of certain houses and shops to be sold, and twenty 
marks of the proceeds to go to Katherine and Margaret his 
daughters respectively. Dated London, 18 February, A.D. 1417. 
1oll 147 (76). 
ANNO 8 HENRY V. h.. 
Monday the Feast of S. John ante portam Latinam [6 May]. 
Wollebergh (NiChOLAS), fishmonger.--To be buried in the 
 Pobbly Tottenham in Middlesex is here meant. 




church of S. Nicholas Coldabbey near Oldefisshstret where lie the 
bodies of his children. To Margaret his wife the reversion of a 
tenement in the purish of S. Nicholas aforesaid, after the death 
of Alice his mother, wife of John Wollebergh, to hold the same 
for life ; remainder to Cecilia his daughter in tail ; remainder to 
Isabella, wife of John Whitwell, for life ; remainder in trust for 
sale, and the proceeds to be devoted to pious and charitable uses 
for the good of his soul, the souls of his father, mother, children, 
and others. Also to his said wife he leaves one half of the residue 
of his movable goods by way of her share, and the other half to 
be devoted to pious uses. Dated London, the last day of October, 
A.D. 1407.---His feoffees in trust of certain rents issuing from the 
above tenement are directed to make a life estate therein to his 
aforesaid wife, so that she give security to his executors for the 
due observance of his obi in the church of S. Nicholas aforesaid 
as directed. Further his will is that his feoffees aforesaid release 
their claim to the above rents to some one individual who in his 
turn shall leave the same by wilP to the rector and church- 
wardens of the church of S. Nicholas for keeping the testator's 
obit in manner specified. Also his feoffees of lands and tene- 
ments in the rills and fields of Notefeld,  Borstowe, 3 and 
Horlegh, 4 co. Surrey, are to make a good life estate in the 
same to Alice his mother, with remainder to his wife, his 
daughter, and to Isabella Whitwell. I-Iis feoffees of lands and 
tenements in Katerham, co. Surrey, to convey the same to 
Margaret his wife for life ; remainder over. His lands and 
tenements in the vill of Chelmesford to be sold, and two 
thirds of the proceeds devoted to the maintenance of a 
chantry in the church of Chelmesford. His manor of Westbury, 
co. Bucks, to be also sold, and a portion of the proceeds devoted to 
repair of roads and other works of charity. Roll 148 (1). 

Body (JonN), upholder.--To be buried in the churchyard of 
the church of S. iIichael upon Cornhull. To Agnes his wife for 
life all his tenements in the street and parish of S. Mary Magdalene 

 Citizens of London might devise in 
mortmain. See Introd., Part I., p. xxxvii. 
2 Nutfield. 

5 Upholsterer, or dealer in second- 
hand clothes and furniture. Fr. 
= fripperer or pheliper. 



de Milkestrete, which he inherited from Johanna Body his late 
mother, daughter of Thomas Coterell, late mercer ; remainder to 
Elena his daughter in tail ; remainder to the rectors and church- 
wardens of the respective churches of S. Michael aforesaid and 
S. Pancras in Westchepe, on condition they keep his obit, dis- 
pose of the proceeds among the poor of the respective parishes, 
and perform all other conditions attaching to the devise. Dated 
London, 1 September, A.D. 1420.  Roll 148 (3). 

Monday next after the Feast of S. Dnstan, Bishop [19 May]. 
Cosham (John), mercer.---To be buried as directed in another 
testament. To the vicar and churchwardens of the church of 
S. Laurence in Old Jewry certain tenements in the parish of 
S. Mary le Bow in Westchepe for the maintenance of chantries 
in the church of S. Laurence aforesaid for the good of his soul, 
the souls of Johanna his late wife, Roger de Glendon, Alice, wife 
of the same, William Pountfret, Alice, wife of the same, and 
others, and the residue of the issues and profits of the said tene- 
ments to be devoted to the maintenance of the fabric, ornaments, 
&c., of the said church. In default the property is to go over to 
the Mayor and Commonalty of the City of London to carry out 
the terms of his will. Dated London, 10 February, A.D. 1419. 
Roll 148 (7). 

Manday next afle the Feast of SS. Pete and Paul [29 June]. 
Bulstrode (JonN), goldsmith.--To be buried in the common 
churchyard of S. Paul's before the high cross where the Gospels 
are wont to be preached. To John his son all his instru- 
ments appertaining to his art of goldsmithery called "tool, ''2 and 
all his body armour ; also a tenement in Westchepe in the parish 
of S. Matthew de Frydaystrete, saving the dower of Laurencia 
his wife, to hold in tail ; remainder to Johanna, Matilda, Isabella, 
and Roberga his daughters in successive tail; remainder in trust for 
sale, and the proceeds devoted to the maintenance of chantries, 

1 There must be some mistake either 
in the date of the will or of its enrol- 
 Cf. s%pq'et, p. 317, where a goldsmith 

leaves to his apprentice all the tools 
(totura role) of his shop, with the excep- 
tion of cortain blance$. 



of a churchyard, so that the rector and chaplains of the said 
church and their successors have the testator's soul, the souls of 
Johanna his wife and others, in remembrance at mass and divine 
service. If the land be used for any other purpose the devise 
to be void. Dated London, 5 September, A.D. 1420. 
Roll 148 (39). 

Monday next after the Feast of S. Wulstan, Bshop [19 Jan.J. 
Asshurst (THOMAS), "wodemonger." To be buried in the 
churchyard of the church of S. Andrew at Baynardescastell near 
the place where lies the body of Nicholas Clerk, late parish clerk 
of the said church. Devise of a tenement in the parish of 
S. James de Garlikhethe in aid of a chantry in the church 
of S. Andrew aforesaid for the souls of John Parant, esquire, 
Clemencia, late wife of the same, and others. To Elizabeth his 
wife two mansions in the street of Fanchirche in the parish of 
S. Mary de Fanchirche, on condition that she forego her claim 
of dower of the aforesaid tenement in the parish of S. James ; 
otherwise the same to be sold for pious and charitable uses. 
Dated London, 25 August, A.D. 1420. Roll 148 (45). 

Fit. ttugh 0VLLM), goldsmith.--His tenement in the lane 
called" Mynchonlane" in the parish of S. Dunstan near the Tower 
to be sold, Robert ritz Robert, junior, being preferred as pur- 
chaser, and one moiety of the proceeds to go to Elena his wife. 
Also to his said wife his tenement in the parish of S. Mary de 
Aldermariechirche for life ; remainder to John ritz Robert his 
kinsman in tail ; remainder to the rector and churchwardens of 
the church of S. Mary Wolnoth in Lumbardstrete in trust for 
sale ; ten marks of the proceeds to be to the use of the fabric of 
the body of the said church, and the residue to be devoted to 
the relief of his poor relations and poor householders of good 
character within the City, the celebration of masses, &c. Dated 
London, 5 August, A.D. 1420. Roll 148 (49). 

Monday next after the Feast of S. Chad, Bishop [2 MarchJ. 
lede (HE.'RY), armourer.--To be buried in S. Paul's church- 
yard called "Pardonchirchehawe," where his brother Matthew 



Rede lies buried. His movable goods and chattels, after discharge 
of liabilities, to be divided into two equal parts, whereof one part 
he leaves to Katherine his wife. To Sir John Batell, the rector, 
churchwardens and parishioners of the church of S. Augustine 
at S. Paul's Gate, he leaves a tenement in Westchepe in the purish 
of S. Mary Magdalene in Milkstrete, near a tenement called " le 
Brokenselde," and other tenements in the high street of Olde- 
chaunge, on condition that they maintain a chantry in the 
church of S. Augustine aforesaid, observe his obit, and perform 
other duties as directed. In default the property to go over to 
the Mayor or Warden and Commonalty of the City and their 
successors as Wardens of London Bridge for like purposes. Also 
to Katherine his wife all his tenements in the parish of S. Sepul- 
chre without Newgate for life, provided she forego her dower of 
the before-mentioned tenements ; remainder to Thomas Blount 
de Bristol his brother ; remainder in trust for sale for pious and 
charitable uses. Bequests to the church of S. Augustine and 
ministers thereof, as well as for providing bells for the belfry, and 
ornamenting the ceiling of the nave of the church in a handsome 
manner to the glory of God, on condition that the rector shall do 
the same for the chancel. To Thomas Blount his brother silver 
pots and cups called " standyngcuppes" of the newest pattern, 
with covercles, and four flat pieces (plazas pecias) of silver 
without covercles. Dated London, 6 September, A.D. 1420. 
Roll 148 (55). 
Chesterford (ROBERT), cordwainer.--To be buried in the church 
of S. Laurence Pountney. To Johanna his wife all his lands, 
tenements, and rents in the parish of S. Laurence for life, charged 
with the observance of his obit in the said parish church; remainder 
iu trust for sale for pious and charitable uses. Dated London, 
19 December, A.D. 1420. Roll 148 (58). 


Monday the Feast of S. Johqz ante portam Lat,inam [6 Mayl]. 
Storme (RcnnRD).--To be buried in the church of S. Clement 
near Estchep, near the grave of Alice his late wife. To Johanna 
his wife a tenement opposite London Wall in the parish of 
S. Stephen in Colmanstrete, and tenements called "le harp on 
1 This membrane is out of place. 



in trust of property at Chelmeresford are directed to entail the 
same upon Richard his son immediately the said Richard attains 
the age of twenty-four years; remainders over. Dated London, 
2 April, A.D. 1416. Roll 149 (36). 

Monday next after the Feast of S. Maur, Abbot [15 Jan.]. 
leel (rILLIAM), citizen of Chichester.l--To be buried in the 
cathedral church of Chichester. To the Master and Brethren of 
the Hospital of S. Thomas the Martyr in Southwerk he leaves 
certain rents in Thamisestrete in the parish of S. Botolph near 
Bfllyngesgate, charged with the maintenance of two lamps. To 
John Hully of Chichester, junior, houses in Bredstrete, opposite 
the tavern called " le Ravon," in the parish of S. Nicholas 01of. 
To Thomas Pacchyng of Chichester a tenement in Thamisestre (sic) 
in the parish of S. Martin 0rgar for life ; remainder in trust for 
pious and charitable uses for the good of his soul, the souls of 
Alice his late wife, formerly wife of John Waleworth, vintner, and 
others. Dated the Vigil of S. Laurence [-10 Aug.J, A.D. 1418. 
Roll 149 (45). 
Whytemur (VILLIAM), "joynour."--To Agnes his wife his 
tenement in Cordewanerstrete in the parish of S. James de Garlek- 
hithe for a term of thirty years; remainder to William Huntyngdon, 
rector of the church of S. James aforesaid, and the masters of the 
Fraternity of S. James aforesaid, and their successors, to the use 
and behoof of the said fraternity. Dated London, 16 December, 
A.D. 1419. Roll 149 (46). 

Monday next eteq the Feast of Canve,sion of S. Paul [25 Jaq.]. 
lYliddelton (W[LL0, grocer.- To be buried in the parish 
church or churchyard of S. Elena near Bisshopesgate. To Juliana 
his wife lands and tenements in the parishes of S. Margaret in 
Briggestrete and S. M_ichael near Crokedlane for life, charged with 
due observance of his obit ; remainder to the Mayor or Warden 
and Commonalty of the City. To John his bastard son he leaves 
tenements in Bogerowe in the parish of S. Antonin for life, with 
similar remainder on condition the said Mayor, &c., pay certain 
 In the record of probate he is called late citizen md intner of London. 



sums of money out of the profits of the same to the Prioress and 
Convent of S. Elena aforesaid for keeping his obit, distribute 
other sums among the sick, poor, and insane within the Hospital 
of S. Mary de Bedlem, the poor lepers in the hospitals of S. Giles 
without Holbourne, le loke near Suthwerk, and Hakeney, and pay 
ten pounds to the Warden and Commonalty for the maintenance 
of Rochester Bridge in co. Kent, and twenty pounds to poor alms- 
folk and others in manner as directed. In default the whole of the 
property to be sold by the rectors of the churches of S. Margaret 
and S. Michael aforesaid, and the proceeds devoted to the main- 
tenance of Rochester Bridge and of other bridges throughout 
the country where most necessary, the relief of the poor, and 
other charitable objects. To Richard son of John Beamond, 
"chaundeler," he leaves shops in the parish of S. Botolph near 
Billyngesgate in tail; remainder to Juliana, Dionisia, and 
Margaret, daughters of John Beamond aforesaid, as tenants in 
common with cross remainders ; ultimate remainder in trust for 
sale for charitable uses. Dated London, 20 November, A.D. 1419. 
Roll 149 (53). 

Monday qext after the Feast of S. Gregory, Pope [12 March]. 
lYlerluwe (RICHAlD),"iremonger."--To be buried in the chancel 
of the church of S. Michael de Qwenehith. To Agnes his wife a 
sum of money, and all utensils and necessaries appertaining to his 
hall, chamber, parlour, butlery, pantry, and kitchen, &c., by way 
of her share of his movable goods, on condition that she content 
herself therewith; also his tenements in the parishes of S. Michael 
aforesaid, S. Mildred in the Poultry, S. Ethelburga within Bis- 
shopesgate, and S. Brigid in Fletestrete for life; remainder to 
Thomas his son in tail ; remainder in trust for sale for pious uses. 
To William Wright, the rector, and churchwardens of the church 
of S. Michael aforesaid, he leaves a certain tenement situate 
in the parish, provided they maintain a chantry in the said 
church at the altar of S. Katherine for the good of his soul in 
manner directed. In default the said tenement to go over to 
the Mayor or Warden and Commonalty of the City of London, 
on condition that they maintain a chantry in the chapel of the 
Guildhall. The residue of his goods to be devoted to charitable 




factotum. The residue of the proceeds to be devoted to the relief 
of prisoners for debt, bestowal of marriage portions, repair of roads, 
&c. His executors directed to find Agnes Forster in food, clothing, 
and shelter for life. Dated London, 24 December, A.D. 1421. 
By codicil he leaves to Matilda Legge forty shillings, a house 
for her to live in, and a leasehold tenement in the parish 
of S. Christopher aforesaid. Richard Claidich to be allowed to 
have the reversion before mentioned for one hundred pounds 
sterling, instead of one hundred and twenty as stated in his vill. 
Dated 8 January, A.D. 1421. Roll 150 (11). 

Est (VILLIAM).--TO be buried according to directions contained 
in another testament. To Alice his wife for life lands and tene- 
ments in the parish of S. Dionisius in the ard of Langebourne, 
provided that she keep the same in good repair and maintain a 
chantry in the church of S. Olave in Southwerk near London 
Bridge ; in default of which the property is to go over to the 
Mayor and Commonalty of the City of London and their suc- 
cessors to the use of London Bridge, on condition that the 
Wardens of the said bridge be allowed to administer the estate 
and that they maintain a chantry as aforesaid. In default the 
property is to be administered by the Chamberlain of the City 
for the time being, vho is to maintain a chantry in the chapel 
of the Guildhall and devote the residue of the issues and profits 
to the maintenance of the conduits of London. His co-feoffees of 
tenements in the parish of S. John Zakary and in the vill and 
parish of iNewenton, co. Sun'ey, are directed to convey the same 
to Thomas and William his sons as soon as they come of age, 
and if they die under age, to Katherine his daughter. A certain 
tenement in the rill of Croydon to be sold for pious uses. Dated 
London, 6 September, A.D. 1421. Roll 150 (12). 

Monday the Feast of S. Margaret, Virgin [20 Jdy]. 
Est (WILLIAM).--To be buried in the church of S. Olave near 
London Bridge. To William the prior and the convent of the 
church of H. Trinity he leaves certain rents in the parish of 
S. Swithun in Candelwykstrete. Dated London, 8 September, 
n.D. 1421. Roll 150 (29). 



Monday %exit afte the Feast of S. James, Apostle [o5 
Murchaunt (John), late Common Clerk 1 of the City of London. 
--To be buried in the conventual church of H. Trinity within 
Algate. To the rector and churchwardens of the church of 
S. Margaret de Lothebury an annual quitrent issuing from certain 
tenements in the parishes of S. Olave in Old Jewry, S. Stephen 
de Colmanstret, and S. Margaret de Lothbury, charged with the 
maintenance of a chantry in the said church for the good of his 
soul, the souls of John le Botoner, Margery and Mabel, wives 
of the same, and others. To the Prior and Convent of the church 
of H. Trinity aforesaid he leaves the above tenements so charged, 
and also the reversion of a tenement at one time belonging to 
Nicholas his father in the parish of S. Margaret aforesaid, so 
that the said prior, &c., maintain certain chantries for the good 
of his soul, the souls of Leticia his wife and others, pay every 
Friday threepence sterling to poor parishioners of S. Katherine 
de Crichirch, and duly observe his obit, &c., as directed. In 
default the property to go over to the Mayor and Commonalty of 
the City to the use of the Guildhall Chapel, for the maintenance 
of chantries therein and other pious and charitable uses. John 
Carpenter s appointed one of his executors. Dated London, 18 
July, .D. 1421. Roll 150 (41). 

Manday qzext before the Feast of S. Wulstan, Bishop [19 Jan.]. 
Blakeden (JOHN), goldsmith.--To be buried in the church of 
S. Anne within Aldrichegate, of which he was a parishioner. To 
Alice his wife all his lands, tenements, &c., in the parish of 
S. Anne aforesaid, as well as in Westsmethefeld in the parish of 
S. Sepulchre without Newgate, for life ; the reversion of the same 
to be sold, preference being given to a goldsmith in the sale of 
his dwelling-house and of his tenements in Westsmethefeld. The 
proceeds to be divided into four parts: one part to be divided 
 The ancient designation of Town | act as executor of citizens' wills. Best 
Clerk. I known as the founder of the City of Lon- 
 Succeeded the testator in 1417 as don School, andthe compiler of the City's 
Common Clerk of the City, in which laws and customs in the JSiber Albs. 
capacity he was fmquentlycalled uponto . (See Letter-Book I, fol. 194 b.) 



remainder to Sir Thomas Riggele, the rector, churchwardens 
and parishioners of the church of S. Leonard aforesaid, charged 
with keeping his obit and other religious services as directed. The 
residue of the profits to be devoted to the maintenance of the 
Fraternity of the Blessed Mary withitl the aforesaid church, as 
well as of the fabric and ornaments of the same church. Also to 
his wife certain leasehold tenements in the parishes of S. Leonard 
de Estchep and S. Clement near Candelwykstrete, held under 
the New Hospital of S. Mary without Bisshopesgate, for life ; 
remainder to his daughter. Dated London, 28 April, A.D. 1422. 
Roll 151 (53). 


Monday qtext after Feast of S. Martin, Bishop, in Yeme [11 lov.]. 
l.yrme (WILLIAM), grocer.--To Alice his wife his wharf called 
"Wollewharf," with houses in the parish of All Hallows de 
Berkyngchirch; also lands and tenements in the parishes of 
S. Dunstan in the East, S. Katherine Colmanchirche, and All 
Hallows de Graschirche, to hold the same for life so long as she 
remain unmarried; remainders to John and Robert his sons in 
successive tail ; remainder to Margaret, Alice, and Beatrix his 
daughters and the heirs of their respective bodies; remainder, as 
to a portion of the above tenements, to Master John Malverne, 
the rector, and churchwardens of the church of S. Dunstan in the 
East, on condition that they maintain a perpetual chantry in the 
said church for the good of his soul, the souls of William his father, 
Sandrissa his mother, and others, and perform certain pious and 
charitable duties as directed; remainder, in case of default, 
to the use of the bridge of Rouchestre, co. Kent. Other 
tenements to be sold, and the proceeds devoted to relief 
of the poor, repair of highways, &c. Tenements especially 
mentioned are " le Rose " and "' le Herr on the hope " in the 
parish of All Hallows aforesaid. Dated London, 6 August, 
A.D. 1421. Roll 162 (20). 

Weuton (JOHn) de Okham, co. Surrey.--To be buried in the 
church of S. Martin Orgar near Candelwykstrete. To Richard 
VOL. II. 2 F 



called "la Katerine Whele," and now called 'la Rose," near 
Dicereslane otherwise called "le Redye," in the parish of 
S. Nicholas aforesaid, a tenement in the parish of S. Bartholo- 
mew the Less in the Ward of Bradstrete, a tenement formerly 
called "le Pye on the hoop," and now called "le George on the 
hoop," situate in the street called "le Barbycan" in the parish of 
S. Giles without Crepulgate, and others; so that the said Dean 
and Chapter maintain a chantry before the altar of the Blessed 
Virgin in the nave of S. Paul's Church, near the tomb of Sir John 
Beauchamp, 1 Knt., for the souls of Sir Thomas Stowe,e formerly 
Dean of S. Paul's, and others, and perform other services in 
manner directed. The aforesaid tenements, subject to the above 
rent, he leaves to the Prior and Canons of the church of S. Bar- 
tholomew near Westsmythfeld, on condition they keep the same 
in good repair; otherwise the property is to go over to the 
Wardens of the Fraternity or Chantry of the Blessed Mary and 
S. Giles, fotnded in the church of S. Giles without Crepulgate 
for the soul of the Lord Richard, formerly King of England, upon 
like conditions. In default the aforesaid tenements are to remain 
to the Dean and Chapter of S. Paul's for the maintenance of a 
chantry as aforesaid. Dated London, 15 September, A.D. 1423. 
Roll 152 (42). 
Westyerd (JogN), vintner.--To be buried in the church of 
S. Nicholas at the Shambles. His tenement called "le Papyngeay," 
in the street called "le Morestrete" in the parish of S. Giles 
without Crepulgate, to be sold by his executors with the assent of 
John Fray,  Recorder of the City, and a chantry to be maintained 
out of the proceeds in the said church of S. Nicholas for the good 
of his soul, the souls of Juliana his late wife and others. To the 
Wardens of the Fraternity or Chantry of the Blessed Mary and 
S. Giles, founded in the church of S. Giles aforesaid for the soul of 
the late King Richard, he leaves certain shops and houses in Cos- 
wellestret in the parish of S. Botolph without Alderichegate, in aid 
of the said fraternity or chantry, so that the chaplains and 

1 See note stT'a, p. 188. 
a Elected Dean in October, 1400, and 
died probably about five years after- 
wards. Newcourt mentions this founds- 
tion of a chantry by the testator (' Re- 
pertorium,' p. 43). 

 Afterwards appointed a Baron, and 
Lord Chief Baron, of the Exchequer. 
His will is enrolled infra, Hust. Roll 
206 (5). 




brethren of the same pray especially for his soul, the souls of 
John Page, 1 late servant of the cathedral church of S. Paul, and 
others. To Alice Westyerd his kinswoman lands and tenements 
in Secollane in the parish of S. Sepulchre without Newegate. 
Dated London, 15 September, A.D. 1423. Roll 152 (43). 


Monday next before the Feast of S. Luke, Evangelist [18 Oct.]. 
Stokeslee (WILLIAM), ' stokfisshmongere."-- Bequest to the 
rector of the church of S. Magnus near London Bridge for oblations 
forgotten. To Sarah his wife his tenements in the parishes of 
S. Botolph without Bisshopesgate and S. Michael de Cornhull for 
life so long as she remain unmarried; remainder in trust for sale 
for pious uses. Dated London, 16 March, A.D. 1399. 
Roll 153 (10). 

Monday next after the Feast of Conversion of S. Paul [25 Jan.]. 
Elyngham (JoH.), senior, "stokfisshmongere."--To be buried 
in the church of S. Michael de Crokedlane. Certain tenements 
jointly held by the testator and Alice his wife in an alley called 
" Lennesaleye," and elsewhere in the parish of S. Michael afore- 
said, to be sold after the decease of his said wife (or the reversion 
to be sold during her lifetime), and the proceeds devoted to pious 
and charitable uses. Dated London, 4 October, A.D. 1424. 
Roll 153 (28). 

Monday nect after the Feast of SS. Peter and Paul [29 June]. 
Hope (WILLIAM), goldsmith.--To be buried before the cross in 
the great churchyard of S. Paul's. To William Byngham, the rector, 
churchwardens and parishioners of the church of S. John Zakary, he 

 Among the archives of S. Paul's 
Cathedral there is an agreement, en- 
tered into A.D. 1369, between the Dean 
and Chapter, of the one part, and Roger 
Fraunkeleyn and John Page, carpenters, 
of the other part, for the erection of 
certain houses near S. Paul's bakehouse, 
with specifications in detail; and also 
a demise by the Dean and Chapter to 

John Page, carpenter, of a shop with 
solar above towards the eastern part 
of the churchyaxd, dated A.D. 1368-9 
(Hist. IISS. Com., Ninth Report, Ap- 
pendix, pp. 50a, 51a). Of the identity 
of John Page, carpenter, with John 
Page, late servant of the cathedral, 
there can be little doubt. 



leaves certain shops, &c., in Godronlane in the parish of S. John 
Zakary (which he formerly acquired jointly with others, who 
released the same to him) to hold to the said rector, &c., to the 
use of the fabric and ornaments of the said church in return for 
their prayers. To the Prior and Chapter of Christchurch, Can- 
terbury, an annual quitrent issuing from tenements in the parish 
of S. Michael de Bassyngeshawe. To Dame Elizabeth Fraunceys 
for her trouble in executing his testament he leaves a small tablet 
de cy_pres,  garnished with gold. Dated London, 28 May, A.D. 1425. 
Roll 153 (73). 
itz Robert (ROBERT), grocer.--To the Abbot and Convent of 
the Monastery of S. Mary of Graces near the Tower he leaves all 
his lands and tenements at the corner of Douegate in the parish 
of All Hallows at the Hay in Themsestrete, for celebrating divine 
service within the said monastery for the good of his soul, the 
souls of Johanna his late wife and others ; also an annual rent of 
ten shillings issuing from tenements in the lane called "Hey- 
wharflane," in the parish of All Hallows aforesaid, by way of a 
pittance s to be expended upon the refectory of the monks at his 
obit. To the rector and churchwardens of the church of S. Mary 
de Aldermarychirche certain rents of tenements and of a vharf 
called " Fresshwharf," in the parish of S. Botolph near Billynges- 
gate, so that they maintain a chantry in the said church for the 
good of his soul, the souls of Johanna his late wife and others. 
Also to the said rector, &c., certain other rents issuing from mes- 
suages in the same lane and parish, to be expended on observance of 
his obit, &c., as directed. To Robert Fitz Robert junior, his son, 
he leaves the residue of his lands and tenements. Dated London, 
26 December, 1 Henry VI. [A.D. 1422]. Roll 153 (74). 


Askham CWrLLIi), Alderman. 3--To be buried in the church 
of S. Michael de Crokedlane in the place where lies the body of 
3ohn Lovekyn. His feoffees in trust of lands and tenements in 
Thamisestrete in the parish of S. Dunstan near the Tower are 
directed to convey a life estate in the same to Matilda his with; 
the reversion of the same to be sold, and the proceeds devoted to 
1 William de Grantham leaves a small ] delicacy or extra allowance of food for 
forcer of cipres (Part I. p. 649). I thee monks. 
 lIoney to be expended on some Of what ward uncertain, 

remain to the Bishop of London for carrying out the terms of 
his will. Dated London, 20 May, A.D. 1418. Roll 154 (6). 

Monday nex afv the Feast of All Saints [1 5ov.]. 
ttan_hampstede (Join, 0. --His tenements in the parish of 
S. Michael de Bassyngeshawe to be sold by his executors and the 
proceeds distributed as directed. To Petronilla his wife twenty 
pounds, and rents in the parish of S. John upon Walbrok for life ; 
remainder to Alice his sister, wife of William atte Welle, brewer, 
in tail ; remainder to pious and charitable uses. The reversion of 
certain tenements held for life by John Arderne, esquire, in the 
parish of S. Mary Aldermarichurch, to be sold for pious and 
charitable uses. Dated 4 May, A.D. 1424. Roll 154 (12). 

George (RICttARD), goldsmith.--To be buried in S. Paul's 
churchyard called "Pardonchirchehawe." To Matilda his wife 
all his lands, tenements, &c., in the parish of S. Leonard in 
S. Vedast Lane and within the Hospital of S. Bartholomew in 
Westsmythfeld for life, the reversion of the same being sold 
immediately after his death for pious and charitable uses. Dated 
London, 15 May, A.D. 1425. Roll 154 03). 

Moday ext after the Feast of S. Hila'y [18 Jan.]. 
Sudbury (JOHN), grocer.--To Dionisia his wife, by way of her 
share of his goods, he leaves forty pounds of current money 
(tsualis mmee); also certain tenements in the parish of 
. Leonard de Estchepe for life, so long as she remain unmarried 
and well conducted and bring up his children becomingly; re- 
mainders to William, John, and Robert his sons in successive tail ; 
remainder in trust for sale for pious and charitable uses. To the 
Master of the College of S. Gregory at Sudbury t and brethren of 
the same he leaves the reversion of a certain tenement for the 
maintenance of a chantry in the said college. Also to Dionisia 
his wife his leasehold tenement in the parish of S. Leonard afore- 
t Co. Suffolk. The parochial church following year made it collegiate, and 
was purchased in 1374 of the nuns of founded a college for six secular 
Eaton, co. Warwick, by Simon de Sud- priests on the spot where their father's 
bury, then Bishop of London, and John house stood ITanner's ' Kotit. Monast.,' 
his brother (the testator ?), who in the p. 509). 




Abbot of Wynchecombe by Fletewharf in the parish of S. Brigid 
to be sold, Johanna Hall being preferred as purchaser. The 
proceeds to be devoted to discharge of debts, pious uses, &e. 
Robert his brother appointed one of his executors. Dated the 
morrow of the Annunciation of V. Mary [25 March], A.D. 1426. 
Roll 155 (24). 

Monday zext before F. of S. John ante pertain Latinam [6 May]. 
Westort (Jog), merchant. --To be buried in the church of 
S. Mary atte Hyll near Billyngesgate. To the rector and church- 
wardens of the said church he leaves the reversion of a certain 
tenement * within the parish after the decease of Johanna his wife, 
the profits of the same to be devoted to the maintenance of a 
chantry, the observance of his obit, maintenance of church fabric, 
&c., as directed. In default the property to go over to the Mayor 
or Warden and Commonalty of the City of London to the use 
of London Bridge, for the maintenance of a chantry in the chapel 
of the said bridge ; and again in default, to the Master and 
Brethren of the Hospital of S. Thomas the Martyr in Suthwerk 
for like purpose in the church of the said hospital. Dated London, 
18 July, A.D. 1407. Roll 155 (52). 

Monday zext before the Feast of S. Ma'ga'et, Virgiq [20 July]. 
2ornewaill (MArGaRET, relict of BENEDICT, draper).--To the 
Prior and Convent of the House of the Salutation of the Mother 
of God of the Carthusian Order near London she leaves lands 
and tenements in the parish of S. Benedict in Langbourne "Ward, 
so that they observe her obit as directed. To the rector and 
churchwardens of the church of S. Mary de Wolchirch a certain 
shop near the tenement called " le Cok on the hop," in the 
parish of S. Mary aforesaid, in aid of a chantry and for the repair 
of the nave of the church, maintenance of its ornaments, &c. In 
default the same to remain to the Mayor and Commonalty and 
Chamberlain of the Guildhall of the City of London in trust to 
carry out the terms of her will. Other tenements, comprising a 

1 2lIereator : described as mercer in 
an account of the parish of S. Mary at 
Hill {privately printed, 1878). Indi- 

viduals well known to have been grocers 
are also sometimes styled zaereatoes. 
 aid to have been confiscated 1548 





atte Vyne, draper, and others, the residue of the profits being dis- 
tributed in charity. In every case of default a sum of twenty 
shillings to be paid by way of penalty to the Mayor and Com- 
monalty of the City of London for the maintenance of London 
Bridge. Dated London, 17 December, A.D. 1426. 
Roll 155 (78). 
Everurd (Jo), mercer.--To be buried as directed in another 
testament touching his movable goods. To Richard Granger, 
the rector, churchwardens and parishioners of the church of 
S. Pancras, an annual quitrent of certain lands and tene- 
ments in various parishes within the City of London and 
suburbs, with metes and bounds as set out in certain deeds, 
which quitrent formerly belonged to William Causton, mercer; 
for the maintenance of two chantries in the aforesaid church 
for the good of his soul and the soul of the said William Causton. 
Also to John Newton, the rector, and churchwardens of the 
church of S. Benedict Shorhogge, an annual rent issuing from a 
tenement in the parish of S. Margaret Patyns, for observing the 
obit of John Frossh, late mercer, and Juliana, wife of the same. 
Also to the aforesaid rector and churchwardens of the church of 
S. Pancms an annual rent issuing from a tenement in the parish 
of S. Margaret aforesaid, for maintenance of the church clock. 
Dated London, 8 June, a.D. 1426. Roll 155 (80). 

Stokton (ROGER), brewer.--To be buried before the altar 
of the Fraternity of S. Michael in the body of the church 
of S. Michael upon Cornhull. To Margaret his sister forty 
shillings, and all his goods and chattels, lands and tene- 
ments, in the county of Devon. To Master Peter Hynewyk, the 
rector, and churchwardens of the church of S. Michael afore- 
said, he leaves a certain brewery formerly called "les Stulpes," 
and now called "le Swan on the hop," opposite le Toe  in 
Cornhull, charged with the maintenance of a lamp to burn day 

 "Then have ye a fair conduit of 
sweet water, castellated in the middest 
of that ward and street [i.e. Cornhill]. 
This conduit was first built of stone in 
the year 1282 by Henry Walles, lIayor 
of London, to be a prison for night- 
walkers, and was called the Tun upon 

Cornehill, because the same was built 
somewhat in fashion of a tun standing 
on the one end" (Stow's 'Survey,' 
Thoms's ed., 186, p. 71). Prisons are 
said hence to have acquired the name 
of "round house." 



and night before the high cross within the said church, and with 
the observance of his obit, the obit of Margaret his wife, &c., 
in manner directed. In default the tenement to go over to the 
Wardens of London Bridge to carry out the terms of his will. 
Dated London, 12 June, A.D. 1419. Roll 155 (81). 

13uke (JoHn), tailor.--To be buried in the churchyard of the 
church of All Hallows near Graschirche, of which church he was 
a parishioner, between two trees called "Elmys" which grew 
there. To Sir William Lopynton, the rector, churchwardens 
and other parishioners of the aforesaid church, he leaves an 
annual rent issuing out of his brewery called "le Skut on 
the hoop" in Graschirchstrete in the parish of All Hallows 
aforesaid, for the maintenance of a chantry for the good of 
his soul, the souls of Juliana, Agnes, and Emma his late 
wives, Alice atte More his kinswoman, and others, as well as 
for providing wax tapers, &c., as directed. Sir Geoffrey Lane 
his chaplain to be the first appointed to the chantry. In 
default the said rent to go over to the Mayor and Commonalty of 
the City of London for the perpetual maintenance of London 
Bridge. Also to Richard Northyn, Master, and the Vardens of 
the Tailors and Armourers of Linen Armour of the Fraternity 
of S. John the Baptist in the City of London, he leaves the 
aforesaid brewery, &c., subject to the above rent charge, for 
assisting the poor members of the fraternity. 1 Dated London, 
26 January, A.D. 1422. Roll 155 (82). 


Monday next after the Feast of S. Edmund, Bishop [16 lov.]. 
Wethyhale (RICHARD), goldsmith.--To be buried in S. Dun- 
stan's Chapel in the church of S. Peter in Westchepe. To Alice 
his wife a tenement called " le Newtaverne " in the parish of 
S. Peter aforesaid for life ; remainders to John and Thomas his 

i No mention of this devise to the Companies' Commission appointed in 
1Ierchant Taylors' Company appears 1880, to whose Report (which appeared 
either in the Report made to the Com- in 1884) frequent reference will be made 
missioners by ]Ir. Hare in 1864 or in the in cases of property left to civic com- 
Company's own return to the Livery pnies in trust for charitable purposes. 





sons in successive tail ; remainder to the Wardens of the Mistery 
of Goldsmiths of London and commonalty of the same for the relief 
of the blind and infirm of the same commonalty, as well as for 
the maintenance of a chantry in the church of S. Peter aforesaid, 
observance of his obit, &c., in manner directed. 1 In default the 
property to go over to the rector and certain parishioners of the 
church of S. Peter aforesaid in trust for sale for pious and 
charitable uses. Dated London, 15 September, .D. 1427. 
Roll 156 (16). 

Mop,day ext after the Feast of S. Gregory, Pope [12 
Pycard (WILLIAM), grocer.---To Johanna his wife a tenement 
called " le Talbot" in Candelwykstrete in the parish of S. Mary 
de Abbechirche for life ; remainder to the rector and church- 
wardens of the church of S. Martin Orgar for prayers for the 
souls of Villiam. Hyde, John Courteys, and others. To Alice 
Burward, Prioress of the House of S. Leonard at Stratford atte 
Bowe, and convent of the same, he leaves another tenement in 
the same street and parish for similar uses. Dated London, 
24 January, .D. 1425. Roll 156 (32). 

Monday text before the Feast of S. Barnabas, Apostle [11 Juqze]. 
Bartelot (SIMOn), mercer.---To Richard Collyng, the vicar, and 
churchwardens of the church of S. Laurence in Old Jewry, a cer- 
rain tenement at the corner of S. Laurence Lane in Old Jewry, 
charged with the maintenance of a chantry for the good of his 
soul, the souls of William Parker senior, Johanna, wife of the same, 
William Parker junior, Margaret, wife of the same, and others, 
and also the observance of an obit annually for the same as 
directed; remainders over in default to the Mayor and Com- 
monalty for similar uses. Also to the said vicar and church- 
wardens a mansion and shop in a street called "Cattestrete " 
in the parish of S. Laurence aforesaid, in aid of a light 
called "B...mlight '' (?) within the said church. Dated London, 
27 October, .D. 1427. Roll 156 (50). 

 The same remark applies to this 
devise as was m,de in the preceding 
note to the ill of John Buke. 

 Probably "Bemlight." The IIS. 
here is slightly injured by damp. 



a wax taper of ten pounds for Christ's tomb to burn in the 
same church at Eastertide, commencing on the day of the 
Preparation (iq die Parassaves). After her decease the said 
shops to remain to the rector and churchwardens of the afore- 
said church on like condition ; the residue of the profits of 
the same being preserved in a chest within the church, and 
expended, when required, upon ornaments and other neces- 
saries for the said church. In case of default in observance of his 
obit as directed the aforesaid shops are to go over to the Wardens 
of the Art and Mistery of the Goldsmiths of the City of London 
for due observance of his obit as well as for the augmentation of 
the common alms of the said art and mistery. The owners of the 
said shops for the time being m'e to enjoy a certain rent for an 
easement of a gutter running through one of the shops from a 
neighbouring tenement, with power to distrain for the rent or to 
stop up the watercourse. Also to Johanna his wife he leaves all 
his furs pellgcias). Dated London, 20 May, a.D. 1420. 
Roll 157 (10). 


Monday next after the Feast of S. Barnabas, Apostle [11 June]. 
Mockyng or Mokkyng (THosIAS), clerk.--Testament touching 
his lands and tenements in the parish of S. Botolph without 
Aldrichgate. To be buried according to directions given in his 
other testament touching his movable goods. The above lands 
and tenements he devises to be sold, and the proceeds devoted to 
the maintenance of a chantry in the church of S. Botolph afore- 
said for the good of his soul, the souls of Thomas his father, 
Alice his mother, and others, saving the sum of ten marks sterling, 
which he leaves to the Prioress and Convent of Litilmore 1 in the 
diocese of Lincoln. Dated London, 1 October, A.D. 1427. 
Roll 157 (52). 

Monday qext after F. of Trans. of S. Thomas, Martyr [7 Jdy]. 
Mockyng or Mokkyng (THOMAS DE), clerk, son of Thomas de 
Mockyng, late fishmonger.---Testament touching his lands and 
tenements in Bridge Street i the City of London. To Master 
 Co. Oxford. A priory of Ienedictine [ towards the founding of his New Col- 
nuns; suppressed by Papal bull t,.D. ]lege at Oxford. 
1524, and given to Cardinal Wolsey 

Henry hlersshton, the rector, and churchwardens of the church 
of S. Magnus near London Bridge, he leaves his tenement 
called "]e Castell on the hoop," with three adjoining shops in 
Bruggestrete in the parish of S. Magnus aforesaid, charged with 
the maintenance of a chantry in the church of S Magnus, and 
also with the due observance of his obit and commemoration 
of the souls of Thomas his father and Alice his mother, with 
services as directed. In case of default or misappropriation of 
the issues of the said ]ands and tenements the same are to 
go over to Sir Richard Bragg, the rector, churchwardens and 
parishioners of the church of S. Margaret Patyns, for similar 
purposes. If at the time of his decease the citizens of London 
are not allowed to devise tenements within the City in mortmain, 
as formerly they were accustomed, or if it happen that the 
tenements so devised by him in mortmain be withdrawn from 
mortmain by statute or legal process, so that the above legacies 
become invalid, he leaves the aforesaid tenement and shops in 
trust for sale by the rector and certain parishioners of the church 
of S. Magnus aforesaid, and the proceeds to be devoted to the 
seven works of mercy,  the repair of highways, maidens' marriage 
portions, &c. Dated London, 4 October, A.D. 1428. 
]ere follows a certificate of the testator having been admittofl to 
the freedom of the City, 8 September, 8 Henry IV. [A.. 1407]. 
Roll 157 (56). 

Monday next after the Feast of S. Maur, Abbot [15 Jan.]. 
I-Iutfeld (TgoMAs), draper.--To be buried in the church of 
S. M_ichael de Hoggenlane. To Master Robert Fitz Hugh, the 
rector, churchwardens and parishioners of the said church, he 
leaves two shops situate at the corner of Hoggenlane, on condi- 
tion they keep the same in good repair and maintain a lamp 
burning day and night before the high cross in the said church. 
Dated London, 6 September, A.D. 1422. Roll 158 (31). 

Manday qext befoq'e the Feast of S. Valentine, Martyr [14 Feb.]. 
Brour (JogN), saddler.--To be buried in the great churchyard 
 See note supra, p. 394. 
VOL. II. 2 G 



maintenance of a chantry therein. To Agnes his wife his brewery 
in the parish of S. Mildred aforesaid for life; remainder to 
Nicholas Overton, the rector, and churchwardens of the aforesaid 
church, charged with the maintenance of a chantry in the said 
church for the good of his soul, the souls of Agnes his wife 
and others, and with the due observance of his obit in manner 
directed. The whole of the issues and profits of the aforesaid 
property is to be kept in a box in the custody of the church- 
wardens for the time being. Upon the chantry becoming 
vacant for the space of a month, the appointment is to be 
with the Dean of Arches or his Commissary, who is also em- 
powered to inquire into the conduct of any chantry priest who 
has given offence. Dated London, 18 March, A.D. 1428. 
Roll 15s (39). 

Monday next before the Feast of S. Petronilla, Virgin [31 May]. 
Nasyng (Jo), girdler.--To be buried in the church of S. Giles 
without Crepulgate. To William his son he leaves his best cloak 
of sanguine colour. To Alice his wife his horn of Bugle ;1 also all 
his lands and tenements within the parish of S. Giles aforesaid 
for life, charged with an annuity to William his son, to whom the 
property is to remain in tail after her decease ; remainder in trust 
for sale, and a chantry to be maintained in the aforesaid church 
out of the proceeds. The residue of the same to be divided into 
three parts: one part to be devoted to the fabric of the nave of 
the said church, a second part to be bestowed as marriage port.ions 
for poor maidens, and a third part to be distributed, in wood, coal, 
and clothes, among the poorest of the parish. Dated London, 
7 August, A.D. 1424. Roll 158 (58). 


Mop, day qext (trier the Feast of S. Faith, Virgin [6 Oct.]. 
Frankeleyn (ROBERT), dyer.--To be buried as directed in 
another testament touching his movables. To John Davels, the 
rector, churchwardens and parishioners of the church of S. Peter 
the Less, he leaves a certain parcel of land, situate in the parish 
i See ntc sqra, p. 271 




of S. Peter the Less in Themsestrete in the Ward of Baynardes- 
castell, for the purpose of a churchyard. Dated London, 14 July, 
A.D. 1430. Roll 159 (5). 

Atte Wode (THOMAS), hurer.--To Agnes his daughter tene- 
ments in Hoggenlane in the parish of S. Michael at Queenhithe, 
and also in the parish of S. Mary Somerset, in tail ; remainder in 
trust for sale for charitable uses. Dated Lo.don, 1 December, 
A.D. 1427. Roll 159 (8). 

Shadworth (JoHn), mercer.--To be buried in a certain tomb 
in the church of S. lIildred in Bredestrete. Bequests for the 
maintenance of three chantries in the said church for the space of 
three years next after his decease. His feoffees in trust of lands 
and tenements in the county of Cambridge and in the City and 
suburbs of London are directed to sell the same and deliver the 
proceeds to his executors for payment of legacies. To Nicholas 
Overton, the rector, and parishioners of the aforesaid church, he 
leaves a tenement near the church to serve as a dwelling-house 
for the rector or parish chaplain for the time being, and a parcel 
of land for a burial-ground. In case of misappropriation the 
property to go over to the Mayor and Commonalty of the City of 
London in aid of the chaplains of the collegiate chapel near 
the Guildhall. To the Abbess and Convent of S. Clare of the 
Minoresses without Algate a tenement and garden in the parish 
of S. Bartholomew the Less in the Ward of Bradstrete for 
prayers for his soul, the souls of Bartholomew de Bozan, 
Johanna, late wife of the same, and Philippa their daughter, 
and others, and for observing the obit of the said Johanna. 
To the common box of the Art of Mercers of London he leaves 
twenty pounds sterling, and a similar sum to the use and fabric 
of the Guildhall. The residue of his goods to be devoted to 
pious and charitable uses as directed. John Carpenter appointed 
one of his executors. Dated London, 7 May, A.D. 1428. 
Roll 159 (11). 
Whuppelode (ROBERT), hosteler.--To Margaret his wife, by way 
" of dower of his lands and tenements, he leaves an annual quitrent 
of ten marks for life. To Thomas Dursle and William Downe, 



fishmongers, an annual rent issuing from his lands and tenements 
in the parishes of S. Nicholas Coldabbey and S. Mildred in Bred- 
strete in trust for Hugh his son. To Sir Henry Haunsard, the 
rector, and churchwardens of the church of S. Margaret in 
Briggestrete, an annual quitrent of a shop in Briggestrete, 
charged with the due observance of his obit, with tolling of 
bells, gifts to the poor, &c., for the good of his soul, the souls 
of John his brother and of Johanna his brother's wife, and also 
with the maintenance of chantries, &c., in manner directed. To 
Richard his son in tail he leaves lands and tenements in the 
parishes of S. Margaret in Briggestrete, S. Leonard in Estchep, 
S. Nicholas Coldabbey in Oldefisshstrete, and S. Mildred in 
Bredestrete, without power of alienating or mortgaging the 
same ; remainders over as to a portion of the property to 
Johann his daughter for life and to Robert atte Watre her 
son in tail; remainder as to another portion to Margery his 
daughter in tail ; remainder in trust for sale for the main- 
tenance of a chantry in the church of S. Margaret aforesaid. 
I-Iis wife to remain in possession of all the above lands and tene- 
ments until his son Richard shall have completed his term of 
apprenticeship. Dated London, 11 August, A.D. 1428. 
on 159 (13). 

Shadworth (JOHN), mercer.--To John Willy, rector of the 
church of S. Alban in Wodstrete, tenements in Basynglane in 
the parishes of S. hlary de Aldermariechirche and S. Mildred de 
Bredestrete, near the tenement called "Gisoreshalle, ''1 so that the 
said rector and his successors maintain a chantry in the said church 
for the souls of John Wodecok, Felicia, wife of the same, William 
and Johanna, the father and mother of the same, and others, and 
also duly observe the obit of the said John Wodecok in manner 
directed. The issues and profits of the said tenements to be kept 
in a box in the custody of the churchwardens. In default of the 
said chantry the property to go over to the Mayor and Commonalty 
of the City of London for the maintenance of a chantry in the 
Guildhall Chapel. Dated London, 7 January, A.D. 1429. 
Roll 159 (15). 
1 See Part I. p. 644, note 8. 




Convent of Malmesbury, in t, rust to pay the profits to his 
daughrs aforesaid. Forgives Richard Barton, "hosteler," a 
portion of a debt due for a load of hay. Roll 159 (35). 

Monday next before the Feast of S. Duqstan, Bishop [19 May]. 
(rymston (ISABELLA, relict of EDMUND, vintner). To be buried 
in S. Paul's churchyard before the great cross. Her feoffees of a 
shop and houses in the parish of S. Nicholas at the Shambles to 
convey a life estate in the same to Agnes Fenslowe her servant; 
remainder to be sold for pious uses. Dated 20 January, n.o. 1430. 
Roll 159 (55). 



Monday nex before the Feast of S. Edmund, King [20 lov.]. 
Mallyng (CmSTnA), relict of Thomas Cake, otherwise called 
"Mallyng," mason.--To be buried in the church of S. Mary de 
Wollechirche. To Cristina her god-daughter, daughter of Ralph 
Blakelowe, divers chattels, comprising her best mazer with silver- 
gilt bands and a covercle surmounted with a stag, and a piece of 
silver with covercle standing upon Greyhoundes. Her executors 
to administer her lands and tenements in the parish of S. Mary 
de Wolchirche for a term of ten years next after her decease, and 
out of the issues and profits of the same to observe her obit and 
the obit of her late husband, to keep in repair the said property, 
and to distribute the residue among the poor, &c. The said 
property to remain to her aforesaid god-daughter, after the expira- 
tion of the above term, for life under like conditions, and also 
charged with providing wax tapers, each of thirteen pounds weight, 
to burn in the aforesaid church at the sepulchre in honour of 
Christ's resurrection. In default the aforesaid lands and tene- 
ments to go over to the Master and Wardens of the Fraternity 
of S. Giles without Crepulgate and commonalty of the same 
for the maintenance of the said fraternity, charged with certain 
payments for pious and charitable uses, in default of which the 
propery is to remain to the Mayor and Commonalty of the City 
of London and their successors to the use of London Bridge. 
Dated London, 4 May, A.D. 1430. Roll 160 (15). 




Elsyng (THoMAs), mercer, son and heir of Robert Elsyng, 
deceased, late mercer.--To be buried in the choir of the church 
of the Hospital of S. Mary de Elsyng within Crepulgate. The 
canons of the said hospital to hold a service immediately after 
his decease for the good of his soul, the souls of Robert and 
Alianora his father and mother, the souls of Roger, John, 
Margaret, and Avice [his children ?], and also to perform other 
religious duties as directed. To the nuns of Chesthunte he leaves 
certain rents in the lane of S. Laurence in the Jewry in 
accordance with the terms of his father's will.  Dated London, 
15 March, A.D. 1430. Roll 160 (17). 


Monday next before the Feast of S. Vincent, Martyr [22 Jan.]. 
Semun (BAaTgOLOMEW), " goldbetere."---To be buried in the 
church of S. Andrew upon Cornhull. To Elizabeth his daughter 
one hundred pounds sterling and silver cups and spoons to the 
value of ten pounds, the same to remain in the custody of 
Katherine his wife during his daughter's minority. To Mgaret 
Halyday his servant an annual rent issuing from his tenement 
called "le Bole on the hoop" in the parish of S. Peter upon 
Cornhill for life, which tenement he leaves to his wife, together 
with another situate at the corner of Lymstrete in the parish of 
S. Andrew aforesaid. After the decease of his wife the said 
tenements to remain to his daughter in tail, saving to Margaret 
Halyday her aforesaid rent ; remainder in trust for sale for pious 
and charitable usea. A certain tenement in the parish of 
S. Botolph without Algate to be also sold for like purposes. 
Dated London, 5 July, A.D. 1431.--Also his will is that his feoffees 
in trust of lands and tenements in the county of Essex shall 
make a life estate in the same to Katherine his wife, with 
remainder to his daughter in tail, reserving the reversion for the 
purpose of sale. Roll 160 (27). 

Monday next before the Feast of S. Cuthbert, Bishop [20 March]. 
Sokelyng (Jo), otherwise called "Sydyngbourne."To 
Katherine his wife an annual quitrent, issuing from his brewery 
.called "le Cokke on the hoop" in Colmanstrete in the parish of 

Enrolled lrt I. p. 637. 


same, and others), and provide for the same a chamber to be 
called " Turkeschildre chambre," and a livery of coloured cloth 
every year, and also give each one of them forty shillings for his 
food and drink in common with other scholars in the same house. 
The said master and scholars to observe the obit of the aforesaid 
Robert Turk, and Alice and Beatrix, wives of the said Robert, &c., 
on the 28th December in each year, upon which day the sum of 
thirteen shillings and fourpence is to be distributed among the said 
master and scholars. In default in carrying out the terms of this 
devise the above tenement and rents are to go over to the Master 
and Scholars of the House called "Clarehalle ''1 in the same 
university for like purposes. Also to Sir icholas Pope, perpetual 
vicar of the parish church of Hicchen  in the diocese of Lincoln, 
he leaves divers rents for the maintenance of chantries in the 
said church for the good of his soul, the souls of Robert Turk, 
Alice and Beatrix aforesaid, Rober Kendall, Knt, and Margaret, 
vife of the same, and others, in manner directed ; remainder over 
to the Mayor and Commonalty of the City of London, in case of 
default, for the maintenance of chantries in the Guildhall Chapel. 
Dated London, 12 March, .D. 1429. Roll 161 (2). 

Mc/nday qext aftev the Feast of S. Aqdvew, Apostle [30 Nov.]. 
Olyver OVILLIAM).--To Matilda his wife tenements called 
"le Sterre " and " le Cheker," and rents in the parish of All 
Hallows de Bredstrete for life ; remainder to the Master and 
Brethren of the House and Church of S. Thomas the Martyr of 
Acon, for the maintenance of chantries observance of obit, and 
maintenance of a chorister to be called "Olyveresquerestre," who 
shall attend divers religious services daily in the said church so 
far as can be reasonably expected (quatiqus humanitas patitu'). 
In default the said tenements and rents to go over to the Mayor, 
Commonalty, and Chamberlain, to calzy out the terms of the will. 

No date. a 

' Formerly known as University Hall, 
but changed to Clare Hll after the 
Lady Elizabeth de Clare, Countess of 
Burgh, daughter and one of the co- 
heiresses of Gilbert de Clare, Erl of 
Gloucester, by whom the college was 

Roll 161 (16). 

rebuilt and endowed (Ackerman, oT. eft., 
vol. i. p. 27). 
a Hitchin, co. Herts. 
 The usual record of proclamation, 
probate, and enrolment, as well as the 
commencement of the will, is omitted. 




Marwe (WILLIAM, son of WILLIAM), smith.--To Johanna his 
wife all his lands, tenements, &c., in the parish of S. BotolI;n 
without Bisshoppesgate for life ; remainders to William his son 
and Agnes his daughter, his daughteffs portion being charged with 
an annual payment of eight shillings towards the maintenance 
of a lamp in the said parish church. Dated London, 8 June, 
A.D. 1430. Roll 161 (34). 

Sevenoke (WILLI/EI), grocer.--Testament as to certain rents 
in Tourstret and Mynchounlane in the parish of S. Dunstan near 
the Tower, which he leaves to Master Thomas Brouce, the rector, 
churchwardens and parishioners of the church of S. Dunstan 
aforesaid, for the maintenance of its fabric, ornaments, &c. Dated 
London, 20 December, A.D. 1426. Roll 161 (35). 

Monday the Feast of S. Chad, Bishop [2 March]. 
Sevenoke CrILLIAM), grocer.--To be buried according to direc- 
tions contained in his testament touching his movable goods. 
To William Doune, the rector, and churchwardens of the church 
of S. Martin within Ludgate, a certain quitrent of five marks, 
charged on a tenement called "le Cowpe on the hoop," &c., in 
Fletestrete in the parish of S. Martin aforesaid, in aid of a chantry 
in the said church for the good of his soul, the souls of John 
Flete, capper, John Shawe, vintner, and others, the said quitrent 
being parcel of six marks six shillings and eightpence annual rent 
left by the said John Flete to John his son by will proved, pro- 
claimed, and enrolled in the tIusting of London, anno 8 Edward I. 
[A.D. 1279-80]) Dated London, 17 June, A.D. 1432. 
Roll 161 (40). 

Monday next before F. of S. John ante portam Latinam [6 MayJ. 
Boron (WILLIAM), goldsmith.inTo be buried in the church of 
S. Vedast. To Johanna his wife certain tenements in the parish 
of S. Vedast in Westchepe for life, charged with the observance 
of his obit; remainder to William Boton junior, his kinsman, in 
taft ; remainder to the Vardens of the Mistery of Goldsmiths 

Part I. p. 45. 



of London and commonalty of the same.  He wills also that the 
said wardens and their successors observe his obit and perform 
other religious duties in manner directed, with gifts to the poor 
of the mistery and of the parish of S. Vedast aforesaid. In 
default the property to go over to the Mayor and Citizens of 
London and the Wardens of London Bridge to the use and profit 
of the said bridge, subject to the observance of the terms afore- 
said. Dated London, 15 August, A.D. 1431. Roll 161 (45). 


Cambrugge (WILLI/kM), grocer.---To be buried in S. Stephen's 
Chapel in the pa'ish of S. Mary atte Hill. To Edith his wife 
tenements in Mynchonlane and a brewery called "le Mayden on 
the hoop" in Tourstrete in the parish of S. Dunstan near the 
Tower for life; remainder to John Mapelstede, Prior of the 
House of the Salutation of the Mother of God of the Carthusian 
Order without Aldrichesgate, and convent of the same, on condition 
they pray for his soul and the souls of Johanna and Anne his 
wives, Luke his father, Alice his mother, and others. Also to his 
said wife tenements in the parishes of S. Dunstan Est and 
S. Dionisius de Bakchirche for life ; remainder to John and 
Alianora his children in tail ; remainder in trust for sale for pious 
uses and the seven works of mercy, 3 the repair of roads in the 
neighbourhood of London and in the country where most needful, 
the repair of poor churches, &c. Dated London, 27 December, 
A.D. 1431.--Also he wills that the reversion of his lands, tene- 
ments, and rents in the city of New Saturn be sold by his 
executors, and his feoffees thereof in trust make a good estate 
therein to the pro-chaser.---Also be it remembered that in another 
testament touching the movable goods of the testator he leaves 
to Edith his wife his leasehold tenement wherein he dwelt in 

i This property, the Company say in 
their return to the Commissioners, is 
incapable of identification (Report 
Livery Comp. Com., 1884, vol. ii. p. 
2 The testator appears by another 
will, made in the same year as this will, 
but not enrolled, to have left to the 
church of S. Mary at Hill and to the 
Wardens of the Craft of Grocers all 

his lands and tenements in the parish 
of S. Christopher le Stocks, charged 
with the maintenance of a chantry and 
observance of his obit, the residue being 
devoted to the use of the church. This 
property was lost at the Reformation 
(' The Parish of St. Mary-at-Hill, its 
Church Estates and Charities,' 1878, 
privately printed, p. 6). 
3 See note sq'a, p. 394. 

the parish of S. Mary atte Hill for life ; remainder to Richard 
Varbulton, "iremonger." Roll 161 (47). 

Monday next after the Feast of S. D,enstan, Bisho 2 [19 May']. 
Costartyn (JOHI, son of JoN, esquire).--To be buried near 
his father in the parish church of S. Mary de Aldermanbury. To 
William his son in tail his lands, tenements, and rents in the 
parishes of S. Mary de Aldermanbury, S. Mary le Bow, S. Mary 
de Aldermarychirche, S. Michael in Bassyngeshawe, and else- 
where ; remainder to his executors for the purpose of founding 
a chantry in the church of S. Mary Aldermanbury for the good of 
his soul, the souls of Elizabeth his wife, William his son, John 
and Katherine his father and mother, and others, for observance 
of their obits, and other pious and charitable uses. Dated London, 
3 March, A.D. 1431. Roll 161 (53). 

Monday the Feast of S. Alban, Martyr [22 
Gosselyn (RICHARD), " irmongere." -- To be buried in 
S. Katherine's Chapel in the church of S. Mary atte Hill. To 
Beatrix his wife tenements in the parish of S. Mary atte Hill, 
comprising a tenement called " le Stuehous" in the lane called 
"Lovelane, 'u for life, so that she maintain a chantry in the said 
parish church for the good of his soul, the souls of Rosa his 
former wife, John Weston, William Weston, and others. To 
Nicholas his son he leaves the reversion of one of the above tene- 
ments, and also a large painted chamber with panelled ceiling 
(cure tabula cilrata), and a small chamber called "Porteres 
chambre," in tail; remainders to John, Thomas, and Richard 
his sons, and Johanna and Katherine his daughters, in suc- 
cessive tail. Also to his said sons and daughters he leaves the 
reversion of the rest of the above tenements in tail, with cross 
remainders ; ultimate remainder in trust for sale, and one hundred 
pounds sterling to be devoted to the fabric of the church of 
S. Mary aforesaid, and the residue to be distributed among the 
deserving poor, being householders, in the Ward of Billingesgate 
 It is probable that most lnes ber- [ sionlly such lnes were known by 
ing this nme were originally given up ] coarser nmes. ee l%xt I. p. 42, n. 
to tews, i.e., houses of ill fme. Occ- 



or elsewhere in the City of London. To Sir William Spark, the 
rector, churchwardens and other parishioners of the aforesaid 
church, he leaves the reversion of lands and tenements in 
S. Vedast Lane after the decease of his wife, for the maintenance 
of a chantry and wax- tapers in the said church in manner directed, 
and for distribution of alms every week to two of the poorest men 
or women of the parish, &c.  The residue of the issues and 
profits of the said lands and tenements to be to the use of the 
fabric of the aforesaid church. In default in carrying out the 
terms of his will the property is to go over to the rector, 
churchwardens, and parishioners of the church of S. Botolph 
near Billingesgate for like purposes, and again in default to the 
Wardens of London Bridge for the time being, in the name of 
the Mayor and Commonalty of the City of London, for pious 
uses in the chapel upon the said bridge. Dated London, 26 April, 
A.D. 1428. Roll 161 (57). 

Monday the Feast of S. Margaret, Virgin [20 July]. 
Joye (Jo), chandler.--To be buried in the church of 
S. Dunstan in the East. To William Brunse, the rector, church- 
wardens and parishioners of the said church, and to the masters 
or wardens of the chantry or fraternity in honour of the Blessed 
Mary in the same, he leaves the reversion of a certain messuage 
in Cosyneslane in the parish of All Hallows at the Hay, in aid of 
the maintenance of a perpetual chaplain of the said chantry or 
fraternity for the souls of members of the said fraternity, and 
for the souls of Thomas Southam, Sabina, wife of the same, 
and others. Dated London, 5 August, A.D. 1430. 
Roll 161 (61). 


Monday zext after the Feast of S. Lu "]ce, Evangelist [18 Oct.]. 
Bret (ALA.).mTestament touching the disposition of his 
brewery called "le Christofre on the hope " in the parish of 
S. Botolph without Aldrychesgate, which he leaves to John the 
 The authority already cited (suTra, ] states that this property was "lost at 
p. 463, note 2) respecting lands, &c., I the Confiscation." 
left to the parish of S. Mary at Hill 
VOL. H. 2  




Abbot of the Monastery of S. Alban, in the diocese of Lincoln 
and county of Hertford, and convent of the same, together with a 
tatg'owe t of lead and a certain horse mill, so that the abbot and 
convent pray for his soul, the souls of Robert Bret his father, 
Alice his mother, Johanna and Isabella his late wives, and others. 
To be buried according to directions contained in a certain other 
testament. Dated London, 12 June, A.D. 1425. Roll 162 (6). 

Sevenoke (VrILLIAM), grocer.- Testament touching certain 
lands and tenements and a wharf called "Asselyneswharf" in the 
parish of S. Dunstan towards the Tower, formerly belonging to 
John Cherteseye, draper, the reversion of which he leaves to the 
Prior and Convent of the Church or House of H. Trinity the 
Great within Algate. Dated London, 5 July, A.D. 1432. 
Roll 162 (7). 
Arnold (John), "curreour."--To be buried in the church 
of S. Giles without Crepulgate near Isolda his late wife. To 
William Aleyn his kinsman a certain tenement in Morestrete in 
the parish of S. Giles aforesaid. The rest of his property in the 
same parish to be sold, and the proceeds devoted to pious and 
charitable uses for the good of his soul, the souls of Iso]da and 
Emmota his former wives, Emmota Bussh his sister, and others. 
Dated London, the last day of September, .D. 1429. 
Roll 162 (8). 
Oxneye (SLOMO), goldsmith.--Testament touching certain 
lands and tenements, he having already made another testament 
touching his movables. To James Peryur, the rector, church- 
wardens and certain parishioners of the church of S. Nicholas Acoun 
near Lombardstrete, he leaves tenements in the said street and 
S. Nicholas Lane, either in possession or reversion, so that they 
maintain out of the issues and profits of the same a chantry for the 
souls of John Bartell, Alexander Watford and Agnes, wife of the 
same, Bartholomew Chaungeour, Sarah, wife of the same, and Alice 
their daughter, Cecilia his late wife, and others ; and observe 
other religious duties in manner directed. The residue of the 
profits to be kept in a box in the said church under the care of 

Tap.trough. It figures as an imple- ] ' Memorials' (p. 194). Cf. will of Thomas 
ment used by brewers in Riley's [ Curteise, Part I. p. 541. 



the rector and churchwardens and to be devoted to the repair of 
the aforesaid tenements and to the fabric and ornaments of the 
said church. In cases of default made in the aforesaid chantry 
the property is to go over to the Mayor and Commonalty for 
the purpose of executing the terms of his will. Dated London 
Thursday, 2 March, A.D. 1429. Roll 162 (15). 

lolf (Jo), shipwright and lighterman.--To be buried in the 
churchyard of the church of All Hallows de Berkyng. To 
Johanna his daughter wife of William Miller shipwright, a 
mansion in Petitwales in the parish of All Hallows aforesaid. 
The rest of his tenements, with wharf in the 'same street 
and parish, to be sold, and the proceeds devoted to pious and 
charitable uses for the good of his soul the souls of Matilda, 
hIatilda, and Johanna his late wives and others the maintenance 
of a chantry priest for two years in the aforesaid church, the 
repair of the said church highways, &c. Dated London, 
24 March, A.D. 1432. Roll 162 (16). 

Monday ext after the Feast of S. Maur, Abbot [15 Jan.]. 
Sevenoke (vrILLIAM), grocer.--Testament touching his tene- 
ment in the lane called " Botulpheslane" in the parish of 
S. George near Estchepe, which he leaves to Sir Roger Jurdon, 
Prior of the New Hospital of S. Mary without Bisshopesgate and 
convent of the same, charged with the maintenance of a chantry 
in the church of S. George aforesaid for the souls of Roger de la 
Bere and others. Dated London 5 July, A.D. 1432. 
Roll 162 (20). 
Caketon (WALTER), ' setter."  -- To John Croxton, Richard 
Pepyn, and John Lombe, three chaplains of the chantry 

 Or arrowsmith (Riley, ' hiemorials,' 
p. 60, n.). 
2 The will of a Sir John "Lambe," 
described as chaplain of the chantry 
of Sir Thomas hiore in the chapel of 
8. Thomas the hiartyr in the cemetery 
commonly called" Pardone Cherchhawe," 
adj oining the cathedralchurch of S. Paul, 
of which administration was granted in 
1434, is preserved among the cathedral 
archives. The sme archives also con- 

rain an ordinance by the Dean and 
Chapter of S. Paul's and the thirty 
chaplains dwelling in the mansions 
called "Presteshouses," toucbing the 
habitation of the three chaplains 
attached to the chapel built by Sir 
Thomas hiore, late Dean of S. Paul's, 
in honour of S. Anne and S. Thomas 
the Martyr, dated 8 July, 1424 (Hist. 
hISS. Com., Ninth Report, Appendix, 
pp. 48 a-55 a). 



in a certain chapel in S. Paul's churchyard called "Pardon- 
chirchehawe," founded by Thomas More,  clerk, in honour of 
S. Anne and S. Thomas the Martyr, he leaves certain tenements 
and shops in Bowyerrewe in the parish of S. Martin, Ludgate, 
in le Bayly without Ludgate, and also near le Jewen gardyn in 
the parish of S. Botolph without Aldrichegate, charged with the 
maintenance of an additional chantry priest in the aforesaid 
chapel, and with certain payments to the Dean and Chapter of 
S. Paul's for choristers to sing daily after compline the psalm/)e 
l)rofundis with versicles, Requiem eternaqn, and the prayer 
I, tcli,ta Domine at the tomb of the aforesaid Thomas More. 
Dated London, 1 December, A.D. 1429. Roll 162 (24). 

Brit (AL).--To be buried according to directions contained 
in another testament touching his movable goods. To Sibil his 
wife a life interest in certain lands, tenements, &c., in the parish 
of All Hallows de Fanchirche ; the reversion or remainder to be 
sold, and out of the proceeds he leaves ten pounds to his said 
wife, twenty shillings to the fabric of the nave of the church of 
All Hallows aforesaid, and ten marks for the maintenance of a 
chantry priest in the church of S. Botolph without Aldrichgate 
for one year ; the residue to be devoted to marriage portions for 
poor girls and other charitabl uses. Dated London, 28 June, 
A.D. 1432. Roll 162 (33). 

Monday the Feast of S. Peter in Cathedr [ Feb.]. 
Caketon (WALTER), " setter."-- To be buried according to 
instructions contained in his testament touching his movables. 
To John Prentys, Dean of the Free Royal Chapel of S. Stephen 
within the Palace of Westminster, and college of the same, 
certain rents issuing from a tenement called "le Scot on the 
hoop" in Bisshopisgatestrete, charged with keeping the obits of 
Robert Foulmer, late canon of the chapel aforesaid, and of John 
Preston, also canon of the same, on the 29th day of August of each 
 Elected Dean of S. Paul's 1406. Died founding a chantry of three priests 
in 1421, and was buried in a cloister on therein, but dying before it could be 
the north side of S. Paul's Church, where accomplished, his wish was carried out 
anciently stood a chapel founded by by his executors (Newcourt, 'Reper- 
Gilbert Becket (Portreeve of London), torium,' vol. i. p. 43). 
,-tnd rebuilt by the dean, who purposed 



year, with distribution of specific sums of money to the dean, 
canons, vicars, choristers, and verger (vi'gebanilus)as directed. 
Dated London, 18 August, A.D. 1430. Roll 162 (41). 

Ulsthorp (John), tailor.--To Sir Thomas Faukys, rector, and 
the churchwardens of the church of S. Brigid in Fletestrete, 
certain tenements, comprising a tenement called "the Tabard," 
situate between "the Castell " and "le George atte Sholaneend," 
and another called "the Ravyn" in the parish of S. Brigid, 
charged with the maintenance of a chantry for the good of his 
soul, the souls of Alice his late wife, Reymund his son, and 
others, and for the soul of Isabella his present wife, when dead, 
in manner as directed. The priest serving the said chantry to 
have his chamber and dwell within the parish, and also to keep 
in a cupboard under the altar a missal, a chalice and paten, a 
chasuble of red velewe with apparel for festivals and two other 
chasubles for Sundays and weekdays, and a Processional. The 
said priest is also to have the use of his large Antiphonar with 
music of the use of Sarum, a large Gradual of the same use, 
a pair of phials, and a paxb'ede of silver. The residue of the 
ferm of the aforesaid messuages, after disbursement of charges, 
to be kept in a box for the purpose and to be expended when 
necessary upon repair of the same messuages, and not otherwise. 
In default the proI)erty to go over to the vicar and church- 
wardens of the church of S. Dunstan in Fletestrete for similar 
uses. Isabella his wife to have a life interest in the above 
messuages, provided she maintain the above chantry, &c. Also 
to the aforesaid rector and churchwardens of the church of 
S. Brigid he leaves shops in the same parish in aid of the 
said church and repair of its goods and ornaments. Dated 
25 January, A.D. 1432. Roll 162 (46). 

Monday next before the Feast of S. G'egory, Pope [12 March]. 
David (PETER), saddler.--To the Wardens and Commonalty of 
the Mistery of Saddlers the reversion of certain tenements 1 in 
x No specific mention of the pro-[ the Commissioners uppointed in 1880 
perty here devised aploeurs to have ] to inquire into the estates of the livery 
been mude in the Company's return to companies. 



said Thomas she leaves a garden, wharf, &c., situate near the 
house of John Hedersete, fishmonger, called "le Herynghows," 
together with all the stock of the said garden except le Vynegre 
which is there. Dated London, 27 May, A.D. 1433. 
Roll 162 (68). 

lenne (Jom), skinner.--To Master John Braughyng, the 
rector, and parishioners of the church of S. John upon Wal- 
brook and their successors, certain lands and tenements at the 
corner of Walbrook, an annual quitrent of sixty shillings sterling 
issuing from a tenement in the parish of S. Mary Wolchirche, 
together with the reversion of the same tenement, to hold 
the same charged with the maintenance of a chantry within 
the aforesaid church for the souls of the late King Henry IV., 
the testator, Olive his late wife, and others, with observance of 
his obit and other religious duties as directed. Distributions 
to be also made out of the issues and profits of the above 
bequest to divers chaplains and to poor householders within 
the parish of S. John aforesaid, and the residue to be kept in a 
box in charge of the churchwardens for keeping the said lands and 
tenements in repair, and for pious and charitable uses. In case 
of default made in carrying out the terms of these bequests 
the property is to go over to the rector and parishioners of the 
church of S. Stephen in Walbrook for like purposes within the 
said parish church. The rest of his tenements within the City 
and suburbs to be sold by his executors, and the proceeds to 
be devoted to the relief of prisoners in Ludgate, Neugate, Flete, 
the Marshalsea, King's Bench, in the prison of convict clerks 
in the Abbey of Westminster, 1 and others, the repair of highways 
around London, &c. Dated London, 1 December, A.D. 1426. 
Roll 162 (69). 

Monday qext berate the Feast of S. Margaret, Virgin [20 JulyJ. 
Cok (ROBERT), glover.--To be buried in the church of S. Mag- 
 The old Gate-house of the precincts, and loman Catholic recusants, whilst 
Westminster, previous to the Reforma- the other acquired an unenviable noto- 
tion was divided into two chambers, riety as the public prison of Westmin- 
one of which became the Bishop of ster (Stanley's 'Westminster Abbey,' 
London' prison for convicted clergy pp. 399-402). 





nus the Martyr near London Bridge. Certain tenements and 
wharf called "Drynkwateres wharf," and others, in the parishes of 
S. Magnus near London Bridge and H. Trinity the Less in Knyght- 
rideristrete, a tenement called "litillondon "in the parish of All 
Hallows called "atte VCalle," and others, held by the testator as 
security for a deb due by lgicholas, son of Robert Cok, late 
glover, to be redeemed by the said Nicholas upon payment of one 
hundred marks sterling ; otherwise the same are to be held by 
Margaret his wife and Nicholas Bolthorp, vintner, his executors, 
for the lifetime of the aforesaid Nicholas. Dated London, 
3 February, A.D. 1433. Roll 162 (78). 

Coffyn (To.iAs), baker.--To be buried in the church of 
tI. Trinity the Less. To Agnes his wife a bakehouse and shops 
in the parish of H. Trinity aforesaid for life ; remainder as to a 
certain shop to Thomas his son in tail, and as to the residue to 
the rector and churchwardens of the church of H. Trinity afore- 
said and their successors, for the maintenance of a chantry founded 
therein for the sotfls of John le Chambre and Roger de Ely, as 
well as for the souls of Johanna and Isabella his late wives. Also 
to the said rector and churchwardens the reversion of the shop 
left to his son, so that they observe his obit in manner directed. 
In default the whole of the property to go over to the Mayor and 
Commonalty of the City of London for similar purposes. Dated 
London, 27 March, A.D. 1434. Roll 162 (79). 


Monday qext before tle Feast of S. Giles, Abbot [1 Sept.]. 
(uundissh (JOHN), "brouderer. 'u -- To be buried near hIatilda 
his late wife in the church of S. Margaret de Lothbury. To 
Thomas, Rouland, and Henry his sons he leaves divers furred 
gowns, a covered piece of silver marked with swans (signis) and 
another covered piece marked with eagles, and the implements of 
his craft. Also to Thomas his son certain tenements in the parish 
of S. Mary de Vanchirche in tail, on condition his said son im- 
1)each not his executors of waste committed on his lands and 



tenements in the county of Suffolk ; remainders over. To Alice 
his wife his hostel called " Yvihalle" in the parish of H. Trinity 
aforesaid 1 (sic), together with tenements in Hoggenlane in the 
same parish, for life ; remainders to his aforesaid sons in successive 
tail male ; remainder to the rector and parishioners of the church 
of tL Trinity aforesaid for pious and charitable uses. Dated 
London, 8 May, A.D. 1433. Roll 163 (64). 


Monday ?zect after the Feast of S. Edmund, King [20 Nov.]. 
Haxham or Exham (JOHN), cordwainer.--To be buried in the 
principal entry to the churchyard of the parish church of All 
Hallows in Lumbardstrete, where Johanna his late wife lies buried. 
To William Archer of London, cordwainer, and Margaret, wife of 
the same, the testator's daughter, he leaves lands and tenements 
in Lumbardestrete in tail; remainder in trust for sale for pious 
and charitable uses. To rilliam Landwath, cordwainer, and 
Agnes, wife of the same, daughter of Johanna his late wife, other 
lands and tenements in the same street and parish in tail, with 
similar remainder. Dated London, 15 April, A.D. 1435. 
Roll 164 (14). 

Monday next before the Feast of S. Lucia, Virgin [13 Dec.]. 
Lemman (JoHn), skinner.--To be buried near Johanna his late 
wife in S. Paul's churchyard. To Johanna his present wife he 
leaves two hundred pounds sterling and a moiety of all his goods 
and chattels movable, saving his coined money and his shop and 
its merchandise. Dated London, 24 September, A.D. 1435.- 
Also to Johanna his wife his tenements called "le Meriole" in 
Westchepe, parish of All Hallows in Honylane, near a tavern 
called "le Gore," for life ; remainder in trust for sale, and twenty 
pounds of the proceeds to be devoted to the fabric of the new 
church of S. Stephen upon Walbrook. Also of the proceeds he 
leaves five pounds for the maintenance of the Fraternity of Corpus 
Christi of the craft of Skinners of London, and forty shillings for 

 H. Trinify the Less. 

the maintenance of the Fraternity of the Blessed Mary of the 
same craft. Roll 164 (24). 

Monday next after the Feast of . Vincent, Martyr [22 Ja.]. 
Chaddo (JOHN), cutler.-- To be buried in the church of 
S. Mildred in the Poultry. To Johanna his wife he leaves his 
interest in a certain annual rent charged on tenements in the 
parish of All Hallows upon the Solar (suger solariun). A 
certain tenement in Conynghopelane in the parish of S. Mildred 
aforesaid, situate near the tenement formerly belonging to Walter, 
Lord Fitz Wauter, which he and his aforesaid wife jointly had 
acquired, to be sold after the decease of his wife, and the proceeds 
distributed among poor householders, parishioners of the churches 
of S. Mary de Colchirche and S. Mildred aforesaid, and also poor 
cutlers for the good of his soul. Dated London, 10 February, 
A.D. 1434. Roll 164 (28). 

$Ionday next after the Feast of S. ]Iathias, Apostle [24 Feb.]. 
Knolles 1 (THOMAS), senior, grocer.--Testament touching a 
tenement formerly belonging to Richard Odyham senior, grocer, 
in the parish of S. Antonin, which he leaves to Robert Wydyton, 
grocer, and Elizabeth, wife of the same, daughter of the afore- 
said Richard and late wife of John Oxneye, grocer, for their lives. 
Also to Dame Johanna Welles, a nun in the convent of 
Sopwelle e near the rill of St. Alban, daughter of the aforesaid 
Elizabeth, he leaves an annual rent of thirteen shillings and four- 
pence issuing from the above tenement. The reversion of the 
said tenement he leaves to Johanna, wife of Thomas Saundres and 
sister of the said Elizabeth, for life, subject to the payment of the 
above annual rent ; and after the decease of the parties interested 
the tenement to remain to the Wardens of the Mistery of the 
Grocery of the City of London and commonalty of the same for 
1 Alderman of Dowgate; Sheriff, i rebuilt S. Antholin's Church, and gave 
1394-5 ; hiayor, 1399-1400. Took an his own house to the Grocers' Company 
active part in rebuilding the Guildhall, for the relief of the poor. His benevo- 
"and instead of an old little cottage in I lence further extended to providing 
Aldermanberie Street, made a fair and I sweet water for the prisoners confined 
goodly house more nearuntoSt.Laurence in Newgate and Ludgate. 
Church in the Jm'ie" (Stow). He also !  A Benedictine nunnery. 




preceptor, or master when dead, with donations to the poor, &c., 
in manner prescribed. In every case of default the beneficiaries 
are to forfeit an annual sum of six shillings and eightpence. 
Dated London, 26 May, A.D. 1432. Roll 164 (36). 

Knolles (THOMAS), senior, grocer.--To be buried in the church 
of S. Antonin. Bequests to the said church and ministers 
thereof, to divers orders of friars in London, the hospitals of 
S. Mary de Bedlem without Bysshopesgate and S. Mary without 
Bysshopesgate, the fabric of the church of Northmymmes  and 
parishioners thereof, the nuns of Soppewell  and Pray,  the in- 
mates of various prisons, &c. Bequests also of money or goods 
to Thomas, William, Robert., and Richard his sons, Beatrix, 
Margery, and Margaret his daughters, Beatrix, daughter of his 
son Thomas, his servants, and others. Among other charitable 
bequests he leaves the sum of ten pounds to be distributed 
among the poor men of his mistery, and a similar sum to the 
poor of the parish of S. Antonin. Dated London, 20 May, A.D. 
1435.---Also he wills that his feoffees in trust of houses, shops, 
&c., in the parishes of S. Antonin, S. Thomas the Apostle, 
S. Martin in the Vintry, All Hallows de Honylane, and elsewhere 
in the City of London, and also of the advowson of the said 
church of All Hallows, convey the same absolutely to Thomas his 
son. His feoffees in trust of his manor of Northmymmes, co. 
Herts, and of other lands and tenements in the same county, 
as well as in Lambhithe, co. Surrey, are to convey a like estate 
in the same to his said son. Roll 164 (37). 
NoTE.--The above will was made an exhibit in Chancery on behalf 
of tho defendant in re Attorney-General v. Fishmongers' Company. 

Monday qzext after the Feast of S. Denstan, Bishop [19 May]. 
Clopton (CLAtICE, wife of ROBERT, draper), relict of Thomas 
Scot, salter.--A certain tenement in Bredestrete in the parish of 
All Hallows to be sold, and a chantry to be maintained out of the 
proceeds in the church of All Hallows aforesaid for the space of 
four years next after his decease. Dated 3 February, A.D. 1435. 
Roll 164 (45). 
' Co. Herts. [  See notes s%p'a, p. 313. 



Barton 1 (HENRY), skinner.--To be buried in the chapel of 
le Chamel of S. Paul's. To the Master and Brethren of the 
Guild or Fraternity of Corpus Christi and to the rector of the 
church of S. John upon Walbroke he leaves divers tenements 
situate in Watlyngstrete in the parish of S. Mary de Aldermari- 
chirch and in Vestchepe, and a messuge called "le Rede lyon" in 
odestrete in the parish of S. Alphege, for the purpose of erecting 
almshouses. Also to the same he leaves an annual rent of four 
marks issuing from lands and tenements called " Romaynsrent" 
in the parish of S. Mary de Aldermarichirch. Directions given at 
great length for keeping his obit in the chapel of le Charnel, 
with instructions to supply the Mayor and Aldermen who attend 
with two shillings of bread called " Maindbrede, '' six gallons of 
wine, and a barrel of beer containing thirty gallons. Sums of 
money to be given to the Mayor, Recorder, Sheriffs, Chamberlain, 
and others attending mass on the morrow of the Feast of All 
Saints, as also to the Common Clerk of the City for the time 
being for proclaiming the terms of his testament. The master 
and brethren and rector aforesaid to maintain a chantry in the 
chapel of the Guildhall. The chaplain of the fraternity to be 
provided with a livery gown for the festival of Corpus Christi, and 
to attend every meeting of the guild or fraternity held for the 
purpose of observing the obit or anniversary of any brother or 
sister of the same. To the Prior and Convent of Elsyngspytell 
in the parish of S. Alphege within Crepulgate he leaves an annual 
rent of six shillings and eightpence, on condition they send two 
canons to attend his mass on All Souls' Day, and provide two 
pounds of wax to be made into small candles called "Syngyng- 
candelles," for masses to be said so long as the said candles shall 
last. " Also to the aforesaid master and warden and rector afore- 
said he leaves his complete vestment of black velvet with orphreys 


 An abstract of the testator's will 
is printed in Herbert's ' Twelve Great 
Livery Companies of London,' 1836 
(vol. ii. 347-50), together with an ac- 
count of the property as it existed at 
that time and its mode of application. 
No further information, however, as to 
the propertyhere devised to the Skinners' 
Company is to be got from Mr. Hare's 
Report or from the Company's return 

to the Livery Companies Commission 
of 1880. 
 Bread given at the observance of 
an obit or anniversary of a person's 
decease, otherwise called his "year's 
mind"; just as the religious service 
held thirty days after his decease was 
knom as his "month's mind." 
 One is reminded of the old- 
fashioned auction "by inch of candle." 


of feather work and others of cloth of gold, also aute'clothes, 
comprising a f'ount,  coun'ef'oun,  and cureys 3 to match ; 
a cross of silver enamelled and gilt, weighing 3 ]b 8 oz. troy, 
with c'ossesaf of col0er grit, and a silver-gilt coupe for reserv- 
ing the Host, weighing 2 ]b 7 oz. troy ; also large silver cups 
called "Bolpeces" or "Bolcuppis," weighing 7 lb 10 oz. troy ; 
also eweris, chageou's, and platers marked with his arms. 
The said bolcuppis or bolpeces to be used for serving wine 
to the Mayor, Aldermen, or Sheriffs attending his obit, and 
whenever the members of the guild or fraternity of the SMnners 
of London are summoned to meet at their hall. To the 
rector and churchwardens of the church of S. Mary de Alder- 
marichirche and their successors he leaves all his lands and 
tenements called" Romaynsrent" aforesaid, subject to the above 
charge, on condition the said rector for the time being prays for 
the souls of Richard Barton, the testator's father, Dionisia his 
mother, and others. To Johanna his wife, by way of dower, 
houses, shops, &c., in the parish of S. John Zakary and S. Anne 
and the parish of S. Mary Stanyng, which he acquired from the 
executors of Drugo Barantyne by deed enrolled ; also his manor 
of Yonges in the vill or parish of Staundon, co. Hefts, his lands 
and meadows near V'adismyln, co. Herts, his manor called 
"Marshall" at High Cross, co. Hefts, and his place called "Sores" 
in the parish of Staundon aforesaid, to hold to the said Johanna for 
the term of her life, provided she make no further claim for dower; 
remainder in trust for sale for charitable uses. Also to his said 
wife he leaves divers goods and chattels by way of her share, if 
she be content to receive them as such. To Ralph his brother he 
leaves two silver jugs, his Basinet, his paler garnished with silver, 
and his Jalc of red Velewet. To twenty-four poor men of the art 
of Skinners in the City of London, being householders and very 
poor, six shillings and eightpence respectively and a quarter of 
coals, in return for their prayers ; and to every apprentice to the 
Skinners' craft twelve pence. Bequests also to those receiving 

 Or frontal: a movable, ornamental 
front, whether of metal, wood, or loose 
silk, put close to the fore part of the 
altar, reaching down to the ground. 
 This may mean the hangings against 

the wall above and behind the altar, 
otherwise clled su2)e'-f'ontale or upper 
a Curtains to hang around the altar. 
 Hust. Roll 144 (35). 



alms of the Fraternity of Corpus Christi of the testator's craft, 
and of the Fraternity of the Blessed Mary of the same craft. 
Gowns and hoods of best Welsh grey cloth' (de optimo panno 
roceto Wallensi') and linen vests to be distributed among the poor 
of Mildenhale, Staundon, and the City of London. Bequests to 
divers orders of friars, the inmates of hospitals and prisons, the 
lepers at Hakeney, S. Giles, and S. Thomas Wateryng, as well as 
to his apprentices and numerous other individuals. Dated 
London, the last day of July, A.D. 1434. Roll 164 (46). 


Monday next after the Feast of S. Barnabas, Apostle [11 Jne]. 
Game (HuHH), "peautrer."--To be buried in the church of 
S. Mildred in the Poultry, to the rector, churchwardens, and 
parishioners of which he leaves a certain tenement situate near 
le Scaldynglane within the parish, together with shops in the 
parish of S. Leonard de Estchep and in Candelwykstrete in the 
parish of S. Mary de Abbechirch, charged with the maintenance 
of a chantry for the good of his soul, the souls of Agnes and 
Matilda his late wives, Margaret his present wife, and others ; 
also with the observance of his obit, with gifts of bread and 
cheese and beer, &c., in manner directed. In default the 
property is to go over to the Prioress and Convent of Kyl- 
bourne for similar uses. Devises a certain tenement in 
Graschirchstret in the parish of S. Leonard de Estchepe to 
certain "peautrers," whom he appoints executors, to the intent 
that they shall immediately after his decease convey the same to 
Margaret his wife, to hold absolutely.  Dated London, 10 June, 
A.D. 1435. Roll 164 (47). 

[NOTE.--The regnal year and date of the session of the Court 
are omitted throughout Roll 165.] 
Stace (RICHARD), jeweller.--To be buried in the church of 
S. Christopher. To the rector, churchwardens, and parishioners 
 Probably some kind of frieze, Wales a In this way the custom which al- 
having enjoyed a reputation for manu- lowed a citizen to give his wife a life 
facture of friezes :--" Rocatus, coloris estate only in his lands and tenements 
'oc seu rupis, ut videtur, idem forte within the City was circumvented. (See 
qui marmoreus '" (Du Cange). Introd., Part I., p. xxxviii.) 





of the said church a certain tenement near Cornhill which he and 
Johanna his mother acquired from John Olneye, grocer, and 
Dionisia, wife of the same (widow and executrix of Richard 
Claveryng, draper), by deed enrolled, 1 charged with the observance 
of his obit within the said church, and gifts of bread, beer, and 
clothing to the poor ; also with certain payments to the fabric 
of the body of the said church and for the maintenance of the 
Fraternity of S. Christopher therein. In default the property to 
go over to the Wardens and Masters of the Mistery of Goldsmiths 
of the City of London and commonalty of the same for the relief 
of the poor of the said commonalty. Dated London, 12 March, 
A.D. 1433. Roll 165 (1). 

lIewnam ('rILLIAM), sl:inner.--To be buried in S. Paul's 
churchyard as in another testament touching his movable goods 
more fully is declared. To the rector, churchwardens, and 
parishioners of the church of S. Augustine by S. Paul's Gate he 
gives a right of way (quandam viam process.ionalem) through his 
alley to the east end of the church, with metes and bounds as set 
out. To Elizabeth his daughter the reversion of certain lands 
and tenements in Watlyngstret in the parish of S. Augustine 
after the decease of Elizabeth his wife, to hold in tail subject to 
the above easement ; remainder in trust for sale for pious and 
charitable uses. Dated London, 7 May, A.D. 1435. 
oll 165 (19). 
Sutton (TOMAS), tailor. -- To be buried in the church of 
II. Trinity the Less near Quenehithe, near Roger his late brother. 
To Geoffrey Gybon, Master of the Fraternity of Tailors and 
Armourers of Linen Armour of S. John the Baptist in the City 
of London, the wardens and brethren and sisters of the same 
fraternity, he leaves lands, tenements, and a wharf in a certain 
lane called " Cressynghamlane " in the parish of S. James de 
Garlikhithe, which the testator jointly acquired with others from 
Robert Luton, late draper, and Robert Mildenhale, late skinner, by 
deed enrolled.  All the issues and profits of the said lands and 
tenements, &c., after payment of cost of repair and maintenance, 
to be devoted to the relief of poor brethren and sisters in the 
 Hust. Roll 134 (101). I  Hust. Roll 142 (40). 



almshouses of the fraternit.y,  near the hall of the fraternity in 
the parish of S. Martin Oteswiche. To Cristina his wife tene- 
ments in the parish of H. Trinity aforesaid for life ; remainder to 
the master and wardens of the fraternity aforesaid for like uses. 
Dated London, 23 May, A.D. 1432. Roll 165 (30). 

Terry (GUY), baker.--To be buried in the church of the Friars 
Minors near Newgate. Bequests to the fabric of the said church 
and to the friars for their prayers, and for the maintenance of a 
chantry for the space of one year in the parish church of S. Anne 
near Aldrisshgate. To Alice his wife his bakehouse in the parish 
of S. Anne aforesaid, and all his lands and tenements in the 
parish of S. Swithun in Candelwikstrete and in Grubbestrete in 
the parish of S. Giles without Crepulgate, for life ; remainder to 
Richard Cotton de Bromesgrove, co. Worcester, and John Shepton, 
citizen of London, in fee. Dated London, 17 March, A.D. 1436. 
Roll 165 (32). 
Stufford (Jon:N).--To be buried in the church of S. Michael 
de Bassyngeshawe, where lies the body of Margery his late wife. 
To Isabella his wife a tenement at the corner of the lane called 
" Turnebastlane" in the parish of S. Mary de Aldermariechirch for 
life ; remainder to Katherine his daughter and John his son in 
successive tail ; remainder in trust for sale for pious and charit- 
able uses. Dated London, 4 May, .D. 1436. Roll 165 (34). 



Monday t after the Feast of S. Faith, Vivgiqz [60ct.]. 
Bucon (Jo), woolmonger.--To be buried in the church of 
S. Mary de Estneston, co. Northampton, viz., in the aisle or chapel 
(iq insula seu capella) of H. Trinity, where lie the remains of 
Richard his father and Katherine his mother, if so be he die at 

 From the return made by the Com- 
pany to the Livery Companies Com- 
mission of 1880 it appears that the 
property here devised is now represented 
by  warehouse in Anchor Alley, Thames 
Street, and by a sum of nmney in Consols, 
tlm produce of other property devised. 


The whole of the income is applied solely 
to the support of the Company's alms- 
houses (Commissioners' Report, 1884 
vol. ii. p. 426). The date of the will is 
given as 26 May, 1432, both in the 
Company's return and in Mr. Hate's 
Report made in 1864. 





Estneston ;z otherwise he is to be buried in the church of All 
Hallows de Berkyngchirch. And whereas he purposes to rebuild 
the church of Estneston and the chapel aforesaid during his life- 
time, his executors are to carry out his project in the event of 
his dying before the work is finished. Bequest to the vicar and 
parishioners of the said church of an annual rent issuing from his 
lands, tenements, &c., in the parishes of All Hallows de Berkyng- 
chirch, S. Clement towards Candelwikstrete, S. Leonard de Est- 
chep, and elsewhere in the City for a term of ten years, for a 
trental of S. Gregory to be said each year in the aforesaid chapel 
for the good of his soul, the souls of his father and mother, 
Laurence his brother, and others. To John Poutrelle and Margery 
his wife, the testator's daughter, he leaves all his lands and 
tenements just mentioned in tail, saving the above rent. Dated 
London, 8 March, A.D. 1436.wAlso he wills that his feoffees in 
trust of lands and tenements in Estneston, Toucestre, and Hol- 
cote  convey the same to John Bacoun, son of Laurence his 
brother, saving free easement of his chambers, horses, &c., at 
Estneston to John Poutrell and Margery aforesaid whenever they 
like to sojourn there. His feoffees in trust of lands and tene- 
ments in the parish of S. Mary Magdalen de Bermondseye, co. 
Surrey, to convey the same to the aforesaid John and ]%Iargery. 
Roll 166 (9). 

Moqzday zx before the Feast of SS. Simoqz and Jude [28 Oct.]. 
Jepe (RlcmUD), Rector of the church of All Hallows de Hony- 
lane.--To be buried in his church. To Katherine his sister a 
tenement in the parish of S. Martin in the Vintry for life ; 
remainder to the Prioress and Convent of Chesthunte, co. Herts. 
...... [The rest of the will is apparently lost.] Roll 166 (12). 

Monday next after" the Feast of S. And'ew, Apostle [30 Nov.]. 
IUS (WILLIAM), Alderman 3 and goldsmith.--To be buffed in 
the church of S. Michael upon Cornhill, to the rector and church- 
wardens of which church he leaves the reversion of certain lands, 
tenements, and rents within the parish after the decease of 
' Easton Neston, near Towcester. [ ' Of Cornhill Ward ? 
- Drixworth, co. Northampton. 




formerly belonging to Dame Margery Welton, widow, and after- 
wards to William Sevenok, grocer, and one of the Aldermen  of 
the City, which he leaves to the rector, vicar, churchwardens, and 
parishioners of the church of S. Nicholas de Sevenok, co. Kent, 
charged with the payment of five marks annually to some honest 
man, not in holy orders, to teach poor children of the parish in 
the messuage formerly belonging to William Sevenok, according 
to the terms of the will of the said William ; and also with the 
payment of ten shillings yearly to each of thirteen poor men and 
women, at the discretion of the said rector, vicar, and wardens, 
living in cottages formerly belonging to the said William. The 
surplus of the issues and profits of the property to be kept in a 
box within the said church for any emergency that may arise 
touching the tenements. In default the property to go over to 
the next heir male of the said William Sevenok. Dated London, 
4 January, A.D. 1437. Roll 166 (46). 

Monday next after" the Feast of S. James, Aostle [5 July]. 
Osborn (RICHARD), Clerk of the Chamber of the City of 
London.- To be buried in the church of S. Michael de Bas- 
syngeshawe, where Johanna his wife lies buried. To Agnes his 
wife shops, &c., in the lane called " Seintsitheslane ,,a in the parish 
of S. Benedict Shorhogge, and in Walbroke in the parish of 
S. John, for life by way of dower. To William his son he leaves 
the reversion of the above property, and also a tenement in the 
parish of S. Andrew upon Cornhull, in tail ; remainder, as to the 
tenement in Walbroke, to the rector and churchwardens of the 
church of S. Michael de Bassyngeshawe for the maintenance of a 
light upon the common beam before the crucifix within the said 
church, and of a light to burn before the image of the Blessed 
Mary when Salve Regina is sung. His other tenements to be 
sold for pious and charitable uses. Also to his aforesaid son and 
to Elizabeth, wife of the same, he leaves divers rents in the 
Parish of S. Martin Pomers in Irmongerlane and elsewhere. 
1 Of Tower Ward. of Queen Elizabeth, 1560. It has since 
 The school was founded in accord- been reconstructed under the Endowed 
ance with the terms of his will (not Schools Act. The almshouses exist at 
enrolled in the Husting), dated 4 July, the present day. 
1 i32, nd incorporated by letters patent a Now Sie Lae. See note, p. 311. 



To the Prior and Convent of the House of the Salutation 
of the Mother of God of the Carthusian Order near London 
certain rents in the parish of S. Mary de Abbechirch, on condition 
they observe the obit of Johanna Blounde on the day of the 
Exaltation of H. Cross [14 Sept.], with Placebo and Di'ige 
by note overnight and Requiem mass on the morrow. The rever- 
sion of certain shops in the parish of S. Laurence in the Jewry 
to be sold for pious uses after the decease of Thomas Osborn, 
mercer, Alice, wife of the same, and Richard their son, without 
any heir of the body of the said Richard being left surviving. 
Dated London, 16 January, A.D. 1437. Roll 166 (66). 


Monday qzext after the Feast of Conversion of S. Paul [25 Jaqz.]. 
Sprot (ALEXANDER), vintner.--Testament touching his lands, 
tenements, rents, and services in the parish of S. Botolph without 
Algate. To the Prior of the Church of H. Trinity de Crichirche 
within Algate, rector of the church of S. Botolph aforesaid, and 
churchwardens of the said church of S. Botolph, he leaves certain 
tenements, called respectively "le Ship" and "le Wollesakke," 
and also a tenement where formerly dwelt Robert Burford, 1 late 
bell-founder (campana'ius), situate in the parish of S. Botolph 
aforesaid, charged with the maintenance of a chantry for the good 
of his soul, the souls of John Romeney, late potter, Robert 
Burford, and others. In default the property to go over to the 
Master and Brethren of the Church of S. Thomas the Martyr de 
Acon near the Conduit, to execute his wishes aforesaid. Dated 
London, 21 June, A.D. 1438. Roll 167 (15). 

Scraynham (RICHARD), tailor.--To be buried in S. Sepulchre's 
churchyard without Neugate where Johanna his late wife lies 
buried. To Agnes his wife tenements and rents in the parish of 
S. Stephen in Colmanstret for life ; remainder to William Hall, 
mercer, his kinsman. Also to his said wife his leasehold tene- 
ments and gardens in the parishes of S. Sepulchre aforesaid and 

Son of William Burford, the "belyeter," whose will is enrolled supra, p. 301. 




S. Andrew de Holbourne. Dated London, Friday, 21 March, 
.D. 1437. Roll 167 (19). 

Monday next after the Feast of Iventio of H. Cross [3 May]. 
Louthe (ROBERT, BOa of ROBERT, late "joynour ").--To Isabella 
his wife, by way of dower of his lands, tenements, and rents, he 
leaves a certain tenement in the parish of S. Mary de Aldermarie- 
chirch for life ; also rents in the same parish and in Bircherlane 
in the parish of S. Michael upon Cornhull for life ; remainder to 
Robert his son in tail. Also to the said Robert tenements in 
"Seint Sydes lane " in the parish of S. Antonin and elsewhere, 
charged with the observance of his obit in the church of S. Michael 
de Paternosterchirch ; remainder in trust for sale for pious uses. 
Dated London, 1 August, A.D. 1419. Roll 167 (42). 

Monday next after the Feast of S. Petronilla, Vi'gin [31 May]. 
tiunte (WILLIAM), butcher.--To be buried in the church of 
S. Nicholas at the Shambles. Bequests to the said church and 
ministers thereof, and the parish churches of Chidyngfold 1 and 
Hampstede ; also to Agnes Hunte his kinswoman, John Grenehode, 
his servants, apprentices, and others. To Alice his wife a certain 
tenement in the parish of S. Nicholas aforesaid for life; remainder 
to Walter Hunte, grocer, his son. Also to his wife a tenement in 
S. Michael's Lane in the parish of S. Michael de Crokedlane, and 
shops, &c., in the parish of S. Nicholas aforesaid, for life. After 
her decease certain shops are to be sold for pious uses, whilst other 
property he leaves to the rector and churchwardens of the church 
of S. Nicholas aforesaid, charged with the maintenance of a 
chantry and other conditions, in default of which the property is 
to be sold by his executors and the proceeds devoted to pious and 
charitable uses. His wife is also to enjoy a life estate in certain 
of his lands and tenements, held by free deed (pe libel'am 
cartam) or by court roll, in Kylbourne and elsewhere in the 
county of lddlesex, without impeachment of waste ; remainder 
in trust for sale for pious and charitable uses. Dated London, 
15 April, A.D. 1438. Roll 167 (43). 

 Nct" tItlemere, co. Surrey. 



Monday next berate the Feast of S. Ba'nabas, Apostle [11 June]. 
Wedyngtolx (ROBERT), grocer.--To be buried in the church of 
S. Magnus near London Bridge where his parents lie buried. 
Bequest for the maintenance of a chantry in the said church for 
the space of three years next after his decease. The residue 
of his goods and chattels, after bequests to his executors and 
others, he leaves to Elizabeth his wife. Dated 1 August, A.D. 
1437.---Also he wills that his feoffees in trust of the manors of 
Snodelond and Hallyng, co. Kent, convey a life estate in the same 
to his aforesaid wife, that his executors sell the reversion and his 
feoffees make a good title to the purchaser thereof. The proceeds 
to be devoted to the repair of foundrous ways (via'uv o'ofuda- 
um) and other pious and charitable uses. Roll 167 (50). 

Meryv,.le (RICHARD), vintner.--To be buried in the church of 
S. Mary Magdalen de Suthwerk. Certain cellars and solars near 
lalmereslane 1 and Erberlane  in the parish of S. Martin in the 
Vintry (which he had formerly acquired jointly with others, who 
had afterwards released the same to him) to be sold, and the 
proceeds devoted to bestowing marriage portions upon poor girls, 
the repair of highways, and other pious and charitable uses. 
Dated London, 5 April, A.D. 1437.--Also he wills that if the men 
of the Mistery of Vintners of the City of London become 
incorporated by the King, and capable of holding lands and tene- 
ments, within two years next after his decease, his feoffees in trust 
of certain houses and shops in the parish of S. Edmund the King 
and Martyr in Lombardstrete 3 shall so arrange matters that one 
of them shall become solely seised of the said property, so as to 
be able to devise the same to the wardens or masters of the said 
mistery, to hold the same for the relief of the poor of the said 
mistery, 4 otherwise the individual so solely seised is to devise the 

1 Afterwards called Anchor Lane, 
where the llumbers had their hall, 
being tenants of the Vintners. 
ffi "Now, on the Thmes' side. west 
from Grantham's Lane, have ye Herber 
Lane or Brikels' Lane, so called of John 
Brikels, sometime owner thereof" (Stow). 
 A charter was granted to the Vint- 
ners, dated 22 August, 15 Henry VI., 
A.D. 1437,  few months fter the dte 

of this will, and the property passed to 
the Company, who, in their return made 
to the Livery Companies Commission 
appointed in 1880, state that it now 
forms part of the bnk of Messrs. 
Barclay, Bevn, Tritton & Co. 
* The whole income is distributed 
yearly among the poor members of the 
Company in pensions and donations 
(Report Livery Companies Com., 1884, 




and tenements in the City of London, he having already made a 
will disposing of his movables. To Johanna his wife all his lands 
and tenements in the parish of S. Edmund the King in Lumbard- 
strete for life ; remainder to the rector and churchwardens of the 
church of S. Margaret in Briggestrete for the maintenance of a 
chantry in the said church for the good of his soul, the souls of 
John and Johanna his parents, Johanna his wife when dead, and 
others, so long as the issues and profits are sufficient. Dated 
London, 27 September, A.D. 1438.--His will touching a garden 
near Horssedoune 1 in the parish of S. Mary Magdalen near Ber- 
mondsey is that his feoffee in trust of the same shall make a good 
life estate in the same to Johanna his wife whenever desired ; 
remainder to be sold for charitable uses. Roll 170 (41). 

lykhurst (ROBERT), butcher, otherwise called "Brounesbury." 
--To be buried in the church of S. Nicholas at the Shambles. To 
Sir Robert Pyryngton, the rector, churchwardens and parishioners 
of the church of S. Leonard de Estchep, he leaves certain houses, 
&c., in the parish of S. Leonard aforesaid, in aid of a chantry 
in the said church for the souls of the brethren and sisters or 
benefactors, for the maintenance of certain lights, and charged 
with the observance of an obit once a year for the good of 
his soul, the souls of John Knyght, late butcher, Margery, wife 
of the same, and others. A further bequest of an annual rent 
of thirty-four shillings for maintenance of a chantry for the 
souls of John Brounesbury, Johanna, Alice, and Isabella, wives 
of the same, John the father and Eva the mother of the same, 
and others. Dated London, 20 July, A.D. 1434. Roll 170 (42). 

Monday ext after the Feast of S. Agnes, Virgin [21 Jan.]. 
Colston (WILLL0, "plommer."--Testament touching a certain 
brewery called "le Bole on le hoop" at Tourhill in the parish 
of S. Botolph without Algate, which he leaves to Agnes, daughter 

' Variously spelt "Horseydown," 
" Horsadown," "Horselydown," &c. So 
called from its being used as a grazing 
field for horses and cattle. A popular 
legend exists attributing its name to a 
belief that the horse of King John lay 
down with that monarch upon his back, 

hence hovse-lie-dow. It was at one 
time the nme of  street, but is now 
that of a district. Near it was Horse- 
lydown Fair Street, described as a con- 
siderable street between Paris Street 
and Tooley Street and Five Foot Lane, 



parish of Croydon, co. Surrey, shall make an estate tail in the 
same to his son John ; remainder to the said feoffees for sale, the 
proceeds being devoted to the seven works of mercy.--Also he 
wills that his feoffees of his lands and tenements at Biggyng 1 in 
the parish of Croydon aforesaid make a similar estate in the same 
to Henry his son, with similar remainder. Roll 170 (51). 

Ingrain (JOHN), fishmonger.--To be buried according to direc- 
tions contained in his will touching his movables. To Ela his 
wife certain lands and tenements in Distaflane in the parish of 
S. Nicholas Coldeabbey, and in " Eldenelane," " Eldedeneslane," 
or "Elvedenelane '' in the parish of S. Faith, for life ; remainder 
to Agnes his daughter in tail; remainder in trust for sale, and the 
proceeds to be devoted to pious and charitable uses as well as to 
the maintenance of the ornaments more especially of the church 
of S. Nicholas aforesaid, in manner prescribed. Also to his said 
wife his lands and tenements in the vills of Hampstede, Eccles 
near the sea, Happesburgh, and Ingham, co. Norfolk, and also 
his copyhold house called "Fysshows " at Lowystoft. Dated 
London, 5 October, A.D. 1441. Roll 170 (52). 

Megre (EMMA, relict of Jo, "peautrer ").--Testament touch- 
ing her tenements in Shetebouruelane s in the parish of S. Mary 
Abbechirche, and in the parishes of S. Mary Wolnoth near 
Candelwykstrete and S. Mary Wolnoth in Lombardstrete, which 
she leaves to Sir James Forster, the rector, churchwardens and 
other parishioners of the church of S. Mary Wolnoth aforesaid, 
charged with the maintenance of certain torches and tapers; the 
residue of the issues and profits, after payments for repairs, &c., 
to be devoted to the ornaments of the chapel of S. John the 
Baptist and S. John the Evangelist, where she is to be buried, 
within the church aforesaid. In case of default the property is to 

go over to the Wardens of the 
 There appears to be a "Biggens 
Farm" at the present dy in the vicinity 
of Norwood, and not far from Croy- 
a Now Warwick Lane, leading into 
Newgate Street. Among the archives 
of S. Paul's there is preserved a demise 

Fraternity of S. Giles in aid of 

bythe Dean and Chapter to John Harpe- 
feld, Archdeacon of London, of their 
great messuage" in the lane of old tyme 
cauled Alden's lane but now cauled 
Warwick lane," 10 lIay, 1555. 
 low Sherborn Lane. As to the mode 
of spelling, see note sulra, p. 136. 




so that the said wardens duly observe his obit. Certain lands 
and tenements in the parishes of S. Mary Magdalen near the Old 
Fish Market, S. Peter near Pouleswharf, S. Michael de Paternoster- 
chirche in the Riole, and S. Swithun in Candelwykstrete to be sold 
for pious and charitable uses, and his feoffees in trust of the same 
to make a good title to the purchaser. His manor of Sippenham 
in the parish of Leuesham, co. Kent, to be likewise sold, saving 
an annuity of forty shillings to William Osbarn. His leasehold 
mansion and shop in the parish of S. Antonin to be sold to some 
honest man of his mistery and the proceeds devoted to pious and 
charitable uses. Dated London, 7 June, A.D. 1442. 
Roll 171 (2). 

Monday next befoq'e the Feast of S. Amb'ose, Bishop [4 AIzil]. 
Eyr (JonANA), widow.--To be buried according to directions 
contained in her will touching her movables. A certain tenement 
in the parish of S. Antonin in Watlyngstrete to be sold in aid of a 
chantry founded in her other will. Her son Thomas to have her 
lands and tenements in the street of Lothebury in the parish of 
S. Margaret (except a tenement which she leaves to Thomas 
Scales), provided he pay to her executors the sum of thirty pounds 
out of the forty pounds which she had expended upon the re- 
covery of certain lands and tenements in the vills and parishes of 
Teaston  and Barmelynge,  co. Kent, which lands and tenements 
she also leaves to her said son in tail ; remainder to William 
Moille and Margaret his wife in special tail. Also to the said 
Thomas she leaves her reversionary interest in two tenements 
and shops in Bredstret in the parish of All Hallows in tail ; 
remainder in trust for sale for the maintenance of a chantry 
in the church of S. Mary Wolnoth in Lumbardestrete. Dated 
London, 8 January, n.D. 1442. Roll 171 (26). 

Hildy (JoHn), "pulter."3--To Sir John Saxton, the rector, and 
churchwardens of the church of S. Mildred in the Poultry, he 
leaves his brewery called "le Cok," situate near the tenement 

' Teston, near Maidstone. I  Poulterer. 
- Barming. 



of Thomas Haseley called "le Compter, 'u in the parish of 
S. Mildred, so that out of the issues and profits they duly 
observe the obits of Richard Merlowe and of Alexander Bartelot 
late "pulter," in manner prescribed, for the good of the souls 
of the said Richard, Margaret and Agnes his wives, the said 
Alexander Emma and Alice his wives, and others. In case of 
default made in carrying out the terms of the devise the property 
is to go over to the Wardens of the Fraternity or Guild of Corpus 
Christi in the chapel of S. Mary de Conynghopelane  for similar 
purposes. Dated London, 16 July, A.D. 1441. Roll 171 (32). 

Monday next after F. of Trans. of . Thomas, Martyr [7 July]. 
l=Iolym (!MAaamT, wife of JohN), formerly wife and executrix 
of John Tetford, brewer.--Makes her will with the permission 
of her then husband with a view to carrying out the several 
wishes of her former husband, her co-executors having died. 
Desires to be buried in the church of S. Laurence Pounteney near 
her late husband. Appoints executors to carry out the wishes of 
her late husband and John Carpenter Clerk of the Commonalty 
of the City of London to survey them. Dated London, 4 Decem- 
ber a.D. 1436. Roll 171 (35). 

Monday next after the Feast of S. James, Apostle [25 July]. 
Aston (JoN), fishmonger.- To be buried in the church of 
S. Sepulchre without Newgate. To Matilda his wife all his lands 
and tenements in the suburbs of the City for life so long as she 
remain unmarried; remainders as to the whole, or, in case of 
remarriage, as to a moiety, to the Masters and Commonalty of the 
Art of Fishmongers of the City of London, charged with the 
maintenance of a chantry within the church of S. Sepulchre 
aforesaid for the space of one year next after his decease and 

t ,, Compters" was the name given to 
lrisons belonging to the Sheriffs, one of 
which was situate in the Poultry, and 
the other in Wood Street, afterwards 
removed to Giltspur Street. 
 West of the Compter 
the will there was, says Stow, "a pro- 
per chapel, called of Corpus Christi and 
t. lIary, at Conyhol0e lane end ...... in 

which Chapel was a guild or fraternity 
that might dispend in lands better than 
twenty pounds by year; it was sup- 
pressed by Henry VIII. and purchased 
by Thomas Hobson, haberdasher; he 
turned this chapel into a fair warehouse 
and shops towards the street, with 
lodgings over them "(' Survey,' Thoms's 
ed., p. 99). 



soul, the souls of Hugh Fastolf and Johanna, wife of the same, 
Paul Boteler, John Jesors and Agnes, wife of the same, and 
others, in manner prescribed. In default the rent to go over to 
the rector and churchwardens of the church of S. Swithun for 
like purposes ; remainder, in case of default, to the church of 
S. John upon Walbroke, with further remainder to the Mayor or 
Warden of the City and Chamberlain of the same for similar pious 
and charitable uses in Guildhall Chapel. Dated London, 10 May, 
A.D. 1445. Roll 173 (39). 

Monday next after the Feast of S. _]llau., Abbot [15 Jan.]. 
Fitz Robert (ROBERT, Son of ROBERT, late grocer).--To be 
buried in the church of S. Mary de Aldermarichirche under the 
stone where lies the body of Margaret his late wife, daughter of 
Robert Comberton, esquire. To Margaret his wife all his lands, 
tenements, &c., in the parish of S. Mildred in Bredstret for hfe ; 
remainder or reversion in trust for sale for charitable uses. To 
the Master and Brethren of the House of S. Thomas de Acon he 
leaves a silver cup with covercle and gilt rim (i.J bo'd%'is 
deaz'atem), in English called "the grete grubbe," as a memento. 
The residue of his goods, jewels, and other chattels, whether 
alive or dead, he leaves also to his wife for payment of debts, 
legacies, &c. Dated 27 October, A.D. 1434. 
A codicil whereby he desires his feoffees in trust of lands 
tenements, &c., in the parish of All Hallows at the Hay in the 
Ropery to convey an annuity of twenty-six shillings and eight- 
pence, charged on the same, to Alice Fornyvale ; also an annual 
rent of five marks for the maintenance of a chantry in the church 
of S. Olave in Suthwerk for the soul of John Mokkyng for the 
space of twenty-four years ; and to make a good life estate in the 
said lands and tenements to his aforesaid wife, without impeach- 
ment of waste, on condition that she cause to be kept for one 
year a weekly obit of his father and mother in S. John's Chapel 
withiu the church of S. Mary de Aldermarichirche, where they lie 
buried, and maintain a chantry in S. Mary's Chapel within the 
same church, where the testator aad his father used to sit; re- 

church of Aldermanbury be raised to a more convenient height 
and five bells hung therein. Among other bequests he leaves to 
John Middelton his large Legend of the Saints, a pewees, and a 
vestment of cloth of gold with popyngeays. To the perpetual 
chaplain of his chantry in the church of S. Mary de Aldermanbury 
he leaves a certain tenement with shop, situate near the church 
of S. Peter in Westchepe. Dated 16 March in the year aforesaid. 
By another codicil of the same date he leaves to the Wardens 
of the Mistery of Mercery of the City of London a tenement 
called "le Three Coupes upon le hoop" in the parish of All 
Hallows in Bredestrete, and other tenements, &c., in Morestrete 
in the parish of S. Giles without Crepulgate, charged with certain 
payments towards a chantry in the church of S. Mary de Alder- 
manbury for the good of his soul, the souls of Juliana and Alice 
his late wives, and others, and with the due observance of his 
obit in manner prescribed ; also with the payment of thirteen 
shillings and fourpence annually to the Dean and Chapter of the 
Collegiate Church of S. Martin le Grand on account of the obit of 
William Kynwolmerssh. In case of default the property is to go 
over to the Maste of the House of S. Thomas de Acon under 
similar conditions. Roll 175 (19). 

Estfeld (WILLIAM), Knt., citizen and mercer, and Alderman of 
the City of London.--Testament touching certain quitrents in the 
parish of S. Botolph without Aldrichegate, the reversion of which 
he leaves to the Prior of the House of S. Mary de Overey and the 
convent of the same, whensoever the Prior and Convent of S. Bar- 
tholomew in Westsmythfeld shall make default in maintaining a 
chantry for the soul of Reginald Colyer, Prior of S. Bartholomew's 
in Westsmythfeld, the souls of the testator, his late wives, and 
others, in manner prescribed. Dated London, 28 January, A.D. 
1445. Roll 175 (20). 

Monday next after the Feast of S. Chad, Bishop [2 March-. 
Stoke (RALPH), grocer.--Testament touching an annum rent of 
six shillings and eightpence issuing from a mansion in the parish 
of S. Andrew upon Cornhill, which he leaves to Master John 
Savage, the rector, and churchwardens of the said parish church, 




or woman receiving weekly one bushel of good measure, "full 
be heped." After the death of his wife "the lands and tene- 
ments aforesaid to go to Alice his daughter, wife of Thomas 
Pecke, in tail, subject to similar provisions; remainder to 
the Mayor and Commonalty of the City of London for the 
perpetual maintenance of the water conduits of the City, and 
for carrying out the above religious and charitable uses. In 
default the property to go over to the vicar of the church of 
S. Laurence in the Jewry and the Wardens of the Mistery of 
Girdlers of the City for the time being in trust for sale, the 
proceeds to be devoted to the repair of bridges and highways, 
the bestowal of marriage portions, and other pious and charitable 
uses. Dated London, 1 August, A.D. 1442. Roll 176 (8). 

Monday next after the Feast of Conversion of S. Paul [25 Jan.]. 
Baron (JOHn), " talughchaundeler." -- To be buried in his 
parish church of S. Sepulchre without Newgate. Bequests for 
maintenance of fabric of the said church and to the Fraternity 
of S. Stephen therein ; also to the Prior and Convent of the 
House of the Salutation of the Mother of God of the Carthusian 
Order, and to the Fraternity of Parish Clerks  in London. To 
Lucy his wife all his lands and tenements in the suburbs of the 
City for life ; remainder in trust for sale for pious uses. Dated 
London, Friday, 16 November, A.Do 1436. Roll 176 (9). 


Monday next be/are the Feast of S. Alphege, Bishop [19 Apil]. 
Aleyn (THOMAS), mercer.--To be buried according to directions 
contained in another will. To the perpetual vicar of the church 
of S. Laurence in the Old Jewry, and to the Wardens of the 

 Concerning this charity Mr. Hare, 
in 1860, reported as follows : --" The 
rector and churchwardens issue printed 
notices of the intended distribution of 
this charity, and persons living in the 
parish who desire to participate apply 
to the vestry clerk ; and the rector, 
churchwardens, and vestry clerk then 
meet and select the persons who are to 
receive the gifts. The names are chosen, 
and then sent to the hallkeeper at 
Guildhall. The number of persons on 
the list are usually about fifteen or six- 
teen, and each receives either two or 

three bushels of coal, making a distri- 
bution of forty bushels a week in the 
whole for twenty successive weeks from 
the 31st October in every year" 
port Royal City Parochial Charities 
Com., 1880, vol. iii. lo. 18). 
 A fraternity whose patron saint was 
S. licholas, and whose hall was in 
Bishopsgte Street. Their chief duty 
appears to have been to see that parish 
registers were properly kept. The bro- 
therhood ws suppressed in the reign of 
Edward VI. 




the parish of S. Matthew in Frydaystret, together with a cellar 
and solar above in the same parish, near Erberlane and Palmeres- 
lane, 1 on condition the said masters or wardens shall out of the 
issues and profits maintain a chantry in the church of S. Martin 
in the Vintry, at the altar of S. Eutropius the Martyr, for the 
souls of William Hervy, King Henry V. of England, and others, 
in manner prescribed. The residue of the said profits, after dis- 
charge of expenses of the said chantry and of repair and mainte- 
nance of the said tenements, is to be devoted to the relief of the 
poor members of the mistery.  In case of default made in carrying 
out the terms of the devise the property is to go over to the 
rector and churchwardens of the church of S. James de Garlek- 
hithe, charged with the maintenance of the chantry aforesaid. 
Also to Sir William Huntyngdon, the rector, and churchwardens 
he leaves tenements in Thamisestret in the parish of S. James 
aforesaid, comprising a tenement called of old " le Blyndebrew- 
hous," otherwise " le hertishorn," and others in the parishes of 
S. Martin Orgar, All Hallows in Graschirchestret, and S. John 
de Walbroke near Horsshobrigge, charged with the maintenance 
of a chantry, observance of his obit, &c., in the aforesaid church. 
The residue of the issues and profits to be devoted to the repair 
of the said tenements, as well as the maintenance of the works 
and ornaments of the aforesaid church. In default the property 
to go over to the Masters or Wardens of the Mistery of Vintners 
to carry out the terms of the devise. Dated London, 12 April, 
a.D. 1442. Roll 177 (12). 


Monday qext after Feast of Tvanslatioq of S. Benedict [11 July]. 
Bray (NIcgoLhs), baker.--To Sir William White, the rector, 
churchwardens and other parishioners of the church of S. Mar- 
garet Moyses, his tenement in Frydaystret in the parish of 
S. Margaret aforesaid, charged with the maintenance of a chantry 
in the aforesaid church for the good of the souls of Ralph 
Cressoner, William White, and others; and also with keeping 
the said tenement in repair. The residue of the issues and 
 See notes st_p'a, p. 487. I Company's charitable estate, or in the 
2 1o information appears to be given I Company's return to the Commission 
respecting the property here devised appointed in 1880. 
either in Mr. Hate's Rcport on the 



S. Ethelburga in the hands of trustees, to the use of Edward 
Snowe for life. Dated London, 5 January, A.D. 1449. 
Roll 179 (19). 

Monday nex before the Feast of S. Chad, Bishop [ March]. 
Pepyr (WILLIAM), skinner.-- To be buried in the church of 
S. Dunstan West in Fletestrete near the burial-place of Paulina 
his late wife and consort. Whereas a bequest made by Thomas 
Duke, late skinner, for the maintenance of a chantry in the 
church of S. Dunstan aforesaid is void at law for uncertainty, the 
bequest having been made to the vicar and churchwardens of 
the said church and their successors, where the vicar mentioned 
could not be shown to have been canonically instituted as 
perpetual vicar, the testator, in order to remove any ambiguity, 
after taking counsel's opinion, bequeaths to the Master of the 
Mistery of the Craft of Skinners and his successors an annual 
rent of ten marks issuing from his messuage called " Sarasynes- 
hede" and tenements adjoining, situate in the parish of S. Dunstan 
aforesaid, for the maintenance of a chantry in the said parish 
church for the good of his soul, the souls of Thomas Duke, Agnes, 
wife of the same, and others. The appointment of the chantry 
priest to be with Johanna his wife so long as she live, and after 
her decease with John Whittokesmede and Agnes, wife of the 
same, the testator's daughter. Also to his said wife he leaves 
the aforesaid messuage for life. Dated London, 8 June, A.D. 1442. 
Roll 179 (20). 

Monday qext after the Feast of S. Leonard, Abbot [6 Nov.]. 
Graunt (JoY,N), "pasteler." To John Godyslond, the rector, 
and churchwardens of the:church of S. Alphege within Crepulgate, 
his brewery called "le Cokke on the hoop" in Grubbestrete in 
the parish of S. Giles without Crepulgate, and a tenement called 
" le Caterine on the hoop" in the parish of S. Alban de Wode- 
strete, charged with the maintenance of a chantry in the aforesaid 
church for the souls of John Credy, Johanna, wife of the same, 
I Will enrolled supra, Roll 150 (8). 




and others. In default the property to go over to the Mayor and 
Commonalty of the City of London for the same purpose, the 
residue of the profits being applied to the use of the Chamber 
of the Guildhall. Dated 25 April, 12 Henry VI. [A.D. 1434]. 
Roll 180 (7). 

Monday next after F. of S. Martin, Bp., "in yeme" [11 lov.]. 
Cruse (MAI6ARET), daughter of John Cnlse, late tailor, and 
relict of John Spenser, brewer ; a freewoman of the City of 
London, having been admitted to the freedom 30 hIay, 27 
Henry VI. [A.D. 1449].--To be buried according to instnlctions 
contained in her testament touching her movables. To John 
Lovell her servant a lower house beneath a solar, with right 
of way from Redecrouchestrete, easement of water supply, lights, 
evesdroppes, &c. To Randulph Barker, girdler, and Juliana his 
wife, daughter of the testatrix, certain tenements and gardens 
in Redecrouchestrete, together with the reversion of the lower 
house just mentioned, for the lifetime of the said Juliana, charged 
with the due observance of her obit, the obits of her late husband 
and others, in manner prescribed ; remainder in trust for sale, the 
proceeds being devoted to divers charitable uses. To Thomas 
Russell, brewer, and Margaret his wife, another daughter of the 
testatrix, a tenement lately called "Harlewyns" and now called 
" le harp on the hoop," together with a parcel of land in Rede- 
erouchestrete in the parish of S. Giles without Crepulgate, for the 
lifetime of the said Margaret; remainder in trust for sale, the 
proceeds being devoted to the observance of her obit and to 
charitable objects within the parish of S. Giles aforesaid. Dated 
London, 1 August, A.D. 1449. Roll 180 (14). 

Monday the Feast of S. Cuthbe't, Bisho [20 March]. 
titumber (Jom), brewer. -- To be buried in the church of 
S. Mary rolchirche. To John and William his sons and Cecilia 
his daughter divers silver bowls. His personal apparel, including 
girdles and baselards, to be sold for pious uses. To Margaret his 
wife a life interest in all his lands and tenements in the parish 
of S. Ethelburga within Bisshopesgate ; remainder to his sons and 
daughter aforesaid in successive tail ; remainder in trust for sale, 



a tenement or hostel called "Bassettisyn," formerly belonging to 
Sir Ralph de Basset, Knt., late lord of Drayton, situate in the 
parish of S. Mary de Aldermanbury, and a hostel called "Pen- 
brigges Inne," at the corner of Lymestrete in the parish of 
S. Andrew near Cornhull, to have and to hold to the said 
master and wardens in pure and perpetual alms for the relief of 
poor members of the fraternity,  who are especially to pray for 
his soul, the souls of Matilda his late wife as well as of the 
brethren and sisters of the fraternity. Dated London, 2 May, 
A.D. 1452. Roll 183 (13). 

I-Ioland (RALPh), citizen and tailor.--To the Master and 
Wardens of the Fraternity of Tailors and Armourers of Linen 
Armour of S. John the Baptist he leaves two tenements in Fan- 
chirchestrete in the parish of S. Dionisius Bakchirche, and another 
tenement in the same parish in a certain lane called "Margarete 
atte Patyns," and also a tenement opposite Houndesdich in the 
parish of S. Botolph without Algate, so that the said master and 
wardens shall keep the said tenements in repair, and out of the 
issues and profits pay annually thirteen shillings and fourpence 
to the rector and churchwardens of the church of S. Mary de 
Aldermarychirche for keeping his obit, &c., and also pay annually 
and weekly to each poor brother and sister of the fraternity the 
sum of one penny for their relief. The residue to be devoted to 
the alms of the fraternity for special prayers for his soul, the souls 
of Matilda his late wife and others. In case of default made in 
carrying out the terms of the devise the property is to go over 
to the rector and churchwardens of the church aforesaid. Dated 
London, 3 May, A.D. 1452. Roll 183 (14). 

Whitton (TnoAs).--To be buried in the church of S. Sepulchre 
without Newegate. To Idonia his wife his messuage in Hol- 
bourne for life; remainder to Alice his daughter for life; 
remainder to the vicar and churchwardens of the church of 
' The only property now belonging their own account 13s. 4d. annually, as 
to the Company by gift of 1Ralph Holnd given to superstitious uses, nd pur- 
or Holland is the George Inn, Alder- chased by the Company from the Grown, 
manbury, let on a sixty-one years' lease, and curry the residue of rent to the 
from Lady Day, 1831, at a rent of 165L poor account, 
per annum. The Company carry to 



S. Sepulchre aforesaid towards the maintenance of a chantry for 
the good of his soul and for the observance of his .bit. Also to 
Alice his daughter for life the reversion of his tenement called "le 
Saresenesheed on the hoop" in the parish of S. Laurence in the 
Jewry after the death of his aforesaid wife ; remainder to Master 
Robert Wombewell, the vicar of the church of S. Laurence 
aforesaid, and successors, so that they maintain a:chantry for the 
good of his soul, the souls of his wives, and others. To every 
chaplain of the College of the Guildhall of the City of London 
he leaves twelve pence for prayers. Dated London, 18 June, 
A.D. 1414.1 Roll 183 (15). 

Monday qzext after the Feast of S. Chad, Bishop [2 March]. 
West (WILLIAM),"marbeler."--To the rector and churchwardens 
of the church of S. Michael de Crokedlane and their successors he 
leaves an annual rent of five marks issuing from tenements in 
Wolcylane in the parish of All Hallows the Less called "on the 
Solar" (super solarium), for the maintenance of a chantry which 
Thomas atte Legh had previously failed to establish by will,  the 
devise being not valid in law, for the souls of the said Thomas 
atte Legh, Edelina, wife of the same, 51icholas Wotton, and 
others. Dated London, 20 November, A.D. 1447. 
Roll 183 (22). 
Lufkyn (Jo), "pastiller. ''3- To be buried according to 
directions contained in his other will touching his movables. 
To Sir William Witham, the rector, and churchwardens of 
the church of S. Michael upon Cornhull and their successors, he 
leaves the reversion of certain lands and tenements in West- 
chepe in the parish of S. Peter in Chepe, comprising a tenement 
called "le Ship on the hope," formerly belonging to Nicholas 
de Farndon, goldsmith, so that they pray for his soul and 
the souls of William Rus and Isabella, wife of the same, John 
Plympton, and others, keep the said tenements in repair, render 
true account of profits and disbursements, and place the 

1 There is nothing to show why so 
long a time elapsed between execution 
and probate. It is seldom that a man 
makes a will, and leaves it without al- 
teration, forty years before he dies. 

2 Enrolled s,pra, pp. 153-4. The 
property is there said to be situate in 
the parish of All Hllows the Great. 
a Maker of pastry, pie-baker. 




residue in a certain chest called "Russes Cheste" (having four 
locks and keys)within the said church, the said residue to be 
applied in aid of the chantry formerly founded within the same 
church by William Rus for the good of his soul. In default the 
propery is to go over to the Master or ardens of the Mistery 
of Goldsmiths of London and commonalty of the same, charged 
with an annual payment of fifty-three shillings and fourpence 
towards the aforesaid chantry of John Rus ; the residue of the 
issues and profits, after payment of all charges, to be devoted to 
the relief of poor almsmen of the art. Dated London, the last 
day of March, A.D. 1450. Roll 183 (24). 

Monday qw,t after the Feast o/S. Valentiqze [1 Feb.]. 
Ongham (CmsT,A, relict of JoH).--To be buried in the 
church of S. Christopher in Bradstrete. To William Geffrey, the 
rector, and churchwardens of the said church she leaves her dwell- 
ing-house and shops situate within the parish in aid of a chantry 
of the Veruacle* of the H. Trinity in the aforesaid church, and 
for the due observance of her obit, &c., in manner prescribed. 
To Robert Ongham.. citizen of London, all her tenements in the 
parish of S. Mary atte Naxe for life, on condition he distributes 
annually two shillings among the poor for the good of her 
soul; remainder to Robert and Thomas his sons, together with 
divers household chattels. Her lands and tenements upon le 
Stewysside,  in Grenewiche, Writylmarssh, or elsewhere in the 
county of Kent to be sold for pious and charitable uses. To 
Johanna, wife of John Wossell, tailor, her silver girdle inscribed 
with In princigo erat verbum. Dated 15 June, .D. 1455. 

* A name given to the sudary (aov$d- 
p,o), or ngpkin, which a Jewess gave to 
our Saviour on his wgy to Cglvary 
with which to wipe his fgce, and which 
thereupon became impressed with his 
" A row of houses of ill fame situgte 
on the Bgnkside in Southwark, which, 
strange to say, were at one time under 

Ron lS4 

the urisdiction of the Bishop of Wire 
chester. They were attacked by War 
Tyler and th Kentish rebels, but this 
may have been owing to the fact that 
William Walworth, who was then 
Mayor, was known to have an interest in 
the houses. They were suppressed, says 
Stow, in 1546 by the King's command- 
ment, proclaimed by sound of trumpet. 




Guildhall for the maintenance of a chantry in the said college 
church. Dated London, Thursday, 12 April, A.D. 1453. 
Roll 184 (11). 

Monday next after the Feast of S. Lu'lce, Evangelist [18 Oct.]. 
Bridde (GEOFFREY), ' brasyer."--To Margaret his wife a house 
and shops opposite Hundesdich in the parish of S. Botolph with- 
out Algate in fee, provided that within two years next after his 
decease she pay to John Belwyn, citizen and "Foundour," and 
to John Lambard, citizen and "peautrer," ten marks sterling 
respectively. Also to his said wife certain other lands and tene- 
ments in the same parish absolutely. Dated 10 February 
A.D. 1454. Roll 184 (20). 


Monday next before the Feast of S. Katherine, Vi'giq [25 Nov.]. 
Clyff (JoN), skinner.--To the rector, churchwardens, and 
parishioners of the church of S. BJildred in Bredestrete an 
annual rent issuing from a certain tenement called "le Pye" in 
the parish of S. Sepulchre without Neugate, near the high street 
called "Rennerstrete," for the maintenance of a lamp to burn 
night and day in the chancel of the said church. Dated London, 
26 January, A.D. 1453. Roll 185 (9). 

Moqday ne be fare the Feast of S. Cuthbert, Bisho [20 Ma'ch]. 
Guybon (GEOFFREY), tailor.--To William Stokes, gentleman, 
lands, tenements, &c., in the parishes of S. Michael in Bassynges- 
hawe, S. Sepulchre without Newgate, and S. Botolph without 
Bisshopesgate, to hold for life without impeachment of waste ; 
remainder to the Prior and Convent of the Hospital of S. Mary 
de Elsyngspitell within Crepulgate, charged with the maintenance 
of a chantry with special collects for the souls of the said William 
Stokes, of Nicholas and Johanna, the father and mother of the 
said William, and others ; and also with the due observance of 
their obit, &c., in manner prescribed. In case of default made 
in carrying out the terms of the devise the property is to go 
over to the Master of the House or Church of S. Thomas the 



Martyr of Acon, near the great conduit, and brethren of the same 
under like conditions, with further remainder, in case of default, 
to the Mayor and Commonalty of the City of London, for the 
maintenance and use of the chapel or college near the Guildhall. 
Dated London, 1 April, A.D. 1443. Roll 185 (18). 

Monday next before the Feast of S. Duzstan, Bishop [13 May]. 
Wetenhale (WILLIr), grocer. -- To be buried according to 
directions contained in his will touching his movables. To Alice 
his wife all his lands and tenements in the parish of S. hlary de 
Wolchirchehawe for life, so that she forego her dower of his lands 
and tenements in the parish of S. Pancras ; remainder to William 
his son and to hlargaret, wife of the said William, daughter of 
William Hexstall, esquire, in special tail; remainder to his said son 
in tail general ; remainder to John Colvyle grocer, and Margaret 
his wife, the testater's daughter, in special tail ; remainder to the 
said Margaret in tail general ; remainder to Thomas Swetenham, 
grocer, in tail; remainder to the Wardens of the Mistery of 
Grocery of the City of London, in trust for sale for pious and 
charitable uses. Dated London, 14 February, h.D. 1455. 
Roll lS5 


Monday next before the Feast of S. Petroiila, Vi'gin [31 May]. 
Farnehum (WILLiaM), "sporier."-- To William Grene, the 
rector, and churchwardens of the church of S. Andrew in ttol- 
born, and to the Masters or Wardens, Brethren and Sisters of 
the Guild or Fraternity of S. Sithe founded therein,  he leaves 
his brewery called "le 5hitehert super le hoop," near the lane 
called "Loueronelane, '' charged with observing the obit of John 
Courtenay, late Principal of "Furnyvale In" in Holborn, and 
also with the maintenance of a chantry as directed. In case of 
default a certain rent is to go to the Prior and Convent of the 
Carthusian house near Westsmythfeld for the purpose of keeping 
 This guild, says Strype, was pos- I were by him grunted to Thomas Baxtlet, 
sessed of a tenement called the "Plow" ] the King's printer (?), and Richard 
in Fetter Lane, together with houses,  Mody(Stow's'Survey,' Strype'$ ed., 1720, 
grden, &c., all of which cme izto the ] bk. iii. p. 248}. 
hands of King Edward VI. by virtue of   Or Loneronelae? See Paxt L p. 181. 
the Act abolishing chantries passed in / Probably identical with "Lyneroune- 
the second (ic) year of his reio, and lae," id., p. 367. 




the aforesaid obit ; remainder in default to the Dean and Chapter 
of S. Paul's. Desires his will to be read and enrolled in the 
Husting of London immediately after his decease, according to 
the custom of the City. Dated 16 February, 34 Henry VI. 
[A.D. 1455-6]. Roll 185 (26). 

Monday the Feast of Translation of S. Benedict, Abbot [11 July]. 
Iyttelton (JOHN), mercer.--To Alice his wife lands and tene- 
ments in the parish of S. Mary Abbechirch for life, on condition 
that she maintain a chantry in the said parish church during 
her lifetime for the good of his soul, the souls of Katherine his 
former wife, Henry his son, and others, and duly observe his 
obit; remainder to Master Henry Sharpe, the rector, and 
churchwardens of the church of S. Mary aforesaid and their 
successors, charged with the maintenance of a similar chantry, 
&c., the priest turning towards the congregation immediately 
after offering his mass' and saying, " Ye shull specially prey 
far the sonle of John Lyttelton, mercer, and Katery% his wyf, 
a%d He%ry the son of the said Joh% Lyttelton, far whom to pray 
y am fonquled aqd ardeyned here, a%d .far their sowles and 
alle Criste% sawle8 far charite every ma% and woma% sey a 
pater qzoster aqzd Ave," with special collects and other observances 
in manner prescribed. In case of default made in maintaining 
the said chantry and observing his obit as directed the property 
is to go over to the Mayor and Commonalty of the City of 
London to the use of London Bridge, on condition the Masters 
or Wardens of the said bridge for the time being maintain a 
chantry and observe his obit in manner aforesaid. Dated London, 
21 September, A.D. 1456. Roll 185 (29). 

Monday next befare the Feast of S. Margaret, Virgi% [20 July]. 
Carter (JOHN), "Curreour."---To be buried in the church of 
S. Alphege before le Pewe where he used to sit. Bequests of sums 
of money to Richard his son, Margaret and Johanna his daughters. 
His feoffees in trust of lands and tenements in the parish of 
S. Alphege are directed to make a sufficient estate in law to 

See note suTva, p. 508. 

in Basyeshawe, and from other lands and tenements belonging 
to the said Mayor and Commonalty in the parishes of S. Peter 
upon Cornhull and S. Botolph near Billyngesgate, which were 
granted to her jointly with others by gift of John Gedney, late 
Mayor, 1 and of the Commonalty of the City of London, so that the 
said rector, &c., duly observe an obit for the good of her soul and 
the soul of her late husband, with all the ceremony, charitable 
gifts, and religious services at the tomb of her late husband as 
are here in her will set out. In case of default made in carrying 
out the terms of the bequest the aforesaid rents are to go over 
to the rector, churchwardens, and parishioners of the church of 
S. Martin Oteswich for similar uses in the said church. Also 
to the last-mentioned rector, &c., she leaves other rents issuing 
from a tenement upon Oysterhill in the parish of S. Magnus near 
London Bridge, for keeping an obit for the good of her soul, the 
souls of John her late husband, Richard his father, Cristina his 
mother, and others at the tomb of the said Richard and Cristina 
in manner as directed ; remainder in default to the rector, 
churchwardens, and parishioners of the church of S. Peter upon 
Cornhull for like purposes. To Thomas Eytburhale, Master of 
the College of S. Michael in the Riole, and chaplains of the same, 
she leaves certain rents issuing from a tenement in the parish 
of All Hallows, Berkyngchirch, for keeping an obit as above, with 
further remainder in default to the rector, churchwardens, and 
parishioners of the church of S. Michael Bassyeshawe. Also to the 
rector, churchwardens, and parishioners of the church of S. Peter 
upon Cornhull she leaves certain other rents issuing from the 
aforesaid tenement called "Bakwelhalle" for a term of years 
towards the maintenance of a chantry. Dated London, Wedneso 
day the last day but one  of the month of March, A.D. 1457. 

Bakwell his brother, but where this 
manor wus situate we are not told-- 
Hust. Roll 124 (57). Lastly we have 
a deed of the year 1396 whereby John 
Fressh, William Parker, and Stephen 
Speleman, citizens and mercers, convey 
to the Mayor and Commonalty, with 
the royal licence, a messuage called 
', Bakwellehalle" and a garden situate 
in the parishes of S. Michael de Bas- 
syngeshwe and S. Laurence in the 

Roll lS6 
Jewry, to the use of the Commonalty-- 
Hust. Roll 125 (65). After being totally 
destroyed by the fire of 1666 the hall was 
rebuilt, and only finally removed in 
1820 to make room for the erection of 
Law Courts, which also in their turn 
have since disappeared. 
z In 1447. 
2 Incorrectly printed by Brewer as 
"the last day" of the month. 



Monday next after the Feast of S. Faith, Virgin [6 Oct.]. 
Drayton (JoHn), goldsmith.l--Dated 27 December, 35 HenryVI. 
[A.D. 1456]. Roll 187 (1"). 


Monday qext after the Feast of S. Botolph, Abbot [17 Juqe]. 
Weston (TgOMAS), fishmonger.--To be buffed in the church- 
yard of the church of S. Nicholas Coldabbey in the Old Fish 
Market, and a marble monument to be over his tomb with effigies 
of himself, of Cibil (sic) his wife, and their seventeen children. 
Bequests to the said church and chaplains thereof; also for 
chantries, observance of his month's mind, &c. To Cibil his wife, 
by way of her share of his goods, he leaves two hundred marks 
and all the utensils, hustilments, &c., appertaining to his house, 
with the exception of two cups, one of silver and the other of 
mazer, which he leaves to John Stopyngdon. Bequests of sums 
of money to Reginald and John his sons, Margaret, Johanna, 
Alice, and Amy his daughters, and to his child eq ventre 
His executors appointed guardians of his children and of their 
portions, they giving security for the same according to the 
custom in the Chamber of the Guildhall. Also to his aforesaid 
wife he leaves, by way of dower of his lands and tenements within 
the City, a moiety of his moiety of the wharf called "le Saltwharf" 
in the parish of S. Michael at Queenhithe and of all buildings 
thereupon for life ; remainder to the Wardens of the Art of 
Fishmongery (artis piscarie) of the City of London and their 
successors, together with the rest of his estate in the said wharf, 
&c., to the use of the said art within the Old Fish Market, 
charged with the payment of thirteen shillings and fourpence 
towards an obit within the church of S. Nicholas Coldabbey in 
honour of divers persons mentioned, and with charitable gifts, &c., 
as directed.  In default the property to go over to the rector and 

* Nothing more than the record of 
probate appears in the Roll. 
* The Company, in their return to 
the Livery Companies Commission of 
1880, say that the sum of 6s. 8d. has 
been paid for many years to the church- 
wardens of the parish of S. Nicholas 

Coleabbey in respect of this benefac- 
tion. How the sum of 6s. 8d. came to 
take the place of the original sum of 
13s. 4d. mentioned in the will is not 
quite clear, but it probably represents 
the residue of the sum of 13s. 4d. after 
disbursement for superstitious uses. 




To Agnes his wife a certain tenement in the parish of S. Stephen 
de Walbrook for life ; remainder to William Trokyll, the rector, 
and churchwardens of the church of S. Stephen de Walbrook 
and their successors, charged with keeping the same in 
repair, with the maintenance, out of the issues and profits, 
of a chantry, and with the observance of his obit, &c., in 
manner as directed. The devisees are enjoined not to remove 
the glass windows and lattices from out of the tenement, nor the 
lavatory, nor the beam for the candle of coton, nor the large cup- 
boards, but the same are to be left for the benefit of the tenement. 
In case of default the tenement is to go over to the Mayor and 
Commonalty of the City of London to the use and maintenance of 
London Bridge, charged with keeping his obit as above. Dated 
London, 20 November, A.D. 1447. Roll 191 (15). 

Gregory (WILLIAM), of the parish of S. John in Walbroke, 
skinner.--To be buried in the said parish church beside the seat 
in the chancel where he used to sit. To the Fraternity or 
Brotherhood of Corpus Christi of the Skinners of London, towards 
the sustentation of the same brotherhood, he leaves forty shillings. 
Also to the Fraternity of Our Lady of the Skinners of London thir- 
teen shillings and fourpence. To Agnes his wife all his stuff and 
hustilments of household, except his wearing gowns with furs 
and lining and his gowns single, his furs wrought and unwrought, 
and all other stuff pertaining to his craft of skinner, which are to 
be sold, together with lands, tenements, and rents in the parish 
of S. Sepulchre without Newgate, for payment of debts. Also to 
his said wife he leaves his copyhold and charter lands, tenements, 
&c., in the lordship of Newenton, co. Middlesex, and the parish of 
Hakenay, for life; remainder in trust for sale for discharge of 
debts and for pious uses. Dated 5 July, $.D. 1461. 
Roll 191 (20). 
Bolle (Jo), grocer.--To be buried in the church of All 
Hallows, Berking. Bequests to the "Vicary" and other priests 
of the said church, and also for a chantry therein for one year 
next after his decease. For the work of the steeple of the 
church of "Chartham," co. Kent, where he was born, he leaves 
five pounds. To John his son, on ariving at the full age of 



twenty-eight years, he leaves twenty pounds, a great high stand- 
ing cup of silver party gilt, covered, with his mark in the 
bottom, and a low cup of silver, uncovered, with a mark of the 
month of January in the bottom; his said son to be maintained 
by Blanche his wife in the meanwhile, and on leaving to have 
bedding, napery, and other household necessaries to the value 
of ten pounds. To Richard and Thomas his brothers he leaves 
furred gowns ; and to Alice Redehode his sister he forgives a 
debt of forty shillings and gives her "a stondyng pece," on 
condition she forego all claim to his lands called "the Serte" in 
" Chartham." Also to Blanche his wife a tenement in the lane 
called "Waterlane," sometime called " Sporyerslane," in the 
parish of All Hallows, Berking, with messuages in Tourestrete, for 
life ; remainder or reversion to be sold for payment of debts 
and pious and charitable uses. To Thomas Redehode his sister's 
son he leaves his interest in the Wollehous or Herynghous at 
Caleys. His tenement called "the Shewe" at Caleys, lying in 
the Newstrete, to be sold for discharge of debts, &c. Dated 
9 August, 37 Henry VI., A.D. 14491 (sic). Roll 191 (23). 

Bollo (Jogs), grocer.--Testament touching lands and tene- 
ments held for him in trust in the county of Kent. To William 
Bolle his half-brother and wife of the same, daughter of John 
Morley, he leaves "a litell hous with the hemphawe lieng atte 
the postile" in the parish of Chartham, on condition they forego 
all claim to other property formerly belonging to the said John 
Morley. To Blanche his wife a life interest in all his lands, 
tenements, &c., in the parishes of Chartham, Chilham, Feversham, 
Caunterbury, and elsewhere in the county of Kent, subject to 
the payment of six shillings and eightpence yearly for keeping 
his obit in the church of Chartham ; remainder to John his 
son in tail ; remainders to Richard and Thomas his brothers 
in successive tail male, with further remainders to John, son 
of Henry Bolle his brother, and others, subject always to the 
above charge of six shillings and eightpence. His "grete place" 
in Shamelford mentioned. Dated 9 August, A.D. 1459. 
Roll 191 (23"). 
 lIistake for 1459. 




Strech, together with other tenements in the parish of S. Swithun, 
for life ; remainder to Katherine, daughter of Philip his son, and 
to Juliana his own daughter in tail, with cross remainders; re- 
mainder in trust for sale for pious and charitable uses. Also to 
Sir Richard Thorp, the rector, and churchwardens of the church 
of S. Swithun aforesaid and their successors, he leaves a shop 
in Westchepe in the parish of S. Mary le Bow, charged with 
the due observance of his obit as directed, the residue of the 
profits being distributed among the poor of the parish. In 
case of default the shop is to remain to the Mayor and Com- 
monalty of the City of London to the use and maintenance 
of London Bridge, to be held by them as wardens of the 
said bridge, for the observance of his obit as aforesaid. Dated 
London, 16 July, A.D. 1436. Roll 195 (49). 

Monday  after the Feast of S. Mark, Evangelist [25 A,pil]. 
BuroI (WILLIAM), grocer.--To be buried in the church of 
the Friars Minors, where Alice his late wife lies buried. Bequests 
to the church of the friars aforesaid, and to each of the four 
orders of mendicant friars in the City of London, and to prisoners 
in Newgate, Ludgate, the Flete, and King's Bench. Provision 
made for a chantry in the church of S. Stephen de Walbroke. 
To John his son the reversion of tenements in the parishes of 
S. Stephen aforesaid and S. Brigid in Fletestrete in tail, after 
the decease of Margaret his wife; remainder to William his son 
in tail ; remainder in trust for sale for pious and charitable uses. 
Also to William his son the reversion of tenements in the parishes 
of S. Mary de Colchirch and S. Mildred in the Poultry in tail ; 
remainder to the aforesaid John. His gowns, furs, and hoods, as 
well as girdles, baselards, and rings, are to be sold, and one half of 
the proceeds to go to his wife and the other to his aforesaid sons. 
Also to John his son divers chattels, comprising a large mortar 
belonging to his shop, a covered cup called "le horn," standing 
on a gryp's feet (super" duos pedes de uqw Grips), a silver-gilt 
laver which Beatrix, Countess of Arundel, gave to his said son 
at baptism, a pair of plates, a sword harnessed with silver 





&c. Also to Margery his wife, by way of dower and her share 
of his goods and chattels, he leaves four hundred pounds 
sterling, and all apparel ustilments, utensils, &c., appertaining 
to his hall, chamber, parlour, larder, and kitchen. His feoffees 
in trust of a messuage called "Tolmeweshaugh" and others 
in the parish of Kyngesdowne co. Kent, as well as of land in 
a certain field called "Homfeld," are directed to convey the same 
to Thomas Craneswyk for life ; remainder over to Margaret his 
wife. Dated London, 10 March 16 Henry VI. [A.D. 1437-8]. 
Roll 196 (6). 

Monday next after the Feast of S. And'ev, Apostle [30 Nov.]. 
Tenterden (John), "irmonger."--To be buried according to 
directions contained in his will touching his movables. To John 
eell, the rector of the church of S. Mary de Colchirche near the 
great aqueduct, and to the Wardens of the Fraternity and Guild 
of S. Katherine de Colchirche founded therein, and brethren and 
sisters of the same, he leaves certain tenements in the parish 
of S. Mary de Aldermarichirche for the maintenance of a chantry 
for the good of his soul, the souls of Alice, Elena, and Isabella 
his late wives, and of all whose names are specified on the tablet 
of the said fraternity. Dated London, 25 April, A.D. 1456. 
Roll 196 (34). 

M(mday the Feast of S. Chad, Bisho [2 Ma'chJ. 
Gregory (WmLIM), Alderman, citizen and skinner. -- To 
Johanna, wife of Richard Buklond, esquire a certain shop in 
the parish of S. Nicholas Coldabbey for life ; remainder to Cecilia 
the prioress and the convent of S. Mary at Chesthunt, co. Hefts, 
they paying to the rector and churchwardens of the church of 
S. Nicholas Coldabbey the annual rent of eight shillings which 
Agnes, widow of Richard Gyffard and mother of the aforesaid 
Johanna and Ccilia, bequeathed for the observance of her obit 
by her will enrolled in the Husting of London for Pleas of Land 
held Monday next before the Feast of S. Valentine [14 Feb.J, 
8 Honry VI. [A.D. 1.429-30J ; and themselves also observing an 

Enrolled sulra, p. 450. 



obit for the souls of the said Richard and Agnes and others 
in manner as directed. Dated London, 1 August, A.D. 1451. 
Roll 196 (44). 
Gregory (rILLIA.M), Alderman, citizen and skinner. -- To 
Richard Keteryk, the rector, and churchwardens of the church 
of S. Antonin and their successors, an annual rent of seven 
pounds three shillings and fourpence issuing from lands and 
tenements in the parish of S. Martin in the Vintry, for the main- 
tenance of a chantry, in a chapel called " Knolles Chapell " within 
the said church, for the souls of Thomas Knolles senior, 
Johanna, wife of the same, Thomas Knolles junior, Isabella, 
wife of the same, Richard Clyderowe, esquire, and Alice, wife 
of the same, and others ; remainder in case of default to the 
"Wardens of the Commonalty of the Mistery of Grocery of 
the City of London for like purpose. Dated London, 18 July, 
A.D. 1461. Roll 196 (45). 

Monday next before the Feast of S. Faith, Viq'gin [60ct.]. 
Gregory (vrILLIAM), senior, citizen and skinner.--Confirms a 
grant of a term of years previously made to Nicholas Lathell, 
gentleman, and others, by Margaret, late wife of Richard Holm- 
hegge, stockfishmonger, and others, in certain tenements in the 
parish of SS. Anne and Agnes within Aldrichegate, and also 
certain rent charges on the same tenements. To the Prior 
and Convent of the House of the Salutation of the Mother of 
God of the Carthusian Order he leaves an annual rent of 
thirteen shillings and fourpence, charged on the same property, 
for the good of his soul. The aforesaid tenements to remain, 
subject to the above term and charges, to William Solley, 
the rector, and churchwardens of the church of SS. Anne and 
Agnes aforesaid, after the decease of the aforesaid Margaret, 
for the maintenance of a chantry for the good of her soul, 
the souls of Stephen Clyan and Richard Holmhegge her late 
husbands, John her brother, and others, and for keeping an 
 Grocer ; rebuilt the church of S. Antonin. 





obit and other pious and charitable observances in manner as 
directed. The sum of twenty shillings out of the rents and 
profits of the aforesaid property is to be annually set aside for 

repairs of the church, 
made in executing the 
are to go over to the 

books, or ornaments.  In case of default 
terms of his will the aforesaid tenements 
rector and churchwardens of the church 

of S. John Zakary for like purposes, with further remainder in 
default to the prior and convent aforesaid. Dated London, 
18 August, A.D. 1461. Roll 197 (11). 

Monday qext aftev the Feast of All Saiqts [1 lov.]. 
Pay (Jo), grocer.--Bequests to the church of S. Botolph 
beside Billyngesgate and the hospitals of S. Mary without 
Bisshopesgate and of Bethelem ; also to Katherine his daughter, 
Johane his daughter, a nun of Wilton,  Edith his sister, dwelling 
at Salesbury, Johane his servant, daughter of John Payn his son 
deceased, and to the children of Margery his daughter, wife of 
Andrew James. The residue of his goods movable he leaves to 
Johane his wife. Confirms bequest made to the parson of the 
parish church of S. Botolph aforesaid and to the Wardens of 
the Fraternity of Our Lady S. Mary and S. John the Baptist in the 
same church by another testament, dated 12 April, 6 Edward IV. 
[A.D. 1466J.----To Elizabeth Hawes and to Katherine his daughters 
he leaves the reversion of his tenement called "Payneskey," late 
called "Childeskey," in Thamisestrete in the parish of S. Botolph 
aforesaid, in tail, with cross remainders after the death of Johane 
his wife. Also to his said wife his tenement in the parish of 
S. John in the town of Southampton for life ; remainder to 
Margery his daughter, wife of Andrew James, in tail. Also to 

Johane his aforesaid servant, 

1 This charity was regulated by a 
scheme approved by a Master in Chan- 
cery 24 July, 1832. The property here 
devised formerly consisted of tenements 
which stood where the yard of the 
General Post Office now is, and ws 
sold to the Mayor, Commonalty, and 
citizens of London for the purposes of 
the General Post Office Act (55 George 
III.), the purchase money being invested 
in a.n estate known as the " Haylis 
estate," co. Essex. hIr. Hare reported 

daughter of John his son, his 
in 1860 that the expenditure of this 
estate had for some years absorbed its 
income, and that the amounts distri- 
buted under the several heads of the 
approved scheme had therefore been 
produced from the funds of other 
endowments (Report City Parochial 
Charities Com., 1880, pp. 53-4). 
" Co. Wilts. An abbey of the Bene- 
dictine Order, founded by King Alfred, 
and dedicated to S. hlary and S. Bar- 




Armour of S. John the Baptist for similar uses, with further 
remainder in case of default to the Masters of the Fraternity of 
S. Nicholas established among the parish clerks  of the City 
of London, in aid of the fraternity. Dated London, 16 April, 
A.D. 1456. Roll 197 (39). 

abe rILLIAM), citizen and "Tolysoure."--To the Masters or 
Wardens of the Fraternity or Guild of S. Mary and S. Giles 
without CYepulgate and brethren and sisters of the same he 
leaves all his lands and tenements in rhitecrouchestrete in the 
parish of S. Giles without Crepulgate, charged with the observ- 
ance of the obit or anniversary of the testator and of Robert 
Warmyngton once a year on 20th December, with charitable gifts 
to thirteen poor parishioners in manner as directed. Dated 
London, 27 November, A.D. 1458. Roll 197 (40). 


Monday ext befo.e the Feast of S. Botolph, Abbot [17 Jue]. 
Style (ELENA, relict of JogN, vintner).--To be buried in the 
chapel of S. Anne and of S. Thomas the Martyr, e situate in 
S. Paul's churchyard called " Pardonchirchehawe," where her late 
husband lies buried. To the chaplains of the chantry of S. Anne 
and S. Thomas aforesaid she leaves certaia lands and tenements 
in the parish of S. Dionisius Bakchirch in aid of the said chantry, 
so that an obit be kept therein for the soul of her late husband 
in manner as directed. Dated London, 8 June, A.D. 1453. 
Roll 198 (13). 

Monday ext after the Feast of S. Faith, Vi'giu [6 Oct.]. 
licolson (JogN), "Stacioner." To be buried in the church of 
S. Alphege near Crepulgate, near the tomb of Edward his brother. 
To Emma his wife he leaves his brewery called "le Rose" and 

 See note su.]a, p. 514. 
 An ordinance by the Dean and 
Chapter of S. Paul's and the thirty 
chaplains dwelling in the "Prestes- 
houses" concerning the habitation of 
the three chaplains attached to this 
chapel, which was built by Sir Thomas 

More, a Dean of St. Paul's, is preserved 
among the Cathedral archives. It is 
dated 8 July, 1424, and has the cor- 
porate seal of the chaplains and of the 
chantry of Thomas More attached (Ap- 
pendix to Ninth Report, Hist. MSS. 
Com., p. 55 a). 


all his other tenements in the parish of S. A1phege absolutely, 
subject to charges for keeping an obit and for charitable gifts to 
the poor of the parish of S. Alphege. Also to his said wife a life 
interest in certain lands and tenements in Tilbury, co. Essex, so 
long as she remain unmarried ; remainders to John his son and 
Margaret his daughter. His lands and tenements in Portpole 
Lane, otherwise Grayesyn Lane, 1 in the parish of S. Andrew in 
Holborn, to be sold to pay debts and legacies. Certain lands and 
tenements in the parish of S. Laurence in Old Jewry to be placed 
in the hands of trustees until a sum of forty marks has been 
raised out of issues and profits of the same. To John licholson 
his father he leaves a sum of money and divers chattels, compris- 
ing a gown with its fur, a girdle and dagger (daggarium). 
Pecuniary bequests to Johanna, Margaret, Elena, and Alice his 
sisters, and others. To Richard Frampton his brother-in-law he 
leaves a pair of corsetys.  John his son and Margaret his 
daughter, together with one third of his movable goods apper- 
taining to them by law, are to remain in the custody of his wife 
until they come of age or marry. Dated London, 5 October, 
a.D. 1466. Roll 198 (19). 

Monday qext before Feast of Purification of V. Mary [5 Feb.]. 
lurys (ROEaT), ironmonger.--To be buried in the church 
of S. Michael at Queenhithe. Bequests to rector and chaplains of 
the said church, and provision made for a chantry for the space of 
three years for the good of his soul, the souls of Johanna his wife 
and others. To John Bage his share of a battel. Bequests also to 
the Abbot and Convent of Walden, co. Essex, and to Sir Robert 
Parys, a canon of Waltham, for pious uses. To Johanna, daughter 
of Roger his brother, Alice, wife of Richard his brother, to the 
two sons of William his brother, and others, he leaves divers sums 
of money. Bequest of one hundred shillings for repairing and 
glazing the vestry of the church of S. Michael aforesaid. An 
iron-bound chest to be provided and kept in the said church, 
in which is to be kept, the sum of forty pounds, which he leaves 

 See note Part I. p. 4g. 
 The custom of men wearing a gar- 
meat called "corset" appears from this 

to have prevailed also in England, as it 
aadtmbtediy pevailed in France. 

VOL. II. 20 



for the purpose of loans to poor parishioners and others. 1 Also 
to the rector and parishioners of the church of S. Michael 
aforesaid he leaves a messuage and shops near Sporenlane, 
charged with the maintenance of a chantry in manner as directed; 
in case of default the Mayor of the City for the time is to be 
allowed to levy a sum of foly shillings upon the property and 
to distribute the same in charity. To John Bage his servant 
a messuage in the parish of S. Mary le Bow for life ; remainder 
to the rector and parishioners of the church of S. Michael 
aforesaid for pious uses. Dated London, 8 November, A.D. 1406.  
Roll 19S 

Monday next after the Feast of S. Agatha, Viq'gin [5 Feb.]. 
Clerk (Jou_N), "netmaker."To the rector and churchwardens 
of the church of S. Michael at Queenhithe a messuage in Thamise- 
strete in the parish of S. Michael aforesaid, charged with the 
maintenance of lights in the said church, so that no one shall 
ask for or receive money for that object from those who come 
to the Lord's table for their communion at Easter, as is the 
custom with Christians ; and also with the maintenance of a 
chantry in manner as directed ; remainder in case of default to the 
Mayor and Commonalty and Chamberlain of the Guildhall for 
the time being. Dated London, 28 October, A.D. 1424. 
Roll 198 (28). 
Weste (VILLIAM), "marbeler."--To be buried according to 
the directions contained in his testament touching his movables. 
To Friar John Neel, Master of the House or Hospital of S. Thomas 
de Acon, and brethren of the same, and their successors, a certain 
tenement in Bowyerrowe, so that they pray for the souls of the 
said John Neel, of William and Lucy, parents of the same, 
Cristina Neel, and others, maintain a chorister not exceeding 
eight years of age to attend divine service, and observe an obit 
and other religious duties as prescribed ; remainder in case of 
default to the Mayor, Chamberlain, and Commonalty of the City 
of London and the Wardens of London Bridge, for the mainte- 
 In the margin opposite this clause account for the long period which 
is the following note:--2Vota bene utrum elapsed between the execution of this 
ista clausul custodiatur vd non. will and its probate. 
 There appcr to bu nothing to 



nance of the aforesaid obit and for the repair of the said bridge. 
Dated London, 20 April, a.D. 1453. Roll 198 (29). 

Fairhed (JULIaNa, relict of WILLIAM, butcher).--To be buried 
in the church of S. Andrew Huberd near Estchep, in the same 
place where her husband lies buried. A chantry to be maintained 
in the said church for the space of two years. Bequests to the 
Fraternity of S. Katherine in the same church and the Fraternity 
of S. Mary in the church of S. Leonard de Estchepe. To John 
her son, Agnes his wife, and Johanna his daughter, also to her 
servants, apprentices, and others, she leaves divers sums of money 
and household goods. To William Povey, the rector, and church- 
wardens of the church of S. Andrew aforesaid and their successors, 
she leaves certain tenements within the parish, charged with the 
maintenance of a chantry for the good of her soul, the souls of her 
late husband, Isabella her daughter, and others, and also with the 
observance of an obit in manner as directed, the residue of 
the issues and profits of the said tenements being devoted to 
the ornaments and necessary repairs of the said church. In case 
of default the property to go over to the rector and churchwardens 
of the church of S. Leonard de Estchepe in trust for sale, the 
proceeds being devoted to the above pious uses as well as to 
the maintenance of churches, roads and bridges, and similar 
objects. Dated London, 27 December, a.D. 1442. 
Roll 198 (30). 
I-Ioland (RALPH), draper.--To Sir Walter Hammes, the rector, 
and churchwardens of the church of S. Margaret Patyns and 
their successors, a certain tenement in the parish of S. Duntan 
in the East in aid of a chantry for the good of his soul, the 
souls of William atte Vyne, Isabella, wife of the said William, 
and others, and charged with the observance of the obit 
of Talter Ridelere and other religious duties as directed; 
remainder in case of default to the Master of the Fraternity of 
Tailors and Armourers of Linen Armour of S. John the Baptist 
in the City of London and wardens of the same and their 
successors, in augmentation and increase of the alms of the 
fi'aternity, charged with observing the above obit. Further 
remainders in case of default to the Mayor and Commonalty of 



Prioress of the nuns of Sopwelle an annual rent. of twenty-six 
shillings and eightpence, charged on tenements in the parishes of 
S. Mary Wolnoth and S. Swithun, to the use of Amy his daughter, 
a nun there. To John Savage, the rector, and churchwardens of 
the church of S. Andrew upon Cornhull, an annual rent of ten 
shillings, issuing from the same tenements, for keeping his obit 
as directed; remainder in case of default to the rector and church- 
wardens of the church of S. Mary Wolnoth aforesaid, for like pur- 
poses. To George, son of Thomas Godyn his bastard son, he 
leaves certain of the above tenements in tail, after the death of 
Cristina his wife ; remainders to John, brother of the said George, 
and Johanna, sister of the same, in successive tail; and similarly 
to the aforesaid John he leaves other tenements with cross re- 
mainders ; ultimate remainder, in case of failure of heirs, to the 
Wardens of the Mistery of Grocery of London and commonalty of 
the same, for relief of their poor almsfolk. If the said wardens fail 
to execute his wishes the property is to be sold by four good 
parishioners of S. Mary Wolnoth, and the proceeds devoted to 
pious and charitable uses. A certain tenement in the parish of 
S. Dunstan near the Tower to be sold by his executors for Like 
purposes. Dated London, 4/ovember, A.D. 1465. 
Roll 199 (13). 


Monday nex before the Feast of S. Valentine [1 Feb.]. 
tteworth (ROBERT), gentleman.--To be buried in the parish 
church of S. James at Clerkenwell. To Johane his wife his 
tenements in the parish of S. Sepulchre for life. Also to his 
said wife and to Robert his son his tenement in the parish of 
S. Andrew in Holbourne called the "Christofur and the hand," 
and all his lands, tenements, &c., in the towns of leucastele upon 
tyne, Berwyk, Kynton, co. Northumberland, and in Gateshede in 
the Bishopric of Durham, to hold to them two and to the heirs 
male of the body of the said Robert; remainder to Rose his 
daughter in tail. Also to his said wife and daughter his interest 
in "the Cowhede" in Chepe. To the Masters and Wardens of 
the Fraternity or Guild of S. Giles in the church of S. Giles 
without Crepulgate he leaves lands and tenements called "the 
Swan" and nine cottages in Redecrouchstrete in the parish of 





S. Giles aforesaid, so that they pray for his soul, the souls of 
Robert Marshall grocer, Richard Grome, and others. Also to his 
son and daughter aforesaid the reversion of his lands and tene- 
ments in the county of Essex. Dated London, 14 August, 
1 Edward IV. [A.D. 1461J. Roll 199 (30). 



Moqzday qex before the Feast of S. Ma?yaret, Virgiqz [20 July]. 
Stafford t (WILLIAM), vintner.--To the Dean and Chapter of 
S. Paul's and their successors the reversion of a certain tenement 
in S. Botolph's Lane in the parish of S. George near Estchepe, 
held for a term of years by Katherine, relict of William Combys, 
Alderman and fishmonger. Dated 24 December, A.D. 1463. 
Roll 200 (13). 

Moqzday next before the Feast of S. Peter ad Viqzcula [1 
Knyf (JohN), citizen and "corset. ''e- To be buried according 
to directions contained in another testament touching his mov- 
ables. To Master John Wellys, the vicar, and churchwardens of 
the church of S. Sepulchre without/Newgate and their successors, 
three messuages, situate near the tenement called "le Seven 
Sterres," within the Bar of VCest Smythfeld, and also his hostel 
called " le Ramme" in the parish of S. Sepulchre aforesaid, 
charged with the maintenance of a chantry, observance of his 
obit, and other duties ; remainder in default to the Master and 
Brethren of the Hospital of S. Bartholomew in West Smythfeld 
for similar uses. Dated London 10 January, A.D. 1469. 
Roll 200 (14). 

Monday the Feast of 8. Chad, Bisho T [2 March]. 
Brampton (vrILLIAM), writer of the court-hand of the City 

 His will, with two heraldic seals 
attached, is preserved among the ar- 
chives of S. Paul's Cathedral (Hist. 
hISS. Commission, Ninth Rcport, Ap- 
pendix, p. 48 b). 
" Horse dealer. In 1372 the dealers 

in Smithfield, "that is to say, the 
Coursers and Drovers," made an ar- 
rangement as to tolls on horses and 
cows sold there, which was approved 
by the ]Iayor and Aldermen (Riley's 
' Iemorials,' p. 366). 




S. John the Baptist within the said church and others, and with 
the distribution of twenty-five quarters of coal among the poor 
of the parishes of S. Botolph and S. Ethelburga aforesaid, 
observance of obit, &c., in manner as directed, under penalty 
of paying certain sums of money to the Master and Wardens 
of the Fraternity of Tailors and Armourers of Linen Armour of 
S. John the Baptist in the City of London in each case of default. 
Dated London, 31 December, A.D. 1472. Roll 203 (4). 

Monday next after the Feast of S. Barnabas, Apostle [11 June]. 
Bed_ham (JOHN), fishmonger.--To be buried in S. Katherine's 
Chapel in the church of S. Mary atte Hill. To William Wylde, 
the rector, churchwardens and parishioners of the said church, 
he leaves a large tenement situate in the lane of S. Botolph near 
Billyngesgate, in the parish of S. George near Estchepe, and also 
in the lane called "Lovelane" in the parish of S. Mary atte 
Hill, 1 charged with the maintenance of a chantry in the church 
of S. Mary aforesaid for the good of his soul, the souls of 
Beatrix his wife and others; also with weekly payments of 
money to three poor parishioners, the observance of obit, &c., 
in manner as directed. The residue of the issues and profits of 
the aforesaid tenement to be devoted to the repair and main- 
tenance of vestments, ornaments, &c., appertaining to the afore- 
said chapel of S. Katherine. In case of default the tenement 
to go over to the rector, churchwardens, and parishioners of the 
church of S. Botolph for similar uses. Also to the rector, &c., 
of the parish of S. Mary atte Hill he leaves a large garden with 
mansions adjoining, situate near Tourhill in the parish of 
S. Botolph without Algate, subject to certain charges, towards the 
maintenance of a chantry. Dated 2 November, A.D. 1472. 
A codicil whereby he increases a legacy formerly left for the 
maintenance of a lamp in the church of S. Mary aforesaid, and 
withdraws certain directions he made respecting the duties of 
a chantry priest. Dated 30 March, A.D. 1473. Roll 203 (11). 
 From a note (p. 7) in a history garden, however, of which mention is 
of the parish of S. Mary at Hill made below was recovered at law in 
already referred to it appears that the 1555, and remained in the possession 
property here devised was lost to the of the parish mtil sold to the S. Kathe- 
parish at the Confiscation in 1548 ; the rine Docks Company in 1827. 


knelyng in the said chirch of Seint Marie therto be hosled." 
A declaration of this bequest and its object to be made openly in 
the pulpit on Palm Sunday and Easter Day, and those "kneling 
atte Goddesborde for to be hoseled" to be exhorted to say a Pater 
A'oster and Ave 3la.ia for the testator's soul. His obit to be 
observed in the church of S. Edmund, and the sum of six shillings 
and eight.pence to be paid to the Wardens of his Craft. and Fellow- 
ship of Drapers of the City of London for distribution among 
those of the craft who shall attend the same. Among numerous 
other payments which his wife is also directed to make are the 
following :--To the Wardens of the Craft of Shermen in the City 
of London three shillings and fourpence, and a like sum to the 
BIasters of the Fraternity of S. Nicholas of "5Iaisters parissh 
Clerkes" of London, and to the Master and Wardens of the 
Fraternity of Priests of Pappey or Fraternity of S. John "Port- 
latyn " of Pappey, for attending his obit. The reversion of all the 
above tenements after the decease of his aforesaid wife he leaves 
to William Wodecok, the parson, and churchwardens of the church 
of S. Edmund aforesaid and their successors, subject to the above 
charges and conditions, together with an iron-bound chest con- 
taining title deeds. For every default a penalty is to be paid 
by the said parson and churchwardens to the parson and church- 
wardens of S. Mary's, Wolnoth, and in case of default for one 
whole year the property is to go over to the last-mentioned 
parson and churchwardens to fulfil the terms of his will. Dated 
2 July, A.D. 1472. Roll 203 (18). 


3Iozday ze before the Feast of S. Kalixtus, Pope [1 Oct.]. 
Bedha,n (Jo), fishmonger.-- To William Baron a certain 
shop in the parish of S. Nicholas at the Shambles, near a narrow 
path called "le Twychyn," for life; remainder to the Prior and 
Convent of the House of the Salutation of the Mother of God of 
the Carthusian Order, charged with the maintenance of lamps 
to burn by night and day over the tombs * of Richard Clyderowe 
' "In this charter-house were the  ter ...... Sir John Popham," &c. (Stow's 
monuments of ...... William Baron and ] ' Survey,' Thoms's ed., 1876, p. 161). 
William Baron, esquire ...... In the clois- 



and of John Popham, Knt., the observance of an obit for the 
soul of William Baron aforesaid, and other duties in manner as 
directed. Dated London, 15 June, A.D. 1472. Roll 204 (5). 

Monday next before the Feast of S. Lucia, Virgin [13 Dec.]. 
Gregory (WLLIAM), Alderman, citizen and skinner.--To Thomas 
West.hagh, the rector of the church of All Hallows at the Hay, 
and his successors, he leaves two tenements in Heywharflane in 
aid of a chantry founded in the said church by John Beverlee and 
Avice, wife of the said John, for the souls of Roger de Waltham, 
Edith, wife of the same, and others. Dated 20 January, A.D. 1449. 
Roll 204 (15). 


Monday next after F. of S. John ante portam Latigzam [6 May]. 
Johnson (Hu6H), "peyntour."--To be buried according to 
directions contained in his testament touching his movables. To 
Alice his wife and to John Freman, grocer, he leaves all his lands 
and tenements within the City of London. Dated London, 
8 October, A.D. 1474. Roll 205 (7). 

Monday the Feast of S. Agatha, Virgin [5 Feb.]. 
Kyng (Tnohs), "haberdassher."---To the Prior and Convent 
of S. Pancras at Lewes,  co. Sussex, an annum rent of thirteen 
shillings and fourpence issuing from a certain tenement in the 
parish of S. Mary Magdalen in Milkstrete. Dated London, 
12 July, n.D. 1436. Roll 205 (29). 


Monday 9zext before the Feast of S. Cuthbert, Bishop [20 March]. 
Blundell (Jog), " fruter."--To Richard Bourton., the rector, 
and churchwardens of the church of S. Mary Somerset and their 
successors, he leaves a certain tenement at Tymbrehithlane in the 
 "Earl William de Warrenne and  which was the first and chiefest house 
the lady Gundreda his wife, h.D. 1078, ] of the Cluniac Order in England " 
founded in the old church of St. Pan- (Tanner's ' Notit. Monist.,' p. 552). 
crace, under the castle here, a priory, 



Monday the Feast of S. Dunstan, Bishop [19 May-]. 
Bracy (JOHn), chandler.---To be buried according to directions 
contained in his other testament touching his movables. To 
Agnes his wife all those tenements in the parish of S. Michael 
de 1)ater-noster-chirche in the Riole which he acquired jointly 
with others from the late Master and Wardens of the Commonalty 
and Mistery of the Cutlers of the City of London, and also his 
tenement called "le Nonne" in the parish of S. Mary de Wol- 
chirchehawe, to hold the same for life. To the Master and 
Wardens of the Commonalty of the Mistery of Talughchaundelers 
of the City of London he leaves the reversion of the last- 
mentioned tenement and an annual rent of six shillings and 
eightpence issuing from the aforesaid tenement in the parish of 
S. Michael, on condition they keep his obit for the good of his 
soul, the souls of Margaret his late wife, Agnes his present wife, 
and John Chesham her former husband, in the church of S. Mary 
aforesaid, and distribute twelve quarters of coal annually among 
the poor of the parish in manner as directed. The reversion of 
the aforesaid tenements in the parish of S. Michael he leaves 
to Henry Wyche, " iremonger," and Margery, wife of the same, 
daughter of John Mader and of Matilda his wife, the testator's 
daughter, in tail, charged with the payment of the aforesaid 
annual rent of six shillings and eightpence to the Master and 
Wardens of the Mistery of Talughchaundelers for the above pious 
and charitable objects; remainder over to the said master and 
wardens. In case of default made in carrying out the terms of 
his will, the tenements and rent aforesaid to go over to the 
rector and churchwardens of the church of S. Mary aforesaid 
for similar uses. Dated 10 June, A.D. 1467. Roll 207 (13). 


Monday next after the Feast of S. James, Apostle [25 July]. 
ttunt (WALTEa), grocer.--Testament touching the disposal of 
all his lands and tenements in the City of London, viz. le counter 
and le Counter Aley in le Pultree 1 near lez Stokkes, which he 
leaves to the Mayor and Commonalty of the City of London 
absolutely. Dated 10 August, A.D. 1475. Roll 207 (17). 
' See note sulJra, p. 501. 



the City of London, which he devises according to the will of the 
said John Reynewell, dated 18 Sel)tember , A.D. 1443.---To the 
hIayor and Commonalty of the City of London and their suc- 
cessors, viz., an annual rent of twenty shillings issuing from a 
stone house used as a vestry for the church of S. Botolph near 
Billyngesgate ; also tenements and wharves in Tirehalelane in 
the parish of S. Mary at Hill, and tenements in Wendegaynelane 
in the parish of All Hallows the Great in the Ropery, and else- 
where in the City of London, as well as property at Calais. The 
same to bo held by the said Mayor and Commonalty under the 
following conditions :--that they keep the said tenements in repair; 
pay certain annuities to Tilliam his (i.e., Reynewell's) son, Cristina 
his sister, and Fridiswida his daughter, a Minoress nun; maintain a 
chantry in the chapel above the Charnel-house in S. Paul's church- 
yard for the souls of Henry Barton, late Alderman, and Johanna, 
wife of the said Henry, the souls of John Reynewell, William his 
father, Isabella his mother, and others ; pay certain specified sums 
for the relief of the inhabitants of the wards of Billyngesgate, 
Douegate, and Algate, on the occasion of exactions of fifteenths 
for the King ; pay into the King's Exchequer the annual sum of 
ten pounds due from the Sheriffs of London for the ferm of 
Suthwerk ; also pay to the same Sheriffs an annual sum of eight 
pounds, in order to exempt poor denizens (not foreigners) 
from payment of toll for goods and merchandise at the great 
gate of London Bridge, and at the bridge called "le drawbridge," 
provided always that the said citizens so entering the City and 
malg purchases there shall not leave the same without licence 
of the freemen; and lastly they are to pay to the wardens of 
the church of S. Botolph near Billyngesgate an annual sum of 
thirteen shillings and fourpence towards keeping the obit of the 
said John Reynewell, and perform other conditions as set out in 
his will. Dated London, 25 October, 37 Henry VI. [A.D. 1458]. 
Roll 207 (31). 

[No will ente'ed on Roll 08.] 
Jurisdiction over the vill of South- ] to the lnyor nnd Commonnltv by char- 
wnrk had been granted and confirmed I ters of Edward llI. and Edward IV. 
VOL. H. 2 P 




Monday the Feast of S. Lucia, Vi'gin [13 Dec.]. 
lothorn or lodom (JoN), tailor.- Testament touching a 
garden in the parish of S. Mary le Bow, which he leaves to 
Marion his wife for life, with remainder to William Morlond, the 
rector, and churchwardens of the church of S. Mary aforesaid 
and their successors, charged with the observance of his obit 
under penalty of paying six shillings and eightpence to the rector 
and churchwardens of the church of S. Michael de Crokedlane 
for every default. Dated 16 September, A.D. 1465. 
Roll 209 (10). 
llorman (Jor), draper and Alderman 1 of the City of London. 
qTo be buried according to directions contained in another will 
touching his movables. To the rector and churchwardens of the 
church of S. Mary le Bow he leaves an annual rent issuing from 
tenements situate in the churchyard of the said church near 
Westchepe, to be paid to a certain chaplain, commonly called 
" Trinite preste," serving at the altar of the H. Trinity in the 
aforesaid church. The tenements so charged he devises to the 
rector and churchwardens aforesaid to the use of their church. 
Dated London, 20 March, A.D. 1468. Roll 209 (11). 

Monday next after" the Feast of S. Mathias, Apostle [2 Feb.]. 
Leynham otherwise llommer (JoHn), Knt.--To be buried in the 
monastery of the Charterhouse. Bequests to the said monastery, 
the churches of S. Leonard near Estchepe, S. Edmund in Lum- 
bardstret, S. Botolph without Aldrichegate, and others ; also for 
di'igees and masses of Requiem, and for a priest to "synge and 
pray a trentall of Seynt Gregory  w t all the fastynges and 
observaunces thero belongyng "; also to divers orders of friars 
of London and of Aylesbury ; to prisoners of Newgate, Ludgate, 
King's Bench, and Marchelsea ; to lepers in divers houses in and 
about London, &c. To "Dane -3 John Walsyngham, Prior of the 
Monastery of the Salutation of the Mother of God of the Order 
of the Charerhouse, and convent of the same, he leaves certain 

Of Castle Baynard Ward. 
See note su#ra, p. 137. 
,, Dan," the English of 19onnus or 

Dompnus, equivalent to our "Sir," was 
an especial title of the clergy in the 
Middle Ages. 




Robert Greteham, the rector, and churchwardens of the said 
church and their successors, he gives the reversion, after the 
decease of Johanna his wife, of certain lands and tenements 
within the parish of S. Dionisius, among them being a hostel 
called "le Belle and le Chekyr on the hoop," situate in Fan- 
cherchestrete, charged with the maintenance of two chantries 
in the aforesaid chapel for the good of his soul, the souls of 
Margaret his late wife, Johanna his present wife, William his 
father, Johanna his mother, John and Alice Caldebek, the parents 
of Johanna his wife, and others, and also with the observance of 
his obit, &c., in manner as directed ; remainder over in case 
of default to the Master and Wardens of the Guild or Fraternity 
of the Blessed Mary of the Drapers of London for similar uses. 
Dated London, 17 February, A.D. 1478. Roll 210 (19.). 

Lynne (ALICE, relict of WILLIAM, grocer).--To be buried 
according to directions contained in her testament touching her 
movables. To Robert Kirkeham, the rector, and churchwardens 
of the church of S. Dunstan in the East and their successors, 
certain tenements acquired by her jointly with others from 
William Sevenok, grocer, in the parish of S. Dunstan aforesaid, 
charged with the observance of her obit for the good of her soul, 
the souls of her late husband, John Maykya and Johanna his 
wife, and others in manner as directed ; remainder in case of 
default to the Mayor or Warden and Commonalty of the City 
of London for the time being to the use and maintenance of 
London Bridge, subject to the above charges. Dated London, 
22 June, A.D. 1458. Roll 210 (13). 

Maldon (JoN), grocer.--To the Prior and Convent of Christ 
Church, Canterbury, an annual rent of two shillings issuing from 
messuages in the parish of All Hallows near Graschirche, which 
messuages he leaves to William Cawlya, the rector, and church- 
wardens of the church of All Hallows aforesaid, charged with 
the payment of the above rent and also with the maintenance 
of a chantry, observance of his obit, &c., within the said church 
in manner as directed. The Chamberlain of the Chamber of the 
Guildhall to supervise-the observance of his obit, and to have 




houses in S. Laurence Lane, in the parish of S. Laurence in Old 
Jewry, formerly belonging to John Derke his uncle, charged with 
the maintenance of a chantry in the chapel of S. Anne at Knoll 
for the souls of Master Walter Cook, the founder of the fraternity, 
and others. Dated London, 1 March, A.D. 1480. Roll 211 (7). 

Monday next before the Feast of S. James, Apostle [25 July]. 
Dun (Jonl), mercer.--To be buried according to directions 
contained in his testament touching his movables. To Thomas 
Asshby, the rector, and churchwardens of the church of S. Peter 
upon Cornhull, a tenement situate on a piece of land which lately 
was parcel of the churchyard, to fulfil the will of Master Hugh 
Damelet, Doctor of Divinity, late rector of the aforesaid church, 
by observing the obit of the said Master Hugh, maintaining a 
lamp in the choir, wax tapers, &c., in manner as directed. To 
the Mayor, Chamberlain, and Commonalty of the City of London 
an annual rent of forty shillings issuing from the aforesaid 
tenement, the same to be levied in every case of default made 
by the aforesaid rector and churchwardens in carrying out the 
terms of this devise, and to be to the use of the Chamber. 
Dated London, 10 July, A.D. 1478. Roll 211 (12). 

Monday next before the Feast of S. Leona'd, Abbot [6 1Vov.J. 
Johnson (JoN), butcher.--To be buried in his parish church 
of S. Leonard in Estchepe. Directions as to torches and tapers 
to burn at his funeral, the same to be afterwards distributed 
among the parish churches of Wolwyche, co. Kent, Streteham, 
co. Surrey, Totenham, co. Middlesex, and the aforesaid church 
of S. Leonard. Provision made for a chantry in the last- 
mentioned church. To Dan Thomas Johnson, monk, to pray for 
his soul, a flat cup chased of silver and the covering of the same. 
To the brotherhood of his craft a cup of silver and gilt covered 
such as Agnes his wife might select. Also to his said wife he 
leaves all his lands and tenements, as well "by chartir as by 
copy," in the parish of Toteham, co. Middlesex, in fee, and all 
his lands and tenements in the parish of S. Leonard aforesaid, 
comprising the " Rammeshed " in Estchepe, for life, charged with 
the observance of his obit, &c., in manner as directed; remainders 



to Johane and Margery his daughters in tail, with cross re- 
mainders. Also to his said wife for life his leasehold property in 
Thamistrete in the parish of S. Dunstan in the Est, she paying 
yearly forty shillings towards the sustentation of the Mass and 
Salve of Jesus holden in the church of S. Leonard aforesaid ; 
remainder to his daughters. Dated 10 February, A.D. 1480. 
Roll 211 (20). 


Monday nex after" F. of T'ans. of S. Edna,'d, K. and C. [13 Oct.]. 
Don (JoHn), mercer.alTo the rector and churchwardens of the 
church of S. Mary le Bow an annual rent of thirty-five shillings 
issuing from tenements in the parish of S. Brigid in Fletestrete, 
to the use of the said church. Dated 12 June, A.D. 1478. 
Roll 212 (16). 
Don (JonN), senior, mercer.--To Reginald Longdon, girdler, 
certain tenements and shops in Hosyerlane in the parish of 
S. Mary le Bow for life ; remainder to the rector and church- 
wardens of the said parish church to the use of the same, charged 
with the maintenance of a beam-light and of a chaplain to pray 
for the souls of the aforesaid Reginald, Isabell, Alice, and Johane 
his wives, and others, with tolling of the great bell in manner 
as directed. In case of default the property to go over to the 
Master and Brethren of the House of S. Thomas de Acon for like 
purposes, with further remainder in case of default to the Prior 
and Convent of S. Bartholomew in Westsmythfeld. Dated 
London, 24 December, A.D. 1472. Roll 212 (17). 

Warham-(THoMAs), carpenter.--A certain messuage together 
with le Tymbevhawe  and four gardens in Lymestrete in the 
parishes of S. Dionisius Bakchirche and S. Andrew atte Shafte 
upon Cornhull he leaves to his executors named in his testament 
touching his movables for the space of one year; remainder to 
the Master and Wardens of the Freemen of the Mistery of Car- 
pentry of the City of London and commonalty of the same, 
charged with observing his obit in the above churches at an 
1 A hawe or yard for stacking timber. 

Ao D. 



expenditure of twenty shillings, specific sums being given to 
ministers and others attending his obit, and the residue 
to poor householders of the aforesaid parishes in manner as 
directed ;1 remainder in case of default to the Mayor and 
Commonalty of the City of London and their successors to the use 
and maintenance of London Bridge, subject to the above charges. 
Dated 15 November, A.D. 1477. Roll 212 (18). 

Chittok (GEOFFREY), draper.--To William Crosse, the rector, and 
churchwardens of the church of S. Swithun near Candelwykstrete, 
he leaves certain tenements in the parish of S. Swithun aforesaid 
and the parish of S. Mary de Abbechirche, comprising a messuage 
called "Stonepeles" in the latter parish, so that they maintain 
a chantry in the said church of S. Swithun for the souls of 
Thonms Aylesby, late draper, John the father of the same, Johanna, 
mother of the same, Ralph Josselyn, Knt, Alderman and draper 
(at whose instance and request the devise is thus made), the 
souls of Margery and Philip (sic), late wives of the said Ralph, 
Elizabeth his present wife, and others, and also perform other 
religious duties in manner as directed by will of the aforesaid 
Thomas Aylesby. In case of default the property is to go over 
to the Master, Wardens, and Commonalty of the Fraternity of 
the Blessed Mary of the Craft or Mistery of Drapers of London 
for like purposes. Dated 16 July, A.D. 1478. Roll 212 (19). 

Manday text before the Feast of S. Gregory, Poe [1 March]. 
Frary (THOM/S), hatter.--To Thomas Shipton, the rector, and 
churchwardens of the church of S. Mildred in Bredstrete and 

 The freemen of the ]VIistery of Car- 
pentry of the City of London had 
obtained from the King a charter of 
incorporation (7 July, 17 Edward IV.) 
a few months before the date of the 
testator's will. In the Company's Re- 
turn to the Livery Companies Com- 
mission of 1880 (vol. iii. p. 225) the 
testator is mid to have left a charge 
upon an estate in Lime Street of 10s., 
i,a.yable yem'ly to each of the parishes 

of S. Dionis Backchurch and S. Andrew 
Undershaft. Mr. Hare reported in 1860 
that in the former parish the bequest 
which continued to be duly received 
from the Carpenters' Company, was 
distributed with Sir Robert Clarke's 
charity, and in the latter with the 
charity of Sir Thomas Rich (Report 
City Parochial Charities Com., 1880, 
vol. iii. pp. 35, 142}. 




grocer), citizen and freewoman of the City of London.--To be 
buried in the church of S. Stephen in Walbroke, where her 
late husband lies buried. To Robert Rowse, the rector, and 
churchwardens of the said church and their successors, lands 
and tenements in the street called "Bokelersbury," in Soper- 
lane and Puppekirtillane in the parish of S. Pancras, and in 
the parish of S. Thomas the Apostle in the Riole, to hold 
the same in trust to maintain a chantry in the aforesaid church 
of S. Stephen for the good of her soul, the souls of her late 
husband, Richard her son, and others, in manner as directed, the 
aforesaid rector enjoying annually the sum of twenty pence for 
his trouble out of the issues and profits. In case of default the 
property to go over to the Wardens and Commonalty of the 
Mistery of Grocers of London on like conditions. Dated London, 
1 August, A.D. 1477. Roll 219 (1). 

Monday the Feast of S. Clement, Pope [23 _Nov.]. 
Lok (ToMs), of London, chaplain, citizen and skinner.- 
To be buried according to directions contained in his other 
testament touching his movables. To lIaster Giles Giglace, 
the rector, John Couper, vicar, and churchwardens of the 
church of S. Leonard de Shordiche and their successors, an 
annual rent of twenty shillings issuing from a brewery called 
" le Popynjay" in the parish of S. Mary Vanchirche, with power 
of distress upon another brewery called "le Swan" and a bake- 
house called "le Hert.yshorn" in the parish of All Hallows 
Stanyng, charged with the observance of an obit for the souls 
of Humphrey Starky, t Isabella, wife of the same, and others in 
manner as directed. Dated London, 12 November, A.D. 1486. 
Roll 219 (14). 

Monday qext after the Feast of S. Lucia, Virgin [18 Dec.]. 
Hobbys CrILLII).--To be buried in the church of the Priory 
of Christchurch and of H. Trinity. Bequests to the prior, canons, 
and others, and gifts to poor householders in the parish of 
S. Katherine. To the Barber Surgeons of London he leaves his 
* Elected Recorder of the City of I Urswyk , elected Chief Baron; Sergeant- 
London in 1471-2in the place of Thomas [ at-Law, 1478 ; Chief Baron, 1484. 



morning of the Feast of Undecim Millia Viq'ginum, 1 in the month 
of October [21 October]. In case of default made in carrying out 
the terms of the devise the property is to go over to the Master 
and Wardens and Society of the Mistery of Drapers of London 
and their successors on like conditions. Dated 18 May, A.D. 1482. 
Roll .o30 06). 

[No ugll entered on Roll 221.] 


Monday next after the Feast of S. Andrew, Algostl [.30 Nov.]. 
Brevs - (VrALTER), " iremonger."---To be buried in the parish 
church of S. Sepulchre, London. Bequests to the high altar and 
fabric of the said church. To Alice his sister four pounds. 
Bequest of ten marks towards a chantry in the aforesaid church. 
To Thomas his son, by way of his son's share of goods and chattels, 
twenty pounds. To Margaret his wife all his lands, tenements, 
rents, &c., in the City of London and suburbs for life, without 
impeachment of waste ; remainder to his aforesaid son in tail ; 
remainder in trust for sale for the maintenance of a chantry in 
the church of S. Sepulchre aforesaid. Dated 20 October, A.D. 1464. 
Roll 222 (10). 

Monday the Feast of S. Margaret, Virgin [20 July]. 
Hawke (RICHARD)," foundour."--His feoffees in trust of dwelling- 
house in the parish of S. Margaret in Lothbury are desired to 
allow Elizabeth his wife to enjoy the same for life, so that she 
keep his obit in the said parish church in manner as directed, 
the parson of the said church coming to the Qzere dote at mass 
time and there publicly praying for all benefactors, quick and 
dead, of the Fellowship of Founders of the City of London. 
Bequest to the Wardens and Beadle of the Craft of Founders 

x The eleven thousand virgins who, 
according to the legend, were martyred 
with S. Ursula, their leader, at Cologne. 
Some of their bones are said to have 
been found, among other relics, in the 
old cross of S. Paul's belfry, which was 


taken down in 1313-14 to be repaired 
(' French Chronicle of London,' Riley's 
translation, p. 251). 
 Pronounced" Breuse"; the character 
"v" in the middle of a word usually 
standing for "u," aud vice -ec'rsd. 






being present with their fellowship at the said obit. After the 
decease of his aforesaid wife the above tenement to remain 
amorteysed 1 to the parson and churchwardens of the church of 
S. Margaret in Lothbury so that they bear and support the 
charge of the waste and making of the Sepulchre light and Paschal 
light, to the relief of poor parishioners, and keep his obit in 
manner as directed. The residue of the issues and profits after 
payment of all charges to be kept in a chest in the vestry or some 
other sure place. Dated 17 March, A.D. 1486. Roll 222 (26). 


Monday qext after the Feast of S. Gregory, PoTe [12 MarctJ. 
Waryng (ROGER), "taillour."--To be buried in the church of 
All Hallows in Bredstret. Bequests to the said church for tithes 
and oblations withheld or forgotten, &c. ; to the sustentation of 
the Fraternity of S. John Baptist founded by the "Taillours" 
of the City of London ; also to Thomas his brother, Margaret his 
sister, his godsons, servants, apprentices, and others. The residue 
of his goods and chattels to go to Margaret his wife, who is also 
to enjoy a life estate in his tenement at the corner of Bredstrete 
in the parish of All Hallows ; remainder to the heirs male of his 
cousin William Waryng; remainders over. Also to his brother 
Thomas certain lands and tenements in the county of Kent. 
Dated 28 September, A.D. 1476. Roll 223 (25). 


Monday next before the Feast of S. Mauq', Abbot [15 Jaq.]. 
Cowper (JoIN), citizen and "shether."--To William Wade, 
Master of the College of S. Gregory at Sudbury, 3 co. Suffolk, and 

 I.e., in mortnin. 
 Sheather, or maker of sheaths for 
knives. Every knife was prepaxed sepa- 
rately by three different crafts--the 
blade by smiths called "Bladesmythes," 
the handle and the other fitting work 
by the Cutlers, and the sheath by the 
Sheathers. In 1408 the Cutlers had 
occasion to complain of deficient work- 
manship on the part of the Sheathers, 

the scandal of which fell upon the 
Cutlers (Riley's ' Memorials,' p. 567). 
a The church of S. Gregory, Sudbury, 
was purchased in 1374 by Simon de 
Sudbury, then Bishop of London, and 
John his brother ; in the following year 
they had the same made collegiate, and 
founded a college for six secular priests 
(Tanner's ' 1Notit. Monast.,' p. 509}. 



brethren of the same, he leaves his tenement in the parish of 
S. Leonard in Estchepe. Dated 14 February, A.D. 1485. 
Roll 4 (8). 
Eburton (HEIY), draper.--To be buried according to directions 
contained in his testament touching his movables. By the privi- 
leges and liberties of the City of London, whereby a freeman solely 
seised as of fee of lands and tenements within the franchise of the 
said City may give and devise (ponere, da'e, et legate) the same in 
mortmain, he, the testator, devises to the rector, churchwardens, 
and certain parishioners of the church of S. Mary Abchirch lands 
and tenements within the parish, held by him in trust, to the 
use of the said parish church. Dated Sunday 13 May, A.D. 1481. 
Roll 224 (9). 

Monday "next before the Feast of S. Valentine, Mayv [1 Feb.]. 
Clopton (HuGrt), Alderman, citizen and mercer.-- To the 
Master of the Collegiate Church of S. 5Hchael in the Riole 
commonly called "Whytington College," and Fellows of the same 
he leaves a certain tenement formerly belonging to John Wok- 
kyng, charged with the observance of his obit in manner as 
directed. Desires without prejudice that in future, whenever there 
is a vacancy by reason of death or resignation of the master of the 
collegiate church aforesaid, preference may be given in the election 
of a successor to a member of the University of Oxford before all 
other universities. Dated 8 March, A.D. 1495. Roll 224 (15). 

[Date of Session of Court omitted]. 
Buyen (THOMAS), senior, vintner.--To be bm'ied according to 
directions contained in his testament touching his movables. To 
Cecilia his daughter, wife of Richard Hansell, tailor, a certain 
tenement in the street called "Cordewanerstrete "in the parish 
of S. Mary de Aldermary for life ; remainder to the Masters or 
Vrardens of the Commonalty and Mistery of the Vintners of 
London, charged with observance of his obit in manner as 
directed, and with the payment of six shillings and eightpence 
out of the issues and profits to the Prior and Convent of the 

 Dowgate Ward; Sheriff, 1486; Mayor, [ Stratford - on - Avon (Stow's ' Survey,' 
1491. Built a stone-arched bridge at I Thoms's ed., p. 42). 




House and Church of the Carmelite Friars in Fletestrete annually 
for similar pious uses. In case of default the property to remain 
to the Mayor, Aldermen, and citizens of the City of London to 
the use of the commonalty under like conditions. Dated London, 
2 May, A.D. 1497. Roll 224 (16). 

Monday next before the Feast of SS. Simon and Jude [28 Oct.]. 
Porter (John), vintner.--To the Masters and Wardens of the 
Commonalty and Mistery of the Vintners of the City of London 
and their successors he leaves certain lands and tenements in the 
parishes of S. Martin in the Vintry and S. James in Garlik- 
hithe, 1 to be held by them to the use of the said commonalty 
and mistery according to the terms of the will of Guy Shuld- 
ham, e viz., that they convert to their own use a large hall, with 
parlour, countinghouse, pantry, yard, &c., and keep the same in 
repair; that they bestow thirteen little mansions lying together, 
parcel of the said lands and tenements ordained by him for the 
dwelling of poor people, upon thirteen poor and needy men or 
women of the said mistery,  and if such could not be found, then 
upon other poor and needy men or women of good fame and 
honest condition, to dwell in such of the said mansions as might 
become void rent free, each receiving one penny a week out of 
the issues and profits of the residue of the property; that they 
also observe certain obits in the aforesaid church, maintain a 
chantry, and perform other instructions as set out in the will of 
the said Guy. Dated 18 May, A.D. 1496. Roll 224 (17). 

Draper (JoN), skinner.--To be buried in the church of 
S. Antonin, where lies the body of Johanna his late wife. To the 
College of the Blessed Virgin Mary at Eton a vestment of cloth 
of gold. His executors to cause five silver chalices, weighing in 

x The property here devised is under- 
stood to form part of the present site 
of Vintners' Hall, situate in Thames 
Street, and in the parishes of S. Martin 
Vintry and S. James Garlickhithe. 
2 The date of his will (7 November, 
1446) is not given here. 
s Previously to the great fire of 
London these almshouses were adjacent 
to the rest of the property mentioned. 

The fire having destroyed the whole of 
the buildings, the hall was rebuilt on 
an enlarged scale, but not the alms- 
houses. Others were erected by the 
Company in their place, called the 
Vintners' Almshouses, on the north side 
of the lIile End Road, consisting of 
twelve houses and a chapel. (See le- 
turn made to Livery Companies Com., 
appointed in 1880, vol. ii. p. 642.) 



all sixty ounces, to be made, the same to be bestowed upon the 
poorest churches in the county of Essex. Bequest of forty 
shillings for the repair of Rochester Bridge, co. Kent. To 
William Pouter, the rector, and churchwardens of the church 
of S. Antonin aforesaid, he leaves an annual rent of fifty- 
three shillings and fourpence, issuing from four messuages 
situate within the parish, in aid of the chantry previously 
founded by John de Grantham, pepperer, for the good of 
his soul, the souls of Johanna his late wife, Richard Draper 
his father, Juliana his mother, the said John de Grantham, 
and others. To the Master and Wardens, Brethren and 
Sisters of the Guild or Fraternity of Corpus Christi founded 
within the parish of S. J ohn the Baptist, in the Ward of Walbroke, 
he leaves the messuages aforesaid, subject to the above rent 
charge, and to a further payment of three pounds six shillings 
and eightpence to the rector and churchwardens of the church of 
S. Antonin aforesaid for religious services. His feoffees in trust 
of a croft called " lasores Croft," in the parish of Halstede, co. 
Essex, are desired to convey the same to the vicar and church- 
wardens of the said parish church, for a term of ninety-nine 
years, for maintaining the lights called "Paschall lyght" and 
" Seint Mary lyght" within the church, and for other pious and 
charitable uses. His lands and tenements in the parish of Colne, 
co. Essex, to be sold, and the proceeds to be devoted to the 
purchase of forty thousand Brys, ten thousand of which are to 
be given annually for four years towards the work of the belfry of 
the said parish church. Bequest of clothing to Roger Colman his 
sister's son. The master and wardens of the guild aforesaid to 
spend the sum of five pounds sterling upon wine for the brethren 
and sisters of the guild upon the Feast of Corpus Christi ; also 
specified sums of money for gifts of coal to the poor of the parish 
of S. Antonin, 1 and to the inmates of Newgate and Ludgate. 
Margaret Van, late wife of Ralph Van of Halstede, to have a life 
interest in his mansion and garden in Halstede. Dated 18 April, 
A.D. 1496. Roll 224 (18). 

 The sum of 13s. 4d. appears to be 
still pid nntmlly by the Skinners' Com- 
pany to the churchwardens of S. An- 

I tholin's for coals (Report Livery Com- 
pmies Com., 1884, vol. iv. p. 355). 




executors, to whom he leaves the sum of five pounds and his a.D. 
amb'e bedys. Dated 24 November, A.D. 1481. Roll 225 (15). 

Monday vzxt after F. of T?'ans. of S. Thomas, Mavtyv [7 July]. 
Meleman (GEOFFREY), mercer.--To the Dean and Chapter of 
S. Paul's certain lands, tenements, and rents in Boclersbury in 
the parish of S. Mary Wolchirchehawe in aid of the four chantry 
priests serving in the chapel near the north door of the cathedral 
for the souls of Adam Bury, late citizen of London, and of Roger 
Holme, 1 late canon of the said cathedral. Dated 9 February, 
A.D. 1496. Roll 225 (17). 


Mo'aday qzext befare the Feast of S. Faith, Virgin [6 Oct.]. 
Carte (Joy,N, wife of JoJN, gentleman), late wife of John 
Moyle, gentleman.--To be buried in the church of S. Laurence 
lulteney near her late husband. To John Carre her husband she 
leaves all her lands, tenements, and rents in the town of Stanes, 
co. Middlesex, and in the parish of S. Sepulchre without Newgate, 
for life ; remainder in trust for sale, the proceeds to be divided 
into four equal parts for the following objects :--(1) the founding 
a chantry in the church of S. Laurence aforesaid ; (2) marriage 
portions for poor maidens having few friends ; (3)the relief of 
poor householders and parishioners; (4)the repair of "noyous 
and jeoperdes wayes." Also to her said husband she leaves her 
lands and tenements in the parish of S. Margaret in Lothbury, 
so that he hinder not execution of this her last will. Her lands 
and tenements in Grenewiche Lane, London, to be sold, and one 
moiety to go towards the education of Thomas a Strete, son of 
her brotherWilliam a Strete, if so be he will become a piest, other- 
wise the whole of the proceeds is to be divided among the said 
Thomas and John a Strete, her brother's sons, and the children of 
her two sisters equally. To the second son of John Moyle of co. 
Kent, her late husband's cousin, she leaves property in "Theston 
Bermyget-3 in the said county. Her lands and tenements in 
 See note stq'a , p. 254. "Theston" refers to a neighbouring 
2 The membranes are not always ar- place called" Teston" (Hasted's ' Kent,' 
ranged in chronological order, vol. ii. pp. 149-53). 
 East Barming, co. Kent; unless 





altar in S. Katherine's Chapel in the church of S. Botolph without 
Bishopsgate. Bequest to the old works of S. Paul's. A trental 
of masses to be said by the Austin Friars, the White Friars, and 
the Black Friars respectively. Bequests to the Fraternity of Our 
Lady and S. John the Baptist, the Fraternity of S. Christopher 
and S. George, and for a chant.ry in the church of S. Botolph 
aforesaid ; also to Elizabeth, daughter of Symond Taillour, and 
Thomas her brother, to Katherine his sister, dwelling at Waltham, 
co. Lancaster, Herry, son of John Rycroft, his godson, and others. 
Also to the aforesaid Symond Tillour, his wife's son, he leaves his 
best gown furred. To Margaret his wife his lands and tenements 
in the City and suburbs absolutely. If his executors make any 
month's mind for him there is to be no dinner, except to poor 
folk at their discretion. Dated 23 August, A.D. 1503. 
Roll 230 (3). 


Monday the Feast of S. Botolph, Abbot [17 June]. 
lYIurowe (WILLIAM).--To be buried in the church of S. Botolph 
without Bishopsgate, where his father lies. Bequests to the said 
church, the church of Stoke, the Vicar of Stephenhithe, the Prior 
of Christchurch, &c. To Johane his wife forty pounds of his best 
plate and a life interest in the "Galykey '' and "the Mayden 
heed." To Thomas his brother he leaves a book formerly belong- 
ing to his father and " Marowe key." To Thomas his son the 
residue of his lands and tenements in London and Middlesex in tail. 
To his infant en ventq'e sa mq'e (if any) he leaves lands and tene- 
ments in Essex, called "Gaolstrete," "Uplond," and " Upney," in 
tail ; remainder over. To his cousin Frawik his cup of jasper ; 
to Elizabeth and Katherine his daughters forty pounds each, to 
be paid at their marriage or profession ;3 and to Anne Duklyng 
his daughter twenty nobles yearly till the sum of ninety pounds 
has been paid. His wood in Middlesex and Essex, except such 
as [if removed-] should disfigure his place of Popler, to be sold if 
necessary for the repair of the corner house in Petywales, his 
 "Near unto this Customer's Key part of Thames street was therefore of 
[Custom House] towards the east is the some called Galley row, but more corn- 
said water gate, and west from it lor- monly 1)etty Wales" (Stow's ' Survey,' 
ter's Key, then Galley Key, where the Thoms's ed., p. 52). 
gallies were used to unlade, and land  Entering a convent and becoming 
their merchandises and wares; and that  professed nun. 




ya'de, &c., formerly belonging to Lord Scrope, near Lymestrete in 
the parish of S. Andrew upon Cornhyll,  charged with the observ- 
ance of an obit or anniversary in the church of S. Margaret in 
Bryggestrete for the good of his soul, the souls of Elizabeth and 
Johane his wives, and others, with various charitable doles, &c., in 
manner as directed. The residue of the issues and profits, after 
payment of all charges, to be devoted to the repair of the pro- 
perry and to the relief and comfort of all his Fellowship of Fish- 
mongers.  His feoffees in trust of a large garden, alley, &c., in 
the aforesaid parish to hold the same to the use of Johane his 
wife for life ; remainder to the use of the Wardens of Fish- 
mongers in Bryggestrete and their successors, so that the said 
wardens maintain the same for the recreation and disport of them- 
selves, and of such others as they may please to call thither unto 
them hereafter. The issues and profits coming out of a tey,tte" 
situate at the entrance of the garden to be devoted to the common 
use and behoof of all the Wardens and Commonalty of the whole 
Fellowship and Craft of Fishmongers within the City of London. 
In case of default the whole of the property to go over to the 
parson and churchwardens of the church of S. Margaret aforesaid 
to the use of the said church, charged with observance of obit, 
&c. Dated 11 October, A.D. 1501. Roll 231 (4). 

tiongreforth (ALICE), widow.--To be buried in the church of 
S. Michael in Cornehyll. Bequests to the said church, to the 
Fraternities of S. Michael and Our Blessed Lady, and S. Anne and 
S. George therein; to poor householders in the Ward of Corne- 
hyll; to poor prisoners, the four orders of friars of London, &c. 
Among other bequests are the following :--To Elyanore, daughter 
of William Adlyngesflete, two square salts of silver parcel gilt 
with covering; to Isabell, wife of William Holt, grocer, and to 
Elyanore, wife of Thomas Carter, draper, white bolle co)gpys of 
silver ; to Alice, wife of Walter Mower, and Elizabeth, wife of 

 Generally known as S. Andrew Un- 
dershaft. The street of Cornhill for- 
merly extended further eastward than 
at the present day. 
2 Touching this devise to the Fish- 
mongers' Company, lIr. Hare reported 
to the Charity Commissioners in 1861 
that the sum of 13s. 4d. a year was 

deemed to be chargeable on this estate, 
and was carried to the account of "the 
half-yearly poor." The Company in 
their return to the Commission of 1880 
set out various tenements in Fenchurch 
Avenue as having been acquired under 
this will (Report Livery Comp. Com. 
1884, vol. ii. p. 263). 



William Game, similar cups with images of S. John in the bottom, 
&c. To the parish church of Blakemore, co. Essex, a sum of 
money for buying a book or a vestment ; her executors to see 
that the roof of the said church be properly seled with Estvyche 
boovd. To William Holt and Thomas Carter her tenement in the 
parish of S. ]fichael aforesaid, charged with keeping her obit in 
the said parish church, with charitable gifts, wood and coal to the 
poor householders in the parish,  &c., in manner as directed. In 
case of default the property to go over to the Maser and 
Wardens of the Craft of Drapers of the City of London under 
similar conditions. Dated 1 September, A.B. 1491. 
Roll 9.31 (5). 


Monday qzext before the Feast of S. VZcent, Martyr [22 Jam.]. 
Brice (ELIZABETH, widow of HUGH, Knt., late Alderman 
and goldsmith).-- To be buried in the church of S. Mary 
Wolnoth. To Richard Rawlyn, the parson, and churchwardens 
of the said church and their successors, an annual quitrent 
of twenty shillings issuing from certain tenements in the 
parishes of S. Mary Wolnoth and S. Michael upon Cornhill, so 
that the said parson and churchwardens observe an obit, with 
gifts of money to the poor of the parish, as well as to the vicar 
and parishioners of Ruston, co. York, &c., in manner as directed. 
In default the said annual quitrent to go over to the Wardens 
and Commonalty of the Fellowship of Goldsmiths of the City of 
London. An obit to be kept in the church of Ruston aforesaid 
for the good of her soul, the souls of her husband, James Brice 
their son, Hugh and Elizabeth children of the said James, and 
others. Dated 25 September, A.D. 1498. Roll 231 (14). 

Burton (Jon-), "pouchemaker."--To John Lychefelde, the 
parson, and churchwardens of the church of S. "Awsten " next 
the gate of S. Paul's and their successors, divers lands and tene- 
ments in Watlyngstrete in the parish of S. "Awsten" aforesaid, 

1 There is no specific mention of this 
charity in Mr. Hate's Report on the 
charities of the parish of 8. Michael, 
Cornhill, made in 1860. He, how- 
ever, states that the was a fund of 
41/. 13s. 4d., hich wa.s formerly held 


by the churchwardens in respect of 
sundry gifts of un-known donors for 
coals, and devoted to parish purposes 
(City Parochi,l Charities Com., 1880, 
vol. iii. p. 




to the use of the said parish church, charged with the main- 
tenance of a wax taper to burn within the same in like manner 
as Mawde Frosdeyn had caused a similar light to be founded 
there since the decease of Robert her husband, under penalty 
of paying six shillings and eightpence to the parson and church- 
wardens of the church of S. John the Evangelist in Watlyng- 
streate for every default. Dated 8 January, A.D. 1503. 
Roll 31 (19). 
NoT.--The above will was made an exhibit in Chancery in 
Attorney-General and others, Informant plaintiffs v. Leonard Clow 
and David Palmer, defendants. 

Monday qext before the Fezest of S. Botolph, Abbot [17 JuqzeJ. 
Frynd or Frend (JoHn), goldsmith.--To be bied in the 
church of S. Botolph without Aldriche gate near his wives who 
lie there. Bequests to the said church and to the Fraternity of 
SS. Fabian and Sebastian therein. To John Fmnde his appren- 
tice a bedstead with appurtenances. The residue of s gds to 
be divided into three equal parts wherf one part is to go to 
Anne his fe in the name of her full part and dower due to her 
by usage and custom of the City the send part to go to Johan 
his daughter for her full pa, of his goods due to her aer the 
good rules and constitution of the City and the thud pa. he 
reserves to himself and his executors for paent of debts, 
legacies, &c. The lands and tenements in Rikmanswoh 
co. Hefts, which he had with Anne his wife, are to remain to 
his said wife absolutely. Dated 5 December, h.e. 1501. 
Hurdebene (ROnERT), mercer.-- To Agnes his wife ceain 
tenements in Gracechirchestrete in the parish of AH Hallows in 
Lombardestrete absolutely. To Thomas s son his lands and 
tenements in Adderby,  Snettel"by,  and Wadgh a co. Lin- 
coln in tail; remainder to Elizabeth and Johanne his daughters 
in successive tail. To Alice, wife of John Bales a life estate 
in the tenement cMled " the Cok " at Brandon Ferry co. Norfolk ; 
remainder to John Legge of Brandon Ferry if the said John will 
I Atterby. [ : Waddighnm. 
- Snitterb3. , 



two chantry priests in manner as directed. In case of default 
the property is to go over to the churchwardens of the church 
of S. Peter in Cornhill, charged with an annual payment of seven 
pounds to two chantry priests to serve in the said church. Dated 
London 6 January, A.D. 1503. Roll 233 (13). 

Manday qze before the Feast of S. Chad, Bishop [2 Mavch]. 
Miller (THOMAS), fuller.--To Robert Gower, parson of the 
church of S. 01offes,  and churchwardens of the same, he leaves 
the reversion of a quitrent of thirteen shillings issuing from a 
tenement in Martlane in the parish of S. 01offes, for pious uses 
in the said parish church for the souls of Robert Trot, " talough- 
chaundeler," Margery and Anneys, wives of the same, and others. 
The clerk of the said church to have for his labour fourteen 
pence, "so that he fynde oon persone to kepe the Quere at same 
our lady masse while he plaith at Organs or elles that he kepe the 
quere whiles that the same personne pleyes at Organs." In case 
of default remainders over. Dated London, 2 March, A.D. 1472. 
Roll 234 (12). 

Monday qze,xt before the Feast of S. Betedict, Abbot [21 Ma'ch]. 
.lyngwordth (RICHARD), gentleman.-To be buried in the 
parish church of S. Peter at Micheham in Sowthrey.  To 
Katherine his wife his lands and teneme.nts in the parishes of 
8. M_ichael in Cornhill and S. Bart.holomew the Little for life ; 
remainder to William his brother. To John Bradley all his 
clothing which is in a chest in "Cliffordes yn. '' Richard his 
father appointed one of his executors. Dated 9 December, 

1407. 4 

 S. Olave, Hart Street. 
2 Mitcham, co. Surrey. 
3 An inn for students of law, situate 
near the church of S. Dunstan in the 
West, and formerly belonging to the 
Lords Clifford, ancestors of the Earls 
of Cumberland, by gift of Edward II. 
The six attorneys of the Marshalsea 
Court, better known as the Palace 
Court, from its causes having to be 

oll 06). 

heard near the Palace in the city of 
Westminster, had their chambers in 
this inn, which was the oldest inn of 
* Exactly one hundred years appear 
to have elapsed between the execution 
of this will and its enrolment (an unpre- 
cedentedly long time), unless there be 
some mistake in the date of the will. 



held Monday next before the Feast of S. Luke, Evangelist 
[18 Oct.], 24 Henry VII. [A.D. 1508], 1 to hold the same for their 
lives ; remainder to the Prior and Convent of the House of the 
Salutation of the Mother of God of the Carthusian Order near 
London, so that the names of the said Robert and Margaret be 
placed in the codex of the convent called "le Martylage boke, ''e to 
be remembered in prayers, &c. Dated Friday next after the Feast 
of S. Luke, Evangelist [18 Oct.], A.D. 1508. Roll 236 (68). 3 


Menzday next before the Feast of S. Margaret, l"ig'cjin [20 July]. 
Newenton (SMo), cutler.ecites how he has become solely 
seised of ceain messuages in the parish of S. Botolph without 
dgate foerly belonging to Annes Carter whereof one tene- 
ment was kno as "the Wolle Sak "; and in execution of the 
last ll of the aforesaid Annes made 31 March, 1469 leaves the 
same to the hster Wardens and Commonalty of the Mistery of 
Cutlers  t the City of London, crged th the observance 
of an obit for the souls of the said Annes, Robert Duk John Ball 
and others in manner as directed. Dated 18 June a.D. 1509. 
Monday next befe t Feast of S. icholas, Bish [6 Dec.]. 
Alexuunder (THOMAS), " peauterer.'To the rector and chch- 
wardens of the chch of S. James the Apostle at GarlikMthe a 
cerMin annual rent issg from tenements in Morelane or 
Momstrete in the pash of S. Giles without Crepulgate, chged 
th the maintenance of an obit for the sos of Thomas Dounton, 
Joanna, fe of the same, Isabella their daughter, late wife of 
Robert Ballard, and others, with charitable gifts to the poor, &c., 
in manner as directed ; remader over, in se of defat, to the 

 See Hust. Roll 235 (2). 
2 See note su,pra, p. 334. 
 It will be seen that in this Roll the 
membranes are transposed, and the years 
count backward, beginning with the 
last membrane. 
 From the return made by the Com- 
pany to the Commission of lS80 it 
appears that the Con ipany'.-: estate under 

the will of Agnes Carter comprises the 
Synagogue in Carter Street, Hounds- 
ditch, tenements known as Nos. 18-22, 
Carter Street, the Cloth Exchange, and 
other premises in Exchange Place, 
Cutler Street, and White Street {Report 
Livery Companies Com., 1884, vol. iii. 
p. 3o-). 




with observe the obit or anniversary of Robert Guybon and of 
Alice, wife of the said Robert, in manner as directed ; remainder 
in case of default to the Prior and Convent of S. Bartholomew 
for like purposes. Dated 7 October, A.D. 1503. Roll 236 (42). 

Kelk (STEPttEI), goldsmith.---Testament touching the disposal 
of certain messuages which he acquired fi'om Juliana Shaa, widow 
Thomas Riche, mercer and John Shaa, goldsmith, in fulfilment of 
the last will of Edmund Shaa, late Knt., Alderman and Mayor of 
the City of London, which messuages he now leaves to the 
Master and Brethren of the House or Hospital of S. Thomas the 
Martyr, called "de Acon" so tlt they maintain a chantry priest 
in that church who shall say masses and other services in manner 
as directed, and also observe an obit with distribution of charitable 
gifts as prescribed. In case of default the property is to go over 
to the Wardens and Commonalty of the Art of Goldsmiths of the 
City of London for assisting poor honest men of the craft, more 
especially those of the clothing of the said commonalty. Dated 
20 December, A.D. 1493. Roll 236 (41). 

Monday next befo'e the Feast of S. Scolastica, Virgin [10 Feb.]. 
Braibroke (JOgN), "marchaunthaberdassher " and freeman of 
the City of London.--To the Prior of the Hospital or Monastery 
of S. Mary de Elsyngspitell and convent of the same he leaves a 
certain tenement in the parish of S. Laurence in 01d Jewry, 
which he had acquired from William Game and Thomas Carter, 
citizens and drapers. Dated London 20 March, .D. 1508. 
Roll 236 (34). 


Monday ext before the Feast of S. Chad, Bishop [2 Maq'chJ. 
Mury-aer (WILLIAM), salter.--To the Abbess and Convent of 
the Monastery of the " Mynores" without Algate of the Order of 
S. Clare a tenement called "the Anker," in the parish of our Blessed 
Lady Barkyng next the Tower, to hold the same charged with the 
observance of an obit for the souls of Robert "Fith" Symond of 
Barlyng, co. Essex Dune Katherine, wife of the same, Johaa 




now called "Waterlane," and elsewhere in the parish of S. Dunstan 
in the East, and others in the parishes of S. Margaret in Brydge- 
strete and S. Magnus, charged (among other things) with keeping 
an obit in the chapel of Our Lady at the Guildhall in manner as 
directed. Four priests studying in art or divinity at Oxford or 
Cambridge and having no benefice to be appointed by the wardens 
to pray for the souls of the testator and others, failing which the 
wardens are to pay the sum of forty shillings to the Chamberlain 
of the City, whereof ten shillings are to be bestowed on poor 
prisoners of Ludgate and Newgate. Thirteen poor men and 
women to be clothed and housed by the said wardens, who are 
also charged with the payment, out of the issues and profits of the 
tenements aforesaid, of the sum of four pounds annually to the Prior 
and Convent of Roseston, 1 co. Herts, for a canon to pray for his 
soul at the altar and lavetou" when the Gospel is done, and other 
pious uses. To prisoners in Ludgate and Newgate he leaves an 
annual sum of forty shillings out of the aforesaid rents and profits, 
to be expended in such things as they shall most need. A 
member of the clothing of the Fellowship of Fishmongers to be 
elected rent-gatherer and to keep all accounts, which are to 
be audited by the Chamberlain of London. The residue of the 
issues and profits, after all charges paid, to be laid up in the 
treas.ury- house of the fellowship, together with a further sum 
of one hundred marks to be paid by his executors, for the purpose 
of making loans upon sufficient security to poor members of the 
fellowship, who shall say five paterqzoste's and five ayes and a c'ede 
for his soul. In case of default made by the said wardens in 
carrying out the terms of his will the property is to go over 
to the Mayor and Commonalty and citizens of London and their 
successors for like purposes. Dated 13 April, A.D. 1513.--Also to 
the Fellowship of Fishmongers he leaves two tablecloths of diaper 
" with true loves," together with towels and napkins "of the same 
werk." Roll 237 (12). 

Moqzday the Feast of S. Gregory, Pope [12 Ma'ch]. 
Coote (HENRY), goldsmith.--To the Wardens and Commonalty 
of the Society of Goldsmiths within the City of London he leaves 
 Royston, where there was a Priory of Il,ck Caon. 



also to John Calley, called "Johannes w t maister parsone of 
Lothebury," to his brother Purdew, to Thomas, William, Arthur, 
and Cissely Purdew, children of the said brother, and others. 
The residue of his goods he leaves to Mawde his wife. Dated 
27 April, A.D. 1512. 
Another will or codicil containing pecuniary legacies to Julian 
Heblyn, her daughter and sister, Katherine Borowdale, Robert 
llailes, and others. Dated 26 April, A.D. 1515. Roll 237 (51). 

Monday next before the Feast of S. James, Apostle [25 July]. 
I-Iowdn (ISABELLA, late wife of TvrOMAS, "merchaunt taillour"). 
--To the Master and Wardens of Merchaunt Taillours of the 
Guild or Fraternity of S. John the Baptist of the City of London 
an annual rent (and penalty)issuing from certain tenements in 
Bradstrete, charged with the annual payment of seven pounds 
three shillings and fourpence to a secular priest that can "syng 
well, surely, and querely his playne  and faburdon, ''2 the 
residue being devoted to the observance of her late husband's 
obit in the church of S. Mary Abchurch, with tapers, bell- 
ringing, yearly distribution of coals, &c., in manner as directed. 
In case of default made in carrying out the terms of the 
bequest the property is to go over to the parson and church- 
wardens of the church of S. Mary aforesaid. Dated 17 June, 
A.D. 1515. Roll 237 (53). 


Monday next after the Feast of S. Mihlred, Virgin [20 Feb.]. 
lZynche (JAMES), " sherman."To be bed in the cloister 
of Wh.gdone College in the "royalle" of London. Bequests 
to Master Dr. Dowce, the Master, and Fellows of the said college, 
and to the vaous orders of friars in London. To Elizabeth his 
daughter, fe of Plip Caruge (rnge ?), he leaves his dwelling- 
house in part payment of her like portion that Margaret and 
' See note 2a, p. 600. from bodo or boudon, signifyg (1) 
 A corruption of faux-bouvd, a  pilgr's staff ; (2) from similarity  
simple kd of counteoint to the fo, the bass pipe or &one of the 
church plain song, in other words  bagpipe, and thence simply a deep 
harmony to tile ancient chant. Deried bass note. 




Spaldyng, co. Linc. ; remainder to Francis and Nicholas aforesaid 
in successive tail ; remainder in trust for sale, the proceeds being 
devoted to the repair of the parish church of Spalding, providing 
marriage portions for poor maidens of Spalding and Cowbit, and 
repairing " noyous heigh wales" and bridges, &c. Also to the 
said Nicholas he leaves the reversion of a certain great new place 
in Milkestrete formerly belonging to Henry Cantlowe. Dated 
22 February, A.D. 1504. Roll 238 (36). 

Monday next befo'e the Feast of SS. Simon and Jude [8 Oct.]. 
Capell (WILLIAM), Knt., Alderman and draper.--Devises the 
late dwelling-house of Jane, late Viscountess Lisle, in the parish 
of S. Michael in Cornhill, of which he had become solely seised 
in trust for the purpose, to Master John Wardroper, parson, 
and the churchwardens of the said church of S. Michael and their 
successors, for pious uses for the souls of Edward Grey, late 
Viscount Lisle, Robert Drope, late Mayor of London, and Master 
John Tregman, late husbands of the viscountess aforesaid, her 
father, mother, and others, with charitable gifts to the poor, &c., 
in manner as directed. The sum of thirteen shillings and four- 
pence out of the issues and profits is to be set aside yearly, 
according to the terms of the aforesaid lady's will, for the repair 
and gilding, whenever necessary, of the Sepulchre of our Lord 
within the aforesaid church, formerly erected by the before- 
mentioned Robert Drope, and also of the Crucifix with Mary and 
John and the other works which the said viscountess had caused 
to be made upon the "Rodeloft "in the said church. In case of 
default made by the rector and churchwardens in carrying out 

a Concerning this lady Stow remarks 
that she was buried in the church of 
. Michael, Cornhill, by the side of 
her first husband, in 1500; and that 
"she gave ninety pounds in money to 
the beautifying of that church, and 
her great messuage, with the appur- 
tenance, which was by her executors, 
Mr. Caple and other, 1517, the 9th 
of Henry VIII., assured to John Ward- 
roper, parson, T. Clearke, W. Dixson, 
and John Murdon, wardens of the said 
church, and their successors for ever, 
they to keep yearly for her an obite, or 
a,niversary, to be spent on the loor, 

and otherwise, in all three pounds, the 
rest of the profits to be employed in 
reparation of the church." The same 
authority--who, by the way, is not 
always right in his dates, as already 
mentioned (p. 592, note)further tells 
us that the parishioners afterwards 
gave up the property as chantry land, 
"and wronged themselves," and that 
the tomb and monument of these 
benefactors to the church had been 
pulled down (' Survey,' Thoms's ed., 
pp. 74-75). 
2 See note sq'a, p. 592. 



these and other terms of the devise, the property is to go over to 
the Master and Wardens of the Fraternity of our Blessed Lady 
of Drapers of the City of London under like conditions. Dated 
18 December, a.D. 1506. Roll 238 (39). 



Monday qext before the Feast of SS. Simon and Jude [28 Oct.]. 
Calley (WILLIAM), draper.--To Elizabeth, late wife of John 
Peke, esquire, he leaves a certain messuage and garden, of which 
he was solely seised in trust, called "Longestone," situate in the 
parish of S. Botolph without Aldersgate, for life ; remainder to the 
Master, Wardens," Brethern" and "Sistern" of the Guild or Frater- 
nity of our Blessed Lady of Drapers of London, charged with the 
maintenance of an obit in the church of S. Michael upon Cornhill 
in manner as directed. Dated 23 March, A.D. 1506. 
Roll 238 (58). 

Monday next before the Feast of S. Mathias, Apostle [24 Feb.]. 
Rawson (CRISOFER), mercer and merchant of the Staple at 
Cales.--Leaves his wharf and houses called "the old Wolle Kay" 
in the parish of All Hallows, Barking, in trust for John, Thomas, 
and Richard his sons and the heirs male of their bodies ; re- 
mainder in trust for Margaret and Katherine his daughters and 
the heirs male of their bodies ; remainder in trust for John and 
Walter, sons of Nicholas Rawson his brother, in successive tail 
male; remainder in trust for Averey Rawson his brother; re- 
mainder over. The "owners in use" of the said houses are to keep 
an obit in the church of S. Mary Magdalen in Milkestrete for the 
good of his soul, the souls of Margaret and Agnes his wives, and 
others. A chantry priest to be also maintained in the aforesaid 
church and the church of All Hallows, Barking, respectively. His 
feoffees in trust of the above houses, &c., are to choose some sub- 
stantial and discreet man, being a fi'eeman of the City, to whom 
they are to give seisin of the same, in order that the person so 
seised according to the custom of the City may with counsel's 
advice make a good and sure devise of the same to a good and 





Margaret his daughter in tail. Also to his wife his lands and 
tenements in Chesthunt, co. Herts, for life ; remainder to his 
aforesaid daughters. To the aforesaid Herry rhite and Awdry 
he further leaves lands and tenements in the parishes of Tillyng- 
ham and Denge,' co. Essex. To the aforesaid Nicholas Tyche- 
bourne and Julyan lands and tenements at Squyrellys called 
"the hethcok," co. Essex, and a messuage in the parish of Horn- 
cherche. Also to Margaret his daughter his lands and tenements 
in the parish of Kyngeston, co. Surrey, so long as his wife is 
alive ; remainder to William Fenrother for life; remainders over. 
Also to his aforesaid wife a messuage in Silverstrete, London. 
Dated 17 March, 15 Henry VIII. -A.D. 1523-4]. 
Roll 239 (37). 

Moqzday qext after the Feast of S. Ambrose, Bishop [4 April]. 
Aythropp (WILLIAM), draper.--To the Master and rardens, 
Brethren and Sisters of the Guild or Fraternity of the Blessed 
Mary of the Drapers of London and their successors he leaves 
certain messuages in Cornhill in the parish of S. Michael to 
their own use. Dated 5 March, A.D. 1515. Roll 239 (42). 



Moqday ex after" the Feast of S. Paqzcras 
Jurdayn OVILIXM), "pasteler."--To Master William Mors, 
the rector, and churchwardens of the church of S. Benedict near 
GTaciousstreate, he leaves a messuage situate within the pm-ish, 
for the maintenance of the works, ornaments, &c., of the said 
parish church.  Dated 10 December, A.D. 1510. Roll 239 (47). 

Moaday qext before the Feast of S. 'icholas, Bishop [6 Dec.]. 
White CrILLIAM), draper, Alderman - and freeman of the City 
of London.--To be buried in the chapel of SS. Katherine and 
Anne in the church of S. Swythunes in Candelwikstrete. Bequests 

 Dengie or Dengey. 
u Mr. Hare reported to the Charity 
Commissioners in 1860 that the property 
here devised was then known as Nos. 1 
and 2, Fenchurch Street, and that the 

rent was devoted to church expenses. 
The parish charities come within the 
purview of the City of London Parochial 
Charities Act, 1883. 
 Of Coleman Street Ward. 




co. Lancaster, esquire, an annual rent of five marks, and penalty 
of twenty shillings with distress and appurtenance of the same, 
issuing from lands and tenements belonging to the Master 
and Wardens of the Craft or Mistery of the Vintners of London, 
in trust for the maintenance of a secular priest who can sing 
pvyc song and llayn song, or at the least playn song, to say 
mass in the parish church of Willmeslowe co. Chester for the 
souls of Master Henry Trayforth, sometime parson of the said 
church, Edmund Trayforth, Knt., and Dame Margaret, wife of the 
same, James Spenser, sometime Mayor of London, and others, in 
manner as directed. The priest to be "no viciouse persone of 
lyevyng, diser, carder, bowler cokkefyghter, noder commyne ale 
goer," on pain of expulsion, "eny maner bull or dispensacioun 
or licence of the courte of Rome, or of eny Legate of the see 
apostolique, had or to be had or obteyned to the contrary not- 
wstandyng." Dated 3 June, A.D. 1527. Roll 240 (17). 


Monday the Feast of S. Lucia, Vi'giqz [13 Dec.]. 
I-Iyll (HEY), "haberdassher."---To the Dean and Chapter of 
S. Paul's an annual rent of twenty marks, and penalty of one 
hundred shillings with distress, issuing out of lands and tenements 
belonging to the Master and Wardens and Commonalty of the 
Merchaunt Taillours of the Fraternity or Guild of S. John Baptist 
in the City of London, in trust for the maintenance of a chantry 
in the chapel in S. Patti's Cathedral Church where the reverend 
father in God, Richard Fitz James, Bishop of London,  purposes to 
be buried, together with observance of obit, &c., in manner as 
directed. In case of default made in carrying out the terms of 
the legacy the said annual rent, &c., is to go over to the Mayor 
and Commonalty of the City of London under like conditions. 
Dated 16 June, A.D. 1521. Roll 240 (28). 

I-Iyll (HE, Y), haberdasher.---Another will, whereby he leaves to 
the Dean and Chapter of S. Paul's an annual rent of twenty shillings, 
and penalty of ten shillings with distress, issuing from tenements 
 Oh. 15 January, A.D. 1521-2. 




Baptist of London under like conditions, with further remainder 
to the Mayor and Commonalty of the City of London. Desires 
that his will be enrolled of record before the Mayor at the Guild- 
hall, there to remain for ever. The will made tripartite: one 
part to remain with the Wardens of the Commonalty of 
Grocers, another with the Prioress of Haliwell, and the third 
vith Sir Thomas Lovell and his heirs. Dated 18 December, 
A.D. 1522. Roll 240 (54). 

Drayton (JOHN), grocer.--To the Wardens and Fellowship of 
the Mistery of Grocers of the City of London he leaves certain 
lands and tenements, of which he had become solely seised in trust, 
in the parishes of S. Dunstan in the East and S. Martin, Ludgate, 
so that the said wardens, &c., maintain a chantry in the church of 
S. Peter in Cornehull in accordance with the will of Henry Adye, 
late grocer, for the souls of the said Henry, Julyan and Margaret, 
wives of the same, and others, in manner as directed. The said 
wardens to pay yearly the sum of forty shillings, out of the issues 
and profits of the tenements aforesaid, for the hire of a barge to 
convey them to Westminster, "as the maner and Custome ys 
and hath been used, to geve their attendaunce ffyrste upon the 
Sheryffes and eftsones upon the Mayre at their severall goynges 
to Westminster vhan they take their othes." Dated 26 June, 
A.D. 1523. Roll 240 (55). 


Monday the Feast of S. Faith, Via'gin [6 Oct.]. 
Exmewe (TOMAS), Knight and Alderman.  -- To John Hardy, 
Alderman" of London, and Master of the Guild or Fraternity of 
S. Katherine of the Craft of Haberdashers of the City of London, 
and wardens of the same, a certain tenement of which he had 
become solely seised in Hogenlane in the parish of S. Michael in 
Wood Street, charged with the observance of an obit for the 
souls of John Mathewe, late Yeoman of the Chamber to King 
Henry VII., citizen and baker of London, Katherine, wife of 
the same, and others, with distribution of sums of money, &c., 
 Of Crilegate Ward. [  Of Aldersgate Ward. 



in manner as directed. In case of default the property is to go 
over to the Master and Wardens of the Craft and Fellowship 
of Whyte Bakers of London under like conditions, with further 
remainder to the parson and churchwardens of the church of 
S. Michael aforesaid. Dated 17 December, A.D. 1528. 
Roll 241 (9). 
Lsrane (STEPHEN), haberdasher.--To the Master and Wardens 
of the Guild or Fraternity of S. Katherine of the Craft of Haber- 
dashers in the City of London he leaves certain tenements in the 
parishes of S. Augustine and S. Vedast in fee, which tenements 
he had formerly acquired from Henry hye, one of the Under- 
Sheriffs of the City, and Etheldreda, wife of the same, daughter 
of Robert Fenrother, late Alderman. Dated 3 August, A.D. 1528. 
Roll 241 (10). 
Colsms (ROBEIT), haberdasher.--To Robert Aldernes, Master of 
the Fraternity or Guild of S. Katherine of the Haberdashers of 
London, the wardens and brethren and sisters of the same, certain 
messuages in Thamystrete in the parish of S. Benedict at Powles- 
wharffe, which he acquired from Thomas Thornton, surgeon, and 
Aveline, wife of the same, to the use and maintenance of the 
said fi'aternity, so that they pray for his soul. Dated 31 October, 
A.D. 1521. Roll 241 (11). 

Monday q,ext before F. of 88. Tiburcius and Valerian [14 April]. 
Bully CWILLIM), saddler.- To the Wardens of the Craft or 
Mistery of "Sadlers" in the City of London and commonalty of 
the same he leaves sixteen messuages, of which he had become 
solely seised, situate in the parishes of S. Alban and S. Michael 
in Wood Street, to hold the same to the use of the said wardens 
and commonalty in fee. Dated 20 November, .O. 1532. 
Roll 241 (13). 



Monday next before the Feast of S. Dunstan, Bishop [19 May]. 
Brokett (ROBERt), baker.--To the Dean and Chapter of 
S. Paul's an annual rent, with penalty and distress, charged on all 
tenements belonging to the Wardens and Commonalty of the 



Craft or Mistery of Saddlers in the City of London, for the main- 
tenance of two chantry priests to serve in the long chapel at the 
north end of the cathedral in manner as directed for the soul of 
Master John Whethers (or %ythers), clerk, canon "Residentiary 
Stagyary" of the same cathedral, with whose advice and assent 
he thus makes his will, the souls of John and Agnes, parents of 
the same, and others. The said chantry priests to be at bed and 
board within Peter College, otherwise called "prestes house, '' in 
Paul's churchyard, in two chambers there provided for them by 
the said Master John Wythers. The obit of the said Master John 
to be duly observed by the Dean and Chapter aforesaid. Dated 
the last day of February, A.D. 1532. Roll 241 (18). 

Monday qxt before the Feast of S. Faith, Virgin [60ct.]. 
lrud (WILLIAM), draper.--To the Master, Wardens, Brethren 
and "System" of the Guild or Fraternity of our Blessed Lady of 
Drapers within the City of London he leaves certain messuages in 
the parish of S. Stephen in Colmanstrete, charged, among other 
things, with the distribution of four pounds sterling at four terms 
of the year, that is to say, forty shillings to poor householders of 
the Company or Mistery of Drapers, and forty shillings to poor 
householders of Candelwykestret Ward, for a term of eighteen years; 
and also with the observance of an obit or anniversary in the church 
of the College of Corpus Christi, commonly called the College of 
S. Laurence 1)ulteney, otherwise the parish church of S. Laurence 
1)ulteney, for the souls of Hugh Umpton, late draper, and others, 
with distribution of coals to poor parishioners of S. Laurence 
Pulteney and S. Mary Abchurch, in manner as directed. In case 
of default the whole of the property is to go over to the master 
and chaplains of the aforesaid college under like conditions. 
Dated 2 December, A.D. 1533. Roll 241 (26). 


Monday qct before F. of SS. Yiburcius and Valerian [14 AprilJ. 
Feldyng (RmARD), mercer.--Pursuant to the terms of the 
will of William Browne, e late Alderman, dated 27 May, n.D. 1514, 
 The house or houses in Pardon ] Canons, whose college was called after 
churchyard, situate at the north of I S. Peter (Dugdale, p. 390). 
the cathechal, where dwelt the lIinor  Enrolled infra, Roll 241 {33). 



he leaves to the Wardens and Commonalty of the Craft or Mistery 
of Mercers of London certain tenements and wharf called "Cor- 
bettes Kay," situate in Thamystrete in the parish of S. Dunstan 
in the.East, which he acquired from Sir John Shaa, for the main- 
tenance of a chantry in the church of S. Mary Magdalen in Milk- 
strete for the souls of William Browne aforesaid, Katherine and 
Alice, wives of the same, and others, and also for the observance 
of an obit, &c., in manner as directed. In case of default the 
property is to be "admortized," and made sure to the Chamber- 
lain of the City of London and successors, to the common use of 
the City for ever. Dated 26 May, A.D. 1519. Roll 241 (29). 

Draper I (THOMAS), mercer.--To the XVardens and Commonalty 
of the Mistery of Mercers of the City of London two messuages in 
the parishes of S. Olave in the Old Jewry and S. Stephen in Col- 
manstrete, to the intent that they provide a sufficient " parsone " 
or "parsones" for the time being to dwell therein, subject to 
certain tithes, charges, and assessments according to the custom of 
the City. Remainder in case of default to the Prior and Brethren 
of the Hospital of S. Thomas of Acon on similar terms. Dated 
2 March, A.D. 1520. Roll 241 (30). 

Laykyn (RICHARD), mercer.--To be buried according to direc- 
tions contained in his testament touching his movable goods 
made or to be made. To his son-in-law William, son of William 
Browne, late Alderman,  he leaves, in satisfaction of a sum 
of money due to the said William on his marriage with Eliza- 
beth the testator's daughter, all his lands and tenements in the 
city of Canterbury and the sum of one hundred marks. To Alice 
his wife his lands and tenements in the City of London, in 
Chelsehyth, co. Middlesex, and Dartforde, co. Kent, for life ; 
remainders to the aforesaid William and Elizabeth, and to 
Margaret, another daughter of the testator, charged with the 
obsel.ance of his obit in the church where he shall be buried; 
further remainder to the Master, Wardens, and Fellowship of the 
 In the margin "The testament of as one to whom a copy o the tes- 
my lady Bradbury declared by Thomas tator's testament tripartite is t be 
Draper." The name of Dame Jane Brd- given. 
bury only ccur. nce in he will, viz., -" Of Cordaincr Wrd. 




Craft or Mistery of Mercers of the City of London, charged with 
the maintenance of a chantry in the church of S. Thomas the 
Martyr called "Acon," in the Mercers' Chapel there, and also with 
the observance of his obit, &c., in manner as directed. Dated 
4 September, A.D. 1509. Roll 241 (31). 

Colet 1 (JOHN), Dean of S. Paul's, citizen and mercer of London, 
fl'eeman of the City, son and heir of Henry Colet, late Knight and 
Alderman3 -- To the Wardens and Commonalty of the Mistery of 
the Mercery of the City of London certain lands and tenements 
in Soperlane in the parishes of S. Antony and S. Pancras, and 
also in the parish of S. Magnus the Martyr. Also to the said 
wardens and commonalty he leaves his grammar school, chapel, 
and house for the master and other officers on the east side of 
S. Paul's churchyard ; the grammar house or messuage lately 
called " Poules Scole," and four shops under the same, near Seint 
Austen's Gate; two tenements in le Olde Chaunge, and six tene- 
ments in the parish of S. George in Podynglane near Estchepe, 
near a tenement belonging to the Mistery of Salters called "le 
Scaldynghous," and formerly called " Farmers Hall," to hold the 
same in trust for the continuance of the grammar school and for 
the uses contained in certain indentures made between the said 
wardens and commonalty and the testator. Dated 10 June, 
A.D. 1514. Roll 241 (32). 

Browne  (WILLIAM), Alderman, and "now" Mayor of the City 
of London.--His executors to expend the sum of two hundred 
and thirty-eight pounds (the residue of the goods and chattels lately 
belonging to Sir John Browne, Knt., and Dame Anne, wife of the 
same, the testator's father and mother, and remaining in his hands) 

x This will is not printed in Knight's 
' Life of Colet.' Another will of the 
testator, however, touching his movable 
goods, and dated 22 August, A.D. 1519, 
is there printed (pp. 464-7), the ori- 
ginal (copy?) of which is preserved 
among the archives of S. Paul's Cathe- 
dral (Hist. MSS. Com., Ninth Report, 
Appendix, p. 48 b). 
o. Of the Wards of Farringdon With- 
out, Castle Baynard, and Cornhill. 

s Alderman of Cordwainer Ward ; 
Sheriff, 1504 ; Mayor, 1513-14. Ob. 
3 June, 1514, during his year of office. 
Another will of the testator, dated 
29 May, A.D. 1513, is at Somerset House, 
an abstract of which will be found 
printed, together with much gene,u- 
logical information respecting tbe tes- 
tator's family, in Votes and Qteties 
(Seventh Series, 24 December, 1887, and 
25 February, 1888). 



upon the purchase of such lands and tenements within the City 
as, together with those already belonging to him in the parishes 
of S. Dunstan and S. Mary Magdalen in Mylkestrete and in 
Woodstrete, shall be of the clear yearly value of forty pounds ; 
a sufficient estate in the said lands and tenements is then to be 
made to some freeman of the City for the purpose of being 
devised to the Wardens and Commonalty of the Craft or Mistery 
of Mercers. The same to be held charged with the maintenance 
of chantries in the churches of S. Mary Magdalen aforesaid and 
S. Thomas de Acon for the good of his soul, the souls of Alice 
his wife, Katherine his late wife, his father, mother, and others ; 
also with the observance of obit, &c., in manner as directed. 
Dated 27 May, h.D. 1514. Roll 241 (33). 

Monday next after the Feast of S. Benedict, A bbot [21 March]. 
Butler (SIR WLLIAM), Knt., Alderman  of the City of London.- 
To the Wardens or Keepers of the Commonalty of the Mistery 
of Grocers of London divers tenements, comprising his capital 
messuage called "the Baskett" and three shops in the parish 
of S. Dunstan in the East, two messuages, five cottages, and 
garden and shed in the parish of S. Michael Bassieshawe, together 
with a quitrent of twelve shillings. To hold the same charged 
with the maintenance of a chantry in the parish church of S. James 
at Bidenham, co. Bedford, for the good of his soul, the souls of Dame 
Elizabeth and Elizabeth, late his wives, Richard and Grace his 
father and mother, and others ; with the distribution of sums of 
money among the poor of the parish of Bidenham aforesaid, the 
observance of his obit in the church of S. Thomas de Acon, and 
distribution of twelve shillings in charcoal among the parishioners 
of S. Mildred in the Poultry,  &c., in manner as directed. Dated 
6 August, A.D. 1529. Roll 241 (35). 

Smyh (ISABEL, relict of Jo, stockfishmonger), freewoman 
 Of Cheap Ward. which was given away with other small 
 Mr. Hare reported to the Charity charities by the churchwardens to poor 
Commission in 1860 to the effect that persons belonging to the parish, but 
the Grocers' Company continue to pay rarely living in it. 
the sum of twelve shillings a year, 
VOL. II. 2 T 





Manday qtext befoq'e the Feast of S. Ambq'ose, Bishop [4 ApvilJ. 
Chamberleyn (JOrANA), widow, citizen and brewer and free- 
woman of the City of London.--To Thomas Broke her brother her 
lands and tenements in the parish of S. Michael in Bassingeshawe 
for life, subject to certain charges for observance of obit for the 
good of her soul, the souls of John Chamberleyn, brewer, late 
her husband, and others, in the church of S. Alphege, and 
with the distribution of ten shillings yearly in coals among 
the poor, &c., in manner as directed;  remainder to John 
Broke her cousin of the parish of Brawghing, co. Herts, he 
being son of John Broke her eldest brother, charged, among 
other things, with the payment by him to Johanna his daughter, 
servant to the testatrix, of the sum of twenty pounds for his said 
daughter's marriage ; remainder over in case of default to the 
parson and churchwardens of the church of S. A1phege afore- 
said, charged with the distribution of twenty shillings yearly in 
coals among the poor of the parish. Dated 9 September, A.D. 
1504. Roll 242 (19). 

Monday next aftev the Feast of Pu'ification of V. Maj [2 Feb.]. 
A Woode (John), stockfishmonger.--To Alice his wife the re- 
version of certain leasehold messuages in the parish of S. Martin 
Orgar; remainder to the Wardens and Commonalty of the Mistery 
of Stockfishmongers of the City of London, charged with the 
observance of an obit in the church of S. Michael in Crokedlane 
in manner as directed. In case of default the property to go over 
to the parson of the church of S. Michael aforesaid and his 
successors to the use of the said church. Dated 2 December, 

A.Do 1524. 

t According to Mr. Hate's Report on 
the charities of the parish of S. Alphege 
in 1860, a charity was founded in 150t 
by Jane Chamberlain, and endowed 
with a rent- charge of 13s. 4d. for the 
poor in faggots, which sum, he says, 
was paid by the Paper Stainers' Com- 
pany. His account thus differs in 
some respects from the terms of this 
will. He goes on to say that a distri- 
bution of coal takes place annually on 

Roll 242 (28). 
Christmas Eve, at a cost of nearly 9L, 
including the above rent-charge, and 
that the number of recipients exceeded 
one hundred (Appendix to Report City 
Parochial Charities Com., 1880, vol. iii. 
p. 19). The charities of the parish of 
S. Alphege come within the purview 
of the London Parochial Charities Act, 
1883, by virtue of which a scheme has 
been drawn up and approved. 



Monday next after the Feast of S. Chad, Bishop [2 March]. 
Englyssh (SIMON), skinner.--To Master John Taylour, D.D., 
parson of the church of S. Peter upon Cornhill, and churchwardens 
of the same and their successors, two messuages in the parish 
of S. Andrew Hubbard absolutely. Dated 5 January, A.D. 1538. 
Roll 242 (29). 


Monday nex befoq'e the Feast of S. Botolph, Abbot [17 Juqae]. 
Wydollson (WILLIAM), mercer.--To be buried in the chapel 
he built in the churchyard of "Myhelham, ''1 co. Surrey, where 
Johane his late wife lies buried. Directions for keeping his obit. 
"The churchemen " to have the rule of his lands at Peterysch- 
feld and Mapull Dorham,  co. Southampton, and to pay certain 
charges, giving an account of the same to Sir John Mordaunt. To 
Elizabeth his wife all his goods and chattels, and a house in the 
parish of S. Andrew in Cornhill for life ; remainder to the Worship- 
ful Fellowship of the Mercers of the City of London for the purpose 
of providing a breakfast for such of the livery of the Mercers as 
attend the Mayor when he goes to take the oath and yet dine 
not at the Guildhall. a To Robert Donam his cousin twenty 
shillings and a chased piece of silver. Directions for his funeral : 
his body to be carried from his house on a horse litter to the 
church of S. George in Southwark, accompanied by Augustinian 
Friars ; torches used at his funeral to be carried in the horse 
litter and distributed among the churches of Newyngton, 
Totyng, 4 Codyngton, Hewell, a Epesham, 6 Ashestede, Letherhed, 
1VIykelham, and other places without the City of London, as also 
to certain churches within the same. The residue of the rents 
of the lands in Peteresfelde and Mapull Durham to be distributed 

2 Maple Durham, near Petersfield. 
 Stow gives a list of the companies 
that attended the Mayor's feast at the 
Guildhall a few years prior to the date 
of the enrolment of the testator's will, 
viz., 23 Henry VIII., together with the 
number of messes awarded to each 
(the Wardens of the Mercers and seven- 

teen others attending were allowed five 
messes). This information, he quaintly 
informs his readers, was not obtained 
as an eye-witness, he having never been 
himself a "feast-follower" (' Survey: 
Thoms's edition, p. 197), 




London,", charged with providing yearly a trental of masses for 
the good of his soul, and with the payment of his debts and 
legacies. To the Fellowship of his Company of the Pewterers, 
being of the livery, he leaves forty shillings. Dated 12 October, 
A.D. 1541. Roll 243 (62). 

Monday nex befo'e the Feast of Pu'ification of V. Mary [2 Feb.]. 
Auuho (WILLIAM), pewterer.--Another enrolment of the above 
will. Roll 243 (64). 

Monday qex befoq'e the Feast of S. Alphege, Bishop [19 Appall. 
Davyson (('EORE), citizen and freeman of the Fellowship or 
Craft of "Curdelers" of the City of London.--The custom of the 
City of London having been time out of mind that a freeman sole 
seised of lands and tenements within the said City in his demesne 
as of fee may lawfully by testament and last will devise the same 
into mortmain without licence of the king or other lords first had 
and obtained, he leaves to the master and wardens of the fellow- 
ship aforesaid certain lands and tenements in the parish of 
S. Katherine Colman, charged with the observance of an obit for 
the good of his soul, the souls of Johanna his late wife and 
others, in the church of S. Brigid in Fletestrete, with the distri- 
bution of thirty shillings in coals and wood among the poor 
of the parish of S. Brigid aforesaid, and other payments, 
in manner as directed.  In case of default the property to go 

x Or one of the City "waits," so called 
from their having been originally watch- 
men (Fr. gayte) who patrolled the 
streets, provided with trumpets where- 
with to raise an alarm. In course of 
time they came to be known only as 
musicians, or "Minstrels Waits." They 
formed a fellowship among them- 
selves, and in 1442 petitioned the Mayor 
and Aldermen that they might be al- 
lowed a livery, like waits in other cities 
and towns (Letter-Book K, fol. 206 b). 
It appears from the accounts of the 
churchwardens of S. Michael's, Cornhill, 
for the year 1589, that the City Wits 
were asked to "take the note" of a new 
church bell, for which they were paid 
eighteen pence; but the parish autho- 
rities, not being quite satisfied with their 
judgment, called in another company of 
musicians "to take a ffurther noute of 
the same bell." 

 It appears from a report made by a 
committee of the Company in 1747 that 
the property here devised had been sold, 
some time previous to that year, sub- 
ject to a rent of 40s., and that 30s. a 
year was at that time regularly paid to 
the parish of S. Bride ; the other pay- 
ments, consisting of small sums to the 
churchwardens, and the wardens and 
beadle of the Company, had been dis- 
continued (' The Endowed Charities of 
the City of London,' reprinted from 
Charity Comm. Reports, 1829, p. 222). 
Mr. Hare reported in 1855 that the said 
sum of 30s. continued to be regularly 
paid by the Master and Wardens of the 
Girdlers' Company, and was charged on 
a house, No. 106, Fenchurch Street 
(Appendix to Repor of City Parochial 
Charities Commission, 1880, vol. iii. 
pp. 121-2). 




Wardens or Keepers of the Commonalty of the Freemen of the 
Mistery of Cowpers' of London and of the suburbs of the same 
he leaves a messuage and wharf called "the Olde Wollekey," in 
the parish of All Saints, Barking, which he held in trust for 
fulfilment of the will of :Nicholas Gibson, late grocer of London, 
"accordinge to the laudable custome of the Citie of London "; to 
be held by the said master and wardens charged with the main- 
tenance of a " mete and learned man in the letters of grammer" 
to teach grammar and the knowledge of grammar, and also to 
instruct little children in the A B C, and such learning as should 
be most convenient, in the school or school-house erected at 
Radclyffe, co. Middlesex, e by the aforesaid Nicholas, and also with 
the maintenance of an usher learned in Latin and grammar, and 
subject to other conditions as set out in a certain copy of Court 
Roll of the Manor of Stebbunhuth.  The master and wardens 
aforesaid are also, among other things, after the decease of Dame 
Alice Knyvet, widow, sometime wife of the aforesMd Nicholas, to 
maintain fourteen poor men and women in the almshouse near 
the aforesaid school, seven of which are to be poor inhabitants of 
the parish of Stebbenhuth, and the other seven to be poor persons 
of the Mistery of the Cowpers or their wives, and to give to each 
of them yearly the sum of twenty-six shillings and eightpence. 
The tenements to be surveyed twice a year, and at each survey 
the master, wardens, &c., are to have a "potacioun" among the 
men of the mistery. Dated 21 March, A.D. 1552. 
Roll 246 (130). 

Monday zext before the Feast of S. Alphege [19 April]. 
Alleym (JASPER), draper.--To be buried in the church of 
S. Nicholas Acon if he chance to die in the parish, otherwise in 
the parish church where he may happen to die, "withoute anye 

' The Coopers' Company was incor- 
porated by charter in 1501 (29 April, 
16 Henry VII.). 
 This devise is referred to in the 
Company's Return to the Commission 
appointed in 1880 as the Ratcliff 
Charity, founded by Nicholas Gibson 
in 1540, and subsequently endowed 
by Lady Avice Knvvett his widow. 
The object of thc foundation was the 

maintenance of a free school and alms- 
houses in the hamlet of ltcliff in the 
parish of S. Dunstan, Stepney. The 
charity was further benefited by gifts 
from Henry Cloker in 1573, Tobias 
Wood in 1611, and Henry Strode in 
1703 (Appendix to Report Livery Comp. 
Com., 1884, vol. iii. p. 273). 
3 Stepney. 



forty shillings, to be paid to her by Thomasyne his wife. To 
Walter his brother forty shillings and all his raiment. To his 
"vyse '' Jane Artur a certain sum of money, to be paid to her on 
her marriage. The residue of his goods, together with his lands 
and tenements, he leaves to his wedded wife Thomasyne. Dated 
16 June, A.D. 1546. Roll 246 (152). 



Monday the Feast of S. Leona'd, Abbot [6 lTov.]. 
Wylkyns (Ro,lW), the elder, turner.--Bequests of money and 
goods to his cousin Johanne Myddleton, Johan Peck his sister,. 
and others ; and the residue of his goods and chattels, not other- 
wise disposed of, he leaves to Helen his daughter. To Thomas 
Marrowe, esquire, lands, tenements, &c., in Philpot Lane in the 
parish of S. Andrew Hubbert near Eastchepe, charged with an 
annual payment of three pounds to Robert his son for the term 
of twenty years. Dated 28 May, A.D. 1552. Roll 247 (16). 

Monday 'ext be/are the Feast of S. Pet?'onilla, Via'gin [31 May]. 
Armestronge (John), citizen and cook of London.--A sermon 
to be preached for him where he is buried, and the preacher 
thereof to have towards the buying of his books six shillings and 
eightpence. Bequests to the hospital in Southwark, and for the 
repair of Mapes Lane, which is between Kylborne and Wilsdon, 
co. Middlesex. Among various bequests to indixiduals are the 
following:--To John Styrley, vintner, his best gown faced 
with damask, and also "a Jerkyn of Braunched Velvett  to shote 
in." To Robert Watles, citizen and grocer, a pot parcel gilt with 
a cover with his name, with an arm and a hand open on it. To 
John Sturtle, citizen and cook, his bow "with small pynnes and 
half a dossen shaftes "; also his "gowne of browne blewe faced 
with lezardes, ''3 also a pot with ears without cover, parcel gilt, and 
"a dogeon molde." To his sister Mawde Frisingefelde "half a 
garnysshe of vessell. ''4 To John Mors his brother-in-law "a puke 
 Mistress (?). supposed to be the fur made from the 
 Velvet with figured pattern, skin of the lynx. 
 Probably the same as "lewzernes," * ee note sq'z, p. 629. 
or "' lucerns," met with elsewhere, tnd 



fellowship and company of merchants in the said house and their 
successors, he leaves a basin with ewer parcel gilt, weighing 
sixty-four ounces, and four gilt spoons weighing eight ounces, 
with the mark of "T" and "K." To William Bmyfelde, baker, 
a goblet with a cover parcel gilt with a "Clement," with the 
letters "T" and "J." To Cecilie Eynes, his wife's daughter, a 
"salte" with a cover all gilt with a Clement in the top, and with 
the letters "T" and "J," weighing twenty ounces and three 
quarters. To the parson and churchwardens of the church of 
S. Mary at Hill he leaves two goblets with a cover gilt, with roses 
and flowers on the "knoppe" of the same cover, on either of 
which goblets is the mark of a hand, for the purpose of making 
therewith two chalices of silver gilt for service in the said church. 
Bequests also of various ale pots, some being of antique work, 
and one of them having a cover gilt with two ears marked with a 
" Clement." To the master of his company he leaves an ale pot 
with a cover all gilt, with two axes on the top enamelled. Dated 
23 March, A.D. 1554. Roll 247 (129). 


Clayton (THOMAS), baker.--To the Master and Wardens of the 
Guild of the Fraternity of Our Lady and S. Clement of the Craft or 
M_istery of rhite Bakers in the City of London he leaves his "backe- 
house," &c., in the parish of S. Mary at Hill, charged with the 
observance of his obit, with charitable gift of "halfe pennye white 
bread," ale, &c., with "potcioun" at "Bakers Halle, 'u in manner 
as directed. And if it should happen that such bequests for keep- 
ing his anniversary or obit should be illegal--" as of late yeres in 
the tyme of Kinge Edwarde the Sixte the prayeinge for the dead 
and all ceremonies for and concernynge the same in the snide 
maner and fourme to be used were abrogated and disallowed "- 
the sums of money so bequeathed are to go over to the governors 
of the house of the poor children within Newgate. The said 
master and wardens are also to distribute a certain quantity of 

brought the pre-eminently Eastern axt 
of weighing and the "sterling" silver 
penny or "standard" coinage 
vhereby goods were weighed, has been 
shown to be not altogether unreason- 
able by the writer of the Introduction 
to the Grocers" earliest Minute-Book 
(facsimile), already alluded to. 

 In Hart Lane, or Harpe Lane, run- 
ning down from Tower Street to the 
Thames. It was, says 8tow, sometime 
the dwelling-house of John Chichley, 
Chamberlain of London, a relative of 
the archbishop of that name (' Survey,' 
Thoms's ed., 1876, p. 51). 




coal at Christmas among the poor of the parish of S. Mary afore- 
said. To the parson and churchwardens of the said parish church 
he leaves a tenement within the parish for the maintenance of 
the said church and of divine service therein. To Eleyn his wife 
a tenement in the same parish for life; remainder to William 
Brayfelde, baker, in tail ; remainders over. Dated 30 March, 
A.D. 1555. Roll 247 (130). 


Moqzday nex after the Feast of S. Alphege, Bishop [19 April]. 
Elder (WILLIAM), plasterer (gipsarius).--To the Master and 
Wardens of the Guild or Fraternity of the Playsterers of the 
City of London he leaves his messuage called "the Pynners 
Hall-1 in Adelstrete in the parish of S. Alban the Martyr, which 
he acquired from the Master and Wardens of" Merchaunttaillours" 
of the Fraternity of S. John Baptist, to hold the same to them 
and their successors for ever quietly and in peace. Dated 14 May, 
A.D. 1545. Roll 248 (43). 

Sheparde (ROBERT), plasterer.--To the Master and Wardens 
of the Guild or Fraternity of the Blessed Mary of Plasterers of 
London he leaves certain tenements in Adelane or Adelstrete in 
the parish of S. Alban in Woodstrete, situate near " le Plasterers 
Hall," to hold the same to the use of the said master and wardens 
and their successors for ever. Dated 20 April, A.D. 1556. 
Roll 248 (44). 


Monday next after the Feast of S. Gq'egory, Bishop [19 March]. 
Auuheton (JON), "talloughchaundler."---To be buried in the 
"queare" or chancel of his parish church of S. Botolph without 

i ,, Then is Adle Street, the reason of 
which name I know not, for at this pre- 
sent it is replenished with fair buildings 
on both sides ; amongst the which there 
was sometime the Pinners' Hall, but 
that company being decayed, it is now 

the Plaisterers' Hall" (Stow). This 
property, which is situate in Addle 
Street and Philip Lane, is now tenanted 
by Foster, Porter & Co., Limited, on 

Algate. Bequests of money and charcoal to the poor of the said 
parish. To Elizabeth his wife his messuage or inn called " the 
signe of the three nonnes" in the same parish for life ; remainder 
to Jane Turnour his kinswoman, wife of Richard Turnout, in tail ; 
remainder over. Also to the said Jane he leaves divers household 
chattels, comprising beds, tablecloths, pewter platters and dishes, 
pots and pans, goblets, mazers, the hanging of the hall of the 
aforesaid messuage of "paynted steynynge" of the story of 
Joseph, &e., to be delivered to her after the decease of his afore- 
said wife. His wife may let the above messuage for a term of 
thirty years or less without any hindrance from the aforesaid 
Richard and Jane, during which time she is to be allowed to enjoy 
the rent. Also to his said wife he leaves other tenements in the 
same parish for life ; remainders to Katherine, Johanna, and 
Robert Assheton his kinsfolk. Also to his said wife three tene- 
ments in Houndesdiehe next to Busshoppesgate for life; remainder 
to the Master and Wardens of the Art or Company of " tallough- 
ehatmdlers" of London and their successors, to the use of the 
same company and for the maintenance of their hall.  Bequests 
also to the said company for a recreation, and to the yeomanry 
of the same. Among other bequests are the following :--To 
Humfrey Frithe his sword and an angel noble of gold. To John 
Transfelde his gown furred with "eonye." To various individuals 
he leaves angel nobles of gold. To Richard Jewe his servant 
forty shillings and his bows and shafts appertaining to them, so 
that he be a good servant to his wife. His present tenants are 
not to be evicted so long as they eontinne to pay their present 

rent. Dated 5 April, A.Do 1555. 
x Painted cloth as a species of hang- 
ings for rooms was cloth or canvas 
linted in oil with various devices and 
stories fabulous or historical. It ws 
often so linted as to represent tapestry ; 
the latter, being too costly for ordinary 
use, was reserved for the more splendid 
apartments of the mnsion house. In- 
stances of stained cloth have already 
occurred in the wills of Thomas Made- 
frey, Canon of Wells (su.p'a, p. 190), and 
John de Coggeshale (p. 250). Those 
engaged in the art or mistery were in- 
corporated by charter of Queen Eliza- 
beth, 19 July, 151, under the name of 
"The Master ad Wardens and Corn- 

Roll 248 (114). 
monalty of the Freemen of the Mystery 
or Art of Painters, commonly called 
Painters' Stainers, within the City of 
London, and suburbs and liberties 
 The Tallow-chandlers' Company was 
one of the few Livery Companies which 
declined to make a return to the Livery 
Companies Commission appointed in 
1880 of their corporate property, income, 
and expenditure. Hence it is impos- 
sible to trce the property here devised. 
s The value of the angel or angel 
noble varied from 6s. 8d. to 10s. Derived 
its name from the figure of the arch- 
agel driving a sl,eea" through a dragon. 




occupy the same and do not alienate them ; remainders over upon 
decease or remarriage. Dated 4 August, A.D. 1556. 
Roll 248 (136). 


Manday x after" the Feast of S. Matin, Bishop [11 Nov.]. 
Laxton (SLR WILLIAM), Knt. and Alderman. - Bequests 
to the Hospital of S. Bartholomew, Christ's Hospital, and to 
the inmates of various prisons. To the Company of Grocers 
he leaves ten pounds to make them a dinner at his 
burial. To several of his former servants, the deputy of 
his ward, and others, a black gown respectively. To William 
Laxton of Gretton, "mydlesonne" of Thomas Laxton, Thomas, 
another son of the same, Alice and Agnes their sisters, to 
Thomas, son of Robert Laxton of Gretton, and to Robert, 
Henry, William, Richard, and Edward, brothers of the aforesaid 
Thomas, to Crystian Webster of Owndell,  widow, William Pres- 
grave of London, haberdasher, his servants, and others, he leaves 
divers sums of money, gold rings, &c. To "my lorde" Mayor 
of London, the Swordbearer, to Sir Thomas White, Knt. and 
Alderman, and others, he gives respectively a black gown. The 
Lord Mayor and Aldermen to dine at his house on the day of his 
funeral. To Nicholas Luddington his wife's son, Johane Machell 
his wife's daughter, wife of John Machell, Alderman, 3 and Anne, 
wife of Thomas Lodge, Alderman, 4 another daughter of his wife, 
he leaves basins and ewers. After the decease of Dame Johane 
his wife his manor called "Rose hall" in Sarrett,s co. HeRs, and 
all his other lands and tenements in the same place, are to go to 
Nicholas Luddington aforesaid, and his lands and tenements in 
Stoke and Naylond in the counties of Suffolk and Essex to Anne, 
wife of Thomas Lodge aforesaid. To William Mayson his tene- 
ments in the parish of Aldermary in the City of London. Dated 
17 July, A.D. 1556. 
By codicil he devises to the Wardens and Commonalty of the 
1 Of Langbourne and Lime Street ]  Of Vintry Ward. 
Wards. I a Of Cheap Ward. 
 Oundle, co. Northampton.  arratt. 



Mistery of Grocers within the City of London certain lands, 
tenements, &c., in the parish of S. Swithin at London Stone, and 
in Sherborne Lane, S. Nicholas Lane, Abchurch Lane, Candle- 
wyckstrete, Eastchepe, and elsewhere in the said City, upon 
condition they take proceedings to obtain at the hands of the King 
and Queen the messuage or tenement late called "the Guilde 
or fraternity howse" in Owndell for the purpose of a school house, 
provide a master and usher for teaching grammar at a specified 
stipend, and also appoint seven poor honest men dwelling in 
Owndell to be "beademen" for him in the said messuage or house 
called "the free grammer Scole Howse of me the sayd S r William 
Laxton, Knight, ''1 providing them with free lodging and paying 
each of them eightlence weekly. Dated 22 July, A.D. 1556. 
Roll 249 (18). 

Monday the Feast of S. Valentine [15 Feb.]. 
Ettes (WILLIAM), girdler.--Has already given to each of his 
children as much as their child's part would amount to ; what is 
left is not so much as he would have given to his wife nor so 
much as she deserves, he therefore disposes of his lands and goods 
in form following :--To Margaret his wife certain lands, tene- 
ments, &c., in the city and town of Brystowll, and his messuage and 
garden in Churche Strete in the parish of Westham, co. Essex, 
absolutely; also his dwelling-house and adjoining tenement in 
Frydaystrete in the parish of S. Matthew in the City of London 
for life, with remainder to William and Alexander his sons. To 
the Warden and Fellowship of Gyrdelers of the City of London 
twenty shillings for a recreation among such as should attend 
his exequies in their liveries. To Laurence Otwell and Elizabeth 

a The school and almshouses are still 
maintained by the Grocers' Company. 
When first the Company took possession 
of the property here devised the rental 
only amounted to 50/. per annum, and 
other sums specified in the codicil to 
38/,. per annum. At the present day the 
property brings in about 4,000l. per 
annum. In 1543 an information was 
filed by the Attorney-General, at the 
relation of several of the inhabitants of 
Oundle, seeking to have the whole in- 
creacd rents applied to the charitable 

purposes contained in the will (Attor- 
ney-General v. the Grocers' Company, 
6 Beaven, 526). This information was 
dismissed with costs. The Company, 
notwithstanding this, have not availed 
themselves of what they could justly 
claim, as is shown by their Return to 
the Livery Companies Commission of 
1880, where their expenditure on capital 
account upon the school within the pre- 
ceding eight years is stated to have ex- 
ceeded 11,000/., with a further prospec- 
tive outlay of 2t,000/. 



payment of twenty shillings to the poor of the aforesaid 
parish,  and the residue to poor freemen of the company, the 
same being distributed the week before Christmas. Dated 
16 December, A.D. 1555. Roll 249 (67). 

Monday qwzd befo'e the Feast of S. Lucia, Virgiq [13 Dec.]. 
Ettys (ALEXAIDER), clothworker.--To Margaret Ettys his mother 
all his goods, movable and immovable, and his messuage in the 
parish of S. Matthew in Frydaystrete. Dated 13 March, A.D. 1557. 
Roll .50 (9). 

Monday next before the Feast of Conversion of S. Paul [25 Jan.]. 
Judde  (SIR AiDREW), Knt. and Alderman.--To be buried in the 
parish church of S. Helen near Busshopesgate, near Agnes his late 
wife. To Dame Mary Judde his wife he leaves, in satisfaction of 
jointure or dower, his manors of Esshetisforde, otherwise Asshford, 
and Esture, co. Kent, his manor of Bardon, co. Herts, and his 
messuages, &c., in the town, parish, and fields of Barons, 
co. Surrey, to hold the same for life ; remainders to John and 
Richard his sons in tail. Also to John his son lands and tenements 
in the parishes of Spenshurste and Spellyurste, co. Kent, known 
by the name of "Coddes," certain others in Bydborough, co. Kent, 
his manor of Downe, co. Kent, and lands and tenements in Cow- 
dame, co. Kent. To the Master and Wardens of the Fraternity 
of Corpus Christi of the Craft or Mistery of Skynners of the 
City of London he leaves his close of pasture called " Sande- 
hil|es, "3 situate on the backside of Holbourne in the parish of 
S. Pancras in co. Middlesex, being of the value of thirteen pounds 
six shillings and eightpence; his messuage in the "olde Swanne 

 The sum of ll., Mr. Hare reported in 
1860, continued to be paid to the church- 
wardens of the parish of S. Mary Alder- 
mary, and the residue was distributed, 
with other charitable gifts, to the poor 
of the Company on S. Thomas's Eve. 
 Citizen and skinner; Alderman of 
Farringdon Without and Bridge Wards ; 
Sheriff, 1544 ; Ma.vor, 1550-1. 
 It apt.etrs from Mr. Haxe's Reort 

to the Charity Commissioners in 1864 
that this estate was situate on the south 
side of the New Road {now the Euston 
Road) in the parish of S. lancras, and 
extended from Tonbridge Street on the 
east to Burton Street on the west and 
Leigh Street on the south (Appendix to 
Report of Livery Comp. Com., 1884, 
vol. iv. p. 327). 




begotten and born of the body of Margaret Clerk, late of Fevers- 
hame, certain tenements in S. Swythune's Lane in the parish of 
S. Swythune at London Stone in tail ; remainder to his cousin 
John, son of Andrew Jucent of Halden, co. Kent, husbandman, 
one of the "proctors of tharches," in taft male ; remainder to 
John Hornby the younger, the " haze" son of John Hornby the 
elder, "merchaunttaillor," in taft male; remainder to the poor in 
the almshouse at Croydon called "the lyttle alines howse." Also 
to the aforesaid John Jucent a certain tenement in the town of 
Fevershame, co. Kent. His wife Mary to enjoy the issues and 
profits of his messuages in London so long as she remain unmar- 
tied. Among other bequests are the following :--To James 
Ryvers, of the Custom House, London, he leaves his gown of 
"peuke " lined with buckram and faced with "tawnye Taffeta," 
also his bows and arrows with "tyllers cases," and all manner of 
necessaries to them. To Mark Lake, one of the Queen's " wallter- 
men," his gown of "browne blew" with long sleeves lined with 
black cotton and faced with black fur. To Mary his wife a 
"neste of Bowelles" with a cover, or else a "neste of (oblettes 
gylte" with a cover, whichever she may choose. To Richard 
Hudson's wife the lease of her house which he had in pawn, she 
to pay twenty shillings. Dated 10 January, A.D. 1558. 

Monday qzext befoq'e F. of Trans. of 8. Edward, K. and M. [20 June]. 
lluttull (WmLIM), "marchaunte Taylor."---To be buried in his 
parish church of S. Sepulchre. To Matthew Parcyvall, Hugh 
Welshe, and others, various axticles of apparel, comprising his 
best velvet nightcap, his nightgown and "workedaie Jackett," 
his velvet "doblett," single gowns, and his " foxe furred" gown. 
To John, son of George Depup, "inholder," he leaves all his tene- 
ments in "Holbourne crosse streete," charged with the payment 
of twenty pounds for the repair of the highway from "grayes 
ynnelane unto Battyll brydge" where necessary. Dated 30 De- 
cember, A.D. 1549. Roll 250 (44). 

Monday the Feast of 8. Leodegarius, Bishop [2 Oct.]. 
gouthwood (WLLLM), goldsmith.- As feoffee in trust of 



certain lands and tenements formerly belonging to Sir Martin 
Bowes, and situate in the parish of S. Mildred in the Poultry 
and in S. Matthew's Alley, Westchepe, in the parish of S. Matthew 
in Friday Street, and in execution of the will of the said 
Martin, he leaves his said lands and tenements to the Wardens 
and Commonalty of the Art and Mistery of the Goldsmiths, to 
hold the same in trust for a sermon to be preached in the church 
of S. Mary Wolnoth on S. Martin's Day [11 November] or there- 
abouts, and for certain pecuniary payments and entertainments 
to those present on that day ; for the support of an almsman at 
Goldsmiths' Hall, to be called "Sir Martin Bowes's almsman," for 
whom a blue gown is to be provided every third year, according 
to the custom of the said company ; for the distribution of bread 
every Sunday at the church of S. Mary aforesaid, and the churches 
of Our Lady at Wolwich and S. James at Northcrey, co. Kent. 
The residue to be devoted to the repair of the tenements aforesaid, 
and for the relief and maintenance of the almsmen and the poor 
of the said commonalty2 Dated 23 October, A.D. 1557. 
.50 (61). 
Southwoofl (WILLIAM), goldsmith.--To the Wardens and 
Commonalty of the Mistery and Company of the Goldsmiths 
within the City of London he leaves his tenements in S. Matthew's 
Alley in the parish of S. Matthew in Friday Street, to the only 
use of the said wardens and commonalty and their successors for 
ever. Dated 27 January, A.D. 1555. Roll 250 (62). 


Monday qmt befo'e the Feast of S. Luke, Evangelist [18 Oct.]. 
lobiout  (LAvRENCE), girdler.--To the Company of Girdelers 
in London an annual rent of four pounds, issuing from lands and 
tenements in the borough of Southwark, so long as the said 
Company of Girdelers shall remain still girdelers and be not 
transported to any other "Company of Felowshipp'; the same to 

x This endowment and those of Sir 
Martin Bowes and Roger Mundie were 
the subject of an information filed in 
1832 against the Company. The matter 
was referred to the same Master to 
whom the charity of Thomas atte Hay 
{SUlret, p. 37) hd been referred, and he 
certified his pproval of the application 
of the rents and profits of the property 

devised, and of the manner of keeping 
separate accounts opened to the several 
testators, which the Company had then 
only recently introduced {Appendix to 
Livery Companies Com. Report, 1884, 
vol. iv. pp. 28-9). 
2 In the record of probate the name 
is twice spelt "Robiohn." 




be bestowed in specified sums in relief of the poor of the com- 
pany, upon the general great dinner, &c. Also to the said 
company he gives his piece of silver and gilt with a "B " upon 
it, and his black "nutt" garnished with silver gilt, upon condition 
that if they have occasion to dispose of the same, and there be 
any person of his name in the company, such a one is to have 
the refusal of the said piece and "nutt" before any other. To 
Jone his wife his dwelling-house so long as she remain unmarried 
or marry a "mere girdell Cutter" and exercise the occu- 
pation or "mystery" of girdle-cutting whilst living therein ; 
remainders over to John Robiout, John Leach, and others. Be- 
quests to Agnes Robiout and Jone Robiout his servants, charged 
on his tenement called "the Cocke and the Key" in the parish 
of S. Dunstan in the West. Among other bequests are the 
following :--To Geffrey his brother his "cassocke of Worsted," his 
new " tawny Satten doublett," and his best pair of hose ; to Roger 
Rastell his second livery gown faced with "foynes," with the 
"whoode "; to Humfrey Androwes his " holyday cassocke of 
clothe"; to Nicholas Grene his late apprentice his "workeday 
cassocke" and his doublet of worsted ; and to Roger Rastell one 
of his "Bowes." To others he leaves white and tanned hides, 
"anvildes" and hammers, his "graven pounces," a scouring 
knife, and lead pieces. The reversion of his tenement in Lud- 
gate he leaves to Agnes Robiout. Mention made of "the 
Swanne" at Ludgate Hill. Dated 8 October, A.D. 1558. 
Roll 250 (64). 
Bowler (ROBERT), citizen and " Bowier."---To be buried in the 
parish church of S. Mary Matfellon, otherwise called "Whit- 
chappell," without Algate in the county of Middlesex. Bequests 
to the furniture of the said church ; to his cousin Letice, wife of 
John Blooke, grocer ; his cousin Helyn, wife of Robert Collis, 
grocer; his servants and others. To William his son he leaves 
messuages situate within the great gate of the late house called 
" the Minoras "' without Algate. To Margery his daughter, 
wife of John Hardinge, salter, messuages in Estham, co. Essex, 
Hakeney marshe in the parish of Hakeney, co. Middlesex, and in 

 The Minories, so called from the [ Clares, situate near Tower Hill; sur- 
Abbey of the luns Minoresscs, or Pour I rendered to Henry VII1. in 1539 (Stow). 



the Highstrete in the parish of S. Mary Matillon. Also to his 
said son and daughter other tenements in Grubstrete in the l)arish 
of S. Giles without Creplegate. Dated 17 October, h.). 1557. 
Roll 250 (65). 


Monday ext efter the Feast of . Hilavy [13 Jan.]. 
Clarvaux or Clervys (RALe), grocer.--To the poor of Grace- 
church parish forty shillings yearly for coals, charged on his house 
called "the Bell howse " in the parish of All Saints in Lumbard- 
strete and being in Gracestrete. After the decease of his 
wife a further sum of fifty shillings yearly, charged on the same 
tenement, is to be expended upon the maintenance of one poor 
man's child at S. Nicholas's Hospital 1 at Cambridge, with the view 
of becoming a preacher of God's word. Bequests to his sister's 
children and others of his relations. He also wills that Thomas 
Grene, a child which he had kept out of charity, be provided for 
until fit to be put out as an apprentice. The residue of his goods 
he leaves to Annes his wife. Dated 2 August, A.D. 1551. 
Roll .  50 
Monday next before the Feast of Pficaion of V. Mary [2 Feb.]. 
lqicolsor (ThoMas), cordwainer.--To the Master, lVardens, and 
Commonalty of the Craft or Mistery of Cordwayners within the 
City of London an annual rent of ten pounds out of his "Key," 
commonly called " Smartes Key," in the parish of S. Mary at 
Hill, towards the relief of the poor of the craft, charged with 
the yearly payment of five pounds to the parson and church- 
wardens of the church of S. Clement by Estchepe  to distribute 
among the poor of that parish and to pay certain sums 

 Probably refers to what is now' 
King's College, Cambridge within the 
precincts of which there formerly stood 
the churches of S. Nicholas and S. John 
Baptist or Zachary. In the Statutes of 
Eton College (e'ca 1446), King's Col- 
lege is styled "the Kyng's College of 
Owr Ladye and Seynt Nicholas in Cam- 
bridge" (Le Keux's ' Memorials of Cam- 
bridge,' 1847, ii. pp. 2, 3, note) ; and the 
letters patent 21 Henry VI., p. 2, m. 4, 
granting a charter to this college, have 


as a marginal note "'2o collegio Sanct$ 
2Vicholai Cntebigg'" (' Documents rel. 
to Univ. and Colleges of Camb.,' 1852, 
vol. ii. p. 471). 
u Mr. Hare reported in 1860 to the 
City Parochiul Charities Commissioners 
that the Commissioners of Customs 
were in the habit of paying 51. a year, 
without deduction, to the parish, and 
this sum was disposed of in Christmas 
gifts to the poor. 



thereout to the Chamberlain of the City for seeing that his will 
is properly carried out. To Ide his wife he gives a life 
interest in the above " Key "; remainder to the master, wardens, 
&c., aforesaid, subject t charges, for the purchase of "a more 
apte and better common howse or hall" than that which they then 
possessed. To William and Thomas Smyth, sons of Margery his 
daughter, and to Margery, wife of William Mayre, his daughter, 
he leaves annuities. To the newly erected Hospital of Christ's 
Church five pounds. Also to the master, wardens, &c., aforesaid 
he leaves the sum of forty pounds, to be lent on good security to 
poor young men of the mistery to occupy withal, those that 
have been his apprentices to have the preferment. Dated 29 July, 
A.D. 1559. Roll 250 (89). 

Monday qext after the Feast of Puvificatian of V. Mary [2 Feb.]. 
Legat (ISAnELLA, widow of John, baker), formerly wife of John 
Newton, citizen and "Pulter."--To be buried near the said John 
Newton in the north chapel of the church of All Hallows in 
Lombard Street. Certain tenements formerly belonging to her 
first husband in the parish of All Hallows aforesaid to be sold, and 
the proceeds devoted to providing coal called "Cart coles" for 
the poor of the aforesaid parish, and gifts to inmates of certain 
hospitals and prisons, &c. To Agnes Alred her leasehold dwell- 
ing-house called "the Cardinalls Hart" in the parish of All 
Hallows aforesaid. Bequests to the poor of the parish of 
S. Botolph without Bishopsgate out of her leaseholds in Checker 
Alley in the said parish ; to "the Company of London" and the 
Company of Bakers for recreations at her burial. Her cus- 
tomary lands and tenements, meadows, &c., in the manors of 
Hakeneye and Stebunheth, co. Middlesex, to be sold, and the 
proceeds devoted to the repair of highways between Hakeney 
and London, between Busshoppeshatfeld and Barnet, and between 
the "Ringe Crosse" there and Islyngton, also to the relief of the 
poor of Hakeney and other charitable objects. Dated 25 July, 
A.D. 1554. Roll 250 (90). 


Monday next after the Feast of S. Luke, Evangelist [18 Oct.]. 
Whetstone (RobERT), haberdasher.--To Robert his son and 



be buried in the parish church of S. Peter, Bromley. To John 
his eldest son his mansion house and tenements in the parish 
of S. Mary Abchurch in S. Laurence Pownteney Lane, and his 
leasehold farm called "Shorams" in the parish of Beckenam, 
co. Kent, in tail ; remainder to Edith and Agnes his daughters. 
To Anne his wife his house at Bromley called "the taberde" 
for life, with similar remainder ; and a field called " Barnet." 
Bequests to his daughters' children, his servants, and others. 
Dated 13 February, a.D. 1557. Roll 251 (166). 


Monday qxt before the Feast of [I[I. Simon and Jude [28 Oct.]. 

Mundy  (ROGER), goldsmith.--His will as feoffee in trust of Sir 
Martin Bowes. To the Wardens and Commonalty of the Art or 
" Mystery" of the Goldsmiths in the City of London and their 
successors he leaves a certain great messuage with twenty-two 
gardens, &c., in the parish of S. Botolph without Bishopsgate,  so 
that out of the issues and profits they relieve the Ward of Lang- 
borne from payment of the sum of twenty pounds ten shillings, 
with which the ward is charged for every fifteenth granted to 
the king ;8 one half of the residue being distributed among the 
poor of the said Company of Goldsmiths, and the other half 
devoted to the maintenance of their hall. Dated 12 August, 
A.D. 1562.--By codicil he leaves to the wardens and commonalty 
aforesaid certain tenements adjoining the above great messuage 
for similar uses. Roll 251 (171). 

i An abstract of his vill is printed 
in Mr. Hare's Report on the charities 
of the Goldsmiths' Company (Appendix 
to Report Livery Comp. Com., 1884, 
vol. iv. pp. 288, 290). 
2 The property consisted of Primrose 
Street and Primrose Court, Bishopsgate. 
In 1870 the trustees were authorized to 
sell eleven houses, numbered from 25 to 
35, both inclusive, situate in Primrose 
Street, for 9,325/. One moiety of this 
sum was invested in Consols, in the 
name of the Official Trustees of Cha- 
ritable Funds. 
 Originally the amount of the tax of 

a fifteenth was uncertain, being levied 
by assessments new made at every fresh 
grant of the Commons ; but it was at 
length reduced to a certainty anno 
8 Edward III., when, by virtue of the 
King's commission, the fifteenth part of 
the value of every borough, township, 
and city in the kingdom was assessed 
and recorded in the Exchequer for 
future occasions. Thenceforth, when- 
ever the Commons granted the Crown 
a fifteenth, every parish at once knew 
the proportion it had to pay of the as. 
sessment as made in the year men- 



and citizens of London a piece of void ground lately converted 
into gardens in the parish of Christchurch within Newgate, to 
their only and proper use and behoof. Dated 8 April, A.D. 1563. 
Roll 252 (72). 


Monday next after the Feast of . Lu "lce, Evangelist [13 Oct.]. 
Botill (RICHARD), " merchaunttaylor."--To the Master and 
Wardens of the Merchaunt Taylors of the Fraternity of S. John 
Baptist in the City of London and their successors certain lands 
and tenements in the parish of S. Laurence Pountneye, parcel of 
the great messuage formerly belonging to John Heathe, esquire, 
to hold the same to their own use and behoof for ever. Dated 
1 May, A.D. 1561. Roll 253 (69). 

Waddington (RICHARD), merchant.--To the Master and Wardens 
of the Merchaunttaylors of the Fraternity of S. John Baptist an 
annual rent of four pounds, which he held as grantee in trust of 
Margaret Parson, widow, issuing out of tenements in Cornhill 
in the parish of S. Christopher. The said rent to be disposed of as 
follows :--,Sixpence apiece to twenty poor people of the parish of 
S. Christopher aforesaid, and to forty poor people of the parish 
of S. Michael, Cornhill, at Christmas ; seven shillings and sixpence 
to each of four maidens for their marriages, they being children 
or servants of some of the Mistery of Merchaunttaylors ; thirteen 
shillings to as many poor freemen of the said art or mistery ; five 
shillings to the clerk of the same, and two shillings to the beadle. 
Dated 10 December, 5 Elizabeth [A.D. 1562]. Ron 253 (70). 

Monday next after the Feast of . Janes, Apostle [25 July]. 
Lawrence (THoMAs), skinner.inTo be buried in the church of 
S. Christopher at the Stockes. To his fellowship and company of 
Corpus Christi twenty shillings. To his daughter Jacomine, 
wife of Christopher Perte, "merchaunttaylor," he leaves his "nutt 
with a greate Lydde and bouude aboute with sylver," and nothing 




Monday the Feast of S. Lucia, Virgin [13 Dec.]. 
Crymes (RIcRD), haberdasher.--To be buried in the church 
of S. Laurence in the Old Jewry before his pew door. Bequest 
of one hundred pounds for two hundred poor maidens' marriages, 
and a similar sum for the repair of the highways in the City of 
London or within ten miles thereof. To the Mayor, Commonalty, 
and citizens of London, Governors of Christ's Hospital, Brydewell, 
and S. Thomas's Hospital, he leaves forty pounds. Bequests also 
for coals for the poor of the parish of S. Laurence aforesaid and 
prisoners in the Compters. To the churchwardens and parishioners 
of the parish of Wytton, 1 co. Chester, one hundred pounds towards 
the maintenance of "the Crymesethe" and the bridge  of the 
town of Northewiche in the said parish of Witton, and a like sum 
for those of his own surname dwelling in and about Northewiche. 
To the sons of his son Ellys he leaves one hundred and twenty 
pounds. To Katherine Longe his granddaughter three hundred 
pounds, on condition she does not marry without first obtaining 
the assent of certain parties. To the Worshipful Company of 
Haberdashers of London the sum of twenty pounds to provide 
a dinner or repast for them. To the aforesaid Ellys he leaves 
his manor of Bucklande Monachorum, co. Devon, with rectory, 
advowson, &c., to hold the same in tail ; remainder to Thomas 
his son in tail ; remainder to Mary his daughter, wife of Thomas 
Chester. Also to the aforesaid Thomas his son the parsonages 
of Lubbenham and Sylbye, 3 co. Leicester, with advowsons 
&c., in tail; remainders over. Also to Mary his daughter 
lands and tenements in Iseldon, alias Islington, in special tail ; 
remainders over. Dated 12 September, A.D. 1565.--By schedule 
annexed to his testament he solemnly protests that he never 
received a casket containing five hundred pounds which was 
alleged and supposed to have been left in his hands by John 
Predyaux, late serjeant at law, notwithstanding his having been 
found guilty by a jury in an action brought against him by 
the administrators of the goods of the said John, in which action 


chial chapelry near lorthwich. 

a paro- I 

 Probably a bridge spanning the 
river Weaver. 




for trespass he was most falsely found 
marks of the said five hundred pounds. 

guilty of five handred 
Roll 256 (7). 

Manday qex before the Feast of Perification of V. Mary [2 Feb.]. 
oke ILL), goldsmith.His goods and chattels to be 
dided to equal pas, according to the laudable custom, 
whereof he gives one pa to Margaret Ms fe, a second 
to Jo, William, and omas his sons, and the td p. he 
resees to self for legacies, &c. Bequests to various indi- 
viduals of ss of money and gold, &c., rings, and also  the 
poor clen berg no, shed in Cist's Hospital. s fe to 
enjoy a life este  his fo messuages lately kno as the 
" Rounde Howse," otheise the " Backehowse," in the parish 
of S. Andrew Hubberde ; retarder to Jo s son. Mso to 
s sMd wife for fife a tenement  the pash of S. Dunstan 
in the East, subject to ceain charges ; remainder to omas s 
son. Dated 26 August, A.D. 1568. Ro 26 (26). 

Monday next before the Feast of S. Chad, Bishop [2 March]. 
Sturgeon (Jox), haberdasher.--To William Vaiger, parson, 
and the churchwardens of the church of S. Benedict Gracechurche, 
an annuity or yearly rent of forty shillings issuing out of a tene- 
ment formerly belonging to Edward Clervaulx, citizen and writer 
of the court-letter, in the parish of S. Benedict aforesaid, the 
same to be employed by them according to the terms of a recent 
indenture between the testator and the aforesaid Edward. Dated 
22 January, 11 Elizabeth [A.O. 1568-9]. Roll 256 (30). 


londay next afle'r the Feast of S. Geoye, Maq'tyq" [23 j. 
Thornl:lrnson (THo), otherwise called " Towreson," citizen 
and "merchauntayler."--To be buried in the church of S. Mildred 
in the Poultry. His goods and chattels to be divided into two 
equal parts, one of which he leaves to Elizabeth his wife, and the 
other he reserves to himself. Bequests to the aforesaid church 
and to poor householders within the parish, to the children and 
poor people in Christ's Hospital, the inmates of prisons and 
" counters," to the poor of his native parish of Cleyture, co. 
' Cleator. 




appointed his overseer. To Jone his wife his house called "the 
Cheke" in Ware, with all his freeholds in the lordship of Ware, 
Amwell, and Thundrige, for life ; remainder to Raffe his son. 
Dated 6 October, A.D. 1558. Roll 256 (40). 

Monday next before Feast of S. Edmund, K. aqzd Conf. [20 2(ov.]. 
Petyngar or Pettenger (Jo), clothworker.--To the Master 
and Wardens of the Guild or Fraternity of the Assumption of our 
Blessed Lady the Virgin of the Art or "Mystery" of Cloth- 
workers in the City of London certain lands and tenements in 
Fanchurchestrete in the parish of All Hallows Stanyng, towards 
the maintenance and relief of the poor almsfolk of the said co,n- 
puny. 1 Dated 20 July, A.D. 1566. Roll 256 (52). 



Moqday qext before Feast of S. Edward, If. and Conf. [5 Jaq.]. 
lixman (WILLIAM), clothworker.--Bequest of three pounds to 
the Company of Clothworkers for the good will he bears to them. 
His goods, after payment of certain specific legacies and debts, 
he leaves to his wife and children. Bequests to his mother 
"Milner," his brother Thomas Browne, his brother John Milner, 
and others. Dated 6 October, A.D. 1568. Roll 256 (101). 

Monday next before the Feast of S. Luke, Evaqzgelist [18 Oct.]. 
Rowe (ToMs), Alderman.  --To Mary his wife lands and tene- 
ments in the parishes of Leighe and Chiddingstone, co. Kent, for 
life ; remainders to William and Robert his sons in successive tail. 
To the Master and Wardens of the Merchaunttayllors of the 
Fraternity of S. John Baptist all his lands and tenements in the 
City of London, in trust to distribute yearly forty pounds among 
ten poor men of the Companies or Misteries of Clothworkers, 
Carpenters, Tylers, Playsterers, and Armorers within the City, 
to wit, to each person the yearly sum of four pounds, the residue to 
 No mention of this charity appears I  Of Portsoken and Bishopsgate 
to have been mde either by Mr. Hre or [ Wards. Besides benefactions under this 
by the Compuny itself in its Return to will, he walled in a burial-ground for 
te Livery Companies Commission, 1880. Bethlem Hospital (Stow). 




Walker (Tgois), "merchaunte Tailor."---To the parson and 
churchwardens of the parish church of S. Michael le Querne and 
their successors certain messuages in the parishes of S. Mildred 
in "Brodestreete" and S. Thomas the Apostle, in trust for poor 
householders of the parish of S. Michael aforesaid. Dated 
16 December, ,.D. 1550. Roll 256 (123). 

Monday the Feast of S. Gregory, Bishop [12 Mavch]. 
Donkin (ROBERT), "merchaunttayllor."--To the parson and 
churchwardens of the church of S. Michael in Cornhill and their 
successors a certain messuage which he formerly purchased of the 
Company of Waterbearers 1 in London, so that they distribute 
every Sunday one dozen of "peny breade with the vantage" to 
poor householders of the parish. To the Master, Wardens, and 
Commonalty of the Company of Merchaunttaillors in the City a 
certain tenement called "Bell Alley" in the parish of S. Botolph 
without Busshopesgate, so that they provide gowns of "Wellshe 
fi'yze," shirts, shoes, &c., for twelve poor men dwelling within the 
City, and cassocks of "fryze," smocks, shoes, &c., for a like 
number of women, every year at Christmas.  The residue to be 
devoted to keeping the tenements in repair2 The Chamberlain 
and Town Clerk to see to the application of the trusts, and to 
receive ten shillings apiece yearly for their pains. 4 In case of 
default remainder over to the parson and churchwardens of the 
church of S. Michael aforesaid. Dated 1 December, .D. 1570. 

' See note Part I. p. 509. 
" The Company purchase annually 
72 ells of Irish linen, 120 yards of 
cloth or brown stuff, and 2t pairs of 
hose. The gifts are divided between 
twelve men and twelve women, being 
either freemen of the Company or free- 
men's widows, each receiving 3 ells of 
linen and 5 yards of cloth, and each 
also having 5s. in money. 
a There being some doubt as to the 
construction of the residuary clause of 
the will, the question was formally 
raised by the Company taking proceed- 
ings against the Attorney.- General in 
1870 (Mcchant Ta.ylors' Company v. 

Roll 256 (127). 

.4ttoney-Geneal, Law Rep., 11 Eq. 3S 
and 6 Ch. Ap. 512). It was held by the 
Master of the Rolls, whose decision was 
confirmed on appeal, that the Company 
were not entitled to the surplus for 
their own benefit, but were bound to 
apply it to charitable purposes. It is 
now devoted to the support of the Com- 
pany's Convalescent Home at Bognor, 
under an order of the Board of Charity 
Commissioners, dated 26 March, 1872. 
 The sum of ll. ls. is still paid to 
the Town Clerk when demanded, and in 
one case, when not demanded, was cax- 
tied to the poor account. 



S. James at Garlick Hithe, to the parson and churchwardens of 
which and their successors he leaves a certain messuage situate 
within the parish, to the intent that they yearly distribute the 
rents and profits thereof among the poorest of the said parish and 
the parish of All Hallows Stayning, "parte and parte lyke either 
parisshe. ''1 His leasehold interest in the manor of Bynsey near 
Oxford is to be divided in specific portions among the Fellows 
and Scholars of Mary Magdalen College in Oxford, the poorest 
people of S. Martin in Oxford, his brother Leonard Parrot, William 
Abraham, vintner, and others. Dated 31 October, A.D. 1572. 
Ron 258 (11). 

[Roll 259 contaiqs no en'olmet of vills.] 


Monday the F. of T'aqs. of S. Edward, K. and Mar. [20 Juze]. 
Chulomur (ROBERT), of Stone near Dartford, co. Kent, gentle- 
man.--To Anne his daughter, wife of William Carewe, draper, one 
moiety of his manor of Stone Castell in the parishes of Stone and 
Swannescombe, co. Kent, except his house called the "Castell of 
Stone," with gardens, &c.; and to "Ellen " his daughter, wife of 
Frauncys Rogers of Dartford, gentleman, the other moiety. To 
Ellen his wife he leaves the "Castell of Stone," &c., aforesaid for 
life or until marriage, with remainder to Anne his aforesaid 
daughter ; and also an annuity of forty pounds. Provision made 
for Guy Chapman his brother. To Robert and Ellen, children 
of Barbara his deceased daughter, late wife of William Lewson, 
mercer, fifty pounds apiece. To poor householders of Stone 
twenty shillings yearly, charged on his daughters' estates. Dated 
20 February, A.D. 1570. 
A codicil by which his legacies to his son-in-law Fraunceys 

 It appears from ]gr. Hate's Report 
on the charities of the parish of S. James 
Garlickhithe in 1860 that the church- 
waTdens of that parish were in the 
habit of taking the issues and profits of 
the messuage here devised, subject to a 
rent-charge of 40s. a year, which they 

paid, "according to the trust," to the 
churchwardens of All Hallows Staining 
for the poor of that parish, bIo such 
rent-charge is mentioned in the testator's 
will as enrolled (Appendix to Report 
City Paroch. Char. Com., 1880 vol. iii. 
pp. 18, 197). 



the Freemen of the Carpentry (Carpeqtrie) of the City of London 
and commonalty of the same mistery a messuage called "le 
Bere," and certain tenements and gardens situate near "le Car- 
penters Halle," in the parish of All Hallows in London Wall, 
for the relief and better maintenance of the mistery ; also a 
silver cup with covercle parcel gilt, commonly called "a Goblett," 
having a silver-gilt coney on the top, weighing by Troy weight 
25 ounces. Dated 1 September, A.D. 1517. Roll 261 (4). 

Bmurte (THOMAS), carpenter.inTo the Master and Wardens of 
the Craft and Fellowship of Carpenters of London certain lands 
and tenements in the parish of All Hallows beside London Wall, 
held and occupied by the master, wardens, &c., tc the intent 
that he may be the better remembered and prayed for in the 
said fellowship. Also to the same he leaves a cup of silver and 
"clene gilt" with his name and  tymbre merk" in it, weighing 
27 ounces. Dated 17 March, A.D. 1519. Roll 261 (5). 


Monday next before F. of Tras. of S. Edwaxd, K. aqd M. [GO June]. 
romwell (WILLI), mercer.--To Johan his wife a tenement 
and parcel of void land in the parish of S. Thomas the Apostle 
for life, subject to certain charges ; remainder to the parson and 
churchwardens of the church of S. Thomas aforesaid for pious 
and charitable uses among the poor of the parish. The church- 
wardens to find yearly the Paschal light of the said parish church, 
so that all the parishioners may be discharged of contributing to 
the same ; they are also to provide certain tapers at Christmas 
to stand on the great candlesticks before the high altar, there 
to burn before the Sacrament on festival days as of old time 
hath been accustomed. In case of default, remainder over 
to the Wardens of the Worshipful Mistery and Fellowship of 
Mercers of London, on condition they pay forty shillings yearl: to 
the poor honest of the fellowship. The residue of the issues and 
profits to be devoted to necessary repairs of the property to the 
use of the fellowship. Dated 25 November, A.D. 1536. 
A codicil giving permission to the parson and churchwardens 
aforesaid or any others to build upon the ground of the garden 



being free of the City, preference being shown to Salters) Also 
to the said keepers or wardens, &c. aforesaid other lands and 
tenements in the parishes of S. Alphege and S. Olave, to the 
intent that out of the issues and profits they pay to each of the 
said almsfolk sevenpence a week at their Common Hall, situate in 
the parish of All Hallows in Breadstrete, and provide for them 
three hundred " westerne Fagates," of good and lawful assize and 
mark every year at Christmas. The residue to be devoted to the 
poor of the company. In default remainder over to the Mayor 
and Commonalty and citizens of London for like purposes. Dated 
28 April, A.D. 1578. Roll 262 (2). 

Monday qext before Feast of S. Dunstan, Archbishop [19 May]. 
Bowes  (Sin MATI) Knt, Alderman.--To be buried in the 
"highe quiet" of the church of S. Mary Wolnoth, where lie the 
bodies of Cecilley and Anne his late wives. To Elizabeth his wife 
one third of his goods and chattels, and to William and Cherity 
his children another third of the same. Appoints guardians over 
his said children, he having already compounded with the lIayor 
and Aldermen for the use and bestowal of the said two orphans, 3 for 
which he presented them with a goodly cross of gold set with 
"perell" and stone to hang at the collar of gold which the Mayor 
wears at high feasts, as appears in the Repertory. 4 To ]Xiartin his 

 The property here devised formed 
nearly a square plot, bounded on the 
north by Hart Street, on the west by 
Monkwell Street, and on the south by 
Fell Street, the eastern boundary being 
at the back of premises north of Wood 
Street. The Company's almshouses in 
Monkwell Street were occupied up to 
the year 1862 or 1863, when the alms- 
folk, eighteen in number, were removed 
to Watford, where houses had been 
erected for their reception under the 
sanction of the Charity Commissioners, 
at a total cost, including the site, of 
upwards of 11,000/. Mr. Hare reported 
in 1863 that "the expenditure has im- 
memorially exceeded the income of the 
endowment" (Appendix to Report Livery 
Companies Com., 1884, vol. iv. p. 504 ), and 

the Company in their own Return to the 
Commissioners of 1880 state that up to 
1866 they had expended a sum of 8,837/. 
beyond income (id. vol. ii. p. 526}. 
2 Citizen and goldsmith. Alderman 
of Aldgate, Farringdon Within, and 
Lngbourn Wards in succession ; Sheriff, 
1540 ; 1Iyor, 1545-6. A generous bene- 
factor to the Goldsmiths' Company, in 
whose court-room hangs his picture. 
He is believed to have died 4 August, 
 As to guardianship of orphans 
within the City, see Introd., Part I. 
pp. xlvi, xlvii. 
a Probably refers to the collar of SS 
given to the City for the use of the 
]gayor by Sir John Alleyn twenty years 
before, which gift is recorded as follows: 



son he leaves his leasehold mansion house wherein he dwells, 
together with its reversion to hold the same in tail male, with 
remainder to Thomas his son; also his lease of "Morefeild" 
and of the bridge entering into his gardens and his household 
stuff at Wolwche, Northcrey, and Mylende. To the Wardens 
and Commonalty of the Art and Mistery of Goldsmiths 
within the City the sum of thirteen pounds six shillings and 
eightpence, to pay for an honest dinner for them at Goldsmiths' 
Hall on the day of his burial. Bequests to twenty parish clerks 
attending his funeral in their surplices; also for a dinner in his 
house to the Mayor and Aldermen and the parishioners of S. Mary 
Wolnoth ; for the relief of poor prisoners, the poor of Woolwiche 
and Plumsted, for maidens' marriages, for the repair of highways 
between Whitchapell and Yelford, &c. Among other bequests 
he leaves to Sir Percyvall Harte, Knt., his daughter Cisceley, wife 
of Henry Harte, and others, a ring of gold " with two Bowes 
bente and a deathes hed graven betwene them upon it," according 
to a sample left with his executors, with this Scripture about it, 
"Remember thy ende," of the value of three pounds. Also to 
William his youngest son his double cup all gilt, being of a mul- 
berry fashion, called a "brid cupe "; to Cherity his daughter and to 
Thomas his son gilt cups made like acorns. The sum of fortypounds 
to be distributed among poor householders in the Ward of Lang- 
borne upon the day that he shall be in peril of death, whilst yet 
alive and before the bell toll for him, the said sum lying ready for 
the purpose in " newe mylle mony" in a bag in his iron chest. 
Twenty-four poor men to have a gown apiece of such " culer" as 
of late has been used and accustomed to be given at burials, that 
is to say "Rattes Culer" or " Shepes Culer," or such like. Fifty- 
two sermons to be preached in the church of S. Mary Wolnoth by 
the "precher parsone" of S. M_ichael's in Cornhill, the parson 
of S. Peter's in Cornhill, and the parson of S. Peter's the Poor, in 

"Att this Court [27 Oct. 37 Henry VIII. 
A.Do 1545] my lorde Mayer brought 
in and delyvered here in the Court to 
the handes of Mr. Chamberleyn the 
Coler of Esses lately gevyn to this Citie 
by Sir John Aleyn, Knyght and Alder- 
man, to be used alweyes and worne by 
the lorde Maer of this Cytie for the 

tyme beyng, to gyther wt an oblygacion 
to be made by this Cytie to the execu- 
tors of the seyd Sir John Aleyn accord- 
yng to the tenor of the last wyll of the 
seyd Sir John Aleyn, and the same after- 
ward delyvered ageyn to the seyd lorde 
Mayer art the same Court" (Rep. 11, 
foh 235}. 




gate, charged with the payment of an annuity to .Isabel his 
wife, and also with the yearly payment of three pounds to 
the poor and needy brethren and " system" being free of 
the craft,. The said master, wardens, &c, are further charged 
with providing at a cost of thirty shillings one good and honest 
breakfast at their Common Hall upon the Feast of S. George 
[23 April] for the freemen of the clothing or livery, and with 
housing ten poor folks, men or women free of the craft in ten of 
the small tenements here devised 1 or in the alternative, paying to 
each one of them yearly eight, shillings. Releases the aforesaid 
master wardens, &c, from a debt of sixty pounds which they 
owe him. Dated 14 July, A.D. 1559. Roll 262 (61). 


Monday He after the Feast of S. Benedict, Abbot [21 March]. 
Hudson (RICHARD), the elder, innholder, dwelling in the 
parish of S. Sepulchre without 1Newgate.--To be buried in Corpus 
Christi Chapel in the said parish church. To John son of George 
Depuppe, "inholder," the reversion, under certain circumstances, 
of his messuage or inn called "the Swanne" at Holborn Bridge, 
in tail ; remainder to Richard, son of the aforesaid George. The 
said messuage charged with an annual payment of four pounds 
for the poor of the parish of S. Sepulchre, and for a recreation and 
drinking for the vicar and churchwardens. Also, if Richard his 
son happen to die before the expiration of certain leases, the 
same are to remain to the aforesaid John and Richard Depuppe. 
Bequests to the Company of Inholders in London for a banquet 
on the day of his burial and to the use of their hall. To Stephen 
Rogers, Joane and Elizabeth, daughters of Johane his wife, 
Richard his son, and others, he makes divers bequests, comprising 

 With reference to this charity, Mr. 
Hare reported in 1860 that the Company 
furnished almshouses for the reception 
of these ten poor folks adjoining other 
almshouses belonging to the Company 
in Britannia Pl,uce, Bishopsgte Street ; 
and that the specific payments mde by 
the Company on account of the charity 
were only 41. 5s. per annum, viz., to four 
poor people 5s. each a quaa-ter, and a 

quitrent of Ss. per annum to S. Sepul- 
clare's parish ; but the ten almsfolk re- 
ceived (from the general funds of the 
Company) two guineas a quarter, 5s. 
each after three livery dinners, and 
13s. 6d. for coals. The 30s. for the 
breakfast and the reserve of 5s. had not 
been set apart for many years (Appen- 
dix to Report Liv. Comp. Com., 1884, 
vol. v. 1:'. 9). 



upon trust that the aforesaid Wardens, &c., of the Mercers shall 
expend yearly the sum of one hundred and fifty pounls for the 
finding and maintenance of three persons suitable to read lectures 
in law, physic, and rhetoric in his aforesaid dwelling-house in 
manner as directed, and further distribute yearly the sum of 
fifty pounds among the poor inmates of divers hospitals and 
prisons, and expend yearly the sum of one hundred pounds upon 
four quarterly dinners for their whole company in Mercers' Hall. 
Each moiety of the aforesaid buildings is appointed by this his 
will and disposed to the said mayor and commonalty, &c., and the 
said wardens and commonalty, &c., respectively. Touching his 
mansion house situate in the parishes aforesaid, he leaves the 
reversion of it, after the determination of estates limited by the 
aforesaid deed, to the Mayor, Commonalty, and citizens of London 
and to the Wardens and Commonalty of the Mistery of the 
" Mercerye" of the said City and their successors, upon trust 
that they suffer the seven persons to be appointed as aforesaid 
to occupy it, for the purpose of study and for daily reading 
the several lectures. None to be chosen to read lectures so long 
as he be married. He further wills that if the Corporation of 
London and the Mercers' Company, before the end of the said 
term of fifty years, shall procure sufficient licence, they shall enjoy 
the said Royal Exchange, &c., for ever, by such moieties and propor- 
tions and in such manner as thereinbefore limited, upon the said 
specified trusts. To Sir Henry Nevell, Knt., his cousin, and to 
the heirs male of Y.lizabeth, late wife of the said Sir Henry, and 
daughter of Sir John Gresham his brother, he leaves the rever- 
sion of his manors of Mayesfylld and Wardehurste, co. Sussex, 
on condition that his said cousin do pay all charges of wardship, 
livery, and primer seisin 1 due to the Crown for his estates upon his 
decease ; in default remainder over. The residue of his lands and 
tenements he leaves to his aforesaid wife absolutely. In witness 
whereof he has written this his will with his own hand, and to 
each of the eight leaves has subscribed his name, and to a label 
fixed to the leaves has set his seal with the "greassoppor." 
Dated 5 July, 1575. Roll 263 (52). 

See note sul'a, p. 687. 


Monday qext a.f-teq" the Feast of S. Barnabas, Apostle [11 Juqe]. 
Itolmes (JoHn), "weyvor."--To be buried within the church 
of Blackrode, 1 co. Lanc., near his wife. To Anne his wife his 
lands and tenements in the parish of All Saints in Lumbardstrete 
for fife, charged with the yearly payment of eight pounds to 
trustees for a schoolmaster of a free grammar school in the town 
of Blackerode, in the church there or as near unto it as may be 
deemed right ; also with the further payment of five pounds for 
the exhibition, finding, and keeping of a scholar in the college 
at Cambridge called "Marye Valense," otherwise "lembroke - 
hall. ''z After the decease of his wife his lands and tenements 
to go to the vicar and churchwardens of S. Sepulchre's, subject 
to similar charges. To John, son of Oeorge I-Iolme of Blackrode, 
citizen and grocer of London, one hundred pounds with which 
to set himself up, and his livery gown of" browne blewe" faced 
with budge ; and to Margaret Evans his wife's niece five pounds. 
If the said John and Margaret join in marriage he leaves them 
a tenement called " the Katherine whele " at I-Iolborne Conduit. 
To Thomas his brother five pounds and his gown of " Sheepes 
collor faced with foynes." To Charles Cowperthwaite his best 
gown " garded with velvet and faced with gennettes." To others 
he makes various bequests, comprising his ring of gold called 
a " Comellin,"3 a gown furred with " shankes, ''4 his " book of the 
monumentes, '' &c. Towards the mang of a stone steeple at 
Blackrode he leaves three pounds. Also he gives his chamber 
"which lieth readye framed and unsett up," with the timber 
thereto belonging, to the schoolmaster of Blackrode, reserving 
to the priest of the church the loft of the said chamber, upon 
condition the town shall help the schoolmaster to build the said 
chamber and to set it up at the east end of the house. Numerous 
bequests of chattels, comprising platter dishes, pewter dishes, a 
" chaffinge dishe," saucers, pottle pots, pint pots, quart pots, 
a brazen mortar with a pestle, a feather bed, canvas sheets 
"with an old coveringe of ymage worke," "pillowberes," a 
"Turkie cushen," and a chair of ease of wainscot. Also to the 
i Blackrod, near Chorley. ] 5 , Acres and Monuments of hiatters 
- Part I. p. 310, note. ] most speciall and memorable happening 
 Probably for cornellin or cornelian, in the Church ; with an universall his- 
 Fur made from the legs of animals, torie of the same,' by John Foxe. 



aforesaid schoolmaster he leaves a new cupboard standing in his 
house, a "folden bord," two "bedstedes," and a form, to remain 
in the house, and also the "sawe," "buckett," and the "border 
of all the kinges," there to remain and not to be taken away, 
together with half of his "cowperstuffe." Bequests also to poor 
prisoners at Lancaster and London, &c. Dated 18 September, 
A.D. 1568. Roll 264 (19). 


Monday the Feast of S. James, Apostle [25 July]. 
Lambe (WILLIAM), freeman and citizen of the City of London 
of the Mistery of Clothworkers.--To the master, wardens, and 
commonalty of freemen of the said mistery certain lands and 
tenements in the parishes of S. Mary Woolchurch and All Hallows 
Staining, to hold to them and their successors to their own proper 
use and behoof for ever. Dated 13 July, A.D. 1573. 
Roll 264 (24). 
Lambe (WILLIAM), clothworker.---To the Master, Keepers or 
Wardens, and Commonalty of the 5fistery or Art of the " Sta- 
cioners " of the City of London and their successors a yearly rent 
of six pounds thirteen shillings and fouq)ence, to the uses of an 
indentm'e dated 7 July, 9 Elizabeth [A.D. 1567]. Also to the 
Master, four Wardens, and Commonalty of the Guild or Fraternity 
of the Assumption of B.V. Mary of the Art or Mistery of Cloth- 
workers in the City of London certain lands and tenements in the 
parishes of" S. James in the Wall ''t near Cripplegate, S. Stephen 
in Colmanstrete, and S. Olave in Silverstrete, to the uses men- 
tioned in a pair of indentures  dated 12 Jiffy, 10 Elizabeth 
[A.D. 1568], made between the said master and wardens, &c., and 
the Mayor, Commonalty, and citizens of London. If at any 
time the Coq)oration of the said Company of Clothworkers should 
happen to be seised into the hands of the Crown, the property is 
to go over to the President and Fellows of the College lately 

t There are only two parish churches 
in the City dedicated to S. James, viz., 
S. James Garlickhithe and S. James, 
Duke's Place. There was, however, a 
hermitage or chapel dedicated to the 
saint called "S. James's Chapel in the 
Wall," from its being situate in or near 
London Wail, but this was in the parish 
of S. Giles, Cripplegate. 

- This deed, together with the testa- 
tor's will, &c., is recited in an Act of 
Parliament known as William Lambe's 
Chapel and Estate Act. 1872, set out in 
Mr. Hate's Report on the Clothworkers' 
Company in 1860 (Appendix to Report 
Livery Companies Com., 14, vol. iv. 
pp. 590 et seq., where a full account of 
Lambe's charities will alo be fouad). 




Monday "net befoq'e the Feast of . Edmul, K. [20 lav.]. 
lycholas (D ELZnTH, relict of Sm AMBaOSE Knt.).--To 
be buried in the church of S. Mildred, over the vault where her 
late husband lies. Bequests to the inmates of divers hospitals 
and prisons. To the Company of Salters she leaves the sum of one 
hundred pounds, to remain with them as a stock for ever, to be 
lent to two young men of the company, to each of them fifty pounds 
for three years, they paying yearly for the use of the loan twenty 
shillings each, which are to be distributed among the poor of the 
parish of S. Mildred, London, at Christmas and Fster ; also a 
further sum of one hundred pounds, 1 to be lent to two young 
men of the company for two years, they paying for the use of it 
yearly six pounds thirteen shillings and fourpence, to be dis- 
tributed among the poor of the parishes of Nedyngworthe and 
St. Ires, co. Huntingdon, to wit, one year to the former and the 
next year to the ltter parish. To the poor of the parishes of 
Longston e and Ayno 3 respectively forty shillings. To the univer- 
sities of Oxford and Cambridge sixty pounds for the benefit of 
poor scholars. To her daughter Anne she leaves one thousand 
five hundred pounds, being her said daughter's orphanage portion 
due from her father Sir Ambrose aforesaid, for payment of 
which sureties had been put into the Orphans' Court; the 
same to be paid to her daughter on arriving at twenty-one 
years of age or marriage. If her said daughter should die before 
reaching that age or before marriage, the money is to be divided 
among her five children, viz., Frauncys Elkyn, Walter Marler 
Ester Powell, Grace Hardynge, and Mary Jarvys, as directed. 
Bequests also to Jane Boxe and Elizabeth Gylborne her daughters ; 

x These cpital sums of 100/. (of which 
only 501. was ever received by the Com- 
pany) formed part of the subject of an 
inquiry raised by information filed 
aoainst the Company in 1833 by the 
Attorney-General at the relation of John 
Edwards and another, for the purpose 
of settling a scheme for disposing of this 
and other loan charities in the hands of 
the Company. The defendants in their 
answer stated that the moneys in ques- 
tion had been lent out and ultimately 

lost (probably during the civil wars). 
The suit went no further, but a com- 
promise was arrived at with the assent 
of the Attorney-General, and a decree 
was made by the Vice-Chancellor, 31 
May, 1839, which will be found set out 
by Mr. Hare in his Report on Sir John 
Coates's gift, made to the Charity Com- 
missioners in 1863 (Appendix to Report 
Livery Comp. Com., 1884, vol. iv. p. 504). 
z Co. Derby. 
 Aynho, co. Northampton. 





to her sisters, her servants, and others. To Robert Shakerley, 
her uncle Shakerley's son, she gives twenty pounds towards 
repairing Longston Hall, co. Derby. To the Mayor, Aldermen, 
and Commonalty of the City of London she leaves two dozen silver 
trenchers parcel gilt, to be engraved with her arms and those of 
her husband. Other bequests of gold rings, black gowns, &c., 
to numerous individuals. Her household stuff to be sold by the 
"owtroper ,n for the best value for the advancement of her children 
and payment of legacies. Dated 24 January, 25 Elizabeth 
1582-3]. Roll 266 (27). 

Monday qext before the Feast of S. Martin, Bishop [11 lrov.. 
lYIorrys (RICHhRD), sen., "iremonger."--To the Master, Wardens, 
and Commonalty of the hlistery or Art of Iremongers of London 
certain lands, tenements, &c., in the parishes of S. hlary Stayn- 
ynge and S. Olyve in the Old Jewry, which Sir William Den- 
ham, late citizen and Alderman of London, purchased of King 
Henry VIII. by letters patent under the Great Seal, dated 
30 June, 36 Henry VIII. [h.D. 1544] ; to hold to the said master, 
wardens, &c., and their successors, to their own use and behoof 
for ever. Dated 18 July, 26 Elizabeth [h.D. 1584]. 
Roll 266 (69). 


Manday qext before the Feast of S. Faith, Virgin [6 Oct.]. 
Johnson CrILLIAM), goldsmith.--To his father-in-law John 
Bull and Grace, wife of the said John, the testator's natural 
mother, all his lands and tenements in the parish of S. Botolph 
without Alegate. Dated 1 July, h.D. 1585. Roll 267 (29). 

Brugge (EDMUID), haberdasher. -- A nuncupative will, the 
testator being in extemis. Upon Roger his son asking him, 

i Or Common Crier, whose official 
duty it was, among other things, to act 
as an auctioneer broker. The first charter 
of Charles I. purports to erect and create 
the office of Outroper or Common Crier, 
to be exercised by appointment of the 
Mayor, Commonalty, and citizens of 

London, for the selling by public and 
open claim, commonly called " outcry," 
all household stuff, apparel, leases of 
houses, jewels, goods, chattels, and other 
things. A schedule of fees is added to 
the charter (Westminster, 18 October, 
14 Charles I.). 



"What wiI1 yow geve my mother ?" meaning Elizabeth, wife 
of the testator, he then and there replied, "I have saide already 
threescore poundes a yeare yf my lande will soe farre extende, 
she to be owner of the lande." And the aforesaid Elizabeth then 
asked, "What will you geve your sonne Edwarde ?" to which 
the testator replied, "I will geve him thirtie poundes a yeare. 
I can geve him Hoe lesse." Dated 16 June, A.D. 1585. 
Roll 267 (3o). 


Monday qxt before the Feast of S. Mathias, Apostle [24 Feb.]. 
Skidmoro alias Skiddio (STEPHEN), vintner.--To be buried in 
the church of S. Stephen in Colemanstrete. To Hellen his wife 
a moiety of his goods and chattels, according to the laudable 
custom of the City of London. Pecuniary legacies to John his 
brother; Anne, daughter of the said John ; Katherine and Anne 
his sisters, and other relations and friends. Bequests to the 
poor of the parishes of S. Stephen in Colemanstrete, S. Mary 
at Hill, S. Foster, S. Faith, and others. Leaves twelve crowns 
for twelve sermons to be preached monthly on Sunday in the 
church of S. Stephen aforesaid. Bequests to the Company of 
Vintners, their almsfolk, and to poor prisoners. Also to the 
Master, Wardens, Freemen, and Commonalty of the Mistery of 
Vintners he leaves the reversion of his lands and tenements 
situate within the precinct of the late dissolved Priory of the 
Black Friars near Ludgate,  charged with the yearly payment 
of twenty shillings to the poor of each of the following parishes, 
viz., S. Anne in the Black Friars, S. Bride, S. Andrew in 
I-Iolborne, S. Sepulchre, S. Botolph without Alegate, S. Botolph 
without Aldersgate, S. Giles without Creplegate, S. Botolph 
without Bishopsgate, S. Leonard in Shorediche, S. Mary Matfellon 
in White Chapell, S. Olive in Southwarke, S. Katherine's 
Hospital by the Tower, S. Saviour in Bermondseystreete, com- 
monly called "Mary Mawdlen," S. George in Southwarke, 
 It appears from Mr. Hare's Report[ Row, in Broadway, Blackfriars, in th 
on the Company's charities in 1863 that I parish of . Anne, Blackfriars. 
this etate was .ituate in hoemaker.' 




Monday next after the Feast of . Barnabas, Apostle [11 June]. 
Rochester (ALICE, widow of Jon-).--To Nicholas her son the 
residue of her goods and chattels after discharge of debts and 
funeral expenses. To the parson and churchwardens of the church 
of S. M_ichael next Crooked Lane and their successors a certain 
tenement in S. Michael's Lane within the parish, charged with 
the yearly payment of forty shillings for the relief of poor 
children in Christ's Hospital; the residue of the issues and 
profits to be applied to the repair of their church and the relief 
of the poor of their parish. Dated 31 December, A.D. 1585. 
Roll 271 (42). 

Monday next after F. of Trans. of S. Edward, I(. aqd U. [13 Oct.]. 
Offley (ROUERT), the elder, haberdasher.--To the Mayor and 
Commonalty and citizens of the City of London his interest in a 
parcel of ground and certain messuages in the parish of S. Mary 
in Aldermanburye, to their own proper use and behoof for ever. 
Dated 16 October, A.D. 1591. Roll 271 (45). 

[Roll 272 contains qo enrolmeqt of wills.] 


Monday next after F. of S. Edward, Kiug ad Mar. [18 March]. 
Wure (ToMAs), fishmonger.To the Wardens and Commonalty 
of the Mistery of the Fishmongers of the City of London and 
their successors a messuage called " the Pepper Querne," with 
shops, &c., in Thames Street in the parish of S. Michael near 
Crooked Lane, to their own proper use and behoof for ever. 
Dated 28 December, A.D. 1573. Roll 273 (17). 

Monday next before the Feast of S. Mark, Evangelist [25 Aril]. 
lonne or lunne (0) draper. -- Recites at length his 
faith, concluding with the words :" This is my verie faith 
euex teneo fidem in qua atu. sm louer lavvulus, ame." 



Bequests of gowns to poor house holders of his company for their 
prayers, to his two mothers-in-law, viz., Joane Lowen and Margaret. 
Ashlen, and his servants. To the Fellowship of Drapers five 
pounds for a dinner. To Agnes his wife, and to Beatrice his 
daughter and heiress, one third of his movables respectively. Also 
to his said wife land and houses in South Tokingdon, co. Essex, 
in fee, and the issues and profits of lands and tenements, both 
free and copy, within the City of London or elsewhere, for life, 
charged with the payment of an annuity to Margaret Ashlen her 
mother ; remainder to Beatrice his daughter in tail. To the 
master and wardens of his company the reversion of lands and 
tenements in the parishes of S. Andrew Hubert, S. Margaret 
"Pattent," and S. Mary at Hill, in trust for sale ; the proceeds to 
form a stock for loans to ten young men of the company from 
time to time, for terms of five years, and the interest thereon to 
be given to poor householders of the company,' the master and 
wardens deducting forty shillings yearly for their travail therein. 
In default of issue of the body of his aforesaid daughter a house 
and garden in the parish of S. Mary Magdalen in Barmondsye 
Street, co. Surrey, are to be let by the churchwardens and house- 
holders of the parish for providing bread on Sundays and coals 
for the poor. In case of similar default his lands and tenements 
in the parish of Orsett, co. Essex, are to go to the Drapers' Com- 
pany; the issues and profits to be divided into three parts, whereof 
one part is to be devoted to the exhibition of two scholars at 
Oxford (at the assignment of the Bishop of London), being 
Catholic; another part to the redemption of poor prisoners 
in London ; and a third for providing bread for the poor of 
Orsett. Dated 22 August, A.D. 1563. Roll 273 (23). 


Monday next before the Feast of S. James, Apostle [25 July]. 
lussell (THoMAs), draper. -- Bequests to the poor inmates 

 The premises here devised for sale 
were sold for 1,100/., but the Company 
failed to make any such loans as are 
here directed. An information ex o.cio 
was therefore filed by the Attorney- 
General against the Drapers' Company 
in 1839, praying for a scheme respecting 
this and other property similarly devised 

to the Company. A scheme was accord- 
ingly established, and confirmed by order 
of the Court, 20 February, 1844, which 
will be found fully set out in Mr. Hre's 
Report on the Drapers' Company in 1861 
(Appendix to Report Livery Companies 
Commission, 1884, vol. iv. pp. 134, 135). 




of divers hospitals, prisons (including the Whyte Lyon' in 
Southwark), compters, &c., as well as to numerous indi- 
viduals. To Lewes his brother a tenement in the parish of 
Finchley, co. Middlesex, and some customary land in the parish 
of Fryern Barnett, co. Middlesex, for life ; remainder over, 
Bequest of fifty pounds for the erection of a school at Barton 
under Needwood, e co. Staff., similar to that lately erected at 
Height gate or Heigh Barnett, co. Middlesex. To the Master and 
Tardens, Brethren and Sisters of the Guild or Fraternity in 
honour of the Blessed Mary the Virgin of the men of the Mistery 
of Drapers within the City of London thirteen pounds six shillings 
and eightpence, to be spent on a dinner on the day of his funeral  
also a standing cup with a cover gilt, the body of the cup being 
crystal, for a memento ; also the sum of two hundred pounds, to 
be lent in sums of fifty pounds for terms of three years to four 
young men of the mistery without their making any payment for 
the use of the same, except to the clerk for the assurance. Also to 
the said master, wardens, &c., he leaves a messuage known as "the 
rhite horse," his great warehouse in Birchen Lane, a plot of 
ground used for the churchyard of the parish church of S, Edmund 
the King, and a messuage known by the sign of "the brush" in 
Tower Street in the parish of All Hallows Barking, charged with 
the yearly payment of nineteen pounds thirteen shillings and 
fourpence to thirteen poor members of their mistery, to wit, to 
each person two shillings and sixpence per month 3 remainder 

t "Then is the White Lion, a gaol so 
called, for that the same was a common 
hosterie for the receipt of travellers by 
that sign. This house was first used as 
a gaol within these forty years last, 
since the which time the prisoners were 
once removed thence to a house in 
Newtone, where they remained for a 
short time, and were returned back 
again to the foresaid White Lion, 
there to remain as in the appointed 
gaol for the county of Surrey" (Stow's 
' Survey,' Thoms's ed., p. 153). 
2 The testator by deeds poll of the 
6th of July, 1593, gave to trustees a 
yearly rent of 50/. 10s. charged on pro- 
perty in the parish of S. Leonard, 
Shoreditch (the said rent-charge being 
afterwards conveyed to the Drapers' 
Company), in trust to loay, among other 

things, the sum of 21/. 10s. to the school 
at Barton-under-Needwood, co. Staff. 
Mr. Hare in 1861 drew attention to the 
fact that the Company were then paying 
annually to the school more than they 
were receiving. By an order in Council 
dated 30 November, 1882, Her Majesty 
declared her approbation of a scheme 
for the administration of this charity. 
3 An information e o,//cio was filed 
in 1839 by the Attorney-General against 
the Drapers' Company, praying that it 
might be declared that the whole of the 
rents and profits of the property here 
devised ought to be applied to the pur- 
poses indicated in the will or to some 
other like charitable purposes, and that 
the Company were not entitled to the 
surplus rents. The Court made a decree 
in the following" year in favour of the 



expended on bread to be distributed every Sunday to the poor 
of the parish, and a further sum of twelve pence per week is to 
be given to the poor of Christ's Hospital, the churchwardens afore- 
said taking four shillings for their pains. The residue of the 
issues and profits to go to their common box for repair of the said 
tenements. Dated 27 September, A.D. 1591. Roll 274 (23). 


Monday ext befo'e the Feast of S. And'ew, Apostle [30 Nov@ 
Buckle (CUTHBERT), Knt., Lord Mayod of London.--To be 
buried in his parish church of S. Mary at Hill, where his son John 
lies buried. His goods to be divided into three parts, according 
to the laudable custom of the City, whereof one part he leaves 
to Dame Elizabeth his wife and another to his son Christopher, 
reserving the remaining third to himself. To sixty poor men 
attending his burial he leaves gowns of "newcolour." To 
thirteen poor almsfolk of the Company of Vintners six shillings 
and eightpence respectively. Bequests to imnates of divers 
hospitals and prisons (including the White Lyon); also to 
poor maidens of his native parish of Bourge under Staynmore, 
co. Westmorland ; for mending highways between Mayden Castle 
and Baylie Bridge, co. Westmorland; to Agnes, wife of Henry 
Ubancke, his brother-in-law Peter Bromskill, Elizabeth, wife 
of William Askell, George Utley and John Utley his wife's 
sons, and many others. To the Master, Wardens, Freemen, and 
Commonalty of the Mistery of Vintners a standing cup with 
a cover all gilt and chased with his mark, and a sum of ten 
pounds for a dinner. Bequests to the poor of the parishes 
of "S t Poulchers, '' S. Mary at Hill, and S. Leonard in East- 
cheape. Also to Christopher his son all his lands, tenements, 
&c., in tail, saving to Elizabeth his wife her jointure and certain 
messuages in Mycham, co. Surrey, and a messuage called "the 
Spittle on Staynmore," charged with an annual payment of eight 
pounds for the maintenance of a schoolmaster to teach children 
' Diedduringhisyearofoffice, SirRich. ] Spencer, Alderman of FarringdonWith- 
Martin serving for the remainder of his [ out.BridgeWithin, andBassish,wW,rds. 
year, until the succession of Sir John "' S. Sepulchre's. 
VOL. II. 3 A 




to read, &c., in the parish of Bourge aforesaid. To the Master, 
Wardens, &c., of the Mistery of Vintners the reversion of lands 
and tenements in the parishes of S. Mary at Hill and S. Dunstan 
in the East, subject to a rent-charge of forty pounds, and further 
charged with the yearly payment of four pounds to the poor of 
the parish of " S t loulchers, '' fifty shillings to the poor of the 
parish of S. Leonard in Eastcheape, and four pounds to the poor 
of the parish of S. Mary at Hill. 1 To Robert Brunskell the 
younger, his godson, the reversion of his mansion house in Marke 
Lane ; and to his nephews and nieces the reversion of his manor 
of the Ile, co. Durham, and other tenements above mentioned. 
Dated 28 June, A.D. 1594. Roll 275 (1). 

Monday nex after the Feast of S. Valentiqe [14 Feb.]. 
Sole (ROBERT), salter.--All his children, except his son Myles 
or Miles, having been fully advanced of their shares of his goods in 
manner as set out, they are desired to be therewith content. To 
his son Myles he leaves certain messuages in Breadstreete and 
Knyhtryderstreete, commonly called "Trinitie lane," in the parish 
of S. Mildred in Breadstreete. To George his son ten pounds. 
To Walter his son a portion of his household stuff. Bequests 
also to Jane Critofte and Mary Ayre his daughters, and 
others. Solemnly charges William his son to be content with the 
liberal portion and gift of the parsonage of Great Missingham, 
co. /Norfolk, with which the said rilliam had been advanced, 
and to suffer Myles his son to enjoy the lands and tenements 
devised. Guardians appointed for Thomas his son. His aforesaid 
sons George and Walter, and his daughters Jane and Mary and 
their respective husbands, to forfeit all benefits under his will if 
they attempt to bring any suit directly or indirectly affecting 
the interest of the aforesaid Myles. To the Keepers or Wardens 
and Commonalty of the Art or Mistery of Salters certain tene- 
ments, &., in the parish of S. Giles without Creplegate, and 
certain others formerly known by the name of "the bolte and 
the Tonne," situate in Fridaiestreete in the parish of S. John 
Evangelist, in Watlingstreete, as well as other tenements, rents, 

 It is supposed that the devise was [ party, lothing seems to be known of 
not accepted by the Vintners' Corn- [ it. 

&c., formerly bequeathed or assigned to superstitious uses, to 
have and to hold the same to them and their successors to their 
own proper use and behoof for ever. Dated 18 July, A.D. 1593. 
Roll 275 (7). 

Monday next before the Feast of S. Boniface, Bishop [5 June]. 
Foxall (JOHN), mercer.--To Sibill his wife, her heirs and 
assigns, his dwelling called "the grene Dragon" in Budgerowe in 
the parish of S. Antolyn. Dated 15 November, 33 Elizabeth 
[A.D. 1591]. Roll 275 (19). 


[Vo enrolment of vills under this year.] 

Monday qext after the Feast of S. George, Martyr [23 April]. 
.gerton (THOMAS), mercer.--To the Wardens and Commonalty 
of the Mistery of the Mercers of the City of London and 
their successors a tenement at one time known as "the greate 
sefld," situate in Soperlane in the parish of S. Pancrace, near a 
tenement in "Cheapeside '' called "the Key," to have and to hold 
to their own use and behoof for ever. No general words in any 
other will to extend to a revocation of the present will. Dated 
10 May, 32 Elizabeth [.D. 1590]. Roll 276 (45). 

Monday qext after the Feast of . Margaret, Virgin [20 July]. 
Gore (THos), grocer.--To the Company or Fellowship of the 
Grocers of the City of London and their successors two messuages 
in Gracechurchestreete and Lumberdestreete towards the main- 
tenance and sustentation of the poor of the same fellowship, 
and the bearing and supporting of other charges and business 
! The first instance in the Husting wills of Westcheap being called Chepside. 



declared, and appointed by the will of Peter Blundell. Dated 
23 March, A.D. 1606. Roll 286 (40). 

[Roll 287 contains no enrolment of wills.] 


Monday next after the Feast of . Edmund, Ing [20 Nov.]. 
Savadge (TgoAS), goldsmith.--His goods, chattels, chains, 
rings, bracelets, &c., to be divided into three parts, one third of 
which he gives to Alice his wife, another to such of his children 
as were not already advanced, and the other part, commonly 
called "the deade roans parte, " he leaves to his executors for 
discharge of legacies, &c. To Richard his son a certain messuage 
in the parish of S. Olave in Silverstreete in tail ; remainders to 
Thomas, George, and John his other sons in successive tail. Also 
to Alice his wife his dwelling-house in Woodstreete in the parish of 
S. Alban for life without waste ; remainder to Thomas and George 
his aforesaid sons in several tail. Also to John his youngest son a 
messuage in Adlestreete in the parish of S. Mary in Alderman- 
bury in tail ; remainders to his other sons. To the parson and 
churchwardens of the church of S. Alban aforesaid and their 
successors he leaves a messuage called "the George," with shops, 
&c., in the parish of S. Sepulchre, for repairing the fabric and 
the goods and ornaments of the said church. Bequests to the 
children of Christ's Hospital, the poor of the parish of S. Alban 
aforesaid, the poor of the town of Rufforth in the parish of Crosten, 
co. Lancaster, where he was born, the Worshipful Company of 
Goldsmiths, &c. ; also to Jenet Savadge his mother, Cicelie 
Peacocke, Sarah Flinte, and Katherine Palmer his sisters, and 
other friends and relations. To his fellows the "sea-colemeators" 
of the City of London the sum of three pounds for a dinner. 
Dated 3 October, A.D. 1611. Roll 288 (20). 
Monday next .fter the Feast of S. Andrev, Apostle [30 Yov.]. 
Trioen (PETER), born at Wulvergem in Flanders, and now 
' See Introd., Part I. p. xxxiii. 

dwelling in the parish of S. Christopher near the Stocks, 
being a free denizen of England.--To Moses his son all his lands 
and tenements in Flanders, and the sum of five thousand pounds. 
To Samuel and John his sons five thousand pounds respectively. 
To Mary his daughter, wife of Mr. Sebastian Harvey, four 
thousand pounds; and to Hester his daughter, wife of Mr. 
William Curten, a like sum. Bequests also of money to the 
children of David Le Maire by Sarah his daughter, as well 
as to the poor of the Dutch and French churches in London, 
the poor of the Dutch churches at Norwich, Colchester, and 
Sandwich, the poor of the parish of Rickmansworth, co. Herts, 
the inmates of various prisons and compters, the children of 
Christ's Hospital, &c. His dwelling-house and other tenements 
in the parishes of S. Christopher and S. Bartholomew near the 
Royal Exchange he leaves to Samuel and John his sons equally, 
saving a life interest therein to Mary his wife. Dated 20 January, 
A.D. 1608. Roll 288 (21). 
Manday next before the Feast of S. Valentine [1 Feb.]. 
Tomlinson (THOMAS), skinner.---To Margaret his wife one half 
of his goods, the remaining half being devoted to payment of 
legacies, &c. Bequests of sums of money and rings to John his 
brother, his cousin Susan, wife of John Wardell, and many others ; 
also to the Worshipful Company of Skinners of the City of 
London, the Governors of Christ's Hospital, the poor inmates of 
prisons, &c. Also to Margaret his wife he leaves a messuage in 
Bredstreete, in the parishes of All Hallows in Breadstreete and 
S. Mary Magdalen in Milkstreete, in fee. To Elizabeth his 
mother an annuity of ten pounds issuing from his tenement 
called "the Castle," in Westcheape alias Cheapside, in the parish 
of S. Peter in Westcheape, which tenement he leaves to his afore- 
said wife for life; remainder to his nephew John, son of John 
his aforesaid brother. His mortgage interest in the Rectory of 
Stansteed, alias Stansteed Mountfichett, co. Essex, and in the 
manor or place called "Donnyngton Place," alias "Dennyngton 
Place," in Donnyngton or Dennington, co. Suffolk,  he limits and 
 It is probably this manor that is ] she leaves to Juliana her daughter "her 
referred to in the will of Juliana, relict [ entire Chamber of Doningtone," and her 
of Elyas Russel (Part I. I). 173), where stock within the manor. 



his mother's house, worth twenty-three pounds six shillings and 
eightpence, heartily desiring her to accept thereof in full payment 
of his debt. Bequests of small sums of money to various relations 
and friends, as well as to the poor of the parish of S. Alban in 
Wood Streete, and for two sermons. Also to his aforesaid mother 
he leaves a messuage called "Worcester house " or "Worcester 
place," in or near Thames Street, formerly belonging to Edmond 
his brother. To his good friend George Bell, gentleman, he 
leaves twenty shillings for a ring and also a little "birding 
peece." Dated 11 October, A.D. 1603. Roll 290 (40). 


Monday next after the Feast of S. Dunetan, Archbishop [19 May]: 
Pemberton I (SIR JAMES), Knt., Alderman.--To John his brother, 
Martha Prescott his niece, and others he leaves divers sums of 
money, as also to the poor harboured in Christ's Hospital, the 
poor of other hospitals and prisons, the poor of the parish of 
S. John Zacharies and of the Company of Gouldsmithes in 
London,  &c. To Anne his wife the residue of his goods after 
discharge of liabilities  also all his freehold lands and tenements 
whatsoever, charged with the yearly payment of fifty pounds 
towards the maintenance of the free school founded by him in 
the parish of Eglestone " co, Lancaster. Dated 8 September, 
A.D. 1613. Roll 291 (11). 

Monday qext after the Feast of S. Margaret, Virgin [20 July], 
Floud or Fludd (DAVID), cordwainer. -- His customary lands 
and tenements at Stratford Langthorne, co. Essex, to be sold for 
raising his daughters' portions, the deficit to be made up out of 

' Born at Wrightington in the parish 
of Eccleston, co. Lanc., in 1545. Alder- 
man of Bishopsgate Ward; Sheriff, 1602 ; 
]VIyor, 1611-12. The dte of his decease 
is given as 8 September, 1613, the same 
dy as that on which he made his will. 
2 The sum left to the poor of the 
Goldsmiths' Company is 200/., the sme 
to be distributed among them at the 
discretion of his wife and executrix. 
The Company charge themselves with 
the interest of 200/. at five pcr cent., 


amounting to 10/. a year, which is 
carried to the account of the Acton 
3 Known as the Free School of Heskin, 
in the parish of Eccleston, co. Lanc,, 
founded by the testator in 1597. An 
account of the school as it existed in 
1673-4, and a late a 1877, will be 
found in ' Local Gleanings relating to 
Lancashire and Cheshire,' edited by Mr. 
Earwaker (vol. ii. pp, 105, 109}. 






the issues and profits of his messuages in the parish of S. Stephen 
in Colmanstreete, which he leaves to Elizabeth his wife for fife. 
To James his son an annual rentcharge of twenty pounds and the 
reversion of certain of the above messuages. To Peter his son 
the reversion of his messuages in Bell Alley, alias Gough Alley, 
in the parish of S. Stephen aforesaid. Dated fi July, A.D. 1600. 
Roll 391 (30). 

Monday ext after" the Feast of S. Michael [9 Tt.]. 
Sei=tper (OWE), cook.--To be buried near Ann his sister, late 
wife of Henry Convers, "hierchaunte taylor," in the church of 
S. Antholin. Margery his wife to have one full third par of his 
goods, and his sons Owen and Nathaniel another third ; the residue 
he reserves to himself. Bequests to the poor of the parish of 
S. Alphedge and the poor prisoners in the Poultry and Wood 
Street Compters. Also to Owen his son his leaseholds in the 
parish of S. Mary Bow, his apparel, and "sealed ring" of gold 
engraved with his arms. Also to his aforesaid wife his dwelling- 
house in the parish of S. Alphedge aforesaid for life ; remainder to 
his son Owen. Bequests of money and rings to numerous friends 
and relations. Touching his freeholds, he leaves to his aforesaid 
wife an annual rent-charge of fifty-two pounds on his lands and 
tenements in the parish of S. Christopher near the Stockes called 
"Three Nunnes Alley," which lands and tenements he leaves to 
his son Owen for hfe, with remainder to Nathaniel his other son ; 
remainders over. Also to Nathaniel aforesaid he leaves lands and 
tenements at Asterley and Farley in the parish of Pontesburye, 
co. Salop, and in Danburye, co. Essex, for hfe; remainders over. 
Dated 3 September, A.D. 1613. Roll 291 (38). 

Morris (ISBRAND), the elder, citizen and "dier."--To Elizabeth 
his wife all his lands, tenements, &c., whatsoever for fife. To 
Humfrey and Isbrand his sons the reversion of his messuages in 
the parish of All Saints the Less in Thamestreete in several tail 
by equal moieties. To Judith his daughter the reversion of 
messuages in the parish of All Saints the Great in Thamestreete 
in tail ; remainder to "Luce" his daughter. Also to his aforesaid 
wife lands and tenements in the town of Hartford, co. Hefts. 




silver and key hangers of silver, and a purse and knives hanging 
at the same girdle, sheets of Holland, six pairs of fine "pfllow- 
beeres," tablecloths of diaper and damask, one "feild bedsted" 
with curtains, vallance, and covering of green "sale," two feather 
beds upon the said "bedsted" and two "boulsters" and two 
pillows, a pair of" nedleworke vallance" and a border for a "cup- 
bord," a "courte cupbord cloth of Tissewe, " all her wearing 
linen, two black aprons, two pairs of " Crepers, ''2 a pair of and- 
irons, a fire shovel, and "tonges" tipped with copper. Dated 
6 October, A.D. 1603. Roll 291 (45). 


Monday next after Feast of 88. Perpetua and Felicitas [7 Maq'ch]. 
Tuylior (RICHARD), doctor of physic.--To Elizabeth, Rebeccu, 
and Jane his daughters the sum of three hundred pounds respec- 
tively. To Margaret his daughter the sum of one hundred 
pounds, to be paid to her on the day of her marriage, provided 
she marry with the consent of her mother (if alive), or (if dead) 
with the consent of any two of her sisters. By such bequest 
the testator would not have it thought that he made her thus 
inferior to her other sisters in portion of his goods, or that he had 
any "mislike" or "mishope" of her ; but because she was yet 
young, and "thear be many wayes of beinge misledde," he thought 
it best to leave her to the absolute government of her mother, 
who doubtless would deal as kindly by her as by the rest of his 
children. To Elizabeth his wife a messuage in Westham, a his 
house in Fanchurch Street, and his manor or farm in Yorkshire 
called " Shelloe." To Richard Vaale his son-in-law he leaves his 
freedom of the "Moscovia cumpany. '' Dated 1 October, A.D. 

1610. Roll 292 (43). 

t Cloth of tissue was a peculiarly rich 
stuff, another variety of cloth of gold. 
[rhe very thin smooth paper which still 
goes by the name of tissue paper was 
originally made to put between the 
folds of this rich material to prevent 
fraying or trnish. 
"- Probably crisping or curling irons. 
3 Co. Sussex. 
 The Russia or Muscovy Company 

of lYlerchants, incorporated by letters 
patent under the Great Seal, anno 1 & 2 
Philip mad lIary, which were confirmed 
by Act of Parliament, anno 8 Elizabeth. 
It hd, among other privileges, the ex- 
clusive right of trading with Russian 
ports. The first governor of the como 
pany ws none other than the illus- 
trious explorer Sebastian Cabot. 



Monday qzext after the Feast of . Ambrose, Bishop [4 April]. 
Sloringo (EDWARD), yeoman.--To Robert and Thomas his 
brothers his messuage in the parish of S. Ellen in Bisshoppsgate- 
streete. To John his brother five pounds; and to Cicely his sister, 
wife of Thomas Pounsett, ten pounds. Dated 24 February, 
A.D. 1609. Roll 293 (3). 


Monday next before the Feast of . Ambrose, Bishop [4 April]. 
Pilswortho (MARGERY, widow of EDWARD, clothworker).--To be 
buried near her late husband in the church of S. Michael in 
Crooked Lane. To Rowland Aynsworthe houses in Bunting Allyo 
in the parish of S. A1phege. To John and Rowland, sons of her 
cousin John Gawen, fourteen tenements in Little Wood Street in 
the parish of S. Alphege aforesaid in several tail ; remainders 
over to George, William, and Thomas, other sons of the said John 
Gawen. Numerous bequests of sums of money, household goods, 
and money wherewith to make rings. Bequests also to Littlo 
S. Bartholomew's Hospital, the poor children of Christ's Hospital, 
and the prisoners in the compters; and to the Company of 
Clothworkers for a dinner. To her " gossopp man" and his wife 
four pounds to make each of them a ring. Dated 4 September, 
A.D. 1615. Roll 294 (1). 

Monday next before the Feast of S. James, Apostle [25 July]. 
Hollinshed (JOHN), draper. -- To his "cozen" William Hol- 
linshed, son of his late brother William, a tavern called "the 
Grayhound" in Holbourne, in the parish of S. Androwes in 
Holbourne, in tail. To Timothy, another son of the aforesaid 
William, a messuage called "the Katherine Wheele," near 
ttolbourne Conduit, in the parish of S. Sepulchre, in fee. To 
Mary Pountis alias Husbandes, wife of Richard Husbandes, 
citizen and draper, his interest in an inn called "the Bushe" at 
Bagshott, t and lands and tenements at Finchamsted,  "in tho 


Co. Surrey. [  Yinchampstead, co. Berks. 




widows free of the company, or of the testatoPs kindred by blood, 
being free or not free of London, twenty-four shillings yearly 
by quarterly instalments ; twenty shillings to be spent yearly 
towards a dinner on the four general search days ; and four 
shillings to be given yearly to the clerk of the company.  In 
ease of default the property to go over to his next heirs. To 
Anne his wife lands and tenements in the parish of S. Mary 
Magdalen, in or near Old Fishstreete, for life ; remainders over 
to Mary Staple (or Staples) his grandchild and others ; remainder 
to the keepers or wardens, &e., aforesaid, charged, among other 
things, with certain payments to the parish of Merryefeild (or 
Merefeild), 2 where he was born, and to the poor of the pariah 
of Christchurch in London, where his aforesaid wife was born, she 
being daughter of Mr. John Hilton, esquire. Also to his aforesaid 
wife his lands and tenements in the parish of Great S. Helens 
London, charged with an annuity to John Pollard his son, for 
life, with remainders over to John Staple his grandchild, Alice 
Staple his daughter, and others ; remainder to keepers or wardens 
&c., aforesaid, charged with certain legacies to the aforesaid John 
Pollard his son, and the sons of the said John, as well as to the 
parishes of Merefeild and Christchurch aforesaid. Divers pecuniary 
legacies to friends and relatives. Dated 18 February, A.D. 1623. 
Roll 301 (20, 

Monday next after the Feast of Epiphany [6 Jan.]. 
Feild (RmnaaD), stationer.---To be buried in the church of 
S. Michael near Woodstreet. All his goods and chattels to be 
divided into three equal parts, according to the ancient and 
laudable custom of the City of London, one third of which he 
leaves to Jane his wife as her due, another to his children, and 
the residue he disposes of by various bequests among which are 
the following :--Three pounds to the poor of the parish of 
S. Michael near Woodstreet, and ten pounds to the Company of 
Stationers for a drinking for the livery of the company. Also to 
 In the Company's Return to the which the sum of 4L 16s. is yearly 
Livery Companies Commission appointed bestowed upon the poor of the Company 
in 1880 the testator's name appears as (Appendix to Report Livery Companie 
John" Pollan." The property devised is Com., 1884, vol. iii, p, 200). 
now known as No. 27, Silver Street,  Co. Hefts(?), 
which brings in 60/. per annum, out of 



his aforesaid wife his messuage called "the Splayed Eagle" in 
the parish of S. Michael aforesaid for life ; remainder to Richard 
his son ; also certain other messuages during the minority of 
Samuel his son. Dated 24 November, A.D. 1624. 
Roll 301 (36). 

londay next after Feast of Annunciation of V. Mary [25 March]. 
Jackson (JOSEeH), clothworker.--Certain tenements near "the 
ould Swanne" in the parish of S. Laurence Poultney, which he 
had purchased as surviving executor of Sir James Lancaster, Knt., 
and by direction of the will of the said James, dated 18 April, 
1618, he leaves to the Masters, Wardens, and Commonalty of the 
Mistery of the Skynners of London and their successors, to the 
intent and purpose that they dispose of the issues and profits of 
the same to the uses declared in the will of Sir James Lancaster 
aforesaid, viz., fifteen pounds per annum to be given to the poor 
of Basingestocke, so as to increase the sum of thirty pounds per 
annum bequeathed by the said will to forty-five pounds per annum, 
and also fifteen pounds per annum to be paid in addition to a 
former sum of forty-five pounds bequeathed for the maintenance 
of three poor scholars, so as to raise the number of scholars to 
four.  Dated 31 December, A.D. 1623. Roll 302 (3). 

Monday next before the Feast of S. Mildred, Viqgin [20 Feb.]. 
Beamond (hAR(;ARET), of the parish of S. Alphege near 
Cripplegate, widow.--To be buried in the said parish church. 
Pecuniary legacies to the daughter of her late sister Isabel, 
her servants, and others ; also to the poor children harboured 
in Christ's Hospital, the poor of the parish of S. Alphege, the 
poor prisoners in the Poultry Compter, &c. To Judith Words- 
worth and to Judith 5eale, daughter of the same, she leaves 
a tavern formerly called "the Bores head," and now "the 
Salutacion," near Mooregate in the parish of S. Stephen in 
i These trusts, as well as others under by a decree in Chancery dated 10 July, 
the will of Sir James Lancaster, which 1713 The decree is summarized by 
will be found set out in a Report made Mr. Hare in his Report (Appendix to 
by Mr. Hare to the Chaxit.y Commis- Report Livery Comp. Com., 1884, vol. iv. 
sioners in 1864, appear to be regulated p. 340). 




cheape, alias Cheapeside.--To be buried in the said parish church. 
To William his son a moiety of his goods and chattels. Out of 
the other moiety he makes bequests to the parsons of the several 
churches of S. Michael at the Querne, S. Mary le Bowe, and 
S. Matthew in Friday Street, as well as to divers relatives and 
tiends. To his godson Christofer Wren 1 a piece of gold of twenty 
shillings. Bequests also to S. Thomas's Hospital, poor prisoners 
in the Compter in Woodstreete, the poor of the parish of Bear- 
den,  co. Essex, where he was born, and to the Master, Wardens, 
Assistants, and Company of Girdlers of the City of London for a 
dinner. To his son-in-law John Straunge, "merchantailer," who 
married Elizabeth his daughter, a messuage called "the three 
Nuns" in the parish of S. Peter aforesaid, charged with the pay- 
ment of six hundred pounds to William Parris his son. Dated 
30 January, A.D. 1632. Roll 310 (5). 

Monday %ext before the Feast of S. Edmund, h%ng [-20 
Bateman (ROBERT), esquire, Chamberlain of the City of London. 
--To the Mayor, Commonalty, and citizens of London and their 
successors a parcel of ground used for a cellar in the parish of 
S. Katherine Christ Church or " Chreechurch," which he lately 
purchased of Nicholas Gryce, " merchanttailor," and of Joane, wife 
of the same, by deed dated 7 June, a.D. 1633, and enrolled 3 in 
His Majesty's Com't of " Hustinges," London; to have and to 
hold the same to their own proper use and behoof for ever. Dated 
18 November, 9 Charles I. [A.D. 1633]. Roll 310 (31). 

Monday next after" F. of SS. PegTetua and Felicitas [7 Ma'ch]. 
Meredeth (Jon-N), skinner. -- To the Master, Wardens, and 
Commonalty of the Art or Mistery of Skynners of the City of 
London and theLr successors the reversion of a messuage called 
" the Ramme," in or near West Smithfield in the parish of 
S. Sepulchre without Newgate,  after the decease of Elizabeth his 

 Possibly the great architect himself, I to the lIetropolita Meat and Poultry 
who at the date of the will was about  Market Act, sold to the City for 10,O00L 
three months old. I The purchase money was paid into the 
" Berden oI Berdon. I Court of Chancery, and was afterwards 
a Roll 310 (23). invested, with the sanction of the Court, 
 In 166 thi.- property wa.-, pur-uant in the purchase of freehold premises-- 



wife, in trust to pay to three poor aged freemen of the Company 
of Skynners, and to two poor aged widows of freemen of the 
same, more especially those poor freemen who shall have been "up- 
houlsters," the weekly sum of fifteen shillings, to wit three shillings 
apiece, &c. ; to the renter warden ten shillings yearly on taking 
his account ; to the clerk of the company six shiIlings yearly ; 
and to the two beadles three shillings each yearly. The residue 
of the issues and profits to be disposed of at the discretion of the 
said master, wardens, and assistans without ay farther limita- 
tion. A similar reversion of a close or pasture ground commonly 
called " Clarkes Close," in the parish of S. James at Clarkenwell, 
he leaves to trustees, citizens and skinners, upon trust to pay 
yearly to the renter warden the sum of twenty pounds, who shall 
thereout pay ten pounds yearly, to wit five pounds apiece, to two 
unbeneficed preachers until they shall be better provided for; 
four pounds ten shillings yearly to the poor of the parish of 
S. Sepulchre for coals ; twenty shillings to the poor of the parish 
of S. Bartholomew the Less near West Smithfield ; eight shillings 
yearly for coal for the poor prisoners in the four several prisons in 
London, viz., to the prisoners of the "Hole" and " two penny 
ward" in the Poultry and Wood Street Compters respectively, and 
those in Ludgate and Newgate. The residue of the issues and 
profits of the aforesaid close to be delivered to the renter warden 
of the company, to be disposed of as the master, wardens, and 
assistants may think fit3 To his aforesaid wife he gives a moiety of 

Nos. 8 and 9, Well Court, Queen Street 
--in the City of London. During the 
interval between the payment into Court 
of the above sum and the reinvestment 
thereof (in 1872} the money was invested 
in 3 per Cent. Annuities by the Ac- 
countant-General, and the dividends 
were received by the Skinners' Company 
(Appendix to Report Livery Comp. 
Com., 1884, vol. ii. p. 395, note). 
 Payment of 3s. weekly is still made 
to five poor women, whilst the sum of 
ll. 2s. is distributed among the renter 
warden, clerk, and two beadles. 
 From the Return made by the Com- 
pany of their charitable accounts for the 
year 181 it appears that the vm.ious 
i)equests to poor widows, poor preachers, 
the poor of the parishes of S. Sepulchre 

and S. Bartholomew the Less, &c., con- 
tinue to be strictly paid, the whole 
charge on the property devised amount- 
ing to 55/. 12s. The Company seem, 
however, to have dealt more liberally 
with the estate at the time when Mr. 
Hare reported to the Charity Commis- 
sioners in 1864, for the sum then ex- 
pended on the specific objects mentioned 
in the testator's will amounted to no 
less a sum than 2031. 6s. The residue, 
moreover, of the issues and profits of the 
premises devised, Mr. Hare states, was 
dealt with by the Company as a fund for 
general charity at their discretion, with- 
out any legal obligation in that direction 
whatsoever (Appendix to Report Livery 
Comp. Com., 1884, vol. iv. p. 341). 



Newgate, vintner.--Memorandum that, having been desired byAlice 
his wife to make his will, he, being sick in body and having taken 
the Holy Sacrament, answered that he had already made his 
will divers years since, which he said remained in his study. 
Having caused the same to be brought, the same was opened and 
publicly read to him ; which being done, he the said Stephen did 
again acknowledge and publish the same to be his will. There- 
upon being further moved by a friend and neighbom" then present 
to say how he would dispose of certain lands and tenements 
which he had purchased five years after the date of his then pub- 
lished will, 1 he answered that his children should have the same, 
share and share equally, which words or words to that effect were 
spoken and uttered by the said Stephen Chappell in the month 
of July, A.D. 1637. Roll 315 (15). 

Monday qext after the Feast of S. Benedict, Abbot [21 March]. 
Chislett (WmLLM), tallowchandler.- Bequests for a funeral 
sermon, also to the poor of the parish of All Hallows in the Wall, 
the poor of the Company of Tallowchandlers, the poor of the 
parish of Sandhurst, co. Berks, the children of Christ's Hospital, 
and numerous friends and relatives. To Emmett his wife mes- 
suages in 5[arklane, in the parishes of All Saints Barking and 
S. Olave in Hartstreete, for life ; remainders over. Dated 5 May, 
A.D. 1630. Roll 315 (26). 
[Roll 316 contais qo en'olnent of wills.] 


Monday next after the Feast of S. Mark, Evangelist [25 April]. 
Charley (EDWD), barber-surgeon.--To Dionezia his wife all his 

 Prior to the Wills Act (7 Will. IV. 
and 1 Vict. c. 26) a testator could by 
will dispose only of such lands and 
tenements as he was possessed of at the 
time of making his will, so that lands 
purchased after the date of the will 
could not be affected by any of its dis- 
positions, but descended to the heir at 
law. It was enacted, however, by the 
Act mentioned (see. 24) that every will 
should be construed, vith reference to 

the property comprised in it, to speak 
and take effect as if it had been exe- 
cuted immediately before the death of 
the testator, unless a contrary intention 
should appear by the will. So that a 
man may now dispose by his will, not 
only of all such real estate as he is, at 
the time of making his will, possessed 
of, but also of all he may subsequently 



livery of his company to follow his corpse to church. Dated 
4 November, A.D. 1643. Roll 319 (44). 


[Date of Session of Court omitted.] 
Lovett (-/kRGARET), of the parish of S. Michael, Wood Street, 
widow.--To her daughter Clare Trumper, widow, a tenement in 
the parish of S. Nicholas Coleabby in Old Fish Street, charged 
with the payment of an annuity to her daughter Anne, wife of 
John Thomas, apothecary. To her sister Hellen Banes of Shrews- 
bury one half of her wearing apparel. Dated 21 June, A.D. 1638. 
Roll 320 (12). 

Monday next after the Feast of S. Edmund, King [GO lov.J. 
lYlorgal2 (ORIFFITH), grocer.---To Thomas Edmondes his son the 
rents and profits of his several tenements in Bell Yard and in 
[the parishes of] S. Peter and S. Bennett by Pauleswharfe. His 
goods, chattels, &c., to be divided into three equal parts, whereof 
he leaves one part to Rachel his wife, and another to be divided 
between Susan and Anne his daughters; the residue to be devoted 
to his burial. Also to his said daughters he leaves the reversion 
of his dwelling-house after the decease of his wife, charged with 
the payment of five pounds to their sister Margaret Edmondes 
and ten pounds to Elizabeth and Susan, daughters of the said 
hIargaret.. Dated 6 May, AoD. 1636. Roll 320 (13). 



Monday next after the Feast of SS. Peter and Paul [29 Jute]. 
Hardwen (TrtoMS), citizen and cook.--To Thomas Powis of 
Newbold Pacy, co. Warwick, gentleman, and Elizabeth, wife of the 
same, all his freehold lands and tenements in and about the City 
of London and in rhitechappell, co. ]Iiddlesex, and all his copy- 
hold lands in the parishes of Wormley and Cheston, co. Herts, 
to hold the same in tail on condition they pay his debts, &c. To 
his grandchildren James Sill and Hardwen Ailworth fifty shillings 

respectively; and to Hanna his wife ten pounds and a bed and 
fittings. Dated 2 February, A.D. 1641. Roll 321 (7). 


Manday next after" the Feast of S. Lucia, Virgin [13 Dec.]. 
lYlanwaring (RICED), of the parish of 'Yeatby, ''1 co. 
Southampton, gentleman.--To liary his wife all his goods and 
chattels and his lands and tenements in Fleet Lane in the parish 
of S. Sepulchre absolutely; also the rents of tenements in 
Seacoale Lane, George Alley, and Peacocke Alley in the same 
parish until Matthew his son shall come of full age of twenty-one 
years, when his said son is to enjoy one half of the said rents. 
A bequest of four pounds per annum to John his brother in 
certain events. Dated 11 April, A.D. 1643. Roll 321 (33). 


Monday next eerier F. of S. John ante portam Latinam [6 May]. 
Bell (ALICE, widow of ROBERT), of Colchester, co. Essex.--Her 
copyhold messuage where she lately dwelt, as also her fl-eeholds 
in Wimbledon, co. Surrey, to be sold by her executors for pay- 
ment of legacies as set out. To Katherine, widow of John 
Potter and sister to her late husband Robert Bell, the sum of 
three hundred pounds conditionally. Bequests also to Walter 
son of Sir William Walter, of Sarsden, Knt., Mary, wife of Sir 
Thomas Clarke, of Putney, Knt., and many others ; also to the 
poor of Leonard's parish in Colchester, and the poor prisoners in 
the King's Bench, White Lyon, and Marshallseas. To John 
Vickers and Katherine his wife certain tenements in Leadenhall 
Street in the parish of S. Peter in Cornhill, charged with the 
payment of ce%ain annuities. To Olive and Katherine Vickers 
her goddaughters a silver basin and ewer and a silver chafing 
dish. Dated 8 September, h.D. 1646. Roll 322 (12). 

Monday next after the Feast of S. Edmund, King [20 lrov.]. 
I-Iawes (ToMns), citizen and salter.--Cortain lands, parcel of 
 Afterwards written " Yeatlie," now known as Yateley, co. I-Iants. 




the Great Breach near Erith, co. Kent, to be reconveyed to a 
Mr. Cropenbergh on payment of six hundred and fifty pounds, or 
else sold. Out of the proceeds he leaves divers sums to Nicholas his 
brother and to his sister. Certain leasehold houses in London 
and copyhold lands in Enfeild to go as John Shipton, grocer, shall 
appoint. Anne his wife to enjoy a life estate in Leesney Abbey 
and the manors of Leesney and Fauntes, co. Kent, and to receive 
the sum of one thousand pounds out of the said manors, charged 
with two annual payments of five pounds to the parishes of 
S. Mildred in Bredstreet and S. Mildred in the Poultry towards 
providing bread and wine for the communion table ; remainder to 
Christ's HospitaP for the relief of the poor there, subject to the 
same charges. Also to his said wife he leaves a messuage in 
Bredstreet in fee, and the residue of his goods discharge of 
certain legacies. Dated 12 September, A.D. 163.--Two codicils, 
by the first of which he wills that the sum bequeathed to his 
sister shall be deposited with the Company of Scriveners, his 
sister to enjoy the interest thereon at the rate of six per cent. ; 
by the second he leaves thirty pounds to the poor. 
Roll 322 (30). 
I-Iwe (ANE), widow, of the parish of S. Mildred, Bread 
Street.--To be buried in the church of S. Bartholomew near the 
Exchange.  Among other bequests she leaves to Anne, daughter 
of Thomas Tewson her cousin, her red silk quilt and one of her 
small gold chains or necklaces ; to Mary, another daughter of the 
said Thomas, one of her gilt silver cups ; to her cousin Margaret 
Tewson her first wedding ring; to her sister Mary Cout (Cont ?) the 
elder her second wedding ring ; to her cousin Jane Browne her 
third wedding ring ; and to Sarah, daughter of the said Jane, her 
grandmother's wedding ring. To her cousin John Hodges her 
dwelling-house in the parish of S. Mildred aforesaid, charged 
with certain annuities. Also to her cousin Jane Browne a tene- 

 The validity of the testator's will 
is suid to have been long disputed, and 
the hospital did not obtain possession 
of the property to which it was entitled 
till 1652. The manors of Leesney and 
Faunts appear to have been lost by 
non-user since the year 1700. The 
chtrges of 51. to each of the parishes 
of 8. Mildred, Bread Street., and S. Mil- 

dred in the Poultry are regularly paid, 
the residue of the rents being carried 
to the general account of the hospital 
(Report of Commissioners for inquiring 
concerning Charities in England and 
Wales, 1837, No. 32, part vi. p. 123). 
2 The first instance of the parish 
being thus described in the Husting 



ment adjoining her dwelling-house, called "the three Bowles," 
for life ; remainder to Anne Tewson aforesaid. Dated 27 August, 
A.D. 1646.--A codicil of the same date, whereby, among other 
bequests, she leaves to Margaret Tewson a red cloth mantle and 
a set of gold hat buttons. Roll 322 (31). 


Monday qext before F. of S. John ante partam Latinam [6 May]. 
Fetherston (HENRY), of London, esquire.--To be buried in the 
porch of S. Ann Blackfryers beside his late wife. His leasehold 
messuage called "the Three Pigeons" in Paules churchyard to 
be held in trust for Heneage his son and Grace his daughter and 
the heirs of their respective bodies. Also to his said daughter 
two thousand pounds in money, all his plate, jewels, and linen 
in Mr. Fulwell's trunk, and his " quilted taffatie coverlett." To his 
nephew George Thomason his quarter part of the ship called "the 
Phillip." Bequests to the poor of the parish of S. Ann aforesaid, 
the poor of Bridewell, poor men and women of the Company of 
Stacioners, &c., and to numerous relatives, friends, and servants. 
Also to his daughter Grace he leaves tenements in High Holborne 
in lieu of her customary portion of his personal estate. His 
manors of Hassingbrooke and Cabbournes in the parish of Stan- 
ford le Hope, co. Essex, his farm called " Stewards" in Much 
Stanbridge, co. Essex, lands and tenements in South Shoberry, 
East and West Tilbury, Hornedon on the Hill, Burstead, and 
Canedon in co. Essex, as well as within the precinct of Black- 
fryers, London, in Beare Courte in the parish of S. Andrew in the 
Wardrobe, in VCaitecrossestreete in the parish of S. Giles without 
Creplegate, in Sempringham Courte in S. Sepulchre's parish, and 
on lewfishstreete Hill, and elsewhere in the realms of England 
and Ireland, except those already devised to his daughter, he 
leaves to his executors for a term of four years in trust for the 
maintenance of his daughter, payment of legacies, &c.; remainder 
to Heneage his son, on attaining the age of twenty-one years, 
in tail ; remainder to his daughter Grace in tail ; remainders over 
t,) his brother Edward for life, and others. Dated 1 March, 
-.D. 1646. Roll 323 (5). 




Monday next before the Feast of Conversion of S. Paul [25 Jaq.]. 
Boylson (THOMAS), clothworker.--To the Master, Wardens, 
Assistants, and Commonalty of the Mistery of Clothworkers he 
leaves the sum of eight hundred pounds in trust for a weekly 
lecture at Burton on Trent, co. Staff. ; the preacher to receive 
yearly the sum of thirty-one pounds four shillings, and the clerk 
sixteen shillings ;1 and in case of discontinuance, a moiety of the 
dividends is to go to Christ's Hospital, and the other moiety to be 
retained by the Clothworkers' Company, during the discontinuance 
and no longer. To his nephew John Boylson his lands and tene- 
ments in Ansley in the parish of Rolleston, co. Staff. ; to Henry, 
brother of the said John, lands and tenements known by 
the name of "Lawrence Hey" in the same parish; and to 
Richard Boylson his dwelling-house in Fanchurchstreete in 
London. Bequests to his sisters Jane Cotchete and Katherine 
Jackson, to the sons of his late brother John, to Thomas, son of his 
brother Edward, and others. To the parish of S. Gabriel Fan- 
church, where he then lived, the stun of fifty pounds for the 
increase of their stock, and a like sum to the poor of Christ's 
Hospital. Dated 1 July, A.D. 1648. Roll 323 (36). 


Monday ex before F. of Nativity of S. John Baptist [2 Juae], 
Yeend (AnaAnAM), of the parish of S. Magnus near London 
Bridge, " Marchaunttaillor."--To be buried with his wife in the 
church of S. Magnus aforesaid. Bequests to Christ's Hospital, 
S. Thomas's, and S. Bmholomew's, poor prisoners in the two comp- 
ters, the Ludgate and Fleete, the King's Bench Marshalsea and 
Compter in Southwark, the poor in the parish of S. Magnus, &c. ; 
also to the wife and children of his late brother John, and 
others. To the Company of Marchanttailors in London he 
leaves one hundred pounds, in trust to lend to two young 
men of the company using the trade of a linen or woollen 
' The testator's name is given as upon-Trent (usually the vicar of the 
"Boylston" in the Company's Return. "parish), upon a certificate that the lec- 
The sum of 32/., says Mr. Hare, is still ture has been delivered (Appendix to 
paid annually to the lecturer at Burton- Report Liv. Comp. Com., 1884, iv. 573), 



wardens of the yeomanry of the said mistery forty shillings for 
two suppers yearly ; to the four poor almsfolk of the company in 
Breadstreet twenty shillings apiece annually; and to Christ's Hos- 
pital, S. Bartholomew's, Bdewell and S. Thomas's forty shillings 
apiece yearly.  The residue of the rents and profits to be bestowed 
by the master wardens, &c., yearly at their good discretion for 
relief of the poor, reparations, and such other necessaries as they 
may think fit.  Dated 9 January, A.D. 1653. Roll 329 (4). 

Monday next after the Feast of S. Benedict, Abbot [21 Maq'ch]. 
(reendon (ROGER), of the parish of S. Bride, cutler.--Memo- 
randum that he died about the 23rd of December, A.D. lti50, in 
the parish of S. Martin in the Fields, and upon or about the 1 lth 
day of December aforesaid he did in a serious manner declare that 
he would and did give to hlary his wife all the estate he had 
in the world. Whereupon his wife said to him these or the 
like wo<ls, "Sweetheart you have often sayd you would give 
yo r sister Draset twenty pounds, and somet.hinge to her children," 
and likewise something to the girl that he had brought up and 
kept., and also reminded him of his nsman Henry Greendon, a 
watclmaaker, and [blank] Greendon, a cutler ; to which the said 
Roger replied that he would have his wife give his sister 
"Drosett" twenty pounds, and to her children five pounds apiece, 
and to Henry Greendon the watchmaker forty shillings, and to his 
cousin Greendon, cutler in Cheapside, his free land in :Harpe Alley 
in Shoe Lane after the decease of his wife, and to Susan, the girl 
he had brought up, twenty pounds. All which words or the very 
like in effect he the said Roger did utter and declare with an 
intent they should stand for his last will and testament in the 

presence of witnesses. 
 The several perpetual annuities be- 
longing to the charity, amounting to 
the sum of 35/. 15s., were redeemed by 
the Company in 1876, pursuant to an 
order of the Charity Commissioners, 
by the transfer of  sum of 1,200/. Con- 
sols to the Official Trustees of Cha- 
ritable Funds. 
- The Company, whil,t regarding the 

Roll 329 (26). 
residue as being, by the terms of the 
devise, at their own absolute disposal, 
have nevertheless been in the habit of 
appropriating considerable sums out 
of it annually in aid of other charitie. 
whose funds may from time to time 
prove insufficient, e.g. Ietton's cha- 


Monday e before t Feast of . A%dew, Apostle 30 v.. 
peeringe (Jo), esqe.--To Anne s wife s messgeu in 
Redcrossestreete in the pash of S. Giles thout Cplegate and 
his copyhold land held of the manor of Mucnge. To May s 
sister ten unds and a suit of aper linen. To s gd father- 
in-law Cap,in Silverle a ng of twenty shillings value. s 
wife to satisfy s debts, wch he conceives not  exceed two 
hunted unds. Dated 22 ovember, h.o. 1654. 
RoU a9 (a6). 
Fox (RLFE), of gh Holme, co. Middlesex, gentleman.- 
To Daniel Fox s son and Christopher Randall, gentleman, his 
son-in-law, he leaves certain messages lled "the Maydenhead 
and Plough" and "the Nags Hd and Rainebowe," in the pish 
of " Saint All-Hallowes" in Honylane in or near Cheapside, and 
other messages in Whitecrossestreete in the parish of S. Giles 
thout Cfiplegate, for a te of five years in trust to rebld the 
messuages in Honylane; remMnder to George and John s sons 
in several tail; remainder to the aforesaid Daniel in tail; remMnder 
over. Alto to the mid Daniel he leaves the manor of Brookehale 
or Brockehale in co. Essex, his manor of Bowerll, the site and 
pital messuage of the nor of Rewsalls, and s other mes- 
suages whatsoever, in co. Essex or elsewhere,  tail ; remainder 
to John s son in tail ; reminder over. Also to the mid Daniel 
his leasehold lands lled "Hoppinges" and the Lastall  lled 
"Isslington," chged th an annty to Mary ndall his 
daughter, and the paent of twenty ponds a year to Anne his 
daughter until her marriage. His wife to enjoy a Hfe interest in 
his leasehold dwelling-house, th fite, plate, &c., on condi- 
tion she bar herself of her dower or thirds of his real estate ; 
remainder to s children, share and share alike. Bequests of 
fo pounds to the poor of the paHsh of S. Andrew in Holbom 
above the Baes, and a like sum to the pr of the same palish 
below the Barres. Dated 6 January, .D. 1638. 
By codicil he revokes the ave dense to Daniel his son 
and Christopher Randall for term of years, and lves the afore- 
said messuages to Daniel alone for the same term. To his 

' Laystall 

daughter Grace Turner he gives a legacy of ten pounds. Dated 
12 January, h.Do 1638. Roll 329 (37). 


[Roll 330 contains no en.olment o] wills.J 

Monday nex after the Feast of S. Edmud, King [20 5"ov.]. 
Hawkin (SL STEP.i), Knt.--To ]Mary, wife of Priam Davies, 
the issues and profits (not otherwise disposed of) of his tenements 
in Bishopps Cour in the Old Baily in the parish of S. Sepulchre 
for life after the decease of her husband. To Mary, wife of Robert, 
Birkhead, an annuity of thiffcy pounds after the decease of her 
husband. To Edward Sackvill an annual rent-charge of twenty 
pounds for life ; and to Edward Panton, to whom the above tene- 
ments are left in trust, a like bequest and all his personal estate, 
Dated 25 May, .D. 1655. Roll 331 (28). 

Mozday zext before the Feast of & Lucia, Vi,'gin [18 Dec.]. 
Clarke (WILLIXM), of Barkhamsted St. Peter, co. Herts.--To 
Samuel his son messuages in the parish of S. Andrew in or 
near the Great Wardropp, charged with annuities to his four 
daughters, viz., Mary Shermantine, Lydia Lawrence, Sarah 
Humphrey, and Anne Hollins ; also a messuage called "the 
Christopher" and others in the same parish, so that the said 
Samuel pay to William his son half the yearly rent for the space 
of ten years. To Elizabeth his wife his dwelling-house, &c., in 
Barkhamsted St. Peter aforesaid for life ; remainder to his 
daughter Martha. Dated 29 April, A.D. 1647. Roll 331 (31). 


Manday next before the Feast of S. Wulsta% Bishop [19 
Day (Jo), of Fulham, co. Middlesex, gentleman.--Pecuniary 
bequests to John and James his sons, Elizabeth and Anne his 
daughters. To Mary his wife all his lauds and tenements held 




of the lord of the manor of Stepney, alias Stebenheath, co. 
Middlesex, and elsewhere, for her to sell and dispose of the same 
as she shall please for the better maintenance of herself and 
children. Dated 15 September, A.Do 1657. Roll 332 (34). 

[Rolls 333, 333, ad 335 cotaiq o eurolqnet of u, ills.] 


Monday zext before the Feast of . Baniface, Bish [5 Jue]. 
Mulson or Moulson (ToMAS), of Wheelocke, co. Chester, 
esquire.--To be buried in his own "Ile" in the parish church of 
Sandbach.  To his nephew Thomas Steephens all his manors, 
lands, &c., whatsoever in tail male, charged with payment of 
legacies contained in schedule annexed; remainders over to 
Edward, brother of the said Thomas,/Nicholas and Thomas Ranton 
his sister's sons, in successive tail male, subject to similar charges. 
Bequests of sums of money to his mother, his brother John 
Steephens, Alderman Kenericke, and many others. Dated 6 Sep- 
tember, A.D. 1648. 
A codicil whereby he makes divers pecuniary bequests to 
individuals, and leaves to the parish of " Sandbeach" the sum 
of two pounds ten shillings, to be disposed of by the chm'ch- 
wardens on the day of his burial in the town of Sandbeach. Dated 
24 September, .D. 1648. Roll 33{) (7). 


Monday ext after the Feast of . Michael [29 ept.]. 
]/Iassey (ToMns), girdler.--A will nuncupative. Being asked 
by Alice his wife how he wished to dispose of his estate, he replied 
to this effect :--" Wife you have been a great paynes-taker with 
]He and a helper in the getting of that estate I have and to whom 
should I leave it but unto you because We have bought it with 

Co. Chester. 



our labour Therefore I doe leave and give it all unto thyselfe." 
Which words or the like in effect were spoken by the said Thomas 
Massey with a serious intent to make and declare his last will and 
testament on or about the 24th of September, a.D. 1661. 
Roll 337 (12). 


Monday ex.t afte tlze Feast of Epilolzay [6 Ja.]. 
leeve (RmrARD) of the parish of S. Paul Covent Garden, 
cordwainer, but dying at Hampstead, co. Middlesex.--Memoran- 
dum that on or about the 7th of January, A.D. 1665, the said 
Richard, with an intent and purpose to make and declare his last 
will and testament nuncupative, uttered these words following or 
the like in effect, viz.:--" I heare that John Reeve is enquiring 
after my death but I am resolved I will leave him nothing but 
what my father hath left him by his will. I give all my estate 
to my wife and because I see and consider her troubles I take 
paines and spend my spiritts to write memorandums and notes of 
my concerns that she may have as little trouble as may bee." 
Which words or the like in effect the said Richard did utter and 
speak in a serious manner, and with an intent to settle and dispose 
of his estate as aforesaid, and that the same should stand and be 
for his last will and testament. Roll 338 (25). 


[Rolls 339 and 340 cantain no eq'olent of zills.] 


Monday the Feast of SS. Perpetua aqzd Felicitas [7 March]. 
I-Iurris (Jolt), girdler.To Hester his wife her customary 
third part of his personal estate, to his children another third, 
and the residue, called "the testator's third parte," he proceeds 
to dispose of by making bequests to William his brother, Alice 
widow of his brother Daniel, his sister Alice Browne and he 




erection in Basinghallstreete in the parish of S. Michael Basings- 
hawe, to hold the same in tail ; remainders over to her aforesaid 
son Ebeneasor and to her son-in-law John Jacob Berlue  of London, 
merchant, equally. Also to her daughter Elizabeth Berlue afore- 
said she leaves a leasehold messuage in Paules Ally in Redcrosse- 
streete in the parish of S. Giles, Criplegate. To her niece 
Elizabeth Blackwell five pounds; and unto each and every other 
of her kindred whatsoever twelve pence apiece in full of what 
they or any of them can or may claim out of her estate. 
Dated 23 January, A.D. 1669. Roll 342 (3). 

Monday qwzct befoq'e F. of Annuqciation of V. Ma:y [25 Maq'chJ. 
Sheffeild (John), late of Navestocke, co. Essex, esquire.- 
Memorandum that on or about the 1st December, 1670, the said 
John, with a desire and intention to settle and dispose of his 
estate, declared his last will and testament nuncupative in these 
or very like words : "I give all my houses in London to bee sold 
and the money thereupon raised to bee equally divided betweene 
my two children Misse and Billy meaneing his daughter Sarah 
Ellenor and his sonne William Sheffeild, his daughter to have her 
share or portion att the age of eighteene yeares and his sonne 
William to have his parte and portion art the age of one and 
twenty yeares," which words, or words to the same effect and 
purpose, the said John Sheffeild did utter, speak, and declare as 
for his last will and testament nuncupative. Roll 342 (7). 

Monday qxt a.fteq" the Feast of S. Aqdq'ew, At)ostle 
Drake (ROGER), of Stepney, co. Middlesex, Doctor of Physic.- 
To Susannah his wife money and chattels so that she pay the sum 
of one hundred pounds to the two children of his brother 
Richard and two hundred pounds to the four children of his brother 
John on their coming of age or marriage, with interest at four 
per cent. in the mean time. To Roger his son he leaves his books, 
watch, and seal ring. Bequests of money to divers friends and 
relations, as well as to the poor of Epping, co. Essex. A certain 
 The first instance in the wills of a the reign of Charles II., which witnessed 
donble Christian name. The fashion of also the introduction of wigs and 
having more than one such name is guinea. 
supposed to have been introduced in 


INDEX. 793 

Berkyng, Margaret, 221 
, William de, 19 
Berkyng, Sir Thomas Jordan, Vicar of, 
"Berkyngchapell," chapel of S. Mary 
called, 344 
Berkyngcherche, bequest to, 130 
Berkyngg, Williln de, goldsmith, 69 
 , Cristina, wife of, 69 
 , John, son of, 69 
Berlue, Elizabeth, 774, 775 
, John Jacob, 775 
Berlynges, co. Line. See Barlings. 
Bermondsey, tenements &c., at, 283, 360 
, monastery, 186, 215 
, S. Mary Magdalen parish, 482, 
495, 728 
Bernes, John, 69 
, Katherine, wife of, 69 
, John de, mercer, 137 
Bernes (Barnes, co. Surrey), 506 
Berneseld, in parish of S. Peter de 
Westehepe, quitrent of, 216 
Beraewell, John, 534 
 ---, Agnes, wife of, daughter of 
William Sygar, 534 
--, Robert, 345 
Berneye, IVlter de, 205, 242 
Berry, T/wnas, fishmonger, 732 
, Mistress Ann Roupe, sister 
of, 732 
Berwardeslane, parish of All Hallows, 
Berkyngchirche, 415, 416 
Berwby (Barrowby, co. Line.), William 
Herwardestoke, Rector of church of, 
Berwe, co. Essex, manor of, 399 
Berwick, co. Northumberland, tenements 
in, 565 
Berwyk, co. Essex, manor of, 39 
Besouthe, John, tanner, 232 
, Juliana, wife of, 232 
Betaigne, Richard, goldsmith, 277 
, Johanna, daughter of, 277 
, Matilda, late wife of, 277 
, Richard, son of, 277 
, Robert, son of, 277 
, Thomas, son of, 277 
., William, son of, 277 
Betermere, co. Wilts. See Buttermere. 
Beteyne, Robert de, goldsmith, 335 
, Agnes, wife of, daughter of 
John Clerk, poulterer, 335 
Betherenden, John, called "Sandhirst," 
Betoigne,//obert, goldsmith, 384 
., Agnes, wife of, 384 
., Agnes, daughter of, 384 
, Margaret, daughter of, 384 
, Eichard, son of, 384 


Beuchampe, Thomas, 44 
Beverhich (?), bequest for repair of 
bridge at, 133 
Beverlay, John, 603 
Beverlee, John, 573 
, Avice, wife of, 73 
, Sir WKliam, 225 
Bevile, Katherine Wackyns, otherwise, 
Bevis Marks, 372, 518 
Bexley, co. Kent, tenements, &c., at, 729 
Biauchamp, Emma de, Abbess of Bruso 
ierd (Brusyard, co. Suffolk), 194 
Bidenham, co. Beds, chantry in church 
of S. James, 641 
--, bequest to poor of parish of, 641 
Bierden. See Berdene. 
Biernes, John, Alderman, 180 
, Alice, daughter of, wife of 
John Romesey, 180, 181 
, Johanna, daughter of, 
180, 181 
, Cristina, wife of, 180 
, his chest still preserved at 
the Guihlhall, 180n. 
Bigges, Agnes, 576 
Biggyng in Anesty (co. Hefts), bequest 
to hospital of, 195 
Bill, .Niclolas, of Shenfeild, co. Essex, 
clerk, 748 
, "Doctor," brother of, 749 
, Anne Boast, daughter 
of, 749 
, Ellen, daughter of, 749 
, John, son of, 749 
, Jane, late wife of, 749 
- Anne Home, daughter 
of, 749 
, Em or Emm, daughter 
of, 749 
, John, nephew of, 749 
Billesdon, John, grocer, 635 
Billingsgate, tenements in or near, 14, 
117, 118, 120, 139, 211, 311, 378 
Billingsgate Wharf, 389 
Billiter Street. See Belleyeterslane. 
Bingley, George, 747 
Bircheslane, tenements in, 31 
Birchin, Burchin, Byrchin Lane, 260, 351, 
402, 504, 571, 612, 646, 718, 726, 728, 
743, 767. See also Berchevereslane. 
Birkhead, Robert, 771 
, Mary, wife of, 771 
Bisham Abbey, 48n. 
Bishop's Court, in the Old Bailey, 771 
Bishop's Lynn, co. Norfolk, 554 
Bishop Stortford, co. Herts, fabric of 
church of S. Michael at, 385 
---, prisoners at, 148, 224 
---, Bishop's prison at, 152, 313 



Wilcocke, John, citizen and cook of 
London, Richard, eldest son of, 678 
, Sarah, daughter of, 678 
, Stephen Trigell, cousin of, 
Wilcok, John, 189 
Wildmershe, in parish of Westham, co. 
Essex, 677 
Wilford, Thomas, Alderman, 348 
, T]wmas, fishmonger, 370 
, Elizabeth, wife of, 370 
Wilkenson, John, waxchandler, 745 
, Christopher, son of, 745 
, George, son of, 745 
, Susan, wife of, 745 
Wilkinson, William, 725 
Willeby, Edmud, 27 
, Agnes, wife of, 27 
, Sir Andrew Groudesbourgh, 
Rector of church of Helgheye, kins- 
man of, 27 
Willesdon, .Richard, 337 
, Agnes, wife of, 337 
, Anne, wife of, 337 
, Margaret, wife of, 337 
, Richard, son of, 337 
, Thomas, 217 
, Margaret, wife of, 217 
Willesdon : Wilsdon, co. Middlesex, 
parish church of, 337 
--, tenements, &c., in, 657 
Williamson, Doctor Davy, Rector of S. 
Dunstan Est, 598 
William the Clerk, 34, 134 
Willmeslowe, co. Chester, Master Henry 
Trtyforth, Parson of church of, 634 
Willy, John, Rector of S. Alban in Wod- 
strete, 453 
, Robert, goldsmith, 353 
, Matilda, daughter of, 353 
, Thomas, son of, 353 
Wilton, co. Wilts, Convent of, 558 
Wiltshire, lVilliam, homer, 512 
., Agnes, wife of, 512 
, John FitzRichard, bro- 
ther of, 513 
, Matilda, wife of, 512 
, Thomas, brother of, 512, 513 
, Thomas, son of, 512, 513 
Wilughby, Sir Richard de, 43 
, Dame Elizabeth, wife of, 43 
Wimbledon, co. Surrey, freeholds in, 763 
Winchester, Fraternity of Kalendars, 
93, 230 
, Soke, 229n., 230 
, bequest to poor in the city and 
suburbs, 623 
, bequest to orders of friars at, 623 
, bequest to church relics, &c., of 
S. Swithun at, 229 

Winchester, church of All Hallows (or 
All Saints), 623 
--., New College at, 623 
--, Hospital of S. John at, 623 
, city and suburbs, 39, 145 
--, the street of the Apothecaries in 
suburb of, 145 
Windham (or Wymondham, co. Norfolk), 
Prior and Convent of, 205 
Windsor, Sir William de, 202n. 
, Alice Perers, wife of, 202n. 
Windsor, vill of, 190 
Windsor Castle, Thomas Madefrey, Canon 
of Chapel Royal of S. George in, 190 
--, Sir Roger Bramchote, Vicar in the 
chapel of, 190 
--, seal of the Warden of the College 
of, 191 
Wircestre, bequest to fabric of mother 
church of, 93 
Wirehalelane, parish of S. Mary at Hill, 
Wirhale or Wyrhale, Jon de, 139 
, Agnes, wife of, 139 
, Villiam, goldsmith, son of, 
Wirlyngworth, Thomas de, goldsmith, 86 
, Cristina [wife of ?], daughter 
of John Ippegrave, 86, 87 
, John, son of, 87 
, Thomas, son of, 87 
, William, son of, 87 
, John Buls[rode, apprentice 

of, 86 

of, 86 

, John Caldecote, apprentice 

, Walter Chalfhunt, apprentice 
of, 86 
Witham, William, Rector of S. Michael, 
Cornhill, 527 
Witherdeley, Robert, Master of the 
Cllege of S. Laurence Pulteneye, 290 
"With the Noose," Richard, living at 
Nadle, 189 
"Witlisfordbrigge" (Whittlesford), co. 
Camb., 549 
Wittelberie, Master Richard, Rector of 
church of Depyng, kinsmanof William 
Thorp, Knt., 326 
Wittelbury, John, kinsman of William 
Thorp, Knt., 326 
Wodecok, Henry, scrivener of court- 
letter and freeman of City of London, 
, Johan, daughter of, wife of 
John Gardyner, 622 
--, John, mercer, 397, 453 
-, Felicia, wife of, 398, 453 
, Johanna, mother of, 398, 453 
, Johanna, daughter of, 398