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Full text of "The wonder garden : nature myths and tales from all the world over for story-telling and reading aloud and for the children's own reading"

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With  Illustrations  by 



The  Riverside  Press  Cambridge 





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A  bit  of  the  Sky  fell  down  one  day; 
It  touched  a  Star  and  glanced  away; 
A  spark  from  the  Star  in  its  breast  it  lore, 
And  fell  to  the  earth,  and  was  no  more. 

Up  sprang  from  the  grass  a  tiny  flower 
That  brightly  grew  'neath  sun  and  shower: 
The  bit  of  the  Sky  in  its  petals  blue, 
The  spark  from  the  Star  in  Us  bosom,  too. 

The  Star  gazed  down  at  its  happy  lot, 
And  whispered,  "  Dear,  forget-me-not  1 " 

•      .  /          •> 






HERE  are  150  nature  myths  and  short  stories 
from  all  parts  of  the  World.  They  are  the  kind 
that  children  delight  in  —  tales  of  transforma- 
tions of  maidens  into  trees  and  fountains,  of  youths 
into  flowers,  and  of  men  into  birds.  Blossoms, 
fragrance,  and  joy  are  the  themes  of  many  of 
these  talcs,  while  a  few  are  tender,  pathetic,  or 

Nature  myths  not  only  give  joy,  but  they  are 
educational  —  they  clothe  nature  with  poetic  at- 
tributes. The  Greek  and  Roman  myths  have  been 
taught  to  many  generations  of  English  speaking 
children,  and  on  the  "transformations"  the  fancies 
and  imaginations  of  our  English  poets  have  fed, 
from  Chaucer  to  Swinburne.  Without  a  knowledge 
of  these  myths,  one  cannot  appreciate  or  even  en- 
joy the  classic  allusions  in  the  poems  of  Shake- 
speare, Herrick,  Milton,  Shelley,  Keats,  Lowell, 
Longfellow,  and  many  other  poets.  Art,  too,  has 
for  its  themes,  classic  fables  and  myths;  so  to 
understand  beautiful  paintings  and  sculpture, 
it  is  necessary  to  know  something  of  classic 

But  the  Greeks  and  Romans  were  not  the  only 




peoples  possessing  transformation  tales  and  na- 
ture legends;  the  blossom-loving  Japanese,  the 
totem-worshipping  Red  Indians,  and  many  other 
peoples  have  a  wealth  of  such  tales.  When  stripped 
of  their  repellent  elements,  -  -  for  all  mythologies, 
classical  or  otherwise,  contain  such  elements,  — 
these  tales  are  most  delightful  and  fanciful,  and 
invest  flowers,  birds,  and  nature  as  a  whole  with 
poetic  charm  that  pleases  children  as  does  a  fairy- 

"Mariora  Floriora,"  "Maiden  White  and 
Maiden  Yellow,"  the  Iroquois  "Legend  of  the 
Corn,"  and  the  other  delicate,  graceful,  and  sym- 
bolic nature  myths,  presented  here,  cover  a  wide 
range,  coming  from  all  over  the  World, —  from 
Japan,  China,  Finland,  Eskimo-land,  Red  In- 
dian-land, Norway,  Russia,  France,  Ireland, 
Wales,  Friesland,  Roumania,  Persia,  and  Arabia. 

In  retelling  the  classic  Greek  and  Roman  myths, 
great  care  has  been  taken  to  preserve  their  clas- 
sical features,  as  well  as  to  emphasize  their  poetic 
elements.  The  tales,  with  few  exceptions,  have 
been  retold  directly  from  good  translations  of 
Homer,  Bion,  Moschus,  Anacreon,  Hesiod,  Ovid, 
and  other  classic  writers.  Hence  they  have  a 
freshness  and  vigour  that  could  not  be  theirs  if 
retold  from  adapted  material. 

A  few  modern  tales  have  been  added  to  com- 
plete the  volume.  It  is  regretted  that  Andersen's 


Snow  Queen  and  The  Little  Mermaid,  are  much 
too  long  for  inclusion,  but  they  may  be  easily  got 
at  any  public  library.  However,  a  few  of  his  ex- 
quisite shorter  pieces  are  included,  and  lend  their 
charm  to  these  pages  in  which  boys  and  girls 
may  wander  at  will  through  this  Garden  of  De- 
light. For  here  are  the  sweet  scents  of  flowers, 
the  colours  of  blossoms,  the  whisperings  of  trees, 
the  springing  of  fresh  grass,  the  singing  of  soar- 
ing birds,  the  murmuring  of  streams,  -  -  all  are 
here,  and  all  are  transfused  with  a  wonder  element 
that  creates  a  real  Fairy  Garden. 

To  make  the  volume  of  the  greatest  practical 
use  to  teachers  and  librarians,  an  Appendix  is 
added,  containing :  — 

(a)  A  Calendar  —  or  Programme  —  of  the  na- 
ture tales  arranged  by  the  school  year,  as  an  aid 
in  following  the  changing  seasons  —  see  page  446. 

(b)  A  Reference  List  of  nature  stories  and  tales 
in  other  books,  suitable  to  tell  or  to  read  aloud 
—  see  page  454. 

(c)  A  Subject  Index,  referring  to  the  myths  and 
tales  hi  this  volume,  under  such  headings  as  the 
names  of  fruits,  flowers,  trees,  seasons,  Arbour 
Day,  Bird  Day,  etc.,  and  under  ethical  headings 
like  Retribution,  Affection,  Obedience,  and  Hon- 
esty —  see  page  469. 


SPECIAL  acknowledgment  is  here  made  to  the  New 
York  Evening  Post  for  the  use  of  the  many  stories 
included  in  this  volume  which  I  have  written  for 
its  columns. 

Acknowledgment  is  also  due  the  Churchman 
Company,  for  the  use  of  my  little  story  "The 
Beauty  of  the  Lily,"  that  was  first  published  in 
The  Churchman. 

Thanks  are  due  the  following  publishers  and 
authors,  for  stories  or  themes  from  their  publica- 
tions :  — 

To  Messrs.  Houghton  Mifflin  Company,  for 
"The  Garden  of  Frost  Flowers,"  retold  from 
William  Cullen  Bryant,  Poems;  "Girl  who  Trod 
on  a  Loaf,"  from  Hans  Christian  Andersen, 
Wonder  Stories  Told  for  Children;  "Gleam  o*  Day 
and  the  Princess  Lotus-Flower,"  from  George 
Soulie*,  Strange  Stories  from  the  Lodge  of  Leisures; 
"Green  Plumes  of  Mondamin,"  from  Henry  W. 
Longfellow,  Hiawatha;  "The  Robin,"  from  John 
Greenleaf  Whittier,  Poems. 

To  the  American  Folk-Lore  Society,  for  "The 
Turkey-Given  Corn,"  and  "The  Pet  Turkey 
whose  Feelings  were  Hurt,"  from  Washington 


Matthews,  Navaho  Legends  and  "  The  Old  Wo- 
man who  was  a  Burr,"  from  George  A.  Dorsey, 
Traditions  of  the  Skidi  Pawnee. 

To  the  Canadian  Magazine,  for  'The  Maple 
Leaf  For  Ever,"  retold  from  a  story  by  Miss  Grace 

To  Messrs.  Henry  Holt  and  Company,  for 
"The  Mignonette  Fairy,"  and  "The  Dandelion 
Fairies,"  from  Flower  Lore  and  Legend,  by  Kath- 
erine  M.  Beals. 

To  The  Macmillan  Company,  for  "The  Wind 
in  the  Pine,"  from  Green  Willow,  by  Grace 

To  Miss  Gladys  Wolcott  Barnes,  for  "The 
Colours  of  the  Rainbow,"  first  published  in  The 
Living  Church. 

To  Mr.  W.  W.  Canfield,  for  "The  Legend  of  the 
Trailing  Arbutus,"  and  "The  Legend  of  the 
Corn,"  from  his  Legends  of  the  Iroquois,  published 
by  A.  Wessels  Company. 

To  Mrs.  Julia  Fish,  for  the  French  translations 
made  purposely  for  this  volume. 

To  Miss  Elizabeth  M.  Lum,  for  "The  Legend 
of  the  Goldenrod,"  from  her  Ancient  Legends, 
published  by  Tuttle,  Morehouse,  and  Taylor. 

To  Miss  Ada  M.  Skinner,  for  the  paraphrase 
*  Prince  Butterfly  and  Clover,"  from  her  Tur- 
quoise Story  Book,  published  by  Duffield  and 


The  following  is  a  partial  list  of  the  many  other 
sources  from  which  I  have  drawn  atmosphere 
and  plots  for  stories :  — 

Japanese  tales,  like  "Maiden  White  and  Maiden 
Yellow,"  "The  Chrysanthemum  Children,"  "The 
Morning-Glory  Fan,"  are  from  Davis,  Myths  and 
Legends  of  Japan,  and  Gordon  Smith,  Ancient 
Tales  and  Folk-Lore  of  Japan.  Red  Indian  tales 
are  from  the  publications  of  The  American  Mu- 
seum of  Natural  History,  Bureau  of  American 
Ethnology,  Carnegie  Institution  of  Washington, 
and  The  Field  Columbian  Museum.  Miscellaneous 
legends  and  tales  are  from  Barker  and  Sinclair, 
West  African  Folk-tales;  Professor  Basil  Hall 
Chamberlain,  Language,  Mythology,  etc.  of  Japan; 
Lizzie  Deas,  Flower  Favourites;  Dyer,  Folk-Lore  of 
Plants;  Folkard,  Plant  Lore,  H.  A.  Giles,  Chinese 
Fairy  Tales;  Ingram,  Flora  Symbolica;  Canon 
Horsley,  Some  Folk-Lore  and  Legends  of  Birds; 
Captain  O'Connor,  Folk-Tales  from  Tibet;  T. 
W.  Rolleston,  Myths  and  Legends  of  the  Celtic 

Other  miscellaneous  legends  and  tales  are  from 
such  quaint  authors  as  Angelo  de  Gubernatis, 
Madame  Anais  de  Neuville,  King  Alfred's 
Boethius;  Abbe  Antoine  Banier  (1673);  William 
Browne  of  Tavistock  (1591),  Abraham  Cowley 
(1618),  Abbe  Rene  Rapin  (1621). 

Among  the  classic  authors  and  sources  contrib- 


uting  myths  are,  Anacreon,  Apollodoms,  Apollo- 
nius  Rhodius,  Bion,  Callimachus,  Hesiod,  Homer, 
the  Homeric  Hymns,  Lucian,  Moschus,  Ovid, 
Pindar,  Pliny,  and  Theocritus. 


The  Garden  of  Delight  ...... 

Come!  Come!  into  this  Wonder  Garden 


"Now  all  fair  things  come  to  light" 

Anonymous  6 

"Here  are  Sweet-Peas"    .    .    .      John  Keats  6 
"Jealous  girls  these  sometimes  were" 

Robert  Herrick  6 

The  Snowdrop  Fairy  .....   Irish  Tale  7 

The  Little  Nymph  who  Loved  Bright  Colours 

Old  Legend  11 

Hyacinth       ........  From  Ovid  14 

Echo  and  Narcissus    .....  From  Ovid  16 

Clytie,  the  Heliotrope      ....  From  Ovid  21 

Pansy-Boy     .......  From  Pindar  23 

The  Bad  Poppy-Seeds     .    .     Bengali  Legend  24 

The  Mignonette  Fairy     .     .  Old  French  Tale  26 

Legend  of  the  Heart's  Ease  .     .      Old  Legend  28 

The  Dragon  Sin      ....      Sussex  Legend  29 

The  Cup  of  Thanksgiving    .       Hebrew  Fable  31 

The  Beauty  of  the  Lily   .     .     .     Easter  Tale  32 
The  Christmas  Thorn  of  Glastonbury 

From  William  of  Malmesbury  36 

Forget-me-not  !      ...     Legend  of  Paradise  39 
The  Maiden  of  the  White  Camellias 

Japanese  Myth  40 

Princess  Peony  .    .    •  _  .    .    .  Japanese  Tale  44 


The  Chrysanthemum  Children  Japanese  Tale  47 
Maiden  White  and  Maiden  Yellow 

Japanese  Tale  50 


"I  will  not  have  the  mad  Clytie" 

Thomas  Hood  54 

"Then  came  we  to  great  breadths  of  shady 

wood" Plato  54 

Adventures  of  Cupid  Among  the  Roses  From 

Anacreon,  Moschus,  Lucian,  and  other  Sources  55 

Naughty  Little  Cupid 55 

Red  Roses  of  Nectar 56 

How  Pansies  Came  Coloured 57 

Why  Venus  Liked  Doves 57 

Venus's  Looking  Glass 59 

Cupid's  Darts     . 60 

Lost!  Lost! 61 

Cupid  Punished 62 

W7hy  Roses  Have  Thorns 62 

Legend  of  the  Anemone  and  the  Rose 

From  Bion  and  Ovid  64 

The  Rose-Tree  Queen      .     .     .      Old  Legend  67 

The  Blush-Rose  and  the  Sun 

Roumanian  Legend  70 

How  Moss-Roses  Came  .    Legend  of  Paradise  71 

The  Sultana  of  the  Flowers  .     .   Persian  Tale  72 

King  Suleyman  and  the  Nightingale 

Persian  Tale  73 

The  Nightingale  and  the  Rose  .     .  From  Sa'di  74 

"My  old  Welsh  neighbour  over  the  way" 

John  Greenleaf  Whittier  78 

Bird  Calls                                           .     .  79 


Why  the  Owl  Cries  Hoot!  Hoot! 

Breton  Legend  79 
Why   the    Little   Bird    that  Brags    Cries 

Cuckoo ! Friesland  Legend  80 

Why  Crows  Caw     .     .     .     Eskimo  Legend  81 
Why  the  Pewee  Looks  for  Brother 

Mohammedan  Legend  81 

The  Greedy  Blackbird     .     .  Old  French  Tale  83 

The  Spice  Bird From  Pliny  85 

King  Picus  the  Woodpecker     .     .  From  Ovid  87 

The  Magpie  Maidens    From  Hesiod  and  Ovid  90 

The  Boy  that  the  Eagle  Stole     From  Lucian  95 

The  Robe  of  Feathers      .     .    Japanese  Myth  97 

Pan's  Song  .     .     William  Browne  of  Tavistock  100 

"The  Daisy  scattered  on  each  mead  and  down" 

William  Browne  of  Tavistock  106 
"The  Foxglove  on  fair  Flora's  hand  is  worn" 

Abraham  Cowley  106 
Why  Crocus  Holds  up  his  Golden  Cup 

From  Ovid  107 

Legend  of  the  Frail  Windflower       Old  Legend  108 

The  Primrose  Son Old  Leg  end  110 

The  Lilies  White  William  Browne  of  Tavistock  111 

The  Cornflower  Youth     .     .     .     .Old  Legend  113 
The  Little  Nymph  who  Rang  the  Bells 

Old  Legend  114 

The  Marigold  Arrows   From  Abraham  Cowley  116 

Fruit  on  the  Rose-Bush    .     .     .     .Old  Legend  118 

PLUCKING  MEADOW  WONDER  BLOSSOMS   .     .     .  121 

"The  air  is  soft,  the  dale  is  green"  Anonymous  122 
"Next  followed  on  the  Fairy  Nobles'3 

William  Browne  of  Tavistock  122 

xviii  CONTENTS 

Legend  of  the  Trailing  Arbutus 

Iroquois  Legend  123 
The  Wood-Violet  that  was  a  Maiden 

Old  Legend  127 

The  Dandelion  Fairies     ....      Old  Tale  128 
The  Story  that  the  Buttercups  Told 

Hans  Christian  Andersen  130 

Little  Princess  White  Chicory         Old  Legend  131 

Why  the  Frogs  Call  the  Buttercups  Old  Legend  132 

Little  White  Daisy      ....      Old  Legend  134 

Legend  of  the  Goldenrod      .     .      Old  Legend  136 
The  Old  W7itch  who  was  a  Burr 

Skidi-Paivnee  Tale  137 

Fairy  Cowslips Folklore  140 

The  Fox  in  Gloves       .     .     .       Celtic  Folklore  141 
Pan's  Lovely  Maid 

William  Browne  of  Tavistock  142 


"  Are thusa  arose"   .     .      Percy  By s she  Shelley  144 

The  Stone  that  Shed  Tears  .     .     .  From  Ovid  145 

The  Weeping  Waters       ....  From  Ovid  146 

Arethusa From  Ovid  148 

Little  Hylas 

From  Theocritus  and  other  Sources  150 


"A  Wild-Rose  tree"    ....      John  Keats  154 
"Firefly!  Firefly!  Bright  little  thing" 

Henry  Schoolcraft  154 
Gleam-o'-Day  and  Princess  Lotus-Flower 

Chinese  Tale  155 

Prince  Golden-Firefly  .     .    Japanese  Folktale  158 
Prince  Butterfly  and  Clover  Blossom 

From  Louisa  M.  Alcott  161 


Anansi  the  Spider-Man     From  the  Gold  Coast  165 

Why  Spiders  Live  in  Dark  Corners    .     .     .  165 

Why  Spiders  Live  Under  Stones    ....  168 

Ladybird!  Ladybird! Folktale  171 

The  Boy  who  Caught  Flies  .     .      Old  Legend  172 

Tithonus,  the  Grasshopper 

From  the  Homeric  Hymns  174 

The  Morning-Glory  Fan    .     .    Japanese  Tale  175 


"Her  angel's  face"      .     .     .  Edmund  Spenser  180 

The  White  Hare  of  Inaba    .  Japanese  Legend  181 
Story  of  the  Tiger  and  the  Man 

Tibetan  Folktale  183 

Why  Rabbits  Have  Yellow  Hairs    Sioux  Myth  188 

Why  the  Deer  Have  Antlers    .     .    Hopi  Tale  190 
Why  there  are  no  Snakes  in  Ireland 

Irish  Folktale  191 

The  Last  of  the  Serpents     .    .  Irish  Folktale  193 

"The  Golden  Apple,  the  Golden  Apple" 

Alfred  Lord  Tennyson     198 

The  Magic  Strawberries  ....  Folktale  199 
The  Golden  Strawberries  .  .  .  Folktale  201 
Why  the  Pomegranate  Wears  a  Crown  and 

Royal  Robes       Old  Legend    202 

The  Tantalizing  Fruits 

From  Homer  and  Pindar    204 
The  Golden  Apples  of  the  Hesperides 

From  Apollodorus    205 
The  Apple  of  Discord 

From  Euripides  and  Ovid    209 
Idun  and  the  Magic  Apples  Norse  Myth    215 



"A  Drop  of  Rain  was  falling"   .    From  Sa'di  222 
"Full  fathom  five  thy  father  lies" 

William  Shakespeare  222 

The  Fisherboy  Urashima      Japanese  Folktale  223 
Prince  Fireshine  and  Prince  Firefade 

Japanese  Myth  227 
Arion  and  the  Dolphin 

From  Herodotus  and  Ovid  232 

The  Jewel  Tears     ....      Japanese  Tale  234 

The  Fairy  Swan  Song      .     .     .      Celtic  Myth  238 


oK.  i    .....«••«•«•••  ,-*i-i*j 

"I  bring  fresh  Showers  for  the  thirsting  flow- 
ers"         Percy  By s she  Shelley  244 

Why  the  Iris  Wears  Rainbow  Colours 

Old  Tale  245 

Flower  of  the  Rainbow    ....    New  Tale  246 

The  Boy  whose  Wings  Fell  Off      .  From  Ovid  249 

The  Man  in  the  Moon Folktale  251 

The  Story  of  Jack  and  Jill 

Norse  Myth  from  the  Younger  Edda  252 

The  Sheep  in  the  Pasture     .     .     Welsh  Myth  254 
The  Lazy  Boys  who  Became  the  Pleiades 

Caddo  Myth  255 

The  Maiden  in  the  Moon     .     .     .       Folktale  256 
The  Colours  of  the  Rainbow 

Gladys  Wolcott  Barnes  257 

A  Drop  of  the  Water  of  Light    S.  Baring-Gould  258 

The  Halcyon  Birds From  Ovid  264 

The  Bag  of  Winds       ....    From  Homer  268 

WITH  FLASH  o'  FIRE  AND  GLINT  o'  GOLD  .     .    .  273 

11  In  streams  the  gold,  the  copper  flows  "  Virgil  274 


The  Golden  Gift  of  King  Midas 

From  Herodotus  and  Ovid  275 

Little  White  Rabbit    .     .     .  Menomini  Myth  278 

The  Wicked  Fairies     .     .     .  Old  French  Tale  283 

The  Man  who  Brought  Fire    .     From  Hesiod  287 
Why  Unlucky  Iron  Kills 

Finnish  Myth  from  the  Kalevala  290 

WITH  SNOW  ELVES  IN  SNOW  HILLS      ....  295 
"Now  you  must  know  that  in  those  early 

times" William  Cullen  Bryant  296 

Snow-Blanche Russian  Folktale  297 

The  Snowball  Hares   ....      Aino  Myth  301 

Why  the  Snow  is  White  .     .     .      Old  Legend  302 
How  the  First  Snowdrop  Came 

Legend  of  Paradise  303 
The  Garden  of  Frost  Flowers 

From  William  Cullen  Bryant  304 

^"Orpheus  with  his  lute  made  trees'3 

William  Shakespeare  314 
Old-Man- Who-Made-the-Trees-to-Blossom 

Japanese  Folktale  315 

The  Daughter  of  the  Laurel  Roumanian  Legend  317 

White  Flowering  Almond     .     .     .  Old  Legend  319 
Orpheus  who  Made  the  Trees  to  Dance 

From  King  Alfred's  Boethius  320 

Erysichthon  the  Hungry      From  Callimachus  323 

The  Wind  in  the  Pine      .      Japanese  Folktale  326 

The  Maple  Leaf  For  Ever    .     Canadian  Tale  330 

Daphne From  Ovid  333 


"All  around  the  happy  village" 

Henry  Wadsworth  Longfellow  338 


The  Proud  Buckwheat 

Hans  Christian  Andersen    339 

Farmer  Mybrow  and  the  Fairies 

West  African  Folktale    342 

The  Witch  Cat  ....  Scotch  Folktale  345 
Why  Dogs  Have  Long  Tongues  Caddo  Tale  347 

Potato!  Potato! New  Tale    349 

The  Duck-Feather  Man  .  .  Chinese  Tale  353 
The  Potato-Choosing  Boy  .  .  .  New  Tale  355 
The  Turkey-Given  Corn  .  .  .  Navaho  Myth  360 
The  Pet  Turkey  whose  Feelings  were  Hurt 

Navaho  Myth    366 

Peach  Boy's  Rice-Cakes  .  Japanese  Folktale  371 
The  Seven  Corn  Maidens  .  .  .  Zuni  Myth  376 
Legend  of  the  Corn  .  .  .  Iroquois  Myth  381 
The  Ram  with  the  Golden  Fleece 

From  Apollodorus  and  Ovid  383 
The  Enchanted  Swine  .  .  .  From  Homer  389 
The  Winged  Horse  ....  From  Pindar  397 
The  Snow- White  Bull  From  Moschus  and  Ovid  400 
The  Girl  who  Trod  on  a  Loaf 

Hans  Christian  Andersen    404 


"First  April,  she  with  mellow  showers" 

Robert  Herrick    412 
"So  forth  issued  the  Seasons  of  the  Year" 

Edmund  Spenser    412 
Old  Man  Coyote  and  Summer  in  a  Bag 

Crow  Myth    413 
The  Old  Woman  who  Met  the  Months 

Folktale  from  the  Island  of  Melos  416 
The  Reed  that  was  a  Maiden  .  .  From  Ovid  418 
The  Reeds  that  Told  a  Secret .  .  From  Ovid  421 
The  Hundred-Headed  Daffodil  .  From  Ovid  424 

CONTENTS  xxiii 

Mariora  Floriora    ....  Moldavian  Legend    430 

The  Wooing  of  Pomona  ....   From  Ovid  434 

The  New  Year  .     .  Hans  Christian  Andersen  438 


Nature  Myths  and  Story-Telling 445 

Programme  Calendar  for  Every  Month  of  the 

Year 446 

An  Old  English  Calendar  of  the  Flowers  .  .  452 
Story-Teller's  Reference  List  of  Nature  Myths 

and  Tales  in  Other  Books      .     •     ,     .     .  454 




She  sang  of  beautiful,  strange,  far-off  things 


Roses  of  Nectar 56 

The  Tiger  followed  the  Man  to  his  house      .    .     186 
Away!  away!  it  sped  over  the  waves   ....    374 




The  Magic  Waters  gush  from  Speaking  Rocks, 
From  Golden  Boughs  the  Golden  Apples  fall, 

And  Silver  Fruits,  that  tinkle  in  tJie  breeze, 
So  sweetly  tinkling,  to  the  Children  call:  — 

"  Come  into  this  Garden  of  Delight ! 

Dance  hand  in  hand  along  its  wonder-walks, 
Where  mellow  sun-rays  smile  through  tender  green, 

And  every  Branch  and  every  Leaflet  talks  1 

"Oh!  twine  a  garland  sweet  of  fragrant  flowers, 
And  deck  your  head  with  wreaths  of  blossoms  gay. 

And  listen  to  the  tales  they  have  to  tell 

Of  that  far-off  and  wondrous  Wonder-Day  ! 

"And  as  the  mourning  trees  bend  down  their  heads, 
Oh  !  hush  and  listen  to  their  tales  of  truth, 

For  they,  erewhile,  were  happy  Maids  and  fair, 
In  that  wondrous  Wonder-Land-of -Youth  /" 

The  Magic  Waters  gush  from  Speaking  Rocks, 
From  Golden  Boughs  the  Golden  Apples  fall9 

A.nd  Silver  Fruits,  that  tinkle  in  the  breeze, 
So  sweetly  tinkling,  to  the  Children  call. 




VERY  big  and  wide  is  this  Wonder  Garden.  All 
sorts  of  marvellous  things  happen  in  it:  — 

Rainbows  shed  gold.  Beautiful  youths  and 
maidens  are  changed  into  flowers.  Dryads  peep 
from  the  trees,  and  Nymphs  dissolve  into  foun- 
tains of  tears.  Birds  and  trees  have  strange 
adventures.  Dandelion  Fairies  grow  up  in  the 
grass,  and  so  do  Fairy  Peonies  and  Chrysan- 
themum Children;  while  Firefly  Maidens,  with 
bright  lights  under  their  wings,  flit  about  among 
the  flowers. 

Very  big  and  wide,  indeed,  is  this  Wonder 
Garden.  In  it  are  meadows  and  forests,  blue 
lakes  and  loud-sounding  seas.  The  boisterous 
Boreas  and  his  gentle  brother  Zephyr  blow 
through  it.  Golden  Apples  and  talking  fruits 
hang  from  its  boughs.  Magic  animals  talk  and 
walk  in  its  magic  farm.  Shepherds  and  Shep- 
herdesses keep  their  flocks,  and  dance  in  the 
meadow  grass;  while  great  heroes  like  Hercules 
and  Ulysses  have  marvellous  adventures  by  land 
and  sea. 

Very  wonderful,  indeed,  is  this  Wonder  Gar- 


den;  for  it  belongs  to  Dame  Nature,  while 
Old  Father  Time  is  its  keeper,  and  they  have 
spread  out  their  garden  until  it  covers  the  whole 
wide  Fairy  World. 



Now  all  fair  things  come  to  light: 
Lilies  on  a  moonlit  night 
Lift  tlie  mould  and  greet  the  Morn 
With  a  smile  of  Silence  born; 
Daffodils,  and  Fairy  Blooms 
Rise  from  all  the  woodland  tombs, 
And  upon  the  mossy  bough 

Buds  and  blossoms  lie  like  snow. 



Here  are  Sweet-Peas,  on  tiptoe  for  a  flight; 
With  wings  of  gentle  flush  o'er  delicate  white. 
And  taper  fingers  catching  at  all  things, 
To  bind  them  all  about  with  tiny  rings. 



Jealous  girls  these  sometimes  were, 
While  they  lived  or  lasted  here: 

Turned  to  Flowers,  still  they  be 
Yettow,  marked  for  jealousy. 



Irish  Tale 

ONCE  upon  a  time,  there  was  a  pleasant  old  house 
in  Ireland,  and  around  it  was  a  wide  flower  gar- 
den where  grew  Roses  white  and  red,  and  where 
Strawberries  and  Primroses  peeped  from  the 
grass.  Trees  stood  around  the  border  and  flower- 
ing shrubs  were  everywhere. 

But  the  most  delightful  of  all  was  a  mound 
in  the  corner  of  the  garden  farthest  away  from 
the  house.  The  greenest  and  softest  grass  grew 
on  that  mound,  and  in  the  Springtime  it  was 
covered  with  white  nodding  Snowdrops.  So  the 
children  called  it  'The  Snowdrop  Mound." 

They  loved  it  best  of  all  places,  and  when 
lessons  were  over  they  ran  to  the  Snowdrop 
Mound  and  played  and  shouted  and  romped, 
trampling  the  grass  and  tossing  about  withered 
wreaths  of  flowers  that  they  had  gathered  in  the 
garden,  —  yes,  and  they  even  threw  Strawberry 
hulls  on  the  grass. 

One  beautiful  afternoon  when  the  golden 
sunlight  was  shining  through  the  leaves,  the 
children  were  playing  as  usual  on  the  Snowdrop 
Mound,  shouting  and  singing  and  making  a 
great  noise.  Then  suddenly  they  saw  a  lovely 
lady  coming  toward  them.  Her  light  hair 


gleamed  softly  and  her  long  robe  of  shimmer- 
ing green  trailed  in  the  grass.  She  lifted  her 
drooping  head,  and  the  children  saw  that  her 
face  was  delicate  and  beautiful,  but  that  it 
was  sad  and  displeased.  They  ran  to  meet 


"Are  we  making  too  much  noise?'    they  all 


Then  the  littlest  child,  Baby  Rose,  put  up 
her  lips  to  be  kissed,  but  the  lady  stood  gravely 
looking  at  the  mound. 

"Do  stay  awhile  and  play  with  us,  dear,  beau- 
tiful lady!"  pleaded  the  children;  and  as  they 
spoke  they  began  to  gather  up  the  withered 

At  this  the  lady  smiled,  and  her  eyes  shone 
like  stars.  She  caught  up  Baby  Rose  in  her  arms, 
and  kissed  her.  Then,  beckoning,  she  led  the 
children  to  a  green  spot  near  the  mound  and, 
putting  down  Baby  Rose,  began  to  dance, 
swaying  lightly  from  side  to  side;  and  as  she 
danced  she  sang  sweetly. 

The  children  joined  hands  and  danced  with 
her  in  a  circle,  round  and  round.  All  the  after- 
noon they  danced  and  were  not  tired.  Then  the 
lady,  still  dancing  and  swaying,  led  them  back 
to  Snowdrop  Mound,  and  they  circled  it  once, 
twice,  three  times.  Then  they  heard  the  voice 
of  their  nurse  calling  and  calling  as  she  came 
through  the  garden.  ]  / 


The  lady  hesitated,  stopped  singing,  and 
looked  grave. 

"Oh,  stay  with  us!  Stay  with  us,  dear,  lovely 
lady!'  the  children  all  cried. 

At  that  very  moment  the  nurse  stopped  at 
a  shrub  and  broke  a  branch.  As  it  snapped,  the 
lady  glided  away  among  the  trees. 

"Come  back!  Come  back  to-morrow!"  cried 
all  the  children;  but  she  was  gone. 

"Never  did  I  know  such  children!"  said  the 
nurse.  "Your  supper  has  been  waiting  this 
hour!  Here  is  baby  sitting  in  the  wet  grass!' 

As  she  spoke  she  picked  up  little  Rose,  who 
screamed  and  struggled  and  stretched  out  her 
arms  toward  the  spot  where  the  lady  had  gone. 

"  What's  this,  my  pet?  "  cried  the  nurse.  '  You 
smell  like  the  sweetest  posies!  You  are  like  a 
little  Snowdrop  yourself!' 

:<She  is,  indeed,"  said  old  Dennis,  the  gardener, 
drawing  near.  :<She  has  eyes  that  can  see  far! 
For  the  Good  People  have  kissed  her!' 

:<Do  you  mean  the  Fairies?'  cried  all  the 
children.  They  looked  at  one  another  and 
thought  of  the  beautiful  lady  who  had  danced 
with  them. 

Then  they  saw  that  the  branch  in  the  nurse's 
hand  was  a  bit  of  the  Mountain  Ash  —  the 
mystic  Rowan  tree  —  which  breaks  all  Fairy 
spells,  and  even  frightens  the  Good  People  far 


So  it  must  have  been.  For  every  day  after 
that  the  children  went  to  the  Snowdrop  Mound, 
and  laid  fresh  Forget-me-not  wreaths  upon  the 
grass,  but  the  beautiful  lady  never  came  back. 


Old  Legend 

ONCE  upon  a  time,  in  days  of  yore,  there  was  a 
happy  little  Nymph  who  liked  to  play  by  the 
side  of  the  stream  in  which  her  mother,  a  lovely 
Naiad,  lived. 

She  delighted  to  pick  bright  wild-flowers  — 
the  brighter  the  better  —  so  that  her  eyes  might 
feast  themselves  on  their  gay  colours.  Red  and 
yellow  were  her  favourites. 

But  though  she  was  so  pretty  and  gay,  she 
was  very  fickle,  and  forgot  her  flowers  the  minute 
a  Butterfly  fluttered  past.  She  would  throw 
them  on  the  ground,  trample  them  underfoot, 
and  away  she  would  run  after  the  bright  insect. 

One  day  Vertumnus,  Keeper-of-All-the-Or- 
chards-in-the- World,  saw  the  little  maiden  romp- 
ing by  the  stream  while  she  wreathed  her  head 
with  garlands.  Immediately  he  wanted  to  take 
the  pretty  child  home  with  him  to  live  in  his 
most  beautiful  orchard. 

He  put  on  his  robes  painted  with  Autumn 
colours,  crowned  himself  with  fruit  blossoms, 
took  in  his  right  hand  red  Apples  and  yellow 
Pears,  and  hi  his  left  a  big  cornucopia  heaped  to 
overflowing  with  Grapes,  Plums,  and  Peaches. 


Then  he  sauntered  along  the  brook  until  he  met 
the  little  maiden. 

He  coaxed  her  in  his  tenderest  tones  to  go 
along  with  him,  offering  her  the  Apples  and 
Pears,  and  even  his  cornucopia,  but  she  only 
shook  her  curls  and  laughed.  And  the  minute 
that  a  Butterfly  with  blue  wings  flashed  by,  she 
forgot  all  about  Vertumnus,  she  forgot  about  his 
beautiful  orchard  and  his  gorgeous  fruits,  and 
away  she  ran  after  the  insect. 

So  light  and  nimble  was  she  that  before  Ver- 
tumnus could  follow  she  vanished  behind  a 
hedge  of  Wild  Roses.  At  the  same  moment  loud 
bursts  of  harsh  laughter  came  from  the  wood 
near  by,  and  he  saw  an  old  Faun  dancing  and 
capering  among  the  trees. 

* '  Ho !  ho !  Keeper-of - All-the-Orchards-in-the- 
World!'  roared  the  Faun,  holding  his  sides  in 
merriment;  "  if  you  wish  to  snare  the  fickle  heart 
of  yon  little  Nymph,  you  must  change  yourself 
into  a  new  shape  each  minute,  to  please  her 
shifting  fancy." 

So  Vertumnus,  who  wanted  the  little  maiden 
very  much,  did  what  the  Faun  advised,  and 
changed  himself  into  a  Butterfly,  and  a  Rose, 
and  a  Bluebird.  But  no  matter  what  he  became, 
she  liked  him  only  for  a  minute,  then  forgetting 
all  about  him,  away  she  ran  after  something 

At  last  Vertumnus  grew  very  angry,  for  he 


could  hear  the  Fauns  and  Satyrs  making  the 
wood  ring  with  peals  of  harsh  laughter,  while 
they  mocked  at  him  from  behind  the  trees. 

"What!'  cried  he,  "shall  this  insignificant 
little  maiden  be  allowed  to  scorn  me  and  my 
most  beautiful  orchard!  I  will  catch  her  and 
take  her  away  by  force!' 

Just  as  he  was  speaking,  the  little  Nymph 
went  flitting  by,  so  he  ran  after  her. 

At  first,  as  she  sped  lightly  forward,  she  shook 
her  curls  and  smiled  archly  back  at  him.  But 
when  she  grew  tired  and  saw  that  he  was  still 
pursuing  her  with  furious  looks,  as  a  hunter 
chases  the  trembling  Deer,  her  steps  faltered,  and 
stretching  out  her  arms,  she  cried  in  terror:  — 

!<O  ye  Nymphs  and  Naiads,  save  me!  Save 

Then  Vertumnus  put  out  his  hand  to  seize  her, 
but,  lo!  she  vanished  from  his  sight!  She  was 
gone!  and  where  she  had  stood  grew  up  a  splen- 
did dancing  flower  —  a  gorgeous  Tulip  clad  in  a 
striped  red  and  yellow  vest.  There  it  stood  sway- 
ing and  nodding  on  its  tall  stem,  and  waving  its 
long  green  leaves  like  arms. 

So  every  year,  in  the  early  Springtime,  the 
little  Nymph  Tulip  dances  in  the  garden-bed, 
all  dressed  in  Autumn  colours,  her  favourite  red 
and  yellow.  But  sometimes  she  puts  on  pink, 
white,  or  violet  to  please  the  children. 


Retold  from  Ovid 

ONCE  when  the  golden-beamed  Apollo  roamed 
the  earth,  he  made  a  companion  of  Hyacinth, 
the  son  of  King  Amyclas  of  Lacedsemon;  and  him 
he  loved  with  an  exceeding  great  love,  for  the  lad 
was  beautiful  beyond  compare. 

So  Apollo  threw  aside  his  lyre,  and  became 
the  daily  comrade  of  Hyacinth.  Often  they 
played  games,  or  climbed  the  rugged  mountain 
ridges.  Together  they  followed  the  chase,  or 
fished  in  the  quiet  and  shadowy  pools;  and 
Apollo,  unmindful  of  his  dignity,  carried  the 
lad's  nets  and  held  his  Dogs. 

It  happened  on  a  day  that  the  two  friends 
stripped  off  their  garments,  rubbed  the  juice  of 
the  olive  upon  their  bodies,  and  engaged  in 
throwing  the  quoit. 

First  Apollo  poised  it  and  tossed  it  far.  It 
cleaved  the  air  with  its  weight,  and  fell  heavily 
to  earth.  At  that  moment  Hyacinth  ran  for- 
ward and  hastened  to  take  up  the  disc,  but  the 
hard  earth  sent  it  rebounding  straight  into  his 
face,  so  that  he  fell  wounded  to  the  ground. 

Ah!  then,  pale  and  fearful,  Apollo  hastened  to 
the  side  of  his  fallen  friend.  He  bore  up  the  lad's 
sinking  limbs,  and  strove  to  stanch  his  wound 



with  healing  herbs.  All  in  vain!  Alas!  the 
wound  would  not  close.  And  as  Violets  and 
Lilies,  when  their  stems  are  crushed,  hang  their 
languid  blossoms  on  their  stalks  and  wither 
away,  so  did  Hyacinth  droop  his  beautiful  head 
and  die. 

Then  Apollo,  full  of  grief,  cried  aloud  in  his 
anguish : 

"O  Beloved!  You  have  fallen  in  your  early 
youth,  and  I  alone  am  the  cause  of  your  destruc- 
tion! Oh,  that  I  could  give  my  life  for  you! 
But  since  Fate  will  not  permit  this,  you  shall 
ever  be  with  me,  and  your  praise  shall  dwell  on 
my  lips.  My  lyre  struck  with  my  hand,  my 
songs,  too,  shall  celebrate  you!  And  you,  dear 
lad,  shall  become  a  new  flower,  and  on  your 
leaves  will  I  write  my  lamentations." 

And  even  as  Apollo  spoke,  behold!  the  blood 
that  had  flowed  from  Hyacinth's  wound  stained 
the  grass,  and  a  flower,  like  a  Lily  in  shape, 
sprang  up,  more  bright  than  Tyrian  purple.  On 
its  leaves  did  Apollo  inscribe  the  mournful  char- 
acters: "ai,  ai,"  which  mean  "alas!  al£s!" 

And  as  oft  as  the  Spring  drives  away  the 
Winter,  so  oft  does  Hyacinth  blossom  in  the 
fresh,  green  grass. 


Retold  from  Ovid 

LONG  ago,  in  the  ancient  world,  there  was  born 
to  the  blue-eyed  Nymph  Liriope  a  beautiful  boy, 
whom  she  called  Narcissus.  An  oracle  foretold  at 
his  birth  that  he  should  be  happy  and  live  to  a 
good  old  age  if  he  "never  saw  himself."  As  this 
prophecy  seemed  ridiculous,  his  mother  soon  for- 
got all  about  it. 

Narcissus  grew  to  be  a  stately,  handsome 
youth.  His  limbs  were  firm  and  straight.  Curls 
clustered  about  his  white  brow,  and  his  eyes 
shone  like  two  Stars.  He  loved  to  wander  among 
the  meadow  flowers  and  in  the  pathless  wood- 
land. But  he  disdained  his  playmates,  and 
would  not  listen  to  their  entreaties  to  join  in 
their  games.  His  heart  was  cold,  and  in  it  was 
neither  hate  nor  love.  He  lived  indifferent  to 
youth  or  maid,  to  friend  or  foe. 

Now,  in  the  forest  near  by  dwelt  a  Nymph 
named  Echo.  She  had  been  a  handmaiden  of 
Juno,  Queen  of  all  the  Dwellers-on-Mount-Olym- 
pus.  But  though  the  Nymph  was  beautiful  of 
face,  she  was  not  loved.  She  had  a  noisy  tongue. 
She  told  lies  and  whispered  slanders,  and  en- 
couraged the  other  Nymphs  in  many  misdoings. 
So  when  Juno  perceived  all  this,  she  ordered  the 


troublesome  Nymph  away  from  her  court,  and 
banished  her  to  the  wildwood,  bidding  her  never 
speak  again  except  in  imitation  of  other  peoples' 

So  Echo  dwelt  in  the  woods,  and  forever 
mocked  the  words  of  youths  and  maidens. 

One  day  as  Narcissus  was  wandering  alone  in 
the  pathless  forest,  Echo,  peeping  from  behind 
a  tree,  saw  his  beauty;  and  as  she  gazed  her 
heart  was  touched  with  love.  Stealthily  she 
followed  his  footsteps,  and  often  she  tried  to  call 
to  him  with  endearing  words;  but  she  could  not 
speak,  for  she  no  longer  had  a  voice  of  her  own. 

At  last  Narcissus  heard  the  sound  of  breaking 
branches,  and  cried  out,  "Is  there  any  one  here?" 

And  Echo  answered  softly,  "Here!* 

Narcissus,  amazed,  looking  about  on  all  sides 
and  seeing  no  one,  cried,  :'Come!5i 

And  Echo  answered,  "Come!'1 

Narcissus  cried  again:  "Who  are  you?  Whom 
seek  you?" 

And  Echo  answered,  "You!' 

Then  rushing  from  among  the  trees  she  tried 
to  throw  her  arms  about  his  neck,  but  Narcissus 
fled  through  the  forest,  crying:  — 

" Away !  away!    I  will  die  before  I  love  you ! ' 

And  Echo  answered  mournfully,  "I  love 

Thus  rejected,  she  hid  among  the  trees,  and 
buried  her  blushing  face  in  the  green  leaves. 


She  pined  and  pined,  until  her  body  wasted 
quite  away,  and  nothing  but  her  voice  was  left. 
And  some  say  that  even  to  this  day  her  voice 
lives  in  lonely  caves,  and  answers  men's  words 
from  afar. 

Now,  when  Narcissus  fled  from  Echo,  he  came 
to  a  clear  spring,  like  silver.  Its  waters  were  un- 
sullied, for  neither  Goats  feeding  upon  the  moun- 
tains nor  any  other  cattle  had  drunk  from  it, 
nor  had  wild  beasts  or  birds  disturbed  it,  nor  had 
branch  or  leaf  fallen  into  its  calm  waters.  The 
trees  bent  above  and  shaded  it  from  the  hot  sun, 
and  the  soft,  green  grass  grew  on  its  margin. 

Here  Narcissus,  fatigued  and  thirsty  after  his 
flight,  laid  himself  down  beside  the  spring  to 
drink.  He  gazed  into  the  mirror-like  water,  and 
saw  himself  reflected  in  its  tide.  He  knew  not 
that  it  was  his  own  image,  but  thought  that  he 
saw  a  youth  living  in  the  spring. 

He  gazed  on  two  eyes  like  Stars,  on  graceful 
slender  fingers,  on  clustering  curls  worthy  of 
Apollo,  on  a  mouth  arched  like  Cupid's  bow,  on 
blushing  cheeks  and  ivory  neck.  And  as  he 
gazed  his  cold  heart  grew  warm,  and  love  for  this 
beautiful  reflection  rose  up  and  filled  his  soul. 

He  rained  kisses  on  the  deceitful  stream.  He 
thrust  his  arms  into  the  water,  and  strove  to 
grasp  the  image  by  the  neck,  but  it  fled  away. 
Again  he  kissed  the  stream,  but  the  image  mocked 
his  love. 


All  day  and  all  night,  lying  there  without  food 
or  drink,  he  continued  to  gaze  into  the  water. 
Then  raising  himself,  he  stretched  out  his  arms 
to  the  trees  about  him,  and  cried:  — 

"Did  ever,  O  ye  Woods,  one  love  as  much  as  I! 
Have  ye  ever  seen  a  lover  thus  pine  for  the  sake 
of  unrequited  affection?* 

Then  turning  once  more,  Narcissus  addressed 
his  reflection  in  the  limpid  stream :  — 

"Why,  dear  youth,  do  you  flee  away  from  me? 
Neither  a  vast  sea,  nor  a  long  way,  nor  a  great 
mountain  separates  us!  only  a  little  water  keeps 
us  apart!  Why,  dear  lad,  do  you  deceive  me, 
and  whither  do  you  go  when  I  try  to  grasp  you? 
You  encourage  me  with  friendly  looks.  When  I 
extend  my  arms,  you  extend  yours;  when  I  smile 
you  smile  in  return;  when  I  weep,  you  weep; 
but  when  I  try  to  clasp  you  beneath  the  stream, 
you  shun  me  and  flee  away!  Grief  is  taking  my 
strength,  and  my  life  will  soon  be  over!  In  my 
early  days  am  I  cut  off,  nor  is  Death  grievous 
to  me,  now  that  he  is  about  to  remove  my 

Thus  mourned  Narcissus,  lying  beside  the 
woodland  spring.  He  disturbed  the  water  with 
his  tears,  and  made  the  woods  to  resound  with 
his  sighs.  And  as  the  yellow  wax  is  melted  by 
the  Fire,  or  the  Hoar  Frost  is  consumed  by  the 
heat  of  the  Sun,  so  did  Narcissus  pine  away,  his 
body  wasting  by  degrees. 


Of  ten  he  sighed,  "Alas!" 

And  the  grieving  Echo  from  the  wood  an- 
swered, "Alas!' 

With  his  last  breath  he  looked  into  the  water 
and  sighed,  "Ah,  Youth  Beloved,  farewell!' 

And  Echo  sighed,  "Farewell!" 

So  Narcissus,  laying  his  weary  head  upon  the 
grass,  closed  his  eyes  forever.  The  Water  Nymph 
wept  for  him,  and  the  Wood  Dryads  lamented 
him,  and  Echo  resounded  their  mourning. 

But  when  they  sought  his  body  it  had  van- 
ished away,  and  in  its  stead  had  grown  up  by 
the  brink  of  the  stream  a  little  flower,  with  silver 
leaves  and  golden  heart,  —  and  thus  was  born 
to  earth  the  woodland  flower,  Narcissus. 


Retold  from  Ovid 

THERE  was  once  a  Nymph  named  Clytie,  who 
gazed  ever  at  Apollo  as  he  drove  his  sun-chariot 
through  the  heavens.  She  watched  him  as  he 
rose  in  the  east  attended  by  Aurora,  the  rosy- 
fingered  child  of  Dawn,  and  by  the  dancing 
Hours.  She  gazed  as  he  ascended  the  heavens, 
urging  his  steeds  still  higher  in  the  fierce  heat 
of  the  noonday.  She  looked  with  wonder  as  at 
evening  he  guided  his  steeds  downward  to  their 
many-coloured  pastures  under  the  western  sky, 
where  they  fed  all  night  on  ambrosia. 

Apollo  saw  not  Clytie.  He  had  no  thought  for 
her,  but  he  shed  his  brightest  beams  upon  her 
sister,  the  white  Nymph  Leucothoe.  And  when 
Clytie  perceived  this  she  was  filled  with  envy 
and  grief. 

Night  and  day  she  sat  on  the  bare  ground  weep- 
ing. For  nine  days  and  nine  nights  she  never 
raised  herself  from  the  earth,  nor  did  she  take 
food  or  drink;  but  ever  she  turned  her  weeping 
eyes  toward  Apollo  as  he  moved  through  the  sky. 

And  her  limbs  became  rooted  to  the  ground. 
Green  leaves  enfolded  her  body.  Her  beautiful 
face  was  concealed  by  tiny  flowers,  violet- 
coloured  and  sweet  with  perfume. 


Thus  was  she  changed  into  a  flower,  and  her 
roots  held  her  fast  to  the  ground;  but  ever  she 
turned  her  blossom-covered  face  toward  the  Sun, 
following  with  eager  gaze  his  daily  flight.  In 
vain  were  her  sorrow  and  tears,  for  Apollo 
regarded  her  not. 

And  so  through  the  ages  has  the  Nymph 
turned  her  dew-washed  face  toward  the  heavens; 
and  men  no  longer  call  her  Clytie,  but  Sun- 


Retold  from  Pindar 

ONCE  upon  a  time,  there  was  loud  weeping  in 
the  stately  palace-hall  of  King  Aipytos  of  Ar- 
cady.  Every  one  was  running  to  and  fro  among 
the  golden  pillars,  searching  for  something.  The 
little  boy,  just  five  days  old,  the  son  of  Euadne- 
of-Tresses-Iris-Dark,  was  lost. 

"The  little  one  must  be  found,"  said  King 
Aipytos.  "He  is  a  wonder-child,  and,  when  he 
grows  up,  will  be  the  wisest  youth  in  Arcady." 

So  they  searched  night  and  day. 

At  last  they  found  him  hidden  in  a  thicket, 
and  lying  on  a  cloak  of  scarlet  web.  He  was 
cooing  and  laughing,  and  kicking  his  tiny  feet. 
His  mouth  was  smeared  with  honey,  while  on 
either  side  of  him  sat  a  green-eyed  Serpent  hold- 
ing to  his  lips  a  leaf  filled  with  fragrant  honey. 

And  scattered  over  him,  and  under  him,  and 
all  around  him,  were  Pansies  —  great  golden 
and  purple  gleaming  Pansy-flowers,  like  a  light 
bright  blanket. 

So  they  carried  him  home,  and  named  him 

And  when  Pansy-Boy  grew  up,  he  was  the 
wisest  youth  in  Arcady. 


Bengali  Legend 

ONCE  upon  a  time,  long,  long  ago,  there  lived 
on  the  bank  of  the  Ganges  an  old  Magician. 
One  day  a  little  Mouse  was  born  in  his  hut  of 
palm-leaves.  He  made  a  great  pet  of  her.  In- 
deed, by  his  magic  arts  she  was  able  to  speak 
like  a  human  being. 

When  she  grew  older,  she  was  discontented 
and  unhappy;  so  the  Magician  transformed  her 
into  a  Cat.  Still  she  was  not  happy,  so  he 
changed  her  into  a  Dog.  But  as  she  continued 
to  be  discontented,  he  next  made  her  into  an 
Ape,  then  into  a  Boar.  But  when  she  kept  on 
bothering  him  with  complaints,  he  finally  trans- 
formed her  into  a  beautiful,  fascinating  maiden, 
and  called  her  Poppy-Seed. 

One  day  while  she  was  watering  her  flowers 
the  King  passed  by  and  saw  her.  He  immediately 
asked  her  hand  in  marriage,  and  made  her  his 

All  went  well,  until  it  chanced  that  Queen 
Poppy-Seed  was  standing  by  a  well,  and,  be- 
coming giddy,  fell  in  and  was  drowned.  The 
King  was  inconsolable,  and  sent  for  the  Magician. 

"I  cannot  bring  her  back  to  you,"  said  the 


Magician,  'but  fill  up  the  well  with  earth,  and 
see  what  you  shall  see." 

So  they  filled  up  the  well  with  earth,  and  out 
of  it  grew  a  tall  plant  bearing  one  single  bright 
red  Poppy. 

And  that  is  how  Poppies  first  came.  And  that 
is  why  the  seed  of  the  Poppy  makes  people  as 
mischievous  as  a  Mouse,  as  fond  of  milk  as  a 
Cat,  as  quarrelsome  as  a  Dog,  as  filthy  as  an  Ape, 
as  savage  as  a  Boar,  and  as  high-tempered  as  a 

And  when  you  pick  Poppies  and  put  them  in 
water,  they  soon  hang  their  heavy  heads  for 
shame,  because  of  all  the  doings  of  the  bad 


Old  French  Tale 

ONCE  upon  a  time,  there  was  a  young  girl  who  was 
most  unhappy.  She  was  so  ugly  to  look  at  that 
she  thought  no  one  loved  her.  So  she  shut  her- 
self up  in  her  room,  and  wept. 

While  she  was  feeling  very  sad,  an  old  woman 
suddenly  appeared  before  her. 

"My  child,"  said  she,  "why  are  you  weeping?'1 

"Because,"  sobbed  the  young  girl,  :<I  long  to 
be  beautiful,  so  that  every  one  will  love  me." 

Then  the  Fairy  —  for  it  was  a  Fairy  —  said :  — 

"If  you  will  do  just  as  I  tell  you  for  a  year, 
your  wish  shall  be  granted.  Go  out  into  the 
world,  and  never  let  an  hour  pass  without  doing 
something  to  make  others  happier.  And  do  not 
look  in  a  mirror  until  I  come  again." 

Then  the  Fairy  vanished,  and  where  she  had 
been  standing  was  a  flower-pot  in  which  grew 
a  little  green  plant. 

Now  the  little  green  plant  was  not  beautiful 
at  all.  It  had  very  plain  little  flowers  that  were 
just  spikes  of  green  and  red;  but  it  gave  out 
the  most  delicious  fragrance. 

When  the  young  girl  saw  the  plant,  she  cried 
out:  — 

"Oh,  you  little  darling!" 


Then  she  set  the  pot  carefully  on  the  window- 
sill,  and  watered  the  flowers.  After  that  she 
started  out  to  do  the  Fairy's  bidding,  and  make 
others  happier. 

Day  after  day  she  went  about,  showing  kind- 
ness to  every  one,  young  or  old;  and  she  forgot 
all  about  her  looks. 

The  year  passed  by  so  quickly  that  she  did 
not  know  it  was  gone.  One  day,  while  she  was 
watering  her  little  plant  that  had  grown  all  over 
the  window-sill,  the  Fairy  suddenly  stood  before 

She  held  a  mirror  in  front  of  her  and  said :  — 


The  young  girl  looked,  and  could  not  believe 
that  it  was  her  own  face  gazing  at  her.  Her 
eyes,  that  had  been  dim  with  weeping,  were  clear 
and  sparkling,  her  cheeks  were  rosy,  her  mouth 
was  wreathed  with  smiles.  She  was  beautiful. 

The  Fairy  smiled,  and  said :  — 
'You  have  filled  your  heart  with  such  beau- 
tiful thoughts,  and  your  Me  with  such  beautiful 
deeds,  that  a  beautiful  soul  shines  in  your  face. 

"As  a  reward,  you  shall  be  like  the  plant  I 
left  with  you;  wherever  you  go,  you  shall  shed 
around  you  the  sweetest  fragrance." 

At  that  the  Fairy  vanished;  and  ever  since 
then   the   plant   has   been   called   Mignonette, 
which  means  Little  Darling. 
'  Katherine  M.  Beats  (Adapted) 


Old  Legend 

ONCE  upon  a  time,  Pansies  had  the  most  delicious 
perfume.  Indeed,  they  smelled  sweeter  than 
the  scented  March  Violets.  They  sprang  up  all 
over  the  fields  among  the  Corn  and  other  vege- 
tables, just  as  wild-flowers  do. 

And  because  Pansies  breathed  such  delicious 
perfume,  and  looked  so  beautiful  turning  up 
their  purple  and  golden  faces  toward  the  Sun, 
every  child  who  passed  by  stopped  and  picked 
a  handful.  So  the  Corn  and  other  vegetables 
were  trampled  down  and  ruined. 

This  grieved  the  little  Pansies  very  much 
for  they  had  kind  and  loving  hearts. 

:'Oh!'  they  sobbed,  "how  gladly  would  we 
give  away  our  sweetness  to  save  all  the  growing 
plants  around  us!' 

And  they  wept  so  hard  and  sorrowed  so  much, 
that  they  lost  their  rich  perfume.  They  no 
longer  sprang  up  wild  all  over  the  fields,  but 
grew  only  in  flower-beds. 

So,  that  is  why  the  children  find  their  purple 
and  golden  faces  growing  in  flower-gardens  and 


Sussex  Legend 

ONCE  upon  a  time,  in  ancient  days,  a  fearful 
Dragon  inhabited  a  certain  forest.  No  one  had 
the  courage  to  subdue  him,  for  his  name  was  Sin. 
No  knight,  who  ventured  into  the  forest,  was 
strong  enough  of  himself  to  overcome  the 
monster;  and  neither  sword  nor  spear  could 
harm  him. 

It  chanced  one  day  that  the  brave  young 
warrior,  Saint  Leonard,  was  riding  through  the 
forest.  He  saw  the  Dragon  Sin  stretching  out 
his  hideous  scaly  length  to  prevent  his  passing 
by.  Down  from  his  horse  the  good  Saint  leaped, 
and  crushed  the  monster  in  his  arms. 

Then  backward  and  forward  they  struggled, 
the  Dragon  tearing  Saint  Leonard's  flesh  with 
his  sharp  claws.  For  three  nights  and  three 
days,  they  wrestled  thus  together,  then  on  the 
fourth  day  the  Saint,  breathing  a  prayer  for 
help,  drove  the  monster  before  him  into  the 
inner  recesses  of  the  forest. 

And  there  the  Dragon  Sin  stayed,  skulking 
in  the  darkness;  and  he  never  ventured  out  again 
to  attack  the  good  young  warrior. 

Now  as  soon  as  Saint  Leonard  had  conquered 
the  Dragon,  there  was  seen  a  wonder.  Over  the 


forest-ground  were  sprinkled  drops  of  the  Saint's 
blood,  shed  from  his  wounds.  From  them  sprang 
up  a  host  of  Lilies-of -the- Valley,  like  a  holy  white 

Then  all  the  little  Lilies  softly  chimed  their 
scented  bells  in  honour  of  Saint  Leonard's  vic- 
tory for  God. 


Hebrew  Fable 

THERE  was  once  a  good  man  who  was  pacing  up 
and  down  his  garden.  He  was  thinking  sadly; 
and,  as  he  paused  before  a  Rose-bush,  he  thought 
these  words  aloud:  — 

"Alas!  How  my  enemies  hate  me!  They 
surround  me  on  every  side!  Oh,  that  God  would 
pity  me,  and  put  an  end  to  my  miseries!' 

Then  the  Rose-bush  spoke  to  him  thus:  — 

"Look  at  me.  Am  I  not  a  beautiful  plant? 
Each  of  my  blossoms  is  a  Cup  of  Thanksgiving 
to  the  Lord,  an  offering  of  sweetest  incense  unto 

"Now,  where  do  you  find  me?  Surrounded 
with  thorns!  But  they  do  not  sting  me.  They 
protect  me  and  give  me  sap.  This  your  enemies 
do  for  you.  They  make  you  more  perfectly  to 
turn  to  Him,  and  they  cause  you  to  keep  your 
spirit  courageous  and  more  beautiful  than  a 
frail  flower." 

So  spoke  the  Rose-bush. 

The  good  Man  listened  reverently,  and  went 
home  comforted;  for  his  Soul  was  become  a  Cup 
of  Thanksgiving  for  his  enemies. 


Easter  Tale 

ONCE  upon  a  time,  in  a  far-distant  land,  there 
dwelt  a  peasant  named  Ivan,  and  with  him  lived 
his  little  nephew  Vasily. 

Ivan  was  gloomy  and  unkempt,  and  his  rest- 
less eyes  looked  out  from  his  matted  hair  and 
beard.  As  for  the  little  Vasily,  he  was  a  manly 
child;  but  though  his  uncle  was  kind  enough  to 
him  in  his  way,  he  neither  washed  him,  nor 
combed  his  hair,  nor  taught  him  anything. 

The  hut  they  lived  in  was  very  miserable.  Its 
walls  were  full  of  holes,  the  furniture  of  its  one 
room  was  broken  down  and  dusty,  and  its  floor 
unswept.  The  little  garden  was  filled  with 
stones  and  weeds.  The  neighbours  passing  by 
in  the  daytime  turned  aside  their  heads.  But 
they  never  passed  at  night,  for  fear  of  Ivan. 

Now  it  happened  one  Easter  morning  that 
Ivan,  feeling  restless,  rose  early  and  went  and 
stood  before  the  door  of  the  hut.  The  trees  were 
budding,  the  air  was  full  of  bird-songs,  the  dew 
lay  glittering  on  the  grass,  and  a  near-by  brook 
ran  leaping  and  gurgling  along.  The  rays  of  the 
rising  Sun  shone  slanting  from  the  tops  of  the 
distant  hills,  and  seemed  to  touch  the  hut. 

And  as  Ivan  looked,  he  saw  a  young  man  com- 

THE  BEAUTY  OF  THE  LILY       33 

ing  swiftly  and  lightly  from  the  hills,  and  he 
bore  on  his  arm  a  sheaf  of  pure  white  Lilies. 
The  stranger  drew  near,  and  stopped  before  the 

"Christ  is  risen!"  he  said  in  flute-like  tones. 

"He  is  risen  indeed!"  muttered  Ivan  through 
his  beard. 

Then  the  young  man  took  a  Lily  from  his 
sheaf  and  gave  it  to  Ivan,  saying:  — 

"Keep  it  white  !>:    And,  smiling,  he  passed  on. 

Wonderingly  Ivan  gazed  at  the  flower  in  his 
hand.  Its  gold-green  stem  seemed  to  support  a 
pure  white  crown,  —  or  was  it  a  translucent  cup 
filled  with  light!  And  as  the  man  looked  into 
the  flower's  gold-fringed  heart,  awe  stole  into  his 

Then  he  turned  and  entered  the  hut,  saying 
to  himself,  "I  will  put  it  in  water." 

But  when  he  went  to  lay  the  Lily  on  the  win- 
dow-sill, so  that  he  might  search  for  a  vessel  to 
set  it  in,  he  dared  not  put  it  down,  for  the  sill 
was  covered  with  thick  dust. 

He  turned  to  the  table,  but  its  top  was  soiled 
with  crumbs  of  mouldy  bread  and  cheese  mingled 
with  dirt.  He  looked  about  the  room,  and  not 
one  spot  could  he  see  where  he  might  lay  the 
Lily  without  sullying  its  pure  loveliness. 

He  called  the  little  Vasily,  and  bade  him  stand 
and  hold  the  flower.  He  then  searched  for  some- 
thing to  put  it  in.  He  found  an  empty  bottle, 


which  he  carried  to  the  brook  and  washed  and 
filled  with  sparkling  water.  This  he  placed  upon 
the  table,  and  in  it  set  the  Lily. 

Then  as  he  looked  at  the  begrimed  hands  of 
little  Vasily  he  thought  to  himself,  "When  I 
leave  the  room  he  may  touch  the  flower  and  soil 
it."  So  he  took  the  child  and  washed  him,  and 
combed  his  yellow  hair;  and  the  little  one  seemed 
to  bloom  like  the  Lily  itself.  And  Ivan  gazed 
on  him  in  amazement,  murmuring,  !<I  never 
saw  it  thus  before!'1 

From  that  hour  a  change  came  over  Ivan. 
He  cared  tenderly  for  the  little  Vasily.  He 
washed  himself  and  combed  his  own  hair.  He 
cleaned  the  hut  and  mended  its  walls  and  furni- 
ture. He  carried  away  the  weeds  and  stones 
from  the  garden.  He  sowed  flowers  and  planted 
vegetables.  And  the  neighbours  passing  by  no 
longer  turned  their  heads  aside,  but  stopping 
talked  with  Ivan,  and  sometimes  gave  the  little 
Vasily  presents  of  clothes  and  toys. 

As  for  the  Lily,  seven  days  it  blossomed  in 
freshness  and  beauty,  and  gave  forth  a  delicate 
fragrance;  but  on  the  eighth  day,  when  Ivan 
and  Vasily  woke,  it  was  gone.  And  though  they 
sought  it  in  hut  and  garden,  they  did  not  find  it. 

So  Ivan  and  the  little  Vasily  worked  from  day 
to  day  among  their  flowers  and  vegetables,  and 
talked  to  their  neighbours,  and  were  happy. 
When  the  long  winter  nights  came,  Ivan  read 

THE  BEAUTY  OF  THE  LILY        35 

aloud  about  the  Lilies  of  the  Field,  that  toil  not, 
neither  do  they  spin,  yet  Solomon  in  all  his  glory 
was  not  arrayed  like  them.  He  read  of  that  Be- 
loved that  feedeth  among  the  Lilies,  and  of  the 
Rose  of  Sharon  and  the  Lily -of -the- Valley. 
•  •««••••• 

So  Easter  came  again.  And  early,  very  early 
in  the  morning,  Ivan  and  the  little  Vasily  arose 
and  dressed,  and  went  and  stood  before  the  hut. 
And  when  the  splendour  of  the  coming  day  shone 
above  the  distant  hills,  lo!  the  young  man  came 
swiftly  and  lightly,  and  in  his  arms  he  bore 
crimson  Roses. 

He  drew  near,  and,  stopping  before  the  hut, 
said  sweetly:  — 

"Christ  is  risen!" 

"He  is  risen,  indeed !':  responded  Ivan  and 
Vasily  joyously. 

"How  beautiful  is  thy  Lily!'1'  said  the  young 

"Alas!'1'  answered  Ivan,  "it  is  vanished  away, 
and  we  know  not  whither." 

"Its  beauty  lives  in  thy  heart,"  said  the  young 
man.  "It  can  never  die!" 

And  he  took  from  his  arm  a  crimson  Rose  and 
gave  it  to  Vasily,  saying :  — 

"Keep  it  fresh!" 

But  he  smiled  tenderly  at  Ivan,  and  passed  on. 


A  Legend  of  Ancient  Britain 

Retold  from  William  of  Malmesbury 

and  Other  Sources 

THERE  is  a  golden  Christmas  legend  that  relates 
how  Joseph  of  Arimathea  —  the  good  man  and 
just,  who  laid  our  Lord  in  his  own  sepulchre,  — 
was  persecuted  by  Pontius  Pilate,  and  how  he 
fled  from  Jerusalem  carrying  with  him  the 
Holy  Grail  hidden  beneath  a  cloth  of  samite, 
mystical  and  white. 

For  many  moons  he  wandered,  leaning  on  his 
staff  cut  from  a  White-Thorn  bush.  He  passed 
over  raging  seas  and  dreary  wastes,  he  wandered 
through  trackless  forests,  climbed  rugged  moun- 
tains, and  forded  many  floods.  At  last  he  came 
to  Gaul  where  the  Apostle  Philip  was  preaching 
the  glad  tidings  to  the  heathen.  And  there  he 
abode  for  a  little  space. 

Now,  upon  a  night  while  Joseph  lay  asleep  in 
his  hut,  he  was  wakened  by  a  radiant  light.  And 
as  he  gazed  with  wondering  eyes  he  saw  an  Angel 
standing  by  his  couch,  wrapped  in  a  cloud  of 

''Joseph  of  Arimathea,"  said  the  Angel,  "cross 
thou  over  into  Britain  and  preach  the  glad  tidings 

THE  CHRISTMAS  THORN          37 

to  King  Arvigarus.  And  there,  where  a  Christ- 
mas miracle  shall  come  to  pass,  do  thou  build 
the  first  Christian  church  in  that  land." 

And  while  Joseph  lay  perplexed  and  wondering 
in  his  heart  what  answer  he  should  make,  the 
Angel  vanished  from  his  sight. 

Then  Joseph  left  his  hut  and  calling  the 
Apostle  Philip,  gave  him  the  Angel's  message. 
And,  when  morning  dawned,  Philip  sent  him  on 
his  way,  accompanied  by  eleven  chosen  followers. 
To  the  water's  side  they  went,  and  embarking  in 
a  little  ship,  came  unto  the  coasts  of  Britain. 

There  they  were  met  by  the  heathen,  who 
carried  them  before  Arvigarus  their  King.  To 
him  and  to  his  people  did  Joseph  of  Arimathea 
preach  the  glad  tidings;  but  the  King's  heart, 
though  moved,  was  not  convinced.  Never- 
theless he  gave  to  Joseph  and  his  followers, 
Avalon,  the  happy  isle,  the  Isle  of  the  Blessed, 
and  bade  them  depart  straightway,  and  build 
there  an  altar  to  their  God. 

And  a  wonderful  gift  was  this  same  Avalon, 
sometimes  called  the  Island  of  Apples,  and  also 
known  to  the  people  of  the  land  as  Ynis-witren, 
the  Isle  of  Glassy  Waters. 

Beautiful  and  peaceful  was  it.  Deep  it  lay  in 
the  midst  of  a  green  valley,  and  the  balmy  breezes 
fanned  its  apple  orchards,  and  scattered  afar  the 
sweet  fragrance  of  rosy  blossoms  or  ripened 
fruit.  Soft  grew  the  green  grass  beneath  the 


feet.  The  smooth  waves  gently  lapped  the  shore, 
and  Water-Lilies  floated  on  the  surface  of  the 
tide,  while  in  the  blue  sky  above  sailed  the  fleecy 

And  it  was  on  the  holy  Christmas  Eve  that 
Joseph  and  his  companions  reached  the  Isle  of 
Avalon.  With  them  they  carried  the  Holy  Grail 
hidden  beneath  its  cloth  of  snow-white  samite. 
Heavily  they  toiled  up  the  steep  ascent  of  the 
hill  called  Weary-All.  And  when  they  reached 
the  top  Joseph  thrust  his  Thorn-Staff  into  the 

And,  lo!  a  miracle!  the  Thorn-Staff  put  forth 
roots,  sprouted,  and  budded,  and  burst  into  a 
mass  of  white  and  fragrant  flowers!  And  on  the 
spot  where  the  Thorn  bloomed,  there  Joseph 
built  the  first  Christian  church  in  Britain.  And 
he  made  it  "wattled  all  round"  of  osiers  gathered 
from  the  water's  edge.  And  in  the  chapel  they 
placed  the  Holy  Grail. 

And  so,  it  is  said,  ever  since  at  Glastonbury 
Abbey  -  -  the  name  by  which  that  Avalon  is 
known  to-day  —  on  Christmas  Eve  the  White- 
Thorn  buds  and  blooms. 


Legend  of  Paradise 

THERE  is  a  sweet  old  legend  that  relates  how  on 
the  green  mead  of  Paradise  there  bloomed  a 
little  plant  with  clusters  of  blossoms  white  like 
driven-snow,  and  with  tiny  golden  eyes. 

All  the  other  flowers  of  the  mead  had  names, 
but  the  white  plant  had  none.  Adam  had  named 
them  all,  and  given  them  their  colours;  but  he 
had  forgotten  the  little  white  plant.  And  when 
it  saw  that  it  was  overlooked,  it  timidly  lifted 
up  its  head,  and  cried :  — 

"Forget  me  not!" 

All  the  other  flowers  of  the  mead  were  amazed 
at  their  little  sister's  daring,  and  the  little  white 
one  trembled,  but  looked  bravely  up,  and  cried 
again:  — 

"Forget  me  not !" 

Then  —  lo !  —  its  snow-white  blossoms  were 
changed!  They  became  bright  blue  like  the 
sky,  while  all  its  tiny  eyes  were  like  gold  stars 
set  in  the  blue! 

And  ever  since  that  day  the  children  have 
called  the  timid  little  plant,  "Forget-Me-Not"! 


Japanese  Myth 

IT  happened  that  in  a  village,  not  far  from  the 
foot  of  Mount  Fuji,  there  once  lived  a  poor  lad 
named  Yosoji.  His  father  was  dead,  but  his 
mother  was  still  living,  though  she  was  very  old 
and  feeble.  Yosoji's  one  thought  was  of  his 
mother,  and  he  worked  hard  and  cheerfully  from 
early  morning  until  late  evening  to  earn  Rice 
and  clothes  for  her.  And  in  the  night  he  did  the 
work  of  the  house,  so  that  she  should  not  get 

One  Spring  a  terrible  sickness  came  to  the 
village,  and  many  of  the  people  caught  the 
disease,  among  them  Yosoji's  old  mother.  Hour 
by  hour  she  grew  worse,  until  Yosoji  thought 
her  dying.  Then  his  heart  seemed  breaking 
with  sorrow,  and  he  rushed  from  the  house  to 
find  help.  He  remembered  how  the  old  folk  of 
the  village  had  often  said  that  there  was  a  hidden, 
health-giving  spring  of  water  on  Fujiyama,  so  he 
ran  to  the  mountain  and  began  to  ascend  it. 

Eagerly  he  climbed,  forcing  the  bushes  apart 
with  his  hands,  so  that  the  rosy-white  petals  of 
a  hundred  blossoms  fell  upon  him,  but  he  did  not 
see  them.  The  birds  sang  to  him  from  the  trees, 


but  he  did  not  hear  them;  for  he  was  climbing 
breathlessly  upward,  thinking  only  of  how  to 
save  his  mother. 

At  last  he  reached  a  spot  where  three  paths 
crossed,  and  stopped  to  consider  which  to  take. 
As  he  did  so,  a  lovely  maiden  stepped  from  the 
forest.  She  was  clad  in  glistening  white,  and 
her  long  dark  hair  fell  around  her.  In  her  hand 
she  carried  a  branch  of  waxen- white  Camellias. 

"Yosoji,"  said  the  maiden,  smiling  sweetly. 
"Come,  follow  me  to  the  spring  from  which 
gushes  the  Elixir  of  Life." 

And  turning,  she  waved  her  branch  of  Camel- 
lias for  him  to  follow.  He  did  so  eagerly  and  full 
of  wonder;  and  soon  he  found  himself  beside  a 
rock  from  which  gushed  a  crystal  stream  tinkling 
softly  like  a  thousand  silver  bells. 

"Take  this  gourd,  Yosoji,"  said  the  maiden, 
"fill  and  drink.  Then  fill  again,  and  carry  the 
gourd  home  to  your  mother." 

Wondering  still  more,  Yosoji  bent  over  the 
spring,  and  filled  the  gourd.  As  he  touched  the 
sparkling  liquid  to  his  lips  he  felt  new  life  cours- 
ing through  his  veins,  and  his  sorrow  and  fatigue 
fell  from  him  like  an  old  garment. 

He  rose  up  joyful,  and  stronger  than  ever 
before.  Then  the  maiden  led  him  back  to  the 
spot  where  he  had  met  her. 

"Farewell,  O  Yosoji,  loving  son  of  a  good 
mother,"  said  she,  smiling.  "After  three  days 


return  here  again,  for  you  will  need  more  of  the 
precious  water." 

Having  thanked  her  with  many  grateful  words, 
Yosoji  hastened  down  the  mountain-side,  and 
soon  stood  by  his  mother's  bed.  He  put  the 
gourd  to  her  lips,  and  she  fell  into  a  calm  and 
health-giving  sleep.  And  when  morning  came 
she  got  up  as  well  and  brisk  as  she  had  been  in 
her  youth. 

Three  days  passed  by,  and  Yosoji  returned  to 
the  mountain,  and  climbed  to  the  spot  where 
the  three  paths  crossed.  The  lovely  maiden  met 
him,  as  before,  and,  smiling,  led  the  way  to  the 
spring,  where  he  again  filled  his  gourd.  Thanking 
her,  he  hastened  to  the  village.  He  gave  the 
water  to  some  of  the  sick  people  to  drink,  and 
cured  them. 

Five  times,  in  this  wise,  did  Yosoji  visit  the 
hidden  spring  on  Mount  Fuji,  and,  guided  by 
the  maiden,  fetched  more  of  the  Elixir  of  Life, 
and  so  cured  all  the  sick  in  his  village.  Then 
the  people  began  to  praise  Yosoji,  and  his  fame 
spread  to  distant  lands.  People  brought  him 
gifts,  and  wherever  he  went  they  bowed  before 

But  he  was  not  happy.  He  knew  that  all  the 
praise  and  thanks  belonged  to  the  maiden  who 
had  been  his  guide.  He  wished  greatly  to  see 
her  and  thank  her  for  what  she  had  done. 

So  early  one  morning  he  set  out  for  Mount 


Fuji,  carrying  gifts  to  please  the  maiden.  He 
climbed  the  mountain,  and  reached  the  spot 
where  the  three  paths  crossed.  But  though  he 
waited  long,  the  maiden  did  not  come.  At  last, 
disappointed,  he  followed  the  path  to  the  spring, 
and,  on  reaching  the  rock,  found  that  the  water 
no  longer  gushed  from  it.  The  spring  was  dried 
up,  and  only  a  few  drops  trickled  down  the  face 
of  the  rock. 

Then  while  he  stood  looking  sorrowfully  about, 
he  saw  the  lovely  maiden  herself  standing  near 
him.  She  was  more?  beautiful  than  ever.  Her 
dark  hair  floated  around  her  like  a  cloud;  her 
robe  glistened  like  Sno<v  in  the  sunlight;  her  eyes 
smiled  more  sweetly  than  ever;  while  the  branch 
of  Camellias  in  her  hand  gave  out  a  subtle  and 
delicious  perfume. 

Seeing  her  thus,  Yosojl*  uttered  a  cry  of  delight, 
and  sprang  forward  to  lay  his  gifts  at  her  feet. 
But  the  maiden  gently  waved  her  branch  of 
Camellias,  and  a  soft,  rosy  cloud  descended  from 
the  very  top  of  Mount  Fuji,  and,  enveloping  her, 
floated  back  to  the  top  again. 

Then  Yosoji  knew  that  his  lovely  guide  was 
none  other  than  the  Fairy  Maiden  of  the  "Never- 
Dying  Mountain,"  who  had  taken  compassion 
upon  him,  and  had  saved  his  mother. 

And  while  he  gazed  upward  with  rapture,  the 
branch  of  Camellias,  giving  out  its  delicious 
perfume,  fell  at  his  feet. 


Japanese  Tale 

IN  the  long,  long  ago  lived  the  Princess  Aya. 
She  was  betrothed  to  the  son  of  the  great  Lord 
of  Ako,  and  the  wedding  day  was  set.  While  the 
plans  were  being  made  for  the  marriage  feast, 
the  Princess  lived  in  her  father's  ancient  castle. 

She  loved  to  walk  on  moonlit  nights  in  the 
garden  of  the  castle.  She  often  wandered  along 
the  silvery  paths,  crossed  the  tiny  bridges  over 
singing  cascades,  and  rested  by  a  clear  blue  lake, 
near  the  margin  of  which  grew  beds  of  many 
lovely,  fragrant  flowers.  But  above  all,  the 
Princess  loved  the  sweet-scented  Peonies;  and 
when  the  moon  flooded  the  Peony-bed  with  its 
white  beams,  she  lingered  long  near  her  favourite 

It  chanced  one  evening  that  the  Princess  was 
stooping  over  the  Peonies  to  breathe  their  fra- 
grance, when  her  foot  slipped.  Immediately  a 
handsome  young  man,  in  a  robe  embroidered 
with  Peonies,  rose  from  among  the  flowers  and 
caught  her  in  his  arms.  He  set  her  safely  on  her 
feet,  then  vanished  as  mysteriously  as  he  had 

The  Princess's  maids  were  bewildered.  Who 
could  he  be,  they  asked,  and  how  had  he  passed 


tie  guard  and  entered  the  garden.  As  for  the 
Princess  she  was  very  sad.  She  longed  to  see 
the  young  man,  and  thank  him  for  having  saved 
her  from  falling.  She  forbade  her  maids  to  tell 
any  one  what  they  had  seen.  They  then  returned 
to  the  castle. 

The  next  morning  the  Princess  was  sick.  She 
could  not  sleep  or  eat.  Day  by  day  she  grew 
worse.  The  best  of  physicians  could  do  her  no 
good,  nor  discover  the  cause  of  her  strange  ill- 
ness. At  last  her  father  sent  for  one  of  her  maids, 
and  questioned  her  closely.  She  admitted  that 
some  days  before  the  Princess  had  slipped  by  the 
Peony-bed,  and  had  been  rescued  by  a  handsome 
young  man,  who  had  vanished  as  wonderfully 
as  he  had  come. 

That  evening,  the  weather  being  very  hot, 
her  father  had  the  Princess  carried  into  the  gar- 
den and  a  musician  summoned  to  amuse  her. 
Scarcely  had  the  musician  begun  to  play  when 
there  rose  up  from  behind  the  Peonies  the  same 
young  man,  in  his  Peony-embroidered  robe.  As 
soon  as  the  music  stopped,  he  vanished.  The 
Princess's  father  had  the  flower-bed  searched, 
but  there  were  no  signs  of  any  one  having  dis- 
turbed the  Peonies. 

So  it  happened  again  the  second  night. 

On  the  third  night,  the  Princess's  father  sta- 
tioned a  guard  hidden  near  the  Peony-bed.  As 
soon  as  the  music  began,  the  young  man  sud- 


denly  appeared,  and  stood  motionless  among  the 
flowers.  Then  the  captain  of  the  guard  sprang 
forward  and  seized  the  youth  around  the  waist. 

Instantly  a  warm  steam  filled  the  captain's 
face,  and  still  grasping  the  youth,  he  fell  fainting 
to  the  ground.  The  guard  hurried  to  assist  him, 
and  as  they  raised  him  to  his  feet,  behold,  they 
saw  that,  instead  of  grasping  the  young  man,  he 
was  holding  a  large  and  brilliant  Peony! 

Every  one  was  amazed,  and  the  Princess  car- 
ried the  Peony  back  to  her  room.  She  put  it 
tenderly  into  a  vase  of  water,  and  placed  it  near 
her  pillow.  It  seemed  to  have  a  strange  effect 
upon  her.  Day  by  day  she  grew  better,  and 
more  beautiful  than  ever.  She  cared  for  the 
Peony  herself,  and  the  flower  became  fresher 
instead  of  fading.  For  several  weeks  it  remained 
strong  and  blooming. 

At  last  the  Princess's  wedding-day  arrived. 
The  marriage  was  celebrated,  and  immediately 
afterward  she  found  the  Peony  no  longer  brilliant 
and  fresh,  but  dead  and  drooping  its  once  bright 

And  from  that  day  people  called  her  Princess 


Japanese  Tale 

IN  ancient  days,  in  Japan,  a  powerful  noble  was 
overthrown  in  battle,  and  fled  for  safety.  His 
faithful  servitor,  Kikuo,  went  with  him.  They 
sought  refuge  among  the  mountains,  where  they 
lived  in  a  small  house  surrounded  by  a  garden. 

Kikuo  dearly  loved  his  master,  and  endeav- 
oured to  comfort  him  in  every  way,  in  order  to 
make  him  forget  his  troubles.  Knowing  that  he 
loved  Chrysanthemums,  Kikuo  planted  a  large 
bed  of  the  flowers.  His  master  was  much  pleased, 
but  continued  to  grieve  over  his  losses  until  he 
fell  sick  and  died. 

Kikuo  wept  night  and  day  over  the  humble 
grave.  Then,  determining  to  make  it  beautiful, 
he  began  to  plant  and  tend  a  border  of  Chrysan- 
themums of  every  colour  and  size.  Red,  white, 
pink,  yellow,  bronze,  and  cream-coloured  blossoms 
made  the  spot  lovely. 

At  length  Kikuo  had  planted  so  many  and 
tended  them  so  carefully  that  the  border  was 
thirty  yards  wide,  and  people  came  from  all  over 
the  country  to  see  the  wonderful  sight.  Every 
day  Kikuo  watered  the  plants,  and  dug  about 
their  roots,  and  stroked  the  flowers,  until  he 
began  to  love  them  tenderly  and  to  grieve 


whenever  a  plant  died  or  was  broken  by  the 

One  day  Kikuo  was  taken  ill,  and  feared  that 
lie  must  die.  In  the  night  he  heard  a  rustling 
sound  upon  his  veranda,  and,  looking  out,  saw 
many  little  children  moving  about  in  the  moon- 
shine. They  were  light  and  graceful  in  move- 
ment, and  had  large  heads  of  curling  hair.  They 
were  clad  in  waving  robes  of  green,  embroidered 
with  red,  white,  pink,  yellow,  bronze,  and  cream- 
colour.  They  were  whispering  together,  and 
their  voices  sounded  like  sighing  breezes. 

As  Kikuo  gazed  upon  them,  he  knew  they 
were  not  ordinary  children.  Then  three  of  them, 
entering  his  room,  approached  his  couch. 

"  Beloved  Kikuo,"  they  said,  :<we  are  Golden 
Dew,  White  Dragon,  and  Starlit  Night,  the 
children  of  the  Chrysanthemums  that  you  have 
tended  so  gently.  And  because  of  all  you  have 
done  for  us,  we  wish  to  make  you  well.  There- 
fore, drink  this  Chrysanthemum  Dew." 

And  as  they  spoke  they  held  out  flower-cups 
filled  with  sparkling  dew-drops.  Kikuo  took  the 
cups  and  drank  the  Dew,  which  tasted  fragrant 
and  delicious. 

Just  at  that  moment  a  puff  of  wind  passed 
through  the  room,  and  the  Chrysanthemum 
children  vanished.  Then  Kikuo  fell  asleep,  and 
when  he  awoke  in  the  morning  he  found  himself 
perfectly  well. 


From  that  day  forward  he  devoted  all  his 
time  to  raising  Chrysanthemums,  and  his  garden 
was  so  beautiful  that  it  became  famous  through- 
out Japan,  for  nowhere  else  could  be  found  flow- 
ers of  such  wonderful  colours  and  shapes,  nor  in 
any  other  garden  did  they  grow  in  such  pro- 



Japanese  Tale 

LONG,  long  ago,  in  Japan,  there  grew  in  a 
green  meadow  two  wild  Chrysanthemums,  called 
Maiden  White  and  Maiden  Yellow.  They  were 
sisters,  and  were  very  happy  until  one  day  an 
old  gardener,  who  was  walking  through  the 
meadow,  stooped  beside  the  yellow  flower. 

"Ah,  Maiden  Yellow,"  he  said,  stroking  her 
petals,  <f*I  will  take  you  with  me,  and  plant  you 
in  my  beautiful  garden,  where  you  shall  have 
fine  clothes  and  delicate  food  to  eat." 

So,  in  spite  of  the  tears  of  poor  Maiden  White, 
who  shed  many  drops  of  dew,  the  old  gardener 
dug  up  Maiden  Yellow  by  the  roots,  and  carried 
her  away  in  his  arms. 

Soon  she  found  herself  growing  in  his  garden 
among  thousands  of  lovely  flowers.  Winding 
paths  of  silver  sand  led  to  tiny  bridges  and 
musical  cascades,  while  near  by  stood  a  small 
tea-house  hung  with  tinkling  silver  bells.  And 
Maiden  Yellow  was  so  happy  that  she  forgot  her 
lonely  white  sister  in  the  green  meadow.  Her 
petals  grew  longer  and  more  numerous,  and 
curled.  She  became  straighter,  and  prouder, 
and  so  beautiful  that  no  one  would  have 


known  her  for  the  wild-flower  of  the  green 

One  day  the  steward  of  a  very  rich  noble  came 
to  the  garden.  His  master  wished  a  Chrysanthe- 
mum of  perfect  form  having  sixteen  petals.  The 
old  gardener  took  him  to  see  Maiden  Yellow,  and 
when  she  saw  him  coming  she  stood  even 
straighter  and  prouder  than  before,  and  held  her 
large  golden  head  very  high,  for  she  thought, 
"Surely  he  will  choose  me." 

But  the  steward  said  that  she  was  too  proud 
and  had  too  many  petals,  and  that  he  wished  a 
perfect  flower,  simple  and  graceful;  so  thanking 
the  gardener,  he  departed. 

As  he  was  returning  to  his  master's  castle,  he 
happened  to  pass  through  the  green  meadow 
where  Maiden  White  stood  weeping  in  her 
loneliness.  And  when  he  saw  her  perfect  form 
and  her  sixteen  snow-white  petals,  he  was  de- 
lighted, and,  picking  her  carefully,  carried  her 
to  the  castle. 

When  his  master,  the  rich  noble,  saw  Maiden 
White,  he  placed  her  in  a  transparent  vase. 
Then  sending  throughout  Japan,  he  summoned 
the  greatest  artists  to  his  castle.  They  came 
from  far  and  near,  and  sat  down  to  paint  the 
noble's  crest. 

And  for  this  crest  they  used  Maiden  White's 
beautiful  face  in  a  hundred  graceful  poses.  They 
painted  her  on  the  noble's  armour,  on  his  lacquer 


boxes,  and  on  the  great  panels  of  his  hall.  She 
was  embroidered  on  his  robes,  on  his  cushions, 
and  on  his  quilts.  Everywhere  her  lovely  face 
appeared;  and  the  noble's  crest  became  the  most 
admired  of  all  crests  in  the  land  of  Japan. 

As  for  Maiden  Yellow,  she  continued  to  bloom 
for  some  time  in  the  garden  among  the  other 
flowers.  She  grew  for  herself  alone.  Daily  she 
became  more  proud  and  stately,  and  drank  up 
the  fragrant  Dew. 

But  one  day  she  felt  stiff  and  dry.  Her  once 
bright  head  turned  brown  and  sere.  And  when 
the  old  gardener  found  her  thus,  he  cut  her  down 
and  threw  her  upon  the  rubbish  heap. 



1  will  not  have  the  mad  Clytie 

Whose  head  is  turned  by  ttie  Sun; 
The  Tulip  is  a  courtly  quean, 

Whom  therefore  I  will  shun; 
The  Cowslip  is  a  country  wench; 

The  Violet  is  a  nun;  — 
But  I  will  woo  the  dainty  Rose, 

The  Queen  of  every  one  I 



Then  came  we  to  great  breadtJis  of  shady  wood, 

And  him,  the  boy,  the  son  of  Venus  fair, 

The  apple-rosy  Love,  we  found  within. 

No  arrow-bearing  quiver,  no  bent  bow 

Was  by  him.    High  in  heavy  foliaged  trees 

They  hung.    And  he,  the  while,  lay  chained  in  sleep, 

Embosomed  in  a  Rose's  heart  of  hearts! 

And  sleeping,  smiled. 

And  all  around  his  Jiead, 
And  all  around  his  honey-dripping  lips, 
Murmured  tlw  yellow  Workers  of  the  Hive  I 




Retold  from  Anacreon,  Moschus,  LiLcian,  and 

Other  Sources 


THE  most  mischievous  of  all  the  dwellers  in 
Jupiter's  shining  Palace  on  Mount  Olympus  was 
little  Cupid.  Rosy,  dimpled,  and  laughing,  with 
bright  hair  floating  around  his  shoulders,  and 
small  wings  fluttering,  he  flew  about,  shooting 
tiny  darts  at  all  whom  he  met.  And  whoever 
felt  the  prick  of  one  of  his  darts  straightway  fell 
in  love. 

The  naughty  little  boy  did  not  spare  even  the 
greatest  among  the  Dwellers-on-Mount-Olympus. 
Laughing  with  glee,  he  aimed  at  the  heart  of 
Jupiter  himself;  then  he  turned  his  bow  against 
Apollo -of -the -Golden -Beams  and  grim  Pluto, 
King  of  Hades.  He  even  shot  a  sharp  but  tender 
little  dart  into  the  breast  of  his  mother  Venus 
the  Beautiful. 

>(  Naughty  boy ! "  cried  Venus  in  anger.  "  Unless 
you  stop  such  goings  on,  I  will  break  your  bow 
and  quiver,  or  clip  your  wings." 

But  Cupid  would  not  listen,  and  still  flew 


about,  slyly  shooting  at  all  whom  he  met.  Though 
his  mother  caught  him  by  his  small  wings,  and 
whipped  him  with  her  sandal  and  with  myrtle 
rods,  and  even  bound  his  eyes  with  a  fillet, 
quickly  forgetting  his  punishment,  he  flew  away 
again  to  find  other  hearts  to  wound. 



AT  first  Roses  were  all  white.  This  is  how  they 
came  red:  — 

Cupid  loved  the  White  Roses  and  played 
among  them  in  the  meadows  of  earth,  where 
they  grew  large  and  fragrant.  Sometimes  he 
wreathed  them  into  garlands  for  his  head,  some- 
times he  chased  the  Butterflies  that  alighted  on 
their  petals,  and  sometimes  he  curled  himself  up 
to  sleep  in  the  heart  of  a  big  open  Rose.  Yes, 
Cupid  loved  the  White  Roses  better  than  any 
other  flowers. 

Now  it  happened  one  day  that  all  the  Dwellers- 
on-Mount-Olympus  were  feasting  together,  and 
Cupid  was  carrying  Jupiter's  golden  cup  filled 
with  fragrant  red  Nectar.  The  naughty  boy 
held  the  cup  so  carelessly  that  he  spilled  a  few 
drops.  They  fell  on  some  White  Roses,  and  the 
flowers  immediately  foamed  up  in  wreaths  of 
bright  Red  Roses. 

That  is  how  Red  Roses  first  came. 





NEXT  to  Red  and  White  Roses,  Cupid  loved  the 
gleaming  purple  and  golden-faced  Pansies.  And 
this  is  how  they  came  coloured :  — 

At  first  all  Pansies  were  milk-white.  So  they 
were,  until  one  day  when  Cupid  aimed  a  tiny 
dart  at  Diana-of-the-Bended-Bow. 

Now  of  all  the  Dwellers-on-Mount-Olympus, 
the  most  stately  and  cold-hearted  was  Diana. 
She  loved  nobody,  and  cared  for  nothing  but 
hunting.  With  her  feet  thrust  in  buskins,  her 
robe  tucked  up  for  speed,  a  quiver  on  her  back, 
and  a  bow  in  her  hand,  she  rushed  over  the  hills 
and  through  the  woods,  chasing  the  flying  game; 
while  behind  her  ran  all  her  pretty  Nymphs 
armed  with  bows  and  arrows. 

So  one  day  naughty  Cupid,  who  wished  to 
see  cold-hearted  Diana  love  somebody,  shot  a 
tiny  dart  at  her.  It  just  grazed  her  skin,  and 
falling  to  earth,  struck  the  heart  of  a  milk-white 

Ever  since  then,  Pansies  have  been  stained  a 
gleaming  rich  purple  and  gold. 


BUT  Cupid  liked  to  play  more  than  he  did  to 
carry  about  cups  of  Nectar.  Indeed,  he  liked  to 


sit  on  the  back  of  a  Dolphin  and  rush  through  the 
green  sea-waves,  or  to  climb  trees,  or  to  borrow 
Pan's  Syrinx  and  breathe  sweet  music  through 
it.  But  more  than  all  he  delighted  to  play  at 
soldier,  and  march  around  with  a  helmet  on 
his  golden  hair,  a  pike  over  his  shoulder,  and 
a  buckler  on  his  arm. 

Quite  often  he  romped  with  his  mother  Venus, 
she  holding  high  her  bow  and  quiver,  while  he 
jumped  to  catch  it.  Sometimes,  too,  they  took 
little  baskets  and  went  into  the  meadows  to 
gather  Roses  and  yellow  Crocuses. 

Now,  one  day  Venus  took  Cupid,  and  her  maid 
the  little  Nymph  Peris tera,  to  gather  flowers. 
Around  Venus's  head  circled  a  whole  host  of 
chirping  Sparrows,  and  wherever  she  stepped, 
a  carpet  of  bright  blossoms  sprang  up  under  her 

:<Come,  my  mother,"  cried  Cupid,  "let  us 
make  a  wager,  and  see  who  can  pick  the  most 
flowers  is 

So  they  made  a  wager. 

Cupid  worked  very  hard,  scratching  his  tiny 
hands  on  thorns,  and  bruising  his  little  bare  feet 
on  stones,  but  at  last  he  had  an  armful  of  blos- 
soms, all  that  he  could  carry.  But  his  mother 
Venus  had  a  great  many  more  than  he. 

Soon  Cupid  found  out  why  his  mother  had 
so  many  more  -  -  the  little  Nymph  Peristera  had 
helped  her  pick  them! 


So  he  changed  the  sly  little  maid  into  a  Dove. 

That  is  why  Venus  always  had  Doves  as  well 
as  Sparrows  flying  around  her  head,  and  why 
she  liked  to  hear  them  bill  and  coo. 



Now,  Venus  had  a  wonderful  mirror  that  made 
any  one  who  gazed  into  it  look  beautiful,  no 
matter  how  ugly  he  really  was. 

One  day  she  lost  it  in  a  meadow,  and  a  silly 
shepherd-lad,  with  a  frightfully  ugly  counte- 
nance, picked  it  up.  But  no  sooner  did  he  glance 
into  it  than  he  appeared  so  handsome  to  him- 
self that  he  fell  in  love  with  his  own  looks; 

So  he  kept  on  gazing  and  gazing  so  raptur- 
ously that  he  did  not  hear  Cupid  come  winging 
his  way  to  find  his  mother's  mirror. 

When  Cupid  saw  it  in  the  silly  man's  hands, 
and  caught  a  glimpse  of  the  grimaces  he  was 
making  at  himself  in  the  glass,  he  snatched  it 
away,  and  broke  it  into  a  thousand  glittering 
pieces  that  fell  among  the  grasses. 

And  each  tiny  bit  of  the  mirror  became  a 
lovely  bright  blossom,  bell-shaped,  and  so  bril- 
liant that  it  seemed  to  reflect  the  sunbeams. 

Cupid  called  the  plant  on  which  these  blossoms 
grew  Venus's  Looking  Glass;  and  you  may  find  it  in 
the  flower-garden  to-day,  standing  near  the  Roses. 




AT  first  Cupid  had  only  a  tiny  bow  and  quiver, 
but  no  darts. 

His  mother  Venus,  who  dearly  loved  her  little 
son  in  spite  of  his  naughty  tricks,  wished  to  give 
him  a  new  plaything.  So  she  decided  to  ask  her 
husband,  Vulcan- the-Smith,  to  make  him  some 

Now  Vulcan  lived  in  his  forge  in  a  cavern 
under  the  roots  of  Mount  ^Etna.  There  the 
flames  roared  upward  and  the  noise  of  his  ham- 
mer, anvil,  and  bellows  was  heard  night  and  day. 
So  Venus,  in  her  car  drawn  by  Doves,  flew  down 
to  Mount  ./Etna  and  entered  the  cavern.  When 
Vulcan  knew  what  she  wanted,  he  laid  aside  the 
gold  and  silver  Dogs  he  was  making  for  King 
Alcinous,  and  fashioned  some  tiny  darts  just  the 
size  for  Cupid's  bow. 

Now,  Venus  did  not  wish  her  little  son  to  kill 
any  one,  so  she  dipped  the  points  of  the  darts  in 
honey.  But  Cupid  shyly  dipped  them  in  gall. 
After  that  they  could  wound  though  they  could 
not  kill. 

Then  the  naughty  little  boy  hung  garlands  of 
fresh  Roses  around  his  neck,  put  a  crown  of  them 
on  his  head,  and  flew  down  to  earth.  There  he 
wandered  about,  riding  on  the  back  of  a  fierce 
Lion,  that  at  his  touch  grew  as  tame  as  a  Dove. 


As  he  rode  about  he  shot  at  every  one  that 
passed  by,  both  young  men  and  maidens.  And 
whoever  felt  the  prick  of  his  dart  straightway 
fell  in  love. 

This  is  why  Cupid's  darts  wound  the  heart, 
but  do  not  slay. 



Now  while  Cupid  was  riding  about  on  his  tame 
Lion  wounding  young  men  and  maidens  with 
his  honey  and  gall-tipped  darts,  his  mother  Venus 
missed  him  from  the  Shining  Palace  on  Mount 
Olympus.  Wringing  her  white  hands  she  ran  to 
and  fro,  looking  for  him  everywhere. 

"Lost!  Lost!  My  child!"  she  cried.  "To  him 
who  finds  my  little  boy  and  brings  him  safely 
home,  I  will  give  kisses  three! 

"But  let  whoever  searches  for  him  beware! 
Cupid's  voice  is  honey-sweet,  while  his  heart  is 
full  of  gall !  Bright  are  his  clustering  curls,  but  a 
brighter  quiver  hangs  upon  his  back.  His  hands 
are  tiny,  but  very  far  can  they  shoot  his  wound- 
giving  darts.  Like  a  winged  bird  he  flutters  up 
and  down,  nestling  in  the  hearts  of  young  men 
and  maidens.  He  holds  a  little  bow,  and  an 
arrow  ever  ready  to  fly;  but  most  dangerous  of 
all  he  grasps  a  small  blazing  torch. 

"If  you  find  him,  catch  him,  hold  him,  bind 
him!  If  you  see  him  weep,  do  not  pity  him,  hold 


him  very  fast!    If  he  offers  to  kiss  you,  flee,  for 
his  kisses  burn  like  fire! 

"Lost!  Lost!  My  child!  My  child!" 



THUS  cried  his  mother  Venus,  and  getting  into 
her  car  drawn  by  Doves,  she  flew  down  to  earth. 
There  among  the  Roses  she  found  poor  little 
Cupid,  weeping  bitterly. 

Wringing  his  tiny  hands,  he  ran  to  meet  her. 

"I'm  lost!  I'm  lost!  my  mother!'  he  cried. 
"And  —  oh !  —  oh  —  I  'm  dying !  See  my  finger ! 
I  lay  down  to  sleep  in  a  big  Rose-heart,  and  a 
little  Snake  —  a  Bee  they  call  it  —  stung  me! 
Oh !  -  —  oh  -  -  how  it  hurts !  -  - 1  'm  dying ! ' 

'Naughty  boy,  mischievous  child,"  said  his 
mother,  smiling,  :<if  a  Bee's  sting  hurts  you  so 
much,  tell  me,  how  much  do  the  hearts  suffer 
that  you  so  cruelly  wound  with  your  darts?' 



THEN  to  comfort  her  little  son,  Venus  caught 
all  the  buzzing  Bees  that  were  sipping  honey 
from  the  Roses,  and  strung  them  on  Cupid's 
bowstring  like  a  chain  of  brown  and  yellow 


Then  she  took  the  Bees'  sharp  stings  and 
placed  them  along  the  stem  of  the  very  Rose  in 
whose  heart  Cupid  had  been  sleeping. 

That  is  why  Roses  have  thorns,  —  so  the 
Wonder  Story  says. 



Retold  from  Bion  and  Ovid 

ONCE  upon  a  time,  in  the  wonder  days  of  old, 
little  Cupid,  the  Winged  Love,  was  playing  in 
the  lap  of  his  mother  Venus  the  Beautiful,  and 
while  he  was  giving  her  many  sweet  kisses,  his 
arrow  chanced  to  prick  her  white  skin. 

Now  when  Cupid's  arrow  wounds  any  one, 
even  slightly,  love  enters  one's  heart.  So  Venus, 
pricked  by  Cupid's  arrow,  pushed  her  little  son 
away.  Then  she  looked  down  from  her  throne 
on  Mount  Olympus,  and  saw  a  handsome  youth, 
named  Adonis,  hunting  in  the  Idalian  Grove  of 

Straightway  she  was  charmed  with  his  beauty, 
and,  getting  into  her  car  drawn  by  white  Swans, 
descended  to  the  Grove.  She  took  a  bow  and 
arrow  in  her  hand,  and  joining  Adonis,  cheered 
on  his  Dogs,  and  helped  him  kill  swift  Hares  and 
Deer  with  branching  horns. 

Day  after  day  together  they  hunted  the  harm- 
less wild  things  of  the  wood.  But  it  happened 
one  morning  that  Adonis  was  going  to  hunt  by 

*  Beware,  sweet  lad,"  said  Venus;  "follow  only 
the  gentle  wild  creatures.    Avoid  the  fierce  Boars 

'     THE  ANEMONE  AND  THE  ROSE    65 

and  the  ravening  Lions,  lest  they  turn  and  de- 
vour you." 

Thus  she  warned  him;  then  getting  into  her 
swan-drawn  car,  she  flew  away  to  Mount 

No  sooner  did  Adonis  reach  the  Idalian  Grove 
than  his  Dogs  started  the  fiercest  Wild  Boar  of 
the  wood.  It  turned  upon  him  with  foaming 
tusks  and  rolling  eyes.  He  struck  it  with  his 
spear,  but  it  rushed  against  him,  thrusting  one 
tusk  into  his  side.  Then  Adonis  fell  upon  the 
soft  green  grass,  and  sighing  died. 

The  flowers  in  the  Grove  withered  with  pain, 
the  leaves  of  the  trees  rustled  with  grief,  and  the 
birds  ceased  singing  and  drooped  their  heads. 
Swiftly  Cupid  came,  winging  his  way  to  the  spot 
where  Adonis  lay  dead. 

And  with  Cupid  were  all  the  little  Loves  his 
companions.  They  wept,  they  wrung  their  tiny 
hands,  and  they  hovered  and  fluttered  above 
Adonis.  One  Love  broke  his  feathered  arrow, 
one  cast  away  his  bow  and  quiver,  one  loosened 
Adonis'  sandal,  another  brought  water  in  a  golden 
urn  and  bathed  his  head,  and  still  another  with 
his  soft  wings  fanned  his  white  forehead. 

Venus  heard  the  sighing  and  lamenting.  She 
turned  her  swan-drawn  car,  and  hastily  descended 
to  the  Grove.  And  when  she  saw  her  Adonis 
lying  dead,  she  groaned,  and  beat  her  bosom, 
and  tore  her  crimson  robe. 


And  for  every  drop  of  blood  that  fell  from 
Adonis's  side,  she  shed  a  tear  like  a  pearl.  Then, 
lo!  as  the  tears  touched  the  soft  grass,  they  were 
changed  into  wind-blown  Anemones!  And  the 
drops  of  blood  grew  up  into  glowing  red,  red 

So,  says  the  old  Greek  wonder  tale,  Anemones 
and  Roses  came  into  the  World. 


Old  Legend 

OH,  long,  long  ago  there  lived  a  beautiful  maiden 
named  Rhodanthe.  She  was  Queen  of  Corinth, 
and  gave  her  people  such  wise  laws  that  her 
fame  spread  to  many  lands.  From  the  east, 
from  the  west,  from  the  south,  from  the  north, 
kings,  princes,  and  warriors  came  to  woo  her. 

But  though  Rhodanthe  was  wise  and  beautiful, 
she  was  proud  and  cold;  so  she  haughtily  bade 
her  suitors  go  back  at  once  to  their  own  lands. 
This  they  refused  to  do,  and  wandered  about 
the  palace  in  such  great  numbers  that  she  com- 
manded them  all  to  appear  before  her  throne. 

"Oh,  ye  Kings,  Princes  and  Warriors,"  said 
she,  "why  do  you  remain  here  in  idleness?  Are 
you  cowards  that  you  shun  war  and  valorous 
action?  Go  back  at  once  to  your  lands  and 
seek  fame  in  courageous  deeds;  then  may  you 
return  to  Corinth." 

At  these  words  the  suitors  hung  their  heads 
with  shame,  and,  hastening  from  the  palace, 
mounted  their  steeds  and  galloped  away  —  all 
except  three,  who  determined  to  remain  and  win 
Rhodanthe's  hand. 

Every  day  these  three  lovers  pressed  around 
her  throne,  or  shouted  in  the  corridors,  or  fol- 


lowed  her  through  the  streets  clamouring  to  be 

"No  rest  shall  you  have  day  or  night,  Queen 
Rhodanthe,"  they  cried,  "for  by  day  will  we 
dog  your  footsteps,  and  by  night  will  we  sigh 
under  your  window.  No  rest  shall  you  have 
until  you  choose  one  of  us  for  a  husband." 

So  it  was,  night  and  day  Rhodanthe  had  no 
rest,  for  the  three  followed  her  everywhere  with 
cries  and  shouts. 

At  length  she  could  endure  it  no  longer,  and, 
guarded  by  her  attendants,  hastened  to  the 
temple  of  Diana-of-the-Bended-Bow,  for  she 
thought  that  her  suitors  would  not  dare  to 
enter  there. 

But  scarcely  were  she  and  her  people  safely 
inside  when  the  three  came  bursting  in,  and, 
lifting  her  up,  placed  her  on  Diana's  shrine, 
crying:  — 

:<Let  Rhodanthe  be  as  great  as  Diana!  Let 
Diana's  image  give  place  to  her!': 

Now  Rhodanthe  looked  so  beautiful  as  she  stood 
there,  her  silken  robes  trailing,  her  golden  crown 
glittering,  and  her  eyes  sparkling  with  pride  and 
pleasure,  that  all  her  attendants  shouted :  — 
'More  beautiful  than  Diana  is  our  Queen!" 

Now  these  words  reached  Diana's  brother, 
Apollo-of-the-Golden-Beams,  as  he  was  sitting 
in  his  Palace  in  the  Sun.  In  anger  he  turned  his 
scorching  rays  on  Rhodanthe. 

THE  ROSE-TREE  QUEEN          69 

Her  feet  cleaved  to  the  shrine,  and  took  root 
there.  From  her  stretched-out  arms  and  finger- 
tips sprouted  green  leaves  and  twigs.  Her  body 
was  changed  into  a  stem  and  her  head  became  a 
large  blushing  Rose.  And  there  she  stood,  no 
longer  a  maiden,  but  a  tall,  stately  Rose-Tree, 
the  Queen  of  all  flowers. 

Her  attendants  still  guaraed  her,  for  they  had 
been  transformed  into  sharp  thorns,  and  were 
set  round  about  her  stem. 

Her  three  lovers  were  become  a  Worm,  a  Bee, 
and  a  Butterfly. , 


Roumanian  Legend 

IT  was  early  morning,  and  a  Princess  came  down 
into  her  garden  to  bathe  in  the  silver  waves  of 
the  sea.  The  transparent  whiteness  of  her 
complexion  shone  through  her  blue  veil  like  the 
Morning  Star  through  the  azure  Sky 

She  sprang  into  the  sea,  and  played  among 
the  golden  rays  of  the  Sun,  that  sparkled  in  the 
dimples  of  the  laughing  waves. 

The  Sun  stood  still  to  gaze  upon  her.  He 
forgot  his  duty.  He  covered  her  with  warm 

Once,  twice,  thrice,  Night  took  up  his  sceptre, 
and  returned  to  rule  over  the  earth,  but  found 
the  Sun  still  there,  making  all  things  bright  with 
his  rays. 

Then  the  angry  Night  changed  the  Princess 
into  a  Rose.  And  this  is  why  the  Rose  always 
hangs  her  head  and  blushes  when  the  Sun 
gazes  on  her. 


Legend  of  Paradise 

THERE  is  a  lovely  wonder  tale  of  Paradise,  tell- 
ing how,  on  a  sweet  Spring  day,  the  Angel  who 
takes  care  of  the  flowers  lay  down  to  rest  be- 
neath a  fragrant  Rose-Bush.  All  the  quiet 
night  she  had  been  sprinkling  the  grass  and 
flowers  with  Dew,  so  she  was  very  tired.  She 
rested  her  head  among  the  Roses,  and  slept. 
When  she  awoke,  she  said:  — 

:*Most  beautiful  of  all  my  children,  I  thank 
you  for  your  refreshing  shade  and  delicious  per- 
fume. If  you  could  only  speak,  and  ask  me  for 
a  favour,  how  gladly  would  I  grant  it!' 

"Adorn  me  with  a  new  charm,"  said  the  Rose- 

So  the  Angel  adorned  the  Roses  with  a 
delicate  veil  of  green  moss. 


Persian  Tale 

AT  first  the  Lotus  was  Sultana  of  all  the  flowers, 
But  she  would  fold  her  petals  at  night,  and  sleep. 
This  the  flowers  did  not  like,  so  they  demanded 
another  Sultana. 

The  White-Rose  was  then  given  them  to  rule 
over  their  Kingdom.  Very  beautiful  was  this 
maiden  White-Rose.  She  was  tall,  majestic, 
and  robed  in  snowy  garments,  while  her  stem 
was  encircled  with  a  protecting  guard  of  sharp 

The  poor  little  Nightingale  fell  in  love  with 
her  charms.  He  pressed  his  heart  so  recklessly 
against  her  cruel  thorns  that  his  blood  trickled 
over  her  white  petals,  and  stained  them  crimson. 

Are  not  the  petals  of  the  Crimson-Rose  white 
near  her  heart,  where  the  blood  of  the  poor 
little  bird  could  not  reach? 


Persian  Tale 

ONCE  upon  a  time,  the  birds  of  every  colour  and 
every  kind  appeared  before  King  Suleyman's 
throne  to  complain  of  the  Nightingale. 

"He  disturbs  our  slumbers,"  they  said,  "'with 
his  plaintive  warblings.  All  night  long  he 
presses  his  breast  against  a  rose-thorn,  while  he 
pours  forth  his  sorrowful  melody." 

So  King  Suleyman  sent  for  the  Nightingale, 
and  questioned  him. 

"Alas!  wise  King!'1  sobbed  the  Nightingale, 
"do  you  not  know  that  at  the  sound  of  my  voice 
the  Rose  first  bursts  from  her  bud?  Indeed,  it 
is  my  distracting  love  for  her  that  makes  such 
melancholy  notes  gush  from  my  bosom,  until, 
overpowered  by  her  perfume,  I  fall  swooning  at 
her  feet." 

Then  King  Suleyman,  pitying  the  poor  little 
bird,  commanded  him  to  return  to  his  garden, 
and  sing  whenever  he  pleased  to  his  Love  the 



Retold  from  Sa'di 

ONCE  upon  a  time,  in  a  certain  beautiful  garden, 
a  Nightingale  had  built  his  nest  in  the  branches 
of  a  Rose-Bush.  It  so  happened  that  a  poor  little 
Ant  had  fixed  her  dwelling  at  the  root  of  this 
very  bush,  and  was  managing  as  best  she  could 
to  store  her  wretched  hut  with  food. 

The  Nightingale  fluttered  around  the  bush, 
singing  melodiously  to  his  love  the  full-blown 
Rose,  while  the  Ant,  night  and  day,  was  in- 
dustriously gathering  up  grains  of  food  for 

So  the  thousand-voiced  bird,  fascinated  by 
his  own  sweet  song  that  echoed  among  the  trees, 
sang  ravishingly  by  day;  but  when  the  moon- 
light silvered  the  garden,  he  whispered  his  sad, 
sweet  secrets  to  his  love. 

The  poor  Ant  could  not  help  admiring  the 
airs  and  graces  of  the  beautiful  Rose  and  the 
blandishments  of  the  Nightingale,  but  she  mur- 
mured to  herself:  — 

'Time  alone  can  show  what  will  be  the  end 
of  all  this  frivolity  and  talk." 

After  the  flowery  season  was  passed  away, 
and  the  bleak  time  of  Winter  was  come,  sharp 


thorns  alone  remained  upon  the  Rose-Bush,  for 
its  flower  and  leaves  were  gone.  The  Raven 
sat  on  the  branch  where  the  Nightingale's  nest 
had  been. 

Storms  howled  through  the  garden  in  their 
fury,  and  the  yellowed  leaves  of  the  trees  were 
whirled  to  the  ground.  The  breath  of  Winter 
chilled  and  blasted  all  things,  while  the  clouds 
poured  down  hailstones  like  pearls,  and  flakes 
of  snow  like  camphor  floated  on  the  air. 

Then  suddenly  the  Nightingale  returned  to 
the  garden  to  seek  his  love.  But  the  bloom  of 
the  Rose  was  gone,  and  the  fragrance  of  Spike- 
nard was  vanished.  In  spite  of  his  thousand- 
voiced  tongue,  he  stood  stupefied  and  mute. 

Then  a  Thorn  turned  to  him,  and  said :  — 

"How  long,  silly  bird,  will  you  watch  for  the 
Rose  to  come  back?  This  is  the  season  when 
you  will  have  to  sing  to  a  Bramble  in  the  ab- 
sence of  your  charmer!'1 

The  Nightingale  cast  down  his  eyes  upon  the 
ground  in  sorrow,  but  he  perched  upon  the  bush 
and  waited. 

There  was  nothing  for  him  to  eat,  and  he  was 
hungry.  He  was  too  delicate  and  helpless  to 
earn  even  a  small  livelihood.  Then  he  recalled 
the  Ant,  and  said  to  himself:  — 

"Surely  she  used  to  have  a  dwelling  under 
this  Rose-Bush;  and  she  was  very  busy  storing 
up  food  for  Winter.  I  will  lay  my  wants  before 


her.  Maybe  she  will  take  pity  on  my  distress, 
and  bestow  a  little  charity  upon  me." 

So,  like  a  poor  beggar  the  half-famished 
Nightingale  stood  at  the  door  of  the  Ant's  house, 
and  said :  — 

"Generosity  is  the  bringer  of  prosperity!  I 
was  wasting  my  precious  life  in  idleness,  while 
you,  toiling  hard,  were  laying  up  a  hoard  of 
food.  How  good  and  kind  you  would  be  if  you 
should  spare  me  a  little  of  it!" 

The  Ant  replied :  — 

"Night  and  day  you  spent  in  idle  talk,  while 
I  was  attending  to  the  needful.  You  were  taken 
up  with  the  fair  blandishment  of  the  Rose,  and 
were  busy  in  admiring  the  blossoming  Spring- 
time, while  I  laboured  hard. 

'Did  you  not  know  that  every  Summer  has 
its  Winter,  and  every  road  an  end?" 



A  Welsh  Myth 

My  old  Welsh  neighbour  over  the  way 
Crept  slowly  out  in  the  sun  of  Spring, 

Pushed  from  her  ears  the  locks  of  gray, 
And  listened  to  hear  the  Robins  sing. 

Her  grandson,  playing  at  marbles,  stopped, 
And,  cruel  in  sport  as  boys  will  be, 

Tossed  a  stone  at  the  bird,  who  hopped 
From  bough  to  bough  in  the  Apple-tree. 


Nay!"  said  the  grandmother,  "have  you  not  heardf 
My  poor,  bad  boy !  of  the  fiery  pit, 
And  how  drop  by  drop,  this  merciful  bird 
Carries  the  water  that  quenclies  it? 

"He  brings  cool  dew  in  his  little  bill, 

And  lets  it  fall  on  the  souls  of  sin: 
You  can  see  the  mark  on  his  red  breast  still 

Of  fires  that  scorch  as  he  drops  it  in. 

"My  poor  Bron  rhuddyn!    My  breast-burnt  bird, 

Singing  so  sweetly  f ram  limb  to  limb, 
Very  dear  to  the  heart  of  Our  Lord 

Is  he  who  pities  the  lost  like  Him!" 

"Amen!"  I  said  to  the  beautiful  myth; 

"Sing,  bird  of  God,  in  my  heart  as  well; 
Each  good  thought  is  a  drop  wherewith 

To  cool  and  lessen  the  fires  of  hell." 

Prayers  of  love  like  rain-drops  fall, 

Tears  of  pity  are  cooling  dew, 
And  dear  to  the  heart  of  Our  Lord  are  all 

Who  suffer  like  Him  in  the  good  they  do. 



Breton  Legend 

ONCE  upon  a  time,  there  was  no  fire.  Then  the 
little  Wren  flew  up  to  the  Sun  and  brought  some 
down.  But  the  poor  little  thing's  feathers  were 
so  scorched  and  burned  that  she  was  quite 

Then  all  the  birds  came  together,  and  each 
gave  her  a  feather,  except  the  Owl. 

"I  will  not  give  her  a  single  feather,"  said  he. 
"I  have  only  enough  for  myself.  Winter  is  com- 
ing and  I  shall  be  cold." 

"Very  cold  indeed  shall  you  be!"  cried  the 
King  of  the  Birds.  "From  this  time  on  you 
shall  shake  and  shiver  with  cold.  And  if  you 
leave  your  home  by  day,  all  the  birds  of  the  air 
shall  tear  off  your  feathers." 

That  is  why  the  Owl,  during  the  day,  sits  at 
home  in  his  hollow  tree;  and  why,  when  he  flies 
about  by  night,  he  cries:  "Hoot!  Hoot!"  for  he  is 
shivering  with  cold. 



Friesland  Legend 

ONCE  upon  a  time,  the  Cuckoo  sang  a  queer  song 
of  his  own.  He  was  very  proud  of  it,  although 
the  song  was  not  much  to  brag  of. 

One  day  he  flew  into  a  town,  and  asked  the 
people:  — 

"What  do  you   think  of   the  Nightingale's 

"Melodious,"  said  the  people. 

"What  do  you  think  of  the  Lark's?" 

"Delightful,"  said  the  people. 

"What  do  you  think  of  the  Blackbird's?" 
'Very  sweet,"  said  the  people. 

'Then  pardon  my  blushes,"  said  the  Cuckoo, 
'but  what  do  you  think  of  me?9' 

'To  tell  the  truth,"  said  the  people,  :<we 
never  hear  your  name  mentioned." 

'Wrhat!  my  name  never  mentioned!'  cried 
the  Cuckoo.  'Then  I  will  fly  about  and  sing 
it  instead  of  my  song,  so  that  every  one  shall 
know  my  name." 

That  is  why  the  little  bird  that  brags  cries: 

"Cuckoo!    Cuckoo!" 



Eskimo  Legend  .. 

ONCE  upon  a  time,  there  were  some  little  Eskimo 
children.  In  the  Moon  of  the  Falling  Leaves, 
their  mother  took  them  to  a  forest  by  the  sea 
to  gather  spruce  boughs. 

After  they  had  gathered  a  heap,  and  piled 
them  up  on  the  beach,  their  mother  told  the 
children  to  stay  there,  and  watch  the  boughs 
carefully,  while  she  went  to  catch  some  Salmon. 

The  children  stayed,  but  they  forgot  to  watch 
the  boughs,  and  ran  up  and  down  the  beach 
playing  with  the  waves. 

By  and  by  their  mother  came  back.  The 
children  were  gone!  She  called  each  by  name, 
but  instead  of  their  voices  she  heard  only  the 
hoarse  cawing  of  some  Crows  that  were  flying 
in  circles  above  her  head. 

So  it  was!  Those  disobedient  children  had 
all  been  changed  into  Crows!  And  to-day  they 
go  flying  about  the  world,  crying  hoarsely: — 

"Caw!    Caw!" 


Mohammedan  Legend 

ONCE  upon  a  time,  the  Pewee  was  a  lovely 
Princess.  She  heard  that  her  beloved  brother 
was  coming  to  see  her,  so  she  caught  up  a  pot 


of  boiling  milk  to  refresh  him,  and,  placing  it  on 
her  head,  ran  out  to  meet  him. 

But,  alas!  her  brother  was  not  coming  at  all, 
and  the  boiling  milk  blistered  and  burned  her 
head.  Then  she  started  out  to  find  him.  Night 
and  day,  over  mountains  and  desert  wastes,  she 
sought  him,  crying:  — 

"Brother!     O  Brother!" 

At  last  Allah  the  Compassionate,  the  Merci- 
ful, pitying  her  grief,  changed  her  into  a  bird, 
so  that  she  might  the  more  easily  go  to  and  fro 
over  the  earth. 

So  still  she  wheels  in  her  long  flights,  and 
cries :  — 

"Brother!     O  Brother!" 

And  all  good  women,  when  they  hear  her  sad 
cry,  throw  cold  water  into  the  air  to  cool  the 
burn  on  her  head  where  her  black  crest  grows. 


Old  French  Tale 

ONCE  upon  a  time,  the  Blackbird  was  pure 
white.  One  day  he  saw  the  Magpie  hiding  away 
a  store  of  gold  and  jewels. 

"Where  did  you  get  those?  How  can  I  get 
some?"  he  asked. 

The  Magpie  did  not  like  being  found  out;  but 
he  said:  — 

"You  must  go  into  the  depths  of  the  earth, 
and  find  the  palace  of  Pluto,  King  of  Riches. 
Offer  to  sing  to  him.  For  your  pay,  he  will 
let  you  carry  off  all  the  riches  you  can  hold  in 
your  beak.  You  will  have  to  go  through  cave 
after  cave,  each  more  full  of  treasure  than  the 
last.  But  you  must  not  touch  anything  until 
you  have  seen  the  King  of  Riches  and  sung  to 

Off  flew  the  Blackbird  that  was  a  Whitebird. 
Down  a  tunnel,  through  cave  after  cave,  he  flew, 
until  he  came  to  one  with  silver  walls,  and  piled 
with  silver  coin.  But  remembering  what  the 
Magpie  had  said,  he  passed  on. 

Lo!  the  floor  of  the  next  cave  was  covered  with 
gold-dust,  and  piled  high  with  gold  coin.  The 
Whitebird  stood  still  and  looked  about  him  with 
greedy  eyes,  then  forgetting  what  the  Magpie 


had  said,  he  thrust  his  wide-open  bill  into  the 

Immediately,  with  a  rush  and  a  roar,  a  terri- 
ble Demon  appeared,  snorting  fire  and  smoke. 
He  leaped  at  the  Whitebird,  who  with  a  shriek 
of  fear,  turned  and  flew  from  the  cave,  and  out 
into  the  daylight  again. 

But  the  thick  smoke  had  changed  the  White- 
bird  black.  And  so  he  is  to-day,  while  his  beak 
is  stained  the  colour  of  the  gold-dust  he  had 
tried  to  steal. 

And  whenever  he  sees  a  boy  creeping  along  a 
hedge  with  a  stone  in  his  hand,  he  utters  a  terri- 
fied shriek,  for  he  thinks  it  is  the  Demon  coming 


Retold  from  Pliny  and  Other  Sources 

IN  ancient  days,  in  Arabia,  the  land  of  gold  and 
spices,  there  lived  a  wondrous  bird  called  the 

So  very  wondrous  was  he  that  his  purple  body 
gave  out  rays  of  light  like  sunbeams.  He  wore  a 
ruffle  of  brilliant  golden  plumage  about  his 
neck,  and  a  crest  on  his  head.  His  wings  were 
red  and  yellow,  while  his  long  tail,  blue  and  rose- 
coloured,  swept  behind  him  as  he  flew  to  and 
fro  above  the  Date-palms. 

Five  hundred  and  forty  years  he  lived,  then 
he  built  himself  a  nest  of  Cassia  and  sprigs  of 
Incense,  and  filled  it  with  fragrant  spices  and 
perfumes.  On  these  he  lay  down  to  die,  mourn- 
fully singing  his  own  funeral  dirge. 

Then  from  his  bones  and  marrow  sprang  a 
tiny  Worm,  that  grew  larger  and  larger  until  it 
became  another  Phoenix,  with  bright  rays  like 
sunbeams  issuing  from  his  purple  body,  and  a 
long  tail,  blue  and  rose-coloured,  sweeping  the  air. 

This  new  Phoenix  took  a  quantity  of  Myrrh, 
and  shaped  it  like  an  egg,  and  in  it  placed  the 
remains  of  his  father.  Then  he  carried  the  egg 
carefully  to  Egypt,  and  laid  it  down  in  the  City 
of  the  Sun. 


Back  to  Arabia,  the  land  of  gold  and  spices, 
he  flew,  and  after  another  five  hundred  and 
forty  years  built  himself  a  nest,  as  his  father 
had  done,  of  Cassia  and  sprigs  of  Incense,  and 
filled  it  with  fragrant  spices  and  perfumes. 

On  these,  singing  sadly,  he  lay  down  and  died; 
and  another  Phoenix  flew  up  from  the  nest. 

And  so  it  was,  in  those  ancient  wonder  days, 
every  five  hundred  and  forty  years  a  Phcenix 
died,  and  a  new  Phcenix  flew  up  from  his  spicy 
nest,  and  carried  the  remains  of  his  dead  father 
in  an  egg  of  Myrrh  to  the  City  of  the  Sun. 


Retold  from  Ovid 

ONCE  upon  a  time,  there  was  a  handsome  young 
King  named  Picus.  So  handsome  was  he  that 
even  the  Naiads  rose  from  the  streams,  and  the 
Dryads  peeped  from  the  trees,  to  watch  him  as 
he  passed  by. 

But,  though  he  was  admired  by  everybody,  he 
never  looked  at  any  one  except  his  own  wife,  a 
lovely  Nymph.  Sweet  Voice  was  her  name,  for 
so  wondrous  was  her  voice  that  at  the  sound  of 
her  sweet  singing,  wild  beasts  were  tamed, 
rocks  and  trees  danced,  and  birds  paused  in 
their  flight  to  alight  upon  her  shoulders. 

One  day  King  Picus  put  on  his  purple  cloak, 
fastened  on  his  collar  of  yellow  gold,  and  taking 
two  lances  in  his  hand,  mounted  his  horse,  and 
rode  forth  into  the  wood.  Soon  he  was  chasing 
the  Wild  Boars  and  piercing  them  with  his  lances. 
But  he  did  not  see  the  wicked  Enchantress  Circe, 
who  was  hiding  among  the  trees. 

She  gazed  at  King  Picus  and  was  astonished 
at  his  beauty.  The  herbs  and  plants  she  had 
been  gathering,  to  mingle  in  her  evil  potions,  fell 
from  her  hands.  She  muttered  a  magic  spell, 
and  straightway  a  phantom  Wild  Boar  rose  up 
in  King  Picus'  path,  and  plunged  into  a  thicket. 


The  King  sprang  from  his  horse  and  followed 
the  animal;  while  Circe,  uttering  strange  words, 
darkened  the  Sky  and  sent  up  a  thick  mist  from 
the  ground.  So  King  Picus  lost  his  way,  and 
soon  wandered  to  Circe's  Palace-hall. 

The  wicked  Enchantress  came  out  to  meet 
him.  She  was  clad  in  crimson  robes,  and  held 
a  golden  cup  in  her  hand. 

"Welcome,  King  Picus,"  she  said,  in  softest 
tones.  "Welcome  to  my  happy  hall!  Here 
rest,  and  feast,  and  live  without  sorrow.  Per- 
fumed garments,  mingled  wines,  and  rich  viands 
shall  be  yours,  and  music  and  dance  shall  sooth 
you  night  and  day.  Drink,  then,  O  King  Picus, 
from  this  cup  I  hold,  and  be  welcomed  to  my 

But  King  Picus  answered  her  roughly:  — 
*  Woman,  whoever  you  are,  I  abhor  you! 
Think  not  to  hold  me  by  offers  of  riches  and 
happiness!  Sweet  Voice,  my  wife,  awaits  me 
in  my  palace,  and  of  her  only  I  think  night  and 
day!  I  will  not  drink  from  your  cup,  nor  will  I 
enter  your  hall!' 

"  Ungrateful  wretch ! "  cried  Circe.  "  Take  then 
your  doom!' 

And  hissing  like  a  snake,  she  turned  herself 
first  twice  to  the  west,  then  twice  to  the  east. 
Thrice  she  touched  King  Picus  with  her  wand, 
and  three  times  she  repeated  a  charm. 

He  fled,  but  wondered  to  feel  himself  rising 


lightly  in  the  air.  Feathers  covered  his  body, 
wings  sprouted  from  his  shoulders.  He  was  not 
a  man,  but  a  bird.  His  wings  took  the  purple 
colour  of  his  robe,  and  his  neck  wore  a  collar  of 
yellow  feathers.  Flying  to  a  tree,  he  clung  to 
its  trunk,  and  pecked  its  wood  with  his  long 
hard  beak. 

As  for  Sweet  Voice,  all  in  vain  she  awaited 
his  coming.  Day  after  day  she  wandered  through 
the  wood  calling  his  name,  and  singing  sadly  as 
does  a  dying  Swan.  With  grief  she  pined  and 
pined,  until  little  by  little  she  melted  away  and 
vanished  into  air. 

Only  her  voice  was  left,  and  it  sang  and  sighed 
among  the  trees  —  even  among  the  very  trees 
where  King  Picus  the  Woodpecker  was  tapping 
the  bark  in  the  shadow  of  the  cool,  rustling 


Retold  from  Hesiod  and  Ovid 

OH,  most  lovely  of  all  mountains  in  those  golden 
wonder  times  was  Mount  Helicon  in  Greece. 
On  its  sloping  sides  stood  mighty  trees;  laughing 
rivers  ran  through  its  valleys;  flowers  of  every 
hue  smiled  up  from  its  grass.  No  poisonous 
thing  grew  in  its  meadows;  while  the  air,  crystal- 
line and  pure,  enwrapped  the  whole  mountain 
like  a  cool,  transparent  veil. 

But  the  most  beautiful  of  all  was  the  Grove 
on  its  summit,  where  statues  gleamed  like  snow 
amidst  the  pale  green  shade  of  vines  and  trees. 
For  this  Grove  was  the  abode  of  the  Nine  Sister 
Muses,  the  daughters  of  song,  and  the  loveliest 
of  all  Olympian  maidens. 

Daily,  with  delicate  nimble  feet  they  danced 
in  the  Grove,  or  bathed  in  the  violet-hued  spring 
of  Aganippe.  Sometimes,  hand  in  hand,  they 
climbed  to  the  Fountain  of  Hippocrene,  from 
whose  bubbling  waters  the  winged  horse  Pegasus 
was  wont  to  drink  long  sweet  draughts.  And 
always,  as  they  climbed  upward,  they  uttered 
such  musical  notes  that  the  birds  paused  in  their 
flight  to  listen,  the  Bees  ceased  their  humming, 


and  Pegasus,  tossing  his  head,  waved  his  silvery 
wings  in  delight. 

And  always  the  Nine  Sister  Muses  sang  about 
the  Dwellers-on-Mount-Olympus.  They  sang  of 
stately  aegis-bearing  Jupiter,  of  Minerva  the 
grey-eyed  and  wise  one,  of  Venus  the  Beautiful 
and  her  naughty  little  son  Cupid,  of  Aurora  the 
rosy-fingered  child  of  Dawn,  who,  clad  in  saffron 
robe,  each  morning  flung  open  the  purple  Gates 
of  Day.  But  more  often  they  sang  of  Apollo-of- 
the-Golden-Beams,  dwelling  in  the  Palace  of  the 
Sun  that  was  raised  high  on  columns  of  radiant 
gold,  with  ivory  polished  roof,  and  folding  doors 
like  brightest  silver.  And  so  the  Nine  Sister 
Muses,  singing  together,  made  Mount  Helicon 
ring  with  their  entrancing  voices. 

But,  alas!  one  day  harsh,  discordant  noises, 
and  the  rustlings  of  strong  wings,  came  from  the 
trees  that  swept  with  their  boughs  the  Fountain 
of  Hippocrene.  Then  there  sounded  a  dreadful 
chattering  among  the  leaves,  and  the  Nine  Muses, 
fled  back  in  disgust,  to  their  Grove. 

And  this  is  how  that  dreadful  chattering  came 
to  disturb  Mount  Helicon:  — 


OVER  the  lands  of  Pella  ruled  King  Pierus,  and 
in  his  richly  adorned  palace  dwelt  his  daughters, 
the  Nine  Sister  Pierides.  Very  haughty  and 


foolish  they  were,  and  proud  of  their  voices, 
They  grew  prouder  and  prouder,  until  one  day 
the  eldest  said:  — 

"We,  and  not  the  Nine  Sister  Muses,  should 
inhabit  the  delightful  Grove  on  Mount  Helicon. 
Come,  let  us  go  thither,  and  put  the  Muses  to 
shame  with  our  melodious  voices." 

So  they  hastened  away  to  Mount  Helicon, 
and  climbed  to  the  Fountain  of  Hippocrene,  where 
the  Nine  Sister  Muses  were  singing  sweetly  to 
Pegasus,  while  he  drank  deeply  from  the  spark- 
ling water. 

"Cease,  0  ye  vain  Muses,  your  empty  vul- 
gar noises,"  cried  the  eldest  of  the  Nine  Sister 
Pierides.  "We  are  come  to  have  a  contest  with 
you.  Let  us  each  sing,  and  if  our  charming 
voices  make  us  the  victors,  you  must  retire  at 
once  and  forever  from  this  spot.  But  if  you 
overcome  us,  —  which  is  not  at  all  likely,  —  we 
will  return  to  our  snow-capped  mountains.  Let 
us  now  to  the  contest,  and  do  you  call  the 
Nymphs  of  the  streams  of  Helicon  to  be  our 

Now  the  Nymphs  of  the  streams  of  Helicon 
heard  these  words  as  they  were  peeping  from 
the  water,  and  quickly  came  crowding  to  the 
Fountain  of  Hippocrene  and  sat  down  on  the 
rocks  to  listen. 

Then  the  eldest  of  the  Nine  Sister  Pierides 
opened  wide  her  mouth,  and  with  harsh,  discord- 


ant  sounds  sang  mockingly  of  the  Dwellers-on- 
Mount-Olympus.  She  scoffed  at  aegis-bearing 
Jupiter;  she  sang  scornfully  of  Diana-of-the- 
Bended-Bow  and  of  Diana's  brother,  Apollo-of- 
the-Golden-Beams.  And  as  her  voice  rose  higher 
and  higher,  and  became  noisier  and  noisier,  the 
sky  darkened,  and  gusts  of  wind  shook  the  trees. 
And  so  it  was  until  she  had  ended  her  song. 

Then  rose  up  one  of  the  Nine  Sister  Muses, 
Calliope-of-the-Silver- Voice.  Her  long  hair  was 
wreathed  with  ivy,  and  her  robe  swept  the 
dewy  grass.  Her  sweet  voice  soared  like  a  bird 
through  the  air.  She  sang  of  Daffodils  and 
Roses.  She  sang  of  little  Proserpina  romping 
with  her  playmates  in  a  flowery  meadow.  She 
sang  of  grim  King  Pluto  and  his  plunging  steeds, 
and  of  Mother  Ceres  the  Keeper-of-all-the-Corn- 
fields-in-the- World.  And  such  wondrous  silvery 
melody  poured  from  Calliope's  throat,  that  the 
Sun  shone  brightly  forth,  and  the  very  Moon  and 
Stars  seemed  to  stand  still  to  listen.  And  then 
Calliope  ceased  her  singing. 

c<0  ye  Nine  Sister  Muses,"  cried  the  Nymphs 
of  the  streams  of  Helicon,  "never  before  have 
we  heard  such  entrancing,  melodious  strains! 
To  you,  and  to  you  alone,  belongs  the  victor's 
crown,  and  not  to  these  stupid  Nine  Sister 
Pierides  who  disgust  all  nature  with  their  loud 


At  this  the  Nine  Sister  Pierides  burst  into  abuse 


and  clamour.  But  the  Nine  Sister  Muses  looked 
silently  and  sternly  upon  them. 

Then  Calliope  said :  — 

:£O  ye  mockers!  Your  insolence  and  pride  alone 
merit  reproof.  But  now  to  these  you  add  abuse 
and  violence.  Therefore  receive  your  just  pun- 

And  even  while  she  was  speaking,  the  Nine 
Sister  Pierides,  menacing  her  with  their  hands, 
tried  to  grasp  her  long  hair.  But,  lo,  wonder  of 
wonders!  quills  sprouted  from  their  fingers;  their 
arms  were  covered  with  feathers,  and  became 
wings ! 

In  despair  they  beat  their  breasts  with  their 
wings,  for  they  felt  their  feet  change  into  claws; 
and  each  saw  the  others'  faces  shoot  out  into 
long  hard  beaks.  And,  behold,  the  Nine  Sister 
Pierides  were  no  longer  maidens,  but  were  be- 
come Magpies,  the  scandal  of  the  woods,  for  their 
pride  and  love  of  chattering  still  remained. 

Then  they  rose  into  the  air  with  a  rushing 
sound,  and  settled  in  the  trees  whose  boughs 
swept  the  Fountain  of  Hippocrene.  And  so 
dreadful  was  their  chattering  and  their  harsh, 
discordant  clamour,  that  Pegasus,  stretching  his 
silvery  wings  in  fright,  soared  into  the  sky,  while 
the  Nine  Sister  Muses  fled  in  disgust  back  to 
their  Grove. 


Retold  from  Lucian  and  Other  Sources 

THERE  was  great  excitement  in  the  Shining 
Palace  on  Mount  Olympus.  Hebe,  the  royal 
cupbearer,  had  fallen  and  spilled  the  fragrant 
Nectar.  It  had  gushed  in  a  rich  tide  over  the 
golden  floor  of  the  banquet-hall. 

Yes!  rosy,  dimpled  Hebe,  the  youngest  and 
most  charming  of  all  the  Dwellers-on-Mount- 
Olympus,  had  stumbled  awkwardly  as  she  was 
running  about  carrying  a  great  golden  goblet, 
and  had  fallen.  So  Jupiter,  her  father,  said  that 
she  should  be  royal  cupbearer  no  longer. 

"I'll  serve  the  Nectar.  Let  me  be  your  but- 
ler," growled  Vulcan- the-Smith,  rising  |from  the 

So  just  as  he  was,  all  covered  with  soot  and 
sparks,  for  he  had  come  straight  from  his  forge, 
he  laid  aside  his  tongs,  and  went  limping  around 
the  hall,  a  golden  goblet  in  either  hand.  But 
when  he  served  Nectar  to  Jupiter,  the  goblet 
was  so  dirty  with  soot  that  everybody  burst  out 
laughing,  and  Jupiter  looked  about  for  another 

Now  on  leafy  Mount  Ida,  a  beautiful  boy  with 
pink  cheeks  and  flowing  hair  was  hunting  the 
wild  Stags.  Prince  Ganymede  was  his  name. 


And  the  minute  that  Jupiter  saw  him,  he  changed 
himself  into  a  mighty  Eagle,  and  swooping  down 
caught  him  up  in  his  talons,  and  carried  him  off. 

In  vain  did  Prince  Ganymede's  attendants 
stretch  out  their  hands  to  save  him.  In  vain  his 
Dogs  bayed  angrily,  pointing  their  noses  toward 
the  sky.  Jupiter  bore  him  up  and  up  to  the 
Shining  Palace  on  Mount  Olympus.  There  he 
clad  him  in  unfading  Olympian  garments,  and 
made  him  royal  cupbearer. 

So  ever  after  that  Prince  Ganymede  ran  about 
the  banquet-hall  carrying  in  his  rosy  finger-tips 
great  golden  goblets  filled  with  honey-sweet 


Japanese  Myth 

IT  was  Springtime,  and  along  the  pine-clad  shore 
there  came  the  sound  of  birds.  The  blue  sea 
danced  and  sparkled  in  the  sunlight. 

A  fisherman  was  sitting  on  the  shore.  He 
chanced  to  glance  up  at  the  Pine-Trees,  and  saw 
a  beautiful  robe  of  pure  white  feathers  hanging 
on  a  bough.  He  took  it  down,  and  as  he  did  so, 
a  lovely  maiden  came  toward  him  from  the  sea. 

"Oh!  restore  that  robe  to  me,  dear  fisherman," 
she  pleaded. 

He  gazed  at  her  in  wonder.  Then  he  shook 
his  head.  "This  robe,"  said  he,  "I  have  found, 
and  I  mean  to  keep  it.  It  is  a  marvel,  and  should 
be  placed  among  the  treasures  of  Japan.  No,  I 
can't  possibly  give  it  to  you." 

"Oh!*  cried  the  maiden  pitifully,  "I  cannot 
go  soaring  up  into  the  sky  without  my  Robe  of 
Feathers.  If  you  keep  it,  never  again  may  I 
return  to  the  Palace  of  the  Moon.  O  good  man, 
I  beg  of  you  to  restore  my  robe!' 

But  the  fisherman  was  hard-hearted,  and  re- 
fused to  relent. 

'The  more  you  plead,"  said  he,  "the  more 
determined  I  am  to  keep  what  I  have  found." 

"0  dear  fisherman!"  cried  she  again,  "say  not 


so!  Without  my  Robe  of  Feathers  I  am  like  a 
helpless  bird  with  broken  wing.  Without  my 
wings  I  cannot  soar  to  the  blue  plains  of  the  sky, 
and  to  the  Palace  of  the  Moon." 

Then  the  fisherman's  heart  was  softened.  ;<I 
will  restore  your  Robe  of  Feathers/'  he  said, 
"if  you  will  dance  for  me." 

Then  said  the  maiden:  :'I  will  dance  here  the 
dance  that  makes  the  Palace  of  the  Moon  turn 
around  so  mysteriously.  But  I  cannot  dance 
without  my  Robe  of  Feathers." 

4 What!'  cried  the  fisherman,  "do  you  think 
I'm  such  a  fool  as  to  give  up  this  robe?  If  I  do, 
you  will  surely  fly  away  without  dancing." 

'The  pledge  of  mortals  may  be  broken," 
answered  the  maiden  sternly,  "but  the  Moon 
Folk  never  lie." 

At  these  words  the  fisherman  was  ashamed, 
and  quickly  gave  her  the  Robe  of  Feathers. 
Straightway  she  put  on  the  pure  white  garment. 
Then  she  struck  the  strings  of  a  lute,  and  began 
to  dance  to  the  sweetest  music,  such  as  the  fisher- 
man had  never  heard  before. 

And  while  she  danced  and  played,  she  sang  of 
beautiful,  strange,  far-off  things.  She  sang  of 
the  mighty  Palace  of  the  Moon  where  thirty 
monarchs  ruled,  fifteen  in  robes  of  white  when 
the  orb  was  full,  and  fifteen  robed  in  black  when 
the  Moon  was  waning. 

Then  soon  her  dainty  feet  ceased  tapping  the 

THE  ROBE  OF  FEATHERS         99 

sand.  She  rose  into  air,  the  white  feathers  of  her 
robe  gleaming  against  the  Pine-Trees,  and  against 
the  blue  sky  itself. 

Up,  up,  she  went,  still  singing  and  playing, 
until  her  song  was  hushed  —  until  she  reached 
the  glorious  shining  Palace  of  the  Moon. 


From  Britannia  s  Pastorals  (retold} 

HARK  to  the  Pipes  of  Pan !    This  is  a  song  of  the 
Golden  Age  on  fair  Britannia's  shores. 

The  all-drowsy  Night,  in  car  of  jet  with  steeds 
of  iron  grey,  was  coursing  through  the  darkened 
sky,  when  the  silver-footed  Thetis,  Queen  of  the 
Ocean  Wave,  left  her  coral  palace  beneath  the  sea. 

She  mounted  her  silver  car,  inlaid  with  Pearls 
and  precious  stones,  and  urged  her  foaming 
steeds  through  the  rolling  billows.  Singing 
Naiads,  garlanded  with  seaweed,  and  riding  on 
sporting  Dolphins,  were  her  guides. 

Onward  they  rushed  through  the  blue  ^Egean 
Sea,  then  past  the  happy  shores  of  Cyprus,  and 
from  thence  toward  Britannia's  snowy  cliffs. 
So  runs  my  song  away! 

•         •••••••• 

In  those  golden  days,  on  Britannia's  meads, 
Shepherds  fed  their  bounding  flocks.  On  oaten 
reeds  they  piped  their  songs  to  maids  w7ho  danced 
upon  the  green,  wreathed  in  chains  of  flowers,  in 
which  were  twined  the  Daisy  and  the  scented 
Violet,  the  Lily  and  the  Primrose,  too,  the  orange- 
tawny  Marigold,  the  wind-blown  Columbine, 
the  fragrant  Honeysuckle,  and  the  Kingcup 
yellow  as  true  gold. 

PAN'S  SONG  101 

And  in  those  far-off  happy  days,  Marina  was 
the  fairest  maid  to  whom  the  Shepherds  sung. 
But  wretched  fate!  On  a  time  w^hen  none  was 
nigh  to  succour  her,  Limos,  savage  caitiff,  gaunt 
with  hunger,  seized  the  trembling  maid  and 
bore  her  to  his  den. 

There  in  the  Cave  of  Famine  he  locked  her 
behind  iron  bars.  Then,  laughing  in  his  evil 
heart,  he  went  by  night  to  a  distant  sheepf  old  to 
steal  the  Shepherds'  choicest  lambs. 

So  in  the  Cave  of  Famine,  Marina  lay,  sighing 
and  lamenting.  She  heard  the  cruel  sea  waves 
beat  against  the  walls,  and  saw  the  Sun's  feeblest 
rays  creeping  through  the  bars.  Thirst  and 
Hunger  were  her  jailers  there;  and  the  pangs 
of  Famine  darted  through  her  tender  sides.  But 
Heaven,  that  lends  a  hand  when  human  helpings 
fail,  did  not  forget  the  gentle  maid. 

A  little  Robin  Redbreast,  in  the  clear  day, 
sat  singing  sweetly  on  a  thorn-bush  near  her 
cave.  Then  Marina,  pitying  the  dear  bird, 
fearing  lest  Limos  should  return  and  kill  him, 
rose  and  tried  to  frighten  him  away. 

"Poor,  harmless  creature,"  said  she,  sighing, 
"go  seek  some  brook,  and  to  its  tinkling  fall  sing 
with  your  happy  fellows.  Or  better  still,  do 
this,  you  loving  bird:  fly  to  the  good  greenwood 
and  grassy  mead,  and  tell  the  Shepherds  of  my 
cruel  fate.  Or,  if  instead  you  tarry  here,  do  me  a 
deed  of  charity.  When  my  soul  shall  have  left 

"102          THE  WONDER  GARDEN 

this  form,  cover  my  poor  body  with  a  green  sheet 
of  leaves  gathered  in  some  sweet  valley!' 

When  Robin  Redbreast  heard  this  plaint,  he 
sang  no  more,  but  flew  away. 

Then  in  a  trice  back  again  he  came  to  the  thorn- 
bush  by  Marina's  bars.  And  from  his  beak  hung 
by  its  slender  stem  a  red  ripe  Cherry.  Through 
the  bars  he  flew,  and  nestled  in  Marina's  bosom, 
and  there  he  laid  the  Cherry,  and  straightway 
was  gone  again. 

Soon  he  returned  with  a  cluster  of  fragrant 
Strawberries.  These,  too,  he  laid  in  Marina's 
bosom,  and  hasted  away. 

And  so  he  fed  her.  No  sweet  or  toothsome 
fruit  grew  in  all  the  wood,  but  the  kind  bird  knew 
it  and  brought  it  to  the  maid. 

Then  to  the  seashore  he  hastened,  and  flew 
to  and  fro  above  the  sand,  until  he  found  an 
Oyster  with  shell  half  open,  yawning  in  the  Sun. 

The  wily  Redbreast  took  a  little  pebble,  and 
pressed  it  between  the  pearly  lips,  and  the  Oyster 
tried  to  close  its  shell,  but  could  not.  Then  the 
bird  thrust  in  his  head  and  pulling  out  the  Oyster, 
flew  with  it  to  Marina's  cave,  and  put  the  morsel 
between  her  lips. 

And  so  he  fed  her  with  juicy  fruits  and  refresh- 
ing meats. 

WTien  the  tide  rolled  out,  and  many  shells 
were  left  high  upon  the  shore,  Marina,  looking 
through  her  bars,  saw  —  oh,  wondrous  sight!  — 

PAN'S  SONG  103 

Doves  and  Eagles,  Hawks  and  Ospreys,  standing 
on  the  sand,  and  before  each  lay  an  Oyster, 
yawning  in  the  Sun,  and  each  bird  held  in  his 
beak  a  pebble,  as  he  had  seen  Redbreast  do. 

But  the  birds  were  not  so  wise  as  he!  Some 
put  their  pebbles  too  far  within  the  shells,  others 
used  stones  too  small  and  smooth.  And  when 
they  thrust  in  their  heads  between  the  pearly 
lips,  the  shells  closed  tight  and  cut  their  necks 
in  two. 

"Unhappy  birds!'  Marina  sighed,  "thus  to 
meet  your  deaths!  Not  wise  you  were,  like  little 
Robin  Redbreast ! ' 

The  feathered  hours  flew  by,  and  ten  days  and 
nights  came  and  went,  and  still  the  kind  bird 
fed  Marina,  and  still  the  caitiff,  Limos,  came  not. 
He,  too,  had  met  his  death. 

In  the  distant  sheepfold  the  angry  Shepherds 
found  him  ere  he  could  steal  their  choicest 
lambs.  With  many  shouts  they  pursued  him 
across  the  plain.  Seizing  him,  they  bound  him 
with  iron  chains  to  a  rock,  and  left  him  there 
to  die.  His  eyes  flashed  with  flames;  he  ground 
his  teeth  and  tore  at  his  chains,  and  died. 

So  in  the  Cave  of  Famine  Marina  lay  with 

none  to  free  her.    Alas!  her  wretched  state! 

While  Aurora,  rosy-fingered  Child  of  Dawn, 
touched  the  Sky  with  opal  lights,  swiftly  to 
fair  Britannia's  shore  the  car  of  Thetis  came. 

104         THE  WONDER  GARDEN 

Near  to  the  Cave  of  Famine  drew  the  car,  and 
the  silver-footed  Queen  heard  Marina's  plaint  — 
unhappy  maid!  —  in  fear  of  grief  and  hunger.  For 
on  that  same  rosy  day,  —  oh,  mournful  chance ! 
—  the  willing  little  Redbreast  had  flown  too 
swiftly  through  the  thorns,  had  pricked  his  tender 
breast,  and  so  had  died. 

When  the  silver-footed  Queen  heard  the  maid's 
lament,  her  heart  was  moved  by  such  dire  distress. 
To  her  she  called  great  Triton,  and  bade  him 
free  the  sorrowing  maid. 

Meanwhile,  the  Naiads  caught  Marina's  tears 
in  Oyster  shells.  Those  sparkling  briny  drops 
changed  into  rare  pearls  of  Orient,  and  the 
Naiads  strewed  them  on  the  shore  and  in  the 
clefts  of  Britannia's  snowy  rocks. 

Then  the  Ocean  Queen  drew  Marina  into  her 
silver  car,  and  swiftly  urged  her  foaming  steeds 
through  the  leaping  billows  toward  the  coral 
palace  underneath  the  waves,  where  joy  and 
bliss  for  ever  reign. 

The  all-drowsy  Night,  in  jetty  car,  drove  his 
iron-grey  coursers  through  the  darkened  sky. 

So  the  song  of  Pan  is  ended! 




The  Daisy  scattered  on  each  mead  and  down, 
A  golden  tuft  within  a  silver  crown, 
(Fair  fall  that  dainty  flower!  and  may  there  be 
No  Shepherd  graced  that  doth  not  honour  thee!) 

The  Harebell,  for  her  stainless  azured  hue, 
Claims  to  be  worn  of  none  but  those  are  true. 

Tlie  Yellow  Kingcup  Flora  them  assigned 
To  be  the  badges  of  a  jealous  mind. 

Flora's  choice  buttons  of  a  russet  dye, 
Is  Hope  even  in  the  depth  of  mi-sery. 

The  Pansy,  Thistle  all  with  prickles  set, 
The  Cowslip,  Honeysuckle,  Violet, 
And  many  hundreds  more  that  graced  the  meads, 
Gardens  and  groves,  where  beauteous  Flora  treads, 
Were  by  the  Shepherds'  daughters  (as  yet  are 
Used  in  our  cotes)  brought  home  ivith  special  care. 



The  Foxglove  on  fair  Flora's  hand  is  worn, 
Lest,  while  she  gathers  flowers,  she  meet  a  thorn. 



Retold  from  Ovid 

IN  the  bright  Springtime,  in  those  days  when 
golden-beamed  Apollo  shed  his  happiest  rays 
upon  Earth,  Flora,  the  bride  of  the  gentle  West 
Wind,  Zephyr,  walked  in  her  garden,  where 
streams  of  sparkling  water  sang  among  the  trees. 

"Beloved,"  said  Zephyr,  "rule  now  the  Em- 
pire of  Blossoms!  Be  Queen  of  all  the  Flowers!' 

And  he  breathed  through  the  garden,  and 
from  the  soft  grass  sprang  up  dew-washed  Violets, 
Lilies,  and  Daffodils;  while  from  Flora's  lips  Red 
Roses  fell  to  the  ground,  and,  taking  root  there, 
bloomed  again. 

So  Flora,  Queen  of  all  the  Flowers,  tended  the 
plants  and  unfolded  the  buds.  The  birds  burst  into 
song,  the  streams  sang  more  gayly,  while  Apollo 
with  his  golden  beams  dissolved  the  Dew  upon 
the  leaves.  And  Flora's  four  maidens,  Spring, 
Summer,  Autumn,  and  Winter,  arrayed  in  their 
painted  robes,  ran  hither  and  thither  among  the 
flowers,  gathering  the  blossoms  into  light  baskets. 

Then  from  among  the  trees  came  dancing  the 
Three  Graces,  swaying  hand  in  hand,  —  Aglaia, 
Thalia,  and  Euphrosyne.  And  they,  too,  ran 
hither  and  thither  among  the  flowers,  plucking 

108          THE  WONDER  GARDEN 

Violets  and  Daffodils,  and  twining  delicate  gar- 
lands for  Flora's  head. 

Now  in  all  that  wide  and  beautiful  garden 
only  two  people  were  unhappy,  —  a  youth  and 
a  Nymph.  And  very  unhappy  they  were,  for 
the  Nymph  loved  the  youth,  but  he  mocked  at 
her  love. 

Flora  heard  them  disputing  and  hurried  to 
their  side. 

'Crocus  and  Smilax!'  she  cried.  'Unhappy 
ones,  who  are  disturbing  the  peace  of  my  garden ! 
Become  flowers  at  once!' 

And  straightway  the  youth  pined  and  grew 
smaller,  until  he  peeped  from  the  grass,  no  longer 
a  youth,  but  a  slender  green  stem  holding  up  a 
golden  cup. 

The  Nymph,  she  sank  to  the  grass  and  was 
changed  into  a  delicate  trailing  vine. 

And  so  it  is  to-day.  Crocus  stands  in  the  fresh, 
green  grass  holding  up  a  golden  or  a  purple  cup, 
while  Smilax  trails  upon  the  ground. 


Old  Legend 

WOULD  you  like  to  know  why  the  pale-tinted 
buds  of  the  frail  Windflower  tremble  so  in  the 
breeze?  And  why  its  delicate  petals  are  so 
cruelly  torn  by  the  cold  North  Wind? 

Once  upon  a  time,  at  the  court  of  Queen  Flora, 


there  dwelt  a  little  Nymph  called  Anemone.  She 
was  of  such  rare  and  delicate  beauty  that  no 
flower  in  all  Queen  Flora's  garden  was  so  lovely. 
Even  the  gentle  West  Wind,  Zephyr,  liked  to 
ruffle  her  soft  hair  and  fan  her  pink  cheeks  with 
his  wings. 

But  though  Anemone  was  beautiful,  she  did 
not  always  obey  Queen  Flora,  who  grew  dis- 
pleased at  her  little  Nymph's  naughty  ways. 
So  she  touched  her  with  her  wand,  and  changed 
her  into  a  frail  Windflower  with  tightly  closed 
pink  and  lilac  buds.  Then,  to  punish  her  still 
further,  she  took  her  out  of  the  garden,  and 
planted  her  along  the  forest-walks. 

But  Zephyr,  pitying  the  lonely  little  flower, 
hurried  to  the  forest,  and,  breathing  gently  on 
her  folded  buds,  coaxed  them  to  unclose. 

Then,  because  he  was  such  a  fickle  Wind, 
blowing  this  way  and  that  just  as  he  chose,  he 
soon  forgot  about  sad  little  Anemone.  He  flew 
back  to  Queen  Flora's  garden;  while  his  rough 
brother  Boreas,  the  cold  North  Wind,  came 
rushing  down  from  his  icy  home,  and  tore  her 
frail  petals  with  his  rude  breath. 

That  is  why  —  so  the  Wonder  Story  says  — 
little  Anemone  is  called  the  Windflower;  and 
why,  in  the  early,  early  Springtime  she  stands 
trembling,  and  waiting  for  Zephyr  to  coax  open 
her  tight  buds;  and  why,  when  Zephyr  has  flown 
back  to  Queen  Flora's  garden,  she  bows  her 

110          THE  WONDER  GARDEN 

fragile  blossoms  before  the  rude  cold  blast  of 
Boreas  his  brother. 


Old  Legend 

OF  course  you  have  heard  how,  in  those  golden 
wonder  days  of  old,  Flora  the  Beautiful  was 
Queen  of  all  the  Flowers. 

In  her  garden  grew  tall  proud  Tulips,  slen- 
der Daffodils  with  drooping  golden  heads,  and 
Hyacinths  that  softly  rang  their  scented  bells. 
And  everywhere  along  the  paths,  Crocus  held 
up  his  yellow  and  purple  cups;  while  Smilax 
trailed  delicately  around  the  trees  and  upon  the 

In  the  Spring  and  Summer  time,  Queen  Flora 
walked  joyously  through  her  garden,  shedding 
glowing  Red  Roses  from  her  mouth;  while 
everywhere  she  stepped,  whole  troops  of  little 
flowers  came  crowding  from  the  mould,  and, 
lifting  their  radiant  heads,  smiled  up  at  her. 

But  in  all  that  wide  and  lovely  garden  there 
was  no  Primrose  to  sweetly  tremble  in  the  breeze, 
when  the  gentle  West  Wind,  Zephyr,  stirred  its 

Now,  it  was  by  Flora's  magic  art  that  Crocus, 
a  troublesome  youth,  and  Smilax,  a  quarrelsome 
Nymph,  had  once  been  transformed  into  the 
flowers  that  bear  their  names.  So  when  Flora 


saw  that  there  was  no  Primrose,  she  walked 
about  her  garden  to  find  a  youth  to  change 
into  one. 

Soon  she  found  her  own  pretty  son,  Paralisos, 
stretched  out  in  the  soft  grass,  where  he  was 
weeping  and  wailing  for  a  maiden  he  had  loved 
and  lost.  And,  because  he  would  not  be  com- 
forted, and  was  mourning  himself  to  death, 
Flora  touched  him  with  her  wand. 

Instantly  he  was  changed  into  a  green  Prim- 
rose Plant,  holding  up  its  staff  of  pale  sweet 
blossoms.  And  there,  night  and  day,  Paralisos 
stood,  drinking  the  dew  from  his  flower-cups; 
folding  his  petals  when  the  Sun  shone  too  brightly, 
and  opening  them  again  in  the  cool  of  the  day  to 
scent  his  mother's  garden. 

Then,  because  she  loved  her  Primrose  Son  so 
dearly,  she  planted  him  in  meadows  and  woods, 
so  that  all  the  world  might  see  him. 


FAIR  was  the  day,  but  fairer  was  the  maid  who 
wandered  through  the  good  greenwood.  Sweet 
was  the  air,  but  sweeter  was  her  breathing  per- 
fumed with  Roses.  Bright  was  the  Sun,  but 
brighter  were  her  eyes. 

A  green  silk  frock  she  wore.  Loose  from  her 
waist  fell  a  mantle  stitched  with  gold  and  green, 
and  lined  with  rich  carnation  silk.  Around  the 


mantle's  edge  hung  a  deep  fringe  of  twisted 
gold,  as  if  on  the  margin  of  a  brook  a  thousand 
yellow  flowers  did  fringe  its  course.  Upon  her 
feet  she  wore  a  pair  of  buskins  soft,  studded 
with  Orient  Pearls  and  Chrysolite.  A  silver 
quiver  she  hung  upon  her  back,  and  in  her 
hand  she  held  a  bow  of  scented  wood.  All 
lovely  was  she,  with  heavenly  Roses  in  her 

But  her  slender  hands  were  whiter  than  all 
else  on  earth.  Yes,  whiter  than  the  snowy  Swans 
that  float  upon  the  bosom  of  the  lake.  So  daz- 
zling were  they,  that  when  she  stooped  to  pick 
the  meadow-flowers,  they  shone  like  white  stars 
fallen  in  the  grass.  No  bloom  on  earth  was  half 
so  white  as  they. 

Sweet  Flora,  Queen  of  all  the  Flowers,  saw 
them,  and  was  ravished  at  the  sight. 

'I  must,"  she  said,  <;<make  blossoms  as  lovely 
as  her  hands." 

Now  all  the  Lilies,  in  those  days,  were  black. 
Often  the  dancing  Fairies  left  their  happy  play, 
and,  pulling  the  black  flowers,  filled  their  cups 
with  honey  from  the  hollow  trees.  Then  to  the 
banquet  of  the  Fairy  Queen  they  hastened,  bear- 
ing the  jetty  cups. 

These  Queen  Flora  saw,  and  said,  "Such  un- 
sightly blossoms  will  I  change  to  flowers  that 
shall  vie  for  beauty  with  this  maid's  fair  hands." 

She  touched  the  black  Lily  cups,  and  straight 


their  jetty  petals  grew  pure  and  crystalline,  and 
set  with  tiny  golden  crowns  within. 

Yet  these  new  flowers,  so  stately  with  their 
crowns,  were  not  half  so  snowy  as  the  maid's 
dazzling  hands,  but  were  of  ^a  transparent  white- 
ness, —  shadowy,  like  the  breasts  of  Venus' 




Old  Legend 

A  VERY  foolish  youth  was  Cyanus.  He  loved 
the  bright  Cornflowers  more  than  he  did  his 
father  and  mother.  When  the  Cornflowers  were 
in  blossom,  he  neglected  his  duties,  and  spent 
all  his  time  wandering  among  them. 

One  day  he  put  on  a  fringed  robe  of  bright 
silk,  blue  like  his  favourite  flowers,  and  went 
to  walk  in  Queen  Flora's  Cornfields.  He  wan- 
dered about,  picking  the  blue  blossoms,  and 
wreathing  them  into  garlands  and  chains. 

He  forgot  his  home,  he  forgot  to  sleep,  he  forgot 
to  eat.  Day  after  day  and  night  after  night  he  wan- 
dered to  and  fro,  growing  weaker  and  weaker,  until 
he  sank  down  fainting  among  the  Cornstalks. 

Then  lovely  Flora,  Queen  of  all  the  Flowers, 
came  to  walk  in  her  fields.  She  found  Cyanus 
lying  there  among  his  scattered  blossoms,  that 
he  had  loved  so  dearly  and  so  foolishly.  And, 

114          THE  WONDER  GARDEN 

as  she  liked  to  change  youths  into  flowers,  she 
waved  her  wand  above  him. 

Straightway  he  grew  smaller  and  smaller.  His 
body  became  a  stem  rooted  in  the  ground,  while 
his  robe  was  changed  into  little,  bright  blue 

And  there  he  is  to-day,  dressed  in  emerald 
green  leaves  and  sky  blue  blossoms,  standing 
among  the  growing  Corn. 

Very  busy  is  Cy  anus,  holding  high  his  florets ,  like 
Fairy  vases  filled  with  rich  Nectar  for  Queen  Flora's 
thirsty  Bees.  And  when  his  florets  are  faded  away, 
the  Fairy  vases  become  beautiful  green  cradles 
filled  with  little  Winged  Children,  whose  tiny  pin- 
ions are  adorned  with  delicate  jet-black  plumes. 

Then  comes  rollicking  Zephyr,  blowing  through 
the  Corn.  First  he  rocks  the  cradles.  Then  — 
puff!  puff!  and  all  the  little  Winged  Children  go 
sailing  away  before  Zephyr's  breath.  And  wher- 
ever a  Winged  Child  falls  in  the  Cornfield,  an- 
other little  Cyanus  springs  out  of  the  ground.  All 
this  you  may  see  for  yourself,  if  you  will  watch 
in  the  Cornfield. 



Old  Legend 

VERY  wonderful  and  beautiful  was  the  Garden 
of  the  Hesperides  on  the  edge  of  the  world.    In  it 


grew  a  magic  fruit-tree  on  which  hung  Golden 
Apples  that  looked  like  little  suns  shining  on  its 

Three  lovely  sister-maidens  watched  the  tree, 
dancing  hand  in  hand  about  its  trunk.  And  their 
clear-voiced  singing  rang  through  the  garden, 
and  livened  the  heart  of  their  father,  old  Giant 
Atlas,  who  was  holding  up  the  heavy  sky  on  his 
head  and  hands.  Indeed  their  sweet  singing 
soothed  the  temper  of  the  terrible  Dragon  with  a 
hundred  heads,  who  lay  around  the  roots  of  the 
magic  tree,  coiling  and  uncoiling  his  glittering 

Morning,  noon,  and  night  the  three  Hesperides, 
as  the  sister-maidens  were  called,  sang  and 
danced,  while  they  watched  lest  any  rash  mortal 
should  enter  the  garden. 

Morning,  noon,  and  night  the  hundred  heads 
of  the  Dragon  vomiting  flames,  watched  with  all 
their  two  hundred  eyes  lest  the  Hesperides  them- 
selves should  pluck  some  of  the  Golden  Apples. 

And  there  was  still  another  watcher,  for  the 
Dragon  had  a  little  Nymph  to  wait  upon  him. 
Campanula  was  her  name.  She  carried  a  bunch 
of  tiny  silver  bells  to  ring  if  any  mortal  tried  to 
enter,  or  if  the  Hesperides  drew  too  near  the 

One  day  Campanula  was  weary  and  forgot  her 
duty  for  a  moment.  Just  then  a  thief  came  leap- 
ing over  the  wall.  She  ran  for  her  bells,  but 

116          THE  WONDER  GARDEN 

before  she  could  reach  them  he  thrust  his  sword 
through  her  heart. 

Ah!  then  what  weeping  and  wailing  there  was 
in  the  garden!  All  the  flowers  drooped  their 
heads  and  shed  tears  of  dew.  The  Butterflies 
folded  their  wings  and  quivered  with  grief.  Even 
the  Hesperides  stopped  their  clear  singing,  and 
old  Giant  Atlas  groaned  louder  than  before. 

Lovely  Flora,  Queen  of  all  the  Flowers,  heard 
the  weeping  and  wailing,  and  came  hurrying 
into  the  garden.  She  pitied  poor  little  Campa- 
nula so,  that  she  touched  her  with  her  wand.  Im- 
mediately the  little  Nymph  was  changed  into  a 
Bluebell  swinging  its  bright  blossoms  in  the  wind. 

And  each  Summer  since  then  little  Campanula, 
standing  in  the  garden-bed,  announces  the  com- 
ing of  the  hot  days  by  ringing  her  silver-sweet 
amethyst  bells. 


Retold  from  Abraham  Cowley  and  Other  Sources 

ONCE  upon  a  time,  when  Queen  Flora  reigned 
over  the  flowers,  a  maiden  named  Caltha  lived 
in  Flora's  garden. 

Caltha  loved  to  look  at  the  bright  Sun,  and  all 
day  long  she  sat  with  her  eyes  fixed  on  his  shining 
disk.  At  night  she  did  not  sleep,  but  sat  watching 
for  him  to  rise  again. 

So  she  gazed  and  gazed,  until  one  morning  she 



melted  under  his  hot  beams,  and  vanished  away. 
And  in  her  place  grew  up  an  orange-coloured 
Marigold,  dew- washed  with  tears. 

All  day  long  the  Marigold  turned  her  face 
toward  the  Sun  as  he  moved  through  the  sky. 
At  night  she  closed  her  petals,  only  to  open  them 
again  at  the  first  touch  of  his  morning  beams. 

When  at  last  her  blossom  faded  and  withered 
away,  she  still  stood  there  holding  up  her  calyx, 
shaped  like  a  little  quiver  filled  with  tiny  painted 

So  Queen  Flora,  walking  in  her  garden,  saw 
the  quiver.  She  plucked  it  and  hung  it  on  her 
shoulder.  Then  she  put  on  buskins  made  of 
Lady's-slippers,  and  drew  Foxgloves  on  her  slim 
white  hands;  and,  holding  a  small  bow,  she  went 
to  hunt  Butterflies  among  her  flowers. 

Soon  a  large  pale  yellow  Butterfly  flew  past 
her,  alighting  on  the  stem  of  a  pale  yellow  Rose. 
And  there  he  hung  motionless  with  closed  wings, 
hoping  that  Queen  Flora  would  mistake  him  for  a 
Rosebud.  But  Zephyr  breathed  upon  him,  and 
made  him  flutter.  So  Queen  Flora  knew  that 
he  was  not  a  flower,  and  shot  a  bright  Marigold- 
arrow  straight  through  his  body. 

Then  she  took  the  Butterfly  home  to  her  pal- 
ace, and  made  a  wee  yellow  fan  of  his  wings. 

118          THE  WONDER  GARDEN 


Old  Legend 

SINGING  birds,  humming  Bees,  blooming  flowers, 
and  bubbling  water-springs,  all  these  were  in 
Queen  Flora's  lovely  garden.  Above  them  towered 
giant  Oak-Trees  rustling  and  whispering  secrets. 
Inside  each  Oak-Tree  dwelt  a  little  Dryad  with 
nut-brown  hair  wreathed  in  oak-leaves. 

One  day  Queen  Flora  found  her  largest  tree 
blasted,  and  its  little  Dryad  lying  dead  among 
the  ferns;  while  all  the  other  Dryads  stood  about, 
crying  and  wringing  their  hands. 

14  Do  not  weep,  my  children,"  said  Queen 
Flora,  "for  your  little  companion  shall  reign  over 
all  my  flowers." 

Then  Queen  Flora  sent  out  her  messengers  the 
Bees,  to  invite  the  Dwellers-on-Mount-Olynipus 
to  come  to  the  garden. 

Straightway  through  the  air  came  flying 
Apollo-of-the-Golden-Beams,  trailing  his  long 
purple  robe,  and  Venus  the  Beautiful  in  her  car 
drawn  by  Swans.  While  through  the  lush  green 
meadows  came  walking  Bacchus,  Keeper-of-All- 
the-Vineyards-in-the- World.  After  him  followed 
Vertumnus  and  Pomona  hand  in  hand,  he  bear- 
ing aloft  his  big  cornucopia  filled  with  Pears, 
Plums,  and  Peaches,  and  she  clasping  a  basket  of 
bright  red  Apples. 


Then  Zephyr  the  West  Wind  breathed  gently 
through  the  garden,  and  Flora  touched  the  little 
Dryad  with  her  wand.  Lo!  the  little  maiden's 
body  became  a  lovely  green  bush;  but  there  were 
no  flowers  growing  on  it. 

Apollo  warmed  its  roots  with  his  bright  beams. 
Bacchus  poured  nectar  of  dew-drops  over  it. 
Vertumnus  anointed  it  with  his  choicest  perfumes, 
while  Pomona  scattered  her  smallest,  brightest, 
and  reddest  Apples  upon  its  branches. 

Then  Flora  touched  the  bush  with  her  wand, 
and  from  each  small  red  Apple  sprang  a  blossom 
like  a  diadem  of  crimson  perfumed  petals. 

After  that  Venus  stepped  forward,  set  many 
tiny  thorns  along  the  stems  of  the  bush;  —  and 
she  called  its  flowers  Roses. 

That  is  how  the  little  Dryad  of  the  blasted  Oak 
came  to  reign  over  all  the  flowers  in  Flora's 
garden;  and  why,  in  the  Autumn,  little  bright 
red  Apples  grow  on  Rose-Bushes. 



The  air  is  soft,  the  dale  is  green, 

The  Kingcups  troop  in  golden  sheen, 

And  nod  the  Wind/lowers  gaily; 

The  meadow-ground 

Is  bright  around, 

And  waxes  brighter  daily. 

The  Rivulet  tumbles  down  the  rock, 
And  thrills  and  shudders  to  the  shock9 
Sings  on  through  shady  places; 
Where'er  it  goes, 
The  Pale  Primrose 
Runs  with  it  little  races. 

The  Roving  Cowslips,  born  at  night, 

Steal  forth  into  the  early  light, 

Beside  a  stubble  meadow; 

And  there  the  cold 

Dark  stream  in  gold, 

Melts  murmuring  out  of  shadow. 

ANON,  (condensed) 


Next  followed  on 

The  Fairy  Nobles,  ushering  Oberon 
Their  mighty  King,  a  prince  of  subtile  power t 
Clad  in  a  suit  of  speckled  Gillyflower. 
His  hat,  by  some  choice  master  in  the  trade, 
Was  (like  a  helmet)  of  a  Lily  made. 
His  ruff,  a  Daisy  was,  so  neatly  trim, 
As  if  of  purpose  it  had  grown  for  him. 
His  cloak  was  of  the  velvet  flowers,  and  lined 
With  Flower  s-de-Luces,  of  the  choicest  kind. 



Iroquois  Legend 

MANY,  many  Moons  ago,  in  the  far  Northern 
Land  beside  the  Lakes,  there  lived  an  old  man 
alone  in  his  lodge.  His  locks  were  long,  and 
white  with  Age  and  Frost.  The  fur  of  the  Bear 
and  the  Beaver  covered  his  body,  but  none  too 
warmly,  for  the  Snow  and  Ice  were  everywhere. 

Over  all  the  Earth  was  Winter.  The  North 
Wind  rushed  down  the  mountain-side,  and  shook 
the  branches  of  trees  and  bushes  as  it  searched 
for  song-birds  to  chill  to  the  heart.  But  all  living 
creatures  had  crept  into  their  holes,  and  even 
the  bad  Spirits  had  dug  caves  for  themselves  in 
the  Ice  and  Snow. 

Lonely  and  halting,  the  old  man  went  out  into 
the  forest  seeking  wood  for  his  fire.  Only  a  few 
fagots  could  he  find,  and  in  despair  he  again 
sought  his  lodge.  He  laid  the  fagots  on  the  Fire, 
and  soon  they  were  burned;  and  he  crouched 
over  the  dying  embers. 

The  wind  moaned  in  the  tree-tops,  and  a  sud- 
den gust  blew  aside  the  skin  of  the  Great  Bear 
hanging  before  the  door.  And,  lo,  a  beautiful 
maiden  entered  the  lodge. 

Her  cheeks  were  red  like  the  petals  of  Wild 
Roses.  Her  eyes  were  large,  and  glowed  like  the 

124          THE  WONDER  GARDEN 

eyes  of  the  Fawn  at  night.  Her  hair  was  black 
like  the  wing  of  the  Crow,  and  so  long  that  it 
trailed  upon  the  ground.  Her  hands  were  filled 
with  Willow  buds,  and  on  her  head  was  a  crown 
of  flowers.  Her  mantle  was  woven  with  sweet 
grasses  and  ferns,  and  her  moccasins  were  white 
Lilies  laced  and  embroidered  with  petals  of 
Honeysuckles.  When  she  breathed,  the  air  of 
the  lodge  became  fragrant  and  warmer,  and  the 
cold  wind  rushed  back  in  affright. 

The  old  man  gazed  on  her  in  wonder.  :<My 
daughter,"  said  he,  :'y°u  are  welcome  to  the 
poor  shelter  of  my  cheerless  lodge!  It  is  cold 
and  desolate,  for  I  have  not  wood  enough  to  keep 
my  Fire  burning!  Come,  sit  beside  me,  and  tell 
me  who  you  are,  that  you  wander  like  a  Deer 
through  the  forest.  Tell  me  also  of  your  country, 
and  your  people  who  gave  you  such  beauty  and 
grace.  Then  I,  who  am  the  mighty  Winter,  will 
tell  you  of  my  great  deeds." 

The  maiden  smiled,  and  the  sunlight  streamed 
forth  from  the  grey  clouds  and  shot  its  warmth 
through  the  roof  of  the  lodge.  Then  Winter  filled 
his  pipe  of  friendship,  and  when  he  had  put  it  to 
his  lips,  he  said:  — 

"I  blow  the  breath  from  my  nostrils  and  the 
waters  of  the  rivers  stand  still,  and  the  great 
waves  of  the  lakes  rest,  and  the  murmurings  of 
the  streams  die  away  in  silence." 

"You  are  great  and  strong,"  said  the  maiden, 


"and  the  waters  know  the  touch  of  your  breath. 
But  I  am  loved  by  the  birds,  and  when  I  smile 
the  flowers  spring  up  all  over  the  forest,  and  the 
meadows  are  carpeted  with  green." 

"I  shake  my  locks,"  said  Winter,  "and,  lo, 
the  Earth  is  wrapped  in  a  covering  of  Snow!' 

"I  breathe  into  the  air,"  said  the  maiden,  "and 
the  warm  rains  come,  and  the  covering  of  Snow 
vanishes  like  the  darkness  when  the  Sun  awakens 
and  rises  from  its  bed  in  the  morning." 

"I  walk  about,"  said  Winter,  "and  the  leaves 
die  on  the  trees,  and  fall  to  the  ground.  The 
birds  desert  their  nests  and  fly  away  beyond  the 
lakes.  The  animals  hide  themselves  in  their 

"Oh!  great  are  you,  Winter,"  said  the  maiden, 
"and  your  name  is  to  be  feared  by  all  living  things 
in  the  land!  Cruel  are  you,  Winter!  More  cruel 
and  cunning  than  the  tortures  of  the  Red  Men! 
Your  strength  is  greater  than  the  strength  of  the 
forest  trees,  for  do  you  not  rend  them  with  power- 
ful hands? 

"But  when  I,  the  gentle  maiden,  walk  forth, 
the  trees  burst  into  leaves,  and  the  sweet  birds 
build  again  their  nests  in  the  branches.  The 
winds  sing  soft  and  pleasant  music  to  the  ears 
of  the  Red  Man,  while  his  wife  and  papooses 
sport  in  the  warm  sunshine  near  his  wigwam." 

As  the  maiden  ceased  speaking,  the  lodge  be- 
came very  warm  and  bright.  But  the  boasting 

126          THE   WONDER  GARDEN 

Winter  heeded  it  not,  for  his  head  drooped  upon 
his  breast,  and  he  slept.  The  maiden  passed  her 
hands  above  his  head,  and  he  grew  smaller  and 

The  Bluebirds  came  and  filled  the  trees  about 
the  lodge,  and  sang;  and  the  rivers  lifted  their 
waves  and  foamed  and  leaped  along.  Streams  of 
water  flowed  from  Winter's  mouth,  and  he  van- 
ished away,  while  his  garments  turned  into 
glistening  leaves. 

Then  the  maiden  knelt  upon  the  ground,  and 
took  from  her  bosom  a  cluster  of  delicate  flowers, 
fragrant  and  rosy-white.  She  hid  them  beneath 
the  leaves,  and  breathing  on  them  with  love, 
whispered :  — 

'I  give  you,  O  precious  jewels,  all  my  virtues 
and  my  sweetest  breath.  Men  shall  pluck  you 
with  bowed  head  and  bended  knee." 

Then  she  arose,  and  moved  joyously  over  the 
plains,  and  among  the  hills,  and  through  the  val- 
leys. The  birds  and  the  winds  sang  together, 
while  the  flowers  everywhere  lifted  up  their  heads 
and  greeted  her  with  fragrance. 

So  always  in  the  early  Spring,  wherever  the 
maiden  stepped,  grows  the  Trailing  Arbutus. 

WILLIAM  W.  CANFIELD  (adapted) 



Old  Legend 

WOULD  you  like  to  know  why  the  little  blue 
Wood- Violet  peeps  so  shyly  up  from  under  her 
broad  green  leaves,  and  why  she  hides  away  so 
modestly  in  the  woods  and  beneath  shady 

This  is  what  the  Wonder  Story  tells :  — 

Once  upon  a  time  there  was  a  charming  modest 
little  maiden  named  lanthis.  She  was  one  of  the 
attendants  of  Diana-of-the-Bended-Bow.  Often 
she  and  her  companions,  Arethusa  and  Syrinx, 
wandered  about  the  woods  picking  flowers  and 

But  unlike  her  two  companions,  who  went 
bare-armed  the  better  to  use  their  bows  when 
hunting,  the  modest  little  lanthis  wrapped  her- 
self in  a  dusky  blue  veil,  and  tended  a  herd  of 
Cows  that  were  gently  browsing  in  a  fragrant 

Now  it  chanced  one  day  that  Apollo-of-the- 
Golden-Beams  was  looking  from  his  Palace  in 
the  Sun,  and  caught  a  glimpse  of  lanthis's  sweet 
eyes  gazing  shyly  up  at  him  through  her  blue 
veil.  Straight  he  flew  down  to  the  meadow. 

But  lanthis  saw  him  coining,  and  timidly  ran 

128          THE  WONDER  GARDEN 

:<O  Diana!'  she  cried  piteously,  "whither 
shall  I  flee  from  Apollo?  Shall  I  hasten  to  the 
mountains,  and  there  hide  my  head?' 

Then  came  Diana's  answer  calm  and  clear:  — 

<l  Sister,  little  Sister,  do  not  go  near  the  moun- 
tains, for  on  their  tops  Apollo  likes  to  sit  and 
watch  the  open  sky.  Hide,  instead,  in  some 
shady  nook,  for  Apollo  dislikes  cool  shadows." 

So  lanthis  ran  into  the  wood,  and  hid  herself 
in  a  cool  thicket  beside  a  brook. 

And  there  Apollo  found  her.  He  parted  the 
branches,  and  when  he  saw  her  shy,  blushing  face 
gazing  at  him,  he  stretched  out  his  arms  to  carry 
her  off  to  his  Palace  in  the  Sun. 

But  Diana,  who  loved  her  little  maiden  well, 
touched  her  face  in  its  dusky  blue  veil,  and  it 
became  a  modest,  lovely  Violet;  while  her  body 
sank  down  among  the  stones  and  leaves,  and  was 
a  green-spreading  Violet-plant. 

That  is  why  to-day  —  so  the  Wonder  Story 
says  —  lanthis,  the  little  blue  Wood- Violet,  hides 
by  the  sides  of  streams  and  beneath  shady  hedges, 
peeping  timidly  up  from  under  her  broad  green 


Old  Tale 

ONCE  upon  a  time,  there  was  a  meadow  inhab- 
ited by  Fairies.  Brownies  and  Elves  skipped 
about  in  the  grass.  Wood-Gnomes  lived  in  the 


trees.    The  cheerful  little  Flower-Sprites,  in  their 
gay  gowns,  flitted  about  in  the  sunshine. 

Suddenly  human  children  ran  into  the  meadow. 
They  trampled  down  so  many  flowers  and  shouted 
so  loudly  that  all  the  Fairies  were  frightened,  and 
scampered  hither  and  thither  looking  for  some 
place  to  hide  in. 

The  Gnomes  hid  themselves  deep  in  the  earth. 
The  Elves  curled  themselves  up  in  the  cracks  of 
the  rocks.  The  Brownies  jumped  into  the  hollow 
trunks  of  trees. 

But  the  little  Flower-Sprites  loved  the  sun- 
shine, and  did  not  wish  to  live  in  the  dark  ground 
and  in  hollow  trees.  Indeed,  the  poor  little 
things  did  not  know  where  to  hide;  so  they 
clung  to  the  stems  of  plants.  Then  the  Fairy 
Queen  changed  them  all  into  flowers,  the  colours 
of  the  gowns  they  were  wearing. 

Now,  a  number  of  the  Flower-Sprites  were 
wearing  new  frocks  made  of  bright  yellow  Sun- 
beams. And  when  the  excitement  was  over  they 
found  themselves  huddled  together  on  one  stalk 
and  staring  straight  up  at  the  Sun.  All  the 
littlest  Sprites  were  in  the  centre,  while  the  oldest 
and  strongest  were  formed  into  a  circle  to  pro- 
tect the  littlest  ones. 

They  were  a  Dandelion  Flower! 

KATHERINE  M.  BEALS  (adapted) 

130          THE   WONDER  GARDEN 


THE  Buttercups  were  glittering  amongst  the 
fresh  green  leaves,  like  bright  little  suns.  How 
gaily  they  sparkled!  And  could  they  sing? 
"Well,  listen  to  the  story  they  sang: 

"Chime!  Chime! 

"  The  bright  warm  Sun  shone  on  a  little  garden, 
on  the  first  warm  day  of  Spring.  His  beams 
rested  on  the  white  walls  of  a  cottage.  Close  by 
bloomed  the  first  yellow  Buttercup  of  the  season, 
glittering  like  gold  in  the  Sun's  warm  ray. 

:'An  old  woman  sat  in  her  arm-chair  at  the 
cottage-door,  and  her  granddaughter,  a  poor 
but  pretty  servant  lass,  came  to  see  her  for  a 
short  visit. 

"When  she  kissed  her  grandmother,  there  was 
gold  everywhere !  —  gold  of  the  heart  in  that 
holy  kiss;  it  was  a  golden  morning;  there  was 
gold  in  the  beaming  sunlight;  gold  in  the  leaves 
of  the  little  Buttercup,  and  on  the  lips  of  the 

'There,  that  is  our  story!'    sang  the  Butter- 

Chime!  Chime! 




Old  Legend 

OH,  very,  very  sad  indeed  is  the  reason  why  the 
little  White  Chicory  stands  patiently  waiting  by 
the  roadside;  and  why  around  her  nod  the  little 
Blue  Chicory  flowers  watching  in  all  directions. 

Once  upon  a  time,  the  little  White  Chicory  was 
a  lovely  Princess.  She  was  most  happy,  for 
she  was  wedded  to  a  Prince  so  handsome  that 
there  was  none  like  him  in  the  .whole  wide 

But  his  heart  was  vain  and  fickle.  So  one 
day  he  left  his  lovely  Princess  without  saying 
farewell,  and,  mounting  his  horse,  rode  out  of  the 

And  when  she  knew  that  he  was  gone,  and 
that  she  was  forsaken,  perhaps  for  ever,  she 
wept  night  and  day.  The  rose-colour  fled  from 
her  cheeks,  and  she  grew  whiter  and  whiter.  But 
always  she  sat  at  her  bower  window  watching  for 
him  to  return. 

Her  strength  became  so  spent  with  weeping 
that  she  could  sit  up  no  longer. 

"Alas!"  cried  she,  "I  would  rather  die;  but  if 
I  do,  no  more  can  I  watch  for  my  Beloved!5' 

"Alas!'1'  cried  all  her  maids  of  honour,  "we 
would  rather  die  with  you;  but  if  we  do,  we 
cannot  help  you  watch  for  him!" 

132          THE  WONDER  GARDEN 

And  behold!  even  as  they  were  speaking  they 
were  changed! 

The  lovely  Princess  was  become  a  little  White 
Chicory  flower  waiting  by  the  roadside.  Her 
maids  of  honour  were  little  Blue  Chicory  flowers 
standing  about  her,  and  watching  in  all  directions. 

That  is  the  sad,  sad  reason  why  to-day  the 
little  Blue  Chicory  maids  stand  guarding  their 
Princess  and  watching;  while  she,  the  little  White 
Chicory,  is  still  patiently  waiting  for  her  Beloved 
to  return. 


Old  Legend 

WHEN  the  long  cold  Winter  is  passed  away, 
and  the  warm  Sunbeams  of  Spring  touch  the 
meadow-brooks,  the  Frogs  sing:  — 

Ranunculus ! 

And  at  their  call  up  grow  from  the  fresh  green 
grass  hundreds  and  hundreds  of  glistening  yel- 
low Buttercups. 

This  is  why  -  -  so  the  wonder  story  says  — 
the  Buttercups  bloom  when  the  Frogs  sing. 

Of  all  the  lads  who  roamed  the  Libyan  plain, 
Ranunculus  was  the  brightest,  sauciest,  and 
merriest.  Each  morning  he  put  on  a  robe  of 


shining  yellow  satin,  and  sat  down  in  a  meadow, 
where  the  Nymphs  of  the  flowers  and  trees 
came  every  day  to  dance. 

Now  Ranunculus  had  a  very  sweet  voice,  so 
it  chanced  one  day,  while  sitting  in  the  meadow, 
that  he  began  to  sing.  At  first  his  song  w^as 
soft  and  low,  then  it  rose  clearer  and  louder, 
filling  the  air  with  delicious  notes  like  a  flute's. 

The  Nymphs  stopped  dancing  and  drew  near. 
They  pressed  close  around  him,  in  wonder  and  de- 
light, fixing  their  starry  eyes  on  his  face.  Ranun- 
culus was  so  filled  with  joy,  and  felt  such  pride 
at  his  own  sweet  singing,  that  he  sang  louder 
and  louder,  until  a  great  flood  of  musical  sounds 
gushed  from  his  throat  and  burst  his  heart- 
strings. Then,  swooning,  he  lay  down  in  the 
grass,  and  died. 

His  body,  yellow  satin  robe  and  all,  melted 
into  the  ground,  and  in  its  place  sprang  up  a 
delicate  branching  plant,  its  tiny  twigs  crowned 
with  dancing  yellow  Buttercups. 

That  is  why  every  Spring,  when  the  long  cold 
Winter  is  passed  away,  and  the  warm  Sunbeams 
touch  the  meadow-brooks,  the  Frogs  sing:  — 

Ranunculus  ! 
Ranunculus ! ' 

And  at  their  call,  up  start  from  the  fresh 
green  grass  hundreds  and  hundreds  of  bright 

134          THE  WONDER  GARDEN 

Old  Legend 

IN  the  long,  long  ago,  in  the  golden  wonder 
time,  there  were  no  Daisies.  Snowdrops  bloomed 
under  the  Snow,  Crocuses  opened  their  yellow 
and  purple  stars  on  sunny  banks,  Violets  looked 
timidly  up  from  the  grass,  and  Daffodils  bent 
their  silvery  heads  over  the  whispering  streams. 
But  the  little  white  Daisy  was  not  there. 

In  the  Springtime,  in  those  golden  wonder 
days  when  the  Sun  shone  warm,  and  the  fra- 
grant breezes  blew,  and  the  trees  put  forth  their 
most  beautiful  tender  green,  out  of  every  tree 
trunk  in  the  whole  wide  woodland  peeped  a 
smiling  Dryad-Maiden.  There  they  had  all 
been  sleeping  the  cold  Winter  through. 

Then  each  Dryad-Maiden  laughed  a  laugh 
like  the  rustling  of  the  leaves,  and  tiptoed  out 
of  her  tree.  Then  all  joined  hands,  and  skipped 
to  a  meadow  where  the  Shepherd  lads  were 
watching  their  flocks.  And  together  they  danced, 
the  Dryad-Maidens  and  the  Shepherds,  in  the 
meadow-grass  bright  with  flowers.  But  the 
little  white  Daisy  was  not  there. 

Now  it  happened  one  Springtime,  that  all 
the  Dryad-Maidens  were  dancing  in  the  meadow 
with  their  Shepherds.  Their  green  robes  were 
trailing,  their  slender  arms  were  tossing,  and 


garlands  of  oak  leaves  were  twined  in  their 
hair.  But  the  loveliest  and  most  graceful  of  all, 
was  the  pretty  Bellis.  Her  trailing  robe  was 
white,  and  a  crown  of  yellow  Crocuses  was  on 
her  hair. 

So  pure  and  white  was  she,  so  sweet  and  win- 
some, that  all  the  Shepherds  wished  to  dance 
with  her.  But  she  would  dance  with  none  ex- 
cept a  red-cheeked  Shepherd  lad.  So  merry 
was  he,  so  lithe  and  nimble,  that  she  danced  all 
the  happy  day  with  him. 

Now  it  chanced  that  Vertumnus,  the  Keeper- 
of-all-the-Orchards-in-the-World  in  those  golden 
wonder-days,  heard  the  laughter,  and  left  his 
orchards  and  his  pink  fruit-blossoms,  and  came 
rushing  to  the  meadow.  He  saw  the  Dryad- 
Maidens  dancing  with  the  Shepherds,  and  he, 
also,  wished  to  dance.  And  he  would  dance 
with  none  except  the  pretty  Bellis.  But  her 
Shepherd  lad  would  not  give  her  up. 

Now,  when  the  pretty  Bellis  saw  the  flaming 
eyes  of  Vertumnus,  she  trembled  for  the  life  of 
her  Shepherd  lad.  Pale  and  smiling  she  drew 
back,  and  stood  apart  among  the  grasses.  Then 
her  hair  changed  to  white  petals,  and  her  crown 
became  a  yellow  disk;  her  hands  turned  into 
green  leaves;  and  she  sank  into  the  grasses  a 
little  white  Daisy! 

So  ever  since  that  time,  among  the  tall 
grasses,  when  the  Crocus  and  the  Narcissus 

136          THE  WONDER  GARDEN 

have  faded  away,  the  pretty  Bellis,  the  little 
white  Daisy,  blooms  modest  and  sweet. 


Old  Legend 

IN  the  long,  long  ago,  there  lived  a  beautiful 
maiden  who  had  lost  her  lover.  Very  dear  he 
was  to  her;  so  she  wandered  night  and  day 
through  meadows  and  by-ways  calling  and  call- 
ing his  name. 

The  birds  sang  sorrowfully  to  her;  the  flow- 
ers shed  tears  of  dew;  and  the  gentle  Summer 
breeze  caressed  her  long  golden  hair  that  fell  in 
gleaming  ripples  about  her  slender  form. 

But  though  all  things  pitied  her,  she  could  not 
find  her  lover;  so  she  sank  weeping  and  faint- 
ing to  the  ground,  for  she  had  had  no  food.  From 
sheer  weariness  she  slept. 

Then  came  the  Autumn  Wind,  rustling  and 
rustling  through  the  trees.  He  saw  the  lovely 
maiden  sleeping  on  the  ground;  and  he  shook  a 
bright  blanket  over  her  of  red  and  yellow  leaves. 

Then  came  the  Winter  Wind,  roaring,  roar- 
ing through  the  sky.  He  saw  the  bright  leaves; 
and  he  spread  a  white  blanket  of  Snow  over  the 

Then  came  the  Fairy  of  Spring,  wafting  and 
wafting  sweet  perfumes  through  the  meadows. 
She  saw  a  lock  of  the  maiden's  shining  hair 


straying  from  under  the  leaves  and  melting 
Snow;  so  she  planted  her  wand  in  the  earth, 
and  wreathed  the  lock  around  it. 

And,  lo!  when  the  Autumn  came  again  the 
wand  was  a  wand  no  longer,  but  a  tall  green 
stem;  and  the  golden  lock  had  become  the 
Goldenrod  flower. 


Skidi-Pawnee  Tale 

THERE  was  once  an  Indian  boy  who  lived  in  a 
village  on  a  plain.  He  was  handsome  and  rich. 
He  owned  Ponies,  blankets,  robes,  buckskin 
shirts,  and  leggings,  and  was  well  dressed  every 
day.  He  was  a  very  generous  boy,  and  gave  his 
Ponies  and  clothes  away  to  any  one  who  asked 
for  them,  but  he  was  fortunate  enough  always 
to  get  more  wealth. 

One  day  he  visited  another  village,  and  on  his 
way  home  came  to  a  wide  stream.  He  sat  down 
and  took  off  his  moccasins,  so  that  he  might  wade 
across.  Just  then  he  heard  a  voice  call  his  name. 
He  looked  up,  and  saw,  standing  close  beside  him, 
a  pretty  Indian  girl  dressed  very  nicely. 

"Take  me  on  your  shoulders,"  said  she,  "and 
pack  me  across  the  stream." 

"You  are  too  heavy  to  pack,"  he  answered; 
"I '11  help  you  over." 

But  that  would  not  do  at  all!    She  wanted  to 

138          THE   WONDER  GARDEN 

be  packed,  and  she  wept  so  hard  and  begged  so 
prettily  that  at  last  he  consented. 

She  climbed  on  his  shoulders,  and  he  waded 
slowly  across,  for  she  was  very  heavy.  When  he 
reached  the  other  side,  he  told  her  to  get  down, 
but  she  laughed  and  said:  — 

"Keep  on  walking,  for  I  am  going  to  stay  with 
you  for  ever.  I  am  your  wife  now!'1 

Then  the  boy  grew  very  angry,  and  tried  to 
shake  her  off,  but  he  could  not.  She  had  grown 
into  the  flesh  of  his  shoulders,  and  stuck  fast  to 
him.  So  he  was  forced  to  carry  her  into  his 

His  father  sent  for  the  Medicine  Men,  but 
they  could  not  take  the  girl  off  the  boy's  back. 
Then  the  chief  Medicine  Man  called  a  Crow  that 
lived  on  a  tree  near  the  village,  and  the  bird 
came  quickly  to  the  lodge. 

It  flew  in,  and  sang  a  magic  song;  and  in- 
stantly the  pretty  girl  turned  into  a  bony  old 
Witch  with  pointed  chin  and  red  eyes.  But  she 
stuck  as  fast  as  ever,  and  no  one  could  pull  her 

Then  the  Crow  said,  :<She  is  not  a  human 
being,  so  you  must  send  for  the  Medicine  Woman 
and  her  four  daughters,  who  live  in  a  tepee  west 
of  this  village." 

They  sent  a  swift  runner  to  the  tepee;  and 
when  the  Medicine  Woman  knew  what  they 
wanted  her  for,  she  called  her  four  daughters. 


She  told  them  to  comb  and  braid  their  hair  and 
to  paint  themselves  with  magic  red  ointment,  for 
they  were  going  to  the  village  to  pull  an  old 
Witch  from  the  shoulders  of  a  handsome  young 

So  the  four  girls  sat  down  and  combed  their 
hair  and  painted  themselves,  and  their  mother 
did  the  same.  Then  each  took  in  her  hand  a 
magic  stick  with  a  crook  at  the  end. 

They  went  to  the  boy's  lodge,  and  when  the 
Witch  saw  them  come  in  she  began  to  hiss.  They 
ran  around  the  fireplace.  Then  the  eldest  girl 
pointed  her  magic  stick  at  the  Witch  and  sang 
a  magic  song.  The  stick  grew,  and  grew,  and 
grew,  until  its  crook  passed  around  the  Witch's 
neck,  and  her  head  fell  off. 

The  second  daughter  pointed  her  stick,  and  it 
grew,  and  grew,  and  grew,  until  its  crook  passed 
around  the  Witch's  arms,  and  they  both  fell 

The  third  and  fourth  daughters  did  the  same, 
and  the  Witch's  legs  fell  off. 

Then  all  four  girls  took  hold  of  the  Witch's 
body  with  their  sticks,  and  the  mother  kept 
tapping  between  the  body  and  the  boy's  shoul- 
ders; and  they  pulled,  and  pulled,  and  pulled, 
and  they  pulled  a  big  pricldy  Burr  off  the  boy's 

Then  he  got  up,  and  carried  the  Burr  out  and 
threw  it  in  a  field. 

140          THE  WONDER  GARDEN 

That  is  why  Burdocks  grow  everywhere,  and 
why  Burrs  get  into  children's  hair  and  stick  to 
their  clothes. 



THE  yellow  Cowslips,  hanging  their  sweet  heads, 
are  Fairy  Cups,  you  know.  And  Fairy  Palaces 
they  are  too,  for  whenever  the  pattering  raindrops 
begin  to  fall,  the  little  Fays  and  Elves  climb  up 
the  stalks,  and  rush  into  the  yellow  bells.  There 
they  swing  and  sing  until  the  rain  is  over. 

The  Cowslips  are  the  Key  Flovv^ers,  and  find 
where  the  Fairy  Gold  is  hidden.  So  if  you  dis- 
cover a  door  overgrown  with  Cowslip  blossoms, 
just  pick  one  and  touch  the  door.  It  will  open 
softly.  Slip  in,  and  you  will  find  a  Fairy  Hall. 
A  lovely  Fairy  Lady  is  sitting  there,  who  will 
show  you  treasure-crocks  ranged  along  the  wall 
covered  with  yellow  Cowslip  blossoms. 

Lift  the  blossoms,  and  take  out  all  the  treasure 
you  wrish.  Fill  your  apron  and  pockets  with  the 
sparkling  precious  things.  Then  cover  the 
crocks  again  with  the  blossoms;  but  do  not 
forget  the  little  Key  Flower  that  opened  the 
door  for  you. 

If  the  crocks  are  not  neatly  covered,  and  if 
you  forget  to  take  away  the  Key  Flower,  you 
may  never  find  the  Fairy  Hall  again.  And 


when  you  get  home  all  your  treasure  will  turn 
to  withered  leaves. 


Celtic  Folklore 

OH!  the  Fairies  are  a  frisky  folk.  Very  wily, 
indeed,  are  the  Little  People.  They  are  friends 
of  bad  Master  Fox,  and  help  him  in  his  ad- 

When  he  starts  out  at  night  to  steal  poultry, 
they  lend  him  Foxgloves,  to  make  his  feet  vel- 
vety and  noiseless.  So  with  Foxgloves  on  his 
four  paws  he  creeps  silently  into  the  barn- 
yard, and  carries  off  the  fattest  Chickens  and 
Ducks.  That  is,  of  course,  if  the  farmer's  wife 
has  not  laid  out  four  little  mittens  where  he 
can  find  them;  for  Master  Fox  is  a  gentleman, 
they  say,  and  he  will  not  steal  your  poultry  if 
you  give  him  little  mittens  as  pretty  and  speckled 
as  the  Foxgloves. 

But  you  must  nqt  tell  this  out  loud,  or  even 
whisper  his  name,  for  if  you  do  Master  Fox  will 
be  so  offended  that  he'll  not  take  your  mittens; 
but  he  will  carry  away  all  your  best  hens. 

142          THE   WONDER  GARDEN 


WHILOM  great  Pan,  the  father  of  our  flocks, 
loved  a  fair  lass  so  famous  for  her  locks.  To 
keep  her  slender  fingers  from  the  Sun,  Pan 
through  the  pastures  oftentimes  hath  run,  to 
pluck  the  speckled  Foxgloves  from  their  stem, 
and  on  those  fingers  neatly  placed  them. 

The  Honeysuckles  would  he  often  strip,  and 
lay  their  sweetness  on  her  sweeter  lip. 

Some  say  that  Nature,  while  this  lovely  maid 
lived  on  our  plains,  the  teeming  earth  arrayed 
with    Damask   Roses    in    each    pleasant    place, 
that  men  might  liken  somewhat  to  her  face. 



Arethusa  arose 

From  her  conch  of  snows 
In  the  Acroceraunian  mountains,  — 

From  cloud  and  from  crag. 

With  many  a  jag, 
Shepherding  her  bright  fountains. 

She  leapt  down  the  rocks, 

With  her  rainbow  locks 
Streaming  among  Hie  streams;  — 

Her  steps  paved  with  green 

The  downward  ravine 
Which  slopes  to  the  western  gleams; 

And  gliding  and  springing 

She  went,  ever  singing, 
In  murmurs  as  soft  as  sleep; 

The  Earth  seemed  to  lore  her, 

And  Heaven  smiled  above  her, 
she  lingered  toward*  the  deep. 



Retold  from  Ovid 

OF  all  the  women  of  Lydia,  Niobe  might  have 
been  the  happiest  of  mothers  but  for  her  pride. 
And  great  was  her  pride !  for  whenever  she  walked 
through  the  streets  the  people  shouted,  "Lo! 
Niobe  comes!' 

One  day  she  stepped  proudly  from  her  house 
surrounded  by  her  attendants.  Her  curling 
hair  hung  down  upon  her  robe  of  woven  golden 
threads.  Holding  her  graceful  head  high  she 
haughtily  lifted  her  eyes. 

"Ye  people  of  Lydia,"  she  cried,  "worship 
me!  I  am  Niobe!  My  grandfather  is  the 
mighty  Atlas  who  holds  up  the  sky.  My  mother 
is  the  sister  of  the  Pleiades.  In  my  palace  are 
my  seven  sons  and  seven  daughters,  all  beauti- 
ful and  stately.  Greater  and  more  fortunate  am 
I  than  Latona,  the  mother  of  Apollo-of-the- 
Golden-Beams  and  Diana-of-the-Bended-Bow. 
I  am  well  worthy  to  be  worshipped!' 

Now  Niobe's  proud  words  were  heard  by 
golden-beamed  Apollo  himself.  Quickly  he  took 
in  his  hand  his  darts  bright  like  the  Sun's  rays. 
Down  to  earth  he  flew,  and  near  him  flew  his 
twin  sister,  Diana,  her  robe  tucked  up  and  her 

146          THE  WONDER  GARDEN 

bow  shaped  like  the  silver  crescent  moon,  ready 
to  shoot. 

Together  they  entered  Niobe's  palace.  And 
Apollo  with  his  golden  darts  smote  and  killed 
her  seven  sons;  while  Diana  shot  her  silver- 
white  arrows  into  the  bosoms  of  her  daughters. 

Niobe  sat  weeping  among  her  dead  children. 
She  wept  night  and  day.  Her  face  grew  color- 
less. No  breeze  could  move  her  hair.  Her  eyes 
became  fixed.  Her  tongue  congealed  and  her 
heart  was  without  motion.  She  could  not  bend 
her  neck  nor  move  her  limbs,  for  she  was  hard- 
ened; she  was  turned  into  stone.  Yet  she  wept 

Then  a  mighty  whirlwind  arose  and  carried 
her  off  to  the  top  of  a  high  mountain.  And  there 
her  soul  was  dissolved  into  tears  within  her 
stony  body. 

Still  ever  from  the  stone  distilled  a  stream  of 
pure  tears  that  trickled  sadly  through  the  grass 
and  down  the  mountain-side. 


Retold  from  Ovid 

ONCE  upon  a  time,  when  Magic  Waters  gushed 
from  Speaking  Rocks,  and  maidens  were  trans- 
formed into  flowers  and  trees,  in  a  clear  blue 
pool  dwelt  the  lovely  Nymph  Cyane. 

Often  she  rose  to  the  surface,  and  floating 

THE  WEEPING  WATERS          147 

there,  plucked  the  fragrant  Water-lilies.  Some- 
times she  sat  on  the  green  bank,  and  combed  her 
azure  hair,  singing  sweetly  all  the  while. 

Now,  on  that  day  when  little  Proserpina 
danced  with  her  playmates  in  the  flowery 
meadow  near  the  pool,  Cyane  watched  her 
through  the  veil  of  clear  blue  water.  And  so 
it  was  that  she  saw  Pluto,  the  grim  King  of 
Hades,  standing  in  his  chariot  when  it  came 
leaping  from  the  chasm  where  the  Hundred- 
Headed  Daffodil  had  been.  And  when  he 
grasped  the  shrieking  Proserpina  to  carry  her 
off,  Cyane  saw  that  too. 

Quickly  she  rose  to  the  surface  of  her  pool. 

:<O  gloomy  Pluto,"  she  cried,  :<y°u  cannot 
have  that  child  against  her  will!  No  farther 
shall  you  go." 

And  stretching  wide  her  arms,  she  stood  in 
King  Pluto's  path. 

But  he,  furious  at  the  Nymph,  hurled  his 
sceptre  straight  into  the  depths  of  her  water. 
And  where  it  struck  a  great  abyss  opened, 
down  which  his  horses  plunged,  while  the  abyss 
closed  over  his  head. 

Cyane  wept.  She  wept  because  the  little 
Proserpina  was  stolen  from  her  mother.  She 
wept  because  the  clear  blue  water  of  her  pool 
was  muddied  by  the  feet  of  King  Pluto's  horses. 

She  wept  night  and  day.  Her  limbs  softened. 
Her  nails  melted.  Her  bones  waxed  away.  Her 

148          THE  WONDER  GARDEN 

azure  hair,  her  white  fingers,  her  snowy  shoulders, 
all  dissolved  and  vanished  in  little  streams  of 
water.  Lastly  only  pure  water  flowed  through 
her  veins. 

She  became  transparent,  and  was  changed 
into  a  Fountain  of  Weeping  Waters  —  a  fountain 
that  for  ever  sheds  clear  azure  tears  for  little 


Retold  from  Ovid 

Now  on  that  happy  day  when  little  Proserpina 
returned  to  earth,  her  mother  Ceres,  Keeper-of- 
all-the-Cornfields-in-the-Wrorld,  sought  the  foun- 
tain of  the  Nymph  Arethusa,  to  listen  to  her 

She  sat  down  by  its  waters,  and  called :  — 

"0  unhappy  Nymph,  why  do  you  always 
wander?  WTiy  do  you  gush  from  this  spot  as  if 
in  fear?' 

Then  from  her  murmuring  fountain  the 
Nymph  Arethusa  raised  her  head,  and  tossed 
back  her  dripping  hair. 

"Once,"  said  she,  :'I  was  a  Nymph  of  the 
lovely  Arcadian  meadows,  and  an  attendant  of 
Diana-of-the-Bended-Bow.  With  light  step  I 
roamed  the  woods,  and  set  my  nets  for  the  fish. 
And  though  I  surpassed  all  the  other  Nymphs 
in  looks,  yet  I  modestly  blushed  if  any  one  spoke 
of  my  beauty. 


"I  remember  one  day  returning  tired  from 
the  chase.  There  was  no  breeze,  and  the  trees 
drooped  from  the  heat.  I  came  to  a  smooth 
river  that  glided  noiselessly  along,  and  through 
its  clear  waters  the  pebbles  gleamed  like  silver. 
The  hoary  Willows  swept  its  surface  with  their 
weeping  boughs,  while  the  Poplars  spread  their 
refreshing  shade  above  its  watery  mirror. 

"I  sat  upon  the  shelving  bank,  and  bathed 
my  feet  in  the  cool  tide.  Then  suddenly  I  heard 
a  murmuring  noise  in  the  midst  of  the  stream. 
Frightened  I  sprang  to  the  top  of  the  bank. 
Then  from  the  river,  Alpheus,  the  mighty  King 
of  its  waters,  raised  his  foam-covered  head. 

"'Whither  dost  thou  hasten,  0  Arethusa?' 
he  cried  from  his  waves.  'Whither  dost  thou 
hasten?'  cried  he  again  in  hollow  tones. 

"I  fled,  and  he  pursued  me;  even  as  the  Dove 
with  trembling  wings  is  wont  to  flee  from  the 
Hawk,  and  as  the  fierce  Hawk  pursues  the 
trembling  Dove. 

"I  ran  over  fields  and  over  rocks  and 
crags,  and  where  there  were  no  paths.  Alpheus 
hastened  after.  I  heard  the  sound  of  his  feet 
close  behind  me,  and  his  breath  fanned  my  hair. 
Wearily  I  stretched  out  my  arms  to  the  Moon 
that  rode  pale  and  serene  in  the  sky.  Then 
Diana  took  pity  on  me,  and  flung  a  soft  white 
cloud  about  me. 

"Alpheus  looked  and  I  was  gone.     I  was 

150          THE  WONDER  GARDEN 

hidden  by  the  cloud.  Then  twice  he  cried  out, 
*O  Arethusa!  O  Arethusa!'  and  I  trembled  as 
does  the  Lamb  concealed  from  the  Wolf. 

;Yet  Alpheus  did  not  depart,  but  remained 
watching  the  cloud  that  hid  me. 

*  Fright  shook  my  limbs.  Cold  azure  drops 
distilled  from  my  body.  Wherever  I  moved  my 
foot  was  a  pool  of  blue  water.  Bright  drops 
trickled  from  my  hair.  And  in  the  twinkling  of 
an  eye  I  was  changed  into  a  fountain. 

'Then  Alpheus  saw  my  form  in  my  trans- 
parent stream,  and  quickly  he  became  a  river, 
and  pursued  me  again. 

"Diana  in  pity  cleft  the  earth,  and  I  sprang 
through  a  chasm.  Down,  down  through  the 
dark  underground  caverns  went  my  rushing 
waves,  while  behind  me,  bounding  and  roaring, 
came  the  waters  of  Alpheus'  river. 

"And  at  this  spot,  O  Ceres,  Keeper-of-all-the- 
Corn-Fields-in-the-World,  I  rise  as  a  fountain, 
gushing  from  the  earth.  And  Alpheus,  rushing 
upward,  mingles  his  cold  dark  stream  with  mine.'3 

So  sighed  the  Nymph  Arethusa,  and  ending 
her  tale,  again  hid  her  dripping  form  in  her 


Retold  from  Theocritus  and  Other  Sources 

THROUGH  the  blue  salt  waves  the  good  Ship 
Argo  bounded.  On  her  deck  stood  Jason  and 


all  his  brave  comrades.  Eagerly  they  gazed 
across  the  water,  for  they  were  going  on  a  won- 
derful adventure,  to  fetch  home  the  Golden 
Fleece  from  Colchis.1 

Among  those  famous  heroes  was  the  Mighty 
Hercules  wrapped  in  his  lion-skin.  By  his  side 
stood  his  favourite  lad,  little  Hylas,  beautiful 
little  Hylas,  his  yellow  hair  blowing  in  the  wind. 

Onward  bounded  the  good  Ship  Argo,  and 
when  evening  came  it  anchored  near  a  strange 
shore.  The  heroes  leaped  out  upon  the  sand. 
Some  hastened  to  build  fires,  others  killed  an  Ox 
for  roasting,  and  still  others  ran  about  gathering 
wild  fruits.  But  Hercules  wandered  off  by  him- 
self to  find  a  tree  to  make  into  a  knotted  club. 

Then  thought  little  Hylas :  — 

"I  will  go  and  bring  some  fresh  cold  water  to 
surprise  Hercules  when  he  returns." 

Night  was  falling.  The  Moon  was  risen,  and 
by  her  white  light  little  Hylas,  carrying  a 
brazen  urn  on  his  shoulder,  hastened  along  a 
path  through  the  wood.  Soon  he  saw  before 
him  a  hollow  in  which  shone  a  bright  pool  set 
round  with  Ferns  and  Rushes. 

He  stepped  down  into  the  hollow.  Tinkling 
laughter  sounded  at  his  side.  He  looked  about. 
No  one  was  near  him,  but  he  thought  that  he 
saw  shadowy  maidens  in  flowing  garments,  sway- 
ing hand  in  hand  among  the  moonlit  trees. 

1  See  page  383. 

152          THE  WONDER  GARDEN 

He  knelt  down  among  the  Ferns  on  the  margin 
of  the  pool,  and  thought  again  that  he  saw  lovely 
faces  of  shadowy  maidens  smiling  at  him  from 
its  brightness.  He  plunged  his  urn  into  the 
gurgling  water.  Mischievous  laughter  came 
rushing  upward.  Then,  wonder  of  winders! 
many  white  arms  shot  up  from  the  water,  and, 
clinging  around  his  neck,  drew  him  down  head- 
long into  the  pool.  He  gave  one  wild  cry,  and 
the  cold  ripples  closed  over  him. 

Then,  lo !  he  found  himself  on  a  bright  pebbly 
floor,  while  many  laughing  Naiads  were  press- 
ing their  lovely  faces  close  to  his,  and  were 
holding  him  tightly  in  their  white  arms.  They 
took  him  in  their  laps,  and,  drying  his  tears  with 
kisses,  bade  him  weep  no  more. 

Now,  the  mighty  Hercules,  wandering  in  the 
wood,  had  heard  the  cry  of  his  beloved  boy, 
and  knew  his  voice. 

'Hylas!'  he  shouted,  !£  Hylas!"  and  again, 

Then,  like  a  roaring  Lion,  he  rushed  through 
the  wood,  breaking  down  bushes  and  crashing 
through  trees.  Over  trackless  ways  he  raged, 
through  valleys  and  across  mountains;  but  little 
Hylas  was  gone,  and  gone  for  ever. 

The  beautiful  boy  was  with  the  Naiads,  who 
were  feeding  him  on  ambrosial  scented  cakes 
and  honey-dew. 




A  Wild-Rose  tree 

Pavilions  him  in  bloom,  and  he  doth  see 
A  bud  which  snares  his  fancy.    Lo!  but  now 
He  plucks  it,  dips  its  stalk  in  the  water:  liowt 
It  swells,  it  buds,  it  flowers  beneath  his  sight; 
And,  in  the  middle,  there  is  softly  pight 
A  Golden  Butterfly;  upon  whose  wings 
There  must  be  surely  charactered  strange  things! 



Firefly!    Firefly!    Bright  little  thing, 
Light  me  to  bed,  and  my  song  I  will  sing. 

Give  me  your  light,  as  you  fly  o'er  my  head, 
That  I  may  merrily  go  to  my  bed. 

Give  me  your  light,  o'er  the  grass  as  you  creep, 
That  I  may  joyfully  go  to  my  sleep. 

Come,  little  Firefly,  -  -  come,  little  beast  — 
Come!  and  I'll  make  you  to-morrow  a  feast. 

Come,  little  candle,  that  flies  as  I  sing, 
Bright  little  Fairy-bug,  Night's  little  King; 

Come,  and  I  'II  dance  as  you  guide  me  along, 
Come,  and  I'll  pay  you,  my  bug,  with  a  song! 



Chinese  Tale 

ONCE  upon  a  time,  in  the  days  of  the  Shining 
Dynasty,  there  lived  a  wise  young  man  named 
Gleam-o'-Day.  One  night  he  was  sleeping,  and 
the  moonlight  was  playing  on  his  bed,  when  he 
saw  a  strange  man  stand  beside  him. 

"Who  are  you?'  grumbled  Gleam-o'-Day, 
not  wishing  to  be  disturbed. 

"The  Prince  is  asking  for  you,"  said  the 

"What  Prince?" 

"The  Prince  of  a  near-by  land." 

Gleam-o'-Day  grumbled  more,  got  up  and 
put  on  his  court  robe.  The  man  then  led  him 
outdoors,  where  a  beautiful  palanquin  was 
waiting,  borne  by  a  retinue  of  richly  dressed 

Gleam-o'-Day  reclined  in  the  palanquin, 
which  was  carried  swiftly  along.  At  length  he 
arrived  at  a  strange  land,  and  found  himself 
amid  numerous  pavilions  with  towers  and 
pointed  roofs.  The  air  was  filled  with  a  pleasant 
humming  sound,  but  he  could  not  tell  from 
whence  it  came. 

The  palanquin  was  set  down  in  the  courtyard 

156          THE  WONDER  GARDEN 

of  a  large  palace.  Immediately  twenty  young 
girls,  dressed  in  shining  yellow  garments,  came 
hurrying  to  greet  Gleam-o'-Day,  and  escorted 
him  into  a  large  audience  chamber.  There  on 
the  throne  sat  a  handsome  Prince. 

The  Prince  descended  from  his  throne.  "  Wel- 
come, Gleam-o'-Day,"  said  he.  'You  perfume 
the  neighbourhood!  We  have  heard  of  your 
wisdom  and  knowledge,  and  have  longed  greatly 
to  see  you." 

Thereupon  he  led  Gleam-o'-Day  to  the  seat 
of  honour,  and  the  young  girls  brought  wine  of 
honey  and  little  cakes,  and  served  him. 

"Tell  me,  Gleam-o'-Day,"  said  the  Prince, 
>( among  the  flowers  which  do  you  prefer?' 

"The  Lotus-Flower,"  said  Gleam-o'-Day, 
without  hesitation. 

'The  Lotus-Flower!'1  exclaimed  the  Prince. 
" Strange!  That  is  my  daughter's  name!  You 
must  know  the  Princess." 

Then  he  made  a  sign,  and  the  young  girls  has- 
tened away,  and  soon  returned  with  the  Princess. 
She  was  sixteen  years  old,  and  of  a  beauty  sur- 
passing anything  that  Gleam-o'-Day  had  ever 
seen.  Her  brown  robe  was  embroidered  with 
yellow  silk,  and  a  golden  girdle  confined  her 
slender  waist.  Indeed  her  waist  was  so  very 
slender  that  it  seemed  to  Gleam-o'-Day  that 
her  body  was  almost  divided  in  two. 

Gleam-o'-Day  looked  at  her  and  was  troubled. 

GLEAM-O'-DAY  157 

Her  beauty  bewildered  his  mind  and  made  his 
heart  beat  with  both  pain  and  joy.  But  before 
he  could  speak,  the  twenty  young  girls  rushed 
in,  crying  out:  — 

"A  monster  has  entered  the  palace!  It  is  a 
Serpent  twenty  feet  long!  It  has  devoured  some 
of  our  people!  It's  head  is  like  a  mountain 

Then  the  Prince  and  his  retainers  began  to 
run  hither  and  thither  seeking  some  place  to 
hide  in.  And  the  Princess  and  the  young  girls 
were  crying  for  help. 

"Come  to  my  house,"  said  Gleam-o'-Day  to 
the  Prince.  "Come,  fly  thither  with  the  Prin- 
cess Lotus-Flower.  You  will  be  safe  there!' 

'Yes!  Yes!':  cried  the  Prince,  seizing  his 
daughter's  wrist.  "Let  us  go  as  quickly  as 

So  all  three  ran  from  the  palace;  and  in  an  in- 
stant Gleam-o'-Day  found  himself,  with  the 
Prince  and  the  Princess  Lotus-Flower,  standing 
in  his  own  room.  The  Princess  cast  herself 
weeping  upon  the  pillow  of  his  bed;  and  at  the 
same  moment  Gleam-o'-Day  moved,  and  woke. 
The  room  was  empty. 

It  was  a  dream! 

Just  then  Gleam-o'-Day  heard  his  father 
crying  out  in  terror  from  the  next  room.  There 
was  a  struggle  and  a  blow.  Gleam-o'-Day 
sprang  up,  and  rushed  in.  The  old  man  was 

158          THE  WONDER  GARDEN 

pushing  away  the  dead  body  of  a  huge  Serpent 
that  he  had  killed  with  his  stick. 

Gleam-o'-Day  returned  to  his  room,  and, 
wonder  of  wonders!  a  swarm  of  Bees  covered  his 
bed,  while  the  Queen  Bee  herself  had  alighted 
on  his  pillow! 


Japanese  Folktale 

ONCE  in  the  moat  of  an  ancient  castle  in  Japan, 
there  floated  a  rose-colored  Lotus-Flower.  Deep 
in  its  fragrant  heart  dwelt  the  King-of-All-the- 
Fireflies,  with  his  beautiful  daughter,  the  Prin- 
cess Firefly. 

Very  wonderful  was  the  Lotus-Flower  Palace 
to  the  little  Princess!  Often  on  warm  summer 
nights  she  sat  on  the  edge  of  one  of  its  pink  petals, 
and  peeped  out  at  the  lovely  world  around  her. 
She  longed  to  fly  across  the  moat  and  play  in  the 
flower-garden  of  the  castle;  but  she  knew  that 
her  father  would  not  allow  her  to  leave  the 

As  she  grew  older,  the  beautiful  white  light 
that  she  carried  under  her  wings  became  so 
brilliant  that  she  looked  like  a  golden  lamp 
shedding  silvery  rays.  Then,  as  she  sat  on  the 
Lotus  petal,  and  watched  the  other  Fireflies 
darting  and  wheeling  in  the  air,  and  flashing 
past  in  joyous  dance,  she  wept  to  think  that  she 


could  not  show  her  wonderful  white  light  to  all 
the  world. 

Now,  the  Princess  Firefly  had  many  suitors, 
but  none  of  them  carried  a  firefly  light.  Prince 
Hawk-Moth,  Prince  Beetle,  Prince  Dragon-Fly, 
and  many  others  laid  their  gifts  at  her  feet,  and 
humbly  sought  her  heart.  But  her  only  answer 
was:  — 

"Never  will  I  marry  a  Prince  who  is  not  as 
luminous  as  the  brightest  Star!  Go  and  bring 
me  white  fire,  and  then  I  will  be  your  bride." 

Immediately,  all  the  suitors  set  out  to  search 
for  the  white  fire.  Prince  Hawk-Moth  flew  into 
a  temple,  and  circled  around  and  around  the 
flame  of  a  tall  candle,  hoping  to  get  some  of  its 
fire  for  the  Princess,  at  length  he  flew  clum- 
sily into  the  flame,  and  fell  scorched  and  dying 
to  the  ground. 

Prince  Beetle,  who  had  been  watching,  like- 
wise flew  into  the  flame,  and  was  burned  and 

But  Prince  Dragon-Fly  first  sunned  his  red 
burnished  wings,  then  hastened  away  to  Mount 
Fuji  to  steal  some  of  the  fire  from  its  bosom. 

But  he,  too,  perished. 

So  it  was  with  all  the  suitors,  they  sought  the 
white  fire  in  vain,  and  strewed  the  way  with  their 
dead  bodies;  for  not  one  could  find  and  bring 
the  great  gift  to  the  Princess. 

Now,  in  the  castle-garden,  in  the  heart  of  a 

160          THE  WONDER  GARDEN 

White-Lily  palace,  there  lived  Prince  Golden 
Firefly.  The  light  he  carried  under  his  wings 
was  so  dazzling  that  on  dark  nights  it  illumined 
the  whole  garden,  and  when  he  flew  over  the 
still  water  of  the  moat,  his  beautiful  form  was 
reflected  in  it,  so  that  it  seemed  as  if  a  sheet  of 
golden  flame  spread  over  the  water. 

When  the  Prince  heard  of  the  beautiful  Prin- 
cess Firefly  and  her  suitors,  he  flew  swiftly  to 
the  Lotus-Flower  Palace.  As  he  entered,  a  flood 
of  golden  light  filled  the  flower,  and  so  overcame 
the  heart  of  the  Princess  that  she  at  once  con- 
sented to  become  his  bride. 

Soon  the  two  were  wedded,  and  away  they 
flew  to  the  castle-garden  to  hold  their  marriage 
feast.  All  the  Fireflies  for  miles  around  came 
darting  like  a  thousand  sparks  through  the  air. 
And  when  the  moonlight  flooded  the  garden,  the 
revels  began. 

The  flowers  gave  out  their  richest  perfumes, 
the  wind  breathed  low,  and  like  a  gold  and  silver 
cloud  the  Fireflies  danced  through  the  garden. 
But  the  most  happy  and  brilliant  of  them  all 
were  the  little  Princess  and  her  bridegroom, 
Prince  Golden-Firefly. 




Louisa  M.  Alcott 

IN  a  quiet,  pleasant  meadow,  where  green  old 
trees  waved  their  branches  as  the  Summer 
winds  went  singing  by,  bloomed  a  sisterhood  of 
flowers.  A  neighbouring  brook  rippled  musi- 
cally, and  passing  clouds  cast  shadows  upon  the 
waving  grass  below. 

The  flowers  were  very  happy  together  in  this 
pleasant  spot.  No  cold  winds  came  to  blight 
them,  no  rude  hands  tore  them  from  their  stems. 
Warm  Sunbeams  smiled  on  them  all  day  long, 
and  the  Dewdrops  refreshed  them  at  night  with 
a  cooling  drink. 

One  morning  when  the  flowers  awoke,  fragrant 
and  fresh,  a  little  Worm  came  creeping  by. 

"Oh,  pity  and  love  me,"  sighed  the  little 
Worm.  ''Give  me  shelter,  dear  Flowers.  I  am 
lonely,  poor,  and  weak.  A  little  spot  for  a  rest- 
ing place  is  all  I  ask.  Only  let  me  lie  in  the  deep, 
green  Moss,  and  weave  my  little  tomb,  and 
sleep  my  long,  unbroken  sleep,  until  Spring's 
first  flowers  come.  Then  will  I  come  forth  in 
Fairy  dress,  and  repay  your  gentle  care  for  a 
poor  Worm.  Kind  Flowers,  let  me  stay!' 

But  none  of  the  proud  flowers  would  give 
shelter  to  the  poor  Worm. 

162          THE   WONDER  GARDEN 

Wild  Rose  showed  her  little  thorns,  while  her 


soft  face  glowed  with  pride. 

Violet  hid  beneath  some  drooping  Ferns;  and 
the  Daisy  turned  her  face  away. 

Little  Bluet  laughed  scornfully  as  she  danced 
on  her  slender  stem;  while  Cowslip  bent  down 
and  whispered  the  tale  to  the  brook. 

A  Blue-Eyed  Grass  looked  down  on  the  poor 
Worm  as  She  silently  turned  away. 

'You  will  harm  our  delicate  leaves,"  she  said; 
'that  is  why  you  may  not  stay." 

At  that  moment  a  sweet  voice  called  from  a 
distance :  — 

'Come  here,  poor  Worm,  come  to  me.  The 
sunshine  lies  warm  in  this  quiet  spot.  I  will  share 
my  home  with  you." 

The  flowers  all  looked  in  wonder  to  see  who 
had  offered  the  Worm  a  home. 

To  their  surprise  they  found  Clover  Blossom, 
with  fluttering  wings,  beckoning  him  to  come. 
From  her  snug  little  nook,  where  the  cool 
winds  rustled  by,  and  the  murmuring  Bees 
and  Butterflies  loved  to  come,  her  rosy  face 
smiled  kindly  down  as  the  friendless  Worm  drew 

'  Poor  thing,  you  are  welcome  here,"  she  said 
in  a  soft  voice.  'In  the  green  Moss  close  at  my 
side  you  may  sleep  until  Spring  comes.  I  will 
spread  my  leaves  over  you,  and  guard  you 
through  the  long  Winter." 


Then,  deep  in  a  Moss-bed,  the  grateful  Worm 
spun  his  winter  home,  and  lay  down  for  his 
long  rest. 

And  well  did  Clover  Blossom  keep  her  watch. 
Autumn  came  and  took  all  her  sister  flowers. 
Then,  when  it  was  time  for  her  to  go,  she  spread 
her  withered  leaves  softly  over  the  sleeping 
Worm,  and  bent  her  faithful  little  head  beneath 
the  Winter  Snow. 

Spring  came  again,  and  the  flowers  arose  from 
their  Winter  sleep.  How  gaily  they  danced  on 
their  slender  stems,  and  sang  their  songs  with 
the  rippling  waves  of  the  brook.  The  warm 
winds  kissed  their  cheeks,  as  one  by  one  they 
came  again  to  dwell  in  their  summer  homes. 

Little  Clover  Blossom  bloomed  once  more, 
and  watched  patiently  by  the  mossy  bed  where 
the  Worm  still  lay  quietly  sleeping. 

Her  sister  flowers  cried  scornfully,  as  they 
waved  in  the  Summer  air: — 

'Come  and  dance  with  us,  little  Clover. 
That  ugly  Worm  was  poor  and  friendless.  He 
will  not  come  again  in  Fairy  dress.  Don't  be- 
lieve what  a  Worm  tells  you.  At  any  rate  he 
lies  in  the  green  Moss  dead.  So  come  and  be 
happy  with  us." 

But  little  Clover  kept' watch,  for  she  did  not 
doubt  the  poor  Worm's  truth.  She  trusted  that 
he  would  come  as  he  had  said. 

At  last  she  felt  the  Moss  at  her  side  move. 

164          THE   WONDER  GARDEN 

Then  a  small  cell  opened  wide,  and  out  flew  a 
glittering  Butterfly,  that  soared  up  to  the 
Summer  sky  on  golden  wings. 

Then  the  flowers  cried  out:  — 

l(  Clover,  your  watching  was  in  vain.  It  is  as 
we  told  you.  He  will  never  come  again.'3 

And  the  unkind  flowers  danced  for  joy,  as 
they  watched  him  silently  soar  away. 

Little  Clover  bowed  her  head  in  silence.  As 
she  drooped,  she  heard  a  Daisy  say:  — 

:'O  sisters,  look,  I  see  him  now!  He  is  float- 
ing back  from  Cloudland.  Spread  wide  your 
leaves,  that  he  may  choose  the  one  he  deems 
most  fair." 

Then  Wild  Rose  glowed  with  a  deep  blush,  as 
she  proudly  waved  on  her  stem. 

Cowslip  bent  to  look  at  herself  in  the  rippling 

Little  Bluet  merrily  danced,  and  spread  out 
her  leaves  wide. 

And  Daisy  whispered  her  joy  and  hope  to 
Violet,  who  peeped  out  from  the  tall  green 
Ferns  to  watch  the  glittering  form  of  the  Butter- 
fly, that  shone  in  the  Summer  sky. 

Nearer  and  nearer  the  bright  form  came,  and 
fairer  and  fairer  grew  the  blossoms.  Each  wel- 
comed him  in  her  sweetest  tones,  and  each 
offered  him  honey  and  dew. 

But  in  vain  did  they  beckon  and  smile  and 
call.  He  floated  past  Violet,  Daisy,  and  Rose, 


and    went    straight    to    the    pleasant    home    of 
Clover  Blossom,  the  flower  most  truly  fair. 

:<Dear  Flower,"  he  said,  'when  I  was  alone 
and  friendless  you  watched  over  me,  and  cared 
for  me.  Now  I  will  try  to  show  the  thanks 
the  poor  \Yorrn  could  not  tell.  And  you  shall 
find,  dear  faithful  Flower,  a  loving  friend  in  me." 

Then  through  the  long  bright  Summer  hours, 
through  sunshine  and  rain,  lived  happily  to- 
gether Clover  and  Prince  Butterfly. 

Paraphrased  by  ADA  M.  SKINNER 


Stories  from  the  Gold  Coast 

THESE  are  stories  about  the  Spider-Man,  Anansi, 
which  the  African  Grandfather  tells  to  the  chil- 
dren of  the  Gold  Coast:  — 

Come,  comrades,  listen  to  a  tale.  Once  upon 
a  time  there  was  a  man  named  Anansi.  He  was 
a  cunning  and  deceitful  creature,  who  liked  to 
get  the  better  of  his  neighbours;  but  he  was 
punished  for  his  badness.  Listen  now  to 


THERE  was  a  time  when  Anansi  was  a  very  in- 
dustrious farmer.  One  year  he  and  his  wife  and 
son  planted  a  large  farm  with  Yams,  Maize,  and 
Beans.  The  crops  flourished. 

166          THE  WONDER  GARDEN 

When  the  harvest  came  it  was  ten  times 
greater  than  any  Anansi  had  ever  had  before. 
And  very  well  pleased  he  was,  as  you  may  be- 
lieve, to  have  such  a  store  of  Corn,  Beans,  and 
Yams  for  the  Winter.  But  the  more  he  thought 
about  all  the  nice  vegetables,  the  less  he  wished 
to  keep  them  for  WTinter. 

Now,  Anansi  was  greedy  and  bad-hearted,  and 
did  not  like  to  share  anything  with  anybody,  not 
even  with  his  wife  and  son.  So  when  he  saw 
that  the  crops  were  quite  ripe,  he  called  his  wife 
and  son,  and  said  to  them: — 

'  We  have  worked  hard  raising  OUT  vegetables. 
They  have  repaid  us  well.  Let  us  gather  the 
harvest  into  our  barn." 

So  they  gathered  in  the  harvest. 

Then  Anansi  said:  "Now  we  three  need  a  rest. 
Go  home  to  the  village  and  have  a  good  time  for 
three  weeks,  while  I  am  away  on  business. 
When  I  get  back  we'll  come  to  the  farm  and 
have  a  great  feast." 

His  wife  and  son  thought  that  this  was  a  good 
plan,  and  went  to  their  house  in  the  village. 

But  the  cunning  Anansi  did  not  go  away  on 
business;  oh,  no!  He  stayed  there  on  the  farm 
and  built  himself  a  nice  little  thatched  hut  with 
everything  to  cook  with  in  it.  Then  each  night 
he  crept  softly  from  the  hut,  and  fetched  a  great 
quantity  of  vegetables  from  the  barn,  and 
feasted  greedily  all  by  himself. 


It  happened  in  about  two  weeks  that  Anansi's 
son  said  to  his  mother:  "I  will  go  and  weed  the 
farm,  and  surprise  father  when  he  returns." 

So  he  went.  But  what  was  his  wonder  when 
he  looked  into  the  barn  to  see  that  half  the  rich 
harvest  was  gone! 

"Robbers  have  been  here!'1  thought  he.  :<I 
must  hurry  and  catch  them  before  they  steal 

So  he  went  back  to  the  village  and  told  the 
people,  and  they  helped  him  make  a  Rubber 
Man,  black,  grinning,  and  very  sticky.  This 
they  carried  to  the  farm,  and  set  down  in  the 
middle  of  the  field  to  frighten  the  robbers.  Then 
some  of  the  young  men  stayed  with  Anansi's  son 
to  watch  in  the  barn. 

When  it  was  quite  dark  Anansi  came  out  of 
his  hut  to  fetch  more  food.  As  he  was  creeping 
through  the  field  he  saw  the  figure  of  a  strange 
man  hi  front  of  him.  At  first  he  was  very  much 
frightened,  but  seeing  that  the  man  did  not 
move,  he  went  up  to  him. 

'What  do  you  want  here?"  said  he. 

But  there  was  no  answer. 

"What  do  you  want  here?"  said  he  again, 
getting  angry. 

But  still  no  answer. 

So  Anansi,  in  a  rage,  hit  the  man  a  blow  on  the 
cheek  with  his  right  hand.  And  his  right  hand 
stuck  fast  in  the  rubber. 

168          THE  WONDER  GARDEN 

14  Let  me  go,"  cried  he,  gnashing  his  teeth, 
"or  I '11  hit  you  again!" 

And  he  hit  the  man  a  blow  on  the  other  cheek 
with  his  left  hand.  And  his  left  hand  stuck  fast 
in  the  rubber. 

:*How  dare  you  hold  me!'  cried  he,  foaming 
with  rage.  :'  Let  me  go  or  I  '11  kill  you ! ' 

Then  he  put  up  his  right  foot  to  kick  him- 
self free.  And  his  right  foot  stuck  fast  in  the 

Then  he  kicked  with  his  left  foot,  and  pressed 
with  both  his  knees  against  the  man.  And  his  left 
foot  and  his  knees  stuck  fast  in  the  rubber. 

So  there  Anansi  had  to  hang  helpless  until 
daybreak.  Then  his  son  and  the  young  men 
came  out  of  the  barn  to  catch  the  robber,  and 
very  much  astonished  they  were,  as  you  may 
well  believe,  to  find  that  the  evil-doer  was  Anansi 
himself ! 

After  that  Anansi  was  so  ashamed  that  he 
changed  himself  into  a  Spider,  and  hid  away 
from  sight  in  a  dark  corner  of  the  ceiling.  And 
ever  since  then  Spiders  have  been  found  in  dark 
places,  where  people  are  not  likely  to  see  them. 


THIS  is  another  tale  of  Anansi,  the  greedy 
Spider-Man.  Once  there  was  a  sore  famine  in 
the  land.  The  villagers  were  thin  and  pale  for 


lack  of  food.  Only  one  family  was  fat  and  well. 
This  was  the  household  of  Anansi's  cousin,  Kofi. 
So  Anansi  was  determined  to  find  out  how  his 
cousin  got  food. 

Now  it  had  happened  this  way :  — 

One  morning  when  Kofi  was  hunting,  he  found 
a  wonderful  Mill-stone.  It  ground  flour  of  its 
own  accord,  heaps  and  heaps  of  rich  yellow  corn- 
flour. Near  it  ran  a  stream  of  honey. 

Kofi  was  delighted.  He  sat  down  by  the 
Stone,  and  made  cakes,  and  ate  them,  and  drank 
all  the  honey  he  wanted.  Then  he  carried  away 
enough  flour  and  honey  for  his  family.  So  this 
is  why  his  wife  and  children  were  fat  and  well, 
while  the  other  villagers  were  thin  and  hungry. 

Well,  as  I  said,  Anansi  was  determined  to  find 
out  how  Kofi  got  food,  and  he  gave  his  cousin 
no  peace  until  he  told  him  about  the  Stone,  and 
promised  to  show  him  the  wonderful  spot  where 
it  was.  Kofi  said  that  he  would  take  him  there 
the  next  day. 

So  in  the  morning,  about  the  time  when 
women  begin  the  day's  work,  they  both  set  off 
for  the  forest.  And  as  soon  as  Anansi  saw  the 
Stone  he  cried  out  in  a  loud  voice:  — 

"Ho!  ho!  Here  is  plenty  of  food  for  me!  I 
need  never  go  hungry  again!' 

"Hush!'  said  his  cousin.  'You  must  not 
shout  here!  It  is  a  magic  spot.  Sit  down  quietly 
and  eat  your  fill.' 


170          THE  WONDER  GARDEN 

So  they  sat  down.  But  when  they  had  eaten 
all  they  wanted,  and  had  drunk  enough  honey, 
Anansi  shouted  again: — 

"Ha!  ha!    Now  I'll  take  the  Stone  with  me!" 

And  in  spite  of  all  that  Kofi  could  say,  he 
lifted  the  Stone  on  to  the  top  of  his  head,  and 
went  staggering  through  the  forest  toward  the 

But  as  he  went  the  Stone  cried  out: — 

"Spider!    Spider!    Put  me  down! 
The  Pig  came,  ate  enough,  and  left  me! 
The  Antelope  came,  ate  enough,  and  left  me! 
Kofi  came,  ate  enough,  and  left  me! 
Greedy  Spider!    Put  me  down!'' 

But  Anansi  only  laughed  scornfully,  and  went 
staggering  along,  and  would  not  put  the  Stone 

Then  the  Stone  began  to  grind  and  grind  the 
top  of  Anansi's  head. 

He  tried  to  throw  it  onto  the  grass,  but  it 
stuck  fast  to  him,  and  went  on  grinding.  It 
ground,  and  it  ground,  and  it  ground,  around 
and  around,  until  at  last  Anansi  was  ground  into 
a  thousand  little  pieces  lying  in  the  grass  under 
the  Stone. 

That  is  why  to-day,  whenever  one  lifts  up  a 
big  Stone,  one  finds  so  many  small  Spiders 
under  it. 





ONCE  upon  a  time,  there  was  a  poor  little  girl, 
who  liked  to  play  with  Ladybirds,  and  to  sing 
to  them :  — 

1  Ladybird,  Ladybird,  fly  away  home, 
Your  house  is  on  fire,  your  children  will  burn* 

One  day  while  she  was  playing  in  the  wood,  a 
lovely  little  carriage,  drawn  by  a  hundred  red 
Ladybirds  drove  up.  She  stepped  into  it,  and 
was  carried  through  the  air  straight  to  a  cottage, 
in  front  of  which  sat  a  beautiful  lady  spinning. 

The  lady  rose  when  she  saw  the  little  girl,  and, 
taking  her  by  the  hand,  led  her  into  the  cottage, 
saying:  — 

:<I  sent  for  you,  dear  child,  because  there  is  a 
dreadful  war  being  fought  in  your  land.  I  wish 
you  to  stay  with  me  until  it  is  over." 

So  the  little  girl  stayed  with  her  five  years. 

At  the  end  of  that  time,  the  carriage  drawn 
by  the  hundred  red  Ladybirds,  drove  up  again, 
and  the  lady  put  the  little  girl  into  it,  saying: — 

'Good-bye,  dear  child,  the  war  is  over." 

The  little  girl  was  carried  through  the  air  to  her 
parent's  cottage;  and  they,  as  you  may  guess, 
were  overjoyed  to  see  her.  Then  they  found  the 
carriage  filled  with  fine  things  for  the  little  girl. 

172          THE   WONDER  GARDEN 


Old  Legend 

ONCE  upon  a  time,  there  was  a  boy  named 
Campion.  He  was  an  idle,  worthless  fellow,  and 
would  never  have  worked  at  all,  if  he  had  not 
been  afraid  of  his  mistress  Minerva, — Pallas- 
Athena  as  some  folk  call  her,  —  who  was  the 
wisest  of  all  the  Dwellers-on-Mount-Olympus. 
She  kept  him  busy  every  minute  catching  Flies 
for  her  pet  Owl. 

He  was  afraid  of  her  frown;  and  very  good 
reason  he  had,  for  she  was  stern  and  awful. 
Large,  steadfast,  and  grey  were  her  eyes.  Over 
her  ringlets  she  wore  a  helmet.  On  her  arm  she 
carried  the  fearful  segis  —  or  shield  —  in  the 
centre  of  which  was  graven  the  snaky  head  of 
the  Gorgon  Medusa. 

But,  though  she  was  usually  armed  like  a  war- 
rior maiden,  Minerva  liked  far  better  to  be  clad 
in  homespun,  and  to  sit  weaving  and  spinning. 
Many  were  the  beautiful  gifts,  made  with  her 
own  hands,  that  she  bestowed  on  good  and 
happy  mortals.  But  when  people  were  lazy, 
idle,  or  wasteful,  she  frowned  so  terribly  that 
they  shook  and  trembled  for  fear  of  her  wrath. 

Wherever  she  wandered  about  the  world  be- 
stowing her  gifts  or  punishments,  the  pet  Owl 
went  with  her,  rolling  his  wise  eyes  and  flapping 


his  dusky  wings.  And  a  ravenously  hungry  bird 
he  was,  gobbling  Flies  every  minute  of  the  day. 
So,  to  satisfy  his  enormous  appetite,  Campion 
had  to  run  around  the  meadows,  catching  hand- 
fuls  of  Flies,  and  putting  them  into  a  little 
bladder  he  carried. 

One  day  Campion  thought  that  Minerva  was 
too  far  away  to  see  him,  so  he  curled  up  under  a 
tree  to  take  a  nap.  But  she  did  see  him.  For 
her  Owl  grew  hungrier  and  hungrier,  and  she 
came  with  stately  stride  into  the  meadow,  to 
find  why  Campion  was  not  bringing  Flies  for  her 
pet's  dinner. 

There  she  saw  him  curled  up  comfortably, 
the  empty  bladder  lying  by  his  side. 

Frowning  her  most  awful  frown,  she  touched 
him.  Instantly  he  was  transformed  into  a  plant 
holding  up  clusters  of  white  flowers,  the  stems  of 
which  were  covered  with  a  sticky  substance.  The 
Flies  came  buzzing  around,  and  in  a  second  they 
were  caught  and  held  tight  in  the  sticky  juice. 
So  the  Owl  had  all  that  he  wanted  for  dinner. 

After  that  the  little  plant,  Bladder  Campion 
—  or  Fly  Catcher  —  had  to  stand  night  and 
day  catching  Flies  for  the  Owl.  And  you  can 
find  him  for  yourself  in  the  garden,  with  all  his 
children  around  him.  Night  and  day  they  are 
busily  catching  Flies  and  other  insects. 

174          THE  WONDER  GARDEN 


Retold  from  the  Homeric  Hymns  and  Other  Sources 

AURORA,  the  Rosy-Fingered  Child  of  Dawn, 
arose  from  her  couch  in  the  eastern  Sky  and 
donned  her  saffron  robe.  Then  mounting  her 
.rose-colored  car  she  threw  back  her  flowing  veil 
and  opened  the  Gates  of  Day.  She  urged  her 
white  steeds  through  the  Sky.  Night  and  Sleep 
fled  before  her,  while  her  maidens,  the  happy 
Hours,  floated  by  her  side. 

High  above  the  earth  the  white  steeds  bore 
the  car,  and  Aurora  scattered  Roses  and  refresh- 
ing dew  on  the  grass  beneath.  And  as  she  looked 
down  she  saw  Prince  Tithonus  of  Troy  standing 
in  the  royal  garden.  A  very  beautiful  youth  he 
was,  with  golden  curls  clustering  on  his  white 

Swiftly  Aurora  guided  her  steeds  to  earth, 
and  lifting  Tithonus  into  her  car  carried  him  off 
to  her  golden  palace  beyond  the  Gates  of  Day. 
And  there  in  the  Land  of  Dawn  she  wedded  him. 

Years  passed,  and  Tithonus  grew  older.  Then 
Aurora,  who  loved  him  tenderly,  trembled  at 
the  thought  that  he  might  die.  So  she  flew  in 
her  car  to  Mount  Olympus  and  begged  Jupiter 
to  grant  him  immortal  life.  Jupiter  consented; 
and  Aurora,  returning  joyfully  to  her  palace,  fed 
Tithonus  on  Ambrosia  and  red  Nectar  to  make 


him  live  forever,  and  clothed  him  in  unfading 
Olympian  garments. 

More  years  passed  by,  and  still  more  years. 
Tithonus  grew  grey  and  decrepit,  and  his  voice 
became  feeble,  because  —  alas !  —  Aurora  had 
forgotten  to  ask  for  the  gift  of  Eternal  Youth. 
So  the  wretched  Tithonus  could  not  die,  but 
grew  older  and  older.  He  became  smaller  and 
smaller,  and  Aurora  wrapped  him  in  swaddling 
clothes  and  laid  him  in  a  cradle. 

At  last,  when  he  was  many  hundreds  of  years 
old,  Aurora,  out  of  pity,  changed  him  into  a 
Grasshopper  and  carried  him  back  to  earth. 

That  is  why  to-day  Tithonus,  withered  and 
small,  goes  chirping  and  hopping  about  in  the 


Japanese  Tale 

IN  the  Island  of  the  Dragon-Fly,  the  Land  of  the 
Rising  Sun,  where  the  Cherry-Blossoms  lie  like 
snow  clouds  on  the  Cherry -Trees,  and  the  Peach 
Blooms  fall  pink  on  the  grass,  there  once  lived  a 
little  Japanese  maid.  She  was  called  Morning- 
Glory,  and  why  she  was  called  that,  listen,  and 
you  shall  hear. 

It  happened  one  warm  Summer  night  that  the 
Little  Maid  went  down  to  the  river  and  saw  her 
companions,  the  village  maidens,  sporting  on  the 

176          THE  WONDER  GARDEN 

water  in  their  small  boats.  And  as  the  maidens 
darted  here  and  there,  they  tried  to  catch  with 
their  hands  the  sparkling  Fireflies  that  sailed 
past  in  the  air  like  strange  Fire-Flowers  or  hosts 
of  wandering  Stars. 

The  Little  Maid  climbed  into  her  boat,  and 
soon  she,  too,  was  catching  Fireflies  with  the 
gay  throng.  She  held  the  shining  insects  on  her 
fingers,  or  laid  them  against  her  soft  black  hair, 
laughing  with  glee. 

While  she  played  thus  on  the  river  she  met 
and  loved  a  stranger  youth,  whose  name  was 
Miyagi.  And  wrhen  they  parted  she  gave  him 
her  fan,  on  which  were  painted  trailing  Morning- 
Glories .  On  his  own  fan  Miyagi  wrote  a  song 
about  the  Morning-Glories,  and  gave  it  to  the 
Little  Maid;  then  he  went  his  way  and  returned 
to  his  home  in  a  distant  land. 

But  alas!  when  the  Little  Maid  reached  her 
home  she  found  that  her  parents  had  betrothed 
her  to  a  man  whom  she  had  never  seen. 

At  the  thought  of  Miyagi  her  heart  seemed 
to  burst.  So  she  left  her  home,  and  started  out 
in  search  of  him.  Many  weary  days  she  went 
up  and  down  the  world,  weeping  great  salt  tears. 
And  little  by  little  the  tears  quenched  the  light 
of  her  eyes,  and  she  became  blind. 

But  still  she  wandered  on  from  village  to 
village,  from  town  to  town,  singing  the  little 
Morning-Glory  song  Miyagi  had  written  on 


the  fan,  for  she  thought:  "If  he  hears  it, 
he  will  come  to  me."  So  people  called  her 

It  happened  one  day  that  Miyagi  rested  him- 
self in  a  tea-house,  and  saw  the  song  he  had 
composed  written  on  a  screen.  Eagerly  he 
questioned  the  master  of  the  tea-house. 

"It  was  written,"  answered  he,  "by  a  blind 
maiden,  who  left  her  home  because  her  parents 
betrothed  her  to  a  man  she  could  not  marry. 
Now  she  is  searching  the  world  over  for  the 
youth  she  loves.  To  him  belongs  this  song. 
Therefore  she  ever  sings  it,  hoping  that  some 
day  he  may  hear  her." 

Miyagi  could  hardly  control  his  joy. 

"Bring  her  hither  to  me,"  said  he,  "and  let 
her  sing  before  me." 

The  Little  Maid  came,  and  sang  so  sweetly 
that  his  heart  was  strangely  moved.  And  as  he 
gazed  on  her  beautiful,  sad  face  and  sightless 
eyes,  he  longed  to  declare  his  love,  but  kept 
silent  because  of  the  strangers  present. 

"I  will  come  back  another  day,"  thought  he. 

But  before  leaving,  he  presented  her  with  the 
fan  on  which  were  painted  trailing  Morning- 

Scarce  was  he  gone  when  the  Little  Maid 
eagerly  felt  of  the  fan  with  her  soft  fingers;  and 
she  knew  it  for  the  one  she  had  given  her  lover 
so  long  ago. 

178          THE  WONDER  GARDEN 

"Oh,  tell  me,"  she  cried  to  the  master  of  the 
tea-house,  'oh,  tell  me  if  there  are  trailing 
Morning-Glories  on  this  fan!' 

And  he  answered,  'Yes,  Morning-Glories  are 
painted  on  it." 

Then  the  Little  Maid  cried  out  with  joy;  and, 
wonder  of  wonders !  the  tears  of  joy  healed  her  eyes, 
and  her  vision  returned  clearer  than  it  was  before. 

And  she  rose  up  and  followed  the  way  her 
lover  had  taken.  All  night  long  she  travelled 
over  rough  and  stony  roads,  and  when  the  morn- 
ing was  breaking  she  climbed  with  bleeding  feet 
a  high  mountain.  As  she  reached  the  summit 
the  day  dawned  in  all  its  glorious  colours.  And 
she  heard  a  voice  calling,  and  calling  sweetly: — 


She  looked  and  saw  Miyagi  waiting  for  her. 
Then  what  happiness  was  theirs!  How  gladly 
she  let  him  lead  her  to  his  home,  where  the  wed- 
ding feast  was  preparing! 

As  for  the  Morning-Glory  flower,  it  lasts  but 
a  short  time,  while  the  love  of  little  Morning- 
Glory  and  Miyagi  lasted  years  and  years. 



Her  angel's  face 

As  the  great  eye  of  Heaven  shined  bright, 
And  made  a  sunshine  in  the  shady  place. 
Did  never  mortal  eye  behold  such  heavenly  grace! 

The  Lion  would  not  leave  her  desolate, 
But  with  her  went  along,  as  a  strong  guard 
Of  her  chaste  person,  and  a  faithful  mate 
Qf  her  sad  troubles  and  misfortunes  hard. 

He  kissed  her  weary  feet, 
And  licked  her  lily  hands  with  fawning  tongue. 
As  he  her  wronged  innocence  did  weet. 
Oh,  how  can  beauty  master  the  most  strong! 

•  •••••••• 

The  day  is  spent,  and  cometh  drowsy  Night, 
When  every  creature  shrouded  is  in  sleep. 
Sad  Una  down  her  lays  in  weary  plight, 
And  at  her  feet  the  Lion  watch  doth  keep. 

EDMUND  SPENSEE  (arranged) 


Japanese  Legend 

ONCE  upon  a  time,  there  were  eighty-one  brothers 
who  were  Princes.  Eighty  of  the  brothers  were 
jealous  of  one  another,  and  were  always  quarrel- 
ling. But  the  youngest  was  good  and  gentle  and 
did  not  like  their  bad  ways. 

Now  each  of  the  quarrelsome  brothers  wished 
to  marry  the  Princess  of  Yakami  in  Inaba.  So 
they  decided  to  visit  her,  and  persuade  her  to 
choose  one  of  them  for  a  husband. 

After  quarrelling  very  hard,  they  set  out, 
taking  their  youngest  brother  to  carry  their  bag. 
The  eighty  brothers  went  on  ahead,  for  the 
youngest  could  not  travel  fast  because  the  bag 
was  so  heavy. 

By  and  by  the  eighty  brothers  came  to  the 
seashore,  and  on  the  sand  they  saw  a  little 
white  Hare  with  most  of  its  fur  torn  off.  The 
brothers  laughed  very  hard  at  the  poor  little 

"If  you  wish  your  fur  to  grow  again,"  they 
cried,  :<go  bathe  in  the  sea;  and  after  you  have 
done  so,  run  to  and  fro  on  the  top  of  yonder  high 
hill  and  let  the  hot  Wind  blow  on  you!'1  And 
they  laughed  again  and  went  on. 

The  little  Hare  limped  down  to  the  sea,  and 

182          THE  WONDER  GARDEN 

jumped  into  the  water  and  bathed.  Then  it 
limped  up  the  hill  and  lay  down  to  let  the  hot 
Wind  blow  on  it.  The  hot  Wind  blew  and  blew, 
and  the  poor  Hare's  skin,  all  wet  with  salt  water, 
dried,  cracked,  and  split  open.  And  there  the 
little  creature  lay,  moaning  with  pain,  when  the 
gentle  youngest  brother  drew  near. 

'Where  is  your  fur?  Why  are  you  suffering 
so?"  asked  the  youngest  brother. 

'' Please  wait  a  minute,  and  I'll  tell  you,"  said 
the  Hare,  weeping.  'I  was  in  the  Island  of 
Oki,  and  wished  to  cross  to  this  place,  so  I  said 
to  the  Crocodiles:  'I  want  to  know  how  many 
Crocodiles  are  in  the  sea.  Arrange  yourselves  in 
a  row,  and  let  me  count  you.' 

"Then  the  Crocodiles  formed  a  long  line  with 
their  horny  bodies  from  the  Island  of  Oki  to  this 
beach.  I  hastened  across,  leaping  from  back  to 
back;  and  when  I  reached  the  last  Crocodile,  I 
cried  out:  :You  silly  beasts!  As  if  I  cared  how 
many  Crocodiles  are  in  the  sea!  I  only  wished 
to  use  you  for  a  bridge!'  And  immediately  that 
last  Crocodile  raised  its  head,  and  tore  off  my 
fur  with  its  sharp  teeth." 

"Well!  WTell!'  said  the  youngest  brother. 
'It  served  you  right,  for  you  lied  to  them.  But 
is  this  all  of  your  story?' 

"No,"  said  the  Hare.  :Your  eighty  brothers 
passed  by,  and  laughed.  They  told  me  to  bathe 
in  the  sea,  and  to  let  the  hot  Wind  blow  upon  me, 

THE  TIGER  AND  THE  MAN      183 

and  I  did.  My  skin  dried,  and  cracked,  and 
split  open." 

"Ah,  my  poor  little  Hare!'*  said  the  youngest 
brother  pityingly.  "Bathe  in  fresh  water,  and 
roll  in  the  pollen  of  the  sedges,  and  your  fur  will 
come  again." 

So  the  little  Hare  limped  down  to  the  river, 
and  bathed  in  fresh  water.  Then  it  rolled  in  the 
pollen  of  the  sedges;  and  immediately  its  skin 
was  healed,  and  its  fur  came  again,  white  and 

Then  the  grateful  Hare  ran  after  the  young- 
est brother,  crying:  'Your  eighty  quarrelling, 
wicked  brothers  shall  never  get  the  Princess.  It 
is  you  she  will  choose,  and  you  will  reign  over 

And  so  it  was.  For  the  eighty  brothers  quar- 
relled so  hard  that  the  Princess  turned  them 
out  of  her  kingdom.  But  she  chose  the  gentle 
youngest  brother;  and  they  were  married  and 
ruled  happily  over  Inaba. 



Tibetan  Folktale 


ONCE  upon  a  time,  there  was  a  Father  Tiger 
who  lived  in  a  certain  forest,  and  had  a  family  of 
three  children.  He  grew  old  and  began  to  fail;  so 
.just  before  his  death  he  sent  for  them,  and  said:  — 

184          THE  WONDER  GARDEN 

"Remember,  my  children,  the  Tiger  is  the  lord 
of  the  jungle.  He  roams  about  at  will,  and 
makes  a  prey  of  the  other  animals,  and  none 
can  gainsay  him. 

"But  there  is  one  animal  against  whom  you 
must  be  on  your  guard.  He  alone  is  more  power- 
ful and  cunning  than  the  Tiger.  That  animal  is 
Man.  And  I  warn  you  solemnly,  before  I  die, 
to  beware  of  Man,  and  on  no  account  to  hunt 
him  or  kill  him." 

So  saying,  the  old  Tiger  turned  on  his  side  and 

The  three  young  Tigers  obeyed  him  for  some 
time;  and  if  they  came  within  sight  or  scent  of 
any  human  being,  made  off  as  fast  as  they  could 
from  so  dangerous  a  neighbourhood. 

But  the  youngest  Tiger,  as  he  grew  older  and 
stronger,  thought  to  himself:  — 

'What,  after  all,  can  be  this  creature  Man, 
that  I  should  not  slay  him?  I  am  told  that  he 
is  a  defenceless  animal,  and  that  his  strength  can- 
not be  compared  with  mine,  and  that  his  claws  and 
teeth  are  quite  blunt.  I  can  pull  down  the  largest 
Stag,  or  tackle  the  fiercest  Boar, --why  then 
should  I  not  be  able  to  kill  and  eat  Man  also?' 

So  after  a  while,  in  his  conceit  and  folly,  he 
set  out  to  search  for  Man. 

He  had  not  gone  far  when  he  met  an  old  Ox, 
thin  and  sick,  with  marks  of  scars  on  his  back. 
Walking  up  to  him,  he  said:  — 

THE  TIGER  AND  THE  MAN      185 

'What  sort  of  an  animal  are  you,  pray?  Are 
you  Man?" 

"No,  indeed,"  said  the  creature,  "I  am  only  a 
poor  Ox." 

"  Ah ! "  said  the  Tiger.  "  Well,  perhaps  you  can 
tell  me  what  sort  of  an  animal  Man  is.  I  am 
hunting  for  one,  to  kill  him." 

"Beware  of  Man,  young  Tiger,"  replied  the 
Ox.  "He  is  a  dangerous,  faithless  creature.  Just 
look  at  me.  From  the  time  I  was  young,  I  was 
Man's  servant.  I  carried  loads  for  him  on  my 
back,  as  you  may  see  by  these  scars.  I  slaved 
for  him  faithfully  and  well.  But  as  soon  as  I 
was  old  and  weak  he  turned  me  out  into  the  wild 
jungle  to  seek  my  food.  He  gave  no  thought  for 
me  in  my  old  age. 

"Therefore  I  warn  you  to  beware  of  Man,  and 
not  to  try  to  kill  him.  He  is  very  cunning  and 

But  the  young  Tiger  only  laughed,  and  went 
his  way. 

Soon  afterward  he  met  an  ancient  Elephant 
feeding  with  its  trunk  on  the  grasses  and  leaves 
it  loves  so  well.  The  old  animal  had  a  wrinkled 
skin,  and  one  small  bleary  eye.  Behind  his  ears 
were  cuts  and  scars,  showing  where  the  iron 
goad  had  struck  him. 

"What  sort  of  an  animal  are  you?'  said  the 
young  Tiger,  walking  up  to  him.  "You  are  not 
Man,  I  suppose?". 

186          THE  WONDER  GARDEN 

"No,  indeed,"  replied  the  old  creature.      : 
am  only  a  poor  worn-out  Elephant." 

"Is  that  so?"  answered  the  Tiger.  "Perhaps 
you  can  tell  me  what  sort  of  an  animal  Man  is. 
I  am  hunting  for  one  to  kill  him." 

"Beware  how  you  hunt  Man,  young  Tiger," 
replied  the  old  Elephant.  ;<He  is  a  dangerous, 
faithless  creature.  Look  at  my  case.  Although 
I  am  lord  of  the  jungle,  Man  tamed  me,  and 
made  me  his  servant.  He  put  a  saddle  on  my 
back,  and  struck  me  often  with  an  iron  goad. 
When  I  was  young  and  could  serve  him,  he  fed 
me  and  cared  for  me.  I  had  a  groom  who  used 
to  wash  me  and  tend  to  all  my  wants.  But 
when  I  became  old  and  too  feeble  to  work,  Man 
turned  me  out  into  the  jungle  to  find  food  for 

"So  take  my  advice,  and  leave  Man  alone,  or 
it  will  be  worse  for  you  in  the  end." 

But  the  young  Tiger  only  laughed  again,  and 
passed  on. 

After  a  while,  he  heard  some  one  chopping 
wood,  and  creeping  near,  saw  a  Woodcutter 
felling  a  tree.  Then  going  up  to  him,  he  said:  — 

'What  kind  of  an  animal  are  you?' 

"Why,  you  ignorant  Tiger,"  said  the  Wood- 
cutter, "can't  you  see  that  I  am  a  Man?' 

"Oh,  are  you?"  replied  the  Tiger.  "What  a 
piece  of  good  luck  for  me!  I  am  just  looking  for 
Man  to  kill  and  eat  him.  You  will  do  nicely." 


THE  TIGER  AND  THE  MAN      187 

On  hearing  this  the  Woodcutter  began  to 

"Kill  and  eat  me,"  he  cried.  'Why,  don't 
you  know  that  Man  is  much  too  clever  to  be 
killed  and  eaten  by  a  Tiger?  Come  a  little  way 
with  me,  and  I  will  show  you  some  of  the  things 
Man  knows.  It  will  be  very  useful  for  you  to 

The  Tiger  thought  this  a  good  idea,  so  he 
followed  the  Man  to  his  house,  which  was  built 
of  strong  timbers  and  heavy  logs. 

"What  is  this  place?"  asked  the  Tiger,  when 
he  saw  it. 

"This  is  called  a  house,"  said  the  Man.  "I 
will  show  you  how  we  use  it,"  and  he  went  inside 
and  shut  the  door. 

"Now,"  said  he,  speaking  from  inside,  "you 
see  what  a  foolish  creature  a  Tiger  is  compared 
with  Man.  You  poor  animals  live  in  holes  in  the 
forest,  exposed  to  rain,  and  cold,  and  heat;  yet 
with  all  your  strength  you  cannot  make  a  house 
like  this. 

"Whereas  I,  although  I  am  so  much  weaker 
than  you,  can  build  myself  a  fine  house,  in  which 
I  live  comfortably  in  all  weathers." 

On  hearing  this,  the  Tiger  flew  into  a  rage. 

"What  right,"  he  roared,  "have  you  —  an 
ugly,  defenceless  creature  —  to  possess  such  a 
lovely  house?  Look  at  me  with  my  beautiful 
stripes,  and  my  great  teeth  and  claws,  and  my 

188          THE  WONDER  GARDEN 

long  lashing  tail.  I  am  far  more  worthy  than 
you  to  have  your  house.  Come  out  at  once  and 
give  it  to  me." 

;<Oh,  very  well,"  said  the  Man,  and  out  he 
came,  leaving  the  door  open. 

The  Tiger  stalked  in. 

"Now  look  at  me!'  he  called  from  inside. 
"Am  I  not  nice  in  my  fine  house?' 

'Very  nice  indeed,"  answered  the  Man  — 
and  he  bolted  the  door  on  the  outside,  and 
walking  off,  left  the  young  Tiger  to  starve  to 



Sioux  Myth 

ONCE  upon  a  time,  Master  Rabbit  lived  with 
his  grandmother  in  a  little  lodge.  Every  morn- 
ing he  got  up  early  to  set  his  traps  to  snare  game. 
But  no  matter  how  early  he  got  up,  he  found 
that  some  one  with  a  very  long  foot  had  been  be- 
fore him,  and  had  frightened  away  all  the  wild 

One  morning  he  rose  earlier  than  ever  to  see 
who  the  mysterious  stranger  was,  but  all  that  he 
saw  was  the  trail  of  the  very  long  foot.  The 
stranger  had  been  there,  and  the  wild  creatures 
were  gone. 

Well,  Master  Rabbit  was  mad!    He  jumped 


all  the  way  home,  stopping  now  and  then  to 
thump  the  ground  with  rage. 

14 Grandmother,"  he  shouted,  "give  me  my 
strongest  snare.  I  will  set  it  and  catch  the 

'What  has  he  done  to  you,  my  Grandson?'1 
asked  she. 

"He  has  made  me  mad,"  grumbled  Master 
Rabbit,  "and  I  intend  to  punish  him." 

Well,  Master  Rabbit  took  his  strongest  bow- 
string, and  set  it  for  a  snare.  Then  he  hid  in  the 
bushes  and  waited.  It  grew  dark  and  no  one 
came,  so  at  last  he  had  to  go  home. 

The  next  morning  he  got  up  very  early,  and 
went  to  look  at  his  snare.  And  what  should  he 
see  but  Master  Shining  Sun  himself  caught  in  the 
snare  and  struggling  to  escape. 

Master  Shining  Sun  was  in  a  violent  passion. 
"What!  Ho!"  cried  he.  "You  miserable  little 
creature,  how  dare  you  hold  me  this  way?  Come 
and  untie  me  at  once." 

Well,  Master  Rabbit  trembled  with  fear,  you 
may  be  sure,  and  he  ducked  his  head  and  crept 
near.  He  whipped  out  his  knife,  and  cut  the 
bowstring.  And  up  sprang  Master  Shining  Sun, 
soared  into  the  sky,  and  was  gone. 

As  for  Master  Rabbit,  all  his  children  since 
that  day  have  had  yellow  hairs  between  their 
shoulders,  because  Master  Rabbit's  hairs  were 
scorched  by  the  great  heat  of  Master  Shining  Sun. 

190          THE  WONDER  GARDEN 


Hopi  Tale 


ONCE  the  Deer  had  n't  any  antlers  and  his  head 
was  smooth  like  the  Rabbit's.  He  was  a  fast 
runner,  while  his  friend  the  Rabbit  was  a  great 

All  the  animals  were  curious  to  know  who 
could  go  the  faster,  the  Deer  or  the  Rabbit,  so 
they  decided  to  hold  a  race.  They  made  a  beau- 
tiful pair  of  antlers  for  a  prize. 

Well,  the  day  for  the  race  came,  and  all  the 
animals  got  together  in  front  of  a  thicket,  and 
laid  the  antlers  on  the  ground  to  mark  the  start- 
ing point.  They  told  the  Deer  and  the  Rabbit 
to  run  through  the  thicket  to  the  other  side,  and 
back  again;  and  they  said  that  the  first  to  re- 
turn and  pick  up  the  antlers,  might  keep  them. 

While  every  one  was  admiring  the  prize,  the 
Rabbit  said: — 

'I  do  not  know  this  part  of  the  country.  I 
wish  to  take  a  look  through  the  bushes  where  I 
am  to  run." 

The  animals  thought  this  fair,  so  the  Rabbit 
jumped  into  the  thicket.  But  he  was  gone  so 
long  the  others  began  to  suspect  that  he  was  up 
to  one  of  his  tricks.  So  a  messenger  went  to 
look  for  him. 

He  crept  softly  along,  and  there  was  the  Rabbit 


gnawing  down  the  bushes  and  throwing  them 
aside,  so  as  to  clear  a  path.  Then  the  messenger 
returned  to  the  others,  and  told  what  he  had 

The  Rabbit  came  back  at  last,  and  the  angry 
animals  held  a  council,  and  agreed  that  such  a 
trickster  had  no  right  to  enter  the  race. 

So  they  gave  the  antlers  to  the  Deer  because 
he  was  an  honest  runner.  As  for  the  Rabbit, 
they  told  him  that  since  he  was  so  fond  of  cutting 
down  bushes,  he  might  do  so  for  a  living  —  and 
so  he  gets  his  living  to-day. 



Irish  Folktale 

IN  ancient  days,  when  Saint  Patrick  came  to 
Ireland,  the  land  was  filled  with  Snakes,  and 
Serpents,  and  Toads.  Some  flew  in  the  air,  and 
others  crawled  and  hopped  on  the  ground.  They 
were  in  very  bad  company,  indeed,  these  crea- 
tures, for  with  them  were  many  Demons  who 
darkened  the  air  with  their  sooty  wings. 

Well,  Saint  Patrick  determined  to  rid  Ireland 
of  them  all.  So  he  gathered  the  Snakes,  Ser- 
pents, Toads,  and  Demons  together  in  one  place, 
and  bade  them  go  to  the  top  of  Crochan  Acla. 

Now  the  creatures  did  not  wish  to  go  there  at 
all,  at  all,  for  they  knew  that  the  other  side  of  the 

192          THE   WONDER  GARDEN 

mountain  hung  over  the  sea.  So  some  of  them 
went  up  very  slowly,  and  others  twisted  and 
turned  and  wriggled  about,  hoping  to  escape. 

But  Saint  Patrick  had  a  watchful  eye,  and 
what  is  more,  he  had  something  much  better  — 
a  sweet  tinkling  magic  bell.  Of  all  the  sounds 
in  the  world  the  creatures  dreaded  the  most,  it 
was  the  sound  of  this  bell.  So  when  Saint  Pat- 
rick saw  that  they  would  not  obey  him  he  un- 
covered the  bell  and  rang  it  gently. 

At  the  first  tinkle,  Snakes,  Serpents,  Toads, 
and  Demons  rushed  forward  in  a  body  up  the 
side  of  the  mountain,  and  hurried  to  the  top. 

The  good  Saint  clambered  after.  He  pointed 
to  the  sea,  and  in  a  minute  Snakes,  Serpents, 
Toads,  and  Demons  rushed  helter-skelter  over 
the  edge  of  the  mountain,  and,  before  the  bell 
could  be  uncovered  again  they  were  half  way 
down  to  the  water.  There  they  stopped,  and 
hid  themselves  in  a  deep  hollow,  feeling  quite 
safe  under  the  shadow  of  the  cliff. 

But  Saint  Patrick  leaned  over  the  edge,  and 
rang  his  bell  again,  so  gently  that  the  roaring  of 
the  surf  beneath  drowned  the  tinkling,  and  the 
creatures  refused  to  stir.  Rising  to  his  feet,  the 
Saint  swung  the  bell  around  and  around  his 
head,  and  flung  it  with  all  his  force  over  the 

Down  it  went,  booming  and  ringing,  on  to  the 
shivering  creatures'  backs.  And  in  the  twinkling 


of  an  eye,  Snakes,  Serpents,  Toads,  and  Demons 
rushed  downward  and  plunged  into  the  sea,  and 
disappeared  under  the  foaming  waves. 

And  never  since  that  day  have  Snakes  been 
seen  in  the  land;  and  some  folk  say  that  the 
good  Saint's  bell  lies  hidden  under  the  earth  in 
the  hollow  on  Crochan  Acla. 


Irish  Folktale 

AFTER  Saint  Patrick  had  driven  the  Snakes  and 
Serpents  out  of  Ireland,  there  was  just  one  cun- 
ning old  Serpent  left,  who  had  hidden  away  in  a 
hole  by  a  lake. 

Well,  the  good  Saint  did  not  know  what  to  do 
about  it  at  all,  at  all,  for  the  old  one  was  making 
a  lot  of  mischief.  The  Saint  thought  about  it 
for  a  long  time,  then  he  got  a  strong  iron  chest 
with  nine  bolts  on  it.  And  one  fine  morning 
he  took  a  walk  to  the  hole  where  the  Serpent 

The  old  one  did  not  like  Saint  Patrick,  small 
blame  to  him,  and  began  to  hiss  and  show  his 

"Oh!"  says  Saint  Patrick,  "  where 's  the  use 
of  making  such  a  noise  when  a  nice  gentleman 
like  myself  is  coming  to  see  you?  It  is  a  fine 
house  I  have  got  for  you  against  the  Winter," 

194          THE  WONDER  GARDEN 

says  he,  :'and  you  can  come  and  look  at  your 
house  whenever  you  please." 

The  Serpent,  hearing  such  smooth  words,  stuck 
his  head  out  of  the  hole,  and  came  wriggling  up 
fair  and  easy  to  see  the  house  Saint  Patrick  had 
brought.  But  when  he  saw  the  nine  bolts  he 
was  terribly  frightened,  and  began  to  wriggle 

"Stop!  stop!'  says  Saint  Patrick.  'T  is  a 
nice  warm  house  as  ever  you  saw,"  says  he. 

"Thank  you  kindly,  Saint  Patrick,"  says  the 
Serpent,  "but  it's  entirely  too  small  for  me," 
says  he,  wriggling  away  still  farther. 

"Too  small  is  it?'  says  Saint  Patrick.  :<I 
am  sure  it  will  fit  you  completely.  If  you'll 
only  try,  there's  plenty  of  room,"  says  he. 

"I  don't  like  to  contradict  you,  Saint  Pat- 
rick," says  the  Serpent,  'but  it's  altogether 
too  small,  it  is,"  says  he. 

And  with  that  the  Serpent  swelled  himself  out 
as  big  as  he  could,  and  crept  into  the  chest  all 
except  a  bit  of  his  tail. 

"There  now,  see,"  says  he,  'the  house  is 
much  too  small  for  me.  I  can't  get  my  tail  in," 
says  he. 

And  what  did  Saint  Patrick  do  but  quick  as  a 
wink  slap  down  the  heavy  lid  of  the  chest  with  a 
bang  like  thunder? 

When  the  rogue  of  a  Serpent  saw  the  lid  com- 
ing down,  in  went  his  tail  like  a  shot,  for  fear  of 


its  being  whipped  off  him.    And  Saint  Patrick 
began  to  bolt  the  nine  bolts. 

uOh!  murder!  won't  you  let  me  out,  Saint 
Patrick?'  cries  the  Serpent. 

:'Let  you  out,  my  darling!'  says  Saint  Pat- 
rick. "To  be  sure!  to  be  sure!  But  you  must 
wait  until  to-morrow,"  says  he. 

And  with  that  the  Saint  heaved  up  the  chest, 
and  pitched  it  right  into  the  lake,  where  to  this 
hour  it  certain  is.  And  't  is  the  Serpent  strug- 
gling down  at  the  bottom  that  makes  the  waves 
boil  so. 

And  many  a  living  man  has  heard  the  Serpent 
crying  out,  within  the  chest  under  the  water: 
'Is  it  to-morrow  yet?    Is  it  to-morrow  yet?' 

Which  it  sure  never  can  be,  for  it  is  always 

And  that's  the  way  Saint  Patrick  settled  the 
last  of  the  Serpents. 




The  Golden  Apple,  the  Golden  Apple,  the 

hallowed  fruit, 

Guard  it  well,  guard  it  warily, 
Singing  airily, 
Standing  about  the  charmed  root! 


Keen-eyed  Sisters,  singing  airily, 

Looking  warily 

Every  way, 

Guard  the  Apple  night  and  day, 

Lest  one  from  the  East  come  and  take  it  away  I 

•  ••••«•• 

Golden-Jcernelled,  golden  cored, 

Sunset-ripened  above  on  the  tree. 

The  World  is  wasted  with  fire  and  sword. 

But  the  Apple  of  Gold  hangs  over  the  sea. 

Five  links,  a  golden  chain  are  we, 

Hesper,  the  Dragon,  and  Sisters  three, 

Daughters  three, 

Bound  about 

The  gnarl&d  bole  of  the  charmed  tree. 

TJie  Golden  Apple,  the  Golden  Apple,  the 

hallowed  fruit, 

Guard  it  well,  guard  it  warily, 
Watch  it  warily, 
Singing  airily, 
Standing  about  the  charmed  root! 

From  LORD  TENNYSON'S  The  Hesperides 



ONCE  upon  a  time,  a  poor  woman  lived  in  a  little 
hut  near  a  mountain  on  which  was  a  wide  forest. 
She  had  one  little  child  whom  she  loved  dearly. 

Now,  in  that  forest  grew  many  Strawberries 
very  large  and  juicy,  and  one  Midsummer  Day 
the  woman  took  the  child  to  pick  some.  They 
climbed  the  mountain-side,  and  presently  lighted 
upon  vines  that  were  covered  with  berries  larger, 
redder,  and  more  luscious  than  any  they  had 
ever  seen  before. 

These  they  picked.  But  no  sooner  had  the 
woman  put  them  in  her  basket  than  she  saw 
the  door  of  a  large  cavern  open  before  her. 
Great  heaps  of  gold  lay  glittering  on  the  floor, 
while  three  White  Maidens  sat  there  guarding 
the  treasure. 

"Come  in,  good  Woman,"  called  the  White 
Maidens.  "Take  as  much  gold  as  you  can 
grasp  at  once." 

The  woman,  holding  her  child  by  the  hand, 
entered  eagerly.  She  stooped  and  grasped  a 
handful  of  gold  and  put  it  in  her  apron.  But  the 
touch  of  it  filled  her  with  greed,  and,  forgetting 
her  child,  she  gathered  up  two  more  handfuls. 
Then  she  turned  and  ran  out  of  the  cave. 

200          THE   WONDER  GARDEN 

Instantly  a  loud  rumbling  sounded  behind 
her,  and  a  voice  cried  out :  - 

4  Unhappy  Woman !  You  have  lost  your  little 
one  until  next  Midsummer  Day." 

The  door  of  the  cavern  closed,  and  the  child 
was  shut  inside. 

Well,  the  poor  woman  wrung  her  hands  and 
wept,  but  it  was  of  no  use,  and  she  had  to  go 
home  without  her  child.  And  though  after  that 
she  often  visited  the  place  where  the  cavern 
had  opened,  she  never  could  find  the  door. 

Early  on  the  next  Midsummer  Day  she  hur- 
ried to  the  spot;  and  what  should  she  see  but 
the  door  wide  open!  The  great  heaps  of  gold 
lay  glittering  on  the  floor,  while  the  three  Wliite 
Maidens  sat  there  guarding  the  treasure.  And 
near  them  stood  her  little  child  holding  a  big 
red  Apple. 

"Come  in,  good  WToman,"  called  the  White 
Maidens.  "Take  as  much  gold  as  you  can  grasp 
at  once. ' 

At  that  the  woman  ran  eagerly  in.  She  forgot 
all  about  the  gold,  and  clasped  her  dear  child  in 
her  arms. 

"Good  WToman,"  said  the  White  Maidens, 
"take  the  little  one  home.  WTe  give  it  back  to 
you,  for  now  your  love  is  greater  than  your 

So  the  woman  took  her  child  home  with  her,  and 
loved  it  better  than  gold  all  the  days  of  her  life. 




Now,  near  that  same  mountain  lived  another 
poor  woman  who  had  a  little  daughter. 

One  day  the  woman  fell  ill  of  a  fever,  and 
longed  for  Strawberries.  So  the  little  girl  took  a 
jug  and  went  to  gather  some.  She  climbed  the 
mountain-side,  and  entered  the  forest,  where  she 
found  vines  covered  with  big,  red,  luscious  berries. 

She  had  gathered  her  jug  nearly  full,  when 
she  saw  a  tiny  woman  come  tripping  toward 
her.  A  very  strange  tiny  woman  she  was,  all 
gold-coloured  and  dressed  entirely  in  golden 

The  little  girl  remembered  how  her  mother 
had  told  her  about  the  Fairies,  called  Moss- 
Women,  who  inhabited  the  forest,  so  she  knew 
this  must  be  one  of  them. 

The  Moss-Woman  drew  near. 

"My  dear  child/3  said  she,  :<I  see  that  your 
jug  is  full  of  delicious  berries.  Will  you  not  give 
me  some  to  quench  my  thirst?' 

"Take  all  you  want,"  said  the  little  girl 
gladly,  "and  I'll  pick  more  for  my  mother.'5 

So  the  Moss-Woman  ate,  and  ate  until  the 
jug  was  nearly  empty;  then  away  she  tripped, 
and  vanished  among  the  trees. 

The  little  girl  quickly  filled  her  jug  again, 

202          THE  WONDER  GARDEN 

and  went  home.  And,  lo,  when  she  took  it  to 
her  mother's  bedside,  every  Strawberry  in  it 
was  turned  to  pure  gold! 

From  that  day  she  and  her  mother  were  very 


Old  Legend 

ONCE  upon  a  time,  in  Tyre  the  City-that- 
Crowns-a-Rock,  there  lived  a  proud  young 

Now  the  King  and  Queen  of  Tyre,  and  all  the 
Princes  and  Princesses,  wore  robes  of  Tyrian 
purple;  not  the  dark  colour  we  call  purple  to-day, 
but  a  deep  rich  crimson,  glowing  ruby-like  in 
the  sunshine,  and,  in  the  shadows,  gleaming 
like  ripening  Grapes. 

More  beautiful  was  Tyrian  purple  than  any 
other  colour  in  the  world.  So  this  young  girl 
gazed  and  gazed  with  rapture  and  longing, 
every  time  one  of  the  royal  family  went  by. 
Indeed,  she  could  think  of  nothing  else,  but  of 
this  wonderful  colour. 

At  last  she  could  neither  eat  nor  drink;  and 
since  she  could  endure  this  condition  no  longer, 
she  consulted  a  Wiseman.  He  told  her  that  she 
was  destined  to  wear  a  crown  and  royal  robes.  So 
of  course  she  thought  he  meant  that  she  was  to 


wed  a  King.  After  this  she  refused  all  humble 
suitors  who  asked  for  her  hand,  and  waited  for 
her  King  to  come  and  woo  her. 

One  day  she  heard  a  great  noise  in  the  street, 
and  rushed  from  her  house.  A  procession  was 
passing  by.  First  came  goat-legged  Pan  pip- 
ing on  his  Syrinx.  After  him  pressed  a  great 
crowd  of  Satyrs  and  Fauns  prancing  around  on 
their  shaggy  legs,  and  shouting  wildly. 

Behind  them,  seated  in  a  huge  car  drawn  by 
Leopards,  came  Bacchus,  Keeper-of-All-the-Vine- 
yards-in-the- World.  He  was  dressed  in  purple 
garments,  and  wore  a  crown  of  Grapes  and  leaves. 
Behind  him  followed  captives  chained  together, 
and  many  Elephants  laden  with  rich  stuffs,  spices, 
gold,  and  silver.  For  Bacchus  was  returning  from 
India,  which  country  he  had  conquered. 

Well,  as  soon  as  the  young  girl  saw  his  purple 
garments  and  crown,  she  thought:  'There  is 
my  King!'  and,  rushing  forward,  threw  her- 
self in  his  way. 

Bacchus,  who  was  good-natured  and  merry, 
lifted  her  into  the  car,  and  took  her  along;  for 
he  was  pleased  to  have  such  a  pretty  girl  sitting 
beside  him. 

But,  when  she  began  to  insist  that  he  should 
make  her  his  Queen,  he  was  so  annoyed  that  he 
changed  her  into  a  big  ripe  Pomegranate  hang- 
ing on  a  low  tree.  And  her  rind  glowed  ruby- 
like  in  the  sunshine,  and  in  the  shadows  gleamed 

204          THE  WONDER  GARDEN 

like  ripening  Grapes,  while  she  wore  a  tiny 
yellow  crown. 

So  there  she  hung,  peeping  out  of  her  glossy 
leaves  in  order  that  all  the  world  might  see  her 
crown  and  royal  robes. 


Retold  from  Homer  and  Pindar 

OH,  a  very  wretched  man  was  King  Tantalus 
the  father  of  Niobe  the  Proud.  He  lived  in  the 
golden  wonder  days  when  maidens  were  trans- 
formed into  trees,  and  youths  were  changed 
into  flowers.  Though  he  was  the  son  of  segis- 
bearing  Jupiter,  he  did  not  dwell  in  the  Shining 
Palace  on  Mount  Olympus,  but  reigned  over  the 
rich  and  powerful  kingdom  of  Lydia. 

Now  King  Tantalus  was  a  favourite  of  the 
Dwellers-on-Mount-Olympus,  and  they  often 
invited  him  to  their  banquets,  and  even  visited 
him  in  his  palace.  But  he  was  so  vain  and 
puffed  up  by  these  favours  that  he  became  very 

Some  people  say  that  he  told  the  secret  things 
he  heard  at  the  banquets,  and  others  relate  that 
he  stole  some  of  Jupiter's  Nectar  and  Ambrosia, 
and  fed  his  friends;  and  still  others  accuse  him 
of  having  killed  his  son  Pelops,  cooking  and 
serving  him  up  at  a  feast  to  the  Dwellers-on- 
Mount-Olympus.  But  whatever  his  wickedness 


was,  he  was  well  punished;  for  Jupiter  cast  him 
into  Tartarus,  that  dreadful  place  of  punishment 
in  grim  King  Pluto's  underground  kingdom. 

Over  King  Tantalus'  head  was  suspended  a 
huge  rock  that  was  always  threatening  to  fall 
and  crush  him.  He  stood  in  a  lake  up  to  his 
chin,  while  above  him  drooped  branches  of 
trees  laden  with  the  most  delicious  fruits  — 
crimson  Pomegranates,  luscious  Figs,  yellow 
Pears,  and  crisp  Olives. 

But  though  all  this  food  and  drink  was  close 
at  hand,  King  Tantalus  was  always  hungry  and 
thirsty.  Whenever  he  bent  his  head  to  drink, 
the  water  fled  from  him.  Whenever  he  lifted 
his  arm  to  pluck  a  fruit,  a  great  Wind  arose  that 
whirled  the  branches,  fruit  and  all,  high  up  into 
the  shadowy  clouds. 

So  the  wretched  King  stood  there  night  and 
day,  stretching  out  his  arms  toward  the  food 
and  drink,  and  suffering  the  most  terrible 
hunger  and  thirst,  in  punishment  for  his  pride 
and  presumption. 


Retold  from  Apollodorus  and  Other  Sources 

IN  those  ancient  golden  wonder  days,  the  most 
unfortunate  of  men  was  the  mighty  hero  Her- 

206          THE   WONDER  GARDEN 

cules;  for  by  evil  Destiny  he  was  forced  to  serve 
and  obey  King  Eurystheus  of  Mycenae. 

A  cruel  man  was  King  Eurystheus,  and 
twelve  labours  -  -  or  tasks  -  -  he  set  for  Hercules 
to  perform.  Fearful  adventures  they  were. 
And  in  order  that  Hercules  might  win  over  all 
dangers,  the  Dwellers-on-Mount-Olympus  armed 
him  with  Olympian  armour. 

Mercury  gave  him  a  bright  sword;  golden- 
beamed  Apollo  bestowed  a  bow  upon  him,  Vul- 
can the  Smith  made  him  a  golden  breast-plate; 
and  Minerva,  with  her  own  hands,  wove  him  a 
robe  of  the  finest  web. 

Then  Hercules  cut  for  himself  a  huge  club, 
and  started  on  his  adventures.  The  fierce 
Nemean  Lion  he  choked  to  death,  and  made  a 
cloak  of  his  skin.  With  fiery  darts  he  slew  the 
hundred-headed  Hydra-monster.  He  tamed  the 
Stag-of-the-Golden-Horns,  and  the  Wild  Boar  of 
Erymanthus.  He  cleansed  the  great  Augean 
stables,  and  even  stole  grim  King  Pluto's  three- 
headed  monster  Dog,  Cerberus. 

All  these  labours  did  Hercules  accomplish, 
and  others  as  fearful.  But  the  most  wonderful 
of  his  tasks  was  his  search  for  the  Golden 
Apples  that  grew  in  the  Garden  of  the  Hes- 



FAR,  far  away,  beyond  the  bright  ocean,  at  the 
very  edge  of  the  world,  lay  the  Garden  of  the 
Hesperides.  There  the  most  beautiful  flowers 
bloomed,  and  the  sweetest  birds  sang.  Every 
kind  of  tree  grew  there,  and  streams  of  crystal- 
clear  water  moistened  their  roots. 

In  the  centre  of  the  garden  stood  a  magic 
tree  on  whose  boughs  hung  the  glittering  Golden 
Apples.  Very  marvellous  they  were,  for  they 
belonged  to  Juno,  Queen  of  all  the  Dwellers-on- 
Mount-Olympus.  Fair  Earth  had  given  them 
to  her  for  a  wedding  gift.  And  to  keep  them 
safe,  Juno  had  planted  them  in  the  garden 
and  had  set  the  three  sister-maidens,  the  Hes- 
perides, to  watch  over  the  tree  on  which  they 
grew,  and  had  placed  a  fierce  hundred-headed 
Dragon  around  its  roots  to  guard  it  from  the 
sisters  lest  they  should  pluck  one  of  the  magic 

And  it  was  to  fetch  back  some  of  these  won- 
derful Golden  Apples  that  King  Eurystheus 
sent  Hercules.  Many  and  dangerous  were  the 
hero's  adventures.  Some  men  say  that  he  went 
to  the  Land  of  the  Hyperboreans,  those  strange 
folk  who  dwelt  beyond  the  glittering  ice  palace 
of  the  North  Wind  Boreas.  They  lived  for  a 
thousand  years.  On  sweet  grassy  herbs  they 
fed,  and  drank  ambrosial  dew.  No  shadow  of 

208          THE  WONDER  GARDEN 

care  ever  touched  their  radiant  brows,  nor  were 
they  ever  sick. 

Thither  some  men  say  Hercules  went,  sailing 
beyond  the  bright  sea  in  the  Golden  Bowl  of  the 
Sun.  And  as  he  drew  near  to  the  Garden  of  the 
Hesperides,  he  shot  and  killed  with  his  sharp 
arrows  the  mighty  Eagle  that  was  hovering  on 
outstretched  wings  and  devouring  the  liver  of 
Prometheus.  For  that  wretched  one  was  still 
bound  to  the  pillar  where  Jupiter  had  placed 
him  because  he  had  given  the  untiring  Fire  to 

So  Hercules  set  Prometheus  free,  who  in 
gratitude  bade  him  seek  out  his  brother,  old 
Giant  Atlas,  who  was  holding  up  the  sky,  and 
send  him  for  the  Golden  Apples. 

Then  Hercules  sought  out  old  Giant  Atlas, 
and  found  him  groaning  under  his  burden.  And 
very  glad  the  old  Giant  was  to  be  rid  of  the 
weight  of  the  sky  for  a  while,  while  Hercules 
took  it  on  his  own  shoulders.  He  hastened  to 
the  garden  where  his  daughters,  the  Hesperides, 
were  dancing  hand  in  hand,  and  singing  their 
clear-voiced  songs  while  they  circled  about  the 
magic  tree.  From  them  he  received  some  of  the 
glittering  fruit,  and  carried  it  back  to  Hercules. 

So  was  Hercules  able  to  fetch  home,  at  last, 
the  Golden  Apples  to  King  Eurystheus  of 
Mycenae,  who  returned  them  to  him  as  a  gift, 
in  honour  of  his  bravery. 

THE  APPLE  OF  DISCORD        209 

But  the  hero  did  not  wish  to  keep  them,  so 
Minerva-the- Wise-One  carried  them  back  to  the 
Garden  of  the  Hesperides. 

And  there  they  are  to-day,  glittering  on  the 
magic  tree  around  which  the  three  sister  Hes- 
perides are  still  circling  hand  in  hand,  singing 
their  clear-voiced  songs,  while  the  hundred- 
headed  Dragon  is  keeping  watch  and  ward  over 
the  Golden  Apples. 


Retold  from  Euripides,  Ovid,  and  Other  Sources 


IN  those  ancient  golden  days,  came  handsome 
King  Peleus  of  Thessaly  a-wooing  of  the  silver- 
footed  Thetis,  loveliest  of  the  Nereids.  She 
dwelt  beneath  the  ocean-waves,  in  clear  green 
depths  where  the  silvery  sand  was  strewn  with 
Pearls  and  Coral. 

Often  she  was  wont  to  rush  through  the  deep 
water,  seated  on  the  back  of  a  swift,  well-har- 
nessed Dolphin.  Sometimes  she  rose  to  the 
surface  of  the  sea,  and,  rocking  on  a  billow, 
combed  her  long  hair  while  she  sang  softly  to 
the  fishes. 

But  more  often  she  slept  in  a  little  cave  on 
the  shore.  Around  it  was  a  grove  of  Myrtle. 
Inside  it,  the  sand  was  whiter  than  camphor, 

210          THE  WONDER  GARDEN 

while  the  cool  green  light  from  the  sea  played 
on  its  lichen-covered  walls. 

One  day,  King  Peleus  found  Thetis,  in  her  fa- 
vourite retreat,  sleeping  with  her  head  pillowed 
on  the  Dolphin.  He  gathered  her  up  in  his 
arms,  and,  lo!  she  changed  herself  into  a  bird 
with  sharp  claws  and  beak.  He  held  her  fast, 
and  she  became  a  thorny  tree.  He  clasped  her 
still  closer,  and,  behold!  she  was  a  spotted 
Tiger  tearing  at  his  bosom.  In  terror  he  opened 
his  arms,  and  she  slipped  from  them  into  the 

''Alas!'  he  cried,  "how  have  I  lost  her!' 
'Listen,  Peleus,"  said  a  voice  from  the  waves; 
and  Proteus,  the  Old-Man-of-the-Deep,  raising 
his  head  from  the  brine,  shook  the  foam  from 
his  long  hair  and  beard.  ''Listen,  Peleus,  and 
I  will  tell  you  how  to  win  yon  ocean-maid. 
When  again  she  sweetly  sleeps  in  her  cave,  bind 
her  with  cords.  Then  hold  her  fast.  Let  her  not 
deceive  you,  no  matter  how  many  terrible 
shapes  she  takes.  So  will  you  win,  if  you  are 
bold  to  the  end." 

Thus  saying,  old  Proteus  hid  his  face  in  the 
sea,  and  sank  beneath  the  waves. 

Now  when  the  Sun  was  setting,  the  silver- 
footed  Thetis,  gayly  shaking  the  reins  of  her 
Dolphin,  came  riding  into  the  cave,  and  laid 
herself  down  to  sleep  in  that  cool  place. 

Then  King  Peleus  saw  her,  and,  creeping  close, 

THE  APPLE  OF  DISCORD        £11 

bound  her  with  strong  cords,  and  grasped  her 
tightly  in  his  arms. 

Many  and  fearful  were  the  forms  she  took,  — 
shapes  of  wild  birds,  savage  beasts,  and  horrible 
creatures,  —  but  King  Peleus  held  her  in  a  vice 
like  iron  and  would  not  let  her  go.  At  last,  with 
a  sigh,  she  returned  to  her  own  form,  and  said:  — 

"King  Peleus,  daring  man,  you  have  con- 
quered. But  not  without  the  aid  of  old  Proteus 
of  the  sea!" 

And  that  is  how  the  handsome  King  Peleus 
of  Thessaly  won  his  bride. 


JOYOUSLY  through  the  groves  and  caves  of 
Mount  Pelion  sounded  Apollo's  lyre,  and  Pan's 
reedy  Syrinx,  while  the  fair-haired  Muses, 
striking  their  golden  sandals  on  the  ground 
with  musical  ringing,  came  dancing  from  among 
the  trees  to  attend  the  marriage  of  King  Peleus 
and  the  silver-footed  Thetis. 

Richly  was  set  the  banquet  table,  around 
which  were  seated  the  Dwellers-on-Mount-Olym- 
pus.  With  rosy  finger-tips,  Ganymede  the  Cup- 
bearer poured  out  the  Nectar  into  the  golden 
depths  of  the  goblets.  Along  the  white  sand  the 
Nereids,  the  fifty  daughters  of  Old  Ocean, 
twined  their  arms  in  a  circling  dance.  Then 
with  arrows  of  fir  and  crowns  of  pine,  the  horse- 


mounted  troop  of  the  Centaurs  came  galloping 
from  their  dark  cave  to  the  feast. 

Now  all  the  Dwellers-on-Mount-Olympus  were 
there  except  one.  Discord  alone  had  not  been 
invited.  A  malevolent  creature  she  was,  sowing 
anger  and  strife  wherever  she  went.  So  Jupiter 
had  banished  her  from  the  Shining  Palace  on 
Mount  Olympus. 

When  the  marriage  feast  was  nearly  over, 
Discord  herself  suddenly  appeared  among  the 
guests,  her  face  ghastly  pale,  and  her  garment 
rent,  while  the  handle  of  a  naked  dagger  pro- 
truded from  her  bosom. 

She  cast  upon  the  banquet-board  a  beautiful 
Golden  Apple;  then,  her  eyes  sparkling  with 
malicious  fire,  she  vanished. 

The  Apple  went  rolling  along  the  board  until 
it  stopped  at  the  place  where  Juno,  Venus,  and 
Minerva  were  reclining.  Mercury,  the  wily 
one,  picked  it  up,  and  read  aloud  the  inscription 
written  on  its  side :  — 

"Let  the  most  beautiful  take  me." 

Then  arose  a  violent  quarrel,  for  Juno,  Venus, 
and  Minerva  each  claimed  the  Apple  for  her 
own.  And  had  not  Jupiter  separated  them,  they 
would  have  come  to  blows. 

:<Make  haste,  take  this  golden  fruit  of  Dis- 
cord," said  Jupiter  to  Mercury.  :'Hie  to  leafy 
Mount  Ida,  to  the  place  where  Paris,  the  son  of 
King  Priam  of  Troy,  is  watching  his  flock.  Say 

THE  APPLE  OF  DISCORD        213 

to  the  youth  that  Jupiter  bids  him  decide  which 
is  the  most  beautiful,  Juno,  Venus,  or  Minerva." 
So  to  leafy  Mount  Ida  Mercury,  with  the 
Golden  Apple  of  Discord  in  his  hand,  flew 
quickly,  and  descended  to  the  spot  where  Paris 
was  sitting. 


THE  handsomest  of  all  Shepherd-lads  on  Mount 
Ida  was  Paris.  He  knew  not  that  he  was  the 
son  of  King  Priam;  for  when  he  was  born  an 
Oracle  had  declared  he  should  be  the  destruction 
of  his  country.  So  King  Priam  had  exposed  the 
babe  on  Mount  Ida  to  die.  But  a  Bear  had 
suckled  the  little  one,  and  a  Shepherd  had  found 
him,  and,  adopting  him,  had  named  him  Paris. 

So  now  to  where  Paris  sat,  playing  on  his 
flute  of  reed  while  watching  his  sheep,  came 
Mercury;  while  behind  him,  still  loudly  quarrel- 
ling, hastened  Juno,  Venus,  and  Minerva. 

Mercury  delivered  his  message,  and  the  be- 
wildered youth  rose  to  his  feet  and  gazed  in 
wonder.  So  magnificent  and  noble  was  Juno 
in  her  royal  raiment  and  crown,  so  stately  and 
tall  was  Minerva  in  her  rich  armour,  so  rosy 
and  dimpled  was  Venus  in  her  shining  robes, 
that  he  could  not  decide  on  whom  to  bestow 
the  Golden  Apple. 

Then  Juno  stepped  forward,  and  said:  "O 


royal  Youth,  if  you  will  award  the  Apple  to 
me,  you  shall  be  Lord  of  all  Asia/3 

"Good  Youth,"  said  Minerva,  "give  rne  but 
yon  Apple,  and  I  will  make  you  a  great  warrior. 
You  shall  always  win  in  battle.'3 

"Dear,  fair  Youth,"  said  Venus,  smiling,  "be- 
stow on  me  yon  prize  of  Beauty;  and  I  will  give 
you  the  most  beautiful  wife  in  the  world,  even 
Greek  Helen  herself.  Pale  and  fair  she  is  like  a 
Swan,  and  of  rare  and  delicate  beauty.  There  is 
none  in  the  whole  world  to  compare  with  her. 
Give  me  the  prize,  and  I  will  send  my  little  son, 
Cupid,  to  guide  you  to  Sparta  and  to  Helen." 

So  Paris  bestowed  the  Golden  Apple  upon 

Alas!  time  is  too  short  in  which  to  relate  all 
the  woes  and  sorrows  that  Paris  brought  upon 
his  native  land;  how  his  father  King  Priam 
found  him;  how  Paris  himself  stole  Greek  Helen 
away  from  Sparta;  how  the  army  of  the  angry 
Greeks  assembled,  in  many  swift  ships,  and 
sailed  to  Troy;  how  they,  with  the  help  of  Juno 
and  Minerva,  besieged  and  destroyed  the  city, 
and  carried  Helen  home. 

These  were  some  of  the  baleful  miseries  and 
strifes  brought  about  by  ghastly  Discord  and 
her  Golden  Apple. 


Norse  Myth 
Retold  from  the  Younger  Edda 

THIS  is  a  wonder  tale  of  the  Northland,  the  land 
of  the  Midnight  Sun,  where  the  cold  grey  sea 
beats  and  foams  against  dark  crags,  and  where, 
by  night  and  day,  are  heard  the  thunder  of 
snowslides  and  the  crash  of  rending  ice  in  the 

High  above  this  land,  among  the  clouds,  once 
dwelt  the  mighty  Asa  Folk.  Asgard,  their  abode 
was  called.  In  Asgard  were  many  lofty  halls 
and  palaces,  whose  gold  and  silver  roofs,  seen 
through  the  pale  mists,  burned  like  sheets  of 
white  and  red  flame. 

In  Valhalla,  the  loftiest  palace  of  them  all, 
that  had  five  hundred  and  forty  windows  and  a 
roof  shingled  with  heroes'  golden  shields,  sat 
Odin-the-One-Eyed,  the  father  of  all  the  Asas. 
On  a  high  seat  he  sat,  with  his  wife  Frigg  by  his 
side,  and  his  two  Ravens,  Hugin  and  Munin, 
croaking  loudly  on  his  shoulder. 

Often  he  called  all  the  Asas  to  a  banquet.  At 
his  summons  came  Thor-the-Strong,  standing 
up  in  his  chariot,  and  furiously  urging  on  Goats 
instead  of  Horses.  Around  his  waist  was  girded 
the  Belt  of  Strength,  into  which  was  thrust 
Mjolner  the  Thunder-Hammer. 

216          THE  WONDER  GARDEN 

Near  Thor's  chariot  rode  Freyja  the  Fair  in 
her  car  drawn  by  Cats.  She  was  singing  sweetly 
to  her  brother  Frey,  as  he  galloped  along  at  her 
side  on  his  golden  Boar  Gullinburste. 

So  all  the  Asas  but  one  came  to  the  banquet  — 
Brage  the  Poet-Singer,  Balder-the-Beautiful,  the 
gentle  Nanna,  Hoder-the-Blind,  Loki-the-Evil- 
One.  But  the  happiest  of  all,  rosy,  young,  and 
beautiful,  was  Idun,  bearing  her  locked  casket. 

These  came  to  the  banquet,  and  one  only  did 
not  come,  for  Heimdal-the- White-Asa  remained 
behind  to  guard  Bifrost,  the  Rainbow  Bridge, 
that  stretched  its  bright  arch  from  Asgard  to 
earth.  There  he  stood  watching  night  and  day, 
and  guarding  the  Asas  from  the  attacks  of  the 
terrible  Mountain-Giants  who  lived  on  earth. 

But  the  other  Asa  Folk  sat  with  Odin  and  his 
heroes  in  Valhalla,  drinking  from  the  flowing 
mead-horn,  and  eating  the  flesh  of  a  Magic  Boar 
that  was  cooked  every  day,  and  every  night  be- 
came alive  again. 

Of  all  the  good  things  at  the  feast,  the  best 
and  most  desired  were  the  Magic  Apples  of 
Youth  —  kept  by  Idun  locked  safely  away  in 
her  casket.  Just  a  taste  of  one  of  these  was 
enough  to  make  an  Asa  grow  young  and  hand- 
some again,  no  matter  how  old,  weary,  and 
wrinkled  he  was.  So  this  wonderful  fruit  was 
very  precious,  and  Idun  hid  it  away  under  lock 
and  key,  and  always  carried  the  casket  with  her. 


And  this  is  what  happened  at  last  to  those 
Magic  Apples :  — 

One  day  Odin  wrapped  his  blue  cloak  around 
him,  pulled  down  the  rim  of  his  broad-brimmed 
hat  well  over  his  one  eye,  and  journeyed  across 
the  Rainbow  Bridge  to  earth.  With  him  went 
Loki-the-Evil-One,  and  together  they  wandered 
over  mountains  and  meadows. 

At  length  they  saw  a  herd  of  cattle  grazing  in 
a  valley.  These  belonged  to  Thjasse  a  Moun- 
tain-Giant, but  they  did  not  know  it.  So  they 
killed  an  Ox,  and  began  to  make  broth  of  its 
flesh.  They  boiled  it,  and  kept  boiling  it  from 
early  morn  to  noon,  but  still  it  was  red  and 

And  while  the  two  were  talking  about  this 
wonder,  a  voice  above  them  cried  out:  — 

"O  foolish  ones!  That  meat  shall  never  be 
cooked,  until  you  give  me  all  that  I  can  eat  at 
one  meal." 

Odin  and  Thor  looked  up,  and  saw  an  Eagle 
perched  on  a  bough. 

"A  bird  cannot  eat  much,"  they  said,  so  they 

Now  the  Eagle  was  really  Thjasse  the  Moun- 
tain-Giant, but  they  did  not  know  it.  Down  he 
dropped,  and  snatched  the  two  thighs  of  the 
Ox,  then  both  of  its  shoulders.  But  before  he 
could  fly  away,  Loki  picked  up  a  pole,  and  began 
to  beat  him.  Immediately  one  end  of  the  pole 

218          THE   WONDER  GARDEN 

fastened  itself  to  the  bird's  body,  and  the  other 
end  to  Loki's  hands. 

Up  the  Eagle  flew,  but  only  high  enough  to 
drag  Loki's  feet  over  sharp  stones,  and  almost  to 
pull  his  arms  from  his  shoulders.  Loki  pleaded 
and  cried,  and  at  last  the  Eagle  said :  — 

:<If  you  will  promise  to  bring  me  Idun  and 
her  Apples,  I  will  release  you." 

Loki  promised  gladly,  and  the  Eagle  set  him 
free  and  flew  off. 

Now  of  course  Loki  did  not  tell  Odin  what  he 
had  pledged  himself  to  do.  And  as  soon  as  he 
reached  Asgard,  he  tried  to  coax  Idun  away. 

:<In  a  forest  on  earth,"  he  said,  "I  have  found 
some  Apples  much  more  wonderful  and  fragrant 
than  your  Apples  of  Youth.  Let  us  go  and 
gather  them." 

So  he  coaxed  her  across  the  Rainbow  Bridge 
into  a  forest.  Then  came  Thjasse,  in  his  dress 
of  eagle-feathers,  and,  swooping  down,  bore 
her  off,  casket  and  all,  to  Giantland. 

Ah,  then  there  was  sorrow  and  lamentation  in 
Asgard!  Idun  was  gone  and  so  were  her  Magic 
Apples.  The  Asas  grew  grey,  wrinkled,  and  old. 
They  no  longer  feasted,  but  mourned. 

But  when  they  learned  that  Loki  had  been 
last  seen  with  Idun,  they  threatened  him  with 
death.  So  he  confessed  what  he  had  done,  and 
offered  to  fetch  Idun  back,  if  Freyja  would  lend 
him  her  dress  of  falcon-feathers. 


He  put  on  the  falcon-guise,  and  away  he  flew 
northward  over  raging  torrents,  icy  mountain 
peaks,  and  cold  glaciers,  to  Giantland.  There 
he  found  Idun  sitting  alone  in  her  hall,  for  the 
Giant  Thjasse  was  gone  fishing. 

Quickly  Loki  changed  her  into  a  Nut,  and 
holding  it  firmly  in  his  claws,  flew  off  toward 
Asgard.  But  the  Giant  Thjasse  saw  him  wing- 
ing his  way  along,  and,  putting  on  his  eagle- 
feathers,  pursued  him. 

Now  Heimdal-the- White-Asa,  standing  guard 
at  the  Rainbow  Bridge,  saw  them  coming,  —  first 
the  Falcon  flying  slowly  and  feebly,  for  it  was  very 
tired,  then  the  fierce  Eagle  rapidly  pursuing.  He 
called  all  the  other  Asas,  and  they  came  running. 

Then  the  Asas  saw  that  the  two  were  flying 
nearer  and  nearer.  And  just  as  the  Eagle  was 
about  to  pounce  upon  the  Falcon,  the  exhausted 
bird  flew  over  the  walls  into  Asgard  and  dropped 
panting  on  the  ground. 

But  Thjasse,  unable  to  stop  in  his  mad  flight, 
passed  through  a  great  fire  the  Asa  Folk  had 
kindled,  and  fell  burning  to  the  earth.  So  they 
slew  him  there,  where  he  fell. 

That  is  how  Idun  and  her  locked  casket  came 
back  to  Asgard,  and  why  the  Asa  Folk  grew 
young  and  handsome  again  after  once  more 
tasting  the  Magic  Apples  of  Youth. 




A  Drop  of  Rain  was  falling 

From  forth  a  sum.mer  cloud, 
It  saw  the  Ocean  under  it 

Roll  billows  large  and  loud; 

And,  all-ashamed  and  sore-dismayed, 

It  whispered,  "  Woe  is  me! 
0  Allah,  I  am  naught!    What  counts 

One  Rain  Drop  to  the  Sea?" 

But  while  it  mocked  and  mourned  itself  — 

For  littleness  forlorn  — 
Into  a  Sea-shclVs  opened  lips 

The  Drop  of  Rain  was  borne, 

Where  many  a  day  and  night  it  lay, 

Until  at  last  it  grew 
A  lovely  Pearl  of  lucent  ray, 

Faultless  inform  and  hue. 

From  SA'DI  ;  trans,  by  SIR  EDWIN  ARNOLD 


Full  fathom  five  thy  father  lies; 

Of  his  bones  are  Coral  made; 
Those  are  Pearls  that  were  his  eyes: 

Nothing  of  him  that  doth  fade, 
But  doth  suffer  a  sea-change 
Into  something  rich  and  strange. 
Sea-Nymphs  hourly  ring  his  knell: 

Hark!  now  I  hear  them,  -  -  Ding-dong,  bell! 



Japanese  Folktale 

ONE  day  a  fisherboy,  named  Urashima,  left  his 
little  village  and  went  out  to  fish.  He  caught  a 
Tortoise.  Now  Tortoises  are  said  to  live  a 
thousand  years,  so  the  kind-hearted  boy  dropped 
it  back  into  the  sea.  Then,  rebaiting  his  hook, 
he  sat  patiently  waiting  for  a  fish  to  bite. 

The  sea  gently  waved  his  line  to  and  fro.  The 
Sun  beat  down  upon  his  head.  He  fell  asleep. 

He  had  not  slept  long,  when  he  heard  a  voice 
call :  — 

"Urashima!    Urashima! 5! 

It  was  such  a  sweet,  haunting  voice  that  he 
stood  up  in  his  boat,  and  looked  about.  Swim- 
ming near  him  was  the  very  Tortoise  he  had 
restored  to  its  watery  home. 

*  Urashima,"  said  the  Tortoise,  <:'get  upon  my 
back.  You  have  been  kind  to  me,  so  I  will  take 
you  to  the  Dragon-King's  palace." 

Urashima  eagerly  stepped  on  to  its  back,  and 
away  the  Tortoise  glided  with  tremendous  speed 
through  the  water.  He  was  amazed  to  see  that 
his  clothes  were  dry,  for  not  a  single  drop  touched 

As  they  drew  near  a  Magic  Island,  out  of  the 
palace  of  the  Dragon-King  came  Red  Bream, 


Flounders,  Soles,  and  Cuttle-fish.  After  wel- 
coming Urashima,  they  escorted  him  to  an  inner 
apartment  in  which  sat  the  beautiful  Princess 
Otohime.  She  was  arrayed  in  robes  of  red  and 
gold,  which  looked  like  waves  with  the  sunlight 
on  them. 

'Urashima,"  said  she  in  the  same  sweet 
haunting  voice  that  he  had  heard  before,  "I  was 
the  Tortoise  who  brought  you  hither.  I  took  that 
form  in  order  to  test  your  kindness  of  heart. 
Because  you  restored  me  to  the  sea,  instead  of 
selling  me  for  food,  I  will  reward  you.  If  you 
wish  it,  I  will  become  your  bride,  and  you  may 
dwell  with  me  for  ever  in  this  Land  of  Eternal 
Youth  and  Everlasting  Summer." 

Urashima  joyfully  consented,  and  immediately 
a  great  troop  of  fishes  appeared,  robed  in  long 
garments,  and  bearing  in  their  fins  coral  trays 
laden  with  plates  of  delicious  food. 

The  happy  pair  together  took  the  wedding 
cup  of  Saki,  and,  while  they  drank,  some  of  the 
fishes  played  softly,  others  sang,  and  still  others, 
standing  on  the  tips  of  their  gold  and  silver  tails, 
danced  upon  the  white  sand. 

After  the  wedding  festivities  were  over,  the 
Princess  led  Urashima  out  of  the  palace  to  show 
him  the  marvels  of  the  Dragon-King's  land. 
Everywhere  around  him  were  trees  with  emerald 
leaves  and  ruby  fruits,  while  on  all  sides  of  the 
palace  the  four  Seasons  —  Spring,  Summer, 


Autumn,  and  Winter  —  stretched  out  their 
wide  domains. 

Looking  toward  the  East,  Urashima  saw  Plum 
and  Cherry  trees  in  full  bloom,  with  bright- 
winged  Butterflies  skimming  over  the  blossoms. 

To  the  South,  all  trees  were  in  their  Summer 
glory,  Bees  humming  and  Crickets  chirping. 

To  the  West,  the  Autumn  Maples  were  flam- 
ing in  gold  and  scarlet,  while  Autumn  flowers 
painted  the  meadows  yellow  and  purple. 

But  when  Urashima  looked  toward  the  North, 
he  saw  only  broad  stretches  of  cold  white  Snow, 
and  a  mighty  lake  covered  with  glistening  Ice. 

Now  after  Urashima  had  been  in  the  Dragon- 
King's  palace  for  three  days,  he  remembered  his 
poor  old  father  and  mother,  and  longed  to  see 
them.  But  when  he  told  this  to  the  Princess  she 

"Indeed,  I  must  see  my  old  parents,"  said  he. 
"It  will  be  only  for  a  day,  after  which  I  will 
return  to  you,  dear  wife  of  mine." 

So  he  pleaded;  and  when  she  saw  that  he  was 
determined  to  go,  she  placed  in  his  hand  a  jewel- 
set  box,  saying:  — 

"Promise  me  that  you  will  not  open  this,  no 
matter  what  happens." 

So  he  promised. 

Then  getting  on  the  back  of  a  large  Tortoise, 
he  soon  found  himself  in  his  own  village. 

But  everything  was  changed.     His  father's 


cottage  was  gone;  only  the  little  stream  re- 
mained. He  questioned  a  strange  fisherboy, 
and  found  that  he  had  been  in  the  Dragon-King's 
palace,  not  three  days  but  three  hundred  years. 

His  parents  were  dead.  His  little  house  was 
torn  down.  His  heart  was  filled  with  grief  and 
despair.  Then  he  heard  the  low  murmuring  of 
the  sea,  and  it  seemed  to  be  whispering  of  the  land 
where  Spring,  Summer,  Autumn,  and  Winter 
reigned  eternally,  the  land  where  the  trees  had 
emerald  leaves  and  ruby  fruits,  and  where  the 
fishes  wore  long  robes,  and  danced,  played,  and 


He  wandered  on  the  shore.  He  thought  that 
he  heard  his  wife's  sweet,  haunting  voice  calling 
to  him  from  the  waves,  but  no  Tortoise  appeared 
to  carry  him  to  the  Dragon-King's  palace. 

"The  box!  the  box!"  he  cried.  "Surely  it  will 
help  me!': 

With  eager  fingers  he  untied  the  red  silk 
strings  that  bound  the  jewel-set  box,  and  lifted 
its  cover.  Out  rushed  a  small  white  cloud,  that 
rolled  away  over  the  sea  and  was  gone. 

Alas!  Urashima's  sacred  promise  was  broken! 
His  form  was  changed.  He  was  no  longer  a  hand- 
some fisherboy,  but  a  grey,  wrinkled,  old  man. 
He  was  three  hundred  years  old. 

He  staggered  forward,  his  white  hair  and  beard 
blowing  in  the  wind.  He  looked  out  at  the  sea. 
Then  he  fell  down  dead  upon  the  shore. 




Japanese  Myth 

IN  Japan,  in  days  long  gone  by,  there  once  dwelt 
two  brothers.  The  elder  was  named  Prince 
Fireshine  and  the  younger  Prince  Firefade. 

Prince  Fireshine  liked  the  sea,  and  daily  caught 
fish  of  all  kinds.  Prince  Firefade  was  a  hunter, 
and  shot  much  game,  big  and  little. 

One  day  Prince  Firefade  said :  — 

"My  brother,  lend  me  your  fish-hook,  and 
to-day  I  will  go  fishing.  Do  you  take  my  bow 
and  arrows,  and  hunt  in  my  stead.  So  shall  we 
find  out  who  is  the  luckier." 

At  first  Prince  Fireshine  refused,  but  when  his 
brother  pressed  him  hard,  he  consented,  and 
lent  him  his  fish-hook.  Then  taking  the  bow  and 
arrows,  he  went  hunting. 

At  night,  when  they  returned  home,  Prince 
Fireshine,  who  had  shot  nothing  all  day,  gave 
up  the  bow  and  arrows  sullenly,  and  demanded 
back  his  fish-hook.  Now  poor  Prince  Firefade 
had  had  no  luck,  and  had  lost  the  fish-hook  into 
the  bargain. 

'You  promised  to  return  my  hook,"  said 
Prince  Fireshine  in  a  rage,  "and  my  hook  I  will 

So    Prince    Firefade,    much    grieved    at    his 

228          THE  WONDER  GARDEN 

brother's  harshness,  broke  his  sword  into  bits, 
and  made  five  hundred  bright  hooks,  and  offered 
them  to  him.  But  he  refused  them  all. 

Then  Prince  Firefade  made  a  thousand  hooks, 
and  offered  them  to  him,  but  he  said  angrily :  — 

"My  own  hook  I  will  have,  and  no  other." 

Thereupon  Prince  Firefade,  weeping  bitterly, 
went  down  to  the  shore.  As  he  stood  by  the 
sea,  there  arose  from  the  water  an  old  man 
with  a  long  white  beard  and  flowing  white  hair. 

"Prince  Firefade,"  said  he,  "why  do  you 

"Because  I  borrowed  my  brother's  fish-hook," 
he  answered  sadly,  "and  lost  it.  I  have  offered 
him  a  thousand  and  five  hundred  bright  ones 
instead,  but  he  has  refused  them  all,  saying,  'Give 
me  back  my  own.' 

The  old  man  then  plaited  a  boat  of  sea-weed, 
and  setting  it  on  the  waves,  said :  — 

"Get  into  this,  Prince  Firefade,  and  your 
journey  will  be  pleasant.  Soon  you  will  see  a 
palace  built  of  silvery  fish-scales.  It  is  the  abode 
of  the  Sea-King.  Near  its  gate  is  a  wrell,  over 
which  droops  a  Cassia  Tree.  Climb  into  the  tree, 
and  wait  until  the  Sea-King's  daughter  finds 

So  Prince  Firefade  sprang  into  the  boat.  Im- 
mediately it  dived  beneath  the  foam,  and,  de- 
scending deeper  and  deeper,  rested  on  the  ocean- 
floor.  Then  he  got  out  of  the  boat,  and  walked 


until  he  beheld  the  Sea-King's  palace  glittering 
like  a  thousand  fishes.  Over  the  well  bent 
the  Cassia  Tree,  and  into  its  branches  he 

Soon  the  handmaidens  of  the  Princess  Rich- 
Gem  came  bearing  jewelled  vases  with  which  to 
draw  water.  They  saw  the  handsome  youth  in 
the  tree,  and  ran  and  told  their  mistress.  She 
hastened  to  the  spot,  and,  after  giving  Prince 
Firef ade  one  look,  exclaimed :  — 

"Why,  he  is  handsomer  than  my  father!" 

So  she  hurried  to  her  father,  and  said  that  a 
beautiful  young  man  was  sitting  in  the  Cassia 
Tree.  The  Sea-King  went  to  look  for  himself, 
and  liked  Prince  Firefade's  face  so  well  that 
he  invited  him  into  the  palace.  There  the 
servants  seated  him  on  a  pile  of  silken  carpets, 
and  prepared  a  fine  banquet  for  him. 

After  which  the  Sea-King  gave  him  the  Prin- 
cess Rich-Gem  in  marriage.  So  he  dwelt  in  the 
Sea-King's  palace  for  three  years. 

Now,  at  the  end  of  that  time,  Prince  Firefade 
suddenly  thought  of  his  brother  and  the  lost 
fish-hook,  and  sighed  deeply. 

"Why  do  you  sigh,  my  Son-in-law?'  asked 
the  Sea-King.  "Tell  me,  too,  what  brought  you 
hither  to  my  Kingdom." 

So  Prince  Firefade  told  him  how  his  brother 
had  pressed  him  to  return  the  hook  as  he  had 

230          THE   WONDER  GARDEN 

Thereupon  the  Sea-King  hastily  summoned 
all  the  fishes  of  the  world  to  appear  before  him. 
They  came  swimming  up,  thousand  and  thou- 
sands of  them,  gold  and  silver  fishes,  red,  green, 
blue,  and  yellow  ones,  and  assembled  respect- 
fully before  his  throne. 

The  Sea-King  asked  them  if  they  had  found 
Prince  Fireshine's  hook. 

All  the  fishes  replied :  — 
'The  Tai-Fish  has  complained  lately  of  some- 
thing sticking  in  her  throat,  so  that  she  cannot 
eat.    Doubtless  it  is  the  hook." 

Then  the  Sea-King  commanded  the  Tai-Fish 
to  open  her  mouth.  She  did  so,  and  there  was 
Prince  Fireshine's  hook  all  safe  and  sound. 

So  they  took  it  out,  and  gave  it  to  Prince 
Firefade,  who  immediately  made  preparations  to 

As  he  was  leaving,  the  Sea-King  pressed  a 
flashing  jewel  into  his  hand,  saying:  — 

"This  is  the  Jewel-of-the-Flo wing-Tide.  If 
at  any  time  your  elder  brother  attacks  you,  hold 
this  in  your  hand,  and  the  tide  will  advance  and 
drown  him/3 

Then  he  pressed  another  flashing  jewel  into 
his  hands,  saying  again :  - 

"This  is  the  Jewel-of-the-Ebbing-Tide.  If, 
when  your  brother  is  drowning,  he  repents, 
hold  this  in  your  hand  and  you  will  save  him." 

After  which  the  Sea-King  called  a  Crocodile, 


and  commanded  him  to  take  Prince  Firefade  on 
his  back,  and  carry  him  safely  to  his  home. 

He  did  so,  and  in  a  few  minutes  Prince  Firefade 
was  standing  before  his  own  house.  Prince  Fire- 
shine  met  him  sullenly,  and,  snatching  the  hook 
from  him,  carried  it  into  the  house. 

Strange  to  say,  from  that  very  time  ill-luck 
attended  all  that  Prince  Fireshine  did,  and  soon 
he  became  so  poor  that  he  had  nothing  to  eat. 

"This  is  all  your  fault!"  he  cried  one  day  to 
Prince  Firefade.  "It  is  you  who  have  brought 
all  this  misfortune  upon  me!'  And  drawing  his 
knife,  he  attacked  him. 

Then  Prince  Firefade  took  the  Jewel-of-the- 
Flo wing-Tide  into  his  hand.  Then  the  great 
wraves  came  rolling  in,  and  began  to  drown  Prince 
Fireshine,  who  cried  out:  — 

'Save  me!    Save  me,  oh  my  brother!    I  have 
done  very  wrongly!' 

So  Prince  Firefade  took  the  Jewel-of-the-Ebb- 
ing  Tide  in  his  hand,  and  the  waves  drew  back 
into  the  sea  again. 

When  Prince  Fireshine  saw  that  he  was  saved, 

he  fell  at  Prince  Firef ade's  feet,  saying  humbly : — 

'You  have  rescued  me.     Henceforth  I  will 

serve  you  faithfully.     Night  and  day  will  I  be 

your  guard." 

232          THE   WONDER   GARDEN 

Retold  from  Herodotus  and  Ovid 

WHAT  sea  lias  not  known,  what  land  does  not 
know,  Arion?  With  his  sweet  songs  he  used  to 
stop  running  brooks.  Often  the  raging  Wolf 
stood  still,  while  Arion  charmed  men  and  beasts 
with  his  lyre. 

Listen,  then,  and  I  will  tell  you  how  he  tamed 
a  Dolphin :  — 

Arion  had  a  great  heap  of  gold  and  silver  that 
he  had  gained  as  prizes  for  his  singing.  One  day 
he  set  out  from  Italy  on  a  voyage  to  Corinth.  All 
his  treasure  was  in  the  hold  of  the  ship.  When  she 
reached  open  sea,  the  sailors  said  to  one  another: 

:<Come,  let  us  destroy  this  Arion,  and  divide 
his  wealth." 

So  they  called  him  to  the  deck  and  ordered 
him  to  jump  overboard.  In  vain  he  pleaded  for 
his  life,  and  even  offered  them  all  his  gold  and 
silver;  they  threatened  him  with  their  swords, 
and  ordered  him  to  jump  without  delay. 

Then  he  begged  that  he  might  put  on  his  finest 
robe,  and,  standing  in  the  poop,  sing  and  play 
for  the  last  time.  To  this  they  consented,  for 
they  were  delighted  to  hear  such  a  great  singer. 

So  he  clad  himself  in  a  bright  mantle  twice 
steeped  in  Tyrian  purple,  and  put  a  chaplet  on 
his  flowing  hair.  Standing  in  the  poop,  he  struck 


his  lyre,  and  sang  like  a  dying  Swan  his  last,  low, 
mournful  lay. 

The  Dolphins  in  the  sea  heard  him,  and  came 
rushing  through  the  waves.  Charmed  by  his  song 
they  pressed  against  the  ship  close  under  the 
poop.  Then,  all  clad  as  he  was  in  bright  garments, 
he  leaped  overboard,  splashing  the  blue  ship  with 
foam  and  spray. 

The  sailors,  when  they  saw  him  spring  into  the 
sea,  quickly  raised  all  sails,  and  made  for  the 
port  of  Corinth. 

But,  wondrous  to  tell,  a  Dolphin  had  arched 
its  back,  and  caught  Arion  as  he  leaped.  Then 
the  other  Dolphins  had  formed  a  ring  around 
him  so  that  the  sailors  should  not  see  him;  and 
all  were  swimming  toward  the  land  of  Greece. 

As  they  passed  rapidly  through  the  billows, 
Arion  struck  his  lyre,  and  sang  of  green  ocean- 
grottoes,  pearl  and  coral  strewn,  and  of  the  long- 
haired laughing  Naiads.  So  they  reached  the 
shore  before  the  ship,  and  Arion  sprang  safely 
upon  the  sand. 

But  his  perilous  adventures  were  not  over,  for 
when  he  went  to  Corinth  and  told  the  King  how 
the  Dolphin  had  rescued  him,  no  one  believed 
his  strange  tale.  So  he  was  cast  into  prison  to 
await  the  coming  of  the  sailors. 

Soon  after  this,  the  ship  entered  port,  and  the 
King  summoned  the  sailors  to  appear  before  him. 
He  asked  them  where  Arion  was. 

234          THE   WONDER  GARDEN 

'He  is  safe  in  Italy,  where  we  left  him,"  they 
answered.  "He  is  well  and  flourishing." 

At  that  Arion,  dressed  in  the  same  bright 
garments  that  he  had  worn  when  he  leaped  into 
the  sea,  stepped  from  behind  the  throne  and 
stood  before  them. 

The  wicked,  terrified  men  fell  on  their  knees, 
and,  confessing  their  crime,  begged  for  pardon. 
But  the  King  condemned  them  to  severe  pun- 
ishment; after  which  he  restored  all  the  stolen 
wealth  to  Arion. 

As  for  the  people  of  Greece,  they  set  up  a 
statue  of  a  Dolphin  with  Arion  on  its  back,  and 
called  a  cluster  of  Stars  after  the  good  fish  that 
had  saved  one  of  the  sweetest  and  greatest  of 
ancient  wonder-singers. 


Japanese  Folktale 

IN  far-away  Japan,  in  ancient  days,  there  lived 
by  the  sea  a  youth  named  Totaro.  One  day,  as 
he  was  about  to  cross  a  bridge,  he  saw  a  strange 
creature  lying  upon  it.  The  creature  had  a  body 
like  a  man's,  with  a  black  skin,  and  the  head  of 
a  Dragon.  Its  eyes  glowed  like  Emeralds,  and 
its  long  green  beard  swept  the  bridge. 

At  first  Totaro  was  afraid,  but,  on  looking 
closer,  he  saw  that  the  eyes  of  the  creature  were 
filled  with  tears. 


"Who  are  you?"  exclaimed  Totaro. 

:<I  am  Samebito,"  said  the  monster  mourn- 
fully. "I  am  a  servant  of  the  Eight  Dragon 
Kings  who  live  in  the  depth  of  the  sea.  For  a 
small  offence  I  have  been  banished  from  the 
Dragon  Palace,  and  may  not  return.  Now  I  am 
lonely,  and  without  food  and  shelter.  Pity  me, 
good  Totaro,  and  give  me  a  home  and  something 
to  eat." 

'You  certainly  are  in  a  sad  plight,"  answered 
Totaro.  :<Come  with  me  to  my  home,  and  I 
will  provide  for  you." 

So  the  creature  followed  his  new  master  to  his 
garden.  There  Totaro  placed  him  in  a  clear  blue 
lake  on  which  floated  rose-coloured  Lotus  flowers, 
while  on  its  banks  grew  gay  Azaleas  bending  to 
look  at  themselves  in  the  water.  And  there  he 
left  Samebito  and  fed  him  daily.  So  for  nearly 
a  year  the  strange  creature  lived  in  the  clear  blue 

Now  one  day  when  Totaro  rode  forth  to  enjoy 
the  festival  of  Cherry-blossoms,  he  saw  a  beau- 
tiful maiden  sitting  beneath  the  Cherry-trees. 
And,  as  the  breezes  blew  the  white-pink  petals 
from  the  boughs,  they  dropped  in  showers  upon 
her  dark  hair  and  richly  embroidered  kimono. 
And  as  Totaro  gazed  he  fell  in  love  with  the 

He  inquired  who  she  was,  and  learned  that 
her  name  was  Tamana,  and  that  she  had  many 

236          THE  WONDER  GARDEN 

suitors.  Yet  none  would  she  wed  unless  he  pre- 
sented her  with  a  casket  containing  ten  thousand 

When  Totaro  learned  this  he  was  filled  with 
despair,  for,  though  he  was  wealthy,  yet  not  all 
his  riches  were  sufficient  to  purchase  ten  thou- 
sand rare  gems. 

He  returned  to  his  home,  and  became  so  ill, 
that  the  doctor  shook  his  head  and  said  that 
nothing  could  cure  him. 

Now  Samebito,  in  the  clear  blue  lake,  heard 
the  servants  say  that  his  master  was  ill  and 
dying.  So  he  crept  from  the  water  and  hastened 
to  Totaro's  chamber. 

:eOh,  Samebito,"  cried  Totaro,  when  he  saw 
him  enter,  "who  will  feed  you  when  I  am  gone?' 

"Alas !  Alas !  My  good  master ! ' *  cried  Same- 

Then,  uttering  a  wild  yell,  the  creature  began 
to  weep  great  tears  of  blood.  And  as  the  tears 
fell  on  the  floor  they  changed  into  glowing 

When  Totaro  saw  the  bright  jewels  spark- 
ling on  the  floor,  he  shouted  with  delight,  and 
his  health  came  back.  He  sprang  from  his 
couch  and  began  to  gather  up  the  Rubies. 

Seeing  this,  Samebito  stopped  weeping,  and 
asked  in  astonishment  why  his  master  had  re- 
covered so  suddenly. 

"It  is  because  of  your  tears!'    cried  Totaro. 


"I  was  dying  of  grief  since  I  could  not  procure 
ten  thousand  jewels  for  the  maiden  Tamana. 
Now  that  your  tears  have  turned  to  Rubies,  she 
will  consent  to  become  my  bride!' 

Then  Totaro  counted  the  jewels,  but  there 
were  not  ten  thousand. 

"  Not  enough  !  Not  enough  !  "  he  cried.  "  Weep  ! 
Samebito,  weep!' 

"What!"  said  Samebito  angrily;  "do  you 
think  I  can  weep  at  will?  I  wept  only  because 
you  were  dying.  Now  that  you  are  well,  it  is  a 
time  for  laughter,  not  for  grief." 

"But  unless  you  weep,"  replied  Totaro,  "I 
cannot  get  ten  thousand  jewels,  and  the  beau- 
tiful Tamana  will  not  marry  me.  What,  then, 
am  I  to  do?  Weep,  dear  friend,  weep!  " 

Master,"  answered  Samebito,  sorrowfully, 
I  cannot  cry  unless  I  am  sad.  Let  us,  therefore, 
return  to  the  bridge  where  you  found  me.  Per- 
haps as  I  sit  and  gaze  toward  the  Dragon  Palace, 
and  as  I  think  of  my  lost  home,  I  may  weep." 

So  to  the  bridge  by  the  sea  they  went,  and 
Samebito  sat  and  gazed  into  the  green  water, 
and  as  he  did  so  his  eyes  filled  with  great  tears  of 
blood.  As  the  teardrops  fell  on  the  bridge  they 
changed  into  glowing  Rubies. 

Shouting  with  delight,  Totaro  gathered  up  the 
jewels,  and  found  that  he  now  had  many  more 
than  ten  thousand. 

At  that  same  moment  sweet  strains  of  music 


238          THE   WONDER  GARDEN 

came  from  the  sea.  And  from  the  waves  arose  a 
Rainbow  mist  that  shaped  itself  into  a  wonderful 
palace.  And  when  Samebito  saw  this  he  gave 
a  cry  of  joy. 

:' Farewell,  my  master!"  he  exclaimed.  "The 
Dragon  Kings  are  calling!' 

Then,  plunging  from  the  bridge,  the  strange 
creature  disappeared  for  ever  beneath  the  ocean 

Totaro  hastened  to  place  his  jewels  in  a  mag- 
nificent casket  and  present  them  to  Tamana. 
Soon  afterwrard  their  marriage  feast  was  cele- 
brated with  great  joy. 


Celtic  Myth 

BEAUTIFUL  was  the  Fairy  Palace  on  the  Boyne, 
and  through  its  glittering  halls  the  magic  music 
rose  and  fell  and  died  away. 

In  the  largest  and  most  glittering  hall,  on 
silken  cushions,  Angus,  the  Fairy  Prince  of  Love, 
lay  sleeping.  Over  his  head  hovered  four  bright- 
plumaged  birds,  which  were  his  gentle  kisses. 
And  when  the  bright  birds  sang,  the  strains  of 
their  melody  pierced  the  green  earth,  and  mortal 
maids  and  mortal  youths  loved  one  another. 

Now,  while  the  Fairy  Prince  was  sleeping,  the 
birds  began  to  sing  a  song  so  low  and  tender 
that  it  failed  to  pierce  the  earth,  and  falling 

THE  FAIRY  SWAN  SONG         239 

like   a   mist,  softly   stole   into   Prince  Angus's 


And  lo!  he  thought  he  saw  a  lake  great  and 
wild,  and  by  its  margin  walked  a  maiden  robed 
in  white  and  crowned  with  yellow  gold.  And  as 
he  gazed,  she  turned  luminous  eyes  upon  him, 
and  his  heart  grew  sad  with  love,  and  he  awoke. 

Then  through  East,  through  West,  through 
South,  through  North,  rode  Prince  Angus,  the 
bright  birds  fluttering  above  his  head,  and  he 
searched  the  world  over  and  found  not  the 

Then  to  his  aid  he  called  the  Red  King  of  the 
Fairies,  and  bade  him  seek  for  her  throughout 
the  land.  For  a  year  and  a  day  the  Red  King 
searched,  and  then,  returning,  said:  — 

"Shining  One,  the  maiden  of  your  dream 
dwells  at  a  lake  called  the  Lake  of  the  Dragon's 
Mouth.  Thither  must  you  go  with  me  to  find 

So  over  bog  and  moor,  over  valley  and  moun- 
tain, over  brook  and  meadow,  fared  Prince 
Angus  and  the  Red  King,  till  they  reached  the 
shore  of  the  Lake  of  the  Dragon's  Mouth,  a  lake 
great  and  wild. 

And  on  its  margin  walked  two  by  two  thrice 
fifty  gold-crowned  maidens,  trailing  their  white 
robes  through  the  lush  green  grass,  yellow  with 
blowing  Lilies.  And  the  maidens  were  linked 
two  by  two  with  golden  chains,  and  one  of  the 

240          THE   WONDER  GARDEN 

maidens  was  taller  and  fairer  than  the  rest. 
And  as  they  passed  Prince  Angus,  the  fairest 
one  turned  luminous  eyes  upon  him. 

'That  is  she,"  cried  he  to  the  Red  King,  "that 
is  the  maiden  of  my  dream!  Tell  me  by  what 
name  she  is  known." 

'Her  name  is  Caer,"  answered  the  Red  King. 
"She  is  the  daughter  of  the  Fairy  Prince  of 
Connacht.  But  so  powerful  is  she  that  we  shall 
not  be  able  to  take  her  by  force.  Let  us  then 
seek  her  father  and  ask  for  his  aid." 

So  to  the  Fairy  Prince  of  Connacht  they 

'I  cannot  give  you  my  daughter  Caer," 
said  he,  :'for  she  is  more  powerful  than  I.  She 
is  a  Swan-Maiden,  and  in  the  form  of  a  Swan 
does  she  dwell  on  the  waters  of  the  Lake  of 
the  Dragon's  Mouth.  When  the  Moon  is  at  the 
full  you  will  see  her,  together  with  thrice  fifty 
other  Swans  save  one,  crowned  with  yellow 

So  when  the  Moon  was  at  the  full,  to  the  Lake 
of  the  Dragon's  Mouth  went  Prince  Angus;  and 
the  four  bright  birds  sang  low  and  watching 
notes  as  they  flew  above  his  head.  And  when 
he  drew  near,  he  saw  that  the  lake  was  no  longer 
wild,  but  smooth  like  glass,  and  on  its  surface, 
mirrored  in  the  moonlit  waters,  floated  two  by 
two  thrice  fifty  snow-white  Swans,  each  crowned 
with  yellow  gold.  And  the  Swans  were  linked 

THE  FAIRY  SWAN  SONG         241 

two  by  two  with  golden  chains,  and  one  of  the 
Swans  wras  whiter  and  larger  than  the  rest. 

'Caer,    most   beautiful    of    Swan-Maidens!' 
cried  the  Prince.     ;<Oh,  come  and  speak  to  me!' 
'Who  calls  me?"  said  Caer. 
'Tis  I,  Angus,  the  Fairy  Prince  of  Love," 
he  answered.     "And  hither   am  I  come  to  the 
world's    end,    seeking  you,    O    Maiden    of    my 

And  even  as  he  spoke,  his  form  was  changed 
into  that  of  a  Swan,  large  and  snow-white  and 
beautiful.  Uttering  a  joyous  cry  he  plunged  into 
the  lake  to  join  Caer. 

Then  from  the  water  together  they  rose  on 
their  swan-wings,  circling  higher  and  higher, 
and  toward  the  Fairy  Palace  on  the  Boyne  they 
flew,  making  as  they  went  such  delicious  music 
that  all  mortals  who  heard  their  song  straightway 
fell  into  a  magic  slumber  for  three  nights  and 
three  days. 

And  above  the  heads  of  the  flying  Swans 
hovered  and  fluttered  the  four  bright-plumaged 
birds  shedding  sweet  melody  upon  earth  —  a 
gift  for  mortal  maids  and  mortal  youths. 



7  bring  fresh  Showers  for  the  thirsting  flowers, 

From  the  seas  and  the  streams; 
I  bear  light  shade  for  the  leaves  when  laid 

Ir  their  noonday  dreams. 
From  my  wings  are  shaken  the  Dews  that  waken 

The  sweet  buds  every  one, 
When  rocked  to  rest  on  their  mother's  breast, 

As  she  dances  about  the  Sun. 
I  wield  the  flail  of  the  lashing  Hail, 

And  whiten  the  green  plains  under, 
And  then  again  I  dissolve  it  in  Rain, 

And  laugh  as  I  pass  in  Thunder. 

•  ••••••• 

That  orbed  maiden  with  white  fire  laden, 

Whom  mortals  call  the  Moon, 
Glides  glimmering  o'er  my  fleece-like  floor, 

By  the  midnight  breezes  strewn; 
And  wherever  the  beat  of  her  unseen  feet, 

Which  only  the  Angels  hear, 
May  have  broken  the  woof  of  my  tent's  thin  roof, 

The  Stars  peep  behind  her  and  peer; 
And  I  laugh  to  see  them  whirl  and  flee, 

Like  a  swarm  of  golden  Bees, 
When  I  widen  the  rent  in  my  wind-built  tent, 

Till  the  calm  rivers,  lakes,  and  seas, 
Like  strips  of  the  sky  fallen  through  me  on  high, 

Are  each  paved  with  the  Moon  and  these! 




Old  Tale 

A  VERY  marvellous  family  had  Wonder,  the  son 
of  Pontus,  and  the  Nymph  Brightness,  the 
daughter  of  Old  Father  Ocean. 

Four  daughters  were  theirs,  three  of  whom 
were  called  the  Harpies  or  Snatchers.  Most 
dreadful  winged-monsters  these  three  were,  with 
bodies  like  birds',  and  faces  like  women's,  and 
breath  that  rushed  from  their  nostrils  like  the 
blast  of  stormy  winds. 

Over  the  heaving  seas  they  flew,  now  seizing 
a  ship  and  whirling  it  far  out  of  its  course,  and 
now  swooping  down  and  snatching  food  from 
its  deck  or  plundering  everything  on  which 
they  could  lay  their  sharp  claws. 

Though  these  three  children  of  Wonder  and 
Brightness  were  such  horrible  creatures,  their 
fourth  daughter  was  good  and  beautiful.  Iris 
was  her  name,  —  swift-footed  Iris-of-the-Golden- 

When  Iris  passed  like  a  flash  through  the  air, 
so  rapid  was  her  flight  that  her  burnished  golden 
wings  shone  like  sunbeams,  while  her  long  robe, 
of  brilliant  blended  colours,  lay  like  a  bright 
scarf  against  the  grey  sky. 

246          THE  WONDER  GARDEN 

So  wise  was  Iris  that  Juno,  the  wife  of  Jupiter, 
took  her  to  live  in  the  shining  Palace  on  Mount 
Olympus,  to  be  her  attendant  and  messenger. 
Iris  joyfully  waited  upon  her  night  and  day, 
making  Juno's  bed,  and  harnessing  her  Pea- 
cocks to  the  royal  chariot.  She  even  slept  in 
sandals  and  robe  by  the  side  of  Juno's  golden 
throne,  ever  ready  to  start  up  and  bear  her  mis- 
tress's commands  over  the  Rainbow  Bridge  to 
any  part  of  the  world. 

One  day  Juno,  to  reward  her  faithful  Iris, 
called  for  a  golden  goblet  filled  with  Nectar, 
and  sprinkled  a  few  drops  of  the  precious  liquor 
over  the  earth. 

They  fell  into  the  flower-cup  of  a  stately 
white  Flag  growing  by  a  river.  Then  they 
foamed  up  in  beautiful  colours,  —  red,  orange, 
yellow,  green,  blue,  indigo,  and  violet,  —  and, 
overflowing,  stained  the  petals  of  the  Flag  with 
all  the  hues  of  the  Rainbow. 

So  Juno  named  the  flower  "Iris." 


New  Tale 

IN  the  long,   long  ago,   in   those  wonder-days 
when  Daphne  became  the  Laurel   and   Clytie 
the  Heliotrope,  at  the  foot  of  Mount  Helicon 
there  dwelt  a  Shepherd-lad,  named  Chrysos. 
Each  day  he  led  his  flocks  along  the  grassy 


bank  of  a  stream  that  gushed  cold  and  pure 
from  the  mountain-side.  When  he  was  hungry, 
he  plucked  the  ripe  fruits  that  hung  from  the 
boughs  above  his  head.  When  he  was  thirsty, 
he  drank  of  the  sparkling  water.  And  if  the  hot 
rays  of  the  noonday  Sun  beat  upon  the  earth,  he 
sat  beneath  a  shady  tree,  and  played  upon  his 
pipes  while  his  flock  gambolled  about  him. 

Now  there  were  Shepherdesses  near  that 
stream,  but  Chrysos  would  not  walk  with  them. 
He  preferred  to  wander  alone  by  the  water,  and 
to  dream. 

'Come,  Chrysos/'  the  Shepherdesses  would 
call.  'Come,  dance  with  us  among  the  flowers. 
Come  and  be  merry." 

But  he  would  only  shake  his  head,  and  driv- 
ing his  flock  farther  on,  would  sit  upon  a  bank 
and  dream. 

And  Chrysos  dreamed  of  gold!  —  always  of 
gold  heaped  up  and  glistening!  Rich  gold,  red 
gold!  Night  and  day  he  longed  for  gold!  The 
purple  Crocus,  the  perfumed  Violet,  the  silvery 
Narcissus  bending  over  the  stream,  the  caressing 
airs,  the  laughing  waters  leaping  down  the 
mountain-side,  none  of  these  did  Chrysos  see 
or  hear. 

And  when  the  Sun  broke  through  the  gentle 
rains  of  Spring,  and  the  Rainbow's  radiant  arch 
bent  over  Mount  Helicon,  Chrysos  gazed  upon 
the  arch  and  sighed :  — 

248          THE   WONDER  GARDEN 

"Ah  me!  Ah  me!  They  say  the  Bow  sheds 
gold!  Fortunate  the  man  who  at  the  end  of 
yonder  arch  may  find  the  Crock  that  holds  the 
gold  of  Iris!  Oh  would  that  I  might  find  that 
gold!  Ah  me!  Ah  me!' 

And  sighing  thus,  he  dreamed. 

So  it  happened  on  a  fragrant  day,  the  Sun 
smiled  behind  a  veil  of  soft  Spring  shower, 
and  Chrysos  sat  beneath  a  tree  watching  for 
the  Rainbow  to  span  Mount  Helicon.  Then,  sud- 
denly, swiftly,  the  flashing,  shimmering  band, 
all  rosy,  yellow,  violet,  blue,  like  a  path  of 
blended  lights,  reached  from  Chrysos'  feet  up 
through  the  Sky,  and  bent  in  a  glorious  arc 
across  Mount  Helicon. 

Then  down  this  Rainbow-path  there  seemed 
to  glide,  to  float,  to  wing  its  way,  a  lovely  form, 
a  maiden  with  robes  of  a  thousand  hues,  and 
golden  wings  that  burned  like  flames.  She  held 
aloft  a  herald's  staff,  and  in  her  other  hand  a 
crystal  vase  from  which  distilled  the  drops  that 
fed  the  Clouds. 

So  floating,  gliding,  down  the  Rainbow-path 
she  came,  and  beckoned  with  her  staff  to  won- 
dering Chrysos.  Up  he  sprang  and  threw  his 
crook  aside. 

"Iris !    The  gold !    The  gold ! "  he  cried. 

And  straight  he  leaped  upon  the  Bow  that 
trembled  underneath  his  feet.  But  it  held  firm. 
And  Iris,  smiling,  turned,  and  floated  upward; 


while  Chrysos,  panting,  pressed  on  up  the 

Then  the  Sun  shone  forth,  and  the  Rain  ceased. 
The  trembling  Rainbow  melted  beneath  Chrysos' 
mortal  feet.  And  with  a  cry  he  fell. 

The  Shepherdesses  saw  him  fall;  and  though, 
day  and  night,  they  searched  the  mountain- 
side, they  could  not  find  his  broken  body.  But 
in  a  dewy  hollow  by  the  stream  where  he  had 
sat,  they  saw  a  little  flower  with  Rainbow-petals 
and  golden  heart.  And  when  the  Sun  rose  high 
and  cast  his  hot  rays,  the  flower  faded  and  was 


Retold  from  Ovid 

A  FEARFUL  monster  was  the  Minotaur  of  Crete, 
half  Bull  and  half  man,  a  savage  monster  whose 
daily  food  was  beautiful  youths.  So  horrible 
was  he,  that  King  Minos  commanded  Daedalus, 
a  famous  artisan,  to  build  an  abode  strong 
enough  to  hold  him. 

So  Daedalus  laid  out  a  Labyrinth  containing  so 
many  winding  passages  and  bewildering  mazes 
that  every  one  who  entered  became  confused 
and  could  never  find  his  way  out  again.  In  the 
very  heart  of  this  Labyrinth,  the  King  shut  up 
the  Minotaur. 

Now   Daedalus   and   his   young   son,   Icarus 

250          THE   WONDER  GARDEN 

were  exiles,  and  held  as  captives  in  the  Island 
of  Crete;  and  they  were  watched  night  and  day 
lest  they  should  try  to  escape.  So  Daedalus 
thought  to  himself :  — 

;<If  by  my  skill  I  could  build  the  Labyrinth, 
why  can  I  not  invent  a  means  of  escape?  The 
sea  belongs  to  King  Minos !  But  the  air  belongs 

Thereupon  he  began  to  fashion  two  pairs  of 
wings  like  a  bird's,  arranging  the  long  feathers 
in  order,  and  fastening  them  together  with 
thread  and  wax.  Young  Icarus  stood  by  his 
side,  smiling  eagerly.  Now  he  sorted  the 
feathers  for  his  father,  now  he  kneaded  the 
yellow  wax. 

When  the  wings  were  finished,  Dsedalus  at- 
tached one  pair  to  his  own  shoulders,  and  put 
the  other  pair  on  Icarus.  Then  he  beat  his  own 
wings  together,  and,  raising  himself  from  the 
earth,  said :  - 

'My  dear  son,  follow  me  with  care.  Fly  not 
too  low,  or  the  water  will  wet  your  feathers. 
Fly  not  too  high,  or  the  Sun  will  melt  the  wax." 

Then  kissing  Icarus  tenderly,  and  trembling 
for  his  safety,  he  led  the  way  over  the  sea. 
Icarus  followed,  beating  his  wings  with  delight. 
Onward  and  onward  they  flew.  Under  them 
rolled  the  fierce  billows,  and  above  them  spread 
out  the  wide  sky. 

Soon  Icarus  forgot  his  father's  command,  and 

THE   MAN  IN  THE   MOON        251 

began  to  long  for  a  bolder  flight.  He  was  even 
filled  with  a  great  desire  to  reach  Heaven  itself. 
So  he  mounted  higher  and  higher,  until  the  hot 
Sun  melted  the  wax,  and  his  wings  fell  from  his 

Then  downward,  like  a  plummet,  he  dropped 
into  the  dark  water.  In  terror  he  stretched  out 
his  arms  and  called  aloud  for  his  father,  but  the 
hungry  billows  closed  over  his  head. 

Meanwhile  Daedalus  missed  his  son,  and  flew 
to  and  fro  calling  his  name.  Looking  down  he 
saw  his  wings  floating  on  the  water.  In  vain 
he  searched  and  called.  Then  soon  he  perceived 
the  waves  casting  Icarus's  body  on  to  the  shore 
of  an  island. 

Then  the  wretched  father,  winging  his  way 
to  the  land,  lifted  the  body  of  his  dear  son 
tenderly,  and  mourned  over  it  with  tears.  After 
which  he  buried  it  there  in  a  tomb  that  he  made. 
And  that  island  was  called  Icaria. 



ONCE  upon  a  time,  an  old  man  lived  in  a  hut 
near  a  forest.  He  was  too  lazy  to  gather  fagots 
for  his  fire;  so  one  Sunday,  when  he  thought 
that  every  one  else  was  at  Church,  he  slipped 
into  the  forest  and  stole  a  bundle  of  fagots  that 
was  lying  under  a  tree. 

252          THE  WONDER  GARDEN 

Softly  he  crept  out  of  the  forest  again,  with 
the  bundle  of  fagots  on  his  back,  when  what 
should  he  see  but  a  stranger  on  a  white  horse 
galloping  toward  him. 

:'Old  man,"  said  the  stranger,  "since  you  have 
stolen  these  fagots,  and  stolen  them  on  Sunday 
as  well,  you  shall  be  punished.  To  what  place 
would  you  rather  be  banished?  To  the  Sun,  or 
to  the  Moon?" 

:The  Sun  is  too  hot,"  answered  the  old  man. 
"I  would  rather  freeze  in  the  Moon." 

Scarcely  were  the  words  out  of  his  mouth 
when  -  -  whisk  -  -  he  shot  up  through  the  Sky, 
and  landed  straight  in  the  Moon. 

And  there  he  stands  to-day  with  the  bundle 
of  fagots  on  his  back.  Some  folk  say  that  his 
wife  is  with  him,  churning  and  churning  and 
churning,  as  a  punishment,  because  she  churned 
on  Sunday  when  everybody  else  was  at  Church. 
And  they  say,  too,  that  sometimes  the  Man  in 
the  Moon  comes  down  to  earth  with  a  bag  on 
his  back,  and  that  he  carries  off  all  the  bad 


Norse  Myth 
Retold  from  the  Younger  Edda 

ONCE  upon  a  time,  the  bright  maiden,  called 
Sun,  was  driving  her  flame-red  chariot  through 


the  sky.  Swiftly  her  horses  sped  along  the  blue 
arch  of  heaven,  the  fleecy  clouds  floating  about 
their  feet.  At  last  they  reached  the  place  where 
the  Sun  always  sets,  and  vanished  beyond  the 

Darkness  fell,  but  not  for  long.  Soon  the 
softly  shining  youth,  called  Moon,  came  gently 
driving  his  flame-white  chariot  from  the  place 
where  the  Moon  always  rises.  And  silently  the 
chariot  cast  its  broad,  silvery  beams  over  land 
and  sea. 

Now  Moon  was  very  lonesome,  for  at  night 
the  world  was  quiet,  and  people  slept  or  rested. 
But  it  happened  one  night  that  two  children 
were  wandering  around  in  the  moonlight.  The 
boy's  name  was  Juke,  and  the  girl's,  Bil.  They 
carried  a  pail  of  water  between  them,  hung 
from  a  pole  on  their  shoulders. 

Moon  looked  down  and  saw  them.  Gently 
he  guided  his  horses  to  earth,  and,  snatching  up 
the  children,  carried  them  into  the  sky.  There 
he  placed  them  in  his  flame-white  chariot. 

And  you  may  see  them  to-day,  whenever  the 
Moon  is  full.  There  they  stand,  Juke  and  Bil, 
holding  their  pail  of  water  between  them. 

254          THE   WONDER   GARDEN 


Welsh  Myth 

IN  the  ancient  land  of  Wales  there  once  lived 
two  brothers,  Kings  of  Britain.  Their  names 
were  Peibaw  and  Nynniaw.  One  moonlight 
night  they  were  walking  together  in  the  royal 

'Look!     See  what  a  fine,  wide  field  I  have," 
said  Nynniaw. 

'Where  is  it?'    asked  Peibaw. 
'There   above  our  heads  —  the   whole  wide 
heaven,"  said  Nynniaw. 

;'But  look!     See,  all  my  cattle  are  grazing  in 
your  field!'    said  Peibaw. 

'Where  are  they?"  asked  Nynniaw. 
"There    above    our    heads-  -all    the    golden 
Stars,  with  the  Moon  for  their  shepherd,"  said 

'They   shall   not   graze  in  my  field!'    cried 

'I  say  they  shall,"  said  Peibaw. 
"They  shall  not 5" 
"They  shall!" 
"They  shall  not!" 

And  they  went  on  quarrelling  and  answering 
each  other  until  they  returned  to  the  palace. 

Then  the  two  brothers  called  together  their 
armies  and  went  to  war.    They  laid  waste  the 


land,  burned  down  houses,  and  killed  the  peo- 
ple, until  at  last  they  both  were  changed  into 
Oxen,  as  a  punishment  for  their  stupidity  and 


Caddo  Myth 

LONG,  long  ago,  there  lived  an  old  woman  who 
had  seven  children,  all  boys.  Those  seven  boys 
were  so  full  of  fun  and  frolic  that  they  would 
run  off  by  themselves  and  play  from  morning 
till  night.  Indeed,  they  liked  to  play  so  well 
that  they  scarcely  took  time  to  eat.  And,  as 
they  never  worked,  their  mother  was  always 
scolding  them  soundly. 

It  happened  one  evening  they  came  home  so 
late  that  their  mother  sent  them  to  bed  with- 
out supper.  And  though  they  got  up  very  early 
the  next  morning,  she  refused  to  give  them  any 
breakfast.  So  they  were  hungry  and  sad. 

Now  their  mother  did  not  know  it,  but  they 
had  learned  some  magic  songs.  So  they  went 
outside,  and  began  to  dance  round  and  round 
the  house,  singing  mournfully. 

By  and  by  their  mother  heard  them,  and 
came  rushing  out.  She  saw  their  feet  slowly 
rising  from  the  ground;  but  still  they  kept  on 
dancing  and  singing.  She  was  very  much 

256          THE   WONDER   GARDEN 

frightened,  and  tried  to  grasp  their  legs,  but  up, 
up  the  seven  boys  went,  circling  higher  and 
higher  into  the  sky. 

And  there  they  became  Seven  Stars;  and  the 
Paleface  Children  call  them  the  Pleiades. 

And  because  those  seven  boys  did  not  like  to 
work,  the  Seven  Stars  may  be  seen  only  in 
Winter.  But  in  Spring  and  Summer,  when  the 
time  is  come  for  ploughing,  planting,  and  reap- 
ing, those  lazy  Seven-Star  Brothers  are  gone. 


Folktale  from  Eastern  Europe 

ONCE  upon  a  time,  there  was  a  charming  maiden 
called  Twilight.  She  was  so  lovely  that  she  de- 
lighted to  admire  her  own  face. 

One  evening  she  knelt  down  beside  the  silver 
looking-glass  of  a  river,  and  gazed  at  her  re- 
flection in  the  quiet  water.  She  saw  her  cloud- 
like  dusky  hair,  her  softly  beaming  eyes,  and 
her  smiling  mouth.  And  so  she  knelt  in  de- 
light, admiring  her  own  image. 

Now  it  chanced  that  the  white  youth,  called 
Moon,  rose  high  above  the  mountains,  and 
glanced  down  into  the  silver  looking-glass  of 
the  river.  He  saw  the  reflection  of  Twilight's 
lovely  face  gazing  up  at  him. 

Then  quickly  he  descended  from  the  Sky, 
and  laid  himself  like  a  bright  silver  disc  under 


the  smooth  water,  and  gazed  back  into  Twi- 
light's beaming  eyes.  And  straightway  she 
forgot  her  own  lovely  image,  and  could  think 
only  of  Moon's  white  beauty. 

So  she  would  have  knelt  the  whole  night 
through,  but  a  thick  darkness  fell  upon  the 
Earth,  for  Moon  had  forgotten  to  send  his 
silver  beams  over  land  and  sea. 

And  when  Twilight  saw  the  darkness,  she 
wept  with  sorrow,  then  Moon  remembered  his 
duty.  Swiftly  he  rose  from  under  the  water, 
and,  gathering  her  in  his  arms,  carried  her  back 
with  him  to  the  Sky. 

So  to-day  lovely  Twilight  rests  her  head  against 
the  bright  Moon,  and  there  you  may  see  her 
happy  face. 


New  Tale 

"CHILD,"  asked  the  Fairy,  "how  are  you  off  for 

:<Rainbows!"  said  the  Child  scornfully,  "how 
could  I  have  a  Rainbow  with  my  dull  life?  You 
have  to  have  sunshine  for  that!' 

"Ah,  but,  Child,"  returned  the  Fairy,  "you 
also  have  to  have  rain.  —  Do  you  know,"  she  con- 
tinued, "what  the  Rainbow-colours  mean?' 

"No,"  said  the  Child.  "What  do  they 

258          THE  WONDER  GARDEN 

The  Fairy  smoothed    her  long  white  wings. 

*  Violet  is  For-Other-People's-Sorrows.     Indigo 

is    Troubles-of-Your-Own.      True    Blue    is    for 

Honest-Purposes,  and  Green  for  Happy-Memo- 


;<And  Yellow?'  said  the  Child  softly.  'I 
love  Yellow!' 

;  Yellow  is  the  Blessings- We-Forget.  Orange, 
splendid  glowing  Orange,  is  God's  Promise-of- 
Victory,  and  Red  is  the  Richness-of -Life- After- 

The  Fairy  bent  to  tighten  her  heel-wings. 
"So  you  see,  Child,  you  need  both  Sun  and  Rain 
to  make  a  Rainbow." 

"I  see,"  said  the  Child.    "What  is  the  Sun?" 
"The  Sun  is  the  Love-That-is-in-You." 
"Oh!"  said  the  Child.     "And  what  is  the 

"The  Rain  is  the  Need-Right- Around- You." 
"Oh!"  said  the  Child.     "And  can  I—" 
'You  certainly  can,"  said  the  Fairy,  smiling, 

and  she  vanished. 



New  Tale 

ONCE  upon  a  time,  there  was  a  Queen  who  had 
two  children,  -  -  a  son  named  Floribel,  and  a 
daughter  named  Coeca.  They  were  both  ex- 

THE  WATER  OF  LIGHT          259 

tremely  beautiful.  But,  alas!  when  the  Prin- 
cess Coeca  reached  her  sixteenth  year,  she 
became  blind.  Her  large,  soft  brown  eyes  had 
no  light  in  them. 

The  Queen  consulted  the  Wisemen  of  the 
Kingdom;  and  they  said:  — 

"Her  aunt,  the  wicked  Queen  Pomarea,  has 
cast  a  spell  upon  her.  Nothing  will  break  it 
and  restore  her  sight  except  a  Drop  of  the 
Water  of  Light." 

"WThere  does  this  water  come  from?'  asked 
Prince  Floribel. 

"It  springs  from  the  Glacier  of  the  Moun- 
tains of  the  Moon,"  replied  the  Wisemen. 

"Then  I  will  go  and  get  a  drop,"  said  the 

"There  are  many  great  dangers  in  the  way," 
said  the  Wisemen. 

"Nevertheless  I  will  go,"  answered  the  Prince, 
for  he  loved  his  sister  tenderly. 

While  he  was  preparing  for  the  journey,  his 
mother  entered  his  apartment,  and,  pulling  a 
hair  from  her  head,  presented  it  to  him. 

"My  son,"  said  she,  "cast  this  before  you, 
and  it  will  lead  you  to  your  sister's  Fairy 
Godmother,  who  will  tell  you  what  to  do 

Prince  Floribel  obediently  cast  the  hair  before 
him,  and  it  sailed  out  of  the  window.  He  leaped 
after  it,  and  was  carried  rapidly  along  to  a 

260          THE   WONDER  GARDEN 

strange  land,  where  lie  was  dropped  gently 
upon  the  ground.  All  around  him  were  hedges 
to  which  clung  quantities  of  gossamer  webs, 
spangled  with  dew.  He  then  saw  that  his 
mother's  hair  was  caught  in  one  of  these  webs. 
He  put  his  finger  into  the  gossamer  threads  to 
disentangle  the  hair,  and  instantly  the  web  grew 
larger  and  larger,  and,  enveloping  him  like  a 
veil,  carried  him  off  his  feet,  and  wafted  him  to 
the  Clouds. 

There  he  found  himself  in  Fairyland;  and  a 
kind  old  Fairy  was  standing  before  him. 

:< Prince  Floribel,"  said  she,  'I  am  the  Fairy 
Godmother  of  the  Princess  Coeca.  I  will  do 
what  I  can  for  you,  for  your  purpose  is  good. 
You  shall  go  to  the  Mountains  of  the  Moon. 
I  will  give  you  three  things,  -  -  your  mother's 
hair,  a  tray,  and  a  bit  of  advice." 

So  saying,  she  handed  him  a  little  sandal- 
wood  tray,  and,  taking  the  hair  from  him, 
stroked  it,  and  stroked  it,  while  it  grew  longer 
and  longer.  Then  she  twisted  it,  and  reeled  it 
on  a  spindle. 

4 When  you  require  a  boat,"  said  she,  "set 
this  tray  upon  the  water  and  step  into  it.  As 
for  the  hair,  look!' 

She  cast  the  end  before  her,  and  the  spindle 
began  to  unwind  rapidly  as  the  end  of  the  hair 
flew  away. 

"Reel  this  up  as  you  follow  it,"   said  she, 

THE  WATER  OF  LIGHT          261 

c<and  unwind  it  again  when  you  return."    And 
she  handed  him  the  spindle. 

Immediately  the  gossamer  web  enveloped 
Prince  Floribel  more  closely,  and  wafted  him 
down  to  the  lower  world  again.  As  he  set  his 
feet  upon  the  earth,  he  saw  a  rusty  crowbar 
lying  there.  He  picked  it  up  and  took  it  along 
with  him. 

Presently  he  came  to  a  House  that  was  groan- 
ing and  moaning  loudly. 

"Why  do  you  groan  and  moan  so?"  asked  he. 

"Because,"  said  the  House,  "my  windows  and 
door  are  all  on  one  side,  and  that  side  is  turned 
toward  the  North.  The  bright  warm  rays  of 
the  Sun  cannot  reach  my  rooms,  so  they  are 
mouldy  and  damp,  and  bugs  live  in  them." 

"I'll  quickly  change  all  that,"  said  Prince 
Floribel,  for  he  was  very  kind-hearted. 

So  with  his  crowbar  he  turned  the  House 
around  until  its  windows  faced  the  South  and 
the  warm  sunshine  poured  into  them.  Then  the 
House  stopped  groaning  and  moaning,  and 
laughed  instead. 

As  Prince  Floribel  was  turning  away,  he  heard 
something  weeping  and  sobbing,  and  saw  on  a 
window-sill  a  lank  little  Ivy-vine  in  a  pot.  It 
was  pale  and  feeble. 

"Why   are   you   weeping   and   sobbing   so?' 
asked  he. 

"Because  I  have  not  enough  soil  to  grow  in," 

262          THE   WONDER   GARDEN 

said  the  Ivy,  "and  the  bright  light  cannot  touch 
my  roots." 

'I'll  quickly  change  all  that,"  said  the  Prince. 

So  he  took  the  little  Ivy-vine  out  of  its  pot, 
and  planted  it  by  the  side  of  the  House  where 
the  bright  light  could  strengthen  it. 

Then  he  saw  that  the  Ivy-vine  was  glisten- 
ing and  dripping  with  dew  as  if  with  tears  of 
gratitude;  and  he  heard  its  little  voice  say:  — 

"Because  you  have  been  so  kind  to  the  House 
and  to  me,  I  will  help  you  when  you  need  it." 

Prince  Floribel  then  pursued  his  way,  and 
soon  came  to  the  place  where  the  River  of 
Light  rolled  along.  He  set  his  tray  upon  the 
water,  and  stepped  into  it.  It  immediately  be- 
came a  boat,  and  he  sailed  rapidly  up  the  river. 

Soon  he  saw  before  him  the  mighty  Moun- 
tains of  the  Moon,  shining  like  Diamonds,  and 
reaching  halfway  up  to  heaven.  Between  them 
rose  the  Glacier,  flashing  brighter  than  any 
Diamond,  while  from  its  side  gushed  a  waterfall, 
that,  as  it  touched  the  river,  broke  into  spray 
whose  drops  sparkled  like  Opals,  Rubies,  and 

Prince  Floribel  caught  one  pearly  drop  in  the 
palm  of  his  hand,  and,  turning  his  boat  around, 
shot  down  the  river.  But  the  banks  were  dif- 
ferent now.  They  towered  above  him  in  cliffs 
and  crags  too  steep  and  sharp  to  climb. 

It  grew  dark  as  pitch  around  him.    As  he  un- 

THE  WATER  OF  LIGHT          263 

reeled  the  spindle  with  his  right  hand,  with  his 
left  he  held  aloft  the  Drop  of  the  Water  of 
Light  that  illumined  the  whole  darkness  before 

Thus  Prince  Floribel  sailed  on  for  some  time, 
until  suddenly  the  hair  rose  to  the  top  of  the 
cliff,  and  at  the  same  instant  he  heard  the 
thunderous  roar  of  a  cataract  toward  which  his 
boat  was  speeding.  His  heart  stood  still  with 
terror,  and  he  trembled  so  that  the  drop  danced, 
and  almost  fell  from  his  palm. 

Then  he  saw  before  him  the  end  of  a  frail 
streamer  of  Ivy  hanging  from  the  cliff,  and 
waving  in  the  draught  of  the  river.  He  caught 
it  with  his  right  hand,  and  as  he  did  so,  the  boat 
shot  from  under  his  feet,  and  plunged  down  the 

Clinging  to  the  Ivy,  Prince  Floribel  climbed 
to  the  top  of  the  cliff.  He  found  himself  in  a 
wide  country,  and,  following  the  hair,  soon 
reached  the  Kingdom  of  his  wicked  Aunt 

He  stayed  there  just  long  enough  to  put  his 
crowbar  under  her  throne,  and  turn  it  toward 
the  Sun,  for  she  always  sat  facing  the  North. 
And  when  the  bright  sunshine  streamed  into 
the  dark  recesses  of  her  heart,  she  saw  how 
many  mean  and  spiteful  thoughts  were  hidden 
there.  She  wept  so  hard  that  the  tears  car- 
ried away  all  her  bad  feelings  and  left  her  heart 

264          THE   WONDER  GARDEN 

filled  with  light,  and  with  love  for  her  sister, 
and  for  Prince  Floribel,  and  the  Princess  Coeca. 

After  that  the  Prince  hastened  to  his  mother's 
Kingdom,  and  dashed  the  Drop  of  the  Water  of 
Light  into  the  Princess  Coeca's  eyes.  At  once 
she  sprang  up  with  a  cry  of  joy,  for  she  could 
see  again. 

I  need  not  declare  the  happiness  of  Prince 
Floribel,  the  wonder  of  the  Princess  Coeca,  nor 
tell  how  glad  the  Queen-mother  was,  nor  how 
great  were  the  rejoicings  of  the  people,  nor  how 
magnificent  was  the  royal  banquet  that  good 
Queen  Pomarea  attended  with  all  her  Court. 

S.  BARING-GOULD  (retold) 


Retold  from  Ovid 

ONCE  upon  a  time,  there  was  a  King  named 
Ceyx,  who  was  very  happy  with  his  beloved 
wife  Haley  one,  the  daughter  of  old  King  ^Eolus, 
ruler  of  the  Winds. 

It  happened  that  Ceyx's  brother  was  lost 
most  mysteriously,  so  he  determined  to  set  out 
on  a  voyage  in  search  of  him.  This  he  told  his 
wife  Halcyone;  and  she  grew  pale,  and  wept  at 
the  thought  of  their  parting. 

;<I  swear  to  you,  Dear  One,"  said  he,  'that  I 
will  return  before  the  new  Moon  appears  twice 
in  the  sky." 


And  with  this  promise,  he  bade  her  good-bye, 
and  stepped  into  the  swift,  many-oared  ship. 
She,  shuddering,  wrung  her  hands  and  cried: — 

"Farewell!  my  Beloved,  farewell!' 

So  King  Ceyx's  ship  set  out  over  the  boundless 
deep.  Onward  and  onward  it  sailed;  and  when 
night  came  on  the  sea  began  to  foam  with  swel- 
ling waves.  The  boisterous  East  Wind  blew 
with  violence.  The  sea  was  upturned  with  bil- 
lows that  seemed  to  reach  to  heaven  and  to  lash 
the  Clouds.  The  great  waves  beat  against  the 
sides  of  the  ship. 

So  fearfully  did  they  beat,  and  with  such  vio- 
lence, that  the  bolts  fell  from  the  blanks,  the 
seams  opened,  and  the  fatal  waves  rushed  in. 
The  ship  sank,  and  King  Ceyx  was  hurled  far 
out  into  the  deep.  He  called  aloud  for  Haley  one, 
but  the  black  hungry  billows  closed  over  his 

Meanwhile,  Halcyone,  not  knowing  what  had 
happened  to  her  husband,  began  to  prepare  for 
his  return.  She  spun,  wove,  and  embroidered 
rich  garments  for  him,  while  she  sat  waiting 
morning  and  noon  and  night  for  his  ship  to 
come  sailing  back. 

Then  Juno,  Queen  of  all  the  Dwellers-on- 
Mount-Olympus,  looked  down  from  her  Shining 
Palace,  and  saw  poor  Halcyone  watching  and 
waiting  for  King  Ceyx  to  return,  —  watching 
and  waiting  in  vain.  She  pitied  the  poor  wife, 

266          THE  WONDER  GARDEN 

and  straightway  summoned  her  messenger,  swift 
Iris-of-the-Golden- Wings.  She  bade  her  go  at 
once  to  the  Court  of  old  Father  Sleep,  and  com- 
mand him  to  send  a  vision  of  her  drowned  hus- 
band to  Halcyone. 

Iris  put  on  her  robe  of  a  thousand  colours,  and, 
spanning  the  sky  with  her  bright  Rainbow, 
hastened  over  it  to  the  Court  of  old  Father 

In  a  cavern  in  a  hollow  mountain  he  lived, 
all  slothful  with  slumber.  Silence  filled  that 
land.  Fogs  of  darkness  brooded  over  the  cav- 
ern. Within  it  no  sound  was  heard  of  voice,  or 
of  waving  bough,  or  of  stirring  bird.  Before  its 
door  was  a  field  of  Poppies  drooping  their  languid 
heads,  and  near  them  grew  rank  herbs  whose 
dark  juices  bring  fatal  slumber. 

On  an  ebony  couch  spread  with  dusky  pillows 
lay  old  Father  Sleep,  torpid  and  heavy-eyed; 
while  around  him  reclined  the  pale,  transparent 
forms  of  Dreams.  And  into  that  silent  cave 
came  gliding  golden-winged  Iris,  and  delivered 
Juno's  message. 

Old  Father  Sleep,  lifting  for  one  moment  his 
heavy  lids,  murmuringly  bade  his  son  Morpheus 
take  Ceyx's  shape,  and  appear  in  a  dream  to 
Halcyone.  Then  back  he  sank  in  deep  slumber 
upon  his  ebony  couch. 

With  noiseless  wings,  and  wrapped  in  his  dark 
robe,  Morpheus  flew  through  the  night.  In  the 


shape  of  her  dead  husband,  he  bent  over  Hal- 
ey one's  bed.  She  saw  him,  and  beheld  his  pale 
visage  and  dripping  hair.  She  stretched  out  her 
hands  to  hold  him,  but  he  fled  away.  Wailing 
with  grief  she  awoke. 

Then  rising  from  her  bed,  she  hurried  to  the 
shore,  and  standing  on  a  rock  gazed  out  across 
the  sea  in  the  direction  that  she  had  seen  her 
beloved  husband  depart.  And,  lo!  as  she  gazed 
she  saw  something  white  on  the  crest  of  a  distant 
billow.  The  billow  rolled  toward  the  land,  and 
cast  the  white  thing  against  the  rock  at  her  feet. 
It  was  her  own  Ceyx's  body  glimmering  palely 
on  the  dark  tossing  water. 

Tears  rained  down  her  cheeks.  She  stretched 
out  her  arms.  She  leaped  to  join  him  in  the  sea. 
And,  lo!  two  wings  supported  her.  She  flew, 
beating  the  light  air  with  her  new  pinions.  She 
had  become  a  bird  skimming  close  to  the  water. 

She  touched  Ceyx,  kissing  his  mouth  with  her 
slender  beak.  Then,  lo!  he  too  was  changed. 
Up  he  rose  as  a  bird  into  the  air.  Two  King- 
fishers they  were,  —  Halcyon  Birds,  —  flying 
side  by  side,  while  sad,  piping  notes  came  from 
their  long,  slender  beaks. 

So  they  lived  together,  flying  to  and  fro  on  the 
face  of  the  water.  And  every  year,  during  seven 
calm  days  in  Winter,  did  Halcyone  brood  upon 
her  eggs  in  a  nest  floating  on  the  sea.  And  all 
those  seven  days  were  calm  and  peaceful  be- 

268          THE   WONDER  GARDEN 

cause  her  father,  old  King  ^Eolus,  had  shut  up 
his  rough  sons,  the  Winds,  so  that  his  daughter, 
the  Halcyon  Bird,  might  brood  in  happiness  and 


Retold  from  Homer's  Odyssey 

THUS  it  happened  in  the  golden  days  when  the 
Earth  was  young:  — 

The  wise  Ulysses,  King  of  Ithaca,  escaping 
from  Calypso's  Fairy  Isle,  where  he  had  been 
enchanted,  stretched  himself  upon  a  raft,  and 
hoisted  sail.  Night  and  day  he  sped  over  the 
dark  blue  sea  before  a  freshening  breeze.  But  a 
stormy  Wind  arising,  he  was  cast  speechless  and 
perishing  upon  the  Phaeacian  shore. 

Then  the  white-armed  Nausicaa,  the  bright- 
haired  daughter  of  King  Alcinous,  found  him. 
She  led  him  to  her  father's  palace,  that  shone 
with  brazen  walls,  and  golden  doors  guarded  by 
gold  and  silver  Dogs.  And  there  King  Alcinous 
welcomed  him,  and  had  him  clad  in  new  rich 

Then,  seated  on  a  silver-studded  throne,  Ulysses, 
sipping  mingled  wine  and  eating  savory  meats, 
spoke  thus :  - 

O  Alcinous,  large-hearted  King,  and  wise 
Queen  Areta!  Know  that  the  story  of  my 
sufferings  is  very  fearful. 


Since  that  time  when  I  fought  before  the  walls 
of  Troy  I  have  wandered  far,  searching  for  my 
native  Ithaca.  But  never  could  I  come  unto 
that  land,  for  Neptune,  King  of  the  loud-sound- 
ing Ocean,  pursued  me  with  his  wrath.  He  was 
enraged  because  I  had  put  out  the  eye  of  his 
monster  son,  Polyphemus  the  Cyclops. 

Therefore  he  bade  his  stormy  Winds  pursue 
me.  Night  and  day  they  drove  my  tossing  ship 
across  the  loud-sounding  Ocean.  They  blew  her 
from  isle  to  isle  and  coast  to  coast. 

Fearful  were  the  misfortunes  we  suffered,  my 
men  and  I!  For  scarcely  did  we  escape  from 
the  drowsy  Lotus-Eaters  before  we  were  impris- 
oned in  the  loathsome  cave  of  one-eyed  Poly- 
phemus, who  slew  and  devoured  some  of  my 
men.  I  put  out  the  monster's  eye;  and  those  of 
us  who  remained  quickly  launched  our  swift- 
bounding  ship  and  beat  the  hoary  main  with  our 
oars.  So  we  escaped  from  the  Cyclops. 

After  other  horrors  had  been  our  lot,  Aurora, 
the  rosy-fingered  child  of  Dawn,  arose  from  the 
bright  morning  Clouds,  and  we  saw  in  the  dis- 
tance the  ^Eolian  Isle,  the  abode  of  King  ^Eolus. 
Thither  we  steered,  and  soon  landed  on  its  coast. 

It  wras  a  floating  island,  with  walls  of  brass 
around  it.  And  in  his  shining  palace,  day  by 
day,  King  ^Eolus  banqueted  with  his  twelve 
lovely  children.  Faint  strains  of  music,  as 
though  the  gentle  breeze  did  touch  a  Fairy  harp, 

'270          THE  WONDER  GARDEN 

floated  through  the  perfumed  halls  and  hovered 
over  couches  spread  with  tapestry.  And  to  this 
palace  King  ^Eolus  welcomed  me,  and  he  re- 
freshed us  all  w^ith  Nectar  and  delicious  viands. 

For  one  full  month  we  tarried  there;  and  then 
I  begged  the  King  to  permit  us  to  depart,  for 
my  soul  longed  for  sunny  Ithaca. 

He  consented,  and  went  with  us  to  our  ship. 
He  placed  within  the  hold  a  huge  leather  bag, 
and  bound  it  to  the  floor  with  bright  silver  chains. 
'Ulysses,  wise-hearted  King,"  said  he,  "in 
this  bag  are  imprisoned  all  the  fierce  stormy 
Winds.  Open  it  not!  And  I  will  send  before 
you  my  gentle  son,  Zephyr,  to  blow  against  your 
sails;  and  so  may  you  come  safely  to  sunny 

So  we  departed,  and  the  gentle  West  Wind, 
Zephyr,  breathed  softly  on  us  and  wafted  our 
ship  over  the  smooth  blue  sea.  Not  a  wave 
rippled,  nor  was  there  a  wreath  of  foam  on  the 
far  waters. 

For  nine  days  and  nine  nights  we  skimmed 
over  the  smooth  blue  sea,  and  on  the  ninth  day 
we  sighted  the  shore  of  Ithaca.  Now  for  those 
nine  days  and  nine  nights  I  had  not  slept,  but 
had  sat  with  my  hand  ever  on  the  rudder.  And 
when  I  saw  my  native  fields  so  near,  sorrow  fell 
from  me  and  peace  enwrapped  me,  while  all- 
powerful  Sleep  pressed  on  my  weary  eyelids.  J 


Then  my  men  talked  among  themselves. 
"See,"  said  they,  'what  a  rich  gift  of  gold  and 
silver  King  JSolus  has  stored  in  yon  huge  bag! 
How  greatly  beloved  is  our  Chief  by  all  men,  for 
when  he  sailed  from  Troy  they  filled  the  hold 
with  gifts  and  spoils  of  treasure  for  him,  while 
no  man  gave  us  anything!  Come,  let  us  open 
this  bag,  and  see  what  King  ^Eolus  has  be- 
stowed upon  him!' 

So  they  untied  the  bag.  Alas!  The  fierce 
stormy  Winds  rushed  forth!  They  darkened 
the  Sky  with  their  dusky  wings.  They  tossed  up 
the  raging  billows.  They  seized  the  ship  and 
whirled  her  far  out  upon  the  roaring  deep.  And 
I  awoke  and  found  the  Whirlwinds  bearing  us 
back  to  King  ^Bolus's  isle! 

Despair  grasped  my  soul,  but  silently  I  en- 
dured, and  soon  we  were  driven  upon  his  coast. 

We  landed.  I  took  a  little  food  and  wine  to 
strengthen  me,  and  hastened  to  the  palace. 
There  I  found  King  ^Eolus  banqueting  with  his 

"WTiat!'  cried  they.  "Why  are  you  here? 
What  evil  Fate  pursues  you,  O  Ulysses,  wretched 
man?  We  sent  you  away  well  protected,  so  that 
you  might  safely  reach  your  home!' 

:*It  was  the  fault  of  my  unthinking  men,"  I 
said,  "and  of  my  weariness.  For  while  I  slept 
they  untied  the  bag,  believing  that  it  held  much 

272          THE  WONDER  GARDEN 

*  Hence  with  you,  wicked  man!'  cried  King 
^Eolus.  ;<  Hence,  miserable  wretch!  Vilest  of 
living  men  must  you  be  if  Fate  pursues  you 

Lamenting  and  weeping,  I  left  the  palace  door. 
Again  we  set  sail  upon  the  pitiless  deep.  Through 
the  mounting  billows  we  drove,  only  to  suffer 
greater  misfortunes,  for  Neptune,  King  of  the 
loud-sounding  Ocean,  called  up  again  his  stormy 
Winds,  and  they  raged  around  us. 

Many  and  fearful  were  our  adventures,  until 
at  last  all  my  men  —  my  comrades  —  perished, 
and  I  was  shipwrecked  on  the  sand  of  Calypso's 
Fairy  Isle.  And  there  I  languished  seven  years, 
enchanted  by  the  bright-haired  Nymph.  But 
when  she  saw  me  grieving,  mercy  moved  her 
heart,  and  she  sent  me  forth  upon  a  raft  to  search 
once  more  for  sunny  Ithaca. 

So  I  escaped  from  the  enchanted  Isle,  but 
Neptune,  still  pursuing  me,  I  was  cast  perishing 
upon  thy  shore,  O  Alcinous,  large-hearted  King! 
Then  did  the  white-armed  Nausicaa  save  me 
and  bring  me  hither. 

And  so  the  bag  of  Winds  that  King  ^Eolus 
gave,  wrought  despair  for  me  and  destruction  for 
my  men. 

Thus  ended  his  tale,  the  wise  Ulysses,  and  sat 
in  silent  grief. 




In  streams  the  gold,  the  copper  flows, 
And  in  the  mighty  furnace  glows 

The  death-inflicting  steel. 
A  shield  they  plan,  whose  single  guard 
May  all  the  blows  of  Latium  ward 
Some  make  the  windy  bellows  heave, 
Now  give  forth  air,  and  now  receive. 
The  copper  hisses  in  the  wave. 
The  anvils  press  the  groaning  cave. 
With  measured  cadence  each  and  all 
The  giant  hammers  rise  and  fall. 
The  griping  pincers,  deftly  plied, 
Turn  tlie  rough  ore  from  side  to  side* 

And  the  Cyclops  made:  — 
The  helm  that  like  a  meteor  burns, 

The  sword  that  rules  the  war, 
The  breastplate  shooting  bloody  rays9 
As  dusky  clouds  in  sunlight  blaze. 

Refulgent  from  afar, 
The  polished  greaves  of  molten  gold, 
The  spear,  the  shield  with  fold  on  fold, 
A  prodigy  of  art  untold. 

From  VIRGIL'S  ^ENEID    (Condensed.) 


Retold  from  Herodotus  and  Ovid 

ONCE  upon  a  time,  there  lived  a  King  of  Phrygia 
named  Midas.  He  loved  gold  above  everything 
and  everybody.  And  next  to  gold  he  loved  his 
spacious  and  beautiful  Rose  Gardens,  in  which 
Roses  grew  in  great  pink  and  white  masses. 
Everywhere  the  Rose- Vines  trailed  across  walls 
and  around  statues;  they  climbed  over  the  roof 
of  the  palace;  they  covered  the  ivory  pleasure- 
houses;  they  wreathed  the  tree-trunks;  and  they 
perfumed  the  whole  place.  And  every  Rose 
blossom  had  sixty  petals,  and  was  larger  and 
more  fragrant  than  any  other  Rose  in  the  world. 

Inside  King  Midas's  palace  were  couches  of 
silver  and  ivory;  cups,  plates,  and  vases  of 
precious  metals  beautifully  chased;  heaps  of 
treasure;  and  a  throne  more  magnificent  than 
that  of  any  other  King  on  earth. 

But  in  spite  of  all  these  riches  King  Midas 
was  not  happy,  and  wandered  about  his  Rose 
Gardens,  sighing  for  still  greater  treasures. 

Now  it  happened,  one  day,  that  his  servants 
brought  to  him  Silenus,  the  attendant  of  Bacchus, 
Keeper-of -All-the-Viney ards-in-the- World .  This 
Silenus  was  a  stout,  merry  old  fellow,  flat-nosed 
and  bald,  who  often  drank  more  wine  than  was 

276          THE   WONDER  GARDEN 

good  for  him.  And  the  servants  of  King  Midas 
had  found  him  swaying  about  on  the  back  of  an 
Ass,  and  waving  a  big  pot  of  wine  in  the  air. 
So  they  brought  him,  just  as  he  was,  crowned 
with  grape-leaves  and  singing  loudly,  into  one 
of  the  Rose  Gardens. 

King  Midas  immediately  gave  orders  that  he 
should  be  taken  into  the  palace,  treated  with  all 
respect,  and  entertained  royally.  Then  a  few 
days  after,  King  Midas  himself  escorted  Silenus 
to  Bacchus,  Keeper-of-All-the-Vineyards-in-the- 

Now  Bacchus  was  merry-hearted  and  gener- 
ous, so  he  gratefully  said  that  King  Midas  might 
make  a  wish,  and  have  anything  he  desired. 

"Let  it  be,  then,"  said  King  Midas  eagerly, 
"that  everything  I  touch  shall  instantly  become 

"So  be  it,"  said  Bacchus,  laughing  heartily, 
"though  your  wish  is  a  bad  one." 

King  Midas  departed,  and  on  his  way  home 
he  gently  touched  an  oak-twig  that  hung  above 
his  head.  And,  lo!  it  was  instantly  changed  to 
pure  gold! 

Then  he  took  up  a  stone,  and  it  turned  into 
pale  gold.  He  seized  a  clod  of  earth,  and  found 
that  he  was  grasping  a  yellow  lump  that 
crumbled  into  gold-dust  and  trickled  through 
his  ringers.  He  broke  off  some  ears  of  Corn; 
they  hardened,  and  glistened  in  the  sunshine. 


He  plucked  an  Apple,  and,  lo!  it  was  as  bright 
and  beautiful  as  one  from  the  Garden  of  the 

Oh,  joyful,  then,  was  King  Midas!  He 
hastened  into  his  palace;  and  as  he  brushed  past 
the  lofty  door-posts,  they  turned  into  pilasters 
of  carven  gold.  He  went  hurrying  from  room 
to  room,  touching  article  after  article;  and  soon 
all  things  in  his  palace  glimmered,  and  shim- 
mered, and  sparkled  in  the  sunlight. 

But,  alas!  when  King  Midas  sat  down  to  eat, 
and  his  servants  poured  water  over  his  hands, 
the  drops  that  fell  through  his  fingers  were  small 
golden  balls.  And  when  they  set  a  table  before 
him  laden  with  sweetmeats  and  spiced  viands,  he 
bit  with  hungry  teeth  —  not  into  food,  but  on 
hard  lumps  of  precious  metal.  Groaning  with 
hunger  and  thirst,  he  lifted  his  cup,  and  nothing 
but  liquid  gold  passed  through  his  lips. 

And  so  it  was  on  the  next  day,  and  on  the 
next;  there  was  nothing  but  gold,  gold,  gold,  for 
King  Midas  to  eat  and  drink.  At  last  fierce 
hunger  gnawed  his  vitals,  burning  thirst  parched 
his  throat,  and  he  hated  all  his  wealth.  Then  he 
rushed  from  his  palace  to  find  Bacchus  again. 

"  O  Keeper  -  of  -  All  -  the  -  Vineyards  -  in  -  the  - 
World!'  he  cried.  "What  have  I  done  to  de- 
serve this  misery?  Have  pity  on  me!  Take 
back  your  fatal  gift,  and  give  me  food  and  drink 
once  more!" 

278          THE  WONDER  GARDEN 

"O  foolish  man!'  said  Bacchus,  laughing. 
;<Did  I  not  say  that  your  wish  was  a  bad  one? 
But,  in  order  that  your  treasures,  which  you  so 
greatly  desired,  may  not  slay  you,  go  to  the 
river  that  flows  by  the  great  city  of  Sardis. 
Follow  it  to  its  source  in  the  mountain,  and 
plunge  your  head  under  its  bubbling  water  where 
it  bursts  from  the  mountain-side.  Then  shall 
my  golden  gift  leave  you." 

So  to  the  source  of  the  river  King  Midas 
hastened,  and  plunged  his  head  into  its  cold 
bubbling  water.  And  as  he  did  so  the  waves  of 
the  river  grew  yellow,  and  the  sand  at  its 
bottom  sparkled  with  golden  grains.  Then,  rais- 
ing his  head,  he  found  to  his  joy  that  the  fatal 
gift  had  passed  from  him.  It  was  gone  for  ever. 

So  he  ate  and  drank  again,  and  returned  to  his 
palace  and  Rose  Gardens  a  wiser  and  more  con- 
tented man. 

As  for  the  river,  from  that  time  on  it  flowed 
over  sands  formed  of  golden  grains  that  glinted 
and  sparkled  in  the  sun. 


Menomini  Myth 

ONCE  upon  a  time,  in  Red  Indian  Land,  a  small 
lodge  stood  on  an  island  in  a  great  lake.  In  the 
lodge  lived  a  poor  old  woman  all  alone. 

One  day  she  set  a  wooden  bowl  on  the  table, 

LITTLE  WHITE  RABBIT          279 

and  when  she  lifted  it,  under  it  was  a  little  white 
Rabbit.  She  gave  him  some  fresh  leaves  to  nib- 
ble, and  he  went  hopping  and  skipping  around 
the  lodge.  Then  suddenly  he  turned  into  a 
handsome  young  man. 

"Oh!  Ho!  My  Grandson!"  cried  the  old 
woman  with  joy.  "Sit  down  and  I'll  give  you 
something  to  eat!' 

So  the  young  man  sat  down,  and  she  fed  him. 
After  that  he  lived  in  the  lodge,  and  his  grand- 
mother named  him  Manabus. 

:* Grandmother,"  he  said  one  day,  "why  have 
we  no  Fire?' 

"Oh,  Fire  is  not  for  us,  my  Grandson,"  said 
she.  'The  only  place  on  this  Earth  where  there 
is  any  Fire  is  across  the  lake.  There  lives  greedy 
Old-Man-Fire-Keeper,  who  has  all  the  Fire  in 
the  world." 

'Then  I'll  go  and  get  some,"  said  Manabus. 

"Oh,  no,  my  Grandson,"  cried  his  grand- 
mother. "He  will  kill  you!" 

But  Manabus  teased  her  until  she  said  "Yes." 

"Have  kindlings  ready,  Grandmother,"  said 
he,  "to  light  when  I  bring  the  Fire  home." 

Then  off  he  went.  But  as  he  ran  over  the 
threshold  he  turned  into  a  little  white  Rabbit 
again,  and  went  hopping  and  skipping  away. 

By  and  by  he  came  to  the  shore  of  the  lake  and 
saw  a  broken-down  wigwam  on  the  beach.  He 
lifted  the  mat  that  hung  at  the  door,  and  peeped 

280          THE   WONDER  GARDEN 

in.  A  wretched  old  woman,  all  in  rags,  sat 
shivering  in  the  lodge. 

'How  goes  it,  Grandma?'  cried  Manabus, 
hopping  and  skipping  to  her  feet. 

;Yes,  I'm  here,  Grandchild,"  said  she.  "But 
what  have  you  come  to  me  for? ' 

''I'm  looking  for  Fire,  Grandma;  have  you 
any?"  asked  he. 

:'No,  indeed,  I  haven't  any,"  answered  she. 
'' Across  the  lake  lives  greedy  Old-Man-Fire- 
Keeper,  who  has  all  the  Fire  in  the  world." 

"Then  I'll  be  off  and  get  some,"  said  Mana- 
bus, :'and  I'll  give  you  a  spark  when  I  come 

And  off  he  went,  hopping  and  skipping  to  the 

'May  I  be  a  Thistledown,"  said  he,  :'and 
mav  a  fair  Wind  blow  me  over  the  water!' 


Then  he  became  a  Thistledown,  and  a  fair 
Wind  blew,  and  blew  him  over  the  lake  to  the 
shore  on  the  other  side.  There  he  changed  into 
a  little  white  Rabbit  again,  and  went  hopping 
and  skipping  along. 

And  so  he  came  to  a  spring,  and  near  it  was 
Old-Man-Fire-Keeper's  lodge,  that  was  big  and 
covered  with  mats.  Inside  were  two  rooms.  In 
one  sat  Old-Man-Fire-Keeper  himself,  in  the 
other  were  his  two  pretty  daughters. 

Manabus  hid  under  a  stone  near  the  spring. 
By  and  by  the  elder  sister  said  to  the  younger: — 

LITTLE  WHITE  RABBIT          281 

"Go  fetch  some  fresh  water  from  the  spring." 

So  the  younger  sister  took  a  bucket,  but  when 
she  stooped  to  fill  it  at  the  spring,  out  jumped  the 
little  white  Rabbit  at  her  feet. 

"Oh,  you  cunning  little  fellow!''  she  cried, 
and  threw  down  her  bucket,  while  Manabus, 
hopping  and  skipping,  let  her  catch  him.  She 
put  him  in  her  bosom  and  ran  back  to  the  lodge. 

"Look,  sister,"  she  cried,  "I've  caught  a  little 
white  Rabbit!  See  how  he  shivers  with  cold!' 

"Let  us  put  him  by  the  Fire  to  get  warm," 
said  the  elder  sister. 

So  they  put  Manabus  down  by  the  Fire. 

"Now's  my  time,"  thought  he.  :tMay  a  fair 
Wind  blow  open  the  door,  and  may  the  Fire 
blaze  up!' 

Immediately  a  fair  Wind  lifted  the  mat  at  the 
door,  and  the  Fire  blazed  up,  and  a  spark  fell 
on  Manabus's  fur.  Then  off  he  went  like  a  flash 
through  the  door,  hopping  and  skipping  away. 
The  girls  ran  after  him. 

"This  is  the  way  he  went,"  shouted  one. 

"No,  he  went  this  way!"  cried  the  other. 

"I  tell  you,  it  was  this!"  said  the  first. 

"My  Daughters,"  called  out  Old-Man-Fire- 
Keeper  from  his  lodge,  ;'why  are  you  quar- 
relling so?' 

"Our  little  white  Rabbit  has  run  away,"  said 

"No  white  Rabbit  was  he,"  growled  Old-Man- 

282          THE  WONDER  GARDEN 

Fire-Keeper,  "but  a  man  who  went  off  with  some 
Fire.    I  heard  the  spark  crack." 

As  for  Manabus,  he  ran  on,  hopping  and  skip- 
ping, to  the  beach. 

"May  I  be  a  Thistledown,"  said  he,  "and 
may  a  fair  Wind  blow  me  over  the  water!' 

Then  he  became  a  Thistledown,  and  a  fair 
Wind  blew,  and  blew  him  across  the  lake  to  the 
island.  Straight  into  his  grandmother's  lodge 
he  ran. 

"Heigh!  Ho!  Grandmother!"  cried  he. 
"Have  you  the  kindlings  ready?' 

"Here  they  are,  my  Grandson,"  said  she. 

So  Manabus  backed  up  to  the  kindlings,  and 
threw  the  spark  on  them.  The  kindlings  burned, 
and  the  Fire  blazed  up. 

Then  Manabus  took  another  spark  on  his  fur, 
and  away  he  went,  hopping  and  skipping,  until 
he  came  to  the  broken-down  wigwam  on  the 
beach,  where  the  wretched  old  woman  sat  shiv- 
ering alone. 

"Grandma,  here  is  the  Fire  I  promised,"  he 
cried.  "May  you  never  have  to  gather  fire- 
wood; and  may  the  Fire  go  out  when  you  tell  it 
to,  and  burn  when  you  say  so." 

That  is  the  way  the  little  white  Rabbit 
brought  Fire  in  those  old  days.  And  when  the 
people  told  the  Fire  to  go  out,  it  did;  and  when 
they  said,  "Burn,"  it  blazed  up;  for  it  was  Magic 
Fire.  And  they  never  had  to  gather  any  firewood. 



Old  French  Tale 

ONCE  upon  a  time,  there  were  two  young  Fairies 
named  Carabosse  and  Follette.  They  were  both 
so  malicious  and  wicked  that  the  Fairy  Queen 
banished  them  from  her  Court.  So  they  fell  to 
earth  and  wandered  around,  seeing  how  much 
mischief  they  could  do  to  mortals. 

Now  it  happened  that  they  arrived  at  a  coun- 
try where  there  were  many  rich  farms,  on  which 
were  splendid  crops  of  grain,  and  large  fields  of 
vegetables,  and  acres  of  fruit  trees  heavily  laden. 
\Vhen  Carabosse  and  Follette  saw  these  they 
were  filled  with  spite.  They  listened  to  what 
the  farmers  were  saying  to  one  another,  and 
soon  learned  that  the  unhappy  people  were 
dissatisfied  with  the  abundance  growing  on  their 
land,  and  that  they  wished  for  all  the  wealth  of 
the  whole  world. 

Carabosse  and  Follette  laughed  mockingly; 
and  when  it  was  quite  dark  they  touched  with 
their  wands  everything  that  grew. 

Instantly  all  was  changed. 

The  ears  of  Corn,  ripening  so  beautifully,  no 
longer  waved  their  yellow  tassels,  but  were 
changed  into  ears  studded  with  precious  gems. 
Each  stalk  of  grain  was  changed  into  a  tube  of 
gold  or  silver,  surmounted  by  a  cluster  of  Dia- 

284          THE  WONDER  GARDEN 

monds.  The  trees  became  columns  of  alabaster 
or  crystal,  with  leaves  of  Emerald  and  fruits  of 
Topaz,  Rubies,  Pearls,  and  Amethysts.  The 
grapevines  were  hung  with  bunches  of  Garnets 
and  Rubies.  In  fact,  every  growing  thing 
was  changed  into  gold,  silver,  or  precious 

When  the  people  woke  in  the  morning  and  saw 
their  fields  and  orchards  sparkling  with  a  thou- 
sand coloured  rays,  they  shouted  with  joy  and 
ran  about  picking  basketfuls  of  jewels,  and  break- 
ing off  branches  of  alabaster  or  crystal.  They 
made  themselves  collars  and  girdles  of  Diamonds, 
Rubies,  and  Pearls;  and  they  plaited  gold  crowns 
for  their  heads,  and  embroidered  their  garments 
with  every  kind  of  gem. 

The  Summer  passed  and  Autumn  came. 
There  were  no  cool,  spreading  trees  to  sit  under. 
There  were  no  delicate  blossoms  breathing  fra- 
grance. There  were  only  stiff  emerald  leaves 
and  hard  precious  stones,  whose  brilliance  burned 
the  eyes. 

The  farmer's  sickle  was  broken  against  tubes 
of  gold  and  silver,  and  there  was  no  grain  for  the 
mill  to  grind  into  flour.  The  vines  and  orchard 
trees,  instead  of  being  full  of  ripe  Grapes,  juicy 
Apples,  and  velvety  Peaches,  broke  beneath  tons 
of  precious  gems.  No  one  could  sell  anything, 
for  everybody  had  so  much  wealth  that  he  needed 
no  more. 


Soon  the  food  was  all  gone.  The  children  cried 
for  bread,  and  there  was  none. 

The  malicious  Carabosse  and  Follette,  not 
content  with  all  this  misery  they  had  caused, 
flew  from  brook  to  brook  and  fountain  to  foun- 
tain, touching  them  with  then*  wands.  Instantly 
the  brooks  ran  molten  gold,  and  the  fountains 
cast  up  silver  spray. 

There  was  no  water.  The  children  cried  for 
some  to  drink,  and  there  was  none.  Every- 
body was  starving  and  dying  of  thirst. 

The  desperate  people,  in  their  agony,  threw 
off  their  rich  robes  embroidered  with  gems,  and 
cast  away  their  golden  crowns,  and  tore  off  their 
collars  and  girdles  of  Diamonds,  Rubies,  and 

"Oh,  give  us  bread  and  water!'1  they  cried. 
But  there  was  none. 

Now,  there  was  just  one  poor  man  in  all  that 
country  who  was  content  with  his  lot.  He  lived 
in  a  little  cottage  surrounded  by  a  small  patch  of 
ground.  And  because  he  was  contented  Cara- 
bosse and  Follette  had  not  been  able  to  change 
anything  that  was  his. 

When  he  heard  the  children  crying  from  hun- 
ger and  thirst  he  ran  into  his  garden  and  picked 
all  his  fresh  fruit  and  vegetables.  These  he  gave 
to  the  children,  and  left  none  for  himself. 

Immediately  the  Fairy  Queen's  voice  was 
heard  crying  out:  — 

286          THE   WONDER  GARDEN 

Take  thy  reward!' 

A  great  crashing  noise  was  heard.  A  rushing 
Wind  blew  away  all  the  emerald  leaves  and  jewel- 
fruits.  Red  and  yellow  flames  played  over  the 
brooks  and  fountains.  The  fields  of  grain  shook 
violently.  And  in  the  twinkling  of  an  eye,  green 
leaves  rustled  on  the  trees,  while  ripe  fruit  ap- 
peared on  the  branches.  Delicious  vegetables 
stood  in  rows  in  the  garden.  The  fields  were 
yellow  with  waving  grain.  The  brooks  ran  pure 
water,  and  the  fountains  cast  up  a  cooling  spray. 

Then  the  Fairy  Queen's  voice  was  heard  crying 

"Die,  Carabosse!    Die,  Follette!" 

And  with  a  terrible  noise  the  two  wicked 
young  Fairies  burst  into  a  thousand  bubbles. 

The  people  went  nearly  mad  with  joy.  The 
mill  wheels  began  to  turn,  grinding  flour  for 
bread.  The  children,  clapping  their  hands,  ran 
into  the  gardens  to  pick  fruit,  while  the  maids 
brought  home  pitchers  of  cold,  fresh  water  from 
the  brooks.  In  fact,  everybody  had  all  that  he 
wanted  to  eat  and  drink. 

And,  every  year  after  that,  the  farmers  had 
rich  and  abundant  crops,  and  were  never  un- 
happy nor  discontented  again. 



Retold  from  Hesiod  and  Other  Sources 

IN  those  golden  wonder  days,  when  the  earth  was 
young,  the  whole  world  was  one  beautiful  garden. 
Men  knew  no  sorrows  then,  nor  did  they  have  to 
work,  nor  were  they  ever  sick.  Indeed,  there 
was  nothing  to  make  them  unhappy  but  one  thing 
—  Jupiter  had  carried  off  the  splendour  of  the 
untiring  Fire,  and  hidden  it  from  men. 

Now  in  that  happy  garden  lived  three  brothers, 
named  Atlas,  Prometheus,  and  Epimetheus. 
Night  and  day  the  mighty  Atlas  held  up  the 
sky  on  his  head  and  hands,  while  his  two  brothers 
lived  at  ease. 

But  Prometheus  was  not  content  to  be  idle, 
and  he  pitied  mankind  because  they  had  no  Fire 
to  work  with.  So  he  searched  until  he  found  the 
splendour  of  the  untiring  Fire  where  Jupiter  had 
hidden  it.  He  put  some  in  a  hollow  Fennel-Stalk, 
and  carried  it  back  to  earth. 

So  he  brought  Fire  again  to  men,  and  with  it 
he  brought  the  cunning  of  the  workman's  wis- 
dom and  Minerva's  art  of  weaving. 

Now  when  Jupiter  knew  what  Prometheus 
had  done,  he  was  very  angry. 

"I  will  punish  Prometheus,"  said  he,  "and  I 
will  give  men  a  great  evil  that  shall  delight  their 
hearts  but  bring  sorrow  to  their  souls." 

288          THE  WONDER  GARDEN 

Then  he  commanded  Vulcan  the  Smith  to 
mix  water  and  earth,  and  to  form  a  maiden  fair 
and  lovely,  and  with  so  sweet  a  voice  that  she 
should  enchant  every  one  who  heard  it. 

Vulcan  fashioned  a  living  maiden.  Very 
lovely  was  she.  Her  eyes  sparkled  with  joy  and 
life.  In  her  throat  were  all  the  sweet  notes  of 
bird-voices.  Venus  gave  her  grace  and  beauty. 
Minerva  arrayed  her  in  silver-white  robes,  and 
taught  her  how  to  weave  delicate  silken  webs. 
The  Graces  hung  gold  chains  about  her  slender 
neck,  while  the  fair-haired  Hours  crowned  her 
with  fresh  Spring  blossoms. 

And  they  called  the  maiden  :<  Pandora,"  the 
maiden-of -all-gifts. 

Now  when  Pandora  was  finished,  Jupiter  com- 
manded his  winged  messenger,  Mercury,  to  take 
her  at  once  to  Epimetheus,  for  he  knew  that  the 
wise  Prometheus  would  not  accept  a  gift  from 
his  hands. 

This  Mercury  was  a  tricksy  being,  always  de- 
lighting to  make  mischief.  Indeed,  from  his 
very  birth  he  had  been  tricksy.  For  he  was 
born  in  the  morning,  at  noon  he  slipped  from  his 
cradle  and  made  a  lute  of  tortoise-shell,  and  that 
same  night  he  stole  the  Oxen  of  the  Sun;  then 
running  quickly  home,  he  climbed  into  his  cradle 
again,  before  any  one  knew  what  he  had  been 

So,  now,  while  he  was  conducting  Pandora 


to  the  garden,  he  craftily  put  all  sorts  of  wiles 
and  naughtiness  into  her  bosom.  Then  he  took 
her  to  Epimetheus,  who,  as  soon  as  he  saw  the 
beautiful  maiden,  made  her  his  wife,  in  spite  of 
all  that  Prometheus  could  say. 

And  so,  alas !  sorrow  and  misfortune  came  into 
that  happy  garden!  For  at  Epimetheus'  door 
stood  a  closed  box,  which  he  had  been  forbidden 
to  open.  Naughty  Pandora  was  so  full  of  curios- 
ity that  one  day  she  lifted  its  lid,  and  out  flew 
whole  swarms  of  Woes,  Fears,  and  Sicknesses. 
Only  Hope  remained  in  the  box,  for  Pandora 
closed  the  lid  before  Hope  could  escape.  As 
for  the  Woes,  Fears,  and  Sicknesses,  they  were 
scattered  over  the  garden,  and  blighted  every- 
thing beautiful.  So  men  were  no  longer  happj'. 

As  for  the  wise  Prometheus,  who  out  of  pity 
had  given  Fire  to  men,  Jupiter  punished  him. 
He  bound  him  with  chains  to  a  pillar,  and  sent 
an  Eagle  to  feed  without  ceasing  upon  his  liver. 
And  as  fast  as  the  liver  was  consumed,  it  grew 

As  for  men,  by  the  means  of  Fire,  and  of  the 
cunning  workman's  wisdom  and  Minerva's  art, 
they  had  heat,  food,  and  clothing;  and  they 
wrought  in  copper,  iron,  steel,  gold,  and  silver. 
But  they  suffered  all  the  miseries  that  came  into 
the  world  when  Pandora  opened  the  box. 

290          THE  WONDER  GARDEN 


Finnish  Myth  from  the  Kalevala 

IN  the  wonder  garden  of  the  World  there  were 
both  Iron  and  Fire. 

It  happened  one  day  that  Iron  would  a- wander- 
ing go  to  visit  his  brother  Fire.  But  when  Fire 
saw  him  coming,  he  blazed  up  in  fury  and  would 
have  devoured  him.  So  Iron  fled  far  away,  and 
hid  in  a  bog  under  the  ground,  just  where  the 
Swans  build  their  nests  and  the  Eagle  watches 
over  his  young. 

So  Iron  lay  deep  in  the  moist  bog,  and  there 
he  kept  himself  for  three  years  hidden  under 
crooked  tree-trunks  and  decaying  leaves.  But, 
alas!  he  could  not  always  escape  from  his  fierce 
brother,  and  he  had  to  come  again  into  the 
power  of  all-devouring  Fire,  and  be  forged  into 
tools  and  weapons. 

And  thus  it  came  about :  — 

Over  the  bog  the  great  WTolf  stalked,  and  the 
growling  Bear  lumbered  over  the  moor.  And 
where  their  broad  footprints  sunk  into  the 
ground,  rusty  Iron  showed  his  face. 

Ilmarinen  the  Cunning  Smith  came  into  the 
world.  In  the  night,  on  a  coal-heap,  was  he  born, 
and  in  the  night  he  grew  up  with  a  hammer  in  his 
hand  and  a  little  pair  of  tongs  under  his  arm.  In 
the  night  was  he  born,  and  in  the  morning  he 


was  a  man  and  went  forth  to  find  a  smithy  and 
a  place  for  his  bellows. 

He  came  to  the  bog;  he  saw  the  wet  morass, 
and  there  he  built  him  his  smithy  and  set  up  his 
bellows.  And  there  he  found  rusty  Iron  showing 
his  face  in  the  broad  footprints  of  the  Wolf  and 
the  Bear. 

Then  spoke  Ilmarinen  the  Cunning  Smith :  — 

:<O  unlucky  Iron,  what  has  happened  to  you? 
Why  do  you  lie  in  such  an  unworthy  place,  under 
the  Wolf's  heavy  paws,  in  the  track  of  the 

But  Iron  made  no  answer. 

Then  Ilmarinen  the  Cunning  Smith  whispered 
to  himself:  — 

"What  if  I  cast  unlucky  Iron  into  the  Fire, 
into  the  burning,  sparkling  furnace?' 

Then  anguish  and  despair  took  hold  of  Iron 
as  he  heard  the  terrible  name  of  Fire. 

Then  spoke  again  Ilmarinen  the  Cunning 
Smith :  — 

"Fear  not,  poor  Iron.  Fire  surely  will  not 
hurt  his  brother.  If  you  enter  Fire's  red  chamber 
you  shall  come  out  fine  and  useful." 

So  spoke  Ilmarinen  the  Cunning  Smith,  and 
took  Iron  out  of  the  moist  bog,  and  cast  him 
into  the  red-hot  furnace.  Three  days  he  stirred 
the  furious  flames. 

Slowly  glowing  Iron  was  melted,  and  boiled 
up  in  crimson  bubbles.  While  inside  the  furnace 

292          THE  WONDER  GARDEN 

he  spread  himself  like  softened  dough  within 
the  flames  of  mighty  Fire. 

Then  cried  Iron  in  his  anguish :  — 

;<O  Smith,  have  pity  on  me!  Take  me,  take 
me  from  these  flames !  Take  me  from  this  burn- 
ing glow!' 

But  Ilmarmen  the  Cunning  Smith  answered 
gently :  — 

"If  I  take  you  from  the  furnace,  perhaps  you 
will  be  hard  and  evil;  perhaps  you  may  hurt  man 
or  murder  woman." 

Then  cried  aloud  unlucky  Iron :  — 

:'Make  me  into  spears  and  axes.  I  will  fell 
trees  and  break  hard  stones.  I  will  fetch  you 
game  and  fresh  fish.  Never  will  I  hurt  a  mortal ! 
never  wound,  nor  harm,  nor  murder!' 

So  Ilmarinen  the  Cunning  Smith  took  poor 
Iron  from  out  the  furnace,  laid  him  down  upon 
the  anvil,  hammered  him  till  he  was  welded,  and 
shaped  him  into  spears  and  axes  and  many  other 
household  things. 

But  unlucky  Iron  lacked  hardness;  the  axes 
all  were  dull  and  blunt-edged.  Water  had  not 
tempered  Iron,  nor  made  the  blue  Steel  flash. 

So  Ilmarinen  the  Cunning  Smith  prepared  a 
bath  of  softened  water.  This  he  tasted,  then  he 
whispered :  — 

;<Even  yet  it  does  not  please  me.  It  will  not 
harden  rusty  Iron,  nor  make  the  blue  Steel  flash.'2 

And  as  he  spoke,  a  Bee  came  flying.    High  and 


low  it  flew  on  light  wings,  and  flittered  above  the 

Then  cried  Emarinen  the  Cunning  Smith :  — 

"Busy  Bee,  my  nimble  comrade,  bring  me 
honey  on  your  light  wings !  Go,  suck  it  from  the 
cups  of  flowers.  It  alone  will  harden  Iron,  and 
make  the  blue  Steel  flash!' 

Now  the  Wasp,  Malicious  One,  peeping,  peer- 
ing from  the  rafters,  heard  his  words  and  saw 
Iron  waiting,  saw  the  bath  of  water  standing. 
Quick  she  darted  to  the  forest.  Back  she  came 
with  many  horrors.  On  her  blue  wings  bore  she 
horrors  —  poison  of  the  deadly  Adder,  venom 
black  of  hissing  Snakes,  and  the  bitter  froth  of 
Worms.  These  she  poured  into  the  bath. 

Ilmarinen  the  Cunning  Smith  thought  that 
Busy  Bee  had  flown  back  laden  with  the  sweetest 
honey.  Laughing,  spoke  he:  — 

"Ah,  nimble  comrade,  all  is  ready;  the  bath  is 
right  to  harden  Iron,  and  make  the  blue  Steel 

So  in  the  bath  of  many  poisons  straight  he 
plunged  poor  hissing  Iron,  when  he  had  drawn 
him  from  the  furnace. 

Then,  indeed,  Iron  was  made  hurtful,  deadly 
harmful.  Then,  indeed,  blue  Steel  was  angry. 

Then,  indeed,  Iron  broke  his  promise.  He 
was  formed  into  swords  and  lances.  Forth  he 
rushed  throughout  the  wide  world,  hurting,  rend- 
ing, killing  mortals.  So  he  murdered  sister, 

294          THE  WONDER  GARDEN 

brother,  father,  mother,  biting  wounds  with  his 
sharp  edges.  So  he  opened  springs  of  blood  that 
poured  out  their  crimson,  foaming  tides. 

Now  you  know  the  beginning  of  Iron.  Now 
you  know  who  made  him  do  evil. 

Woe  to  you,  unlucky  Iron! 

Wroe  to  you,  deceitful  Steel! 

So  it  was  in  ancient  days,  in  the  ancient 
wonder  garden. 



Now  you  must  know  that  in  those  early  times, 
When  Autumn  days  grew  pale,  there  came  a  troop 
Of  childlike  forms  from  that  cold  mountain-top; 
With  trailing  garments,  through  the  air  they  came, 
Or  walked  the  ground  with  girded  loins,  and  threw 
Spanghs  of  silvery  Frost  upon  the  grass, 
And  edged  the  brooks,  with  glistening  parapets, 
And  built  it  crystal  bridges,  touched  the  pool 
And  turned  its  face  to  glass,  or  rising  thence, 
They  shook  from  their  full  laps  the  soft  light  Snow, 
And  buried  the  great  Earth,  as  Autumn  Winds 
Bury  the  forest  floor  with  heaps  of  leaves. 

•  •••••••*• 

But  when  the  Spring  came  on,  what  terror  reigned 
Among  these  Little  People  of  the  Snow! 
To  them  the  Swi's  warm  beams  were  shafts  of  Fire, 
And  the  soft  South  Wind  was  the  wind  of  death. 
Away!  away  they  flew  all  with  pretty  scowl, 
Upon  their  childish  faces,  to  the  North, 
Or  scampered  upward  to  the  mountain's  top. 
And  there  defied  their  enemy,  the  Spring; 
Skipping  and  dancing  on  the  frozen  peaks, 
And  moulding  little  Snowballs  in  their  palms, 
And  rolling  them  to  crush  her  flowers  below, 
Down  the  steep  Snowfields. 
WILLIAM  CULLEN  BRYANT  (The  Little  People  of  the  Snow) 


Folktale  from  Nizhni-Novgorod 

So  it  happened:  — 

The  man's  name  was  Ivan,  and  his  wife's 
Marie.  They  lived  in  a  little  house  in  a 
village.  They  had  no  children.  They  were 
very  lonesome,  and  their  only  comfort  was  to 
watch  their  neighbour's  children  playing  in  the 

One  Winter's  day  the  Snow  was  lying  knee 
deep,  and  some  children  were  playing,  while 
the  two  old  people  watched  them  from  the 
window.  The  little  ones  were  making  a  Snow- 
man. Suddenly  Ivan  smiled,  and  said:  — 

"Wife,  let  us  play,  too.  Let  us  make  a  Snow- 

"Why  should  we  not?"  said  Marie.  "But, 
instead,  let  us  make  a  dear  child  —  a  little  girl. 
She  will  be  nicer  than  a  Snow-Woman!'1 

"Thou  art  right!"  said  Ivan,  laughing. 

So  the  two  went  into  their  garden,  and  began 
to  make  a  Snow-Doll.  First  they  made  a  tiny 
body,  then  tiny  hands  and  feet.  On  the  top 
of  this  they  placed  a  ball  of  Snow,  and  shaped  it 
into  a  head  with  nose  and  chin  and  two  holes 
for  eyes.  Then  Ivan  carefully  drew  two  lines 

298          THE  WONDER  GARDEN 

for  lips;  but  scarcely  had  he  finished  these  when 
he  felt  against  his  hand  a  puff  of  something  warm 
like  breath. 

He  started  back.  He  looked  at  the  Snow-Doll. 
Its  eyes  were  sparkling  with  life,  its  lips  had 
suddenly  reddened,  and  were  parted  in  a  sweet 

"Look!  Look,  Wife!"  he  cried.  "Is  it  good, 
or  is  it  magic?5 

The  Snow-Child  bent  its  head,  and  moved  its 
tiny  arms  and  legs. 

"Oh!  Ivan!"  cried  Marie.  "God  has  sent 
us  a  little  one  at  last!' 

And  rushing  toward  the  Snow-Child  she 
covered  it  with  kisses.  Then  the  Snow  peeled 
off,  and  a  little  girl  sprang  out  of  it  and  threw 
herself  into  Marie's  arms. 

"Oh!  Snow-Blanche!  Snow-Blanche!'  cried 
Marie  with  delight  as  she  carried  the  little  one 
into  the  house. 

That  was  a  joyful  Winter  for  Ivan  and  Marie. 
Snow-Blanche  grew  more  and  more  beautiful 
every  hour.  In  a  few  weeks  she  had  grown  so 
fast  that  she  appeared  like  a  girl  of  fifteen  in- 
stead of  a  little  child. 

Her  form  was  tall  and  slender.  Her  eyes  were 
blue  like  Forget-Me-Nots,  her  hair  was  yellow  as 
gold  and  flowed  to  her  knees,  while  her  skin  was 
pearly  white  and  delicately  transparent.  She 
was  so  sweet  and  happy  that  the  village  girls 


came  every  evening  to  chat  with  her.  They 
loved  Snow-Blanche  dearly. 

"You  see,  Ivan,"  said  Marie  over  and  over 
again,  "that  God  has  sent  us  happiness  instead 
of  sorrow!'' 

"Alas,  nothing  in  this  world  exists  forever!51 
answered  her  husband,  shaking  his  head. 

So  the  Winter  passed  and  the  Sun  of  early 
Springtime  began  to  pour  its  bright  rays  upon 
the  earth,  melting  the  Snow  and  warming  the 
cold  ground.  Green  grass  sprang  up;  little  red, 
yellow,  and  blue  flowers  showed  their  heads; 
birds  sang  merrily  in  the  trees,  and  the  village 
girls  met  at  Ivan's  cottage  and  sang:  — 

"Hast  thou  come,  Sweet  Spring! 
Sweet  Spring!    Sweet  Spring! 

New  life  and  joy 
To  our  hearts  to  bring!" 

But  Snow-Blanche  sat  silent  and  sad. 

"What  ails  thee,  dear  child?'  asked  Marie. 
"Art  thou  ill?  Why  art  thou  sorrowful  and 

"Tis  nothing.  Tis  nothing,  my  Mother," 
answered  Snow-Blanche. 

But  when  all  the  Snow  was  gone,  and  the  Sun 
began  to  shed  warmer  rays  upon  the  earth, 
Snow-Blanche  grew  more  and  more  sorrowful. 
She  sought  the  shadiest  parts  of  the  wood,  hiding 
under  the  trees  like  a  shy  white  Lily.  When  it 
rained  she  delighted  to  walk  by  the  margin  of  the 

300          THE  WONDER  GARDEN 

lake  where  the  Weeping  Willows  trailed  their  hang- 
ing branches  in  the  clear  water,  and  she  gathered 
up  Hailstones  as  if  they  were  precious  Pearls. 

Spring  passed,  and  Summer  came.  The 
hot  rays  of  the  Sun  burned  the  grass  and  flowers. 
Then  Snow-Blanche  sat  drooping  and  weeping 
all  the  day  long. 

One  lovely  evening  the  village  girls  came, 
and,  taking  Snow-Blanche  by  the  hand,  ten- 
derly coaxed  her  with  them  to  the  wood.  There 
they  linked  their  arms  around  her  and  danced, 
and  sang,  and  wreathed  garlands  for  her  head. 
Then  as  the  Sun  was  gone  down  and  it  was  quite 
cool,  they  built  a  little  bonfire  of  dried  leaves. 

Snow-Blanche  drew  apart. 

:t  Come,  dear  Friend ! "  they  cried  to  her  merrily. 
:<  Now  we  are  going  to  run !  Thou  must  run,  too ! ' 

Clapping  their  hands,  they  laughed  and  skipped 
through  the  fire.  Then  they  heard  a  deep  sigh 
behind  them.  They  turned.  Snow-Blanche  was 

'Where  Is  she?  WTiere  is  she?'  they  cried. 
f<0h!  our  sweet  Snow-Blanche!  Surely  she  is 
hiding  for  fun!'! 

And  they  searched  under  the  bushes  and  every- 
where, but  they  could  not  find  her.  They  wan- 
dered about,  calling  her  name. 

:t  Perhaps  she  is  gone  home,"  they  said,  so 
they  went  back  to  the  village.  But  Snow- 
Blanche  was  not  there. 

THE  SNOWBALL  HARES          301 

That  night,  and  the  next  day,  and  for  many 
days  after,  the  neighbours  searched  the  wood  in 
vain.  Ivan  and  Marie  were  in  despair.  Nothing 
could  comfort  them.  Marie  wandered  among  the 
trees,  calling  and  calling  her  darling  child's  name 
and  listening  for  the  sound  of  her  sweet  voice. 

But  Snow-Blanche  was  gone  for  ever. 

And  where  was  she  gone?  Had  a  fierce  wild 
beast  devoured  her?  Ah,  no!  Snow-Blanche 
had  run  through  the  flames  her  friends  had 
kindled.  She  had  dissolved  into  a  thin  vapour, 
and,  rising  through  the  trees,  had  mounted  into 
the  transparent  evening  Sky. 


Aino  Myth 

ONCE  upon  a  time,  the  little  Sky  Children 
were  playing  among  the  Stars. 

"See,"  they  cried,  "that  soft,  white  Cloud 
beneath  us!  Let  us  play  on  that! " 

They  folded  their  wings,  and  dropped  down 
upon  the  Cloud.  But  it  was  not  an  ordinary 
one  at  all;  it  was  all  of  soft,  white  Snow.  So 
the  little  Sky  Children  made  Snowballs,  and 
began  to  pelt  each  other. 

The  balls  flew  so  thick  and  fast  that  six  of 
them  rolled  over  the  edge  of  the  Cloud,  and  fell 
down  on  the  earth.  And  they  turned  into  six 
little  white  Hares  running  about. 

302          THE  WONDER  GARDEN 

But  they  were  naughty  Hares,  and  began  to 
quarrel.  They  quarrelled  so  loudly  that  Okiku- 
rumi,  the  owner  of  that  country,  came  running 
with  a  burning  stick  in  his  hand. 

"  Oh,  you  bad  Hares !  Oh,  you  naughty  Hares ! >: 
cried  he.  'What  are  you  fighting  about?  You 
who  live  on  this  earth,  in  this  world  of  human 
beings,  must  be  quiet." 

Then  he  beat  each  of  the  six  Hares  with  his 
burning  stick.  They  all  ran  away. 

And  ever  since  then  white  Hares  have  had 
black  ears,  because  the  Snowball  Hares  had  their 
ears  scorched  by  Okikurumi's  burning  stick. 


Old  Legend 

WHEN  the  world  was  first  made,  says  the  Fairy 
Tale,  everything  had  a  beautiful  colour  except 
the  Snow.  The  Sky  was  blue,  the  Clouds  golden 
and  creamy,  the  trees  green,  while  the  flowers 
had  all  the  colours  of  the  Rainbow. 

But  the  poor  Snow  had  no  colour  at  all.  So  it 
was  very  sad  and  wandered  over  the  earth  look- 
ing for  a  colour.  First  it  went  to  the  Red  Rose. 

:<Oh,  Rose,"  it  begged,  "pray  give  me  some  of 
your  royal  red,"  but  the  Rose  said  'No." 

Then  it  asked  the  Violet,  the  Buttercup,  and 
all  the  other  flowers  for  some  of  their  colours, 
and  they  said  "No." 


But  a  humble  little  Snowdrop  drooped  its 
pale  head  and  whispered,  "If  my  whiteness 
pleases  you,  take  it  all!' 

And  since  that  day  the  grateful  Snow  has 
kept  the  little  Snowdrop  safe  and  warm  the 
whole  Winter  through. 


Legend  of  Paradise 

As  Eve  sat  weeping  for  lost  Paradise,  so  says 
the  golden  wonder  tale,  and  as  she  mourned  for 
the  many  beautiful  flowers  that  had  grown  in 
the  Garden,  an  Angel  flew  down  to  Earth  to 
comfort  her. 

Now  since  the  Fall,  no  green  thing  had  sprung 
up,  but  everywhere  lay  the  thick  white  Snow, 
while  the  whole  World  was  cold  and  bleak. 

The  Angel  caught  a  passing  Snowflake,  and 
gently  breathed  upon  it.  It  fell  to  earth,  and, 
lo !  it  was  a  flake  no  more,  but  a  folded  bud,  white 
and  delicately  fragrant. 

' This  bud,"  said  the  Angel,  "is  a  promise  that 
Summer  shall  come  again,  and  bring  fruits  and 
flowers  to  gladden  the  hearts  of  all." 

The  Angel's  mission  done,  away  he  flew. 

! And,  lo!  where  last  his  icings  have  swept  the  Snow, 

A  quaintly  fashioned  ring  of  milk-white  Snowdrops  blow!' 

304          THE   WONDER  GARDEN 

Retold  from  William  Cullen  Bryant 

IN  the  olden  time,  long,  long  ago,  there  dwelt  on  a 
mountain-side  a  cottager,  his  wife,  and  his  little 
girl  named  Eva.  A  lovely  spot  was  their  home, 
for  near  it  was  a  glen  through  which  dashed  a 
brook  fringed  with  many  sweet-smelling  Spring 

But  when  Winter  came,  the  little  brook  was 
fringed  with  other  blossoms.  Strange  white  ones 
with  crystal  leaves  and  stems  grew  there  in  the 
clear  November  nights.  For  when  the  Winter 
Winds  blew  hard,  down  from  the  mountain-top 
came  a  troop  of  Little  People  of  the  Snow.  A 
beautiful  Fairy  race  they  were,  with  bright  locks, 
and  voices  like  the  sounds  of  steps  on  crisp  Snow. 
With  trailing  robes  they  came,  some  flying 
through  the  air,  others  tripping  lightly  across 
the  icy  fields. 

They  threw  spangles  of  silvery  Frost  upon  the 
grass,  and  edged  the  brook  with  glistening  para- 
pets. They  built  crystal  bridges  over  the  stream, 
and,  touching  the  water,  turned  its  face  to  glass. 
Then  they  shook,  from  their  full  laps,  so  many 
Snowflakes  that  they  covered  the  whole  world 
with  a  soft  blanket. 

Now  Eva  had  often  heard  about  these  Little 


People,  but  she  had  never  seen  them.  One  Mid- 
Winter  day,  when  she  was  twelve  years  old,  she 
dressed  herself  w^armly  to  play  in  the  Snow. 

"Do  not  stay  too  long,"  said  her  mother,  as 
she  wrapped  her  furry  coat  around  the  child  and 
put  on  her  fur  boots,  'do  not  stay  too  long,  for 
sharp  is  the  Winter  WTind.  And  go  no  farther 
than  the  great  Linden-Tree  on  the  edge  of  our 

All  this  Eva  promised,  and  went  skipping 
from  the  house.  Now  she  climbed  the  rounded 
snow-swells  that  felt  firm  with  Frost  beneath  her 
feet,  and  now  she  slid  down  them  into  the  deep 
hollows.  So  she  played  alone  and  was  happy. 

But  as  she  was  clambering  up  a  very  high  drift, 
she  saw  a  tiny  maiden  sitting  on  the  Snow.  Lily- 
cheeked  she  was,  with  flowing  flaxen  hair  and 
blue  eyes  that  gleamed  like  Ice;  while  her  robe 
seemed  of  a  more  shadowy  whiteness  than  her 

When  she  saw  Eva,  this  tiny  creature  bounded 
to  her  feet,  and  cried :  — 

"Oh,  come  with  me,  pretty  Friend.  I  have 
watched  you  often,  and  know  how  well  you  love 
the  Snow,  and  how  you  carve  huge-limbed 
SnowT-men,  Lions,  and  Griffins.  Come,  let  us 
ramble  over  these  bright  fields.  You  shall  see 
what  you  have  never  seen  before." 

So  Eva  followed  her  new  friend.  Together 
they  slid  down  drifts  and  climbed  white  mounds, 

306          THE  WONDER  GARDEN 

until   they  reached   the  spot  where  the  great 
Linden-Tree  stood. 

'Here  I  must  stop,"  said  Eva,  "for  I  promised 
my  mother  I  would  go  no  farther." 

But  the  little  Snow  Maiden  laughed. 
'What!'  cried  she.  :4Are  you  afraid  of  the 
Snow?  of  the  pure  Snow?  of  the  innocent  Snow? 
It  has  never  hurt  any  living  thing.  Surely  your 
mother  made  you  promise  that,  because  she 
thought  you  had  no  one  to  guide  you.  I  will 
show  you  the  way,  and  bring  you  safely  home." 

By  such  smooth  words  Eva  was  won  to  break 
her  promise,  and  she  followed  her  new  playmate. 
Over  glistening  fields  they  ran,  and  down  a 
steep  bank  to  the  foot  of  a  huge  Snowdrift  or 
Hill  of  Snow.  There  the  Winds  had  carved  a 
shelf  of  driven-snow,  that  curtained  a  wide 
opening  in  the  hill. 

:'Look!  Look!  Let  us  enter  here!"  cried  the 
little  creature  merrily.  *  Come,  Eva,  follow  me." 


STRAIGHT  under  the  shelf-like  curtain  Eva  and 
the  little  Snow  Maiden  crept,  and  walked  along 
a  passage  with  white  walls.  Above  them  in  the 
vaulted  roof  were  set  Snow-Stars  that  cast  a 
wintry  twilight  over  all. 

Eva  moved  with  awe  and  could  not  speak  for 
wonder;  but  the  little  Snow  Maiden,  laughing 


gayly,  tripped  lightly  on  before.  Deeper  and 
deeper  they  went  into  the  heart  of  the  Hill  of 
Snow.  And  now  the  walls  began  to  widen;  and 
the  vaulted  roof  rose  higher  and  higher,  until  it 
expanded  into  a  great  white  dome  above  their 

Eva  looked  about  her.  She  stood  In  a  large 
white  garden,  where  everything  seemed  to  be 
spun  out  of  delicate  silent  Frost. 

At  her  feet  grew  snow-white  plants  with  lace- 
like  leaves  and  spangled  flowers.  At  her  side 
Palm-Trees  reared  their  stately  white  columns 
tufted  with  frosted  plumes.  Huge  Oaks,  with 
ice-like  trunks,  waved  their  transparent  branches 
in  the  silent  air;  while  their  gnarled  roots 
seemed  anchored  deep  in  glistening  banks.  Light 
sprays  of  Myrtle,  and  snowy  Roses  in  bud  and 
bloom,  drooped  by  the  winding  walks. 

All  these  things  —  flowers,  leaves,  and  trees 
—  seemed  delicately  wrought  from  stainless 
alabaster.  Up  the  trees  ran  Jasmine  vines 
with  stalks  and  leaves  as  colourless  as  their 
blossoms.  All  this  Eva  saw  with  wonder  and 

"Walk  softly,  dear  Friend,"  said  the  little 
Snow  Maiden.  "  Do  not  touch  the  frail  creation 
round  you,  nor  sweep  it  with  your  skirt. 

"Now,  look  up,  and  behold  how  beautifully 
this  Garden  of  Frost  Flowers  is  lighted.  See 
those  shifting  gleams  that  seem  to  come  and  go 

308          THE  WONDER  GARDEN 

so  gently.  They  are  the  Northern  Lights  that 
make  beautiful  our  Winter  Palace. 

"Here  on  long  cold  nights  I  and  my  comrades, 
the  Little  People  of  the  Snow,  make  this  garden 
lovely.  We  guide  to  this  place  the  wandering 
Snowflakes,  and,  piling  them  up  into  many  quaint 
shapes,  bid  them  grow  into  stately  columns, 
glittering  arches,  white  trees,  and  lovely  flowers 
of  Frost. 

"But  come,  now,  dear  Eva,  and  I  will  show 
you  a  far  more  wonderful  sight." 


As  she  spoke,  the  little  Snow  Maiden  led  her  to 
a  window-pane  of  transparent  ice  set  in  the  Snow 

"Look,"  said  she,  "but  you  may  not  enter  in." 

Eva  looked. 

Lo!  she  saw  a  glorious  glistening  palace-hall 
from  whose  lofty  roof  fell  stripes  of  shimmering 
light,  rose-coloured,  and  delicate  green,  and 
tender  blue. 

This  light  flowed  downward  to  the  floor,  en- 
veloping in  its  rainbow  hues  a  joyous  multitude 
of  tiny  folk,  whirling  in  a  merry  dance.  Silvery 
music  sounded  from  cymbals  of  transparent  Ice 
skilfully  touched  by  tiny  hands. 

Round  and  round  they  flew  beneath  the  dome 


of  coloured  lights,  now  wheeling  and  now  turning. 
Their  bright  eyes  shone  under  their  lily-brows. 
Their  gauzy  scarfs,  sparkling  like  snow-wreaths 
in  the  Sun,  floated  in  the  dizzy  whirl. 

Eva  stood  entranced  in  wonder,  as  all  these 
Little  People  of  the  Snow,  dancing  and  whirling 
in  the  coloured  lights,  swept  past  the  icy  window- 

Long  she  gazed;  and  long  she  listened  to  the 
sweet  sounds  that  thrilled  the  frosty  air.  Then 
the  intense  cold  around  her  numbed  her  limbs, 
and  she  remembered  the  promise  to  her  mother. 


"ALAS!'  she  cried,  'too  long,  too  long  am  I 
lingering  here!  Oh,  how  wickedly  I  have  done 
to  break  my  promise!  What  must  they  think, 
the  dear  ones  at  home?' 

With  hurried  step  she  found  the  snowy  passage 
again,  and  followed  it  upward  to  the  light; 
while  the  little  Snow  Maiden  ran  by  her  side, 
guiding  her  feet. 

When  she  reached  the  open  air  once  more,  a 
bitter  blast  came  rushing  from  the  clear  North, 
chilling  her  blood;  and  she  shrank  in  terror 
before  it.  But  the  little  Snow  Maiden,  when  she 
felt  the  cutting  blast,  bounded  along,  uttering 
shouts  of  joy,  and  skipping  from  drift  to  drift. 
And  she  danced  around  Eva,  as  the  poor  child 

310          THE  WONDER  GARDEN 

wearily  climbed  the  slippery  mounds  of  frozen 

"Ah  me!>:  sighed  Eva  at  last,  "Ah  me!  my 
eyes  grow  heavy.  They  swim  with  sleep." 

As  she  spoke,  her  lids  closed,  and  she  sank  upon 
the  ground  and  slept. 

Then  near  her  side  sat  the  little  Snow 
Maiden,  watching  her  slumber.  She  saw  the 
rosy  colour  fade  from  Eva's  rounded  cheeks, 
and  the  child's  brow  grow  white  as  marble; 
while  her  breath  slowly  ceased  to  come  and  go. 
All  motionless  lay  her  form;  and  the  little  Snow 
Maiden  strove  to  waken  her,  plucking  her  dress, 
and  shouting  in  her  ears,  but  all  in  vain. 

Then  suddenly  was  heard  the  sound  of  steps 
grating  on  the  Snow.  It  was  Eva's  parents 
searching  for  their  lost  child.  When  they  found 
her,  lying  like  a  fair  marble  image  in  her  death- 
like sleep,  and  when  they  heard  from  the  little 
Snow  Maiden  how  she  had  led  Eva  into  the 
Garden  of  Frost  Flowers,  their  hearts  were 
wrung  with  anguish. 

They  lifted  the  dear  child  up,  and  bore  her 
home.  And  though  they  chafed  her  limbs  and 
bathed  her  brow,  she  never  woke  again.  The 
little  maid  was  dead. 

Now  came  the  funeral-day.  In  a  grave  dug 
in  the  glen's  white  side  they  buried  Eva;  while 
from  the  rocks  and  hills  around  a  thousand 
slender  voices  rose,  and  sighed,  and  mourned, 


until  the  echoes,  taking  up  the  strains,  flung  them 
far  and  wide  across  the  icy  fields. 

From  that  day  the  Little  People  of  the  Snow 
were  never  seen  again.  But  all  during  the  long 
cold,  Winter  nights,  invisible  tiny  hands  wove 
around  Eva's  grave  frost- wreaths,  and  tufts  of 
silvery  rime  shaped  like  flowers  one  scatters  on 
a  bieio 



Orpheus  with  his  lute  made  trees, 
And  the  mountain-tops  that  freeze, 

Bow  themselves  when  he  did  sing. 
To  his  music,  plants  and  flowers 
Ever  sprung,  as  Sun  and  showers 

There  had  made  a  lasting  Spring. 

Everything  that  heard  him  play, 
Even  the  billows  of  the  sea, 

Hung  their  heads,  and  then  lay  by. 
In  sweet  music  is  such  art, 
Killing-Care  and  Grief -of -Heart 

Fall  asleep,  or  hearing  die. 




Japanese  Folktale 

ONCE  upon  a  time,  an  old  man  and  his  wife  were 
working  in  their  garden.  Their  little  Dog  sud- 
denly sniffed  the  ground,  and  began  to  bark.  So 
the  old  woman  brought  a  spade,  and  the  old  man 
dug  and  dug.  And  what  was  their  surprise  and  de- 
light to  unearth  a  great  number  of  gold  and  silver 
coins,  and  a  heap  of  precious  treasure  as  well. 

They  carried  it  into  the  house,  and  immediately 
gave  a  part  of  it  to  the  poor,  for  they  were  very 
tender-hearted . 

Now,  there  lived  next  door  another  old  couple, 
who  were  bad-hearted  and  greedy.  When  they 
saw  all  the  wealth  that  their  good  neighbours  had 
found,  they  borrowed  the  little  Dog,  and  dragged 
him  into  their  garden. 

Immediately  he  began  to  sniff  and  bark.  The 
old  couple  dug  and  dug,  and  found  nothing  but 
dirt.  Then  they  were  so  angry  and  disappointed 
that  they  killed  the  poor  little  Dog,  and  buried 
him  under  a  Pine-Tree. 

The  good  old  man  and  woman  grieved  very 
much  when  they  heard  that  their  faithful  friend 
was  dead;  and  they  laid  flowers  on  his  grave. 

316          THE  WONDER  GARDEN 

That  night  the  Dog  appeared  to  the  good  old 
man  in  a  dream. 

"Master,"  said  he,  :<cut  down  the  tree  under 
which  I  am  buried.  Make  a  mortar  of  the  wood, 
and  think  of  me  when  you  use  it." 

So  the  next  morning,  the  old  man  cut  down 
the  tree  and  made  a  mortar.  And  when  he 
began  to  grind  Rice  in  it,  every  grain  turned  into 
a  lump  of  gold  or  a  precious  jewel. 

Now,  when  the  greedy  old  couple  heard  about 
the  mortar,  they  borrowed  that  also.  But  when 
they  began  to  grind  Rice  in  it,  every  grain  turned 
into  a  lump  of  dirt.  Then  they  were  so  angry 
that  they  burned  the  mortar. 

Well,  that  night  the  Dog  again  appeared  to 
the  good  old  man  in  a  dream,  and  said :  — 

*  Master,  sprinkle  the  ashes  of  the  mortar 
over  withered  trees.  Think  of  me  as  you  do  so, 
and  the  trees  will  immediately  be  full  of  blos- 


The  next  morning  the  old  man  gathered  up 
the  ashes  of  the  mortar,  and  put  them  into  a 
basket.  Then  he  went  from  village  to  village, 
sprinkling  them  on  withered  trees.  Immediately 
the  trees  burst  into  masses  of  pink  and  white 
blossoms.  Every  one  gave  him  gifts,  so  he  went 
home  quite  rich. 

Then  a  Prince  heard  of  the  magic  ashes,  and 
sent  for  the  good  old  man,  who  quickly  restored 
the  Prince's  withered  trees.  After  which  the 


royal  treasurer  heaped  the  good  old  man  with 
gifts,  so  that  he  went  home  very  rich. 

Now,  his  greedy  old  neighbours  heard  about 
the  ashes,  and  they  scraped  together  all  the  ashes 
that  were  left  on  the  ground  where  they  had 
burned  the  mortar,  and  set  off  to  visit  the  Prince. 

There  was  just  one  withered  tree  left,  and  the 
greedy  old  man  climbed  it,  and  threw  the  ashes 
over  its  branches.  But,  lo!  the  withered  limbs 
remained  just  as  before,  and  the  ashes  fell  into 
the  Prince's  eyes  and  blinded  him.  Then  the 
royal  servants  pulled  the  greedy  old  man  down 
from  the  tree,  and  beat  him  nearly  to  death; 
after  which  they  sent  him  limping  home,  as  poor 
as  before. 

When  the  good  old  man  and  his  wife  saw  how 
ashamed  the  greedy  old  couple  were,  they  took 
pity  on  them.  They  shared  their  wealth  with 
them;  and  the  greedy  old  couple  were  so  thank- 
ful that  they  became  very  kind-hearted,  and 
lived  good  and  happy  lives  ever  after. 


Roumanian  Legend 

"OPEN  your  branches,  beautiful  Laurel  Tree, 
and  let  me  forth.  It  is  the  hour  when  the  Even- 
ing Star  bathes  her  silver  hair  in  the  stream." 

So  spoke  a  fair  young  maiden  shut  up  in  the 
Laurel.  Then  the  Laurel  opened  wide  her 

318          THE   WONDER  GARDEN 

branches,  and  out  the  maiden  sprang  to  dance 
in  the  flowery  meadow. 

:*  Remember,  my  daughter,"  said  the  Laurel, 
'to  return  before  the  Sun  rises,  or  you  will 
dissolve  into  dew." 

:<I  will  remember,  beautiful  Laurel,"  cried  the 
young  maiden,  "oh,  I  will  remember!"  And  she 
went  dancing  through  the  meadow. 

The  pale  Moon  shone  softly  from  the  Clouds, 
the  breeze  rippled  the  blossoms  and  grasses, 
while  the  maiden  went  flitting  down  the  valley. 
Her  large  eyes  reflected  the  glow  of  the  Stars, 
and  her  long  hair  floated  on  the  breeze. 

Then  sang  a  handsome  stranger  who  was 
wandering  in  the  valley :  - 

"  The  Star  Queen  sleeps  in  her  palace  of  light. 

The  pale  Moon  Queen  looks  down. 
Oh!  hand  in  hand  let  us  dance  all  night, 
Till  the  cold  grey  Dawn  doth  frown!'' 

So  the  maiden  danced  wTith  the  stranger.  Hand 
in  hand  they  danced  through  the  valley  while 
the  Stars  slept  in  their  palace  of  light,  and  the 
Moon  looked  softly  down. 

All  night  long  they  danced  and  sang,  till  the 
cold  grey  Dawn  frowned.  But  still  they  danced 
on,  hand  in  hand. 

Then  above  the  mountain-top  the  Sun  began 
to  rise  in  a  sea  of  opal  lights.  And,  lo!  the  hand- 
some youth  was  gone ! 

The  maiden  shrieked  with  fear,  and  called  to 


the  Stars  and  the  Moon.  But  they,  too,  were 
gone.  She  called  to  the  birds  singing  in  the  trees, 
but  they  did  not  know  whither  the  stranger  had 

"Open  your  branches,  beautiful  Laurel,"  cried 
she,  "  open  your  branches !  The  night  is  flown,  and 
the  first  rays  of  the  rising  Sun  are  touching  the 
earth.  Open,  open,  or  I  shall  dissolve  into  dew!': 

"Away,  beautiful  maiden,"  answered  the 
Laurel  mournfully.  "Alas!  the  star-wreath  of 
obedience  has  fallen  from  your  brow.  There  is 
no  longer  a  place  for  you  here." 

Then  the  Sun  rose  over  the  mountain,  and  the 
Daughter  of  the  Laurel  dissolved  into  dew. 


Old  Legend 

SURELY  you  have  heard  the  sad,  sad  tale  of  little 
Princess  White  Chicory,  who  stands  by  the  road- 
side, patiently  watching  for  her  Beloved  to  re- 
turn. Listen,  now,  to  the  sad  but  beautiful  tale 
of  Queen  Phyllis  and  Prince  Demophoon. 

In  those  ancient  golden  times  lovely  Queen 
Phyllis  ruled  over  Thrace.  One  day  a  handsome 
youth  was  cast  by  a  storm  on  to  the  Thracian 
shore.  He  was  young  Prince  Demophoon  of 
Athens,  returning  from  the  siege  of  Troy. 

WThen  he  saw  Queen  Phyllis,  he  loved  her;  and 
when  she  saw  the  handsome  youth,  she  loved 

320          THE  WONDER  GARDEN 

him  in  return.  So  they  were  wedded,  and  to- 
gether ruled  happily  and  joyously  over  all 

But  after  a  while  Prince  Demophoon  wished  to 
visit  his  home.  He  promised  to  return  within  a 
month,  and,  bidding  good-bye  to  his  sorrowing 
Queen,  sailed  away  to  Athens. 

Month  after  month  went  by,  but  he  did  not 
return.  He  had  forgotten  all  about  his  beautiful 
bride.  Poor  Queen  Phyllis  watched  day  and 
night  for  him  to  come  back.  Then  her  grief 
became  so  great  that  she  died,  and  was  trans- 
formed into  a  leafless  Almond-Tree. 

At  last  Prince  Demophoon  grew  tired  of 
Athens,  and  returned  to  Thrace.  When  he 
found  that  Queen  Phyllis  had  died  of  grief,  he 
threw  himself  at  the  foot  of  the  Almond-tree. 
He  wrept  bitter  tears,  embracing  its  slender  trunk 
in  an  agony  of  repentance. 

Then,  lo!  at  his  touch,  the  tree  seemed  to 
tremble  with  joy.  And  immediately  it  burst 
into  bloom,  —  into  one  glorious  fragrant  mass 
of  rosy  white  blossoms. 



From  King  Alfred's  Boethius  (adapted) 

IT  happened  in  ancient  days  that  there  was  a 
Harper  in  the  land  of  Thrace,  which  was  in 

TREES  MADE  TO  DANCE        321 

Greece.  The  Harper  was  inconceivably  good. 
His  name  was  Orpheus.  He  had  a  very  excellent 
wife,  who  was  called  Eurydice. 

Then  men  began  to  say  of  the  Harper  that  he 
could  harp  so  that  the  trees  danced,  and  the 
stones  stirred  themselves  at  his  music.  And  the 
wild  beasts  ran  to  him  and  stood  as  if  they  were 
tame;  and  if  men  pursued  them,  they  shunned 
them  not. 

Then  men  said  that  the  Harper's  wife  died 
and  her  soul  was  led  to  Hades.  Then  the  Harper 
became  so  sorrowful  that  he  could  not  remain 
among  other  men,  but  frequented  the  woods,  and 
sat  on  the  mountains  both  night  and  day,  weep- 
ing and  harping  so  that  the  trees  danced  and 
the  rivers  stood  still,  and  no  Hart  shunned  any 
Lion,  nor  Hare  Hound,  nor  did  the  cattle  know 
any  hatred  or  any  fear  for  delight  of  the  music. 

Then  it  seemed  to  the  Harper  that  nothing  in 
this  world  pleased  him.  Then  thought  he  that 
lie  would  seek  the  King  of  Hades  and  try  to 
soften  him  with  his  harp,  and  entreat  him  that 
he  would  give  him  back  his  wife. 

When  he  came  thither  there  ran  toward  him  a 
Dog  of  Hades  whose  name  was  Cerberus.  He 
had  three  heads,  and  began  to  wag  his  tail  and 
play  with  the  Harper  because  of  his  harping. 
Then  there  was  also  a  very  dreadful  gate-keeper 
whose  name  was  Charon.  He  also  had  three 
heads  and  he  was  very  old. 


Then  began  the  Harper  to  beseech  him  that  he 
would  protect  him  while  he  was  there,  and  bring 
him  thence  again  safely.  This  did  Charon 
promise  to  him,  because  he  was  well  pleased  with 
the  unaccustomed  sounds. 

Then  went  the  Harper  farther  until  he  met 
the  grim  ones  whom  people  call  the  Fates,  of 
whom  they  say  that  they  know  no  respect  for 
any  man,  but  punish  every  man  according  to 
his  deeds,  and  of  whom  they  say  they  control 
every  man's  fortune.  Then  began  he  to  im- 
plore their  mercy.  Then  began  they  to  weep 
with  him. 

Then  went  he  farther,  and  all  the  inhabitants 
of  Hades  ran  toward  him  and  led  him  to  their 
King.  And  all  began  to  speak  with  him,  and  to 
beg  for  that  for  which  he  begged. 

And  the  restless  wheel  which  Ixion  the  King 
of  the  Lapithse  was  bound  to  for  his  guilt,  stood 
still  because  of  his  harping.  And  Tantalus 
the  King,  who  in  this  world  was  exceeding  greedy, 
and  whom  the  same  vice  of  greediness  followed 
there,  became  quiet.  And  the  Vulture  ceased 
so  that  he  tore  not  the  liver  of  Tityus  the  King, 
which  before  that  tormented  him.  And  all 
the  punishments  of  the  inhabitants  of  Hades 
were  suspended  while  he  harped  before  the 

When  he  long  had  harped,  then  spoke  the 
King  of  the  inhabitants  of  Hades,  and  said:  — 


"Let  us  give  this  man  his  wife,  for  he  has 
earned  her  by  his  harping." 

And  the  King  commanded  him  that  he  should 
well  observe  that  he  never  look  backward  after 
departing  thence,  and  said  that  if  he  looked 
backward  he  should  lose  his  wife. 

But  men  can  with  great  difficulty,  if  at  all, 
restrain  love!  Well-a-day!  What! 

Orpheus  then  led  his  wife  with  him  till  he 
came  to  the  boundary  of  light  and  darkness. 
Then  went  his  wife  after  him.  When  he  came 
forth  into  the  light  then  looked  he  behind  his 
back  toward  the  woman. 

Hen  was  she  immediately  lost  to  him! 


Retold  from  Callimachus 

ONCE  upon  a  time,  the  most  lovely  of  all  gar- 
dens on  earth  was  the  one  that  Ceres,  the  Keeper- 
of-All-the-Cornfields-in-the-World,  had  planted 
for  herself. 

Around  it  was  a  hedge  so  thick  that  an  arrow 
could  scarcely  pass  through  it.  Inside  were  tall 
Pines,  graceful  Elms,  and  many  orchard  trees 
laden  with  yellow  Pears,  red-cheeked  Apples, 
and  juicy  Peaches.  In  and  out  among  the  trees 
glided  shining  brooks,  while  flowers  of  every  hue 
grew  on  their  banks. 

In  the  midst  of  all  this  stood  a  huge  Poplar 

324          THE  WONDER  GARDEN 

Tree  so  lofty  that  its  top  touched  the  sky.  At 
noontime  each  day  the  Water-Nymphs  and  the 
Tree-Dryads  danced  under  its  spreading  boughs, 
singing  sweetly,  for  they  loved  the  Poplar  more 
than  any  other  tree  in  the  garden. 

Now  in  that  part  of  the  world  there  dwelt  a 
bad,  greedy  man  named  Erysichthon.  One  day 
when  Ceres  was  far  away  tending  her  wide  corn- 
fields, he  hastened  from  his  house  with  twenty 
servants,  all  giant  men  armed  with  sharp  axes. 
They  rushed  into  Ceres's  garden  to  cut  down  her 

They  surrounded  the  huge  Poplar  and  began 
to  hack  its  sides.  And  the  Poplar  as  it  felt  the 
blows  trembled  and  writhed  and  groaned  so 
loudly  that  Ceres  heard  it. 

'Who  is  cutting  down  my  beautiful  trees?' 
she  cried  in  anger. 

And  immediately  she  tore  off  her  poppy- 
wreath,  and,  changing  herself  into  an  old 
woman,  hurried  to  the  garden. 

"My  Son,"  she  said  to  Erysichthon,  "why 
do  you  fell  these  trees  that  belong  to  Ceres? 
Stay  your  hand!  Send  away  your  men  or  the 
Lady  Ceres  will  be  angry  and  punish  you!' 

;*Get  out  of  my  way,  old  woman!"  exclaimed 
Erysichthon,  fiercely,  "or  I'll  bury  this  great 
axe  in  your  flesh!  These  frees  shall  roof  my 
new  mansion  in  which  I  intend  to  eat  and  drink 
with  my  friends." 



And  as  Erysichthon  spoke  thus,  he  struck  a 
mighty  blow  against  the  Poplar's  shivering  side. 

Straightway  Ceres  became  herself.  Her  form 
towered  upward  so  that  her  poppy-crowned 
head  seemed  to  touch  the  Clouds.  Her  eyes 
flashed  with  anger,  and  she  brandished  a  lighted 

Erysichthon's  knees  shook  and  he  drew  back 
in  terror.  His  servants  rushed  from  the  spot, 
leaving  their  axes  behind.  But  Erysichthon 
remained  trembling  before  Ceres. 

'Wretch!'  cried  she.  "Get  you  gone! 
Roof  with  my  trees  —  if  you  will  —  your  new 
mansion!  Well,  indeed,  shall  you  have  need  of 
it!  For  often  shall  you  eat  and  drink  therein! 
Now  get  you  gone!'  And  she  drove  him  from 
the  garden. 

From  that  day  on  a  fierce  hunger,  burning 
and  violent,  seized  Erysichthon.  But  the  more 
he  ate  the  hungrier  he  became.  Twenty  cooks 
prepared  each  meal.  Twelve  servants  poured 
out  his  wine.  But  still  his  thirst  and  hunger 

He  hid  himself  from  his  friends,  and  ate  and 
drank  night  and  day.  He  devoured  ten  thou- 
sand viands  of  every  kind,  and  emptied  a  hundred 
flagons.  And  so  he  continued  to  eat  until  he  had 
spent  his  last  money  for  food  and  was  forced 
to  sell  all  that  he  had  to  get  money  to  buy  more. 

But  still  the  raging  hunger  and  the  burning 

326          THE   WONDER   GARDEN 

thirst  consumed  him.  He  pined  and  wasted 
away  until  only  his  skin  and  bones  were  left. 
And  then  he  was  forced  to  sit  for  the  rest  of 
his  life  at  the  crossroads  begging  for  morsels  of 


Japanese  Folktale 

LONG,  long  ago,  so  long  that  even  the  White 
Crane  cannot  remember  it,  in  the  Land  of  Fresh 
Rice  Ears,  the  Land  of  the  Reed  Plains,  there 
grew  a  Pine-Tree.  It  stood  within  the  sound  of 
the  sea.  Great  it  grew,  and  there  was  not  a 
greater  in  all  that  land.  Its  trunk  was  rosy-red, 
and  beneath  it  stretched  a  brown  carpet  of  fallen 

In  the  sweet  nights  of  Summer  the  Fairy  Chil- 
dren of  the  Wood  came  hand  in  hand  in  the 
moonlight,  slipping  their  dark  feet  on  the  moss, 
and  dancing  on  the  pine-needles,  and  tossing 
back  their  long  green  hair.  And  the  Fairy  Chil- 
dren of  the  Water  came,  and  the  sparkling  drops 
fell  from  their  finger-tips.  The  Elfin  Children 
of  the  Air  rested  in  the  pine-branches  and  mur- 
mured sweet  music  the  livelong  night. 

And  from  the  sea  came  the  Wonder  Children 
of  the  Waves,  creeping,  creeping  up  the  yellow 
sand.  And  Lovers,  wandering  on  the  beach,  heard 
sweet  sighing  above  them.  :<Joy  of  my  heart," 

THE  WIND  IN  THE  PINE        327 

they  said  one  to  another,  "do  you  hear  the  Wind 
in  the  Pine-Tree?" 

Then  came  the  Maiden;  tall  and  slender  she 
was,  and  most  lovely.  By  day  she  sat  in  the 
shade  of  the  Pine-Tree  plying  her  wheel  or  her 
shuttle,  while  her  ears  listened  to  the  Wind  in  its 
branches.  Sometimes  her  eyes  looked  over  the 
sea,  and  she  sat  as  one  who  waits  and  watches. 
Often  she  sang,  and  her  voice  was  like  the  singing 
of  birds.  The  music  of  her  words,  mystic  and 
sweet,  floated  out  over  the  waves. 

Now  concerning  the  Youth.  He  dwelt  far,  far 
from  the  Maiden.  By  day  he  worked  in  the  green 
rice-fields.  He  looked  upon  the  valley  and  the 
streams.  He  gazed  into  the  sky.  He  saw  above 
him  the  great  White  Crane  circling  in  the  blue. 

16 1  hear  a  call,"  he  said.  'I  may  tarry  no 
longer!  Voice  in  my  heart,  I  hear  and  obey!' 

And  straightway  he  said  farewell  to  his  mother 
and  father,  and  to  his  sisters,  brothers,  and 
friends;  and  getting  into  a  boat,  he  sped  over 
the  sea.  The  White  Crane  flew  behind  the  boat, 
and  when  the  Wind  failed,  she  pushed  it  forward 
with  her  strong  wings. 

At  last  one  evening,  at  the  setting  of  the  Sun, 
the  Youth  heard  the  sound  of  sweet  singing.  He 
stood  erect  in  his  boat,  and  the  White  Crane, 
beating  her  wings,  guided  it  to  the  yellow  sand. 
And  as  the  Youth  sprang  out  upon  the  shore,  the 
words  of  the  singing  came  mystic  and  sweet:  — 

328          THE  WONDER  GARDEN 

"Comes  the  Lover  with  a  gift  for  his  Maiden? 
Jewels  of  Jad.e  on  a  silken  string ! 
Well-carved  jewels! 
Well-rounded  jewels! 
Green  as  the  grass  ! 
All  on  a  silken  string. 
Oh!  the  strength  of  that  silken  string!" 

And  so  he  found  the  Maiden  sitting  in  the 
shade  of  the  Pine-Tree,  weaving  and  singing. 
He  stood  before  her,  waiting. 

'Whence  come  you?"  said  she. 

:<I  am  come  across  the  sea-path.  I  am  come 
from  afar." 

"And  why  are  you  come?"  she  said. 

:'O  Voice  in  my  heart,  it  was  your  voice  that 

'Do  you  bring  me  a  gift?"  she  said. 

"I  bring  you  the  gift,  jewels  of  Jade  upon  a 
silken  string." 

:'Come,"  she  said,  and,  taking  him  by  the 
hand,  led  him  to  her  father's  house. 

So  they  drank  "the  Three  Times  Three,"  and 
were  wedded.  So  they  lived  in  sweet  tranquillity 
for  many,  many  years. 

At  last  the  Youth  and  the  Maiden  that  were, 
grew  old  and  white-headed. 

"Fair  Love,"  said  the  old  man,  "how  weary  I 
am!  'Tis  sad  to  be  old." 

:'Say  not  so,  Dear  Delight-of-my-Heart," 
answered  the  old  woman,  "say  not  so;  the  best 
of  all  is  to  come." 

THE  WIND  IN  THE  PINE        329 

:<My  Dear,"  said  the  old  man,  "I  have  a  desire 
to  see  the  great  Pine-Tree  once  more  before  I  die, 
and  to  listen  to  the  Wind  in  its  branches." 

"Come,  then,"  said  she. 

And  she  rose  and  took  him  by  the  hand. 
Together  they  wandered  on  the  shore,  and  sat 
on  the  brown  carpet  under  the  Pine-Tree,  and 
they  listened  to  the  Wind  in  its  branches. 

The  old  man  closed  his  eyes,  and  when  he 
opened  them,  behold!  his  wife  was  no  longer  old, 
but  tall,  slender,  and  lovely!  They  were  again 
the  Youth  and  the  Maiden!  He  touched  her 
hand.  Lightly  they  left  the  ground.  To  the 
sound  of  the  Wind's  music  they  swayed,  they 
floated,  they  rose  into  the  air.  They  rose  higher 
and  higher.  The  branches  of  the  Pine-Tree  re- 
ceived them,  and  closed  about  them,  and  they 
were  seen  no  more. 

But  still  in  the  sweet  nights  of  Summer  the 
Fairy  Children  of  the  Wood  come  hand  in  hand 
in  the  moonlight,  slipping  their  dark  feet  on  the 
moss,  dancing  on  the  pine-needles,  and  tossing 
back  their  long  green  hair. 

And  the  Fairy  Children  of  the  Water  come,  and 
the  sparkling  drops  fall  from  their  finger-tips. 
The  Elfin  Children  of  the  Air  rest  in  the  pine- 
branches,  murmuring  sweet  music  the  livelong 

And  from  the  sea  come  the  Wonder  Children 
of  the  Waves,  creeping,  creeping  up  the  yellow 

330          THE  WONDER  GARDEN 

sand.    And  Lovers  wandering  on  the  beach  hear 
sweet  singing  above  them. 

"Joy  of  my  heart,"  they  say  one  to  another, 
"do  you  hear  the  Wind  in  the  Pine-Tree  —  the 
Wind,  the  Wind  in  the  Pine?" 


Canadian  Tale 

I  AM  the  oldest  of  the  Maples  of  the  Northland, 
and  this  is  what  the  Wind  whispered  to  me  when 
the  Snow  lay  white  and  thick  upon  the  ground, 
and  the  Stars  twinkled  in  the  frosty  night.  This 
is  what  he  whispered  to  me:  — 

•         ••••••• 

Long,  long  ago,  —  long  before  the  Red  Men 
or  White  Men  lived  in  the  Northland  —  there 
were  no  Maples.  Only  dark  Cedars,  Pines,  and 
Firs  grew  in  that  cold  land,  for  there  was  never 
any  Summer. 

Then  went  the  Sun  complaining  to  Queen 
Nature,  saying  that  the  soil  of  that  land  was 
rough  and  wild,  and  that  nothing  beautiful 
would  grow  there.  So  Queen  Nature  called  her 
Maiden  Beauty,  and  commanded  her  to  hasten 
and  carry  a  message  to  the  Northland. 

Through  the  clear,  blue  sky  the  Maiden 
Beauty  flew,  bearing  in  her  hand  a  rod  that  shot 
back  the  rays  of  the  Sun.  She  was  robed  in  a 
wonderful  garment,  like  a  Rainbow  twisted  and 


twined  about  her.  Blue  were  her  eyes,  as  the 
sky  from  which  she  came.  Her  hair  shone  like 
gold.  Her  skin  was  like  the  Lily-Flower,  and 
her  lips  like  petals  of  Wild-Roses. 

She  hovered  over  the  Northland,  and  bade 
the  Wind  take  the  message  of  Queen  Nature  to 
the  dark  Cedars,  the  Pines,  and  the  Firs. 

:<Say  to  the  Queen's  dark  children,  O  Wind, 
that  for  a  few  months  each  year,  I  shall  be  with 
them.  The  Sun  has  been  bidden  to  shine  more 
warmly,  and  the  sweet-scented  flowers  to  bloom, 
and  the  Summer-birds  to  fly  hither  from  the 
Southland.  So  shall  beautiful  Summer  come 
and  dwell  among  you." 

The  Wind  carried  this  message  to  the  dark 
trees,  and  they  moaned  piteously,  and  cried:  — 

;<Give  unto  us  a  bright  sister  of  our  kind, 
whom  the  Sun  will  love  and  cherish!' 

Then  the  Maiden  Beauty  took  the  rod  that 
she  carried,  and  planted  it  in  the  ground. 

"I  bid  you  grow  great  in  this  land,"  said  she, 
:cand  rule  over  all  your  kind.  Grow  tall  by 
looking  at  the  Sun.  Spread  out  your  branches 
and  cast  a  shade  to  refresh  man  and  beast  in  the 
heat  of  the  day.  Let  your  juice  be  sweet  and 
deliciously  flavoured  to  delight  the  children. 
And,  ere  you  drop  your  leaves  for  the  Winter,  I 
bid  them  turn  yellow  for  the  sunlight  and  crimson 
for  man's  blood.  For  in  the  far,  far-away  tune 
there  shall  come  a  White  Race  to  these  shores, 

332          THE  WONDER  GARDEN 

and  you,  my  bright  Child,  shall  stand  to  them  for 
all  that  is  dear  —  for  Home  and  Country. " 

So  saying,  the  Maiden  Beauty  turned,  and, 
with  outstretched  arms,  flew  away  through  the 
clear  blue  sky. 

A  hush  fell  on  the  Northland.  Then  a  faint 
melody  was  wafted  to  the  wild  creatures  of  the 
wood,  and  to  the  listening  dark  trees.  Warm 
breezes  blew  over  the  land,  flowers  sprang  from 
the  ground,  and  the  air  was  filled  with  the  sing- 
ing of  Summer-birds. 

The  great  Sun  smiled  on  all  the  Northland. 
And  the  rod  of  the  Maiden  Beauty  waxed  strong 
and  grew  into  a  mighty  tree,  straight  of  trunk, 
and  bending  neither  to  the  right  nor  the  left.  It 
spread  wide  its  canopy  of  curved  leaves,  fresh 
green  in  Summer,  and  crimson,  gold,  and  coloured 
like  a  sunset  when  the  Autumn  Winds  blew  clear. 

So  passed  the  years  away,  and  by  the  mighty 
rivers,  along  the  edges  of  the  brooks,  and  in  the 
forests  and  valleys,  thousands  strong  the  Maples 
stood  sentinels  in  the  land. 

•         ••••••• 

I  am  the  oldest  of  the  Maples  in  the  North- 
land, and  this  is  what  the  Wind  whispered  to  me 
when  the  Snow  lay  white  and  thick  on  the 
ground,  and  the  Stars  twinkled  in  the  frosty 
night.  This  is  what  he  whispered. 

Grace  Channell  in  The 
Canadian  Magazine  (retold). 

DAPHNE  333 


Retold  from  Ovid 

IN  ancient  times,  when  Apollo  left  his  Shining 
Palace  in  the  Sun,  to  roam  the  earth,  he  met 
Cupid,  who  with  bended  bow  and  drawn  string 
was  seeking  human  beings  to  wound  with  the 
arrows  of  love. 

:<  Silly  Boy,"  said  Apollo,  "what  do  you  with 
the  warlike  bow?  Such  burden  best  befits  my 
shoulders,  for  did  I  not  slay  the  fierce  Serpent, 
the  Python,  whose  baleful  breath  destroyed  all 
that  came  nigh  him?  Warlike  arms  are  for  the 
mighty,  not  for  boys  like  you!  Do  you  carry  a 
torch  with  which  to  kindle  love  in  human  hearts, 
but  no  longer  lay  claim  to  my  weapon,  the  bow ! >: 

But  Cupid  replied  in  anger:  :<Let  your  bow 
shoot  what  it  will,  Apollo,  but  my  bow  shall 
shoot  you!9 

Then  Cupid  rose  up,  and  beating  the  air  with 
his  wings,  drew  two  magic  arrows  from  his 
quiver.  One  was  of  shining  gold,  and  with  ks 
barbed  point  could  he  inflict  wounds  of  love. 
The  other  arrow  was  of  dull  silver,  and  its  wound 
had  the  power  to  engender  hate. 

The  silver  arrow  Cupid  let  fly  into  the  breast 
of  Daphne,  the  daughter  of  the  River-King 
Peneus;  and  forthwith  she  fled  away  from  the 
homes  of  men,  and  hunted  beasts  in  the  forest. 

334          THE  WONDER  GARDEN 

With  the  golden  arrow  Cupid  grievously 
wounded  Apollo,  who,  fleeing  to  the  woods,  saw 
there  the  Nymph  Daphne  pursuing  the  Deer, 
and  straightway  he  fell  in  love  with  her  beauty. 
Her  golden  locks  hung  down  upon  her  neck,  her 
eyes  were  like  stars,  her  form  was  slender  and 
graceful  and  clothed  in  clinging  white.  Swifter 
than  the  light  Wind  she  flew,  and  Apollo  fol- 
lowed after. 

(O  Nymph!  daughter  of  Peneus,"  he  cried, 
"stay,  I  entreat  you!  Why  do  you  fly  as  a 
Lamb  from  the  Wolf,  as  a  Deer  from  the  Lion, 
or  as  a  Dove  with  trembling  wings  flees  from 
the  Eagle!  I  am  no  common  man!  I  am  no 
Shepherd!  You  know  not,  rash  maid,  from 
whom  you  are  flying!  Jupiter  is  my  sire.  Mine 
own  arrow  is  unerring;  but,  alas!  Cupid's  aim  is 
truer,  for  he  has  made  this  wound  in  my  heart! 
Alas!  wretched  me!  though  I  am  that  great  one 
who  discovered  the  art  of  healing,  yet  this  love 
may  not  be  healed  by  my  herbs  or  my  skill!' 

But  Daphne  stopped  not  at  these  words;  she 
flew  from  him  writh  timid  step.  The  Winds  flut- 
tered her  garments,  the  light  breezes  spread  her 
flowing  locks  behind  her.  Swiftly  Apollo  drew 
near,  even  as  the  keen  Greyhound  draws  near  to 
the  frightened  Hare  he  is  pursuing. 

With  trembling  limbs  Daphne  turned  to  the 
river,  the  home  of  her  father,  Peneus.  Close  be- 
hind her  was  Apollo.  She  felt  his  breath  on  her 

DAPHNE  335 

hair  and  his  hand  on  her  shoulder.  Her  strength 
was  spent,  she  grew  pale,  and  in  faint  accents 
she  implored  the  river :  — 

"Oh,  save  me,  my  Father,  save  me  from  Apollo- 
of-the-Golden-Beams ! >: 

Scarcely  had  she  thus  spoken  before  a  heavi- 
ness seized  her  limbs.  Her  breast  was  covered 
with  bark,  her  hair  grew  into  green  leaves  and 
her  arms  into  branches.  Her  feet,  a  moment 
before  so  swift,  became  rooted  to  the  ground. 
And  Daphne  was  no  longer  a  Nymph,  but  a 
green  Laurel-Tree. 

When  Apollo  beheld  this  change  he  cried  out 
and  embraced  the  tree,  and  kissed  its  leaves. 

"Beautiful  Daphne,"  he  said,  "since  you  can- 
not be  my  bride,  yet  shall  you  be  my  tree. 
Henceforth  my  hair,  my  lyre,  and  my  quiver 
shall  be  adorned  with  Laurel.  Your  wreaths 
shall  be  given  to  conquering  chiefs,  to  winners 
of  fame  and  joy;  and  as  my  head  has  never  been 
shorn  of  its  locks,  so  shall  you  wear  your  green 
bay  leaves,  Winter  and  Summer  —  for  ever!' 

Apollo  ceased  speaking,  and  the  Laurel  bent 
its  new-made  boughs  in  assent,  and  its  stem 
seemed  to  shake  and  its  leaves  to  murmur 



All  around  the  happy  village 
Stood  the  Maize-fields,  green  and  shining, 
Waved  the  green  plumes  of  Mondamin, 
Waved  his  soft  and  sunny  tresses, 
Filling  all  the  land  with  plenty. 
'T  was  the  women  who  in  Springtime 
Planted  the  broad  fields  and  fruitful, 
Buried  in  the  earth  Mondamin. 

•  *••••• 

Summer  passed,  and  Shawondasee 
Breathed  his  sighs  o'er  all  the  landscape, 
From  the  Southland  sent  his  ardours, 
Wafted  kisses  warm  and  tender; 
And  the  Maize-field  grew  and  ripened, 
Till  it  stood  in  all  the  splendour 
Of  its  garments  green  and  yellow, 
Of  its  tassels  and  its  plumage, 
And  the  Maize-ears  full  and  shining 
Gleamed  from  bursting  sheaths  of  verdure. 

TJien  Nokomis,  the  old  woman, 
Spake,  and  said  to  Minnehaha, 
"Let  us  gather  in  the  harvest, 
Let  us  wrestle  with  Mondamin, 
Strip  him  of  his  plumes  and  tassels, 
Of  his  garments  green  and  yellow ! " 


Hiawatha  (condensed} 


OFTEN  after  a  thunderstorm,  when  one  passes  a 
field  of  Buckwheat,  one  sees  the  grain  all  black- 
ened and  singed.  It  looks  as  if  a  fire  had  passed 
over  it.  Then  the  farmer  says,  "The  Light- 
ning did  it!' 

But  this  is  what  a  Sparrow  told  me  about  it. 
The  Sparrow  heard  it  from  an  old  Willow-Tree 
that  stood  by  a  buckwheat-field,  and  stands 
there  yet.  It  is  quite  an  old  tree,  and  crippled 
from  age.  It  is  burst  in  the  middle,  and  grass 
and  brambles  grow  out  of  its  cleft.  The  tree 
leans  forward,  and  its  branches  hang  down  to 
the  ground  like  long  green  hair. 

This  is  what  the  Sparrow  told :  — 

In  the  fields  around  the  Willow-Tree  grain 
was  growing;  not  only  Rye  and  Barley,  but  also 
Oats, — yes,  the  most  capital  Oats,  —  which  when 
ripe  looked  like  many  little  Canary  birds  sitting 
on  a  spray.  And  the  Oats  and  the  other  grains 
in  the  fields  stood  there  smiling;  and  the  richer 
their  ears,  the  lower  they  bent  in  pious  humility. 

But  there  was  also  a  field  of  Buckwheat  near 
the  old  Willow-Tree.  The  Buckwheat  did  not 
bend  at  all  like  the  other  grains,  but  stood 
proudly  and  stiffly. 

"I  am  as  rich  as  any  ear  of  grain!"  said  the 

340          THE  WONDER  GARDEN 

Buckwheat.  "Besides,  I  am  much  handsomer! 
My  flowers  are  as  beautiful  as  the  Apple- 
blossoms!  It  is  quite  a  delight  for  any  one  to 
look  at  me  or  mine!  Do  you  know  anything 
more  splendid  than  we  are,  you  old  Willow 

And  the  Willow-Tree  nodded  his  head,  just  as 
if  to  say,  ' ! Yes,  that's  true  enough!' 

But  the  Buckwheat  spread  itself  out  from 
sheer  vanity,  and  said:  "The stupid  tree!  He's 
so  old  that  the  grass  grows  in  his  body!' 

Now  a  terrible  Storm  came  on.  All  the  field- 
flowers  folded  their  leaves  together,  and  bowed 
their  heads,  while  the  Storm  passed  over  them. 
But  the  Buckwheat  stood  erect  in  its  pride. 

"Bow  your  head  like  us!"  said  all  the  flowers. 

"I've  not  the  slightest  reason  to  do  so,"  said 
the  Buckwheat. 

"Bend  your  head  as  we  do!"  cried  all  the  other 
grains.  'The  Storm  comes  flying.  He  has  wings 
that  reach  from  the  Clouds  to  the  earth.  He'll 
beat  you  to  pieces  before  you  can  cry  for 

"Yes,  but  I  will  not  bend,"  said  the  Buck- 

"Shut  up  your  flowers  and  bow  your  leaves," 
said  the  old  Willow-Tree.  "Don't  look  up  at 
the  Lightning  when  the  Cloud  bursts  open. 
Even  men  do  not  do  that.  For  in  the  Light- 
ning one  may  see  into  Heaven;  but  that  dazzles 


even  men.  And  what  would  happen  to  us  if  we 
dared  to  do  so  —  we  the  plants  of  the  field  that 
are  so  much  less  worthy  than  they!'1 

:<So  much  less  worthy!"  cried  the  Buckwheat. 
"Now,  I'll  look  straight  up  into  Heaven!' 

And  the  Buckwheat  did  so  in  its  pride  and 

It  was  as  if  the  whole  world  were  on  fire,  so 
bright  was  the  Lightning.  And  when  the  Storm 
was  passed  by,  the  flowers  and  grains  stood  in 
the  still  pure  air,  refreshed  by  the  Rain.  But 
the  Buckwheat  was  turned  coal-black  by  the 
Lightning,  and  it  was  like  a  dead  weed  upon  the 

And  the  old  Willow  Tree  waved  its  branches 
in  the  Wind,  and  great  drops  of  water  fell  from 
its  green  leaves,  just  as  if  the  tree  wept. 

And  the  Sparrows  asked:  "Why  do  you  weep? 
Here  everything  is  so  cheerful!  See  how  the 
Sun  shines.  See  how  the  Clouds  sail  by.  Do 
you  not  breathe  the  scent  of  flowers  and  bushes? 
Why  do  you  weep,  Willow-Tree ?': 

And  the  Willow-Tree  told  them  of  the  pride 
of  the  Buckwheat,  of  its  boasting,  and  of  the 
punishment  that  always  follows  such  sin. 

And  I  who  tell  you  this  tale  have  heard  it  from 
the  Sparrows.  They  told  it  to  me  one  evening, 
when  I  begged  them  for  a  story. 


342          THE  WONDER  GARDEN 



West  African  Folktale 

ONE  day,  Farmer  Mybrow  was  looking  for  a 
piece  of  land  to  make  into  a  farm.  He  wished  to 
grow  Corn  and  Yams.  He  found  a  fine  spot  close 
to  a  forest.  He  set  to  work  at  once  to  prepare 
the  field  by  cutting  down  the  weeds  and  bushes. 

Now  the  forest  was  the  home  of  some  Fairies; 
and  no  sooner  had  Farmer  Mybrow  sharpened 
his  knife  and  cut  down  the  first  bush,  than  he 
heard  a  little  voice  say :  — 

'Who  is  there,  cutting  down  the  bushes?' 

Farmer  Mybrow  was  too  astonished  to  speak, 
and  the  little  voice  said  again :  - 

'Who  is  there,  cutting  down  the  bushes?' 

Then  he  knew  that  it  must  be  one  of  the 
Fairies,  and  he  answered :  — 

'I  am  Mybrow  come  to  prepare  a  farm  for 
Corn  and  Yams." 

Fortunately,  the  Fairies  were  in  great  good 
humour,  and  he  heard  one  of  them  say :  — 

'Let  us  help  the  farmer  cut  down  the  bushes!' 

And  instantly,  to  his  delight,  all  the  bushes  and 
weeds  were  rapidly  cut  down.  Then  he  returned 
home  well  pleased  with  the  day's  work,  but  re- 
solved to  keep  the  matter  a  secret  from  his  wife, 
who  was  very  curious  and  meddlesome. 


When  the  time  came  to  burn  the  dry  brush, 
he  set  off  for  his  farm,  hoping  that  the  Fairies 
would  help  him  again.  He  struck  the  trunk  of  a 
tree  as  he  passed,  and  he  heard  the  same  little 
voice  say:  — 

"Who  is  there,  striking  a  tree?' 

And  he  answered,  :<I  am  My  brow  come  to 
burn  the  brush." 

"Let  us  help  the  farmer  burn  the  brush  I9' 
cried  the  little  voice. 

And  instantly  all  the  dried  weeds  and  brush 
were  burned,  and  the  field  was  left  clean  in  less 
than  no  time. 

The  next  day  the  Fairies  helped  him  again. 
For  when  Farmer  Mybrow  came  to  chop  up  the 
stumps  for  firewood,  in  a  twinkling  all  the  fire- 
wood was  neatly  piled  and  ready  to  be  carried 
home.  So  it  went  on  from  day  to  day.  The 
field  was  dug,  sowed,  and  planted,  the  Fairies 
doing  it  all. 

Still  Farmer  Mybrow  managed  to  keep  things 
a  secret  from  his  wife,  although  each  time  he 
left  home  she  begged  him  to  tell  her  where  his 
farm  lay. 

The  plants  grew  tall  and  strong,  and  Farmer 
Mybrow  visited  them  every  day,  and  rejoiced 
over  the  rich  harvest  that  he  should  soon  have. 

One  morning,  while  the  Corn  and  Yams  were 
yet  in  their  unripe  and  milky  stage,  Farmer 
Mybrow's  wife  came  to  him  weeping  and  wring- 

344          THE  WONDER  GARDEN 

ing  her  hands,  and  insisted  on  knowing  where 
his  farm  lay,  so  that  she  might  fetch  some  fire- 
wood from  it. 

At  first  he  refused  to  tell  her,  but  when  she 
began  to  scream,  and  to  say  that  she  should  die 
if  she  did  not  know  where  it  was,  he  said :  — 

'I  will  tell  you,  if  you  will  promise  not  to  an- 
swer any  question  that  is  asked  you." 

She  promised  this  eagerly,  and  he  told  her 
where  his  farm  lay.  Then  she  set  out  immediately 
for  it. 

When  she  arrived  there,  she  was  amazed  to 
see  such  wonderful  fields  of  Corn  and  Yams. 
The  Corn  looked  so  tempting  that  she  plucked 
an  ear.  Then  she  heard  the  little  voice  say :  — 

'Who  is  there,  plucking  the  Corn?' 
'WTio  dares  ask  me  such  a  question?"  she  an- 
swered angrily.      Then,    going   on   farther,    she 
pulled  a  Yam. 

"Who  is  there,  pulling  the  Yams?'  said  the 
little  voice. 

"  'T  is  I,  Farmer  Mybrow's  wife,"  she  an- 
swered. "And  I'll  break  off  as  much  Corn  and 
pull  as  many  Yams  as  I  choose." 

"Let  us  help  the  farmer's  wife  pluck  the  Corn 
and  pull  the  Yams!"  cried  the  little  voice. 

And  instantly  all  the  Corn-Ears  and  Yams 
lay  useless  on  the  ground,  and  the  whole 
harvest  was  utterly  spoiled,  for  it  was  green  and 


When  Farmer  Mybrow's  wife  saw  this,  she 
was  horrified,  and  ran  home  weeping.  But  she 
did  not  tell  her  husband  what  had  happened. 

The  next  morning  the  poor  man  hurried  glee- 
fully to  the  farm  to  see  how  his  fine  crops  were 
doing.  When  what  did  he  find  but  his  whole 
harvest  destroyed  and  his  Corn-Ears  and  Yams 
lying  on  the  ground!  He  was  filled  with  anger 
and  dismay. 

"Alas!"  cried  he.  "This  comes  of  my  own 
foolishness,  and  of  my  wife's  broken  promise! 
Next  year  she  may  weep  and  rage,  but  she  shall 
not  draw  my  secret  from  me!' 


Scotch  Folktale 

ONCE  upon  a  time,  a  hunter  was  sitting  alone 
in  his  hut  before  a  peat  fire.  Near  him  his 
faithful  Dogs  lay  stretched,  resting  after  a 
hard  day's  run.  The  Storm  howled  outside, 
and  the  hunter  sat  listening  to  the  Rain  and 

Suddenly  the  latch  was  lifted,  and  a  Black 
Cat,  shivering  with  the  cold  and  wet  to  the  skin, 
sprang  across  the  threshold.  She  stood  trembling 
in  the  middle  of  the  floor,  while  the  Dogs  rose 
up,  every  hair  on  their  bodies  bristling. 

"Great  Hunter-of -the-Hills ! "  cried  the  Black 

346          THE   WONDER  GARDEN 

Cat  piteously.     :( Spare,  oh,  spare  a  poor  crea- 
ture that  is  so  hungry,  wet,  and  cold!' 

'Come,  sit  by  the  fire,"  said  the  hunter,  moved 
with  pity.     " Nothing  shall  harm  you." 

He  then  tried  to  calm  the  Dogs,  and  they  lay 
down  again,  growling,  their  hair  still  bristling. 
But  the  Black  Cat  did  not  move. 

"I  cannot  come  near  the  fire,  good  hunter," 
she  said  gently,  *  unless  you  first  bind  your  two 
furious  Hounds  with  this  hair." 

And  the  hunter  saw  that  she  held  a  long  black 
hair  in  her  mouth.  He  took  it,  but  instead  of 
binding  the  Dogs,  he  threw  it  across  a  beam 
near  the  chimney. 

The  Black  Cat  thought  that  the  Dogs  were 
tied,  so  she  approached  the  fire,  and  squatted 
down  before  it,  as  if  to  dry  herself. 

When  she  had  been  there  only  a  few  minutes, 
the  hunter  saw  that  she  was  swelling. 

:<Bad  luck  to  you,  Puss!'  he  cried.  'You 
are  getting  bigger!' 

;  Yes  —  yes  — "  purred  the  Cat,  <;*as  my  hairs 
dry  they  stand  out." 

But  she  kept  on  swelling,  and  swelling,  and 

"More  bad  luck  to  you,  Puss!'  cried  the 
hunter.  :You  are  as  big  as  my  bucket!' 

"Yes  —  yes,"  snarled  the  Cat.  'When  my 
skin  dries,  it  expands." 

And  still  she  kept  on  swelling,  and  swelling, 
and  swelling. 


"Black  death  to  you,  evil  beast!'  cried  the 
hunter.  "You're  as  big  as  the  door!' 

At  that  the  Black  Cat  reared  her  back  up 
until  it  touched  the  ceiling,  and  screeched :  — 

"Fasten  hair!  Fasten!''  for  she  thought  the 
Dogs  were  tied. 

And  the  hair  fastened  itself  so  tightly  around 
the  beam  that  it  cut  it  in  two.  Then  up  sprang 
the  Dogs,  their  eyes  rolling  and  red,  and  leaped 
toward  the  Cat. 

But  before  they  could  touch  her,  she  turned 
into  a  Witch,  and  flew  yelling  up  the  chimney. 


Caddo  Tale 

LONG,  long  ago  in  Red  Indian  Land,  all  Dogs 
talked  just  as  people  do.  But  they  were  great 
tattlers,  and  ran  about  telling  everything  their 
masters  did.  Of  course  the  masters  did  not  like 
this  at  all,  and  they  scolded  them,  and  even 
whipped  them.  But  it  was  of  no  use,  for  they 
still  ran  about  tattling. 

Now,  there  was  a  young  brave  named  Run- 
ning Water,  who  was  a  great  hunter.  At  first 
he  would  not  own  a  Dog.  But  he  was  so  lonely 
on  his  hunting  trips,  that  at  last  he  decided  that 
he  would  adopt  a  very  young  one,  and  bring  it 
up  so  well  that  it  should  not  talk  too  much. 

So  he  found  a  nice  bright  puppy,  only  a  few 

348         THE  WONDER  GARDEN 

days  old.  He  took  him  home,  and  brought 
him  up  very  well  indeed.  And  when  the  little 
Dog  was  big  enough,  and  had  learned  not  to 

talk  too  much,  he  took  him  out  to  hunt  Rab- 


bits.  And  after  that  the  little  Dog  always  went 
with  Running  Water  on  his  hunting  trips. 

But  this  little  Dog  was  worse  than  all  the 
other  Dogs.  They  ran  around  in  plain  sight 
telling  what  their  masters  did.  But  this  little 
Dog  would  wait  until  Running  Water  was  busy 
shooting  Rabbits,  then  he  would  sneak  away 
to  the  village,  and  boast  to  every  one  how  he 
and  his  master  had  killed  a  lot  of  game.  Then 
back  he  would  hurry,  and  creep  up  very  softly 
behind  Running  Water  as  if  he  had  been  there 
all  the  time. 

Running  Water,  however,  knew  all  that  the 
bad  little  Dog  was  doing,  and  he  whipped  him, 
and  scolded  him,  until  he  thought  that  the  little 
Dog  was  cured  of  telling  lying  tales. 

Now,  one  day  Running  Water  told  his  mother 
to  prepare  plenty  of  food,  because  he  was  going 
to  the  mountains  to  hunt  game,  and  would  be 
gone  for  a  long  time. 

His  mother  did  so;  and  he  loaded  several 
Horses  with  the  food  and  blankets,  and  started 
out,  the  little  Dog  leaping  and  playing  by  his 

They  hunted  for  several  weeks,  and  killed  some 
big  animals,  then  they  set  out  for  home.  After 


a  day's  journey,  Running  Water  missed  the  little 
Dog.  He  searched  for  him  on  all  sides,  and 
even  went  back  to  the  mountains,  but  could 
not  find  him. 

And  what  was  the  little  Dog  doing?  He  had 
hurried  on  ahead,  just  as  fast  as  he  could,  and 
was  going  about  the  village  boasting  to  every 
one  how  he  and  his  master  had  killed  hundreds 
of  Mountain-lions,  Bears,  Deer,  Coyotes,  and 
so  many  other  animals  that  he  could  not  name 
them  all. 

Well,  when  Running  Water  reached  the  vil- 
lage, and  found  all  the  people  excited,  he  was 
more  angry  than  ever  before. 

"Now,"  said  he,  "I  will  surely  stop  that  little 
Dog  from  tattling!'1 

So  he  caught  the  little  Dog,  whipped  him 
hard,  and,  taking  hold  of  his  tongue,  pulled,  and 
pulled,  and  pulled  it  out  very  long.  Then  he 
ran  a  stick  across  the  little  Dog's  mouth. 

And  that  is  why  all  Dogs  have  long  tongues 
and  big  mouths,  and  why  they  are  afraid  to 


New  Tale 

ONCE  there  was  a  little  girl.  She  lived  all  alone 
with  her  mother  in  a  wee  house  in  the  wood. 

They  were  very  poor,  and  did  not  have  much 
to  eat;  but  the  little  girl  wanted  Potatoes  every 

350          THE  WONDER  GARDEN 

day  for  every  meal.  She  liked  them  fried  and 
crisp.  She  liked  them  mashed  with  butter  and 
milk.  And,  better  yet,  she  liked  them  baked 
brown  and  sweet  in  the  hot  ashes  on  the  hearth. 

One  day  her  mother  said:  :<My  child,  I  am 
going  to  town  to  buy  a  loaf  of  bread.  Here  is  a 
piece  of  cheese  for  your  luncheon.  There  is  just 
one  Potato  left  on  the  shelf  in  the  cupboard.  Do 
not  touch  it.  It  is  for  our  supper."  Then  she 
went  away. 

After  she  was  gone  the  little  girl  swept  the 
kitchen  floor,  made  the  bed,  and  fed  the  Pigs 
and  Chickens.  Then  she  felt,  oh!  so  hungry! 
And  she  ate  up  all  the  cheese.  But  it  was  not 
lunch-time  yet. 

When  lunch-time  really  came,  the  little  girl 
was  so  very,  very  hungry  that  she  did  not  know 
what  to  do.  She  thought  and  thought  about  the 
Potato  on  the  shelf  in  the  cupboard. 

"How  good  it  would  taste  fried!'  thought 
she.  :'No!  I  would  rather  have  it  boiled  and 
mashed!  No!  No!  It  would  be  perfectly  de- 
licious baked!' 

And  before  she  knew  what  she  was  doing,  she 
ran  to  the  cupboard  and  got  the  Potato,  and 
buried  it  in  the  hot  ashes  on  the  hearth.  Then 
she  sat  down  to  watch  it. 

By  and  by  she  heard  "Puff!  Puff!  Puff!" 
and  she  knew  that  the  Potato  was  done. 

She  was  just  going  to  dig  it  out  of  the  ashes 


with  a  fork,  when  up  jumped  the  Potato  him- 
self! He  had  a  mouth,  and  a  nose,  and  eyes  all 
round  him,  and  spindle  legs  and  arms.  He  went 
straight  up  the  chimney  and  was  gone. 

Well,  the  little  girl  was  so  frightened  that  she 
ran  out  of  the  house,  and  looked  up  at  the 
chimney.  And  there  sat  the  Potato  on  the  roof, 
laughing  and  holding  his  sides. 

She  got  a  ladder  and  climbed  to  the  roof. 
She  put  out  her  hand  and  was  just  going  to 
catch  him,  when  —  puff!  the  Potato  was  gone 
again!  She  looked,  and  there  he  was  running 
along  the  road  in  front  of  the  house.  She  clam- 
bered down  and  hastened  after,  crying  and 
crying :  — 

"Potato!    Potato!    Come  back!    Come  back! 
Or  my  mother  will  scold  me.    Alack!    Alack!" 

And  the  Potato  called  and  called :  — 

"Catch  me!    Catch  me!    And  carry  me  back! 
And  you  shall  have  a  Magic  Sack!'' 

He  ran  fast,  but  she  ran  faster.  She  put  out 
her  hand,  and  was  just  going  to  catch  him, 
when  —  puff!  the  Potato  was  gone  again ! 

Then  she  heard  him  laugh  over  her  head.  And 
there  he  sat  on  the  branch  of  a  tree,  laughing 
and  holding  his  sides. 

So  she  climbed  up.  She  put  out  her  hand  and 
was  just  going  to  catch  him,  when  —  puff!  the 
Potato  was  gone  again! 

352          THE  WONDER  GARDEN 

She  looked,  and  there  he  was  running  away 
through  the  woods.  She  clambered  down  and 
hastened  after,  weeping  and  weeping:  — 

"Potato!    Potato!    Comeback!    Comeback! 
Or  my  mother  will  whip  me  I    Alack!    Alack!" 

And  the  Potato  called  and  called:  — 

"Catch  me!    Catch  me!    And  carry  me  back ! 
And  you  shall  have  a  Magic  Sack!" 

And  he  ran  fast;  but  she  ran  faster.  She  put 
out  her  hand,  and  was  just  going  to  catch  him, 
when  —  puff!  the  Potato  was  gone  again. 

Then  she  heard  him  laugh  near  her  feet.  And 
there  he  sat  at  the  bottom  of  an  old  dried  well, 
laughing  and  holding  his  sides. 

She  put  out  her  hand,  and  caught  him. 

Then  —  puff!  the  Potato  was  gone  again,  and 
what  do  you  think?  The  little  girl  found  herself 
standing  in  the  door  of  her  own  wee  house. 

She  ran  into  the  kitchen,  and  there  was  the 
Potato  —  just  an  ordinary  one  again,  brown  and 
dirty,  —  lying  on  the  shelf  in  the  cupboard,  and 
near  it  was  a  Magic  Sack  filled  with  new,  clean, 
pink  Potatoes! 

And  when  the  little  girl's  mother  came  home, 
she  was  delighted  to  find  the  Magic  Sack.  And 
though  she  cooked  a  great  many  of  the  Pota- 
toes for  supper,  she  could  not  empty  the  sack, 
for  every  time  she  took  one  out  another  came  in 
its  place. 


So  after  that,  every  day  at  every  meal,  the 
little  girl  had  all  the  Potatoes  she  wanted  to 
eat.  She  had  them  fried  and  crisp  for  breakfast. 
She  had  them  mashed  with  butter  and  milk  for 
luncheon.  And  for  supper  she  had  them,  best 
of  all,  baked  brown  and  sweet  in  the  hot  ashes 
on  the  hearth. 


Chinese  Tale 

ONCE  upon  a  time,  in  a  little  village  in  China, 
there  lived  an  honest  old  farmer  called  Mr. 
Chang.  He  was  so  kind-hearted  and  polite  that 
he  never  said  a  rude  thing  to  anybody.  He  had 
a  large  flock  of  Ducks. 

Close  to  his  farm  lived  a  good-for-nothing 
beggar  named  Wang.  One  night  Wang  felt 
hungry,  so  he  rose,  and  stole  Mr.  Chang's 
biggest  Duck,  carried  it  home,  and  ate  it.  Then 
he  went  to  bed. 

In  the  middle  of  the  night  he  felt  pricklings  all 
over  his  body,  and  when  he  got  up  in  the  morn- 
ing he  found  that  he  was  covered  with  sharp 
duck-feathers  that  were  growing  out  of  his  skin 
like  so  many  pin-points.  He  was  in  great  pain 
all  day,  and  was  ashamed  to  go  out. 

That  night,  when  he  was  asleep,  he  dreamed 
that  a  man  came  to  him  and  said :  — 

"You  are  being  well  punished  for  stealing 

354          THE  WONDER  GARDEN 

that  Duck.  You  will  have  to  wear  the  feathers 
until  you  go  to  Mr.  Chang,  and  persuade  him  to 
call  you  a  thief." 

When  Wang  woke,  he  was  very  much  worried, 
for  he  did  not  wish  to  tell  that  he  had  stolen  the 
Duck.  At  last  he  thought  of  a  way  out  of  it. 
He  went  to  Mr.  Chang  and  said:  — 

"Sir,  your  Duck  was  stolen  by  old  Lin  who 
lives  down  the  road.  He  does  not  like  to  be 
called  bad  names,  so  if  you  will  go  to  him  and 
call  him  a  thief,  he  will  give  back  the  Duck." 

"Ha!  Ha!"  laughed  kind  Mr.  Chang.  "I 
have  no  time  to  waste  calling  people  bad  names. 
No!  No!  Let  him  have  my  Duck,  and  be 

Just  then  Wang's  skin  began  to  smart  and 
burn.  He  could  feel  the  sharp  feathers  growing 
longer  and  longer,  so  in  a  terrible  fright  he  fell 
on  his  knees,  and  confessed  how  he  had  stolen 
the  Duck  and  eaten  it.  Then  he  begged  Mr. 
Chang  to  call  him  a  thief. 

"Why,  my  good  man,"  said  polite  Mr.  Chang, 
very  much  shocked,  'I  have  never  called  any 
one  a  rude  name,  and  I  shall  certainly  not  do  so 


Thereupon  poor  WTang,  in  tears,  tore  open  his 
coat,  and  showed  all  those  horrid  feathers  stick- 
ing out  of  his  skin. 

And  when  Mr.  Chang  saw  them,  he  shouted 
in  horror:  — 


"You  are  a  thief !    You  are  a  thief !' 
Immediately   the   duck-feathers   disappeared, 

and  Wang  stood  up. 

He  thanked  Mr.  Chang  over  and  over  again; 

and  you  may  be  sure  that  he  took  good  care 

never  to  steal  or  lie  again. 


New  Tale 

ONCE  upon  a  time,  there  was  a  boy  who  lived 
with  his  sister  in  a  tepee  made  of  vines.  They 
lived  on  a  large  green  island.  Everywhere  grew 
plants  covered  with  scarlet  flowers  or  delicious 
berries.  A  tree  with  big  leaves  like  fans  waved  over 
the  tepee,  and  birds,  red,  yellow,  and  blue,  sang 
among  the  leaves.  Oh,  it  was  a  beautiful  island ! 
The  brother  and  sister  had  no  work  to  do,  and 
they  played  all  the  day  long,  eating  as  many 
berries  as  they  wished.  But  the  sister  was  not 
happy.  Each  morning  she  got  up  when  the  Sun 
rose,  and  sang  a  sad  song :  — 

"  There  are  many  berries  on  the  bushes, 

There  are  many  birds  on  our  tree, 
There  are  many  children  in  the  big  World, 
But  only  two  in  our  tepee!" 

"Why  do  you  sing  so  sadly,  sister?"  asked  the 

But  she  shook  her  head  and  wept.  And  so  it 
happened  every  day  for  months. 

356          THE  WONDER  GARDEN 

At  last  one  morning  the  boy  made  himself  a 
bow  of  yellow  wood,  and  two  arrows  tipped  with 
green  and  blue  feathers;  then  he  said:  — 

;( Farewell,  sister!  I  am  going  out  into  the 
big  World  to  find  your  lost  happiness." 

The  sister  answered :  — 

;<Know  that  my  heart  is  breaking  because 
there  are  no  children  on  our  island  to  play  with 
me.  Each  month  when  the  Moon  is  full  I  paddle 
the  canoe  down  the  river  to  the  Big  Sea  Water, 
and  visit  a  beautiful  island  where  there  are 
many  children.  I  play  with  them,  and  they  give 
me  good  things  to  eat.  But  when  I  get  into  my 
canoe  to  come  home,  the  girls  laugh  at  me  and 
say:  'We  will  not  go  to  your  island  because  you 
have  only  berries  to  eat.'  So  I  return  home 
sorrowful";  and  the  sister  wept  again. 

Well,  the  boy  comforted  her,  saying:  "I  will 
go  to  the  Medicine  Man  of  the  Black  Rock,  and 
ask  him  what  to  do." 

So  he  launched  his  canoe  in  the  river,  and  pad- 
dled down  to  the  Big  Sea  Water.  Then  he 
hoisted  a  tiny  red  sail,  and  the  Wind  blew  him, 
and  blew  him,  night  and  day,  across  the  waves. 
At  last  he  came  to  a  large  black  rock  standing 
out  of  the  water.  From  its  top  rose  a  cloud  of 
white  smoke. 

The  boy  jumped  out  of  his  canoe,  and  sang 
a  magic  song,  and  a  door  opened  in  the  rock.  He 
stepped  into  a  room  with  black  walls.  On  a 


Magic  Deerskin  in  the  middle  of  the  room  sat 
the  old  Medicine  Man  smoking  his  black  pipe, 
while  from  its  bowl  went  up  a  long  line  of  snow- 
white  Pigeons,  that  flew  out  of  a  hole  in  the  roof, 
and  away. 

Stepping  up  to  the  old  Medicine  Man,  the 
boy  laid  the  yellow  bow  and  the  green  and  blue 
plumed  arrows  at  his  feet.  Then  the  old  Man, 
smiling,  held  out  his  pipe,  and  the  boy  took  it 
and  put  it  to  his  lips. 

He  softly  breathed  his  magic  song,  and  smoked 
the  pipe.  Then  from  its  bowl  went  whirring  up 
a  long  line  of  Bluebirds,  Robins,  and  Thrushes; 
singing  sweetly  they  flew  out  through  the  hole 
in  the  roof,  and  away. 

Then  the  old  Medicine  Man  smiled  again, 
and  said:  — 

"Mighty  is  your  magic  song,  my  Son,  for 
you  have  smoked  my  black  pipe  and  released  my 
song-birds.  I  know  what  you  want.  You  may 
choose  a  gift  for  your  sister  from  my  Magic 
Garden  of  Plants." 

So  saying,  he  rose  from  his  Deerskin,  and 
struck  the  wall  with  his  pipe.  Immediately  the 
wall  opened,  and  the  boy  stepped  into  a  garden 
filled  with  waving  green  plants. 

All  their  leaves  began  to  rustle,  and  he  heard 
little  voices  crying  out  around  him:  "Pick  me!' 
"Pull  me!"     "Pluck  me!" 

He  looked  carefully  about,  but  he  did  not  know 

358          THE  WONDER  GARDEN 

which  plant  to  choose  for  his  sister.  Some  were 
covered  with  beautiful  red  flowers,  and  others 
had  strange  fruits  growing  on  them. 

Then  a  voice  at  his  right  foot  cried  out: 
'Pick  me!  Pick  me!  I  will  warm  you  when 
the  cold,  cold  Winter  comes!' 

And  the  boy  saw  near  his  right  foot  a  large 
plant  hung  with  Red  Peppers  like  big  scarlet 

He  thought  to  himself:  "Peppers  will  burn  my 
sister's  mouth." 

Then  a  voice  at  his  left  foot  cried  out:  "Pluck 
me!  Pluck  me!  I  will  refresh  you  when  the 
hot,  hot  Summer  comes ! ' 

And  he  saw  near  his  left  foot  a  big  plant  hung 
with  luscious  Tomatoes,  smooth  and  red. 

He  thought  to  himself:  *  Tomatoes  will  not 
strengthen  my  sister." 

Then  a  voice  cried  out  in  front  of  him:  <:<Pull 
me!  Pull  me!  I'm  sweet  and  brown!  I'm 
mealy  and  white!  Cold  in  Summer,  hot  in 
Winter!  Eat  me!  Eat  me!" 

And  the  boy  saw  in  front  of  him  a  homely 
plant  with  tiny  white  flowers  staring  up  from 
its  leaves.  So  he  pulled  and  pulled.  The  plant 
came  up,  and  there  on  its  roots  were  many  brown 
balls,  each  holding  a  secret. 

He  thought  to  himself:  'I'll  take  this  home 
to  my  sister." 

So  the  old  Medicine  Man  let  him  have  the 


plant,  and  he  stepped  into  his  canoe.  He  hoisted 
his  tiny  red  sail,  and  the  Wind  blew  him,  and 
blew  him,  night  and  day,  across  the  waves  to 
his  home. 

His  sister  ran  to  meet  him,  and  he  gave  her 
the  plant.  She  picked  all  the  brown  balls  off  its 
roots,  and  buried  some  in  the  earth  with  hot 

WTien  she  dug  them  up  again,  they  were 
puffy  and  hot,  snow-white  inside,  and  delicious! 

Then  the  boy  took  the  rest  of  the  brown  balls 
and  buried  them  in  the  earth  without  the  hot 
stones,  and  left  them  there.  By  and  by,  green 
plants  grew  up,  their  roots  hung  with  brown 

Then  the  brother  and  sister  made  a  great 
feast,  and  asked  all  the  children  from  the  island 
in  the  Big  Sea  Water.  They  came,  and  after 
they  had  tasted  the  puffy  brown  balls,  they 
wished  to  stay  for  ever. 

And  they  named  the  brother  "Potato-Choos- 
ing-Boy,"  and  so  he  was  called  all  his  life. 

And  his  sister  laughed,  and  sang:  — 

"  There  are  many  berries  on  the  bushes, 

There  are  many  birds  on  our  tree, 
There  are  many  children  on  our  island, 
And  joy  in  our  tepee  I" 

360          THE  WONDER  GARDEN 

Navaho  Myth 

AT  the  foot  of  the  Encircled  Mountain,  in  the 
distant  Navaho  land,  there  once  dwelt  a  young 
brave  named  Natinesthani.  He  was  very  poor, 
for  he  had  gambled  away  all  his  goods.  And  as 
he  had  nothing  to  eat,  he  was  forced  to  go  to  the 
mountain  to  hunt  Wood-Rats  and  Rabbits. 

Near  him  lived  his  brother  and  his  niece. 
They  had  plenty  of  food,  but  they  would  not 
give  him  any.  They  were  angry  because  he 
had  gambled  away  all  that  he  possessed. 

"Let  him  live  on  Wood-Rats  and  Rabbits  as 
best  he  can,"  said  his  brother. 

So  things  went  from  bad  to  worse  with  Nat- 
inesthani. One  morning  he  rose  early  and  said 
to  himself: — 

'My  brother  disowns  me.  My  niece,  whom 
I  love,  will  not  look  at  me.  I  will  go  away  and 
never  come  back.  I  will  go  to  a  land  where  I 
shall  be  happy." 

Then  he  put  on  his  moccasins  made  of  Yucca- 
fibre  and  grass,  and  flung  over  his  shoulders  an 
old  blanket  woven  of  Yucca-fibre  and  Cedar- 
bark.  After  which  he  went  to  his  niece  and 
begged  her  to  roast  him  some  Wood-Rats.  She 
did  so,  and  ground  a  quantity  of  meal,  which 
she  put  into  a  bag  made  of  Wood-Rat  skins. 


Now  the  niece  had  a  pet  grey  Turkey  —  in 
those  days  all  Turkeys  had  grey  feathers  —  and 
it  was  roosting  in  a  tree  near  the  lodge.  And 
Natinesthani  said  to  her:  — 

"Dear  Niece,  give  me  your  Turkey.  I  am 
going  among  strangers,  and  shall  be  lonely.  I 
love  the  bird,  and  it  will  remind  me  of  home. 
Yet  I  will  not  take  it  from  you  by  force." 

"Well,  take  my  Turkey,  then,"  said  his 
niece,  for  she  really  felt  sorry  for  Natinesthani. 

So  he  took  the  bird  and  the  bag  of  meal  and 
the  roasted  Wood-Rats,  and  carried  them  all  to 
a  river  called  Old  Age  Water,  that  flowed  near 
the  Encircled  Mountain. 

He  had  no  canoe,  and  he  was  just  going  to 
chop  down  a  tree  to  make  one,  when  he  heard  a 
voice  close  behind  him  crying:  — 

"Wu!    Hu!    Hu!    Hu!" 

He  looked  around  and  saw  a  stately  Chief 
standing  close  to  him.  On  his  head  was  a  bon- 
net of  eagle-plumes  tipped  with  Owl-Feathers. 
Over  his  shoulders  hung  finely  dressed  deer- 
skins. His  face  was  wonderfully  painted,  red 
and  black. 

This  Chief  stood  for  a  moment  in  silence, 
then  he  shouted :  — 

"Wu!  Hu!  Hu!  Hu!"  and  made  a  sign  for 
Natinesthani  to  stand  up. 

The  young  man  did  so,  holding  his  Turkey  in 
his  arms. 

362          THE   WONDER  GARDEN 

:<My  Grandson,"  asked  the  Chief,  'what  are 
you  doing?  Where  are  you  going?' 

'I  am  an  outcast,"  replied  Natinesthani.  'I 
wish  to  go  far  away  from  my  people.  Take 
pity  on  me!  Do  not  stop  me!  Let  me  go  down 
this  river  with  my  Turkey,  until  I  find  a  land 
where  I  shall  be  happy." 

"No,  my  Grandson,"  said  the  Chief.  'You 
must  not  go  down  Old  Age  Water  alone.  You 
wTill  be  drowned.  I  am  the  Talking  Magician. 
I  pity  you." 

Then  the  Talking  Magician  shouted  again, 
"  Wu !  Hu !  Hu !  Hu ! "  and  immediately  there 
stood  beside  him  a  number  of  strange  Beings. 

"My  People,"  said  he,  "cut  down  a  tree!" 

Immediately  the  strange  Beings  felled  a  huge 

:<Do  you,   O   Straight   Lightning,"   said  he, 
'bore  a  hole  through  it!' 

Immediately  Straight  Lightning  flashed  through 
the  tree,  boring  a  hole  from  end  to  end. 

:'Do  you,  O  my  Winds,  make  the  hole  larger!" 

Inimediatelv  Black  Wind,  Blue  Wind,  Yellow 

t/  x 

Wind,  and  White  Wind  rushed  through  the 
hole  and  made  it  larger. 

"Do  your  duty,  O  my  Clouds!" 

Immediately  a  White  Cloud  wrapped  him- 
self around  Natinesthani,  and,  lifting  him  gently, 
placed  him  inside  the  tree.  Then  Black  Cloud 
crept  into  the  hole  and  stopped  up  one  end, 


while  Blue  Cloud  closed  the  other.    So  Natines- 
thani  was  tightly  shut  in. 

Then  they  launched  the  tree,  and  as  it  floated 
down  stream,  Natinesthani  sang  softly :  — 

"0  the  beautiful  Tree,  they  felled  for  me! 
0  the  beautiful  Tree,  they  bored  for  me! 
0  the  beautiful  Tree,  that  carries  me 
To  the  Land  where  I  shall  happy  be!'' 

But  all  this  time  he  had  forgotten  his  pet 
Turkey.  He  did  not  know  that  the  Talking 
Magician  had  taken  it  from  him,  and  that  the 
strange  Beings  were  doing  many  marvellous 
things  to  its  wings. 

So  Natinesthani  floated  on  and  on,  singing  as 
he  went.  The  Four  Winds  guided  the  tree 
gently  along  until  it  reached  the  end  of  Old  Age 
Water,  where  a  whirlpool  flung  it  high  on  land. 
Then  he  crept  forth  and  stood  up. 

He  looked  in  all  directions  and  could  see  no 
one.  He  was  alone.  He  sat  down  to  think.  He 
was  sad  and  desolate.  He  saw  that  the  pet 
Turkey  was  gone  and  began  to  weep. 

But  just  then  he  heard  the  gobbling  of  a 
Turkey  sounding  faintly  in  the  distance.  He 
listened.  It  came  nearer  and  nearer,  and  grew 
louder  and  louder.  At  last  he  saw  running 
toward  him  his  own  pet  Turkey,  with  out- 
stretched wings,  gobbling  and  gobbling  with  joy. 
It  sprang  into  his  arms.  It  laid  its  beak  against 
his  face,  and  caressed  his  cheeks  with  its  wings. 

364          THE  WONDER  GARDEN 

'Welcome!  Welcome!  My  Turkey!''  cried 
he.  'I  am  sorry  for  you,  tliat  you  liave  fol- 
lowed me  to  this  dreary  spot!  But  I  thank  you 
for  coming!'1 

It  was  now  growing  dark,  so  Natinesthani 
made  a  bed  of  dried  leaves,  and  he  and  the 
Turkey  lay  down  side  by  side.  He  spread  his 
Yucca-fibre  blanket  over  his  pet,  while  the 
Turkey  stretched  one  of  its  wings  over  its 
master.  So  they  slept  all  night. 

Next  morning  the  Turkey  sprang  up  and 
began  to  gobble  in  a  peculiar  manner.  It  ran 
before  Natinesthani  as  if  it  wished  him  to  follow. 
He  did  so,  and  it  led  him  to  a  broad  green 
meadow,  through  which  flowed  a  clear  spark- 
ling stream.  Here  he  sat  down  on  the  bank, 
while  the  Turkey  gambolled  joyfully  around  him. 

'My  Pet!'  said  he,  "what  a  fine  farm  this 
would  make,  if  only  I  had  some  seed!' 

The  Turkey  gobbled  loudly  in  reply,  and  ran 
around  and  around.  It  spread  wide  its  wings 
and  puffed  out  its  neck.  Then  it  ran  to  the  East 
and  shook  its  wings,  and  out  of  them  dropped 
four  grains  of  White  Corn.  Then  it  ran  to  the 
South  and  shook  its  wings,  and  out  of  them 
dropped  four  grains  of  Blue  Corn.  It  ran  to  the 
West  and  shook  its  wings,  and  out  of  them 
dropped  four  grains  of  Yellow  Corn;  and  to  the 
North  it  ran  and  shook  out  four  grains  of  Red 


Then  it  flew  to  Natinesthani,   and,  flapping 

its  wings  violently,  shook  out  Pumpkin  seeds, 

Muskmelon  seeds,  Watermelon  seeds,  and  Beans. 

4 Thank  you!    Thank  you,  my  Pet!"  he  cried. 

"I  hoped  that  you  would  give  me  something!'1 

Then  he  hastened  and  dug  up  the  ground  with 
a  stick,  and  planted  all  the  seeds.  This  took 
him  the  entire  day.  That  night  he  and  the 
Turkey  ate  roasted  Wood-Rats,  and  lay  down 
together  again,  and  slept  soundly. 

Next  morning,  as  soon  as  Natinesthani  awoke, 
he  got  up  and  hastened  to  his  farm. 

Behold,  all  the  seeds  had  sprung  up  in  the 
night!  The  Corn  was  growing  taller  every 
minute,  and  its  leaves  broader,  while  small  ears 
were  sprouting  from  its  sides.  The  vines  were 
running  fast  over  the  ground.  Yellow  and  white 
flowers  were  peeping  from  among  their  leaves, 
and  little  Pumpkins,  Melons,  and  Beans  were 

The  Turkey  puffed  out  its  neck  and  began  to 
dance  and  spread  wide  its  wings.  And  Nati- 
nesthani laughed  and  sang  with  joy:  — 

"Oh,  the  beautiful  Seeds  they  sent  to  me! 
Oh,  the  beautiful  Seeds  they  gave  to  me! 
Oh,  the  beautiful  Seeds  that  sprout  for  me 
In  this  Land  where  I  shall  happy  be!" 

366          THE  WONDER  GARDEN 



Navaho  Myth 

Now  after  Natinesthani  had  planted  his  farm, 
and  the  magic  seeds  had  sprung  up  in  one  night, 
he  built  a  little  lodge  of  branches  for  himself 
and  his  pet  Turkey.  And  when  it  was  dark, 
before  he  lay  down  to  sleep,  he  sat  by  his  fire 
looking  eastward.  He  was  surprised  to  see 
flames  rising  in  the  distance. 

Next  morning  he  said  to  his  Turkey:  — 
:'Stay  at  home,  my  Pet.     I  must  go  and  see 
who  makes  that  fire." 

The  Turkey  drooped  its  wings,  it  felt  so  badly. 
Natinesthani  put  on  his  moccasins  of  Yucca- 
fibre  and  Cedar-bark,  and,  taking  his  bow  and 
arrows,  started  out.  But  though  he  searched 
everywhere,  he  could  riot  find  the  fire  or  the 
people  who  made  it.  When  he  came  home  he 
said  to  his  Turkey:  — 

:'I  must  have  seen  a  large  Glow-worm!' 
The  next  day  he  said  to  his  Turkey :  — 
"Stay  at  home,  my  Pet.     This  time  I  shall 
surely  find  who  makes  that  fire,  or  I  will  never 
try  again!' 

The  Turkey  swelled  out  its  neck,  and  drooped 
its  wings  and  head,  and  turned  its  back,  it  was 
so  angry. 


Natinesthani  started  out,  and  went  on  and 
on,  until  he  came  to  a  shelving  rock.  He  climbed 
upon  the  shelf  and  saw  two  handsome  lodges. 
He  felt  ashamed  of  his  ragged  blanket  and 
moccasins  of  Yucca-fibre;  nevertheless  he  ap- 
proached the  nearest  lodge  and  pushed  aside 
the  curtain.  He  saw  a  lovely  girl  sitting  inside. 
She  was  making  a  fine  buckskin  shirt  trimmed 
with  shells  and  fringe. 

He  entered  the  lodge  and  sat  down.  At  that 
moment  an  old  man  came  in. 

"My  Daughter,"  said  the  old  man,  "why  do 
you  not  take  my  son-in-law's  blanket?' 

At  that  poor  Natinesthani  hung  down  his 
head  and  blushed,  while  the  girl  looked  side- 
wise  at  him  and  smiled. 

"My  Daughter,"  said  the  old  man  again, 
"why  do  you  not  spread  skins  for  my  son-in- 
law  to  sit  upon?' 

But  the  girl  only  looked  sidewise  and  smiled. 
Then  the  old  man  took  some  softly  dressed 
sheepskins  and  deerskins  and  spread  them  next 
the  girl. 

'My  Son-in-law,"  said  he,  ;'why  do  you  not 
sit  beside  your  wife?' 

Thereat  Natinesthani  tried  to  get  up,  but 
sank  back  in  confusion.  Then  he  arose  and  sat 
down  by  the  girl. 

After  that  the  old  man  spread  a  skin  by 
Natinesthani's  side  and  sat  down.  He  took 

368          THE   WONDER  GARDEN 

some  Tobacco  from  a  pouch  ornamented  with 
pictures  of  the  Sun  and  the  Moon,  and  filled  a 
long  pipe  painted  with  Elk,  Deer,  and  Mountain- 
sheep.  He  lighted  his  pipe  and  puffed  the  smoke 
to  Earth  and  to  Heaven  each  twice,  and  handed 
the  pipe  to  Natinesthani,  saying:  — 

:<  Son-in-law,  smoke  my  Tobacco.  It  is  good." 
Now  Natinesthani  did  not  know  it,  but  the 
Four  Winds  —  Black  Wind,  Blue  Wind,  Yellow 
Wind,  and  White  Wind  —  -  were  with  him.  And 
when  he  took  the  old  man's  pipe,  Black  Wind 
whispered  in  his  ear:  — 

'His  Tobacco  will  kill  you!    It  is  bad  magic! 
They  who  smoke  it  never  wake  again!' 
So  Natinesthani  answered  the  old  man :  — 
"I  ask  no  one  for  a  smoke.    I  gather  my  own 
Tobacco.     It  is  here." 

And  he  drew  a  small  pipe  from  the  bag  of 
WTood-Rat  skins  and  filled  it  with  his  own 
Tobacco.  This  he  smoked. 

The  old  man  closed  his  eyes  and  nodded  his 
head.  Then,  opening  them  again,  he  bade  his 
daughter  make  a  bed  for  their  guest.  She 
spread  on  the  floor  some  finely  dressed  robes  of 
Otter  and  Beaver  skin,  beautifully  ornamented. 
Natinesthani  lay  down  on  these,  and  slept  all 

Next  day,  Natinesthani  said  to  the  girl :  — 

"My  Wife,  I  have  a  pet  Turkey  and  a  lodge 

not  far  from  here.    Dress  yourself  for  a  journey. 


I  must   go    home    to-day   and    take  you    with 


So  the  girl  hurried  and  dressed  herself,  and 
she  gave  Natinesthani  a  pair  of  handsome  em- 
broidered moccasins  and  the  fine  buckskin 
shirt  trimmed  with  shells  and  fringe.  These  he 
put  on.  Then  she  ran  to  her  father,  and  said  : — 

"I  go  with  my  husband." 

And  he  replied :  — 

"It  is  well;  go  with  him.  He  has  withstood 
my  magic,  and  no  longer  have  I  any  power  over 

So  together  they  set  out,  Natinesthani  and 
his  wife.  And  soon  they  came  to  the  top  of  a 
little  hill,  and  looked  down  on  the  farm  in  the 
meadow.  Although  the  Sun  was  shining,  a 
fresh  Rain  was  falling.  And  over  the  farm 
gleamed  a  bright  Rainbow.  Then  the  Rain 
ceased,  and  Natinesthani  led  his  wife  down  into 
the  meadow. 

Four  times  they  walked  around  the  farm. 
The  Cornstalks  were  standing  strong  and  tall. 
The  yellow  corn-fringe  waved  in  the  breeze. 
Bluebirds  and  Yellowbirds  sang  among  the 
leaves.  And  on  the  vines  were  Melons  green 
and  gold,  and  large  Pumpkins  round  and  yellow, 
while  Bean-pods  hung  there  in  thick  clusters. 
Oh,  it  was  a  beautiful  farm! 

"Behold  the  Corn  —  our  friend!'  shouted 
Natinesthani  with  joy.  "The  food  of  my  people! 

370          THE  WONDER  GARDEN 

We  will  husk  it  and  store  it  for  WTinter!  We 
will  shell  it  and  grind  it!  We  will  roast  it  or 
boil  it!  We  will  save  seed  for  the  Springtime! 

"But  come,  now,  and  let  us  pluck  an  ear  of 
each  colour.  We  will  go  to  my  lodge  and  feed  niy 
pet  Turkey.  I  love  the  bird,  and  it  is  waiting 
for  me." 

So  they  gathered  four  ears  of  Corn,  yellow, 
red,  white,  and  blue,  and  hurried  to  the  lodge. 
But,  alas!  the  Turkey  did  not  come  running  to 
meet  them.  No  Turkey  was  there.  All  that 
they  saw  were  turkey  tracks. 

Four  times  the  tracks  passed  around  the  lodge, 
getting  farther  and  farther  away.  They  then 
led  toward  a  high  mountain  in  the  East. 

'I  will  hunt  until  I  find  my  pet  Turkey,"  said 
Natinesthani,  and  he  left  his  wife  and  travelled 
eastward.  All  day  he  travelled,  and  the  next, 
and  the  next,  but  still  he  could  not  find  his 
Turkey.  On  the  fourth  day  he  sat  down  and 
wept,  saying :  — 

"O  my  Pet,  it  was  all  my  fault!  If  I  had  taken 
you  with  me,  I  should  not  have  lost  you!' 

Then  he  rose  up  mournfully  to  return  to  his 
lodge,  singing  a  magic  song  as  he  went:  — 

"0  my  dear,  dear  Pet! 
You  were  the  black  Cloud! 
You  were  tJie  fresh  Rain! 
You  were  the  soft  Mist ! 
You  were  the  keen  Lightning! 
You  were  the  bright  Rainbow! 


You  were  the  Corn, 

Yellow,  white,  red,  and  blue! 

The  beautiful  Bean  were  you  I " 

And  so  Natinesthani  came  back  to  his  lodge 
and  found  his  wife  waiting  there  for  him.  But 
he  never  saw  his  pet  Turkey  again.  For  gob- 
bling, gobbling  sadly,  it  had  flown  far  away. 

And  before  that  time  the  feathers  of  all  Tur- 
keys were  grey.  But  since  then,  in  their  feathers 
are  the  black  Cloud  and  the  soft  Mist,  the  flash 
of  the  Lightning,  and  the  gleam  of  the  Rainbow. 
The  Rain  is  in  their  beards,  and  the  Bean  in 
their  foreheads.  And  all  the  colours  of  the 
ripened  Corn  —  yellow,  white,  red,  and  blue  — 
are  in  every  pet  Turkey's  wings. 


Japanese  Folktale 

IN  far  away  Japan,  in  old,  old  times,  there  was 
once  a  poor  woman  who  had  no  children. 

One  day,  as  she  was  washing  her  clothes  in 
the  river,  she  saw  an  enormous  Peach  floating 
by.  She  had  never  seen  such  a  large  Peach!  It 
was  pink  and  ripe,  and  she  thought  what  a  de- 
licious meal  it  would  make.  But  she  had  no 
stick  with  which  to  catch  it.  However,  she  re- 
membered a  magic  song  that  she  had  learned  as 
a  child,  and  she  sang  it  softly. 

Immediately    the    Peach    came    nearer    and 

372          THE  WONDER  GARDEN 

nearer  until  it  stopped  close  at  her  feet.  She 
picked  it  up,  and,  forgetting  her  washing,  ran 
home  as  fast  as  she  could. 

She  showed  it  to  her  husband,  and  he  was  as 
delighted  as  she  at  the  thought  of  such  a  delicious 
meal.  He  quickly  got  a  sharp  knife,  and  was 
just  going  to  cut  the  Peach  in  two,  when,  presto! 
it  burst  open  of  itself,  and  the  prettiest  little 
boy  tumbled  out  on  the  table,  and  began  to 
laugh  merrily,  and  to  caper  around. 

"Do  not  be  afraid,"  cried  the  little  fellow, 
running  up  close  to  the  man.  "I'll  not  hurt 
you!  I  am  your  little  son,  and  will  care  for  you 
in  your  old  age." 

Hearing  this,  the  man  and  woman  could 
scarcely  contain  themselves  for  joy.  Each  in 
turn  picked  the  child  up.  They  petted  and 
caressed  him,  and  called  him  "Peach  Boy." 

Peach  Boy  grew  very  fast,  and  in  a  short  time 
was  stronger,  handsomer,  and  larger  than  any 
boy  in  the  village.  And  when  he  was  fifteen 
years  old  he  came  to  his  father  and  said :  — 

"I  hear  that  a  number  of  Demons  live  on  a 
certain  island  in  the  Great  Sea.  They  have 
seized  many  innocent  people,  whom  they  either 
eat  or  torture.  I  wish  to  rescue  these  captives 
and  bring  back  some  of  the  Demons'  treasure  to 
you.  So  give  me  your  blessing,  and  let  me 

first  the  father  would  not  hear  of  such  a 


thing,  but  when  he  remembered  that  his  son 
was  no  ordinary  child,  he  decided  to  let  him  go. 
So  Peach  Boy  made  ready  to  start,  and  when  he 
was  just  setting  out  his  mother  gave  him  a  bag 
full  of  Rice-Cakes,  and  bade  him  take  good  care 
of  them,  for  they  would  help  him  safely  on  his  way. 

So  he  started,  and  at  noon  sat  down  by  the 
roadside  to  eat  a  Rice-Cake.  But  no  sooner  had 
he  taken  one  from  the  bag  than  up  ran  a  great 
Dog,  snarling  and  showing  his  teeth. 

"Give  me  a  Rice-Cake,"  yelped  the  Dog,  :tor 
I'll  bite  you!" 

Peach  Boy  threw  him  a  cake.  And  as  soon  as 
the  Dog  had  eaten  it,  he  drooped  his  tail  and 
bowed  his  head  and  cried :  — 

"Peach  Boy,  I  am  now  your  servant  and  will 
aid  you  in  anything." 

"Follow  me,  then,  to  the  Isle  of  Demons," 
said  Peach  Boy,  and  he  got  up  and  went  on  his 
way.  And  the  Dog  followed  after. 

They  had  not  gone  far,  when  a  huge  Monkey 
leaped  from  a  tree,  and  stood  in  the  way,  rolling 
his  eyes  and  gnashing  his  teeth. 

"Give  me  a  Rice-Cake,"  he  howled,  "or  I'll 
tear  you!': 

Peach  Boy  threw  him  a  cake.  And  as  soon  as 
the  Monkey  had  eaten  it,  he  knelt  down  in  the 
dust  and  cried :  — 

"Peach  Boy,  I  am  now  your  servant,  and  will 
aid  you  in  anything!'1 

374          THE   WONDER  GARDEN 

"  Follow  me,  then,  to  the  Isle  of  Demons," 
said  Peach  Boy,  and  he  went  on  his  way.  And 
the  Dog  and  Monkey  followed  after.  But  it 
was  some  time  before  they  stopped  fighting  one 
another  and  became  friends. 

They  proceeded  on  their  journey,  and  had  not 
gone  far  when  a  bright  Pheasant  sprang  out  of  a 
bush  into  the  way,  beating  his  wings  together, 
and  snapping  his  beak. 

'Give  me  a  Rice-Cake,"  he  hissed,  "or  I'll 
peck  you!' 

Peach  Boy  threw  him  a  cake.  And  as  soon  as 
the  Pheasant  had  eaten  it,  he  folded  his  wings 
humbly,  and  lowered  his  neck,  and  cried: — 

'Peach  Boy,  I  am  now  your  servant,  and  will 
aid  you  in  anything.'3 

'Follow  me,  then,  to  the  Isle  of  Demons," 
said  Peach  Boy,  and  went  on  his  way.  The  Dog 
and  the  Monkey  and  the  Pheasant  followed 
after.  But  it  was  some  time  before  they  stopped 
quarrelling  and  became  friends. 

Well,  Peach  Boy  went  on  and  on,  followed  by 
his  companions,  until  he  reached  the  Great  Sea. 
There  a  little  green  boat  was  waiting  for  him. 
Into  it  he  stepped  with  the  Dog  and  the  Monkey 
and  the  Pheasant.  Soon  the  little  boat  was 
spinning  over  the  blue  water. 

Away!  away!  it  sped  over  the  waves  until 
it  drew  near  to  the  Isle  of  Demons.  Then  the 
Pheasant  sprang  out  of  the  boat,  and  flew  to 



the  Demons'  castle,  and,  alighting  on  its  roof, 
told  the  evil  ones  that  Peach  Boy  with  his  bag 
of  Rice-cakes  was  coming.  But  the  Demons 
only  laughed  scornfully  and  shook  their  shaggy 
red  heads. 

But  when  Peach  Boy  landed,  with  the  Dog  and 
the  Monkey,  he  went  straight  to  the  castle  and 
found  a  small  door  that  the  Demons  had  for- 
gotten to  lock.  He  and  his  companions  slipped 
in  very  quietly,  and  as  soon  as  the  Demons  knew 
that  Peach  Boy,  with  his  bag  of  Rice-Cakes,  was 
inside,  they  were  terribly  frightened. 

Peach  Boy  fought  with  his  sword,  the  Dog 
with  his  teeth,  the  Monkey  with  his  hands,  and 
the  Pheasant  with  his  beak;  and  all  the  Demons 
that  they  did  not  kill  were  so  filled  with  terror 
that  they  fell  off  the  parapets  and  were  dashed 
to  pieces  —  all  except  the  Demon  King.  He 
surrendered  to  Peach  Boy,  and  gave  up  his 

Then  Peach  Boy  bound  the  Demon  King 
with  strong  chains,  and,  going  through  the 
castle,  liberated  the  innocent  people  who  were 
imprisoned  there.  Afterward  the  Dog,  and  the 
Monkey,  and  the  Pheasant,  carrying  the  treas- 
ure between  them,  and  Peach  Boy,  leading  the 
Demon  King,  set  out  for  home. 

Once  more  in  the  little  green  boat  they 
sped  over  the  blue  water,  and  were  soon  in 
Japan.  The  whole  country  rejoiced,  and  the 

376          THE  WONDER  GARDEN 

Demon  King  was  imprisoned  in  a  black  iron 

As  for  Peach  Boy  and  his  father  and  mother, 
they  were  now  rich  and  powerful,  and  lived  in 
a  magnificent  castle.  With  them  were  their 
three  friends,  —  the  Dog,  the  Monkey,  and  the 
Pheasant.  And  they  all  ended  their  days  in 
plenty  and  happiness,  for  they  always  had  as 
many  Rice-Cakes  as  they  wished  to  eat. 


Zuni  Myth 

IN  the  days  of  magic  wonders,  in  the  Valley  of 
the  Zuni  Ancients,  in  the  town  called  the  Middle 
Ant  Hill  of  the  WTorld,  once  dwelt  seven  Maidens 
more  beautiful  than  any  others  on  earth.  They 
were  the  guardians  of  the  Corn. 

Every  year  the  Zuni  tribes,  even  the  People 
of  the  Seed  and  the  People  of  the  Dew,  met  to- 
gether for  a  feast.  Then  the  Seven  Corn  Maidens, 
in  robes  as  white  as  Snow,  danced  before  the 
people  like  seven  bright  Stars. 

All  the  night  through,  backward  and  forward, 
danced  the  Maidens,  waving  their  Magic  Plume- 
Sticks  above  the  growing  Corn.  And  the  stalks 
grew  tall  and  strong,  and  the  leaves  spread  like 
broad  ribbons,  while  Corn-Ears  sprouted  from 
the  sides  of  the  stalks,  each  sweet  and  full  of. 


milk,  and  wrapped  in  soft  green  husks  with 
yellow  tassels. 

And  when  Dawn  drew  near,  the  Chief  of  the 
People  of  the  Dew  played  softly  on  his  magic 
flute;  and  as  he  did  so,  the  breath  of  flowers  and 
the  morning-song  of  birds  came  on  the  breeze. 
Then  a  white  mist  went  wreathing  upward  from 
the  folds  of  the  Chief's  garments,  and  the  Seven 
Corn  Maidens  vanished  in  the  mist. 

After  that  the  Chief  turned  to  the  People  of 
the  Seed  and  the  People  of  the  Dew,  and  said: — 

"Be  ye  brothers,  ye  People!  ye  People! 
Be  ye  happy,  ye  People!  ye  People! 
Behold  the  seed  of  all  seed-plants  is  here  I 
Milk  to  the  young  is  the  Corn-Plant; 
Strength  to  the  youth,  and  flesh  to  the  aged! 
Gather  and  eat  it.    Cherish  it  true. 
Love  our  bright  Maidens, 
Who  guard  well  its  sweet  ears!" 

And  as  he  finished  speaking,  the  Sun  rose, 
and  the  mothers  of  the  tribes  hastened  to  pluck 
the  Corn.  And  some  of  the  ears  were  blue,  some 
red,  some  yellow,  some  white,  and  all  were  sweet 
and  good. 

And  the  People  of  the  Seed  and  the  People 
of  the  Dew  feasted  together,  and  grew  stronger 
and  handsomer  and  more  contented.  So  it 
happened  year  after  year,  and  the  People  turned 
their  hearts  to  cherishing  the  Corn. 

But  as  time  went  on,  strange  youths,  who  did 
not  love  the  Corn  Maidens,  visited  the  tribes. 

378          THE  WONDER  GARDEN 

They  said  that  they  had  seen  far  lovelier  maidens. 
For  each  day  at  evening,  violet  rays  rolled  up- 
ward from  a  cavern  under  Thunder  Mountain; 
and  through  the  rays  one  might  see  the  flutter 
of  embroidered  garments  like  painted  spray,  and 
the  waving  of  white  arms,  and  the  streaming 
of  soft,  dark  hair.  For  in  the  cavern  danced  the 
Seven  Rainbow  Sisters,  hand  in  hand. 

And  the  youths  said,  also,  that  the  beat  of 
drums  and  the  low,  sweet  music  that  came  from 
the  cavern  were  like  the  liquid  voices  of  hidden 
rivers,  and  were  far  more  delicious  than  the 
sounds  of  the  magic  flute  of  the  Chief  of  the 
Dew  People. 

So  said  the  stranger  youths,  and  the  Seven 
Corn  Maidens  heard  their  words  and  were  sad. 

And  when  the  time  came  again  for  the  ripen- 
ing of  the  Corn,  the  People  of  the  Seed  and  the 
People  of  the  Dew  met  together,  as  was  their 
custom,  for  the  feast.  And  while  they  sat  wait- 
ing for  the  Seven  Corn  Maidens  to  appear,  they 
heard  the  low  beat  of  a  drum  from  Thunder 
Mountain,  and  soft  music.  Then  through  the 
pale  light  of  evening  came  floating  the  Seven 
Rainbow  Sisters  themselves,  hand  in  hand  and 
seven  in  number,  their  robes  fluttering  like 
painted  spray.  While  from  the  tips  of  their 
Plume-Sticks  quivered  the  violet  rays. 

The  Sisters  hovered  over  the  heads  of  the 
people,  and  danced  their  magic  dance.  Faster 


and  faster  they  moved,  until  they  flashed  like 
a  circle  of  rainbow  light.  And  the  people  shouted 
with  joy,  and  held  out  their  hands,  and  begged 
the  Sisters  to  stay  with  them  for  ever.  But  the 
violet  rays  from  the  Plume-Sticks  wreathed 
upward  and  hid  the  Rainbow  Sisters  from  sight, 
while  they  floated  back  to  the  cavern  under 
Thunder  Mountain. 

Then  the  people  heard  the  sweet  notes  of  the 
magic  flute  of  the  Chief  of  the  Dew  People  as  he 
led  forth  the  Corn  Maidens  to  the  grain-field. 
But  the  Maidens  moved  silently.  With  pale, 
sad  faces  they  passed  among  the  people  and 
laid  down  their  Magic  Plume-Sticks.  Then, 
sobbing,  they  melted  into  a  white  mist,  and 
drifted  away  to  the  South  Summer-Land. 

And  when  the  Seven  Corn  Maidens  were  gone, 
a  cold  Wind  from  Thunder  Mountain  swept  over 
the  plain.  The  Corn-Stalks  drooped,  and  the 
ears  were  blighted.  The  grain-fields  grew  bleak 
and  barren. 

The  people  wept,  and  hunger  came  among 
them.  Then  said  they,  one  to  the  other:  — 

"We  must  send  messengers  after  our  beloved 
Maidens,  and  entreat  them  to  come  from  their 
hiding  place,  so  that  the  ears  of  Corn,  that  nour- 
ish all  flesh,  may  ripen  again.53 

First  they  sent  out  the  Eagle,  strong  and  swift; 
and  he  searched  the  rocks  and  mountains,  but 
saw  no  trace  of  the  Corn  Maidens. 

380          THE  WONDER  GARDEN 

After  that  they  sent  out  the  Falcon,  keen  of 
eye;  and  he  searched  the  cliff- shadows  and  hedge- 
rows, but  found  not  the  Corn  Maidens. 

The  croaking  Raven  flew  to  seek  them;  and 
though  he  searched  meadows  and  woods,  he 
found  them  not. 

Then  the  starving  people,  in  their  anguish, 
called  to  the  Chief  of  the  Dew  People  to  save 

In  one  hand  he  took  the  Magic  Plume-Sticks 
of  the  Seven  Corn  Maidens,  and  in  the  other  his 
flute.  Swiftly  he  passed  over  the  plain  toward 
the  South  Summer-Land.  And  as  he  went 
farther  southward,  he  planted  the  Magic  Plume- 
Sticks  in  the  ground,  and,  bending  low,  watched 
them.  Soon  their  soft,  downy  feathers  began  to 
stir  as  if  blown  by  the  breath  of  a  creature. 
Backward  and  forward,  northward  and  south- 
ward, they  swayed  to  and  fro. 

"Ha!"  sighed  the  Chief,  "'tis  the  breath 
of  my  Maidens  in  the  South  Summer-Land;  the 
plumes  stir  to  their  breathings!  I  will  hasten 
on,  and  scatter  the  bright  beads  of  my  Dew  as  I 
pass  through  the  land.  Soon  again  northward 
shall  I  fetch  my  beautiful  Maidens!' 

So  said  he,  and  hastened  forward,  scattering 
the  bright  Dew  and  playing  on  his  magic  flute. 

And  there,  at  last,  in  the  warm  Summer-Land, 
he  found  his  Corn  Maidens.  He  greeted  them 
with  a  smile  and  a  touch  of  his  hand.  And  the 

LEGEND  OF  THE  CORN          381 

white  mists  went  wreathing  upward  from  the 
folds  of  his  garments.  The  wreaths  of  mist  en- 
veloped the  forms  of  the  Maidens,  and,  lifting 
them  gently,  wafted  them  northward. 

And  all  the  little  birds  of  the  South  Summer- 
Land  came  flocking  after,  and  Butterflies  fluttered 
like  bright  flowers  above  the  Maidens'  heads. 
So  came  they  all  again  to  the  Middle  Ant  Hill 
of  the  World. 

Then  were  the  starving  people  happy,  and 
met  for  the  feast.  And  the  Seven  Corn  Maidens, 
in  robes  as  white  as  snow,  again  danced  in 
the  corn-fields,  and  waved  their  magic  Plume- 
Sticks  above  the  growing  Corn. 

And  so  the  People  of  the  Seed  and  the  People 
of  the  Dew  once  more  turned  their  hearts  to 
cherishing  the  Corn;  and  they  fed  their  children 
with  its  sweet  milk.  And  the  Corn-Ears  gave 
strength  to  the  youth  and  flesh  to  the  aged. 

Thus  it  happened  in  the  days  of  magic  won- 
ders, in  the  Valley  of  the  Zuni  Ancients,  in  the 
Middle  Ant  Hill  of  the  World. 

So  shortens  my  story. 


Iroquois  Legend 

LISTEN  to  the  Iroquois  Grandmother:  — 

Long,  long  ago,  there  lived  a  young  brave  who 
loved  an  Iroquois  maiden,  and  she  promised  to 

382          THE  WONDER  GARDEN 

be  his  bride.  She  was  very  beautiful.  Her  hair 
was  not  black  like  the  hair  of  other  Indian  girls, 
but  silken  and  golden.  She  had  many  admirers, 
and  the  young  brave  feared  lest  one  of  them 
might  carry  her  off.  So,  to  protect  her,  he  slept 
at  night  before  her  lodge  in  the  forest. 

One  night  he  was  awakened  by  the  sounds  of 
light  footfalls  and  the  rustling  of  branches  and 
leaves.  He  sprang  to  his  feet,  and  saw  the 
maiden  herself  gliding  all  alone  from  the  door  of 
her  lodge.  And  though  her  eyes  were  wide  open 
and  her  hands  outstretched,  she  could  see  noth- 
ing, for  she  was  still  in  deep  slumber,  and  was 
walking  in  a  dream. 

Swiftly  she  moved  among  the  trees  and  van- 
ished into  the  forest.  The  young  man  hastened 
after  her.  Faster  and  faster  she  sped  before  him, 
as  if  fleeing  for  her  life.  And  on  and  on  he  fol- 
lowed, through  tangled  thicket  and  along  forest 

Panting,  at  last  he  overtook  her.  He  could 
hear  her  quick  breathing  and  the  beating  of  her 
heart.  He  sprang  forward  and  clasped  her 
gently  in  his  arms. 

Lo!  her  form  grew  stiff  and  straight.  Green 
leaves  sprouted  from  her  sides.  She  raised  her 
hands  to  her  head,  and  they  were  changed  into 
ears  of  Corn.  And  where  her  hands  had  touched 
her  hair,  grew  long,  silken,  golden  threads. 

And    the   young   man   no   longer   clasped   a 


maiden,  but  a  tall  plant,  such  as  he  had  never 
seen  before.  He  held  in  his  arms  the  Maize  — 
the  Indian  Corn! 

WILLIAM  W.  CANFIELD  (adapted) 


Retold  from  Apollodorus,  Ovid,  and  Other  Sources 

ONCE  upon  a  time,  there  was  a  King  of  Boeotia 
who  had  two  children,  a  boy  and  a  girl.  Phrixus, 
the  boy,  was  very  brave  and  handsome,  while 
little  Helle  was  gentle  and  beautiful. 

But  though  they  lived  in  a  fine  palace  and 
wore  silken  robes,  the  children  were  not  happy; 
for  their  father  had  sent  away  their  dear  mother 
Nephele,  and  they  had  a  stepmother  named  Ino. 

Now  Ino  was  a  wicked  woman,  and  was 
jealous  of  Phrixus  because  she  wished  her  own 
son  to  inherit  the  Kingdom.  So  she  cast  a 
blight  on  all  the  crops  of  the  land,  and  told  the 
King  that  unless  Phrixus  and  Helle  were  killed 
there  would  be  no  Corn  or  bread  for  the  people. 
Indeed,  she  even  said  that  a  Wisewoman  in  the 
cave  of  Apollo-of-the-Golden-Beams  at  Delphi 
had  declared,  unless  Phrixus  and  Helle  were  sacri- 
ficed, that  the  Corn  would  never  grow  again. 

So  the  King  gave  orders  that  the  children 
should  be  led  to  their  death. 

Thereupon  the  servants  of  the  wicked  Ino  took 

384          THE  WONDER  GARDEN 

poor  Phrixus  and  Helle,  and  put  their  finest 
robes  on  them,  and  crowned  their  heads  with 
branches,  then  led  them  to  an  altar  where  a  priest 
stood  with  uplifted  knife. 

Now,  Nephele,  their  dear  mother,  had  not 
really  left  them,  but  was  watching  over  them  from 
the  sky,  where  she  floated  about  wrapped  in  a 
soft  wiiite  Cloud. 

When  she  saw  her  children  about  to  be  killed 
she  spoke  to  a  Ram  wath  Golden  Fleece  who 
stood  by  her  side :  — 

"Go  quickly,"  said  she,  'sand  save  my  little 

The  Ram,  spreading  his  glittering  wings,  flew 
down  to  earth,  and,  standing  before  Phrixus  and 
Helle,  bowed  his  head  and  spoke  with  a  human 

'Mount  my  back,"  said  he,  "and  I  will  carry 
you  to  a  place  of  safety." 

The  children  sprang  on  his  back,  and  held  on 
to  his  horns;  then  the  Ram,  spreading  his  wings, 
soared  up  into  the  blue  sky. 

The  priest  and  people  shouted  with  wonder, 
while  the  wicked  stepmother  trembled  from  fear. 
But  the  Ram  with  glittering  wings,  flew  rapidly 
away  and  vanished  in  the  distance. 

Over  land  and  sea  he  flew,  until  he  came  to  a 
wide  body  of  water,  rolling  black  and  angry  from 
shore  to  shore.  Phrixus  held  on  tightly  by  one 
of  the  horns;  but  poor  little  Helle  looked  down 


at  the  waves,  and,  growing  giddy  and  faint, 
loosened  her  hold  and  fell. 

In  vain  Phrixus  stretched  out  both  hands  to 
save  her,  and  almost  fell  himself;  the  Ram  swept 
onward,  carrying  him  far  away,  while  he  was 
still  weeping,  and  calling  his  sister's  name. 

Across  the  sea,  the  Ram  hastened  to  the  land 
of  Colchis,  where  King  ^Eetes  welcomed  Phrixus 
gladly,  and  gave  him  his  beautiful  daughter  in 
marriage.  There  the  Ram  died,  and  Phrixus 
presented  his  Golden  Fleece  to  the  King,  wiio 
nailed  it  on  an  Oak  in  the  midst  of  a  grove. 

As  for  little  Helle,  her  brother  mourned  for 
her;  but  he  did  not  know  that  she  was  become  the 
bride  of  the  King  of  the  sea  into  which  she  was 
fallen.  And  ever  since  that  day  the  sea  has 
been  called  by  her  name  —  the  Hellespont,  or 
Helle's  Sea. 


Now,  in  those  golden  wonder  days,  Pelias  ruled 
over  lolcos,  for  he  had  dethroned  its  rightful  King. 
He  had  even  tried  to  slay  the  King's  little 
son;  but  the  baby  had  mysteriously  vanished. 
After  this  King  Pelias  lived  in  continual  ter- 
ror, because  an  Oracle  had  declared  that  a  man 
wearing  one  sandal  should  bring  him  death  and 

386          THE   WONDER  GARDEN 

Now  one  day,  when  the  King  was  holding  a 
feast  for  the  people,  he  saw  in  the  crowd  a  hand- 
some youth  dressed  in  a  Leopard's  skin  and 
holding  two  spears.  He  wore  but  one  sandal; 
his  other  foot  was  bare. 

In  haste,  the  King  summoned  him,  and  said :  — 

f  Young  Man,  I  have  one  question  to  ask  you. 
Answer  it  wisely.  If  you  had  the  power,  and 
an  Oracle  had  declared  that  a  certain  one  of 
your  subjects  should  be  your  death,  what  would 
you  do  to  that  man?' 

'I  would  send  him  to  fetch  home  the  Golden 
Fleece  from  Colchis,"  replied  the  youth. 

Scarcely  were  these  words  out  of  his  mouth 
before  King  Pelias  shouted :  — 

'Go,  then,  for  you  are  that  man!  Make  haste 
to  depart,  and  bring  back  to  me  the  Golden 

So  the  youth  was  snared  in  his  own  words;  for 
the  famous  Fleece  was  nailed  to  an  Oak  in  a 
dangerous  Grove,  and  was  guarded  night  and 
day  by  a  sleepless  Dragon. 

ll  will  fetch  it,"  replied  the  youth.  'But 
know  that  I  am  Jason,  the  rightful  heir  to  this 
land.  I  was  the  babe  whom  you  sought  to  slay. 
Yesterday  I  left  my  Schoolmaster  Chiron  the 
Centaur,  to  claim  my  rights  from  you.  On  my 
wav  hither  I  lost  one  sandal  in  a  stream,  there- 


fore  am  I  barefooted.    Now  will  I  depart  on  my 
quest,  but  when  I  return  in  triumph  bearing  the 


Golden  Fleece,  I  will  demand  from  you  the 
Kingdom  of  my  fathers." 

So  saying  Jason  made  haste  to  prepare  for  the 
voyage.  Argus,  the  son  of  Phrixus,  built  for  him 
a  wonderful  ship,  in  the  prow  of  which  Minerva- 
the- Wise-One  set  a  piece  of  the  Talking  Oak  of 
Dodona;  which  was  a  very  wise  Oak  indeed,  that 
gave  always  good  counsel.  Fifty  oars  had  the 
Ship,  and  she  was  manned  by  fifty  heroes.  For 
with  Jason  sailed  Hercules  the  Mighty,  and  his 
lad  the  beautiful  Hylas;  Orpheus  the  sweet 
singer  went  too;  also  the  Twin  Sons  of  Boreas 
the  North  Wind,  —  handsome  youths  they  were, 
with  long  flowing  yellow  beards  and  hair,  and 
wings  that  made  a  rushing  noise  like  their  father's. 
Fifty  heroes  went,  all  eager  for  adventures. 

So  the  good  Ship  Argo,  as  it  was  called,  set 
sail.  While  the  joyful  heroes  grasped  the  oars, 
Orpheus  struck  his  lyre,  and  the  stroke  of  the 
oars  kept  such  perfect  time  to  his  delightful 
harmony,  that  the  ship  seemed  to  speed  magically 

Many  were  the  adventures  of  the  heroes  on 
their  way  to  Colchis.  They  slew  six-armed 
Giants,  and  the  Twin  Sons  of  Boreas  saved  King 
Phineas  of  Thrace  from  the  Harpies. 

Fearful  were  the  foul  Harpy-sisters,  winged 
monsters,  who  swooped  down  on  King  Phineas's 
table,  snatching  his  food,  and  making  everything 
they  touched  so  filthy  and  vile-smelling  that 

388          THE  WONDER  GARDEN 

the  King  could  not  eat  at  all.  So  he  was  starving 
to  death.  Then  the  Twin  Sons  of  Boreas,  rising 
on  their  yellow  wings,  drew  their  swords  and 
chased  the  Harpies  far  across  the  ocean;  and  the 
evil  ones  never  returned  again. 

Many  other  exciting  adventures  the  heroes 
had  ere  they  reached  the  shore  of  Colchis.  At 
last  they  landed  in  that  country;  and  Jason, 
presenting  himself  before  King  Petes'  throne, 
demanded  the  Golden  Fleece, 

'That  will  I  give  you,"  replied  King  ^Eetes, 
"  if  you  will  first  tame  the  two  brass-footed,  brass- 
throated,  fire-breathing  Bulls  that  Vulcan  gave 
to  me.  These  you  must  yoke,  and  with  them 
plough  a  field.  Then  you  must  sow  some 
Dragon's  teeth  that  I  have." 

All  this  Jason  agreed  to  do,  although  he  did 
not  know  how  he  was  going  to  accomplish  such 
a  terrible  task. 

Now  near  King  Petes'  throne  his  daughter 
Medea,  an  evil  Enchantress,  was  standing. 
And  when  she  saw  how  handsome  Jason  was, 
she  loved  him.  So  she  sought  him  out  secretly, 
and  offered  to  aid  him  if  he  would  wed  her.  This 
he  promised  to  do,  if  she  would  gain  the  Golden 
Fleece  for  him. 

That  night  by  her  magic  arts  he  tamed  the 
two  brass-footed,  brass-throated,  flame-breath- 
ing bulls,  and  yoking  them,  ploughed  a  field  and 
sowed  the  Dragon's  teeth. 


But  King  ^Eetes,  when  he  heard  what  he  had 
done,  still  refused  to  give  him  the  Golden  Fleece 
as  he  had  promised.  Instead  he  plotted  to  kill 
Jason  and  his  comrades. 

So  when  darkness  came  again,  Medea  cast 
the  Dragon,  that  guarded  the  tree,  into  an  en- 
chanted sleep.  Then  she  and  Jason,  seizing  the 
Fleece,  fled  with  it  to  the  ship,  and  sailed  away  to 

Thus  after  many  adventures  the  fifty  heroes 
returned  in  triumph  from  Colchis,  bearing  the 
Golden  Fleece  of  the  Magic  Ram  that  had  saved 
Phrixus  and  Helle  from  a  cruel  death. 

But,  alas  for  Jason!  He  wedded  the  evil  En- 
chantress Medea;  and  she  wrought  destruction 
and  death  not  only  for  King  Peleas  but  for 
Jason  and  all  his  house  as  well. 


Retold  from  Homer 

IT  was  in  those  days  of  yore,  when  the  Golden 
Apple  of  Discord  caused  so  much  mischief  in  the 
world,  and  when  the  Shepherd-lad,  Prince  Paris, 
brought  destruction  on  his  native  city  of  Troy, 
that  the  wise  Ulysses  set  sail  from  the  Trojan 
shore  with  all  his  men,  to  return  to  his  Kingdom 
of  sunny  Ithaca. 

Many  and  fearful  were  their  adventures  ere 

390          THE   WONDER  GARDEN 

they  reached  a  strangely  wooded  isle,  where 
noisome  herbs  grew  in  the  dark  shade  of  gloomy 
trees.  For  two  days  and  nights  they  rested  on 
the  shore,  and,  on  the  third  morning  when 
Aurora,  the  rosy-fingered  Child  of  Dawn,  threw 
open  the  Gates  of  Day,  Ulysses  arose,  and  climbed 
a  height  to  view  the  isle. 

In  a  deep  vale  he  saw  a  thicket,  above  which 
rose  the  towers  and  spires  of  a  noble  palace-hall, 
from  which  smoke  curled  upward  toward  the  sky. 
Returning  to  the  ship,  he  pondered  on  the  wisest 

The  next  morning  he  called  his  men,  and 
said :  — 

''My  friends,  amid  your  great  sufferings  listen 
to  my  words.  We  do  not  know  the  East  from 
the  West,  nor  what  lies  toward  the  rising  or  the 
setting  Sun.  We  are  lost  on  this  isle,  and  sur- 
rounded by  the  boundless  deep.  Yesterday,  I 
looked  from  a  height,  and  saw  smoke  ascending 
from  a  thicket.  Let  now  some  of  us  go  thither 
and  inquire  our  way." 

At  his  words  the  men  remembered  their  fear- 
ful adventures  with  the  One-Eyed  Cyclops 
Polyphemus,  who  had  eaten  some  of  their  com- 
rades, cracking  them  like  nuts,  and  with  the 
giant  Laestrigons,  who  had  hurled  great  stones 
upon  them.  So  the  men's  hearts  sank  with  fear 
at  Ulysses'  words.  They  wept  aloud. 

But  tears  were  of  no  avail  to  that  unhappy 


band!  For  the  wise  Ulysses,  casting  lots,  sent 
the  men  thus  chosen  to  the  palace-hall;  and  the 
hero  Eurylochus  led  them  thither.  Still  weeping, 
they  hastened  on  their  way. 

Soon  they  saw  a  stately  palace-hall  of  hewn 
stone.  Around  it  was  a  spacious  park  of  noble 
trees.  But  as  they  drew  nearer,  there  rose  from 
the  ground,  Mountain-Lions  and  Wolves.  With 
bristling  hairs  and  rolling  eyes  they  cringed, 
and  in  silence,  with  padded  feet,  circled  round  the 
walls.  Then  wagging  their  tails,  and  standing 
on  then*  hind  feet,  they  fawned  upon  the  men 
like  great  Dogs  well-fed  by  their  master's  hand. 

The  men,  in  fear,  stepped  beneath  the  portico, 
and  heard  from  within  the  whir  and  clack  of 
loom,  while  honeyed  words  of  sweetest  singing 
floated  past  their  ears.  Then  through  the  half- 
open  door  they  saw,  within  the  hall,  a  bright- 
haired  woman  richly  clad,  who  was  singing 
sweetly  while  she  threw  the  shuttle  back  and 
forth  through  a  web  as  delicate  and  beautiful  as 
if  woven  by  Minerva's  own  hand. 

She  was  Circe  the  Enchantress,  the  bright- 
haired  daughter  of  the  Sun,  wily  and  watchful, 
and,  though  they  knew  it  not,  waiting  for  them. 
They  called  aloud.  Forth  she  came,  and  throw- 
ing the  shining  doors  apart,  bade  them  enter. 
All  followed  her  except  Eurylochus,  who  stood 
without,  for  he  suspected  guile. 

She  led  them  in,  and  seated  them  on  thrones. 

392          THE   WONDER  GARDEN 

Then  mingling  a  drink  of  wine,  cheese,  fresh 
honey,  and  yellow  meal,  she  poured  into  it  a 
magic  potion  made  of  deadly  herbs,  and  handed 
golden  goblets  full  of  the  baleful  liquor  to  the 
men.  They  drank. 

She  touched  them  with  her  wand,  and  cried :  — 
4 Take  your  own  forms,  ye  worse  than  beasts!' 

And  straight  the  men  fell  from  their  thrones 
upon  their  hands  and  knees.  Their  faces  be- 
came snouts  with  pricking  ears  and  reddish  eyes. 
Bristles  sprouted  from  their  bodies.  Their  feet  and 
hands  were  cloven  hoofs.  They  were  no  longer 
men,  but  grunting  Swine.  Yet  they  had  kept 
their  human  minds,  and  wept  from  terror  and 

:<  Hence  to  your  sties!"  cried  Circe,  and  drove 
them  forth  and  locked  them  up  in  pens.  Then 
flinging  some  Acorns  to  them,  she  went  back  into 
her  hall. 

As  for  Eurylochus,  when  he  had  waited  long 
and  the  men  did  not  return,  he  fled  in  horror 
to  the  ship. 

Then  when  the  wise  Ulysses  learned  that  the 
men  had  not  come  back,  he  slung  upon  his 
shoulder  his  silver-studded  sword  —  a  huge 
blade  of  brass  —  and  his  bow  with  it.  He  sum- 
moned Eurylochus  to  lead  the  way,  but  the 
terrified  man  clasped  Ulysses*  knees  with  both 
hands,  and  cried :  — 

"O  take  me  not  with  you!    Force  me  not  to 

THE  ENCHANTED   SWINE        393 

go!  Great  Hero,  leave  me  by  the  ship!  You 
will  never  return,  that  I  know!  Nor  can  you 
ever  deliver  our  comrades  from  their  fate!' 

"  Stay  here,  then,  Eurylochus,"  replied  Ulysses. 
"Stay  here  by  the  ship,  eating  and  drinking 
in  comfort.  I  shall  surely  go!' 

So  he  spoke,  and  left  the  ship.  Soon  he  drew 
near  to  Circe's  magic  palace-hall.  When,  lo!  a 
youth  met  him  on  the  way,  a  sprightly  youth, 
carrying  in  one  hand  a  golden  staff,  and  in  the 
other  a  plant  with  black  roots  and  a  blossom  as 
white  as  milk.  So  sprightly  was  the  youth  that 
he  moved  across  the  ground  without  walking,  for 
little  wings  were  on  his  cap  and  heels. 

He  took  Ulysses'  hand.  "Rash  mortal!'1 
said  he.  "Why  do  you  wander  here  alone? 
Your  comrades  are  shut  up  like  Swine  hi  treach- 
erous Circe's  sties.  A  like  fate  awaits  you,  if 
you  go  thither  without  my  aid.  But  that  you 
may  be  safe  from  all  mischief,  take  this  flower, 
and  bear  it  to  the  palace-hall  of  Circe.  It  will 
protect  you  by  its  magic  virtue.  She  will  bring 
you  a  goblet  filled  with  mingled  liquor.  Drink 
it;  it  cannot  harm  you.  When  she  smites  you 
with  her  wand,  draw  your  sword  and  rush  upon 
her.  Do  not  spare  her,  unless  she  swears  to  do 
you  no  hurt,  and  to  restore  your  friends  to  their 
own  shapes." 

So  spoke  the  winged  youth,  and  placed  the 
flower  in  Ulysses'  hand. 

394          THE  WONDER  GARDEN 

"Take  it,"  he  said,  "it  is  Moly,  and  blooms 
only  for  the  Dwellers-on-Mount-Olympus.  I  am 
Mercury,  the  messenger  of  Jupiter  sent  from  his 
Shining  Palace  to  aid  your  quest." 

Then  back  through  the  woody  isle  Mercury 
hastened,  and  flew  away  to  Mount  Olympus. 

Ulysses  took  his  way  to  Circe's  palace-hall. 
With  fast  beating  heart  he  pressed  through  the 
throng  of  fawning  beasts,  and  stepped  beneath 
her  portico.  He  called  aloud.  Circe  heard  his 
voice,  and  flung  apart  the  shining  doors. 

With  voice  so  honey-sweet  and  with  winning 
smile,  she  bade  him  enter.  She  seated  him  upon 
a  silver-studded  throne,  and  quickly  mingled  a 
magic  draught.  And  pouring  it  into  a  golden 
chalice  she  presented  it  to  him.  He  drank  the 
liquor  off. 

Then  Circe,  rising,  smote  him  with  her  wand, 
and  cried :  - 

!<Go  to  your  sty,  and  wallow  with  your  fellows!" 

Ulysses  drew  his  sword  and  rushed  upon  her, 
as  if  to  take  her  life.  She  shrieked  and  fell  upon 
her  knees.  With  uplifted  hands  she  pleaded 
piteously :  — 

*  Who  are  you  ?  From  what  great  race  are  you  ? 
Wonders!  You  have  drunk  my  magic  potion, 
and  it  harms  you  not!  No  mortal  being  has 
ever  done  so  before!  Are  you  then  that  wise 
Ulysses  come  from  Troy?  Mercury-  -he  of  the 
golden  staff  -  -  foretold  to  me  that  Ulysses  should 

THE  ENCHANTED   SWINE         395 

outwit  me!     Spare  me  now!     spare  me!    And 
henceforth  I  will  do  you  no  harm!' 

:'O  Circe,"  replied  Ulysses,  "do  you  ask  me  to 
deal  gently  with  you,  when  here  in  your  own 
palace-hall  you  have  transformed  my  friends 
into  Swine?  Swear  to  me  that  henceforth  you 
will  not  only  do  me  no  injury,  but  will  change 
my  friends  back  to  men." 

Trembling  she  swore  as  he  desired.  Then  she 
arose  and  prepared  a  banquet  for  him.  The 
Nymphs  from  fountains,  groves,  and  streams, 
who  waited  on  her,  spread  two  thrones  with 
gorgeous  covers,  and  above  them  suspended 
canopies  of  richest  purple.  They  set  silver 
tables  before  the  thrones,  laden  with  golden 
plates  and  cups,  and  rich  wine  in  silver  bowls. 

Around  Ulysses'  manly  form  they  flung  a 
princely  cloak,  and  placed  a  foot-stool  for  his 
feet.  Then  came  a  fair-haired  Nymph  with  a 
golden  ewer,  and  poured  pure  "water  on  his  hands 
in  a  silver  laver.  Next  they  placed  delicious 
viands  upon  the  tables,  and  bade  him  eat  and 

But  the  banquet  did  not  please  him,  and  he 
sat  wrapped  in  gloomy  thoughts. 

'Why,  O  Ulysses,"  said  Circe,  "do  you  sit 
with  dark  thoughts  gnawing  at  your  heart?  Why 
do  you  not  eat  and  drink?' 

Then  replied  Ulysses :  — 

"Think  you  that  a  good  man  and  true  would 

396          THE   WONDER  GARDEN 

be  so  faithless  as  to  feast  while  his  friends  were 
miserable  captives  close  at  hand?  If  you  wish 
me  to  enjoy  this  banquet,  first  set  my  comrades 

Then  Circe  took  her  wand,  and  quickly  led  the 
way  into  the  sty,  and  drove  forth  the  grunting 
herd  of  Swine.  They  ranged  themselves  before 
her  in  a  row.  She  threw  upon  them  a  magic 
drug,  and  they  rose  upon  their  hind  legs.  Their 
bristles  fell  away;  their  snouts  grew  shorter. 
And  they  were  transformed  into  their  own 
shapes  again,  only  handsomer  and  younger  than 

They  knew  Ulysses,  and  crowded  to  his  side. 
They  pressed  his  hands  with  tears  and  sobs  of 
joy.  Even  Circe  was  moved  with  pity,  and  bade 
them  corneas  guests  into  her  hall.  She  robed  them 
in  fresh  tunics  and  fair  cloaks.  And  all  day,  until 
the  setting  of  the  Sun,  they  feasted.  When  the 
Sun  went  down,  they  slept  on  sumptuous  couches 
in  her  hall. 

And  when  at  last  Ulysses  and  his  men  left 


that  enchanted  isle,  Circe,  the  bright-haired 
daughter  of  the  Sun,  helped  them  with  good 
counsel  on  their  way.  So  once  more  they  sailed 
across  the  boundless  deep,  to  search  for  sunny 



Retold  from  Pindar  and  Other  Sources 

IN  days  of  yore  there  dwelt  a  young  and  hand- 
some King  in  Corinth,  named  Bellerophon.  He 
was  about  to  set  out  on  a  strange  adventure. 
He  had  vowed  to  kill  the  Chimsera,  a  terrible 
monster  that  was  ravaging  the  land  of  Lycia. 

She  had  three  heads,  —  one  of  a  Lion,  one  of  a 
Goat,  and  the  third  of  a  Serpent.  The  front  part 
of  her  body  was  like  a  Lion,  the  middle  like  a 
Goat,  and  the  hinderpart  like  a  Dragon.  Her 
three  heads  breathed  out  fire  and  smoke.  Such 
was  the  terrible  monster  that  Bellerophon  had 
sworn  to  kill. 

One  night  while  he  lay  on  his  couch,  consider- 
ing with  what  weapon  he  should  slay  the  Chi- 
msera,  he  fell  asleep.  He  dreamed  that  a  maiden 
stood  beside  him.  Very  tall  and  stately  she  was, 
and  her  large  gleaming  eyes  regarded  him  stead- 
fastly. A  helmet  covered  her  ringlets,  and  she 
bore  on  her  arm  the  shadowy  aegis  —  the  shield  of 
Minerva  the  Wise  One  —  in  the  centre  of  which 
was  engraved  the  snaky  head  of  Medusa.  In 
her  right  hand  she  carried  a  golden  bridle. 

"Bellerophon,"  said  she,  with  sweet,  calm 
accents,  "arise,  go  to  the  Spring  of  Pirene.  Take 
with  you  this  magic  bridle  made  of  soul-sub- 
duing gold,  and  with  it  tame  Pegasus,  the  Winged 

398          THE   WONDER  GARDEN 

Horse  of  the  Muses.  At  dawn  he  will  come  flying 
from  the  Fountain  of  Hippocrene  on  Mount 
Helicon,  and  you  shall  find  him  drinking  from 
the  pure  water  of  Pirene.  With  his  aid  alone 
may  you  slay  the  Chimaera." 

Then  Bellerophon  awoke,  and,  though  the 
maiden  had  vanished,  he  found  the  golden  bridle 
lying  by  his  side. 

Hastily  he  arose  and  put  on  his  brazen  armor. 
Taking  his  bow  he  set  out  for  the  Spring  of 
Pirene,  which  flowed  cold  and  exceedingly  clear 
from  the  side  of  a  lofty  hill  near  Corinth. 

Quickly  Bellerophon  climbed  to  the  spring, 
and  approached  it.  Softly  its  waters  fell,  with 
musical  murmur,  into  a  beautiful  marble  basin, 
edged  round  with  flowers  and  grasses.  On  its 
margin  stood  the  Winged  Horse  drinking  the  pure 
water,  while  his  silvery  wings  waved  in  the  air, 
and  his  quivering  hoofs  seemed  scarcely  to  press 
the  sod. 

A  very  wonderful  horse  was  this  Pegasus,  for 
he  was  born  from  the  blood  that  flowed  from 
the  neck  of  the  Gorgon  Medusa  when  Perseus 
cut  off  her  head.  Straight  Pegasus  had  flown  up 
from  her  blood,  and  had  winged  his  way  to 
Mount  Helicon.  There,  with  one  stroke  of  his 
delicate  hoof,  he  had  cleaved  the  ground,  and  a 
fountain  called  Hippocrene  —  as  bright  and 
pure  as  the  Spring  of  Pirene,  had  gushed  from  the 
earth  and  flowed  down  the  mountain-side. 


So  on  Mount  Helicon  in  the  grove  of  golden- 
beamed  Apollo,  Pegasus  made  liis  home,  and  was 
cared  for  by  the  Nine  Sister  Muses.  Freely  he 
came,  and  freely  he  went  soaring  into  the  sky,  and 
no  one  ever  sought  to  tame  him. 

Now,  when  Bellerophon  saw  Pegasus  drinking 
from  the  Spring  of  Pirene,  his  wings  glittering 
in  the  soft  morning  light,  he  stole  noiselessly 
forward  and  clapped  the  golden  bridle  over  his 

Instantly  a  shiver  ran  through  the  animal's 
slender  frame,  his  distended  nostrils  trembled; 
but  as  he  felt  the  touch  of  the  soul-subduing 
gold,  he  stood  quietly  and  let  Bellerophon  mount 
him.  Then  upward  he  sprang,  and  soared  into 
the  sky,  higher  and  higher,  and  away  to  the 
land  of  Lycia,  where  the  Chimaera  was  ravaging, 
and  destroying  the  people. 

Terrible  was  the  combat  between  Bellerophon 
and  the  Chimsera.  He  fought  her  from  Pegasus' 
back,  while  the  brave,  Winged  Horse  hovered 
above  her.  One  by  one  he  cut  off  her  flame- 
breathing  heads;  and  so  he  destroyed  her. 

Then  was  Bellerophon  filled  with  so  great  pride 
and  presumption  that  he  wished  to  ascend  even 
to  Heaven  itself.  So  he  urged  Pegasus  upward 
and  upward,  and  higher  and  higher. 

But  Jupiter,  looking  from  his  throne  on  Mount 
Olympus,  saw  him  ascending,  and  quickly  sent 
a  little  insect  to  sting  the  Winged  Horse.  The 

400          THE  WONDER  GARDEN 

insect  hid  under  his  wings,  and  stung  him  so 
badly  that,  goaded  by  pain,  he  flung  Bellerophon 
from  his  back. 

Down  to  earth  Bellerophon  fell,  but  he  was  not 
injured.  And  there  he  wandered  about,  sorrowful 
and  lonely,  until  at  last  he  died. 

But  the  Winged  Horse  had  flown  into  the 
sky  and  was  become  a  cluster  of  Stars.  There 
you  may  see  him  on  any  bright  night  if  you  search 
the  glittering  heavens. 


Retold  from  Moschus  and  Ovid 

ONCE  upon  a  time,  in  the  land  of  Phoenicia, 
there  dwelt  a  lovely  young  Princess  named 
Europa.  Often  with  her  playmates,  girls  of  her 
own  age,  she  danced,  or  bathed  in  the  bright 
water  of  the  streams,  or  gathered  the  fragrant 
Lilies  growing  in  the  meadows  by  the  sea. 

One  day  at  dawn,  she  rose  from  her  bed,  and 
putting  on  a  purple  robe,  hastened  out  to  find 
her  playmates.  Soon  she  met  them,  each  carry- 
ing a  basket  for  flowers.  Together  they  ran 
down  to  the  meadows  by  the  sea,  where  they  de- 
lighted to  pick  blossoms  and  to  listen  to  the 
rolling  waves  breaking  on  the  sand. 

Europa  carried  a  golden  basket,  on  which 
were  pictures,  delicately  engraved,  telling  the 
story  of  lo,  the  gentle  maiden  whom  Jupiter 

THE  SNOW-WHITE  BULL         401 

once  turned  into  a  cow.  And  many  and  won- 
derful were  the  pictures  that  were  wrought  in 
brass  and  silver  on  the  gold.  Such  was  the 
beautiful  basket  Europa  carried. 

Soon  the  maidens  reached  the  meadows  by 
the  sea.  Hither  and  thither  they  ran,  merrily 
plucking  their  favourite  flowers.  Some  pulled 
Hyacinths,  others  plucked  fragrant  Daffodils, 
or  gathered  blue  Violets  and  balmy  Thyme, 
while  still  others  tried  to  see  who  first  could  fill 
their  baskets  with  yellow  Crocuses. 

But  among  all  her  playmates,  the  Princess 
Europa,  breaking  crimson  Roses  from  their 
stems,  shone  radiant  and  beautiful  like  Venus, 
the  Foam-born-One-among-the-Graces. 

Now  Jupiter  was  looking  down  from  his  ivory 
throne  on  Mount  Olympus,  and  saw  Europa 
gathering  Roses.  And  as  he  looked,  mischievous 
Cupid  pierced  his  heart  with  a  love-tipped 

Then  straightway  Jupiter  rose  up,  and  changed 
himself  into  a  Bull;  not  an  ordinary  one  such  as 
eats  grass  or  is  yoked  for  the  plough,  but  a 
wonderful  creature.  He  was  snow-white,  with 
a  silver  circle  on  his  forehead.  His  horns  were 
transparent  and  bright  like  gems,  and  his  eyes 
mild  and  beautiful. 

He  hastened  to  the  meadows  by  the  sea. 
Lowing  gently  he  approached  the  maidens. 
And  when  they  saw  the  wonderful  creature, 

402          THE  WONDER  GARDEN 

they  were  not  afraid,  but  longed  to  stroke  his 
smooth  white  sides. 

He  stood  before  Europa,  and,  licking  her 
hands,  cast  a  spell  over  her.  She  fed  him  with 
Roses,  and  wreathed  his  horns  with  garlands. 
He  skipped  upon  the  grass,  and,  lying  down, 
rolled  his  snowy  sides  among  the  flowers.  Then, 
rising,  he  stooped  at  her  feet,  and,  bending  his 
head,  showed  her  his  broad  back. 

'Come,  sweet  friends  and  playmates!'  cried 
Europa  gayly.  'Come,  let  us  sit  on  the  back 
of  this  Bull!  He  is  not  like  other  Bulls!  See 
how  mild  and  kind  he  is!  Surely  he  will  carry 
us  gently !': 

And,  laughing,  she  took  her  seat  on  his  back. 
But  before  her  playmates  could  follow,  up  he 
leaped,  and  ran  toward  the  sea. 

In  vain  Europa  stretched  out  her  hands  to 
her  playmates,  and  called  to  them  for  help. 
The  Bull  reached  the  strand,  and  sprang  upon 
the  water.  With  unwetted  hoofs  he  rushed  over 
the  wild  waves.  But  the  waves  became  calm 
beneath  him,  and  sea-beasts  gambolled  around 
him.  Dolphins,  from  pure  joy,  rolled  in  the 
foam.  The  Nereids  rose  up  from  their  coral 
caves;  while  Neptune,  King  of  the  loud-sounding 
Deep,  made  a  smooth,  watery  path  to  guide  the 
Bull  on  his  way.  And  the  Tritons,  thronging 
near  the  path,  blew  a  bridal  song  upon  their 
wreathed  conch-shells. 

THE  SNOW-WHITE  BULL         403 

But  Europa,  in  great  fear,  grasped  with  one 
hand  the  Bull's  glittering  horn,  while  with  the 
other  she  held  up  the  folds  of  her  purple  robe 
lest  it  should  be  wet  by  the  spume  of  the  sea. 
The  Wind,  swelling  out  her  robe  behind  her  like 
a  sail,  lightly  wafted  her  onward. 

Soon  she  was  far  from  her  own  land,  and  could 
see  only  the  blue  air  above  and  the  blue  water 
around  her.  Terror  filled  her  heart. 

'Whither  are  you  taking  me,  O  Bull?'1  she 
cried.  "Who  are  you?  Other  Bulls  fear  the 
salt  wave,  but  you  run  over  the  water  with  un- 
wetted  hoofs!  Alas!  Alas!  poor  me!  that  I 
left  my  father's  palace  and  followed  this  crea- 
ture, who  is  carrying  me  away  to  lands  un- 

"Fear  not,  beloved  Maiden,"  answered  the 
Bull  gently.  'Take  heart!  Fear  not  the  ocean 
wave!  Soon  you  shall  see  that  I  am  a  man,  not 
a  Bull.  In  the  Isle  of  Crete  a  shining  palace  is 
awaiting  you,  where  you  shall  reign  over  Crete 
and  over  my  heart!' 

So  spoke  the  Bull  and  rushed  on.  Soon  he 
stood  upon  the  shore  of  Crete.  He  stooped,  and 
Europa  sprang  from  his  back  to  the  sparkling 

Then,  lo!  the  Bull  was  changed,  and  was 
Jupiter  once  more!  Stately  and  bright  he  was, 
and  crowned  with  Olive-like  branches.  In  his 
hand  he  held  his  eagle- tipped  sceptre;  while  his 

404          THE   WONDER  GARDEN 

robe,  variegated  like  the  flowers,  was  wrapped 
about  his  majestic  form. 

Then  he  took  the  wondering  Princess  Europa 
by  the  hand,  and  led  her  to  the  shining  palace. 
And  there  the  wedding  feast  was  held. 

And  in  honour  of  the  lovely  Bride,  to-day 
men  call  the  continent  that  lies  to  the  west  of 
Asia,  —  Europe. 


OF  course  you  have  heard  of  the  girl  who  trod 
on  a  loaf,  so  as  not  to  spoil  her  pretty  shoes; 
and  you  know  all  the  punishment  this  brought 
upon  her. 

She  was  a  poor  child,  but  very  vain  and  proud. 
She  had  a  bad  disposition,  people  said.  As  she 
grew  older  she  became  worse  instead  of  better. 
But  she  was  very  beautiful,  and  that  was  her 

"You  will  bring  evil  on  your  own  head,"  said 
her  mother,  ;<and  when  you  grow  up  you  will 
break  my  heart!' 

And  she  did,  sure  enough. 

At  length  she  went  into  the  country  to  be  the 
servant  of  some  very  rich  people.  They  were  as 
kind  to  her  as  if  she  had  been  one  of  their  own 
family.  And  she  was  so  well  dressed  and  so 
pretty  that  she  became  more  vain  than  ever. 

When  she  had  been  there  a  year,  her  master 

GIRL  WHO  TROD  ON  A  LOAF    405 

and  mistress  said  to  her,    'You  should  go  and 
visit  your  relations,  little  Inger." 

So  she  went  in  all  her  finest  clothes.  But  when 
she  reached  the  village,  and  saw  her  old  mother 
sitting  on  a  stone,  and  resting  her  head  against  a 
bundle  of  firewood  that  she  had  picked  up  in  the 
forest,  Inger  turned  back.  She  felt  ashamed  that 
she,  who  was  dressed  so  well,  should  have  a 
mother  who  was  a  ragged  creature  and  picked 
up  sticks  for  her  fire. 

A  half  year  more  had  passed  by. 
'You  must  go  home  and  see  your  old  parents, 
little  Inger,"  said  her  mistress.     "Here  is  a 'large 
loaf  of  white  bread  —  you  can  carry  them  this. 
They  will  be  rejoiced  to  see  you." 

And  Inger  put  on  her  best  clothes  and  nice 
new  shoes.  She  lifted  her  dress  high,  and 
walked  carefully  so  that  she  might  not  soil  her 
garments  or  her  feet. 

By  and  by  she  came  to  where  the  path  went 
over  a  marsh.  There  was  water  and  mud  in  the 
way.  She  threw  the  loaf  of  bread  into  the  mud, 
so  that  she  could  step  on  it,  and  go  over  with 
dry  shoes. 

But  just  as  she  placed  one  foot  on  the  bread, 
and  lifted  the  other  up,  the  loaf  sank  into  the 
marsh,  deeper  and  deeper,  until  she  went  en- 
tirely down,  and  nothing  was  to  be  seen  but  a 
black  bubbling  pool. 

And  what  became  of  Inger? 

406          THE  WONDER  GARDEN 

She  went  down  to  the  Moor- Woman,  who 
brews  below.  The  Moor- Woman  is  the  aunt  of 
the  Fairies.  But  no  one  knows  anything  more 
about  the  Moor- Woman,  except  that  when  the 
meadows  and  marshes  begin  to  reek  in  Summer, 
it  is  because  the  old  woman  is  brewing. 

Into  her  brewery  it  was  that  Inger  sank.  The 
kettles  were  filled  with  horrible  smells,  and 
Snakes  and  Toads  were  crawling  around.  Into 
this  place  little  Inger  sank;  the  bread  stuck 
fast  to  her  feet,  and  drew  her  down.  She  shiv- 
ered in  every  limb. 

'This  comes  from  wishing  to  have  clean 
shoes,"  thought  Inger. 

She  stood  there  like  a  statue,  fastened  to  the 
ground  by  the  bread.  Around  her  were  many 
strange  beings.  How  they  stared  at  her,  with 
wicked  eyes! 

'It  must  be  a  pleasure  to  them  to  see  me," 
thought  little  Inger,  '"I  have  such  a  pretty  face, 
and  am  so  well  dressed." 

And  she  dried  her  tears.  She  had  not  lost 
her  conceit.  But  the  worst  of  all  was  the  dread- 
ful hunger  she  felt.  Could  she  not  stoop  down 
and  break  off  a  piece  of  the  bread  on  which  she 
was  standing? 

No!  Her  back  was  stiffened;  her  hands  and 
her  arms  were  stiffened;  her  whole  body  was 
like  a  statue  of  stone.  She  could  move  only  her 
eyes.  The  gnawing  hunger  was  terrible  to  bear. 

GIRL  WHO  TROD  ON  A  LOAF    407 

"If  this  goes  on  I  cannot  hold  out  much 
longer,"  she  said. 

But  she  had  to  hold  out,  though  her  sufferings 
became  greater. 

Then  a  warm  tear  fell  upon  her  head;  it 
trickled  over  her  face  and  neck  all  the  way  down 
to  the  bread.  Another  tear  followed,  and  still 
another,  and  then  many  more.  Who  was  weep- 
ing for  little  Inger?  Had  she  not  a  mother  up 
yonder  on  the  earth? 

And  Inger  could  hear  all  that  was  being  said 
about  her  above  in  the  world,  and  it  was  nothing 
but  blame  and  evil.  Though  her  mother  wept, 
and  was  very  sorrowful,  yet  she  said :  — 

'' Pride  goes  before  a  fall!  That  was  your 
great  fault,  little  Inger!  Oh!  How  miserable 
you  have  made  your  mother!' 

But  Inger's  heart  became  still  harder  than 
the  Stone  into  which  she  was  turned.  She  felt 
hatred  for  all  mankind.  She  listened  and  heard 
people  above  telling  her  story  as  a  warning  to 
children.  And  the  little  ones  called  her  "un- 
godly Inger."  "She  was  so  naughty,"  they 
said,  ;<so  very  wicked,  that  she  deserved  to 
suffer."  The  children  always  spoke  harshly 
of  her. 

But  one  day  when  hunger  and  suffering  were 
gnawing  her  dreadfully,  she  heard  her  name 
mentioned,  and  her  story  told  to  a  child  —  a 
little  girl.  The  child  burst  into  tears. 

408          THE  WONDER  GARDEN 

'When  will  she  come  up  again?"  she  asked. 

The  answer  was,  :<She  will  never  come  up 

4  But  if  she  will  beg  pardon,  and  promise 
never  to  be  naughty  again?"  asked  the  child. 

'But  she  will  not  beg  pardon,"  they  said. 

"Oh!  I  wish  she  would!'  sobbed  the  child. 
'I  will  give  my  doll  and  my  doll's  house,  if  she 
may  come  up!  Poor  little  Inger!' 

These  words  touched  Inger's  heart;  she  wished 
to  cry,  but  she  could  not. 

Years  and  years  went  by  on  the  earth  above, 
and  Inger's  mother  died.  The  child  who  had 
wept  for  her  grew  to  be  old  -  -  oh,  very  old  in- 
deed, and  the  Lord  was  about  to  call  her  to 
Himself.  And  as  her  gentle  spirit  was  passing 
she  remembered  Inger,  and  wept  once  more  for 
the  fate  of  the  unhappy  one. 

And  her  tears  sounded  like  an  echo  in  the 
abyss  where  Inger  was.  One  of  God's  spirits 
was  weeping  for  her!  And  remorse  and  grief 
filled  Inger's  soul,  such  as  she  had  never  felt 

She  thought  that  for  her  the  gates  of  Mercy 
would  never  open.  And,  as  in  deep  shame  and 
humility  she  thought  thus,  a  ray  of  brightness 
penetrated  into  that  dismal  abyss,  a  ray  more 
vivid  and  glorious  than  the  Sunbeams  that  melt 
the  Snow-Figures  children  make  in  their  gardens. 

And  this  ray,  more  quickly  than  the  Snow- 

GIRL  WHO  TROD  ON  A  LOAF    409 

flake  that  falls  on  a  child's  warm  mouth  can 
melt,  caused  Inger's  stony  figure  to  dissolve, 
and  a  little  grey  bird  arose,  following  the  zigzag 
course  of  the  ray  to  the  earth  above. 

But  the  bird  was  afraid  and  shy  of  everything 
around  it.  It  felt  ashamed,  and  hid  in  a  dark 
hole  in  a  wall.  There  it  sat,  and  it  crept  into  the 
farthest  corner,  trembling  all  over. 

For  a  long  time  it  sat  thus,  before  it  ventured 
to  look  out  at  all  the  beauty  around  it.  The  air 
was  so  fresh,  so  soft.  The  Moon  shone  so  clearly. 
The  trees  and  the  flowers  gave  out  sweet  odours. 
How  all  Creation  told  of  love  and  glory!  The 
little  bird  would  willingly  have  poured  forth  its 
joy  in  song,  but  the  power  was  denied  it. 

Then  it  flew  out  of  the  hole,  and  longed  more 
than  ever  to  sing  in  gratitude.  Perhaps  some 
day  it  might  find  a  voice,  if  it  could  perform  some 
deed  of  thankfulness!  Might  not  this  happen? 

The  Winter  was  a  hard  one.  The  waters  were 
frozen  thickly  over.  The  birds  and  wild  animals 
in  the  wood  could  scarcely  get  food.  The  little 
bird  flew  about  the  country  roads,  and,  when  it 
found  a  few  grains  of  Corn  dropped  in  the  ruts, 
it  would  eat  only  a  single  grain,  while  it  called  to 
all  the  starving  Sparrows  to  come  and  enjoy  the 

It  would  also  fly  from  village  to  village  and 
look  about.  And  where  kind  hands  had  strewed 
crumbs  outside  the  windows  for  birds,  it  would 

410          THE  WONDER  GARDEN 

eat  only  one  crumb,  and  give  all  the  rest  to  the 

At  the  end  of  the  Winter  the  little  bird  had 
found  and  given  away  so  many  crumbs  of  bread 
that  they  equalled  in  weight  the  loaf  upon  which 
little  Inger  had  trod  in  order  to  save  her  fine 
shoes  from  being  soiled. 

And  when  it  had  given  away  the  very  last 
crumb,  the  grey  wings  of  the  bird  became  white, 
and  expanded  wonderfully. 

'It  is  flying  over  the  sea!'    exclaimed  the 
children  who  saw  the  white  bird. 

Now  it  seemed  to  dip  into  the  ocean,  and  now 
it  rose  into  the  clear  sunshine.  It  glittered  in 
the  air.  It  disappeared  high,  high  above.  And 
the  children  said  that  it  had  flown  up  to  the 




First,  April.,  she  with  mellow  showers 
Opens  the  way  for  early  flowers. 

Then  after  her  conies  smiling  May, 
In  a  more  rich  and  sweet  array. 

Next  enters  June,  and  brings  us  more 
Gems  than  those  two  that  went  before. 

Then,  lastly,  July  comes,  and  she 

More  wealth  brings  in  than  all  those  three. 



So  forth  issued  the  Seasons  of  the  Year: 
First,  Lusty  Spring,  all  dight  in  leaves  of  flowers 
That  freshly  budded  and  new  blossoms  did  bear; 
In  which  a  thousand  birds  had  built  their  bowers. 

Then  came  the  Jolly  Summer,  being  dight 
In  a  thin  silken  cassock,  coloured  green, 
That  was  unlined  all,  to  be  more  light: 
And  on  his  head  a  garland  well  beseen. 

Then  came  the  Autumn,  all  in  yellow  clad 
As  though  he  joyed  in  his  plenteous  store, 
Laden  with  fruits  that  made  him  laugh  full  glad. 

Lastly  came  Winter  clothed  all  in  frieze, 
Chattering  his  teeth  for  cold  that  did  him  chill, 
Whilst  on  his  hoary  beard,  his  breath  did  freeze. 

EDMUND  SPENSER  (condensed) 



Crow  Myth 

A  LONG  time  ago,  it  was  always  Winter  in  the 
Northland.  There  was  nothing  but  Ice  and 
Snow.  But  in  the  Southland  it  was  always 
Summer,  and  the  beautiful  birds  were  there. 

Now  one  time  Old  Man  Coyote  stepped  out 
of  his  lodge  in  the  cold  Northland,  and  saw  a 
youth  blowing  on  his  hands  to  warm  them. 

"Why  are  you  doing  that,  my  Son?"  he  asked. 
"  In  the  South  is  Summer,  and  young  boys  like  you 
are  chasing  the  Buffalo  calves  and  running  after 
birds.  Why  do  you  stay  here  where  it  is  so  cold? ' 

The  youth  did  not  answer.  He  was  thinking 
of  what  Old  Man  Coyote  had  said,  and  it  made 
him  feel  badly.  He  longed  to  see  Summer,  and 
to  chase  the  calves  and  birds. 

"I  see  you  feel  badly,"  said  Old  Man  Coyote. 
"I  can  help  you.  I  am  going  after  Summer. 
Down  in  the  Southland  lives  Woman-with-the- 
Strong-Heart,  who  keeps  Summer  and  Winter 
tied  up  in  bags.  I  am  going  to  bring  home 

Then  Old  Man  Coyote  called  his  four  servants, 
Wild  Coyote,  Deer,  Wolf,  and  Jack  Rabbit,  and 
together  they  set  out  for  the  warm  Southland. 

414          THE  WONDER  GARDEN 

Soon  they  reached  the  country  of  the  Summer 
People,  and  Old  Man  Coyote  said :  - 

'I  will  change  myself  into  an  Elk,  and  go  into 
the  wood.  When  the  Summer  People  see  me, 
they  will  come  running  to  kill  me.  Then  do  you, 
Wild  Coyote,  who  are  so  wise,  go  to  the  tepee 
of  Woman-with-the-Strong-Heart,  and,  when  she 
comes  rushing  out  to  see  what  the  matter 
is,  rub  this  magic  medicine  plant  on  her  face. 
Then  slip  into  her  tepee,  and  you  will  see  two 
bags  —  Summer  in  a  dark  bag,  and  Winter  in  a 
white  one.  Take  the  dark  bag,  but  do  not  touch 
the  white  one." 

So  Old  Man  Coyote  changed  himself  into  an 
Elk,  and  went  into  the  wood.  Soon  the  Summer 
People  saw  him,  and  came  shouting,  and  running 
to  kill  him;  while  Woman-with-the-Strong-Heart 
rushed  from  her  tepee  to  see  what  was  the  matter. 

Wild  Coyote  rubbed  the  magic  medicine  paint 
on  her  face,  and  it  took  her  voice  away  so  she 
could  not  call  out.  Then  he  slipped  into  the 
tepee,  snatched  the  dark  bag  from  its  place,  and 
ran  away  to  the  wood,  where  the  Summer  People 
were  hunting  for  the  Elk.  But  the  Elk  had  run 
swiftly  toward  the  Northland,  and  the  Summer 
People  were  following  after. 

Wild  Coyote  ran  with  the  bag,  and  when  he 
grew  tired  he  gave  it  to  Deer. 

Deer  ran  with  the  bag,  and  when  he  grew  tired 
he  gave  it  to  Wolf. 


Wolf  ran  with  the  bag,  and  when  he  grew  tired 
he  gave  it  to  Jack  Rabbit. 

Jack  Rabbit  ran  with  the  bag.  And  so  they 
all  came  again  safely  to  the  cold  Northland,  and 
gave  the  bag  to  the  youth. 

And  just  as  the  youth  was  about  to  untie  it, 
the  Summer  People  came  rushing  up,  and  de- 
manded the  bag.  But  he  would  not  give  it  to 
them,  until  they  promised  that  the  Northland 
should  have  it  for  half  of  each  year. 

That  is  the  reason  why  the  Southland  and  the 
Northland  have  each  six  months  of  Summer  and 
six  months  of  Winter,  and  why  the  birds  fly 
Northward  in  the  hot  time,  and  Southward 
when  the  cold  sets  in. 

As  for  Old  Man  Coyote,  he  kept  his  promise. 
He  made  a  bird  called  Prairie  Chicken.  And  a 
very  wonderful  bird  is  Prairie  Chicken.  His 
neck  is  a  Buffalo's  muscle.  He  has  a  Snake's 
head.  In  his  tail  is  a  Snake's  rattle.  His  wings 
are  the  claws  of  a  Black  Bear.  His  legs  are  from 

And  Old  Man  Coyote  said  to  Prairie  Chicken: — 
'You  are  a  bird.  Go,  now,  and  scare  the 
people  by  the  whirring  noise  you  make  when  you 
fly  up  from  the  prairie  grass." 

So  Old  Man  Coyote  kept  his  word;  and  the 
Northland  got  Summer,  and  the  youth  had  a 
bird  to  chase. 



From  the  Island  of  Melos 

ONCE  upon  a  time,  an  old  woman  went  out  to 
gather  sticks  for  her  fire.  It  was  very  cold 
weather  and  she  wished  to  warm  herself.  As 
she  walked  across  a  waste  bit  of  land  she  saw 
a  little  house  that  had  never  been  there  before. 
She  peeped  through  the  door,  and  inside  sat 
twelve  handsome  young  Princes,  richly  clad. 
'  Come  in !  Come  in !  Old  Woman ! ' '  they  said. 

So  in  she  went.  Now,  she  was  a  very  polite, 
honest  old  woman,  and  she  bowed  low  and 
said:  — 

'Good  hour  to  you,  my  happy  Princes!' 
'The  same  to  you,  Old  Woman,"  they  replied. 
'But  why  do  you  come  here  in  such  very  bad 
weather? ' 

:<Ah,  my  Children!"  she  sighed,  "I  am  a  poor 
old  thing,  and  am  picking  up  sticks  to  warm  my 
house  for  my  little  ones.  But,  alas!  my  house  is 
tumbling  down,  the  roof  leaks,  and  the  rain  and 
cold  come  in." 

Then  one  of  the  young  Princes  said  to  her, 
"Tell  us,  Old  Woman,  which  of  all  the  Months 
of  the  year  is  the  worst." 

"Why,  my  child,"  answered  she,  "all  the 
Months  are  good.  None  of  them  is  bad." 


"But,  my  old  Woman,"  said  the  young  Prince, 
"how  can  January  be  so  good  as  May?' 

"My  child,"  she  said,  "if  January  did  not 
send  us  the  Snow  to  cover  the  ground,  all  the 
little  herbs  and  flowers  would  freeze.  If  April 
did  not  send  us  the  Rain,  May  would  have  no 
beautiful  blossoms!' 

"Old  Woman,  have  you  a  sack?"  said  all  the 

So  she  gave  them  her  sack  in  which  she  had 
been  putting  sticks,  and  they  filled  it  full  of 
gold-pieces.  And  the  next  minute  the  old  woman 
found  herself  in  her  kitchen  with  the  sack  by  her 

Well,  when  her  rich  neighbour  -  —  a  greedy 
young  woman  —  saw  all  the  gold  and  heard  the 
old  woman's  story,  she  took  the  biggest  sack  she 
could  find,  and  went  to  the  little  house  on  the 
waste.  She  peeped  in,  and  there  sat  the  twelve 
handsome  Princes,  richly  clad. 

She  entered  without  greeting  them,  and  sat 

"Why  are  you  here,  Woman?'  asked  one  of 
the  Princes. 

"What  is  that  to  you?"  said  she.  "The 
wretched  Month  of  January  is  come,  and  I  can't 
keep  warm;  that's  why  I'm  here!' 

"Come,  then,  tell  us  which  of  the  Months 
you  like  best,"  said  the  Prince. 

"I  don't  like  any  of  them,"   answered  she. 

418          THE  WONDER  GARDEN 

'They  are  all  bad  enough,  except,  perhaps, 
February;  he  has  only  twenty-eight  days  and 
is  the  shortest  of  all!' 

'Woman,   have  you  a  sack?'    said   all   the 

So  she  gave  them  her  big  sack,  joyfully. 
They  filled  it  with  Snakes,  Vipers,  and  Toads. 
And  the  next  minute  she  found  herself  in  her 
kitchen  with  the  sack  beside  her. 

Then  all  the  Snakes,  Vipers,  and  Toads 
jumped  out  and  devoured  her. 


Retold  from  Ovid 

IN  those  wondrous  golden  times,  Pan  dwelt  in 
the  woods.  And  a  very  strange  creature  he  was. 
His  face  and  body  were  those  of  a  man,  while  his 
long  hairy  legs  ended  in  Goat's  feet.  From  his 
flat  forehead  sprouted  two  little  horns. 

Sometimes  with  loud  bursts  of  laughter  he 
rushed  through  the  woods,  snapping  twigs  and 
trampling  down  leaves.  At  other  times  he 
bounded  into  the  meadows,  and  noiselessly 
capered  along  the  banks  of  streams  where  the 
Shepherds  were  watching  their  flocks.  Often  he 
thrust  his  ugly  head  through  the  bushes  and 
grinned  at  the  Shepherds,  who,  when  they  saw 
his  wrinkled  red  face  and  little  horns,  deserted 
their  sheep  and  ran  away  in  a  panic. 

REED  THAT  WAS  A  MAIDEN         419 

But  above  all  things,  this  grinning  mischievous 
Pan  liked  to  frighten  the  maidens  of  Diana-of-the- 
Bended-Bow  when  they  were  hunting  in  the 
wood.  He  would  spring  at  them  from  behind 
trees,  and,  shrieking,  they  would  rush  away  in  all 

Now  it  happened  one  day  that  Syrinx,  the 
most  beautiful  of  the  maidens  in  Diana's  train, 
was  hunting  Deer  hi  the  Forest.  Her  robe  was 
tucked  above  her  white  knees,  her  hair  flew  in 
the  wind,  and  her  eyes  sparkled  with  delight. 
She  held  her  bow  before  her,  with  her  sharp 
arrow  ready  to  shoot. 

Pan,  peeping  through  the  trees,  saw  her,  and 
wondered  at  her  beauty.  Quickly  he  wreathed 
his  ugly  head  with  sharp  pine-needles  and,  step- 
ping into  her  path,  spoke  gently  to  her. 

:<O  lovely  Maiden,"  he  entreated,  "stay  your 
swift  footsteps.  I  am  Pan,  the  guardian  of 
Shepherds  and  of  Bees.  All  living  things  in  the 
woods  and  streams  belong  to  me,  the  leaping  fish, 
and  the  wild- wood  creatures.  They  are  all  mine. 
I  am  Pan,  their  King.  Stay,  then,  sweet  Maiden, 
and  be  my  Queen,  and  rule  over  them  all  with 


But  Syrinx  fled  away  in  terror.  Pale  and 
trembling  she  hastened  through  the  woods, 
while  Pan,  shouting  loudly,  rushed  after  her. 

Nearer  and  nearer  he  drew,  until  Syrinx  heard 
his  loud  laughter  explode  close  to  her  ears,  and 

420          THE  WONDER  GARDEN 

felt  his  hot  breath  on  her  hair.  Alas!  she  knew 
not  whither  to  turn!  A  gentle  stream  crossed 
her  path,  its  bank  overgrown  with  reeds.  She 
sprang  down  the  bank  to  the  water. 

;<O  my  sister  Naiads,"  she  cried,  "save  me! 
Save  me  from  Pan  the  goat-footed!' 

And  even  as  she  cried  out,  Pan  clasped  her  in 
his  rough  arms.  But,  lo,  she  was  gone,  she  was 
changed!  He  no  longer  clasped  a  maiden,  but 
a  slender,  trembling  Reed  growing  up  from  the 
water's  edge. 

Then  down  among  the  Reeds  sat  Pan,  sighing 
and  weeping  for  his  lost  Syrinx.  And  the  Wind, 
pitying  his  grief,  stirred  the  Reeds  gently,  and 
they  gave  forth  a  murmuring  sound  like  Syrinx' 
own  voice  sweetly  lamenting. 

'Beloved  Reeds,"  said  Pan,  "you  shall  ever 
be  with  me,  and  for  ever  shall  you  charm  away 
my  sorrow." 

So  he  made  musical  pipes  of  the  Reeds  fastened 
together  with  wax,  and  called  them  "Syrinx." 

And  night  and  day  he  wandered  through  the 
woods  and  pastures  and  along  the  murmuring 
streams,  breathing  on  the  Syrinx;  and  it  gave 
forth  such  melodious,  lamenting  sounds,  that  all 
living  things  that  heard  them  wept  or  laughed 
with  sadness  or  joy.  And  the  Shepherds,  watch- 
ing their  flocks,  said  one  to  another:  — 

"Listen!    Listen  to  Pan's  Pines !' 



Retold  from  Ovid 

THIS  is  how  the  whole  wide  world  came  to  know 
that  King  Midas  had  Asses'  ears :  — 

All  through  the  Happy  Wonder  Months,  Pan 
wandered  hi  the  meadows  where  the  Shepherds 
fed  their  flocks,  or  he  slept  in  the  mountain- 
caves,  or  he  capered  on  his  goat-legs  along  the 
banks  of  the  streams. 

And  everywhere  that  he  went,  he  played  softly 
on  his  Syrinx.  At  the  sound  of  his  sweet  strains 
Dryads  peeped  from  their  tree-trunks;  and 
Naiads,  rising  up  in  the  water-pools,  wrung  the 
bright  drops  from  their  azure  hair,  while  they 
listened  to  his  sweet  pipings. 

"Hark!  ye  Nymphs!"  cried  Pan.  "Listen  to 
the  voice  of  my  Syrinx,"  and  then  he  piped  so 
melodiously  and  sadly  that  the  Dryads  and 
Naiads  laughed  or  wept  from  sheer  joy  or  sorrow. 

;<Hark,  ye  Nymphs!"  cried  he  again.  "Listen 
while  I  pipe  a  tune  more  delightful  and  charming 
to  the  ear  than  any  from  the  lyre  of  golden- 
beamed  Apollo";  and  then  he  piped  louder  and 
more  sweetly  than  before. 

But  while  he  was  speaking  these  boastful 
words,  golden-beamed  Apollo  heard  him.  Quickly 
he  flew  down  to  earth  from  his  Palace  in  the  Sun. 
His  yellow  hair  was  wreathed  with  Laurel  from 

422          THE  WONDER  GARDEN 

the  Daphne- tree;  his  long  robe,  dyed  with 
Tyrian  purple,  trailed  in  the  fresh  green  grass; 
while  his  lyre,  adorned  with  ivory,  glittered  with 
a  thousand  gems. 

'I  am  come,  O  goat-legged  Pan,"  said  he, 

'to  hear  you  make  good  your  boasting  words. 

Let  us  have  a  musical  contest.     Old  Tmolus, 

Xing  of  yonder   lofty  mountain,  shall   be  our 


To  this  Pan  eagerly  consented,  for  he  thought: 
"  Surely  on  my  Syrinx  I  can  play  a  more  de- 
lightful tune  than  any  that  Apollo  can  strike  from 
his  lyre." 

Then,  upon  his  lofty  mountain  old  Giant 
Tmolus  seated  himself.  His  blue  hair  was 
crowned  with  Oak-leaves,  and  Acorns  hung  about 
his  hollow  temples.  He  shook  his  ears  free  from 
huge  trees,  and  cried  out  to  Pan :  — 

"Ho!  guardian  of  Shepherds  and  Bees!  Let 
there  be  no  delay.  I  am  here  to  be  your  umpire, 
and  will  render  a  just  decision." 

Then  Pan  breathed  softly  on  his  Syrinx;  and 
sang  of  snowy  Lambs  bleating  in  green  pastures, 
and  of  Bees  sipping  honey  from  the  flowers. 

Apollo,  holding  his  lyre  in  his  left  hand,  struck 
its  strings  gently  with  his  right,  while  from  them 
gushed  such  delicious  melody  that  the  very  stones 
danced  and  the  trees  bowed  their  tall  tops. 

"Stay!  stay  your  music!  O  Pan!"  cried  Xing 
Tmolus.  "The  notes  of  your  pipes  sound  shrill 


and  ear-piercing  compared  with  Apollo's  ravish- 
ing music.  To  Apollo  alone  belongs  the  victor's 

"Not  so!  not  so!"  said  a  hoarse  voice  near  by, 
for  while  they  were  playing,  King  Midas  had 
drawn  near.  'The  noises  Apollo  makes  may 
please  the  ears  of  a  Mountain-King,"  said  he, 
'but  Pan's  sweet  pipings  alone  can  charm  my 
music-loving  soul.  To  Pan  belongs  the  victor's 

:< Stupid  mortal!'  exclaimed  Apollo  in  fury, 
"may  you,  then,  have  ears  suited  to  enjoy  the 
rude  pipings  of  goat-legged  Pan!' 

So  saying,  he  seized  King  Midas's  ears  and 
pulled  them  out  longer  and  longer,  until  they 
became  Asses'  ears  filled  with  grey  hairs  and 
flapping  on  either  side  of  the  poor  King's  face. 

Then,  laughing  scornfully,  Apollo  flew  back 
to  his  Palace  in  the  Sun. 

But  King  Midas,  in  horror  and  shame,  fled 
to  his  own  palace,  and  hid  his  Asses'  ears  under 
a  purple  turban,  so  that  no  one  knew  he  had 

But  it  chanced  one  day  that  the  royal  barber, 
while  cutting  King  Midas's  long  locks,  saw  the 
tips  of  the  Asses'  ears  peeping  out  of  the  turban. 
Now  he  was  a  wise  man,  and  knew  that  he  must 
not  tell  what  he  had  seen.  But  the  secret  troubled 
him  more  and  more  until  he  ran  down  to  the 
river-bank,  and,  digging  a  hole,  whispered  into  it: 

424          THE  WONDER  GARDEN 

:<King  Midas  has  Asses'  ears!  King  Midas 
has  Asses'  ears!' 

Then  he  filled  up  the  hole,  and  went  home 
more  contented. 

Soon  afterward,  a  bed  of  quivering  Reeds 
sprang  up  over  the  hole,  and,  whenever  the  West 
Wind  blew  through  them,  they  shivered  and 
sighed  and  shivered  and  sighed :  — 

"Hist!    Hist!    King  Midas  has  Asses'  ears! 
Hist!    Hist!    King  Midas  has  Asses'  ears!" 

And  that  is  how  the  whole  wide  world  came  to 
know  that  King  Midas  had  Asses'  ears. 


From  Ovid  and  Other  Sources 

IN  the  long,  long  ago  there  dwelt  in  the  heart  of 
the  earth  a  fierce  King  named  Pluto,  who  reigned 
over  the  Kingdom  of  Hades.  Dreary  and  dark 
was  that  subterranean  Kingdom.  Cerberus, 
the  three-headed  Dog,  guarded  its  entrance, 
while  the  Shades  of  the  Dead  moaned  through 
its  hollow-sounding  palaces. 

There  was  not  a  single  beautiful  thing  in  all 
Hades.  There  were  no  flowers,  no  sunlight,  no 
birds;  and  Pluto,  with  gloomy  eyes  and  sullen 
brow,  drove  his  black  steeds  from  one  end  of  the 
Kingdom  to  the  other  seeking  gold  and  silver  ore; 
for  all  the  wealth  of  the  underworld  belonged  to 


Now  it  happened  one  day  that  Venus  the 
Beautiful  was  looking  down  from  Mount  Olym- 
pus and  saw  King  Pluto  driving  madly  about. 
She  called  her  winged  son,  mischievous  little 
Cupid,  to  her  knee,  and,  kissing  him,  said :  — 

"Dear  Child!  See  yonder  gloomy  Pluto! 
He  has  no  beautiful  thing  in  any  of  his  caverns. 
He  has  nothing  to  love.  I  will  not  have  it  so. 
So  do  you,  my  Child,  take  one  of  your  love-tipped 
arrows  —  that  wound  but  do  not  kill  —  and 
shoot  him  through  the  heart." 

So  spoke  Venus.  And  Cupid,  opening  his 
golden  quiver  filled  with  a  thousand  sharp  arrows, 
took  from  it  the  sharpest.  Then  bending  his 
bow  he  shot  King  Pluto  straight  through  the 
heart,  wounding  him  sorely. 

Now,  high  above  on  the  sunny  earth  was  a 
bright  blue  lake,  and  near  it  was  a  lovely  field 
of  flowers.  There  little  Proserpina,  the  daughter 
of  Mother  Ceres,  Keeper-of-all-the-Cornfields-in- 
the- World,  was  playing  barefooted  in  the  grass. 

She  tossed  her  curly  hair  and  pelted  her  play- 
mates with  flowers.  Then,  gathering  up  the 
skirt  of  her  little  dress,  she  filled  it  with  sweet 
nosegays  of  Violets,  Roses,  Lilies,  and  Marigolds. 
Her  playmates  did  the  same,  and  heaped  their 
baskets  with  Hyacinths,  Crocuses,  Amaranth, 
and  Rosemary,  each  trying  to  gather  the  most. 

"Look!  dear  Girls!"  cried  Proserpina  at  last. 
"See  this  wonderful  flower  growing  here  in  the 

426          THE   WONDER  GARDEN 

middle  of  the  meadow!  It  is  a  golden  Daffodil 
and  has  a  hundred  heads!5 

As  she  spoke  she  pulled  the  Hundred-Headed 
Daffodil,  roots  and  all,  from  the  ground.  In- 
stantly there  was  a  roaring  and  a  rumbling  and 
the  earth  opened  wide.  And  from  its  yawning 
chasm  leaped  Pluto's  black  horses,  drawing  his 
golden  chariot.  And  in  the  chariot  stood  the 
fierce  King  himself,  wrapped  in  his  mantle  and 
urging  on  his  steeds. 

Cupid's  arrow  was  still  sticking  in  Pluto's 
breast,  and  when  he  saw  little  Proserpina  he 
straightway  loved  her.  Then  swiftly  he  grasped 
her  and  carried  her  off.  The  flowers  fell  from 
her  lap,  scattering  upon  the  grass.  She  saw  them 
fall  and  wept;  then  stretching  out  her  small 
white  hands,  she  cried :  — 

"Alas!  dearest  Mother!  I  am  being  carried 
away!  Save  me!  Save  me!' 

But  all  in  vain  she  cried,  for  King  Pluto, 
guiding  his  steeds  and  calling  each  by  name, 
shook  the  reins  and  plunged  once  more  into  the 
chasm  that  closed  above  his  head. 

Through  rocky  gorges  and  caverns  the  steeds 
rushed,  and  across  black  pools  of  boiling  water, 
and  over  sulphurous  lakes,  until  they  reached 
King  Pluto's  subterranean  Kingdom.  And  there 
he  made  little  Proserpina  Queen  of  all  Hades. 

But  she  was  not  happy,  and  sat  weeping  and 
wailing  for  her  mother  until  the  tops  of  the 


mountains  and  the  depths  of  the  seas  rang  with 
her  cries. 

Now  Mother  Ceres,  Keeper-of-all-the-Corn- 
fields-in-the- World,  heard  her  little  daughter's 
cries,  and  leaving  her  fields  and  the  ripening 
Corn-Ears  hastened  to  the  flowery  meadow. 
But  she  could  not  find  Proserpina,  for  her  play- 
mates were  all  gone.  Only  the  withered  flowers 
and  the  empty  baskets  lay  upon  the  grass. 

Then  Ceres  beat  her  breast  with  despair  and 
tore  her  Poppy- Wreath  from  her  head.  And 
over  land  and  sea,  throughout  the  wide  world, 
she  went,  seeking  her  child,  and  crying  as  she 
went : — 

" Proserpina!    O  my  Daughter!    Proserpina !': 

By  night  she  carried  two  flaming  torches,  by 
day  she  searched  in  the  light  of  the  Sun.  But 
nowhere  could  she  find  her  lost  child ! 

"O  Zephyr!  Gentle  Zephyr!'  she  asked  the 
West  Wind  as  he  floated  by,  "have  you  seen  my 

And  when  Zephyr  whispered  "No,"  she  has- 
tened on. 

"O  Boreas!  Strong  Boreas !':  she  asked  the 
North  Wind  as  he  rushed  by,  "have  you  seen 
my  daughter?' 

And  when  he  roared  "No"  she  hastened  on. 

And  so  she  asked  each  thing  she  met,  but  no- 
where could  she  find  her  lost  child. 

Meanwhile,  in  her  grief  and  anger,  she  neg- 

428          THE  WONDER  GARDEN 

lected  her  cornfields.  The  birds  picked  the  seeds 
out  of  the  ground.  The  weeds  grew  up  rank  and 
thick.  The  hot  Sun  burned  the  blades  of  Corn. 
And  soon  all  the  Cornfields,  the  wide  world  over, 
were  dry  and  barren.  There  was  no  Corn,  and 
the  hungry  people  cried  for  bread. 

And  so  it  was  when  at  last  Ceres  reached  a 
fountain  that  gushed  from  the  earth.  And 
Arethusa,  the  Nymph  of  the  Fountain,  raised 
her  head  from  the  water  and  tossed  back  her 
dripping  hair.  Then  she  spoke  thus :  — 

'O  Mother  of  the  child  whom  you  have  sought 
throughout  the  whole  world,  cease  your  grief 
and  tend  your  Cornfields  once  more !  The  world 
does  not  deserve  to  suffer  so  at  your  hands! 

"Know  that  I,  Arethusa,  have  seen  your 
daughter.  As  my  stream  was  passing  through 
the  caverns  of  the  underworld  I  saw  Proserpina 
seated  on  King  Pluto's  throne.  She  is  sad  but  no 
longer  weeping,  for  the  King  loves  her  tenderly, 
and  has  made  her  Queen  of  all  Hades." 

And  as  the  Nymph  Arethusa  spoke,  Ceres 
stood  amazed,  and  as  if  turned  to  stone.  Then 
swiftly  she  got  into  her  chariot  drawn  by  Drag- 
ons, and  flew  to  Mount  Olympus.  Beating  her 
breast  and  tearing  her  hair,  she  stood  before 
Jupiter's  throne. 

'I  am  come,  O  Jupiter,"  she  cried,  'to  be- 
seech you  to  restore  to  me  my  little  daughter, 
whom  King  Pluto  has  carried  off  to  his  dark 


Kingdom!  If  he  brings  her  back  to  me  I  will 
return  to  my  cornfields  and  give  bread  to  the 

Then  Jupiter  answered:  :<  Gladly  will  I  give 
back  Proserpina  to  you  if  she  has  not  tasted  any 
food  while  in  Hades.  Otherwise,  she  must  stay 
with  Pluto  for  ever." 

Then  he  bade  his  messenger,  Mercury,  hasten 
to  Hades  and  fetch  Proserpina. 

So  Mercury  put  on  his  winged  hat  and  shoes, 
and  taking  his  Staff  of  Sleep  in  his  hand  flew 
swiftly  down  to  Pluto's  Kingdom.  And  in  a 
beautiful  garden  that  Pluto  had  made  purposely 
for  her,  he  found  little  Queen  Proserpina  playing 
by  herself.  But,  alas!  she  had  already  plucked 
one  Pomegranate  from  a  bending  tree,  and  had 
eaten  seven  of  its  seeds !  So  she  could  not  return 
to  her  mother  Ceres! 

But  when  Jupiter  learned  this  he  decreed  that 
for  seven  months  every  year  Proserpina  should 
dwell  in  Pluto's  dark  Kingdom,  while  for  five 
months  she  should  live  on  the  bright  earth  with 
her  mother. 

And  so  it  was.  Every  year  for  seven  months 
little  Proserpina  reigned  as  Queen  in  gloomy 
Hades,  while  Ceres,  mourning  her  loss,  neglected 
her  cornfields.  They  grew  dry  and  barren,  the 
Snow  fell  upon  them,  and  Winter  ruled  the 

But   when   the   seven   months   were   passed 

430          THE   WONDER  GARDEN 

Proserpina  returned,  and  Ceres  once  more  tended 
her  Cornfields.  They  grew  green,  the  Corn  sprang 
up,  the  golden  ears  ripened  in  the  sunshine. 
And  Spring  and  Summer  and  flowers  and  joy 
came  back  to  earth. 


Moldavian  Legend 

IN  all  the  wide  Wonder  Garden  of  Earth  no 
Nymph  was  so  lovely  as  Mariora  Floriora,  the 
Sister  of  the  Flowers.  She  was  as  bright  as  a 
tear  of  joy,  as  light-footed  as  a  Fawn.  Her 
golden  hair,  soft  as  silk,  fell  in  clusters  on  her 
white  brow  and  in  waves  on  her  shoulders.  On  her 
lips  was  a  scarlet  blossom,  in  her  mouth  were  Pearls. 

When  she  went  forth  to  walk  in  the  meadows, 
the  flowers  laughed  with  joy,  and,  opening  their 
hearts,  bowed  before  her;  while  their  voices  rang 
out  like  chimes :  - 

"Good-morning,  sweet  Sister  Mariora  Flo- 
riora! What  will  you  have  of  us?  Will  you  have 
the  scent  of  the  Cowslip,  or  the  perfume  of  the 
Rose,  or  the  fragrance  of  the  Violet?  Take  us, 
take  us,  Sister,  and  place  us  in  your  hair,  or  let 
us  fall  asleep  upon  your  breast." 

So,  listening  and  happy,  she  passed  on  her  way 
near  the  hoary  mountain.  And  at  her  smile  it 
grew  young  again,  and  dressed  itself  in  a  robe  of 
green  and  crystal. 


The  birds  woke  and  sang:  — 

"All  hail,  Mariora  Floriora!  What  will  you 
have  of  us?  Will  you  have  our  sweet  voices? 
Or  shall  we  fetch  you  honey  in  dewy  cups?  Or 
will  you  listen  to  the  sighing  of  the  gentle  breeze? ' 

So  all  Nature  awoke  and  rejoiced,  when  Mari- 
ora Floriora,  the  Sister  of  the  Flowers,  walked 

But  one  day  she  met  a  young  stranger, 
mounted  on  a  black  horse  with  a  white  star  in 
its  forehead. 

''Sweet  Maiden  standing  among  the  flowers," 
said  the  stranger,  "are  you  the  daughter  of  a 
King  or  the  shadow  of  a  dream  I  once  had?' 

''If  you  would  know  who  I  am,"  she  answered, 
"ask  my  sisters  the  flowers,  ask  the  mountain, 
the  torrents,  the  singing  birds,  the  waterfalls, 
and  the  skipping  Fawns." 

'Then,  truly,"  exclaimed  the  youth,  "you  are 
Mariora  Floriora,  the  Nymph  of  the  Flowers 
and  the  maid  of  Aurora.  You  are  my  destined 
bride!  I  will  dismount  from  my  steed.  I  will 
remain  with  you  for  ever." 

Mariora  Floriora  listened  with  a  blush  and 
with  laughter.  She  hid  her  face  in  her  curls,  and 
peeped  through  them  like  a  Butterfly  or  a  bird 
peeping  from  the  leaves. 

The  stranger  dismounted  and  seated  himself 
beside  her  in  the  grass.  She  laughed  again,  and 
made  a  sign.  A  table  loaded  with  delicious 

432          THE  WONDER  GARDEN 

fruits  rose  from  the  ground.  They  ate  and  were 

Then  she  made  another  sign,  and  a  chariot 
drawn  by  six  white  Horses  sprang  up  before  her. 
She  took  the  stranger  by  the  hand,  and  they 
entered  the  chariot.  The  enchanted  steeds 
neighed,  and  swiftly  skimmed  over  the  surface 
of  the  meadow,  and  flew  to  and  fro  across  the 

The  sister  flowers,  seeing  that  they  were  for- 
gotten, drooped  their  heads  and  faded.  The 
birds  stopped  singing.  The  mountain  took  off 
its  robe  of  green  and  crystal,  and  hid  itself  in  a 
Cloud,  while  all  the  leaves  of  the  trees  yellowed, 
withered,  and  fell. 

But  the  lovely  Mariora  Floriora  thought  no 
longer  of  her  sisters  the  flowers,  or  of  the  birds 
and  the  mountain. 

Then  the  Sun,  looking  down,  drank  the  bright 
drops  of  Dew  from  her  golden  hair,  and  trans- 
formed them  into  a  Cloud  that  rose  slowly  to  the 

"Mariora  Floriora,"  said  the  Sun,  "you  are 
fair  and  lovely,  but  you  are  fickle.  The  sweetest 
dreams  will  end !  Do  you  know  that  your  sisters 
the  flowers  are  faded  and  are  returned  to  the 
Sky  complaining  bitterly?  Your  birds  are 
silent,  and  your  mountain  is  mourning.  Punish- 
ment will  surely  overtake  you,  O  Mariora 


But  she  would  not  listen  to  him.  She  had 
thoughts  for  nothing  but  the  stranger. 

The  air  was  soft,  the  mountain  was  bathed  in 
pearly  light.  The  little  birds  neither  flew  nor 
sang.  Shadows  were  the  only  moving  things. 

Then  came  a  plaintive  sound  through  the  air 
like  a  mother's  voice  mingling  with  the  music  of 
bells.  The  Earth  trembled.  Mariora  Floriora 
gazed  fearfully  around.  A  black  Cloud  hovered 
dark  and  menacing  above  her  head,  like  the  Evil 
Spirit  of  the  Storm.  It  spread  its  sombre  and 
awful  wings  across  the  sky.  It  was  the  same 
cloud  that  was  formed  from  the  dewdrops  in  her 

Mariora  Floriora  grew  pale,  and  leaned  toward 
the  stranger. 

"Farewell!  O  Beloved!"  she  sighed.  "The 
Evil  Storm  Spirit  has  come  from  the  mountain 
to  tear  me  from  your  heart.  I  have  forgotten 
my  sisters  the  flowers,  and  they  have  complained 
of  me  in  the  sky." 

She  wept  as  she  spoke.  And  the  Cloud  became 
darker.  The  Thunder  roared,  and  the  Light- 
ning flashed.  The  Winds  moaned.  And  Mariora 
Floriora  hid  her  face  in  despair. 

The  black  Cloud  swooped  downward,  and  the 
Evil  Storm  Spirit,  seizing  her  in  his  arms,  flew 
away  with  her  to  the  mountain.  Then  the  Sun 
shone  brightly  once  more,  the  Sky  was  blue  again. 

And  where  now  is  Mariora  Floriora,  the  Nymph 

434          THE  WONDER  GARDEN 

of  the  Flowers,  the  maid  of  Aurora?  Is  she 
wandering  over  nine  lands  and  nine  seas  seeking 
the  Wonder  Garden  where  dwell  all  the  Nymphs 
and  the  Stars? 

When  the  silvery-white  Moon  rides  high  and 
serene  in  the  heavens,  Mariora  Floriora's  plain- 
tive murmurs  are  heard  in  the  caverns  of  her 


Retold  from  Ovid 

ONCE  upon  a  time,  in  the  happy  days  of  old, 
Vertumnus,  Keeper-of  -All  -  the  -  Orchards  -  in-the- 
World,  crowned  himself  with  flowers,  and  wan- 
dered about  looking  for  orchards  that  needed 
his  care. 

It  happened  that  he  strayed  near  a  high  wall, 
above  which  he  saw  the  tops  of  fruit-trees  laden 
with  rosy  Apples.  Near  the  wall  some  Fauns 
were  dancing,  their  ugly  horned  heads  wreathed 
with  pine,  and  their  goat-feet  trampling  the 

'Tell  me,  O  Pans,"  said  Vertumnus,  'who 
dwrells  behind  this  high  wall?' 

'The  lovely  Pomona,  the  Hamadryad,  dwells 
there!'  they  cried.  "Alas!  she  loves  only  her 
garden  and  fruit!  Daily  with  priming-knife 
she  trims  her  Apple-Trees;  and  she  waters  their 
roots,  and  cares  for  the  blossoms.  But  she  has 

THE  WOOING  OF  POMONA       435 

no  eyes  for  her  poor  lovers,  who  haunt  this  wall 
hoping  in  vain  for  a  glimpse  of  her  face!  Many 
are  her  suitors,  but  she  disdains  them  all;  they 
may  not  even  enter  her  garden." 

"But  I  shall  enter  her  garden!"  said  Vertum- 

And  straightway  he  dressed  himself  like  a 
gardener,  with  a  pruning-hook  in  his  hand,  and 
went  into  her  garden.  Pomona  came  forward  to 
meet  him,  and  eagerly  begged  him  to  prune  her 

So  fair  and  joyous  was  she,  and  so  delicate  like 
an  Apple-Blossom,  that  Vertumnus,  gazing  on  her, 
loved  her  with  all  his  heart.  But  she,  thinking 
that  he  was  a  gardener,  scarcely  looked  at  him 
at  all,  and  watched  him  prune  the  vines.  Then, 
when  evening  came,  she  paid  him  and  sent  him 

But  Vertumnus  could  not  forget  her.  On 
another  day  he  dressed  as  a  reaper  and  carried  a 
basket  of  Corn  to  Pomona.  She  bought  some, 
and  sent  him  away. 

Again  and  again  he  returned  to  her,  some- 
times as  a  fisherman,  and  again  as  a  pruner;  but 
always  she  took  what  he  had  to  offer,  and  paid 
him  and  sent  him  away.  And  always  Vertumnus, 
as  he  gazed  at  her,  loved  her  more  and  more. 

At  last,  one  day,  he  changed  himself  into  an 
old  woman,  wrinkled  and  bent.  And,  wrapped 
in  a  cloak,  he  entered  Pomona's  garden. 

436          THE  WONDER  GARDEN 

"Fair  Maid,"  said  the  old  woman,  "how 
beautiful  are  your  Apples !  How  heavily  laden 
are  your  trees  with  the  glowing  fruits  of  Autumn ! 
Come,  let  us  sit  here  on  the  grass,  and  admire 
their  rich  colours." 

So  Pomona  sat  down  beside  her,  and  the  old 
woman,  after  giving  her  a  few  gentle  kisses,  said 
thus :  — 

;<Look,  dear  Maid,  at  yonder  Elm  wreathed 
in  a  grapevine  from  which  hang  clusters  of 
purple  Grapes.  What  would  the  Elm  do  with- 
out the  beauty  of  the  vine  that  clings  so  tenderly 
to  it?  And  if  there  were  no  Elm  for  the  vine  to 
lean  against,  the  poor  thing  would  lie  upon  the 
ground  to  be  trampled  under  foot! 

"Ah  me!  fair  Maid!  Why  do  you,  then,  send 
away  all  your  lovers?  Why  not  seek  a  strong 
husband,  like  yonder  Elm,  to  lean  upon?  Be 
advised  by  me,  an  old  woman!  There  is 
Vertumnus.  Choose  him  for  yourself.  Of  all 
your  suitors  he  is  the  most  desirable.  He  is 
handsome,  he  is  graceful. 

'  You  will  be  his  first  and  only  love !  Then,  too, 
your  tastes  are  alike.  You  are  devoted  to  your 
garden  and  your  Apples.  He,  the  Keeper-of-All- 
the-Orchards-in-the- World,  holds  rich  gifts  of 
all  kinds  of  fruits  in  his  hands.  Never  again 
shall  the  Frost  nip  your  buds;  and  never  again 
shall  the  rude  North  Wind,  Boreas,  strip  the 
Apple-Blossoms  from  your  boughs.  Vertumnus 

THE   WOOING  OF  POMONA       437 

will  devote  his  life  to  you,  doing  anything  that 
you  may  bid.  He  loves  you  dearly;  have  pity 
upon  him! 

:<  Listen,  now,  sweet  Maid,  and  I  will  relate  a 
story  that  shall  move  your  heart:  — 

Story  of  tJie  Stony  Maiden 

"Once  upon  a  time,  in  the  golden  isle  of  Cyprus, 
there  lived  a  maid  named  Iphis.  The  noble 
young  Teucer  loved  her.  He  came  daily  to  her 
house,  but  she  would  not  open  the  door.  He 
hung  garlands  wet  with  the  dew  of  his  tears  on 
her  doorposts,  and,  pressing  his  sorrowful  face 
against  the  door,  he  implored  her  to  listen;  but 
still  she  would  not  open. 

;<  Cruel  she  was,  and  deaf  to  his  entreaties.  At 
last  in  despair  he  sank  down  and  died  upon  her 
threshold.  Then  Iphis  went  and  gazed  coldly 
upon  him.  But  as  she  looked  her  cheek  turned 
pale,  her  eyes  became  set,  the  warm  blood  stood 
still  in  her  veins,  her  limbs  grew  numb  and 
heavy.  She  tried  to  flee,  but  she  could  not  move. 
She  was  turned  into  a  cold,  cold  stone! 

;<So,  lovely  Pomona,  learn  from  this  tale  not 
to  be  cruel.  Lay  aside  your  disdain,  and  give 
yourself  to  one  who  so  tenderly  loves  you!" 

So  spoke  the  old  woman,  and,  rising,  she  flung 
off  her  cloak.  And  before  Pomona's  astonished 
and  delighted  eyes  Vertumnus  himself  stood 

438          THE  WONDER  GARDEN 

in  all  his  brilliancy,  like  the  golden  Autumn 

On  his  head  was  a  crown  of  bright  flowers.   In 

one  hand  he  held  rosy  Apples  and  yellow  Pears, 

j  in  the  other  a  great  cornucopia  heaped  high  with 

,  Grapes,  Plums,  and  Peaches.     So  joyous  were 

his  eyes  and  so  beautiful  was  he,  that  Pomona 

loved  him  straightway. 

And  ever  after  that  the  happy  Pomona  and 
her  Vertumnus  wandered  hand-in-hand  about 
the  world  tending  all  the  orchards.  They  helped 
the  fruit-blossoms  to  unfold  in  the  Springtime. 
They  guarded  the  green  fruit  from  blight  in  the 
Summer.  And  when  the  Autumn  came,  they 
painted  the  ripe,  delicious  fruits  with  all  the 
glowing  colours  of  the  Autumn  trees. 


IT  was  the  last  day  of  the  Old  Year.  The  Snow 
was  falling  heavily,  and  twirling  and  whirling 
through  streets  and  alleys.  The  windows  were 
white  with  Frost.  Snow  slipped  in  masses  from 
the  roofs. 

The  people  on  the  streets  were  in  a  great 
hurry.  They  ran  through  the  blinding  flakes, 
and  bumped  into  each  other,  then  ran  on  again. 
The  Frost  on  the  wagons  and  horses  looked  like 
powdered  sugar. 

But  when  night   was  come  the  storm  died 

THE  NEW  YEAR  439 

down.  The  air  was  calm,  the  Sky  was  deeply 
dark  and  transparent,  and  the  Stars  shone 
brightly  like  silver.  Midnight  drew  near,  —  the 
last  minute  of  the  Old  Year  slipped  away,  the 
New  Year  was  born. 

And  when  the  Sun  rose,  it  sparkled  on  the 
Snow  that  crackled  under  foot.  In  the  street 
some  little  Sparrows  were  hopping  about,  search- 
ing for  food;  but  the  Wind  of  the  Old  Year  had 
swept  the  Snow  clean.  It  was  terribly  cold. 

'Tweet!  Tweet !':  said  one  little  Sparrow  to 
another.  :<  People  call  this  the  Happy  New 
Year!  I  think  it  is  worse  than  the  Old!  I  am 
very  sad!  Last  night  people  rejoiced  because 
the  Old  Year  was  gone.  They  fired  guns  and 
made  a  great  noise  to  welcome  the  New  Year.  I, 
too,  was  glad,  for  I  hoped  that  warmer  days  were 
come.  But  it  is  colder  and  freezes  worse  than 
ever!  I  think  people  must  have  made  a  mis- 
take—  it  is  not  the  New  Year!' 

"When  Spring  comes,  the  New  Year  begins," 
said  an  old  Sparrow  with  a  white  head. 

"But  when  will  Spring  come?'  asked  the 

"Wlien  the  Stork  returns,"  replied  the  old 
Sparrow.  :<No  one  in  town  knows  when  that 
will  be.  Only  the  country  people  know.  Shall 
we  fly  away  to  the  fields  and  wait?  Surely 
Spring  will  come  sooner  in  the  country." 

"That  sounds  very  well,"  said  another  Spar- 

440          THE   WONDER  GARDEN 

row,  who  had  been  hopping  about,  chirpingc 
:'But  I  have  found  too  many  comforts  here  in 
town.  I  should  miss  them  in  the  country. 
Where  I  live  the  family  have  placed  three  flower- 
pots by  the  garden  wall,  with  the  openings 
against  the  wall  and  the  bottoms  of  the  pots 
pointed  outward.  They  have  cut  a  hole  in  each 
pot  big  enough  for  me  to  fly  in  and  out.  I  and 
my  husband  have  built  a  nest  in  one  of  them, 
and  there  we  have  brought  up  our  children.  The 
people  strew  bread-crumbs  for  us  every  day,  so 
we  have  plenty  of  food.  No!  I  think  my  hus- 
band and  I  will  stay  where  we  are." 

"But  we  will  fly  away  to  the  fields,"  said  all 
the  other  Sparrows,  "to  see  if  Spring  is  come." 

And  off  they  flew. 

It  was  really  Winter  in  the  country.  It  was 
much  colder  than  in  the  town.  The  freezing 
Winds  blew  over  the  snow-covered  fields.  The 
farmer,  wrapped  in  his  coat,  sat  huddled  in  his 
sleigh.  The  reins  lay  on  his  knee.  He  beat  his 
arms  across  his  breast  to  warm  them.  The 
horses  ran  and  their  sides  sent  up  clouds  of 
steam.  The  Snow  snapped  and  sparkled.  And 
the  little  Sparrows  hopped  about  in  the  road, 
shivering  and  crying. 

"Tweet!  Tweet!  When  will  Spring  come? 
It  is  a  very  long  time  in  coming!' 

"Very  long,  indeed!'  sounded  a  loud  voice 
over  the  meadow. 

THE  NEW  YEAR  441 

Perhaps  it  was  an  echo,  or  perhaps  it  was  the 
voice  of  a  strange  old  man  who  sat  on  a  mound 
of  Snow.  He  was  clad  in  white.  He  had  flowing 
white  locks  and  a  pale  face.  His  eyes  were  large, 
and  clear,  and  blue,  like  ice. 

"WTho  is  that  old  one?"  asked  the  Sparrows. 

;<I  know  who  he  is,"  croaked  a  Raven.  "He 
is  Old  Man  Winter  himself.  He  rules  here  still. 
He  did  not  die  when  the  New  Year  came.  He  is 
watching  for  the  coming  of  little  Prince  Spring. 
Oh!  how  cold  it  is  and  how  you  shiver,  my  little 

But  the  Sparrows  did  not  answer;  they  only 
hopped  about,  still  crying:  — 

"Tweet!  Tweet!  When  will  Spring  come?" 

Week  after  week  passed  by.  The  woods  were 
dark  and  drear.  The  lake  was  frozen  and  grey. 
Icy  mists  hung  above  the  land.  Flocks  of  black 
Crows  flew  silently  overhead.  But  one  day  a 
little  Sunbeam  touched  the  lake.  The  Ice  soft- 
ened and  shone  like  silver.  The  Snow  did  not 
sparkle  any  more. 

Still  Winter  sat  on  his  white  mound,  ever 
gazing  southward.  He  did  not  see  that  the  Snow 
was  vanishing  and  sinking  into  the  earth,  and 
that  here  and  there  green  grass  was  springing  up. 

In  the  grass  the  little  Sparrows  hopped. 
"Tee-weet!  Tee-weet!':  they  cried.  :< Surely 
Spring  is  coming.'3 

" Spring!'1     And  a  joyous  cry  sounded  over 

442          THE   WONDER   GARDEN 

the  meadows  and  through  the  brown,  leafless 
woods ! 

The  moss  freshened  on  the  tree-trunks,  and 
from  the  land  of  the  South  two  Storks  came  fly- 
ing with  outspread  wings,  and  on  the  back  of  each 
Stork  sat  a  lovely  child,  a  little  boy  and  a  little 
girl.  They  sprang  to  the  earth  and  kissed  the 
green  grass. 

They  drew  near  to  Old  Man  Winter,  whose  icy 
breath  stirred  the  air.  They  threw  their  arms 
about  his  neck  and  kissed  him.  A  thick,  damp 
mist  rose  from  the  mound  and  like  a  veil  wrapped 
itself  about  the  two  children.  Then  a  soft  Wind 
blew  away  the  mist,  and  the  Sun  shone. 

Old  Man  Winter  was  gone!  And  the  lovely 
little  children  of  Spring  sat  on  a  flowery  throne. 
Then  the  little  girl  held  her  apron  up;  it  was 
filled  with  blossoms.  She  cast  white  and  pink 
petals  over  Apple  and  Peach  trees,  and  showered 
the  grass  with  spring  flowers.  Next,  the  boy 
and  she  both  clapped  their  hands,  and  flocks  of 
birds  came  twittering,  and  singing :  — 

:<  Spring  is  here!): 

How  beautiful  it  all  was ! 

And  the  little  Sparrows  hopped  with  joy,  and 
cried :  — 

"Now  the  New  Year  is  reallv  come!' 







As  an  aid  to  Nature-study,  a  nature  myth  or  tale  should  be 
told  the  children  at  least  once  a  week;  for  such  stories  are 
both  practical  and  cultural.  They  may  be  used  to  arouse 
interest  in  botany,  flower-raising,  tree-planting,  farming, 
school-gardening,  bird-study,  and  art  and  poetry.  Rightly 
told  or  read  aloud,  they  will  stimulate  the  imagination  and 
fancy,  and  enrich  expression. 

Little  poems  for  memorizing  or  for  reading  aloud,  are  in- 
cluded here;  and  the  children  may  learn  and  dramatize  the 
stories  of  which  is  offered  a  large  variety  to  choose  from. 

There  are  myths,  poems,  and  tales,  about  more  than  forty 
different  kinds  of  flowers  (garden  and  wild),  as  well  as  many 
about  trees,  animals,  insects,  birds,  also  about  the  Sun, 
Moon,  Stars,  Rain,  Wind,  Clouds,  and  Rainbow. 

The  classic  myths  will  help  to  explain  poetry  and  pictures; 
while  tales  like  "Little  White  Daisy,"  and  "Why  the  Frogs 
Call  the  Buttercups,"  will  fix  botanical  names  in  the  chil- 
dren's memories.  The  farm-stories  and  the  bird  and  flower 
legends  will  prove  most  helpful  to  Vacation-School  teachers 
and  to  mothers  summering  in  the  country. 

The  following  Programme  is  merely  suggestive.  If  so  pre- 
ferred, any  teacher,  librarian,  or  social  worker,  may  make  a 
new  and  attractive  one  to  suit  the  fancy  of  her  audience,  by 
reading  over  the  stories  and  consulting  the  Subject  Index  on 
page  469.  For  instance  a  charming  School-Garden  Programme 
may  be  planned,  or  one  for  a  wild-flower  excursion,  for  a 
picnic,  or  for  a  "birding"  expedition. 

This  Programme  follows  the  Seasons,  from  the  time  that 
School  begins  in  the  Autumn.  It  follows  the  progress  of  the 
Seasons  in  a  temperate  climate  where  Autumn,  Winter, 
Spring,  and  Summer  reign  equally.  Story-tellers  in  very 
cold  or  warm  parts  of  the  country  should  rearrange  the 
Programme  to  suit  their  own  Fauna  and  Flora. 

"An  Old  English  Calendar  of  the  Flowers,"  is  appended 
on  page  452.  Special  material  for  Resurrection  Day  (Easter), 
Dominion  Day  (Canadian),  Bird  Day,  and  Arbour  Day  may 
be  found  on  page  451. 


To  use  this  Programme,  read  over  the  stories  for  the  week,  and 
choose  that  one  best  suited  to  your  audience.  If  too  old  for  your 
children,  read  the  story  several  times,  and  retell  it  simply  in  your 
own  language.  The  stories  may  be  read  aloud  instead  of  told. 
When  a  month  has  jive  weeks,  use  an  untold  story  from  a 
previous  week. 

Teach  the  children  the  little  poems.  Even  young  children  who 
do  not  understand  all  the  words,  will  delight  in  the  rhythm  and 
sound-colour.  Gradually  the  full  meanings  of  the  words  will 
come  to  them. 


FIRST  WEEK.  Labour  Day. 

Man  who  Brought  Fire,  p.  287;  Why  Unlucky  Iron  Kills, 
p.  290;  In  streams  the  gold,  the  copper  flows  (poeni),  p.  274. 
SECOND  WEEK.  Potato  Wonders. 

Potato!  Potato!  p.  349;  Potato-Choosing  Boy,  p.  355. 
THIRD  WEEK.  Corn  Wonders. 

Legend  of  the  Corn,  p.  381;  Seven  Corn  Maidens,  p.  376; 
All  around  the  happy  village  (poem),  p.  338. 
FOURTH  WEEK.  Marvellous  Adventures. 

Fisherboy  Urashima,  p.  223;  Peach  Boy's  Rice-Cakes, 
p.  371;  Boy  whose  Wings  Fell  Off,  p.  249. 


FIRST  WEEK.  In  the  Apple  Orchard. 

Apple  of  Discord,  p.  209;  Idun  and  the  Magic  Apples, 
p.  215;  Little  Nymph  who  Rang  the  Bells,  p.  114;  Golden 
Apples  of  the  Hesperides,  p.  205;  The  Golden  Apple,  the 
Golden  Apple  (poem),  p.  198. 
SECOND  WEEK.  Autumn  Colours. 

Little  Nymph  who  Loved  Bright  Colours,  p.  11;  Wooing 
of  Pomona,  p.  434;  Legend  of  the  Goldenrod,  p.  136. 


THIRD  WEEK.  Wonder  Fruits  and  Almond  Flower. 

Why  the  Pomegranate  Wears  a  Crown  and  Royal  Robes, 
p.  202;  Tantalizing  Fruits,  p.  204;  White  Flowering  Almond, 
p.  319. 
FOURTH  WEEK.  Halloween. 

Witch  Cat,  p.  345;  Old  Witch  who  was  a  Burr,  p.  137. 


FIRST  WEEK.  The  Star  Flower. 

Maiden  White  and  Maiden  Yellow,  p.  50;  Chrysanthe- 
mum Children,  p.  47. 
SECOND  WEEK.  Unthrifty  and  Lazy. 

Nightingale  and  the  Rose,  p.  74 ;  Lazy  Boys  who  Became 
the  Pleiades,  p.  255;  Girl  who  Trod  on  a  Loaf,  p.  404. 
THIRD  WEEK.  Greedy  Ones. 

Erysichthon  the  Hungry,  p.  323;  Duck-Feather  Man, 
p.  353. 
FOURTH  WEEK.  Thanksgiving  Day. 

Cup  of  Thanksgiving,  p.  81;   The   Pet   Turkey   whose 
Feelings  were  Hurt,  p.  366. 


FIRST  WEEK.  Winged  Wonders. 

Magpie  Maidens,  p.  90;  \Vinged  Horse,  p.  397;  Ram  with 
the  Golden  Fleece,  p.  383. 
SECOND  WEEK.  Snow  White. 

Snow-Blanche,  p.  297;  How  the  First  Snowdrop  Came, 
p.  303. 
THIRD  WEEK.  Gifts  of  Gold. 

Golden  Gift  of  King  Midas,  p.  275;  Wicked  Fairies,  p.  283. 
FOURTH  WEEK.  Christmas  Day. 

Christmas  Thorn  of  Glastonbury,  p.  36. 


FIRST  WEEK.  New  Year's  Day. 

Old  Woman  who  Met  the  Months,  p.  416;  New  Year, 
p.  438. 


SECOND  WEEK.  Little  Flowers  for  the  Window-Box. 

Mignonette  Fairy,  p.  26;  Forget-Me-Not,  p.  39;  Legend 
of  the  Heart's  Ease,  p.  28;  A  bit  of  the  Sky  fell  down  one 
clay  (poem)  p.v. 
THIRD  WEEK.  When  the  White  Snow  Falls. 

Snowball  Hares,  p.  301;  Garden  of  Frost  Flowers,  p.  304; 
Now  you  must  know  that  in  those  early  times  (poem),  p.  296. 
FOURTH  WEEK.  Magical  Farm  Animals. 

Enchanted  Swine,  p.  389;  Snow-Whit e  Bull,  p.  400;  Why 
Dogs  Have  Long  Tongues,  p.  347. 


FIRST  WEEK.  Magic  Music. 

Reed  that  was  a  Maiden,  p.  418;  Reeds  that  Told  a  Secret, 
p.  421. 
SECOND  WEEK.  St.  Valentine's  Day. 

Fairy  Swan  Song,  p.  238;  Morning-GIory  Fan,  p.  175; 
Adventures  of  Cupid  Among  the  Roses,  p.  55;  Then  came 
we  to  great  breadths  of  shady  wood  (poem),  p.  54. 
THIRD  WEEK.  Moon  Folk. 

Sheep  in  the  Pasture,  p.  254;  Jack  and  Jill,  p.  252;  Man  in 
the  Moon,  p.  251. 
FOURTH  WEEK.  The  Snowdrop  Rises. 

Snowdrop  Fairy,  p.  7;  Why  the  Snow  is  White,  p.  302. 


FIRST  WEEK.  Wild  March  Winds. 

Bag  of  Winds,  p.  268;  Halcyon  Birds,  p.  264. 
SECOND  WEEK.  St.  Patrick's  Day  in  the  Morning. 

Why  there  are  no  Snakes  in  Ireland,  p.  191;  Last  of  the 
Serpents,  p.  193. 
THIRD  WEEK.  March  Hares. 

White  Hare  of  Inaba,  p.  181;  Why  Rabbits  Have  Yellow 
Hairs,  p.  188;  Little  White  Rabbit,  p.  278. 
FOURTH  WEEK.  The  Snowdrop's  Neighbours. 

Legend  of  the  Trailing  Arbutus,  p.  123;  Legend  of  the 
Frail  Windflower,  p.  108;  Legend  of  the  Anemone  and  the 
Rose,  p.  64. 



FIRST  WEEK.  Whispering  Waters. 

Arethusa,  p.  148;  Arethusa  arose  (poem),  p.  144;  Weeping 
Waters,  p.  146;  Stone  that  Shed  Tears,  p.  145;  Little  Hylas, 
p.  150;  A  Drop  of  Rain  was  falling  (poem),  p.  222;  First  April, 
she  with  mellow  showers  (poem),  p.  412. 
SECOND  WEEK.  The  Rainbow  Bridge. 

Flower  of  the  Rainbow,  p.  246;  Why  the  Iris  Wears  Rain- 
bow Colours,  p.  245;  Colours  of  the  Rainbow,  p.  257. 
THIRD  WEEK.  Planting  the  Farm. 

Proud  Buckwheat,  p.  339;  Farmer  Mybrow,  p.  342;  Tur- 
key-Given Corn,  p.  360;  All  around  the  happy  village  (poem), 
p.  338. 
FOURTH  WEEK.  Flower  Youths. 

Why  Crocus  Holds  up  his  Golden  Cup,  p.  107;  Echo  and 
Narcissus,  p.  16;  Hyacinth,  p.  14. 


FIRST  WEEK.  May  Day. 

Old-Man- Who-Made-the-Trees-to-Blossom,  p.  315;  Mari- 
ora  Floriora,  p.  430;  I  bring  fresh  Showers  (poem),  p.  244. 
SECOND  WEEK.  Mothers'  Day. 

Hundred-Headed  Daffodil,  p.  424;  Maiden  of  the  White 
Camellias,  p.  40;  Magic  Strawberries,  p.  199;  Golden  Straw- 
berries, p.  201. 
THIRD  WEEK.  Buttercups  and  Daisies. 

Story  that  the  Buttercups  Told,  p.  130;  Why  the  Frogs 
Call  the  Buttercups,  p.  132;  Little  White  Daisy,  p.  134;  The 
air  is  soft,  the  dale  is  green  (poem),  p.  122;  The  Daisy  scat- 
tered on  each  mead  and  down  (poem),  p.  106. 
FOURTH  WEEK.  Hidden  in  the  Grass. 

Wood- Violet  that  was  a  Maiden,  p.  127;  Dandelion  Fairies, 
p.  128;  Fairy  Cowslips,  p.  140;  Next  followed  on  the  Fairy 
Nobles  (poem),  p.  122. 


FIRST  WEEK.  More  Flower  Youths. 

Cornflower  Youth,  p.  113;  Pansy-Boy,  p.  23;  Primrose 
Son,  p.  110. 


SECOND  WEEK.  Rose  Legends. 

How  Moss-Roses  Came,  p.  71;  Blush-Rose  and  the  Sun, 
p.  70;  King  Suleyman  and  the  Nightingale,  p.  73. 
THIRD  WEEK.  Flower  Maidens. 

Princess  Peony,  p.  44;  Little  Princess  White  Chicory, 
p.  131;  Bad  Poppy  Seeds,  p.  24;  Clytie,  the  Heliotrope,  p.  21; 
Jealous  girls  these  sometimes  were  (poem),  p.  6. 
FOURTH  WTEEK.  Queen-Rose. 

Rose-Tree  Queen,  p.  67;  Fruit  on  the  Rosebush,  p.  118; 
Sultana  of  the  Flowers,  p.  72;  I  will  not  have  the  mad 
Clytie  (poem),  p.  54. 


FIRST  WEEK.  Lilies  White. 

Lilies  White,  p.  Ill;  Now  all  fair  things  come  to  light 
(poem),  p.  6. 
SECOND  WEEK.  Blossom  Visitors. 

Gleam-o'-Day   and  the  Princess  Lotus-Flower,  p.   155; 
Prince  Butterfly  and  Clover  Blossom,  p.   161;  Marigold 
Arrows,  p.  116;  A  Wild-Rose  tree  (poem),  p.  154. 
THIRD  WEEK.  Wonder  Wings  and  Webs. 

Anansi  the  Spider  Man,  p.   165;  Ladybird!  Ladybird! 
p.  171;  Boy  who  Caught  Flies,  p.  172;  Here  are  Sweet-Peas 
(poem),  p.  6. 
FOURTH  WEEK.  Fairy  Gloves. 

Pan's  Lovely  Maid,  p.  142;  Fox  in  Gloves,  p.  141;  The 
Foxglove  on  fair  Flora's  hand  is  worn  (poem),  p.  106. 


FIRST  WEEK.  Golden  Fireflies. 

Prince  Golden-Firefly,  p.  158;  Firefly!  Firefly!  (poem), 
p.  154. 
SECOND  WEEK.  Things  in  the  Forest. 

Story  of  the  Tiger  and  the  Man,  p.  183;  Why  the  Deer 
Have  Antlers,  p.  190;  Old  Man  Coyote  and  Summer  in  a 
Bag,  p.  413;  Her  angel's  face  (poem),  p.  180. 
THIRD  WEEK,  Moon  Maiden  and  Dawn  Maiden. 

Tithonus,  the  Grasshopper,  p.  174;  Robe  of  Feathers, 
p.  97;  Maiden  in  the  Moon,  p.  256. 


FOURTH  WEEK.  Water  Bright,  Water  Light. 

Arion  and  the  Dolphin,  p.  232;  Prince  Fireshine  and  Prince 
Firefade,  p.  227;  Jewel  Tears,  p.  234;  A  Drop  of  the  Water  of 
Light,  p.  258;  Full  fathom  five  thy  father  lies  (poem), 
p.  222. 



Beauty  of  the  Lily,  p.  32;  Dragon  Sin,  p.  29. 
DOMINION  DAY.  The  Maple  Leaf  For  Ever!  p.  330. 

Bird  Calls,  p.  79;  Boy  that  the  Eagle  Stole,  p.  95; 
Greedy  Blackbird,  p.  83;  King  Picus  the  Woodpecker, 
p.  87;  Pan's  Song,  p.  100;  Spice  Bird,  p.  85;  My  old  Welsh 
neighbour  over  the  way  (poem),  p.  78. 

See  also  Birds  and  Bird  Day,  in  Subject  Index,  p.  472. 

Daphne,  p.  333;  Daughter  of  the  Laurel,  p.  317;  Orpheus 
who  Made  the  Trees  to  Dance,  p.  320;  Wind  in  the  Pine, 
p.  326;  Orpheus  with  his  lute  made  trees  (poem),  p.  314. 

See  also  Trees  and  Arbour  Day,  in  Subject  Index,  p.  482. 

Look  up  names  of  flowers  and  trees  in  Subject  Index. 


February      2.  The  Snowdrop  in  purest  white  array 

First  rears  her  head  on  Candlemas  Day. 

14.  While  the  Crocus  hastens  to  the  shrine 
Of  Primrose  love  on  Saint  Valentine. 

March        25.  Then  comes  the  Daffodil  beside 

Our  Lady's  Smock  at  our  Lady  Tide. 

April  23.  About  Saint  George,  when  blue  is  worn, 

The  Blue  Harebells  the  fields  adorn. 

May  3.  While  on  the  day  of  the  Holy  Cross 

The  Crowfoot  gilds  the  flowery  grass. 

June  11.  When  Barnaby  bright  smiles  night  and  day. 

Poor  Ragged  Robin  blooms  in  the  hay. 

24.  The  Scarlet  Lychnis,  the  garden's  pride, 
Flames  at  Saint  John  the  Baptist's  tide. 

July  15.  Against  Saint  Swithin's  hasty  showers 

The  Lily  white  reigns  the  Queen  of  the 

20.  And  Poppies  a  sanguine  mantle  spread 

For  the  blood  of  the  Dragon  Saint  Margaret 

22.  Then  under  the  wanton  Rose  again 
That  blushes  for  penitent  Magdalen. 

August          1.  Till  Lammas-day  called  August's  wheel. 
When  the  long  Corn  stinks  of  Camomile. 


August        15.  When  Mary  left  us  here  below, 

The  Virgin's  Bower  begins  to  blow. 

24.  And  yet  anon  the  full  Sun-Flower  blew, 
And  became  a  star  for  Bartholomew. 

September  14.  The  Passion  Flower  long  has  blowed 

To  betoken  us  signs  of  the  Holy  Rood. 

29.  The  Michaelmas  Daisy  among  dead  weeds 
Blooms  for  Saint  Michael's  valorous  deeds. 

October      28.  And  seems  the  last  of  flowers  that  stood 

Till  the  feast  of  Saint  Simon  and  Saint  Jude< 

November    1.  Save  Mushrooms  and  the  Fungus  race 

That  grow  as  All-hallow-tide  takes  place. 

25.  Soon  the  evergreen  Laurel  alone  is  seen, 
When  Catherine  crowns  all  learned  men. 

December  25.  Then  Ivy  and  Holly  Berries  are  seen 

And  Yule-Clog  and  Wassail  come  round  again 



THIS  list  is  practically  an  index  to  the  volumes  of  the  Story- 
Teller's  Series :  Good  Stories  for  Great  Holidays;  Story  Telling 
Poems;  Red  Indian  Fairy  Book;  and  The  Book  of  Elves  and 

It  is  also  a  reference  list  of  nature  stories  to  be  found  in 
various  volumes  useful  to  story-tellers  in  home,  school,  and 
library.  It  is  merely  suggestive  for  many  good  stories  are  not 
listed  here  because  of  lack  of  space.  As  a  number  of  Hans 
Andersen's  charming  stories  are  not  included  in  the  volumes 
of  his  stories  usually  found  on  the  children's  shelves,  refer- 
ences here  are  made  to  the  two  volumes  of  his  fairy  tales, 
Wonder  Stories  Told  for  Children,  and  Stories  and  Tales.  They 
are  quite  complete,  handy  in  size,  and  excellent  for  the  story- 
teller's use. 

A  number  of  the  books  mentioned  below  are  not  for  the 
children's  own  reading,  but  for  adults;  such  as  Davis,  Mytlis 
and  Legends  of  Japan;  Leland,  Algonquin  Legends;  Barker 
and  Sinclair,  West  African  Folk  Tales;  and  Gordon  Smith, 
Ancient  Tales  and  Folk-Lore  of  Japan.  They  contain,  however, 
many  charming  stories  for  adaptation. 


The  arrangement  follows  closely  the  order  of  the  stories  in 
the  body  of  this  book. 

I.  Flower  Myths  and  Tales  (Garden  and  Wild). 
II.  Bird  Myths  and  Tales. 

III.  Water  Myths  and  Tales. 

IV.  Insects :  Bees,  Butterflies,  Spiders,  Etc. 
V.  Wild  Creatures  of  Forest  and  Field. 

VI.  Fruit  Myths  and  Tales. 
VII.  Sky  Stories:  Clouds,  Wind,  Sun,  Moon,  etc. 
VIII.  Fire  Legends  and  Tales  of  Gold. 


IX.  Winter:  Ice,  Snow,  Frost. 
X.  Tree  Myths  and  Tales. 
XI.  Farm  Wonders. 
XII.  The  Seasons  and  the  Months. 


GARDEN  FLOWERS.  Amarakos  the  Marjoram,  in  Deas, 
Flower  Favourites;  A  Yellow  Pansy  (poem),  in  Cone,  Chant 
of  Love  for  England;  Bean  Flower  and  Pea  Blossom,  in 
Tileston,  Children's  Treasure  Trove  of  Pearls;  Fairy  Tulips, 
in  Good  Stories  for  Great  Holidays;  Fireflower  (Poppies), 
in  Beals,  Flower  Lore  and  Legend;  Five  out  of  One  Shell 
(Sweet  Peas),  in  Andersen,  Stories  and  Tales;  Flower  Fairies 
(Peonies  and  Camellias),  in  Book  of  Elves  and  Fairies,  also  in 
Giles,  Chinese  Fairy  Tales;  Garden  of  Bluebells,  in  Wright, 
With  the  Little  Folks;  How  the  Carnation  Came  Red,  in  Deas, 
Flower  Favourites;  Legend  of  the  Forget-Me-Not,  in  Skinner, 
C.  M.,  Myths  and  Legends  of  Flowers,  etc.;  Legends  of  the 
Pansies,  in  Beals,  Flower  Lore  and  Legend;  Lily  of  the  Valley, 
in  Lum,  Ancient  Legends;  Lily  Wife,  in  Skinner,  C.  M.,  Myths, 
and  Legends  of  Flowers,  etc.;  Little  Princess  Sunshine  (Lilies), 
in  Wright,  With  the  Little  Folks;  Little  Violet  and  Proud 
Madame  Tulip,  in  Deas,  Flower  Favourites;  Snowdrop,  in 
Good  Stories  for  Great  Holidays;  also  in  Bailey  and  Lewis, 
For  the  Children's  Hour,  and  in  Andersen,  Wonder  Stories 
Told  for  Children  (title,  The  Summer  Gowk);  Story  of  the 
First  Snowdrops,  in  Holbrook,  Book  of  Nature  Myths;  Story 
of  the  Iris,  in  Beals,  Flower  Lore  and  Legend;  Tulip  Bed,  in 
Rhys,  English  Fairy  Book;  Wall  Flower,  in  Lum,  Ancient 
Legends;  Why  the  Morning-Glory  Climbs,  in  Bryant,  How 
to  Tell  Stories  to  Children. 

ROSES.  How  We  Came  to  Have  Pink  Roses,  in  Bryant, 
How  to  Tell  Stories  to  Children;  Legend  of  the  Christmas  Rose, 
in  Smith  and  Hazeltine,  Christmas  in  Legend  and  Story,  also 
in  Harper,  Story-Hour  Favorites;  Little  Pink  Rose,  in  Bryant, 
Stories  to  Tell  to  Children;  Loveliest  Rose  in  the  World,  in  Good 


Stories  for  Great  Holidays,  also  in  Andersen,  Stories  and  Tales; 
Neighbouring  Families,  in  Andersen,  Wonder  Stories  Told  for 
Children;  Prince  and  the  Nightingale,  in  Skinner,  C.  M., 
Myths  and  Legends  of  Flowers,  etc.;  Princess  Beautiful,  in 
Riverside  Third  Reader;  Rose  and  the  Lotus,  in  Skinner,  C.  M., 
Myths  and  Legends  of  Flowers,  etc.;  Rose  Tales,  in  Beals, 
Flower  Lore  and  Legend;  Sir  Galahad  and  the  Rose  Maiden,  in 
Lum,  Ancient  Legends;  Why  Wild  Roses  Have  Thorns,  in  Red 
Indian  Fairy  Book,  also  in  Young,  Algonquin  Indian  Tales. 

WILD  FLOWERS.  Canon  Flowers  (wild  flowers),  in  Good 
Stories  for  Great  Holidays,  also  in  Connor,  Sky  Pilot;  Daisy, 
in  Andersen,  Wonder  Stories  Told  for  Children;  Goldenrod  and 
Aster,  in  Beals,  Flower  Lore  and  Legend;  Hans  and  the  Won- 
derful Flower,  in  Bailey  and  Lewis,  For  the  Children's  Hour; 
How  the  Blossoms  Came  to  the  Heather,  in  Holbrook,  Book 
of  Nature  Myths;  Legend  of  the  Primrose,  in  Skinner,  A.  M. 
and  E.  L.,  Turquoise  Story  Book;  Legend  of  the  Violet,  in  Red 
Indian  Fairy  Book,  also  in  Canfield,  Legends  of  the  Iroquois; 
Meadow  Dandelion,  in  Red  Indian  Fairy  Book;  One-Eyed 
Prying  Joan's  Tale  (wild  flowers),  in  Book  of  Elves  and 
Fairies;  Spring  Beauties  (poem),  in  Cone,  Cfiant  of  Love  for 
England;  Spring  Beauty,  in  Red  Indian  Fairy  Book,  also  in 
Good  Stories  for  Great  Holidays;  Star  and  the  Water  Lilies, 
in  Red  Indian  Fairy  Book;  Story  of  the  Fringed  Gentian,  in 
Beals,  Flower  Lore  and  Legend;  Toinette  and  the  Eives  (Fern- 
seed),  in  Dickinson  and  Skinner,  Children's  Book  of  Christmas 
Stories;  Violet,  in  Lum,  Ancient  Legends. 


Useful  for  Bird  Day 

Birds'  Ball-Game,  in  Red  Indian  Fairy  Book;  Boy  Who  Be- 
came a  Robin,  in  Good  Stories  for  Great  Holidays,  also  in  Red 
Indian  Fairy  Book;  Buzzard's  Covering,  in  Canfield,  Legends 
of  the  Iroquois;  Caliph  Stork,  in  Lang,  Green  Fairy  Book; 
Children  in  the  Wood  (ballad),  in  Scudder,  Children's  Book; 
Christmas  Cuckoo,  in  Good  Stories  for  Great  Holidays,  also  in 


Browne,  Granny's  Wonderful  Chair;  Christmas  in  Norway,  in 
Story  Telling  Poems,  also  in  Thaxter,  Stories  and  Poems  for 
Children  (title,The  Sparrows) ;  Crow  and  the  Pitcher,  in  Scud- 
der,  Children's  Book,  also  in  his  Fables  and  Folk  Stories;  Dove 
Who  Spoke  Truth,  in  Good  Stories  for  Great  Holidays,  also  in 
Brown,  Curious  Book  of  Birds;  Early  Girl,  in  Brown,  Curious 
Book  of  Birds;  Greedy  Geese,  in  Good  Stories  for  Great  Holi- 
days; How  Partridge  Built  the  Birds'  Canoes,  in  Red  Indian 
Fairy  Book,  also  Leland,  Algonquin  Legends;  How  the  Hunter 
Became  a  Partridge,  in  Red  Indian  Fairy  Book,  also  in  Le- 
land, Algonquin  Legends;  Jorinde  and  Joringel,  in  Lang,  Green 
Fairy  Book,  also  in  Scudder,  Children's  Book;  Kind  Hawk, 
in  Red  Indian  Fairy  Book;  King  of  the  Birds,  in  Good  Stories 
for  Great  Holidays;  The  King,  the  Falcon,  and  the  Drinking 
Cup,  in  Riverside  Fourth  Reader,  also  in  Dutton,  Tortoise  and 
the  Geese;  Kweedass  and  Kindawiss,  in  Kennedy,  New  World 
Fairy  Book;  Legend  of  the  Swallows,  in  Young,  Algonquin 
Indian  Tales;  Little  Friend,  in  Brown,  Flower  Princess,  also 
in  Smith  and  Hazeltine,  Christmas  in  Legend  and  Story;  Little 
Owl  Boy,  in  Red  Indian  Fairy  Book;  Magpie's  Nest,  in  Good 
Stories  for  Great  Holidays,  also  in  Jacobs,  English  Fairy  Tales; 
Masquerading  Crow,  in  Brown,  Curious  Book  of  Birds;  Mrs. 
Partridge's  Babies,  in  Brown,  Curious  Book  of  Birds;  Mrs. 
Partridge's  Errand,  in  Riverside  Third  Reader;  Nightingale, 
in  Andersen,  Wonder  Stories  Told  for  Children;  Nightingale 
and  the  Pearl,  in  The  Jolly  Book;  Old  Woman  WTho  Became 
a  Woodpecker,  in  Good  Stories  for  Great  Holidays,  also  in 
Gary,  Ballads  for  Little  Folk  (title,  Legend  of  the  North- 
land) ;  Partridge  and  the  Crow,  in  Dutton,  Tortoise  and  the 
Geese;  Princet  and  the  Golden  Blackbird,  in  Baldwin,  Fairy 
Stories  and  Fables;  Quails,  in  Riverside  Fourth  Reader;  Rustic 
and  the  Nightingale,  in  Dutton,  Tortoise  and  the  Geese;  Saint 
Kentigern  and  the  Robin,  in  Brown,  Book  of  Saints  and 
Friendly  Beasts;  Sparrow's  Wedding,  in  Rinder,  Old  World 
Japan;  Story  of  the  Oriole,  in  Holbrook,  Book  of  Nature 
Myths;  Sunshine  Stories  (Swan),  in  Andersen,  Wonder  Stories 
Told  for  Children;  Swallow  and  the  Other  Birds,  in  Jacobs, 
Mso-p;  Tale  of  Woodpecker  and  Blue  Jay,  in  Macmillan,  Ca- 
nadian Wonder  Tales;  Tongue-cut  Sparrow,  in  Good  Storwa 


for  Great  Holidays;  Why  the  Peacock's  Tail  Has  a  Hundred 
Eyes,  -in  Holbrook,  Book  of  Nature  Myths;  Why  the  Wood- 
pecker's Head  is  Red,  in  Holbrook,  Book  of  Nature  Myths; 
Wild  Swans,  in  Andersen,  Wonder  Stories  Told  for  Children; 
Woodpecker  Gray,  in  Red  Indian  Fairy  Book. 


BROOKS,  STREAMS,  AND  LAKES.  Ahneah,  the  Rose  Flower, 
in  Red  Indian  Fairy  Book;  Brook  in  the  King's  Garden,  in 
Alden,  Why  the  Chimes  Rang;  Hidden  Waters,  in  Red  Indian 
Fairy  Book;  King  of  the  Golden  River,  Ruskin ;  Legend  of  Niag- 
ara and  the  Great  Lakes,  in  Red  Indian  Fairy  Book;  Not 
Lost,  but  Gone  Before,  in  Gatty,  Parables  from  Nature; 
Silver  Brooches,  in  Red  Indian  Fairy  Book;  Stream  that 
Ran  Away,  in  Good  Stories  for  Great  Holidays,  also  in  Austin, 
Basket  Woman;  Ten  Little  Indians,  in  Kennedy,  New  World 
Fairy  Book;  Was  it  the  First  Turtle?  in  Holbrook,  Book  of 
Nature  Myths,  also  in  Riverside  Third  Reader;  Who  Killed 
the  Otter's  Babies?  in  Bryant,  Stories  to  Tell  to  Children; 
Why  the  Water  in  Rivers  is  Never  Still,  in  Holbrook,  Book 
of  Nature  Myths. 

FISHES  AND  THINGS  IN  THE  SEA.  Fisher  and  the  Little  Fish, 
in  Jacobs,  dSsop;  Fisherman  and  his  Wife,  in  Lang,  Green 
Fairy  Book,  also  in  Scudder,  Children's  Book  and  in  his  Fables 
and  Folk  Stories;  Fish  Who  Helped  Saint  Gudwall,  in  Brown, 
Book  of  Saints  and  Friendly  Beasts;  Greediness  Punished 
(poem),  in  Story  Telling  Poems;  How  Kahukura  Learned  to 
Make  Nets,  in  Book  of  Elves  and  Fairies;  Star  Jewels  (Star 
fish),  Brown;  Story  of  the  First  Whitefish,  in  Holbrook, 
Book  of  Nature  Myths;  Thor's  Fishing,  in  Brown,  In  the  Days 
of  Giants;  Three  Fish,  in  Button,  Tortoise  and  the  Geese;  Why 
the  Sea  is  Salt,  in  Thorne-Thomsen,  East  o'  the  Sun  and  West 
o'  the  Moon;  Why  the  Sea-Turtle  When  Caught  Beats  its 
Breast,  in  Barker  and  Sinclair,  West  African  Folk-Tales. 

ADVENTURES  IN  THE  SEA.  Deep-Sea  Violets,  in  Harrison, 
Old-Fashioned  Fairy  Book;  Escaped  Mermaid,  in  Rhys,  Eng- 


lish  Fairy  Book;  Good  Man  of  Alloa,  in  Story  Telling  Poems; 
Little  Sea  Maiden  (The  Little  Mermaid),  in  Andersen,  Won- 
der Stories  Told  for  Children;  Mermaid  of  the  Magdalenes, 
in  Macmillan,  Canadian  Wonder  Tales;  Mermaid's  Child, 
in  Brown,  Flower  Princess;  Story  of  the  First  Emeralds,  in 
Holbrook,  Book  of  Nature  Myths;  Tide  Jewels,  in  Davis, 
Myths  and  Legends  of  Japan;  Undine,  in  Skinner,  A.  M.  and 
E.  L.,  Turquoise  Story  Book. 


Ant  and  the  Cricket,  in  Story  Telling  Poems,  also  in 
Riverside  Fourth  Reader;  Ant  and  the  Snow,  in  Chandler,  In 
the  Reign  of  Coyote;  Arachne,  in  Peabody,  Old  Greek  Folk 
Stories;  Bald  Man  and  the  Fly,  in  Jacobs,  sEsop;  Bees  and  the 
Flies,  in  Holbrook,  Book  of  Nature  Myths;  Butterfly,  in 
Andersen,  Stories  and  Tales;  Cobwebs,  in  Gatty,  Parables 
from  Nature,  also  in  Rhys,  English  Fairy  Book;  Cricket  and 
the  Cougar,  in  Chandler,  In  the  Reign  of  Coyote;  Fairy  Gifts, 
(Butterflies),  in  Lang,  Green  Fairy  Book;  Goats  in  the  Rye 
Field  (Bees),  in  Esenwein  and  Stockard,  Children's  Stories 
and  How  to  Tell  Them;  Golden  Cobwebs  (Spiders),  Bryant, 
How  to  Tell  Stories  to  Children;  Golden  Grasshopper,  in 
Skinner,  A.  M.  and  E.  L.,  Turquoise  Story  Book;  Great  Mos- 
quito, in  Canfield,  Legends  of  the  Iroquois;  How  the  Bees 
Got  Their  Stings,  in  Young,  Algonquin  Indian  Tales;  How 
Yogodayu  Won  a  Battle  (Bees),  in  Gordon  Smith,  Ancient 
Tales  and  Folklore  of  Japan;  Jupiter  and  the  Bee,  JEswp 
Fables;  Lesson  of  Faith,  in  Good  Stories  from  Great  Holidays, 
also  in  Gatty,  Parables  from  Nature;  Little  Red  Princess 
(Ants),  in  Bailey,  Tell  Me  Another  Story;  Pitcher  the  Witch 
(Mosquitoes),  in  Red  Indian  Fairy  Book;  Princess  Moon- 
beam (Fireflies),  in  Lyman,  Story  Telling;  Queen  Bee,  in 
Young  and  Field,  Literary  Reader,  No.  3;  Spider  and  the  Bee, 
in  Young  and  Field,  Literary  Reader  No.  2;  Three  Little 
Butterfly  Brothers,  in  Good  Stories  for  Great  Holidays;  What 
Happened  to  the  Bees  That  Tried  to  Steal  Honey,  in  Young, 
Algonquin  Indian  Tales;  Why  the  Mosquito  Hates  Smoke, 
in  Chandler,  In  the  Reign  of  Coyote. 




BEARS.  Scrapefoot,  in  Esenwein  and  Stockard,  Children's 
Stories  and  How  to  Tell  Them;  Three  Bears,  in  Bryant,  How 
to  Tell  Stories  to  Children;  also  in  Jacobs,  English  Fairy  Tales; 
and  in  Scudder,  Children's  Book;  and  Lang,  Green  Fairy 
Book;  Ugly  Wild  Boy,  in  Red  Indian  Fairy  Book;  Why  the 
Bear  Sleeps  All  Winter,  in  Cowles,  Art  of  Story-Telling. 

LIONS.  Infant  Heracles,  and,  Heracles  the  Lion-Slayer, 
Idyls  24  and  25  in  Theocritus,  Bion,  and  Moschus,  trans,  by 
Lang  ;  Lion  and  the  Mouse,  in  Esenwein  and  Stockard,  Chil- 
dren's Stories  and  How  to  Tell  Them,  also  in  Scudder,  Chil- 
dren's Book;  Lion  in  Love,  in  Jacobs,  JEsop,  also  in  Scudder, 
Children's  Book;  Lion's  Share,  in  Jacobs,  sEsop;  Saint  Gerasi- 
mus  and  the  Lion,  in  Brown,  Book  of  Saints  and  Friendly 

RABBITS.  Bad  Wild  Cat,  in  Red  Indian  Fairy  Book;  How 
Master  Rabbit  Went  Fishing,  in  Red  Indian  Fairy  Book,  also 
in  Leland,  Algonquin  Legends;  Little  White  Rabbit,  in  Skin- 
ner, A.  M.  and  E.  L.,  Nursery  Tales  from  Many  Lands;  Timid 
Hares,  in  Young  and  Field,  Literary  Reader,  No.  2;  Tortoise 
and  the  Hare,  in  Scudder,  Children  's  Book,  also  in  his  Fables 
and  Folk  Stories;  Why  the  Rabbit  is  Timid,  in  Holbrook, 
Book  of  Nature  Myths;  Witch  That  was  a  Hare,  in  Rhys, 
English  Fairy  Book. 

WOLVES.  Boy  Who  Cried  Wolf,  in  Bryant,  Stories  to  Tell 
to  Children;  Gunniwolf,  in  Harper,  Story-Hour  Favorites; 
Little  Red  Riding-Hood,  in  Scudder,  Children's  Book,  also  in 
his  Fables  and  Folk  Stories;  Saint  Bridget  and  the  King's 
Wolf,  in  Brown,  Book  of  Saints  and  Friendly  Beasts;  Wolf  in 
Sheep's  Clothing,  in  Scudder,  Children's  Book;  Wolf  and  the 
Kid,  in  Jacobs, 

ANIMAL   FRIENDS,   AND   OTHERS.   Adventures    of    Visu 
(Foxes),  in  Davis,  Myths  and  Legends  of  Japan;  Calydonian 


Hunt,  in  Peabody,  Old  Greek  Folk  Stories;  Elephant's  Child, 
in  Kipling,  Just  So  Stories;  Forest  Full  of  Friends,  in  Alden, 
Why  The  Chimes  Rang;  How  the  Camel  Got  his  Hump,  in 
Kipling,  Just  So  Stories;  Meleager  and  Atalanta,  in  Storr, 
Half-a-Hundred  Stories;  Mowgli's  Brothers,  Kaa's  Hunting, 
Tiger!  Tiger!  in  Kipling,  Jungle  Book;  Noisy  Chipmunk,  in 
Red  Indian  Fairy  Book;  White-Footed  Deer  (poem),  in 
Story  Telling  Poems;  also  in  Riverside  Fifth  Reader;  Young- 
Boy-Chief,  in  Red  Indian  Fairy  Book. 


Atalanta's  Race  (Apples),  in  Peabody,  Old  Greek  Folk 
Stories;  Elves  (Strawberries),  in  Good  Stories  for  Great  Holi- 
days; Fox  and  the  Grapes,  in  Scudder,  Children's  Book,  also 
in  his  Fables  and  Folk  Stories,  and  in  Jacobs,  dEsop;  How 
the  Springtime  Came  (Idun  and  her  Apples),  in  Baldwin, 
Story  of  Siegfried;  Iduna's  Apples,  in  Tappan,  Myths  from 
Many  Lands;  Legend  of  the  Blackberry,  in  Skinner,  C.  M., 
Myths  and  Legends  of  Flowers,  etc.;  Magic  Apples,  in  Brown, 
In  the  Days  of  Giants;  Three  Citrons,  in  Laboulaye,  Fairy 
Book;  Wonderful  Pear-Tree,  in  Giles,  Chinese  Fairy  Tales. 


CLOUDS  AND  RAIN.  Aqua,  or  the  Water  Baby,  in  Wiggin 
and  Smith,  Story  Hour;  Cloud,  hi  Bryant,  Stories  to  Tell  to 
Children;  Hofus  the  Stone  Cutter,  in  Riverside  Third  Reader, 
also  in  Good  Stories  for  Great  Holidays,  and  in  Shedlock, 
Art  of  the  Story-Teller;  Little  Niebla,  in  Book  of  Elves  and 
Fairies,  also  in  Hudson,  Purple  Land;  Little  WTater-Drop's 
Journey,  in  Wright,  With  the  Little  Folks;  Uncle  Rain  and 
Brother  Drought,  in  Riverside  Fourth  Reader;  Water  Drop, 
in  Good  Stories  for  Great  Holidays. 

RAINBOW  AND  AURORA  BOREALIS.  Bag  of  Gold  at  the  Rain- 
bow's End  (title,  Buttercup),  in  Beals,  Flower  Lore  and 


Legend;  Land  of  the  Northern  Lights,  in  Red  Indian  Fairy 
Book;  Little  Dawn  Boy  and  the  Rainbow  Trail,  in  Red  Indian 
Fairy  Book;  Northern  Lights,  in  Macmillan,  Canadian  Won- 
der Tales;  Rainbow  Bridge,  in  Young  and  Field,  Literary 
Reader  No.  2;  Pot  of  Gold,  in  Coe,  Second  Book  of  Stories  for 
the  Story -Teller,  also  in  Scudder,  Dream  Children. 

WIND  TALES.  Foolish  Weathercock,  in  Riverside  Second 
Reader;  Four  Winds,  in  Canfield,  Legends  of  the  Iroquois;  How 
the  Four  Winds  Were  Named,  in  Red  Indian  Fairy  Book; 
Lad  Who  Went  to  the  North  Wind,  Thorne-Thomsen,  East 
o'  the  Sun  and  West  o'  the  Moon;  Legend  of  the  North  Wind, 
in  Coe,  First  Book  of  Stories  for  the  Story-Teller;  Sun  and  the 
Wind,  in  Bryant,  Stories  to  Tell  to  Children;  Wind-Blower,  in 
Red  Indian  Fairy  Book. 

SUN  AND  MOON.  Apollo's  Sister  (Diana  and  Endymion),  in 
Peabody,  Old  Greek  Folk  Stories;  Astounding  Voyage  of  Dan- 
iel O'Rourke  (Moon),  in  Jolly  Book;  Bamboo  Cutter  and  the 
Moon-Maiden,  in  Davis,  Myths  and  Legends  of  Japan;  Boy  in 
the  Moon,  in  Red  Indian  Fairy  Book;  Crab  and  the  Moon,  in 
the  Riverside  Third  Reader;  East  o'  the  Sun,  and  West  o'  the 
Moon.  Thorne-Thomsen;  Frog  in  the  Moon,  in  Chandler,  In 
the  Reign  of  Coyote;  How  the  Sun,  the  Moon,  and  the  Wind 
Went  Out  to  Dinner,  in  Coe,  Second  Book  of  Stories  for  the 
Story-Teller;  Little  Daylight,  in  Bryant,  How  to  Tell  Stories  to 
Children,  also  in  Macdonald,  Back  of  the  North  Wind;  Mouse 
and  the  Sun,  in  Macmillan,  Canadian  Wonder  Tales;  Phaeton, 
in  Peabody,  Old  Greek  Folk  Stories;  Scar-Face  (Sun),  in  Red 
Indian  Fairy  Book;  Story  of  Little  Tavwots  (Sun),  in  Bryant, 
How  to  Tell  Stories  to  Children;  Sun's  Sisters,  in  Bailey  and 
Lewis,  For  the  Children's  Hour. 

STARS.  Coyote's  Ride  on  a  Star,  in  Chandler,  In  the  Reign 
of  Coyote;  Great  Bear  and  the  Little  Bear,  in  Coe,  First  Book 
of  Stories  for  the  Story -Teller;  How  the  Fairies  Came,  in  Red 
Indian  Fairy  Book;  Legend  of  the  Dipper,  in  Esenwein  and 
Stockard,  Children's  Stories  and  How  to  Tell  Them,  also  in 
Bailey  and  Lewis,  For  the  Children  s  Hour;  Legend  of  the 


Morning  Star,  in  Red  Indian  Fairy  Book;  Legends  of  the 
Pleiades,  in  Red  Indian  Fairy  Book;  Sky  Elk,  in  Red  Indian 
Fairy  Book;  Star  and  the  Water  Lilies,  in  Red  Indian  Fairy 
Book;  Star  Bride,  in  Red  Indian  Fairy  Book;  Star  Dollars, 
in  Bryant,  How  to  Tell  Stories  to  Children;  Star-Lovers,  in 
Tappan,  Myths  from  Many  Lands,  also  in  Kinder,  Old  World 
Japan;  Twin  Stars,  in  Holbrook,  Book  of  Nature  Myths. 


Useful  for  Labour  Day 

FIRE  AND  FORGE.  Arms  of  JSneas,  in  Church,  Stories  from 
Virgil;  Burg  Hill 's  on  Fire,  in  Good  Stories  for  Great  Holidays, 
also  in  Grierson,  Children's  Book  of  Celtic  Stories  (title,  Good 
Housewife) ;  Dwarf's  Gifts,  in  Brown,  In  the  Days  of  Giants, 
also  in  Tappan,  Myths  from  Many  Lands  Firebird,  in  Red 
Indian  Fairy  Book,  also  in  Gask,  Legends  of  Our  Little 
Brothers;  Fire  Bringer,  in  Austin,  Basket  Woman,  also  in 
Bryant,  How  to  Tell  Stories  to  Children;  Forging  of  Balmung, 
in  Baldwin,  Hero  Tales;  How  Fire  Was  Brought  to  the 
Indians  in  Holbrook,  Book  of  Nature  Myths;  King  of  the 
Clinkers,  hi  Riverside  Fourth  Reader;  Making  of  the  Hammer, 
in  Riverside  Fifth  Reader;  Mimer  the  Master,  in  Baldwin, 
Story  of  Siegfried;  Tuba  Cain  (poem),  in  Riverside  Fifth 
Reader,  also  in  Story  Telling  Poems;  Story  of  Prometheus, 
in  Baldwin,  Old  Greek  Stories;  Wren  Who  Brought  Fire,  in 
Brown,  Curious  Book  of  Birds. 

GOLD.  Bad  Boy  and  the  Leprechaun,  in  Book  of  Elves  and 
Fairies;  Boy  Who  Found  the  Pots  of  Gold,  in  Book  of  Elves 
and  Fairies;  Curse  of  Gold-Regin's  Tale,  in  Baldwin,  Story 
of  Siegfried;  Dust  Lender  the  Rug,  in  Lindsay,  Mother  Stories. 
also  in  Coe,  Second  Book  of  Stories  for  the  Story-Teller; 
Greedy  Old  Man,  in  Book  of  Elves  and  Fairies;  Honest  Wood- 
man, in  Cowles,  Art  of  Story -Telling;  Hoard  of  the  Elves,  in 
Baldwin,  Hero  Tales;  Metal  King,  in  Good  Stories  for  Great 
Holidays;  Ragweed,  in  Book  of  Elves  and  Fairies. 




Brother  and  Sister,  in  Red  Indian  Fairy  Book;  Cheerful 
Glacier,  in  Austin,  Basket  Woman;  Ethelinda;  or,  The  Ice 
King's  Bride,  in  Harrison,  Old-Fashioned  Fairy  Book;  Frost 
Spirit,  Whittier,  in  his  Poems;  Ice  King,  in  Skinner,  A.  M. 
and  E.  L.,  Pearl  Story  Book;  Jowiis,  and  the  Eagle,  in  Red 
Indian  Fairy  Book;  King  Winter's  Harvest,  in  Skinner,  A.  M. 
and  E.  L.,  Pearl  Story  Book;  Little  Match  Girl,  in  Good 
Stories  for  Great  Holidays,  also  in  Andersen,  Stories  and  Tales; 
Mother  Holle,  in  Lang,  Red  Fairy  Book;  Shingebiss,  in  Red 
Indian  Fairy  Book;  Silvercap,  King  of  the  Frost  Fairies,  in 
Bailey  and  Lewis,  For  the  Children's  Hour;  Snow  Image,  in 
Hawthorne,  Daffy  doumdilly;  Snow  Man,  in  Red  Indian  Fairy 
Book;  Snow  Queen,  in  Andersen,  Wonder  Stories  Told  for 
Children;  Story  of  Bumps,  in  Phillips,  Wee  Ann. 



Useful  for  Arbor  Day 

Anxious  Leaf,  in  Bailey  and  Lewis,  For  the  Children's 
Hour;  Balder  and  the  Mistletoe,  in  Brown,  In  the  Days  of 
Giants,  also  in  Tappan,  Myths  from  Many  Lands;  Baucis 
and  Philemon,  in  Good  Stories  for  Great  Holidays,  also  in 
Storr,  Half-a-Hundred  Hero  Tales;  Carob,  in  Skinner,  C.  M., 
Myths  and  Legends  of  Flowers,  etc.,  also  in  Isaacs,  Stories 
from  the  Rabbis  (title,  Rip  Van  Winkle  of  the  Talmud); 
Christmas  Tree,  in  Austin,  Basket  Woman;  Dryad  of  the  Old 
Oak,  in  Good  Stories  for  Great  Holidays;  First  Pine  Trees,  in 
Red  Indian  Fairy  Book;  Girl  Who  Became  a  Pine  Tree,  in 
Judd,  Wigwam  Stories;  Horse  and  the  Olive,  in  Baldwin,  Old 
Greek  Stories;  How  Maple-Sugar  Came,  in  Red  Indian  Fairy 
Book,  also  in  Young,  Algonquin  Indian  Tales;  Karl  and  the 
Dryad,  in  Brown,  Star  Jewels;  Little  Tree  that  Longed  for 
Other  Leaves,  in  Good  Stories  for  Great  Holidays;  Maple-Leaf 
and  the  Violet,  in  Wiggin  and  Smith,  Story  Hour;  Maple 
Seed,  in  Skinner,  A.  M.  and  E.  L.,  Emerald  Story  Book; 
Mishosha,  or  The  Enchanted  Sugar-Maple,  in  Red  Indian 


Fairy  Boole;  Old  Pipes  and  the  Dryad,  in  Stockton,  Bee-man 
of  Orn,  also  in  Lyman,  Story  Telling,  and  in  Young  ancj 
Field,  Literary  Reader,  No.  4>  Plucky  Prince,  in  Story  Telling 
Poems;  Proud  Oak  Tree,  in  Good  Stories  for  Great  Holidays; 
Silver  Spoons  in  the  Poplar  Tree,  in  Skinner,  C.  M.,  Myths 
and  Legends  of  Flowers,  etc. ;  Simon  and  the  Black  Gum  Tree, 
in  Skinner,  A.  M.  and  E.  L.,  Nursery  Tales  from  Many  Lands; 
Sugar  Pine,  in  Austin,  Basket  Woman;  Thunder  Oak,  in  Good 
Stories  for  Great  Holidays;  Two  Little  Maple  Leaves,  in 
Wright,  With  the  Little  Folks;  Spirit  of  the  Willow  Tree,  in 
Gordon  Smith,  Ancient  Tales  and  Folk-lore  of  Japan;  Wakon- 
tas,  in  Young,  Algonquin  Indian  Tales;  Why  the  Juniper 
Has  Berries,  in  Holbrook,  Book  of  Nature  Myths;  Wonder 
Tree,  in  Good  Stories  for  Great  Holidays. 



FARM  DOINGS.  Admetus  and  the  Shepherd,  in  Peabody, 
Old  Greek  Folk  Stories;  Barney  Noonan's  Fairy  Haymakers, 
in  Esenwein  and  Stockard,  Children's  Stories  and  How  to  Tell 
Them;  Blanche  and  Rose,  in  Book  of  Elves  and  Fairies;  Bog- 
gart, in  Book  of  Elves  and  Fairies;  Elsa  and  the  Ten  Elves,  in 
Book  of  Elves  and  Fairies;  Farmer,  the  Sheep,  and  the  Rob- 
bers, in  Dutton,  Tortoise  and  the  Geese;  Four-Leaved  Clover, 
in  Book  of  Elves  and  Fairies;  Little  One-Eye,  Little  Two- 
Eyes,  and  Little  Three-Eyes,  in  Scudder,  Children's  Book, 
also  in  his  Fables  and  Folk  Stories,  also  in  Lang,  Green  Fairy 
Book;  Nail,  in  Riverside  Fourth  Reader;  Piskey  Fine!  Piskey 
Gay !  in  Book  of  Elves  and  Fairies;  Plowman  Who  Found  Con- 
tent, hi  Cowles,  Art  of  Story -Telling;  Tom  Thumb,  in  Esen- 
wein and  Stockard,  Children's  Stories  and  How  to  Tell  Them, 
also  in  Scudder,  Children's  Book;  Toy  of  the  Giant's  Child,  in 
Story  Telling  Poems;  Wish  Ring,  in  Fairy  Stories  Retold  from 
St.  Nicholas;  Wood-Lady,  in  Book  of  Ekes  and  Fairies. 

HARVEST  AND  CROPS.  Adzanumee  and  her  Mother,  in 
Barker  and  Sinclair,  West  African  Folk-Tales;  Ears  of  Wheat, 
in  Good  Stories  for  Great  Holidays;  Fairy  of  the  Cotton  Plant, 


in  Skinner,  C.  M.,  Myths  and  Legends  of  Flowers,  etc.;  Flax, 
in  Andersen,  Wonder  Stories  Told  for  Children;  Gift  of  Flax, 
in  Skinner,  A.  M.  and  E.  L.,  Turquoise  Story  Book;  How  Flax 
was  Given  to  Men,  in  Holbrook,  Book  of  Nature  MytJis;  How 
Indian  Corn  Came  into  the  World,  in  Good  Stories  for  Great 
Holidays,  also  in  Red  Indian  Fairy  Book;  How  Wry-face 
Played  a  Trick  (Potatoes),  in  Coe,  Second  Book  of  Stories  for 
the  Story-Teller;  Jack  and  the  Bean-stalk,  in  Scudder,  Chil- 
dren's Book,  also  in  Jacobs,  English  Fairy  Tales;  Legend  of 
the  Radish,  in  Skinner,  C.  M.,  Myths  and  Legends  of  Flowers, 
etc. ;  Little  Corn  Bringer,  in  Red  Indian  Fairy  Book;  Master 
of  the  Harvest,  in  Good  Stories  for  Great  Holidays;  Quick- 
running  Squash,  in  Aspinwall,  Short  Stories  for  Short  People; 
Potatoes'  Dance  (poem),  in  Lindsay,  Chinese  Nightingale; 
Potato  Supper,  in  Book  of  Elves  and  Fairies;  Spirit  of  the 
Corn,  in  Red  Indian  Fairy  Book;  Why  the  Bean  has  a 
Stripe  Down  its  Back,  in  Bailey  and  Lewis,  For  the  Chil- 
dren's Hour;  Wise  Sachem's  Gift,  in  Canfield,  Legends  of  the 

ADVENTURES  OF  BARNYARD  FOLK.  Billy  Beg  and  His  Bull, 
in  McManus,  Donegal  Fairy  Tales,  also  in  Bryant,  How  to 
Tell  Stories  to  Children;  Chicken  Licken,  in  O'Grady,  Story- 
Teller's  Book,  also  in  Scudder,  Children's  Book;  Curmudgeon's 
Skin,  in  Book  of  Elves  and  Fairies;  Cock,  the  Mouse,  and  the 
Little  Red  Hen,  Lefevre,  also  in  Riverside  Second  Reader; 
Cock  and  the  Fox,  in  Darton,  Tales  of  the  Canterbury  Pil- 
grims; Fox  and  the  Cock,  in  Esenwein  and  Stockard,  Chil- 
dren's Stories  and  How  to  Tell  Them;  Dumpy  the  Pony,  in 
Lindsay,  More  Mother  Stories;  Eight-Footed  Slipper,  in  Bald- 
win, Wo?ider-Book  of  Horses;  Enchanted  Pig,  in  Lang,  Red 
Fairy  Book;  Golden  Goose,  Tappan;  Goose  with  the  Golden 
Eggs,  in  Jacobs,  JEsop;  Grandfather  Pig's  Spectacles,  in 
Wright,  With  tJie  Little  Folks;  Greyfell,  in  Baldwin,  Story  of 
Siegfried;  Little  Half  Chick,  in  Bryant,  Stories  to  Tell  to  Chil- 
dren, also  in  Esenwein  and  Stockard,  Children's  Stories  and 
How  to  Tell  Them;  Miller,  His  Son,  and  Their  Ass,  in  Jacobs, 
JEsop;  Milk- White  Calf,  in  Book  of  Elves  and  Fairies;  Mud 
Pony,  in  Red  Indian  Fairy  Book;  Old  \Voman  and  her  Pig, 


in  Bryant,  How  to  Tell  Stories  to  Children,  also  in  O'Grady, 
Story-Teller's  Book;  Piggywee's  Little  Curly  Tail,  in  Wright, 
With  the  Little  Folks;  Poor  Turkey  Girl,  in  Red  Indian  Fairy 
Book,  also  in  Gushing,  Zuni  Folk-Tales;  Story  of  lo,  in  Bald- 
win, Old  Greek  Stories;  Straw  Ox,  in  Skinner  A.  M.  and  E.  L., 
Nursery  Tales  from  Many  Lands;  Teenchy  Duck,  in  Coe, 
Second  Book  of  Stories  for  the  Story-Teller;  Three  Little  Pigs, 
in  Bryant,  How  to  Tell  Stories  to  Children,  also  in  Jacobs, 
English  Fairy  Tales;  Three  Billy  Goats  Gruff,  in  Esenwein 
and  Stockard,  Children's  Stories  and  How  to  Tell  Them,  also 
in  Riverside  Second  Reader,  and  in  Thorne-Thomsen,  East  oj 
the  Sun  and  West  o'  the  Moon;  Ugly  Duckling,  in  Andersen, 
Wonder  Stories  Told  for  Children;  White  Cat,  in  Scudder, 
Children's  Book,  also  in  his  Fables  and  Folk  Stories;  Why  the 
Turkey  Gobbles,  in  Red  Indian  Fairy  Book. 



Black  Steeds  of  Aidoneus,  in  Baldwin,  Wonder-Book  of 
Horses;  Boy  Who  Discovered  the  Spring,  in  Alden,  Why  the 
Chimes  Rang;  Chestnut  Boys,  in  Poulsson,  In  the  Child's 
World;  How  Summer  Came  to  Canada,  in  Macmillan,  Ca- 
nadian Wonder  Tales;  How  Summer  Came  to  the  Earth,  in 
Holbrook,  Book  of  Nature  Myths;  Mailcoach  Passengers,  in 
Good  Stories  for  Great  Holidays,  also  in  Andersen,  Wonder 
Stories  Told  for  Children;  Miss  November's  Dinner  Party,  in 
Dickinson,  Children's  Book  of  Thanksgiving  Stories;  Months, 
in  Tileston,  Children's  Treasure  Trove  of  Pearls;  Nipon  and 
the  King  of  the  Northland,  in  Skinner,  A.  M.  and  E.  L., 
Topaz  Story  Book;  Spring  and  Autumn  Lover,  in  James, 
Green  Willow;  Summer  Fairies,  in  Red  Indian  Fairy  Bookt 
also  in  Leland,  Algonquin  Legends;  Twelve  Months,  in  Good 
Stories  for  Great  Holidays;  Wood-Folk,  in  Peabody,  Old  Greek 
Folk  Stories. 



ADONIS:  Anemone  and  the  Rose,  64. 

,  THE:  Boy  Who  Caught  Flies,  172;  Winged  Horse,  397. 
:  Bag  of  Winds,  268;  Halcyon  Birds,  264. 

AFFECTION  AND  LOVE:  Drop  of  the  Water  of  Light,  258;  Goldenrod, 
136;  Halcyon  Birds,  264;  King  Picus  the  Woodpecker,  87;  Little 
Princess  White  Chicory,  181;  Little  White  Daisy,  134;  Magic 
Strawberries,  199;  Morning-Glory  Fan,  175;  Orpheus  Who  Made 
the  Trees  to  Dance,  320;  Story  that  the  Buttercups  Told,  130; 
White  Flowering  Almond,  319;  Why  the  Pewee  Looks  for  Brother, 
81;  Wind  in  the  Pine,  326. 

AGLAIA:  Why  Crocus  Holds  up  his  Golden  Cup,  107. 

ALCINOUS:  Bag  of  \Vinds,  268. 

ALMONDS:  White  Flowering  Almond,  319. 

ALPHEUS:  Arethusa,  148. 

ANEMONES:  Anemone  and  the  Rose,  64;  Frail  Windflower,  108;  "The 
air  is  soft"  (poem),  122. 

ANGELS:  Christmas  Thorn,  36;  How  Moss-Roses  Came,  71 ;  How  the 
First  Snowdrop  Came,  303. 

ANIMAL  FRIENDS:  Arion  and  the  Dolphin,  232;  "Her  angel's  face" 
(poem),  180;  "My  old  Welsh  neighbour"  (poem),  78;  Old-Man- 
Who-Made-the-Trees-to-Blossom,  315;  Pan's  Song,  100;  Peach 
Boy's  Rice-Cakes,  371;  Turkey-Given  Corn,  360. 

ANTS:  Nightingale  and  the  Rose,  74. 

APOLLO  :  Cly tie,  the  Heliotrope,  21;  Daphne,  333;  Fruit  on  the  Rose- 
Bush,  118;  Hyacinth,  14;  Reeds  that  Told  a  Secret,  421;  Rose-Tree 
Queen,  67;  Stone  that  Shed  Tears,  145;  Wood- Violet  that  was  a 
Maiden,  127. 

APPLES:  Apple  of  Discord,  209;  Fruit  on  the  Rose-Bush,  118;  Golden 
Apples  of  the  Hesperides,  205;  Idun  and  the  Magic  Apples,  215; 
Little  Nymph  Who  Rang  the  Bells,  114;  "The  Golden  Apple,  the 
Golden  Apple"  (poem),  198;  Wooing  of  Pomona,  434. 

ARETHUSA:  Arethusa,  148;  "Arethusa  arose"  (poem),  144;  Hundred- 
Headed  Daffodil,  424. 

ARION:  Arion  and  the  Dolphin,  232. 

ASSES'  EARS:  Reeds  that  Told  a  Secret,  421. 

ATLAS:  Golden  Apples  of  the  Hesperides,  205;  Little  Nymph  Who 
Rang  the  Bells,  114. 

AURORA  (GREEK  NAME  Eos) :  Tithonus,  the  Grasshopper,  174. 


AUTUMN  STORIES:  Goldenrod,  136;  Little  Nymph  Who  Loved  Bright 
Colours,  11;  Maple  Leaf  For  Ever,  330;  "So  forth  issued  the  Sea- 
sons of  the  Year,"  412;  Wooing  of  Pomona,  434.  See  also  APPLES; 

BACCHUS  (OTHER  NAME  DIONYSUS):  Fruit  on  the  Rose-Bush,  118; 
Golden  Gift  of  King  Midas,  275;  Why  the  Pomegranate  Wears  a 
Crown  and  Royal  Robes,  202. 

BEES:  Cupid  Punished,  62;  Gleam- 'o-Day,  155;  Rose-Tree  Queen, 
67;  "  Then  came  we  to  great  breadths  of  shady  wood"  (poem),  54; 
Why  Roses  have  Thorns,  62;  Why  Unlucky  Iron  Kills,  290. 

BELLEROPHON:  Winged  Horse,  397. 

BELLIS:  Little  White  Daisy,  134.  See  also  DAISIES. 

BIRDS  AND  BIRD  DAY:  Boy  that  the  Eagle  Stole,  95;  Girl  Who  Trod 
on  a  Loaf,  404;  Greedy  Blackbird,  83;  Halcyon  Birds,  264;  Idun 
and  the  Magic  Apples,  215;  King  Picus  the  Woodpecker,  87;  King 
Suleyman  and  the  Nightingale,  73;  Magpie  Maidens,  90;  Mariora 
Floriora,  430;  "My  old  Welsh  neighbour  over  the  way"  (poem), 
78;  Nightingale  and  the  Rose,  74;  Pan's  Song,  100;  Spice  Bird,  85; 
Sultana  of  the  Flowers,  72;  Why  Crows  Caw,  81;  Why  the 
Little  Bird  that  Brags  Cries  Cuckoo!  80;  Why  the  Owl  Cries 
Hoot!  Hoot!  79;  Why  the  Pewee  Looks  for  Brother,  81;  Why 
Venus  Liked  Doves,  57. 

BLACKBIRDS:  Greedy  Blackbird,  83. 


BOREAS:  Frail  Windflower,  108. 

BROTHERS  AND  SISTERS:  Jack  and  Jill,  252;  Magpie  Maidens,  90; 
Prince  Fireshine  and  Prince  Firefade,  227;  Seven  Corn  Maidens, 
381 ;  White  Hare  of  Inaba,  181 ;  W'hy  the  Pewee  Looks  for  Brother, 

BURDOCK:  Old  Witch  Who  was  a  Burr,  137. 

BUTTERCUPS  (OTHER  NAME,  KINGCUPS)  :  Story  that  the  Buttercups 
Told,  130;  "The  air  is  soft"  (poem),  122;  Why  the  Frogs  Call  the 
Buttercups,  132. 

BUTTERFLIES:  "A  Wild-Rose  Tree"  (poem),  154;  Marigold  Arrows, 
116;  Prince  Butterfly  and  Clover  Blossom,  161;  Rose-Tree 
Queen,  67. 

CALLIOPE:  Magpie  Maidens,  90. 
CAMELLIAS:  Maiden  of  the  White  Camellias,  40. 
CAMPANULA:  Little  Nymph  Who  Rang  the  Bells,  114. 
CAMPION  (OTHER  NAME  CATCHFLY)  :  Boy  Who  Caught  Flies,  172. 
CERBERUS  :  Golden  Apples  of  the  Hesperides,  205 ;  Hundred-Headed 
Daffodil,  424;  Orpheus  Who  Made  the  Trees  to  Dance,  320. 


CERES  (GREEK  NAME  DEMETER):  Arethusa,  148;  Erysichthon  the 
Hungry,  323;  Hundred-Headed  Daffodil,  424. 

CHICORY:  Little  Princess  White  Chicory,  131. 

CHIMERA:  Winged  Horse,  397. 

CHRISTMAS  Day :  Christmas  Thorn,  36. 

CHRYSANTHEMUMS:  Chrysanthemum  Children,  47;  Maiden  White 
and  Maiden  Yellow,  50. 

CIRCE:  Enchanted  Swine,  389;  King  Picus  the  Woodpecker,  87. 

CLEANLINESS:  Beauty  of  the  Lily,  32. 

CLOUDS:  "I  bring  fresh  showers"  (poem),  244;  Mariora  Floriora, 
430;  Ram  with  the  Golden  Fleece,  383. 

CLOVER:  Prince  Butterfly  and  Clover  Blossom,  161. 

CLYTIE:  Clytie,  the  Heliotrope,  21;  "I  will  not  have  the  mad 
Clytie"  (poem),  54. 

COLOUR  STORIES:  Colours  of  the  Rainbow,  257;  Dandelion  Fairies, 
128;  Lilies  White,  111;  Little  Nymph  Who  Loved  Bright  Colours, 
11;  Maple  Leaf  For  Ever,  330;  Pet  Turkey,  366;  Red  Roses  of 
Nectar,  56;  Sultana  of  the  Flowers,  72;  How  Pansies  Came  Col- 
oured, 57;  Why  the  Iris  Wears  Rainbow  Colours,  245;  Why  the 
Pomegranate  Wears  a  Crown  and  Royal  Robes,  202;  Why  the 
Snow  is  White,  302 ;  Wooing  of  Pomona,  434. 

CORN:  "All  around  the  happy  village"  (poem),  338;  Cornflower 
Youth,  113;  Farmer  Mybrow,  342;  Heart's  Ease,  28;  Hundred- 
Headed  Daffodil,  424;  Legend  of  the  Corn,  381;  Pet  Turkey,  366; 
Seven  Corn  Maidens,  376;  Turkey-Given  Corn,  360. 

CORNFLOWERS:  Cornflower  Youth,  113. 

COURAGEOUS  ADVENTURE:  Dragon  Sin,  29. 

COWSLIPS:  Fairy  Cowslips,  140;  "The  air  is  soft,"  122. 

CROCUS:  Why  Crocus  Holds  up  his  Golden  Cup,  107. 

CROWS:  Why  Crows  Caw,  81. 

CUCKOO:  W7hy  the  Little  Bird  that  Brags  Cries  Cuckoo!  80. 

CUPID:  Adventures  of  Cupid  Among  the  Roses,  55;  Anemone  and 
the  Rose,  64;  Daphne,  333;  Hundred-Headed  Daffodil,  424;  "Then 
came  we  to  great  breadths  of  shady  wood"  (poem),  54. 

CYANE:  Weeping  Wraters,  146. 

DJSDALUS:  Boy  Whose  Wings  Fell  Off,  249. 

DAFFODILS:  Echo  and  Narcissus,  16;  Hundred-Headed  Daffodil,  424. 

DAISIES:   Little  W7hite  Daisy,  134;  *'Next  followed  on  the  Fairy 

Nobles"  (poem),  122;  "The  Daisy  scattered  on  each  mead  and 

down"  (poem),  106. 
DANDELIONS:  Dandelion  Fairies,  128. 
DAPHNE:  Daphne,  333. 
DEER:  Why  the  Deer  Have  Antlers,  190. 


DEMOPHOON!  White  Flowering  Almond,  319. 

DEW:  Chrysanthemum  Children,  47;  Daughter  of  the  Laurel,  317; 
Mariora  Floriora,  430;  Seven  Corn  Maidens,  376. 

DIANA  (GREEK  NAME  ARTEMIS)  :  How  Pansies  Came  Coloured,  57; 
Rose-Tree  Queen,  67;  Stone  that  Shed  Tears,  145;  Wood- Violet 
that  was  a  Maiden,  127. 

DISCORD  (GREEK  NAME  ERIS)  :  Apple  of  Discord,  209. 

DOGS:  Old-Man- Who-Made-the-Trees-to-Blossom,  315;  Why  Dogs 
Have  Long  Tongues,  347;  Witch  Cat,  345. 

DOLPHINS:  Apple  of  Discord,  209;  Arion  and  the  Dolphin,  232. 

DOMINION  DAY  (CANADA)  :  Maple  Leaf  For  Ever,  330. 

DOVES:  W'hy  Venus  Liked  Doves,  57. 

DRYADS:  Fruit  on  the  Rose-Bush,  118;  Little  Wrhite  Daisy,  134. 

DUCKS:  Duck-Feather  Man,  353. 

DUTY  AND  NEGLECT  OF  DUTY:  Beauty  of  the  Lily,  32;  Blush-Rose 
and  the  Sun,  70;  Boy  WTho  Caught  Flies,  172;  Colours  of  the  Rain- 
bow, 257;  Little  Nymph  Who  Rang  the  Bells,  114;  Maiden  in  the 
Moon,  256;  Mariora  Floriora,  430. 

EAGLES  :  Boy  that  the  Eagle  Stole,  95 ;  Idun  and  the  Magic  Apples, 

215;  Man  Who  Brought  Fire,  287. 
ECHO:  Echo  and  Narcissus,  16. 
ELEPHANTS:  Tiger  and  the  Man,  183. 
ERYSICHTHON:  Erysichthon  the  Hungry,  323. 
EUPHROSYNE:  \Vhy  Crocus  Holds  up  his  Golden  Cup,  107, 
EUROPA:  Snow- White  Bull,  400. 
EURYDICE:  Orpheus  Wlio  Made  the  Trees  to  Dance,  320. 

FAIR  PLAY!  Why  the  Deer  Have  Antlers,  190. 


FAUNS:  Little  Nymph  Who  Loved  Bright  Colours,  11;  W'ooing  of 
Pomona,  434. 

FIRE:  Little  White  Rabbit,  278;  Man  Who  Brought  Fire,  287;  Why 
the  Owl  Cries  Hoot!  Hoot!  79;  Why  Unlucky  Iron  Kills,  290. 

FIREFLIES:  "Firefly!  Firefly!"  (poem),  154;  Morning-Glory  Fan, 
175;  Prince  Golden-Firefly,  158. 

FISH  AND  FISHING:  Arion  and  the  Dolphin,  232;  Fisherboy  Urashima, 
223;  Prince  Fireshine  and  Prince  Firefade,  227. 

FLIES:  Boy  WTho  Caught  Flies,  172. 

FLORA  (GREEK  NAME  CHLORIS)  :  Cornflower  Youth,  113;  Frail  Wind- 
flower,  108;  Fruit  on  the  Rose-Bush,  118;  Lilies  White,  111;  Little 
Nymph  Who  Rang  the  Bells,  114;  Marigold  Arrows,  116;  Prim- 
rose Son,  110;  "The  Daisy  scattered  on  each  mead  and  down'* 


(poem),  106;  "The  Foxglove  on  fair  Flora's  hand"  (poem),  106; 
Why  Crocus  Holds  up  his  Golden  Cup,  107. 

FLOWERS  AND  MAY  DAY:  "A  bit  of  the  sky"  (poem),  dedicatory 
page;  Adventures  of  Cupid  among  the  Roses,  55;  Anemone  and  the 
Rose,  64;  "A  Wild-Rose  Tree"  (poem),  154;  Bad  Poppy-Seeds,  24; 
Beauty  of  the  Lily,  32;  Blush-Rose  and  the  Sun,  70;  Chrysanthe- 
mum Children,  47;  Clytie,  the  Heliotrope,  21;  Cup  of  Thanksgiv- 
ing (Roses),  31;  Dandelion  Fairies,  128;  Dragon  Sin  (Lilies-of- 
the- Valley),  29;  Echo  and  Narcissus,  16;  Fairy  Cowslips,  140;  For- 
get-me-not! 39;  Fox  in  Gloves,  141;  Goldenrod,  136;  Heart's  Ease, 
28;  "  Here  are  Sweet-Peas  "  (poem),  6;  How  Moss-Roses  Came,  71; 
How  Pansies  Came  Coloured,  57;  How  the  First  Snowdrop  Came, 
303;  Hundred-Headed  Daffodil,  424;  Hyacinth,  14;  "I  will  not 
have  the  mad  Clytie"  (poem),  54;  "Jealous  girls"  (poem),  6; 
Little  Nymph  Who  Loved  Bright  Colours  (Tulips),  11;  Little 
Princess  White  Chicory,  131;  Little  White  Daisy,  134;  Maiden  of 
the  White  Camellias,  40;  Maiden  White  and  Maiden  Yellow 
(Chrysanthemums),  50;  Mignonette  Fairy,  26;  Morning-Glory 
Fan,  175;  "Next  followed  on  the  Fairy  Nobles"  (poem),  122; 
Nightingale  and  the  Rose,  74;  "Now  all  fair  things  come  to 
light "  (poem), 6;  Old-Man- Who-Made-the-Trees-to-Blossom,  315; 
Pan's  Lovely  Maid  (Foxgloves),  142;  Pan's  Song,  100;  Pansy- 
Boy,  23;  Prince  Butterfly  and  Clover  Blossom,  161;  Princess 
Peony,  44;  Rose-Tree  Queen,  67;  Snowdrop  Fairy,  7;  Snow- 
White  Bull,  400;  Story  that  the  Buttercups  Told,  130;  Sultana 
of  the  Flowers  (Roses),  72;  ''The  Daisy  scattered  on  each 
mead  and  down"  (poem),  106;  Trailing  Arbutus,  123;  White 
Flowering  Almond,  319;  Why  the  Iris  Wears  Rainbow  Colours, 
245;  WThy  the  Snow  is  White,  302;  Venus's  Looking  Glass,  59. 
See  also  FLORA. 

FORGET-ME-NOTS:  "A  bit  of  the  sky"  (poem),  dedicatory  page;  For- 
get me-not!  39. 

FOXGLOVES:  Fox  in  Gloves,  141;  Pan's  Lovely  Maid,  142;  "The 
Foxglove  on  fair  Flora's  hand"  (poem),  106. 

FROGS:  Why  the  Frogs  Call  the  Buttercups,  132. 

FROST:  Garden  of  Frost  Flowers,  304. 

FRUITS:  Apple  of  Discord,  209;  Fruit  on  the  Rose-Bush,  118;  Golden 
Apples  of  the  Hesperides,  205;  Golden  Strawberries,  201;  Idun 
and  the  Magic  Apples,  215;  Little  Nymph  Who  Loved  Bright 
Colours,  11 ;  Little  Nymph  Who  Rang  the  Bells,  114;  Magic  Straw- 
berries, 199;  Peach  Boy's  Rice-Cakes,  371 ;  Tantalizing  Fruits,  204; 
"The  Golden  Apple,  the  Golden  Apple"  (poem),  198;  Why  the 
Pomegranate  Wears  a  Crown  and  Royal  Robes,  202;  Wooing  of 
Pomona,  434. 


GANYMEDE:  Apple  of  Discord,  209;  Boy  that  the  Eagle  Stole,  95. 

GENEROSITY:  Golden  Strawberries,  201;  Heart's  Ease,  28;  Why  the 
Snow  is  White,  302. 

GOLDEN  FLEECE:  Little  Hylas,  150;  Ram  with  the  Golden  Fleece, 

GOLDENROD:  Goldenrod,  136. 

GOLD,  LOVE  OF:  Flower  of  the  Rainbow,  246;  Golden  Gift  of  King 
Midas,  275;  Greedy  Blackbird,  83;  Magic  Strawberries,  199; 
Wicked  Fairies,  283. 

GRACES,  THE:  Why  Crocus  Holds  up  his  Golden  Cup,  107. 

GRANDMOTHERS:  Little  White  Rabbit,  278;  Story  that  the  Butter- 
cups Told,  130. 

GRASSHOPPERS:  Tithonus,  the  Grasshopper,  174. 

HADES:  Hundred-Headed  Daffodil,  424;  Orpheus  Who  Made  the 

Trees  to  Dance,  320. 
HALCYONE:  Halcyon  Birds,  264. 
HARPIES:  Ram  with  the  Golden  Fleece,  383;  Why  the  Iris  Wears 

Rainbow  Colours,  245. 
HEBE:  Boy  that  the  Eagle  Stole,  95. 
HELEN:  Apple  of  Discord,  209. 
HELIOTROPE:  Clytie,  the  Heliotrope,  21. 
HELLE   AND   THE   HELLESPONT:   Ram   with   the   Golden   Fleece, 

HERCULES  (GREEK  NAME  HERACLES)  :  Golden  Apples  of  the  Hesper- 

ides,  205;  Little  Hylas,  150. 
HESPERIDES:  Golden  Apples  of  the  Hesperides,  205;  Little  Nymph 

Who  Rang  the  Bells,  114;  "The  Golden  Apple,  the  Golden  Apple" 

(poem),  198. 

HUMILITY:  Maiden  White  and  Maiden  Yellow,  50. 
HYACINTHS:  Hyacinth,  14. 
HYLAS:  Little  Hylas,  150. 

IANTHIS:  Wood- Violet  that  was  a  Maiden,  127. 

ICARUS:  Boy  Whose  Wings  Fell  Off,  249. 

IDUN:  Idun  and  the  Magic  Apples,  215. 

INDUSTRY:  Nightingale  and  the  Rose,  74. 

INSECTS:  "A  Wild-Rose  Tree  "  (poem),  154;  Boy  Who  Caught  Flies, 
172;  Cupid  Punished  (Bees),  62;  "Firefly!  Firefly!"  (poem),  154; 
Gleam-o'-Day  (Bees),  155;  Ladybird!  Ladybird!  171;  Morning- 
Glory  Fan  (Fireflies),  175;  Prince  Butterfly  and  Clover  Blossom, 
161;  Prince  Golden  Firefly,  158;  "Then  came  we  to  great  breadths 
of  shady  wood  "  (poem),  54;  Tithonus,  the  Grasshopper,  174;  Why 


Roses  Have  Thorns  (Bees),  62;  Why  Unlucky  Iron  Kills  (Bees  and 
Wasps),  290. 
IPHIS:  Stony  Maid,  437. 

JACK  AND  JILL:  Jack  and  Jill,  252. 

JASON:  Little  Hylas,  150;  Ram  with  the  Golden  Fleece,  383. 

JOSEPH  OF  ARIMATHEA:  Christmas  Thorn,  36. 

JUNO  (GREEK  NAME  HERA):  Apple  of  Discord,  209;  Golden  Apples 

of  the  Hesperides,  205;  Why  the  Iris  Wears  Rainbow  Colours,  245. 
JUPITER  (GREEK  NAME  ZEUS):  Apple  of  Discord,  209;  Boy  that 

the  Eagle  Stole,  95;  Hundred-Headed  Daffodil,  424;  Man  Who 

Brought  Fire,  287;  Snow- White  Bull,  400;  Tantalizing  Fruits,  204; 

Tithonus,  the  Grasshopper,  174. 

KINDNESS  aND  GOODNESS:  Chrysanthemum  Children,  47;  Drop  of 
the  Water  of  Light,  258;  Golden  Strawberries,  201;  Heart's  Ease, 
28;  Mignonette  Fairy,  26;  Old-Man- Who-Made-the-Trees-to- 
Blossom,  315;  Old  Woman  Who  Met  the  Months,  416;  Prince 
Butterfly  and  Clover  Blossom,  161;  White  Hare  of  Inaba,  181; 
Why  the  Snow  is  White,  302. 

LABOUR  DAY:  Man  Who  Brought    Fire,  287;  "In  streams  the 

gold,  the  copper  flows,"  274;  Why  Unlucky  Iron  Kills,  290. 
LABYRINTH:  Boy  Whose  Wings  Fell  Off,  249. 
LADYBIRDS:  Ladybird!  Ladybird!  171. 
LAUREL:  Daphne,  333;  Daughter  of  the  Laurel,  317. 
LEUCOTHOE:  Clytie,  the  Heliotrope,  21. 
LIGHT:  Drop  of  the  Water  of  Light,  258. 
LILIES:  Beauty  of  the  Lily,  32;  Dragon  Sin,  29;  Lilies  White,  111; 

"Now  all  fair  things  come  to  light"  (poem),  6. 
LIONS:  Cupid's  Darts,  60;  "Her  angel's  face"  (poem),  180. 
LOKI:  Idun  and  the  Magic  Apples,  215. 
LOYALTY:  Goldenrod,  136;  King  Picus  the  Woodpecker,  87;  Little 

Princess  White  Chicory,  131;  Morning-Glory  Fan,  175;  White 

Flowering  Almond,  319. 

MAGPIES:  Magpie  Maidens,  90;  Greedy  Blackbird,  83. 

MAIZE:  see  CORN. 

MAPLES:  Maple  Leaf  For  Ever,  330. 

MARIGOLDS:  "Jealous  girls"  (poem),  6;  Marigold  Arrows,  116. 


MERCURY  (GREEK  NAME  HERMES):  Apple  of  Discord,  209;  En- 
chanted Swine,  389;  Hundred-Headed  Daffodil,  424;  Man  Who 
Brought  Fire,  287. 


MIDAS:  Golden  Gift  of  King  Midas,  275;  Reeds  that  Told  a  Secret, 

MIGNONETTE:  Mignonette  Fairy,  26. 

Discord,  209;  Boy  Who  Caught  Flies,  172;  Golden  Apples  of  the 
Hesperides,  205;  Winged  Horse,  397. 

MINOTAUR:  Boy  Whose  Wings  Fell  Off,  249. 

MODESTY:  Wood-Violet  Who  was  a  Maiden,  127. 

MOLY:  Enchanted  Swine,  389. 

MOON:  "I  bring  fresh  flowers"  (poem),  244;  Jack  and  Jill,  252; 
Maiden  in  the  Moon,  256;  Man  in  the  Moon,  251 ;  Robe  of  Feath- 
ers, 97;  Sheep  in  the  Pasture,  254. 

MORNING-GLORIES:  Morning-Glory  Fan,  175. 

MOTHERS  AND  MOTHERS'  DAY:  Golden  Strawberries,  201 ;  Hundred- 
Headed  Daffodil,  424;  Magic  Strawberries,  199;  Maiden  of  the 
W'hite  Camellias,  40;  Why  Crows  Caw,  81. 

MOUNTAIN  ASH  :  Snowdrop  Fairy,  7. 

MUSES:  Apple  of  Discord,  209;  Magpie  Maidens,  90. 

NAIADS:  Little  Hylas,  150;  Pan's  Song,  100. 

NARCISSUS:  Echo  and  Narcissus,  16. 

NEPTUNE,  (GREEK  NAME  POSEIDON)  :  Bag  of  Winds,  268. 

NEREIDS:  Apple  of  Discord,  209. 

NEW  YEAR'S  DAY:  The  New  Year,  438. 

NIGHTINGALES:  King  Suleyman  and  the  Nightingale,  73;  Nightin- 
gale and  the  Rose,  74;  Sultana  of  the  Flowers,  72. 

NIOBE:  Stone  that  Shed  Tears,  145. 

NYMPHS:  Arethusa,  148;  Clytie,  the  Heliotrope,  21;  King  Picus  the 
\Voodpecker,  87;  Little  Nymph  Who  Loved  Bright  Colours,  11; 
Little  Nymph  Who  Rang  the  Bells,  114;  Magpie  Maidens,  90; 
Mariora  Floriora,  430;  Why  Crocus  Holds  up  his  Golden  Cup,  107; 
Why  the  Frogs  Call  the  Buttercups,  132;  Why  Venus  Liked 
Doves,  57;  Weeping  Waters,  146.  See  also  DRYADS;  NAIADS;  and 

OAKS:  Fruit  on  the  Rose-Bush,  118;  Little  White  Daisy,  134. 
OBEDIENCE  AND  DISOBEDIENCE:  Boy  Wrhose  Wings  Fell  Off,  249; 

Daughter  of  the  Laurel,  317;  Frail  Windflower,  108;  Why  Crows 

Caw,  81. 
OCEAN  AND  SEAS:  "A  Drop  of  Rain  was  falling"  (poem),  222; 

Fisherboy  Urashima,  223;   "Full   fathom  five   thy  father  lies" 

(poem),  222;  Jewel  Tears,  234;    Prince  Fireshine  and   Prince 

Firefade,  227. 
ODIN:  Idun  and  the  Magic  Apples.  215. 


OLYMPUS,  MOUNT:  Boy  that  the  Eagle  Stole,  95;  Magpie  Maidens, 

90;  Tantalizing  Fruits,  204. 
OPIUM:  Bad  Poppy-Seeds,  24. 
ORPHEUS:  "Orpheus  with  his  lute"  (poem),  314;  Orpheus  Who 

Made  the  Trees  to  Dance,  320;  Ram  with  the  Golden  Fleece, 

OWLS:  Boy  Who  Caught  Flies,  172;  Why  the  Owl  Cries  Hoot! 

Hoot!  79. 

PAN:  Pan's  Lovely   Maid,  142;  Reeds  that  Told  a  Secret,  421; 

Reed  that  was  a  Maiden,  418. 
PANDORA  :  Man  Who  Brought  Fire,  287. 
PANSIES:  Heart's  Ease,   28;  How  Pansies  Came  Coloured,  57; 

Pansy-Boy,  23. 
PARIS:  Apple  of  Discord,  209. 
PATIENCE:  Little  Princess  White  Chicory,  131. 
PEACHES:  Peach  Boy's  Rice-Cakes,  371. 
PEARLS:  "A  Drop  of  Rain  was  falling"  (poem),  222;  "Full  fathom 

five  thy  father  lies"  (poem),  222;  Pan's  Song,  100. 
PEGASUS:  Magpie  Maidens,  90;  Winged  Horse,  397. 
PELEUS:  Apple  of  Discord,  209. 
PEONIES:  Princess  Peony,  44. 
PEWEES:  Why  the  Pewee  Looks  for  Brother,  81. 
PHCENIX:  Spice  Bird,  85. 
PHRIXUS:  Ram  with  the  Golden  Fleece,  383. 
PHYLLIS:  White  Flowering  Almond,  319. 
Picus:  King  Picus  the  Woodpecker,  87. 
PIERIDES:  Magpie  Maidens,  90. 

PINES:  Maple  Leaf  For  Ever,  330;  Wind  in  the  Pine,  326. 
PLEIADES:  Lazy  Boys  Who  Became  the  Pleiades,  255. 
PLUTO:  Hundred-Headed  Daffodils,  424;  Weeping  Waters,  146. 
POLITENESS  AND  IMPOLITENESS:  Duck-Feather  Man,  353;  Farmer 

Mybrow,  342;  Old  Woman  Who  Met  the  Months,  416. 
POMEGRANATES  :  Why  the  Pomegranate  Wears  a  Crown  and  Royal 

Robes,  202. 

POMONA:  Fruit  on  the  Rose-Bush,  118;  Wooing  of  Pomona,  434. 
POPPIES:  Bad  Poppy-Seeds,  24. 

POTATOES:  Potato-Choosing  Boy,  355;  Potato!  Potato!  349. 
PRIMROSE:  Primrose  Son,  110;  "The  air  is  soft"  (poem),  122. 
PROMETHEUS:  Golden  Apples  of  the  Hesperides,  205;  Man  Who 

Brought  Fire,  287. 
PROSERPINA    (GREEK     NAME     PERSEPHONE):     Hundred-Headed 

Daffodil,  424;  Weeping  Waters,  146. 
PURITY:  Beauty  of  the  Lily,  32. 


RABBITS  AND  HARES:  Little  Vvhite  Rabbit,  278;  Snowball  Haret. 
301;  White  Hare  of  Inaba,  181;  Why  Rabbits  have  Yellow  Hairs, 
188;  Why  the  Deer  have  Antlers,  190. 

RAIN:  "A  Drop  of  Rain  was  falling"  (poem),  222;  "I  bring  fresh 
showers"  (  poem),  244. 

RAINBOWS:  Colours  of  the  Rainbow,  257;  Flower  of  the  Rainbow, 
246;  Idun  and  the  Magic  Apples,  215;  Seven  Corn  Maidens,  376; 
W7hy  the  Iris  W7ears  Rainbow  Colours,  245. 

RANUNCULUS:  Why  the  Frogs  Call  the  Buttercups,  132.  See  also 

REEDS:  Reeds  that  Told  a  Secret,  421;  Reed  that  was  a  Maiden, 

RELIGIOUS  STORIES:  Beauty  of  the  Lily,  32;  Cup  of  Thanksgiving, 
31;  Dragon  Sin,  29. 

RESURRECTION  DAY  (EASTER):  Beauty  of  the  Lily,  32;  Dragon  Sin, 

RETRIBUTION:  Boy  Who  Caught  Flies,  172;  Boy  Whose  Wings  Fell 
Off,  249;  Daughter  of  the  Laurel,  317;  Duck-Feather  Man,  353; 
Fisherboy  Urashima,  223;  Erysichthon  the  Hungry,  323;  Garden 
of  Frost  Flowers,  304;  Girl  Who  Trod  on  a  Loaf,  404;  Golden 
Gift  of  King  Midas,  275;  Magpie  Maidens,  90;  Maiden  White 
and  Maiden  Yellow,  50;  Man  in  the  Moon,  251;  Mariora  Floriora, 
430;  Old  Woman  Who  Met  the  Months,  416;  Proud  Buckwheat, 
339;  Rose-Tree  Queen,  67;  Sheep  in  the  Pasture,  254;  Stone  that 
Shed  Tears,  145. 

RHODANTHE:  Rose-Tree  Queen,  67. 

RICE:  Peach  Boy's  Rice-Cakes,  371. 

ROBINS:  "My  old  Welsh  neighbour"  (poem),  78;  Pan's  Song,  100. 

ROSES:  Adventures  of  Cupid  Among  the  Roses,  55;  Anemone  and 
the  Rose,  64;  "A  Wild-Rose  Tree"  (poem),  154;  Blush-Rose  and 
the  Sun,  70;  Cup  of  Thanksgiving,  31;  Fruit  on  the  Rose-Bush, 
118;  Golden  Gift  of  King  Midas,  275;  How  Moss-Roses  Came,  71; 
"I  will  not  have  the  mad  Clytie"  (poem),  54;  King  Suleyman 
and  the  Nightingale,  73;  Nightingale  and  the  Rose,  74;  Pan's 
Lovely  Maid,  142;  Rose-Tree  Queen,  67;  Sultana  of  the  Flowers, 
72;  "  Then  came  we  to  great  breadths  of  shady  wood"  (poem),  54. 

SAINT  PATRICK:  Last  of  the  Serpents,  193;  W'hy  there  are  no  Snakes 

in  Ireland,  191. 
SAINT  VALENTINE'S  DAT:  Adventures  of  Cupid  Among  the  Roses, 

55;  Anemone  and  the  Rose,  64;  Fairy  Swan  Song,  238;  King 

Suleyman  and  the  Nightingale,  73;  Maiden  in  the  Moon,  256; 

Morning-Glory  Fan,  175;  Sultana  of  the  Flowers,  72;  \Vind  in 

the  Pines,  326. 


SCHOOL  GARDENS  AND  FARMING:  "All  around  the  happy  village" 
(poem),  338;  Beauty  of  the  Lily,  32;  Farmer  My  brow,  342; 
Legend  of  the  Corn,  381;  Heart's  Ease,  28;  Pet  Turkey,  366; 
Potato-Choosing  Boy,  355;  Potato!  Potato!  349;  Proud  Buck- 
wheat, 339;  Seven  Corn  Maidens,  376;  Turkey-Given  Corn,  360; 
Why  Spiders  Live  in  Dark  Corners,  165;  Wicked  Fairies,  283. 

SEASONS:  "First  April,  she  with  mellow  showers,"  412;  Fisherboy 
Urashima,  223;  Goldenrod,  136;  Hundred-Headed  Daffodil,  424; 
Maple  Leaf  For  Ever,  330;  Old  Man  Coyote  and  Summer  in  a 
Bag,  413;  Old  Woman  Who  Met  the  Months,  416;  Seven  Corn 
Maidens,  376;  "So  forth  issued  the  Seasons  of  the  Year  "  (poem), 
412;  The  New  Year,  438;  Trailing  Arbutus,  123;  Why  Crocus 
Holds  up  his  Golden  Cup,  107. 

SMILAX:  Why  Crocus  Holds  up  his  Golden  Cup,  107. 

SNAKES:  Last  of  the  Serpents,  193;  Pansy-Boy,  23;  Why  there  are 
no  Snakes  in  Ireland,  191. 

SNOW:  Garden  of  Frost  Flowers,  304;  How  the  First  Snowdrop 
Came,  303;  "Now  you  must  know  that  in  those  early  times" 
(poem),  296;  Snowball  Hares,  301;  Snow-Blanche,  297;  Why  the 
Snow  is  White,  302. 

SNOWDROPS:  How  the  First  Snowdrop  Came,  303;  Snowdrop  Fairy, 
7;  Why  the  Snow  is  White,  302. 

SOUL,  THE:  Cup  of  Thanksgiving,  31. 

SPARROWS:  Girl  Who  Trod  on  a  Loaf,  404;  The  New  Year,  438; 
Why  Venus  Liked  Doves,  57. 

SPIDERS:  Anansi  the  Spider-man,  165. 

SPRING  STORIES:  Flower  of  the  Rainbow,  246;  "So  forth  issued 
the  Seasons  of  the  Year,"  412;  Trailing  Arbutus,  123.  See  also 

STARS:  Arion  and  the  Dolphin,  232;  Lazy  Boys  Who  Became  the 
Pleiades,  255;  Sheep  in  the  Pasture,  254;  Winged  Horse,  397. 

STONES:  Stone  that  Shed  Tears,  145;  Stony  Maid,  437;  Why  Spiders 
Live  under  Stones,  168. 

STORKS:  The  New  Year,  438. 

STRAWBERRIES:  Golden  Strawberries,  201;  Magic  Strawberries,  199. 

SUMMER  STORIES:  Old  Man  Coyote  and  Summer  in  a  Bag,  413;  "So 
forth  issued  the  Seasons  of  the  Year"  (poem),  412. 

SUN:  Bush-Rose  and  the  Sun,  70;  Clytie,  the  Heliotrope,  21;  Drop 
of  the  Water  of  Light,  258;  Marigold  Arrows,  116;  Mariora 
Floriora,  430;  Story  that  the  ButtercuDs  Told,  130;  Why  Rabbits 
Have  Yellow  Hairs,  188;  Wood- Violet  that  was  a  Maiden,  127. 

SUNFLOWERS:  Clytie,  the  Heliotrope,  21;  Marigold  Arrows,  116. 

SWANS:  Fairy  Swan  Song,  238. 

SWEET-PEAS:  "Here  are  Sweet-Peas"  (poem),  6. 


SWINE:  Enchanted  Swine,  389. 

SYRINX  :  Reeds  that  Told  a  Secret,  421 ;  Reed  that  was  a  Maiden,  418. 

TANTALUS:  Tantalizing  Fruits,  204. 

TARTARUS:  Tantalizing  Fruits,  204. 

THALIA:  Why  Crocus  Holds  up  his  Golden  Cup,  107. 

THANKSGIVING  TO  GOD:  Cup  of  Thanksgiving,  31. 

THETIS:  Apple  of  Discord,  209;  Pan's  Song,  100. 

THRIFT  AND  UNTHRIFT:  Girl  Who  Trod  on  a  Loaf,  404;  Nightingale 

and  the  Rose,  74. 
TIDES,  EBBING  AND  FLOWING:  Prince  Fireshine  and  Prince  Firefade, 


TIGERS:  Tiger  and  the  Man,  183. 
TMOLUS:  Reeds  that  Told  a  Secret,  421. 
TORTOISES:  Fisherboy  Urashima,  223. 
TREES  AND  ARBOUR  DAY:  Daphne,  333;  Daughter  of  the  Laurel, 

317;  Erysichthon  the  Hungry,  323;  Fruit  of  the  Rose-Bush,  118; 

Little  White  Daisy,  134;  Maple  Leaf  For  Ever,  330;  Orpheus  Who 

Made  the  Trees  to  Dance,  320;  "Orpheus  with  his  lute"  (poem), 

314;  White  Flowering  Almond,  319;  Wind  in  the  Pine,  326. 
TROY:  Apple  of  Discord,  209. 
TRUTH  TELLING  AND  LYING:  Duck-Feather  Man,  353;  Farmer  My- 

brow,  342;  Fisherboy  Urashima,  223;  Garden  of  Frost  Flowers, 

304;  White  Hare  of  Inaba,  181. 

TULIPS:  Little  Nymph  Wrho  Loved  Bright  Colours,  11. 
TURKEY:  Pet  Turkey,  366;  Turkey-Given  Corn,  360. 
TYRIAN  PURPLE  :  Why  the  Pomegranate  Wears  a  Crown  and  Royal 

Robes,  202. 

(ILYSSES  (GREEK  NAME  ODYSSEUS)  :  Bag  of  Winds,  268;  Enchanted 

Swine,  389. 

UNA:  "Her  angle's  face"  (poem),  180. 
URASHIMA:  Fisherboy  Urashima,  223. 


VALHALLA:  Idun  and  the  Magic  Apples,  215. 

VENUS  (GREEK  NAME  APHRODITE)  :  Adventures  of  Cupid  Among  the 

Roses,  55;  Anemone  and  the  Rose,  64;  Apple  of  Discord,  209; 

Fruit  on  the  Rose-Bush,  118;  Hundred-Headed  Daffodil,  424. 
VERTUMNUS:  Fruit  on  the  Rose-Bush,  118;  Little  Nymph  Who 

Loved  Bright  Colours,  11;  Little  White  Daisy,  134;  \Vooing  of 

Pomona,  434. 
VIOLETS:  Wood-Violet  that  was  a  Maiden,  127. 


VULCAN  (GREEK  NAME  HEPILESTUS)  :  Boy  that  the  Eagle  Stole,  95; 
Cupid's  Darts,  60;  Man  Who  Brought  Fire,  287. 

WASPS:  Why  Unlucky  Iron  Kills,  290. 

WILLOWS:  Proud  Buckwheat,  339. 

WINDFLOWERS:  Anemone  and  the  Rose,  64;  Frail  Windflower,  108. 

WINDS:  Bag  of  Winds,  268;  Frail  Windflower,  108;  Halcyon  Birds, 

264;  Wind  in  the  Pine,  326. 
WINTER  STORIES:  "So  forth  issued  the  Seasons  of  the  Year,  "412; 

The  New  Year,  438;  Trailing  Arbutus,  123.  See  also  BOREAS; 

WITCHES  AND  ENCHANTRESSES:  Enchanted  Swine,  389;  King  Picus 

the  Woodpecker,  87;  Old   Witch  Who  was  a  Burr,  137;  Witch 

Cat,  345. 

WOODPECKERS:  King  Picus  the  Woodpecker,  87. 
WORMS:  Prince  Butterfly  and  Clover  Blossom,  161;  Rose-Tree 

Queen,  67. 
WRENS:  Why  the  Owl  Cries  Hoot!  Hoot!  79. 

YAMS:  Farmer  Mybrow,  342. 

ZEPHYR:    Frail  Windflower,  108;    Fruit  on  the  Rose-Bush,  118j 
Why  Crocus  Holds  up  his  Goldea  Cup,  107. 




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