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3  9999  06542  Q24  0 




No.  34 


Prepared  by 


Industry  Studies  Section 
February,  1936 


•    -•   • 

•  •  •, 

•  •  •  *. 


This  study  of  the  I.Iotion  Picture  Industry  v/as  prepared  "by  Mr. 
DaJiiel  Bertrand,  assisted  "by  llr.  Wilmoth  D.  Evans,  of  the  Industry 
Studies,    Section,   Mr.   II.    D.    Vincent    in  general   charge, 

AcknOT/ledgement   is  here  raade   to  Mr.   ¥illiarn  P.    Pamsworth, 
Acting  Division  Administrator  in  charge  of  the  Amusements  Division 
of  the  national  Recover^'"  Administration  who  gave  generously  of  his 
time   and  experience   in  revievring  the  facts  assenbled  and  the   conclu- 
tions  reached. 

In  the  organization  and  presentation  of  the  material,    the  Unit 
had  editorial   assistance   from  Mr.    E.    E.    McCleish,    fon;ier  Deputy  Ad- 
ministrator in  the  Amusements  Division.      Preliminary'-  data  on  lahor 
problems   in  the  exhi"bition  "branch  of  the   Industry  !7ere  gathered  "by 
Mr.   RolDert  A.    Gaffney  who,   as  Deputj^  Administrator  in  the  Amusements 
Division,   participated  in  laoor  negotiations  and  arhit rations   during 
the   code  period. 

As   the   report   indicates,    there   is  need  of  further   study.      The 
present  material,   however,    throvrs  much  light  on   the   difficulties  and 
TDTOlDle^ns  of  this   Industry. 

L.    C.   Marshall, 
Director,   Division  of  Review. 

13  Kly  36  g 





MQTIOli     PiaT.UHa  .  .INDUSTRY 

A.  DESCRIPTION  OF  TliE  .INDUSTRY.  ..... -8 

B.  SCOPE   OF  .THE  .INDUSTRY......... .. .• 9 

1.  .American  Films  i.n  the  World  Market,..,. ' 9 

2.  Capital  Investment 9 

3.  Annual  Production.  .,...., .'. 9 

4.  Volume  of  Business 9 

5.  V/eekly  Attendance.  .,.  ... . 10 

6.  Number  of  Concerns 10 

7.  .  Concentrgt,tipA  of  .C.ontro.l..... .,.,...., 11 

8.  Geographical  Concentration 11 

9.  Emp loyrn en t. ...,.,.  . . ...  .......................... 11 


1.      The  DistrilDu  tor-Exhibit  or  Relationship 12 

2., .  The'butor  Relationship 12 


1.  Motion  Picture  Producers  and  Distributors   of  America, 

Inc 13 

2.  .  The  Motion  picture.  Tlieatre.  0\7ners.  of.  America 14 

3.  Allied  States  Association  of  Motion  Picture  Exhibitors......  14 

4.  The  Theatre.  QY/Tiers,  Chamber,  of  Commerce  of  Nev  York 15 

5.  The  Academy  of  .Motion,  Picture  Arts  and  Sciences 15 

6.  The  Labor  Groups, ,,,.,,,. , 15 



A.   TWO  CENTURIES,  OP  DEVELOPMENT. ,..,,,,,, 16 

1.  _  The  First  Step  .- .The. MagiQ  Lantern 16 

2.  The  Secpnd  Step,-  Illusions  of  Vision 17 

3.  The  Word  Cinema  Appears .(,,,.*,  / 17 

4.  The  Third  Step  -  Action  Photography 17 

5.  The  Fourth  Stop  -  Thomas  .A..  .Edison, 19 

6.  The 'Fifth  Step  -  A  Roll, qf, Film 19 

7.  The 'First.  Studio  i  .The. First  .Actors,.  . 20 

8.  The  First  Regulair .'!  Screen'!  Performance 21 



Table  of  Contents  (Cont'd) 




E.  THE  STAR  SYSTEl^I  -  1914 24 

E.  BLOCK  BOOKING  BEGINS  -  1916 25 




J.   THE  ADVENT  OF  SOUND-. . 27 

1.  So-und  in  Production. .. 29 

2.  Concentration  of  Theatre  Omier.ship  after  Sound 30 




A.  PRE-CODE 38 

1.   Code  Formulating  Coranittees 38 

2.-  Public  Hearings  on  Code  Proposals 39 

3.  Po st  Hearing  Conference 39 

4.  Approvals  of  Proposed  Code 39 


1.  Brief  Analysis  of  the  Contents  of  the  Approved  Code 40 

a.  Definitions 40 

"b .  CodQ  Authority 40 

c .  Labor  Provisions 41 

■d.  Trade  Praotioe  Provisions.-.^.. 42 

e ,  Local  Code  Administration  Agencies 43 

2.  Scope  of  the  Code 43 

3.  Subjects  Considered  at  Hearings  but  Omitted  from 

Approved  Code. 43 

a»  Block  Booking 44 

b .  Double  Features 44 

•  •  -G.  Poster  Exchanges 44 

d.  Score  Changes 45 

■   e.  The  "Right  To  Buy"  -  "Right  to  Sell"  Controversy 45 



Table  of  Contents  (Cont'd) 

4.   The  -Executive  Order  Approvin^:^  The  Code 46 

a.  Conditions  ■  in  the  Executive  Qrder_  of  Approval 46 

"b .  Effect  on  the  ■  Indust-ry. 46 


1.  Division  of  Representation  on  the  Code  Authority 47 

■  a .  •  The  Buye reseller  Controversy 47 

2.  Labor  Representatives 48 

3.  Administration  Members. ' 49 

4.  Alternates - 49 

5.  Rules  of  Procedure 50 

D.  ASSEl^TS-  TO-  THE  CODE , 50 

1.  Objections  to  Eorm  of  Assent 50 

2.  Interpretation  of  Fom  of  Assent 51 

3.  Extension  of  Time  Linit  in  x/hich  to  Eile  Assents 52 

4.  Elimination  of  Time  Limit  in  which  to  Eile  Assents 53 


1.  Selection  of  Members  to  Local  Boards 53 

2.  Clearance  and  Zoning  Boards 53 

a.  Duties , 53 

b .  Membership 54 

c .  Delay  in.  Submission  of.  ■Schedu.le.s.. 54 

d.  Amendment   to  Permit   Consideration  of  Individual 

•  -Clearance.  Ineq.ui.t.ies.. 55 

3.  G-rievance  Boards ^ 55 

a..  Duties. ...... -.•......■.. 55 

b..  Membership..  ..... , .  55 

c..  Authorization,  as.  Industrial  Adjustment  Agencies. ...  56 

•  d.  of  Case.s.  .Gons.idercd , 56 

e.  Analysis  of  Relief  Granted 57 


1 .  Agency  .Committee. 58 

2.  .The  .¥riter-Pro.ducer  Committee 59 

3.  -The  .Ac  toi>^P  reducer  .Committee... .59 

4.  .  The  -Standing.  Commi.ttee  on  Extras .  .59 

■a.-  .Membership  and  P-tities.......... ...... . . ... .,.,...,.... ,....,. .59 

Tb .   Reports  and  Recommend.ations   Submitted 59 

■  ^'  Activities  .as  Agency  for  Adjustment .of  Labor  Cora- 
plaints 60 

5.  ,  .The  .Studio  Labor  Coinjaittee. ...*..., 60 

.a..  .Datie_s. 60 

b .  Activities  as  Agency  for  Adjustment  of  Labor  Com- 
.plaints...  .............  .........  ....... .......  .  .................... 61 


1 .   Budget  for  1934 61 

a.  Change  in  Budget  to  frovide  for  Legal  Expenses 61 

9638 -iii- 



Ta"ble  of  Contents  (Cont'd) 


'  2.   ■  Anendment  of  Code  to  Provide  for  Budget  Obligations 62 

3.  Bases  of  Assessment  for  1934 62 

4.  Revised  Budget  for  1934 63 

••  5.  Use  of  1934  Surplus .•..•.. 63 

6.  Budget  and  Bases  of  Contribution  for  1935 63 

7.  Liquidation  of  Assets  of  Code  Authority 64 

8.  Summary  of  Collections 64 

9.  Lack  of  Pinancial  Problems 64 



■      1.     'Aiaendments 65 

2.  Exemptions 65 

3.  ■  "Lcibor  Complaints. » . . . .    66 


1 .      The  National  Recoverj'-  Revien  Board 67 

2'.  '  '  Senatfe '  EiriaJice  Committee 68 




1.  ■    Desci*ij)tion-  of-  the  Practice-..  . ;  .-. .  .-. 70 

2.-    Code  Regulation  of  Over-Bu^^ing.  ,.•.-. .-. , 70 

3.  Procedure  Developed  in  Code  Application- 71 

4.  Methods  of  Granting  Relief 74 

5 .  Summary  of-  Cases-  Considered 75 

6 .  •    The  Public  Stake-  in  Over-Buying 75 

CLEARAl\rCE  Aim  ZONING.-.  .■.•.-.■. . .-. .  •.-.■.•.•.-.■.-.•.■. 76 

1.-  Des'cTiption-.  .-.  .•..-.•.•.-.•. '. . .  76 

2'.  ■  ■  Previous  Attempt's-  to-  Regulate  Clearance 77 

3.   The  Fo-rmation-  cf-  Clearance  and  Zoning  Boards 78 

4-.   Schedule-s  under  the-  Code 79 

5.  The  Adjustmient-  t)f-  Complaints 81 

6.  Discussi'on 81 


1.  •  Filb  Mariceting  M-ethods. .■.....•.■.-.-... 83 

2.  Description  of  Block  Booking 84 

3.  The  position  o-f  Various  Groups  on  'the  Block  Booking 

Q,uestion t .  • 84 

■  a.  'Eidiibitors.. ..  .'.'.'.'.V.;  . .' 84 

b ,  Independent  Producers  and  Distributors 86 

9638  -iv- 

Table  of  Contents  (Cont'd) 


c.  Affiliated  Producers  and  Distributors 86 

d..  ■Heli^'^ious  and  Other  Groups  Interested  in  the.  Social 

-  '  ■•■■•..■..  laild  i^oral  Welfare  of  ^the  Public . . ; 87 

4.  previous  Attempts  to  Cope  v.dth  the  Problem ..." 87 

5.  Governmental  Regulation  in  En£;land. 88 

6.  Pre-Code  Proposals 83 

7.  The  Cancellation  Clause 90 

8.  Summary  of  Complaints  under  the  Cancellation  Clause 92 

9.  The  Operation  of  the  Cancellation  Clause 93 

10.   Discussion 97 

D.  ' FORCING' OP' sEOiir siXBJECTs: ......... T.  1 ::.';: ^ : : : . .'; ;'.': .':,-. . :4 98 

1.  Description 'of 'Practice! .........  1 ................  ^. 98 

2.  ■  i^re-Code.  Discussion ::.;:..: ,  . . . . : 98 

3.  The  Code  Provision." ,!.  ! .........; 99 

4..  Operation  of  the  Provision «........; 99 

5,  Di scussion . .'.!,.!....'..  i ,.,..., 101 

E. '  '  KtUiBATES'  Oti'  ADtllSSION  PRICES *. 102 

1'.'  "  t)'e scrip tibh'  of"  th.e'  Practice.  .'.' .'.. . .  .■.■ 102 

"  ', *.  ^', *  '_ Pre-Cbd'e*  P'rbpo sals •  •  • •  • *  •  '• 102 

'  i3',\  '^'Objec'tibhs  to'  the  Elimination  of  Premiums '. 103 

'4.'  Code'  Provisions 103 

"  5*.'  "■  Operation-  of-  Provisions .' 104 

"  B'.'  '  D'i's'cussibn. ■. ■..■.■.■.'.■.'.. 108 

t     i   k    «    *   » 
•(    t  k  •    «  1 

■  y,' '  Iffi'stGKATED*  PKA.T  mns^,\;\v,:v,\\\\;:\:;:,;:^:,: .'.'.■.'■. ..109 

'  '  T. '  .  D'e scrip t'i'o'n'. '.'.'. . '. \  \ ', \ ',', '. '. ',  '.■.■.'.■.,■..■,.■....,.... ' ■ .  109 

'  '  '2'.  '  Pre-Cb'd'e'  Discussions. .' 110 

'  '  ':$,'  '  dode  Proposals .' - 110 

'4.  '  T^e  'Cb'de  Wo vi s'ibns 110 

5.      Discussion ■. Ill 

•h  fc  *  i  I 

\    <■    :     \    I    s    \ 
I     .    ■.     I    »    1     . 

4    >>»<-.;    I    1    1    .    1 

'G,  '  IIOIT- THEATRICAL  ACCOUl^'S'. . .  .-.•. . ' •.-.......  i  .112 

V    >    8        >    ini 

(     >  -1  •<.    ;    ■     i    : 

T.'  ■  ^Origin  "ahd  Description  of   Practice ■. 112 

'••'"'•  '2,'  '  'Pre-Code  'Discussions.' 113 

3,'  '  'The  Code  Provisiohs..".". . . .....  .■•..•.•■.■ -.  ,114 

"■  ■  ■  ■  *4.  *  ■Operation  'o'f   the   Code"  Provisions. ..;......., 114 

5.'  ■  Disciissidn.  i . ! . . 115 


1.      General 115 

"2. '  ■p3:'od-dcefs. . .  '..•.■.  .■.".■.■;  ..■.;;:.;•.:•.■.;;•.•.. ,.■.... .116 

"3.  ■•  'Producer s-Distri'but6Ts".". :.:;.; .116 

4,  Distributors 117 

5.  Ei^diibitors 119 

6.  Distributor-Exhibitor 121 

7,  Unspecified  Grievances  and  Complaints 123 



Ta"ble  of  Conoents  (Cont'd) 


8..  ,  .G-cneral  Trade  Practices • .123 

9.  Miscellgineous  Practices ..••.. ■• .  .126 




1.  Employment ,129 

2.,  .  Classes  of  Employment , .  ,129 

3,.  Unionization  of  Employees .".'.... ,130 

4,,  _   Conditions  and  Code  Provisions  Affecting  Skilled  and 

'//_     Unskilled  Labor .-131 

a.  Office  Employees. 132 

.  .  ."b,  "Front  of  the  House"  Employees. 132 

c .  Soimd  and  the  Musician. 133 ' 

. d.  Actor  Employees 134 

e.  The  Ma^jor  Prohlem  -  Skilled  Labor .138 

5,  .Motion  picture  Machine  Operators... ...141 

,  .  ,  9..  Types  of  Violations  of  Code  Provisions. , .  142 

.  .  .1?,  Improved  Labor  Conditions  Due  to  the  Code. .146 

6,  post.  Code  Labor  Cpnditipns. ,147 

B.  PRODUCTION, .,.,,,....,,............... 148 

1, .  .  Employment ..,._._.....,......., ,.,,.,,,..... 148 

2, .  ,  Talent  and  Professional  Groups .,,,.,,,.. .148 

.  ,  a.  The  Problem  of  Excessive  Salaries 148 

b , .  The  Salaries  Investi;q;ation , 149 

^''  Tlie.  Agency  Conmit.toe. . ._......_._.. , ._, , , 151 

d.  The  Actor-Producer  Committee. . , , 152 

3.  The,  "Extra.",  problem...  .....,.'".../...,...... 154 

a.  Employment , 154 

b.. .  The  Code  Provisions. 154 

.  c,.  The  Standing  Comjnittee  on  Extras.  .• .155 

4.  .  Studio,  Labor............................ .,..156 

.  a,  .The  Provisions , 156 

.  .  .  b..  The  Studi.o  Labor  Committee... . .  .... . . . ._ ,..,,,..  .157 

5.  Clerical  Workers  in  the  Studios 157 


1.  Employment. ,,..,..... ,158 

2,  .  .Code  Provisions. .• » •  »158 

9538  -vi- 

Ta"ble  of  Contents   ( Cont'd) 






1.  Production  and  Distribution 159 

2.  Exliibition 160 

3.  The   Industiy  as  an  Entity 161 


1.  Block  Booking 164 

2.  Over-Buyin;^ 165 

3.  Monopolistic  Practices 166 

4.  Clearance  and  Zoning 167 



(Evidence  Study  No.  25) 






The  l.Iotion  Picture  Industry  is  here  presented  as  an  economic  entity, 
having  three  divisions,  each  one  dependent  upon  the  other — production, 
distrioution  and  finally  exhibition.   Each  division  has  prohlems  peculiar 
to  its  onn  activities  which  intermingle  v/ith  the  problems  of  each  other 
division  azid  give  direction  to  the  activities  of  the  Industry  as  a  whole. 
These  problems  affect  the  labor  of  a  wide  variety  of  technical  crai'ts  and 
creative  pursuits — from,  scenario  v/r iters,  directors,  the  popular  stars  of 
the  screen  and  the  motion  picture  machine  operators,  down  .to  the  early 
morning  charwomen.   And  finally,  the  Motion  Picture  Industry,  as  a  whole, 
brings  to  bear  an  unmeasurable  influence  upon  the  social  and  economic 
welfare  of  the  general  public  through  the  educational  and  entertainment 
content  of  screen  presentations. 

In  such  detail  as  became  available  during  Code  administration,  this 
Study  considers  the  inter-relation  and  interdependence  of  the  three 
industry  divisions  and  the  activities  of  this  Industry  ¥;hich  flow  into 
commerce  among  the  States.   The  conclusion  is  reached — ^particularly  in 
Chapter  VI — that  the  Lotion  Pi ct-'Jire  Industry  and  the  public  welfare  could 
effectively  be  served  by  the  continuatiqn. of  a  measure,  at  least,  of 
governmental  interest.  Because  of  the  present  restrictions  of  the  Anti-  .. 
Trust  Laws,  no  other  arrangements-.geem  ;oraeticable.".  "A  far  wider  and 
deeper  investigation,  however,  thah'this  Study  presents  of  all  the  Indus- 
triaJ.  and  public  problems  inherent  in  the  Industry  is  required  to  deter- 
mine the  type  and  extent  of  federal  help-  that  would  be  beneficial  to  the 
Industry  and  to  the  loublic. 

The  keystone  of  the  Indus  try '.s-jproblems  and  their  importance  to  the 
public  are  described  in  Chapter  I  iri  these  words :- 

"The  Motion  Picture  Industr-'-  is  unlike  any  other;  the 
differences  extend  througii  its  amazing  history,  its  technical 
progress,  its  individual  business  methods;  its  unusual  legal 
involvements  and  its  profound  social  responsibility.   The 
actual  product — gjnusement  and  entertainment — is  intangible. 
The  visible  product — the  film— is  seldom  sold.   The  business 
operations  of  the  Industry  are  largely/"  governed  by  ^plication 
of  the  United  States  Copyright  Laws." 

Although  it  operates  iLnder  the  monopoly  privilege  of  copyright,  the 
Industry  is  restrained  from  full  exercise  of  its  monopoly  power  to  exact 
any  prices  whatever  for  the  rental  of  its  product  by  reason  of  the  compe- 
tition among  major  producers  and  independents  on  the  one  side  and  the 
inter-competition  of  affiliated  and  independent  theatre  exhibitors  on  the 
other.   The  fickle  and  changing  pop ulsjr  demand  for  certain  stars— the 
Mae  Uests,  Charles  Laughtons,  Clark  O-a-bles,  Fred  Astaires  and  G-arbos— 
constitutes  another  factor  of  competition  that  serves  to  determine  the 
earning  power — and  hence,  the  rental  or  selling  price  of  the  films  offered. 
The  competitive  situation  is  a  complex  one  indeed,  as  this  Stud^'^  discloses. 


-  .  -  ;-2-  •        .-...-- 

Chapter   I   considers  -tJie   extent   and  scope  of  this  tuo  "billion  dollar 

Chapter   II  records  the   search  for  mass   entertainment   from  the  jeeJo 
1640  to   the   start  of   the   Industry;-  in  the  early  nineties  of  the  last 
century,    and  the   expansion  since   then. 

Chapter   III   discusses   the  history  of  the  IffiA  Code  period  when  for 
the   first   tine,    the   tliree   economic  divisions  of  the   Industry  were  "brought 
toj^ether,    and  for  the   enforcement   of   the  Code,    a  series  of  extraordinary 
courts  of   Industr^r  were   established — an  unusual  and  significant   experiment 
procedure  not  only  in  IRA.  but   in  American  industrial  relationships. 

Chapter   IV  analyses   the  trade  practices  which  the   Industry  sought 
to   define   and  regulate. 

Chapter  V  studies  the  unusual  variety  of  la'bor  pro"blems  presented 
in  the  production  and  exhi'bition  divisions  of  the   Industry,    the  remedies 
applied  and  the   indicated  successes  and  failures   that   followed. 

Chapter  VI  empha.sizes  the  economic  entity?"  of   the   Industry  as  it 
affects   Interstate   Commerce,    and  offers   suggestions  for  possi"ble  future 

The   conclusions  of  this  Study  are   herewith  presented  in  the  follow- 
ing "brief   summary  of  each  of  the   Chapters: 


The  Lotion  Picture   Industr^r  is  comprised  of   three  economic   divisions. 
Production,    Distri"bution  and  Ssdiibition.    (Page  8) 

In  most   cases,    statistical   information  regarding  the  Hot ion  Picturs 
Industry  is   scarce  and  of  doubtful  accuracy.      (Page  £) 

American~made  films   constitute  approximately  85  per  cent   of  the 
value  of  world  "annual  production.      Approximately  $2,000,000,000   is  vested 
in  the  Hot ion  Picture   Industry  in  the  United  States.      Approximately  650 
feature  productions  are  released  in  the  United  States  annually.    (Page  9) 

Admissions  total  between  $700,000,000  and  $1,000,000,000  annualize. 
(Page  9)      Weekly  attendance  at  all   theatres   (13,500  -  14,500)    in  the 
United  States   is  estimated  between  70,000,000  and  75,000,000.      (Page  10) 

Eight  large  corporations  kno^Tti  as   the  major  coii^^anies  dominate   the 
Industry.      (Page   11) 

Production  is   concentrated  for.  the  most  part   in  or  near  Hollywood,  • 
California  and  New  York  Citjr.     Distribution  is  concentrated  in  31  key 
cities.      (Page  ll) 

Estimates  of  eraplo;^'Tient  within  the   Industry  range  from  185,000  to 
270,000.      (Page  ll) 



The   Industry  operates  primarily  under  the  copyright  laws  rather  than 
the  laws  of  purchase   and  sale.      (Page  12) 

Film   is   seldom   sold  to   ah  exhihitor  "but    is  usually  leased  or  rented. 
(Page  12)    Cistritutors  often  act  merely  as   agents   for  producers.      (Pege  12) 

Trade  organizations  for  producers,    distrihutors  and  exhibitors  are 
descrihed.      (Pages  13-14)" 


The   first   step   in  the  world's   search  for  mass  entertainment  "began 
with  the   invention  of   the  magic  laai'tern  in  1640.      The  world  waited  then 
for  t\70   centuries  until  photography  was  ready  to.   capture   instants  of 
action  through  the   camera's  lens.      Finally  the  way- was  found  to  project 
imcges  on  a  wall  or   screen.     A  fury  of  invention  and  promotion  started 
with  Thomas  A.   Edison's  first  peep-shov/  contrivance..    "In  the   short   span 
of  the   last  30  years,    a  new  art  of   the  people   is   somehow  created  and  a 
gigantic  new  industry   .    .    .    .    touching  in  some  measure   the  life   and 
thinliing  of  every  man  and  woman.-  ....    emerges  with  its  own  special 
"burden  of  industrial  and  social  pro"blems."      (  16-20) 

The  first  motion  picture   studio  was  that  of  Edison  in  1893.      Because 
of  the   cumhersome  cameras  of  the   day,    the  first   avadlable   siibjects  for 
the  motion  picture  were  dancing  acts  and  prize  fights.      In  1898,    the  first 
motion  picture   show,   projected  on  a  screen  upon  the . stage  of   a  music  hall, 
was  presented  in  Nev/  York.      Story-telling   into  .use  with  the   "Great 
Train  Ro'b'bery"   of  1904.      In  1907,    the   essential  difference  "between  the 
Motion  Picture   Industry  and  all  other   industries  -  that   of  copyrights  ►* 
v/as  est a"bli shed.      (Pages   20-22) 

Many  years  of  patent  and  other  litigation  led  to   the  pooling  of 
patents   in  1907;    films  were  pooled  in  191C.      In  1915,    the  patents  pool 
and  the  film  pools  v/ere  ordered  dissolved  "by  the   courts.      (Pages   22-^23') 

The    Industry  moved  on  to   the  production  of   its   first  feature  pictiu-e 
in  1912.      The   "star"    system  "began  in  1914.      Block  "booking  "began  in  1916. 
A  nation-wide  wave  of   theatre   construction  and  nnich  court   action  over 
theatre   control  occupied  these  years  as  the  motion  picture  "became   inde-* 
pendent   of  the  legitimate   fheatre.      Hollywood  was   esta"blished  as  the 
centre-  of  picture  production.      (Pages   23-2o)  .        . 

The    Industry  in  1925-27  was  "brought   face   to   face  with  a  critical 
situation  caused  in  part  "by  rapid  expansion,   "but   quite   suddenly,    it  was 
saved  from  impending  disaster  "by  the   introduction  of   sound.      (Page   27) 
Sound  caused  a  greater  concentration  of  "theatres  under   the  ownership  of 
a  fev;  large   corporations.    (Page   30) 

The   impact   of   the  depression  v/as   staved  off  for  two  years,    largely 
"beca.use   of   the  pu"blic   interest   in  sound  or   "talkie"   pictures,    "but  "by 
1931,    the   depression  "began  to  grip   the   industry.      (Pages    5C>^3l)      Attend- 
ance fell  off.      Profits  fell   sharply  off.      The   nuin"ber  of  theatres   closed 
increased  and  reached  a  majcimum  in  1933.      (Page   35)      Drastic   economics 
and  wage  reductions  followed.      (Page   36-37) 



More  than  40  widely  divergent  proposals  for  codes  to  govern  the 
I.Iotion  Picture  Industry  were  received  "by  the  National  Recovery  Administra- 
tion.  (Page  cC) 

A.  pul)lic  hearing  wa,s  held  in  Washington,  D.    C.  ,  on  September  12,  13, 
and  14,  1933.   The  Code  vras  submitted  to  the  President  and  signed  on 
IToveriber  27,  1933.   (Page  39). 

The  Code  was  vertical  in  scope  covering  all  branches  of  the  Industry. 
Por  the  first  time  in  the  history  of  the  Industry,  an  effective  agreement 
betueen  all  factions  had  been  achieved.   (Page  40) 

Relatively  high  labor  standards  were  incorporated  in  the  Code. 
Ijnerican  Federation  of  Labor  wage  scales  were  used  as  standards.  (Page  41) 

The  Code  set  up  a  series  of  industrial  courts  throughout  the  country 
to  a,ssist  in  the  enforcement  of  trade  practice  provisions.   (Page  4o.)  It 
is  believed  that  no  other  such  courts  of  industry  were  established  in  any 
other  industry.   To  these  courts,  exliibitors  brought  problems  and  disputes 
on  nsdvj   subjects  not  covered  by  the  Code  and  not  subject  to  relief  in  the 
courts  of  law.   This  contribution  to  self-regula,tion  by  industry  under 
the  eye   of  the  Government  is  of  high  importance  to  the  student  of  indus- 
trial progress. 

Considerable  pressure  was  exerted  during  the  formulation  of  the  Code 
to  eliminate  certain  selling  practices  loiown  to  tlie  trade  (and  to  a  wide 
area  of  the  public)  as  block-booking,  score  charges,  double  feature  shows. 
These  terms  are  fully  explained  and  the  procedure  described  —  pages  41-  to 
46.   Other  efforts  V7ere  made  to  incorporate  in  the  Code,  provisions  regu- 
lating poster  exchanges  and  affirming  in  certain  terns  the  exhibitor *s 
right  to  buy.   Such  Drovisions  were  not  included  in  the  Code.   (Pages  44r- 

The  Industry  resorted  to  the  unusual  expedient  of  naming  the  members 
of  the  Code  Authority  directly  in  the  Code.   (Pages  47-48). 

Assent  to  the  Code  was  necessar-"-  before  any  individual  was  entitled 
to  file  a  complaint  under  the  Code.   The  controversy  that  followed  was 
carried  to  the  courts  but  this  action  was  dropped  subsequent  to  an  Admin- 
istrative Order  interpreting  the  form  of  assent  required.   (Pages  50-52). 

Clearance  and  Zoning  Boards  were  set  up  by  the  Code  in  the  31  ex- 
change territories  to  formulate  uniform  and  equitable  schedules  for  the 
showing  of  pictures.   (Pages  53-55). 

Local  Grievance  Boards  set  up  by  the  Code  Authority  in  the  31  ex- 
change territories  heard  1,576  complaints  of  trade  practice  violations 
during  the  period  of  their  operation.   (Pages  55-57). 

.  Several  special  committees  were  named  by  the  Code  Authority'"  to 
handle  particular  problems:   the  Agency  Committee;  the  Writer-Producer 
Committee;  the  Actor -Producer  Comniittee;  the  Standing  Committee  on 
Extras;  and  the  Studio  Labor  Committee.   (Pages  5C"ol) . 




Tlie  Code  Authority  was  financed  tj   assessments  against  mem'bers  of 
the  Industry.   The  expense  of  administering  the  Code  was  divided  "between 
the  exliitition  "branch  of  the  Industry  and  the  production  and  distri"bution 
"branch  of  the  Industry  as  a  unit.   (Pages  01-63). 

During  the  period  of  its  operation,  the  Code  Authority  received 
contri"butionG  amounting  to  9342,000.   At  the  expiration  of  the  Code,  the 
Code  Authority  had  on  ha;id  $16,000  in  cash  and  $8,000  in  undeposited 
checks.   (Pages  B3-64) . 

Pour  amendments  to  the  Code  were  approved  during  its  period  of 
operation,  none  of  which  made  any  major  changes.   (Page  G5) , 

Only  five  exemptions  from  provisions  of  the  Code  were  granted. 
(Pages  65-66) . 

Helatively  few  compliance  difficulties  were  experienced  with  the 
lalior  provisions  of  the  Code.   Complaints  with  regerd  to  skilled  la"bor 
were  for  the  most  part  dealt  with  directly  "by  the  Amusements  Division  of 
the  national  Recover3f  Administration  without  going  through  the  usual 
compliance  channels.   (Pages  '^i5~6V)  . 

The  Motion  Picture  Code  ws,s  attacked  "by  the  National  Recovery  Review 
Board  set  up  in  1934.   National  Recovery  Administration  officials  replied 
and  charged  that  the  ITational  Recovery  Review  Board  had  acted  on  incom- 
plete information.   (Pages  c7-6R) . 

chapt::dr  iv  -  traps  practic?.s 

This  Chapter  considers  the  unusual  raiige  of  trade  practices,  majny  of 
which  are  peculiar  to  the  Motion  Picture  Industry  and  involve  not  only 
production,  distri'bution  and  exhi'bition  activities^  "but  the  interests  of 
the  public  as  well. 

The  practices  discussed  are  (l)  over~"buying,  (2)  clearance  and 
zoning,  (5)  "block  "booking  and.  the  cancellation  privilege,  (4)  the  forcing 
of  short  su'bjects,  (5)  re"bates  on  admission  prices  involving  schemes  such 
as  Banlc  ITight,  (6)  designated  play  dates,  (?)  non-theatrical  accounts  and 
(s)  others  designated  in  the  Code,  including  p8ym.ent  of  unreasona'ble 
salaries  and  the  enticement  of  talent  in  popular  demand,  threats  to  "build 
or  acquire  theatres,  the  activity  of  distri"butors '  employees  in  competi- 
tion xiith   exhi"bitors,  substitution  of  pictures  in  an  existing  contract, 
prior  advertising  of  feature  pictures,  form  of  license  contract,  ar"bitra-- 
tion  of  disxjutes  "between  distributors  and  exhibitors,  the  pledge  of 
wholesome  pictures  and  w'nolesome  advertising. 

These  subjects  because  of  fiieir  deep  roots  in  the  whole  structure  of 
the  Industrv  do  not  readil?/  lend  themselves  to  a  summary  in  brief.   Each 
major  problem  is  discussed  as  to  its  origin,  its  extent  before  the  Code, 
the  applicable  provisions  of  the  Code  and  the  results  achieved.   The 
public  interest  in  these  major  problems  is  also  indicated  axid  the  trend, 
on  the  basis  of  Code  experience,  for  the  future  handling  of  these  problems 
is  t raced.   The  conclusion  is  reached  that  federal  assistance  should  be 
consid.ered  to  control  over-buying  (page  7fi  )  .  to  help  regulate  and  solve 



clearance  and  zoning  proolems  (paige    02  ) ,    to   reach  a  satisfactory   solu- 
tion of  the  block  "booking  protlem   (pa^e    97),    and  to  determine   rights 
proper   to   ell   in  the   forcing  of  short    subjects  (page   lOl)   and  the  designa- 
tion of  play  dates   (pages  111-112). 



The  greatest  volume  of  cinDloyrnent   is  in  exhibition.      Statistics ,  are 
imreliable;    estimates  varv  from  130,000   to   234,000;   but   the   figure  185,000 
is  generally  accepted  by  labor  organizations.      (Page  129).      Skilled  rork- 
ers  are,    for  the  most  part    strongly  organized;    the  unskilled,    except   in 
isolated  instances,    remain  unorganized.      (Page  130) 

The  major  problem  in  exliibition  v/as  V7ith  the    skilled  workers.      An. 
advance  of  far  reaching  imjjortance  was  made   through  the   Code  v/hen  einploy- 
ers  agreed  not   to  lockout  v/orkers   and  the  employees   agreed  not    to   strike. 
As  a  result,    the  Motion  Picture   Industry  had  less  major  labor  trouble 
than  any  other   corapsxable   industry  during  the   Code  period.      (Pages  138  - 

Practically  all  of   the   complaints  with  regard  to   skilled  labor  origi- 
nated v/ith  motion  picture  machine  operators.      The  vsirious  devices  and 
subterfuges  used  to   evade   the  provisions  of  the   Code  are  discussed  on 
pages  141  -  143.     Fact-finding  committees  were  found  useful   in  arbitrating 
major   disputes.      Success  was  lacking  in  the  New  York  situation  (page  143  - 
14i5)  ,   but  the  Pittsburgh  case  involving  100  theatres  developed  into   a 
formula  that  was  proposed  for  use   in  later   cases.      (Page  145 


In  production,    involving  probabl:/  19, COO  regular  workers  and  from 
8,000   to   10,000  listed  as   extra  players,    certain  problems  attracted 
national  attention.      One  of   these  was   the   study  of   alleged  excessive 
salaries   at  Hollywood.      An  investigs.tion  v/as   conducted  at   the  instigation 
of  President  Roosevelt.      Division  Administrator  Sol.   A.   Rosenblatt   con- 
cluded that   the   suspended  Code  provision  directed  against   excessive 
seJ-aries   should  remain  suspended  "because   it   is  not  possible  of   effective 
administration."      (Pages  148-150') 

Of   importance  was   the  problem  of   the  extra  player.      The   Code  provid 
a  minimum  wage  and  protective  working  conditions  and  sought   to  put   down 
nepotism  and  favoritism.      (Pages  154-165         The   Standing  Committee  on 
Extras  was  appointed  in  January  1934  to   deal  with  extra  player  problems. 
Registration  of   extra  plaj'^ers  was   attempted,    but  no   final  procedure  had 
been  approved  at   the   time   the  Code  became  inoperative.      (Page  15R). 

The   Studio  Labor  Committee  met   few  enforcement   difficulties  and 
adjusted  satisfactorily  98  per   cent  of  the   cases   considered.    (Page  156) 


Prom  8, 'COO   to  9,342  arc  employed  in  Distribution.      Labor  is  a  minor 
problem  in  this   division  of  the   Industry.      (Page. 15P) . 



"Throughout  this  report,  it  has  oeen  shovm  that,  acting  individually, 
the  various  branches  of  the  Induytr7  have  "been  unahle  to  eliminate  maJij'' 
causes  of  friction  and  are  prevented  from  acting  in  concert  "by  the  Sherman 
and  the  Clayton  ant i- trust  rets.   Tlie  question  ininediately  proposed  is 
whether  some  "beneficial  steps  mi^rht  "be  tai:en  under  the  Federal  ;^overni.ient 
if  the  practices  in  question  are  interstate  in  character."   (Page  153) 

The  production  and  distribution  divisions  must  be  considered  to- 
gether rather  than  s  eparately.  These  divisions  axe  interstate  in  charac- 
ter.  In  a  number  of  cases  the  Courts  have  so  held.   (Page  15^0. 

Exhibition,  tailing  pla.ce  in  a  limited  area,  is  a  different  problem. 
The  exhibitor  seldom  purchases  t}ie  film  he  e:±Libits.   He  is  merely  granted 
the  right  to  exhibit  films  as  tne  films  pass  thi'ough  the  state  or  cits'-  i^ 
which  his  theatre  is  located;  these  films  must  be  returned  to  the  dis- 
tributor, or  be  shipped  to  another  thep.tre.   This  current  of  commerce 
tsJces  place  "orincipcally  through  the  31  key  exchaiige  cities.   A  delay  in 
e:diibition  at  a  key  house  may  be  reflected,  in  delays  in  theatres  in  other 
states.   (Page  IGw) .     The  cha-in  operation  of  theatres  in  another 
pertinent  consideration.   (Page  lo''>) 

The  inseparability  of  the  divisions  of  the  Industry  wouJ.d  seer.i  to 
justify  a  conclusion  that  the  Courts  would  B:p'ply   the  commerce  clause  of 
the  Constitution  to  this  Industry  as  a  unit.   The  Swift  case,  the  Stafford 
case,  the  Standard  Oil  ca,se,  the  "hot  oil"  case,  ai'e  cited.   (Pages  I'l- 
1S4)  ' 

IText  is  a  consideration  of  problems  in  the  solution  of  which  federal 
assistance  might  prove  beneficial.   Elock  booking  which  was  for  eleven 
years  under  consideration  by  the  Federal  Trade  Commission  is  cited  as  an 
instance.   (Page  164),     There  is  a.lso  the  question  of  over-buying; 
a  FederaJ.  statute  might  be  incapable  of  administration  but  the  situation 
would  seem  to  call  for  the  use  of  agencies  under  Federal  supervision, 
(Pages  135-166)  The  question  whether  monopoly  exists  and  if  so  to  what 
extent  should  be  cleaned  up  through  study  by  a  Federal  agency.   (Pages 

Cleara^nce  and  zoning  involve  questions  of  intersta.te  character. 
Formulation  of  uniform  schedules  are  estopped  by  the  anti^trust  laws. 
Federal  assistance  here  might  safes^iard  the  rights  of  minorities  and  the 
public.   (Page  157) 

Because  of  the  difficulties  of  using  the  Courts,  it  would  seem  that 
only  a  Federal  Commission  vrould  be  flexible  enough  to  cope  with  these 
various  situations.   (Pa.ges  16G"16o)   The  need  for  further  study  of  all 
the  problems  involved  is  indicated.   (Page  169) 








The  Motion  Fixature  Industry  is  imlike  iiny  other;  the  diff-erehces.:  ex>-'' 
tend  through  its  anazing  history,  its  technical  progri,ss,  its  individual 
"business  methods,,  its  unasual  legal  invol^vrnonts ,  ^.nd  its  profound  social 
responsibility.   The  actual  product  -  aiausenent .  "^nd  entortainnent  -is 
intangible,   Thq  visible  product  -  the  film  -  is  r^tldora  sold.   The  business 
operations  of  the  Industry  are  determined  by  applications  of  the  United 
States  copyright  laws. 

The  sudden  and  dramatic  growth  of  the  l.iotion  Picture  Industry  has 
kept  its  history  vivid  with  e-xcitenent.   Its  drama  proceeds  as  directly 
from  inventions  that  demand  revolutionriry  ch?5nges  ovOr-nif^ht  as  from  the 
intermittent  outbreaks  of  competitive  warfare  to  the  ac'companinent  -of  ad- 
vertising canpaignc  that  have  a  colorful  propensity  lor  hysteria  and 
exaggeration.   Its  units  rush  to  each  other's  aid  y/hen  the  danger  of  public 
discipline  threatens  andj "  as  instantl;'',  fly  apart  when  the  drumfire  of 
criticism  dies  down,   Fo  sinj^^le  trade  association  truly  representative  of 
the  industry  as  a  whole  has  ever  existed;  the  economic  divisions  of  the  • 
industry  found  no  ^'ay  to  reach  common  understanding  and  co-operation  until 
producer,  distributor,  and  exhibitor  were  brought  together  f9r.,the  first 
time  under  the  Code  of  Fair  Competition, 

The  Mot"ion  Picture  Indastr;/  embraces  all  activities  in  connection 
with  the  commercial  production,  distribution,  and  exiiibition  of  motion 
picti;re^s  for  the  e^ntertainiiient  of  the  public.   The  three  economic  divisions 
of  the  Industry  deri-ve  the  1 1^  existence  as  well  as  their,  shr-xply  defined 
characteristics. from  an   essential  inter-relation  and  inherent  dependence 
upon  one  "another.  ■ 

The'  production  division  covers  all  processes  and  activities  involved 
in  the  making  of  motion  pictures.   It  includes  the  selection  of  film 
material,  the  preparation  and  photography  of  scenes,  and,  to  a  certain  ex- 
tent, the  development  of  exposed  film  and  the  preparation  of  positive  prints 
for  exhibition,  .  • 

The  distribution  division  involves  the  maintenance  of  a  sales  staff, 
the  renting  of  film  to  exhibitors,  the  physical  distribution  and  servicing 
of  film.,  the  collection  of  due  accounts,  and  the  srle   .and  the  lease  of 
advertising  material,  -^  ■■■.:'.■, 

The  exhibition  division  involves  the  comnercial  showing  of  pictures 
in  theatres,  with  or  without  an  accompanying  stage  presentation  or  vaudeville 

The  resi^onsibilities  and  obligations  of  the  Motion  Picture  Industry  are 
greater  perhaps  than  those  of  any  other  industry  because  of  its  power  for 
good  or  evil  in  the  cultural  and  sociological  development  of  our  people, 



This  profound  ?ind  f -r-^re-'iching  influence  upon  the  moral,  Gocial,  and 
econcnic  standprr's  of  the  world  invests  the  Motion  Picture  Industry  with 
an  iLrpori>ance  without  parallel. 


St-tistical  infornation  rcr^arding  the  Motion  Picture  Industry  is 
scarce  and,  in  the  main,  ••anreliaDlo.   The  rajor  proportion  of  such  fif^uros 
as  are  available  stem  to  be  estimates  "by  individuals  rather  than  resiolts 
of  acc'irate  s-'jirveys.  An  evaluation  of  all  obtainable  statistics  on  the. 
Motion  Picture  Industry  was  raf.dc  in  the' He  sear  cli  and  Pla.nnin/5  Division  of 
the  National  Recovery  Administration;  is  identified  as  "Zvidcnce  Stijidy  - 
Motion  Picture  Industry"  nxvl   is  included  as  an  appendix  to  this  sti:idy# 
A  census  of  anu'jements  is  tc  be  made,  beginning  Janua.ry  2,   1936,  by  the 
Bureau  of  Census,  Department  of  Cci,Tmerce#   This  at-'idy   is  expected  to  de- 
velop data  concerning  the  number  of  theatres,  seating,  .division 
of  theatres  into  ty^oe,  cross  end  net  income,  and  the  like.  Until  a  truly 
acc^jxate  statistical  pict^ire  has  been  secur-^d,  the  following  must  serve 
to  define  the  approximate  position  of  the  Industry. 

1.   ATivrican  Films  in  the  Hovla.   Market, 

Si:-:ty-five  ^er  cent  nf  the  ann.-^J.  -.vorld  production  of  film  as  measijred 
oy   footage  or  "ftcroen  time"  is  AmericaJi  made.   This,  constitutes  35  per  • 
cent  of  the  valie  of  world  annual  production  (♦). 

2.  Cer. i t al  I n ve s t re nt . 

It  is  estimated  in  the  llotion  Picture  Almanac  for  1335  that  approxi- 
mately $3,000,0*30,000  is  invested  in  the  L'otion  Picture  Industry  in  the 
Unit-^d  States.  Approximately  $100,000,000  is  invested  in  production;  conr- 
siderably  less  tli^n  this  amount  in  distribution;  and  the  balsjice  in 
exhibition.   Tne  b^ulk  of  the  invoetr.ent  in  e-icibiticn  is  theatres  and  in 
real  estate. 

3.  A-inu-.l  Production. 

Six  hundred  and  sixty-two  (6€2)  feature  productions  were  released  in 
the  United  States  in  1334,   This  is  about  average,  .^yproximately  half  of 
these  (361)  were  released  by  the  major  cor^anies.  Approximately  one  fifth 
of  the  total  (113)  trere  independent  productions;  tiie  remainder  (132)  were 
foreign  importations. 

In  addition  to  these  feat^are  jroductions,  approxinia.tely  1,000  comedies, 
cartoons,  ajid  other  so-called  "shorts"  and  about  500  installments  of  news- 
reels  were  oroduced. 

4.   Volume  of  3uj;inesn. 

The  iLcticn  Picture  iJmanac  fcr  1935  estimates  that  admissions  in  1934- 
totalled  between  $700, DOC, XO  and  $1, OX', 000, 000.   This  Almanac  in  the  1933 
edition- listed  figrurcs  showing  the  average  distrilmtion  of  the  consumer's 
dollar  spent  on  motion  pict-ures.  This  survey  showed  that  approximately 
13,2  per  cent  of  the  ccr.rir.or'-  dollar  iraat   to  production  of  motion 

(*)  Motion  Pict^jre  AlnaJiac  -  1935. 


pictures;  7.8  per  cent  to  distritution  r-nd  74  per  cent  to  exhibition. 

Using  $700,000,000  as   the  more  ne.-^.rly  correct  figure  for  totR.1  ad- 
nissions  and  comoining  it  'rith  the  percentaf«roG  .above,  it  is  estimated  that 
in  1954  approximately  $127,000,000  uas  spent  on  the  production  of  motion 
pictures;  $55,000,000  ncnt  into  distribution  costs,  and  $518,000,000  went 
to  costs  other  than  film  rentals  in  the  exhibition  bi:anch  of  the  Industry''. 
Thus  the  approxim.atc  volume  of  business  is  estimc.tect  as  follows:  '  for  pro- 
ducers, $127,000,000;  for  distributors,  $182,000,000  (distribution  cost  of 
$55,000,000  plusprodu3ers'  estimated  $127,000,000);  and  for  exhibitors, 
the  <p;rand  total  again  of  $700,000,000.   The  Department  of  Commerce  Census 
of  L'-^jiufactures  estimated  the  costs  of  production  ?.t  $119,000,000  in  1933, 
The  general  opinion  as  reported  in  trade  papers  seems  to  be  that  the  volume 
of  business  done  this  year  (1935)  had  improved  materially  over  last  year 
(1934),  although  exact  figures  to  support  this  contention  are  lacking, 

5,  Weekly  Attendance. 

Tne  Motion  Picture  Almanac  for  1935  estimates  weekly  attendance  in 
all  theatres  m  the  United  States  at  75,000,000.   The  Film  Daily  Year 
Book  for  1935  estim,.ites  this  attendance  at  70,000,000. 

6,  Number  of  Concerns. 

An  estimate  of  the  number  of  producers  ix  the  Industry  depends  largely 
upon  the  criteria  used  to  define  a  producer.  Sight  large  producers  collec-=T 
tively  account  for  approximately  80  per  cent  of  the  capital  invested  'in  the 
production  division  of  the  Industry.   Thirty-three  (33)  of  the  minor  pro- 
ducers are  of  sufficient  importance  to  have  the  names  of  their  corporate 
officers  listed  in  the  llotion  Picture  Almanac  for  1935.   There  are  many 
smaller  producers,  -  from  100  to  200  of  them  -  v;ho  release  -ocitures 

Eighty-six  (33)   distributors  are  of  sufficient  importance  to  have  the 
names  of  their  corporate  officials  listed  in  the  Film  Daily  Year  Book  for 
1955.   These  distributors  operate  approximately  550  film  exchanges  in  the 
United  States;  about  450  of  these  exchanges  are  affiliated  with  producers. 

The  Film  Daily  Year  Book  for  1935  lists  13,386  theatres  open  and 
operating  as  of  Jan-aa,ry  1,  1955.   The  Motion  Picture  Almanac  for  1935 
lists  14,552  theatres  as  operating,  as  of  the  same  date.   The  counts  of 
both  publications  are  declared  to  have  been  taken  from  distributors'  list- 
ings of  accounts  serviced.  The  discrepancy  is  probably  caused  by  a 
difference  in  definition  as  to  what  constitutes  an  operating  theatre. 

The  Almanac  declares  that  the  total  number  of  theatres  in  the  United 
States,  both  closed  and  operating,  is  18,262.   Of  these,  2,075  are  stcated 
to  be  affiliated  circuit  houses, 3070,  unaffiliated  circuit  theaters,  and 
13,120,  independent  theatres.   Closed  theatres  are  listed  as  3,711  in 
number.   There  i s  no  indication  into  which  class  the  closed  theatres  fall;  . 
a  majority  are  probably  independent  theatres. 

Using  data  from  this  same  1935  Motion  Picture  Almanac  it  would  appear 
that  although  affiliated  and  independent  circuit  theatres  represent  only 



28  per  cent  of  all  theatres  in  numlDer,  they  control  a.pp roximately  48 
per  cent  of  the  total  seating  capacity.   Calculations  from  this  data 
indicate  that  the  average  seating  capacities  of  the  various  types  of 
theatres  are  as  follons:   for  affiliated  theatres,  1,300;  for  uhaffili-^  : 
ated  circuit  theatres,  850;  independent  houses*,  450, 

7,  •  Concentration  of  Control. 

Eight  large  corporations  known  as  the  "major  companies"  dominate 
the  Industry  (*) .   According  to  officials  of  the  Hotion  Picture  Pro- 
ducers and'Distrihutors  of  America,  Inc.,  the  outjout  of  these  major 
companies  constitutes  80  per  cent  of  the  value  of  total  film  production. 
Eight  of  the  eleven  na.tional  distrihuting  corporations  are  affiliated 
Fith  major  conroanies.  Approximately  25  ver   cent  of  the  most  dcsirahle 
seating  capacity  in  the  country  is  controlled  "by  major  companies.   This 
concentra.tion.  of  control  provides  a  clear  economic  division  of  the  In- 
dustry'' hetneen  major  and  independent  interests.   The  consequences  of 
this  vertical  and  horizontal.  develOTDment  are  reflected  in  practically 
all  the  pro'blems  of  the  Industry, 

8 •   G-eo graphical  Concentration. 

Approximately  70  Der  cent  of  the  total  production  of  film  in  the 
United  States  comes  from  studios  in  or  near  Holljj.'vood,  California  (^f ) 
A  large  proportion  of  the  remaining  30  -oer  cent  of  American  production 
comes  from  studios  in  or  near  Hew  York  City, 

Approximately  99  per  cent  of  all  distrihution  is  concentrated  in 
32  "kej^"  cities.  Each  of  these  cities  serves  the  surrounding  territory. 
In  the  order  named:  'Sen  York,  Philadelphia,  Chicago,  Boston,  Los 
Ajigeles,  Detroit  and  Pittshurgh  are  the  most  important  film  distrihution 

The  numher  of  theatres  and  their  seating  capacity^  necessarily  de- 
pend on  potential  attendance  or  population.  Although  small  theatres  ne,y 
"be  found  everywhere,  the  larger  and  finer  houses  are  .concentrated  in  .the 
largest  centers  of  population, 

9,  Emglo22ieni.» 

The  Motion  Picture  Almanac  for  1935  estimates  that  approximately 
270,0.00  persons  ?rer®  employed  "by  the  motion: picture  industry  in  1934,  . 
divided  as  follows:   28,000  in  production;  8,000  in  distrihution;  and 
234,000  in  exhihition.   These  estimates,  particularly  the. latter,,  are 
probahly  high.   For  instance,  lahor  organizations  in  the  industry  esti- 
mate the  exhihition  employment  at  a  maximum  of  185,000. 

(*)   These  ma.jor  companies   Warner  Bros.  "Pictures  Corporation, 

Paramount  Pictures  Corporation,  Loew' s,  Inc.,  Pox  Film  Corporation, 
United  Artists  Corpora.tion,  EIvO  Pictures  Corporation,  "Universal 
Pictures  Corporation,  Colurahia  Pictures  Corporation. 

(**)  Department  of  Commerce,  Census  of  Manufactures,  1933,   ' 

*  ■  ■ 



In  addition  to  the  above  there  is  an  average  of  approximately 
250,000  placements  per  year,  accordinf^  to  the  Almanac's  statistics,  for 
"extra"  players  in  production.   The  n-umber-  of  persons  employed  as  ex- 
tras is  variously  estimated  from  8,000  to  14,000.   The  average  numter 
of  placements  p^^r  "oerson,  which  may  mean  one  day's  work  or  several,  is 
nec<'.ssarily  quite  low. 


There  is  a  hi/^hly  important  difference  "between  the  Motion  Picture 
Industry  and  other  industries  which  were  "brought  under  NRA  codes.  This 
Industry  operates  principally  under  the  copyright  laws  as  opposed  to  the 
laws  of  purchase  and  sale.   The  ostensible  product  of  the  Industry  - 
positive  prints  of  motion  picture  film  -  is  seldom  sold.   The  film  is        j 
generally  leased  or  rented;  the  title  remains  with  the  lessor.   The 
actual  product  of  the  Industry  is  intangilDle,  and  consists  of  amuse- 
ment, education,  entertainment,  or  information  conveyed  "by  meansof 
film.  Each  film  is  used  many  times,  crossing  and  re-crossing  state 
lines  as  it  is  leased  and  shipped  to  one  exhi"bitor  after  another. 

Operation  under  copyright  laws  creates  many  situationa  found  only 
in  this  Industry'-, 

1,  The  Distri"butor-Exhibitor  Relationship. 

So  long  as  the  title  to  copyrighted  material  remains  with  the 
holder  of  the  copyright,  that  ov/ner  may  impose  such  conditions  as  to  the 
use  or  sale  of  the  material  as  he  desires^ 

In  practically  no  case  does  a  distri'butor  sell  film  to  an  exhibitor* 
The  exhibitor  secures  a  license  from  a  distributor  to  exhibit  a  picture. 
This  creates  a  contractual  relationship,  making  legal  an  act  which 
otherwise  illegal.  Having  secured  the  license,  the  cxhib)itor 
then  rents  the  film  from  the  distributor  in  order  to  exercise  his  ex- 
hibition rights.   These  two  transactions  are  usually  effected  in  one 
instrument  laiown  throughout  the  industry  as  a  "license  and  rental 

Since  he  retains  title,  the  distributor  has  practically  a  free  hand 
in  imposing  conditions  as  to  the  use  of  his  property.  He  may  permit 
exhi'bitiori  only  upon  such  .designated  days  or  dates  as  he  may  specify. 
He  may  require  that  the  film  licenses  shall  not  be  used  on  a  program 
with  atiy  other  fea,ture,  or  he  may  require  that  a  minimum  admission  price 
be  ob)served.   Perhaps  in  no  other  industry  has  the  distributor  (whole- 
saler) .  coraparab)le  rights, 

2,  The  Producer-Distributor  Relationshi-p. 

Thre©  general  types  of  relations  exist  between  the  producer  and  the 

.1«   The  copyright  to  a  film,  is  held  by  a  producer.   In  this 
case,  e:>dn.ibition  contracts  are  6.rawn  up  in  the  producer's  name,  the 
distrib)utor  acting  merely  as  an  agent, 



2,  A  TDroducer,  -usually  a  nmall  independent,  nay   sell  a  copj''- 
rightcd  film  and,  necessarily,  all  rights  of  reproduction  incident 
thereto,  to  a  national  distrilDutor.   In  this  case  exhiliition  contracts 
are  dra.T,7n  in  the  distrihutor' s  narne. 

•3.   The  distri"butor  may  te   the  original  ormer  of  the  film 
rights  of  the  suhject  material  and  may  employ  a  producer  to  make  the 
film;  "but  in  this  instance  the  copyright  and  title^are  alTiays  in  the 
distrilDutor*  s  name.   In  this  case,  as  in  the  preceding  case,  exhihition 
contracts  are  made  in  the  distrihutor' s  name, 


1  •  Motion  Picture  Pro(?ucers  and  Dis trihut ors  of  America,  Inc. 

In  the  early  days  of  tlie  industry  several  attempts  had  "be en  made 
to  organize  the  TDroducer-distrihutor  interests;  each  had  failed^   In 
1921,  pulilic  furor  via.?   aroused  "by  certain  sennationa.1  Hollyvrood  scan- 
dals, a-nd  indignation  over  the  ta'.'dry  sensationalism  a.nd.   immorality  of 
current  screen  productions  stirred  censor  shir)  grou-os  into  unusual 
activity.  Box-  office  receipts  dropped  off.   The  movement  for  govern- 
ment control  of  films  was  spot-lighted  "by  "bills  intended  for  state  ajid 
federal  legislation. 

The  Indu-stry  felt  that  it  had  to  choose  "bet'.Teen  self-regiilation  or 
fcdorcal  censorship  ~  and  choose  quickl"^'"..  The  movie  magnates  sought  a 
leader  under  whom  they  could  unite.  Executive  a"bility  was  necessary; 
strong  politica,l  connections  -"Tould  "be  no  ha.ndicap.  Furthermore,  the 
man  chosen  must  have  no  connection  with  any  pa.rt  of  the  Industry.  "vTill 
H,  Hays,  a  former  United  States  Postmaster- General,  agreed  to  act.  He 
"became  president  early  in  1922  of  the  newly  formed  Ilotion  Picture  Pro- 
ducers and  Distri"butors  of  America,  Inc.,  rnd  still  serves.   This  gro-up 
is  knov/n  generally  as  the  "Hays  Organisation", 

In  1928,  the  28  interests  represented  in  this  Hays  Organization 
controlled  ahout  60  per  cent  of  all  motion  -oictures  Droduced  in  this 
country  (*) .   Film  Boa.rds  of  Trade  operating  in  each  of  the  32  exchange 
territories  acted  as  a  field  organization.   Regional  distri"butors 
affiliated  with  these  Film  Boards  of  Trade  controlled,  atout  98  per  cent 
of  all  film  distri"bution  (=<=*). 

The  Hays  Organization  represents  the  industry  in  op'oosing  or  cir- 
cumventing the  ever- re cur ring  attempts  to  secure  censorship  legislation. 
As  a  counter  offensive,  the  producers  determined  to  set  their  ov/n'  house 
in  order,  and  as  an  essential  step  fortralated  a  moral  "code"  and  thus 
set  up  a  censorship  organizat,ion  of  their  ov/-n.   Pictures  are  revie^-cd 
"by  this  "board  and  released  to  the  nutlic  vdth  a  stamp  of  approval  if 
found  not  to  "be  inconsistent  -dth  the  "code".   In  addition,  a.  standard 
set  of  advertising  ethics  was  preiDarcd  to  which  all  men"bcr  groups  su"b- 
scri"bed.   This  pledge  of  ethical  standards  in  the.  quality  and  character 

(*)  (**)   "The  Motion  Picture  Industry-"  "by  Howard  T.  Lewis  of  Harvard 
University.  Pago  264,.  Publisher,  van  No  strand,  1933» 

9638  .  " 


of  pictures  nas  rc-affirinecL  in  the  Iiotion  Picture  Code,  Unusually 
energetic  s^upport  of  the  pledge  and  other  defensive  self-regulation 
vrere  called  forth  in  1934  to  nnswer  a  putlic  challenge  organized  under 
the  name,  The  League  of  Decency.   The  Industrjr  is  credited  vrith  harring, 
during  recent  years,  iirrproved  the  standards  of  its  pictures  in  clean 
direction  and  wholesome  story. 

The  Haj'-s  Organization  also  represents  major  producers  s.nd  distrihur- 
tors  and  affiliated  exhibitors  in  opiDpsing  other  types  of  legi-slation 
deemed  "by  them  to  he  inimical  to  their  interests.   It  als(y''serves  as  a 
co-ordinating  agency  in  the  field  of  puTjlic  relationships. 

At  one  time,  the  organization  through  the  subsidiary  Film  Boards 
of  Trade  attempted  to  formulate  standard  schedules  of  clearance  and 
zoning  hy  agreement  vrith  independent  exhibitor  groups  in  each  territory; 
hut  the  effort  ras  halted  "by   the  Federal  Courts, 

In  1933,  approximately  fifteen  (is)  corporations,  including  all 
major  producing  and  distributing  companies,  the  Eastman  Kodak  Co.,  and 
Electrical  Research  Products,  Inc.,  were  members  of  the  Hays  Organizar- 
tion  (*). 

2»      The  Motion  Picture  Theatre  OTmcrs  of  America  -  (known  as 

The  Motion  Picture  Theatre  Ovmers  of  America- was  organized  by  in- 
dependent theatre  owners  in  1920  to  combat  the  theatre  expansion  policy 
then  pursued  by  the  Famous  Players-Lask;:'-  Corporation,   Several  state  and 
regional  groups  o-oerating  as  independent  associations  composed  a  nationr* 
al  association  rrhich  attempted  to  coordinate  activities  and  provide 
uniform  action  on  problems  of  m^jor  im-oortance  to  independent  ex- 

In  1927,  because  of  the  e7:prcssGd  belief  that  more  constru'ctive 
accomplishments  could  be  secured  througli  cooperc?.tion  than  through  open 
hostility'',  the  association  offered  membership  privileges  to  producer- 
distributor  theatre  owners.   The  membership  of  l.CPTOA  includes  many  of 
the  more  powerful,  first  ran,  circuit  and  affiliated  theatres, 

3,  Allied  States  Association  of  Motion  Picture  Exhibitors. 

The  association  known  as  the  Allied  States  Association  of  Motion 
Picture  Exhibitors  was  originally  formed  in  1923  as  a  protest  against 
some  of  the  activities  of  the  aforementioned  MPTOA,  Its  organization 
was  similar  in  many  ways  and  regional  groups  in  manj'"  instances  trans- 
ferred their  allegiance  from  one  organization  to  the  other  (**)•  In 
1926,  following  advances  made  by  the  MPTOA  to  serve  the  interests  of  in- 
dependent e^±Libitors  primarily.  Allied  disbanded, 

(*)   Transcript  of  Hearings  on  Proposed  Code  of  Fair  Competition  for  the 
Motion  Picture  Industry  -  Volume  1,  page  7,   September  12,  1933, 

(**)  "The  Motion  Picture  Industry"  by  Howard  T,  Lewis  of  Harvard 
University.  Page  300,  Publisher,  van  No  strand,  1933. 



In  Augast  1928,  certain  Torominent  indopendent  exbiitiitors  v/ho  had 
"been  members  of  the  original  Allied  States  group  decided  to  revive  a,nd 
re-organize   the  former  association.   That  uas  done.  Allied  States 
"became  active  once  again;  it  led  the  opposition  to  the  Motion  Picture 
Code,  .The  memliership  is  open  to  affiliated  theatres,  tut  primarily 
Allied  States  is  made  up  of  small,  suh sequent- run,  independent  theatre 
ovmers.  The  actual  mijnter  of  theatres  represented,  "by  Allied  States 
and  "by  l/EPTOA  continues  to  he  the  suhject  of  considerahle  speculation. 
Each  association  claims  approximately  4,000  theatres. 

4.  The  Theatre  Ovmers  Cha.mher  of  Commerce  of  Hevr  York. 

This  is  a  powerful  orgn.nization  in  Ne-r;  York  City,  hut  its  nemhei^ 
ship  is  limited  to  tlia.t  vicinity.   Its  principal  memhership  is  circuit  . 
theatres,  hoth  independent  and  affiliated, 

5,  The  Academy  of  Motion  Picture  Arts  and  Sciences. 

The  Academy  of  Motion  Picture  Arts  and  Sciences  is  an  association 
of  various  groups  interested  in  the  production  division  of  the  Industry, 
It  includes  six  tranches,  namely,  "oroducers,  o.ctors,  directors, 
assistant  directors,  v/riters,  p-vA   technicians.   The  Academy  x)rovides 
methods  of  adjustment  and  conciliation  of  disputes  hetrreen  producers, 
as  well  as  "between  the  producers  pnd  the  special  groups  of  employees 
just  mentioned. 

Acting  as  a  clearing  house  for  technical  data  relating  to  produc- 
tion, the  Academy  conducts  ed-^icational  campaigns  within  the  Industry  as 
part  of  its  effort  to  "bring  ahout  industry-wide  standardization  in 
technical  processes.   The  Academy  is  not  concerned  with  the  daily  press 
nor  the  puhlic;  its  vd  rk  is  more  directly  focused  upon  contacts  with 
survey  experts,  special  organizations  and  manufacturing  and  research 

The  Code  proposals  suhraitted  hy  the  Producers'  committee  included 
provisions  delegating  the  administrative  functions  in  the  production 
"branch  of  'the  industry  to  the  Academy.  Prank  G-illmore,  president  of  the 
Actors^  Equity  Association  raised  the  o"bjection  that  the  ^.ademy  was 
compara"ble  to  a  "companjr  -union"  (*),  while  other  groups  connected  with 
the  production  hranch  of  the  Industry  contended  that  proper  re-presenta- 
tion could  not  "be  secured,  from  a  "body  dominated  "by  ma„jcr  producers, 

6  •  The  Lahor  Q-roups. 

There  are  several  lahor  organizations.   Discussion  of  their 
activities  appears  in  the  Chapter  on  Lahor,  later  in  this  report, 


(*).  Transcript  of  Hearings  on  Proposed  Code  of  Pair  Competition  for  the 
Motion  Picture  Industry  -  Volume  1,  page  146.  Septemher  12,  1933, 






The  history  of  the  motion  -oicture  is  as  fantastic  as  the  curious 
names  which  its  battalions  of  inventors  have  over  the  jears  ^iven  to  the 
devices  that  "by  adding  new  marvels  upon  old  marvels  have  brought  about 
the  seeming  perfection  of  today's  product. 

The  scientist  and  the  humbug;  the  earnest  inventor  and  the  exploit- 
ing pirate  of  his  ideas;  the  honest  business  man  and  the  charletan;  the 
man  of  the  theatre,  the  financier  and  the  lawyer-cross  and  recross  one 
another*  s  paths  in  endless  entanglements;  yet  des";)ite  this  confusion,  in 
the  short  spaji  of  the  last  30  years,  a  new  art  of  the  people  is  somehov/ 
created;  anda  gigantic  new  industry  dealing  in  millions  upon  millions  of 
dollars  and  touching  in  some  measure  the  life  and  thiiiking  of  every  man 
and  woman  throughout  the  nation,  emerges  with  its  own  special  burden  of 
industrial  and  social  problerase 

Tlie  motion,  or  moving,  picture  as  such  traces  its  origin  back  to  the 
Magic  Lantern,   In  the  hour  that  the  "magic"  of  the  ma^ic  lantern  became 
wedded  to  the  art  of  photography,  the  moving  picture  found  assurance  of 
its  future  usefulness  ajid  influence, 


A  company  of  nobles  sat  in  a  room  in  the  Jesuit  College  in  Rome  one 
night  in  the  year  1640  and  saw,  with  amazement  and  delight,  grotesque  and 
giant  shadows  cast  upon  the  v/all  depicting  Death,  Evil  and  the  Devil. 
The  ingenious  inventor  was  the  Jesuit,  Athanasius  Kircher,  He  callid  his 
contrivance  the  "Magia  Catoptrica"  -  the  magic  lantern.  His  scenes  were 
painted  on  slides  of  glass  and  were  projected  on  the  wall  by  means  of  a  • 
lamp,  a.  reflector  and  a  lens.  In  1646,  Father  Kircher  illustrated,  in  a 
book  he  published  under  the  title:  "Tlie  Great  Art  of  Light  and  Shade",  a 
means  of  changing  from  picture  to  picture  by  the  use  of  a  revolving  drum. 

The  elements  of  today* s  motion  picture  were  present  in  that  room 
in  Rome  in  1640;  but  more  than  tv/o  centuries  were  needed  to  achieve  their 
possibilities.   The  motion  picture  had  to  vait  upon  -  first,  the  develop- 
ment and  perfection  of  photography^;  next,  the  invention  of  the  photo- 
graphic film  and  finally,  the  perfection  of  devices  to  combine  all  ele- 
ments into  the  reproduction  of  sound  and  action.  And  decades  of  research 
into  the  principles  of  vision  had  to  ^recede  these  achievements. 

The  same  Mark  Paul  Roget  who  gave  the  world  the  matchless  wordbook 
he  called  the  Thesaurus,  discovered  one  of  the  most  important  of  the 
mysteries  the  day  he  saw  the  wheels  of  a  baker's  cart  through  the  slats- 
of  a  Venetian  blind.  Despite  the  cart's  rapid  notion,  he  saw  the  wheels 
momentarily  at  rest  in  each  slit  of  his  blinds  -  but  in  a  different 
phase  of  motion,  Roget  had  com?©  uiDon  the  principle  of  the  motion  picture 
camera  -  the  eye's  ability  to  carry  action  over  from  one  successive 



picture  .to  the  next  and  thus  create  the  full  illusion  of  uninterruToted 


Froin  Roget,  historj'-  carried  this  protlein  of  the  illusions  of  vision 
to  Sir  John  Herschel,  Michael  Faraday^  Antoine  Plateaa,  von  Stamnfer  rnd 
others.  As  a  curiosity  of  research  and  invention,  Plateau  in  G-hent  and 
von  Stampfer  in  Vienna,  independently  of  each  other,  made  the  "first  de- 
vices in  the  world  for  seein.?:  pictures  in  simulated  motion."  (*)  Both 
placed  drav/ings  on  the  rim  of  a  disc,  vierrin;:;  the  drawin-j;s  of  successive 
moments  or  instants  of  action  tnrough  another  disc  as  both  discs  revolv- 
ed upon  the  same  axis. 

That  \7as  in  1832.   In  1353,  ah  Austrian  Lieutenant  of  artillery  too!': 
the  same- device,  incorporated  it  in  the  Xircher  Iviagic  Lantern  of  1640  and 
projected  the  images  on  the  wall.   There  -could  be,  and  was,  no  further 
progress  "ijn.til  photography  was  read;/.  Da.'^uerre  with  his  imjnortal  tini>2T®s 
is  the  most  important  -oersonality  in  achieving  this  next  step. 



The  Viet  plate  process  of  photography  succeeded  Daguerre's  sensitized 
metal  plates.  Experiments  with  wet  plates  "by  Coleman  Sellers ^  head  of  a 
mechanical  engineering  business  in  PhiladelTohia,  led  in  1861  to  the  in- 
vention of  a  machine  and  because  of  it  a,  word  that  today  means  "moving 
pictujre"  throughout  the  ?;orld. 

Sellers  posed  his  small  sons,  -  Coleman,  Jr.,  pounding  a  nail  v/ith 
a  and  Horace  near  him  in  a  rocking  chairo  He  mounted  the  prints 
of  this  series  of  photographs  on  a  v^rheel  or  drum  which  wa,s  turned  by 
hand  as  one  looked  through  a  stereoscope.  This  machine  of  his.  Sellers 
called  the  "Kinemstoscope . "  Kineraa  (Cinema)  was  a  new  and  delightful 
word;  it  went -around  the  world  vvaiting  for  its  'oerfected  product  to  ar- 

Tvjo   years  later  in  the  city  of  Philadelphia,  Henry  R.  Heyl  in- 
vented a  machine  he  called  the  "Phasmatrope" .   Terry  Ramsaye  in  his  book 
"A  Million  and  One  Nights,"  says  that  the  Heyl  machine,  after  the  posing 
and  development  of  pictLires  at  successive  stages  of  action  according  to 
Sellers  plan,  "carried  thin  glass  positive  pictures  mounted  radiallj''  on 
a  wheel  v;hich  exoosed  them  intermittently  to  the  light  ray  of  a  magic  lan- 
tern.  This  machine  has  a  shutter  and  a  ratchet  and  panel  intermittent 
mechanism  which  produced  all  the  machanical  effects  necessary  to  the  prop- 
er projection  of  pictures,  even  by  today's  standards." 

Keyl's  first  public  showing  of  this  wonder  was  held  February  5,  1867 
for  the  benefit  of  the  library  fund  of  St.  Mark's  Evangelical  Lutheran 
Church;  1,600  persons'  attended  and  the  receipts  were  $850. 


The  next  step  brings  swiftly  into  play  the  first  touches  of  the  mod- 
ern tempo  -  the  first  multi-millionaires,  a  $25,000  wager  and  a  race 

(*)   "A  Million  and  One  Nights"  by  Terry  Ra.msaye,  Voluiae  1,  Page  12, 

Publisher,  Simon  and  Schuster,  1926, 


horse.  And  for  those  who  trace  the  course  of  empire  westward  -  the 
first  contact  of  the  moving  picture  with  California. 

Leland  Stanford,  the  innensely  wealthy  governor  of  California,  in 
1877  "bet  James  R.  Keene ,  another  Pacific  Coast  tycoon,  $25,000  that  a 
race  horse  when  in  full  speed  took  a.ll  four  feet  off  the  ground  at  once, 
Stanford  was  a  "breeder  of  fast  horses.  He  didnH  agree  with  the  art 
and  sculpture  of  the  centuries.  He  had  to  resort  to  photography  to 
prove  his  contention  and  win  his  wager. 

That  is  how  the  curious  personality  of  Eadweard  Muyhridge  entered 
motion  picture  historj?-.  Muybridge  was  a  San  Francisco  ohotogra^pher  who 
had  been  sent  to  Alaska  to  take  ohotograDhs  to'ansv;er  the  criticisms 
that  aJL-ose  over  Seward's  purchase  of  that  territory,  "when  Stanford  sent 
for  Liu;;;-!) ridge  to  prove  his  wa^er,  the  wet  plate  camera  then  in  use  had 
no  speed  faster  than  one-tv/elf th  of  a  second;  "but  Muy"bridge  snapped  away 
at  Stanford's  racing  horses.  One  camera  wouldn't  do.   Stanford  ordered 
a  row  of  caiiieras  to  "be  set  up  with  a  line  of  strings  from  each  shutter 
stretched  across  the  track.  The   horses  in  their  stride  were  to  breaJ^ 
the  string.  That  didn't  work.  An  engineer  was  needed  to  devise  a  shut- 
ter arrangement  to  operate  the  caineras.  John  D,  Isaacs,  who  later  be- 
came chief  engineer  of  the  Southern  Pacific  Railway,  was  chosen  by  Gov- 
ernor Stanford  for  two  reasons?  he  was  an  up  and  coming  engineer  and  a 
first  class  amateur  photographer. 

After  trying  many  expedients,  Isaacs  hit  upon  a  device  resembling 
the  cylinder  of  a  Swiss  music  box;  its  "pins  one  after  another  closed 
electric  contacts .controlling  the  cameras  for  successive  exposures."  (*) 
Stanford  was  excited  over  the  results  and  set  up  24  cameras  in  a  row. 
With  this .  shutter-opening  device  furnished  by  Isaacs,  Mu^'-bridge  contin- 
ued photographing  race  horses  until  1881. 

The  G-overnor  was  delighted  be-yond  measure  with  his  enormous  collec- 
tions of  photographs;  took  them  and  Muybridge  to  Paris*  created  a  nine- 
day's  lYonder  there  and  inspired  the  famed  artist  Lieissionier  to  see  if 
the  disjointed  parts  -  separate  pictures  of  a  horse's  gait — conld  be 
swung  back  into  the  rhythm  of  motion,  lieissionier  mounted  transr)arencies 
of  the  Mu;j''bridge  pictures  on  a  revolving  disc,  put  the  disc  into  a  pro- 
jector -  and  the  thing  was  done  I   The  French  had  a  f-arther  important  clue 
to  the  ultimate, motion  picture^  Muybridge  had  praise  and  remained  a. 

One  recoird  more  and  the  "pre-historic"  days  of  the  moving  picture 
are  over.      ^  ■ 

A  Frencliman,  Louis  Aime  Augustin  Le  Prince  "reached  a  conception", 
says  Ramsajre  in  his  "A  Million  and  One  Ilights,"  of  a  pair  or  parallel 
strips  of  "sensitized  paper  or  equivalent ly  flexible  material  which  were 
to  travel  alternately  step  by  step  par.t  two  lenses,  one  above  the  other. 
....Le  Prince,  while  living  ternporarily  in  New  York,  took  out  an 

(*)   "A  Million  and  One -.Nights"  by  Terry  Ram s aye ,  Volume  1,  page  36. 
Publishers,  Simon  and  Schuster,  1926. 



American  patent,  I'o,  376,247j  issuer'  in  1886-;  He  retiirned  to  Grent 
Britain  T7liere  another  patent  was  issued  January  10,-1887,.  .  •  ." 
Le  Prince  did.  not  accomplish  what  patent  authorities  call  "a  reduction 
to  -oractice," 

Ton  years  after  Le  Prince  mysteriously  vanished,  a  machine  purport- 
ing to  be  his  was  sho'vvn  in  a  New  York,  court  in  a  suit  attacking  the 
priorities  of  a  Thomas  A,  Edison  patent;  •  the  Le  Prince  claims  v/ere  not 
vindicated,  .  • 


At  i>ienlo  Park,  Hew  Jerse5^,  Edison  was  at  work  in  1836  improving 
and  perfecting  his  ohonograohe  He  sought  now  to  add  pictures  to  sound- 
pictures  to  "be  made  in  instants  of  action  on  a  cylinder.   This  was  the 
plaything  of  the  electrical  wizard,  his  relaxation  while  V70rking  at 
that  time  on  his  major  problem  -  the.  magnetic  separation  of  ores.  As 
confidential  teclinical  assistant,  Edison  engaged  a  young  Englishman  - 
'.illieun  Kennedy  Laurie  lickson  -  who  come  to  play  a  leading  part  in  the 
creation  of  the  world's  first  "Oving  pictures. 

In  1887,  Edison  iDut  Dickson  to  work  to  combine  pict'^ores  with  the 
voice  reproduction  of  the  Edison  phonograph;  soon  mas-ter  and  man  saw 
that  the  cylinder  motion  picture  machine  had  little  probability  of 
success.   The  idea  was  abandoned.   Tickson  began  working  v/ith  celluloid 
plates.   Celluloid  was  a  failure. 

Then  in  1889,  G-eorge  Eastman  of  Kodalc  fame  taaking  use  of  the  Good- 
win "oatents,  announced  a  method  of  making  a  roll  of  film  that  could  be 
photographically  sensitized.  Eastman's  first  order  came  from  Dickson 
from  the  Edison  laboratories.   The  film  couldn't  be  longer  than 
50  feet;  no  greater  length  could  be  handled  in  the  best  available  ca;:ier8-» 


From  the  Eastman  film  and  the  Edison-Pickson  plans  came  the  Kineto- 
scope  which  used  a  50  foot  length  of  films  wound  in  an  endless  loop  over 
a  series  of  spools.  The  film  ran  between  an  electric  light  and  a  rapid- 
ly revolving  shutter  which  exposed  the  film  to.  the  viewing  lens  into 
viiich  the  spectator  peered,  A  camera  '.vas  invented  to  take  the  films  for 
the  Kinetoscope,   That  was  called  the  Kinetograph. 

The  Kinetoscope  was  a  VQ^V   show  ma.chine  for  the  amusement  of  the 
public,  Ajpa.rently  that  was  all  the  interest  Edison  had  in  it.   Dickson 
insists  in  his  records  and  pamphlets  that  he  had  projected  the  films 
upon  a  screen  eight  by  ten  feet;  after  some  apparent  denials,  Edison 
does  recall  an  experiment  with  a  five  foot  screen.   Sd.ison  apparently 
had  no  desire  at  that  time  to  complete  a  projecting  camera  which  would 
have  hastened  the  advent  of  the  motion  picture  theatre  many  years. 

On  August  24,  1891,  Edison  made  ar)oli cation  for  a  United  States 
patent  on  his  Kinetoscope,   It  was  then  suggested  that  he  should  also 
apply  for  foreign  patents  partic-olarly  for  England  and  France. 




"How  much  "will  it  cost?"  Edison  asked  casiia.ll:''. 

"Oh,  about  $150,"  he  was  told. 

Edison  waved  the  suggestion  aside.  "It  isn*t  worth  it."  (*) 

Business  men  and  shrewd  exploiters  were  keen  to  get  hold  of  the 
Kine  to  scope  and  open  x)ee-p   parlors;  thev  could  hear  the  restless  money  in 
the  pockets  of  millions  of  future  customers.   But  Edison  let  the  entire 
opportunity  of  the  Chicago  World's  Fair  in  1893  pass  b;'-;  neither  machines 
nor  film  were  available.   The  fumbling  devices  that  had  preceded  the 
Kineto scope  were  at  the  Fair,  but  not  the  Edison-Dickson  marvel  with 
its  traveling  film. 


But  during  these  dajrs  of  1893,  the  first  motion  picture  studio  had 
been  designed  and  built  and  the  first  actors  and  actresses  of  the  film 
v^orld  had  appeared  before  the  camera.   Tlie  studio  was  made  to  provide 
scenes  for  the  peep  show  Kinetoscope,   Tliis  studio  was  sjn.   ugly  black 
tar  paper  affair  in  the  Edison  plant  in  Ne\7  Jersey  and  was  forbiddingly 
called  the  Balck  Maria, 

Photography  in  1893  was  a.  violence  of  contrasts;  Black  Maria  pro- 
vided the  contrasts.  Its  stage  was  svmng  like  a  turntable  so  that  the 
sun,  v/hatever  the  hour,  could  shine  full  on  the  actor  against  the  stj^- 
gian  darkness  of  the  shadow-box  background. 

Scenes  had  to  be  violent  and  active.  Dickson  was  cameraman,  direc- 
tor and  laboratory  staff.   The  Black  Maria  productions  for  1893-1894 
(on  the  authority  of  Ransaye)  were  trained  bears;  raonlzey  acts;  trick 
dogs;  a  solo  dancer  from  Broadway;  Annie  Oakley  and  Buffalo  Bill;  and 
an  Indian  dance;  a  comic  ba.rbershop  scene;  two  cock  fights;  Sahdow, 
the  strong  man;  a  female  contortionist;  a  tooth  extraction  in  which 
(by  voy   of  educational  content)  Dr.  Colton,  first  to  administer  gas, 
demonstrated  his  improved  method-ajid  then  daringly  -  50  feet  of  action 
from  a  po-pulsr  Broadv/ay  sho?/. 

Finally'-  the  first  ten  machines  reached  New  York  at  No.  1155  Broad- 
way on  April  14,  1994.  By  June,  the  Kinetoscope  had  reached  San  Fran- 
cisco,  The  public  was  ready  with  its  nickles  in  .endless  waiting  lines; 
so  was  the  investor  v;ith  his  larger  suras.   The  nickelodeon  became  an 
Arierican  Institution. 

notion  pictures  started  life  looking  for  a  "punch"  and  made  "punch" 
a  permanent  habit.  Pictures  found  their  punch  in  the  prize  ring  -  an 
ideal  space  of  action  ?;ithin  the  range  of  that  day' s  cumbersome  cameras. 
Thus  it  happened,  through  crowd  interest  and  the  technical  restrictions 
of  the  first  cameras  that  pugilism  provided  the  earliest  picture  inter- 
est.  The  first  motion  picture  "star"  was  James  J,  Corbett,  -  Gentleren 
Jim  himself  of  the  prize  ring.  Others  followed  -  Jackson,  Fitzsimmons, 
MoAuliffe,  Griffo,  and  Dixon. 

(*)   "A  Llillion  and  One  Nights"  oy   Terry  Ramsaye,  Volume  1,  page  76, 
Publisher,  Simon  and  Schuster,  1926. 


-  21  - 

Importuned  time,  and  again  "by  t?ie  Lathams  ar.d  others  to  develop  a 
•orojecting  camera  to  throw  his  images  on  wall  or  screen,  Edison  as  per- 
sistently refused.   The  Lath;ims,  pictfiresque  father  and  tv/o  de"bonair  sons, 
went  ahead  with  their  own  plr;r.s.   On  Sunday  April  21^  1895  motion  pictures 
were  projected  life-size  on  a  screen  for  the  first  recorled  time  in 
history*   The  Lathams  were  the  heroes  of  a  brief  hour  of  fame. 

In  that  hour,  a  "bitter  controversy  started.   Thirteen  ceaseless  years 
of  patent  litigation  clamored  and  rrecd  through  the  courts,.  Piracies  and 
appropriations  of  Edison's  patents  appeared  in  the  United  States,  in 
France  and  in  England,   Millions  of  dolla,:-3  poured  into  the  promotions 
that  followed  and  other  fortunes  were  r-pent  in  the  legal  warfare  of  con- 
flicting interests.   Some  of  the  questions  raised  in  those  days  still 
linger  on  the  scene  unanswered, 


It  V70uld  appear  from  patent  records  and  agreements  with  Edison  that 
Thomas  Armat  of  u'ashington,  I).  C.  had  established  the  basic  principles  of 
film  projection  with  his  invpntion  of  the  Vitascope  and  thus  sta,rted  the 
commercial  history  of  the  motion  picture  in  the  United  States,   The  Armat 
invention  -  Patent  No,  586,953,  issued  July  20,  1897  -  was  sho\'m  first  in 

Under  a  special  contract,  the  Vitascope,  as  perfected  by  Armat,  was 
manufactured  and  marketed  by  Edison,   Explaining  his  part  in  the  develop- 
ment of  projection,  Edison  in  May  1922,  wrote  to  Armat  this  acknowledgment  J 

"I  saw  you  had  a  better  one  (projection  machine)  than  mine  dropped  my 

experiments  and  built  yours  which  wr-.s  the  first  practical  projection 
machine",  (*)   It  '7as  this  machine  v;hich  thrilled  the  show  world  in  1896  at 
at  Koster  and  Biall's  old  Music  Eall  in  Herald  Square,  New  York.   The 
pictures  v/ere  thrown  on  a  20  foot  screen  set  in  an  enormous  gilded  frame. 

Now  followed  a  mad  scramble  throughout  the  land  for  state's  rights 
for  the  new  type  of  entertainment.   Stores  beca];:e  theatres  of  a  sort  over- 
night; the  customers  wedged  in  to  see  the  jerl<y  flashes  of  something  in 
action  on  the  crude  screens;  mechanical  pianos  kept  up  their  clatter  as 
of  pebbles  dropping  in  rnythn  on  a  tin  roof.   Prize  fight  scenes  satis- 
fied the  crowd;  occasionally  there  was  a  glimpse  of  some  dancer  waving 
wings  in  butterfly  flights  and  theatrical  pirouettes,  .  The  audiences  viere 
ahead  of  the  mechanical  and  production  capacity  of  the  new  entertainment. 
The  first  emphasis  in  the  new  industry  was  on  the  development  and  the  sale 
of  mechanical  equipment, 


Even  before  the  transition  from  the  peep  show  to  screen,  the  pro- 
grams supplied  were  not  sufficient  to  supply  the  trade.   Demand  for  more 
changes  in  programs  created  a  demand  for  more  performers.   These  actors  were 
paid  from  $10  to  $50  a  picture  and  expenses  from  New  York  City  to  West 
Grange,  N.  J.  and  return.   In  1896,  a  motion  picture  studio  was  estab- 
lished in  New  York  City,  where  celebrities  might  be  brought  before  the 
camera.   Vaudeville  houses  began  to  show  motion  pictures  after  the  last 
act  of  their  performances;  and  the  vaudeville  screen  continued  to 

(*)   "A  Million  and  One  Nights"  by  Terry  Ramsaye,  Volume  1,  page  230, 
2      Publisher,  Simon  and  Schuster,  1926,  . 

— op_ 

be  the  main  avenue  to  the  public  for  approximately  ten  years.   The 
length  of  films  increased  from  the  brief  flash  of  200  feet  to  the  more 
satisfying  length  of  .1,000  feet  which  is  approximately  equal  to  the 
short  subjects  of  today. 

In  1898,  the  "Passion  Play"  production  made  on  the  roof  of  the  . 
Grand  Centrr-.l  Palace  in  New  York  City,  contained  2,100  feet  of  film  and 
sold  for  $530  per  copy.  This  v;as  the  first  directed  screen  production 
with  continuous  story.   The  film  contained  no  titles, 

I.iotion  pictures  made  of  the  events  of  the  Spanish-American  war  be- 
came the  forerunner  of  modern  newsreels.  But  these  war  pictures  despite 
seeming  fidelity  to  action  were  actually  staged  v/ith  tiny  models  of 
warships  in  tubs  of  water. 

Up  to  ITovember  3,  1899,  the  date  of  the  Jefferies- Sharkey  fight 
at  Coney  Island,  Hew  York,  all  efforts  to  make  motion  pictures  under 
artificial  lights  had  failed.  Four  hundred  arc  lights  were  used  to 
photograph  this  Jefferies  fight;  three  or  four  modern  arc  lights  serve 
the  needs  today. 

B«   TH3  STORY- TELLING  PICTUxl2,  1904 

Even  as  late  as  the  year  1900,  pictures  had  not  developed  their 
story-telling  possibilities  to  any  extent.   "The  Great  Train  Robbery" 
produced  in  1904  was  the  first  picture  to  develot^  the  story  telling 
idea.   This  was  a  story  especially  designed  for  the  screen.   The  Passion 
Play  was  a  series  of  scenes  patterned  after  the  historic  pageant  at 
Oberammergau,   The  Great  Train  Robbery  was  600  feet  in  length. 

In  1905,  the  1,000  foot  reel  "Raffles  the  Amateur  Cracksman" 
was  produced  by  the  Vitagraph  Co-.ip.'snj'-  in  its  snail  studio  on  the  roof 
of  the  Horse  Building  in  Ne\7  York,   Raffles  was  r.  popular  stage  play 
and  Vitagraph  paid  for  the  motion  oictiore  rights  to  this  play  by  an 
agreement  to  give  the  owners  credit  on  the  main  oicture  title.   In 
1907,  the  Kalem  Company  produced  without  first  securing  a  filming 
right,  a  one  reel  "Ben  Hur"  adaoted  form  General  T7allace's  popular 
novel;  as  a  result  the  heirs  of  General  Wallace  sued  and  collected. 
The  Legal  character  of  film  rights,  which  in  modern  production  is  an 
important  element  of  cost,  was  thus  established. 

The  advent  of  the  story  picture  and  its  instantly  fa-vorable  re- 
sults placed  the  motion  picture  in  the  position  of  independent  enter- 
tainment. The  screen  s'ooke  a  language  that  all  linguistic  groups 
coulc.  understand.   In  1905,  Biograph  equipped  its  new  studio  with  mer- 
cury vapor  lamps.   The  Edison  interests  built  a  large  studio  in  the 
Bronx  and  began  to  give  its  actor  employees  regular  pay*  Vitagraph 
opened  a  large  studio  in  Brooklyn, 


In  1907  every  studio  was  a  guarded  stronghold.  Producers  were 
s^^cretive  concerning  their  methods;  more  important,  they  feared  prose- 
cution for  infringement  of  the  Basic  Edison  patents.  Patent  litigation 
which  had  hampered  the  Industry  for  a  decade  reached  an  armistice  in 
1908  with  the  formation  of  the  Motion  Picture  Patents  Company  by  all 
the  lea.ding  interests  in  the  Industry.  All  patents  and  claims  to 


special  rights  were  then  -oooled,  ' 

In  1909,  this  oatents  com^ipt.ny   Dlaced  on  O'oeration  a  cross  licens- ■ 
irig  arrangement  v/here"b7  films  TDrodaced  on  n.on-licensed  equirjment  were 
not  to  1)0  -orojected  by  licensed  equipment,  and  vice  versa.   This  set 
up  a  monopoly  and  stifled  competition  froi.i  independent  -oroducers.   Hie 
independents  used  every  conceivahle  method  of  circumvention  and  \7ere 
aided  "by  vnrious  li-censes. 

License  violations  caused  the  patents  coraooJiy  'to  seek  control  of 
the  film  exchanges  by  the  forrvation  in  191u  of  the  Film  CoLipa-ny* 
This  ";\s  the  first  national  distributing  orgj;'jiization  pnd  included  57  of 
the  58  exchanges  then  in  existence.   Hie  exchanges  were  practically  forc- 
ed to  sell  out  to  the  patents  company  under  threats  of  license  cancella- 
tion for  violations  of  its  comolex  rules.   William  Fox,  a.  distributor, 
with  strong  financial  and  political  allies,'  controlled  a.  number  of 
theatres  in  Hew  York  City  rnd  was  able  to  resist  the  "trust". 

The  ;oatents  company  held  azi  exclusive  contract  for  the  raw  film 
output  of  the  Eastman  Kod,?k  GomT)any  until  1911  when  the  Eastman  interests 
concluded  that  it  was  economically  and.  legally  dangerous  to  withhold  the 
sale  of  raj7  film  from,  the  independent  producers* 

The  General  Film  CoLroany  was  disolved  '^oy   the  Federal  Courts  in 
1915.   The  Federal  Trade  Commission  entered  a  "cease  and'  desist"  order 
against  the  Motion  Picture  Patents  Company  in  1915.   In  1917  the  United 
States  Supreme  Court  held  that  the  patents  company  could  not  enforce  the 
exclusive  use  of  licensed  film  on  patented  projectors  in  theatres.  The 
decision  became  of  tremendous  importance  with  the  introduction  of 
sound;  the  electrical  comoanies  had  no  way  then  to  prevent  the  inter- 
changeabilitj'-  of  product. 


In  1912  Adolph  Zui^or,  v;ho  had  entered  the  Industry  in  1903  during 
its  nickelodeon  days,  bought  the  American  rights  to  "Q;iieen  Elizabeth", 
a  four  reel  picture  made  in  France,  featuring  Sarah  Serniia^rdt.  After 
considerable  opTDOsition,  Zul-cor  succeeded  in  having  the  production  li- 
censed b^-  the  patents  com-or.ny.   This  pretentious  screen  production  was 
distributed  to  so-ca.lled  "state  right"  distributors  who  leased  the  films 
with  the  exclusive  right  of  releasing  them  to  exliibitors  within  a  .given 
territory.   In  some  contracts  an  outright  purchase  was  actually  made. 
This  0;aeen  Elizabeth  feature  wa.s  a  radical  departure  from  one-reel 
pictures  which  were  a  heritage  from  the  va,udeville  prograixi  when  the 
vaudeville  theatre  was  the ■ chief • avenue  to  the  public  for  such  pictures 
as  v;ere  then  made.  - 

In  1913,  the  feature  picture  movement  received  a  new' impetus  from 
abroad  Idj   the  unprecendented  success  of  "Qiio  Vadis"  in  eight  refels; 
this  show  ran  for  22  weeks  in  a  large  Sroad'-^ay  legitimate  thea.tre  vnLth 
a  top  admission  orice  of  one  dollar.   Legitimate  theatre  interests  then 
begaji  to  make  arrrjigements  to  photograph  stage  successes. 



The  popiilarity  of  these  featiires  resulted  in  atteni:)ts  "by  -orodiicers 
to  provide  a  constant  supply  to  exhibitors,   These  productions  entailed 
an  increase  in  cost  from  a  few  hundred  dollars  to  mnny  thousands.   Ihe 
-existing  distribution  facilities  required  adjustment,  David  W,  Griffith* s 
epoch—making"  feature  "The  Birth  of  a  Nation"  (1914)  was  ezcnloited  inde- 
pendently as  a  road  show.   This  famous  picture  broke  all  attendance  re- 
cords throughout  the  world.  It  is  estimated  that  more  than  $15,000,000 
has  been  p.aid  in  admissions  for  "The  Birth  of  a  Nation",   This  picture 
is  still  being  shown  in  various  pojrts  of  the  world,  and  is  still  adding 
to  its  royalty  records, 

E.   THE  STJLR  SYSTEM  -  1914 

The  presenf'star  system"  was  a  direct  outgrowth  of  the  feature 
picture.  Adolph.  Zukor' s  announced  ^)olicy  of  "Fsjaous  Players  in  Famous 
Plays"  beginning  with  Sarah  Bernhardt  in  ^' Queen  Elizabeth"  really  marked 
the  inauguration  of  the  naming  of  stars  and  other  talent  on  the  screen. 
Mary  Pickford,  Mack  Sennett,  Charlie  Char)lin,  John  Bunny,  and  many   others 
soon  became  favorites  of  motion  picture  patrons. 

In  the  latter  part  of  1914,  Mary  Pickford' s  popularity  became  so 
great  that  Adolph  Zukor  considered  it  advisable  to  meet  "all  com-oetitive 
offers  of  employment  and  retained  her  exclusive  services  for  the  Famous 
Players  Company  at  an  unheard  of  salary  of  $104,000  for  the  coming  year. 
From  this  point  on,  actors  sought  large  salaries  and,  for  publicity  pur- 
poses, exaggerated  the  salaries  that  they  actually  received.  Producers 
began  to  announce  bigger  and  bigger  salaries  than  their  competitors. 
The  "Star  System"  was  established. 

On  February  6,  1915  the  Paramount  Pictures  Corporation  which  had  a 
contract  for  the  distribution  of  Zukor' s  productions  announced  that  due 
to  Miss  Pickford' s  enormous  salary,  all  future  Pickford  pictures  would 
be  first  released  to  large  city  thea~tres  charging  a  minimum  admission 
price  of  twenty-five  cents. 

A  general  increase  in  trices  of  films  was  attributed  principally  to 
excessive  sala.ries  and  to  increased  studio  costs.  No  mention  was  nade 
of  salaries  paid  to  executives,   liihile  conditions  relating  to  salaries 
of  executives  may  not  be  comparable  with  those  existing  tv/enty  years 
later,  the  investigation  made  under  the  National  Recovery  Administration 
(*)  indicated  that  executive  salaries  generally  equalled  or  exceeded 
salaries  paid  to  various  types  of  professional  talent. 

(*)   Reoort  Regajrding  Investiga.tion  Directed  to  be  Made  by  the  President 
in  his  Executive  Order  of  November  27,  1933,  Approving  the  Code  of 
Pair  Competition  for  the  Motion  Picture  Industry  -'Made  by  Sol  A. 
Rosenblatt,  Division  Administrator,  National  Recovery  Administra- 
tion to  Gen.  Hugh  S.  Johnson,  Administrator  for  Industrial  Recovery, 
July  7,  1934,  -      . 



F.  :DL0CK  300X1  m  EZGINS  -   1916  , 

In  1915,    the  Pr.rai.ioiint  Pictures   Corpor'ition   rJinoiinced  a  new  -gollcy 
relative    to    the   distribution  of  i.iotion  pictures  vhich  caused  alarm  Gjnong 
the  e^diibitors.      Exhibitors  v^ere  required,   as  s.  condition  to   leasing  the 
pictures   they  desired,    to  purchase   also    the   entire  product   of   the   corn- 
pan;-.      Ihus  was  called  into    Dein,;;'   the  modern  so-called   "hlock  booking" 
system   (considered  later  in  this  report.) 


As  the  Industry  developed  beyond  the  point  of  ma^-eshift  entertain- 
ment in  vaudeville  houses  and  be^an  to  contest  the  position  of  the  legi- 
timate drama,  theatres  designed  for  the  exclusive  use  of  motion  pictures 
sprang  up  thro^ughout  the  country.   The  seating  capacity  of  these  new 
theatres  often  exceeded  that  of  the  legitimate  houses;  good  seats  were  no 
longer  limited  to  the  orchestra  section,  there  were  no  living  voices  to 
listen  to  and  even  fleeting  facial  expressions  on  the  screen  could  be 
seen  distinctly  from  any   prrt  of  the  house. 

In  1914  the  Mark—Strand  Theatre  with  a  seating  capacity  of  3,000 
opened  on  Broadway,  New  York,  to  contest  the  suprem.-cy  of  the  legitimate 
thea,tre.   Sojnuel  L.  Hothafel  (Eox3^),  exponent  of  the  modern  elaborate 
presentation  program,  was  employed  for  exnleitation.   The  oioening  show, 
"The  Spoilers",  was  a  nine-reel  feature  adapted  from  the  story  of  that 
name  by  Rex  Eeach,   This  is  the  first  instance  in  motion  picture  history 
where  an  author  wo.s  compensated  on  a  royalty  basis • 

Several  important  local  exiiibitor  chains  were  organized  in  various 
sections  of  the  country.   Tliese  chains  v.'ere  probably  the  most  important 
buyers  of  film.  Judging  from  the  preponderance  of  investment  in  the 
exhibition  division  today,  it  is  probable  that  even  then  the  invctment 
in  exhibition  amounted  to  larny  more  than  the  investments  in  pro- 
duction ajid  distribution. 


The  ra;pidly  increasing  demcvnds  for  program  changes  in  thousands 
of  ne\7  theatres  caused  producers  in  New  York  a,nd  Chicago  to  seek  s"iJii- 
shine  in  Florida,  Cuba,  and  California.    Independent  producers  found 
that  they  siiffered  less  diffic^:)J.ty  from  the  activities  of  the  patents 
pool  when  their  operations  were  sufficiently  rem.oved  from  New  York  and 

Other  reasons  drew  attention  to  the  West  Coast.   In  1910,  the  Bio- 
graph  Company  set  up  studios  in  California  for  production  during  the 
Winter;   the  experiment  became  an  annual  winter  migration  for  this  com- 
pany. No  substantial  investment  wps  required  and  none  was  made.   The 
Biograph  winter  quarters  interested  other  "oroducers.  By  1913,  the  so- 
called  Western  comedies  had  become  popular  in  the  United  States  and 
in  &j.rope.   Studios  in  New  York  hummed  with  "Western"  activity.  All 
year  around  production  became  a  necessity.   The  clear  climate  and  sun- 
shine of  California  induced  several  companies  to  establish  open  air 
studios  on  that  coast.   It  was  soon  evident  that  "Westerns"  photographed 
in  the  west  were  just  as  acceptable  as  those  produced  in  New  York,  Phila- 
delphia and  Chicago,  and  production  costs  -oroved  to  be  50  per  cent  less# 


Southern  California  in  1913-14  was  in  the  feverish  enthusiaGin  of 
a  real  estate  boon.  Earl  estate  promoters  nere  active  in  developing  a 
subiirhan  residential  section  outside  of  Los  Angeles  to  \7hich  they  had 
given  the  n^jne  Holl>"T,-ood.  Acreage,  huildin'^  m.aterials  and  labor  costs 
were  inexoensive.  Holi  j"wood  promoters  broioght  the  cameramen  to  the  hills 
and  va.lleys  and  T)ersiiaded  them  that  the  "locations"  -were  made  to  order. 
As  motion  pictures  produced  there  went  into  circulation  the  name  Holly- 
wood received  national  publicitj^.   Studio  b3'-  studio,  production  activi- 
ties were  transferred  to  Southern  California.  Tinancial  control  remain- 
ed in  Hew  York,  but  that  presented  no  difficulties.  Hollywood  was  solid- 
ly established  as  the  center  of  motion  Toict'ore  activities. 


In  1917,  27  of  the  principal  theatre  operators  in  the  country  form- 
ed the  First  National  Exhibitors*  Circuit,  Incoroorated,  as  a  co-operative 
buying  group  to  combat  high  film  rentals  and  the  practice  of  block  book- 
ing.  Its  members  not  only  secured  film  for  their  oivn  theatres  from  the 
"combine"  but  also  became  distributors,  opercting  film  exchanges  in  their 
respective  territories.   The  First  National  subsequently  entered  the 
production  division  of  the  Industry  obtaining  the  services  of  many  famous 
actors  and  directors. 

The  producers,  most  of  whom  up  to  1917  ho.d  no  interests  in  exhibi- 
tion houses  with  the  possible  exception  of  a  fe\7  large  theatres  used 
for  advertising  elaborate  feature  TDictures  during  their  opening  run,  met 
the  nev;  challenge  for  control  by  entering  the  exhibition  division  them- 

Adolph  Zukor  purchased  controlling  interests  in  various  localized 
circuits  holding  First  National  franchises.  Marcus  Loew,  an  importpjnt 
exhibitor  and  a  consistent  customer  of  the  Famous  Players-Las]^  Corpora- 
tion, entered  the  production  division  of  the  Industry  by  purchasing  the 
Metro-Pictures  Corporation.   These  two  -oioneers  due  to  family  connec- 
tions a-nd  for  various  other  reasons  worked  together  and  became  the  Icrg^ 
est  theatre  owners  in  the  v/orld. 

Independent  exhibitors,  alarmed  at  the  power  of  both  First  Nation- 
al and  Paramount,  now  began  to  form  circuits  wherever  TDossible.   Inde- 
pendent producers  fo-O-id  great  difficulty  in  selling  their  products  due 
to  a  desire  on  the  part  of  local  circuits  to  remain  on  friendly  terms 
with  Pa.ramount,  which  in  a  number  of  instances  ho.d  built  theatres  in 
cities  where  exhibitors  had  refused  to  buy  Parejnount  products.   Ste-o  by 
step,  first  run  theatres  in  large  cities  became  closed  to  independent 

The  Federal  Trade  Commission  issued  o,  "cease  and  desist"  order 
against  the  Parsjnount  Famous  Player s-Lasky  Corporation,  et  al.  in  1927 
on  the  grounds  that  the  Cor-ooration  was  using  coercive  means  to  obtain 
control  of  theatres;  that  it  "block  booked"  to  exhibitors,  and  that  it 
excluded  the  product  of  other  producers  fron  the  theatres  it  controlled. 

Paramount  appealed  from  the  Commission's  ruling  to  the  United 
States  Circuit  Court  of  Apioeals  which,  in  1932,  reversed  the  "cease  and 
desist"  order  and  denied  the  petition  for  its  enforcement, 



Meanriiile,  in  1925,  Paranount  "bou.^ht  control  of  the  iimoortant  Bals.- 
tan  and  Katz  in  th'^  middle  '-est.   The  Pa^■ant-I^l^Dl ix  Corporar- 
tion  was  then  formed. 

The  theatre  control  movement  '^f  1919,  1920,  and  1921  suffered  a 
reaction  during  the  next  fe-?  years.   For  instance,  Faraoiis  Players-Lasky 
Corporation  ^n  Se-otemher  1,  1924,  '  controll  ed  only  181  theatres,  a  de- 
crease of  122  houses  since  1922;  First  National's  suhfranchise  holders 
diminished  from  3,400  in  3921  to  2,700  in  1923.  (*)   In  the  case  of 
Famous  Players-Lasl'Cj''  it  wp.s  found  that  several  small  to-^m  theatres  were 
not  -nrof  ita.hle;  and  in  the  case  of  Fn  .-."st  i-^ationc?l,  a  numher  of  its  suh- 
franchise  holders  cancelled  their  agre'^^ments  "because  they  ^-rere  required 
to  take  all  pictures  produced  "by  the  organization. 

The  snail  independent  exhibitor  encountered  many  difficulties  during 
1925  when  he  found  himself  in  comiDetition  m  th  the  circuits.  High  rent- 
als limited  his  capacity  to  secure  desira"ble  Toroduct;  the  circuits  d-om- 
inated  first  nm  sho-^ings  of  po-oiilar  -oroduct.   Consequently  many  small 
exhi"bitors  formed  ""booking  com'bines"  and  leased  pictures  hy  cooperative 
methods  in  an  attempt  to  offset  the  huying  power  of  the  circuits.   These 
cooperative  efforts  were  usually  not  perman-nt  due  to  distri"butor  antag- 
onism and  internal  dissensions,  "but  for  a  time  they  did  exercise  consider^ 
able  influence, 

Meamrhile,  the  -^ell-entrenched  independent  circuits  became  increas- 
ingly competitive  vith  producer-distributors  for  retail  outlets.   Because 
of  this  factor  as  well  as  the  com-oetition  offered  by  the  "booking  com- 
bines", a  new  theatre  acquisition  program  was  started  in  1925,   Mergers, 
consolidations  a.nd  the  constraction  of  "deluxe"   theatres  throughout  the 
country  were  made  possible  largely  by  the  ease  ^-^ith  which  capital  could 
be  acquired. 

The  larger  companies  becane  clearly  d'^fined.   Famous  Player s-Lask^'', 
First  Nationalj  and  Loew's  Incoroorated  led  the  field  while  Universal, 
Fox,  and  Warner  Brothers  were  beginning  to  assume  nationa.l  importance. 

The  silent  screen  tiroba-bly  reached  its  climax  during  this  Deriod. 
Certainly  it  had  reached  its  limitations  under  the  technical  and  artistic 
resources  of  those  responsible  for  the  production  of  films  during  this 
period.   In  order  to  maintain  sufficient  attendance  to  justify  the  finan- 
cial existence  of  elabora.te  theatres,  extravagant  stage  presentations  and 
supplemental  forms  of  entertainment  ^-^ere  brought  in  to  bolster  up  box 
office  recei-ots,  (**) 


The  Motion  Picture  Industry  in  1925-1927  ^-^as  brought  face  to  face 
with  a  critical  situation  brought  on  "by   raijid  e?roansion  but,  quite  sudden- 
ly, it  was  saved  from  im^oending  disaster  by  the  introduction  of  sound, 

(*il   "The  I.Iotio,n  Picture  IncLustry"-,  Howard  T,  Lewis,  Harvard  University, 

/*^\  f,^SQ   18,  Publisher,  Van  No  strand,  1933. 

(**)   "A  History  of  the  Movies"  by  Benja.min  B,  Hairroton,  Pages  330  and  374, 
Publisher  -  Covici-Friede,  1931. 


-  28  - 

This  development  revolutionized  the  Industry  and  revived  a  failing  in- 
terest in  notion  picture  entf^rtainment.   And  once  again,  the  Industry 
knew  the  excitement  of  a  boom. 

Theatres  were  "built,  "bought,  or  leased  on  all  sorts  of  terms.   The 
desire  to  acquire  theatres  apparently  doninated  the  ninds  of  the  In- 
dustry.  Little  attention  wa,s  directed  to  problems  of  efficient  management 
and  operation.   The  promise  of  large  profits  due  to  synchronized  sound 
made  it  possible  to  secure  financial  support  without  difficulty.  Patrons 
were  attracted  to  the  theatres  regardless  of  the  quality  of  the  pictures 
shown  provided  they  were  "all  talkies",   Due  to  the  novelty  of  this  new 
form  of  entertainment  most  of  the  theatre  acquisitions  s"nowed  profits. 

Vitaphone,  the  Movietone  and  the  Photophone  were  the  names  given  to 
the  three  most  important  types  of  sound  reproduction.   Warner  Brothers 
helped  to  develop  the  "Vitaphone,  Fox  helped  to  develop  the  Movietone. 
The  Radio  Corpor'>,tion  of  America  due  to  its  delay  in  entering  the  sound 
equipment  field  on  a  commercial  basis  formed  the  EXO  Corporation  involving 
■oroduction,  distribution  and  exhibition  of  motion  pictures  largely  to 
secure  a  market  for  its  product.  (*) 

Extensive  litigation  might  have  resulted  from  the  claims  of  various 
electrical  engineering  and  manufacturing  interests  if  the  American  Tele- 
phone and  Telegraph  Company,  the  dominant  patent  owier,  had  not  suggest- 
ed that  all  claims  be  peacefully  adjusted  for  the  common  purpose  of  supply- 
ing necessary  apparatus  to  the  Industry.   The  dissolution  of  the  old 
Motion  Picture  Patents  Company  may  have  had  some  bearing  on  this  decision* 
But  by  means  of  this  action,  interchangeability  of  equipment  was  provided. 

Marketing  of  the  './estern  Electric  equipment  by  Electrical  Research 
Products  Incorpqrated  began  in  Aug-^ist  1927,  offering  the  systems  which 
embraced  sound-on-f ilm,  sound-on-disc,  and  non- synchronous  disc  systems. 
Installations  ranged  from  $3,P'")n  to  $15,000  in  price  depending  upon  the 
theatre  and  its  acoustics. 

Vfliile  not  regarded  as  a  true  sound  picture,  "Wings",  which  opened 
August  12,  1927,  was  accompanied  by  sound  effects  reproduced  on  a  separate 
film  run  concurrently  with  the  pictures.   "Seventh  Heaven"  and  "TThat  Price 
G-lory"  v-ere  used  to  boom  the  cause  of  sound.   "The  Jazz  Singer"  starring 
Al  Jolson  swept  the  country  like  wildfire. 

In  May,  1928,  Paramount,  M-G-M,  and  United  Artists  contracted  for 
Western  Electric  licenses.   Universal  and  the  Hal  Roach  Studios  soon 
followed.   The  economy  wave  which  had  engulfed  the  Industry  within  the 
previous  year  gave  way  to  competitive  bidding  for  the  best  talent  for 
sound  films. 

The  American  Federation  of  Musicians  created  a  war  chest  of  $1,000,000 
to  forestall  encroachments  of  so-jjid  -Dictures,   Campaigns  against 
"canned  music"  word  attenptad  thrcu^ht  th^  country.   There  xras  a  con- 

(*)   "A  History  of  the  Movies",  by  Benjamin  B,  Hampton,  Page  388, 
Publisher-  Covici-Priede,  1931, 



certed  drive  or;ainst  the   suDstitutiovi   of  i-iociinxiical  music  for  the 
living  rausician-  in  theatres. 

Coast    studios  felt    ti'.e  onrtish  of   sound  £?iid  construction  ;7ork  was 
rushed  to  meet   the   demand  for   sound  stages.      Western  Electric   sound 
recording  equipment   was   available   to    independent  producers   in 
July,    1928.  ' 

Wired  theatres  prospered  while  -unwired  houses  were  v/ithout   ex- 
ploitation advantages.      The  year  1929  found  sovjid  pictures  off  to   an 
auspicious   start   due  to   ajmouncement   of  lovrer  prices  hy  Western  Electric 
for  either  the  Vitaphone  or  Lovietone   reporduction  equipment   for  June 
1st   delivery  at   a  price   of  $5,500   each  or  $7,000  for  "both. 

The  public  wanted  voices;    there  was  no  longer  any  demand  for   silent 
figures  on  the   screen.      Theatre   ovmers  placed  contracts  for  installation 
of   scjiid  faster  than  equipment   could  "be   s'applied.      At   the   end  of  1930, 
the  num'ber  of  theatres  wired  for   sound  wr.s  9,^50.      The   industry- saving 
nev7  interest   of  the  public  in  talldng  pictrares  is  dramatically  told  in 
the  estimate  "by  the  Hays  organization  that    theatre   attendance  increased 
on  the  average,    \)ir  15,000^000  additional  admissions  weekly  daring   that 



The  introduction  of   sound  in  production  caused  a  change  in   style 
of  making  pictures  and  at   the   same   time  greatly  increased  the  talent 
costs.      Lore   than  100   special   scijJid  stages  were   constracted,    and  millions 
of  dollars  in  equipment    installed.      Old  talent   was  eliminated  in  numerous 
instrdces   n:u(J  trdert   '.ith  spe.^king^r'ijd   singing  voices   '.'.'rs  .-introduced. 
An  increase  of  approximately  5,000  employees  was  reported  at   the  end  of 
1930.      ^proximately  99  per   cent   of  all  pictures  produced  in  1930  were 
sou.ld  or  "all   talkies".    (*) 

Electrical   Research  Products,    Inc.,    a  manufacturing   subsidiary  of 
Western  Electric,  producing   sound  recording  apparatus  of  the  variable 
density  type,    equipped  Paramount,  United  Artists,    Warner  SrotherB, 
First  National,  Fox  Pictures  Corporation,   l.letropolitan  Sound  Studios, 
and  Universal  Pictures  Coirporation. 

Radio  Cor3oration  of  Aiaerica  with  Photophone  built  on  the  principle 
of  variable  area  equipped  Columbia  Pictures  Corporation,  Radio  Pictures, 
Pathe  aiid  Tiffany. 

Independent  producers   of  production  apparatus   sought  markets  for 
their  products  among  small   independent  producers. 

At   the   end  of  1930,    60  per   cent   of  the   e:diibitors  were  using  the 
souTxd  track  method  of  projection  and  40  per  cent   v/ere  using   the   disc 

(*)     Motion  picture  Almanac  -  1931 




The  introduction  of  sound  caused  control  of  the  Industry  again  to 
come  imo-er  a  certain  degree  of  doraination  "by  the  electrical  interests. 
Aside  from  the  o\/nership  of  BKQ   by  the  Radio  Corporation,  the  Electri- 
cal Heserjch  Prodi-icts,  Inc.,  had  considerable  interest  in  the  activities 
of  Fo>:,  'Jarner  Brothers  and  the  Prxanount  Corporation.  (*) 


Soimd  caused  a  greater  concentration  of  theatres  under  the  owner- 
ship of  a  few  l-^rge  corporations.  Installations  .^Jid  servicing  costs 
were  too  great  a  financial  burden  for  ejdiibitors  of  liriited  means. 
Priority''  of  sound  installations  {^ranted  to  the  financially  powerful  cir- 
cuits caused  some  loss  of  business  to  competing  independents  who  there- 
upon gave  voo   their  then,tres. 

TJarner  Brothers,  Par^^jp.ount ,  Fox  and  RKO  generally  eroDanded  their 
holdin£;s.  Warner  Brothers  purchased  control  of  the  Stanley  Chain  which 
in  essence  mejmt  control  of  First  National  and  the  end  of  the  exhibitor- 
prodUcer-co-o;oerative  noverient.   Fox  purchased  the  important  Foli  Cir- 
cuit in  llew  England  for  $20,000,000,  However,  his  purchase  of  control 
of  Loev/*  s  IncorTDorated  for  ap-oroximately  $50,000,000  was  upset  by  the 
Federal  Trade  Comiiission  (**)  whose  bill  of  comT)laint  declared  that  Fox 
and  i.I-G-I,i  controlled  40  per  cent  of  the  total  production  of  pictures 
within  America.   Tiie  government  rlleged  thrt   Fox  and  Loew' s  Incorporat- 
ed also  controlled  a  Irxge   proportion  of  the  leading  first  run  theatres 
in  the  United  States.   In  the  New  York  metroDolitan  area  it  was  contend- 
ed that  tiiese  two  com-o.-^nies  controlled  at  least  50  per  cent  of  the  totrJL 
seating  capacity. 

The  United  Artists  Corporation  which  had  been  founded  in  1922  liy 
ivLary  Pickford,  Douglas  Fairbrjilcs,  Charlie  Chaplin,  rnd  David  W,  &riffith 
owned  few  theatres  outright  but  shared  partnership  with  Paramount  in 
other  theratres.  Universal  Pictures  Corporation  controlled  a  number  of 
neighborhood  theatres  in  the  Schine  Circuit  in  Few  York  State  -^.nd  the 
Griffith  group  in  Texas  .and  Okl.-^lioraa. 

ITliile  the  above  named  affilirted  comT^rnies  held  only  a'oproximately 
ten  per  cent  of  the  total  nmiber  of  theatres  (22,000),  these  corpora- 
tions effectively  dominated  the  Industry  in  1930  through  control  of  necj> 
ly  all  first- run  rnd  many  of  the  best  second-run  theatres  in  the  country. 

(*)   "A  History  of  the  liovies",  by  Benjrmin  B,  Hampton,  Chaoter  17, 

"Talkies"  -  Publis.her  -  Covici-Friede,  19ol. 
(**)  "A  History  of  the  I.Iovies",  by  Benj.?jain  '^.   Hanroton,  Page  393, 

Publisher  -   Covici-Friede,    1931. 
(***)"A  History  of   the  Lovies",   by  Benj.omin  3,   Hampton,  Page   392,393 
Publisher  -  Covici-Friedo,    1931, 




From  r  f^eOf^r.-^^-ohical    str?r.crooint   rt   the   end  of  1931,  Paramo-unt 
theatres  v/ere   located  prijuaril.y  in   the    South,  I'ev/  En.^land,    nxid  in   the 
Chicrgo    district.      Fox  theatres  v;ere  uainly  \70st   of   the  1  isGiss^ipT»i , 
dominating  the   West   Coast,    although  it   held  i?n;3ortant   tneatre  holdings 
in  r.ietropolitrJi  Hbyj  York.     Loev/' s  and  BKO  controlled  importrnt  thco.tres 
in  I'Tew  York   City  rnd  also   ovmed  thertres  in  various  Darts  of   the  coiintry, 
Warner  Brothers  had  a  virtual  laononoly  in  Philadelphia  as  a  result   of 
the  purcha-se  of   the   St-^nley  Circuit   and  controlled  other  theatres   scat- 
tered throughout   the  United  States, 




The  market  crash  of  October,  1929,  did  not  innediately  involve  the 
Motion  Picture  Industry,  Major  -Droducing  conioniies  were  still  engaged 
in  a  theatre  ac  qui  sit  ion  cam"oaign,  Fev;  the^^.tres  'jere  uired  for  sound 
in  October  of  1929,  but  the  fact  that  soujid  had  arrived  was  probably  the 
major  factor  sustaining  the  Industry  through  the  trying  days  of  '29  md 


THEATRES  7?I5aD  FOR   SOmiD  BY  YSAHS( * ) 


1929  1,000 

1950  9,350 

1931  13,730 

1932  14,805 

(*)   SOURCE:   Motion  Pict^ore  Alnanac,  Edition  for  1933. 

Tlie  volume  of  business  cone  oy    the  Industry  in  1930  wp.s  approximate- 
ly the  same  as  tho.t  done  in  1929.   The  increasing  number  of  sound  instal- 
lations mC.   the  ra-oidly  ir.ioroving  technique  of  sound  production  ,?j"e  the 
p  r 0  b  abl e  caus e  s • 

The  contr?.st  betvreen  motion  oicture  and  other  industries  v/as  so 
startling  that  mrrxy  investors  decided  that  the  "movies"  r/ere  "Depression- 
proof"  and  bought  stock  in  leading  motion  -oicture  comp,?iiies.   Their  fate  be  rea,d  in  the  follov;ing  table, 




In  relatives.    1925  -  100  -  7   Stocks 



1923  145,1  105.1 

1929  154,7  82.4 

1930  .  154.1         •  61.6 

1931  83.0  13.8 

__       1932 2a, 4 5.7 

9638  (*)  Sec  footnote  on  follcTing  page,- 

■  "32- 

As   the  novelty  of  sound  T;ore  off,   the  depression  bogpn  to  grip  the 

Companies  .that   in  1929  "nxid  19o0  had  shovm  large  "orofits  v/ere  "barely 
able   to  meet   expenses   in  1931,    and  in  1952  pjid  19oG  sustained  heavy 
losses*      The   folov/ing  tables  are   illustrative,     , 

(*)      SOURCE!      Materials  "bearing  on  Motion  Picture    Industry  -  Division  of 
ResooTch  and  Planning,    SeptoE:ber  20,   1933,  Page  21  -  l^A  Files. 





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Produciiifj  comT3r.nios  wore  now  forced  to   rolirquish  many  theatres  ac- 
quired during  1)00111  dr.ys:.  ,  The   orocediiif  trblos  reflect   this   tendency  in 
the    shift   of  total   assets   from   oroducing  to   exhibiting;  coimDrjiies.      The 
follov/ing  table   is   illustrative. 

TlilBL3  Y 


19o0  and  1955 



Peak  ITunber 







sent    ITiimbor 







Pamnount  Pulbix 

Fox  Film 

Warner  Brothers 

Loev;^  s   Inc.    (l.I-G-M   Inc.) 

Eadio-Kci  th-Ornhc-um 






(*)      Source:      "Stanc^'ard  Trade   and  Soc^jxities"  published  by  Standard 

Statistics  .  Cq.  ,- .Tlieatres  and  Motion  Pictures,    issue   of 
FebriJiary.20,   1935,^Patie   T51-4'?.  •    ' 

Attendance   started  .to.  decline   in   19'ol.      In  an'  attempt   to  recapture 
lost  patronage,    admission  prices  were   lov/ercd  resixLting  in  a  further  de- 
crease  in  revenue. 




Total  Receipts 

Ave r p.-e  Admi s s i on 




















(*)   Source:   Standard  Statistics  Company,  Febraury  20,  1935 










18 „ 371 









The  niimbcr  of  theatres  closed  increased,   reaching  a  maxiraiun  in  1933* 


Date  Total  ODon  Closed  Percentage   Closed 

Jon.  1932a/ 

Jan.  1953~ 

Jan.  1934 

Jan.  1935 

(*)      SouTccs:      Motion  Picture  Almanac 
a/   Standard  Statistics   Co.,   Fehnr-.ry  20,   1935,  Pa^e   TK-46. 

Annua.l   expenditure   on  new  theatre   construction  dropped  in  1933  to 
less   thoXL  a  tenth  of   the  1929  figure. 



Year Anount 

1929 $163,559,000 

1930 97,530,000 

1931 45,000,000 

1932 17,500,000 

1933  -   IhroiLgh  April  1934 13,000,000 

(16  months) 

1934  -  May  to  April  1935 20,000,000 

(11  months) 

(*)   Source:   Motion  Picture  Alnanac. 

In  ail  effort  to  make  ends  meet,  drastic  econoiMics  were  ordered  in 
production  studios.  It  is  interesting  to  note,  hov70vcr,  that  although 
cost  of  production  in  1933  -Tas  reduced  35  loer  cent  from  the  1929  figure, 
in  the  sane  period  totol  compensation  paid  by  the  studios  in  wages  and 
salaries  v/as  decreased  only  16  per  cent. 




PI^ODUCTION,    1929  and  1953 


Cost   01   Production 



119, 343 J 000 







Total  ComTDonsation 



(*)      Source:      Department   of  Commerce  -   Census  of  Manufactures,   1955. 




TTxien  the  National  Industrial  Recovei7/  Act  v/as  si<?^ned  ty  the  Presi- 
dent on  Jiine  16,  1933,  nany  industries  hastened  to  take  advantage  of  its 
provisions  "by  suoraitting  codes.   These  proposed  codes  v/ere  usually  spon- 
sored l3y  trade  or  industrial  associations.   The  Motion  Picture  Industry 
proved  no  exception.        ' 

During  the  months  of  Jun&,  July  and  August,  1933,  more  than  40  pro- 
posals regarding  codes  rrere  submitted  to  the  Administration  oy   various 
associations  within  this  industry.   The  multiplicity  of  vie^s  expressed 
in  these  proposals  made  three  things  apparent:  ,(l)  That  no  one  trade 
association  of  group  could  he  considered  adequately  representative  of 
the  industry  as  a  whole,  or  even  of  any  one  "branch  thereof;  (2)  Tha.t  no 
code  for  the  Motion  Picture  Industry?-  v/ould  he  likelj?-  to  succeed  unless  a 
code  vertical  in  scope  could  he  achieved  covering  production,  distribu- 
tion, and  exhibition;  and  (3)  That  only  by  such  means  as  conference  and 
concession  could  the  Administration  hope  to  unify  within  any  single,  in- 
clusive code  the  apparently  irreconcilable  proposals  of  the  different 
branches  of  this  Industry, 



For  these  reasons,  Sol  A.  Rosenblatt,  appointed  Deputy  Administra- 
tor in  charge  of  Amusement  Industry  codes  by  the  Administrator,  General 
Hugh  S,  Johnson,  called  a  meeting  of  prominent  members  of  the  Motion 
Picture  Industry  on  August  8,  1933,  at  the  meeting  hall  of  the  Associa- 
tion of  the  Bar  of  the  City  of  New  York  for  the  purpose  of  aiding  the 
Industry  to  nnme  committees  that  would  be  truly  representative  of  the 
various  interests  within  each  division. 

Three  committees  were  named,  one  each  for  producers,  distributors, 
and  exhibitors,   Charles  L.  O'Reilly,  President  of  the  Theatre  Owners 
Chojnber  of  Commerce  of  New  York  City  was  appointed  Coordinator  for  the 
Exhibitors  Committee,   Because  the  economic  interests  of  producers  and 
distributors  are  often  identical,  a  single  Coordinator,  Sidney  R,  Kent, 
President  of  the  Fox  Film  Corporation,  was  appointed  to  head  these  other 
two  Committees, (*) 

The  Producers  and  Distributors  committes  working  as  a  group,  and 
the  Exhibitors  Coiiunittee,  during  the  next  two  weeks  formulated,  ex- 
changed, end.   discussed  various  code  proposals.  On  August  23,  1933,  the 
Exhibitor  group  and  the  Producer-Distributor  group  each  submitted  a.  set 
of  proposals  for  a  code  to  the  National  Recovery  Administration, 

(*)  The  names  of  the  members  of  these  committees  together  with  their 
coraiDajiy  or  group  affiliations  may  be  found  on  Pages  2-3,  Report  of 
the  Deputy  Administrator  on  the  Proposed  Code  of  Fair  Competition 
for  the  Motion  Picture  Industry,  November  26,  1933,   Files  of 
National  Recovery  Administration, 



PuDlic  hearings   on  these   code  proposals  v/ere   held  in  the   large 
auditoriiim  of  the  United  States   ChanlDer  of  Commerce  Building,   T7ashing~ 
ton,   Dt    C,,    on  Septemlier  12,   13,    and  14,   1933. 

Many  controversial   subjects  vere   thoroughly  discussed  at   the  hear- 
ing.     Representatives   of  producers,    distritutors,    exhibitors,    affiliated 
and  unaffiliated  interests,   labor,    the  public,    social  and  welfare 
groups,   and  other  interested  parties  were  heard.      The  positions  of  all 
groups   concerned  were   adequa.tely  presented,      Tyto  hundred  and  six   (206) 
witnesses   spoke   or  presented  briefs, 


Despite  the  progress  made  at  the  hearing,  many  problems  remained 
unsolved,   ITeeks  of  conferences  v/ere  held  between  representatives  of 
disagreeing  factions  under  the  guidance  of  the  Administration,   As  a 
result  of  these  conferences,  four  revisions  of  the  first  drai't  of  the 
proposed  code  were  made.   The  last  of  these  was  approved  oy   the  Presi- 
dent on  November  27,  1933,  and  became  effective  as  the  Code  of  Fair  Con- 
petition  for  the  I^otion  Picture  Industry  on  December  7,  1933. 

Daring  the  post-hearing  conferences,  a  group  of  independent  exhibi- 
tors representing  the  Allied  States  Association  of  Motion- Picture  Exhi- 
bitors under  the  leadership  of  their  general  counsel,  Abram  F,  iiyers, 
a  former  Federal  Trade  Commissioner,  quit  the  conferences  alleging  that 
they  were  unable  to  secure  a  fair  deal.  At  a  meeting  of  the  Allied  As- 
sociation in  Chicago  on  October  24,  1933,  a  resolution  was  pa.ssed  char^ 
ing  the  Deputy  Administrator  with  bias  and  prejudice,  and  further  char^ 
ing  that  the  proposed  Code  was  prejudiced  to  the  interests  of  the  inde- 
pendent exhibitor.   The  Resolutions  Committee  of  the  Association  was 
called  to  TTashington  by  General  Johnson  to  eirplain  their  charges.   The 
charges  were  referred  to  Colonel  R.  T7,  Lea,  Assistant  Administrator  for 
Industry,  v;ho  after  investigation  declared  them  to  be  vrholly  unfounded, 


■  Even  before  Presidential  approval  of  the  Code,  assents  were  re- 
ceived by  the  Adi.iinistrator  from  all  the  more  important  producers  and 
distributors;  from  the  Motion  Picture  Theatre  O'^ners  of  America,  an 
important  e:±Libitor's  organization; • from  the  more  important  theatre 
circuits;  and  from  all  important  labor  organizations  in  the  industry. 

In  addition  to  the  a.bove,  some  9,039  written  assents  to  the  Code 
were  filed  with  the  Code  Authority  shortly  after  a;oproval  of  the  Code, 
Of  these  assents,  8,950  represented  theatres,  60  represented  distribu- 
tors coverir^  31  exchange  territories,  and  29  represented  producers.   Of 
the  assents  received  from  theatres,  74^  xiere   filed  by  independents, (*) 

(*)  Reply  of  Sol  A.  Rosenblatt  to  the  Report  of  The  National  Recovery 
Review  (Darrow)  Board,  ITEA.  Files, 



The  Code  as  sp  )roved  vas  .necessarily  a  long  and  complex  instrument 
since  it  v/as  designed  to  cover  production,  distrilDution  and  exhilDition 
of  motion  pictures,  as  veil  as  vaudeville  and  other  stage  presentation 
in  connection  with  exhibition,  A  iDrief  analysis  of  the  contents  of  the 
Code  follov;s, 


.  ^  The  Code  was  divided  into  nine  articles  as  follov;s: 

Art,    I,  -  Definitions  of  terms  used  in  the  Codes 

Art.   II,  ~  Constitution  and  duties  of  the  Code  Authority 

Art,   III,  -  Manda.tory  lahor  provisions 

Art,  ■  IV,  ~  Lahor  provisions 

Art,    V,  -  Trade  Practice  provisions 

Art,   VI,  -  Constitution  and  duties  of  local  agencies  of  the  Code 

Authority       .-,- 

Art,   VII,  -  Pledge  of  industry  to  maintain  and  uphold  moral 


Art,  VIII,  -  Exclusion  of  suh- standard  width  and  amateur  motion 

pictures  from  provisions  of  the  Code  and  miscellejieous 

Art,   IX,  ~  Manda.tory  and  amending  provisions, 

(a)  Definitions 

Terms  such  as  "producer,"  "exhilDitor,"  "distributor,"  "employee," 
"clearance,"  "non- theatrical  account,"  "affiliated  exhibitor,"  "unaf- 
filiated exhibitor,"  "associate  producer,"  and  other  trade  terms  used 
in  the  Code  are  defined  in  Article  I, 

(b)  Code  .Authorit:/- 

The  Code  Authority?-  consisted  of  five  members  representing  affili- 
ated interests,  five  members  representing  unaffiliated  interests,  three 
representatives  of  the  Administration  without  vote,  and  labor  representa- 
tives as  required. 

The  industry  representa-tives  were  named  in  the  Code,   This  unusual 
procedure  v/as  considered  necessary  to  prevent  delay  in  beginning  the 
administration  of  the  Code  due  to  the  unorganized  state,  of  the  industry. 



(c)  Laljor  Provisions 

Article  III 'of  the  Code  contained  the  labor  provisions  made  raanda*- 
torjr  "by  Section  7(a)  of  the  National  Industrial  Recover^/  Act, 

Article  IV  contained  all  other  labor  provisions.   This  Article  \7as 
divided  into  Division  A,  Division  B,  Division  C,  Part  1,  and  Division 
C,  Part  2,  dealing  r/ith  l&l)or  in  production,  distributioli,  exhibition, 
and  vaudeville  and  presentation  respectively, 

1,  Production:-  A  general  basic  wage  minimum  of  40  cents  per  hour, 
and  a.  ma:^cimum  schedule  of  40  per  week  for  "white  collar"  labor  and 
36  hours  per  week  for  other  labor  was  set  by  the  Code,   In  addition  to 
basic  standards,  minimum  v/age  requirements  for  many  types  of  skilled 

and  ser.ii'-'skilled  labor  were  specified.   In  general,  these  represented  aji 
increase  in  wage  rates  of  approximately  fifteen  (l5)  per  cent.  Provi- 
sions to  safeguard  the  rights  of  talent  and  "extra  player"  groups  were 

An  over-riding  clause  was  inserted  providing  that  whereever  la.bor 
agreements  previously  in  existence  specified  wage  rates  or  schedules  of 
hours  more  favorable  to  labor  than  those  in  the  Code,  such  rates  and 
schedules  should  supersede  those  in  the  Code, 

2,  Distribution:-  The  wage  and  hour  requirements  for  the  distribu- 
tion branch  of  the  industry  were  similar  to  those  contained  in  the 
President's  Reemployment  Agreement, 

3,  Exhibition:-  The  Code  provided  that  theatre  employees  in  towns 
of  less  than  15,000  population  should  receive  an  increase  in  wage  rates 
of  not  less  than  20  per  cent,  provided  such  increase  did  not  require  a 
wage  ra.te  over  25  cents  per  hour,   For  skilled  labor  in  towns  of  greater 
population,  v/age  rates  ranged  from  25  to  35  cents  per  hour.  Maximum 
hours  were  set  at  40  per  week. 

It  was  further  provided  that  if  an  American  Federation  of  Labor 
union  wage  scale  for  bill-posters,  carpenters,  electrical-workers,  en»* 
gineers,  firemen,  raotion-pictui-e-raachine-operators,  oilers,  painters, 
s ta,ge«hands ,  wardrobe-attendants,  or  other ' skilled  mechanics  and  arti- 
sans was  in  effect  anywhere  in  a  given,  locality,  the  A,  F,  of  L#  wage 
scale  should  be  used  as  the  standard  for  determining  the  wage  scale  for 
all  emplo3''ees  with  like  duties  in  comparable  theatres  in  that  locality. 
In  carefully  chosen  phraseology,  provision  was  made  for  the  arbitration 
of  disputes  arising  under  this  clause.   These  provisions  of  the  Code  and 
their  application  are  discussed  in  Chapter  V,  Sub-Sections  4  and  5  of 
Section  A  -*  Exhibition, 

An  important  agreement  was  included  in  the  Code  specifying  that 
employers  would  not  lock  out  employees  and  that  employees  would  not 
strike  pending  the  arbitration  of  any   such  dispute, 

4,  Vau6.eville  and  Presentation:-  A  minimum  wage  from  $25  to  $40 
per  v;eek  was  set  for  professional  employees.   Maximum  hours  were  fixed 
at  40  per  week  except  where  regulation  v/as  obviously  impossible.   Care- 
ful provision  for  regula,tion  of  traveling  companies  was  included, 


-  42  - 

5.   General:  -  Enploynent  of  any  individual  under  sixteen  (16)  years 
of  age  was  for'bidc-en  throu^rhcut  the  Industry,  except  for  child  actors  in 
production  where  State  regulation  was  already  adequn,te. 

Labor  in   general  'vas  \7ell  satisfied  with  the  Motion  Picture  Code, 
This  was  one  of  the  very  few  codes  signed  and  as'^ented  to  at  the  time  of 
its  promulgation  "by  accredited  representatives  of  every  important  labor 
group  involved, 

(d)   Trade  Practice  Provisions, 

There  vrere  six  general  t.yoes  of  trade  practice  provisions  in  the 
Code.   These  are  considered  in  salient  detail  in  Chaptt^r  IV  in  sane  50 
subdivisions.  For  iiinediate  comprehension  of  the  Code  as  a, whole,  how- 
ever, it  is  necessary  to  present  at  this  Doint  a  general  summary  of  these 
trade  practices  provisions.   One  set  of  Code  provisions  was  designed  to 
cover  the  industry  in  general.   Three  sets  governed  trade  practices  in-  • 
ternally  in  each  of  the  three  divisions  of  the  industry''.   Two  sets  re- 
lated to  trade  practices  between  producers  and  distributors  and  between 
distributors  and  exnibitors.   The  nore  i mportant  trade  practices  are 
named  in  the  following: 

1,  General:  -  Defamation  of  competitors  by  false  imputation  of 
unethical  or  illegal  conduct;  publishing  threats  of  legal  proceedings 
not  in  good  faith;  securing  confidential  information  regarding  a  competi- 
tor's business  by  unfair  means;  ppying  sums  beyond  a  fair  value  for 
personal  services  resulting  in  destructive  coiipetition,  -  these  were 
declared  to  be  unfair  trade  practices.   The  last  provision  was  staz^^ed  in 
the  President's  Order  of  A-proval  and  never  became  effective, 

2,  Producers:  -  Conspiracy'-  to  prevent  renting  of  studio  facilities 
by "a  responsible  producer;  nepotism;  and  enticement  of  a  com"oetitor' s 
employees  r'ere  declared  to  be  unfair  trade  practices, 

3,  Producers-Distributors:  -  Permitting  exhibition  of  a  dramatic 
or  dramatic-musical  work  before  the  date  specified  in  a  contract,  and 

.creating  discord  between  a  distributor  and  a  producer  with  the  effect 
of  disturbing  existing  relations  or,  pending  negotiations  were  declared 
to  be  unfair  trade  practices, 

'4,  Distributors:  -  Intimidation  of  exhibitors  b^/  threats  to  build 
competing  theatres;  substitution  of  one  feature  for  another  designated 
in  a  contract;  forcing  exhibitors  to  contract  for  an  excessive  number 
of  short  subjects  as  a  condition  of  making  a  contract  for  feature  pic- 
tures; transfer  of  assets  to  ayoid  fulfillment  of  a  contract;  unfairly 
designating  plftgr-dates,  .  were  declared  to  be  unfair  trade  practices, 

5,   Distributors-Exhibitors:  -  Failure  to  arbitrate  disputes, 
attempts  to  induce  the  breach  of  an  existing  contract,  and  unauthorized 
disclosure  of  confidential  information  were  declared  to  be  unfair  trade 
practices.   In  addition,  it  was  stipulated  that  where  an  exhibitor  had 
booked  pictures  in  a  block,  and  the  average  license  fee  was  not  more  than 
$250,  the  exhibitor  should  be  given  the  privilege  of  cancelling  ten  (lO) 
per  cent  of  the  pictures  under  contract  without  having  to  pa^'  for  the 
cancelled  pictures, 




6,  Exhibitors:  -  Cver-'biiying  pictures  v/itli  the  effect  of  depriving 
a  conpetitor  of  product;  lor/ering  admission  prices  "by  f^^iving  rebates  in 
the  forn  oi  lotteries;  coupons;  t-7o-for-one  adraissions,  or  other  de- 
vices; transfer  of  assets  to  avoid  coi.ipletion  of  a  contract;  ad.vertising 
a  feature  previous  to  ccripletion  of  a  prior  run,  and 'interference  \7ith 
lease  negotiations  v;ere  declared,  to  oe  unfair  trade  practices,   ^ere  75 
per  cent  of  the  unaffiliated  exhilDitors  and  75  per  cent  of  the  8.f filis.ted. 
exhibitors  in  a  competitive  territory  e^greed  that  the  practice  of  "give 
a\7a3^s"  or  premiums  v/as  unfair,  the  practice  v;as  prohibited  "by  the  Code, 

( e)  Local  Code  Administration  Agencies 

The  prolDlem  of  super,vising  equitahle  clearance  allotments  -  that  is, 
the  time-lap  tet^.-een  a  first  shoeing  of  a  picture  and  its  permitted. 
second  and.  su'o.sequent  sho-./ing  in  other  theatres  -  was  delegated  to 
"Clearance  and  Zoning  Eoards"  '.Thich  :7er9  set  up  in  each  exchange 

An  appeal  could  "be  taken  to  the  Code  Authority  "by  any  party  from 
any  decision  of  a  local  C-rievonce  Board-  or  local  Clearance  and  Zoning 
Board,  These  "boa.rds  "became  extraordinary  Courts  of  Industry  *-  a.  new  de- 
parture in  indoistrial  regulation.  The  activities  of  these  "boards  a.nd 
their  influence  are  discusseci  in  Chapter  IV,  Section  B,  Clearance  andi 


As  defined  in  the  Code,  the  Motion  Picture  Industry  included  "with- 
out limitation,  the  production,  d.istribution,  or  exhi"bition  of  motion 
pictures  and  all  activities  nori.iall^'-  relatedi  thereto,  except  as  specific- 
ally excepted  from  the  operation  of  the  Code,'"(*) 

The  exception  mentioned,  stated,  that  nothing  in  the  Code  should  "be 
deemed,  to  apply  to  "the  production,  distri'bution,  or  exhibition  of  motion 
pictures  on  film  of  recognized,  suhrtandard  ^-ddths,  or  to  slide  films,  or 
to  non— theatrical  motion  pictures  designed  primarily  for  educational, 
scientific,  industrial,  commercial,  ad.vertising,  selling,  or  other  non- 
theatrical  purpose,  or  to  television  of  motion  pictures,  provid.ed  that 
the  commercial  produc.tion,  , distri'bution,  or  exhroition  of  such  films 
shall  be  su'bject  to  invest igrt ion  "by  the  Code  Authority  to  determine 
whether  such  produ.ction,  distri'bution,  or  exhi"bition  of  such  films  is  competition  to  an  esta"blished  motion-picture  theatre  or  thea,tres. 
If  found  to  "be  -"onfair  competition,  the  Cod.e  Authority  shall  promulgc.te 
rules  and  regulations  governing  such  unfair  competition, "  (**') 


A  num"ber  of  points  were  "brought  up  at  the  public  hearing  and.  at  the 
code  formulation  conferences  which  were  omitted  from  the  approved  Cod-e 
when  it  was  impossible  to  obtain  agreement  from  all  factions.   The  more 
important  of  these  proposals  sought  the  elimination  of  block-booking, 
the  eliminrtion  of  "score"  charges,  the  elimination  of  double  features, 

(*)  Article  I,  Section  1  of  Approved  Code,  Humber  124 
(**)  Article  VIII,  Part  3  of  A^^proved  Code  Number  124 

9633  •■ 


the   re^ilation  of  poster  exchanges,   and  the   "right   to  "buy-right   to   sell" 
controversy.      The   intent  of  these  proposals   is  "briefly  disc-ussed  in  the 
following  section, 

(a)   E 1 0 ck~B 0 ol:i ng 

It  had  long  "been  the  practice  in  the  industry  for  distri"butors  to 
offer  e:dii'bition  contracts  for  pictures  in  lilochs  of  IC  to  5C,   It  uas 
urged  in  "behalf  of  this  practice  that  "block-"booking  sta"bilized  produc- 
tion and  allov/ed  rholesole  selling  and  di3tri"bution  vifn  consequent  sav-- 
ings  in  costs,  Exhi"bitors,  on  the  other  hand,  claimed  that  this  method 
of  selling  forced  them  to  contract  for  pictures  that  they  did  not  wish 
to  e:±Li"bit  in  order  to  get  those  they  did.   Welfare  and  moral  purpose 
groups  opposed  the  practice.   The  consumer  press-ure  they  v/ere  able  to 
exert  on  the  local  exhi"bitor  v^as  greatly  dissipated  they   declared  r.'hen 
the  exhihitcr  claimed  that  it  was  necessary  for  him  to  contract  at  one 
and  the  sojne  time  for  pictures,  v/hether  of  the  ^ype  this  group,  approved 
or  of  the  type  then  disapprovedj  even  "before  the  pictures  had  "been  manu- 

Blaring  the  formulation  of  the  Godc,  considera"ble  pressure  was 
"brought  "by  exhi"bitprs  to  have  the  practice  of  "bloc'i-'Dooking  outlawed 
under  the  Code,  A. .compromise  was  affected  where"b7  the  exhi"bitor  who 
contracts  for  pictures  in  a  "block  should  have  the  privilege  of  cancel- 
ling ten  (lO)  per  cent  without  lis-ving  to  pay  for  them,  A  more  complete 
study  of  the  hlock-lDooking  pro"blem  nnd  the  ten  (iC)  per  cent  cancellation 
privilege  is  introduced  later  in  this  report, 

(h)  Don"ble  Features 

To  meet  the  competition  of  larger  prior-run  houses,  many  smaller 
exhibitors  resorted  to  the  practice  of  showing  two  or  more  features  on 
one  program.  First  run  and  affiliated  exiii"bitors  opposed  the  practice. 
This  viewpoint  was  "backed  by  the  American  Federation  of  Women's  Clubs, 
various  church  groups,  and  a  nu^aber  of  other  social  betterment  societies. 
It  was  the  desire  of  these  groups  to  separate  motion  pictures  so  tha.t 
one  feature  alone  could  be  shovm  on  a  program.   This  they  contended 
would  enr.ble  them  to  exert  censorship  powers  by  means  of  a.  "white  list" 
of  approved  pictures.   The  value  of  these  lists  was  lost  on  a  double— 
feature  program;  though  one  feature  might  be  apDroved,  the  other  might 
be  of  a  type  deemed  by  these  groups  to  be  unsuitable  for  juvenile  or 
family  trade. 

On  the  other  hand,  independent  producers  and  distributors  opposed, 
any  attempts  to  regulate  the  practice;  the  double  feature  market,  they 
said,  wo.s  necessary  for  their  business  existence.   Almost  15,C0C  pro- 
tests were  received  by  the  National  Recovery  Administration  against  the 
elimination  of  dorJble  features.  When  it  v.'as  deemed  impossible  to  obtain 
any  agreement  on  the  practice,  all  mention  of  double  features  was 
eliminated  from  the  Code, 

(c)  Poster  Exchanges 

Distributors,  in  addition  to  their  other  activities,  often  sell 
advertising  material.   This  has  led  to  the  formation  of  "poster  exchanges," 



It  is  C:   practice  among  some  exhibitors,  on  finishing  rdth  advertising 
material  "bought  from  a  distributor,  to  sell  it  to  a  coster  exchange  for 
resale  "by  the  "exchange"  to  some  subsequent  exhibitor.   Distri outers 
attempted  to  prex'-ent  this  practice  and  retain  their  increased  revenue 
from  the  sale  of  advertising  material  by  placing  in  each  exhibition  con- 
tract a  clause  stipulating  that  the  exhibitor  should  'bvi^r   advertising 
material  only  from  the  distributor. 

Savings  to  exhibitors  through  the  use  of  "poster  exchanges"  ^7ere 
sufficient  to  cause  them  to  ignore  these  provisions  in  exhibition  con- 
tracts.  It  wr-.s  too  expensive  for  a  distributor  to  attempt  to  collect  for 
these  violations  through  the  courts  and  besides  there  ^7as  always  the  risk 
of  alienating  a  good  customer.   The  distributors  proposed  that  provisions 
regulating  the  activities  of  poster  exchanges  be  included  in  the  Code. 
Opposition  by  exhibitors  was  vociferous  and  persistent.   Any  mention  of 
poster  exchanges  was  therefore  omitted  from  the  approved  Code. 

'  (d)   Score  Charges 

Producers  pay  royalties  for  licenses  to  use  music  and  sound  record- 
ing equipment.   This  cost  is  frequently  passed  on  in  the  form  of  a  "score 
charge"  to  the  exhibitor  as  a  p'^.rt  of  the  license  and  rental  fee  for  a 
"oicture.   Exhibitors  contended  that  this  cost  should  be  charged  off  by 
producers  as  one  of  the  costs  of  production  pud  should  not  be  passed  on 
to  the  exhibitor  as  a  separate  charge. 

The  claim  was  made  that  use  of  the  "score  charge"  as  a  separate  item 
allowed  the  distributor  to  discriminate  betv,'een  different  exhibitors. 
"For   example,  it  was  charged  that  where  an  independent  and  an  affiliated 
<  theatre  both  paid  the  same  license  and  rental  fee  for  a  picture,  the  in- 
dependent often  was  required  to  pay  an  excessive  "score  charge"  but  the 
affiliate  was  not  required  to  pay.   The  question  becomes  largely  academic 
when  it  is  considered  that  the-  fee  paid  by  an  exhibitor  in  order  to  ex- 
hibit a  picture  is  entirely  a  subject  of  individual  negotiation  between 
the  parties  concerned,   ITo  mention  of  "'score  charges"  was  made  in  the 
approved  Code, 

(e)   The  "Right  to  Eu,y"  -  "Right  to  Sell" 

Independent  exhibitors  occasionally  find  it  impossible  to  buy  the 
product  of  a  major  company  for  the  run  they  desire,  'partic"jlarly  where 
they  are  in  competition  with  an  affiliated  thea.tre,  and  even  though  they 
offer  to  pay  a  higher  rental.   Indej^endents  contend  that  in  these  in- 
stajices  the  major  companies  try  to  monopolize  the  business  by  withholding 
proper  product  from  the  independent.   Accordingly,  a  "right-to-buy"  pro- 
vision was  advanced  "by  independent  exhibitors.   The  term  became  the  slogan 
of  the  independent  exlxibitors;  so  much  so,  in  fact,  that  the  legal  impli- 
cations of. the  term  were  often  lost  sight  of. 

The  major  interests,  on  the  other  hand,  contended  that  the  full  value 
of  a  film,  particularly  with  reference  to  subsequent  run  exhibition,  might 
be  lost  by  permitting  first  run  exhibition  in  an  unsuitable  house  or  with- 
out proper  exploitation,  advertising,  and  presentation;  and  so  countered 



with  a  "right-to-sell"  slogan.   They  declc'iTGcL  that  regulation  of  this 
practice  would  "bo  tantaino~ant  to  putting  motion  pictures  in  the  class  of 
puhlic  utilities,  at  least  as  regards  the  distrihutor-exhihitor  relation- 

The  opposing  factions  could  come  to  no  agreement  on  this  subject; 
no  mention  of  it  appeared  in  the  final  approved  Code, 


The  Executive  Order  approving  the  Code  of  Fair  Competition  for  the 
Motion  Picture  Industry  was  issued  on  i\roven"ber  27,  1933.   The  Code  iDecame 
effective  ten  (10)  days  later,  on  December  7,  1933. 

(a)   Conditions  in  the  E?'ecutive  Order  of  A^n'oroval 

There  were  six  conditions  as  to  approval  in  the  President's  Order. 

The  first  condition  stipulated  that  because  of  the  lonusual  expedient 
of  naming  the  members  of  the  Code  Authority  in  the  Co^le,  the  Administration 
should  have  the  right  to  review  rjid,  if  necessary,  to  disapprove  any  act 
of  the  Code  Authority  or  of  any  comi.iittee  or  board  named  by  it. 

The  second  condition  stated  that  if  any  member  of  the  Code  Authority 
failed  to  act  in  a  fair,  just  or  equitable  manner,  the  Administration  re- 
served the  right  to  remove  such  person  and  appoint  another  individual  in 
his  place. 

The  third  condition  stated  that  if,  in  the  administration  of  the  Code, 
it  was  found  that  any  class  ^^as  not  sufficiently  represented  on  the  Code 
Authority,  the  Administration  should  have  the  right  to  appoint  further 
members  from  that  class  to  the  Code  Authority, 

The  fourth,  fifth,  and  sixth  conditions  related  to  the  suspension  pen 
oending  further  investigation  of  certain  provisions  of  the  Code  which 
dealt  with  specified  types  of  creative  workers  and  with  excessive  Holly- 
wood salaries, 

( b)   Effect  on  the  Industry 

IThen  the  conditions  in  the  Executive  Order  of  Approval  became  known, 
the  major  producers  and  distributors  voiced  general  dissatisfaction  and 
threatened  to  withdraw  their  support.   It  seemed  to  these  members  of  the 
Industry  that  assent  to  the  conditions  mentioned  would  give  the  President 
direct  control  over  the  Motion  Picture  Industry,   Representatives  of  the 
industry  conferred  with  the  President,  the  Administrator  for  the  National 
Recovery  Administration,  the  Division  Administrator  in  charge  of  the  Code, 
and  the  General  Counsel  of  the  National  Recovery  Ac^mini  strati  on.   As  a 
result  of  these  conferences,  the  Administrator  issued  a  nemorand-'om 
interpreting  the  Executive  Order  and  the  conditions  of  approval.  (*) 

(*)  Administrative  Order  ilumber  124-4  dated  December  9,  1933,  signed  by 
General  Hugh  S.  Johnson,  Administrator  for  Industrial  Recovery, 



The  interpretation "declared,  that  the  Auninictrator  did  not  in  any 
sense  consider  the  first  three  conditions  in  the  2::e cut ive  Order  of 
Approval  as  creating  any  ri^ht  of  appeal  from  the  determination  of  the 
Code  Authority  to  the  National  Recovery  Ac.raiiiistrator.   In  other  words, 
the  paragraphs  mentioned  ^.rerc  interpreted  as  giving  the  Administrator  the 
right  to  inquire  into  the  generrl   course  of  cond-uct  "onder  the  raeohanism  of 
the  Code  rather  than  as.  constituting  him  a  court  of  review  of  the  actions 
of  the  Code  Authority  in  any  individual  case. 

It  Wfis  f-arther  stated  that  the  Adrainistrator  would  exercise  the  power 
granted  in  the  Executive  Order  only  in  accordance  v/ith  the  reconnendations 
of  at  least  a  majority  of  the  voting  nemhers  of  the  entire  Code  Authority, 
and  that  any  person  appointed  under  the  povrers  granted  '.70uld.  oc  selected 
in  the  manner  provided  in  the  Code.   Acceptin.';^  this  interpretation,  the 
dissenting  producers  and  distributors  signified  their  assent  to  the  Code. 

The  dissenting  le.aders  of  the  Allied  States  Association  of  Motion 
Picture  Exhibitors  hailed  the  conditions  in  the  E::ecutive  Order  as  a  major 
victory  in  their  fight  to  secure  drastic  chnnges  in  the  Code,   They  "bitterly 
denounce.cL.  the  inter;oretation  in  which  the  Adiainistrator  stated  he  would 
exercise  the  po'.7er  grrinted  him  in  a  limited  fashion  only, 

With  the  exceotion  .of  the  Allied  ; States  Association,  reaction  to  the 

approval  of  the  Code  "by  the  President  "by  "both  emoloyers  pnd  em-oloyees 

throughout  all  "branches,  of  the  industry  was  excellent, 
<•'■-.  '  ■       ■  


As  heretofore  rientioned,  the  ten  industrj^  members  of  the  Code  Authority 
were  named  in  the  Code  to  prevent  delay  in  beginning  Code  Administration.  (*) 


The  Code  Authority  was  set  up  on  the  theory  that  the  principal  division 
in  the  industry  iras  between  affiliated  and  unaffiliated  interests.   Con- 
sequently, five  r.iembers  of  the  Code  Authority  -neve   selected  to  represent 
affiliated  producers,  distributors,  njid.  exhibitors,  and  five  other  members 
to  represent  unaffiliated  producers,  o.istributors,  and  exhibitors, 

(a)   Tlie  S-'jyer- Seller  Controversy 

Some  ind.ependent  exliibitors  expressed  dissatisfaction  r^ith  this  di- 
vision.  To  then,  the  important  line  of  cleavage  in  the  industry  vas  be- 
tween buyers  of  film  and  sellers  of  film.   They  further  considered  tha,t 
an  affiliated  eichibitor  properly  belonged  in  the  seller  class. 

It  must  be  pointed  out  that  this  l-,st  contention  holds  true  onl.y  a 
part  of  the  time;  competition  for  product  does  exist  bet^~een  affiliated 
theatres.   Few  the-^.tres  caji  be  operated  properly  using  only  one  company's 
product.   Thus  an  affiliated  theatre,  althoug-i  part  of  the  time  a  seller 
through  its  connection  'vith  a  distributor,  nust  be  considered  a  buyer  in 

(*)   Article  II,  Section  2   of  the  ap.oroved  "Code, 



its  negotiations  for  product  with  other  companies.   The  independent  theatre 
maintains  that  this  tendency  for  the  affiliated  exhibitor  to  "be  a  seller, 
only  PS  regards  his  own  comp^iiy's  product,  and  a  b-jyer  the  rest  of  the 
time  is  pirtly  or  ^.vholly  negn.ted  through  master  contracts  and  unwritten 
•reciprocal  agreen'onts  bot-.7een  the  major  corapnnies. 

Based  wholly  upon  the  independent  exhibitor's  definition  of  '-'hat 
constitutes  a  seller  of  film,  the  Code  Authority  consisted  of  eight 
sellers  and  two  buyers. 

This  question  of  division  of  representation. arose  several,  times  dur- 
ing the  period  of  Code  Administration,   Independent  exhibitor  witnesses 
appeared  before  the  Darrow  Board  in  March  and  April,  1S34,  pjid  contended 
that  their  representation  on. the  Code  Authority  should  be  increased.   The 
spjne- contention  was  advanced  before  the  Sen-ate  Finance  Committee  in  April, 
1935,  during  the  Senate  investigation  of  the  Ifet i c nal,  E^cov^ ry  Administration, 

The  most  active  group  in  this  contention  was  the  same  Allied  States 
Association  of  Motion  Picture  E:diibitors  mentioned  as  opposing  the  pro- 
posed Code  'during  the  post-Hearing  conferences,.  Not  all  independents 
shared  the  Allied  States  view.   Other  independent  exhibitors  approved  of 
the  method  of  com^oromise  and  concession  that  had  been  adopted.   The 
following  is  quoted  from  the  February  17,  1934,  issue  of  "Harrison's 
Reports,"  and  independent  exhibitor's  trade  paper: 

"I  say..' just  as  I  have  said  to  every  exhibitor, 

that  we  'Tent  into  this  Code  proposition  without  a  shirt 
and  came  out  of  it  with  something  -  with  25  reforms. 
One  of  the  reforms  is  costing  the  producers  millions  of 
dollars  -  the  10  per  cent  c?incellation  provision;  and 
correspondingly  it  saves  the  Exhibitors  millions  of 


Provision  was  made  in  the  Code  that  whenever  any  q-ue  stion, affecting 
the  v^elfare  of  any  class  of  employee  'vas  being  considered  by  the  Code 
Authority,  a  member  of  such  class  of  employee  should  sit  with  and  become 
for  that  purpose  a  member  of  the  Code  Authority  with  the  power  to  vote. 
These  labor  members  were  to  be  selected  by  the  Administration  from 
nominations  made  'oy   the  class  affected.   Only  t'-o  such  selections  were 
made,  (*)   This  procedure  was  seldom  used  since  the  Code  Authority  did 
not  often  consider  labor  conditions. 

At  the  time  of  the  Supreme  'Court's  Schechter  decision,  the  Code 
Authority  was  considering  a  plan  for  the  handling  of  labor  problems 
directly  by  the  Code  Authority  upon  authorization  by  the  Administration 
and  to  that  end  was  seeking  the  appointment  of  labor  representatives  for 
each  employee  class.   The  procedure  specified  was  satisfactory  where 

(*)   Administrative  Order  IJumber  124-2  dated  November  27,  1933,  signed  by 
Hugh  S.  Johnson,  Administrator  for  Industrial  Recovery,  appointing 
Miss  Marie  Dressier  and,  Eddie  Cantor  to  represent  the  actor  class 
of  employee  before  the  Code  Authority. 



employees  verc  unionized,  but  present-jd  difficulties  '/here  employees  were 

3.  .^Dl/linSTEATICN  I.DEl.fflEP.S 

In  ri.ddition  to  industry  mid  labor  members  on  the  Code  Authority, 
provision  I'as  made  in  the  Code  tho.t  the  Administr-^tion  should  have  the 
right  to  appoint  three  -nernbers,  without  vote,  to  act  as  a  liaison  between 
the  Code  Authority  and  the  Hational  Recovery  Adninistration,   Dr.  A, 
Lrwrence  Lowell  of  Krvrvnrd  University  was  offered  an  auoointment  on 
■Tovember  27,  l^'3o,  but  refused  the  offer,  (*)   On  December  6,  1933,  Sol 
A.  Rosenblatt  vjpis   appointed  Adi-aini  strati  on  member  on  the  Code  Authority 
(**)  and  on  May  17,  1934,  Claire  Boothe  3rokaw  received  a  similar  appoint- 
ment. (***)  On  March  1,  1935,  Willia.m  P,  Farnsworth,  then  Deputy  Admin- 
istrator, Amusements  Divisions  v.'as  cap'oointed  as  the  t-hird  Adm.ini  strati  on 
member.  (****) 


The  Code  provided  for  ap.oointment  by  the  Code  Authority,  with  the 
approval  of  the  Administration,  of  permanent  alternates  to  -'^ct  in  the 
place  of  regular  members  in- case  of  absence,  resignation,  or  ineligibility. 

The  Code  Authority  o-lso  allowed  tem^or^ry  alternates  to  attent  meet- 
ings "^nd  vote  in  place  of  members  or  perm.-^nent  alternates.   These  teimporary 
alternates  were  not  approved  by  the  Adm.ini stra.tionc 

The  use  ■  of  temporary  alternates  was  abused  in  ^administration  of  the 
Code,   At  many  Code  Authority  meetings  not  nore  thmi'one  or  two  regular 
members  or  permanent  alternates  were  present.   The  others  were  temporary 
alternates,  usually  subordin'^te  members  of  the  legnj.  departments  of  the 
various  companies. 

According  to  a  letter  from  Ilathan  Yauins,  independent  exhibitor 
representative  on  the  Code  Authority,  to'Abr;'ra  F,  Myers,  a'hen  questions 
prose  that  recuired  a  sacrifice  by  any  or  all  of  the  major  companies,  the 
subordinate  was  inclined  to  vote  to  protect  his  company's  interest,  where- 

(*)     Correspondence  relative  to  this  ma.y  be  found  quoted  pages 
1290-1293  inclusive.   Hearings  before  Senate  Committee  on 
Finance,  Investigation  of  ITBA   pursuant  to  S,  Res.  79,  74th 
Congress,  1st  Session, 

(**)    Adm.ini st rat ive  Order  Muraber  124~3,  signed  by  Mugh  S,  Johnson, 
Administrator  for  Industrial  Recovery. 

(***)   Adm.ini  strat ive  Order  Fuinber  124-17,  signed  by  Hugh  S.  Johnson, 
.Administrator  for  Industrial' Recovery, 

(****)   Administrative  Order  I'-'umber  124-48,  signed  by  Sol,  A. 

Rosenblatt,  Division  Adm.ini strator.  Amusements  Division. 



as  the  member  or  ;oGrnianent  alternate  '"ris  of  sofficient  authority  in  his 
o\'m  comp.anv  to  coTniiit  the  company  to  a  s-^crifice  for' the  benefit  of  the 
Industry.  (*) 

Abuse  might  have  been  lorevented  by  refusing  a  vote  to  temporary 
alternates  and  requiring  that  notions  be  passed  by  a  majority  of  voting 
members  present,  thus  nalcing  it  to  the  interest  of  each  party  to  insure 
proper  representation  either  by  a  member  or  by  a  permanent  alternate  at 
each  meeting,  .      _ 


By-laws  adopted  by  the  Code  Authority  ^7ere  aporoved  by  the  National 
Recovery  Administration  on  September  28,  1934,  (**)   It  was-  stipulated  in 
these  by-laws  that  the  Code  Authority  operate  under  Gushing' s  "Rules  of 
Parliamentary  Procedure, "  ' 

To  prevent  the  possibility  of  a  group  not  being  represented  when  a 
vote  was  taken,  the  rule  was  adopted  that  to  pass  any  motion  or  proposal 
a  majority  of  the  voting  m.embers  of  the  Code  Authority  (at  least  six 
affirmative  v.otes)  would  be  required,  rather  than  a  majority  of  whatever 
were  present  at  any  meeting.   Under  this  ruling,  absence  or  refusal  to 
vote  was  equivalent  to  a  nega.tive  vote.   This  provided  a  convenient  device 
when«a  member  of  the  Code  Authority  did  not  wish  to  go  on  record  as 
opposing  a  motion  but  still  preferred  that  the  motion  be  denied, 


It  was  stipulrted  in  the  Code  that  no  distributor  or  exhibitor  should 
be  privileged  to  file  By)y   complaint  under  the  Code  unless  he.  had  previously 
filed  a  statement  of  compliance  with  and  assent  to  the  Code  with  the  Code 
Authority,  (***)   Accordingly,  immediately  upon  beginning  administration 
of  the  Code,  the  Code  Authority  fornijlated  and  published  an  approved  form 
of  assent. 


The  required  form  of  assent  was  objected  to  strenuously  by  leaders  of 
the  Allied  States  Association  of  Totion  Picture  Exhibitors,   It  was  alleged 
that  any  exhibitor  executing  the  required  form  of  assent  would  thereby 
V7aive  the  right  to  protest  under  general  or  statutory  law  against  any 
arbitrary,  oppressive,  or  injurious  action  by  the  Code  Authority,  and 
further,  that  the  exhibitor  would  surrender  his  rights  to  seek  amendment 

(*)    Quoted  page  1287,  Hearings  before  Senate  Committee  on  Finance, 
Investigation  of  >!R A  pursuant  to'  S,  Res,  79,  74th  Congress,  1st 

(**)   Administrntive  Order  Nijxiber  124-51,  signed  by  Sol  A.  Rosenblatt, 
Division  Administra-tor,  Amusements  Division, 

(***)   Article  VI,  P.i-rt  '2^    Section  8  of  the  approved  Code, 



or  modification  of  the  Code.   Abrara  ?,  JyerSs  general  coimsel  of  Allied 
States,  advised  the  men'berS'Of  his  organization!  to  execute  the  assent 
with  reservations,  the  form  of  TThich  he  supplied,  and  of  which  the  follow- 
ing are  examples: 

1.  "1/7/e, ,  execute  and  subscrihe  to  the  Code 

of  Fair  Competition  for  the  Motion  Picture  Industry, 
approved  by  the  President  by  Executive  Order  dated 
November  27,  1933,  under  protest,  such  execution  and 
subscription  having  been  imposed  as  a  condition  pre-, 
cedent  to  the  right  to  file  complaints  with  and  de- 
fend my/our  interests  before  the  Code  Authority  and 

the  several  boards  established  by  said  Code," 

2.  "l/We  execute  the  Code  on  the  following  interpre- 
tations, understandings,  and  conditions: 

1.  Ivly/Our  action  is  not  to  be  construed  as  an 
agreement  to  arbitrate  controversies  relating  to 
clearance  and/or  zoning  before  Clearance  and  Zon- 
ing Boards  or  the  Code  Authority  as  constituted  in 
said  Code, 

2.  The  above-mentioned  Executive  Order  of  the 
President  is  to  be  carried  out  according  to  its 
plain  meaning  and  is  not  to  be  interpreted  so  as 
■to  destroy  the  protection  against  arbitrary  or 

oppressive  action  afforded  thereby, 

3,  This  does  not  constitute  a  waiver  of  any  rights 
now  enjoyed  under  any  law,  decision,  judgment,  or 
decree,  and  does  not  preclude  the  undersigned  from 
seeking  additions  to  or  modifications  of  said  Code, 
or  bar  me/us  from  taking  any   legal  action  necessary 
to  protect  my/our  rights  or  interests, 

4,  l/We  agree  to  comply  with  all  the  require- 
ments of  the  National  Industrial  Recovery  Act," 

The  Code  Authority  refused  to  accept  such  qualified  assents,  even 
though  in  many  cases  checks  contributing  to  Code  Authority  expenses  were 
attached*   Checks  and  qualified  assents  ?mre  returned  to  the  senders, 


Failing  to  move  the  Code  Authority  or  the  National  Recovery  Admin- 
istration, a  suit  was  filed  against  the  Code  Authority  in  a  Federal 
District  Court  by  the  Congress  Theatre,  Newark,  New  Jersey,  a  member  of 
the  Allied  States  organization,  claiming  that  the  requirements  of  assent 
without  qualification  was  illegal.  In  the  alternative,  the  complainant 
requested  that  the  provisions  of  the  Code  itself  be  declared  unconsti- 



An  interiDretation  (*)  Tvith  regard  .to  assents  was  shortly  thereafter 
issued  "by  the  National  Recovery  Ad:.iiniBtrr:tion,   The  Congress  Theatre 
suit  was  then  dropped.   The  interpretation  declared: 

!•  No  person  '.vaivcd  their  rights  under  general  or 
statutory  Isr'   to  orotcet  against  anj''  073  ^res Give-,  in- 
j-oriouE,  or  unroasonahle  action  by  aiiy  administrative 
official  or  agency  under  the  Motion  Picture  Code, 

2»  No  Tjerson  -^.ssenting  to  the  Code  was  precluded  from 
seekiUi^T  amendment  or  nodifi cation  of  the  Code, 

3,  Members  of  the  indastr.y  not  assenting  to  the  Code 
could  still  p-^rtahe  of  benefits  provided  by  the  Code, 
but  by  doing  so  became  liable  to  assessnent  to  help 
defraj''  expenses  of  administering  the  Code, 

4,  While  assent  vn.s   necessary  to  enable  a  person  to 
file  a  complaint  vrith   the  agencies  of  the  Code,  such 
assent. was  not  necessary  to  interpose  a  defense  in  any 
matter  affecting  such  persons  interests, 

5,  Tiie  above  applied  to  all  assents,  whether  executed 
in  the  past  or  the  future,  " 

At  a  later  date,  a  suit  was  filed  by  the  Independent  Theatre  O^vners 
Association  of  New  York  in  the  Federal  Court,  Southern  District  of  New 
York,  attemiDting  to  comoel  the  local  boards  to  con£:ider  complaints  filed 
by  members  of  the  Association,  even  though  such  members  had  not  assented 
to  the  Code  or  contributed  to\7ards.  Code  exoenscs.   The  suit  was  denied, 
the  Court  holding  that  complainants  '7u re.  in  aji  inconsistent  position, 
attempting  to  benefit  under  the  Code  without  contributing  to  its  upkeep, 


To  prevent  delay  in  the  filing  of  assents,  a  provision  was  contained 
in  the  Code  requiring  assents  to  be  executed  within  forty-five  (45)  days 
rfter  signature  of  the  Code  by  the  President,  or  within  forty-five  (45) 
days  after  entering  into  the  Motion  Picture  Industry, (**) 

It  nas  found  that  many  members  of  the  industry,  particularly  in  the 
exhibition  branch,  did  not  wish  to  sign  assents  and  so  make  themselves 
liable  for  assessments  until  they  had  a  ch^-^jice  to  see  how  the  Code  would 
work  out.   To  t.ake  care  of  these  delinquents,  the  time  limit  in  which 
assents  could  be  filed  was  extended  four  times,  the  last  extension  being 
good  until  August  15,  1934,  (***) 

(*)    Administrative  Order  Nujabcr  124-3',  February  21,  1934,  signed  by 
Hugh  S,  Johnson,  A5.ministrator  for  Industrial  Reccvory, 

(*■*)   Article  VI,  Part  2,  Section  8  of  the  approved  Code, 

(***)   Administrative  Orders  N-.traber  124-6,  January  8,  1934,  Number  124-7, 
JciJiuary  29,  1934,  Number  124-10,  March  3,  1934,  Number  124-22, 
July  3,  1954,  all  signed  by  Hugh  S.  Johnson,  Administrator  for 
Industrial  Recovery, 




After  the  various  eottensions,  it  appeared  that  the  only  future  effect 
to  "be  expected  from  the  time  limit  provision  in  the  Code  would  he  to  keep 
persons  who  otherwise  might  wish  to  do  so  from  filing  assents  to  the  Code, 
For  this  reason  the  tine  limit  in  nhich  to  file  assents  was  removed  on 
October  8s  1934,  "by  amendment  of  the  Code.  (*) 


Clearance  and  Zoning  Boards  and  rrricvance  Boards  were  -set  up  in  each 
of  thirty-one  (31)  key  exchange  cities  to  act  as  local  agencies  of  the 
Code  Authority  and  assist  in  the  adraini'stration  of  trade  practices  affect- 
ing the  exlii"bition  and  distrihution  "branches  of  tiie  industry.   The  dis- 
cussion that  now  follows  is  a  "brief  review  of  the  organization,  the  duties 
and  the  accomplishments  of  these  "bCards,  Extended  consideration  of  pro"b- 
lems  inherent  in  the  industry  as  handled  hy  these  "boards  is  included  in 
Chapter  IV  of  this  study. 


As  soon  as  the  Code  became  effective  on  Decera"ber  7",  1933,  the  Code 
Authority  "began  to  name  members  to  the  Clearance  and  Zoning  Boards  and  the 
Grievance  Boards, 

It  was  necessary  to  name  217  mem"bers  to  the  local  Clearance  and  Zon- 
ing Boards  and  one  hundrisd  and  fifty-five  (155)  to  the  local  G-rievance 
Boards,   Of  the  three  hundred  and  seventy-two  (372)  appointments,  three 
hundred  and  seventy  (370)  were  "by  unanimous  vote  of  the  Code  Authority, 

There  w^.s  disagreement  on  two  members  named  to  represent  independent 
exhibitors  on  local  G-rlevance  Boards,  one  in  Massachusetts  and  one  in 
Texas,   Nathan  Tamins,  independent  exhibitor .representative  on  the  Code 
Authority,  filed  a  minority  brief  on  these  two  cases,  (**) 

2,  CLEARAi-ICE  AND  ZONING  BOARDS     '..,,. 

(a)   Duties 

Local  Clearance  and  Zoning  Boards,  as  set  up  in  each  of  thirty-one 
(3l)  "key"  exchange  cities,  vrere  enpovrered  to  set  up  schedules- of  clearance 
and  zoning  between  theatres  at  the  beginning  of  each  year  to  apply  through 
the  ensuing  selling  season,  such  sciaedules  to  apply  to  all  fheatres  in  the 
exchange  territory  covered.   After  these  schedules  were  set  up'  any  ex- 
hibitor could  complain  of  an  alleged  inequity  and  if  he  failed  to  receive 

(*)   Amendment  N-.imber-3,  approved  by  Administrative  Order  Number  124-34, 
signed  by^CA,  Lynch,  Administrative  Officer,  for  the  National  In- 
dustriol  Recovery  Board, 

(**)   Investigation  of  National  Recovery  Administration  by  Senate  Com- 
mittee on  Finance  pursuant  to  Senate  Resolution  Number  79,  74th 
Congress,  First  Session,  Pages  1284-6  incl, 



relief  from  the  local  Board,  he  coiild  appeal  to  the  Code  Authority. 

Clearance  is  that  unit  of  time  which  hy  agreement  must  elapse 
"between  a  showing  of  a  picture  and  any  subsequent  exhibition  of  the 
picture  in  a  competitive  territory.   Zoning  refers  to  the  area  in  which 
theatres  may  he  considered  to  be  competitive,   A  detailed  discussion  of 
these  practices  r.s  such  appears^  in  Chapter  IV  of  this  report, 

(b)  Membership 

Eiich  Clearance  and  Zoning  Board  consisted  of  seven  members.   Two 
represented  distributors,  one  affiliated  with  theatres  and  one  unaffiliated 
with  theatres.   Two  represented  first-run  theatres,  one  affiliated  with 
a  distributor  and  one  unaffiliated.   Two  represented  sub sequent- riin 
unaffiliated  "theatres.   One  member  T7as  to  be  an  impartial  representative 
of  the  Code  Authority,   This  member  was  to  have  absolutely  no  affiliation 
with  any  braJich  of  the  industry  and  was  to  vote  only  in  cases  of  a  tie. 
Men  and  women  distinguished,  in  their  respective  regions,  for  public 
service  were  asked  to  give  their  time;  selection  was  careful  and  slpw. 
There  was  no  other  difficulty  in  selecting  these  members.   It  is  note- 
worthy in  KEA  e;qperience  that,  through  Clearance  and  Zoning  Boards  and 
Grievance  Boards,  the  general  public  actually  participated  in  the  manage- 
ment of  an  industrye        •■  .   ■ 

( c )  Delay  in  Submission  of  Schedules, 

It  was  proposed  to  have  schedules  for  each  territory  finished  by 
January  1,  1933.   In  practice,  however,  the  membership  of  the  local  boards 
had  not  been  agreed  upon  by  this  date.   Accordingly,  the  National  Recovery 
Administration  by  Administrative  Order  permitted  the  Code  Authority  to  fix 
a  later  date  for  the  suViission  of  schedules,  (*) 

Other  difficulties  immediately  arose.   It  was  found  practically 
impossible  to  draw  up  Echedules  satisfactory  to  all  parties.   In  many 
places,  previous  customs  under  \7hich  clearances  had  been  granted  were 
claimed  to  be  inequitable,  yet  any  attempt  to  correct  the  inequities  of 
the  situation  resulted  in  a  number  of  protests.   Any  theatre  whose  clear- 
ance was  changed  or  any  theatre  in  competition  with  such  a  theatre  be- 
came a  potential  protester. 

There  was  at  first  no  standard  set  of  principles  to  govern  the  drafting 
of  clearance  and  zoning  schedules.   As  a  result,  plans  from  different 
exchange  centers  differed  materially  in  principle,-  Finally  the  Code 
Authority  released  a  set  of  rules  to  be  followed  by  the  local  Clearance 
and  Zoning  Boards  in  formulating  schedules,  (**) 

(*)   Administrative  Order  "..lumber  124-5,  December  28,  1933,  signed  by 
Hugh  S,  Johnson,  Administrator  for  Industrial  Recovery, 

(**)   "Principles  of  Clearance"  Code  Authority  Release  September  13,  1934, 
in  National  Recovery  Administration  files  -  Motion  Picture  Industry  • 
Clearance  and  'Zoning  Schedules, 



(d)   Ainendnent  to  Pfrmit  Consideration  of 
I ndi vi dug.l  Cle ar ance_  Ine^jjAJLilJS. 

The  time  in  v;hich  schedules  vere  to  l^e  filed  was  extended  from  time 
to  time  "by  resolution  of  the  Code  Authority,  finally  nnjning'July  1,  1934, 
as  the  limit  date.   During  this  tiiie,  little  could  "be  done  Decause 
schedules  were  not  approved  to  eradicate  existing  cleara.nce  evils.   The 
Code  Authority  therefore  proposed  an  amendment  to  the  Code  to  permit  the 
local  clearance  and  Zoning  Boards  to  hear  coi.rplo.ints  against  existing 
inequities  whether  a  schedule  for  the  territory  involved  had  "been  approved 
or- not,-  This  amendment  was  approTed  by  tlie  National  Recovery  Administra- 
tion on  June  13,  19345. and  heccune  effective  July  3,  1954,   (*)   From  that 
time  on,  administration  of  the  clearance  and  zoning  provisions  moved  in. 
comparatively  smooth  waters.   Pressure  on  the  local  Boards  to  hastily 
formulate  schedules  was  removed.   In  f/xt,  the  new  way  to  deal  with 
clearance  inequities  worked  so  well  that  it  wrs  suggested  that  formula- 
tion of  schedules  be  ahandonedo 

3.   GRIEYAUCE  BOARDS   .'        . 

(a)  Daties 

The  Code  authorized  local  Grievance  Boards  to  act  as  the  local 
agencies  of  the  Code  Authority  in  the  administration  of  trade  practice 
provisions  of  the. Code  for  fne  distribution  c'ind  exhibition  branches  of 
thue  industry  other  than  those  provisions  covered  by  the  local  Clearance 
and  Zoning  Boards,  (**)   The  principal  rjroblems  comprised  (l)  overbuy- 
ing of  film  to  stifle  competition;  (2)  lowering  of  admission  prices  by 
means  of  lotteries  and  the  like;  (3)  prior  advertising;  and  (4)  com- 
.plaints  a.rising  under  the  ten  (l>'^)  per  cent  cancellation  clause  on  pic- 
tures bought  in  block, 

(b)  Membership 

Local  Grievance  Boards  were  set . up  m  each  of  thirty-one  (31)  key 
exchange  cities  and  had  jurisdiction  im  the  appropriate  exchange  territory. 
Each  board  consisted  of  five  members,  '  Two  were  distributors,  one  affil- 
iated and  one  unaffiliated.   Two  were  exhibitors,  one  afiilirted  and  one 
unaffiliated.   The  fifth  was  a  member  of  the  public  to  serve  as  an  inprr- 
tial  member  and. to  represent  the  Code  Authority,   He  could  have  no  connec- 
tion with  an3/  branch  of  the  industry  and  could  vote  only  in  case  of  a  tie, 

A  repetition  of  the  buyer- seller  controversy  that  arose  over  the 
division  of  representation. on  the  Code  Authority  was  staged  with  regard  to 
the  local  Grievance  Boards,   The  independent  exhibitors  defined  an  affil- 
iated exhibitor  as  a  seller,  of  film,  and  on  that  base  asserted  that  the 
local  Grievance  Boards  were  weighted  three  to  one  in  favor  of  the  seller. 
This  was  allegation  made  by  independent  exhibitor  witnesses  before  the 

'(*)  Amendment  I'^umber' 1,  approved  by  Administrative  Order  Number  124-20 
signed  by  G«  A,  Lynch,  Administrative  Officer,  by  authority  of  the 
National  Industrial  Recovery  Board, 

(**)   Article  VI,  Part  2  of  a.pproved  Code,  Iramber  124, 




Darrow  Board  sessions  in  ITasiiington  in  1934,  and  repeated  before  the 
Senate  Finance  Committee  in  its  investigation  of  the  Hational  Recovery- 
Administration  in  April,  1935o   The  dire  eventualities  prophesied 
apparently  did  not  -naterialiseo  No  situation  was  "brought  to  the  atten- 
tion of  the  National  Recovery  Administration  where  it  was  deemed  advis- 
able to  over-rule  the  decision  of  a  local  Grievance  Board,  nor  any'  de- 
cision of  the  Code  Authority  in  the  case  of  an  appeal  from  a  local 

Grievance  Boardo-  ■  .  '   ./ .\ 

-^ri.:CiI  •^- 

(c)  Authorization  as  Local  Industrial  Adjastment   • '.. ..^•'•■'^'^^  ''-'.  .. 
Agencies.  .;ii  ■•  -^ 

.  .•  -, ..  -■  .  •■  ' 

To  conform  to  the  procedure  reqaired  by  the  National  Recovery  Ad- 
ministration, the  Code  Authority  on  April  6,  1954,  appointed  a  Trade 
Practice  Complaints  Committee  composed  of  Charles  0.  O'Reilly,  and 
J#  Robert  Rubin,  members  vfith  votej  and  Sol  A.  Rosenblatt,  member  with- 
out vote  but  with  veto  poner  subject  to  review  by  the  National  Recovery 
Administration.   This  committee  was  authorized  to  set  up  the  local 
Grievance  Boards  as  local  industrial  adjustment  agencies  to  handle  all 
complaints  excepting  production,  vaudeville,  presentation  and  labor  com- 
plaints.  Authorization  to  handle  trade  practice  complaints  in  the  first 
instance  was  granted  on  April  17,  1934,  (*) 

(d)  Analysis  of  Cases  Considered  ■        ' 

According  to  a  report  received  from  the  Code  Authority  by  the 
National  Recovery  Administration  the  local  Grievance  Boards  heard  1,576 
complaints  during  the  period  of  their  operation.   Of  these,  400  or  25,4 
per  cent  were  appealed  to  the  Code  Authority,  •    ■ 

The  ira.tional  Recovery  Administration  received  and  has  on  file  291 
of  the  decisions  handed  down  by  the  Code  Authority  on  appeals  from  local 
Grievance  Boards'  rulingSo   An  analysis  of  these  cases  shows  that  the 
Code  Authority  affirmed  the  local  Board  decisions  83  per  cent  of  the  time. 
Of  these  appeals,  51o7  per  cent  dealt  with  Bank  Night,  Race  Night,  Screen© 
and  other  methods  of  lowering  admission  prices  declared  by  the  Code  to  be 
a  violation  of  the  Code;  21o7  per  cent  dealt  with  over-buying;  6,2  per 
cent  dealt  with  prior  advertising;  5,5  per  cent  dealt  with  interference 
with  lease  negotiation^  and  4<,8  per  cent  dealt  with  unfair  competition 
by  non- theatrical  accounts. 

This  contrasts  with  an  analysis  of  cases  heard  by  local  Grievance 
Boards  from  their  inception  to  April  1,  1935,  which  was  submitted  by  the 
Code  Author ity„   Tliis  shows  that  56  per  cent  of  the  total  of  one>  thousand, 
three  hundred  and  sixty-one  (1,351)  cases  cosidered  dealt  ^rith  Bank  Night 
and  the  like;  12,1  per  cent  with  over-buying;  18,8  per  cent  with  pricr 
advertising;  1,8  per  cent  with  interference  with  lease  negotioations;  and 
3c7  per  cent  with  unfair  competition  by  non-theo,trical  accounts.   This 
Same  report  shows  that  relief  was  granted  by  the  local  Grievance  Boards  in 

(*)   Administrative  Order  NuiTiber  124-16,  signed  by  Sol  A.  Rosenblatt, 
Division  Adrainistro.tor,  Ajnuseraents  Division,  National  Recovery  Ad- 



approximately  60  per  cent  of  all  caseSo   lo  "breal-doun  is  availaole  to  show 
the  localities  in  which  relief  was  afford'od, 

(e)   Analysis  of  Relief  Granted  ■  '•  .'.'' 

Analysis  of  the  t-vo  h-ondred  p.nd  ninety- one  (291)  Code  Aithority 
decisions  on  appeal  shov/s  that  relief  to  complainants  ^-ras  given  in  approx- 
imately 71  per  cent  of  all  cases  of  appeals  on  trade -practice  violations. 
The  following  table  shoves  the  way  this  relief  -  or  justice  as  in  equity  - 
is  distri'buted  with  regard  to  type  of  complaint: 


Bank  Night  and  like   • 

Over- "buying 

Prior  Advertising 

Interference  with  Lease 

Non-theatrical  Accounts 


PER  CENT     • 

■   CASES  CON- 




ccl:-S  author- 













Lowering  .of  Admission 
Prices  Soecifiad  in 

10^  Cancellation  Clause, 

Other   .  ' 



90. 0 

*   In  determining  per  cent  relief,  cases  remanded  to  local 

Board  for  further  hearing  or  cases  in  'Tiiich  only  part  relief 
?/as  granted,  were,  not  considered^ 



?,   SPECIAL  C0I.naiTTEE5 

Provision  v/as  made  in  the  Code  for  the  appointment  of  various  com- 
mittees to  study  and  make  recommendations  \7ith  regard  to  problems  in  the 
production  "branch  of  the  Industry.   Tnese  conmittees  vfere  known  as  the 
Agency''  Committee,  the  Actor-Producer  Committee,  the  Writer-Producer  Coi2>- 
mittee,  the  Studio  Labor  Committee  and  the  Standing  Committee  on  Extras. 


The  Agency  Committee  consisted  of  five  (5)  producer  members  and  five 
(5)  other  members  representing  actors,  writers,  directors,  technicians 
and  agents.  (*) 

The  function  of  this  committee  was,  after  due  notice  of  hearing  and 
with  the  approval  of  the  Administrator,  (l)  to  set  up  rules  of  fair  prax;- 
tices  governing  relations  between  actors,  writers,  directors,  te clinicians, 
agents  and  producers;  (2)  to  recommend  to  the  Adrainistrator  uniform  terms 
and  conditions  and  appropriate  procedure  for  the  registration  of  all 
agents  vvith  whom  producers  might  transact  business  relating  to  the  produc- 
tion of  motion  pictures;  (3)  to  formulate  appropriate  rules  and  regular- 
tions  affecting  agents  and  to  provide  revocation  or  cancellation  of  such 
registration  in  case  of  violation. 

The  committee  submitted  a  set  of  proposed  rules  of  fair  practices 
on  September  12,  1934.   A  notice  of  hearing  v;as  issued  and  after  two 
adjournments,  a  public  hearing  was  held.  The  heat  of  controversy  over 
the  relations  of  agents,  producers,  actors  and  writers  had  died  down  ap- 
parently, for, the  presentation  of  statements  from  the  half  dozen  spokeg** 
man  present  at  the  hearing  was  lukewarm.   The  proposals  from  the  agents 
looked  forward  to  a  control  of  relationships  beyond  their  powers  as 
parties  not  subject  to  the  Code  itself.   The  counter-proposals  of  the 
producers  involved  regulation  of  agents,  writers  and  technicians  who  were 
not  members  of  the  Industry,  nor  employees  and  v/ere  therefore  not  subject 
to  the  Code.   That  there  v/as  need  for  a  just  determination  of  the  problems 
recognized  by  the  Code  was  admitted  on  both  sides,  but  it  was  apparent 
that  no  practicable  formula  for  adjustment  had  been  achieved,  (*♦) 

The  National  Recovery  Administration,  through  Division  Administrator, 
Sol.  A.  Rosenblatt,  accordingly  judged  that  the  proposed  rules  as  submit- 
ted did  not  tend  to  effectuate  the  policies  of  Title  I  of  the  National 
Recover^''  Act  and  were  beyond  the  powers  and  without  the  scope  of  the 
duties  delegated  to  the  Agency  Committee  and  so  denied  approval  of  these 
rules  without  prejudice  for  further  submission.  (***) 

(*)    personnel  of  this  committee  and  all  correspondence  regarding 

activities  of  this  committee  will  be  found  in  National  Recovery 
Administration  files,  under  Lotion  Picture  Industry,  Code  Author- 
ity -  Agency  Committee. 

(**)   Transcript  of  Public  Hearing  on  Report  of  Agency  Committee, 

November,  1934.  Motion  Picture  Industry  Piles,  National  Recovery 

(***)   Administrative  Order  124-^1  -  November  26,  1934,  signed  by  W,  A* 
Harriman,  Administrative  Officer  for  the  National  Industrial  Re- 
9S38   covery  Board. 



The  './riter-Producer  Comnittee,  consisting  of  five  (5)  representatives 
of  producers  p.nd  five  (5)  v/riters,  was  appointed  "by  the  Code  Authority 
under  Article  IV,  Division  B,  part  4,  of  the  approved  Code  to  determine  a 
set  of  fair  practices  governing  relations  tetween  producers  and  writers. 
Suggested  rules  and  regulations  were  suhmitted  to  the  National  Recovery 
Administration  but  a.  hearing  had  not  "been  scheduled  Mp   to  the  time  of  the 
Schechter  decision  "by  the  Supreme  Court . 


The  Actor-Producer  Committee,  set  up  by  the  Code  Authority,  consist- 
ing of  five  (5)  producer  representatives  and  five  (5)  actor  representa- 
tives, was  directed  to  submit  recommendations  as  to  a  set  of  fair 
practices  to  govern  relations  between  actors  and  producers. 

This  committee  could  reach  no  agreement.   The  actor  members  djreu  up 
a  set  of  fair  practice  rules  and  a  vote  .was  taken  on  each  rule  contained 
therein.   On  each  one  the  producer  representatives  voted  "no"  and  the 
actor  members  voted  "yes". 

After  this  complete  deadlock,  the  actor  members  submitted  a  brief  in 
support  of  their  contentions  to  the  Administration.  (*)   This  brief  con- 
tains some  interesting  data  contrasting  remuneration  received  by  actors 
and  executives.   No  report  of  this  committee  received  any  official  ap- 
proval of  the  National  Recovery  Administration.   Most  of  the  demands  of 
the  actors,  however,  were  met  by  the  producers  through  the  Academy  of 
notion  Picture  Arts  and  Sciences.   There  was  one  major  exception:   The 
producers  did  not  agree  to  recognizee  the  Actors  Guild,  an  organization 
affiliated  with  the  American  Fed  ^-..r^   of  Labor. 


(a)  Member shi-Q  and  Duties 

The  Standing  Committee  on  Extras  v/as  appointed  by  the  Code  Authority 
pursuant  to  Article  IV,  division  A,  section  3  of  the  approved  Code  and 
consisted  of  five  (5)  producer  representatives  and  five  (5)  representa- 
tives of  extra  players.   The  function  of  this  committee  was  (l)  to  recom- 
mend rules  and  regulations  to  be  adopted  by  all  casting  agencies  and  all 
producers  with  respect  to  extras;  (2)  to  interpret  and  supervise  any 
provision  made  for  extras  and  (3)  to  receive  and  pass  on  complaints  and 
grievances  concerning  extras. 

(b)  Re"oorts  and  Recommendations  Submitted 

The  minimum  rate  of  pay  for  extra  plcyers  depended  in  large  part 
on  the  wardrobe  required.   The  Standing  Committee  on  Extras  adopted  an 
interpretation  of  the  provisions  of  the  Code  with  regard  to  drees 

(*)   National  Recovery  Administration  Files  under  Motion  Picture 
Industry  -  Code  Authority  -  Actor-Producer  Committee. 


re quirements  for   extras  on  Fetruar^''  19,    1934,    ajid  submitted  it   to   the 
National  Recovery  administration,      j^oroval  was  granted  on  March  6,    1934. 

A  set  of  rules  and  regulations   to  govern  extras  was  formulated  "by 
this  Standing  Cojninittee   and  siibraitted  to   the  National  Recovery  Administra- 
tion.     These  recommendations  dealt  with  such  subjects  as  transportation 
of  extrs.s   to   and  from  employment,   pay  on  location  work,   pay  for  hazardous 
work,    damage  to  wardrobe   incurred  d-^oring  production,    cancellation  of  calls, 
meal  periods,    hours  of   employment,    and  trnvel  time  on  one  day  location. 
The   report  was  approved  on  Septei.iber  27,   1954,   hy  the  National  Recovery 
Administration.    (**) 

(c)     Activities  as  Agency  for  Adjustment  of  Labor   Complaints. 

Although  never  approved  formally  "by  the  National  Recovery  Administrar- 
tion  as  an  official   agency  for  the   adjustment  of  lahor  complaints  in  the 
first   instance,    the   Standing  Committee  on  Extras   claimed  this  power  was 
s;oecif ically  granted  hy  the  Code.    (**^) 

This   claim  was  not   formally  recognized  "by  the  National  Recovery 
Administration.      It  was  understood  that   complaints  regarding  extras  might 
oe  heard  "by  the  committee   in  the  first   instance  with  the  proviso   that   an 
E^ppeal  night  be   talcen  from  any  decision  of   the   committee  to   the  regular 
National  Recovery  Administration  Compliance   Office  by  any  interested 
party.      According  to   a  report  released  to   the   trade  papers,    the   committee 
during  its  life  heard  1,065  complaints  regarding  extras  and  of   these 
satisfactorily  adjusted  981,    or  92fo,      (****) 


( a)     Put  i  e  s 

A  Studio  Labor   Committee  to   investigate   complaints  and  disputes 
relating  to   studio   labor  and  to   adjust   them  by  mediation,    arbitration  or 
conciliation  was   set  up  b;''  the   Code  Authority  under   the  general  powers 
to   appoint   committees.    (*****)      The   jurisdiction  of  this   committee 

(*)  Administrative  Order  No.    124-11  signed  by  Sol.   A-    Rosenblatt, 

Division  Administrator,    Amusements  Division. 

(**)  Administrative  Order  I'o.    124-30  signed  September  27,    1934,   by 

Hugh  S.    Johnson,   Administrator  for   Industrial  Recovery. 

(***)  Article   IV,    Division  A,    Section  3,   Part   1  of  improved  Code 

No.    124. 

(****J        Page  1  -  Report   issued  by  Standing   Committee  on  Extras,   pub- 
lished in  Film  Daily,    issue   of  July  24,    1935. 

(*****)      Article   II,    Section  4  of  Approved  Code  No.    124 


-61-  • 

extended  to  all  studio  labor  coraplaints  with  the  exception  of  those  re- 
latinj.3;  to  actors,  writers,  directors,  s-aoervisors  and  extras. 

(Td)  Activities  as  Aj^oncy   for  Ad.justment  of  Lahor  Complaints. 

The  Compliance  Division  of  the  National  Recovery  Administration 
objected  to  the  formation  of  this  committee  on  the  grounds  that  the  duties 
proposed  extended  to  the  adjustment  of  labor  complaints  and  the  Motion 
Picture  Industry  Code  Authority  had  never  been  approved  by  the  National 
Recovery  Administration  as  an  agency  for  the  adjustment  of  labor  com- 
plaints.  The  Labor  Advisory  Board  also  objected  to  the  committee.   In 
policy,  the  Labor  Advisory  Board  opposed  labor  committees  appointed  by 
code  authorities;  however,  the  Board  had  no  complaints  to  make  rel8,tive 
to  performance.   The  Compliance  Division  after  investigation  informally 
recognized  the  right  of  this  committee  to  hear  complaints  regarding 
studio  labor  provided  that  any  interested  party  might  appeal  any  decision 
of  the  committee. 

After  eight  months  of  operation,  Division  Administrator  Sol.  A. 
Rosenblatt  stated,  "No  decision  of  the  Board  has  been  disrupted  nor  has 
any  appeal  been  taken.   This  is  noteworthy  in  view  of  the  fact  that  all 
studios  are  uniformly  affected  by  the  decisions  of  this  Board."  Accord- 
ing to  a  report  released  by  the  Code  Authority,'-  to  the  trade  papers  of 
the  Motion  Picture  Industry,  262  complaints  were  heard  by  the  committee 
during  its  period  of  operation  and  of  these  258,  or  98.5^  were  satis- 
factorily adjusted.   (*) 


1.   BUDGET  FOR  1934 

On  April  6,  1934,  the  Code  Authorit^^  submitted  a  proposed  budget 
and  basis  of  contribution  for  the  Motion  Picture  Industry  to  the  National 
Recovery  Administration. 

This  budget  proposed  a  total  expenditure  of  $360,000  for  the  year 
1934.   Of  this  amount  one~half  was  to  be  contributed  by  the  exhibition 
branch  and  one-half  by  the  producers  and  distributors.  The  assessment 
for  theatres  was  to  be  based  on  population,  seating  capacity  and  the 
classification  of  the  theatre  as  a  first,  second  or  subsequent  run  house. 
The  basis  of  assessment  for  producers  and  distributors  was  not  submitted 
at  this  time,  further  study  being  deemed  necessary.   The  proposed  budget 
was  approved  by  the  National  Recovery  Aciministration  on  j^ril  13,  1934.  (**) 

(a)   Change  in  Budget  to  Provide  for  Legal  Expenses 

On  June  8,  1934,  the.  Code  Authority  passed  a  resolution  authorizing 
its  legal  committee  to  expend  a,  sum  not  to  exceed  $5,000  to  cover  the  cost 

(*)   Code  Authority  Statement  published  in  Film  Daily,  Page  1,  issue  of 
July  24,  1935. 

(**)  Administrative  Order  No.  124-14  signed  by  Sol  A.  Rosenblatt, 

Division  Administrator,  Aniusements  Division.   The  itemized  budget 
will  be  found  attached  to  this  Administrative  Order. 




of  engaging  counsel  to  defend  litif;ation  against  members  of  the  local 
Grievance  Boards,  local  Clearance  and  Zoning:;  Boards,  the  Code  Authority 
and  the  Executive  Secretary  of  the  Code  Authority.   This  constituted  an 
amendment  and  an  addition  to  the  "budget.   The  legal  expense  item  vras  ^~ 
proved  hy  the  National  Recovery  Administration  on  June  28,  1934.  (*) 


After  the  approval  of  the  budget,  the  legal  division  of  the  National 
Hecoverj^  -^i-dministration  raised  the  point  that  it  should  be  the  policy  of 
the  National  Recovery  Administration  to  include  in  each  Code  specific 
provisions 'regarding  budgets  for  Code  Authority  expenses.   Accordingly  an 
amendment  to  the  Motion  Picture  Code  known  as  Amendment  No.  2  was  approved 
on  July  27,  1934.   (**) 

In  part  his  amendment  read  as  follows: 

"A^.iend  Article   II   as  follows:      Add  to   Section  IC  ,    sub-section  (b) 
the  following: 

"Upon  approval  by  the  Administrator  of  an  itemized  budget   of   such 
expenses  and  an  equitable  basis  of   contribution  thereto,    each  such  member 
shall  be  legally  obligated  for,    and  shall  p.ay  to   the   Code  Authority,    his 
or   its  respective  equitable   contribution,    subject   to   rules  and  regulation 
pertaining  thereto   issued  by  the  Administrator.      Failure"  to  pay   such 
equitable   contribution  shall  constitute   a  violation  of  this   Code.      In 
addition  to   all  other  rights  and  remedies  with  respect  thereto,    the  Code 
Authority  shall  have   the  right   to   institute   legal  proceedings  for  the 
collection  of  any  such  equitable   contribution." 

3.  BASES  OF  ASSESSlvHNT  FOR  1934 

The   Code  Authority  now  proposed  a  basis  of  assessment   for  the  pro- 
ducers  and  distributors  for  the  year  of  1934.      The   assessments  were  to  be 
divided  as  follows:      $150,000  was  to  be  contributed  by  the  larger  produc- 
ers and  distributors,    the  remaining  $30,04*0  by  the   other  producers  and 
distributors.     All  producers  and  distributors  with  their  proposed  assess- 
ment v/cre  listed  individually  and  assessments  ranged  from  $72.00  a  year 
to   $20,000  per  year.      This  basis  of  contribution  was  disapproved  on 
August   17,    1934.      (***) 

(*)  Administrative  Order  :'o.    124-21   signed  by  Sol.   A.   Rosenblatt, 

Division  Administrator  for  Hugh  S.   Jolinson,    Administrator  for 
Industrial  Recovery. 

(**)        Amendment  No.    2  approved  by  Administrative  Order  IIo.    124-24 
signed  by  Hugh  S.   Johnson,    Administrator  for  Industrial 

(***)     Ad:.iini strati ve   Order  No.    124-26   signed  by  Leon  Henderson,    Director, 
Division  of  Research  and  Planning,    for  Hugh  Johnson,   Administrator 
for   Industrial  Recovery, 


-63-    , 

A  new  "basis  of  assessment" 'for  producers  and  distributors  for   the 
year  1934  and  for  exhi"bitors  for  the  last  hriJf  of  1934  wa-S  now  proposed, 
Distri"butors  under  this  plan  were  to  pry  the  Co6.e  Authority  an  amount 
hased  on  their  gross  rental;    a  proportion     of  this  expense  was   to  he 
passed  on  to   the  producers   in  proportion  to   their   individual  division  of 
funds.      The  assessment  of   the  exhibitors  uhile   still  hased  on  the  factors 
of  picture  run,    seatinr;  capacity  and  popiilation  was  revised  somewhat. 
These  new  tases  of  assessments  v/ere  approved  "by  the  National  Recovery 
Administration  on  November  7,    1934.    (*) 

It  was  then  realized  that   the  mechanism  approved  "brought    collections 
from  exhibitors  rnd  distributors  only.      Accordingly  the  basis  of  assess- 
ment v;as   still  fiu'ther  revised,    mairin;;;,'  it   clear   that  distributors  acts  as 
p^ents  of   the  Code  Authority  in  collecting  revenue  from  the  producers. 

4.     -EEVISED  BUDGET  70R  1934 

The  year  1934  being  finished  by.  this  time   it   wa.s  found  that   ex- 
penditures by  the  Code  Authority  had  been  somewhat  less   than  anticipated. 
Only  $203,589.12  had  been  spent  for  the  year  1934.      A  r^svised  budget   and 
bases  of  contribution  were  approved  March  7,    1955.      (**) 

■5.      USE  OF  1934   SURPLUS 

Since  no  provision  hs.d- as  yet  been  made  for  1935  expenses  and  since 
the  Code  Authority  had  surplus  funds  on  hand,    expenditure  of  these   surplus 
fun6.s  to   cover  expenses  of  the  first   four  months  of  1935  was  approved  by 
the  National  Hecovery  administration  on  April  4,    1935.      (***) 


A'  net     budget  and  bases  of  contribution  for  1935,    differing  little 
from  the  budgets  finally  approved  for  1954,    were   submitted  and  approved  by 
the  National  Recovery  Administration  on  j^ril  24,    1934.      (****^ 

(*)  For  Exhibitors  -  Administrative  Order  No.    124-37  and  for 

Producers,  and  Distributors  -  Administrative  Order  No.  124-38, 
both  signed  by  Leon  Henderson,  Director,  Division  of  Research 
and  Planning  for  the  National   Industrial  Recovery  Board. 

(**)  Administrative  Order  No.    124-49    signed  by  Hiram  S.    Brown, 

Assistant  to   the  Administrative    Officer  for  the  National 
Industrial  Recovery  Act. 

(***)        Administrative  Order  No.    124-52   signed  by  Hiram  3.   BroT,7n, 
Assistant  to   the  Administrative  Officer  for  the  National 
Industrial  Recovery  Board. 

(****)      Administrative  Order  No.    124-55   signed  by  Hiram  S.    Brown, 
Assistant   to    the  Administrative  Officer  for   the  National 
Industrial  Recovery  Board. 



When  the  Code  "became   inoperative,    the   Code  Authority  liquidated  its 
assets.      An  audit  of   the  Code  Authority's  affairs  made  "by  Price,    Water- 
house   and  Company  of  New  York  City  and  quoted  in  Film  Daily,    issue  of 
July  24,    1S35,    shoned  that   a  total  of   $341,880.37   had  heen  contributed  to 
the  Code  Authority  after   it  had  begun  operations  on  December  7,    1933. 
This  was  made  up  of  $183,089.37  from  the  producer-distributor  groiip   and 
$158,791.00  from  the   exhibitor  group. 

It  T;as  found  that   the   Code  Authority  ha^d  at   the   time  of  the  audit 
$15,999.50  on  hand,    in  cash,    and  undeposited  checks  ajaounting  to  $7,874.16. 
These  funds  represented  the  balance  after  the  payment  of  all  bills.      It 
was  decided  to  make  refunds  of   the   cash  on  hand  to  members  of  the   Industry 
in  good  standing  in  proportion  to   their   contribution.      The  undeposited 
checks  were  returned.      Of  the   surplus   cash,   producers  and  distributors   in 
good  standing  as  of  May  27,    1935,    received  funds  aggregating  $8,576.96  and 
exhibitor  members   in  good  standing  at   the   same  date  received  $7,431.54. 


At   the   time  the  Code  became   inoperative,    total  budgets  of  $374,786.89 
had  been  approved  for  the  operation  of   the   Code  Authority  for  the  year 
1934  and  for  the  first  half  of  the  year  1935.      A  total  of  $341,880.37  had 
been  collected  from  members  of   the   Industry.      In  other  words,    during  the 
entire  period  of  the   operation  of   the   Code  a  little  more  than  91'fo  of  all 
assessments  had  been  collected.     Approximately  98^  of  the  assessments 
against  producers  and  distributors  had  been  paid  and  approximately  S5^o  of 
the  assessments  against   exhibitors. 


The  Industry's  interest  in  its  own  Code  did  not  wane  with  the  pass- 
ing of  time.  At  the  tine  of  the  Supreme  Court  decision  in  the  Schechter 
case,  the  Code  was  passing  into  the  period  of  its  most  successful  opera- 

At   the  beginning,    some   difficulty  had  been  experienced  in  selecting 
a  proper  -method  o'f  budget   assessment.      Some  members  had  objected  to 
paj'^ing  their  assessments.      However,   by  the   start  of  the  year  1935  most  of 
these  problems'  had  been  talcen  care  of  and  payment   of  assessments  to   the 
Code  Authority  was  looked  upon  by  most  members  of  the   Industry  as  a  matter 
of  course.      The  lack  of  eny  financial  problems  may  be   seen  in.  the  fact 
that   the   Code  Authority  was  able   to   finance  operations  for  the  first  four 
months  of  1935,    from  the  1934   surplus. 

Article   II,    Section  ID   (c)   of  the   Code   stipulated  that  any  person 
who   failed  to  pay  promptly  any  assessment  or  levj''  made  pursuant  to   an 
order  of  the  Code  Authority  as  an  expense   in  administering  the  Code   should 
not  be   entitled  to   file  anj'-  complaint  under  any  Article  or  Part  of  the 
Code.      This  was   the  only  method  of   conrpulsion  used  by  the  Code  Authority 
in  levying  assessments. 



1..  A^CENDMEIITS  .... 

Amendjiients  1,  2   and  3  have  already  "been  disouss'^a  in  bi-in.  .^i-^j^*.^^-, 
A  fourth  amendment  was  approved  on  March  11,  1935.   (*)   This  amendment 
comprised  a  numter  of  minor  changes  in  the  Code.   The  jiirisdiction  of  the 
Code  uas  limited  to  ,  the  Continental  United  States  and  to  the  Territory'-  of 
Alaska  since  it  had  "beeri  found  inrpracti cable  to  set  -up  Boards  required 
utider  the  Code  in  other  Territories  of  the  United  States. 

A  new  section  was  added  to  the  Code,  stipulating  that  no  exhihitor 
should  enter  into  any'  agreement  for  services  of  a  kind  usually  performed 
"by,  theatre  eniployees  directly  compensated  hy  exhibitors  unless  such 
agreement  provided  that  no  person  actually  engaged  in  rendering  such  serv- 
ice should  he  employed  under  less  favorahle  labor  conditions  than  those 
provided  for  in  the  Code.   This  provision  was  added  to  take  care  of  a 
type  of  "chiseling"  which  might  arise  under  the  Code  and  had  not  "been 
foreseen  hy  the  framers  of  the  Code., 

A  number  of  minor  changes  v;ere  made  in  the  Code  provision  relating 
to  vaudeville  and  presentation  labor.   The  expediency  of  these  changes 
had  been  pointed  out  during  actual  Code  operation. 

The  tine  in  which  the  Code  Authority  was  requested  to  hand  down  its 
decision  in  any  case  that  had  been  appealed  from  a  decision  of  a  local 
Clearance  and  Zoning  or  a  local  Grievance  Board  was  extended  since 
experience  had  shoun  that  an  insufficient  time  had  been  allowed  under  the 
original  provision. 

Two  amendments  were  under  discussion  at  the  time  the  Code  becajne 
inoperative.   One  of  these  dealt  particularly  with'  compensation  of  motion 
picture  machine  operators  in  the  vicinity  of  New  York  City  (see  Chapter 
on  Labor) .   The  other  proposed  amendment  was  to  take  care  of  a  situation 
which  had  ajrisen  with  regard  to  local  Clearance  and  Zoning  Boards.   As 
originally  constituted  these  Boards  we^*e  intended  only  to  make  "up 
schedules;  by  amendment,  they  were  later  empowered  to  hear  individual 
complaints  of  inequitable  clearance  and  zoning  allotments.   Thus,  when  a 
case  arose  involving  the  property  of  a  member  of  a  local  Board,  that 
member  found  himself  acting  both  as  judge  and  advocate  in  a  problem  . 
affecting  his  own  interests;   The  proposed  amendment  would  have  provided 
for  a  substitute  of  the  same  class  in  such  a  case. 

2.   EXELiPTIONS  "   '  •    ' 

Only  five  (5)  exemptions  were  granted  during  the  life  of  the  Code. 

It  was  stip-ijlated  in  the  Code 'that  appeal  might  be  taken  to  the  Code 
Authority  from' a  decision  of  local  Boards  provided  such  appeal  was  filed 
within  five  days  after  the  decision  had  been  handed  do\7n.   In  two  cases 

(*)  Administrative  Order  No.  124-51  signed  by  W.  A.  Harriman, 

Administrative  Officer  for  the  National  Industrial  Recovery  Board, 



parties  who   had  failed  to   file   an  appeal  within  the   required  five   (5) 
days,    later  wish  to   do    so.      Exemption  was  requested  by  each  theatre   and 
granted.    (*)    (xx) 

The   Code   stipulated  that  no  producer  or  distributor   should  enter 
negotiations  regarding  distribution  of  pictures  prior  to   GO  days  before 
the  conipletion  of  an  existing  contract.      Walt  Disney  Products,    Limitf^d, 
requested  an  exeinption  from  this  provision  on  the  ground  that   it   caused 
individual  hardship.      This   exemption  was  granted  March  23,    1934.    (**) 

The  Radio   City  Music  Hall,    New  York  City,    requested  an  exemption 
from  the   Code   stipulation  that   a  chorus  person  should  not  be   called  for 
rehearsal  before  9  A.   M.      The  Music  Hall   states  that  on  the  day  a  show 
was   changed  and  a  new  routine   instituted,    the  permitted  rehearsal  time 
was  insufficient,   particularly  during  a  holiday  a«*ason.      Consequently 
this  theatre  desired  to   call  the   chorus  at   8  A.   M.    instead  of   at  9  A.   M. 
agreeing  to  pay  time-and-a-half  for  the  hour  over«-time.     Exemption  from 
this  provision  was  requested  twice  and  granted  both  times,      (x) 

Only  one  request   for   exemption  from  the  provisions  of  the   Code  was 
denied  by  Administrative  Order.    (***)      Two  other  requests  for  like   exemp- 
tion were   in  the  process  of  being  denied  at   the  time  the   Code  became 


Labor   complaints   in  the  production  branch  of  the   Industry  were 
handled  chiefly  through  committees  of   the  Code  Authority  which  have  al- 
ready been   commented  on.      Labor  complaints  in  the   distribution  branch  of 
the   Industry  for  the  most  part  went   throiagh  regular  National  Recovery 

(*)    Administrative  Order  No,  124-43,  January  23,  1935,  signed  by 

Sol  A.    Rosenblatt,    Division  Administrator,    Amusements  Division 
granting  exemption  to  Herman  J.    Brown,    Inland  Amusement   Company, 
New  Majestic  Theatre,    Nainpa,    Idalio. 

(xx)        Administrative  Order  No*    124-54,    j^ril  15,    1935,    signed  by 

Sol  A.   Rosenblatt,    Division  Administrator,   Amusements  Division 
granting  exemption  to  Broadway  Amusement   Company,    Broadway 
Theatre,   Butte,    Montana. 

(**)        Administrative  Order  No,    124-12   signed  by  Sol.   A.   Rosenblatt, 
Division  Administrator,   Amusements  Division, 

(x)  Administrative   Order  No.    124-44  and  Administrative  Order  No. 

124-45  dated  January  25,    1935,    and  signed  by  Sol.   A.    Rosenblatt, 
Division  Administrator,   Arausements  Division. 

(***)     Administrative  Order  No.    124-46  dated  February  1,    1935,    signed 

by  Sol  A.    Rosenblatt,   Division  Administrator,   Amusements  Division, 
denying  application  of  J,    A.    Gallaher  operating  the  Braddock 
Theatre,   Braddock,    Pa.,    for   exeiiiption  from  labor  provisions. 



Adninistration  compliance  machinery.      It   is   interesting  to   note   in  con- 
nection with  minimiTTi  wages'  for   the    distribution  "branch  of  the   Industry 
that   the  minimum  weekly  wage   specified  in  the   Code  prevailed  regardless 
of  the  number  of  hours  worked,   under  the   code  maximum.      (*) 

In  the  exhibition  branch  of  the   Industry,    complaints  regarding 
skilled  labor  were   for   the  most  pert   derlt   with  directly  by  the  Amusements 
Division  of  the   National  Recovery  A'iministration  without   going  through 
the  usual   Compliance  Division  channels.      Complaints  regarding  unskilled 
labor   in  this  branch  of  the   Industry  were  taken  care  of  b^/  the   Compliance 
Division.      ITo  major  labor   difficulties  marked  code   administration.     A 
complete   discussion  of  the  labor  provisions  of  the   Code,    complaints  aris- 
ing under  these  provisions,    and  the  method  of  adjustment   together  with 
the  Hollywood  salaries   investigation  and  the   special   stud,y  of  the   "extras" 
problem  coinprises  Chapter  V  on  Labor   in  this   survey. 

I.      IIT7ESTIG-ATI0NS    IIITO  0P5EA?I0!I  0?   CODE 


On  March  7,    1934,   President  Roosevelt    set  up  by  Executive  Order  No. 
6632,    the  National  Recovery  Review  Board  which  became  knovm  from  the  name 
of  its   chairman  as   the  Harrow  Board.      On  March  26th  and  29th  and  on  April 
3d  and  4th,    1934,    this  Board  held  hearings  with  regai'd  to   the   Code  of   Competition  for   the  Motion  Picture   Industry.      Tv/enty-one  witnesses, 
chiefly  independent   exhibitor  members  of  the  Allied  States  Association  of 
Motion  Pictiu-e  Exliibitors,    were  heard.      As   expected,    these  witnesses   at- 
tacked the   Code   and  things  pertaining  to   it.      An  ansvrering  brief  submitted 
by  the  major  companies  was   "deemed  of   small  moment"  by  the  Board  and 
apparently  was  not   considered.      The  Natiojial  Recovery  Administration  files 
on  the  Motion  Picture   Industrv  were  not   consulted  and  no   attempt  was  made 
to  mal-e  use  of  the  knowledge  or  eiq^erience  of  the  National  Recovery 
Administration's  Division  Administrator  who  had  been  in  charge   of  this 
Code   every  step  of  the  way. 

On  the  basis  of   such  testiraony  as   it  heard,    the  Darrow  Board  attacked 
the  division  of  representation  on  the   Code  Authority;    the  division  of 
representation  on  the  local  agencies  of  the   Code  Authority;    the   integrity 
of   the  members  of  the   Code  Authority;    the   integrity  of  the  Division 
Adr.:inistra„tor   in  charge  of.  the   Code   and  the   Code   itself  on  the  ground  that 
a-,11  these   factors  were  prejudiced  against  the   interests  of  the   independent 

Apparently/",    the  Darrow  Board  waived  aside  the   fundamental   differences 
between  this   Industry  operating  under   the  copyright   laws  and  other   indus- 
tries operating  under   laws  of  purchase  and  sale.  .  Majiy  of  the  recommenda- 
tions of  the  Darrow  Board  would  have  required  drastic  changes   in  the 
copyright   laws   in  order  to  become   effective. 

A  lengthy  reply  to   the  report   of   the  Darrow  Board  on  this  Code  was 
made  by  Sol  A.   Rosenblatt,   Division  Adjninistrator  in  charge  of   the  Code 

(*)     Acimini strati ve  Order  No.    124-37,    dated  February  28,    1935,    signed 
by  Sol  A.    Rosenblatt,   Division  Administrator,    Amusement  Division. 



answering  in  detail  the  strictures  of  the  report.  Further  criticism 
and  coimYients  were  made  by  the  national  Recovery  Administrator,  Hugh 
S.  Johnson,  and  by  Donald  R.  Richberg,  General  Coiinsel  of  the  National 
Recovery  Aiininistrf  tion.  John  F,  Sinclair,  who  was  vice-chairman  of 
the  Darron  Board  v/as  quoted  in  the  B?iltimore  Sun  of  May  8,  1934,  as 

"ITpt  in  ny   25  years  of  "business  and  research  experience,  during 
^7hich  time  I  have  been  a  member  of  many  boards  and  committees 
of  investigation,  have  I  witnessed  such  utter  disregard  for  fair 
play  on  the  ba.sic  facts  as  the  National  Recovery  Review  Board 
under  Clarence  Darrow,  had  shown,  even  at  its  open  hearings. 

"Such  attitude  in  times  like  these  is  nothing  short  of  tragedy, 

"I  have  opDOsed  from  the  beginning  the  kind  of  sloppy,  one- 
sides,  half-informction,  that  is  the  foundation  upon  which 
the  Dar row-Russell  Report  has  been  written," 

The  report  itself  and  the  reply  of  the  Division  Administrator  axe 
of  such  natiire  that  a.bridgement  is  difficult.   It  is  suggested  that 
both  documents  be  considered  in  complete  form.  (*) 


Senate  Resolution  79  ordered  an  invest igtt ion  of  the  National 
Recovery  Administration  before  the  Senate  Committee  on  Finance.  T\io 
witnesses,  Abrajn  F.  Keyers,  General  Counsel  for  the  Allied  States 
Associa.tion  of  Motion  Picture  Exhibitors  and  Melvin  Albert,  represent- 
ing the  Independent  Theatre  Owners'  Association  of  New  York  City, 
testified  and  presented  briefs  to  the  Committee  regarding  the  Motion 
Picture  Code,  Records  answering  the  allegations  of  these  t'.70  witnesses 
were  filed  with  the  chairman  of  the  Senate-  Committee  by  Division 
Administrator  Rosenblatt.   The  testimony  given  by  the  witnesses  re- 
stated their  charges  before  the  Darrow  Board.  (**) 

(*)   The  report  of  the  Darrow  Board  may  be  found  in  National 

Recovery  Administration  Files  -  Motion  Picture  Industry  -  Code  - 
Report  of  the  National  Recovery  Review  Board, 

The  replies  of  Hugh  S,  Johnson,  l>onald  R.  Richberg,  and  Sol  A. 
Rosenblatt  axe  quoted  in  full  in  the  record  of  Hearings  before 
the  Committee  on  Finance,  United  States  Senate,  74th  Congress, 
1st  Session  pursumit  to  Sena.te  Resolution  79  Investigation  of 
the  National  Recovery  Administration  -  Part  VI  -  Pages  20<^2  to 
2005,  inclusive, 

(**)  Investigation  of  National  Recovery  Administration  pursuant  to 

Senate  Resolution  79  -  74th  Congress,  Ist  Session  -  Testimony  of 
Abram  F,  Meyers  "or^ges  1271  to  1302,  inclusive.   Testimony  of 
Helvin  Albert  T)ages  1310  to  1329,  inclusive.  Papers  filed  with 
the  Committee  by  Sol  A.  Rosenblatt  and  Abram  F.  Meyers,  -oages 
1972  to  2031,  inclusive. 




In  the  complicated  competition  within  the  Motion  picture  Industry, 
business  methods  have  developed  during  the  l;\st  ?0  vears  that  are  indivi- 
dual to  this  Industry  in  their  comparative  lack  of  analO;^y  to  the  trade 
practices  of  other  industries.   It  seems  at  times  as  though  all  the  gen- 
eral rules  of  "business  had  "been  put  aside  and  that  the  Motion  Picture  in- 
terests had  decided  to  use  only  the  exceptions.   Yet,  in  daily  practice, 
there  is  an  active  play  of  competitive  forces  determining  the  kind  of 
pictures  produced,  the  sho^wnanship  of  presentation,  the  convenience  of 
theatre '^locations  and  equipment  and  the  rental  prices  paid  "by  exhibitors 
and  the  prices  charged  the  public  for  the  attractions  it  desires  to  see. 

These  competitive  forces  are  two:   The  first  is  ^vithin  the  Industry 
itself  as  betr;een  producers,  majors  ana  independents,  S.nd  between  thea- 
tres—affiliated and  independent.   The  second  comes  from  without.   The 
Industry's  product  is  entertainment  and  competes  with  all  other  forms  of 
entertainment  for  popular  approval.   The  public  has  its  choice — radio 
progrems  to  be  enjoyed  at  home;  the  legitimate  theatre;  social  engage- 
ments— the  dance  or  the  bridge  party;  sporting  events — or  an  exciting 
evening  v.ith  Sherlock  Holmes,  Philo  Vajice  or  other  detective  heroes. 
These  are  definite  factors  that,  among  others,  influence  attendance  at 
motion  oict-are  houses  and  the  prices  that  the  public  can  be  induced  to 
pay  at  the  box  office. 

Motion  picture  entertainment  is  subject  to  another  factor  of  compe- 
tition; that  is  the  imponderable  of  public  enthusiasm  which  flickers  /n- 
to  flame  and  wanes  in  unpredictable  predilections  for  certain  tj'pes  of 
pictures  and  certain' personalities  of ■ the  celluloid  world,   Theda  3ara 
and  her  slow  allure  is  succeeded  by  the  emotional  velocity  of  Clara-Bow 
or  Jean  Harlow*   The  anaemic  passion  of  G-reta  .Garbo  may  yield  in  public 
favor  to  the  "vital  magnetism  of  a  Claudette  Colbert.   It  was  John  Gilbert 
yesterday;  Clark  Gable  today.   The  homespun  wit  and  drolleries  of  lill 
Rogers  and  the  ruthless  villainios  of  a  Charles  Laughton  vie  for  patron- 
age from  a  pubTic  ever  changing  its  likes  and  dislikes,  Mickey  Mouse 
unites  the  world  in  understanding,   Shirley  Temple  shakes  her  curls  and 
smiles  and  overnight  a  Maurice  Chevalier  loses  his  popularity.   These  are 
box-office  la-ctors  that  start  nev/  competitions  in  the  amusement  field. 

The  totoJL  of  these  forces  is  a  restraining  influence  preventing  the 
Motion  pictiire  Industry  from  a  full  and  unrestrained  exercise  of  the 
natural  power  of  copyright  monopoly  for  each  picture  released  by  exacting 
an  unlimited  price  from  the  public.   In  industry  relations,  the  anti- 
trust lav;s  are  presumed  to  prevent  agreements  that  might  otherwise  readi- 
ly happen,   Tiiere  is  competition  among  producers  for  stars  and  box-office 
names;  there  is  competition  between  the  major  producers  themselves  and 
between  majors  and  independents  for  favorable  playing  da.tes  at  theatres. 
There  is  competition  among  producer-aiid-distributor-controlled  theatres 
and,  in  turn,  bet-/een  these  affiliated  houses  and  the  , independent  thea- 
tres.  Based  on  seating  capacity,  the  prevailing  spending  habit-s  of  the 
public  in  his  own  neighborhood,  the  number  of  competing  theatres,  there 
is  a  too  high  for  an  exhibitor  to  pay  in  lea,sing  pictures  for  his  theatre, 



And  except  for  producer- ovmed  theatres,  having  e:;c''.usive  rights  to  the 
producer's  test  featured  pictures,  there  is  competitive  rivalry  through- 
out the  exiiitition  field  in  "bidding  for  the  pictures  announced  as  forth- 
coming releases. 

Tlie  important  tr?  practices  arisin;--  from  these  competitive  forces 
are  the  concern  of  this  Chapter.   Some  of  the  provisions  sought  to  "b© 
written  into  the  Cede  ty  various  interests  would  have  strengthened  monop- 
oly power  and  restricted  free  competition.   Some  practices,  long  in  use 
in  the  Industry,  were  prohibited  "by  the  Code  as  not  being  sound  or  fair 
competition.   Some  practices-notably  "block-booking — are  fields  of  acute 
controversy  in  which  two  or  more  economic  philosophies  clash.   The  pur- 
pose here  is  to  present  the  controversy  as  it  exists  and  to  weight  the 
strength  of  sides.   In  order  as  presented,  a. survey  is  made  of  over^ 
buying;  clear^jice  and  zoning;  block-bookin£:  and  cancellation  priviliges; 
forcing  of  short  subjects;  rebates  on  a.draission  prices;  designated  play 
dates  aiid  other  trade  practices. 




Over-bu,7ing  is  a  practice  that  developed  in  the  Motion  Picture  In- 
dustry as  competition  becaiie  keener  in  the  entertainment  centers  with- 
in cities  and  tovms;  its  intent  was,  and  is,  to  deprive  a  competing  ex- 
hibitor of  sufficient  desirable  feature  pictures  to  meet  his  normal  re- 
quirements; it  has,  in  laissez-faire  economics,  the  blessing  usually  ac- 
corded to  the  greater  purchasing  power.  The  Industry  generally  regards 
the  use  of  this  instrument  to  destroy  competition  as  inherently  v/rong» 

Up  to  the  Code  pericd,  the  Industry  had  been  mable  satisfactorily 
to  meet  this  problem  and  eliminate  unfair  over-buying.   Approximately  85 
per  cent  of  the  complaints  submitted  to  the  Deputy  Administrator  by  ex- 
hibitors during  the  pre-code  period  related  to  some  form  of  o ver- buying, (*' 

Three'  methods  of  over-buying  were  generally  recognized: 

1»  An  exhibitor  licensed  more  feature  pictures  than  he  used 
in  operating  his  theatre  thus  "freezing"  the  surplus. 

2,  An  exhibitor  adopted  an  opera.ting  policy  of  unnecessary  and 
too  frequent  changes  of  programs 

3.  An  exiiibitor  exacted  from  a  distributor,  as  a  condition  to 
entering  into  a  contract,  that  the  distributor  refrain  from  licensing 
pictures  to  a  competitor, 


The  Code  provisions  specifically  declared  each  of  these  three  meth- 
ods to  be  unfair  trade  practices,  as  well  as  any  other  similar  a.ct  with 
the  same  intent  and  effect.  (**) 

1*1   The  report  of  Deputy  Administrator  on  the  proposed  Code  of  Pair  Com- 
petition for  the  Motion  picture  Industry,  October  26,  1933  -  Page  7, 

(**)  Article  VI,  Part  2,  Section  1  of  the  approved  Code. 


The  Code  not  only  declared  that  over-'b-a;;.'-in;^,  however  undertalcen,  was 
■unfair,  but  sought  to  grant  affirmative  relief  to  the  exhibitor  who  had 
Ije en  injured.  Local  GrievrJice  Boards  set  up  in  31  key  cities  were  given 
the  authority  to  direct  that ' an  offending  eidiibitor  surrender  the  over- 
bought pictures  to  the  complainant  involved.   This  procedure,  of  course, 
necessitated  abrogation  of  an  existing  legal  contract.   But  this  signi- 
ficant step  in  industrial  self-governi/ient .  r;as  made  possible  by  the  method 
of  securing  the  voluntai';:''  agreement  of  the  distributor  who,  as  a  possible 
innocent  psrty  to  the  contract,  might  have  successfully  resisted  inter- 
ference uith  his  rights  as  a  contractor.   The  Code  secured  this  voluntary 
agree,.ient  by  directing  that  the  benefitting  exiiibitor  should  at  least 
meet  the  terras  contained  in  the  license  agreement  bet-een  the  distributor 
and  the  exhibitor  called  upon  to  surrender  his  surplus  films.   Decisions 
of  local  Grievance  Boards  could  be  apnealed  to  the  Code  Authority  of  the 
Motion  Picture  Industry  b^'-  any  party  to  the  dispute,  (*) 

3.   PncCEDUSE  develop::!)  IK  cods  APPLICATION 

In  the  actual  application  and  interpretation  of  the  Code  provisions 
regarding  over-buying,  the  Code  Authority  gradually  evolved  procedures 
and  supplementary  principles.   The  decisions  of  the  Code  Authority  on 
appealed  cases  created  precedents  which  guided  local  Boards  in  later  de- 

The  simplest  form  of  over-buying  consisted  in  bu^J-ing  more  pictures 
than  could  be  shor.Ti  and  freezing  the  surplus.   In  this  case  determina.- 
tions  were  made  by  a  simple  mathematical  calculc„tion  after  allowances  for 
the  expectancy  cf  non-deliveries  (**)  and  for  the  number  of  pictures  can- 
celled under  the  cancellation  clause  (**♦)  Por  exaiaple,  an  exhibitor  mail- 
ing three  changes  per  v/eek  will  show  about  156  pictures  a  year.   Suppose 
that  he  has  licenses  250  pictures.  Allowing  arpproxiraately  32  pictures 
for  non-deliveries  and  exercise  of  rights  under  the  cancellation  clause, 
he  would  have  contracted  for  approximately  62  pictures  more  than  his 
reasonable  requirements.   In  such  instcnces,  the  offending  exhibitor 
would  be  required  to  release  62  pictures. 

Exiiibitors  usually  cloaked  their  over-buj'-ing  under  various  disguises* 
The  Code  framers,  experienced  in  the  practices  of  the  Industry,  shrewdly 
inserted  a  clause  prohibiting  over- buying  by  "the  adoption  of  an  unfair- 
ly competing  operating  policy  of  unnecessary  or  too  frequent  cha.nges  of 
motion  pictures,"  (****)  Por  example,  sup;:)Ose  the  exiiibitor  mentioned 
in  the  exa:-iple  above  had  adopted  a  policy  of  four  changes  per  week, 

(*)   Article  VI,  Part  2,  Section  (a)  of  the  approved  Code, 

(**)  Article  V-E,  Part  2  of  the  approved  Code. 

(***)  Article  V-F,  Part  6  of  the  ap;)roved  Code, 

(****)  Article  VI,  Part  2,  Section  1  (b)  of  the  approved  Code. 



requiring  208  pictures  inster.d  of  156  per  '.veek.   He  v'ould  then  have  cir- 
cumvented the  test  for  straight  matheaptice.!  over-'Duyin~.   In  an  alter- 
native case,  he  might  have  adopted  the  policy  of  usin^  double  features* 
or  he  night  have  used  a  combination  of  "both  nethodr.,  ostensibly  raising 
his  requirements  to  as  Li-'^;h  as  415  pictures  a  year.  Detection  of  such 
subterfuges  v/as  naturally  difficult;  the  date  of  the  adoption  of  these 
devices  held  special  significance,  (*) 

In  cases  where  over-buying  vias   effected  by  a  change  in  the  operat- 
ing policy  of  an  exhibitor's  theatre,  the  difficult  problem  was  to  de- 
termine the  intention.   An  exiiibitor  could  contend  that  a  change  in  pol- 
icy was  necessary  to  meet  conpetition.   Cases  were  adjudged  under  the 
Code  a,ccording  to  surrounding  circumstances,  A  change  from  single  fea- 
tures to  double  features  was  closely  scrutinized,   Eowever,  such  a  change 
in  a  territory  where  double  features  predominated  might  not  be  considered 
unreasonable.   Considerable  latitude  in  judging  intent  was  afforded  an 
exhibitor  r.h.o  showed  a  deficit  record.  Discussions  held  by  an   exhibitor 
before  changing  his  operating  policy  often  indicated  his  purpose. 

Another  device  used  to  disguise  over-buying  involved  "the  execution 
without  just  cause  of  an  agreement  from  any  distributor  as  a  condition 
for  entering  into  a  contract  for  motion  TDict^arec  that  such  distributor  , 
refrain  from  licensing  its  motion  pictures  to  the  complaining  exhibitor." 
(**)  Here  again,  the  question  of  intent  arose.   The  mere  fact  that  an 
exhibitor  was  unable  to  buy  film  was  not  considered  to  be  proof.   It  was 
essential  to  show  conspiracy  between  the  distributor  and  the  respondent 
exhibitor,  l\To  such  proof  was  adduced  during  the  life  of  the  code,   Sach 
a  practice,  if  ^^roven,  would  have  undoubtedly  constituted  a  conspiracy 
in  restraint  of  trade  and  entailed  serious  consequences  both  to  the 
distributor  and  to  the  exiiibitor  involved. 

The  opening  of  a  new  theatre  v;ith  or  without  circuit  affiliations 
might  cause  a,  withdrcwal  of  product  from  an  existing  theatre.   A  new 
theatre  in  a  competitive  territory  might  find  itself  unable  to  buy  product 
in  competition  with  existing  theatres.   Cases  of  tnis  type,  where  no 
theatrri  was  overbought  or  where  no  theatre  had  adopted  an  unfair  compe- 
ting policy,  were  dismissed  by  the  Code  Authority  on  the  gound  that  mere 
inability  to  buy  did  not  constitute  proof  of  conspiracy;  if  the  theatre 
involved  could  "out-buy,"  that  fact  did  not  necessarily  mean  that  the 
theatre  had  in  fact  over-bougiit,  (***) 

Several  ca^es  arose  under  this  sane  provision  where  distributors 
refused  to  sell  subsequent  runs  in  small  towns.   The  Code  Authority  held 
that  this  vias  not  proof  of  conspiracy  between  exhibitors  and  distributors 
but  was  entirely  a  problem  of  sales  policy  within  the  distributor's 
individ'o^l  judgment.  (****)    '^ 

(*)    Code  Authority  Appeal  Decision  Ho,  23, 

(**)   Article  VI,  Part  2,  Section  1  (c)  of  the  aporoved  Code, 
(***)   Code  Authority  Appeal  Decisions  ITo,  54,  Ko.  247  and  No,  428, 
(****)  Code  Authority  Ap:oeal  Decisions  V.o,    244,  110,333  and  No,  334. 



Another  practice  which  might  have  been  employed  as  an  overb-aying 
device  was  the  "exclusive  rights"  contract,  whereby  an  exhibitor  contracts 
for  the  exclusive  right  to  exhibit  a  distributor's  product  in  a  partic- 
ular competitive  area.   Wo  case  of  this  type  was  brought,  however,  to  the 
attention  of  the  Code  Authority, 

In  order  to  be  certain  that  no  Dossible  means  of  over-buying  had 
been  omitted  from  the  Code  the  Code  framers  inserted  a  "catch-all"  clause 
which  forbade  the  commission  of  any  other  act  with  a  similar  intent  and 
effect,   (*)   The  most  common  device  complained  of  under  this  section 
was  the  use  of  "selective"  contracts,  A  selective  contract  allows  an 
exliibitor  a  choice  from  a  group  of  pictures  offered  for  which  he  usuallj?- 
pays  a  higher  pro  rata  price  than  if  the  whole  group  vmre   taken.  For 
instance  he  may  contract  for  a  selection  of  a  minimijm  of  20  from  a  block 
of  30,   The  pictures  are  not  selected  at  the  time  the  contract  is  drawn 
up  but  as  the  pictures  become  available.   This  device  has  the  effect  of 
preventing  a  competing  exhibitor  from  contracting  for  the  remaining 
pictures  at  the  beginning  of  the  season.   In  general,  the  Code  Authority 
ruled  that  the  minimum  number  of  pictures  sti-oulated  in  a  selective 
contract  should  be  considered  in  naking  decisions,   (**) 

Houever,  to  prevent  the  use  of  selective  contracts  as  an  over- buying 
device  the  Code  Authority  in  a  number  of  cases  ordered  the  respondent  to 
make  his  selections  promptly  and  within  a  certain  time  after  availability 
was  announced  so  that  the  complainant  might  then  be  free  to  contract  for 
surplus  pict-ares.   (***) 

TThere  an  exhibitor  has  contracted  for  sufficient  pictures  to  satisfy 
normal  deriands  the  practice  of  spot  booking  may  be  used  as  an  over-buying 
device,   "Spot  booking"  refers  to  the  practice  of  purchasing  individual 
pictures  for  immediate  use  as  they  become  available,.  SiDecial  feature 
products  are  usually  released  by  this  method  although  the  -oractice  is 
not  confined  to  this  type  of  picture.   In  two  cases,  the  Code  Authority 
advised  the  respondents  that  "extreme  care  must  be  observed  that  the 
practice  of  'spot  booking'  pictures  shall  not  be  conducted  in  such  a 
manner  that  a  violation  of  Article  VI,  Part  2,    Section  1  (c)  may  be 
charged  and  proved."   (****) 

In  decisions  on  appeals  a  number  of  general  rules  to  be  considered 
in  all  cases  was  indicated  by  the  Code  Authority,   In  considering  whether 
an  e:diibitor  had  over-bought,  the  Code  Authority  ruled  that  regardless 
of  the  age  of  the  pictures,  it  would  consider  both  the  number  of  pictures 
purchased  under  an  old  contract  and  the  number  of  pictures  under  a  new 
contract;  the  entire  number  of  pictures  regardless  of  quality  was  to  be 
considered,   (*****) 

(*)  •  ■  i\xticle  VIV  p*^n  3,  Suction  1  (cl)  of  the  airnrovod' Code. 

(**)  Code  Authority  Appeal  Decision  No.  23, 

(***)  Code  Authority  Appeal  Dicisions  No.  326,  No,  347  and  No,  368. 

(****)  Code  Authority  Appeal  Decisions  No,  123  and  No.  231, 

(*****)  Code  Authority-  Appeal  Decision  No,  53, 


l\"either  -'as  any  distinction  made   as   to   -vhether   the    picture  -under 
contract  were  first,    second  or   subsequent  run.      The  entire  product  under 
contract  regardless  of  r\m  was'  considered  in  raal-iin;^  decision's,      (*) 

The   Code  Authority  refused  to   v-aiLrsider   c»  uhere  an  exhibitor  'le.s 
unahle   to   secure   the  particular  run  of  picture   tha-o  v>p   desired     taJrin^ 
the  position   that   this  v;as  entirely  a  suDject  for  negotiati^v,   "Ket-roRn  the 
distrihutor  and  the   ezdiibitor.      (**) 


Ho\7  to   grant  relief  and  hov.-  to    select   the  pictures   to   "be   surrendered 
"by  the   guiltj'- .party  at  first  presented  difficult  problems   to   the   local 
Grievojice   Boards, 

The  pictures   to   be    surrendered  v/ere  naned   in  the   first   decisions, 
handed  dovm*     However,    beginning  with  the   thirteenth  ao^eal   decision  by 
the   Code  Authority  on  June   13,   1934,    (which  happened  to   be   the  fourth 
appeal  relating  to   over- buying)    the -exhibitor  held  to   be   in  violation 
was  rea_uired  to  prepare    two   lists  of  featiires  each  consisting  of   the 
number  over-bought  and  the   complainant  was  permitted  to-  make  his   choice 
of  either  group.      This  method  prevented  the   respondent   exhibitor  from 
releasing  only  such  pictures  as  he'  judged  to  have   the   least  box  office 

In  later  decisions,    further   to  protect   the   comr)laining  exhibitor  from 
having  to  make  a  choice   between  two  lists  possibly  both  composed  chief l^r 
of  independent  product,    the   Code  Authority  stipiilated  that   the   lists 
should  be  made  up   so  as   to   be   representative  of   the  product  of  all   dis« 
tributors   involved  as  far  as  possible,      (***)      The  number  of  pictiires 
awarded  to   a  complaining  exhibitor  was  not   to  be   reduced  because  a  re- 
spondent exhibitor  continued  an  unfair  operating  policy  thus  creating  an 
actual   shortage   of  pictures,      (****) 

TJhile   the   Code  Authority  had  to  evolve   its  own  methods  of  procedure 
in  granting  relief,    the    Code  did  state   that   in  making  the  award  the    "terns 
and  conditions   shall   in  no   event  be  less  favorable   to    the  Distributor 
concerned  than  those   contained  in  the   license  contract  of   the  Exhibitor 
com;olained  of,    including  the  Distributor's  loss  of  revenue,    if  any, 
resulting  from  the   elimination  of  or  reduction  of  revenue  from  any 
subsequent  r-un  or  runs  made  necessary  by  such  award,"      (*****)      This 
stipi^2ation  was  entered  since   it  was   the   ass-umption  that   the   distributor 
was  an  imiocent  -party  to   the  agreement,    and  therefore   any  interference 
with  his   contractual  relations   should  carry  the   assurance   that  he   v/o-uld 
not  be   f ins-ncially  injured, 

(*)  Code  Authority  Appeal   Decisions   No,   17,    No,    20,    No.    73, 

No.   108  and  No,    117,  .         '    •  ■••...• 

(**)  Code  Authority  Ai^-^eal  Decisions  No,   121,    No,    283  and  No,    284, 

(***,)  .Code  Authority  Appeal  Decisions  ITo,   53,    No.   73,   No.    58, 

No,   307  and  No,   395, 

(****)        Code  Authority  Appeal'  Decision  No,    401, 

(*****)      Article  VI,    Part   2,    Section  5  of   the  approved  Code, 



Such  adjustrnents  as  became  necessary  under  this  cleuse  were  relatively 
simple  in  the  case  of  contracts  calling  for  flat  rentals.  Percentage 
agreements  presented  difficulties.   The  Code  Authority  did  not  specify 
the  "terns  and  conditions"  in  these  cases  but  allowed  the  parties  in-» 
volved  to  arrive  at  a  solution  o^  mutual  agreement.   In  cases  where  the 
distributor  Questioned  the  financial  responsibility  of  the  complaining, 
exhibitor,  the  local  G-rievance  Boards  or  the  Code  Authority  usually  re- 
quired as  a  condition  to  the  award  a  bond  or  cash  deposit. 

It  is  to  be  noted  that  the  Code  could  not  interfere  with  contract-u£,l 
relations  existing  between  a  distributor  and  its  affiliated  theatre,   (*) 


The  local  Grievance  Boards  reported  164  over-bijying  cases  considered 
in  the  period  up  to  April  1,  1935,  No  analysis  showing  the  amount  of 
relief  granted  in  these  cases  is  available. 

The  National  Recovery  Administration  has  on  record  the  Code  Authority 
appeal  decisions  on  63  cases  which  were  a ope ale d  to  the  Code  Authority, 
An  analysis  of  these  cases  indicates  that  in  nine  (9)  cases,  the  local 
board  decision  in  favor  of  the  complainant  was  affirmed  and  in  eight  (8) 
cases  reversed.   In  fourteen  (14)  cases,  the  local  Grievance  Board  de- 
cision for  the  respondent  was  affirmed  and  in  seven  (?)  reversed. 
Eighteen  cases  were  dismissed  by  the  Code  Authority,  three  (3)  were  re* 
manded  for  fiorther  hearing,  and  in  four  (4)  cases  relief  in  part  was 
granted  the  complainant.   This  part  relief  consisted  in  general  of  re- 
quiring that  the  respondent  make  selections  of  ;oictures  within  a  definite 
time  limit  under  selective  contracts.   Omitting  those  cases  in  which 
part  relief  was  granted,  the  record  shows  that  the  coraplainant  was  granted 
relief  in  28,6  per  cent  of  the  overbuying  cases  considered  by  the  Code 


Any  relief  from  over-buying  is  necessarily  granted  to  the  smaller 
exhibitor.   The  financially  powerful  affiliated  or  circuit  exhibitor 
needs  little  -protection.  His  economic  strength  is  his  safeguard, 

Overbu;;'"ing  is  least  often  encountered  where  there  are  many  com- 
petitive theatres  in  a  territory.   In  such  a  case  •verbu;/'ing  is  liicely 
to  prove  t6o  expensive,  tioreover,  the  returns  seldom  warrant  it,   TTnere 
the  -.larhet  is  large  enough  to  accomodate  a  number  of  theatres,  it  is  also 
us-ually  large  enough  to  sustain  several  showings  of  a  film.   In  such 
cases,  an  exhibitor  unable  to  secure  desirable  first  or  second  runs  nay 
lower  his  admission  prices  and  step  into  a  subsequent  run  r»osition. 

It  is  in  the  competitive  territory  so  small  as  to  be  able  to  sustain 
two  or  three  theatres  only  that  the  more  nredatory  aspects  of  over-bu;;/i- 
ing  reveal  themselves.   The  intent  and  effect  is  first  to  stifle  and 
eventually  to  eliminate  competition,  A  profitable  establishment  may  be 
driven  out  of  business  with  consequent  unemployment  and  economic  loss 
to  the  community. 

(*)  Article  VI,  Part  2,  Section  5  of  the  approved  Code, 


The  -QuMic  has  not  only  an  economic  but  a  family-circle   concern  in 
the   result  of  over- buying,      \7hen  a  local   theatre   establishe-s  a  monopoly 
for  itself  by  this   scheme,    three   conditions  enter   the  family  circle.     One 
touches   the  family  pockethook  whenever  monopoly  exercises   its    jrivile£;;e 
of  rr.,isifl.g  adjiission  lorices.      Tlie    second  condition  'restricts   the  f  ai-iily*  s 
choice   of  pictures -it  wants,  to    see  and  enjoy,      With  the   rival    theatre   or 
theatres  closed,   -there   is  but  one  -olace    to   go;    if  .'the    oicture   featured 
there   does  hot  appeal,    one  family  after  another   see'^s-  otlier  entertain- 
ment.     That   cuts   dov7n  motion  picture    revenue.      But   the.  offending  theatre  . 
may  seek  to    check  this  loss  Trit'j  a  new  nrograra  iDolicy:    and,    there,    the 
third  condition  enters   to   interfere  with  family' s  plans  for   the  week. 
The   theatre   now  attempts   to  lolay  more    shows;   probably  offering  double 
bills;    often  changing  pictures  every  second  or   third  day.     Opportunity 
to   see   the  most  popular  pictures  on  days   convenient   to    the  family  is 
thus   sharply  limited  -  in  many  cases,    lost  altogether  for   in   small   towns, 
it   is   seldom  'that  feature  pictures  play  a  second  engagement. 

Just  as   the   business   community  and  the  public  lose   by  the  practice, 
in   the   long  run,    so   do   distributors.      Whereas  distributors  may  receive 
increased  returns  during  the  first  part  of   the  "orocess,    once   competition 
has  been  removed,    the  premiums  cease.      The   exhibitor   in  a  non- competitive 
situation  is   in  an  excellent  position  to   deal   shrewdly  with  the   distributor. 

The  e:diibitor   suffering  from  the  practice   has  no   recourse  even  to 
the   Courts  imless,    as  is  very  iinlikely,    he   can  prove   concerted  action  in 
contravention  of  anti-trust   statutes.      The  loublic   is  helpless,  -  The   inaividua] 
dist:':l'butcr  cp^^-^.at  sin^ile-jiaridedly  combat   the  practice   to   the  detriment  of 
his  business.     Distributors  acting  in  concert  would  b.e-.liable   to  prosecu- 
tion under  ant i-^ trust  laws,     ATDoarently  only  through  sQ:;ie   such  Federal 
assistance   to   industry  in  general  as  was,  extended  by  tije  National   In- 
dustrial Recovery  Act,    or   through  particular  legislation  for   the  Motion 
Picture    Industry  does  there    seem  to   be.  a  way  to   eliminate   the   harmful 
practice  of  over-buying, 

B.      CLEAHAl'-CE  MD  ZONIiTG  ...•     ' 


A  "zone."   is  a   territory  within  which  theatre's  cojnpete   for  patronage, 

^'Claarance"    is   that  period  of   time  which,    by  contract  bet^-^een  a 
distributor  and  the   exhibittor   concerned,    elapses  between  the  "orior   show- 
ing and  an3-  .subsequent   showing  of  a  feature  "oicture  within  a  zone. 

"Itun"   refers  .to   the    sequence   of   different    showings  of  a  feature 
pictiu-e   in  a  zone.      To   illustrate,    a  first   showing  is   referred  .to   as  a. 
first  runj.  a  second  showing -as  a  second  run,   etc. 

Earlj^  in   the  history  -of   the    Industry,,   distributors  found   that  at- 
tempts to -release   a  picture   for  simultaneous  exhibition  at  a  number  of • 
theatres   in  a  competitive   area  resulted  in  reduced  filnj  rentals  and 
destroyed  the  market  for   subsequent  exhiljition  in  the    territory.   More- 
over,   the   large  number  of  'positive  prints   required  for  widespread 
simultaneous  exhibition  -  prints   that   thereafter  were   of  limited  use  - 



added  considerably  to  a  distributor's   costs  and   increased  expenses   beyond 
comraensiirate   retiirn.      Because   of   these   facts,   a   system  of   clearance   de- 

The   first-rim  exhibitor  paj.^-s  a  ;oremiiKn  in   the   form  of  a  high  license 
and  rental  fee  for   tha  prior  use   of  a  print.      He   maintains  a  relatively 
high  admission  price.     Many  theatre   goers  are  willing  to  pay  this  price 
rather  than  wait  a  number  of  weeks  or  months  to   view  the  picture   in  a 
second-run  house.      The  greater   the  period  of  clearance,    the  greater   is 
the  number  of   customers   the  exhibitor   is  likely  to   attract.     Naturally, 
the  amount  of   clearance   that  an  exhibitor   is  able   to   secure   is  an  im- 
portant factor   in  the   amount  he   is  willing  to  pay  for  the   use   of  a  film. 

This   same    situation   is   duplicated  in  the  case   of    second-run  and 
subsequent   run  exhibitors,    except   that   in  these    instances   the   license 
and  rental  fees  paid  are    smaller  and   the    clearance  period  shorter. 

An  excellent  example   of   the  effect  of   clearance   on  admission  prices 
is   seen  in   the   current    (October  -  November,    1935)    marketing  of   the 
Warner  Brothers  feature,    "A  I.Iidsummer  Night's  Dream".      This   is  being 
exhibited  e.s  a  "road  show"   attra,ction  at  high  admission  prices.      One  year, 
it  has    oeen  publicly  announced-,    is   the   clearance  period.      It   is  lar-^ely 
on  the    strength  of    the   uriusuallj-  long  clearance   period  that   the  high 
scale   of  admission  prices   is  maintained. 

If   the  period  of  clearance   is   too   short,    the  prior- run  exhibitor 
does  not   receive  full  value  for   the'  money  he  has  expended  in  higher  film 
rentals  and  in  mairitaining  a  large   and  well-equipped  theatre.      On  the 
other  hand,    if  the  period  of  clearance   is  unduly  long,    the   subsequent 
run  e:diibitor   suffers.      The  advertising  and  exploitation  of  the  picture 
which  may  ha,ve   aroused  much  enthusiasm   in  connection  with  the   first-run 
exhibition   tends  to  fade  from  the  public  mind  and  when  that  happens   there 
are  eupt3'-  seats  in   the   theatre. 

The   best   interests  of   the   distributor 'would  s.ppear   to   lie    somewhere 
in  beti.-een.      The   distributor  receives   the  major  part   of  his   income   from 
prior-run  accounts,    but   the   incoie  from   subsequent   run  accounts   is  also 
essential   to  him.     Moreover,    it   is   imrjortant   that  he   receive  all  of   the 
revenue  as   soon  as  possible,      Ee    is  best   served  when  clearance    is  fair 
to  both  groups,    in  which  case   he   is  in  a  position  to   receive   maximum 
income   and  promj^t  return  on  his   investment, 


The   application  of    the    clearance    system  throughout   the    Industry  led 
to   constant   bickering  bet'/een   subseq^uent   run  exhibitors  anxious   to    im- 
prove   their  position  and  first-ruci  exhibitors  attempting  to  maintain 
their  advantages   in  clearance.      Distributors  v/ere  pressed  from  both  sides 
and  received  the   blame   for  any  allege-d  inequities. 

To    solve    these  problems,    the   Hays  Organization  throUt:ch  the  Film 
Boards  of  Trade   attempted  to  formulate   clearance   in  each  of 
the   32  distribution  districts    then  existing.      Producer-distributor  and 
exhibitor   coinmittees   drew  up   schedules  which  were   designed  to   be  fair  and 
reasonable.      However,    complaints  of  unfairness  were  made   by  independent 



exhilDitors  uho   charged  that   they  had  "been  discriminated  against  in  favor 
of  affiliated  and  unaffiliated  circuit   theatres, 

iin  independent  Nebraska  exhibitor,    William  IJ,   Youngclaus,    took  his 
troubles  to   the  United  States  District   Court.      In   the    trial  of   the    suit 
Youngclaus  v.   Omsiha  Film  Board  of   Trade ,    Judge  Hunger  handed  dovm  an 
opinion  on  July  2,    1932,    enjoining  the   enforcement   of   the    schedule   in 
the  Omalia  territory,    holding  that  it  was  an  unreasonable   restraint  of 
trade   rjid  in  contravention  of  anti-trust  laws.      Attempts   to  formulate 
schedules  were  abandoned  after   this  decision, 


The  principle   of  reasonable   schedules  of  clearance  and  zoning  to  be 
applicable   to   all  exhibitors  was  again  brought   to   the   fore   by  the   Code 
of  Fair  Cor.jetition  for   the  Motion  Picture    Industry,      The  function  of 
drawing  up   these    sched^oles  was  to  be   delegated  to   local   Clearance   and 
Zoning  Boards   to   be   established  in  each  exchange   center.     All   grourps 
agreed  to   this  proposal   in  principle,    but   disagreed  on  the   question  of 
division  of  nenbership  on   the   local  boards. 

The  Lrdiibitors'    conraittee  pro;DOsed  that  the  local   boards   should 
consist  of  four   subsequent  r^on  theatre   representatives,    two  first- run 
theatre   representatives,    and  two  representatives  of  distributors,    on  the 
assuLiption   tha.t   the   interests  of  first-run  exhibitors  and  distributors 
coincided  -in  keer)ing  clearance  as  long  as  possible    (*), 

Affiliated  exhibitors  and  distributors  would  not   consent   to   such  a 
proposal.      They  stated  that  many  subsequent   run  exhibitors  favored 
eliminating  clearance  entirely  and  that   such  a  resiilt   would  destroy  the 
huge   investment   in  the  nore  elaborate   first-run  houses,    crirjple   the  dis- 
tributor's revenue,    and  eventioallj^  throw  the  entire   industry  into  a 
chaotic  and  bankrupt   state    (**),      The   representation  uroposed  would  have 
given  the   subseo^uent  run  exhibitor  a  tic  vote   to    start  with,    and  it  was 
pointed  out   that   the   independent  distributor's   interest  might  well   be 
considered  to  lie  with  those   of   subsequent   run  exhibitors  -  his  princi- 
pal market  «  and  against  affiliated  theatres  and  distributors   (***), 

In  pre-code   conferences   independent  exhibitors  asserted  that  where 
they  xiere   in  competition  with  affiliated  exhibitors   they  were   constantly 
discriminated  against  in  questions  of   clearance   and  zoning,    and  they 
feared  tha-t  under   the  motion  picture   code   their  positions  might   still 
further  be    subordinated.      The   actual   operation  of   the   code  provisions 
was  that  this  group  received  the   major  benefit, 

(*)  Article  41  of  Code  Proposals   submitted  by  the  Exliibitors' 

Committee,   August   23,    1933,      Volume  A  for   the  Motion 
Picture   Industry,    National  Recovery  Administration  Files. 

(**)    (***)     Memorandum  in  Explanation  and  Support   of   the  Provisions   of 
the  Proposed  Code   of  Fair   Competition  for   the  Motion 
Picture   Industry  (the  -producer-distributor  proposals). 
Not   signed  -  not   dated.      Pages  22-27.      National  Recovery 
Adi.iinistration  Files, 



The   Clearajice  and  Zoning  Boards  as  finallv  constituted  in   the   code 
consisted  of   two   representatives  of  distributors,    one  ^"rith  theatre    con- 
nections and  one  with  no    theatre   connections,    two   representatives  of 
first-run  exhibitors,    one   affiliated  and  one  uiiaff  ilia  ted,    and  two- rep»« 
resentatives  of   subsequent   run  independent   exhibitors.      This   division  of 
representation  embodied  practically  all   the  producer-distributor  proposals. 
Subsequent   run  exhibitors   claimed  that    the  majority  of  votes  would  bo 
split  four   to   two  against   them.      However,    a.ccording  to   a  report    submit-ted 
to   the   Senate  finance    Committee   during  investigation  of   the  National  Re- 
covery Administration  it  was   sho\'m   that    this  vote   vevj  seldom  occurred. 
Of  all   cases  heard  78  per   cent  were   decided  by  unanimous  vote    (*)• 

4.      SCHEDULES  mmSP.  THE  COIE 

The   local   Clearance   and  Zoning  Boards  were  permitted  by  the   Code   to 
formulate    schedules  of   clearance   and  zoning  for   their  respective   exchange 
territories   by  January  1   of  each  year,    such  schedules   to   be   in  force 
throughout   the  ensuing  selling  season   (**),      Various  difficulties  were 
experienced  by  the   local  Boards,      To   make    sure    that   schedules   submitted 
would  be   reasonable   and  not  liastily  formulated,    delays    in   submission 
were  authorized.      This  has   been  discussed  r^reviously  in  Chapter   III. 

The   greatest   diffici3lty  ex^Dcrienced  in  attempting  to   formulate 
schedules  appears   to  have   been  disfn-^reement  as    to   what  nrinciTDles  vrere 
to   be  used  in  determining  what  was  fair  and  reasonable.      Most   of    the 
schedules   submitted  by  the   local  Boards   toolr  into    consideration  every 
conceiva.ble   factor   that   might  affect   clearance    including  runs,    admission 
prices,    double  feature  policies,    vaudeville,   premiums,    and  lotteries. 
To  add  to   the   confusion,    local   customs  differed   so   radically  that   sta.nd— 
ardization  was  most  difficult. 

In  the   meantime   no  affirmative   relief   coiild  be  awarded  thp  victim 
of  unfair  clearance   or   zoning  since    the   Code   specified  that   such  compla»- 
ints  were   to   be  heard  only  after   the   approval  of  a    schedule.      Since   the 
schedules  were  unavoidedly  delayed,    the   Code  Authority  proposed  an  amend- 
ment to   the   Code   to  permit   the  local   Clearance  and  Zoning  Boards   to  hear 
complaints  against  alleged  ineo^uities   in  individual   cases  without  regard 
to  whether  a    schedule  had  been  a.iToroved  or  not.      This  amendment  was 
approved  by  the  National  Recovery  Administration  a.nd  became   effective 
July  3,    1S34    (***).  _ 

(*)  Reports  of   Compliance   and  Enforcement  Director's  Office  -  Motion 

Picti^Te    Industry  -  National  Recovery  Administration  Files, 

(**)        Ai'ticle   VI,    Part   5,    Section  3  of   the   api^roved  Code. 

(***)     A-.ieni-.ient  No.   1   to    the   Code   of  Pair   Competition  for   the  Motion 
Pictiure    Industry, 



Lccal  j3o8rds   continued  to   differ   en   the  principles   to   be   considered 
in  fcrnrlrtin-c;  sch<3dule';   or   in    n-pntine;  relief   in  individual   cases, 
finally  the   Cede  i\.i\thorit7  rele.^sed  a    set  of  rules  for   the  guidance   cf 
local  Beards    (*),      j^'he  nore   imortant  ef   these   rules   recommended  that: 

1,  An  exhibi^'or  Lc  net  prohibited  fron  see^cing  to  improve  his  posi- 
tion 1)7  b-a;;"ing  any  run  he  mi-'iit  be  able  to  secure  by  negotiating  with  the 

2,  The  difference  between  admission  Drices  charged  be  considered  in 
allctti-..:g  clearance, 

3,  A   schedule   already  ap-oroved  be   revised  Tvhere  a.  prior- 
run  reduces  admission  prices, 

4,  The  period  of  cleara-nce  be  not  affectdd  by  reason  of  any  theatre 
using  a   deuble  feature  policy  or  a    stage   show, 

5,  The  vjaiver  of  a   first  run  of   clearance   over  a    second  run   should 
automatically''  advance   the   clearance   of   subsequent  runs, 

6,  The  period  of   clearance   fixed  in  sni''  case    should  be   a  maximum 
and  that   should  not  be   considered  as  -oreventing  f^ny  exhibitor  from  ne- 
gotiating for  a   shorter   clearance  with  a   distributor   if  he   is  able   to   do 
so,  •     " 

Only  t',70   clearance   and  zoning  schedules  wore  aporoved  by  the   Code 
Authcrity  in  1934,      These   vrere   for  Miami,    Florida   and  St.    Petersburg, 
Florida,      These   schedules  were  ^Jurely  geographical  and  extremely  simple. 

Only  cne  major   schedule  v/as  approved  by  the    Code  Authority  -  and 
that   in  1935  -  fer   the  Los  Angeles   territory.     About  five  months   time 
had  'ooen   sient  by   the   local  i;oard  in  drafting  this   schedule,      TThen   it 
was   subr.iitted  to   the   Code  Authority,    complaints  were   so   numerous   that 
the   Cede  Authority'-  spent  4v  days  holding  prelipiinary  hearings  with  witnes- 
ses from  Los  Angeles.      .After   consideration  of   the    schedule,    some   ten  or 
twelve   days  were   spent   in  continuing  re-hearings   again  with  witnesses 
present  from  Los  Aii^ieles,     AItO::;ether   the    schedule  was   in   the   hands  cf 
the   Cede  Authority  about  fc^jr  months.      Protests  from  Fox  '.Test   Coast 
Theatres,    Inc.      were  outstanding  at   the   time  of   approval,      Because   ef 
this  a  prevision  was   insorted  in  the   approval  requiring  that   the   local 
Board  hear   these  protests   immediately  and  certify  their  findings   to   the 
Code  Authority'-, 

This  Le  s  An,^eles   schedule,    while   not  perfect,    was  a   considerable 
imorcvevient   ever  previous   conditions.      At   the   time  of   its  formulation, 
a  price-war  was  raging  in   the   territory.      One  of   the   factors   considered 
in  determining  clearance   under   the   schedule  was  admission  "orices,     llather 
than  suffer  changes   in  clearance,    exhibitors   terminated  the  price  war, 

(*)      Cede  Authcrity  ilelease   of   September  13,    1934  -   "Principles  of 
Clearance"  -  national  lleccvery  Administration  Files  -  luotion 
Picture      Industry  -   Clearance   and  Zoning  Scnedules 




D-uring  the  period  of    the    Code,    875   individual   complaints  were   heard 
"by  the  vrricus  local   Clearance   and  Zoning  Boards  according  to  a   report 
made   "by  the    Code  Authority  as  of  June   16,    19;:;5,      No   analysis  of  relief 
afforded  in   these   cases   is  available. 

According  to    this   same   report,    a-opeals  rrere   m='de   to    the    Code  Author- 
ity in  136   cases,    or  15,5  per   cent  of   the   cases   considered.      The  i.Iotion 
Pictiixe  riles  of   the   National  Recovery  Administration   contain  records  of 
96  cf   the   decisions  on  appeal   cases.      An  analysis   of    these   96   cases   shons 
that   the    Code  Authority  affirmed  28   cases  and  reversed  10   cases  where  de- 
cisions  for   com-olainants  had  been  niadc   by  local   Boards.      Local   Boards' 
decisions  for  respondents  vere   affirmed  by  the    Code  Authority  in  30   cases 
and  reversed  in  six  cases.      Thirteen  cases  were   dismissed,    four  were  re- 
manded for  further  hearing,    and  in  five   cases  relief   in  part  was  granted. 

Omitting  cases  remanded  for  fiu*ther  hearings  and  those    in  which  only 
relief   in  part  was  afforded,    it   is   seen   that   the    Code  Authorit2^  granted 
the   complainant  relief   in  59  per  cent  cf    the  ajmeal   cases   considered. 


The    subsequent  run  exhibitor  bears   the   principal   burden  of  unfair 
clearance.      It   is  claimed  that  40  per  cent   cf  distributors'    revenue   is 
derived  from  first   run  accounts   in  100  key  cities    (*).      All   the   major 
film-producing  companies   consider  at  least  50  per   cent  of   the   cost  of  a 
negative'  film   should  be   amortized  within   three   months  after  release   for 
exhibition,      'The   Paramount   Pictures   Corporation  amortizes  00  per   cent  of 
the   cost  of  a  negative  film  in  12  weeks   (**).      It   is  obvious   that  a. 
distributor's  prior-run  accounts  are   his  largest    individual   sources  cf 
revenue.     For   this   reason,    a  prior-run  exhibitor   is   in  a   better  position 
to  demand  increased  clearance    than  is  a   subsequent  run  exhibitor  to   resist 
this   incursion.      If  a   controversy  as   to  fair  clearance  arises,    a   distri- 
butor  is  least  likely  to   ris]:  alienating  his  larger  account. 

For  parallel   causes,    unfair   zoning  restrictions  are  usually  at   the 
expense  of   the    subsequent  run  exhibitor.      In   some    cases  large    theatres 
have   "oeen  able    to  exact  as  much  as   six  months  clearance  and  zoning  restric- 
tions cf  more    than  100  miles. 

(*)        "The  licticn  Picture    Industry"   by  Howard  T,    Lewis  of  Harvard 
University,      Page   201,      Publisher,    van  Nostrand,    1933, 

(**)      P&.    TH  -  47,    "Standard  Trade   and  Sec^irities".      Published  by 
Standard  Statistics   Co.,    N.Y.C,    issue  of  February  20,    1935, 



The  principal  effect  of  im'^LLy  exten^^ed  clearance  is  to  rer^oice  the 
revenue  of  the  sul) sequent  run  exhilDitor,  By  the  time  this  exhiliitor  is 
able  to  use  a  film,  the  advertising  and  exploitation  in  connection  nith 
earlier  exhibition  has  faded  from  public  raemory  in  his  locality.  His 
public  is  novj  besieget^  en  every  side  by  new  advertising  an<i  exploitation 
campaigns  promoting  ne'-.or  and  fresher  pictures.  The  attractions  of  the 
subsequent  run  exliibitor  are  nor;  out-of-date. 

Prior-run  exhibitors  conceive  it  to  their  best  interest  to  have 
clearance  as  lengthy  anrl  zoning  as  extensive  as  possible,  Undoubte'-lly, 
the  mere  rigid  these  restrictions,  the  more  tickets  such  exhibitor  ^^culd 
sell,  Hov/ever,  if  coTried  to  extremes,  this  practice  \70uld  force  the 
subsequent  run  erdriibitor  either  out  of  business  or  into  such  a  subordin-* 
ate  position  that  he  would  be  unable  to  pay  pjiy  significant  proportion 
of  the  film  rental  totals.   The  loss  to  distributors  through  the  col** 
lapse  of  these  accounts  v/ould  be  transferred  to  prior-run  exhibitors  in 
the  form  of  increased  charges  for  film.   It  is  doubtful,  if  even  uith 
increased  attendance,  the  prior- run  exhibitors  could  shoulder  this 

Cn  the  other  han^l,  the  maintenance  of  palatial,  architecturally 
attractive  prior— run  theatres  depends  upon  adequate  clearance  and  zon- 
ing.  Theatres  of  this  type  employ  many  people,  and  in  some  cases  engage 
in  vaudeville  or  elaborate  stage  presentation  activities  vfhich  in  turn 
provirle  still  more  cmplo:^,nnent.   To  finance  these  activities,  these 
theatres  cliarge  high  admission  prices.   They  pay  high  film  rentals,  Un— 
ciuly  short  clea.rerice  or  unduly  restricted  zoning  would  undoubterlly  re- 
sult, as  far  as  these  therit  res  are  concerned,  in  loss  of  investment, 
loss  of  revenue  to  distributors,  an^i  an  increase  in  unemployment. 

The  distributor  is  helped  by  fair  clearance.  He  is  then  in  a  posi- 
tion to  receive  majiimum  total  revenue  by  charging  fair  film  rentals  to 
both  prior  anci   subsequent  run  exhibitors.   Subordination  of  either  group 
results  in  a  loss  of  competition  essential  to  the  distributor  if  his  in- 
come is  to  be  protected.   In  addition  to  his  concern  in  protecting  both 
prior  and  subsequent  luns,  the  distributor  has  a  further  interest  in 
shortened  clearancec   It  is  essential  for  him  to  obtain  the  quickest 
possible  return  on  his'  investment  in  films.   This  is  only  possible  uhere 
clearance  and  zoning  are  reduced  to  an  eq_ui table  minimum, 

T/here  clearance  is  unduly  extended,  that  part  of  the  public  which 
is  unable  or  unwilling  to  pa.y  the  high  admission  prices  asked  by  the  de- 
luxe or  prior- run  house  is  forced  to  wait  an  unreasonable  period  for  an 
opportunitjr  to  see  a  popular  feature  picture.   The  same  argument  applies 
to  unfair  zoning  restrictions.   The  consumer's  interest  is  in  keeping 
both  clearance  and  zoning  at  a  minimum. 

Although  since  the  Youngclaus  decision,  and  since  the  Code  of  Pair 
Competition  for  the  I.Iotion  Picture  Industry  became  inoperative,  the 
formulation  of  clearance  schedules  has  been  invalidated,  it  is  never- 
theless a.  matter  of  practice  and  of  fact  that  plans  which  parallel  or 
are  similar  to  scheH-ules  are  in  effect  in  every  distributor's  office  in 
each  exchange  territory.   Such  a  system  is  essential  to  the  distribu- 
tors, but  it  leaves  them  in  a  vulnera-ble  position.   If  the  plans  of  two 



or  mere  distrilDutors  are  similar'  or  coincide,  they  leave  themselves  open 
to  charges  of  conspiracy. 

Under  the  Code  system  of  the  National  Recovery  Administration  dis** 
tri"butors  and  exhibitors  were  allowed  to  get  together  and  agree  on  joint  schedules.  Under  existing  conditions,  this  is  impossihle. 

It  wolild  seem  to  lie  to  the  "best  interests  of  all  parties  concerned 
to  provide  some  means  for  the  Motion  Picture  Industry  itself  to  solve 
clearance  and  zoning  difficulties.   Federal  supervision  v/ouLd  provide 
suitable  safeguards  for  the  interests  of  minority  groups  and  for  the 
consuming  public, 



In  carrying  out  the  routine  method  of  selling  films,  the  distribu- 
tor circulates  elaborate  advertising  ma.terial  describing  forthcoming 
productions  to  exhibitors.  This  "pressbook"  or  advertising  portfolio 
usually  contains  the  name's  of  famous  stars,  directors  and  authors  or 
various  combinations  of  such  talent  and  synopses  of  pictures  of  features 
in  uhich  it  is  proposed  to  use  this  talent.  Advertising  copy  in  trade 
journals  points  out  recorris  of  past  productions  and  announces  the  pic«- 
tures  for  the  forthcoming  s.eason.   Dozens  of  motion  picture  vreeklies  and 
monthlies  -  the  '^fan"  magazines  -  describe  coming  attractions.  Adver- 
tising in  magazines  of  national  circiaation  supplements  the  campaign. 

The  advertising  and  exploitation  campaign  creates  a  demand  for  cer- 
tain pictures  -  a  demand  which  the  exhibitor  is  made  aware  of  by  his 
"movie  fans."   The  exhibitor  quite  naturally  seeks  to  satisfy  his  pat- 
rons by  attempting  to  license  the  pictures  they  desire  to  see.   However, 
the  distributor  will  usually  charge  an  exorbitant  price  for  any  indivi- 
dual film  unless  the  e:±Libitor  a,grees  to  purchase  a  substantial  propor- 
tion of  the  entire  group  of  feature  pictures  offered  for  sale.   The  dis- 
tributor may  offer  the  exhibitor  a  selection  of  a  small  group  of  pic- 
tures, but  in  this  instance  the  price  per  picture  is  proportionately 
higher  than  if  a  larger  group  or  the  entire  group  is  licensed.  These 
so*-called  "selective  contracts"  may  call  for  a  minimum  and  maxim^un, 
Por  instance,  an  exhibitor  may  contract  for  a  minimwn  of  twenty  pic- 
tures with  the  privilege  of  taking  any  number  up  to  a  maximum  of  thirty. 

Regardless  of  th^*  number  of  pictures  specified  these  contracts  are 
drawn  v:p   during  the  selling  season  which  is  the  spring  and  summer  of  the 
year  and  before  production  on  the  majority  of  these  pictures  has  in  the 
usiaal  ease  been  started.   Deliveries  begin  in  the  fall  as  pictures  be^ 
come  available  for  release. 

Various  causes  may  result  in  gaps  in  an  exhibitor *s  program  and.  re- 
quire the  purchase  of  a  single  picture  to  fill  an  immediate  need.   This 
practice  is  known  to  the  trade  as  "spot  booking," 

The  first  record.ed  case  of  block  booking  appears  to  have  occurred, 
in  1916  when  Adolph  Zukor  announced  that  Paramount  ^s  new  selling  policy 



woulri.  require  the  p-urchase-  of  a  whole  program  in  order  to  ottain  Mary 
Pickfor^l  pir.t-ares(*).   This  selling  policy  soon  "became  general  through- 
out the  Industry, 


In  "brief,  "block  "booking,  as  practiced  in  the  Motion  Picture  Indus- 
try, relates  to  the  sale  of  pictures  in  groups  usu-^.lly  varying  in  num"ber 
from  ten  to  forty  an^  in  many  cases  the  distri"butor 's  entire  line.   The 
aggregate  price  for  an  entire  group  of  pictures  in  generally  loner  per 
picture  than  in  instances  uhere  a  smaller  group  is  selected,  or  the  pic- 
tures are  contracts  for  indivi'^uallj''.   In  areas  uhere  several  e;±.i'bitcrs 
are  in  keen  competitionj  distri'outors  usur.lly  refuse,  to  sell  any  pictures 
of  a  group  separately  until  all  efforts  to  dispose  of  these  pictures  in 
"blor^.ks  failed^   In  areas  where  no  competition  exists,  the  exhi"bitor 
is  in  a  satisfactory  "bargaining  position  and  can  almost  dictate  his  orrn 


(a)  E::hi"bitors. 

The  practice  of  "block  "becking  is  attacked  "by  exhi"bitors  on  the 
grouh'^.s  that: 

(i)  It  forces  him  to  license  and   pay  for  inferior  films 
or  films  unsuite'^i  to  his  normal  aurlience, 

(ii)  It  assures  the  producer  of  re\'enue  on  all  films  re- 
garriless  of  quality,  thus  removing  one  of  the  incentives  toward  proriuc- 
tion  of  "better  pictures, 

(iii)  It  fills  his  playing  time  v/ith  the  proriuc t  of  a  few 
f^istri"butors,  preventing  him  from  contracting  for  ^esira"ble  films  of 
other  distri"butorse 

(iv)  It  forces  him  to  contract  for  more  pictures  than  "he 
coulri  reasonably  use  in  or'^er  to  o"btain  sufficient  films  of  the  "better 

Affiliated  theatres  ercpress  the  opinions  of  the  prc^ucers  and  ^^Is- 
tri"butors  who  control  these  theatres  and  are  in  favor  of  the  practice. 

In  general,  inr^epencTent  exhi"bitors  oppose  "block  "booking.   They 
maintain  that  if  producer-distri"butors  were  coinpellerl  to  sell  each  pic- 
ture on   its  own  merits,  a  theatre  owner  woul^l  select  only  such  pictures 
as  his  patrons  requester^  and  desired^   DoulDtless  producers  would  suffer 
losses  from  unpopular  pictures,  "but  these  losses  would  "be  no  greater 
then  those  suffered  "by  manufacturers  in  other  lines  of  "business  who  made 
inferior  goods,  and  vzould  "be  i^onpensated  for  "by  increased  profits  on 
popular  films.  Under  this  system  the  most  capa"ble  producers  v;ould 

(*)  "A  Llillicn  and  One  Nights"  "by  Terry  Hamsaye,   Page  731,  "Vol,  II, 
Pu"blisher,  Simon  c:  Schuster,  1926 


survive  a.nd  new  competition  vro-ulri  "be  free  to  enter  the  producticn  fielrS, 

The  follov.dng  testimony  "before  the  general  Trade  Commission  indi- 
cant es  the  attiturie  of  the  larger  exhibitors: 

"The  Sxarainer's  Findings  shov;  the  testiraonj'-  of  exhibitors  in 
(different  parts  of  the  co-untry  v;ho  were  forced  by  the  respondents 
to  talce  all  of  a  block  or  blocks  or  none  and  their  many  objections 
to  this  practice.   In  addition  to  this  evidence  -Te  riesire  to  call 
the  attention  of  the  Commission  also  to  the  resolution  passed  by 
the  Ner/  York  Thea.tre  Owners'  Chamber  of  Commerce  on  August  2,  1923 
(Comm,  Ex,  344,345;  R.  P,  6590-94),   This  is  an  exhibitor  organi- 
zation with  a  membership  which  represents  500  of  the  leaching 
theatres  in  metropolitan  New  York,   These  resolutions  were  sub- 
mitted to  the  entire  membership  two  v;eeks  pi^ior  to  this  meeting, 
in  order  that  all  might  have  ample  opportunity  to  consirier  and 
discuss  them, 

"The  resolutions  severely  condemned  the  practice  of  block  booking 
and  were  passed  unanimously.   This  action  by  such  a  rei^reoentative 
body  of  exhibitors  is  indicative  of  the  attitude  of  the  e:±Libitors 
throughout  the  industry, 

"Probably  the  best  laiown  exhibitor  in  the  Unite'^  States  in  recent 
years  is  Samuel  L,  Rotha-fel,  better  knov;n  to  his  millions  of  ra.dio 
acquaintances  a,s  'Roxy, '   He  was  for  yea,rs  manager  of  the  Capitol 
Theatre  in  Hew  York,  one  of  the  largest  and  finest  houses  in  the 
United  States,   In  his  testimony  (pp,  721-2)  he  points  out  the 
evils  of  this  system — -how  it  compels  the  exhibitor  to  talce  the 
bad  pictures  in  orrier  to  get  the  goorl  ones.   He  is  unalterably 
oppose'-i  to  the  system.  His  testimony  is  convincing  because  in 
the  management  of  his  theatre  he  has  been  forced,  against  his 
will,  to  talre  all  the  pictures  of  the  G-oldwyn  Pictures  Corpora- 
tion, which  owns  an  interest  in  the  theatre,  and  he  therefore 
speal-cs  from  experience, 

"It  na.turally  follows  that  this  practice  affects  the  public  be- 
cause, T/hen  the  e:}±Libitors  are  forcerl  to  take  any  inferior 
product,  the  theatregoing  public  is  forced  to  pay  its  money  to 
see  poor  pictures," (*) 

MaJiy  exhibitors  have  agreed  that  the  licensing  of  pictures  in  a 
block  as  a.  wholesaling  proce-iure  is  a  desira.ble  practice  provided  that 
no  compulsion  is  used  to  exact  purchases  of  entire  groups  and  thus 
limit  the  right  of  selection. 

The  Universal  Pictures  Corporation  inaugurated  a  complete  service 
plan  in  1924,  While  it  was  a  form  of  block  booking  it  had  a  limited 
popularitji^  with  small  town  exhibitors.   The  plan  called  for  a  weekly 
payment,  sometimes  as  low  as  $9,  for  releases  which  provided  a  complete 

(*)  Brief  for  the  Commission,  Part  II,  Page  155.  Federal  Trade  Commis- 
sion V,  Pajnous  Player s-Laslcy  Corpora.,tion,  Federal  Trade  Commission, 
Docket  835, 


shovT   including  feature  and  shorts.   This  filn  service,  later  adopted  ■by- 
other  companies,  supplied  motion  picture  entertainment  in  small  tovms 
having  as  few  as  100  or  200  inhabitants.   In  most  cases  shows  were  limited 
to  one  o,r  two  a  T;eek. 

( "b )  Independent  Producers  and.   Dis tributors 

The  following  testimony  of  Mary  Pickford  before  the  Federal  Trade 
Commission  during  the  Coirjnission' s  investigation  of  the  Famous  Players- 
Lasky  Corporation  indicates  the  effects  of  the  block  booking  practice  upon 
producers  and  distributors  who  control  an  insufficient  number  of  theatre 

"A.   In  certain  places  in  the  United. States  we  have 

realized  great  difficulty  in  selling  our  pictures. 

Q,.  What  difficulty  did  you  have  that  interfered  with 
the  sale  of  the  pictures? 

A.  ■  •  Well,    the  theatres  ha,d  purchased  the  year's  out-, 
put,    for  one   reason.      They  had  their  52  pictures, 
or  whatever  pictures  they  needed,    that   they  had 
bought   in  the  block,    and  they  had  no   room  for  our. 
productions.      And  anotlier  was  that   they  would  not 
pay  (our  prices)    and  we   could  not  accept   the 
prices  they  offered  us. 

Q,.      Lid  you  find  that  you  experienced  any  difficulty 
"hy  reason  of  certain  producers  ov/ning  theatres? 

A.      Yes,   we  did. 

Q,.   To  what  extent  did  the  booking  and  the 

ownership  of  theatres  by  loroducers  interfere  with 
the  market  for  your  pictures? 

A.  Well,  in  certain  sections  .  .  .  v/e  were  forced  to 
go  in  cheap  houses  on  side  streets  instead  of  the  theatres,  thereby  losing  money. "  (*) 

(c)  Affiliated  Producers  and  Distributors 

This  group  defends  the  block  booking  practice  on  the  grounds  that: 

(i)  It  is  merely  the  application  of  the  principles  of 

(ii)  It  reduces  the  cost  of  distribution,  thereby  bene- 
fiting the  exhibitor. 

(iii)    It   simplified  the   exhibitor's  buying  problem. 

(iv)  An  assured  income  tends  to  encourage  consistent 
quality  productions. 

(v)  It  is  the  most  successful  method  of  distribution  yet 

(*)  Reprinted  from  "The  Llotion  Picture  Industrj^"  -  Howard  T.  Lewis  of 
Harvard  University,  Page  264.   Publisher,  Van  No  strand,  1933. 



(d)  Religious  and  Other  Grou-ps  Interested  in  the  Social  and 
,  Moral  Welfare  of  the  Public 

These  groups  oppose  the  practice  of  "block  "booking  on  the  ground  that 
.ohe  practice  interferes  with  local  censorship  activities.  When  approached 
by  representatives  of  these  organizations  with  regard  to  the  showing  of  a 
feature  deemed  unsuitable,  the  exhibitor  disclaims  all  responsibility. 
He  contends  that  he  must  contract  for  such  pictures  even  as  a  condition 
to  contracting  for  any  pictures,  and  that  failure  to  exhibit  a  picture 
that  might  be  classed  as  salacious  would  involve  daioage  to  his  business 
and  a  possible  breach- of- con tract  action. 


In  1922  the  Federal  Trade  Commission  instituted  proceedings  against 
Famous  Players-Lasky  Corporation  and,  after  five  years  spent  in  holding 
hearings  and  gathering  testimony,  decided  that  block  booking  was  an  un- 
fair and  improper  practice  and  issued  a  "cease  and  desist"  order  (*). 
However,  when  the  issue  was  presented  to  the  United  States  Circuit  Court 
of  Appeals  for  the  Second  District,  this  ruling  was  reversed  in  a  decision 
handed  down  on  April  4,  1932.  (**) 

In  the  meantime,  trade  practice  hearings  had  been  held  in  October, 
1927,  with  Federal  Trade  Commissioner  Abram  F,  Myers  presiding.   Block 
booking  was  one  of  the  subjects  discussed,  but  no  solution  to  the  problem 
was  reached. 

In  commenting  on  conditions  after  this  trade  practice  conference, 
one  of  the  leading  disinterested  authorities  on  the  Industry  stated: 

"At  the  present  moment,  block  booking  is  still  the  common  practice 
of  the  motion  picture  industry.   It  is  probably  tru©  that  there  is 
more  open  selling  than  there  was.   Doubtless  this  is  the  result  of 
a  number  of  factors  among  which  the  threat  of  governmental  action 
is  probably  one.   However,  the  fact  remains  that  block  booking 
still  exists."  (***) 

The  trade  practice "hearings  under  the  auspices  of  the  Federal  Trade 
Commission  broke  up  finally  with  little  benefit  to  any  concerned.   Such 
concessions  as  had  been  made  by  the  parties  to  the  conference  were  soon 
lost  through  the  inability  of  the  Federal  Trade  Commission  to  enforce  its 

Between  1927  and  1933,  a  number  of  meetings  were  held  at  which  rep- 
resentatives of  distributors  and  exhibitors  attempted  to  arrive  at  a 
standard  contract.  A  clause  known  as  the  "5-5-5  cla.use"  was  suggested 
and  was  fina,lly  incorporated  in  these  proposed  standard  contracts.   This 
clause  permitted  an  exhibitor  to  cancel  15  per  cent  of  all  pictures  bought 

(*)    Federal  Trade  Commission,  Docket  No.  835.  July  9,  1927. 

(**)   Federal  Trade  Commission  v.  Paramount  Famous-La sl-:y  Corp.,  Adolph 
Zukor,  and  Jesse  L.  Lask;^'-. 

(***)   "The  Motion  Picture  Industry"  -  Howard  T.  Lewis  of  Harvard  Univer- 
sity. Page  178.  Publisher,  Van  I'o strand,  1933. 


in  block,  provided  that  he  paid  for  half  of  those  cancelled  and  provided, 
further,  that  he  v/ac  not  in  default  of  any  existing  contract,  and  that  the 
average  license  and  rental  fee  for  the  pictures  under  t>oniira,ct  rrs^c   less. 
than  $400.   This  clause  was  never  widely  adopted. 

Bills  have  been  introduced  in  practically  every  Congress  since  the 
Federal  Trade  Commission' s  investigation  of  the  Famous  Players-Lasky  Coi^ 
poration  brought  the  problem  to  the  attention  of  the  public,   Tlie  most 
recent  of  these  anti-block  booking  bills  v/as  sponsored  by  Representative 
Samuel  B,  Pettinglll  of  Indiana  (*) .   The-  bill  receiving  the- most  atten- 
tion was  probably  that  introduced  by  Senator  Smith  W*-  Brookhart  of  Iowa 
in  1928  (**),   This  bill  progressed  to  th«  stage  of  hearings  before  the 
Senate  Committee  on  Interstate  Commerce.   These  hearings  lasted  five  days. 
Practically  all  controversial  di^tributor-^exhibitor  problems  were  then 

5.  GOVEiajimNTTAL  KEG-ULA.TI01T  IH  EHGUIIP  ..-.:•••-: 

It  is.  interesting  to  note  that  in  England  the- Cinematograph  Films 
Act  of  1927  (**'")■  restricted  the;  practice  of  block  booking.-  part  I  of  , 
the  Act  contains  , the  following,  sections:'..   .   • 

1,  Restrictions  on  blind  booking  of  films. 

2.  Restrictions  on  advance  booking.    ■        , 

3.  Penalty  on  contravention. 

4,  Provisions  as  to  existing  agreements. 

Charles  C.  Pettijohn,  general  counsel  for  the  Motion  Picture  Produ- 
cers and  Distributors  of  Americaj-.'. asserted  at  the  Senate  Hearing  that  this 
Act  was  directed  towards  restricting  the  importation  of  American  films. 

6.  Plffi-CODE.  PROPOSALS   '  .-■:•••..•  .•..•.";.   ..  ';.  ' 

luring -the  pre-code  discussions,  the. various  interested  groups  stated 
their  positions  verj'"  much  as  outlined  previously  in  this  section.  '  It  was 
obvious  from  the  beginning  that  distributors  would  not  agree  to  any  code 
which  eliminated  block  booking,  and  that  exhibitors  would  not -agree  to 
any  Code  that  ignored  the  question. 

The  Exhibitors'  Committee  proposed  that  the  Optional-' Standard  License 
Agreement  of  1933  including  the  5-5-5  cancellation  clause  be  incorporated 
in  the  Code,   However,  exhibitor  opinions  throughout  the  country  seemed 
to  favor  either  complete  elimination  of  block  booking  or  a  less  restricted 
cancellation  clause. 

Ed  Kuykendall,  president  of  the  Motion  Picture  Theatre" Owners  of 
America,  proposed  at  the  public  hearings  on  the  code  that  a  strai^t  15 
per  cent  cancellation  privilege  without  pay/nent  for  cancelled  pictures  of 
all  films  bought  in  a  block  be  granted  the  e:±ibitor.   In  this  connection 
he  stated: 

(*)         H.  R.  6472,  74th  Congress,  First  Session, 

(**)   S.  1667,  7bth  Congress,  First  Session, 

(***)  A  copy  of  this  Act  was  introduced  at  the  Senate  Hearings  on  the 

Brookhart  Bill  (S.  1667,  70th  Congress,  First  Session  P,  150-160) 

by  C.  C.  Pettijohn. 



"We  telieve  that  this  15  per  cent  elimination  claune  will  satisfy 
and  meet  with  the  actual  requirements  of  ever^  responsible  and  rep- 
resentative exhibitor,  and  that  it  will  reniove  from  further  contro- 
versy, the  question  of  blocl:  boohing  which  durinj^  the  past  few  years 
has  developed  into  a  political  issue,  both  within-  and  without  the 

"T7e  further  believe  that  the  15  per  cent  elimination  clause  will  not 
work  a  hardship  or  an  injustice  upon  either  the  producer,  distributor 
or  exhibitor.  We  hereby  recognize  the  comnercial  advantage  to  ex:- 
hibitors  in  buying  motion  pictures  in  group  for  future  delivery  to 
insure  a  stoad^^  end  dependable  supply  of  sm table  attractions  for 
the  continuous  operation  of  their  theatres.  "57e  are  opposed  to  any 
requirement  that  motion  pictures  must  be  sold  singly,  separately 
and  apart  from  each  other."  (*) 

Abran  P.  Myers,  representing  the  Allied  States  Association  of  Motion 
Picture  Exhibitors,  had  submitted  a  proposal  that  compulsory  block  book- 
ing be  declared  an  unfair  trade  practice,  but  in  connection  with  the  can- 
cellation privilege  stated: 

"We  suggested  that  if  there  was  a  disinclination  on  the  part  of  the 
Administration  to  go  into  that  subject  in  the  code,  we  felt  a  20  per 
cent  elimination  rate  would  at  least  serve  the  purposes  for. the  time 
being  until  the  forces  of  public  opinion,  whicii  are  out  of  our  con- 
trol but  which  are  steadily  rolling  up  against  the  practice  of  block 
booking,  conoid  get  into  action  and  perhaps  regulate  the  matter  for 
all  time  by  necessary,'-  legislation."  (*) 

The  position  of  affiliated  distributors  may  be  inferred  from  the  fol- 
lowing excerpt,  talcen  frcia  a  printed  memorandum  of  66  pages  (unsigned  and 
not  dated)  prepared  by  producers-distributors  in  support  of  their  own  pro- 
posals for  a  "basic  code": 

"As  for  the  Exhibitors'  proposed  Article  14  the  standard  form  con- 
tract above  referred  to  itself  provides  for  a  method  of  eliminating 
certain  pictures,  and  the  Distributors  feel  that  such  provision  is 
purely  a  contract  provision  and  that  no  code  should  require  the  sel- 
ler of  mercharxdise  to  permit  the  cancellation  of  any  percentage  of 
the  n'erchandise  sold  or  pictures  licensed  as  in  this  case.   It  would 
be  establishing  a  very  dangerous  principle  to  provide  that  the  fail- 
ure to  give  such  cancellation  right  would  constitute  an  unfair  trade 
practice.   On  the  contrary'-  we  believe  it  could  be  argued  with  much 
more  force  and  effect  that  giving  cancellation  rights  on  pictures 
licensed  is  uneconomical  and  a  dangerous  principle.   The  Distribu- 
tors feel  that  while  they  are  willing  to  include  the  cancellation 
rights  specified  in  the  standard  optional  contract,  that  is  as  far 
as  they  should  be  required  to  go,  since  such  contract  was  brought 
about  by  the  Distributor  and  Exhibitor  branches  of  the  industry."  (**) 

(*)   Tranccript  of  Hearings  on  Proposed  Code  of  Pair  Competition  for  the. 
Motion  Picture  Industr;^-  -  Volume  III,  page  500.   September  14,  1933. 

(**)  Memorandum  in  Explanation  and  SuiDport  of  the  Provisions  of  the  Pro- 
posed Basic  Code  of  Pair  Competition  for  the  Motion  Picture  Industry 
(the  producer-distributor  proposals).  Not  dated,  not  signed,  page 
49  -  National  Recovery  Administration  Piles. 



The  provisions  of  the  code  represented  a  compromise  between  the  con- 
flicting interests.   Tiic  e^iii'oitor  -ras  graiitoa  the  privilege  of  cancel- 
ling ten  per  cent  without  pay-ient  therefor  of  all  pictures  bought  in 
"block,  subject  to  the  following  restrictior s: 

1.  The  exhibitor  must  have  contracted  for  the  entire  block  offered 
by  the  distributor. 

2.  The  average  license  fees  of  all  pictures  in  the  contract  must 
be  not  more  than  $250.   The  ajaovmt  of  the  license  fee,  where 
percent.age  pictures  were  included  in  the  contract,  was  computed 
largely  from  past  performance. 

3.  The  e^diibitor  must  not  be  in  default  of  his  contract.  Any  sub- 
sequent default  would  make  him  liable  for  the  amount  of  the  pic- 
tures already  cancelled. 

4.  The  exhibitor  must  give  the  distributor  notice  of  cancellation 
within  14  days  after  the  general  release  date. 

5.  The  e:diibitor  ijust  have  paid  for  nine  pictures  before  he  could 
cancel  one,   Tliis  procedure  held  for  each  subsequent  group  of 
ten,  applying  to  the  last  group  only  if  more  than  five  pictures 
remained.   The  cancellation  privilege  was  cumulative.  (*) 

The  Optional  Standard  License  Agreement  of  1933  was  made  standard  for 
the  Industry  with  the  provisions  that  any  clause  thereof  that  was  incon- 
sistent with  the  Approved  Code  was  deemed  to  be  amended  to  conform  to  the 
Code,  and,  that  individual  distributor's  sales  policy  provisions  might  be 
inserted  therein  provided  they  were  not  inconsistent  with  other  provi- 
sions. (**) 

An  interesting  exchange  of  letters  bearing  on  the  block  booking 
question  took  place  about  this  time.   Dr.  A.  Ls,wrence  Lowell  of  Harvard 
Universitjr  was  offered  but  refused  to  accept  an  appointment  as  an  Admin- 
istration member  on  the  Code  Authority  for  the  Motion  Picture  Industry. 
Dr.  Lowell  based  his  refusal  largely  on  the  fact  that  the  code  did  not 
eliminate  block  booking.   The  following  excerpts  are  of  interests  as 
showing  the  attitude  of  certain  extra-industry  groups  on  the  block  book- 
ing question  as  well  as  the  attitude  of  the  National  Recovery  Administra- 
tion officiaJ-s: 

December  13,  1933 

(To  Sol  A.  Rosenblatt,  Deputy  Administrator,  Amusements  Division) 

Tlie  five  large  producing  companies  have,  by  their  business 

methods,  obtained  a  controlling  grip  upon  the  business  and  are  able 
to  put  forth  upon  the  com^-runity  any  films  that  they  please.   This 
monopolistic  practice,  based  on  block  booking  and  blind  buying  many 

(*)   Article  V-F,  Part  6  of  the  approved  Code. 
(**)  Article  V-F,  Part  6  of  the  approved  Code. 



of  us  asked  to  have  checked  "by  the  Llotion  Picture  Code;  "but,  instead 
of  that,  it  has  teen  given  a  certain  legcX   sancticn 

A.  Lavrrence  LottbII  (*) 

Decen'ber  15,  1933 

Dear  Dr.  Lovrell: 

The  practices  of  "block  "booking  which  you  say  are  monopolistic 

have  oeen   specif icsJly  held  not  to  "be  "by  a  Federal  Circuit  Court  of 
Appeals.  We  cannot  impose  througli  codes  a  surrender  of  the  advan- 
tages vouchsafed  "by  the  Gcnstituticn  luider  the  copyright  laws,  and 
unless  T7e  can  o"btain  ?.greement  to  such  surrender  in  Trhole  or  in  part, 
there  is  nothing  to  "be  done  "by  us  a'bout  it.    ' 

■  But  this  code  does  give  exhibitors  a  right  to  cancel  up  to 
10  per  cent  of  the  product  which  they  have  contracted  for.   It  is 
the  first  tine  that  such  a  concession  has  "been  made.   In  the  opinion 
of  -oractical  aen  this  -vrill  -r^o   far  to  remedy  the  evils  coEiolained  of 

Hugh  S.  Johnson,  Administrator  (**) 

Deceii"ber  13,  1933 

Dear  G-enerel  Johnson 

That  the  practice  of  "block  "booking  is  a  monopoly  illegal  at 

law,  I  do  not  mean  to  assert,  oiit  that  the  rrhole  o"bject  of  it  is 
monopolistic  I  think  one  would  hardly  deny;  and  I  am  ver^^  much  in- 
terested in  your  statement  that  you  had  no  legal  power  to  prohi"bit 
it  in  the  code,  "becEuse  it  wo^'uld  seem  to  follo-^  that,  no  matter  how 
much  the  representatives  of  the  Goverrjment  on  the  code  authority 
should-  condcfji  it,  there  would  "be  no  legal  power  to  stop  it  "by  any 
further  amendment  of  the  code. 

The  right  of  exhi'bitors  to  cancel  10  per  cent  of  the  product 
is,  they  tell  me,  futile;  "because  it  is  perfectly  easy  for  the  pro- 
ducers to  put  in  10  per  cent  of  films  which  the  e:±Li"bitors  are  cer- 
tain to  reject  "before  reaching  the  objectiona'ble  ones.  Nor  does  this 
avoid  the  a'buse  of  compelling  them  to  take  90  per  cent  of  an  un- 
known "block  of  films,  including  o"bjectionaole  ones 

A.  Lawrence  Lowell  ('•'**) 

(*)  (**)  (***)   Il'.e  P.ecord  of  Hearings  hefcre  the  Senate  JinsJice  Com- 
mittee, Investigation  of  the  ITaticnal  Hecoveiy  Admin- 
~  ~       istration  pursuant  to  Senate  Eesolution  79,  Part  5,  p, 




December  29,  1933 

Dear  Dr.  Lowell: 

You  say  that  your  refusal  is  based  on  your  statement  that  the 

"block  "bookini:;;'  clause  is  monopolistic. 

All  that  my  remarks  on  the  limit  of  my  authority  to  stop 
block  bookintT  and  blind  buying  meant  was  that  I  cannot  repeal  the 
copyright  lans  on  uhich  these  practices  are  based,  and  vzhich,  under 
our  constitution,  were  intended  to  create  a  monopoly  for  writers  and 

But  v;e  did  get  a  voluntary  concession  of  a  ten  per  cent  can- 
cellation clause.   Tliis  whole  procedure  is  experimental.   I  was  able 
to  negotiate  this  concession  which  I  had  no  power  to  impose.   I 
could  not  get  more  because  I  was  unable  to  negotiate  more.   The 
question  as  to  whether  it  will  do  the  trick  or  not  will  not  be  an- 
swered by  conjecture  but  by  test  -  all  I  asked  of  you  was  that  you 
conduct  the  test 

Hugh  S.  Johnson,  Administrator  (*) 


A  report  submitted  to  the  National  Recover;^'-  Administration  by  the 
Code  Authority  (Motion  Picture  Industrj'-  Files)  indicates  that  the  local 
Grievance  Boards  had  considered  a  total  of  fourteen  cases  involving  the 
cancellation  r)rivil9ge  in  the  period  from  their  inception  to  April  1, 
1935.  IIo  information  on  which  to  base  an  analysis  of  these  complaints  is 

Information  in  the  National  Recovery  Administration  files  indicates 
that  only  three  cases  involving  the  cancellation  privilege  were  appealed 
to  the  Code  Authority  from  decisions  of  local  Grievance  Boards.   Four 
docket  numbers  appear,  but  this  was  the  result  of  one  case  appearing  under 
two  docket  numbers.   On  first  appeal,  the  case  was  remanded  to  the  local 
Board  for  further  hearing  and,  apparently  incorrectly,  was  assigned  a  new 
docket  number  on  the  second  appeal. 

Two  of  th&  appealed  cases  named  the  United  Artists  Corporation  as 
respondent.   It  v;as  the  policy  of  this  company  to  draw  up  a  separate  con- 
tract for  each  picture,  regardless  of  the  total  number  licensed.   On  this 
basis,  it  was  contended  that  the  cancellation  clause  could  not  apply. 
However,  the  exhibitors  concerned  testified  that  they  were  required  to 
contract  for  all  the  pictures  offered  as  a  condition  to  contracting  for 
any.   The  Code  Authority  held  that  this  had  the  effect  of  mailing  all  the 
separate  contracts  a  part  of  one  transaction,  and,  therefore,  ruled  in 
favor  of  the  exhibitors.  (**) 

(*)   National  Recover;^'-  Administration  File  -  Motion  Picture  Industry  - 

Code  Authority  -  Administration  Members. 
(**)   Code  Authority  Appeal  Decisions  No.  155  and  No,  245,  National 

Recovery  Administration  Files. 



In  the   trJ.ri  esse   the  U^tTO-Golcrr)ii-lS.^feT  Di3tri£nitin.g  Corpor^'ticn 
filed  ?   co-jrplr-int  heiore   the   Charlotte    (>rieT3Ece  Bofrd  ssPinst  sn  ez- 
hititcr,    ps'-ing^  that   the   exiiihitGr  he   required  tc    s-cp-olj  preferred  plry- 
ing  tine   tc   a  T^rcentage  pict^are  as   siDeciiiei  in  the  license  agree-.:ient, 
rne  einhicitcr   interpcsed  as  a    defense  that  he   desired  tc   cancel   the  pio- 
tiire   in  c-aesticn  as  prcrided  in  the   code.      The   ci='se  -~^s   certified  to   the 
Cede  Au-thcrity  and  -was  dismissed  hy  this   ordj  (*}. 

9,      T£Z  0P±3AlICiC  U'   TEL   C^^'CZLLAlIOr  CI^'JS: 


Seen  after  the    Code  went   inte   cperation,    the   qiiestion  ^rose   ^s  to 
irhether  the    C5ncellaticn  ■orivilefe  spulied  tc  e2hi':;ition  contracts  es— 
ecTited  oeicre   the  effective   date   cf  the   code,     TiTision  js.dministratcr 
Sel  A,   Zesenhlatt  as  Administraticn  Leaher  en  the    Cede  Axithoritj  stated 
it  as  his  cpiiiicn  that   the   cancellation  pririlege   she-old  he  retrca.ctive. 
This  position  t??.s  ta>en  hy  the   Cede  Authcritj  (**). 

l?o   sx?=tistics  as  to   the  — al-oe   of   the   cancellation  privilege   to   ex— 
hihitors  are   avsilacle,     Ezhioit-ors  in  general   de  net  aproear  to  have 
heen  irell   satisfied  wltri  the   operations  of   the   cancellation  claiise. 

The  folloTTing  is  q-ooted  fron  a   letter   to   the  ezeciitive   secretary  of 
the   Code  Aiitheritv  from  Ivathan  Tamins,    s  prominent  memher  cf   the  Allied 
States  AEs^ciptien  of  Motion  Picti3re  Zxhioitors  and  a  representative   of 
independent  ezhicitors  on  the    Co2.e  i^u-thcrity: 

^Article  7,  ?,    part  6,    of   the   Code  of  Jair 
Ccmi^etition  gives  to  the  exhi titer  the  privi- 
lege of  excluding  IC  per  cent  of   the   total 
munher  of  motion  pictures  Dicensed  vitheut 
payment  therefore,   providing  he  has  licensed 
c'll  th3t  has    oeen  offered,    and  prcvidijig  that 
the  average  license  fee   is  not  in  ercess   of 

^Tri  s  provision  cf   the   cede   -vtps   inserted  for 
the  ezpress  purpose   cf  elirJ.nrting  some   of 
the  alleged  evils   rf  hlcch  hoch±ng,    in  order 
to   enahle   an  eshi  titer  to   disr^ense  Tsith  the 
ezhitition  of  a  motion  picture   that  he    did 
net   think  was   suited  for  his  aud.ience,    and 
also   to   serve   as  a   cushion  to   aosorh  the  usual 
cvernuTing  th?t  an  ezhihitor  is   compelled  to 
nahe  hecause    of   the    customary  failure    cf   dis- 
trirmtors  to  release   the  numher  of  pictures 

(*)        Cede  Authority  Appeal  Decisi-^n  :^r.   40,   iMational   Recovery 
Administration  Tiles, 

(**)      Cede  authority  Sesolution,  Karch  25,    1B54,   rational  Eeccvery 

Administration  Files.  -    - 



"This  provision   is 'ncthia-7;  now   to    the    in'^^Aistr^, 
It  xfps  contained  in  the   stf^ndard  uniforTn  exViibi-. 
tion  contract  adci.ited  "by  the   industry  in  Chics .^ 
in  1928,    and  a    sinilsr  prcvision^-'as   cr.t^ined 
in  the   optional   stand-'^rd  license   a,<^eenent  a^;reed 
to    in   the   Atlantic   Cit-','-  confere-'^.ce   in  1^30.      In 
the   latter  p,^reenent,    the  privile-'e   to   exclude  was 
restricted  to   5  per  cent  -dthcut  payment,    5  per 
cent  by  paying  one~h9lf  of   the   license   fee,    and 
an  additional  5  per  cent  by  paying  in  full,    but 
securint°:  extended  playir^j  tirae  on  features   that 
the   exhibitor   did  shon, 

"Ecwever,    the   exhibitor's   orivil.e9;e  of  excluding 
xiFS  perraitted  in  all   cases  Vnere    the  average   li- 
cense  fee  was  not   in  excess  of   $400  so   that    it 
con  readily  be   seen  that  the   code   gpve   the   ex- 
hibitors  nothin.^  new  that  did  not   enjoy  before, 
but  en  the   contrary  in  the   o-oinion  of   the  under- 
si;::;ned,    by  reducing  the   average   license  fee   re- 
quirement  from  $400  to   $250,    the   code   actually 
deprived  many  exhibitors  of  a  iDrivilege   they 
foriaerly  enjoyed, 

"This  privilei2:e   of  exclusion  has   therefore   been 
in  the  motion-picture   industry  at  least   since 
1S28.      Distributors  and  exhibitors  had  experience 
r.'ith  its  wordings  from  1928   to   1930  when  at   the 
Atlantic  City  conference   the   5-5-5  forrr.ula   was 
ri;-reed  u:pon  as  a   conoronise   to   the  demand  of  a 
straight  15   oer   cent  cancellation  privile-;e, 
From  1928   to  1930  percenta.^e  picture   selling  rras 
in  vogue   in  the   industry,    yet   in  the   forTolation. 
of   the   5-5-5  plan  of   cancellation,    it  '-^s   crn- 
tcnplated  that   the   exhibitor  could,    if  he   desired, 
cancel  a  percentage  picture,    and  it  was  recognized 
that   it  w^s  optional  with  the   exhibitor   to   cancel 
any  picture  he   desired  without   restriction,   provid- 
ing the  average   license  fee,    including  distributor's 
sharr  of  percentage  pictures,    did  not  exceed   $400, 

"The  wording  of   the    cancellation  clause   in   that 
contract   shows   beyond  shadow  of  a   doubt,    that   the 
exhibitor  could  cancel  a  percentage  picture,    and 
in   the  actual   o"oerntion  of   this  clause,    this  was 
recognized  as  a   natter  of  -practice,    and.,  cancella- 
tion of  percentage  -oictures  was  Thermit  ted,    -orovid- 
ing  all  requirements   inserted  for   the  protection 
of   the   distributor  were   compiled  vith, 

"ITo  one  can  disT)ute  that  the  wording  of  the  code 
provision  permits  the  cancellation  of  percentage 
pictures.  Subsection  E  provides,  "If  the  rental 
of  any  motion  picture   excluded  is   to  be   compiled 



in  nliole  or   in  part  uicn  a  percenta?,e   of   the   recei-ots 
cf   the  exhibitors   theatre,    the    suin  to    be  paid  by  the 
exhibitor  as  lorovided  in  -osragraph  (b)    (5)   hereof, 
sholl   be   deterro.ined  ps  follo'js:"     Nowhere   in  the   code 
is   there   r^ay  restriction  es   to    the   right  of   exclusion 
ether   thnn  the   requiremenL  .->   of   oart  6,      It    is   clear, 
therefore,    th;?-^    it  \ns  the    intent   of  all    iDarties   in 
the   industr^r  from  1928   to   1234   thnt   the   .v^chibitor 
should   have   -on  arbitrary  uiinarvMered  ri.=ht   of   10  per 
cent  exclusion,    -orovirin;-  he     let   ^-'ith  all  reo^uire- 
i.ents   stipul?^ted  and  it   ici  equ'^lly  cl3rir   that   the 
Cede  of  j'air   C'"   intended  to  "or., serve   this 
right   to   the   exhibitor, 

^^^'c\r  6.0    the   1S34-35  fcrm  oT   contracts   offered  by 
the   distributors   deal  --ith  this    situation?      They 
have   all   bodily  grafted  that    •.)rovision  of   the   code 
and  inserted  it    into    their  contracts,    and  then  in- 
serted other   clauses  T?hich  nullify  that  lorovision 
cf   the   cnde,      rietro,    Paramount,    Universal,    Columbia, 
I7c::,    ex"pressly  provide    in   substance   that    if   an  ex- 
hibitcr  has  exercised  his   right  of  exclusion  imder 
the   code,    the    distributor  ma;''  arbitrarily  rescind 
the   allocation  rf   the  -oicture   excluded  -^^nd  designate 
anv"ther  picture    to   be   exhibited  under   the   terms  ap- 
plicable   to    the  picture   excluded.      In  all  probabilitj'- 
the    snne   thing  can  be   done   under   the  R,   K.   0.    and 
TTarner  contracts    (United  Artists  has  not  been  available 
for  ex^-nination) , 

"In  other  v'ords,    if  an  exhibitor  ccntr-^cted  for 
four  rut  of  50  on  -oercentage   uith  a  gu.prantee   of 
$200,    16   at   $100,    20  at   $50,    and  10  at   $25,    and 
if   the   exhibitor   seeks   tr   exclude  picture  X,    a 
percentage  picture,    -.yhich  he   always  could  have 
done  ;orior   to    the   code,    the   distributer  may  ar- 
bitr'-Til-  "love  ;^iicture  X   into    the   last   classification, 
r'siC:  the  exhibitor   is   relieved  of  playing  a   $25  picture, 
and  no\r  one   of   the   ether   inferior  "oictures  miracu- 
lously becomes  ''7erth3i^  rf   securing  -oreferred  playing 
time  on  percentage, 

"To  my  mind  this   is   chiselling  cf    the   worst   sort. 
It   shoves  8n  indication  en  t^.e  -oart  cf   the   distrib- 
utor  that   the;?-  never  did  and  do   not  no-'  want   the 
code,    that   the;'-  seeh  to    take   advantage   of   the  monop- 
oly they  enjoy   to    impose   uoon  helialess  exhibitors 
• conditions.and  terms  utterly  unfair,    but  which  the 
power  of  might  gives   them  an  opportunity  to    irai^ose. 
It    shows  a   lack  of  willingness   to    coooer^te  with 
the   Government   in  the   pdrainistration  of   the    code 
and  an  utter  disreg'-^rd  for   everybody  except    them- 

9^    3 


"I   sv.lDnit  without  further  ar^mnent  th?5t    this  pro- 
vision of   their   contracts   is   ille^;<?l,    because    it 
violates   the   spirit  and  letter  of  exDress    orovi- 
sions  of   the   code  and  oecauso   it   is  inconsistent 
\7ith  "orovisions  of   the  ooti'irial.',  stHndard  af!;reer;iont 
that   the   code   has  adc-oted.      I  request    imnediate   ac- 
tion on  the   part   of   the   distrihiitors,    nithdrawing 
these    orovisions  from  their   contracts,    and  urp;e 
them  to   do   so   to  prevent  an  aroused  exhioitor  "body 
from  demanding  that    the   code   be  onened  for  amend- 
ment  to  prevent   such  practices,"    (*) 

In  connection  with  the  above,    it  must   be  pointed  out  that  while    the 
5-5-5   cancellation  clause   mentioned  in  Mr •   Yarain's  letter  had  been  form- 
ulated sc;;.e  years  previous   to    the   Code,  *it  vas   not   in  general  use,      A 
disinterested  authority  on  the    Industry  described  the   situation  in   the 
two  YBDTs  preceding  the  formulation  of   the   Code   fs  follows: 

"Throughout  the   1931-32  f.nd  1932-33  selling 
seasons,    each  distributor  offered  to   the  ex- 
hibitor a   contract  v.'hich  in  his  ODinion  v^s 
as   satisfactory  as  he   could  devise.      There 
v;as,    therefore,    no  uniformity  of  practice. 
Thus,    seven  of   the   leading  companies   --^ave    the 
e:-±.ibitor  no    right   to   exclude   finy  nhotcolay 
\;hatsoever,    while   tvo   rf   them  ^pve   the   ex- 
hibitor the   right  to   exclude   10^  of  the    oic- 
tures  by  -naying' 50^^  r'ental,   provided  that   tlie 
ezaiibitor-  p^^rch^sed  all   the  Dictures  offc?red 
hira."'(**)  .  ' 

In  a  letter  to  United  States  Senator  Pat  Harrison,  dated  April  12, 
1935,  Division  Adiiiinistrator  Sol  A.  Rosenblatt  stated  that  the  practice 
of  inserting  clauses  tending  to  avoid  conformity  ^7ith  the  standard  form 
of  ej±Libition  contract  was  before  the  Adiainistration  for  consideration. 
Activities  in  this  respect  were  halted  by  the  Sui^reme  Coui't  decision  of 
May  27  ,    1935,  '    ■' 

Ed  Xuykendall,    president   of   the  Motion  PictuTe    Theatre  Owners  of 
America,    at   the  fifteenth  annual   convention  of   this  grou->D  at  Ne'-^  Orleans, 
February  25,    1935,    also   stated  that   the   OT)e ration  of   the   cancellation 
clause  vras  unsatisfactory,    (***) 

(*)  Quoted  in  full   in  Record  of  Hearings  before   Senate  Finance 

Corm.:ittee  "on   Investigation  of   the   National  Recovery  Adminis- 
tration,   Seventy-fourth  Congress,    First   Sesnion,    Pursuant 
to    S,   Res.    79,      (pages   1284  C..  1235.) 

(**)        "The  Motion  Picture    Industry"   by  Howard  T.   Lewis  of  Harvard 
University,    Publisher,    Van  Nostrand,    1933,      Page   179, 

(***)     Lotion  Picture  Daily,    Issues  of  Feb,    26,    Feb.    27,    1935. 



10.      DISCUSSION 

31^c^;  "becking-  is,    if   net   the  mcst   cc.aTilica ted,    et   least   the   aost 
contrcversiol  problem  trcujlin-?-  the  Votioii  Pictore    Industry,      "Dvjcing 
eleven  ^'■ears,    "betv/een  1921  and  1933,    the  j'ederal   Trpde   Conmissicn  col- 
lected scne   17,000  pas'es  of   testir.ony  and  15,000  pa^s  of  exhibits  nith 
regard  to   the  practice.      In  1952,    the  Federal  Trade   Commission  annciinced 
that   the   subject  roiild  be   dropped. 

The  nost  comiiion  solution  advanced  by  inde-oendent  exhibitors  is  the 
complete  abolition  of  compulsorj''  block  booking.  It  is  proposed  that  it 
be  declared  a  violation  cf  statutor"^''  lar:  whenever  the  price  of  an  in^  .  • 
dividr^l  pict-jire  bears  such  a  relation  to  the  price  of  the  same  picture 
bought  in  a  block  as  to  act  as  an  unreasonable  restraint  on  the  exhib^ 
itor^s  choice.  Determination  as  to  whether  a  price  differential  is  ■un- 
reasonable is  to  be  left  to  either  the  Federal  Trade  Coiimission  (*)  or 
the  Federal   Courts.    (**) 

T7ithcut  going  into   the  merits  of  arg^jEents,    it  may  be  pointed  out 
that  ad:.iinistration  of   such  a   la-'.r  would  Tjrobablv  reauire   the   services  cf 
Federal  personnel  exceeding  the    tot.':l  number  no -.7  eiaployed  by  the  Fe6.eral 
Trade    Ccnuission,      Lack  of  adecui^te    standards  it  may  be   ass^'jried  wo^jld 
result   in  conflicting  determinations   by  different   bodies.     Moreover,    the 
mills  cf   the   courts  grind  slowly.      It  wculd  "profit   the   exhibitor  little 
or  ncthinj;,-  to   be   involved  in  lengthy  and  ex'-'ensive  litigation. 

The    second  most  freojientl^''  advanced  solution  is  extension  of   the 
c^ncellpticn  privilege.      It  develoT)ed  under  the   Code   th-st  practically  all 
exhibitors   considered  the   restricted  ten  per  cent   cancellation  privilege 
inadecuate.      Increase  of   the  percentage   and  removal  of   the  restrictions 
on  the  free   exercise  cf   this  right  would  "orobably  satisfy  most  exhib- 
itors'   rbjecticns  to  block   Docking,      This  wo^old  allow  the  exhibitor  to 
cancel   inferior  or  -onsuitable  riictures  and  contract  for   quality  produc- 
tions  if   they  appeared  during  the   season. 

The  producer  or  distributer  of  productions   of  relatively  high 
quality  T"cu2d  h^ve  nothing  to   fear  from  such  an  arranger.ent.      Since  an 
exhibitor  must  either  replace   a   cancelled  nicture  with  '"another  or  nust 
extend  the  run  of   some  more   desirable   feature,    the  elimination  of  un- 
suitable  cr   inferior  pictijres  would  not  involve   any  loss  cf  playing 
time   to   the    Industry  as   a  whole. 

(*)        Tlie   Brcokhart  Bill  -   S.    1567,    70th   Congress,   First   Session. 

(**)      The  Petfingill  Bill  -  H.   ?..    6-=72,    74th  Congress,   First 





All  the  major  comoanies  produce  short  subjects  in  conjimction  with 
the  production  of  feature  -oictures.   The  ornctice  of  forcing  the  purchase 
of  "short  suhjects"  such  as  comeries,  travelogs,  and,  educational  pictures 
of  one  or  tvo  resl  len^^ths  as  a  condition^  lor  the  contracting  of  feature 
pict-ores  has  Icn'':;  "been  an  established  'ractice  within  the  Industry,   The 
practice  ori-;5inally  develooed  from  a  demand  for  a  varied  entertainment 
program.  Producers  also  found  that  the  production  of  short  subjects  uas 
a  convenient  method  to  train' talent  for  foc-^tui'e  pictures  and  to  develop 
directors  for  the  more  responsible  duties  of  feature  -oroduction. 

The  practice  of  "forcing  shorts"  is  similar  in  some  ways  to  block 
booking,  l.iahy  of  the  arguiaents  relative  to  block  booking  of  feature 
pictures  apply  equally  to  the  forcing  of  short  subjects,  . 


At   the    trade  practices  conferences  held  in  1S27  under   the   auspices 
of   the  Federal   Trade   Commission,   producers  and  distributors  agreed  that 
newsreels  end.  short   subjects  would  net  be   included  in  any  block  with 
fea.tures,    and,    further,    that   the.y  would  not   require   the   lease  of  nevrs- 
reels   r-r    short   subject  blocks  as  a  condition  of  leasing  feature   bloclis, 
or  vice  versa.-    Any  benefits,    ho-/ever,    that  might  have   resulted  were 
lost  due    tr    the   Ic'ck  of  enforcement  po^vers  on  the  part  of   the  Federal 
Trade   Ccmnission, 

Independent  exhibitors  were  practically  unanimous   in  their  desire 
to   eliminate   the  forcing;  of   shorts.      It  was   claimed  that  distributers 
forced  er.hibitcrs   to   contract  for  greater  numbers  of   short   subjects  tlian 
they  could  usej    that  exhibitors     -ere   required  to   date    these    shorts  with- 
out regard  to    their   suitability,'-  with  a  feature   -orogram,    and  that   if   the 
exhibitor  could  not   date    them  or   cay  for   tlxem,    his  film  supply  was   shut 
off   (*). 

The  Exliibitors'    Committee    (**)   proposed  a   Code  provision  declaring 
the  forcing  of   shorts,    including  newsreels,    to   be  an  unfair  trade  practice. 

The   distributors  contended  that   the  X)rac1jice  was   justified  because 
it  eliminated  waste   in  selling  and  provided  for  well   balanced  programs. 
The  producer-distributors   group   sought   to  "f)reserve  a  production   invest- 
ment which  had  been  based  to   some  extent  upon  the    "tying  in"   of   short 

(*)        Trrnscript  of  Hearings  on  the   Proposed  Code   of  Fair   Competition 
for   the  Motion  Picture    Industry.      Volume   3.,   pai^e   506. 
Septe-mber  14,    1933. 

(**)     For  personnel   see  Report   of   the  Deputy  Administrator ,   October  26, 
1C33,    Ta-r^  3.     National  Recovery  Administration  Tiles  -  Kotion 
Picture    Industry. 



Tiie   fcllouing  cede  -jr^visicn  relative    to   the   forcing  of   shorts  en- 
bodied  prptic-^lly  in  toto   the  producer-distributors'   pire-code  propcscls; 

"lie   Distributor   shall   require   as  a   condition  of  entering 
into   c?    contract  for   the   licensing  of    the  exhibition  of 
leat-ure   motion  pictures   th^t   the  Exhibitor   contract  also 
for  the   licensing  of   the   exliibition  of  a  greater  number 
Cx    shrrt   subjects    (excepting  news   reels),    in  pro-portion 
to    the    total   number   of   short   subjects   required  by  such 
Exliibitor,    than  the  proportion  of   the   feature  iiictures 
fcr  uhich  a   contract   is  negotiated  bears   to    the    total 
nuj.iber   of  feature  pictures   reouirec  by  the   Exhibitor,"    (*) 

Tc    ta":e    care  of  exhibitors'    objections  regarding  the  holding  uo  of 
feat^ares  because   of  a   delinquency  under  a    contract  frr   short    subjects, 
the  follcv'ing  TDr'^vision  was   included  in  the    Code: 


"Ho   Distributor   shall   refuse    to    deliver   to   any  Exhibitor 
rn-j  ferture  notion  picture   licensed  under  an  exhibition 
contract   therefor  because   of   such  Exhibitor's   default   in 
the  perfcrnance   of  any  exliibition  ccntr-'^ct   licensing  the 
eidiibi'tion  of   short   subjects  of   such  Distributor,    or 
vice  versa,    provided  such  Exhibitor  has  agreed  to   arbitrate 
all   clains  and  controversies  arising  under   all  existing 
Opticnal   Standard  License   Agreements   bet-  een   them,"    (**) 

4,      OPEHaTION  07   E-IE  PROVISION 

The  privilege   of   see^:ing  relief  from  an  excessive   number  of    shorts 
was  not  -:;.ade   retroactive   with  respect    to    contracts  executed  before    the 
effective   date   of   the    Code    (***), 

This  ruling  is   in  contrast   to    the   ruling  made   by  the  Motion  Picture 
Code  Authority  with  reference    to   the    ten  per  cent   cancellation  clause    , 

(*)  Article  V-D,    Part  5  of   the   approved  Code, 

(**)  Article  V-D,    Part   10  of   the   s-p-oroved  Code, 

(***)        Cede  Authority  Appeal   Decision  No.    52  -  National  Recovery 
Administration  7iles. 

(****)      Code  Authority  Resolution,    March  29,    1934.      N'-^tional 
Recovery  Administration  Files, 


A  "brief   submitted  to    the   Senate  Finance   Corariittee   on  Anril   24,    1935 
"by  the  Allied  States  Association  of  i.iction  Picture  Exhibitors   included 
the  fcllrv;-in:^   statement   relntive   to    the    orcblein  of   short    subjects: 

"The   exhibitors  -during  the   code  r)roc3eding  submitted  a 
prevision  which  would  cut  out   the  practice   by  the   roots. 
The  provision   in  the   code  ;oer:'its   the   forcing  of   shorts 
to    the   full  extent   of  an  exhibitor's  vl^ying  time   and 
recc,;^-nizes  and  legalizes   the   practice,     llorepver,    it   is 
so   v;rro.ed  that   it   can  be   easily  evaded,"    (*) 

Study  of   the   record  of  the   administration  of  this   Code   leads   to 
the   r ssiunpticn  that   this  "orovision  gave   little    relief   to   exhibitors   in 
general.      Distributors  ev-ided  the  provision  by  supplying  short   subjects 
on  a.  v'ee':ly  "orogram  basis,    charging  the   exliibitor  a    suii  equal   to   pa  aver- 
age cf   the  pa;^rments  made   during  the  previous  year.      In  effect   the   ex- 
hibitcr  paic".  an  amount  equr-l   to  his  previous  year's  cost  even  though 
the  nujiiber  cf   shorts  might  have   been  decreased, 

Accrrding   to  a    report   submitted  by  the    Code   Authority  only  two    com- 
plaints  regarding  the  forcing  of   shorts  were  considered  by  .the  Local 
Grievance   Boards   in  the  Tjeriod  from  their   inception   to  April   12,    1935, 

An  interpretation  was  made  cf   the    term   "short   subjects"  which  ex- 
cludeo.  separate   installments  of   serial  pictures  from   the   general   category 
of   slicrt   subjects    (**).      It  v/as  a    custom   to    sell    serials  out   of   blocks 
separately  from  shorts  and  features. 

Representatives  of    the  Motion  Picture    Theatre  Owners  of  America, 
as   reported  in   the   trade  press,    ex"pressed  dissatisfaction  with   the   opera- 
tions of    the    Code  provision  on   shorts  at    the  fifteenth  annual   convention 
of   this  organization  held  in  New  Orleans  on  February  25,    1935, 

In  r   brief   submitted   to    the    Senate  Finance    Committee    in  April,    1935, 
during  the   investigation  of   the  iJational  Recovery  Administration  the 
Independent  Theatre   Owners  Association,    Inc.   of  Hew  York,    stated  its  ob- 
jections as  follows: 

"The    (Code)   provision,    does  not  more    than  recognize    the 
existence   of  an  evil  and  in  no  way  remedies   the      In 
the   first  place,    it    (the    Code)    exempts  newsreels  from  the 
operation  of   the  provision  and  practice  h^s   shown  many  ex- 
hibitors overstocked  in  newsreels  having  been  forced  to 
purchase   four   to   five   newsreels  from  different   c^ii-ianies. 
Uith  i-esoect    to    this   type   of   short,    the  evil    is  even  greater 
since   only  one    com;;any's   reels   can  be   used  my  circum- 
stances,   as   they  usuallj'-  cover   the    same   imocrt'-^nt  ne^'s  points. 

(*)        The  P.ecord  of    the   Hearings  before    the    Senate  Finance    Committee, 
Investigation  of   the  National  Recovery  Administration  pursuant 
to    Senate  Resolution  79,    Page   2029, 

(**)     Administrative  Order  No,    124-39  -  November  8,    1934,      Signed  by 
Sol  A,   Rosenblatt,    Division  Administrator, 


-  -101- 

lii  addition  thereto,    the  provision   is   impratical   in  requiring 
the   revelation  by  the   exhioitor  of   the   contract  v/hich  he   has 
T7ith  ether  distributors  rnd  involves   the  necessity  of  intri- 
cate  nathematical   coiiputa tions   in  orc'er   to    rer-ch  a   result, 

"ThFt  eny  such  condition  and   ourden   should  be   ira-oosed  upon  an 
enhibitcr   is   self-evident  r.ianife station  of    the   unf-^irness  of 
the  prevision  and  of   the  -oartiality  tOT/ard  the  producer  dis- 
tributer.    Under  all   circui-istrnces,    the  -orcvisicn  still  allorrs 
the   distributors   to   force  upon  the  exhibitors  ucre   short   sub- 
jects than  they  can  use 

"Only  CAB  provision  can  rened7  this  evil  in  the   industry. 
An  absc?.ute    prohibition  a^-inst  any  reqi.urenent   th-?t  sn 
e:i.iibitcr  be  forced  to  -ourchaGe   shorts   in  order  to   receive 
fert'-ireG  frcr.  a  distributor  and  the  lev^T-n^^  of   severe 
punisiiiiGnt  ux/on  any  distributor  who   refuses   to  abide  by 
such  provision. "      (*) 


Tlie  ax'filiated  ^nd  "jnafiiliated  circuits   oec^use   of   their   inpcrtant 
barjaiiiin^  position  are   able   to  resist   the  f'r-rcin--  of   shrrt   subjects  to 
the   saiie   extent   that   they  can  resist   the  -^^ractice   '^f  bl'^cl^  boo'cinf?, 

The   independent  exhibitors  arc  -oc^erless  to   resist   the  forcing  of 
short   subjects,     A  refusal   to  -o'archase   short  subjects  ordinarily  res'jlts 
in  difii'cultp  in  contracting;  for  features. 

The   independent  producers  of   short    subjects  finds  a  lar£;e  part  of 
the  narhet   cl'^sed  to    their  rjrcduct.     Large   inde-oendent  prod^Jicers  of   sh-ort 
subjects  us-jrlly  T7ork  -itl^   ."^ijor  "oroducers  and  effect  distribution  of  their 
product   th-Tcugh  the    selling  orry  nizaticns  of  the  major  companies. 

The  f'^rcing  of   short   subjects  is  r^ade  r)0ssible   tl'-Tough  the  ability 
of  rjEjcr  cciijF-nies  to   control   the  feature  pict-ores  r-hich  the   exhibitor 
must  purchrse   to   renain  in  business,      Coripetition  from  independent  pro- 
ducers cf   shrrt    subjects   is   thus  restrained,    tending  to   create  a    closed 

The  Licst  practical   solution  to   the  proble™  would  seen  to  be  one 
similai-   to    thrt  enDloyed  in  the    Code;    th?it   is,    to  prohibit   the  forcing 
of  a  greater  n^jziber  of   short  subjects   in   -jr-^portion  t'"   the   total   short 
subject  plaping  tiine   than  the   number  cf  fest^jre  T)ictui'es  contracted  for 
fron  the   sane  distributor  bears   to   the   total  fe^t-jre  ■oict-'jire  -cla^n-ng 
tise.      If,    in  addition  to   the   abcve,    the  exhibitor  ras  given  the  privilege 
of  cancelling  a   certain  percentr3;e  of   the   short   subjects  bo-jight,    a  narket 
would  be  opened  to   qualit;'-  short   subjects   that  night  appear,    from  what- 

(*)     Hearings  before   Senate  finance   Go::jnittee  -   Investigation  of   the 
ITaticnal  ^.eccvery  Adninistra tion.      74t.h  Congress,    First   Session, 
-•^^P'or s-j£nt  to   Senate  2.e  solution  7r,     ?ege  IS^C, 



Such  a   system  t/cuIc".  relieve   tiie   e::hi'bitor  f I'o  a  any  necessity  of 
contrrcting  for  a   greater  nuniljer  of   short   subjects   tlian  lie   could  play; 
would    ore  serve  a  part  of  his  former   short   suoject  ^narhet   to   the  producer— 
distri'oxitor ,    and  would  open  the   ;.pr^   to   i-iaeoe •indent  producers  of   short 
suDjects,      It  would  greatly  encour.M/ie   the  proc-ucticn  of  quality  short 
subjects  "by  "both  major  and  indeoendent  "orrducers.      It  would,   of  course, 
"be  neceuspry  as  was   done    in   the   Code    to    orcvide   a-rninst   any  resort   "by 
distributors   to  a   "short   subject   service", 



In  certain  areas  of  keen  competition,    o:±Libitors  resort   to   devices 
which  are  equivalent  to   rebates  on  advertised  admission  prices,    such  as 
premiums,    lotteries,    give-aways,    t!70-for-one  admissions,    coupons  and 
script   books.      The  public  frequently  responds  eagerly  to   the    "something 
for  nothing"  lure,    whereas  an  advertised  sira'^de   reduction  in  admission 
prices  may  bring  but  a  small   increase   in  patronage,.. 

The  practice  of  giving  rebates   is   the   defensive  weapon  used  "hy  the 
exhibitor   stri-ggling  (l)    to  meet   the   competition  of  larger  exhibitors 
offering  better  and  fresher  pro  :;Tai:ip,    or    (s)   to  meet   the  competition 
offered  b3''  another  exhibitor  who  has  adopted  a   double   feature  policy  or 
(3)   to   meet   the   competition  of  a  rival  who   had  been  able   to   negotiate 
unfair  clearance   or   (4)   to   get  around  clearance   based  on  a  minimum  ad- 
mission price  which  cannot    be   lowered  without  breach  of   contract. 

The   reba.te  practice   is   the  prickly  heat  of  exhibition.     Wherever 
the  pr.-^ctice  proves   succosrful   in  drawing  more  patrons  or  in  enticing 
patrons  from  competing  theatres,    the  "oractice   spreads.      There   are  man^'' 
instances  where  all   the   theatres  in  a   competitive  area   have  become   engaged 
in  various   schemes,    offering  gifts   that  have  ranged  from  worthless  gadgets 
to  auto;:cbiles, 

2,  PlUi:-CODE  PR0P0S.4LS 

Claims  were  made  by  various  groups  during  the  form-olation  of   the 
Code   that   these  various  forms  of  rjrice   cutting  had  demoralized  and.  were 
threatening  the   stability  of  the  exhibition  branch  of   the   Industry, 

Practically  all  groups  agreed  that  equitable   clearance  and  zoning 
schedules   should  be  attempted  under   the   Code,      Clearance   in  large  part 
is  determined  by  the  admission  prices  charged  by  the   theatres   involved. 
Naturally,    no   standards  could  be   set  up  where  exhibitors  were  free   to 
indulge   in  unrestrained  price-cutting. 

The  Producers'  and  Distributors'  Committees  submitted  for  inclusion 
ih  the  Code  a  proposal  calling  for  the  elimination  of  all  these  devices 
whenever  they  were  unfair  to  competing  exhibitors  a.nd  in  all  cases  where 
they  tended  to  deceive  the  public.   The  element  of  deceit  entered  where 
one  customer  night  pay  the  full  admission  price,  not  knowing  that  others 
had  entered  on  "throw-a.wa.y"  tickets,  "two-for-one"  tickets,  gift  passes 
and  the  like, 



Distri"butors   contended  that   the  notion  pictiire  show  should  te   con- 
fined to   entertainment;    that  lotteries  and  games  of  chance  were    illegal; 
and  fnTther,    that  handling  gifts  of  merchandise  was  an  alien  enterprise, 
Thev  proposed  that   the   Code  require   distributors   to  refuse   to   license 
films   to   offending  exhibitors, 

■Some   independent  exhibitors  favored  continuation  of   the  practice, 
but   the   Code  proposal   submitted  oy  the  Exhibitors'    Committee  also  provided 
for  the  elimination  of   these   schemes  where   they  were  unfair  to   competing 
exhibitors  and  in  all  instances  where   the  public  was   subject   to   decep- 
tion.     The  Exhibitors'    differed  from  the  producers'   and  distributors* 
suggestion  in  that   it  pre- supposed  the   existence   of   clearance  and  zoning 
schedules  which,    exhibitors  generally  believed  would  contain  measures 
restricting  price   cutting.      The   exhibitors'   proposal  was  qualified  to 
the  extent   that  where  no   local  boards  existed,    the   ruling  of  75  per  cent 
of  the   exiiibitcrs   in  a   designated  area  would  prevail, 


Exliibitors  favoring  the  ;oractice   of  giving  premiums  received  power- 
ful  support  from  the  manufacturers.      Pottery  manufacturers  who   sold  large 
quantities  of  chinaware   to    small  exhibitors   throughout   the   country  ex- 
pressed strong  opposition  to   the  elimination  of  premiums.     Figures  of 
various   companies  were    submitted  which  purported   to    show  threatened 
losses  of   thousands  of   dollars  worth  of   business,    (*)      Representing  the 
National  Brotherhood  of  Operative  Potters   (affiliated  with  the  American 
Federrticn  ex   Labor),    stated  that   2,000  of   the   Brotherhood  members  were 
emplc--ed  in   the  production  of  premiums  which  were  distributed  by  motion 
picture  houses,    (**) 


The   Code  provisions  as  finally  drafted  declared  that   the   lowering 
of  annciinced  and  advertised  admission  -prices  in   cases  of  lotteries, 
prizes,    reduced  script   books,    coupons,    throw-away   tickets,    two-for-one 
admissions,    or   by  other    similar  devices  which  were  unfair  to   competing 
exhibitors  or  which  tended  to   deceive   the  public,    were  unfair   trade 
practices.    (***) 

(*)  Transcript  of  Hearings  on  the   Proposed  Code  of  Fair  Competition 

for  the  Motion  Picture  Industry,    Volume   1,    September  12,    1933, 
pag-es   216-234, 

(♦*)        Transcript  of  Hearings  on  the   Proposed  Code   of  Fair  Competition 

for  the  Motion  Picture  Industry,    Volume   1,    September  12,    1933, 
-OE^ge   214, 

(***)     Article  V-E,   Part  3,    Section  1  of   the  approved  Code, 


-104-  . 

Hovrevsr,  the  Code  tli^n  rotated  th^t  "relvitns  r.uch  ac  preminms  in 
the  form  of  ^ifts  and  other  things  of  value  shall  "be  deemed  to  "be  "un-   .• 
fair  trade  practices  onljr  if  75  per  cent  of  the  affiliated  exhibitors 
?nd  75  per  cent  of  the  inde-»^^endent  e-hi^bitors  in  a  parti ciilar  area, 
voting  separately,  so  indicated  their  der.ire."  (*) 

Moreover,  a  period  of  ninety  (90)  drys  v;ar-  granted  "before  any  such 
ruling  should  hecome  effective  in  order  to  allow  exhibitors  to  dispose 
of  whatever  supply  of  premiums  they  might  have  in.  stock.  (**) 

Enforcement  of  these  provisions  after  violations  had  "been  found  was 
to  te  secured  hy  giving  the  local  G-rievance  Boards  the  povrer  to  order 
the  distrihutors  to  refuse  further  delivery  of  films  if  the  violating 
exhihitor  refused  to  cease  and  desist  from  continuing  the  practice, 


Exhihitors  strictly  adhering  to  g'ifts  of  premiuns  rrere  generally 
unmolested..  An  examination  of  the  Code  Authority  records  available  in 
the  files  of  the  ITaticnal  Hecover;;.''  Administration  shows  that  three  un- 
successful attempts  were  made  to  secure  the  elimination  of  premiums  "by 
a  75  per  cent  vote,  (****)   Thus  the  actual  operation  of  these  pro- 
visions resulted  in  a  complete  victory  for  the  pottery  group  and  the 
exhibitors  desiring  to  continue  the  practice. 

Little  difficulty  was  encountered  in  cases  "^here  devices  were 
s.dopted  vrhich  directly  lowered  the  published  admission  price,  such  as 
coupons,  passes  and  tvo-for-one  admissions.  All  such  cases  were  con- 
sid.ered.  to  deceive  the  noublic  and  so  to  be  in  violation  of  the  Code# 
Determinations  by  local  Boards  in  such  cases  resolved  down  to  a  finding 
as  to  whether  the  respondent  was  gailty  of  using  the  practice  and 
whether  he  competed  with  another  theatre. 

Considerable  difiicultj'"  wa.s  erperiencedt  in  ma^king  decisions  where 
various  schemes  incorporating  the  element  of  chance  were  employed  which 
indirectly  involved  a  possible  reduction  in  admission  price.  Particular 
reference  is  made  to  "Bank  Night",  "Ra,ce  Uight",  and  "Screeno",  all  of 
which  carry  copyrights.   "Bank  Night"  was  the  most  frequently  used 

a.  Bank  Night 

"Bank  Night"  takes  its-  name  from  the  establishment  of  a  bank  account 

(*)  Article  V-E,  Part  3,  Section  2  of  the  apriroved  Code, 

(**)  Article  V-E,  Fart  3,  Section  4  of  the  aT^p roved  Code, 

(***)  Article  V-E,  Part  3,  Section  3  of  the  approved  Code, 

(****)  Code  Authority  Appeal  Decisions  No.  238,  No.  463,  No.  473, 


"by  the  management  of  a  theatre  and  this  "bank  account  is  awarded  ty 
chance  to  some  person  in  or  near  the  theatr'i  at  the  time  of  a  drawing 
held  on  the  stage.   In  the  early  forms  of  the  scheme,  patrons  regis- 
tered TfS  they  entered  the  theatre.   The  counterfoils  were  collected  and 
on  one  night  a  week,  a  drawing  was  held  on  the  stage.   One  name  ws.s 
called;  if  that  person  was  in  the  audienr,e,  he  was  awarded  the  "bank  ac- 
count.  If  the  person  whose  name  was  called  was  not  present,  the  "banlc 
account,  usually  with  r':'n  added  omoimt  each  time,  would  "be  set  aside 
until  some  person  finally  claimed  the  entire  accumulated  amount.   It 
was  necessary  to  register  only  once  to  participate  in  Banl^  Night, 

Before  the  Code  Authority  attempted  to  suppress  this  device, 
participants  were  required  to  "buy  a  ticket  of  admission  to  the  theatre, 
thus  furnishing  consideration  and  causing  the  scheme  to  iDe  held  a 
lottery  in  some  jurisdictions.   Later,  the  registration  hooks  were 
placed  in  the  lohhy  of  the  theatr*^  and  any  one  was  free  to  register  and 
to  "become. eligihle  for  the  prize.  On  the  night  of  the  drawing,  an- 
no"uncement'  of  the  name  drawn  was  made  outside  the  theatre  as  well  as  on 
the  stage.   The  winning  individual  was  required  to  present  his  claim 
within  a  short  time,  usually  within  a  minute  or  two  after  the  announce- 

"b.  Race  Night 

"Race  Night"  involves  a  scheme  wherehy  each  patron  retains  the  num- 
hered  stulD  of  his  admission  ticket,  careful  note  "being  made  of  the 
last  digit  of  the  rtuin"ber,  During  the  performance,  a  short  su'bject  de« 
picting  various  advertised  articles  is  flashed  upon  the  screen.  A  race 
of  ten  contestants  carrying  large  nu'ierals  from  zero  to  nine  then  talces 
place.  Patrons  holding  the  winning  num"ber  are  entitled  to  a  prize 
package  if  they  can  name  at  least  four  of  the  articles  just  previously 
shown  upon  the  screen, 

c«   Screeno  ' 

"Screeno''  involves  a  scheme  wherehy  each  patron  is  given  a  card 
containing  five  vertical  and  horizontal  nura"bers  corresponding  to  a  list 
of  nurn"bers  on  the  screen.  During  an  appropriate  intermission  of  the 
regular  performance,  an  indicator  is  whirled  around  a  dial  stopping  at 
one  of  these  num"bers<>  Patrons  cross  off  the  num"bers  on  their  cards  after 
each  successive  whirl.   The  first  person  completing  a  vertical,  hori- 
zontal or  diagonal  se'ries  of  nujn"bers  on  his  card  yells  "Screeno"  which 
upon  verification  entitles  him  to  a  cash  prize. 

Many  other  schemes  similar  in  nature  "but  operating  under  different 
names  were  encountered  "by  the  Code  Authority,   The  names  of  a  few  of 
these  follow:   $aving$  Account  Night,  Grocery  Night,  Thrift  Night, 
Eddie* s  Whoopee  Party, .Cash, Night,  Country  Store  Night,  Gift  Night, 
Merchants  Prosperity  Ni,q:ht,  Money'Night,  Parm  Night,  Jack  Pot  Night, 
Purse  Night,  Surprise  Night, 

The  local  Grievance  Boards  experienced  considera"ble  confusion  in 
deciding  whether  these  various  schemes  incorporating  the  element  of 
chance  were  violations  of  the  Code.  Appeals  to  the  Code  Authority  were 



50  mimeroiis  thr-^t  the  Codn  Avcthoritjr  ^•eq-aor.t'^:i  an  officii'.!  interpretcV- 
tion  ty  the  National  Hecovery  Adjnini strati or-  A  ruling  nas  issued 
which  declared  that  I 

So-called  "Race  Nights"  and  so-called  ''Bank  llishts"  or  similar  or 
like  schemes  or  pl?-ns  otherr-ise  designated  if  any  -oarticipant  therein 
is  directly  or  indirectly  reqnired  to  purchase  or  othervrise  acquire  for 
value  a  tic]:et  or  other  token  of  adnicsicn  to  the  theatre  vhen  any  such 
scheme  or  plan  is  heing  offered  or  presented,  (*)  are  violations  of  the 
Code,  . 

Plcins  vzere  altered  after  this  interpretation  so  that  the  partici- 
pants T7ere  not  required  to  purchase  an  adriission  ticket  "but  might  simply 
sign  their  r-ames  op-oosite  a  numher  in  a  hook  kept  in  the  lohhy  of  the 
theatre*  VJlien  the  drawings  took  place  ^inno-'.m cements  v/ere  made  in  the 
lohhy  as  \7ell  as  inside  the  theatre*   The  Code  Authority  ruled  that  such 
alterations  were  -lor'^  technicalities  introduced  to  circumvent  these 
provisions  end   thc^t  they  produced  results  siTiilar  to  lotteries.  There- 
fore, these  variations  uere  declared  to  he  violations.  (**) 

All  ma.terial  relatin,^  to  "Bank  Night"  was  harred  from  the  mails  hy 
the  United  States  Post  Office  Depn,rtment  under  Section  213  of  the 
United  States  Penal  Code  (l8-Uo3,Co  -336),  Postmasters  throughout  the 
country  rrere  so  informed,  (***) 

Exhioitors  facing  cease  and  desist  orders  from  local  Grievance 
Boards  were  placed  in  the  position  of  either  compl^'-ing,  closing  their 
theatres  from  lack  of  filra  supply,  or  seeking  injunctions  against  the 
Grievance  Boards  or  the  distrihutors. 

An  indeterminate  numher  of  these  injunction  proceedings  were  filed. 
Fourteen  are  record<-!d  in  the  files  of  the  Litigation  Division  of  the 
National  Recovery  Administration,   The  majority  of  these  cases  were 
still  pending  at  the  time  the  Schechter  case  o.ecision  put  a  stop  to 
further  Code  activity.  However,  several  decisions  interesting  in  their 
lack  of  uniformity  were  handed  down. 

The  most  notahle  decision  p.gainst  "Bank  Night"  ws.s  given  "by  Judge 
Charles  A.  Dev/ey  on  May  19,  1935,  in  the  United  States  District  Court 
for  the  Southern  District  of  Iowa  in  the  case  of  Central  States  Theatres 
Corporation  v,  Memhers  of  the  Local  Grievance  Board,  et  al,  -  No,  4563, 
Equity  Ruling  on  Application  for  Temporary  Injunction,   Judge  De\7ey  de- 
nied an  application  for  the  iss\\ance  of  a  temporary  injunction  against 

(*)    Administrative  Order  No.  12'i-15  -  April  17,  1934       ' 
Signed  hy  Sol  A,  Rosenhlatt,  Division  Administrator, 

(**)   Code  Authority  Appeal  Decisions  No.  121,  No.  130  and  No,  198. 

(***)   Letter  of  ICo.rl  A,  Crowley,  Solicitor,  Post  Office  Department  to 

Sol  A,  Rosenhlatt,  Director  of  Comnliance  and  Enforcement,  Nation- 
al Recovery  Administration,  May  6,  1935, 


distri'bxitors  enjoining  them  from  cea.sin;-  to  siroply  film  to  th-^  com- 
plainants and  a  restricting  crd'^r  previonsl^r  in  force  against  ths  de- 
fendants X7C.3   terminated,  on  the  groimds  that  the  "Bank  Hight"  scheme 
which  the  exhilDitor  atter.Tpted  to  have  protected  "bordered  on  a  lottery 
and  did  not  narrant  protection  "by  a  Court  of  Equity. 

In  cUrect  contrast  to  this  decision-  the  follomng  order  nas 
entered  ''oy  Judge  Paul  J.  McCormick  in  the  District  Court  of  the  United 
States  in  the  Southern  District  of  California,  Central  Division  in  the 
case  of  Orjiard  Theatres,  Inc.  Ve  J.  J.  Mil stein  et  al . ,  No.  Equity 

-  Ilinate  Order  - 

The  acts  of  Complainant  in  carrying  on  "Bank  Higbt"  and  '^Bicycle 
C-iv^.-rvay"'  at  th'^^  o-oerated.  hy  it  in  6:mard,  California, 
are  ao  renote  fron  interGtat3  or  foreign  commerce  an  t o  Tdg  neg- 
ligil)i'^  c,nd  incons'^i-l'.ential  to  either. 

There  "being  no  substantial  relation  to  commerce  of  J^ederal  cog- 
nizance in  the  ac'initted  acts  of  Complainant,  the  Motion  Picture 
Code  Authority  exceeded  its  -oovrer  in  issuing  the  "Cease  and  Desist 
Order"  that  is  sought  to  he  enforced  against  Cornjolainant. 

The  Motion  to  Dismiss  the  Bill  of  Complaint  is  denied. 

The  status  quo  should  "be  -preserved,  and  accordingly,  the  restrain- 
ing order  of  March  6th,  1935  is  now  made  an  inj-ijnction  pendente 
lite,  and  ac;  such,  will  issuee...... 

Dated  April  4th,  1935, 

On  June  IS,  1935  an  order  ■'•ras  accordin;';ly  entered  signing,  filing 
and  entering  stipulation  and  decree  of  dismisso.l  ^dthout  costs. 

In  a  third  case  (*)  the  court  ordered  the  complaining  exhihitor  to  running  "3a,nk  Night"  and  to  ahide  "by  all  future  decisions  'bf  the 
local  G-rievance  Board,  and  enjoined  the  local  Grievance  Eoa.rd  from  en- 
forcing their  cease  and  desist  order.   The  substantial  effect  was  to 
substitute  a  Court  order  for  the  order  of  the  local  G-rievance  Board, 

One  majr  infer  that  the  compliance  instrument  proved  very  effective 
since  no  records  have  heen  disclosed  showing  the  perma.nent  closing  of  a 
theatre  due  to  a  discontinuance  of  film  supply.  Pictures  were  denied  to 
exhihitors  for  a  short  time  in  a  few  cases.  (**)   The  res-oondants  in 
such  ca,ses  usually  discontinued  the  nractice  and  started  injunction 

(*)   Mid-TJ^st  Film  Distributing  Corporation  y.  D,  M,  Thornhurg,  et  al. 
United  St?.tes  District  Court  for  the  Southern  District  of  Iowa, 
May  lo,  1935,  Bill  for  Declaratory  Judgment. 

(**)   Code  Authority  Appeal  Decision  No.  251 



proceedings,  pnd  in  on(='   case  danat^e  action,  agn.inst  the  menters  of  the 
local  G-rie-vance  boards.  (*)  National  Renov^Ty  ^^diinistration  la^Tyers 
assisted  in  the  defense  of  these  ccses  iintil  the  Codes  vrere  declared 
■unconstitutional;  the  defendants  ^eie  then  J.eft  to  their  oiTn  resources. 

According  to  reports  sulomittGd  "by  the  Code  Authority  to  the 
National  Hecovery  Administro.tion,  (**)  6G9  cas'^^s.,  or  appro::ima,tely  55 
per  cent  of  a  total  of  1,122  tr?de  practice  coriplaints  "brought  "before 
the  local  Grievance  Boards  in  1934,  related  to  schemes  involving  the 
element  of  chance.   During  the  first  three  nonths  of  1935,  152  cases, 
or  63  per  cent  of,  a  total  of  240  coniplaints  involved  such  plans* 

National  Recovery  Administration  files  contain  records  of  150  ap- 
peals to  the  Code  Authority  from  local  Board  decisions  in  cases  involv- 
ing re"bateo  on  admission  prices.  Analysis  of  these  150  cases  shows 
that  the  Code  Authority  affirmed  131  decisions  and' reversed  tvro   de- 
cisions rrhere  the  local  Board  decision  had  "been  for  the  complainant; 
affirmed  trro  decisions  and  reversed  four  vrhere  the  local  Board  decision 
had  "been  for  the  rcsTDOndont;  dismirs3d  five  ca<5es,  and  remanded  six  to 
the  local  Boards  for  further  "hearing, 


According  to  the  dsAly  trade  press  of  the  Industry,  the  practice 
of  giving  relates  on  admission  prices  through  all  the  various  schemes 
which  have  "been  discussed  ha^s  invaded  nev  territories  since  the  in- 
valid.a,tion  of  the  Code, 

In  these  situations.;  e:'dii"bitors  in  their  efforts  to  keep  theatre 
seats  filled  and.  bneir  ooriDetitors'  houses  Pitrpty  seem  "but  to  reflect 
the  s^mnto'-ic;  of  notional  advertising,  particularly  over  the  radio.   The 
country'"  IS  in  one  of  its  recurrent  periods  of  the  giveaway.  Practically 
every  comr.ercial  "broadcast  over  the  radio  offers  something  for  the 
listener  to  require,  either  "by  collecting  carton  tops  or  "by  simply  writ- 
ing to  the'  station  or  to  the  advertiser,   -he  current  craze  to  check 
listeners  TDOc^mes  in  tine  more  fascinating  than  watching  a  sales  curve 
rise©   The  pu"blic  response  d.ces  seem  to  "become  stimulated  -  whether 
giveaways  are  offered  over  radio  or  "by  the  motion  picture  theatre. 

The  usual  result  of  the  introduction  of  these  at tendance- lures  in 
motion  pictures  e^±Li"bition  is  a  form  of  price  war  which  no  one  can  win. 
Having  responded  to  one  stimulus,  the  puhlic  looks  for  greater  and 
greater  ind/a.cenents.   The  motion  piicture  industry  files  in  the  National 
Recovery  Adjviinistration  disclose  a.n  instance  in  point.   One  small  ex- 
hi"bitor  tried  one  device  after  another  and  finally  decided,  to  give  away, 
a  Ford  ca-r,  Tha-t  set  the  community''  agog  with  excitement  until  the  smaJ.1 
e?ihi"bitor^  s  chain  competitor  countered  with  the  offer  of  a  Pierce  Arrow, 

(*),   Piles  of  Litigation  Division  -  National  Recovery  Administration,. 
(**)  National  Recovery  Administration  files  -  Motion  Picture  Industry, 


-109-  .      . 

In  that  comimmity,  the  Industry  stepped  out  of  the  motion  picture  husi- 
ness  pjid  matched  dollars  in  gemhling  and  merchandising  schemes.   The 
habit  once  started  in  a  community  has  a  hahit  of  its  oun  —  it  spreads 
and  multiplies  in  ingenuity  of  scheme;  in  simple  economics,  the  last 
state  of  the  exhihitor  is  worse  than  his  first. 

The  practice  is  to  "be  found  almost  exclusively  in  areas  of  keen 
competition.  Premiums  are  seldom  given  ^rhere  there  is  little  competi- 
tion, Ezqperience  hr-.s  shoim  that  where  schemes  similar  to  lotteries 
have  heen  used  in  non-competitive  areas,  attendance  has  "been  stimulated 
only  on  the  one  night  that  dravrings  are  held.  The  net  result  has  "been 
no  gain  to  the  exhihitor, 

Heha.tes  on  admission  prices. are  usually  the  resort  of  the  suhse- 
quent-run  exhihitor  aga.inst  too  strong  competitive  forces,  or  against 
unreasona.hle  clearance  or  zoning.  Usually  the  device  affords  a  re- 
spite -  temporary  at  the  "best.  But  it  does  not  remove  the  causes  of 
this  erJiihitor's  difficulties. 

The  e^diihitor,  "by  and  large,  considers  the  most  effective  and  fair- 
est means  of  regulation  of  the  practice  to  he  through  clearance  and  zon?- 
irig  schedules,.  In  addition  to  the  "something  for  nothing"  incentive, 
and  no  matter  how  effected,  all  these  schemes  involve  a  reduction  in'  ad- 
mission rr  ices.   The  exhihitor  considers  that  clearance  should  he  in- 
creased over  any  ejdiihitor  using  such  devices  exactly  as  if  said  ex- 
hihitor  had  cut  admission  prices. 



Pesif^iated  play  dates  is  a  trade  term  used  to  describe  the  prac- 
tice of  designating  a  specific  day  or  days  on  which  pictures  must  he 
shown.   In  selling  a  group  of  pictures  under  the  hlock  "booking  system, 
the  distributor  may  require  that  certain  pictures  -  estimated  to  have 
unusual  box  office  attraction  -  be  licensed  on  a  percentage  basis. and, 
to  make  profits  more  certain,  may  then  require  that  such  pictures  be 
played  on  diiys  of  the  week  when  the  largest  attendance  is  assured. 

The  distributor  practically  without  exception  designates  Saturdays, 
Sundays,  and  holidays,  which  are  preferred  playing  d^tes  due  to  the 
prevailin,;-  larger  attendance  and  generally  higher  admission  prices. 
Either  Sati\rday  or  Sunday  in  motion  picture  exhibition  experience  is 
from  two  to  throe  times  as  productive  as  any  other  single  week  day.   The 
same  rule  applies  to  holic-Ays, 

Percentage  films  me^  "be  sold  on  (l)  a  minimum  guaranty  plus  a 
split,  (2)  a  straight  split,  or  (3)  a  split  over  the  exhibitor's  oper- 
ating ex^penses,  or  (4)  many  other  combinations  of  factors  may  be  used. 
The  e:>±Libitor  usually  favors  the  straight  split  method,  maintaining 
that  the  distributor  should  share  the  losses  as  well  as  the  profits. 
The  distributor  usually''  opposes  the  straight  percentage  policy,  contend- 
ing tha.t  straight  percentage  tends  to  lessen  the  e:diibitor's  advertising, 
and  exploitation  efforts.  The  distributor  usually  requires  as  a  guaran- 
ty the  erqpected  rental  plus  a  division  of  the  receipts  above  that  figure, 




•PEE-CODE  Discussions 

During  Godf^  formulation,  the  c'lGtri'butors  advanced  the  argument 
that  designated  play  dat^is  "ere  jiiGtifiec  for  these  r^asonsi   First, 
that  the  hest  pictures  were  thus  shorn  on  days  ^'hen  the  r^ul^iic  had  the 
greatest  leisure  and  hence  inclination  to  see  them;,  that  since 
these  selected  pictures  involved  extra  expense  in  production,  the  dis- 
trihutdr  T;as  entitled  to  share  in  increa.sed  profits  and  lastly,  that  a 
practice  profitaljle  for  the  distrihutors  Tjas  invariahly  good  "business 
for  the  e:>±.il)itorG» 

Br.t,  said  the  exhihitors,  this  practice  int^rfereT  nith  an  ex- 
hibitor's f-ondamehtal  right  to  control  the  operating  policy  of  his 
theatre  and  V7a.s  an  attempt  to  take  this  right  from  him.   It  was  "brought 
out  at  the  hearings  that  the'  exliihi tors'  often  found  it  desirahle  to 
shoT7  porrerful  "box  office  attractions  on  v/eek  d^ys  in  order  to  average 
attendance  throughout  the  week.   The  situa'tion  was  further  complicated 
hecause.the  exhihitors  usually  "bought  films  from  a  num"ber  of  distri"bu- 
tors  each  of  whom  demanded  preferred  playing  time  on  Saturdays  and 


The  e:±Li"b iters'  proposal  for  a  code  provision  covering  this  situa- 
tion stipulated  tliat  the  practice  of  designating  playing  dates  for 
specific  pictures  or  classes  of  pictures  "be  eliminated. 

The  distri"butors'  proposed  t) revision  while  "based  upon  the  continua- 
tion of  the  practice,  conceded  that  their  renuirement  of  designated  play 
dates  might  "be  waived  in  the  instance  of  pictures  deemed  unsuita"ble  for 
ejdiihition  on  certain  da^/s.   ?or  instance,  a  Mae  West  picture  might  not 
"be  considered  hy  an  exhihitor  to  he  a  wholesome  or  sij.ita'ble  feature  for 
Sunday  e:dii"bition  in  a  small  com-junity. 

It  was  proposed  that  exlii'bitors  should  "be  permitted  to  seek  relief 
"by  applying  to  an  arbitration  "board  three  days  after  the  receipt  of 
notice  of  a.vailability  of  a,  feature  picture  judged  to  "be  unsuitahle  on 
the  designated  date.   To  this  proposal,  this  condition  was  attached:   If 
the  exilii"bltor' s  claim  was  sustained,  the  distri"butor  was  to  have  the 
right  to  designate  another  picture  for  the  same  date,  or  for  a  later 
date,  upon  the  original  terras. 


The  Code  provisions  finally  approved  wore  similar  to  the  proposals 
of  the  distri"butors  in  that  local  Grievance  Boards  were  empowered  to  malce 
determination  as  to  the  suita"bility  of  the  picture  in  dispute.  Appeal 
could  "be  tal^en  to  the  local  Board  "by  the  ei/iii^bitor  "for  the  reason  only 
that  the  suhject  and  character  of  the  motion  picture  so  designated  are 
ujisuitahle  for  exhi"bition  ,  ...  on  such  day  or  days".   The  carefully 
worded  section  should  "be  quoted  in  full  as  illustrative  of  the  exact 
negotiation  agreed  upon: 




"Pa.rt  9.  (a)   No  Distri'biitor  shall  require  any  specific  day  or  days 
of  the  \7e"!k  for  the  exliibition  of  s-oecified  ;oictures  or  class  of 
pictiiros  iinless  specif ically  provided  for.  in  the  E-diihitor' s  con- 
tract therefor  and  in  no  event  if  the  license  fee  therefor  is  a 
fixed  Slim  onlj'', 

"(h)   Where  -under  an  exhihition  contract  xrhich  lorovides  that  the 
rental  to  "be  paid  "by  the  3xhihitor  for  any  feature  motion  pictnre 
specified  therein  shall  he  detemined  in  v;hole  or  in  part  upon  a 
percenta,ge  hasis,  and  that  said  picture  shall  he  played  hy  the  Ex- 
hihitor  upon  a  designated  day  or  days  of  the  veek  and  the  Exhihitor 
seeks  to  he  relieved,  from  the  ohligation  to  e?-hihit  such  motion 
picture  upon  such  desi^^nated  day  or  days  for  the  reason  only  that 
the  suhject  and  character  of  the  motion  -picture  so  designated  are 
unsuitahle  for  exhihition  at  the  Exhibitor's  theatre  on  such  day 
or  da.ys,  the  claim  of  the  Exhihitor  shall  he  determined  hy  the 
Local  Grievance  Board  provided  for  hy  this  Code,  and  the  Distrihu- 
tor,  if  such  Local  Board  so  determines,  shall  relieve  the  Exliihitor 
from  the  ohligation  to  play  the  motion  picture  upon  the  day  or 
6.eyB   designated  hy  the  Kistrihutor;  provided  that  the  Exhihitor 
makes  such  claim  vdthin  three  (3)  di^ys   after  receipt  of  the  notice 
'of  avr.ila.hility  of  such  feature  picture.   In  such  cases  the  said 
•  Local  Board  shall  proceed  to  determine  the  ma.tter  upon  forty-eight 
(48)  hours*  notice  if  the  Distrihutor  so  desires, 

"(c)   If  the  said  Local  Board  shall  sustain  the  claim  of  the  Ex- 

"(1)   the  Distrihutor  shall  have  the  right  to  designate  for  the 
same  day  or  dates  another  motion  picture  licensed  upon  a  percentage 
hasis  -upon  the  same  or  similar  terms  as  the  motion  picture  in 
question,  if  there  he  one  licensed;  and  to  designate  the  motion 
picture  ohjected  to  for  a.  later  date  or  dates  hut  upon  another  day 
or  da-ys  of  the  rreek;  and  (2)   th';  avrard  of  the  said  Local  Board 
shall  not  he  deemed  to  FTpr)ly   to  eny   other  theatre  in  the  same  way 
or  a.ny  other  location, 

"(d)  Wliere  hecause  of  a  proceeding  hefore  a  Local  Grievance  Board, 
or  hecause  of  an  award  of  such  Local  Board,  it  shall  he  impractical 
to  serve  sub sequent- run  E-diihitors  in  compliance  with  any  notice 
of  availahility  or  confirmed  play  dates  given  any  such  suhsequent- 
run  Exhihitors,  the  Distributors  shall  have  the  right  to  change 
such  play  dates,"  (*) 

The  Motion  Picture  Code  files  in  the  llational  Recovery  Administra- 
tion, disclose  hut  four  cases  -under  this  provision  having  heen  hrought 
hefore  the  Grievance  Boards  from  the  inception  of  the  Boards  to  April  1, 


As  in  the  cases  of  most  other  trade  praxtices,  the  designation  of 
play  d^ates  does  not  seriously  affect  the  affiliated  e^diihitor  or  the 

(*)  Article  V-D,  ?art  9  of  the  approved  Code, 


unaffiliated  circuit  exhibitor  "becpuse  of  their  strong  "bargaining  povrer. 

The  practice,  however,  has  inlxercnt  po',;er  strongly  to  affect  the 
ind°rpendent  exhihitor  since  he  munt'  not  onl"  purchrse  fil'ns  in  a  coiii- 
parativel7  closed  narhet  "but  imist  in  order  to  secure  percentage  pic- 
tures concede  substantial  control  of  his  -oreferred  playing  time  to  the 
distrihutor.  Little  relief  could  "be  seci^rod  under  the  cancellation 
clause  in  the  Code;  percentage  pictures  are  usually  not  of  the  type   an 
average  exhihitor  rrould  Trish  to  cancel  outright. 

The  independent  producer's  mark'^t  is  still  further  restricted  "by 
designated  play  dates  "because  the  rr^^jor  companies  largely  monopolize 
the  preferred  pla^ring  time»   Independent  productions,  therefore,  vihen 
they  do  secure  a  market  have  left  only  a  choice  of  the  veek  days  of 
leapt  attendojice, 

TThat  is  the  real  nuh  of  the  prohlem?  Does  the  fact  that  only  four 
complaints  were  filed  under  this  Cede  provision  disclose  that  the  true 
objection  on  the  part  of  the  e:±ii"bitor  xtbs   not  to  unsuitahle  pictures 
for  Srjidays,  "but  rather  his  desire  to  "be  free  in  his  onn  management  of 
his  theatre?  Would  it  not  he  entirely  Trithin  theatre  eiKperience  for 
an  exhihitor  to  desire  to  play  a  cheaper  picture  during  the  -vreek-end, 
knowing  his  attendance  would  be  high  in  any  event  and  he  would  thus  "be 
free  to  use  his  "better  pictures  to  stirmilate  attendance  on  the  poorer 
days  of  the  week?   The  distri'butor' s  motive  in  sponsoring  designated 
play  d^ites  is  simple  and  clear;  a  determination  to  get  the  largest 
amount  of  rentals  possiole  for  each  of  his  pictureso 

It  is  suggested  that  the  Industry  "by  agreement  might  work  out  an 
arrangement  paralleling  that  used  under  the  Code  (Forcing  of  Short 
Su'bjects  -  Chapter  IV  ~  D  of  this  Heport)  to  prevent  the  forcing  of  an 
undue  numher  of  short  su"bjects.  This  would  prevent  difficulties  such 
as  those  experienced  "by  one  exhihitor  who  appealed  to  the  National  Re- 
covery Acijninistration  officials  to  assist  him  when  he  discovered  that 
he  had  contracted  for  30  designated  play  dates  for  one  year  -  and  each 
one  on  a  Sundayi  Add  to  that  arrangement,  a  smficlent  \mrestricted 
cancellation  -Drivilege  and  many  of  the  causes  of  friction  and  controversy 
under  this  practice  (designated  play  dates)  might  remove  themselves  from 
the  scene* 



The  no n- theatrical  account  serves  many  purposes.  Distri"butors  find 
it  usefuH.  not  onljr  as  a  puhlic  relations  policy  hut  as  a  noose  for  the 
exhi"bitor  who  is  comparatively  free  from  theatre  conoetition.  Adver- 
tisers hecome  non- theatrical  accounts  when  they  use  free  motion  picture 
shows  for  the  development  of  good  will  or  as  "bait  for  promoting  the  sale 
of  real  estate,  speculative  stockc,  used  cars,  new  foods,  toilet  articles 
and  other  products.   Schools,  religious  groups,  social  welfare  groups, 
and  community  movements  use  motion  picture  performances  to  increase 
attendance  or  add  variety  and  interest  to  their  programs.  Army  camps, 
ships  of  the  United  States  Nav;^'',  passenger  ships,  nrisons,  hospitals  and 
oi'phanages  also  make  use  of  motion  pictures  In  -oerfomances  not  intended, 



of  -"curse,  for  the  general  public.   These  uses,  then,  of  the  motion 
picture  "by  in'^ividuals  or  others  v/ho  are  not  primarily  theatre  operators 
have  come  to  te   knovm  as  non-theat  rical  acr^ounts,  ami  ha,ve  long  "been  ajid 
still  continue  to  be  a  source  of  controversy  in  the  Industry, 

As  motion  pictures  "became  popular  and  producers  had  advanced  "beyond 
the  first  eye~jer]<:ing  screen  flashes  of  "boxing  matches  and  \he   "butterfly 
dances  of  the  Loie  Fuller  days  and  had  "begun  to  introduce  'jell-contrive n. 
stories  and.  educational  subjects,  it  was  found  appropriate  to  the  devel- 
opment of  good-will  for  the  new  industry  to  supply  suitable  films  to 
hospitals  and  other  "shut-in"  institutions  and  to  church  societies. 
Schools,  private  and  public,  began  to  install  projection  booths  and,  to 
maize  a  feature  of  certain  pictures.   Community  cente-^s  kept  pace  with 
the  progress  of  the  "movies"  from  the  silont  to  the  sound  film  and  d.e- 
signer!  their  nevzer  halls  to  include  complete  projection  equipment  for 
the  b9st  pictures  coming  from  the  Holly.vood  and  New  York  studios.   These 
films  were  furnished  by  distributors  at  low  cost  and  on  other  generous 

Scon  exhibitors  began  to  complain  that  motion  picture  shows  at  the 
town  high  school,  the  tovm  hall  and  in  the  church  basement  constituted 
unfair  competition,  Exliibitors  contended  in  support  of  their  objection 
tha,t  those  who  held  such  performances  had  no  regular  labor  costs,  had. 
no  special  faxes  to  pay,  and.  no  investment,  and  yet  were  able  to  exhibit 
pictures  as  attractive  as  those  advertised  for  the  local  tteatres. 

Distributors  meanwhile  had  a  problem  on  their  hands;  they  used  the 
non'-theatrical  account  as  an  effective  answer.   The  problem  came  from 
the  e:diibitor  in  a  small  town  with  no  immediate  competing  theatre.   In 
this  situation,  the  exhibitor  was  in  an  excellent  bai'gaining  position 
when  he  came  to  lease  his  films.   If  he  not  show  a  distributor's 
pictures  in  that  community,  no  one  else  would.  Discovering  this,  dis** 
tributors  began  to  use  non- theatrical  accounts  to  create  competitive 
situr.tions  in  these  towns.   It  is  because  of  the  use  of  this  noose  by 
distributors  that  e:diibitors  during  the  last  ten  years  have  become  in- 
creasingly antagonistic  toward  all  types  of  non-theatrical  accounts, 

2,  PRE-CODE  Discussions 

At  the  Code  conferences,  exhibitors  proposed  tha^t  distributors  be 
forbidden  to  lease  to  non-theatrical  accounts  any  pictures  generally  re- 
leased, conceding  that  pictui'es  might  be  furnished  to  certain  specified 
accounts  where,  the  public  was  not  admitted,  provided  that  only  such 
pictures  be  shov/n  as  had  completed  their  last  commercial  run.   It  was 
further  suggested  that  any  distributor  proposing  to  sell  to  a  non- 
theatrical  account,  should.,  in  advance,  satisfy  the  local  agency  of  the 
Cod.e  Authority  that  such  a  sale  would  not  interfere  with  a  regularly 
established  theatre. 

Church  groups  and  institutions  accustomed  to  free  film  servicing 
oppose'^*  these  proposals  strenuously.   The  distributors  contented,  them- 
selves with  quiet  opposition. 




As  finally  approved,  the  Motion  Picture  Code  authorized  the  local 
G-rievanoe  Boards  to  hoar  for.iplo.ints  of  o::hi"bitors  against  non- theatri- 
cal acooijnts,  and  to  or^er  -"'istrioiitors  to  stop  servicing  such  accounts 
if  found  to  tTS  unfa.irly  eo:.TpctitivG.   The  proviso  was  added,  houever, 
that  this  Code  provision  shoulfH  in  no  case  he  used  "to  i^rohihit  the 
licensing  of  motion  pictures  for  oxhihition  at  p.rr.iy  posts,  or  canps,  or 
on  hoard  ships  of  the  United  States  Ilavj'  or  ships  engaged  in  carrj^^ing 
passengers  to  foreign  or  (domestic  ports  or  at  educational  or  religious 
institutions  or  at  institutions  housing  "shut*-ins,"  such  as  prisons, 
hospitals,  orphanges,  etc,  (*) 


The  principal  activities  of  the  Grievance  Boards  under  this  part 
of  the  Code  were  thus  limited  to  the  regulation  of  free  shov/ing  of  .• 
motion  pictures  as  a  crov.'d~catcher  for  advertising  or  sales  promotion 
puirposes.   Code  Authority  Appeal  Decision  "To,  122  (national  Recovery 
Administration  files)  was  a  case  of  this  t^^^pe  and  illustrates  the  atti— 
turie  of  the  local  Boards  and  the  Code  Authority,   Some.  50  non- theatrical 
free  street  shows  \rere   in  operation  in  the  state  of  Indiana,   In  May, 
1934-5  the  Indianapolis  G-rievance  Board  unanimously  declared  thet  these 
shows  constituted,  unfair  competition  and  ordered  distributors  to  cease 
suppl^'-ing  film.   In  its  decision,  which  was  upheld,  hy  the  Code  Authority 
on  appeal,  the  local  Board  advcmced  the  following  reasons  in  support  of 
its  conclusion:  (l)  Ivee   admissions  automatically  raalie  such  exhioitions 
unfair  competition;  (2)  Such  e.xhihitors  are  not  "burdened  "by  many  of  the 
costs  ordinarily  paid  hy  the  regularly  estahlishod  theatres,  such  as 
music,  license  fees,  code  assessments,  federal  and.  state  special  taxes 
and  licenses,  union  wage  scales,  etc,;  and  (3)  Advertising  such  free 
exhioitions  within  a  competitive  area  attracts  patronage  from  regularly 
established  theatres  charging  an  admission  fee. 

In  other  cases,  the  looa,!  Grievpjice  Boards  v/ere  called  on  to  de- 
cide \7hethcr  the  exhihition;^  of  motion  pictures  in  restaurants,  cluhs, 
amusement  parks  and  churches  was  unfair  to  the  resident  exhihitor, 

Accor'^ing  to  a  report  suhnitted  hy  the  Code  Authority,  the  local 
Grievcjice  Boards  heard  and  determined.  51  cases  concerning  non-the?.tri- 
cal  accounts  in  the  period  from  the  organisation  of  the  Code  Authority 
to  April  1,  1935,  Uo  hreakdown  of  this  total  as  to  the  relief  awarded 
is  available. 

In  his  hook,  "New  Courts  of  I-nd.ustry,"  Louis  ITiz^.r  oaolyzes  the  work 
of  the  Grievance  Boards  for  the  year  1954  (**)  and  states  that  of  45 
cases  filed,  relief  was  awarded  the  comi^lainant  in  24;  that  complaints 
were  d.ismissed  in  ten  cases  and  that  eleven  cases  were  withdrawn  before 
a  decision  had  been  reached, 

(*)  Article  V,  Division  D,  Part  4  of  the  approved  Code. 
(**)  Hew  Courts  of  Industry  b^'-  Louis  Uizer,  Lcngacre  Press,  Inc., 
Hew  York  City,  1935,  pg.  127 


The  National  Recovery  Adiaini strati on  has  on  file  (Motion  Picture  In- 
dustry files)  14  decisions  of  the  Code  Autliority  on  ap^ieals  from  decisions 
of  the  local  Grievance  Boards  on  non- theatrical  cases.  All  had  teen  deci- 
ded for  the  conplainant  "by  the  local  Board.   Thirteen  were  affirmed  "by  the 
Code  Authority  and  one  was  reversed.   Inspection  of  these  decisions  shows 
that  the  Code  Authority  consistently  enforced  this  provision  of  the  Code 
to  the  fullest  extent  of  its  discretion. 


Despite  the  .heat  shown  "by  cydiihitors  at  the  Code- formulating  confer- 
ences, relatively  few  complaints  against  non- theatrical  accounts  were 
filed  under  the  Code,  This  was  to  be  expected  since  in  mailing  such  com- 
plaint j  the  exhibitor  ran  the  possible  risl:  of  alienating  or  offending  a 
part  of  his  public. 

..  -The  exli-ibitor  needs  little  or  no  protection  from  non- theatrical  ac- 
counts not,  •admitting  the  general  public,  such  as  schools,  hospitals,  sani-; 
tariums,  or  prisons.   However,  the  erdiibitor  may  need  protection  against 
jion-theatrical  competition  when  such  exliibitions  are  open  to  the  public.  ' ... 
The  exhibitor  has  an  investment  to  protect  and  property  to  maintain.   He- '• 
employs  a. number  of  people.   His  business  activity  is  an  integral  part  of 
the  business,  activity  of  the  community. 

The  Code  Authority  solved  several  delicate  situations  l^y   setting-back 
the  competing  non-theatrical  account  a  definite  period  after  the  general 
release  da.te.  (*)   This  v/as  done  on  all  pictures  whether  played  by  the  ex- 
hibitor in  question  or  not.   In  these  cases  the  non- theatrical  accounts 
involved  were  treated  as  commercial  runs.   They  were  given  a  clearance  of 
six  months  after  the  general  release  date.   By  that  time  all  commercial 
runs  ha,d  been  completed.   The  exhibitors  concerned  were  thus  guaranteed 
the  selection  of  all  fresh  pictures  and  the  non-theatrical  acco'ont  was 
not  prevented  from  licensing  film. 

While  such  a  solution  does  not  go  as  far  as  some  exhibitors  wish,  it 
would  seem  to  offer  an  effective  method  of  meeting  the  problem  without 
prejudice  to  any  of  the  i:arties  concerned. 


In  addition  to  those  already  discussed  other  tra,de  practices  were 
specified  in  the  Code  as  unfair.   Certain  of  these  Code  provisions  which 
were  seldom  invoked  or  which  were  not  particularly  controversial  do  not 
command  extended  discussion.  Accordingly,  the  following  section  is  devo- 
ted to  a  brief  analysis  of  these  provisions,  omitting  those  discussed 
elsewhere  in  this  report,  in  the  order  in  which  they  appeared  in  the  Code. 

1 .   GEIIERAL  . 

(a)  Defamation  of  Character  (**) 

(b)  Threats  of  Lawsuits  not  m  Good.  Eaith  (**♦) 

(c)  Securing  Confidential  Information  by  Unfair  Methods  (****) 

(*)  Code  Authority  Appeal  Decisions  No.  195  and  ITo.-  196. 
^**^  (***^  (****)  Article  V,  Division  A,  Parts  1,  2  and  3  of  the  approved 



(These  practices  are,  of  course,  .'generally  considered  unfair  and  sub- 
ject to  "cease  and  desist"  orders  "by  the  i'eder.'al  T'r:.ide  Conmission.   Their 
inclusion  in  the  code  uas  for  the  purpose  of  talcin<^  them  out  of  a  mythical 
future  and  making  them  specifically  pertinent  to  this  Industiy.   Their 
effects  were  largely  deterrent.) 

(d)  TayrriSnt   of  unreasonaT^le  salaries  for  personal  services  which 
resulted  in  destmctive  competition  ras  declared  to  "be  an  unfair  trade 
practice.   The  Code  Authority  was  authorized  to  assess  the  guilty  employe 
ers  up  to  the  sum  of  $10,000  (*).   Tl-iis  provision  was  temporarily  stayed, 
pending  investigation,  in  the  Executive  Order  of  Approval.   The  report  on 
the  investigation  recommended  indefinite  suspension  of  this  provision. 
This  subject  is  fully  discussed  in  Chapter  V  -  A,  this  report. 


(a)   The  Code  declared  it  to  be  an  unfair  practice  for  any  pro- 
ducer to  aid  in  the  voluntary  release  or  dismissal  of  ajiy  author,  drama- 
tist, or  actor  employed  in  connection  v;ith  the  production  of  a  "legiti- 
mate" drama  or  musical  coned;-''  for  the  purpose  of  securing  his  services  (**) 
This  provision  was  inserted  "by  agreement  "between  the  code  formulating 
groups  of  the  Motion  Picture  Industry  and  the  Legitimate  5\ill  Length  Dra- 
matic and  Musical  Theatrical  Industry.  A  similar  provision  was  contained 
in  the  approved  Code  for  the  Legitimate  Tlieatre.   The  reciprocal  provi- 
sions were  intended  to  prevent  cross- raiding  of  talent. 

("b)   The  Code  declared  it  to  he  an  unfair  tirade  practice  for  a 
num"ber  of  producers  to  conspire  or  take  Joint  action  to  prevent  any  res- 
ponsible producer  from  renting  studio  facilities  (***).   This  provision 
was  an  e^zpression  of  policy.   If  proof  existec'  as  to  conspiracy,  the  in- 
jured part:/  would  probably  seek  redress  in  the  courts  and  attempt  to  col- 
lect treble  damages  under  the  anti-trust  laws. 

(c)  The  Code  declared  it  to  be  an  unfair  trade  practice  for  a 
producer  knowingly  to  employ  as  an   "extra"  any  norfjer  of  the  immediate 
family  of  any  employee  or  any  person  not  obliged  to  depend  upon  "extra" 
work  as  a  means  of  livelihood,  unless  the  exigencies  of  production  re- 
quired an  exception  to  be  made  (**h«*).   This  provision  aimed  at  the  prac- 
tice of  nepotism  alleged  to  be  rampojit  in  the  studios.   The  provision  had 
a  beneficial  deterrent  effect. 


(a)  Where  any  contract  granting  the  motion  picture  rights  in  any 
dramatic  or  dramatico-musical  work  specified  a  date  prior  to  which  no 
motion  picture  based  upon  such  ',vork  might  be  publicly  exliibited,  the  code 
declared  it  to  be  an  unfair  trade  -nractice  for  any  producer  or  distributor 
to  permit  public  exliibition  of  such  motion  picture  prior  to  the  date  speci- 
fied (=<«****).   Tliis  provision  merely  supported  a  condition  of  a  contract. 
Court  action  where  proof  existed  would  probably  result  in  the  collection 
of  damages, 

(*)  Article  V,  Division  A,  Part  4  of  the  approved  Code. 

(**)  Article  V,  Division  b.  Part  1  of  the  approved  Code. 

(***)  Article  V,  Division  S,  Part  2  of  the  approved  Code. 

(****)  Article  V,  Division  3,  Part  3  of  the  approved  Code. 

(*****)  Article  V,  Division  C,  Part  1  of  the  approved  Code. 



("b)   The  Code,  having  made  it  an  unfair  trade  practice  for  distribu- 
tors and  producers  intentionally  to  interfere  with  existing  relationships 
v/ith  regard  to  associate  producers,  attempted  to  strengthen  this  provision 
"by  forbidding  the  initiation  of  negotiations  previous  to  60  days  "before  the 
termination  of  a  then  existing  contract  (*).   The  limitation  on  time  for 
negotiations  might  work  considerable  hardship.   In  the  case  of  Walt  Disney 
Productions,  Limited  (**)  the  time  was  extended  indefinitely.   There  appears 
to  be  no  convincing  reasons  for  having  included  this  provision  in  the  Code. 



( a)  Threats  to  Build  or  Acquire  Theatres. 

The  Code  stated  it  to  be  an  unfair  trade  practice  for  any  distribu- 
tor to  threaten,  coerce,  or  intimidate  any  exhibitor  into  entering  into  a 
contract  for  the  exiiibition  of  motion  pictures,  or  into  paying  higher 
film  rentals,  by  the  commission  of  any  overt  act  evidencing  an  intention 
to  build  or  otherv/ise  acquire  a  motion  picture  theatre  for  operation  in 
competition  with  such  exhibitor.   It  was  further  provided  that  this  pro- 
vision should  in  no  way  abrogate  the  right  of  a  producer  or  distributor 
to  build  or  otherwise  acquire  in  good  faith  a  motion  picture  theatre  in 
any  location  (***)  ,   The  provision  v/as  a  well  intended  attempt  to  prevent 
a  large  Company  from  stifling  competition  by  menns  of  its  greater  economic 
power.   Actually  the  provision  was  not  successful  since  it  was  incumbent 
upon  the  aggrieved  party  to  prove  that  any  such  act  was  not  in  good  faith. 

(b)  Distributor's  Employee  in  Competition  with  Exhibitor. 

It  was  provided  by  the  Code  that  no  distributor's  employee  should  use 
his  position  with  the  distributor  to  interfere  with  the  licensing  of  mo- 
tion pictures  by  an  exhibitor  operating  a  theatre  in  competition  with  a 
theatre  in  which  such  employee  had  an  interest,  provided,  however,  an  era- 
j)loyee   of  the  distributor  should  not  be  deemed  to  have  an  interest  in  a 
theatre  affiliated  witii  such  distributor. (****)    This  provision  was  of 
little  importance  since  in  the  first  place  few  distributors'  employees  are 
interested  financially  in  theatres  other  than  those  affiliated  with  the 
distributor  and  in  the  second  place  proof  of  violation  would  be  most 
difficult  to  obtain. 

(c)  The  Code  provided  that  no  distributor  should  substitute  for  any 
feature  motion  picture  described  in  a  contract  as  that  of  a  named  star  or 
stars,  or  of  any  director,  or  well-known  author,  book,  or  play,  any  fea- 
ture of  any  other  star,  director,  author,  book,  or  play.   The  Code  also 
forbade  a  distributor  to  substitute  any  other  feature  motion  picture  for 
one  which  was  designated  "no  substitute"  in  a  contract  and  further  pro- 
vided that  no  e^diibitor  be  required  to  accept  any  such  substitute.   There 
is  available  no  data  on  which  to  base  judgment  as  to  the  extent  or  the 
prevalance  of  this  practice;  the  Code  recognized  its  existence. 

(*)    Article  V,  Division  C,  Part  3  of  the  approved  Code. 

(**)   Administrative  Order  No.  124-12  signed  by  Sol  A.  Rosenblatt,  Divi- 

sion  Administrator,  March  23,  1934. 
(***)   Article  V,  Division  D,  Part  1  of  the  approved  Code. 
(****)  Article  V,  Division  D,  Part  2  of  the  approved  Code. 


It  was  specifically  provided  however,  that  a  distributor  should  not 
"be  prohibited  from  chariging  the  title  of  imy   motion  picture  contracted 
for ^  by- making-  changes,  alterations  or  adaptions  of  any  story,  book,  or 
play  or  from  changing  the  director,  or  any  member  of  the  cast  of  any  mo- 
tion picture  exccot  as  specifically  prohibited  in  the  preceding.  It  was 
further  provided  that  in  case  any  such  substitution  was  made,  notice  of 
such  substitution  should  be  ^,'ivcn  by  paid,  advertising  of  not  less  than 
one  quarter  page  in  at  least  one  issue  of  a  national  trade  publication 
before  the  release  o.ate  of  the  motion  picture  in  which  the  substitution 
had  been  made  (*) •  ,  The  practice  forbidden  would  involve  a  breach  of  con- 
tract. However,  the  exhibitor  hesitates  to  jeopardize  his  future  supply 
of  motion  pictures  by  engaging  in  any  such  litigation  with  a  distributor. 
The  good  intent  and  purposes  of  tne  provision  were  weakened  by  the  var- 
ious provisos. 

(d)   The  Code  provided  that  no  distributor  should  divulge  or  author- 
ize or  knowingly  permit  to  be  divulged  oir  any  employee  or  checker  any  in- 
formation received  from  the  checking  of  receipts  of  its  motion  pictures 
excepting  that  such  information  might  be  divulged  in  any  controversy  heard 
by  the  Code  Authority,  or  for  ,any  Government  or  Code  Authority  report  (**) . 
The  provision  wns  ineffective  since,  first,  it  would  be  next  to  impossible 
to  obtain  proof  of  violation  and,  secondly,  a  distributor  might  easily 
escape  any  responsibility  by  disclaiming  knowledge  of  an  employee's  action. 

( c)   The  Code  provided  that  no  distributor  should  convey  or  transfer 
his  assets  for  the  purpose  of  avoiding  tne  deliveries  to  any  Oydiibitor  of 
any  ferture  motion  picture  licensed  for  exhibition  by  such  exhibitor  (***). 
The  difficulty  here  presented  is  to  prove  fraudelent  intent.   The  provi- 
sion was  not.  used. 

( f )  The  Code  re^'uirod  a  distributor  to  make  a  fair  adjustment  of 
license  fees  for  the  exhibition  right  of  a  number  of  pictures  licensed  in 
a  group  for  a  stated  avcra/je  sum  per  picture.   If  tne  total  mirabor  of 
TJictures  so  licensee"  were  not  delivered,  provided  that  the  exhibitor  should 
have  fully  and  completely  performed  all  other  terras  and  conditions  of  the 
contract  (****),   Since  it  is  not  the  general  practice  in  the  Industry  to 
contract  for  pi'ctures  on  a  stated  average  basis,  this  provision  was  not 

(g)  The  Code  provided  that  no  distributor  should  refuse  to  deliver 
to  any  exhibitor  any  motion  picture  because  of  such  exhibitor's  default 
in  the  performance  of  a  conti'act  licensing  the  showing  of  short  subjects 
of  such  distributor,  or  vice  versa,  provided  that  such  an  exhibitor  had 
agreed  to.  ar,bitrate  all  cl.^ims  and  controversies  arising  between  them  un- 
der the  clauses  .of  the  Optional  Standard  License  Agreement  (*****),   in 
most  contracts  between  distributors  and  exhibitors  a  clause  a-opcars 
specifying  that  in  c:?ses  of  violation  by  the  eyiiiLitor  of  any  one  contract, 
any  other  subsisting  contracts  are  subject  to  suspension  at  the  will  of  the 
distributor.  Dist.vibutors  prefer  to  retain  such  provisions  as  giving  them 
greater  economic  control  over  exhibitors.  Probably  all  parties  concerned 
would  be  better  off  if  such  clauses  wore  outlawed  from  all  contracts. 

(*)  Articlp  V,  Division  D,  Fart  3  of  the  approved  Code. 

(*♦)■  .  .  Article  V,  Division  D,  Part  6  of  the  apr>roved  Code. 

(*'^*)  Article  V,  Division  D,  Fart  7  of  the  approved  Code. 

(****)  Article  V,  Division  D,  Fart  8  of  the  approved  Code. 

(*****)  Article  V,  Division  D,  Part  10  of  the  approved  Code. 

-119-  . 

(h)   The  Code  required  that  first  offer  of  any  special  prodaction  re- 
leased during  the  vcar. should  he  made  to  the  exhibitor  contracting  for  the 
major  portion  of  that'  distrihutor' s  pictures  (*) .   Inasmuch  as  the  prices 
and  terms  were  left  entirely  within  the  control  of  the  distrihutor,  the 
offer  might  mean  absolutely  nothing.  However,  in  one  case  the  local 
G-rievance  Bo-rd  unanimously  decided  that  a  distributor  had  violated  this 
provision.   The  Code  Authority  confirmed  the  decision  of  the  local  Board 

( i)   The  Code  obligated  the  distributor  to  bide  by  such  regulations 
as  might  be  promulgated  by  the  Code  Authority  for  the  prevention  of  fire 
(***).   The  Code  Authority  was  never  active  in  any  such  activity.   Further- 
more,  distributors  were  required  by  local  fire  regulations  to  take  proper 
care  of  their  premises. 


(a)   Tne  Code  stipulated  'that  any  exhibitor  entering  into  a  contract 
for  the  exhibition  of  motion  pictures  permitting  the  exiiibitor  to  select 
from  the  total  sum  of  pictures  licensed  less  than  85  per  cent  of  the 
total  number  and  to  reject  the  remainder,  shoulc  by  \7ritten  notice  to  the 
d^istributor  reject  each  of  such  motion  pictures,  not  to  exceed  the  num- 
ber which  might  be  rejected,  within  21  days  after  rvailability  of  such 
pictures  had  been  jinnounced  in  the  exchange  territory  wherein  said  ex- 
hibitor's theatre  was  located,  rmd  upon  the  exhibitor's  failure  to  give 
such  notice  such  pciture  should  be  deemed  to  have  been  selected  (****), 

The  purposes  of  this  provision  were  to  codify  and  make  uniform  ex- 
isting industry  practices,  thus  preventing  disputes,  and  to  prevent  the 
use  of  selective  contracts  as  an  over-buying  device.   The  provision,  while 
of  benefit  to  subsequent  run  exhibitors,  would  have  been  more  useful  had  . 
it  been  strengthened  to  read  "upon  the  e:chibitor's  failure  to  give  such 
notice  e.  ch  of  such  pictui^es  should  be  deemed  to  have  been  rejected". 
Such  a  provision  wouldi  have  enabled,  the  small  e:iiibitor  to  get  immediate 
availability  for  negotiations  at  the  expiration  of  21  days. 

Under  the  present  system  where  a  strong  competitor  adopts  the  selec- 
tive contract  system  of  buying  pictures,  the  small  e:diibitor  may  not  know 
until  the  end.  of  the  season  what  pictures  will  be  available.   In  one  im- 
portant case  before  the  Code  Authority  involving  continued  and  intolera- 
ble delay  in  selection  by  a  first-run  affiliated  theatre,  the  Code  Author- 
ity ordered  the  first-run  exhibitor  to  make  selection  by  the  21st  day  or 
else  the  pictures  would  be  deemed  to  have  become  available  to  his  small 
competitor  (*****)  .  Although  this  decision  was  directly  contrary  to  the 
wording  of  the  Code,  the  Code  Authority  felt  that  this  decision  was  in  its 
proper  discretion  if  unjust  competitive  action  by  the  first-run  theatre 
was  to  be  stopped  ;;jid  a  fair  chance  granted  to  the  small  competitor.   The 
respondent  affiliated  exhibitor  agreed  and  complied  with  the  order.  Any 
attempts  at  regulation  of  overbuying  (q.v.)  necessarily  involve  careful 
consideration  of  the  use  of  selective  contracts. 

(*)  Article  V,  Division  D,  Fart  11  of  the  approved  Code. 

(*♦)  Code  Authority  Appeal  iJecision  No.  126. 

(***)  Article  V,  Division  D,  Part  12  of  the  approved  Code. 

(****)  Article  V,  Division  E,  Fart  1  of  the  Code. 

(*****)  Code  Authority  Appeal  Decision  No.  347 

9  638 

•(■b)   The  Code  provided  that  no  e-'aiibitor  should  transfer  ownership  or 
possession  of  a  theatre  or  theatres  for  the  purpose  of  avoiding  an  incomplet 
ed  contract  for  the  exhibition  of  motion  pictures  (*).  Unscrupulous  and 
financially  irresponsible  crdiibitors  have  on  occasion  resorted  to  this 
practice.   Enforcement  was  difficult  since  it  w.-s  necessary  to  prove 
fraudulent,  intent.  However,  one  case  under  this  provision  was  decided  for 
the  distributor  by  the  local  Board  >nd  Affirmed  by  the  Code  Authority  (**). 

( c)  It  was  stipulated  in  the  Code  that  no  eichibitor  should  adver- 
tise any  feature  motion  picture  before  completion  of  a  prior  run  (***)  . 
Some  such  protection  is  needed  by  prior  run  exhibitors.   Customers  are 
less  likely  to  attend  larger;  prior-run  houses  if  they  see  advertising 
announcing  subsequent  showin^,'s  at  reduced  prices.   It  was  provided  in  the 
Code  that  where  this  provision  worlied  a  hardship  on  any  individual  exhi- 
bitor, he  mii^ht  plead  his  case  before  the  local  Grievance  Board  and  be 
afforded  relief  if  justified.   It  was  further  provided  that  this  injunc- 
tion should  not  be  interpreted  in  such  way  as  to  prevent  general  adver- 
tising of  future  attractions  by  an  exhibitor. 

Under  this  Code  provision,  an  exhibitor  could  advertise  his  house 
policy  and  his  fut-ija-e  prop^rams  in 'e;encral  terms.   It  was  permitted  to 
announce  for  instance  that,  dui^ing  the  season  a  G-arbo  picture,  a  Clark 
Gable  or  Joan  Crawford  or  a  ?rea  Astaire  picture  would  be  shown  but 
specific  dates  could  not  be  given  in  advance  of  the  first  or  prior  runs 
of  these  pictures.   This  was  adjudged  a  sound  regulation  of  advertising 
privileges,  otherwise  v/idely  abused. 

There  was  some  difficulty  in  enforcing  this  provision.   In  big 
cities,  particularly  Chicago,  the  period  of  clearance  between  subsequent 
runs  was  quite  short.   Approximately  20   per  cent  of  all  cases  heard  by 
local  Grievance  Boards  were  brought  under  this  provision.   It  would  seem 
possible  for  distributors  'to  eliminate  this  practice  by  inserting  a  pro- 
vision in  exhibition  contracts  stipulating  that  no  advertising  of  a  pic- 
ture licensed  should  be  made  prior  to  a  specified  period  before  the  ex- 
hibition date  of,  the  picture  provided  that  such  period  is  less  than  the 
negotiated  clearance. 

(d)  It  was  provided  in  the  Code  that  to  prevent  disturbance  of  con- 
tinued possession  of  a  theatre  by  an  exhibitor  it  should  be  an  unfair 
trade  practice  for  any  person  engaged  in  the  industry  knowingly  and  in- 
tentionally to  interfere  with  pending  negotiations  between  the  exhibitor 

and  any  other  party  pertaining  to  or  affecting  the  occupancy  of  any 
theatre  than  that  actually  operated  by  such  exliibitor  (****),   Since 
this  provision  affected  the  rights  of  landlords  who  were  not  parties  to 
the  Code  enforcement  was  difficult.   The  provision  should  probably  have 
been  oramitted  from  the  Code. 

A  number  of  cases  of  this  type  wore  heard  on  appeal  by  the  Code 
Authority.   In  only  three  cases  were  decisions  affirmed  for  the  complainant 

(*)  Article  V,  Division  E,  Fart  4  of  the  approved  Code. 

(**)  Code  Authority  Appeal  Decision  No.  1S6. 

(♦**)  Article  .V,  Division  F,  Part  5  of  the  approved  Code. 

(****)  Article  V,  Division  E,  Fart  6  of  the  approved  Code. 


and in  enly  one  case  was  a  decision  for  the  respondent  reversed  on  appeal. 
The  majority  of  all  cases  were  dismissed.   In  perhaps  the  best  defined 
case  which  was  presented  to  the  Coac  Authoritv,  it  was  icund  that  the  acts 
of  the  respondent  in  obtaining  an  interest  in  a  cnattel  mortgage  on  the 
equipment  in  a  theatre  and  usin.^  the  interest  thus  acquired  to  force  a 
lease  to  himself  when  the  complainant  was  in  possession  and  operating  the 
theatre  and  negotiating  for  a  lease  constituted  a  violation  of  the  Code 
(*).   An  inspection  of  the  decisions  of  che  Code  Autnority  shows  that  the 
issue  was  avoided  wherever  possible. 

The  "pending  negotiations"  clause  was  strictly  interpreted.  Whore 
there  were  no  pending  negotiations,  there  v/:;s  no  complaint.   In  one  case 
the  complainant  had  been  operating  his  theatre  in  the  Town  Hall  for  a 
number  of  years.   Ihe  town  gave  public  notice  that  bids  would  be  received 
for  the  rental  of  the  building.   Tlie  complainant  and  the  respondent  both 
submitted  bids  and  the  respondent's  bid  was  found  to  be  higher.   The  Code 
Authority  found  no  evidence  of  interference  7/ith  pending  negotiations  (**). 

In  another  case  the  complaint  was  dismissed  02r   the  Code  Authority  on 
the  ground  that  there  wr^s  insufficient  evidence  to  show  willful  and  in- 
tentional violation  (***). 

(e)   The  Code  prohibited  an  ejoiibitor  from  exhibiting  a  motion  pic- 
ture previous  to  dawn  of  the  first  licensed  and  booked  day  of  exhibition 
unless  written  permission  therefor  v/as  given  in  the  license  agree- 
ment (****) .   This  provision  was  inserted  to  prevent  occasional  unauthor- 
ized midnight  sliov/s  by  eidiibitors  for  which  the  distributors  received  no 
additional  compensation.   The  provision  is  covered  by  adequately  worded 
clauses  in  most  license  agreements.   It  was  inserted  in  the  Code  to  act  as 
a  deterrent  and  to  provide  for  quick  and  inexpensive  determinations  rather 
than  lengthy  and  costly  Court  actions. 

6.  DI3THIBUT0Il-Er-:i3IT03 

(s.)   The  Code  "rovided  that  the  so-called  Optional  Standard  License 
Agreement  of  1933  should  be  the  standard  foirm  of  license  contract  to  be 
used  by  distributors  for  licensing  the  exhibition  of  motion  pictures  un- 
less the  parties  mutually  agreed  to  a  different  form.   It  is  further  pro- 
vided that  ',vhen  any  provision  of  such  agreement  conflicted  with  Code  pro- 
visions the  agreement  should  be  considered  to  be  -iraended  to  conform.   It 
was  stipulated  that  although  individual  sales  policy  provisions  might  be 
substituted  in  the  agreement,  such  stipulations  should  not  be  contrary  to 
the  Code  Provisions  (*****), 

This  contract  provided  for  arbitration  rather  theji  litigation  in  case 
of  any  disagreement  betveen  the  distributor  and  exhibitor.   The  only  diffi- 
culty met  with,  in  the  use  of  this  contract,  was  that  exhibitors  charged 
that  certain  distributors  wrote  sales  policy  provisions  into  the  license 
agreement  which  conflicted  with  the  spirit  if  net  the  letter  of  the  Code. 

(*)  Code  Aut  lority  Appeal  Decision  No.  134 

(**)  Code  Authority  Appeal  Decision  ITo .  ISC 

(***)  Code  Authority  Appeal  Decision  I'o .   7S 

(***♦)  Article  V,  Division  3,  Part  7  of  the  approved  Code. 

(*****)  Article  V,  Division  ?,  Part  1  of  the  approved  Code. 



The  comments  of  llr.than  Yanins  '.vith  rcj^ard  to  this  practice  as  applied  to 
the  canccllaticn  privilege  have  been  quoted  previo-uslr  tuider  Section  C 
of  this  Chaptor.   The  use  of  a  standard  contract  woul"l  seem  to  "be  desir- 
able.  However,  such  a  contract  must  retain  sufficlant  flexibility  to  meet 
varying  conditions  throughout  the  Industry. 

(b)  The  Code  provided  that  ai-bitration  of  all  disputes  between  dis- 
tributors and  exiiibitors  arising  under  any  e-Jhibition  contract  should  be 
in  accordance  with  the  options.  1  arbitration  contract  of  the  so-called 
Optional  Standard  License  Agreement  of  1933,  except  as  the  provisions  of 
such  clause  might  bo  modified  by  the  provisions  of  the  Code.   It  \ias 
further  provided  tnat  the  number  of  a^'bitratars  to  be  appointed  by  each 
party  under  this  clause  might  bo  reduced  to  one  each;  if  these  two  could 
not  agree  they  could  appoint  rn  umpire  (*). 

One  of  the  m.ain  elements  with  re.^ard  to  the  distribution  oJid  showing 
of  film  .is,  time.  ?.ccoursc  to  the  Courts  in  cases  of  disputes  over  exhi- 
bition contracts  have  result oc'  in  del.nys  -  nd  considerable  expense  and 
the  Industry  has,  v;herever  possible,  attempted  to  substitute  arbitration 
for  litigation  with  usually  favorable  results.   Independent  exhibitors  have 
objected  in  some  cases  to  any  compulsary  arbi traction,  feeling  that  they 
should  have  recourse  to  the  Courts  if  they  are  not  satisfied  with  the 
results  of  any  such  proceedings. 

(c)  The  Code  provided  that  no  exhibitor  or  distributor  should  in- 
duce or  seek  to  induce  the  breach  of  any  subsistin^^-  contract  (•**)  .  The 
language  of  the  jDrovision  v»-as  not  clear;  it  was  uncertain  wiiether  the 
distributor  or  e-^diibitor  referred  to  in  the  clause  was  party  to  tne  con- 
tract under  discussion.  The  clause  was  included  in  the  Code  as  were  so 
many  others  to  miniraize  litigation  by  the  settlement  of  disT)utes  within 
the  jurisdiction  of  the  Code  Authority. 

(d)  It  was  stipulated  in  the  Code  that  no  eyjiibitor  or  distributor 
could  give  any  gratuity  for  the  purpose  of  procuring  advantages  not  other- 
wise obtainable;  or  as  an  inducement  to  influence  any  e:diibitor  or  dis- 
tributor or  representatives  of  either  not  to  deal  v.'ith  any  competing  ex- 
hibitor or  distributor  (***),   This  is  one  of  those  practices  v,'hich  has 
been  condemncc'  in  "cease  and  desist"  '^rdors  by  the  Federal  Trade  Com- 
mission.  The  Code  attempted  to  provide  substitute  relief  in  such  matters 
instead  of  the  dcla;,'  of  legal  action  by  the  Federal  Trade  Commission. 

(e)  It  was  provided  in  the  Code  that  no  .exhibitor  or  distributor 
should  make  any  Disclosure  of  box  office  receipts  for  publication  except 
necessary  reports  to  stock  holders,  credit  and  governmental  agencies  and 
other  like  bodies.   This  provision  was  qualified  by  stc?ting  that  no  dis- 
tributor or  e.-Jiibitor  should  be  responsible  for  disclosures  by  unauthoriz- 
ed agents  (****) , 

(*)  Article  V,  Division  F,  Fart  '^i   of  tae  approved  Code. 

(**)  Article  V,  Division  F,  Fart  3  of  the  approvea  Code. 

(***)  Article  V,  Division  F,' Fart  4  of  the  approved  Code. 

(****)  Article  V,  Division  F,"Fart  5  of  the  approved  Code. 




In  that  part  of   the    Code    setting  up   the  local   Grievance  Boards,    it 
was  prescribed  that: 

All   complaints  and  grievances  of  Exhibitors   or  Distritnitors 
concerning  provisions  of   this   Code  or  other^.'ise   and  not 
specifically  designated  to  he   heard  and  passed  upon  by  the 
Local   Clearance  and  Zoning  Board  shall  be  heard  by  the  Local 
Grievance  Board (*) 

The  local   Grievance   Boards,    and  through  then  the   Code  Authority, 
were   requested  to  hear  and  decide  a  number  of  comTolaints  under   this   "or 
otherwise"   clause.      The   most  frequent   causes  of   complaint  were  breaches 
of  contract   cr   the   erection  of  a   competing  theatre. 

The    Code  Authority  refused  to   consider  any   such  cases.      The    general 
position  of   the   Code  Authority  majr  be    inferred  from  its  decision  in  a 
case   certified  for  determination  to   the   Code  Authority  from  the  Washington 
Grievance  Beard,      This  was  a   complaint  by  an  exhibitor   that   the   respond- 
ents  should  be  restrained  from  proceeding  with  the  erection  of  a  theatre 
which  nc-'old  o-oerate   in  competition.      The   Code  Authority  stated  that: 

The  power   in  the   Code  Authority  to   dete-rra-ine  a   complaint   or 
grievance   concerning  the   provisions  of  the   Code    "or  otherwise" 
certified  to   it  by  a  local   Grievance   Board  rests  entirely  in 
its  discretion.     We  are  of  the   opinion  that   the   intendent  of 
the  prevision,    despite   its  general  wording,    does  not  extend 
to  a   complaint  of   the   character  above   described.,... (**) 


Betr/een  1919  and  1922,  the  Lotion  Picture  Industry  as  has  been  in- 
dicated previously  in  this  re^Dort  encountered  a  general  outbreak  of  pub- 
lic indignation  over  allegedly  salacious  features  (***)  and  over  scandals 
involving  prominent  motion  picture  actors  and  actresses  (****),  Religious 
and  T.^lfare  groups  were  working  for  Federal  and  State  censorship  legisla- 
tion.  The  major  companies  did  not  favor  this,  Howard  T,  Lewis,  a  dis- 
interested authority  on  the  Industry  states  the  position  thus: 

(*)     Article  VI,  part  2.  Section  4  of  the  approved  Cede, 

(**)    Code  Authority  Appeal  Decision  No.  3. 

(***)   "The  notion  Picture  Industry",  by  Howard  T.  Lewis,  D,  Van 
ITostrand  Co.,  N.Y.C. ,  1933,  pg.  368. 

(****)   "A  Llillion  and  One  Nights",  by  Terry  Ramsaye,  Simon  and  Schuster, 
Inc.,  N.Y.  C,  1926,  Volume  II  -  pgs,  803  -  821. 


.  -12.4- 

Faced  uith  the  probability  of  additional  state  and  national 
legislation,  the  industry  recognized  the  need  of  effecting 
a  -united  front  under  the  leadership  of  one  executive, ...  (*) 

Accordingly,  the  Motion  Picture  Producers  and  Distributors  of 
America,  Inc»  was  formed  in  1922  V7ith  V/ill  H.  Ha-'s  as  active  head.   Since 
that  date  this  group  has  more  or  less  effectively  resisted  various  move- 
ments to  compel  Federal  or  State  censorship  of  films  (**),  principally 
by  undertahing  the  question  of  censorship  itself.   In  liarch,  1930,  in 
order  tc  f.-^cilitate  this  method,  the  Motion  Picture  Producers  and  Dis- 
tributors of  America,  Inc.,  announced  the  ad'opticn  'of  a  code  of  moral 
principles  to  govern  production  of  films  (***),   This  cet  of  guiding 
principles  became  known  as  the  Hays  Morality  Code,  On  the  basis  of  this 
code,  the  producers  and  distributors  have  consistently  opposed  extra- 
industr^'-  regulation  of  the  quality  cf  filns,  '  The  follo\^ing,  quoted  from 
a  brief  (unsigned  and  undated)  presented  by  the  producers  and  distributors 
in  favcr  cf  their  Code  proposals,  is  illustrative  of  their  attitude: 

The  standards  of  public  responsibility  in  relation  to  screen 
entertaiiiment  cannot  remain  static,   Ne-T  problems  of  self- 
control  arise  with  the  adoption  of  nep  enter n't  themes 
end.   changing  standards  of  public  view. 

Hence  the  necessity  cf  retaining  r^ithin  the  industry  the 
means  of  regulation. ....... (****) 


Exhibitors  at   the   Code  formula tih^  conferences  charged  the  producers 
ith  freouent  violations  of   the  Morality  Code.    (*****)      They  asked  that 
these    standards  be  made  a  part  of   the   Code   of  Fair   Competition  for   the 
Motion  Pict-ujre'  Industry,    and  that   the   question  whether  any  feature  picture 
violated  these    standards  be   left   to   the   decision  of  a   i\iational  Appeals^ 
Board  or  ether  diily  constituted  industry  authority   (******),      in  these 
requests  exhibitors  had  the   support  of  vario'os   religious  and  social  wel- 
fare  groups, 

(*)  "The  Motion  Picture    Industry",    Howard  T.   Lewis,    D,   Yan 

Nostrand  Co.,    N.Y.C.,    1933,   pg.    371 

(**)  "A  Hillion  and  One  ivTights",    Terry  Rarasaye,    Simon  and  Schuster, 

Inc.,   N.Y.  C,    1926,    Volume    II,   VS'   S20 

(♦**)  uq^i^Q  Motion  Pictijire    Industry",   Howard  T,   Lewis,    D.    Van 

Nostrand  Co.,    N.Y.C.,    1933,    pg.    385 

(****)  Memorandum  in  Explanation  and  Support  cf   the   Provisions  of 

the   Proposed  Basic   Cede  of  Fair  Cora;')etition  for  the  Motion 
Picture   Industry  (the.  producers'    and  distributors'    Code 
proposals),   -pg.    2,   National  Hecovery  Administration  files. 
Volume  A  for  the  Motion  Picture   Industry, 

(*****)       ITa.tional  Recovery  Administration  files,    A:ialysis  of  and  Stiges- 
tions  Concerning  Revised  Code,    Submitted  in  Behalf  of   the   Inde- 
pendent Producers,    Distributors  and  Exhibitors'    Code   Protective 
Committee,    pg,   44 

(******)     Article  19,    Code   Proposals   submitted  by  the  Exlriibitors   Committee, 
August  23,    1933,    Volume  A  for  the  Motion  Picture   Industry, 

The  major  producers  ond  distributors  objected  to   any  procedure   giving- 
the  -unaffiliated  interests   in   the    Industry  or  the    Governinent  any  voice 
as   to   v/hether  pictures   should  or   should  not   "be    sho'-.'n.      The  following  is 
quoted  fron-  a.'  "brief    (unsigned  and  undated)    presented  "by  the  producers  and 
distri'bulcrs   in  favor  of   their  ^oroposals  as   opposed  to    those   of    the   ex— 

The  provision  proposed   oy  the  Exhi"bitors  vrss  -adopted  "before 
the  prevision  proposed  "by  the   Producers  and  Distrihutors  was 
formulated  and  was  an  effort   to  harmonize   with  such  provision 
a-s  was  expected  to   "be   adopted  "by   the   Producer  and  distri"butors, 
I7e'    should,    therefore,    consider   the  provision  in   the  Exhi"bitors^ 
Code   as    solely  an  expression  of   desire    to  adliere    to    the  provi- 
sion of   the  Producers'   and  Distributors'    Code (*) 

The  producer-distri"butor  proposal  read  as  follows: 

The    industry  pledges   its   combined  strength  to  maintain  right 
moral   standards   in   the  prr auction  of  motion  pictures  as  a. 
form  of   entertainment.      To    that  end  the   industry  pledges   it- 
self  to   adhere    to    the    regulations  promulgated  by  and  within 
the    industry  to  assure    the  attainment  of   such  purpose,    (**) 

The    Independent  Producers,    Distributors  and  Exhibitors   Code  Protcc-- 
tive    Committee  had  the   following  to    say  regarding   this  proposal: 

The   nebulous   character  of   the  pledge    set  forth is,    in 

itself,    evidence   of  an  utter  lack  of   sincerity,    and  is  as- 
suredly and  completely  ineffectutual,    (***) 

The  proposal  of   the   Producers  and  Distributors  Com.mittees  was   tha.t 
incorporated  in  the  approved  Code    (****), 

(*)  pg.    1,     Memorandum   in  Explanation  and  SupiDOrt   of   the   Provisions 

of   the  Proposed  Basic   Code  of  Eair  Com.petition  for   the  Motion 
Picture    Industry,    (the   Producers'    and  Distributors'    Code  pro- 
posals),   Volume  A  for   the  Motion  Picture    Industry,    National 
Zeccvery  Administration  files. 

(**)  Article   V,    Section  1,    Code  proposals   submitted  by  the  Producers 

a.nd  Distributors   Committees,    August   23,    1933,    Volume  A  for  the 
Motion  Picture    Industry,    National   Recovery  Administration  files, 

(***)        pg,   44,    Analysis  of  and  Suggestions   Concerning  Revised  Code, 
Vclime  A  for  the  Motion  Picture    Industry,    National  Recovery 
Ad:-.iinistration  files, 

(****)      Article   VII,    Part   1  of   the   approved  Code, 



A  si..iilar   s-u^£!;estio.n  regarding  rules  of  decency  and  good  taste   to 
be  followed  by  all  exhibitors   in  advertising  motion  pictures  advanced 
by  the   exhibitors,    was  handled  in  a   similar  way,    and  a.  porollel   plori^rv 
of  good  social   conduct  was   inserted  in   the  approved  Code    (*)• 


a.  The   Code  provided   th.^t  pny  exhibitor  forwarding  or  delivering 
to  another  exliibitor  a  print  of  a  motion  picture   at   the   request   or  upon 
the  order  of   the  distributor   thereof   should  for   that  purpose   but  for  that 
purpose  onlj'-,    be   considered  the  agent  of   the  distributor   (**).      This 
mere].y  incorporated  the   customary  legal  relationship  existing  in  such  8. 
case   into   the   Code  for  purposes  of  clarification. 

b.  It  was  provided  in  the   Code    that  wherever  arbitration  was  pro- 
vided for,    other  than  arbitration  as  provided  in   the  Optional   Standard 
License  A.j^Teement  of  1953,    such  auestion   should  be    submitted   to  an 
Arbitration  Board.      This  Board  was   to   consist  of   four   (4)   members,    two 
(2)   to   be   appointed  by  each  party  to   the   dispute.      The   arbitrators  named 
were   to  have   no   interest,    direct  or   indirect,    in  the    subject   in  dispute. 
In  case  a.  majority  of   the  arbitrators  were   unable    to   reach  a  decision, 
they  were   empov/ered  to   select  an  umpire   by  majority  vote,    such  umpire 
not   to   be   engaged  in   the  motion  picture   business.      In  case  no  umpire 
could  be   agreed  upon,    it  was  provided  that    the  National  Recovery  Ad- 
ministration should  be   requested  to  make    the   selection   (***), 

The  method  of  arbitration   specified  applied  particularly  to   disputes 
arising  between  employers  and  employees   in   the   exliibition  branch  of   the 
Motion  Picture    Industry  (****),      it  was  used  principally  where   employees 
wished  to   negotiate   for  a   higher  wa^    scale.      It  proved  satisfactory. 

(*)  Article  VII,    Part   2  of   the   approved  Code. 

(**)  Article  VIII,   Part  1  of   the   apr)roved  Code. 

(***)  Articlo  VIII,   Part   2  of  the   approved  Code. 

(****)  Article  IV  -   C,    Part  1,    Section  10  of   the   aDproved  Code, 







The   three  economic  divisions  of  the  Motion  Picture   Industry  present 
an  unusually  conplez  and  interesting  la"bor   situation.      The   lahor  spot- 
light  s'^ngs  from  aspiring  vaudeville  actors  vrho  at   times   felt   compen- 
sated if  they  had  "cakes  and  coffee"   ajid  a  round  of  applause,    to  usHers 
content  rrith  free  tickets  and  the  hand-me-doxm  tr-id  of  a  uniform,    to 
skilled  craftsmen  rrho  at   times   enjoyed  v/ages  of  $150  a  rzeek  end  at  other 
times  aana^ed.  as  "best   they  could  on  $2,00  a  shor?;    end  in  the   center  of 
the  lahor  stage   stand  the  popular  stars  under  contract  for  $10,000  and 
more  for  each  picture. 

The  rapid  gro^h  and  enomoios  profits   in  this  Industry  from 
the  early  part  of  the  TTrentieth  Cent-'ory  to   the  "business   depression  in 
1929  resulted  in  these  extremes.      The  artists  through  their  popularity 
and  the   comparative   scarcity  of  their  numbers,    and  the  highly  skilled 
and   strongly  unionized  rrorkers   through  their  collective  "bargaining 
poT/ers,   h3jd.  o"btained-a  high  scale  of  -^ages  and  satisfactory  r^orking 
conditions.      In  direct  contrast   the  unskilled,  such  as  ushers,    doormen 
?nd  the  like,    ansrrering  the  lu-re  of  "shorr  "business"  rrere  poorly  paid 
pud  TTorked  long  hoiirs.      This   can  -oerhaps  "be  attri"buted  to  the   constant 
over—supply  of  this   la"bor  and  to   lack  of  organization. 

IThen  the  depression  spread  its  dark  shadoTrc   over  the  theatre,    the 
Industr;^'-  under  the   increasing  pressure  of  reduced  "business,    sudd.enly 
knerr  panic  and  felt   th-At   it  faced  chaos.      Por  years  no   serious  atten- 
tion had  "been  paid  to  correcting  certain  prevalent  ciistoms  generally, 
recognized  as  unso-'jnd  "business  Tjractice,      The   Industry  felt  a  sense  of 
immunity  in  vierr  of  its  rapid  gror^h  and  seemingly  unlimited  -orofits. 
At   each  crisis,    some  neir  invention  ha.d  ansT7ered  public  need  and  given 
the   entire   industry  a  nerr  im-'jetus.     But  -^hen  at  last   income  "began  to 
shrink,    defective  "b^asiness  practices   stood  out  mena^cingly,    "bahkrui: teles 
and  receiverships  "became  n^xmerous;    and  la"bor  foiond  itself  forced  to 
accept  loTTsr  r^a^es  and  to  TTork  longer  hours  in  uncertain  emplo^nnent. 

In  early  1933,    the  "biggest   chains   s^ich  as  Parajnoijnt-?u"bli  z  and 
rL.Z.O.   Tere  either   seeking  "banJcruotcy-  or  "being  run  "by  receivers. 
Theatres  rrere  operating  on  a  Treek-to-^eek  "basis;   hundj-cds  -vrere   closed. 
Thousands  r^ere  out  of  ^ork.      Those   still  eyiroloyed  in  e::hi"bition  ha.d  to 
accept  TTage  reductions  as  high  as  50  per  cent   in  the   skilled  trades; 
the  unskilled  sar?  their  meagre  -nages   slashed  still  lo-^er.      In  the 
studios,    slack  production  meant  fever  jols  and  as  a.  result   of  disputes 
over  rage   scales  and  ^-^orking  conditions,    several   thousand  on  strike   saw 
their  places  taken  "by  others  at  lo-'er  scaJes, 

The  genera-l  la"bor  situation  is   specifically  descri"ted  in  the  folloT?- 
ing  extract  from  the  report  of  Assistant  President  loijls  Krouse  of  the 
International  Alliance  of  Theatrical  Stage  Employees  and  Moving 
Picture  liachine  Or;erators  of  the  United  States   and  Canada  to  the  32nd 



-12  S- 

Annurl  convention  in  Louisville,  Kentucky,  June  4  to  8,  1934:   Mr, 
Krouse  srld: 

"In  conr^idering  the  National  Industrial  Recovery  Act 
rnd  the  vrrious  Codes  of  Fpir  Coimoetition  affecting  our 
crpi'ts,  it  must  "be  remembered  that  only  tvo   yerrs  ago  the 
"by-v/ord  of  our  Columbus  Convention  wns  'Work  at  any  Price*, 
rnd  it  was  not  very  long  before  it  was  just  that  —  and  not 
a  very  high  price  at  that.*  ******* 

"Receiverships  and  bankruptcies  v;ere  (then  in  1932) 
imj-iinent.  Naturally,  the  first  and  most  concerted  retrench- 
ment r.'as  aimed  at, reduction  of  salaries Hardly 

had  the  Convention  closed  than  our  general  economic  position 
begaji  to  get  worse, 

"From  our  General  Office  in  New  York  City,  there  was 
immediately  observed  in  July  of  1932,  duel  unions  gathering 
■  force  throUi:;;hout  the  country  because  of  lower  scales  in  the 
key  cities.  Large  circuit  houses  were  forced  to  work  on  a 
we ek-t 0-week  notice.   The  stage  employees  of  many  locals 
took  a  fifteen  per  cent  cut.   The  Theatre  Owners  Chamber  of 
Commsrce  asked  all  unions  to  accept  1926  scales.. 

"In  August  of  1932,  four  hundred  members  of  a  single 
local  lost  their  positions  because  a  dual  union  was  furnish- 
ing nen  for  far  lower  wages.  Both  East  and  Pacific  Coast 
unions  took  reductions  in  pay.   September  of  1932  saw  the 
trade  papers  over  the  country  boldly  proclaiming  'Union 
Deris  Not  So  Tough,'   In  October  of  1932,  we  fo'ond  further 
reductions  being  made  by  various  important  locals.  November, 
a  record  lov/  for  stage  employees  was  established  when  one  of 
our  local  unions  was  forced  to  agree  to  work  for  $2.00  a 
show,  and  in  Ohio  and  else^^^here  exhibitors  imported  strike 
breakers  and  paid  them  a  total  booth  cost  o.f  SSCOO'per  week 
as  against  a  booth  cost  of  $218.00  per  week  for  union  men. 

"The  new  year  of  1933  showed  no  abatement  in  ::ur  economic 
troubles,   January  saw  the  biggest  ci'.ains,  such  a  s  Paramount- 
Publix  and  R.K.O.  in  bankruptcy  or  being  run  by  a  receiver. 
The  effect  of  these  receiverships  and  bankruptcies  was  felt 
immediately.   In  February,  1933,  we  found  cuts  demanded  by 
the  exhibitors  wherever  situated.  During  February,  in  a 
certain  3tr\te  of  our  Union,  a  fifty  (50)  per  cent  cut  was 
forced  upon  the  majority  of  our  local  unions.  Majrch,  1933, 
started  out  with  a  fifteen  (15)  per  cent  cut  for  the  receivers 
of  R.K.O.  in  Minnesota. 

"With  the  bank  holiday,  the  exhibitors  became  hysterical 
and  would  talk  of  nothing  less  than  a  fifty  per  cent  cut  in 
every  city  throughout  the  United  States.   Indeed,  there  were 
some  exhibitors  whose  theatres  in  their  cities  were  shut 
down  for  weeks  owing  to  their  unreasonable  madness  and  frenzy. 



Only  the  confiaence,  en-^endered  by  the  taking  of  office  ty 
President  Roosevelt  ond  his  nasterly  h.-^idlinrg  of  our  general 
econoraic  situation,  saved  us  from  complete  finaacial  ruin. 

"After  the  immediate  hysteria,  of  the  bank  holiday,  the 
drive  for  further  reductions  continued  and  in  Aoril  23  found 
■  denrnds  on  the  West  Coast,  the  Middle  West  and  the  Epst  for 
still  further  reductions,  ranging  from  fifteen  to  thirty- 
seven  and  one-half  per  cent,  TThich  in  most  rilaces  had  to  he 
grrnted.   This  was  followed  vco   in  May  "by  more  reductions  in 
Marylcjid  still  more  on  the  West  Coasts  By  J'one  the  Colorado 
situation  "became  more  serious  riuh  only  ten  out  of  thirty- 
five  theatres  in  one  city  still  union,"  (*) 

Ho'"  each  class  of  workers  farod  "before  the  Code,  during  the 
Code  and  since  the  Code  oecane  inoperative  is  here  xjresented  with 
respect  to  (a)  Exhibition;  (b)  Proauction,  and  (c)  Distribution. 

A.   E:gII3ITI0N 

1 .  El.I'LCYlVlENT 

The  greatest  volume  of  employment  in  thp*  Industr;-  is  in  the 
exhibition,  or  theatre  "cresentation  of  motion  pictures.   Exact  employ- 
ment strtistics  for  this  division  were  not  available  during  code 
formulation;  nor  during  the  period  of  code  administration.   There  axe 
reasons  for  this  condition.   The  number  of  theatres  is  not  constsnt 
from  season  to  season.   Thea.tres  close  their  doors  this  week  and  re- 
o-oen  next  week  or  nonths  later;  others  are  abandoned  a.s  -olayhouses; 
newly  built  theatres  turn  on  lobby  lic^hts  in  bright  invitation  to 
the  public,  month  "oy   month.   As  a  result,  employment  rises  and  falls 
from  season  to  seeson, 

For  these  reasons  and  others  -  employment  figures  and  actual 
number  of  theatres  elude  exact  deteiTnination  by  the  Industry  itself, 
by  its  alert  trade  -oress,  by  the  United  States  Dex)axtment  of  Commerce, 
Eurjau  of  the  Census,  or  even  loy   the  labor  organizations  directly 
concerndd.  Estimates  as  to  the  number  emDloyed  in  exhibition,  there- 
fore, Ycjry   from  234,000  as  recorded  by  the  l.iotion  Picture  Almanac  of 
1935  to  130,000  listed  by  the  1935  Census  of  American  Business.  Labor 
orgcnizations  are  in  general  agreement  on  an  of  185,000  and 
this  estimate  is  usually  accepted  in  cor3.sidering  the  labor  -orobleins 
of  motion  -oicture  exhibition. 


Employees  in  the  exhibition  of  oictures  are  generally  divided  into 
the  follo\.'ing  five  classes: 

(*)  Report  of  1934  Convention  of  International  Alliance  of 

Theatrical  Stage  Employees  and  Moving  Picture  Machine  Operators 
-  National  Recovery  Administration  Piles  -  Motion  Picture 



Class  I.   Office  Eimoloyecs.   In  this  .^roup  are  included  house 
manrigers,  advertising  and  publicity  persons,  stenographic  and  clerical 

Class  II.  Front  of  the  House  emDloyees  (so-called).   This  grouo 
represents  ap^:>roximately.  t:'0-thirds  of  those  eim-^loj'-ed  and  includes, 
among  others,  ushers,  doormen,  ticket-takers,  cle^jiers  and  natrons. 
These  are  unskilled  workers,  comparatively  easy  to  replace. 

Class  III.  Musicians.   Once  a  group  of  more  than  30,000,  there 
are  -orobahly  no  more  than  2,000  of  them  now  playing  in  motion  "Dicture 

Class  IV.  Actor  Employees.  Another  disap'  earing  group. 

Class  V.   Skilled  Employees.   This  ^^roup  includes  motion  r)icture 
machine  o-oerators,  stage  hands  and  maintenance  rien,  engineers,  v/ard- 
robe  attendants,  firemen,  oilers,  electricians,  carpenters. 


There  is  a  sharp  contr-^st  in  this  Industry  between  skilled  and 
unskilled  labor.  Many  attempts  have  been  made  to  organize  the  un- 
ski].l.ed  or  non-craft  labor  but  only  in  isolated  instances  have  these 
efforts  been  successful.   On  the  other  side  of  the  bargaining  table, 
there  has  been  for  years  a  high  degree  of  union  ore:ani2a,tion  among  the 
skilled  \7orkers,  particularly  in  Class  V  employees  as  herein  classi- 
fied.  There  axe  several  strong  and  -ouwerful  union  organizations  in 
this  class,  notably: 

(a)  The  International  Alliance  of  Theatrical  Stage  Employees 
and  Moving  Picture  Machine  Operators  of  the  United  States 
ajid  Canada. 

(b)  The  International  Union  of  Opera.ting  Engineers. 

(c)  The  International  Brotherhood  of  Electrical  Workers. 

(d)  The  International  Brotherhood  of  ?iremen.  Oilers, 
Helpers,  Railway  Roundhouse  and  Railway  Shop  Laborers. 

(e)  Local  and  regional  unions  of  motion  picture  operators; 
organizations  of  stage  hands  in  some  strtes  -  not 
affiliated,  as  are  the  dominating  skilled  trade  groups, 
v;ith  the  American  Federation  of  Labor. 

The  ■'  axgest  and  most  powerful  of  these  union  ^^roups  is  the 
International  Alliance  of  Theatrical  Stage  Employees  and  Moving  Picture 
Machine  Operators  of  the  United  States  and  Canada,  which  at  the  present 
time  (November,  1935)  claims  a.bout  25,000  members.   The  international 
headquarters  was  moved  from  New  York  to  Washini^-'ton,  D.  C.  during  the 
Code  period  so  that  its  international  officers  could  maintain  daily 
cooperr.tion  '/ith  the  National  Recovery  Administration  and  with  the 
main  of. 'ices  of  the  American  Federation  of  Labor.   The  Alliance  con- 
tinues to  operate  from  Washington. 


This  international  alliance,  knovm  in  the  notion  pictur*^  industry 
as  the  "lA"  is  the  outgrowth  of  the  old  N.'^tional  Allirnce  of  Theatri- 
cal Str^r.'B  Employees  -  rn   or,i;r?nizr.ticn  thn.t  ^mtc-d-'^^ed  the  motion 
picture  industry  "by  a  decade  of  activity.   The  old  "National  Alliance" 
drew  its  membership  principally  from  the  stoge  hands  in  V8udeville  and 
legitimate  theatres.  As  the  "lA",  this  orgnnizr.tion  early  entered 
the  motion  ;oicture  theatre  and  -oroceeded  to  orj-^anize  the  motion  picture 
operator  and  other  v/orkers  necessary  to  projection  rocin  and  theatre 
operr.tion.   The  present  "lA"  membership  of  25,000  includes  some  members 
T^or'cing  in  the  production  of  motion  pictures,  such  as  caiiiera-nen, 
soujid  ;.ien,  'aboratory  mechanics  end  other  studio  -'orkers.   This  situa- 
tion gives  the  "I A"  something  of  the  character  of  an  industrial  union. 

The  International  Union  of  Operating  Engineers  is  a  crr-ft  union. 
About  2,500  of  the  totrl  ne.nbership  are  employed  in  theatres  in  charge 
of  heating,  cooling  and  ventilating  systems.   In  pjq...  it  ion  to  these 
2,500  men,  there  are  alsc  engaged  in  the  motion  cicture  industry 
ap'oroxiraately  1,500  non-^Inion  engineers.   In  some  situs.tions,  the 
union  of  Operating  Engineers  conflicts  V7ith  the  International  Brother- 
hood of  Electrical  Workers  and  the  International  Brotherhood  of  Firemen, 
Oilers,  Helpers,  Ra.ilv7ay  Roundhouse  and  Railway  Shop  laborers  'vhich 
claim  ji^JTisdicticn  over  certain  tyoes  of  r/ork. 


During  the  depression,  union  'vages  .had  suffered  under  steady 
do^'m\7axd -pressure;  wor':ing  hours  were  long;  v^orking  conditions  had 
surrendered  many  of  the  gains  won  before  1930,  (*) 

The  files  in  the  office  of  Sol  A.  Rosenblatt,  who,  as  Deputy 
Administra-tor,  supervised  the  drafting  of  the  Cgde  of  Fair  Competition 
for  the  Llotion  Picture  Industry  and,  as  Division  Administrator,  was 
responsible  not  only  for  the  Code's  administration  but  for  Code  dom- 
plirnce  and  enforce: lent;  the  transcripts  of  ITRA  he^^rings  on  code 
organizationl  editorial  ajid  special  articles  in  the  trade  papers  - 
all  —  show  a  comnon  "^^ffcrt  by  the  representatives  of  the  various  union 
organizations,  the  producers  and  exhibitors  to  write  into  the  laotion 
picture  code  fpvorable  conditions  for  labor. 

These  documents  and  attendent  correspondence  disclose  a  com^.on 
interest  to  prevent  any  further  demoralization  of  working  conditions 
for  organized  labor  and  to  bring  the  standards  of  un-organized  skilled 
workmen  up  to  this  level.   The  record  shows  that  employee  and  employer 
worked  tlirough  NRA  machinery  in  sympa.thetic  understanding  in  this 
effort  to  standardize  wages,  reduce  hours  and  incref:se  employment. 

The   wge  and  hour  situation  of  employees  in  the  period  preceding 
the  Coce  ano.  the  standardizations  GOi;^ht  oy   Code  provisions  are  now 

(*)  Report  of  Louis  Krouse,  As:-:ist.'jit  Prosiaent,  International 
Alliance  of  Theatrical  Stage  Employees  and  hoving  Picture 
Machine  Operators  to  32nd  Convention  of  Alliance  -  1934. 



presented,   "briefly,   first  -ith  respect   to   office  eiTployees;    secondly,  i 

"front  of   the  house"   employees,    thirdly,    the  musicians   and  actors, 
and  finally  "because  of   the   extended  considerjvtion  necessr.ry  to   a  full 
under str.nding  of   the  lahor   situation,    th^   slcilled  •employees. 

a.  Office  Em-ployees 

Office  employees  have  been  and  are  today  almost  wholly  unorganized. 
House  majLagers  and  the  advertising  and  pu"blicity  employees  are  included 
in  this  group.   As  usual  "ith.  this  tyoe  of  employee,  these  executives 
and  their  assistants  in  the  -pre-code  days  v^'orked  unrestricted  hours, 
but,  to  conroensn.te  for  that,  appear  in  mjst  instances  to  have  been  well 
paid.-  Under  the  Code,  these  employees  were  limited  to  40  hours  a  week 
unless  they  received  at  least  $35.00  a  week.  (*)   Their  assistants, 
in  pre-code  days,  aver-^ged  from  $13,00  to  $35.00  a  week  with  no  limit 
upon  hours.  IJndejr  the  Code,  the  40  hour  week  applied  to  these  workers. 

Exhibitors  contenaed  that  unrer.trictf^d  hours  were  justified  for 
this  class  of  employees  because  of  the  nature  of  their  work  and  to 
provide  opportunity  to  train  these  men  for  ■?:)Ositions  either  in  charge  of 
publicity  or  as  theatre  managers.  During  the  code  a.dministrrtion  period 
there  v/.as  littlf^  compliance  and  enforcemant  difficulty  with  the  hours 
provisions  for  this  class. 

b .  "Front  of  the  House"  Emp.loyees 

The  "front  of  the  house"  employees  -  ushers,  doormen,  ticket-taJcers, 
ticket-sellers,  cleaners,  etc,  ►-  wor'Ked  in  pre-code  days  from  40  to  80 
hours  &.  week.   The  Code  limited  these  employees  to  a  maximum  40  hour 
week,  (**) 

It  was  not  unusual  in  the  pre-code  days  for  ushers  and  ticket- 
takers  to  work  for  not'ning  more  than  the  flattery  of  free  admission 
tickets.   There  was  a  scale,  however,  for  this  class  in  some  cities  that 
ran  up  to  $15.00  a  week.   In  some  strongly  organized  union  labor  com- 
munities, these  unskilled  workers  had  succeeded  in  organizing  and  had 
negotiated  successf^olly  with  their  theatres  for  better  wages  and  improved 
working  conditions.  Over  many  years,  attempts  had  been  made  to  organize 
these  workers  but  except  in  these  isolated  cases,  all  efforts  failed. 
Except  for  cleaners,  matrons,  and  watclimen,  most  of  the  employees  in 
this  class  are  from  16  to  25  years  old.  A  rapid  turnover  in  omployment 
is  the  rule. 

The  Code  stajidtirdized  a  minimum  of  wa,ges  for  this  mobile  class, 
within  specified  population  differentials.   Code  wages  and  hours  pro- 
visions are  credited  generally  with  having  resulted  in  an  increase  in 
employment  for  this  group  and  a  shortening  of  hours  with  little  or  no 
resultajit  ].oss  of  earnings.   Only  scattered  complaints  of  non-compliance 

(*)  Article  17,  Division  C,  Tart  1,  Section  2  of  .the  approved  Code, 
(**)  Article  I"\r,  Division  C,  Part  1,  Section  2  of  the  ap^^roved  Code, 



— 1  '7,'7. 


v'ith  r7-?4'es  and  hours  Torovisions  are  found  in  the  National  Recovery 
Adjnini  strati  on  conicliriiiQe  records.   It  hR,s  ■"been  in^iossible  to  get  ?jQy 
infor  :'^.tion  as  'to  conditions  in  this  group  since'  the  Kotion  Picture 
Code  becrme  inoperative. 

The  Code  set  utd  these  ^age  iDrovisions  for  these  workers: 

"With  respect  to  employees  reguarly  employed  as  ticket- 
sellers,  doormen,  ushers,  cleriiers;,  natrons,  watchmen,  attendrnts, 
portsrs,  and  office  help,  such  employees  shall  receive  not  less 
than  a  twenty  per  cent  (20^)  increase  over  the  wage  -caid  to  them 
as  of  August  1,  1933,  in  cities  and  places  having  a  population 
of  less  than  5,000,  -orovided  that  this  shall  not  require  a 
ua^e  for  these  employees  in  excess  of  twenty-five- cents  (25) 
per  hour."  (*) 

"With  respect  to  employees  regiiarly  employed  as  ticket- 
sellers,  doormen,  cleaners,  ma,trons,  watchmen,  attendants, 
porters,  and  office  help,  such  employees  shall  receive  not 
less  than  thirty  (30)  cents  "oer  hour  in  cities  and  Dlaces  hav- 
ing a  population  of  more  than  15,000  and  less  than  500,000, 
and  not  less  than  thirty-five  (35)  cents  per  hour  in  cities 
and  towns  having  a  popula^tion  of  more  than  500,000."  (**) 

"With  respect  to  employees  reguarly  employed  as  ushers, 
in  cities  and  Dlaces  having  a  '■opulation  over  15,000,  such 
employees  shall  receive  a  wage  .of  not  less  than  twenty-five 
(25)  cents  TDer  hour,"  (***) 

c.   Sound  and  the  Lxu.sician 

Another  lahor  -orovision  of  the  Code  which  presented  few  difficul- 
ties governed  musicirns. 

The  musician  once  had  an  inoortant  "olace  in  the  motion  pict-ore 
theatre;  that  was  "before  the  "talkies"  replaced  the  silent  screen. 
Sound,  ^ith  its  similitude  of  life  in  action  and  spoken  word  and  its 
inclT'.sion  of  orchestral  perfonacmce  drove  the  musician  from  the  thea.tre. 
His  employment  was  almost  completely  eliminated.  The  musician  who 
survives  finds  work  only  in  conjunction  --^ith  vaudeville  and  other 
sta^e  presentations. 

Hore  than  30,000  musicians  had  "been  employed  in  the  exhibition  of 
motion  -oictures  in  the  days  "before  audiences  heard  the  voices  of  Al 
Jolson,  ilgirtinelli  and  a  gypsy  chorus  in  the  first  experimental,  yet 
successful,  sound  pictures.   The  "talkies"  had  arrived.   The  musician 

(*)  Article  IV,  Division  C,  Part  1,  Section  3  of  the  approved  Code. 
(**)  Article  IV,  Division  C,  Part  1,  Section  4  of  the  aprroved  Code. 
(***)  Article  IV,  Division  C,  Part  1,  Section  5  of  the  apDroved  Code. 



slowly  departed.   Today,  it  13  estimr'.ted  not  more  than  2,000  musicians 
are  eirolojred  in  the  motion  picture  theatres  of  this  co-untry. 

At  the  reqirest  of  the  Anerican  Federrtion  of  lliisicians,  a  lator 
provision  "broad  and  general  in  itn  terms,  ^as  included  in  the  Code, 
This  provision  was  acceptal^le  to  the  exliibitors;  in  code  administration, 
no  difficulties  arose  over  this  -orovision.   Section  9  of  Article  17,  C, 
Part  1  of  the  approved  Code  read: 

"3y  reason  of  the  -Drpfessional  charact.'^r  of  their  em- 
ploj'Tnent,  the  minimum  wages  and  raax.iumura  hours  of  employment 
of  er.Tnloyees  performing  the  duties  of  musicians  shall,  as 
heretofore,  Tdo  ostallished  hy  -orevailing  lahor  agreements, 
understandings,  or  practices. " 

d.  Actor  Employees  .  '  ■   ■• . 

Class  IV  enoloyees  are  the  Actors.  Usually  they  are  employed  in 
presentation  and  vaudeville  entertainment  in  connection  with  picture 
showings.  There  are  proTjahly  not  more  than  5,000  of  them  now  on  the 
stages  of  motion  picture  houses.  Ac  in  the  case  of  the  musician,  the 
actor  also  lost  his  old  imoortance  in  the  motion  -oicture  house  when 
" sound"  cane  in. 

The  future  of  vaudeville  presentation  in  motion  picture  theatres  is 
uncertain.  Less  than  a  decade  ago,  the  actor  could  crown  a  lifetime  of 
amhitious  work  with  established  national  success  if  he  could  win  a 
rousing  round  of  applause  on  the  stage  of  the  old  Palace  Theatre  on 
Broadway  -  the  mecca  of  the  vaudeville  artist.  Now,  as  everywhere, 
ictures  are  first,  even  in  the  Palace,  Amatear  Hours, for  the  moment 
NovemlDer,  1935)  are  a  poxsular  enthusiasm  of  presentation  theatre 
audiences  and  troupes  of  talented  and  near- talented  actors  and  singers 
are  amhitiously  seeking  through  such  opportunity  to  revive  motion  pic- 
ture vaudeville.   There  is,  on  the  evidence  of  the  daily  and  weekly 
trade  press  of  the  Industry,  a  presently  increasing  demand  for  "name 
acts"  occasioned  "by  the  current  popularity  of  personalities  from  radio 
and  motion  picture  studios. 

In  a  survey  of  the  vaudeville  situa.tion  in  the  motion  picture  ex- 
hibition field,  the  Motion  Picture  Herald  (J^ine,  1935  issue)  makes  this 

"One  of  the  severest  tlows  dealt  the  cause  of  vaudeville 
in  recent  years  lies  in  the  record  of  the  exclusive  film 
policy  of  Loew' s  Capital  on  Broadway  (New  York)  where  'China 
Seas'  completed  three  successful  weeks  when  stage  shows  were 
elimina.ted  for  the  first,  time  since  the  theatre  was  opened 
in  1919.  '  "  ' 

"The  Loew' s  Circuit,  and  others,  "believe  that  with  a 
large  percentage  of  meritorious  films  "being  released,  there 
will  "be  no  need  for  "bolstering  stage  shows  even  on  Broadway; 
while  the  "booking  agents  "blame  the  increased  trend  to  theatre 
pooling  and  the  accompanying  decrease  in  competition  as  well 
as  the  la"bor  situation  for  accelerating  the  "back-to-film 


"Considered  highly  indicative  of  the  jeeneral  trend  is  tiiat 
Loew's  five  years  a^o  scheduled  stage  shows  in  36  of  its  theatres 
as  regular  policy  and  last  year,  vrith  fluctuations,  in  twelve 
(12),  this  year  only  three  theatres  will  play  vaudeville  reg- 
ularly:  Loew's  State  in  New  York;  the  Centrnjy  in  3'iltimore  and 
the  Fox  in  Washington,  on  weekly  stands. " 

The  actor's  decline  tegan  when  the  motion  pciture  ca,ught  public 
imagination  sufficiently  to  keep  the  audience  in  its  seats,  instead  of 
sending  them  home,   Wlien  first  introduced,  motion  pictures  were  used  in 
the  old-time  vaudeville  theatres  not  as  an  added  attraction,  but  as  a 
novelty  at  the  end  of  full  hill  of  vaudeville  acts.   There  ^-'ere,  at  that 
time,  many  vaudeville  circuits.   Traveling  companies  had  no  diff-iculty 
in  securing  52  reeks  of  work  in  a  year.   The  growing  popularity  of  the 
motion  picture  gradually  reversed  this  situation;  the  -ohantoras  of  the 
screen  "became  predominant;  the  living  actor,  became  a  fleeting  figure. 

In  pre-NEA  Code  days,  wages  for  vaudeville  troupers  in  motion  pic- 
ture theatres,  ranged  from  "coffee  and  cakes"  to  thousands  of  dollars 
a  week  for  "name  acts, "  It  is  still  common  practice  in  large  cities 
where  stage  presentations  continue  to  give  five  shows  a  day  on  week  days 
and,  where  permitted,  three  shows  on  Sunday,   Although  acts  are  seldom 
on  the  stage  more  than  ten  minutes  for  each  show,  additional  time  must 
be  spent  by  players  in  preparing  for  the  show  and  in  removing  make-up 
and  donning  street  clothes  after  the  show  so  that  actual  working  time 
has  been  estimated  to  be  anywhere  from  50  to  70  hours  a  week. 

To  correct  conditions  both  as  to  hours  and  wages,  Part  2  of  Article 
IV,  Division  C  of  the  Motion  Pict-ore  Code  set  up  elaborate  protective 
provisions  for  actors  and  the  heretofore  neglected  chorus.   Rehearsal 
periods  were  restricted  for  principals  and  chorus,   Rehersals  for  the 
chorus  ^-^ere  limited  to  40  hours  in  any  one  week.   Salaries  were  establish- 
ed and  minimuas  defined:   $40  a  ""eek,  net,  after  any  deductions,  for 
performers  with  more  than  two  years  theatrical  experience;  $25  a  week 
net,  for  those  with  less  th^ii  two  years  theatrical  experience;  $7.50 
net  "in  cash  per  day  to  performers  er.ployed  on  a  per  diem  basis  for  each 
theatre  in  which  such  performer  appears,"  Transportation,  including 
sleeper  and  baggage  charges,  for  the  first  time  recognized  and  es- 
tablished as  a  proper  obligation  of  the  employer,   Wigs,  shoes,  tights, 
stockings,  costurars  s.nd  other  necessary  stage  wardrobe' also  became  an 
obligation  of  the  employer  with  respect  to  performers  receiving  less  than 
$50  a  week.   Lay-offs  and  rest  periods  were  also  for  the  first  time  de- 
fined and  established. 

These  were  far-reaching  reforms  in  improving  the  lot  of  the  actor 
and  the  chorus  girl.   To  check  violations  by  subterfuge,  it  became 
necessary  in  March,  1935  to  amend  the  Code  (*)  and  thus  close  up  loop- 
holes for  evasion,  and  circumvent  practices  which  are  described  in  the 
following  six  pertinent  observations  in  the  report  of  William  P.  Farns- 
worth  as  Deputy  Administrator, 

(1)   "Exhibitors  have  in  some  instances  contracted  with 

(*)   See  Deputy's  Report  to  the  National  Industrial  Recovery  Board  sub- 
mitting Amendment  ITo.  4  to  Approved  Code  No.  124,  dated  March  4,  1935i 



thirdpoxties  for  the  scrvicu  of  theatre  emoloyees   for  the 
definite  iDurpose  of  avoiding  payment  of  Code  wages  for  being 

hound  hy  Code  hours •  The  amendment  nrovides  that 

Exhibitors  who  contract  for  such  services  in  the  future  must 
require  the  contractor  to  agree  in  the  contract  to  pay  the 
T7ages  and  observe  the  hours  set  forth  in  the  Code."  (•) 

(2)   The  definition  of  actor  employees  was  changed  to  exclude 
specific  mention  nf  "rep  shows,  tab  shows,  t-^nt  shows,  medicine  shows 
and  show  boats",  confining  the  definition  to  "permanent  and  traveling 
companies  of  artists  playing  Toresentrtion  and  vaudeville  houses". 

The  evil  detected  and  the  remedy  sought  are  stated  by  Deputy 
Administrator  Farnsv;orth  as  follov/s: 

"llo  difficulties  have  arisen  with  regard  to  these  excluded 
tyDcs  of  shows,  nor  is  the  amendment  designed  to  include  them 
within  the  Code  at  the  present  time.   However,  some  presentation 
and  vaudeville  comiDaJiies  have  adopted  such  names  as  "tab  shows" 
or  "show  boats"  and  sought  by  such  means  to  escape  compliance 
with  the  Code,   The  employers  of  performers  in  these  companies, 
who  have  sought  by  th^se  means  to  defeat  the  TDurposes  of  the 
Code,  are  actually  the  'presenta.tion  and  vaudeville  companies' 
referred  to  and  described  in  the  Code  -orovisions  as  they  now 
exist.   There  is  nowhere  in  existence  specific  definitions 
of  the  various  terms  used  in  describing  the  types  of  shows 
exempted  from  the  Code  nrovision  except  that  the  Code  provision 
itself  defines  the  terms  'as  these  terms  are  \mderstood  in 
the  theatre'.   The  definition  resulted  in  considerable  con- 
..'.  fusion,  and  subterfuge. 

"The  amendment  will  improve  the  standards  of  labor  cf 
the  employees  in  those  shows  in  which  the  employer  used  one 
'   of  the  above  mentioned  turms  to  circumvent  compliance  with 
the  Code,  since  the  object  in  the  use  of  such  terms  was  to 
pay  the  employees  less  than  the  minimum  wages  and  to  require 
the  performers  to  work  rtiore  than  the  maximum  hours  provided 
in  the  Code.  The  amendni^nt  will  also  increase  the  purchasing 
power  of  the  employees  referred  to  above,  and  will  tend  to 
raaJce  necessary  the  employment  of  xiersons  not  now  employed."  (**) 

(5)  A  further  amendnent  to  increase  earnings  and  purchasing 
power  was  ap'oroved  to  require  "the  payment  to  -orincipals 'of  one  half 
of  the  weekly  wage  for  each  week  or  part  thereof  that  the  rehearsal 
extends  beyond  two.  weeks". 

(4)  On  the  $7.50  per  diem  class  of  actors,  the  Deputy  Adminis- 
trator reports  in  justifying  another  change  in  wording  made  in 

(*)  Pages  2   and  3,  DerDuty's  Report  to  the  National  Industrial  Recovery 
Board  submitting  Anendment  No.  4  to  ^proved  Code  No.  124,  dated 
March  4,  1935. 

(**)  Page  3,  Deputy's .Report  to  the  National  Industrial  Recovery 

Board  submitting  Amendment  No.  4  to  Apriroved  Code  No.  124,  dated 

March  4,  1935. 


Amendment  No.  4: 

"The  original  Code  provision  for  \7hich  this  r'unendment  is 
proposed  as  a  substitute  provided  for  a  $7,50  per  diem  rate  and  . 
was  intended  to  accomplish  the  snme  result  as  the  amend»:ient, 
"but  it  has  been  found  that  certain  performers  v;ore  thereafter 
required  by  their  employers  to  olay  in  more  than  one  theatre  in 
a  single  day  and  that  the  Code  provision  as  worded  was  not 
sufficiently  clear  to  indicate  this  intention  of  the  original 

"In  a  subsequent  provision  of  the  Code,  applicable  to 
principals,  it  is  provided  that:   Ov/ing  to  the  peculiar  nature 
of  the  stage  presentation  and  vaudeville  business  and  the  con- 
ditions prevailing  therein,  the  changing  nature  cf  the  enter- 
tainment, etc.,  it  is  recognized  that  it  is  impossible  to  fix 
the  maximum  hours  per  week  of  artists  .appearing  in  such  theatres. 
Since  no  maximum  hours  are  fi:?:ed,  the  injustice  of  permitting 
employers  to  require  that  principals  appear  in  more  than  one 
theatre  in  one  day  and  be  conpensated  only  the  minimum  rate, 
is  apparent.   The  amendment  \7ill  definitely  improve  the  stan- 
dards of  labor  of  the  performers "   (*) 

(5)  Layoffs.   Cn  this  subject,  the  Depiity  Administrator  reports: 

"This  ,,,  anendmezit  clarifies  that  portion  of  the  Code 
which  provides  that  a  chorus  person  be  released  from  work  with 
pay  one  dajr  out  of  every  seven  days.   Lay-off  periods  were  rare 
and  uncertain  before  the  adoption  of  the  Code  and  the  original 
Code  provision  coupled  with  this  amendment  will  definitely  im- 
prove the  standards  of  labor  for  chorus  persons."  (**) 

(6)  Clear  provision  for  paying  actors  or  chorus  persons  in 
cash  for  transportation  was  next  found  necessary,  the  Deputy  Ad- 
ministrator reporting  that:- 

"In  a  number  of  instances  in  the  past,  employers  have  tal^en 
a  shew  8Jid  chorus  on  the  road  to  different  cities  in  the  United 
States  and  if  the  show  did  not  prove  a  success,  it  became  the 
practice  of  employers,  either  because  of  insufficient  finances 
or  for  other  reasons,  to  dismiss  the  chorus  persons  on  the  road, 
and  provide  no  arrangement  for  the  transportation  of  such  chorus 
persons  back  to  the  point  or  origin.   This  practice  frequently 
resulted  in  chorus  persons  being  stranded  without  funds,  some- 

(*)   Page  4,  Deputy's  Report  to  the  Ifationa,l  Industrial  Recovery 
Board  submitting  Amendment  No.  4  to  Approved  Code  No,  124, 
dated  March  4,  1935. 

(**)   Page  5,  Deputy's  Report  to  the  National  Industrial  Recovery 
Board  submitting  Amendment  No.  4  to  Approved  Code  No.  124, 
dated  March  4,  1935. 



times  groat  distances  from  thnir  homes  or  point  of  possitle- 
reemployment."   (*) 

Despite  the  condition  oi.evr-sicn  emphasized  "by  the  Deputy  Adninistra- 
tor,  the  compliancs  records  and  correspondence  files  in  the  National  Re- 
covery Administration  disclose  but  few  references  to  violations  of  the 
actor  and  chorus  sections  of  the  Code.   The  conditions  remedied  appear  to 
have  been  common  knowledge  in  the  indos  try, 

e.   The  Major  Problem  ~  Skilled  Lr.bor 

Major  attention  \7as  given  throughout  the  -Deriod  of  Code  administra- 
tion to  the  problems  of  Class  V  of  Exhibition  employees  -  the • skilled 
workers.   This  group  was  defined  in.  the  Code,  as  including  bill  posters, 
carpenters,  .electrical  workers,  engineers,  firemen,  motion  picture  machine 
operators,  oilers,  painters,  theatrical  sta-i^e  enployeos,  theatrical  ward- 
robe attendants,  and  other  skilled  mechanics  and  artispjis  directly  and 
rega.larly  employed  by  the  exhibitors.  {*■"*) 

An  advance  of  far  reaching  ecv-nomic.  importance  to  each  division  of 
the  Industry  v;as  made  through  the  Code  by  the  agreement  betvjeen  the 
employer-exhibitor^  and  the  skilled  workers  of  this  Cl'-'ss  III  '..'hereby  the 
employees  agreed  not  to  strike  and  the  exhibitors  agreed  not  to  lockout 
skilled  v;orkers.  (•"''-''*) Strikes  and  lockouts  -  a  constant!/  recurring 
economic  disturbance  in  theatre  CDcratinn  -  practically'"  disappeared  dur- 
ing the  period  of  Code  administration. 

In  public  addresses  before  conve.ntions  of  motion  licture  exhibitors 
and  theatre  owners,  at  Atlantic  City,  September  1954  and  in  New  Orleans, 
February,  1935,  Division  Administrator  Sol  Ao  Rosenblatt,  spealcing  as  Ad- 
ministrator of  the  Motion  Picture  Industry  Code  and  as  National  Director 
of  Compliance  and  Enforcement  for  i-iP.A  said  that,  as  a  result  of  this  un- 
usual agreement,  there  had  been  less  labor  trouble  in  motion  picture 
theatres  than  at  any  previous  time  and  that  the  motion  oict'ore  industry 
had  exi^erienced  less  labor  strife  than  any  other  comparable  great  indus- 

The  structure  upon  -vhich  labor  relations  moved  to  this  result  was 
built  up  through  a  series  of  scrupulously  v/orded  "orovisions  in  the  Code 
that  sought  to  prevent  (l)  discharge  of  workers,  (2)   doubling  of  duties 
to  circumvent  employment  or  re-employnent,  (o)  reduction  in  pay  below  the 
rate  prevailing  upon  a  specified  day  preceding  the  approval  of  the  C<^de, 

(*)    Page  6,  Deputy's  P.eport  to  the  National  Industrial  Recovery  Board 

submitting  Amendment  No.  4  to  Approved  Code  No.  124,  dated  M.arch  4,  1935 

(**)   Article  IV,  Division  C,  Part  1,    Section  6  (a)  of  approved  Code, 
(***)   Article  IV,  Division  C,  P-^'.rt  1,  Section  6  (d)  of  approved  Code, 

(**'**)   Addresses  of  Scl  A.  Rosenblatt,*  Division  Administrator  -  National 
Recovery  Administration  Files  -  Motion  Picture  *  Industry. 



and  (4)  a  regard  for  the  earning  capacity  of  each  the.T.tre  involved  so  that 
wage  scales  might  "bear  a  proportionate  relationship  and  thus  set  up  an 
equita'Dle  "basis  of  competition  with  respect  to  lahor  costs. 

These  provisions  are  of  sufficient  general  interest  that  it  is  "be- 
lieved that  they  should  be  quoted  in  full  in  fnis  report. 

"Employees  associated  with  organizations  of  or  performing 
the  duties  of  "bill-posters,  carpenters,  electrical  workers, 
engineers,  firemen,  motion  picture  machine  oper'^.tors,  oilers, 
painters,  theatrical  stage  employees,  theatrical  wardro"be  atten- 
dants, or  other  skilled  mechanics  and  articans,  who  are  directly 
and  regularly  employed  "by  the  £xhi"bitors,  shall  receive  not  less 
than  the  minimum  wage  and  work  no  longer  thaji  the  maximum  n-am'ber 
of  hours  per  week  which  were  in  force  as  of  August  23,  1933,  as 
the  prevailing  scale  of  wages  and  maximum  num"ber  of  hours  of 
labor  by  organizations  of  any  of  such  employees  affiliated  with 
the  American  Federation  of  Labor  with  respect  to  their  respec- 
tive type  of  work  in  a  particular  class  of  theatre  or. theatres 
in  a  particular  location  in  a  particular  community,  and  such 
scales  and  hours  of  labor  with  respect  to  any  of  such  employees 
in  such  community  shall  be  deemed  to  be,  and  hereby  are  declar- 
ed to  be,  the  minimum  scale  of  wages  and  maximum  number  of  hours 
with  respect  to  all  of  such  employees  in  such  coraraunities  in 
such  class  of  theatre  or  theatres,  (*) 

"In  the  event,  however,  that  there  exist  in  the  particu- 
lar community  organizations  of  such  employees  above  mentioned, 
members  of  which  were  directly  and  regularly  employed  by  the 
Exhibitor  or  Exhibitors  on  August  23,  1933,  and  which  organiza- 
tions are  affiliated  as  above  set  forth,  and  (1)  no  prevailing 
scale  of  wages  and  maximum  number  of  hours  for  such  employees 
exist  in  such  community  with  respect  to  such  employees,  or  (2) 
any  dispute  should  arise  as  to  what  is  a  minimum  scale  of  wages 
or  the  maximum  number  of  hours  of  labor  with  respect  to  any  of 
such  employees  for  a  particular  cla^s  of  theatre  or  theatres  in 
any  particular  community  than  and  in  either  of  those  events  such 
disputes  shall  be  determined  as  follows:  (**) 

"(l)   If  the  question  at  issue  arises  with  an  organiza- 
tion of  such  employees  affiliated  with  the  American  Federation 
of  Labor,  then  a  representative  appointed  by  the  National  Pres- 
ident of  such  affiliated  organization,  together  with  a  repre- 
sentative appointed  by  the  Exhibitors,  shall  examine  into  the  .' 
facts  and  determine  the  existing  minimum  scale  of  wages  and 
maximum  number  of  hours  of  labor  for  such  class  of  theatre  or 
theatres  in  such  particular  locality,  and  in  the  event  they 
cannot  agree  upon  the  same,  they  shall  mutually  designate  an 
impartial  third  person  who  shall  be  empowered  to  sit  with  such. 

.  (*):  .Article  IV,  Division  C,  Part  1,  Section  6  (a)  of  approved  Code, 
(**)  Article  IV,  Division  C,  Part  1,  Section  6  (b)  of  approved  Code. 


representatives,  review  the  facts  and  finally  deternine  such  dis~ 
■Qute,  with  the  TDroviso,  however  that  in  the  event  such  represen- 
tatives cannot  mutually  agree  upon  such  third  person,  then  the 
Administrator  shall  designate  such  third  person:   or  (*) 

"(2)   If  the  qaestion  at  issue  arises  with  unorganized  em- 
ployees, or  with  an  organization  of  such  employees  not  affil- 
iated \7ith  the  American  Federation  of  Lahor,  and  if  in  said 
community  there  exist  members  of  such  affiliated  organization 
directly  and  regularly  ^employed  by  a-n  Exhibitor  or  Exhibitors, 
then  a  representative  of  such  unorganized  employees,'  or,  as  the 
case  may   be,  a  representative  appointed  by  the  President  of  such 
unaffiliated  organization  or  both,  together  with  a  representa- 
tive appointed  by  the  national  President  of  such  affiliated  organ- 
ization above  referred  to,  together  with  a  representative  appoint- 
ed by  the  Exliibitors,  shall  examine  into  the  facts  and  unanimously 
determine  the  existing  scale  of  wages  and  maximum  niunber  of  hours 
of  labor  for  such  class  of  theatre  or  theatres  in  sach  pratic- 
ular  community,  and  in  the  event  tliey  caxmct  unanimously  agree 
upon  the  same,  they  shall  mutually  designate  an' impartial  person 
who  shall  be  empowered  to  sit  with  euch  representatives,  review 
the  facts,  and  finally  determine  such  dispute j  with  the  pro- 
viso, however,  that  in  the  event  such  representatives  cannot 
mutually  agree  upon  such  impartial  person,  then  the  Administra- 
tor shall  designate  such  impG.rtial  person;  or  (**)  ' 

"(3)   If  the  question  at  issue  arises  with  unorganized  em- 
ployees or  with  an  organization  of*  such  enployiees  not  affilirted 
■with  the  AmericaJL  Federation  of  Labor  and  not  subject  to  the 
foregoing  provisions  of  subpara-;Taphs  (1)'  and  (2)  or  paragraph 
(b)  hereof,  then  a  representative  of  the  President  of  such  un- 
affiliated organization,  or  both  together,  with  a  representative 
R,ppointed  by  the  Exhibitors,  shall  examine  into  the  facts  arid 
determine  the  existing  minimum  scale  of  wages  and  maximum  hours 
of  labor,  for  such  class  of  theatre  or  theatres  in  such  partic- 
ular locality,  and  in  the  event  they  cannot  agree  upon  the  same, 
they  shall  mutually  designate  an  impartial  person  who  shall  be 
empowered  to  sit  with  such  representatives,  review  the  facts  and 
finally  determine  such  dispute,  vdth  the  proviso,  however,  that 
in  the  event  such  representatives  cannot  mutually  agree  upon 
such  impartial  person,  then  the  Administrator  shall  designate 
such  impartial  person.  (***) 


"Pending  the  determination  of  any  such  dispute,  the  rate 
of  wages  then  paid  the  Exhibitor  in  such  theatre  or  theatres  in 
such  community,  and  the  maximum  number  of  hours,  then  in  force 
(if  not  more  than  the  hours  provided  for  in  this  Code)  shall  not 
be  changed  so  as  to  decrease  wages  or  increase 'hours,  (****) 

(*)  Article  IV,  Division  C,  Part  I,  Section  6  (b)  of  ao-oroved  Code, 

(**)  Article  IV,  Division  C,  Part  1,  Section  6  (b)  (2)  of  approved  Code. 

(***)  Article  IV,  Division  C,  Part  1,  Section  5  '("b)  (o)  of  approved  Code 

(****)  Article  IV,  Division  G,  Part  L,  Section  6  (c)  if   approved  Code, 


"In  order  to  effectuate  the  foregoing  provisions  of  this 
Section  6  hereof,  and  pending  the  determination  of  any  disputes 
as  above  specified,  the  employees  herein  embraced  and  provided 
for  agree  that  they  shall  not  strike,  and  the  Exhibitors  agree 
that  they  shall  not  lock  out  such  employees,  (*) 

"In  no  event  shall  the  duties  of  any  of  the  employees 
hereinabove  specified  in  Section  6  (a)  directly  and 
regularly  employed  by  the  Exhibitors  as  of  August  23, 
1933,  be  increased  so  as  to  decrease  the  number  of 
such  employees  employed  in  any  theatre  or  theatres  in 
any  community,  except  by  mutual  consent.  (**) 

"liTith  respect  to  any  employee  not  hereinbefore  pro~ 
vided  for,  such  empolyee  xihen   directly  and  regularly 
em^jloyed  by  the  Exhibitors  shall  be  paid  not  less 
than  forty  (40)  cents  per  hours,  (***) 

"With  respect  to  disputes  arising  bet\7een  employees 
and  employers  in  the  Exhibition  branch  of  the  Motion 
Picture  Industry,  the  parties  pledge  themselves  to 
attempt  to  ^arbitrate  all  such  disputes,  (****)  ^ 

"The  Administrator  after  such  notice  and  hearing  as 
he  shall  prescribe  may  revise  or  modify  anjr  deter- 
mination of  any  dispute  pursuant  to  Section  6  of  Part 
1  of  Division  C  of  this  Article  IV*"  (*****) 

The  majority,  by  far,  of  all  complaints  \7ith  regard  to  skilled  labor 
originated  with  moving  picture  machine  operators  and  as  a  result  the  Code 
provisions  were  interpreted  and  administered  principally  for  this  class. 
The  problems  of  this  class  will  be  taken  up  in  detail  in  the  following 


Before  MA,  members  of  the  "lA"  (The  International  Alliance  of 
Theatrical  Stage  Employees  and  Moving  Picture  Machine  Operators  of  the 
United  States  and  Canada)  were  working  from  35  to  50  hours  a  week  at  scales 
ranging  from  $25,00  to  $125,00  a  week. 

Unaffiliated  union  operators  in  this  pre-^-code  period  generally  receiv- 
ed scales  ranging  from  20  to  30  pr-r  cent  less  than  the  "lA"  scales  and 
worked  longer  hours.   Non-union  operators  worked  even  longer  hours  than 

(*)  Article  IV,  Division  C,  Part  1,  Section  6  (d)  of  ap"oroved  Code, 

(**)  Article  IV,  Division  C,  Part  1,  Section  7  of  approved  Code. 

(***)  Article  IV,  Division  C,  Part  1,  Section  8  of  approved  Code, 

(****)  Article  IV,  Division  C,  Pa,rt  1,  Section  9  of  approved  Code. 

(*****)  Article  IV,  Division  C,  Part  1,  Section  11  of  approved  Code, 



these  t\70  groups  ijid  wore  paid  "^.s  lo'?  as  $in  a  week, 

a.   Types  of  Violations  of  Code  Provisions, 

The  types  of  violations  of  thes'e  various  -orotective  provisions  which 
called  for  special  attention  fell  into  the  following  catagories: 

(1)  Complaints  made  "by  local  unions  affiliated  rrith  the  American 
Federation  of  Labor  that  their  members  who' hrd  "been  working  in  a  theatre 
on  August  S3,  1953,  subsequently  had  had  their  waif^es  reduced  and  were  now 
receiving  less  than  the  scale  of  August  ^o,  1933« 

Invr.ripbly  this  involved  a  dispute  as  to  what  the  actual  wage 
was  on  August  23,  1933  and  the  settlement  of  complaints  of  this  type  in- 
volved the  production  of  proper  evidence  by  the  contending  parties  and  a 
determination  of  the  actual  facts.   The  principal  cases  of'  this  type  were 
the  St,  Louis,  Mo,,  (*)  and  the  Central  States  Theatre  Corporatipn,  Mason 
City,  lor/a  (*)  cases.  ■ 

(2)  Complaints  made  by  local  unions  affiliated  with  the  American 
Federation  of  Labor  that  i  n  other  theatres  of  the  s.ame  class  in  their 
community,  employees  rrho  were  members  of  competing  unions,  or  company 
unions,  or  were  non-union  employees,  were  receiving  a  lower  scale  of  wages 
than  the  prevailing  American  Federation  of  Labor  scale  as  of  August  23,  1933. 

In  these  cases,  it  was  invariably  necessary  to  set  up  a  fact-finding 
committee  to  determ.ine  tl7.e  disputje  as  to  the  classification  of  the  theatres. 
This  committee  was  composed  of  re^iresentatives  of  the  employer,  his  em- 
ployees and  the  union  affiliated  v;ith  the  American  Federation  of  Labor, 

The  fact-finding  committee  first  investigated  the  classification  of 
theatres  and  rates  of  wages  v/hich  were  paid  on  August  23,  1933  to  the 
members  of  the  union  affiliated  with  the  A:iericah" Federation  of  Labor, 
The  committee  then  compared  the  theatres  against  which  complaint  had  been 
made  with  the  theatre  which,  on  August  23,  1933,  emDloyed  American  Federa- 
tion of  Labor  members  and  attempted  to  agree  on  a  proper  classification 
on  the  basis  of  the  method  which  had  been  used  in  cla.ssifying  the  American 
Federation  of  Labor  theatres  on  August  23,  1933, 

In  most  causes,  this  procedure  involved  tailing  into  consideration  the 
location  of  the  theatres,  the  seating  capacity,  the  prices  of  admission 
cha.rged  ajid  the  ran  of  pictures  sho\7n  in  the  theatre,   A  thorough  explana- 
tion of  this  procedure  ±s   contained  in  Field  Letter  No.  131  (**)• 

An   important  advance  in  labor  negotiations  is  to  be  noted  in  the  fact 
that  these  factors  were  studied  in  order  to  determine  as  closely  as  possible 
the  relative  potential  possibilities  of  profit  In  each  situation  so  that 
the  wage  scales  of  the  employees  might  bear  this  same  relationship  and  thus 
provide  an  equitable  basis  of  competition  among  employers  with  respect  to 
labor  costs* 

(*)   Motion  Picture  Industry  Code  Labor  Decisions,  page  3  and  page  16, 
National  Recovery  Administration  Files,  , 

(**)   National  Recovery  Administration  Files  for  Compliance  Division  - 

Field  Letters  sent  to  State  Offices  -  No.  181. 


Wheii  a  coiamittee  of  this  type  found  it  inpos^ible  unanimously  to 
a.^ree  on  these  -Qoints,  it  was  then  provided  in  the  Code  that  the  com- 
mittee members  should  either  mutually"  a{^ree  upon  an  impartial  person  to 
determine  the  dispute  or  that  the  Administrator  should  appoint  the  im- 
partia,l  person.   This  was  done  in  many  instances. 

As  soon  as  the  degree  of  comparability  "between  the  theatres  had  been 
agreed  upon,  wage  scales  were  then  established  having  the  same  degree  of 
comparability  and  based  upon  the  scales  actually  paid  in  a  comparable 
theatre  or  theatres  on  August  23,  1933, 

A  majority  of  the  cases  handled  fell  into  this  catagory.   Whenever  it 
became  necessary  to  appoint  an  impartial  person,  it  was  invariably  possible 
to  a.rrive  at  a  solution  agreeable  to  all  parties  in  controversy. 

(d)   The  Hew  York  Situation. 

In  New  York  City,  labor  problens  of  threatening  import  arose  under 
this  classification  of  complaints  and  attracted  rdde  attention,  as  did  a 
similar  situation  in  Pittsburgh,  because  of  the  number  of  theatres  and  the 
issues  involved. 

Labor  disturbances  in  New  York  continued  through  the  early  part  of 
1934  and  the  particular  situation  with  respect  to  skilled  employees  re- 
quired the  special  Dersonal  interventions  of  Sol  A.  Rosenblatt,  the  Di- 
vision Administrator.   As  early  as  Janurry  6,  1934  (*),  the  Regional  Labor 
Board  in  New  York  was  considering  a  complaint  by  Local  No,  306  of  the 
International  Alliance  of  Theatrical  Stage  Employees  and  Lioving  Picture 
Machine  Operators  of  the  United  States  and  Cana.da  that  certain  theatres 
had  violated  Section  7-a  of  the  national  Indastrial  Recovery  Act  md  had 
also  violated  Article  IV,  Division  C,  Pr'rt  1,  Section  6  and  7  of  the 
Motion  Picture  Industry  Code, 

The  situation  in  New  York  City  was  very  complicated.   In  addition  to 
Local  llo,  30S,  which  was  aff ili^-ted  ^7ith  the  Americaji  Federation  of  Labor, 
there  were  four  other  raoti'.n  pict'ure  operators'  unions,  one  of  \7hich  had 
been  characterized  by  a  New  York  Court  as  a  company  union. 

Further  complicating  the  situation  wa.s  the  fact  that  Local  No,  306 
had  no  established  minimum  -"vage  scales;  theatres  which  unquestionable  fell 
in  the  same  classification  were  paying  qaite  varying  wages  under  contract 
with  Local  No,  306, 

The  situation  was  further  complicated  by  this  fact:   the  Independent 
Theatre  OiTners*  Association  Inc.,  of  New  York,  operating  between  250  and 
420  motion  picture  houses  in  Greater  New  York  City,  claiming  dissatisfaction 
with  Local  No,  306  and  the  Empire  State  I.Iotion  Picture  Operators  Union, 
caused  the  creation  of  the  Allied  Motion  Picture  Operators  Union,  Inc. , 
and  entered  into  a  ten  3''ear  contract  witli  Allied  (identified  by  the  New 

(*)   Letters  of  Division  Administrator,  Jan^iar^.^  6,  1934  and  Januarj'-  22, 
1934  -  New  York  Situation  -  I.Iotion  Picture  Industry  Code  -  National 
Recovery  Administration  Piles, 



York  Courts  as  a  comp''.ny  -union)  (*)  stipulp.ting  thp.t  Allied' s  projectionists 
exclusively  were  to  be  employed.   This  caused  the  dicchr.r^e  of  Local  No, 
506  projectionists  and  in  some  instances  re-employmc-nt  of  Allied  men  at 
lov/er  TJB.ges;    and  in  other  instances  no  replacements  were  niade  at  all  (*)• 
Threatened  local  warfare  would  appear  to  have  teen  prevented  by  the  action 
of  the  National  Recovery  Adnini strati on. 

In  June  1934,  the  Division  Aar.inistrator  apr)Ointed  a  fact-finding 
committee  head  by  Major  L.  £•  Thompson  of  the  RICO  Circuit  and  on  which 
the  various  employer  nud  labor  factions  were  represented  for  the  purpose 
of  arriving  at  a  scale  in  accordance  with  the  provisions  of  Part  B,  of 
Section  6  of  the  Cede. 

The  fact-finding  corar.ittee  -under  ■•■lajor  Thom-oson  attr,ckcd  the  problum  ,-«.', si douily 
in  an  effort  to  compose  the  differences.   Considerable  Jieadr.-'vy  was  made 
along  these  lines  and  a  general  plan  for  s-^ttling  the  problem  had  been 
worked  out,  but  specific  points  still  h-id.   to  be  a^rreed  upon,  particijlarly- 
a  basic  hourly  wage  from  which  to  graduate  wage  scales  for  the  various 
classes  of  theatres.   In  December  1934,  a  oubliq  hearing  was  arranged  to 
consider  an  amendment  to  the  Code  which  would  settle  the  New  York  problem. 
Notices  of  this  Hearing,  the  proposed  a'-iendment  nud  the  stenographic  re- 
port are  contained  in  the  Motion  Picture  Industry  files  of  the  National 
Recovery  Administration. 

Major  Thompson's  committee  collected  data  on  both  employment,  booth 
costs,  admission  prices,  seating  capacity  a.nd  the  run  of  pictures  in  each 
of  436  theatres  out  of  the  total  of  506  theatres  in  Ne^  York,   The  report 
filed  with  the  Np.tional  Recovery  Administration  showed  that  the  hourly 
rate  varied  from  22  cents  an  hour  for  non-union  Ipbor  up  to  $4,25  per 
man  per  hour  in  deluxe  union  theatres.   The  schedules  proToosed  by  this 
committee  called  for  a  30  hour  week  in  order  to  spread  employment  and  a 
minimum  booth  cost  for  motion  picture  machine  operators  of  $60  a  week, 
this  scale  to  exist  for  ten  years  subject  to  revision  at  stated  inter- 
vals, but  not  sooner  than  tvo  years  after  enacitment. 

Disagreements  arose  dt  the  public  hearing  held  on  February  1,  1935 
bringing  out  factional  differences  among  union  representatives.   Since  the 
proposed  schedule  would  lower  the  total  weekl;/  booth  cost  from  $89,47o  to 
$67,453  some  Union  representatives,  while  agreeing  to  the  shortening  of 
hours,  would  not  agree  to  a  corresponding  decrease  in  wages.   It  was 
maintained  that  the  employers  v;ere  not  contributing  to  the  financial 
sacrifice  which  would  be  made  by  the  employee  for  the  loss  of  wages  by 
reason  of  working  only  30.  hoiirs  per  week. 

Several  counter  proposals  T7ere  offered  at  this  hearing  (**)  and  it 
was  decided  to  revise  the  proposed  ai-^endment  and  call  another  public  hear- 
ing.   The  Schecter  decision  had  been  handed  down  ^y   the  United  States 

(*)   Decision  of  Justice  Collins  in  Sherman  v.  AbeleSg  New  York, 

National  Recovery  Administration  Files  -  Motion  Picture  Industry  - 
New  York  Labor  Conditions, 

(**)   National  Recovery  Administration  Files  -  New  York  Situation, 

Motion  Picture  Industry  -  Hearing  of  February  1,  1935. 


Supreme  Court  "before  this  second  hearing:  could  "be  held.   Reports  in  the 
daily  trade  press  of  the  Ind\istry  disclosed  that  since  May  27,  1935, 
violence  ha,d  "broken  out  in  Hew  Yorlc;  the  coinoany  union  reraains  a  factor 
on  the  scene  and  union  cliff icilties  have  not  "been  ironed  oi±  and 
no  wage  scales  esta'blished* 

("b)   The  Pitts'burf'jh  Case, 

The  Other  important  situation  developed  in  Pitts"bur;^h  where  100 
theatres  in  and  around  the  city  r.'ere  involved. 

In  this  situation  the  impartial  ar"bitrator  named  by  the  National 
Recovery  Administration  did  not  readily  reach  a  solution  v/hich  was  agreea'ble 
to  the  majority  of  exhibitors  and  employees, 

Hov7ever,  the  Division  Administrator's  office  granted  any  exhihitoi'^ '- 
or  employee  who  felt  that  an  -jjifair  determination  had  "been  made  the  right 
to  represent  his  ca^-e  and  to  have  his  determimtion  revised  or  modified 
as  provided  for  in  the  Code  (*)  if  the  facts  warranted. 

To  assist  in  the  review  of  these  cases,  an  exhi'bitor-lahor  committee 
was  set  up  in  Pitts'burgh,   This  committee  made  a  careful  study  of  the 
situation  in  ^jid  pjround  Pitts'burgh.   The  National  Recovery  Administration 
cooperated  with  this  committee-  sending  an  Assistant  Deputy  Administrator 
to  Pitts'burgh,   In  this  mediation,.,  more  than  25  per  cent  of  the  cases 
were  settled  to  the  satisfaction  of  the  parties  concerned. 

It  plajined  by  the  Division  Administrator  a^t  the  time  of  the 
Schechter  decision  made  t'tie  Code  inoperative  to  use  this  same  procedure 
in  Los  Angeles  where  a  similar  situation  existed, 

(3)  Another  frequent  type  of  complaint  came  from  non-union  or 
unaffiliated  employees  ^rho  alleged  that  they  were  not  receiving  the  scale 
01  v/ages  provided  for  in  the  Code  even  though  such  scales  were  establish- 
ed by  trade  agreement  in  the  community.  These  situations  were  handled  in 
the  same  m.anner  as  outlin-^^d  in  Field  Letter  lie,  131,  ComT^liance  Division, 
National  Recovery  Administration, 

(4)  A  fourth  t^rpe   of  complaint  came  from  employees  who  alleged  that 
although  they  were  receiving  the  minimum  scale  of  wages  jrovided  for  in 
the  Code,  they  were  unable  to  negotiate  with  their  employer  for  better 

It  should  be  noted  here  that  the  provisions  of  Section  10  of  the 
Code  stated  that  the  employers  and  employees  must  a.t tempt  to  arbitra.te. 
In  cases  of  this  kind,  in  order  to  prevent  strikes  or  lockouts  resulting 
from  the  dispute,  the  Division  Administrator's  office  used  its  influence 
with  employers  a:id  employees  to  encourage  arbitration  and  frequently 
offered  the  services  of  an  Assistant  Deputy  Administrator,  assigned  to 
these  labor  com-olaints,  as  impartial  a.rbitrator.   Although  the  history 
up  to  1933  is  replete  strikes  and  lockouts,  the  period  of  the  Code  was 
practically  free  of  such  disturbance So 

(*)   Article  IV,  Division  C,  Part  1,  Section  11  of  approved  Code, 


(5)  Next  in  importance  were  complaints  from  union  org.anizations 
that  a  reduction  in  skilled  er^ployees  had  bern  eo  iiade  as  to  increase 
the  duties  of  those  who  remained  in  enplo\ment. 

These  disputes  were  usually  srttled  under  the  mutual  consent  pro- 
visions of  the  Code  labor  conditions,  through  correspondence  from  the 
Division  Administrator's  office  pnd  by  personal  intervention  through  an 
Assistant  Deputy  Administrator,   The  L'ction  Picture  Industry  files  of  the 
National  Recovery  Administration  disclose  that  the  following  methods  were 
used  by  exhibitors  found  in  violation  of  the  pertinent  code  provisions: 

(a)  Stage  hands  or  maintenance  emloyees  were  discharged  on  the 
claim  made  that  their  duties  no  longer  existed.   In  many  cases  it  was 
found  that  these  duties  had  been  transferred  to  unskilled  employees. 
There  v;ps  much  difficulty  in  determining  Just  action  in  such  disputes, 

(b)  li?nere  employers  were  v'orking  two  men  on  a  shift,  the  time  of 
these  men  was  cut  in  half,  leaving  one  man  on  a  shiftc   Thus,  although 
there  was  an  increase  in  the  duties  of  the  individual  employee,  there  was 
no  act-'jial  reduction  .in  the  number  of  such  employees.   This  procedure  was 
adjudged  to  be  a  clear  violation  of  the  labor  section  of  -the  Code. 

(c)  Duties  of  another  class  \iere   transferred  to  skilled  employees 
causing  a  jurisdictional  dispate,  thus  beclouding  the  issue, 

(d)  A  theatre  chan;.;6?d  hands;  the  new  o\7ner  raised  the  question  that 
this  interruption  in  continuity  of  management  removed  the  employees  from 
the  protection  of  this  section  of  the  Code, 

(e)  A  theatre  was  closed  and  later  reopened  by  the  same  management 
and  the  claim  was  immediately  made  that  this  situation  also  removed  the 
employees  from  the  protection  of  the  Code, 

(f)  A  sixth  tyr)e   of  complaint  Ccune  from  non-union  employees  in 
communities  where  no  org^x.ization  affiliated  with  the  Ajnerican  Federation 
of  Labor  existed  on  August .25,  1935,   The  usual  complaint  here  was  that 
these  employees  were  not  receiving  the  scale  of  wages  provided  in  the 
Code,   These  situations  were  taken  care  of  by  the  provision  of  the  Code 
which  stated  that  such  employees  should  receive  not  less  than  40./  per 

(g)  Another  series  of  complaints  came  from  members  of  unions  affile- 
iated  with  the  American  Federation  of  Labor,  stating  that  tlie  reduction 
in  their  hours  as  provided  for  in  Section  2   (that  no  employees  shall  work 
more  than  40  hours  in  one  week)   resulted  in  a  lower  weekly  wage.   In- 
vestigation prior  to  the  formulation  of  the  Code  had  indicated  that  the 
average  hours  of  employees  of  this  t^.nrje  affiliated  with  the  American 
Federation  of  Labor  were  slightly  over  40  so  that  the  average  reduction 
in  weekly  wages  which  would  result  was  less  than  an  hour's  wage.   In  most 
of  these  cases  the  employees,  through  collective  bargaining,  obtained 
equitable  adjustments  commensurate  with  the  reduction  in  hours, 

b ,   Im'.oroved  Labor  Conditions  due  to  the  Code 

In  his  annual  report  to  the  32nd  annual  convention  of  the  Interna- 


Operators  of  the  United  States  and  Canada  held  in  1934,  L'^uis  Kro-use, 
the  Ansintant  President  of  the  lA,  asserted  that  the  Code  had  increased 
emplojTnent  am'>ng  their  memlDers  in  152  commimities  in  theUnited  States; 
that  lijany  wage  increases  had  been  obtained  for  unskilled  workers  and  in 
a  great  many  instances  their  h^urs  were  decreased. 

From  the  files  of  the  Division  and  Deputy  Administrators  in  charge 
of  the  code,  these  evidences  regarding  empl'^yment  have  been  extracted  as 
typical  examples: 

Motion  picture  machine  operators  in  approximately  100  theatres  in 
and  around  Pittsburgh,  Pa.,  received  increased  wages  and  shorter  hours 
of  work  under  the  Code, 

"W'^metco  Theatres,  Inc,  ,  operating  five  theatres  in  Miami  and  Miami 
Beach,  Florida,  increased  their  annual  payroll  approximately  $8,000, 

Engineers  in  theatres  received  increased  hourly  wages  and  shorter 
hours  in  Bost'^n  and  Nev/  York, 

Motion  picture  machine  operators  received  increased  wages  and  short- 
er hours  of  work  in  Dallas,  Texas;  Long  Beach,  California,  Erie,  Pennsyl- 
vania; Lynn,  Massachusetts;  Laxrrence,  Kansas;  Youngstown,  Ohio;  Centralia, 
Illin">is;  Seattle,  Washington;  Nashville,  Tennessee;  San  Antonio  and 
Tyler,  Texas;  pueblo,  Colorado  and  many  other  places. 

Operators  whose  wages  had  been  decreased  in  St,  Louis,  Missouri,  won 
back  their  original  scale  and  received  restitution  in  the  amount  of 

The  intervention  of  NBA  representatives  prevented  strikes  and  I'^ok- 
outs  and  resulted  in  amicable  adjustments  bein£;  made  in  Centralia, 
Illin->is;  St,  Louis,  Missouri;  Kansas  City,  Missouri;  Boston,  Massachu- 
setts; and  ITew  York, New  York,   In  the  same  manner  wage  reductions  were 
prevented  in  New  York  City  and  St,  Louis, 


Since  the  Code  became  inoperative  it  has  been  difficult  to  obtain 
much  reliable  information  as  to  what  changes  in  labor  conditions  have 
since  talcen  place.   The  following  inforaiation,  however,  has  been  received 
from  various  labor  organizations  by  NBA  during  the  progress  of  this  study 
of  the  Motion  Picture  Industry, 

The  "lA"  reports  that  most  of  its  locals  have  been  able  to  sign  new 
contracts  with  their  employers;  and  in  a  number  of  cases  because  of  better 
business  conditions,  the  memlsers  have  received  an  increase  in  wages. 

However,  Local  No,  370  of  Richmond,  Virginia,  received  notification 
from  the  theatre  owners  of  that  city  a  few  weeks  before  their  contracts 
expired  on  September  1,  1935,  that  thev  would  have  to  take  a  20  per  cent 
reduction  in  wages.  All  the  theatres  banded  together  and  said  that  un- 
less this  cut  wa,s  talcen,  the  union  operators  v^rould  be  locked  out.  After 
many  conferences,  the  local  union  agreed  to  a  ten  (10)  per  cent  cut  to 
prevent  a  lockout.   The  membership  of  Local  No,  370  consists  of  23  men? 



a  loclout  would  have  affected  staf:e  emol'ij^ees  and  miisicians  affiliated 
with  the  Araerican  Federation  of  X'fi.'b'^r  in  that  city,  75  to  100  men» 

Alth'^ugh  the  attemT)ts  made  by  the  National  Recovery  Administration 
during  code  administration  to  establish  we^e  scales  in  New  York  City  uere 
unsuccessful,  there  v/ere  no  ^7!ixge   cuts.   Since  the  Code  "became  inopera- 
tive menbers  of  Local  No,  305  of  the  "lA"  have  taken  15  per  cent  to  17 
per  cent  cuts»   These  cuts  affect  from  700  to  800  men. 


1,     Ei.S^LOYlvIElNT 

The  United  States  Census  of  Manufactures  for  1933  reported  19,037  em- 
plo^rees  in  the  production  branch  of  the  motion  picture  industry  of  v-'hich 
8,260  T7ere  salf.-ried  employees  and  10,777  v.^ere  wage  earners.   This  total 
did  not  include  some  8,000  to  10,000  pers-ins  who  from  time  to  time  work 
as  "extras"* 

The  same  Census  also  reported  that  wages  for  1-J33  constituted  15»4 
per  cent  of  the  cost  of  production  '-'hereaG  salaries  constituted  44,4  per 
cent.   The  marked  difference  v/s.s  caused  by  the  large  salaries  paid  to 
executives,  directors,  star's  and  featured  players. 


TAIiEIIT  AIjD  professional  GROUPS 

The  development  of  quality  pictures  from  the  early  production  of 
short  subjects  which  were  ap-oroximately  200  feet  in  length  to  the  present 
feature  len^::;ths  sometimes  reaching  10,000  feet,  a.nd  the  enlargement  of 
theatres  from  the  "empty  store"  variety/  seating  200  to  the  modern  thea- 
tres seating  5,000  and  more  persons,  was  a-ccompanied  by  the  development 
of  acting  tjid  directing  as  v/ell  as  by  tremendous  technical  improvements. 

Today,  the  production  of  motion  pictures  centers  about  a  relatively 
small  group  of  personalities,  such  as 'actors,  direct'^rs,  writers  and 
technicians.   The  removal  of  a  single  individual  has  often  seriously  de- 
layed production  until  a  suitable  replacement  could  be  found  or  developed, 

a.   The  problem  of  Excessive  Salaries 

New  producin-;;  companies  have  usuaJly  found  it  more  profitable 
to  employ  talent  alra-^  dy  developed,  obtaining  personalities  from  existing 
companies  hy   offers  of  higher  salaries,  'The  existing  companies  have  sought 
protection  from  this  condition  hy   placing  their  people  on  long  term  con- 

However,  the  problem  of  increasing  salaries  was  not  solved  by 
long  term  contracts.   Competing  producers  desiring  to  acquire  the  ser>- 
vices  of  important  personalities,  induced  these  artists  to  find  means  to 
break  existing  contracts  or  to  become  dissatisfied  v.dth  their  work. 

At  the  Code  forraulating  conferences  producers  contended  that 
the  control  of  salaries  would  satisfy  the  Industry  and  create  employment. 
.During  the  period  of  the  depression  previous  to  the  Code,  high  salaries 
had  increased  while  other  v/ages  had  decreased  and  curtailment  of  employ- 
ment had  -occurred, 


Moreover,  the  Industry  had  just  experienced  increased  invest- 
ment requirements  f'>r  sound  equipment  '.7hich  added  sutstantially  to  its 
heavj'-  fixed  charges.  Desperate  efforts  were  "being  made  in  1931,  1932, 
and  1933  to  attract  patrons  "by  quality  attractions  in  the  face  of  de- 
clining admission  prices  and  decreased  attendance.   Salaries  of  stars 
were  raised  substantially  higher  than  the  average  salaries  commanded  "by 
the  feature  plaj'-ers  of  the  silent  screen.   In  the  face  of  drastic  re- 
ducti-^ns  of  operating  eiqjenses  in  other  comriercial  enterprises,  salaries 
of  executives  in  the  Motion  Picture  Industry  were  increased, 

"b.   The  Salaries  Investigation 

Tiie  reported  enormous  salaries  paid  to  the  child,  animal,  and 
adult  stars  and  the  executives  of  the  motion  picture  world  remained  an 
unsettled  problem  through  the  Code  period.  An  exhaust ivelj'-  detailed  re- 
port of  all  executive,  artistic  and  technical  salaries  was  conducted  by 
Division  Administrator  Sol  A,  Rosenblatt,   President  Roosevelt  had  di- 
rected that  such  an  investigation  be  made  in  signing  the  Code  on  November 
27,  1933,   The  President  then  wrote; 

"Because  the  President  believes  that  further  investigation 
with  respect  to  the  problems  of  pajTnent  of  excessive  com- 
pensation to  executives  and  other  employees  in  this  indus- 
try is  required,  the  provisions  of  Article  V,  division  A, 
part  4  of  this  code  are  hereby  suspended  from  operation 
and  shall  not  become  effective  pending  further  report  from 
the  Administrator  after  investigation;  and 

"Because  the  President  believes  that  writers,  authors,  and 
dramatists  are  engaged  in  purely  creative  work,  the  pro- 
visions of  article  V,  division  3,  part  5,  sections  1  (c), 
2,  3,  4,  and  5  of  this  code,  shall  not  become  effective 
with  respect  to  such  employees;  and 

"Because  the  President  believes  that  further  investigation 
is  required  with  respect  to  problems  generally  affecting 
unfair  competitive  methods  for  the  services  of  classes  of 
employees  of  producers  rendering  services  of  an  artistic, 
interpretative,  technical,  supervisory,  or  executive  na- 
ture, the  provisions  of  article  y,  division  B,  part  5, 
sections  1  (c),  2,  3,  4,  and  S,  of  this  code,  are  suspended 
from  operation  and  shall  not  become  effective  pending 
further  report  from  the  Administrator,  after  investigation, 
as  to  whether  such  provisions  should  be  indefinitely  sus- 
pended, or  modified,  altered  or  changed,  or  become  ef- 

On  July  7,  1934,  Division  Administrator  Rosenblatt  submitted 
his  report,  covering  125  printed  pages  of  pains talcingly  detailed  statis- 
tics, to  the  Administrator,  (*)  He  called  attention  (page  1  of  report) 
to  the  fact  that  the  intent  of  the  provisions  of  the  Code  suspended  by 

(*)   Report  Regarding  Investigation  Directed  t^  be  Made  by  the  President 
in  his  Executive  Order  of  November  27,  1933,  Approving  the  Code  of 
Pair  C'^mpetition  for  the  Motion  picture  Industry-  -  National  Recovery 
Administration  Piles. 


order  of  the  President  were  designed: 

(a)  To  control  payment  of  excessive  salaries  for  services 
of  executives  and  certain  other  employees  in  the 
motion  picture  industry;  and 

(b)-  To  eliminate  alleged  unfrir  competitive  methods  util- 
ized hy   one  producer  in  sec^iriiig  the  services  of 
various  classes  of  enployees  under  contract  wi-th  an- 
other pr'^ducer. 

Division  Aciministrat'^r  F.osenolatt  in  his  findings  pointed  out 
that  the  suspended  provisi'^n  dea.ling  vrith  excessive  salaries  would  "be 
undesirable,  even  if  the  Recover*'-  Act  itself  did  not  impose  limitations 
upon  fixing  naxinum  compensation'  ""because  it  is  not  capable  of  effective 
administration,  ..,,,•,  Leaving  aside  the  question  of  social  im- 
plications (page  9  of  rep'>rt)  a  star  ^r  executive  is  worth  as  much  as 
the  public  can  be  led  to  think  he  is  worth  by  paying  to  see  his  offeiv 
ings.  •  «It  is  therefore  reconr.iended  (page  10  of  report)  that  the  pro- 
visions e.s   now  contained  in  the  code  dealing  vdth  the  payment  of  exces- 
sive salaries  be  indefinitely  suspended." 

Ttie  provisions  of  Article  V,  division  b,  part  5,  sections  4 
and  6  of  the  Code  concerned  the  meth'^d  of  securing  stars  and  other  em- 
ployees by  competing  employers.   The  Division  Administrator  recommended 
that  the  President's  suspension  of  this  section  be  indefinitely  c^^ntinued, 
making  this  comment 

"The  pr'^visi'^ns  of  this  entire  section  are  based  upon  the 
assumpti'^n  that  v;hile  an  artist  may  be  bom,  in  effect  he 
has  to  be  made  o-^^   the  efforts  of  the  producer  before  his 
t?lents  have  any  unusual  cominerciaJ.  value.   Careful  train- 
ing, proper  casting  in  proper  parts,  and  skillful  and  ex- 
pensive advertising  are  all  considered  important  contribu- 
ting factors  in  developing  a  star  to  a  point  where  his 
services  command  substantial  compensation.   In  short,  the 
producer  maintains  that  he  compensates  an  artist  for  his 
services  in  two  ways;  First, through  the  actual  payment  of 
Scilaries;  and  second,  through  the  professional  standing 
wiiich  the  artist  secures  as  the  result  of  intelligent 
direction  and  proper  casting.   It  is  on  the  contention 
that  this  latter  t^npe  of  compensation  in  many  ways  is 
of  more  real  value  to  the  artist  than  the  former,  that 
the  producer  maintains  he  is  entitled  to  some  machinery 
wLiich  will  tend  to  protect  his  goodwill  value  in  the 

"On  the  other  hand,  the  employees  affected  by  this  provi- 
sion oppose  its  application  upon  the  ground  that  such 
provision  will  tend  to  liiiit  the  compensation  T*iich  their 
services  may  command  in  the  future;  further,  that  such 
provisions  impair  their  right  of  negotiation  while  com- 
pletely free  from  any  contractual  obligations  'pdiat soever," 



Specif ically,  Divisi'^n  Adiainistrator  Rosenblatt  foimd  tha,t 
while  one  individual  artist,  cin  actor,  rvns  under  contract  calling  for 
$25,000  a  T;eek,  this  actoi-'s  annual  earnings  in  1933  totaled  only  $76,- 
656,66;  tha.t  f/hile  others  v/ere  rated  fit  $10,000  a  picture  and  some  at 
the  rate  oi  $1,200  a  \7eek,  the  average  coupon sat ion  for  812  artists  listed 
in  this  special  study  T^as  $2,048.61  per  employment. 

As  to  the  value  of  the  services  of  artists  and  like  high 
saJ.aried  employees,  the  SosenMatt  report  (page  5,  column  2)  remarked 

"In  the  first  place,  and  as  a  matter  or  principle,  no 
salary  is  to'^  high  or  excessive  if  the  picture  produced 
"by  the  individual  receiving  the  salary  meets  vzith  un- 
usual public  f?3Vor  as  a  result  of  unique  direction  or 
artistry.   Such  a  picture  may  continue  to  earn  large  sums 
after  the  charges  for  the  services  which  produced  it 
have  been  absorbedo   On  the  other  hand,  the  reverse 
maj'"  be  true.   Public  popularity  of  artists  is  a  flimsy 
and  perishable  product.   It  is  dependent  upon  the  va- 
garies of  public  favor,  A  screen  personality  naj   be  a 
popular  hero  today  and  forgotten  tomorrov.',  Moreover, 
it  is  difficult  for  executives  to  determine  with  even 
a.  reasona,ble  degree  of  certainty  the  extent  of  the 
contribution  made  to  a  motion  picture  by  the  author, 
director,  actor,  scenic  artist,  photographer,  publicity 
agent,  or  any  one  of  £.  large  number  of  other  individuals 
who  contribute  to  its  creation  and  final  presentation 
to  the  public. 

These  imponderables  make  it  difficult  but  not  inherently 
impressible  for  management  to  maintain  a  reasonable  ad- 
justment betv/een  income  and  outlay  for  salary  payments 
to  executives  and  artists.   The  difficulties  encountered 
on  t'.iis  score  are  not  limited  to  the  motion  picture  in- 
dustry; they  are  cyn.i^n   in  one  degree  or  another  .in  every 
comrjercial  enterprise  whose  existence  is  dependent  upon 
the  whims  of  public  favor. 

Granting  aJ.1  of  the  legitimate  reasons  that  malce  for 
comparativelj'-  high  salaries,  as  well  as  giving  full  weight 
to  the  difficulties  encountered  b2/  management  in  setting 
proper-  salary  standards  in  the  industry,  the  fact  remains 
that  aJ-l  availaJble'  evidence  indicates  that  primary  gross 
salary  rajiges  in  the  raotion  picture  industry  have  gone 
be3;-ond  anj''  rational  standard  of  compenscation,  i.e.,  based 
upon  a  percentage  of  the  receipts  representing  the  con- 
tribution to  the   picture,   Tlie  basic  reasons  for  the 
failure  on  the  part  or  management  in  the  adjustment  of 
salary  payments  must  therefore  be  sought  for  in  some 
other  quarters. " 

c.   The  Agenc^'  Committee 

Closely  allied  to  the  problem  of  excessive  salaries  was  the 
question  of  agents. 



Pmducers  complained  that  agents  xjere   constantly  engaged  in 
demoralizing  artists;  that  agents  fomented  discord  and  dissatisfaction 
in  the  minds  of  players  for  the  sole  purpose  of  earning  a  commission. 
Producers  were  incensed  over  the  apparent  success  of  agents  in  securing 
large  increases  in  salaries  for  their  clients  in  the  face  of  decreasing 
revenues  and  the  virtual  "bankruptcy  of  many  members  of  the  Industry. 
Hollywood  v;as  in  a  constant  nervous  state  as  a  result  of  these  entice- 
ments and  offers. 

The  producers  had  attempted  t^  regulate  these  practices  through 
the  Acs.demy  of  IJotion  Picture  Arts  and  Sciences  which  had  promulgated 
a  plan  for  such  regulation  some  eight  months  previous  to  the  hearings 
before  the  National  Recovery  Administration.  Max  D.  Steuer  speaking 
in  behalf  of  the  agents  at  the  National  Administration  hearings  (*) 
claimed  that  the  Academy  which  had  formulated  the  provisions  was  not 
truly  representative  of  agents.  Deputy  Administrator  Rosenblatt's  sug^ 
gestion  that  any  regulations  in  the  Code  be  administered  by  s  Code  Ai>- 
thorit^r  \7a,s  agreeable  to  Mr,  Steuer  who  insisted  however  that  the  au- 
thority selected  to  administer  the  provisions  be  fairly  representative. (*) 

Article  V,  Division  3,  Part  4,  Section  2  of  the  Motion  Pic- 
ture Code  established  an  Agency  Committee  consisting  of  ten  members, 
five  of  whom  were  to  be  producers  or  producers'  representatives  namied 
by  the  C^de  Authority,  and  the  other  five  to  consist  of  one  agent,  one 
actor,  one  writer,  one  director  and  one  technician,  who  were  selected 
by  the  National  Recovery  Administration  from  nominations  as  to  each 
class  named  in  such  suitable  manner  as  prescribed  by  the  Administrator* 

Producers  were  restricted  by  the  Code  from  directly  or  in- 
directly transacting  business  with  an  agent  who  had  been  found  guilty 
of  extending  gifts,  or  of  enticing  employees  by  misrepresentation,  or 
of  having  violated  any  section  of  the  pertinent  article  of  the  code. 
The  Agency  Committee  was  to  recommend  to  the  Administrator  uniform 
terms  and  procedure  for  registering  all  agents  with  whom. producers  might 
deal.   These  recommendations  v;ere  to  be  submitted  to  the  Administrator 
for  approval  or  modification. 

On  September  27,  1934,  the  Agency  Committee  submitted  its  sug- 
gestions for  rules  for  fair  practice.  A  public  hearing  was  held  on 
Novem.ber  26,  1934,   The  rules  proposed  were  denied  without  prejudice  to 
further  submission,  bpsed  on  the  finding  of  the  Division  Administrator 
that  they  were  "beyond  the  powers  and  without  the  scope  of  the  duties 
delegated  to  the  Agency  Committee,"  Agents  were  not  members  of  the  In- 
dustry'- end  were  not  subject  to  the  Code,  and  the  relationships  to  be 
governed  by  the  proposed  regulations  were  chiefly  those  between  agents 
and  actors.  No  final  decision  had  been  reached  up  to  May  27,  1935« 

d.   The  Actor-Producer  Committee 

The  Code  provided  that  should  the  Administrator  determine  at 
any  time  after  notice  and  upon  a  fair  showing  that  a  set  of  fair  practices 
shoiild  be  adopted  governing  relations  between  producers  and  writers, 

(*)   Transcript  of  National  Recovery  Administration  Hearings  on  the  Mo- 
tion Picture  Industry  Code,  V'^l'ume  2,  page  331,  September  13,  1933, 


directors,  technicians,  rct'^rs,  and  ngents  a  special  cominittee  should  "be 
appointed  for  that  purpose  (*), 

The  national  Recovery  Administration  decided  that  such  a  set  of 
fair  practices  was  necessary  to  govern  relati'^ns  "between  actors  and  pro- 
ducers and  \/riters  and  producers  (**). 

These  committees  iiere   set  up  similar  in  form  to  the  Agency 
Committee,   The  Actor-Producer  Committee  c-'nsisted  of  five  representa- 
tives each  of  producers  and  actors,  and  the  Tifriter-Producer  Committee, 
five  re^Dresentatives  each  of  vrr iters  and  producer s» 

On  J"uiie  19,  19.34,  fiie  Actor-Producer  Committee  first  met,   Con- 
sidera.'ble  divergence  in  vicws  was  expressed^  The  actor  nem^berp  of  the 
Committee  compiled  a  set  of  suggested  fair  practices  which  were  then',  stib- 
mitted  to  vote.   On  each  of  the  proposed  ru.les,  the  producer  mem'bers  of 
the  C'^m.mittee  voted  "no"  and  the  act^r  mem'bers  of  the  CoiTimittee  voted 

Ir.  the  month  of  ?e"bniary  1935  the  actor  mem."bers  -^f  the  Comjiiittee 
sii'bmitted  a  report  to  the  National  Hec^very  Aciministration.   This  report 
was  simultaiieously  pu"blished  in  the  trade  papers  in  contravejition  of  a  ■ 
provision  of  the  Code  (***), 

This  report  c^ntaine  sharp  complaints  against  the  producers' 
treatment,  of  little  kno^Tn  axtors  with  respect  to  hours  and  wages.   Claims 
were  made'  that  sixteen  hour  days  with  practically  no  rest  periods  under- 
mined the  health  ^f  the  actors.  Use  was  of  Division  Administrator 
Rosenblatt's  report  on  salaries  of  July  7,  1934  showing  that  of  1,563 
actors  listed  therein,  432  or  28  per  cent  earned  less  than  $1,000  and 
$2,000;  that  49  per  cent  listed  therein  earned  less  than  $2,000  in  1933; 
that  1,120  or  71  per  cent  of  the  1,563  received  less  than  $5,000  in  1933, 
I.Ioreover,  it  was  claimed  that  10  per  cent  agency  commission  fees  and  con- 
sidera'ble  wardrobe  expense  (sometimes  ano-onting  to  $1,000)  were  neces- 
sary before  an  actor  could  fill  the  roles  required. 

Before  the  Code  became  inoperative  the  producers  acceded  to 
practica.lly  all  the  requests  of  the  actors,  including  limitations  on 
working  time  and  overtime  provisions,  biit  refused  to  recognize  the 
Screen  Actors  G\iild,   The  Producers'  concessions  were  made  through  'the 
actors  branch  of  the  producer-controlled  Academy, 

The  Writer-Producer  Committee  set  up  at  fne  same  time  as  the 
Actor-Producer  Committee  and  similar  in  form  and  duties  to  the  Actor- 
Producer  Committee  never  submitted  any  report  to  the  National  Recovery 
Administration  aJid  succeeded  in  accomplishing  little.   Negotiations  with 
regard  to  writers  were  carried  on  principally''  through  the  Academy  of 
Motion  pictiire  Arts  and  Sciences, 

(*)  Article  V,  Division  B,  Part  4  (a)  (a)  of  the  approved  Code 

(**)  Administrative  Order  N'^'.  124-18  dated  Jrnie  6,  1934  signed  by  Hugh 
S,  Jolmson,  Administrator  for  Industrial  Recovery, 

(***)  Article  V,  Section  B,  Part  4  (a)  (c)  of  the  approved  Code, 

3.      THE   "EXTIIA."  PROBLEl.I 

The   Code   defined  "extra  pla^'^ers"   as  "those  v/ho  "by  experience  and/or 
ability  ere  known  to  "be   corrpetent   to  'olcy  group   and  individ^oal  "business 
parts  and  to  otherwise   rppear  in  a  'notion  pictui'e   in  other  then  atnospher- 
ic  ■background  or  crov/d  uork."    (*) 

a.  Em:olo:','7nent 

The  number  of  persons  directly  or   indirectly  involved  in  the  problem 
of   extra  enployment   in  notion  pictures   in  the  Los  Angeles  area  lirs  been 
estimated  at  widely  differing  fi{r;ares.      Registrations  by  the  Central  Cast- 
ing Corporation  apparentlv  reached  a  ^oak  of  about   17,500   in  1927   and  1928 
v/hen  numerous   individuals  registered  for  talking,    musical,    dajicing  and 
other   specialties  due   to   the  demand  for   sound  pictures.      Since   that   date, 
the  registrations  of  all   classes  have  fallen  off .      The   total   is   now 
estimated  to  be  between  8,000  and  10,000  inclusive  of  the  active  lists 
and  what   arc   termed  "casuals".      In  1932,    an  average  of  677  placements  per 
day  cleared  throiji^h  the  Central  Casting  E-oreau. 

The  Academy  of  Motion  Picture  Arts  and  Sciences  in  a  report   submitted 
to   the  national  Recovery  Administration  about   the   time  of  the  formulation 
of  the   Code   stated  that   there  were   opproximatel;'-  12,000  persons  registered 
in  Hollyr/ood  as  available   for  employment  as   extras.      It  was  further   stated 
that   the   requirements  of  all   studios  in  the  Los  Angeles   area  averaged  631 
placements  per   d.a^r  during  the   six  months  period  ending  June  30,    1933« 
The  Academy  further   stated  that   informed  persons  estimated  the  number  of 
extras  who   load  a  justifiable  claim  on  the   Industry  for   employment   at  from 
1,400  to   2,400. 

ReT)resentatives  of  extras  at   the   Code  hesxings  on  September  12,    13, 
14,    1933   charged  tha,t  nepotism  and  favoritism  were  long  standing  evils  in 
Holl^rwood  and  that  wages   for  extras  at   that   time  rejiged  from  $1.25  to 
$15.00  per  day. 

b.  The  Code  Provisions 

The   Code  provided  a  minimum  wage   for  extra  players  of  from  $7.50  to 
$15.00  per  day  depending  on  the   importance  of  the  performances   involved 
and  the  personal  v/ardrobe  required.     Any  plai'"er  who  was  required  to  ploy 
apart  or  bit  with  essential   story  dialogue  was  classified  as  a  "bit 
play"er"   rather  than  an  "extra  player"  with  a  minimum  wage  of  $25  per  day 

Further  provision  was  made  that  people  might  be  hired  for   crowds  or 
to  provide  "atmosphere"  at  a  minimum  of  $5  per  day  (***) 

(*)  Article   IV,  Section  5,   Part   2   (a)   of  the  aiDproved  Code. 

(**)  Article   IV,  A,    Section  o.   Part  3   (a)  of   the  approved  Code. 

(***)  Ai'ticle   IV,  A,    Section  3,   Part   3  (b)  (c)    of   the  approved  Code. 



Provision  was  made  that  transportation  to  and  from  location  should 
."be  paid  "by  employers,  thus  preventinf^  this  type  of  chiseling  into  an  extra 
pla;^'-er*s  vrages.  Wiiere  interviews  or  fittings  \7ere  of  unusual  length  the 
player  was  to  "be  compensated  for  his  or  her  tim©  -accordingly  (*). 

To  provide  against  nepotism  and  favoritism  it  was  ettpolated  that 
no  one  should  be  employed  as  an  extra  player  who  was  a  dependent  meraher  of 
the  imnediate  family  of  any  regular  employee  of  a  motion  picture  company 
or  who  was  not  obliged  to  depend  upon  extra  work  as  a  means  of  livelihood 
(**)  and  that  rotation  of  work  should  he  established  to  such  a  degree  as 
might  be  practicable  (***).  ^   eight  hour  maximum  day  with  overtime  as 
provided  for  in  the  California  Statutes  relating  thereto  was  also  included 
in  the  Code  (****).    -  - 

c.  'The  Standing  Committee  on  Extras 

To  supervise  the  provisions  of  the  Code  regarding  extras,  to  receive 
and  pass  on  complaints  and  grievances,  and  to  recommend  such  additional 
rules  and  regulations  as  might  become  necessary,  the  Code  provided  that  a 
Standing  Committee  on  Extras  be  appointed  by  the  Code  Authority  (*****), 
This  Committee  was  appointed  January  12,  1934. 

In  March  1934  the  Code  Authority  determined  by  resolution  the  follow- 
ing procedure  for  the  Standing  Committee  on  Extras! 

1.  That  all  communications  from  the  Committee  on 
"Extras"  shall  be  addressed  directly  to  the  Code  Author- 
ity for  review  and  thereafter  to  the  Division  Adminis- 
trator for  approval. 

2.  That  the  Committee  on  Extras  include  in  the 
minutes  of  the  meetings  the  roll  call  vote  by  narnes  of 
members,  who  vote  on  motions  .which  result  in  a  division 
of  votes. 

3.  That  no  interpretation  by  this  committee  shall 

be  regarded  as  final,  until  such  interpretations  have 
been  approved  by  the  Code  Authority  and  the  Administrator 
for  Industrial  Recovery. 

4.  That  the  announcement  of  interpretations  shall 
be  withheld  from  publication  until  approved. 

One  of  the  first  accomplishments  of  the  Standing  Committee  on  Extras 
v;as  an  interpretation  of  those  provisions  of  the  Code  establishing  mini- 
mum wages  for  extra,  players  depending  on  dress  requirements.   This  inter- 
pretation was  adopted  ^oj   the  Committee  on  February  19,  1934  and  was 
approved  "by   the  National  Recovery  Administration  on  March  6,  1934  (******). 

(*)  Article  IV,  A,  Section  3,  Part  3  (d)  of  the  approved  Code. 

(**)  Article  IV,  A,  Section  3,  Part  4  (b)  of  the  eqiproved  Code. 

{***)  Article  IV,  A,  Section  3,  Pojct   4  (e)  of  the  approved  Code, 

(****)  Article  IV,  A,  Section  3,  Part  4  (c)  of  the  approved  Code, 

(*****)  Article  IV,  A,  Section  3,  Part  1  of  the  approved  Code, 

(******)  Administrative  Order  llo.  124-11  signed  by  Sol.  A.  Rosenblatt, 

^'„^~         Division  Administrator, 

The   Committee  at tern  ted  to   solve   the  prctlem  of  the  large  rminber  of 
extras  registered  for   employment  "b"-  requiring  re-registration.      The  inten- 
tion was   to   eliminate   at   the  tine  of  registration  persons  who   did  not  de- 
pend upon  this  work  for   a  means  of  livelihood  or  who  fir  other  reasons 
night  he   ineligihle.      On  Liarch  S,    1935,    the  trade  press  r-^jinounced  that 
1,304  persons  from  a  list  of  2^,900  possitilities  had  been  registered  "by 
the   committee  handling  registration,   which  consisted  of  three  representa- 
tives of  extra  placers,    three  producer  representatives  and  llrs.    Mabel 
Kinney,    v/ho  v;as   chairnpn  of  the  Standing  Committee  on  Extras.      At   a  later 
date   in  1935  provision  for   the  registration  of  approximately  500  more 
plac^'ers  was  made. 

Uaxiy  extra,  players   complained  that   discrimination  had  "been  shown  in 
nailing  up   the  re-registration  lists   a,nd  tliat   those   actually  seeking  employ- 
ment  had  to  he  on  the  active  list   in  order  to   secure  work  as   extra  players 
and  so   to   receive  any  benefits  from  the   Code  provisions.      Neither  the   Code 
Authority  nor  the  Administrator  approved  the   registration  which  was  re- 
called for   a  more  unrestricted  procedure,      ilo    solution  had  been  reached 
at  the  time   the  Code  became   inoperative. 

A  further  duty  of   the   Committee  was  to  hear  and  pass  on  comrplaints 
made  by  extras.      During  the  period  of   its  operations   the  Committee  heard 
1,065   complaints  of  this  nature  and  satisfactorily  adjusted  981,    or  92 
per   cent   (*). 

4.      STUDIO  LABOR 

Prior   to   the  Code  the  hours  of  both  skilled  and  unskilled  labor   in 
the   studio  were  irregij.lar  depending  almost   entirely  upon  the  exigencies  of 
production.      The  1929  United  States  Census  of  Ilanufactures   shov/ed  prevail- 
ing hours  of  labor  per  week  between  45  and  48.      Wages  on  the  whole  were 
sonewhat  higher   than  the  amountc  paid  the   same  class  of  workers   in  the 
coi-TT-Tunity  outside  the   studios.      A  higher  percentage  of  all  labor  was   skill- 

At   the  hearings  on  the  proposed  Code  of  Fair   Conpetition  for  the 
i'otion  Picture   Industry,    September  14,    1933,    Sidney  R.   Kent,   president  of 
the  Fox  Film  Corporation,    sta.ted  that  by  agreement  between  producers  and 
labor  prevailing  hours  had  been  reduced  from  48  to  40.      He  further   stated 
that   if  prevailing  hours  were   to  be  reduced  to   36,    as  was  proposed, 
naintenajice  of  the  weekly  wage  rate  would  anount   to   a  wage  rate   increase 
of  approximately  14-^-  per   cent. 

a.      The  Code  Provisions 

The  Code  provided  that   studio   labor   should  work  not  more   than  36  hour 
hoijrs   in  any  one  week  (**).      These  mar'-imam  hours   did  not   SK)ply  to   employ- 
ees on  emergency  maintenance   and  repair  work,    nor   to   cases  where  restric- 
tion of  hours  of   skilled' v/orkers  on  continuous  processes  would  hinder, 
reduce  or  delay  production,    nor  to   er^oloyees   engaged  directly  in  produc- 
tion work  whose  working  time  necessarily  followed  that  of  a  production 

(*)     Report  on  Code  Authority  Affairs   contained  in  July  24,    1935   issue 

of  the  Motion  Picture  Daily,   page  1. 
(**)   Article   IV,   A,    Section  1   (c)   of   the  approved  Code. 




nor  to  enclorees   assi^^ed  on  location  -oork     • 

^revision  ras 
laade  for  cor^ensatory  periods  of  idleness  in  cases  where   these  exer^ticns 

2K>plied  i**\ 

The  Code  provided  a  ninins:  irae^  for  employees  of  all  classes  of  40 

cents  3:er  hour.      In  addition  to  this,    Tario.i5   specified  types  of  studio 
labor  trere  given  niniimr;  wa^  rates  ranging  fron  60   cents  to  $2.25  rer 
hour  (***). 

^♦^V     -o4r~--' 

Ban  m  eac:i  oi    s-^c:i  ::*ln5  5?- 

tc    so-calle: 

It  vas  provide:- 
su2)s  -   :  :r 

eErplo:"ees  night  1 
rate  rhen  su-ch  e: 
were    s-jjrstit^jited 

\  ^    • 

r   assign-"  -   '      " 

h:  -     rate  (•'♦•*S      I*  ^ss  also  r 

e  -  :i  on  a  weekly  rate  rather  ihan  c: 

^lovees  were  on  distant  location  vork.     Vien  soch  scales 
-'    -?.s  required  that  all  ersrloyees'   expenses  be  paid. 

An  over-riding  provision  ■ 
conditions  as  of  ijLir~ist  23.  19- 
oetiseen  an  t  i, 

than  these   scales  designated  i: 
with  res::ect   to   these   enrlovee; 

ip->ilated  that  if  the  prevailing  labor 
■  as  fixed  in  aay  agr^^ient  or  as  in  :    - 
12ns  of  erplojrees  should  he  aore  favorahle 
-        Tone,   such  conditions  should  prevail 
in  such  localities. 

.iio   -a:::- 

1:    assist   i"    -    ;      ,-  -■'     -      :f   • 

la':::'.    T.:e    Code  Authorit  ■    3* 

aittee   :.  - :    ;;  .V:apter    '. 

of  the  ninutes  of  its  nee  tings   '      '    ~    ""  ' 
Inspection  of  these  records  reveals   t.i-' 
respect   to   the  najor  producing  ccnpsnies, 

e  rrc visions  regarmn^  st\iaio 

1;.-  -r  Condi t tee.      :    :      :  - -.- 

r        r:-~ittee   sent  copies 

1   ~ 'ration. 

ic  icutine  with 
..ese  — ---r.    reveal 

sone  coznrlaints  against   independent    studios   shciri  ::lations 

"b^  fl7>~b"-night   operators.     IXiring  its  life  the   C:   .  2f^   cases 

and  adjusted  255  or  95  per  cent  (*»*»•»',      There  were  co-rara":    :V-  few 
enforcenent   difficulties  rrith  regard  to  this  type  e:    '  ler  the  Code. 

ISo  statistics  s^s  to   conditions  since  the  Code  "became   incper  -   are 


worked  fron  4C   t 
imole  : 

A  Baxinu:-  -iC  h:- _:: 
Code  (*****»*' . 

's  -oer 

-^-  e^  ^ ; 

and  ";;usiness  offices  of  prodocers 
rior  to  the  Code  and  were  paid  on  the 
^loyee  in  other  "business 
qployee  was  established  c^ 
nal  caoacities.  d 

..  i  _  ^  _  *. 

>    - 

Article  I. 
Article  I*: 
Article  IT 
Article  IT 
Article  IT 
Rerort  or. 


Erection  i  v,d;   of  i;he  cpproved  v-ode. 

Section  1  (e)  of  the  approved  Code. 

Section  2  (a)   (c)   (d)  of  the  aj:p roved  Code. 

Section  3  (e)  of  the  soproved  Cede. 

Section  2  (f)  of  the  epproved  Code. 
Code  1  t:*  Affairs  oooted  in  lioticn  ?::-    : 

issu;    ::    July  24,    ivco,   page  1.     Also  reports  of  Cc 
Sational  Recovery  Adninistration  files  -  Ilotion  Pic:  .: 
A:-       '  '  lY,   A.    -    -'  '    -  (>)  of  the  approved  Code. 


and  their  assistants,   directors,    manafS^ers,    evecutives,    their  assistants 
and  secretaries,   producers, ..their   assistants,   purchasing  agents   and 
T/riters  were  exempted  frorri  these  hour  limitations   (*). 

ITo   data  is  available   as  to   changes   caused  "by  the  Code.      No   com— 
TDlianco   difficulties  were   experienced  and  no   data  is  available   as  to  aiiy 
changes   since  the   invalidation  of  the  Code. 




No   recent   statistics  on  the  numlDer  of  persons   employed  "by  the 
distribution  tranch  of   the   Industr-^/  are   available.      The  Motion  Picture 
Almanac  for  1935  estimates  this  fi;_:;ure  at  8,000.      The  United  States 
Census  of  Distribution  for  1929  reported  a  figure  of  9,342, 

Enployees  in  distribution  include  executives,  salesmen,  office 
employees,  checkers,  and  others  in  the  hone  offices  and  the  various 
branch  offices  of;  the  distributors'    in  the  31  key  exchange  cities. 

According  to   the  1929  Census  of  Distribution,    wages  and  salaries 
in  1923   constituted  52  per   cent  of   the   total  cost   of  distribution.      This 
total   cost  was  given  as  $34,659,281;    wages  and  salaries,    $17,978,258, 
Of  this  latter  amount,    535  executives  received  $2,467,258   (14  per  cent); 
1,562   salesmen  received  $6,253,076   (35  per  cent);    office  workers,    check- 
ers and  other  enployees  were  paid  the  balance   of   $9,257,378   (51  per   cent), 


In  distribution,  labor  was  a  minor  problem.   UTell  paid  for  the 
most  part  before  the  Code,  employees  were  but  little  affected  by  the 
Code  provisions. 

T7age  minima  of  $14  to  $15  per  week  depending  on  population  dif- 
ferentials similar  to  the  provisions  contained  in  the  President's  Reem- 
ployment Agreement,  were  established  by  the  Code.   These  wage  minima 
prevailed  regardless  whether  the  number  of  hours  worked  was  less  than 
the  nuiaber  specified  in  the  Code. 

The  maximum  permissible  working  week  was  set  at  40  hours. 
Employees  on  emergency,  or  maintenance  ajid  repair  work,  and  executives 
and  outside  salesmen  were  as  usual  not  included  in  these  limitations. 
The  usuaJ.  child  labor  provision  limiting  eraplo^nnent  to  those  sixteen 
years  of  age  or  over  applied  throughout  the  Industry. 

It  ma^  be  fairly  stated  that  there  were  no  labor  disputes  in.  this 
division  during  the  Code  period. 

(*)  Article  IV,  A,  Section  2  (b)  of  the  aporoved  Code. 






Throughout   this  report,    it   has  "been  shown  that,   acting  individually, 
the  va.rious  "branches  of   the   industry  have   been  unahle   to   eliminate  majiy 
sources   of  friction,    and  are  prevented  from  acting  in   concert   by  the 
Shermaji  and  Clayton  anti-trust    acts.      The   question  immediately  proposed 
is  whether   some  beneficial    steps  might   be   taken  under  the  Federal  gov- 
ernment,   if   the  practices   in  question  are   interstate   in   character. 


The  production  and  distribution  phases  of  the   Industry  must 
be   considered  together  rather  than   separately.      According  to   the   1929 
United  States   Census  of  Distribution,    444   of  a  total  of   553  motion 
picture   distribution  exchanges  in  the  United  States  were  then  owned  or 
controlled  by  producers.      These  producer-controlled  exchanges  accounted 
for  95  per  cent   of  the  total  volume   of  business  done   that   year,    and  of 
the   rei.iaining  five  per  cent,    three  per  cent   was  done  by  export    exchanges, 
and  only  two  per  cent  by  independent   domestic  exchanges.      It   is  thus 
obvious   tl-£.t    individual   consideration  of  distribution  would  be  purely 
academic*  • 

Of  92  producing  establishments  listed  by  the   1933  United  States- 
Census  of  l.anufacturers,    63  or   68.4  per  cent  i^ere  located  in  the   state 
of  New  York  and  the   state  of   California.      This   concentration  of  pro- 
duction is  jr.ade    still  uore  apparent   when  it    is  realized  that   eight 
major   coipianies  in  1934  released  75.2  per  cent   of   the  number  of  all 
features  produced  in  the  United  States.    (*)      Considered  by  value   or  by 
cost   of  production  this  figure  would  be   even  higher. 

From  the  producing   establishments,    film  goes   to    distributing 
exchsjnges,    the  majority  of  which  are   located  in  31  key  cities,    each 
servicing  the    surrounding  "exchange   territories".      According  to  a 
survey  by  the  lotion  picture  Herald, (**}.    25  of  these   exchange  terri- 
tories include  parts  of  two   or  more   states. 

For  these,    among  other  reasons,    it  must   be  concluded  that    the 
production  and  distribution  divisions  of  the  notion  picture   Industry 
are   interstate   in  character.      In  a  number  of  cases,    the   Courts  have 
so  held.   (*■**) 

(*)     The  7±lu  Daily  Year  Book  for  1935 

(**)     '..otion  picture  Herald,    issue   of  January  28,    1933 

(***)     rc.Qus  Players  -  Lasky  Cor:J»re.tion  v_.   United  States,    232 
U.    S.    50, 
United   States  v,    ?irst  National  Picture's',    Inc.,    232  U.    S.    44, 

Sindenro   v.   Pat  he  Exchange,    263  U.    S.    291, 



Exhibition  presents  a  different  problen.   The  physical  function 
of  exhibition  of  film,  taking  place  in  a  limited  area,  probably  directly 
affects  interstate  commerce  only  in  rare  instances.  Hov7ever,  there  axe 
other  and  weightier  considerations. 

The  exhibitor  seldom  purchases  the  film  he  exhibits.   He  is 
merely  granted  the  right,  a  license  and  rental  contract,  to  ex- 
hibit films  as  they  pass  through  the  state  or  city  in  which  his  theatre 
is  located.   Films  are  not  delivered  to  an  exiiibitor  with  intent  to  end 
their  transit  there,  nor  is  the  transaction  complete  with  such  delivery. 
Films  must  be  returned  to  the  distributor •  vrho  txien  forwards  these  films 
to  other  exliibitors,  or  the  films  must  be  directly  forwarded  to  other 
exhibitors  at  the  request  of  the  distributor.   The  movements  of  the 
films  in  commerce  are  interrupted  only  long  enough  to  fulfill  existing 
contracts;  the  films  then  move  on  to  other  exhibitors  in  uore  remote 
areas  and  out  of  the  locality  of  the  former  theatre.   The  film  or  films 
are  thas  within  a  current  of  commerce  among  the  states  and  are  part  and 
incident  of  such  commerce. 

This  current  of  commerce  between  distributors  and  exhibitors 
takes  place  principally  between  distributors  located  in  31  key  exchange 
cities  and  exhibitors  located  in  cities  and  tov.-ns  throughout  the  entire 
country,   Tvjenty-five  of  these  key  exchange  cities  service  parts  of  two 
or  more  states.   In  general,  clearance  spreads  out  from  these  central 
points  to  the  other  theatres  in  the  territory  serviced.   The  n-'jimber  of 
prints  of  any  film  are  limited.  Outlying  theatres  must  wait  their  turn 
for  the  use  of  these  prints.   A  delay  in  exhibition  at  a  "key"  house 
may  be  reflected  in  delays  to  theatres  in  other  states. 

The  instrument  by  which  overbuying,  clea.rance,  zoning,  block 
booking,  and  other  practices  are  effected  is  the  license  and  rental 
agreement.   If  such  an  agreement  be  entered  into  between  parties  in  dif- 
ferent states,  it  would  seem  that  the  instrument  itself  might  be  con-- 
sidered  interstate  in  nature,  and  likewise  the  subject  of  such  agreement. 
In  this  connection  it  is  to  be  noted  that  many  exhibition  contracts  are 
entered  into  in  the  producer' s  name  (as  the  holder  of  the  title  and 
copjrright  to  film)  even  though  the  distributor  and  exhibitor  concerned 
may  be  in  the  same  state.   In  other  cases,  a  similar  result  is  achieved 
where  both  the  distributing  and  producing  corporations  are  controlled  by 
a  third  corporation  which  acts  as  a  holding  company  for  both. 

The  chain  operation  of  theatres  should  be  considered.   In  ad- 
dition to  the  producer-distributor  controlled  theatres  stretching  from 
coast  to  coast,  there  are  a  number  of  independently  owned  circuits. 
Many  of  these  operate  theatres  in  several  states.   The  two  groups  con- 
sidered together  own  or  control  28  per  cent  of  all  theatres  in  the 
United  States,  and  48  per  cent  of  the  total  seating  capacity.  (*) 
.  > 

(*)   Calculated,  from  figures  a^opearing  in  the  Ilotion  Picture  Almanac 
for  1935,  Qv^igley  publishing  Co.,  N.  Y.  Pg.  988 



The  iiTportance  of  these  theatres  in  the  Industry .cannot  be  guaged  solely 
from  these  figures.  As  indicated  "by  the  high  proportion  of  seating 
capacity  to  numter  of  theatres,  the  chain  groups  control  a  relatively 
large  number  of  the  bigger  theatres,  the  so-called  "key  houses".   It  is 
such  theatres  that  are  able  to  negotiate  long  periods  of  clearance,  and 
it  is  from  the  playing  dates  of  such  theatres  that  the  clearance  of  other 
theatres  is  figured  and  negotiated.   Their  paramount  importance  is 


Although  many  arguments  may  be  presented  tending  to  show  that 
each  branch  of  the  Industry  in  itself  has  interstate  features,  there  is 
an  alternative  view  of  the  problem.  The  Industry,  as  a  whole,  may  be 
considered  as  a  commercial  unit  in  which  the  various  branches  are  so 
interdependent  as  to  defy  legal  separation,  and  in  which  no  one  branch 
can  be  adequately  or  justly  considered  without  consideration  of  all 

Many  facts  supporting  this  view  are  evident.   The  nation-wide 
advertising  campaigns  featuring  players  and  pictures  which  are  supported 
by  all  branches  of  the  Industry  will  serve  as  an  example.   The  extent  of 
this  advertising  may  be  judged  from  figures  presented  in  the  Motion  picture 
Almanac  for  1935,   It  is  there  estimated  that  the  cost  of  production  for 
the  1934-5  season  Y/as  $110,000,000,  and  that  the  annual  motion  picture 
advertising  expense  in  the  United  States  was  $70,000,000,   m  other  words, 
it  costs  nearly  two- thirds  as  much  to  advertise  the  films  as  it  costs 
to  make  them. 

The  vertical  integration  of  the  industry,  whereby  a  few  companies 
control  a  major  part  of  production  and  distribution  and  a  large  part  of 
exhibition,  has  already  been  commented  on.   It  is  obvious  that  the  ex- 
hibition branch  of  the  Industry  is  dependent  on  these  companies. 

On  the  other  hand,  no  one  branch  of  the  Industry  could  exist  in- 
dependently. Each  is  dependent,  one  upon  the  other,  for  existence. 

The  inseparability  of  activities  between  the  three  branches  of 
the  Industry  would  seem  to  justify  a  conclusion  that  the  Courts  v/ould 
apply  the  commerce  clause  of  the  Constitution  to  this  Industry  as  a 
unit  and  not  to  each  branch  of  the  Industry  separately. 

In  Swift  and  CoLTpany  et  al.  v.  United  States,  196  U,  S.  375 
(1905)  the  United  States  Supreme  Court,  speaking  through  Mr.  Justice 
Holmes,  said  in  part  — 

"*  *  *  commerce  among  the  states  is  not  a  technical  legal 
conce;-;tion  but  a  practical  one  drawn  from  the  course  of 

A^id  in  Stafford  et  al.  v.  Wallace  et  al.  ,  258  U.  S.  495  (1922), 
the  constitutionality  of  the  Packers  and  Stockyards  Act  of  1921,  42  Stat., 
159,  was  involved.  This  Act  provided  for  supervision  and  control  of 
facilities  furnished,  and  regulated  the  brasiness  of  the  packers  done  in 



inter state   Commerce.      The   right   of   tiie  Federal  Government   to  regulate 
depended  upon  v/hether  the  "business   conducted  was   in  or  affected  inter- 
state  coiamerce.  ,       . 
The   Court    Said; 

"The  application  of  the   Commerce   Clause  of  the   Constitution 
in  the   Swift_  Case  v/as   the  result   of  a  natural   development    of 
interstate   comnerce  under  nodern  conditions.      It  v;a.s  the 
inevitable   recognition  of   the  great    central  fact   that    such 
streams  of  comraorco  from  one  part   of  the   country  to  another 
which  are  -everflowing,    are   in  their  very  essence  the   com- 
merce ainong  the   states  and  ?/ith  foreign  nations  which  his- 
torically it  was  one  of  the   chief  purposes  of  the   Consti- 
tution to  tring  under  national  protection  and  control. 
This    court   declines   to   defeat  'tliis  proposition  in  respect 
of   such  a  stream  and  take  it  out   of   complete  national 
regulation  'hy  a  nice  and  technical   incruiry  into   tx^e  non- 
interstate   character  of   sonie   of  its  necessary  incidents 
and  facilities  when   considered  alone  and  without  reference   ■ 
to   their  a.ssociation  with  the  movei:ient   of  which  they  were 
an  essential  "but   a  s'u'bordinate  part." 

In  these,    and  many  other  cases,   the   Court   derlt   with  the 
Industry  as  an  entity.  '         '         "  ■ 

It   may  "be   contended  that  "because   the  transactions  "betv/een  pro-i 
ducer  and  exhi"bitor,    and  distributor  and  exhi"bitor  is  a  contractual 
relationship   relating  to   transactions  (showing  films)  'which  in  and  of 
themselves  are  intrastate   coraiacrcc,    thej''  are  not   su"bject   to   federal 
jurisdiction.      That   argi-iment  was  raised  in  the   case  of   Standard  Gil   Co. 
V.   U.    S. ,    283,  U.    S.    183.      It   was  there   contended  that    cross-licensing 
agreements  for  the  manufacture  of  gasoline  "by  the   cracking  process  were 
agreements  relating  to  manufacture,    and  not   to   sale  or  transportation, 
and,,    were  not   within  the  purviev/  of  the  Anti-Trust  Acts. 
But  i.Ir.   Justice  Brandeis,    delivering  the  ooinion  of  the   court,    saad 
(p.   168): 

"The  defendants   contend  that   the   agreements  assailed  rela.te 
solely  to   tne   issuance  of  licenses  under  their  respective 
patents;    that   the  granting  of   such  licenses,    like   the 
writing  of  insurance,   liew  York  Life  Ins.    Co.    v.   Dear  Lodge 
County,    231  U.    S.    495,    is  not   inter sta.te   commerce;   and 
tha.t   the   Shermr.n  Act   is  therefore   inapplicable.      This- 
contention  is  unsound.      Any  agreement   between   competitors 
may  be  illegal   if  part   of  a  larger  plan  to   control   inter- 
state markets.      Ilontag-ge  &  Co.   v.   Lowry,    193  U.    S.    38; 
Shavniee   Compress   Co.   v.   Anderson  209,  U.    S.    423.    *  *   * 
lioreover,    while  maiiufacture   is  not   interstate   commerce, 
agreements  concerning  it  vrhich  tend  to  limit   the   supply 
or   to   fix  the  price  of  goods  entering  into   interstate 
commerce,   or  which  have  been  executed  for  that  purpose, 
are  within  the  prohibitions  of  the  Act.      Svaft  &  Co. 
V.    United  States.-  196  U.    S.    375,307;    Coronado    Coal   Co. 
V.    United  Mine   Workers,    268  U.    S. ,    295,    310;   United 
States  V.    Trenton  potteries   Co.,    273  U.    S.    392." 



Even  here  the  parties  to  a  transaction  are  engaged  v/holly  in 
intrastr^te  commerce,  and  their  activities  affect  the  interstate  "busi- 
ness of  some  third  person  not  a  party  to  that  transaction,  it  has  been 
held  that  such  transaction  is  rdthin  the  r)urviev7  of  federal  regala- 
tion.   In  the  case  of  Internation-^l  Brotherhood  of  Electrical  Workers 
V.  Western  Union  Telegr.nph  Co..  46  Fed.  (2d)  736,  the  Electrical 
Workers  'r-ere  enjoined  from  conspiring  to  violate  the  Anti-Trust  Act 
where  "both  the  employers  and  the  employees  were  engaged  in  intrastate 
commerce,  ajid  their  activities  affected  the  "business  of  the  Western 
Union  Telegraph  ComiDany,  V7hich  was  not  a  party  to  the  employment 

The  seme  situation  o"btained  in  the  cases  involving  the  restraints 
in  the  local  live  poultry  markets  of  New  York,   Criminal  prosecutions 
and  suits  in  equity  were  sustained  against  the  Greater  New  York  Live 
Poult rj;^  Chajn'ber  of  Commerce  and  many  individuals  engaged  in  a  con- 
spiracy to  violate  the  Sherman  Act.  (*) 

In  the  latter  case  it  '"'as  rrgued  thrt  an  injunction  issued  "by  the 
District  Court  for  the  Southern  District  of  Nev/  York  was  invalid, 
"becruse  it  was  "broa^d  enough  to  enjoin  acts  of  a  purely  local  character 
and  was  not  limited  to  those  acts  which  affected  or  dealt  with  inter- 
state commerce.   In  giving  the  opinion  of  the  court,  Mr.  Justice 
Butler  said: 

"And  maintaining  that  interstate  commerce  ended  with  the 
sale  by  receivers  to  marketmen,  appellants  insist  that  the 
injunction  should  only  prevent  acts  that  restrain  commerce 
up  to  that  point.   Intrastate  acts  will  be  enjoined  whenever 
necessary  or  appro-priate  for  the  protection  of  interstate 
comi-ierce  against  any  restraint  denounced  by  Act." 

Here  such  intrastate  transactions  were  considered  part  of  the 
plan  which  affected  interstate  commerce, 

I^  Victor  V.  I  ekes,  Supreme  Court,  District  of  Columbia,  Equity 
No.  56298,  December  1,  1933,  the  Court  stated: 

"The  Petroleum  Industry  is  the  third  largest  in  this  country; 
the  bulk  of  gasoline  does  flow  in  interstate  commerce.   The 
functions  of  a  filling  station  is  as  essential  tc  that  flow 
as  is  the  function  of  commission  men  and  dealers  in  the 
Packing  Industry  at  the  Stockyards."   (The  Court  had  previously 
cited  the  Swift  and  Stafford  cases.) 

•  ■  In  the  Motion  Picture  Industry  the  film,  which  is  the  product  of 
this  Industry,  moves  continuously  in  interstate  commerce.   The  ex- 
hibition houses,  lihe  the  filling  stations,  perform  their  task  in 
rela.tionship  to  interstate  commerce  within  the  jurisdiction  of  one 

(*)   Greater  N.  Y.  Chamber  of  Commerce  v.  U .  S . ,  47  (2d),  196,  cert. 
6.enied  283  U.  S.  837,   Local  #167,  et  al  v.  U.  S.,  78  Law  Ed. 



state  or  commiinity.   The  exhititors'  function  axe  as  essential  to 

the  flow  of  commerce  in  the  Motion  Picture  Industry  As  are  the  func-        j' 

tions  of  filling  stations  in  their  relationship  to  the  novement  of 

gasoline  in  interstate  commerce. 

From  these  facts,  the  conclusion  may  ^"be  fairly  made  that,  through 
its  connection  \-'ith- and  relationship  to  the  distribution  and  -oroduction 
brmchesj  the  exhibition  "branch  is  an  integral  and  necessary  part  of 
the  entire  scheme  and  plan  of  the  Motion  Picture  Industry,  Further, 
revie\7ed  in  the  light  of  the  Standrrd  Oil  case,  the  Stafford  case,  the 
Swift  crse  and  others,  it  would  seem  that  the  Motion  Picture  Industry 
is  of  such  a  character  that  the  Federal  Government  would  be  justified 
in  assuming  jurisdiction  over  the  Industry  as  a  unit. 


At  this  point  it  would  seem  advpirtageous  to  inquire  as  to  those 
places  where  Federal  assistrnce  might  -orove  beneficial  to  the  Industry 
and  the  general  public.  ,.   :: 


Several  lines  of  thought  have  been  indicated  in  the  discussion 
of  this  subject  earlier  in  this  report. 

Exhibitors  in  general  favor  complete  abolition  of  block  booking. 
Distributors,  on  the  other  hand,  opoose  any  such  steps. 

Outside  of  complete  elimination  of  the  practice,  the  most  frequent- 
ly advanced  suggestion  for  lessening  the  conflict  resulting  from  the 
practice  is  the  granting  of  a  cancellation'  -crivilege  to  exhibitors 
wherever  they  have  bought  filvis  in  blocks.   That  .. reducers  and  dis- 
tributors are  not  unalterably  op'oosed  to  such  a  solution  may  be  seen 
from  the  fa.ct  that  the  Optional  Standard  License  Agreement  of  1935, 
which  was  negotiated  between  ^roups  of  distributors  and  exhibitors, 
contained  a  Cancellation  clause,  aithough  a  much  Testrlct'ed  one. 

But  the  problem  is  not  easy  of  sor>.tion.   The  Federal  Trade 
Commission  started  its  inquiry  into  the  practice  of  block  booking  in 
1921.   In  1927*,  the  Commission  declared  block  booking  to  be  unla.wfully 
in  restraint  of  trade  and  ordered  various  defendcints  to  cease  and 
desist  from  using  this  method  of  selling  pictures,  (*)   Iri  1932 
it  was  announced  by  the  Federal  Trade  Commission  that  the  problem 
would  not  be  considered  further  when  the  United  States  Circuit  Court 
of  Ap'oeals  ruled  against  the  Commission's  contention  that  block  book>^ 
ing  wa.s  in  violation  of  the  Federal  Trade  Ccmnission  Act.  (**) 

(*)   Federal  Trade  Commission  v.  Famous  Play^rs-Lasky  Corcoration 
et  al, ,  Federal  Trade  Commission  Docket  No.  G35, 

(**)  Federal  Trade  Commission  v.  Paramount  Famous-Lasky  Corporation, 
AdolTph  Zukor.  and  Jesse  L.  Lasky,  April  4,  1934,  United  States 
Circuit  Court  of  Ap-oeals  for  the  Second  District, 



During  its  long  inquiry,  the  Comraission  collectsd  15,000  pages  of 
testinon--  and  17,000  -oages  of  exhibits.   In  the  fr.ce  of  such  a  record, 
any  attenipts  to  delve  "briefly  into  the  full  implications  of  the  use  of 
block  booking  must  be  fruitless. 

As  the  problem  stands  at  riresent,  the  use  of  the  practice,  without 
limitr.tion,  is  legal.   Any  attemr)ts  at  limitation  of  the  use  of  the 
practice  should  be  nreceded  by  an  intensive  study  of  the  subject  by  a 
disinterested  Federal  agency.   Since  the  practice  is  one  used  by  dis- 
tributors, block  booking  is  obviously  within  Federal  jurisdiction. 

2.  0"/EE3UYIN& 

Overbuying  of  film  v/ith  intent  to  deiDrive  a  competitor  of  sufficient 
product  nith  which  to  orierate  his  theatre  on  a  reasonable  basis  is  con- 
sidered an  indefensible  practice  throughout  the  Industry. 

Eo\7ever,  the  victim  of  such  a  "or  act  ice  experiences  difficulty 
when  he  epDlies  to  the  Courts  for  remedy.  He  must  Drove  his  case 
against  a  financially  more  -oowerful  op-oonent  under  statutes  not  speci- 
ficrlly  designed  for  protection  against  this  practice.  Lengthy  and 
expensive  litigation  may  exhaust  a  complainant's  resources,  already 
drained  by  the  harmful  effects  of  the  -oractice.   The  Courts  before 
which  he  pleads  are  usually  not  informed  as  to  the  comnon  Industry 
practices  except  by  the  litigants.  MaJiy  legal  loopholes  may  be  open 
to  a  powerful  and  probably  better  advised  opponent.  '  '  "'■ 

It  wouJ-d  seem  simple  to  uass  a  statute  forbidding  an  exhibitor 
to  overbuy  or  forbidding  a  distributor  to  license  film  to  aJi  exhibitor 
in  such  quaJitity  over  his  nor„ial  requirements  as  to  prevent  a  competing 
exhibitor  from  obtaining  sufficient  -product.   The  difficulty  arises 
in  connection  with  the  application  and  administration  of  such  a 


■■i  "   , 

Leaving  the  Courts  to  decide  whether  violations  have  occurred  in 
specific  cases  would  again  raise  the  spectre  of  evasion.  Even  under 
the  Motion  Picture  Code,  where  all  members  of  the  Boards  which  deter- 
mined overbuj'-ing  complaints  were  fully  informed  on  general  Industry 
practices,  it  was  not  always  -cos-sible  to  secure  uniform  agreement. 
How  much  more  difficult  a  task  it  would  be  for  a  Court  unacquainted 
with  the  weight  which  might  be  given  different  factors,  having  no 
Industry  experience  to  fall  back  on  in  determining  which  of  tJ70  arguments 
might  be  considered  specious.   Moreover,  the  objection  to  lengthy  and 
costly  litigation  still  obtains. 

It  night  be  possible  to  frame  a  statute  maZcing  illegal  any  con- 
tract licensing  the  exhibition  of  film  through  which  one  exhibitor  by 
overbuying  prevented  another  exhibitor  from  sec-oring  adequate  product, 
thus  acting  as  an  unreasonable  restraint  on  trade.   Rapid  and  in- 
expensive determinations  as  to  violations  might  be  made  by  small 
bodies  under  Federal  supervision  located  in  each  exchange  territory, 
easy  of  access  to  all  exhibitors,  as  under  the  Code.   The  Federal 
Government  would  then  be  in  a  -oosition  to  withstand  appeals  to  the 



Courts  in  place  of  ler.ving  the  small  and  relatively  helpless  exhibitor 
to  his  own  resources.   Such  a  method  v?ould  answer  most  of  the  objections 
previously  referred  to  and  would  extend  Government  protection  to  the 
small  "business  mano 


Claim  and  counter-claim  with  regard  to  the  charges  that  the  major 
motion  picture  corapaines  are  replly  monopolistic  have  "been  advanced 
.for  years.  An  atmosphere  of  suspicion  and  distrust  has  existed  between 
the  affiliated  and  unaffiliated  groups.   Such  monopolistic  tendencies 
as  are  inherent  in  operation  under  the  copyright  laws  do  exist  in  the 
Motion  Picture  Industry. 

The  growth  of  trade  practices  such  as  "block  "booking,  forcing  of 
short  subjects,  and  designation  of  play  dates,  have  tended  to  crepte  a 
protected  market  for  the  large  companies.   Competition  from  independent 
producers  is  restricted  since  absorption  of  a  large  portion  of  an 
exhibitors^  total  plaj'-ing  time  and  preferred  playing  time,  limits  the 
licensing  of  independent'  product. 

The  affiliated  com-panies  are  often  in  direct  coicpetion  \7ith  the 
•exhibitor  who  must  license  their  product  in  order  to  secure  a  sufficient 
supply  of  suitable  filins.   While  it  is  not  incumbent  on  these  large 
units  individually  to  conduct  their  business  so  that  competitors  may 
have  an  equal ^degree  of  opportunity,  the  existence  of  reciprocal 
agreements  between  these  greater  corporations  frequently  intensifies 
the  hardships  of  independent  interests. 

In  the  absence  of  proven  combination,  the  methods  of  negotiation 
as  practiced  by  the  individual  companies  may  hinder  independent 
interests,  but  these  methods  have  not  been  considered  illegal  because 
no  one  company  even  ap-oroaches  monopoly  of  any  division  of  the  Industry, 
However,  the  collective  effect  of  t'nese  practices  tends  to  establish 
restraints  on  free  competition. 

Frequently,  more  serious  charges  ape  made.   It  has  been  alleged 
tha.t  major  companies  have  enaged  in  collusive  effort  to  restrain  com- 
petition and  establish  a  virtual  monopoly.   Such  statements  are  usually 
advanced,  b,}'"  independent  exhibitors  but  also  occasionally  by  persons 
interested  in  social  v/olfare.  (*) 

(*)  Letter  of  Er.  A.  Lawrence  Lowell  of  Harvard  University  to 

Division  Administrator  Sol. A.  Rosenblatt,  December  13,  1933, 
quoted  in  full  in  record  of  Investigation  of  National  Recovery 
Administrption  by  Senate  Committee  on  Finance  pursuant  to  S. 
Res,  79,  74th  Congress,  1st  Session,  April,  1934: 

"The  five  large  producing  companies  have,  by  their 
business  methods,  obtained  a  controlling  grip  on 
the  business  and  are  able  to  put  forth  upon  the 
community  any  films  that  they  please." 



Such  airs  of  s-uspicion  and  dculDt  should  be  cleared.   Whether  these 
charges  rjre  true  or  false  should  "be  generally  estphlished.   The  tduIdIIc 
is  entitled  .to  full  knowledge. 

A  thorough  study  of  the  Industry  "by  a  Federal  agency  \--ith  adequate 
facilities  and  authority  to  examine  "books  and  other  records  should  he 
made.   Such  a  study  would  undoubtedly  consume  a  considerable  period  of 
time,  but  the  results  possible  to  such  an  inquiry  would  Justify  the 
cost  and  time« 

■4,    clejveuuce  md  zoning 

The  problems  of  clearance  and  zoning  have  been  discussed  previous- 
ly in  this  report..  These  problems  are  not  new,  nor  were  they  new  under 
the  Code,   A  number  of  years  ago  the  Motion  Picture  Producers  and 
Distributors  of  Anerica,  Inc.,  through  the  Film  Boards  of  Trade  attempt- 
ed to  eliminate  friction  in  the  Industry  by  the  adbiTtion  of  uniform 
clearaJice  and  zoning  schedules  through  negotiations  between  distributors 
and  exhibitors.   These  attempts  were  enjoined  by  the  Federal  Courts, 
wnich  rules  that  such  schedules  were  in  contravention  of  anti-trust 
lav;s.  (*)   No  further  attempts  were  made  until  provisions  for  the 
formulation  of  equitable  schedules  of  clearance  and  zoning  were  in- 
corpor.^tsd  in  the  Motion  Picture  Code. 

The  choice  seems  clear  between  laissez-faire  and  uniform  schedules. 
No  insuperable  difficulties  appear  are  present  to  prevent  the  estab- 
lishjient  of  schedules  fair  to  all  exhibitors. 

Here  no  question  need  be  raised  as  to  the  interstate  character  of 
the  practice  to  be  regulated.  Formulation  of  uniform  schedules  was 
estop-oed  by  Federal  anti-trust  laws.  Relaxation  of  these  statutes 
would  permit  the  Industry  to  act.   It  follows,  of  course,  that  adequate 
Federal  supervision  would  have  to  be  TDrovided  to  prevent  any  undue 
influence  from  major  groups  and  to  safeguard  the  rights  of  minority 
groups  and  the  public. 

Any  steps  in  establishing  uniform  schedules  of  clearance  and 
zoning  v/ould  necessarily  be  slow  as  indicated  by  experience  under  the 
Code,   Only  one  major  schedule  was  apriroved  "onder  the  Code,  and  this 
after  many  long  months  of  labor.  More  would  have  followed  had  not  the 
invalidation  of  the  Code  intervened.  However,  in  the  short  time  that 
this  one  schedule  was  in  operation  it  "oroved  satisfactory.   In  future 
attempts,  sufficient  time  would  have  to  be  allotted  to  preclude  hurried 
formu-lation  and  to  -orovide  for  adeque'je  considera.tion  of  the  -rights  and 
needs  of  all  theatres  involved. 

Uniform  schedules  could  hardly  harm  the  small  exhibitor.   The 
large  exhibitor,  the  affiliated  or  independent  circuit,  is  at  all  times 
under  the  -^^resent  system  able  to  contract  for  all  the  protection  desired 
over  smaJLler  theatres  to  the  limit  such  exhibitor  wishes  to  pay  for 

(*)  ¥m.  Youngclaus  v. 'Omaha  Film  Board  of  Trade,  United  States 
District  Court  for  Nebraska,  July  2,    1932. 

9638       "  ■■         . 


such  protection.   This  Drotcction  may  be  unfair  to  competing  exhibitors. 
The  distributor  exercises  the  only  restraint  and  that  only  when  he  may 
be  unuilling  entirely  to  eliminate  competition.   He  has  observed  that 
high  rentrls  are  usually  the  result  of  keen  competition. 

There  is,  however,  another  factor.   Distributors  axe  frequently 
in  keen  competition  for  the  business  of  these  larger  exhibitors  and 
so  are  willing  to  give  concessions  in  the  way  of  protection  in;th:eir^ 
efforts  to  handle  these  large  accounts.  Distributors  are  prevented  '-j.j  d 
from  acting  in  concert  by  the  anti-trust  lavs.   Reciprocal  treatment      ^ 
betveen  affiliated  theatre  groups  may  overlook  a  nice  consideration  of 
the  needs  of  financially  wenker  exhibitors. 


Little  good  is  accomplished  in  pointing  out  places  where  us^e  of 
Federal  powers  might  be  beneficial  unless  constructive  suggestions 
are  made  as  the  methods  by  which  this  newer  should  be  exercised. 

The  idea  of  a  simple  statute  directed  toward  bettering- any  set 
of  conditions  must  immediately  give  way  to  the  -problem  of  its  applica- 
tion and  adninistration.   The  first  thought  is  to  refer  the  matter 
to  the  Courts. 

The  difficulties  of  using  the  Courts  to  curb  the  vicious  aspects 
of  overbu;^'-ing  have  been  commented  on  in  this  chapter.   The  difficulties 
a  Court  might  be  called  on  to  contend  with  in  an  attempt  to  cope  with 
the  problem  of  block  booking  have  been  previously  suggested  in  Chapter 
IV  -  C.  No  court  could  be  called  on  to  investigate  and  inquire  into 
the  industry  in  general  in  other  than  some  specific  instance  and  it 
would  be  hardly  reasonable  to  ask  the  Federal  Courts  to  add  to  their 
already  crowded  dockets  a  review  of  any  or  all  proriosed  uniform  clerxance 
and  zoning  schedules. 

Only  a  Federal  Com.nission  would  seem  versatile  enough  to  cope  with 
these  various  situations.   Such  a  commission  might  be  a,  separate  Federal 
body  or  might  constitute  an  addition  to  the  duties  of  the  existing 
Federal  Trade  Ccmnissiono 

For  these  several  reasons  a  separate  comnission  would  seem  to  be 
indie  a.  ted, 

1,  Due  to  the  unique  character  of  this  Industry  and  its  trade 
practices,  the  functions  of  such  a  body  would  elso   be  unusual.   There 
would  seem  to  be  no  adequate  reason  for  merging  a  body  established  to 
perform  these  functions  with  another  body. 

2.  In  a  single  body  res-ronsible  to  the  public  for  its  acts,  the 
element  of  shifting  of  responsibility  would  be  minimized. 

3«  Centralization  of  control  of  such  a  body  would  tend  toward 
more  efficient  administration  aJid  mana-gement. 

The  ph;j'-sical  form  of  such  a  body  would  be  dependent  on  the  duties 
to  be  performed.  However,  a  suggestion  may  be  advanced.   Control  of 



the  comnission  could  "be  vested  in  a  numter  of  Federal  Motion  Picture 
CoEunis  si  oners  appointed  by  the  President  with  or  without  the  ap-oroval 
of  the  United  States  Senate,   These  Commissioners  might  "be  appointed 
for  a  stcted  period  of  years,  with  the  proviso  that  acceptance  "be 
illegal  of  any  position  in  connection  with  the  Motion  Picture  Industry 
within  a  certain  period  after  termination  of  service  as  a  Commissioner, 

A  Deputy  Commissioner  might  "be  appointed  for  each  exchange 
territory  to  work  in  such  territory  in  cooperation  with  members  of  the 
Industry,  Liaison  committees  composed  of  local  members  of  the  Industry 
and  patterned  after  the  Code  Clearance  and  Zoning  Boards  might  work 
with  and  assist  the  Deputy  Commissioner  in  efforts  to  prepaire  equit- 
able uniform  schedules  of  cle^^rance  and  zoning  for  epch  com.petitive 
district,   'The  G-overnraent  would  retain  the  riower  of  disap'oroval  of 
any  such  schedule  or  any  part  of  such  schedule,   A  right  of  spveaL 
from  an^'-  scliedule  to  the  Commissioners  coiild  be  provided  at  any  time 
a  change  in  competitive  conditions  occurred. 

The  liaison  committee  might  assist  the  deputy  com:nissioners  in 
determining  the  facts  with  regard  to  any  coinplaints  regarding  unfair 

Personnel  m.ight  be  a.ssigned  to  the  Commission  to  study  block 
booking  and  other  controversial  problems  of  the  Industry  with  a  view 
to  eventual  elimination  of  causes  of  controversies.   The  commission 
might  be  intrusted  with  the  duty  of  seeing  that  satisfactory  standards 
be  maintained  with  regai'd  to  all  films  entering  into  interstate 

A  factual  and  theoretical  stud^"-  of  the  industry  which  would  provide 
inforr.ation  invaluable  to  both  the  Industry  and  the  G-overnment  might  be 
undertaken  under  the  auspices  of  the  Commission,   This  would  be  a  con- 
tribution of  the  highest  value  to  an  Industry  so  heavily  charged  with 
resx)onsibilities  to  the  social  and  cultural  welfrre  of  the  Nation, 

9638  # 



The  material  roiich  follCTs  is  Evidence  Stud;^-  No.  25, 
with  the  addition  of  pages  lOA,  30A  and  303. 




Foreword • 

•   ■     vkim  I:    i:^t:ioductioii 

CHAPTE:^  I  -  TK2  llATUTJi]  0?  TILi]   IIILUSTHY ,    ,    .    .  2 

Definitions  of  the  Ind.Msti';'' 2 

Description  and  3co_je  of  the  Indf'-Etry 2 

Assets .^  .  .  .  3 

Capi-ta-l    Inve'stiAGlit;    '.   ' 4 

Interstate   Charrxter  of   the    Industry 4 

PAI^   II':    ■  PEODUCTIOil 

CIIAPTZE-     •    I  -  KIE  iliTUEE-  OIT  TJiE  DlVISIOIi 6 

•     ■    Total  ifcnher  of  Estaolishnents 6 

IJuinoer  of  nstahlislii.ients  hv  Principal   States,    ,    ,    .  6 

•    •     •    •    HimDer-of  IlenhSrs  and  Size  of   Concerns,    ,...♦•  ? 

-    •    •    Gross  and  I'.'et   Intone."    ,., 7 

ilet   Income  'b-j  I.Iajor   Conpanies 8 

Total   Cost  of  Production, 9 

Volurae  of  Production.    ..',,,. 9 

Total  Domestic  and  roroi,{m  Releases 9 

•    ••■••  Praductio'n  "of   "?caturer>" 10 

Production  of    "Shorts" 11 

•   "-Bare-Off i'ce"  Ratin.^"   of  pL'oducers, 11 


•  Total-  IJ-uater  of  :ijTolo"ees 13 

•  lluuher  of   "^-:tras", 15 

•  Sear.onc.i   Variation  in  i^nplo^Tient 14 

•Total  Annual  Waj^es, 15 

Annual  T;7ages  ^rf  Principal   States 16 

■Salaries  cjil  Va^es  is  a 'Per  Cent  of   Cost 

•  -of  Production 16 

T/ages  of  13::tras 17 

•Average -He iirly  V/age  Pate. ■,    .    .    .  18 

•Avera/^e   Hours  Worked  per  Week 18 

Child  Lahor , 19 

'Smplo^ees  -"by  Prince ip'al   States    ., 19 

Total  3mploj''ees 19 

-    •     •    Wage  Earners.    ., 20 



COIITZIITS  (Continued) 


.    21 





Cost   of  Principal  Uaterialc  Uced ,    ...  21 

Source  of  Eq'aip:je2it  and  Supplies,    .    .    ,    , 31 


Enticement   of  To-lent  and  Activities   of  Agents   ,    .    ,  23 

y  .-^  .(ySTiTZRkL  lirJQI^I-ATIQIT  .. 24 

EzDports 24 

Advertisinj;^ ,    , 24 

Productive  Caoacit7  ,,•,,,    ....    24 

Tr?.de .    24 

notion  Picture  Producers  aL^d 

.Di,stri"butors  of  Ar.ierica,    Inc.    ..,,,•.    24 
The  Acader.v  of  Motion  Picture 

Arts  and  Sciences   •••..•.    .24 

Trade  Union  Activity ,25 

I  -  Tiis  rATiKS.  OF  TH::  Division 26 

History  and  Scope  of  Division  .... 

Orijiin  of  Eiln  E::clia2igo   .... 

Jleyelopmen.ts.  in  7iln  DistrilDution 

National  and   "State  Rif^ht" 

Producers  as,  Eiljn  Distributors. 

Present-^Daj  Film  DistrilDution   , 
Total  ifur.iDer.  of  J]::c^^n^e  EstaLlishi.ient 
ITuuter  of  Exchange  EstalDlislinents  l)y 

Principal   States,    ,    . 

Volurne  of  Business,  by  Principal   States 



of  .EstalDlisJu-ients.  "by  I^'pe  of 


of  JSusiness    03^  Type  of  E:-change 



.  26 
.  27 
.    27 

,    28 

.    28 
.    28 

,    29 



Average  Annual.  lT-^i)ej7  pf.  iirnployees,    , 
Total  ITur.iL>er  of  Employees  by  T^oes 

of  Exchanges.    ,•    ,,..31 

Average  Ann-oal  Payrolls ,    .    ,    31 

Per   Cent   Salaries  and  Wages  are  of 

Total  E.-q^ense .31 





COIJ'TEITTS  ■    ( Continued) 

•  i  .•  • 


Block  BooJcin.?^  and  Blind  Booking.    ,    ,    , 32 

Forcin-^  Short   Suojectn  rrith  TeacvTes    .    , 53 

Overo"u;'"in:;;,    .    ■,    , 33 


Trade  Acsociation  Activity , 34 

PART   IV:     E:DII3ITI01I 

CHAPTER  *    '    1  }-  TEE  TAlTREi  OP  TiS  iDIVISIOlI 35 

History  and  Bescri  :)tion  of  Divisi9n.    .,.,..,  35 
The  Developnont   of  I.iction  Pict-.u-e 

Theatres 35 

The  DevGloprae:-;.t   of  the  Entertainraent 

Program,    .    ,    , 35 

Entr£;.nce  of  Producers    into   the 

Ezdiiuition  Bivision ,  35  ' 

Claccien  of  Erdiihitors 35 

Total  il-uijnher  of  Tlieatres .,    .  -36 

iIumDer  of  Theatres  "by  Principal   Statec 3G 

Nu'-ilDer  of  Theatres  C;pen  and   Closed 37 

Seatin-"-  CaTD^-citv. .  ,,-,, 37 

ruTii'ber  of  Thoatres  and  K-xmlDer  of  Scats 

'  ■  '    Classified  by  Tyoe  of  Ownership 39 

Total  Theatre  Receipts  and  Atte2-.da3ice 40 

Theatre  Receipts  "by  Principal  States 41 

Competition  ^'ith  Other  Industries ,  .  41 

Expenditures  fo:^  Iieatre  Construction 41 

Pinancial  Conditio?!, 42 


Hu-iter  of  Sr.iployees 43 

Total  A-nniial  Payrolls 43 

Total  Annual  Payrolls  as  a.  Per  Cent  of 

Total  Receipts 44 

Nunher  of  Wa^^-e  Earners  and  Total  Ann-oal 

!Tages  hy  Principal  States 44 

T3'a{;;es  and  Hours   ,  ,  , 45 

In  Principal   Cities 45 

In  I7ashinr;ton,    B,    G 46 



— lii— 

C0:TTZ:TTS     (Concl-cicled) 


CKAPT2H    .    Ill  -  I,IATSRLA.LS 49 

IJura'ber  of  Tilns  Ussd 49 

Per  Cent  of   Con3iir.ier'G  Hot  ion  Pict-ore  Dollar 
"Spent  on  Film  Cental 49 


Clea,rar.ce  and  Zoninf ,    ,   51 

Other  Unfair  Trads  Practices,  51 

Trade  Associations,  .........  52 

Tiie  Motion  Pict-.u'e  Theatre  Omers 

of  Anerica,  ,,,,,,♦.,,...,.  52 

Allied  States  Association  of 

i.Iotion  Pict-axG  E:.±aoitor£    ,    , ,52 

Trade  Union  Activity' 52 

International  Alliance  of  Tl'ieatrical 
State  3jnplo;-ees  and  I.Iotion  Picture 
llachine  Operators  of  the  United  States 
and  Canada 52 


Exhihit  A  -  Persons   Q;aalified  as  Erqoerts  on  the  Entire   Industr;''   ,   53 

Eidiilfit  3  -  The  Advent  of   Scond  in  Motion  Pictiires. ,    .    55 

So-und  in  Erdiibition ,55 

So-und  in  Production 56 

8976  -iv- 




TA.B3I3  I  -  Assets   of  miction  Producerc,    19o0-l'.:33,    ...      5 

Til3LE       I  A  ~  Assets  of  Motion  Pict^ire  Q^ieatres,   1930-1^^33   ....     4 

'TA  ■nx.T' 

II  -  Total  Ilimlier  of  Esta"blisiimentG,   for  Census 

Yaars,    1921-1933   6 

TA3LS        Hi  -  I?an"bar  of  lUstalDlishiUents,    07   Six  Principal 

States    7 

TABLE  IV  -  Gross   Incone  mid  llet  Profit   or  Loss,    1927-1932  ...      8 

TABLE  V  -   Consolidated  Ilet    Income  or  Losr:   for   Six 

•  •     ilajor  Motion  Pict-^n-e   Con^janies,   1932-1934,    .....      8 

TABLE  YI  -   Total   Cost  of  Production,    for    Census  Years, 

1921-1933 9 

TABLE   VII  -  Hunter  of  Domestic  and  rorei^n  Tiotion  Picture 

Features  Iteleased  in  the  Uiiitoc.  Sta,tes, 
1927-1934 10 

TABLE  71 II  -  Features  Released  07  Major  and  Independent 

Donestic  Coin'oanies .10 

TABLE    IX  -  Total  Ifun'ber  of  Shorts  Produced,  1930-1931 

•  •  to  1954-1935  , 11 

TABLE     X  -  Estimate  of  Box  Office  Strength  of  Feature 
Pictures,  for  each  of  Eight  Liajor  Companies 
and  All  Independents,  1933  and  1934 12 

TABLE    XI  -  Average  Annual  ITumlDer  of  Salaried  Enplo^^ees 

^  ^       .  —  ■  ir  _■ .  I      II   : — :    i      :— »    ___________  ______i"- 

and  of  Wasie  Earners. Iv 

TABLj:ij       XII  -  IJuT-iDer  of  Placements  ?-nd  TJages   of   "Extras" 

Registered  T7ith  the  Central   Casting  Corporation, 
1926-1934 \ 14 

TABLE     XIII  -  ITtunoer  of  Wage  Earners,   "oy  Llonths,   1929  and  1933   ,    .   15 

TABLE       XIV  -   Total  Ann-ora   Salaries  and  TZages,    1929  and  1933   ...    16 

TABLE         XV  -  Annual  7ages,   "by  Tliree  Principal   States, 

1929  and  1933 ~ 16 



o  -V- 

TA.IILE       XVI  - 

TA3LE     XVII  - 

TABLE  XVI I  r  -• 

TABLE       XIX  - 

TABLE         ]CX  - 

TABLE       XXI  >- 

TABLE     XiCII  - 

TABLE-X^ail  - 

TABLE     ICC IV  - 

TABLE       :GCV  « 

TABLE     ]LXVI  - 

TiABLE  :acvii  - 


TABLE     ]iXIX  - 

TABLES      (Continued) 

Total   Cost  of  Production,   A:inu::.l   Galc.ries 

and  AnnuSvl  Uat^es,    1S23  and  19c.j» 17 

DiGtri"bution  of  Placements  of  Extras  "by 

the  Central   Castini:":  Corporation  at 

Specified  Bailv  Ware  llates,    1930  and  1933   .....    18 

l?ajnl)er  of  Establishments   and  Humher  of 

Wage  Earners,    Classified  by  r-tu.-iher  of 

Full-Time  Hours  Uorked  per  Ueek,   1929   19 

Average  Ann-oal  ITumber  of  Employees,    by 

Tliree  Principal   States;,    1929  and  1933 19 

Average  Ann^ial  lJuj-.iber  of  Wage  Earners, 

by  Three  Principal  States,  1929  and  1933 20 

Total  Cost  of  Production  and  Cost  of 

Materials,  Eael,  and  Purchased  Electric 

Energy 21 

Number  of  Establishi.ients  Producin;:^  Photo- 
graphic Apparatus  and  Supplies,  by 
Principal  States , 22 

Exports  -of  Motion  Picture  Films,  1929  and  1954  .  .  24 

Number  of  E:cch.^\nges  and  Volurae  of  Business 

Handled,   by   Six  Principal   States,   1929 28 

number  of  Exchanges,    and  ITuiaber  of  Em;olo?/ees, 

by  Principal  T^rpes  of  Exchanges,   1929 29 

VoluLie  of  Business,    Salaries,   ITages   and 

Total  Expenses,  by  Principal  T^-pes 

of  .E:cchanges,.  1929 ^. 30 

Average  Anniml  llumber  of  Employees 

and  Average  Annual  Payrolls,  1929 51 

ITumber  of  Motion  pictiore  Theatres, 

by  Principal  States 36 

Sound  and  Silent  Motion  Picture  Theatres, 

Classified  as  to  YTnether  Open  or     • 

Closed,  1929-1935 '38 




I&BLZS      (aoncl-JLied) 

ZjIL  -  Total  ITonter  cf  Seats   in  l!otion 

Picture  "Sieatres,   1931—1935 ,39 

A/.-S.I  -  ir-jn'cer  cf  Lotion  ric""j:e   ^leaires, 

GlciEsified   c"  Z-rz^^  of  >niersrii:,,    1933-1935,    .    .    40 

IZZni  -  l?jn"ber  of  lloiior.  Pictire   Theatre   Seats, 

Classified  'xrj  Ifpe  of  Ormcrship,   1953—1935,    ,    ,   40 

1143LZ       'nJJilZ  -  Istiiaated  Total  Bon— Office^i^ts,  Average 


..  _jp.. 

I  ■fv.r«— i- 

Al ,   ~  .-_nr.-:s.l  Zrr^endit-ore  ir.   ^.eatre  Gor.str-JXJtion, 

ZiY  -  Srcss   Income,   17et  Profit  or  Loss,   1927-1932   .    .   42 

-LVI  -  Ar.r.':ial  Average  I/JL-.lzer  Zzr>lc*'ed,   J-:l11  sind 

Part— TiLie,    cj  !I^es  of  Theatres,    1933,    ,    .    ,      .43 

.'-711  -  Zz Zc.-  Payrolls,   J-ill  and  Part— tine, 

57  jr:pes  cf  Zieatres,   1933,    ,    .    ,    , ,44 

rni:  -   lotal  Pecelpts,   .:-— "cer  cf  P-jil-Tire  Zrrilojees 
and  PaTTolls,    Classified  rj  IC  Principal 
States,   1933 ' 45 

ZZZZ1  -  "age   Scales  and  S>urs  "fcorlied  per  T7eek  cy 

"Jnionized  Projectionists,    Classified  'cir 


^jncej.    -  ^    j_  .  —  V .:  I    J.  -"l.  iT  •■•,•••••••*,   "^zo 

'C  -  Arerage  TTeelfL"  Ho-ors  and  "B'ages  of  Zhployees 

in  11   jeiglncorhood  Ilction  Pict-jre  Theatres 
of  'Hashington.,   D,    C, ,   b:'  Branch  of  "wDrk 

average   ..e5^::_:-   .:age£    m  _iii5rent    -:~es   oi 
Motion  Pi^Tire   Theatres    :f  TTashinrton,    D,    0,, 

'orh  and  Occ^jpation,   1951,    .    ,    ,    ,   45 

-.T"^'^  (-»  •- 

Per  Cent   of  the   Consigner*  s  Motion  Pict-::re 

T-ollar  Accoimted  for    57  -he    Tnief  Tirisi^ns 

cf  the   Ind-istrr,    1933 50 






Tlie  date,  -oresented  in  this  report  beeii  assembled  fron  "both  r-ove^.-rjzQnt 
and  private  sources.  Most  of  the  government  data  used  have  "been  tci^en  f::'Oi:i 
•oublications  of  the  lliirean.  of  the  Censas,  "but  data  have  a].so  "been  talcen  fror: 
reports  of  the  Bm-eau  of  Labor  Statistics  -nd  the  3-3ureaii  of  Internal  ?.evj-v-e, 
Arnon{::;  the  private  sources,  the  nor.t  i-nport:..nt  are  the  Motion  Fictixre  Alnonac, 
the  Fijjn_ra^ lX_Ye_ar_op ok ,  reports  of  the  Standard  Statistics  Com^>an--,  i-nc.   the 
trade  association,  the  Motion  Picture  Producers  and  Distributors  of  .cL-ierioa, 
Inc  . 

The  or,{;anization  of  this  study  is  sonev/hat  different  fron  that  call-jd  for 
in  the  Outline  for  Evidence  Studies.   The  Industi"  as  codified  includec  the 
production,  distribution,  pnd  exhibition  of  riovin,^:  pictures,  and  it  has  been 
considered  advisable  to  follov/  the  Ou.tlinc  throUt-h  seoaratelv  for  each  of  these 
divisions.   The  oresent  stud"^^  therefore  consists  of  four  --^arts:   Part  I,  Intro- 
duction, in  which  certain  j.irterial  ;-)ertainin^;  to  tiie  Industry  as  a  whole  is 
presented;  and  Part  II,  Production;  Part  III,  Distribution;  and  finally,  Part 
III,  E3diibition.   Tlie  ConsUo  oublications  used  in  describing  each  of 
the  three  main  divisionr  of  the  Industry  are  as  follov.-s:   Production,  Census 

o f  Ivlanui' a c tur e s ;  Distribution,  Census  of  'lioles:J.e  Distribution;  and  

Frdiibition,  Ce^siig_j)f_j^aei^ic_^^^  .Imusenents,  and  Hotels", 

The  Census  d^ta  are  considered  roughly  applicable  to  the  ap^^rooriate 
division  of  the  Industry  as  codified.   The  fact  that  the  Census  covera^:e  does 
not  include  the  smaller  estoblishments  is  not  held  sipnificant  in  this  I-^.dustry. 
As  pointed  out  in  the  text,  hov/ever,  Census  dr.ta  :uid  those  fron  ^^rivate  noiu'ces 
ofte-''-  indicate  large  discrepancies  which  ■■^reswiably  due  to  the  fact  that 
the  latter  are  freouently  estinates  and  to  difference  in  the  coverage  of  the 
tY:o  sets  of  data.  "   • 


Clia\Tter   I.      TJrie   ITature   of   the    Industry 


Definitions  of  the  Industry 

The  Motion  picture  Industry,  as  defined  "by  the  Code  of  Fair  Competition 
for  the  Industry,  includes, 

",...  nithout  limitation,  the  production,  distribution,  or 
exhibition  of  motion  pictures  r.nd  all  activities  normally  related      ^^ 
thereto,  except  as  s-necif ically  excepted  from  the  operation  of  the  Code. 

The  limitations  in  the  sco-oe  of  the  Code  ^re  as  follow: 

"Nothing  in  this  Code  shall  be  deemed  to  a-oply  to  the  pro- 
duction, distribution,  or  exhibition  of  motion  pictures  on  film 
of  recognized  substandard  v/idths,  or  to  slide  films,  or  to  non- 
■  theatrical  motion  pictures  designed  -nrimarily  for  educational, 
scientific,  industrial,  commercial,  advertising,  selling,  or  other 
non- theatrical  purooses,  or  to  television  of  motion  pictures, 
provided  that  the  commercial  production,  distribution,  or  exhibi- 
tion of  such  films  shall  be  subject  to  investi^-ation  b'^  the  Code 
Authority  to  determine  ^"hether  such  production,  distribution,  or 
•••  ■   exhibition  of  such  films  is  unfair  competition  to  an  established 
motion  oicture  theatre  or  theatres.   If  found  to  be  unfair  com- 
petition, the  Code  Authority  shall  promulgate  rules  and  regulations 
governing  such  unfair  competition." 

The  Code  covered  "actor  employees  in  vaudeville  and  presentation  motion 
picture  theatres"  in  "both  permanent  and  tra\'-eling  companies  of  artists  play- 
ing presentation  and  vaudeville  houses,"  but  it  did  not  cover  "amateur"  shoTvs, 
"rep,"  "tab,"  "tent,"  "wagon,"  ''truck"  and  "medicine"  shows,  "show-boat"  or 
"burlesque,"  as  these  terms  are  understood  in  the  theatre. 

The  Industry  as  defined  by  the  Census  of  Manufactures  embraces, 

",.,,  all  processes  and  activities  connected  with  the  pro- 
duction of  motion  r)ictures,  such  as  the  photogra^ihy  of  scenes,  the 
development  of  exposed  films,  the  printing  of  projection  films,  and 
other  studio  and  laboratory  work  necessary  in  connection  with  the 
preparation  of  projection  films  for  use," 

Since  Census  of  Manufactures  data  thus  cover  only  motion  picture  pro- 
duction, they  are  not  applicable  to  the  entire  Industry  as  defined  by  the 
Code,  but  only  to  the  production  branch  of  the  Industry  which  is  described  in 
Part  II  of  this  study.   The  remaining  branches  of  the  Industry,  distribution, 
and  e:chibition,  are  covered  by  the  17holesale  Census  and  the  Census  of  Service, 
Amusements,  and  Hotels, 

Description  and  Scope  of  the  Industry 

The  Industry  as  codified  is  composed  of  three  major  divisions  of  activity; 
production,  distribution,  and  exiiibition.   These  three  economic  divisions  of 
this  Industry  are  closely  inter-related  with  and  dependent  upon  each  other. 
The  production  division  covers  all  of  the  processes  and  activities  involved  in 


the  making  of  motion  pictures.   It  includes  the  preparation  and  photography  of 
scenes;  the  developing  of  exioosed  films;  the  printing  of  projection  films;  ajid 
other  studio  and  laboratory  \7ork  required  in  the  preparation  of  positive  films 
for  use.   The  dictrihutioh  division  involves  the  "renting"  or  "leasing"  cf 
films  to  exhibitors;  the  maintenance  and  physical  distribution  of  the  films, 
and  the  collection  of  due  a.ccounts.   It  also  includes  the  outright  sale  of 
finished  films  and  the  sale  of  advertising  materials.   The  exhibition  division 
incjudes  the  commercial  exiiibiting  of  the  finished  films  in  the  theatres;  and 
also  vaudeville  and  presentations  given  in  conjunction  with  m.otion  jjictures. 

This  Industry,  Fhioh  has  asnumed  a  position  of  unusual  imToortance  beca.use 
of  its  far-reaching  influence  upon  social  and  economic  standards  and  conduct, 
is  characterized  by  rapid,  growth  by  the  possibility'  of  radical  changes  through 
teclmical  developments  in  the  film  c.nd  rele.ted  industries  by  the  geographical 
concentration  of  production.   It's  further  characterized  by  the  large  degree 
of  integration  of  its  three  main  divisions,  and  the  individuality  in  the  in- 
dustrial "oractices  uhich  it  follovvS. 

Production,  distribution,  and  exhibition  are  both  horizontally  and  verti- 
cally integrated  and  the  concentration  of  corporate  ownership  in  the  hands  of 
a  fe-j  large  comoanies  provides  an  economic  division  of  the  Industry  between 
what  are  kno^Tn  as  "major"  and  ""  interests.   The  economic  conse- 
quences of  this  concentration  are  reflected  in  nearly  all  problems  of  the 


Tables    I  and  lA  shov/   the   assets  of  motion  -iiicture  producers  and  oxhibitors 
for  the   years  19^0   through  1923.      Fixed  assets  constitute    the   largest    type   in 
both  the  production  and  exliibition  divisions.      Total   assets  of  loroducers   drop- 
ped from  $954,000,000   in  1930   to   $249,000,000  in  1933,    while    in   the-  exhibition 
division  total  assets   rose    during  the    same  period  from  $619,000,000   to    $1,- 
075,000,000,      The   number  of   concerns   re-oorting  in  the  oroduction  division 
averaged  around  175  each  year,    whereas   in   the  exhibition  group   the  number 
rose    steadily  from  1,889   in  1931   to   2,568    in  1933. 


Assets  of  Motion  Picture  Producers,  1930-1933 
(Dollars  In  Thousands) 

1930         1951         1932        1933 

Number  Pteporting 

182  170  177  181 

Total  Assets       $933,347  $849,916  $411,622     $248,824 

Current                228,871  192,911  54,015       42,057 

Investments             251,320      220,408  109,593  18,543 

Fixed                   384,421      571,766  218,629  163.-40 

Miscellaneous 39.255 34.851 29,585 ^^J^>  584 

Source:   Bureau  of  Internal  Revenue,  tabulation  sheets  and  published  reports 
(statistics  of  Income). 




Asstts   of  i.Iotion  Picture   Theatres,    1930-1953 
(Dollars   In  thousands) 





Numher  Report 




v./  ,  Xo-O 


Total  Assets 













68 , 143 

17::.,  753 




470, 4o3 








Source:      Bureau  of   Internal  Revenue,    tabulation   she?ts  and  published  reports 
(St.-^.tistics  of   Income). 

GaT)ital   Invoatiaent 

Accordinj'T  to    the  Motion  Picture  Alman.g.c     the   caoital   investment  of   the 
Industry  stood  at  $2,000,000,000   in  each  of   the   years  from  1929   to  1955,   -dth 
the  exce-jtion  of  1934  vdien  the  fi,<^ure  vras  placed  at  $1,750,000,000,      The   invest- 
ment  in  studios   is  roughly  $100,000,000;    the   investment   m  the   distribution 
branch  of   the    Industry  is   something;  between  $10,000,000  and  $20,000,000;   rrhile 
that  for   the  exhibition  branch  of   the    Industry  lies  bet\-een  $1,630,000,000  and 
$1,880,000,000.      In  other  ^ords,    the   investyaents   in  production  or  distribution 
are   insignificant   in  com-'oarison  v.'ith  the    investment   in  e^diibition.      In  a  study 
made   recently  oy  a  group  of  architects,   Messrs.   Larab,    Rapo,   Alschla^er,   Eberson 
and  Schultz,    it  was  ectir.mted  that  $1,460,000,000  has   been  spent   to   date   in  the 
building  of   theatres  exclusive   of   those  yjarts  of   theatre   buildings  given  over 
to  office   space,   1/ 

Interstate    Qh^^racter  of   the    Industry 

In   the  makin:;  of  films,    n-omerous  writers,    actors,    actresses,    directors, 
cameramen,    and  other  artists  and  artisans,    are  assembled  from  many  dif.ferent 
states  and  foreign  countries.      Great    quantities   of  uneicoosed  films  and  lar,^e 
quantities  of   scenery,    cost-umes,   -"naraphernalia,    and  prooerties  are    transported 
from  many  different   states   to    the    studios   located  in  those  few  where  motion 
pictures  are  -nroduced. 

The    distributors  enter  into   contracts  for  leases  with  exhibitors  for  the 
exhibition  of  films   throug^hout   the   United  States   throu;^h  the  media  of   corres- 
pondence,   branch  offices,    and  salesmen.      Thus  fi?^m  contracts  which  are   entered 
into  betv/een  residents   of   different   states,    involve    the  leasing  of  a  comi-iodity 
manufa-ctured  in  one   state  and  trans"oorted    to  and  used   in  another   state, 

1/      Verbal    statement   by  Mr.    David  Palf re;^/Tnan  of    the    Theatre    Service  Division  of 
the  Motion  Picture  producers  and  Distrioutory   of  America   (June,    1935), 


After  the  fil:ns  are  produced,  they  are  packed  into  metsl  containers,  and 
are  transported  "by  parcel  nost,  express  trucks  and  other  cominon  carriers,  from 
the  studios  and  laboratories  to  exchanges,  then  to  the  theatres  in  cities  sjid 
tc^/ns  of  the  country.  After  display  to  the  public,  the  films  are  returned  to 
the  exchajiges  for  redistribution  to  other  theatres,  or  are  foruarded  to  other 
exhihitors.  Thus,  there  is  a  constant  current  of  trade  and  commerce  in  films 
through  the  states. 



Chapter   I,    The  lTat"'-ire   of   the  Division 

Total  I\Fiin"ber  of  Zstabli^^hmorits 

Table  II   indicates  the  numher  of  establishments  engaged  in  the  produc- 
tion of  Liotion  pictures.      It  \7ill  be  noted  that   in  the  first   Census  talcen 
after  the  depression  years  of  1921  and  1933,    the  nuuber  of  establishments 
shovred  a  markod  decrease   in  each  instance* 


Total  Number  of  Establichmenisn,  for 
Census  Yecj-s,,  1921-1953 





Cent  Change 
Preceding  Year 



— — 









^  7.6 



no  change 



-  Ic4 




Source : 

Census  of 



3.  1929  and  1933 

"Motion  pictures,  not  Including  Pro- 
jection in  Theatres." 

Number  of  Hgtablishmentr  by  Princi-pal  States 

An  examination  of  Table  III  shows  that  more  than  80  per  cent  of  rJLl 
motion  picture  establislunonts  are  located  in  six  states.   In  1929  Calif oml 
the  leading  state,  accounted  for  41  per  cent  of  all  establishments  and  Hew 
York  accounted  for  21  per  cent.  By  1931  California  had  gained  relatirely 
and  Ne\7  Yori:  had  lost,  while  in  1933  the  reverse  was  tiue.  The  concentra- 
tion in  the  six  states  was  more  marked  in  1951  and  also  in  1953  than  in  1929* 


lifumber  cf  Zstailishaents,  tj  Six  iPrinciral   States 


State  IC-^rer     ?fr   T-ent     IroziDer     ?er   Cent       Ir^rer     ?er   "ent 

U.   S.    lotal 

Calif  cmia 

Beir  tTersej 
Hew  York 


Total,    6   States 
Total,   ether   States 





100.  Q 


































— •  — 






54,  S 


19. D 






Source:      Censng   cf  HanTLfacr-ires.    Ir29.    1931.    sni  1933,    Motion  Pictnires,   n 

The  nenhers  cf  the  rrodnoticn  iivisicn  cf  the  Iniistry  fall  into  t^ro 
grcuxs.     Ihere   are  eight   large   conrsnies  Tshi ch  proiice   s^proxiriately  80  per 
cent  of  the  total  value  of  proauction  as  valued  on  a  cost— of-prodaction 
"basis  £z.i  ^rproxlr.ately  6.5  per  cent  hj  number  of  features  jrciacei.  _!/     rive 
of  the  na^cr   ccnrsnies  supply  nearljr  IOC  rer  cent  of   the  ne-ffsreels  ^Tc±i.c^-Lm 

Ihe  regaining  pictures   are  pro±icea  "by  ^pTcxiinately  30  inierenicnt  coib- 
ranies  having   sufficient    imp'Ortance   to  have  the  names  of  their  Trroduction 
staffs  listed  in  "die  lirticn  ?icr.ire  j^nanac.     Host  of  these  ninor  producing 
firms  contrirute   their  portion  of  tihe  -rodnct  tinier   a  '*unit''   sTTstem  trhich 
fits  into   and  "becomes  a  trart   cf  the  productirr.    -r"-rdules   of  the  major  pro- 
ducers.     In  addition  to   the   ab-cve,   there   are   ~.---v   ether   small  producers  "Rh-c 

•ne   cr   t^o  motion  pictures  intermittently  over  a  period  r.f  years. 

;   and  ITet    Incrne 

-Tahle  IT  shows  the   grtss  income   and  the  net  profit   or  loss  of  motion 
picture  producers  from  1927"   through  1932.      In  1930  gross  income   increased  al- 
most 70  million  dollars  over  :he   192-9  level  of  $343,445,001  and _  the  producers 
report.od  a  profit   of  more  than  ?40, 000,000  annually  in  each  ef  these  years. 
Alxhot:^  in  1931  gross   inc&m^  vas  almost  101  million   dollars  greater   "ihan  in 
1929,   there  -as   a  net   loss  cf   SB, 574, 000.      In  1952   grcss  income  fell  to  less 
than  one— half  the  1931  level  and  th.e  n.rod:icers   s'jtffered  a  net   loss  cf  over 

.^      ...ztiin  Picfire  rrtdnoers    =ni  ~istriO"JLt ^rs   cf  Jjmerica. 


The  decrease  in  the  profitability  of  the  Industry  has  "been  attributed 
to  a  number  of  factors,  including  over-expansion  in  the  direction  of  seating 
capacity,  erection  of  theatres  at  an  excessive  cost  per  seat,  mismanagement 
within  the  Industry,  payment  of  inordinately  large  compensation  for  services, 
and  the  effect  of  the  depression  upon  the  demand  for  entortainment, 


Gross  Income  and  Net  Profit  or  Loss,  1927-1932 

(in  thousands) 



G-ross  Income 


Profit  or  Loss 

























eau  of  Internal 

Revenue , 

Statistics  of  Income 

Net  Income  "by  Ma.lor  Cora-oanies 

TaJble  "V  shows  the  consolidated  net  income  of  six  major  companies  for 
1932,  1933,  and  1934,  Attention  is  directed  to  the  recovery  made  "by  the 
three  companies,  namely.  Fox,  Warner,  and  Paramount,  which  had  the  largest 
net  "bases  in  1932.   The  totals  show  that  the  group  loss  of  $34,519,000  in 
1932  had  by  1934  been  turned  into  a  net  income  of  $14,371,000. 


Consolidated  Net   Income  or  Loss  for   Six  Major  Motion  Picture 

.Companies,    1932-1934 
(in  thousands) 





Group  Total  -$36,519 

Columbia  Pictures  Corporation  574 

Fox  Film  Corporation  -  16,151 

Lostt' s  Incorporated  7,961 

Warner  Brothers  Pictures,    Inc.  -  14,095 

Universal  Pictures  -     1,250 

Par  amount-Pub  li.c  Corporation  -  13,558 





5,692  aj 



3,000  a/ 

-     500  a/ 

5,912  a/ 

Source:      Standard  Siiatistics  Company,    Standard  Trade  and   Securities, 

"Theatres  and  Motion  Pictures, "   "Vol.    75,   No.   22   (February  20,   1935) 

a/  Estimated, 



Total  Cost  of  Prodaction 

The  production  of  motion  picture  films   is  not  a  manufacturing  activity 
in  the   sense   in  which  the   terih  is  generally  used  to   designate   the  factory 
production  of  commodities.     Furthermore,    since  the  Motion  Picture   Industry 
does  not  usually  sell,   hut   leases  or  rents   its  product,    it   is   impossible  to 
detennine  the   actual  value  of   the  output  of  a  given  year  until   a  long  time 
after  its  close.      It   is  therefore  necessary  to   substitute   "cost  of  produc- 
tion"  for   "value  of  product"   in  presenting  data  for   this   Industry. 

•    An  examination  of  Tahle  VI   indicates  that   the  cost  of  production  increase* 
each  year  from  1921,  until   it  reached  a  peak  of   $184,102,000   in  1929  when 
the   introduction  of  equipment  for   sound  production  caused  a  large   increase  in 
cost  of  production.      In  1931,    the   Industry's  decreased  production  costs  can 
probably  be   attributed  in  part   to  better  adjustment   to   the   innovation  of 
sound,   but  the   impact  of  the  depression  was  probably  beginning  to  be  felt, 


Total   Cost  of  PiJ-oduction,  for  Census  Years,    1921-1933 

(In  thousands) 

f  ii>        y         ■        ■  ,1        ,,,  .  ^      ..  II      _    I,,    .M,  ,      ,       — ,.—  ,  ■■■—■■—  ■■...■■  ■-■■■..■■■I.  .  .11     ■■  .  I  II         I  ■  .      ,   .    .m        . 

Year         Cost  of  Per  Cent  Change 

Production     "   from  Preceding  Year 

1921  $77,397 

1923  86,418  +  11.7 

1925  93,636  +  8,4 

1927  134,343  ^-  43.5 

1929  184,102  ^   37.0 

1931  154,436  -  16.1 

1933  119,343  -  22.7 

Source:   Census  of  Manufactures,  1929  and  1933.  "Motion 

Pictures,  not  Including  Projection  in  Theatres." 

Volume  of  Production 

Total  Domestic  and  Foreign  Releases.  -  Table  V.I  I  shows  the  total  number 
of  features  released  in  the  United  States  for  the  years  1927  to  1934,  Data 
are  presented  to  show  how  many  of  the  totaJ  release^  were  foreign  features  and 
how  many  were  made  by  American' pi'oducers.   During  the  years  1932,  1933,  and 
1934,  the  proportion  of  foreign  pictures  releases  was  greater  than  in  most  of 
the  prior  years.   In  1934  the  number  of  foreign  features  shown  in  this  country 
amounted  to  27,5  per  cent  of  the  total.  .     :    • 






)er  of  Domestic  and 

Foreign  Mot 

ion  Picture 


Released                        j 

In  the 

United  Stat 

ss,    1927-1034 


Domestic  ! 



-   Foreign 




Per  Cent 
of  Total 


Per  Cent 
of  Total 


Per  Cent 
of  Total 

1927  ' 


















.    82.9 


17.1  . 





85..  7 

'     86 





505  , 

.  80,5 












100.0    . 













Film  Daily  Yearbool-  of  Motion 

Pictures,    1935. 



of   "Feature 

s."  -  Table 

VIII   shows 

the  number  ol 

r  features 

produced  from  1927  through  1934,  Attention  is  directed  to  the  high  number 
of  releases  by  major  comrpanies  in  1927  and  the  gradual  decline  through  1932, 
with  the  subsequent  moderate  rise.  During  these  years  the  major  corrpanies 
averaged  almost  70  per  cent  of  the  total  number  of  feature  pictures  released, 

•■  •  TABL3  VIII  • 

Features.  Released  by  Major   and  Independent  Domestic 

Companies  a/ 



'Kind  of 








3r  Cent 


Per   Cent 


Per   Dent 

of   Total 

of   Tot^al 

of  Total 

























•      363 


















1933       ' 



•      338 












Film  Daily 


of  Motion 




a/  During  1927-1931,    ten  companies  listed;    during  1932-1934,    eight 

companies  listed. 





















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t^  ^ 
































•    B 










pR    ^ 






production  of   "Shorts."  -   Table   IX  shows   the   estimated  number  of 
"Short   Subjects,"   of  one  or   two-reel  length,   produced  for  the  years  1920- 
1931  thi'ough  1934-1935,      The   table  does  not   include  nev/sreels  produced 
annucJ.l7  by  each  of  the  five  major  companies.,    or  approximately  20  reels. 


Total  Number  of  Shorts  Produced, 
1930-1931   to   1934-1935 

Season  Number 

1930-1931  1,286 

1931-1932  1,372     •     '■  • 

1932-1933  1,237 

1933-1934  1,062  a/ 
1934-1935  956  a/ 

Source:      Compiled  from  data  in  the  Llotion 
Picture  Almanac. 

aj  Estimated  on  basis  of  announced 

,       plans  of  companies. 

"Box-office  Rating"   of  Producers 

The  relative   quality  and  importance   of  the  production  of  the  eight 
major  producers  may  be  ascertained  from  an   examination  of  Table  X,   v/hich 
shows  the   estimated  "box-office   strength"   of  feature  pictures  produced  by 
the  major  producers  in  comparison  with  the  feature  pictures  produced  by  the 
independent  producers. 

Each  feature  release   is  assigned  a  weight,   according  to   indico,ted  box- 
office  potency,    and  a  weighted  average  for  the   entire  year  is  then  coiirputed# 
A  perfect   score  of  1,000  would  result   only  if  every  film  of  a  producer  were 
given  a  "Hit"   rating. 

It  will  be   seen  from  the   table   that  United  Artists   and  Loew' s   (l.IG-Ll)   re- 
ceived the  highest  box-office  ratings  in  both  1933  and  1934.      In  1934  they 
received  762  and  552  respectively.      In  the   same  year,    independent   companies 
received  an  average  rating  of  164. 


-1  '^— 


Estimate  of  Box  Office   Strength  of  feature  Pictures, 
for  Sach  of  Eight  Major .Conr^anies  cjid  All   Independents, 

1933  a^.d  1934 


United  Artists 
Loev/-'  s   (MGlvi)    ■ 
T7oj:ner  Brothers 
Tox  Film 








Source:  Standord  Statistics  CompaLiy,  Standard  Trade  and 
Securities,  "Xheatre  and  Ivlotion  Pictures,"  Vol. 
75,   No.    22   (:?ebruar7  20,    1935)  p.   i^H-4G. 


'  ■ -13- 


Chapter  II.   Labor  Statistics 

Total  I^Tuin"ber  of  Eiirrloyees 

Table  XI   siior/'j  the  a.veragG  annm:!  number  of  employees,    in  the  produc- 
tion division  as  reported  by  the   Census  of  Manufactures.      The  Motion  Picture 
Almanac  lias   estimated  the   total   employment  as  30,000   in  1933,    compared  v/ith 
the   Census  figure   of  19,037  for   the    same  year. 


Average  Annual  Number  of  Salaried  EnplOj^'ees  and  of 

Wage  Earners 




Salaried  Znroloyees 
Wage  Earners 




-- -.       10,777 

14,339  a/    19,037 

Source:   Cencus  of  Hanufr.ctureG,  1953,  "Motion  Pictures,  Not 
Including  Projectioi\  in  Theatres," 

a/     Figures  for  1931  arc  incomplete  and  not  comparable 
Fith  figures  for  other  years. 

Number  of  "Extras" 

There  are  no  accurate  data  as  to  the  total  nu.mber  of  "extras"  empl037"cd 
in  the  Industry.  Mr.  Allen  Garcia,  representing  extras,  sta,ted  at  the 
hearing  on  the  proposed  Code  that  the  total  number  of  this  type  of  employee 
registered  and  available  has  been  variously  estimated  as  between  8,000  and 
14,000  annually.  1/ 

In  a.dditioji,  complete  data  are  not  availa.ble  as  to  the  total  number 
of  placements  of  extras,  but  Table  XII  shova  the  number  of  such  pla.cements 
made  by  the  Central  Casting  Corporation,  the  leading  emr^loyment  agency  for 
obtaining  Jobs  for  this  tjne  of  employee.   The  number  reported  by  this 
agency  is  considered  to  represent  a  great  majority 

•■"■  of  the  total  number  of 

1/   Transcript  of  IIPA  Hearing,  Motion  Picture  Industry,  September  12,  1933» 




Niim'ber  of  placements  and  TTages 
of  "Extras"  Rociistored  v;ith  the 
Central  Casting  Corporation 





Total  Himiber 

Average  Da-ily 

Total  Annua,! 

Average  Wage 


■jnber  a/ 

(000 's) 

per  Placement 






















252,  M6 



























Hot ion  Picture 


,    "Annual 

Report   of   the  Cen 

tral   Casting 


a/     Total  nuTuber.  of  placements  divided  by  total  number  of  days, 
exclusive  of  Sundays. 

b/     Data  for  1931  are  for  the  first  eleven  months  of  the  year. 

c/     Data  for  1S32  are  for  the  firr.t  ten  nonthr.  of  the  year. 

Seasonal  Variation  in  Sm-^lo^nrae nt 

Data  on  seasonal  variation  of  en-plo;>''nent  in  the  -production  division 
of  the  Industry,  which  are  presented  for  the  years  1929  and  1933  in  Table 
XIII,  shor;  relativelj''  low  employment  in  the  first  four  months  of  each  yea,r« 
Production  for  the  summer  selling  season  begins  around  l.Iay,  and  producers 
usually  a^ttevTot  to  start  uork  on  special  features  at  that  time  in  order 
to  further  their  sales  efforts.   In  1929  and  1933  emploinent  was  higher  in 
the  last  six  months  of  the  year,  with  maximu:n  eirrployment  occurring  in 

Table  XIII  also  shows  tiiat  during  the  last  four  months  of  1933,  enploy~ 
ment  was  generally  about  15  per  cent  higher  than  in  1929.   This  increase 
may  be  partially  attributed  to  a  decrease  in  hours  and  sabsequent  increase 
in  the  nu:.iber  of  wage  earners  under  the  "President's  He-employment  Agreement." 



UurnTDer  of  Wage  Earners,  iy  Months,  1929  and  1933 





April ■ 















(Annual    av- 



nnual  av- 



9 ,  929 













'    89 









9,212    •• 









110  . 















.  ,12,  947 






Source:   Census  of  I.Ianufnctures,  1929  and  1933,  "Motion  Pictures, 
not  Including  Projection  in  Theatres." 

Total  Annual  W.ages 

Tahle  XIV  shows  the  total  salaries  and  wages  paid  in  1929  and  1933 
as  reported  hy  the  Census  of  Manufactures.   Comparison  of  the  years  1929 
and  1933  indicates  that  the  reported  total  compensation  decreased  from 
$85,028,000  to  $71,343,000,  or  16  per  cent,  salaries  decreased  approximate- 
ly 12  per  cent,  and  wages  dropped  B."bout  26  per  cent*   The  decline  in  total 
salaries  \7as  accompanied  hy  a  somewhat  smaller  decrease  in  the  nuraher  of 
salaried  employees,  "but  since  the  26  per  cent  decline  in  total  wages  was 
accompanied  hy  practically  no  change  in  the  numher  of  wage  earners,  there 
mast  have  occurred  marked  cuts  in  wage  rates  and/or  a.  considerable  substi- 
tution of  pr,rt-time  for  full-time  v:orkers.  (See  Table  XI,  above.) 

It  may.  also  be  seen  from  Table  XIV  that  sala-ried  emjoloyees  enjoyed 
a  larger  proportion  of  the  total  corripensation  in  1933  than  in  1929.   Salaries 
represented  approximately  71  per-  cent  of  the  total  compensation  in  1929  and 
about  74  per  cent  in  1933,  v/hile- wages  as  a  percentage  of  total  compensation 
decreased  from  about  29  per  cent  to  approximately  26  per  cent. 



Total  Annual   Salaries  and  TTages,    19?9   and  1933 



of  ComDcnsation 

(000 's) 

Per  Cent 
of' Total 


Per  Cent 

of  Total 

Per  Cent 




$85,328    100.0 

$71,343     100.0        .  -  IS.l 


60,168     70.8 

52,948      74.2         -  12.0 

Wage  s 

24,860     29.2 

13,395  •    25.8         -  25.0 

Source;   Census 

of  Manufactures,  19?5, 

"Motion  Pictures,  not  Including 


jection  in  Theatres."  • 

Annual  Tira,s:es 


Principal  States 

Table  XV  sho'-;s  the  annual  wages  paid  in  1929  and  1933  in  the  three 
principr.l  -producing  states.   California  accounted  for  79  per  cent  of  the 
tot^.1  in  1929  and  84  per  cent  in  1933.  Neu  York  declined  in  inroortance 
from  1929  to  1933,  for  it  accounted  for  15  per' cent  of  the  total  in  1929 
hut  only  11,5  "oer  cent  in  1933. 


Annual  T7ages,  b;;,'-  Three  Principal  States, 
1929  and  1933 





Per  Cent 

Wage  s 

Per  Cent 

of  Total 


of  Total 








•  2,111 











U.  S.  Total 

NeT7  York 

$24, 860 

.  -216 

Total,  3  States      23,449 
Total,  Other  States   1,411 

Source:   Census  of  l/Ianufacture^.  1929  and  1935.  "Motion  Pictures, 
Hot  Including  Projection  in  Theatres." 

Salaries  and  TJages  as  a  Per  Cent  of  Cost  of  production 

Tahle  XVI  shov/s  the  per  cent  of  total  cost  of  production  spent  for 
wages  in  1929  and  1933.   The  1929  vage  cost  of  $24, 860, 000  dropped  to 
$18,395,000  in  1933,  hut  as  a  per  cent  of  total  cost  of  production,  it 



increased  fron  13.5  per  cent  in  19,?9  to  15.4  per  cent  in  1933,  or  a  gain 
of  14  "oer  cent.  While  the  annual  salaries  paid  in  1929  decreased  from 
$60,163,000  to  $52,948,000,  the  per  cent  of  total  cost  of  production  which 
these  fii^-ures  represent  rose  from  32. 7  per  cent  in  1929  to  4-4.4  per  cent 
in  1933  or  a  gain  of  36  per  cent. 

TABLE  :^'l 

Total  Cost  of  Production,  Annual  Salaries  and  Annual  Wages 

1929  and  1933 

Year    Total  Cost  of  Total  Salaries  and      Salaries  Wages 

Production   -       Wages  ', 

(000' s)      Aiiiount  Per  Cent  of  Aiiiount  Per  Cent   Amount  Per  Cent  o: 

Total  Cost  (000 's)  of  Total  (000' s)   Total  Cos' 


1929    $184,102       $85,028    46.2     $60,163   32.7  $24,860     13.5 

1933     119,343        71,343    59.8      52,948   44.4  18,395     15.4 

Source:   Census  of  Manufactures,  1933,  "Motion  Pictures,  Not  Including 
Projection  in  Theatres". 

Wages  of  Ejitras 

Taole  XII  ahove  indicates  the  average  wage  per  extras  placed  by  the 
Centrr-1  Casting  Corporation.   Those  figures  nere  derived  "by   dividing  the 
total  annueJ  nages  by  the  total  number  of  placements.   It  must  be  understood 
that  the  average  uage  per  placement  as  shorm  does  not  represent  the  average 
wage  of  all  registered  extras,  but  merely  of  those  placed  by  this  particular 

Table  }CVII  indicates  the  reduction,  betreen  1930  and  1935  in  the  number 
of  extras,  as  placed  by  the  Central  Casting  Corporation  ;7ho  received  high 
daily  wage  rates.   In  the  former  year  three-fourths  of  the  placements  re- 
ported in  the  table  received  $10.00  per  day  while  in  1933  only  one- third  were 
placed  at  this  rate.   The  number  receiving  daily  wages  of  $5.00  increased 
from  24  per  cent  to  40  per  cent  while  the  ii-umber  in  the  $3,00  wage  class  in- 
creased from  ,1  of  one  per  cent  in  1930  to  27  per  cent  in  1933. 




Listrior.tion  of  Placements  of  Extra:?  t;'  the  Central  Casting  Corporation 
at  Specified  Daily  ;7age  Hs,tes,  1930  and  1933  a/ 







per  Cent 

IJijii'ber  b/ 

per  Cent 


of  Total 

of  Total 









34. 336 












Source:   Transcript  of  IJEA  Hearing,  l.iOtion  Picture  Industry,  Septerater  12,  193^. 

a/     The  number  of  placements  does  not  represent  the  total  number  of 
ejitras  placed,  but  covers  only  those  placements  made  at  the  r/age 
rates  sho-wn. 

b/     Sctimated  by  prorating  the  placements  for  the  first  half  of  1933. 

Average  Hourly  ^.Jage   p.ate 

There  are  no  accurate  average  figures  available  -.vhich  represent  the 
composite  hourly  rrage  rate  f^r  all  classes  of  rrage  earners  in  the  production 
division  of  the  Industry.   The  minimum  hourly  7:age  rate  specified  in  the  Code 
for  all  cla-sser  of  em^oloyees  was  40  cents.  The  range  in  minimuia  rates  for 
various  classes  of  studio  mechanics  and  laboratory  v/orkers  was  from  60  cents 
to  $2.25  per  hour.   Reports  of  tlie  Research  and  Planning  Division  of  IWl 
and  from  the  Division  Administrator's  Office  indicated  that  the  Code 
ra.tes  represented  an  estimated  increase  of  appro7:imately  15  per  cent  over  the 
1929  rates.   It  is  believed  that  the  increases  applied  mainly  in  the  lower 
wage  brackets,  v/here  labor  is  largely  unorganized. 

Average  Hours  TJorked  iper  TTeek 

Table  XVIII  gives  the  prevailing  hours  of  labor  ner  v;eek  in  the  pro- 
duction division  of  the  Industry  for  the  year  1929.   More  than  60  per  cent 
of  the  total  nu»nber  of  establishments  -.vorked  their  o:iipl05''ees  between  45  and 
48  hours  per  week.   The  total  number  of  wage  earners  in  this  group  amounted 
to  86  per  cent  of  the  total  number  of  wage  earners.   Only  .1  of  one  per  cent 
of  the  wage  earners  worked  43  hours  or  more  -oer  v/eek. 

—1  o 


Foj-nber  of  Establishments  and  Ilimoer  of  Tjagc  Earners, 
Classified  "b.7  ITrti'-iber  of  I^all-TiIae  Eo-'us  Tforked 

per  Ty'eek,    19. 39 





Niimber   of  Hours 

Per  Cent 

Per  Cent 

per  TToek 


of  Total 


of  Total 






40  hours  or  less 





40-45  hours 




12. S 

45  -   43  Lours 





48  hours  or  more 





Source:      Conroiled 



.Census  of 



,    Vol.    I, 

Table  VI, 

"notion  Pictures,  not  Includi-.e:  Projection  in  Theetres". 

Child  L.-^.bor 

Child  labor  is  not  an  iijportant  problem  in  the  Industry.   In  1930, 
2,213  helpers  in  motion  picture  production  were  reported  by  the  occupation 
statistics  of  the  Census,  of  Population,  but  only  93  of  these  helpers"  v/ere 
bet^ireen  the  a^es  of  10  and  17  years.   It  bo  borne  in  mind  that  these 
data  refer  not  to  the  number  actually  errployed,  but  rather  to  the  number 
reporting  theuselves  as  belon^in^,  by  occ-uxation,  to  this  Industry. 

Eniplo7/eos  by  ?ri"ci:-;al  Crten 

Total  Employees .  -  Table  XIX  sho'7s  the  average  annual  number  of  salaried 

eijiployees  and  vra^e  er-rners  by  threa  -■•rincipal  stat'-^s  for  1929  and  1933,   There 

was  an  increase  in  California  from  77,4  per  cent  of  the  total  in  1929  to  86,2 

per  cent  in  1933,  a  -c-ain  of  11  per  cent,   IJeTT  York  shorted  a  lar=?^e  decrease, 

from  14.5  per  cent  of  the  total  to  9,2  per  C3nt,  or  a  loss  of  36  per  cent. 

These  tr.^o  states  .alone  employed  over  90  per  cent  of  the  ^Torkers  in  each  of 
Lhese  ye.-:rs,     '        ... 

2A3LE   XIX 
Average  Annua.l  ITujnber  of  Employees,  by  Three  Principal 

States,  1929  and  1933  Sj' 

3  929 

1  C'Z'7 


ITumber       per  Cent 
of  Total 


Per   Cent 
of  Total 

U.    S.   Total 

New  York 

Total,  3  States 
Total,  Other  States 





100,  c 















Census  of  llanufactures,  1929  and  1933,  "Hot ion  Pict^jre: 
^-ot  Incl^iding  proj-^cti^n  in  Theo.tres". 
Includes  wage  earners  and  salaried  eL»ployees, 


Wage  Earners.  -  Table  XX  3ho7/s  uoge  earners,  "b.y  principal  states, 
for  1929  ajid  1933.   In  1929  California  accounted  for  74,6  per  cent  of  total 
wage  earners;  in  1933,  63.7  per  cent,  representing  a  gain  of  12  per  cent. 
New  York  again  showed  a  large  decline  fron  15,7  per  cent  of  the  total  to 
10.7  per  cent,  or  a  loss  of  about  one-third.   These  tno  states  alone  enrDlo^-- 
ed  more  than  90  per  cent  of  the  rage  earners  in  1929  and  1933. 


Average  Annual  ITurj'ber  of  ,;age  Earners,  "by  Three 
Princioal  States,  1929  and  1933 


Number  of 
Wage  Earners 

U.  S.  Total 



Per  Cent 
of  Total 



IJumber  of 
7age  Earners 


Per  Cent 
of  Total 


New  York 












Total,  3  States  9,839 
Total  Other  States  955 




Source:   Census  of  I'aniifactures,  1929  and  1933 ,  "Hot ion  Pictures, 
not  Including  Projection  in  Theatres." 





Chapter  III.  Materials 

Cost  of  principal  Iiaterials  Used 

The  principal  material  used  in  the  production  division  of  the 
Industry-  is  raw  film,  purchased  from  the  Eastman  Kodak  Company,  the 
Birpont  Film  Manufacturing  Corporation,  and  from  a  few  foreign  countries, 
principally  Germany,  France,  and  England. 

Tahle  :;rxi  shows  the  total  cost  of  materials,  fuel,  and  purchased 
electric  energy  used  "by  the  production  division  oi  tne  Industry  in  1929, 
1931,  and  1933.   This  cost  averaged  a'Dout  21  per  cent  of  tne  total  cost 
of  production  in  each  of  the  years  shown. 


Total  Cost  of  production  and  Cost  of  liaterials, 
Fuel,  and  Purcha^sed  Electric  Energy 


Cost   of  Materials,^/   Fuel, 

Total   Cost 



and  Purchasi 


Electric  EnerAT 

Product!  or 


Per  Cent   of 
Total  Cost 


■    $38,441 



Source:   Census  of  lianufactures,  1933,   "Motion  Pictures,  not  Including 
Projection  in  Theatres." 

a/     Materials  consist  of  miscellaneous  studio  supplies  and 
containers  for  films. 

Source  of  Equipment  and  Supplies 

Tahle  X^CII  shows  the  n-omter  of  establistiments  producing  photographic 
apparatn.s  and  supplies  hy  ste.tes  for  1929,  1931,  and  1933.   It  must  he 
understood  that  these  data  pertain  to  the  entire  production  of  such  material 
and  not  just  to  that  used  "by  the  Motion  picture  Industry. 




NiimTDer  of  Estalslishinents  Prod-u.ciri,f  phouo^raphic 
4oparatas  ajio.  Supv.lieK,    "by  Principal  States 






U.    S.    Total 





I'.iassachiiset  t  s 


I.anne  sot  a 
YievT  yor],c 

Total,    10   States 
TotcJL,   Other  States 















t.  'w' 


















Source;  Census  of  Manufactures,  1929 ,  1931,  and  1953,  "photographic 
Apparatus  and  Supplies."  Census  data  do  not  include  esta'b— 
lishments  having-  an  annual  production  of   less   than  $5,000, 


Tot  reported  separately  in  1933, 


-  23  ^ 

.Chapter  lY.   Unfaia-  Trade  Practices  of  Talent  and  Activitien  of  A;:ents 

The  -oro'ble-i  of  salaries  of  stars  and  the  activities  of  agents  are  the 
only  tuo  significant  trade  practice  proljlerns  uhich  na;'"  "be   clearly/'  allocated 
to  the  production  division  of  the  Industry, 

This  division  centers  a'bout  a  relatively'-  sFiall  /;;ronp  of  personalities 
—  siich  as  actors,  directors,  v/ritcrs,  and  teclinicians  -—  v7ho  ]iavc  'beconc 
loionn  thro-ugh  advertising,  puhlicit^'',  and  other  methods,   Hie  removal  of  a 
personality  often  seriously  disrupted  production  luitil  a  sultali^le  replace- 
ment could  he  found  or  developed, 

l\Iew  companies  usually  found  it  more  profitaole  to  emi^loy  talent 
already  developed  and  secured  sucn  individ"u.i.ils  hy  offers  of  higher  salaries. 
Long-term  contracts  did  not  solve  the  prohlem  of  "star-raiding, "  "because 
cojiipeting  e:d\ihitors,  desirous  of  acquiring  the  services  of  such  talent, 
induced  the  hrealcing  of  existing  contracts,  Iloreover,  offers  of  liigher 
salaries  from  competitors  ^mouestionahly  produced  psychological  effects 
which  tended  to  decrease  the  qur.lity  of  the  stars'  Y;or]c  and  in  extreme 
cases  rendered  them  worthless.   Complete  contentment  necessary  for  ojjaJ.ity 
work  rras  usually  reestahlished  only  when  t]ie  employer  equalled  the  com- 
petitive offer  which,  in  some  cases  was  not  definite  enough  properly  to 
"be  called  en  offer. 


■     -  24  -  : 
Chapter  V,      General   Information 


TaDle  :Zllll  shoves  the  e:q7orts  of  total  linear  feet  of  film  for  the 
years  19,?9  through  1934.  llo  fi^ires  are  available  on  the  value  of  such 
films  other  than  the  declared  value,  \7hich  is  "based  largely  on  quantity 
rather  than  on  erdiioition  value. 

TABLi;  :siii 

Eicports  of  notion  Pict^j-e  Pilns,    1929-1934  a/ 

(    In  thousands    ) 


rear  Total  Linear  Feet 

1929  282,216 

1930  274,251 

1931  199,690 

1932  160,773 

1933  164,537 

1934  194,434 

Source:     hot  ion  Picti^je  Alnanac:   as  prepared  hy  the  Bureau  of  Foreign 
and  Poi:iestic   OorniiiercG, 

a/   Includes  negative  and  positive  sound  and  silent  films. 

Advert is im: 

The  Motion  Picture  Alnanac  has  estimated  that  the  Industry'"  as  a 
T7hole  spends  $70,000,000  annually  for  advertising  in  nerrspaper,  magazines, 
oillhoards,  radio,  rnd  other  media.   No  figures  are  available  relative  to 
the  amount  spent  "by  the  producers. 

Pro  due  t  i  ve  Ca'oac  i  ty 

ITo  adeq-i-jate  measures  of  the  productive  capacity  of  the  Industry'' 
exist.  Production  schedules  are  determined  largely  by  the  demand  from 
the  exiiihition  division. 

Trade  Associations 

Hot  ion  Pictnjre  Producers  and  Distributors  of  Arierica,  Inc,  (l.IPPIA.).  - 
This  organization,  of  rmich  I7ill  H.  Ha^^s  is  President,  v;as  formed  in  1922, 
It  is  composed  of  more  thaii  twenty  companies,  incliiding  the  so-called 
"Big  8"  producers  and  distributors.   It  fi-ijrnishes  information  on  all  Industr;;.'- 

-  25  - 

mattsrs  and  serves  as  a  coordinating  agency  in  industrial  relationshros 
and  fimctions  as  interpreter  of  prololems  and  policies  of  piiblic  interest. 
It  also  represents  the  Industry  in  connection  with,  all  sorts  of  "anti" 
legislative  measures  r^hich  are  a  constantly  rec-'orrin.g  plague  to  the  Indus- 
try,  Its  mem'bers  fine"  it  an  economical  means  of  gathering  useful  infor- 
mation, and  of  securing  necessary  services  and  facilities. 

The  Academy  of  Ilotion  Pictuve  Arts  and  Sciences,.  -  This  organization 
which  is  a  (guild-like^  acsociation  of  the  j) reduction  "branch  of  the  Industr;^^, 
was  organized  in  1927  to  deal  with  production  prohlems.   The  Academjr  is 
controlled  £ind  financed,  "by  the  producers.   It  has  provided  methods  of 
adjustment  and  reconciliation  among  producers  as  well  as  "between  producers 
and  their  variou.s  classes  of  employees.   It  has  cittempted  to  "bring  about 
industr^'--v/id.e  techiiical  coordination  "by  educational  campaigns  designed  to 
reach  all  concerned  therein,,  and  has  served  as  a  clearing  house  for  the 
collection  of  technical  data  in  production.   Its  ■ou'blic-relations  efforts 
have  "been  focused  toyards  contacting  siirvey  e:'perts,  special  organizatiorns, 
and  mamxfacturing  and  research  concerns,  rather  than  the  press  and  the 
puhlic,  ..  ,      ■ 

Trade  Union  Activity  . 

The  Actor's  Souit-'-  Association  which  is  chartered  "by  the  Associs-ted 
Actors  Pond  Artists  of  America  a.nd  affiliated  with  the  American  S'ederation 
of  Lahor  has  jurisdiction  in  the  motion  picture  field.   Its  offices  are 
located  in  ITew  York,  Chicago  and  Hollyivood,   In  1933,  the  Association  had 
1,413  mem"bers.   These  consist  of  "both  actors  and  actresses  who  had  received 
screen  credit  (i.e.  listing  in  cast  of  pictui'es)  or  professional  recognition. 




Chapter  I.   TJrie  liature  of  the  Division 

History  ;incl  Scp-c^e  of  Division 

Orifjin  of  Film  Exchange.  -  During  the  Industry's  fornative  stages,  filns 
were  purchased  outright  fron  ^iroducers  and  ezmibited  until  v/orn  out  or  -until 
they  ceased  to  be  profitable.   Tiiis  syster^  later  gave  way  to  a  ncre  efficient 
and  econcniccl  method  of  distribution  kno\7n  as  the  film  exchange,  which  uas 
introduced  in  1902  by  Harry  J.  Miles  of  S3-n  Francisco.   This  system  originated 
in  the  functions  of  maintaining  film  stocks,  which  req-'oircs  the  su-oervising 
and  physical  transportation  of  film,  and  the  inspection  and  repair  of  cju.iaged  ' 
film.   Ilie  film  exchange  is  in  essence  a  licensing  sj^stem  whereby  the  filns 
remain  the  property  of  the  exchange,  and  the  exhibitor  merely  obtains  a  license 
to  show  a  poTticular  film  in  a  designated  theatre  for  a  stipulated  period  of 
time,  at  a  charge  equal  to  about  half  the  purchase  price. 

Developments  in  Pilr.  Distribution.  -  In  the  eo.vly   stages,  positive  filus 
were  sold  '^oy   length  on  a  fla.t  footage  basis  regarc'lecs  of  the  individ-ual  pic- 
ture, actor,  or  director.  l]o   consideration  was  ;;lven  to  the  number  of  "Tictiores 
leased,  character  and  size  of  theatre,  and  the  ooo'jlation  of  the  tov/n  or  city. 
There  were  no  distinctions  made  between  first  or  subsequent  runs. 

■  ' 

Tlie  dirtributors  developed  what  was  known  as  the  "program,  system,"  surviv- 
ing the  cxliibitor  with  a  constant  flow  of  tv;o  or  throe-real  pictures,  tv/o  or 
three  time  per  \?eek.   The  public  appreciation  for  better-quality  films 
rise  to  the  "stcr"  systen,  rnd  demands  for  longer  programs  featuring  such  stars 
Pickford,  Hart,  and  Scnnctt.  ■  The   exploitation  of  stars  and  concomitant  efforts 
to  attain  q^uri-lity  by  r^urchases  of  e:;roensive  scenarios  and  -nroduction  extravi- 
ganda  bro-og^T-t  on  the  full-length  feature,  absorbing  the  greater  part  of  the 
entertairiXient  program.  Rising  production  costs  led  to  an  upward  revision  of 
leasing  charges  and  eventua.lly  to  the  general  adoption  of  a  rjolicy  of  block 
booking  b3^  the  distributors. 

iiiiother  development  was  the  construction  of  theatres  exclusively  for  the 
showing  of  motion  pictures,  displacing  arcades,  shooting  galleries,  and  euotj 
stores  as  well  as  legitimate  and  vaudeville  theatres. 

TTith  the  developr.ent  of  tlie  "star"  and  the  "feature"  system  v.'hich  gave  tbc 
pictures  individuality,  and  the  construction  of  theatres  exclusivcl"  for  rioticc 
pictures  which  resulted  in  more  efficient  and  economical  presentation,  c'dstri- 
butors  began  to  yctj   the  prices  of  pictures  according  to  their  estimated  value. 
Pictiues  v/ere  no  longer  sold  at  random  on  a  flat  footage  basis.   TTider  geo- 
graphical distribution  cane  to  be  considered  necessary  since  it  was  found  tliat 
first  shovangs  usually  exhausted  considerable  eidiibition  value  of  a  picture 
in  localijied  areas.   Thus  nation-wide  facilities  for  merchpjidising,  rehandling, 
and  servicing  a  product,  v;hich  varied  in  price  and  quality,  becar.e  necessary. 

national  and  "State  Right"  Distribution.  -  Tiie  first  effort  to  attain 
effective  national  distribution  v^ras  made  by  the  formation  in  1910  of  the  Crcner- 
al  Film  Comp-iny,  controlled  by  the  Motion  Pictin-e  Patents  Company.   Inde;Dendfint 
producers,  v/lio  \/ere  not  permitted  to  use  these  facilities,  distributed  chiefly 
through  independent  distributoj^-s.  These  distributors,  v/ho  were  scattered 



throil<2'iiout  the  Country,  ooerated  on  a  "state  ri.'jit"  "brcis.   The  st>T,tc  riQLit  ex- 
changes "bought  lilnr-  outri,;^:ht  or  nore  connonly  .ler-'-sed  films  with  the  exc?.Lisive 
right  of  redistributing  theii  to  e:±ii'bitors  v/ithin  certain  geographical  areas. 

Host  state  right  distriljutors  v/ere  also  e:±.ihitors  r/hose  original  •nu^-ooses 
^•'ere  to  obtain  films  for  their  own  theatres,  their  interest  in  complete  distri- 
bution being  often  less  then  crsual.   lioreover,  since  no  -oroducer  could  sutoI"- 
sufficient  product  to  furnish  the  entire  requireiaents  of  the  average  erdiibitor, 
state  right  distributors  were  n.aturally  interested  i-i  obtaining  films  from  mor« 
than  one  -oroducer,  and  this  diversit.^^  of  interest  usually  resulted  in  mediocre 
sales,  service  and  maintenance  efforts  from,  the  point  of  view  of  the  producers. 
Aggressive  selling  efforts  necessar-/  for  intensive  distribution  v;ere  lacking. 
Rentals  received  from  films  viere   not  believed  to  be  commensurate  vrith  their 
earning  pov-er.   The  producer,  on  the  other  hand,  could  not  set  -orices  for  the 
distributors*  subleasing  of  film  but  received  what  the  latter  v/ould  pay  for  it. 
He  usuall:/  found  out  a  -oicture's  value  in  a  given  territory  after  it  Y7as  toe  . 
l£ite  to  capitalize  on  it. 

Producers  as  Film  Distributors*  -  Unlihe  conditions  in  the  raaniifacturing 
industries,  the  cost  of  the  ;oroduction  of  r.  motion  picture  has  usually  little 
direct  relation  to  its  sales  value.   Consec.uently  the  producer  soon  realized 
the  gre^.t  importance  of  obtaining  proper  control  of  distribution.   Inte-Tation 
with  production  v/as  inevitable  sinCe  producers  were  placed  in  the  position  of 
having  the  value  of  their  product  determihed  to  a  large  extent  by  distributors. 
Conseouentl:-,  producers  with  sufficient  finan.cial  resources  generallj^  pursued 
the  policy  of  obtaining  control  of  distribution. 

Pre s ent-^Day  Fi Im  Di s t r i but i o n . '  ~  The  actual  process  of  distribution  in- _ 
volves  the  licensing  of  the  e:diibitor  to  show  copy-righted  film,  assigning  pla:. 
ing  dates,  phj.'sical  distribution  of 'films  to  theatres,  o,nd  the  collection  of 
accounts.  Advertising .material  for  the  pictures  to  be  shovvn  is  usually  sold  i: 
conjunction  with  the  licensing  of  films.   Exchanges  are  located  in  he-^  cities 
throughout  the  United  States.   Tlie  50  to  250  positive  ;orints  made  from  the'  ex- 
posed negative  are  distributed  to  first-run,  second-run,,  and  subseq-aent-run 
theatres  in  proper  order  and  point  of  time  according  to  contractur-il  s'lecificr- 
tions.  Cental  variations  extend  from,  as  low  as  $5  per  day  to  several  thousand 
dollars  per  week,  while  percentage  agreements  may   call  for  10  per  cent  to  50 
per  cent  of  the  box  office  receipts.   Combinations  of  both  forms  pjre   not  'OJi- 
common.  Another  arrangement  sometimes  used  allows  th.e  e:dnibitor  a  su:  to  de- 
fraj'-  Ccirrent  operating  e>a)enses  and  the  siu-'plus  is  then  split  according  to 
agreePxent.   The  rental  charge  is  governed  primarily  by  the  exhibitor's  abilit;>' 
to  pay,  which,  in  tixrn,  depends  upon  a  variety  of  ffictors,  chief  among  which  i 
the  estimated  box-office  receipts,  based  upon  "orevious  ercoeriences  v/ith  the 
star  and  in  some  comparable  vehicle.  Other  factors  are  seating  caoacity, 
number  of  perf ormrjices  per  day,  price  of  acjmission,  character  of  accompanying 
presentation,  prestige  of  the  theatre,  and  efforts  made  for  eizploitation. 

A].l  the  "major"  companies  r.aintain  distributing  establishments  in  "key-" 
centers  thro-oghout  the  United  States.   Small  independent  producers  often  dis- 
. tribute  their  films  through  the  facilities  of  the  large  producer-distributors. 

Total  Humber  of  Exchange  Establishments 

The  total  number  of  exchange  establishments  in  1929  was  reported  by  the 
Census  as  535.   (See  Table  XXIV,  Below). 


NTiTiber  of  Il:-jcliriv;.e  Est-^.'ulishnents  "by  ?i  i nc i'oc-l   3t.'\toG 

Tofole  IZllY  shov.-s   tlio   distribution  of  the  5o3  erxlifn^cG  "b^  si':   principcil 
states  in  1929»     Fen  York  r.ccoiunteci  for  -'.liiont  16  cent  of   the    tot.v2  nuT.ioer^ 
California  ?::iC.  Pennsylvmia  each  h<':,cl  ;::ore   tiian  6  per  cent.     Ohio,   ila'^,sachiisett» 
and  Illinois  folloiv  in   the   order  ;.ie:!tioned,   each  h-.-vinf-;  rbout  4  'oer  cent   of  ti: 
total  n-jxibor  of  oxchanf^es  within   their  borders.      'Hie   -^i::  states  acco-mited  for 
42  Der  cent  of   the  total  nimber  for  t/io   co-untr:/, 

TA3L3  ::xiv 

H^uiuber  of  Exchrjiges  ojid   of  Ilusiness  Hnjidled,   by 

Six  Principal   States,   1929 




Per  Cent 
of   Total 

Voliijie   of  Lusiness 




Per  Cent 
of  Total 





Hew  York 

Total,    G    s tat OS 
Total,   Otiier   States 







'7      O 








.   86,299 



Source:   Census  of  Distribution.  1929  "l.iotion  Picture"  (Trade  Sories, 
Distribution  IIo.  V,^20l). 

Includes  14  export  exchm.^es. 

VoluMC  of  Btisiness  by  Princi^-ial  States 

Table  ^DCEV,  above  also  shov/s  the  volurie  of  business  done  by  these  si:: 
■orincipal  states  in  1929.  Nov;  York,  which  had  the  Irrgest  n^unber  of  er-chan^ei^ 
accounted  for  nore  than  23  per  cent  of  the  total  exchange  business  (includinj;_ 
exports  by  the  14  llev  York  City  exchanges  v/hich  enga./;ed  in  export  business- 
exclusively'-,)  Pennsylv?nia  was  the  second  nost  important  state  in  1929,  ac- 
counting for  about  11  per  cent  of  the  tot>:.l  business;  California  accounted  ft 
7  per  cent  of  the  busi^-^u::;  and  Illinois,  ilassachusetts ,  ond   Ohio,  avena:;ed  a 
little  ;.:o:-e  thcai  6  oer  cent  each. 

It  is  noteworthy  thrt  these  si:c  states  containing;  less  than  33  -oer  cent 
of  total  population  of  United  States  accoiuited  for  nore  thru  60  oer  cent  of 
toto-1  volume  of  the  notion  -licture  distributing  business. 



II-un"ber  of  Estc/olishoents    o:;'  l^ne   of  .TD-clian.-gcG 

r/ith   tliG   developr.ient   of  l:irge   chain  tlieatres,    the   vortical   inte^-ration  of 
producers  rdth  theatre  chains,   and.  thj  growing  financial   strength  of  •orod-o.cing 
conT:iCiiies,   the   independent   distributor  has  becone   less   significant.     Producers 
no\7  either  associate  with  existing  distributors  or  nore   often  establish  their 
own  distinct  exchanges •      In  1929,   recording  to   Table   .^IXV,   loroducers  e::changes 
totalled  444  in  nur.iber   or  83  -per  cent   of   the   total,     Hoxt   in   inioortar'^.e   to    the 
exchrnges   orrned  bjr  producers  v/ere   the   indeoendont' exchange g,   conprising  14  per 
cent   of   the   total.      The   e:'-port   exchanges  nu^.bered  14,    or  less   thpn  3  'oer  cent 
of   the  aggregate,   and  4  of  these  were   ov/ned  by  producers. 

TiiBLE  XaT 

iTuj.iber  of  Exchfinges,   and  Nunber  of  Sn-i^Aoyees,   by 
Principal  Tyoes   of  Exchanges,    1929 

I  ten 


I^rt's      of  Exchange 



Hunbcr     Per  Cent     iIu-.-ibor 
of  Total 

Per  Cent     Total     Per   Cent      Total     Per   Gent 
of   Total     Amount   of  Total     Ariount   of   Total 

ITuniber  of 
Exch^jj^-es     533 

100,0        444 






Nuribei-   of 
Employees  9342 

100.0  8797 






So-'orce:   Census  of  Distribution,  1929.  "i.Iotion  Picture  Filns"  (Trade  Series, 
Distribution  No.  17-201.) 

VoluLie  of  Business  b:-'  Ttoq   of  Exchange 

Table  XI.TI  shov/s  that  in  1929  the  ;oroducers  exchcuiges  did  most  of  the 
business,  for  they  accounted  for  95  "oe:  cent  of  the  total,   Furthernore,  the 
4  export  exchanges  owned  by  the  latter  contributed  an  additional  $5,olo,000 
worth  of  business  or  almost  2.5  per  cent  of  the  totcl  volu'':ie. 

ilext  in  ir.iportfince  to  the  er.changes  ov;ned  by  producers  were  the  e:nort 
exchanges  which  c-arried  on  a  business  amounting  to  3  ^er  cent,  2\   per  cent  of 
v/hich,  as  mentioned  above,  was  done  by  the  4  exchanges  by  the  producers 
The  indeoendents  accounted  for  onl^"  about  2  r)QT   cent  of  the  total. 
































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Key  City 






Territory  Served  by  Key  City 


La,,   parts   of  Ala.,    Arl:.  ,    Ela.  ,   Hiss. 

Long  Island,  Greater  N.Y.  City,   N.Y.  State  as  far 
ITorth  as  Poiighlceepsie,  and  Northern  N.  Jersey. 


Most   of  Nel).  ,    parts   of  la.    and  S.D. 

Eastern  Pa.,    So.    N.    Jersey,    Delaware 

Western  Pa.    and  part  of  West  Va. 

Most  of  Ore.   and  parts  of  Cal.,    Ida.    and  Wash. 

Southern   111.,    East.    Mo.,    part   of  Ky. 

Parts  of  Utali,    Ida.,   Mont.,   Nev. ,    Ore.,   Wyo,  ,   Ariz., 
Wash.,    Colo,   both  Lalcotas. 

Parts  of  Cal.,    Ore.    and  Nev. 

Alaska  and  parts  of  Wash,  and  Ida, 

WASHINGTON,  D.C.   D.  of  C. ,  Marj^land,  parts  Del.,  Va.  ,  and  W.  Va. 





Cliapter  II.  Labor"  Statistics 

Average  Annual  H'um'ber  of  Employees 

Censxis  data  as  presented  in  Table  XXYII  place  the   average  annual  ein- 
ployiiient   of  all  exchanges  at  9,342  in  1929.      Of.  these,,   about  20  per  cent 
were  executives  or   salesmen. 

Total  jTiinber  of  Employees  by  Types  of  Exchanges 

As  shoirn  in  Table  IL'iV,  above,  producers'  exchanges  reported  8,79?, 
or  9^1  per  cent  of-  the  total  number  of  employees.  Independent  exchanges 
employed  4  per  cent,  and  the  export  group  accounted  for  less  than  2  per 
cent   of  the  total. 

Average  Annual  Payrolls 

According  ta  Table   XXVII,    the  average   ann.ual  payroll   covering  all 
employees  was   $17,978,000   in  1929^,      Executives,    who   constituted  less  ths;a 
4  per  cent   of  total  employees,    received  alinost   14  per  cent,    v'hile  the 
salesmen,    ainounting  to  17  per  cent   of   the  total  number,    received  35  per  cent 
of  the  total  psyroll.      The  remaining  employees,   who.  constituted  almost  80 
per  cent   of  the  total  eqployees,   received  51  per  cent   of  the  total  payroll. 

Tii£LE  XXVII  ■     .  ■ 

Average  Annual  Number  of  Employees  and  Average  Annual 

Payrolls,    1929 

Kind  of 


Per  Cent 
Number   ^^  ^^^^.^-^ 


Amount   per  Cent 
(000«s)   of  Total 











Other  Employees  7,445 




Source:      Census   of  Dirtribution,    1929,      "Motion  Picture  Films"    (Trade 


jistribucion  No.    w-201) 

Per  Cent    Sc-laries  and  -Wag^s  are   of  Total  Expense 

In  1929    salaries  and  wages   constituted  the   largest    single   item  of 
e3cpense,    auo^uiting  to  about   or;e-half  of   total  expenses  for  all   types  of 
exchanges.      In  both  the  producer  and  independent   type  of  e^ccnange,    total 
salaries  azid  wages  accounted  for  about   one-half  the   total  expenses,    but 
in  the   export   exchanges,    this  percentage  was   somewhat   less.      (See  Table 
XXVI,   above.) 




Chapter  III,  Unfair  Trade  Practices  . 

Bj.oc'"  Bool-'in.-^  and  Blind  Eool'in"-. 

"Block  tooking"  and  ""blind  "booking"  ,  v/hich  involve  the  purchase  of  films 
si,.<^ht  -UQiseen,  has  lont*?  "been  existent  in  the  Industry.   ?roducer-distri"butors 
have  maintained  that  this  method  is  economically  sound,  incsinuch  as  it  assure! 
exiiihitors  a  continuous  sup-oly  of  films  while  at  the  same  time  statilizin^ 
■oroduction.   Individual  selections^,  it  has  been  claimBd,  would  result  in 
prohibitive  license  fees,  since  all  -oictures  are  not  box-office  successes. 
The  impossibility  of  -ore- judging;  box-office  attractions  has  also,  been  Dointed- 
out.  '   . 

The  Q-ooonents  of  block  booking  o.nd  blind  bookin^^,  who  are  mostly  indepen- 
dents, have  claimed  that  these  practices  have  forced  thera  to  show  undesirable 
DictfiroG   These  independents  have  had  the  support  of  social,  reli^gious,  and 
educational  organizations  which  have  realized  that  independents  would  probab]jr  ; 
be  ruined  financially  if  they  i^ere'  to  refrain  from  showing,  yet  be  forced  to 
pay,  for  all  unendorsed  pictures. 

The  "right  to  buy"  controversy  art^ears  to  have  been  concerned  -orimarily  • 
with  -nref erential  master  contracts  existing  between  oroducer-exhibitors. 
It  has  been  alleged  by  independents  that  certain  producer-exhibitors  having  £ 
comiDetition  in  a  specified  area  are  given  unfair  advantage  by  being  permitted 
to  piu'chase  films  of  ot'ner  producer-exhibitors  at  lo^/er  orices  tiian  those 
at  which  the  fcrmer's  competitors  are  -oernitted  to  buy  -^  if  they  are  pernitlid 
to  bu;;.'-  at  all.   In  return  the  latter  producer-exhibitors  received  this  low 
rate  preference  from  the  former  when  they  have  competition  from  independents 
in  their  areas. 

Independents  who  ha,ve  thus  been  unable  to  compete  with  the  large  circuit 
and  -oro6.ucer-aff iliated  theatres  for  the  -ourchase  of  first-r-'jji  -pictures 
have  been  at  a.  further  disadvanta^^e  because  of  the  fact  that  these  -oroducer- 
affiliatod  theatres  have  exchanged  their  relaying  time  among  themselves.  This 
has  resulted  in  forcing  the  independents  to  show  subsequent  run  pictures, 

Hhile  exhibitors  have  sou/:ht  the  "right  to  buy"  first  runs  irresToective 
of  the  character  of  theatre,  location,  size,  quality  of  accompanying  presen-- 
tations,  or  TDrestige  and  standing  enjoyed  in  the  community,  producer-distrib-  ■ 
utors  have  claimed  the  "right  to  choose"  their  customers.  They  have  sought 
to  bring  out  their  features  under  the  most  favor.-ble  auspices  in  theatres 
havin;:-;  established  reputations  and  the   best  and  finest  quality  -oresentation  • 
in  the  country.  They  claimed  the  right  to  determine  the  factors  that  go  into 
a  bargain,  such  as  the  financial  responsibility  of  the  buyer.  . 

It  is-  generally  understood  by  the  independents  that  the  "ri.^iht  to  choose"  ' 
customers,  provided  no  collusion  exisljs,  ha5!.been  found  justified  by  the 
Federal  Tr-ade  Commission,  as.  shown  by,  the  ^^ollo^Ting  quotation  from  Federal   " 
Trade  Commission  versus  Paramoijmt  Famous  Players  CorDoration,  57  Fed..  152:  '  < 

"A  distributor  of  films  by  lease  or  sale  has  the 
right  to  select  his  own  customers  and  sell  such 


-MJ-'jjm  ^<i» 



quantities  at  f^iven  iDrices,  or  to  refuse  to  sell  at  all 
to  any  particular  person  for  reasons  of  his  o\"ti. 
Federal  Trade  Commission  versus  Raymond  Bros. -Clark  Co., 
263  U.  S.,  565;  U.  S.  versus  Col.^ate,  250  U.  S. ,  30; 
Great  A  d  P  versus  Crean  O'lJheat,  227  Jed.  46  (C,C.A.2)." 

Forcin."  Short  Subjects  v/ith  Features 

Forcing  the  purchase  of  short  subjects  as  a  condition  for  contracting 
of  features  has  "been  a  lonf^-established  -oractice  in  the  Industry.  Exiiihitors 
have  claimed  tliat  in  some  instances  requirements  were  exacted  which  forced 
them  to  "buy  more  shorts  than  they  could  Reasonably  be  expected  to  show.  Dis- 
tributors have  contended  that  this  was  a  lon;j- established  selling  method  and 
that  their  investment  was  based  UT)on  the  "tying  in"  of  the  sale  of  short 
subjects.   They  have  claimed  further  that  the  cost  of  features'  was  directly 
related  to  the  total  sales  made  and  that  interference  vrith  the  usual  oractice 
would  result  in  an  increase  in  the  cost  of  featiores.  Distributors  claimed 
moreover,  that  they  were  "oroviding  the  exhibitors  with  a  well-balanced  prograr: 


It  has  been  .-generally  admitted  that  certain  financially  well-entrenched 
exhibitors  have  sometimes  contracted  for  more  motion  pictures  than  they 
reasonably  required  for  exhibition  in  their  o^Tn  theatres  with  the  intent  of 
deprivin.^^:  a  comoetin-^  exhibitor  from  securing  sufficient  pictures  for  exhibi- 
tion in  his  theatre.   This  -oractice  has  been  generally  recognized  "by   the 
Industry  as  unfair. 



I'JlPJ.^  Ill:     I3IST:iI":UvI0;: 

Cha-Dter   'x'\.  '  Goneval   I^'xl'or.nati'on 

Trade  AGgo/3iatior;  Activity 

Filin  Boards  of  Trade,    uhic/-  constitute  local   diytributor  trade 
association,   v/ore  estaolished  in  19^2  as  th-5-  ■field  or-'Tranization  of    the 
Motion  Pictiire  Prodacers  and  Distribitors   of  Ai-ierica,      Tiese  "boar-Is   e::in" 
in  32  kev  city  exchan.':e  cer.ters, 

TliG  Tiln  lioardG  keep   sales  nan.a^-cers  advissd  of  charv:;es  in  theatre 
ovmership,      ~>cj'ln-^-  the  transition  period  froa  the-   silent  to   the   so\md 
pictureu,    the  Poardt.   supplied  distrihutors  v;ith  infomation  relative  to  - 
the   ec^mpnent  used  hy  various  eidiijitors.      The  :;oards  also  ?.ocate  lost 
and  stolen  films,    check  up  on,  "nisnoatF,  "   deter.'iine  roSponsioility  for 
filu  nmtilations  arid  dela'^ed  returns  of  -orints,   and  atfeiid  to  various 
other  routine  aatteri->  in  the  interest   of  their  neuVers, 




Chapter  I,      The  Hatiire   of   the   Division 

Eistor:'-  and  Sescrrotion  of  Division 

The  Deyglooment  of  Motion  pigtiire   Theatres.   -  The   ezihition  division  of   the 
Motion  Picture    Industry  corresponds   to    the    retail   tr'TiCh     of  manufacturing  in- 
dustries.     It   started  with  the    "store-room"    sho^-',    composed  of   short-reel  en- 
tertainment T'ith  5  cents  as  an  admission  char^^e.      The    seatin,?  capacity  of 
these    "store-rooms"  was  any^./here   from  100   to   200.      At  a  later   date    the    seating 
capacity  at    "store-room"   shows  was  enlarged  from  200   to  300,    R.nd  the  enter- 
tainment program  was  lengthened.      The  fjrice   of  admission  was   then  raised  to 
10  cents, 

'Construction  of  buildings   in  great  numbers,    for   the  exclusive  purpose   of 
shovring  moving  pictures   soon  followe"cI.      The    seating  capacities  of   these  movie 
houses  ranged  from  300   to   600,    and  again   tht=^  entortainraent  was  lengthened  and 
the  price   of  admission  increased,    this    time    to   20   cents. 

At   this  point,    promoters  entered  into    the.  business   and  adopted  various 
methods  of  obtaining  capit   1  v/ith  which  to   build  lavish  theatres,    some   of  which 
had  seating  capacities   ranging  up   to   5,000   sec^ts.      The   building  of   these  large 
"de  lujce"   theatres  on  a  grand  scale   required  substantial  public  finejicing, 
which  meant    that   the  promoters  had  to   turn  to  bond  issues  and  eventually  to 
Wall   Street  for   the  necessary  financing. 

The   Development   of    the  Enter tainriient'  Program.    -   The   construction  of  de 
luxe   theatres   irequired  more   lavish  motion  pictures   m  order   to   operate   the 
picture  hous'-"^cprof itabl3'',   and  it   thus  became  necessarj  for  theatre   o-iiers  from 
different  T5a,rtfe  of   the   country  to   combine   into  operating  units   so   as   to  obtain 
high-class   entertainment    to  which  they  hoped  to   attract  capacity  audiences. 
As  the   size   of  'the   theatres  was    increased,   programs  were  expanded  to    include 
additional   ente'rtainment,    such  as   ""oresentations"   consisting  of   symphony 
orchestras,    ballets,    and  headline   vaudeville  acts.      At   the    same    time,    the  price 
of  admission  was   increased  to   offset   the  added  ex^oense   involved. 

Entrance   of  Producers    into    the  Exhibition  Division.   -   The  motion  picture 
theatre  owners    almost  from  the   beginning,    formed  cooperative   buying  groups   in 
order   to   buy  picture   films  for   their   theatres  and   to   control   if  possible, 
■nrices  and  playing   time.      The  producers  were   sometime'.-   required  to    sell   at 
prices  which   these  groups  xreve  willing   to  pay  or  else  not   sell  at  all.     Finally 
to  meet   this    situation,    producers  of  motion  pictures   entered  into    the   exhibi- 
tion field,      TThile    the  great  majority  of  the   theatres  are   operated  b"^  indivi- 
duals and  by  independent   chains  a  large  proportion  of   the  most   important 
theatres    is   controlled  by  the  producer-distributors. 

Classes  of  Exhibitors,  -  The  exhibition  division  of  the  Industry  today  is 
composed  of  three  classes  of  exhibitors;  namely  affiliated,  ijnaff iliated,  and 
independent.  Affilitated  exhibitors  include  those  operating  a  n^jraber  of 
theatres,  commonly  called  circuits,  v/hich  are  owned  or  controlled  by  the  "oro- 
ducer-distributors.  Unaffiliated  exhibitors  include  those  who  operate  a  cir- 
cuit of  theatres  but  have  no  connection  with  producer-distributors.  The  re- 
maining ejchibitors  are   called  independents,      (See   Table  XXXI,    below.) 


— ii<6— 

Total  NTU'i"ber   of   Theatres. 

As   sho!7n  in  Table  X^CVIII,    the  7ilra  Sally  Yearbook  reoorted  16,885  motion 
picture    theatres   in  the   United  Statei.   in  1'j34. 

Number  of  Theatres  "by  Principal  States 

ITnile  production  of  motion  oictures  i.-?  taj^hlj'"  concentrated  in  a  feu  stat 
the  market  for  films,  v;hich  consists  of  all  exhibitin"  theatres  in  the  Unite 
States,  is  vddely  scattered.   Table  XIvVIII  indicates  the.  distribution  of 
theatres  b;/  principal  states  in  1934,   Th'-'  state  of  Nev/  York  v;as  the  most  im- 
portar.t  in  1934,  for  it  reported  9  per  cent  of  the  total  number  of  theatres, 
Pennsylvania  and  Ohio  followed  in  close  order  having  6,6  per  cent  and  5,7  per 
cent  respectively,   California,  which  is  the  principal  producin.T  state,  con- 
tained about  5  per  cent  of  all  theatres, 


Number  of  jvlotion  Theatres,  by  Principal 

States,  1934 


Number  of  Theatres 

per   Cent  of   Total 

U.    S.    Total  a/ 












New  Jersey 

New  York 










Total,   15  States 
Total,    Other   States 



Source:     Film  Daily  Yearbook  of  Motion  Pictures.    1934. 

a/  This   total  figure  does  not  agree  with  the   total  given   by  the  Motion 

Picture  Producers  and  Distributors  of  America  which  report  18,371  as 
shown  in  Table   XXXI  below. 



Number  of   Theatres  Open  and  Closed 

Table  XXIX  sho-'s   the   total  nuraber  of   fiieatrsG  froLi  1£29   throiJ4;h  IS^G,   and 
from  1332  on;    the  d:ita  arc  broken  do-.Tn  to   sho--  the  nxnbor  open  and  closed.      It 
will   be  noted  th£.t   in  1932,    4,627  !:iovie  houses  out  of  a  total   of   20,100,    or  al- 
most 25   oer  cent,    ^^'ere   closed.      However,   onl;/  7S7,    or  17  per  cent,    of   tiiose 
closed  -ere    scund-equi'roed   theatres.      In  133L:,    out  of  a  tot/,:,]    of  IS, .311 
theatres,    5,595,    or  about  30  per  cent,   vere   closed,   of  ^hich  2,170,    or  almost 
37  joer  cent,    'jere  eoui^iped  ■".7ith  sound.      The   over-arc  .ansion   in   the  nanber  of 
theatres,    their  construction   in  imz-uitable   locations     as  reel  estate  -oromo- 
tions,    and   the  attendjance   by  the  public  at   the   finer   theatres   only,    "esujtod 
in  the   closin:<  of  a  lar^e  n":imb3r   that  }i:id  become   obsolete  or   rihoulf   never 
been  built, 

Althou];h  the  pro;oortion  of   clcsod  tJientres  decrersod  from.  1332  to   193'., 
the   relative  n-iombsr   of   closed  sound-e qui' )psd  theatres  riad  increased,      HoTvever, 
it  nust  be   borne   in  mind  that   the   r>rooorti^n   jf   sound~enuiT)ped  movie  houses   to 
the   total  han   been  incre-isir.-?;  sir.ce   1.929,    -iintil    in  193.5   these   hiO'ises   constitu- 
ted almost  90  per. cent  of  all   theatres. 

Seating-  Capacity 

Table  XjCC  sho^s   the   total  nurauer  oJ   seatc   in  motion  pictr^re   theatres 
during  the  years  1931   throia^,-h  1935,      3 Lice   1933,    the  n-o:iiber  has  reroained  re- 
latively constant  at   sli,_,htly  more   tiir,n  11  nillion. 

The  potential   seating-  capacity  of   the   Industry  ■'■^^ir  be   obtained  by  com- 
bining ^'ith   tiie  actual  m:anber  of   seats   the   avera::e  member  of   sho'vs  per  dr?.y. 
Since   some    theatres  give  at  least   t:70   shov/s  -oer   day,    and  most  of  them  probably 
three  or  four   sho^s  -oer  day,    the   ootential  daily  c?orcity  ^-ould  be   at  least 
trro  or  three   times   the  act'jial  nonbrj-r  of   seats. 


























































































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11A3LE  XXX 

Total  Kunber  of   Seatc   in  Motion  Picture 
Theatres,    1931-1935  a/ 

Da,te  Ninnber  of   Seats   b/ 

1931  12,143,751    . 

1932  '  10,7C7,000   6/ 

1933  11,151,193 
1954  11,028,950 
1935  11,132,595 

Scarce:'   Data  for  1951,    1932,    and  1953  from  Motion 
Picture  ALnpnac,    1933,   p.   6;    for  1932  as 
indicate':,   in  fcotiote  _c/;   for   1935,    1934, 
and  1335  fron  li'ilu:  Board  of    Trade  pLe-oorts. 

a/         As  of  January!,    each  year;    includes  o-oen 
and  closed  theatres. 

W  It  i-'ill  "je   noted  that   the   total  mjimber  of 

ser.ts   is  not   identical  -jith  those   given  by 
the    source-  cited  in  Table  XX2II,    below. 

c/  Standard  Statistics  .Com-oany,    Standard  Trade 

and  S'"^ cur i ties,    "Theatres  and  Motion  Pict^ores," 
ITol.    75,    i:o.    22   (rebruary  20,    1935),   t.,    TH-45. 

Number  of   Theatres  and  IT-'omber   of  Seats   Classified  by  Tyoe   of  Ownership 

.    Although,,  as   sho^in   in   Table  XXXI,    affiliated   circuits  owned  on  an  averagie 
about  11  per  cent  of   the    total  number  of   theatres  during  the  years  1933-1935, 
they  cTnedor  controlled  about  25  per   cent  of   the    total  number  of   seats,    as 
sho"..!!   in  Table  XXXII.      This   indicates   that   th-is  grourj   owned  large    theatres. 
The  unaffiliated  circuits  average  about  16  per   cent  of  the  number  of   theatres, 
but   they  represent  ap-jroxima-tely  23  per  cent  of   the   total  seating  capacity. 
Theatres   of  large   seating  capacity  are   also  found  among   the  unaffiliated  cir- 
cuits,   but   independents,   uho  own  or  control  approximately  72  per   cent  of   the 
total  number  of   theatres,   accouat  for  a  little  more   than  50  per  cent  of  the 
total   seating  capacity. 

This  is  significant  because  of tne  conoetition  within  the  Industry  bet\.een 
these  three  groiips.  The  unaffiliated  circuits  are  usijally  well  entrenched  and 
in  a  powerful  bargaining  position  in  the  purchase  of  films.  The  independents, 
who  are  widely  scattered,  are  usually  in  a  relatively  x)Oor  bargaining  position 
when  their  theatres  happen  to  be  located  in  close  proximity  to  the  affiliated 
or  unaffiliated  circuits.  Independents  located  in  non-competitive  areas,  ho^.-?- 
ever,  are   often   in  good  bargaining  rjo sit ions   in    the  purchase   of  films. 




Nujn'ber  of  Motion  Picture   Theatres,    Classified  "by  Tyve 
of  Ownership,    1933-1935 


To  tal 


per   Cent 
of   Total 

Circuit   Theatres 



Num-   Per  Cent 
ber    of  Total 

Per  Cent 
of  Total 

Independent  Theatre 


Per  Cenl 
of  Tots 







16.6  13,796  71.6 
15.5  13,571  73.9 
16.8     13,120   71,8 

Source:     Motion  picture  producerf/and  Distributors  of  A]:ierica,    Inc.,    as  of 
Je.nuary  1,    each  year. 




Nuiiiber  of  Motion  picture   Theatre    Seats,    Classified  by  Type 

of  Ov/nership,    1953-1935 



N"'aiiiber     per   Cent 
(000«s)   of   Total 





Per. Cent 
of   Total 


(000 »s) 


Arum-       Pe  r   Ce  nt   ( 000 «  s ) 
ber         of   Total 

Per  Cent 
of   Total 










Soijrce:      Motion  Picture  producers  and  Distributors  of  America,    Inc.,   as  of 
Januarj''  1,    each  year. 

a/  It  ijill   be  noted  that   the   total  numbers   of  seats  is  not   identical  wi" 

those  given  by  the   source   cited,  in   Table  XXX  above. 

Total   Theatre  Recei-ots  and  Attendance 

The    total   estimated  box-office   receipts  from  1929    through  1934,    inclusive, 
are   sho\7n  in  Table  XXXIII.      Heceipts  fell   from  $1,100,000,000  in  1929  and  1930 
to  approximately  half    this  amount   in  1933.      TTliile  avera.^e  estimated  admission 
.prices  fell   from  30   cents   in  1929   to   23   cents  in  1930,    the   increased  attendance 
was  sufficient   to  keep  tiie   total  estimated  receipts  at  the  1929  level,   namely, 
$1,100,000,000,      The  estimated  avera^-e  admission  price   fell  from  30   cents   in 
1929   to   20   cents   in  1933  and  1934,    or  a  droD  of  one-third. 



TAELs  ram 

Estimated  Total  Box-Office  Receipts,  Average  Admission  Price, 

and  Attendance,  1929-1934 

Year         Total  Heceipts       Average         Attendance  a/ 

(in  millions) 

Total  Receipts 



(in  millions) 
















1929  $1,100  .30  3,660 

1930  1,100  .28  3,920 

1931  880  .24  3,330 

1932  625  .22  2,840 

1933  560  .20  2,800 

1934  550  .20     ^.,250 

Soiorce:      Standard  Statistics   Company,    Standard  Tra^e  and  Securities,    "Tlieatrer 
and  Motion  Pictures,"   Vol.    75,    No.    22   (February  20,    1935),   p.    TH~4-6. 

a/  These   fiarures  arc  not  consistent  '-rith  the   average  weekly  attendance 

^"^'""  figures  given  ^oy  the  Film  Daily  Year  Book.    1935,   presumably  because 

the   latter   source  has  a  more   complete   coverage   than   tlaat   of   the 
Standard  Statistics   Company. 

■Theatre  Recei-nts  by  Principal   States 

Receipts  by  ten  ■orincinal  states  are  shown  below  in  Chapter  II,  Tabl© 
XXX^/III,  as  rerjorted  l)y  the  Census  of  American  Business  for  the  year  1933, 
New  York  State   accounted  for  23  Tier   cent  of   the   total  receiuts  reported  in 

1933,  although,    as   shown  in  Table  XXVIII,    above,    it   contained  only  about   9 
per  cent  of   the   total  number  of   theatres   in  1934.      The    ten  principal   states 
together  acco^onted  for  more    than  70  per  cent  of    the    total  receipts   in  1933, 

Com-oetition  with  Other   Industries 

Aside  from  competition  between  various  tj'pes  of  theatres  within  the  In- 
dustry, motion  picture  theatres  compete  with  radio  broadcasting,  s-oorts,  and 
other  amusements,  such  as  the  burlesque  industry  and  the  legitimate  theatre. 
Moreover,  there  exists  a  tyjDe  of  so-called  non- theatrical  com-oetition  wherein 
schools,  churches,  lodges,  and  sometimes  business  concerns,  display  films  to 
the  disadvantage  of  local  exhibitors.  No  figures  are  available  as  to  the  ex- 
tent of   comoetition  from  these    sources. 

Expenditures  for   Theatre   Construction 

Table  XXXIV  shows   the   rapid  decrease   in  annual   theatre   construction  from 
$163,559,000   in  1929   to   $13,500,000  for  the  16  months  covering  1953  and  the 
first  4  months  of   1934.      The   figure   of   $20,000,000  for   the  11  months  from  May, 

1934,  to  April,    1935,    indicates   the    beginning  of  more   activity  in  theatre   con- 
struction.     The    biggest  decline   came   in  1932  when  construction  dro-oped  61  per 




Annual  Expenditure   in   Theatre   Construction, 
1929-March,    1935 



Per  Cent 
Change  from 







1933,  -  ADril,  1934  (16  months) 

May,  1934  -  March,  1935  (11  months) 

97 , 580 


Source:     Motion  Picture  Almanac.  - 

Financial   Condition 

Table  XXXV  shows   the   latest  available  data   concerning  financial   condi- 
tions  of   exhibiting  corporations  re-iortin^;;;  to   the   Bureau  of   Internal  Revenue 
for   the  years  1927   tlirough  1932.      The  peak  of  earnings  for  all   corr)orations  vr?. 
reached  in  1930,    vrhen  net  profits  amounted  to  almost   $30,000,000,      Horzever, 
the  year  1931   saw  a  decrease  of  about  87  per  cent   in  profits  from  the  1930 
peak.      In   the  year  1952  motion  pictui'e   theatres   ODerated  at  a  loss   of  more 
than  $59,000,000 


Gross  Income,  Net  Profit  or  Loss, 
(in  thousands) 


Gross  Income 

Net  Profit  or  Loss 



$18 , 951 

21 , 646 





Source:   Bureau  of  Internal  Revenue,  Statistics  of  Income, 





Chapter  II.  Laoor  Statistics 

Number  of  Euployess 

Censu.s  data:fcr  the  year's  prior  to  1933  are  not  available  on  enploynent 
and  wages  in  the  e-iiihi-.'.on  brrjich  of  the  Industry,^  Table  ZZXVI ,  talcen  from 
the  Census  of  Ai^e^ican  Basineaa,  1533.  sho77s  the  total  n-omber  of  employees 
and  the  average  n'^^iiber  eiiiplcyed  per  motion  pictuxe  theatre.   The  fir;^ure  of 
^.9  for  the  average  nunber  employed, per  theatre  is  lower  than  that  reported 
by  the  5ureaa  of  Labor  Sbatiscics  in  a  study  made  of  eleven  neighborhood 
theatres  in  TTashingtonj  D.  C,  in  the  latter  part  of  1331,  when  an  average 
of  10«7  employees  per  theatre  was  reported  (See  Table  XL,  below).  However, 
according  to  figures  givfcn  in  trade  publications  such  as  the  Film  Daily,  ' 
Variety,  and  Motion  Pic-;ure  jjaanac.  theatres  have  been  reported  to  average 
pbout  16  employees.   It  is  considered  that  the  average  for  the  entire 
country  approaches  the  latter  figiire  as  reported  by  the  trade  publications, 
especielly  since  the  higher  figure  is  further  supported  by  the  fact  that 
employees  s^ach  as  musicians,  vaudeville  talent,  and  office  employees  were 
omitted  from  the  Washington  survey. 

'-  TASLE  XXX-7I 

Annual  Average  ITuinber  Enployed,    5^111  and  Part-Time,. 
"oj  x^'pes  of  Theatres,    1933  a/ 


Type  of  Theatre 


per  Cent 
of  Total 

Pull- lime 

ITum-     Per  Cent 
ber       of  Total 

Fart-  i.  ime       A.verage 

Ifum-  Per  Cent       per 
ber     of  Total     Theatre 

Motion  Picture  only  65,723       lOC.O       54,030 
Motion  Picture  and 

Vaudeville  8,635       100.0         7,924 

82.2        11,698      17.0 


711        8.2 

Total  Theatres   showing 

Motion  Pictures        74,363        100.0        61,354       83,3       12,409     16.7 




Source:   Census  of  Ajnerican  Basinets.  1933.  "Service,  Amusements,  and  not els." 
a/     Includes  proprietors. 

Total  Annual  Payrolls 

Table  XXXVII  shows  total  payrolls  for  moving  picture  theatres  in  1333« 
xor  all  t^'pes  of  motion  picture  houses,  full-time  payrolls  amounted  to  34 
per  cent  of  th©  total. 




Total  Payrolls,   Fall  and  Part-time,   by  Types  of  Theatres,   1933 

Type  of   'ilieatre 




iunoiint  Per  Cent     Amount       Per  Cent     Amount         Per   Cent 
(OOO's)    of  Total      (000' s)      of  Total      (OOO' s)        of  Total 

Motion  Picture 

only  $71,451  100.0     $67,009  93.8  $4,442 

Motion  picture  and 

Vaudeville  10,505  100.0       10,053     '     97.5  252 



Total  Th.ea,tres  Showing 

Motion  Pictures   81,756 

100.0   77,062    94.2 



Source:   Census  of  American  Business.  1933.  "Service,  Amusements,  and  Hotels. IJ 

Total  Annual  Payrolls  as  a  Per  Cent  of  Total  Receipts 

According  to  estimates  of  the  Motion  Picture  Almanac  for  1933,  pa^^nrolls 
in  the  e:±Li"bition  division  represent  about  25  per  cent  of  total  theatre 
receipts.   This  figure  is  slightly  higher  than  that  derived  from  receipts 
and  payroll  data  reported  by  the  Census  of  American  Business  in  1933,  which 
listed  receipts  as  $415,153,000  (see  Table  XXXVIII,  below) , and  a  total,  full 
part-time  payroll  of  $81,756,000,  which  represents  approximately  20  per  cent 
of  total  receipts.   (See  Table  XXXVII,  above.) 

Number  of  Uage  Earners  and  Total  Annual  Wages  by  Principal  States 

Table  XXXVIII  show-s  the  distributi^on  of  full-time  employees  and  payrolls 
by  ten  principal  states,  as  reported  by  the  Census  of  American  Business  in 
1933.  The  ten  states  listed  employed  almost  67  per  cent  of  all  the  full-time 
employees  in  that  year  and  paid  them  73  per  cent  of  the  total  payroll.  The   j 
state  of  Hew  York  employed  18  per  cent  of  all  full-time  workers,  but  reported 
26  per  Cent  of  the  total  full-time  payroll,  which  indicates  high  average      , 
wages  in  tha.t  state.   California  was  second  with  more  than  8  per  cent  of 
total  employees,  who  received  8  per  cent  of  the  total  payroll.  New  York  also 
received  the  largest  share  of  theatre  receipts,  amounting  to  23  per  cent  of 
the  total. 





]otal  Receipts,   l-Taraber  of  Full-Tirae  Employees  and  Payrolls, 
Classified  "by  lO-J^rjjicipal   States,    1933  a/ 


Total  lieeeiptg    .  ITull-TinQ  J^nipAlJit^  Fall-Tiine  Pa\nroll 

Ainoiint     Per  Cent 
(000' s)    of  Total 

ITunter         Per  Cent  Aiuo-unt     Per  Cent 
(000' s)        of  Total   (000' s)   of  Total 

U,   S.    Total 






New  Jersey 

New  York 




$415,153  100.0    63,136 

100.0   $00,519   100.0 

20 , 730 

Total,    10    States  293,050 

Totrl,   Other   States     122,103 



1 ,  501 






































Source:   Census  of  American  Business.  1933.  "Services,  Amusements,  and  The- 

a/  The  data  include   122  legitimate   theatres  and  operas  which  grossed 

$3,611,000  and  employed  1,182  full-time  workers  with  a  payroll  of 
$3,457,000.      "When  allowance   is  made  for   the   inclusion  of  those 
legitimate   thea,tres  and  operas,    the  employee  and  payroll  data  In 
this  table   are   identical  with  those  given  in  Tables  XXXVI   and 
XXXVII,    above.  - 

Wages  and  Hours 

In  Principal   Cities.   -  Reports  on  wages  and  hours  of  unionized  projection- 
ists in  1933  wore  published  by  the  Bureau  of  Labor   Statistics  in  the  Monthly 
Labor  Review  for  May,    1933.      The  report,   v^hich  embraces   almost   230  cities  and 
5,494  operators,    shows   that   average  weekly  wages  ranged  from  $22.50  to   $95.00. 
Prev.-^iling  hours  ranged  from  23  to   62  hours  per  week. 

An  analysis  of   the  report   discloses   the  distribution  of  weelcLy  union  wage 
scales  find  hours  worked  per  week  shown  in  Table  XXHX.      These  ranges  vary 
primajrily  with  the   strength  of  the  union  in  particular  localities  rather  than 
with  the   size   and  type  of   theatre,    size  of  city,   or   section  of   the   country'-. 
It   is  believed  that  wages  and  hours  of  work  of  other  organized  workers   (stage 
hands  and  musicians)    in  the  motion  picture  theatres  would  show  a  similar 
variation,   depending  upon  the   strength  of   the  union. 




Wage  Scales  and  Hoars  Worked  par  Week  "by  Unionized 
Projectionists,  Clasnified  by  iMuraber  of  Citioa,  1933 


Number  of  Cities 

Wage  Scale 

Under  $35  per  week 
Between  '$35  and  $45 
Between.  '$45  and  $65 
Over  $65 

Hours  Worked  -per  Week  " 

Under  36 

Between  36  and  40 
'Between  40  c?jrxd  45 
Between  45  and  50 
Over  50 




.  29 





Source:      Compiled  from  Bureau  of  Labor   Statistics 
Monthly  Labor  B.eview.    (May,    1933)   p.  1111. 

In  V/ashington.    D.    C.   ~  Table  XL  shows   the  hourly  wage  rate   and  hours 
worked  per  week  by  the  various  classes  of  wage   earners  employed  in  eleven 
neighborhood  theatres  in  Washinfjton,    D.    C.    in  the   latter  part   of  1931.   1/ 
The  averrge  weekly  hours  for  all   types  of  full-time  employees  ranged  from 
32.5  to  49  hours  per  week;    for   all   types  of  part-time  workers,  from  8   to   24 
hours.      In  the   service  branch,   weekly  wages  for  full-time  employees  ranged 
from  $9,28  to   $18,40:    for  part-time  employees,   from. $6. 65  to   $8,55.      Tech- 
nicians such  as  operators,   electricians  and  engineers  were   the  highest  paid 
help  and  averaged  about  45  hours  per  weok. 

1/      The  Bureau  of  Labor   Statistics  reports   that   the  city  of  Washington  was 

chosen  for   this   survey   "because  of  the  belief   that   this  city  has  been  af- 
fected less  than  any  other  city  of   its   size  by  the  business  depression, 
and  it  would  therefore  be  possible   to    segregate   the   effects  broUjC^it  about 
by  the  changes  in  technology  from  those  due  to  other  causes,   and  especi- 
ally to   the  depression." 



Average  Weekly  Hours  end  Wa^^s  of   Employees  in  11 
Neighborhood  Motion  Picture  Theatres  of  Washington,  D.  C, 
by  Branch  of  Work  and  Occupation,  1531 

Branch  of  work 






and Occupation 











The  al- 
















Relief  Cashiers 












Full-time  Ushers 






Part-time  Ushers 
























Elevator  boys 













Relief  operators 






liusi9     Or^ajiists 













Relief  electricians 






Me  "^  "^  -^ '-'  -■  -  ce 

_:.,^_:..  ,rs 












Total  l?umber  Employed 


Average  per  theater     . 


Source:     Bureau  of  Labor 

Statistics  Monthly 


Review,    (November,    1931) 





TcJolc  JLT    shows  the   average  v/eekly  wage  of  fiill-tirae  projectionists   end 
"service"   employees  in  tb^e  various  types  of  theatres     in  Washington,   D.   C, 
Cashiers  in -downtown  de  luxe  pic tui-e  houses,;  labelled  Type  1,   averaged 
$21,85  uhile  in   ''other  colored".. theatres,    lypo  7,   they  averaged  only  $10,00 
per  v/eek.     Pro joctionist 'operators  in  Type  1  theatres  averaged  $96,67,  while 
in  Ty^oe  7  they  r-eceived  $31,-00v  •    -•  '      " 

ta3i:e  xli 



Average  "Weekly  Wages   in  Different   Types  of  Motion 
Picture  Theatres  of  Washington,   D.C,,.  "by  Branch 
of  Work  and  Occupation,   1931 

Branch  of 'Work 
and  Occup.Ation 

theatre  Types  a/ 



Ushers  ^ 

$21.85-.    $19.08      $14.57      $14.61      $10.70     $14.33   '  $10..00 








17.18  •• 





11,23  ■ 










»— ~ 



— J.— 



96. 67-.      83.55        50.00        67.10        41.47       47.33       31,01 

Source:     'Goinpiled  from  Bureau  of  Labor   Statistics,   Monthly  Labor  Review 
(xHovember,    1931),   pp.   4-6. 

a/  Theatre   types  are   defined  as  follows: 

Jl^e   1  -  Down-town  de-luxe  presentation  houses. 

2  -  Down-town  first-class   straight-picture  houses. 

3  -  Other  down   straight-picture  houses, 

4  -  First-class  neighborhood  straigt-picturo  housoc* 

5  -  Other  neighborhood  straight-picture  houses, 

6  -   Colored  first-class  picture  houses, 
vo^;..-  ,Other  colored  picture  houses. 



Char)ter  III,  I.Ir.terials 

Nmnber  of  Filns  Used 

De  lu::e  theatres  usaally  eidiilDit  no  noro  tlian  50  featiire  pict-ures  cxiring 
the  year,  v;hile  the  "better  neighborhood  theatres  generally  exhibit  fron  100  tc 
150  features.  Both  these  tjnpes  of  theatre  shov,'  each  year  approximately  tv.'icc 
as  many  short  subjects  as  features.   Tnese  short  subjects  consist  of  conediop. 
cartoons,  aiid  travelogues,  otc,  but  d..o   not  include  nev/s  filns. 

In  other  neighborhood  theatres,  v/here  features  are  changed  three  tip-ies 
a  week,  approxinately  150  are  required  annually.   In  recent  years  there  nas 
developed  the  practice  of  showing  tv/o  features  during  a  progran,  and  this  Iid,z^^  increased  the  nuj:iber  of  filns  used  per  year. 

Per  Cent  of  Consuner's  llotion  Picture  Dollar  Spent  on  Piln  Rental 

Ho  acc-'jtrate  data  are  available  as  to  the  total  e^-oenditures  of  e:±d.bitor- 
for  fill!  rentals.  According  to  Table  XLII,  the  cost  of  prodiicing  filns  ac- 
counts foi^  a  little  nore  than  18  per  cent  of  the  consuner's  noving  picture 
dollar,  rnd  cUstribution  costs  ainoimt  to  alnost  8  oer  cent.   This  nakes  a 
total  of  26  per  cent  which  may  be  taken  as  a  rough  indication  of  the  proportic. 
of  the  consuraer's  dollar  s\")ent  on  film  rental. 




per  Cent  of  the  Conauiaer's  Motion  Picture  Dollar 
Accounted  for  by  tlie  Chief  Divisions  of  the 

Industry,  1933 

Division  Per 'Cent 

of  Total 


Players         .  4.5 

Directors  and  Cameramen  2.4 

Sets  1.8 

Costumes  .5 

Location  .5 

Raw  Film  1.4 

Stories  and.  Scripts      ^  2.9 

Administration                                .  4.2 



Source:  Motion  Picture  Almanac,  1953. 

.Total  Production  18.2 

Branch  Erpenses  3.6 

Print  Cost  1.6 

Home  Office  Expense  2.6 

Total  Distribution  7.8 
























Deprecia,tion  and  Maintenance 

Rent,  Real  Estate,  and  Taxes 

Other  Taxes  and  Insurance 

Electricity  and  Heat  5.1  "! 

Other  Expenses 

Interest  aj\d  Profit 

Total  Exliibition 
Total  for  Industry 


FAST  IV.    z::Ki:"iTioii 

Ch-'";;>ter   IV,  Trslu  Prccticos 
Cle?^.iT.nce   rr.d  Zonin>T 

ZjomtcDle   cloarance  r.nd   zoning  hrs  tee:!,   rnd  still  rerirlnc,   a  ..lost  con- 
troveraicl  pro  1)161.1  within  the   Indastry.      i^eature   filnj;. ,   which  open  in  Icj-ge 
cities  for  as  jjoch  as   $5,000  per  vreek,   uc.-j  eventually  ret'orn  to   those   sa;ie 
cities  for   525.00     First-rim  eriiibitors,  -nri'vinr^,-  1ct£Q  license   fees  and  chrrging 
high  acj^ission    jric^s,   have  comjlained  th-^t   insufficient   tine  elapses  'bstv.^sen 
the   lirst-r-un  of  a  i'eo.tvxe  pict-ore  at   a  Irxge   theatre  and  suh sequent   rvns   in 
smaller   theatres,      Clains  have  been  nade   that   the  pa.Tr'.ient   of  large   fees  en- 
titles the..":  to   the  "orotection  of  showing  "oictuTes  \.lthout   txic   fear   that   snaller 
theatrer,  nay  present   the   srine   fili.;  so    soon  after  the-  first   shov.lng,    that  "oros- 
pective  patrons  ^.'ould  he   inclin-^d  to  v/   for  the   lov/er  admission  prices  on 
subsequent   r-.T.s  elsev^here. 

On  tJie  other  hand,    subsequent-r^m- exhibitors  have   claine^:^  tnat   the  major 
e:diibitors  receive  iJinreasonable   clo?rancs   of  tine  between  first  and  subseqv.ent 
showings,   cjid  altjo   t?-Bt  'the  lar.'^e   ■^^dnibitors  have  e::a-cted  rights   over  i:nrea;;on- 
abl.7  large  areas. 

Other  'Jnfair  Trace  Practices 

host  e:h.ibitor  contracts  '.rith  distributors  contain  -provisions   that   the 
exhibitor  v.lll  charge   3->ecified  acxiission  prices   acd   the  cost  of   the   license 
to   show-  the  picture  is  based  en  these  -trices.     ji:d:.ibitors,  althougli  publishir-g 
these  prices,  have  often  n^-torially  lo^-ercd  the:.:   03-  offering  gifts  or  •:rer;i-.^:is; 
by  holdin^-  lotteries,    or   oy  instituting  a  policy  of   throvtr-avraj-'  tickets   or  two- 
for-one  acjussions.     Once   started,    these  "oractices   cn>read  throughout  an  entire 
conpetitve  area  and  e^diioitors  have  vied  -.'.'ith  each  other  in  naking  more   e::- 
t  r ava-'-ant   offers. 

The  "oiactice  of   showing  t'.^o   feature   lilns  lor  one   ad.nis£ion  -orice  was  an 
extrci.ely  controversial   subject  d^1ring   ore-Code   diiicussion.      Social,  religious, 
ana  educational  organizations  protested  thrt   this  policy  of  having  a,  double- 
feature  progrcj:!  absorbed  screen  tirje  whic^i  wo^ild  otherwise  be  given  over   to   the 
showing  of  travelogaes  and  other  educational   ohort   subjects.      Sone   independent 
ezhibitors  claimed  that   the  elinino.tion  of  this  C'Olicy  wou3.d  deprive  then  01 
their  only  means   of  competing  with  the  larger  r.ioving  picttare   theatres.      !Ehis 
practice,   Ti'hich  spread  raoidly  in  any  territory  vrhere   it  v/as  initiated,   ':as 
soon  adopted  03'-  the   larger  as  "ell  as   the  scalier  theatres. 

Sshibitors  as  a  group  have  considered  unfair  the  leasing  of  to  non- 
theatrical  accounts,  i.  e,,  to  social,  religious,  and  educational  organizations 
which  erdiibit  motion  pictiires  s-uch  as  travelogues,  religious  pictures,  comedies^ 
and  educa-tional   short   subjects. 

Hiirdbitors  have   claimed  that  discrimination  has  been  used  in  the  applica- 
tion of   "score"   charges,      [Biese  charges  are  a  han/:over   from  the  early  days 
when  "scored  nur.ic"   was   sold  in  ::onj'jncti  m  v;ith  pict-ures.     T-ien  soioid  recorci- 
ing  was  introd'jred  the   "score"   charge   was  continued,   being  included  in  the 
cost  of  the   disc  or   so^^nd  track. 


-5.?- . 

Trade  Associr.tijns 

The   i.Iotion  Picture   'Tl'ieatre  Ovnorr)   of  A'leric: {jj  V  T-  0  .-.^.  -  This 

p.SGOciation  was   orgrJiiiied  in  ] '3/?0  l/v  inc^-JC/idcit   tne:t,tro   ovmerc   to   conbr.t   the 
tlieatre   ercoansion  -oolic,7  ;pu3ri;ued  "b;/  Fanouc  Pla/ers  Lack:/  Corooration. 

Tlie   or^-anization   ic>   corv:)csod  of   several   state  enC^  regional  grou-^s  operat- 
ing as  indeoondunt  associations.      Tlie   national  organi5-:atioR  rttenots   to  coordi-» 
nate  activities   and  provide  •un.iforr.i  action  on  oroblcns  of  major   inportcjice   to 
exhi'Ditors.      It  i.iay  rout?:hly   ue   stated  to   represent  at   least   2,500  of  the   af- 
filiated theatres. 

In  19.o7,   "bocaase   of   the  cxr^ressed  belief  that  riore  constructive  accoii- 
plishijcnts  could  be   secured  by  constr\ictive  cooperation  rather   than  open 
hostility,  producer-distributor  thc.:*tro   o\mers  were   granted      Tiie 
orgpjiii^aticn  ipjiecliatel3-   fiiiancially  der^ondent  upon  these  nevr  ner.bers 
and  control    massed  fror.i   the  hands  of   the   independents   to   the  new  grou;-). 

Allied  States  Association  of  ilotion  Picture  Ezjiibitors.  -     This  Associa- 
tion uas   originally  fori;.ed  in  192o  as  a  T)rotest  against   sone  of   the    practices 
of  the  Motion  Picture   Theatre  0-.;ners   of  A^.iericc.      It  \/as  fashioned  after   the 
K.1-'  '\   0  A.    and  in  nany  instances  regional  groups   siriply  transferred  their  al- 
legiance  fror.i  one   organization   to   tl:e   otnor.      In  1926,   folloi/ing  a  proD.ise  'oy    'i 
the  v.  J  P  0  I'.i    to   serve   the   interests   of   the   inde-'ondent   exiiibitors^/',  ' 
Allied  States  voted  to   disband  nnd  affiliate  vath  the   forner,      T'.to   voars  later 
certain  proninerjt   inde  p.endent  erJiibitor  ner.bers  of   the   original  Allied  gi'ou - 
decided  to  reorganise.  ♦ 

In  1952  Professor  Lev;is  Howard  reported  that  Allied  States  represented 
6,000  theatres.      It   is  generall-r  conceded  by  the   Industry  that   the  Icxger 
circuits   rre  reuresonted  by  the  i:  ?  T   0  A,    and  the    snaller    theatres  by  A^.lied 

Trade  Union  Activity 

Inter?iational  Alliance  of  Theatrical  Sta)i;:e  I'r.rployees  and  I.Iotion.  ?ict\u-e 
Machine  Operators  of  the  United  States  and  Canadr .  -  This  union  was  conposed 
of  appro:-:ii lately  26,000  nenbers  in  1934,  according  to  o.  statement  iiade  in 
that  year  bj'-  its  Assistant  President,  Louis  Krouse.  It  is  affiliated  with  _ 
the  Aierican  Federation  of  Labor  rnd  its  nei.ibers  are  the  skilled- enployees  in  '^ 
the  Industry.  •  Tlie  organization  is  conposed  of  a  nunber  of  local  unions 
throughout   the  United   Strtes  Lnd  Canada. 


Eydiibit  A.     Persons  ;;?aa"'.iried  as  Experts  or.  the  Entire   Industry 

Will  H.   H£.7s,   President,   i'otion  Picture  producers  & 

Distrioutors  of  ADorica,    Inc., 
•      •  2S  7e£t  44th  Street,   lie-'  York,   Hew  York 

David  Palfre^man,    Theatre  Service  Division,    Motion  Picture 

Producers  d:.  Di^tritutors  of  Araerica,    Inc., 
28  7est  44th  Street,   llev7  York  Ile^r  York 

Sol  A.   Pjonenhlatt,  Division  Administrator,   liRA, 

International  ^^Jiildin^,   I^.dio   Git;,',    ITew  York 

John  C,   riinn,    foraer  Secretar;/  of   the  Code  Authority, 

no-  connected  -.rith  Variety,    Inc., 
154  "Jest  4£th  Street,   I'ew  York,    IJe^  York 

Tyree  Dillard,    fomer  Co-.insel   for  the  Code  Autl'^rity, 

nor;  connected  with  Letro-GoldTrTn-Llayer, 
Leffal  Department, 
iIeT7  York,   !Tew  York 

Kathan  Yamins,    represented  Independent  E:±iicitors  on  Code 

Pall  Piver,    l^ssaciTusetts 

Ed  IZu^'lcenc^.ll,    President,   Ilotion  Pict-ire   Theatre  Ormers  of 

America;    also   i-e^o resented  Independent 
E%}::.i^oitors  on  fomer  Code  Authority, 

1600  Sroad-ay,    ITev:  York,   T.&n  York,    and/ or 

Col-jinbus,   i'ississippi 

Ahrai:  E,  Uysrs,    Chainaan  of  Board  and  General   Counsel  for 

Allied  States  Association  of  Llotion 
Pict-jLre  Ezhihitors, 
723  15th  Street,   11.^,,   "^'ashin-^tcn,   D.    C, 

John  P,  Ziiisht,    Mainter^ance  Executive,   Paramount   Theatres 

Service   Corporation, 
limes  Sq'JLare,    !Ie»7  York,   iler?  York 

Pat   Casey,   Producers'   P-epresentative  for  Studio  La'cor, 
160-0  ProadvTa.y,   ITeT^  York,   ITov?  York,    and/or 
5504  Eollywood  Blvd.,   Hollj^ood,    California 

C-eorge  Ero^rme,   President,    InterriationsJ  alliance  of  Theatrical 

Stage  Eroployees  and  Hotion  Picture  Liachine 
Cperators  of  th.e  United  States  and  Canada, 
Earle  Theatre dine,   T7ashin|:ton,    D.    C, 


Loiiis  Ilrousc,  Assistant  President,  International  Alliance 

of  Thec.trical  Stage  Srrployees  and  Motion 
picture  Hrchine  Qooratorr,  of  the  United  States 
and  Canada, 
Earle  Theatre  Biiildin:T,  Washington,  D.  C. 

Steven  ITewLian,  International  Representative,  International 

Alliance  of  Theatrical  Stage  Employees  and 
Motion  Picture  Machine  Operators  of  the 
United  States  and  Canada, 
3671  Valley  Brinl<:  pLoad,  Los  Angeles,  California 

Joseph  TJeher,  President,  Aiiierican  Federation  of  liusicians, 

1450  Broadway,  ITe^  Yorh,  T.e\i   York 

Franl:  Gilmore,  President,  Actors  Equity  Association  and"  Chorus 

Equity  Association, 
45  West  47th  Street,  I'e-j  York,  i^e:?  York 

Professor  l.i,  P.  I.IclTair,  Disinterested  authority  on  the  Industry, 

Harvard  Bureau  of  Business  Hesearch, 
Canhridge,  Llassachusetts 

Professor  Ho^7ard  T,  Levris,  Disinterested  authority  and  historian 

on  the  Industry, 
Harvard  Graduate  School  of  Business, 
Cambridge,  Massachusetts 

Terry  Harnsaye,  Editor,  Ilotion  Picture  Herald;  Writer,  historian 

and  authority  nhose  rrorks  "teen 
regarded  l),y  subsequent  historians  as 
original . 

Szhibit  3.   The  Advent  of  So-Lmd  in  Motion  Pictureo 

Soiind  in  £:-±.i"bition 

The  advent  of  soamd  in  1926  cnused  a  revolution  in  the  Industiy 
conrocraole  ilth   the  intro.'.uction  of  the  feature  pict-ore  in  1913.   The 
development  suddenly  chcn^ed  the  entire  Dtisiness  and  revived  a  failing 
interest  in  ^notion  picture  erxtertaininent.   The  tremeiidous  influence  of 
gc^i  music  later  brought  to  sound- equipped  theatres  a  Is.rge  increase  in 
patronage.  At  first  onl7  snorts  wore  synchronized  'jith  sound  reproduced 
from  discs.   Couroanies  moved  cautiously  to  nal-c^,  the  transition  to  sound 
as  gradn^il  as  po£.3ihle,  ores^ima'Dly  "because  of  the  large  technical  changes 

Warner  Brothers'  Vitaphone  ushered  in  the  present  coinmcrcially 
successfiil  innovation  in  Aug'ist,  1926.   7ox  closed  a  contract  with  77estem 
Electric  for  the  development  of  liovietone  in  January,  1327,  ^hich  led  to 
a  cross-licenGing  arrangeiient  with  VibaT)hone.  A  sicple  attachment  to  the 
projectors  was  dev-=loped  by  ^rhich  7it-j-p,hor.e  and  Movietone  equipment  could 
be  used  interchangably.   Subsequent  cooperation  of  General  Zlectric, 
?..  C.  A.  and  TTestem  Zlectric  -.7ith  major  producers,  brought  quick  progress. 
Cost  of  equipment  for  reproduction  T.^as  constantly  decreased,  due  to  the 
Industry's  ImoTrledge,  tliat  small- theatre  installations  were  necessary  to 
the  success  oi  sound  pictijires.   Fox  ''caught'-  the  Lindbergh  talceoif  for  the 
solo  flight  to  Paris  for  the  L'ovietone  lleTrs.   The  "covering"  of  the 
Lindbergh  reception  in.  TTar.hingtonwith  sound  newsreel  made  history.  Hott- 
9ver,  the  distribution  of  txie  ncTTsreel  -r/as  restricted,  due  to  the  limited 
number  of  rrired  houses. 

Marheting  of  the  T7e stern  Zlectric  eqiiipment  by  Electrical  Research 
Products  began  in  August,  1927,  offering  the  systems  which  embraced  sound- 
on-film,  sound-on-disc,  and  nonr-synchronous  disc  systems.   Installation 
costs  raiig-:d  from  $8,000  to  $15,000  in  price,  depending  upon  the  theatre 
and  its  accoustical  requirements. 

Mean-.vhile,  TTarner  Brothers  had  secretly  prepared  an  all-dialogue 
picture  entitled  ''The  Lights  of  Hew  York."  Exneriments  up  to  this  time 
had  included  mostly  sound  effects  and  music  with  only  scatterings  of 
dialogue.   Vitaphone  and  Liovietone  Hews,  as  short  "all  talkers,"  had  been 
tremendously  successful,  TThile  successfully  received  throughout  the 
country,  "The  Lights  of  New  York"  clearly  demonstrated  that  the  most  rigid 
care  had  to  be  exercised  in  the  selection  of  words  given  the  characters  to 
speak.   Voices  which  wo^lld  s^/nchronize  were  necessary.   Stars  began  to 
worry  about  lessons  in  elocution. 

Wired  theatres  prospered  while  •'onwired  houses  were  not  even  given 
proper  exploitation  advantages.  Exhibitors  were  fretful  concerning  the 
oft-arising  question  of  interchangoability  en  which  the  patent  holders 
refused  clearly  to  commit  themselves  although  well-informed  sources  had 
conceded  it  to  oo   no  problem,  provided  reproduction  standards  ejid  quality 
were  satisfactory. 



The  year  1929  found  sound  pictures  off  to  an  auspicious  start,  due 
to  the  announcement  of  lower  prices  Vj   Western  Electric  for  either  the 
Vitaphone  or  I.iovietone  reproduction  equipment  for  June  1st  delivery  at  a 
price  of  $5,500  each,  or  $7,000  for  both.  At  the  end  of  1929,  wired 
theatres  nuxahered  9,350.  T7ill  H.  Hays  estimated  that  theatre  attendance 
increased  15,000,000  weekly  during  the  year. 

Sound  in  Production 

The  introduction  of  sound  in  production  caused  a  change  in  style 
of  making  pictures,  the  erection  of  more  than  100  sound  stages,'  and  the 
installation  of  millions  of  dollars  in  equipment.  'Old  talent  was 
eliminated  in  numerous  instances  and  nev;  talent  introduced.  An  addition 
of  approximately  5,000  employees  was  reported  at  the  .end  of  1930.   It 
has  been  estimated  that  99  per  cent  of  all  pictures,  produced  in  1930  nere 
either  sound  or  all- talking  pictures. 

The  cost  of  making  a. picture  ^vith  sound  v/as  estimated  to  "be  from 
five  to  seven  times  the  cost  of  makin'5  an  all-silent  picture.   The 
increased  overhead,  loss  of  'bbx-office  names  of  players,  who  had  starred 
in  silent  pictures,  employment  of  additional  writers,,  losp  of  time'  through 
experimentation,  and  the  use  of  more  film  were  the  major  contributing 

At  the  end  of  1930,  60  per  cent  of  the  exhibitors  were  using  the 
sound-ttacli  method  of  projection  and  the  remainder  were  using  the  disc 
method.   Until  late  1930,  V/arner  Brothers  and  First  National  were 
producing  all  pictures  on  discs,  but  in  that  year  they  began  to  use  the 
sound- traclc  method.   The  disc  method  hats  the  disadvantage  that  the  discs 
are  cumbersome  and  hard  to  handle,  and  the  method  is  also  more  expensive. 

According  to 'the  Motion  Picture  Daily" of  July  29,  1935,  18  patent 
licenses  for  a  new  sound  system  have  been  issued.  Thb   invention  is  known 
as  "the  dynamic  m:ultiplier  system,"  by  which  the  undesirable  character- 
istics of  present  sound  apparatus  are  eliminated.   More  l.ife-1  ike  quality 
is  effected,  v>hich  may  again  revolutionize  the  Industry, 
