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3  9999  06542  023  2  office  of  national  recovery  administration 

DIVISION  of  review 




WORK  materia 
No.  33 






'^Ry      '-''O/y 


Prepared  by 

February,  1936 


This  study  of  "The  Basic  Code  (Administrative 
Order  No.  X-6l)"  was  prepared  hy  Messrs.  W.  H.  Edmonds 
and  W.  W.  Swift  of  the  NEA  Organization  Studies  Section, 
Mr.  William  W.  Bardsley  in  charge. 

The  study  presents  a  dependaole  and  fairly  complete 
picture  of  the  formulation  and  results  of  the  plan  that 
was  designed  to  complete  the  code  making  phase  of  NRA. 
activities.   The  part  occupied  liy  this  study  in  the  entire 
examination  of  ITEA.  administrative  procedure  may  "be  seen 
"by  consulting  "V/orlc  Me^terials  ITo.  17,  Tentative  Outlines 
and  S"ommaries  of  Stud'.es  in  Process." 

L.  C.  Marshall, 
Director,  Division  of  Review, 

13  My  36  g 

Digitized  by  the  Internet  Archive 

in  2011  with  funding  from 

Boston  Public  Library 


•    ■  Page 

.  .  ,  • I-FTHODUCTION 1 

CHAPTER  I  ^                      ■  ' 




CHAPTER  II       ^  ■■    . 






. MAKING   9 





.   .      ■  '       CHAPTER  IV  ■  '   "  ' 


CODE  MAKING    •. .  16 

I.      LABOR  PROVISIONS      .' IS 








9630  -i- 

iPPSlTDIX  I.  Page 



Al^'lCEXED  AS  EXHIBIT    "A" 21 


HQ,   X-61  M%D  BASIC   CODS. .'...■....  30  ■ 


APPENDIX  VI.           ■      - 

APPENDIX  VII.    '   ' 


.  .  • ,  APPENDIX  IX. 


TENTATIVE  .  OUTLIi^,  , ,.,.,.. 51 




The  title  of  this  study  conveys  to  those  unfamiliar  with  .MA  aciiivities 
very  little  information  as  to  its  true  nature.   For  these,  it  should  he  said, 
in  explanation,  tha.t  Administrative  Order  No,  X-61  was  an  order  issued  under 
date  of  July  10,  1934  hy  General  Hugh  S.  Johnson,  Administrator  for  Indus- 
trial Recovery  prescrihing  a  plan  for  the  completion  of  code  making  applica- 
tle  to  all  industries  then  uncodified  and  presenting  in  connection  there- 
with as,  Exhihit  A,  a  prescrilDed  form  designated  as  "The  Basic  Code", 

The  report  on  this  study  contains  in  narrative  form,  chronologically 
treated,  an  historical  review  of  the  beginnings  of  code  making,  the  authority 
therefor,  the  factors  which  resulted  in  a  change  of  policy  culminating  in  the 
formulation  of  a  plan  to  complete  the  codification  process,  the  stages  through 
which  this  plan  traveled  to  adoption,  its  operation,  and  the  results  ohtained. 

The  Introduction  and  Chapters  I  and  II  have  to  do  \T?ith  the  early  days  of 
NEA,  the  authority  'for  codes  as  contained  in  the  National  Industrial  Recovery 
Act,  the  problems  which  arose  from  code  mailing  and  administration,  and  the 
factors  Trrhich  led  up  to  the  adoption  of  a  plan  to  wind  up  the  codification 

Chapter  III  outlines  in  some  detail,  the  various  stages  in  the  develop- 
ment and  form-ill  at  ion  of  the  plan  while  Chapter  IV  discusses  various  features 
of  the  plan  and  the  basic  code  prescribed  in  connection  therewith. 

Chapter  V  deals  with  the  operation  of  the  plan,  reviews  the  procedure 
for  handling  and  utilizing  it,  and  touches  upon  the  results  obtained  and 
Chapter  VI  contains  certain  findings  and  conclusions  which  have  been  reaced 
as  the  result  of  the  study. 

Summarizing  the  findings  set  forth  in  the  report  on  the  above  study, 
the  findings  are: 


1,  The  basic  code  was  unsuccessfijl  in  accomplishing  its  plan  for  com- 
pletion of  code  making, 

2,  Its  timing  was  ill-advised  and  should  havo  been  initiated  much 
earlier  in  the  code-writing  process, 

3,  A  thorough  and  comprehensive  classification  of  industry  for  admin- 
istrative purposes  should  have  been  made  in  connection  with  the  formulation 
of  the  basic  code.   It  seems  desirable,  from  the  viewpoint  of  administrative 
preparedness,  to  stress  the  importance  of  endeavoring  to  prepare  in  advance 
an  accurate  classification  before  putting  such  a  plan  into  operation. 

In  addition  to  these  findings  the  following  question  is  raised: 

In  the  event  any  new  legislation  is  enacted  which  contemplates  the 
formul3,tion  of  codes  or  some  sililar  documents  for  the  regulation  of  industry, 
showdid  a  plan  for  the  grouping  of  the  smaller  industries  under  codes  with 
identical  provisions,  such  as  was  contemplated  by  Administrative  Order  No. X-61 

9630  -iii- 

te  formulated  in  the  early  stages  of  the  administration  of  the  new  law?  The 
issue  is  whether  such  a  plan,  tira^d  in  this  manner,  would  serve  as  an  effective 
complement'  to  the  codification  of  the  major  industries  and  reduce  the  numter 
of  individual  codes  to  an  appreciable  minimum. 


9630  -iv- 




On  July  10,  1934,  Administrative  Order  No.  X-61 ,  entitled  "Plaji  for 
the  Completion  of  Code  Making",  was  isstxed  over  the  signature  of  G-enersi 
Hugh  S,  Johnson,  Administrator  for  Industrial  Recovery.  This  order  is 
attached  as  apnendix  "II".  .,       . 

The  scope  of  this  paper  is  defined  and  limited  "by  the  statement  of 
administrative  policy  contained  in  the  ahove  order,  and  supplemented  by 
various  other  orders  and  memoranda  which  will  he  trea.ted  suhsequently. 
Essential,  of  course,  to  a  full  understanding  of  the  policy  itself,  is  a 
knowledge  of  the  background  against  which  it  came  into  being,  and  the  extent 
to  which  it  accomplished  the  purposes,  for  ?/hich  it  v/as  conceived» 

Accordingly,  therefore,  while  endeavoring  alwaj^'S  to  restrict  this 
study  to  the  boundaries  outlined  by  the  substance  of  Administrative  Order 
X-61,  it  will  be  necessa,ry,  in  order  to  attain  the  proper  perspective,  to 
indicate  the  sources  of  authority/  for  the  policy;  to  review  earlier  methods 
and  procedures  employed  by  NRA  in  codifying  industry;  to  investigate  the 
factors  leading  to  a  changp.  of  -DOlicy,  and  the  circumstances  under  which 
this  plan  was  enunciated;  to  trace  the  various  stages  in  the  growth  and 
development  of  this  DOlicy  prior  to  promulgation,  and  the  extent  of  po,rticipa- 
tion  in  its  development  by  the  various  boards  and  divisions  of  JffiA;  to 
survey  the  general  IGIA  situation  at  the  time  of  -oromulgation;  to  indicate 
the  mamier  in  which  the  -plaJi  was  put  into  operation  and  the  extent  to  v.'hich 
it  operated;  to  examine  the  effects  of  the  policy  upon  industry,  upon  the 
code-making  processes  of  MA,  and  upon  the  NRA  organization,  and  to  indicate 
the  extent  of  its  effectiveness  in  accomplishing  its  stated  objectives; 
to  appraise  and  evaluate  the  plan  in  general  as  a  phase  of  KRA  administra- 
tive policy,  ,       •  ,    , 


'■  •     -2- 


■'  '  ■"'■  ■  '■•  ■  ■   '  MA  'as-  a  "GQ]}S'MAKIU&  "ORGAHIZATIDH 

I.   The  Authority  for  Code  Making  in  the  Act. 

An  examination  of  the  sources  in  the  Act  from  which  KRA  derived  its 
authority  to  codify  America,n  industry  discloses  imraedia^tely  the  troad  grant  of 
discretionary  powdr  allowed  the  President, .in  effectuating  the  general  policies 
enumerated  in  Section  1. 

Various  alternative  methods  were  enacted  for  the  carrying  out  of  these 
general  policies,   A  hrief  review  of  the  various  methods  prescribed,  and  the 
extent  to  which  each  was  used,  is  a  iiecesss,ry  hackground  for  an  understanding 
of  developments  will ch  later  led' to  the:  consideration  of  a  Basic  Code, 

Section  3(a)  of  the  Act  provides  f or.  vpluntary  codes  cf  fair  competition, 
and' prescribed  the'"  h'asic^'procedure  fox- :the  formulation  of  codes  "by  "one  or  more 
trade  or  industrial  associations  or  'grbups, "  and  approval  "by  the  President, 
The  President  viras  authorized  to  approve  codes  only  in  the  event  that  he  found 
(l)  that  the  association' or' groups  sponsoring  the  codes  imposed  no  inequita"ble 
restrictions  on  admission  to  mem'bership  among  the  groups  represented;  (2)  that 
the_  applicants  were  truly  representative  of  their  respective,  trades  or  indus- 
tries'; (S)'  that  such  proposed  codes  were  not.  designed  to  promote  monopolies 
or  to  elimi'nate  or  oppress  small  enterprises  and  would  not  operate  to  dis- 
criminate against  the  latter;  and  (4)  that  the  proposed  codes  would,  in  his 
Judgment,  tend  to  effectuate  the  policy  :  of-  the.  Act.     •  . 

'When  the  legislation  \"7as  being  formulated,  in  Ju:ae,  1933,  it  was  irapossibli 
to  forecast  the  degree  to  which,  industry  would  respond  "by-  submitting  voluntary 
codes,  and  so,  "provision,  was  made  in  Section.  Z(d.)  to  the.  effect  that  if  in- 
'diistry  failed  to  talce  the  initiative- in  code:making,  the  President  might  do  so. 
The  Tre  side  nt  was- thefe*in-'authorize.d;,  upon-,  his  own  motion,  .or  -upon  complaint 
that  abuses  inimical -to  the 'public  interest  and  contrary  to  the  policy  of  the 
Act  were  prevalent  in  every "trade  or  industry  or;  subdivision  thereof,  for  which 
a  code  had  not  already  been  approved,  to  prescribe  and  a^pprove  a  code  for  that 
trade  or  industry  or  subdivision.   Such  a  code  would  be  approved  by  the  Presi- 
dent only  s.fter  such  notice  and  hearing  as  he  might  specify,  and  would  have 
the  same  effect  as  a  voluntary  code  approved  ■under  Section  3(a), 

F"'axther  powers  of  imposition  wore  to  be  fo^und  in  Section  4(b),  by  which 
the  President  was  authorized  to  license  business  enterprises  in  order  to  make 
effective  a  code  of  fair  competition  or  an  agreement  or  otherwise  to  effectuate 
the  policy  of  Title  I;  and  in  Section  7(c),  wherein  the  President  was  granted 
the  power  to  prescribe  such  limited  codes  of  fair  competition  covering  hours., 
wages,  and  other  conditions  of  employment  as  he  might  find  necessary  to 
effectuate  the  policy  of  Title  I,   These  powers  are  mentioned  merely  for  the 
purpose  of  completing  the  picture.   They  have  no  direct  bearing  upon  events 
leading  to  the  subject  of  this  study. 

A  new  concept,  the  idea  of  agreements  for  the  effectuation  of  the  policies 
of  the  Act,  is  introduced  in  Section  4(a).   Under  this  provision,  the  Presi- 
dent was  authorized  to  enter  into  agreements  with,  and  apiDrove  voluntary 
agreements  among  persons  engaged  in  a  trade  or  industry,,  labor,  organization, 
^nd  trade  or  industrial  organization,  if  in  his  judgment  such  agreements  would 

9630  ■  I 

aid  in  effectua.ting  the  purposes  of  the  lawj   ii  was  -under  the  authority  of 
this  section  that  the  President  pi'oraulga.ted  the  President's  ReemplosTTient 
Agreenent  (PEA),  asking  employers  to  cooperate  "by  agreeing  with  him  to 
maintain  certain  conditions,  particularly  regarding  wages  and  hours  of  em- 

II.   The  Beginning  of  Code  Making-  and  the  PEA,  - 

From  araong  the  various  possihle  lines  of  action  outlined  ahove,  the 
President  selected  the  powers  conferred  upon  him  in  Section  3--a,  to 
negotiate  voluntary  codes,  as  the  hasis  for  carrying  out  the  purposes  of 
the  Act,  and  it  was  upon  the  exercise  of  the  functions  therein  granted  that 
the  early  history  of  KELA  was  moulded.   This  course  was  made  possihle  "by  the 
wide~spread  and  enthusiastic  application  for  voluntary  codes  on  the  part  of 
industry,   Wliile  these  negotiations  were  proceeding,  ho^^ever,  on  a  "basis 
that  rras  ostensihly,  and  in  fact,  voltintary,  there  remained  in  the  hack- 
ground  the  "io'>7ers  of  the  President,  above  mentioned,  to  impose  codes  should 
conditions  require  such  coui'se, 

Uith  the  submission  of  the  earliest  applications  for  voluntary  codes, 
NBA  was  confronted  with  the  in  lediate  problem  of  inter-ore  ting  the  Act, 
formulating  policies  both  of  a  substantive  and  administrative  nature,  and 
devising  varying  procedures  and  organiz8,tio.n  set-ups  as  the  changing  needs 
made  necessary.   This  assumption  of  resDonsibility  of  interDretation  and 
policy-making  by  NKA  was  the  inevitable  concomitant  of  the  indef initeness 
of  the  objectives  sought  by  the  Act, 

It  has  been  noted  above  that  the  President  was  required  under  Section 
3(a)  of  the  Act  to  make  certain  findings  of  a  generally  negative  nature  as 
a  prereqtiisite  to  his  approval  of  a  voluntary  code.  Positive  guides  to 
policy,  however,  were  few.   In  various  sections  of  the  Act  it  was  indicated 
that  codes  should  include  (l)  provisions  covering  minimum  wages,  maximum 
hours,  and  "other  conditions  of  employment";  (2) .measures  to  prevent 
"destructive  wage  cutting  and  price  cutting";  (3)  fair  trade  practice 
provisions,  and  (4)  provisions  protecting  certain  labor  rights  of  collective 

Thus,  on  the  basis  of  the  sources  of  authority  previously  noted,  and 
with  the  gu.idance  of  the  general  policies  enumerated  above,  NPA  set,  out,  in 
effect  with  s.   carte  blanche  within  the  limits  of  the  Act,  on  its  program  to 
bring  about  industrial  recovery. 

In  Bulletin  BTo,  2  issued  on  June  17 ,  1933,  entitled,  "Basic  Codes  of 
Fair  Competition",  WRA  outlined  the  ^orocedure  to  be  observed  in  the  formula^ 
tion  a,nd  approval  of  voluntary  codes.   It  was  stated  that  so  far  as 
practical  the  major  industries  would  have  the  first  attention  of  the 
Administrator,   Industry  was  reminded  tha,t:   "It  is  not  the  f-unction  of  the 
National  Recovery  Administration  to  prescrite  what  shall  be  in  the  codes  to 
be  submitted  by  associations  or  groups.   The  initiative  in  all  such  matters 
is  e:rpected  to  come  from  within  the  industry  itself," 

And  so  the  work  of  codification  was  begun,  and  every  effort  was  made 
to  expedite  the  process,  and  have  at  least  the  major  industries  covered  by 
codes  v;ithin  a  few  weeks.   In  spite  of  every  endeavor,  however,  and  altho 
industry  was  responsive  and  made  many  applications  for  codes,  the  progress 



of  ner;atiations  v/as   discouraalngly  sl.o-.7.      The  rrj-,roval   of   Code  Wo.   1  for  tiie 
Cotton.  •Te7;;tile:;Industry,;:renuired  a  full  month  for  negotiation;    and  o\it  of 
the  Iraidreds  -lending,  ,  only  .eight,  had   Deen  airoroved  at   the   end  .of   the   second 
month.      It   ■T-S  feared  th,s,t  \Tnle-$s;a-,s-oee6.ier  ■:;eans   could  te  found  for   ca.rrj'-- 
ing  on   the  •,    a  reaction  might   set    in  to   offset   the   stimulus  ':'hich  had 
permer.tet".   the    industrial    structure   during  the   early  summer. 

At   tl-is   time      July  20,    1S33,    the   President's  2eem->3loyment  Agreement 
(pea),  -as   conceived,    and   the,  greatest  -leace-time    canTjg.ign  in   the   historj'-  of 
the   ^'ovs-rn.ient  \7as  launched,    a;o-;ealing  to   the  emotions,    the  patriotism  and 
the  prejudices  of  emioloyers^  .employees,    and  consumers,  alike,    to   bring   success 
to   the     ;re."t' drive  .  to-  reduce.  ungm-.;4oyi;'ent ,    increase   ^yages,    and   spread 
purcliivsii'.'    ■  ibrrer.      It.  vas'  a- sim-ole  plan,  ,  conceived  in  .necessity,    fofjided  on 
the  po-.-.ers  grr?iited  the   Presidsnt   in  Section  4(a)  .  to   enter  into   :^:ad.  e.]yirove 
voluata.r;'.  a",Teements,    and  cprried  out   "^'ith  a  dr iv in q;- energy. 

'   ■   ■    By  u.tilizing   the  facilities  of,  the   United  States  Post  Office    sy&.tem, 
practically  all  employers   in   the   country  '."'e re   contacted  \"fithin  three   or  four 
da3'"s ,    end.  over  2,300,000   employers   si'/ned  agreements  '^ith  the   president,    hy 
',?hich  the- -"or^-ing  conditions- of.  some   14-1/2.  million  em'olo3^ees  were   temporarily 
controlled.      Unlike   the- codes  of  fair   competiticn,    no  -oenalties  v/ere   a-ttached 
■  to  'viola-tions   of   these   agreements,.    Puhlic   ooinion   -V'S  ex'iected  to   Be   the 
persua?.siv-e   force  for  -compliance, ■  and  the   Blue  Eagle  nas   invented  as   the 
sym'bol  hy  '.'hich  coo-oerating  em-jloyers   should  he   knov/n. 

In  none  sections  the  Blue  Eagle,  ^^as  more  effective  than  in  others,'  out 
ever;,'- he le  its  influence  ^-.-as  felt.  Public  o  ^i^ion  was  strongly  behind  the 
•Pr-esident,  and  fe'-'  were  the  em  ^loyers- who  did  not  -display  the  Bl-ue  Eagle. 
In  this  ; 'ay,  with  public  o'oinion  forcing  industry  into  the  P3A,  .it  ras  to 
the -interest  of  emjlo'^ers  to  secure  s.e-'oar  ate.  codes  by  .coo:oer  at  ive  ,  effort , 
and  thus  ,tal:-e  advantage  of  the  trade  practice,  a.nd  price., protection  irovi- 
sions  being  offere:d- by  -iJpA.,.  ■     '-  - 

Thu.s,    --ith  the  majprity  of ,  industry,/-  already -comuitted  t.o   the  hour   and 
wage  'irovisio-ns  .of. 'the  PPlA,--.  with_  such- modifications  and  s.ubstitutions  as 
were   approved,    1\TRA  was  now  ready  to  -oroceed  with   the   --ork  of   codification, 
and  every  facilit;'-  of   the   organization  was  henceforth  directed  to   that 
purpose.  .  ]?rom  time    to   time   new ■ substantive   policies  were   formulated  and 
annoimced',   .on  the   basis   of   cujnulative   experience;    and  rules  and  regulations, 
administrative -CLevices  and  procedures  were   established  with  a  view  to    secur- 
ing and  .:£Lintaining  an  orderly  and  ejcijeditious  -nrocess   of   code   formulation. 
These   '-ere  prescribed  either  by  executive   order  of   the   President   or  by  direct 
action  of'  the  Administrator,   NBA  was.  at  all   times  a  living  organization, 
growing,'   developing,    changing,    to   meet,  the   ever   increasing  demands  of   the 
work  •  hich   it  ha.d  -undertaken, 

,    The    story  of   the   first,' year  of   code-making  .under  NBA,    and  the   problems 
"'ith  which  the  'organization-  '-'as. confronted,   and  which  it   tried   in  various 
ways   to   ::eet,    is   the    stor]'-  of   -^he   factors   leading  to   the   administrative  -Dolicy 
with  which  this   -0§,per  is   concerned,  : 



.The  growing  belief  among  HRA  officials  in  the  desirahility  of  a  change 
of  code-nia.king  policy,  resulting  finally  in  the  issuance  of  Administrative 
Order  X-61,  was  a  cumulative  impression  lasting  over  several  months.   The 
considerations  upon  vrtiich  this  conviction  was  based  fall  generally  into  two 
cla,sses,  -  code-making  prohlems,  and  early  problems  of  adjnini  strati  on.   It 
would  perhaps  be  well  to  treat  these  subjects  separately,  insofar  as  they 
may  be  segregated,  ■ 

I.   Code-Making  Problem.s. 

On  June  21,  1934,  General  Johnson,  looking  back  on  one  year  of  code- 
making  activity,  on  the  part  of  ITEA,  said,  in  part:  17 

"Once  la.unched,  there  was  no  halting 
the  code-making  process.   It  had  to  be  , 
carried  through  so  that  every  industry 
in  the  country  and  its  workers  might 
as  quickly  as  possible  have  an  even 
break  of  the  recovery  program's  benefit." 

Thus  did  General  Johnson  describe  the  situation  which  had  arisen  with 
'respect  to  code-making  during  a  year  of  NHA.«   Fr^^ra  the  beginning,  ITRA   had 
been  confronted  with  an  avalanche  of  codes  of  all  sizes  a.nd  all  degrees  of 
importance.   During  the  fall  m.d   winter  of  1933,  codes  had  been  expedited 
to  approval  with  relative  speed,   Negotiations  were  carried  on  \mtiringly 
by  an  enthusiastic  sta,ff ,  without  thought  of  time  or  energy  expended. 
Policies,  during  that  period,  were  in  an  early  stage  of  development,  and 
the  progress  of  codes  was  not 'directed  to  any  great  extent  by  precedent  or 
by  policy  determinations,  except  for  the  general  policies  outlined  in  the 

The  trade  practice  provisions  which  found  their  way  into  codes  represent- 
ed, except  for  such  generally  accepted  prohibitions  as  commercial  bribery, 
defamation  of  competitors,  etc,  the  final  outcome  of  negotiations  between 
the  KRA  and  the  representatives  of  the  industry  concerned.   Likewise,  the 
labor  provisions,  as  they  appeaxed  in  the  codes,  were  usually  the  result  of 
long,  and  sometimes  bitter  argument  and  controversy.   Provisions  were  sub- 
mitted, and  were  approved,  covering  almost  the  entire  field  of  industrial 
operations.   Voluntary  agreeLients  of  broad  scope,  dependent  first  upon 
agreement  between  competitive  groups  within  the  industry  itself,,  and  second- 
ly upon  agreement  between  representatives  of  the  industry,  the  general  public, 
and  the  E2A,  WQre  necessarily  arrived  at  only  after  &   long  series  of  confer- 
ences, hearings^  invostig-.tions,  an,d  routi:ce  procedure. 

As  the  months  passed,  and  the  great  majority  of  industry  and  labor  were 
brought  undei"  codes,  it  had  been  expected,  or  at  least  hoped,  that  there 

T]     KRA  Release  IJo.  5889, 


V70uld  be  p..   marked  reduction  in  the ;  ^mount— of  time  and  energy  spend  in  for- 
mulating new  codes.   The  earlier  approved  codes  had  been  in  effect  and 
operation  for  sometime,  and  the  facilities  of  the  staff  were  needed  for  the 
\-ork  of  administration. 

The  hoped-for  rel-xation  in  the  pressure  from  industrial  groups  for  the 
formulation  of  ne-w  codes,  or  supplemental  codes,  did  not  seem  to  occur.   It 
is  true  that  d'oring  the  spring  of  1934,  the  volume  of  codes  decreased,  hut 
the  v/ork  of  formulating  each  individual  code  was  "becoming  more  involved  and 
more  difficult,  and  the  codes  were  proposed  by  smaller  and  smaller  segments 
of  industry.   Yet,  in  formulating  codes  for  even  the  smallest  groups,  the 
same  controversies  and  arguments  arose  as  to  permissable  provisions,  the 
same  procednjre  as  to  hearings,  conferences,  et  cetera,  had  to  be  followed, 
and  due  considera,tion  had  to  be  given  to  the  opinions  of  the  several  Advisoiy 
Boards  and  Divisions  of  IHA.,  representing  every  conflicting  interest  in  the 
economic  picture.   Frequently  months  were  spent  in  trying  to  write  even  a 
very  small  code  in  a  manner  acceptable  to  all  parties  in  interest. 

The  intensely  human  and  sometimes  dramatic  job  of  codifying  American 
industry  was  inevitably  drawing  to.  a  close.   The  long  hearings  and  con- 
ferences lasting  far  into  the  night  v/ere  .becoming  fewer;  the  bickering, 
compromising,  and  bargaining  of  the  code-making  period  was  occupying  a 
smaller  part  in  the  staff's  activities,  but  negotiations  were  becoming  longer 
drawn  out,  and  differences  less  speedily  resolved.   The  fire  and  the  urge 
of  the  early  months  were  dying  out,  and  the  Recovery  Administration  was  be- 
coming more  deli'berate  In  its  actions,  more  careful  of  its  commitments, 

ifflA  was  now  ready  to  enter  upon  a  more  prosaic,  but  perhaps  more  impor- 
taxit,  phase  of  its  activity,  -  that  of  adrainistering  and  enforcing  the  codes 
It  ha.d  approved,  and  observing  the  effects  and  results  of  its  earlier  work. 
For  the  first  time  in  history,  industry  was  operating  under  rules  of  ethics 
-  codes  of  fair  competition;  it  was  KSA's  new  job  to  administer  and  aid  in 
,  securing  compliaaice  with  these  rules,  and,  in  some s,  on  the  basis  of 
experience,  to  change  them, 

Not  only,  then,  was  IIRA  faced  with  the  law  of'  diminishing  returns  as 
regards  continued  activity  in  the  realm  of  code-making,  but  a^-lso  there  was 
developing  a  very  real  need  for  the  organization  to  direct  its  attention  to 
the  subject  of  code  administration.   The  problem  of  devising  a  suitable  plan 
for  bringing  the  work  of  code  formulation  to  an  end,  was  occupying  the  minds 
of  the  highest  officials  of  IffiA.   The  development  of  such  a  plan  will  be 
traced  in  Section  III,  of  this  study, 

II.   Early  Problems  of  Administration 

Early  experience  in  the  administration  of  approved  codes  indicated  a 
number  of  ways  in  which  all  was  not  well  with  the  policies  previously  pursued 
in  code-making.   To  as  great  p.n  extent  as  possible,  it  was  sought  to  coT-rect 
in  the  new  policy  the  mistakes  and  shortcomings  which  administrative 
experience  had  pointed  out  in  the  old. 

An  unexpected  development,  with  attendant  "onexpected  problems,  had 
been  presented  by  the  hundreds  of  codes  presented  to  I'lElA.  for  approval,  - 



codes  of  all  sizes  and  degrees  of  importance,  co'des  with  overlapping  def- 
initions, codes  intended  to  cover  only  a  small  portion  of  a  larger  industry, 
vertical  codes  cutting  through  the  distribution  functions,  codes  suhmitted 
"by  rival  associations  to  cover  the  same  industrial  group,  et  cetera.  At  the 
outset,  it  had  "been  the  olan  to  codify  the  ln,rger,  "basic  industries.  But 
the  code  idea  had  "become  a  fever,  in  which  the  earlier,  sounder  conception  of 
IIM  "bade  fair  to  "be  lost  from  view;  and  NRA  was  not  prepared  for  the  work 
that  was  thus  thrust  upon  the  organization, 

,  Coincident  with- the  imforseen  deluge  of  smaller  codes,  came  the  gigantic 
and  equally  unforseen  problem  of  unforseen  pro"blera  of  industrial  classifica- 
tion, ■  Of  primary  importance  was  the  necessity  for  insuring  uniformity  or 
similarity  cf  code  provisions,  "both  la"bor  and  trade  practice;  for  closely 
related  or  directly  competing  divisions  of  industries' or  trades.   The  in- 
herent difficulty  of  classifj'ing  American  industry  for  administrative  purposes, 
talcen  together  with  the  nearly  total  unpreparedness  of  HRA  for  attacking  the 
pro"blem,  presented  one  of  the  most  trou"blesoiae  o"bstacles  in  the  path  of 
smooth-functioning  code  administration. 

It  was  natural  that  the  gains  secured  "by  an  industry  through  its  code 
might  well  "be  o"bscured,  or  even  lost  sight  of,  in  the  light  of  the  know- 
ledge that  the  government  had  approved  a  more  favora,ole  price  protection 
provision,  or  perhaps  a  less  onerous  la'bor  provision,  for  a  competing,  or 
closely  related  industry.   Keeping  in  mind  the  facts  that  codes  were  "being 
approved  for  such  small  su"bdivisions  of  industry  as  "Ply  Swatter  Manufactur- 
ing,^ "Lightning  Rod  Manufacturing,"  and  the  ""Jet  Mop,"  "Dry  Mop,"  and  "Mop 
Stick"  Industries  a.nd  that  the  negotiations  were  "being  carried  on  at 
different  stages  in  the  development  of  KRA  policy,  and  "by  different  per- 
sonalities (sometimes  varying  widely  in  their  opinions  as  to  what  constitut- 
ed "fair  competition") ,  it  was  inevitphle  that  some  industries  would  "be  more 
favoralsly  treated  than  others,  and  that  consequent  dissatisfactions  would 

Becoming  more  and  more  bothersome,  too,  was  the  problem  of  overlapping 
definitions.   This  situation  was  due  in  part  to  the  efforts  of  applicant 
groups  to  secure  broad  definitions,  as  a  meajis  of  covering  fully  a  given 
competitive  area,  and  to  provide  a  broad  basis  for  assessing  the  costs  of 
code  administration;  in  part  to  the  necessarily  hasty  procedure  and  the 
general  unpreparedness  of  MA  in  the  matter  of  industrial  classifications. 

On  the  other  hand,  questions  were  frequently  arising  concerning  the 
code  coveage  of  articles  not  clearly  covered  by  any  definition,   I.Iany 
products  might  reas.onably  be  said  to  have  been  included  under  more  than  one 
code  definition,  being  on  the  border  line  of  each,  and  usually  certain  to 
produce  dissatisfaction  on  one  side  whichever  v;ay  it  might  have  been 

More  thoutrlesome,  however,  and  more  difficult  to  remedy  than  multiple 
coverage  or  non-coverage  of  particular  articles,  was  the  multiple  applica- 
tion of  codes  to  single,  enterprises  in  some  cases,  and  other  instances  where 
areas  of  competition  were  n-)t  Included  within  the  definition  of  a  single 
industry  or  trade.  .   ■■  ;. 

A  great  many  cases  arose  in  which  the  operations  of  a  single  firm  were 


sutjcct  to  several  codes.   Sometimes  a  firm  was  presenteO.  with,  a  very  real 
,  pro'blem  in  attempting  to  its.  opi^rations  on  the  taSis  of  the  diffur- 
ent  code  definitions  'onder  Tuich  its  products  had  "been  classified.   Even 
where  segregation  of  work  v.'as  physically  poscxhle,  it  was  frequently,  at  the 
cost  of  officiuncy  and  cft^n  ■ujint-Gt.sS''rily  disruptive  of  the  firm's  accustom- 
ed nethcd  of  operation.  '  .  , 

Some  codc-s,  from  th^.  "broad  coverage  of  th^ir  definitions,  reached  into 
unexpected  places,  v/-hilc  others  i^ore  so  narrow  in  their  cover.age  that 
directly  computing  functions  night  te  allocated  under  different  codes. 

What  gave  the  force  of  reality  to  these  questions  of  classification  was 
the  ever  increasing  n-omlDi^r  of  svaall  codes,  each  with  its  own  Inhor  and  trade 
practice  provisions.  The  two  developments  were  inseparable,  -Tith  a  general 
uniformity  or  similarity  in  the  provisions  of  codes  for  the  larger  divisions 
of  industry,  there  would  have  hecn  less  occasion  to  dispute  the  code-  coverage 
on  a  p-rticula,r  product.  I 

But  as  the  cod^s  increased  in  numher,  they  sJso  increased  in  the  in- 
tricacy and  complexity  of  th^ir  provisions. 

Another  factor  of  code  administra,tion  which  was  "beginning  to  claim  the 
spotlight  of  attention  iTas  the  assessment  and  collec.tion  of  expenses  incur-'- 
red'oy  the  code  authdrities  in  administering  codes.   LIRA,  had  proceeded  very 
slowly  in  granting' code  authorities  the  p).ower  to  institute  the  legal  proceed- 
ings 'for  the  collection  of  fujid.s  for  the  expenses  of-  code  administration,  and 
even  then  it  Y/as  apparent  that;  the  difficulties  in- financing  the  administration 
of  small  codes  were  not'  solved.   The  small  groups  desired  to  maintain  their 
authority,  and  operate  under  their  own  code;  hut  the  expenses  Of  ad.minister- 
ing  their  owji  code  ^'ero  frequently  more  than  the  traffic  could' Or' would  hear, 

From  the  foregoing,  it  is  uvidcnt  that  there  was  need  for  a  new  policy 
determination,  directed  toward  the  following  o'bjcctivcsj 

1.  To  hring  to  a,n  end  the  period  of  code-making,  and  to 
free,  the  orgajiization  for  the  work  of  administration 
and  compliance,  ,   ■■ 

-  2.   To  reach  this  goal  with  the  crea,tion  of  as  small  a 
numher  of  new  codes  as  possihle.         ■   ,     " 

3,  To  strive  for  -uniformity  or  sir-iil--,rity  of  provisions 
in  codes  for  related,  or  conpetlng- industries, 

4,  To  effect  consolidations  v/ith  approved  codes,  where 

5,  To  relieve  small  industries  from  the  onerous  expenses  • 
of  code  ado'-otion  and ''administration, 

\{o   may  now  proceed  to  a  study  of  the  formulation  of  a  plan  'by  which  it  was 
hoped  to  accomplish  the  above  objectives,  and  the  various  stages  and  degrees 
by  which  the  plan  developed. 


^9-  ■ 



I .   Early  Developments  in  the  formulation  of  a  Plan 

The  earliest  documentary  evidence  fotind  of  the  Iseginnings  of  a  plan  for  a 
general,  or  T3lanket  code  is  contained 'in  a  recommendation  "by  Charles.  E.  Ruff, 
an  Assistant  Deputy  Administrator,  eai-ly  in  Eehruaiy  of  1934,  that  a  "ready- 
to-wear"  code  "be  dra^wi  up  for  small  industries  not  already  codified.  1/  It  was 
suggested  that  such  a  code  might  "be  called  the  "President's  Code  for  Miscel- 
laneous Industries.  " 

To  substantiate  the  need  for  such  a  plan,  I,Ir.  Huff  pointed  to  the  large 
amount  of  time  being  spent  "by  KRA,  in  formulating  and  approving  codes  for  small 
industries,  and  mentioned  that  a  num"ber  of  small  groups,  while  desirous  of  a 
code,  were  una"ble  to  afford  trips  to  Washington  to  secure  a  "tailor  made  jo"b," 

The  detailed  recommendations  were  that  a  general  code  "be  prepared  hy  NBA 
and  offered  to  small  industries  for  acceptance  or  rejection  as  they  saw  fit. 
Labor  provisions  would  be  established  in  the  code,  with  the  provision  that  ex- 
ceptions might  be  granted,  with  the  approval  of  the  Labor  Advisory  Board,  for 
industries  similar  or  closely  related  to  others  operating  under  more  liberal 
labor  provisions. 

It  was  Mr.  Ruff's  idea  that  the  general  code  itself  would  be  so  fixed  and 
standardized  that- the  main  work  of  ITRA  would  be  in  examining  the  industries' 
proposed  definiti'ons  for  conflicts  with  other  codes,  and  in  establishing  true 
representation.   All  that  would  remain  then  would  be  "to  publish  notice  of  the 
definition  and  ask  for  protests  by  mail.   The'  code  having  been  approved  by  the 
Boards  and  Divisions  would  not  be  reviewed  by  them," 

Mr.  Hickling  replied  that  Mr.  Raff's  suggestions  might  prove  useful  in 
later  developments,  but  that  in  his  opinion  it  would  not  be  practicable  to 
recommend  the  adoption  of  a  blanket  code  at  that  time,. 

There  is  no  evidence  that  there  was  any  direct  connection  between  the  idea 
put  forward  by  Mr.  Ruff,  and  the  plan  that  was  finally  promulgated  as  Adminis- 
trative Order  X-61.   That  there  may  have  been  some  connection  is  indicated  by 
the  fact  that  the  correspondence  is  to  be  found  in  the  file  of  Blackwell  Smith, 
Assistant  Administrator  for  Policy,  on  the  Basic  Code. 

The  matter  doubtless  was  the  subject  of  considerable  discussion  and  evi- 
dently culm.ina.ted  in  the  Assistant  Administrator  for  Policy  suggesting  to  the 
Director  of  Research  and  Planning  Division,  in  a  memorandum  of  date  May  14, 
1934,  that  they  make  a  joint  recommenda.tion  for  a  Presidential  Agreement  to 
cover  small  industries  and  that  the  Research  and  Planning  Division  suggest  the 
number  of  employees  at  Y/hich  to  drav/  the  line.   It  was  specifically  stated 
that  groups  logically  integrated  with  larger  industries  would  be  excluded  from 
such  a  recommendation.  2J 

1/  Undated  memorandum  to  Deputy  Administrator  C.  L.  Hickliiig  in  Assistant  Ad- 
ministrator for  Policy,  Blackwell  Smith's  file  on  Basic  Code,  in  URA  files. 

2/  Memorandum  from  Assistant  Administrator  for  Policy  to  the  Director  of  Re- 
search and  PlaJining  Division,  May  14, -1934  -  BlaclOTell  Smith's  file  on  Basic 
Code,  in  HRA  files. 



PuTther  exchanges  of  vie\Ypoirit  dixring  the  next  few  days  culminated  in 
a  meraoi-and'um  from  the  Administrator  to  Colonel  G-.  A.  Lynch,  Administrative 
Officer,  tuider  date  of  Hay  21,  1934^.  This  memorandum  1/ 

\l      This  neiiiorandum  is  located  in  the  file  of  the  Assistant  Administra-tor 
for  Policy,  on  the  Basic  Code,  in  NEA  files,  and  is  here  quoted  in  full; 

"We  have  got  to  clean  this  show  of  Code  making  and  there  is 
too  much  consideration  and  fumbling  in  doing  it,   I  want  immediate 
action  along  the  follov/ing  lines: 

"1,   Let's  get  up  a  'hasic  Code'  containing  only  the  following: 

a,  40  hour  week  and  child  lahor, 

"b.   $12  to  $13  per  week  minimum  wage, 

c,  Provision  as  to  exceptions,  etc,  which  conform 
with  approved  policy, 

d,  Ko  sale  or  service  he low  cost, 

e,  Leon  Henderson  and  Boh  Montgomery's  provisions 
as  to  price  cutting  and  cost  finding. 

f ,  Statutory  mandatory  provisions, 

g,  Provision  for  Code  Authority  and  Government 
right  of  representation  in  accordance  with 
approved  policy.   This  could  and  should  he   :;  ■ 
done  within  48  hours, 

"2,   Then  we  will  draft  communication  to  every  Industry  employing   .■:>' 
less  than  5000  people  with  Codes  not  yet  approved  and.  sayj 

"'In  the  interest  of  expedition  the  President  would 
like  to  have  you  assent  to  the  foregoing  hasic  Code  - 
without  further  delay, 

"'If  thereafter  you  desire  additional  fair  trade 
provisions  you  may  submit  them  and  if  supported 
hy  75)j  of  establishments  in  your  Industry  and 
ap23roved  by  the  Administrator  they  will  auto- 
matically become  part  of  your  Code, 

"'We  will  put  the  basic  Code  through  without  re- 
ference to  anybody  but  the  Administrator.' 

"3.   The  same  proposal  should  be  made  .to  all  the  big  Codes  still 
hung  up  such  as  ShipTsing,  Commijmiceition,  Anthracite,  Public  Utilities, 
etc,  with  the  added  remark  that  'in  the  event  this  is  not  agreeable 
to  you  the  President  will  impose  Codes  covering  only  wages  and  hours 
and  child  labor  in  any  case  in  which  he  finds  the  labor  conditions  in 
your  Industry  «below  the  prevailing  industrial  rates,' 

"4.   On  this  formula  I  expect  to  complete  or  abandon  all  Code  making 
.  except  hangovers  of.  administration  by  June  15,   This  organization 
must  be  immeciiute  lyre  set  for  Code  administration.   The  fact  that  all 
Code  Authorities  are  not  organized  and  functioning  is  an  indictment 
of  this  Administration," 




was  the  actual  tieginning  of  the  campaign  to  formulate  a  plan  to  end  code 
making,  and  laid  down  general  lines  along  which  official  thinking  was  to  "be 
directed,  '      " 

This  memorandum  did  not  "bring  action  within  48  hoixrs,  as  General 
Johnson  had  suggested.   It  did,  however,  serve  to  define  the  issues  and 
concentrate  attention  on  the  points  which"  had  "been  raised,  Blackwell 
Smith,  in  a  memorandum  of  May  22,  1934,  addressed  to  the  Administrative 
Officer,  the  Eeview  Officer,  and  the  Director  of  the  Research  and  Planning 
Division,  and  in  another  memorandum  of  May  23,  1934,  addressed  to  General 
Johnson,  outlined  a  mun'ber  of  important  points  to  "be  clarified  and  settled 
prior  to  the  a.pplication  of  the  policy  prescri"bed  'by  the  Administrator, 
Some  of  the  issues  raised  "by  Mr,  Smith  were;   1/ 

1,  TTliether  the  effort  should  he  made  to  "bring  all  industries 
having  pending  codes  under  the  proposed  Basic  Code,  with  a 
resultant  iieak  load  of  administration  and  compliance  work 
forthwith,  or  whether  the  same  thing  should  he  done  as  to 
terns,  "but  on  a  voluntary  "basis  only,  that  is,  enforceahle 

hy  the  Blue  Eagle,       ■     ' 

2,  The  difficulties  which  would  he  encountered  in  drawing  up 
exa.ct  definitions. 

3,  TiThether  or  not  there  should  "be  puhlic  hearings, 

4,  TiiTliether  provision  should  "be made  for  maintenance  of  wages 
ahove  the  rainim/om, 

5,  Should  there  he  a  Code  Authority  set  up  for  each  of  the 
new  Codes  or  sho-old  there  he  a  voluntary  Committee  of  the 
Industry  without  administrative  facilities? 

6,  _  Should  the  step  apply  to  supplementary  Codes? 

7,  He  also  questioned  whether  it  was  fully  recognized  that 
the  later  insertion  of  trade  practice  -orovisions  would  mean 
practically  the  same  amoiHit  of  Code  making  as  to  have  trade 
practices  in  the  first  instance  merely  delaying  the  in- 
cidence of  the  hurden, 

8,  Should  the  hasic  Code  include  the  standard,  well-recognized 
rules  against  various  types  of  cheating,  for  example,  the  coni-> 
nercial  hrihery  rule? 

1/  Both  memoranda  are  to  he  found  in  Blackwell  Smith's  file  on  the 
Basic  Code,  in  NM.  Piles, 



Efforts  \7ere  now  ijnder  .way -in  the  industry  divisions  to  speed  up  the 
formulatioii  of  codes  on  which,' work  had  heen :  started.   On  May  24,  1934, 
Division  Administrator  A.  R.  Glancy  re-oorted  that  his  division  was  attempt- 
ing to  reduce  the  number  of  small  pending  codes  chiefly  loy  persuading  their 
proponents  to-  accept  a  code  already  apurovsd  for  a  closely  related  industry,  1/ 

In  the  meantime,  George  S.  Brady,  Deputy  Assistant  Administrator  for      i 
Ola.ssif ication  Policy,  had  heen  working,  on  the  proToer  groupings  and  classi- 
fications of  industry  for  adiiiinistrative  puTT^oses,  and  on  June  4,  1934,  the 
Assistant  Ad-ministrator  fof  Policy  recommended  to  the  Administrator  that  the 
promulgation  of  the  "basic  code  idea  te  held  in  abeyance  for  a  few  daj^-s',        i 
pending  a  report  from  Mr.  Brady.   It  was  pointed  out;  in  this  memorandum       i 
that  there  were  only  162  pending  codes  before  the  Administration  and  that,     1 
in  Mr,  Brady's  opinion,  all  of  those  logically  fell  under  an  approved  code 
for  sone  other  indus'try,  or  in  a  few  cases,  under  a  pending  important  code,  2,/ 


On  the   same   day,    General   Johnson  modified  his  original  plan  to    the   ex-  | 

tent  of  making  it  applicable   to  all  uncodified  industries,    rather  than  small       | 
ones  only,    and  also   introduced  for   the   first   time   the   idea  of   creating  a  | 

single   code   authority  for  all   small   codes,    the   exiDenses   to   be   borne   ^oj  NBA, 
but  \7ith  lee-way  for  any  industry  which  so  desired  to  erect  and  bear  the  ex- 
penses of   its  o\im.  code  Authority.  , 

The  plan  was  now  coming  very  much  into   the   foreground  of   official   thought 
and  consideration .and  was  rapidly  taking  definite   form.      The   general   objec- 
tions and  methods  were  nov/  sufficiently  crystallized  to  permit   of   the  plan 
being  referred  to  the  various  Advisory  Boards  and  Divisions  for  their  recom- 
mendations,   prior   to  promulgation.  _   . 

II,      The'.'Participation  of   tiie  Advisory  Boards  and   the 
Advisory  Council   in ; the   Development  of   the   Plan. 

On  June   5,    1934,    the    Industrial,    Consumers   and  Labor  Advisory  Boards 
were   consulted  for   the   first;  time   on   the   question  of  a  Basic   Code,      On  that 
date  Mr,    Smith  addressed  a  memorandum  to   each  of   these   Boards   requesting 
their  reaction,    at   the  earliest  possible   moment   to   the   following  documents, 
which  he   attached: 

(1)  AdJTiinistrativfe   Order   setting  forth  the   plan,    with 
Basic   Code   attached, 

(2)  Supplementary  Administrative   Orders. 

(0)      Suoplementary  Hules  and  Regulations,      3/ 

1/     Meniorand-um  from  A.   R.    Glancy  to  Blackwell  Smith  -   Blackwell   Smith's 
file   on  Basic   Code,    in  NBA  Files, 

2/      See  Appendix  II  -  Exliibit  A,    page   40.    , 

3/      See  Appendix  II  -  Administra,tive   Order  with  Basic   Code   attached  - 
Exliibit   A, 

SujDplementary  Administrative   Order  -  Apnendix  III, 
Supplementary  Rules  and  Regulations  -  Appendix  IV. 



On  Jvjae   6,  1934,  a  meeting  of  the  LalDor  Advisory  Board  was  held  for  the 
piirpose  of  considering  the  documents  suhraitted  by  Mr,  Smith.   At  this  meet- 
ing the  fo]. lowing  resolution  was  passed: 

"The  Lahor  Advisory  Board  recommends  as  a  substitute  for 
the  lahor  provisions  of  the  Basic  Code,  the  application  of  the 
lahor  provisions  alrea,dy  in  effect  in  kindred  codes,  the  Ad- 
ministrator to  determine  the  grouping  or  consolida.tion, 'i 

In  transjjitting  the  ahove  resolution  to  the  Assistant  Administrator  for 
Policy  in  a  memorandum  of  the  same  date,  Dr.  G-ustav  Peck,  Chief  of  St3i"f  of 
the  Labor  Advisoiy  Board,  said  in  part; 

"The  Board  felt  rather  strongly  that  it  would  he  unwise 
to  malce  public  at  this  time,  one  year  after  the  National  In- 
dustrial Recovery  Act  went  into  effect,  a  Basic  Code  which 
might  appear  to  he  and  vrould  he  easily  interpreted  as  a 
standard  code.   While  we  sympathize  with  the  ambition  of 
smaller  industries  to  adopt  codes  of  their  own,  we  are  of 
the  opinion  that  the  number  and  variety  of  codes  already 
approved,  leaves  ample  room  for  the  proper  and  fair  group- 
ing of  all  remaining  industries.   The  approximately  500 
codes  which  will  be  in  effect  when  this  Order  is  issued 
have -been  the  result  of  fair  negotiations  by  industry, 
labor  and  the  NBA,  and  comparative  justice  will  be  done  if 
the  remaining  smaller  industries  are  requested  to  accept 
the  terms  under  which  kindred  industries  are  operative."   l/ 

At  the  sam^e  time,  Dr.  Peck  attached  to  his  memorandum  a  point  by  point 
criticism  of  the  Basic  Code,  as  submitted,  in  the  event  it  should  still  be 
deemed  desirable  to  pursue  this  course. 

On  the  next  day,  June  7,  1934,  Dr.  Peck  sent  a  supplementary  memorandum 
to  Mr,  Smith  recommending  the  insertion  of  a  provision  to  the  effect  that  in 
no  case  should  hourly  earnings  be  reduced  and  that  there  should  be  no  reduc- 
tion in  \7eekly  earnings  to  offset  any  reduction  in  hours  up  to  20^,   "It  is 
perfectly  evident,"  he  stated  that  many  of  the  industries  to  be  included 
under  this  catch-all  code  would  be  paying  far  higher  rates  than  those  con- 
templated for  the  Basic  Code,  and,  of  course,  the  IxTEA  does  not  want  to 
sponsor  or  seem  to  approve  a  Code  which  would  permit  wage  reductions," 

The  Be.sic  Code,  moving  rapidly  now  to  the  final  stages  of  formulation, 
was  referred  to  the  Advisory  Council  for  consideration  and  recommendation, 

■  III.  PI1:AL  stages  IIT  FORlviUXATIOW  OP  PLAR 

The  Advisory  Council  a,cted  promptly  in  its  considera.tion  of  the  matter 
and  ajjproved  the  proposal  in  a  memorandum  to  the  Administrator  under  date 
of  June  9,  1934  (See  Appendix  VIIl),  subject  to  certain  specific  recom- 
mend.a,tions  which  are  summarized  as  follows: 

1/  Memorandum  from  Gustav  Peck  to  Blactovell  Smith,  June  6,  1934  - 
Blaclcwell  Smith's  file  on  Basic  Code,  in  NEA  Piles, 



1,  That  the  proposed  2^1an  shall  not  apply  (a)  to  certain 
desi^ia.ted  Industries  vrhose  codes  vere  nearing  completion;  and 
(■"o)  to  a  few  major  industries  then  -uncodified  v;hose  importance 
seer:ed  to  have  warranted  the  preparation  of  individual  codes, 
the  industries  referred  to  in  "ooth  instances  (a)  and  (b)  to  be 
desifTiated  by  the  Administrator; 

2.  That  industries  as  yet  uncodified  a-nd  not  covered 
by  the  preceding  paragraphs  (a)  and  (b)  be  encoiiraged  to 
consult  \7ith  kindred  industries,  thereby  placing  them  under 
the  coiTolete  provisions  of  an  existing  approved  code,  the 
deter:.iination  of  the  proper  kindred  industry  to  be  made  by 
the  Adiiiinistrator; 

3,  That  all  other  uncodified  industries  not  dealt  v/ith 
in  the  two  preceding  peipagraphs  be  urged  to  adopt  the  basic 
code,  the  jDrovisions  of  which  (a)  to  carry  no  flat  declara- 
tion of  hours  and  wages  but  that  provisions  dealing  with 
such  matters  for  any  industry  applying  for  the  basic  code 
be  those  in  effect  for  kindred  industries,  and  (b)  that  the 
recognized  standard  labor  provisions  of  existing  codes  be 
included  in  the  basic  code; 

4.  That  there  be  clarification  and  emphasis  to  avoid 
possible  false  impressions  on  the  following  points:   (a) 
that  the  move  contemplated  purely  voluntary  action  from 
indu-stries,  with  the  possible  exception  of  important  ex- 
ceptional industries,  if  any,  which  failed  to  apply  and 
were  found  to  have  had  sub-standard  working  conditions; 
(b)  that  the  proposal  was  not  a  move  to  force  remaining 
indtistries  under  codes;  (c)  that  the  Service  Code  move  was 
entirely  separate  and  remained  unchanged;   1/  and  (d)  that 
the  iDlrrpose  of  the  plan  was  to. provide  a, simple  means  of 
giving  a  code  forthwith  to  those  uncodified  industries 
v?hich  desired  a  code. 

The  approval  of  the  plan  by  the  Advisory  Council  with  its  modified 
recommendation.  Outlined  above,  apparently  provoked  renewed  discussion 
before  the  Adiiiinistrator ,  as  no  definite  pronouncement  was  forthcoming 
until  one  month  later  and  on  July  10,  1934,  when  the  Administrator 
announced  the  plan  and  made  it  effective  through  the  issuance  of  Ad- 
ministrative Order  No.  X-61  with  the  form  of  the  basic  code  attached  as 
Exhibit  II  thereto. 

An  examination  of  the  plan  as  embodied  in  Administrative  Order  X-Sl 
and  the  two  orders  issued  by  the  Administrator  simultaneously  therewith, 
Administrative  Orders  X-62  and  X-63  (See  Appendices  II,  III,  and  lY        | 
respectively),  reveals  that  the  Adrainistra,tor  to  a  considerable  extent 
follovred  the  above-stated  modifications  recommended  by  the  Advisory  Council 
but  strengthened  the  proposal  by  announcing  that,  while  the  plan  was  not 

1^/   This  refers  to  administrative  action  at  this  partictilar  time  on 
service  codes,  • 


'  -15- 

intended  "to  force  all  remaining  •uncodified  industries  ■under  oodes",  the 
Administrator  shoixld  determine- 'as  to  any  ■uncodified  industry  not  ap'olying 
for  the  TDa-oic  code  or  for  consolidation  with  a  proper  kindred  industrsr  rrith- 
in  thirty  days,  if  the  wages,  hours  and  labor  conditions  in  such  in6.ustries 
constituted  an  abuse  inimical  to  the  public  interest  and  contrary  to  the 
policy  of  the  Act,  the  Administrator  within  forty  days  after  the  announce- 
ment of  the  plan  would  provide  for  a  hearing  in  accordance  with  Section  3 
(d)  of  IJ.I.R.A,  to  determine  whether  a  code  covering  hotirs  of  labor,  rates 
of  pay  and  other  working  conditions  should  not  be  prescribed. 

It  is  novi   in  order  to  review  in  detail  the  plan. 





An  exanination  of  Article  II  axid  III  of  the  ap-oroved  form  of  the  iDasic 
code  made  a  part  of  Mministrative  crder  X-61  as  Exhi"bit  "A"  considered 
along  T-ith  Administrative  Order  X-63  shows  that  ''fith  respect  to  these 
feat'-j.res  the  Administrator  follor^ed  the  recomEiendations  of  the  Advisory 
Council  in  that  no  fla,t  declaration  of  hours  and  wages  was  made,  these 
matters  oeing  left  open  in  order  that  the  hours  and  wages  of  kindred  indus- 
tries might  he  ap'clied  and  that  the  recognized  standard  lator  provisions 
"be  flatly  dfcclared. 

This  arrangement  seems  to  have  also  taken  care  of  the  suggestions  of 
the  Lahor  Advisory  Board,  hereinbefore  mentioned,  as  having  been  voiced  "by 
its  Chief  of  Staff  under  date  of  June  6  and  June  7,  1934. 


An  exa;;ination  of  Article  V  of  the  form  and  Administrative  Order  X-62 
reveals  that  the  -orice  policies  of  MA  as  announced  in  Office  Memorajidum 
No.  228  ^:,-ere  rigidly  adhered  to  and  that  the  standard  provisions,  common  to 
most  codes,  outlining  the  -powers  and  duties  of  the  cjde  authority  were 
allowed  the  notable  exception  that  the  plan  for  administration  is  entirely 
different  from  that  embraced  in  lorevious  approved  codes. 


Instead  of  a  code  authority  set  up  and  established  by  the  industry  it- 
self,  approved  under  Administrative  Order  No.  X-61  were  to  be  adjninis- 
tered  by  a  general  NRA  code  authority  at  the  expense  of  NEA  with  the  members 
thereof  to  be  appointed  by  the  Administrator.   It  is  noted,  however,  that  any 
industry  ap;olying  for  a  code  ■'onder  the  plan  and  desiring  to  do  so  (Article 

IV.  Basic  Code),  on  apioroval  of  the  Administrator,  was  allowed  to  elect  its 
own  code  authority  which  would  have  the  same  powers  and  duties  prescribed  for 
the  :^;eneral  NRA  code  authority  and  such  further  rules  and  regulations  as 

the  Administrator  might  prescribe.  I 

Administrative  Order  No.  X-34,  Appendix  "VI"  hereto,  provided  for  the 
selection  of  the  members  of  the  general  NRA  code  authority.   It  was  to  con- 
sist of  one  member  appointed  by  the  Administrator  to  serve  as  chairman  and 
three  other  members  also  appointed  by  the  Administrrtor,  one  of  whom  was  to 
be  appointed  with  the  advice  of  thp  Industrial  Advisory  Btard,  one  with  the 
advice  of  the  Labor  Advisory  Board  and  one  with  the  advice  of  the  Consumers 
Advisory  Board.   These  four  members  were  emriowered  and  directed  to  act  upon 
all  matters  considered  by  this  general  code  authority;  the  said  Order,  however, 
prescribed  that  one  additional  member  should  be  appointed  by  the  Administrator, 
with  the  approval  of  the  Industrial  Advisory  Board,  for  each  industry  whose 
cod<5  wrs  to  be  administered  by  such  code  authority,  these  additional  members 
to  act  only  upon  matters  which  -oertained  to  the  respective  codes  for  their 
particular  industries, 




I.    proczduh:]  lOR  imiDLim  plm 

A^.ciif';  --itli  the  is£;ua,nce  of  Administrative  Orders  Nos,  X-61,  X-62  and 
X-63,  also  cov.e   Office  Order  100  and  Office  Lieraorandtmi  No.  251,  the  former 
apiDointinr;  a  conmittee  of  three,  raenhers  to  supervise  the  execution  of  the 
plan  pjid  the  latter  -Drescrioin^'  procedure  for,  handling  it.   The  Office  Order 
designated,  Hohert  K.  as  chairman  of  the  committee  on  supervision 
with  iiessrs.  Leon  C.  Marshall  and  G-eorge  S.  Brady  completing  the  nemoership. 
The  procedure  established  by  Office. Memorandum  No.  251  was  as  follovs: 

"1,   The  Con-aittee  will  ira'iediately  distribute  to  each 
Division  liaison  officer  a  set  of  documents,  in- 
cluding a  cojjy  of  the  Basic  Code  and  related 
Administrative  Orders,  for  each  code  v/hich  awaits 
approval  by  each  Division. 

2.  Within  a  \7eek  of  the  receipt  of  these  documents, 
they  will  be  sent  out  to  each  uncoded  industry  with 
a  covering  letter  v/ritten  by  the  Deputy  or  Assistant 
Deputy  Administrator  who  has  been  handling  any 
negotiation  with  said  uncoded  industry,  recommending 
that  said  industry' s  code  be  disposed  of  in  accordance 
with  the  principles  laid  down  in  Administrative  Order 

3.  As  soon  as  these  letters  have  been  sent  out,  progress 
reports  she.ll  be  jaade  to  the  Coraraittee  on  the  Comple- 
tion of  Code  Mahing  by  the  Divisions,  indicating  to 
what  industries  the  letters  have  been  sent,  and  what 
the  recomi;ienda.tions  of  the  Division  neve  been  with 
regard  to  these  industries. 

4.  Divisions  will  continue  to  submit  weekly  reports 
on  Saturdays  to  the  Committee  on  the  Completion  of 
Code  Making  as  to  the  progress  which  has  been  made 
during  the  days  covered  by  these  reports. 

5.  The  Committee  on  the  Comnletion  of  Code  Making  may 
recommend  to  the  Administrator  any  changes  in  this 
procedure  which  it  may  deem  advisable  in  order  to 
complete  code  -.laking  in  the  thirty-day  period  allotted. 
At  the  end  of  this  thirty-day  period,  the  Committee 

'  ,■   will  make  a  definitive  report,  including  any  recom- 
mendations as  to  fiirther  action."   (See  An-nendix  "D".) 

The  Committee  on  Completion  of  Code  Making,  as  directed  in  the  above- 
mentioned  office  order  and  the  said  Office  Meiiiorandum  No,  251,  under  date 
of  AugU-st  6,  1934,  submitted  a  report  as  .to  the  -orogress  made  which  goes 
into  considerable  statistical"  detail  from  which  the  forecast  was  made  that 
119  codes  vfould  be  disposed  of  by  August  10,  1934,  73  of  which  were  in- 
dividual codes,  31  represented  consolidations  under  Administrative  Order 



X-61  and  15   covered  tasic   codes  under  Administrative   Order  X-61.      A  copy 
of   tills   report   is  annerced  hereto   as  Apofindix  "IX". 


It  i.dll  te  recalled  that  service  trades  vere  exce-oted  specif icall;r 
from  the  -irovisions  of  AdiTiinistrative  Order  X-61  as  well  as  such  other  in- 
dustries as  the  Administrator  for  sneGific  cause  might  desi,§nate  for 
different  treatment.   In  the  re-oort,  above  referred  to,  from  the  Comittee 
on  Coiipletion  of  Code  Making  it  ^7ill  be  noted  that  Division  VI  had  on  hand 
23  service  codes  in  addition  to  the  17  shown  to  be  in  va.rious  stages  of 
developLient  in  this  division.   It  aroears  that,  aside  from  these  service 
trades  the  only  exception  granted  from  the  provisions  of  Administrative 
Order  No, -X-Gl  were  the  Grocery  Manufacturing  Industries  which  were  offered 
a  basic  code  of  their  own  under  the  terras  of  Administrative  Order  llo,  X-39, 
dated  Se'otenber  21,  1934,  a  copy  of  v^hich  is  attached  hereto  as  Appendix 


It  shoiild  be  recalled  here  that  the  report  from  the  Chairman  of  the 
Comv-.ittee  on  Completion  of  Code  Making  predicted  that  119  codes  would  be 
disposed  of  b;-  August  10,  1334,  31  of  which  were  estimated  would  be  con- 
solidations under  Administrative  Order  No.  X-61  and.  15  of  which  Yfould  be 
apTjrovals  of  basic  codes  thereunder.  Purthernore,  the  estimate  ^-as  made 
that  a  balance  of  97  codes  would  be  left  on  August  10,  1934. 

It  appears  that  the  Chairman  of  this  Committee  in  his  predictions  \Yas 
too  sanguine  and  that  the  results  predicted  were  not  achieved,  as  only  5 
consolidations  were  made  in  all  and  only  5  basic  codes  were  ever  a-oproved 
under  AcUiinistrative  Order  X-61,   Indeed,  except  in  the  single  case  of  the 
Wire  P.eirif orcement  Industry,  a  consolidation  matter  approved  August  13,  1934, 
all  of  these  consolidations  and  s.xiprovals  took  place  considerably  later  than 
August  10,  1934. 

Many  factors  combined  to  cause  such  a  poor  result.   One  was  the  fact 
that  a  considerable  nuinber  of  officials  of  NRA.  did  not  look  upon  the  plan 
with  fa,vor.   This  caused  it,  when  adopted,  to  be  not  only  unpopular  with 
the  industries  concerned  but  also  with  many  persons  in  the  Administration, 
The  movement  therefore  suffered  from  lack  of  complete  cooperation. 

Pra-thermore  ,  the  plan  wa.s  launched  at  a  time  when  a  great  many  submitted 
codes  had  passed  through  extended  periods  of  negotiations  with  the  result 
that  the  industries  sponsoring  them  preferred  to  follow  them  through  to 
approval  rather  than  accept  any  consolidation  or  the  basic  code.   In  order 
to  secure  approval  of  codes  in  this  category,  instances  arose  of  indu.stries 
sacrificing  and  withdrawing  provisions  which  had  previously  been  relied  on 
and  insisted  upon  as  being  fundamental  and  essential  to  the  welfare  of  those 
industries.   This  attitude  was  evidently  based,  in  part,  upon  the  fear  that 
N.  R,  A,  would  carry  out  its  announced  intention  of  imposing,  in  certain 
circuiistances,  provisions  relating  to  hours  of  labor,  vra,ges  and  conditions 
of  employment,  and  also  in  part  because  some  W,  'R,   A,  officials  in  charge 
of  these  su.bmitted  individual  codes,  obviously  reluctant  to  relinquish 
supervision  of  them,  attempted  to  persuade  industries  to  secure  approvals 
of  their  previously  submitted  codes  rather  than  accept  the  plan  offered  by 



Adrainistrative  Order  X-61, 

Anothsr  "umfavora'ble  circumstance  was  the  fact  that  the  proposed  "basic 
code  did  not  provide  for  trade  practice  provisions  v/hich  were  specially 
adapted  to  the  various  industries.   In  other  vrords,  this  type  of  complaint 
was  to  the  effect  that  the  proposed  "basic  code  ;7as  too  standardized  to  take 
care  of  the  trade  pro"blems  peculiar  to  the  varioxis  industries.   While  K.R.A. 
sought  to  ::ieet  this  ohjection  with  a,ssurances  that  amendments  containing 
trade  practice  provisions  peculiarly  applicable  to  individual  industries 
coul'd  "be  had  later  on,  it  is  o"bvious  that  these  industries  were  well  axTai-e 
of  the  difficulties  which  attended  the  path  to  approvals  not  only  of  ar-end-. 
ments  "but  of  codes. 

A  further  o"bjection  was  made  that  the  theory  of  industrial  self-govern- 
ment was  replaced  "by  the  idea  of  having  the  "basic  code  administered  "by  a 
general  1^1. S, A.  code  authority  or,  in  cases  of  consolidation,  with  an 
administration  conducted  "by  representatives  of  another  industry.   To  state 
the  olDjection  differently,  autonomy  would  "be  lost  either  "by  accepting 
consolidation  under  Administrative  Order  X-61  or  hy  securing  a  "basic  code 

In  ffi-ddition  to  the  diffidence  shown  "by  industry,  the  failure  of  the 
plan  for  the  completion  of  code-making  can  in  some  measure  be  traced  to 
the  lach  of  comprehensive,  accurate  and  thorough  classification  of  indu.stry 
for  adi^iini strati ve  purposes.   It  seems  desirable,  from  the  viewpoint  of 
administrative  preparedness,  to  stress  the  desirability  and  need  for  the 
preparation  of  such  a  classification  in  advance  of  putting  such  a  program 
as  the  plan  for  completion  of  code-making  into  operation.   Had  this  been 
done  no  doubt  some  of  the  difficulties  which  beset  the  plan  would  have  been 

Furthermore,  the  plan  was  adopted  and  put  into  operation  too  late  in 
the  code-making  process  to  accomplish  the  end  expected  of  it,  Sxperience 
shows  that  the  program  would  have  achieved  greater  success  had  it  been 
formulated  much  earlier  and  used  as  a  complement  to  the  codification  of  the 
major  industries.   It  seems  rather  safe  to  say  that  had  this  policy  been 
adopted  the  number  of  individual  codes  would  have  been  materially  reduced, 
the  difficulties  of  administration  lessened,  and  the  prospects  of  securing 
compliance  greatly  increased. 

Prom  all  of  which  it  rather  conclusively  appears  that  the  plan  failed 
to  rea,lize  its  objectives;  that  the  results  obtained  \rere  negligible;  that 
it  was  ujifavorably  received  by  industry  and  consequently  not  utilized  ex- 
tensively; and  that  the  Administration,  when  confronted  with  the  failure 
of  the  plan,  never  put  into  operation  its  announced  intention  of  imposing 
provisions  relating  to  wages,  hours  and  conditions  of  employment,  under 
Section  3(d)  of  the  Act,  in  those  industries  found  to  be  operating  under 
su1>-standard  conditions. 




Statement  of  ScQ-jje  of  Study,  Method  of  Treatment,  and  Questions 

Meedinp;  Further  Research 

This  studj?-  v/r^s  treated  very  largely  from  a  historical  point  of  view  and 
is  presented  in  narrative  form.   The  conditions  which  culninated  in  the 
adoption  of  a  .plan  to  wind  up  the  codification  process  have  been  reviewed  and 
'the  stages  by  which  the  plan  reached  fraition  have  "been  traced  in  detail  and 
in  chronological  order.   Finally,  some  attempt  was  made  to  appraise  the  results.: 
obtained,  point  out  the  failure  of  the  program,  analyze  the  reasons  for  the 
failure,  and  present  certain  findings  and  recommendations'. 

The  subject  "as  developed  in  the  following  manner: 

First,  a  tentative  outline  which  is  ra.ade  a  part  of  this  report  as 
Appendix  X  v/as  carefully  prepared  before  anything  else  was  attempted. 

Then,  some  weeks  were  spent  in  searching  out  sources  of  information, 
finding  the  material  required  to  fill  out  the  outline,  and  assembling  this 
necessary  data,  preparatory  to  the  writing  of  this  report. 

The  next  step  consisted  in  conferring  with  the  various  officials  of  IJEA 
who  participated  in  the  formulation  of  the  plan  and  had  charge  of  its  applica- 
tion and  in  investigating  conditions  in  IvIRA  which  gave  rise  to  the  need  for  a 
new  code-naking  policy. 

When  the  above  details  had  been  completed,  the  actual  preparation  of  a 
report  to  ro-ond  out  the  outline  com'-'icnccd,  with  the  result  that  preliminary- 
report  was  written  and  subsequently  revised  and  put  into  this  final  form. 

This  report  leaves  little  for  further  study.   It  is  regarded  by  its 
authors  as  being  reasonably  complete.   It  nay,  however,  at  some  future  time 
be  interesting  as  well  as  instructive  to  ascertain  if  the  industries,  un- 
codified at  the  time  of  the  adoption  of  the  plan  for  completion  of  code-mak- 
ing, in  addition  to  reasons  given  for  failing  to  utilize  the  plan,  did  not 
feel  that  they  were  being  asked  to  adopt  the  hours  and  pay  the  wages  requir- 
ed of  kindred  industries  without  being  compensated  with  trade  practice  pro- 
visions designed  to  benefit  and  promote  their  own  welfare. 

It  seems  that  the  only  source  from  which  to  obtain  reliable  informa,tion  | 
on  this  suggested  question  is  the  uncodified  industries  of  July  10,  1934,  and 
their  respective  trade  associations,  if  any, 

A  comparison  of  the  tentative  outline.  Appendix  X  hereto,  with  the  text 
of  this  report  will  reveal  a  few  other  features  which  have  only  briefly  been 
alluded  to,  if  at  all,  such  as  the  details  of  the  organization  of  the  General 
KEIA  Code  Authority  and  the  departure  from  the  plan  as  instanced  in  the  matter 
of  the  Grocery  Manufacturing  Industries.   These  fields  may  therefore  in  the 
future  be  explored  with  profit,  but  for  the  purposes  of  this  particular  study- 
it  has  not  seemed  advisable  to  treat  them  any  further. 



AEMINISTmTiVE  OlffiEE  ¥0.  X-61, 

By  virtue  of  authority  vested  in.  me  as  Administrator  for  Industrial  Re- 
covery under  Title  I  of  the  National  Industrial  Recovery  Act,  and  in  order  to 
provide  a  simple  means  of  giving  a  code  forthwith  to_  those  industries  remain- 
ing uncodified  who  desire  a  code  and  in  order  therehy  to  free  NBA  for  admin- 
istration of  approved  codes,  it  is  here'by  ordered  that: 

1.  This  plan  is  available  to  any  industry  not  yet  codified  under  said 
Act  (with  the  exception  of  industries,  including  local  service  trades,  for 
specific  cause  designated  hy  the  Administrator  for  different  treatment).   Any 
such  industry  may  ajiply  to  the  Administrator  for  codification  ty  application 
of  the  Basic  Code  (Exhibit  "A",  annexed)  as  the  code  for  such  industry.   The 
hour  and  wage  provisions  to  be  included  in  said  Basic  Code,  as  to  any  appli- 
cant industry,  shall  be  those  already  approved  for  the  proper  kindred  in- 
dustry, as  determined  by  the  Administrator,  after  due  consideration  of  rep- 
resentations of  the  applicant  industrj?-  and  other  relevant  data.   An  uncodi- 
fied industry,  instead  of  applying  for  the  Basic  Code,  may  apply  for  con- 
solidation and  complete  coverage  l:)j   the  existing  code  for  the  proper  kindred 
industrjr,  subject  to  stay  as  to  applicant  industry  of  provisions  then  incon- 
sistent with  policy. 

2.  If  any  such  application  is  made  by  a  truly  representative  body  of  the 
industrjT-  and  if  there  be  no  objection  to  any  party  in  material  interest  after 
ten  (10)  days  published  notice  to  all  concerned,  such  Code  shall,  without 
further  hearing,  reference  to  Advisory  Boards  or  other  administrative  action, 
become  effective  ten  (10)  days  after  its  approval  by  the  Administrator,  in 
industries  employing  less  than  fifty  thousand  (50,000)  persons,  or  by  the 
President  in  all  other  industries. 

3.  All  uncodified  industries  which  desire  codification  (excepting  those 
specially  designated  as  above)  are  requested  so  to  apply  for  such  Basic  Code 

or  for  consolidation  with  codes  for  kindred  industries.   If,  after  the  approval 
of  such  application  for  any  industry,  it  desires  additional  fair  trade  prac- 
tice provisions  or  modifications  as  to  such  industry  of  the  Basic  Code,  or  the 
code  with  which  consolidated,  such  industry  may  apply  therefor  at  any  time  and 
will  be  accorded  a  prompt  hearing  and  determination  with  respect  thereto.  Any 
industry  which  desires  to  consolidate  under  the  code  of  a  kindred  industr;?-  may 
do  so  on  approval  of  the  Administrator  even  after  becoming  subject  to  the 
Basic  Code. 

4.  It  is  not  intended  by  this  Plan  to  force  all  remaining  uncodified 
industries  under  codes,  but  as  to  any  such  industry  not  yet  codified  which 
does  not  apply  for  such  Basic  Code,  or  for  consolidation  as  above,  within 
thirty  (30)  days  after  the  date  hereof  and  in  which  the  Administrator  shall 
determine  that  wages,  hours,  and  conditions  of  labor  constitute  an  abuse 
inimical  to  the  public  interest  and  contrary  to  the  policy  of  said  Act,  the 
Administrator  will  within  forty  (40)  days  after  the  date  hereof  provide  for 
a  hearing  in  accordance  vdth  Section  3  (d)  of  said  Act  to  determine  whether 



a  code  covering  hours  of  lator,  rates  of  pay,  and  other  working  conditions 
shall  not  1)6  prescribed  thereiondcr. 


Administrator  for  Industrial  Recovery, 

Washington,  D.  C. 
July  10,  1934. 






July  10,   1934. 


To  effectuate  the  policies  of  Title  I  of  the  National  Industrial  Re- 
covery Act,  the  following  provisions  are  estahlished  as  a  Toasic  Code  of  Fair  ■ 
Cotapetition  which  shall  govern  every  industry  applyihg  therefor  in  accordance 
with  Administrative  Order  IJo,'  X-  51,  dated  July  10,  1934, 


Section  1.   Hour  s . 

No  employee  shall  "be  permitted  to  work  in  excess  of  ■_ hours  in  any 

one  i^eek,  except  that  for  weeks  in  any  one  calendar'  year,  any  employee 

may  "be  permitfed  to  work  not  more  than hours  per  week.   All  hours  in 

excess  of  J per  day  or jjer  veek  shall  be  paid  for  at  not  less  than 

one  and  one-half  (1-^)  times  the  employee's  regular  rate,  '     ■      '  ■• 

Section  2.  ■  ExceiDtions.       '  '  .     '  '   ■  ■  '   ■ 

The  provisions  of  Section  1  shall  not  apply  to  employees  engaged  in 
emergency  maintenance  or'  emergency  repair  work  involving  "breakdown  of  the' 
protection  of  life  or  property,  nor  to  persons  employed  in  a  managerial  or 
executive  capacity  who  earn  reg'uJ.arly  Thirty-five  Dollars  (Jp35.00)  per  week 
or  more,  nor  to  any  other  class  of  employees  which  the  Administrator  shall 
find  upQn  ap'olication  of  true  representatives  of  the  tradd'  or  industry  should 
"be  su"bjected  to  an  exemption  or  ra:odif ication  in  accordance  with  N.H.A.  poliqj'^; 
provided,  however,  that  employees  Bngaged  in  such  emergency  maintenance  and 
emergency  repair  work  shall  "be  paid  at  one  and  one-half  (l--g-)  times  their 
normal  rate  for  all  hoiirs  worked  in  excess  of  forty  (40)  hours  per  week. 

Section  3,   Minimum  Wages. 

No  employee  shall  "be  paid  in  any  pay  period  less  than  at  the  rate  of 
. per  week  for hours  of  la'bor,  except  in   "    in  which  region  no 

employee  shall  "be  paid  in  any  pay  period  less  than  at  the  rate  o^  

per  week  for hours  of  la"bor. 

Section  4.   Wages  in  General,  •  '.      ' 

All  wages  shall  "be  adj'asted  so  as  to  maintain  a  differential  at  least 
as  great  in  amount  as  that'  existing  on  jLine  16,  1953,  "between  wages  for  such 
employment  and  the  then  minima.   In  no  shall  there  "be  any  reduction  in 
hourly  rateS;  nor  in  weekly  earnings  foV^any  reduction  in  hours  of  less  than 
thirty  per  cent. 



Section  1.   Child  La"bor.       ■•••■., 

No  'oerson  ■'onder  sixteen  yea,rs  of  ,age  shall  'be  employed  in  the  industry 
in  any  capacity.   iJO  person  under  eighteen' years  of  age  shall  he  employed  at 
operations  or  occupations  which  arc  hazardous  in  na,ture  or  dangerous  to  health. 
The  Code  Authority  shall  suhmit  to  the  Administrator  for  approval  "before  Octoher 
1,  1934,  a  list  of  such  operations  or  occupations.   In  any  State  an  employer 
shall  he  deemed  to  have  complied  with  this  provision  3.s  to  age  if  he  shall 
have  ■'oh  'file  a  valid  certificate  or  oertait  duly  signed  hy  the  authority  in 
such  State  'empowered  to  issue  employment  or  age  certificates  or  permits,  show- 
ing 'that"  the  emitiloyee  is  of  the  required  age. 

Section  2«   Apprentices. 

The  hours  and  wages  of  regularly  indtntured  s,pprentices  in  skilled 
trades  or  occupations  of  the  industry  may  depart  from  the  standards  herein- 
ahove  prescrihed;  provided  that  the  terms  of  employment  and  the  course  of 
instruction  of  such  apprentices  sha,ll  conform  to  standards  uniform  through- 
out the  trade  or  industry  and  approved  hy  the  Administrator, 

Section  5«   Handicapped  Persons^ 

A  person  whose  earning  capacity  is  limited  hocause  of  ago,  physical  or 
mental  handicap,  or  other  infirmity,  may  he  employed  on  light  work  at  a  wage 
below  the  minimum  established  hy  this  Code,  if  the  employer  obtains  from  the 
State  authority  designated  by  the  United  States  Department  of  Labor,  a  cer- 
tificate authorizing  such  person's  employment  at  such  wages  and  for  such  hours 
as  shall  be  stated  in  the  certificate.   Such  authority  shall  be  guided  by  the 
instructions  of  the  United  States  Di.partnent  of  Labor  in  issuing  certificates 
td  such  persons.  Each  enployer  shall  file  monthly  with  the  Code  Authority  a 
list  of  all  such  persons  employed  by  him,  showing  the  wages  paid  to,  and  the 
maximum  hours  of  work  for  such  employee. 

Section  4.   Safety  and  Health. 

Every  employer  shall  mal:e  reasonable  provision  for  the  safety  and  health 
of  his  employees  a,t  the  place  and  during  the  hours  of  their  employment. 
Standards  for  safety  and  health  shall  be  submitted  by  the  Code  Authority  to 
the  Administrator  for  approval  within  six  months  after  the  effective  date  of 
this  Code,   The  standards  approved  shall  thereafter  be  a  part  of  this  Code 
and  enforceable  as  such. 

Section  5.   Hequired  Labor  Clauses. 

The  provisions  of  Section  7  (a)  of  said  Act  are  hereby  incorporated  here- 
in by  this  reference  and  shall  be  complied  with. 





This  Code  shall  'be  administered  "by  the  General  'JUL   Code  Authority  which 
shall  he  selected  pursuant  to,  have  the  po^7ers  specified  in  and  function  in 
accordance  with  Adninistrative  Order  X-S2,  dated  July  10,  1934;  provided, 
however,  that,  on  aporoval  "by  the  Adiainistrator ,  any  industry  so  desiring  may 
elect  its  ov7n  Code  Authority  to  have  powers  and  to  f-'onction  in  the  manner 
preacrihed  for  the  General  IffiA  Code  Authority  and  under  such  rules  and  regula- 
tions as  the  Administrator  may  prescrihe, 


Trade  Practices. 

(a)   It  shall  he  an  lonfaar  method  of  coropetition  for  any  memher  of  any 
trade  or  indiistry  suhject  hereto  to  violate  any  rule  of  fair  trade  practice 
for  such  trade  or  industry  even  if  not  herein  contained  when  approved  ty  the 
Administrator,  or,  in  the  case  of  trade  practice  provisions  for  trades  or 
industries  under  the  jurisdiction  of  the  Secretary  of  Agriculture  when 
approved  "by  such  Secretary,  on  application  concurred  in  "by  seventy-five  (75) 
per  cent  of  the  mera"bers  of  such  trade  or  industry. 

(h)   Prices,  rehates,  discomits,  commissions  and  conditions  of  sale 
shall  "be  filed  as  prescrihed  in  Administrative  Order  No.  X-62,  dated  July  10, 
1934,  and  it  shall  he  an  imfair  method  of  competition  to  violate  or  fail  to 
comply  with  the  terms  of  that  Order. 


Section  10  (h)  of  said  Act  is  hereby  incorporated  herein  hy  reference 
and  this  Code  is  expressly  male  suhject  thereto. 

•      '  -26- 



SUPELElffilTTirC-  /LDiIIi'^IS.Tl/i.TII'E  OEDSR  iJO.   X-61 ,   DATED  JULY,  10,    1934,    AM)  THE 


Hi  ^i  ifi  i^ '^  :lli  ■dfi  ■^  ifi  ilfi 

By  virtue  of  the  aixthority  vested  in  me  as  Administrator  for  Industrial 
Recover;-  ujider  Title  I  of  the  National  Industrial  Recovery  Act  and  to  sure- 
plenent  AoiAini strati ve  Order  i^o,  X-61,  dated  July  10,  1934,  and  the  Bs.sic 
Code  annexed  thereto,  it  is  herety  ordered  that; 

A,   General  ^JRA  Code  Authority 

1,  The  Genercal  i-IRA  Code  Authority,  provided  for  in  Article  IV  of 
said  Basic  Code,  shall  be  a^o-nointed  ty  the  Administrator  and 
shall  serve  without  expense  to  the  Industries  subject  to  such 

2.  Such  Code  Authority  shall  have  the  following  powers  and  duties; 

(a)   To  insure  the  execution  of  the  provisions  of  the 

Code  and  to  provide  for  the  compliance  of  the  trade/ 
industry  with  tne  provisions  of  the  Act. 

(h)   To  adopt  "by-laws  and  rules  and  regulations  for  its 

(c)  To  obtain  from  members  of  the  trade/ industry  such 
information  and  reports  as  are  required  for  the 
adininistration  of  the  Code,   In  addition  to  in- 
formation required  to  be  submitted  to  the  Code 
Authority,  raerabers  of  the  trade/ industry  subject 
to  said  Basic  Code  shall  furnish  such  statistical 
information  as  the  Administrator  may  deem  necessa.ry 
for  the  purposes  recited  in  Section  3(a)  of  the  Act 
to  such  Federal  and  State  agencies  as  he  may  desig- 
na.te;  Tjrovided  that  nothing  in  the  Code  shall  relieve 
any  member  of  the  trade /industry  of  any  existing 
obligations  to  furnish  reuorts  to  any  Government 
agency.   No  individual  re;nort  shall  be  disclosed 
to  any  other  member  of  the  trade/ industry  or  a.ny 
other  party  except  to  such  other  Government  agencies 
as  may  be  directed  by  the  Administrator. 

(d)  The  General  1\TSA  Code  Authorit;'  shall  submit  to  the 
Administrator  v'ithin  90  days  after  the  approval  of 
this  Basic  Code  a  list  of  industries  covered  b^r  the 
Basic  Code,  in  which  work  on  any  riart  of  the  -oroduct 
is  performed  in  the  home  and/or  work  is  contracted 
out.   The  General  WRA  Code  Authority  may  also  submit 
a  list  of  special  problems  affecting  particular 
industries  operating  under  the  Basic  Code,  and 
recommendations  pertaining  thereto, 



(e)  To  make  recommendations  to  the  Administrator  for  the  co- 
ordination of  the  administration  of  the  Code  and  such 
other  codes,  if  any,  as  may  he  related  to  or  effect  mem- 
hers  of  the  trade/ industry. 

(f )  To  recommend  to  the  Administrator  any  action  or  measure 
.  ,       deemed  advisahle.  Including  further  fair  trade  practice 

provisions  to  govern  memhers  of  the  trade/ industry  in 
their  relations  v/ith  each  other  or  with  other  trades/ 
industries;  measures  for  industrial  planning,  and  stahi- 
lization.of  eraplojniient , 

B,   Open  Price  Filing. 

As  provided  for  in  Section  (h)  of  Article  V  of,  said  Basic  Code, 
prices,  rehates,  discounts,  commissions,  and  conditions  of  sale 
shall  he  filed  in  accordance  with  the.  following  provisions: 

1.  Each  memher  of  the  trade /industry  shall  file  with  a  confidential 
and  disinterested  agent  of  the  code  authority  or,  if  none,  then 
V7ith  such  an  agent  designated  hy  the  Administrator,  identified 
lists  of  all  of  his  prices,  discounts,  rebates,  allowaaices,  and 
all  other  terras  or  conditions  of  sale,  hereinafter  in  this  arti- 
cle referred  to  as  "price  terms",  which  lists  shall  completely 
and  acciorately  conform,  to  and  represent  the  individtial  pricing 

.practices  of  said  mem-her.   Such  lists  shall  contain  the  price 
•terms  for  all  such  standard  products  of  the  industry  as  are 
sold  or  offered  for  sa-le  hy  said  memher  and  for  such  non-stan- 
dard products  of  said  memher  as  shall  he  designated  hy  the  code 
authority.   Said  price  terms  shall  in  the  first  instance  "be 
filed  within  30  days  after  the  date  of  approval  of  this  proT~ 
■  ision.   Price  terns  and  revised  price  teins  shall  hecome  effec- 
,.,  tive  immediately ,  upon  receipt  thereof  hy  said  agent.   Immediate- 
ly upon  receipt  thereof,  said  agent  shall  he  telegraph  or  other 
equally  prompt  means  notify  said  memher  of  the  time  of  such  re- 
.  ,  ceipt.   Such  lists  a.nd  revisions,  together  with  the  effective 
time  thereof,  shall  upon  receipt  he  imm.ediately  and  simultane- 
ously distributed  to  all  members  of  the  industry  and  to  all  of 
their  customers  who  have  applied  therefor  and  have  offered  to 
defray  the  cost  actually  incurred  by  the  code  authority  in  the 
preparation  and  distribution  thereof  and  he  available  for  in- 
j-        spection  by  any  of  their  customers  at  the  office  of  such  agent. 
Said  lists  or  revisions  or  any  part  thereof  shall  not  be  made 
available  to  any  person  until  released  to  all  members  of  the 
industry  and  their  customers,  as  aforesaid;  provided,  that 
prices  filed  in  the  first  instance  shall  not  be  released  tintil 
the  escpiration  of  the  aforesaid  50  day  ■  period  after  the  approv- 
al of  this  code.   The  code  authority  shall  maintain  a  permanent 
file  of  all  price  terms  filed  as  herein  provided,  and  shall  not 
destroy  any  part  of  such  records  except  upon  written  consent  of 
the  Administrator.  Upon  request  the  code  authority  shall  furn- 
ish to  the  administrator  or  any  duly  designated  agent  of  the 
Administrator  copies  of  any  such  lists  or  revisions  of  price 

2,  When  any  member  of  the  trade/ industry  has  filed  any  revision' 
such  member  shall  not  file  a  higher  price  within  forty-eight 
(48)  hours. 



3.  ¥.0   inemter  of  the  traxle/industry  shall  sell  or  offer  to  sell  any 
product,  Bfei-vices  of  the  trade/industry,  for  which  -orice  terras 
have  "been 'filed  pursuant  to  the  rirovisions  of  this  article,  ex- 
cept in  accordance  with  such  price  terms. 

4.  Ko  member  of  the  industry  shall  enter  into  any  agreement,  under- 
standing, combination  or  conspiracy  to  fix  or  maintain  price 
terms,  nor  cause  or  attempt  to  caxise  any  member  of  the  industry 
to  change  his  price  terms  by  the  use  of  intimidation,  coercion, 
or  £aiy  other  influence  inconsistent  vrith  the  maintenance  of  the 
free  and  open  market  which  it  is  the  purpose  of  this  Article  to 

C.   Costs  and  Price  Cutting. 

■1.   The  standards' of  fair  competition  for  the  trade/industry  with 
■■■■'   reference  to  pricing  practices  are  declared  to  be  as  follons: 

(a)  Wilfully  destructive  price  cutting  is  an  unfair  method  of 
competition  3-nd  is  forbidden.   Any  member  of  the  trade/ii>- 
dustry  or  of  any  other  trade/industry  or  the  customers  of 
either  may  dM   any  time  complaan  to  the  Code  Authority  that, 
any  filed  price  qonstitutes  unfair  competition  as  6.estruc- 
tive  price  cutting,  imperiling  small  enterprise  or  tending 
tovrard  monoiDOly  or  the  im-pairment  of  code  wages  and  working 
conditions.   The  Code  Authority  shall  within  5  days  afford 
an  opportusiity  to  the  member  filing  the  price  ■ko  answer 
such  complaint  and  shall  within  14  days  make  a  ruling  or   ; 
adjustment  thereon.   If  such  ruling  is  not  concurred  in  by 
either  -oarty  to  the  complaint,  all  papers  shall  be  referred 
to  the  P.esearch  and.  Planning  Division  of  NBA  which  shall 
render  a  report  and  recommendation  thereon  to  the  Adminis- 

(b)  When  no  declared  emergency  ejdsts  as  to  any  given  product, 
there  is  to' be  no  fixed  minimum  basis  for  prices.   It  is 
intended  that  scand  cost  estimating  methods  should  be  u.sed 
and  that  consideration  should  be  given  to  costs  in  the  de- 
termination of  pricing  policies. 

(c)  '^hen  an  emergency  exists  as  to  any  given  product,  sale  below 
the  stated  minimum  price  of  such  product,  in  viol8,tion  of 
Section  2  hereof,  is  forbidden. 

2,   Emergency  Provisions.' 

(a)   If  the  Administrator,  after  investigation  shall  at  any  time 
find  both  (l)  that  an  emergency  has  arisen  viithin  the  trade/ 
industry  adversely  affecting  small  enterprises  or  wages  or 
labor  conditions,  or  tending  to?/ard  monopoly  or  other  acute 
conditions  which  tend  to  defeat  the  purposes  of  the  Act; 
and  (2)  that  the  determination  of  the  stated  minimum  price 
for  a  specified  product  within  the  trade/industry  for  a. 
limited  period  is.  necesseiry  to  mitigate  the  conditions  con- 
stituting, such  emergency  and  to  effectuate  the  purposes  of 



the  Act,  the  Code  Authority  may  ca,use  an  impartial  agenc?/  to  in- 
vestigate costs  and'  to  recommend  to  the  Administrator  a  deter- 
mination of  the  stated  minim-urn  price  of  the  product  affected  "by 
the  emergency  and  thereupon  the  Administrator  may  proceed  to  de- 
termine such  stated  minimum  price, 

(Td)  When  the  Administrator  shall  have  determined  such  stated  minimum 
price  for  a  specified  product  for  a  stated  period,  which  price 
shall  "be  reasonably  calculated  to  mitigate  the  conditions  of  such 
emergency  arid  to  effectuate  the  purposes  of  the  National  Indus- 
trial Recovery  Act,  he  shall  publish  such  price.   Hiereafter, 
during  such  stated  period,  no  member  of  the  trade /industry  shall 
sell  such  specified  products  at  a  net  realized  price  below  said 
stated  minimum  price  and  any  such  sale  shall  be  deemed  destruc-  . 
tive  price  cutting.  From  time  to  time,  the  Code  Authority  may 
recomnend  review  or  reconsideration  or  the  Administrator  may 
cause  any  determinations  hereunder  to  be  reviewed  or  reconsidered 
and  appropriate  action  tsicen. 

HUGH  s.  jomjsoii, 

Acuninistrator  for   Industrial  Recovery, 

Washington,   D.    C. 
July  10,   1954 



■  •■       A?PEi\TDIX  IV. 



DATED  JULY  10,  1934,  A1\!D  im   BASIC  CODE  AIW'IEXED  THERETO. 

By  virtue  of  authority  vested  in  nie  as  Administrator  for  Industrial 
Recovery  under  Title  I  of  the  Nationr^l  Industrial  Recovery  Act  the  follovdng 
rules  and  regulations'  are  hereby  prescrited  to  supplement  the  atove-mentioned 
Administrative  Order  and  Code; 

1,  The  jiiiniraura  rates  of  pay  provided  for  in  Article  II  of  said  Basic 
Code  shall  apply,  irrespective  of  whether  an  employee  is 
compensated  on  a  time  rate,  piecework,  or  other  hasis. 

2.  Female  employees  performing  substantially  the  same  work  as  male 
emploj'-ees  shall  receive  the  same  rate  of  pay  as  male  employees. 

3,  No  employer  shall  permit  any  employee  to  work  for  any  time  which, 
when  totaled  with  that  already  performed  for  another  employer  or  employ- 
ers exceeds  the  naxiTnxin  permitted  herein. 

4.  llo  employer  shall  reclassify  employees  or  ^''^ties  of  occupa^tions 
performed  or  engage  in  any  other  subterfuge  so  as  to  defeat  the 
purposes  or  provisions  of  the  Act  or  of  said  Basic  Code. 

5,  No  employer  shall  dismiss  or  demote  any  employee  for  making  a 
complaint  or  giving  evidence  with  respect  to  an  alleged  violation 
of  the  provisions  of  an;^  Code  of  Fair  ComiDotition. 

6,  Code  Authorities  selected  by  industry  in  accordance  with  Article 

IV  of  said  Basic  Code  shall  function  at  the  expense  of  the  indixstrj'" 
in  accordance  with  such  further  rules  and  regulations  as  the 
Adrainistrator  may  prescribe. 

7.  No  provision  hereof,  of  said  Administrative  Order  No.  X-51  or  of 
said  Basic  Code,  shall  supersede  any  State  of  Federal  law  which 
imposes  on  employers  more  stringent  requirements  as  to  age  of 
employees,  wages,  hours  of  work,  safety,  health  and  sanitary 
conditions,  insurance,  fire  protection  or  general  working 
conditions,  than  are  imposed  thereby, 

8.  No  provision  hereof,  of  said  Administrative  Order  No,  X-61,  or  of 
said  Basic  Code  shall  be  so  apiDlied  as  to  permit  monopolies  or 
monopolistic  practices,  or  to  eliminate,  oppress,  or  discriminate 
against  small  enterprises, 

Administrator  for  Industrial  Recovery, 

Washington,  D.  C. 
July  10,  1934, 


'   July  lO',  1954.- 
Procedure  for  Handling  the-  Completion  of  Code  MaMng 

Office  Order  5fo«  100,  establishes  a  Committee  for  the  Comple- 
tion of  Code  Liaking,  and  charges  that  Committee  with  the  supervision  of 
the  execution  of  the  plan  emhodied  in  Administrative  X-61.   The 
Division  Adininistra.tors,  in  accordance  with  this  Order,  will  name  repre- 
sentatives to  cooperate  with  this  Committee.   The  method  of  coopera^tion 
will  he  as  follows:     '     "  '■       ■  • 

1»   'The  Committee  will  irimediately  distribute  to  each  Division 
liaison  officer  a  set  of  documents,  including  a  copy  of  the 
Basic  Code  and  related* Administrative  Orders,  for  each  code 
which  awaits  .ip"oroval  "by  each  Division, 

2.  Within  a  v?eek  of  the  receipt  of  these  documents,  they  will 
be  sent  out  to  each  uncoded  industry  vifith  a  covering  letter 
written  by  the  De;outy  or  Assistant  Deputy  Administrator  who 
ha.s  been  handling  any  negotiation  with  said  uncoded  indus- 
try, recomrnending  that  said  industry's  code  be  disposed  of 
in  accordance  with  the  principles  laid  down  in  Adm.inis- 
trative  Order  X-61. 

3.  As  soon  as  these  letters  have  been  sent  out,  progress 
reports  shall  be  made  to  the  Committee  on  the  Completion  of 
Code  Mailing  by  the  Divisions,  indicating  to  what  industries 
the  letters  have  been  sent,  and  what  the  recommendations  of 
the  Division  have  been  \7ith  regard  to  these  industries. 

4.  Divisions  will  continue  to  submit  weekly  reports  on  Satur- 
days to  the  Committee  on  the  Completion  of  Code  Making  as 
to  the  progress  which  has  been  made  during  the  days  covered 
by  these  reports. 

5»   The  Committee  on  the  Completion  of  Code  Making  may  recom- 
mend to  the  Administrator  any  changes  in  this  procedure 
which  it  may  deem  advisable  in  order  to  complete  code 
making  in  the  thirty-day  period  allotted.  At  the  end.  of 
this  thirty-daj'  "oeriod,  the  Committee  virill  make  a  defini- 
tive report,  including  any  recommendations  as  to  further 

By  direction  of  the  Administrator: 

G.  A.  LIUCH, 
Adjninistrative  Officer. 



July  10,  1934. 

ApDointinent  of  Committee  for  the-  Com-pletion  of  Code  Making 

A  Committee  is  hereoy  appointed  to  supervise  the  execution  of 

the  plan  embodied  in  Administra.tive  Order  X-61,  a'oproved  "by  the  Acjninis- 

trator  on  July  10,  1934,  Membersnip  of  the  Committee: 

Robert  K.  Straus,  Chairman 
Leon  C,  Marshall 
'  George  S.  Brady 

Tne   Committee  Yirill  request  each  Division  Administrator  to  se- 
lect a' liaison  officer  from  their  res'oective  Divisions  to  cooperate  uith 
it  in  the  execution  of  this  plan* 

The  Committee  will  make  a  re-^ort  to  the  Administrator  thirty 
days  hence  as  to  the  progress  of  the  plan,  including  any  recomraenda.tions 
for  further  action  r-hich  may  be  necessary  at  that  time* 

By  direction  of  the  Administrator: 

G*  A.  LYWCE, 
Administrative  Officer. 




By  virtue  of  the  authority  vested' in  me  as  administrator 
for  Industrial  Recovery  under  Title  I  of  the  National  Industrial  Re- 
covery Act,  liy  Executive  Orders  of  the  President  and  otherwise,  it  is 
hereby  ordered  that  the  General  NRA  Code  Authority  provided  for  in 
Administrative  Order  No,  X-62,  dated  July  10,  1934,  shall  "be  con- 
stituted as  "follows:  ■'■■ 

There  shall  "be  one  mem"ber  who  shall  act  as  Chairman, 
to  "be  appointed  ty  the  Administrator,  and  three  other  mem"bers 
to  "be  appointed  "by  the  Administrator  as  follows:   one  with  the 
advice  of  the  Industrial  Advisory  Board,  one  with  the  advice 
of  the  La"bor  Advisory  Board,  and  one' -with  the  advice  of  the 
Consumers'  Advisory  Board, 'of  NRA.   All  such  members  shall  act 
upon  all  matters  considered  "by  sada   Code  Authority.-  One  ad- 
ditional mem"ber  shall  "be  appointed  "by  the  Administrator  with 
the  approval  of  the: Industrial  Advisory  Board  of  NRA  for  each 
Industry  whose  code  is  administered  "-"by  such  Code  Authority. 
Each  such  additional  memlDer  shall  wherever  practica"ble  have  a 
special  knowledge  of  the  Industry  which  he  is  appointed  to 
represent  and  shall  act  as  a  mem"ber  of  such  Code  Authority 
only  upon  matters  which  pertain  to  the  code  for  such  Industry. 


Administrator  for  Industrial  Recovery, 

Washington,  D.  C. , 
Septemher  7,  1934. 

9  530 




Supplementing  Administrative  Order  No.  X-61 
by  offering  a  Basic  Code  to  G-rocery  Manufac- 
•  '-tiiring  Indtistries. 

By  virtue  of  the  authority  vested  in  me  as  Administrator  for  Industrial 
Recovery,  and  in  order  to  further  the  purposes  of  Administrative  Order  No. 
■S-61,  of  July  10,  1934,.  it  is  hereby  ordered  that: 

1.,  The  Code  of  Fair  Competition  for  the  Grocery  Manufacturing  Industries 
;.     .  (annexed  hereto  and.  marked.  Exhibit  "A")  is  offered  to  each  grocery 

.  mantifacturihg  industry  not  yet  codified  under  the  Act,  in  lieu  of  ths 
■BaaiO  Code,  and  to  each  grocery  manufacturing  industry  now  codified 
under  the  Act,  in  lieu  of  its  own  code. 

2..  If  an  application  is  made  for  said  Code  by  any  group  truly  represent 
ative  of  a  grocery  manufacturing  industry  and  if  there  be  no  objec~ 
tlon  by  any,  party  in  material  interest  after  ten  (lO)  days  published 
notice  to  all  concerned,  such  Code  shall,  without  further  hearing, 
reference  to  Advisory  Boards  or  other  administrative  .action,  become 
effective  ten  (lO)  days  after  its  approval  by  the  Administrator,  in 
industries  employing  less  ^.han  fifty  thousand  (50,000)  persons,  or 
by  the  President  in  all  other  industries.  .  ■  .    ■ 

3.  Por  the  purposes  of  this  Order,  a  grocery  manufacturing  industry  is 
defined  as  follows:   I'he  mraiufacturing,  processing.,  .  canning,  packing 
bottling  and/ o.r  importing  and  sale  by  the  manufacturer,  processor, 
canner  bottler,,  pfipker  or  importer  of  any  one  or  related  group  of 

,  products'  commonly  known  as  food  and/or  grocery  products,  except  thos 
products  which  are  principally  sold  through  other  channels  than  the 
wholesale  and.retail  grocery  trades. 

4.  Grocery  manufacturing  industries  are  exempted  from  Administrative 
Order  X-Sl. 

5.  It  is  recognized  that  the  policies  of  the  Act  can  better  be  effectua 
ed  in  the  grocery  manufacturing  and  distributing  industries  if  all 
such  industries  are  subject  to  codes  of  fair  competition  containing 
substantially  comparable  provisions.  Accordingly,  all  uncodified 
grocery  manufacturing  industries  which  desire  codification  are  re- 
quested to  apply  for  this  Code;  and  all  codified  grocery  manufactur- 
ing industries  ars  requested  to  consult  the  Administrator  with  a  vie 
to  applying  for  this  Code  or  adopting  such  modifications  of  their  oi 
codes  as  will  result  in  such  substantially  comparable  provisions 



6.   In  accordance  .with  the.  intention  of  paragraph  4  in  Administrative 

Order  X-61,  hearings  will  ho  held  as  to  any  imcodified  grocery  manu- 
i'act-uring  industry  which  has  not  applied  for  this  Code  within  thirty 
(30)  days  after  the  date  hereof. 


Administrator  for  Industrial  Recovery. 
Order  recommended! 

Armin.  W.  Riley. 
Division  Adi-ninistrator, 

September  21,  1934, 




To   effect   the  policies  of  Title  I   of  the  National   Industrial  Recovery 
Act,    the  following  provisions   are   estatlished   as   a  basic   Code  of  Fair   Competi- 
tion  for   the  Grocery  Manuf actioring  Industries,   and  its  provisions   shall  "be   the 
standards  of  fair   competition  for   every  such  industry  and   shall  he  "binding 
upon  every  memher  of  any  one  or  more   thereof,    as  hereinafter   in  Article  I 


APTolication  of  Code 

Section  1.   The  provisions  of  this  Code  shall  apply  to  the  memhers  of  any 
grocery  manufacturing  industry  upon  approval  hy  the  Administrator,  pursuant  to 
Administrative  Order  llo.  X-89.,  of  an  application  to  him  by  any  group  truly 
representative  thereof.   The  Administrator  may  mal<:e  such  exemptions  with 
respect  to  specific  provisions  herein  as  he  may  deem  appropriate  to  avoid  con- 
flict with  provisions  in  any  separate  approved  Code  of  Fair  Competition  for 
such  industry;  and  he  may  approve  amendments  hereto  with  respect  to  any 
grocery  majiufacturing  industry. 



Section  1.   As  used  herein: 

(a)  Grocery  Manufacturing'':  Industry.   The  terms  "Grocery  Manufacturing 
Industry"  and  "Industry"  mean  and  include  any  industry  as  defined  in  an   appli* 
cation  and  approval  thereof  by  the  Administrator  pursuant  to  Administrative  ' 
Order  No.  X-89. 

(b)  Grocery  Manufacturer.   The  term  "grocery  manufacturer"  or  "manufact- 
urer" includes,  but  without  li.Tiitation,  any  individual,  partnership,  associa- 
tion, corporation  or  other  form  of  enterprise  wholly  or  partially  engaged  in 
a  grocery  manufacturing  industry,  either  as  an  employer  or  on  his  or  its  own 

(c)  Employee.   The  term  "employee"  means  any  person  engaged  in  a  grocery; 
manufacturing  industry  in  any  capacity  and  receiving  compensation  for  his 
services  (except  a  manufacturer  or  a  broker)  irrespective  of  the  nature  or 
method  of  payment  of  such  compensation. 

(d)  Em-ployer.   Tiie  term  "employer"  means  any  person  by  whom  any  such 
employee  is  compensated  or  employed, 

(e)  Outside  Salesman.   The  term  "outside  salesman"  means  any  salesman 
who  is  engaged  not  more  than  twelve  (l2)  hours  per  week  inside  the  establish- 
ment, or  any  branch  thereof,  of  his  employer  and  who  does  not  regularly  de- 
liver merchandise. 


•   -37- 

(f)  Wat chmaii ♦   The  term  "watchman"  means  any  employee  who  is  engaged  dur- 
ing at  least  ninety  per  cent  (90>)  of  his  working  hoiirs  in  watching  and  g-aard- 
ing  the  'memises  and  property  of  any  establishment  of  a  member  of  the  industry. 

(g)  Trade  Buyer.   The  term  "trade  "buyer"  means  any  commercial  "buyer  as 
distinguished  from  an  ultimate  consumer  "buyer. 

(h)   President,  Act  and  Adjninistrator.   The  terms  "President"",  "Act"  and 
"Adrfiinistrator"  mean,  respectively,  the  President  of  the  ITnited  States,  Title 
I  of  the  National  Industrial  Hecovery  Act,  and  the  Administrator  for  Indus- 
trial Recovery. 

Section  2.   Population  and  trade  areas  for  the  purposes  of  this  Code 
shall  "be  determined  "by  reference  to  the  latest  Federal  Census  and  metropolitan 
areas  designated  therein. 



Section  1.  No  employee  shall  "be  permitted  to  work  more  than  forty  (40) 
hours  in  any  week  or  more  than  eight  (8)  hours  in  any  day,  with  the  following 

(a)   The  provisions  of  this  Section  shall  not  apply  to  employees  engaged 
in  managerial,  executive,  or  supervisory  capacities,  regularly  receiving  not 
less  than  thirty-five  dollars  ($35.00)  per  week,  and  outside  salesmen. 

("b)   Watcimien  shall  "be  permitted  to  work  not  in.  excess  of  fifty-six  (56) 
hours  in  any  week,   .  .      • 

(c)  Engineers  and  firemen  shall  "be  permitted  to  work  not  in  excess  of 
forty-four  (44)  hours  a  week  or  in  excess  of  nine  (9)  hours  in  any  day. 

(d)  Deliverymen,  outside  truck  drivers  and  chauffeurs,  shall  "be  permit- 
ted to  work  not  :in  excess  of  forty-eight  (48)  hours  a  week, 

(e)  The  provisions  of  this  Section  shall  "not  apply  to  employees  engaged 
in  emergency  repair  and  emergency  maintenance  work  involving  breakdowns  or 
protection  of  life  and  property;  provided  that  in  every  such  case  employees 
engaged  in  such  work  shall  be  compensated  at  a  rate  of  not  less  than  one  and 
one- third  (l-l/S)  times  their  normal  hourly  rate  for  all  hours  worked  in  ex- 
cess of  the  basic  hours  provided  in  this  Article. 

(f)  During  any  eight  (8)  weeks  in  each  calendar  year,  employees  may  be 
permitted  to  work  six  (6)  hours  per  week  in  excess  of  the  foregoing  maxima, 
provided  they  are  paid  at  least  one  and  one-third  (l-l/3)  their  normal  rates 
of  pay. 

Section  2.  No  employee  shall  be  permitted  to  'jork  more  than  six  (s) 
days  in  an  seven  (?)  day  period. 



Section  3.  All  employees,  except  those  eniimerated  in  subsection  (a),    ' 
Section  1  of  this  Article,  shall  be  compensated  at  a  rate  of  not  less  than  one 
and  one-third  (l-l/S)  times  their  normal  hourly  rate  for  all  hours  worked  on 
the  following  holidays:   Christmas  Day,  Thanksgiving  Day,  &eorge  Washington's 
Birthday,  Lahor  Day,  July  Jourth,  New  Year's  Day,  and  such  other  holidays  as 
may  be  proclaimed  by  the  President  of  the  United  States. 



Section  1.  No  employee  engaged  in  clerical,  accounting  or  other  office 
work  shall  be  paid  less  than  at  the  rate  of: 

Sixteen  dollars  ($16,00)  per  week  in  cities  of  over  500,000  population   | 
or  in  the  immediate  trade  area  thereof; 

Fifteen  dollars  ($15.00)  per  week  in  cities  between  250,000  and  500,000 
population  or  in  the  immediate  trade  area  thereof; 

Fourteen  dollars  ($14.00)  per  week  in  other  places;  except  that  office 
boys  and  messengers  may  be  employed  at  a  rate  of  not  less  than  two  dollars 
($2.00)  below  the  above  minim.a;  provided  that  where  any  employees  are  classi- 
fied and  compensated  as  office  boys  or  messengers  not  more  than  five  per  cent 
(5.j)  of  all  office  employees  shall  be  so  classified  imd.   compensated,  except 
that  each  establishment  may  employ  at  least  one  office  boy  or  messenger  at 
such  rates. 

Section  2.  No  watchman  shall  be  paid  less  than  at  a  rate  of  eighteen 
dollars  ($18.00)  per  fifty-six  (56)  hour  week. 

Section  3,  No  employee,  other  than  those  covered  in  Sections  1  and  2 
of  this  Article,  shall  be  paid  at  a  rate  of  less  than  forty  cents  (40^)  per 
hours   except  that  such  employees  may  be  paid  at  a  rate  of  not  less  than 
thirty-five  cents  {55'^)    per  hour  in  Virginia,  North  Carolina,  South  Carolina, 
Tennessee,  Alabama,  Georgia,  Florida,  Mississippi,  Louisiana,  Texas,  Arkansas, 
Oklahoma,  Kentucky, 

Section  4.  Employees  engaged  in  light  work  commonly  performed  by  female 
operatives  may  be  paid  at  rates  not  less  than  five  cents  (5«j)  per  hour  below 
the  respective  minima  established  in  Section  S^of  this  Article. 

Section  5.   Female  employees  performing  substantially  the  same  work  as 
male  em.ployees  shall  receive  the  same  rates  of  pay  as  male  employees;  and 
where  they  displace  male  employees  they  shall  receive  the  same  rates  of  pay  as 
the  m^ale  employees  displaced. 

.Section  6.   This  Code  establishes  a  minimum  rate  of  pay  which  shall 
apply,  irrespective  of  whether  an  employee  is  actually  compensated  on  a  time 
rate,  piece  work,  or  other  basis. 

Section  7.   (a)   In  the  event  the  normal  full  time  weekly  working  hours 
of  any  employee  shall,  under  tiie  provisions  of  this  Code  be  reduced  by  not 
more  than  sixteen  and  two»-thirds  per  cent  (16-2/3/&)  under  the  normal  full  tims 
weekly  working  hours  worked  by  said  employee  during  the  period  from  January  1, 



1933,  to  May  1,  1933,  the  wages  of  said  (employee  shall  not  "be  reduced  "bp^low  the 
normal  full  time  weekly  wage  paid  said  employee  d'lring  said  period  from  Janua- 
ry 1,  1933,  to  May  1,  1933. 

("b)   In  the  event  the  normal  full  time  weekly  working  hours  of  any  em- 
ployee shall,  under  the  provisions  of  this  Code,  "be  reduced  "by  more  than  Eix~ 
teen  and  two-thirds  per  cent  (16-2/3'!^)  under  the  normal  full  time  weekly  work- 
ing hours  worked  "by  said  employee  during  the  period  from  January  1,  1933,  tr 
May  1,  1933,  the  wages  of  said  employee  shall  not  he  reduced  "below  the  normal 
full  time  weekly  wage  paid  said  employee  during  said  period  from  January  1, 
1933,  to  May  1,  1933,  "by  mere  than  one-half  (^)  of  the  percentage  of  hourly 
reduction  in  excess, of  said  sixteen  and  two-thirds  percent  (l6-2/3^). 

( c)   In  no  case  shall  hourly  wage  rates  be  reduced. 

Section  8,  Wages  shall  he  exempt  from  fines  and  rc"bates;  and  from  charg- 
es or  deductions,  except  charges  and  deductions  for  employees'  contri"butions, 
voluntarily  made  "by  employees,  or  required  "by  law,  for  pension,  insurance  or 
benefit  funds.   No  employer  shall  withhold  wages  except  upon  service  of  legal 
process  or  other  pcpers  lawfully  requiring  such  withholding.   Deductions  for 
other  purposes  not  heretofore  stated  may  be  made  only  when  the  contract  is  in 
writing  and  is  kept  on  file  by  the  employer  for  at  least  six  (6)  months  after 
the  completion  of  the  contract. 

Section  9.  Employees  shall  make  payment  of  all  wages  in  lawful  currency 
or  by  negotiable  checks  payable  on  demand.  All  contracts  of  employment  shall 
prescribe  pajrment  of  wages  at  least  every  two  (2)  v/eeks. 

Section  10,   A  person  whose  earning  capacity  is  limited  because  of  age  or 
physical  or  mental  handicap,  or  other  infirmity,  may  be  employed  on  light  work 
at  a  wage  below  the  minimum  established  by  this  Code,  if  the  employer  obtains 
from  the  State  Authority  designated  by  the  United  States  Department  of  Labor, 
a  certificate  authorizing  such  person's  employment  at  such  wages  and  for  such 
hours  as  shall  be  stated  in  the  certificate.   Each  employer  shall  file  monthly 
with  the  Code.  Authority  a  list  of  all  such  persons  employed  by  him,  showing 
the  wages  paid  to,  and  the  maximiim  hours  of  work  for  such  employee. 


&encral  Labor  Provisions 

Section  1.   No  person  under  sixteen  (l6)  years  of  age  shall  be  employed 
in  the  industries.   No  person  under  eighteen  (l8)  years  of  age  shall  be  em- 
ployed at  operations  or  occupations  which  are  hazardous  in  nature  or  dangerous 
to  health.   The  Code  Authority  shall  submit  to  the  Administrator  within  nine- 
ty (so)  days  after  the  effective  data  of  this  Code  a  list  of  such  operations 
or  occupations.   In  any  jurisdiction  an  employer  shall  be  deemed  to  have  com- 
plied with  this  provision  as  to  age  if  he  shall  have  on  file  a  certificate  or  duly  signed  by  the  authority  in  such  jurisdiction  empowered  to  issue 
employment  or  age  certificates  or  permits  showing  that  the  employee  is  of  the 
required  age. 

Section  2.  Employees  shall  have  the  right  to  organize  and  bargain  col- 
lectively through  representatives  of  their  own  choosing,  and  shall  be  free 
from  the  interference,  restraint,  or  coercion  of  employers  of  labor,  or  their 



ago::.tG  ill  the  designation  of  such,  ropreser^t -tiA^es  or  in  rjelf-crj'anizr^tion- or  in 
other  concerted  ectivities  for  the  purpose  of  collective  hargaining  or  other 
mutual  aid  or  protection. 

Section  3.  'So   employee  and  no  one  seeking'  ernplo^.Tiient  shall  he  required 
as  a  condition  of. employment  to  join  any  company  union  or  to  refrain  from 
joining;,  oi-ganiaihg,  or  assisting  a  labor  organiz  tion  of  his  own  choosing. 

Section  4.   Employers  shall  comply  vdth  the  maximum  hours  of  labor,  mini- 
mum rates  of  pay,  and  other  conditions  of  emplo^nnent,  approved  or  prescfihed 
by  the  President. 

Section  5,  Efo  employee  now  employed  at  a  ratie  in  excess  of  the  minimum 
shall  be  discharged  and  re-employed  at  a  lov/er  rate' for  the  purpose  of  evading 
the  provisions  of  this  Code.   ;  ■  ;   '  ' 

Section  6.  No  provision  in  this  Code  shall  supersede  any  lav/  which  im- 
poses on  employers  more  stringent  requirements  es  to  age  of  employees,  wages, 
hour  of  work,  or  as  to  safety,  health,  sanitary  or  general  working  conditions, 
or  insurance,  or  fire  protection,  than  are  imposed  by  this  Code. 

Section  7.  No  employer  shall  laiowingly  permit  any  employee  to  work  for 
a  total  num.ber  of  hours  in  excess  of  the  number  of  hours  prescribed  for  his 
occupation  for  each  week  anddny  whether  employed  by  one  or  more  employers. 

Section  8.  No  employer  shall  reclassify  employees,  or  reclassify  the 
duties  or  occupations  performed  by  them,  or  change  the  method  of  compensation 
of  employees,  or  engage  in  ,any  subterfuge  which  tends  to  or  will  defeat  the 
purpose  or  provisions  of  the.  Act  or  of. this  Code.^''  ■ 

Section  9.  Every  employ. =r  shall  provide  for, the  safety  and  health  of 
employees  during  the  hours  and  at  the  places  of  their  employment*   Standards 
for  safety  and  health  shall  be  s\ibmitted  by  the.  Code  Authority  to  the  Adminis- 
trator within  three  (3)  months  after  the  effective  date  of  this  Code. 

Section  10.   All  employers  shall  post  and  keep  posted  copies  of  this  Code 
in  conspicuous  places  accessible  to  all  employees. .  Every  member  of  the  in- 
dustries shall  comply  with  all  rules  and  regulations  relative  to  the  posting 
of  provisions  of  Codes  of  Pair  Competition  which  may  from  time  to' time  be 
prescribed  by  the  Administrg.tor . 


Organization.  Powers  and  Duties  of  Code  Authorities 

Part  A  -  Organization  and  Constitution. 

Section  1.   Irmaediately  upon  the  approval  by  the  Administrator  of  an 
application,  pursu.ant  to  Article  I,  Section  1,  of  the  Code,  a  Code  Authority 
shall  be  constituted  for  the  applicant  grocery  manufacturing  industry. 

Section  2.   Each  such  Code  Authority  shall  consist  of  the  number  of  mem- 
bers specified  in  the  application  for  this  Code  by  the  industry  for  which  it 
is  to  be  constituted;  and  the  members  shall  be  grocery  manufacturers  engaged 



in  such  industry  and  shall  be  selected  in  the  folloviring  manner: 

(a)   ffi thin  fifteen  ( 15)  days  after  the  approval  of  such  application  the 
applicant  trade  association  or  group  shall  institute  an  election  of  the  memhers 
of  the  Code  Authority  for  such  industry.   If  candidates  are  nominated  "by  such 
trade  association  or  group,  due  consideration  shall  be  given  to  the  proportion 
of  grocery  manufacturers  who  are  members  and  who  are  non-members  of  the  trade 
association  or  group.  Members  so  elected  shall  hold  office  for  one  (l)  year 
or  until  their  successors  are  elected  as  hereinafter  provided.   Vacancies  in 
membership  of  a  Code  Authority  shall  be  filled  for  unexpired  terms  by  the  re- 
maining members  of  such  Code  Authority  subject  to  the  approval  of  the  Adminis- 

Each  grocery  manufacturer  engaged  in  such  industry  shall  be  entitled  to 
one  ( l)  vote  for  each  member  to  be  elected  to  the  Code  Authority,  and  may  cast 
all  votes  for  one  person.   At  each  election  the  voting  may  be  in  person,  by 
proxy,  or  by  letter. 

(c)   Any  grocery  manufacturing  industry  subject  'to  the  provisions  of  this 
Code  may,,  under  such  rules  and  regulations  as  the  Administrator  shall  pres- 
cribe, change  the  method  of  selection  of  its  Code  Authority  as  provided  for  in 
this  Section,  and  such  modified  method  of  selection  shall  be  followed  in  all 
subsequent  elections  for  the  Code  Authority  of  such  industry. 

Section  3.   In  adc'ition  to  membership  as  above  provided  there  may  be  on 
each  individual  Code  Authority  from  one  ( l)  to  three  (3)  members,  without  vote, 
to  be  known  as  Administration  Members  to  be  appointed  by  the  Administrator  to 
serve  for  such  terms  as  he  may  specify  without  expense  to  the'  industry. 

Section  4.   Efich  trade  or  industrial  association  or  group  directly  or  in- 
directly participating  in  the  selection  or  activities  of  any  Code  Authority 
shall  (l)  impose  no  inequitable  restrictions  on  membership,  and  (2)  submit  to 
the  Administrator  true  copies  of  its  articles  of  association,  by-laws,  regu- 
lations, and  any  amendments  when  made  thereto,  together  with  such  other  in- 
formation as  to  membership,  organization,  and  activities  as  the  Administrators 
may  deem  necessary  to  effectuate  the  purposes  of  the  Act. 

Section  5.   In  order  that  each  Code  Authority  shall  at  all  times  be  truly 
representative  of  its  individual  industry  and  in  other  respects  comply  with 
the  provisions  of  the  Act,  the  Administrator  may  prescribe  such  hearings  as 
he  may  deem  proper;  and  thereafter  if  he  shall  find  that  the  Code  Authority  in 
question  is  not  truly  representative  or  does  not  in  other  respects  comply  with 
the  provisions  of  the  Act,  may  require  an  appropriate  modification  of  such 
Code  Authority. 

Section  6.  Nothing  contained  in  this  Code  shall  constitute  the  members  of 
any  Code  Authority,  herein  provided  for,  partners  for  any  purpose,  nor  shall 
any  member  of  any  such  Code  Authority  be  liable  in  any  manner  to  anyone  for 
any  act  of  any  other  member,  officer,  agent,  or  employee  of  such  Code  Authority. 
Nor  shall  any  mem.ber  of  such  Code  Authority,  exercising  reasonable  diligence 
in  the  conduct  of  his  duties  hereunder,  be  liable  to  anyone  for  any  action  or 
omission  to  act  londer  this  Code,  except  for  his  own  wilful  malfeasance  or  non- 



Section  7.   In  addition  to  the  individual  industry  Code  Authorities  pro- 
vided for  in  Section  1  of  this  Article,  there  shall  he  constituted  a  National 
Pood  and  Grocery  Manufacturing  .AdviEOi'y- 3c -:,rd  consistin,?  of  one  memher  to  he 
selected  by  each  individual  industry  Code  -Authority  from  its  industry.   In 
cddition  to  the  raemhership  as  ahove,  provided,  the  Ad.niinistrator  may  apooint 
not  more  than  five  (5)  merahers  without  vote  to  serve  for  such  time  as  he  may 

(a)   The  National  Tood  and  Grocery  Manufacturing  Advisory  Soard  shall  he 
an  advisory  planning  and  coordinating  agency  mthin  the  meaning  of  the  Act  for 
all  grocery  manufacturing  industries  to  which  all  common  matters  may  he  re- 
ferred for  advice. 

(h)   The  National  Pood  and  Grocery  Manufacturing  Advisory  Board  shall 
appoint  a  representative  or  representatives  to  serve  on  a  Food  and  Grocery 
Industry  Conference  Comm.ittee  to  he  composed  of  representatives  from  food  and 
grocery  wholesalers,  retailers,  and  manufacturers.   The -Food  and  Grocery  In- 
dustry Conference  Committee  I.ia'^  act  as  planning  and  coordinating  agency  with- 
in the  meaning  of  the  Act  for  the  entire  food  and  grocers'-  trade. 

Section  8.   If  the  Administrator  shall  at  any  time  determine  that  any 
action  of  any  individual  Code  Authority  or  any  agency  thereof  or  of  the 
Advisory  Board, may  he  imfair  or  -onjust  or  contrary  to  the  puhlic  interest,  the 
Administrator  may  require  that  such  action  he  suspended  to  afford  an  opportunity 
for  investigation  of  the  merits  of  such  action  a.nd  further  consideration  hy 
such  Code  Authority  or  agen,cy  or  Advisory  Board  pending  final  a,ct ion  which 
shall  not  he  effective  unless  the  Administrator  approves  or  unless  he  shall 
fail  to  disapprove  after  thirty  (30)  days'  notice  to  him  of  intention  to  pro- 
ceed with  such  action  in  its  original  or  modified  form. 

Part  B  -  Powers  a.nd  D-iities   ; 

Section  1,   Suhj-. ct  to  such  rules  and  reg-alations  a,s  may  he  issued  hy  the 
Administrator,  each  Code  Authority  as  provided  for  herein  shall  have  the  follow- 
ing powers  and  duties  with  respect  to  the  grocery  ra'anufacturing  industry  select- 
ing it  in  addition  to  those  authorized  hy  other  provisions  of  this  Code, 

(ca)   To  insure  the  execution  of  the  provisions  of  this  Code  and.  to  pro- 
vide for  the  compliance  of  the  industry  with  the  provisions  of  the  Act, 

(h)   To  adopt  hy-la,ws  and  r^jles  and  regulations  for  its  procedure. 

(c)  To  ohtain  from  grocery  nan^'of acturers  such  information  and  reports  as 
are  required  for  the  administration  of  the  Code.   In  addition-  to  information 
required  to  he  submitted  to  the  Code  Authority,  grocery  manufacturers  shall 
furnish  such  statistical  information,  as  the  Administra,tor  may- deem  necessary 
for  the  purposes  recited  in  Section  3  (a)  of  the  Act  to  such  Federal  and  State 
agencies  as  he  may  designate;  -orovided  that  nothing  in  this  Code  shall  relieve 
any  grocery  manufacturer  of  any  existing-  obligations  to  furnish  reports  to  any 
Government  agency.   No  individ^oal  report  shall  be  disclosed  to  any  other  grocery 
manufacturer  or  any  other  party  except  to  such  other  Governmental  agencies  as 
may  be  directed  hy  the  Administrator, 

(d)  To  use  such  trade  associations  and  other  agencies  as  it  deems  proper 


for  the  carrying  out  of  any  of  its  activities  provided  for  herein,  provided 
that  nothing  herein  shall  relieve  the  Code  Authority  of  its  duties  or  re- 
sponsibilities 'onder  this  Code  a.nd  that  such  trade  associations  and  agencies 
shall  at  all  times, he  subject  to  and  comply  with  the  provisions  hereof. 

(e)  To  make  recommendations  to  the  Administra.tor  and  the  National 
Grocery  Manufacturers  Advisory  Board  for  the  Coordination  of  the  administra- 
tion of  this  Code  and  such  other  codes,  if  any,  as  may  he  related  to  or  affect 
members  of  the  industries, 

(f)  la   It  being  found  necessary  in  order  to  support  the  administration 
of  this  Code  and  to  maintain,  the  standards  of  fair  com.petition  established 
hereunder  and  to  effectuate  the  policy  of  the  Act,  each  such  Code  Authority  is 

(a)  To  incur  such  reasonable  obligations  as  are  necessary  and  proper  for  the 
foregoing,  and  to  meet  such  obligations  out  of  funds  which  may 
be  raised  as  hereinafter  provided  and  which  shall  be  held  in  trust  for 
the  purposes  of  the  Code; 

(b)  To  submit  to  the  Administrator  for  his  approval,  subject  to  such  notice 
and  opportunity  to  be  heard  as  he  may  deem  necessary  (l)  an  itemized 
budget  of  its  estimated  expanses  for  the  foregoing  purposes,  and  (2)  an 
equitable  basis  upon  which  the  funds  necessary  to  support  such  budget 
shall  be  dontributed  by  grocery  manufa,cturers; 

(c)  After  such  budget  and  basis  of  contribution  have  been  approved  by  the  Ad- 
ministrator, to  determine  and  obta,in  eq-aitable  contribution  as  above  set 
forth  by  all  grocery  manufacturers,  and  to  that  end,  if  necessary,  to  in- 
stitute legal  proceedings  therefor  in  its  o^rm   name. 

2,  Each  grocery  manuf ac'i'urer  shall  pay  his  or  its  equitable  contribution 
to  the  expenses  of  the  maintenance  of  its.  individual  Code  Authority,  determin- 
ed as  hereinabove  provided,  and  stibject  to  rules  and  regulations  pertaining 
thereto  issued  by  the  Administrator.   Only  grocery  manufacturers  complying 
with  the  Code  and  contributing  to  the  expenses  of  its  administration  as  here- 
inabove provided  (sinless  duly  exempted  from  making  such  contributions)  shall 
be  entitled  to  pc?.rticipa.te  in  the  selection  of  memlaers  of  the  Code  Authority 
or  to  receive  the  benefits  of  any  of  its  volLtntary  activities  or  to  make  use 
of  any  emblem  or  insignia  of  the  National  Recovery  Administration. 

3.  Each  Code  Authority  shall  neither  incur  nor  pay  any  obligation  sub- 
stantially in  excess  of  the  amount  thereof  as  estimated  in  its  approved  budget, 
and  shall  in  no  event  exceed  the  total  amount  contained  in  the  approved  budget, 
except  upon  approval  of  the  Administrator;  and  no  subsequent  budget  shall  con- 
tain any  deficiency  item  fcr  expenditures  in  excess  of  prior  budget  estimates 
except  those  v7hich  the  Administrator  shall  have -2  so  ^approved. 

(g)  To  delegate  to  the  National  Food  and  Grocery  Manufacturing  Advisory 
Board  any  or  all  of  its  cowers  and  duties  under  this  Code  as  now  constituted 
or  hereafter  amended. 

(h)   To  recommend  to  the  Administrator  any  action  or  measure  deemed  ad- 
visable including  further  fair  trade  practice  provisions  to  govern  its  grocery 




raan-ofacturers  in  relation  with  each  other  or  with  other  industries;  measures 
for  industrial  planning  and  stahilizatlon  of  employment,  and  including  • 
modifications  of  this  Code  pertaining  to  its  particular  grocery  man\rfactur- 
ing  industry  which  shall  "become  effective  as  part  hereof  upon  appr-sval  "by  the 
Administrator  after  such  notice  and  hearing  as  he  may  specify. 


Unfair  Methods  of  Competition 

Section  1.   Open  Price.   (a)   Ho  grocery  manufacturer  shall  offer  to  sell 
contra.ct  to  sell,  or  sell  (except  pursuant  to  a  mutually  irrevoca"ble  contract 
to  sell  not  in  violation  of  this  Code  when  entered  into)   any  product  to  a 
trade  buyer  except  upon  the  "basis  of  an  open  price  which  is  strictly  adhered 
to  while  effective.   The  term  "open  price"  as  used  in  this  Section  means  a 
price  list  (a)  which  is  published  or  availa'ble  for  the  equal  information  of  , 
all  trade  buyers  (actual  and  solicited)  alike  locat  ed  in  the  same  competitive 
market  area,  and  (b)  which  declares  all  the  manufacturer's  orevailing  prices, 
and  discounts,  rebates,  allowances,  and  all  other  terms  or  conditions  for  the 
sale  of  such  product, 

(b)  IJo  grocery  manuf s-cturer  shall  make  or  permit  to  be  made  any  direct 
or  indirect  price  concession  to  a  trade  buyer.   The  term  "direct  or  indirect 
price  concession"  means  any  variation  from  t'ne  manufacturer's  open  pries, 
whether  by  means  of  a  rebate,  allowance,  payment,  free  deal,  gift,  brokerage 
or  by  any  other  means  v?hatsofever« 

(c)  This  Section  shall  not  apply  to  sales  of  commodities  customarily 
sold  in  bulk  or  a  bid- and-. asked  basis  in  open  competitive  buying;  not  to  salesi 
for  charita.ble  or  reli&f  purposes. 

Section  2.   Unearned  Service  Payment,   No  grocery  manufacturer  shall 
designate  as  an  "advertising  allowance"  ,  e.   "promotion  allowance"  or  liy   a 
similar  term,  any  price  reduction,  discount,  bonus,  rebate,  concession,  or 
other  form  of  allowance,  or  any  consideration  for  advertising  or  promotion 
services  offered  or  given  by  him  to  any  customer, 

No  grocery  manufacturer  shall  offer  or  give  any  consideration  merely  for 
"pushing",  "advertising",  or  otherwise  than  for  definite  and  specific  adver- 
tising or  promotion  services.   Such  consideration  shall  be  given  only  pursuant, 
to  a  separate  written  contract  therefor,  which  contract  shall  specifically  ant 
complet'ely  set  forth  the  advertising  or  promotion  services  (in  such  manner 
that  their  specific  character  may  be  understood  by  other  members  of  the  in- 
dustry and  their  customers)  to  be  performed  by  the  recipient  of  said  con- 
sideration, the  precise  consideration  to  be  paid  or  given  therefor  by  said 
manufacturer,  the  method  of  determining  performance,  and  all  other  terms  and 
conditions  relating  thereto, 

No  grocery  manijf acturer  shall  offer  or  give  any  such  consideration  unless 
it  is  equally  available  for  the  same  service  to  all  competitive  b-ioyers  in  the 
same  competitive  market,  and  unless  a  copy  of  the  written  contract  therefor  is 
retained  on  file  for  a  period  of  sixty  (60)  days  .after  the  expiration  thereof 
and  in  no  event  for  less  than  one  (l)  year.   In  order  to  investigate  an  eJleg- 
ed  violation  of  this  Code,  the  Administrator  may  require  a  grocery  manufacturer 



,to  report  any  such  contract  made  "by  him  and/ or  to  produce  a  copy  thereof  for 
inspection,  ;.     ■  , 

Section  5.   Destructive  Price  Cuttini^;.   Wilfully  destructive  price 
cutting  is  an  unfair  method  of  competition  and  is.  forhidden.   Any  grocery 
manufacturer  or  merater  of  any  other  .industry  or  the  customers  of  either  may 
at  any  time  complain  to  the  appropriate  Code  Authority  that  any  puhlished 
price  constitutes  unfair  competition  as  destructive  price  cutting  imperiling 
small  enterprises  or  tending  toT/ard .monopoly  or  the  impairment  of  code  wages 
and  working  conditions.   Such  Code  Authority  shall  within  five  (5)  days  afford 
an  opportunity  to  the  manufacturer  puhlishing  the  price  to  answer  such  com- 
plaint and  sriall  within  fourteen  (14)  days  make  a  ruling  or  adjustment  there- 
on.  If  such  ruling  is  not  c6nc\irred  in  hy  other  party  to  the  complaint,  all 
papers  shall  he  referred  to  the  Research  and  Planning  Division  of  ERA  which 
shall  render  a  report  and  recommendation  thereon  to  the  Administrator, 

Section  4,  Quantity  Price.  No  grocery  manufacturer  shall  offer  or  make 
a  quantity  price  unless  it  is  Dased  upon  and  reasonahle  measured  "by  a  saving 
resulting  from  a  substantial  difference  in  the  quantity  sold  and  delivered. 

Section  5,  Unearned  Discount  for  Cash.  No  grocery  manufacturer  shall 
allow  a  discount  for  cash  which  is  not  earned  hy  payment  in  accordance  with 
the  cash  discount  terms  specified  in  his  open  price  list. 

Section  6.  Payment  or  Diversion,  of ■Brokerage.  No  grocery  manufacturer 
shall  pay  or  permit  to  "be  paid  a  "brokerage  or  commission  to  a  trade  "buyer. 

Section  7.   Fra.udulijnt  Prizes  or  Premiums.  ■  No  grocery  manufacturer  shall 
offer  or  give  prizes,  premiums,  or  anjrthingof  value  hy  any  of  the  following 

(a)   In  ways  ".'hich  involve  lottery  in  any  form,  the  term  "lottery"  as  used 
herein  including  "buj:  without  limitation,  any  plan  or  o,rrangement  where"by  the 
premium  offered  involves  the  element  of  chance  and/or  differs  su"b st ant i ally 
and  inequitahle  in  value  from  "buyer  and  buyer  of  the  same  quantity  and/or 
distri"bution  class; 

("b)   In  ways  which  involve  .mi  srepresentati  on  or  fraud  or  deception  in  any 
form,  including,  "but  without  limitation,  the  word  "free",  "gift",  "gratuity" 
or  langu,age  of  similar  import  in  connection  with  the  giving  of  premiums  for 
the  purpose  or  with  the  effect  of  misleading  or  deceiving  "buyers; 

(c)   By  giving  premiums  to  any  "buyers  when  such  premiums  are  not  offered 
to  all  customers  of  the  same  class  in  the  trade  area. 

Section  8.  Unfair  Su"bstitution,  No  grocery  maiiuf acturer  shall  substitute 
without  due  notice  and  consent  of  a  trade  buyer  another  product  for  that  order- 
ed from  him. 

Section  9.   Commercial  Bribery.   No  grocery  manufacturer  shall  give, 
permit  to  be  given,  or  directly  offer  to  give,  anything  of  va,lue  for  the  pur- 
pose of  influencing  or  rewarding  the  action  of  any  employee,  agent,  or  rep- 
resentative of  another  in  relation  to  the  business  of  the  employer  of  such 


eraployee,  the  principal  of  such  ageiit  or  the  represented  party,  without  the 
knowledge  of  such  enployer,  principal)  or  party.   This  provision  shall  not 
he  construed  or  prohihit  free  and  general  distribution  of  articles  cominonly 
used  for  advertising  e::cept  so -far  as  such  articles  are  actually  used  for 
commercial  hrihery  as  hereinabove  defined. 

Section  10.  False  Label  or  Advertisement  on  Ccntainer.   No  grocery  manu- 
facturer (a,)  shall  sell  a  product  falsely  or  deceptively  labeled  or  marked; 
or  (b)  falsely  or  deceptively  advertise  a  product;  or  (c)  use  a  deceptive 
container  or  give  short  v-veight  or  raeeisure  or  coijiit. 

Section  11.   Unfair  Interference  vdth  Competitors'  Business.   Ho  grocery 
manufacturer  shall  unfairly  interfere  with  a  competitor's  business,  t^  utter- 
ing false  statements  about  his  business  or  by  unfairly  disparaging  his  business; 
or  products  or  by  inducing  a  breach  of  his  contracts, 

•■■  iETICLE  Yin. 


Section  1.   This  Code  and  all  the  provisions  thereof  are  expressly  made 
subject  to  the  right  of  the  President,  in  accordance  mth  the  provisions  of 
subsection  (b)  of  Section  10  of  the.  Act,  from-  time  to  time  to  cancel  or  modify 
any  order,  approval,  license,  rale,  or  regulation  issued  under  Title  I  of 
" said  Act, 

Section  2,   Such  of  the  provisions  of  this  Code  as  are  not  reqxiired  to 
be  included  herein  "by   the  Act  may, -  with  the  approval  of  the  Administrator, 
be  modified  or  eliminated  in  such  manner  as  may  be  indicated  by  the  needs  of 
the  public,  by  chaxges  in  circumstances,  or  be  experience, 

'  .         ARTICLE  IX 


Mo  provision  of  this  Code  shall  be  so  applied  as  to  permit  monopolies  or 
monopolistic  practices,  or  to  elimina^te,  oppress,  or  discriminate  against 
small  enterprises. 


None  of  the  provisions  of  this  Code  relating  to  prices  or  terns  of  selling; 
shipping,  or  me^rketing  shall  apply  to  export  trade  or  sales  or  shipments  for 
export  trade,   "Ejroort  Trade"  sha.ll  be  defined  as  sa,les  or  shipments  outside 
of  the  continental  United  Sta,tes, 


-47-  , 


.June  9,  1934. 
SUBJECT:   EASIG  CODE        '  ''.  • 

The  Advisory  Cotmcil  tinsjiinously  apT^roves  your  proposal  for  the  speedy 
codification  of  industry,  if  adjusted  to  care  for  the  following  specific 
reconnendations : 

1,  That  the  proposed  plan  shall  not  apply  (a)  to  certain  in- 
dustries to  "be  designated  "by  the  Administrator  (or  the 
Advisory  Council)  whose  codes  are  nearing  completion;  and 
(h)  to  certain  few  major  industries  as  yet  uncodified  whose 
importance  warrants  the  preparation  of  individual  codes  in 
accordance  with  existing  procedure,  such  major  industries 
to  "be  designated  "by  the  Adrainistrator  (or  the  Advisory 

2,  That  industries  as  yet  uncodified  and  not  covered  ahove 
he  encouraged  to  consolidate  with  kindred  industries, 
thereh^/  coming  \inder  the  comDlete  provisions  of  some 
existing  approved  code.   The  deterraina^tion  of  the  proper 
kindred  industry  shall  he  "by  the  Administrator, 

3,  Th3,t  all  other  industries  now  -uncodified  and  not  dealt 
with  hy  the  ahove  provisions  he  urged  to  adopt  the  Basic 
Code,   The  provisions  of  the  proposed  Basic  Code  he  modi- 
fied as  follows:  ' 

A,  That  no  flat  declaration  of  hours  and  wages  he 
m.ade,  hut  that  the  hours  and  wages  for  any  in- 
dustry applying  for  the  Basic  Code  he  those 
already  approved  for  kindred  industries,  the 
Administrator  to  determine  the  proper  kindred 
industry.   The  provisions  of  the  kindred  in- 
dustry code  shall  also  apply  with  regard  to 
daily  and  weekly  maximum  hours,  permissihle 
overtime  and  overtime  wages. 

B,  That  the  additional  lahor  provisions  set  forth 

in  Exhihit  "A"  hereto  annexed,  and  now  recognized 
as  standard  provisions,  shall  he  included  in  the 
Basic  Code, 

4,  That  there  lie  clarification  and  emphasis  to  avoid  possihle 
false  impression  (received  hy  all  memhers  of  the  Industrial 
Advisory  Board)  on  the  following  points; 


A,      That   this  move   contemplates  Tjurely  volimte.ry  action 
froiQ  industries,    v;ith  the  possihle   exception  of   im- 
portant exceptional   industries,    if  any,    i^,-hich  fail 
to   apply  and  are'foimd  to   have    su'bstanc^ard  working 

S,      That   this   is   not  e.  ?nove   to   force  all   remaining  in- 
dustries under  codes; 

C.  That   the   service   code   uove    is  entirely/  seioarate   and 
reiains  unchanged; 

D.  That   the  purpose   of   this  move   is   to  provide   a  simple 
means   of  giving  a.  code   forthwith  to    those   remaining 
industries  who   desire   a  code,    so  as    to   clear  the   deck 
for  administration  of   ap^iroved  codes. 


Per     Willard  L.    Thorp 




Augast  6,  1934 

To:  Col.  G.  A.  Lynch  ■ 

From:  ■       Ro"bert  K.  Straus 

Subject:     Completion  of  Code  Making 

In  accordaXLce  with  your  request  for  information  as  to  the 
progress  of  the  drive  to  complete  code  making  "by  August  10,  I  "beg  to 
submit  the  following  tabulation: 




H   Pi 



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17  1/ 






•0  ■ 


59    2/ 


























l/   In  this  Division  there  are  23  Service  Codes  in  addition,  which  will  be 
hrjidd.ed  under  Executive  Orders 

2/  Of  comment  on  Division  Report  annexed 



You  nill  note  that  119  codes  will  be  disposed  of  by  August  10,  A  "balance 
"'^of  97  codes  will  be  left  on  that  date.   Of  these  97  no  a,ction  has  been  taken 
of  22  in  Division  I  pending  the  return  of  the  Administrator.   This  groiTO  in- 
cludes Anthracite,  Shipping  and  Public  Utility  codes.   In  addition,  no  deci— 
sipn  he.s  been  reached  on  59  codes  which  ai-e  charged  to  Division  VI.   In  every 
one  of  these  cases  a  letter  has  been  sent  to  the  Industry  enclosing  a  copy 
of  Acijiiinistrative  Order  X-61,  but  in  most  of  these  cases,  the  industries 
have  not  replied.   In  the  few  cases  where  they  have  replied,  they  have  in- 
dicatfed  that  they  will  not  apply  for  codification  uader  X-61  since  they  can- 
not secure  trade  practice  provisions  at  the  same  time  from  the  AAA,   I  have 
instrixcted  Division  VI  to  warn  all  of  these  industries  that  if  they  do  not 
apply  under  X-61  for  co6.if ication  by  Au£:ust  10,  it  may  be  necessar^^  to  in- 
vestigate labor  conditions  in  these  industries  with  an  eye  to  imposing  a 
code  under  Paragraph  3-D  of  NIR/i..   I  have  had  several  conversations  with 
officials  of  the  Department  of  Agriculture,  including  Under-Secretary  T'o^rell, 
and  I  have  told  them  that  this  i,ifill  probably  be  necessary.   They  do  not 
object  to  our  going  ahead  on  this  basis,  and  indeed,  they  added  ths.t  they 
see  no  reason  why  an  industry  should  expect  -to  receive  trade  practice  provi- 
sions at  the  same  time  as  they  receive  labor  provisions,   I  do  not  recommend, 
however,  that  action  be  taken  immediately  on  August  10  with  reference  to 
these  indtistries  in  Division  VI*   It  would  seem  to  me  preferable  that  the 
Administrator  should  make  a  statement,  after  conference  with  the  Secretary 
of  Agriculture,  giving  these  industries  some  twenty  days  more  (up  to 
September  l)  in  which  to  apply  under  X-61,  but  warning  them  that  if  they 
have  not  applied  by  September  1,  investigation  of  labor  conditions  in  these 
industries  will  start  immediately. 

If  we  except  the  81  codes  which  have  been  held  up  because  of  the  si^ecial 
situs-tions  described  above  which  exist  with  reference  to  them,  and  if  we 
except  the  23  codes  which  have  been  transferred  to  Division  V  as  Service 
Codes,  and  to  which  the  Executive  Orders  apply,  some  18  industries  only  will 
be  left  on  Au^Toist  10  which  must  be  codified.   These  will  be  reduced,  I  am 
sure,  within  a  few  days  after  August  IC. 

At  this  point  I  wish  to  call  attention  to  the  situation  which  exists 
with  reference  to  supplemental  codes.   Code  Record  reported  on  August  3  that 
141  supple:;ental  codes  awaiting  apjjroval.   In  my  judgxient,  it  was  not  the 
Administrator's  intention  to  include  these  in  the  drive  to  complete  code 
making.   These  industries  are  already  codified  in  that  they  are  operating  -• 
under  labor  provisions  of  basic  codes.   If  the  Administrator  wished  to  cease 
approving  supi:ilemental  codes  as  of  August  10,  he  could  do  so  without  in- 
flicting any  injury  on  labor  since  the  employees  of  these  industries  are      \ 
already  thoroughly  protected  under  codes, 

I  would  like  to  call  attention. to  the  status  of  Division  II,  As  of 
August  10,  it  will  have  only  one  code  awaiting  disposition,  and  it  is 
probable  that  this  industry  will  be  a  'candidate  for  a  nrescribed  code,  since 
it  has  been  unwilling  to  come  to  an  agreement,   I  think  that  much  credit  is 
due  Ilr,  Ileal   Poster  for  this  excellent  record.   The  efficiency  and  thorough- 
ness with  which  he  has  cooperated  with  me  in  this  drive  to  complete  code 
making  has  indeed  been  gratifying, 

Robert  K,  Straus,  Chairman, 
Committee  on  the  Completion 
of  Code  Making,  Ai 


APPEiraiX  X. 

Tentative  Outline 

A.      BASIC  CODE    (X-6l) 


A.     Period  of   intense  activity  -■, 

B»      The  Code-mal-cirig  process 

1.  Authority 

2.  Objectives  '  ' 
(a)   Industry  urged  to  take  initiative  ■' 

(t)   Major  Industries  given  first  attention 

3.  Procedure 

(a)  KEA  Bulletin  #3  (Basic  Codes  of  Fair  Competition) 

C.  Industry  siDonsored  3  (a)  Codes 

1.  Kumber  suhmitted  and  approved  to  7/l/34 

(a)  Major  Industries  (over  50,000  employees) 

ill)      Minor  Industries  (less  than  50, COO  employees) 

(c)   Service  Trades 

2.  Wumter  pending  as  of  7/l/34 

D.  igreements  under  4  (a) 

1.  Promulgation  of  PHA  ■  ■ 

(a)  Effect  on  Code^making 

E.  Imposed  Codes 

1.  Powers  of  President  under  3  (d)  and  7  (c) 

2.  Extent  used 

(a)   Imposed  Code  Amendments 

(l.)   Cotton  Garment  (36  Hour  maximum  work  Y/eek) 
(2)  Other  instpnces 


A.  Code-making  Torohlems 

B.  Most  of  industry  codified 

1.   Small  groups  left  mainly 

C.  Heed  for  concentration  on  other  problems 

1.  Administration  of  approved  codes 

2.  Clamor  for  compliance  and  enforcement 

A»   General  Theory 

1.  Expeditious  method  of  codifying  remaining  uncodified  trades 
and  indtistries  desiring  Codes 

2.  Free  KRA  from  initial  codification  of  industries  for  adi-iinis- 
tration  of  approved  codes 

3.  Relieve  smaller  industries  of  expenditure  of  time  and  money 
involved  in  the  adoption  and  administration  of  an  individual 

B.   Steps  tpken  to  carry  out  plan. 

1.  Administrative  Order  No.  X-Gl 

2.  "         "    "  X-62 

3.  I'         I'    "  X-63 



4.  Office  Order  No.  100 

5.  Administrative  Order  Wo.  X-84 

C.  j^plication 

1.   Industries  excepted 

D.  Optional  methods  of  codif icp.tion  available 

1.  By  application  for  the  liasic  Code 

2,  By  application  for  consolidation  with  approved  code  for 
kindred  trade  or  industry 

E.  Time  limitation  on  applications 

P.  Procedure  for  handling  applications 

1.  Truly  representative  tody  of  the  trade  or  industry  must 

2,  Notice  and  hearing 

5.   Approval  of  applications 

(a)  Industries  employing  less  than  50,000  persons 

(b)  All  other  trades  or  industries 

4.   Committee  for  completion  of  code-maJcing 
(a)   Functions 

(l)   Supervise  execution  of  plan 


A.   General  NEA  Code  Authority 

1.  Members  and  how  appointed 

2.  Poirrers  and  duties 

3.  Use  for  purposes  other  than  administration  of  basic  code. 

(a)  Cotton  G-arment  Industry  Code 

(b)  Retail  Solid  Fuel  Code   ,    .  ,. 

(c)  Other  codes 

4.  Questioned  legality  of  functions  ..       •     . 

V.      ACTOAL  OFERATIOT  OF  PLAN  '  ;■':■' 

A.      Nuiiiber   of  Applications   for  Basic   Code 

1.      Those   ap-nroved  and.  disapproved  .... 

B»      Number   of  Applications   for   Consolidation 

1.  Those  approved  and  disapproved 

2.  One   joint  AA&.-HRA  Code   consolida,tion 

(a)      Terminal   Grain  Elevator   Industry  placed  under  Grain 
Exchanges   Code 

C.  Deviations   and  Modifications  Desired  by   Industry 

D.  Code-making  Continued 


A.  Administrative  Order  No.  X-89  (Basic  Code  for  Grocery  Manu- 
facturing Industries) 
1.  Main  purposes: 

(a)  To  facilitate  the  program  outlined  in  Administrative 
Order  No.  X-61 

(b)  To  bring  different tries  engaged  in  manufacture  of 
food  and  grocery  products,  to  greatest  extent  possible, 
under  comparable  code  provisions 




A.  Did  Plan  Accomplish  the  Desired  Objectives? 

B.  Was  Plan  Practical? 

C.  WoLild  Better  Results  Have  Followed  Earlier  Adoption  of  Plan? 

D.  Was  T^rpe   of  Notice  Used  Sufficient? 

E.  Did  the  Act  Contemplate  that  Groups  Could  he  Codified  in 
Siich  Manner? 

E.  Delegation  and  Redelegation  of  Power. 
