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Hunter  P.  Mulford 


Work  Materials  No.  38  falls  into  the  following  parts: 

Part  A.  Misrepresentation  and  Deception 
Part  B.   Standards  and  Labeling 
Appendices  I,  II  and  III 

Trade  Practice  Studies  Section 
February,  1936 




Hunter  P.  Mulford 

Trade  Practice  Studies  Section 
February,  193G 



This   study  on  "Information  Concerning  Commodities  —  A  Study   in  ITRA 
and  Related  Experience   in  Control"    was  prepared  "by  ;:r.   Hunter  P.   Mulford, 
of   the   Trade  Practice   Studies   Section,   Mr.    Corwin  D.    Edwards  in   charge. 

The   study   deals  with   two   distinct    types  of   control,    (l)   measures 
designed  to   prohibit   the  use  of  false   and  deceptive   representations  of 
various   sorts   in   the  marketing  of   commodities,    and  (2)    positive  require- 
ment'-; for   the   furnishing  of   accurate   information   through   the  development 
of  uniform  product   standards  and   the  use  of  informative  labeling.      These 
two    types  of   control   are   in  many  respects   closely  related  and  interdependent. 
Various  forms  of  misrepresentation  flourish,    and  arc  made   difficult  or  im- 
possible   to    deal   with,    when   there   are   no   agreed   standards  or  definitions  of 
the  products   concerned  against  which  inaccurate   or  false  and  fraudulent 
statements  may  be  measured.      Other  forms  of  misrepresentation,    resulting 
from  failure    to   disclose   significant   facts   concerning   the    commodity  offered 
for   sale,    may  be  met  only  by   specific   requirements   for   the   inclusion   of 
such  information  in   the   labeling,    marking,    branding,    or   even  advertising, 
of   the  products  concerned. 

This   close   connection  between   the    two  principal   forms  of   commodity 
information   control  has  led   to    tl:eir   treatment   in  a   single    study.      However, 
due   to   differences   in   the  nature  of    the   fundamental   problems   involved,    the 
subject  has  been   divided  for   the  purposes  of  presentation.      Part  A  of   the 
report   deals  with  Misrepresentation  and  Deception,    and  Part  E  with  Standards 
and  Labeling. 

Since    the   code  provisions  prohibiting  misrepresentation  and  deception 
were  largely   statements   of   existing  law,    the  principal  matters   for   study  were 
the  manner  in  which   the   codes  were   administered,    and   the   results  which  were 
obtained   through  them.      The    study   examines   the   code  provisions   concerning 
misrepresentation,    outlines   the   typical   itBA  method  of  administration,    and 
presents  what   evidence   the    central   NRA  records  offer  on   the   significance 
of   these  provisions   to    the    industries  adopting  thorn.      From   the   available, 
but  not   complete,    compliance   records,    and  a  limited   sample   of   first-hand  Code 
Authority  opinion,    certain   conclusions  have  been   drawn   concerning  the   extent 
of  application  of    the  provisions,    their  effectiveness   in  operation,    the    type 
of   industry  principally  applying   them   in  practice,    and   the   chief  obstacles 
to    their  successful   functioning.      For  general    comparative  purposes  various 
aspects  of   the  work  of   the  Federal    Trade   Commission  in   restraining  mis- 
representative  and  deceptive  practices  ha/ve  been   given. 

Unlike  misrepresentation  and  deception,    standards   and  labeling  are 
subjects  on  which   there   is  no   general-   agreement  of  opinion.      The   records  of 
code  proposal    and  adoption  were   therefore   of   special   importance   as   illustrating 
the   controversial   nature  of    the   problems   and   the   various  attitudes   existing 
within   tie   industries   concerned.      These   records  have  proved  equally  illuminat- 
ing with  respect   to    the   difficulties   involved  in  obtaining  reconciliation  of 
the  various   interests.      As    to    the   actual   operation  of    the    standards  pro- 
visions,   limitations  placed  upon   field  work  and   the   difficulty  of  obtaining 
representative   expressions  of  opinion  or  objective   data  resulted  in  only  a 
small  body  of   evidence  being   secured.      However,    a  number  of  what   arc  believed 
to   be  justifiable   conclusions  have  been   c^ravm. 

9710  -i- 

Summaries  of  findings  and   conclusions  with  respect   to    each  of    the 
two  parts  of    the   report  have  been  included  at  the  beginning  of   the 
respective   sections.     Broadly   speaking,    although  only  a  minority  of 
the   industries  were   seriously  concerned  with   the  problem  of  mis- 
representation,   the   code  provisions,    when  actively  administered,    tended  to 
produce  beneficial    results.      On    the   other  hand,    efforts   tc    apply   standards 
and  labeling   to    the   solution  of   industry  problems  on  a  mandatory  basis 
were  generally  frustrated  by   conflicts  of  competitive  groups  within  the 
industry,    or  by   the  apparent   irreconcilability  of   industry  and  consumer 
interests,    -  inevitable   difficulties  which   the    tenure   of  IJRA  existence 
was  entirely   too    short  to    smooth  away. 

The  principal   limitations  of   the    report   as  a  reflection  of  1TEA 
experience  have   resulted  from   the   great   area   to  be    covered,    as   repre- 
sented by   the   number  of   codes  with  pertinent  provisions,    and  from   the 
relatively   slight   opportunity  given  for  the   collection  of   first-hand 
data  and  opinion.      For  further  development  cf    the    subject   extensive 
field  work  with  former  Code  Authorities,    trade  associations,    and  in- 
dividual  industry  members,    is  of  prime   importance.      Other   suggested 
fields  for  further  inquiry  are   indicated  in   the  Appendix   to   the   report. 

Preparation  of   the   Standards  and  Labeling  section   of    the   report  was 
carried  out  with  the  aid  of  Mr.   H.   A.   Mereness.      Various  other  in- 
dividuals  contributed  special    industry   summaries,    as   indicated  in 
Appendix  II.      Special   assistance  in   the   development  of  material   for   the 
final    report  on  Misrepresentation  was  given  Tb'y  Miff.  E.    S.    Tobey. 

At   the  back  of   this   report  will  be   found  a  brief   statement   of   the 
studies  undertaken  by   the   Division   of  Review. 

L.    C.   Marshall 
Director,   Division  of  Heview 




A  STUDY  II;  .....  A]  D  ..  1LAT  D  :  XPERIEUCE  III  CONTROL 

Table  of  Contents 

Summary  of  Findings:  Part  A  -  Misrepresentation  and  Deception...      1 


The  leaning  of  Commodity  Information 4 


Chapter  One  ~  General  Background 

I.  Nature  and  Extent  of  Misrepresentative  Practices 6 

II .  Economic  Consequences  of  Misrepresentation 7 

III  .Development  of  Control 8 

Chapter  Two  -  The  Common  Law  Affecting  Misrepresentation 

I.  General  Basis  of  the  Common  Law  of  Unfair  Competition..    10 

II.  Development  of  the  Law  of  Unfair  Competition  in  the 

United  States 10 

Chapter  Three  -  The  Federal  Trade  Commission 

I.  Legal  Basis  of  the  Commission 

A.  The  Meaning  of  "Unfair  Competition" 13 

B.  Types  of  Misrepresentation  Dealt  with  by  the 

Commission 17 

C.  Classification  and  Citations  of   Typical  Cases.     18 

II.  Federal  Trade  Commission  Administration  and  Procedure 

A.  Irf ormal  Procedure 22 

B.  Formal  Procedure..... 22 

C .  Judicial  Enforcement  and  Review 23 

D .  Stipulation  Procedure 23 

E.  Trade  Practice  Conference  Procedure 24 

F.  Other  Considerations 26 

III.  Record  of  Federal  Trade  Commission  Activity 

A.  General  Legal  Record. 27 

B.  Cases  Affecting  Misrepresentation 27 

C  .   General  Reasons  for  Dismissals 28 

D .  The  Corami ssion  and  the  Courts 29 

E.  Reasons  for  Reversals  in  Misrepresentation  Cases   29 

F.  Types  of  Industries  Affected  by  Trade  Commission 

Action 30 

G .  General   Summary 31 



Chapter  Four  -  NBA  Experience  in  the  Control  of  Misrepresentation  Page 

I.  General  View  of  the  Code  Provisions 

A-  Freauency  of  Misrepresentation  Provisions  in 

the  Codes 33 

B.  Form  of  the  Code  Provisions 34 

C.  General  Comparison  with  the  Federal  Trade  Statute  3G 

D.  Limitations  in  Practice  of  the  NRA  Provisions...  33 

II.  ERA  Administration  of  the  Code  Provisions 

A.  The  Code  Authorities 39 

B.  H.R.A.  Compliance  Agencies 39 

C.  Some  Comparisons  with  Federal  Trade  Organization.  40 

III.  Results  of  Operations  of  the  Misrepresentation  Provisions 

A.  General  Sources  of  Information 41 

B.  Operation  of  the  Provisions  in  Selected  Industries 

1 .  Betail  Trade 43 

2 .  Coffee  Industry 56 

3.  Dog  Food  Industry. 60 

4.  Plumbing  Fixtures 63 

5.  Canning  Industry 65 

6  .  Macaroni  Industry 67 

7.  Other  Industry  Summaries 69 

C.  Data  Developed  by  Code  Authority  Questionnaire 

1.  Sizes  and  Types  of  Industries  Reporting..  70 

2.  Nature  of  Information  Requested 70 

3.  General  Analysis  of  the  Returns 71 

4.  Types  of  Misrepresentation  Complained  of.  72 

5.  Effect  of  KftA  in  Checking  the  Practices  73 

6.  Success  of  Code  Authorities  in  Effecting 

Compliance 74 

7.  Obstacles  to  functioning  of  Misrepresenta- 
tion Provisions 74 

8 .  General  Conculsions 75 

D.  Field  Work  with  Lpcal  and  Regional  Code  Authorities 

1.  Retail  Trade 77 

2 .  Retai  1  Drug  Trade 80 

3.  Retail  Food  and  Grocery  Trade 81 

4.  Crushed  Stone,  Sand  and  Gravel  Industry..  83 

5.  Motor  Vehicle  Retailing 84 

6.  Paper  Distributing  Trade 85 

7 .  Set-up  Paper  Box  Industry 85 

8.  Retail  Monument  Industry 86 

9.  Wholesale  Confectionery  Industry 86 

10.  Farm  Equipment  Efg.  Indtistry 87 

11.  Household  Goods  Storage  and  Moving....  87 

12.  Graphic  Arts  (Commercial  Relief  Printing)  87 

13.  Fnolesale  Monumental  Granite  87 

14.  General  Summary 87 



E.  Analysis  of  MA  Compliance  Cases  Page 

1.  Tabulations  of  State  Compliance  Records  91 

a.  Relative  Frequency  of  Misrepre- 

sentation Cases 91 

b.  Distribution  in  Retail  and  ITcn- 

Retail  Cedes  93 

c .  Summary 94 

2.  Further  Analysis  of  Type  and  Disposition 

of  Compliance  Cases 96 

Chapter  Five  -  Other  Misrepresentation  Control 

I.  Federal  Legislation 

A.  The  Food  and.  Drug  Administration 101 

3.  Other  Regulatory  Statutes 102 

II.  State  Statutes 103 

III  .Private  Agencies 105 







The  aim  of  this  first  section  of  study  of  Commodity  Information  has 
been  to  inquire  into  the  effects  of  the  use  of  prohibitory  provisions 
written  into  NRA  codes  as  a  method  of  controlling  misrepresentative  and 
deceptive  practices  in  commerce,  and  to  make  comparisons  with  the  results 
attained  by  other  methods  aimed  at  the  same  end,  notably  those  of  the 
Federal  Trade  Commission. 

The  forms  of  misrepresentation  taken  as  within  the  scope  of  the  study 
include  inaccurate  and  misleading  advertising;  false  and  deceptive  label- 
ing, marking  and  branding;  deceptive  packages  and  containers;  misrepresen- 
tations concerning  competitors  or  their  products;  and  similar  deceptive 
sales  devices. 

Since  such  methods  are  already  eccepted  as  basically  unlawful,  no 
question- of  general  policy  as  to  their  control  arises,  as  is  the  case  with 
certain  other  types  of  trade  practices.   The  principal  subjects  for  con- 
sideration relate  to  form  of  law  and  methods  of  administration  and  applica- 

Three  different  degrees  in  the  development  of  a  conception  of  legal 
control  of  misrepresentative  competitive  practices  on  a  national  scale 
have  been  noted:  '  (l)   the  common  law  concept,  viewing  such  practices  in 
terms  of  invasion  of  private  property  right,  and  offering  only  the  right 
of  individual  action  for  relief  of  individual  injury;  (2)  the  concept  em- 
bodied in  the  Federal  Trade  Commission  Act  -  "unfair  methods  of  competi- 
tion" declared  unlawful,  but  without  statutory  definition  of  the  term,  and 
their  suppression  made  a  function  of  public  authority,  with  the  public  in- 
terest an  express  consideration;  and  (3)  the  concent  exemplified  in  the 
code  system  created  under  the  National  Industrial  Recovery  Act  -  unfair 
methods  of  competition  defined  in  terms  of  the  individual  industry's 
problems;  and  the  industry,  through  its  Code  Authority,  made  a  party  with 
the  government  in  the  application  of  the  Code  requirements. 

Data  concerning  the  operation  of  the  Federal  Trade  Commission  in  the 
restraint  of  misrepresentative  practices  were  drawn  almost  exclusively  from 
the  published  records  of  that  body.   Analysis  of  these  records  shows  that 
a  great  deal  of  valuable  work  in  the  field  of  misrepresentation  control 
has  been  done  by  the  commission.   Through  its  formal  restraining  orders  and 
its  more  flexible  stipulation  procedure,  the  Commission  has  acted  effec- 
tively  to  compel  the  abandonment  of  questionable  practices  in  advertising, 
labeling,  marketing,  branding,,  and  other  merchandising  methods  in  a  large 
number  of  individual  cases,  urincipally  affecting  the  consumer  goods  in- 
dustries. At  the  same  time  it  has  added  materially  to  the  number  of 
specific  misrepresentative  practices  recognized  as  unlawful,  as  compared 
with  the  previously  existing  precedents  of  the  common  law0   Through  its 
Trade  Practice  Conferences  it  has  encouraged  fair  dealing  by  approving  rules 
which  restate  for  individual  industries  the  general  prohibitions  upon  mis- 



representations,  and  set  up  definitions  of  product  standards  "by  which  false 
representations  may  be  measured,  " 

Obstacles  to  the  most  effective  functioning  of  the  Commission  as  an 
instrumentality  for  controlling  misrepresentations  have  been  found  in  the 
dual  statutory  requirement  placed  upon  it  to  show  both  public  interest  and 
actual  or  potential  competitive  injury  as  conditions  precedent  to  its 
jurisdiction;  in  the  extent  of  judicial  review  provided  and  the  insistence 
of  the  courts  upon  their  right  of  final  interpretation  as  to  "unfair  methods 
of  competition";  and  in  the  delays  incident  to  the  methods  provided  for 
making  fully  operative  the  Commission's  restraining  orders,  A  certain  dis- 
parity also  appears  between  the  size  and  relatively  centralized  nature  of 
the  Commission's  administrative  organization,  and  the  nation-wide  scope 
of  the  responsibility  placed  upon  it. 

For  information  concerning  the  effect  of  the  MA  codes  in  dealing 
with  misrepresentations  there  have  been  used  the  records  of  code  making 
and  code  administration  in  Washington;  and,  in  the  degree  available,  com- 
pliance records  collected  from  the  State  ERA  offices  throughout  the  country; 
data  gathered  from  Code  Authorities  and  trade  associations  by  questionnaire 
and  by  field  contact;  and  from  consultation  with  industry  members  and 
former  Deputies  and  their  staffs  who  handled  the  various  codes. 

More  than  four-fifths  of  all  basic  and  supplemental  codes  approved 
contained  prohibitions  upon  some  form  of  misrepresentation,  principally  de- 
ceptive advertising,  and  false  marking  and  branding.   The  provisions  were 
for  the  most  part  broad  in  phrasing  and  were  more  comprehensive  than  the  types 
deceptive  acts  already  recognized  as  unfai  r  practice  in  Federal  Trade 
Commission  procedure.   As  to  application  of  the  provisions  and  their 
effects  in  actual  operation,  the  evidence  which  has  been  obtained  and  em- 
bodied in  this  report  points  to  the  following  conclusions: 

Despite  the  large  proportion  of  codes  containing  the  provisions,  mis- 
representative  practices  constituted  a  serious  competitive  problem  and  the 
prohibitions  upon  them  were  sought  to  be  actively  enforced  in  only  a  minor- 
ity of  the  codes,  the  chief  of  these  being  the  large  retail  trade  codes. 

Where  such  practices  constituted  a  serious  industry  problem,  an 
active  and  capable  Code  Authority  was  usually  able  to  apply  the  provisions 
for  their  elimination  with  a  considerable  degree  of  success,  and  with  a 
minimum  of  assistance  from  MA  enforcement  agencies  or  from  the  courts. 

The  support  of  some  measure  of  authority  was  found  essential,  how- 
ever and  a  chief  difficulty  claimed  to  have  been  encountered  by  the  Code 
Authorities  in  securing  compliance  with  the  misrepresentation  provisions 
was  the  progressive  loss  of  prestige  by  MA  among  their  industry  members, 
due  to  delays  and  uncertainties  of  enforcement,  even  in  cases  of  flagrant 
violation.  Especially  they  complained  of  the  frequent  acceptance  of  cer- 
tificates of  compliance  in  such  cases,  in  place  of  the  penalties  provided 
by  the  Act, 

Other  obstacles  encountered  by  the  Code  Authorities  in  administering 
the  misrepresentation  provisions  included  (1)  the  difficulty  in  practice  of  dr?: 
ihg  a  line  between truth  and  falsity  in  advertising;  (2)  loose  phrasing  of 
the  early  code  provisions;  (3)  difficulty  of  obtaining  evidence  of  viola- 



tion;  and  (4)  lack  of  definite  product  standards  to  provide  criteria  for 
judging  misrepresentations  concerning  them. 

In  general,  as  compared  with  the  Federal  Trade  Commission,  the  N.R.A. 
and  its  codes,  as  they  were  meant  to  operate,  were  more  comprehensive  in 
their  declaration  of  the  law  of  unfair  competition  affecting  misrepresen- 
tation, were  under  fewer  legal  restrictions  in  its  application,  were  more 
decentralized  and  direct  in  their  potential  machinery  of  enforcement,  and 
possessed,  in  the  Code  Authority  system,  an  informal  medium  for  obtaining 
compliance  only  distantly  approached  by  the  voluntary  cooperation  afforded 
the  Commission  by  some  trade  associations. 

Through  its  machinery  for  code  amendment  and  interpretation  ,  also, 
the  N.R.A.  provided  a  flexible  and  responsible  medium  for  adapting  the 
general  law  of  misrepresentation  to  the  immediate  problems  of  individual 
industries,  with  the  adequate  protection  of  the  interests  of  industry 
members  apparently  afforded,  in  cases  of  non-compliance,  by  the  rights  of 
hearing,  protest  and  appeal,  with  ultimate  court  review. 

With  respect  to  the  Federal  Trade  Commission,  various  suggestions 
have  been  offered  for  reducing  the  legal  restrictions  upon  its  operation 
in  the  field  of  misrepresentations,  and  simplifying  the  procedure  for 
obtaining  enforcement  of  its  orders.   One  of  the  most  recent  is  that  of 
the  Commission  itself,  advanced  in  its  1935  annual  report,  and  now  sub- 
stantially embodied  in  the  pending  Wheeler- Eayburn  bill.  This  suggested 
change  would  make  "unfair  or  deceptive  acts  and  practices  in  commerce" 
unlawful  as  well  as  "unfair  methods  of  competition  in  commerce".   Such  a 
change,  it  is  argued,  would  enlarge  the  Commission's  scope  in  certain  de- 
sirable directions,  with  the  other  terms  of  the  Act  and  ultimate  judicial 
review  still  standing  to  prevent  rigid  restrictions  upon  merchandising 

Furthermore,  if  means  could  be  found  to  give  to  the  Federal  Trade 
Commission  statutory  authority  to  approve  Trade  Practice  Conference 
Agreements,  with  power  to  enforce  the  rules  approved,  including  those  of 
the  Croup  II  (*)  type,  much  that  was  beneficial  in  the  trade  practice 
work  of  the  N.R.A.  codes  might  be  continued. 

(*)   Group  II  trade  practices  consist  of  those  rules  that  have  been 

accepted  as  expressions  of  the  trade  but  not  already  recognized  by 
cease-and-desist  orders  of  the  commission  as  unlawful. 






,  The  exchange  of  commodities  constitutes  essentially  that 
which  we  term  business.   Exchange  is  the  central  economic  fact. 
Behind  it,  however,  and  indispensable  to  it,  lies  another  exchange  - 
the  exchange  between  seller  and  buyer  of  information  concerning  the 
commodities  which  are  to  be  bought  and  sold.   Without  this  primary 
interchange  of  information,  which  might  be  termed  advertising  in  its 
widest  sense,  the  very  continutation  of  a  complex  industrial  system 
such  as  our  own  is  hardly  -to  be  conceived.  And  the  nature  of  the 
information  which  is  so  exchanged,  its  accuracy  and  completeness  or 
lack  of  these,  must  affect  in  substantial  ways  the  functioning  of  the 
system  as  it  touches  the'  interests  of  all  parties  concerned. 

The  means  of  exchange  may  be  of  many  kinds  -  advertising  copy  in 
newspaper  or  periodical,  representations  on  label  or  wrapper,  verbal 
claims  of  sales  representatives,  the  su  gestion  in  a  skilfully- 
selected  trade  name,  the  apparent  bulk  of  package  or  container,  or  a 
dozen  others.   Whatever  the  methods,  their  total  effect  is  largely  to 
determine  whether  the  public  does  or  does  not  buy,  and  which  of 
various  competing  articles  it  will  choose.   For  the  buyer  the  adequacy 
of  the  information  he  has  received  will  go  far  to  decide  whether  in 
his  choice  he  actually  obtains  whit  he  intends  and  wants.   For  the 
seller,  the  jractices  in  supplying  such  information  which  prevail  in 
his  trace  help  to  set  the  standards  of  competition  which  he  must  meet. 

Both  parties  therefore  have,  important  interest  involved"  in  the 
question  of  commodity  information.   The  consumer  is  concerned  with  more 
and  better  knowledge  of  what  he  buys  in  order  that  he  may  obtain  value 
for  what  he  spends,  and  to  be  protected  in  his  purchases  from  actual 
harm.   The  business  mail  in  many  cases,  seeks,  to  be  freed  from  the 
pressure  of  certain  competitive  practices,  practices  which  he  feels 
tend  to  shake  mblic  faith  in  the  integrity  of  his  entire  industry, 
and  to  disturb  its  price  structure  through  the  debasing-  of  industry 
products  and  deceptions  employed  to  conceal  what  is  done.   Other 
interests  and  aims  occur  and  will  be  considered  in  their  place,  but 
these  are  basic  and  most  frequently  appear. 

The  object  of  this  study  is  to  examine  the  nature  of  these  interests 
and -the  methods  which  are  employed  to  satisfy  them  through  improvement  in 
the  quality  and  increase  in  the  quantity  of  the  commodity  information  in 



current  use;  in  particular,  to  review  the  experience  of  ISA  with 
respect  to  the  subject;  and  to  compare,  so  far  as  the  facts  seem  to 
warrent,  the  effects  of  the  1J3A  experiment  Ln  this  field  with  the  results 
obtained  by  other  methods  of  control. 

The  lines  of  approach  to  the  problem  which  have  been  chiefly 
followed  in  r  cent  are  two.   One  seeks  to  decrease  the 
amount  of  misinformative  information  with  which  the  purchaser  is 
supplied;  the  other  aims  to  increase  the  quantity  of  soundly  informa- 
tive material  provided.   The  first  effort  has  taken  the  form  of 
Federal  and  State  statutes  prohibiting,  either  specifically  or  by 
general  intent,  practices  such  as  deceptive  advertising,  false 
marking  and  branding,  and  misrepresentation  in  whatever  form.   The 
second  has  been  carried  on  largely  through  the  cooperative  efforts 
of  industry  organizations  and  government  agencies.   It   involves  the 
setting  up  of  definite,  uniform  standards  of  quality,  size,  nomem- 
clature,  performance,  etc.,  for  industry  products,  and  promotion  of 
the  use  of  these  standards  in  labelin  ,  branding,  packing  and  all  forms 
of  advertising. 

Although  opposite  in  form,  the  one  being  negative  in  its 
control  and  the  other  positive,  both  of  these  methods  are  aimed  pri- 
marily at  the  same  immediate  end,  namely,  the  protection  of  legitimate 
consumer  and  industry  interests  through  the  promotion  of  adequate 
and  dependable  commodity  information.   Furthermore,  there  is  a  relation 
in  practice  between  the  two,  since  as  experience  of  the  Federal  Trade 
Commission  to  be  noted  later  shows,  the  existence  of  some  recognized 
form  of  standards  as  to  the  composition  or  identity  of  goods  is 
extremely  helpful,  if  not  indispensable,  in  controlling  certain  types 
of  misrepresentative  practices.   In  fact  it  uiay  be  said  that  a  con- 
siderable portion  of  the  work  directed  toward  development  of  positive 
standards  and  their  use  in  labelin.,  has  lor   its  principal  aim  the 
drivin;.  out  of  misrepresentations  otherwise  found  impossible  to 

Because  of  this  close  connection  between  the  two  subjects  of 
misrepresentation  and  standards  they  have  be  n  comu, ned  for  treatment 
in  this  single  study.   On  the  other  hand,  owing  to  the  different  legal 
questions  involved,  and  the  varying  problems  as  to  adoption  and 
application  of  the  two  types  of  control,  the"  have  been  treated  in 
separate  sections  of  this  report,  Part  A  dealing  with  Misrepresentation 
and  Deception,  and  Part  3  with  Standards  and  Labeling. 




The  practices  here  considered  include  all  types  of  misrepresen- 
tation, by  whatever  means  employed,  which  have  the  intent  or  effect 
to  mislead  the  rar chaser  concerning  the  nature  of  the  product  itself, 
or  the  terms  upon  which  it  may  be  obtained.   The  latter  point,  as  to 
terms,  while  not  strictly  an  aspect  of  "commodity  information"  in 
the  sense  of  providing  knowledge  of  the  product  itself,  nevertheless 
is  so  closely  related  to  it  in  practice  that  the  two  are  taken  to- 
gether for  the  purposes  of  this  study. 

Inaccurate  or  misleading  advertising,  and  false  or  deceptive  mark- 
ing, branding,  labeling,  packa  ;ing,  are  the  forms  which  misrepresen- 
tation as  dealt  with  in  this  study  most  characteristically  take.   On 
the  other  hand,  by  the  above  definition  of .  the  subject  as  restricted 
to  the  commodity  itself  or  to  immediate  representations  concerning  it, 
there  are  seen  to  be  excluded  several  types  of  deceptive  practices 
which  fi  ure  prominently  in  the  codes  and  are  seemingly  matters  of 
serious  concern  to  various  industries,  but  which  relate  only  indirectly 
or  not  at  ail  to  the  products  involved.   Such  practices  include  rebates 
and  other  concealed  price  concessions  which  are  not  misrepresentations 
to  the  buyer;  false  invoicing  or  other  deception  as  to  the  facts  of  a 
transaction  whose  intent  is  rather  to  deceive  competitors  than  the 
customer;  commercial  bribery,  seen  as  primarily  a  problem  of  trespass 
or  interference;  and  imitation  of  trade  marks,  viewed  as  a  violation 
of  property  right. 

Even  so  restricted,  the  field  is  large.   Taken  only  in  terms  of 
types,  a  considerable  catalogue  of   ractices  may  be  collected.   It  would 
include  such  matters  as  plain  misstatements  of  facts  concerning  the 
quality,  content,  composition,  or  source  of  the  article;  extravagant 
claims  or  guarrantees  as  to  its  performance;  assertions  as  to  the  nature 
of  the  seller's  business,  its  affiliations,  etc.  designed  to  suggest 
special  advantages  in  dealing  ("factory- bo-you"  where  no  factory  is 
owned);  descriptive  trace  names  which  are  unrelated  to  the  content  of 
the  product  (Butterkrust  and  Kremekrust  breads  which  are  innocent  of  any 
connection  with  these  ingredients);   similar  names  based  upon  microscopic 
presence  of  the  material  indicated  ("wool"  jjoods  having  a  kj  content  of 
v/ool)  and  so  one,  bounded  apparently  only  by  the  limits  of  the  merchan- 
dising imagination.  (*) 

(*)   See  more  extended  list  in  discussion  of  Federal  Trade  Commission, 
Chapter  S,  p.  17 ,    below;  also,  Federal  Trade  Commission,  Annual 
R'  'tort,  (Fiscal  year  ended  June  30,  1935)   pp.  67-71. 


These  are  the  types  of  practices  with  which  the  study  is 
concerned.   What  the  extent  of  their  use  may  be  it  is  impossible  even 
to  estimate  in  any  concrete  terms.   Obviously  figures  are  not  obtainable 
to  show  what  proportion  of  the  country's  total  industrial  output  is 
characterized  in  its  distribution  by  deceptive  means.   That  it  is 
sufficiently  large  to  warrant  and  receive  serious  consideration  seems 
evident.   Eighty-four  per  cent  (  34  of  a  total  of  754)  of  all  cases 
involving  unfair  trade  practices  arising  under  Section  5  of  the  F.T.C. 
Act,  (other,  that  is,  than  anti-trust)  ordered  ajainst  by  the  Feaeral 
Trade  Commission  from  1915  to  193'..,  as  reported  in  Volumes  1-18  of  its 
Decisions,  involved  some  form  of  misrepresentation^*) 

Of  143  industries  which  prior  to  ERA.  cooperated  with  the 
Commission  developing  Trade  Practice  Conferences,  102  incorporated 
provisions  dealin  ;  with  misrepresentations  in  their  conference  codes. (*) 
And  when  ITRA  came  along,  the  industries  presenting  "438  of  557  basic 
codes,  and  175  of  200  sup  demental  codes,  did  the  same.(*)   If  further 
-'roof  were  needed  in  support  of  what  is  a  matter  of  common  knowledge  it 
might  be  found  in  the  activities  of  trade  associations,  business  organi- 
zations such  as  the  Better  Business  Bureaus,  women's  clubs,  Consumers' 
Research,  etc.,  and  in  a  mass  of  State  legislation,  municipal  regulations 
and  the  like,  dealing  with  the  subject  in  various  ways. 


The  classical  economist  had  no  reason  in  their  theory  of  free 
competition  to  recognize  such  iractices  as  deception  and  misrepresenta- 
tion.  They  habitually  assumed  a  commodity  which  was  standardized  in 
every  respect  and  one  about  which  "ouyers  had  complete  knowledge.   Under 
their  assumed  conditions  supply  and  demand  determined  ;orice  at  the 
sellers  cost  of  uroduction;  and  reward  for  jrouuetion  efforts  varied 
directly  with  the  efficiency  of  their  effort   and  the  abundance  of  their 
results.   i>Io  individual  could  visibly  affect  the  market  price  by  with- 
holding his  sup  <ly;  and  no  individual  buyer  could  affect  the  market 
price  by  witliholding  his  demand.   With  a  standardized  ;oroduct  there  was 
little  jurpose  in  misrepresentation  or  little  reason  for  advertising 
and  other  forms  of  sales  uromotion. 

(*)   Data  drawn  from  Legal  Research  Report  if-94,  December,  31,  1934. 
"Pon-iT.R.A.  Precedents  Concerning  Trade  Practices."   Legal 
Division  File. 

(**)   Tabulation  _Tre_oared  by  Commocity  Information  Unit,  Trade  practice 
Provisions  in  F-T.C.  Trade  Practice  Conference  Codes,  drawn  from 
Federal  Trade  Commission,  Trade  Practice  Conferences,  June  30,  1933, 
and  other  F-T.C.  sources. 

(***)  Records  of  Post  Code  Analysis  Unit,  Research  &  Plannin  Division. 
(Misrepresentation  File) 


Under  present-day  conditions,  however,  where  there  is  frequently 
an  absence  of  commonly  advertised  standards,  grades,  and  quality  identi- 
fying labeling  and  descriptive  terms,  misrepresentation  and  deception 
may  yield  profitable  results.  Under  these  circumstances  technically 
unskilled  buyers,  especially  ultimate  consumers,  are  left  at  the  mercy 
of  liaise  rural  ous  sellers,  a  fact  which  militates  not  only  against  consumer 
interest  but  also  against  the  honestly  conducted  enterprise.   Such  a 
situation  is  incompatible  with  "fair"  competition  which  requires  that 
there  be  some  direct  relation  between  the  economical  and  abundant  pro- 
duction of  commodities  of  rood  value  and  the  rewards  for  such  effots. 


These  are  the  fundamental  grounds  upon  which  those  who  rise  to 
oppose  raisrepresentative  practices  generally  take  their  stand.   The 
consumer  or  his  spokesman  bases  his  protest  on  the  plain  but  sufficient 
contention  that  he  is  beiny,  yyvrpec..   Thu1  industry  element  which  does  not 
employ  the  practice  which  is  a  sore  spot  in  their  trade  is  aroused  by 
the  fact  that  those  who  do  are  getting  the  business  and  they  are  not. 
Simple  interest  is  the  primary  test.   This  interest  may  be  extended  on 
the  part  of  the  industry  members  to  include  concern  for  the  integrity  and 
good-will  of  their  entire  trade  (*)  or  fear  for  the  continued  effective- 
ness of  a  whole  medium  of  sale,  such  as  advertising. (*)   But  the  interest 
remains,  and  unfair  diversion  of  trade  is  the  basic  issue.   IThere  the 
unfair  practices  are  employed  by  those  having  undue  power,  and  the  diver- 
sion is  sufficient,  questions  of  monopoly  and  destruction  of  competition 
may  arise,  and  there  is  added  the  interest  of  those  primarily  concerned 
with  public  policy. 

Whatever  the  motivating  interests,  the  business  history  of  this 
century  shows  a  variety  of  activities  directed  toward  more  effective  con- 
trol of  misrepresentation  as  a  method  of  competition. 


The  course  of  development  of  this  control  (which  is  also  the  course 
which  the  discussion  of  this  re  >ort  will  follow)  may  be  briefly  summarized 


Up  and  through  the  first  decade  cf  the  century,  where  relief  from 
unfair  competitive  practices  was  sought  it  was  to  be  looked  for  through 
the  operation  of  the  common  law.   This   law  provided  (and  still  provides) 
only  a  ri  lit  of  individual  action  for  individual  injury,  and  it  imposed 
requirements  in  proof  which  made  successful  action  difficult.  Although 
the  common  law  conception  of  unfair  competition  had  made  some  progress 
in  evolution  in  response  to  the  changing  demands  of  a  rapidly  developing 
industrial  economy,  this  progress  had  be  n  slow,  and  the  concept  remained 
relatively  narrow.   Misrepresentation'  as  a  competitive  practice  was  in 
the  eyes  of  the  common  law  very  largely  a  matter  of  "passing  off"  one's 

(*)   Cf.   Can. .in,  Industry,  Appendix  II,  Exhibit  C,  of  this  report. 

(**)  "Less  than  jOb  of  present  advertisements  are  profitably  productive. 
The  reason  is  lack  of  consumer  confidence."   Mr.  P.  A.  C'Connell, 
former  President,  National  Retail  Dry  Goods  Association.   (Trans- 
cript cf  Kearin  '.  Retail^ 


goods  for  a  competitor's  by  some  "colorable"  imitative  means. 

Such  views  were  increasingly  felt  to  be  inadequate  to  meet  the 
needs  of  a  more  complex  economic  order,  and  in  1914  the  Federal  Trade 
Commission  Act  was  passed.   Although  this  Act,  as  interpreted  by  the 
Courts,  retained  the  basic  common  lav?  conception  of  unfair  competition,  it 
did  give  recognition  to  the  public  interest  in  the  question  and  empower- 
ed .the  Government  to  act  to  irotect  competitors  and  the  public  in  general 
without  the  necessity  to  prove  specific  injury  or  fraudulent  intent. 

During  the  years  which  followed  the  activity  of  the  pederal  Trade 
COi. mission  was  very  largely  concerned  with  the  curbing  of  misrepresenta- 
tive  practices  in  interstate  commerce.   In  the  same  period  there  grew  up 
a  considerable  body  of  trade  association  activity  directed  toward  coopera- 
ting with  the  Commission  to  make  these  efforts  effective.   In  the  local 
field  a  ,  Teat  deal  of  effective  work  along  the  same  lines  was  done  by  the 
Better  Business  Bureaus  and  other  groups. 

In  1933  came  the  National  Industrial  Recovery  Act,  which  in  turn 
sought  to  carry  the  conception  of  unfair  competition  and  the  means  of 
its  control  still  farther  beyond  the  common  law  view  than  the  Federal 
Trade  Commission  Act  had  done. 

This  main  line  of  uevelopment,  represented  by  the  common  law,  the 
PTC,  and  the  IJRA,  is  the  principal  subject  matter  of  this  study,  and  each 
of  these  will  be  considered  separately  and  more  in  detail  in  Chapters 
Two,  Three  and  Pour  which  follow. 





Unfair  competition  at  common  law,  as  it  concerns  this  study, 
consists  essentially  in  "passing-  off"  one's  goods  as  those  of  another, 
or  by  use  of  other  false  representations  securing  patronage  which  should 
be  the  competitors.   By  whatever  means  a  particular  trader's  goods  are 
identified,  whether  by  a  personal,  geographical  or  descriptive  name,  a 
form  of  receptacle,  a  style  or  color  of  label,  or  by  the  appearance  or 
configurat/ra*i  of  the  goods  themselves,  if  it  is  shown  as  a  fact  that  any 
of  these  things  perform  the  function  of  identification,  duplication  of 
the  identifying  element  by  a  rival  trader,  under  such  circumstances  as 
to  render  deception  of  purchasers  a  probable  consequence,  is  looked  up- 
on as  unfair  competition  by  the  common  law. 

The  most  recent  restatement  of  this  doctrine  appears  in  the 
Schechter  decision,  declaring  the  National  Industrial  Recovery  Act  un- 
constitutional, in  which  Chief  Justice  Hughes  had  occasion  to  say: 

"Unfair  competition,  as  known  to  the  common  lav;,  is  a 
limited  concept.  Primarily,  and  strictly,  it  relates 
to  the  palming  off  of  one's  goods  as  those  of  a  rival 
trader.  In  recent  years  its  scope  has  been  extended. 
It  has  been  held  to  apply  to  misappropriation  as  well 
as  misrepresentation,  to  the  selling  of  another's  goods 
as  one's  own  -  the  misappropriation  of  what  equitably 
belongs  to  a  competitor."  (*) 

The  modern  common  law  of  unfair  competition  originates  out  of 
the  necessity  for  the  protection  of  trade-marks  and  the  development  of 
legal  precedents  to  meet  this  need.   Actions  in  the  unauthorized  use  of 
a  mark  by  a  rival  trader  were  maintained  in  the  English  courts  as  early 
as  the  17th  century,  though  rarely.   The  early  English  cases  also  es- 
tablished another  precedent  which  has  largely  held,  at  least  in  America, 
to  the  present  time.   This  was  an  unwillingness  to  grant  an  injunction 
against  an  infringing  trader  unless  fraudulent  intent  could  be  proved, 
or  reasonably  inferred.  (**) 


The  first  trade-mark  infringement  case  to  appear  in  the  reports 
of  a  State  court  of  the  United  States  was  in  1837,  (***)  but  with  the 
growth  of  mass  production  and  the  consequent  increased  importance  of 
trade-mark,  the  courts  built  up  a  considerable  body  of  protective  law. 
The  legal  remedy  against  trade-mark  infringement,  however,  was  found  in- 
sufficient to  give  protection  against  other  developing  devices  for  pas- 
sing off,  and  as  a  result  the  present  law  of  unfair  competition  develop- 
ed., of  which  the  law  of  trade-mark  is  but  a  part.   McLean  v.  Fleming 
(*)  Schechter  v.  U.  S.,  55  S.Ct.  037-850  (1935). 
(**)  G.  Blanchard  v.  Hill,  2  Atk.  484  (1743). 
(***)  Thomson  v.  Winchester,  19  Peak  -  214  (Mass.  1837). 



may  "be  considered  the  first  case  in  which  the  Supreme  Court  stated  the 

"Ilcr  is  it  necessary,  in  order  to  give  a  right  to  an 
injunction,  that  a  specific  trade-nark  should  be  in- 
fringed; but  it  is  sufficient  that  there  was  an  at- 
tempt on  the  part  of  the  respondent  to  palm  off  his 
goods  as  the  tJoods  of  the  complainant . n  (*) 

McLean  v.  Fleming  and  other  cases  (**)  also  set  up  what  the 
courts  and  text  writers  have  taken  as  another  fundamental  principle  - 
that  there  can  be  no  action  in  unfair  competition  without  actual  or 
potential  competitive  injury.   The  plaintiff  comes  into  the  court  to 
protect  his  property  rights.   The  private  right  of  action  is  given,  not 
for  any  relief  of  the  public  which  is  deceived,  although  this  may  be  an 
incidental  effect,  but  bee-use  by  this  deception  there  is  invaded  that 
which  is  an  exclusive  property  right  of  the  plaintiff. 

As  far  back  as  McLean  v.  Fleming,  also,  the  Supreme  Court 
ruled  that  a  showing  of  fraudulent  intent  was  necessary  to  obtain  in- 
junctive relief  against  unfair  competition.   This  requirement  was  again 
stated  in  the  Elgin  vTatch  Coimany  case,  decided  in  1900.  (***) 

This  attitude  of  the  Supreme  Court  is  contrary  to  the  weight 
of  oninion  of  the  modern  English  cases,  where  honesty  of  purpose  or  ab- 
sence of  intent  to  deceive  is  no  defense.   It  is  also  hot  shared  by  all 
American  courts,  the  English  rule  being  followed  by  the  New  York  Court 
of  Appeals,  and  the  courts  of  California  and  Kansas.  (****) 

While  the  required  fraudulent  intent  may  in  any  _.iven  case  be 
inferred  from  the  circumstances,  nevertheless  so  far  as  the  Supreme 
Court  decisions  are  concerned  such  intent  is  an  essential  condition  for 
the  granting  of  relief  from  unfair  competition  at  common  law,  rather  than 
the  actual  economic  effect  upon  a  competitor  of  what  in  itself  may  have 
been  an  innocent  a.ct. 

The  relief  which  is  nrovided  in  cases  of  unfair  competition 
may  be  obtaincu  by  action  either  at  law  or  in  equity.   The  former  is  em- 
ployed where  damages  are  the  main  end.   It  is  seldom  used.   The  great 
majority  of  the  are  brought  in  equity,  and  the  relief  obtainable 
is  two-fold:  an  injunction  to  prevent  injury  through  threatened  acts  of 

O)   McLean  V.  Fleming,  96  U.S.  2.45.  (1877). 

(**)   Cf.  Lawrence  Mfg.  Co.  v.  Tennessee  Mfg.  Co.,  138  U.S.  537 
(***)  Elgin  National  Watch  Co.  v.  Illinois  Watch  Co.,  179  U.S.  665(1900). 
(****)ln  the  case  of  Dodge  Stationery  Co.  v.  Dod0e,  145  Calif.  380  (1904), 
the  court  held  that  it  was  quite  unimportant  whether  the  defendant  used 
the  name  "Dodge"  with  fraudulent  intent  or  not.   If  the  necessary  re- 
sult was  deception,  and  the  public  was  being  confused,  the  fact  that  the 
defendant  used  the  name  with  an  honest  intent  will  not  aid  it,  and 
equity  will  exercise  its  injunctive  powers  to  prevent  a  fraud  upon  the 
public,  even  though  there  may  not  have  been  technical  fraud  upon  the 
plaintiff,  due  to  the  absence  of  fraudulent  intent  on  the  part  of  the 



unfair  competition,  and  an  accounting  of  profits  and  for  damages  al- 
ready sustained  if  such  can  be  -Droved. 

Briefly,  then,  the  common  law  of  unfair  competition  provides 
only  a  right  of  private  action  in  protection  of  a  private  property 
right.   Actual  or  potential  competitive  injury  is  the  indispensable 
fact  to  be  shown.   Deception  of  the  purchaser  must  also  be  shown,  but 
only  as  evidence  of  such  injury.   The  element  of  fraudulent  intent  is 
required.   No  right  of  public  action  for  the  protection  of  competitors 
as  a  group  is  allowed  by  the  common  law,  and  no  public  interest  is 
recognized.   Any  protection  of  the  purchaser  from  deceit  is  purely  in- 
cidental to  the  main  end. 

Expressed  in  other  words: 

"Fostering  competition  directly  by  the  provision  of  a 
few  private  remedies  for  -orivate  wrongs,  rather  than 
preserving  competition  by  positive  measures  administered 
by  public  authorities,  was  the  burden  of  legal  regula- 
tion of  competitive  practices  under  the  common  law."  (*) 

It  is  the  second  of  these  two  contrasted  methods,  that  of 
"Preserving  competition  by  positive  measures  administered  by  public 
authorities,"  with  the  public  interest  made  a  specific  and  essential 
consideration,  which  is  embodied  in  the  Act  creating  the  Federal  Trade 
Commission,  the  sco-oe  and  effect  of  which  are  to  be  considered  in  the 
next  chapter. 

(*)   National  Industrial  Conference  Board,  Public  Regulation  of 
Competitive  Practices,  Revised.  (1939)  p.  30. 





The  Federal  Commission  Act  "bee  me  lav;  September  26, 
1914.   Section  5  of  the  Act  declared  "That  unfair  methods  of  competi- 
tion in  commerce  are  hereby  declared  unlawful,"  and  authorized  the 
Commission  to  take  action  where  there  is  found  to  be  a  "using  of  any 
unfair  method  of  competition  in  commerce  ,  and  if  it  shall  appear  to 
the  Commission  that  a  proceeding  by  it  **  would  be  to  the  interest  of 
the  public."  Orders  of  the  Commission  are  made  subject  to  review  by 
the  Circuit  Court  of  Appeals,  but "the  findings  of  the  Commission  as  to 
the  facts,  if  supported  by  testimony,  shall  be  conclusive." 

A.  The  Meaning  of  "Unfair  Cormetition. 


No  definition  of  "unfair  competition"  was  included  in  the 
Act.   There  has  always  been  question  as  to  just  where  Congress  proposed 
that  discretion  in  deciding  what  constituted  unfair  competition  should 
rest,  many  holding  that  this  was  of  the  very  essence  of  the  Commission's 
intended  function.   For  practical  purposes,  however,  the  question  was 
settled  by  the  Supreme  Court  in  the  Gratz  case: 

"The  words  'unfair  methods  of  competition1  are  not  de- 
fined in  the  statute  and  their  exact  meaning  is  in  dis- 
pute.  It  is  for  the  courts  and  not  the  Commission  ul- 
timately to  determine,  as  a  matter  of  law,  what  they 
include."  (*) 

Further  in  this  same  case  the  Court  indicated  its  general 
conception  of  the  meaning  of  the  phrase: 

"They  (the  words  'unfair  competition')  are  clearly  in- 
applicable to  practices  never  heretofore  regarded  as 
opposed  to  good  morals  because  characterized  by  decep- 
tion, bad  faith,  fraud  or  oppression,  or  as  against 
public  policy  because  of  their  dangerous  tendency  un- 
duly to  hinder  competition  or  create  monopoly. }t 

This  tendency  of  the  courts  to  restrict  the  interpretation 
of  the  phrase  to  legal  conceptions  previously  established  has  been  looked 
upon  by  many  as  hampering  a  necessary  broadening  of  its  meaning  in 
terms  of  social  and  economic  criteria  imposed  by  the  evolution  of  our 
industrial  system.   It  has  had  less  of  this  effect  with  respect  to  mis- 
representative  practices,  however,  since  the  court's  definition  plain- 
ly includes  that  idea;  and  further,  because  the  courts  have  rejected 
any  pleas  that,  since  the  standards  of  previously  existing  law  are  made 

(*)  F.T.C.  v.  Warren,  Jones  and  Gratz,  253  U.S.  421  (1920) 



the  test,  the  authority  of  the  Act  is  restricted  to  specific  practices 
already  ruled  unlawful. 

"The  commissioners  ...  are  to  exercise  their  common 
sense,  as  informed  "by  their  knowledge  of  the  general 
idea  of  unfair  trade  at  common  law,  and  stop  all  those 
trade  practices  which  have  a  capacity  or  a  tendency  to 
injure  competitors  directly  or  through  deception  of 
purchasers,  quite  irrespective  of  whether  the  spec- 
ific practices  in  question  have  yet  been  denounced  in 
common-law  cases."  (*) 

In  addition  to  the -common-law  criteria  imposed  by  the  courts, 
three  conditions  precedent  to  FTC  jurisdiction  are  set  by  Section  5  of 
the  Act  and  have  been  reaffirmed  by  the  Supreme  Court.   First,  the 
practices  complained  of  must  be  unfair.   Second,  they  must  'be  methods 
of  competition  in  commerce.   Third,  action  by  the  Commission  must  be 
in  the  interest  of  the  public.  (**)  And,  of  course,  the  competition 
must  be  in  interstate  commerce. 

Thus,  while  "the  commissioners  are  not  required  to  aver  and 
prove  that  any  competitor  1ms  been  damaged  or  that  any  purchaser  has 
been  deceived"  (***)  as  would  have  been  the  case  at  common  law,  (****) 
they  still  have  a  double  requirement  to  meet  in  that  they  must  show  that 
the  act  complained  of  has  at  least  "a  capacity  or  a  tendency  to  injure 
competitors"  and  that  there  is  a  public  interest  involved.   There  is 
carried  over  in  effect  the  common-law  conception  that  unfair  competi- 
tion is  primarily  concerned  with  the  rights  of  competitors,  and  regards 
the  deception  of  purchasers  only  as  that  constitutes  an  invasion  of 
such  rights.   This  has  stood  as  a  bar  to  the  development  of  a  concep- 
tion of  misrepresentation  or  deception  affecting  the  consuming  public 
as  being  unfair  competition  per  se,  despite  the  increasing  tendency  of 
the  Commission  to  maize  this  a  principal  test. 

A  leading  case  in 'which  the  courts  have  i  ejected  public  pro- 
tection as  a  sufficient  grounds  for  Commission  action  is  that  of 
Raladam  Co.  v.  F.T.C.  (*****) 

(*)  Sears,  Roebuck  &•  Co.  v.  F.T.C,  258  Fed.  307  (1919) 

(**)  Raladam  Co.  v.  F.T.C,  4-2F  (2d)  430  (1930);  51  S.Ct.  587  (1931 ) 

(***)  Sears,  Roebuck  &  Co.  v.  F.T.C.  quoted  above 

(****)  jjor  j_s  showing  of  fraud  required.   "It  was  not  necessary  for  the 

commission  to  establish  intent  to  deceive  the  -ourchasing  public.   For 

the  test  of  unfair  competition  was  whether  the  natural  and  probable 

result  of  the  use  by  the  petitioner  of  such  words  was  deceptive  to  the 

ordinary  purchaser  and  made  him  purchase  that  which  he  did  not  intend 

to  buy."   Indiana  Quartered  Oak  Co.  v.  F.T.C,  26  Fed.  (2d)  340  (1928) 

(*****)  Cit.  page  15,  supra. 



This  case  involved  misrepresentations  concerning  the  ef- 
ficacy of  an  obesity  cure,  which  was  also  shown  by  testimony  to  be 
potentially  harmful  to  the  uninstructed  user,   nevertheless,  the  Com- 
mission's restraining  ord<'jr  was  overruled  by  the  Circuit  Court  of  / 
Appeals,  the  Court  saying: 

"The  general  law  of  unfairness  uses  the  misleading 
of  the  ultimate  purchaser  as  evidence,  of  the  primary 
vital  fact,  injury  to  the  lawful  dealer;  the  Commission 
uses  this  ultimate  presumed  injury  to  the  final  user 
as  itself  the  vital  fact." 

The  Supreme  Court  in  turn  upheld  the  Circuit  Court  of  Ap- 
peals, reiterating  the  requirement  that 

"The  trade  whose  methods  are  assailed  must  have  present  or 
potential "rivals  in  trade  whose  business  will  be,  or  is 
likely  to  be  lessened  cr  otherwise  injured," 

and  finding  that  the  Commission  had  failed  to  present  the  necessary 
evidence  of  such  injury,  since  all  other  members  of  the  trade  involved 
employed  the  same  questionable  tactics  as  the  respondent.   The  Court 
could  not  bring  itself  to  conceive  that  Congress  had  set  up  the  Com- 
mission "for  the  purpose  of  preserving  the  business  of  one  knave  a- 
gainst  another"  -  nor,  apparently,  for  the  purpose  of  protecting  the 
public  against  both. 

It  has  been  claimed  that  the  Raladam  case  turned  in  reality 
upon  the  mere  technical  omission  of  the  Commission  to  show  competitive 
injury,  and  that  it  did  not  therefore  constitute  a  check  upon  the 
liberalizing  tendency  of  the  Commission  above  referred  to.   As  a  mat- 
ter of  fact  the  decision  shows  that  the  Supreme  Court,  at  least, 
weighed  the  possibility  of  such  injury  in  the  circumstances  carefully, 
and  rejected  it  as  insufficient.   The  case  therefore  amounts  to  a  firm 
reiteration  of  the  necessity  of  this  element  for  jurisdiction  under 
the  terms  of  the  Act  as  interpreted  by  the  cou.'ts. 

On  the  other  hand,  in  the  Griffith  Hughes  case  which  came 
after  Raladam  and  was  somewhat  similar  to  it,  but  which  dia  not  turn 
upon  the  point  in  question,  (since  competitive  injury  was  shown),  the 
Circuit  Court  of  Appeals  in  supporting  the  Commission  used  the  follow- 
ing language  in  which  the  element  of  public  protection  is  particularly 

"To  strike  down  unfair  methods  of  competition  or  unfair 
practices  on  the  public  is  the  duty  imposed  on  the  Com- 
mission by  Congress.   The  object  of  the  Act  is  to  pre- 
vent public  deception,  and  to  preserve  free  competition. " (*) 

(*)  E.  Griffith  Hufahes  Inc.  v.  R.T.C.  65  F.  (3d)  362  (1933)  (An 
appeal  to  the  Supreme  Court  in  this  case  is  now  pending.) 



In  the  Kcppel  case,  touching  the  practice  of  "break-and-take" 
in  candy  selling  (a  form  of  sale,  especially  of  penny  candies,  invol- 
ving lottery  or  chance),  the  Supreme  Court  stated, 

"It  is  true  that  the  statute  does  not  authorize 
regulation  which  has  no  purpose  other  than  of  re- 
lieving merchants  of  troublesome  competition,  or  of 
censoring  the  morals  of  business  men." 

But  the  Court  goes  on  to  stress  the  social  aspects  of  a  competitive 
method  which  "is  shown  to  exploit  consumers,  children,  who  are  unable 
to  protect  themselves",  "devices  v/hich  have  met  with  condemnation 
throughout  the  community."  (*) 

It  may  be  that  there  is  thus  being  evidenced  a  liberalizing 
tendency  on  the  part  of  the  courts  which  will  help  to  give  the  Commis- 
sion's efforts  along  this  line  greater  effect;  nevertheless  the  word- 
ing of  the  statute  as  it  stands  does  act  as  a  bar  in  the  way. 

The  Commission's  own  sense  of  this  is  indicated  by  recommenda- 
tions for  change  in  the  Act  which  are  put  forth  in  its  latest  Annual 
Report.   Section  5  of  the  Act  is  recommended  to  be  amended  as  to  its 
first  two  paragraphs,  to  read: 

Sec.  5.  Unfair  methods  of  competition  in  commerce  and 
unfair  or  deceptive  acts -and  practices  in  commerce  are 
hereby  declared  unlawful. 

The  Commission  is  hereby  empowered  and  directed  to  prevent 
persons,  partnerships  or  corporations,  except  banks, 
and  common  carriers  subject  to  the  acts  to  regulate  com- 
merce, from  using  unfair  methods  of  competition  in  com- 
merce and  unfair  or   deceptive  acts  and  practices  in  com- 
merce. (**) 

The  Commission  at  the  same  time  offers  this  explanation  of 
the  purposes  of  the  proposed  changes: 

"This  recommen.ia.tion  is  made  in  order  to  give  the  Com- 
mission clear  jurisdiction  over  a  practice  which  is  un- 
fair or  deceptive  to  the  public  and  is  not  necessarily 

(*)   F.T.C.  v.  R.  F.  Keppel.  ft  Br.  Inc.  291  U.S.  304  (1934)  (The 

Commission  was  reversed  in  this  case  by  the  Circuit  Court  of 
Appeals,  on  grounds  very  similar  to  the  Raladam  decision,  the 
Court  finding  that  all  competitors  might,  and  many  of  them  did, 
use  the  device  complained  of.   The  Supreme  Court,  in  sustaining 
the  Commission,  would  appear  to  have  been  materially  influenced 
oy   social  considerations.) 

(**)   Federal  Trade  Commission,  Annual  Report  (1935),  p.  15. 



unfair  to  a  competitor.   There  arc  times  when  such 
a  practice  is  so  universal  in  an  industry  that  the 
public  is  primarily  injured  rather  than  individual 
competitors.   In  such  cases  it  is  very  difficult, 
if  not  impossible,  to  show  injury  to  competitors, 
but  the  injury  to:the  public  is  manifest." 

A  bill  to  emend  the  Federal  Trade  Commission  Act,  embodying 
the  recommended  language  and  certain  procedural  changes,  was  intro- 
duced by  Representative  Rayburn  in  the  House  of  Representatives 
January  20,  1936,  (*)  and  in  the  Senate  oy   Senator  Fneeler.   Should 
the  bill  become  law,  it  would  unquestionably  enlarge  the  Commission's 
opportunities  for  action  in  certain  situations.   Probably  only  the 
test  of  court  actions  would  determine  whether  it  would  materially  add 
to  the  number  of  forms  of  misrepresentation  with  which  the  Commission 
is  already  able  to  deal,  as  enumerated  in  the  following  section  of 
this  chapter. 

To  summarize,  what  the  Federal  Trade  Commission  Act  primarily 
did  from  the  legal  view  was  to  set  up  a  public  agency  having  the  spec- 
ific function  to  prevent  and  restrain  unfair  competitive  practices; 
to  assert  the  public  interest  'as'  one,  if  not  the  first,  consideration 
in  such  actions;  and,  so  far  a's'  misrepresentations  at  least  went,  to 
provide  a  means  for  adding  specific  practices  to  the  list  of  the  un- 
lawful more  rapidly  than  the  ■cc-imaon  'law,  cautiously  following  precedent, 
was  able  to  do.   Also,  in  due  course,  the  Federal  Trade  Commission  Act 
became  one  of  the  foundations  upon  which  the  IDA  jurisdiction  over  un- 
fair trade  practices  was  sought  to  be  based. 

Among  the  causes  which  might  be  adduced  for  any  failure  on 
the  part  of  the  Commission  to  'extend  more  fully  its  oontrol  over  un- 
fair competitive  practices  are,  first,  the  restrictions  upon  its  sphere 
of  action  set  up  in  the  Act  itself,  and  second,  the  insistence  of  the 
courts  upon  their  right  to  final  definition  of  what  unfair  competition 
includes  -  not  to  mention  the  gigantic  nature  of  the  task  itself. 

B.   Types  of  Misrepresentation  Dealt  with  by  the 
Commission.   Despite  the  various  conditions  imposed  upon  it,  the 
Federal -Trade  Commission,  since  its  inception  has  been  able  to  take 
action  in  many  kinds  df  cases  involving  misrepresentation,  and  with  a 
high  degree  of  success.  'The  practices  condemned  in  orders  to  cease 
and  desist  (**)  are  printed  in  the  annual  reports  of  the  Commission, 
and  have  been  fully  outlined  and  condensed  in  the  following  section. 

(*)   H.  R.  10385,  74th  Congress,  3d  Session. 

(**)  Federal  Trade  Commission,  Annual  Report  (1935)  pp.  67-71. 


C.   Classification  and  Citation's  of  Typical  Cases, 

For  a  more  concrete  presentation  of  the  specific  forms  of  mis- 
representation with  which  the  Federal  Trade  Commission  principally  deals, 
there  are  given  below  a  number  of  actual  Commission  cases,  classified 
as  to  type,  and  with  their  case  citations:  (*) 


1.   As  to  weight  or  quantity. 

(a)  Fictitious  weights. 

Selling  soaked  or  "loaded"  sponges  by  weight. 
Cease  and  desist  orders  issued  in  Complaints 
!Tos.  374,  375,  etc. 

(b)  False  Packaging. 

Packing  of  butter  in  cartons  of  definite  size 
and  shape,  but  with  contents  less  than  stand- 
ard weight.   F.T.C.  v.  Mountain  Grove  Cream- 
ery Co.  6  F.T.C,  D.  426  (1923) 

2»   Composition, quality,  condition  or  character  of 


(a)  Composition. 

(1)  Sale  of  goods  chiefly  made  out  of  cotton 
as  wool.  F.T.C.  v.  Winsted  Hosiery  Co., 
258  U.S.  483  (1922) 

(2)  Advertising  a  product  composed  of  common 
salt  with,  its  impurities  as  containing 
sixteen  different  chemical  and  vegetable 
ingredients  1 

Guarantee  Veterinary  Co.  v.  F.T.C. 
285  Fed.  853  (CCA.  2d,  1922) 
(Order  affirmed). 

(3)  Misbranding  paint  by  terming  it  "Com- 
bination White  Lead." 

touis  Leavitt  v.  F.T.C,  16  F.  (2d) 
1019  (CCA.  2d,  1926)  (P^r  curiam) 
(Order  affirmed). 

(*)  Condensed  from  "Anti-Trust  Laws  and  Unfair  Competition",  Document 
of  Division  of  Review,  July  20,  1935, 



(4)  "Satinsilk"  as  a  brand  or  label  for  cotton 

Sea  Island  Thread  Co.  v.  F.T.C.,  22  P. 
(2d)  LI19. (G.G. A.  2d,  1927)  (Affirmed 
without  opinion. ) 

.  (5)  Branding  imitation  leather  products  as 
Duralcather. M 

Masland  Duraleather  Co-,  v.  F.T.C,  34  F. 
(2d)  733  (CCA.  3d,  1929)  (Order  modified 
in  an  immaterial  particular.) 

(6J  :Tsing  term  "Good  Grape"  in  connection  with  an 
artificially  colored  and  flavored  preparation. 

Federal  Trade  Commission  v.  Good-Grape  Co., 
45  F.  (2d)  70  (CCA.  5th,  1930)  (Order 
modified  by  permitting  use  of  term  on  con- 
dition that  artificial  nature  of  prepara- 
tion be  indicated. ) 

(b)  As  to  quality  or  condition. 

(l)  Lrbel  bearing  pictorial  representation  show- 
in0  mattresses  with  an  uncovered  end  flaring 
to  an  exaggerated  thickness. 

Ostermoore  .&  .Co.  Inc.,  v.  F.T.C  16  F.  (2d) 
9S2  (CCA.  2d,  1927)  (Order  vacated  on 
ground  representation  was  simply  fanciful, 
not  deceptive,  and  merely  constituted  the 
time-honored  practice  of  "puff inj' one1 s 
wares. ) 

(?)  Representation  of  "obesity  cure"  as  "scienti- 
fic"; failure  to  state  that  the  preparation 
could  not  be  taken  safely  except  under  medi- 
cal advice. 

F.T.C  v.  Raladam  Co.  283  U.S.  643  (l93l) 
(Order  vacated,  since  jurisdiction  of  Com- 
mission is  limited  to  unfair  trade  method 
which  affect  competition,  and  there  was  no 
evidence  that  respondent's  advertisements 
injured  competitors. ) 

(o)  Selling  rebuilt  tires  as  new. 

F.T.C  v.  H.P.  Jones,  1.  F.T.C.  D.  360  (1932). 



(4)  Advertising  a  weak  chemical  preparation  as 
"ten  times  stronger  as  a  germicide  than  un- 
diluted U.S. P.  carbolic  acid." 

F.T.C.  v.  G-inse  Chemical  Co.,  4  F.T.C.  D. 
155  (1931) 

(5)  He-issue  of  old  films  as  new  releases. 

Fox  Film  Corp.,  v.  F.T.C,  296  Fed.  353  (C.C. 
'  A.  2d,  1924)  (Or dor  affirmed). 

3.  False  claim  to  Endorsement  or  Use. 

( a )  Off icial  endorsements  and  recommendations 

(l)  False  statement- that  product  was  adopted  or 
purchased  "by  the  United  States  Government. 

Guarantee  Vetinary  Co.  v.  F.T.C,  285  Fed. 
353  (CCA.  2d,  192"). 

(b)  Endorsement  by  "iriv:.te  individuals. 

(l)  Publishing  testimonials  of  nationally  known 

characters  without  disclosing  that  substantial 
payments  are  made. 

,....-,  Hortham  Warren  Corp.  v.  F.T.C,  59  F^.  (2d) 
196  (CCA.  2d,  1932)  (Order  vacated*  on 
ground  payment  for  truthful  testimonials 
deceives  ne  one. ) 

4 .  As  to  Business  St'  tus. 

( a )  Misrepresenting  chat  respondent  is  a  manufacturer. 

(1)  Trade  or  corporate  name  including  word  "Mills" 
where  respondent  does  not  rwn  or  operate  a 
factory  in  which  its  products  are  made. 

Federal  Trade  Commission  v.  Pure  Silk  Hosiery 
Mills,  Inc.,  3  F.  (3d)  155  (CCA.  7th,  1925). 

(2)  By  pictorial  representations. 

Use  of  pictures  of  plants  and  factories  on 
letter-heads  and  advertising',  to  indicate  re- 
spondents own  them  -  ordered  discontinued  in 
Complaints. Nos.  193,  491,  11©4,  1107,  172\ 

(b)  Misrepresenting  commercial  rating  (Stipulation  #645) 


( -  )   ^  "-'.''■  . -  •..--.   .  -   distribution 

centers,  '-'hen  in  fact  it  is  untrue  ( Stimulation 
Ho.  617.7). 

(d)   Representing  respondent  '.-as  not  engaged  in  in 
a  bus iness  for  profit. 

(l)   Trade  name  "Anti- Tobacco  League"  implying 

non-profit  organization,  when  in  fact  it  was;  - 
discontinued  in  Stipulation  ITo.  0130. 

As  to  Origin  of  Product. 

(a)   Labeling  product  made  in  the  United  States  as 
"English  Tub  Soap". 

F.T.C.  v.  Bradley  ,  31  F.  (2d)  569   (CCA.  2d, 
1929)  (Order  affirmed). 

As  to  Price  Reductions. 

(a)  False  representation  that  usual  sale  price  for 
product  was  $20,  in  sale  ox  two  for  $10. 

Chicago  Portrait  Co.  v.  F.T.C.,   4  F  (2d)  259 
CCA.  7th  1925),  Cert.  Den.   269  U.S.  5^6  (1925) 
(Order  evacated.  on  ground  there  was  no  evidence 

that  customers  were  deceived  or  competition 

injured, ) 

(b)  False  representation  that  "loose  leaf  extension 
service"  for  encyclopedia,  was  given  free  with  purchase 
of  books 

Consolidated  Book  Publishers,  Inc.  v.  Federal 
Trade  Commission  58  F.  (2d)  942  (CCA.  7th,  1931) 
( Order  af i i  rmed) . 

(c)  By  means  of  combination  sales. 

Selling  groceries  at  a  fixed  aggregate  "price,  placing 
theprice  of  the  staple  articles  below  retail  price 
and  charging  excessive  ■prices  for  the  other  articles. 
Ordered  discontinued  in  Complaints  ITos.  349,  352. 

(d)  I-jsre -presenting  that  there  was  "no  extra,  charge  for 
credit"  whereas  substantial  discounts  were  given  on 
goods  sold  for  cash.   ( Corn-plaints  Nos.  765  and  766). 

(e)  I.Ijsre'Presenting  that  repairs  were  free,  when  in  fact 
the  charge  was  made  up  by  excessive  postage  and 
package  charges. 

(f )  falsely  advertising  that  the  sale  was  below  cost 

(Cor.;  plaint  IIos.  1TL). 

97  10 


([•)      Representing  that  the  rrice  of  the  product  would  "be 
advanced  (Stipulations  I!o:s  521,  463). 

(h)'  Represent  in:  that  "products  are  offered  at  "special" 
or  "introductory"  prices.   (Complaint  IJo.  2010, 
Sti  ul at ions  72  ' ,  J21,  483,  740,  607). 

( i )   Fictitious1  trices. 

Larking  enhanced  prices  on  fountain  pens,  to  mis- 
lead the  purchaser  as  to  the  value  of  the  product. 
(Complaints  iJos.  561,  663-68,  670-673). 

7 .  As  to  ..ecrici-ial  or  Curative  Value  of  the  Froeuct. 

( a )  3y  means  of  advertising. 

(1)   That  an  electrical  device  wa.s  beneficial  for 
certain  ailments  and  had  the  endorsement  of 
physicians,  when  those  facts  were  not  true. 
(Complaints  16~;;,  1703,  1679). 

(b)  3y  means  of  false  brands. 

(1)   Labeling  soap  as  containing  olive  oil,  pero;:ide, 
palm  ail,  witch  -hazel,  medicines  or  drugs 
(Complaint  .IIo.  873). 

8.  1-jsre presentations  in_  the  Sale  of.  Corporate  Securities 

(a)  Misleading  and  deceptive  statements  in  advertising, 
letters,  naps,  concerning  the  value  of  oil  leases, 
properties,  assets,  and  productivity.  Ordered  dis-  . 
continued  in  Complaint"  ilos.  795,  596,  336,  857. 

(b)  Misleading  announcements  and  reports  in  regard  to 
nature  and  volume  of  business  done.   (Ordered  dis- 
continued in  Complaint  ho.  273). 

An  outline  of  the  administrative  machinery  anc.  methods  of  procedure 
by  means  of  which  these  and  other  unfair  practices  are  dealt  with  by  the 
Commission  is  given  in  the  section  following. 

r\mi    s\ 



The  serai -judicial  nature  of  the  Commission1 s  function  in  the  re- 
straint of  unfair  methods  of  competition  impose  upon  it  rather  elaborate 
procedural  requirements,  which  may  be  only  briefly  noted  here. 

A  case  before  the  Federal  Trade  Commission  may  originate  in  sev- 
eral ways.   The  most  common  is  through  complaint  by  a  competitor  or  from 
public  sources  other  than  the  Commission  itself.   The  Commission,  how- 
ever, may  initiate  an  investigation.   Once  initiated,  a  case  runs  some 
part  of  the  following  course.  (*) 

A.   Informal  Procedure 

An  "application  for  complaint"  being  received  from  any  of  the 
above  sources,  the  Commission,  through  its  Chief  Examiner,  considers 
first  its  jurisdictional  elements,  i.e.,  whether  it  involves  interstate 
commerce  and  whether  the  facts  presented  are  such  that  prosecution 
appears  to  be  in  the  public  interest.   On  the  basis  of  this  examination 
the  application  may  be  either  dismissed  or  docketed  for  complaint. 
(Approximately  two  out  of  three  of  all  cases  are  dismissed  at  this 
stage).  (**) 

If  docketed  for  complaint,  the  case  is  assigned  to  a  Com- 
mission attorney  to  develop  the  facts  by  interviews  with  the  respondent, 
with  his  competitors,  or  consumers  if  necessary,  or  from  any  other 
available  so\irces.   The  record  is  then  presented  to  the  chief  examiner, 
who  will  rec:mmend  either  (l)  dismissal,  (3)  closing  of  the  case  by 
stipulation,  or  (3)  issuance  of  formal  complaint.   All  proceedings  up 
to  this  point  are  confidential,  the  name  of  respondent  being  protected 
throughout  the  preliminary  investigation. 

3.   Formal  Procedure. 

"Only  after  most  careful  scrutiny11  does  the  Commission  issue  a 
formal  complaint.   The  respondent  is  given  opportunity  to  answer,  and 
if  the  case  is  contested,  hearings  are  held  before  a  Commission  trial 
examiner,  who  for  the  convenience  of  the  parties  may  sit  anywhere  in  the 
country.   The  Commission  and  the  respondent  are  botn  represented  by 
their  attorneys.   After  report  to  both  sides  by  the  trial  examiner, 
briefs  are  filed  by  each,  and  the  case  is  heard  before  the  full  Commis- 
sion.  If  the  complaint  is  sustained,  the  Commission  states  its  findings 
as  to  fact  and  its  conclusion  that  the  law  has  been  violated,  and 
issues  an  order  requiring  the  respondent  to  cease  and  desist  from  the 
practice.   If  the  complaint  is  dismissed  or  closed,  an  order  to  that 
effect  is  issued.   These  orders  constitute  the  final  functions  of  the 
Commission  as  far  as  its  own  procedure  is  concerned. 

(*)   Abridged  from  Federal  Trade  Commission,  Annual  Report  (1935) 
pp.  ^3-46. 

(**)   See  figures  presented  in  Sec.  Ill  of  this  Chapter,  page  27  below. 


C.   Judicial  Enforcement  and  Review. 

The  Commission  has  no  power  to  enforce  its  orders  to  cease  and 
desist,  or  to  assess  penalties  for  failure  to  comply.   For  this  it  must 
appeal  to  the  Federal  courts.   Likewise  the  respondent  may  appeal  to 
the  courts  for  review  of  the  Commission'  s  actions.   To  obtain  a  decree 
of  enforcement  the  Commission  must  prove  violation,  while  for  a  penalty 
it  must  show  respondent  to  be  in  contempt  of  the  court' s  decree. 

The  Commission  has  sought  the  courts'  aid  in  enforcement  in 
only  a  relatively  few  cases  (38  in  all).  (*)   This  may  indicate  that 
its  procedure  is  effective  without  specific  penalties,  or  it  may  re- 
flect the  difficulties  of  the  procedure.   As  to  this  the  Commission  it- 
self has  said: 

"Punishment  for  a  violation  of  the  law  can  not  be 
secured  until  the  Commission  has  proved  in  its  own  pro- 
ceeding that  the  statute  has  been  violated,  has  proven 
before  the  court  that  its  order  has  been  violated,  and 
has  proved  that  the  offender  is  in  contempt  for  a  vio- 
lation of  the  decree  of  the  court.   The  requirement  to 
thrice  prove  a  violation  of  a  prohibitive  statute  be- 
fore punishment  can  be  inflicted,  and  to  prove  it  twice 
before  an  injunction  can  be  secured,  probably  does  not 
have  a  parallel  in  our  statutes. "(**) 

In  the  recommendations  contained  in  its  1935  Report  the  Com- 
mission includes  certain  changes  in  the  Act  designed  to  increase  the 
simplicity  and  uniformity  of  its  enforcement  procedure. (***)   These 
have  likewise  been  incorporated  in  the  Xieeler-Rayburn  bill  now  pend- 
ing in  Congress. 

D.   Stipulation  Procedure. 

A  simplification  of  procedure  which  the  Commission  has  it- 
self instituted  is  that  of  stipulation.  This  is  an  informal  proceed- 
ing whereby  a  respondent  may  voluntarily  enter  into  a  stipulation  of 
the  facts  complained  of  and  agree  to- cease  and  desist  from  the 
alleged  unfair  practice  without  issuance  of  formal  order  to  do  so. 
The  stipulation  is  not  a  right  but  a  privilege  extended  by  the  Commis- 
sion, and  is  used  only  where  the  offense  is  considered  of  a  less  seri- 
ous nature.   In  signing  the  stipulation  respondent  agrees  that  if  he 
ever  resumes  the  practice,  the  facts  as  stipulated  may  be  used  against 
him  in  the  trial  of  a  complaint  which  the  Commission  may  issue. 

During  the  9jr  years  in  which  the  stipulation  system  has  been 

(*)    Federal  Trade  Commission,  Annual  Report  (1935),  p.  87, 
(**)   F.  T.  C.  Annual  Report  (1923)  pp.  77-78. 
(***)  y.    T.  C.  Annual  Report  (1935)  p.  15. 



employed  (to  June  30,  1935)  a  total  of  2,257  stipulations  have  been 
approved  by   the  Commission,  as  compared  with  a  total  of  1,446  cease  and 
desist  orders  issued  throughout  the  approximately  21  years  of  its  entire 
history.   Only  14  stipulations  have  ever  been  rescinded. ( *)   As  to  the 
results  of  this  form  of  procedure  the  Commission  has  said: 

"The  Commission  believes  that  its  stipulation  pro- 
cedure is  protecting  tne  American  consumer  from  numerous 
unfair  methods  of  competition  which,  in  the  aggregate, 
are  an  important  consideration,  reaching,  by  reason  of 
the  simplicity  ana  economy  of  the  procedure  a  very  much 
larger  number  of  abuses  than  the  Commission  could  have 
reached  through  proceeding  solely  under  the  formal  pro- 
cedure already  outlined. " ( **) 

E.   Trade  Practice  Conference  Procedure. 

The  trade  practice  conference  is-  a  method  developed  by  the  Com- 
mission for  fostering  voluntary  efforts  by  individual  industries  to 
correct  their  competitive  abuses,  and  to  formulate  recognized  standards 
of.  commercial  practice.  Under  it  a  trade  group  may  develop  a  "code"  of 
fair  practice  and  submit  it  for  the  Commission1 s  approval  and  support 
in  enforcement,  so  far  as  that  may  be  legally  allowable.   Provisions  of 
the  trade  practice  conference  codes  are  divided  primarily  into  two 
classes.   Group  I  rules  are  "affirmatively  approved"  by  the  Commission 
as  expressions  of  existing  law.   These  include  declarations  that  vari- 
ous forms  of  misrepresentation,  commercial  bribery,  price  discrimination, 
etc.  are  unfair  practices.   The  Group  II  rales  are  merely  accented  as 
"expressions  of  the  trade",  desirable  but  not  as  yet  backed  by  any 
legal  authority.   Such  rules  include  positive  standards  and  packaging 
and  labeling  requirements,  and  other  subjects  of  particular  concern  to 
the  individual  industries.   Some  150  of  these  trade  practice  conference 
codes  had  been  approved  prior  to  the  passage  of  the  National  Industrial 
Recovery  Act.(***) 

The  general  resemblance  of  the  conference  codes  to  the  trade 
practice  portions  of  trie  NRA  codes  is  obvious.   A  principal  difference  - 
and  chief  weakness  of  the  former  -  was  that  no  legal  power  existed  for 
enforcing  the  broader,  Group  II  rules,  (Rules  accepted  as  expressions 
of  the  trade  but  not  deemed  unlawful  by  cease  and  desist  orders)  such 
as  was  intended  to  be  conveyed  by  the  terms  of  the  NIHA.   Furthermore, 
no  official  share  in  enforcement  of  the  conference  rules  was  allowable 
to  the  cooperating  industries,  as  was  the  case  with  NRA  through  the 
Code  Authority  set-up. 

(*)    Ibid.  p. 51. 

(**)    Ibid.  p. 50. 

(***)   por  detailed  discussion  of  the  Trade  Practice  Conference  system 
see:   Federal  Trade  Commission,  Trade  Practice  Conferences, 
June  30,  1933;  National  Industrial  Conference  Board,  Public 
Regulation  of  Competitive  Practices,  pp. 224-241;  Geo  .3.  C-alloway, 
Industrial  Control  in  the  U.  S.  Before  NRA   NRA  Training 
Section,  ?eb.  1935,  pp.  14-18. 

As  to  misrepresentations,  tue  great  majority  of  the  tride  prac- 
tice conference  codes  contained  one  or  more  provision  concerning  them. 
These  were  more  or  less  uniform  and  for  the  most  part  couched  in  rather 
general  terms,  (which  in  several  instances,  with  minor  changes,  became 
the  basis  for  the  customary  type  of  KRk   code  provisions  dealing  with 
the  same  subject).   The  following  are  one  or  two  typical  provisions: 

"The  making  or  causing  or  permitting  to  be  made 
or  published  any  false,  untrue,  or  deceptive  statement 
by  way  of  advertisement  or  otherwise  concerning  the  grade, 
quality,  quantity,  substance,  character,  nature,  origin, 
size,  or  preparation  of  any  product  of  the  industry  having 
the  tendency  and  capacity  to  mislead  or  deceive  purchasers 
or  prospective  purchasers  and  the  tendency  to  injuriously 
affect  the  business  of  competitors,  is  an  unfair  trade 
practice. "(*) 

"The  false  marking  or  branding  of  products  of  the 
industry,  with  the  effect  of  misleading  or  deceiving 
purchasers  with  respect  to  the  quantity,  quality,  grade, 
or  substance  of  the  goods  purchased,  and  the  tendency  to 
injuriously  affect  the  business  of  competitors,  is  an  un- 
fair trade  practice. " (**) 

In  some  instances  the  phrase  concerning  competitors  was  omitted, 
though  this  of  course  did  not  affect  the  obligation  of  the  Commission 
under  the  FTC  Act  to  show  competitive  injury.   A  few  of  the  Group  I 
rules  deal  with  specific  misrepresentative  practices.   On  the  other 
hand,  a  large  number  of  the  trade  practice  conference  codes  contain  in 
their  Group  II  rules  statements  of  qualitative  and  quantitative 
standards  for  industry  products,  designed  to  aid  in  the  stamping  out 
of  misrepresentative  practices,  concerning  them.   Although,  as  previous- 
ly stated,  these  rules  have  no  effect  of  law,  they  tend  to  emphasize 
the  necessity  of  positive  definitions  of  standards  for  that  purpose. 
With  respect  to  t.iis  p.iase  of  the  work  the  National  Industrial  Confer- 
ence Board  has  said: 

"The  clearest  and  most  substantial  advantage  from 
the  trade  practice  conference  procedure  is  in  the  defini- 
tion of  wnat  amounts  to  misrepresentation  or  misbranding 
of  goods  in  various  lines  of  trade.  .  .  They  (trade  evils  of 
this  type)  thrive  on  the  absence  of  clearly  defined  and 
universally  recognized  trade  standards.  .  .  Only  the 
highest  commendation  can  be  given  the  efforts  of  the  Com- 
mission to  assist  various  industries  in  establishing  fixed 
standards  of  quality  or  grade  for  their  products. " (***) 

(*)   Rale  1,  Group  I,  Bituminous  Coal  Operators  of  the  Southwest. 

(**)   Rule  3,  Group  I,  Cut  Tack,  Mail  and  Staple  Industry. 

(***)  National  Industrial  Conference  Board,  Public  Regulation  of  Compe- 
titive Practices,  (1929)., pp.  237-238. 



This  essential  tie  "between  the  establishment  of  specific  commod- 
ity standards  and  the  adequate  restraint  of  misrepresentations  concern- 
ing them  will  find  further  illustration  later,  in  the  discussion  of  N3A 
experience.   Here  it  may  be  also  noted  that  the  Commission  itself,  in 
certain  of  its  cases  concerning  misrepresentatiai  of  commodities  (as 
white  lead  paint,  fur  or  wool  garments,  etc.),  has  found  it  necessary 
to  adopt  standard  definitions  of  the  products  in  order  to  provide  nec- 
essary criteria  for  showing  deception  Concerning  them. 

F.   Other  Considerations. 

Perhaps  the  most  striking  consideration  about  the  Commission1 s 
procedure  in  general  is  the  very  heavy  administrative  burden  which  the 
Commission's  semi-judicial  character  is  seen  to  place  upon  it  in  the 
discharge  of  its  function.   While  the  development  of  stipulation  pro- 
cedure has  doubtless  helped  materially  in  this  respect,  the  various 
necessities  of  investigation,  hearing  and  review  which  are  inherent 
in  the  Commission's  regular  processes  would  appear  to  be  a  drag  upon 
full  effectiveness  of  operation,  especially  with  the  existing  limita- 
tion s  upon  available  staff. 

Another  point  concerning  the  Commission's  organization,  and 
one  which  is  in  marked  contrast  with  the  later  NUA  organizations,  is 
its  centralisation.   Though  its  activity  is  national  in  scope,  outside 
of  Washington  the  Commission  now  maintains  regular  field  offices  in 
4  cities  -  New  York,  Chicago,  San  Francisco  and  Seattle.   Besides 
clerical  help  these  offices  are  staffed  by  20  examiners  each  in 
New  York  and  Chicago,  and  3  to  5  each  in  San  Francisco  and  Seattle. 
As  noted  above,  trial  examiners  may  hold  hearings  in  various  parts  of 
the  country,  but  all  final  hearings  on  formal  cases  are  before  the 
Commission  itself.   For  performance  of  all  its  functions,  including 
those  of  conducting  general  investigations,  the  Commission  has  at  this 
time  a  staff  of  about  600. 

A  summary  of  some  of  the  results  of  the  Commission's  operation 
under  this  set-up,  in  the  field  of  unfair  competition,  is  given  in  the 
section  following. 


J2?- ■ 


A>  'General  Legal  Record. 

The  offici  1  record  of  the  activity  of  the  Commission  with 
res  >ect  to  unfair  competitive  Drrctices,  as  shorn  by  its  published  cum- 
ulative sum  :  rii  s  cov  Tin,  the  entire   eriod  from  the  creation  of  the 
Commission  to  June  30,  1935,  .  ives  a  total  of  34,757  inquiries  instituted 
during  the  period,  of  which  17,465  were  dismissed  and  closed  after  pre- 
liminary inve  tigation.  (*)  Am  licationc  for  complaints  docketed 
numbered  3,6  !6.   Of  these  3,059  were  subsequently  dismissed  •" for  lack  of 
merit."  Formal  com  al  ints  were  issuea  in  2,434  of  the  esses  docketed, 
of  vhich  1,446  resulted  in  orders  to  cease  and  desist.   Cases  settled  by 
stipulation  totaled  an  additional  5,257.   Some  634  amplications  for 
complaint  "-ere  ending  at  the  close  of  the  year.  (**) 

From  this  it  is  seen  that  the  Commission  was  successful  in 
effect  in,;  some  form  of  restraining  action,  either  by  cease-and-desist 
order  or  by  stipulation,  in  3,703  instances'-  that  is,  in  a.mprox- 
imately  16  percent  of  all  the  cases  "presented  to  it  vhich  were  definitely 
disposed  of  during  the  period.   At  the  same  time.,  appro:dmately  21,300 
cases  were  dismissed  without  issuance  of  complaint,  the  great  majority 
after  a  first  invest.i5a.ti0n. 

3 .   Cases  Af  fee t  ing  .'.  sre  presentation. 

ihat  the  rela.i  ive  success  of  the  Commission  may  have  been  in 
dealing  -r,ith  those  dealing  with  misrepresentation  and  deception,  the 
particular  types  of  ca„ses  in  7/hich  this  study  is  interested,  it  has  not 
been  possible  to  determine.   Je  know,  as  previously  noted,  (***),  that 
somewhat  more  than  one-h  If  of  all  the  cease-and-desist  orders  issued 
(and  94  percent  of  those   ris  n.r  out  of  Section  j  of  the  Federal 
Commission  Act  alone  -  that  is,  other  than  rnti-trust  cases)  concerned 
this  general  subject;   Of  the  stipulations,  it  is  reported  that  not  less 
than  95  Percent  -  sre  in  the  sane  category.  (****) 

(*)      "Tables  Summarizin;  Fork  of  the  L   1  Division  and  Court  Pro- 
ceedings, 1915-35",  Federal  Trade  Commission,  Animal  Report 

(1935),   pp. 



(**)  Aote:      The.    Commission's   tabular  summaries  are   rather  com- 

plicated,   due   in  part   to   changes   in  the  status  of  some  cases 
at   different    stages   in  the   proceedings.      For   detailed   explan- 
ation and   reconcilic tion  of  figures  with  respect   to   the  Com- 
mission's legal   operations   se?   the   text   of  the   summaries,    as 
cited   in  note   above. 

(***)  See  note,    page   5,    Chapter  O.,-,    supra. 

(****)  Aisleading   representations   of  the   "general"    class,    tilus  the 

special   false   and   misleading   advertising   type  of  cases    (Data 
irom  Offic=   of  Chief  Trial   Examiner,    Federal    Trade   Commission, 
II 0  v  emb  er  11,    1 9  ■'  5 . 



But  we  have  no  way  of  knowing  -hat  proportion  of  the  more 
than  21,000  dismissed  cases  had  to  do  with  the  same  subject.   The 
records  of  these  cases,  as  a  group,  are  held  confidential.   "Tithout 
some  classification  of  these  cases  "by  subject-natter  there  is  no  way 
of  determining  whether  the  number  of  instances  of  successful  restraining 
iction  taken  in  misrepresentation  cases  alone  was  greater  or  less,  in 
relation  to  the  entire  number  of  cases  of  this  same  type,  than  the 
16  percent  av°ra:;e  for  affirmative  action  in  cases  of  all  types,  given 

C.   General  Reasons  for  Dismissals. 

Without  a  knowledge  of  the  reasons  for  dismissal,  also,  of 
all  or  a  representative  sample  of  these  .31,000  cases,  it  is  not  feasible 
to  attempt  any  appraisal  of  the  grounds  for  this  large  proportion  of 
dropped  cases  or  the  policy  involved  in  their  handling,  or  to  obtain 
light  on  the  administrative  difficulties  and  practical  problems  in- 
volved in  the  nature  of  the  cases  the. ..selves.   The  more  frequently  en- 
countered causes  for  disposal  of  the  cases  without  restraining  action 
prob,ably  are  those  listed  by  the  Commission  itself  in  a.  recent  Annual 
Report : 

"The  Commission  disposed  of  1,597  cases  (during  the 
year)  for  the  reason  that  they  were  found  to  be  private  contro- 
versies lacking  public  interest,  that  the  practices  complained  of 
had  been  discontinued,  that  the  firms  or  persons  complained 
against  had  gone  out  of  business,  or  for  lack  of  jurisdiction, 
etc."  (*) 

In  its  tabular  summaries  referred  to  above  the  Commission 
offers  the  following  similar  explanatory  note  to  its  classification 
of  cases  "Closed,  for  other  reasons"  - 

"This  classification  includes  such  reasons  as  death, 
business  or  practices  discontinued,  private  controversy,  con- 
trolling court  decisions,  etc."  (**) 

The  classification  of  applications  for  complaints  "dismissed 
for  lack  of  merit"  is  offered  without  further  explanation,  as  is  the 
larger  group  of  preliminary  inquiries  reported  merely  as  "Closed  after 
investigation" . 

llo  data  have  been  found  to  indicate  the  causes,  specifically, 
for  dismissals  of  the  misrepresentation  and  deception  group  of  cases, 
or  whether  these  causes  differ  materially  from  the  general  reasons  given 
above.   An  analysis  to  shed  light  upon  this  joint,  as  well  as  upon  the 
extent  of  dismissal  of  this  type  of  case,  might  well  prove  of  value  in 
any  consideration  of  the  whole  problem  of  w.blic  dealing  with  deceptive 

(*)  ■   Federal  Trade  Commission,  Annual  Report  (1934)  p.  4 

(**)   Federal  Trade  Commission,  Annual  P.eport  (1935),  p.  8?,  note. 



D.   The  Commission'  and  the  Courts. 

As  to  the  Commission's  record  with  the  courts,  of  the  1,446 
cease-and-desist  orders  issued  in  the  period  dealt  with  in  the  cumulative 
summaries  ouotecl  above,  the  vast  majority  '.ere  accented  as  "binding  by 
the  respondents  without  recourse  to  judicial  review.   (Only  1,000  of  the 
orders  were  contested  in  pnj   degree  before  the  Commission  itself,  409 
being  issued  by  consent,  and  37  by  default).   In  151  cases,  appeals 
were  taken  by  the  respondents  to  the  lower  courts,  and  in  33  cases  the 
Commission  petitioned  the  lover  courts  for  enforcement  of  its  decrees. 

In  37  of  the  151  appealed  cases  the  Commission's  ruling  was 
either  reversed  or  modified;  in  46  instances  the  Commission  was  sus- 
tained; 15  petitions  were  withdrawn,  and  3  are  pending.   It  is  pointed 
out,  however,  that  in  several  instances  where  the  Commission  was  re- 
versed, a  number  of  cases  in  the  sane  industry  and  turning  on  the  same 
point  were  briefed,  tried  and  decided  as  one  case,  but  given  each  an 
individual  docket  number.   If  cases  a.ctually  tried,  and  not  docket 
numbers,  were  counter*,  it  is  said,  the  total  of  uecisions  adverse  to 
the  Commission  would  be  56,  i:  t-tead  of  '7.    (*)   In  \JC   cases  annealed  by 
the  Commission  or  others  to  the  Supreme  Court,  the  Commission  has  been 
upheld  24  times,  and  reversed  13  tines;  3  petitions  were  withdrawn;  and 
in  17  cases  certiorari  was  denied.   Cut  of  33-  cases  in  which  the 
Commission  applied  to  the  courts  for  enforcement  of  its  orde/s,  it 
was  supported  in  24  cases  and  reversed  in  4;  3  petitions  being  withdrawn 
and  2  oending. 

Statistically  at  least  this  is  a  creditable  record.   Some 
criticism  of  the  Commission  has  inclined  to  attribute  the  relative  in- 
freauency  of  its  judicial  reverses  to  its  conservatism,  its  disinclina- 
tion to  try  conclusions  in  newer,  more  doubtful  fields  of  jurisdiction. 
7/hatever  the  justification  of  such  a  charge  in  some  areas  of  competitive 
practice,  it  does  not  appear  to  apply  with  respect  to  misrepresentations. 
Here  the  Commission  has  shown  consistent  activity,  and  has  inclined  to 
entend  its  restraint  to  the  limits  of  judicial  approval,  and  sometimes 
a  little  beyond,  as  its  reversals  in  these  cases  show. 

-^ •   Reasons  for  Reversals  in  kisr -^-presentation  Causes. 

An  examination  of  the  cases  involving  misrepresentation  in  which 
the  Commission  has  suffered  reversal  at  the  hands  of  the  courts  reveals 
such  cases  to  have  turned  orincinally  uoon  these  points:  (l)  whether  the 
practice  cor.rolained  of  wa.s  really  nisre-oresentative  or  deceptive  in 
nature,  or  constituted  merely  trade  "puffing"  (**);  (3)  whether  the 
public  was  in  fact  deceiver1,  or  liable  to  be  deceived  by  the  uractice, 
and  competitive  injury  suffered  in  conse-mence  (***);  and  (3)  whether, 

(*)     Federal  Trade  Commission,  Annual  keport  (1935),  ilote  to  Table  5, 

•0.  35. 
(**)    Ostemoor  &   Co.,  Inc.  ,  v.  F.T.C.   16  F  (2d)   962  CCA.  2d,  1927. 
(***)   Berkey  ft  Gay  Furniture  Co-,  v.  F.T.C. ,  42  F  (3d)  427;  Chicago 

Portrait  Co-  4  F  (2d)  259  (CCA.  7th  1925). 



in  spite  of  admitted  deception  of  or  possible  injury  to  the  oublic, 
there  existed  any  competitor  liable  to  suffer  from  the  practice.  (*) 
In  certain  ernes,  also,  the  Commission1  s  orders  '-'ere  modified  to  permit 
the  respondent  to  continue  the  practice  complained  of,  but  vith  modifi- 
cations designed  to  remove  the  likelihood  of  misleading.  (**) 

P.   Types  of  Industries  Affected  by  Commission  Action. 


To  obtain  some  idea  of  the  types  of  industries  which,  in 
practice,  have  been  most  freouently  affected  by  action  taken  by  the 
Federal  Trade  Commission  with  respect  to  raisre Presentation,  a  check  of 
cases  contained  in  the  Commission's  official  reports  was  made.  (***) 
B0th  the  type  of  commodity  dealt  in  by  the  respondent,  and  the  form  of 
his  business  -  whether  manufacturing,  wholesale,  retail,  etc.  -  were 
noted,  where  it  was  felt  that  these  joints  were  sufficiently  indicated 
by  the  data.  given  in  the  reports. 

A  total  of  555  cease-and-desist  orders  covering  misrepresenta- 
tion cases  were  so  tabulated,  with  the  results  shown  below: 


Faint,  Varnish,  Shellac,  etc. 

Foods  (GPneral 

Cutlery,  Silverware, Uovelties , 

Furniture  and  Rags 
Schools  &  Institutes  of  Health 
Building  Material  -  Glass, 

Hoofing,  etc. 
Publishers  &  Printers 
Cotton  Textiles  C-,   Lace 
Chemicals,  Stain  Remover, 

Disinfectant,  Soar> 
Fountain  Pens  H  Pencils 
Electrical  Appliances  (Health, 

B e aut y ,  Household ) 

Merchandise  (General ) 

Oil,  Gas,  &   Ga.s  Revivers 
Business  Equipment  (Typewriters, 

che c !  ■:- wr iters,  etc.) 
Jewelry  "•  Eyeglasses 

no.  oi 















Toilet  Articles  C   iI0tions 

for  Beauty  &  Health 
Bedsprings,  Mattresses,  etc. 
Auto  Accessories,  Batteries, 

Tires  and  Rubber 

Medicinal  Products  and  Drugs 

Leather  &   Imitation  Leather 
Fats     , 

Machinery-  Oil  Pumps,  etc. 
Music  -  Pianos, 

Sporting  Goods 
lotion  Pictures 
Fur  Coats 

Ho.  of 



(***  \ 

F.T.C.  ,    v.    Hal ad am   CO.    283  U.S.    643    (1CF1). 

F.T.C.  ,    v.    Morrissey;    47  •  F.    (2d)    101    (C.C.'A.    7th,    II 

II.    Flueg'elman  fi   Co.,    v.    F.T.C,    37  F   (2d)    50   (CCA. 

Vols.    1-18,    June   30,    1915-193    . 


,    2d. 





Form  of  Business  No.    of   C^ses 

Manufacturer 294 

Wholesaler CO 

Hetp.iler .' 72 

Kail  order  and  other  correspondence 

selling  ; 64 

Broker,  Importer,  Agent,  etc.   ...  35  questions  as  to  exact  classification  arose  in  the  prep- 
aration of  the  above,  but  the  results  clearly  indicate  the 
principal  conclusion  to  "be  drawn,  namely  that  the  great  majority 
of  Trade  Commission  actions  as  to  misrepresentation  are  in  con- 
nection with  consumer  goods  industries.   Also,  a  very  considerable 
ironortion  of  the  cases  deal  with  elements  of  the  distributive 
system  in  direct  contact  with  the  ultimate  consumer,  despite  the 
fact  that  the  greet  bulk  of  retail  trade  lies  outside  the  juris- 
diction of  the  Commission  through  limitations  of  the  interstate 
commerce  clause. 

G.   Cpneral  Summary 

In  general  as  to  the  work  of  the  Commission,  there  is  no 
doubt  that  a  large  share  of  its  attention  and  activity  has  been 
directed  toward  the  stamping  out  of  mi ^representative  and  deceptive 
practices,  and  that  in  a  numerous  body  of  cases  it  has  acted 
effectively  to  that  end.  Whether,  over  a  period  of  some  20  years, 
a  total  of  perhaps  3,500  restraining  actions  (stimulations  and 
cease-and-desist  orders  combined)  effected  in  this  field  represents 
a  reasonably  sufficient  policing  of  this  problem  in  the  sphere  of 
nation,-;!  commerce  might  at  first  glance  arouse  a  nuestion. 

"whatever  inadequacy  there  may  be  felt  to  be  must  be  attri- 
buted in  large  measure  to  the  various  limitations  placed  upon  the 
Commission's  work,  by  the  interstate  commerce  clause,  by  the  other 
legal  conditions  specifically  imposed  by  its  organic  Act,  by  the 
interpretations  of  the  courts,  and  by  the  extent  of  the  task  itself 
in  relation  to  the  physical  facilities  provided  for  handling  it. 
The  Commission  itself,  by  the  recommendations  for  amendments  to  its 
Act  which  have  been  previously  mentioned,  has  indicated  its  own 
sense  of  the  need  for  an  increase  in  its  scope  of  activity  through 
relaxation  of  some  of  these  restrictive  conditions. 

Furthermore,  the  extent  of  the  influence  of  the  Commission 
in  discouraging  deceptive  practices  and  encouraging  a  more  whole- 
some tone  in  advertising  and  other  marketing  methods  is  not  to  be 
measured  by  number  of  orders  issued  alone.   Such  orders  deal  with 
individual  cases,  but  they  also  serve  in  a  measure  to  set  precedents 
which  have  widespread  restraining  effect  umon  others  in  the  same 
lines  of  trade  employing,  or  who  might  be  inclined  to  employ, 
similar  tactics.   Through  these  orders  also,  and  in  the  informal 
stipulations  entered  into,  a  considerable  body  of  decisions  as  to 
the  nature  of  misrepresentation  has  flowed  from  the  Commission  which 
have  never  been  carried  to  the  courts,  and  which  have  contributed 



materiplly  to  an  enlarging  law  merchant  in  this  country. 

The  "omaission  has  particula  1  ■  sought  to  keep  abreast  of 
the  development  of  practice  in  the  •  rertising  field  by  its 
Special  Boar:-  of  Investigation  functioning  in  the  newspa :>er, 
-periodical  and  rs  Lio  fields.  (*)   Thf-ne  efforts  are  claimed  to  have 
met  with  very  considerable  success,   really,  through  its  Trade 
Practice  Conference  work  the  Commission  has  assisted  in  cooperation 
with  the  individual  trades  in  emphasizing  the  restriction  of  decep- 
tive practices,  and  has  given  as  istance,  to  the  extent  of  its 
powers,  in  the  formulation  of  >ositive  trade  standards  looking  to 
this  result.   Altogether,  it  seems  probable  that  with  respect  to 
this  type  of  unfair  competition,  fully  as  iuch  as  any  other  falling 
within1  its  sphere,  the  Commission  has  fulfilled  the  aims  and  expec- 
tations with  which  it  was  established. 

The  nature  end  work  of  the  Federal  Trade  Commission  have  been 
dealt  with  at  considerable  length  in  this  chapter  because  in 
certain  respects  it  was  the  forerunner  of  the  trade  practice  work 
embodied  in  the  IRA  code;,.  As  the  first  agency  set  up  for  coping 
with  misrepresent- i ive  practices  in  commerce  on  a  national  scale, 
also,  it  furnishes,  the  chief  available  basis  for  comparison  with 
the  work  in  this  field  achieved  under  the  HRA  codes,  which  is  to 
be  considered  in  the  chapter  following. 

(*)   Federal  Trade  Commission,  Annual  Report  (1935) ,  pp.  101-104, 





The  National  Industrial  Recovery  Act  "became  law  on  June  16,  1933. 
Section  3  (b),  of  Title  I  of  the  Act  provided: 

"After  the  President  shall  have  approved  any  such  code,  the  pro- 
visions of  such  code  shall  be  the  standards  of  fair  competition 
for  such  trade  or  industry  or  subdivision  thereof.  Any  violation 
of  such  standards  in  any  transaction  in  or  affecting  interstate 
or  foreign'  commerce  shall  be  deemed  an  unfair  'method  of  com- 
petition in  commerce  within  the  meaning  of  the  Federal  Trade 
Commission  Act,  as  amended;11.. 

This  was  in  effect  the  next  step  beyond  the  Federal  Trade 
Commission  Act.   The  codes  were  to  supply  the  specific  definitions  of 
the  practices  constituting  "unfair  methods  of " competition"  which  had 
been  omitted  from  that  Act.  Fiirthermore ,  by  use  of  the  phrasing  "in 
or  affecting  interstate  or  foreign  commerce"  it  was  "oroposed  to  avoid 
the  limitations  involve!  in  a  strict  interpretation  of  the  interstate 
commerce  clause  of  the  Constitution  to  which  the  Federal  Trade  Com- 
mission was  subject. 

A.  Frequency  of  Misrepresentation  Provisions  in  the  Codes 

Prohibitions  unon  misrepresentations  were  among  the  most  fre- 
quently-appearing of  all  trade  practice  provisions  in  the  codes. 
Slightly  more  than  four  in  five  of  the  total  number  of  codes,  both 
basic  and  supplemental ,  which  were  ultimately  approved  included  in 
their  schedule  of  unfair  practices  one  or  more  methods  of  misrepre- 
sentation or  deception.   Specifically,  the  principal  types  of  pro- 
visions so  included  were:  (*) 

Prohibition  of  misrepresentation 
in  general  (widely  inclusive 
provision) 356  codes  and  supplements 

Misrepresentation  of  products  .  .   148   "    "    " 

Misrepresentation  of  prices  ...    74   "    "    " 

Misrepresentation  of,  or  deceptive 

credit  terms -  .  .   22   "    "    " 

(*)   From  "Trade  Practice  Provisions  in  Codes  of  Fair  Conmetition" , 
Daniel  Gerig  and  Beatrice  Strasburger,  Division  of  Review5>  I'TRA, 
December  20,  1935.   Table  I. 


Frequency  of  Misrepresentation  Provisions  in  the  Codes  (Continued) 

Misrepresentation  of  services,  form 

of  business,  affiliations,  etc.     35  Codes  and  supplement c 

Inaccurate  advertising  494 

ii     n      it 

Deceptive  labeling,  branding,  mark- 
ing or  packing 416  '  "    "     " 

Deceptive  "selling  methods".  ...   57   "    "     " 

Deceptive  offers,  orders,  agree- 
ments, etc 425 

ii     ii      ii 

Misrepresentation  of  competitors 

or  their  products  ("defamation").  .529   "    "     " 

Inaccurate  or  persistent  under- 
selling claims 19   "    "     " 

False  measures 19   "    "     " 

Lotteries 67   "    "     " 

B.   Form  of  the  Code  Provisions. 

numerous  variations  in  the  form  of  these  provisions  are  found, 
particularly  in  the  earlier  codes.  (*)   Later  they  tended  to  become 
more  standardized  in  form  and  legalistic  in  phrasing.   In  many  in- 
stances the  langLiage  followed  closely,  if  not  verbatim,  the  text  of 
the  similar  provisions  appearing  in  the  voluntary  trade  practice  conference 
codes  of  the  Federal  Trade  Commission. 

The  forms  in  which  several  of  the  frequently  appearing  provisions 
were  included  in  the  1TEA  "model  code"  are  as  follows:  (**) 

Misrepresentation  (General) 
Inaccurate  Advertising 

"iTo  member  of  the  trade/industry  shall  publish  adverti- 
sing (whether  printed,  radio,  display  or  of  any  other  nature), 
which  is  misleading  or  inaccurate  in  any  material  particular, 
nor  shall  any  member  in  any  way  misrepresent  any  goods,  (in- 
cluding, but  without  limitation,  its  use,    trade-mark,  grade, 
quality,  quantity,  origin,  size,  substance,  character, 
nature,  finsih,  material,  content  or  preparation)  or  credit 
terms,  values,  policies,  services,  or  the  nature  or  form  of 

(*)   See  text  accompanying  the  .tabulation  of  trade  practice  provisions, 

(op.cit.  supra,  for  discussion  of  the  method  of  tabulation  followed, 
variations  i"  thp  fn^m  of  the  "provisions ,  overlaps,  etc. 

(**)  liRA  Office  Manual,  PP.  1800-1831.1. 


•  35- 

Misrepresentation  (General)   (Continued) 
Inaccurate  Advertising  

the  business  conducted." 

Deceptive  Marking,  Branding  or  Packing 

"No  member  of  the  trade/ industry  shall  brand  or  mark  or 
pack  any  goods  in  any  manner  which  tends  to  deceive  or  mis- 
lead purchasers  with  respect  to  the  brand,  grade,  quality, 
quantity, origin,  size,'  substance,  character,  nature,  finish, 
material 'content  or  preparation  of  such  goods." 

Defamation  of  Competitors 

"Ho  member  of  tne  trade/industry  shall  defame  a  com- 
petitor by  falsely  imputing  to  him  dishonorable  conduct,  in- 
ability to  perform  contract,  or  questionable  credit  stand- 
ing, or  by  other  false  representation,  or  by  falsely  dis- 
paraging the  grade  or  quality  of  his.  goods." 

The  code  provisions  dealing  with  misrepresentation  were  generally 
broad  in  their  phrasing,  and  added  little  if  anything  specific  were 
more  comprehensive  than  the  types  of  practices  which  had  already  been 
recognized  as  unfair  competitive  methods  in  Federal  Trade  Commission 
procedure.   For  the  most  part  also  they  provided  little  in  the  way  of 
criteria  for  determining  just  what  might  be  considered  misrepresentative 
or  deceptive  in  any  given  case  with  respect  to  any  of  the  points 
enumerated  in  the  provisions. 

In  some  instances  there  was  simply  a  flat  prohibition:   "Mis- 
branding, mislabeling,  and  false,  deceptive,  and  misleading  advertis- 
ing are  prohibited  by  this  code."   (*)   "Misrepresentation  or  mis- 
branding of  mercnandise  is  an  unfair  practice....  ITo  person  shall 
enter  into  any  false  or  misleading  advertisings"   (***  A  more  usual 
form  added  the  qualification  "with  the  intent  or  effect  of  deceiving 
the  purchaser".   (***) 

The  model  provision  as  to  marking  and. branding  given  above 
employed  the  form  "which  tends  to  mislead  or  deceive  purchasers" , 
doing  away  with  any  requirement  of  proof  of  i  tent  or  actual  deception! 
as  matters  of  fact.  For  misrepresentations  in  advertising  the  qualifi- 
cation "in  any  material  particular"  was:  Used-  ivr  the  "'-m^del'  clause,  and 
in  numerous  codes,  apparently  to  avoid  drawing  the  rein  on  the  mer- 
chandising imagination  too  tight.   In  many  other  instances  however  it 
is  simply  stated,  "Ho  member  shall  use  advertising  methods  which  have 
capacity  cir  tendency' to  deceive  or  mislead  the  customer  or  prospective 

(*)  Paint  anc  Varnish  Code  ,"  Part '  3 ,  Art.  XII.   Codes  of  Fair  Com- 

petition ,_  Vo  1 .  II. p .  178. 

T**7  Underwear  and"  Allied  Products'  Code.  Art. VI'.  4,  ibid."  Vol.1  .p. 323, 
f***)Retail  Solid"  Fuel.  Art.  VI. 2,  ibid,  Vol."  VI.  n.433. 

•#■'-   ..  t 

9710  '    * 


Defamat,ion  of  Competitors  (Continued) 

customer, n  or  the  equivalent. 

As  previously  stated,  practically  no  attempt  was  made  in  the 
code  provisions  themselves  to  provide  definite  criteria  to  guide  the 
administrative  authorities  in  deciding  just  where  the  line  between 
truth  and  deception  in  advertising  runs.,  or  what  are  the  permissible 
boundaries  of  "trade  puffing".   This  apparently  was  left  to  their 
discretion  in  the  particular  circumstances,  with  the  shadow  of  the 
courts  in  the  background  for  passing  of  final  judgment.   There  is 
little  evidence,  also,  of  effort  on  the  "art  of  the  Code  Authorities 
to  set  up  any  general  standards  of  guidance  for  themselves  in  these 
matters..  Apparently  they  dealt  with  such  questions  in  piecemeal 
fashion,  and  more  or  less  by  rule  of  thumb,  as  the  individual  cases 

Such  a  system  was  flexible  and  perhaps  well  adapted  to  deal 

with  the  specialized  problems  of  the  individual  industries.  Had  the 

NRA  continued  in  effect  long  enough  for  a  body  of  precedent  to  be 

built  up  through  the  actions  of  the  different  Code  Authorities,  no 

doubt  more  specific  rules  could  have  been  drawn.  .At  least  there  would 

have  evolved  lists  cf  the  particular  practices  barred  in  the  several 

industries,  similar  to  that  of  practices  condemned  by  orders  to  cease 

and  desist  already  quoted  from  the  Federal  Trade  Commission. 

In  one  code,  that  for  general  Retail  Trade,  a  series  of  inter- 
pretations were  in  fact  adopted  defining  and .clarifying  the  meaning  of 
the  advertising  provisions  with  respect  to  certain  merchandising 
practices  of  the  industry.  (*)  And  an  effort  was  made  by  a  special 
Advertising  Committee  set  up  by  the  Coffee  Code  Authority  to  formulate 
a  code  of  advertising  ethics  for  use  in  deciding  as  to  borderline 
cases,  this  Code  Authority  apparently  having  beon  particularly  alive 
to  the  complexities  of  the  subject.  (**) 

As  far  as  the  physical  qualities  and  characteristics  of  the 
commodities  themselves  were  concerned,  certain  criteria  for  deter- 
mining misrepresentation  were  provided  in  those  codes  which  set  up 
come  form  of  product  standards  er  labeling  requirements.   These  are 
dealt  with  in  detail  in  Part  II  of  this  report, 

C.   General  Comparison  with  the  Federal  Trade  Statute. 

What  was  essentially  significant  about  the  codes  as  a  whole, 
from  a  comparative  legal  point  of  view,  was  that  they  carrd«d  their 
own  definitions  of  what  constituted  unfair  competition,  as  a  natter 
of  law;  this  was  not  left  lor  a  court  to  decide.   The  acts  were  for 
the  most  part  branded  as  unfair  in  themselves,  thus  freeing  the  code 
law_  from  the  hampering  double  requirement  to  show  both  competitive 
injury  and  public  interest,  as  in  the  case  of  the  Federal  Trade  Com- 
mission Act,  (although  as  a  matter  of  practice  the-se  points  were 
usually  plead  for  the  purpose  of  strengthening  the  cases  presented  by 

(*")   See  pages -5«-53,  bel»w 
,**)  See  pages  57,  58*  fcolow 



C-eneral  Comparison  with,  the  Federal  Trade  Statute  (Continued) 

NBA  fT  litigation).   What  was  essential  to  he  shown  was  tha.t  the  code 
had  "been  legally  adopted  and  contained  the  provision  in  question 
(evidenced  usually  "by  affidavit),  and  that  violation  of  the  provision 
had  tai:en  place. 

Furthermore,  the  NBA  law  was  also,  theoretically  at  least  and  to 
some  degree  in  effect,  free  of  the  necessity  to  show  that  the  act  com- 
plained of  was  directly  in  interstate  commerce,  by  grace  of  the  "in  or 
affecting"  clause  already  referred  to,  (*) 

Finally,  violations  of  the  standards  of  unfair  competition  em- 
bodied i  •  the  codes  were  made  misdemeanours  by  the  NBA  Act  and  (again, 
theoretically  at  least)  immediately  subject  to  criminal  prosecution 
and  penalty,  as  contrasted  with  the  restraining  procedure  of  the 
Federal  Trade  Commission  Act  with  its  penalties  only  upon  action  in 
contempt  where  violations  of  the  restraining  orders  of  the  Commission 
and  the  courts  had  occurred.  (**) 

(*)   That  is,  the  Code  Authorities  were  able  to  obtain  a  ronsiderable 
amount  of  compliance,  as  in  the  retail  code,  without  the  inter- 
state commerce  issue  being  raised.   On  the  other  hand,  "...every 
time  that  we  filed  a  suit  for  enforcement  of  a  code  provision, 
the  defendant  presented  first  a  denial  of  the  constitutionality 
of  the  NIBA  as  a  whole;  second,  the  allegation  that  the  delegation 
of  authority  to  the  Administrator  had  exceeded  the  powers  of 
Congress;  and  third,  that  the  business  involved  was  not  interstate 
commerce  and  Congress  had  nothing  to  do  with  it."  Wm.  H.  Davis, 
former  Compliance  Director,  Bulletin  of  Crushed  Stone,  Sand  & 
Gravel  Code  Authority,  Fob.  20  ,1935. 

(**)  The  points  noted  in  the  preceding  three  paragraphs  apply  only  to 

legal  proceedings  undertaken  by  or  on  behalf  of  1TBA  itself  in  con- 
junction with  the  District  or  State  Attorneys  and  the  Department 
of  Justice.  A  rather  complicated  dual  system  of  legal  enforcement 
was  in  fact  sot  up,  involving  criminal  prosecutions  as  aDove  on 
the  one  hand,  and  action  by  the  Federal  Trade  Commission  on  the 
other.  By  the  terms  of  NIBA,  violations  of  the  codes  became  un-  . 
fair  methods  of  competition  "within  the  meaning  of  the  Federal ^ 
Trade  Commission  Act",  thereby  giving  the  Commission  jurisdiction; 
but  that  jurisdiction  was  in  turn  still  restricted  to  the  terms  of 
the  F.T.C.  Act  itself,  as  in  ordinary  cases  of  unfair  competition. 
Further, the  President  by  Executive  Order,  gave  a  right  of  appeal 
to  the  Federal  Trade  Commission  from  the  action  of  any  Federal 
agency,  except  the  Department  of  Justice,  in  cases  of  alleged  code 
violations  involving  promotion  of  monopoly  or  discrimination 
against  small  enterprises;  but  the  order  also  instructed  the 
Coi.imission  to  turn  over  to  the  Department  of  Justice  all  such 
appeals  where  the  practices  complained  "f  were  found  to  be  not 
contrary  to  section  5  of  the  F.T.C.  Act,  or  sections  2,3,  or  7  of 
the  Clayton  Act.   (Executive  Order  o_f  .January__20_.  1934)       __  _  _ 


D.   Limitations  in  Practice  of  the  IIBA  Provisions. 

The  somewhat  larger  legal  scope  for  enforcement  allowed  by  the 
Recovery  Act  had  its  limitations.  Many  cases  were  settled  by  the  sign- 
ing of  a  certificate  of  compliance  by  the  offender,  which  amounted  to 
a  promise  to  obey  the  code  in  the  future,  unaccompanied  by  any  present 
penalty  and/or  increased  hazard  of  future  penalty  in  case  of  continued 

As  long  as  public  opinion  demanded  display  of  the  Blue  "la'gle , 
violators  were  very  anxious  to  have  the  insignia  restored  to  them  and 
this  condition  aided  administration  agencies  in  the  adjustment  of  the 
code  violations  without  the  necessity  of  resorting  to  the  usual  court 
procedure.  However,  the  Administration  was  hampered  in  its  efforts  to 
obtain  compliance  and/ or  enforcement  by  the  very  nature  of  the  com- 
plaints themselves;  because  of  the  incompleteness  of  the  preparation 
of  the  cases,  the  insufficiency  of  the  supporting  evidence  and  the 
bias  which  frequently  accompanied  the  data  submitted  by  the  Code 
Authorities  when  demanding  action. 

Greater  experience  and  proficiency  on  the  part  of  the  Code  Ad- 
ministering bodies  in  discharging  their  own  responsibilities  as  well 
as  complete  cooperation  from  the  complainants  and  the  prosecuting 
officials  would  doubtless  be  required  in  order  to  make  a  system  of 
code  administration  function  with  a  high  degree  of  efficiency. 

The  general  nature  of  the  machinery  of  administration  which  was 
employed  to  give  effect  to  the  code  provisions  is  outlined  in  the 
succeeding  pages. 

(*)  Compare  FTC  stipulation  procedure,  page  23i  below 



The  ERA  machinery  for  obtaining  compliance  with  the  Code  require- 
ments and  restraining  violation  of  the   Code   law  t ook  its  most  charac- 
teristic pattern  from  the   conception  of  cooperative  control  "fcy    industry 
and  government  which  was  basic   in  the  National  Industrial  Recovery  Act. 

A.   The  Code  Authorities 

On  the  industry  side  were  the  Code  Authorities,  often  with  local 
and  regional  Sub-Authorities  of  various  s orts, composed  of  industry  mem- 
bers supposedly  representative  of  all  competing  groups,  and  with  public 
representation  through  an  Administration  member.  These  Authorities,  by 
the  terms  of  their  codes,  received  various  powers  for  their  administra- 
tion, subject  in  most  instances  to  NBA  approval  in  their  actual  perform- 
ance . 

For  the  more  adequate  dealing  with  trade  practice   questions,   Trade 
Practice  .Complaints   Committees  were  set  up   in  conjunction  w  ith.lthe 
Code   Authorities   of  most   of   the   codes,    the  personnel  and  methods   of 
procedure   of   these   being  required  to  be  passed  upon  by  the   central  ERA 
organisation.      These   Committees  were  authorized  to   receive  and    investi- 
gate  complaints   of  violations   of   the   code's   trade   practice  provisions, 
or   initiate  such  action  of   their   own;  and  to  endeavor  by  education, 
persuasion,    arbitration,   etc.,    to  obtain  compliance  f rom  t he  violator 
without   recourse   to  NBA  or  the   institution   of  legal  proceedings .      Where 
no   such  committees  were  set,  up  the  corresponding  functions  were   common- 
ly performed  by  the   Code  Authorities   themselves. 

Such  a  mechanism,    closely   in  contact  with   industry  conditions   and 
familiar  with  industry  problems,   was  expected  to  prove   a  responsive 
and  effective  means  for  dealing  with  these.      When  properly  ooerated   it 
did,    in  fact,    orovide   a  flexible,    informal,    useful  and  often  s-oeedy 
mea,ns   of  making   the   codes   effective.      (*) 

3.      ERA  Compliance  Agencies. 

Cases  where   compliance   could  not   be   obtained  by  the   Code  Authori* 
ties  were   referable    to  the  ERA  compliance   machinery,   the  first   stages 
of  which  comprised  the   State  and  Regional   Compliance   offices,   and  the 
Regional   Compliance   Councils.      Here,  also,    effort  would  be  made   to 
settle   the   controversies  by  adjustment   rather  than  through  court  pro- 
ceedings;   neither  the   Code  Authorities  nor  the  ERA  Compliance  agencies 
having  the   right   to  subpoena  witnesses    (as   could  the  Federal  Trade 
Commission),    or   to   issue   legal  processes   of   any  kind. 

Cases  which   still   remained  obdurate  might   be   referred  t o  the   Com- 

(*)      For  discussion  of  the   organization  and   functioning  of   the   Code 
Authorities  see   Administrative   Studies,    ERA,    Division  of  Review. 



pl-iance  Division  in  Washington,  and  finally  to  the  Litigation  Division 
to  fee  prepared  for  prosecution. 

Legal  enforcement  provided  "by  the  NRA  Act  was  of 'two  kinds  ,  first 
by  means  of  criminal  proceedings  instituted  through  the  various  Dis- 
trict  Attorneys'  offices,  and  second,  through  the  Federal  Trade  Com- 
mission, in  cases  subject  to  the  Commission's  jurisdiction  under  its 
own  Act . 

Though  generally,  power  to  assess  penalties  was  only  granted 
Code  administration  agencies  by  liquidated  damage  provisions,  which  had 
been  a  greed  upon  bv  members  of  industry,  the  compliance  division  pen- 
alised many  recalcitrants  by  removal  of  the  Blue  Eagle.   The  penalty 
thus  achieved  was  of  course  the  most  severe  "hen  consumers  and  t he 
public  in  general  shunned  those  who  had  been  penalized  by  the  removal 
of  the  insignia.  When  such  action  did  not  bring  the  required  result 
it  became  necessary  in  many  sections  to  bring  the  offenders  before  the 
several  District  Courts  in  the  respective  areas.  The  point  to  be  noted, 
is,  that  the  Act  itself  permitted  v  iolators  to  be  brought  before  the 
courts  at  once  and  charged  with  t  he  offense,  incase  the  compliance 
agencies  could  not  cope  with  the  situation. 

C .   Some  Comparisons  With  Federal  Trade  Organization. 

The  foregoing  outline  indicates  some  points  both  of  comparison  and 

of  contrast  between  the  NRA  administrative  set-up  and  that  of  a  body 
such  as  the  Federal  Trade  Commission. 

Compared  to  the  rather  closely  c entralized  organization  of  the 
Commission  the  NRA  was  widely  decentralized,  both  on  a  geographical 
and  on  an  industry  basis.  NRA  Compliance  Offices  were  operative  in  , 
every  state  for  the  purpose  of  cooperating  with  the  code  authorities, 
State  and  local  agencies,  and  the  public  itself  in  seeing  that  the 
codes  were  properly  put  into  effect.   In  its  Code  Authority  organiza- 
tion the  URjL  possessed  a  medium  of  direct  administrative  contact  with 
the  .  individual  coded  industries  only  remotely  approached  by  the  link  eai 
between  the  Trade  Commission  and  those  organized'  industries  which  had 
presented  Trade  Practice  Conference  codes. 

On  t he  other  hand,  the  entirely  official  character  of  the  Fed- 
eral Trade  Commission  enables  it  to  retain  an  objective  position  with 
respect  to  industry  interests  which  the  Code  Authority  set-ups  under 
HRA  were  not  often  able  to  attain. 

In  their  method  of  operation  the  Code  Authorities  themselves  bore 
some  degree  of  resemblance  to  the  Commission.   They  could,  in  their 
own  particular  fields,  receive  or  initiate  complaints  of  unfair  prac- 
tices, make  investigations'  concerning  them,  collect  evidence,  decide 
the  issues,  and  call  upon  those  found  to  be  in  violation  of  the  code 
to  desist  from  their  practices.   Like  the  Commission,  they  could  dis- 
miss cases  found  to  be  "without  merit",  or  close  others  upon  informal 
agreement  to  abandon  the  practice  complained  of;  but  lite  it  again 
they  had  no  power  to  enforce  their  orders  by  imposition  of  any  direct 
penalties.   Unlike  the  Commission  they  could  not  apply  to  the  courts 


in  their  own  names  for  enforcement  of  their  orc.ers,  out  -'ere  required 
to  seek  this  through  the  regular  channels  of  the  NRA» 

As  an  administrative  agency  the  NM  had  the  operation  of  hundreds 
of  diverse  trade  practice  laws,  with  varying  jurisdictions,  to  oversee, 
as  compared  with  the  two  basic  charters  of  the  Federal  Trade  Commission 
in  this  field.   The  NRA  moreover,  under  its  original  concept,  possessed 
the  authority  and,  responsibility,  in  conjunction  with  industry,  to  de- 
termine the  specific  constituents  of  its  own  trade  law,  a  po'-'er  denied 
to  the  Federal  Trade  Commission  in  its  Trade  Practice  procedure. 

So  long  as  its  legal  basis  stood,  also,  thelTRA.  had  in  its  machin- 
ery for  amendment  and  interpretation  a  flexible  medium  for  altering 
and  adjusting  code  law  to  meet  the  experienced  needs  of  industry  and 
changing  circumstances,  as  contrasted  with  the  established  and  rela- 
tively inflexible  legal  precedents  under  which  the  Commission  was 
largely  compelled  to  operate. 

The  next  section  of  this  chapter  will  set  forth  some  of  the  re- 
sults in  the  field  of  misrepresentation  achieved  under  this  system, 
as  the  ITPA' s  own  records  of  operation,  and  the  comments  of  various 
Code  Authorities  and  other  industry  groups,  reveal  them. 


A.   General  Sources  of  Information 

For  the  information  necessary  to  light  upon  the  Question  of 
how  the  code  provisions  concerning  misrepresentation  operated  in  ac- 
tual practice  the  following  sources  of  information  were  used:   the 
records  of  code  adoption  and  administration  in  the  NRA  files  in  Wash- 
ington; the  compliance  and  enforcement  records  both  in  that  city  and 
as  collected  from  the  State  anc1  Regional  Compliance  Offices  throughout 
the  country;  questionnaires  directed  to  officers  of  the  former  Code 
Authorities;  field  contact,  through  the  State  offices,  with  representa- 
tives of  the  former  Local  and  Regional  Code  Authorities  of  codes 
which  "ere  organized  uoon  that  basis;  and  some  direct  contact  with  in- 
dividual industries. 

In  comparison  with  the  very  large  number  of  codes  which  contained 
one  or  more  forms  of  misrepresentation  provision,  a  relatively  small 
amount  of  significant  information  concerning  either  their  genesis  or 
operation  was  found  in  the  NPA  file  records.   In  all  but  a  handful  of 
cases  -  the  most  notable  of  which  was  the  general  Retail  Trade  Code  - 
the  provisions  were,  so  far  as  the  transcripts  of  code  hearings  re- 
veal, adopted  almost  wholly  vrithout  discussion  or  controversy,  as  de- 
sirable general  objectives  or  the  expression  of  existing  law.   Little 
more  concerning  them  is  found,  in  the  file  records  of  code  administra- 

For  data  as  to  operation  of  the  provisions  as  revealed  by  the 
compliance  records,  the  Washington  compliance  files  for  more  than  400 
individual  codes,  including  those  covering  the  60  largest  codified 
industries,  were  searched.   Only  61  of  these  codes  showed  any  misrep- 




resentc.tion  cases  whatever  ref  erie  d  f  or  action,  and  in  nearly  half  of 
then  not     tore   than    :wo  or  three   cases  each. 

Composite  compliance  figures  concerning;  trade  practice  violations 
for  1113  representative  industries,    gathered  f  rom  the  State  Compliance 
Offices   throughout  the  country,   show  a  total  of  23,611  cases  concerning 
all   types   of  trade  practice  provisions,    of  which  only  1,619,  orless 
thai1.  7  per  cent,   represented  all  types   of  misrepresentation  violations 
of  interest   in  this  report.     Moreover,    four— fifths   of   the  total    numoer 
of  misrepresentation  cases  were   contributed  "by  9    retail  codes.      3?orty«» 
six  of  the  entire   115  codes   reported  showed  no  misrepresentation  cases, 
and  42  others   showed  five   or  less  such  violations   each.    (*) 

T'70  reneral   conclusions   might  be  drawn  from  the  foregoing  faops, 
either,  first,    that   in  the  great  majority  of   industries,   the  retail 
trades  excepted,   misrepresentations  constituted  no  problem,    or  at 
least  not  one   actively  so\ight   to  be   controlled;    or,  second,   that  the 
Code  Authorities  of  these    industries  had  been  largely  able   to  deal 
'With  their  misrepresentations  problems  by  means  of  their  code  pro~ 
visions  without  calling  upon  1TRA  for  compliance  or  enforcement  aid. 

In  the  following  sections   there  will  be  considered,    in  order, 
(l),    the   data  concerning  misrepresentation  for  a  group  of   industries 
largely  representative  of  those  with  a  story  appearing  in  the  NRA 
files;    (2)   results   obtained  from  a  questionnaire   largely  circulated 
among  former  Code  Authorities;    (3)   data  obtained  by  field  contact  with 
Local  Code  Authorities   in  a  selected  group  of   industries;   and  (4)   fur~ 
ther  analysis   of  the  data  presented  by  the   compliance  and  enforcement 

(*)  Detailed  figures  are  presented  on  pp.   92,    93,   below 


Is.  Operation  of  the  Provisions  in  Selected  Industries 

In  the  pages  following  there  is  presented  the  story  of  the  opera- 
tion of  the  misrepresentation  provisions  in  a  group  of  selected  indus- 
tries.  The  industries  included  are  for  the  most  part  those  in  which 
control  of  misrepresentation  in  some  form  was  a  recognized  industry 
problem,  usually  making  its  appearance  in  the  very  beginning  of  the  code 
making,  and  continuing  as  a  matter  of  concern  in  the  administration 
phase.   Taken  together  they  arc  illustrative  of  most  of  the  circumstances 
connected  with  the  misrepresentation  problem  which  the  NBA  experience 
served  to  emphasize. 

The  data  presented  for  these  cades  was  obtained  very  largely  from 
the  various  NBA  file  records  in  Washington,  supplemented  by  conference 
with  former  Deputy  Administrators  in  charge  of  the  codes,  and  to  a 
limited  extent  by  correspondence  and  personal  contact  with  Code  Author- 
ity and  industry  representatives.   The  codes  follow: 

1.  Retail  Trade  (Code  Ho.  60) 

This  is  probably  the  largest  and  most  important  code  in  which  the 
question  of  misrepresentation,  including  particularly  the  definition  of 
false  or  misleading  advertising,  was  a  matter  of  major  concern.   Pr«m 
the  inception  *f  the  code  the  subject  aroused  a  controversy,  first  with 
respect  to  "underselling  claims",  and  later  as  t»  "free  deals",  which 
came  to  be  only  second  in  importance  t»  that  which  surged  about  the 
"loss  leader"  question. 

The  general  retail  trade  code,  covering  a  wide  variety  of 
commodities,  including  retail  drugs,  was  presented  to  NRA  for  appreval 
by  10  sponsoring  national  retail  trade  associations  on  July  29,  1933. 
The  code  was  designed  to  cover  a  combined  business  comprising  approxi- 
mately 300,000  establishments,  employing  1,070,000  workers,  and  having 
net  sales  aggregating  some  $8,600,000,000.  (*) 

a.  The  Proposed  Code  Provisions. 

The  code  as  originally  proposed  contained  the  following  pro- 
visions touching  upon  deceptive  advertising  and  other  mis representative 

(a)  "No  member  of  the  retail  trade  shall  use  advertising, 
(whether  printed,  radio,  display  or  of  any  other  nature)  which 
is  inaccurate  and/or  in  any  way  misrepresents  merchandise, 
;  (including  its  use,  trade-mark,  grade,  quality,  quantity,  substance, 
character,  nature,  origin,  size,  material  content  or  preparation) , 
or  credit  terms  values,  policies,  or  services,  nor  shall  any  mem- 
ber ef  the  trade  use  advertising  or  selling  methods  which  tend  to 

(*)   Estimates  of  Research  and  Planning  Division,  1TEA,  for  1933. 



deceive  or  mislead  the  consumer,  including  '"bait1  offers  of  mer- 
chandise. " 

(b)  "The  term  ;'Bait  offer  of  mercliandiso '  as  used  herein 
means  the  practice  whereby  a  member  of  the  trade  through  an 
appeal  by  price,  brand,  description,  or  ether  means,  attracts 
prospective  customers'  into  his  store  and  then  through  inad'cqiiatc 
or  disparaging  sales  presentation  or  through  the  quantity  avail- 
able, or  through  other  means  places  obstacles  in  the  way  of  the 
purchase  of  the  advertised  merchandise  and  forces  upon  the  pros- 
pective customer's  attention  other  merchandise  upon  which  a  great- 
er profit  is  to  bu  realized." 

(c)  "Ho  member  of  the  retail  trade  shall  use  advertising 
which  refers  directly  or  by"'  implication  to  any  competitors  or 
their  merchandise,  prices,  values,  credit  terms,  policies  or 

And  the  following:   "The  usb  of,  participation  in,  publishing 
or  broadcasting  of,  any  statement  or  representation  that  lays 
claim  to  a  policy  or  continuing  practice  of  generally  undersell- 
ing competitors,  is  an  unfair  and  uneconomic  practice."  (*) 

A  public  hearing  was  hold  August  24-26,  1933,  at  which  a  great 
deal  of  time  was "given  to  discussion  of  the  trade  practice  provisions 
to  be  adopted.   Of  203  speakers  who  presented  their  views  the  record 
indicates  that  only  clno  seriously  opposed  the  advertising  provisions.  (**) 
This  was  Mr.  Percy  S.  Strauss.  'President  of  the  R.  H.  Lacy  Company,  New 
York,  who  presented  his  company's  views  in  opposition  to  the  "under- 
selling" clause  given  above. 

b.  The  Underselling  Claim  Problem. 

According  to  the  testimony  offered  the  sales  policy  of  the 
3.  H.  Macy  Company  has  been  developed  and  widely  advertised  over  a 
period  of  years.  All  mercliandise  is  sold'  for  cash  and  it  is  the 
company's  claim  that  they  are,,  because  of  cash  sales,  able  to  soil  for 
six  per  cent  less  than  their  competitors.   They  have  consistently 
followed  this  policy  and  claim  to  be  always  ready  to  sell  six  per  cent 
below  any  competitive  price.    It  was  further  developed  at  the  hearings 
that  the  Macy  Company  owns  the  Bamberger  Store,  Newark,  IT.  J.,  and  two 
or  three  other  stores  which  do  not  operate  on  a  cash  basis.   It  has  been 
the  contention  of  the  R.  H.  Macy  Co.,  that  because  of  their  intimate 
knowledge  of  sales  c«st  under  the  two  systems  they  were  able  to  judge 
and  know  the  exact  advantage  which  they  were  able  to  offer  the  consumer. 

The  general  opposition  of  the  trade  to  the  advertising  of  such 
a  general  policy  may  bo  summed  up  in  the  terms  of  "a  brief  subsequently 
submitted  by  the  National  Retail  Dry  Goods  Association,  which  held 

(*)  Text  of  original  draft  of  code  submitted.  Code  Record  files. 
(**)  See  Transcript  of  Public  Hearing,  August  24,  1933,  Vols.  1-12. 



(1)  "The  claim  to  undersell  all  competitors  never  has  been 

and  cannot  he  sustained." 

(2)  It  is  therefore  inherently  rr.isrepresentative  to  the 

(3)  ~Such  claims  "break  down  public  confidence  in  adver- 
tising, arc  detrimental  to  sound  "business,  and  are 
unfair  and  uneconomic." 

(4)  "The  loss-limitation  provision  of  the  Code  establishes 

a  fixed  point  beyond  which  no  merchant  can  go  in  an 
effort  to  undersell  his  competitor,  and  therefore  he 
should  not  be  able  to  claim  his  ability  to  do  so."(*) 

In  defense  of  his  firm's  position  'Mr.  Strauss  cited  the  conclu- 
sions reached  by  the  Federal  Trade  Commission  in  its  investigation  of 
the  operations  of  their  business.   He  stated: 

"Sevcral  years  ago  interested  parties  filed  application 
with  the  Federal  Trade  Commission  to  prohibit  the  advertis- 
ing by  Macy  of  its  cash  policy  statement.   The  commission 
made  a  thorough  and  exhaustive  examination  which  occupied 
over  two  years.   Macy  produced  its  records.   The  Commission 
also  examined  records  of  Macy  competitors.  The  Commission 
found  neither  unfair  competition  nor  false  and  misleading 
advertising  in  connection  with  Macy'a  cash  policy  statement 
and  concluded  its  investigation  by  denying  the  application. 

"We  oppose  any  attempt  to  prevent  any  merchant  from 
presenting  to  the  public  in  any  form  of  appropriate  words 
his  economically  justifiable  claim  that  generally  lower 
cost  operation,  whether  by  reason  of  cash  sales  exclusively 
or  otherwise,  permits  economies  which  are  passed  on  to  his 

"The  only  restriction  upon  such  sales  would  be  their 

"That  economics  resulting  from  cash  sales  exclusively 
are  possible  and  exist  cannot  fairly  be  denied."  (**) 

The  Consumers'  Advisory  Board  supported  the  Macy  contention,  in 
the  general  interests  of  truth  of  statement. 

"The  Board  also  opposed  the  provision  that,  'No  retailer 
shall  use  advertising  which  lays  claim  to  a  policy  or  continu- 
ing practice  of  generally  underselling  competitors'.   This 
provision  may  make  it  an  offense  to  tell  the  truth,  and  that 
resembles  the  ancient  and  nyw  discredited  doctrine  that  'the 
greater  the  truth  the  greater  the  libel'."  (***) 

(*)  Brief  presented  by  T.  3.  Moeeer,  Vice  President,  national  Retail 

Bry  Goods  Association,  July  27,  1934.  Deputy  Files. 
(**)  Transcript  of  Hearings,  page  593. 
(***)  Volume  A-l,  Memorandum  to  A.  D.  Whiteside,  Bcputy  Administrator, 

September  29,  1933. 


The  difficulty  apparently  lay  in  the  fact  that  while  the  Macy 
example  admittedly  might  have  given  rise  to  much  improper  advertising 
of  a  similar  nature  by  other  industry  members,  there  was  no  way  to 
prove  that  an  underselling  policy  could  not  "be  truthfully  claimed 
and  honestly  carried  into  effect. 

C.  The  Code  Provisions  as  An-oroved. 

Nevertheless,  the  Code  as  finally  agreed  upon  by  the  sponsors 
did  not  recognize  the  I.fecy  position,  and  the  trade  practices  were 
forwarded  to  the  Administration  for  approval  with  the  underselling  clause 
in  its  original  form.   The  code  was  approved  October  21,  1933,  to  be- 
come effective  October  30. 

The  Code  thus  approved  was  not  in  several  respects  the  code  which 
had  originally  been  presented  by  the  sponsoring  trade  groups,  nor  was  it 
precisely  as  finally  agreed  upon  by  them;  and  there  was  considerable 
outcry  in  the  industry.  Article  IX,  1-c,  as  actually  approved  read: 
"No  'retailor  shall  use  advertising  which  inaccurately  lays  claim  to  a 
policy  or  continuing  practice  of  generally  underselling  competitors." 
The  "bait"  advertising  clause  had  disappeared,  and  in  place  was  a 
provision  simply  against  "switching".  (Art.  IX,  1,  e)  The  clauses 
concerning  inaccxirate  advertising  and  disparagement  of  competitor  had 
been  qualified  by  the  addition  of  the  phrase  "in  any  material  particu- 
lar."  The  text  of  the  entire  misrepresentation  provision  as  approved 
is  as  follows: 

"Section  1.  Advertising  and  selling  methods. — (a)  No 
retailer  shall  use  advertising,  whether  printed,  radio, 
or  display  or  of  any  ether  nature,  which  is  inaccurate 
in  any  material  particular  or  misrepresents  merchandise 
(including  its  use,  trade-mark,  grade,  quality,  quantity, 
size,  origin,  material,  content,  preparation,  or  curative 
or  therapeutic  effect)  or  credit  terms,  values,  policies, 
or  services;  and  no  retailer  shall  use  advertising  and/or 
selling  methods  which  tend  to  deceive  or  mislead  the  cus- 

(b)  No  retailer  shall  use  advertising  which  refers 
inaccurately  in  any  material  particular  to  any  competitor 
or  his  merchandise,  prices,  values,  credit  terms,  policies, 
or  services. 

(c)  Ho  retailer  shall  use  advertising  which  inaccurately 
lays  claim  to  a  policy  or   continuing  practice  of  generally 
underselling  competitors. 

(d)  No  retailer  shall  secretly  give  anything  of  value 
to  the  employee  or  agent  of  a  customer  for  the  purpose  of 
influencing  a  sale,  or  in  furtherance  of  a  sale  render  a 
bill  np  statement  of  account  to  the  employee,  agent  or 
customer  which  is  inaccurate  in  any  material  particular. 

(e)  No  retailer  shall  place  obstacles  in  the  way  of 
the  purchase  of  a  product  which  a  consumer  orders  by  brand 
name  by  urging  upon  the  consumer  a  substitute  product  in  a 
manner  which  disparages  the 'product  ordered."   (Article  IX) 



Therc  were  other  changes  in  the  code,  the  net  results  of  which 
were  to  cause  the  industry  at  large  to  feel  that  it  had  "been  "let 
down",  and  to  create  a  mental  reservation  which  later  tended  to 
weaken  the  support  which  the  code  obtained.  (*) 

When  the  Darrow  report  appeared  these  changes  were  further 
castigated.   The  clauses,  it  was  claimed,  had  "been  "unwarrantably 
amended".   The  changes  were  characterized  as 

"startling  and  most  disquieting.   The  elimation  of  reference 
to  'bait  offers',  or  'loss  leaders'  largely  cancels  the  pur-  • 
pose  of  the  paragraph.   The  addition  of  the  phrase  'in  any 
material  particular'  virtually  wrenches  from  the  paragraph 
any  degree  of  effectiveness.   The  change  that  allows  'accurate' 
reference  to  competitors  completes  the  same  emasculation  of 
the  reform  of  this  evil  ...   It  is  a  matter  of  public  con- 
cern to  know  how  and  "oy   whom  the  coles  thus  prepared  for 
public  protection  and  the  welfare  of  the  industry  are  in 
this  stealthy  manner  ruined. :'  (**) 

In  July  1934,  the  national  Retail  Dry  Goods  Association  sought 
to  reepen  the  question  of  general  underselling  claims,  and  in  a  brief, 
whose  substance  has  been  previously  quoted,  (***)  urged  deletion  of  the 
word  "inaccurately".   Ho  action  was  taken  upon  this. 

With  respect  to  the  whole  subject,  Mr.  ?..  IT.  ITeustadt,  Managing 
Director  of  the  National  Retail  Code  Authority,  stated  that  while  the 
"Macy  policy"  problem  was  a  sore  spot  in  parts  of  the  Northeast,  it  did 
not  present  great  difficulties  elsewhere.   While  other  department 
stores  did  attempt  the  same  tactics,  they  were  not  so  careful  nor  so 
thorough-going  as  the  original,  and  the  Local  Code  Authorities  were 
able  to  curb  the  improper  advertising.   Many  stores  were  glad  to  stop  a 
practice  which  they  found  they  could  ill  afford.  (****) 

d.  Proposed  Amendments. 

A  public  hearing  was  held  on  May  4,  1934,  for  the  purpose  of 
considering  various  proposed  amendments  to  the  Retail  Code,  several 
touching  upon  misrepresentation. 

(*)     Opinion  of  Mr.  Richard  IT.  Neustadt,  Managing  Director,  National 
Retail  Code  Authority,  expressed  in  conversation,  November  5,1935. 

(**)    Report  of  the  National  Board  of  Review,  May  10,  1934,  p.  23. 

This  Board,  under  the  chairmanshro  of  Mr.  Clarence  Darrow,  was 
set  up  by  the  President  to  receive  testimony  and  report  concern- 
ing certain  controversial  aspects  of  NRA  operation,  particularly 
with  reference  to  their  effect  upon  the  smaller  units  of  industry. 

(***)   Page  63  supra. 

(****)   Opinion  expressed  in  conversation  with  representative  of  Commod- 
ity Information  Unit,  November  5,  1935. 



The  question  of  ""bait"  offers,  which  had  been  dealt  with  in  the 
code  as  originally  proposed,  ".as  again  considered  out  it  was  concluded 
that  the  loss-limitation  provision  would  sufficiently  icstrict  the 
practice.  (*) 

An  amendment  concerning  the  advertising  of  Installment-  Payment 
Plans  was  considered,  the  proposed  text  reading  - 

"Advertisements  offering  merchandise  for  sale  in  install- 
ment payment  plans  shall  clearly  and  unequivocally  indicate  all 
terms  and  charges  which  must  be  complied  with  in  order  to  ob- 
tain the  merchandise  so  advertised." 

This  amendment  was  favored  by  the  National  Retail  Code  Authority 
and  the  Consumers1  Advisory  Board.   Expert  testimony,  however,  developed 
the  fact  that  the  problems  of  installment  selling  were  so  intricate  that 
a  simple  statement  in  an  advertisement  would  not  suffice  adequately  to 
explain  the  sales  terras.   The  question  was  referred  for  further  study. (**) 

e.  The  "Free  Deal"  Problem 

On  the  question  of  free  goods  advertising  Mr.  Peterson,  Chairman 
of  the  National  Retail  Code  Authority  said: 

"We  wish  to  inform  you  that  there  have  probably  been  more 
complaints  filed  with  local  and  with  the  National  Retail  Code 
Authority  on  unfair  practices  involving  the  use  of  the  word 
'Free'  or  its  synonyms  than  any  other  class  of  trade  prac- 
tice." (***) 

Accordingly  the  following  amendment  was  proposed: 

"No  retailer  shall  use  the  word  'free'  or  any  word  or 
words  similar  import  with  reference  to  any  article  or  service, 
when  the  delivery  of  such  article  or  the  performance  of  such 
service  is  contingent  upon  the  purchase  of  another  article 
or  service." 

The  amendment  was  held  for  further  changes,  and  finally  was  sent 
to  the  Advisory  Council  for  a  policy  ruling.   The  Council  in  a  memoran- 
dum signed  by  Willard  Thorpe,  January  IV,  1935,  (****)  discussed  the 
various  concepts  of  "free  deals"  and  recommended  that  the  proposed 

(*)  Transcript  of  Public  Hearings, .  May  4,  1934,  "Proposed  Amendments". 

"(**)  Transcript  of  Hearing,  p.  9. 

(***)  Transcript  of  Hearing,  p.  60. 

(****)  Memorandum,  Advisory  Council,  Deputy  File,  Folder  "Free  Amcndmont". 



amendment  "bo  disapproved  as  fundamentally  in  conflict  with  Office 
Memorandum  No.  316. 

Office  Memorandum  ITo.  316  provides  in  part: 

3.  "Although  there  should  "be  no  general  prohibition  against 
the  use  of  premiums  or  'free  deals',  the  use  of  premiums  or 
'free  deals'  in  the  following  way  may  "be  prohibited: 

(e)  "The  use  of  premiums  or  'free  deals'  in  ways  which 
involve  misrepresentation,  or  fraud,  or  deception  in  any  form. 
It  should  be  noted  that  the  use  of  the  word  'free',  'gift', 
'gratuity'  or  language  of  similar  import  in  connection  with 
premiums  or  'free  deals'  cannot  be  declared  deceptive  in  and 
of  itself.   It  will  be  proper,  however,  to  prohibit  the  use  of 
this  or  any  other  language  with. intent  to  deceive,  or  in  such 
a  way  that  it  does  in  fact  mislead  or  deceive  customers  in  some 
material  particular." 

The  Industry  would  not  accept  the  provision  in  any.other  form  to 
cover  the  use  of  the  word  "free".   Division  Administrator  Carr  suggested 
that  evidence  of  widespread  abuse  of  the  word  "free"  in  advertising  be 
collected  to  support  the  recommendation  for  a  change:  in  NRA  policy  on 
the  point. 

Meanwhile,  on  March  15,  1935,  Mr.  Edwin  L.  Davis  of  the  Federal  • 
Tirade  Commission  presented  the  Commission's  attitude  on  the  subject  of 
"froo"  deal  advertising. 

"The  Commission,  through  the  medium  of  orders  to  cease 
and  desist  and  stipulations,  has  forbidden,  in  connection 
with  theJSLtcrstate  sale  of  various  commodities,  representations 
to  the  effect  that  such  commodities  are  free,  unless  they  are 
sent  to  the  prospective  customers  without  requiring  the  payment 
of  any  money,  the  rendering  of  any  service,  or  the  purchase  of 
any  merchandise.   Its  action  is  predicated  upon  facts  which 
disclosed  that  the  so-called  'free'  goods  or  services  were  not 
free  at  all,  but  that  their  price  was  included  in  the  purchase 
price  of  the  combination  offer;  in  other  words,  that  there  was, 
in  fact,  a  misrepresentation. 

"It  lias  been  the  experience  of  the  Commission  that  there 
have  been  comparatively  few  instances  of  bona  fide  'free'  goods 
or  services.  By  your  amendment,  the  use  of  the  word  'free'  is 
prohibited  when  used  in  connection  with  the  delivery  of  an  article 
or  the  rendering  of  a  service,  even  though,  if  the  article  be 
purchased  or  the  service  rendered,  no  additional  charge  is  made.- 
Hence,  it  is  not  necessary  to  establish,  as  a  violation  of  the 
Code  (as  proposed  to  be  amended),  that  the  cost  of  the  alleged 
'free'  article  or  service  is  a  part  of  the  purchase  price  of  the 
article  concerned.   The  Commission  and  the  Courts,  as  far  as  I 
am  aware,  have  not  passed  upon  this  precise  question."  (*) 

(*)  Letter  to  Assistant  Deputy  H.  C.  Rogers,  March  15,  1935.  Deputy  file, 

Folder  "Free  Amendment". 
9710  ' 


Additional  evidence  in  the  shape  of  various  "free"  advertisements 
was  submitted  to  the  Deputy's  office  "by  the  National  Code 'Authority, 
which  tended  to  "bear  out  the  Commission's  statement  that  few  such  offers 
were  really  "free".  No  final  action  on  the  subject  was  taken,  however. 

A  side  light  on  the  possible  results  to  be  derived  from  the  in- 
clusion of  this  amendment  in  the  Code,  is  shown  in  a  statement  of  the 
Secretary  of  the  Code  Authority,  that  when  he  attempted  to  collect 
"free  advertisements"  as  evidence  he  had  difficulty  in  finding  them. 
This  he  attributed  to  the  fact  that  members  of  the  industry,  being 
aware  of  the  proposed  amendment  and  believing  it  was  soon  to  be  approv- 
ed by  the  NPA,  had  stopped  the  insertion  of  the  "free"  types  of  adver- 

There  was  approved  on  August  23,  1934,  Amendment  3  to  the  Code, 
which  provided  in  part: 

Art.  IX,  Sec.  1,  (f)  "Ho  retailer  shall  sell  or  offer 
'  for  sale  any  merchandise  upon  a  condition  which  involves  a 
lottery,  gamble,  or  element  of  chance,  similar  to  what  is 
commonly  known  as  a  'Suit  Club  Plan',  provided,  however,  that 
this  sub-section  shall  not  apply  to  non-profit  organizations 
not  definitely  constituted  to  carry  on  retail  trade." 

The  objection  to  these  t>racticos  was  in  considerable  part  the 
misrepresentations  which  appear  to  be  inseparable,  in  practice,  from 
them;  in  particular  the  use  of  fraud  in  the  conduct  of  drawings  and 

f.  Interpretations  of  Misrepresentation  Provisions. 

While  no  great  success; was  had  with  obtaining  approval  of  amend- 
ments extending  the  scope  of  the  false  advertising  provisions,  a  number 
of  interpretations  of  these  provisions  were  issued  by  the  Administration 
which  set  up  definite  criteria  for  determining  the  fact  of  misrepresenta- 
tion in  various  situations,  and  which  amounted  so  far  as  this  code  was 
concerned  to  marked  extensions  of  the  law  of  the  subject.  Because  of 
their  significance  in  this  respect,  as  well  as  their  intrinsic  interest, 
the  essential  rulings  of  these  interpretations  are  given  below.  All 
relate  to  Art.  IX,  SGc.  1  or  ,2.  (*) 

Administrative  Order  No.  60-18D,  March  6,  1934: 

"Clearance  Merchandise" 

"If  the  merchandise  is  segregated  from  all  other  merchandise, 
and  clearly  identified  with  signs  as  clearance  merchandise,  it 
need  not  be  individually  marked.  Clearance  Merchandise  may  be 
.  intermingled  with  other  merchandise  but  if  so  intermingled,  each 
piece  must  be  individually  marked  and  clearly  identified  as 

(*)   See  text  of  provision,  p.  46  supra. 



clearance  merchandise." 

Administrative  Order  Uo.  60-18G,  March  6,  1934: 

"Retailers  as  Wholesalers  or  manufacturers11 

"A  retailer  shall  not  represent  himself  as  other  than  a 
retailer  or  represent  his  establishment  as  other  than  a  retail 
establishment;  provided,  however,  that  this  interpretation 
shall  not  prevent  a  retailer  performing  another  separately 
economic  process,  from  presenting  himself  as  a  retailer  and/or 
his  establishment  as  a  retail  establishment  in  combination 
with  such  steps,  if,  indeed,  such  is  the  case;  for  example 
'Retailer  and  Wholesaler',  'Retailer  and  Llanuf ac ture r ' . " 

Administrative  Order  No.  60-59,  April  20,  1934: 

"Pi s cont inuance-o f-bus ines s  Sale " 

"It  shall  be  considered  as  false,  inaccurate  and  misleading 
advertising,  and  a  violation  of  the  Code  for  any  retailer  to 
advertise  a  sale  as  a  closing  out  sale,  a  going  out  of  business 
sale,  a  bankrupt  and/or  receiver's  sale  or  any  sale  of  a  like 
nature,  without  disclosing,  if  such  be  the  fact,  that  additional 
merchandise,  except  such  as  may  be  in  transit,  on  order,  or 
under  firm  contract,  is  added  to  the  stock  of  merchandise  on 
hand  at  the  beginning  of  said  sale." 



Administrative  Order  ITo.  60-65,  April  26,  1934: 

"Factory  to  You" 

"No  retailer  shall  use  a  statement  in  advertising  such  as 
'Factory  to  You',  'Direct  to  You',  'Buy  from  the  Wholesaler', 
or  similar  phrases  or  statements,  unless  such  or  state- 
ments refer  to  all  the  merchandise  illustrated  and/or  advertised 
and/or  otherwise  offered  for  sale  in  connection  v,ith  such  phrase 
or  statement,  or  unless  the  merchandise  sold,  illustrated  and/or 
advertised,  is  clearly  segregated  in  fche  advertisement  or  state- 
ment in  such  a  manner  to  show  clearly  just  what  merchandise  is 
intended  for  sale  under  the  conditions  specified  therein. 

Administrative  Order  Fo.  60-66,  May  29,  1934: 

"ITo  Down  Payment" 

"It  shall  he  considered  an  unfair  trade  practice  for  any 
retailer  subject  to  the  provisions  of  this  Code,  in  any  ad- 
vertisement and/or  other  form  or  forms  of  selling  publicity, 
to  use  the  phrase  'no  down  payment',  and/or  other  phrases  of 
similar  or  like  meaning, .unless  each  item  in  the  entire  stock 
or  class  of  merchandise  offered  for  sale,  to  which  the  said 
advertisement  and/ or  publicity  is  directed,  may  "be  purchased 
without  any  form  of  initial  payment  whatsoever,  in  every  case, 
whether  such  payment  be  termed  a  "deposit1,  a  'down  payment', 
an  'interest  charge',  a  'cost  of  delivery'  arrangement,  an 
'advance  on  the  first  payment* ,  an  arrangement  whereby  the 
purchaser  is  obliged  to  open  an  account  and  pay  a  fee  or  charge 
for  such  service,  or  any  other  form  of  initial  payment  on  or 
before  the  date  of  delivery. 

"Whenever  the  retailer  desires  to  limit  the  above  terms 
to  any  specific  article  or  articles  of  the  entire  stock  of 
merchandise  for  sale,  this  limitation  must  be  set  forth  in  a 
manner  to  clep.rly  segregate  and  identify  the  items  of  merchan- 
dise so  advertised." 

Administrative  Order  No.  60-68,  April  26,  1934: 

"Bankrupt  Sale" 

"It  shall  be  inaccurate  and  misleading  advertising  and 
a  violation  of  the  Retail  Code  for  any  retailer  to  use  such 
statements  as  'save  one-half,  or  'one-fourth  off,  or  'bank- 
rupt sale',  or  'fire  sale',  or  'removal  sale',  unless  such 
statements  apply  to  all  merchandise  in  the  advertisement  or 
section  of  the  advertisement  in  which  said  statements  are  made." 



Administrative  Order  Ho.  60-113,  June  25,  1934: 

"Deferred  payment  Plan" 

"It  shall  be  an  unfair  trade  practice  under  Article  IX, 
Section  1  (a)  of  the  Code,  for  a  retailer  to  ao/vertise  or  offer 
for  sale  any  merchandise  with  a  statement  or  representation 
that  the  merchandise  may  he  purchased  on  any  deferred-payment 
plan,  of  whatever  nature,  without  charge  for  such  deferred  pay- 
ment, interest,  services,  privilege,  or  other  comparable  desig- 
nation, rhen,  in  fact,  discounts  from  quoted  or  marked  prices 
are  given  on  identical  goods  sold  for  cash  or  when  differentials 
between  prices  for  cash  and  prices  for  installment  are  quoted, 
marked  or  wade  available  for  identical  merchandise,  at  any  time 
during  the  period  in  which  such  merchandise  is  on  sale  or  offered 
for  sale." 

Administrative  Order  ITo.  60-557,  February  5,  1935: 

"Budget  Spies" 

"It  shall  be  a  violation  of  Article  IX,  Section  1  (a)  for 
a  retailer,  in  connection  -  ith  any  offer  of  sale  on  a  deferred, 
'budget'  or  installment  payment  plan,  whether  in  advertising 
natter  or  direct  to  the  consumer  or  otherwise  to  quote  or  to 
fix  a  price  or  solicit  deferred,  'budget'  or  installment  payments 
of  r.ny  hind  without  at  the  time  definitely,  if  such  is  the  case, 
that  additional  financing  or  other  charges  will  be  made  or  im- 
posed. " 

g.   Informal  Interpretations. 

Besides  these  general  interpretations  issued  by  the  Administra- 
tion there  were  several  informal  interpretations  made  by  the  Deputies  to 
cover  specific  cases.   In  response  to  a  request  from  the  United  Drug 
Corroany  for  a  ruling  on  a  contemplated.  "Factory  to  You"  sale  the  Deputy 
Administrator  stated  .that  the  advertising  of  "Jactory  to  You"  in  the  pro- 
posed sale  would  not  be  considered  misleading  provided  the  goods  covered 
by  the  advertising  was  actually  made  by  the  United  Drug  Company  or  its 
totally  owned  subsidiaries.  (*) 

Although  no  formal  interpretation  was  issued  with  regard  to  the 
controverted  question  of  use  of  the  word  "free",  a  complaint  of  the  Local 
Code  Authority  of  Ehoxville,  Tennessee  against  the  Lane  Drug  Store  of  that 
city,  gave  rise  to  an  informal  interpretation  on  the  point  as  follows: 

(*)  Letter  of  A.S.  Donaldson  to  Z.  T.  Clark,  Vice  President,  United 
Drug  Company,  parch  16,  1935.   Code  History. 


"The  use  of  the  word  'free1  or  a  word  or  ror&s  of  similar  ^r 
identical  meaning  in  an  advertisement  of  premiums,  which  are 
in  fact  gifts  contingent  upon  the  purchase  of  other  merchandise, 
shall  not  he  in  itself  construed  as  ina.ccurate  or  misleading  to 
the  consumer,  so  long  as  the  advertisement  clearly  and  plainly 
states  that  the  gift  of  the  premium  is  contingent  upon  the  pur- 
chase of  other  merchandise,  and  so  long  as  the  advertisement  is 
not  inaccurate  in  its  description  of  the  premium,  the  merchandise, 
or  .the  price  thereof."  (*) 

An  unofficial  "interpretation"  or  definition  adopted  at  the 
original  hearing  on  the  code  provided: 

"Reference  to  the  value  of  an  article  shall  mean  that  such  merchan- 
dise cannot  be  purchased  elsewhere  in  the  normal  course  of  business, 
at  a  price  less  than  the  value  quoted."  (**) 

h.   Compliance  Results. 

The  procuring  of  compliance  with  the  provisions  of  the  Retail 
Code  was  in  the  hands  of  a  large  number  of  Local  Retail  Trade  and  Retail 
Drug  Authorities  in  all  parts  of  the  country.   It  appears  that  in  general 
they  performed  their  tas1':  with  a  very  slight  reliance  uoon  either  the  en- 
forcement machinery  of  NRA,  or  the  national  Code  Authorities.   A  compila- 
tion of  figures  totaling  complaints  for  the  first  year  of  operation  of 
the  Retail  Trade  Code,  prepared  by  the  National  Code  Authority  from  data 
of  the  278  Local  Code  Authorities  that  made  reports,  show  17,600  trade 
pra.ctice  complaints,  of  which  12,129  were  adjusted  by  the  Locals,  4,621 
were  dismissed  as  without  basis,  644  were  referred  to  the  National  Re- 
tail Code  Authority,  and  115  were  referred  to  NRA.  (***) 

A  similar  report  on  Retail  Drug  Compliance,  dated  April  10, 
1935,  but  not  showing  the  period  covered,  gives  14,095  less  limitation 
complaints  received  and  12,637  adjusted  by  the  Local  Code  Authorities; 
1,605  "other  trade  practice  complaints"  received,  and  1,449  adjusted. 

(*)  Letter  of  Assistant  Deputy  har1-:  Terrell,  to  R.  B.  Creech, 
Secretary,  Retail  Drug  Code  Authority,  Knoxville,  Tenn. , 
July  23,  1934.   Deputy  Files,  "Code  Authority-General  No.  1". 

(**)  Transcript  of  Hearings,  August  24,  1933,  Vol.  1,  p.  85. 

(***)   Code  Administration  Study,  Research  and  Planning  Division. 

(****)   Deputy  Files.  "Compliance". 


This  would  seen  to  indicate  that  in  the  handling  of  general 
trade  practice  violations  the  Local  Code  Authorities  achieved  a  consi- 
derable degree  of  success,  and  there  appears  to  be  no  reason  to  suppose 
that  the  advertising  provisions  did  not  fare  at  least  as  well  as  the 

Further  indication  that  the  Local  Retail  Trade  Authorities  ' 
rere  in  fact  able  to  make  the  code  provisions  effective  in  suppressing 
misrepresentations  is  found  in  the  results  of  field  contacts  made  with 
Local  Code  Authorities  all  over  the  country,  to  be  presented,  later  in 
this  re-oort.  (*) 

On  the  other  hand,  that  compliance  in  general  declined  during 
the  later  code  period,  due  in  part  to  the  spread  of  cynicism  over  the 
code  as  approved  and  in  part  to  the  difficulties  of  obtaining  NRA 
administrative  action  in  enforcement,  is  the  opinion  of  the  Managing 
Director  of  the  National  Retail  Code  Authority.  (**) 

i.   Sffect   of  the  provisions. 

As  to  the  general  results  achieved  by  the  limitations  placed 
upon  misleading  advertising  and  other  misrepresentations  by  the  code  the 
following  expressions  of  opinion,  from  the  NRA  and  the  Code  Authority 
points  of  view,  may  be  offered. 

Deputy  Administrator  A.  S.  Donaldson,  reporting  on  the  results 
of  the  retail  codes,  gives  this  summary  of  the  situation: 

"It  may  be  said  that  the  entire  'truthful  advertising' 
features  of  the  Retail  Code  are  primarily  in  the  interest 
of  the  consumer.  Prior  to  the  adoption  of  the  Code, 
in  an  atmosphere  of  cut-throat  competition,  the  most  out- 
landish claims  were  made  oy   stores  to  lure  the  consumer 
into  the  store  at  any  cost.  'Sensational  Sales',  'Greatest 
Value  of  all  Times',  'Free  Goods',  'S10  Values  for  $2.95!, 
and  all  such  advertising  claims  bewildered  rnd  misled  the 
consumer.   The  advertising  provisions  of  the  Code  definitely 
placed  a  brake  on  such  advertising  and  even  more  stringent 
rules  have  been  applied  by  amendment  and  interpretation  of  the 
Code  since  its  inception.   Thousands  of  untruthful  advertising 
complaints  have  been  settled  satisfactorily  to  the  great  gain 
of  the  consumer,  as  well  as  to  honest  merchants.  The  use  of 
the  'Loss  Leader' ,  which  was  no  better  than  a  bait  to  draw 
customers  into  the  store,  has  been  greatly  reduced  by  the  'Loss 
Limitation'  provision  of  the  Retail  Code.   It  appears  in  each 
case  that  Trade  Practice  provisions-  of  the  Retail  Code  which 
have  protected  the  consumer  are  the  same  as  those  which  have 
protected  the  honest  advertiser. 

(*)      See  pages  77-3'T  ,  below,  ~~~ 

(**)    Xr.  R.  IT.  ITeustadt,  in  conversation,  ITov.  5,  1935. 



"The  national  Better  Business  Bureau  lias  nade  the  state- 
ment that  retail  advertising  is  at"  the  present  tine  on  a 
much  higher  plane  and  natural1.:/  had  automatically  reduced 
the  number  of  cases  where  the  consumer  is  subject  to  "being 
misled,  than  "before  the  adoption  of  the  Code."  (*) 

Mr.  reus  tad  t  stated  (**)  it  to  "be  his  opinion  .that  if  the  intcrsta 
question  could  "be  settled  the  industry  would  "be  practically  unanimous 
in  desiring,  a  code;  that  the  former  code  with  only  minor  changes  rould 
"be  acceptable;  and  that  the  practice  provisions  covering  advertis- 
ing would  "be  especially  desired,  as  a  great  deal  of  benefit  had'  resulted 
from  these  provisions. 

There  is  no  evidence  at  hand  as  to  trends  in  advertising  prac- 
tices in  the  retail  trades  since  the  lapse  of  the  code. 

j .   Summary  • 

This  code  experience' is  of  particular  interest  because  of  the 
size  and  importance  of  the  industry,  and  the  significance  of  the  problems 
of  misrepresentation  both  to  the  200, 00C  industry  members  and  to  the  va,st 
mass  of  the  purchasing  public.   The  industry  grappled  with  specific  forms 
of  deceptive  practice  in  formulating  its  code  and  employed  amendments  and 
interpretations  as  mediums  for  expanding  and 'clarifying  the  conception  of 
code  law  concerning  them.  Practices  connected  with  questionable  price 
competition  appear  to  have  been  of  principal  concern.  Active  efforts  seem 
to  have  been  made  by  the  majority  of  the  Local  Code  Authorities  to  enforce 
the  misrepresentation  provisions,  and,  so  long  as  the  prestige  of  KRA  held, 
apparently  with  a  considerable  degree  of  success.   Little  demand  was  made 
upon  ERA  by  the  Local  Authorities  for  help  in  effecting  compliance,  and 
little  complaint  was  heard  that  in  applying  these  'provisions  discrimina- 
tory tactics  were  employed.   It  is  believed  that  both  the  trade  and  the 
public  were  benefited,  and  that  this  aspect  of  the  operation  of  the  code 
offers  an  illustration  of  the  possibilities  of  the  basic  NBA  conception 
of  a  code'  authority  system  as  a  medium  for  effectuating  cooperative  in- 
dustrial control 

2.   Coffee  Industry  -  (Code  ?To.  265) 

This  Code,  sponsored  by  the  Assbciated  Coffee  Industries  of 
America,  was  submitted  August  18,  1933  and  approved  on  February  6,  1934. 
The  Code  Authority. '-as  a  Coffee  Industries  Committee  composed  of  9  mem- 
bers generally  elected,  the  Managing  Agent  of  the  Code  Authority  being 
the  Secretary  of  the  trade  association*  A  Trade  Practice  Complaints 
Committee  was  approved  on- January  9,  19S5,  but  was  practically  identical 
in  composition  with  the  Code  Authority. 

(*)     "Economic  Importance  and  Effectiveness  of  Retail  Codes", 
June,  1935.  p.  5.  • 

(**)    Ir.  Conference,  llovember  5,  1935. 



a.  Provisions  Concerning  Misrepresentation 

The  Code  as  approved  contained  general  provisions  prohibiting 
misrepresentation,  false  advertising,  and  defoliation  of  competitors. 
(Article  VI,  1,  2).  No  protests  of  these  provisions  are  recorded  in  the 
Transcript  of  Code  Hearings,  although  subsequently  a  recomnendation  was 
made  that  the  practice  of  "dating"  coffee  be  prohibited  as representa- 
tive. (*)  ITo  action  was  taken  upon  this. 

A  special  "orovision  ained.  to  prevent  misrepresentations  through 
failure  to  label  products  to  show  the  content  of  ingredients  other  than 
coffee  was  adopted,  largely  at  the  suggestion  of  the  Consumers'  Ad.visory 
Board,  and  Consumers  Counsel  of  AAA.  (Article  VI,  3.)   One  protest  was 
recorded  against  this,  claiming  that  it  struck  at  those  providing  a  cheap 
but  satisfactory  beverage  for  the  poor  man.  (**) 

Despite  this  meagre  record-  concerning  adoption,  the  organized 
industry  appears  to  have  been  much  interested  in  the  provisions,  and  the 
Code  Authority  active  in  making  them  effective.  Because  of  this  interest, 
and  "because  the  problems  raised  by  these  (advertising)  complaints  were 
complicated  and.  required  extended,  discussion  and  study  by  men  experienced 
in  the  methods  and.  problems  of  advertising",  (***)  a  special  Advertising 
Sub-Committee  of  the  Code  Authority,  composed  of  three  members,  ras  formed, 
apparently  earl]-  in  1935,  to  give  particular  attention  to  this  subject. 

b.  Compliance  Results 

Compliance  records  show  only  three  cases  of  advertising 
violations  reported,  to  ERA  and  only  one  of  these  referred  for  action. 
The  reason  is  indicated  by  the  following; 

"Eo  cases  (sic)  on  advertising  were  referred,  to  the  ERA 
for  action,  and  the  cases  were  either  satisfactorily  adjusted 
or  continued  in  the  hope  of  adjustment  without  reference  to 
ERA.  .  .  Having  had  extensive  experience  with  the  impossibility 
of  securing  ERA  cooperation  for  actual  enforcement,  re  limited 
our  efforts  to  securing  compliance."  (****) 

The  nature  of  the  violations  dealt  with  is  indicated,  by  another 

"Complaints  centered  mainly  on  alleged  false  disparagement 
of  competitors  products  (Eote:  chiefly  by  manufacturers  of  coffee 
substitutes,  apparently),  and  misrepresentations  concerning  the 
nature  or  handling  of  a  product.  A  leading  example  is  the  advertis- 
ing of  coffee  as  a  'Blend  with  Uocha  and  Java'  when  these  coffees 
are  only  a  small  percentage  of  the  total."  (*****) 

(*)     Letter  to  Deputy  Administrator  from  rosa'ra  Hills,  Saint  Louis, 
To.,  February  5,  1934,  Deputy's  Files'. 

(**)    Letter  of  TJm.  Schotten  Coffee  Co.,  August  27,  1933,  Deputy's  Files. 

(***)   Letter  from  J.  Rosenthal,  Asst,  Secretary,  Associated.  Coffee  In- 
dustries of  America,  October  IS,  1935.  Commodity  Information  Unit 
File.  : 

(****)   Trade  Association  letter  of  October  18,  1935,  referred  to  above. 

(*****)  Idem. 


The  case  referred  for  HRA  action  concerned  claims  of  Chase  & 
Sanborn  by  radio  that  all  its  "dated"  coffee  was  sold  on  a  system  where- 
byrnio  pound  remains  on  our  grocer's  shelf  for  -:ore  than  ten  days".   Evi- 
dence showed  that  in  various  rural  communities  the  date  stamped  covered 
a  thirty  day  rather  than  a  ten  day  period.   The  care  was  closed  "by 
Standard  Brands  signing  a  certificate  of  compliance  and  agreeing  to  date 
its  coffee  only  in  accordance  with  its  advertising,  although  the  Deputy 
Administrator  considered  this  a  case  of  trade  puffing  rather  than  sub- 
stantial misrepresentation.  (*) 

Compliance  Report  Ho.  368,  September  1,  1934  -  April  4,  1935, 
shows  out  of  a  total  of  ?5  trade  practice  complaints,  11  concerned  with 
misrepresentations  by  false  labelir^;,  principally  failure  to  show  the 
required  data  concerning  adulterants.   Seven  of  these  cases  were  closed 
by  the  signing  of  certificates  of  compliance.   One  was  referred  to  the 
Federal  Trade  Commission  and  dismissed  by  it  as  not  involving  inter- 
state commerce.  (**)   There  is  no  record  of  the  disposition  of  the 
other  three. 

c.  Effectiveness  of  the  Provisions, 

As  to  the  general  effectiveness  of  the  provisions  and  the 
work  of  the  Code  Authority  in  administering  them,  Mr.  17.  F.  Uilliamson, 
Managing  Agent  of  the  Code  Authority,  stated; 

"Commenting  on  the  administrative  problems  involved  under 
the  fair  trade  practice  section  of  the  Code,  during  the  life 
.  of  the  Code  the  Coffee  Industries  Committee  worked  consistently 
to  bring  about  an  improvement  in  the  advertising  practices  with- 
in the  industry  .  .  .  The  work  of  the  Committee  resulted  in  a 
material  improvement  in  conditions,  especially  in  securing 
modification:  of .advertising  cony  used  by  coffee  substitutes  and 
by  some  of  the  larger  advertisers  of  nac^age  coffees  ...  In 
the  main  .  companies  answering  complaints  against  them  under 
these  sections  of  the  code  exhibited  an  honest  and  sincere  de- 
sire to  cooperate  with  the "Commit tee  in  the  elimination  of 
objectionable  advertising."  (***) 

d.  Criteria  for  Determining  Misrepresentation 

One  difficulty  encountered  was  with  respect  to  criteria,  for 
judging  as  to  the  fact  of  misrepresentation.  Mr.  Williamson  wrote  on 
this  point: 

"The  Committee  encountered  some  difficulty  in  drawing  an 
exact  line  between  advertising  that  might  be  considered  as 
legitimate  trade  puffing,  and  advertising  which  clearly  fell 
under  the  provisions  of  the  Code."  (****) 

("*)      Deputy's  Files,  Compliance  Folder. 

(**)     Complaint  in  re:  New  England  Tea  and  Coffee  Co.,  Docket 

Ho.  2299,  February  19,  1935. 
(***)    Letter  to  Assistant  Deputy  C.  T.  Estes,  June  6,  1935. 

Deputy's  Files. 
(****)   Letter  quoted  above. 


The  Advertising  Committee  tool:  steps  to  have  formulated  by  the  industry 
"a  specific  Code  of  Advertising  Ethics  as  a  standard  and  guide  with  which 
to  handle  all  such  border-line  cases",  but  with  what  success  is  not  known. 

Problems  presented  by  difficulties  in  obtaining  adequate  coopera- 
tion in  matter  of  compliance  from  ilRA.  have  been  suggested  in  an  earlier 
quotation  from  the  industry.  More  specifically,  on  this  point  Mr.  William- 
son stated: 

"The  most  embarrassing  phase  in  the  Cab  Authority's  efforts 
to  obtain  compliance  lias  developed  as  a  result  of  the  Administration 
permitting  a  violator  who  through  his  violation  lias  gotten  a  large 
amount  of  business,  to  avoid  conviction  through  acceptance  of  his 
certificate  of  compliance  and  promise  of  obedience  in  the  future. 
Ey  that  time  the  damage  has  already  been  done.  .  .  .The  industry 
felt  that  the  trade  practice  provisions  could  have  been  more  ' 
effectively  enforced  if  KRA  had  prosecuted  violations  .  .  ."  (*) 

Other  difficulties  reported  encountered  included  "lack  of  a 
clear-cut  decision  as  to  the  Committee's  authority  over  coffees  manufac- 
tured and  sold  exclusively  intrastate"  and  "lack  of  uniformity  in  en- 
forcement procedure  as  between  various  Regional  Officers  of  the  NBA."(**) 

"If  the  Code  authority  had  actually  had  the  authority  it  was  pre- 
sumed to  have  had  under  the  code  it  would  have  been  possible  to  eliminate 
entirely  (certain  practices)  .  .  and  the  administrative  problem  would 
have  been  relatively  simple."  (***) 

The  pre-code  history  of  the  industry  shows  effort  to  cope  with  the 
problem  of  misrepresentative  practices  both  by  a  voluntary  Cede  of  Ethics 
and  by  cooperation  with  the  Federal  Trade  Commission.  There  is  no  record 
as  to  post-code  tendencies  in  the  matter  of  advertising  or  labeling 

e .  Summary 

In  this  instance  we  have  a  very  complete  expression  of  Code'.  Authority 
attitude  and  experience  with  respect  to  misrepresentations  from  which  the 
following  points  appear:   Special  interest  was  taken  in  the  subject  through 
formation  of  an  Advertising  Committee  of  the  Code  Authority.   The  difficulty 
of  drawing  a  line  between  deceptive  and  legitimate  advertising  was  recognized 
and  efforts  were  made  to  formulate  basic  principles  for  guidance. 

(*)   Quoted  in  Memorandum  from  Hobert  M  Beattie,  Administration  Member 
on  Coffee  Code  Authority,  tc  C.  I  Dunning,  Deputy  Administrator, 
March  21,  1955,  see  also  memorandum  from  Code  Authority  to 
C.  T.  Estes,  June  6,  1955. 

(**)  Letter  to  C.  T.  Estes,  quoted  above. 




The  complia.-ice  efforts  of  the  Committee  resulted  in  "material  improve- 
ment" in  advertising  conditions  in  the  industry.   In  the  main,  re- 
spondents to  compliance  cooperated  willingly  in  the  elimination  of  ' 
objectionable  copy.  Difficulty  in  administering  the  provisions  result- 
ed  largely  from  failure  of  N3A  enforcement,  specifically  from  the 
practice  of  closing  complaints  with  certificate  of  compliance  and  no 
penalty,   after  the  offender  had  reared  the  profit  of  his  act.  No 
quality  standards  ^ere   set  up  in  this  industry,  "but  the  reauirement 
of  labeling  to  show  ingredients  furnished  a  factual  "basis  for  a  mumber 
of  complaints  as  to  this  type  of  misrepresentation. 

3.  Do-  Food  Industry  -  (Code  Ho.  450) 

This  Code  presents  another  instance  of  an  industry  in  which  mis- 
representations by  means  of  advertising  or  labeling  appear  to 
been  considered  of  primary  importance,  and  to  have  received  active  at-s 
tention  from  the  Code  Authority  to  secure  compliance,  with  considerable 
success  . 

The  industry,  which  has  developed  largely  s  ince  1920,  has  enjoyed 
very  rapid  growth,  industry  statistics  for  1933  as  estimated  by  the 
Code  Authority,  ( *)  showing  number  of  concerns  170,  number  of  employees 
2,500,  dollar  value  of  products  $32,000,000,  of  which  ^20,000,000  was 
represented  "oir   canned  dog  food.  As  to  the  industry's  narked  expansion, 
and  the  effect  of  this  on  competitive  practices,  the  Code  Authority 

"The  Canned  Dog  Food  Industry,  as  a  comparatively  new 
industry,  has  developed  into  a  large  national  business.  Because 
of  its  youth  and  amazing  success  the  industry  has  become  involved 
in  practices  as  to  composition,  labeling  and  advertising  which 
make  necessary  new  corrections  to  protect  the  purchasing  public 
and  assure  fair  competition."  (**) 

Nothing  more  specific  is  shown  as  to  the  reasons  for  the  develop- 
ment of  the  practices  referred  to.  Apparently,  however,  the  industry 
because  of  its  youth  had  attracted  little  outside  regulation,  and  the 
rapid  influx  of  concerns  interested  in  the  profits  promised  by  rapid 
expansion  had  made  difficult  any  orderly  development'.,  of  standards  of 
practice  by  the  industry  itself. 

Prior  to  the  Code  only  one  court  decision  existed  with  respect 
to  the  industry  under  the  Ture  Food  &  Drug  Act.   In  this  case,  (***) 
judgment  of  condemnation  and  forfeiture  was  entered  against  the  de- 
fendant, the  roods  being  labeled  "Tuns,  for  pets,  not  intended  for 
human  consumption",  and  having  been  found  to  be  composed  of  decomposed 
animal  substances, 

(*)   In  conference  with  ?..  S.  Scott,  Assistant  Deputy  in  chars®  of  Code, 
(**)  Code  Authority  Bulletin  lTo.  57,  October  23,  1934. 
(***)U.  S.  v.  620  case  of  canned  tuna  (California  Sea  Food  Co.)  Dis- 
trict Court,  Western  District  of  Washington,  1931. 



The  court  held  that  the  same  standards  applied  as  those  prescribed  under 
the  act  for  food  for  human  use.  Prior  to  the  Code,  also,  no  complaint 
or  stipulation  had  ever  teen  issued  "by  the  Federal  Trade  Commission  in 
a  dog  food  case . 

The  Code  was  originally  submitted  to  the  AAA  in  September  1933, 
by  the  jtfational  Dog  Pood  Manufacturers  Association.   It  was  transfer  ed 
to  NBA  in  January  1334,  and  approved  May  31,  1934.  The  Code  as  adopted 
contained  provisions  prohibiting  four  types  of  misrepresentative  prac- 
tice -  inaccurate  advertising,  false  labeling,  disparagement  of  compet- 
itors, and  deceptive  containers.  ( *) 

The  transcript  of  hearing  records  no  controversies  with  respect  to  the 
adoption  of  t he  provisions,  and  there  is  no  evidence  of  subseauent  com- 
plaints, ITo  Practice  Complaints  Committee  was  ever  approved,  and 
there  were  no  amendments,  exemptions,  stays  or  interpretations  pertinent 
to  t  his  study. 

The  Code  Authority,  however,  filed  with  the  N?A  what  appears  to  be 
a  complete  record  of  the  individual  complaints  of  violations  of  the 
misrepresentation  provisons  which  were  handled  by  the  Authority  itself, 
jogether  with  the  action  taken  with  respect  to  them.  (**)   This  record 
shows  a  total  of  29  cases;  10  dealing  with  misleading  advertising,  4 
with  false  labeling,  and  15  with  disparagement  of  competitors'  products. 
The  complaints  in  these  cases  were  initiated  in  some  cases  by  competi- 
tors and  in  some  causes  by  the  Code  Authority  itself.  Numerous  forms 
of  deception  are  complained  of,  the  principal  ones  involving  (1)  mis- 
statements of  fact,  as  "from  choise  cuts  of  meat" ;  (2)  extravagant 
claims  requiring  scientific  proof  -  "complete  food  for  dogs",  "balanced 
diet" ,  "proved  biological  value",  etc.;  and  (3)  indirect  reflections  on 
the  nature  or  value  of  ingredients  used  by  competitors.  (***) 

(*)   Dog  Food  Code,  Article  IX,  12-15.  Codes  of  Fair  Competition, 

Vol.  XI,  pp  106-107. 
(**)   Report  of  Code  Violations,  Folder  of  Charles  Wesley  Dunn, 

Secretary,  in  Deputy's  Files. 
(***)  Details  of  the  individual  cases  are  included  in  the  report  noted 

above . 



All  the  reported  cases  dealing  with  advertising  and  dispar- 
agement were  settled  by  respondents  agreeing  to  discontinue  the  ob- 
jectionable practices  when  notified  to  do  so  by  the  Code  Authority. 
As  to  its  success  in  this  respect  the  Code  Authority  stated: 

"As  to  labels  and  advertisement  representations  which 
are  patently  false  and  deceptive,  it  suffices  to  say 
that  we  have  vigorously  acted  against  each  as  it  has 
come  to  our  attention.   And,  to  date,  the  industry  has 
satisfactorily  responded  to  our  corrective  action  along 
the  aforesaid  lines.   I  do  not  recall  a  single  instance 
of  defiance  in  this  respect.   And  the  manufacturers  to 
whom  we  have  written  have  voluntarily  acquiesced  upon  ' 
the  basis  that  the  requested  corrective  action  is  in- 
herently right  and  should  be  taken."  (*) 

In  appraising  this  statement  it  should  be  noted  that  it  is 
addressed  to  industry  members  as  part  of  a  general  statement  evidently 
designed  to  encourage  compliance,  and  so  may  contain  an  element  of  op- 
timism.  Nevertheless,  taken  in  connection  with  the  factual  record  of 
enforcement  given  above,  it  has  weight  in  indicating  a  successful  com- 
pliance performance. 

It  is  also  to  be  noted  that  the  code  contained  enabling  oro- 
visions  (**)  calling  for  development  and  adoption  of  positive  standards 
for  industry  products,  and  labeling  regulations  based- upon  these. 
Serious  efforts  were  made  to  carry  this  provision  into  effect,  and  con- 
siderable progress  was  achieved  £**) ,  although -no  standards  were  ac- 
tually adopted  before  lapse  of  the  codes.   It  was  evident*,  however, 
that  the  industry  felt  the  necessity  of  definite  product  and  labeling 
standards  in  order  to  cope  adequately  with  the  varied  misrepresenta- 
tions, both  in  advertising  and  labeling,  which. seem  to  have  been  preva- 
lent in  this  industry. 

Two  cases  of  misrepresentation  in  labeling  and  advertising 
were  referred  to  the  Federal  Trade  Commission.   These  involved  un- 
supported assertions  of  "U.  5.  Government  Inspection",  and  inaccurate 
claims  as  to  the  nature  and  proportion  of  the  meat  ingredients  con- 
tained.  One  case  was  settled  by  stipulation  and  agreement  to  cease 
and  desist.  (****) 

(*)  Code  Authority  Bulletin  No.  57,  quoted  above. 

(**)  Dog  Food  Code,  Article  VII,  Codes  of  Fair  Competition.  V.IX 
p. 104. 

(***)  See  under  Dog  Food  Industry,  Part  II  of  this  report,  Standards 
and  Labeling. 

(****)  Vaughan  Packing  Company,  Inc.,  Stipulation  No.  1333, 
April  4,  1933. 



In  the  other  the  respondent  is  repeated. us  having  quite  recently 
agreed  to  accept  a  consent  decree  to  cease  and  desist  subject  to  the 
Commission' s  approval.  (*) 

One  false  labeling;  action  was  referred  to  the  State  of 
Kentucky  for  prosecution  as  being  primarily  a  violation  of  the  State 
la?/  requiring  a  marking  of  percentage  of  fat,  fibre  and  protein  on 
the  label  of  the  product.  (**) 

No  information  is  available  as  to  the  course  of  .events  with 
respect  to  misrepresentation  practices  since  the  Code,  although,  the 
National  Dog  Food  Manufacturers  Association  reported  earlier  in  the 
year  that  "The  Federal  Trade  Commission  is  now  broadly  investigating 
the  labeling  and  advertising  of  dog  food."  (***) 

4.   Plumbing  Fixtures  Industry  -  (Code  No.  204) 

Misrepresentation  of  products  became  a  problem  in  this  in- 
dustry during  the  building  boom  which  followed  the  World  War.   The 
demand  for  increased  production  caused  manufacturing  standards  to  be 
lowered,  and  large  ouantities  of  second  grade  or  "cull"  ware  were 
marketed,  much  o'f  it  in  the  guise  of  first  grade  material.   When  build- 
ing slackened,  the  competition  of  this  cull  ware  became  a  serious  mat- 
ter to  sellers  of  regular  grades.   The  matter  was  further  complicated 
by  development  of  direct-to-you  and  mail-order  methods  of  plumbing  fix- 
ture distribution,  which  threatened  the  traditional  manufacturer- whole- 
saler-master plumber  channels,  and  which  furnished  a  particularly  ready 
outlet  for  cull  types  of  material.  (****) 

The  industry's  concern  over  this  situation  was  based  upon  (1) 
the  effect  of  such  misrepresentation  on  the  competitive  price  situation 
within  the  industry  itself,  and  (2)  the  injur?-  to  the  consumer  through 
deception  and  possible  delivery  of  unsanitary  wares.   The  first  con- 
sideration seems  to  have  been  much  the  more  important. 

a.   Pre-Code  Efforts  at  Regulation 

Attempts  were  made  ^oy   the  industry  to  remedy  the  condition, 
and  to  eliminate  the  confusion  resulting  from  general  unstandardized 
nomenclature  and  grading  of  industry  products,  by  cooperation  with  the 
National  Bureau  of  Standards.   A  series  of  Commercial  Standards  were 
approved,  most  of  which  provided  for  grade  marking  and  labeling,  as  a 
means  of  eliminating  uneconomical  and  fraudulent  selling  practices. 

(*)  Old  Trusty  Dog  Food  Company,  Docket  No.  2537,  formal  complaint 
dated  August  21,  1935. 

(**)  Continental  Packing  Company,  Covington,  Kentucky.   Case  referred 
April  30,  1935.   There  is  no  record  of  the  outcome  of  this  case. 

(***)  Bulletin  No.  R3. 

(****)  The  material  presented  here  is  summarized  from  a  detailed  and 

documented  treatment  of  the  subject  of  standards  in  this  industry, 
Appendix  2,  Exhibit  A,  of  this  report,  q.v. 

9710  .   . 


These  efforts  were  greatly  limited  in  effectiveness  by  the 
fact  that  the  standard  requirements  did  not  have  the  force  of  law,  out. 
depended  upon  voluntary  acceptance  by  the  industry.   Indirect  evasion 
of  the  labeling  requirements  was  also  achieved  by  placing  the  labels  in 
illegible  locations,  and  by  removal  or  obliteration  of  grade  marks. 

b,  Regulation  in  the  Code 

When  HRA  came,  the  industry  in  its  code  sought  drastic  meas- 
ures to  deal  with  the  problem,  by  prohibiting  entirely  the  sale  of 
"cull"  grades  within  the  continental  United  States.  (*)   Sponsors  of 
the  provision  asserted  its  necessity  on  the  grounds  that  labeling  alone 
was  inadequate  to  control  the  misrepresentative  practices.   Considerable 
testimony  was  given,  however,  claiming  that  a  more  immediate  aim  of  the 
provision  was  to  eliminate  the  competition  of  the  lower  grade  products, 
and  their  producers,  entirely. 

The  provision  was. opposed  in  various  ouarters,  including  the 
Research  and  Planning  Division  of  IT3A,  and  the  Consumers'  Advisory 
Board,  on  grounds  that  it  constituted  unlawful  restraint  of  trade,  that 
it  was  discriminatory  between  competing  groups  in  the  industry,  and 
that  it  deprived  the  consumer,  under  guise  of  protecting  him,  of  the 
right  to  purchase  a  grade  of  goods  for  which  there  was  a  legitimate  mar- 
ket in  the  lower-price  field.   The  provision  was,,  nevertheless,  approved. 

c.  Failure  of  the  Provision 

The  Code  Authority  found  itself  unable  from  the  first  to  ob- 
tain satisfactory  compliance  with  the  provision.   As  a  matter  of  fact 
its  ostensible  aim  of  controlling  misrepresentation  appears  to  have  been 
largely  ignored;  and  the  issue  developed  into  a  contest  between  industry 
interests.   Producers  rasing  older  types  of  equipment,  which  turned  out 
a  larger  proportion  .of  culls,  campaigned  actively  against  the  restric- 
tion and  refused  to  be  bound  by  it.   By  a  series  of  steps  which  need 
not  be  detailed  here  (Cf.  Appendix  2,  Sxhib.  A)  the  provision  became 
practically  inoperative,  and  was  finally  officially  staged. 

d.  Alternative  Effort  At  Control. 

Following  the  break-down  of  the  prohibition  upon  sale  of 
seconds,  or  culls,  an  effort  was  made  by  the  Vitreous  China  Division 
of  the- industry  to  revise  its  Commercial  Standard  CS  20  to  provide  for 
the  marking  of  culls  with  a  non-removable  label  placed  in  a  position 
to  be  readily  legible  after,  installation,  and  to  embody  this  provision 
as  a  mandator--  requirement  in  the  code.   A  Committee  was  appointed,  and 
a  draft  of  the  proposed  provision  was  presented  to  HRA  for  approval. 
The  codes  were  terminated  before  action  could  be  taken. 

e,  Sumi  lary 

The  experience  of  the  Plumbing  Fixtures  Industry  with  its 

aAtenE?As  A?  cjon.trp.l,  Pl?-p}''f-PT.e.s.e}\^a.W\e.  .1?.r.a.c.JGA.c.e-s.  A-k-kJisA3T.aAe^.  .^e.  -AMt- 

(*)  Plumbing  Fixtures  Code,  Article  VIII,  -,  Codes  of  Pair  Competition, 

Volume  V,  p.  129. 



ficulty  of  making  such  control  effective  by  merely  voluntary  label- 
ing rules,  even  when  definite  product  standards  nave  "been  developed. 
It  also  indicates  the  tendency  of  industry  interests  to  take  ascendency 
over  consumer  interests,  and  the  possibility,  where  mandatory  controls 
are  invoiced,  that  a  movement  to  curb  a  generally  unfair  practice  may 
mer^e  into  an  attempt  to  promote  a  special  competitive  interest.   It 
is  to  be  regretted  that  the  method  of  mandatory  ..grade.  IjabejLing,,  without 
other  marketing  restriction,  was  not  used  by  this  industry  sufficiently 
early  in  its  code  history  to  provide  a  comparative  test  of  results, 

5.   Canning  Industry  -  (Code  No.  445) 

a,  Pre-Code  Situation  as  to  Misrepresentation 

A  condition  of  general  confusion,  and  a  certain  amount  of 
actual  misrepresentation,  as  to  the  Quality  and  grade  of  the  products 
sold  by  this  industry  had  existed  for  some  time  prior  to  the  1IHA  code 
periou.   The  effect  of  this  had  been  an  increasing  dissatisfaction  on 
the  part  of  the  consuming  public,  which,  together  with  growing  competi- 
tion from  fresh  fruits  and  vegetables,  had  come  to  constitute  a  threat 
to  the  industry's  markets. 

The  unsatisfactory  situation  probably  resulted  less  from  de- 
liberate intent  to  mislead  the  public  through  inexact  labeling  and  ad- 
vertising than  from  the  lack  of  definite  commodity  standards  and  label- 
ing requirements,  by  which  the  public  could  be  guided  in  its  buying. 
Under  the  McHary-Mapes  amendment  to  the  Food  and  Drug  Act  the  Depart- 
ment of  Agriculture  was  empowered  to  prescribe  minimum  quality  stand- 
ards for  canned  goods,  and  require  that  grades  below  this  be  labeled 
n3alow  U.  S.  Standard-Go odFood  -  Hot  High  Grade".  For  goods  above  these 
minimum  standards,  however,  there  were  no  requirements  as  to  marking  for 
grade.  Each  producer  might  designate  and  label  his  product  according 
to  his  own  "standards".   At  the  same  time,  severe  price  competition  in 
the  industry  had  supplied  a  strong  incentive  to  the  general  lowering  of 
quality  of  industry  products.  (*) 

b.   Consumer  and  Industry  Attitudes 

The  resulting  situation,  from  the  consumer  point  of  view, 
may  be  summarized  as  follows  from  testimony  offered  by  consumer  rep- 
resentatives at  public  hearings  on  the  Canning  Code:- 

Consumers  have  no  guide  in  buying  canned  goods  in  general 
since  T>rice  is  no  sure  indication  of  the  quality  which  will  be  re- 
ceived.  At  least  SO  percent  of  the  canned  merchandise  on  display  is 
totally  unmarked  as  to  grade.   There  is  often  a  wide  variation  of 
quality  found  in  a  single  brand.   Quality  0f  brands  does  not  remain 
uniform  from  season  to  season.   Many  can  labels  contain  extravagant  and 
misleading  brand  names  which  the  quality  of  the  contents  fails  to  jus- 
tify.  Tests  have  indicated  that  widely  or  nationally  advertised  canned 
goods  are  not  necessarily  superior  to  the  products  not  so  advertised. 
The  tests  have  also  shown  that  buyers  of  goods  in  the  lower  price  range 

(*T  Dor  full  discussion  of  standards  and  labeling  in  this  code  see 

appendix  II,  Exhibit  C,  tf  this  renort. 


frequently,  receive  either  first,  second  or  third  grade  merchandise, 
and  that  the  same  holds  true  for  even  the  highest  price  ranges. (*) 

The  industry  in  turn  was  genuinely  concerned  to  meet  the 
rising  tide  of  consumer  criticism,  but,  as  the  code  experience  demon- 
strated, it  wished  to  do  so  in  a  manner  quite  satisfactory  to  itself. 

c.  Experience  under  the  Code. 

Owing  to  inability  of  the  industry  and  the  ISA  to  agree  upon 
a  standards  program  prior  to  adoption  of  the  code,  no  provision  deal- 
ing with  the  subject  was  incorporated  in  the  code  as  approved.   The 
following  general  provision  as  to  misrepresentation  v/as  incorporated: 

"Section  9  -  False  Label  or  Advertisement  or  Container  - 
IJo  member  of  the  industry  (a)  shall  sell  a  product  of 
the  industry  falsely  or  deceptively  labeled  or  marked; 
or  (b)  falsely  or  deceptively  advertise  a  product;  or 
(c)  use  a  deceptive  container  or  give  short  weight  or 
measure  or  count."  (Article  VII I )  (**) 

In  view  of  the  unreconciled  controversy  on  standards  mentioned  above, 
the  terms  of  this  provision  were  evidently  a  little  indefinite  for 
practical  effect. 

However,  in  his  Executive  Order  approving  the  Canning  Code(***) 
the  President  required  the  industry  to  designate  a  committee  to  co- 
operate with  iI?A  in  the  formulation  of  standards  and  labeling  require- 
ments.  This  cooperative  effort  resolved  itself  into  a  contest  between 
iPA  and  consumer  advocacy  of  a  system  of  simple  A,  3,  C,  D  or  equivalent 
grade  labeling,  and  the  insistence  of  the  industry  upon  a  more  elabo- 
rate and  lengthy  method  of  "descriptive"  labeling,  which  the  consumer 
group  held  would  be  little  more  enlightening  to  the  purchaser  than  the 
methods  already  in  use*  (****)  As  in  the  pre-code  period,  no  agreement 
between  the  views  was  obtained,  and  the  code  lapsed,  through  the 
Schechter  decision,  with  the  controversy  still  largely  unresolved. 
There  is  no  available  evidence  of  any  particular  effort  made  by  the 
Code  Authority  to  make  effective  the  broad  prohibitions'  upon  misrepre- 
sentation contained  in  Article  VII,  Section  9,  of  the  code  quoted  above. 

d.  Summary 

The  experience  of  this  code  is  chiefly  illustrative  of  two 
points:   (l)  the  difficulty  of  dealing  with  borderline  misrepresenta- 
tions with  respect  to  the  physical  quality  or  characteristics  of  con- 
sumer goods  without  specific  quality  standards  or  product  definitions; 
and  (2)  the  ineffectiveness  of  "cooperation"  between  ISA  and  industry 
to  achieve  amelioration  of  the  situation  in  the  interest  of  the  con- 
sumer except  upon  terms  satisfactory  to  the  industry,  irrespective  of 
other  opinion  as  to  the  suitability  of  those  terms. 

(*)  See  "Testimony  on  Standards  for  Consumer  Goods  at  Canning  Indus- 
try Hearings,  Feb.  8-9,  1934",  Consumers'  Advisory  Board,  Index 
(**)  Canning  Industry,  No. 446,  Codes  of  Pair  Competition, V. XI , p. 43. 
(***)  Codes  of  fair  Competition,  Vol.  XI, |p.  25. 
(****)  See  Appendix  II,  Exhibit  C,  for  aetails  of  this  controversy,' 


fi.   Macaroni  Industry  -  (Code  No." 23^ 

This  industry,  also,  prior  to  the  code  had  suffered  from  de- 
structive price-cutting  effectuated  largely  through  adulteration  and 
debasing  of  industry  products,  and  from  various  misrepresentative  prac- 
tices in  labeling,  paclraging  ana  advertising.  Here,  however,  a  very 
comprehensive  group  of  standards  provisions  and  labeling  rules  were  in- 
corporated into  the  code  as  approved. 

The  principal  practices  which  had  been  complained  of  included 
use  of  inferior  flours,  principally  soya,  bean  flour,  for  higher  grade 
ingredients  normally  used;  use  of  artificial  coloring  matter  to  simulate 
egg  content;  wrapping  in  yellow  coverings  for  the  same  purpose;  inaccu- 
rate labeling  of  packages  as  to  content  and  weight. 

a.  Code  Provisions  Concerning  Misrepresentation 

The  code  provisions  forbade  the  use  of  artificial  coloring  or 
deceptive  wrappings;  set  a  minimum  egg  content  for  noodles;  required 
labeling  to  show  the  content  of  various  ingredients  of  all  products  by 
weight;  and  imposed  a  substandard  labeling  requirement  upon  products 
failing  to  meet  a  minimum  cash  test.  (*)   The  provisions  had  received  the 
auproval  of  a  committee  from  the  Food  and  Drug  Administration. 

The  macaroni  industry  is  distributed  over  the  entire  country, 
though  centering  largely  in  metropolitan  districts.   Individual  units 
vary  from  numbers  of  small  family  establishments  catering  to  local  trade 
only,  to  large  up-to-date  factories  having  a  substantial  output  and  com- 
peting through  channels  of  inter-state  commerce.   According  to  figures 
submitted  in  connection  with  the  1934  code  buaget,  the  industry  was  com- 
posed of  383  concerns  employing  5,498  employees  exclusive  of  executives 
and  salaried  employees. 

The  industry  in  general  seems  to  have  approved,  or  least  not 
contested,  the  code  provisions.   Complaints  of  violation  were  frequent, 
however,  due  in  part  at  least  to  the  numbers  of  small,  local  concerns 
engaged  in  the  industry.   The  Code  Authority  appears  to  have  been  active 
in  its  effort  to  secure  compliance.   The  records  compiled  from  reports 
of  the  State  Compliance  offices  show  an  unusual  number  of  violations  of 
this  type  of  provision  referred  to  ISA  for  action. 

b.  Compliance  ?.ecord 

Cases  concerned  with  mislabeling  and  misbranding  so  reported 
total  50,  and  false  advertising  cases  9;  as  compared  with  34  complaints 
of  failure  to  file  prices,  and  46  of  failure  to  adhere  to  prices  so 
filed.   Of  the  50  misbranding  cases,  25  resulted  in  findings  of  viola- 
tions and  were  adjusted;  in  19  no  violation  was  found,  1  case  was 
dropped,  and  5  were  pending  when  the  code  lapsed.   Adjustments  were 
made  in  7  of  the  advertising  cases,  and  2  were  dropped. 

The  specific  types  of  violation  principally  complained  of 

(*)  Macaroni  Code,  No,  234,  Codes  of  Fair  Competition,  Vol.  V  pp. 532, 33. 


were  (l)  not  disclosing  on  the  label  the  farinaceous  contents  of  the 
product,  (2)  labeling  products  as  being  made  from  pure  seninola  when 
in  truth  the  product  was  made  of  an  inferior  flour,  generally  soya 
bean  flour  colored  with  artificial  coloring  to  imitate  the  true  semi- 
inola  product,  and  (3)  though  less  frequently,  inaccurate  marking  of 
net  weight,  or  not  showing  weight  at  all. 

'^here  is  no  complete  record  available  at  this  time  of  the 
method  of  disposition  of  the  misbranding,  false  advertising  cases 
which  were  adjusted.   In  two  instances,  however,  the  records  of  the 
Compliance  Division  in  Washington  show  that  the  cases  were  closed  upon 
respondents  agreeing  to  relabel  their  products.   The  Code  Authority 
Chairman,  Mr.  G.  G.  Hoslcins,  is  reported  to  have  been  much  concerned 
at  the  settling  of  one  case  in  such  fashion  without  fine  or  punishment, 
feeling  that  "one  example  of  punishment  would  deter  other  members  from 
similar  violations."  (*) 

c.   Effects  of  the  Code  Provisions 

As  to  the  general  effect  of  the  provisions,  Mr.  Hoslcins 
stated  (**)  that  during  the  early  life  of  the  code  the  rules  concern- 
ing false  advertising,  misbranding,  standards  of  identity  and  quality, 
and  labeling  requirements,  performed  an  excellent  function  for  a  lim- 
ited period,  raising  the  standards  of  ingredients,  temporarily  doing 
away  with  artificial  coloring,  and  going  far  to  prevent  palming  off 
upon  the  consumer  inferior  products  advertised  as  composed  of  the  best 

Later  however,  according  to  Mr,  Hoskins,  during  the  , summer 
and  fall  of  1934,  artificially  colored  soya  bean  flour  came  to  be  ex- 
tensively used  to  simulate  "fine  grade  seminola.   The  Code  Authority 
attempted  to  correct  this  under  the  code  without  success,  and  finally 
enlisted  the  aid  of  the  Pood  and  Drug  Administration-,  which  made  a 
number  of  seizures  of  the  soya  flour. 

In  general  it  appears,  from  the  same  source,  that  the  indus- 
try felt  that  the  code  fell  short  of  its  objectives  largely  because  of 
failure  on  the  part  of  ERA  to  back  up  the  provisions  forcefully  and 
promptly.   What  seemed  to  the  industry  the  dilatory  tactics  of  the  Li- 
tigation Division,  and  failure  to  assess  penalties  tended,  it  is  claimed, 
to  undermine  confidence  and  discouraged  the  industry,  which  "came  to  the 
conclusion  that  no  real  effort  was  being  made  to  effect  compliance  with 
the  trade  practice  reouirements, " 

(*)  Code  Administration  Study,  Macaroni  Industry,  pp.  50-51. 
(**)  In  conversation  with  Assistant  Deputy  Administrator  Scott, 
Macaroni  Code. 



Since  the  lapse  of  the  code,  it  is  further  reported,  there  has  been 
complete  abandonment  by  the  industry  of  the  standards  and  labeling 
regulations  which  the  code  sought  to  /rat  into  effect. 

d .  Summary 

This  industry  furnishes  another  instance  of  a  situation  where 
positive  product  standards  and  labeling  requirements  were  felt  to  be  nec- 
essary in  order  to  curb  misrepresentative  ppractices  injurious  to  both 
the  industry  and  the  consumer.   The  code  enabled  such  provisions  to  be 
put  into  operation,  apparently  with  a  considerable  degree  of  success  so 
long  as  the  authority  of  ISA  gave  the  code  requirements  force.   Later, 
failure  of  the  -provisions  became  general;  due,  again  -  in  the  view  of  the 
Code  Authority  -  to  the  weslmess  of  1I?A  coimliance  and  enforcement . 

7. Other  Industry  Svjnmaries 

In  addition  to  the  individual  industries  dealt  with  in  the  preceding 
pages,  the  code  experiences  of  nine  other  industries,  primarily  from  the 
standpoint  of  their  standards  and  labeling  provisions,  are  presented  in 
Appendix  II,  following  PART  II  -  STANDARDS  AID  LABELIHG,  of  this  report. 
In  each  of  these  some  indications  of  the  collateral  effect  of  these 
provisions  upon  different  forms  of  misrepresentation  will  be  found. 
These  additional  industry  exhibits  include;  Mayonnaise,  Wood  Cased  Lead 
Pencil,  Hosiery,  Preserve  and  Maraschino  Cherry,  Fertilizer,  Agricultural 
Insecticide,  Paint  &   Varnish,  and  Cleaning  &  Dyeing. 

In  the  pages  now  immediately  following  are  stu.;marized  the  general 
situation  as  to  misrepresentation,  and  the  effects  of  the  code  provisions, 
in  a  representative  group  of  industries,  as  reported  by  the  Code 
Authorities  which  administ:red  them. 


C.      Data  Developed  by  Code  Authority  Questionnaire. 

Owing   to    the  limited   scope   of    the  opportunity  for  field  work  which 
was   finally  allowed  the   trade  practice    studies,    an  attempt  was  made   to 
elicit  necessary  information  as   to    code  operation  "by  means  of  a  question- 
naire.     A  combined  form,    dealing  with  "bot^  open  price  filing  and  mis- 
representative  practices,    was   sent  out   to   the   former  Code  Authority 
secretarics  of  330  industries.      There  are  available  for  this  analysis  a 
total   of  49   replies,    in  questionnaire   or  letter  form,    which  are 
sufficiently  definite,    either  positively  or  negatively,    to  be   included 
he  re . 

1.  Sizes  and  Types   of   Industries  Replying. 

Twenty-four  of    the   49   industries  which   replied  included  in   their 
responses  an  answer  to  a  general   question  as   to    estimated  industry  out- 
put in  1934.      The  aggregate   reported  production  of   these  24  amounts   to 
approximately  $243,000,000.      Of   this    total,    however,    $75,000,000  was 
accounted  for  by  a  single   industry  (Scientific  Instrument).      Of   the 
remaining  23,    2   reported  $15,000,000   each,    8   reported  from  $10,000,000 
to   $15,000,000,    and  10   reduced  less   than  $5,000,000   each   during  the  year. 

It   thus  appears    that   the   industry    sample   represented  by   the   question- 
naire  returns   is   composed  largely  of   industries   in    the    smaller   size   groups. 

Probably  not  more   than  13  of   the  49   industries  may  be  definitely 
included  under   the  head  of   consumers'    goods   industries.      The   remaining  36, 
while  perhaps  preponderantly  classifiable  under  heavy  machinery  and 
equipment,    or  building  materials  and  operations,   nevertheless  cover  a  very 
wide  range   of  products.      Two   or   three   distribution  codes  appear,   but  no 
retail   trade  is  included  among  these. 

As   to    selection  of   the   industries   to  be   covered  by  the   questionnaire, 
this  was   done  upon   the  basis  of   interest   to    the   open  price   filing   study, 
misrepresentation  provisions  of  one  kind  or  another  being  so   generally 
distributed   through   the   codes   that   it   was  felt   special   choice  might  be 
waived.      The   result  is  that   the   returns   constitute,    from  the   standpoint  of 
misrepresentation,    a  genuine   random   sample  of   the   entire  body  of   codes. 

2.  llature  of   Information  Requested 

The  misrepresentation   section  of    the   questionnaire   consisted  of   tlae 
following  questions: 

"Indicate  which  of  the  following  kinds  of  misrepresentation 
(deceptive  advertising,    false  marking  or  branding,    deceptive 
packaging)    or  others  were  a  serious  problem  in   this  Industry 
before   the  NRA  code.      Also   indicate  whether   such  mis- 
representative  practices  were   still  of  a  serious  nature  during 
.  the   code  and  after   the   code. 

"Please   explain  briefly   the   nature   of   the  above  practices  which 
were  or  are  a   serious  problem   to    this   Industry   during  any  of 
the  above  periods, 



"Did  the  provisions  in  your  code  prohibiting  misrepresentations 
serve  materially  to  lessen   the  prevalence  of  practices  of   the  kind 
which  you  have   indi ca ted( a"bo ve )  ? 

"Was   the  Code  Authority  able  -to  obtain  compliance  with  such 
provisions  without  recourse   to  NRA  enforcement? 

"What  were   the  chief  obstacles  encountered  to   effective 
functioning  «f   the   code  provisions  concerning  misrepresentations  of   the 
kind  you  have   indicated?" 

Tlie   questions'  propounded  were   deliberately  restricted  to  the  above 
scope  because  of   the   necessarily  extended  nature   of   the   open  price 
filing  queries,    and  from  a  desire   to  avoid  overstraining  the  responsive- 
ness of   those   to  whom   they  were   directed. 

3.      General  Analysis  of   the  Returns 

In  20  of  the  responses,  or  40  per  cent  of  the  entire  49  received, 
no  information  whatever  is  given  with  respect  to  the  subject-matter  of 
this    study. 

In  1J5   instances   it   is   definitely  stated  that  misrepresentations   do 
not   constitute   a  serious  problem  of   the   reporting  industry. 

In  12   cases  misrepresentation  is    shown   to   be   an   industry  problem.      In 
11   of   these   the   operation  of   the   code  is   credited  with  having   served  in 
some   degree    to   lessen   the  difficulty.      In  one   case   it   is   asserted   that   the 
code  did  not  help.      In  all   11   of    the  above    cases,    also,    the  Code  Authority 
is  reported  to  have  obtained  compliance  with  the  misrepresentation  pro- 
visions of    the   code   wholly  or  largely  without   recourse    to  NRA. 

In  1_  case  (Canning  &  Packing  Machinery)    a  general    statement  is  made 
by  letter   that  "Hie   trade  practice  provisions  of   this   code  were   quite   ex- 
tensive and  were   enforced,    with   the  "result   that  many  unfair  practices 
were   discontinued  and  a  better  feeling  engenered  among   the  members  of   the 

The  20   industries  whose   replies  gave   no   information  whatever  with 
reference   to  misrepresentation  include:      Commercial   Stationery  &  Office 
Outfitting,    Hardwood  Distillation,    Chemical  Engineering  Equipment,    Hoist 
Builders,    Saw  Mill  Machinery,    Shovel  Dragline  &  Crane,    Valves  and  Fittings, 
Insecticide  and  Disinfectant,   Marking  Devices,   Folding  Paper  Box,    Small 
Arms  and  Ammunition,    Secondary  Aluminum,    Ingot  Brass  and  Bronze,   Electrical 
Contractors,   Fly  Swatter,   Dental  Goods  and  Equipment,    Reduction  Machinery, 
Boiler  Mfg.,   Wood  Cased  Lead  Pencil,    and  Felt  Mfg. 

In    some    instances   these   industries   replied  by  questionnaire,   but 
more  often  merely  by  an  explanatory  letter.      In   several    cases   information 
was   supplied  with  respect   to   open  price   filing,    and  none   with  respect   to 
misrepresentation.      In   the   greater  number  of   instances,    however,    the   Code 
Authorities   in    this   group   reported  themselves  unable   to    supply  any  in~ 
formation  whatever,    giving  as  reasons,    among  others  -  "code  never  operative" 
(Small  Arms  &  Ammunition,   Wood  Cased  Lead  Pencil);    "code  approved  too  late", 



or   effective  period  otherwise    too    short,    to  provide  a   sufficient  history 
(Fly  Swatter,   Dental   Goods  &  Equipment,    Commercial   Stationery);    code 
records  returned  to  NBA,    destroyed,   or  otherwise  dispersed- (ingot  Brass 
and  Bronze,    Valve  &  Fittings);    "so  little  "business  during   tie  period"    that 
no   data  of  value   resulted  (Hoist  Builders). 

The  16   returns  which  reported  no    serious  misrepresentation  problems 
in   their  respective  industries  include:     Marble  Quarrying,    Rolling  Kill 
Machinery,   Wholesale  Hardware   Trade,   Asphalt  &  Liastic   Tile,    Concrete 
Mixer,   Marble  Contracting,   Household  Ice  Refrigerator,    Talc  and  Soap  stone, 
Transparent  Materials  Converters,   Roller  and  Silent  Chain  Mfg.,    Card 
Clothing  Mfg. ,   Wholesale  Monumental  Marble,    Road  Machinery,    Scientific 
Apparatus,   Power  and  Gang  Lawn  Mower,    and  one  unidentified.    (*) 

The  following  are   the  12  industries  which  reported  misrepresentation 
in    some  form    to  be  a  problem:     Batting  and  Padding,   Metal   Tank,   Metal   Window 
Motor  Fire  Apparatus,   Pulp  and  Paper  Mill   Wire  Cloth,    sheet  Metal  Dis- 
tributors,  Warm  Air  Furnace,   Water  Meter  Mfg.,    Cutlery,   Mnnicure  Implements, 
etc.,    Slide  Fastener,    and  2  unidentified. 

4.      Types  of  Misreprecentative  Practices   Complained  of. 

In  most   instances   the   returns  reporting  misrepresentation  as  an 
industry  problem  gave   some   details  as   to    the  form  of  misrepresentation  in 
question.      These   are  not   greatly  illuminating,   but   they  may  be   summarized  as 


Deceptive  Advertising  -  ""Over-optimistic  advertising  and  sales 
talks  a   common  fault."      -  Water  lipter  Mfg. 

Deceptive  Advertising,    False 'Marking  -  "Misrepresenting -size  and 

capacity  of  product."    -  Warm  Air  Furnace  Mfg. 

Deceptive  Advertising  -  ( in   the   case  of  one  or   two    small   companies 
only) .    -  Pulp  and  Paper  Mill   Wire  Cloth  Industry. 

Defamation  of  Competitor's  Product  -  Mo  tor. Fire  Apparatus. 

False  Marking  or  Branding  -  "Using  materials  of  lighter  gauge   than 
specified  or  generally  furnished  by  most  manufacturers.   -  Metal 
Tank  Industry. 

False  Marking  and  Branding  -  Second-hand  materials.   -  Batting  and 
Padding   Indurtry. 

(*)      Information   supplied  by  questionnaire   is  kept  unidentified  for  the 

purposes  of   these   reports  in   certain   cases  where   this  was   requested 
by   those   supplying   the   data. 



:;isrepresentation  of  Ratine  of   Capacity  -  (Unidentified) 

Misrepresentation  arising  from  "unlimited  variety  of  quality  stand- 
ards.1"   -  ("Not  very  mucii  misrepresentation  in  the  industry.")    - 
Cutlery,    Manicure    Implements,    etc. 

Departure   from  Agreed  Standards  -  Metal  Window. 

"Every  known  form  of  unethical   competition  is  practised  in  this 
industry."   -  (Unidentified) 

In  addition   to    these  forms  of  misrepresentation  which  fall   within  the 
scope  of  this   study  the  questionnaires  also    reported  various   types  of 
deception  which  have  been  excluded  from  it  by  definition,    e.    g.    secret 
rebates,    consignment   shipping  without  publishing  fact,   unjustified  quantity 
discounts,    selling  new  machines  as  used,    and  other  devices  for  evasion  of 
price  provisions.      Industries  reporting   these  have  been  included  in  this 
analysis  of   the   questionnaires  only  where   they  also    reported  practices 
properly  within   the   scope  of   the   study. 

5.     Effect  of  NRA  in  Checking  the  Practices. 

As  already  stated,    11   of   the  12  industries  (*)    which  reported  mis- 
representation an  important   concern  with  them  indicated  that  conditions 
with  respect   to   it  had  improved  as  a  result  of  NRA.      The  one  return  in  the 
group  which   stated  unequivocally  that   the  code  had  not  improved  the   situa- 
tion was  that  for   the   Sheet  Lietal  Distributors'. 

The  question  asked  was  whether  the  code  provisions  .served  "materially 
to  lessen  the  prevalence  of   the  practices."      The  11  affirmative  replies 
were  given  with  varying  degrees  of  emphasis.      In  five  cases   there  was  a 
simple   "yes"  ,    or   its   equivalent.      Some   of   the  variants,    both  up  and  down 
the    scale  of    enthusiasm,    are   as  follows: 

"Yes  -  very  much   so."    -  Batting  and  Padding  Industry. 

"Most  decidedly   so   -  they  practically  disappeared."   -  Metal  Window 

"Some  effect  noted;    difficult   to    say  how  much."    -  (Unidentified) 

"Very  largely"    (with  respect   to  one  practice);    "to    some  extent" 
(as   to  another).    -  Motor  Fire  Apparatus. 

"Yes,    very  materially."   -  Warm  Air  Furnace. 

"Not   enough   to   get  excited  about  -  but   the   condition  was  being 
improved  a  bit."    -Water  lie  tor  Mfg. 

I      See  list   in  last  paragraph  of   saction  3,    "General   Analysis  of   the  Returns", 
page   71 . 



6.      Success  of   the   Code  Authorities  in  Effecting  Compliance. 

The  question  asked  here  was  "Was   the   Code  Authority  able   to  obtain 
compliance-  .    .    .    without   recourse    to  NRA  enforcement?"      All   11   of   the 
replies  which  admitted  misrepresentation  as   a  problem,    and  found  the 
codes  helpful,    were  also   in  agreement  as   to    the  results  being  obtained 
practically  without  aid  of  NRA.  enforcement.      Six  of    the  11   answered  a 
flat  "yes  "    to    the   question.      Most  of   the   others   indicated  very   slight 
ITRA  participation. 

"Yes,    to    a  certain   extent.      Reference  of   complaints   to  NRA  did 
not  help   in  enforcement."   -  Metal   Tank  Industry. 

"In  about   75$  of   the   cases.      IIEA   successful   in  about  5$  only  of 
the   cases   referred   to   it."   -  Cutlery,   Manicure,    etc. 

"Not  in  all   cases,   but  in  a  very  great  many."   -  Batting  and  Padding. 

"Did  not   resort   to  NRA.  enforcement  methods;    what   was  accomplished 
was   through  voluntary  means  -  except   in  a  few  cases  where  USA 
Regional    setups  were   employed."   -  (Unidentified) 

"The  only   compliance  wo   received  ^rta   through  Code  Authority.   NRA 
was   too _ hesitant   to  act."   -  Warm  Air  Furnacs. 

7   .      Obstacles   to  Functioning  of   the  Misrepresentation  Pro- 

Two  of   the   replies   (Metal   Window.   1  unidentified)    indicated  that  no 
obstacle   to   effective  functioning  of   the  provision  had  been  encountered. 
Various   difficulties  were  listed  by  the  others,    the  one  most   frequently 
voiced  having  reference  to  failure  of  NRA  enforcement  and  the  uncertain- 
ties of  the  underlying  situation.     Difficulties  of  proof,    and  the  im- 
portance of  definite  product   standards,    are   also    stressed.      Some   of   the 
quotations  follow: 

"Our  code  would  have  been  100$  effective  had  we  been   able   to 
secure   definite   compliance   through  NRA.  against  one  member  in   the 
early  days  of   the   code  period;    only  one  definite   conviction  was 
necessary."   -  Metal   Tank   Industry. 

"Industry  members  did  not  believe   codes   could  be   sustained  in 
court.      If   the  legality  had  been    sustained  there  would  have  been 
no   further   trouble."   -  Batting  and  Padding. 

"Failure  of  enforcement  program,    with  consequent  psychological 
effect  on  members."   -  (Unidentified) 

"Members  attorneys  advising  members  that  fair  trade  practice  rules 
could  not  be  enforced  .  .  NRA  was  too  hesitant  to  act."  -  Warm  Air 
Furnace   Industry. 

"Difficult   to  procure  evidence  in   support  of   complaint  (of 
defamation  of   competitor's  products)"   -  Motor  Fire  Apparatus. 



"Takes  a  considerable  neriod  of  time  to  nail  these  things  down, 
as  they  are  difficult  to  nrove".  -  Water  Meter  Mfg. 

"Pure  stubbornness  of  one  individual."  -  (Unidentified) 

"Lack  of  uniformity  in  standards."  -  Cutlery.  Manicure,  etc. 

"Misrepresentation  was  not  a  factor  ....  after  code  inauguration 
led  to  adoption  of  uniform  standards  of  quality."  -Metal  Window 

A  single  note  of  somewhat  unusual  strain  appears  when  one  Code 
Authority  (also  unidentified)  lists,  in  addition  to  the  failures  of 
NBA  enforcement,  "Certain  errors  of  omission  or  commission  on  this 
side  of  the  fence",  as  among  the  obstacles  to  smooth  functioning  of 
their  code. 

8.   General  Conclusions  to  be  Drawn  from  the  Questionnaires 

To  whatever  extent  the  data  presented  in  the  preceding  pages 
may  be  taken  as  having  general  or  representative  significance,  the 
following  conclusions  based  upon  them  appear  to  be  warranted: 

(l)   A  total  of  12  codes  in  which  misrepresentation  was 
viewed  as  a  serious  problem,  as  compared  with  16  in 
which  it  was  expressly  stated  not  to  be  such,  and  20  others 
in  which  no  nention  of  the  subject  was  made,  tends  strong- 
ly to  support  the  suggestion  previously  advanced  that  the 
number  of  industries  in  which  misrepresentation  was  viewed 
as  a  natter  of  importance  was  much  smaller  than  the  num- 
ber of  codes  containing  provisions  concerning  it  would 
indicate.    In  fact  it  is  believed  that  the  figures  above 
represent  a  much  nearer  approximation  to  the  truth  namely, 
that  the  industries  in  which  this  type  of  lorovision  was 
given  serious  attention  in  practice  were  in  the  minority. 

(2)  In  practically  all  instances  where  misrenresentation  was 
reported  as  constituting  an  industry  problem  the  codes 
helped,  often  very  materially,  to  mitigate  it. 

(3)  Compliance  with  the  misrepresentation  -orovisions  was 
effected  almost  wholly  by  the  Code  Authority  themselves, 
with  a  minimum  of  recourse  to  NBA  enforcement  agencies; 
the  latter  being  due  not  to  any  reluctance  to  invoke 
assistance  but  to  belief  that  such  assistance  was  in- 

(4)  The  most  serious  obstacle  to  successful  administration 
of  the  provisions,  in  the  view  of  the  Code  Authorities, 
was  the  basic  legal  weakness  of  the  1TBA  and  the  fail- 
ure to  attempt  vigorous  enforcement  which  sprang  from  it. 

(5)  The  Code  Authority  system,  as  originally  designed,  with 
firm  backing  of  NBA  would,  it  was  felt,  have  resulted  in 
very  satisfactory  control  by  the  reporting  industries  of 



their  problems  of  misrepresentation  -  at  least  so  far  as 
competitive  interest  was.  concerned. 

(6)  Lack  of  uniform  product  standards  was  found  in  some  in- 
stances to  be  another  obstacle  to  the  obtaining  of  sat- 
isfactory compliance  with  the  misrepresentation  provis- 
ions; and  adoption  of  such  standards  operated,  in  at 
least  one  instance,  to  eliminate  the  difficulty. 

(7)  There  is  no  clear  correlation  observable,  from  these 
questionnaire  returns,  between  the  type  of  industry  re- 
porting and  the  existence  of  misrepresentation  as  an 
industry  problem. 

With  respect  to  the  questionnaires  in  general  it  is  felt  that 
they  represent  a  very  reasonable  return  from  the  total  mailing  and 
that,  except  for  the  absence  of  any  retail  code,  they  offer  a  repre- 
sentative random  sample  of  the  codes  as  a  whole.   Furthermore,  .the 
conclusions  which  they  indicate  will,  in  general,  be  found  to  be  sup- 
ported by  the  evidence  presented  elsewhere  in  this  report. 

A  very  considerable  expression  of  the  retail  trade  point  of  view 
as  to  the  misrepresentation  provisions  will  be  found  included  in  the 
data  from  Local  and  Regional  Code  Authorities  presented  in  the  sec- 
tion following. 



D.   Field  Work  With  Local  and  Regional  Code  Authorities* 

In  order  to  increase  the  amount  of  direct  evidence  tending  to 
throw  light  u'oon  operation  of  the  code  provisions,  arrangements  were 
made  for  direct  contact  .work  "between  representatives  of  the  IRA.  State 
and  Regional  Offices,  and  the  former  local  code  authorities  of  a  group 
of  industries  which  had  employed  a  decentralized  system  of  code  admin- 

The  questions  propounded  '-ere  designed  to  "bring  out  the  facts 
concerning  the  compliance  effort  of  the  code  authorities  an  general, 
and  that  affecting  misrepresentative  and  deceptive  practices  in  parti- 
cular.  Originally  a  coverage  in  the  areas  of  all  the  State  Offices  had 
been  intended.   The  work  was  only  partially  completed  when  the  field 
staff  was  terminated. 

A  considerable  amount  of  data  relative  to  misrepresentations 
was,  however,  secured  from  representative  groups  of  local  authorities  in 
several  industries,  notably  the  large  retail  trades,  and  in  various  lesser 
degrees  from  a  number  of  others.   These  industries  include: 

Retail  Trade  Crushed  Stone,  Sand  &  Gravel 

Retail  Drug  Farm  Equipment  Mfg. 

Retail  Food  &  Grocery  Graphic  Arts  -  Commercial  Relief 
Motor  Vehicle  Retailing  '  Printing 

Wholesale  Confectionery  Household  Goods  Storage  &  Moving 

Retail  Monument  Paper  Distributing 

Wholesale  Monumental  Granite 

The  information  specifically  requested  with  respect  to  misrep- 
resentation included:  (l)  what,  if  any,  misrepresentative  practices  had 
been  a  problem  with  the  industry  in  that  area;  (2)  what  efforts  had  been 
made  to  correct  them  prior  to  NEA.  and  with  what  success;  (3)  specifi- 
cally, had  the  aid  of  the  Federal  Trade  Commission  been  invoked;  (4)  did 
the  liRA  code  serve  effectively  to  check  the  practices,  and  what  princpal 
difficulties  of  administration  were  encountered;  (5)  ernlain  the  definite 
procedure  employed  for  dealing  with  violations. 

The  replies  received  are  summarized,  code  by  code,  in  the  sec- 
tions following.  (*) 

1.   Retail  Trade  (Code  No.  60) 

Interviews  with  47  Local  Retail  Code  Authorities  were  planned 
in  order  to  c'over  this  field.   Returns  from  27  of  these  were  received. 
Three  of  the  reports  were  without  definite  information  of  any  sort,  go 
far  as  misrepresentative  practices  were  concerned,  leaving  a  usable  total 
of  24,  an  approximately  50  per  cent  coverage.   The  returns  were  very  well 
distributed,  geographically,  as  the  following  list  of  cities  represented 
shows.   A  wide  copulation  range  is  also  included. 

(*)   Original  reports  in  files  of  Trade  Practice  Studies  Section,  Divi- 
sion of  Review,  1IRA. 



Alban;-,  lie1"  York 
Atlanta,  Georgia 
Augusta,  Maine 
Casper,  Wyoming 
Charleston,  South  Carolina 
Dallas,  Texas 
Hartford,  Connecticut 
Helena,  Montana 
Houston,  Texas 
Indianapolis,  Indian?. 
Jackson,  Mississippi 
Los  Angeles,  California 

Louisville,  Kentucky 
Manchester,  lie1-  Hampshire 
Menrphi s ,  Tenne  sc  ee 
Milwaukee,  Wisconsin 
Minneapolis ,  Minnesota 
Horfolk,  Virginia 
Philadelphia,  Pennsylvania 
Providence,  Rhode  Island 
Richmond,  Virginia 
Santa  Pe ,  lie'-'  Mexico 
Sioux  Palls,  South  Dakota 
Topeka,  Kansas 

The  following  is  an  analysis  of  the  inf ro/.iation  as  furnished 
to  the  field  workers  by  representatives  of  the  Local  Code  Authorities 
which  operated  in  these  cities. 

a.  General  Results  of  the  Questions., 

Twenty-one  of  the  24  replies  tabulated  stated  that  nisrepre- 
sentative  practices  of  some  kind  constituted  an  industry  problem.   Man- 
chester, Hew  Hampshire,  found  "ITo  misrepresentation  or  deception  in  trade 
evident;"  Helena,  Montana.,  reported  no  particular  problem;  and  Providence, 
R.  I.  indicated  that  the  Better  Business  Bureau  had  the  situation  well 
in  hand. 

In  20  of  these  21  cases  the  1TRA  was  repoi  ted  as  having  served 
to  improve  the  situation. 

Prior  to  NRA,  attempts  to  co  :>e  with  the  practices  had  been 
made  in  15  instances,  in  12  of  these  with  some  measure  of  success. 

In  only  2  instances  had  cooperation  with  the  Federal  Trade 
Commission  been  attempted,  in  ooth  cases  successfully, 

b.  Types  of  Practices  Complained  Of 

The  question  put  to  the  code  authorities  had  enumerated  the 
following  unfair  practies:'  inaccurate  advertising,  deceptive  labeling 
or  packaging,  price  misrepresentations,  misrepresentations  concerning 
competitor  or  his  goods.   Eight  of  the  21  affirmative  responses  stated 
that  "all"  of  these  practices  were  indulged  in  in  cheir  territory.   In 
10  other  cases  false  advertising  was  specified;  in  8,  price  misrepre- 
sentations; in  8,  misrepresentation  of  competitors;  and  in  2,  deceptive 
labeling.  False  advertising  was  thus  a  fa'ctor  in  18  of  the  21  terri- 
tories., .and  misrepresentations  of  price  or  competitor  in  16  each.   IIo 
specific  instances  of  the  form  in  which  any  of  these  were  encountered 
were  given. 

c.  Efforts  at  Control  Prior  to  IIRA. 

The  mediums  reported  employed  to  check  the  practices  prior 
to  IRA  wore:   Better  Business  Bureaus  (in  six  instances),  trade  asso- 
ciations (twice),  local  Chamber  of  Commerce,  State -advertising  laws 
(Minnesota)  State  and  local  ordinances  (Connecticut).   Of  the  12  in- 
stances where  some  success  was  reported  obtained,  4  ',vere  only  "fair". 


The  Better  Business  Bureaus  appear  as  most  frequently  successful. 
"Friendly  cooper- tion" ,  -  Chamber  of  Commerce,  and  in  one  case  a 
Better  Business  Bureau,  were  credited  with  total  failures. 

d.  Effect  of  NBA  Operation. 

Twenty  of  the  21  local  authorities  which  found  misrepresen- 
tation a  problem  reported  that  1IEA  helped  the  situation,  but  with 
various  qualifying  expressions  -  "usually",  "largely  so",  "very  help- 
ful", "yes,  but  not  very  effective",  "moderately",  "substantially'1', 
"as  much  as  could  have  been  expected",  and  so  on. 

The  one  response  which  flatly  denied  any  benefit  from  USA 
gave  c-.s  its  reason  "lack  of  enforcement  from  ITashington." 

Other  obstacles  encountered  include:   the  difficulty  of  secur- 
ing of  proof,  difficulty  of  drawing  a  proper  line  between  true  and  mis- 
representative  advertising,  opposition  of  one  or  two  large  violators, 
"so  many  items  they  coulu  keep  on  misrepresenting  -  a  different  article 
each  day"  (perhaps  a  commentary  on  the  practice  of  settling  violations 
by  signing  of  "certificates  of  compliance" )« 

e.  Methods  of  Effecting  Compliance. 

Fourteen  of  the  local  authorities  reported  having  some  estab- 
lished procedure  for  determining  and  dealing  with  violations.   Some'  of 
the  particular  devices  mentioned  follow.   Two  stated  that  they  used  the 
Better  Business  Bureaus,  nine  employed  shoppers  to  make  purchases,  2 
employed  regular  investigators,  2  regularly  checked  on  the  local  retail 
advertising,  one  made  a  practice  of  photographing  misrepresentative  win- 
dow displays,  one  employed  a  detective  agency,  two  relied  principally 
on  affidavits  and  other  evidence  supplied  by  complainants. 

One  statement  of  method  and  attitude  in  the  matter  of  com- 
pliance may  be  quoted  verbatim: 

"By  far  the  great  bulk  of  our  work  was  done  informally. 
To  handle  the  great  bulk  of  cases  that  are  involved  in 
.  trade  practice  procedure  it  is  impossible,  to  handle  them  ' 
in  a  formal  manner;  that' is,  by  following  some  judicial 
procedure  such  as  the  Federal  Trade  Commission.   This 
can  be  done  for  the  particularly  difficult  and  incorri- 
gible case.   We  collected  evidence  through  shoppers  and 
if  we  felt  the  case  was  sufficiently  serious  and  might 
involve  later  controversies,  we  got  our  information  in 
affidavit  form."   (Indianapolis,  Indiana,  Code  Authority). 

f.  Conclusions. 

The  following  conclusions  appear  to  be  indicated  by  the  infor- 
mation summarized  above: 



1.  Misrepresentations  of  various  types  were  widely  prevalent 
in  retail  trade  throughout  the  country, 

2.  Deceptive  advertising,  and  misrepresentations  as  to  price 
and  competitors'  goods,  were  the  forms  most  frequently  en- 

3.  No  generally  adequate  method  of  dealing  with  the  practices 
existed  before  1IRA. 

4.  1THA,  through  the  local  code  authorities,  was  successful 
in  nearly  every  area  queried,  in  abating  in  some  degree 
the  use  of  such  methods. 

5.  The  local  retail  code  authorities  were  on  the  whole  active 
and  effective  in  securing  compliance  with  the.  misrepresen- 
tation provisions  of  their  code,,  generally  without  recourse 
to  HRA. 

6.  The  complaint  of  failure  of  1IRA  enforcement,  heard  so  fre- 
quently elsewhere  with  relation  to  this  subject,  is  notice- 
ably absent,  with  one  exception,  from  these  reports. 

2.  Retail  Drug  Trade 

Twenty- two  out  of  a  projected  45  reports  were  received  from 
the  Local  Code  Authorities  of  this  industry.   The  geographical  coverage 
was  very  largely  the  same  as  for  the  Retail  Trade  inquiry,  for  the  rea- 
son that  the  work  for  both  these  industries  (and  for  the  Retail  Pood  & 
Grocery  Trade  which  is  considered  below)  was  in  the  main  done  concurrently 
in  each  area,  so  that  where  there  is  a  return  for  one  there  is  usually, 
though  not  always,  a  return  for  each. 

In  the  present  case  St.  Louis,  Denver,  San  Francisco,  Wilmington, 
Del.,  Essex  County,  N.  J.,  and  Nashville,  Tenn.  are  added  to  the  list 
shown  under  Retail  Trade  above,  while  Albany,  Augusta,  Me.,  Casper,  T7yo. , 
Indianapolis,  Jackson,  Miss.,  Louisville,  Ky. ,  Manchester,  N.H.,  Memphis, 
Providence,  Sante  Pe,  and  Sioux  Palls,  S.D.  do  not  appear. 

The  questions  concerning  misrepresentation  put  to  the  local 
authorities  were  the  same. 

a.   Summary  of  Results 

The  general  picture  presented  by  these  returns  is  very  similar 
to  that  already  outlined  for  the  general  Retail  Trade.   Twenty-one  of 
the  22  reporting  authorities  found  misrepresentation  a  source  of  trouble 
in  their  areas.   Eight  reported  ""all"  of  the  types  in  question  as  present, 
while  8  others  specified  false  advertising,  9  specified  price  misrepre- 
sentation, 5  deceptive  labeling,  3  defamation  of  competitor,  1  dece2otive 
packaging,  and  1  substitution  for  standard  brands. 



Less  effective  work  appearently  had  "been  done  in  dealing  with 
the  subject  prior  to  1JRA  than  in  the  general  retail  trade,  only  8  re- 
turns reporting  any  prior  activity,  with  results  negative  in  two  in- 
stances, "fair"  in  four,  and  good  in  only  two.   The  Better  Business 
Bureaus  were  reported  influential  in  only  two  instances.   Other  factors 
given  help  were  the  Virginia  Trade  Law,  and  the  Wisconsin  State  Depart- 
ment of  Markets,   The  federal  Trade  Commission  had  "been  invoked  in  two 
instances,  without  success  in  oither. 

In  18  of  the  21  reports  the  effect  of  IDA  was  stated  to  have 
been  helpful.   In  2  cases  it  did  not  help,  and  in  1  the  authority  felt 
the  record  was  not  sufficient  "for  an  intelligent  answer."    There  are 
the  usual  qualifications,  running  the  gamut  from  "excellent  results", 
"decided  aid",  to  "fairly  well",  "not  much  -  no  help  from  Washington". 
This  latter  note  begins  to  appear  more  frequently.   "The  principal  dif- 
ficulty of  enforcement  was  the  delay  in  getting  any  action  from  IDA  in 
Washington  and  red  tape  connected  with  the  administration."   "It 
appeared  in  every  case  we  failed  because  IDA  officials  seemed  to  think 
they  were  all  border-line  cases,  and  violators  soon  found  this  out." 
Also  two  more  to  the  same  general  effect. 

A  considerably  smaller  proportion  of  the  retail  drug  author- 
ities reported  jiny  definite  form  of  compliance  procedure  than  for  the 
general  retail  trade.   The  same  general  methods  are  mentioned  -  check- 
ing of  ads,  shopping  with  witnesses,  affidavits  as  to  purchases,  photo- 
graphs of  displays,  etc. 

b.   Conclusions. 

Again  it  is  to  be  concluded  that  misrepresentations  were  a 
general  problem  of  the  trade,  and  that  in  the  large  majority  of  cases 
NRA  was  effective  to  a  greater  or  less  degree  in  restraining  the  prac- 

The  retail  drug  trade  aopears  to  hrve  been  less  generally 
active  before  IDA  than  the  retail  trade  in  combating  the  use  of  misre- 
presentations; and  perhaps  there  was  somewhat  less  effort  put  forth  by 
the  local  retail  drug  code  authorities  during  the  period  of  code  admin- 

There  is  an  increased  complaint  of  the  failure  of  IDA  encorce- 

ment  to  back  up  the  code  authority  compliance  effort,  which  may  or  may 
not  be  indicative  also  of  an  increased  tendency  to  lean  upon  the  IDA 
agencies  in  the  handling  of  the  job. 

3.   Retail  Pood  and  Grocery  Trade. 

Returns  from  the  local  authorities. i$  this  trade  number  25, 
out  of  a  possible  47.   The  cities  represented  all  fall  within  the  two 
groups  already  given  for  the  two  preceding  trades,  with  the  single  addi- 
tion of  Bismarck,  II. I).   The  identical  questions  concerning  misrepresen- 
tation were  employed. 



a.  Summary  of  Results, 

Results  '"'ere  approximately  the  same  as  those  already  reported 
for  the  general  retail  arid  drug  trades.   Twenty-one  of  the  retail  food 
and  grocery  authorities  attested  the  general  presence  of  the  misrepre- 
sentation problem,  with  much  the  sane  proportion  of  specific  types  of 
practice  noted.   The  score  in  favor  of  NBA  was  somewhat  smaller  here, 
17  affirming  with  varying  emphasis  that  its  effect  had  been  good,  4 
stating  unequivocally  that  no  "benefits  had  accrued. 

Complaints  of  the  failure  of  NRA  enforcement  continued:   "There 
was  a  complete  "breakdown  of  the  trade  practice  provisions.   This  was  en- 
tirely due  to  lack  of  enforcement  byllJBAin  Washington.   ITeither  this 
agency  nor  the  State  0  f ice  were  supported  in  the  prosecution  of  a  single"   "Ho  action  taken  "by  IfEA,  such  as  prosecutions."   "No  difficulty 
as  long  as  we  had  them  bluffed.   Broke  down  completely  when  retailers 
found  there  were  no  teeth  in  the  law," 

On  the  Other  side  of  the  picture  the  following  may  "be  quoted 
from  a  State  Office's  contribution  to  one  of  the  returns: 

"The. .. .Local  Retail  Pood  and  Grocery  Code  Authority,  like 
most  others  with  which  this  office  had  experience,  practically 
ceased  to  function  after  organization,  with  the  exception  of 
the  collection  of  assessments. 

"There  is  no  evidence  that  the  Code  Authority  handled  any 
Trade  Practice  complaints  after  the  State  HRA  Office  was  set 
up  in  early  1934,   AH  such  complaints  were  "brought  to  the 
State  Office  by  members  of  the  trade  or  of  the  Code  Author- 
ity.  It  was  impossible  to  get  the  Code  Authority'  to  take 
any  action  on  complaints,  and  the  burden  of  compliance  was 
taken  up  by  the  State  Office.   In  the  one  or  two  instances 
where  the  State  Office  insisted  the  Code  Authority  handle 
the  complaint,  nothing  was  done  by  the  Code  Authority." 

There  is  definitely  less  material  on  the  organization  and  pro- 
cedure of  the  local  authorities  for  obtaining  compliance  in  the  returns 
for  this  trade  than  in  either  of  the  two  preceding. 

b.  Conclusions. 

The  information  supplied  as  to  this  trade  tallies  to  a  very 
high  degree  with  that  received  from  the  two  preceding   It  would 
appear  reasonably  evident,  if  no  other  evidence  existed,  that  in  these 
three  largest  and  most  important  of  the  retail  trade  groups,  handling 
a  great  variety  of  commodities  and  dealing  directly  with  the  vast  mass 
of  the  consuming  public  misrepresentative  practices  of  various  kinds 
are  of  general  prevalence. 

It  is  also  apparent  that,  while  industry  efforts  to  control 
the  situation  prior  to  ITtA  ^ere  only  occasionally  effective,  under  the 
codes  improvement  was  very  generall"''  achieved. 



That  these  conditions  and  results  may  be  taken  as  probably 
characteristic,  not  only  of  thesd  three  codes  but  also  of  the  retail 
sector  of  the  distributive  system  in  general,  is  indicated  by  further 
comparison  with  the  data  concerning  two  other  retail  trades  -  Motor 
Vehicle  Retailing  and  Retail  Monument  -  to  be  presented  below,  and  also 
by  contrast  with  the  information  supplied  with  respect  to  the  eight 
codes  other  than  retail  which  are  included  in  these  local  code  author- 
ity results.  (*) 

4.   Crushed  Stone,  Sand  and  Gravel  Industry  (Code  No.  109) 

Reports  were  received  of  23  interviews  with  former  members 
of  the  District  or  Area  Committees  (sub-code  authorities^  of  this 
industry.   A  total  of  106  such  interviews  were  originally  projected. 

Twenty- three  states  also  were  included  in  the  areas  covered 
by  the  reports.   These  included  Arizona,  California,  Colorado,  Connecti- 
cut, Indiana;  Iowa,  Kansas,  Kentucky,  Maine,  Massachusetts,  Minnesota, 
Montana,  New  Hampshire,  New  Mexico,  New  York,  South  Dakota.,  Tennessee, 
Texas,  Utah,  Vermont,  Virginia,  Wisconsin  and  Wyoming. 

In  some  instances  the  .reporting  committee  represented  an 
area  of  several  states,  and  in  others  only  a  local  region  within  a 

a.  Da.ta  Reported.      .  , 

To  the  question  whether  misrepresentations  were  a  problem  in 
the  industry  in  that  area  11  of  the  23  replies  said  "no",  8  said  "yes", 
and  2   made  no  definite  statement.   As  to  the  specific  types  of  misrepre- 
sentation encountered,  1  stated  deceptive  advertising,  3  price  misre- 
presentations, 4  misrepresentation  of  competitors'  goods,  and  1  "all". 

Of  the  3  replying  "yes"  to  the  above,  7  stated  that  NRA  ha.d 
improved  the  situation,  ("to  certain  degree",  "effectively",  "very 
helpful",  "very  salutary  effect",  "effectively  until  members  learned 
ways  to  evade  it");  1  denied  any  benefit  -  "no  enforcement  over  at- 
tempted".  Three  others  made  the  familiar  complaint  that  weakness  of 
NRA  enforcement  was  the  principal  obstacle  to  effective  administration. 

One  reply  reported  attempt  to  work  with  the  Federal  Trade 
Commission,  without  result.   Several  others  reported_  "no"  -  ("processes 
too  slow  ana  too  timid").   Only  two  committees  reported  definite  proced- 
ure for  handling  complaints. 

b.  Summary. 

In  contrast  to  the  retail  codes,  only  a  little  more  than  a 
third  of  the  responses  showed  misrepresentations  to  be  an  industry 
problem.   Misrepresentative  advertising  dropped  to  a  secondary  place 
among  the  practices  reported,  while  misrepresentation  of  prices  and 
of  competitors'  goods  assumed  first  importance.  Both  of  these  show- 
ings are  what  might  be  expected  the  type  of  industry  being  such  as 
would  apparently  not  readily  lend  itself  to  ordinary  misrepresenta- 
tions, and  one  in  which,  as  was  stated  several,  times,  "little  ad- 
vertising is  done".        

(*)    Comoare  table  y,     87,  below 


The  results  of  HRA  were  again  almost  unanimously  reported 
beneficial  where  the  unfair  practices  existed,  and  again  the  com- 
plaint of  inadequate  enforcement  was  repeatedly  raised. '  The  general 
tenor  of  the  replies  gives  the  impression  that  the  trade  practice 
work  of  the  committees  was  rather  loose-jointed. 

5.   Motor  Vehicle  Retailing-  (Code  Ho.  46). 

Sixteen  of  a  possible  35  State  or  Regional  Advisory  Committees 
provided  responses  to  the  queries  concerning  misrepresentation.  The  re- 
porting 'Committees  were  loc-tedm  Atlanta,  'Des  Moines,  Denver,  Hartford, 
Los  Angeles,  Louisville,  Minneapolis,  Milwaukee,  Jackson,  Miss.,  Newark, 
Omaha,  Richmond,  Seattle,  Sioux  Palls,  Santa  Fe,  and. Wilmington,.  Del. 

a.  Data  Reported 

Fifteen  committees  reported  misrepresentative  practices  preva- 
lent -  advertising,  9;  price,  9;  competitors'  goods,  4;  '"all",  1. 

Twelve  stated  that  HRA  had'  helped;  3  that  it  had  not.* 

4  A  t  I 

Five  had  sought  aid  from  the  Federal  Trade  Commission;  4  with- 
out success. 

As  to  the  degree  of  effectiveness  of  HRA:  "partially",  '"ade- 
quately", "during  first  6  months",  "somewhat",  "effectively",  "99$  dur- 
ing first  6  months",  "only  temporarily"" ,  were  among  the  qualifying 

Five  replies  stressed  failure  of  HRA  enforcement  -  ("Code  was 
very  detrimental  to  legitimate,  conscientious  dealers.   It  placed  a  prem- 
ium on  dishonesty  on  account  of  lack  of  enforcement").   Other  difficul- 
ties cited  were  the  looseness  and  indefiniteness  of  the  dode  provisions 
concerning  advertising  (mentioned  twice),  and  difficulty  of  securing  evi- 
dence of  violation.  '.  '  ', 

A  considerable  number  of  the'se  Committees  appeared  t'o  have 
well-established  procedure  for  dealing  "ith  complaints. 

b.  Summary 

.  In  general',  the  pro3)ortion  of  IIRA  success  here  appears  to  be 
somewhat  less  than  with  the  codes  already  dealt,  and  the  complaints  of 
failure  of  enforcement  somewhat  greater.   Genuine  misrepresentative 
practices  appear  to  have  been  less  of  an  industry  'oroblem  than  in  the 
other  three  retail  trades,  but  considerably  more  so  than  in  the  Crushed 
Stone  Industry.   There  is  evidence  in  the  replies  that'  in  reporting 
"price  misrepresentations"  there  has  been  a  tendency  to  interpret  the 
term  as  referring  to  deception  as  to  -orices  actually  charged  the  customer, 
(that  is,  evasions  of  the  minimum  ^rice  provisions),  rather  than  to  -orice 
deceptions  to_  the-  customer.  In  all  but  two  instances,  however,  where 
price  misrepresentations  were  reported  misre-orecentative  .advertising 
was  also  shown  to  be  present.   Like  most  of  the  local  retail  code  auth- 
orities, these  committees  seem  to  have  been  rather  generall]'  on  the  job 
in  their  compliance  effort. 




6.  Paper  Distributing  Trade  (Code  No,  176). 

Regional  Committees  or  Sub- Commit tees  from  12  areas  representing  all  or 
a  part  of  13  states  (*)  furnished  data  for  this  code.   Six  answered  "yes 
to  the  question  whether  misrepresentation  constituted  an  industry  prob- 
lem, 5  "no",  and  1  failed  to  deal  with  the  subject. 

Price  misrepresentations,  deceptive  labeling,  and  misrepresen- 
tation of  competitors'  goods  were  "orincipally  complained  of.   ("Another 
trick  of  the  industry  was  to  change  and  remove  labels  "out  on  by  the  manu- 
facturer when  the  goods  did  not  meet  .the  standards  of  the  trade.")   False 
advertising  seems  to  have  been  of  relatively  little  importance. 

In  4  cases  the  effect  of  '.HA   was  reported  favorable;  in  2  the 
results  were  negative.   In  one  of  the  favorable  fcur  the  benefit  was 
during  "the  first  three  months".   Three  complaints  of  laxity  of  NRA 
support  in  enforcement  are  made.   The  majority  of  the  committees  seem 
to  have  had  definite  compliance  procedure. 

This  industry  appears  in  a  number  of  areas  to  have  been  suc- 
cessful prior  to  HRA  in  handling  misrepresentative  practices  through 
its  trade  associations  and  other  organized  effort.   The  Pine  Paper 
Group  (Hew  York  City)  "called  upon  the  Federal  Trade  Commission  and  were 
successful  to  a.  large  degree  in  eliminating  these  conditions  in  their 
group." ' 

The  influence  of  standardisation  is  indicated  by  the  follow- 
ing excerpt  (Minneapolis  Trading  Area.)  - 

"It  was  determined  (in  the  pre-NRA  period)  that 
the  main  source  of  the  troubles  besetting  the  trade 
arose  from  the  lack  of  simplification  and  standardization 
of  the  kinds  of  paper  handled.   Eventually  considerable 
standardization  resxilted,  thus  removing  many  of  the  past 

7.  Set-Up  Paper  Box  Industry  -  (Code  No.  167) 

Five  of  ten  Divisional  Committees  of  this  industry  (Minnea- 
polis, St.  Louis,  Nashville,  Dalla.s,  and  Richmond)  were  interviewed. 
Four  reported  various  types  o"  misrepresentation,  principally  as  to 
price.   Cne  found  no  problems  of  the  sort.   Three  stated  emphatically 
that  the  NRA  had  been  of  no  hel  )  ("All  coi:roetition  continued  as  if 
there  had  been  no  code").   One  considered  that  it  had.   Efforts  of  the 
industry  to  deal  with  its  own  rroblems  prior  to  NRA  seem  to  have  met 
with  about  the  same  degree  of  non-success.   There  is  indication  that 
in  several  instances  the  Code  Authorities  were  either  ina.ctive  or  in- 
effectual in  their  methods,  which  may  be  a  partial  explanation  of  the 
negative  results  obtained. 

(*)  New  York,  Montana,  Georgia,  Maine,  Hew  Hampshire,  Minnesota, 
Missouri,  Colorado,  Oklahoma,  Kansas,  Connecticut  and  Texas. 



8.  Retail  Monument  Industry  -  (Code  Ho.  366) 

Returns  from  4  of  8.  Regional  Committees  ('California,  Oregon, 
Nebraska,  Iowa,  Kansas,  Missouri',  South  Dakota)  showed  nisrepresentative 
practices  of  various,  sorts  prevalent  in  each.   All  reported  s-one  de- 
gree of  benefit  from  "RA  -  "material  extent",  "very  well",,  "to  some 
degree",  "only  partially" .   All  also  sounded  the  note  of  comalaint 
over  handicaps  imposed  by  ineffective  enforcement  backing.'.  Little 
appears  to  have  been  accomplished  by  the  industry  itself  in  combating 
the  practices  prior  to  the  code. 

9.  Wholesale  Confectionary  Industry-  (Code  Ho. 458) 

Misrepresentative  practices  were  a  distrubing  influence  in 
a  distinct  minority  of  the  areas  reporting  for- this  trade.   Iline  of 
the  14  (out  of  a  possible  51)  replies  indicated  no  oroblem;  5  answered 
affirmatively.  (*)  Four  of  these  reported  iiRA  benefit,  but  for  the 
most  part  in  very  mild  terms  ("to  certain  extent",  "for  a  little 
while").   Three  complaints  as  to  lack  of  enforcement  appear. 

(*)   The  reporting  cities:   Hew  York,Des  Moines,  Minneapolis,  Denver, 
Louisville,  Jackson,  Miss.,  Indianapolis,  Hashville,  Roanoke, 
Concord,  II.  II.,  Oklahoma.  City,  Dallas,  Atlanta,  Milwaukee. 



10.  Farm  Equipment  Mfg.  Industry  -  (Code  No.  39) 

Only  3  replies,  of  apossible  13,  were  received  from  this  indus- 
try, and  none  indicated' any  problem  with  respect  to  misrepresentation, 
JTwo  stated  that  what  practices  cf  the  sort  had  existed  prior  to  the  code 
lhad  been  taken  care  of  by  cooperative  efforts  within'  the  industry 

11.  Household  Goods  Storage  &  Moving  -  (Code  No.  399) 

Results  of  4  interviews  out  of  12  projected  were  received  from 
this  industry.   Three  reported  difficulty  with  misrepresentations,  chief- 
,ly  with  respect  to  price  and  competitors'  services,  'Ho  results  due  to 
MA  were  reported,  this  being  attributed  to  the  fact  that  the  entire 
code  quickly  failed  to  function  as  a  result,  among  other  things,  of  con- 
troversies over  relations  with  the  code  for  the  Trucking  Industry.   One 
reply  stated  it  to  be  the  consensus  of  opinion  that  if  the  code  provi- 
sions had  been  given  opportunity  to  function,  they  would  have  served 
effectually  'to  check  the  misrepresentative  practices. 

12.  Graphic  Arts  (Commercial  Relief  Printing)  -  (Code  No.  287) 

Six  returns  were  received  for  this  group.  ;  Five  reported  no  mis- 
representation problem.   The  sixth  reported  misrepresentations  as  to 
price  and  competitors'  products,  which  were  "reasonably"  corrected  by  the 
code,       \ 

13.  Wholesale  Monumental  ;Granite  -  (Code  No,  449) 

Reports  were  received  from  two  Divisional  Control  Committees  of 
this  industry,  both  of  which  stated  that  no  problem  as  to  misrepresen- 
tative practices  existed. 

14.  General  ;  Summary 

The  principal  information  :set  forth  in  the  preceding  pages  is 
presented  below,  for  comparative  purposes,  in  tabular  form: 




Tabulation   of  Local   Code  Authority  Returns 

:  No.  of:Misrep'n  :  NRA  : 
:Returns:Rept 'd  a, : 'Code: 
:Rec'd     : Problem     :a  Ifelo: 

Complaint  :  Success '  : 


as  to  En-  :  in  Prior  : 


forcemt.   :  Regul'n  : 


*  He  tail  Trade      :      247 

*Retail  Drug       *:      32 






♦Retail  Pood  & 
Grocery     i 

25   : 

21     : 

17  • 

3      : 



*Motor  Vehicle 






* Re tail  Monu- 






#Crushed  Stone, 
Sand,  etc. 







#Paper  Dis- 
,  tributing. 




!    3., 



# Set-up 

Paper  Box 




:    l 




14   : 





#Parm         : 

Equipment    :    3 


^Household  G-oods 
Moving,  etc. 



1      _u 

#Graphic  Arts 




#T/holesale  Monu 
mt.  Granite 


Total,  13  codes 




:   26 


:  14 

* Total,  5  Re- 
tail codes 


82   s 



24  ' 

:   10 

#Total,  8 

other  codes 

67   "' 



:   10 

:    7 

:   4 

An  examination  of  these  figures  shows  that  109  of  the  total  of 
158  responses  received,  or  69  percent,  reported  misrepresentations  as 
constituting  an  industry  problem.   The  proportion  is  not  evenly  distribut- 
ed through  the  different  types  of  reporting  industries,  however.   Taking 
the  five  retail  trades  as  a  group,  we  find  that  the  proportion  of  affirma- 
tive replies  on  this  point  is  slightly  in  excess  of  90  percent,  whereas 
for  the  other  group  comprising  the  remaining  8  miscellaneous  industries 
it  is  only  a  little  over  40  percent. 

Taking  the  109  affirmative  replies  as  a  base,  the  portion  of 
this  entire  number  in  which  it  is  said  that  the  NRA  codes  were  of  assis- 
tance in  dealing  with  the  existing  misrepresentation  problem  amounts  to 
88,  or  approminately  81  percent.   Again,  however,  there  is  considerable 
disparity  between  the  groups,  the  retail  codes  showing  nearly  87  percent 
reporting  MA  a  help,  as  against  63  percent  of  the  miscellaneous  group 
so  finding. 


-89-  ... 

By  the  side  of  the  81  percent  of  cases  in  which  NBA  was  in  some 
degree  successful  may  "be  placed  the  31  instances,  or  something  over  26 
percent,  in  which  the  industries,  by  their  own  efforts  prior  to  NBA,  had 
I  met  with  some  measure  of  success  in  handling  the  problem  of  these,  practices. 

1  •   In  14'  of  the  309  replies  answering  "yes"  to  the  question  whether 
there  was  misrepresentation,  some  attempt  to  work  with  the  Federal  Trade 
Commission  was  reported.   In  3  cases  this  course  had  been  found  helpful. 
In  7  instances  no  benefit  was  reported.   The  other  4  reports  were  to  the 
effect  that  Trade  Practice  Converence  agreements  had  been'  adopted,  but 
without  further  statement  as  to  the  results  obtained  from  these. 

In  nearly  one-fourth  of  all  the  instances  where  misrepresentation 
was  reported,  failure  of  the  NBA  to  back  up  the  codes  with  adequate'  en- 
forcement was  affirmed  as  the  cause  of  the  ineffectiveness,  or  failure  of 
full  effectiveness,  of  the  code  provisions  in  dealing  with  the  situation. 

The  conclusions  indicated  by  the  summary  data  are  substantially 
those  which  have  been  noted  in  dealing  with  the  individual  codes: 

(1)  M'isrepresentative  practices  were  industry  problems  in  the 
great  majority  of  all  the  codes  reporting,  and  were 
prevalent , '  in  one  or  more  of 'the  industries,  in  all  sections 
of  the  country. 

(2)  Such  practices  were  more  generally  encountered  in  the  re- 
tail trades  than  in  the  industries  comprising  the  miscellane- 
ous group. 

(3)  Prior  to  MA  no  generally  effective  method  of  dealing  with 
the  practices  had  been  developed  by  the  industries  them- 
selves, although  some  success  in  this  had  been  achieved  by 
the  three  large  retail  trades. 

(4)  The  effect  of  ERA  was  helpful  in  abating  the  practices  in  a 
very  large  majority  of  the  areas  reporting,  and  particularly 
so  among  the  retail  trade  codes. 

(5)  The  local  code  authorities  in  the  retail  trade  codes  appear 
to  have  been  somewhat  more  active  in  dealing  with  the 
practices  in  question  than  were  those  in  the  miscellaneous 

(6)  Little  effort  had  been  made  by  the  regional  trade  groups  to 
enlist  the  aid  of  the  Federal  Trade  Commission  in  attacking 
their  problems  of  misrepresentation,  and  the  efforts  which 
had  been  made  were  in  half  the  cases  not  productive  of  im- 
portant results. 

(7)  State  laws,  municipal  ordinances,  trade  associations,  Better 
Business  Bureaus,  and  technical  societies  were  factors  men- 
tioned in  one  or  more  instances  as  having  contributed  to 
successful  efforts  to  discourage  misrepresentations  prior 



to  the  codes. 

(8)  Lack  of  adequate  enf orceraent ,  including  specifically  failure 
to  assess  penalties  against  violators,  was  the  principal, 
and  in  fact  the  only  cause  generally  alleged  as  explanation 
for  failure  of  the  provisions  to  operate  satisfactorily. 

In  the  great  majority  of  cases,  especially  in  the  retail 

trades,  the  reporting  groups  appear  to  have  felt  that  with 

proper  enforcement  to  "back  the  efforts  of  the  local  code 

authorities  the  codes  would  have  very  largely  solved  their 

problems  with  respect  to  misrepresentations. 

(9)  In  several  instances  the  general  problem  of  drawing  a  proper 
line  bet-veen  truthful  and  deceptive  advertising,  and  of  a 
working  definition  of  misrepresentations  of  other  kinds, 

was  touched  upon  by  the  code  authorities  as  one  of  the 
difficulties  of  administering  the  provisions;  but  no  con- 
structive suggestions  were  advanced. 

(10)  In  one  or  two  instances,  also  it  was  reported  that  aid  in 
.dealing  with  misrepresentations  had  been  derived  from  the 
adoption  of  definite  commodity  standards. 



E.   Analysis  of  OA  Compliance  Cases. 

The  preceding  sections  of  this  chapter  have  discussed  the  opera- 
tion of  the  misrepresentation  provisions  largely  in  terms  of  opinions 
and  attitudes,  as  expressed  by  the  Code  Authorities,  or  otherwise  on 
record  in  the  NRA  files.   This  section  aims  to  supplement  that  evidence 
by  such  statistical  data  as  is  obtainable  from  the  records  of  ERA  compli- 
ance and  enforcement. 

1.   Tabulations  of  State  Compliance  Records. 

As  a  part  of  the  general  compilation  of  NRA  records,  tabulations 
have  been  made  by  the  Statistics  Section,  Field  Division,  of  the  various 
types  of  trade  practice  complaints  referred  to  the  State  Compliance 
Offices  for  action  by  Code  Authorities  or  other  complainants.   Data  for 
115  codes  (75  basic,  40  supplemental)  are  available  at  the  time  of  com- 
pleting this  report. 

The  figures  for  these  115  codes  give  a  total  of  23,611  trade 
practice  cases  of  all  types  reported  for  compliance  action  to  the  NRA 
State  offices  throughout  the  country.   Of  this  number,  1,619  or  6.8  per- 
cent, are  shown  to  have  been  misrepresentation  cases  of  some  type.(*) 

The  forms  of  misrepresentation  specifically  reported  in  the 
Field  Division  tabulations  include  different  types  of  advertising  mis- 
representations, false  labeling,  marking  and  branding,  inaccurate  under- 
selling claims,  misrepresentations  of  a  competitor  or  his  goods,  and 
miscellaneous  deceptive  selling  methods. 

The  tabulations  also  break  down  the  cases  into  four  classes,  ac- 
cording to  general  disposition  effected:  (l)  Adjusted  (that  is,  viola- 
tion found  and  some  corrective  action  taken);  (2)  No  violation  found; 
(3)  Case  dropped  (for  lack  of  evidence,  withdrawal  of  complaint,  etc.); 
and  (4)  Case  pending  on  May  27,  1935,  w.ien  the  codes  lapsed. 

a.   Relative  Frequency  of  Misrepresentation  Cases 

To  indicate,! irst,  the  relative  freouency  with  which  the  various 
type  of  misrepresentation  cases  occurred  in  this  group  of  codes,  and, 
second,  the  comparative  disposition  of  the  different  classes  of  case, 
the  following  summary  table  has  been  prepared: 

(*)   Summary  figures  in  files  of  Commodity  Information  Unit,  Trade 
Practice  Studies  Section,  Division  of  Review;  Compliance 




Cases  Affecting 

False,   misleading  and 
inaccurate  advertising 

Disposition  of   Cases 
Total      Adjusted     No   Viol'n     Dropped     Pending 






False   and  misleading 
labeling,    branding,    etc. 





Advertising  provisions  of 

Retail  &   Retail  Food  Codes     392 





Inaccurate  underselling 




Other  advertising 
re  ■-trictions  ! 



Misrepresentations  of  com- 
petitors or  their  goods 





Deceptive  selling 




mi  srepresentations 



TCTAL-i  ;i  33EP3S33NTATI0NS 

1,619  1,005 




These  figures   show  misrepresentative  advertising  of   some   sort   to 
have  characterized  the  great  majority  of  all   the   cases,    with  defamation 
of   competitors   second,    and  deceptive   labeling  third. 

Of   the   total   1,619   cases,    violation  was   f-und  and  adjustment   of 
some    sort   effected  in  1,005   instances,    or   something  more   than  62  percent 
of   the   entire  number.      This  was  a   slightly  larger  proportion  of  adjust- 
ments  than   for   the   trade  practice  provisions  as  a  whole,    which   showed 
12,449   out   of   23,611    cases  adjusted,    a  little  less   than  57  percent. 

As  between   the  different   types   of  violations,    adjustments  were 
effected   in   tne  following  proportions   of   cases:    false  advertising   in 
general,    67   percent;    advertising  provisions  of   the   retail   codes,    66  per- 
cent;   inaccurate  underselling  claims,    67   percent;    other  advertising  re- 



strictions,  88  percent;  deceptive  selling  methods,  70  percent;  misbrand- 
ing, 54  percent;  defamation  of  .competitor,  30  percent. 

b.   Distribution  in  Retail  and  Won- Retail  Codes 

The  most  conspicuous  point  tc  be  observed  concerning  the  rela- 
tive distribution  of  the  misrepresentation  cases  as  between  types  of 
codes  is  their  very  great  concentration  in  the  retail  trade  group.   Nine 
retail  trade  codes  are  found  to  account  for  1,298  of  the  1,619  misrepre- 
sentation cases  shown  for  the  entire  115  cedes,  a  proportion  of  80.2 
percent.   Three  codes  -  Retail  Trade,  Retail  Food  and  Grocery,  and  Re- 
tail Jewelry  contributed  891  of  these  cases. 

The  distribution  of  the  misrepresentation  cases  among  this 
group  by  code  and  by  type  of  Violation,  is  shown  in  the  table  following: 


Type  of  Provision  Affected  (*) 

A  3 


Misrep'n       Tr.Prac. 
C-   Total  i   of  All  Cases 

47  11  79 

Retail  Trade  180  1   235  34 

Retail  Food  &  Groc  62  2   107  24 

Retail  Jewelry  49  [  - 

Retail  Solid  Fuel  33 

Motor  Tehicle  Retail  56  - 

Retail  Tire  &   Bat.  9  - 

Retail  Monument  19  1 

Retail  Tobacco  12  - 

Retail  Lumber  5  1 

43  10 

95  4 

4  1 

8  66 




































TOTAL  -  9  RETAIL    425  0   389     77  103  182  1,299     14.1 

The  general  distribution  among  the  remaining  106  codes  is  as 


No  misrepresentation  cases 46  codes 

1  to  5  such  cases 42  codes 

5  to  10  cases 11  codes 

More  than  10  cases 7  codes 

Average  number  per  code 3.0  cases 

(*)   A-  False  and  misleading  advertising 
B-  False  labeling,  marking,  branding 
C-  Advertising  provisions  of  Retail  Trade,  Retail  Food  and 

Grocery  and  Retail  Jewelry  codes. 
D-  Inaccurate  underselling  claims. 
E-  Other  advertising  restrictions 

F-  Misrepresentations  of  competitors  or  their  goods  (defamation) 
G-  Other  deceptive  soiling  methods. 



Among   the   group  of   codes   shown   to  have   referred  either  none,    or 
not  more   than   five  misrepresentation  cases,    are:    Sill:  Textile,   Undergar- 
ment and  Negligee,    Toy  and  Plaything,    Business  Furniture,    Bottled   Soft 
Drink,    Can  Manufacturing,    Candy  Manufacturing,    Electrical   Manufacturing, 
Rubber  Manufacturing,    Fire  Extingui slier,    Cotton   Garment,   Luggage  and 
Leather   Goods,    Funeral    Supply,    Canvas   Goods,    Lumber  and  Timber,    Mayonnaise, 
Men's   Clothing,    Dental   Laboratory,    Paper  and   Pulp,    and  nearly  all 
supplements   of   the  Wholesale   Trade   Code. 

The    seven  codes  with  10   or  mere   reported  cases   each  are:    Bedding, 
Macaroni,    Cleaning  and  Dyeing,    Scientific  Apparatus,    Wholesale   Confection- 
ery,  Plumbing  .Fixtures,    and   the  basic   Wholesale    Trade   Code. 

c .      Summary 

The  two  points  indicated  above,  the  particular  activity  with 
respect  to  misrepresentative  practices  in  the  retail  codes,  and  the  lack 
of  record  of  suca  activity  in  a  large  proportion  of  the  remaining  codes, 
bear  out  evidence  to  a  similar  effect  which  has  been  presented  in  earlier 
sections  of  this  chapter. 

Suggestion  has  also  been  made  of  the  possible  reasons  for  the 
relative  scarcity  of  record,  as  contrasted  with  the  preponderant  number 
of  codes  which  contain  misrepresentation  provisions,  i.e.  that  the  pro- 
visions in  many  cases  were  merely  formally  included,  without  real  indus- 
try interest  in  the  subject;  and/or,  tnat  in  others  an  interest  existed, 
but  the  subject  was  dealt  with  without  recourse  to  17RA  aid  to  effect 

In  many  instances  no  doubt  the  provisions  were  included  principal- 
ly at  the  suggestion  of  the  Deputies,  or  because  it  was  being  generally 
done.   In  various  industries,  too,  misrepresentations  such  as  this  report 
is  concerned  with  do  act,  in  fact,  constitute  appreciable  problems. 
Data  from  the  Federal  Trade  Commission  records  shown  above  (*)  indicate 
a  rather  restricted  group  of  industries,  chiefly  concerned  with  consumer 
goods,  with  respect  to  which  the  Commission  has  found  occasion  to  take 
action  in  restraint  of  misrepresentative  practices. 

Again,  what  the  code-sponsoring  industries  were  primarily  inter- 
ested in  were  practices  which  were  competitively  troublesome;   they 
would  hardly  be  apt  to  concern  themselves  greatly  about  methods  which, 
while  perhaps  vexatious  to  the  buying  public,  did  not  create  difficulties 
for  the  industries  themselves.   It  is  notable  that  in  the  retail  trades, 
where  the  record  of  referred  cases  is  largest,  the  types  of  misrepre- 
sentative practices  employed  were  particularly  obnoxious  competitively. 

As  to  the  handling  of  misrepresentations  without  reference  to  NRA, 
the  discussions  of  tne  Coffee  and  Dog  Food  codes  previously  presented, 
and  various  returns  from  the  Code  Authority  questionnaires,  indicate  that 
in  a  number  of  cases  the  Code  Authorities  did  actively  attempt  to  admin- 

(*)   Chapter  III,  Section  III,  p.  30,  above. 


ister  the  misrepresentation  previsions  without  calling  upon  NRA,  either 
because  they  found  themselves  able  to  obtain  satisfactory  compliance  by 
their  own  efforts,  or  because  they  felt  that  no  effective  help  was  to  be 
had . 

Informal  representations  received  from  one  or  two  Quarters,  also, 
indicate  that  in  some  cases  the  Code  Authorities  were  inclined  simply  to 
file  away  the  records  of  complaints  of  misrepresentation  violations  in 
their  archives,  rather  than  to  take  any  action  tending  to  draw  attention 
to  the  presence  of  such  practices  in  their  industries. 

Finally  there  must  be  borne  in  mind  the  fact  that,  with  a  very 
considerable  number  of  the  codes,  no  Code  Authority  organization  was 
ever  effected  for  dealing  with  code  violations  of  any  sort. 



2-    Farther  Analysis  of  Tyue  anc:  Disposition  of  Compliance  Cases, 

The  tabular  material  given  above  indicates  only  the  2"eneral  type  - 
not  the  specific  form  -  of  the  misrepresentation  violations  reported; 
and  in  the  cases  where  violations  '/ere  found,  the  "adjusted"  column 
gives  no  indication  of  the  irecise  form  which  the  adjustment  took.   These 
further  details  are  not  obtainadld  at  the  present  time  from  the  Field 
Division's  compilations.   To  supply  them  in  some  degree,  a  sample  of 
cases  obtained  from  the  Washii.  ton  Cn^pliance  Division  files  has  been 

The  material  .  iven  below  illustrates  in  a  number  of  instances  the 
specific  deceptive  practices  which  '.'.'ere  coi.i '■lainec'  of  in  the  different 
industries  representee,  and  shows  the  nature  of  the  disposition  made  of 
the  case  where  violation  was  found. 

Code  Violation  Char  ed         Disposition 

Retail  Trade      Misleading  combination  sale   Case  closed  by  Certif- 

prices.  icate  of  Compliance. 

11     "        false  claim  that  pods  were   Oral  Agreement  with  State 
union  made  and  labeled.       Office  tc  comply. 

"■     "        Advertising  "no  interest      do  violation  found. 
added"  in  tim   u  ■.-  lent  sales. 

"     "        Misleading  statement  re       Certificate  of  Connli- 
repossessed   ool.c  .  ance . 

"     "        Advertising  current  ,poo(3-s     Certf .  of  Comp. 
at  cue  rates  and  sellin  dis- 
continued items. 

"     "        Misleading  advertising,  "buy  Respondent  removed  ads 
direct  from  mill" .  and  case  closed. 

False  advertising  of  goods.  Certf.  of  Compl . 

False  "clearance  sale."  31ue  Eagle  removed. 

Violation  of  advertising  After  F.T.C.  report, 

provisions.  Certf.  of  Compliance. 

G-oods  not  as  advertised.  Certf.  of  Compl. 

Goods  not  as  advertised.  ho  violation  found. 

Advertised  "forced  sue"  Consent  decree  obtained 

but  bought  pods  to  include  and  -penalties  assessed. 
in  sale. 

Two-price  policy.  Case  rejected  -  no  vio- 
lation found. 




Retail  Trade 

Violation  C^ar.ed 
Inaccurate  advertising 


Case  closed  when  both 
Parties  stopped  ads. 

ii      n 

ii      n 

ii      ii 

Falsely  advertised  merchan- 
dise as  unclaimed  freight. 

Falsely  advertised  stock  as 
part  of  "bankrupt  stock  " 

Advertising  "irre  -alar1.' 
Ho s i o ry  as  "p e rf set. " 

jondent  desisted; 
case  closed. 

Case  dropped.   Respond- 
ent too  small. 

After  I'.T.C  -  report, 
Certf.  of  compi'. ;  also 

another  later. 

ii  ti 

ii  it 

ii  it 

I ne c  cur at  e ly  adv e  r t i  s  e d 

wal 1    ;  ap e r . 

Misrepresentation  of  costs 
and  sale  "orices. 

Inaccurate  advertising • 

Certf.  of  Compl, 

Case  .lending  May  27, 

Case  pending  May  27, 

n     it 

Advertised  "Forced  to 
Vacate"  and  then  later 
renev/ed  lease  . 

Inaccurate  advertisin_  , 

Blue  Eagle  removed. 

Referred  to  F.T.C.  who 
secured  Certf.  of  Compl 

ii  ii 

it  ii 

ii  it 

Retail  Dm: 

n  ii 

Misleading  advertising  re 
trade-in-allowance  on  furni- 
ture . 

Falsely  advertised  savin  s 
to  buyers  of  --O.j-SOjJ. 

Misleading  statements  by 

force.  . 

Slogan  "We  will  not  be 
under-sold"  mi sleading 
and  inaccur,  ,te . 

Inaccurate  advertising  and 
underselling  claims. 

Blue  Eagle  removed  for 
refusal  to  sign  Certf. 
of  Compl .  and  case 

Case  pending  May  27, 

F.T.C  investigated  and 

secured  Certf.  of  Compl, 

Certificate  of  Com- 
pliance . 

Case  dropped,  because 
poorl5r  prepared  and  un- 
important . 

Motor  Vehicle 

Inaccurate  advertising. 

Closed  by  Certf.  of 

Ho.  9710 



Motor  Vehicle 

Motor  Vehicle 

Violation  Charged 

Disconnect  in-'  speedometer . 

Misrepresented  condition  of 


Closed  by  Certf .  of  Compl, 

Case  adjusted.  No  Certf. 
of  Compliance. 

Motor  Vehicle 

Disconnectin,  ;  speedometers. 

Obtained  consent  decree  and 
case  closed. 

Motor  Vehicle 

Disconnecting  speedometer, 
etc . 

Insufficient  evidence; 
case  droij  ied. 

Motor  Vehicle 

Motor  Vehicle 

Disconnect  in"-  speedometer 

Inaccurate  advertising  and 
failing,  to  connect  speedo- 
me  t  e  r . 

Lack  of  evidence;  case 
dropped . 

lTo  violation. 

Motor  Vehicle 

Incorrect  and  misleading  prices 
in  newspaper  advert i sin'.. 

Certificate  of  Compliance. 

Retail  Food  and 

Retail  Pood  and 

Canvas   Goods 

Lumber  &  Timber 

Selling  merchandise  inferior 
to  that  advertised. 

Misleading  advertising  of 
egg  grades. 

Misrepresentation  of  pro- 
due  t  s  by  s  al e  smen . 

Billing  No .  2  Common  Fir  as 

No  .  1 . 

Certificate  of  Com- 
pliance . 

Certificate  of  Com- 
;  iliance. 

Certificate  of  Com- 
pliance . 

Case  dropped.  Respondent 
was  wholesaler  and  not  in 
code . 

Package  Medicine  Inaccurate  advertising. 

Retail  Jewelry 

B edding  I ndus try 

Inaccurate  advertising;  re- 
pair work  at  uniform  ;rice. 

False  labels,  "new  Material" 
tag  when  it  was  used  material, 

Not  subject  to  Code. 
Case  dropped. 

Blue  Eagle  removed  and 
case  sending  May  27,  1935. 

Case  .'ending  on  May  27, 

Chain  Mfg. 

Mi  si eading  Advert i  s  ing . 

Blue  Eagle  removed. 
Case  referred  to  Liti- 
gation and  returned;  in- 
sufficient evidence. 

Photographic  & 

Photo  Finishing 

Advertised  "new  and  better" 
method  of  photography,  which 
Association  claimed  false. 

No  violation. 



Coc'.e  Violation  CI  ar  ed  Pis  .'0  sit  ion 

Retail  Solid  Fuel  iviisre  iresentation  and  usin  ;      Po  violation. 

ffal cc  measures . 

Coffee  Industry    Inaccurately  advertising        Certificate  of 

"dated"  coffee  as  not  over       Comoliance. 
10  days  old. 
11      "        Misrepresentation  as  to  in-      To  r.T.C.   Dismissed 
.predients  other  than  coffee.     for  lac1-;  of  Jurisdic- 

tion  (Not  interstate 
commerce .) 

"      "        Misrepresentation  as  to  in  :re-_  ■  Certificate  of  Com- 
dients  other  than  coffee.        ^liance. 

dialysis  of  the  manner  in  which  the  above  cases  were  disposed  of 
shows  that  in  19  instances  they  were  closed  uion  respondent's  signing  of 
a  Certificate  of  Compliance,  and  in  6   other  cases  by  oral  or  other  informal 
agreement  to  comply.   In  5  cases  the  Blue  Ba;le  was  removed,  the  action 

in  3  instances  being  appealed.   In  two  cases  consent  decrees  were 
obtained,  ani.  one  of  these  a  Denaltv  was  assessed. 

"po  violation"  was  found  in  6  of  the  cases,  and  6  others  were 
dropped,  4  for  lack  of  evidence  or  faulty  Presentation  of  the  case,  and  2 
because  respondent  was  found  not  subject  to  the  code  in  question.   Six 
cases  were  still  pendin  at  the  time  the  codes  lapsed. 

'Without  knowledge  of  the  merits  of  these  particular  cases  it  is 
not  possible  to  pass  upon  this  record  as  a  commentary  on  1I2A  conuli^nce 
work.   The  freqnent  Code  Authority  complaint  of  lack  of  support,  however, 
insofar  as  it  included  the  specific  allegation  of  habitual  use  of  the 
Certificate  of  Compliance,  ;.oes  seem  to  receive  some  sup  art.   Prom  the 
available  data  it  ap  arobable  that  31  of  the  cited  cases  involved  a 
real  violation.   In  2-~>   oi  these  a  Certificate  of  Compliance  or  other  agree- 
ment to  desist  was  accepted  as  satisi'yin   the  charge,   pive  Blue  Za.,les 
were  removeu,  at  least  temporarily,  and  one  actual  penalty  was  assessed. 

The  above  section  rounds  oat  the  Picture  of  the  operation  of  the 
ITRA   with  respect  to  the  misrepresentation  provisions  of  the  codes  as  the 
available  records  reveal  it. 

In  the  f ollouin  ,  chapter  an  oxitline  of  some  other  forms  of  control  and 
influences  which  operate  to  discourage  misrearesentative  practices  in 
Particular  fields  will  be  .  iven. 



TTie  general   findings  and  conclusions   of   the   entire  LIISIGPSZSZLTTATIOIT 
AiJD  DECEPxIOlT  portion   of   the    study  have   already  "been   su  uuarized  at   the 
head  of   the   report. 



0T'  3,3  ;.;iSHEPilESiJi:ri?ATIOi:  ooi?trol 


The  tvo  preceding  chapters  have  dealt  rith  the  principal  methods  - 
the  Federal  Trade  Conmiission  machinery  and  the  1TBA   codes  -  which  have 
teen  employed  to  exercise  statutory  control  over,  among  other  things, 
misrepresentative  and  deceptive  practices  in  advertising  and  selling, 
on  a  national  scale.   Both  of  these  attempts  have  viewed  the  practices 
primarily  in  terms  of  unfair  methods  of  competition,  and  have  aimed  at 
their  restraint  chiefly  in  the  interest  of  the  members  of  the  partic- 
ular  or  industry  involved.   Other  Federal  legislation  exists  in 
"•hich  control  of  unfair  and  deceptive  practices  in  a  particular  field 
is  the  aim,  and  where  the  effort  to  this  end  is  predicated  largely 
uoon  other  public  concerns. 

A.   The  Food  and  Drug  Admiiiistratiox . 

The  Federal  Food  and  Drag  Act,  adooted  in  1906',  seeks  primarily  to 
project  the  consuming  public  from  abuses  in  the  preparation  and  marketing 
in  interstate  commerce  of  these  necessaries  of  life  and  health.   The 
Act  confers  upon  the  Secretary  of  Agriculture,  through  the  Food  and  Drug 
Administration,  wide  powers  to  prevent  adulteration  of  foods  and  medicin- 
al preparations,  and  misrepresentation  concerning  them  in  the  form  of 
labeling  and  branding. 

The  Act  forbids  the  movement  in  interstate  commerce  of  "any  article 
of  food  or  drug  which  is  adulterated  or  misbranded  within  the  meaning 
of  this  Act".  (*)   Section  3  empowers  the  Secretary  of  Agriculture  to 
"make  uniform  rules  and  regulations  for  carrying  out  the  provisions 
of  this  act."   The  Act  specifically  provides  that  any  drug  or  article 
of  food  is  to  be  deemed  misbranded  "the  package  or  label  of  --hich  shall 
bear  any  statement,  design,  or  device  regarding  such  article,  or  the 
ingredients  or  substances  contained  therein  which  shall  be  false  or 
misleading  in  any  particular;  "also  "any  food  or  drug  product  which  is 
falsely  branded  as  to  the  State,  Terrotory  or  country  in  which  it  is 
manufactured  or  produced."  (**)   Various  other  specifications  concern- 
ing both  adulteration  and  misbranding  are  written  into  the  Act,  and 
numerous  regulations  having  the  force  of  lav/  have  been  promulgated  by 
the  Food  and  Drug  Administration. 

The  Act  provides  for  enforcement  of  its  provisions  directly  through 
the  courts,  both  ^oy   criminal  prosecution,  v,ith  fines  and  imprisonment, 
and  civil  action  with  penalty  of  seizure  and  condemnation  of  the  adul- 

(*)     The  Food  and  Drugs  Act,  June  30,  1006,  as  Amended  August  23,  1912, 
Mar.  3,  1913,  March  4,  1913,  July  -A,,-   1919,  January  IS,  1927, 
and  July  3,  1930. 

(**)     Ibid.  Sec.  3 



terated  or  misbranded  goods.   A  field  staff  of  about  150  is  employed 
by  the  Administration  in  inspection  and  the  collection  of  evidence 
with  respect  to  compliance  with  the  requirements  of  the  Act. 

There  is  general  agreement  that  the  Food  and  Drug  Act  has  worked 
decided  improvement  in  the  character  of  interstate  traffic  in  food,  and 
that  it  has  ;one  far  to  eliminate  frlse  and  deceptive  narking  and 
branding.   The  authority  of  the  Act  does  not,  however,  e::tend  to  adver- 
tising, and  one  result  of  this  has  been  to  cause  a  shifting  over  of 
misrepresentations  from  the  medium  of  branding  to  that  of  advertising. 
The  Food  and  Drug  Administration  has  a  collection  of  comparative  exhibits 
illustrating,. .product  by  product,  the  way  in  which  subject  matter 
barred  from  the  labels  has  concentrated  in  the  advertisements.   Modifi- 
cations of  the  Food  and  Drug  Act  now  pending  in  Congress  provide  specifi- 
cally for  extension  of  the  Administration's  control  to  mis representa- 
tive advertising  of  foods  and  drugs.  (*) 

3.   Other  Regulatory  Statutes. 

The  Federal  Alcohol  Administration  Act  of  August  29,  1935,  in 
Sec.  5  entitled  "Unfair  Competition  and  Unlawful  Practices",  makes 
illegal  the  labeling  or  advertising  o^   the  5roducts  concerned  except 
in  accordance  v/ith  regulations  to  be  prescribed  by  the  Administrator 
such  as  will,  among  other  things,  (1)  "prevent  the  deception  of  the 
consumer  with  respect  to"  and  (2)  "provide  the  consumer  with  adeauate 
information  as  to"the  products  so  labeled  and.  advertised.  (**) 

The  Securities  Exchange  Act  of  1934  provided: 

"Regulation  of  the  Us%  of  hani  mlative  or  Deceptive  Devices". 

Sec.  10  "It  shall  be  unlawful  for  any  person,  directly  or  indi- 
rectly, by  the  use  of  any  nierm:-   or  instrumentality  of  interstate 
commerce  or  of  the  malls,  or  of  any  facility  of  any  national 
securities  exchange  - 

(b)   "To  use  or  employ  in  connection  with  the  purchase  or  sale 
of  any  security  .  .  my   manipulative  or  deceptive  contrivance  in 
contravention  of  such  rules  and  regulations  as  the  Commission  may 
prescribe.  .  in  the  public  interest  or  for  the  protection  of  in- 
vestors." (***) 

Both  Acts  provide  substantial  fines  as  penalty  for  violation  of 
their  terms. 

The  Postal  Lai  s  empower  the  postmaster  General  to  withhold  use  of 
the  mails  and  forbid  payment  of  money  orders  - 

(*)    S.  5.  74  Cong.  1st.  Ses.  (Copeland  Fill)  "To  prevent  adulteration, 
misbranding,  and  false  advertising  of  food,  drugs,  devices  and 
cosmetics."  etc.   Also  S.  580  fox*  the  same  purpose. 

(**)   Public  -  N0.  401  -  74th  Congress,  Sec.  5.  e.f. 

(***)  Public  -  No.  391  -  73d  Congress  (H.H.  9323)  Section  10. 



"...  upon  evidence  satisfactory  to  him  that  any  -person  or  company 
is  engaged  in  conducting  a  lottery'.  ..or  is  conducting  any  other 
scheme  or  device  for  obtaining  money  or  property  of  any  kind 
through  the  mails  by  means  of  false  or  fraudulent  pretences. . "(*) 

These  penalties  may  he  applied  by  Fraud  Orders,  without  court 
action,  although  relief  may  he  sought  by  appeal.   Criminal  action  is  also 
possible,  this  section  of  the  Act  employing  the  language  "writing, 
circular,  pamphlet  or  advertisement."  Technically,  prosecution  might 
be  brought  solely  on  the  fact  of  transmission  of  false  or  fraudulent 
advertising  through  the  mails;  but  as  a.  practical  matter  it  is  generally 
found  necessary  to  show  direct  harm,  either  physical  or  Pecuniary,  to 
the  complainant,  courts  and  juries  being  hesitant  aJbout  imposing 
criminal  penalties  for  the  pr;  ctices  in  themselves. 

It  will  be  noted  with  respect  to  each  of  the  first  three  statutes 
mentioned  above  -  the  Pood  and  Drug  Act,  the  Federal  Alcohol  Control 
Act,  and  the  Securities  Exchange  Act  -  that  general  prohibitions  u^on 
misrepresentation  in  marking,  branding,  labeling  and/or  advertising 
are  further  implemented  by  enabling  clauses  permitting,  or  renuiring, 
the  administrative  agencies  to  adopt  regulations  for  their  enforcement  - 
that  is,  in  effect,  to  define  the  sco^e  of  the  control  set  uo  by  the 
statute.   It  is  the  general  type  of  method  which,  in  the  opinion  of 
many,  was  originally  intended  by  Congress  to  be  the  procedure  of  the 
Federal  Trade  Commission  -  "unfair  methods  of  competition"  declared 
unlawful,  with  v.ide  discretion  left  the  Couimission  to  decide  as  to  the 
applicability  of  the  phrase  to  specific  practices. 

In  practice,  as  has  been  shown  in  the  discussion  of  the  Commission 
above,  the  right  to  prescribe  as  to  the  definition  and  interpretation 
of  unfair  methods  of  competition  has  been  exercised  by  the  courts. 
Some  modification  of  the  Federal  Trade  Commission  Act  to  empower  the 
Commission  to  set  up  affirmative  standards  for  determining  unfair 
competition,  as  the  Food,  and  Drug  Administration  is  empowered  to  set 
uo  affirmative  standards  for  determininp  as  to  adulterations  and  mis- 
brandings, would  appear  to  be  one  possible  solution  of  the  auestion  of 
increasing  the  Commission1 s  effectiveness  in  its  field. 


State  legislation  affecting  misrepresentation  ha.s  dealt  with  the 
subject  almost  entirely  in  terms  of  police  and  general  welfare  powers. 
All  but  si::  of  the  States  (Arkansas,  Georgia,  Maine,  Mississippi,  Hew 
Mexico  and  Wyoming)  have  some  form  of  law  prohibiting  false  advertising 
and  making  violation  a  misdemeanour.  (**)   The  following  statute  from 
the  Alabama,  code  is  r-uoted  as  typical  of  the  Sta.te  laws  on  the  subject: 

(*)    Paragraphs  259,  and  732,  of  Title  39  of  the  Revised  Code,  69th 

(**)    Final  Feport  on  Chain  Store  Investigation,  F.T.C.  Senate 

Document  ilo.  4,  74th  Cong.  1C35.  :>.  105. 



Untrue  advertising  is  prohibited.   If  any  person,  firm  corporation, 
or  association,  or  agent  or  employee  thereof,  with  intent  to  sell 
or  any  way  dispose  of  merchandise,  real  estate,  securities,  service, 
or  anything  offered  oy   such  person,  firm,  corporation,  or  association, 
or  arent  or  employee  thereof,  directly  or  indirectly,  offers  to  the 
public  for  sale  or  distribution,  or  with  intent  to  increase  the 
consumption  thereof,  or  to  induce  the  mblic  in  any  manner  to  enter 
into  any  obligation  relating  thereto,  or  to  acnuire  title  thereto  or 
an  interest  therein,  knowingly  makes,  publishes,  disseminates, 
circulates  or  xla'ces  before  the  public  or  causes  directly  or  in- 
directly to  be  made,  published,  disseminated,  circulated  or  placed 
before  the  mblic  in  this  3tat°,  in  a  newspaper,  magazine  or  other 
publication,  or  in  the  form  of  a  booh,  notice  circular,  pamphlet, 
handbill,  letter,  poster,  bill  sign,  placard,  card,  label  or  tag, 
or  in  any  other  way  an  advertisement,  announcement  or  statement  of 
any  sort  regarding  merchandise,  securities,  service  or  anything 
so  offered  to  the  public  which  contains  any  assertion,  representa- 
tion or  statement  that  is  untrue,  deceptive  or  misleading;  such 
person  firm,  corporation  or  association  or  the  members  of  such  firm, 
also  the  agent  and  employee  shall  be  guilty  of  a  misdemeanor, 
punishable  by  a   fine  or  not  less  than  $25  nor  more  than  $i,000,  or 
by  imprisonment  for  more  than  on*3  year,  or  by  both  such  fine  and 
imprisonment.  (*) 

Some  of  the  States,  namely,  Maryland,  Massachusetts,  N0rth  Carolina, 
Pennsylvania,  South  Carolina,  Texas,  and  '.Vest  Virginia  provide  that,  to 
constitute  a  violation,  the  advertiser  must  be  aware  of  the  untrue  and 
misleading  nature  of  the  stad^mmnt,  or,  that  it  should  be  possible,  by 
the  exercise  of  reasonable   care,  for  him  to  have  informed  himself.  (**) 

As  to  misrepresentations  through  false  labels,  marking,  or  branding, 
a  number  of  the  states  have  Food  and  Drug  laws  patterned  upon  the 
Federal  lav;  and  in  addition  there  are  a  wide  variety  of  statutes 
designed  to  rrevent  deception  in  the  labeling  of  other  products,  such 
as  feedstuff s,  fertilizer,  paints,  oils,  and  turpentine,  etc.   A  compil- 
ation of  these  would  fill  a  large  volume.   finally  there  arc  the  la 
and  local  ordinances  dealing  with  false  weights  and  measures  and  other 
immediate  frauds  uoon  the  consumer. 

Prior  to  IDA  there  was  little  if  anything  in  the  state  statutes  * 
dealing  with  misrepresenta.tion  as  an  aspect  of  unfair  competition.   The 
com. ion  law  was,  and  is  still,  the  means  of  relief  in  intrastate  cases 
of  this  sort.   Fifteen  states  did  pass  some  sort  of  ir.A  statute,  either 
based  upon  the  national  Act  or  )a.relleling  it  in  some  degree.   These 
state  Acts  were  generally  limited  by  their  o- n  terns  to  two  years,  or 
were  to  run  concurrently  with  the  ori  ;inal  ITI3A,  and  ara  understood  in 
practically  all  cases  to  be  now  expired.  (***) 

(*)    Alabama  Code,  sec.  4133. 

(**)   Senate  Doc.  4,  noted  above,  p.  106. 

(***)   The  states:  California,  Colorado,  Illinois,  Kansas,  Kentucky 

(prison  industries  only),  Massachusetts,  Mississippi,  Missouri, 
Montana,  Hew  Jersey,,  hew  Mexico,  IV:  York,  Ohio,  Oregon, 
Pennsylvania  (Government  purchases  only),  South  Carolina,  Texas, 
Utah,  Virginia,  Washing'tqa,  "Test  Virginia,  'Wisconsin,  Wyoming, 
(Data  orally  from  3.  DublicM,  Legal  research  Section,  Legal 
Division,  JI?JL.  ) 



A.   Trade  Associations . 

A  grea.t  deal  of  valuable  work  in  helping  to  restrain  misre"oresenta- 
tive  practices  in  marking,  branding,  advertising  and  selling  has  been 
done  by  the  various  trade  associations  of  the  country.   Both  by  cooper- 
ation with  the  Federal  Trade  Commission  am  through  educational -caimaigns 
carried  on  among  their  membership  they  have  contributed  to  the  develop-., 
ment  of  a  higher  concept  of  commercial  ethics. 

A  number  of  associations  work  closely  -nth  the  Commission  in  check- 
ing uo  on  violation  of  fair  practice  standards  and  either  themselves 
filing  applications  for  complaint  or  furnishing  the  data'upon  which  a 
complaint  may  be  based.   Still  more  definite  work  is  done  by  groups 
like  the  National  Varnish  Manufacturers  Association  and  Paint  Manu- 
facturers Association,  and  the  Macaroni  Industry,  which  maintain 
testing  laboratories  to  detect  standards  violations  or  discrepancies 
between  product  and  labeling,  and  report  offenders  to  the  Federal  Trade 
Commission  or  the  Food  ant'-  Drue  Administration.   In  some  instances  they 
go  a  stea  further  and  collaborate  in  the  development  of  product 
standards  for  their  industries  which  will  aid  enforcement  agencies  in 
establishing  the  fact  of  misrepresentation  in  cases  where  definite 
criteria  are  required. 

Other  industries,  recognizing  the  necessity  for  at  least  some 
uniform  definitions  of  products  and  trade  terms  to  arevent  deceptions 
due  to  either  confusion  or  deliberate  fraud,  have  worked  out  and  applied 
this  type  of   standard  with  a  considerable  degree  of  success.   Notable 
instances  of  this  are  the  trade  "dictionary"  developed  by  the  Tanners 
Council  and  the  standard  definitions  agreed  upon  by  various  fur  trade 
grouos.   In  a.  number  of  cases  work  of  this  sort  has  been  incorporated 
in  the  Group  II  rules  of  Trade  Practice  Conference  codes  adopted  by  the 
industries  in  conjunction  with  the  Federal  Trade  Commission. 

Approximately  150  industries  formulated  codes  of  this  type  a.rior 
to  NRA,  almost  all  of  which  contained  provisions  of  some  sort  aimed  at 
misrepresentative  and  deceptive  practices.   Nov;,  with  the  passing  of 
NRA,  the  way  appears  to  be  open  for  a  resumption  of  that  work.   If  means 
could  be  found  to  uive  to  the  Federal  Trade  Commission  statutory 
authority  to  approve  such  agreements,  with  ower  to  enforce  the  rules 
approved,  including  those  of  the  Group  II  type,  much  that  was  beneficial 
in  the  trade  practice  work  of  NRA  might  be  preserved. 

3.   Better  Business  Bureaus. 

Active  cooperation  in  the  work  of  defining  trade  terms  and  develop- 
ing standards  of  nomenclature,  referred  to  above,  has  been  given  by  the 
Better  Business  Bureaus,  which  have  also  been  important  agencies  for  the 
general  policing  of  advertising  in  both  the  national  and  local  fields. 
Founded  in  1911,  the  National  Better  Business  Bureau  has  been  consist- 
ently devoted  to  a  "Truth  in  Advertising"  program,  as  veil  as  the  elimin- 
ation of  other  misrepresentations  and  frauds.   There  now  more  than  50 
local  bureaus  in  principal  cities  through  the  country. 


Th  e  receive  consumer  complaints;  maintain  shopping  services; 
obtain  the  cooperation  of  newspapers  and  radio  in  suspending  advertisers 
who  are  shown  to  misrepresent;  and  work  with  Federal,  State  and  local 
authorities  in  "bringing  to  prosecution  violators  of  the  respective  laws 
relating  to  fraud  and  deceit.   Through  arrangement  with  the  Periodical 
Publishers  Association,  the  National  Bureau  helps  police  the  magazine 
industry,  doubtful  advertisements  "being  referred  to  it  for  check. 
The  Bureaus  are  also  important  agencies  for  developing  positive 
standards  of  ethics  and  criteria  of  accuracy  in  advertising,  which 
to  the  extent  of  their  acceptance  by  the  local  "business  community 
become  in  effect  unofficial  extensions  of  the  law  governing  misrepre- 

During  the  NBA  code  period  the  Better  Business  Bureaus  cooper- 
ated actively  with  the  Code  Authorities,  especially  in  the  retail 
trade  codes.   As  a  sidelight  on  the  influence  of  IJBA  upon  advertising, 
one  of  the  Bureaus  states: 

"As  an  aid  to  persuasion  the  fact  that  advertisements 
might  be  violating  an  IJBA  code  has  brought  many  an  advertiser 
in.  line  with  Bureau  recommendations  and  oolicy."  (*) 

The  work  of  this  tyoe  of  organization,  as  well  as  retail  and 
wholesale  trade  associations  and  others  active  in  the  local  field, 
is  of  particular  importance  because  of  its  effect  uoon  false  and 
unfair  practices  in  intrastate  trade,  which  neither  the  Federal 
Trade  Commission  nor,  under  the  doctrine  of  the  Schechter  decision, 
any  nationally  sponsored  form  of  regulation  is  able  to  reach.   That 
their  efforts  or  those  of  any  now  available  agencies  are  sufficient 
to  cope  satisfactorily  with  the  situation,  however,  the  immense 
amount  of  compliance  work  carried  on  by  the  local  code  authorities 
of  the  various  1TRA  retail  trade  codes  in  administering  their  fair 
practice  provisions  would  incline  one  to  cnoubt. 

(*)  Annual  Be^ort,  Better  Business  Bureau,  'Washington,  D.  C.  ,  1934-35, 


mi  n  .M. 



Executive  Order  No.  7075,  dated  June  15,  1S35,  established  the  Division  of  Review  of  the 
National  Recovery  Administration.  The  pertinent  part  of  the  Executive  Order  reads  thus: 

The  Division  of  Review  shall  assemble,  analyze,  and  report  upon  the  statistical 
information  and  records  of  experience  of  the  operations  of  the  various  trades  and 
industries  heretofore  subject  to  codes  of  fair  competition,  shall  study  the  ef- 
fects of  such  codes  upon  trade,  industrial  and  labor  conditions  in  general,  and 
ot.ier  related  matters,  sha'l  make  available  for  the  protection  and  promotion  of 
the  public  interest  an  adequate  review  of  the  effects  of  the  Administration  of 
Title  I  of  the  National  Inc.  istrial  Recovery  Act,  and  ti.j  principles  and  policies 
put  into  effect  thereunder,  and  shall  otherwise  aid  the  "resident  in  carrying  out 
nis  functions  under  the  said  Title. 

The  study  sections  set  up  in  the  Division  of  Review  covered  these  areas:  industry 
studies,  foreign  trade  studies,  labor  studies,  trade  practice  studies,  statistical  studies, 
legal  studies,  administration  studies,  miscellaneous  studies,  and  the  writing  of  cede  his- 
tories.  The  materials  which  were  produced  by  these  sections  are  indicated  below. 

Except  for  the  Code  Histories,  all  items  mentioned  below  are  scheduled  to  be  in  mimeo- 
graphed form  by  April  1,  1936. 


The  Code  Histories  are  documented  accounts  of  the  formation  and  administration  of  the 
codes.  They  contain  the  definition  of  the  industry  and  the  principal  products  thereof:  the 
classes  of  members  in  the  industry;  the  history  of  cede  formation  including  an  account  of  the 
sp  )ns  ring  organizations,  the  conferences,  negotiations  and  hearings  which  were  neld,  and 
the  activities  in  connection  with  obtaining  approval  of  th9  code;  the  history  of  the  ad- 
ministration of  the  code,  covering  the  organizati-a  and  operation  of  the  code  authority, 
the  difficulties  encountered  in  administration,  the  extent  of  compliance  or  non-compliance, 
and  the  general  success  or  lack  of  success  of  the  code;  and  an  analysis  of  the  operation  of 
code  previsions  dealing  with  wages,  hours,  trade  practices,  and  other  provisions.  These 
and  other  matters  are  canvassed  not  only  in  terms  of  the  materials  to  be  found  in  the  files, 
but  also  in  terms  of  the  experiences  of  the  deputies  and  others  concerned  with  code  formation 
and  administration. 

The  Code  Histories,  (including  histories  of  certain  NRA  units  or  agencies)  are  not 
mimeographed.  They  are  to  be  turned  over  to  the  Department  of  Commerce  in  typewritten  form. 
All  told,  approximately  eight  hundred  and  fifty  (850)  histories  will  be  completed.  This 
number  includes  all  of  the  approved  codes  and  some  of  the  unapproved  codes.  (In  Work  Mate- 
rials  No_  18,  Contents  of  Code  Histories,  will  be  found  the  outline  which  governed  the 
preparation  of  Code  Histories.) 

(In  the  case  of  all  approved  codes  and  also  in  the  case  of  some  codes  not  carried  to 
final  approval,  there  are  in  NRA  files  further  materials  on  industries.  Particularly  worthy 
of  mention  are  the  Volumes  I,  II  and  III  which  c  nstitute  the  material  officially  submitted 
to  the  President  in  support  of  the  recommendation  for  approval  of  each  code.  These  volumes 
9675—1 . 

set  forth  the  origination  of  the  code,  the  sponsoring  group,  the  evidence  advanced  to  sup- 
port the  proposal,  the  report  of  the  Division  of  Research  and  Planning  on  the  industry,  the 
recommendations  of  the  various  Advisory  Boards,  certain  types  of  official  correspondence, 
the  transcript  of  the  formal  hearing,  and  other  pertinent  matter.  There  is  also  much  offi- 
cial information  relating  to  amendments,  interpretations,  exemptions,  and  other  rulings.  The 
materials  mentioned  in  this  paragraph  were  of  course  not  a  part  of  the  work  of  the  Division 
of  Review. ) 


In  the  work  of  the  Division  of  Review  a  considerable  number  of  studies  and  compilations 
of  data  (other  than  those  noted  below  in  the  Evidence  Studies  Series  and  the  Statistical 
Materials  Series)  have  been  made.  These  are  listed  below,  grouped  according  to  the  char- 
acter of  the  material.  (In  Work  Materials  No  17,  Tentative  Outlines  and  Summaries  of 
Studies  in  Process,  these  materials  are  fully  described). 

Industry  Studies 

Automobile  Industry,  An  Economic  Survey  of 

Bituminous  Coal  Industry  under  Free  Competition  and  Code  Regulation,  Economic  Survey  of 

Construction  Industry  and  NRA  Construction  Codes,  the 

Electrical  Manufacturing  Industry,  The 

Fertilizer  Industry,  The 

Fishery  Industry  and  the  Fishery  Codes 

Fishermen  and  Fishing  Craft,  Earnings  of 

Foreign  Trade  under  the  National  Industrial  Recovery  Act 

Part  A  -  Competitive  Position  of  the  United  States  in  International  Trade  1927-29  through 

Part  B  -  Section  3  (e)  of  NIRA  and  it3  administration. 

Part  C  -  Imports  and  Importing  under  NRA  Codes. 

Part  D  -  Exports  and  Exporting  under  NRA  Code3. 
Forest  Products  Industries.  Foreign  Trade  Study  of  the 
Iron  and  Steel  Industry,  The 
Knitting  Industries,  The 
Leather  and  Shoe  Industries,  The 

Lumber  and  Timber  Products  Industry,  Economic  Problems  of  the 
Men's  Clothing  Industry,  The 
Millinery  Industry,  The 
Motion  Picture  Industry,  The 

Migration  of  Industry,  The:   The  Shift  of  Twenty-Five  Needle  Trades  From  New  York  State, 
1926  to  1934 

National  Income,  A  study  of. 
Paper  Industry,  The 

Production,  Prices,  Employment  and  Payrolls  in  Industry,  Agriculture  and  Railway  Trans- 
portation, January  1923,  to  date 
Retail  Trades  Study,  The 
Rubber  Industry  Study,  The 
Statistical  Background  of  NRA 

Textile  Industry  in  the  United  Kingdom,  France,  Germany,  Italy,  and  Japan 
Textile  Yarns  and  Fabrics 
Tobacco  Industry,  The 
Wholesale  Trades  Study,  The 

-  iii  - 

Women's  Apparel  Industry,  Some  Aspects  of  the 

Trade  Practice  Studies 

Commodities,  Information  Concerning:   A  Study  of  NRA  and  Related  Experiences  in  Control 
Distribution,  Manufacturers'  Control  of:   A  Study  of  Trade  Practice  Provisions  in  Selected 

NRA  Codes 
Design  Piracy:  The  Problem  and  Its  Treatment  Under  NRA  Codes 
Electrical  Mfg.  Industry:   Price  Filing  Study 
Fertilizer  Industry:  Price  Filing  Study 

Geographical  Price  Relations  Under  Codes  of  Fair  Competition,  Control  of 
Minimum  Price  Regulation  Under  Codes  of  Fair  Competition 
Multiple  Basing  Point  System  in  the  Lime  Industry:   Operation  of  the 
Price  Control  in  the  Coffee  Industry 
Price  Filing  Under  NRA  Codsa 

Production  Control  Under  NRA  Codes,  Some  Aspects  of. 
Resale  Price  Maintenance  Legislation  in  the  United  States 

Retail  Price  Cutting,  Restriction  of,  with  special  Emphasis  on  The  Drug  Industry. 
Trade  Practice  Rules  of  The  Federal  Trade  Commission  (1914-1936):   A  classification  for 

comparison  with  Trade  Practice  Provisions  of  NRA  Codes. 

Labor  Studies 

Employment,  Payrolls,  Hours,  and  Wages  in  115  Selected  Code  Industries  1933-1935 

Hours  and  Wages  in  American  Industry 

Labor  Program  Under  the  National  Industrial  Recovery  Act,  The 

Part  A.   Introduction 

Part  B.   Control  of  Hours  and  Reemployment 

Part  C.   Control  of  Wages 

Part  D.   Control  of  Other  Conditions  of  Employment 

Part  E.   Section  7(a)  of  the  Recovery  Act 
PRA  Census  of  Employment,  June,  October, 1933 
Puerto  Rico  Needlework,  Homeworkers  Survey 

Administrative  Studies 

Administrative  and  Legal  Aspects  of  Stays,  Exemptions  and  Exceptions,  Code  Amendments,  Con- 
ditional Orders  of  Approval 

Administrative  Interpretations  of  NRA  Codes 

Administrative  Law  and  Procedure  under  the  NIRA 

Agreements  Under  Sections  4(a)  and  7(b)  of  the  NIRA 

Approved  Codes  in  Industry  Groups,  Classification  of 

Basic  Code,  the  —  (Administrative  Order  X-61) 

Code  Authorities  and  Their  Part  in  the  Administration  of  the  NIRA 
Part  A.  Introduction 

Part  B.  Nature,  Composition  and  Organization  of  Code  Authorities 
Part  C.  Activities  of  the  Code  Authorities 
Part  D.  Code  Authority  Finances 
Part  C.  Summary  and  Evaluation 


-  iv  - 

Code  Compliance  Activities  of  the  NRA 

Code  Making  Program  of  the  NRA  in  the  Territories,  The 

Code  Provisions  and  Related  Subjects,  Policy  Statements  Concerning 

Content  of  NIRA  Administrative  Legislation 

Part  A.  Executive  and  Administrative  Orders 

Part  B.  Labor  Provisions  in  the  Codes 

Part  C.  Trade  Practice  Provisions  in  the  Codes 

Part  D.  Administrative  Provisions  in  the  Codes 

Part  E.  Agreements  under  Sections  4(a)  and  7(b) 

Part  F.  A  Type  Case:  The  Cotton  Textile  Code 
Labels  Under  NRA,  A  Study  of 

Model  Code  and  Model  Provisions  for  Codes,  Development  of 
National  Recovery  Administration,  The:   A  Review  and  Evaluation  of  its  Organization  and 

NRA  Insignia 

President's  Reemployment  Agreement,  The 

President's  Reemployment  Agreement,  Substitutions  in  Connection  with  the 
Prison  Labor  Problem  under  NRA  and  the  Prison  Compact,  The 
Problems  of  Administration  in  the  Overlapping  of  Code  Definitions  of  Industries  and  Trades, 

Multiple  Code  Coverage,  Classifying  Individual  Members  of  Industries  and  Trades 
Relationship   f  NRA  to  Government  Contracts  and  Contracts  Involving  the  Use  of  Government 

Relationship  of  NRA  with  other  Federal  Agencies 
Relationship  of  NRA  with  States  and  Munoipalities 
Sheltered  Workshops  Under  NRA 
Uncodified  Industries:  A  Study  of  Factors  Limiting  the  Code  Making  Program 

Legal  Studies 

Anti-Trust  Laws  and  Unfair  Competition 

Collective  Bargaining  Agreements,  the  Right  of  Individual  Employees  to  Enforce  Provisions  of 

ommerce  Clause,  Possible  Federal  Regulation  of  the  Employer-Employee  Relationship  Under  the 

Delegation  of  Power,  Certain  Phases  of  the  Principle  of,  with  Reference  to  Federal  Industrial 
Regulatory  Legislation 

Enforcement,  Extra-Judicial  Methods  of 

Federal  Regulation  through  the  Joint  Employment  of  the  Power  of  Taxation  and  the  Spending 

Government  Contract  Provisions  as  a  Means  of  Establishing  Proper  Econ  mic  Standards,  Legal 
Memorandum  on  Possibility  of 

Intrastate  Activities  Which  so  Affect  Interstate  Commerce  as  to  Bring  them  Under  the  Com- 
merce Clause,  Cases  on 

Legislative  Possibilities  of  the  State  Constitutions 

Post  Office  and  Post  Road  Power  —  Can  it  be  Used  as  a  Means  of  Federal  Industrial  Regula- 

State  Recovery  Legislation  in  Aid  of  Federal  Recovery  Legislation  History  and  Analysis 

Tariff  Rates  to  Secure  Proper  Standards  of  Wages  and  Hours,  the  Possibility  of  Variation  in 

irade  Practices  and  the  Anti-Trust  Laws 

Treaty  Making  Power  of  the  United  States 

War  Power,  Can  it  be  Used  as  a  Means  of  Federal  Regulation  of  Child  Labor? 



The  Evidence  Studies  were  originally  undertaken  to  gather  material  for  pending  court 
cases.  After  the  Schechter  decision  the  project  was  continued  in  order  to  assemble  data  for 
use  in  connection  with  the  studies  of  the  Division  of  Review.  The  data  are  particularly 
concerned  with  the  nature,  size  and  operations  of  the  industry;  and  with  the  relation  of  the 
industry  to  interstate  commerce.  The  industries  covered  by  the  Evidence  Studies  account  for 
more  than  one-half  of  the  total  number  of  workers  under  codes.  The  list  of  these  studies 

Automobile  Manufacturing  Industry 
Automotive  Parts  and  Equipment  Industry- 
Baking  Industry 

Boot  and  Shoe  Manufacturing  Industry 
Bottled  Soft  Drink  Industry 
Builders'  Supplies  Industry 
Canning  Industry 
Chemical  Manufacturing  Industry 
Cigar  Manufacturing  Industry 
Coat  and  Suit  Industry 
Construction  Industry 
Cotton  Garment  Industry 
Dress  Manufacturing  Industry 
Electrical  Contracting  Industry 
Electrical  Manufacturing  Industry 
Fabricated  Metal  Products  Mfg.  Industry  and 
Metal  Finishing  and  Metal  Coating  Industry 
Fishery  Industry 
Furniture  Manufacturing  Industry 
General  Contractors  Industry 
General  Contractors  Industry 
Graphic  Arts  Industry 
Graphic  Arts  Industry 
Gray  Iron  Foundry  Industry 
Hosiery  Industry 

Infant's  and  Children's  Wear  Industry 
Iron  and  Steel  Industry 

Leather  Industry 

Lumber  and  Timber  Products  Industry 
Mason  Contractors  Industry 
Men's  Clothing  Industry 
Motion  Picture  Industry 
Motor  Vehicle  Retailing  Trade 
Needlework  Industry  of  Puerto  Rico 
Painting  and  Paperhanging  Industry 
Photo  Engraving  Industry 
Plumbing  Contracting  Industry 
Retail  Lumber  Industry 
Retail  Trade  Industry 
Retail  Tire  and  Battery  Trade  Industry 
Rubber  Manufacturing  Industry 
Rubber  Tire  Manufacturing  Industry 
Shipbuilding  Industry 
Silk  Textile  Industry 
Structural  Clay  Products  Industry 
Throwing  Industry 
Trucking  Industry 
Waste  Materials  Industry 
Wholesale  and  Retail  Food  Industry 
Waste  Materials  Industry 
Wholesale  and  Retail  Food  Industry 
Wholesale  Fresh  Fruit  and  vegetable  Indus- 
Wool  Textile  Industry 


This  series  is  supplementary  to  the  Evidence  Studies  Series.  The  reports  include  data 
on  establishments,  firms,  employment,  payrolls,  wages,  hours,  production  capacities,  ship- 
ments, sales,  consumption,  stocks,  prices,  material  costs,  failures,  exports  and  import3. 
They  also  include  notes  on  the  principal  qualifications  that  should  be  observed  in  using  the 
data,  the  technical  methods  employed,  and  the  applicability  of  the  material  to  the  study  of 
the  industries  concerned.  The  following  numbers  appear  in  the  series: 

-  vi  - 

Asphalt  Shingle  and  Roofing  Industry 

Business  Furniture 

Candy  Manufacturing  Industry 

Carpet  and  Rug  Industry 

Cement  Industry 

Cleaning  and  Dyeing  Trade 

Coffee  Industry 

Copper  and  Brass  Mill  Products  Industry 

Cotton  Textile  Industry 

Electrical  Manufacturing  Industry 


Fertilizer  Industry 

Funeral  Supply  Industry 

Glass  Container  Industry 

Ice  Manufacturing  Industry 

Knitted  Outerwear  Industry 

Paint,  Varnish,  and  Lacquer,  Mfg.  Industry 

Plumbing  Fixtures  Industry 

Ray^n  and  Synthetic  Yarn  Producing  Industry 

Salt  Producing  Industry