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Louise  E.  S.  Eisenlohr 


MARCH,  1936 



Louise  E.    S.   Eisenlohr 

March,    1936 



Tnole   of  Coutpiits 


SmaiARY -   1 

CHiPT£K        :      SliirT  Li;;iTATIUiI   Ii:  the  COTTCIT  BUilSLE  7G2I{ 

SOCK  bPlAi:ch  cp  the  hosiery  IYDUSTHY -  2 


lEDUSTHY  S:^:XIY  OP  CODE   ST'UDY -   13 

A.  G-eneraJ.   Sta.tenent  oE   tlie   IncVastr^' s  Proble-.i -   13 

B.  Description  of   the   Industiy -   13 

C.  Econonic  Conditicns  in  the   Inoiisti-- -   14 

D.  Co'ipetitive    Situation  "./ithin  the    I/ichistr;- -    15 

E.  The   Industrr;  Under   the   Code -   16 



Data  on  Costs  -   7  Companies 
TABLE        .  II .    COTd'OlI  EUISLE  T70PJ:  SOClfs 33 

End   of  Year   Inventories  -   11  Conpajaies 

TABLE        III.    COTTOil  BUilDLE  ^OPJI  SOCKS 34 

Appro::inate  per   cent   of  Ca;oacit7  at 
miich  11  ilills  Operated,    1931-1334 

TABLE        IV   .    COTTOK  I3U13LE  UOFJC  SOCKS 35 

Annual  Production  -  11  Co:-ip,?jiies 


Aiinual   Shi':):ients  -   11   Coivoaiiies 





Tlio  tlirec  cacptcrs   which  folic-   re  "briof,  sini:  ary  discusGionc  of  the 
econonic  conc.itions  in  thr  ■:  i. -i.- t-^i.- s  vhich  led  to  ■.iroduction  co.itrol, 
aiid  of  the  nature  and  cffectr   i  :.  is  control  moas-urc.   Lack  of  tiue, 
and  often  of  iir.terials,  h'ls     .  it  ir,rjossiblc  to  do  nore  tlian  outline  the 
ir.portant  fct",tiires. 

The-  studies  arc  not  i^tc\ided,  ^lovrevcr,  to  'oe  c:;hauGtive  investi;-,'",tion 
of  tne  industries  with  v/hich  they  deal,  hut  rather  to  ,  -?t  le^.st 
in  ;^\rt,  th:  scope  of  the  cener.^l  problem  of  production  control.   The  in- 
tust-.-ies  ccrlt  v.'ith  have  hcen  selected  partly  hcccousc  they  illuctrace  a 
variety  of  econonic  conditions,  lea'  ina  to  a  varietj^  of  measuri^s  for 
effectin;;,  the  control  of  production. 

Cha'-'ter  I;   The  Cotton  Bnoaidlc  Yi'ork  Soch  3r,anch  of  the  Hosiery 
Industry  T/a,s  attcrnptinf;  to  meet  the  coraparatively  simple  emergency 
prolDlen  of  low  prices.  The  code  redii.ction  of  labor  hours,  it  feared, 
would  leac"  to  the  general  adoption  of  three  shifts,  increase  production, 
and  threaten  to  oppose  price  rcstor-.tion*  The  code  prohibition  of  a 
third  shift  a-'*^*-  rise  to  contro..  ers;" ,  because  those  neinbers  of  the  industry 
T/ho  nr'.d  litclc  or  no  idle  capacity  to  use  m  expandin,  ,  the:' r  tv^o  shift 
operations  foii::d.  themselves  unable  to  meet  demand,  v/hiie  those  witn  excess 
capacity  v/ere  able  to.  absorb  the  or'crs  thus  lost  by  their  competitors. 

Ch:'pter  II:   The  dachincd  ■'"aste  Industry  faced  in  addition  to  the 
depression,  a  lonr;-tijue  problur.  of  rcaaced  demand  due  to  the  coimetition 
of  substitutes.   It  attcmpttd  to  savi,-  itself  by  the  direct  method  of 
alloc  .tir.a  production,  Imvina  had  .little  success  vmdcr  the  code  with 
price  filina,  standardization  of  gr.  laes,  and  a  minimum  mark-up  on  rav/ 
materials.   The  case  of  this  industry  illustrates  the  inequalities  a 
production  control  provision  of  this  ty^oe  may  im;^Tose  upon  different  sectors 
of  an  inc'.ustry  v;hen  it  is  adopted  to  save  the  diminishing  business  of  an 
industry  which  is  shrinlrina, 

Ch.o.pter  III:   The  Cprbon  Black  Industry  had  to  d«al  with  a  chronic 
condition  of  instability,  due  to  tccluiic  d  c vases,  which  was  badly 
aggravated  by  stock  accui^mlations  durina  the  depression.   There  is  no 
indicr:.tion  tliat  chc  inventory  -and  ca'-.acity  control  raeasxires  which  were 
adopted  under  the  code  were  more  thai  moderately  successful,  but  the 
issues  involved  arc  peculiarly  interesting  because  the  industry  was 
apvurently  already  closely  controlled  by  a  few  concerns,  which  conceived 
these  measures  to  be  neccssar;-  to  achieve  a  degree  of  stability  which  they 
had  not  been  able,  themselves,  to  attain. 

s?:n-T  LI  iTATioN  IF  Ti::~  ccttci-  "m^ix::  yjghk  sqci:  ?raj'Gh 

Q"  ?'-:3   --:SI3?Y   I'/LUSTBY 

The  Coce   for  the   Hosiery   Ir:'Of.try  induced-  in  Article   IV,    Section  6, 
a  nrovision   for   tr^c   limit-?tioa  of  :T"'Chi;ie   i.rurs   to   two   shifts  of  40  hours 
each  Ter  veel:,    a^-  iicebie    to   :-Ji   sections  of   the   Industry.      Tue   oo.ject 
of   tnis   study   is   to   outline   the   effects  of   this  "orovision  ur-on   the  Cotton 
Bundle  'riork  Sock  n-^.uch  of   the   Industry. 

A  brief  -orelirninp.ry  cu&cri--tion  of  the  Hosiery  liicu&try  as  a  ^--hole 
v'ill  nelp  to  oive  tnis  survey  of  ^■.  single  -oroblem  in  one  of  its  branches 
its  nrojer   lers  'octive. 

Tne  Hosiery   Industry  has   t--c   main  civisions   -   tue   full-fashioned 
and   the   seamless.      The   first  malies   only  v  omen's   &ili_,    r?yon  and  mixed 
i.osiery,    snaoeo   and   sea:Tied.      Ti.e   second  is    subdivi-fed   into   s-veral  branch- 
es,'amonii:,   them  ribbed  nose,    ciAltren's   sochs,    rork  socl:s   and  £olf  hose. 

The   rel?tive   inroortance   of  the   tv.'o   chief  divisions  may  bo    seen  in 
the   follo'"in^   statistics   for   the   value  ana  voliaiiie  of  production   in  1934. 
Tne   full-fasnioned   /.ivision  pro.aices  a   hi,  her  priced  ^-rticle   than  tlm 
s -araless   anc   nas   tnerefore  a   Ui,  total  value,    D\it   tne   latter  has  the 
l^rK-:r  volioire. 

-  Voliufie    (doz.    -lairs)  Valu.e 

Full-fashioned  30,549,000  $18^, 10-, 000 

Seamless  73,3?3,0"r)  103,611.000 

Total  103,8ri,O0O  $1^86,714,000 

(Source:      3;vidence   Study    '"o.    18  of   tne   Hosiery   Industry  inre-oared 
by  C.    .1.    Hen^^erson,    Hov.    1^35) 

The   tio    I  ivisions   ?re.not   entirely   clear  cut,    since    some 
mills   are   ev^^.^nc,  in   the  !.i?nufacture   of  both  full-f?.shioned   and   seam- 
less  hose.      '-  f_rou-nin^   of  5 11  nosiery  mills   on   the  basis   of   their  princi- 
pal  output    snoY's   tnem  in   the   follo'^'in     ratio:      (as   of  July,    1*^33) 

Fuli-f?s..ioned   -  283 
Seamless  -  o65 

Total  -  


Tnere  is  a  concentr-^' t'ion  of  the  full-fesnioned  division  in 
Pennsylvania,  vhere  nearly  one-naif  of  tne  mills,  o  oeratin^.  58  ■  of  the 
total  equipment,  are  loc--ted,  'Vi-.inly  m  Pnil= ;"  el-mia  eno.  Re?din^.   Ctiier 
important  ristricts  are  .'orth  Carolina,  iei^  Yorlz,    He-  Jersey  and  ,  is- 
consin.   Tne  seamless  division  of  tne  Industry  is  centered  princi-oally 
in  two  LAstricts:   North  Carolina,  vnere  aL,out  one-fourth  of  the  mills 
are  located,  and  Pennsylvania  v^rich  claims  23  ..   Half  the  mills  are  in 


the    soutnern   st;^-toc.(*) 

The   cotton   L-Lu-Loie  irork  eock  i  rnr.Cii  comprises   T-^leven  mills   -  or 
less   tn?.n    3'  oi    ti.e   total  irojnber  in  the   6e?.;:alesi.  'o.ivi&ion.      It    -rocuced., 
in  1&?4,    ro-U--^   r^-, -OOiOOO  dozen   o-^irs  of   soch's,    or  4—1/2..   oi"   the   total 
•oroduction  of  the   seamless  division,      '^ive  mills  sre   locrted   in  the 
Horth   (Illinois  2,    Jew  York  2,   ?ennE:;l\  snia   1),    -?nc    six  in   the   Soutn 
(Georgia  4,    l-Torth  Carolina  1,    South  Carolina   1).      There  v-as  a  Code 
minimum  wa|.e  differential  of  $1.00  per  veek  for  knitters   in  this  branch 
($13.00  Korth-$12.00  South).      Turee  of   the   eleven  com-oenies   in   this 
branch  are  notably   smaller   txian   tiie   rart;      tvo   ^re  r.otebly   l?rior.      The 
follovm^   list   snoTS   tne   relative   size  of   the  mills   orooucin,^    cotton 
bundle  vork  socks. 

Com  -any  o_ 

Total   ;To. 
"   ;.  aci.ines 

llelson  Fnitting  Co.,    P.ockfcrd,    111.  .jb? 

Pov-ell  Fnittinfe  Co.,    Pail'-,  ekohi? ,    ra .  (          ?4D 

^nd  So-^rt-.nb -.rg,    S.    C.  (          601   also 


(,.  ross   tot?.l  r.30  3B.1 
3allston-Stillv-atrT  7nittiv::^   Co., 

BallEton,    r.    Y.  ?37  10.0 

jjurh?m  Hosiery  Mills,    Diirn^'rn,    "k    C.  28'o  8.4 
Forer,t   City  Frittia,.  Co.,    'c-'ira,    111. 

(v  ■'■    '  r,r-  .jord  165  4.8 

(Old.  Eoc-ford  100  ?.0 

Total  26b  7.8 

P e rki n s  Ho s i e ry  k"i lis,    Co lumbus ,    G'^. .  26 "  7.8 

r.ibb   Mfg.      Co.,    Macon,    C-a.  246  7.3 

Georgia  kf£ .    Co.,    Columbus,    Ga.  218  6.4 

Grantville  kills  Co.,    Crai.tville,    C-a.  122  ".6 

Seneca  Knitting  Co.,    Senec?,    He-    York  30  2.3 

3irdsboro  Hosiery  Lxlls,    :k.r6Fboro,    r-- .  40  1.15 

Total  rZ77^  IOC 

The  economic   co.'ic.ition   of  ta-?.   I'.iau<^  try,    as   it   is   aescriued   in   the 
statements  ma.c  e  b;,    its  ..Ou.beis,    is   -  or  v^^s   at    th^  betiiinint:    of   the   code 
■oeiod  -  '"orse   tnan   tiie   ratner  .uPa^,re   fr-tn   r-vailable   m  the   records  vould 
ap-oear  to  be-r  out.      Studies  bssed  on  Puryau  of  Census   Statistics   (Sr-e 
Research  and  rlannme.   Report  on  tne  Goce   for  the  Hosiery  Inc.ustry,    1933, 
and  Dillinthsra's  Prelimi.-?ry  '..r-'^ft   Re^iort  of  tne  Hosiery   Incustry, 
Feb.    193o)    state   tii?t   the  peak  year  for  'Trodu"  tioa  raf    1S23  ?no.   tn?t   c'lr- 
in£,   tne   depression  the   ^veate^^t   cecli.'e  '^'^s  only   12.9.'  belor  the   figure 
for  1929.      Prices   fell   considerably  more   than   oroduction.      "arly  in  1933 
tney  wore   46,.  belo'"  txie   level  -irevailins,   in  1929;    from  tnat   tirae  until 
the   coce  vas  a-o-oroved   (August    -.6,    1?-'^'?)    t..e.v   rose   to   7o.7'.  of   their  1929 
level.      In  .Viitu^t,    1934,    t^ey  ..a;    fallen  ?,.-in  to   ^7.8.,    and   thereafter 
ti-ey   rose   only    sli   ..tly. 

There  was  ^.ener-i   eivn^efsion  tnrovuhout    tiia   Industry  of   the  belief 
that    it  w?s   suffering.-..,   from  a   condition  of   swollen   inventories.      It   is 
(*)      Research  and    ddvision   Re^^ort   on  the  Coce   for  the  Hosiery 

Industry,    1933.      HTJi.   files. 

true   that   a   Cii=--.ri^e   !:■■,   uvi^,'in_.  ii?bits   '.vrxrii.   tne    ICi'O's   affected  this   in- 
dustry as   otners      nec^  3f- sit- ti.i^    the    .■;.:;■' tenance   of   l-'-r>^er   inventories 
tnan  were   form&rly  k^-t   by  nia/ua  TiCturers;    but   stvtistice   on  nrnd  do  not 
shoF   tnat   tue   in"er.tori-i^    er'isti.i^   at   th-?   ti   -=■    tne   coo   ''■^.■.    a^o   trc  '--sre 
out    of   line   vitu   ti.ovo   of    -):.evious  years.      A   r-j-ula .    seasonality  nas 
ore-vailed   m   tne   liiL.ustry   cairing   tne   -la^t   dec-^-c  e,    tne  ni^ii  months   for 
snipments   oeinj^,   s   ri-i^  ^i^a   suturnn.      larj..  er   inventories  are  •ire---'-red   in 
expectation  of  tnese   "e'hs,    but   a   ciirsory   survey   of  r.onth-end  inventories 
over  a  "oeriod  of  ^'ears    snc'S   tne.n  at   all   of   tne   y^-^r   c=    ^^ole   of 
suo  dying    txie   cie.--rd  nor:^;ally   ^  ntici-?  t--'c:    ::^or    t^^--   ^^xt    ^   to    10  I'eeks. 
Tiiis   t-eneral    rule   a^^e^rs    to    :X'lc    .  occ    for   botxi   tiiO    searnless    and   the 
full-fasi-aoned  br^    C;-^-s   of   tne   Indv.ftry.      The   follorir-;;    t'ble  vill 
indie: te   tnis   situation. 

Stocks  on  nano.  December   '^l,    13"",    and  Lecemuer  ?1,    1??4, 
com-oar--"d  vith  sf.i-on:8nts  Jan-aar;,^  and  February,    l!"?;C-l   -4. 

(D?ta   from  Statistic--- 1  "ulletin  of   tne  Hosiery  Code  Autnority,    Vol.    I, 
;','-9,    F  :briiary,    l''".j) 

I-\-ll   ;"--s..ionec    riosiery   Sni"ments    (coo's) 
l~:r       l-^^O     l-;r-l       IJP.3       19?:^       1?'^4 

January  ;jOB6  1   17  1038  IS-^l  1934  1^^"6 

February  ^^--^l  ".164  2  ?V0  '''^4j  :;,^39  '400 
2  i.onths 

Tot^l  ^'""7  4081  <;;0S  4'!V6  4:j6o  ^:3:^6 


'"'1st   stoc'.rs    (doc's) 

IbS-'S  -  413-        )      A"ODroximateiy  2  montns   sipoly,    by 
1P74  -     445        )      comr'arison  vith  usixal   snipments 

Searalest.   Hosiery   S-ii":'inents    (ooc's) 

i:-'3::;      i""C'    i;:;.-i      i^rs      I9?g      i^?4 

January  6865        j76i     uOOc  o']  1  4071  4882 

February  6775        ^47"      -jfi.:.:-'  _."?0  .,y;65  ,.?40 
2  Months 

Total  11:,?r^b  ll,:-"4  10,7.1  10,671  10,  "^e  10,733 

Decernjer   r^lst    s.tocks    (ooo's) 

19'^^r  -   11,850)    )      Ai-^^rroyimately  2  months   su-v-Ia',    by 
1   '^'..  -   l'^,48d)  c  mpsrison  A-'ith  usual    Fhi-?i-,entE 

Similar   results  are   sno'-n  by   comoarine    stocks   on  \\'=nc   i-^rcli,    Julj--  aiid 
October,    rith  shi  \  -rnts   for   tne    '■;   jolio-in     mo^.tns.      Stocks   equal   from 
6   to    10  '"eeks   sitTcily. 

In   19-?5   inveiitorie';    incre---^ed  ■:.urin._    the    e:-rly    simmier  months   in 


eroecta  tior.   of   cov.e   rsr-trictioup.  ■ac^on  r  L-oC\vtiou.      Lirai:>tion  aid  not 
follov/   in   tho  m^.r.ner  e^roeota.." ,    ^.nd   ?.   tf>Tn-''Or!-ry   t-lvtt    re:3u:i.tGd..      To 
remedy   tnis   sit'Oi'l.ion  tne   Coa?  A"at..crity   succeodod  in  i-^ininj,   a   aci- 
rainietrptivG  r-.^-orov=^l  of  a    terr?orary  r-.aenoriient   of  Article   Iv ,    Soction  6, 
limiting  iTiachine   o  jcr-^tioris    for  •->  -verioT    of   5  ''-e^i.'s    to   2   SiiiftF,   or  ^^5 
nours   e?cn  per  "^ook.       (Aoxiirist"'- tive   Cr"  er  16-"). 

From  the   available   recorr's    (*)    it      o:-s   not    -'^j'  1'   tii?  t    tiiorc  rare 
any  marked  differences   in   the    re^ '^er'tive   eco-or.ic    --0.  :iticnP   of    tne 
tvo  major  c.ivisicnc   of  tne   Ho&iery   Industry,    ?ltx^.ov..eXi  a-  -lajor  snift 
from  seamlese   to   full-fasaio-.ed   i.?'    ocnrred  c'urini,   the   e=^rly    '20's 
vhich  mi£.ht   have  heen  eyoectud  to  -iroduce   extreme   excess   ca.-iacity  in 
the   seamlesf   civision.      Tids  vas   ciised  hy   the   svm^    in   oenand   from 
romen's   cotton   to    full-fasr-iored   sill:  r.osiery.      Ilo'-ever,    ty   tne    time 
the    code   arose    ootn  civisions  vere   '-r-:rl  u  en    t:.e   rj-^-d   for   curtailing 
the  use   of  rirodurtive    apichinery.      Inr    l'.'    1.  .;r~    -■'    '-i    <.    to   be  more 
a^it^tion  over  tins   question   in   i.n  -   fuil-   ^-^lii-   .0      civision  than  in   the 
seamless,    and   the  -Code  Autnority   Eo^.nt   rrucn   tine   in   studying:  an  adjust- 
betv^een   full-f?  shioned  le^.  1::  ■   njii,   I'ooti  .,     ,.'ir.^..ir3   Q-^er^tions  which  v^culd 
brini,    tne   resirec    volume   of  Tvro: '■  .rtion.    (**) 

3yr-ct    statistical  d-t-    on   the  number  of  machines,    -potential 
capacity,    per  o.f  iclo    --   '-^c-ity,    and   the   incit.encs  of   these   factors 
ujon   inaivipual  -plants   m   ti. ;   I;k'1  stry  as   a  rholo   ^.0   not  aio"o-r^ar   in   tne 
record.      Tne  extei.t   to  -i-iri.  .-.rtr-.r.i   ir  I3   r-: -^acity  ■  r  t   tne   for 
the  geneial  den.anv    for  restri';'tion  of  ^:^ro   u-tion    :    firnt    therefore  be 
determined.      State.iients  /I'.a :  e   by   tne  Code  A'-.ti^ority  an.    by  m.embers  of 
tne   Industry  do,    no'-ever,    i^riuj,,   out   tne   c  if ficulties  -111011  -oroduction 
control  vas   d.^Ei^ned   to   reioedy.      '.'one   0;;    ti.;et--   statements- concerns    idle 
capacity.      Tiiey   ce-it^i"  =--rour.;'    tvo  m»in    voi.nts; 

1.      T/.e   orice   structure. 

.2.      Tne  balance   of  ^^rocuction  and  demand. 

In  an^ly^j         :  0  .-,   .,,     :jc     .   -.  t   Ir.-  duLlJc   Hearln>.^,   on  Au^iist   10, 

19?3,    Lr.    Z-a-l  :■,    . .'  .  \  1,       Ti;c-c!or  of  the  National  Associa- 

tion of  Hofjiery   1...  ^..■.  -o.ui-;r&,    s^  id   tn^'t   av-iiable    lata   indicated    that 
the   reduction   in  ucur'^-   from  tde    ire-'oce  average  of  110  ^er  veek 
(2   snifts  of  o.j  hours)    to   60   ('•"   snifts   of  ^'0  ncurs)   vould  lalance   oro- 
duction  against   den^and  vith  only   a    r-asonable  -rotective  mar   in. 

(*)      The   records   ey-minec    for   this   cc  se   ftaoy  -'■■re   tiiose   in   the   Central 
J'iles   and   the    files   of   the   IdvisiDn  of   Research  =nd  flnnninf;   of 
".'.r..A.,    out    CO  net    j.nclucp    files   of   Coce  Atitnority  or   tnose   of 
otner  a^enci^s   of  tne     '.    .A. 

(**)    ^or  an  account   of  tnis   foe   '^  on  the   "focter   shift" 

■oroblem,    Hosiery  Incu  try  Tiles  of   tne   I  ivieion  of  Pesearch  and 
Plan-  in , ,    ?ol'-?r  16-10  -  Research  Studies. 


TliG   expectation  of  such  redaction  was   to   reduce  production  by  27;3.(*) 

To   insure   this   result  a   snift   limitation  was   of  course   a 
necessary   corollaiy.  Y^ithout   it   an  increase   in   shifts  raig^ht  have 

destroyed   the   results   of  hours'    limitation  -  rhich,    thou<;,h  pri- 
marily a  labor  measure,   'was  also  an  exoression  of   the   industry's   in- 
terest  in   reducing  production. 

Briefly,    the   code  provisions   for  production  control  ^ere 
these ; 

1.  That  -oroductive   equiioment  be  operated  not  more 
than  2   shifts   of  40  hours.      Article   IV,    Section  5. 

2.  That   in  the   full-fashioned  branch  footing 
operations  be   limited   to   one   shift   of  40  hours 
or  two   of  35  hours,    according   to   the  method  in 
effect   on  July  34,    1933.    (Amended  February  1934   to 
provide   2  shifts   of   36   hours)   Article   IV,    Section 

In  viev  of   the   fact   that  no   excessive    stocks  appeared   to   exist, 
the   desire   to   limit  production  may  be  oartially   explained  by   the  price 
situation.      This   has  already  been   touched  upon.      The  Code  Authority 
gave  much  cf  its   time   during   the   life-time   of   the  Code   to   the   study 
of   the  price   structure  and   to   the   enforcement   of  the   code  provision 
against    selling  below  individual   costs.      A  Code  Authority  Bulletin  of 
March  17,    1334,    makes   the   folloFin^   statement,    which  indicates   the 
direct   connection  bety;een   the  production   control  measures   of  the  Code 
and  the  price  situation: 

"It  i-'n.s   decided  to   set  uo   a  s-oecial   committee   to 
ttu'^y  inventory  and  other  sut;gestedL  methods   of 
::rocu.ction   control.      This   subject   is   fundementally 
the  most   imi^ortant   one  we  have  before  us  because 
-yro-jei-  solution  of  it  will  brin^  us    the  desired 
im:n-ovement   in  our  ~ rice   structure." 

Later  in  a  memorandum  to   De-mty  Ar^ministra tor  Zing   (May   ^4,    1~"^A) 
Mr.    Constantine  made   the   follo'^'in.?;   st-^tement: 

"The   condition  of  over--orodu.ction   continues   to 
give  us  keenest  i:)rice   coifioetition  of  a   character 
tlmt  makes   ineffective   that  -irovision  of  our 
code  which  i^rohibits   the   sale   of  a  product  be- 
loi"  the  manufacturer's   individua.l   cost.     Prices 
today  are   so   low  and  ujistable  as   to   discourage 
rather  than  encourage  buying." 

To   remedy   this   situation   the   Code  Authority,    acting  a.roarently 
to   enforce   the   code  -nrchibition  of  selling  below  cost    (Art.    VIII,    4), 

(*)   Transcri->t  cf  Fearing,   nps.    5-6.   IIHA  files. 

had  rniioi-'Jicod  on  Anril   ''7-,    1""4,    a  .nandatory  miniraum  orico   for 
for  ftill-fasliioiiod  hosiery,      Srlep  belov;   this  'orico  verc   to 
constitxitG   sellin;;-  'belo'-  cost   in  viol?/tion  of  the  Codo.        A 
simile.r  measvire   for   scanless  hosiery  v^.z  also   to   og  annoimcGd.   At 
tho   se.rae  meeting-  fu-rther  rest-_'ictio-.-.s  ipon  -•■rodiiction  wuxo  con- 

Ihether  there  v.'?.e  any  definite   intention  on  the  -j^rt  of   the 
IndAistry,    or  sections  of  it,    to   effect  a   re-".llocation  cf  :^ro- 
dr.ction  throw.h  the   restrictive  neasuros  of   the  Code   is  not   to  "be 
ascertained  from  the   record.      Tiis.t   th;.;.  was  a  of   the  operation 
of  these  measures,    is,    however,    clear.      In   the  aljove  mentioned  memor- 
and-om  to  Depu-ty  Administrator  ICiht,,    this  aspect  of  the  iinatter  is 
TDror^ht  out.      The  memo randiun  ajiotes   from  Hr.   Constantino's   letter 
of  ;>-rch  15,    1934-,    to   C-eorcc   Sloane,    then  Chairman  of   tlie  Cotton  Tex- 
tile  Institvite,    as   fcllo\-s: 

"The   reduction  of  nochly  machine   hours   in.  our 
industry  fro:.:  ?n  avpra^;e   of  110   to   EO,    equivalent 
to   2%i  has  1t£.c"    the   effect  of  spreadin<;;  production 
into  many  plants  '-.'here   there  ras   inadequate"  pro d.uc- 
tion  prior  to   the  Codo, 

"Anotnor  interesting,   development   vThich  Y;as  not 
foreseen  'o^  i-'-s  has  liGen  tliat   larger  plants  v:ith 
•^,ood   sellin_,   or  merclmndisinj;;   facilities,    vdicn 
their  prod\iction  v/as   shtrirly  redu-ced,   pi'cccoded 
to    enter  arrangements  v.-ith  SLialler  mills  "by 
v'hich  such  small  mills  m?-nufacturc   c::clusively 
for   the   larger  mill,    i-ith  one  aiitoma.ti- 
cally  follovdne  another.      The  7>rices  on  such 
inter-m.ill  orders  do  net,    I   coaicss,    ^ive   the 
sma.ll  mill  much  ms.r^in,   hut   this   is  offset  "by 
the   fact   thiS.t   the   small  mill   i:;   relieved  of  a 
selling   problem,    and  "by  the   further  fact   tha.t 
in  most  of   these   con.tra.cts   the  "btT^'in^-  mill 
supplies   the   comraodity  or  yarn,    so   tliat  'the 
small  mill  merely  lends  its   eopiipment   facilities 
and  applies   its   lahor.      It   is  my  .jud,pnent   that 
m.any  a.  sma.ll  mill  has  ■bee:!   sa.ved  by  arranr-cmtnts 
of   this   character." 

The   records   of  the  Acministration  do  not  appear   to    contain  the 
statistical   data  necesr.ary   to    stvidy   the   cxton.t  of  this   interesting- 
d.evelopment.  ( *) 

(*)   T^'-e  Coc"e  Ati.thority '  i.   files  may  contain  a   record  of  this   develop- 
ment,   cut  there  was  no  o;-:iiortunity  in  -^reparint:  this   study,    to 
^^.o   through  them.      ITor  rar   it  -oossible   tc   investigate   the  records 
of  the  national  Indv.r.trial  Heccveiy  ~:eview  Board,    for  an  accoviit 
of  its  stimj-ions  of  the  Hosiery  Cod.e  Atithority  to  appear  before 
it   on  Harch  13,    13r''4,    to  answer  cterges  of  monopoly  and   the 
op-orcssion  of   small   cnter-'riEes. 


Another   inr'.ication   that    the  machine   hour  li'mitations  -orodticed 
rome   reallocation  ic   vounc.  in   the   fn.rthen   statement  hy   ''ir.    Con- 
rtantine   in   the   sane  memo  ran  ihun,    t?.=  t   tim   desired   result   of   rc- 
Gtrictini_  nrodr.ction  had  been  "oartially  defeated  hy   (l)    the  -ox\t~ 
chass  of  additional   equipment,    and   (l)    the   operation  of  a   second 
shift  T'here   there  was   only  ore  'before   the  Code.(*)      In  other  yrords, 
mills  vhich  before   the  Code  ha,d  operated  a   sinr^le   shift   of  55  hours 
pnd  nov-  i.-orked   tvo   shifts   of  4-0,    tended  in  the   35  ad.ditiona-l 
machine  hours    thus   :,ainedL,    to   absorb   the  bcisiness  x'-'hich  former 
110-hour  firm.s,    no\7  redf.ced  to   80  hours,    could  no   longer   talze 
of,    er.ce-Tt  by  pn.rchs-sin,:^  a^dditionai   en;ai-^ment.     And   this   abilitj'-  to 
-purchase  additional   equipment  was   limited   to   the  more  prosperous 

Briefly,    then,    it  rould  a.^ipoar  that    shift   limitation   in   the 
hosiery  incustr;'  as  a  \'hole  vras   instituted,   (a)    to  forestall  a  tj'ener- 
al  adoptior   of  three   shifts  as   noi^ensation   for   the  r  edv.ction  in 
man-hov-rs,    '^hich  mi:_i^^ht  have   canir.ed   ;.n  actual   increase   in  -fii-oduction, 
(b)    to   insure  a   de-oendable   foimdation   for   the  restoration  and  mainten- 
ance  of  prices. 

There  appears   to  be  no   reason   to   siropose,    from  the   facts  as- 
certainable  in   the   record,    tliat   the   cotton  bimdle  vorh  socJc  branch 
of   the  hosiery  indtistry  did  not  a^-ree  vith  the   other  sections   in 
favoring   shift   lim-itation   in   its   code;    nor  were   special   conditions 
or  problems  a"oparent  which  wo\ild  ejorlain   its   support   of  t.  cse  mcasrLres 
on  ^roimds   other   than   those  oi^.tlinecL  above.      The   effects   of  the   shift 
limitation  -o revisions  upon   this  --articu-lar  brajich  were  -orobably  no 
{jreater  tr^.n  on  the   rest   of  the   industry,    but   tr.e   constant  ;5rotcsts 
and  requests   for  exem-otion  on   the  ■-'art   o;''  one   finn  -  the  Forest  City 
Coanany  of  ?ocl:ford.    111.,    centered  attentio'''.  upon   the   cotton  b-ujidle 
T'Orh  soch  ,i  ro\.ip.  (**) 

The  Administration  h_ad  the    caso""of   the   ""orest  City  Comnany  con- 
stantly before  it,    from  before    the_  rate   of   the  Code's  ap-nroval  until 
the   end  of   the  TT^A.      The   nuestior    it  had   to   decide  ■'-'as  whether  ■the' 
l-shift   limitation  ■"'o^^ld  discriminate  against   t}:.e  :^orcst   City  Conr^any, 
or  whether  an   er.enrotion   :n-anted   to   th:' s    com-^-^anv  r-oul'-^_  '^'iscrimina  te 
a^-ainst   its   con-petitors.      The  Code  Authority  consistently  arreed 
with  the  To  rest   City  Com-oany's   ten   conrctitors,    ti.rrin,:^   the  Ar'ministra- 

(*)    The   Code  Authority_  i-?roTiosed   in  June",    l^y^,    to   restrict   the 
installa-tion  of  new  machinery,    bvit  after  a  --'ublic  hearing  on 
J-aly  9th  ^-'as  loersuac'ed  by   the  Administration   to  ^-^  ithdra'w  its 

(**)    The   remainder  of   this   re-.-o-t   'Ira-'s  heavily   for  material?  u-non 

those   .r^atherod  by  Cai-lton  "',    "^on-'er^^on   fo^^-  his   ?tn.^y  q-"  th@>otto:- 
rundlc  '"orl:  Soc"':  Branch  of  the  "osiorv   Industry,    '■'arch  7,    1'^"':', 
(con:fidcntial)   -h-q-ooi-qp    fo-   the  Division-  of  Research  anr;  Pl?nnin-. 

tion   tfet  an  injv.sti-.G   -s  do-o   i-   oxerr^W--  -oi'cst  Citv   ^ron_a   ^ 
provipi:-v   to-iii'Ta-11   nf   the    -.nrvrtry  v-s  ^•oimc..      ^hc  LaT^or  Advisory 
Soard  o-^-'oscd   th.:-   ihi--.:_'-hi.ft   on  .-onoral   labor  r^olicy  ■'■r'^njT-\s.J*) 
The  Divirior   of  ^cpcrrci.  an(^  ?lp"nir-  ^l^-o   ?t   first  o-^^^usc^   ^ly^'-PJ^- 
tion  for  the  Forest  Cit:'  Cor-'^ary   (**) ,    '^:>  thou"h.  some  months  later  it 
Y'as   rcsarvin::'  its  opinion  -oenrinf-   tlio   or.tcorac  of  its  o^-v.  invostip;a- 
tion  of   the   case. 

The  ?orcst  City  Corriar-      filod  its   first  rotition   for  oxoTrotion 
immediately  after  the  m^tlic  hcarin;:  on   i^n   cnc'c,    on  Av,rust   1?,    l*^^"..    ^ 
A^rr;a-_-pntly  no  action  vas   ta!:en,    and  on  Fo-otcmhor  11,    (+hc   code  Mvin-;^   _ 
tieco  iG   effective   on  Sc"otcml)er  4)    the  ^:)etition  i-'=e   ronc^-ed.      On  th-   s=';ac 
d--tc   th.-i  rorcst  City   corioany  'oegan   to   operate   three   shifts,    in  viol=^tion 
of   th-e   Code.      This   sittuation  vas  a.-^parontly  discovered  only  in j;ic<"Pr:foer, 
v'hcn  a   statement   to   this   effect  r^-s  na-e   to   the  Co'-'e  A^ithority  hy   the 
conoany's.  counsel  and  its  "oresidcnt.      "^hc   record  f'iscloses  no  action 
u-T   tc    t"is   tine   on   the  p?rt  of   the  Ar-r.iristratio"    tovrard  ^ranting   the 
exemption.  __  _.    ..  . 

After  Porcs't  City's  o-nen  admissio:i  of  its  viol^tioii^,    hoi-eyor, 
the   Code  An.thority   transmitted   to  '^e-n-'aty  Af-i-nl^-istrator  Payson  I^-in 
(Jam;£.ry  11,    19r54)   a   corjplcto   record  of  the    case.      A  hearin-'^  i^as    _ 
thcretipon  arranf;Qd  and  hold  on  Potmary  1'^,    l"'^-'^,    --^nc'   on  AT)ril  ?Oth 
the  Arininistration,    rfter  lon^-   consi'.r'er?tirn,_  finally  ezcr-T-ited   the 
Forest  City  CorTi^ny  for  a  -■^-rio'-''   of  '"  ^^   r=^ --s   fro-'   f.ic   restrictions  of 
Article   IV,    Sncti^n  C   o:^'   t^o  Code.    (A'^ninist-^ ti^-e  Order  "'o.    lS-17) . 

Uhcn   the   co'-'ro?ny  ashed  for  an  er.ter.sion  of   the  0-^cer  in  Jp-l3''» 
1^34,    the   rcqpicst  was   denied  oh   t".:o  ha  sis  of  the   claims  mar'o    during 
the  "oeriod  of  the   cxcmrotion  hy   the   ^0':-e  Authority  and   the   comoetitors. 
of  "^orcst  City.      After   the   o;-nii'-tion   of   the  Order,    thorefore_,_the  __ 
Forest  City  Corm^ny  reduced  its  oncr-ticns   to   t^o    shifts,    hut   continu- 
ed  to     iTctition   the  Ad:"iiniFtr5tior    "or  c--ermTtion..      '^hc    c^re  vras_fin?lly 
taken  to_  the    Industrial  ApTieals  ^o: -d  n-    Oetoh.;--   ",    l"^",^:,    -here   it  yas 
decided  tha.t   the  Division  of  '^es^^^re'i  -^n"   Pl^nnin-"   shopild  co  nd.uct  an_ 
investiga-tion   to   determine   fir-^l   c'lsio".! t:\on  o-"   the  uloa,    T-'hich,__pe Tid- 
ing  the   decision,  he  .•^■r^nted.   louuty  A'.'ministrator  Oo-nenheimer, 
in  a   sujruiH-y   of   the   case   -"or  tlie  :^'-<tion^l   Industrial   'docovery  T'oard,    __ . 
stror.£;ly  opposed  the  granting'   o^"  ?    fu-thnr  oxerTotion.      This.oiinosition 
\«.'as  overru-lcs,    hoFCver,    an^^    fr^op.  '''o^'ernher  "■a,    l'^"4,   until   the   invalida- 
tion of  r?A   the  Gonropny  i-as  elToi"ed   to   onrrate   throe   shifts.      ";'hG_con- 
clusions   reached  hy.P.csearc/i  pnd  Pl'^nninr   that    the   entire   cotton  hnnr^le 
v'orh  sor'-   oranch  h.c  "■err.ittce    to   o~iorate    three  shifts   came   too   late 
for  official  action. 

Actiia.lly,    it   is  very  douhtful   if   the    shi'.ft  limitation  -provision 

(*)      Sc^-  m^moran^''um   to  Pe-^ut"  James   C.    '"orthy,    ■fovcmher  '^•^,    19'^4, 
Certr-^1   files.    Hosier"'   '"olror,      -  "^o^'cst  Cit:r  Comn?ny. 

(**)    See  memorandum  to  Assistrnt  ■n^-nuty  'I'rrned,    in  sane   fol-er. 



produced  pny  effect   in  '  the   cotton  liimrlo  i^'o  ri : ,  so  cl:  TDranch,    exce-ot 
nerha-ps   to   orinr   some   idle  raachinen'  Isac'':  into  v.se_.     All   of  the 
firms  except   one  were  alreac'v  geared  to   ?    tro-phift  -nrorram,    P-iad 
this   sir.-;lfc   three-shift   fira,    the  "^orcst   City  nonnany,    continued 
to   operate   three   shiftt;  nndcr   tlie  Code.  (*) 

'The  "re-code   sitnation  was   t'lu?,  altei-cd  only  hv   the    reduction 
in  lahor  hoiirs.    This   clia.nfe   did  not  neccscarilv  entail   do  creased. "nro- 
dtiction,    since   the  branch  as  a.  ^.Hiole,    an''    each  of  the   firms  oxceiot 
one,    -iTas  -'rodr-cing   conriderahly  los-^i   than   its  "ootential   ca.-oacity. 
(See  Tahlc   III). 

The   I'orest  City  case   is,    ncAro -^theless,    a  valixahle   illustration 
of  one    t;roc   of  -orohlem  vhich  may  •?-i:'ise  i.inr'cr  a   shift '  limi taction 
•provision.  '    It   is   that   of   the  nlant  i-ri-iicV;^    '^Ireac'y  o-oeratin^:  near,    must   choose  hetrcen   incveasin.5  its   caiiitpl   investm.ent   in 
order   to  maintain  its  volume   q:^   th;joo   shifts   on  a   ty;o-_shift  basis^ 
or  relinquish  a  portion  of  its  "br.sinoss   to   its   corrpoetitors.      Me_reovcr, 
there  ^"'erc   s'occial   fa,ctors  yhich  mar'o   the   first  alternative   almost 
as  xnidcsirahlc,    from   the  point   of  ^dor  of  the  "^orcst  City  Corroany, 
as   the   scccnd. 

The  situation  confrontinr  ''orort  Citj'  ^-f-^s  hricfl^/;  this:_  Since 
1003  it  ha.d  heen  operating:  all  of  its  mac]\ines  on  a  three-shift 
hasis.  There  were  t-'o  main  reasors  ?''or  this:  (l)  _To  meet  demand;  __ 
and  (?)  to  eliminate  t>.e  larf'c.amovnt  of  V'-astc  rhich  i_s  prodn.c_cd_  _ 
during  the  first  _h3.1f-hou.r  of  oncrrtion.  I'his  factor  of  the  waste 
involved  in   starting  wa-s   so  .vreat  9s   to   ca.use  an   increase   in  waste 

ciXjoenscof  !(':,    i.e.,    from  .?!,■*   to    "/  nor  dozen,    when  two    shifts   in- 

stea.d  of   three  v;ere   operated.    Other  cost   incrca-ses   rcsiilti^i,-;"   from 
the   operation  of   two    shifts   instca'"   of  three,    i.Tj.iscd_  the   total   costs 
hy  10   cents  rjcr  dozen.      (See   Tahlc   l).      f^orest   City's   costs   on  a 
three-shift  "b^sis  were  alrcah"  >-i;:her  than   those   of  any  of  its_tit"o- 
shift   cometitors,    cxccnt   the  Fo^'-'cll  Comnany,      apd  to  h?y_e.   the 
prohlem'hy  the   installatio]-   of  additional  machinery,    sufficient   to 
ma.intain  its  usual  volnjiic  of  riroduction,    t-ouIc'   h-?vc   increased  this 
.  disadvantafe. 

The  difficulties  of  f;etting  eddition'-^l   cqn.i-om_ent,    moreover, 
were  Qree.t.      The  Few  '^.ockford  ma  chine  _wa.s    the   solo  nronerty  of   this___ 
company,    and  had  been  fT  evelo-'-ieci   {.-:radua.lly  in  the   factory.   yo_  riatte-^ns_ 
existed  and  no  machine  manaifactii.rer  had  over  -erodiiced  one.   An   estimate 
.  lyhich  the   com:T-?ny  received  for   the    constructicn  of  addition^d-  mechines 
qr.oted  a  "rice   of   from  ^ilZO   to   '|'>1'"00  -^or  n.nit,    ^^nc'   estimated   the   tim.e 
necessaiy   for  -nrodn-cinr   the  100  ivnits  needed   to   onerate   on  a   t'™-shift 

(*)    Three   shifts  were  oneratcd  hy  this   company  cxce->t   durin.^-   tho_pcrioc' 
Ji"'ly   ::50  -  October  ?,?,    197A-,    '^vo".  f-c   inception  of   the   Code  n-n.til 
Anril   lP'3d-,    when  an   excmi?tior.  •'-^s   first   ::rantcd  it,    the   "^orcst 
City  Como^ny  oricratcd  three   shifts   in  violation  of  the   Code., 



basis  as   fror.  ?.  ye'^.v  to   ei:;]-teen  vionthr;.      The   com=>n"'s   e::nstin~  carii- 
talization  ras   then  olOn,000,    so   th?t   ths  acr-.ition  of  1^'"   nachines 
TiovlC.  aTT^:roxirn-?.telj'-  Mve  dorJiDled  its   investment.      "Ms  i^as  neverthe- 
less  the   cou.rso   chosen  "by  the  l^orost  City  Cornnpny,    ^nr^  in   the' last 
months  of   the  V~di  it  •nlacer"'.  an  for  the  manufacture   of  10^ 
addition=-l  new  P.ochforc'.  m?chinss.      The  alternative  of  ?lloi^inf:'_ 
other  '"orh  soch/orodr.cers   to   tahe  over  the  "business  ??hich  it  would 
have  lost  Ly  operating'  two   inctear    of  three    shifts  ^-'Ps  a-ni^arently 
less  accenita"blQ. 

Pron   the  i^oint   of  view  of   certain  ronsiTOors,    it   i'^   allc.'TGd,  _ 
the   effects   of  limitation  of  I'Tev  P.ochford   soch  i-) reduction  mi^ht  havo 
■been     the   forced  use  of  undesired.  suhstitutcs..    The  rew_  Pochford  soch 
differs   from  other  work  sochs   in  th^.t   it   has  no   scams,    either  in  the 
foot   or  in  the   leg.     All  other  brands   ?-^":arently  at   leastone 
seam,      buyers   of  new  RoclTford   sochs,    it   is   claimed  "by  the   "^orest   City 
Comoany,    are  not   satisfied  rith  other  brands;    rcfailar  tmsolicited  orders 
are  placed  year  after  yca.r,    and  the   comoany  ha.s  not   foiiri.d  it  neccssarv 
to      employ  more   than  one  "oart-time   salesman.   Comr)etin'^.  companies   deny 
the   superiority  of   the  ITew  '^ochford   soc''-,    and  claim  th^t  ail  ^ork  socks 
are   su.f :"icifc!ntly   comparable   to  be   entirely  competitive. 

The  probably  effects  of   tvo-shift  oi^erations  on   the  i^orest  City 
Connanj''  from  1931   thi'ou'jh  197A  T'orc   these.      The   coTwi?.nj  maintained 
a   stea.dy  and   conservative  year-end  inventory  comparable  with  tha.t  of 
the   indv.stry  as  a  whole,    althou/h  larf;er   (?s_  a  ■•-lercent  of  .annual 
shipments)    th^.n  those  of   some  of   its   comnetitors.    It  was,    moreover, 
selling  more   tlia/n  it   could  h^.ve  •■iroducod  on  a  two-shift  bapis.    (See 
Tables   II,    IV  °nd  V) .      It   appears  ftirther  tha.t   if  the   comnany  ha.d__ 
been  limited   to   two   shifts  dxirinr;  1T^4  it  rrould  have  lost  orders 
for  55,140  dozen  pairs  of  new  "^  socks,    worth  !';59,0'i3.  (*)   ^ased 
on  an  ayerajj^e   of   sales   taken  over  t:ic   last   four  years    their  loss  would  been  102,808  dozen  pairs,    with  a  value   of  Ol07,94S.      Based  on  an 
ei^;ht  year  average   the   loss   to   the   cora^^pany  would  have  been  114,840 
dozen,    or  ol20,582. 

It   is  probable   thi?.t  most   of   thxf;   loss  of  an  entirely  noLTnal   of  orders  would  been  the   rain  of  the  ""olsor.  Com^pc.ny,    also 
situa.tcd  in  ?iockford,    Illinois,    and  one  of  rores.t  City's   largest 
coTTpetitors,    or  of  the  Powell  Company-,    whic  ha.d  s.  large  amoxmt  of 
idsl   capacity  and  claimed   to  produce  a  product   indistinguishable 
from  the  ilew  "ockford   sock.      The  amovmt   of  idle   capacity  in   the 
Iia.nds   of   the   conrpctitorn  of  Z'orcst  City  indicates   tlia.t   in  this   res- 
pect  the  latter  ^7as  normally   in  a   comparatively''  favorable  position. 
(See   Tpble  III).    The  Powell  Conipany  in  'oarticv-lar  reported  601  machines, 
o'O-t   of  a   total  of  950,    retired,    although  apparently  available.    The   com- 
plaints of   the   conrpanies   coiiToctin.;  with  Forest  City  did  not,    hoA7cvor, 
involve   the   capacity  situation.    They   centered  rather  on   the   large  vol- 
uie  of  ^oo'ds  which  the  Porest  City  Conn^ny   coulf,    anc;,  they   claimed,    did, 

(*)    See  G. 


produce  "b-y-  ope/atirifi;   three   siiiftr:?  ac    cor,To?.red  v.-ith.  their   tro ,    and 
the  imsetting   of   the  market  r/liich  rorr.ltcd.   A  s'arvej-  of   the   iir:ures 
for  sliiprnents   in   15.^.4,    hov;over,'   chcT   t:-L\t   Torest  City   s'nared  in 
the  general   decline  of   the   entire  hrancV.,    '•■hilo   three   other  companies, 
one   larri-c  -  Ballston-Stillvrater  -  and   tv.o   !:,naller  -  Seneca  and  Per- 
kins -   (v'hich  ■orcvioi:-&ly  ha.d  been  prodncin;  .chiefly  voolen  ^-ork 
socks),    made   shipments   lar^jer   than  in   1933.      luoreo-ver,    there  v;as  a 
genei-al   increase   in   shipments   throu,;  ho\it   the  hranch  in  193o,    (over 
1933),    in  H:ich  Forest  City   shared    jracticaliy  not  at  all. 

'Ih3  -^recise   ohj.ects   of  shift   liridtation  in  this  "branch  of  the 
industry   v;ere  nov.'here   specifica.lly  declared.    It   can  probahly  he 
asswaed   tiiat   the   cotton  work  sock  rrovro   simply   sh^.rcd  the   ^'cneral 
desire  of  the   ind'astry   to    consolidate   its  price   struct-are  and  prevent 
ovcr-procxiction.      The   elimination  of   the   third  shift   in   the   case  of 
the   Forest  City  Compeaiy  could  not,    of  course,   ho  met  hy   calling  into 
use   retired  raa.chinery.  (*)    It  meant,    definitely,    an  incre-aso   in 
:oroductive   equipment.      Put   the  general   question  of  the   dcsirahility 
of  a  third   shift,    as  a  pqint   of  later  policy,    vas  net   discussed  "by 
the   indu-stry,    although  the  labor  advisors   in  the  Ackainistration  con- 
sistently,   at  Tjiihlic  hearings  and  in  briefs,   protested   the   "gra-ve 
yard  shift".      Tho   only  point  r-hich  \-as  m^.de  an  issue   in   the   com- 
plaints against   the  Forest  City   Com^^any  v/as    tiiat   of   the  \mequa.l  ad- 
vantage gained  by  this   conTnany  in  opei-^-ting   three   shifts.   A  s^^rvey 
of   the  available   evidence,    however,    indicates   that  Forest   City's 
three-shift   operations  p-rodv-ced  no  undesirable   effects  upon  its 
conroetitors,    which  viere   in  any  wa<y  ipeculiar   to   the  abnormal   depression 
period,,  or  not  a  part  of  the  normal   coirpetitive   situation  in  the   in- 
dustry,   and  tiia.t,    on  the   contrary,    the  Forest  City  Conpany  '-'ould 
suffered  losses   throu,gh  restriction  of  its   operations   to    tv/o   sMfts. 
These  losses  v/ould  h^vc  boen,  briefly: 

(1)  To   deprive   the   cor.Tp?ny  of  a  --lortion  of   its 
normal  business. 

(2)  To   allocate   this  business   to   its   coifPTetitors . 

(3)  To   deprive   consumers   of  a  particular  t^r,5e  of 

(4)  To   force  an   increase   in  capacity   on  the  Forest 

City  Company. 

(*)    The   company  liad  some   old  P.ockford  machines  not   in  use,    but   these 
'c.o  not  make   the   same   tj'pc  of   sock  as    the  ilevif  Ftockford  machine. 








The  dilernraa  of  the  Kachined  V.'aste  iiaiiufacturing  Industry  consists 
principalis^  in  the  permanent  displacement  of  its  product  ty  technical 
inprovenents  in  luhrication  processes,  particularly  in  railr-ay  cars. 
This  has  ::epiit  a  drastic  decline  in  demand  and  a  succession  of  attenpts 
to  prevent  market  denorali'^ation,  culminatinr^  in  an  effort. "by  the  lee.d- 
ing  manufacturers"  to  imiDOse  allocation  of  production  uion  the  entire  in- 


The  maiiufacture  of  laachined  T-este  consists  in  the  simple  processes 
■of  sorting  the  thread  v!r..ste   bou^'ht  in  hales  from  textile  plaiats,  and  mix- 
ing the  various  t^noes  of  thread  to  form  the  particular  kind  of  "aste 
T^anted  for  a  specific  ur;e  or  to  stiit  the  renuirenents  of  a  specific  cus- 
tomer.  The  mixing  is  done  ■  ith  ver--  sinple  machines  and  resembles  card- 
ing.  TPnen  the  ?'aste  is  to  "be  used  for  rail^'ay  journal  box  packing  a 
little  oil  is  added.   The  product  is  then  ready  for  the  market. 

The  ra'.T  ma.terial  is  the  i/aste  or  hy-product  of  the  textile  indus- 
tries.  Cotton  and  ^^ool  are  "both  largely  used,  and  rayon  also  has  some 
demand.   The  hales  are  bought  _" 'blind" ,  that  is,  regardless  of  the  kind 
or  quality  of  thread  they  contain.'  The  two  essential  qualities  in  the 
finished  product  ai-e  resiliency  and  absorbtivity,  the  degree  of  each  de- 
pending U'oon  the  use.   Journal  box  packin_^  must  primarily  be  resilient, 
while  the  r/aste  used  for  cleaning  raust  be  lorincioally  absorbant.   The 
quality  of  the  finished  product  ir.  very  variable,  and  although  every 
mantifac-turer  makes  many  different  mixtures,  and  sells  them  for  their 
peculiar  qualities,  it  is  actual].y  extremely  difficult  to  judge  the  com- 
position of  the  finished  product,  so  that  even  ejrperienced  buyers  cannot 
be  sure  if  their  specifications  are  met. 

The  real- 'ays  are  the  largest  single  ctistomer -of  the  industry,  vrith 
the  Government  second  in  importance.   To=;-ether  they  oons-ume  70;:o  to  80-/j  of 
the  industry's  product.   The  railv;a;ys  use  machined  waste  both  for  journal 
box  packing  and  for  defining  and  lubricating.   The  Government's  uses  are 
for  the  rail^-pys  in  the  insulao"  oossessions  and  in  Panama,  for  warships, 
for  army  and  navy  equipment,  and  for  cleaning  purposes  in  its  public  build- 
ings.  The  third  outlet  is  to  various  .industrial  consumers,  for  use  in 
cleaning  and  oiling  mechanical  equipment. 



The  i.r.chined  T.'aste  Industry  hos   al^"  pys  "been  unorgaxiized.   Even  under 
the  code  it  v;as  impoEsiole  to  achieve  cooperation,  although  attempts  to 
that  end  have  been  made  for  30  years.   There  are  re-oorted  to  be  forty-one 
individual  concerns  in  the  industry.   Of  these  the  Ac  .mini  strati  on  I/iemher 
of  the  Code  Authority  (in  an  intervievr  'rith  the  vriter)  reported  some  six 
or  ".even  to  be  large  units,  tv:elve  to  fifteen  of  -lediura  size,  and  the 
rest  very  s}ioll.   Statistics  -'hich  -"ould  sho"  cefinitely  the  rela.tive  im- 
portance of  individual  firms  are  entirely  lacking,  although  it  is  possible 
that  they  ma3"  exist  in  the  files  of  the  firm  of  Stevenson,  Jordan  and 
Harrison,  Tniich  vas    called  into  majiace  the  industry  under  the  code. 

Vihen  the  code  ^-'as  "oresented  to  the  Administrption  it  ¥;as  accompanied 
by  estimated  figures  of  production  and  capacity.   Shortly  thereafter 
Stevenson,  Jordan  and  Harrison  made  a  survey  of  the  industry  and  produced 
the  foll.ouing  data;  (*)   Since  1923  no  nev   members  had  entered  the  in- 
dustry.  Since  1926  no  new  capacity  had  been  installed.   There  pere,  in 
1933,  136  machines  (ariionp:  the  30  members  reporting),  each  machine  haying 
an  average  capacity  of  1,200,000  pounds  per  year  of  300  daj^s  on  an  eight- 
hour  day  operating  schedule.   The  total  canacity  of  these  plant,  on  a 
one-shift  b;.\sis,  vas  thus  1635200,000  pounds,   A  .graphic  -oicture  of  the 
decline  of  the  industry  since  1926  vas  shovn  in  the  following  figuresS 


Pouno-s  Gross  Sales  Value 

91,698,611-  $  ,11,030,465 

84,115,598  8,992,067 

'76,982,471  ■  .  8,030,430   . 

79,642,649  8,131,235 

66,241,286  6,166,141 

47,523,590  3,705,367 

32,884,691   ,  1,894,590 

18,872,510  1,028,489 

1932  shipvn'ents  dropped  to  36'^  of  the  1926  fi£^;ur8s,  while  the  gross  value 
of  the  shroments  dropped  to  I770.   Average  prices  fell  in  the  same  time 
from  12  cents  to  5  cents  per ^ Bound. 

The  caii.^es  for  this  decline,  which  set  in  before  the  general  de- 
pression, ai'e  of  two  kinds;  a  shrinking  market  due  to  the  development 

(*)   The  fig^ires  are  for  30  companies,  but  9  of  these  are  based  on 



of  tetter  liibricrting  piethods,  the  ■:  evelopment  of  the  process  of  reclaim- 
ing used  \-aste  ai»d  the  cor/ipetition  of  cher.p  rags  imported  from  Japan,  llo 
.new  uses  have  oecn  developed  to  of fret  these  losses.  (*)  The  Industry 
has  claimed  that  the  reclamation  of  ur;ed  '-aste,  a  practice  which  the  rail- 
ways have  be-j'Lin,  is  unecononic.   An  atteinpt  '^as  made  to  discover  through 
the  Interstate  Commerce  Corxaission  the  exact  extent  of  this  practice  and 
its  effect  u-oon  the  Machined  V^aste  Industry,  'but  no  adequate  figures  could 
"be  fotuid.  (**)   In  descriting  the  process  of  reclamation,  the  Ariminlstra- 
tion  Henher  of  the  Code  Authority  (in  an  interview  '-'ith  the  writer)  said 
that  a;o-oro::ini-tely  30^  of  ne'7  vaste  had  to  "be  ac  ded  to  the  amount  re- 
clained  to  malce  up  the  portion  worn  away  in  use.   Seventy  per  cent  of  the 
waste,  re  claimed,  J^;jeref  ore,  represents  the  loss  in  tonnage  to  the  indus- 
try fron  this  displacement  of  its, products.   It  is  estimated  that  the 
amount  reclaimed  runs  into  millions  of  pounds  annually. 


The  decline  of  the  industry  to  its  1953  level  intensified  competi- 
tion for  the  remaining  markets.   Out  of  the  forty-one  firms  in  the  in- 
dustry it  ^-'as  reported  "by  the  Administration  Member  of  the  Code  Aathority 
that  any  six,  or  the  three  largest,  could  su-oply  the  entire  demand.  The 
Administration  MemDer.  appears  to  telievc  that  the  spirit  of  fair  play  in 
the  Indus ti-y  has  prevented  the  elimination  of  the  weaJcer  members  "by  the 
few  ler.:-;e  concerns.   ?rnile  this  may  be  true,  it  would  nevertheless  be 
difficult  for  the  larger  manufacturers,  even  if  they  wanted  to,  to  gain 
complete  control  over  the  industry  because  of  the  cheap  and  plentiful 
sup-iolies  of  raw  materials  available.   T/hile  the  large  manufacturers  do 
gain  azL  advantage  over  the  smaller  ones  in  being  able  to  buy  on  a  con- 
tract basis  the  entire  i-^aste  output  of  large  textile  mills,  they  could 
scarcely  commajid  the  total  supply  thoughout  the  co'jntry.  Nor  is  the  mar- 
ket assured  i3o  the  large  manufacturer,  for  the  following  reason:  The  prin- 
. cipal  purchasers,  the  railways,  prefer  to  buy  from  the  mill  farthest  re- 
moved from  the  shops  for  which  the  raachined  waste  is  destined,  so  as  to 
collect  the  largest  possible  freight  charges  from  the  shipper.   Even  when 
the  vraste  is  not  shi-oped  over  the  roa,d  of  the  p-urrchasing  company,  the 
latter  ?.s  aule  by  agreement  to  obtain  a  pcj-t  of  the  freight  charged  by 
his  competitor.  (***) 

The  possibility  of  raonopol ;  is  further  reduced  by  t^ie  fact  that  in- 
dividual consumers  need,  or  have  been  persuaded  to  believe  that  they  need, 
particular  mixtures  of  waste  which  only  a  certain  company  can  furnish. 
Practically  all  com-oan.ies  have  their  ovm  "secret"  mixtures. 

The  greatest  advaiitage  of  the  large  mmuf acturers  is  obtained  in- 
directly by  the  fact  tar.t  all  of  them  are  princioally  in  other  lines  of 
business,  and  nrjiufacture  machined  viaste  as  a  side  line.   The  1-rge 

(*)   Letter  from  Administration  Member  Lionel  Bailey  to  the  Deputy  Ad- 
miniFtr?tor,  Mc:y  15,  1935.   Files  of  the  De'outy  Administrator, 
Folder:  Alninistration  M.ember. 
(**)  De.iuty't  Files,  Folder:  Coce  Authority  -  General,  contains  cor- 
rcs^^ondence  from  the  Interstate  Commerce  Commission  giving 
fra,gmentary  information  on  '^aste  reclamation. 
(***)   Information  developed  by  Administration  Member  of  the  Code  Author- 
ity, in  interviews  with  members  of  the  industry,  and  furnished  to 

^r.^r.       the  '"Titer, 


•amount  of  traffic  Fhich  they  coji  offer  the  railroads  through  the  shipment 
of  their  principal  products  is  the  Duit  used  to  secure  pruchase  of  their 
machined  vaste,  the  sale  of  vhich,  in  turn,  heliDb  to  defray  freight  "bills. 
The  Ic'jninistration  Memher  of  fhe  Code  Authority  has  said  to  the  writer 
that  some  of  the  largest  firms  raanuf a.ctixring  maxhined  waste  entered  into 
this  husiness  solely  f or ■ the  freight  advantage  involved,  although  their 
main  business  v'as  entirely  unconnected  with  it.   The  Miller  Waste  Mills, 
Inc.,  of  Y/inona,  Minnesota,  for  instance,  is  a  l;>,rge  manufacturer  of  mach- 
ined vaste  rhose  -nrinciTal  "business  is  the  wholesale  grocery  trade.   Other 
large  uanufacttirers  are  primaj.-ily  dealers  in  other  products  with  a  textile 
base  such  a-s  tret  and  dry  mops,  candle  v/icks,  and  "burlap  "bags,  the  raw 
materials  for  which  come,  like  thread  waste,  from  the  textile  mills.   The 
largest  company  is  the  Royal,  of  Eahway,  "11.  J.,  '"'hich  is  an  importing,  ex- 
porting, aaid  job'bing  concern  dealing  in  mops  and  allied  textile  products. 
There  appears  to  be  a  distinct  line  between  these  large  concerns  and  the 
smaller  ones  which  are  engaged  only  in  machining  waste.   The  textile  mills 
which  furnish  the  raw  material  for  the  machined  waste  industry  curiously 
do  not  machine  any  themselves.   The  reason  aopeai's  to  be  that  the  manufac- 
ture of  waste  requires  both  cotton  and  woolen  thread,  so  that  no  single 
mill  cajL  supply  the  total  raw  material  necesr;ary,  and  the  effort  and  ex- 
pense of  burring  any  missing  portion  is  not  worth  while  when  the  thread 
waste  on  hand  can.  be  sold  readily  at  a  clear  profit. 

Ifnile  a  superior  position  is  thus  held  'oy   the  larger  concerns  in  that 
they  can  buy  raw  materials  in  large  quantities  on  a  favorable  basis  and 
can  fulfill  the  requirements  of  the  largest  consumers  of  the  finished  pro- 
ducts, in  some  measure  even  commanding  their  custom,  the  small  members  of 
the  industry  are  left  with  a  fairly  free  field  among  the  other  industrial 
users  of  machined  waste.   The  easy  availability  of  war  material,  the 
cheapness  of  machinery  and  the  ability  to  satisfy  individual  specifications 
give  the  small  manuf exturer  a  safe  nosition  in  his  own  field.   The  in- 
dustry, as  v.'ell  as  the  rarrket,  is  thus  divided  into  two  distinct  sections, 


The  Code  contained  two  provisions  for  controlling  production.   The 
first,  Article  III,  2,  was  a  limitation  of  machine  hours  to  a  single 
shift  of  forty  hours  per  week.   There  is  nothing  in  the  records  to  indi- 
cate whether  any  members  of  the  industry  had  been  working  more  than  one 
shift  before  the  Code  was  enacted,  but  the  decline  in  the  market  of  the 
previous  years  makes  this  unlikely.   The  industry,  ho'-'ever,  had  been 
working  on  a  forty-eight  and  fifty-hour  week  basis,  so  that  with  the 
reduction  to  forty  hours,  and  the  shift  limitation,  a  reduction  in  total 
operating  hours  must  have  resulted.   There  are  no  figures  in  the  records 
to  show  the  actual  effect  of  this  provision  on  the  industry.   Its  expressed 
object  ^"'as  to  spread  eraplo^onent,  and  the  reioort  to  the  President,  ?'liich 
accompanied  the  Code,  stated  that  the  increase  in  emploj^ment  would  be  in 
exact  proportion  to  the  decrease  in  hours  of  operation.  But  the  nature  of 
the  machining  process  is  such  that  while  the  decrease  in  hours  would 
sutomaticall"'  result  in  a  proportionate  increase  in  the  number  of  machines 
opera.ted,  "orovided  voliurie  remained  stable,  the  anticipated  amount  of  re- 
emplo"ient  could  be  avoided  by  a  stretch-out.   What  the  actual  results 
were  is  not  a  matter  of  Administration  record,  but  it  is  important  to  note 
at  this  point  the  supreme  importance  to  the  industry  of  renewing  the  use 
of  as  much  retired  capacity  as  possible. 



u?he  over-cp'oacit^r  oroblen  i".?,s  •anc.on'btedl-'-"  -'O;  t  acute  among  thoae 
firns  in  the  ino.ustry  ^'hich  su-Tolied  the  d\7indlint-  rail' 'ay  market,  "but 
tho  soecific  eifects  of  this  orovision  on  individual  mein"bers  of  the  in- 
cuctr;-  or  on  sections  of  the   industr/,  can  onlj"-  oe  found  in  the  capaxity 
and  production  statistics  oL'  individufl  concerns.   The  industry's  mnna^^e- 
ment  Tim,  Stevenson,  Jorda:i  and  Harrison,  is  reported  (*)  to  have  such 
inforar.tion  in  its  files,  .r.'t  none  exists  in  the  records  of  the  Administra- 

Article  VI,  ?,  (a)  (l)  of  the  Core  provided  that  the  Code  Authority 
raii'ht  recomiend  to  the  Administration  the  re.-^istration  of  productive  ca- 
nacity  and  the  requirement  of  certii  ica„tes  "oexTiitting  the  installation  of 
hev;  capacity,  ercept  for  re-nlacernont.   It  night  be  noted  that,  as  in  tiie 
case  of  the  one-shift  lir.itation,  the  effects  of  this  provision  vould 
have  been  f nvorable,  iirst,  to  the  ov/ners  of  the  f:reatest  amount  of  idle 
capacity,  rao  • -ere  •oresiima.'bly  those  supplying  the  railways.  By  a  resolu- 
tion of  A-oril  -3-6,  1934,  the  Code  Aathority  did  reconmend  to  the  Adrainis- 
tration  to  restrict  installation  of  new  r;iachinerv,  biit  the  Administra,tion 
refused  its  api^roval.  (**)   It  shoulc'  be  noted  that  v/hen  the  Code  >.7as  rdop- 
ted  there  had  been  no  increase  incapacity  since  1926. 

One'ye^r'r  e':perience  convinced  the  industry  that  the  code  did  not 
serve  its  interests.   The  main  effort  to  regulate  competition  through 
the  Code  i7a3  by  orice  fil',in;-;j  but  this  article  :)roved  entirely  ineffec- 
tive as  a  "aeans  of  stabilizing  price.   The  great  variety  of  brands,  the 
absence  of  standards,  an.d  the  extreme  varia.bility  of  costs  destroyed  any 
basis  for  stable  prices.   The  result  ^'as  that  '-hen  the  first  nrice  fil- 
ings cajne  in,  721  prices  ^-ere  filed  on  cotton  and  rool  raste  and  journsl 
bo::  packing,  in  addition  to  136  qupjitity  discounts,  and  53  other  charges 
for  small-qusntity  orders.   Cost  accounting  i"as  orovided  for  in  the  Code 
but  '."as  never  set  u^d.   A  rainimtun  mark-up  on  raw  raaterial  cost  was  loro- 
posed  late  in  the  history  of  the  Code,  but  did  not  receive  administrative 
approval.   A  committee  to  establish  standards  of  grade  and  quality  was  ap- 
pointed, but  the  findings  ■.  ere  not  acce-oted  by  the  industry. 

Allocation  of  prodiiction,  proposed  by  the  industry  at  one  stage  of 
the  code's  formation,  but  not  accepted  by  the  AfLninistra.tion,  was  consid- 
ered by  the  indtistry  to  be  the  best  solution  of  its  problem.   The  plan 
propo[:.ed  was  a  typical  Stevenson,  Jordan  and  Harrison  management  plan 
and  was  -orobably  proporod  by  thera  to  the  industry  '-'hose  agents  they 
were. (***) 

In  ilarch,  1934,  the  reoresentrtive  of  Stevenson,  Jordan  and  Harrison 
presented  a  corrolete  -jlon  of  allocrtion  to  the  industry,  recommending  its 
adoption.   This  "Dlan  '/as  appai'ently  never  lormally  pr^-sentcd  to  the  A?l- 
ministrr.tion,  al.though  it  nay  have  been  c  iscussed  by  the  Assistant  De- 
puty Adjiinistrator  pnd  the  re'Dresenta.tive  of  Stevenson,  Jordan  and  Harrison 
at  a  conference  on  dJmc  19.  (****) 

(*)   3y  the  Acministr-ition  iiembcr,  in  an  intervie'-'  "dth  the  writer. 
(**)   l"e-DUt--  files,  folder:  Meeting's,  and  Coo  e  History,  p.  39. 
(***)   Volui-ne  A.  MA  files. 
(****)   A  cooy  of  the  -olan  is  in  the  files  of  the  Trade  Practice  Studies 
F-ection  of  KRA. 


The  plan  vras  "based  on  tha  lollovinr  orinci-oles: 

Tlie  determination  of  the  total  production  of  the  industry  from 
1S26  to  1933. 

The  determination  of  each  nenber's  -Dercentagc  share  in  the  total, 
the  first  seven  years  and  the  last  yerr  "being  calculated  separately, 
and  s.   final  average  heing  determined  "by  giving  50'>^  weight  to  each 

Appeal  to  the  Code  Authority  for  a  re-assignment  of  -oercentages. 

Suhmission  of  a  monthly  record  of  shipments  to  the  Executive  Officer 
of  the  Code  Authority. 

The  adjustment  of  shipments  so  that  the  average  will  not  "be  ex- 
ceeded over  a  loeriod  of  months,  though  it  may  6.0  so  in  any  single 

The  adjustment  of  orders  in  excess  of  assigned  percentages  "by 
transfer  to  companies  not  in  excess  of  their  monthly  alloTrance. 

The  industry's  attempt  to  solve  its  -oro'blems  "oy  this  means  was 
interpreted  "by  the  Code  Authoritj-'s  Administration  l'em"ber  (in  an  inter- 
view mth  the  writer)  as  an  evidence  of  the  spirit  of  live  and  let 
live  in  a.  declining  industry.  This  might  have  "been  true  had  the  entire 
industry  "been  in  competition  for  a  single  market.   In  this  case,  how- 
ever, there  was  a  fairly  distinct  division  of  the  market  into  large 
consumers  -  principallj'-  the  railways  -  and  the  smaller  industrial  con- 
sumers. The  manufacturers  sup-olying  to  large- consumers  shared  among 
themselves  a  field  of  comiipetition  more  or  less  apart  from  that  shared 
"by  the  other  units  in  the  industry.  Aside  from  individual  competition, 
there  was  thus  a  group  competitive  interest  as  well.  TOien  the  demand 
for  journal  box  packing  "began  to  decline,  it  was,  therefore,  a  distinct 
part  of  the  market  that  was  affected,  and  with  it  a  distinct  sector  of 
the  industry.  It  is  true  that  a  general  decline  in  the  use  of  machined 
waste  has  occurred,  due  (a)  to  the  importation  of  cheap  su'bstitutes  and 
("b)  to  the  closing  of  many  industrial  plants  d.uring  the  depression, 
which  has  imdouhtedly  affected  the  entire  indListry;  "but  the  largest 
decline  "by  far  has  occujrred  in  the  journal  hox  packing  market.   To  in- 
troduce allocation  of  production  at  this  point,  therefore,  would  "be, 
not  to  divide  equita"bly  the  industry's  common  loss,  "but  to  force  all  of 
its  men"bers  to  share  the  distress  of  one  group,  and  to  allow  the  latter 
to  share  the  relatively  favora"ble  noosition  of  the  other  concerns. 

The  detailed  data  necessary  to  show  how  allocation  would  work  out 
would  have  to  include  figures  o'cl   individua.1  and  tota2  production,  and 
figures  on  sales  of  individual  firms  to  types  of  customers.   There  is  no 
definite  record  of  the  existence  of  this  information,  "but  the  Adminis- 
tration Mem'ber  has  said  to  the  irriter  that  individual   statistics  on 
sales  to  classes  of  customers  were  compiled  "by  the  management  of  the 
Code  Authority. 



The  idea  of  allocation  of  ;oroduction  has  apoarently  taken  firm 
root  in  the  industry.  A  new  association  formed  in  1934  is  described 
"by  the  Ac^jninistration  Ilemter  in  the  follorzing  terms: 

"In  the  Tall  of  1923,  the  Code  Authority  finding  that  Administra- 
tiTe  approval  was  not  forthcoming  on  certa-in  amendments  and  proi^osals 
to  control  production,  leading  Liachiners  in  the  Industry  met  to  discuss 
the  sittiation  and  decided  to  form  anotheir  Association  entirely  apart 
from  the  ITaste  Manufacturers' .Associa,tion.  After  three  or  four  such 
meetings,  the  Thread  Waste  Institxite  was  formed,  the  organizing  ■  mem- 
hershlp  heing  ahout  twelve  firms.   This  new  Association  has  not  iDecoTiie 
active  since  the  ohjects  of  the  Institute  caniiot  "be  attained  until  the 
memhership  represents  at  least  85^  of  the  industrjr  hy  volume. 

"The  ncmhers  of  the  Institute  have  api^arently  "been  ^^ledged  to 
secrecy  concerning  the  purposes  of  the  Association,  hut  from  the  meej^er 
information  ohtainahle  to  date,  it  a.ppears  that  the  Institute  is  to 
supervise  an  allocation  syste^i,  wherehy  all  memhers  of  the  industry 
will  reguiate  their  proc>j.ction  as  dictated  h;/  the  Institute. 

"All  raemhers  of  tlie  Institute  are  honded  to  provide  for  liquidated 
drjnages  or  fines  in  event  they  violate  the  instructions  given. 

"It  is  felt  that  in  this  way  prices  vjill  return  to  a  level  where 
a  profit  may  "be  realized  on  every  order,  and  sales  "below  cost  ended. 

"It  is  "believed  that  plans  of  the  organizers  will  soon  he  realized 
and  the  Institute  hegin  to  function,  since  a  clu"b  in  the  form  of  high 
prices  for  raw  materials  is  heing  waved  over  the  heads  of  hesitating 
memhcrs.  lion-Ins titiit^  memhers  will  he  reouired.  to  pay  half  again  or 
douhle  the  price  that  Institute  Uemhers  pay  for  their  raw  materials, 
which  would  melee  the  price  of  their  finished  product  so  high  that 
Institute  nemhers  could  underhid  then  at  will, 

"As  stated  a"bove,  these  plans  have  not  as  yet  heen  put  into  action. 
The  Administration  Member  has  found  tha.t  members  of  the  industry  mil 
discuss  any  topic  with  him  but  that  of  the  Institvite.  Who   the  officers 
are,  the  governing  body,  or  -jhere  Institute  Office  is,  at  this  time  is 
unloiown . " 

To  sum  up,  it  would  appear  that  the  industry  has  gone  through  a 
logical  seouence  of  develo->Draents,  consisting  in  (a)  depression  and 
declining  markets,  loarticularly  for  one  important  sector  of  the  indus- 
try; (b)  conrolete  demoralization  of  the  industry  through  ciit-throat 
comppetition  all  along  the  line,  but  particularly  through  price-cutting 
without  regard  to  costs;  (c)  attempts  under  the  Code  to  raise  prices  to 
a  profitable  level  by  establishing  standard  grades,  open  ^rice  filing, 
uniform  cost  accounting  and  a  minimum  mark-up  on  raw  materials,  and  (d) 
a  final  attempt  to  achieve  a  profitable  level  and  the  even  distribution 
of  business  tl^trough  allocation  of  -oroduction. 


THE  C.4P30y  BIACr  i'LAJTLTACTirRIlM&  II-TDTJSTRY  *  -■  ■ 

The  Carton  Blach  Industry  had  a  d^utle  -oroljleTn  to  ne^.t   during  the 
code  period.   First,  the  d^pr=;spion  h?d  cniis^.d  a  serious  decline  in  the 
nornal  demand  of.  the.  chief  industrial  consumers  of  carton  hlaclc,  prin- 
cipally the  tire,  industry.   Stocks,  '^hich  had  teen  excessively  large 
since  19P9,  w^re  dragging  do^m  the  arice  level.   Second,  a  new  and  large 
supply  of  gp,s,  the  re.TT  material  of  carton,  was  availatle  in' 
Texas  in  1935,  threatening  increased  aroduotion  and  the  .aggravation  of   . 
the  inventory  and  price  sitxiations  trought  onty  the  depression.   Some- 
instatility  in  the  raw  material  sun-il  j^  is  a  normal  condition  in  the.  car-  ■ 
ton  tlack  industr^;^,  arid  is.  a  determining  factor  in  the  volume  of  pro- 
duction.  The  Texas  situation  i=.'as  more  than   usually  disturting,  ho#ever, 
due  toth  to  the  volume  of  the  new  suo^lies  and  to  the  special  circ\ijiistan- 
ces  of  the  depressi'^n. 

discussing  the  economic  conditions  of  the  industry  and  the 
measures  adopted  to  deal  with  them  it  might  te  of  some  value  to  examine 
triefly  the  .teclinical  tackground  of  carton  tlack  manufacture. 

Carton  Blac>-  is  a  jet-tlack,  fluffy,  extre^iielv  finely  divided  ma- 
terial made  ty  turning  natural  gas  in  a  deficiency  of  oxygen. 

There  are  two  methods  of  r.roduction  -  the  "contact"  method,  in  which 
the  , tlack  is  deposited  .when  the  gas  flame  impinges  on  a  relatively  cold 
surface,  and  the  "furn  .ce'"  or  "retort"  method  in  which  the  gas  is  pre- 
hea.ted  and  then  turned  '^ith  insufficient  oxygen  under  pressure  in  a  tower 
containing  refractory  ma.terial.  (**). 

The  Natural  G-as  Products  Association  (***)  vrhich  presented  the  Code 
for  the  Carton  Black  Manufacturing  Industry  to  the  I'TEA  recognizes  only 
the  -oroduct  of  the  contact  me'thod  a.s  a  true  carton  tlack  and  the  contact 
product  only  is  covered  ty  the  code,  which  defines  it  a.s  follows: 

The  term  'carton'  includes  any  tlack  pi^ients  produced  in 
whole  or  in  -nart  from  natural  gas,  casing-head  ga.s,  or  residue  gas 
ty  the  impinging-  of  a  flame  uoon  a  channel,  disk,  or  plate.  (.;''*** )' 

(*)   This  Chapter  has  t'^-^n  from,  material  gathered  ty  Mr. 
A.  L.  Cox. 

(**)   Mineral  Resourc-s  of  the  United  States,  ig'^Q  -  Part  II 

(***)   The  Code  for  the  Carton  Black  J'anufacturing  Industry  "as  sponsored 
-   ty  the  National  'G-as  Products  Association,  estatlished  in  1920, 

the  office  of  which  is  located  at  500  Fifth  Avenue,  New  York  City, 
The  Association  claimed  to., represent  eleven  of  the  sevente=>n 
5iem.ters  of  the  Industry  and  9Zfo   of  the  total  production.   Three 
of  the  six  menters  not  represented  ware  ina.ctive, 

(****)  Approved  Code  No.  269,  Article  II,  Section  1. 


Some  of  the  riLialities  of  contact  iDlachs  are  atsent  in  the  retort  iiro- 
duct,  although  -tihe  yield  of  the  latter  Tier  thousand  cutic  f°et  of  gas  is 
much  greater. 

The  contact  method  nay  he  further  classified  as  chan^iel,  disk,  nlate 
and  roller  -orocesses.  (*)   The  nane  indicates  the  tin?e   of  surface  on 
which  the' hiack  is  deiDOsited.   The  channel  iDrocess  accounts  for  ahout  80 
■oer  cent  of  total  -oroduction.  A  nlant  consists  of  a  grou-o  of  "burner 
"buildings,  soraetines  one  hundred  or  more  in  numher,  hailt  of  she°t  iron 
and  steel.   In  each  hv.ilding,  a  multitu(je  of  gas  flames  imioinge  upon 
slc'"rly  oscillating  channels,  disks,  plates,  or  rollers.   The  "black  is 
deposited  on  the  surfaces  fron  which  it  is  S'-^raped  hy  aiitomatic  scrapers; 
falls  upon  screw  conveyers,  hy  which  it  is  carried  to  the  P3.cking  houses 
and  is  there  mechanically  sifted,  holted  ,and  com-oressed  and  packed  in 
IP--   pound  hags.   The  process  is  largely  automatic  (**)  and  is  continuous 
as  intermittent  operation  interferes  Fith  the  qu-^lity  of  the  product. 
No  person  can  sa.felv  enter  the  hurner  "building  while  the  process  is  go- 
ing on. 

The  ahove  descri'ber'.  pr-cnss  has  "been  in  use   for  many  years  and  few 
technological  a.dyances  lia-vo  "b^en  made,  e^rcept  in  -nrepara.tion  for  ship- 
ping.  Carhon  Black  can  no^r  "be  comir^ssed  into  hard,  sliO'-iery  pellets 
ahout  the  size  of  numher  7  or  8  shot.   These  pei:^ets  can  he  shipped  in 
hulk  thus  eliminating  the  necessity  for  compressing  the  hlack  and  pack- 
ing in  hags.   It  is  understood  tha.t  this  --rocess  h^s  "o^-t^n   pa.tented  and 
that  its  use  is  heing  licensed  to  other  m--^mhers  of  the  Industry. 

Carhon  hlack  as  a  coloring  pigment  h^gan  to  compete  -^ith  lamp 
after  1860,  hut  hecaus^  of  its  more  intense  color  and  greater  tinting 
strength  its  use  in  inks  and  paints  gained  rapidly  in  importance.  Al- 
though the  present  conspjnption  of  carhon  hlack  in  -orinting  ink  is  not 
large,  relative  to  other  uses,  it  is  perhaps  the  most  important  iise  for 
no  other  product  will  duplicate  its  spreading  properties  for  ink.   One 
pound  of  c."rhon  hlack  mixed  -^ith  eight  -oounds  of  oil  gives  enough  ink 
to  cover  nearly  an  acre  of  surface.  No  other  coloring  ma.terial  can  ap- 
proach this  "covering  nowor."  (***)^ 

As  measured  hy  volume,  the  most  i^'p-'ortant  use  of  carhon  hlack  is 
as  an  ingredient  in  the  m.anufa,  of  ruhher.   This  use  ^-'as  first 
tried  in  1915  and  since  then  has  steadily  increased.   As  recently  as 
fifteen  years  ago  most  of  the  automnhile  tires  were  red  or  white  and 
irere  good,  for  only  ahout  five  thousand  miles.   Now,  due  to  the  use  of 
carhon  hlack  which  materially  to  the  toijighness  of  the  product, 
tires  are  practically  alD  hlack  ajid  are.  good  for  ahout  fifte-^n  thousand 
miles.   In  1929  ahout  t-'O  poiinds  of  carhon  hlack  ^^ere  \i.sed  in  each  tire 
or  casing.  (****), 

(*)  Mineral  Resources  of  the  United  States  -  19?9,  Part  II. 

(**)  Transcript  of  Hearing  Nov^mher  16,  1933,  Page  8. 

(***)  Mineral  Resources  of  the  United  States  -  19?9,  Part  II. 

(****)  Mineral  Resources  of  the  United  States  -  1929,  Part  II. 


The  third  ira-'Tortpnt  us^  of  r.^.T'i-^rr)  "bT-^C'- 
paints,  varnishes,  and  lacnuers.  It  is  also 
the  mantLfecture  of  such  TDrod'icts  as  shoe  ar.d 
records,  artifical  stones,  cr3^^ons,  carton  p 
hons.    (*). 

is   PS  a   coloring  assent   in 
a  vpl'iPhl^s   ingredient   in 
stove  r.olishes,   phonogra-^h 
:--'-'i'  ■^Tl^    t"^e"rriter  rih- 

T'he   follo'-ins  trhr.e    sho^^s   the  -"rcentree   of   total   domestic  deli- 
veries  consumed,   d;^  each  of   the   atove  uses  for   th^  years  1928-1934.    (■**) 

1928      1929        1930        1031      1932        1933        1934 







Printing  Ink 






Paint,  Varnish  and 













The     United  States  hn,s  o,  virtual   mono-ooly  on  the  TDroducti^^n  of 
carhon  "black  although  one  nlant   is  "believed  to  have  he^n  recently  con- 
structed in  Rumania  and  one   in  Jaoan.      Our  exports  of   the  -oroduct    stea- 
dily increased  u-o   to  1934   as   shoTOi  h;'-  the  follo^'ing  trhle   of   total    sales 
and  iier  cent    exn^rted.    (***). 








Total  Sales  (millions 








of  Ihs.) 

Percent  E:.53orted 








Carhon  hlack  me^ts   some   slight  com-oetition  from   such  -oroducts   as 
zinc  oxide,    hone  hlac^:,    and  larrp  hlacl^.      For  exam-nle,    carhon  hlack  has 
largelv  disislaced  zinx  oxide   in  the  ruhher   industr?/  heca.use   it   is  "bet- 
ter adapted  as  a  filler  and  "'.^'^c^use   it  -oroduces  a  tougher  product. 
Furthermore   the  prices  of   conoeting  iiroducts  have  generally  "be^n  higher; 
in  1931,    the  -orice  of  "tone  hlack  i^as   3,9   cents  Toer  ^-.ound,    lam-o  "black 
9,4  cents,    and  i,inc  oxide   6,2   cents,,     com-oared  i^ith  a.  orice  of  3.07  for 
car"bon  hlack.    (****).      (The  Koven"b^r  11,    1935,    issue  of   the  Oil,   Paint, 
a,nd  Drug  Re-norter,    rei-iorts   the  foll'^-'.ting  -orices  oer  noirnd  for  carloa.d 
lots:      "bone  "black  8   cents,    freight  allowed;    lam-o  8   cents,    f.^."b. 
Hew  York;    zinc   oxide  5   cents,    deliv'^red;    car'bon  "black,    to   Gulf  States 
4.45   cents   delivered,    -    to   Ohio,      I'ichignn,    etc.    5.05   cents   delivered.) 

It    should  t'=  notrd  here   that   car"bon  "black  as  defined  "by  the  code 
has   some   comi^etition  from  therraa.tomic,    or   retort,    ca.r"bon  hlaci".      The 

(*)  Mineral  Resources   of  the  United  States  -  1929  Part   II 

(**)  Bureau  of  Mines  Bulletins 

(***)  Bureau  of  Mines  Bulletins- 

(****)  Bureau  of  Mines  Bulletin  -   1931,   -oage  34. 


Bur'^PU  of  Mines  Bu?-lPtin  (*)  st^-t-^s  th?t  th=ire  is  oonradf^ratle  conrje- 
tition  tet'^^en  retort  "black  pnd  chpnn'^1  "bTac^k  in  tha  EuVoBr  Industry. 
One  is  led  to  iDelieve  th?)t  "considfTatle  co'Toetition"  is  an  exag^arated 
statp-ient,  horrev^r,  in  view  of  the  fnct  thpt  cha.nnel  tlack  represented 
9lfo   of  total  rjroducti'-n  in  1931  and  93fb  ir  1932.  (**).   Further,  "chan- 
nel" "blac!-  is  only  one  of  the  "contact"  "blacks;  the  roller  -^rocesn  is 
res-oonsi"ble  for  nearly  all  the  "black  used  for  r,rintin^  ink.   This  fur- 
ther reduces  the  rjercentages  -Drodixced  "b^'-  the  retort  or  thermatcnic 
nethod.   It  an-oears,  therefore,  that  the  retort  method  is  still  in  its 
infrnc^/  and  was  not  sufficiently  coni-netitive  in  1933  to  warrant  any 
great  effort  to  "bring  its  users  under  the  Code,   Further  the  contact 
"black  producers  clain  that  thernptonic  or  retort  lil^c^'  is  not  a  true 
car"bon  "black. 

Naturrl  gas,  the  ra-r  naterial  of  the  Cnr"bon  Blac^-  lianufrcturing 
Industry,  is  of  t^^o  trnties,  -  gas  T7hich  is  found  alone  rrith  no  other 
matter  present,  general"!;'^  desi.gnrted  as  "natural"  gas,  and  gas  which  is 
"oresent  in  oil  wells  and  which  is  o'btain^'d  as  a  "b-"---oroduct  of  the  reco- 
very of  crude  oil,  gen'=rn"i  ly  known  as  "cr^singhead"  g^s.   (The  two  terns 
are  used  herein  in  contr-idistinction  to  each  ot:ier.) 

It  has  already  \}'=.^^n   indicated  that  much  of  the  instahi]  ity  of  the 
carhon  "black  industry  is  fie  resi.^lt  nf  f Dixctuations  in  its  ra^/^  material 
sumlies.   This  is  due  not  only  to  new  discoveries  and  de-nletion  of 
resources,  but  also  to  restrictive  state  le.'^isTation,  ^hich  makes  the 
amount  of  gas  nvaila"ble  de--end"nt  ""rrgely  u-oon  the  activities  of  "oi-oe 
line  and  gasoline  concerns.   G-as  cons'=rvn.tion  nrograns  renuire  that  the 
consumption  of  a  ootentially  valuable  fuel  "be  nlaced  under  control  and 
most  of  the  gas  -nroduciiig  states  hav°,  "by  statute,  either  entirely  -nro- 
hi"bited  the  use  of  natural  gas  for  the  manufacture  of  CRr"bon  "black,  (*** 
or  Tjrohi'bited  its  use  except  -^-hen  the  hep.t  therei:':'  contained  is  fully 
utilized  for  other  riar-if-cturing  or  domestic  -nuro-^ses,  (****;  or  pro- 
hi"bited  its  use  excet  '^here  the  gasoline  content  of  the  natural  gas 
is  first  extracted,  (^'i=***)  i-rith  certain  conditions  si^ch  as  the  o"btain- 
ing  of  nerm.its,  limitation  on  amount  of  gas  to  be  so  ^ised,  the  a'bsence 
of  -oresent  or  •oossi"b''e  future  markets  wherein  the  natural  gas  would  "be 
more  fully  utilized  "b"^  domestic  or  industrial  users. 

The  statutes  r'rohi"biting  the  use  of  natural  gas  for  the  -oroduction 
of  carbon  black  when  there  is  a  present  or  i30ssible  future  domestic  or 

(*)   Bureau  of  Mines  Bulletin  -  1931,  -oage  54. 

(*•*)   Bureau  of  Mines  Bulletin,  -  193P.-1933,  t^.  546. 

(***)   State  of  Arkansas  -  Act  350  of  192^^. 

(****)   State  of  South  ]3akota,  Act  of  March  6,  1929,  Cha.iDter  202  and 
State  of  Wyoming,  Act  of  Fphruaiy  24,  1919,  Chapter  125. 

(*****)   State  of  Louisiana  -  Act  91  of  1922  and   Act  252  of  1924 

State  of  Hew  l^xico  -  Bulletin  IB,  Kew  Mexico  State  Land  Office 
1931  State  of  Tex-s  -  A-^ticl-  6008,  S3  #92  Chanter  100,  1933. 


incustripl     p/.-'xt   for   tli,      •:■,    -^-r^    ■">".   coo-'sc    i:\r,^rjlc±   to  conserve  a 
val-ur.L)le   rr.iturrl   resoiu'co    for    it-        >r'b   beiicficirl   u^e,      TJic   use    of  ,i,as 
for    the   oi    c,  rt.;-    '^j.r.c'-   ip   iui   ._:^'±rc  :el''  'vn.Gtcful  -jroccGS, 
The    average   p:^icc    of  miiAro.!   rs^   r.z:.C    ir.    c'.c    t'O' •:,  <^tic  'lar'rct    is   nmch 
higher    tl:rn    t'l' t    of  j;:r:.s    ?olc     r-o    c  r'oon  1'1'c'I-:  /I'Mits.      To    v/hich  consu'vior 
it    is   '"old   fc-  o:^C?    dw    :hc    loc"':..^:.   ni    in,^    .3    --ell    in   relation   to  i^ipe   or   tliici:":    ;-io:oiilated  co     -ui^.itios.      GoriSCc:-a'":ntl3- ,    the   carhon  'blach   arc    loc   tci  near  ^-a--;   i.7ci.s   or  g.-.isoiinc    r^iinorics    in  remote  and. 
s"oarscl}-  sot'sled  areas.      Fncn  pivj.f;    liner    :to   l;ro^'.ght    into    such  areas, 
the    r\s    is    cinsisnod   to    them  and   the    c^rhir.    olacl^  plants   move   Oxl  to  new 
anc.   relative  J.;;-   unc'evclorjed  arcr.s    fro;,-,   vfhich   there    is   not   outlet    :^o  a 
domestic   ■    -.r^xt    (*1)      Cnsinchcad   ,   ."^   a-\G    -■..   relatively  high  -gasoline 
content.      Tnat    ru:nai:s   afCer   the   //a^oli-.-.e   content    is   extracted   is  Imovm 
as    "rcsicue"   ri  " .      Pipe   line   com  -,nj.cs   hrvc    refused   to  "buy  this   .as  he- 
cause   it   contains   hydrogen  sulphide   -.-hich  .;lveG   of.    an  obnoxious   o'^'or, 
(**)    Conseouently,    the    rcsirnii.      r.G   nuist    either  be    Dlorm   into    the   o,ir   or  used 
for    the   pr-^d-action   of   caro   a   i-lach.       (in  so  :e   c-ocs    ;ncre    is   another  al- 
ternative   31    ret-arnin:,   Tne   :,..r    i^ito    tnc    f;r:'-una   to   repnessure    the    oil   well. 
This    will  proha^l;-    be  ,.;ore    i,.a)ort"nt    ni    tnc    future    th-n   it   h?.s   been  in 
the  vast.)      li'ic    ■  r,sol.^ne   refiner   0 i'vi  -usl-,    nref^r-    to'  sell  his   residue 
,pas   for   yal■^tever   nc    en  ,-'et   ■^et.icr    i.h u'l  •vnrt.e    ib,    -"':■  d    cnat    circuunstance 
lir.,s    served   to  drive    the  price    of   reoiduo   jp,  .s    to   an  extremclv  lov  level,    as 
shov.'n  by  the   follovdng  prices   in.  Texas  "oer  thousand  cubic   feet   of  ;";as : 
1937,    0.14;    1928,    3.5<y;    ldr29,    1.7^^;    1950,    i.O^'   19ol,    1.7j^;    1932,    1.3(^; 
1933,    1.7;;;    (***)    This   low  price  nati-irally  encourapcd   the   establi?h-'ent   of 
new  cja-bo-n   lI- ch  plants   -ith  co-nsequent    i-.xrv.-0L    in      roduction.      In   adel- 
tion,    tills    c   r.'-iti^n   c^-ca^ed   :     te;-^tation  for    _;'-ol:i:e   refiners    to 
construct    carbo"n   eir.el:  -plonts   v-nen    they  vfere   •uui-'ble    to   find  a  -nar]-:et 
for   their  resiaue   .'"p-.s   in   estblishec'    carbon  bl:^ch  plants.      A.t  the  present 
time,   however,    thc-:-e   ?-  -  c-~n-s   to  be   only  o-ne   oil  co-apany,    the   Ma^inolia 
Petrolo-ui-n  Co;:ipany,    v/hich  enar:2,cd   in   the  ijrodvcction  of  carbon  b''lac-:. 

The   use    of  no  tan-, -1    ---.:■    ,::■    -••,:.;:-,:  It  c"    m   even   pre -iter  pressure    towdrds 
increased  production   tdan   .  a.-    n  ..     use    of   casint-^'heoi.    ip.s.   As    sta'ced         ' 
above   the   , pjsoline   content    Cj.    t-a    lp,t-:er   is   relatively  high,    the   average 
in   the    Ten-  s   Foniianalc   being  frorA   onx    to    t^-Jo  ■  "'lions  -oer   thovisand 
cubic    f .- c  t    oi   g-.a,    v/hilc    tho   .overnpe    for   aot-aral   ^^^'s    is   only  abo-ut    .3 
of  a  gallon   of  g- so'line  -oor   thousand  cubic   feet  g-is.    (****)   I'cny 
owners   a-n;-.   le-seholders   of   larpe  natural  g.--s   reserves,   having  no   adeq-'aa.te 
mar"':cts,    f..ndit   i;a  ediately  -  a-ofitable    to  prod-ace   gas   and  extract   the 

(*)  Corbj-n.  Bl--c!:  -   Its  han-ofn.cture ,   properties  &  Uses   -  Biu-eau  of 

Idin^s,    ld";i.     ■ 
(1)  While   the    whole    industry  rclda.-i  ennlo- ed   over  1300  men,    it   must 

often  build  houses    3:1.'  sui'v-'ly  v."-t.r   etc.    for   its    limitedi.   labor 

force   in   such  nore    or   lesf    r-„aote   pl-;vCes. 

(**)        Vol.    -',,    dc    ort    of  Rese   rch  a-.:d  Plan;  ing  Division,   v-o.    15-15. 
'  ITE^  files. 

(***)        S-urop-u  of  Mines   BulletinG    on  ilatural   Gas. 

(****)      Volume  A,   p.    39.    Letter   froT..  Association.  ITRA  files. 


:-asoline  content  t'lereof,  T  :e  rofit-'jilit?-  cr  even  t^ie  feasibility 
of  this  Goiirse,  however,  oftej:  >;oor,ds  ou  t.iB  abilit:/  of  the  gasoline 
extrE.ctir;"..  riant  to  C'ain  some  incouie  froi:;  the  residue  ■:_,a.p.      It  is  not 
necessary  always  tlia.t  a  /.arhet  ue  foiand  for  the  entire  residue,  Dnt  if 
the  revenue  of  the  rasoline  'olant  can  'oe  rcipplemented  hv  the  s'lle  of  a 
paEit  of  tne  residue  gas,  its  o^nRrations  can  "be  piit  on  n  profitable  basis,  (*) 
The  ability  to  •.larket  a  v.-,;^t  of  tne  residue  ^as  for  cp.rhon  black  -pvjr]?osec 
nay  therefore  deterrdne  whether  or  not  a  ^lant  of  this  t^n^e  is  built  at 

It  can  be  seen  froiii  the  above,  tlia.t  a  tremendous  outside  pressure 
to  "'rO'.  lice  is  co/.tinuously  bein.j  exerted  on  the  carbon  black  inanufa,ctur— 
ing  inc.ur-try.   In  1D33,  this  pressure  was  a-i,j;iehted.  by  a' ch'.r,:;;;e  in  tho 
con-.erva.tion  policy  of  the  State  of  Texas,  Previa'is  to  t/ia.t  year,  carbon 
blach  '-iroduccrs  ;iad  been  limited  to  the  ase  of  residue  c  singdiead  ^as 
but  by  a  statute  (**)  ppssed  in  1953  tliey  were  allov'ec;  to  use  residue 
natural,  or  dry,  ^as  as  v^ell.  This  r.-ia:  have  been  a  f  :ctor  in  the  increase 
in  production  wnicn  occurrc'  in  193;.  an:  1?3-1-. 

The  -ollorvin:-  fij^a^v-es  J  or  ■^■roduction  :  re  IhLrnished  by  the  Bureau  of 
nines  (***): 

Production    ho,  o.."      S:'les        Stocks 
Year  (Million  lbs.)  Pla.its  (hillioa  lbs.)  (-.s  o:.  Dec,r<l)    Prices 
(Pillion  lbs.)    (per  lb.) 

Go  261  50)  $,05  (Av.'J5-»29 

71  284  132) 

69  252  259  ,039 

53  253  230  ,030 

5C  262  253  ,027 

50  373  152  ,027 

50  313  173  .035 

'X   the  industry's  low  period  was  during  the  years  1928 
through  1330.  ?ro.h^ci:ion  ¥;as  in  e-cess  oi  sales,  stocks  were  increasing, 
and  "M-ices  were  declining.  During  t'^d^  -.leriod  a  general  migration  from 
Louisiana  to  x'exa.s  was  occurring,  wac".   ■   ccount  for  this  exiDansion 
in  o-aer;  t  ions,   Louisiana  "'as  lea  ia   a  'Ion  black  producing  state 
throip'^h  19r;£,  but  in  1929  lexa.s  took-  t  .c  Lr  -  ,  production  in  the  ;:ianlTandle 
incr-asin:  iror.:  ?-i-,900,000  lbs,  in  1928  to  139,100,000  Ids.  in  1929  and 
in  the  rest  of  the  state  from  100,300,000  lbs.  in  1928  to  228,10G,?00  lbs. 
in  1929,  (****) 

(*)    Vcluaie  A,  p.  39  ~  Lt  vter  froi.i  Association.   ilPJi  files. 

(**)    State  of  Texas,  Art.  oOOo,  S_. ,  #-92,  Chapter  100. 

(***)  Bureau  of  nines  laalletin  -  Carbon  Black. 

(****)  Vol.  II,  Rc-iort  il  Research  and  Planniiig  hivision,  ITHA.  files 
















It  a-p-[ 

,:ears  • 

After  1931  production  ree-^s  ..o  'iicive  slowed  do\7n,  .and  increased 
saleo  reduced  T.ccuj::ulr.ted  stoc'is.   Priccr-  contir.i.ied  to  fall  however, 
and  the  niirher  of  ;^Tl3,nts  \ip.s   redvcu'''  u/  -vi::it.   On].y   after  the  code 
was  in  operation,  v;as  t::ere  ■.  0:i?,.i;;;e.   Pi-odLiction  rose  in  1934,  and 
althou,'_:h  sales  declined  and  stochs  E,i;airi  "ce   :,",n  to  nouiit,  prices  rose  to 
their  Iiighest  level  in  foru-  years. 

There  ap-oear  to  have  been  t-zo  cliief  reasons  for  tl.e  Industry'"s 
desire  in  1933  for  control  of  capacitv  ano  'iroduction:   one  Y-ra.v-   the 
threat  to  -rices  from  the  he  v;^  stoclrs  (*)  miilt  up  duriiig  the  depression 
and  the  other  was  the  change  in  I'^'ZZ   i::   the  conservation  policy  of  the 
State  of  Texas,  v/hich  w?„s  exiTected  to  encourage  -the  expansion  of  the 
industry  there. 

'The  approved  Code  contained  :.  provision  (**)  for  the  control  of 
inventories  to  the  effect  t^.:?i,t  each  neirher^  rithout  infringing  obligations 
existing  on  hovemocr  SS,  1933,  lor  the  pv-rcliase  of  gas,  should  regulate 
his  production  so  that  i ':.  shoulc  not  exceed  curre-it  deliveries.   It 
further  ]-'rovided  th/. t  if.  eny  ner'-her  fhouJ.d  find,  at  the  end  of  any  period 
of  six  calendar  months,  that  his  stoch's  of  c-rfon  blach  had  increased 
(except  through  purcliase  of  'black  or  UiiavoiLable  ■■]vrcha;re  of  grs)  he 
should  take  neasurcs  to  reduce  his  stochs  hy  the ■ same  araount  during  the 
next  six  calendar  nonths;  tut  if  rny  meiaher  increased  his  inventories  "by 
fulfilling  existing  obligations  for  bhe  p-'orcliase  of  gas  the  other  mem- 
hers  should  not  he  reouired  to  restrict  their  inventories  helow  a  per- 
ceritat^;e  oi  eo^ual  to  t/f.t  of  memher.   The  Article  as  origin- 
ally proposed  hy  the  Industry  did  not  include  this  proviso,  hut  one  memher, 
the  Imperial  Oil  and  Gas  Prod-acts  Company,  protested  this  (**=*)  and  v/as 
successful  in  lia.ving  the  Article  in  question  thus  a..iended.   The  chief 
basis  of  this  company's  protest  v;as  ohat  tlie  larger  corrrranies  had  con- 
tracts ior  the  purchase  ■  of  gas,  Y/hile  most  of  tne  small  members  did  not. 
The  restriction  a/.ainst  increases  In   stoch's  -./ould  thus  affect  only  the 
small  raem.bei-s  v/hile  one  large  ones  could  build  up  huge  stocks  to  their 
considerable  advantage. 

Little  information  concerning  the  achninistration  of  tliis  provision 
viras  available  within  the  A'mlnistratio.i,  but  upon  request  the  former 
secretary  of  the  Code  Authority-  v/rote  the  following  letter,  dated  "Novem- 
ber, 19,  1935  to  H.  S,  Drixt'y,  outlinin-;  the  activities  of  the  Code  Author- 
ity in  tliat  regard: 

(*)    See  figures  cited  iiimediately  above  from  Bureau  of  Mines  Bulletins. 
(**)  Approved  Code  Ho.  259,  Article  IV,  Section  1, 
(***)  Volune  E,  page  29,    ITBA  files. 



"Tlic  belief  v.iicli  seeris  cip-'arent  to  lae  xror.:  your 
letter  oi'  October  30th,  t;i.,t  trie  -n-ovisionc  ox  t>.e  Code 
for  the  Carbon  Ilach  ;:;:.iiu;>cturiii^  In^^-istry  governing 
the  control  of  i  .ventory  arc  the  cont.'ol  of  capacity 
laid  doivn  ri:-',ic  s'  to  be  literally  observed, 
.is  a  mistahe:-:  one.   The  Code  Authority  viev/ed  them  rather 
as  indastry  ■■■■.-inciples  accepted  and  self-imposed  by  all 
'oroducers  aviJ  relied  on  each  member  of  th.e  industry  to  use 
them  as  a  guide  to  his  operations.   This  reliance  v/as  not 
mis-olaced  and  it  rras ,  therefore,  never  necessar;""  d^ai-ing  the 
tine  the  Coce  i^as  in  force  to  officially  enforce  the  pro- 

"In  this  industry  no  other  interyiretatior.  of  the 
--ihrase  'In  case  at  the  end  of  a,ny  period  of  six  calendar 
months...'  could  have  stood  ir'>  th^ui  that  tlie  six  months 
period  v;as  r.  niovir.j;;  one.   The  statistica.l  position  at  an^/' 
given  dr,te  is  i.mortant  in  this  industry  as  it  relates  to 
.trends  over  ex..ended  periods.   The  Code  Authority  there- 
fore re:,e.rded  inveicov-y  v.-nv^-  ion  from  tne  standpoint 
of  tendencies.   Since  to  i  liv  1  ,/./..l  members  of  the  in- 
dustry on  t/.eir  o\^n  iaitij.tiye  t ..  j1:  care  to  see  that  large 
accijmula.tions  did  not  tai:e  place.,  being  aided  in  doing  so 
by  a  relatively  free  movement  of  goods,  the  Code  Authority 
never  found,  it  necessary  to  t  ke  action  on  the  inventory  pro- 
visions.  On  one  occasion  it  seei:ied  to  me  personally  that 
a  tendency  of  accumulation  v/as  begivming  and  I  took  it  uoon 
myself,  simply  in  an  advisory  capacity  c.s_  Secretary  of  the 
Code  i.uthority,  to  focus  the  attention  of  all  members  of  the 
indtistry  thereon.  Any  action  was  unnecessa.ry,  for  i,='ithin  a 
short  time- the  tc.dency  reversed  itself  from  natural  causes, 

"As  to  v.'iether  or  not  tne  'resence  of  tne  new 
i-)rovision  in  the  Code  lia.d  a  deterrent  elfect  on  capacity 
increases  v?hic'i  m.ignt  otherwise  '.lave  been  iiade,  only  an  in- 
conclusive rns'.'er  can  be  'jiven.  All  the  members  of  our 
ind'u.stry  were  conscientiously  cooperative  and  each  re^:a.rdcd 
tlie  Code  as  tne  expression  of  his  ovm  individi;£i,l  will,  as 
well  as  the  credo  of  the  industry,   Tliat  a,ttitude  doubtless 
persua.ded  nenber  to  self-reg-ulation  and  3;ilaced  a  check 
on  individua.l  ambitions,  thus  saving  the  Code  Authority 
the  necessity  of  invoking  the  capacity  provision.   There 
were  twD  or  three  rumors  txia.t  strangers  to  the  industry 
v/ere  considering  or  even  contemplating  entering  into  the 
field  and  erecting  nev  capacity.   In  e  ach  co,sc  I  mailed  a 
copy  of. the  Code  to  the  interested  part  and  called  atten- 
tion to  the  capacity  provision.   In  no  case  did  I  liave  any 
reply,  and  in  no  case  was  the  capacity  built,  Wliether  or 
not  the  Code  provision  deterred  the  prospective  entrant 
into  the  carbon  black  business  is  indeterminable.   It  is 
j-ast  as  likely  t.ia.t  the  rumor  of  intention  to  ouild  v;as 
not  well  foniidod, 

"As  to  prices  in  the  industry  today,  they  seem  to 
on  the  v-hole  as  they  wore  thiru  1934.   The  enclosed  statistical 

report   will  g-ive   you  tnn  riositio/.  of  production,    sales 
and  stoc^ts   a?   of  October  31pt. 

"I   re^iret    th  ,t   I  am  unr.ljlc   to   answer  the  q.uestions 
posed  in  yo\ir   letter   of  Octouor  noth  any  more  definitely 
tlia,n  I   have   done  pbove.      You  vail  xriders.tand,    I  £im  sure, 
t]ia,t   this   is   not   due   to  nu;^  unvdllin{TiT.ess    to   do   so.      It 
arises   out   of   the   fact   that   the   Carlion  Black  Industry  is 
a  small   one,   T/hich  f,:.vored  its  achieving  that  happy  state 
of   cooperation  which  made   control  and  regulation  throUii;h 
an   iraposed  authority  -iDractically  unnecessary". 

A  further  article   of   the   code    (*)   "irovided  tliat   the   ca.pacity  of 
the    industry  should  not  "be   increased   except  v.'ith  the  a;v;iroval   of   the 
Code  Authority  and  the  Administrator,      /iccordin;?  to   the  files   of   the 
f.eiiuty  Administrator,   no   cases   or   applications   arose  Uiulcr   this  piro- 
vision  althou^^^h  several   inquiries   concerning  it   vrere   received.      The 
former  A." ministration  h'emher  of   the   Code  Authority,   horrever,   has  ad- 
vised tlu-.t   one   case   did  come  before   the   Code  iaithority.      In  that   in- 
stance   it   appears   tlmt   the   J,   h,   Huoer  Com-jany  had  closed  dovm  its 
plant   in  Louisiana.  a,nd  \7as  purchasing  its   reqiiirenents   of  hlacl:  from 
the   United  Carhon   Comricny,      The   latter  company  refused  to   renew  the 
contract  uoon  its    termination  and   the   J.   I.;.   Iluher   Compa,ny  stated  tliat 
unless    some   otner   conrpany  ^Tould   sup'ply  its   reouirements ,    it   '"/ould  re- 
m.ove   tne   Louisiana  plant   to    xe:cas   and  start  production.      The   Code  Author- 
ity claimed  tlia.t   su-ch  action  would   constitute  an  increase   in  capacity 
a,nd  tliat,    therefore,    its  peradssion  and  a-oroval   of   the  Administrator 
was   required.        The   question  ->/as   referred  for   settlement   to   the  Aojnin- 
istra.tion     .omoer,   vdio   rulec,  th  t    the   relocation  of   the   Louisiana  plant 
would  not   constitute   a  capacity  i;icrease.      Unfortunately,    it    is   not 
Irnovm  v/hetner   tne  plaint   ra.s  rioved  or  v;_.other   sone   other,n;/  a/a-eed  to 
fill   the   require.nents   oi    the    J.   ;".    Huoer  Conroany.      In  vie;.'  of  the    lacl: 
01   "ressure   for  new  capacity  there   is   ^^rouiid  for   question  of   the   indus- 
try's  exoressed  fear  of   large   nev/  "buildings   in  Texas.    • 

There   a'pears   to   liave  been  more   success  uiider   the   code,    -   judging 
"by  the   sumj'iiarjr  statistics   a<.Doye   -   in  "b:-"inging  prices  un   tiian  in  heap- 
ing ;jroduction  and   s:ochs   dorrn,      'Thile   the   complete   data  necessary  to 
estahlish  the   story  behind  this   develo;jment   is   lacking,   one   or   tv/o 
points   on   special   conditions   in  the   In. .^istry  which  "nave  not   j^et    been 
brought  up  may  at   least   serve   as   clues   to   be   follov/ed  in  any  further 
i  nv  e  s  t  i  ga  t  i  on , 

It   ap;)ears,    for   instance,    that   for  --ractical  purposes,   a  unified 
control  has   existed  for   sone    time.      The   Conpauiies,    the   ColuiTidain 
Carbon   Company,   and   the  Unit.ed  Carbon  Comjjany,   y/ith  their   subsidiaries, 
account   for  over  75'p  of  the   total  ;  production  of  the   Industry,    and   it   is 
t^ie   opinion   of  the   former  Acministra.tion  I.ember   tK^t   the   Cabot   concern 
is  a   large   stockholder   in  the   two   last  mentioned  firms.      It    should  be 
noted   th5.t    tlie   Code  Authority  was  unusriiilly  democratic,   and  included  a 

(*)      Approved  Code  Uo.   269,   Article   IV,    Section  2. 


representative  of  every  firr:  i..  t:ie  I.''>JEtry, 

It  is  also  interesting  to  note  in  this  cornection  tne  statement  of 
the  AcLministration  'iemljer  that  tLider  the  price  filing  provision  of  the 
Code  (*),  the  seme  prices  were  filed  "by  all  memtsrs  of  the  Industry. 

S'xirther,  the  tasin;;  pcint  systei;i  ir-.der  which  the  Industry  o--ierates, 
and  o/uout  vaich  there  a.-veT^rs  to  oe  little  precise  information,  night 
well  repay  more  ciireful  invostigation. 

Another  interesting  development,  Avhic/i  rna.^'  affect  the  control  of 
capacity,  is  the  "oossitility  of  patent  control.   It  is  said  tiie^t  the 
development  'by   the  Godfrey  L.  Ca.liot  Coni;>any  of  the  r^ethod  of  reducing 
carbon  lilac]:  to  -pellets  for  b-Alk  shipnent  will  greatly  reduce  costs. 
It  is  possible,  tlierefore,  that  a  restrictive  licensing  of  the  use  of 
this  uevelopinent  vdll  set  up  a  virtual  monopoly  in  the  Carhon  Elaclr 
Manufacturing  industry,  somewnat  similar  to  tliat  clainiod  to  exist  in 
the  Glass  Container  Industry,  in  -^^hich  the  Owens-Illinois  Glass  Cor]3or- 
ation  is  said  to  hold  the  great  niajorit:,'  of  necessary  patents. 

An  imroortont  tody  of  inforn-iation  might  "be  developed  'b'j   an  in- 
vestigation of  the  activities  of  the  export  association  of  the  Industry, 
Carbon  Black  Exports,  Inc.,  is  a  cor;-.oration  formed  \>y   the  Industry 
under  the  Webo-Pomerane  Act.   Information  on  this  corporation  is  in  the 
files  of  the  Federal  Trade  Comr-iission  hut  is  confidential  and  access 
thereto  coulu  not -he  liad.   It  is  possible  that  this  information  would  shed 
addition; 1  light  on  the  general  -condition  of  tne  Industry  by  showing 
the  t^pe  of  allocation  practiced  vdth  regard  to  foreign  shipments, 

A,gain,  the  large  increase  in  capitaliza.tion  which  has   occurred  in 
tne  Industry  might  bo  investigated.   Invested  ca-6ital  in  the  Industry 
jumoed  fi^om  $24,555,000  in  1928  to  $31,465,000  in  1923  and  to  $37,238,000 
in  1930,  Prom  1930  to  1933  this  fignore  increased  steadily  to  $39,957,000. (*^ 
It  is  possible  th^t  the  increase  was  due  merely  to  a  general  'recapital- 
ization within  the  Industry,  Another  erplanation  may  have  been  the  ac- 
quisition of  O'-'-nership  nr  long  term  leases  in  c'^.s   nroperties,  altho-ogh 
it  is  thought  th^t  the  ;;reat  majority  of  producers  do  not  control  their 
gas  supplies  except  throu,gh  contracts  with  the  ^-asoline  extraction  plants. 
Investigation  might  show,  oi  course,  that  the  Teicas  ex'pansion  n.lone 
explained  the  capitalize- ion  situation. 

(*)   Approved  Code  ITo.  ,^69,  Article  V 

(**)  Volume  II,  Application  for  Code.  ".'5A  files 


psr  'thons?.-!' 

.   cubic 






















Finally   tlje   enti-e   co£;o-    ric?   ^"•'■■-;-f  hi      v  v-l;'    De   i-ivestigated. 
One    of   tlK;    c'Mises    of   i-^f- 1 'Lili  b  ■'   i::    t   c    i,,;  j.rt:-;-  :■-     o  ,r=    to   Imve  iDeen 
the   difference   in  rn-ices    oet-;ee;-.   t'le   t' 'o   _  :i.s  -irodncting  e.reas , 
Louisiina  and  Texas. 

Price   of  '..Iptu-ra,!   Gas 



^  1932 

Prices   for   cij-ton,    however,   are   the   in  these   two   sts.tes, 
and  It    seems   evident    therefore   that   either  production  costs   other  than 
.thtit   of  i^as,    or   '-irofits,    in  and  Texas,   must   differ  vddely.  (*) 
ITo   detailed  cost    infonviatio: .  a-uears   to  be  availaols.      The   followin,-^ 
e-tatement    (**)  -.u^lished  in   1922,    contained  tne    only  infonx.tion  on 
costs   which  the   writer   coi^ld  discover: 

"The   cost   01    oper-\tio;-;   not   includin.':;   cost   of  -.".as, 
varies   fron   92;c    to   ?52.00  "oer  hundred  -munds   of   carton 
hlr'ch  "oroduced.      This    "c;ihe2  unto   account    ].ahor,    sacking 
and  re-s^c!;ing,      e  ■  rech-.tion,    su^^ilies   and   rci-alrs.      Tlie 
Irbor   costs    -re   notahly  lo^v  tccurse  nost    of   the   work  is" 
"erfoniied  autoiTij.tically  hy  .ir-cTiiiic-^y. 

"The   cost    of  i/.s   ranir:es   from  1.5';:'-  to   6.5^/5  pe--"  thou- 
sand cubic   feet   of  gas,   p.nd   is   the   Irr^  est   c:r'ense  and 
t:-e  '-ost   i.i:^.certain   fa.ctor  in'  tne   carbon  black  industrj'. 
I'iost   of   the   companies   charge    10;  -  ""er  year   to   depreciation 
■■^.lfchoUt:;h  ono   company  char^jes   off   12.85a-.      This   ligiire   r.ssuraes 
to   cover   the   hasan-d  in  tne    supplj'  of  .';a,s.      Depreciation  of 
machine r:"  is   sui-pri singly  small," 

'/Thile    ti'.o   abov^:    throws    some    light    on   the    subject,    it   is   not    of  a 
sufficiently  recent   date   nor  in   such  form  as   to  be   of  ;^ny  {,reat  vaKie, 
According   to   a  st.atem.ent   of  t]ie  Bureau  of  hincs   in   1932,   however,   a 
price   of   tnree   cents    (3;0  per  "ound  is  bolcw   the   cost   of  production. (***) 

(*)      Under   this   Code   this   differential   in  gas  y-'rices  ",7as  at    least     partly 
co.iToensated  for  by  providing   -;   •minimua  '-age    for   common   labor   in 
Iiouisianti,  of  40   cents  j-^er  h^ur   'z   compared  ^-'itVi  minimum  T;ages   in 
other   sections    of   the    co-a.itry  wTach   were    set   at   50  o.nd  55   cents  ;"er 
hour , 
(**)    Carbon  BJack  -   Its  Hanufacture ,   Properties   and  Uses.   Bureau  of     :ines-1922, 
(***)Vol.    II,   Report   of  Ilosearch  and  Planning  Division.  URA  files. 



While   tiiat   st,^,teraent  mi£;ht  "be   true   as   re-'^.ards   some  producers,    it   ap-oears 
eoually  ccrtpin  tii:-.-:   ot^ier  o-^er-.tors  rii£:ht  be   Jiblp  to   realize  a  profit 
•-,t      tii^at  price.      Tao    .-cner-al   str.tei'eat   can  pro'oa"bly  "be  riade ,    hovever, 
tiiat    a  price    of  St^  :;)er  po-op.d  avjproacliGS    the   avera  e    cost.      It  might  be 
noted  tlir.t   since   carbon  bjack  is  not   a  large   element   in  the   finished 
products   c"  v/hich  it   is   a  part,    small  variations   in  its  price   liave 
little   efi'uct   on  tno  ultimate   consuiier. 

To    sun  up,      the    Co.rbon  Black  InrVastry  anpcars    to  be    subject    to  a 
more   or   less   chronic   instability,    which  was    -'.ccentiaated  'by   the   effects 
of  the   depression,     ITliatevcr  informal   control   thie   three  dominant   firms 
in   the   industry  mp.y  have   exercised  nnd  whatever  prerogatives   the   in- 
dustry may  h-,ve    enjoyed  r:ider   the   '.  \7ebb-Poi^-erenc   Act,    additionv.l   con- 
trol  r/as   a'-parently  th.o'acht      ecessary  under   the   Code,      The   fact    th-'t   the 
stock  situ:,tion  '-ic    not    trrrozove  i'.i   l'r34,    -vnc.   th'.t    the  production   fi;;ure 
for   that   year  v/as   ve"';;;   r.uch  i.^creroed,    ■■.,    to    indicate    that    the 
Code   T/as  not   as   effective  with  respect   to  production  cor.trol   r,s   it  might 
have   been.      It    is,    ncvei'theless ,    interesti:-£  to  note    the   atteiirpt    to 
relate  productio-'.   to   '..cmnvid  through  stock  control,    -nd   to   divorce   it 
from  the   ■'a:ist'bla   rnd  disrirotin.;:;  raw  ri'^terlal   situation..      The   accept- 
ability of   ezistinij-  demand  as   ::  gau^je    for  aroduction   crnnot    of  course 
be   fully  determined  uatil   soiAc   rnalysisof  t]ie   cost-ririce   situation 
indicated  auove    can  be  made. 


;.^  o| 

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t3  to 





O   O 




End    of  Ye:ir  Inventories  -  Eleven  Corr-^anies 

1931 5 1933     2 1933 1931 





35.  3 







3  ..,333 

13.5        13.5.351  ,37.9      133,  .-ll  36.5 

35.3        109,405  3.3,5     135,710  22.0 

1.4          14,033  3,9        ^0,470  3.3 

9 ,  "          39 ,  .•.'^6  12,3       4- 8 ,  240  7,8 

;,035          19.5        45,433          14,0          55,054  11,3        70,3^7  11.4 

,,312            9.3        33,359          16.9            5,351  1,2        11,194  1.8 

11,545  2.3     116,734  18,9 

80              .03        3,307            2,6          20,533  "-.2          3,633  ,59 

5,773  ,9^ 

3o,lS0          10.9          73,321  14,9        37, "37  6,1 

709  .15        3,709  .44 

333,060  100        330,376        100  434,359        100     615,073     100      | 

Source:      7orl-:  Sheets  liy  C.  W,    Henderson 


A-o-:iro::i:iate  rter  r-ent   of  C'-orcity  at  TTliicli  Eleven  I-Iills 
G^oercited,    IGLa  -  1934. 

Forest   City 

19"  I 

ile',7  ■"'.ochf 




Old  Hoc:--f 










*Powell  -  net 


45^- ; 














Balls ton-St 


















75    : 











-..■3  } 

*      Tiiis   coLTiany  liad  601  macliines   retired^    "C-ross"    canacitY  includes   tliese 
Calculftion  nade  froa  figures   in   C.   17.    Henderson's  vjot-z  slieets. 



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9S55  # 

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Executive  Order  No.  7075,  dated  June  15,  1935,  established  the  Division  of  Reviev  of  the 
National  Recovery  Administration.   The  pertinent  part  of  the  Executive  Order  reads  thus: 

The  Division  of  Review  shall  assemble,  analyze,  and  report  upon  the  statistical 
information  and  records  of  experience  of  the  operations  of  the  various  trades  and 
industries  heretofore  subject  to  codes  of  fair  competition,  shall  study  the  ef- 
fects of  such  codes  upon  trade,  industrial  and  labor  conditions  in  general,  and 
other  related  matters,  shall  make  available  for  the  protection  and  promotion  of 
the  public  interest  an  adequate  review  of  the  effects  of  the  Administration  of 
Title  I  of  the  National  Industrial  Recovery  Act,  and  the  principles  and  policies 
put  into  effect  thereunder,  and  shall  otherwise  aid  the  President  in  carrying  out 
his  functions  under  the  said  Title.  I  hereby  appoint  Leon  C.  Marshall,  Director  of 
the  Division  of  Review, 

The  study  sections  set  up  in  the  Division  of  Review  covered  these  areas:  industry 
studies,  foreign  trade  studies,  labor  studies,  trade  practice  studies,  statistical  studies, 
legal  studies,  administration  studies,  miscellaneous  studies,  and  the  writing  of  code  his- 
tories. The  materials  which  were  produced  by  these  sections  are  indicated  below. 

Except  for  the  Code  Histories,  all  items  mentioned  below  are  scheduled  to  be  in  mimeo- 
graphed form  by  April  1,  1936. 


The  Code  Histories  are  documented  accounts  of  the  formation  and  administration  of  the 
codes.  They  contain  the  definition  of  the  industry  and  the  principal  products  thereof;  the 
classes  of  members  in  the  industry;  the  history  of  code  formation  including  an  account  of  the 
sponsoring  organizations,  the  conferences,  negotiations  and  hearings  which  were  held,  and 
the  activities  in  connection  with  obtaining  approval  of  the  code;  the  history  of  the  ad- 
ministration of  the  code,  covering  the  organization  and  operation  of  the  code  authority, 
the  difficulties  encountered  in  administration,  the  extent  of  compliance  or  non-compliance, 
end  the  general  success  or  lack  of  success  of  the  code;  and  an  analysis  of  the  operation  of 
code  provisions  dealing  with  wages,  hours,  trade  practices,  and  other  provisions.  These 
and  other  matters  are  canvassed  not  only  in  terms  of  the  materials  to  be  found  in  the  files, 
but  also  in  terms  of  the  experiences  of  the  deputies  and  others  concerned  with  code  formation 
and  administration. 

The  Code  Histories,  (including  histories  of  certain  NRA  units  or  agencies)  are  not 
mimeographed.  They  are  to  be  turned  over  to  the  Department  of  Commerce  in  typewritten  form. 
All  told,  approximately  eight  hundred  and  fifty  (850)  histories  v/ill  be  completed.  This 
number  includes  all  of  the  approved  codes  and  some  of  the  unapproved  codes.  (In  Work  Mate- 
rials No_^  18,  Contents  of  Code  Histories,  will  be  found  the  outline  which  governed  the 
preparation  of  Code  Histories.) 

(In  the  case  of  all  approved  codes  and  also  in  the  case  of  some  codes  not  carried  to 
final  approval,  there  are  in  NRA  files  further  materials  on  industries.  Particularly  worthy 
of  mention  are  the  Volumes  I,  II  and  III  which  constitute  the  material  officially  submitted 
to  the  President  in  support  of  the  recommendation  for  approval  of  each  code.  These  volumes 
9768—1 . 

-ii  - 

set  forth  the  origination  of  the  codes,  the  sponsoring  group,  the  evidence  advanced  to  sup- 
port the  proposal,  the  report  of  the  Division  of  Research  and  Planninf  on  the  industry,  the 
recommendations  of  the  various  Advisory  Boards,  certain  types  of  official  correspondfcnce, 
the  transcript  of  the  formal  hearing,  and  other  pertinent  matter.  There  is  also  much  offi- 
cial information  relating  to  amendments,  interpretations,  exemptions,  and  other  rulings.  The 
materials  mentioned  in  this  paragraph  were  of  course  not  a  part  of  the  work  of  the  Division 
of  Review. ) 


In  the  work  of  the  Division  of  Review  a  considerable  number  of  studies  and  compilations 
of  ...ata  (other  than  those  noted  below  in  the  Evidence  Studies  Series  and  the  Statistical 
Material  Series)  have  been  made.  These  are  listed  below,  grouped  according  to  the  char- 
acter of  the  material.  (In  Work  Materials  No.  17,  Tentative  Outlines  and  Summaries  of 
Studies  in  Process,  the  materials  are  fully  described) . 

Industry  Studies 

Automobile  Industry,  An  Economic  Survey  of 

Bituminous  Coal  Industry  under  Free  Competition  and  Code  Regulation,  Eonomic  Survey  of 

Electrical  Manufacturing  Industry,  The 

Fertilizer  Industry,  The 

Fishery  Industry  and  the  Fishery  Codes 

Fishermen  and  Fishing  Craft,  Earnings  of 

Foreign  Trade  under  the  National  Industrial  Recovery  Act 

Part  A  -  Competitive  Position  of  the  United  States  in  International  Trade  1927-29  through 

Part  B  -  Section  3  (e)  of  NIRA  and  its  administration. 
Part  C  -  Imports  and  Importing  under  NRA  Codes. 
Part  D  -  Exports  and  Exporting  under  NRA  Codes. 

Forest  Products  Industries,  Foreign  Trade  Study  of  the 

Iron  and  Steel  Industry,  The 

Knitting  Industries,  The 

Leather  and  Shoe  Industries,  The 

Lumber  and  Timber  Products  Industry,  Economic  Problems  of  the 

Men's  Clothing  Industry,  The 

Millinery  Industry,  The 

Motion  Picture  Industry,  The 

Migration  of  Industry,  The:   The  Shift  of  Twenty-Five  Needle  Trades  From  New  York  State, 
1926  to  1934 

National  Labor  Income  by  Months,  1929-35 

Paper  Industry,  The 

Production,  Prices,  Employment  and  Payrolls  in  Industry,  Agriculture  and  Railway  Trans- 
portation, January  1923,  to  date 

Retail  Trades  Study,  The 

Rubber  Industry  Study,  The 

Textile  Industry  in  the  United  Kingdom,  France,  Germany,  Italy,  and  Japan 

Textile  Yarns  and  Fabrics 

Tobacco  Industry,  The 

Wholesale  Trades  Study,  The 

Women's  Neckwear  and  Scarf  Industry,  Financial  and  Labor  Data  on 


Is  xmio? 

Women's  Apparel  Industry,  Some  Aspects  of  the 

Trade  Practice  Studies 

Commodities,  Information  Concerning:   A  Study  of  NRA  and  Related  Experiences  in  Control 

Distribution,  Manufacturers'  Control  of:   Trade  Practice  Provisions  in  Selected  NRA  Codes 

Distributive  Relations  in  the  Asbestos  Industry 

Design  Piracy:  The  Problem  and  Its  Treatment  Under  NRA  Codes 

Electrical  Mfg.  Industry:   Price  Filing  Study 

Fertilizer  Industry:   Price  Filing  Study 

Geographical  Price  Relations  Under  Codes  of  Fair  Competition,  Control  of 

Minimum  Price  Regulation  Under  Codes  of  Fair  Competition 

Multiple  Basing  Point  System  in  the  Lime  Industry:   Operation  of  the 

Price  Control  in  the  Coffee  Industry 

Price  Filing  Under  NRA  Codes 

Production  Control  in  the  Ice  Industry 

Production  Control,  Case  Studies  in 

Resale  Price  Maintenance  Legislation  in  the  United  States 

Retail  Price  Cutting,  Restriction  of,  with  special  Emphasis  on  The  Drug  Industry. 

Trade  Practice  Rules  of  The  Federal  Trade  Commission  (1914-1936);  A  classification  for 

comparision  with  Trade  Practice  Provisions  of  NRA  Codes. 

Labor  Studies 

Cap  and  Cloth  Hat  Industry,  Commission  Report  on  Wage  Differentials  in 

Earnings  in  Selected  Manufacturing  Industries,  by  States,  1933-35 

Employment,  Payrolls,  Hours,  and  Wages  in  115  Selected  Code  Industries  1933-35 

Fur  Manufacturing,  Commission  Report  on  Wages  and  Hours  in 

Hours  and  Wages  in  American  Industry 

Labor  Program  Under  the  National  Industrial  Recovery  Act,  The 

Part  A.   Introduction 

Part  B.   Control  of  Hours  and  Reemployment 

Part  C.   Control  of  Wages 

Part  D.   Control  of  Other  Conditions  of  Employment 

Part  E.   Section  7(a)  of  the  Recovery  Act 
f.;aterials  in  the  Field  of  Industrial  Relations 
PRA  Census  of  Employment,  June,  October,  1933 
Puerto  Rico  Needlework,  Homeworkers  Survey 

Administrative  Studies 

Administrative  and  Legal  Aspects  of  Stays,  Exemptions  and  Exceptions,  Code  Amendments,  Con- 
ditional Orders  of  Approval 

Administrative  Interpretations  of  NRA  Codes 

Administrative  Law  and  Procedure  under  the  NIRA 

Agreements  Under  Sections  4(a)  and  7(b)  of  the  NIRA 

Approved  Codes  in  Industry  Groups,  Classification  of 

Basic  Code,  the  —  (Administrative  Order  X-Sl) 

Code  Authorities  and  Their  part  in  the  Administration  of  the  NIRA 
Part  A.   Introduction 
Part  B.   Nature,  Composition  and  Organization  of  Code  Authorities 

9768—3 . 

-  iv  - 

Part  C.  Activities  of  the  Code  Authorities 

Part  D.   Code  Authority  Finances 

Part  E.  Summary  and  Evaluation 
Code  CoKpliance  Activities  of  the  NRA 
Code  Making  Program  of  the  NRA  in  the  Territories,  The 
Code  Provisions  and  Related  Subjects,  Policy  Statements  Concerning 
Content  of  NIRA  Administrative  Legislation 

Part  A.  Executive  and  Administrative  Orders 

Part  B.   Labor  Provisions  in  the  Codes 

Part  C.  Trade  Practice  Provisions  in  the  Codes 

Part  D.  Administrative  Provisions  in  the  Codes 

Part  E.   Agreements  under  Sections  4(a)  and  7(b) 

Part  F.  A  Type  Case:  The  Cotton  Textile  Code 
Labels  Under  NRA,  A  Study  of 

Model  Code  and  Model  Provisions  for  Codes,  Development  of 

National  Recovery  Administration,  The:   A  Review  of  its  Organization  and  Activities 
NRA  Insignia 

President's  Reemployment  Agreement,  The 

President's  Reemployment  Agreement,  Substitutions  in  Connection  with  the 
Prison  Labor  Problem  under  NRA  and  the  Prison  Compact,  The 
Problems  of  Administration  in  the  Overlapping  of  Code  Definitions  of  Industries  and  Trades, 

Multiple  Code  Coverage,  Classifying  Individual  Members  of  Industries  and  Trades 
Relationship  of  NRA  to  Government  Contracts  and  Contracts  Involving  the  Use  of  Government 

Relationship  of  NRA  with  States  and  Municipalities 
Sheltsred  Workshops  Under  NRA 
Uncodified  Industries:  A  Study  of  Factors  Limiting  the  Code  Making  Program  Studies 

Anti-Trust  Laws  and  Unfair  Competition 

Collective  Bargaining  Agreements,  the  Right  of  Individual  Employees  to  Enforce 

Commerce  Clause,  Federal  Regulation  of  the  Employer-Employee  Relationship  Under  the 

Delegation  of  Power,  Certain  Phases  of  the  Principle  of,  with  Reference  to  Federal  Industrial 
Regulatory  Legislation 

Enforcement,  Extra-Judicial  Methods  of 

federal  Regulation  through  the  Joint  Employment  of  the  Power  of  Taxation  and  the  Spending 

Government  Contract  Provisions  as  a  Means  of  Establishing  Proper  Economic  Standards,  Legal 
Memorandum  on  Possibility  of 

Industrial  Relations  in  Australia,  Regulation  of 

Intrastate  Activities  Which  so  Affect  Interstate  Commerce  as  to  Bring  them  Under  the  Com- 
merce Clause,  Cases  on 

Legislative  Possibilities  of  the  State  Constitutions 

Post  Office  and  Post  Road  Power  —  Can  it  be  Used  as  a  Means  of  Federal  Industrial  Regula- 

State  Recovery  Legislation  in  Aid  of  Federal  Recovery  Legislation  History  and  Analysis 

Tariff  Rates  to  Secure  Proper  Standards  of  Wages  and  Hours,  the  Possibility  of  Variation  in 

Trade  Practices  and  the  Anti-Trust  Laws 

Treaty  Making  Power  of  the  United  States 

War  Power,  Can  it  be  Used  as  a  Means  of  Federal  Regulation  of  Child  Labor? 



The  Evidence  Studies  were  originally  undertaken  to  gather  material  for  pending  court 
cases.  After  the  Schechter  decision  the  project  was  continued  in  order  to  assemble  data  for 
use  in  connection  with  the  studies  of  the  Division  of  Review.  The  data  are  particularly 
concerned  with  the  nature,  size  and  operations  of  the  industry;  and  with  the  relation  of  the 
industry  to  interstate  commerce.  The  industries  covered  by  the  Evidence  Studies  account  for 
more  than  one-half  of  the  total  number  of  workers  under  codes.  The  list  of  those  studies 

Automobile  Manufacturing  Industry 
Automotive  Parts  and  Equipment  Industry 
Baking  Industry 

Boot  and  Shoe  Manufacturing  Industry 
Bottled  Soft  Drink  Industry 
Builders'  Supplies  Industry 
Canning  Industry 
Chemical  Manufacturing  Industry 
Cigar  Manufacturing  Industry 
Coat  and  Suit  Industry 
Construction  Industry 
Cotton  Garment  Industry 
Dress  Manufacturing  Industry 
Electrical  Contracting  Industry 
Electrical  Manufacturing  Industry 
Fabricated  Metal  Products  Mfg.  and  Metal  Fin- 
ishing and  Metal  Coating  Industry 
Fishery  Industry 
Furniture  Manufacturing  Industry 
General  Contractors  Industry 
Graphic  Arts  Industry 
Gray  Iron  Foundry  Industry 
Hosiery  Industry 

Infant's  and  Children's  Wear  Industry 
Iron  and  Steel  Industry 

Leather  Industry 

Lumber  and  Timber  Products  Industry 
Mason  Contractors  Industry 
Men's  Clothing  Industry 
Motion  Picture  Industry 
Motor  Vehicle  Retailing  Trade 
Needlework  Industry  of  Puerto  Rico 
Painting  and  Paperhanging  Industry 
Photo  Engraving  Industry 
Plumbing  Contracting  Industry 
Retail  Lumber  Industry 
Retail  Trade  Industry 
Retail  Tire  and  Battery  Trade  Industry 
Rubber  Manufacturing  Industry 
Rubber  Tire  Manufacturing  Industry 
Shipbuilding  Industry 
Silk  Textile  Industry 
Structural  Clay  Products  Industry 
Throwing  Industry 
Trucking  Industry 
Waste  Materials  Industry 
Wholesale  and  Retail  Food  Industry 
Wholesale  Fresh  Fruit  and  Vegetable  Indus- 
y^ool  Textile  Industry 


This  series  is  supplementary  to  the  Evidence  Studies  Series.  The  reports  include  data 
on  establishments,  firms,  employment,  payrolls,  wages,  hours,  production  capacities,  ship- 
ments, sales,  consumption,  stocks,  prices,  material  costs,  failures,  exports  and  imports. 
They  also  include  notes  on  the  principal  qaalifications  that  should  be  observed  in  using  the 
data,  the  technical  methods  employed,  and  the  applicability  of  the  material  to  the  study  of 
the  industries  concerned.  The  following  numbers  appear  in  the  series: 

Asphalt  Shingle  and  Roofing  Industry  Fertilizer  Industry 

Business  Furniture  F  .neral  "upfly  Industry 

Candy  Manufacturing;  Industry  Glass  Container  Industry 

Carpet  and  Rug  Industry  Ice  Kan..facturinj'  Industry 

Cement  Industry  Knitted  Outerwear  Industry 

Cleaning  and  Dyeing  Trade  Paint,  Varnish,  ana  Lacquer,  Mfg.  Industry 

Coffee  Industry  Plumbing  Fixtures  Industry 

Copper  and  Brass  Mill  Products  Industry  Rayon  and  Synthetic  Yarn  Producing  Industry 

Cotton  Textile  Industry  Salt  Producing  Industry 

Electrical  Manufacturing  Industry 


The  original,  and  approved,  plan  of  the  Division  of  Review  contemplated  resources  suf- 
ficient (a)  to  prepare  some  1200  histories  of  codes  and  NRA  units  or  agencies,  (b)  to  con- 
solidate and  index  the  NRA  files  containing  some  40,000,000  pieces,  (c)  to  engage  in  ex- 
tensive field  work,  (d)  to  secure  much  aid  from  established  statistical  agencies  of  govern- 
ment, (e)  to  assemble  a  considerable  number  of  experts  in  various  fields,  (f)  to  conduct 
approximately  25%  more  studies  than  are  listed  above,  and  (g)  to  prepare  a  comprehensive 
summary  report. 

Because  of  reductions  made  in  personnel  and  in  use  of  outside  experts,  limitation  of 
access  to  field  work  and  research  agencies,  and  lack  of  jurisdiction  over  files,  the  pro- 
jected plan  was  necessarily  curtailed.  The  most  serious  curtailments  were  the  omission  of 
the  comprehensive  summary  report;  the  dropping  of  certain  studies  and  the  reduction  in  the 
coverage  of  other  studies;  and  the  abandonment  of  the  consolidation  and  indexing  of  the 
files,  Fortunately,  there  is  reason  to  hope  that  the  files  may  yet  be  carec"  for  under  other 

Notwithstanding  these  limitations,  if  the  files  are  ultimately  consolidated  and  in- 
dexed the  exploration  of  the  NRA  materials  will  have  been  sufficient  to  make  them  accessible 
and  highly  useful.  They  constitute  the  largest  and  richest  single  body  of  information 
concerning  the  problems  and  operations  of  industry  ever  assembled  in  any  nation. 

L.  C.  Marshall, 
Director,  Division  of  Review. 