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Paul  C.  Aiken 


MARCH.  1936 


ADMiriSTHATI^JE  LA^T  Aim  P?.(jC"""iUIlE-  TiraER  TITE  ITIRA 
Psnl   C.   An-<=n 

IIARCH,    15o6 

'Mj,  J.^ji^lo^Ccr^Jp 

-'  0  R  E  7  0  R  D 

This   study  of  Adrainistrativo  La,"  and  Pro'"=^r''ur<^  Tmd°r   the  FIRA 
WPS  ■Dr(=!-Dar'=d  hy  Hr.   Paul   C.   AiVon  of   tii'^  1"RA  Or, f;pni 'Nation  Studi«=s   Sec- 
tion,   Mr.   Willian  W,   B.-rdsley  in  chars';:".. 

As   thc>   title   in"!ic?tes   th^   r'\^-tl:or  hpp.   nttermted  a,n  administrative 
la^"   stucly  of   the  National   Industrial   Recovery  Act   rnd   its  administra- 
tion hy  NRA,      He  d^^med  it   ■5'^sirp'ble   to   include   an  introductory 
discvcssion   of  adninistra.tiv^   theory.      This   is   th°  iDuroose  of  Part   I, 
in  ^-^hich  th-^   traditional   theories   are  °xamin°d  a.nd  a.   survey  is   then 
mad"  of  '^hat   th°  <-ourts  say  th^v  do  and  of  -^hat   the   courts  actually 
do   in   the   cases  -nr-^sented  to   th'=m. 

Th°   reason  :^or   th°    study  lies   in  --hat  i^IRA.  did  or  failed  to   do   as 
a  matter  of  "due  xircess"   of  la".      The   sixbstance  of   the   study,    with 
res-oect   to  KEA  uro endure   is   to    Lie   lovn'-     "lii»Part   II   in   the  considel'ftion 
of  -nrocedural  and   suhstantiv^  ■'bl'='ns   in  cor'=-nai-ing  and  code 
administration,    '-'hich  miiS-ht  have  he^n   suhject^d   to   adverse  judicial 
treatment  had  not   the   codes  "b°en   terminat'^d  hy  the   Suiarene  Court's 
decision  of  ilay  ^7,    1935. 

The  reader  -'ho   is  iDrimarily  int^r^sterl    in   th^  \-)ortions  of   the 
study  definitelv  related   to  "-RA  may  therefore  -^ish  to   turn  at   once 
to  Part   II,    hefi-inning  "xt?i  Chaoter  V,    although  it   is   to  "be  observed 
that   this   chat)ter  "'as  Titten  merely  a?  a  -cart   of   the  author's 
concept   of   the   stuciy  as  a  ^"hol'=>.      It  -^as  not   thons;ht   of  m-^rely  as   an 
introductory  cha-nt°r  to  Part   II. 

A  third  loart   of   th<=   stud^'-  treats  "ith  the   constitutional  xiowers 
and   their  delegation  involved  in  the  "IRA  and  NPJi..      The  lines  of   cases 
and  the   theories  necessarv  to   th^'  -oo^ers  purported  to  have  "been  graxited 
"by  th'='  HIEA  are   -outlined.      Th°n,    th°  mann°r  of   th^   delegation  of 
th«=se  TDOw°rs   is   considered,    ^ith  Tia.rticular   ^mohasis  given  to   the 
remote   and  numerous   rede]  ^gations,    as  wp.h  as   to   the   ouestion  of  what 
Tjersons   could  -oroperly  ^xercis'^'   th°  -oo""=rs  of  the  Act. 

Lastly,    in  a   desire   to   offer  m'^re   than  a  critical   analysis,    the 
stud3'-  -DOints  out  i?ossi"!ole  m^ans  of   forestalling  too    close  judicial 

It   can  hardly  "b'^   denied  th^t  under  the  provisions   of   the 
Recovery  Act    the  T'l'RA  t)rocesses  of   codo-mahing  and  code   amendment 
vere   legislative   in  nature.      Because   of  this   it   can  "b"   argued 
reasona"bly  that   "due  lorocess",    in  the  xjrocedural   sense  of  notice  and 
the   development   of   facts    throiigh  hearings    sufficient    to   justify  the 
aioproval   of   coc'°s   and   amendments,    was  not   necessar^r   in  NRA  code- 
mai'ing  to   any  greater  degree   to   Anv  ^rreat^r  def^r^^e   than  it   is 
necessary  in  the   legislative  ncions  of  the   Congress,      In  recognition 
of   this  point  of  vie^  the  ar.thor  has   included  a  discussion  of  it   in 
Chanter  V,      It   is  his   int°nt   that   th^   stud;"-  sliould  convey  the 
imr)ression   that   the  o'bservance  of  TjroceduraJ  "due  process"'  on  the 
part   of  ^IRA  in  codo-maJ'ing  ^'as  d°sira"ble.    "because   of   the  ■DOssi"bility 

9838  -i- 

that    thf>    courts   i'^    cns^s   in   connection  v^ith   th"   enforoen^nt 
of  codes  would  gi-i^e   conGid-^rptiO"   to    th«^   fsct-f indin.f  methods  of  NEA, 
It   is  not   his   intent   thnt   the   study   should   convey  th°   ir-ror^ssion   that 
th°   o"bs°°  of  Toroc^dural   "due  -Drocess"   was   a  requirement   of   cod^- 
makin^  in  an  absolute    s^nse. 

It    is  fully  recognized  that    students  of  the   suhject   of   this   study, 
TDarticularly  as   it   f^nters   into   arjrifcts  of  ad'ninistrativ  la.'w  in  ™hich 
th'=^   courts  liave.  handed   do'-m  fe-'  rlqcisions,    nay  ha.v=  iDOints  of  view  in- 
consistent  '"ith  the   author's,      Th«=>    study,    of  course,    -oresents  the 
author's  Doint   of  vie^^  and  the   coR'n<=nts  and    conclusions  are  his   own 
and  not   official  utterances.      In  the  will  "be  found  a  comment 
"by  one   reviewer  of   th»  rnanuscri-ot. 

At    the  'back  of   this   re-oort   will  "be   found  a  "brief    state-nent    of   the 
studies  undertaken  hv  the  Division  of  S^view, 

L.    C.   liar  shall 
Director,    Division  of  E-^viev 

H^rch  ?3,    1936 




Letter   of  Transmittal, 
A  G<~iieral  Review 

chapter;  I 


Part   1.    An  Administrativp   Lav?  }3ackgroand, 


The  Thecr,-^  -f  Adr.inisti-ation 

I.   Separation  of  Governnental  Peters  7 

II.   Growth  of  Administration  and 

Adnini strati ve  Law 8 

III.   Delegation  of  Power  a:id  Finality  in 

its  Exercise  8 


Eevie-7  h-'-   the   Coiarts   pjid   Safeguards  Ag'ainst  Atuse 
of  Adininistrative  Power 

"ilatiiral "   and   "higher"   la,w 13 

"Due  Process   of  Law" 14 

Ultra  rnd  Intra  Vires 15 

Jurisdictional  pnd  Constitutional  Fact 15 

Questionsccf'Law 16 

Discretionary  and  ministerial  Action 16 

ReOj^uirements  of  Evidence 17 

Self-Limitation  h;.-  the  Coui-ts  -  "Political 

Questions"  -  Exhausting  Available  Administrative 

Remedies 18 


Administrative  Finality  and  the  Cases.  ... 

I.   Narrow  Review 20 

The  Government  and  its  Internal  Affairs 21 

The  Gcvernruent  extends  a 22 

The  Government  supplios  a  Service 24 

II.   Broad  Review 25 

The  Interstate  Corarae:-ce  Coiimission 25 

The  Trade  Comnission 28 

SuhstantivR  Due  Process  and  Priv.ate  Property 

"Eusiness  Affected  with  a  Rihlic  Interest" 29 

III.   Jurisdictional  Fact 32 

Use  to  Circumvent  Harrow  Review 32 

Recent  Importa:rice 33 

Avoiding  the  Tlieory 33 

9833  -iii- 


IV,   G-eneral  Procedural  Requirements. 

Ill-Defined 34 

Reqidrements  Vary  -  Within  Field  -  With  Fields 34 

Usually  Accepted  Requireupnts  -  Kotice  -  Hearing 35 

Part  II.   Protleins  of  Administration  and  Adrainistrative 

Law  in  IIRA 37 


The  Sche:.:e.     ....  .  . 

Ler-i  slation  ty   Scheme 38 

Lefislation  or  Adjudication  -The  Tariff  Connission 41 

The   Interstate   Cornraerce   Co.nmission  -  Hearing  Require- 
ment  of   the  Act 43 

Forcing  Issuance   or  Restraint   rf  Codes 49 

Conditional  Approval 50 


The  Adxiinistrative  Approach                       .....                           .         .         .  ~ 

The  Prohlem  and  tj:ie   Technique 52 

Position  of   Industry  -  Bargainin-?;  with  IIPJI  - 52 

Riile  ty  Majority  Vote , 53 

Position  of  ICRA  -  Haste   aiid  Confusion 54 

ProcedLire  -  Personnel 54 

Industr;'-   Self-Governraent 56 


Jurisdiction  and  Fact  .     . 

Within  Purposes  of  the  Act 59 

Rela,tion  \iith   other  Governmental  Agencies 59 

Proponents'  Representative  Ch,ar.?,cter 60 


The  Procedural  Scheme  and  tne  Hearings..        ,.         .   ,  ._ 

The  Act  and  Procedure 61 

Controversy  and  Facts 62 

Short  and  Inadequate  Hearings 63 

Argument  and  Opinion 53 

Cross  Examina.tion 64 

Rebuttal  Testimony  and  Conf ideritial  Reports 65 

Rel.ation  to  Witnesses  -  Subpoena ■ 66 

Oath *. 67 

Oral  Hearings 67 


TABLE  or   COiMTEWTS  -   3 


Page^'S  and  the  ^Record-  .  .  ^ 

A<?-niissilDilit7  arid  I7eir_-ht   nf  Evidence* 58 

Contents   of   the  Record 68 

Pindings  and  the  Factual  En.sis  -   and  Exa"nples 69 

Tacit  Approval   Theor;^ 74 

Burc'en  of  Proof. 74 

PuDlication  of  Findings 77 


Probleas  in  Pub^^ication,   llotice,    and  other  Administrative 
Action  hy  "uTla.  ,       .         . 

I,  Paolication  of  Adriiinir.trrtive  P.egalations 79 

II.  ilotice  and  Participation  in  the   InduGtries' 81 


III.      Other  Formal  Actions  b:/  Lii:A 83 

Interpretations 83 

Ainendnents 84 

E::einptions   and  Exceptions 84 

Stays 35 

IV.   Speed.7  Determinations 35 

V.   Violations  by  KRA  -pf  Its  0'.7n  Procedure 85 


Problems  in  Substantive  Due  Procesc,  of  Law  —  and 

I.  Reasonableness 87 

II.  A  ProLlen  in  Administration 89 

III,  Half easance 94 


Conpliance  gjid  Enforcenent  Activities. 

The  Problem  of  Enforcenent 97 

Th-e  Staff 97 

Interpreta^tions  as  a  Problem 97 

Liethods  of  Enforcement  -  Limitation  of  Act  -  Boycott  - 

"Compliance"  -Suits  by  Individuals  -  Enforcenent 97 

Pro  cedure 98 

Ac'jiiini strative    "Due  Process" 102 

Part   III.      PoTTers   cf   thf>  N.I.R.A.    and  Their 

Delegation 103 


TABLE  or   COIITEIITS  -   4 


Po^Ters   of   the   iT.I.n.A.  . 

Stoecif ic  Powers 104 

Implied  and  Incidental  Po\7ers 104 

The  Co^nmerce   Concept 105 

The  Concept  of  Unfair  Competition 109 

The   Concept  of   "Business  Affected  v/ith  a  Public   Interest".  109 

Lr.bor  Cases 110 

Tlie    "Emergencj''"  Doctrine Ill 

The  Protilera  of   "Assessments" Ill 

Chapter  XIV 

Delegation  "by  Congress. 

History  of  the  il.axim  -  "Delegata  potestas  non  potest 

delegari" 113 

Delegation  of  Legal  Theory 114 

Delegation  and  Standards  in  the  Cases 114 


Delegation  hy  the  President  and  II. E. A.  ... 

Delegation  -  A  Characteristic  cf  Adiiinistration 117 

Delegation  by  the  President  and  Renote  Eedelegation 117 

Code  Authorities  as  Private  persons 119 

Private  Agencies  in  Administering  Law 120 

Public  Character  of  Code  Authority  Activities 122 

Code  Authorities  as  Interested  Persons 122 

Conclusion  on   Legal  St.atus  of  Code  Authorities 124 

Standards  for  the  Exercise  of  Po'jer 126 

Pov/ers  Exercised  by  Code  Authorities 127 

Pa.rt  IV.   Conclusions  aiiC  Suggestions 131 


Forestalling  "Broad  Revie\7" 132 


Administrative  Safeguards  and  the  Challenge  of 

Ad:.:inistration 134 

Table  cf  Cases 345 

Table  of  Treatises,  Briefs,  Reports,  et  cetera 355 

Table  of  Larr  Review  Articles,  ilotes  and  Comment 359 

Addendtim 3G4 



•'Th.'^.  lyrrit'^r  l/hr\s  lone  hp.d  '^n  int^rost  in  -otoTd]  "^ms  of  =>dninistr8- 
tiv°  la'-'  and  ad'nijiistrntior.   Soon  pft^r  ;-:°  "bnop^^i--^  p  iDPrt  of  th^  ^lEA 
staff  he  r='aliz^-d  tlifit  h=^  hrid  "u  o-mortirnit-"-  to  o'br.'^rvo  at  -first  hand 
the  operations-  of  one  of  th° -larf;'=s.t  acSrairiistrptiv^  efforts  °ver 
undTtaVen  tY  our -G-overnjT^nt.   As  "■*"-A's^dn.inistrativ°  history  unfolded, 
ho  b^^cane'  acutely-  a-^'are  that  ,it  -oresented  nany  -Drotlenis  '"bii^h  could  te 
yalunblj'-  ap-oropched -f  roni' the  vie'-^oint  of  ad-'iinistrptive  law.   At  the 
time  of  the  Scbechter  decision  (I'ay  -?,  1935)  he  ha.d  coll'^cted  a 
considerable  amount  of  naterial  to  he  used  in  a  study  ^rhich  he  intended 
to  make-  independent  of  THA.. 

Th'^  intent  of  this  stud^'  has  not  alone  ■b°°n  to  state  rnorely  the 
"stahlished  administrative  la,T^  found  in  th^  cas'=s  or  losri'^-'lly  de- 
d.ucible,  from  th-^T:!.   In  th"  eripirical  stat-^  of  administrative  la^v 
ther'=  might  be  littl^  of  valxi'^  in  following  such  a  narrow  aioriroach. 
?iather,  it  has  liepn  intend.ed  to  suggest  '"hat  la''  might  r-^asonably 
"b°  as-suned  from  the  siiggest ions  made  by.  the  courts  in  their  oriinions, 
or  the  future  of  .th°  law  indica,t'=>d  by  judicial  trends.   This  study 
is  no't '  alcne  limited  to  "due  -orocess  of  lar-"  in  the  limiti=d  sense  that 
tjjere  must  be  a.  'fell  established  rul^  based  upon  this  concent  before 
a  problem  can- be.  considered.   It  is  felt  that  th^  courts  have  indicated 
that,  in  -the  main,  good  administrative  oractic°  '"ill  nrovide  good  law. 
The -administrative,  nra'^.tice  must  be  such  th-^t  it  does  not  sacrifice  by 
efforts,  to'^ard  efficiency  th^'  of  full  justice  to  every 
individual,  '  This  does  not  m'^a'n  the  tying  do'-Ti  of  a.dministrn.tion  by  petty 
procedural  requir<=ments,  but  it  does  m°an  that  the  old  procedural  re- 
quirements and  any  ne'-  ones  necessary  to  assure  =qual  justice  to  those 
affected  by  a.dministration  must  be  maint'^ined. 

The  first  dut-''  of  this  study,  sin^e  probably  the  majority  of  its 
readers  will  not  b°  tra.ined  in  admiristrative  law,  is  to  establish  a 
background  in., that  _ field.   The  legal,  theory  of  the  separation  of   ' 
goyernnental  "DO'-"=>rs,  the  del^g.-^^tion  of  no'-^ers,  is  a  necessary  part  of 
such  background.   To  understand  our  l^gal  syst°m,  judicial  revie'T  Y^ith 
all  its  many  a,s-r)ects  must  be  considered.   The  administrative  la^:- 
created.-by  our  courts,  sets  forth  two  theories  of  j\idicial  review,  one 
broad,  the  other  na.rrow.   The  elements,  historical,  iDsycholofrical,  and 
analytica.l  entering  into-  th°se  theories  of  judicial  r'=vie'7  are  essential 
to  a,n  understanding  of  how  th°  judicial  mind  misrht  a-oproach  th^ 
administrative  iDroblem  ■Dr^se'^-ted  by  ilHA. 

The  author's  interest  wp,s  first  di^Rnted  to  the  auestion  of  the 
finality  of  ad-rainistr-^tivR  determinations  '"hen  as  a.  gra.duate 
student  at  Princeton,  Professor  ^Jd'^ard.  S.  Corwin  -oointed  out  the  . 
Toroblem  to  him  as  a  subject  for  research.   Other  questions  of 
administrative  law  have  .be^n  suggested  bv  another  former  teacher, 
Professor  J,  ^'prrester,  Daviso'n'  of  th°  G-eorp-^  'Washington  University 
Law  School,  to  whom .  the  author  is  es-n°cially  indebted,  as  also  he 
is  to  Prof-'ssor  Charles  S.  Collier,  of   C-eor,=:e  Washington  University 
Law  School,  Dr.  Henr^r  Seining  of  Princeton  University,  Judge 
P.  W.  Seward  of  the  Federal  Coramnjnications  Commission  and  Mr, 
^dm^jnd  H,  Worthy,  an  attorney  for  the  Secixrities  and  ^Ixchange 
Commission  for  their  encouragement  and  assistance, 

The  sutject  matter  of  the  UIRA  involved  matters  of  disputed  economic 
and  social  character.   Sach  problems  when  treated  administratively  have 
been  subject  to  the  most  careful  scrutiny  by  the  courts.   Thereforb,  it 
would  seem  that  IIEA  should  have  foreseen  the  possibility  of  "broad  review" 
and  attempted  to  have  met  it.   The  scheme  underlying  ths  Act,  both  ad- 
ministratively sxia   procedurally,  had  little  precedent,  and  none  for  the 
extended  use  to  trhich  it  was  put.  l^A   should  have  reasonably  e^cpected 
procedural  reauirements  of  the  nature  fouiid  in  the  "broad  review"  field 
to  be  imposed  upon  it.   In  fact,  little  thought  seems  to  have  been  given 
to  the  entire  question  of  procedure  until  over  a  half  year  after  the 
passage  of  the  Act. 

As  an  illustrative  agency,  NRA  was  in  a  position  considerably  more 
diff icuiLi  to  define  than  that  of  most  administrative  boards.  As  the 
agent  of  the  president,  it  may  have  been  endowed  with  certain  legal 
attributes  enjoyed  by  him.  Obviously  great  difficulty  lay  in  the  fact 
that  the'  position  of  final  administrative  authority  v/as  occupied  by  the 

A  variety  of  technical  problems  in  code  maJ<:ing  and  code  a,dministr8.- 
tion  provide  the  major  portion  of  this  study.   There  is  little  need  to 
fully  state  here  all  of  these  problems.  A  brief  survey  of  the  nature  of 
these  problems,  however,  might  serve  to  point  the  direction  talcen  by 
this 'study.  The   administrative  approach  \Yas  handicapped  by  hasty,  in- 
experienced personnel,  and  a  failure  to  give  early  and  thorough  con- 
sideration to  possible  problems  of  administrative  law.   Questions  of  jur- 
isdictional fact  srose.   Some  were  unavoidable,  others  might  have  been 
more  carefully  handled  if  a  consideration  of  the  possibility  of  judicial 
review  had  been  had. 

IIEA  hearings  were  in  the  main  inadeqtiate.   They  often  placed  a 
premium  upon  short  duration,  rather  than,  exhaustive  development  of  a 
factual  basis.  Rules  against  argument  and  opinion  were  abused  and  no 
helpful  result  is  seen  in  prohibiting  them.  The  powers  of  subpoena  and 
punishment  for  perjury  would  have  been  useful  instruments.   "Notice  of 
opportunity  to  be  heard"  was  as  full  as  desirable  in  the  sense  of  hearing, 
notice,  or  an  internal  procedure  within  U.R.A. 

Little  attention  '.vas  paid  to  the  ioroblem  of  admissibility  of  evi- 
dence.  The  requirement  that  all  evidence  relied  upon  must  be  in  the 
record  was  not  adh.ered  to.   The  factual  basis  for  findings  was  often 
inadequate,  substpiitial  evidence  not  having  been  taken.   The  problem 
of  burden  of  proof  was  frequently  ill-considered.   The  statement  of 
the  basis  for  action  was  not  always  as  complete  as  desirable.  Pub- 
lication of  administrotive  action  was  not  complete  or  fully  accessible. 
Better  legal  draftsmanship  would  have  been  of  material  assistance  to 
IT.R.A.   notice  was  usually  given  quite  fully.   The  approach  to  the 
problem  failed  to  consider  just  what  persons  were  absolutely  entitled  to 
it,  and  to  how  much  time  should  have  reasonably  elapsed  between  notice 
and  hearing.  Other  formal  actions  by  H.R.A.  such  as  interpretations, 
amendments,  exemptions  and  exceptions,  eind  stays  were  not  given  as  full 
safeguards  procedurally  as  would  have  been  desirable. 

ComplipxLCB  procedure  as  a  natter  of  statutory  and  constitutional 
law  did  not  seem  to  "be  in  harmony  with  the  courts'  views  of  the  proper 
character  of  administrative  enforcement. 

Examples  of  malfeasance  ty  administrative  officers  are  not  xui- 
knovTOi  in  the  administration  of  NBA.  NEA  was  responsible  for  the  actions 
of  its  officers  and  those  of  code  authorities,   There  are  a  number  of 
incidents  where  KEA  failed  to  properly  control  action  by  these  persons. 
NEA  did  not  always  follow  its  own  procedure.   Its  substantive  action 
was  not  always  buttressed  by  such  an  overwhelming  factual  basis  that 
it  would  have  been  impossible  for  the  courts  by  use  of  the  "due  process 
of  law"  concept  to  have  controlled  the  administrative  action. 

A  full  consideration  of  constitutional  povrers  and  the  indications 
of  the  cases  is  not  found  either  in  the  drafting  of  the  UIRjI  or  its 
administration.   The  qxiestion  of  delegation  did  not  apperj:  to  be  im- 
portant aside  from  the  fact  that  extreme  redelegations  were  indulged 
in.   The  redelegation  of  power  to  interested  persons  and  to  private 
persons  not  acting  fis  public  officers  was  open  to  serious  question. 

A  more  careful  consideration  of  these  problems  of  administrative 
and  constittitional  law  might  have  gone  fai'  to  have  made  II. E. A.  a  mode 
acceptable  to  the  courts.   This  would  probably  have  entailed  serious 
procedural  and  substantive  changes,  although  the  same  general  objectives 
might  have  existed. 


PART        I 






The  first  ofricir.l  stt-.teuent  iiiDon  the  IWRA   (1)  made  tiy 
the  President  (2)   pointod  the  Adniinistm.tive  -orohlen: 

"It  is,  further  ,  a  challenge  to  adininistra- 
tion.  T/e  are  relaxing  sone  of  the  safeg-ua.rds  of 
the  antitrust  lavrs.  The  pulDlic  must  l)e  pr6tected 
against  the  ahuses  that  led  to  their  enactment,  and 
to  this  end  we  are  putting  in  place  of  old  princi- 
ples of  unchec'ced  coupetition  sone  new  Government 
controls.  They  must  ahove  all  be  impartial  and 
just.  Their  purpose  is  to  free  business  -  not  to 
shackle  it  «  end.   no  man  \7ho  stands  on  the  construc- 
tive fornard-loohing  side  of  his  industry  has  any- 
thing to  fear  fron  them.  To  such  men  the  opportun- 
ities for  individiipl  initiative  -jill  be  open  more 
amply  than  ever.  Let  me  make  it  clear,  however, 
that  the  antitrust  lar-s  still  stand  f  irnly  against 
monopolies  that  restrain  trt-de  and  price  fixing 
T.-hich  allows  inordinate  profits  or  unfairly  high 

Our  econonic  philosophy,  T/ritten  into  our  st-atutes  (3) 
was  one  of  free  competition,  without  coopera.tion  which  might  lead  to 
restraints  upon  business  and  comnerce.  Altho-ugh  the  Anti-Trust  Acts 
were  never  completely  and  energetically  enforced>(4) ,  consent-decrees 
and  injunctions  existed  at  the  tine  of  the  passage  of  the  IIIHA  cover- 
ing many  industries  and  trades  (5) .  These  bear  testimony  to  the  fact 
that  certain  industries  and  trades,  at  least,  felt  the  ajiti-trust  laws 
inadequate.  Before  the  depression  there  were  many  stiggestions  that  the 
anti-trust  laws  vrere  a  Procrusteaji  bed  riiich  ill  afforded  needed  ind- 
ividual treatment  to  special  problems(6).  During  the  wsj  these  laws 
received  slight  attention.  The  drive  was  to  produce  (7).  How  this  wa.s 
done,  or  hoxr  the  products  v/ere  rao.rketed  mattered  little,  the  demand 
being  so  great.  TTlaen  our  markets  contracted,  it  was  natural  to  desire  to 
continue  or  commence  cooperative  action  to  check  the  frantic  efforts  of 
individual  plants  to  weather  the  storm  (8),  Many  of  the  ills  of  the  dep- 
ression ?,nd  its  continuaxice  were  laid  at  the  door  of  the  rjiti-trust  laws. 
General  Jolanson,  more  responsible  for  the  KI2A  than  any  other  person, 
has  forcefiolly  expressed  his  vie\7s  on  this  subject  (9). 

The  task  that  lEA  set  for  itself  vras  to  complete  sjid  admin- 
ister a  body  of  delegated  legislation  more  voluninous  and  more  import- 
ant in  subject  matter  and  effect  than  eve:-  before  undertalcen  by  an  ad- 
ministrative body  in  this  (or  any  other  En^-lish  speaJ:ing)  country.  It 
involved  the  definition  and  acceptance  of  major  philosophies  of  social 
and  economic  import.  To  intelligentljr  and  reasonably  state  such  import- 
ant policies  a  gigantic  problem  of  fact-finding  was  created.  It  involved 
more  than  the  discovery  of  primary  facts.  It  involved 


the   analysis   and  evaluation  of  sucli  f.-^.cts.   The   im-nort-.^ce   of   this 
f-unction,    rncl  the   crying  need  for  an  r.dminirtrr-.tive   a^-rency  a,nd  ex- 
perts to  -terforn  it,    rrther  th'^n  the   cotii-ts  or  the   iG-rislative  "bodies, 
improperl-;'  ea\ir'^ped  as   tJiey  E.Te    to   rdeourtel;-  "nandle   such  proDlens, 
was   fully  recoz-iized  hy  those   in  hi.-^h  pl-j.ces    in  IT.-LA.  (10).   The   adequacy 
of  the  "body  created  and  the   statute    attempting  to   authorize   it,    from 
the  vieupoints   of  adxainistrative   and  suostantial   "due  process   of  la^" 
concepts   \.-ill  "be    the    scoae   of  this  -og-oer. 


•     CHAPTER  II' 



Many  of   the  difficulties  wliich  administration   encounters 
arise  from  the   "separation  of  povirers"  doctrine.      Although  not   as  spe- 
cifically recognized  in  the  Constitution  as  it   is   in  the  primary  laws 
of   some  of  our   States    (2),    it   finds   support  in   the  three  fold  divi- 
sion of  the  governmental   structure   set  up   "by  the   Constitution    (3). 
Whether   the   fraraers  were   consciously   following  Montesquieu,    the 
British  Constitution  or  the   Colonial  governments,    it   is   accepted 
that  Montesquieu  (4)  gave  voice  to   the  doctrine  which  became  par- 
triotic  loiowledge  to   school  children,    and  revered  by  our  lawyers    (5), 
It     was   this  very  reverence  that  has   created  much  of  the  difficulty(5:i), 
Not   content  with  treating  it  as  a  fiction  our  jurists  have  frequent- 
ly employed  the  theory''  in  ways  that   nave   caused  great   limitations 
upon  the  natural  trend  of  government,    or  strange  contortion  to   achieve 
the  needed  or  desired  results    (6).      It    seems  well-established  that  in 
actual  practice  there  has   always  been  an  admixture  of  governmental 
powers  -   that   is,   no   one  division  of  j-;ovemment   has   exercised  all 
the  powers  analytically  belonging  to  it  under- the'  theoiy    (7).      Leg- 
islatures have  as  a  matter  of  historical  practice  done  Judicial  acts 
such  as  granting  divorces    (8),    setting   aside  a  decree  of  probate 
and  ordering;-  a  new  hearing  with  liberty  of  appeal    (which  had  not 
before  existed)   be  granted   (9),    declaring  a  person  quilty  of  treason 
and  inflicting  penalties  cuid  confiscation  of  property  of  persons  de- 
clared g-uilty    (10),    and  confirming  a  doubtful  title  to   land   (11). 
Although  courts  pretend  to   apply  the  doctrine  to    themselves   (12), 
they  make  rules  for  their  ovm  procedure   (13)   a  matter  conferred 
upon   Congress  by  the   Constitution    (14);    they  grant   certificates  of 
naturalization    (15),    a  function  that   seems  administrative  and  one 
not   involving  a   "case"  of   "controversy"    (16)    as  those   terms  have 
been  cons'trued  by  the  courts    (17).      Tlie  examples  of  Executive  exer- 
cise of  both  legislative  and  judicial  powers  are  so  numerous  and  will 
appear  so  often  an  this  paper  that  t.iey  need  no   comment  here.      The 
evidence  indicates  that   the  doctrine  has  never  been  realized  in  prac- 
tice  (18)    in   the  iia.tional  and   state  governments   (19)  ••     Each  depart- 
ment inherently  demands  enough  power  whatever  Its  nature   (20)    to 
carry  out   functions   essential  to   the'  preservation  of  its  own  integrity. 
There  has  always  been  in  our  legal  literature  a  recognition  of  this 
admixture  of  powers  and  the  political  doctrine  or  legal   fiction  nature 
of  the  theory   (21).      More  recently   there  has  been   considerable   criti- 
cism directed  at   the  reverence  given  Montesquieu's   fiction    (22)   as 
being  unscientific    (23),    ir.Tpractical   (24)    and  a  mere  political   doc- 
trine   (25).      It    can  be   seen  by   study  that   the  development   of   the 
doctrine  in  this   country  has  been   strongly  flavored  by  judicial   re- 
view;   that   it    could  have  just   as  well   developed  along  the   lines  of 
the    "political   question"  notions    (26)   as   it  has   in  other  governments 
(27).      The  burden  of  this   theory  in  relation   to   the  growth  of  Admin- 
istration and  Administrative  Law  will  be  considered  shortly. 



The  use  of  the  adninistrative  technique  has  had  a  phenomenal 
growth  in   the  last  half   century      (28).      Up  until  then  the 
growth  had  lieen   steady.      With  the  recognition  of  the  existence  of 
adninistrative  law   (29)    came  increased  demands  "by  the  problem  of 
modem  society    (30)   for  the  use  of  administrative  machinery    (31). 
Even  when  there  has  been  frank  hostility  to   this  growth  it  has  gone 
on   relentlessly    (32).      At  present  both  in  this   country  and  England 
this   situation  presents  a  major  battleground  for  opposing  political 
forces    (33). 

The  opponents  of  this  phenomenon  rally  to   their  support 
both  the  doctrinei  of  judicial   review   (34)    and   "separation  of  powers. " 
It   is  urged  that   each  division  of  government  must   exercise  the  powers 
entrusted,  to   it  aaid  that   this   exercise  can  not  be  delegated    (delegata 
potestas  non  potest  delegari)    (35).     Necessity  has   rebutted  these 
arguments  by  pointing  to   the  practical  advantages  of  adrainistrative 
action    (36).      The  saving  of  the  legislature's   tine  is  probably  the 
chief  value    (37).      But   there  are  other  pressing  reasons  for  resort 
to   the  administrative  device,    such  as  the  contributions  which  can  be 
made  by  the  expert    (38),    the  fact  that   the  legislature  is  not  in  con- 
tinuous session  and  its   slow  procedure,    when  in   existence,    which  will 
not  meet  many  of  the   demands  for   sumr.naryor  prompt  action    (39),    and 
the  peculiar  adaptability  of  administrative  action  to  promote  and  pro- 
tect individual  and  public  interests    (40).      The  result  of  these  advan- 
tages is  a  great  mass  of  delegated  legislation    (41)  having  the  full 
force  and  effect  of  law   (42). 

Administration  has  grown  up  without  benefit  of  Constitutional 
recognition.      It  lias,    therefore,   been  forced  to   follow  a 
pattern  which  made  no  place  for  it.      Certain  fonnulae  and  fictions 
are  employed  to   circunvent  the  doctrinaire  difficulties.      Adminis- 
trative offices  and  many  students  feel  it  would  be  highly  desirable 
that   administrative  action  in  its  proper  spheres  be  free  from  judi- 
cial interfcrenco.     More  respect  and  greater  prominence  would  inure 
to  administration,    and  there  would  be  a  greater  fruition  of  adminis- 
tration as  a  useful  public  agency.      Administrative  finality  must  rest 
upon  one  of  two  views,    either  that    judicial   review  should  not  be  had 
of  a  fourth  and  equal  division  of  government    (43),    or  that  government 
is   corrprised  of  tv/o   functions:      1.    representing  the  public  will  and 
2.    giving   effect   to   the  expressed  will.      Upon  such  theories  it  may 
be  reasoned  that  the  judiciary  should  be  no  more  powerful  than  the 
executive  or  administrative. 


Despite  the  liampering  effect  of  governmental   form  and  theo- 
ries already  discussed,    administrative  legislation  and  adjudication 
continue  to  grow  paying  lip   service  to   constitutional  doctrine. 
The  legislature  can  not  delegate  its  legislative  power  but   it    can 
cmplcy   agents   to   find  facts.      It   is   in  this   f-unction  of  fact-finder, 
that  courts   first   consciously  recognized  administration    (44).      The 
legislature  declares  the  policy  and  the  administration  finds  the 


facts  upon  which  the  policy  tioes   into  effect  or  to  which  tne  policy 
shall  be  applied,  so  runs  the  ti'aditional  statement  (^-5).   If  the 
"details"  to  be  filled  in  or  the  basis  for  deteriuinin^;  whether  the 
statute  shall  apply  are  important  enough  there  is  really  a  delegation 
of  legislative  power  though  it  may  be  so  trivial  as  to  not  excite  the 
court.   In  fact,  the  courts  recognize  tne  delegation.   They  further 
recognized  that  legislative  or  judicial  powers  softened  by  a  "quasi" 
may  be  involved  (46).   The  delegation  may  be  analogous  to  the  power 
the  court  exercises  in  cases  before  it,  of  statutory  interpretation 
which  frequently  may  decide  that  the  literal  application  of  a  statute 
was  not  intended  in  certain  instances  or  wnere  the  sts.tute  does  not 
cover  certain  problems  s'oecif ically  that  it  does  so  by  implication. 
Either  the  advantages  of  tne  administrative  technioue  or  dissatisfac- 
tion with  judicial  approach  {'^17)   must  have  led  to  the  attempt  to 
use  administrative  agencies. 

Tlie  next  step  after  the  frank  recognition  of  delegated  power  to 
administrative  agencies  is  to  see  what  mea.sure  of  the  finality  desired 
by  these  agencies  is  extended  to  their  actions  by  the  courts.   The 
traditional  statement  is  that  the  adminiGtiative  bodies  being  proper 
fact-finders,  their  findings  of  fact  will  rot  be  reviewed  by  the  courts, 
or  the  courts  will  not  substitute  its  jud^nent  upon  "nuestions  of 
facts"  for  that  of  the  entrusted  fact-finder  (48)  wita  certain  ex- 
ceptions later  to  be  noted  (49).   "Questions  of  law"  have  long  been 
the  peculiar  province  of  tne  court  (50),  but  as  time  v/snt  on  adjninis- 
trative  bodies  decided  questions  of  law  before  tlie  problems  reached 
the  courts.   Often  these  questions  were  decided  in  a  way  that  pleased 
the  courts.   Tliere  developed  the  notion  that  adiiunistrative  deter- 
mination of  "questions  of  law  '  vifotxld  be  "persu^isive"  upon  the  courts 
(51)  -  that  is,  the  court  would  not  dis^-urb  t'le  .-^.dministrative  de- 
cision as  long  as  it  accorded  with  the  court's  cv/n  feelings.   A 
further  complication  appears.   There  is  no  clear  cut  distinction  be- 
tween "questions  of  law"  and  "questions  of  fact"  (52).   Often  a  pro- 
blem, which  at  one  time  is  a  "question  of  law"  to  the  court,  will  be- 
come a  "question  of  fact"  to  the  same  court  at  anot'ier  time  (53). 
In  questionable  problems  of  tals  character  the  court  might  trea.t  them 
as  "questions  of  la,w,"  a  thing  auite  easy  to  do;  if  it  did  not  desire 
to  review  or  to  change  the  deturmination  of  the  aiiministrative  body 
these  problems  raiglit  be  termed  "mixed  questions  of  law  and  fact"  (5".-) 
and  extended  tae  finality  of  "questions  of  law."  This  latter  practice 
is  frequently  resorted  to  if  an  allegation  of  frn-ud  or  mistalce  is  not 
so  clear  that  the  court  feels  it  shou-ld  interfere  (55). 

Tlie  sta,tement  just  made  is  couclied  in  the  court'  s  terms  and 
approached  with  a  view  to  what  the  Court  says.   Administrative  law 
is  so  new  that  we  con  not  expect  to  find  it  an  orderly  system  perfect- 
ly described  by  the  courts  (55).   7/e  must  look  at  wiiat  the  courts  do 
in  each  field.   This  will  be  done  later.   First  we  must  see  upon  v/hat 
theories  the  courts  review. 

c:iaps;r  hi 


One  of  the  doctrines  of  Znclisli  lav.',  most  distinguishing  it  from 
other  systems,  was  long  thought  to  afford  rdequote  protection  to  indivi- 
dual rights.   This  was  "the  rule  of  law"  (l).   Its  protection  has  heen 
found  inadequate.   If  an  administrative  official  hy  sumnary  action  does 
$40,000  (or  even  $4,000)  of  damage  a  judgment  may  he  forthcoming  readily 
enough,  hut  its  collection  will  prove  far  more  troublesome.   It  is  urged 
that  Congress  or  the  legislatures  should  reviev^  administrative  action, 
since  it  has  given  the  mandate  it  should  judge  the  desirability  of  its 
administration.  The  practice,  hnv/ever,  has.heen  otherwise  (2).   Some- 
times the  legislature  delegates  this  check  s-oecifically  to  the  courts 
(3),  more  frequently,  this  is  not  done  (4).   There  are  even  statutory 
indications  that  it  is  not  desired  (5).  In  England,  where  such  statutory 
statements  are  more  corm-.on  (6),  this  has  "been  a  strongly  contested  field. 
Alihoughx  checks  are  desirable  this  does  not  iDOsit  that  administrative 
iDOwer  is  greatly  abused  (?)  . 

It  would  be  well  to  briefly  survey  the  existing  checks  other  than 
those  exercised  by  the  Courts. 

Aside  from  control  'oy   the  courts,  there  should  be  checks  upon  ad- 
ministration from  other  directions.   In  as  far  as  the  chief  executive 
must  acce-ot  responsibility  for  the  actions  of  administrative  bodies  he 
should  have  a  general  control  over  their  policy.  Until  the  Humphrey's 
decision  (7a)  it  was  thought  that  the  removal  power  might  afford  such 
control  (7b).   It  maybe  that  the  President  does  not  have  to  acceTjt 
responsibility  for  the  actions  of  all  'jjoards.   The  Congress 
must,  however,  be  responsible  for  the  poli^y  of  all  administrative  agen- 
cies which  it  authorizes,  if  not  their  administration.   Therefore,  it 
would  seem  that  the  legislature  nrast  deal  v/'ith  the  problem  of  f.afe.gij'x.iXiS 
assisted  by  the  executive  who,  it  is  hoped,  will  be  in  harmony  with  it 

In  England  Parliamentary  control  over  delegated  legislation  has  gone 
somev/hat  farther  than  the  control  exercised  by  legislatures  in  this 
country  (7d) .   There  is  the  procedure  iC.ovni  at;,  laying  aji  administrative 
rule  upon  the  table.   Such  rules  and  regulations  Ic-id  upon  the  table  be- 
fore Parliament  may  be  disa.pproved  by  either  house  within  a.  certain  period 
(usually  not  over  forty  days  of  any  session) .   If  not  disapproved  they 
have  the  full  force  of  law.   Other  tjrpes  of  ruler,  and  regulations  require 
a  definite  Parliamentary  approval,  by  either  or  both  houses,  within  a 
certain  number  of  legislative  days.  A  provision  that  either  h^use  can 
make  suggestions  to  the  body  creating  the  rules  is  often  attached  to  both 
methods  of  control.  Parthor  than  this,  provision  are  frequently  inserted 
in  statutes  allowing  rules  to  have  fxill  force  until  Parliament  acts  upon 
thsm.  Even  if  parlinent  acts  negativel;^  regarding  a  rule,  any  enforce- 
ment of  such  a  rule  previous  to  the  Parliamentary  action  is  legal.   Tliis 
system  has  raised  a  storm  of  criticism  by  English  lav/.yers  who  urge  that 
approval  is  made  a  mere  formality,  while  allowing  the  stamp  of  Parliamen- 
tary authority  to  rest  upon  the-  regulation  and  so  preclude  control  by  the 
courts.   It  is  the  contention  of  these  men  that  there  is  no  practical 



responsibility.   The  merit  of  their  ar^-uments  is  not  a  s-object  for  con- 
sideratinn  here.   It  is  merely  intended  to  ^oint  out  that  there  should 
"be  simple,  efficient  safeguards  to  -preclude  ahuse-s  of  --^ower. 

Other  controls  lie  in  the  .mblication  of  rule-  and  the  control  over 
budgets  and  r,jnropric.tions.   One  of  the  most  effective  moans  seems  to  he 
the  system  of  "interpellation"  of  lainisters  to  v/hich -j.-reat  resort  is  had. 
Pointed  questions  unon  possible  shady  practices  or  questionable  adminis- 
tration, brini^jing  with  them  the  britght  li;:;ht  of  publicity,  vail  £0  far 
to  remedy  abuses  of  pov/er. 

In  most  English  spcaicing  countrie-:;  the  historic  controls  of  legis- 
lative power  over  apprODriations ,  legislative  -oov/er  over  personnel  exer- 
cised through  imoeacliment  process  and  the  ri.^ht  to  confirm  appointments, 
and  the  pov.'er  of  investigation  are  in  most  common  use.   The  first  tifo 
methods  are  unwieldy  and  ineffective  as  against  i.iinor  abuses  of  power. 
The  process  of  investigation  is  analogous  to  the  English  system  of 
"interpellation",  but  is  resorted  to  only  snasmod.ically,  and  then  usually 
only  in  the  most  odious  cases. 

Aside  from  these  controls,  little  has  been  done  in  the  United  States 
to  r)rovide  safe.Taards  against  admiiiistrative  abuses  of  power.   Some  five 
years  ago  llorth  Carolina  established  a  Director  of  Local  Government, 
"v/hose  duties  v/ill  be  to  standardize  and  supervise  the  business  methods 
of  counties,  cities  and  towns."  (7e)   This  is  not  precisely  in  point  as 
a  matter  of  control  of  administrative  action,  bvit  it  is  referred  to  since 
there  is  a  great  analogy  between  activities  of  mimicinal  cor^io  rat  ions 
and  those  of  administrative  bodies. 

New  York  has  a  great  amomt  of  delegated  legislation,  but  no  control 
over  it  (7f ) .  The  State  Legislative  Reference  Librarian  states  regarding 
this  -problem,  "As  I  ijnderstand  it,  the  enforce;.ient  of  rules  or  orders 
made  in  any  state  department  is  left  wholly  to  the  adimnistrative  officer 
of  such  department,  end  the  Legislature  and  Executive  appear  not  to  in- 
terfere in  siich  enforcement,  after  the  authority  has  been  once  granted  to  the 
fjtate  DcprTtnlont."     Recently,  in  Hew  York  it  has  even  been  proposed 
to  clothe  administrative  bodies  with  greater  rule  malcing  powers  Y/ithout 
any  snecific  legislative  check  over  the  exercise  of  these  powers. 

In  I/Iassachusetts  all  departments,  boards,  commissions  or  officials 
making  general  rules  or  regudations  must  file  copies  with  the  Secretary 
of  State,  and  rmist  secure  the  approval  of  the  Governor  and  his  council 
(7g).   The  Secretary  of  State  i-rust  file  and  index  such  rules  and  regula- 
tions, and  make  them  generally  available.   There  is  an  appeal  open  to 
citizens  to  the  Governor  and  his  council  on  questions  of  authority  and 
jurisdiction  which  does  not  preclude  other  legal  redress.   Annual  reports 
must  be  iiiade  to  the  Goveraor  or  to  the  General  Court  {7h).   In  most  cases 
such  reports  are  made  to  the  latter.  Further  than  this,  I.iassachusetts  has 
not  gone,  although  the  problem  has  been  given  serious  consideration. 

With  the  exception  of  Wisconsin,  other  reg:ulations  of  administrative 
law  making  are  unimportant.   The  most  widespread  agitation  in  any  strte 
for  safeguards  qDpears  to  have  existed  in  Wisconsin.  Wisconsin  has  a 
system  of  "interpellation"  modeled  upon  the  foreign  systems  (7i).   This 
statute,  however,  has  only  been  used  three  times,  once  in  1935  when  the 



Legislature,  neeting  in  Joint  session,  called  "before  it  the  members  of 
the  Board  of  Control,  T.-hich  administers  all  laws  relatin^^-  to  the  state 
charitable  and  penal  institutions.   So  Liach  time  wns  sioent  in  controversy 
over  rules  that  no  extensive  'iiuostioning  v.-as  had.   The  statute  was  la'^st 
used  before  this  in  1935,  so  it  can  be  seen  that  escoerience  under  it  does 
not  testify  ac-  to  its  possible  value.  A  statute  -massed  in  1931  created 
an  Executive  Council  of  the  Governor.   This  body  was  authori2;ed  to  in- 
vestigate the  activities  of  quasi  legislative  agencies,  and  ueizo   reports 
to  the  Legislatm-e.   This  seems  to  be,  ho:7ever,  only  one  of  the  minor 
functions  of  this  council.   The  nre.-ent  Governor  and  his  predecessor  ".ii'ive 
not  appointed  all  the  members  provided  by  the  statute.  The  council  it- 
self has  not  yet  been  called  upon  to  perform  the  f-cuictions  for  which  it 
v/as  created. 

.  This  review  indicates  that  little  has  been  done  in  this  country 
along  the  line  of  developing  safeguards  aiid  controls  in  the  field  of  ad- 
ministration despite  the  fact  that  there  seems  to  be  a  vital  need  for 
action  uoon  this  problem. 

Although  the  legislature  may  choose  between  conflicting  theories 
(8),  the  courts  are  reluctant  to  allow  such  -^ov/ers  to  administration 
apart  from  the  supervising  check  of  jtxdicial  review  (s).   In  the  ;!3ast 
courts  have  usually  allowed  Adrainistratlve  bodies  to  .exercise  such  power. 
Recently,  this  has  been  objected  to,  if  the  range  of  choice  is  too  large 
or  involves  subject  matter  of  too  great  imoortance  (lO).   Judicial  review 
in  this  country  extends  to  statutes;  in  Sngland  it  extends  only  to  admin- 
istrative action  or  by-laws  (H).   It  is  not  clear  that  it  alv/ays  extends 
that  far  (12).   From  a  -oosition  of  coiiparative  inferiority  to  the  legis- 
lature (13)  our  courts  have  risen  until  they  no\y  exercise  review  of  legis- 
lative and  administrative  action  uiader  a  nuiaber  of  theories. 

The  "natural"  or  "higher  law"  bases  of  review  are  of  the  greatest 
antiquity  (l4) .of  any  of  the  courts'  auoroaches.  In  early  English  law 
Bracton  declared  that  the  barons  must  T>ut  "the  bridle  of  law"  upon  a  ruler 
acting  outside  the  law's  Tsreceiots  (15);  again  there  is  a  reference  in 
Magna  Cliarta  to  higher  law  (lo)  ;  and  there  is  the  well  Imov/n  attempt  of 
Lord  Coke  (1?)  to  establish  judicial  review.   The  doctrine  finds  its  first 
utterance  in  the  Supreme  Coiu-t  in  the  opinion  by  ilr.  Chief  Justice  Chase 
in  C alder  v.  Bull  in  1798  (18) .   The  doctrine  grew  and  ripened  into  an 
accepted  basis  upon  which  to  limit  the  poY/cr  of  government  (19).   It  has 
meant  that  common  law  precedents  may  be  employed  (20),  or  that  the  court 
wou.ld  rely  upon  its  own  feeling  of  what,  it  felt  was  tmiversally  considered 
just  or  "honest"  action  (2l).   It  is  in  this  latter  aspect  that  the  doc- 
trine has  been  most  severely  criticised.  (.32) 

"Natural  law"  theory  has  grown  into,  and  has  been  greatly  absorbed 
by,  the  "due  process  of  law"  concept  (23).  ?or  a  considerable  time  after 
our  constitution  was  written  "diie  r>rocess"  of  law  had  little  significance 
save  procedural  (24).   This  vfas  true  until  as  late  as  1870  (25).   From 
humble  origin  (26)  ,-  administrative  procedure  (27)  -  due  process  has  be- 
come an  instrument  v/hereby  statutes  and  adiriinistrative  action  are  over- 
ruled as  having  no  proper  constitutional  basis  or  unreasonableness  (28), 
The  doctrine  received-  a  casual  reference  in  v.  ^ndford  (39)  ; 
it  next  was  broadened  in  the  Le^al  .Tender  C.ase_s  (30).   Despite  later  use  -_ 
of  the  doctrine  of  "natural  law"  (31)  the  due  process  concept  is  now 



regarded  as  firmly  estalDlished  (32)  even  "by  these  disa-o-'-iroving  of  its 

That  the  relationship  hetv/een  the  t\70  is  close  is  apparent  from  the 
reference  "by  judges  to  the  doctrines  as  "being  identical  (33).  Due  pro*- 
cess  of  law  nov;  gives  the  courts  power  to  introduce  limiting  principles 
of  taxation,  formerly  one  of  the  chief  problems  of  "natural  law"  (34), 
to  conderan  rate  schedules  as  unreasonahle  (35),  and  to  condemn  other 
social  and  economic  legislation  upon  the  same  "basis.  This  great  growth 
has  "been  the  cause  of  much  heated  de"bate.   The  late  Justice  Holmes  ex- 
pressed his  views  upon  this  su"bject  strongly  and  often.   Dissenting  in 
Baldwin  v.  Kissouri  (35)  he  said: 

"I  have  not  yet  adequately  expressed  the  more  than  anxiety  that  I 
feel  at  the  ever  increasing  scope  given  to  the  Fourteenth  Amendment  in 
cutting  do\7n  what  I  "believe  to  "be  the  Constituional  rights  of  the  States. 
As  the  decisions  now  stand,  I  see  hardly  any  limit  "but  the  sky  to  the 
invalidating  of  those  rights  if  they  haiopen  to  strike  a  majority  of  this 
Court  as  for  any  reason  undesira"ble.   I  cannot  "believe  that  the  Amend- 
ment was  intended  to  give  us  carte  "blanche  to  era'body  our  economic  or  moral 
"beliefs  in  its  prohi"biticns. " 

Many  persons  have  felt  that  the  concept  is  an  agency  to  maintain 
property  interests  (37). 

That  this  type  of  judicial  control  is  the  common  tendency  of  courts 
can  "be  seen  from  the  fact,  that,  although  England  is  said  not  to  have 
judicial  review,  and  certainly  no  "due  process  of  law"  concept  such  as 
■is  known  to  us  (33),  still  English  courts  have  a.  strong  disposition  to 
review  administrative  action,  even  T/hen  clothed  "by  statute  vdth  finality, 
upon  any  of  several  theories  (39).   Of  course,  the  English  courts  do  not 
go  nearly  so  far  as  ourt  and  at  times  exercise  no  check  (40);.   The  signi- 
ficant thing  is  that  there  is  in  existence  as  a  characteristic  of  courts 
a  disposition  to  control  administrative  or  legislative  action.   As  we 
shall  see  due  process  of  lav'T   has  two  pro"blems:   1.  Can  power  "be  exercised? 
2.  Has  it  "been  exercised  properly?  These  two  questions  to  test  adminis- 
trative action  have  "broad  pov/ers  to  shape  our  course  of  government  (4l), 

Without  either. of  the  two  theories  discussed,  the  coixrts  have  a 
check  in  the  interoretation  of  statutes  and  the  doctrine  of  ultra  and 
intra,  vires.   Courts  in  the  exercise  of  their  normal  duties  are  called 
upon  to  avply   sta.tutes  or  other  law  to  the  cases  "before  them.  Wherever 
there  is  aiibigaity  or  conflict  as  to  m«3.aning,  and  this  is  the  stuff  of 
which  lawsuits  are  made,  the  courts  must  intemret  the  law  (42).   Although, 
there  is  no  express  Constitutional  prohi"bition  to  the  giving  of  finality 
in  the  determination  of  certain  disputes,  to  other  agencies  than  to  courts, 
this  has  not  "been  done  without  the  courts'  approval.  Questions  of  law 
'and  the  interpretation  of  statutes  the  courts  have  successfully  maintained 
are  their  exclusive  "bailiv/ick.   This  newer  of  interpretation  has  "been 
'often  used  to  achieve  results,  not  desired  "by  the  legislature  (43).   It: 
is  o"bvious  that  the  power  of  interpretation  is  tremendous.   The  likeli- 
hood that  the  exercise  of  such  power  \;ill  be  collored  by  the  personal 
philosophies  of  those  who  have  it,  is  even  more  apparent. 



This  doctrine  of  "interpretrtinn"  is  mother  of  the  Ultra  and  intra 
vires  concepts.   A  10i:;;ical  phase  of  str.tutory  interpretation  is  that  of 
"determining  the  limits  of  authority  and  jurisdiction  conferred  "by  parti- 
cular statutes.   This  action  ■becomes  a  lii.ltation  upon  "both  legislative 
and  administrative  action  (44).   As  a  nuostion  of  -.-lov.'ers  and  of  delegar- 
tion  of  --.owers  either  "ondcr  a  written  or  unwritten  Constitution  the 
necessity  of  interpretation  places  great  influence  and  control  in  the 
hands  of  the  courts.   That  there  should  be  such  a  restraint  upon  the 
partis;m  desire  of  the  Administration  to  enlarge  its  ovrn  pov/ers  is  ad- 
mitted "by  students  and  advocates  of  administrative  action  (45).   TOiere 
the  proper  (under  our  accepted  viev/s  on  "judicial  review")  limits  of  the 
courts  restraining  power  end,  and  tl>e  -oositive  injection  of  the  coiirts' 
oval  views  hegin  is  a  d.ebated  -orohlem  that  looms  large  in  the  administra- 
tive field  (46).. 

In  the  United  States  the  ultra  yive^   doctrine  is  hound  up  with  the 
prohlem  of  jurisdictional  fact  (47);  it  is  in  England  that  the  phrase 
Tiltra  vi^eg.  has  "been  most  considered  (48).  A  hrief  glance  at  the  English 
prohlem  will  point  the  consideration  of  jurisdictional  fact.   The  so- 
called  "Henry  Till  clauses"  (named  from  a  hroad  statute  of  similar 
character  In  the  reig-n  of  that  monarch)  provide  in  effect  that  r"ales 
putting  the  statute  into  effect  "shall  not  he  questioned  in  any  legal 
proceeding."   Stated  differently,  the  rules  shall  "have  effect  as  if 
enacted  in  the  Act"  (49).   Without  the  assistaaice  of  the  open  doctrine 
of  "judicial  review",  in  vogue  in  this  country,  the  English  courts  faced 
a  ticklish  ^irohlem  v;hen  the  first  cacer;  under  such  a  statute  arose.   The 
first  and  a  leading  case  is  Institute  of  Patent  A^-ents  v.  Lo.clavood  (50). 
Lord  Herschell,  L.  C.  is  plainly  trouDled.   The  most  difficult  situation 
he  envisages  is  that  of  the  administrative  rule  under  the  statute  being 
contrary  in  effect  to  the  statute.   ?.'o-ald  this  mean  that  the  adininistra- 
tive  i-ule  having  the  effect  of  a  latter  statute  would  override  the  sta- 
tute? As  the  case  did  not  involve  the  point,  whatever  might  he  said 
concerning  it  was  dict-ajn.  As  such,  it  is  far  from  lucid.   Lord  Ilorris 
(51)  exoressed  the  o-oinion  that  the  cohort  shorJd  test  for  ultra  vlres^ 
This  latter  view  seems  to  have  ^Drevadled.   ITlicn  it  became  obvious  that 
a  statute  might  be  grossly  contorted  the  courts  have  felt  a  test  of 
ultra  vires  to  be  desirable  (52).   This  test  was  used  in  "Ex  parte"  Yaffg. 
(53)  virith  the  indication  that  an  English  judicial  review,  more  limited 
than  our  ovm,  now  rests  established  upon  the  theory  ixiteriTretation  ajnd 
the  right  to  test  for  ultra  -  intr.a  vire.s  (54). 

The  problem  of  jurisdiction  is  merely  another  form  of  ultra  -  intra 
vires...  And  as  the  Constitution  is  merely  a' I'higher  statute,"  it  can  be 
seen  that  once  judicial  review  and  the  pov;er  of  interpretation  is  estab- 
lished the  Courts  feel  they  can  review  to  see  if  either  the  statute  or 
the  Constitution  provide  a  basis  for  the  powers  attempted  to  be  exercised 
(55).   Should  this  test  of  jurisdiction  be  limited  to  the  Courts'  de- 
clared province  "questions  of  law?"   The  indications  are  that'  the  Courts 
will  not  be  thus  restricted.   The  facts  upon  which  jurisdiction  is  as- 
sumed -  the  "jurisdictional  facts"  -  will  in  proper  instajices  be  deter- 
mined by  the  Courts.  This  may  be  because  jurisdictional  fact  often  is 
used  "in  the  sense  of  the  meaning  of  the  v/ord  or  terms  into  which  those 
circumstances  (proved  circuiiistances  which  are  another  sense  of  the  term, 
"fact")  are  summed  i\p  for  the  purpose  of  attaching  legal  consequence  to 
them"  (56),   It  is  this  dual  sense  of  the  word  "fact"  that  provokes  much 


of  the  controversy.  Pro  "bat  I7,  the  most  satisfactory  soliition  vrould  he 
to  allow  the  adi-ninistrative  agencies  to  determine  the  "proved  circiimstances" 
and  allow  the  legal  consequences  to  be  decided  hy  the  Courts  (in  those 
fields  where  they  invoke  the  doctrine)  either  administrative  or  judicial. 
This  would  he  only  a  compromise  and  subject  to  much  attacl:  as  such.   The 
problem  looms  so  large  as  a  device  of  judicial  review  of  administrative  action 
that  its  use  will  be  further  examined  (57), 

A  closelry  related  doctrine  is  that  of  "questions  of  law"  which,  as  has 
already  been  indicated,  the  Courts  have  staked  out  as  their  pecu].iar  pro- 
vince (5S).   The  ambiguity  (59)  of  the  terms  "law"  and  "fact"  are  such  that 
great  confusion  eiiists  (60).   It  is  evident  that  there  is -great  overlapping 
that  the  same  question  may  variously  present  "law"  or  "fact"  to  different 
courts,  or  even  to  the  same  Court  (61)  .   The  difficult'/  is  illustrated  by 
the  Gratz  case  (61a).   It  has  been  variously  urged  that  the  question  of 
whether  a.  tying  contract  is  an  unfair  method  of  competition  is  one  of 
"law"  and  that  it  is  one  of  "fact".   The  courts,  in  mails'-  fields,  are  reluc- 
tant to  forego  the  final  word  on  problems  such  as  interpretation  (62)  so 
they  actually  determine  raariy  questions  of  ultimate  fact  (63).   It  is  doubt- 
ful if  any  workable  distinction  or  separation  could  be  found  (54),  so  we 
may  errpect  the  Court  will  have  open  this  readj.'  a-venue  of  approach.   The 
ease  with  which  the  Courts  utilize  this  approach  is  seen  in  fields  of  dis- 
puted social  policy  (65)  or  '.fhere  the  statute  uses  such  an  indefinite  stan- 
dard s.s  "unfair  competition"  (36).   Like  use  has  been  made  of  the  concept, 
as  a  colleague  to  "jurisdictional  fact,"  to  check  the  harshness  of  alien 
determinations  (67).   Prom  this  eniimeration  the  usefulness  of  the  concept 
is  apparent. 

An  early  doctrine,  in  use  before  the  phenomenon  of  great  administra- 
tive action  was  observed,  is  that  of  discretionary  powers  and  ministerial 
duties.   It  is  well  stated  in  the  early  care  of  Decatur  v.  Paulding   (68), 
decided  in  1840.   The  Court  held  that  the  refusal  of  a  pension  to  the  widow 
of  Ste-ohen  Decatur  involved  the  exercise  of  discretion  upon  the  part  of  the 
Secretary''  of  the  Navy.   The  basis  for  the  decision  seems  to  be  the  feeling, 
that  a  choice  in  the  judicial  sense  was  involved,  and  that  such  a  choice 
made  in  good  faith,  should  not  be  disturbed.   It  should  be  pointed  out  that 
the  Court  expressed  a  willingness  to  overriile  the  Secretary' s  decision  if  a 
wrong  decision  of  law  had  been  made.   The  exercise  of  discretion  will  not  be 
disturbed  by  injunction  or  mandamus.  A  failure  to  act  may  represent  the 
conscious  choice  not  to  act  (69);  while  mandamus  will  lie  to  force  the  per- 
formance of  ministerial  duties  (70).   Need  of  choice  and  freedom  from  judic- 
ial review  in  the  fields  of  "narrow  review"  (71)  still  exists  (72)  althotigh 
the  doctrine  is  little  mentioned  and  has  become  dwarfed  by  other  forms  of 
judicial  control. 

A  new  and  subtle  means  of  review  lies  in  the  Court's  treatment  of 
questions  of  evidence.  It  may  be  that  the  court  is  attempting  to  under- 
stand the  administrative  problems  (73).   The  judicial  technique,  in  so 
trying  to  appreciate  the  administration's  position,  calls  for  a  full  consid- 
eration of  the  evidence.   The  next  step,  and  one  often  talcen,  is  for  the 
Court  itself  to  evaluate  the  evidence  (74).   In  a  large  percentage  of  cases 
v/here  adjninistrative  orders  are  upheld,  the  Court  does  so,  only  after  full 
consideration  of  the  evidence  (75).   It  is  of  course  natural  to  the  judicial 
techniq^ue  to  so  consider  evidence,  but  sometimes  the  purpose  may  be  definitely 
to  limit  administrative  action  by  resort  to  a  statutory  implication  (76)  or  by 

sorae  notion  of  the  Court 'r,  so  a-.-j.   to  ','liat  evidence  ou{;ht  to  be  control!  ins. 

Altliour;h  in  some  of  the  earlier  cases,  especially  those  involving 
the  discretionary  concept,  there  \;as  often  no  evidentiary  requirement,  it 
might  he  said  that  evidence  is  usually  required  to  support  any  positive 
administration  action  (77).   The  er^^lanation  of  the  "discretion"  cases 
lies  in  the  fact  that  some  extraordinary  legal  remedy  was  sou^Thf  which 
the  co^u-ts  \7ere  reluctant  to  give,  coupled  \7ith  a  feeling  that  the  act 
was  judicial.   Where  a  reasonable  choice  could  he  made  the  courts  hesita- 
ted to  use  the  injunction;  and  where  action  raifrht  result  in'  leaving  the 
applic?-it  in  the  same  position,  the  courts  saw  no  advantage  and  Dnly  a 
waste  CI  effort  and  prestige  in  using  mandamus.   Where  the  statute  re- 
quires a  hearing:  an  order  wholly  unsupported  hy  evidence  is  of  no  effect 
(78).  Certainly,  where  there  is  no  basis  .dn  evidence  the  action  will  be 
closely  scrutinized,  and  upon  a  proper  showing  an  attacking  party  may 
have  it  reversed  (79).   In  a  recent  case  decided'  in  1933  (80),  where  a 
Virginir.  statute  authorized  an  administrative  official  to  order  grade  cross- 
ings eliuinated,  when  in  his  opinion,  it  became  necessary,  but  providing 
only  for  a.  hearing  if  the  railwa;^'  was  dissatisfied  with  the  order,  there 
was  held  to  be  a  denial  of  due  process  of  law.   The  court  apparently  re- 
lied upon  the'  necessity' that  adrinistrative  findings  be  supported  by  evi- 
dence (81).   The  requirement  as  to  the  amount  of  evidentiary  support  varies. 
The  statements  of  the  court  are  differently  phrased  in  terms  of  "some  evi- 
dence" (82)  "evidence"  (85),  and  ."substantial  evidence"  (84)  as- being  neces- 
sary to  support  an  order.   Usually,  where  there  is  "substajitial  evidence" 
to  siroport  the  order,  or  it  is  not  mcjiifestly  against  the  weight  of  the 
evidence,  it  will  not  be  molested  (85).  .Statutory  requirements  as  to  evi- 
dence vary  from  where  the  sta,tutes  is  silent  to  vrhere  it  may  detail  wha^t 
evidence  should  be  present.   This  seems  to  have  little  effect  upon  the 
courts.   It  is  doubted  if  a  statutory  statement  that  there  need  be  no  evi- 
dentiary basis  would  meet  judicial  requirements  of  "due  process  of  law." 

In  cases  where  the  evidence  is  abundant  coui'ts  do  not  care  to  review. 
In  cases  where  there  is  none  or  tlie  interferences  are  absurd  there  is  little 
problem  in  the  courts'  review.   It  is  in  those  doubtful  cases  where  the 
evidence  is  "meager  or  unsatisfactory"  that  the  difficult;;-  arises  (86). 
Strictly  speaZring,  what  basis  of  judicial  review  of  evidence  exists  other 
than  the  residuary  "due  process"  concept  is  hard  to  determine.   Why  final- 
ity as  to  fact,  even  as  to  the  weirht  to  be  given  evidence,  ca.n  ajad  should 
not  be  determined  by  sji  administrative  body  is  difficult  to  see.   It  vrould 
be  unfortunate  to  redu.ce  our  "adiiinistrative- tribunals  to  mere  magistra.cies 
for  the  condr>.ct  of  hearings  prelirdnary  to  judicial  consideration"  (87). 
On  the  other  hand,  arbitrary  and  capricious  failure  to  act  upon  evidence 
or  actin^3  contrar-^  to  the  obvious  signif icaaice  of  the  evidence,  should  be 
as  fully  subject  to  check  as  is  any  administrative  procedure. 

Jurists  feel  that  a  ."-^rave  responsibility  is  intrusted  to  administra- 
tive agencies  (88).   By  teraper  and  teciinique  these  agencies  ma^'-  not  be  as 
considerate  of  individual  rights  as  the  courts.   In  the  requirement  that 
there  he  a  basis  in  evidence  for  the  action  taJien  iii  the  courts  merely  hold 
another  check.   The  requirement  will  vary  depending  upon  such  influence  as, 
whether  the  subject  matter  is  considered  governmental  or  involves  inter- 
ference \rith  individual  rights,  the  historical  nature  of  the  field,  the 
care  used  by  adjninistrative  agencies  in  gathering  and  analyzing  facts,  as 
well  as  rianjr  other  factors. 

In  addition  to  these  theories  '.jherety  revievr  is  had  by  the  Courts, 
it  should  he  considered  that  there  are  certain  restraints  im-oosed  unon  the 
courts  either  by  themselves  deliberately'-  as  a  matter  of  'oolicjr  or  through 
the  force  of  circumstances.   There  is  the  doctrine  that  an  administrative 
remedy  must  be  exhausted  before  a-ot)lication  is  had  to  the  courts  for  re- 
lief (89)  •   This  is  said  to  a-o-oly  in  some  cases  to  aoolications  for  a 
rehearing  or  a  modification  (90)  or  an  original  hearing  (91).   It  is 
esTDBcially  an'olicable  to  requests  for  the  issuance  of  extraordinary 
legal  remedies,  where  any  reasonable  administrative  remedy  remains 

The  doctrine  of  "political  questions"  furnishes  another  self- 
limitation  uoon  the  courts  (92)  which  is  of  long  standing  (93) •   It 
has  TDarticular  significance  in  international  relations  (9^).  questions 
of  grave  executive  ^jolicy,  and  the  nroblem  of  whether  a  State  is 
maintaining  a  "re-oublican  form  of  government*^  (95)-   Another  limi- 
tation lies  in  the  constitutional  s'^ecif ication  that  "the  judicial 
■DOwer  shall  extend  to  all  cases  -  -  -  /and/-  -  -  -  controversies"  (96). 
It  is  under  this  clause  that  the  courts  may  decline  administrative 
functions  (9?)  and  refuse  to  give  declaratory  judgments  (98).   .Taile 
so  limiting  themselves  the  courts  .do  not  hesitate  to  review  action 
taken  under  formulae  already  considered. 

liThat  is  the  value  of  this  nrocess  of  judicial  checks  uoon  a 
field  otherwise  greatly  inde-oendent?  There  are  many  advocates  of  the 
administrative  technique,  who  see  no  advantages,  and  feel  that  un- 
sym-oathetic  courts  are  merely  sabotaging  a  rival.   But,  it  is  wise 
to  remember  the  extreme  youth  of  the  extensive  use  of  administrative 
government.   It  is  quite  "orobable  that  there  are  as  many  inconsist- 
encies a.nd  injustices  in  the  a.dministrative  -orocess  as  there  are  in 
the  courts'  review.  True,  administrative  law  is  contradictory,  un- 
systematized and  bewildering  (99).  Administration  is  also  new.   It 
is  without  the  experience  of  the  courts  in  safeguarding  individual 
rights.   Policy  often  dominates  so  that  administration  may  overlook 
individual  injustices  and  its  own  acts  of  unfa.irness  (lOO).  And,  al- 
though, many  of  the  courts'  restraints  are  highly  desirable,  guiding 
and  tempering  administrative  action  into  its  highest  utility,  the 
courts'  very  technique  often  unfits  them  to  exercise  the  great  control 
they  do.   The  answer  to  the  inadequacies  of  administration  does  not 
lie  alone  in  the  courts  (lOl).  Yet  in  this  country  by  subtle  means 
and  often  means  most  obvious  the  courts  do  f-shion  and  guide  adminis- 
trative procedure  and  nolicy  (l02).   New  methods  and  devices  are 
needed  to  meet  new  situations.   The  use  of  specialized  courts  is  grow- 
ing (103);  there  is  too,  a  growing  demand  for  declaratory  judgments 
(lOU).   Des'jite  this  need,  we  must  not  forget  the  value  of  a  re-^sonable 
judicial  check.   Such  a  check  brings  the  legisla.ture  and  administration 
closer  together  (IO5).   An  understanding  of  the  peculiar  problems  of 
the  other  is  of  extreme  value  to  each.   The  judicial  process  has  been 
a  powerful  arencv   in  giving  substance  to  the  administrative  technique; 
it  has  made  the  development  of  this  new  instrument  of  government  a 
more  orderly  growth,  a  more  useful  and  resoected  form  of  government  (106). 

This  review  has  not  been  made  for  the  purpose  of  praising  or  de- 
nouncing judicial  review  of  administrative  action.   There  has  been, 
however,  an  attempt  to  carefully  point  out  both  the  advantages  and  dis- 
advantages.  The  purpose  of  this  consideration  has  been  to  point  the 
problem  —  to  show  the  gantlet  of  oossible  judicial  reviews  (as  stated 

by  the  court?)  that  the  action  of  a  ne\''  administr- tive  arency  must  run, 

A  strteraent  of  these  formalpe  of  reviev  ir,  not  enough  to  give 
a  loro-oer  TDers-oective.   It  is  necessary  to  see  ho-7  the  courts  aToly 
their  review  to  the  vprious  fields  of  -^dministr-tive  action,  to  ob- 
serve vrhat  circumstances  seem  to  influence  the  -i^ction  of  the  courtSi 
That  will  be  the  burden  of  the  next  cha'^ter. 



I.      IIAPJ.O^  r^VIE7  (1) 

Administrative  activity  in  the  "business  of  government  has 
"been  variously  classified.  One  of  the  most  useful  classif ic?.ctions 
for  Q-ijtx   purposes  is  that  of  Professor  Dickinson  (2)  dividing  it  into 
three  classes:   1.  The  individual  seeks  o.  privilege;  2.  The  govern- 
ment performs  a  "business;  3.  The  governinent  performs  a  necessary  funct- 
ion. There  are  other  classes  of  adxiinistrative  activity.  A  quite  import- 
ant one  -  the  governraent  seeks  to  regulate  private  "business  -  iTill  "be 
considered  in  a  follOT;ing  section.  It  is  this  class,  possi'bly  coupled 
with  a  new  one  -  •'-.'here  the  government  cooperates  uith  industry  in  its 
self-regulation  -  \7hich  is  most  important  in  this  study. 

TThen  the  government  is  engaged  in  a  function  inherently'-  and 
historically  necessary,  the  courts  are  reluctpjit  to  distur"b  adminis- 
trative action  (3).  For  efficiency,  a"bsolute  control  by  the  government 
of  its  officials  and  employees  is  necessary  (4)  .  Salaries  may  "be  re- 
duced "by  Congress  without  question  (5),  except  those  of  judges  of 
"Constitutional  Courts"  (6).  The  removal  and  appointive  power,  until 
recently  (7),  has  heen  free  of  judicial  restrictions,  even  where  an 
employee  was  dismissed  so  that  a  political  de"bt  could  "be  paid  (8),  or 
where  the  statute  (9)  only  specifies  removal  "for  catises  prescri"bed  "by 
law"  slter   notice  and  hearing,  and  the  President  removes  without  hear- 
ing or  specification  of  grounds  (10).  The  narrow  review  rule  is  close- 
ly followed  in  this  field  upon  such  questions  p.s  inefficiency,  incompet- 
ency, and  interdepETtmental  disputes  (ll).  That  t"he  courts  are  willing 
to  give  great  finality  to  the  removal  power  'over  a  subordinate  officer 
as  necessary  to  the  efficient  adjninistration  of  government  was  indicated 
"by  the  Oregon  Postmaster  Case  (12).  An  even  more  significant  case  is 
the  recent  'Humphreys  decision  (13),  refusing  to  extend  the  doctrine 
to  approve  the  president's  removal  of  a  mem"ber  of  an  independent  "board- 
the  Federal  Trade  Commission.  Whether  the  Commission  is  a  legislative 
agency  or,  an  executive  one  "because  of  its  administrative  duties  is  not 
clear.  The  court  in  the  Humphreys  case  pro"ba"bly  operated  upon  the  "basis 
of  the  former  concept.  The  suggestion  is  o"bviou3  that  there  is  a  limit 
to  executive  necessity,  despite  its  recognized  supremacy  in  internal 

In  the  administrative  affairs  and  deter:.iination  of  the  War 
and  Navy  Departments  great  finality  is  also  extended,  it  "being  felt  "by 
the  courts  that  "any  other  view  might  tend  seriously  to  em'barrass  the 
work  of  raising  an  army."  (14) 

The  same  line  of  decisions  found  in  the  removal  power  cases 
is  followed  in  regard  to  officers  of  the  military  or  naval  service  (15), 


the  courts  explaining  tlir.t  there  is  no  verjtcd  interest  in,  or  contract 
right  to  office  (16).  Lil-ev/iae,  revie-:/  cL"  nilitp.ry  lav/  -under  the  "due 
process"  concept  is  si:.iilarl7  nariOT7.(l7) 

U.S.\'.  Crimaud  (18)  indicates  the  gre.-'.t  extent  of  delegation 
of  power  and  administrative  finality  allowed  the  government  in  making 
rules  and  regixt,  tions  to  protect  its  own  property.  The  making  of  rules 
and  regulations  vmder  a  vague  statutory  r.ts3ida.rd  was  not  thought  impro- 
per, nor  did  the  fact  that  a  viola, tion  of  such  rules  and  reguJa.  tions 
was  made  a  penal  offense  oy  Congress  cha^n^e  the  situation.  The  language 
of  the  case  is  "broad.  Limited  to  its  peculiar  facts,  it  is  merely  a 
precedent  for  such  action  in  the  limited  field  of  the  government  reg- 
ulating its  inteD:-nal  affairs,  or  its  own  property. 

Another  essential  function  is  tlia.t  of  taxation.  Here  the 
government  comes  moi^e  closely  in  contact  with  its  citizens  than  in  any 
other  field  of  administrative  action  considered  in  this  section.  The 
leading  case  in  this  field,  and  protahly  the  leading  case  for  the  narrow 
review  theory  is  Iiiurray's  Lessee  v.  Ho"boken  Land  a,nd  Improvement  Company 
(19).  Here  it  was  held  that  the  issuance  of  a  distress  warrant  involv- 
ing a  sumireary  proceeding,  under  statutory  aiithority,  hy  the  Treasury 
aga.inst  a  delinquent  collector,  wa.s  not  a  deniaJ.  of  due  process  of  law. 
The  court  "based  its  decision  upon  the  historical  fact  that  such  pro- 
cedure was  used  inlEngland  in  tare  matters  and  had  "been  used  in  the 
Colonies  (20)  .  Axs-   additional  fa-ct  that  must  have  veighed  heavily  upon 
the  court  was  the  then  recent  scandal  of  a  large  embezzlement  "by  a  col- 
lector of  the  Port  of  New  York.  In  addition,  the  practical  needs  of 
government  for  revenue  are  such  that  it  wcijld  he  highly  impracticaJ  to 
stop  this  life-hlood  of  government,  merely  to  give  the  taxpai.yer  a  right 
to  protest.  A  hearing  can  he  afforded  later.  Interests  must  he  halanced. 
Here,  the  government's  far  oiit-weighs  the  i-.dividual '  s  interest  (20a). 

The  case,  also,  is  famous  for  the  classic  statement  of  pro- 
cedural diie  process  requirements  in  the  nrri-ow  reviev;  field; 

"For  thoUfgh,  'due  process,  of  la'^'  generally  im- 
plies g,ctor,  reus,  judex,  regular  allegations,  oppor- 
tunity to  answer,  and  e.   trial  according  to  some  settled 
course  of  judicial  proceedings,  yet,  this-  is  nPt 
imiversally  true."  (21) 

The  doctrine  of  narrow  review  is  applicable  to  procedure  and 
to  the  exercise  of  discretion  in  construing  a  statute.  In  the  early 
decisions  and  some  of  the  present  cases  (22)  the  discretion  of  a  high 
official,  such  as  the  Secretar;'-  of  the  Trea,sury,  in  tax  matters  was 
not  questioned.  Ilore  recently'-  where  decisions  by,  such  an  official  in- 
volve substaJitive  principles  of  general  importance  the  courts  have 
exercise  a  considerable  mea.sure  of  control  (23).  This  control  is  ex- 
ercised in  terms  of  interpretation,  and  not  of  "due  process  of  law" 
which  in  this  field  is  restricted  to  procedure.  It  is  not  used  to  the 
same  degree  that  review  is  in  other  fields  of  social  and  economic  policy, 



nor  is  it  fo-und  in  cases  vrhich.  ua;'  adve:"sely  ajffect  individuals  "but  do 
not  lay  dorm  statutory  interpretations  of  such  great  importance  in- 
volving de'bata'ble  f  isca,l  policy  (24)  .   ilarrov/  review  in  this  field 
seens  to  uean  tho.t  only  arbitrary,  fraudtilent,  or  capricious  action 
i.7ill  te  questioned,  nith  the  exception  of  certain  important  questions 
of  general  and  substantial  character  r/hich  nay  oe  considered  as  proh- 
lejQS  in  statutory  interpretation. 

Customs  deteruinations  are  s.   particular  class  of  tax  matters. 
They  involve  private  property/,  often  of  substantial  value.   In  addition 
to  .the  tax  character,  the  government's  continuing  policy  of  dis- 
couraging importing  has  prohahly  heen  of  considerahle  force  in  es- 
tablishing narroT,7  revie^"'  here  (25)  .  Erroert  knoifledge  is  also  invoked  in 
the  evaluation  of  goods.  (26).   The  courts  have  no  desire  to  involve 
officials  in  "inextricahle  confiision"  (27)  "by  intrusion  into  this  field. 
Despite  the  narroi?  review  generally/  accorded  to  the  customs  decisions, 
customs  officers  are  not  allowed  to  classify  articles  under  their 
statutory  heads.   This  the  court  hcas  done  itself  in  some  cases,  while 
in  others  the  question  has  heen  given  to  a  jury  (28) .  ■  The  courts  have 
kept  open  the  door  of  possihle  review  li'-   such  qiialifying  statements  as-:  ; 

"TJiiile  the  general  rule  is  that  the  valuation 
is  conclusive  \ipon  all  parties,  nevertheless 
the  appraisement  is  svihject  to  he  impeached  \7here 
the  appraiser  has  proceeded  on  the  wrong  prin- 
ciple, contrary  to  Is.w  or  has  transcended  the 
powers  conferred  hy  statute."  (29) 

Tiie  courts  are  hesitant  to  use  sucii  "bases  unless  the  equity  of  the 
situa.tion  clearly  demands  it. 

Procedural  reqtiireiients  p.:.-e   quite  lax.   "Carelessness  or  ir- 
regularitj''"  "by  officers  will  not  open  the  way  for  judicial  revie^-'  (30)  . 
The  procedure  descrihed  in  Auffmordt  v.  Heddin  (31)  illustrates  the 
informality'  and  laxity  of  jproper  procedure  in  this,  field.   1.   The 
importer  or  his  p^-ent  r/ere  excluded  from  the  rea,ppraisement .   2.   There 
was  no  opportunity  for  the  importer  to  support  his  oath  or  entrj-,  or 
to  confront  opposing  witnesses  "b;^  testimon^r  in  his  own  "behalf.   3.  No 
opoort^onitj''  was  availa'ble  to  sift  the  evidence  openly  or  secretly  heard 
in  opposition  to  the  importer.   4.   The  iijporter  was  not  permitted  the 
aid  of  counsel.   The  co-uj.-t  did  not  condemn  these  practices.   "The  pro- 
ceedings for  appraisal  must  necessr.rily  he,  to  so  .le  extent,  of  e, 
summary  character,"  it  said  (32). 

^ere  the  government  extends  a  privilege  (35)  it  does  not  meet  so 
msjiy  citizens.  Usually,  property  interests  are  smaller,  "Private 
rights"  are  little  affected.  The  demand  for  review  is,  consequently, 
not  great.   Ilarro^'  review  is  the  esta"blished  doctrine  in  the  field  of 
land,  office  determinations  (34)  .  I'andamxts  and  injunctive  remedies  are 
greatly  restricted  (35) .  Even  an  interpretation  as  to  what  is  "vacant 
land  open  to  settlement"  given  "by  the  department  while  it  had  control 
over  the  su"bject  matter,  i.7as  made  final,  \7hen  "brotight  up  in  a  pro- 
ceeding for  mandajnus  (36).   Here,  too,  procedural  requirements  are 
lax.   In  Buri-ie  v.  Southern  Pacific  RR  Co.,  (37)  the  court  said  that  a 
decision  of  the  Land  Department  made  without  investigation  or  hearing 


as  to  lands  knovm  pu'blicly  to  "be  of  a  inine-;-?,.!  character  is  irre^lar, 
"■but  as  it  is  the  act  of  a  lejalij-  constituted  trilDiuial  and  is  done 
cithin  its  j-urisdiction,  it  is  not  void  vnC.   therefore  passes  title." 
Great  finality  is  f^iven  to  finC.inf'vs  of  fact  (08).   It  is  interesting 
that  facts  suo^-osedl^'-  finally  deterrained  are  open  to  direct  attack  "by 
the  government,  \7hic]i  ccn   sue  to  cancel  a  patent  issued  "by  it  (39), 
altho'ogh  aji  attempted  cancellation,  "by  action  witliin  the  department 
without  resort  to  the  courts,  is  of  no  effect.  (4-0).   In  addition  to 
reviei'  upon  the  department's  application,  a  rovicu  is  sometimes  given  on 
groimds  of  such  mistake  or  fraud  as  to  prevent  a  full  presentation  of 
one's  case  -  the  latter  lieing  really  a  proced-aral  safeguard  (41).   Such 
revier:  can  not  'be   had  in  collateral  proceedings  such  as  ejectment. 
Determinations  are  a^osolutely  final  against  such  attack  (42)..  An 
improper  applice.tion  or  a   misconstruction  of  t?ie  la^T  are  grounds  for 
review  (43)  .  The  courts  determine  jtirisdiction  if  an  attempt  is  made 
to  patent  land,  having  certain  disahilities  making  it  not  patentable, 
and  rill  hreaic  the  force  of  the  patent  (44).   If  two  authorities  corjflict 
as  to  jurisdiction  the  court  'ill  determine  the  natter  (45).   The  in- 
dications are  that  the  courts  will  allow  much  lee^Tay  to  officials  upon 
such  questions  unless  there  is  substantial  dovht.   Heath  v.  Wallace  (46) 
illustrates  this.   Here,  althoi\_;;;h  the  courts  upheld  an  administrative 
finding  as  to  the  jurisdictional  fact  of  whether  lands  "subject  to 
periodic  overflow"  v/d'e  "swamp  r,nd  ove""floifed,  "   it  c!-id  so  beca,use  it 
felt  the  question  resolved  "itself  into  one  of  definition  of  r-ords  or 
terms,  more  than  one  of  interpretation  of  a  statute,"  said  for  the  more 
significant  reason  thrt  it  thoiyfiit  the  ;  interpretation  issued  \7as  a 
proper  one . 

There  is  little  need  for  extended  review  of  cases  in  analogous 
fields.   It  is  enoug;i  to  point  out  that  n:a-row  reviev^  exists  in  fact 
in  such  fields,  althof  "ih  the  courts  by  their  lajiguage  nlxiays   reserve 
an  avenue  b;/  which  relief  may  be  extended  to  chosen  cases.   In  the 
pensions  field,  we  lipye   already  considered  the  ea,rly  case  of  Decatur  v. 
Paulding  (47).   The  field  of  patents  is  also  one  of  narrow  review  (48). 
The  same  seems  tr'ae  of  the  regulation  of  radio  broadcasting,  despite 
the  fact  thrt  iv2.1   statutory  review  is  provided,  where  a  grant  is  to  be 
made  (49)  .   This  does  not  seem  the  case  wliere  an  existing  license  is  to 
be  cancelled  (50).   Other  cases  involve  such  problems  as  granting  liquor 
licenses  (51)  and  allowing  the  tise  of  a  trade-n,-uie  iinder  the  Meat  In- 
spection Act.  (52) . 

The  im:'-igration  (So)  are  an  important  field  and  the  unusual 
treatment  the^r  have  been  accorded  demands  some  consideration.   There  is 
involved  a  delicate  problem  of  internati-n  relations,  a  field  which  the 
courts  have  often  been  reluctpjit  to  touch  (54).   Tearing  that  they 
would  be  sv/amped  by  a  flood  of  alien  cases,  the  courts  extended  finality 
even  to  the  administrative  determination  of  the  jurisdictional  fact  of 
citizenship,  in  the  \/idely  discussed  -Ju  Toy  case  (55).  Finality  as  to 
decisions  of  other  facts  was  -onquestioned  in  the  early  cases  (56).  An 
analysis  indicates  some  subtle  distinction  between  exclusion  and  ex- 
pulsion.  In  the  latter  the  courts  have  been  more  prone  to  interfere  (57), 
This  same  basis  has  been  used  to  avoid  the  Ju  Toy  decision  in  the  case 
of  a  person  arrested  -'ithin  the  territory  of  the  United  States  (58)  . 
As  time  has  gone  on  the  courts  overcome  their  first  skittishness 
and  have  found  more  reasons  to  demand  th'^ir  intervention.  Alien 


procedure  vas  h.c.rsh  and  open  to  unf  avorclDle  criticism  (59)  .   The  pro- 
ceduroJ.  due  process  claaise  vra.s   iiore  closely  interpreted  (50)  .   The  re- 
quirements of  evidence  have  "been  tightened  (51),  and  questions  which 
might  he  said  to  involve  questions  of  either  lavf  or  fact  treated 
as  questio  IS  :-)f  law  for  the  court's  interpretation  (52). 

Governinent  is  supplying  puhlic  services  is  t3Jcin;r  on  a  nevr  t3'pe 
of  duties.   The  extension  of  governnent  into  such  functions  has  heen 
continuous  (63) .   Our  postal  service  (once  carried  on  as  a  private 
"business),  until  recentlj''  furnished  one  of  the  fe\7  exsmples  of  such 
activitj''  on  the  part  of .  the  federal  government.  The  inportance  of 
administrative  orders  (64)  to  the  efficient  conduct  of  the  "business  is 
so  great  that  the  courts  are  hesitaint  to  interfere  in  most  cases  (65). 
Decisions  "b;'  the  acljninistra^tive  officer  of  questions  of  fact  and  "even 
upon  mixed  questiois  of  law  and  fact,  or  of  law  alone  "v.dll  not  or- 
dinarily "be  revievred"  (55).   The  court  in  the  case,  from  which  this 
language  is  quoted,  sxiggested  that  it  had  the  power  to  review,  "and 
will  occasionall;/  exercise  the  right  of  so  doing."  Here  as  in  other 
fields,  cases  involving  almost  identical  questions  will  "be  treated 
differently.   The  determination  that  "faith  healing"  claims  were  fraud- 
ulent, the  court  held  to  "be  a  matter  of  opinion  not  supporta"ble  "by 
evidence  (67)  (although  if  medical  questions  are  presented  to  the  court 
it  will  allow  a  jury  to  decide  on  expert  testincny),  while  a  claimed 
panacea  may  "be  declared  fraudulent  upon  evidence  thought  "by  the  court  to 
"be  su"bstantial  (68). 

The  "basis  for  most  of  the  early  cases  and  a  criticism  has  "been 
voiced  "by  Llr.  Justice  Holmes; 

"The  decisions  thus  far  have  gone  largely,  if  not 
v/holly,  on  the  ground  that  if  the  government  chose 
to  offer  a  means  of  tr.ansportation  which  it  v/as  not 
bound  to  offer,  it  could  choose  what  it  would  trans- 
port; r-thich  is  well  enoiagh  when  neither  law  nor  the 
habit  that  the  government's  action  has  generated  has 
made  tiaat  means  the  only  one .  But  when  ha'bit  and  law 
com"bine  to  exclude  every  other,  it  seems  to  me  that 
the  1st  Amendment  in  terms  forbids  such  control  of  the 
-QOst  as  was  exercised  here."  (69) 

In  cases  clearly  involving  a  valuable  p„nd  substantial  privilege 
such  \s  the  second  class  mailing  privilege,  the  courts  in  normal  times 
(70)  "/ill  probably  exercise  a  more  careful  scrutiny  (71)  of  adjninis- 
trative  action  than  in  routine  matters  (72). 

This  surve"  shows  that  narrow  review  is  no  precise  doctrine, 
easily  stated  and  completely  followed  in  any  field,  Ea.ther  it  repre- 
sents an  r.poroach  talcen  by  the  courts  depending  upon  facts  peculiar  to 
narrow  revie^■  fields  generally,  to  some  particular  field,  or  even  an 
individu£:l  class  of  cases.  Rules  for  the  exercise  of  adjninistrative 
povrer  may  lihewise  vary  (73).  In  narrow  reviev/  fields  there  exist  such 
statements  by  the  courts,  that  the]-  could,  if  desired,  exercise  as 
effective  a  check  as  they  do  in  the  broad  review  fields.  The  important 
fact  is,  they  onl--  upon  rare  occasions  of  individual  hardship  is  such 
exercise  had, 



II.  BHOAD  ?j;VIEl,7 

itecontly,.  government  hr-s  pushed  nore  r,nd  more  into  the  regulation 
of  private  "business.  An  entirely  nexj  prohlen  hai;  "been  presented  to  the 
courts.  Before  any  reasons  are -offered  fo:.  the  courts'  attitude  as 
shown  hy  the  c^.ses,  the  tv/o  most  important  federal  fields  should  he 
considered.   Such  re^^rlation  presents  unxij    difficult  prohlems  in 
administration.  He:;ulation  should  not  wipe  o-at  private  profits,  if 
State  regulation,-  not  State  ovnn.ership,  is  the  desired  aim  of  the 
statute  (74) .  Balanced  against  this  must  he  the  puhlic  interest  he- 
hind  the  statute.   Out  prohlem  is  not  one  of  powere,  hat  rather,  of 
such  fairnees,  as  tne  courts  -.'ill  aj^prove .  Wlien  administrations  have 
failed  to  meet  the  end  desired  hy  the  legislature,  or  have  causes  in- 
dividual injustices  in  effecting  the  purpose  of  the  statute,  the  co-arts 
feel  that  tnere  is  to  intervene  (75).   The  prohlem  of  such  regu- 
lation in  fields  of  disputed  social  and  economic  policy  reauire  de- 
cisions upon  questions  of  fact  not  susceptihle  to  precise  determination. 
The  adequac;'-  of  service,  the  reaconahleness  of  a  rate,  the  unfairness 
of  a  trade  practice,  involve  opinions  nhich  may  vary  as  the  social  and 
economic  philosophies  of  these  entrusted  -ivith  their  determination  vary.- 
Such  prohiems  mi~ht  he  called  "nixed  qtiestions  of  larr  and  fact,"  hut 
this  rrould  he -of  little  help,  for  this  category  seems  to  have  heen 
created  for  such  prohlens  ^ihich  the  courts  do  not  care  to  handle  (76). 

The  early  history  of  the  I:aterstate  Commerce  Conuission  is  one  of 
heing  cheched  and  hr?jnpored  hy  the  courts  (77).  The  courts'  full  review 
was  soon  distasteful  to  Congress.   The  Ilephurn  Act,  attempting  to  c-orh 
the  courts  res^^lted  (73).  Hov,  great  finality  is  given  to  the  Commission's 
determinations  (79)  .   The  coarts  even  cite  narrow  review  decisions  from 
fields  involving  the  government's  o-'n  property  (SO).   There  are  few 
cases  upon  procedural  form  such  as ' the  Alien  Cases  hring  up,  for  the 
Cominission  follows  a  fairly  com.plete  procedure.   It  is  tlu-oiigh  the 
evidence  reauireinent  that  the  coiirts  e3:ercise  their  greatest  control. 
The  courts  have  no  desire  to  redr.ce  the  CoHiaission  to  "a  mere  instrument 
for  the  purpose  of  taking  testimony  to  he  suhmitted  to  the  co-arts  for 
their  -ultimate  action".   Althoi-^^h,  great  finality  is  claimed  for  the 
Com^aission,  this  may  appear  only  hecsuse  the  coxu-t  is  not  so  displeased 
with  individur>.l  determi-nations  a;i  to  review  theu.   Certainly,  the  court 
has  stated  in  some  cases  a  hrordhasis  of  review.   In  Interstate  Commerce 
Commission  v.  Union  Pacific  11.  Co.  (82)  the  court  stated  the  traditional 
formula  of  -x-evie':  to  test  ConBtitutional  ^nd  statutory  intra  vires,  and 
mistakes  of  law: 

"Questions  of  fact  iiay  he  involved  in  the  determination 
of  questions  of  la.w,  so  that  a'n  order  reg-olar  on  its  face, 

:.iay  he  set  aside  if  it  a:p:oears  that the  rate  is  so 

low  as  to  he  confiscatory  in  violation  of  the  Constitutional 
prohihition  against  talking  property,  without  due  process  of 
law,  if  the  Commission  acted  so  aroitrarily  or  unjustly  as 
to  fix  rates  contrary  to  evidence,  or  without  evidence  to 
support  it;  or  if  the  authority  therein  involved  has  heen 
exercised  unreasonahly." 

This  case  ignored  a  long  line  of  precedents  urged  hy  co-ansel  upon 
the  court  (83).   To  save  itself  the  h-orden  of  complete  judicial  review, 


the  court  st£,tec.  that  it  "noulc.  not  exai.iine  f-.cts  farther  than  to  de- 
termine 'Whether  there  nas  substantial  evidence  to  sustain  the  order" (84). 
More  in  line  with  this  latter  statement ,  "but  staunchly  demanding  an 
evidentiary  requirement  -  that  the  finding  he  not  contrary  to  the 
"indisputahle  character  of  the  evideiice"  -  was  Interstate  Commerce 
Commission  v.  Louisville  and  ITashville  P..  Co.  (85)  .  ?.eauirenents  of 
evidence  vary  further  \7ith  the  sta-tement  that  an  order  may  not  he 
issued  "without  any  evidence  whatever"  to  support  it  (86) . 

We  have  seen  in  this  field  a  disuosition,  e.t   first,  to  carefully 
review  the  Commission's  findings  of  fact.  V/ith  a  new  statute  this 
attitude  was  relaxed,  hut  the  court  has  kept  a  grip  upon  the  findings, 
hy  its  occasional  requirements  of  substantial  or  some  evidence.  The 
real  prohlem  has  heen  practices  rather  than  rates,  although  the  courts 
from  time  to  time  have  tried  their  hand  at  valuation  (87).   On  the 
whole  it  may  he  said  that  after  a  had  stai't  the  commission  has  hecome 
a  renarkahly  efficient  instance  of  ax^jninistrative  action,  in  the  field 
of  regulation  of  private  business  (88).   The  Commission's  orders  have 
received  a  finality  approaching  narrow  review,  though  effective  checks 
rest  in  the  courts,  which  they  will  not  hesitate  to  exercise  upon 
occasion  (89)  .  llo  one  .ansv/er  is  readily  ovailahle  to  the  question, 
why  has  this  Comnrssion  achieved  so  imich  finality.  Lluch  credit  must  he 
given  to  the  fact  that  Congress  intended  a  national  system,  and  that 
this  need  -.'as  rp  .:>reciated  hy  the  court  (90)  .   The  prohlem  had  developed 
to  such  acute  pro'oortions  tlia,t  ercistin",'  la-v.'  '/as  phviously  inadeqt-iate . 
It  was  not  a  situation  of  fitting  pieces  into  ,?.n  eriistinT  pattern,  hut, 
rather,  the  demand  v^as  for  aji  entirely  ne'7  picture  (91).   Congress, 
in  fact,  was  most  persistent  in  forcing  upon  the  court  the  Comnission's 
continued  demands  for  power  end.   finality  in  its  exercise.   ffiien,  "too',-  ' 
the'-le-^.s-::.v-.-;_se  '"f  fti^r't.rt  ■.y-ill    'ir.'HC.itfd  queati-oi;.':  iio  t  readily  cl'^rr  ^ 
iiO.   th^-  cp\a'ti3.    In  such  situ..-.tio:\s,  the  most  coiivenient  solution  wrs 
t«  refuse  review  (92). 

The  Federal  Trade  Commission  has  not  yet  achieved  the  desirahle 
status  which  the  Interstate  Conuerce  Commission  enjoys  with  the  courts. 
Mainly, 'the  Commission  has  heen  limited  to  false  advertising  (93),  and 
to  standards  of  unfair  practice  loiown  to  the  common  law  in  which  it  has 
heen  ouite  successful  (94) .  The  attempts  to  develop  new  concepts  and 
new  standards  laave  until  recently  heen  uniformly  disastrous.   Its  pov/ers 
of  investigr.tion  have  heen  limited  (95).  ^len  it  seeks  to  enforce  an 
order,  the  proceeding  is  such  that  the  coui:'ts  may  readily  substitute 
their  own  views  as  to  the  conclusions  to  he  dravm  from  the  facts  (95) . 
Such  cases  as  the  C-ratz  Case  (97)  and  the  Curtis  piihlishing  Company  Case 
(98),  to  mention  hut  two  of  the  hetter  known  cases,  struck  heavy  hlows 
at  the  early  usefulness  and  even  raison  d'etre  of  the  Commission  (99). 
In  the  latter  case,  the  court  employed  the  substantial  evidence  re- 
quirement in  conjunction  with  its  asserted  authority,  to  rule  whether 
in  law  the  fr,cts  constituted  an  unfair  method  of  competition.  Although, 
recognizing  tl-i;\t  the  us\val  procedure  where  the  evidence  was  inadequate 
would  he  to  remojid  the  case  to  the  fact-finding  agency,  the  court  saw 
here  a  situr.tion  where  "in  the  interests  of  justice,  the  controversy 
should  he  decided  without  f\trther  delay"  (lOO)  .   This  it  -oroceeded  to 

At  the  time  Carl  ilcFarland  (lOl)  wrote  his  careful  study  the  state 


of  the  was  svlcIi   tlif.t  he  co^ild  hitterly  say,  "Even  juries  nay 
accept  or  i^ejoct  evidence  and  drav  inferences,  hut  the  Federal  Trade 
Coranission  may  do  neither"  (102)  .  This  study  descrihes  the  different 
positions  of  the  Federal  Trade  Goimnission  r-nd  the  Interstate  Coranerce 
Con-nission  (lOo).   1.   The  co!U"t?.  reconsider  the  entire  record  as  a 
"basis  for  the  orders  of  the  Federr^,!  Trade  Connission,  while  the  orders 
of  the  Interstate  Coumorce  Commission  are  challenged  only  from  the 
approaches  of  ultra  vires  rjid  evidently  sixfficiency  (104).  2.  The 
treatment  of  the  evidence  is  tei.ipered  by  the  judicial  attitude  toward 
the  legislation  involved,  its  subject  natter,  and  its  administration  (105), 

3.  The  court  has  accepted  the  oolicy  developed  hy  the  Interstate 
Commerce  COFjais-sion,  hut  has  refused  that  developed  hy  the  Trade 

Llr.  LlcParland  next  offers  ;m  orplanation  for  these  reported 
differences.  He  suggests  that  the  suoje'ct  matter  is  fundejnen tally 
different.   The  Interstate  Comiiierce  Commission  treats  A-^ith  puhlic 
utilities.   The  courts  are  used  to  their  regulation  hy  the  government. 
On  the  other  hand,  the  nercantilo  "orld  of  the  past  has  "oeen   relatively 
free  from  reg\ila,tion.   The  cotirts,  therefore,  n,re  reluctant  to  allow 
innovations  in  this  field.  (105).   1.   It  is  suggested  tlir^t  the 
personnel  of  the  Interstate  Gomi.ierce  Gon?:iis3ion  hr.s  e::emplified  the 
hest  use   of  the  erpert  and  thrt  it  is  superior  to  the  personnel  of  the 
Tra,de  Commission.   Coupled  with  the  dishaimony  ojid  lack  of  tact  xcoon 
the  part  of  the  Trade  Comnisnion  in  the  conduct  of  its  internal  a.nd 
external  affaira,  ilr.  IIcFarl-'jid  sees  in  this  situation  a  hasis  for  some 
of  the  Trade  Comnission's  difficulty  (107).   2.   He  suggests  that  the 
Trade  Commission's  procedure  has  hSen  open  to  more  unfavorahle  comment 
than  that  of  the  Interstate  Coi^inerce  Commission.   3.   Of  particular 
importance  pje  the  opinions  .•"■^^veii  h"  the  two  Commissions.   There  is  an 
indication  th;-'t  the  Tr.ade  Conuiss ion's  have  heen  hasty,  ill  drawn  and 
hased  upon  insufficient  evidence.   The  Interstate  Commerce  Commission, 
on  the  otiier  hand,  has  much  more  carefully  followed  the  judicial 
technique  J  drawing  its  opinions  carefully  rnd  fully  considering  the 
evidentiary  ho^sis  for  its  action.  I.!r.  I.IcFarland  concludes  that  the 
opinion  hy  such  Coiiinissions  should  state  facts  cjid  the  reasons  for  the 
conclusions  drawn.   The  suggestion  is  ohvious,  that  the  more  juciicial 
the  opinion,  the  more  likel;?-  it  is  to  he  clothed  vrith  finality  (108)  . 

4.  The  courts  offer  nji  e—planation  for  the  different  treatment  hased 
upon  the  statutory  language.  It'.  McFarland  thinks  this  is  of  little 
importance  as  an  errolanation.  5.   The  doctrine  of  review  if  hased 
upon  the  formula  of  "questions  of  law"  and  "questions  of  fact." 

6.   The  different  enforcement  procedures  provided  invite  the  treatment 
that  has  heen  accorded  the  two  Coranissions.   The  orders  of  the  Inter- 
state Commerce  Commission  hecome  effective  in  a  specified  time  unless 
set  aside  h.j   the  courts  uv.on  ppolication  of  parties  affected.   The 
Trade  ComLiission,  on  the  other  hand,  must  apply  to  the  courts  to  secure 
enforcement  of  its  orders.   7.  The  standcjrds  set  up  for  the  Interstate 
Commerce  Comiiiission  to  follow,  althou:;h  couched  in  as  hroad  language 
as  those  as  the  Trade  Commission  uses,  refer  to  more  particular  situa- 
tions (109)  .   The  writer  has  sijggested  ahove  in  addition  to  this  that  a 
greater  amoimt  of  expert  laiowledge  of  a  kind  not  readily  digested  hy  the 
court,  is  required  in  the  functioning  of  the  Interstate  Comr;ierce 
Commission  (llO) . 



8.  The  more  satisfactory  the  experiment  in  administration,  the  more 
authority  will  flow  from  the  legislature.  And  it  might  he  added  that 
the  more  pleased  the  court,  the  greater  the  finality  the  legislation 
will  he  given. 

1,'fuch  of  the  difficulty  of  the  early  Trade  Commission  mat  he 
attrihuted  to  the  lax  standards  of  the  Act  (ill)  which  amounted  to  a 
hroad  statutory  grant  to  work  out  the  law  in  a  certain  field, within 
the  limits  of  the  term  competition.   It  was  the  very  laxity  of  the 
delegation  that  must  have  made  the  courts  feel  that  their  careful 
supervision  was  needed..  (llP)  .   Confidence  in  the  administrative 
hody's  ahility  to  meet  the  problems  presented  to  it  in  a  capable  ajid 
not  too  visionary  manner,  comes  hut  slowly  to  the  coiirt  (113).  This 
confidence  is  essential  to  any  real  ac'jninistrative  fina,lity  (114). 

i.IcFarland  expressed  the  need  for  legislative  and  administrative 
reforms  if  real  good  was  to  cone  fror.  the  Trade  Commission  (115). 
Without  awaiting  new  legislation,  almost  as  a  contradiction  of 
1. xcParland * s  thesis  csae   a  series  of  favorable  decisions.  But  instead 
of  being  a  contradiction,  these  cases  furnished  further  evidence  to 
substantiate  the  thesis  which  had  been  advajiced,  for  they  represent 
more  careful  treatment  by  the  Conmission.  The  opinions  were  handed  down 
at  a  time  when  economic  forces  indicated  a  greater  need  for  trade 
regulation.  The  Royal  Hilling  Go .  Case  (116)  merely  involved  an  tmfair 
advertising  problem,  a  field  in  v/hich  the  Com.jission  had  been  com- 
paratively successful.   The  judicial  note  struck  in  the  opinion  was  new. 
Where  the  order  of  the  Gomiiission  is  supported  by  evidence  it  will  be 
upheld.   The  Alagoma  Lumber  Com;oany  Case  (117)  used  almost  idential 
language.  The  facts  and  the  language  of  the  Keppel  C^se  (118)  are  most 
revealing  of  the  courts'  new  attitx\de.   An  order  of  the  Commission  had 
been  directed  against  the  distribution  of  package  candy  by  the  "brealc 
and  talce"  method.  This  the  Commission  had  found  to  be  unfair  com- 
petition. The  court  denied  that  the  Commission's  jurisdiction  was  limited 
to  practices  tli3,t  have  been  unfair  by  the  court  (119).   It  frankly 
recognized  the  gradual  process  of  judicial  inclusion  and  exclusion  (120). 
The  language  of  the  court  best  illustrates  its  more  ready  attitude  to 
give  some  finality  to  the  Commission: 

"While  this  Court  has  declared  it  is  for  the 
Courts  to  determine  what  practices  or  methods  of 
competition  are  to  be  deemed  unfair  -  -  -  -,  in 
passing  on  that  question  the  determination  of  the 
.  Commission  is  of  weight.   It  was  created  with  the 
avowed  purpose  to  it  in  "a  body  specially  competent 
to  deal  with  then  by  reason  of  information,  ex- 
perience and  careful  study  of  the  business  and 
economic  conditions  of  the  industry  affected, '  and 
it  was  organized  in  such  a  manner,  with  respect  to 
the  length  and  expiration  of  the  terms  of  office  of 
its  members,  a.s  "ould  'give  to  them  en   opportunity 
to  acquire  the  erqiertness  in  dealing  with  these 
special  questions  concerning  the  industry  that  comes 
from  experience.'  Report  on  Senate  Committee  on 
Interstate  Commerce,  llo .  597,  June  13,  1914,  63rd 
Cong.  2  Sess.,  pp.  9,  11,.  See  Federal  Trade 


Comniission  v.  Beech-Hut  Pac'cing  Co.,  supra,  at  453; 
compare  Illinois  Central  H.  Co.  v.  Interstate  Commerce 
Commission,  206  U.  S.  44-1,  454,   If  the  point  vrere 
more  doubtful  thrji  ne  thiiitc  it,  \'e  should  hesitate  to 
reject  the  conclusion  of  the  co:nmission,  based  as  it 
is  upon  clear,  specific  aiad  comprehensive  findings 
sup-oorted  by  evidence."  (l2l) 

This  comparative  siirvey  has  been  extended  to  the  length  necessa,ry 
to  show.  1.   the  reluctr?jLce  of  the  courts  to  give  finality  at  first  and 
2.  how  much  finality  may  be  joined  as  the  coiirts'  confidence  in  the 
administrative  body  increases.  The  cases  c?.lso  indicate  that  substantial 
means  of  review  are  open  to  the  courts,  gjid  that  they  will  be  used  v/hen 
the  courts  deem  them  necesssjrir. 

ffliere  property  interests  are  involved  the  courts  are  ouite  cau- 
tious in  extending  administrative  finality.   Of  coiorse,  property  in- 
terests are  involved  in  taxation,  but  for  many  reasons,  thought  good 
by  the  courts,  the  government's  need  of  narrow  review  is  felt  to  far 
outweigh  the  interests  of  the  individiml  ta.xpayer.   Professor  Dickinson 
has  suggested  "that  the  readiness  of  the  courts  to  review  tends  to 
vary  strongly  with  the  size  of  the  property  interests  at  stalce"  (122). 
The  courts  themselves  have  given  weight  to  this  viev/.  Summary  action 
has  been  held  proper  as  to  items  of  little  worth,  such  as  fish  nets 
valued  at  fifteen  dollars  each.  The  court,  recognizing  the  difficultu 
of  drawing  the  line,  consciousl-'-  adopted  the  value  test  (123)  .  Large  sum 
sums  of  money  involved  in  litigation  will  cause  the  court  to  give  much 
more  comTorehensive  treatment  to  a  legal  point  already  res  adjudicata 

The  regulation  of  radio  con:iunication  is  an  apt  illustration  of 
the  forces  at  work  in  'such  fields.   If  an  application  for  nevr   time  or 
increased  power  is  made,  the  courts,  tho-j^:?;h  given  a  statutory  review, 
are  reluctant  to  upset  the  administrative  findings , (125) ,   The  courts 
have  a  wide  charter  of  review;  the  hearing  must  be  adequate  and  not  mani- 
festly unfair;  the  findings  must  not  be  contrary  to  the  indisputable 
character  of  the  evidence;  a,nd  the  facts  must,  as  a  matter  of  law, 
support  the  order  (126) .   This  charter  will  be  resorted  to  where  sub- 
stantial money  has  beeii  invented  in  good  faith  and  the  Commission  is 
jeopardizing  this  investment  without  compelling  reasons  (127) . 

The  reg-alation  of  common  callings  or  "business  affected  with  a 
public  interest"  because  of  the  large  property  interests  have  received 
particular  treatment  by  the  cou;-ts  (128).  The  ftmction  is  regarded  as 
"delicate  and  dangerous,  exul   ought  to  be  exercised  with  a  keen  sense  of 

justice  on  the  part  of  the  reguls,ting  bodj'-, -  The  Courts  ought  not 

to  bear  the  whole  burden-  of  saving  property  from  conf isca-tion,  th  ugh 
they  will  not  be  found  wanting  where  the  proof  is  clear  (129) .   The 
responsibility  of  the  regulatory  agency  is  even  more  gree.t   than  tha.t 
of  an  agency  operating  a  gover;iment  owned  business,  for  the  question  of 
profits  and  the  denial  of  property  withoxit  due  process  of  la.w  are  not 
similarly  presented  (130). 

The  courts'  interest  in  social  and  economic  facts  has  already  been 


otserved.   In  fields  of  disputed  social  policy  the  judicial  technique 
usually  involves  an  extended  analysis  of  the  facts.  The  temptation  is 
strong  for  the  court  to  suhstitute  its  own  conslusions. 

This  judicial  attitude  has  crystallized  into  the  vrell-known  concept 
of  "iDusiness  affected  with  a  puhlic  interest"  (131)  .  Other  "business, 
it  is  held,  can  not  he  suhjected  to  certain  tyoes  of  regulation,  par- 
ticularly price-fixing.  The  prhlic  interest  concept  sees  the  fixing 
of  prices  as  a  guaranteed  pajnnent  for  the  dedication  of  "business  to  the 
puhlic,  and  the  limitations  upon  the  free  use  of  property  there"by  en- 
genered.  A  mm'ber  of  the  federal  courts  expressed  this  reluctance  to 
approve  price  regulation,  in  cases  involving  WiA   codes  (132).   In  a 
case  (133)  involving  the  same  statute,  concerning  VThen  the  ITeh"bia  case 
(134)  so  li"berally  construed  the  concept  of  "business  affected  v/ith  a 
pu"blic  interest,  "the  same  coui't  shov/ed  a  disposition  to  he  apprised  of 
all  the  operative  facts  in  the  case  before  giving  any  relief.   This 
interest  in  previous  profits  and  "spread",  hoth  hefore  and  since  the 
issuance  of  the  order  questioned,  shows  a  constant  interest,  in 
economic  questions  and  possi"ble  injustices,  properly  presented  to  the 
court  (135),   The  conclusion  must  he  had  that  private  husiness  not,  in 
the  courts'  opinion,  sui'f iciently  affected  hy  a  puhlic  interest  is  pro- 
tected hy  a  hroad  review  exercised  hy  the  cotirts.  This  protection 
talces  the  form  of  forbiddipg  certain  regulations  proposed  hy  the 
legislature,  and  a  fortiori  hy  an  adninistrative  agency.   This  might 
even  he  called  "judicial  legislation"  to  distinguish  it  from  the  hroad 
revieYiT  which  virill  he  seen  to  exist  in  cases  of  hL\siness  affected  with 
a  puhlic  interest.  The  point  that  this  consideration  has  meant  to 
emphasize  is  the  keen  interest  the  courts  evince  in  any  positive  regu- 
lation of  husiness,  and  their  disposition  to  fully  review  the  hasic 
economic  facts,  and  to  substitute  their  own  views  for  legislative  (or 
administrative)  declarations  of  policy. 

In  cases  of  State  regulation,  the  Supreme  Court  has  long  shown  a 
disposition  to  fully  consider  the  facts  involved.   This  does  not  mean 
'that  the  court  has  overruled  the  administrative  decisions,  hut  it  does 
show  an  early  interest  that  some  facts  he  present  upon  which  a  "fair- 
minded  hoard"  could  determine  the  conclusion  reached  (135) .  The  in- 
terest of  the  court,  also,  has  long  heen  extended  to  the  confiscatory 
nature  of  rates.  Although  the  court  will  not  make  rates  itself  (137), 
a  judicial  determination  has  heen  declared  essential  (138) .  The  court 
has  not  hesitated  to  declare  its  theories  of  valuation  (139),  nor  to 
maJce  demands  overruling  the  opinion  of  a  "fair-minded  hoard"  (140). 
All  this  control  could  he  exercised  hy  the  court, while  leaving  the 
primary  fact-finding  final  and  undistxirhed  in  the  administrative  hands. 
That  is,  a  review  hj/-  the  courts  to  see  if  there  were  proper  evidence 
present  could  furnish  a  sufficient  check.  The  really  upsetting  notion 
is  that  injected  hy  the  Ben  Avon  case  (141).  The  indications  of  this 
case  are  that  the  courts  vfill  allow  a  trial  de  novo  hy  the  lovrer 
federal  courts,  hoth  of  the  facts  and  the  law.  (142)  .   The  Sxiprerae  Court 
of  Pennsylvania  referred  to  the  review  of  the  valuation  order  of  the 
Puhlic  Service  Commission  hy  the  Superior  Court  as  "merely  the  sub- 
stitution of  the  -(court's)  judgment  for  that  of  the  Cormiiission"  (143). 
The  Supreme  Court  of  the  "United  States  sustained  the  action  of  the 
lower  Pennsylvania  Court; 


"lookin.^  at  the  entire  opinion  r-h''   are  compelled 

to  conclude  that  the  Supi-eme  Com-t  interpreted  the 

statute  as  T/itliholding  from  the  courts  power  to 

determine  the  question  of  confiscation  recording 

to  their  ovm  independent  judgnont  \7]\en  the  action 

of  the  Commission  cones  to  "be  considered  on  appeal. 

"In  all  such  cases,  if  the  owner  claims  confiscation 
of  his  property-  will  result,  the  state  m.ust  provide  a 
fair  opportunity  for  suhmitting  that  issue  to  a 
judicial  trih-onal  for  determination  upon  its  ovm 
independent  judgment  as  to  "both  law  ajid  facts;  other- 
wise the  order  is  void  hecause  in  conflict  \7ith  the 
due  process  clause."  (14-4) 

Brord  review  of  regulation  of  business  affected  with  a,  puhlic 
interest,  and  judicial  interference  with  reg-alation  of  private 
"business  are  estahlished  facts.   The  Ben  Avon  case  is  still  the  law, 
although  not  every  allegation  of  "confiscation"  .''lerits  such  complete 
review  (145).   The  courts'  interest  in  the  siibstantive  nature  of 
social  and  economic  regfJ.atio:is  i.mst  he  accepterl.  as  en  operative  fact 
in  considering  the  scheme  ujiderlying  the  IIIEA. 




The  courts'  use  of  jurisdiction  and  jurisdictional  fact  question  as 
a  method  of  review?  has  "been  observed  (146).   The  lorecise  character  of  its 
use  in  the  cases  demands  some  attention.   The  iDrohlem  itself,  is  not  new 
hut  it  has  gained  recent  importance  in  adininistrative  la^  with  such  de- 
cisions as  Crowell  Tr.  Benson  (147)  and  I-Jig:  Fun.a;  Ho  v.  \?nite  (l48).   An 
early  English  case  (149)  ooints  out  the  problem.   Did  a  charter  giving  a 
college  of  physicians  authority  to  r)\mish  mal;or3,ctice  give  them  jurisdic- 
tion over  all  practice?  Lord  Holt,  answering  the  question,  held  that  the 
authority  was  not  limited  to  those  -ons'-cilled  in  fact,  hut  extended  to 
allow  an  inquiry  into  any  administration  of  "-^hysick"  to  determine  if  it 
were  unskillful. 

The  question  of  jurisdiction  over  a  defined  subject  matter,  since  it 
clearly  demands  statutory  inter-oretation,  is  a  question  of  law  (150). 
Again,  the  baffling  problem  of  trying  to  distinguish  questions  of  law 
from  questions  of  fact  arises.   It  is  seemingly  an  unsolvable  penumbra. 
The  difficult  situation  is  where  jurisdiction  rests  uoon  the  determination 
that  the  evidence  is  susceptible  of  more  than  one  conclusion  as  to  what 
are  the  "Facts"  (151 ).   Another  problem  is  the  attempt  to  limit  the  ad- 
ministrative body,  not  to  a  general  subject  or  field  such  as  the  practice 
of  medicine  or  the  injury  of  an  employee,  but  to  the  precise  question  the 
administrative  body  is  called  ui3on  to  decide,  malpractice  or  accidental 
injury  (152).   If  the  court  so  restricts  the  administrative  body  it  does 
away  with  much  of  its  usefulness.   The  are  simply  twice  adjudicated, 
and  the  administrative  board  is  placed  in  the  position  of  master  for  the 
taking  of  evidence  for  the  court.   'Then  the  entire  function  of  an  admin- 
strative  body  rests  u^on  the  determination  of  a  fact,  held  by  the  court 
to  be  coextensive  with  its  jurisdiction,  and  so  also  determinable  by  the 
court,  it  is  no  longer  clothed  with  the  independent  -oo^-'ers,  ^^hich  it 
would  seem  should  be  its  -oroper  s-^ahere  if  its  action  is  not  judicial. 
The  courts  have  frequently  taJcen  over  the  determination  of  such  questions 
as  whether  a  com^anv  is  insolvent  (153),  a  horse  has  glanders  (154),  or 
a  railway  has  oaid  in  ten  oer  cent  of  its  capital  stock  (155).   The  court 
frequently  finds  that  its  opinion  pgrees  with  that  of  the  administrative 
body.   This  attitude  is  foijnd  where  the  court  carefully  examines  the 
evidence,  but  concludes  that  the  determination  made  was  loro^er  (156 ). 
These  cases  have  not  stirred  wo   the  criticism,  as  have  the  where 
the  coiu-t  disagrees  with  the  administrative  determination.   Nevertheless, 
the  technique  is  identical. 

In  U. S.  V.  Ju  Toy  (15?)  the  assertion  that  a  claim  of  citizenship, 
by  a  'oerson  of  Chinese  descent  seeking  to  enter  the  United  States,  went 
to  the  jurisdiction  of  the  administrative  officer  was  denied.   The  Dis- 
trict Court  had  entertained  new  evidence  and  found. Ju  Toy  to  be  a  citizen. 
The  court  sneaking  through  ilr.  Justice  Holmes  was  apparently  a-oprehensive 
of  a  flood  of,  whatever  the  justice  of  the  -oarticular  case,   iluch 
criticism  was  directed  at  the  court  (158).   i.ore  as  a  matter  of  individ- 
ual lOJifairness  than  as  a  problem  of  proioer  law.   i 'uch  of  this  criticism 
finds  a  basis  in  the  fact  that  alien  Torocedure  has  been  none  too  con- 
siderate of  individuals  under  its  j-orisdiction  (l59).   Seventeen  years 
later,  an  almost  identical  question  was  presented  to  the  co\irt  in 
Ng  Frnife-  Ho  V.  Uhite  (160).   The  court  reversed  its  former  -oosition.   The 



only  important  actual  difference  in  the  two  cases  lay  in  the  fact  that  in 
the  latter  case  the  petitioners  were  ^ifithin  the  territorial  hounds  of  the 
United  States,  iThen  the  immigration  officers  claimed  jurisdiction  over 
thera.   These  persons  had  once  beon  seekinf?:  entry  which  had  heen  allowed. 
By  this,  they  seemed  to  have  p.-.ssed  into  a  fovored  class.   It  is  thought 
that  today,  upon  the  authority  of  this  latter  case  the  Ju  Toy  case  might 
"be  reversed,  and  in  a  ha'bea.s  cor  )us  proceeding;,  after  administrative 
remedies  are  exhausted,  a  trial  de  novo  in  a  federal  court  might  he  se- 
cured on  the  fact  of  citizenshio.   If  it  were  not,  it  could  only  he,  he- 
cause  some  special  significance  is  attached  to  presence  within  the  country, 
even  though  through  illegal  entr^r.   The  courts  have  long  exercised  a  con- 
trol over  questions  of  law  which  often  appear  to  he  very  close,  to,  if  not, 
of  a  jurisdictional  nature  (161). 

In  connection  with  "hroad  review,"  the  Ben  Avon  case  (162)  has  alrea(3y 
heen  fully  treated  (163).   That  case  rested  upon  the  proposition  that  the 
pi'O^oer  allegation  of  "confiscation"  raises  a  constitutional  question  going 
to  the  final  jurisdiction  of  the  administrative  hody.   This  is  called 
"Constitutional  fact,"  which  means  jurisdictional  fact  in  those  cases  where 
the  Constitution  furnishes  the  limitation  (164).   It  means  that  the  case 
demands  an  independent  judicial  hearing  to  determine  if  the  administrative 
hody  had  jurisdiction,  or  had  jurisdiction  to  make  the  decision  it  did 
(165).   Before  this  case,  the  Supreme  Court  was  content  to  acce-ot  conclu- 
sions of  the  State  administrative  hodies,  having  some  reasonable  basis 
(166),   The  broadest  review,  and  an  ability  to  substitute  an  independent 
judgment,  whenever  the  administrative  action  does  not  accord  with  the 
courts'  views  are  the  real  implications  of  the  doctrine  (167).   The  recent 
case  of  Crowell  v.  Benson  (168)  takes  the  doctrine  one  step  farther,  and 
applies  it  to  findings  of  federal  administrative  boards  (169).   The  Supreme 
Court  allowed  the  District  Court  to  make   independent  findings  on  entirely 
new  evidence  as  to  the  jurisdictional  questions,  whether,  1.   There  was 
injury  upon  the  navigable  waters  of  the  United  States,  and  2.   Whether  the 
"master  and  servant  relation"  existed.   Said  Mr.  Chief  Justice  Hughes, 
speaking  for  the  court  : 

"In  cases  brought  to  enforce  constitutional  rights,  the 
judicial  power  of  the  United  States  necessarily  extends  to  the 
independent  determination  of  all  questions,  both  of  fact  and 
law,  necessary  to  the  performance  of  that  supreme  function. 
The  case  of  confiscation  is  illustrative,  the  ultimate  conclu- 
sion almost  invariably  depending  upon  the  decisions  of  questions 
of  fact.   This  court  had  held  the  owner  to  be  entitled  to  'a 
fair  opportunity, for  submitting  that  issue  to  a  judicial  tribunal 
for  determination  unon  its  own  independent  judgment  as  to  both 
law  and  facts. '"  (170) 

Mr.  Justice  Brandeis,  in  a  vigorous  dissent,  pointed  out  that  this 
view  had  not  been  adot)ted  in  cases  involving  the  Federal  Trade  Commission, 
the  Interstate  Commerce  Commission,  or  the  Packers  and  Stockyards  Act 
(171).   The  majority  opinion  does  not  specifically  refer  to  the  Fifth 
Amendment,  but  that  must  have  furnished  a  basis  (172).   It  has  been  sug- 
gested that  the  case  may  be  limited  to  the  admiralty  power  of  the  coiirt 
and  a  holding  that  Congress  may  not  cut  this  down  by  making  the  findings 
of  an  administrative  board  final  (173).   It  is  probably  true  that  Crowell 
V.  Benson  was  merely  an  outcropping  of  a  somewhat  obscured  theory  of 
review  which  has  long'  existed.   The  courts  can  not  hope  to  review  de  novo 
the  facts  in  such  cases.   The  task  would  be  overwhelming.   On  the  other 
hand,  administrative  bodies  cannot  hope  to  always  escape  this  potential 
review,  without  the  exercise  of  extreme  care  and  fairness. 


It  is  quite  1003311)10  that  the  exerrciae  of  this  theory  by  the  courts 
T,\?.y-   be  grer^.tly  reduced  Oy  -'.dministr-'^.tive  -^-ction.   Questions  likely  to  be 
C".llec.  "  jurisdictionp.l  f  cts"  should  be  treated  ^.s  questions  of  fact 
alone.   A':  overwhelming  record  to  su----ort  the  aclrainistrative  determination 
should  be  pr.ins takingly  built.   It  ini^^at  even  be  well  to  throvr  out  some 
doubtful  cases,  until  sui:  icient  Judici■^l  sanction  for  decidinf;;  such 
problems  had  gradua.lly  accreted.   The  St'^ce  courts  have  been  reluct-nt  to 
revie?/  questions  of  "jurisdictional  fret"  where  the  administr-.tive  deter- 
mination was  su;-\iorted  by  subst-nti  .1  evidence  (174).   The  judici".l  teclinique 
is  such  thv.t  if  the  court  a£;r3'=s  v/ith  the  ac'jninistrative  indin/v;,  even 
though  aJl  the  facts  are  most  carofuliy  reviev/ed,  the  decision  may  be  iDut 
in  terms  of  giving  finality  to  the  oa  rainistrativc  decision  (175).   It  vrould 
seem  that  by  t, ,  to  near  all  pertinent  evidence,  and  taking 
jurisdiction  only  in  cle.'.r  cases,  the  administrative  agencies  co'dd  demand 
a  respect  f-.^oir:  the  courts,  reflected  i;i  an  increasing  freedom  from  review 
by  the  " jm-isdictional  fact"  means. 


There  is  considerable  confiision  -s  to'-'lir.t  procedurr.l  requirements 
actually  can  be  said  to  exist  (176).   Tlie  problem  has  been  said  to  present 
"a,  Tdldernessof  single  insta^nces,  "urhig-jity  and  inconsistency  of  principles" 
with  "r  vdde  difference  in  the  scope  of  judicial  review  in  different  fields 
of  administrative  regulation"  (177). 

Procedural  requirements  are  not  v/ell-defined.  Most  attorneys  think 
of  administrative  due  process  as  notice  and  hearing.   Of  co-urse,  it  can  not 
be  expected  th;',t  in  generr.l  the  reOj^uiremcnts  of  judicial  procedure  must  be 
followed.  Administration  is  more  informal.   The  procedure  of  the  coiirts 
is  not  the  procedure  of  --.drainist ration,   F-.irness  in  the  p-rticular  case  and 
the  particular  field  must  be  the  touchstone  mainl'  relied  upon, 

Procedui-al  requirements  va:  y  with  the  field.   They  are  more  lax  in 
those  fields  studied  in  con.iection  with  narro'.7  rcviev;.  Police  power  th-t 
reqx-'.ircs  sximriary  -ction  c  vn  not  be  hindered  by  requircmerts  such  as  notice 
and  hearing  before  action  (178).   Professional  nr-ctice  over  a  period  of 
time,  or  the  peculiar  social  history  of  a  problem  ma--  have  the  deepest  in- 
fluence U'lon  the  requirements  of  procedure  in  handling  stich  problems  (179), 
In  the  S-cld  of  customs  a"'-<j  r"  isals  (18j)  the  procedural  requirements  arc 
light.   The  social  history  of  this  field,  involving  as  it  does  our  tariff 
policies,  a,nc'  the  cstablish.icnt  of  this  field  when  the  cotixts  were  much  less 
prone  to  inquire  into  ex^.cutive  action,  goes  far  to  explain  the  lax  require- 
ments.  Here,  it  has  been  held  th.\t  .-proceedings  m-.y  be  secret  v;ithout  the 
right  to  cross-examine  vdtncsses  being  afforded;  that  a.ll  evidence  need  not 
be  disclosed  to  the  importer,  if  he  h;\s  v.   right  to  st".te  his  viev/s  and 
suggest  questions  to  be  asked  witne-sos  (ISl).   Li3::e'.7ise ,  in  the  field  of 
tax  collections,  cimii^.ry  action  involving  distress  and  sciz''.ire  of  property, 
v/ithout  notice,  hearing  or  op  ortimitA''  to  confront  and  cross-examine 
opposing  v/itnesses,  is  proper  wher"  -,  k^.ter  judicial  or  administrative 
hearing  is  .^.fiorded  (led.). 

Alien  procedure  has  ma.ny  questionable  features  (183).   The  hearings  are 
held  before  local  immigration  inspectors  v/ho  act  -.s  justices  and  prosecutors. 
Usu5,lly  the  alien  Ivs  no  co^juisel  :vnd  the  hearing  is  priv.te.  Evidence  is 



-informal.   The  tri?,l  in  the  Depo.rtraent  is  n  paper  one,  and  the  statutes 
do  n.-it  oven  require  that  a  le,5rJly  tr-.ined  or  experienced  person  preside. 
All  this  is  done  under  the  justificat. on  of  speed,  eyiDcrtize,  and  economy. 
Of  these,  Dean  Van  Vie  ck  says:   1,   Speed  is  not  neccsL-ary;  2.   The  oT^icial 
is  not  an  c::pert;  5.  Economy  may  "be  a  justification  (184).   In  the  early 
cases,  the  courts  seemed  quite  content  vdth  such  procedure.   That  an  a.lien 
did  not  underst-.nd  a  iiroceeding  was  "being  held  "occause  of  ignorance  of  the 
English  lan^iu-^ge ,  and  the  lac]::  of  assistance  of  co\uisel  or  friends  was  not 
a"bhorrent  to  the  courts,  despite  a  high  sounding  statement  "Oy  it  a'bout  due 
process  of  law  (lS5).   Recently  the  court  "nr.s  evinced  a  more  -rtrict  attitude, 
The  hearing  must  "he  more  tkan  a.  mere  sem"blance;  the  right  to  produce  evidence 
must  not  "be  denied  (lo6).  A  lower  federal  court  has  held  that  where  an 
alien  does  not  understand  testimony  it  i:iust  'be  explained  to  her;  there  ' 
must  "be  rf .Lorded  the  privilege  to  cross-exrmine  which  the  cotirt  referred 
to  as  a  "Constitutional  right"  (187).   Couiisel  may  not  "be  denied  access  to 
the  hearing;  and  it  is  fundamental  thft  procedure  set  up  "by  the  agency's 
OY/ji  rules  must  "be  ndhered  to  (183)  i 

In  t'ne  governnient 's  post  •.!  oper"tions,  the  :nost  strict  proced-oral 
requirements  ^risG  v.'here  the  mailing  privilege  is  involved.  Even  in  such 
cases  a  he^-^ing  need  not  he  or-.l,  nor  must  the  deciding  oificia.l  state 
the  reasons  for  his  decision  (189). 

Procedural  renuircment--  "becone  more  strict  in  fields  design?.ted  as 
receiving  broad  review.   The  control  hy  tho  "suhstanti\l  evidence" 
requirement  of  Interstate  Cor.iraerco  Comnission  determinations  hros  "been 
observed,   Frequently,  Congress  maj"  'by  statute  define  certain  reo^uire- 
ments  a,s  in  the  case  of  the  Federal  Comx^.uiicr.tions  Cornaiss:'-on  (190)  and 
its  predecessor  the  Federal  Radio  Corj;dssion  (191).   Where  an  order  "by 
the  latter  Cominission  cnanging  a.  station's  frequency  w  s  to  "become  effec- 
tive i^ril  30,  the  hearing  being  cal.'.ed  for  June  17,  this  was  such  error 
th^t  the  order  was  declared  void  (19^).   The  recent  case,  involving  a 
Virginia  statute  empowering  the  State  Highway  COiUnissioncr  to  order  the 
elimination  of  grade  crossings,  and  failing  to  provide  for  notice .'hearing, 
or  reviev/  of  the  officer's  axtion  v/as  held  bad  despite  decisions  of  the 
highest  Virginia  court  affording  a  reviev  if  the  action  was  arbitrary  (193). 

In  addition  to  varying  with  the  fields,  procedural  req^uirenents  mo,y 
va.ry  within  a  field.   This  does- not  inean  merely  that,  chronologically, 
they  become  les?  or  more  strict  (as  in  the  alien  co.sos).   It  means  tlia.t 
they  raay  vary  v/ith  difierent  jurisdictions  or  even  in  the  spjne  court  depend- 
ing upon  the  pa.rticulars  of  each  case.  Particularly  in  t-.x  involv- 
ing valuation  and  assessment,  the  cases  vary  as  to  notice  a^nd  hearing 
requirements.   The  only  rationale,  seemingly  obvious,  is  that  notice  and 
hearing  are  required  unless  the  a.dministrative  bods'-  has  such  an  extended 
jurisdiction  tha.t  it  renders  such  requirements  impractical  (194). 

Requirements  if   notice  vary.  A  notice  may  be  given  by  statute  (195). 
If  so  given  the  meeting  must  be  held  in  the  place  and  a.t  the  time  specified 
by  the  statute  (196),   It  ha.s  been  held  that  where  a.  party,  v/ho  conrplained 
of  failure  to  meet,  s'howed  no  disposition  to  attend  the  meeting,  he  could 
not  successfully  urge  lack  of  notice  (197).   The  predominr.nt  rule,  hov/ever, 
is  to  demand  a  strict  statutory  compliance  (193).  llotice  requirement  in 
tax  cases,  as  alre.dy  pointed  out,  vary  (199).   If  a  subsequent  notice 


p.nd  lie-",rin£;  is  to  be  Ix.d  in  t.-x  m^tners,  notice  of  tlie   former  proceecUn;-s 
is  not  requr-ed  (200).   ]?.',il\n-3  to  qIyc   notice  i\e-;.cnas  upon  the  pr-.cbic-.lity 
of  :hc  sicur/tion.   In  such  Cfo?  :^,c?  -,  t-^,:"-.  oody  -  ith  entcndec.  jurisdiction 
or  where  ?.  stm- ..v^y  exo-'-ci^c  "f  ;iolice  poorer  to  protect  "^ublic  he-^Jth  is 
deino/ndec.  riid.   the  repj.l^'^-tions  to  be  iiTr^osod  vil"'.  bo  tou  onerorts  notice 
requirements  .^re  li^ht  (201), 

Require:  lentp  of  notice  ".re  ?f  co'curse  hec-vicst  in  fields  of  disputed 
social  rnc.  economic  -oolicy  he^~-vil."  ?.f  j  cctin-;  individur-.l  property  interests 

In  pr:ctic\ll3"  L",n^  cse  th-:-,t  requires  notice,  r.   hearing;  is  n.lso 
required.   The  former  v/ithout  the  1-tter  rrould  ustir.lly  be  a  b:irren  pro- 
tection (205).   The  right  to  bo  horxl,    if  dGi:r^ndecL,  is  generally  considered 
vit;,l  to  r.ll   adininistrative  ^ctiQn,  with  the  exce-otion  of  ^.  few  inst  nces 
where  the  indivifuil  would  ::"in  little  by  the  reqi.iireraent ,  or  the  public 
would  be  too  gretly  inconvenienced  (,204).   He -.rinQ'  hov;evcr  does  not  inroly, 
in  most  inst -nces  -".  for",-'l  ;-i-.-ocedure  (05),  nor  is  more  thn  rae   he-.ring 
usual--y  nccess-^-ry  (o06).   The  best  st-,te. -.ent  is,  tn-',t  in  each  case,  the 
hearing  must  b'e  fair  (207).  As  ::r.  Justice  Cardozo  nas  said: 

"The  'he".ring'  that  ....  •co;rlss..ons  are  to 
give  must  be  adapted  to  the  cinsequcncos  that  are  to 
follow,  to  the  attac!;  •'■"/'    the  revic/  to  which  their 
orders  rill  be  subject."  (208) 

The  procedur^l  safeoaarr's  nost  us\  donandecl  are  notice  and 
hearing,  or,  as  it  has  b^-cn  otncrwise  termed,  -^n  opportunity  to  defend 
(209),  '-aiereevcr  f-irncs-^  dc--r-vic's.   If  there  is  -^jiy  s  tatutory  suggestion 
indicating  an  intention  th;t  siich  safegur^rds  be  provided,  or  that  evidence 
be  reopirrcd,  notice  -^:\C.   he  ■'■ing  are  absolute  essentials  (210).   Other  re- 
quirements '-re  inr.dc ,  .s  s-oeciiic  "ch  ..  gcs  (really  an  aspect  of  notice), 
cross-examine  ,tion  (a  ouesti"..a  :  ,s  t;o  the^,  of  the  hearing),  and  the 
right  to  argue  the  law  and  i  cts  (.Iso  a --e  ring  problem)  (211).   Just 
wha.t  t::-:.e  of  notice  -nd  acaring  arc  sufficient  v  I'ics  (212).   7/here  a  full 
judicial  reviev?  or  trial  de  novo  is  present  th,;,  administr-.tive  requirements 
are  not  so  ner-.vy   (213).   Tho  test  probabl:"  is  the  ade qu.  ,cy  ;ind  fairness 
of  the  proceedings.  Althoug-h  notice  and  ne-ring  mry  have  disadvantages 
such  as  e:q?ense  and  delay  (213a)  their  desirability  should  demand  their  full 
utilization  a.s  me  ,ns  of  "orotccting  the  nrblic, 

Therr-  are  r   mmbe:  of  adiamist native  agencies  which  function  as 
courts  closely  foi:"  owing  judicial  procedure  (214).   On  the  v/hole,  the 
bencn  -.nd  the  b,.r  -ave  both  shown  a  disposition  to  accord  such  courts  a 
higher  pla. cc  than  given  to  .iost  other  administrative  adjudicatory  agencies 
(215),   The  implication  is  th't  the  more  judicial  or  more  fair  in  r.ppearance 
an  administr-tive  -'dju.dic^'.tion  seer.s ,  the  greater  the  finality  it 
extended,  other  factors  bei'  ■_,  equal, 

A  new  administrative  agency  dealing  vi*h  fields  of  disputed  economic 
and  social  policy  is  under  the  closest  scrutiny  of  the  courts.  Its  .ctions, 
procedur^.lly  and  substantively,  must  be  most  circumspect  and  its  progress 
most  careful,  if  it  is  desired  to  Leap  judicial  control  at  the  minimum. 
Even  these  precautions  offer  no  guarantee,  if  the  courts  are  heenly  enough 
interested.'  It  is,  hovrever,  a  step  in  the  right  direction,  the  direction 
indicated  by  the, 


PART      II 

P  R  C  E  L  E  M   S     OF     A  D  M   I    KI   I    S  T  R  A  T   I    0 

AND     AD  M   I   "w    I    S   T  R  A  T    I   V  £     LAW 
I   N     N  R  A 




One  ox"  the  foremost  advanta|5:es  offered  by  the  administrative 
device  is  flexibility.   It  would  be,  indeed,  unwise  to  attempt  to 
crystallize  into  forma,!  nnd   absolutely  binding  concepts  administrative 
action  as  it  stands  today.   It  is  a  new  f  echnique ,  offerin,^  many  varia 
tions  to  meet  the  new  and  constantly  arising-  problems  of  society  and 
government.   As  the  common  law  developed  into  a  body  of  more  or  less  ■  ,. 
frozen  concepts,  and  as  equity  has  tended  to  do  the  same,  so  ma.y  admin- 
istration.  Any  attempt  to  hasten  this  would  be  undesirable.   The  very 
value  of  administration  lies  in  its  empirical  state,  in  its  easy  adapta- 
bility to  the  demands  made  upon  it.   This  is  fa,r  from  indicating  that 
every  new  administrative  device  should  be  welcomed,  unquestioned,  as  a 
contribution  to  government.   Cn  tiie  contrary  it  should  be  carefully 
tested,  not  only  by  its  apparent  ability  to  meet  the  problem,  but  by 
the  precedents  of  other  administrative  forms  and  the  circumstances 
surrounding  their  use.   Such  a  test  is  the  first  necessary  step  when  the 
MRA  is  to  be  observed. 

It  was  obvious  with  the  passage  of  the  NIP.A  that  powers  more  vast 
than  those  ever  before  delegated  (except  in  war  time)  were  delegated 
to  administration  (l).   It  is  Probably  that  some  of  the  persons  respon- 
sible in  drafting  the  -aAct  and  in  its  first  administration  realized  that 
here  was  an  agency  sui  generis.  (2)   Others,  outside  :of  NRA,  later 
expressed  such  recognition  (3).   The  Act  itself  was  q\iite  indefinite  as 
to  what  plan  or  plans  if  any  it  had  sought  to  copy.   It  was  equally 
indefinite  as  to  \vhat  actual  form,  as  a  matter  of  plan  and  procedure 
the  administration  of  the  Act  would  take.   It  was  most  apparent  that 
the  plan  providing  for  application  liy   private  members  of  industry  for 
aporoval  by  the  President  of  a  scheme  of  law  proposed  by  these  individu- 
als would  be  followed.   As  the  Act  was  developed  this  Proved  to  be  the 

As  shall  be  seen,  there  were  few  precedents  in  American  government 
for  such  a  plan.   The  most  analoguous  system  is  one  found  in  England. 
This  method  of  administrative  la,w-maK:ing  has  been  called  "procedure  by 
scheme"  (4).   As  history  is  long  ^nd  interesting  and  today  it  repre- 
sents one  of  the  major  administrative  devices  used  in  English  govern- 
ment (5).   The  procedure  consists  of  a  proposal  by  a  group  of  interested 
persons.   Ajl  investigation  by  government  inspectors  follows;  next  a  ' 
local  hearing  is  held.   The  hearing  allows  counsel  to  be  heard  and  to 
examine  and  cross-examine  witnesses.   The  inspector  (much  like  an  NBA 
Deputy  Administrator,  or  an  examiner  for  the  Federal  Communications 
Commission)  then  submits  a  full  report,  analyzing  the  facts  and  setting 
forth  his  recommendations  to  the  aporopriate  Minister  (o).   The  pro- 
cedure of  proposal,  inspection  (the  activities  of  Research  and  Planning 
were  analogous),  hearing  and  recommendation  to  a  superior  for  his  ap- 
proval, is  quite  analogous  to  MA  procedure. 

The  subject  matter  of  this  administrative  form  was,  in  its  early 
history,  almost  always  limited  to  local  projects  of  little  general 
interest.   This  eiigjlains  the  reference  to  it  as  "private  bill  legisla- 
tion by  a  department"  (7).   It  was  used,  for  instance,  in  connection  ^^ith 


slura  clearance  projects  (3).   After  the  >/orld  Jar  the  use  was  'broadened 
to  include  wider  raeastires'  of  socialization.   Such  a  need  can  be  seen 
in  -lingland  not  divided  as  is  this  countr;^/'  into  territorial  States 
eacn  with  consideraole  local  le^,-islative  oower.   Groups  reioresenting 
special  interests  or  areas  may  anoly  for  ap oroval  of  schemes.   An 
example  of  the  substantive  problems  no''?  dealt  with  is  the  amalgamation 
of  mines  in  a  district  by  agreer.ient  of  a  majority  of  the  owners  and 
aporoved  by  the  proper  minister,  altnough  a  minority  of  the  o-raers  re- 
fuse to  cooperate.  (9)    The  development  in  England  has  been  slow.   It 
has  been  subject  to  the  Courts'  test  for  ultra  vires  (10). 

The  MA  as  a  procedural  scheme  was  not  the  result  of  anv  such 
gradual  growth  or  general  development.   Few  examples  can  be  found  of 
power  delegated  to  administrative  officers  or  agencies  to  aoorove  pri- 
vately proposed  schemes.   Upon  application  of  groups  the  Federal  Trade 
Commission  has  arioroved   rules  of  unfair  competition  solely  as  a  co- 
operative program  for  group  members.   These  nad  no  binding-  effect  upon 
members  of  the  group  or  non-members  (11)  although  they  might  serve  as 
the  oasis  for  a  cease  and  desist  order.   In  the  Procedure  under  the 
Flexible  Tariff  Act  (12)  there  is  an  analogy.   There,  interested 
domestic  producers  could  anpl5^  to  the  President  for  a  levelling  out  of 
costs  of  production,  by  increasing  the  tariff  upon  competing  foreign 
manufactured  articles.   There  were  precedents  aplenty  for  governmental 
regulation  of  business  (13),  but  there  were  lora.ctically  none  suggesting 
that  the  individual  industries  their  o?ni  laws  (other  than  .the 
fact  tnat  nearly  any  pressure  group  can  secare  introduction  of  a  bill 
embodying  its  own  views.   This,  of  course,  does  not  involve  administra- 
tive ap]7roval). 

As  many  have  suggested  (14)  the  Act  was  indefinite  as  to  the  form 
of  the  administrative  agency  (15).   But  since  it  was  recognizpd  by  the 
Act  there  would  be  an  agency  or  agencies  this  created  no  legal  diffi- 
culty for  the  use  by  the  President  of  such  assistance  was  contemplated 
in  specific  terms  (16).   It  was  agreed  that  the  Act  intended  some  mea- 
sure of  cooperatisa  action  between  government  and  members-  or  groups  of 
industry  (17).   IJo  provision  can  be  found  for  the  steps  in  code-making 
that  became  established  (18)  or  for  the  administrative  set-up  and  in- 
ternal plan  of  procedure  that  developed  (19).   The  NRA  as  developed 
creates  a  difficult  problem  in  classification  in  terms  of  the  estab- 
lished forms.   Here  was  an  agency  giving  away  its  cowers  freely,  often 
lavishly.   This  presented  a  question  of  powers,  but  an  unusual  one 
of  hovi   much  power  could  be  so  delegated  rather  than  the  usual  one  of 
how  much  the  administrative  agency  could  gather  to  itself  under  its 
charter  (20).   Here  too,  was  an  agency  exercising  powers  partaking  of 
the  legislative,  the  administrative,  and  tne  judicial  nature  (21).   The 
most  important  power  exercised' was  the  approval  of  codes  and  the  inci- 
dents of  that  power.   The  pro  Diem  of  compliance  had  a  separate  charac- 
ter and  will  be  considered  later  (22). 

The  iffiA  Legal  Division  proceeded  upon  the  basis  that  code-making 
and  aporoving  was  a  lepiislative  function  governed  mainly  by  the  court's 
attitude  in  the  Norwegian  Nitrogen  Case  (23).   Procedure,  the  Legal 
Division  seemed  tc  feel,  might  be  lax  (24).   In  the  case  so  strongly 
relied  upon  the  so-called  Flexible  Tarriff  Act  was  the  basis  of  the 


procedure  there  questioned  (25).   The  Act  was  a  "delegation  -  -  -  -  of 
the  legislative  process"  (26)  to  the  President,  who  could  adjust  the 
tariff  schedules  to  meet  lower  costs  of  oroduction  abroad.   The  specific 
points  involved  went  to  the  adequacy  of  the  hearin'^.   The  Tariff  Commis- 
sion, whicn  by  the  Act  had  oeen  given  power  to  conduct  investig-ations 
to  assist  the  President  (27),  refused  to  give  information  to  the  inter- 
ested importer  ?s  to  the  costs  of  urodaction  of  a  local  factory  (that 
owned  by  the  applicant).   Counsel  for  the  importer  wrote  a  letter  de- 
manding to  see  "every  particle  of  evidence"  gathered  by  the  Commission 
and  that  he  be  allowed  to  examine  all  ^^itnesses  including  the  inspectors. 
The  data  had  been  gathered  with  the  understanding  it  would  be  held  con- 
fidential.  The  court,  speaking  through  Mr.  Justice  Cardoza,  denied  that 
counsel's  demands  must  be  met  to  afford  due  process  of  law.   It  based 
its  decision  upon  the  following  oointers  inter  alia:   1.   The  history  of 
tariff  procedure,  both  legislatively  and  administratively  (28);   2.   The 
Commission's  activities  being  distinguished  from  limiting  -oowers  of 
public  service  companies  (3S);  3.   The  Commission  being  merely  an  adviser 
to  the  President,  who  was  not  bound  by  its  advice.   (It  was  not  "an  arbi- 
ter between  adverse  parties"  so  its  procedure  might  be  built  to  fit  the 
problem  in  absence  of  more  stringent  statutory  requirements  (30);  4.  It 
being  unreasonable  here  to  force  the  Commission  to  disclose  such  infor- 
mation, or  treat  each  person  affected  as  an  individual  litigant  (31). 

The  next  inquiry  must  be  the  value  of  this  decision  as  authority 
for  MA  practice. 

The  IJorwegian  Nitrogen  Case  proceeded  upon  a  broad  statutory 
grant  in  the  case  of  orccednre.   This  wa3  positive  reccgniticn  by  Con- 
gress that  the  Commission  should  be  free  Lc  develop  its  oTm  procedure. 
The  NIRA,  on  the  other  hand,  made  no  p.rovision  for  procedure.   It  can 
not  be  said  with  equal  force  that'  Congress  positively  felt  that  the  pro- 
cedure adopted  would  be  the  best  when  it  did  not  even  know  what  agen- 
cies would  be  used  or  the  exact  character  of  the  problems.   That  the 
WIEA  failed  to  provide  procedure  did  not  authorize  arbitrary  action. 
The  due  process  requirement  demanded  that  orocedure  be  reasonable  to  the 
end  sought.   There  is  some  evidence  indicating  a  reasonable  comparison, 
some  indicating  a  reasonable  distinction.   The  touchstone  must  be  in 
tne  subject  matter  dealt  with  and  the  end  sought. 

Historically,  the  government  has  long  exercised  great  powers  in 
the  tariff  and  taxation  fields  (32).   Our  political  policy  has  favored 
the  imposition  of  tariff.   On  the  other  hand,  government  regulation  of 
or  cooperation  with  business  is  relatively  new  and  far  from  being  so 
widely  approved.   It  may  be  said  that  the  policy  behind  the  tariff  is 
fairly  well  settled  while  in  the  field  of  business  the  economic  and 
social  oolicies  are  most  hotly  disputed. 

Besides  this  historical  difference,  tariff  collection  and  regula- 
tion are  closely  related  to  taxation.   Despite  the  economic  significance 
of  tariffs,  they  are  fundamentally  taxes.   The  tax  field  is  one  accorded 
narrow  review,  with  slight  procedural  requirements.   Business  regulation 
on  the  other  hand  is  a  field  subject  to  the  closest  judicial  control, 
where  procedural  requirements  have  been  relatively  high  (32a). 



The  court  in  tap   tariff  field  vbs   inflaenced  by  a  judicial 
attitude  that  had  grown  up  when  the  courts  wpre  exercising  much  less 
control  of  administrative  action.   Although  the  court  is  not  subject 
to  any  strict  res  ad judicata  notion  of  being  bound  by  its  own  decisions, 
they  have  a  strong  influence  upon  the  court  unless  there  is  compelling 
reason  to  abandon  the  established  views.   A  mere  reference  to 
Aoffmordt  v.  Heddin  (3^)  brings  back  the  vision  of  quite  lax  adminis- 
trative procedure  in  this  field  bearing  the  approval  of  the  courts. 
Of  course,  in  this  case  the  legislative  aspects  were  practically  miss- 
ing, being  outweighed  by  the  adjudication  given.   This  merely  places 
the  legislative  procedure  in  the  IMorwegian  Nitrogen  Case  in  a,  stronger 
position  for  it  is  generally  conceded  that  administrative  adjudication 
requires  higher  standards  of  orocedure  than  administrative  legislation. 

The  economic  sanctions  should  be  observed.   A  major  portion  of  our 
wealth  is  represented  by  our  industries.   Importers,  however,  are  a 
small  class.   Although  large  sums  of  money  and  substantial  property 
interests  are  often  involved  in  the  tariff  questions  the  courts  are  much 
more  keenly  aware  of  the  interests  of  private  business  within  the  coun- 
try.  The  voice  of  business  booms;  tnat  of  the  imoorters  is  seldom  heard. 
Mr.  Justice  Cardoza  specifically  stated  that  the  case  was  not  like  lim- 
iting public  service  companies  in  the  transaction  of  their  business  (34), 

A  most  significant  distinction  lies  in  the  fact  that  by  the 
statute  the  Tariff  Commission  was  mr-^de,  an  advisory  agency  purely,  whose 
recommendations  did  not  bind  the  President.   The  NIRA  authorized  the 
delegation  of  any  functions  and  powers,  given  to  the  President  (under 
Title  l)  (35),   This  meant  that  th<=.  President  could  make  the  agency 
MA  more  than  advisory.   This  he  did 'specifically  in  the  case  of  indus- 
tries employing  less  than  fifty  thousand  employees  (36),   It  would  be 
improperly  technical  to  stop  here.   If  the  President  in  fact  bound  him- 
self by  the  findings  of  the  agency  he  created,  without  exercising  indepen- 
dent action  of  his  .own,  it  would  seem  improper  to  say  that  the  agency 
was  merely  advisory.   Especially  is  this  true  if  it  is  apgued  that,  when 
such  a  fact  is  formally  recognized  by  the  President  the  agency  is  no 
longer  merely  advisory.   To  say  that  MA  was  merely  advisory  would  be  a 
fiction  as  absurd  as  those  often  found  in  the  common  law.   The  indica- 
tions are  that  when  a  statute  is  silent  (except  to  allow  the  agencies 
used  to  exercise  all  power  given  by  the  Act)  and  final  power  is,  in  fact 
given  to  an  agency  the  court  will  recognize  this.   Our  courts  are  not 
known  to  bo  hampered  by  such  a  Gordian  knot  of  legal  reasoning  as  this  one 
suggesting  the  agency  to  be  merely  advisory. 

The  last  and  a  dominant  consideration  suggested  by  this  case  must 
be:  were  the  approach  and  problems  of  MA  so  predominantly  legislative 
as  to  exclude  other  considerations  or  were  there  sufficient  adjudicatory 
aspects  present  to  demand  the  procedure  required  by  such  problems?  The 
courts  have  recognized  that  the  fixing  of  customs  duties  is  more  than 
fact-finding  (57).   It  involves  "the  kind  of  discretion  to  operate  an 
intelligent  legislative  plan"  (38.   The  problem  presented  to  the  admin- 
istrfition  is  not  in  tne  nature  of  litigation  (39).   The  policy  stated; 
the  government  is  merely  using  this  machinery  to  effectuate  that  policy 
against  one  group  -  the  foreign  competitors,  ,  Legislative  action  by  an 
administrative  agency  though  required  to  hold  a  few  formalities  is, 


compensatingly,  given   much  less  .power  procedurally.   The  Interstate 
Commerce  Commission  and  the  Federal  Trade  Commission  are  preatly  limited 
in  subpoenaing  witnesses  and  forcing  them  to  testify  (40).   This  feeling 
toward"  administrative  legislation  may  be  colored  by  the  fact  that  a  hear- 
ing is  not  a  prerequisite  to  the  validity  of  either  public  or  private 
bills  in  this  country  and  the  doubtful  value  of  opinions  usually  at  such 
hearings  when  held  (41).   Even  being  able  to  call  NBA  hearings  legisla- 
tive would  have  orovided  no  cure-all.   The  frequency  with  which  courts 
have  refused  to  accept  findings  by  legislatures  is  all  too  well  known(42). 

IThile  some  writers  have  thought  that  the  rate-making  power  is  legis- 
lative because  of  its  enormous  consequences  on  the  future  (43),  others 
more  discerning  have  seen  another  problem  (44),   This  other  problem  is 
the  conflict  of  interests  between  competitors  and  the  adjudication  of 
this  conflict  based  upon  the  administration's  interpretation  of  what  the 
law  requires  in  the  partipular  case.   Fixing  a  rate  may  be  legislative 
as  to  a  shipper,  but  when  the  hearing  iresolves  itself  into  a  contest  be- 
tween competing  roads  it  assumes  a  judicial  nature.   le  think  of  legis- 
lation as  involving  a  group  rule  for  future  conduct.   Bat  rate  regula- 
tion may  involve  the  judicial  determination  that  in  the  past  one  road's 
rates  were  unfair  or  discriminatory  and  result  in  the  administrative 
acti-on  of  declaring  a  future  rate.   So  in  iTRA  the  problems  presented  often 
had  this  judicial  aspect  in  large  quantities.  Few  hearings  •., there  were 
that  did  not  become  sharp  contests  between  opoosing  competitors  each  ad- 
vocating a  standard  of  conduct  as  being  proper  or  improper.   To  have 
listened  to  one  of  these  hearings  would  have  been  enough  to  suggest  the 
definite  nature  of  the  dual  contests  that  so  frequently  arose.   The  dis- 
tinction is  not  clear,  but  a  general  rule  interpreting  a  statute  so 
drawn  as  to  hit  particularly  at  a  small  group  or  an  individual,  that  is, 
competing  with  the  group  advocating  the  interpretation,  partakes  more  of 
the  nature  of  a  judicial  contest  than  legislation.   This  fact  has  been 
recognized  by  one  of  the  leading  minds  in  the  field  of  administrative 
law  (John  Dickinson)  (45).   An  order  applying  to  an  individual  or  a 
few  individuals,  as  against  a  regulation  applying  to  a  class  is  said  to 
require,  constitutionally,  notice  and  hearing  (46). 

The  evidence  most  strongly  indicating  legislative  character  was  the 
product.   These  codes  of  fair  competition  were  drawn  up  in  form  of 
broad  rules  of  prohibitions  or  positive  action.   On  their  faces  they  were 
as  legislative  as  any  statute  for  a  class.   It  is  when  this  mask  is  torn 
aside,  and  the  creation  of  these  codes  is  understood  to  include  rulings 
making  the  course  of  one  competitor  proper  under  the  legal  standard 
given,  and  the  course  of  another  competitor  unlawful  by  the  same  stand- 
ard tnat  the  judicial  character  of  the  contest  becomes  apparent.   Cer- 
tainly, here  there  existed  often  a  most  bitter  and  personalized  contest. 
As  the  Act  was  framed,  ujiless  the  courts  had  ruled  these  rules  involve 
questions  of  law  for  our  determination  (47)  (in  which  case  NHA  would 
have  been  made  equally  impotent  with  the  Trade  Commission),  the  only 
question  upon  which  there  would  have  been  necessarily  due  process  of 
law  procedurally,  would  have  been  whether  there  was  a  violation  of  a 
code  rule.   Although  legislatures  need  not  give  such  guarantees,  admin- 
istrative agencies  usually  are  not  allowed  such  freedom  of  action. 
Patterning  i\IRA  after  t^e  Tariff  Commission  would  have  availed  little, 
if  the  Courts  felt  that  its  subject  matter  was  more  of  the  type  handled 
oy  other  commissions  and  its  contests  more  personalized. 


Lv.o    strong"  evidenci^'.  (48).  1  aql^ing  to  supoort  the' contention  that 
NRA  problems  were  so  Judicial'  a-s;  to  require  oroceclural  saf e-g-aards 
existing  in  the  Interstate  ComTuerce  ComTnission  cases  is  the  fact  that 
the  Act  did  not  snecif ically  require  a  hearing:  in  the  section  relied 
upon  in  NBA  activity  (4S)  with  ce:-tnin  excf^-pt.ions.   However,  failure  of 
a  statute  to  require  a  hearin.i^  does  not  mean,  that  one'  may  be  dispensed 
with.   The  due  nrocess  requirement  is  one  of  fairness.   If  fairness 
demands  a  hearing,  one  must  be  had.   And  the  hearing  must  be  just  as 
complete  as  needed  to  Eatisfj"-  the  tests  of  fairness. 

Although'  the  Act  made  no  general  hearing  requirement,  it  made  a 
limited  one  of  most  significance.   Section  3  (a)  affords  the  only  sug- 
gestions to  be  made  'a  basis- for  the  Code  process.   Congress  placed  two 
definite  limitations  upon  this  process.   The  first  one,  directed  against 
"monopolies  or  monopolistic  practices",  is  well  known.   Less  publicized 
was  the  Congressional  proviso  reading,  "That  where  such  code  or  codes 
affect  tne    services  and  welfare  of  persons  engaged  in  other  steps  of  the 
economic  process,  nothing  in  this  section  shall  deprive  such  -oersons  of 
the  right  to  be  heard  prior  to  approval  by  the  President  of  such  code 
or  codes."   This  requirement  would  appear  to  be  of  the  utmost  determi- 
native value.   Few  codes  were  ever  approved  that  did  not  affecf'the 
services  -and  welfare"  of  other  not  immediately  within  the  industry.   At 
least,  the  Congress  contemplated  a  hearing  in  such  situations.   It  might 
be  argued  that  Congress;,  failing  to  provide  for  hearings  upon  purely 
internal  problems  while  providing  for  hearings  upon  external  matters, 
did  not  contemplate  a  hearing  in  the  former  situations.   If  the  courts 
had  accepted  this  argument,  there  remained  the  constitutional  "due  pro- 
cess" argument  that  such  matters  require  a  hearing.   Coupled  with  the 
recently  evinced  attitude  of  the  court's  holding  administrative  bodies 
to  high  standards  of  action  (50)  it  is  highly  probable  that  the  courts 
would  have  said  HRA  procedure  must  embrace  a  full  hearing.   An  attempt 
was  made  to  further  meet  this  statutory  requirement  by  an  executive 
order  providing  for  hearing  and  automatic  stay  until  determination  of 
the  issues  raised  in  the  case  of  persons  outside  an  industry  showing 
that  they  had  not  particioated  in  establishing  or  consenting  to  a  code 

■yfhether  legislative  (51)  or  judicial  the  problems  of  KRA  in  form 
and  substance  were  much  more  closely  related  to  the  rule  and  rate  mak- 
ing power  of  the  Interstate  Commerce  Commission  than  to  the  duties  of 
the  Tariff  Commission  under  the  Flexible  Tariff  Act  (52).   It  must  be 
understood  that  the  use  of  concepts  of  legislation  and  adjudication  can, 
at  best,  be  only  suggestive.   All  three  of  the  usually  classified  powers 
of  government  may  be  present  in  one  administrative  agency  (53).   They 
may  be  so  arranged  that  any  attempt  to  classify  them  will  be  hopeless 
(54).   This  was  certainly  true  in  I\[RA  (55).   It  would  be  unwise  to  be 
deluded  oy   concepts.   The  "legislative,"  "judicial"  classification  is 
often  more  text  book  than  case  book.   There  has  been  a  recent  disposition 
by  the  Supreme  Court  to  demand  higher  standards  of  administrative  fair- 
ness (56).   Administration  is  not  legislation  by  legislatures,  which  h^ive 
historically  a  position  jiot  b.o  sasidy  questioned  l  by  the /c6urte'.>  ir^he   -  i- 
Chicago  Junction  Case  (57)  suggests  that  where  a  monopol.y  is  given  there 
sufficient  basis  for  a  legal  interest  in  a  competitor  to  challenge  the 

order.   This  indicates  a  feeling  on  the  part  of  the  court  that  such 
directly  affected  interests  -we   importrint  and  must  be  considered.   It 
has  been  suggested  above  that  i^TlA' s  position  differed  from  that  of  the 
Interstate  Commerce  Commission  in  the  instant  case  (58)  inasmuch  as  a 
hearing  was  required  by  the  statute  there  involved  while  the  NIRA  re- 
quired no  puch  hearing.   However,  the  President  contemplated  that  hear- 
ings be  held  (59).  •  Jast  what  weight  would  be  put  on  this  is  difficult 
to  say.   As  MA  purposed  to  afford  a  hearing  the  courts  would  probably 
not  aporove  a  hearing  which  it  deemed  unfair  or  inadequate. 

It  must  be  admitted  that  the  evidence  is  contradictory.   The 
strongest  and  most  abundant  evidence  suggests  that  the  courts  probably 
would  nave  held  NEA  to  a  rather  high  standard  of  procedure.   In  face  of 
the  evidence  it  was  impractical  tc  assume  ot  lerwise.   The  higher  the 
standard  adopted  the  better  the  ch-'mces  that  the  courts  would  have  ap- 
proved the  procedure. 


Should  it  'oe  admitted  that  the  code-ma]-ing  "orocess  was  administrative 
legislation  what  effect  would  c^iis  have  unou  its  status  in  the  Courts?   That 
the  question  of  "due  orocess"  in  code-'naldng  could  come  up  can  not  easily 
he  denied.   True,  the  President  it  not  subject  to  extraordinary  legal  re- 
medies as  has  been  su^c^^iesed  in  this  chc'iter  (DSa).   This  creates  legal  dif- 
ficulties, hut  not  for  a  miirate  sVi'Uld  it  he  t>oa^;ht  tl:at  they  are  insur- 
mountable.  Legislation  itself  is  barren  until  it  is  enforced.   So  too  the 
codes  until  they  were  enforced  had  little  effect  upon  -oroperty  and  indivi- 
dual rights,  except  tiis.t  b<?rs  of  the  anti-trust  laws  were  let  down  to  sug- 
gest combinations  which  might  be  directed  against  these  rights.  A  most 
circumspect  enforcement  process  which  Y/ould  give  every  desirable  procedural 
safeguard  it  is  urged,  by  those  who  feel  "due  process  concepts  should  not 
be  ap-ilied  to  code-raa]cing,  would  preclude  the  due  -process  question  being 
raised  (59b).   This  argument  means  thrt  no  matter  how  arbitraty,  capri- 
cious or  unreasonable  the  procedure  of  code-mai:ing,  since  wc  dub  it  "legis- 
lative" it  escapes  judicial  control.  By  neat  language  and  classification 
this  view  has  produced  a  judicial  miracle.   It  has  extended  to  an  admin- 
istrative process  dealing  substantially  with  private  industry  and  busi- 
ness, a  more  narrow  review  than  can  be  found  in  the  alien  or  land  patent 
cases.   The  proponents  of  this  view  have  not  gone  so  far  as  to  argue  that 
code-making  would  not  be  tested  by  substantive  due  process.   Legislation 
by  Consiress  and  State  legislatures  is  subject  to  this  control.   A  fortiori 
administrative  legislation  must  be  subject  to  a  review  on  this  basis. 
The  result  of  the  argument  is  this:  the  procedure  may  be  haphazard  or 
eminently  unfair;  the  result,  however,  must  me^t  tests  of  legal  fairness. 
Thus  a  complete  divorceuient  between  .;orocedui'e  a.nd  substiince  is  had.   The 
patent  difficulty  and  the  one  ignored  is  that  unjust  -orocedure  is  a  great 
persuasive  force  unon  the  courts  to  determine  tha.t  results  are  unfair. 
Fair  procedure  and  fair  results  can  not  be  so  blandly  divorced.   To  know 
v^hether  results  are  ftdr  it  must  be  determined  whether  all  the  pertinent 
facts  are  likely  to  be  before  the  administrative  bodj^  and  to  be  considered 
by  it  in  arriving  at  its  decision. 

Certain  specific  evider.ces  indicate  tlis.t  the  courts  would  not  re- 
lir-Auiih  control  over  administrative  "legislation"  merely  because  it  is 
analogous  to  action,  by  a  coordinate  division  of  t^overnment.  As  a  matter 
of  logic  and  analysis  if  the  tripartite  division  of  government  is  treated 
as  more  than  a  helpful  division  it  could  be  argued  that  the  judiciary 
should  have  no  control  over  administrative  application  of  the  law.   Admin- 
istrative agencies  perform  functions  delegated  to  them  by  the  legislature. 
Frequently  they  are  responsible  to  the  exectuive  branch  of  the  government. 
So  it  might  be  argued  control -of  adjrlnistration  shculd  rest  either  in  the 
legislative  or  executive  or  in  both,  llo   matter  what  the  desirability  or 
the  logic  of  such  a  contention,  the  judiciary  in  our  system  inlays  a  much 
more  vital  role.   The  first  nart  of  this  study  has  been  devoted  to  point- 
ing out  that  the  judiciary  having  acquiesced  in  the  delegation  of  power 
to  administration  has  nevertheless  maintained  a  strong  control  over  the 
manner  in  which  power  has  been  exercised  through  a  variety  of  concepts. 
(59c)   It  is  well  recognized  thai  at  the  beginning  of  our  government, 
once  judicial  review  had  been  established,  the  courts  could  have  applied 
the  doctrine  of  delegata.  uotestas  non  riptest  delegari  to  umny  acts  of 
Congress.   Wliether  from  wealrness  of  position  or  genuine  desire  to  aid 
in  the  orderly  development  of  needed  governmental  forms,  delegation  was 
allowed.   Later  as  administration  became  more  vital  the  courts  quietly 
developed  "broad  review"  doctrine  (59d).   It  must  be  remembered  that  the 

first  declaration  upon  this  problem  was  one  of  "narrow  review".  (59e) 
But  let  it  not  be  forgotten  that  a  review  \ie.s   indicated.   That  is  iraportant. 

llow  v.'hat  is  "adinini strati ve  legislation?""  'Yhose  term  is  it  and 
what  are  the  iniplications  of  it?  Dr.  F.  F.  Blachly,  co-a!uthor  of  a  treat- 
ise entitled  "Administrative  Legislation  and  Adjudication, "  states  that  the 
term  "administrative  legislation"'  is  used  both  in  France  and  C-ermanj'-. 
He  believes,  however,  ths.t  the  real  basis  for  the  terra's  use  in  this 
country  is  the  frequent  reference  by  En.^lish  writers  to  adj.dni strati ve 
rules  and  regulations  as  "delceated  legislation"  and  other  related  '  t'^:.'ns. 
(59f)   If  this  be  true,  those  v/ho  believe  the  name  "let,i  slat  ion"  works 
such  miraculous  changes  in  our  administrative  law  have  failed  to  consider 
that  as  the  teria  is  used  in  En;,:land  it  embraces  both  "legislation"  in 
the  sense  of  class  rules  and  "adjudication"  in  the  sense  of  orders  directed 
at  loarticular  individuals.  (5Sg)  Perhaps,  legislation  is  being  distorted 
from  its  true  meaning  T/hen  it  is  looliod  upon  as  a  class  rule.   The,  great 
mass  of  legislation  has  aXnays   been  private  bills,  and  too,  classification 
can  be  easily  extended  to  the  jilace  where  a  rule  r.ay  af:'ect  only  one 
individual.   In  fact,  it  is  extremely  difficult  to  find  any  tenable  dis- 
tinction between  "administrative  legislation"  and  "administrative  adjudi- 
cation." Professor  Dickinson  offers  the  following: 

"What  distinguished  legislation  from  adjudication 
is  that  the  former  affects  the  rights  of  individuals  in 
the  abstract  and  must  be  ap^^lied  in  a  further  proceeding 
before  the  legal  position  of  any  particular  individual 
will  be  definitely  touched  by  it;  while  a,djudi cation  op- 
erates concretely  upon  individuals  in  their  individual 
capacity."  (59h) 

Professor  Dickinson  does  not  contend  for  any  hard  and  fast  distinc- 
tion with  entirels'-  different  legal  consequences  flowing  from  each  class. 
In  fact  he  speaks  of  the  futility  of  trying  to  classify  a  particular  ex- 
ercise of  administrative  power  as  cither  wholly  legislative  or  wholly 
judicial  (59i).   If  pushed  to  its'  logical  extrevne  and  to  a  use  Professor 
Dickinson  never  intended,  it  v/ould  indicate  that  the  "cease  and  desist" 
procedure  was  not  adjudicatory  merely  because  enforcement  against  a  stub- 
born party  could  be  secured  only  by  recourse  to  the  courts.  (59j) 

Wha.t  the  test  given  amounts  to  is  that:  Wherever  the  enforcement 
machinery  lies  in  the  control  of  the  administration,  its  act  in  using 
that  machinery  ag-ainst  any  individual  with  the  result  that  his  property 
or  his  person  is  affected  is  "adjudication."  The  instances  vriiere  this 
is  true  are  not  iriany.   They  exist,  particularly,  in  "broad  review" 
fields.   Tax  collectors  mey   distrain  pro-ierty  or  alien  inspectors  arrest 
an  alien.   If  the  test-,  is  not  based  upon  the  actual  enforcer.icnt  of  rules 
or  orders  uiade  it  must  refer  to  classes  as  opposed  to  individuals.   This 
has  already  been  considered. 

The  difficulty  of  creating  cny   air-tight  distinction  within  the 
field  of  administration  is  abvious.   It  iirosents  an  even  greater  problem 
than  creating  such  distinction  in  the  general  field  of  government.   It 
ignores  any  accepted  classification  of  government.   If  re  treat  admin- 
istration as  a  fourth  division  of  governivient ,  this  view  says  administra- 
tion is  not  different  from  the  legislative  in  certain  sogregable  parts 
nor  from  the  courts  in  others.   Thus,  the  raison  d'  otrc  (a  flexible 
'jQZ8   new  governmental  form)  for  a  separate  adraini  strati  ve  division  falls  from 


the  Fei.^ht  of  clssfificritior..   If  ^.ovemp-'.ent  is  voiwed  as  polic^r  making 
anji  .policy  euforciiiti,  atliaiiiistration  which  "belongE  to  the  latter  func- 
tion is  so  classified  as  to  partake  of  bo bh.  Here  the  difficulty  pro- 
hahly  lies  in  tha.t  delegations  have  /riven  adrainistration  such  policy 
control  in  the  past  tha.t  .t!ip  rcr.l  function  of  ad/dnistering  a  stated 
legislative  policy  ]-£:s   oeen   over;:.oo':ed,  YTnen   this  is  considered  the 
value  of  classiiications  such  as  "lei^islption"  raid  "adjudication"  to 
bind. the  courts  and  our  minds  must  Ijc   seriously  questioned. 

"Legislation"  a,nd  "adjudica,tion"  are  merely  convenient  analogies. 
Merely  because  an  administrative  body  is  m':i'nja  general  rule  in  con- 
formity with  a  policy  stated  does  not  mean  that  this  action  should  be 
outside  the  courts*  control  while  the  enforcement  of  that  rule  is  care- 
fully checked  as  to  --.rocedure.   If  the  courts  adopted  this  view  they 
:;u.ght  well  be  "swallowing  a  camel"  for  questionable  actions  could  be  put 
in  legislative  form  while  the  enforcement  gave  the  most  elaborate  proced- 
ural guarantees. 

It  is  a  well-established  leg.^1  principle  that  the  legislative  judg- 
ment is  not  to  be  questioned  as  long  as  it  operates  in  the  ambit  of  its 
constitutional  powers.   Yet  rafiny  public  men  and  students  of  public  law 
have  repeatedly  charged  our  aighest  court  with  substituting  its  judgment 
for  that  of  tiie  legislature.  A  legislature  does  not  need  to  hold  hearings 
upon  a  bill  althou&i  it  usually  does.   It  is  presumed  to  know  the  facts 
u:oon  which  it  bases  its  judgment.  Faenever  a  court  steps  in  and  says 
those  facts  are  inadequate,  it  also  says  in  effect  either  the  legislature 
had  an  improper  factiial  basis  or  it  did  net  follow  a  view  which  could 
be  reasonably  sustained  by  the  facts.  Either  of  these  views  amounts  to 
a  higlier  procedural  requirement  being  placed  upon  the  legislature. 

That  the  courts  do  not  step  in  -:-vd  place  limits  upon  the  parlia- 
mentary conduct  of  either  house  of  Congress  as  a  deliberative  body  does 
not  mean  that  the  magic  of  the  word  "legislative"  covers  any  action  taken 
under  its  mantle  with  an  invincible  armor  of  propriety,  or  sanctifies  all 
procedure  branded  with  its  name.   On  the  contrary,  where  the  Congress 
delegates  the  legislative  function  of  investigati:n  for  the  purpose  of 
legislation  (59k),  the  courts  have  erected  some  rather  stiff  procedural 
requirements  and  limitations  (591).   If  the  Federal  Trade  Commission  in 
its  investigatory  capacity  be  either  an  administrative  body  or  a  legis- 
lative agency,  it  would  seem  that  the  fact  that  limitations  were  imposed 
by  tlie  CQ-urts  stands  as  authority  for  the  proposition  tiiat  the  courts  will 
under  proper  circumstances  limit  the  procedure  of  administrative  bodies 
acting  legislatively. 

It  could  hardly  be  expected  that  by  terming  administrative  action 
"legislati-n"  it  would  be  clothed  with  the  same  dignity  in  the  eyes  of  tlae 
court  as  the  action  of  a  coordinate  branch  of  government.  The  courts  have 
not  been  prone  to  classify  administration  in  any  final  form.  They  reco- 
gnize tiiat  all  acbninistrative  action  is  not  alike  (59m).   Mr.  Justice 
^lolmes  pointed  out  that  these  actions  migiit  be  "legislative,  judicial  and 
executive  in  nature."  (59n)   Treatment  does  not  depend  so  much  upon  the 
types  of  administrative  action  but  upon  the  particular  questions  that 
may  come  as  to  operation  in  relation  to  the  individual.  Much  is  made  of 
the  Uorwegiaja^  Nitrogen  case,  which  has  already  been  fully  distinguished 
from  the  NBA  -nroblem  in  this  cliapter.  That  ca  e  must  be  limited  to  the 

fact   tliat  the  attorney  of   those  affected  "by   tie  Tariff   Commission's  re- 
commendaticn  demrjided   to    see   all    the   evidence  before   the   Commission,    even 
that  which  it  had  accepted  as  ccnf idential.     'Here  the  term  "legislation" 
presented  a  convenient  analogy   to    sug^ijest  as   in  the   tax  assessment  field 
not  all    tie  proced'aral  guarantees  of  "a  tpi,vn  meeting"   or  a  Judicial   trial 
need  he  afforded  to  protect  the  individual.      Proper  administration  is  a 
balancing  of  administrative  efficiency  and  fairness   to   the  individual. 
The     Flexible  Tariff  Act   sets  up  certain  procedural  requirements,   partic- 
ularly notice  and  aearing  (59o).      Although  the  courts  have  enforced  these, 
other  questions  cf   this  character  hc?.vo  not  arisen  except  the  limited  pro- 
blem already  suggested  (59p).      The  status  ox    the  law  upon  this  act  is  so 
indefinite  that  it  can  be  safely   said  that  tliere  seems   to  be  no  really 
strong  authority  existing  for  the   "le;?;islative  view." 

Tlie  Panama  and  Schechter  cases  have  been  pointed  to  as  lending 
credence  to   the   "legislative"   approach.      In  the  latter  case   the  court 
used  the  term  "legislation"   to   strike  dovm  the  delegation,   not  as  an  an- 
alogy upon  which  to  limit  its  ovm  pctvcrs  of  judicial   review.     Legislative  | 
power  except  within  certain  limits  can  not  be  delegated,    said  the  court. 
This  was  no  indication  that   vfaere  properly  delegated  the  courts  would  ignore 
their  control   exercised  in   the  past  over  use  ;:f  d'3legated  power.      In   the 
Panama  case  rmich  tht?   same  situation  i-3   true.      Tliere  is,   however,   an  addi- 
tional  and  valuable  evidence.      Alternative  grounds  upon  which  to   strike 
down   the  governnronAts  case  were   offered.  tian   tlie  impropriety  of 
the  delegation   the  court   said  an  execative  order  imist  have  associated  witli 
it   some  possible  factual  basis  upon  wliich  an  official  may  act.      This  is 
significant.  .  Tlic  ordor  issued  was  just  ar,  broad  and  general  as  an  NBA 
code.      Its  character  as  legislative   sooms  identical.      Yet  the  court  in- 
dicated a  willingnpss  to   control   tno  technical  procedural    question  indicat- 
ed.     Further,    the  court  indica,tod  that  it   still   conceives  of  administrative 
action  in  tonas  of  fact-finding  as  op  jysod  to   the  traditionally  stated  con- 
cept of  legislation. 

The  dissent  of  Hr.  Justice  Cardozo  has  been  pointed  to  as   setting 
forth  proper  legal   theory  as  to   the  nature  of   the  President's  action.      It 
is   suggested  that   tie  dissent   says  the  President's  order  is  "legislative" 
and  not   subject  to  procedural   require;,ionts.      It  'is  to  be  expected  tliat  the 
Justice  who  wrote  tie  opinion  in  the  ITorweiL:ian.  Nitrogen  case  would  use 
similar  concepts  i\erei  -No  matter  hov;  much  one  approves  tie  philosophy  of 
dissenters  in  desiring  freedom  from  judicial   review,    it   shculd  not  be  for- 
gotten that  law  is   still    to  be  found  in  majority  opinions. 

There  is   a  recent   case  which  gives  Mr.   Justice  Brandeis  an  opportunity 
to  offer  his  views,   writing  for  a  'onanirnous.  court.    (59q)     Here  he  attaches 
some  of  the  ciaracter  of  legislative  action  to  administration.      It  is   to  be 
carefully  observed  that   this  raises  no   conclusive  presumption  but  merely 
raises  a  prima  facie  presumption  of  validity   (59r).        Pains  were  talcen  to 
point  out   that   the  fact   fiat   tie  action  was  called  "legislative"   did  not 
make  it  binding  upon  the  court,     Tliis  is   m  h.arrnony  with  the  language  found 
in  the  dissent  by  Mr.   Justice  Cardozo   m  the  Pang-irna  case. 

The  attempt  in  tiiis   study  is  to  point  out  the   state  of   the  law 
and  possible  judicial   trends  in  thi:s  ailministrative  law  problem.      Proper 
weight  must,    of  course,   be  given   to  all    the  pertinent  facts  and  analogies 



in  any  particular  situati:n.   The  realitios  -.if  judicial  control  can  not 
"b  J  i_,n  rod.   It  i  ■  i  t/ -:■  v<>y!:   ■  f  t.  .;  writer  that  there  is  little  hope  to 
avoid  tiern  in  a  field  such  a  VliA   by  neat  definition  and  classification, 
or  by  adding  a  step  (iCi^lslati.n)  to  the  ; .drain istrative  process  which 
by  its  nature  indicate-3  tJ.e  dele^^atJon  .f  :^roator  powers  to  administration 
and  can  not  hope  to  find  inimecliato  favor  in  tiie  judicial  eye. 

"Ho   one  would  deny  that  tiie  .delei;ation  struck  down  in  the  Schechter 
case  was  declared  bad  because  tiiere  was  rm  attempt  to  delegate  great  legis- 
lative power.  As  such  tlie  wjiole  code-making  procedure  was  illegal.   The 
only  thing  this  study  can  hope  to  do  is,  considering  the  powers  granted 
existed  constitutionally  and  that  the  delegation  was  curably  by  setting 
narrower  limits  upon  actijn  and  setting  more  well-defined  standards,  treat 
the  problems  as  ordinary  problems  in  administration.   If  tlie  delegation 
had  been  cured  it  is  highly  improbably  that  the  powers  exercised  by  NEA 
T;&uld  aave  been  of  such  a  policy  nature  to  have  made  the  word  "legislation" 
such  a  bogey.  The  probability  is  that  KRA  would  xiave  been  such  a  fact- 
finding agency  that  procedural  requirements  would  have  unquestionably  at- 
tached. Problems  in  N3A  administration  are  treated  (in  the  chapters  that 
follo\Y)  individually  as  a  matter  of  good  administration  and  justice  in 
the  particular  circumstances  surroxmding  it.   Each  problem  is  viewed  in 
relation  to  law  and  practice  in  related  administrative  fields  with  a  part- 
icular consideration  of  whether  NRA  problems  demanded  such  procedure.   It 
is  not  intended  to  split  hairs  ^oy   attempting  to  point  out  the  legal  limits 
of  undesirable  adjTiunistrative  practice.   Bather  it  is  hoped  to  suggest,  by 
viev/ing  tlie  precedents  and  the  circuiiistances,  what  practice  would  have  been 
so  eminetly  fair  and  just  that  it  would  escape  question  upon  grounds  of 
administrative  law. 

Tlaat  tiie  President  was  given  power  by  the  Act  to  approve  proposed 
Codes  raises  some  interesting  considerations.   'Jould  mandamus  or  injunction 
lie  against  him  either  to  force  tlie  issuance  of  codes  or  to  prevent  their 
approval?  Prcm  his  position  as  head  of  an  equal  branch  of  the  Government, 
the  President  ujider  the  sepai-ation  of  powers  theory  derives  immunity  from 
judicial  process  (60).   .Ano trier  basis  has  in  the  tmalogy  between  the  Pre- 
sident's position,  as  head  of  the  government  to   sovereign  authorities  in 
other  governments.   Still  a  further  and  compelling  basis  rests  on  expediency. 
Althougli  his  actions  in  approving  a  Code  may  not  be  enjoined,  the  courts 
could  achieve  the  same  result  by  declaring  the  President  lacking  in  power 
(6i),  or  the  approved  Code  arbitrary  and  unfair  in  substance  or  in  procedure. 
It  would  seem  that  the  President  could  have  been  arbitrary  or  capricious  in 
refusing  to  approve  Codes  v/ithout  affording  aggrieved  persons  a  judicial 
remedy,  no  matter  how  closely  their  proposals  were  in  accord  with  the  require- 
ment's of  the  Act.   Since  the  drive  was  to  approve  codes  it  was  not  probable 
that  t?ais  question  would  arise.   It  does  indicate,  however,  a  difficulty 
that  may  arise  from  giving  such  power  to  the  President. 

As  to  an  Administrative  Board  or  officer  both  mandamus  and  in.1unction 
will  lie  in  proper  circuiiistances.   '.T.iere' any  discretion  involved  has  been 
exercised  and  all  that  remains  is  a  ministerial  duty  mandamus  may  lie  (62) 
or  where  jurisdiction  is  refused  by  an  a'lministrative  board  mandamus  will 
lie  (63).   So  mandamus  might  have  properly  laid  where  NHA  refused  to  consid- 
er the  proposal  of  an  industry,  or  miere  an  official  refused  to  forward  cer- 
tain papers  w.iich  he  should  nave  forwarded  under  the  procedure  as  set  up 



(64).      If  a   shewing  were  made   tliat   tlie  mere  approval    of   a  Code  ty  the   Pre- 
sident would  have   caused  irreparalDle   injury,    it  mit-,ht  have  been  urged   that 
the  forwarding  of   tlie  Code  by   the  NKA  to    tne  President  could  be   enjoined. 
Such  an  argument  would  have  been  of  doubtful   merit   (65).      Tlie  effect  would 
have  been   enjoined   the  President.      It  is  not   contended  here   that  wiiere   the 
courts  might  view  ITHA  as  acting  as   an  agent  of   the  President   in  a  narrow 
sense  that  extraordinary  legal   remedy  v7ould  issue.      Tliere  has  been  too 
little  time  to  fully  consider  this  problem.      Instances  where  injunction 
miglit  properly  lie  can  be  envisaged  alth-ugh   the  courts  are  extremely  re- 
luctant to   issue   extraordinary  legal   rewedies.      Tliis  is   especially  true 
of  mandamus.      Hius ,    a  premium  is  placed  Li"3cn   inaction   (66).      TLiis  mciy  be 
only  an  incident  of   the   courts   feeling,    the  attitude  having  arisen  from 
the  reluctance  of  courts   to  give  relief  requiring  positive  action  by  those 
it   can  not   easily  control.      [This  discussion  has  been  intended  to    sl:iow  that 
the  introduction  of   tne  President  as   the   final   adjainistrative  authority 
complicates   the   situation  as  far  as   tie  application  of   extraordinary  legal 
remedies  because  of  the  dignity  of  his  position  both  analytically  and  his- 
torically.    Unless  there  was   some  compelling  reason  it  would   seem  desir- 
able  to  have   such  final   authority  rest   in   sirae   other  person  or  body  than 
the  President. 

The  N.I.R.A.   makes   specific  provision  for  conditional  orders  of  ap- 
proval   (*).      There  are  a.  few  cases   involving   the  use   of   such  orders  making 
requirements  not   specifically  included  in  a  statute  (67).      The  few  cases 
seem   to  allow  regulations  reasonably  consistent  with  the   statute  and  its 
purposes   (68).      Professor  Freund  has   suggested   that   "in   the  absence  of   ex- 
press  statutory  provision  the  power  of  administrative  authorities  to  annex 
conditions   to  licenses   should  be  denied".   (69).      This   seems  correct  where 
the  adinini  strati  on  tries   to   gain  ends  it  could  not  reasonably  reach  under 
its   statutory  power.      It  would  not   seem  to  be   so   compelling  where  the  con- 
ditional  order  was  harmonious,  with  the   statute  and  made   to   remedy  a  defect 
in  a  proposed   scheme.      Also   considerable  merit   can  be   seen  in   the  use  of 
a  conditional   order  as  a  protection  to   the  public   (70).      The  Act  provided: 

"Tlie  President  may,    as  a  condition  of  his  approval   of  any   such 
code,    impose   such  crnditicns   (including  requirements  for  the  making 
of  reports  and  the  keeping  of  accounts)   for  the  protection     of 
consumers,    competitors,    employees,    and   others,    and  in  furtlierance 
of   the  public   interest as   the  President   in  his  dis- 
cretion deems  necessary  to   effectuate   the  policy  herein  declared." 


Tlie  reasonableness  of  tlie  use  that  tie  President's  conditional  orders 
put  to  would  seem  to  have  buen  the  tost. 

The  Act  was  couched  in  broad  terms..  The  procedures  to  be  used  were 
not  specified.  The  dominant  scheme  of  industry  written  codes,  apo)roved  by 
the  President,  was  a  new  governmental  form.   Its  main  precedent,  the  English 

(*)   Secti  n  ;5(a) 


procedure  by   scheme,   had  n^jver  been  rmt   to    such  large  uses.      The  pro- 
codural  precedents   that  ai'.eiat  be  ai';)].  i.ed  by  the  courts  are   difficult 
of   ascertainment  althcUijli  the   evidence   indicates   that   the   Interstate 
Corainerce   Coramissicn   supilied   the   closoist   ,'iiialogy.      Eie   subject  matter, 
although  not   the  ..lanner   c.i    tr.;atr;v-.nt,    was  inore  cloiely  related  to   that 
dealt   with  by  the  Federal   TruC.i   Corknis-jicn.      The  making  of   Codes  appears 
to  have  been  both  lei^islativc  niid.  adjudicat  iry.      Placing  final   power   in 
the  President  created  a  legal   difficulty,    in   that   there  ir?  no   recaarse  by 
extraordinary  legal   process  a^ains^t  his  acti-in  or  inaction,    as  did  the 
failure  to    specify   the   conditional   order  of  approval   as  a  proper  device. 
An  additional  problem  lay  in   the  administrative  approach. 



The   i-TISA  wps   d.esi,.rAed  tr   meet  not   one    nrolDlen  but  a   number  cf    these 
presented  by  the    "Depression".      For   this  verj  reason  the   so-called  theories 
of  the  Act  were  too  mmei-ous   (l)    to  furnish  any  really  useful  guidance   to 
most  persons   interested  in  the   Act   (3).      The  nio-iular  name  of   the   statute 
indicated  that   it  ^vas  enacted  to   do   a   job  -   start   recovery.      This   is  fur- 
ther shovm  by  the   self-devised  nf^rae   "f   the  Administration.      In  addition  to 
the   li-ait.-ition  of   the  Act   in  the   creation  of  the    scheme   there   were   limi- 
tations  in  the   circumstances   existin:r  at   the  time   cf   the  Act's  passage. 
A  state   of  near  panic  i-'as  becoming  ai^narent.      Action  was   the   essence 
demanded.      The   advantages   of   svrift   efficient  administrative   action  r;ere 
needed  if   the    imT^etus   cf  recovery  -..'as  to   be  felt  at   once.      (3)      It  w^s 
this   initial   impetus  •7hich  it  was   thought  would  be   the   momentum  necessary 
to   bring  recovery. 

WuL  started  from  scratch.      There   was   little    oolicy  and  no   organization. 
The   latter  fact   lias   caused  sone   adverse   comment    (4).      It   is   doubtful   if 
this   covi.ient   is  well   taken  for   the   intention  v/as  every^^here   a~Tnarent   to 
effect  an  organization  as   sr^rn  as  rjossiole.      There  was   the   su^r;.p■estion  that 
the  President   could  nullify  tha  whole   A.ct   by  doing  nothing  (5).      Shore  are 
many  lai;-s  which  he   could  make    inoperative   by  failure   to   act.      The    imiiortant 
facts  are   what   is   done   or  can  reasonably  be  ernected,    not   the   weird 
■Dossibilities.      KRA  had  enough  difficult  -nroblems   to   face  without   conjuring 
up  improbable    "straw  men". 

The    situation  was   such  that   speed  was  ^referred   to    slow  painsta':ing 
survey/-.      This  was   the   case   because   a   consensus   of  action  by  industry  \vas 
desired:    and  the   latter  method  was  not   in  -riarticular  favor  in  an.y  event 
with  the    then  MA  Ad.ministration   (c).      The   demand  for   celerity  of  action 
required  a    certain  measure   of   industry  croT)eration.      It  '^-ould  have   been 
impossible    to   have   created  the   codes   that  were   made  without   such  aid.      Of 
cotirse      it  might   have   been  possible    to   have  licensed  some  of   the   larger 
industries   but   this  procedure   was  not   desired.      It   smacked  too   much  of   the 
hated  concept  of   "government   in  business". 

General  Jolinson  has   described  MA' s  position; 

"All   other  agencies  had  billicns   to   loan  or  give  away. 
ITrA  gave   nothing.      It   took.      It   imiirsed  sacrifices.      Everybody 
likes   Santa   Glaus.      ITobody  favors   Simon  Legree.      C'-'nsequently, 
ITILa  made   powerful   enemies". 

This   could  only  mean  that   cooperation  of   industry  could  be   secured  by 
offering  concessions,    showing  positive   advantages   to   be   gained  or  by 
threatening  to  use   the   license  power.      The  former  two  methods  were   chosen 
although  l^fflA  was  not   sure  how  successful   thoy  would  be    (8).   A  number  of 
industries  offered  codes  becaiuse  it  was  being  (Lone   by  other  industries, 
because   it   was   the  popular  thing  to   do.      This  vras   in  part  a   result   of  a 
tremend'-us  sales  effort  on  the  -part  of  NEA  which  might  be  more  unlcindly 
called  "ballyhoo".      A  number   of   industries     possibly  more  keen  to    their 


cm  intnreBts,    rirssibly  "il'li  i";  t<~    stand  a-7;pinst   the   Adjninistration  had 
to   'be  rfiered    orsitive    incentives.    (:.').      Anon,;:;  the   incentives  offered 
were  freedom  from  the  Anti-T'ruKt  la'  s,    and  a  positive   sanction  in  enforcing 
approved  industry  agreemer.ts  -d'ocn  recpl'jitrpnt   members  of  industry. 

ICLA.  MPS  dominantly  inter'.^r.ted  in   Qi'-.curia^  iDetter   conditions  for  lator, 
hL^^her  \T>3;^es  and  a   spreading  of   the  vvork.      This  was   done    to   raise   the  pxir- 
cha.sin£;    jc^er  of  the  masses  sno'  erasn  unera-plojTaent  (10).      Industrj'-  nas 
seelrin^;  V)C sitive 'advantages  through  favorable   trade  practices  for  its 
sacrifices   (11).      The  result  was  usually  a  bargaining  'by  industry  -aith 
goverittier.t    (lla).      This  v;as  recognized  by  a  number  of   i\!IlA.  officials, 
fevierpl   Johnson  described  the   situation  as    "olain  horse   trading  and  bare- 
faced ;ir".vr  playing"   (12).     Other  high  officials  less  robustly  called  it 
p    "   -jro   quo " ( 13 )   or   "partial   compensation  for  increased  labor   costs" 
(14).      The   nc  ticn  became   so  pouular  v/ith  administrative   officials   that 
the-;--  svugges'ted  it   to   industries,   -nerhsps   thinking  the    industries   iTere   not 
suificientlj'-  avrare   of   the  possibilities    (15).      Codes   grew  up  and  \7ere 
ariproved,    not  bec?.'use  'SUA  thought  there  was  evidence   to   support  the  pro~ 
visions,    but   because   they   contained  the   best  provisions  HEIA.  thought   it 
coi.ild  rbtain  fx'ora  industry   (16).      It  must   be   remembered  that  NBA  was  not 
an  i-prrtial   judge.      It  was  a  proponent   of   certain  ends   (17). 

iiji'-ther  re  sill  t  cf    the   code   technique   was   to   place   agreement   and 
majrrity  vote  at  a   ■'u-emiura.      Often   this   became    the   only  guide   to    the 
propriety  of   code  nroposals.      Shis  was   true   both  as   a   res'ilt   of   the  of   securing  necessary  economic   data   tc   form  a   basis  and  the 
viev/s  of  presiding  officers.      Even  '-'here   a  presiding  officer  preferred 
to   collect  evidence  he  was  handicanped  by  the  pressure   to  get   codes 
amiroved.     After  the  excitement  of   those  hearings  following  the  first 
few  large   ones  presiding  officers  as  a   "hole  tried  to   get   some   explanation 
of  the  purpose   of   code  proi:iosals.      T-'O   things  probably  prompted  this: 
1.     A     desire   to   avoid  later  intemretative  difficulties  and  2.      The 
insistence   of   the  Legal    Division  on   the   need  of   "building  a    record"    (18). 
Often  there  was  a   feeling  that  negotiation  should  take  place   in  the   con- 
ferences,   and  that   industry  agreement  was   the   only  essential   other  than 
the   officer's  own  often  naive  view  that   the  provisions   be   legal   (I?). 
This   latter  view  usually  meant   a   Clearance   by  the  Legal   Division,    members 
of  which  often  were  swept  along  by  the  haste  everywhere   surrounding  them 
to   conclusions  none  too   carefijllj'-  considered.      Provisions  for  control  cf 
substantial  economic  problems  by  majority  vote  was  written  into   codes   (20). 
This   discussion  of  majority  vote  as  a    substantive    test   is  not   offered 
critically,    although  it   is  felt  that  such  guidance   is  not  always   the  most 
wise   in  p-p.  econoiTiy  so   intricate  as  ours.      It  is  offered  to  afford  a  back- 
ground for   the  procedure   followed  in  NRA.      Majority  agreement  procedurally 
see^.s  tc   be  a  poor  substitute  for  careful  explanation  of  means  and  ends 
set  forth  in  a  record  which  may  be  preserved  to   offer  to   the   court;s  as 
"justification"  for  action  taken  or  aiDnroval  given. 

As  a   result  of   the    serious  administrative  problems  and  the   relatively 
com::snding  position  of   industry,    the   Administration's  position  offered 
many  difficulties.      Haste   in   s^^me  matters,    delay  in  others,    and  confusion 
in  nocrly  all   existed.      There   was  r,ressure   from  all   sides   (21),    by  industry, 
by  political  forces,    and  special  labor  and  consumer  groups   (22). 

Business   came   to  KRA  more    quickly  than  was  anticipated.      NEA  had  no    si-uf- 
ficient  organization  to   handle   the  iTroblems  presented   (23).      Coupled  rrith 
the  -oressure   to   get   codes    "throui^h  the  mill"   it   can  "be   easily   seen  how 
errors  would  creep   in,    provisions  would  -not  he   fully  understood  and  well- 
reascned  judgments   not   always   given.      Of   this,    all  KElA  directing  officials 
must   heen  fully  conscious   (24).      In  the  "balancing  of  disadvantages 
they  prchahly  consciously  chose   the   course   follo'-.-ed  -  haste   in  approving 

Haste   in  securing  personnel  was   easily  arjpa rent    (25).      No   systenatic 
scheme  or  necessary  qualifications  for  any  responsihle  positions  were   even 

One   of  NRA' s  most   important  functions   should  have   heen  fact-finding. 
HHA  v:as  meant   to   deal  more   realistically  with  "business  problems,    than  could 
the   courts  or  the  legislature    (26).      In  this  there  was  such  haste   that  it 
was  alhicst   impossible   for  h"HA  tf^. properly  perform   this   function.      The.  con- 
fusion  (27)   and  pressure  were   so  great  that  responsible  officials  could 
not   stand  the  pace  physicall;'-  (28).      With  nerves  unstrung  and  body  tired 
careful  fact   finding  became   a   distant   dream  (if   it  viere  even   remembered). 
KRA' s  own  procedure   demanded   such  haste    that  a   busy  T)residing  officer  or 
adviser   could  not   hope   to  even  learn,    let   alone   analj'-ze      the   basic  facts 
of  en  important   industry  in  the   time   allotted  (2S). 

In  the  drive   to  get   codes  approved  specific  policy  was  ignored  at 
first    (30).      \Ihen  policy  was  issued  it  often  proved  so   broad  and  sweeping 
that  numerous  exceptions  were   required   (31). 

Haste  had  a  powerful  effect  upon  procedure.      Hearings  were  necessar;- 
evils  to   be   dispensed  v;ith  as   readily  as  -oossible   v^henever   there   was  a 
demand  to  put  a   code   or  a   prevision  through  (32).      The   work  could- be  more 
quickly   in  the   conferences.      That  the   record  failed  to   contain 
these  often  valijable  evidentiary  discussions  mattered  little.      The   quickest 
most   convenient  administrative  means   are   not  always   the   best,    especially 
if   there    is  -oossible   judicial   review   (33).      The    difficulties   that  might 
resiilt  from  questionable  proced^ore    seems   not   to   have   been  recognized. 
There  was  no  planning  that   a    search  villi   disclose   other   than   the    "goldJl 
fish  bowl"   and   "controversy"    ideas   (34).      The   res-ocnsibility  of   the  Legal 
Division   should  have   been  of  a  most   grfive   cteracter.      Recognizing  tliat 
man-y   presiding  officers   had  no   legal   training  the   legal  adviser   should 
have   liad  considerable   hand  in  sliaping  the   course   of  hearings.        Even  where 
the  presiding  officer  may  have  had  legal   training  there  was  no  assurance 
that  he  had  a  proper  appreciation  of   the  Tjrocedural   requirements  of  ad- 
ministrative  law.      The   same  holds   good  for  legal   advisers.      The  Legal 
Division  as   n  unit    seems   to   have  paid  little  attention  to   the   problem  of 
procedure,     A  careful   check  of  instructions  given  to  legal  advisers  dis- 
closes onlj;-  fifteen  memoranda  with  any  bearing  on  the  problems  of   this 
studj'-  (33).     Of  these  only  a  very  few  toxiched  on  procedure   (36),        Their 
dates   indicate   that   they  came   in  the   form  of  a    rationalization  of  existing 
procedure   rather  than  a   careful   recom.aendation  upon  which  -nrocedure   should 
have  been  built.      In  a   resume  of  cases  upon  the  UIRA  published  b-/  the 
Legal  Division  there   is  no  division  dedicated  to  t)rocedure   desoite   the 
fact   that   some  of  the   cases  suggested  the  problem  (37). 


It   is  difficult   to    place   the   resiicnsi"bility  cf  the  lack  of   thought 
l;1v  j:  pi-  Cv.o;.;re        ...i'O    ■.:'       : ..  -  I- c-rv:;  fcions  vrere   given  ornlly.      The  Legal 
Division  Tras.a'Tare  of   the   'iri'ble^a  ns   indicated  by  its  memoranda  even  if 
the  awareness  cnme  as  ,?n  nfter-thou^^ht,      Thc!  •res-')onsihility  probahl./  vpiries 
fron  Cfse   to   case.      More   re£5iiov;sib]a   t'v.f^t-i  .•-■'ny  '»orsrnal   failings  must  have 
been  the   drive   tc    produce   c-.'ss,      Cjiick  -irrduction  d^^es  not  mean  per- 
manence  or   stability.      Propv;r  -Mrrcedure   oould  lifive   gone  far  to   have   in- 
sured this  had   the   Act   been  held  constitutional, 

luien  the   need  .for  policy  \ir->s.  recoj-nized  tiiere  -ras  a   tendency  toward 
tor   great   ri^^idity.      G-ove nt  has  devised  no    soiinder  methcd  of   dealing 
with  -Qrcbleras  of  economic  ancT   social   import   than   the   case   method.      The 
diff iciilt--  found  in  the  A:iti-trust  laws,    it  was  claiued,    lay  in  their 
policy  of   trying  to  fit  all   industries,  to   one  mould.      WAA  in   its  latter 
days  developed  in  this  direction  (28).      There  were   situations  T^^here  policy 
v/as   not   a   tiUfficient  answer  to    the   economic  facts.      A  poliCy  that  might 
allow  one    industry,    because   cf   its  organization  unusual  liberties  might 
be  distinctly  unfair  tc  another.     The   form  of   such  trouble  lay  in  allow- 
ing too   great  freedom  to   an  industry  b  e cause  -nolicy  requirements  had  been 
met   cr   in  the   desire  of  Det)uties  to   adhere   to  policy  desnite   industrj^'s 
well-vrounded  reouest.   .  Periiaps  the  difficulty  lay  not   so  much  in  the 
policy  aniicunced,  but   in   its  ferns.   -  Standards  of  action,    standards   cf 
means  and  end,-   coupled  iwith  intelligent  administration  may  be  far  more 
Toroductivs   than  absolute  rigidity  of.  detail.     Of  course,    the  latter  is 
desii-a-ble   as  a  matter  cf  uniformity  where   no  other  outweighing  considera- 
tions  e;:ist. 

It  nay  have  been  that,  s\ich  policy  grew  up  because  of  apprehension  of 
higher  adiiiinistrative  officials  toward  the  administration  of  those 
officials  nost   closely   in  contact  'dth  individual   industries. (38a)    Id  .'■.k'x'itl? 
tc   the  haste  v/ith  which  personnel  v:as   selected  there   were   other  pressing 
probleiis  -presented  by  personnel,   -jarticularly  from  Division  Administrate rs 
do\7n  tc    and  including  Assistant  Deputy  Aay.iinistrators,        NilA' s  personnel 
prrb]e:..s   can  not  be   assigned  t^:-   po'J.itical  patronage   fct   it   is   common 
knowledge   that   the   vast  mpjcrit3r  cf   those    in  responsible  positions 
(and  many  not   in   such  positions)   were   brought   into   the . organization 
thrcugii  personal  connections  with  those   already  in  KIA.      The    immediate 
nucleus  of  officials  were   trusted  friends  of  General  Johnson  or  business 
associates.      There  were    som.B   labor  leaders.      On   the   whole    they  or   their 
friends   seldom  furnished  the    important  iDresiding  officers.      People   there 
were  aplenty  desiring  to   work  for  MRA.      There  may  have   been  a   sufficient 
number  cf  ca-oable  administrators  with  a  -oublic  viewpoint,    but  this   is 
doubtful.      One   thing  is  certain.     Many  presiding  officials  had  no   con- 
ce-ntion  of   the  proper   character  of  an  administrative  hearing  or   its  ;'7ur- 
pose.     Even  worse   is   the    suggestion   that  presidir:g  officers  may  have 
often  h'-'d  -.^r  at   the   time   had  substantial   interests   in   the   ind.ustries 
coLiing  under  them  although  this  was  probably  contrary  to  MA  policy  (3S), 
There  v/ere   a  number  of  cases  where  MA  officials  were  graduated  into 
the  ranlcs   rf   industry  a t   comparatively  princely   salaries   (40).      This 
does  not  mean  that   there  was   dishonesty  upon  the   part   of   such  persons. 
It  i;-dicptes,   however,    such  an  akiness  of   spirit   that  the  public  interest 
as  apart  from  industry's   internist  or  personal   interests  might  have  been  slighted  (41).      The  principle   is  well   stated  in  the   judicial 


field  that  no  man  shall  he  a   judge   in  his  otoi  cause    (42).      There   is  little 
reascn  ^"hy  it   should  not  ai:)ply  in  the   administrative   field.      It   is   sc 
recognized  in  England  (43).      The   rule    is  a   protection   to   all   interested 
persons  ano.  to    the   judge.      Wo  matter  the  honesty  of  the  presiding  officer, 
it  is  uise   to  avoid  the  a opearance  of  possihle   evil.      The  cry  often 
raised  nps    the  need  for  trained  men.      a  man  v/ho  knows  the  prohlems  cf  an 
industr]'-  too   intimately  because  he  has  once  lahored  with  it  may  he   so 
hiased  as   not   to   he   an   irapartial   judge.      It  is  possible   to  understand  the 
prohleiis   rf  an   industry  withoiit   having  n'orked  for   it. 

Perhaps   in  light   of   the   circumstances  HRA  could  have   done   no   "better. 
It  r/culd  have   he^n  impossible   to   have  called  upon  the   Civil  Service.      The 
job  nas   too   large   for   it    (44).      The   Brookings   study  well   states   the 

"a  prcblem  in  nublic  personnel  administration  more 
difficult  than  that  of  sec\xring  industrial   specialists 
for  code   drafting  and  code  enforceinent  can  scarcely  be 
inagined.      To    secure  at  once  persons  well  versed  in  the 
intricacies  of  the   industry  and  yet  free   from  bias  and 
questionable    interests   ijas  a   diiiic\ilty  of   the   first 
iiiag-nitude.     Many  persons  would  have  had  more  confidence 
in  the   selections   if  eligibility  for  appointiaent  had  been 
determined  more   in  the  open  by  an  inde-oendent  personnel 
agency  using  a   sj'-stem  in  which  the  facts  of  education, 
experience,    and  interests  were  passed  upon  by  a    special 
ccnmittee   of   cora-oetent   examiners   of   high   standing,    and  one 
which  left  a   reasonably  complete   record".    (45) 

This   element   cf   bias   sO:ietines   showed  itself  as   ins\iff icient  aware- 
ness  cf  any  public   interest.      Hesponsible   officials  made  promises  which 
could  net  always  reasonably  be  kept.      ?or  examTDle  ,    a   resoonsible   official 
made  a  prmise   that  an  approved  code  provision  would  not  be   touched  until 
the   iiidustry  agreed  to   the   changes    (46)   yet   the   Act   indicates  a   desire 
tliat    the   President  modify  or  cancel   any  enprcved  code  provision  inhere  he 
deevaed  such  action  necessary  (47). 

Ail  additional   difficulty  lay  in   the   fact   that  presiding  officers 
did  not  always  get  along  well  with  their  advisers.      Advisers  like  hearings 
were   sometiiaes  looked  upon  as  a  needless  nuisance    (48).     Much  of  this 
feeling  resulted  from  the   idea   that  hearings  were   to   be  forums  of   contro- 
versy opposed  by  orders  to   rush  the  code-making  process.      Controversy 
delayed  hearings.      Long  hearings  delayed  "putting  codes  through". 

The   theory  of  industry  self-government  provided  a   strong  limitation 
upon  adji.inistration.     Many  felt   that  •jith  adequate   industrial   information 
much  cf   the   solution  of  the   depression  \/ould  come  from  industry  (49). 
Many  industrial  leaders  and  some  'MA  officials  followed  the   theory  tliat 
whatever  a   representative  group  in  any  industry  thought  best  for  that 
industr-  should  be   accepted     as  prima   facie   in   the  public   interest   (50). 
After   crdes  were  approved   this  ^-as  extended  tc    the  place    that  MA  rfficials 
often  discouraged  the   sending  cf  pertinent   information  to   the  Administra- 
tion  (51),        Indifference   to    the  public   interest  as   such  further  colors 


seme   rf   the   difficulties   to   Tae  foitjid   in  the   «dninistrative  aijoroach. 

Any  ccnsideration  of   the    orocedural   orobleras  must   "be  made   only  pfter 
an  understanding  is  had  cf   the   inherent   limitntions   cf   the   scheme   and  the 
ad'iinistrative   approach.      Industry's  ability  tc    Dargain,    the   trust  placed 
ty  MA  in  industry  self  governiaent  and  the  value   of  majority  vote,    the 
haste   and  confusion  surroundinp;  the   v^hcle  undertaking,    the  failure   tc 
recognize   the   importance   and  difficulty  cf  procedure,    and  the   limitations 
of   the  personnel  all  had  important   influences  upon  due  process  of  Ian, 
■both  procedurally  and  substantively,    and  the  lack  of   it   in  MIA. 



HEA  assumes  a  ride  range  of  jurisdiction.   Whether  this  was  always 
properly  assumed  is  a  preliminary  consideration  to  the  propriety  of  pro- 
cedure.  The  revievT  exercised  "bj   the  courts  over  administrative  action 
through  ouestions  of  jurisdiction  and  jurisdictional  fact  has  already 
"been  ooserved(l)  as  has  the  recent  iraportance  of  the  latter  question  in 
the  field  of  aojninistrative  lav  (2)0   Jurisdiction  has  a  close  relatio:i 
to  questions  of  la'"  and  it  is  quite  possible  that  a  number  of  the  broad 
terms  in  iiie  Act  mifht  have  been  subjected  to  judicial  definition.   This 
it  has  been  observed  hs.Dpened  to  many  of  the  problems  of  the  Federal  Trade 
Comnission  (o).  A  more  tellinr  revie^?'  "ould  have  been  for  the  courts  to 
have  detenained  vhether  the  actual  f;;cts  supporting  jurisdiction  existed, 

A  number  of  questions  that  i-ould  hpve  furnished  both  problems  in 
jurisdiction  and  jurisdictional  fact  appear  in  the  Act.   The  codes  were 
to  be  8;pplicable  to  an  industry  or  trade  or  subdivision  thereof  (4), 
"hiat  is  nroperly  an  industry  or  trade?  Did  the  Jsbricated  Iv.etals  Code 
(5)  cove::  :aore  than  one  industry?   The  code  for  the  G-raphic  Arts  Indust- 
ries (5)  paiiooted  to  cover  anyone  who  might  perform  the  "act  or  process 
of  printin,';,',  impressing,  stamping,  or  transferring  upon  paper  or  pape]>- 
like  substoiices,  of  any  ink,  color,  pigment,  including  any  and  all  par- 
tial processes  aJid  services  used  in  prinfe:ing".   The  code  by  its  title 
covered  more  than  one  industry/  although  the  Act  did  not  specifically^ 
authorize  such  coverage  (7),   It  seems,  of  course,  that  subdivisions  of 
an  industr""  might  be  split  up.   Even  this  might  be  carried  to  such  extreme 
ends  that  courts  T-'ould  interfere  (8)  if  they  felt  that  such  actions  had 
been  carried  unreasonablj'-  fr r.   The  problems  mentioned  are  illustrated 
by  the  titles  of  such  codes  as  the  Lumber  and  Timber  Products  Code  (9) 
and  the  Mop  Stick  Code  (lO),   Could  a   verticle  code  be  said  to  properly 
cover  Oil  industry?   The  resale  price  maintenance  plaji  of  the  Tobacco  Codes 
were  in  effect  a  verticle  code  (ll).   It  wss  often  possible  to  "freeze" 
a  distributive  system  with  such  a  code.   It  is  quite  possible  vith  the 
courts'  laiorm  antipathy  to  this  tyne  of  action  that  the  courts  might 
have  said  on   industry  was  not  raecnt  to  refer  to  such  separable  activities 
as  maiiufac ture  and  sale  not  generally  carried  on  by  the  sam.e  persons  or 
firms.   Imoroper  classification  of  firms  as  belonging  to  an  industry 
where  there  was  good  evidence  to  show  they  did  not  is  another  possibilits'- 
(12).   The  suggestion  is  that  the  court  might  have  tried  its  hand  at 
classification.   Overlapping  codes  furnish  still  a  further  problem.   It 
co-old  be  easilj'-  thought  that  it  is  imreasonable  to  require  a  firm  to  pay 
tribute  to  more  than  one  Code  Authority  while  performing  only  one  opera- 
tion (13)  or  to  be  in  the  dark  as  to  '-hich  set  of  fair  trade  practices 
it  must  operate  ■under.   The  Baking  end  Restaur:aat  Codes  illustrate  the 
situation  (14).  Large  restaurant  chains  operating  bakeries  for  use  in 
connection  with  their  resta.ur^nts  or  separately,  were  covered  by  the 
Bakin'^'  Code  (15).  Overlap.oing  codes  might  mean  that  a  small  group  vrould 
be  compelled  to  abide  by  a  particulr'r  obnoxious  provision  (16).   It  is 
quite  poEsible  that  when  code  st  1-1:1.0 turcs  became  unreasonable  the  Court 
would  have  said  there  was  no  jurisdiction  under  the  NIRA.  to  approve  such 


a  code  or  that  the  grourp  codified  '-as  not  in  ff.ct  an  inaustry  m  tne 
me;.uiin   of  the  Act. 

Other  problems  aside  from  code  stracture  raise  the  question  whether  were  within  the  pui^poses  of  the  Act.   Could  a  code  properly  cover 
persons  eraploying  no  lahor?   It  has  "been  thought  not.   Yet,  this  is  pre- 
cisely what  the  Fur  Trapping  Contractors  Code  did  (17),   The  Act  says 
"trcde  or  industr:/",  not  employers  of  labor.   Hoirever,  the  entire  structure 
of  the  Act  indicates  that  the  latter  was  intended  (18).   In  the  instant 
Code  the  proponents  were  Louisiana  trappers  of  muskrat  ■  r-ho  le.-.  sed  the 
trapping  privileges  on  large  bodies  of  s^-ai'ip  prying  a  percentage  of  the 
catch.   Some  trappers  were  actual  employees  of  lond-owners  or  intermed- 
iate iMid-lessors.   Both  the  trcppers  and  the  land-owners  and  middle-men 
who  leased  from-  the  land-O'-'ners  and  to  the  trappers  desired  large  percent- 
ages of  the  catch.   Colonel  Conkling,  the  Deputy  Administrator,  felt  that 
the  lojid-owners  had  the  upper  hand  and  that  the  trappers  were  in  need  of 
relief.  This  he  determined  to  give  them  through  the  medium  of  a  code. 
At  first  all  the  advisers  including  the  legal  adviser  (19),  expressed 
the  opinion  tha,t  this  group  could  not  oroperly  be  given  a  Code.   Finally 
Colonel  Conkling  prevailed  aJid-the  Code  -as  named  Fur  Trapxdng  Contract- 
ors Code  instead  of  Fur  Trappers  Code.   The  ma-ic  rord  "contractors" 
with  a  grouTi  of  dummy  labor 'provisions -cam oufl&ged  the  situation  so  that 
a  code  wa,s  issued  (20).   In-such  a  situation  a  court  might  be  eroected 
to  say  there  is  no  reasonable  relation  here  rith  codes  contemplated  in 
the  Act  ar-d  the  Aojuinistration  h-r  s  no  jvirisdiction  to  approve  such  a  code, 

■,hen  definitions  '"ere  hastily  and  loo'sely  drawn  serious  questions 
of  juriscMction  often  arose.   Probably  the  best  means  of  settling  these 
contests  ^Tould  have  been  to  review  the'  representati-ve  character  of  pro- 
ponents and  assenters.   This  method  was  frequently  ignored.   In  its  place 
interpretation  was  resorted  to.   An  interpretation  upon  -the  basis  of  words 
used  in  the  definition  might  extend  the  code' s  jurisdiction  far  beyond 
that  which  it  could  claim  as  a  matter  of  representation  (2l).   If  a  group 
were  brought  under  a  code  as  a  result  oi^  such  a  procedure  it  would  have 
an  excellent  ccse  on  '^•hich  to  challenge  the  code's  jurisdiction. 

Jurisdictional  problems  bet^-  een  governments  and  between  their  agencies 
frequently  arise  (22).   A  number  of  jurisdictional  problems  1".  y  in  the 
wide  reference  of  the  Act  to  trades  or  industries,  while  other  agencies 
exj-sted  -.-ith  a  measure  of  industrial  control.   The  Federal  Trade  Commis- 
sion and  the  Department  of  Justice  had  long  been  active  in  the  field  of 
industrial  relations.   Consent  decrees  and  injunctions  secured  by 
these  agencies  provide  the  largest  problem.   There  was  an  effort  made  to 
clear  with  the  Department  of  Justice,  and  many  codes  were  delayed  because 
of  this  (23),  Although  some  decrees  r-ere  formally  modified  many  were 
not,  yet  code  provisions  Tjermitted  actions  in  violation  of  court  orders 
(24),  Ail  unusu  ,1  sit-oation  would  have  arisen  had  the  courts  -ounished  as 
contempt  such  actions,  l-o    such  action  by  the  courts  has  been  brought 
to  the  v;riter'  s  attention, 

A  nujnber  of  proposed  ajid  approved  codes  involved  or  interested 
other  federal  agencies.   The  Agricultural  Adjustment  Administration,  the 
Petroleum  Administration  and  the  Federal  Alcohol  Control  Administration 



each  exercising  po^er  delegated  under  the  Act  rere  interested  in  a  niimber 
of  codes  (25).   In  the  codes  interesting;;  the  latter  the  Treasury  Depart- 
ment had  a  grave,  interest;  as  the  licensing  agency  (26).   Then  too,  the 
relationship  with  the  various  labor  agencies  was  not  clearly  defined  (27), 
The  public  utilities  -jroposed  codes  eech.  involved  a  relationship  '-ith 
other  gov3rnmental  agencies.   The  Telegraphic  Communications  Industry 
was  substantially  related  to  the  pcjers  of  the  federal  Communications 
Cohfission  (28).   The  Natural  G-as  Industrjr  ra.s  of  interest  to  the  Petro- 
levn   Board  (29).   Of  more  interest  and  causing  considerable  dissention 
was  the  Electric  Light  and  po-'er  Industry  (30),  Altho-ogh  NBA' s  relations 
were  nainly  of  the  most  cordial  nature  in.  a  cane  like  that  last  referred 
to  had  NRiV  persisted  in,  codifying  the  industry  there  might  probably  have 
been  pre.ented  a  jurisdictional  problem  for  the  courte. 

An  ijiipbrtant  problem  of  ultra  vires  is  presented  by  code  legisle.tion 
rhich  undertook  to  govern  persons  outside  of  the  industry  making  the  code 
(31),   There  vere  many  refinerients  of  this  problem.  .  Some  codes  accomplished 
the  desired  result  by  providing  members  could  not  sell  to  or  a.eal  with 
firms  engaged  in  certain  practices  (32).   The  effect  Yfas  usually  sujst:m- 
tial.  To  remove  a  source  of  supply  or  a  market  may  be  as  substantied  in 
results  as  legislation  in  '-'ords,  .The  Legal  Division  recognized  the  serious 
nature  of  this  problem  (33),   Despite  this,  examples  v.'ere  frequent. 

It  vas  generally  conceded  that  as  to  the  desire  to  have  a  code  pro- 
ponentr,.  iiust  have  been  representative.   The  exact  tests  which  should  have 
been  applied  were- in  dispute.   Of  course, ,a  representation. of  as  high  a 
percentage  bj-.each  test,  and  of  over  fifty,  percent  by  .all  tests  -'Ould 
have  been  desirable.   Economic  data  was  sc  scarce  that  it  was  possible   • 
to  misrepresent  represent?ation  in  many  instances  either  through  ignorance 
or  design  (54),  '  The  problem  of  actual  representative  character  is  cer- 
tainly one  of  jurisdictional  f.act.   There  was  a  possibility  that  the 
courts  would  imdertake  to  determine  this  question  themselves  if  they  felt 
that  HHA  had.  found  incorrectly.   IJEA's  drive  to  approve  codes  m.ay  have 
often  caused  responsible  officials  to  accei.)t  less  evidence  than  would  be 
desirable  upon  this  problem.  Upon  the  whole,  however,  this  was  one  of 
the  points  most  scrupulously  checked  by  the  Administration,  particiilarly 
the  Legal  Division.  ,  '   , 

Aside  from  the  code  as  a.  "'hole  another  question  presents  itself. 
Was  it  necessary  that  there  be  a  majority. of  assenters  to  each  code  pro- 
vision? Certainly,  a  majority  of  the  industry  by  some,  test  must  be  as"" 
senters,   Dir'  it  matter  that  their  a'-''sent  was.  gained,  despite  strong  cuid 
even  violent  objections  to  certriin  code  provisions?   Cases  can  be  imagined 
where  this  might  have  been  important.   Of  course,,  many  of  the  more  erpei— , 
ienced  inctistry  members  refused  to  r.srent  uritil  assured  of  their  desires 

This  brief  survej'  shows  that  HPA'  s  jurisdiction  -^'as  open  to  maaiy 
questions.   The  facts  upon  which  jurisdiction  was  thought  to  rest  'fere 
not  ali.-ayo  reduced  to  absolute  certainties.   In  both  these  questions  of 
representative  character  there  existed  a  pregnant  possibility  of  judicial 
check,  ITEA  often  s.voided  possible  difficulty  by  refusing  to  act.  •  l.iany 
questions  could  not  be  avoided.   The  '-'ise  course  and  the  one  usually  fol- 
lowed '-as  a  strict  requirement  that  industry  groups  be  as  representative 
as  r;ossible, 




Afv.ii::.istrative  "Trocedure   is   not   the  forinal  -:ircced"are   of   tlie  couirts 
(l).      If   it  -jere  nucli  of   tlie  value   of   the  ac'iviinistrative   techniqiie  itovlIc- 
he    .'estroyed.      ""o  gener^'^.l   rtiles-  or  foras   can  he   erroectec^-.      Froce-.n-re   is 
xisi'll:-  htiilt   to  aeet   the  neecs    of  t  he  "oarticular  field   (  ^) . 

Statutes   estahlishhi':   afh-iinistrative  agencies  vary  as   to   the   fetail 
T/itl:  if-'-ich  they  set  forth   the    jroce.farre   to  he  folloi^ed.      Some   statutes 
ignore   the  -orohle.:v  (h);    ot"iers   say  little;    still   others   outline   the  -pro- 
cedure  rather  definitely  (h).      There  'las  heen  a  recent   tendency  to   in- 
clu'e  a  reouirenent  for  a  hearing   in  sts,tutes    ( 'J) .      If  no  -Trocediare   is 
s-^eciiies   tie  agency  ina.;'-  use  any  rcasonahle  ^^rocecnire   it  heinc  loresivaed 
that   due  ---rocess   of   la'7  is   inten.'ed   (6). 

Tlie  Act   contained  le^-r  references   to  -procedure   (7).      Th-re  "ms   a  ta- 
riff  ad.just:aent  -orocecva-e   ('^0.       "otice  one"   l.earin-;  ^?ere   s-oecified   in   the 
licensing:  'orovision   (9)    and   in  s-^ecial   instances   in   the   code  r)roce''iu^e 
(10).   thpn   that   the  Act  ^«rps   silent. 

The   Schec":ter's  hrief   (ll)   \7ent  at  ::reat   length  to  -ooint   oiit   tl'ds 
feature   of   the   statute.      S'Tecif icrll;-  it  -oointe;'    out   t.iere  r-ere  no  -pro- 
visions  for  notice,    the   tahinj;   of   evidence,    and   the   scarcitj^  of   the  find- 
ing re^r.ireaents.      It  also   su-T::estef    that   the  President's   ar)"oroval   -na3'' 
he  utterl-"-  arhitrar3/  anc"    capricious.      As  had  already   oeen  s\\-r2ested, 
there   is  a  judicial   chech  t'^rotig'-  ultra  vires   u-oon   tlie 'President   in  3,11 
cases,    e"ce-ot   a  refiasel   to  act   (^-'hich  voijI''    not  he   involve''^    in  the  hrief 's 
su;--estion  anj^-ray)    (13). 

T"'.e  fact   tha.t   no  -^roce'.uire  ^^as   stated    in  the  Act   is   not  unconnon. 
"any  acts  c'elei^^'-'tino;  ad  ninistrative    oo^'er-   fohiot   state  a  -rrocerure,   h\it 
alloiT   th.e  administrative  hod-"  to   set  vn  its    cri  ■oroce:u''-re.      Of   course, 
vrhetl.'sr   this  ^JroceTuvre  provides   oue  procetis   of   la-'  for   i-i-ividuals   af- 
fected   is  ulti.a-tely   to  he  deter. lined  ''o:/  the   Coiirt.      'h/   the   Court's   ovrn 
-ecisions   it   is   certr-iu   thpt  an  Act  ~vj   -orovidinj  -oroce'^ure   s-^ecif ically 
does   not   esca-oe   the  -oroce^uvral  reoi.iire;.Taets   of   the   Pif  tli  A  lend.nent.      The '.ter  Comoration's  hrief   continued    its  attrcl:  uion   tl:e  Act  ''oy  sa;-- 
in-   tla.t  Pederal   Trace   Co.ii.aission  procednire  prociued   oue  -process   of   Irn 
'•'hile   the  -procedure   of   the  hecovery  Act  c^ii'   not   {I'j).      Pe^errl   Trade  -^ro- 
cer'ure  ha,d   never  heen  severely   -uestione:''.      There  was   little   need   to  as 
judicial   revie^'Y  "as   so  readily  av-ulahle.      Still   the  Pederal   Trade   Co.n- 
.nission.  Act   (1-6)   was   far  fro..!  estahlishin:  ;'•  ny  full  -rrodedure.      Counsel's 
arvu.ient  -proceeded   V-iTon   t/e  fallccy  tl-a,t  e.d  ninistrative    "ue  ^irocess    must 
he   estad'lished   oy   the   statute.      It   trpnscends   the   statute.      The   renuhre- 
nent   is   .nrd.e  ^oj  the   Constiti\tion.      It  nay  he   scvo-^lied   p-irrt  from  stat\i- 
tory    lirection  or   in  accordance  ^7ith  it.      It  must   in  any  event  he  afforded 
hy   tl  e  Ad  ministration   or    the   courts  ^-'ill   offer   it  when  a  -iroTer  case   cones 
hefore   tlie...      Counsel   elahorated  xv^on   tils   aryu.ient   (15).      TiWiether   the  ar- 
;;;;u.ient   referred   to   the   enforcement  procedure   or   the   code-nal-inc  urocedure 
is   not   clear,      "''owever,    it   is   onl}"-  in  enforcement    tlia^t   there   is  a  close 

analo;,:/  ii;    t:.  e  -^ro'Dle.i  of  x-)   to    i:l:.e_re\err.l   Trrle  Gon.dssicn. 
Cdxisel   ^.::':Vl.e^    tlT.t   tlie  .-'■.ct  ^^ts  '  oit'   sinc'fe-rt  "irescri^oe"   no   consti tutionr.l!'.   or  ■   for  r.scert;^! '.i  v^     ^i.t   ;  ;-e  r^-.x'- !:■:•  ;aetho'"s    of  corn-ieti- 
tion,    rr/    in   tliis   res'iect   totally    'if-'ers   fro.-',  tic   ^cuerrl   Trr.c^e   Co.ins- 
sion  Act.      It   is  ;:ene:"all7  concealed   t'".e   TiT'-'e   Co.xnission  Act   ■'oes 
not   esta'olisn.  ■'orocei'v.--e  ••'it;i  ?nij'  degree   of   o::acti  tucle,    su.cli  as   tne   I:".te:-- 
state   Co-Lierce   Co;:!  lission  Act  coes.      !  o'Tevcr,    counsel   fin^s  very  elaoo-:-te 
-oroce'"   estaolisne'"    jy  t^ie   Trac'e   Con  .ission  Act   in   tn^  fac't   timt  five 
in-oartial   Coin.nissioners  -'ere   to   oe   a->-^.oint&>"   by   t.":e  ^resioent  '-it^-   t'-.e 
advice   of   tne   Senate,    and    that    t'^e   Co.n  .ission   if   it   oelieve^"    an^'  -Terscn 
r'a.s  u.sinv  an  imfair  net'nod   of   co.:netitio;.   in   connerce   or   tliat  a.   oroceed- 
in^  'Toi-'.ld  'je   in  tne  -rablic   interest,    coinl"    serve   fc^^:lal   co-nlaint   on   the 
-Terson  accused   settin.;;  forth  tne   char  yes.      The   comlrint    .mst   contain  a 
notice   of   the  hearing  frivini";  a    "a'cR   ;  n:"    statiny   the  Tlace.      Hhe  person 
served  !:,ad   thLe   ri^ht   to  ar)near  ^n<''    sho"'  ca.use  ■  hy  the   Comnission   sr.oul^ 
not   enter  a  cease  and  desist   or   e'".      Testiriony  -'^.s   recuire;"   '-'hid:   nust  he 
reduced    to  vrriting.      Tne  Co.n.h'^.Gion  '■'•  ?   rc^tiired    to   nahe   findirys   of  fact. 
!hat   it   is    to  he   re nembered   that   the   "^-A  ado'-^ted  all    this  -7roce'-''ure   sneci- 
fically  '-'ithin   its   own  hod.y  rs   r-,  )lyi;::._:   to  itself   or   tne  ?lte"nate  -)roce- 
dure   of   injunction  -iroceedinys    oeinre   t...e   Courts.      Th.ere   is   force    to   t  .e 
suggestion   that   the   Trade  Cor.inission  ■■>roced-are  -)l;.-.ce:"   no  corn-ralsion   to 
force   ooedience   to   its   orders  until   tl:.ere  'vas   ;'.n  ;'-Tilication   to   the   Cou'^ts 
to   enforce   its   or''"ers.      In   '~'A,    on   the   other  han'-' ,    a  novel   harassment   in 
the   form  of   con-olirnce  ^roceedinys  '"as   in  voyuo   (15).      "'ven   if   t'lis   latter 
"iTroce'ivre  '"'as  had    it   could   hace  'jes-.'-i  :''ecl''red  hpJ,    still   leaviny  as    ':ooC 
the   code-ria,hiny,    assu...!iny   thrit   it   other'-'ise    net   due  -irocess   of 
law   recui:i"enents. 

The  -irocedural   idea   to  he  fou.nd    in   early  "^A  vp.s   to  hear  all   i::- 
terested   -lerties   (17).      ';PA  as    ";-^   foriun  of  controversy"    it  vras   thou,yht 
'.70uld  furnish  a  means    "to  .^et   the"   (lO).      Tn.e   intention   of   tne  Pre- 
sident '-rr.s   to  afford   a  hearing   (19).      This, '-'as   reflected   in   the  attitude 
of   the  Administrator   (.20).      Despite   this  '-'e   have   seen  tlia,t  hi£^h  IPJl  offi- 
cials  did   not  feel    that   the  usual   imnlications    of  a    statutory  hearing  re- 
quire.nent   need  be  follo'ved    (31).      Statu.tes  ■  for  hearings 
construed   to  mean   that   there   is   a  ->rivileye    to   introdu.ce   evidence   and   a 
duty   to  decide   in  accordemce  nit'i   tlie   evidence   (■3'0.      Tb.e  "ise   course   if 
the   exigencies  allowed   it  'vas    to  "rovide   the   fullest  '-io?.r,ible  heariny. 
Courts  "orefer   such  a  hearing   (23)    and   it   is   the  whole  gemut   of   judicial 
review  that  administrative   action  ..mst  .f.ace. 

Controversy  not  fact-f indin;;  '"as   t'le   first   stated    touchstone   to  w!.iat 
an  h3A  hearing  was  designed   to  be   (2h)      In   order   that   one  might  be   hea.rd 
r)roce'  -orovified  for  p.  reotiest   to  be    .lade  -orior  to  hea.ring  "dth  a 
sta.tement  as   to  person's  desires    in   testifying,    tl'.at   is,    t'le   deletion, 
amend.nent,    addition   to   or  su-^hort   of  a   'Oroposed  -orovision   (25).      In  fair- 
ness   to  x~A  it   shotild  be   stated   that   there  was   alnost  no  adh.erence   to   tn.e 
requirement  tliat  one  desiring  to   oe  a  witness  ask  in  advance   to  ati-oear. 
I'HA  -oresiding  officers  freely  extended    th.e  ■^rivilege  of  testifying  to  any 
person  recuesting   to  ar)'iear  either  iiuiediately  before   or   during  a  hearing. 

Otlicr    t^i^n   t  -e    rhlic   statements  unon  controversy  little  guide   is 
offered  by  '.TLA.  as   to   the  character  its  h.enrings  were  to   talce.      '"ea-rings 
were  a-rtiarently  not  even  considered  as   i.m:iortant  as   "a  good  -TOolicity 
story"    (26).      Later,    "TFIA  expressed   a   slightly      nore  detailed   statement   of 


t-io    --rccetv-re   tc  "oe  use:"-   ciwrin^  ■.    -aiolic  ::e:^Ti^i^   (-7).      T/.i^    -■•t-te  nent  re- 
owirr^'  --iresidin^  officers    to  s^ek   "to  elicit   I'rcts  fro.-i  tuo   o-i -lonents   --.nC' 
-oroTO -.e.-.ts   of   s-oecific  -orovisinns   of   the    xcoioosed  code  for   tlie  -Tdroose   of 
ori:-..i:i:.   cv.t   tie  /lecescity,    oenefit   or  detrinent   of   siac".!  "provisions"    {  I"') . 
Tliis   state-.-:snt   in.'^ic-i.tes   t;irt  controversy  alovie  '.iju'    -irove'3    inat>a;aate. 
'"srcL.,    r  feeling,  ^far   mi-nifest   f-'.at  nrcsi'-'in;-;   officers  aust   tc  .'•■:  act 
as   -A  e:r.iincr  conductia.    n  :-e-  rx:!;-;   in   z'..  n   ,j^n:;er   f^iib.iect   to   ""jro-f 
revie-'".     ?er]:.i.T)s  '"'eneral  Johnscn's  n'tio:!  of  controvercy  co-i-ire''.e.i''ed 
t..i-.t   ■-,  -7f^-^iCiar;  officer  -o aid   oc   ncre  ;.  ;;;lorified  referee.      Ce--tain- 
ly,    G   r-   C-eneral  when  acting  as  a  •oresi-'i-i-^L-   ofificer  ^"as  an  ac-rl'e   ---.nd   often 
■ocrristent   or.estioner   {2?).      Mnny  Dresi'-in^;   o-ficers  did  not  ■■gt:  o-   S'-i-cn 
a   J.' Gip..      A:i  ii^ortrot  .^-A.   official  ',  c'escrJl-'ed  a   hoarin^:  .-.?.    "a   series 
of   sb''t.e-.ents  hy   interested   --arties    <?onrti:nes  bacho'?  ■-ith  conridrra'jle  le- 
gal  -i'    statiptic-J.   .-atn,,    30.:--ti  ;:es   i^j.;S"T:oorted  'by  '■n-',   e.:ce-it   senti- 
nent    y/   seir-eviaent   st;:te  .lentr^. "    (■3'). 

51  crt  ard   inac'emzrte  licarin-'^!   cyn  he   dre-'u'^ntl;^  found,      "'len    the  "ire- 
sic'in"   officer  infde   no  att8.:nt   to    -''•icit  fact?,    it  i"ps   riiite  no^-ihle 
the   recorc    "0\?.ld  he  harrev-   as    tc   -   t  :•  tic  ■J..'--'ly  iOTort?nt  nrovi  sion.      ^ 
ni:ht  he   tr^ie  -^-ae   to  a  v-^riety   of   rc^  to  :   even  -dien  advisers  '7ere  yiven  fnll 
rein   tc   cn-estion.      The  ;  fviser  .:\av   .^^-v^  .■:'.'     ^o   i.;f  o -rA- tx  c-:  c^    to  tie   in- 
(?ustr--'s  -'ast  -practices   or   t'e  -o-di':    of   '■■"  e    -■^ovisic^n^    Ti;'y  hrve   a-T-eared 
innocent.      S:-?il]    cametite-G    ire~  a-  ;t.].--  -r    e    too  "^oo?^    ;;,e   oo:::"    to  ""asldnq- 
ton,    01-    the-  na,    hrvR    -ece^v.-^    a-    _.-h;icr.'    :-.— .-.o--.  v.    o:     iroviri  jns ,    naive 
as    tc   le-rl   rvdcs,    r^-^  ;;e 'hn'-r,    -   ■v^^e'"    -.';h    to  voice    ohioctionr;  1.";   o.earinyr; 
w.v^-.e::'   'a  0  ^rjar-.:;:?    hi-':    b;.ei;'-   o;hcctionf   -'cal;'    he   conside\-e''    ':n-     nattors 
"iron.:h    ovt"    io    the   ^onf  r'a:oo.:>r .       Ta.e  -o^'ef;n-\re    to   yet   co^jes   p-orovod  ^vfp 
sufficient   ird-ice  ..pnt ,    to   so.Me   i>roEi''iny   of.rice;.'s,    to  Oesire   not   contro- 
versy hut  agreeoient.      ''Tjien   t    eve   -je    a— 'ee- .,ent   .learinys   '7ere    -•  ortened. 
A{;re&nent  h-  .o-:hei's    of   .n    in  nt^ta;-    '  oos   not   aefoj    tn~t    the  ::)vhlic    inter- 
est   or   even   tn-    iah:olr:''?    \:itene--i-   ■  oal     ho   "oll    served.      These  factors 
co.jvnlec'   -ith  inocti--    oo   the    v  :.-t    rl'      reoi^in      officers    server    to  nrod-i-ce 
.:io.ny  i:.:aeeup.te   recorc:s   (31).      S.iort  ^earin^.s   alone  ^ere   not   t:)<=   only  re- 
cords   thrt   co\irts   coMld  have   consi  ■"  -  :-e^    ino  "e   n.ats.      Thej''  do   serve    to   il- 
lastv.te  '-hpt   soinetin^es  han-iened.      An  o.itiro    transcri-nt   of    one   hearin; 
exclo.sive   of   the  -eorod'O-ction   of    the   co.'e   con  "be   re-orchicec"    or   less   tnan 
one  no-intec  v^ie   {o2) .      There,  are  ?    nvu.iher   of   other  eaarroles   (oh).      In 
tiie   c:  se   of   ler;re  ?n.'     lore   in?ort'not   inrhnstries  h.earin;:s  ^T'.rs   often  erhte 
lony   CO  noratively  (''4). 

"hA  ej-->ressed  a  desire   to  have   no  aro'aient   or   ooinion  at   ..e-  rio:^s 
(To).      T:.e  nan^fest   i^rroosRihilit"'  of  fccvirotely  ois  fcin;^uishin     ■jet'-'een 
fact   anr"    o-^inion   oi    arrxnent   '  n  ■:''    e;--'l"nFtion   or   inter^oretation   of   fact 
r)-ovn-..te"    the  fulfillncnt   of   t   i-.,   oesire.      T  •  e   oest  hnovm  means   of  dis- 
tinonis'"ino  fact  froa  o'.iinion  lies    ho    the   r'oles   of   evirence   {Z"').      It 
is    honhtec    if   this  means  was   e-;er   roro^te^     to   in    'hi.      So   the  r  O.e   that 
there   sh.o\ilf    oe  no   oninion  tes  tioion--  '.■eco-  -e   of   :io    ..ol-n   to   the  A'ninistra- 
ticn.      lo.stee-",    it  "'as   suhject    bo  r'xox:^  ':■:/    -iresioin,-   officers.      The 
nractice  ^r  s   to  allovr  a  '-itness    to   r'oh-'le   or   oTach   as  he  ■-'ishod   erooressing 
p.ny  thonht   thr.t  car.e   in  his  herd,      /o-  -n"    then   the  I'^ole   a~ainst  o.roai- 
ment   or   o-^inian  n-as   invoiced  a.yoinst   a  r)a-:-ticiilarly  '■"  is  tasteful  hit   of 
testi.'.o-.y  (o6). 

T'\ere  are   other  aryLinents   for  a  different  rrJe   in  addition   to   the 
nossihility  of  ahuso    oy  nresi-'in,;;   officers.      Q-oinion   testimony   is    often 

neces=;rrv  to  oeci':''e   issues   in  co-arts.      7' -ir.   is   ever    .lore   tm^e   in  the  fielJ 
of   tr."/'e  r.r'^    i-v~\istry  iricre  f-'.cts   "^-e   often  v.selesj:    or  non-e"istent   Jn  r.o- 
sence   of   o"iinion   to  ;:ive   tJie.:!  color   or   snostr-nce.      If   o-^i'iicn   evidence   is 
.p.d.iis3i:lr?   in  coiirts   it  "oulc'.   seen  tn.rt   it   chor.lf    jb  ?j'   -   fortiori 
in  ac'.-iinistrF.tive  "irocee-li'i'js  '"'1. ic""   ".re  '"'ir'  'Osec^    to   je   ..luc-i   nore   Ta::  in 
their  renmrenents   as    to   the  p/,  ds^ihility   of   evi'"'ence.      It  "las  'oeen  sti"- 
Seste""    t':at   it   is   c.ani'erov.s   to   consioer  o-oinion   evi-'ence   ("?).      "Sr.t  -'"•'en 
or)inio"n  fxijrnishes    the   cnl:"'  cine    to   the   tvv.e   sitruition  in  an  in^'ustry  it 
aust  he  acce-nteo    if   tnere   is    to  he  any  evi;"  entiai-y   oasis,  for  action. 

Ar.vir^ent  as   to   inte--"-)ret':tion.  to  he  ->ut  inon   the  f.-.cts   and   the  con- 
clusions   to  he   c'raiyn  "'oulo.   seen  to  he   ''"n  r^iC    to  "iresic'in^  officers.      Sel- 
don  v'ere  -^residing   officers   so   intir.-.-  tel  ■    connecter"   i;ith  an   industry   that 
a  hare   strteaent   of   statistical   i-;foMrtion  .-id    si./nile  facts  vmuld    stiff  ice 
to  afford   a  ■:)ro")er  hasis  for   tlieir  findin  .n.      Ar;_u.".ent   of   the  f^cts   ten-'s 
to  -joint   to   the   critical   isivae;.      "'.?:'■  '''    se<r:.\   ':.o  he  ;.n  eniially  heTi- 
fti.l   a''    itien   to  f-h?re   introduction   of  facts.        ere   too,    the   comon  -nrac- 
tice  -'as   to  allo^-'  arjaaent   tho-L\jd-,   in   t..eor  ■   it  -:  ■-.  h^nned.      The  distinc- 
tion hct-'een  sta.tint   facts   and  inter-iretin  ;   r,i  nl-^^    !'■  cts   into   conclusions 
of  fact   is   so   suhtle  wag   lost   to  •-.-•.:. t   ^-fodJding   officers.      A  hear- 
ing  in  the   "('ue  "orocess"   sense   is  vts-i:! h     th'-i   h.t    to   includie   s\xch  reason- 
able  ar;^itnent   of   the  facts   as    is    "V_',iir-    ,;-       n   i  v..:rGste'"   -oarty  to  noint 
out  -lis  -oosition   (3S).      This   is    tr-Lic .  e"v-=n   i..    h.r    restricted   nrocedure   of 
custons    'eterninatiens   (o9).      "'I.ere   suhst   nti,-^  1  nro-)erty  interests   or  ner' 
Questions   of   econciic   si.ynif icance   .^re   involve^"'    it   see.ns  highly  desirahle 
to  allOTY  a  full  ar-,av.ient   of   the   f.-^cts.      It   coailetes   tl'.e   inte7.-ested  -irrties 
privilege   of  heinj;  heard.      It  also  affords   hel-oful   direction   to   the  ^^-e- 
sidinj   officer. 

Ar-:^i-'.;.ie-nt  as    to    the   la-'  -presents  a  ..lore   difficult   e-i.iestion.      Ad.iinis- 
trative  a^-encies   in   urdcing  ;'ecisio.ns     mast  kee-o  rn    to   the   ^lecisions   of 
co-arts   in   th.e  field    of   its   activities,      '"^lere   a   statute  uses    such  terms 
as   "fair  practice,"    "u:ifair  conetitive  -^r^'ctices, "   an-^    "interstate   or 
forei:;n   co;n..ierce"    it   c.-n  he   e:-iectc.-    th-t      i  .-^ve   ouestions   of   law  noiild  a- 
rise.      Aryunent   of   co-'jr.sel  u-^on   sue'-,   '..lostio-is   sdio\\ld   he  "■.el^^ful   to   the 
Ad.ninistration.      It  -'ould  .furfier   in'ic  '.tc   tc    th.e   courts   that   the  Adninis- 
tration  \7as  a^.^are    of    the   ley  1   i  nolic:  tions  .^'n-'    had   fully  considered   t"ie.-.i 
es-oecirllj'-  -d^ere   the  Ad:-ninistratiye  dicision   i'-ivolved  chanj^es   in  the   e."is- 
tia^   state  of   the   law.      ;'^"~A  foidjade   lerjal  argument   (<V0).    It  adhered   nuite 
closely  tc   its   rule.       "or  ^-'as   evidence  -a-oon   such  le-_:al  -noints   so-ught   or 
'Telconed   (41)  • 

Little  disadvanta^-e  can  he   seen   i'l  allowing  argument   exce-ot   the   tirae 
consu'-ied.      Positive   need  for  ar.-xuient   of   the  facts   is   evident.      Argument 
of   the  lev  -'ould    indicate   to   the    courts  a  desire   to  he  ahsolutely  fair 
and  to  --iroceed  u-Ton  a  fully  reasoned  course.      h^A  allo^yed  argument  u-non 
the  frets  hut   refused   to  recognize  this  in  its   stated  nrocedure.      It  n'ould 
see.-.i  advcantageotis   to  liave  .no.d.e   stated  r)rocedure  and   T^racticed  iiirocedtire 
accord.     Fersua.sivc  reasons  existed   '7hy  arjir.ient  of   th.e  1,-vr  and  introdrtc- 
tion  of  -'pertinent   evidence  sho'ald  ha,vc  heen  encouraged. 

Should    the   ■-■rivilege   of  cross-exrrnination  have  heen  ;\f forded  hy  '"iA? 
The  stated  :7RA  -nrocefaire  refused  -parties   such  -irivilege   (4?).      All  neces- 
sary ouestions   it  was   thovght  could  he  -mt   oy  the  tjresidiag  officer  or  his 
advisers.      Cross-e:'.a.nination  is  freouentlv  said   to  be  an  essentia]    of  a 
fair  ad.-.iinistrative  h.earing  (43).      This   is  'nrobahly  nore  true  where  a  sta- 


tutie  "cr-wires  p.  l-.e^rivj  ■■i"    in   orop..'    revie--   xiel'/s.      l.T   V\p  i.eprin-;  tel^iss 
0:1  r.:i  ,-s-iect   of  a  c6ntest  "jet-zeen  -np/i-ties,    cross-er-uv.iinp.tion   is   -'esirable. 
"pny  "?J.  ?;x;s  vrer^^e   of   sue"?,  a  nr tiire.      I;^.   t~.:ese  '■learint'js   cross-exa.iination 
mijjft'it'ha'^j'e' of  ten,, been,  helpful .        It   c^".!'",    of   co\irse,   "je   so  usecl  as   to'oe 
rn  m.'esir'^.ole  neans   of   '  elryir;;;.;  "'e?rinvs.      'ere   tlie  "ores  iv  in,:   officer 
.-.vast   er.ercise  Giscretion  liniti:'i .    it   ■■'   it   serves  no  reel  -luroose.      In 
an  r'  dniptrptive  -"^roce'v-rR  cross-ex..;.ii:-;f  ticn    lijnt   oe   li-.nitec".   to  use 
^''Ae:r^:  r   rer-,1  contest   of   iater^str,   eristec',.      Cross-exanination   is  an  inr-.-   of  real  value   i:i' co-^ii:;  '-'it':  jeresay  evidence   (oi).      Its  use   in 
suc'.\  "- -To-yriate  'Tlaces   as  -'"'eie   a    lefrin^-  ^  ap  "'jcco.'.e   in.  fact  a  contest 
oet-eeii  ■    lii.iiteo.  n\v.ijer   cf  -parties   ir^nn  -larticular  is?  ^no-cl,"'.  see.i 
lii  ;  J.-/  c'esiraole.  ; 

"elateO.  nroole.ns   ^re   fovinc"    i:.-   reouttf/.L   testi...Gn.y   (.5)    ano   confiden- 
tial  -.-e-TOrts.      'S:SA  officiaif^   often   st^tr^c  rVjvttM.   ■-..-s   net.   to   05   al- 
love".      ■.■'-■:e;^t   lc;:ity  in   cnforcin',    t"-:c   rule  e^'ists;'.      Al-.^ost   i'-;varia')lj' 
after   ..■ia.:in.':  a   state. .lent   vrc,-::   ■■.  ^ro-ic?0'.-    co'e  nrovision   tne   nro-'onents 
'-ere   ^-.llore'"    to  r.r're   an  ^np-'erin;;   '^ttt-iient    to   .'■■r-    criticif:n    'irecte'"    07 
o-TTon'-.ntr.  fron  tlm  floor   or  'jj  r.i'yi^.evs.      "eouttal  -'as  not   li..:ite."    to  'iro- 
nonents.      Sonetiaes   a  nresir'in;.-   off ice-^  so   lo:"^.t   control   of  p   ;  e-^rin^-  tliat 
a   crosp-fire   cf   sti'te-ients   'n,'   a,r jv..-.'?nts  >:/    Tro-iorents   .^n."    o-y^onents   en- 
susc..      '"  ^e\z  fieri  oilit3-  of    ■)roce"v;.re   tarns   into   en- op   a  certain  ri;:ir:it7 
of   a-y^roacn  •-C-..I1:'    siT.r::,est  its'lf   as     ir^i'eri'^le.      T.e   orc^er   of    -> 
of   a   t-.  irl  ■.Mial'.t  not  liave  "5een   ertirel'-    out   of  ^lace.      Prononents    (li'tc 
a  nlaintiff)    conla  have  nrosente^    t:eir  c^.pe;    tVen   tre   o-inonents;    an:^    t"  en 
a   clo^in;  ^j:;   tlie  nro-^cnonts.       jIaIs   conic''   nrve  'oc^-:.   liiite'"    to    i'"ivi^nal 
nro'^os^ls   or  to   t'.ie   cof^e  nro^^oerl  as   ?   '-''nols.      A..  'I31A    -iroce'     re'-r   it 
^7as  .r.ct  rj.ico.x.!on  for   t.iis  very  or.'er  as    to   inoivic^ual  -y:- riosalr    to  'be  rset". 
:~nen  OT^onents  v^ere   ;_:iven   tlie  nrivile,  e   to   snea'c  after  t'leir   onnonents 
■  tliey  '-ere  in  fact  jriven  a   re-onttal   on -'Ortui^-ity  alonv   '-'itr.  a  c'l-pnce    to   state 
the   sujst-ntive   c^  -^racte"   of   t'-eir  c-se.      It  "oulr   "j.-   itrifrir  not   to  alio-' 
nrononents  f^   re'^:nttal   0  yortunity.      ^'ds  ^;  s   fu"  inricate:'   h^^  tne   ev- 
olution  of  -irocc.'ure   into   this   co.rss.      A  franl:  recognition   in   :™A'p.   st-.tec 
nroce'ure  -'oulr"   rave  hepn   '"erdraljle. 

"ZA  .never  nac'e  a  f  or  lal '  str  tp.-.icnit   tl   •  t   it   ever  rcte"    in   re -aro    to 
cor.e  -iro--osals  tinon  evi-ence  not   intrcfuce'"    -t  a  /i.e"ri;._:.      It   i?   cnite 
nrohahle   thrt   reliance  ■-•■- s  "i1."cp  '    in    ..ore    t'n-  n   O'^e   case  nnon   snch  evi-'.ence. 
Tr.e   nrohlev.!  ■^resente:'''   hy  ?    f-'ilnre    to   ...ave   r   'jasis    in    the   recor':"    for   •ac- 
tion  i=    t- e   eujject   of   treat. lent   at-  :-noi-.hcr   olace   (ro).      "'::e:i  reliance   is 
had  xr-on  r.  "confidential  renort"   ':>:/  r  n  0  .ent   or   inf  orn'^tion  fro.i  a   secret 
witness  there   is  raised    the   cuestion    '"njtlLnr  a  nroner  ..■.parinrj;  h.\s  'oeeii 
accor'  e.'    interested  narties.      T'^n    "confidential  renort"   nrohle..;  ''as  nre- 
sente.''    to   t"^.e  "^n'.-lish.  courts   in   the   :h~  ucns   case   of  Local    Tovevi-  .ent  ',"ioard 
V.   (47).      Alth.onjdi   th;-    "onpe    of   Lor^s   decifed    td.rt    tlieva  nas   no 
rij:ht   to   see   t".ie   insnector's  renort,    it  created   a   stor.n  centei    in  ~.n-lish- 
adninist-:'ative   la-"   (';.-3).      'I'he  recent  henort   01    the   Gc.n.uttee   on    dnister's 
Po^-ers   (-.'.-9)    has   recon.jien"ed   that   t'/ie  nfictices    of  .::ahin;   confide  iti'l   re- 
norts  he  avoided.      T'.ds  ^--ould   cert":.r-lv  see.-i   the  fairer  rule   i^nd    tne   one 
to  "be  -foil 01.76 d  unless    ;:r".ye   con,=  i-.'e:.y  tions   of  n-ahlic  nolic;--  intervened. 
The  United    States    cases   indicate    tdyt   t.^e  rule    of    tne  Arlidye    cose    is   not 
Ian  ir    thds   coi.mtry   (53).      It   c.-n  he   readily   seen  t'-:at  frdlure   to   intro- 
du.ce   a  m-^ort   into   t'le   eviJence   ..lay  heen  a  nart-/  in  irnorance   of  '-hat   ev- 
idence  is   desired   oy  the  adninistrative  hoard.      It  na?/  he  'that   the   renort 
hap   not  "jeen  carefully  dra-'n  and   th,-t   evi'ence    oy  t':e  na.rties  miyht   ouich- 
ly  estrhlisd.   this   fact   (5l).      '  hich  tne   line   of  ar^'^nent  holds  for  the 



fsilv.rn   tc  -^lace  all   testi   oiiy  of  ••itr.essfjs   An   t'e  recor'-^    of   t>.e  -iea-':"i:iv 
(53).      Tl.ere   is   not   o--)"iort-'.:-iit-'   to     r.  :c   p-^ecific   ans-vers    (5r)   -hen  notice 
of   t"-9   evidence   to   oe  relie"   v:io:~.  is   Ir.chin-.      ]13j\  coalcl  "olaceri   it- 
self  i:-.   t  ,e  clear   in   re.'.:'"    to   F.ecret  •.-itneseos   anc",   confidential  re-oorts 
if   it  "r  "    stated   t'lat   it  "o-il;"    :,ot  rel'    vnon  such  evidence   erce-ot,    of 
course,   '-v-.en  .;_Tave  "oujlic  -lolic^"   r.i;-..:t   othe-'.'ir.e   decree. 

do  -ooi-'er   of   sii'br)oena  'vas    ~iven  h:;   t-ie  Act.      This   ine-nt   that  "d?J\.  nust. 
content   itself  -.'ith  the  -.Titnesses   desirin::   to   testify.      I'd.e  Fe'?eral   dra-'e 
Co.a.iissior.  (54-)    and   the   Tariff   Cc.i.iission   (."^5)    ha,ve    the  ■-O'-'er   of   suVToenr . 
As    the  President  aicht  call  "a^'oon   these   cOi.aissions   to  vise    their  lorocedures 
(55)    the   suTooena.  -TO'Ter  va.s  a^oroved   h:/  the  Act   ?lthoU:^-h  not   viven   to  ITTiA. 
The   co"arts  have  heen  relacta:-'.t   to  .i:iv3  achninistrative  hoc  ies   too  great 
r)0-7er  of   tliis   cdia,racter.      One  a.-Tirove'   "t  oc-.5v''Ure   involves  an   issuance   of 
a  suo-ooena  07  the   administrative   ood}/.      If    o/e  ;oarty  towrrd   ivhich  it   is 
directef'    t?hes  no  heed   the  administrative  hod:/  can  a:rnlj   to   the  courts   to 
co.rjel   CO. reliance  vdth  the   sah:ioe;i?    (37).      The    theory  is    fiat   the  ad..iinis- 
trative   oody  can  not   itself  iruniis-i   the  non-comliance  'vith   its  r)rocess  as 
this   .".ia:y  c'e-irive  an  inc'ividuaJ   of   liherty  --itliout  a  trial.      "To   .nore 
tria.l   is  lia.d,    honever,   ^-^here  a   coar't  -.lunishes   a  -oerson  for  refusal   to   0- 
"oey  its  "locess.      The  federal   Trade   Co  1  ission   (d)7:^)    .nust  a.-\T,ly,    and   ^uh- 
:Tiit  necessary  facts,    to   the  Attorney-'ieneral   to   institute  r)roceedin::s   to 
co:n-oel  a-:>-iearance   anc!    testi.nony.      Tde  Attorney-deneral  'la.s   t>-e   discretion 
to   refuse   to  act   (3""). 

Th.ere  rrere   nunerous   occasions   in  ITIA.  ^-rh.ere   the  "oo'.7er  to   subiooena 
i-'itnesses  an"!   records  v,'oald  have  "been   of   considerahle  value.      Persons   s.n- 
pearinj  "oefore  'J?A  vrere  fraiilr  to  a.n  -OJiusuf  1   I'e.Tree.      There  "'ere   tines 
when   sxTch  franhness  I'/ould  have  heen  fptal.      Then  in  ^reference   to   testi- 
fyin:;   it  often  was    thou-:ht   oest   to   pay  nothin--;,    or   to  fail   to   .■^-riear   (3^). 
In   s"ach  cases,    es-necially  ••diere   '."^.A  'vas    inoviirin  ■   into    the   manner   in  which 
code  -orovisions  ha.d   oeen  ad.'dnistered,    the   suh'ooena  Trould   "  heen  a 
usefrd  civice. 

As   p^n  alternative   .leans   to    t'le   suh-joenain,-;   of  ^.-'itnesses    the   investi- 
jja.tion   of  hooks   c-rn"?   records   :riay  he  resorted   to   in  an  a.ttenrot   to  huild  a 
fact-LLal  hasis  for  action.      This  loo-'er   of   investi^-ation   is   considered   le- 
gislative i-'-ere   the  facts  are   re-)orted   to  Congress,   hut  vdiere    the  facts 
furnish  a  hasis   for  adninistr.--tive  action  :-.ii£;ht  not  he   so   treated. 

"-eneral  fishin     e::r3editions    into   tlie   affairs   of  a   stranj,'er  for   the 
cliance   that   something  discreditahle    vd/rht   show'u.r)  tmiforiTily  condemned 
(60).      As   Conf^ress   can  not  r)xmish  contempt   if   its   investigation  is   not 
legislative  (6I)    lihe\7ise  general   inquisitorial  poi7ers   in   the  hands   of 
an  administrative  hody  are   severely  f roamed  u-non   (63).      The   courts   have 
expressed  ^rave  douhts   "-jhether  (Congress)    could  delegate   the   oower  (to 
emoo.rlc  on  general   inouiries)    if   it  loossesses   it  -  -  -"    (63).      "Tnile   3hA 
had  no  -oover  to  coa-^el   oral   testi;.iony  in  a,hsence   of  express   statutory 
po'ver  (66)    it  exercised  an  analogous   oovrer  in  reouiring   that  certain 
iDoohs  and   records  he  her)t  and    re-oorts  v.iade  to  it   (65).      Such  information 
could  he  reouired  as  a  condition  to  a-Tiroval,    and  -thic  necessity  to  period- 
ically su'o-nly  information  was   exTjressly  sanctioned  hy  the  statutory  lang- 
^x^.ze   (56).      This  did  not  mean  such  information  need  not  he  judiciously 
Imndles.     !  any  codes  recognizin.v:   this  renuired  that  information  he  he^t 
confioontial   (67). 


IIHA.  did  not   requ.ire  witnesses  to  take  an  oath.     JTeither  did  the 
Agricultural  Adjustment  Act  although  in  the  administration  of  that  Act 
r.n   oath  ^as  required  (60).      The  oath  is  not    thought   to  no\7  have  the 
dissuasive  poner  it  once  did  to  prevent  perjury,       Desnite  this,    it  has 
"been   suggested  that   the   courtsraay  require   it   in  administrative  procSed- 
in.^s   if  one  party  demands   it    (69).   Adninistering  an  oath  no  ^o^er  to 
punish  perjury  is  quite  "barren.     I.iost  witnesses  r'ero  usually  frank  in 
testifying.    Their   candor  often  approached  the  roint   of   self-incrimination. 
Occasionally  if  a  point   could  he  gained  a  witness  might   try  to   leave  an 
impression  not   in  accordance  uith  the  facts,   For  these   sit\-!.ations,  a 
statutory  requirement   that  witnesses   testify  under  oath  and  a  statutory 
provision  for, -punishing  perjurj''  should  have   hcen  welcomed  dev'.ces.    It 
might  he   said  that    si.ich  provisions  -would  have   defeated  the    cooperative 
spitit  ITHA  sought   to   create.      Host- honest  witnesses  might,    however,   have 
preferred  this  protection  fron  those  less   scrupulous  that   they. 

Another  question  raised  in   connection  with  hearings   is   tlmt   of  the 
iise  of  written  hriefs.  Does  due  process  of  law  require  oral  hearings? 
When  the     problem  has  been  discussed  the  answer  ha.s  usually  been, no    (70). 
The  problem  arose   in  two  vfiys   iii  IIEA.   A  presiding  officer  desiring  to 
save  time,   keep   the  record  free   from  controversy  or  for  other  reasons, 
might  ask  a  witness   to  -ju.t  his   testli.iony  in   the  form  of  a  brief   (71), 
Just  ■'.'hat   consideration  was  given  these  briefs   can  not  be    said.    It 
probably  varied   considerably,      IThere  no    consideration  was   given,    it  was 
iikely  that  little  more  was  accorded  to  the  heardng  itself.      To  many 
presiding  officers   the  record  was  not   imroortant.      The  dominant    consider- 
ation was  toat  provisions   certain  persons  Y'ould  agree  to.      The  problem 
of  oral  hsaring   could  arise  where   it  "as   sought   to   amend  a  code  by 
"notice  of  opportunity  to  be  hoard."     :T3A  here   set  up  a  test  of 
"likelihood  that   a  substantial  minority  or  group  will  object     -  -  ~"   (72), 
Another  test   that    is   suggested  frow,  our   survey  of  broad  review  is   the 
substantial  effect  upon  property  that   the  proposed  rcgalation  might  l>ave 
had,     A  more   comprehensive  test  v.'as   stated  by  the  Legal  Division  for  the 
guidance  of  its   staff   (73),      It    seems  to  nore  nearly  approximate  the 
attitude  the  courts  would  probably  adopt.      The  use  of  the  device  of 
"op-Dortunit]/  to  be  heard"  rested  upon  the  feeling  that  it    is  an  admin- 
istrative impossibility  to  give  a  separate  hearing  upon  every  proposal 
or  to  do  all  acts  in  "to'.m  meeting"    (74).     Despite  these   sound  consider- 
ations full  oral     presentation  is  usually  felt  to  be  more   clef'rly  a  ' 
guarantee  of  due  process  of  lav;.      If  the   subject  natter   is   im^'ortant 
a  hearing  '.'ill  be  held.      If  the   subject  matter   is  not    so   irroor.'tantr  it 
would  seen  that   the  matter  could  wait  imtil   the  nezt  hearing  woiild  be 
held.      This  dilemma  suggests  thrt  the  device  probatly  sho^^ld  have  been 
more  limited  in   its  ap-jlication,    that   is  to    such  matters  without   consid-' 
erations  of  policy  involved  to   -.-'hich  all   interested  parties   could 
readily  ^gree. 

Certain   shortcomings  have  been  discovered  in  the  hearings  afforded, 
possible  impi-ovements  have  been  discussed.      Such  a  view  of  hearings  as 
has  been  had  is   designed  to    sho':.'  the  formal   gaa.rantees  that    should  have 
been    extended  to    interested  parties  to  have   insured  that   thej  woald  be 
fully  hisard. 




The  basis   for  %\\q  afu.iinistr-tive   determination  is   of   the  uti.iost 
ImportEJice.      It   involves     jriuiarily  (aiestio;"-3   of   acliTiissibility  of 
eviL.ence,    wei  ;ht   to  he    liven  evicence',    the   record  made,    ana   the 
deterrainctions  ^'hich  may  properly  be  made. 

Students   of   administrative  lay;  have   loni'  contented  themselves 
with  the  generality  that   adi-flinistrative  bodies   are  not  held  to   the 
technical   rules  of   evic.ence  of   the   courts,    th,?t   one   of  the    prime 
functions   of   administration  is   to   be   freed  of   such  nandicaps   (l). 
Recently  Judge  Stephens  has  made  a.  careful    study  of  this  problem 
(2).    ^  He   conducted  a  survey  of   just   how  and 'to   'vhat    extent   adminis- 
trative bodies   apply,  the   rales   of   evit.ence   (3).      Although   the  answers 
did  not    show  any  carefiil   attenot   ';enerr'.ly   to   follow   the   rules   of 
evidence  it   shoi"'ed   that   they  v;ere  often  useiul   (4).      A&ninir.trf tive 
boo.ies   like   courts   take   jiidicial  notice  of  facts.      The   courts  v/ill 
not  always  uphold  fincan'.;s  mad.e   on   s-.-ch  a  basis   (  ?) . 

Hules   restrictin.--  admissibility  of   evicence  which  is   deserving 
of   some   consideration  often   come   in   for  much  criticism  (6).      The 
remedy  lies  not   in  abandonment,    but   in   a  fully  considered  relaxation 
(?).      There  is  certainly  the  vl  lue   of   a   '■ori'aole   test  bein':^  available 
when  evidenpe   is   conf   sin-;ly  conflicting.      The  chief  use  in   such  cases 
could  be   in  titie  weight    j;iven   evicence.     "!Ioi"ever,    there   is   an  a.dvanta;;e 
in  having  the   ru.les   convenient   as   a  raeans   to   restrict   evicence   of  a 
highly  inferior .sort. 

Administr'^tive  bories  ^u-ve' probably  given  little   thought   to   the 
■use  to  be  made  of   ro.les   of   tvidence   (3).      '/si'ally   ouite   a  measure  of 
informality  prevails  as   to   the   actaissibility  of   evicence   (9).      Little 
help   is   given  by  the   statutes   or   n.. lea -of    jractice   of   sach  bocies  .as 
the   Interstate  Co^.hiercJ'e  Ooramission   or   the  Federal   Trade   Cominiusion 
(10).      The   latter  Cori.iiT-ion  iTsually  admits    evd(  ence  but  will   listen 
to   objections   curing  final   ar  ^auuent   on   the  merits   of   the   case  (ll). 
In  fielc.s  where  problems   of   econo..;ic   ei-uect   arise,    it   is   cesirable   to 
allow  a  consicerable  Pleasure   of  frcec-om  to  witnesses,    it   bein;;   so 
difficult   to   cetermine  what,  are  fa  cts  '( !'-)'•      Such  testimony  probably 
can  be  considered  as   ex  )ert.      The   ac'ministrative  bodies   are  not   free, 
however,    to   follow  vrhatever  rules   they' ire.      Decisions   of   the   courts 
refusing   to  uphold  adninistr-- tive   c'eterminations   have   the   effect   of 
esta.blishing   evicentiary   retiuireiae/its   (13). 

Hearsay  evidence: is  generally  admissible   (14).      In  John  Bene 
&  Sons,    Tj>c.    V.    Federal   Trade  CoiTu-ussion  (15)    a  person  whose  usual 
occupation  was   running   a  "beauty  parlor"    testified  as   to   the  use   of 
"Da>:ol"    and  peroxic.e.      Though  not  "dth   the   coupany  at   the   time   to 
wnich  her  testiinony  referred  she  was   allowed,  to   testify.      As   she 
sta.ted,    her  lariovdedge  came  from. the  fact   that   "at   the  time  they 
incorporated,    the  whole  case  was   explained,    and  I  have  all   the 
papers  concerning  the  case.  "     Other   examples  of  hearsay  appeared  in 
the  course  of  the  .proceedings.      Te'-timony  is  admissible  said  the  Court, 


"if"  of   the  kinc.   th^t  usi'.ally  sffectr,   fair-mim  ed  men  in   the   conuiict 
of   their  drily  and  more   im,jortrnt   affairs."     It    "shoiili    he   received 
rnd  conr.idered;    but   it    jho.dd   be  fcirly   cone"    (16).      In   this:   case   the 
CQurt   itself  .npOe   the   tini'.in  's   (17).      If  liniliov  ia   desirei.    it  vould 
seem  sdvisFDle   to   receive  hearsay   at   Itast   soaie'vhat   r-ifrir-jly,    pnd 
subject   it   to   the   testin.s;  of  cross- exDiuina.ti on   (18)    ii    thr  ^..clxit   be 
substantial.      ISELA.  never  refused  te'^tiiriony   offered  1. 1   he^rinjf.   on   the 
■-round  it  v-as  her'rs-<.y.      Upon   s,b:t   uti,?l   uoi,tt=;ted   problems   there 
would  seem  merit   in  procec-'Ling  cautio-jyly   j.u  rcie  itin;^   such  testimony 
elthouajh  as   a  ^,-enerai   'aatter   it   conic    oroofbly   oe   accepted  freely. 

The    "best  eviclence"-  r.-ile,    liksv/ise,    '/o'  not   ■:;ei-.-.   to  lie    a  rule 
to   be   strictly  applied.      rndoubbeoly ,    it   wes  not   followed  by  ITHA. 
There   seems  little  repson  why   it   -ohoulci    be  li.nlesc   fui-irit-i 'itial   interests 
T7cr3  involved  and  it   could  b-,;   s.icxi  thet   fpilure    to   adhere   to   th_e   ii^le 
ml£:ht  prejudice   the  position  of   an  interested  pnrty.      Affidavits   and 
letters   could  also   oe  freely  accepted   suo.ject   to    the   s.-me  liiai tations. 
IJRA.  made   free  use  of   such   evidence.      The  practice   in  absence   of   objection 
(is)    seems  perfectly  proper. 

Interested  ijrrties   sometimes   r;:ise  in   coxirts   the   fret   that   evidence 
was   improperly  pdnitted.      One   course   to   allay   the  pos':-,ibility  of   such 
action   chellenging  ITSA  hearin-:s'  mi  -at  have  been   to   have   allo'^ed  the 
takin^T   of   exceptions   to   the   -d  : l-hi 'lility   of   evidence.      The   ar?r-r:ient  on 
these   exceptions   could  have    oeen  he=  rd  later  by  a   s^jecial  board  of 
qualified  persons.      This  rould  ji-ve    indicated  to   the   courts   that  NHA 
was  p.CLitely  avare  of   the   ijroblein  ox    fvicence  anc'   had  no   desire   to 
prejudice   anyone  by  acceotin'^  evidence   to  ■which  proper  objection  had 
oeen  taken.      Objection,    probably,    w?,?,  not    taken   i^n  I'RA  proceedings 
because   of   the  great   informality   that  prevailed. 

As  we   shall    see  ¥Rk  often  acted  witho''-:t   r:^y  apparent   factual 
basis   (20).      Heliance  -.793   frenueiitly   hac'    .v.-on  briefs   never  incor;iorated 
in  the   record,    informal   conferences,    snc    co'uversations.      Ass"'Jiiiina:  that 
there  were,  few  ca'-^es'  of  bad  faith   action   by   res  lonsible   officials   there 
'ffas  often  little,  evic  ence   available   for  a  court   to   cetermine   the 
adequacy  of   the  fc-ctual  basis   or   t/ie   rea'^onableness   of   the  action. 
Preliminary  conferences   (21)    r^nc  poot-xiearin  ^;  conferences   (22)    were   a 
re-viilai^  part   of  ":'2A  proceduire.      It   is    remarkable  ho'5  .riany  ill-rea.soned 
and  ia.i'.licic    i^ro'^OGfls   ■ivere    cuk    oat   by  these   conf  e  l  ences.      Often, 
tiiou/h,    thbse   conferences   served  as   a   basis   of   C(jm:iromise  (2o)    or 
justification  for  provisions   which    on   their   face  mi  dit   not    appear   to 
be   fully  in  the   public   interefit.      In   such  instances  vliere   substantiaJ 
action   rested  upon  conference   a  r^aoro.   should  have   been  icept.      Another 
analogous  practice  was   the   "off  the   record"    discussions.      Th^ese   discus- 
sions  often  contained  extremely   frank  and  vaKia.ble   evidence  which  might 
have  gone   far  to   sustain  or   even  condemn  ITRA  determinations.       3y  falling 
to   include  this  material   in  the   record  it  probe.bly   lost   its   evidentiary  value, 
no  matter  hov;  persu.asive   it  mi.^ht  have  been  ui'jon   the   indiviciiaal   administrator. 
There  have  been   statements   that   administrative   action  need  not   rest  upon 
the   eviccnce  in  the   record  (24).      Anc    an  nccaL-.ional   ce::e  ina.y  be   found  in 
fields   other   than   those   demanding   s"..u:nai'y  action   in   the   exercise   of  the 
police  power   (25).      In  fields   related  to  KliA  (as   intersta.te   commerce 
reg-JLlation)    as  well   as   others   (26)    it  has  been  generally  held  that 
administrative  action  must  have  a  basis   in  the   record  (27),      The   require- 
ment  is   simple.      It   is   intended  to  give  notice   to   the  parties   and  afford 



a  basis  ujon  vhich  a  cor.rt  revie""inj  the  case  may  act  (28).   The  case 
of  U.  S.  V.  Abilene  c"  Sovihern  ir;  Co.  (29)  shows  the  court '  s  attitude. 
The  ouestion  involved  'vr;s  Lhe  ^).ro_:)riety  of  ujin  ;  certain  annual  reports 
in  the  hrnds  of  the  Interstate  Coia.ierce  Co.Vii^sion  referred  to  by  the 
examiner  ot  the  hearin,-,  as  follows,  "no  do\.bt  it  will  be  necessary  to 
refer  to  the  annual  reports  of  all  the  carriers"  (30).   The  Com.iission 
contended  thr-t  fjiis  v.'as  notice  to  the  j^s,rtit:S  unaer  its  Hules  of 
Practice  then  in  force  (prior  to  Leceraber  10,  1323).   These  rules 
provided  that  cp'oiea  of  all  material  other  t.ij=n  th;;  t  on  file  with  the 
Commission  must  be  offered  into  the  recora.   Material  on  file  could 
be  used  if  specifically  referred  tc.   After  referring  to  the  fact  that 
these  v/ere  adversary  proceedin-,s  in  subst'^nce  I.Ir.  Justice  Ersndeis 
spealong  for  the  Court  said: 

"The  objection  to  the  use  of  the  data  contained 
in  the  annual  reports  is  mt  1:  ch  of  rathenticity  or 
untr:.stworthiness.   It  is  th^-t  the  c-rriers  were  left 
without  notice  of  the  evidence  v/ith  >"':-iich_  they  were, 
in  fact,  confronted,  as  later  dii-clo^ed  by  the  finding 
made.   The  requirement  that  in  an  adversarj.^  proceeding 
specific  reference  be  made,  is  t.s/.ential  to  tae  sub- 
stantial rir^hts  of  the  parties"  {  Zl) . 

A   legislature  is  not  held  to  anj^  f;uch  requirement.   This  has  caused 
many  to  think  that  an  adninistr-- tive  body,  in  fact  le.xislating,  should 
not  be.   Tjiis  ini;-;ht  not  be  the  vie>"  v/hich  will  be  followed  by  the  courts. 
Courts,  at  preseht,  have  a  stron/;?;  feelin^  that  certain  defined  limits  to 
administrative  action  shovild  be  established  and  enforced  (32).  .To  insure 
against  judicial  reviev;  scmipu.lous  care  should  be  had  to  build  a  careful 
record  su.bstantiatiu"  --^1  action'^  taken.   ERA.  fell  far  s'lort  of  the 
desirable  standard.   In  the  later  d;  ys  of  its  ac.ministration,  hov/ever, 
more  thoUii^dit  was  ;',lveu  to  this'  orobleni. 

Tincinais  by  administrative  booies  reqilre  a  factual  basis.   The 
courts  have  made  this  i.iore  important  by  tlieir  reqi\irements  of  some 
evidence  anci  substantial  evidence  ( -'.S) .   Alt'iou;;h  there  was  no  hea.ring 
requirement  in  the  statute  to  compel  at:ci;-,ion  in  accordance  with  the 
evidence  (34-)  there  are  stron-  cor'ri.  Cx'ationt;  indicatin;-;'  that  URA  would 
have  probably  been  held  to  such  a  requirement  (o£).   The  courts  manifest 
an  intense  interest  in  the  evidentiary  basis  of  regulations  by 
administrative  hoc ies  affecting  oroolems  of  industry  (36).   A  recent 
illustration  appears  in  293  U.  S.  (37),   An  order  of  the  Interstate 
Commerce  Commission  ■under  the  Boiler  Inspection  Act  required  that 
certain  equipment  be  used.   In  diRC'-.ssina;  this  order  the  court  said: 

"The  orimary  question  of  fact  presentee"  for  determination 
was,  as  the  rcoort  of  the  Commission  states,  whether  the  use 
of  locomotives  equipped  with  hand  reverse  gear,  g,s  compared 
with  power  reverse  gear,  causes  unnecessary  peril  to  life  and 
limb.   The  report  discusses  a.t  some  length  the  alleged  ad- 
vantages and  disadvantages  of  the  two  clas'-ies  of  reverse  gear 
'and  the  expense  v/hich  the  proposed  change  would  entail,  and 
concludes  with  'findin5;3'  that  to  a  certain  extent  '.the  change 
should  be  made.   Bat  whether  the  use  of  any  or  all  types  of 



steam  locomotives    '  eqi.iiooec'..  V'itr:  hrnC.   reverse    "rear  as 
com:)pred  with    jo\^er   reverse    .;ef-r  cruses  ■laiinecessnrj'" 
peril   to   life  ;,^nd  lihib'    is   left .  entirely  to   inference. 
This   complete   aosence  of   'the   oesic  or   ej;r,exiticl   find- 
iu',:s    reqi'-irec.  to    siooort    the  0 oni.vl ;-;■,?! on '  s   order' 
renders   it  void."    (33) 

It   is   not   intern,  ed   to   su?.est   tli?t   there  iimst   be   a,  reli-nce 
merely  upon   evidence   offered  bv  intere-ted  parties.      There   i:i  no 
reason  vfhy  the  ^;^overninent   sl'Oti.ld  lio  c   inve^iti^ate   ano,  find  evidence 
(39).      It   should,    of   course,    be   introGuced  into    the   record   to   re- 
ceive  treatment   ay   evidence   (40).      To    eF^ca^e  bro.-d  reviev/  tliere 
!.rast  be   reasonable    evidence   in   the    record  to    r.ust-in   the   rcrainis- 
trrtive  findin^cs.      JTor  instance   typical   evidence  .r.a.y  bo   considered 
a     'ro::'er  basis   for  action   (4l),    'hile   nere   c'::;:;re;".te    results    "as 
a  substitute   for   t^uical   evidence  is   inaaequ-te.  "    (42). 

'£3A  frequently  treated  the    jrobleiQ  of   securing  a  full   factual 
basis   cavalierly.    (42s)      The  j3rooj:in\s'    st\u.y  has   coninented  ujjon 
this.      Tv'o   thini?:s,    it   says,    were   outstr^nciing,    1.       "the   rsritj''  of 
orderly  and  convincing  presentrtion  of  fr?ctual   eyit'ence,"   ?nd  2. 
"the   casual  way  in  vdiich  intricate   code  previsioiis  were  passed  over 
without   analysis   or  clprification.  "    (--3).      Soth  Adninistrption 
employees   and  applicant   :TroT->-ps   >-'ere    resvon-^hble   for   this.      Contro- 
versy could  plvays     iroduce   a  f-j.l   recorc    of   i-cts.      T..hs  was 
especially'   tiue' where  ;=;reat   ■.mity   a-jjeared  on  the.    ■)f:-rt   of  the  members 
of   the  applicant   industry.       This    seems    to  have   been   the   situation 
with  the   luuber  industry  Fnd  its   co^.'e   {■'-.4).      A   :-;ii,iilar  weahness  was  . 
the   subject   of  reference   in   the   brief,  for   the   oc-ecliter  Corp.    (4JJ). 
The  Crovernment   called  a-  witness   in   tne   trial   in   the   lo^-'er  court  who 
testified  as   to   the    evil   of   "selective  hillin  ;".      The  ".diness   in  the 
testimony  referred  to   certainl;;,    •  ■  va.i":ced  no   coi.:  jclliii  ;■   repson     or 
facts   against   the  practice.      'Then  a  srhstaiti?!   trpde    prpctice 
requirement   is  bpsed  on   such   flimsy   or  ill-ex jres^;ea  testiiAony  it 
may  oe   readily  conclueed   th.:  t    the   courts  would  he  hiesitfnt    to   accept 
it   as  a  sufficient  basis.      This   is  not   referreo.   to    because   exjomoles 
are  iiot   available   in  I-hiA,    bu.t   to    show  now  astiite   cciuisel   can   bring   such 
v/ealrnesses   to   the   .i-ttention  of   a   court. 

This    problem  is   of    such   imjortrnce   that   a  fev/   ezaraples   of   fa.ct- 
finding  and  the  fact"aal   basis   for   determinations   should  be   observed. 
(45a,)      The  Fi"'-r  Dressing  and  Iv.t  Dyeing  Coi.e   (46)     jrovioed  for   the 
establishment   of  minimum  service   Cj.>arges   (-.7).      Various   c'ivisions 
of  the   industry  aj^plied   for   au  jroval   of  nhninrLm  service   charge 
schedules.      These  v.-ere  all   approveo.  vdth  some   changes.      The   case 
of  the  Eog  and  Long  T-Iair  Division  is   illustrative.      This   division 
probably  prsLonted  the  best   cost   data,    and  askeo   for   service   charges 
closer  to  the  cost   indica.ted.  by  the   dpta  than  any  other  division   (4S). 
FigLires   from  ten  firms   of  an  industry  having  from  tv?enty  to   thirty 
firms  were  offered.      Of   course  'the   character  of  the   industry  with 
■  its   small   firms   juauping  in  and  out   of  business  made   for  this.      It  was 
these- small   firms    that    jrobable   could  hpve   furnished  the  lowest 
costs  had  firgures  been  kept.      (43).      So   it'  is   seen  not    even    "t;;rpical" 
evidence  was   offered.      Six  items  on   the   schedule  a  iproved  (50)   had 
no  basis   at   all.      Figures  were   not   even  offered  as   to   the  cost   of 


processin  \  these  items.   At  least  six  other  items  oroba'bly  had  little 

basis  in  the  lij^ires  siib..-:itted  (Zl).      A   f>.--rther  coi.v.-ilication  was  the 
f?ct  that  processes  uifier  (52)  end  tyjes  of  work  v?ry  wicely  t55)t 
This  schedule,  like  those  of  the  other  divisions,  became  the  sabject 
of  frequent  violction  anc.  soon  fell  into  c.isuse. 

The  story  of  uniform  cost  accountin-  systems  is  also  interesting. 
At  hearings  there  was  usually  a  brief  reference  made  to  the  desira- 
bility of  such  systems,  thou-r^h  it  is  doubted  if  this  was  always  done. 
Plans  were  submitted  to  the  Administration.   Sometimes  hearings  were 
held  upon  these  plans.   A21  illvudinetin;?;  instance  is  the  hearing  (54) 
for  the  plan  of  the  lire   Extinguisher  Manufacturing  Industry  (55). 
The  plan  was  su.bmitted  (56),  but  no  testimony  wa.s  offered  to  justify 
it.   No  questions  were  asked  by  the  representatives  of  the  Division 
of  Research  and  Planning,  v/hich  division  was  usually  charged  with  the 
responsibility  of  approving  siich  plans.   The  plan  was  later  approved 
upon  this  evidentiary  basis  (57). 

Fact-finding  was  not  always  relied  upon.   The  Administration 
sometimes  plainly  acmitted  that  spirovel  of  im.rjortsn t  provisions  was 
based  upon  agreement  within  the  ranks  of  industi-y  (58).   The  basis  of 
agreement  between  labor  and  industry  wa.s,  probably,  the  one  most 
commonly  resorted  to  in  all  labor  'questions  (59).   Congress  made  some  ■ 
statements  that  mi'^ht  be  constni.ed  as  standards  for  the  labor  problems 
(60).   Perhaps,  Congress  thought  that  the  agreement  of  labor  and  inr- 
dustry  would  be  adequate.   The  writer  has  foiind  no  evidence  on  this 
Tjoint.   It  remains  that  agreement  wa.s  the  primary  basis.   The  Research 
and  Planning  Division  did  study  labor  conditions  in  the  various  in- 
dustries.  These  stxidies  v/ere  sometimes  the  basis  for  administrative 
action.   Often  the  facts  merely  served  as  an  aid  to  the  Labor  Advisory 
Board  and  labor  in  carrying  on  tlieir  barggining. 

A  most  unusual  case  is  that  of  machine  limitation  in  the  Cotton 
Carded  Yarn  Industry.   An  administrative  order  vjps   iss\ied,  peculiarly 
enough,  signed  authoritativel:/  by  the  ^oce  Authority  and  concurred  in 
by  government  officials  (61).   Tiiere  is  no  testimony  in  the  transcript 
of  hearing  for  the  Cotton  Textile  Inf.ustry  (62),  nor  has  any  record  of 
any  independent  hoax"ing  been  found.  •  Undoubtedly,  strong  evidence  was 
submitted  to  the  Administration.   otill  aii  order  of  such  important  economic 
effect  woon   business  enterprir;es  should,  have  been  fu.lly  justified  by  a 
hearing  at  v/hich  a  full  record,  was  made,  while  affording  any  opposition 
an  opportunity  to  completely  set  forth  its  case.   Perh;?ps,  emergency 
action  may  require  a  temporary  restrainin":  order.   Certainly,  a  hearing 
should  have  been  held  at  the  first  o  jportujiity. 

Happily,  NRA  was  not  given  to  such  action  in  its  L?  ter  di.ays.   Much 
damage  had  been  done  by  then,  hovever.   Once  the  impression  is  afield 
that  administrative  action  is  hurried,  not  fully  reasoned  and  grounded 
in  the  facts  before  the  Administration,  the  public  as  v/ell  as  courts 
start  viewing  the  action  most  critically.   Especially  should  tliis  have 
been  remembered  in  dealing  with  the  field  that  comprised  KRA's  province 
(63).   Too  often  NRA  seemed  to  accept  industries'  judgment  that  anything 
was  "unfair"  which  was  annoying  or  disruptive  of  established  methods. 


At   the   public  hearing  for  the  Zlectric  Li'/nt   end.  Power  Indtistry, 
the    -jenerel   covmsel '  of  NSA,    ?.Ir.    -^onald  Sichber^:,    stated: 

"It  has  never  been   re/^rrded  o.s   an  rppro:'riate 
objection   to   the  ;)resentr.tion   of   a   code  by  those 
tnily  representative   of '  any  indiistry   to  present 
eviaence   concerning   actual,    or   slle.^ed  derelictions 
in   the   orivate   or  public   conduct   of   the   sponsors   of 
a  code  -  -  -  -   The  iTiOral   ga,riuer.ts  of  those   sponsoring 
or   T;)posing  a,  code  may  be  as  black  a..z  midnight   or 
as  v.'hite   as   snow.      But   th.e  process   of  code  makin-;; 
is  not   to   be   confused  with   the  operation  of  a,  clean- 
ing and  dyeing  establi  sh.iuent.  "    (54) 

Courts   in   crirumal  prosecution   do  not   •■^llov  evideijce   -^s   to   the  past 
ciiaracter  of  the   defendant,   ur.less  he  puts  his   cha.racter   into    evidence. 
NHA  hearings  were  not   criminal   px^osecutions,    but   r-ither  hearings   to  gain  facts 
upon  which  an   economic    ..olicy  could  be   devised  for  an  industry.      To   be 
legally   sustalnaole   the  f'T.'neral   policy  and  standards  for  fraiiiing  the  de- 
tails  should  have   existed.      Hod  they   existed  the  work  of  filling  in  de- 
tails might  have  been   so   obviouslj    p(   ''s   to   avoid   the  use   of 
the  difficult   analogy   to   le::islE:tion.      In  j^   this  function  of 
policy  mailing  for   industry  the  past  history  or    irerient   attitude  of   an 
in(?XLstry,    a  trade   association,    or  an   i.ic'untr,,-    a'oui  might  be  a;i-ite 
pertinent   to   the  issue   of  how  much   oo-'er  or  ■••fh?t    type   trade  ir'-ictice 
provisions   should  be   given  aai   indir'jtry.      Sucii   evidence  aopears    to  have 
been  valuable  in  the   cppe   of   the   pro  josed  Cottonseed  Oil  Refining  Co6.e. 
Past   abuse  of   an  open-orice  filin-;-   system  indicated  the   dis. position  of 
the   industry   toward   reoorted  infoririPtion   ;nd   the  use    to   •■hich   it  might 
be  ptxt   (G5).      Y\o   one   'f/oulr   h-ve  wished  to   clo'e  his   eyes   to   such 
obvious   facts   as   the   spcnsorshi  -j  of   the    rro  )osed  Corn  Lry  killing 
Industry  by  the  '".Taeat   -'''lour  killin-';  '-'ode  Autliority  to   come  under  the 
code  of   the   latter  (65).      Without   coninenting  upon   the   character  of 
that   coG.e   autliority   or  its   direction   it   is  apparent   that   its   acknin- 
istration  was   apropos   to   tliis   problem. 

The  Fur  Man'afacturing  Industry  Code   contained  a  nujnoer  of 
restrictive   trade    oractice   provisions   (G7).      'The   attitude   of  leading 
spokesmen  for  the   industry  as   stated  at   a  public  hearing  (68)    indicated 
little   s^Tgpathy  for  the   conswaer   (69).      Such   evidence  of  attitude   shoxild 
have  been  qiiite   relevant   to  what  powers  of   self-government   should  have  been 

¥RA  did  nttempt   to    establish  a.  fa.ct\   basis   in  many  instances. 
Legal  Advisers   seemed  most   av/are   of  the   desirability  of   such  action. 
Advisers   of  other  boards   or  divisions    engaged  in  the   effort   only  when 
they  opposed  a  proposal   or  knev/  nothing  abotit   it.      These   advisers  were 
often  able   to   develop  many  angles  which  had  little   concern   to   the 
presiding  officer  or  had  not  been  bro^ight   to  his   attention.      In  this 
advisers  were   early  handicapped  by  a  rule   that   all   questions  had  to 
be   directed  through  the  presiding  officer  (70).      Presiding  officers 
who   desired  to   limit   controversy  often   refused  to   repeat   the   questions 
or  so   changed  them  as   to  nullify  their   effect   (71).      In  later  -oractice 
questioning  by  advisers  vi^as  freely  allowed  and  did  much  to   develop 
more   complete  transcripts.      The  ad.equ.acy  of   the   questioning  de  >ended 
greatly  upon  the  individual  advi'ier.      I\iany  advisers  preferred  to   remain 
silent  at  the  hearing.      Others,   ho-wever,   made  very  substantial  contributions 

toward  developin  ■;' £1,  record.      The  ¥:BA  role  despite    the   contrary  practice 
was  never  clja3'i,;ed 

Another  handicap   Ipy   in  the   theory  of    t.vcit   aj^roval   relied  upon 
by  many  indti.stry  ..';      A  code   orovision  ,ni,\,ht  provide   for   stuc'-y  of  a 
subject   or  a  proposal   to    be  made   in   pccorornce  with  certain  principle 
or  certain  problems   (72).      Tiiese  provisions   were  usually  in   the  form 
of  an   erqaressed  ri.^-ht   to   petition.      It   is   doubted  if   this   conferred 
anything  not   already  had.      Ini.ustry  frenucntly  ur -ed  that  NRA  had 
tacitly  approved,  a  provision  of   the   character   set   forth  in  the  charter 
of  study.      If  NRA.  has  not   done   this   vhat  was   the  purpose   of  the  provi- 
sion industry  mi'-jl^-t   ask.      Freotiently  NFA.  would  accejt   the   argument 
and  approve   the  oroposal  without   further  hef;rin-^'.      The  factual  basis   in 
such  Cases  was  usually  .a'O'jsly  inpdequate  for   at   the  hearing  the  provi- 
sion would  be  passed  off  as  merel;,'   allowin,'-  a  study  to  be  made.      Many 
persons   in  KRA  were   aware   of  this   sxibtle  i,iej:nn  of   obtaining  provisions 
vdtho\it   subjecting   them   to    such  a  ju'-,tiiicrtioh   as  might  be  necessary 
if  presented  without   this    prelimin;-ry   step   (73). 

Burden  of  proof  is  usually  thought. to   lie   on  those  persons   applying 
for  action   to  be  taken  to    show  viliy  what   they  desire   shovild  be  done   (74). 
In  ITRA  procedure   the  burden  of  proof   should  have   rested  upon  the 
proponents  groups   as   far  as   there  was   to  be   such  a.  b\\rden.      Almost 
withoiAt   realizing  it    the   biirden  was   somt-times   shifted  to   opoonents  of 
the  proposed  orovision  (75).      The   attitude   of   oresiding  officers   toward 
advisers  was   frequently  similar.       "The   ind>i.str\    wants   the  provision. 
\'Thy  shouldn't    it   have   it",    the   adviser  would  be   asked  in   effect?      The 
proper  procedure   'touIc  have  been   to   have   olaced  the   burden   squarely 
ux3on  the   proponents   or   realizing   that   the   biircen  could  not  be  met 
provide   for   a  temporary    "period  of    experiment;;l    operation"    (76). 

Proposals  by  the  Ac^jninistration  bring  Vio  the   same    ,.roblem.      Should 
there  have  been  a  outy  upon  the  Administration   to   prove   that   its  pro- 
posal  was   desirable?      Certainly,    \"here   the   effect   was   to  nullify  provi- 
sions granted  inc'ustry   this  would   seem  to   hyve  been   the   proper  procetnire. 
Mere   details  would  need  no    sucl^   tr&at;;ie..t ,    bi>t   ■•rrovisions  of   a,  substazitive 
character   shoulc-  be   establishec.  a.s   in  harnon;/  with   the   requirements   of 
the  Act. 

Until   the  opinion  in   the   case  of  Panaina  Refining  CiOmpany  v.    Ryan 
(77)    was  written  there  had  never  been  a  clear   statement   in  our   law 
concerning  the  nature  of  an   administrative   finding   from  the    standpoint 
of  puolishing  the  basis   for  a.ction.      Cases   exir'ted   indicating  that   there 
need  be  no    s,uch   stptement   (78).   exoressions  were  made   in  cases  where 
an   evidentiary  basis  was  not  bein;-;   too    strou^jly  required.      The  courts   in 
their   early  history  were  reltictant   to    interfere  with   executive   action  (79). 
Cases   then  decided  fall   into  what  has   been  called  the  field  of  narrow 
review.      V/here   there  been   statutory   renuire.uients   (80)    or  where   an 
administrative   appeal   on  the   record  is   to   be  had  (81)    the  cases  have   re- 
quired a  statement   of   the  basis   of   action.      But   in   situations  where   the 
finding  was  the  last   aoministra.tive   one  and  was  not   enjoined   by  sta.tute 
to   express   its  basis   there  never  been  any  requirement  for   such  ex- 
pression until  January  7,    1935.      In  England  it   is   considered  to   be   a 
principle   of  natural   jnstice   t  lat   a  party  be   informed  of  the  basis  for 
an  administrative  action  (81a). 


The  Prnama  case   created  a  new  rule  of  Ipw  (8 •'-.).      One  of  the 

£?lternative  grounds   of   the   deci'-:ion   wr-s  that   the  .'-.xeci..tive  Order 

failed  to   F.tate   the  finc'in  ;3   v/hereon   it  was  based.      Said    Chief 
Jv.stice  'h;;l;es   spepj-in.;  for  the   covurt: 

"There  is  another  objection   to   the  vali'  ity 
of  the    prohibition  laid  down  bj^   the  Lxecutive  Order 
under   Section  9(c).      The  hxeci:.tive  Order  contri  ns 
no   finding,    no    gtrtement    of    the    _:rovaic.';   of   t'le 
Presic.ent's   a.ction  in   enactin^,   the  /jrolLioitlon. 
----If  it   could  be   ssid' thrt   from  the   four 
corners   of  the   stat'n.te   any   possible   inference 
cou.ld  oe   Csami  ',f  particular   circu..^'.tances'  or   con- 
ditions ^''hich  were   to   .govern  the   exercise   of   the 
aV'thoritj^  conferred,    the   -^resident   coulc'   not   act 
validly  v/ithont  havin;-!;  regard  to   t'lose   circii.ipt-nces 
and.  conc^ition".      AhlI  findin-js  by  hirn  as   to   the 
existence  of  the   revpireO   h.'sis    of   ]ii  t    a.ction  wo^ild 
be  necessary   to   sii:'~tnin  t.iat   action,    for  otherwise 
the   case  wou.ld  still    be  one    of    =^r.  "d'f^^torod  dis- 
cretion as  the  qu.rlific,-  tion  of  jjathoritj  vould  be 
ineffectual.    -   -  -   - 

"¥c   are  not    de'^-lin      'hth   ^ctioi-.     hich,-  :-;o  iro- 
priately  belon-'in--   to   the    erx-cv.tive      vovince,    is 
not   the   suJcject   of    jv-i/icial    review,    or  i-ith  the   nre^ 
sr^-iTiptions   attachin-;-   to   t":ec:tive   action.      To   re  )eat, 
we   are   concerned  with,  the    que:;tion  of   the    delr  ;-tion 
of   le;-islative   power.      If   th.^:    cii;i:'bn   i?    to    oe     -linished 
for   the   crime   of  violatin  ;   a    ].■.-    isl--:tive   or.Ler   of   a.n 
execLitive  officer,    or  of  a   ooar.^    of   co  ..hssio::,    due 
process   of  lav/  reouires   thft    it    r.hall    fijy.iear    that    the   . 
order  is  within   the   autliority    of   the    officer,    board  or 
coimTiission,    and,    if   that   autsiority   deoends   on   o.eter- 
minations   of   fa.ct,    those   detrv-rinination.:   must   be   shown." 

ivir.    Ju.stice  Cardoza,    dissenting,    too]';   exception  to   this   portion 
of   the  Chief  Justice's   o  jinion  (34).      This  new   rule   is  not  necessarily 
universal.      It  may  be   that   it   will    be   lirnitet    to    oroad  review  fields 
rcTfuiring  choice   bet-'een  imoortant   policies,    or  where   criminal  penalties 
are   involved  (35).  , 

In   an  o  .anion  (86)    Vianded  f  o'.'n  by  hr.    Justice   3rrndeis   the 
ei:^hteenth  cf  this  month  (iToveinber,    193r;)   there  is   an    ijidication 
that   the   court  has   quietly  qii.alified  the   second  point   of   the  Panama 
Case   (8?).      The  case  involves   a  challenged  order  of   the  Department 
of  Agriculture  of   the   State   of  Cre-^on  prescribin;;   certain   and 
vegetables  containers   as  the   standard  type   to  be  used.      It  was  urged 
upon  the   court   that   no    -.u-esruantion   e.xists   that   facts  v.'ere  properly 
present   to    .justify  the   a canini strati ve   action.      5aio.  the   cou.rt: 

"The   contention   is  vitliout    siipport   in  authority 
or   reason,    and  rests  Ujpon  iiiisconception.    ------ 

The   q-uestion  of  la.?;  may,    of   course,    alv/ays  be   raised 
whether  the   legislature  hpc.  pov.-er  to   delegate  the 
authority  exercised.  "    (88) 

Por   this  proposition   the   cou.rt   cited  the  Pani'ma  and  Schechter  cases 
(89).      The   court   continued  in   laiigtiage   thrt   does  mxxch   to  put   the   law 
upon  this    subject  back  to   its   state   in  1934: 

"Wliere   the   re.^^ulation   is   --/ithin   the   scope   of 
authority  le.53lly   dele?:ated,    the  pref-n.^nption   of   the 
existence  of  facts   justiiyin;^   its   specific   exercise 
attaches  alike   to    statutes,    to   municipal   orc-inances, 
and  to   orders   of   acuninistrative  bodies.    ------ 

Here   there  is   added  reason   for   applyinT  the    ore- 
sixmption   of  validity;    for  the   re ;,\i.lation  nov-   chal- 
lenged was  adopted  after  notice   and  public  hea.ring 
as   the   statute   required.      It   is   contended  that   the 
order   is  void  because   the   auninistrative   body  macie  no 
special   findings   of   fact.      But   the   statute   diu  not   re- 
quire  special   findings  -  -  -   -.      Compare  V/ichita  Rail- 
road and  Light   Comioany  v.    Public  Vtilities'jion, 
260  U.    S.    4G,    58-39;    Maliler  v.    ILby,    254  U.    o.    32,    44; 
Southern  Zy.    Co.    v.    Virginia,    290  U.    3.    190,    193,    194" 

Mr.    Justice    orandeis   either  i^;nores   the    second  point   of   the 
Panaina  case  or  else  he   definitely  overrides   it,    citing  as  he   does 
the  "7ichita  Railroad  a  Light   Company  v.    Public  T'til i ties  Commission 
(91),    and  I.iahler  v.    Eby  (92)    for  the    prooosition   they   ri '-htfiilly 
stand  for   that   a   statutory  requirement   of  f  incin  ^s  must  be   cou.plied 
with.      Mr.    Chief  Justice   Mughes   had  cited  tliese   cases   a„s   authority 
for  the    second  point   in   the  Panama  caise   des  jite   the   fact   that    th^ey  were 
based  upon   statutory   requ-irements  not   present   in   the  Panama  case.      The 
citing  of   Southern  Ey.    Co.    v.    Vir-.i^iia   (93)    deads   the  v/eight    to   be 
^iven  to  Mr.    Justice  Brandeis'    stat.-Mct  uion   the   point,    a.s   this   case 
does  not   stand  for  the    seme  proposition    tn-  t   the   others   do.      In   spirit 
it   is  much  more  rigid   than   the   otherr-    requiring  as   it   doec   certain 
procecural    safe<-;;ij.grds   in  absence   of   any   statutor;;'    provision. 

It   seems   too   early  no''^  to    try   to   evaluate   the  Pacific   States  Box 
and  Basket   Company  v.    ^Vliite   case   (9:).      The   fields   seem  to   be  properly 
analogoii.s.      In  the  Pansjna  case   there  was  no   attei:ipt    to    state   a   factual 
basis  for  the   executive   order  while  in'  the  Pacific  P)0.k   case   a  hearing 
had  been  held.      VJhen   there  has  been  a  hearing  a  cotxrt  may  presume   tha.t 
the  administrative  action   is  predicated  u.pon   the  hearing.      The   situation 
becomes  more   difficult   for   the   court   where  it   is  not   evident  whether   the 
administrative  action   is  based  upon  any  facts.      Of   co'arse,    all   such 
administrative  action  does  not   require   a  hearing,    but      if  none  is  held 
the   requirement   that   the  basis   of   the   action   taken  be   set   forth   seems 
reasonable.      Certainly,    the   safest   practice   would  be   to   fully   state  a 
basis   in   findings   for  any  adninistrative   action   taken   in   a  field  of 


soci,-?!   or   econoiiiic  ■OGllr.y.      rot   on  L^'   is   it   s    -isf  eruarv.  .^  -rin'-.t    jijdicial 
attack  it   is    ■;ood  fK"a:.iniratr?ti ve    Lechaiqwe   to   sho";   th,-'t   the   aoproach 
h;''S   ceen  v;G].l-cor.sit."erecl.      If  not   legally  recesspry   as   a.  matter  of 
nrt-.j.rFl    justice   this   ^jTrctice  v.'otild   seeivi   cerirable. 

I'RA  stcternent   of   JinCin;;;r^.  v-s  usu-'Hy  iiiarkea  by   their  foruiality 
(95).      rindn.jE  "'ere   often  luac.e  in   the  lr:,L.'X!.a,y.e  of   the   ststute   or   in   stock  phrases   (&6).      This  practice  >l,vs   not   been   favored  by 
the   courts   (97).      It  would   seem  a  better    jractice  not   to  i^se   "stilted 
legal    /uraseology"   b\i.t   rather  to   tell   the   rtoi-y   of   the   econor.dc 
situation  involved  (98).      FflA  practice  v.t -.■  not    -^ided  by  any  str'tevient 
of  policy    in   this  re^jard.      ihc    type   of   fin  liiii;s   to  be  uadie  was  never 
incdcated.      The  only   stateiaent   was   that   there  vi-oi^^l'.''   be   a   finding?; 
stFted  in   each   letter   oi    transmittal   (99). 

hany  of   the   early  codes  vera  based  uoon  more  full   findin-^'s   than 
those  approved  later  when  the  pressiire  becjane  aiuch  .greater.      These 
early  codes  usually  contained,  a  statement  from  the  TRA.  and  one   by  the 
President.      Later  prj.ctice  vp^iedi.      In  codes  not   req'.  iriiv";   the 
President's  approval   only  a  staterient  ''o;/  the  TEA.  v.-ill   be  foimd. 
The   first   code,    that   of   the   Cotton   Textile  Indu;5try,    was   accoiupaxied 
by  a  twelve  page   stateiuent  by  the  Au:.:inisti'^  tor  (iJO).      The  Li^mber  and 
Timber  Products  Ind.j.stry  Go<'  e  vos    ?.T.?:-;orted    oy  a  sixteen  page 
memorandujn  of   tran:?.iiit t".l   (1)1).      T -;i -.   letter   -"ps   one   of  the  best 
of  the   type  written;    but   vnxen  t::€    .;      yit;..  e   of  the   industry  end  the 
great  problems  with  vfhich   the  co.':e  de-It   are   considered  this 
memorandujn  seems  r-Tossly   I'l-r  teriaete   (l.'i^'-.       3v    the   the  eighth 
code  was   reached   the  findin>-s  had  dro  vjrd   tn    lic'de   over  a  :;jaf s 
(103).      Code  !^^o.    13  did   not    even  include   r-   f  L.c  in  :   of   fact   except 
for  a  brief  and.  hasty  reierence   to  hi  rrir. -:   ;-ni.  lin'.  injvs   in   the 
executive   order  (104).      In   t"-:-.   ^^t-t^:.\e:it    rl:   fin-in-n   for  the  leather 
Industry  Cod.e  not   one   -ord  is   ^aid  -ibo'o.t   tiie   trade   practice  pro- 
visions   (105).      '-I'liis   is   cpiifce    t,    jic-jl    of  what   frequently  hr'.:p':'ened. 
These   inadeqi^ate   I'in- i:\^s   vere   yrp-'ested  to   the   court   in  the   brief 
for  the   Sc:iec.:ter  C  jr.  oration   (l''d).      It    orobably  woulc.  h.f.:ve  been 
desirrble  for   the  President    to  have   stated  the  basic   for  his   finding 
in   something;  more   than  a   ritualistic  manner.      The   ar.5:>.u-itnt   of   the 
brief   thet  neither   the   of   the  President  nor   flie   letters   of   the 
Secretary   of  Agriculture   or   the  Administrator   conteiiis   an^''   reasonr- 
able   showing  tha.t    "strsi^jht  killing"   was   sai  luifair  method  of   coiipe- 
tition  is   entitled   to   careful   consideration.      It  must   be   remembered 
tnrt   records  were  made  wliich  in  many  instances  wo'uld  have   substsn- 
tiated  the   action  t-hen  -    or   in   effect,    th.e   findings  mad^e   though 
not   stated. 

h'inusight   in   this   problem  is   better   than   foresighit.      hEA 
had  little   g-aidjince   in  the   cases  when   its   first   findin-;s  were  made. 
Prudence  and  an  attentiveness  might  have   suggested  that   along  with 
a  full   record,    a  full    statement   of   the    of:sis   for    action   should  have 
been  made.      Such   care   could  hardly  hr-ve  been  ezpectea  from  early  ISRk. 
A  future  administrative  body  v.dt.i  a   similar   task  v/ill   be  wise   to 
frame   its   finddngs   along   the   style   of   a  jadicial   opinion,    and  to 
be  careful   to  have   resdy  for  the   courts   a  fully   reasoned  and  com- 
plete  statement   of  its   findings  properly  groiuided  on   recorded 



Another   oi-oolein  oi    findir.  :s   rented  in  the   accept,aiice  by 
MA  of   fincanc?  faroe   by   other    <•: -siiCit.G.      As    t.hs  also    involved  the 
question   of    the   ji-    ri.t-   of    the    .ele   ^tion    it  -/ill   be   discussed  in 
a  cho-ijter   uealin;,   \- h  t;     ;,.ele  "aoion  (].■  V;. 





When  the  famous  legal  fiction  that  everj'  man  is  presumed  to  knoTT 
the  law  (l)  ripened  there  was  no  mass  of  administrative  legislation 
with  T/hich  to  cope.  Every  man  mav  he  present  in  Parliament  hy 
representative,  hut  one  ro'old  hardly  sa,y  he  is  present  at  the  proceed- 
ings (or  the  case  ma^y  he  action  rrithout  proceedings)  of  every  adminis- 
trative hoard.  The  mass  of  adiiiinistrative  rules  (2)  only  more  acutely 
present  the  sane  protlens  that  the  English  scholar  Bentham  so  clearly 
sarz:  1.  It  is  contrary  to  our  morals  to  punish  a  man  for  disohedi- 
ence  to  a  law  of  which  he  had  no  notice  (3)  and  2.  Fablication  alone 
is  not  enough.  Putlication  may  only  tend. to  hewilder  (4)  if  the  orders 
are  not  easily  accesgihle  and  clearly  drawn. 

The  prohlem  has  heen  most  acute  in  the  United  States.   Often  only 
a  small  percentage  of  the  rulings  of  an  important  hureau  will  he  puh- 
lished  (5).   Escecutive  orders  (since  1905)  may  he  found  in  the  Depart- 
ment of  State  and  the  Lihrary  of  Congress.  This  malt&s  them  far  from 
accessihle  to  the  puhlic  (6).   The  state  of  puhlication  is  one  of 
ahsolute  confusion.  (7)  in  a  field  where  ten  times  as  much  law  as 
Congress  malces  exists  (8). 

NRA  only  .served  to  complicate  the  prohlem  (9).   The  great  mass  of 
industrial  legislation  resulting  from  it  was  hrought  to  the  court's 
attention  in  the  Schechter  case  (10).  1^4.' s  code  record  section  does 
not  even  have  a  record  of  all  the  purported  administrative  action  (ll). 

The  m.ost  puhlicized  example  was  not  the  responB.ihility  of  NRA  hut 
the  Petroleum  Administration.   In  connection  with  the  argument  hefore 
the  Supreme  Court  in  the  Panama  case  (12)  it  was  found  that  there  had 
heen  s.n  indictment  for  the  violation  of  a  non-existent  provision. 

Another  interesting  example  lay  in  the  National  Lahor  Board 
created  Au^^st  5,  1933  apparently  hy  a  press  release  (13).  A  formal 
order  hy  the  President  was  not  issued  until  more  than  four  months 
later  (14). 

The  sane  difficulty  was  faced  in  England  (15) ,  until  the  passage 
of  the  Rtdes  Puhlication  Act  in  1893  (16).   This  act  solved  the  diffi- 
culties of  the  situation  there.  The  more  important  niles  are  f'ally 
puhlished  while  only  a  reference  is  made  to  the  local  and  less  im- 
portant rules  (17).  Certain  it  is,  that  some  such  legislation  has 
long  heen  sadly  needed  in  the  United  States  (18) . 

The  prohlem  demanded  NRA' s  hest  consideration.  Code  Record  was 
an  offered  solution.  Code  Record  failed  only  where  Deputies  and  others 
were  negligent  or  wilfully  failed  to  cooperate.  Confusion  was  such 
that  IIRA  regulations  and  codes  could  not  have  heen  expected  to  have 


always  'been   clear.  Explicit  instractions-  should  have  teen  given  and 
emphasized  that  only  those  doc-uments  filed  with  Code  Record  had  any 
forcp..  Efforts  shculd  have  "been  made  to  discourage  the  numerous 
drafts  of  "codes"  vfhich  circulated  often  as  genuine. 

Almost  as  confusing  as  the  mass  of  delegated  legislation  and  the 
difficulty  of  securing  access  to  it  was-  the  variety  of  administrative 
forms  and  the  differing  uses  to  which  each  were  put.   One  dt5lving  into 
the  mysteries  of  KRA  sut-legislation  must  vfrestlc  with  executive 
orders,  administrative  orders,  office  orders,  office  memoranda,  an 
office  manual,  and  ICIA  hulletins.   The  use  to  v;hich  those  forms  were 
put  varies.   It  would  S'^rve  little  purpose  to  point  out  the  precise 
history  of  each.   It  mucthe  hcrne  in  mind  that  these  are  forms  of  ad- 
ministrative action.   If  it  said  that  executive  and  administrative 
orders  were  generally  legislative  this  merely  means  they  affected  in- 
dividuals through  a  class  or  group.  Likewise  as  affecting  individuals 
as  a  matter  of  direct  intention  under  some  legislative  power  such  or- 
ders might  te  adjudicatory.   So  it  is  hpst  to  say  where  a  direct  effect 
was  had  upon  the  interests  of  individuals  or  classes  executive  and  ad- 
ministrative orders  were  employed.  They  were  also  employed  to  dele- 
gate power  and  set  up  administrative  organization  and  procedure  under 
the  Act. 

ThR  other  frrms  entmeratod  were  in  the  most  part  for  internal  use 
within  WEA.  Approved  "by  the  Administrator  or  his  d-^logate  they  carried 
the  force  of .an  administrative  order.   Sometimes,  their  effect  upon 
code  provisions  or  their  requirements  upon  members  of  industry  wore 
such  that  it  might  he  said  that  the  interests  of  individuals  or  classes 
were  affected.   Individualized  action  was  taken  hy  the  various  lahor 
agencies  set  up  under  the  N. I.R.A. ,  the  Industrial  Appeals  Board,  and 
ty  the  Compliance  Division  in  Blue  Eagle  removals.   The  latter  were 
sent  cut  hy  telegram.   It  would  seem  that  they  should  have  had  at  least 
the  dignity  of  an  administrative  order,  since  the  effect  on  property 
might  he  so  vital.   General  instructions  as  to  procedure  may  he  found  in 
compliance  field  letters. 

It  is  olDviouG  that  to  one  not  experienced  in  -thf*  intricacies  of 
ITEA  administrative  forms  the  mass  of  orders  and  the  variety  of  forms 
in  which  they  might  appear  coxild  well  present  a  hopeless  labyrinth. 
No  precise  procedure  can  he  outlined.  As  in  England  all  orders  of 
general  character  and  importance  should  he  generc.lly  puhlished.   In- 
dividual orders  would  not  require  the  same  distrihution,  hut  copies 
should  he  sent  to  all  interested  parties  and  kept  available  in  speci- 
fied well-known  puhlic  depositories.   An  effort  should  "be  made  to 
classify  administrative  action  in  such  categories  as  would  indicate 
clearly  procedure,  powers,  responsihility,  policy,  general  rules  or 
requirements  upon  industry,  and  special  or  individual  rules  and  re- 
quirements.  It  is  not  hoped  to  solve  the  problem  here,  hut  merely  to 
suggest  the  vital  necessity  of  giving  full  thought  to  it.   A  recent 
federal  statute  has  taken  a  step  toward  the  solution  of  this  problem. 
It  provides  for  a  Federal  Register  which  v/ill  be  analogous  to  the 
English  rules  publication  system  (l8a). 


Draftsmanship  was  like-.'dse  an  iranortant  problem.   Cloudy  language 
was  sometimes  sought  hy  industries  hoping  t'^  "better  their  position  by 
interpretation  later.   The  Legal  Division  gave  its  staff  warning  of 
the  vital  nature  of  draftsmanship  (19).   In  the  latter  days  of  MA  a 
study  of  the  problem  was  made  by  a  member  of  the  Legal  Division.   It 
is  difficult  to  lay  a  finger  upon  any  of  the  ills  arising  from  this 
source.  Ambiguity  was  the  chief  difficulty  and  this  was  reflected 
when  questions  of  interpretation  arose  (20).   If  MA  could  have  done 
more  it  would  have  been  only  to  have  increased  and  emphasized  its 
warning.   It  might  also  have  charged  the  Review  Divisi.-'n  or  some  other 
agency  mth-  the  supervision  of  draft smanr-hip. 


The  giving  of  reasonable  notice  is  one  of  the  first  requirements 
of  administrative  due  process  (21).   The  problem  is  often  viewed  as  a 
technical  onrs  since  it  seldom  is  brought  up  in  a  case  (22).   Require- 
ments vary.   In  somo  fields  there  need  be  no  notice  or  only  the  barest 
kind  (23).   In  the  field  that  NRA  dealt  vd  th  a  full  and  reasonable 
notice  must  be  giv^n  as  to  the  matters  to  be  considered.   The  form  of  a 
notice  must  reasonably  relate  to  the  action  to  be  taken  (24).   The  time 
given  sho\3.1d  allow  a  person  to  be  present  and  to  make  some  reasonable 
efforts  to  prepare  a  case  and  secure  evidence  (25).   Fnat  persons  are 
entitled  to  notice?  Mr.  Justice  Holmes  has  pointed  out  that  it  is  im- 
possible to  give  the  full  protection  of  a  "town  meeting"  (26).   Yet, 
when  substantial  property  rights  are  affected  every  reasonable  pre- 
caution should  have  been  tacen  that  any  person  affected  should  have  re- 
ceived adequate  notihe.   If  a  person  is  entitled  to  an  individual 
notice  he  is  allowed  to  maks  a  positive  showing  in  the  courts  that  he 
received  none  (27). 

Official  stat^.ments  never  fully  set  forth  the  degree  of  notice 
necessary.   Statements  were  m^ado  upon  the  form  ajid  procedure  to  be 
followed  and  establishing  an  official  bulletin  board  (28).  Full  notice 
could  hardly  be  found  in  publication  upon  a  bulletin  board.  NBA  was 
concerned  v.dth  the  manner  of  giving  notice,   that  is  how  to  get  out 
wide  notice.   It  did  not  concern  itself  with  the  problem  of  just  what 
persons  had  to  be  given  notice.   This  is  no  criticism  of  what  was  dane, 
but  rather  a  pointing  out  of  the  approach  taken  as  distinguished  from 
the  one  courts  v^ould  probably  use.   Actually,  ^IRA  made  serious  efforts 
to  widely  distribute  notice.   The  regular  course  was'.tc  send  notices  to 
labor  unions,  the  lab'^r  prT?s'^,  government  officials,  the  press,  trade 
association  publicati'^ns.  State  NRA  offices.  Resident  Adjusters  and 
Regional  Directox^  First  Glass  Post  Offices,  a  special  list,  plus  any 
additional  persons  whom  the  Deputy  Administrator  suggested  (29).   The 
Deputy  Administrators,  usually,  tried  to  secure  from  th3  industry  mem- 
bers vdth  whom  they  wsre  negotiating  as  full  a  list  as  possible  of  all 
kno^m  members  of  the  industry.   Still,  in  some  industries  it  is  obvious 
that  it  would  be  impossible  to  ever  make  a  complete  list  of  all  members 
(30).   In  such  cases  if  every  reasonable   ff'-^rt  were  made  to  notify  all 
interested  parties,  if  the  industry  group  was  properly  representative, 
and  if  a  tj.'pical  viewpoint  and  evidence  were  fully  presented  for  each 
economic  interest  the  courts  might  consider  that  sufficient  notice  and 
hearing  (31)  had  been  given.   This  is  only  spectilation  as  to  what  might 
be  called  reasonable. 

The  Legal  Division  gave  some  serious  thou^^jht  to  this  proljlem.   It 
isr-,ued  a  very  sound  guide  h"  January  of  the  first  year  of  IIRA   (32). 
There  must  he  fair  notice  as  to  the  subject  matter  to  he  heard,  and  a 
reasonable  relation  to  the  subject  matter  actually  acted  upon.   The  other 
thesis  of  the  memorandum  was:   a  hearing  should  be  adjourned  to  keep  open 
the  notice  as  to  any  modification  made.   Although'  the  writer  has  found  no 
Cases  suggesting  the  need  for  this  technicality  no  harm  can  be  seen  in  it. 
The  important  thing  ^jould  seem  to  be  whether  notice  was  given  in  regard 
to  any  substantive  regulations  or  provisions  to  be  made.   These  could  be 
changed  in  form  but  not  in'  substance  it  would  seem  a.nd  the  notice  would 
still  be  good.  Later  the  Legal  Division  sta.ted  it  would  accept  a  notice 
if  it  had  been  public  property  for  seven  days  (33).  This  expression 
cajne  as  the  result  of  administrative  pressure  and  not  sound  thought, 
Seven  days  as  public  property  might  be  far  from  adequate  to  allow  a  manu- 
facturer on  the  Pacific  Coast  to  gather  some  bits  of  evidence  together 
and  arrive  in  'Jashington  in  time  for  a,  hearing.   As  to  the  persons  who 
should  receive  notice  the  Legal  Division  came  to  much  the  same  conclusion 
as  the  writer  (34)  -  there  shoidd  be  reasonable  notice  in  every  case 
where  it  was  practical ,  and  that  only  convincing  reasons  should  cause 
relaxation  of  the  requirement  (35).   The  Legal  Division' s  expression 
upon  the  statement  of  the  subject  matter  contained  in  th«»  notices  is 
ambiguous.   It  says  that  it  need  not  be  made  "with  completeness;  but  it 
is  necessary  to  state  it  in  such  manner  as  to  show  wh,?t  subject  matter 
is  under  consideration."  (36).   It  might  be  more  cleer  to  say  that  the 
statement  mast  be  such  thct  one  would  reasonably  erroect  the  subject 
matter  to  be  treated  th^-t  -^as  considered  (37). 

It  would  not  be  ex-nected  to  find  ma,ny  objections  of  failure  to  re- 
ceive notice  in  the  transcriots  for  anyone  attending  a  meeting  must  have 
had  notice,  though  its  character  might  not  be  ouestionable.   There  must  been  instances  even  though  not  recorded.   There  are  some  instances 
where  notice  was  claimed  to  be  short  or  inadequate.   Such  was  the  case  in 
one  of  the  later  NRAheprings  (30)  where  it  was  claimed  that  notice  of 
the  nature  of  the  subject  matter  w?s  received  on  the  day  before  the  hear- 
ing although  it  had  been  known  for  ten  days  there  would  be  a  hearing.   One 
code,  at  least,  made  an  attempt  to  define  notice  as  a  mater  of  law  (39). 
As  a  rule  though,  KRA  matters  were  so  widely  discusP'^d  and  publicized 
that  there  were  probcbly  few  case?  where  failure  to  :.,et  notice  could  be 

The  adeciuacy  of  the  notice  given  in  the  procsxiure  "notice  of  op- 
portunity to  be  hesrd"  was  s,ometimes  open  to  nuestion.   There  were  two 
types  of  printed  notices  for  this  procedure.   One  did  not  state  the  sub- 
stance of  the  proposals;  the  other  did.  Where  any  substantive  change 
was  made  the  first  was  clearly  inadeauate.   In  connection  with  the  Band 
Instrument  Manufacturing  Industry  Code  there  'was  a'  proposal  to  change  the 
definition  by  including  words  which  might  broaden  the  scope  of  the  code 
considerably  (40).   It  was  not  likely  th?t  -lersons  affected  would  receive 
notice.   If  they  did,  the  proposal  was  so  subtly  worded  that  the  intent 
was  far  from  clear  (■l.-l).  All  in  vail,  the  notice  in  this  procedure  should 
have  been  more  cle; r  than  it  often  was.   The  inadequacy  of  such  notices 
and  the  ease  with  which  they  could  become  inadequate  ,-re  another  argument 
against  the  use  of  the  procedural  device  of  "notice  of  opportunity  to  be 
heard"  unless  greatly  limited  and  improved  over  its-  form  in  NRA. 


A  problem  in  notice  that  also  a  jurisdictional  aspect  (42)  lies 
in  the  question:   were  members  of  industry  entitled  to  notice  of  and  to 
"be  allowed  to  participete  in  the  preliminary  drafting  of  codes?  The 
Legal  Division  was  concerned  with  the  truly  representative  character  of 
proponents  (-iS) .   It  inight  \7ell  "be  argued  thcit  where  a  proposed  code  was 
a  -put-up  job  aimed  at  a  particalar  firm  or  class  v;hich  was  not  invited 
to" participate' that  the  proT)onents  were  not  truly  representative  (44). 
Proponent  groups  sho^ild  have  "been  careful  to  have  given  full  notice  to 
industry  members,  invite  full  cooperation,  and  in  all  event?  avoid  any 
appearance  of  unfairness. 


Interpretation  provides  -n  Important  means  of  law-making.   Profes- 
sor Gray  thought  it  so  importrnt  t"nrt  his  jurisprudential  concept  of 
law  was  that  of  the  decisions  of  the  courts  in  the  individual  cases  (45). 
In  early  RRA  code  authorities  issued  interpretations  in  which  MA  acqui- 
esced (46).   Later,  NRA  reali^.ed  that  the  problem  was  one  for  administra- 
tive action,  and  instructed  against  strained  interpretations  (47).   Inter- 
pretations were  never  required  by  stated  procedure  to  go  through  the 
usual  internal  channels  (other  than  notice  and  hearing)  required  for 
amendments  or  new  codes.   The  Advisory  Council  recognizing  the  importance 
of  interpretations  made  strong  recorrim.endations  in  this  regard  (48).   The 
Legal  Division  interested  itself  in  interpretations.   Interpretations 
it  felt  should  not  be  retroactive  if  onfairness  would  result  (49).   ^hen 
rules  regarding  interpretations  became  more  strict  resort  was  had  t 0 
"opinions"  in  at  least  one  instance  with  the  intent  that  they  be  used  by 
the  industry  as  interpretations  (49a.). 

Presiding  officers  sometimes  evidenced  disregard  for  fne  legislative 
nature  of  interpretations.   It  should  have  been  KRA' s  purpose  to  have 
avoided  as  much  interpretation  as  possible  by  Iticid  draftsmanship,  and  to 
have  furnished  a  basis  for  as  many  angles  of  the  problem  as  possi"i:'le  in 
the  discussions  at  the  public  hearing.   One  instance  is  enlightening.   An 
interested  member  of  an  industry  asked  the  meaning  of  a  proposal  at  the 
public  hearing.   The  presiding  officer  answered,  "Until  a  code  is  approved 
by  the  President,  no  one  can  give  you  a  def-inite  interpretation  of  a 
particular  section,  or  any  section"  (50).   The  statement  was  probably  true 
if  a  binding  interpretation  was  meant.   That  should  not  have  precluded 
full  discussion  and  a  general  agreement  as  to  intent. 

An  interesting  problem  in  interpretation  was  presented  by  a  section 
of  the  Baking  Industry  Code  prohibiting  the  giving  of  premiums  or  coupons 
by  members  (51).   This  section  was'  extended  hy  interpretation  several  to  in^/iude  subject  matter  not  discussed  at  the  hearing,  but  1  ogi- 
cally  coming  within  the  words  and  intent  of  the  i^rovision  (52).   Later 
(53),  it  was  proposed  to  extend  the  provision  tb  prohibit  a  wholesale 
balcer  loaning  bread  racks  to  its  customers  bearing  the  wording  "we  re- 
comm.end  (   name    )   bread."   The  transcript  of  hearing  (54)  contained 
no  testimony  showing  that  suck  use  of  the  provision  was  ever  contemnlated. 
In  fact  the  testimony  throughout  looked  to  premiums  given  to  ultimate 
consumers  (55)  while  a  later  provision  of  the  same  code  indicated  that  the 
"distribution  of  articles  commonly  used  for  advertising"  should  not  be 
banned  as  "commercial  bribery"  (56).   The  proposed  interpretation  was 


stopped  by  the  Revie'.?  Division.   Lster  (57),  it  popped  up  again  with  the 
only  additional  support  of  a  code  provision  against  subterfuge  (58). 
This  proposal  v/as  finally  v/ithdrawn  (59). 

Interpretations  were  sometimes  used  toenlarge  a  code's  jurisdic- 
tion.  This  was  in  effect  an  amendment.   Naively  it  was  thought  that  by 
using  interpretation  the  jurisdictional  ouestion  of  representation  once  ■ 
passed  upon  could  be  ignored.   Such  was  the  case  in  the  Steel  Castings 
Industry  (60).   The  Cocie  Authority  first  sought  to  act  by  commercial 
resolution  (61).   Later,  MA  sought  to  issue  an  interpretation  even 
broader  than  that  of  the  industry's  (B'^) .  Jurisdiction  was  hotly  con  - 
tested.   Many  firms  under  other  codes  contended  there  was  no,  proper  re- 
presentation upon  which  to  base  such  a  proposal  (63).  The  Schechter 
decision  cut  the  matter  short  so  it  will  never  be  known  how  the  matter 
would  have  been  decided  (64). 

Amendments  more  obviously  are  legislation  (65).   The  same  procedure 
was  resorted  to  for  them  as  for  proposed  codes  except  the  "notice  of 
opportunity  to  be  heard"  lorocedure  WcF  more  freouently  used  in  the  case 
of  amendments.   This  exception  crepted  the  greatest  difficulty  proced- 
urally.  The  inadequacy  of  this  procedure  both  as  notice  (66)  and  as 
hearing  (67)  hps  been  discuss'-d.   The  lorocedure  imploying  favorable  action 
by  the  administration  was  usually  resorted  to  before  the  advice  of  the 
Advisory  Boards  was  sought  (63).   This  put  the  administration  in  the 
position  of  giving  a  t-^cit  ap~jroval  without  full  consideration  by  its 
own  machinery. 

Administration  amendments  were  a.  troublesome  problem.   HRA  agencies 
desiring  to  propose  amendments  were  long  kept  in  the  dark  as  to  procedure. 
When  the  Deputy  Administrator  desired  to  amend  the  code  full  notice  was 
not  always  given  to  the  industry.   The  Advisory  Council  made  some  ex- 
cellent recommendations  upon  this  (69).   It  also  suggested  tliat  any  ad- 
ministration proposal  should  be  made  only  at  a  public  hearing  (70).   This 
would  seem  desirable  except  lerhaps  in  matters  of  detail  where  the  need 
for  the  provision  was  urgent..  Public  he&ring  was  the  desirable  procedure. 

Exemptions  and  exceptions  likewise  involve  both  the  legislative  and 
adjudicatory  processes.  Sometimes  the  effect  of  exemipti.ons  was  so  broad 
thct  the  operation  of 'an  entire  code  was  delayed,  or  again  the  su.spension 
might  apply  only  to  a  particular  provision  of  s.  particular  class.  Ex- 
ceptions were  designed  to  apply  to  specific  cases  of  individuals.  Although 
applying  to  classes  or  individuals  they  are  analogous  to  private  bill 
legislation  in  regfrd  to  numbers  affected.   They  provide  a  highly. de- 
sirable means  of  alleviating  the  harsh  effect  of  general  policy  if  pro- 
perly controlled  by  the  statute  (7l).   The  Legnl  Division  felt  thiit 
public  hearings  as  a  basis  for  such  action  was  highly  desirable  (72)  al- 
though they  were  seldom  held  unless  the  problem  involved  was  most  imioort- 
ant.  HRA  officially  stated  the  need  for  a  finding  of  fact  upon  which  to 
base  such  action  (73).  Despite  this  oeputies  did  not  always  furnish  ad- 
visers any  factual  basis  upon  which  to  act  (74). 

The  value  of  exemptions  and  exceptions  is  indicated  by  their  use  by 
the  Industrial  Appeals  Board  (75).   These  devices  served  to  mitigate 
harsh  rules  c^nd  allow  for  an  evolutionary  procesf^  of  becoming  able  to 


conroly-  with  code  reauirements.  The  proper  use  ot  these  devices  v/ps 
not  rlwpys  understood,  nnd  sometimes  c.tterapts  vjere  mcde  to  use  them 
to  perform  the  task  of  amendments  (76). 

The  j^overnment  ht\s  "been  allo^ved  to  stay  action  taken  that  w^s 
continuing,  and  did  not,  once  and  for  all,  vest  right  (77).  W.A  used 
the  procedure  of  stay.   It  had  two  aspects:   1.   A  temporary  release 
and  2.  the  force  of  an  araendrr.ent  cutting  out  a  code  provision  (78). 
In  either  case  where  vested  interests  were  to  he  adversely  affected  a, 
full  factual  hasis  for  action  should  have  existed.   If  no  interests 
had  yet  vested  the  action  would  in  effect  he  negative,  pnd  such  a  full 
hasis  would  not  be  required  though  it  would  he  desirahle. 


The  notion  of  a  "speedy  trial"  is  used  in  the  sense  of  a  criminal 
prosecution  (79).   There  viei'e   instances  in  KRA  of  purposeful  delays 
that  affected  suhstsntial  rights.   From  our  study  (o<^)  ,    it  would  seem 
if  the  delays  '.vere  in  actinj^,  uioon  new  matter,  manoamr-s  would  not  lie 
to  force  consideration.   7here  there  were  delays  in  performing  formal 
action  following  the  making  of  decisions  mandamus  might..lie,  presuming 
that  the  courts  did  not  exenrr.t  !3A  U)on  the  grounds  it  was  an  agent  of 
the  President.   Dilatory  inaction  doe?  not  meet  the  courts'  auproval. 
Cases  can  he  envisaged  where  the  courts  would  ret  in  nlace  of  the  Ad- 
ministration (Sl)  or  force  it  to  act. 


Courts  uniformly  condemn  the  violation  hy  an  agency  of  procedure 
set  up  hy  an  administrative  agency  for  its  own  guidance  (82).   The  Ship- 
building and  Shiprepairing  Ind.ustry  Code  (83)  by  amendment  provided  for 
an  industry  committee  compced  of  members  from  the  industry  and  others 
to  be  appointed  by  the  President  (84).   This  committee  issued  "Rules  and 
Regulations  for  the  Administration  of  the  Code  of  Fair  Gomrietition  and 
Trade  Practice  for  the  Shipbuilding  and  Shiorepairing  Industry  in  the 
United  States"  (85).   These  rules  made  a  number  of  substantive  addi- 
tions to  the  code  (86).   The  charter  of  the  committee  gave  it  no  auth- 
ority to  malce  legislation  (37).   It  ;-,a,ve  only  authority  to  recommend 
provisions.  MA  never  a'^^oroved  these  r^j.les.   So  it  might  be  argued 
both  that  MA  did  not  violrto  its  own  -procedure  and  that  the  procedure 
was  quite  usual.   The  violation,  however,  lay  in  giving  effect  to  these 
rules  by  silent  acquiescence.   The  rules  s-'id  "Approved  and  Effective, 
October  2,    1953"  (88).   They  were  signed  "approved"  by  ""illiam  E.  Davis, 
as  National  Hecovery  Ad;ninistration  Representative  and  by  tliree  other 
members  appointed  by  the  Co'-mittee  by  the  President.   !>IRA  knew  all  these 
facts  yet  for  a  considerable  period  it  allowed  the  industry  to  operate 
under  these  provisions  as  if  they  were  approved  by  the  President.   Cert- 
ainly, some  of  the  actions  in  complia.nce  with  the  "rules"  were  in  viola- 
tion of  the  Anti-Trust  laws  as  no  proper  action  had  been  taken  under 
the  Act  to  suspent  them.   MA  either  violated  its  own  procedure  or  know- 
ingly allow  the  same  effect  to  be  secursd  by  others. 


MA  procedure  called  for  r-dvisers  to  write  r^Morts  ■apon  the  sime 
drafts  of  codes  unless  there  v/ere  no  material  in  the  draft  in 
the  individual  adviser's  hands  and  that  transmitted  hy  the  Deputy  (89). 
Discretion  was  given  to  the  Deputy  to  determine  if  the  changes  were 
material.   This  procedure  was  not  alvrays  followed,  or  rather  there  are 
exajnples  of  abuse  of  discretion  hy  Deputies.  One  case  involves  the  de- 
letion of  the  word  "secretly"  out  of  an  original  "secret  rebate"  pro- 
vision (90).  Deputies  were  known  to  ask  thet  reports  be  delayed  in 
the  meantime  sending  the  code  through  for  approval  (9l).   Other  examples 
there  were  of  NRA  violating  its  own  procedure  which  shall  be  reviewed 
(92).   IIHA  should  have  exercised  relentless  care  and  issued  other  ex- 
plicit instructions  igainst  such  action. 





The  "due  iDrocB'^s  of  lav7"  conce-ot  lips  evohed  the,  greatest  interest 
in  recent  years  vhen  the  courts  have  enploj^ed  it  to  test  substantive 
ouestions.   The  procedural  asi->ects  Taeen  d'jarfed.   This  does  not 
mean  tiiat  the;;-  can  oe  disregarded.   The  "burden  of  this  study  has  heen  to 
sh07  just  the  opposite.  But,  it  is  in  the  aspect  of  a  rieans  "by  which 
the  courts  have  tested  the  proT^riety  of  social  and  econonic  legislation, 
"both  by  the  States  and  the  fedoraJ  governuent ,  thp.t  the  "due  process" 
concept  has  hecoiie  -joiDularl;-  l:noT7n»   The  propriety  of  this  use  of  the 
concept  is  not  .a  oiiestion  for  consideration  here,   i.'any  students  and 
la\7yers  have  \7ritten  virorcusly  upon  both  sides  of  the  issue.  Here,  it 
is  orily  to  be  recognized  that  the  courts  still  j-iay  e:^ercise  such  revieu 
\7hether  it  be  couched  irj.  due  process  of  lavr  terninolog"",  in  the  sense  of 
poners  granted,  or  anj''  other  Irngaage,   The  judges  have  been  accused  of 
substituting  their  judgnent  for  that  of  the  legislator.   This  statement 
may  not  be  precise.  Perhaps,  the  vie\7s  of  the  j"adges  coincide  v;ith  the 
traditions,  of  society  and  its  judfjnents  \7hich  the  judges  intend  to  a.pply. 
Property  and  vested  interests  loom  large  as  a  favored  -Dart  of  our 
system  (l).   They  provide  an  economic  sanction  which  weighs  heavily  upon 
the  courts.   There  are  grave  considerations  of  policy  a,gainst  too  qtspX- 
ly  disturbing  settled  relations  (2), 

The  evidence  indicates  that  ilElA.  problems  'jould  have  provided  a  rich 
field  for  employment  of  the  substpjitive  "due  process"  concept.   Labor 
regula.tions  and  trade,  practices  are  inextricably  tied  up  with  the  most 
vital  property  interests.   They  are  subjects  of  frequent  uses  of  the 
"due.  process"  concept.   The  case  of  ffillamette  Valley  Lumber  Com-nany  v. 
"Jatzek  (3)  shows  the  t^noe  of  Droblen  vrfiich  cordd  have  been  ex-oected  to 
arise.   The  VJillamette  Valle;^  Luraber  Compejiy,  a/c.the  tine  of  the  aioproval 
of  the  Lumber  Code  (4),  had  been  o^oerating  for  about  ten  j'-ears;  the 
"Jestport  Lumber  Com/pany  for  about  eighteen  yerrs.   These  mills  had  for 
some  time  operated  upon  a  double  shift  basis.   Less  than  seventy  of  the 
seven  hundred  odd  mills  in  the  division  had  ever  o-terated  upon  this 
basis,   ^  considerably  fewer  number  were  so  operating  in  1333  (5).   These 
two  mills  involved  apperred  to  have  developed  the  two  shift  operation  to 
such  an  efficient  point  that  they  competed  with  Canadian  m.ills  for  the 
China,  trade,  aji  \musual  thing  for  American  mills.  Lumber  sentiment  on 
the  Pacific  Coast  did  not  favor  the  double-shift  mills.  An   order  v.'as 
made  under  the  provisions  of  the  Liunber  Code  (6)  which  had  the  effect 
of  cutting  the  oijerations  of  .single  shift  plants  by  twenty-five  loercent 
pjid  double  shift  plan.ts  b-^  more  than  sixty  -oercent  from  the  hoiirs  operated 
under  the  President's  He-emploTnent  Agreement,   These  nre  the  basic  facts. 
The  situation  vfas 'further  complicated  by  sixch  allegations  as;  the  relation 
between  production  and  sv3.e   of  lumber  ^inon  which  tiie  order  v/as  based  wps 
ouestionable,  price  not  being  fully  considered;  that  hostile  business 
interests  dominated  the  code  activity  through  prominent  -oositions  with  the 
Code  Authority  or  its  committees  which  put  through  the  order  and  heard 
the  appeal;  that  obsolete,  inoperative,  inefficient  mills  were  given  the 
same  quota  a,s  efficientlj/-  operating  mills,  with  the  consequent  nev   life 
given  the  former;  that  substantial  contracts  involving  the  "Jillamette  mill 


existed;  that  coupetitors  "by   r.ppl^ing  for  tine  for  uiioperr.ted  nills  vera 
able  to  oper-^.te  their  j.iills  on  a.  nore  thaii  single  shift.  "Jithotit  as- 
suming to  '-^eigh  the  raerits  of  these  allegf-tions  the;-  are  each  of  a  nost 
vital  nature,  containing  as  the^  do  elements  of  luif.-.irnesp  and  un- 
reasonableness. District  Judge  llcZIar;;''  refused  the  contentions  of  the 
Willfjnette  Cor.ipany  after  tuo  appeals  to  the  adziinistrative  agencies  had 
failed.   The  opinion  of  Judge  lIcI^?.r;'  emphasized  that  "ITot  all  inequalities 
are  regarded  in  la'j  as  arbitrary  and  discriminator-/,  but  onl:,'-  as 
are  based  on  unjtist  rjid  inadequ.ate  determining  principles,"  The_  opinion 
continues  nith  a  careftil  revietr  of  the  problems  of  the  industry  (7),   It 
concludes  that  the  re^^.•'.lation  "does  not,  in  the  judgment  of  the  court, 
arbitrarily  discriminate  against  a:x"  Mill  unit"  (S),   Perha"os,  the  court 
did  not  see  "confiscation"  (9),   The  thing  v.'hich  is  to  be  enphasi::ed  is 
the  willingness  of  the  judge  in  this  si.tiiation  to  jiidge  the  arbitrary 
and  discriminatory  character  of  the  determining  principles.   The  indi- 
cation is  strong  that  had  the  judge  concluded  differently  as  to  the 
charrcter  of  these  basic  princiolep,  an  injijxiction  \-,'ould  have  issued. 
Judge  iicllary,  though  ^xoholdiug  the  ad/iinistration,  r/as  aiopl-'-ing  the  test 
of  substantive  "due  process  of  lav"  .(lO), 

The  affectation  of  private  contr-c'cf;  by  iJlA.  action  brings  up  the 
propert;''  question  in  aiiother  vital  form,   T"-ie  Act  mrde  no  provision 
directly-  covering  th.e  r'.robler.i  of  "forv'ard"  contracts  -  contracts  made 
uith  delivery  to  be  had  at  a  future  date  or  artes.   Some  of  thD_earl;'- 
codes  (11)  contained  statement r.  iirging  the  adjustment  of  forr/ard  con- 
tracts.  The  major  imoortr-ice  of  the  ■iroblem  './as  given  it  "o/   the  President': 
Heemplojnnent  Agreement,   As  ai  ;ini strati ve  legislation  and  as  contracts 
with  the  President  the  problem  presents  differences.   The  main  con- 
sideration of  interference  nith  existing  contracts  is  the  sar.e  from  both 
ajigles.   As  first  presented  the  problem  arose  from  the  Pr^esident's  earl^'' 
statement  upon  IIRA  urging  adjustment  of  "for'rard"  contracts  (l.*:).   The 
statement  ua.3  included  in  the  President's  ?eer.plo--ient  Aj^reoment  (lo). 
This  seemed  to  furnish  a  wholesale  excuse  for  persons  to  relieve  them- 
selves of  onerous  contracts,  nnc.   to  t-l:e  advantage  of  the  rapid  price 
increases  going  on  in  the  early  days  of  /PA,   Two  questions  arise.   Did 
this  contract  have  any  influence  unon  .?  buyer  who  did  not  sign  the 
President's  "".eenploijTnent  Agreemont?   The  ansv-er  wo-VLd  seem  to  be  "no". 
Secondly,  what  effect  if  any  did  such  contracts  have  upon  signers  in  a 
buyer-seller  relation?   There  a-e  tv/o  approaches  to  this  question,   1. 
Can  beneficiaries  sue  to  enforce  provisions  of  a  contract  to  which  they 
are  not  a  party?   2,   '.'rs  the  contrp-Ct  a  group  contract  made  in  con- 
sideration of  the  others  i.7ith  promises  running  to  and  from  the  other 
signers?  Unless  there  wa,s  relief  \ipon  one  of  these  bases  there  would 
seem  no  recovery  for  failu,re  to  adjust  contracts  or  no  defense  for  a 
breach  of  a  forv/ard  contract.  As  to  non-signers  pnd  to  all  others  if  a 
contract  could  not  be  spelled  out  there  would  seem  to  be  no  defense  for 
breach  of  a  forward  contrc-ct.  '2liQ   defense  of  impossibility  is  not 
popu-lar  with  the  courts  (14);  and  ■•rars  (15),  strikes  (15),  -nd  embargoes 
(17)  h?,ve  been  held  to  offer  no  excuse.   The  code  provisions  covering  ad- 
justment of  forv.'ard  contracts  attevapting  to  cover  persons  not  agreeing  to 
the  change  of  the  contract  raises  the  due  process  of  law  cuestion.  Here 
the  courts  would  to  decide  if  the  provision  was  unreasonable  and 


Code  Torovisions  regjulrtinf^'  "sales"  ■•.7ere  often  vith  the  lajiaan 
intent  a,ttFi,ched  to  them  of  a  ■"contract  to  sell"  (18).   The  "orol^len  pri- 
marily v/as  one  in  legal  interpretation.   Such  provisions  have  rm   in- 
portant  effect  nhen  interpreted  in  the  strict  legal  sense  of  the  '-.'ord 
"sale".   The  effect  raa;'-  have  heen  to  -lake  void  all  contracts  to  sell  at 
a  fixed  price,  if  that  "orice  did  not  coincide  v/ith  the  price  ouoted  ^7hen 
deliver7  was  nrde  or  conversion  had  in  the  strict  legal  sense  (19).   The 
Legal  Division  recognized  the  possiiJilities  of  the  situation  (20),   It, 
ver"  reasonably,  suggested  that  the  iDrovision  he  interpreted  according 
to  the  settled  rules  of  interpretation.   If  the  resulting  interpretation 
nas  nanifestly  ujijust  -.n  exerrotion  to  those  inproperl'"  af :'"scted  was 
suggested  in  the  interim  period  iDefore  an  cUBendnont  to  reiiedy  the 
situation  could  he  ha-d.   If  such  a  "orocedure  vere   not  follov;ed  due  pro- 
cess of  lau  cuestiono  from  hoth  the  substantive  and  procedtiral  angles 
TTOuld  ?,rise.  Improper  interpreta,tion  of  r   orovision  uhich  the  trans- 
cript of  hearing  shoves  did  not  intend  '±.s.t   it  vas  interpreted  to  mean, 
would  present  a  -orocedura-l.;?.ro"blen.   The  unfairness  and  unreasonaoleness 
of  the  substance  of  a  regula,tion  affecting  the  fixture  contract  price  of 
contracts  to  sell,  either  execixtod  before  the  a-roroval  of  the  code  or 
not,  T'ould  offer  the  courts  a,  o^uestion  of  "due  process"  in  its  broadest 

Contracts  have  long  ha.d  a  "sacred"  character  in  oiir  la'.7.   On  the 
other  side  of  the  ledger  is  the  iDracticaJ.  necessity  of  sonetimes  inter- 
fering with  contrPoCturl  relrtionshios,   Contra.cts  can  not  he  used  to  ■ 
prevent  legislative  changes  reasonably  necessa^ry  (2l).   The  "orocess  is 
preeninently  one  of  bala.ncing  of  these  t^'o  interests  (22).   The  Suprene 
Court  has  shor/n  a  strong  feeling  for  the  sanctity  of  individtial.  contracts 
(23),   The  due  process  of  la\7  concept  in  these  fields  has  been  exioressed 
in  such  notable  cases  as  Allgeyer  v,  Louisiana  (24),  Adair  v,  U, S,  (25), 
and  Coppa^'^'e  v,  ICajisas  (26),  At  present  there  are  indications  that  the 
doctrine's  strength  nay  be  \7aning  (27),   Again  the  Legal  Division  clearly 
recognized  the  probleia  and  offered  a  sbateuent  uoon  it  to  itsmenbers  (28), 
An  interesting  case  to  be  considered  is  "lighland  v,  "xissell  Cr.r  c;  Sno^-^ 
Flow  Corrpa-ny  (2S)  rhich  held  that  the  Congress  and  the  President  nay 
properly  fix  the  na:cirju:a  orice  of  coal^  if  the  return  is  just  compensation 
within  the  meaning  of  the  j?ifth  Amendment,  where  the  pur"oose  of  the 
statute  (the  Lever  Act)  v/as  to  fix  a  fair  ^jrice  --et  one  high  enoiigh  to 
encourage  the  economic  forces  of  su-.toI;-  and  demand,  IIRA  price  control 
took  the  opposite  tash  the  stabilization  of  ninimuj.i  iDrices,   The  reason- 
ableness of  such  action  when  adversel:"  r.fiectlng  contra.cts  ^7ori.ld  seem  to 
be  eciually  a  problem,  that  the  courts  wo-ad  .n-esune  to  decirie, 

II,  A  PHOBLEi:  n:  ad; :i;ii strati ou 

So  far  in  this  "oaper  the  aporoach  has  been  anal"'"ticall3''  divided  in- 
to individLial  a.drainistra.tive  lav?  --robloms,   A  case  of  administration  in 
action  mary  serve  to  vr.oint  the  problems,  showing  how  the;^  arose.   That 
the  manner  of  administration  bore  a  her.v;-  relation  to  the  legalit"-  of  the 
Act  wa.s  early  recognized  -oublicly  bj   the  3-eneral  Coioisel,   He  said: 

"Coistitutional  rights  are  not  inva.ded  b.y  proclaJiiations,  or 
statements  of  public  policy,  or  even  by  grajits  of  extraordinary 
power  to  meet  extraordinr^rsr  needs.   The"  are  invaded  onl-f   b"^  the 
exercise  of  force  to  talje  from  a  nan  a  liberty  or  a  ;:roperty  right 



of  TTjiich  he  raa;'"  not  "be  lawfully  deprived.   Let  me  say  now  and 
emphatically  that  the  National  pLecovery  Administrf tion  e:qiects 
to  or)erate  so  far  outside  the  "boundaries'  of  constitutional  poner 
that  judicial  determination,  even  of  horderinf;  cases,  -'ill  not 
he  necessary."  (30) 

The  administration  of  the  Ice  Industr;^  Code  (31)  furnishes  an  ex- 
cellent suhject  for  reviev?  (52).   The  code  contained  certa,in  provisions 
(to  he  more  fully  discussed)  of  a  cuestionahle  character.   The  De-outy 
Administrator  (33)  answered  the  objections  to  these  provisions  not  hy 
any  positive  finding  of  fact  or  statement  of  how  he  felt  these  provisions 
would  he  administered.   Piather  he  sought  to  avoid  the  hurden  of  the 
official  responsihle  for  the  findings.   He  chose  to  rel^'-  tipqn  a  special 
memorandum  hy  the  Legal  Adviser  (3'^--)  statinj;  that  the  proposals  were  not 
objectionahle  (35). 

Article  XI  providing  for  a  certificate  of  "public  necessity  and 
convenience."  to  he  issn.ed  before  any   new  or  additional  ice  producing  or 
storage  facilities  be  installed  provided  the  main  'oroblem  in  administration. 
Almost  as  soon  as  the  code  was  approved  applications  for  such  certificates 
came  in  to  the  KRA.      ?or  more  than  five  months  (36)  the  Deputy  acted 
informally  in  these  matters.   He  did  not  consult  with  some  of  his  in- 
terested advisers,   Ke  did  not  in  any  way  advise  them  of  his  activities 
(37).   His  action  upon  the  applications  was  not  in  conformity  with  'S3A 
procedure,  sparse  as  it  was.  '  All  the  appli'cations  were  approved  or 
denied  by  letter.   There  is  no  record  of  disapprovals  or  approvals  for 
this  neriod  at  the  Code  Record  Section  (3C) ,  nor  were  hearings  had  upon 
an3'-  of  these  a,pplications. 

The  Code  Authorit;^  ^Droceeded  to  create  certain  local  administrative 
agencies  under  a  pov/er  to  establish  "Local  Com.mittees.  of  Arbitration  and 
Appeal"  (39),  with  authority  "to  interpret  and  malce  apr)lication  of '  the 
code  subject  to  the  Administrator' s . approval"  (40),   ITo  record  exists 
of  the  Administrator  formally  approving  any  of  the  interpretations  or 
rulings  issued  by  these  "committees."   These  actions  ^-'ere  talcen  with  the 
knowledge  of  the  Deputy  who  did  not  raise  a  voice  against  what  was  done. 
The  Deputy  early  adopted  the  procedurfe  of  turning  the  applications  for 
certificates  over  to  the  "Committees"  through  the  Code  Authority,  or  in- 
forming the  applicants  to  a.pply  to  the  "Committees,"   There  is  no  official 
record  of  the  number  of  such  apiDlications  readily  available  (41),   The 
Code  Authority  issued  a  bulletin  proposing  to  establish  the  procedure  for 
handling  applications  (42),   These  committees  were  composed  of  industr;^ 
members,  often  prospective  or  then  competitors  of  the  ap-olicant.   They 
were  instructed  to  make  investigations  and  to  give  the  a-oplicant  a 
hearing.   The  committee  after  a  hearing  made  its  recommendation.   This 
was  forwarded  to  the  P.egional  Adviser  of  the  Code  Authority  \7ho  vrauld 
add  his  recommendation,  llext  the  accumulation  came  to  the  Code  Authority 
which  added  its  recommendation  ajid  forv?.'-.rded  it  with  the  rest  to  the 

The  Deputy  reviewed  the  material,  on  each  case.   He  then  wrote  to 
the  Code  Authority  authorizing  it  to  grant  or  deny  the  application. 


There  is  no  record  ol   the  mim'ber  of  a'ool.icrtions  T.hich  \'ere  hraadled 
so  frenl-'-.   The  Code  ""ecord  Division  hr.s  no  record,  but  fron  other  sources 
the  n-mnher  cnn  "be  placed  at  ground  two  hundred  (43).   Prior  to  i.a'/,  1934 
the  action  of  the  Demity  estp.olishint';  or  denyin;.'  "hp.sic  or  nornal 
rnr.r'.cetins  rreas"  (44)  is  tuil:no\7n. 

TJith  the  resii'i'nr.tion  of  the  De;?ut"  and  the  appointment  of  a  nen  one 
(45)  a.  need  for  oetter  mpv   rrcogniKed,   The  ne'J  DepTit'"  called 
in  all  his  a.dvisers  to  discuss  -oroccdure  v/ith  hin.   The  result  '--as  the 
initiation  of  the  practice  of  holding;-  conferences  with  advisers  to  con- 
sider all  ■■■roolens  reoMirin:2:  rd-iinistrative  action  particularly  the 
s,ppli  cat  ions  for  neT'  or  incrcar.ed  cs.oacit^-.   The  Depij.ty  felt  that 
unanimity  of  the  advisors  TToiild  r;o  fp.r  to  cure  -orocsdiiral  defects.   His 
trainin-  -'as  not  such  that  he  vrauld  feel  the  need  for  a.  full  record  and 
the  £;ivin,j;  of  procedural  safegaardp  .to  interested  parties*   Still,  there 
were  no  fornal  records  nade  of  action,  .:>?ic.  the  Code  Authoritj'^  denied  or 
granted  a-or>lic:'tions  uon  the  Doputy''-,  advice,   So-ie  forty  apolic  tions 
were  so  handled  (46), 

The  first  official  attention  pivo'-i  tliis  ^-.rcDlen  '/'as  in  Jiuie,  1934 
(47),   Until  this  tine  the  Lr-;iticr,  --ore  :^ree  to  foru  their  OTvn  "oro- 
cedure  suhject  to  due  -orocess  reruirerient",  of  '.'iiich  the-"  were  xirohablj'' 
not  aware  r-iid  certain  ,  ;eneral  '~JA   re^-.imments  such  as  the  use  of  Code 
Record  to  rire   action  an  official  cast,  .  Z.y  Ad:iini::trative  Order  a  pro- 
cedure i.'R,"  -  'rovided: 

(a)   A^T.^lications  s-iculd  he  filed  with  the  aoprooriate  Committee 
of  Arhitrntion  r^Jid  Ao'oeals, 

("b)   The  Cormittee  should  hold  a  he;„riny  on  the  application, 

(c)  li'ollowing  the  hearing,  tne  o.-olication,  transcrrot  of 
hearin/^  and  recom-iondation  of  the  coraiittee  should  be  sei-it 
to  the  ?:e:pional  Ad\'is'?r  of  the  Code  Axit'iority, 

(d)  The  Regional  Advis^n'  should  ■-ror;e:-,t  the  file,  to-'-jnther  with 
his  reconKienda,tion,  to  the  Code  Authority* 

(e)  The  Code  Authority-  sho-il:"'  aral-^ze  the  file,  orocure  any 
additional  i;ifornation  it  ,b:].ioved  necer.sar;-  aiid  -present  the 
entire  file  to  the  Aojii.iistration  with  iti;  recoimendcation, 

(f)  The  AcLninistrator  should  con:;ider  the  care,  rnd  issue 
appro-iriate  instr'Actions  to  the  .Code  Authorit;"  rs  to  what 
should  he  done,  (-l-B) 

This  orocedure  war,  in  effect  an  official  statenont  of  what  v;a.s  then 
the  practice  oaitting  nention  of  tne  conference  of- advisers.   As  a  re- 
sult of  the  official  stai~rp  piven  the  procedure  a  feeling  that  reoorts  of 
advisers  would  he  desirable  prevf  up.   The  practice  of  suhnittinf-  such 
re-oorts  was  started  contenporeaieousl]'"  with  the  establishraent  of  the  pro- 
cedure.  Two  nonths  l.:.vter  the  oractice  of  a,  formal  docket,  including  such 
re-oorts,  was  established.   In  the  sane  nonthi  the  first  formal  order  uoon 
an  a;oplication  v/as  urde  (49)*   The  procedure  used  in  Aupist  continued 
for  two  more  nonths  until  October,  1934, 


A'oplicrtions  for  the  estatlislunent  of  ""basic  or  nornal  nr'.rheting 
areas"  (50)  T.'cre  still  handled  "d"   the  "conference  of  advisers"  iiethod. 
Administrative  orders  vrere  issued  in  thirtj'-one  cases  (5l)  njid  no  action 
was  tal:en  in  six. 

The  great  authority  ^jiven  to  local  comnittees  of  interested  oersons 
crused  a  serious  "orol)len  in  fact-g-^.therin;'^.  Pacts  v.'erc  s\ip-oressed, 
others  nisinteroreted,  and  still  others  nisre-oresented  (5C).   Cor.roetitors 
of  a  successful  applicant  could  not  he  e:cpected  to  have  the  impartial 
Judicial  nind  (5o).   One  instance  served  to  ingress  this  u-oon  the  Adminis- 
tration,  An  a^oplication  i7as  made  in  Septemher,  1934  to  ou.ild  aji  ice  -olant 
in  Portlraid,  Oregon,   The  loca,l  conriittee  recommended  that  the  application 
oe  denied  hasing  this  upon  the  so-ca,lled  "facts"  that  there  v:as  a  daily 
productive  capacity  of  si::-hundred  tons,  r^.   dcail"^  consiimptip?i  of  less  than 
three-hundred  tons,  prices  uere  fair  and  reasonahle,  there  '7ere  no 
monopolies  or  agreements  upon  prices  or  production,  and  a  nen  plant  '.puld 
pra.ct leans'"  ivreck  the  e::isting  plaJits  financially,   Inte::ested  puolic 
minded  persons  sho'7ed,  on  the  contrar-^,  that  there  existed' an  operating 
productive  ca;oacity  of  only  three  hundred  t'jenty-eight  tons;  prices  Trere 
as  much  as  douhle  that  in  many  other  places;  one  company  dominated  the 
area,  controlling  tvro  hundred  fifty-tuo  tons  productive  capacity; 
evidence  of  iionopoly  existed;  snd.   that  the  ice  -iroducers  of  Portland 
vere  in  excellent  financial  position, 

'.Tith  the  trmsfer  of  the  Code  to  still  a  third  Deputy  in  Octoher 
the  greatest  changes  too),:  place.   The  procedure  nor;  hecajie  one  conducted 
oy  the  government,  g-iving  due  consideration  to  the  industr"'^  memhers, 
ratlier  than  one  conducted  and  dominated  "by  the  ind^^stry  nemhers.   The 
Deput-y  outlined  a  rather  lengthy  proc^du^c  v/hich  is  stated  in  the  form 
of  nineteen  points  (54),   The  essentials  of  the  procedure  are:   appli- 
cations uere  to  he  sent  to  the  Deputy  Administra.tor  for  first  action  in- 
stead of  the  local  committee".   The  Code  Authorit"  next  gave  certain  ad- 
vice and  information  to  the  De-?uty,   ",i'ith  this  as  p,  hasir;  it  might  be 
unnecessary  to  hold  a  hearing  in  ".'hich  case  the  Advisor"-  Doards  nere 
consulted.   If  a  hearing  ua.s  necessary  one  vould  he  conducted  h]^  the 
Pield  Assistant  Depi\ty  .\dninistrator  assisted  hy  the  "Local  Committee  of 
Arbitration  pjid  Appeal,"  '  Pecorar.iendat ions,  from  the  Co'u.iittee  to  the 
Code  Authority  T.-ere  next  m-de.   The  Deputy  then  prepared  a  digest  on  each 
ca-se  vrhich  he  distributed  to  his  a6.visers,   ueetings  of  the  Advisers  r/ere 
held  and  recommendations  v-ere  made  individually  by  each  Adviser  in 
memorandum  form.   The  Code  Authority  again  coi.ies  into  ,  the  picture  being 
notified  by  the  Deputy  Administrator  of  /lis  decision  forty-eight  hours 
prior  to  it  being  officiall:,^  issued.   If  the  Code  Authority  uas  opposed 
to  the  decision  made  b,y  the  Deputy  Administrator  one  wee]:  vp.s   allov/ed  in 
^•hich  it  might  file  briefs  or  mfjce  personal  rp'3earrjice,  '\!hen   the  order 
v;as  finally  issued,  the  Deputy  Aininistrator  notified  both  the  Code 
Authority  and  the  applicant. 

There  r/ere  about  one  hundred  old  applications  upon  h;md.   It  v/as 
felt  that  speed-"-  considerr.tion  \;as  more  needed  than  the  full  consideration 
given  b;;-  the  procedure  outlined.   These  were  handled  upon  the  basis  of 
facts  gathered  by  'a,  ruestionnaire  drafted  by  the  Division  of  Research 
rnd  Planning, 


The  chan;;e  of  the  control  of  ■irocec'ui-e  iron  the  hpndr;  of  indust3^7 
to  those  of  the  ^■ovor^rient  did  Mot  i.ican  thrt  "due  "oroceM"  uould  he 
autoupticElly  sup-'^lied«   As  h,?,s  oeon  seen  the  governmeut  often  friled  to 
provide  proner  procedure.  Herrings  failed  to  disclose  nan;'"  in-^ortant 
amd  vital  facts.  Local  situations  -.'ere  such  thp.t  it  -.tis  alnost  iv.i- 
possible  for  a  centralized  as'5enc7  to  discover  the  real  local  conditions. 
Soraetirnes  such  fr,r-reachinf,-  inforination  v.'an  uncovered  that  (n-eyo   douhts 
aa  to  tlie  of  the  fact-finding  orocess  -'ere  engendered  (55). 

Difficult?,-  in  estahlishing  -procedure  nia:^  he  attrihuted  in  part  to 
the  highlj  technical  nature  of  the  '^rohlen  ITLIA.  sought  to  adninister. 
The  certificate  of  -■molic  neccnsit^'-  rnd  convenience  iinnediatel7  suggests 
a  utility  coia'iisr.ion,  rrith  valration  e:r.-erts,  engineer?,  of  several  kinds, 
and  attornevs  -nartici-ctin.  •  u--cn  toth  sides.  'JPJ-.   seeking  to  -deal  iTith 
a  large  industry  covering  the  c.itire  country  '.;as  not  as  r.'ell  equipped  a.s 
the  ordinary  utility  conrnission.   Through  accident  nors  than  design 
several  e.ttorneys  ?nd  several  "oersons  with  utility  ezoerience  -rrere  used. 

To  intelligently  deternine  the  issues  oresented  a,  "ol'-nned  course 
T7as.  necessary.   In  March,  1935  this  fact  nas  suggested  to  the  Acininis- 
tration  (55),   Certain  factors  -jhich  should  he  considei'ed  veve   "oointed 
outl  There  must  he  deternined  vrhether  siifficient  facilities  exist  in 
the  nrrticular  locality.   The  follo-.ring  questions  are  involved, 

1,  Eox!   shall  availahle  ca^iacity  he  measured? 

2.  Hot'  nuch  iuportance  should  attach  to  availaole  storage 
facilities  in  measuring  ca")a,city? 

S.   Hov:  nsjr-^  reasonahly  rj.tici-oated  ootential  denrnd  he  estimated? 

4.   KoTT  much  consid.eration  should  he  given  to  the  -productive  : 
capacity  of  --ilpnts  in  localities  surrounding  the  one  tuider 
consideration?  (5?) 

The  ne:;t  step  is  to  such  major  --irohlems  rs   m.onoioolies  and 
mono-oolistic  practices,  -jrice,  service  rjid  ohsolescence  {-<€,)»      If  it 
is  felt  that  new  capacity  is  desirahle  the  prohlem  of  v'ho  should  furnish 
it  is  -oresented  (59),   Pinallj',  ITFJV  had  failed,  in  the  case  of  this  in- 
dustry to  adopt  the  pat'oern  of.puhlic  utility  regalrtion  thought 
necessary  to  safeguard  the  -oiihlic  in  return  for  vhich  po^rers  of  a  public 
guaranteed  nonopolj-  are  grpjited  (SO),  l^A   had  piit  the  ca.rt  hefore  the 
horse.   It  then  had  forgotten  the  horse. 

Later  memoranda  (51)  suggested  that  im-oortant  -provisions  of  the 
Ice  Code  vers  not  grounded  in  a.  oro-^er  interiretrtion  of  the  undisputed 
economic  fa,cts,  hut  v.ere,  rp.ther,  hased  on  theoretical  assuLVotions  and 
fnllacious  .arraiment. 

If  such  allega.tions  -.'ere  mn,de  to  the  court  rith  any  convincing  case 
to  hack  then  up,  a  great  tem-otation  T.-ould  he  -olaced  upon  the  courts  to 
full:^  consider  the  facts  independently.   Aside  from  the  substantive  pro- 
hlem the  fore  -o.-^rt  of  this  study  illustrates  the  many  difficulties  that 
arise  from  an  attem/ot  to  establish  an  adeouate  ■   The  immediate 
-orohlem,  and  ths.t  is  the  one  usuall"  pressing  u.-oon  the  rchiinistrator 


untrained  in  the  i^rolDlems  of  loroceclure,  is  not  alua^s  the  one  mist 
needful  of  attention.   The  ease  of  shifting;,'  the  harden  to  the  Code 
Authority  did  not  nean  fairness  nor  uas  it  designed  to  please  judicial 
reruirenents.  The  -oroToriety  of  delegation  to  the  Code  Authority  and 
its  agencies  as  apa.rt  fron  procedure  is  the  suhject  of  l.-.ter  con- 
sideration (63). 


An  acijaini  stmt  ion  has  a  res'oonsihilit:/'  to  the  -Duhlic  rnd  to  those 
nith  vrhoin  it  has  direct  dealings  for  the  honesty,  shill  and  the  negli- 
gence of  its  agents  and  those  to  rrhon  it  entmsts  Douer  (64),   In  its 
early  days  IIEA  had  little  check  over  the  activities  of  its  Code 
Authorities  (65).   This  r;as  'orrtly  due  to  haste  in  co!-r>;ileting  an  or- 
ganization and  the  prevalence  of  tlie  industr;'-  self-government  notion, 
with  its  corollary  that  ilHA  shoiild  discourage  the  at)pea,rance  of  control 
over  code  authorities.   The  full  value  that  could  have  ooen  had  from 
the  device  of  administration  members  upon  code  authorities  nas  never 
fv,lly  realized  (66).   Supervision  of  code  authority  activity  was  de- 
manded 'hy   the  vast  powe-s  of  government  redelegated  to  the  code 
authorities  (67),   That  FHA  recognized  the  need  for.  such  a  check  is  in- 
dicated hy, the  creation  of  the  office  of  Code  Administration  Director 
(68)  and  the  issuance  of  orders  to  employees  to  he  alert  for  of 
"oower  (69) . 

A  common  form  of  ahuse  Iry  in  code  authority  intei'pretations  of 
code  provisions  v/ithout  LTilA  approval  (70),   The  anomalous  oosition  of 
code  authorities  gave  to  these  "inter-oretations"  the  force  of  lau  in 
the  minds  of  most  memhers.   Illustrative  are  a  series  of  code  authority 
rulings  for  the  California  Sardine  Processing  Industry  (71),   These 
rulings  attempt  to  do  such  things  as  establish  uarehousing  and  other 
charges  (72) ,  give  the  code  authority  a  control  over  the  figuring  of 
cost  for  contracts  (73),  set  up  a.  formiila  to  determine  depreciation  in 
figuring  cost  (74),  and  "orevent  publicity  being  given  to  price  lists 
(75).   There  r/as  no  basis  in  the  code  or  approved  cost-accotmting  system 
for  the  action  attempted  by  these  rulings  (76), 

Responsible  IISA  officials  v/e're  sometimes  connected  rrith  such 
activity.   Usually  interested  officials  Icneu  what  action  had  been  taken 
b;'  the  code  authority.   It  was  their  "oartrcular  responsibility  to  know. 
Ilnovledge  and  quiet  acr-uiescence  or  disinterest  in  what  the  code  authority 
did  without  actual  knowledge  are  both  o-pen  to  severe  criticism.   Even 
more  ouestionable  was  the  action  of  officials  purporting  to  approve 
rulings  or  lending  sanction  by  their  -oresence  at  the  time  of  action  to 
the  authorities'  activities  when  regular  ITTiA  "orocedure  was  not  followed, 
Hulings  were  made  without  authority,  vfhen  the  Administrator  had  never 
delegated  the  power  to  malte  such  rulings,  or  \7here  procedure  called  for 
consultation  of  advisers  rnd  publication  through  Code  "'.ecord.   The  Wall 
Paper  Code  (77)  provides  that  the  "failure  to  jiaintpdn  ?n  adequate 
differential  in  selling  prices  to  the  wholesaler  and  retailer",  is  an 
imfai^'  method  of  com-oetition  (73).   In  July,  1934  the  E::ecutive  Com- 
;iittee  of  the  Uall  Manufacturer's  and  Ubolesale  Codes  met.   Two 
IHA,  officials  were  present  (79).  As  a  result  of  this  conference  a  ruling 
was  'made  upon  the  question  of  an  "adequate  differential"  to  be  "binding 


upon  the  Indurtry  and  to  be  observed,  by  all  maniifacturerG"  (80).   It 
was  not  until  nine  months  later  that  IIRA.  acted  \ipon  this  rulin:',-.   It 
then  disapproved  it  (81).   Tlie  same  industry  issued  other  rulings  upon 
import,?jit  raatters  under  similar  conditions.  (82).         •  ■ 

Other  grave  exces<^-es  of  po^er  occurred.   The  Paper  Napkin  Industry 
assumed  to  act  as  an  independent  subdivision  of  the  Paper  and  Pulp  Indust- 
ry (83)  although  it  had  never  been  •^iven  a  divisional  code  by  the  ITEA 

The  Shipbuilding  and' Shiprepairing  Industry-  (85)  feeling  that  an 
emergency  labor  situation  existed  in  the  fall  of  1933  allovred  members  of 
the  industry  to  disregard  the  maximum  hour  provisions  of  the  code  (86), 
The  Be-mty  for  the  industry  was  present  at  meetings  of  the  Code  Authority 
and  laiew  that  such  action  was  taken  (87).   The  industry  never  requested 
an  exem-otion  or  amendment  to  alio"'  this  practice,  and  it  was  not  lontil 
Januarjr  1935  that  the  Administr;;.tion  evinced  any  interest  in  these  open 
violations, of  the  Code  (88), 

The  Hen's  Clothing  Industry  (oS)  purpoted  to  issue  "approved  inter- 
pretations" allovdng  individual  exceptions  and  class  exemptions  from  code 
provisions  (30). 

A  provision  against  accepting  return  of  ^-ornsni  washed  garments  (9l) 
in  the  Undergarment  and  Negli^Tee  Code  (92)  vas  made  the  basis  for  the 
establislx^.ient  by  the  Code  Authority  of  a  bureau  to  pass  upon  the  nied 
for  adjustp.ent  under  the  Code  or  garments  returned  (93).   Similarly,  the 
fact  that  nembers  of  the  Corset  and  Brassiere  Industry  (94)  were  not  to 
accept  pa,yments  of  account  where  excess  discounts  were  taken  became  the 
basis  for  rn  optional  plan  rhereby  the  Code  Authority  went  into  the  col- 
lection business  (95).   The  "propriety  of  a  trade  association  is  not  a 
o/aesti.on  here.   The  problem  Tas  that  of  an  unauthorized  assumption  of 
power  by  a  code  authority  of  rhich  the  NBA  hed  full  lanowledge  (96), 

NSA  was  responsible  for  partial  aclministration  of  pricing  provisions. 
In  a  nur-foer  of,  industries  SLich  provisions  were  not  used,  except  to  harass 
members  thou,ght  to  be  "out  of  line"  (97).   Coercion  by  code  authorities 
to  keep,  prices  up  was  all  too  common  (93),  ■"  Suggestions"  as  to  price, 
though  not  of  as  serious  a  cnaracter  -'ere  not  usually  contemplated  b;'-  the 
coda  provisions  in  con-iection  with  '  hich  they  '-'ere  made  (99).   All  such 
actions  where  the  code  authority  acted  in  excess  of  its  powers,  since 
they  were  not  protected  by  any  portion  of  the  Act  or  a  code  mad-e  'pursuant 
thereto,  the  code  authority  acting  in  excess  of  its  powers,  were  in  vi- 
olation of  the  Anti-Trust  Acts.  As  UKA  had  the  responsibility  for  making 
codes  ..  sTiLsp ending  these  laws  and  for  the  creation  of  code  authorities  it 
should  not  have  idly  allowed  such  activities  to  unchallenged.   This 
was  the  attitude  expressed  by  members  of  the  Senate  Finance  Committee  in 
its  hearings  upon  NRA  (100);  Price  fixing  -sjid  price  control  were  often 
accomplished  by  "rulings"  end.   schedules  issued  by  code  authorities  in 
addition  to  the  "suggestions"  and  coercion.   This  "as  particularly  true 
of  the  codes  in  the  graphic  arts  grour>  (lOl).  ii  Division  Administrator 
even  sought  to  issue  as  official  a  "Price  Determination  Schedule"  based 
upon  the  iirice  lists  -"hich  had  oeen   procla-imed  to  the  graphic  arts  in- 
dustry (lOo)  by  its  code  authority  as  binding  (lOS). 



Provisions  stated  in  general  language  capable  of  mamerous  intemre— 
tations  served  as  clubs  to  be  held  over  the  heads  of  reak  or  -onifonnod 
industry  menbers  Trrho  coul'd  not  -afford  to  have  trouble  by  challenging  the 
code  authority  (104). 

Officials  of  NRA  in  addition  to  the  situation  already  pointed  out 
did  not  rlrays  f-olly  live  up  to  the  res-oonsibilities  of  their  inositions. 
One  major  problem  bringing  uo  this  poir'u  Fas  the  system  of  "selectiv? 
justice"  iised  by  K3A  in  prosecuting  violators  (lOo).   The  usual  theory 
of  jxi.stice  is  that  '••hen  viol?.tions  are  brought  to  the  e.ttention  of  r 
responsible  administration  they  will  be  prosecuted.  ¥.0   single  officirl 
or  group  of  officials  can  be  held  to  be  remiss  for  this.   This  v/as  I'lHA 
policy  for  '-'hich  the  Administration  as  a  whole  was  responsible. 

NBA.  officials  kne^-'of  a  threat  m^.de  by  persons  associated  with  a 
code  authoritj'-  to  push  old  criminal  charges  against  the  execxitive  sec- 
retary of  a  rival  code  authority  unless  he  resigned  his  position  (105). 
The  e:;ecutive  secretarj-  refused  to  resign.   He  ^--as  arrested,  but  the 
charges  were  dropped  as  the  facts  indicated  there  had  been  no  real  crime 
committed,   ITEA  never  took  any  action  to  prevent  such  persons,  es  those 
making  the  threats,  from  serving  upon  a  code  authority. 

The  most  honestly  conceived  actions  '-ere  not  al'Jays  the  most  legrl. 
The  Consu^ners'  Advisorj^  Board  feprec  the  declaration  of  emergencies  end. 
the.  res'ulting  price-fixing.  It,  therefore,  consented  to  allow  one  of  its 
advisers  to  go  to  Cincinnati  as  a  representative  of  the  Deputy  Adminis- 
trators ill  chsj-ge  of  the  Baking  Code  (107)  and  enter  into  negotiations 
with  local  bakers  there  leading  to  agreements  by  those  bakers  with  each 
other  establishing  certain  minimiom  prices  (lOC)* 

.  Such  agreements  were  made  and  follo'^ed  for  a  considerable  period. 
There  ras  no  basis  in  the  code  for  such  action  'hich  '/as  of  the  type   not 
favored  by  the  Anti-Trust  La*-s. 

The  erzanples  observed  indicate  instances  of  malfeasance.  Reasons 
may  be  offered  why  they  occurred.  Still,  administration  should  earnestly 
labor  to  avoid  malfeaserce  upon  the  part  of  its  officers  and  delegates. 
As  the  Act  grew  to  its  close  serious  efforts  were  made  in  this  direction. 
If  the  problem  had  been  fully  considered  pt  an  eprlier  date,  perhaps, 
even  more  co-aid  have  been  done  to  -orevent  m?,l.-ac!minist ration. 




Th^  -orocedure  \xs=id    in  this   fi^lA  '-^rg  T^r=5   suhjeot   to   change   than 
that    in   tb^-   codp.-rapkirg  -nrorosr,.      Th<^.T^for°,    it    is  nor=!   difficult   to 
givp   an  acc-arat«>   descriiTtio?!.      Certain   inh^r^nt  liraitftions   should  he 
ohserved.      The  mass   of  administrative  legislation  wa?   so   tremendous   that 
v:lrr- o-'p-- •  it   contained  r^ouire^ients  ^hich  nere  hif?her   than  the   common 
practice  enforcement  ^^3   r-nuir'^d   (l),    ■:'.?.. A.    consciously  strove   to 
raiso  hoth  trade  -oractice   and  lahor,  -narticulaTly  the  latter,    standards. 
Therrpraendous  amount   of   enforcement   and  educational  activity  necessary 
to   ma]ce   the   strv.cture   ef-^ectiv^   can  he  anmr'^ciat-^d.     As   the  v,a,triotism 
of   the   initial   driv--^   f;avp  ^-rpy  to  e   mc^re  nrpctical  vie^^ooint,    and  en- 
forcement tecane   the  need,    di^'"icu:t^^  develor,ed   in  that   the    increasing 
army  of  ins-nectors  did  not  ke^n    oace  ^^^ith   the  demc-nds  made  uoon   it.      A 
comnliance   division  ^^as   first   organized  over   six  months   aft^r  l^H.A. 
was   initiated.      Hon- co^inliance  had   oy  then  hroken  do-^m  many  codes   (?)  . 
Even  after  the   Comr..liance  Division  cpjne   it   long  occutji'^d  an  irar>otpnt 
"DOsition   (3)  . 

Much  Of  K.R.A.'s  -puroose   could  have  "been  a.ccomnlished  ^-ithout   the 
terrific   coranlia.nce   orohlem.      It  '"^^s   th°   industries   or  tr-^d^s   coraoosed 
almost   entirely  of   small  units   that  presented  such  t«=r:,-ihle   r^coras  of 
non-coimliance  as   to  make  a  -ouhlic   joke  of  U.R.A.    cod^   r=>ouirement3   (4). 
It   ^as   in  the   retail   tr^^de,    the   r^t-iil   food  and   grocery  trade,    the  res- 
taurant husiness,    ^'utoraotive  -oarts  and   enuinment  retail   trade,  and  the 
hakery  industry  that  great  masses  of  violations   arose   through  ignorance, 
refusal   to  hear  hardships,  re siil ting  fron  unreasonahle   code  -orovisions, 
or  desire  to   gain  advantr?-es   through  La.hor  or  ti-rde  nractices   to   offset 
advantages  of  hett°r  organized   com-o^titors    (s).      Situation  '^here  no   in- 
terstate  commerce   could  he   found  also    oresented  haf+'ling  -oroblems   to 
com-olisnce  officers    (s).      Hfir?>    thev  '-'ere  usually   content    to    let   veil 
enough  alone. 

The   inadequacy  of   the   staff  numerically  "as  vital.        ITo  matter  ™hat 
the   training  or  ability  of   individuals   tr^^ing  to    secure   cornnlianc"  "as, 
there  Trere  not   the  nhysical  ntunh^rs   to   co  le   "ith  the  major  violations, 
l=t  alone   the  myriad  c-^  -letty  '-nes.      Industries   can  he   charged  "ith  a 
gr^at   de.?cree  of  resi^onsihility.      Either  failing  to  itnd.erstand  the  nature 
of  laT7  and  administr^-tian  or   in  their  gr°ed  to    straight- jacket   indus- 
trial -oractice   countless   silly  and  unenforce-^hle  iirovisions  'wr^  mad.e 
la.".      Our  recent   exoerience  with  national   -ornhihition   should  fiirn- 
ished  a  "arning.      It  was  heeded  hy  f°w.      As   a  result   th°  violations  were 
so   numerous   that    the   federal   district  attorneys  and   th"  Department  of 
Justice  would  have  "b^^n   swam.r)ed  hy  K.R.A.   prosecutions  alone  had  every 
violation  h^^n  taken  to   court    (?). 

Kew  Law  creates  new  -orohlems  of   inter'oretation.      It    is   dou,htful   if 
anyone   conceived  the  vast  numher  of   Questions   this  n°'-'  law  -would  engen- 
der.     As  field  men  could  not   issue   inter-^r^tations   the  "hole  "orocess 
of   enforcement   r^^n  into   an  administratis"    oottle  neck  in   that    such  mat- 
ters had  to   clepr  hacl-:  through   th-  "Tpshington  office   (o).      Likewise  field 
men  were  far  from  fully  eauip-oed  with  mat°rial   relating  to   the  la"  the-^r 



i-'er'^   to    =!nforce.      It   '-'as   quite   fr^au'^nt   thr^t   fi°ld  ra°n  did  not  evpn  have 
conies   cf   cod-^s   they  r-or°   to  heir)   administer.      The  r)rohl'=m  of   the   field 
adjuster  and  his   suneriors   in   the   field  '^as   difficult   enouf^h  even  had  he 
"been  given  all   the   assistance   desiraole   in  the   form  of   interDr^tatif^ns, 
coijies   of   codes   etc.  (9).      Thes^'  Tnen  had  to  "both  find  facts   and  armly  the 
laT7  to   those   facts. 

The  first   activit"  had  to   do  '^ith  P  R.A.    enforcement.      A^pncies 
loiovTi  as   "Local  N.E.A.    ComT^liance  Boards"    ^^er-^   en^-iloyed   (lo)  .      Here   the 
aDDroach  was  one   of   ^^ducating  employers   to   liv"  U'o   to   the  a.greement   (ll). 
This  means  -'as   short-liv°d  and  ^-^as   soon  rer^laced  hy  the   Comi^liance  Di- 

Th°   charter  for   Cod'=   CorQr)lia,nce   is   found  in   "I'anua.l   for  the  Adjust- 
ment of   Com-r)laints"(l2).      The   rest   of   that   title   reads   "hy  State  Direct- 
ors .';nd   Code  Authorities".      It   a-oioears   that  adjustment   "as   to  he   secur- 
ed not  alone  "by  government  officers  "bu.t  h^'-  Code  Authorities.      In  fact, 
this  T7as   the   clearly  stated  volin-r  of   the   Administration   (l?). 

It    is  T^ell   recognized  thr  t   ad'iinistr-^tive   pdjudic----ticn  r^auirs  a 
much  higher   standard  of  -irocedaral    due  iirocess   of  la^-'  than   administra- 
tive  legislation   (l4).      ^-'>PA,    hv  its  very  scheme,    faced    the   difficult 
■orohlera  of  enforcing  la"  made  hv  a   majority  rTiii   of   the   industry  u-oon 
a   dissenting  minority  (l5).      If   the   spniP,  in-.^  had  b'e'='n  made  h^  statute 
there  would  have   like'^is°  "been   this  majority-minority  snlit,    hut   the 
feeling  ■•orohahly  "o:nd  not  hav^  "b^^n  as   intens°  had  Congress  -oassed 
th=  la.'^  as   in   case  '"here  a.  groun  of  cnnp^rititors  msde   th"   la'-'  h^  i^eti- 
tion  to  :^TEA.. 

As  'has  heen  re-oer^tedlv  -lointed  out,    the  F.I.R.A.'s  rjrocedural 
scheme  was  entir^lv  n"'-.      Its   enforcement  "orocedure  '^as  no    excerption. 
The   only  crimes   defined  h^r  the  Act  '"^re  viola.tions  of  administrative 
action  -   Code  i^rovisions  and  rules   and  reg'O.ations  -oro-Derly  T^r^scrihed 
by  the  President    (I6).      T'-'o  methods  of  enforcement  ■^rere  -orovided:    (l) 
the   regular  -irocesses  of   the  Federal  Trade   Commission,    and   (2)    direct 
•oroceedings  hv  federal   district   attorneys    (l?)  .      ^^A  set  wd   elaborate 
■orocedures,    but   for  a   considerable  r)oriod  of  time  made   little   effort 
to  use   the  methods   of  enforcement  provided  in  the  Act    (is).      NRA  pre- 
sented the  unusual   sioecta.cle   of  an  attem-it   to   enforce  delegated  lerisla- 
tion  by  raedita.tion,    concilia.tion,    arbitration  and  --iractically  all   other 
ways   thean  those    s-oecified   in   the  Act    (l9)  .      Th^re  was   crept°d  a  vast 
system  of  "comnliance"   "'ith  no    s-Qecific   statutory  basis   that  long  re- 
placed the   "enforcement"   methods  of  the  Act   (?o).      ""Hl-iforcement"   '''as 
not  had  against   all  ''oio'-'n  violators   of   the  Act.      Instead  Toressure, 
threats,   -oromises,    E,nd  c-'joler^r  .-,ar°   the   common  mea,ns.   Only  in  the   ox- 
traorciinary  case  '"as   resort  hai?    to   enforcement,      so   that   the    svsterq 
could  be   rightfully  called  one   of  "selective   justice",    (pi) '.    Actual  and 
■oossible  methods   of   "comoliance"   ^resent   themselves   in  be'-'ildering  ar- 
ra;'''.      N?A  codes  we^-o   from  oiae   as^oect   licenses  a'rented  b"""  the  President 
(or  by  NPA)  .      As   such,    they  cotild  hav^  b^^n   sus-o°nded  or  revoked   for 
■ororjer   cause    {??) .      One  method  '-'hich  cou^  d  have  b^^n  us^d  to   coerce 
obedience  from  persons  or  firms  benefiting  from  the  codes  -fould  have 
been  to   have   suspended  the   code   of   the   industry/".      The  i^eakness  was   that 
this  would  not   secure   co.m-oliance   from    -lersons  or  firms  not    interested 
in  the   code  and  not   assenting  to   it,    nor  '-'enld    it   even   secure   conformity 


from  int'=rest'='d' raom'bRr's  of  th^  inriiistry  anri  ar.s'^'ntRrs  iml^iss  the  bplancR 
of  "benftfits  to  the  ina.ustrv  out^^^i^^h-^d  th°.  T3urd«^n  c-^   th<=i  action  d'^sir^.d. 
Of  similar  cha.ract'^r  -ps  th^  ^ithdrar'al  of  the  "-olue  ^r'flp.".   Gen^^ral 
Johnson  was  imbued  '-ith  the  idea  of  makin;^  the  "olue  pp^le"  the  pymhol 
of  a  great  morrl  crusade  for  "better  conditions  in  industry  anr"  IrBor,  so 
that  its  i-'ithdrp'^al  v,roul(^  "olace  an  unhear.^'hl^  stiffraa  u^cn  anyone  losin;^ 
the  right  to  display  it.   This  mif:ht  have  circumvented  sOTne  of  thp  les:al 
difficulty  of  -oowers  (^3).   Later,   it  --as  s°°n  that  difficulties  of  a 
more  technical  but  just  as  serious  nature  could  hav°  cci-np  out  of  this 
method.   After  allowins;  use  "by  industry,  had  th^  government  a  r)rot^ctahle 
int°r°s.t  in  th-^  "larl-:,  and  if  it  did,  "rns  it  on'=  th^t  could  he  c^-oricious- 
ly  exercised?   From  th=  riorpl  asnect  the  --"pthod  seemed  to  enjoy  -^arly 
success,  hut  '^hen  the  same  "hlue  eagle"  rrap,  '-ithdra-Ti  for  netty  trade 
practice  infractions  in  Trhich  the  -ouhlic  sa--'  no  humane  cause,  it  lost 
much  of  its  significance.   Then  too,  as  the  fervor  of  the  crusade  wore 
off,  nany  consumers  did  not  c.-'r°fully  inquire  rrhsther  the  chep-opr  of 
lik°  articles  was  made  a.nd  sold  "onder  the  "hl^ie  eagle".   This  discussion, 
also,  a-oplies  to  the  use  of  NTIA.  labels  for  "com-oliance"  -nur-DOses. 

More  "oractical,  but  auite  as  uniisual  ^^as  "conriliance"  by  boycott. 
Hpre  the  government  refus^ri  to  l°t  contracts  to  lo-^  bidc^ers  '-^ho  had  not 
signed  a  certificate  of  com-i-iliance  (?a)  .      The  Comptroller  C-pneral's  de- 
cision UTjon  this  method  wer°  nev=-r  conclusive.  (25) .  L^spi'tc  this'  it'iTo-ald 
have  only  be^-n  effective  against  industries  and  indivifiual  comrianies  who 
would  have  seriously  f"='lt  the  loss  of  governm=>nt  business.   The  value  'of 
this  comoliance  form  will  -orobably  nev°r  be  i-no'-m  (P5a)  . 

As  ha.s  'b°^n   suggested  there  wag  cajolery,  educ-ition,  nersuasion, 
threatening,  and  much  loud  tallr  and  bluster,  des-oit^  the  fact  that  it 
was  known  that  the  courts  did  not  look  with  favor  uoon  some  of  these 
methods  (?6). 

There  were  efforts  pt  "comTDliance"  that  almost  amoiuiteci  to  a.n  at- 
tempt by  NEA  to  lift  itself  by  its  bootstraTjs.   Provisions  were  placed 
in  codes  that  Code  Authorities  might  sue  to  collect  delinauent  assess- 
m-^nts  (S7).   This  was  del^^sgatpd  legislation  without  th"-  "delega.ted". 
Here  was  an  attempt  to  enforce  sub-legislation  by  other  and  not  author- 
ized sub-legislation,  unless  th°  enforcement  methods  of  the  Act  wc>re  not 
intended  to  be  exclixsiv".  •  Another  such  m-^ans  used  were  the  code  lorovi- 
sions  allowing  liquidatpd  damaf:^  agreements  by  industry  -iT=mb'=rs.   Desriite 
an  or)inion  by  the  Attomey-G-eneral  condemning  a.  similar  -oractice  bv  the 
Federal  Alcohol  Control  Administration  as  imauthori'^ed  by  th°  Act  (?8), 
NEA  actively  «mr)loyed  this  method  until  th°  snoring  cf  1935. 

"Comioliance",  undoubtedly,  can  b°  attributed  in  r)art  to  the  inadeaua- 
cy  of  the  "enforcement"' mea,ns  -Trovided  bv  the  Act.   The  Federal  Trade 
Commission  wps  not  r°ady  to  declare  any  coc'e  violation  an"unfair  method 
of  coraT)etition"  within  the  meaning  of  the  Fodopal  Trade  Commission  Act 
(?9).   Even  had  it  be=n  willing,  it  is  doubtful  if  it  would  have  afforded 
a  successful  method  (so).   A  srjecial  administrptive  c^urt  might  have  be^n 
a  helnful  enforcement  agency  (3l),   but  the  eTTo^ri-^nce  of  th°  short-lived 
commerce  court  should  not  be  forgotten  iZP.) . 

Attemots  of  the  Administret ion  to  allow  individuals  to  sue,  or  of 



individuals  to  sue,  pnd  in  f  not  -rich  "cora~olianc=i"  ectivitv  i.'morf^d  p, 
strong  line  of  caros  ^str^blish^d  und°r  the  nnti-trust  In'-'s  (o'^')  to  the 
effect  thpt  only  the  renedi'=s  -provided  in  the  Act  "light  he   used  (34). 
Not  only  did  such  pctiviti^s  if<nor°  this  line  of  cases',  hut  it  amoarent- 
ly  ignored  the  same  ririnci-ole  stated  hy  the  courts  in  reference  to  the 
NBA  r^s)  .   Those  cps'^s  'orevented  riqrsons  fron  suing  to  '=nforce  the 
statute;  they  did  so  on   the  announced  -orincirile  th-^t  only  the  r^medi^s 
of  the  Act  i-'er^  pvpilphlp. 

Finally  the  enphpsis  ^p.s  shifted  to  enforcement  (r^S).   This  did 
not  immediately  lift  pll  cloud  from  NBA  activities  in  this  field.  Al- 
though it  hps  he^n  considei-°d  Ip'--  thpt  Congress  mp^r  make  the  violption 
of  an  pdministrptiv°  regulation  a  penal  of^^ense  (37),  the  use  of  dis- 
cretion in  the  s'=lectiv=  a-n-nlication  of  enforcement  i-'ps  still  question-' 
ahle  (38)  as  '^er^  the  continued  use  of  methods  not  authori?;ed  hy  the 
sta,tute.   A  s-oecified  aid  to  ^'nforceinont  -  th°  reauir^ment  of  reports 
and  ke^ioing  of  accounts  -  '^'ps  "str'hlished  "by  th°  Act  (;^9),  hut  as  has 
he^n  suggested  its  ,us°  should  hav^  he^n  mad^  s-oaringl^-  anri  'Tith  an  eye 
to  the  decisions  of  the  courts  (40). 

Comt)laints  originated  fron  sources  outsid°  of  N?A  (41).    Th^y  ^ere 
usually  telerihoned  in  or  s^nt  in  thi^  form  '-'f  a  letter  h^^  some  int^r^sted 
person.   This  -nerson  might  he  an  emDloyee  who  felt  that  he  had  he°n 
■wronged,  an  inter°sted  r^^rson   d^sirin.^  to  secvire  justice  for  an  emriloy- 
ee,  a  comoetitor,  or  ey»n  a  meddler.   I'^A  itself  made  no  ef^=■orts  to  se- 
cure comiilaints  luitil  in  its  final  sta,^°s  it  inaugurated  drives  of  "mass 
comroliance"  Mier--=hT-  pn   industry  ^-^a.s  selected  and  insnectors  iTer-^  assigned 
to  carefullj''  check  the  comr)lip,nce  in  thpt  narticul^r  industry,   Com- 
■olaints  might  also  come  from  node  authority  ^,"-°nts  ^^o  had  h^^n   unahle 
to  adjust  the  comf^laint  hv  th^  ^orocer,s°s  "ithin  the  cod°  authority. 
Houghly,  comr)laints  might  he  divided  as  75'^'  concerning  lahor  provisions 
and  the  reiriainder  concerning  trpd<=  -nrpctice  -irovisions.   In  the  case  of 
industries  having  no   trpde  "orpctice  con-olaints  committers,  com-olaints 
■"'ere  referred  to  th"  Administr^-^ti^n  dir='ctl^'-.   In  addition,   if  the  com- 
plainant or  th°  r=>s^nondent  felt  the  natter  Tvnnld  not  receive  -oro-oer 
attention  at  the  hands  of  th°  cod^  Puthority,  he  could  al-^^a^s  demand 
that  officers  of  the  Coin-olianc°  Division  handle  the  matter. 

Aft=r  the  comnlaints  cane  in  they  were  reduced  to  a  sn°cific  form 
as  a.  matter  of  administrative  convenience.   They  were  then  analj'"zed  to 
determine  what  -orovision  of  a  -narticulnr  code  had  h^^n  violated.   If 
there  ■were  no  suhstance  to  the  com-nla,int,  either  as  a  matter  of  la,w 
or  evidence  or  if  it  '-rer°  ohviously  a  "crank"  com-olaint,  it  might  he 
rejected.   If  it  i-rere  not  anonymous  it  "ould  nrohahly  be  r°turned  to 
the  sender  with  the  erilanation  of  the  reason  it  had  heen  so  treated.   A 
comi^laint  that  was  acce-oted  wps  next  olaced  UT)0n  the  docket.   This 
meant  that  some  formal  disposition  had  to  he  made  of  such  cas°s,.   There 
were  many  cases  -olaced  u-oon  the  docket  in  "hich  no  formal  action  '-'PS 
ever  taken.   This  might  result  from  the  fact  that  the  comi^laints  in- 
volved difficult  Questions  of  interpretation  which  had  never  h°°n  set- 
tled.  There  wpj-o  p  mimher  of  instances  '-'here  these  susoended  cas^s  he- 
came  so  old  and  such  a  harden  uoon  efficient  administration  that  they 
were  wiped  off  the  docket  in  wholesale  lots. 

After  the  comrilaint  '^as  turned  ov^r  to  the  iro-oej-  official,  either 



the  lator  complaints  officer  or  th°  -nractice  conolaints  officer, 
it  was  assigned  to  an  adjust=r.   This  adjuster  o'^co-ies  very  ir.oortaJit 
in  the  schema's  of  cormliance  "b°ca.\ise  he  r^i.-^r^sent^d  the  first  contact 
of  government  i^dth  the,  individual.   The  a^djuster  •'^'^uld  send.  a.  lett'=r 
to  the  res-oondent,  statine  the  charge  w^i'^-h  n^^-   heen  made  against  him 
and  asking  him  to  ans'-er  ^heth^r  the'  charge  ij©.^  true  or  not,  and  to 
state,  if  true,  what  had  heen  done  to  rectifv  the  violation,  and  if  not 
true,  to  state  his  version  of  the  fa.cts.   A  co-oy  of  th-^  code  involved 
and  an  erolanation  of  the  meaning  of  an^r  particular  iDrovision  involved 
might  "be  sent  along  '-'ith  this  letter.  At  the  same  tim'^  th^-  conTolainant 
^'Hs  notified,  that  an  investigation  ^ts  heing  made  and  that  he  ^voxil'=\_   he 
informed  of   its  results.   If  no  r^^i^ly  '^-s  'heard  from  this  letter,  t'-'O 
other  letters  ^-ere  sent,  the  last  on'^   informing  the  r=sToondent  that  the 
.conrolaint  would  "b"  r'^ferr^d  to  the  National  nr  R°gional  Cormliance  Di- 

After  the  adjuster  had  entered  into  negotiations  with  the  res^iond- 
ent,  he  had  to  determine  to  his  o^n  satisfaction  p-hether  there  had  he'^n 
a  violation  of  the  code.   Then,  unless  the  res-oondent  woul-d  immediately 
agree  to  a  settlenent,  it  wpg  necessary  to  tr-^'  to  persuade  him  to  settle. 
Here  it  was  auite  nRttiral  for  the  adjuster  to  advanc"-'  certain  arguments 
as  to  the  desirability  of  settlement  des-.^ite  the  fact  thaf  he  was  under 
a  duty  to  advise  the  resnondent  of  his  ri.Tht  to  aTroeal,   It  was  d^sir- 
ahle  to  settle  these  nany  cases  which  arose  as  enrly,.as  -oossihle,  and 
to  do  this  the  adjust°r  might  sug.^-est  that  ha.-'ring  such  a  iirohlera  arise 
and  r°main^ttl°d  "-ould  cost  the  res-nondent  loss  of  husiness  or 
prestige  in  his  community.  Ke  might  furter  sug.'^e-t  th^  ■'.'•alu°  of  the 
Blue  Eagle  economically  and  -ooint  o^^.t.  the'  costliness  of  court  iDrocedure, 
These  arguments  were  all  matt^-'s  of  informal  ne.gotiation.   Th-^  adjusters 
in  the  main  conceived  their  function  as  one  of  education.   In  the  lahor 
questions  the  requirement  was  that  raoneta,ry  adjustments  he  made 
and  a  certificate  of  co-inliance  he  signed,  while  intrar^e  -practioe  vio- 
lations the  usual  req'-irement  "--"s  th^t  a  r-ertificate  of  future  compli- 
ance he  signed.   However,  either  in  lahor  or  trade  nractice  violations, 
the  viola.tion  was  frenuently  re-oea.ted  or  '-ar  of  too  odious  a  cha.racter, 
the  adjuster  and  his  imirpdiate  s:'an°riors  might  refuse  to  settle  the  mat- 
ter in  the  way  indicated.  '       ' 

In  case  a  settlement  was  not  reached,  the  next  ste-o  was  to  refer  the 
matter  to  the  National  Compliance  Director,  or  in  later  days,  after  an 
effort  toward  decentralisation  ^^.s  made,  to  the  l^.e^ional  Com-nliance  Di- 
rector.  This.,  rjprson  decided  the  course  of  action  to  he  taken.   He  might 
decide  that  litigation  shoul.d   This  might  he  had  as  a  result  of 
the  NIEA  or  some  State  enaoling  statute.  The  Director  might  decide  tha.t 
it  was  a  "nroner  case  to  he  referred  to  the  Federal  Commission. 
This  -orocedure  was  used  only  in  a  very  fe^  instances.  Another  coUrse 
of  action  was  presented  in  the  removal  of  the  Blue  Eaffle,   In  the  ca,se 
of  certain  service  trades  it  was  not  neces^rry  for  the  Regional  or 
National  Director  to  make  the  decisi-^n,  hut  this  -oowor  wps  delegated 
to  the  State  Director. 

Throughout  this  -procedure  res-oondent  was  notified  of  his  right  to 
a-D-oeal.   Balanced  as:ainst  this  must  h^  considered  the  difficulties 
that  such  a  -orocedure  offer°d.   Aside  from  the  sanctions  and.  -iDressure 


pressur=>  i-'hich  nii^ht  "b^  iilac^d  u-:ion  r°s-oo  -d^nts    in  tlip   enrly  sta£^=  of 
the   compliance  or   invest igatorj'-  Torncedur^!,  'his  -orooerty  rights  as   such 
were  not   affected  until  liti^rtion  ts   com'^.^nced  in  the   court.      There 
must  "be  exc"=>t)ted,    ho'-'ever,    the  -oro'bleiii  cf   the   reinovpl  of  the  Blue  Eagle. 
Whether,  such  a  rennv?!   deoriv^d  an  individual  of   orOT^erty  will  he   con- 
sidered  shortly.      Since   the  r^soondent  had   to  he  "brought   into   court  he- 
fore  a  fine  or  -nqnalty  could  he  legally  assessed  ap:pinst  hi-ni,    he  had  an 
o-oportunity  in  most   irst^-^nc^s   to  raise  all    questions  of   sutstance  and 
procedure  which  he   thought   im^iortant   to  his   cas°.      It  must  he   considered, 
however,    that   the  use  of   sanctions   in  earlier   stag-^s  without   the  author- 
ity of  law:  ™as  OToen  to   s'^rious   Question  and  might   actually  -orejudice 
rights  and]  interests  of  a   r°si3nndent. 

As   the   cases   rest   in  th="ir  disorganized   st."t°,    it    is  extr°mely  dif- 
ficult  to  "oredict  "ha.t  -^rocedural  du^  -orocess  may  reauire   tomorrow.    In 
"narrow  review"   fields,    oarticula,:'!-'-  tn?;atirn,    a  hearing  any  time  he- 
fore   the  final   collection  of   the   ta::,    or   ev^-n  after  that   if   it  has  he=n 
paid  in  oth'^r  and  srjecified  means  of  "orotest,    is   considered   s\:i"ficient 
due  TDrocess.    (42).      By  analog:/,    and  it  must  he   renemhered  that   there   is 
'a  poor  comoarative  hasis  het'-fe^n  tax  collection  and  tusiness  regulation, 
it   might  he   said   that   due  rji-ocess   is   satis:'^ied  hy  the  hep.ring  had  in  the 
court   or  hefor°   the  Federal   Trade   Conrission   satisfied  due  -orocess  re- 
quirements.     This  "is  excepting  th'-'^   r'=noval  of  the   "hlue   epftle",    ^hich 
if   its  use  was   treat^r"   rs  a    oronerty  right,    demanded  full  notice  and 
opiDOrtunity  to   stat°  a   case   ps  ^•^ell   as  other   safe/ruards   the   courts  might 
feel  fairness  would  demand   (43). 

But  due  TDrocess   of  la-'-'  can  n°an  more   than  hare  lorocedural  forms* 
It    can  mean  faitness  and  good  administrative  i^ractice.      When  the   courts 
have  felt  that  justice  demanded  a  mor°  clos<=   control  hy  th°ra  of  proced- 
ure and.  higher   standards  of  fairness   they  have  not  h"°n  r-^liictant   to  act* 

Investiga.tion   to   find  violations  '-'ould   se°m  a  r^ro^ier  administrative 
function.   N.R.A.    activity  '-'as   nev°r  for  that   ouroose,    with  a  fe^-r  eyce-ot- 
iOns,   hut  was  mainly  directed  at    ironing  f^ut   difficulties  and  agree  to 
sUTDport   the  codes.      It  nev°r  r^cc^niiz^d  that   in   soite  of  patriotism, 
which  must  necessarily  he   short-lived,    ther=  would  h°   those   who  woxild 
violate   codes    (44).      Assuming  that   such  mediation  and  education  activi- 
ties wp,r°  not   lepia.lly  ohjectionahl  "=,    the   systeTn  of  "selective  justice" 
that   was   develo-ned   seamed  highl'^'-  miestiona.hle    (45).      It   was   not   designed 
to   create  judicial   tnist  in   the  ad-'iinistration  of  I'.H.A.      This   situation 
could  hav°  he^n  linked  with  the  vaions   twes  of  duress  r°sorted  t.o  hy 
IT.R.A.    officials   and  used  to    stri're-  down  the  -najor  fiinctions   of   "comi^li- 



P  A  -R  T      I 

P&.7ERS  OP  TIE  U.l.R.A.   AlID 



c::apter  xiii 
pc-.veiis  of  ^hs  1ii3a 

A  nura'ber  of  tae  powers  ITHA  sought  to  exercise  are  specifically 
ejaujner.r.ted  in  the  Act  (l).   It  starts  off  with  a  declaration  of  policy, 
which  is  not  a  power,  but  mij-it  "be  called  a  limitation,  in  the  form  of 
standards,  upon  the  powers  grfuited  (2).   The  Supreme  Court  refused  to 
consider  this  as  a  proper  standard  or  limitation  upon  the  exercise  of 
delet^j'ated  power  (o).   Next  the  Act  provides  for  tlie  creation  of  ad- 
ministrative agencies  by  the  President  (4).   Although  this  was  a  novel 
practice  it  does  not  seem  to  be  as  objectionable  as  m^jiy  fon"as  of 
delegated  power.   This  is  true  despite  the  fact  that  some  State  courts 
have  challenged  tne  validity  of  a  deler;ation  of  power  to  an  executive 
to  create  an  office  (5).   The  prevailing  view  is  prob;ibly  contrary  to 
this,  as  the  demands  of  administration  may  rea.sonably  require  the 
delegation  of  such  power.   lus  is  no  abdication  as  such,  tho-ogla  it 
may  be  the  instroinent  through  wliich  substantive  pov/ers  are  abdicated. 

Tlie  powers  to  approve  codes  of  fair  competition  (6),  agreements 
(7),  and  to  impose  licenses  (8)  or  limited  codes  of  labor  provisions 
(9)  were  the  real  meat  of  the  delegation,  standards  aside.   The  effect 
of  exempting  from  the  operations  of  the  anti-trust  lav;s  was  corollary 
but  of  utmost  practical  importance.   As  incidental  to  these  powers, 
two  methods  of  procedure  were  specified.   These  were  the  dual  enforce- 
ment procedure  of  applying  to  the  federal  district  courts  or  the 
federal  Trade  Commission  (lO)  and  the  investigatory  procedure  of  the 
Tariff  Coimiission  (ll).   The  President  was  given  the  fu.rther  powers 
to  delegate  authority  to  the  administration  of  the  Agricultural  Ad- 
justment Act  (12),  to  prohibit  transportation  in  interstate  and  foreign 
commerce  certain  petroleum  products  (13)  and  to  initiate  proceedings 
before  the  Interr-tate  Coirmerce  Commission  leading  to  the  regulation 
of  rates  for  the  transportation  of  petroleum  products  (14).   The 
President  v/as  given  the  specific  power  to  require  reports  to  be  made 
and  accounts  kept  as  conditions  to  his  approval  of  proposed  codes  (15). 

In  addition  the  Act  attempted  to  set  up  certain  standards  for 
the  Adininistraticn  (16)  and  the  industries  (17)  and  others  that 
might  be  called  negative  standards  in  that  it  was  mandatory  that 
these  things  be  found  not  to  exist  before  there  could  be  a  proper 
approval  given  to  a  code  (18). 

In  addition  to  these  powers  specifically  granted  other  sources 
of  pov7ers  existed.   Certain  minor  powers  are  incidental  to  and  a 
normal  part  of  the  inain  grant  of  powers  (19).   These  are  necessary 
to  efficient  administr&.tion.   Other  powers  may  be  implied.   In  the 
administrative  field  as  in  tiie  iminicipal  field,  the  implication  must 
come  after  a  delegation  by  the  legislature  (20).   This  v^^eakens  the 


positicn  of  a  clain  of  implied  powers  with  tli3  courts.      Such  implica- 
tions  it   is  usually  must  be  necessary,    essential,    or   indispensable, 
not  merely  convenient.      Students  of  administrative  law  frequently 
tninl<:  in  terms  of   constitutional  ls.w.      They  'become  used  to   tho  broad 
use   of  implied  powers  made  by   Cliief  Justice  Marshall,   his  colleagues, 
and  successor  justices  in  buildinj  up  the  federal  power.      Z-Jut   such 
implied  -oowers  are  not  to  be  confused  with  implied  powers  claimed  to 
exist  after  a  delegation  by  Congress.      Tliese  would   seem   to  be  more 
closely  analogous   to   the  delegated  legislation  found  in  municipal   law. 

To    conrprehensive  analysis  of   the  poT-ers  l!?A   claimed  as   inrplied 
or  incidental   ic  necessary   to    this   study.  (31)      Some   fev;  of   these  may 
profitably  be  mentioned.    Interpretation  is  necessary   to   indicate   the 
meaning   the  Administration  felt   should  be   ,_dven   the  Act  and  codes  made 
there-ojider.      It   is   so   essential   to  acininistration   that   it   could  be   said 
to  be  indispensable  and  so  an  ira;olied  power.   !Tot   so   clear  aro  po\;ers   to 
make  an  insignia  3.nd  to   remove   it  as  a  pvjiishment  v,'hen  other  enforce- 
ment means  are  already  specified  in  the  Act,    nor  are   the   other  various 
IT?A  enforcement  activities  vdthout  question   (22).    The   requirement  of 
contributions  and  me.hing  of  assessments  present  a   similar  problem   (33). 
Hiring  and  firing  employees  and  making   regulations   concerning   them  seems 
incidental  and  unquestionable.    The  c'ismissing  of  Code  Authority  members, 
ho'-'ever,    is  not  such  a  clear  power.     As  the  whole  Code  A^ithorit^'  problem 
rests  upon  doubtful  ;  round,    this   civ.estion  \;ou-ld  seem  to   revolve  upon  the 
decision  of  the  Code  Authority  problem.      As   long  as  Code  Ai^thorities 
acted  as  government  agencies,    a   control  of  personnel  v/ould   seem  essential. 
Affecting  individ-oa.l  contracts    (24)   and   the   requirement   of   trade  prac- 
tices  contrary   to   specific   rem^irements   of   the  Act, would  seem  to   iiave 
little  basis   in  the  Act.    Sorie   o;:   the  none   ir.ioortant  of   these  "oroblems 
Y/ill  be   considered  bclov/. 

After  the  passage  of  li.I.~.A.    a  number  of  Yfriters   o:c;-rer,sed  the 
feelin;:,   ths.t   it  viould  be  hold  constitiitional    (25),      Enthralled  in  the 
do-oths  of  economic  disaster  it   se  ::ied  but   one   short   step   legally  for 
the  court   to  uphjold  the  Act.      lev/  writers  were   so  naive  as   to   feel 
that   it  was   constitutional   in  the   then  state  of  the   cases.      Rp.ther 
they  felt  it  h3.d  'iieen  so  drafted  that  the   court  by  a  mere   forv?ard 
step   could  xiphoid  it.      These  views   then,    in  most   cases,    vore   expressions 
of  ho'oe   or  desire.  The   illogical  --'art  of   tlie    situation  lay  in  the 

fact   tliat   if   this  new  agency  improved  economic   circxmistancei- ,    the   con- 
ditions pressing  for  the  upholding   of  the  Act  r-ould  no   longer  be   so 
strongly  present. 

V.3A  shoulc'.  have   early  made  a   cax^eful  analysis  of   the   constitu- 
tional doctrines  -underlying   the  Act.      This   study  wotild  h?ve  afforded 
a  more  intelligent  basis  upon  v.-hich  to  proceed,   ;oresnjning  the.t  !1?A 
desired  the  Act   to  be  upheld.     Prime  among  these  doctrines  T/as   the 
qxiestion  of  interstate   cominerce.      Powers   of   the   federal  goveniment 
under  the  Commerce  claiise    (26)   are  closely  related  in  the   cases   to 
the   "dxie  process   of  law"    conce-n    (27).      The  approach  to   the   question 
is   facilitated  if   the   court's  attitude   is  ]:ept   in  mind. 

The  Commerce  power  v;as   the  wB.joi-  portion  of  IIirA'c.   ccnstitu- 



tional   icimdation    (38).     A   cursory  ^.lance  at    some   of  the  leading  com- 
morce   cases  rill  afford  a  tasis  v.pon  uliicli  to   fomi  a  general  view 
of  tlie   conir.ierce   concept.        In  G:-iol)ons  v.    OAC-en  (29)    t'ne  atter.Tpt  of 
the   coixrt  ^7as   to  "broaden  corrraei-ce   from  tarter,    sale,    and  trade   to   transportation.      Said  the  court,    "The  coujisel  for  the  ap- 
pellee ^-ould  limit  it   to  "buying  or  selling,  or  more  interciiB.nee  of 
commodities,    and  do  not  adjnit  the.t  it   comprehends  navigation"  (30) . 
And  a.ltho-u^h  purely  local   transactions  vere  not  a  recognized  part 
of  interstate   conuaerce,    the  dicta  of  the   court  indicated  a  willing- 
ness to  judge   this  question  in  terms  of  convenience  aiid  necessity 
(31).        This   open-mindedness   to  needs  placed  -upon  government   clis.rac- 
terized  this  early  court.        In  iicCxilloch  v.   Maryland,    Chief  Justice 
liarshall  strongly  condemned  a  rule  of  constru.ction  th^.t  did  not  talre 
into   consid.eration  changing  and.  immediate  circxunstances  differing 
from  those  at   the   time    of   the   foujiding  of   the  Constitution   (52). 
As  a  restilt   the   concept  of  'cominerce     was  far  more  "broad  for  the  fedi- 
cral  government  of  the  early  nineteenth  century  ths.n  it   is,    consider- 
ing the  economic  facts,    for  the  i:,overnment  of  the  twentieth  century. 
3cfore  proceeding,    it  is  ^r'ell   to   repeat  Chief  Justice  Marshall's 
famon.s   definition  of  commerce: 

"Commerce  is  intercourse;  one  of  its  most 
ordinary  ingredients  is  traffic.  It  is  inconceiv- 
able tjf^.t  the  power  to  authorize  this  traffic  when 
given  in  the  most  comjjrehensive  terms,  with  the 
intent  that  its  efficacy  he  complete,  should  cease 
a.t  the  point  when  its  continua.nce  is  indispaas^le 
to   its  value."    (33) 

Later  courts  not  "been   so   ready   to   .justify  regulations 
of   interstate   commerce    (34)    in  the  light   of  existing  facts    (35). 
Tod-ay  it   is   in  the   field  of  transportation 'that   the   interstate 
commerce  concept  is  most  secure.      This,    indeed,    is  an  unusual 
sittmtion  from  that  existing  at   the   tine  of  &i"b"bons  v.   Ogden   (36) 
Federal  railroad  regulation  is   firmly  ostahlished   (37).      The  cou.rts 
have   seen  the  necessity  for  a   "system  ad.equate  to   the  needs  of  the 
cotijitry"  (38) .   The  cases  do  not   stop  at  positive   ref;u.lation,   "but 
extent  to   freeing  transportation  from  local   restraints. (39)     Nor 
does  transportation  stop  vath  railroads,   hut  rather  it  estends 
to  telegraph  lines    (40),   pipe   lines    (4-1)    and  other  transpcir: j,tion 
forms    (42). 

Another  use  oi    the   coraraerce   concept  has  "been  to   ."b.ui'li  a  .f .ed- 
eral  police  power   (43).     Congress  ha.s  "been  sticcessful  T;here   the  pur- 
pose \7as  protection  or  promotion  of  commerce   in   the   sense  of  trans- 
portation   (44),    vrhcre   injuriou.s   commodities   or  illicit   transactions 
were   denied   the  use   of  channels   of   commerce    (43),    or  v/hero   there  was 
an  attenr-jt   to   aid  the   State  police  power   (46). 

The  courts  Imve  consciously  tried  to  remove  wha.t  they  felt  to 
"be  im;oedimentE  to  the  free  flow  of  commerce  by  prohi"biting  attcnrot- 
ed   State   regu.lations    (47).      The  anti-trust  laws   furnished  an  addition- 


-1.  ov- 
al basis   for   the   oourf's  activities   in  this.,  directicn   (43).    This   is 
es-:ecially  true   in   the  Ir.hoL'  cases    (42).    Other  cases   int'.ica.te  a 
dis-oositio:"'.  upon  the  ■■'art  of  the.  courts   to    re-;j]L^late   commercial   sit- 
uatio:-LS  "by  the   laws   that   could  not  "be   called  commerce   in 
the   sense  of  the 'Ian  ,ua..^e  of  the  Schechter  decision  (30). 

The   development  of   the   "streara"    theory  of   comncrce   offe^x'ed 
much  encoui-a.^ement   to    those   desi'i-int,'   to   fee  l''irLA  uphold.      It  v;as 
thou^;ht   th^-t   ''Swift,  v.   U.    S.    (7-1),    Stafiord  v.   Wallace    (33),    and 
Board  of  Trade  v.    01  sen   (53)    li-'d   co-.T'letely  made  archaic   the  views 
exoressed  in   such  cases  as  Hill   v.   '. /"all-ace    (5-1-)  -and  U.    S.    v.    D.    C. 
ICni,:ht  Co.    (55).      ^il±t'h  the   li'ber-al  view  taken  hy  the   court   in   recent 
Federal   Trade   Cases   (56),    and   the   e;q3ressed. desire   i c :-   full   evidence 
.?nd   the   i:icication  thr  t   cooperrtive  ■price  and  ■orod'cictio:"!   control 
activity  mi,  ht  "be  Justified  foii-nd  in   the  A-o^oal8.chig.:i  Coals   case    (57), 
Kll  jave   credence   to    the   theory   tVia.t   the   court  was  a^ain  ready  to 
emha.rl:  tt^on   the   sea  of  a  "broadened  conmerce   co^ncept.      Tut    these 
cases   should' have  "been  read  in   the   liyht  of  other  decisions   in  y/hich 
tiic   court   felt   it  was  protectin_,   coLxierce  "'oy  narrovrer  intemreta,- 
t ions'.      True,  ■  the   court  (\iC   not   hesitate   to   follo\7   these  "broade-ned 
views   i;r  ruch  a   case  as  Local  Uo.    167  v.   IJ.    S^.    (58)   v/hich  apparently 
■  gave  ■  so  m"uch  false  hope   to   ^overnuent   cc^iuisel   in  the   Schechter  case 
(59).:    It  was  j-iossible   for   the   courts   to  "broaden   the  views   ejqoressed 
in   these   cases   st\^-/;:ested.  to    encoHiiass   txie  IT. I.?.. A.      i'.ost   of   them  did 
net  prefer  to   do   so    (60). 

It  must  he   recof,ni"-.ed  th"t   though  it   is  difficult    to   draw  s. 
distinct   line,    that   t'ne   courts   clearly  reco:2,nir,ed   ccrtai^n  thinjjs 
were   -lot   i^nterstate^  conuierce    (61).      II?iiU-:er  v.    Da,;enlia.rt    (6.':)    illus- 
trates  the   view  tliP-t   federal    >olicy  po:/er  can  not  he   exte-nded   to 
i-tems-  or   transactions  not   condonned  by  ^   ^^-enerally   recOi;;nized  illicit 
che.racter.      There   existed  a  helief  that    the    "stream"    c-ases   lia^d  in  ef- 
fect  c^u.t  av/ay  rav.cla  of   tJie   cases   of   this   case.   Nevertheless,    it  was 
clearly   seen   that   tlxis   case  and  the   line   it   represented  were   the  ones 
to  he  avoided  or  overiailed  if  r.I.Z":.A.   was    to  he   siistained. 

The   commerce   concept   is  not-  more   clear  ''oi'  a   str-dy  of 
cases   involvi:v    State   exercise   of  -oo-.'er.    It   is  v/ell   recognized 
that   the   taxin^r  pov/er  of  the   State  overlaps   the   retaliatory  pov/er 
of  the  federal  government    (63).   I'rasiness  may  have  hotl.  local  and 
interstate  as^oects   for  recula.tory  a^nd  tax  puiyooses.      This   is   tnie 
parti cti-larly  in  transmission  of  -^ower   (64)    and  gas(65),    a-nd   the 
operation  of' -ays    (66).      Certain  rna.tters  are  of  a  predomi- 
nantly local   clmracter  .(67)'  that   the   State's   right   to   regulate  un.der 
the  police  pov.'er  is  never  questioned   (58).        In  other  i^nstances   the 
vital   local   chj?.racter  m?.y  otitv.'eigh  the,  fact   of  commercial  movement 

?ar  more   S-tate   sta.tutes   than  fedei'al   stat'CLtes,   hoth  :ujiierically 
and  in  of  percentage,  heen  challenged  as  an  interference 
v'ith  the  -p-rcper  flo\7  of   conmerce.      There   is  a  dignity  to   federa.l 
statutes  v.'hich  is  not  alwajs   carried  hy  State   statutes.      Then   too,  . 
federal   regulation  Iia.s  not    so   often   tahen.   the   foiTii  of  hiirdening  com— 



raerce,    nor  iis.s   it   snaclzed  of  governmental  meddlin;,-   to   the   extent   ths.t 
the   coiirts  have   felt   some   state   statutes   Ciicl   (70). 

Soi-iG  of  the  carefxil  analyses  by  Professor  Corrin   (71) 
rould   serve   to   lend   some  order  to   an  apparent   chiaos.      It   clears  o\jT 
thoughts   to  realize  thrt  apparently  contradictciy  lans^xiage   does  not 
mea.n  contra-dictory  cases.    The   courts  have  more  than  one  theory  ap- 
plicable  to  many  types  of  cases.    Tl:ia.t   one   case  is  phrased  in  the 
lan^Tia.^-e   of  a  pai-ticular  theory  does  not  mean   that  a   related  or  even 
contradictory   theory  has  been  abandoned,      iuore  than  likely  it  is 
qu.iotly  awaiting  its'  turn  to  be   dxisted  off  a.nd  ■o.sed  to   fiimish  the 
basis   for  a.n  important   constitutional   decision.    This  .is   said  vjith 
no   intention   to  be  unduly   flippant   in  dealin,;,  with  one   of  our  ^reat 
divisions  of  government.      It  is  only  natroa.l  to   ejooress  views  in 
terras  which  may  to  a  good  deal   fa.rther  than  the   viey/s   on   the  partic- 
ular ca-se.    This  judicial   teclinique  must  be   recognized,    especially 
the  duality  of   theories  available   for  the    courts'    selection.   An  ex- 
cellent  examole  of   this   is   thoroughly  illustrated  in   the   doctrines 
of  "broad"   and   "narrov/  review"    di&ciissed  earlier  in   this    study. 

Such  variation  in   theories  may  a   fairly  unified  expla- 
nation.     Professor  Corwin  points   out   that   "dual   federalism"   ma.y  in 
part  be   o:>r-!lained  by   the   cbiirts'    desires    to  protect  vested  interests 
and  to   free    the   stream  of   commerce   fro:i  impediments   rather   than  to 
extend  or  delimit  governmental  powers   (72).   The  commerce   concept 
has  been   far  from  sta.ti'c.      It   could  not   remain  still,    and  yet   serve 
the  needs   of  growing   industi-y.      In  the   case -of  this  concept   the 
grovrth  was  unusu2.1,        From  a   stingglo   to  mad:e   comiuerce  mean  interstate 
transportation   there  hs-s  developed  a   situa,tion  v^here   the   effort   is 
now  to  ma'ke   commerce  mean  anything  bu.t   interstate   transportation(73) . 
As   cases    sta.rted  to   shove  aside   this  n-arrow  concept  of   commerce,    it 
was  possible   to   visuf-.lizo  an  idealized  HRA  as   constitutional    (74). 
And  as   the  needs  of  the   country-"  pressed  home   to    the   court   tha.t   to 
foster,   protect,    and  prom.ote   commerce  might   demand  regu.lation  it  vas 
possible    fha.t   the   courts  might   relinquish  its   long  gu»,rdianship   to 
the   legislature    (75).      If  lotteries,    opium,    and  illicit    traffic  in 
women  ma.y  invoke  a  hitherto  non-ex:i sting  police  power,    could  it 
not  bo   expected  tliS-t  gricvou-S   evils   in  indn.sti-y  and  trade  might 
likewise   invoke   such  remedies?    (76)       URA   rhould  have   clearly  realized 
tha.t   the  Act  a.nd   its  acrninistration  must  bear  hea.vily  iroon   the  no- 
tion thc'.t  local  business  may  seriou.sly  affect  interstate  business 
(77).      Sut   the   enthusiasm  for  codes   led  ITPA   so   far  afield  that 
counsel  op-^osed   to    the  government   in  the   Schechter  case   could  make 
an  in^enio-o.s  but  powerful  argujnont  against   the   interstate   character 
of  codes  merely  by  naming  some  of  them  (78).      The   gcvernment  in  the 
Schechter  case  argtied.  tha.t   the  llcw  York  price  affected   the  price 
over   the   entire   country   (79).     Although  there  may  be   some  argument 
ths.t  practices   governing   local  problems  a.ffect  price   or  access 
to  ma.rkot,    the  government's  argvjnent  on  this  point   is  not   lucid. 
The  burden  upon  the  governraent  was   to   show  such  direct  a.ffectation 
of  interst-:tc   commerce  by  industries  codified  to   convince   the  court 
that   tlie  best   interests  of  our  economy  demanded  such  a  system  (79a), 


Tlio  activities   ox  i!?A  -verc   so   closel;,'   related  to    tte.t  of   the 
FeLerr.l   Tre.t.e   Co.Tii-uspior.   that   the   ir.rilicatic-i,  of  cases   involviixi:  it 
can  not  he   ignored.    The  Con^,rcss  has   cnco-ontered  difficulty  in 
draftin      statutes  maanin:^  much  more,   after  inter-^retation  hy   the 
courts,    thxT.n   the   common  lav  concepts  of  trade  law   (80).      The  narrov.- 
cases   linitin^^   the  va.rioixs   statxites  need  to   discussion   (Ol).      The 
re-isnt   I'lurrj'  of  more   literal   CpSCS  iS-ve  hopes   to   the   cause  of  liTA 
(32).      Oo-opled  with  the   lan^ur.^.e   of  tho  A-.y-'alachian  Coals   case    (83) 
there   seemed  to  he  ;:;;ood  possihilities   thr.t   the  l;.I.r:.A.   mi^ht  he 
sustained.    (84)      But   such  views   did  not  add  in  at   its  proper 
wei,^-ht    (so   it  now  appears)    the  allCi';iancc   of  the   court   to    the 
■  economic  case  m.Gthod  in  hu.siness  prohlcms    (84a.).        lIHi  was  not   the 
slow  evolti-tionary  development  with  which  the  Federal  Trade   Commis- 
sion lis-d   started  to   i_,3-i'^i   some   successes.      In  fact,    an  iraraedia-te 
analysis  of  present  needs   far,'ei^hed  past   decisions   of  the 
courts.     Price-fixin^:  and  devices  were  allovred 
to   flourish  despite   r.tronj  judi  :ial  pi-onouncem.ents  against   them 
(35).      C/crtainly,    there  wore   stron^j  demands   for   such  devices    (86), 
hut  TdA  trade  practice  provisions  went  iiiacr.  farther  tlia.n   this.   They 
attc.n-'ted   to    estahlish  ouality   standards,    trade  customs,    and  re{:;ula- 
tions  01   a  -mrely   tecl-mic'.l   over  minute  hr.siness   details. 
3!]  of   these  mi^:ht  "oocn  very  admir?.ole   in  itself,    Dtit  as  an 
"vjifair  method  of  corTOotiticn"   lire,   little  hasis  historically,    and 
prohaoly  analytically    (87).     TIA   could  not,    except   for  a  fev:  hricht 
spots,  hoped  for  as  much  iiore   i'avoraole   treatment   than   the  Trade 
ConiiViission  ha.s   received  as  v'ovd  ".  "nSYe  been  necessary   t©  hav  :■   sustain- 
ed all  its  trade  practices    (3d). 

The  notion  of  "oLisincss  affected  v;ith  a  puhlic   interest"   lia.s 
heen  hu.ilt  up   in  recent  years.    It   is   a  tiscful   instin.iment  hy  which 
the   courts   forestall   certain  ■uaidcsii-a.hle   restrictive   regulations   (89), 
This   concept,   hased  u-oon  the  mista;:cn   rea'  in^-    hjr  Chief  Justice  Vfeite 
in  liimn  v.    Illinois    (90)    of  Lord  Halo's   Do  Portihus  ia.ris    (91), 
now     looms   lar£.e   in  the   law  of   oxisiness   re:;^xilation   (92).      The  prohlem 
•.■-as  one   of   those  iTPA  regulation   should  had  to    face  Imd  not   tlie 
Schechter  decision  intervened   (95).      The  now  famoup,   case   of    'People 
V.   llehhia   (94)    did  much  to   allay   some   of   the   ha.rsh  and  more   question- 
ahle   of   the   "puhlic  interest"    conce-'.t,    siich  as   freedom  in  rnalc- 
in^  prices  and   contracts    (95).      The   "liherty"   of   the   1890 's  and  1900' s   to   h^ve  heen  dyin^i,   re/^idly   (96).      In  annoujicint,   tlir.t   tliere   is 
"no   closed   .    .    .    category  of  hr.siness  a.ffected  v.lth  a  puhlic   interest", 
the   court  made   a  positive   contrih-ution  to    the  usefulness  of  the   con- 
cept  (97),      Having  deflated  any  notions    tlia.t  price   can  not  he   con- 
trolled xuider  any   circxmstanccs    (98),    the   court   turned  to   the  due 
process  of  law  concept  as  u.sed  in   the  field  of  tra,de   law.    Legisla- 
tive  declarations   of  policy   shou.ld  not  he   lia.stily  overruled  hy  the 
judicia-ry.      Sai  ~.  the   coiirt: 

"So    far  as   the   reqiiiroment   of  dxie  process   is 
concerTaed,    and  in  the  ahsence  of  other  constitiition- 
al   restrictions,    a   state   is   fi-ce   to  adopt  T-l:ia.tever 
economic  policy  ma2'   reasonahly  he   deemed  to  promote 
piihlic  welfare,    and   to   enforce   tl:ia.t  policy  hy   legis- 

lation  ada-'?ted  to  its  -Turpose.  The  courts  are  with- 
out au.thority  either  to  declare  svxh  policy,  or 
when  it  is  declared  "by  the  le^jislature,  to  override 
it.   If  the  laws  passed  are  seen  to  a  reaeon- 
atle  relation  to  a  proper  legislative  purpose,  and 
arc  neither  arbitrary  nor  discrirainatory,  the  re- 
qu-irements  of  due  process  are  satisfied. "  (S9) 

Zv.t   this  lan£U£>.^:e  did  not  mean  that  the  due  process  concept, 
will  no  loni.,er  he  conveniently  at  lia.nd  v/here  in  a  particular  case 
legislation  appears  to  he  -unreasonable  (lOO).  Perhaps,  the  most 
it  means  is  that  the  iron  lia.nd  will  henceforth  wear  a  silken  glove. 
Friends  of  liPA  at  the  time  of  the  decision  of  the  ITehhia  case  were 
undul;'-  optimistic.   They  failed  to  consider  v/hat  lia.s  heen  pointed 
out  tlip.t  the  court  did  not  say  it  vrauld  in  the  future  unquestion- 
injly  •?.cce;^t  legislative  findin'js  or  declaration  of  policy,  "bu.t  on 
the  coiitrarj"  indicated  a  keen  awareness  of  controlling  economic 
facts,  and  t Its. t  the  case  involved  the  policy  power  of  a  State.  And 
so  it  ?/as  that  coxmsel  opposed  to  the  government  in  the  Schechter 
case  did  not  meet  an  entirely  •unresponsive  court  when  the  concept 
of  »"b-Li.siness  affected  with  a  public  interest"  and  its  implications 
were  presented  to  it  (lOl) . 

The  labor  aspects  of  the  IJ.I.R.A.  presented  the  most  obvioxis- 
ly  questionable  constitutional  b^.sis  upon' which  the  Act  relied. 
\Yliile  the  UFA  v;as  in  its  early  stages  rnd  writers  were  declaring 
that  the  Act  v/ould  be  upheld,  doubt  was  oqiresscd  as  to  certain  of 
the  la-bor  problems,  pa-rticuJLarly  ¥.'age  differentials  and  minimum  wage 
fixing  (102).  General  Joliiison,  though  secin^  no  cause  for  failure 
in  the  fact,  recognized  that  1T?A  could  not  expect  to  enforce   siibsts.n- 
tive  labor  provisions  in  the  courts  "by  pains  and  penal  hies" . (103) 
Section  7(a)  (104)  of  the  Act  was  broad  and  needed  interpretation 
to  fit  it  to  the  many  situa-tions  tliat  v:ould  arise.   It  involved  a 
field  over  which  the  courts  had  shov/n  a  disposition  to  exercise  a 
stron^  control  (105).  Althoug-h  the  federal  government  had  been  re- 
stricted in  labor  regulation  to  the  trans-iortational  systems  (106), 
the  courts  had  shown  no  hesitancy  in  finding  such  an  affectation  of 
interstate  commerce  as  to  ju.stify  injunctions  where  labor  activities 
affected  btisiness  usually  considered  local  (107),  A  more  liberal 
note  toward  the  handling  of  labor  problems  by  the  federal  government 
ha.d  been  struck  in  recent  years  (108).   Such  cases  gave  considcra- 
able  hope  to  defenders  of  the  II.I.S.A.   In  fact,  the  Government  in 
its  brief  in  the  Schechter  case  laid  strong  empliasis  on  the  case  of 
Local  167,  etc.  v.  U.  S.  (109).   TMs  involved  a  proceeding  in  equity 
under  the  Sherman  Act  against  wholesale  slaughter  house  operators, 
an  association  of  ms-rketmon,  and  tv.'o  labor  unions  and  certain  of 
their  members.  The  combination  conspii'ed  to  allocate  retailers  to 
v.'holcsalers  s^no!.   to  increase  prices.  Although  the  commerce  point, 
brining  the  case  within  federal  jurisdiction  was  not  clear  (llO), 
the  court  felt  tha.t  such  a  restraint  upon  business  should  be  removed. 

Seemingly  the  most  pov;erful  argument  at  the  Government's  com- 
mand was  tlia.t  labor  matters  were  used  as  mctliods  of  competition,  and 
as,  and  as  part  of  the  cost  of  produ-ction  and  transportation  a 



direct  p.ncl  strong   efioct  i-?.s  had  v:~'on  intcrstc.te   commerce    (ill). 
The  £,ovcninent  attevjotcd  to  avail  itself  of   this   vicv;   (ll,':),    tut 
■vrooahly  svi"fGreek  froni  itt^   too   ready  admissiiy.,   that  one  of  -n-imc 
pvinoses  rv.s   to   stiiiailo.te  -mrclia.sih;;    ;pov;er  vithoxit  pointin,;^   the 
interstate   corrpctitive  asoect    (llo). 

The   "omer^encyi'   declarations   in  acts  passed  in  1933  'ycre 
thought   to   strengthen   their  constitutional  hr>sis    (ll<L-).      This   result 
Y/as  not  reached  when-  the  Supreae  Court  ha.d  occasion  to   consider  such 
provisions   (ll-O*      It  ii~^s   lon-j   oeen  thought   thr  t  an   "^ency"  vdll 
lend  sone  justif xcation  to   a  measure  not   othervise . justifiahle   (116). 
So.-ie  of   the   cases  grovdnp  ov.t   of   the  V;orld  VJar  pave  v-'ci;  nt   to   this 
viev;   (117).      Later  cases   such  as   the  Ayent      C-ase    (118)    inc"ic?ted   ll-^.t 
an  I'emerpency"  mit,ht  allov  an  e::tension  of  ordinar;;-  powers    (llS). 
Any  ho"Te  alon^;  this,   line  was   snia.shed  ^i)y  the   Supreme  Coxirt.        It 
may  he   ttet   the   coiirt  hru-shed   tlie   "emerpency"   doctrine  aside  he- 
cause   the   "craer;-;er:cy"   no   lenpe.:  existed  i;i   the   co-arts'   mind  when 
tlie   cases  were  decided. 

Tiic  lepa.l  hasic   for   "assessments"   presents  another  important 
problem.      Ac   a  purely  volraitaiy  matter  there   is  no  point   in   callinj^, 
"assessments"    ta.xes.        This   refers   to   v    sit'oation  whore   industry  mem- 
hers  were  ashed  to   contriov.te  hut  no    co:np"alGion  was  Lrou^'ht   to  hear 
upon  them,    and  not  merely   tiia.t   they  were  assenters   to  a  voluntarj^ 
code.""  ..      It  miii^ht  he  ar^;,ued  assenters   to   a   code  yjovIo.  he   le^-ally 
ho-ond  to  pay   reasonably  assessed  coc.e   e-roonces    (I'O).      'Z/v.t   this  was 
not   the  general    trend  in  h?A.      On   the    contrary,    nocesrity  decreed 
that   "assessments"   must  he   compulsory.  ^oecD.vs^c  of  the   scheme   of  hfA,    Tn,_lish  ->recedents  must  he  -c.sed.      In  Institute 
of  patent  Agents  v.   LQclrrood   (121)    the  Y.ov.&e  of  Lords  proceeds  on  the 
theory  v?here  Parliment  made  no  provision  for  raising  monej'   to   ca.rry  on 
t;-.3  activities  of   the   Institn.te,    nor  liiade  any  statutory  prant   tl:a,t   it 
must  l^   intended   that   the  money  he   liaised  "cy  the   Institu-te  under  the 
ipeneral  powers  given  it,    since  Parliament   realized  that   the  activities 
to   res"   from  the   statute  would  cost  money   (l.^j).      Likewise   the  II.I.S.A. 
did  not  provide   for  methods   or  money   to   defray  code  authority   e:i;penses. 
It  could  he  argued  as   in  the  Loclr^rood  case   that   "Congress   could  scarce- 
ly have   failed  to   recognize   that   the  agencies   to  whom,   the  President 
must  necessarily  delegate  pov/er  v/oxild  inevitably  incvLr  expenses".  (123) 
This   recognition  was  not  necessarilj-  so    readily  existent  as  one  writ- 
ing at   the   time  of  the   full   speed  activities  of  code  authorities  might 
think.   The  Act  was   so   indefinite   that  probably   the  vast  majority   that 
voted  for  it  as  well   as  many  who   sponsored  it  never  visuf.lizcd  the 
l:in".  of  athainistration  anc    its   resulting  problems   that  would  arise. 
It   is  :iot   to  be   doubted  if   the  nature  an'   use  of  code  authorities 
h-?.d  been   the   foreseen  and  a--proved  tlia.t   some   effort  would  been    to   financed  or  provide  a  method   for  financing   their  activities, 
or  in  lieu  of  that   the  argiuaent  made   in  the   Locl:T?ood  might 
been  fully   tenable.     As   sh3.ll  be   seen  in  a   later  clia.pter   (124)    it   is 
open   to tion  v/hether  Congress   ever  Lijidcrstood  at   the   time  of   the 
passage   of  the  Act  or  assented  to   the   coc'e  authority   system  as  it 
developed.      However,    if   the   code  a.rLthority   system  ha.J   been  approved 
and  recognized  by  Con-ress,    resort   corJd  been  lia.d  to   the   doctrine 


of  incidental  no^rers  to  support  assessments  (125).   Still  it  sho-uld  "be 
reraemlDered  that  an  administrative  body  is  held  much  mora  closely  to 
their  statutory  charters  than  Congress  has  "been  to  the  Constitution. 
It  might  be  that  on  such  reasoning  the  courts  would  refuse  to  follow 
the  Lockwood  case.   It  is  not  to  be  doubted  that  "assessments"  could 
have  been  made  taxes  by  act  of  Congress  prestuning  thft  the  puri^ose 
of  the  Act  had  bean  found  to  be  a  valid  public  purpose.  License 
fees,  inspection  fees,  and  other  fees,  tajv:es,  and  charf^es  falling  upon 
those  receiving  the  regulation  and  its  benefits  have  long  been  sus- 
tained in  our  law  (l2o).   Statutes  of  this  character  by  the  federal 
government  are  not  uncommon  (127).   There  is  no  need  to  mention  the 
types  of  code  provisions  (128).   Some  were  voluntary,  but  the  dominant 
policy  of  KRA  was  to  ma-':e  them  compulsory  as  best  they  could  be.  '  Re- 
fusal to  allow  participation  in  a  code  binding  upon  an  industi-y,  with- 
holding the  use  of  insignia  as  well  as  other  methods  v'ere  indirect  means 
to  malce  "assessments"  ma-ndatory.   NRA  did  attem-ot  to  prevent  the  col- 
lection cf  "assessments"  as  compulsory  unless  the  code  made  non-pay- 
ment a  code  violation  and  an  itemized  budget  and  basis  of  contribution 
had  been  approved  (129\  Although  the  placing  of  a  provision  in  the 
Coo.e  making  non-payment  a  violation  of  the  Code  was  thought  to  offer  a 
solution  to  the  difficulty  (I3'"'\it  is  not  easy  to  see  that  it  did. 
Aside  from  the  "incidential"  -oowers  doctrine  which  has  been  considered 
and  which  if  applicable  would  not  require  a  code  provision,  little  basis 
for  legality  can  be  seen  in  the  fact  that  non-pament  was  made  a  cede 
violation.   There  was  no  such  magic  in  calling  any  action  an  "unfair 
method  of  competition"  that  the  courts  would  withhold  a,  critical  eye. 
Perhaps,  a  legislative  declaration  would  carry  such  potency  (even  here  it 
it  is  doubtful),  but  certainly  the  finding  of  an  administrative  body 
engaged  in  sub-legislation  would  not  receive  s\ich  respect.  That  the 
courts  would  alio?/  p-'jnishraent  of  non-payment  of  an  "assessment"  is  hard 
to  believe,  unless  some  real  unfair  effect  upon  competition  could  be 
visualized  by  them. 

Although  the  cases  are  few,  it  v^oulcl  seem  probable  thrt  the  courts 
woiAld  not  allow  fees  or  taxes  to  be  charged  by  an  administrative  agency 
not  ba.sed  upon  some  positive  statutory  bases.  Despite  the  unusual  case 
of  Ha:.iilton  v.  Dillin  (I3l)  in  which  such  a  fee  was  charged  as  part 
of  the  President' s  power  to  license  commercial  intercourse  with  the 
South  d.vxing   the  Civil  War,  it  is  doubtful  that  mandatory  "assessments" 
would  be  called  orcperly  grounded  ?fithcut  specific  laention  in  the 
statute  (13.?'). 

1T?A.  and  the  ITIHA  were  born  in  times  of  stress.   If  in  the  confus- 
ion of  these  days  so:Tie  thought  had  been  given  to  the  sign  pests  of  the 
law,  it  iiight  have  been  possible  to  have  avoided  much  that  irritated  the 
coujfts  in  less  trving  days,  while  yet  accomplishing  much.   It  is  not 
meant  to  contend  for  an  instant  that  our  present  Supreme  Court  would 
have  uphold  the  I'TIIA.  if  this  had  been  done,  but  rather  that  the  NIRA 
would  have  all  in  its  power  to  harmonize  with  the  judicial  tech- 
nique vrhile  yet  attempting  to  accomplish  its  objectives. 



delegatigu  by  CC:TCrISSS 

The  nfixim  that   delegated  -n'^^'er  can  net  te   redelegated  has  Ion;; 
been  called  "cne  of   the    settled  naxiras   in  constituticnnl  Is^"    (l). 
'.riTj/-  tills   is   tr\ie   is  not   easily  understocd,    in  view  of   the  long  line  cf 
cpses  "by  the   Supreme   Coiirt   sustaining  all  delegations   coraing  "before 
the;u      Des-iTite   these   decisions  'Miich  vculd  seen  to  have   the   effect   tc 
discrv.rage   discussion  of   this   question,    it  hc)s    been  one   of   the  laost  pro- 
lific  sources  of  constitutional   speculation.      This  problem  is   an 
excellent   example   for   students  to  use    in  discussing  the    separation  of 
gcvernnental  po^.-'ers   therry  anc'    the   tri-partite   division  of  government. 
Then  trr  ,   ncre   discerning  students   sa\7  in  the   great  mass  of   State   cases, 
involving  nunicipal   corporations  particularly,    some   real   existence   and 
meat   in  the   theory  of  non-delegability  of  po'-rers. 

The  maxim   "delegata  potestas  ncn  -potest  dele, gar i"   (3)    has  a   long 
and  curious  history.      It   has  been  traced  in  antiquity   to   Justinian's 
Digest    (5)   as  a   reference   to   jurisdiction,    and   its  use   in  Bracton  in 
that   sense  has  been  the    subject  of  more   comment.      Professor  Duff  in  a 
scholarly  article   has  pointed  out   that   this  maxim  "'hich  has  been  so 
fully  accepted  in  our  law  upon  the   authority  of  Bracton,    had  no   basis 
in  Bracton  but  owed  its   existence   tc   an  omitted  comma,    "the   carelessness 
of  a    sixteenth  century  printer"   (4).      So,    these  words  of  Bracton  upon 
reexamination  come   to   mean   "the  King' s  power  is   not   diminished  by  dele- 
gatirn  to   others"   (5).      This   interpretation  of   the  lai^  is  borne   out   by 
the   Statute   of  Proclamations  passed  in  1539.,   which  delegated  tremendous 
powers  tc   Henry  VIII   (6).      But   to   erase    the  maxim's  basis  in  Bracton 
does  net   destroy  it.      Professor  Ccrwin  finds   the    source  and  fo3'm  having 
real   significance  for  our  law  in  Locke's  Treatise  on  Civil  Government, 
(7).      If   this  maxim,    which  has  been  paid  lip-service   in  this   country  for 
so  long,    had  been   strictly  applied  in  our  constitutional  law  the        '     . 
efficiency  of  our  governmental   system  would  h^ve   been   strangled  (8), 
In  fact,    its  effect  upon   the   development   of  administration  has   "been 
slight"    (9). 

TTith  the  vast   growth  of   administration  and  the   growth  of   delegated 
legislation,    questions  of  delegation  became  m.ore    important.      This  was 
true   in  England  earlier  tiian  in  this   country  (lO).      The   old  maxim 
"delegata.  -ootestas   non  potest   delegari"   was  dusted  off  and  used  as  a 
v/eapcn  in  attacking  statutes  granting  sub-legislative  "oower.      In  this 
country  delegation  is   seen  as  a   due  process  of   law  problem   (ll). 
This  iTCiild   seem  to   be  a   more   justifiable  use  of   the   conceiot,    as   in- 
volving a   broad  question  of   constitutional  procedure,    than  the  more 
substantive  problems  to   which  the    "due  process"   concept   has  been 
aiTOlied.      In  the  mass  of  legal  articles  upon  the  N.  I.R.A. ,   po-vers  were 
seen  as   important  but  delegation  was   thought  to  present  little  diffi- 
culty (12).      In  1825,    the   court  could  say  that    "the   line  has  not  been 
exactly  draim  which  separates   those-  important    subjects     x^hich  must   be 
entirely  regulated  by  the   legislature    itself,    and:  those  of  less   interest, 
in  which  a   general  provision  may  be  made,    and  power  given  to   those  who 
are  to  act  under  such  general  provisions  to  fill  up  the  details",    (15) 



This  T7PS  the   state  of   the   cases  in  J-'^nuary,   1935.      As  one   comraentetcr 
said,    "'iTo    delegation  of  po'Ter  hy   Congress  has  ever    oeon   invalidated;    sv.c- 
cessive   delegations,   each  greater  than  the  precedia.?,    liave  "been  upheld," 
(14)      This  was   the   iraportant   fpct   to   most   students  rf  the   suhject    (15). 

The  legal  theory  of  delegation  has  teen  suggested  in  an  early 
chapter   016) .      The  legislature   states  the  policy.      The  administrative 
tody  finds  facts  conditioning  the  application  of   the  policy.      Statutes 
involving  delegated  legislative  power  are    suhject  to   classification. 
1.      Crngress  may  declare   the  policy  hut  leave   its  enforcement   dormant 
until   the   administration  makes   it   effective   "by  finding  certain  facts   (17), 
The  facts  to  he  found  may  allow  a   considerable   exercise  of  discretion. 
This  was  one  of  the  earliest  forms.      2.      Congress  outlines  the  general 
policies  hut  leaves  to    the  administration  the  problem  of  filling  in  details 
details   (18).      This  mode   is  particularly  valuable  where  detail  not   in- 
volving broad  policies   is  needed,    where  expert  knowledge  will  furnish 
teclmical  knowledge,    or  where   Congress  can  not  foresee   the  many  contin- 
gencies.     3.      Involving  many  of   the   same   reasons  as  the  preceding  cate- 
gory are   situations  where   a   certain  measure  of  discretion  must  be  given 
to   the   administration   (19).      This   is   more    true   ^dien  delegations  are   mode 
involving  subject  matter  not   readily   reducible   to   treatment   by  -nrecise 
formula..      These   cases  approach   the   line   of  legislation  most   closely   (20). 
Rate-making  power,   utitil   recently,    has  been  the   outstanding  example, 

A  survey  of  all  the  cases  here  would  serve   no  useful  purpose   (21). 
Sioffice   it   to    say  that   in  a  long  line   of  cases    the   Supreme   Court  never 
found  a   delegation  improper  until   the   Panama  Refining  Case    (22).      Two 
questions  of  importance.      The   court   could  have   questioned  the   stand- 
ard as  being  too   indefinite,    or   it   could  have   said  this  is  a  non-delegable 
power.      Even  today  the   court  has  never   said  that   any  particular  atteupts 
to   delegate  powers  of   Congress  are   bad  as   the  powers  are  non-delegable. 
This  line   of  approach  should  not   be   thought   to   be   closed,    however   (23), 
In  light   of   the   decisions   the   important   question   is  how  definite   must  a 
standard  be.      In  Field  v.    Clark   (24)    if   the   President   found  the    situation 
as  to   any  country  in  connection  ^^dth  certain  items   "reciprocally  uneqtial 
and  unreasonable"  he  was  reqiiired  to    suspend  the  free  list.      Though  this 
might  not  present  a  very  debatable  problem  the    standard  was  not   stated 
in  precise    terms,    and  though  mandatorily  stated,    by  lolacing  the  power  in 
the  President's  hands  it  became  discretionary.      A  similar  standard, 
though  not  to  be  exercised  by  the  President,    is  found  in  the  power  given 
the   Secretary  of  War. to   require   changes  or  alterations  in  a  bridge  over 
a  navigable    stream  if  he  finds  that   it   is   "an  unreasonable  obstruction 
to   the   free   navigation  of   such  waters"    (25).      But  where   terms  of  general 
nature  are  used  in  a   standard  such  as  one  for  the  approval  of  films 
found  to  ■'be   Uof  a  moral,    educational,    or  amusing  and  harmless  character", 
the   standard  would  seem  to  be  approaching  the   realm  of  indefinite  nrrns. 
The   Supreme   Court  did  not  object  to    this  standard,    though  (26).     Even 
the  general   term. "public  interest"  was   treated  as  a  proper  standard,    the 
court   seeing  it  as  limited  as  the  act    "was  designed  to   better  assure 
adequacy'-  in  transportation  service"   (27).      A  similar  standard  is  found 
in  the  words   "reasonable. ...  in  the   interest  of   the  public  and  of  commerce" 
found  in  Avent  v.   U.S.    (28).      A  statutory  proviso   that  came  before   the 
court    in  United  States  v.    Chemical  Foundation,    Inc.    (29)   allowed   the 



President    to  make   exceptions   "in   the  imtlic   interest"   to    the   rule   for 
sale   cf  alien  property  to    the   highest   "bidder  at  a   oublic   sale.      Such  a 
previse   has  no   greater  requirement   than   tnat  presumed  to   be  applied  b"-  a 
le-,lslature   in  making  legislation.      It  can  easily  be  understood,    frcH 
revievring  these  few  exonples.    wliy  the  problem  of   standards  was  not 
thought   to  present  any   serious   nroblem.      Even  ^hen  objection  i;.';is   taken 
te   the   a.Caninistrative  assumption  of  power  under  a   delegnition  with  bread 
standards   (30)   neither   the    standards  nor  the   delegation  were   attack_d  (31). 
AS  Icng  PS   the   court  has  been  able    to    see   so/ae   definite   concept   tied  up 
with  the    standard,    whether   it   was   the   one   intended  by   Congress  or  not, 
the   delegation  has   been  held  to   be  proper   (33).      As   stiidents  have  nOw 
plirased  it   delegation   is  Droper;    abdication  is  not.      Some  writers   saw 
this  possibility  before   January,    1935   (33).      There  was  an  excellent   basis 
in  the   State   esses  for   some   constructive    thought  upon   the   question  of 
delegation.      From   these   coses   it  was  possible    to    set  up   certain   tests 
that   delegation  should  meet   to   escape   judicial   criticism   (34).      As   the 
government  presented  its   case   to   the   Supreme   Court   two   of   the   standards 
of  the  Act   were   negative   in  character   (35).      These  were   the   requirements 
that   1.    there   be   no    inequitable   restriction  u.pon  admission  to  membership 
and  the   requirement   that   the  proponents   be   truly  representative,    and  2. 
tliat   the    cedes   should  not  promote  monopolies  or  eliminate  or  oppress 
small   enterprises   (36).      3y  merely  saying  wliat   codes   could  not  be,    no 
standards  were   set  up  to  guide  the  President  in  a'oproving  codes.     Por  a 
positive   guidance   resort  must  be  had  to   the   third  standard  suggested  by 
the   gcvernment's  brief   that   the   codes  must   tend  to   effectuate   the  policy 
laid  down  in   the  Act    (37).      The  Declaration  of   Policy  seems  to   be   a.  bread 
premble    (38).      The  objectives  of   the  Act   are   stated  in  broad  and  joossibls'- 
contrrdictory  terms.      Mainly  reference    is  made    to    industry  and  labor, 
without   restricting  these   to   any  concept   of   interstate   commerce. 
Suggestions  as   to   the  method  to  accomplish  these   bi-oa  d  objectives  were 
not  found  in  the  Act.      Broad  standards  have  been  approved  but  never  liad 
so  many  and  possibly  contradictory  ones  been  contained  in  one  Act   which 
indicated  no   basic  or  underlying  plan.      It  was  obvious  that  the   Congress 
did  not  know  what  -'ould  be   done,    nor  did  the  Adiiiinistration.      Here   was 
abdication.      The   Congress  had  said,    take  over  the  problems  of  industry 
and  labor,    phrasing  it   in  platitudinous  language.     Despite  what  a   carefu.1 
analysis  would  have   shown  at   any  time,    the   Panama  Refining  decision   (39) 
came   as   a   distinct    surprise   to   most   informed  persons.      Delegations   in 
England  had  gone  much  farther  than   they  had  in   this   country,    the  English 
co'orts  being  without  judicial  review  have  had  difficulty  in  curbing  them 
(40).      Delegations   in  the  United  States  having  been  so  broad  as  has  just 
been   seen,    it   seems   that   in  the   Panama   case  the   maxim  directed  against 
delegation   "rises  as  a    ghost   te   hamper"    (41)   government.      That   this  me-xim 
which  had  been  kept  alive   by   the   State   courts  as  part   of   the  unwritten 
constitution   (42)   would  come   to   vjlague   the   federal   Congress  had  been  seen 
only  by  a   few  students   (43).      But   Chief  Justice  Hughes"   opinion  in  the 
Panama.  Case   gave   flesh  and  stature   to   this   skeleton  i.-diich  had  so   long 
rattled  in  cur   constitutional   closets.      Here  was  a   case   that  proved  that 
as  had  been  intimated  there  were   cases  T/here   the   judges  would  draw  the 
line    (44).      The   co-'ort  felt  aoparently  that   if   it  upheld  the   delegation, 
free  as  it  was  from  standards,    "it  would  be  idle   to  pretend  that  anything 
would  be  left  cf  limitations  upon  the  power  cf   Congress  to   delegate  law- 
making f-unctions"   (45).        Mr.    Justice  Cordoza  contended  against   the   Chief 



Justice    that   the  Bclicy^of   the  Act   tecaine   the   standards  for   9(c)    (46), 
althrvA  later- in"  the   Schechter   Case  he   did  not  feel    thnt   it  providea  a. 
stppdard  frr  3(a)(47).      The  most  precise   reading  vrill  hardlj^  discover 
more   than  here   --as  a   delegation   in  a   field  v/here   the   court  felt   too 
broad  standards  ixndesirahle. 





In  the  first  insto.nce  rdrainistr-.tion  is  the  exercise  of  delctiated 
power  (l).   It  r.iso  is  ch-^.r.-.cterized  intern-^lly  liy  the  delegation  of 
poY'ers  :^nd  f-mictions,  Tncn  r.   "board  or  coirjiiission  is  given  povrer  it  is 
exT-ected  th-,t  this  power  v/ill  he  exercised  hy  subordinates.  The  mem- 
bers of  the  hoard  or  coLunission  or  the  ac^ninistrator  (if  one  r;ir.n  has 
the  entii>e.  r^'sponsihility)  "re  responsihle  for  t>.e  exercise  of  the 
authority,  hut  they  cannot,  except  in  the  idost  minor  inst--,nc'^,  physic- 
allj''  perform  the  myriad  of  det',ils  en;:endered  hjr  ."dninistrr  tion  (2), 
P'T'rticul-rly  is  this  trxie  where  duties  are  piled  uooi.  tlie  President, 
wncre  Congress  has  really  intended  to  ttirn  the  ..lattor  over  to  executive 
decision  (5),  There  has  heen  no  uniform  statutory  jjractice  in  stating 
what  iDO'ver  or  po";ers  could  he  redolejp.tcd',  especially  where  it  seems 
natural  that  the  duties  will  bq  -Performed  by  responsible  subordinates 
(4),  T/iiere  it  is  thoivht  t^r.t  pov/er  v.dll  he  redelogated  to  a  more  in- 
dependent official  statutes  have  been  more  jirecisc  (5), 

In  the  precedin^^  ch-'pter  it  has  ''oecn   seen  that  delegation  by 
Congress  had  never  aresentet'  "  question  of  burning;  interest  uiitil 
recently.   This  likewise  is  tvce   of  the  problem  of  redelegating  povrers 
deleaated  by  Congress.  As  has  been  sug^^'estcd  redelegation  in  cert/An 
limits  is  the  nornrl  impli(?r",tion  of  the  first  delegation  to  administra- 
tion.  The  question  now  arises  could  the  reci-oient  of  the  powers  from 
Congress  so  far  rcdelcgate  its  pov/ers  th-t  tno  courts  would  invoke  the 
maxim  "dclegrta  potcstes  non  -ootest  dolcg'.ri"?   It  would  seem  th-.t  this 
might  hap'oen.   If  the  strtutor;i'  '■.n''^ctici;'  is  to  specifically  mention 
deleg'.tions  to  be  ma'^.e  to  other  "^' c/;cics  not  directly  responsible  to 
t^ie  a;  ency  reccivin;'.  the  power  ori;-"in~.lly,  it  mi,  /-t  be  inferred  that 
Congress  at  least  did  not  a— ^rove  such  -  rede  leg-"  t  ion  not  s"pecifically 
authorized  by  it,  YJhere  -i-iowers  -re  exercised. by  the  ?-gency  or  --^erson 
receiving  them  but  the  ;'^ressurc  of  work  necessitates  resort  to  staff 
assistance,  as  this  is  a  primary  ch-rachteristic  of  admiiiistr" tion,  ob- 
jection on  the  delegation  ground  would,  not  p:roporly  arise.   This  is  as 
long  ".s  a  department  exercised,  and  was  responsible  for  the  powers  dele- 
gate'- to  it,  no  question  would  seom  likely  to  come  up.   So  with  the 
President  gr-nting  his  fiu-ictions  to  a  cbinet  officer  or  other  offici■^l, 
for  in  this  -un.usual  situation  such  'oursons  might  pro'i-'^/flj^  be  eonsidered. 
part  of  his  staff.   Trls  problem  is  entirely  in  tiie  re-.lm  of  -peculrtion, 
with  no  direct,  but  only  coll-.terrl  assist  ■.■.'.ce  in  the  c-'scs.   It  v/ould 
seem  logical  to  exoect  responsibility  and  fin-.l  determination  to  stay  in 
the  person  or  agency  receiving  tne  power  from  Congress.  As  in.  the  ques- 
tions of  the  deleg-,.tion  b^-  Congress  there  can  not  be  abdication.   It  may 
bo  tlir,t  this  effect  can  be  scciu-ed  by  too  muich  reliance  being  given  to 
the  recommendations  of  -dvisory  agencies,  but  th^.t  is  a  question  of  the 
hunpji  equation  not  readily  treated  ^s  .  m-tter  of  law.  (5) 

The  NIRA  specifically  stP..ted  th'^.t  the  President  might  delegate  the 
functions  and  pov/ers  given  him  to  "officers,  agents,  and  eioployces"  (7), 
It  did  not  authorize  rodelegation  tiy   them.   The  President  did  establish 
more  the  ITRA  the  autj.ority  of  the  Act  (3),   Tliese  agencies  were 
not  subsidiary  to  >IIIA.,  but  adjunct  or  sep-.r-ete  age-cies  of  cqua.l  status 
to  aid  the  President  in  ac'LUiinistcring  the  Act,   The  exact  st-.tus  of  all 



such  r.£encies  wr.s  never  cle-^-r  (9),  "but  p.s  long  rs  thej'  were  crer.tcd  "by  . 
the  President  they  do  not  being  up  the  question  of  remote  redelegr.tion. 
The  delegr.tions  mf>de  "oy   executive  order  r,rc  Viot  open  to  this  question 
either  (lO).  They,    too,  Y.'ere  authorized  "by  the   s",  "revision  of  the 
Act,  Sedelegr.tion  "by  the  ITHA,  ho?;ever,  vr.s  oiion  to  question.   Power 
V7?,s  redelegp.ted  "by  the  IJ-.tionr.l  InC.ustrii'J  Recovery  Bor.rd  to  the  Deputy 
Adininistr-.tor  for  nr.w-ii  (ll)  and  for  Alr,s"!:r.  (12)  to  exercise  the  powers 
delegated  "by  the  Presio.ent  to  the  3o-ird,   Li'.:evdso  the  Administrator 
redelegated  iiowcr  to  the  "".epii.ty  Adrninistr.tor  of  the  Service  Tx-ades 
Secoion  to  approve  trade  arer.s  and  related  actions  (13;  and  to  the 
Depiity  Administr-,tor  of  the  Idstri'outin;';^  Trades  Section  to  approve 
certain  local  code  ruthorities  nd  couiicilG  (14),  liven  more  question- 
able was  the  vast  redclegation  (15)  to  Code  Authorities  (16)  "by  IIEA. 
These  redelegations  were  not  usually  in  the  form  of  official  orders  (17). 
PoA¥cr  was  given,  and  aaa-irovc-.l  was  given  'by     -p.'^roving  the  code  provisions 
containing  such  grants  of  poY/er,  V/he:i  the  t;:rant  of  rjowcr  was  approved 
'by  the  A.  ministrator  r- ther  than  the  President  the  redeleg  tion  qties- 
tion  'becomes  more  acute,  Pirst  t"ne  President  lia.d  delegated  the  power 
to  do  cert.'.in  tilings  to  the  Administr-.tor  who  in  tvcrn  delegated  it  to 
the  Code  Authority,  w'nich  frequently  rcdclcg-.tcd  tne  power  to  some  com- 
mittee or  division, 1  or  regional  •\uta.07ity,  (18)   I'ncre  is  no  rule  t"ii  t 
can  be  applied  to  o.ctennire  what  is  too  remote  a  dclcgrtion.  But  here 
it  can  c^rt 'inly  ""oc   s.'\id  the  dolegT'.tion  v/ent  much  further  in  number  of 
redelegations  th-n  is  corimon  pr-.ctico.  The   tost  tiv^.t  tne  courts  wotild 
probably  "-yoly   'touIc  bo  the  brord  o.-'c  used  in  so  r.r.ny  adiainistr~.tive 
law  problems,   "Is  t.iis  bad  acxiinistr- tive  practice?".   Such  remote 
redelegations  not  recognized  specifically  by  Congress  would  seem  to  be 
undesirable  administr-.tivc  practice.  Yfncn  the  public,  feeling  the 
effects  of  the  administration  of  the  ITIHA,  c-ia^^   to  realize  th- t  arivate 
groups  of  interested  "crsons  were  exorcising  great  povrers  which  coulc* 
effect  its  soci-1  -nd  economic  future,  and  no  longer  looked  upon  these  ■ 
groups  as  a;cnts  of  the  President,  then  it  v/ould  seem  as  a  matter  of  ad~ 
ministr-tive  aractico  doleg\tion  had  gone  too  far,  Y/hen  the  effect  of 
action  by  such  groui-s  --as  the  fin',1  exorcise  of  acjninistrative  -power,  over 
which  only  an  ineffective  and  forraal  control  \t\b   w-'intained,  •  then  it  might 
be  argtied  the  a^draini  strati  on  receiving  the  <  a  li;;a  tod  pov/crs  lirA   -.bdicated 
the  exercise  of  these  power?  ie.  favor  of  groua?  n:-rccognized  by  the  legis- 
lature, 'H'lie   announced  ;oolicy  of  "Self-doveriii-icnt  of  dusincss"  was  not  con- 
■sistont  with  -  simple  d>, leg -.tion  of  power  to  the  President  and  his  sub- 

Pie  1, ted  to  the  I'omoteness  of  t  "ic  rcdeleg^tion  is  the  question  of  to 
whom  the  power  was  redelegated,  aa.'  vexthcr  t.LCso  'a,rso:is  or  /^^Toups  could 
exercise  such  power.   It  vrould  seem  'orfectly  prue-icr  to  delegate  vovrer   to 
other  federal  officials  such  -s  v/'  r  ,  one  where  tne  President  delegated 
po?/Grs  u;ider  the  IIIBA  to  the  Secret eries  of  Interior  and  Agriculture  (19), 
The  coimnon  practice  is  to  redclcg-te  power  to  responsible  federal  officials 
(20'1,   It  has  been  held  pro;oer  for  the  federal  government  to  use  State  of- 
fici  ,1s  w/icre  the  Congress  had  so  provided  (21),   This  was  decided  undea? 
the  stress  of  v/ar,  but  no  objection  c^-n  be  seen  to  using  a  state  official 
where  there  is  nothing  in  his  state  duties  or  responsibilities  inconsistent 
with  his  proper  performance  of  the  federal  duties  given  him. 

To  uiiderstand  the  leg:\l  aspects  of  tne  coae  .-U-thority  problem  in 
relation  to  delegation,  sorao  thou^;ht  should  be  aiven  to  tne  nrture  of  code 


-119-  • 

r.uthorities.     Couc  r.utliorities  end   their  memlDers   iip.d  conflicting  r.llegi- 
.-^.nces    (32).     ITiicn  the   Code   --.uthority  memher  V7",s  given  the  power  of  ■^. 
-vablic  officer  he   owec.   the   d-(ity  f  ithfully  to   cr.rry  out   the  hest   inter- 
ests  of   the  ^overiu:ent   -.?   he    s:  .w  it.      Yet     .s    ■   vfoin'oer  of  industry  he   ovcd 
:\  dut--  to   the  industry  to     help  promote   it,     Presu^ie   txvt   he   could 
possibly  fbrt'-cet  his   industry's   inter' sts  cr.. sciously,  still  his  \7hole 
trcinin:^,  v.-ould  ler^d  him  to   f  .vor  his   industry,    since  he   so   -^.cutely  sym- 
pathized with  its  prohlems.      Hi  thin  his   industry  hin'  interests   would  he 
first   with  his   cvrn  firm,    -:':'    next    with  firi.'.s    of   the    Frnc   clr.s^     .f   his   own. 
"ore,    too,    few  i.ien  could  h-ve  --.ossihly   oecn  hoth  f-^.ir  r:rsl  imp   rti-^.l,   no 
m."tter  how  hp.rd  they  strove.      As   the   co'.c    -.uthority  v;onherE   corrocns-.tion 
usu"lly  cpjne   in  the   form  of  r,  p   id  'by  -   ..^er.-.-.or   of   i/.dustry 
for   services   ^s   -.  coirip-ny  erecutive ,   he   co-'old  ill   ■",fford  to   jeoprrdize 
his   future    security,    if   f-lrness   r.nd   irap.:  rti-^.lity  dori'vided  it. 

The  hIHA  recognizes   th  t   -?.ssoci.?,tions   vould  •■p-'.rticipr^te   in 
the   ie£;isl.  .tive  "irocess,   hut   fiiere   is   in  it  no   reco.';ni  tion   th-.t   they  ^-'o^ald 
actively  administer  portions   of  the   result    (23),      The   code  r.uthorities 
were  very  Ir.rgely  fostered  h;--  •^nd  grov;  orit   of  the   tr^dc   r.ssocir.tions  pro- 
posing codes.      The   -ssoci-tions   r  presented  usur.lly  the  most  pro- 
gressive  r-ad   l-.rger  interests   in  ind:..stry,    ni'"    from  these   interests,    ii 
tne,    coce   -uthorities  vjcre   dr-  -n.,      r-.ero  v.'".s   in  mmy  cr^.ses    ^    close 
hond  ■bet--een  the   code   "uthorit;-  of     .n   ind/nstry  -,nd   its    trrdo   pssoci- tion. 
In   some    cses   one   v'-.g   nercly   t^^e    -leer  c;:o    of   the    other    (;M).      '\^A  in  its 
first    c-^^.-es,    ueiecui-'pcd   to     /  .hnister   the  rarss    of   codes    it   \"^,s   e--i^--'''-ij-''-g 
out     end    irh-aed  ^.-'ith   t/iO    indiestry   sclf-governuncnt    doctrin.e ,    en.cour-ged   the 
code    ruthorities    te   t  d:o    over     conGit;er.'-:hlo    -drninistr" tivc  pouers.      This 
is  -''.rticuedarly   true   in   c-ne   of   "coraipercir.l   resolutions"   vhich  frequently 
h-d    tne    effect   of  legisl'\tioe:.  (S'"^       Uhis,    coijpled  with  the   dominrucc   of 
trr-.dc   -ssoci  etions   vdiich  in  -.  en/  c'\ses   elected   the   code   "Uthority  or  con- 
trolled its   selection    (;r,6),   virtu"lly  e:'vc   to  meeny  industry  groups   the 
'Dov/ers   denied   them  hy  the   eeiti-trust    l-ws   -  nd  noi;    specifically  given  them 
oy  the   codes.      It   cen  re-cily  he    seen   th-t   w'lcre   -e   tr-do  p.ssocfntion  pro- 
posed ",  code  provision  widen  -Tr.s   dvnied  hy   the   Administr-'tion,    -".nd  yet  : 
tnere  wns  given   into   its  h-nds   .neo-d  -elmost  i.inchoched  powers   to   effect 
the    sneie   result   in   "che   eoru  of  code   -uthority  reeu.l-,tions,    th-'t   the   terirpta- 
tion  wrs   too   grent   for  eireiy  to  withst-^ad,'     &rcr,t   confeision  repulted.     At 
the   time   of   the   Schochtcr  decision   there   were   still  m-ny  code   "uthority 
rcgulntions  rende   with  little    or  no   -nethority  tli    t   Y;ere   '>-.cing  .ollowed  hy 
industries,      '.IrLA  recognized   tnis    difficiLlty.      Its    efforts    to   er^se   it    took 
t\;o   forms:      1,    e;:.prov-l    oy  tee    Ic    ^1  -^.dvisor   -nd   the   deputy  without    formr,l 
-e?-:rovnl  hy  the    responsihlc     eefnority  -..'ns   discontin^led    (27),    e,nd  2,      efforts 
were   to   sep   tn^.t    tne   code   nuthorities  were   truly  represent  etive   eeid  to 
scnr.rnt,   them  from  the   trede  .nssocie.tions    (28), 

Code   r.uthorities   were   ,■  iven  the  po\7er   to   ieivestig-\te   c^.ses   r.nd  re- 
comi'iend  r.ction    (2S),      These    recommend'^/oions   were   f.TC-.tly  relied     uoon  hy 
iTIEA  "before   it  hecrme   fully  erqierienced  to   its    orohlems.     Althou^-h 
from  code   authority  .-.ction  I'ey  to  ITllA.  whether  given  in   the   code    ("O)   or 
not,    the   code  reathorities'   rttitiidc   \7r?.s    treated  r.s   stro.ngly  persur.sive 
by  .IRA     The   sejiic   wns   true  when  the   code   r.uthorities   recorxiended  in  reg".rd 
to    eca.iinistr-'.tive   notion,   such  r.s   exemptions,   exceptions,    st  .ys',    intor- 
-oretetions,    "conncrcinl   rulings,"    ~.nd  even  e...icndr-ients    (31), 



In-tlicir  rel   tio.-.  with  tlic  ."-.cbiinistr   tion   the   code  p.iithorities 
hr.d  r,  powerful  position.      Tliorc  vrere   inst-.iices   whore   r.  code   -xithority 
couls    suspend  price    scncdules,   pcndinr-;   .  ctcrr.ii.v  tion   of  their  pro- 
priety- hy    Ghc  r^dministr-^tion    (32),'T/herc    tlic   code     .v.tiiority  r.ction  vr.s 
fin\l  ui-.lcss   the  Adninistr   tor  dis-^.p^-Tovcd  it    (o3)  ,    ".nd  v/herc   the   code 
-uthorit;;'-  vr-.s  placed  u-'on  :  .n  eqtu.l  position  vith  the  A  ministrr.tor  in 
reviewing     ction  by    .   or-nch  tee   o::  cert -in   questions   of  bringing 
nev/  or   idle  ;^roductive  into  \iroduction    (34), 

'iTnere   code  provisions   outli::cd  propop    Is   irpo;;.  various   subjects  to 
be  mr.dc  by  the   code   authorities   -/.'jj.  r.--  roved  by  the  ^resident   or  Acmin- 
istr-tor    (35)   it  becomes   -p    th  t    there   will  ---rob-bly  be  no   resort 
to   findings   or   ~.  f  ,ctu  ,1  b-.sis   for  -proceeding,    other   th-,n  those   ncces- 
sr.ry   to   get    ecJininistretivc   -'vorovr.l.      The   effect   of   such  provisions 
wr.s   to  pr.t   ^rcr.t   finelity  in  the    eff'-.irs   of  ^n   indu.stry  into   the   h-aids 
of   tne   code   authority, 

Yrncther   the   code    .authority  'vr^.s   given  po'.ccr   to  n-'.he  rules   end   rc- 
gul",tions   for  the   ;\- ninistr-.tion  of   the   code    (36),    or  v/hether  it   "sswaed 
suchpov/crs    it   rr  ,5     -Jmost   ir.ipossiblc    for   tVic  A:  hnini  street  ion    to   hcep   -^ny 
effective    cliccl:  upor.   wn-.t   \r.s   done    (.':":6e).      h!icn   code     'uthorities  used 
region -.1    or  divisio:i-el    cornnittecs    ■  .2    /A-rninistr.etive    ■    cncies,    the   pos- 
sibilities  of  checking  u"o  :   ^ction   t  Iren  under   the   guise   of  government 
■authority  bec-jne   even  more    reraote    (S7).      This   difficulty  vr,s  "oerticulr.rljr 
evident    i:;   the   v;orh  of   tvde  "n-   cticc'^.int  j'^roced'JTe.      TTlien  no 
•^.ppe'.ls   \"':  re    teho:-    :y.y    ■r>.  sr^urc,   mlsinter-^ret-.tion  or  rnr.lf  eo-sance  by  the 
ccimittce   would  not   be     ;:■     .rent    (3G).      The   only  v/;;iy  iTJlA.  could  have 
cne eked'  upon   these   -ctivities   -.vould   have   been  to  h  ,ve   reqiiired  a  full 
record  of   the  proceco.ings    to  be   submitted  to   it    or  be   held  avail"ble 
for   its   in3;"-ection.      Such     .     irocess   would  have  been  costlj''  in  money 
to   the   code   authority  in  hccping   the   records,    -.nd   to  "TllA  in     ersonnel, 
j'ull   records   were  probably  never  he-it   of  more    than   the   gerioral   st^ps 
trlcen.      In   time   it   st-nd-.rd  "-rac'ti   ce'' to  maho   thc:i  available'  to 
IIRA.      The  Achnini  strati  on  did,    in   time,   rcq^iire   re-;orts   from  code   author- 
ities  "regarding  the   .-dj-ja  oi  lont   of  ccmi^lel-nts   -"a.d   other  compliance   ac- 
tivities"   (39),      These   rep   rts,   ha  over,    were   often  h-.zy  and   in  a  number 
of   situations  none    '.t   :\11  v/cre  made. 

Under   the  I'ilA.  po-e'ors   were-   enbriisted  to    -,ssociatio;is   of  busi- 
ness men    (40).      Code   autho'ities   rc-rescnted  the   orga-nization  of  busi- 
ness  alo'ng  the   lines   of  g-'.iild   soci  ilism.      The   result   did  -not   hermonize 
v/itn  tne  -notion   of  "gnvc-rraient    1   coo-^er    .ion  wit  a  b-eainoss,    for   to  many 
business'  men   t/iio   re-'ircscntc.'    tne   f-iaiibion   of   "'aorc   business   i-n  gove-rn- 
ment ,    and  less  govomne'nt   ia  business."      .?oi'   -c-ncee   business  men   the 
plan  v/as   really  one   of  industry  self-govern  .ent    (41).      The   fui^.ction  of 
pLa---ining  for  tne   industry  vrs   rightly  an  i::dustry  function    (42).      Trade 
associations  md  long  done   this.     Sut  -when  the  code  authortties   advanced 
into  the   realm  of  "compliance"   or  enforcing  lav/  lapon  their  respective 
industries  the  f-unctio-n  seemed  more  govern;uental»     Veritable  armies  of 
inspectors   sprai-ig  up  vdth    •,  m.ore   or  less   anomalous  position    (43),  Ap- 
pointed by  code  authorities   they  exercised  fuictions  govermnental  in 
char-.ctcr    (44), 

It   'wOuld  be   far  from  vvopcr   to   th.t  private   agencies   can 


not   ■;^orform  diitier?   pmC.  d^f.c  bions   '.scic'^iec'    them  "by  the  government.      There 
r.r-'.     ,  nii.ioer  of  specific   i-.-.r>t".;iCGs   of   sit■a^tions   v;herc;  t'_;ovGr;-uuent   h-.s 
given  ftuictions   to  priv:-.te   ",;  cncics.      One   of   the   earliest   sitiirtions 
fo-u-.d  is   th-'.t  where   :-•.  ;-'riv,  .te   -.ssoci -tiou  iy   ,'^iv:yL  pover  to   clcte-i-mino   the 
nienhorphi'     of  its  -jrofessio;!,    set  u"-i   rules   for  profession;-,!   cor.'i'.uct,   •".nd^^line   i:ifr;.ction  ol    these   rules,     .-^i  English  c 'se  deciccd  in  1691 
covers    this  -urohlcin   (45),     A  ho-.rc'.   of  cerisors,  purely  c.  priv:^te   or;;-.n- 
iz  .tion,    h^d  jurisdiction  over   the  a-i.iinistr'  tion   of   "physick"    (-16). 
Tnc   court   treated  thin  "bo-rd   -.s  an  .--jcncy  ■.■;:crci5in3  ,::GVErnmental  po'-'eiv 
"It   is,"    s-^id   t.\e   court,    "th::-.t   t'.-e   c   :,isors   iirvc   judici?.l  povrer. 
It    i?    trut:.,    th-\t   some  persons  h-vo  po'ver  to   com^'.it,   who  •:  re  not   Jii.d;'es 

"    (47)      In    the  United  S:rtes,    v-.rious  v.!odic-.l   societies   h"ve  hsen 

five/,   licensin™  pov^ers    ('^^8).      'T.'iesc   enniini;-.^,  ho/n-ds   irve  hcen  t-'-cted 
rs  public  r,;:;cncics    (l-Q).      Another  vrofessio..  >i:,vi...{;:  rrocn  -jcncies   is 
the   1  \v;.      hny  St;\te   st/,tutGS   :i::vc   incorp.:r-,ted  t.:-     .cTi.jer;.;   of   the   o-r 
int".    orr   ■  ssoci-  tions   oxercisi:-i,2;   cor^id_:r".hle  pcvers   over   its  rieinoers 
(5C),     I-.rt   of  tho  powers   ,,";ivcn  to  h -.r  r.ssoci -.tions  must  c^ov  out   of 
the    t:^?.di-cionrl  pl.ce    -f   1-  v,   rrs      c    "officoA's    of    .'.".-le   co^.irt,"      This    does 
not   p;??l-in   t:  g   h   sis   go-   t  ..•        ■■   --   of  ..;cdic-.l   societies,      Th-   courts 
hnve   not    tried  to   .-n  lyzo    t  i.,      rohlon  in    of   rover. orient,?.!  r.,'.:encies 
and  pov?ers.      Thry  h',vc  h-xn  i; -ntc'  c   z'j    h:.lov;   G.lf-rei--l   tion  hy   these 
professions  vhich  i-dll   o''vi'jv.sly  '.■^y.'^iit   tr   -^.ublic    o;    "•-isin;;-;  tnc 
^;,ener",l   chrracter  of   oho  profession.      O^.^er   tin   t.^is   tnc  nuhlic   \-j::5 
little   interest   in  the  purely  intern:  1    rL/ul    uion   of  v -ofessions , 

In  ITcw  Ycrh  r.  priv.-'.te   .rain'^nc   society  h  ,s  hoen  givcii  the  -^■oxiqv  to 
iss-ae   dog  licenses,    coMoct   ffcs   to   c'efry  the   cost   of  c-.rr:>'i.;y  out   the 
act    and  -•:  int-inin;;   a   siv.ltcv    'or   lost,    st---ycu,    or  ho;--eless    -.nimals. 
Any  oxces?  nionsy  colloctod     'g    to   be    co:  rxv'sation   for   enforcin^   tho  act, 
This   act   ^/ent   to    -h.itcd   ;;    !;es   S-iJprcrie   Court,    (ol).      In  a  trree  page 
opinio--!  '■- y  '■ir.  Ju.'^ticc   .  c"':   .lOlds,    one   '■•  yo   of  wnicn  "a.s   devoted  to 
quoting  tne    st,:tute,    tne   act   ■;■  .s    .•■-Id  valid.      Tho    court   did  not   discuss 
the  problem  of  giving  such  -loi-ers   to    v  a-'-ivate   or,." nization,    r-.ther  it 
considered   case   f'.^ori:   tho   siabstantive   due  nrocess   of   !■  '-7  vievu      It 
held   th-t   the   statute   ro-.res.mted  ".  vlid  enercise   of  the  police  power. 

The   Cor-'orotion  CoMrnission  of  Ohlr.hona  was   given  power  by  statute 
to  prorate   oil,    and  to   "siv.ploy  o'.-  • ;  a.oint   such    -...onts   with  th.;,   conserit 
of  the   Governor   r.s  nay  be  necess:ry  to   enforce   tlie  Act.=      (52)      The 
Coaudssion  used  inf or.aation     as    -    or,sis   for  action  furnished   oy  -;.ro- 
ducers    serving  v;itnout  p-,;)-      aa     a  i^-wire   wnose    sal/-.ry  w^.s  by  the 
proo.iAcers    in  'hc?f.'.ult    of    "    Icgisl-^tive   a.-^;-ronriation.      Tho    cox^n-t    refused 
to   set   asic.o    action  b'^  the   Co: 'mission  \;ased  upon   this    iaf orraation  neroly 
beca::'-sc   of   its   source,   but   s   id   th  t    th;r    order  nr.;.st    oc   shown   in  fact   to 
be   ra-bitrary  -:.:.  tor;,''  ijcfore   it  \.'ould   interfere    ('3S),      The 
question   of  arivate  i.^rsons   ;,oing  -.cts   ta  .t   voulc".   interfere   with  prop- 
erty of   other     .~crsons   would   socm  to   a  more    rcr  1   existence    ia;  this 
CSC   than   in  the   otlier   cases   consi.'cred  here.      Still   the   final  deter- 
mination of  policy  is   not   involved,    and  the  priv;-..te  --lersons  r.ct   in  no 
greater  position   t^xir.  collectors   of  f:-.cts,   which  the   Co-n-nission  could 
tre.-,t  .-.s   it  wished. 

Joint   stoci:  l.vnd  banl-is ,    the   stocks   of  -diich  .oave  been  saoscribed 
for  r.nd  o'.Tned  ba  priviate  j.K'rsons,   org.aniz&d  pursuant   to  feder-.l   str.tute, 
act   ',s   fia-ar.cirl   aaents   for   the   goveiniinent   in  /.lahing  seed  loms.      The 

CLiiestion  of   their  -^rivr.ts   ca-.r-cter   :r  p   never  'been  considered  "by  tlie 
courts    (54),     Forever,    littlc:    objection  c-.n   be   seen  to   the  use   of  r.   r./,encj"  tc  ;;r^:e    lo.-ns  vmcre   there    is  no  policy  m"i,king  power 
r.nd  no   cipecir-l  interests  lipon  the  part   of   the   ./ency.     llr.tional  "banlcs 
have   been  rcrmitted   to   en^"v:-:e   in  -irivr.te   f-Oiictions   such  as  acting  as 
brustee   Wj."hoiit   injury  to   their  public   chr.racter    (55). 

Activities   of       ,;;cvcrn..icut-- 1  char-.cter  ty  -  rlvatc  "o-rsons   r^re 
louiid  in   tvo  r'.ore    i:  t    rcsti:\     c  .ses.      In  Fl;^.iouth  Coal   Co.   v.   Pennsyl~ 
vanla,    (56)   no   otjocti;,-:   v.r.z   ::.(e    cy   the   conrt    to    the  determinant  ion  of 
the   width  of  ti.-,rrici'    --ill-.r   in   co  j.  .iine?    oy   -n   ins^^cctor  errployed  by 
the    Strte   rnc'    the   eii^'inccrs    of   t.:o    a'hioinin-;,    vfoncrty  oraiers.      The 
court  viev/ed  the   question      ;    -.   ru-r-trntive   one   of  effect  upon  propertir, 
and  not   one   concerning   tne    ,,ro-orict3'-      of  tne  persons   exercising  power 
(57).      In   St.   Louis   Iron  ho.nt-in    Scnthcm  Ry.    Co.   v.    Taylor    (53) 
the   Court   considered  tlie   cor.Gtiontix     li.y  -v-    .:>ction  5  of  the   Safety 
Appliance  Act  of  1893    (50)  -  la-ivi.lin;,   t.i.-u   ait.?:-  a   dtc  naned   only  cars 
v.'ith  dravnaars   of  u:  ifom  height   should  be  used  in   interstate   commerce. 
The   standard  for   t'.rir.   hoi,9-:it  w..s   to   he   fixcc^   by  tJie  American  Eailv/ay 
Association;    the    Coriin-arm    "-;  r^irrion   -a'.s   to   :;lvc   notice   to 
all   common  carriers.      It   ■-  ,:;   cona  :    ':.;!:■   -a?    an  improper  dele- 

ga,tion  of  pov;cr  by   t'.-.c    Cor.yi-cs'' ,      _  a^b   "    i-     Little    -bout    this   con- 

tention.     Tne   co-'.ii't  viewed  t.,o  "t-jvI  ■  j- j/-      .■■   a  n-tur^l   intention      to 
diminish  economic   losses    (60).      In  bjtri   t.vjse   cases   the  matters  Avere 
purely  i:_tcr:-al.   to    fa    i  .-•:•-   ;     i.  volvod.     l^o   effect   could  be   felt 
by  the   ;/nerr.l  public.      ":-■...    :  ,.■   ar   ulai^ions   to  be  ;.\ade  were,    in  both 
cafees,    hraiily  technic-  1      .:      c   a-,,;      hrve   little  a-^-n-eciable   effect   ujpon 

Seme   cases   have  been  found,  where,  dele  a'aloiT,   to  -Drivate  persons 
have  been  held  bad,     D.:  lega.tions   of  poa-a-    c  ^   c-^n_ity  political   committees 
to   designate  and  establish  delegate   discricts    (61),    to   cemetery  associa- 
tions "of   leaislativo  rnd  rule  :Tra:ina  poa'er   i:icluding  prescribing  of 
penalties   for  viola.tion  of  rules   to  be   enforced  by  civil  action    (62), 
and   to   tlie  national  Board   o:^  Fire  Un' erv/ri  tors   tj   enact  and  promulgp.te 
codes   setting  forth  ri'.les   for   tao   last  .:.  1  -.tio.i   of  electrical   equipment 
(S'f)   kave  been  i.eld  uiiconstitati  a.-l   r'ciei-.r.tions   of  power   to  private 

T/liat   was   the   legal  jiosition  of   code     ;  t;:orities7      Their  private 
clir,raxtcr  is   evident,    yet  mrny  of  ta^eir  fi'^'C tioa.r-   were   of  a  public 
nature.      Code   au.thoritics   were   allov/cd    a^   i.:coip3rate   and   to   sue   and 
be   sued.      This   opens  up  -wide  vistas   of  -.fiie.i  is  a,  corporation  a  govern- 
ra.ental  a' ency,     T'owever,    th.cse   facts   of  i-icornor:?tion    nid   the  pov/er   to 
sue   and  be   suod  is   indicative   of  ■-■.  p•-iv^te   n.ature ,   v/hich  of   course   can 
be  by  sufficient  i    cts   of  public   cho,r;'Cter. 

Tne   liability  of   code   authorities   to   taxr.tion  will  lend  m.uch  light. 
Not   only  federal   officers,   but  federal  cmploj'-ees  are  exempt   from  State 
income   taxes    (64).     5'ederal  instrumentalities   such  as  corporations  of 
various   types  and  Ividian  lands  are  exeiirj^t  from  State   taxation    (65). 
Taxing  th"^    sa.le  of  liquor  ''oy  rn  army  post  bas  been  an  improper  tax  upon 
a  federal  instruinentality   (66),     Kore  rccentl;/  this  rule  seems   to  be 
overturned  by  allowing  tc!?;Gs  \x[)on  arr;iy  posts   celling  gasoline  privately 
(67).      Clearly  then,    -,  public  aaency  m-^y  have  private   taxable   functions. 



On  the  other  hand  privrte  persons  .doinc  public  functions  have  Tseen  held 
ta::r.ole  (bS)  .   In  lietcalf  "and  Bdc\y  v.  llitchell   (69)  it  -fas  held  that  a 
fiiTi  of  consviltin^;  engineers  upon  a  -'orl:  project,  "hich  ■ 'P.r,  not  permanent  - 
ly  or  continxiously  cnc;cr.e(-,    -'as  not  a  puolic  apenc-.   The  court  .a^oplied 
tlie  test  that: 

"An  office  is  a  -ov.olic  strition  conferred  hy  the  rp'rointnent  of  qov- 
erii'ient.  The  tern  enhraces  the  idea  of  tenure,  curation,  eiiblu'-nent  ?nd 
cmties  fi::ed  J-  la-"  (70) 

Code  authorites  liad  tenure,  du-ration,  and  da.ties  fi::e("  'y   deler;rted  leg- 
islation.  Like-.'ice,  the  larger  salaries  v-erc  control"'.ed  hy  i'?A.   Of 
course,  specific  hrsis  did  not  e::ir.t  in  the  statute  -vhich  night  "be  said 
to  heep  then  fron  oein-  puolic  a;cncies.   The  results  are  rr.ther  anona- 
lous.  liany  of  the  attrihuter,  of  a  puhlic  agency  are  found  in  the  code 
authority.   Yet,  its  nenoers  did  not  always  devote  their  full  tine  to 
their  code  ruthority  d\itie?,  nor  did  they  fors-ear  other  pursLiits  of 
profit.   It  --as  recognir^ed  th.  ,t  co'de  aiithorities  --ere  not  ^nade  up  of 
puhlic  officers  "mt  rather  private  j^ersons.   The  I'^lul  Leg:.!  lleserrch  in  an 
extended  ne^iorandrji  concluded  t':-'  t  code  "utlioritiaf,  -'ere  not  e::enpt 
fron  tr.::p.tion  as  piihlic  r.iencies  {]!) . 

In  a  nenoranduj:  directed  -t  the  "broader'  cuestion  of  --hether  code  au- 
thorities -rere  pi,i"blic  officers,  Legd  :ieso.:rch  concluded  th't  they  -^ere 
not  (72).   Code  authority  nenoe-^s  --ere  not  "officers  of  tlie  United  Stat- 
es" vrithin  the  leaning  of  Article  II,  Section  2  of  the  Constit-dtion, 
•i^hich  vests  the  appointnent  01  such  officers  in  the  President,  in  the 
courts  of  la-r,  or  the  departnentpl  heads  (73).   Neither  -'ere  code  author- 
ities created  "oy  legislation  {'(h)    or  properly  delegated  legislation  look- 
ing to  their  e::istence  (75).   I'levertheless,  nany  of  the  po^^ers  e::ercised 
"by  code  authorities  -ere  in  the  nrtare  of  sovereign  fv.nctions  properljr 
assigna"'ole  to  r,  rn'olic  officer  (76).   A  mhlic  oi^^ficer  -lust  "'oe  account- 
a,hle  to  the  govern:-.ient  (77).   Code  authorities  in  the  early  days  of  rifA 
'--ere  seen  rs  pprts  o""  indu^tr-  rnd  accountr.'ile  to  inc'ustry,  'out  as  ti::e 
■•ent  on  irA.  "oegr.n  to  iiold  then  to  ;.iore  strict  account'.jility.   As  in 
the  discussion  of  privrte  persons  exercising  governnental  functions, 
this  discussion  of  ;Du"'Dlic  of\"icers  hr.s  offered  no  final  ans-er.   Code 
autiiorities  do  not  see:i  to  nave  the  legal  strtus  of  puhlic  of:':icers 
yet  they  exercise  the  legrl  functions  of  nuhlic  of:"icer5. 

The  h'lPA  --as  intended  to  encourage  cooperative  rction  on  the  part 
of  "business  (7o).   Tuen  fimctions  of  greater  public  ciiaracter  than  pure- 
1"/  internal  planning  --ere  given  to  a  coc^.e  au.thority,  it  -'as  a  great 
tenptction  uron  r.   coj.roetitor  to  r'  t>e  :.o-:'er  given  :iin  r,s  p.  nenher 
of  r  code  aut'norit;-,  rnt".  even  if  tlie  po"er  -'ere  not  a'ro.sed,  cMstri-ist  arose 
fron  the  acces"  of  a  conpetitor  to  confidential  infornation  axd  fron  his 
position  to  finally  decide  irrr-ortrnt  natters  vitally  af-ecting  his  con- 
petitor  (79).   The  General  Co-ansel  of  ::.:.-:..^.  ,  in  his  oral  argument  "before 
the  Suorerae  Court  in  the  Schecter  Crse  did  not  recognize  this  prohlen  of 
interest^.   He  ashed,  "That  coulf.  "oe   a  fairer  st,-ndrrd  than  that  adopted 
"by  those  ""no  inpose  it  upon  thensclves?"   (EO).   It  has  long  heen  recog- 
nized thr.t  interested  persons  nay  not  al" -ays  legislate  reasona'oly  (Si) 
Particularly,  in  the  field  of  price  and  cost  provisions  -jaz    it  possi"ble 
for  the  ele;.ient  of  personal  and  class  interest  to  influence  code  axithor- 
ity  s,c"'J.linistr^.tion.  These  provisions  -ere  often  adiinistercd  against 
those  '.7iio  nere  thought  to  oe  "out  of  line."  Pressure  ■-as  'orought  to  "bea-r 
that  there  -ould  'oe   c::e.-iination  0:^  their  'Oooks,  prosecution,  and  other 
unpleasantness  (S2).  The  po-ers  assuned  over  nany  fields  hy  the  code  au- 
thorities in  nahing  "con  lercial  resolutions"  reflect  the  interest  of  the 
code  authorit-  nen^bers.   These  rules  v/ere  often  nade  to  effect  resvilts 


that  could  not  be  achieved  b?/  code  provisions  (S3).      Code  authorities 
'jere  not  alvrays  the  most   desirr.ole  a£;ancies  for  the  handling  of   statistics, 
reports,    and  confidential   inforiio.tion.     An  interested  competitor  on  the 
code  authority'"  often  nould  hecome  informed  of  vital  and  secret   details  of 
his  competitor's  "business   (84).     Just  as  important,    "but  of  an  opposite 
character,    x:a.s  the   refusal   of  code  atxthorities  to  publish  price  lists,    or 
dela;^  "b;-  the  code  authority'-  in  pu'blishing  them  "because  it  felt  prices 
were   too   lou   (35).      The  po'.'er  to   collect    statistics  often  "becaino      the  "basis 
for  a  general   "fishing  ercpedition"  v.hich  r/ould  never  have  "been   sa.nctioned  "by 
the  courts   (85).      Lil:e   difficulties  were  louncl   in  trade  practice   complaints 
committees  that  often  assiuned  investi-xator^^  or  jtid.icial  functions  rather 
than  mediator3'  ones   (87). 

The  Ice  Industry-  presents,    for  a  period  of  time,    the  beautiful   spectacle 
of  interested  members  of   industrj^  ruling  upon  the  bringing  of  nev;  additional 
capacity  into   the  indu'itr^'-   (80).      It   can  hardly  be   expected  that  an  industr^r 
member  "culd  welcome  a  competitor  with  outstretched  arms   (89).      Tne   diffi- 
culty is   so   obvious  that  as  one  ccai  v"ell   expect  it  became  the  target  for 
columni:vi;p   opposed  to   the  Acijiiini  strati  on   (90).      The  force  of  industr]^  inter- 
ests uion  the   code  authority  "'as  quite   apparent   in  this  industry.      In  a 
letter  "ritten   to    "All  Regional  Advisors   and  Coiiunittees  of  Arbitration  and 
Appeal,"  April   27,    1935,    the  Code  Authority  Chjirnan    stated  that   the 
National   Industrial  Recovery  Board  had  agreed  to  Sot   disturb  Article   II    (91), 
despite  the  fact  that  a  new  procedure  ^-'as  almost  immediately'-  authorized 
r/hich  hed  the   effect   of   destroying  much  of   the  value   of  this  article   to 
the  Indus tr3^   (91a). 

Code  authorities  as  private  inte-.-ested  agencies  had  man;-  deficiencies 
both  as  instrdraents  administering  public   le.v'  and  as   industrial  agencies 
(92).      TJhat    effect  had  this  matter  of   interest  u^Don  the   legal  position  of 
code  authorities?      It   is  a  ;7e"i.l-:-;no''n  naxim  of  lav?   that    "no  man   sliall  be 
a  judge   in  his  onn  cause."    (91)    Interest   disqualifies  a  judge   (94).      Pecun- 
ia.rj'-  interests  are  particularly  fror/ned  uoon.      ilo  matter  ho'J   small   the  pe- 
cuniar-'-  interest,    it   disqualifies.      Other  interests  must  be  more   substan- 
tial   (95).      English  laA?  has  logicallj^  extended  this   rule  as  to  judges   to 
administrative  officers   (96).      And  although  cases  have  not  been  found  doing 
this  in   the  "United  States,    there   can  be    seen  no   reason  vrhy  it   is  not  a 
proper   "due  process  of  lav?"   reqiiirement.      It  is  considered  as  one  of  the 
foremost  principles  of  natural  jxistice  in  England  (97),   and  the  verjr  lack 
of  cases  in  this  coixntry  must   testify  to   its  acceptance  here.      There  are 
State   cases   sabring  that  a  grant   of  power  without   responsibilitjr  to   the 
government   can  not  be  made   to  a  public  official   (98).      The  difficult:^  of 
recovering  for  the  malfea.sance  of  an  ad-mini strr.tive  officer  in  this  coun- 
try is   so  \7ell  hnonn,    that  leading  schol^.rs  have  long  urged  the  ab?,ndl:ment 
of  Dicej'-'s   "rvle  of  la-a"   in  favor  of  a  modified  droit  administratif .    If  an 
adjninistrative   officer  using  discretion   is  only  to   be   liable  for  malicioixs 
negligence   or  Trilful   disregaird'  of   the   rights  of  others   (99),    the   danger 
of   trusting   this  immnnity   to  an  interested  person  is   tremendous. 

Briefly   stated  the   legal  position  of   code  autiiorities  ^/as  open   to 
serious  questions.     Admittedly,    they  ^-.'ere  of  a  private  character  com;oosed 
of  privr.te  functions  yet    they  rrere   endowed  with  many  -niiblic  functions. 
The  ;5recedents  are  feu,    but   such  as  they  are  tliey  did  not  indicate   that 
private  agencies  could  administer  public  law.      In  every  case  where   the 
facts  involved  such  a  problem  the   Supreme   Court  had  ignored  the   ouestion, 



The  most  lof:ica.l  ansver  seems  to  be  tuo.t  private  a.v;encies  are  probablj'- 
adaptable  legal  means  for  the  a.djainistra.tion  of  minor  rei3,-iilations,  the 
cliaracter  of  v'hich  cotLld  not  be  open  to  serious  pub].ic  dispute  such  as 
hu-nai^e  activities,  and  for  the  handling  of  purely  internal  affairs  of  au 
indiistr;-  resting  on  the  uoe  of  experts  and  likewise  involving  no  questions 
of  disputable  social  or  econonic  policy.   The  anomaly  continues  when  it  is 
discovered  that  there  are  certoln  technical  legal  requirements  eittached  to 
the  position  of  public  officers  or  agencies  which  the  code  aut'iorities  did 
not  fu3.fill.   Coupled  v;ith  their  private  chars.cter,  which  might  have  been 
cured,  i/as  the  irremedlal  interested  character  of  code  authorities.  Although 
recognising  in  certain  instances  that  the  interep.ted  cha,racter  of  code 
a^ithorities  might  disqualify  them  in  making  certain  decisions,  the  H.H.A. 
Legal  Divirdon  v/as  content  to  scratch  th  2  surface  and  call  code  authorities 
sui  ^•eneris,as  if  this  esp].ained  their  legal  status.  (lOO)   The  same 
ap-oropch  indicrtcd  in  the  field  of  the  scheme  ■'Jinderlying  JM.R.A.  has  been 
taken  here  (lOl).   Tlie  code  authority  instiument  has  not  been  condemned 
as  nen.   In  many  respects  it  was  useful,  but  its  disabilities  outweighed  the 
advojntages  it  offered.   It  murt  be  concluded  that  code  authorities  as  known 
to  IIHA,  and  with  the  e?:ce■^tion  of  a  fe\.'  minor  f-jjictions  of  the  type  previous- 
ly'- conducted  by  trade  associations  legally,  existed  without  the  sanction  of 

It  may  have  been  possible  by   a  gradual  evolution  to  have  developed 
private  agencies  in  this  countrj.^  to  take  on  more  functions  of  a  public 
character  and  handle  th.em  in  an  efficient  manner.   This  vjould  have  required 
slow  development  to  educate  both  the  private  agencies  and  the  courts  to  the 
use  and  value  of  these  new  f^mctions.   But  i:3A  allowed  for  no  such  orderl,y 
deveio-iDnent .   The  problem  was  placed  blusteriiigly  before  the  public  and  the 
coiu'ts  in  a  shot  space  of  lef5s  than  tvfo  .j^-ears.  It  came  before  both  these 
critics  in  its  worst  light.   "Industr"'-  self-government"  at  first  meant  abdi- 
cation to  code  authorities  (102).  As  doubts  were  expressed  as  to  the  pro- 
-ririety   of  unsupervised  code  autliorities,  efforts  were  made  by   i'HA  to  more 
carefully  and  closely  control  these  agencies  (105).   Code  authorities  were 
being  treated  as  having  a  public  responsibility  shortly  before  the 
Schechter  decision  (104).   In  this  decision  the  court  did  not  speak  about 
other  than  the  legislative  f"LUictions  which  inc'ustry  attempted  to  exercise, 
but  it  did  spealc  about  these  in  uninistalcable  terns: 

"The  Government  ui-ges  that  the  codes  will  'consist  of  rjJes  of 
competition  6.eemed  fair  for  ea^cli  industry'-  by   representative  mem- 
bers of  that  industrj^  —  b-''-  the  -oersons  most  vitaJl^^  concerned  and 
most  fcjniliar  with  its  TJroblems.'   Instances  are  cited  in  which  Con- 
gress has  availed  itself  of  such  a-ssistance;  a.s  e.g.,  in  the  exercise 
of  its  authorit"  over  tae  public  domain,  with  respect  to  the  recogni- 
tion of  local  customs  of  rules  of  miners  as  to  mining  cladms,  or,  in 
ma.tters  of  a  more  or  less  tecimical  na.ture,  a.s  in  designating  the 
stE,nda,rd  height  of  dravjbars.   But  vrould  it  be  serio\isly  contended 
that  Congress  could  de].ega,te  its  legislative  a.u.thority  to  or 
industrial  associations  or  grou-ns  be  constituted  legislative  bodies 
for  that  purpose  because  such  associations  or  grouos  are  familiar 
with  the  problems  of  their  enterprises?  And,  co\ild  an  effort  of 
that  sort  be  made  valid  bj'-  such  a  preface  of  generalities  as  to 
permissible  aims  as  we  find  in  section  1  of  title  I?   The  answer  is 
obvious.   S-ach  a  delegation  of  legislative  power  is  -anlaiown  to  our 
law  -a.nd  is  utterly  inconsistent  with  the  constitutional  prerogatives 
and  duties  of  Congress."  (105) 


A  similar  abdication  by  the  President  of  his  administrative  duties  in  en- 
forcing and  a,dmini storing  codes  could  hardly  been  treated  more  gently 
had  the  court  taZ:en  u?  the  point. 

TThat  standards  v/ere  set  up  to  guide  the  code  authorities  in  the  per- 
formance of  their  administrative  functions?  Certainly  the  standards  set 
up  by  Congress  in  the  HIRA  should  have  continued  to  govern  in  anjr  event 
(106).   It  is  impossible  in  legal  contempla-tion  for  an  administration  in 
the  United  States  to  go  contrary  to  the  e:q-)recsed  standards  o.f  a  statute  it 
is  administering  as  has  been  thought  possible  in  under  the  "Henrj'^ 
VIII  clauses."  (107)   The  same  criticism  of  the  standards  of  the  I'lIlA.  in 
relation  to  the  JITA  apply  to  the  Act's  relation  to  code  authorities.  As 
a  further  step  it  might  reasonably  be  concluded,  that  standards  for  the  ad- 
ministration of  law  Dy  code  authorities  must  be  mucb.  more  precise  and  de- 
tailed, and  thr.t  they  should  leave  to  the  code  authority  no  room  for  exer- 
cising polic;'-  power,   'This  is  merely  another  v/ay  of  saying  code  authorities, 
not  being  public  rgencies,  should  not  exercise  public  powers  of  discretion. 

It  \7oiald  seem  perfectly  proper  that  the  J^RA  in  some  instances. .  set  up 
standards  for  the  exercise  of  code  av.thority  problems.   In  fact  it  would 
seem  highly  desirable  had  such  a  course  been  pursued.  (108)   This  leads 
aga,in  to  the  same  point  that  the  most  rigorous  standards  would  have  been 
the  best  practice.   This  is  not  to  suggest  that  high  quality  stand.ards 
either  'by   Congress  or  the  Administration  could,  have  cured  the  inlierent  in- 
adequ.acies  of  the  code  authority  instrument.   Such  norms  as  were  created 
should,  have  been  in  harmony  with  and  furtherance  of  those  stp-ted  in  the 

l'?A' s  practice  did  not  accord,  with  these  suggestions.   Frequently, 
sheer  power  was  redelegated  withotit  the  slightest  attempt  upon  the  part 
of  the  Administre^tipn  to  guide,  the  channels  of  its  use  (109).  Power  was 
given  to  establish  accounting  systems  (llO),  to  make  allowances  for  trade- 
ins  (3.11),  to  change  the  period  to  elapse  betv/een  the  filing  and  effective 
datesof  price  lists  (112),  esta.blish  the  maximum  periods  of  free  credit 
(113),  and  fix  the  amount  of  liquidated  damage  assessments  (114).   This 
list  is  fa.r  from  exhaustive  and  was  found  r.s   the  result  of  the  most  cursory 
'examination  of  several  .volunes  of  codes.   The  sta-ndards  set  for  compliance 
activity  by  the  code  authority'-  or  t^ie  courts  under  the  enforcement  proce- 
dure were  no  different,  in  manj^  instances  (115).   The  greatest  standard  for 
code  authority  exercise  of  po'./er  was  the  vote  of  such  a  body  (116).   The 
pov/er  reserved  by  the  Administ raptor  to  approve  or  disapprove  code  authority 
action  (117)  could  not  be  called  a,  gtand.ard,  although  some  might  a.rgue  that 
such  a  device  cured  the  lack  of  standards.   The  value  of  this  argument  can 
not  be  conceded  when  such  checl:s  often  served  as  a.  mere  formal  control. 

7.'hen  standards  were  set  up  by  ITHA  they  were  often  in  such  broad  language 
that  thoy  v.'cre  wholly  inadequate  as  norms.   Code  authorities  were  given  the 
power  to  "compute  the  lowest  reasonable  cost  of  production  on  a  fair  basis," 
(118)  to  provide  rules  to  distingtiish  certain  class  garments  using  wholesale 
prices  of  about  a  certain  date  as  a  guide,  (119)  to  exercise  \inchecked  pov/er 
after  finding  certain  circumstances  to  exist  (120),  a.nd  to  require  price 
lists  to  be  filed  if  it  found  that  "the  generally  recognized  practice"  of 
the  Industry  had  been  "to  sell  on  the  basis  of  printed  net  price  lists"  (121). 
These  also  were  found  as  the  result  of  a  hasty  glance  at  a  few  codes,  NBA 



adopted  standards  set  up  or  to  be  set  up  "by  private  agencies  (l22)  or  "b^'- 
other  governmental  agencies  over  which  it  had  no  control  (123).   ilo  matter 
how  reputable  the  agency,  it  does  not  seem  proper  for  ilEA  to  have  sanctioned 
that  which  it  had  not  yet  seen,  and  which  may  he  made  without  any  reference 
to  the  purposes  of  the  Act.  Even  where  standardr  alrer.d;^'-  set  up  were  adopted 
a  full  consideration  of  their  substantive  effect  should  hcve  been  had. 

The  standards  problem  as  related' to  code  authorities  presented  to  the 
courts  was  just  one  step  more  removed  than  they  had  ever  been  called  upon 
to  consider  theretofore.   iIRA,  just  as  a  legislature  might  act,  but  without 
even  the  qualifications  demanded  of  legislatures,  said  we  recognize  a  policy 
of  price-fixing  to  be  desirable  (124).   For  peculiar  reasons  of  their  own 
this  was  forbidden.  Even  had  it  been  proper  for  a  legislature,  IHIA,  the 
administrative  body,  had  forsworn  its  traditional  role  of  filling  in  the 
details  of  legislative  polic;^,  and  had  assujned  the  policy  making  power  of 
the  legislature.   Even  had  this  escaped  the  courts'  cordennation  there  was 
yet  the  question  of  standards  to  govern  the  code  authorities  which  assumed 
the  administrative  functions  as  well  as  legislative  functions  too.   It  was 
the  existence  of  this  situation,  where  the  administrative  agenc3;-( IIBA)  had 
ceased  to  function  as  such  and  had  given  over  its  proper  functions,  his- 
torically, to  agencies  of  questionable  stajiding  that  caused  the  Supreme 
Court  for  the  first  time  to  give  such  serious  considerr.tion  to  the  problem 
of  delegation  of  power  in  the  Panama  Refining  Case  (125). 

In  considering  the  pow.ers  exercised  b;r  code  authorities  no  useful 
purpose  would  be  served  here  by  an  attempt  a,t  extended  analysis  a<'d  class- 
ification (126).   Rather  it  is  more  productive  to  siirvey  the  genjjral 
character  of  the  powers  granted  with  a  view  to  the  public  or  private  ad- 
ministrative character  based  upon  the  tests  already  suggested. 

The  power  to  require  assessments  has  been  considered.  Exercised  by 
ITM  without  statutory'-  specification  it  was  questionable.   In  the  hands  of 
code  authorities  the  problem  isintensif ied.  Assuming  that  the  delegation 
had  been  cured  it  would  not  seem  proper  to  allow  private  intere^sted  persons 
to  enter  into  even  the  mechanics  of  assessment  administration.   The  relation 
to  the  ta:xing  power  is  too  obvious.   Certainly,,  fixing  of  the  basis  of 
assessment  is  a  public  question,  which  was  not  ha.ndled  as  such  merely  because 
ilM  had  to  pass  upon  what  industrjr  proposed.   The  possibility  of  "putting 
something  over"  was  alwajz-s  too  great.   Then  too,  the  psycholog;/  was  to 
treat  the  recommendations  of  industry  as  nrima  facie   correct.   Tot  that 
this  was  not  true  in  the  great  mass  of  instances.   3\it  there  v;as  no 
guarantee  that  the  viewpoint  of  objectives  between  industry  SJid  government 
were  the  same.  Even  where  the  industry's  function  was  to  collect  statistics 
as  to  production  u-oon  which  to  base  assessments  there  would  seem  to  be 
more  desirable  agencies  such  as  the  Census  Bureau. 

A  number  of  different  kinds  of  powers  to  carry  on  investigations  can 
be  found  in  the  codes.   The  provision  most  favorably  viewed  by  IIRA  allowed 
members'  records  to  be  inspected  by  agreement  (127).   The  fact  that  mem- 
bers agreed  to  lay,  their  books  open  may  have  cured  the  public  aspect  of 
the  problem.   However,  it  may  well  be  that  when  members  so  agreed  it  vms 
with  the  feeling  that  these  records  were  to  be  inspected  and  used  as  govern- 
mental information  and  that  this  was  not  raerel.y  an  exchange  of  trade  in- 
formation.  By  far  the  greater  number  of  codes,  hov/ever,  carried,  broad 
po\7ers  "to  investigate"  (128).   Related  to  such  provisions  were  others  giv- 
ing specific  power  to  code  authorities  to  inspect  the  records  of  members  (129) 

or  giving  that  poner  to  a  confidential  agent  (130)»   Tlie  "oovrer  of  investi- 
gating records  has  alvrays  been  looked  upon  "by   our  courts  as  "being  close  to 
the  border  line  which  separates  public  from  private  interests.   Such  in- 
vestiga-tions  siiould  properly  "be  conducted  nith  specific  gcvarnmental  -pur- 
poses in  mind  and,  as  the  courts  have  said,  should  not  "be  resorted  to  as 
mere  "fishing  ex^Deditions"  (l3l)  .  As  has  "been  loointed  out,  the  "confiden- 
tial rgent"  provision  did  not  alv.'ays  keep  the  information  gained,  'bj   the 
investigation  from  iiiterested  competitors.  The   -oo'.ver  of  securing  confiden- 
tial informrtion  seems  govermnental  Ity   nature.'  It  seems  extremely  qaestion- 
able  to  alio'-'  its  exercise  "by  code  authorities,  their  agents,  or  anyone 
who  'Tould  allow  competitors  access  to  isrivate  records. 

Pov/ers  r/ere  given  to  code  authorities  to  "bind  their  respective  industries 
by  proposed  amendments  for  r.'hich  no  public  hearing  Xras   required  (132),  Al- 
though it  '.'agnecessar;/-  to  have  approval  of  the  President  or  his  properlj/- 
authorised  representative,  the  effect  of  these  'orovisions  'vas  to  give  great 
legislative  and  representative  power  to  the  code  authorities.   It  nay  be 
necessary'"  to  allov.'  a  v/ell  organized  group  to  speak  for  disorganized  industry'-, 
but  this  sliould  involve  no  more  than  the  right  of  petition  and  sliould  not  be 
trea.ted  as  binding  upon  either  the  government  or  the  industry  imtil  resort 
ha.s  "been  had  to  an  adequp.te  public  procedure. 

In  the  field  of  uniform  cost  systems  code  authorities  were  allo'.7ed  to 
impose  formulae  upon  their  rc-zpective  industries  (133).   There  were,  of 
course,  other  rel£i,ted  t;^^?©^  of  provisions  with  varying  sliades  of  authority, 
but  it  is  sufficient  here  to  joint  otit  that  powers  of  a  public  character 
were  being  exercised  by  an  sgenc^''  composed  of  interested  persons.   "Uniform 
cost  s'"stems  bear  a  ver^r   definite  relationship  to  price  and  price  control. 
As  s^ich,  they  are  delicate  devices  and  if  exercised  by  a  public  agenc3'- 
would  be  subject  to  the  most  careful  control  bjr  the  courts.   In  fact,  such 
provisions  have  often  been  held  ''ce.&  per  se.  It  can  be  seen  that  in  the 
hands. of  a   code  authority  the  courts  would  probo-bl^r  treat  such  provisions 
as  improper.   Classification  of  customers  is  of  a  similar  character.   Code 
authorities  were  allowed  in  some  instances  to  impose  upon  their  industries 
mandatory  classific  >tions  (134).   The  courts  in  the  past  have  treated 
claOcification  of  customers,  as  a  matter  of  agreement,  as  being  undesirrble. 
It  might  be  that  the  courts  would  accede  to  a  legislative  judgment  that 
customer  classification  was  needed,  but  it  is  dotibtful  that  they  wou].d  allow 
the  same  people  who  as  members  of  associations  illegallj'-  classified 
their  customers  to  do  this  as  code  authorities.   The  effect  both  of  uiiiform 
cost  systems  and  customer  class  fication  may  be  of  serious  econo:iic  consGru.cnc' 
Such  power  therefore  should  only  be  exercised  by  public  agencibs  ana  not  by 
private  or  quasi-private  ones.  The  collection  and  disbursement  of  liqiii- 
dated  damage  assessments  has  generally  been  held  improper  as  a  matter  of 
trade  association  activity.  As  a  means  of  enforcing  law  (135)  such  devices 
should,  of  course,  have  a  legislative  basis.  Further  than  that,  the  ackiiin- 
istration  of  such  provisions  is  so  easil3^  open  to  abuse  it  would  seem  )roper 
that  it  be  performed  by  public  agencies  only. 

To  ''"•id  in  the  administration  of  the  codes,  code  aiithorities  were  given 
the  power  to  designate  self-governing  divisions  (136),  cjid  to  determine  trade 
areas  or  zones  of  activit5'-  (137).   Such  power  was  merely  incidental  to  ques- 
tions of  a  substantive  nature.   It  would  seem  that  as  long  as  code  authority 
activities  \/ere  confined  purel^r  to  legal  trade  association  activities  and  to 
ajiy  other  functions  which  might  properly  be  perfoiiroed  b^^  interested  members 
of  industr;'-  for  their  industrj^,  that  such  pov;ers  \7ould  be  proper,  V/liere  the 
effect  of  designating  such  divisions  or  trade  areas  might  have  a  profound 
9838         ■  • 


economic  or  social  effect,  it  woiild  seem  improper  to  give  this  pov.'er  into 
the  hands  of  code  authorities. 

It  r.-as  quite  com'-non  to  allou  code  authorities  the  a^dnistrative  power 
of  granting  exceptions  or  exemptions.   This  vras  true  in  the  ca-.e  of  distress 
merchandise  (138),  consignment  of  goods  (139),  the  operation  of  price  (140), 
hours  (141),  rage  (142)  or  peak  period  (143)  and  rest  -day  lahor  (144) 
provisions.   Here,  likewise,"  the  test  must  "be  the  character  of  the  provision 
to  nhich  the  exceptions  or  exemptions  vrere  granted.  'Jhere  the  effect  of 
such  provisions  and  their  adiiiini  strati  on  r?as  felt  beyond  the  immediate 
bounds  of  the  indvistr;'-,  it  would  seem  imprcrpcr  for  a  code  authority  to 
exercise  such   powers.   In  the  administration  of  most  of  the  provisions  of 
this  l:ind  the  social  and  economic  interests  of  tSe  public  would  seem  to  be 
such  as  to  require  public  administration. 

Code  authorities  were  given  power  of  a  Judicial  nature  (145),.  and  in 
a  great  number  of  instances  v/ere  given  the  power  to  hear  and  decide  com- 
plaints withotit  referring  them  to  ITBA   (146).   It  might  be  urged  that  fre* 
quently  the  power  to  act  Judicially  was  given  only  where  the  members  of 
industr;-  involved  agreed  to  the  resiilts  of  the  code  authority  action.   It 
must  be  remembered  that  such  agreements  and  compromises  affected  property 
interest  Just  as  substantially  as  if  the  members  of  industry  had  followed 
the  procedure  of  appeal.   To  the  members  of  industry  dealing  with  code 
authorities  they  were  faced  by  an  agjencj'-  backed  with  the  sanction  of  the 
lav;.   Further  than  that,  it  was  known  that  the  recommendations  of  the  code 
authority  would  carry  great  persuasive  weight  with  the  Adiaini  strati  on.   Often 
members  of  industr^^  agreed  to  settle  the  matter  with  the  code  authority  rather. 
than  go  to  the  expense  of  pursuing  it  further.  The  very  power  to  such 
inconvenience  and  expense  to  a  member  of  the  industry  gave  to  the  code  au- 
thority the  exercise  of  powers  public  in  character.   Such  power  of  arbitra- 
tion, mediation  and  exrc.rd.   as  we.s  desirable  in  the  administration  of  the  .TU. 
should  hrve  been  exercis-3d  by  responsible  public  officers.   Code  authorities 
were  also  given  the  power  to  incorporate  (147).   '.Then  this  is  treated  as 
purely  an  a.dministrative  adjuiict  to  the  carrjring.on  of  its  general  po^-^ers, 
it  seems  perfectly  proper.   It  cajinot  be  said  that  the  incorporrtion  is 
inconsistent  with  the  nature  of  a  public  agencj^for  numerous  examples  of 
incorporated  public  agencies  are  found  in  our  governmental  system.   Such 
r^encies  as  a  railway  or  a  financial  loan  institution  engage  in  business 
functions  and  do  not  adjuinister  law  in  the  sense  that  IIIIA  did.   Tlierefore, 
the  power  to  incorporate  wou3.d  seem  inconsistent  with  the  public  functions 
exercised  by  code  ai\thorities. 

The  imposition  unor.   code  authorities  of  a  duty  to  make  recommenda-tions 
on  specific  problems  does  not  seem  objectionable  (148).  As  has  been  sU'^ges'U&d, 
the  right  of  petition  in  this  country  is  well  founded,  and  it  would  seem  -" 
im-oossible  to  prevent  anj''. group  of  interested  priv£.te  persons  from  petitioning 
the  government  or  a  goveriimental  agency  for  Certain  action.  Merely  because 
this  is  stated  in  the  mandatory  form  of  a  duty  imposed  u;'Don  this  group  would 
not  seem  objectionable  from  the  public  viewpoint.   The  only   issue  that  could 
be  made  would  be  if  the  code  authority  itself  refused  to  accept  the  duty. 
There  is  little  need  to  consider  this  angle  because  the  problem  would  never 
have  been  raised. 

Tlie  extreme  number  and  importance  of  powers  granted  to  code  authorities 



becajne   otvious  in  a   short   time.      Various^  checks  vrere   resorted  to.      Action 
'hi'-  code  E.uthorities  vras   required  to    be    submitted  to   the  Administrator  for 
a-yproval,    or   the  Administrator  r/as  given  the  pcTer  to   disa:oprove   (149).      This 
latter  poner  meant  nothing  heyond  a  formal  expression  of  the  power  r--' 
superior  keeps  over  a  subordinate,   unless  the  code  ?,uthorities  are  looked 
upon  as  coordinate  agencies  of  equal    status  to  the  Administrcition,    because 
of  the  President's  approval   of   the  codes   chartering   them.      It   can  be   reason- 
ablj'-  assumed  that   the  President  never  intended  this.      Even  the  positive 
reqtiirement   of   the  Administrator's  airproval  v/as  no   cure  all.      It  is   doubtful 
if  it  'forked  anj'-  improvement   ericept  upon  assumptions  of  pov/er  patently  bad. 
Here  the  reading  by  an  NRA  official  v.'as  a  helpfvil   check.     In  other  instances 
TThere  information  v;as  necessarj^  to  e>:plain  the  proposed  action  of  the  code 
atithority  this  was  furnished  almost  invariablj^  by  the  code  authority?-.      Coupl- 
ed with  the  psychology  of  industrial    self-government   it  cpji  readily  be   seen 
approval  ''oy  the  Administrator,    no  matter  hov/  conscientous  he  might  have 
been,    became,    as  a  resul.t   of  the  precsure  of  circumstances,    a  mere  formality. 

Dominance  of  trade  associations  likevfise  presented  a  problem  demanding 
control.  The  res^'olt  was  requirements  for  representation  by  non-association 
members    (150).      But   organized  trade  minorities  did  not  allow  this   to   thwart  ( 

them.      The  picture   resulting  \7as  mucli   like   the  Biblical    stor:?-  of   the  hairs'- 
hands  of  Esau.      Hepresentative   ch:;r:  cter   did  not    solve   the  baffling  question 
presented  by   the  lab^^rinth  of  organizations  and  divisions  found  in   some 
industries   (151).      The  problem  was  responsibilit3^.      As   in  all  gover:nmental 
and  'oolitical    stru.ctures   responsibilitsr  is  of  extreme   importance,    so  v/as 
it   in  the   control  of   code   authorities.      Aside  from   the   s"iioradic   requirement  / 

of   re-iorts,    the    "adjninistra.tion  members"   on  code  authorities  presented  the  ' 

agencj'-  potentially  best  able  to  check  excess  and  abuse  of  power  by  code 
authorities    (152).      Prom  the  first   it  that   these  representatives  as 
a  whole  would  never  exercise  a.ny  important   control.      Almost  all  of   the  first 
ninet;-  ap'oointed  -fere  lulA  deputy  ad-iinistrators  Vfho  ''ere  far  too  busy  making      / 
codes  to   check  on  their  administration  (153).      Tlii s  was  remedied  "by  appointingV 
full  or  part   time  administration  members  later,    but  ITEA  never  capitalized  on 
the    Dossibility  of   this   device.      The   individual  members  ustiall.y  fouiid  it 
easier  to  float  v/ith  the  current,    and  in  absence  of   strong  backing  one.  pre- 
cise  instru-ctions  from  iJHA  it  was  easier   to  accede   to   industry'-' s  plans  and  a 
draw  their  pay  from  the  government.      This   does  not  mean  that   individuals  did        * 
not  render  valua,ble  public   service,    but   rather  rs  a  group  IIRA  never   sought   to 
malte   them  a.  strong  effective  instrument   of   control,    although   steps  in   this 
direction  were  being   taken  at   the   time   the   codes   died   (154). 

The   redelegations  made   to   the   code  authorities  were  '.-/ithout   the    soJic- 
tion  of   statute.     It  is  doubtful  if  a  statute  would  have  cured  the    "due 
process"   difficalty  found  in  using  privrte  interested  persons  to  administer 
law  'With  a  public  chare  cter.      The  powers  granted  and   the   standrrds  for 
their  exercise  v/ere   such   that   code  authorities  appear   to  have  been  an 
extremely  questiono.ble  governmental   device  legally. 



F  A  H  T        IV 





The  desire  of  administr?.,tion  to  escpoe  the  "broad  review"  of  the  courts 
is  more  than  a  selfish  desire  for  power.   New  administrations  are  not  created 
to  employ  people.   They  are  created  to  administer  an  idea  or  a  numljer  of 
them.   "Broad  review"  may  take  the  guie-e  of  shaping  a  positive  course  of 
action.   Too  often,  the  premium  is  placed  upon  maintenance  of  the  status 
quo,  no  matter  what  the  demands  of  society.   It  is  this  last  aspect  of 
"broad  review"  that  administration  desires  to  avoid. 

No  matter  ;vhat  lofty  statements  the  courts  malce  of  detached  interest 
in  the  law  alone  the  courts  are  vitally  interested  in  the  conduct  of  any 
administration  both  internally  and  externally.   This  interest  has  been 
such  a  drag  upon  the  development  of  needed  fovernmental  forms  and  methods 
(1)  that  legislatures  have  been  led  to  try  to  avoid  too  great  judicial 
control  (2). 

Viewing  the  NIHA  before  ;  administration  of  the  Act  was  had,  it 
was  not  unreasonable  to  say  in  the  light  of  the  cases  that  it  v:ould  be 
held  constitutional.   True,  to  say  this  one  had  to  go  one  step  beyond  the 
cases.   Many  authorities  felt  that  tiiis  one  step  ':vas  the  next  one  to  be 
taken  and  a  ressona'ble  one.  Administrative  action  was  gaining  a  stronger 
hold  upon  the  courts.  The  commerce  po'.ver  had  been  subject  to  extensions. 
The  "stream"  theory  had  swept  aside  the  narrow  Suger  Trust  case  (3).   And 
the  Supreme  Coui't  shov;ed  a  strong  disposition  to  relax  the  anti- trust 
laws,  with  its  refreshing  opinion  in  the  Appalachian  Coals  case  (4). 
Economic  unrest  lay  heavily  upon  the  country,  and  the  courts  seemed  re- 
luctant to  block  action  rea.sonably  designed  to  alleviate  conditions. 

Two  attitudes  upon  the  part  of  the  Supreme  Court  ruined  the  predic- 
tions of  legal  scholars.  One  was  the  misgivings  about  greatly  increased 
federal  authority,  and  the  other  was  a  feeling  that  executive  power  had 
grown  too  strong.  With  the  a.dditional  problems  that  a  new  federal  ad- 
ministration sought  to  cope,  it  was  impossible  to  avoid  all  appearances 
that  might  lead  to  the  com-t  developing  the  attitudes  mentioned.  A 
conscious  regard  for  the  views  of  the  courts  might  have  gone  far  to  pre- 
clude too  hostile  judicial  treatment,  &ood  administration,  full  procedural 
safeguards,  and  completely  reasoned  action  "^ased  upon  the  best  evidence 
obtainable  might  have  aided  greatly.   It  is  not  possible  that  stories  of 
the  haste  in,  and  the  injustice  resulting  from,  the  administration  of  NEA 
did  not  reach  the  ears  of  the  justices.   If  these  stories  had  been  different, 
the  court  might  have  been  more  prone  to  consider  iJEA  a  na-tional  need.   In- 
stead vie  have  such  cases  as  the  Schechter  case  (5)  limiting  federal  power, 
and  the  Panama  (6)  Hum-phreys  (7)  cases  limiting  ad;.unistrative  and  executive 

A  possible  explanation  of  the  Schechter  case  may  lie  in  legislative 
and  administrative  approach.   If  action  had  been  cexeful  and  reasoned  the 
possibilities  of  being  sustained  would  have  been  much  higher.   It  is 
not  meant  to  suggest  the.t  this  alone  would  caused  a  different  de- 
cision.  It  would  have  afforded  the  court  a  much  better  basis  upon  which 



to  decided  otherwise,   For  instance,  if  an  overwhelming  record 
is  ^^roduced  to  show  the  direct  and  vital  relationship  of  snj   problera  to 
interstate  commerce,  the  court  --ould  be  more  hard  put  than  they  were  in 
the  Sche enter  case  to  say  this  is  not  such  interstate  commerce  as  t o 
be  -ithin  the  power  of  the  federal  government.   It  would  be  b etter,also, 
to  ."lave  the  court  aioproach  the  problem  with  a  viarih  feeling  of  commerv' 
dation  for  the  excellent  administration  of  the  agency  than  to  beun-- 
\7ittin3ly  prejudiced  by  kno\7led,2e  of  an  unjust  conduct  of  its  affairs. 




iiore  then  the  practical  consideration  of  escaping  "troad  review" 
is  involved.   There  must  be  a  pride  developed  within  adminis- 
tration. Efficiency,  which  is  the  chief  merit  of  the  administrative 
technioue,  ixnist  not  smother  our  neritage  of  fairness.   The  goal  of  .ad— 
ministrr.tion  should  be  to  provide  the  beet  possible  governmental  agency. 
This  meriis  that  places  both  for  efficiency  and  fairness  must  be  pro- 

Administrative  structure  is  important.  It  cannot  be  naively  s.s- 
sumed,  horrever,  that  government  can  be  made  fool-proof  "by  the  develop- 
ment of  governmental  forms.  The  couplet  of  pope  is  expressive: 

"Eor  forms  of  government  let  fools  contest; 
Whate'er  is  best  adminstr'd  is  best,"  (1) 

A  proper  personnel  is  vital.   The  success  of  an  administration  r ests 
upon  the  type  of  personnel  it  employes  (2)  if  the  basic  idea  is  soand. 
Persons  of  limited  approach  in  positions  influencing  the  administ  ra,tive 
policy  of  an  administration,  may  offer  a  severe  handicap.   There  nere  .in 
NBA  too  nsjiy  responsible  officers  '"dth  a  desire  to  get  things  done 
without  regard  to  fairness  or  appearances  of  fairness.  An  efficient 
business  man  is  not  necessarily  an  efficient  administrator.   Even  a 
business  man  desiring  to. be  fair  does  not  necessarily  provide  a  fair 
administrator.   It  is  very  proba  )le  that  v/ith  proper  instruction  or 
advice  that  the  personnel  of  NRA  could  have  met  the  requirements  of  I'chie 
process  of  law"  both  procedurally  and  substantively.   The  conclusion  must 
be  that  tuo  alternatives  v?ere  open,   1.   All  responsible  positions  .could 
have  been  filled  by  persons  experienced  in  the  administrative  technique 
This,  it  has  been  suggested  was  impossible  either  through  the  Civil 
Service  (3)  or  otherwise,   2.   A  certain  few  trained  persons,  with  a 
proper  feeling  for  the  administrstive  approach,  could  have  been  selected 
to  supervise  administration  and  to  instruct  other  officials  therein. 
This  sounds  almost  ludicrous  to  anyone  having  observed  NRA  in  its  early 
days.  This  is  probably  true  because  the  imraedi.acy  of  the  vision  of 
hustling-bustling  NRA  obscures  one's  vision    necessary  long  range  ob- 
jectives.  The  very  notion  that  NRA  was  to  be  temporary  must  have  iiad  p. 
great  effect  upon  administrative  and  personnel  policy.   It  may  be  true 
that  good  administration  '-XJiold  not  have  prevented  the  Supreme  Courtis 
view  in  the  Scheohter  case.  But  had  the  court  approved  the  b  asic  .idea, 
good  administration  would  have  gone  far  to  have  made  NRA  a  healthy 
efficient  agency  of  government. 

Properly  trained  personnel  for  all  positions  or  even  for  the  key 
positions  are  not  readily  accessible.  This  does  not  mean  that  all  per- 
sonnel nast  be  experienced,  although  in  this  country  with  our  inadequate 
training  sources  experience  is  one  way  of  gaining  a  proper  appreciation 
of  the  problem.   Even  experience  is.  no  guarantee,  ho\7ever.  A  person 
'vhose  experience  comes  from  a  poor  administration  i-iight  fail  to  appreciate 
the  inadequacies  of  that  administration, 

Tfliat  '-'PS  needed,  and  vhat  '.'ill  be  required  again  and  again  in  the 
futui-e,  is  more  than  expert  training  in  a  single  line,   A  long  range 
view  of  our  problems,  grounded  on  a  gen- ral  \inder standing  of  our  social 


and  legrl  history,  coupled  '--ith  specific  knowledge  of  immediate 
economic  rnd  social  frets,  this  is  some  of  the  training  a  responsible 
administrative  official  should  have  (4).   True,  the  sources  which  pro- 
duce such  men  are  too  few.  A  i^ossitle  solution  nould  be  to  p  ick  persons 
thought  crpable  of  appreciating  and  developing  proper  administrative 
technique,  (5).   Then  these  persons  should  be  given  an  intensive  schooling 
in:^-;  in  administration  by  trained  persons  (6).  Lastly,  the  graduates 
should  bo  closely  sunervised  in  the  pen'ormance  of  their  regular  duties 
until  t;iey  h'd  demonstr-^ted  such  ability  thrt  they  could  be  fitted  into 
the  est-'.liehed  procedure. 

As  lifs  been  suggested  it  is  quite  possible  that  NRA  personnel 
would  have  reacted  favorably  to  pro-oer  guidance.   If  its  intelligence 
was  a.s  great  as  its  loyalty  and  --'illingnest;  to  work,  a  charting  of  the 
proper  course  might  have  been  enough.   Certeinly,  proper  administrative  upon  the  part  of  the  personnel  ^.Tould  have  done  much  to  have 
established  NSA  in  a  much  superior  position. 

Mechanical  safeguards  might  be  sugt-ested  aplenty.   In  England, 
departiiiental  advisory  committees  have  been  successfully  employed,  (?) 
These  coimittees  are  authorized  by  statute,  have  a  peri:ianent  membersliip, 
are  -laid  ^oy   the  government,  and  as  their  names  suggests  are  ^adyi.ser.s-. 
An  analogjr  is  suggested  to  the  KEA  Advisorj"-  Council,  although  its  status 
was  different.   Some  detached  advisory  p.gency  whose  recomraendatiPJis  "TOulci 
have  received  every  i:)0ssi''9le  consideration  and  commanded  respect  'Would 
have  been  an  invaluaT*le  aid  to  the  IIBA   to  have  seen  the  long  range  prob- 
lems, engulged  as  it  -as  in  a  sea  of  immediacies.   A  conscious  .effort 
to  apply  "natural  law"  or  "due  process  concepts"  could  have  only  worked 
as  an  agent  for  good  administration  (7a). 

General  Johnson,  u-oon  retirement,  seemed  to  sense  a  number  o  f  the 
mechanical  administrative  difficulties  of  HEA  (8).   Some  of  these  coin- 
cide rith  difficulties  already  pointed  out  in  connection  with  substantive 
questions  of  policy  (other  than  administrative)  which  are  not  within  the 
scope  of  this  work.   Donald  Hichberg  saw  similar  broad  administrative  in- 
adequacies (9). 

In  the  general  review  (10)  or.. c. ding  this  study  Curtain  specific 
difficulties  are  pointed  out.   Remedies  can  not  air/ays  bo  suggested, 
HTharo  they  Can  not  bo  seen  by  a  statement  of  the  problem,  an  attempt  has 
been  nac'.e  to  point  out  wherever  possible  action  -hich  might  have  been  talren  . 
in  connection  T^ith  each  nroblem. 

As  the  President  said  in  the  beginning  NEA  presented  "a  challengo 
to  administration"  (11),   UHA  answered  it  "ith  devoted  speedy  action. 
It  failed,  however,  to  provid.e  that  high  standard  of  administrative  justice 
that  the  courts  demand  as  the  right  of  our  citizens. 

This  "challenge  to  administration"  v-ould  have  oeen  judged  by  the 
courts.   In  the  light  of  what  the  courts  have  done  and  said  this  study 
has  tried  to  point  out  how  they  -Tould  have  treated  IffiA  administration. 
Even  though  late,  lYRA   is  preparing  to  ans'-'or  the  challenge  of  administration. 


Its   cp.reful   self-criticism  should  iDoint   the  v/ay  for  future   adminis- 
tration.     The   inadequacies   and  the  difficulties   will   oe  foundation 
stones  u-^on  which  to  'build  anew.      Someday,   perha-ns  not   immediately, 
fi'overnment  will     have   to  again  administer  the  -Drotlems  v;ith  which  NRA. 
was   concerned.      V/lien   this   time   comes,    it   is   our  fervant   hope   and  belief 
that   the  government   will  "build  an   administration  fully  capable   of 
efficiently  dealing  with  the   comDlex  and  important   economic  problems 
of  modern   society,    vriiile   affording  justice   to   every  man. 


ITOTES   TO   ClrlApn^R  I 

(1)  ThR  National   Industrial  Ilecovqry  Act,    48   Stat.    195. 

(2)  National   Recovery  Administration  -  Bulletin  -^0.    1,  J^one  16,    1933. 

(3)  For  th^   more   inroortant   la^^s,    see: 

26  Stat.  ?09  (The  Sherman  Act) ; 
38  Stat.  730  (llie  Clayton  Act)  ; 
38   Stat.    717   (The  Federal   Trade   CoTmission  Act); 

For  further  statutes  and  cas^s  xxoon  th'=s'=   la-s   s"".    The  Federal  Anti- 
trust  La.i^K,   U.S.    Gov'=rninent   DooAu/ient   19r-;0. 

(4)  Wahrenhrock,    "Federal  Anti-Trust  La-  and  the  IT.I.R.A.,    " 
57  Michigan  Larr  Revi°^-  1009.    10^^1017.    ]019    (l953). 

(5)  A  list   of   th^s-^   is   found  ati-.ach°(?    to  nemoranciuin  of   the  Legal 
Division,    N.R.A. ,    I';r,i-ch  31,    1934,    ^-]iich  -as   su-i-'lieri  h'^   the  DeTjartraent 
o.f  Justice.      The   list   coi-ered  defendant^.   enf:a-r:ed  in  t^-'O-hundred   sixty- 
eight  of   the   industries   for  -hich  NRA  had  Tironosed  cod^s.      It    is   to  "be 
reraemhered  JHIA.  s.-o^oroved  five  hundred  fiftv-seven  cod'^s   (not    incliiding 
su-oDlements).      Th°  list   does  not    in'^lude   th^s"^   against  ^.emher'3   of   indus- 
tries or  trades  not   codified  "by  NBA. 

The  menorandun  enjoined  rr^Tn-bers   of  the  Legal  Division  to    suhmit 
T30ssi"ble   conflicts   in  r.roiDOsed  codes   or  conolianoe    la.tters  of  a-o-oroved 
codes   to   the  De-oartment   of  Justice   "h^fore   final  a.ction. " 

(6.)   Brookings   Institution,    The  i'ational  R'^cov-^rv  Administration  - 
An  analysis  and  an  Aip-nraisal.    (19^^.^),    5:      "Even  ""^efor^   the   de-oression 
there   T-ar-   -rrach   talk  of   so-called   'sick  ind-.istrie?,. '" 

.(7)      Johnson,    Th°  Blue  Epgig  fyn^  S.t-  to  Snrth  (Sattirday  Evening 
Post,    Jan.    19,    1935),    72: 

"Before,  the  ^^ar,   Araericm  husinsss  was  a  honeyconi"b  of  ^-^ater-tight 
industrial   comrjartments.      Each  cell  -as  jealously  g-aarded.      There   ^pg 
a  maximum  of  conoetition  and  a,  minimim  of   co-o-?era.tion.    Ruthless  and 
untem:^:>ered  com^oetition  ^a.s  decreed  "b^-  the   Sherman  and  Clayton  Acts.      The 
war  changed  tha't.      The  '^orld  '^^nt  mad.      The  nations   ^nt^r^d  a  contest 
to    se'=  which  could  xjour  the  great°st  '-^ass   of   its  young  manhood  and  the 
largest  amount   of   its  monesr  and  -oro-o^-rty  into   the   fir°   in   the   shortest 
space  of  time.      That  -as   the  -rray  to  -dn  the  --t-t, 

"The  old  honeycom"b  machine   of   the  United  Stat°s   couldji't  iDroduce 
things   fast    enough   in   this   race   to   destroy  °yervthing.      '^e  had  to    scrap 
it.      And  in  th°   short  period  "bet-e°n  Aoril   l,.i917,    and  ITovemher,    1918, 
we   literally  tore   it  a^^art   and  vvA    it   to.';:qther  a -a in.      On  the   call    of 
Cov^rnment   and  und^r  the  -or'='ssure  of  -oatri-tism,    th--'  eld   individualist 
"battlers  royal  "becrn^  an  orga,ni?;ed   squad,    all  marching  to'^ard   th°    sound 
of   th-^  g-'ons. 

"^e  did  not   re-oeaT    the  Antitrust  Acts,      '^e    simiDly  ignored  them. 



Ccnr-tetito'rs  ^oool^c?    th°ir  r^soixrc^s,    tli^ir   trr>df=    s°i",r=ts,    th^ir  f?niliti°s. 
Industries  organized  .th°Tnse Ives   into  groups  and  figures  ^-'ith  the   sneed 
and  almost   the  iDrecision  of  a   hi^:hly  drilled  chorus  on  a  nusical-comedy 
ste^sre,    and  Govemnent  took  charge  of  "both  -oroduction  and  consumtion  a,nd, 
to   a  large   extent,   prices.      It   -'orked.      It  "loxired  forth   such  a  flood  cf 
Toroduction  for   the  us°s  of  "^ar  as   th'=  -"crld  had  nev^r   se^n   in  one   country. 
It   TTon  the  '-'a.r." 

(8)  Ihid. ,    68:  •  ■  . 

"Plants,  findin;'^  p  scant  market  for  their  -^Droducts,  h^gin  frantically 
to  seek  for  any  -oossihl^  -lethod  of  r'^ducing  nrices,  and  the  most  ohvious 
methods  of  all  ar^  to  r°duce  yp-'^^s,    s-o^ed  uo  machines  to  i^roduce  mor^  in 
a  shorter  ti'no,  and  ext^-nd  th-^  hours  of  -fork  to  the  limit.   I^ost  humane 
em-oloyers  do  not  '^ant  to  do  this,  hut  a  single  gr°pt  com-oetitor  can  force 
it,  and,  like  a.  rotten  .an-ile  s-i^Hing  a  -frholo  harrel,  one  i^lant  or  one 
locality  which  ado-nts  this  method  can  hring  it  eventually  to  a,  -""hole 

"That  yerv  thing  '''as  the  worst  cf  this  derjression.   It  h^gan  to  have 
its  d<=structive  effect  almost  immediately  in  1929.   Early  in  1930,  Presi- 
dent Hoover  made  strong  efforts  to  arrest  the  dizzy  do-^Ti^arrl  sioiral  in 
wages  and  employment,  hut  one  comrja.ny  after  another,  in  savage  rrolfish 
com^Tetitinn  for  the  ra-oidly  declining  husiness,  cut  ^a/res  and  lengthened, 
hours.   As  erich  did  this,  its  comrjetitors  "er°  ohliged  to  do  like-dse, 
until  all  did  it  in  industry  aft^r  industrv.   This  descent  into  the  mael- 
strom ^-'ent  on  for  four  years." 

(9)  Ihid. ,  75: 

"It  haiDToened  hecpuse  they  '•re:-'=  doo:ned  hy  th°  la.f^  to  unchecked  and 
uncontrolled  comnetition-rdoomecl  hy  the  ip'^r  not  to  talce  common  co-unsel, 
not  to  regard  each  industry  as  a  unit,  and  not  to  regard  the  countrjr  as 
an  economic  integer  in  which  °very  citizen  had  an  inter°st  and  every 
employer  an  ohligation.   They  could  not  have  saved  theTns^lves,  hecause 
any  com-oany  that  lagged  in  the  fight  for  a.  new  ca.-Dacity,  constantly  in- 
creasing -orodu-ction,  and  the  other  fellow's  market,  would  go  to  the  wpll. 
The  laws  of  the  United  States  simnly  said:  'Root  hog  or  die.  Devil  take 
the  hindmost!'  and  th^  devil  took  it  all.   'Th°  higg°r  they  are,  the 
harder  they  fall, '  and  this  structure  first  hecame  monstrously  hig  and 
then  fell  with  a  crash  that  shook  the  whol°  world." 

(10)  Pr^ss  Digest,  June  13,  1935,  quot°s  from  a  speech  hv  Hon.  Don- 
ald Richherg  at  CJal^shurg,  Illinois,  "Unless  wp>  have  fact  finding  agen- 
cies and  wj-it°rs  of  scientific  works  to  whom  legislative  and  judicial 
hodies  will  accorri  aiithority,  now  -^rioicLed  to  physicists  and  chenists,  wo 
shall  hav=>  arise  ,.,  profound  issues  of  fact  which  will  "bo  declared  wrong 
ty  the  courts  .  .  ."An  arjioeal  continued  for  a  "cordial  alliance  of  the 
social  scientist  and  the  iDractical  -oolitician  to  gain  for  government  what 
Congress  has  won  from  the  union  of  husin'^'ss  and  sci^^nce." 



(1)  Willoughby,  Constitutional  LexJ   of  the  United  States  (New  York 
1929),  1616-1635;  ;.nd  Goodnow,  The  Fx-inciples  of  the  Administrative  Law 
of  the  United  States  (New  York,  1S05)  IV,  ol— i2. .  The  Theory  of  the 
Separation  of  Powers  in  the  United  States. 

(2)  Frankfurter  and  Da^vison,  Cf.scs  on   Administretive  La'.7  (Chicago 
1932)  Appendix  1.   Th.e  Separation  of  Po^'ers  in  State  Constitutions,  1149. 
Eight  States  have  mere  structural  tri  portite  division.   Six  repeat  the 
three  department  formula.   Six  add  a  prohihition  against  admixture  of 
powers.   Twenty-six  provide  for  separation  of  powers  with  exceptions. 
Two  recognize  an  "adniinistrative"  in  providing  for  separa.tion  of  pov/ers. 

(3)  Articles  I,  II  and  III. 

(4)  Holmes,  Collected  Legal  Papers  (N<:w  York,  1920),  Essay  on 

Sec  Ijr.rlich,  "montesquien  and  Socir.logical  Jurisprudence",  29 
Harvard  Law  Review  562,  592  (1916)  '/nere  the  author  suggests  concerning 
the  chapter  "De  la  Constitution  d'Angleterre",  "There  is  no  douot  that  it 
is  founded  entirely  on  observation  of  the  vjorking  of  the  British  Con- 
stitution.  Yet  there  is  still  no  mention  of  G-rest  Britain  e"cept  in  the 
title  fnd  a  few  words  ;:.t  the  end  of  the  chapter.   The  question  with  which 
he  is  concerned  is  not  the  of  the  British  Constitution,  but  how  the 
Constitution  of  a  free  people  must  be  framed."  • 

(5)  Pranlvfurter  and  Lsndis,  "A  Study  in  Separation  of  powers," 
37  Harv.  Law  Review,  1010  (192'l);   Surprise  is  expressed  at  prevalence 
of  the  rigid  separation  of  powers  theory. 

(5a)  Committee  on  ivanister '  s  Powers  Reoort  (Cmd.  40cO,  Presented  by 
the  Lord  Chancellor  to  Prsrliament  in  April,  1932)  S4  -  95. 

The  Comniittee  comments  on  the  f.i.ct  that  "the  doctrine  of  the  separa^- 
tion  of  powers  is  not  sacros/nct, "  :nd  states,  "the  separation  of  powers 
is  merely  a  rule  of  political  wisdom,  and  must  give  way  where  sound 
reasons  of  public  policy  so  require." 

(b)   See  discussion  upon  grov;th  of  Administr?  tive  Law  in  relation 
with  the  doctrine,  infra,  this  chapter,  section  e. 

(7)  Bondy,  Sepa-rstion  of  Governmental  Pov.ers  (New  York,  1893). 
Admixture  of  powers  and  overlapping.   Part  II,  41-49;  -  The  Legislature 
and  the  Courts,  Part  III,  5;  -  The  Legislature  and  the  Executive,  Part 
IV,  89;  The  Executive  and  the  Courts,  Part  V,  105. 

(6)  Eingngji  v.  Miller.  17  Ohio  ..ep.  445  (18^i8),  Pranlcfurter  and 
Davison,  op  cit.,  51:   In  addition  to  the  historical  practice  the  court 
felt  that  to  "declare  all  the  consequences  resulting  from  it  void,  is 
pregnant  with  fearful  consequences."  Maynard  v.  Hill,  125  U.  S.  190  (1887), 
But  contra,  based  on  the  separation  of  powers  doctrine  see:   Spa rhawk  v. 
Spar  hawk,  116  Mass.  315  (1874-1075),  Pr^.rikfurter  and  Davison,  op  cit.,  46, 


-140  -. 

(9)   Calder  v.  Bull,  3  Drll.  586  (1798)  despite  a  dictum  at  page 
588,  "An  act  of  the  Legislature  (for  I  cannot  call  it  a  law)  contrary  to 
the  first  great  principles  of  the  social  compact,  cannot  "be  considered  a 
rightful  exercise  of  lGgislat\are  authority." 

(10)  Cooper  v.  Telfair,  4  Ball.  14  (1800). 

(11)  ffilkinson  v.  Leland,  2  fet.  627  (1829). 

(12)  Honolulu  Rapid  Transit  Co.  v.  'lawaii,  211  U.S.  282  (1908), 
preventing  courts  to  interfere  to  maintain  a  rate  schedule. 

(15)  layman  v.  Southard,  10  Wheat.  1  (1825). 

(14)  Article  III,  Section  1  and  2. 

(15)  Tutum  V.  U.S.,  270  U.S.  568  (1926) 

(16)  The  Constitution,  Article  III,  Section  2  /l/ 

(17)  Hayturn's  Case,  2  Ball.  409  (1792);  Muskrat  v.  U.S.,  219  U.S. 
546  (1911);  and  Willing  v.  Chicago  AuditoriuJJ  Association,  277  U.S.  274 

(18)  Willis,  parliamentary  po'jers  of  English  Government  De-^ 
pa.rtraents,  (Harvard  University  Fpess,  1932)  6;   The  Author  points  out 
the.t  the  separation  of  poT.-ers  doctrine  has  never  been  realized  in  practice, 
If  it  could  have  "been  in  the  early  days  of  our  government  he  doesn't  say, 
tut  he  points  out  that  the  changes  in  economic  society  have  not  forced 
upon  us  other  governmental  methods  disharmonious  vrith  this  theory. 

(19)  Goodnov,  op.  cit.,  35.   The  doctrine  does  not  apply  to  local 

(20)  Ibid.,  34,  37. 

(21)  Story,  Commentaries  on  the  Constitution  (1833),  II,  8: 

"When  we  speak  of  the  three  great  powers  of  government  and  maintain 
that  the  separation  is  indispensable  to  public  liberty,  ve   are  to  under- 
stand this  maxim. in  a  limited  sense.   It  is  not  meant  to  affirm  that  they 
must  be  kept  wholly  and  entirely  separate  and  distinct  and  have  no  common 
link  or  connection  or  dependence,  the  one  upon  the  other,  in  the  slightest 
degree.   The  true  meaning  is  that  the  whole  power  of  the  one  department 
should  not  be  esercised  bjr  tne  same  hands  which  possess  the  whole  power 
of  either  of  the  other  departments," 

(22)  Holmes,  op  cit.,  253:   "His  Englajid  -  the  England  of  the  three- 
fold division  of  power  into  legislative,  executive  and  judicial  —  vifas  a 
fiction  invented  by  hira,  a  fiction  which  raislead  Blackstone  and  Deboline.  " 

(23)  Goodnow,  op  cit.,  31-53. 

(24)  Benthara,  Principles  of  i/lpral-s  and  Legislation  (Oxford 
University  Press,  1879),  13.   Bentham  ridicules  the  principle  expressing 
the  view  that  its  history  is  doubtful  and  its  utility  even  more  so. 

(25)  Frankfurter  and  Landis,  "Power  of  Congress  over  Procedure  in 
'Inferior'  Pederal  Courts  -  A  Study  in  Separation  of  Powers",  ??  Harvard 
Law  Review  1010  (1924). 


(?6)   See  the  rliscussinn  of  "-oolitical  ou'^stions,"  infr^i,  III 

(27)  .  Blachly  and  Oatnan,  Acl-^iristrptiv^  L'^giFlation  and  Ad.j-gtication 
(Brookings  Institution,  1934)  ?33:   "Th<=  doctrine  of  set)?ration  of  -jo-rers 
had  not  develoiDed  in  the  Unit'^ci  Stpt^s,  as  it  ha-,  in  I^rsnc^,  in  such  a  ^a.y 
that  the  ordinarv  co^irts  ^nav  not  int'^rf'^r°  '^ith  administr- ti^'-e  nets  and 
ther=>for°  administr'^tiv^'  courts  hi'd    to  0°  ert;ihlinhea ;  hut  rather  in  such 
a  rray   that  the  ordinary ,  courts,  -^Jiles?  =^s--ecial  -provision  is  lade  others 

wise,  control  the  administration The  du«  T>roc°ss  of  la'-* 

clauses  of  the  federal  Constit^ition  have  not  h'='=n  used  to  hrinp-  ahount  a 
T^ell--olanned,  well  thought  out,  and  -ell- controlled  syst^-i  of  adninis- 
trative  adjudication,  hut  hav»  h-^^n  us<=d  ^riraarily  as  a  nethod  of  con- 
trolling suhstantive  la^-'.  " 

(28)  Franl-rfurter,  "The  Tpsi'  of  Adninistr-^ti^re  La-,"  7E   University 
of  Pennsylvania  La-  •'^Pyje^^  614.  616  (l9?7)  :  "And  so,  this  illegitimate, 
exotic,  administrative  .lpi7,  almost  overnight  over-^'helmed  th'^^  r)rofession, 
which  for  years  had  h°=n  tola  of  its  st'^ady  advance  hv  the  lonely  watchers 
in  t  he  to'^er." 

(29)  Goodnow,  Comparativ"  Administr-- ti^-^  la'^  (iTe--  York  1903).   This 
is  the  first  r  ecognition  of  "administrative  la./-"  as  such  in  th^  English 
language.  '  This  was  first  mihlish°d  in  1893.   Harriman,  "The  Develoriment 
of  Administrative  Law  in  th°  Unit'-d  States,"  25  Yale  Law  Journal  658  (l916' 

(30)  Beard  and  Beard,  The  American  Leviathan  (lie-r  York,  1930) . 

(31)  Frankfurter,  The  Fuhlic'and  its  Goyornraent  (Yale  University 
Press,  1930).  ' 

(32)  Ihid. ,  17. 

(33)  Willis,  0-0.  cit.,  9:   "This  ess?"'  is  mainly  concerned  with 
■orocedure — trivial  stuf-f,  it  might  h"  thought.   But  th^  controv°rsv  which 
at  Tjresent  ras'^s  around  del<=gntion  of  l^^gislativ^^  -oower  is  not  in  essence 
concerned  with  anything  mor-^  exciting  than  rirocedure.   That  slums  must 

h'='.  cl^ar^^d  and  sa-"°ty  devices  made  com-oulsory  in  factories  has  never 
he°n  in  dis-™.te.  'The  issue  is  solel^  hy  what  means  Parliaraent  shall  car- 
ry its  declared  T:io]  icy  into  effect,  i'ust  Parliament  itself  define  the  ■ 
details- aftd  presfcrihe^th-^.  methods?  Or  slia-ll  a  suhordinate  authority  he 
charged  with  those  duties?  How  fnr  shall  the  -oerformance  of  those  du- 
ties 'hy  a  de-oartment  he  sunervised  hy  the  courts?   Thus  stated,  questions 
of  r)rocedure  hecome  questions  o'f  r)cw=r." 

Seo  also,  Hewart,  Th^  g°w  Des--otism  "(New  York,  1929);  Allen, 
Bureaucracy  Trium-nhant  (Few  York,  193l). 

(34)  Infra  III  and  IV. 

(35)  An   extended  discussion  of  Ilelegation   of  legislative  Powers 
will  he   found,    infra  ^IV  and.  ^C/. 

(36)  Blachly  and  Oatraan,    otd.    cit.,    53: 


"Its  principal  advantages  are:   Economy  of  the  time  of  the  legisla- 
ture; availability  of  eirpert  !;  alDsence  of  "oartisan  conflicts 
concerning  details;  fleriitility;  possToility  of  correct  drafting;  com-ole- 
tion  and  clarification  of  the  statutory  larr,  and  consequent  avoidance  of 
unnecessary  liti^'^ation. 

"Its  principal  disadvantages,  iinder  the  system  now  existing  in  our 
federal  government,  are;  Possibilities  of  inharmonious  and  inconsistent 
sut-legi  slat  ion;  of  secrecy;  of  imiDroper  influences;  of  failure  to 
consider  the  general  will;  of  lack  of  an  adequate  statutory  "basis,  ending 
in  the  assumption  hy  the  courts  of  im-portant  and  inappropriate 
suh-legislative  powers;  and  of  incidental  sub-legislation  "by  either  the 
courts  or  the  administrative  authorities,  particularly  the  great 
regulatory  commissions,  in  the  t)rocess  of  deciding  particular  cases. 

"The  nost  interesting  thing  ahout  these  advantages  and  disadvantages, 
when  thus  set  forth  side  "by  side,  is  the  fact  that  the  advantages  are 
general,  permanent,  and  inherent  in  the  function  of  a.dministrative 
legislation  in  any  government  system  organized  wi,th  reasonable  care; 
whereas  the  disadvantages  are  almost  all  dependent  upon  special  condi- 
tions and  lack  of  careful  organization.   This  means  that  due  attention 
to  the  government  structure  will  eliminate,  or  at  least  minimize,  the 
disadvantages  of  administrative  legislation,  while  all  its  advantages 
will  remain," 

(37)  Uillis,  op.  cit.,  52:  "One  of  the  chief  reasons  for  delegating 
power  to  make  rules  to  the  department  is,  put  shortly,  to  enable  questions 
of  detail  to  be  removed  from  the  consideration  of  Parliament." 

(38)  Laski,  "The  Limitations  of  the  ^jroert,"  Harpers.  December. 
(1950).   Groenvelt  v.  Biurwell  at  al ^  Censors  of  the  College  of  Physicians, 
1  L.  D.  Raymond  454,  471  (1691).   The  court  recognized  the  value  of. 
expert  skill  and  that  its  findings  in  a  teclmical  nroblem  be  not 

(39)  Carr,  Delegcated  Legislation  (Cambridge  University  Press  1921), 
19-26:   Tlie  Case  for  Delegation.   The  author  mentions,  1.  the  time 
element  which  has  existed  in  England  since  1832;  2.  "the  limitation  of 
aptitudes"  citing  John  Stuart  Mill;  3,  Parliament  does  not  govern  the 
country  in  the  sense  of  enforcing  the  law  or  policy.   Therefore,  the 
actual  governing  agencies  can  best  fill  in  the  details  of  that  policy, 
and  in  certain  cases  make  policy  themselves.   This  point  is  difficult 

to  e^rplain  succinctly.   Parliament  is  not  always  in  existence,  and  even 
if  it  were,  its  jDrocedure  is  slow.  Tliis  point  is  auite  similar  to  the 
reason  Professor  Comer  assigns  to  the  fact  that  so  many  examples  of 
delegation  can  be  found  in  the  first  session  of  Congress. 

(40)  Dickinson,  Administrative  Justice  ond  the  Supremacy  of  Law 

in  the  United  States  (Harvard  University  Press,  19?7).  The  author  lists 
advantages  of  acljninistration:  1,  Initiation  by  the  Government  of 
efforts  to  protect  the  public  interest;  ■  2.  Prompt  action  of  a  preventive, 
and  not  merely  remedial  nature  based  on  technical  knov/ledge;   3.  The 
protection  of  public  interest  in  a  way  not  -oossible  by  law  suits  of  private 
oarties;  4,  Tlexibility  in  determining  socially  hurtful  conduct. 



(41 )  ?r.irlie,  "Adrainistrrtive  Le.^islation,"  Uichifran  Law  Review 
131  (1930)  oi'.tlinRG  .tlie  .adTninisti-^ative  rule  protlera  in  fields  of  the 
government's  orm  'business  or  essential  functions. 

(42)  Carr,  o-n.  cit.   In  ^n.^?  and  delegated  legislation  can  be 
cuestioned  judicially  v/h'^reas  Acts  of  parliament  can  not  "be  so  questioned. 

(43)  Short,  National  ....dnini strati ve  Or.g:anization  (Urhana,  111. 
1923)  I.  See  also,  Peo-ple  v.  Tremaine,  168  1-T.2.  817  (IT.Y.  1929);  and 
supra,  n.  2. 

(44).  Sarly  cases  free].y  recognized  .administrative  action, 
i:urray>?l  Lossje  v.  Eohoken  Land  and  I.-.TDrove..ient  Con-pany.  18  How.  272 
(1855),   See  also,  Goodno\7,  dD.  cit.,  24-25;  Dicey,  The  Law  of  the 
Constitution,  8th  ed.  (Loi:don  1527), 

(45)  Cooley,  Constitutional  Linitations,  8th  ed,,  (Boston  1927), 
229^  230:   "The  legislature  must  declare  the  policy  of  the  law  and  fir. 
the  legal  jpjcinciples'?  to  control  in  given  cases;  "but  an  admin- 
istrative officer  or  "body  ras.y  he  invested  -^ith  the  power  to  ascertain 

.the  facts  and  conditions  to  rhich  the  policy  and  princi-oles  a.-oply." 

(46)  Sears  Roehuck  and  Co,  v,  Federal  Trade  Commission.  258 
P.  307,  312  (CCA,  7th  1919). 

(47)  Laski,  "Book  Review,"  45  Harvard  La^  Review  754.  756  (1932). 
"Parliajaent  has  "been  led  to  exiDerinent  with  departmental  jurisdiction 
"because  jr.dicial  review  of  social  policy  has  "been  reactionary  in  temper 
and  clums;^  in  erect\tion.   It  has  failed  to  appreciate  the  elements  of 
policy  which  is  involved. in  finding  the  facts  wherever  quasi- judicial 
problems  eiisrge," 

(48)  'llishimra  3kiu  v.  U.  S..  142  U.S.  551-659  (1802). 

(19)   See  the  discussion  of  court's  review  of  administrative 
action,  infra.   See  also  Dickinson,  op,  cit.,  XI;  and  "Revie'-^  of 
Administrative  Determinations  of  Qaestions  of  'Constitutional  Fact'", 
80  Penn.  Law  Review  (1953)  307-532, 

(50)  This  is  the  traditional  statement.   The  -orinciple,  however, 
is  not  infler.ihly  adliered  to.   Dickinson,  op.  cit,,  50-54. 

(51)  Smith  V.  Hitchcock.  226  U.S,  53,  58  (1912).   The  case 
involved,  said  the  co\xrt,  a  ouestion  of  law  whether  a  publication  is 
a  book  or  -oeriodical,   "We  should  not  interfere  with  the  decision  of 
the  Postmaster  General  unless  clearly  of  the  opinion  it  was  wrong," 
See  also  Dates  and  Guild  Co.  v.  Payne.  194  U.S.  106,  107  (1904), 
v;here  the  co\irt  injected  the  suggestion  that  a  q^iestion  of  law  coupled 
with  some  discretion  in  the  Postmaster  General  existed. 



(5:1)  T-T.C:jsr,   A  Preiininar-'-  Treg.tise  on  fn-  Larr  of  ~!vidence 
(Boston,  1898),  £02.   See  Dickivison,  op.  cit.,  n.  49;  Du^--an  v.  U.S..  34 
Court  of  Claims  458  (1899),  held  thr t  the  dncision  of  the  Commissioner 
of  Internal  Sevenue  that  an  officer  in  charge  of  a  'oost  exchange  is  not 
a  retail  lienor  dealer  is  a  decision  of  fact  in  his  .jurisdiction  and  final. 
The  Secretar;'  of  the  Treasur;-  suomitted  the  buostion  as  one  of  "lau." 
The -court  is  not  clear  \7hether  finality  is  given  to  the  decision  of  the 
Internal  Revenue. Commissioner  hecause  of  jurisdiction  or  because 
" Question  of  fact"  rras  involved.   See  triat'ient  of  "qtv^stions  of  law"  in 
consideration  of  court's  review  of  acljiinistrative  action,  infra,  III, 

(55)   In  Haladam  Co.  v.  Pederal  Trade  Comiiission.  42  ¥.    (2d)  430 
(C.C.A.  6th,  1930),  the  question  of  the  scientific  value  and  safety 
character  for  ohesity  cure  is  a  ouestion  of  opinion,  not  fact.   In  many 
fields  requiring  err^ert  knonledfe  "facts"  as  apart  from  "opinion"  are 
almost  impossiole  to  find.   A  question  involving  fixing  of  prices  and 
lessening  of  competition  in  intersto.te  commerce  which  depended  to  a 
great  extent  upon  opinion  is  found  in  Federal  Trade  Comriission  v. 
Pacific  Coast  Paper  Association,  275  U.  S.  52,  62  (1927).  lir.  Justice 
lutler  said,  "The  rreight  to  he  r^iven  to  the  facts  and  circumstances 
admitted,  as  well  as  the  inferences  reasonably  to  "be  drawn  from  them, 
is  for  the  commission."  (Underlining  mine), 

(54)  Interstate  Com:ierce  Conmissian  v.  Union  Pacific  2.  R.  Co.. 
222  U.S.  541,  547,  548,  550  (1912):   "'In  determining  these  mixed 
questions  of  law  and  fact,  the  court  coiifines  itself  , to  the  ultimate 
Question  as  to  whether  the  Commission  acted  within  its  uower.   It  will 
not  consider  the  expedience  or  wisdom  of  the  order,  or  \7hether,  on  like 
testimony,  it  would  have  made  a  similar  ruling.   'The  findings  of  the 
Commission  are  made  "by  law  prima  Facie  true,  and  this  court  has 
ascri"bed  to  them  the  strength  due  to  the  judgments  of.  a  tribunal 
a-oT)ointed  by  law  and  inio.rraed  by  ^merience. '   Illinois  C.  R,  Co.  v. 
Interstate  Con.ierce  Commission,  206'  U.S.  441.   Its  conclusion,  of  course, 
is  subject  to  revirv/,  but,  '"hen  supi.:)orted  by  evidence,  is  accepted  as 
final;  ,  ,  ,  not  that  its  decision  involving,  as  it  does,  so  many  and 

•such  vast  pvblic  interests,  can  be  sup-oorted  by  a  mere  scintilla  of 
■oroof,  but  the  coitrts  inll  not  examine  the  facts  further  than  to  determine 

whether  there  was  substantial  evidence  to  sustain  the  order  

With  that  sort  of  evidence  before  them,  rate  ex-oerts  of  acknowledged 
ability  and  fairness,  and  each  acting  inde-:)endently  of  the  other,  may  not 
have  reached  identically  the  same  conclusion.  We  do  not  know  whether 
the  resuJ.ts  would  have  been  ap-oroximately  the  same,   Por  there  is  no 
■oossibility  of  solving  the  Question  as'  though  it  vrere  a  mathematical 
problem  to  -hich  there  could  only  be  one  correct  answer.   Still  there 
T/as  in  this  mass  of  facts  that  ou.t  of  Thicli  ex-oerts  could  have  named 
a  rate,'"   See  also  horth  German  Lloyd  v.  Jledden.  43  Ped.  17  (1890). 

(55)  harouez  v.  Prisbie,  101  U.S.  473,  476  (1879):   "The  lan.guage 

of  this  Court  in  hoore  v.  Robbins.  cited  above,  is  that  equity  will  inter- 
fere 'When  it  is  clear  that  these  officers  have,  by  a  mistake  of  the  law, 
given  to  one  man  the  land  which.,  on  the  uiidisputed  facts,  belonged  to 
anofner,*  The  meaning  of  this  and  the  sound  principle  is,  that  where  it  is 
a  mixed  of.ostion  of  law  and  of  fact,  and  when  the  court  cannot  so  separate 
faem  as  to  see  clearly  where  the  tribunal  to  which  the  law  has  confided 
the  matter  is  conclusive, 


"But  if  it  can  be  nade  entirely  "olain  to  a  court  of  acuity  that 
on  facts  aboLit  rrnich  there  is  no  o.ispute,  or  no  reasonahle  douht,  those 
officers  have,  "by  a  mistake  of  tl:e  law,  de-orived  a  man  of  his  right,  it 
will  give  relief," 

(55)  i'ranlcfurter  and  Davison,  oxi.  cit.,  Preface,  -td.  vii,  for  the 
statement,  "Administrative  Lan  is  c;:co-p'.np:,;    it  necessrrily  is  still 
crudely  emoirical.   It  is  dealin.^  v/ith  ne\7  problems,  calling  for  new 
social  inventions  or  fresh  adaptations  of  old  experiences." 



■  (l)   Dicey,  The  Lav/  of  the  Constitution.  8th  ed.  (London  1927);  see 
also  Dickinson,  Administrative  Jastice  and  the  Su^oremacy  of  Law  in  the 
United  States  (Harvard  University  Tress,  1927);  and  Little  v.  Barreme. 
2  Cranch  170  (l8C4).       ... 

(?■)      Comer,  LeA'islative  Eunctions  jf  National  Administrative 
Authority  (iTew  York,  1927),  187: 

"A  study  of  the  Statutes  at  Large  reveals,  however,  that  rlthough 
Congress  has  from  the  first  demanded  an  occasional  accounting-:  to 
itself  hy  its  agents  who  wield  le^aslative  power,  this  de^nand 
ap-:)ears.  only  spasmodicallj'-. " 

(3)  Radio  Act  of  1927,  44  Stat.  1174;  and  Comi'nuni  cat  ions  Act  of 
1934,  48  Stat.  1064. 

(4)  Slachly  and  Oatman,  Administrative  Let-;islation  and  Adjudication 
(Srookinss  Institution,  1934),  235: 

"In  respect  to  an  increasing  nujnber  of  administrative  determinations, 
there  is  no  statutory  provision  for  review.   For  exarainle,  provisions 
for  any  adequate  review  are  almost  entirely  lacking  in  the  laws 
establishing  the  'fPJi   and  the  AAA.   Sometimes  no  judicial  remcdj^  of 
any  sort  is  available,  a^lthough  in  numerous  instances  an  adminis- 
trative review  is  allowed." 

(5)  Act  Ilarch  20,  1933,  C.  3,  Title  I,  5,  48  Stat.  9: 

"All  decisions  rendered  by  the  Administrator  of  Veterans'  Affairs 
under  the  provisions  of  this  Chapter,  or  the  regulations  issued 
pursuant  thereto,  shall  be  final  and  conclusive  on  all  questions  of 
law  and  fact,  and  no  other  official  or  Court  of  the  United  States 
shall  have  jurisdiction  to  review  by  mandamus  or  otherwise  any 
such  decisions. " 

(6)  Infra,  this  chapter  and  IV 

(7)  Willis,  Parliamentary  Powers  of  English  G-overnraent  Departments 
(Harvard  University  Press,  1932).   The  last  Chapter,  "Postscri;.it",  deals 
with  the  Report  of  the  Coraaittee  on  'dnisters'  Powers  (Emd.  4060,  Pres- 
ented by  the  Lord  Chancellor  to  Parliament  in  April,  1932),  which  the 
Author  says  comee  as  a  complete  answer  to  Lord  Hewtirt's  su._,^estions  of 

(7a)   Hum^ohrey's  Executor  v.  U.S.,  295  U.S.  602  (1935). 

(7b)   U.S.  V.  I.Iyer s,  272  U.S.  5?  (192G). 

(7c)  Pound,  C.U. ,  in  The  Growth  of  American  Ad::iini strati vc  Law. 
(Thoma,s  Law  Bool:  Co.,  1923)  113: 



"The  whole  subject  of  administrative  law  is,  on  the  threshold,  one 
of  constitutioiiality,  but,  beyond  that,  it  belongs  to  the  field  of 
stcitesmanship  and  not  of  law  as  administered  in  the  courts," 

(7d)   Hewart,  The  "'ew  Despotism  (London  19?.9),  VI,  Department 
Legislation,  83-104. 

(7c)   Letters  from  Professor  Rof'uney  L.  Mote  of  the  American 
Lceiislator's  Association,  Chicago,  v/ritten  in  Hay,  1931  and  iir.  Geort^e 
C.S.  Benson  cf  the  same  orr^anization  in  February,  1936. 

(7f)   Letters  from  the  rew  York  Let-islative  Librarian,  Iir.  Uilliara 
E.  Hannan  written  to  the  writer  in  ay,  1931  and  February,  1936. 

(7,J   General  Laws  of  Massachusetts  (ter,  Sd. )  chr.pter  30, 
sections  5,  32,  37. 

This  information  was  furnished  by  the  ■  :as5achusctts  State  Librarian, 
Mr.  Edward  h.  Eedstor.e- in  letters  written  to  the  writer  in  riay,  1931  and 
February,  1936. 

(7h)   General  Laws  of  Massachusetts,  ibid.,  cha.-nter  30,  section  33: 

"All  annual  rei^orts  required  by  law  to  be  made  by  state  officers  and 
departments  or  heo.ds  fucreof  shrdl,  except  as  otherwise  expressly 
^r    provided,  cover  the  -ireceedin,,:  fiscal  year  and,  except  for  facts  or 
'i-nformation  specifically  required  by  law,  shall  be  a  brief  siommary 
of  the  said  yea-r's  work,  t0t.ether  v/ith  recommendations  for  the 
succeediue'  fiscal  year.   All  such  reports  shall,  except  as  otherwise 
expressly  provided,  be  deposited  with  the  state  secretary  and  by 
him  transmitted  to  the  General  Court  on  or  before  the  third 
Wednesday  in  January. " 

(7i)   Letters  from  Dr.  Edwin  E.  Wittc,  then  of  the  Wisconsin 
Legislative  Reference  Library  on  k'ay  1  and  i  :ay  12,    1931;  and  a  letter  from 
Mr.  Howai^d  ?.■  -Ohm  of  the  Wisconsin  Lc-^islative  Reference  Library  in 
February,  1936. 

(8)  Jacooson  v.  Massachusetts.  197  U.S.  11  (1905).   The  legislative 
may  choose  one  of  op--.osin^  medical  theories  as  the  bs.sis  for  a  vaccination 

(9)  Albertsworth,  "Judicial  Review  of  Administrative  Action," 
55  Harvard  Law  Review  137  (19':!). 

(10)  Panama  Refinin.^  C.3OT;^ny  v.  Rya.n  293  U.S.  338  (1935). 

(11)  Carr,  Delg,:,ated  Lc  ,islation  (Cambridge  University  Press,  1931), 

(13)   Institute  of  Patent  Agents  v.  Lockwood,  A.C.  347  (House  of  Lords 
1894),  But  see,  discussion  of  ultra  vires.  Blschley  and  Oatman,  op.cit., 
VI;  where  the  authors  point  out  tliat  adirdnistrative  adjudication  has  been 
formally  recognized  in  France,  Germany  and  other  countries,  and  definite 
steps  taken  to  -establish  it  as  a  system  apart  from  the  Courts,  which  are 
limited  to  law. 



(13)  The  Federalist  (Chicago,  1894).   Madison,  a,t  pat^e  275,  speal-cs 
of  the  legislature  as  superior  through  circumsta/Aces,  while  the  judiciary- 
is  defined  by  landmarhs  less  certain.   Corwin,  "The  -^^rogress  of  Constitu- 
tional Theory  Between  the  Declaration  of  Independence 'and  the  Meetint-,s 

of  the  Philadel-ohia  Convention,"  50  An.  History  Review  511  (l^?.5),  treats 
the  early  history  of  judicial  review. 

(14)  Corwin,  "The  •Hij;her  Law'  Ba  jkground  of  American  Constitutional 
Law,"  45  Harvard  Law  Fueview.  149  -  135.  365  -  409  (l938). 

(15)  ■  Bracton,  De  Le;::ibus  et  Sonsuetudinbus  Ane;liae,  (Travers  Twiss 
ed.  London,  1878),  1,  13-21,  where  a  full  discussion  of  natural  law  is  had. 

(16)  Corwin,  o-o.  cit.,  175. 

(17)  Corwin,  on.  cit.,  109.   Professor  Corwin  s;oe.^Js:s  of  Coke's  hope 
.  .  .  "to  restore  to  England  the  constitution  of  the  early  Lancastrians, 
centering'  about  the  name  and  fame  of  Kai^na  Charta,  f/hereof  'the  courts, 
and  especially  the  Kigh  Court  of  Parliament,  were  the  chosen  guardians" 
as  being  one  of  the  "well-springs  of  our  own  constitutional  theory"  .  .  . 
"A  current  which  has  imparted  an  entirely  different  coloration  to  the 
tradition"  is  found  in  Montesquieu's  doctrine  of  the  separation  of 
powers.  12  Coke  Eep.  75;  12  Coke  Sep.  82,  84;  12  Coke  Re-i,    85. 

(13)   3  Dallas  386  (l79o).  I-Ias^gs,  "The  Constitution  and  the 
Recovery  Le,iislation;  The  Roles  of  Docuiacnt,  Doctrine  and  Judges," 
1  University  of  Chicat,,o  Law  Review  6c5,  669  (1934).   Corwin,  "Basic 
Doctrine  of  American  Constitutional  Law",  12  iuichigan  Law  Review, 
247  (1914),  250-252. 

(19)  Corwin,  ibid.   Willoughby,  Constitutional  Law  of  the  United 
States  (rew  York  1929)  1692-1693; .  and  Ritchie,  ^-'^atural  Rights  (Wew  York 

(20)  This  is  also  true  in  England.   Willis,  op.  cit.,'  68: 

"They  alone  among  English  courts,  refrained  from'  standing,  in  the  way 
of  administrative  decision  of  disputes,  from  confusing  the  course 
of  Comi.ion  Laiv  procedure  with  'natural  justice,  '  from  sacrificing 
reason  and  justice  to  ex  post  facto  technicalities.   YiTliether  their 
shility  to  see  through  the  books  to  t'le  ircsenfc  realities  is  the 
result  of  occasional  participation  in  debate,  or  of  an  acquaintance 
with  other  systems  of  law  in  the  Judicial  Committee,  it  is  difficult 
to  say,  but  there 'can  be  no  doubt  thrt  the  foundations  of  our 
modern  system  of  government  have  been  preserved  unsh.J:cn  because  of 
the  decisions  of  the  Law  Lords."  Board  of  Education  v.  Rice,  (1911 ) 
A.C.  179;  Ex  parte  Yaffc,  (l93l)  A.C.  494. 

(21)  Local  C-overiiment  Board  v.  Arlidge.  A.C.  12C  (House  of  Lords 
1915),  Franl'furter  a.d  Davison,  "Cases  on  Administrative  Law  (Chicago, 
1932),  376,586.   Lord  Shaw  of  Dunfcrline:' 

"If  it  (the  AdjBini strati vc  Board)  is  left  without  express  guidance 
it  must  still  act  honestly  and  by  honest  means  .  .  .  the  assumption 
that  the  method  of  natural  justice  are  ex  those  of 



Courts  of  Justice  is  wholly  unfounded.   This  is  e:nressly  a-rjlicable 
to  ste^TS  01  -orocedurc  of  forms  of  olcadin^,. " 

(33)   Holmes,  Collected  Le,.,g,l  Fayjers,  "Essay  of  latural  Justice," 

"The  jui-ists  who  believe  in  naturcal  law  seem  to  me  to  he  in  that 
naive  state  of  mind  that  accepts  what  has  been  familicir  and  accepted 
by  them  and  their  neighbors  as  somethin.;,  that  must  be  accepted  by 
all  men  everywhere," 

Of  the  same  philosophical  basis,  see  '"ietzsche,  "Beyond  Good  and 
Evil",  (Translation  by  Helen  Zimmern,  I'ew  York,  1934.) 

(33)  Ma^^s,  op.  cit.,  "natural  Justice"  is  still  important  in 
En-land.   Report  of"  ComjTiittee  on  Ministers'  Powers  (Cmd.  4060.  Presented 
by  Lord  Chancellor  to  Parlicoment  in  Ajjril,  1933)  75-CO. 

(34)  Willout^hby,  op.  cit.,  1689: 

"It  is  a  very  remarkable  fact  tha.t  not  until  our  written  Constitution 
was  more  than  half  a  century  old  did  the  ^^hrase  receive  an  interpre- 
tation and  application  which  an-oroximates  that  which  it  has  today, 
and  not,  indeed,  until  a  hundred  years  had  passed  away  was  resort 
had  to  it  as  the  usual  devices  of  those  disapproving  of  the  acts 
of  their  legislatures." 

(35)  Haines,  The  Revival  of  I'atural  Law  Concei^ts.  (Harvard  Studies 
in  Jurisprudence,  Cambridge,  1930)  V,  Fatural  Law. 

(36)  Corwin,  "The  Doctrine  of  Due  Process  of  Law  before  the  Civil 
War",  34  Harvard  Law  Review  566-385.  460-479.  (1917). 

(37)  lAirray'  s  Lessee  v.  Hoboken  Land  and  Im-orovenent  Co.,  18  How, 
372  (1855);  Story.  Commentaries  on  the  Constitution,  (l347),  68: 

"This  clause  (the  due  process  of  law  clause),  in  effect,  affirms 
the  right  of  trial,  according  to  the  process  and  proceedings  of 
the  common  law."  This  and  a  few  other  lines  are  the  only  reference 
in  this  large  and  ejdiaustive  work." 

Corwin,  op.  cit.,  74,  95,  118-19: 

"Coke,  in  his  Institutes,  defines  due  process  of  law  precisely  as^ 
"indictment  or  presentment  of  good  and  lawful  men  ...  or  by  writ 
original  of  the  common  law, "  a.t  page  74, 

"TJhen  the  Fifth  Amendment  v/as  added  to  the  Constitution  in  1793, 
no, one,  so  far  as  I  am  aware,  had  ever  su,,<^ested  that  the  term  'due 
process  of  law'  had  any  other  than  its  anciently  established  and 
self-evident  meaning  of  correct  iDroceduro;  not  v/as  such  a  suggestion 
to  be  accepted  by  any  court,  in  any  jurisdiction,  for  many  years  to 
come,"  at  page  95, 



"As  was  -pointed  out   in   the  -nrevious   cha-)ter,   no   one   at   the   time 
of   the  framing  and  ado^ition  of  the   Constitution  had  any  idea  that 
this   clause   did  more   than  consecrate  a  method  of  i^rocedure  against 
accused  -oersons , '  and  the  modern  doctrine   of  due  -nrocess   of  law,    the 
most   im-tiortant   single  "b?Gis   of  judicial   review  today,    could  never 
have  "been  laid  do\vn  e::ce-ot   in  defiance  of  history."      at  -oages  118- 

(28)  :;ac_:5,    o-.i .    cit.,    G69: 

"The  jud.^es  have  held  oince  the  latter  or.rt  of  the  nineteenth  cen- 
tury that  certain  clauses  of  the  document  (Tlie  Constitution) 
authorize-  thei.i  to  -oronounce  doctrines  not  deduci'ble  'oj   constriiction 
or  interpretation  of  the  docirnent.   The  due  ^^rocess  clauses  of  the 
Fifth  and  Fourteenth  Amendments,  they  hold,  authorize  them  to  de- 
clare invalid  rs  ■'onconstitutional  any  statute,  not  specifically 
authorized  "by  other  clauses  of  the  document,  v/hich  they  deem 
arbitrary,  ca-iricious,  or  ■-anrer.sonaole.   Under  thea,    the  judges 
pronounce  doctrines  as  to  unre.- c-onahleness  of  statutes 'relrting  to  pro- 
-^cedure,  to  judisdiction  to  ta::,  to  the  regulation  of  public  utility 

rates,  to  any  and  every  subject  -  doctrines  constituting  in  no  sense     ( 
of  the  vAork  construction  or  inter-^retation  of  language  formd  in  the 
v/ritten  document." 

(29)  ,  v.  .^aiidford,  19  Hov/.  393,  450.  Ooinion  of  Ilr.  Chief  Justice 
Teney  (1857). 

(30)  12  'Jail.  457  (l87l) .  But  se-,  the  Sla^i£ht o_r  Jouse_Cas_es ,  16^7all. 
36,  64  (1873),  where  the  court  refused  to  rv■y.^ly  it  to  a  statute  in- 
volving the  State  police  Toower. 

(51)  LQan^Ass_ociati.qn  v.  To:ieka,  20  '.Tnll.  655  (187 [3) 

(32)  Justice  3rancleis,  in  Fnitney  v.  California,  274  U.  S.  356,  373 

. . (1927),  "Desiite  arguments  to  the  contrary  which  nad  seemed  to  me 
persuasive,  it  is  settled  that  the  due  -nrocess  clatise  of  the  Four- 
teenth Amendment  a^Tjlies  to  matters  of  substantive  law  as  well  as 
to  matters  of  procedure."   The  Court  ui^held  a  California  Criminal        ' 
Syndicalism  Act.  Haines,  o-o.  cit.,  V.  Theories  and  Due  Process  of 
Law,  104-149,  "oarticularly  at  page  106.   Ho-'jgh,  "Due  Process  of  Law  - 
Today" ,  .24  J^:arvardJiaw_He.vieu_36_5_  _Cl9_l,ll. 

(33)  See  opinion  of  Brewer,  J.  in  Kichi^an  Central  ZR  v.  Powers.  201, 
U.  S.  245,  295  (1906).        ■  ~      " '" 

(34)  Eeine^  v.  Do_nnan,  385  U.  S.  312,  326  (1932),  annoimced  the  doctrine 
that  a  statutory  statement  that  a  transfer  of  -oroperty  within  two 
years  prior  to  death  shall  be  deemed  to  have  been   made  in  "contem- 
plation of  death"  is  a  violation  of  the  Fifth  Amendment,  either 
treated  as  a  rule  of  evidence  or  substantive  lav/.   See  also 
Schlesinger  v.  Wisconsin.  270  U.  S.  230  (1926).   A-Tf.lying  the  Four- 
teenth Apiendment,  likewise,  to  a  State  statute.   Haines,  op.  cit., 
116-117  discusses  Judge  Cooleys  efforts  to  extend  the  meaning  of 
due  process.   Tliis  is  -Tarticularl;,-  noticeable  in  his  voi-k  on  "Law 

of  Taxation"  v/here  he  stated  certrin  formula  to  restrict  legislatures. 



Many  of   these  for;--,iila   nre   acce-ptfd  -s   a  -jart  of  our  l-^v/  today  with 
a-oparently  no  -nroci'ie  constitutional   o   sis. 

(35)  MsiCCyi  v/ Farrner'_s_JLo_a;i_and  .TruA^^  154  U.    S.    362,    (1393). 

(36)  S^ldv-dn  V.    Iiiss.q.uri,    381  U.    S.    586,    595    (1930).      Corwia,    op.    cit., 

■'The   torm   "due  nrocess   of  lav/'    siniTly  drops   nut   of   the   con- 
stitutional  clause  when   ■..-ay  is  made   in  it   for   the   doctrine  of 
vested  rijjhts;    and,    it  may   oe   added,    the  words    'life'    and   'liherty' 
do   li]:ewise. " 

(37)  Haines,    op.    cit.,    123-139,    sPisests   that   the   doctrine   is  used  to 
sustain   reactionary  interests.      Lerner,    "The   Sui^reme   Court   and 
Ainerican  Ca-oitalism",      42.JQile_.Law  Jojarjird  _55.8..Cl333)  ;    and  Corwin, 
"Tlie   Supreme  Coxirt   a.nd   the  ITourteentn  Amendnent",    7_,_^;ichiiian_Law 
.Sevie:vv,.,643_(.l.Qp_9}..      (liuch  of   this  material   is  now  found  in  his 
"Tlie  Twighli;jht  of   tho    Siipreme   Coixrt",    op.    cit.,    and  his   "Social 
Planning  under   the   Constitution  -  A  Study  in  Perspectives",    26 

^   MH^uVAQSA t.i Q.C'.1  ..Sci ence  Aevieji  .1  XlSv.-?i-- 

(33)      iJillis,    OP.    cit.,    8: 

"To  the  special  aspects  of  the  Snj;lish  proole.ii  tahen  u.o  in  this 
essay  there  can  he  no  AuKrican  -^ar^llel  —  such  is  the  povrer  of  the 
Fourteenth  Aiviendnent .   A  rule  of  L^tatutory  finality  is  imthink- 
aole  in  a  country  u'here  an  Act  may  not  even  r<o   so  far  as  to  make 
the  determinations  of  a  covmaissioner  final  on  questions  of  fact, 
hut  must  go  on  to  exclude  'jurisdictional  fact'  from  that  finality; 
any  legislattire  which  sought  to  prevent  the  courts  from  passing 
on  the  question  of  ultra  vires  would  he  told  that  hy  so  doing  it 
was  depriving  the  individual  adversely  affected  of  'due  process', 
of.  a  constitutional  ri,;,ht  to  challenge  'illegal  usurpation  of 
power'  before  the  courts." 

(39)   Mard_gf_^ducati_on  V.  Hi.c_e,  A.  C.  179  (lloave  of  Lords  1911),  Frank- 
furter and  Davison,  op.  cit.,  572,  574:  Lord  Lorehurn-,  L.  C.   "The 
Board  is  in  the  nature  of  the  arbitral  trihujial,  and  a  Court  of  law 
has  no  jurisdiction  to  hear  appeals  from  the  determination  either 
upon  law  or  upon  fact.   Sut  if  the  Court  is  satisfied  either  that 
the  Board  have  not  acted  judicially  in  the  v/ay  I  have  described,  or 
have  not  determined  the  question  vhich  they  are  required  by  the  Act 
to  determine,  then  there  is  a  remedy  by  mandariias  or  certiorari." 
Tills  is  our  procedural  due  process  concept.   See  the,  ui^ra.  and 
intra  vires  discussion  rnd  diL^cussion  on  nat'aral  law,  infra,  this 

'(40)   Rojanfeldt  V.  Phillips  35  T.  L.  3.  46,  (Court  of  Appeals,  1918): 

Scrutton,  L.  J. 

"A  war  could  not  be  carried  out  according  to  the  principles  of  Magna 
Charta.   Very  wide  povrers  had  been  given  the  Ezcecutive  -  -  -  The  res- 
ponsibility for  giving  those  powers  rested  not  v/ith  the  Judges,  but 
with  the  reorescntatives  of  the  people  in  Parliament . " 


(41)  Cor-;in,    op.    cit.: 

"Judicial   review  in  the   sense  of  judicial  discretion  has  devoured 
its  progeny,    constitutioml   law;    and  "by  the   saiTie   si{ji,    'due 
process  of   I'w'    is  no  Franl:enstein' s  monster  that   rides  dovm 
iet;islation  in  defiaJice   of   itr>  creator's   'vill  —  it   is   the   servaiit 
of   the  Court's  legislative  judgment."   at   oage  86. 

"In  ?,r)eaking  of  the  interference  of  the  Court  with  state  legis- 
lation through  the  jjuise  of  the  Fourteenth  Aiaendment ,  Professor 
Corwin  says:  "The  result  is-  that  the  Court  is  ahle  today  to  aio 
^roach  the  question  of  factual  justification  from, either  one  of 
two  o'^posed  angles,  according  as  it  wishes  to  sustain  a  statute 
or  ot  overturn  it,  and  is  a^ole  to  cite  an  airrole  array  or  precedents 
in  jiistif ication  of   either  a-iproach."   at  -Oc\^:e  101. 

It  might  be   suggested  that   this   also   applies   to   administrative   review  and 
interference  \/ith  Federal   adininistr-tive  .lejisl'^tio.i. 

(42)  '3-ray,   IL'lfcare  _ajid  Xo^xce^L.  .pX  A-^e  JLaw,    2nd  ed.    (ilew  York  1927). 

(43)  Corvi'in,    on.    cit.,    Ill:        Profesi^or  Corwin   suggests    that   Congress 
has  reioeatedly  uLiderta]:en  "to  decl'U-e  lav;  \.'ith  the  definite  intention  of 
binding  the  courts." 

(44)  Dickinson,    Adini;u  strf_tive_  Ju."-tice_  ..a--,d -^16  .S,u;ore;.iac^  p.f  jLaav   in.  Alie 
rJsi'fced -Statues..      (Harvard  University  Press ,    1927),    105:      'Hie   author 

indicates   that   the  ^J^t r a . vl ?Les.  doctrine   is   a  limitation  both  uoon  the   legis- 
lature  and  the   administrative  bodies. 

(45)  Ibid. 

(46)  I'IcFarland,    JxidAciaX  .QPH^jyX  Pf-XX^. X^A^JSXXyp-A^.  S^PPiX^AXPJk  SJ\X  .the 
.I)lte_rstjit.e_Co!]rnerce   CohB.iission^  192"o-1930    (Harvard  University  Press, 

1933),    23: 

"Then  the  courts  do  more  than  hold  the  cor.imi.ssioners  to  the  out- 
lines of  their  autliority  or  demand  the  existence  of  evidence  which 
justifies  the  exercise  of  that  authority,  then  the  legal  expert  in- 
terferes with  the  administrative  s-necialists  v,ho  cnmorise  tne  -oer- 
sonnel  of  the  Interstate  Commerce  Coiriiiiission  and  the  Federal  Trade 

(47)  Infra,  IV,  3. 

(43)   •••illis,  0:0.  cit.,  II.  47: 

"Owing  to  the  existence  of  a  great  number  of  semi-autonomous  bodies, 
the  Guardians  of  the  Poor,  the  Enclosure  Commissioners,  and  the 
licensing  justices,  for  instance,  whose  discretion  was  mthin  its 
limits  absolute,  control  by  the  courts  has  al'.'ays  tpken  the  form  of 
defining  those  limits,  and  the  judges  in  order  to  -mt  into  force 
their  ideas  of  how  the  machine  should  run  —  and  that  is  a  factor 
to  be  reckoned  with,  if  wc  follow  the  school  of  '•.Uuicli  lurists'  —  • 
have  been  forced  to  correct  the  decisions  of  these  bodies  on  the 



gro-und  that    they   erred  in   law  in  mistaking  the   limits  of 
their  powers.      The  law  of  ultra  vires  is   curious  not  only  for 
the  very  different  uses  to  which  it  has  been  put,    any- 
thing from  the  testing  of  a  State  statute  by  the  standard 
of  the  Constitution  of  the  United  States  to   the  testing 
of  the  issue  of  new  shares  by  the  corporate   charter,   but 
also  because  in  applying  it   the  courts   stand  as  it  were 
apart  from  the  body  whose  actions  they  ;oiass   in  review." 

(49)  Willis,    op.    cit.,    22,    23: 

In   searching   through  the   statutes  from   1848   to   1931, 
the  Author  states   that  he  has  discovered  over  one  hundred  and  fifty 
instances  of  this  type. 

(50)  A.    C.    347    (House  of  Lords   1894),    Frankfurter  and  Davidson, 
op.    cit.,    513. 

(51)  Frankfurter  and  Davison,    op,    cit.,    519. 

(52)  Eeg.    (Glee land)   v.   Pharmaceatical  Society  of  Ireland,    2. 

I.    R.    268   (1896).    Although  the  Court   did  not   decide  the  case  upon  the 
question  of  ultra  vires,    the  problem  loomed  large,    and  three   justices 
gave  it   considerable  attention.      The   statute  was   similar  to  that  in- 
volved in  the  Institute  of  Patent  A^-ents  v.    Lockwood  in  that   it  pro- 
vided "all  regulations  made  under  the  authority  of  this  Act"  when 
properly  laid  before  Parliament  -become   "of  the  like  force  and  effect 
as  if  they  had  been   enacted  in  this  Act."      "It   certainly  is   jomewliat 
alarming  that   it   should  be   in  the  power  of  any  body  of  p.?r;;m,s,   by 
means  of  an  obscure  and  unnoticed  formality,    at   the 'suggestion,    it 
may  be,      of  private  interest,    to   smuggle  through  Parliament  illegal 
regulations,    affecting,  the  rights  of  the  public,    and  to  invest'  them 
with  the  force  of  law;    and  if  we  admit   the  answer  given  by  Lord 
Harschell   in  his   judgment,    that   the   regulations  in  that   case  were 
made  by  a  public  authority,   namely,    the  Board  of  Trade,    in  which 
the  law  would  be  siipposed  to  place  confidence,   yet  this  argument 
must  be   confined  to   the   question  whether  the  rules   ought   to  be 
considered  intra  vires. .    and  yet   the  more  general  question  as  to 
their  effect  assumes  that  in  the  instance  under  consideration  the 
authority  was  transgressed."     See  also   Willis,    op.    cit.,   70;    and 
Committee  on  Ministers'   Powers  Report,    op.    cit.,    40-41,    and  at   61-62: 

"We  are  of  opinion  that   in   delegating   legislative  ftinctions 
to  a  Minister,    Parliament   should  be  careful  to  preserve  in  all  but 
the  very  exceptional   cases,    which  we  describe  below,    the  jurisdiction 
of  the  Courts  of  Law  to   decide  whether  in  any  purported  exercise  of 
those  functions  the  Minister  has  acted  within  the, limits  of  his  delegated 
power.      Tlie  rule  of  law  requires  that  all  regulations   should  be  open 
to   challenge  in  the  Co^irts  except  when  Parliament   deliberately  comes 
to   the  conclusion  that   it   is  essential  in  the  public  interest   to   create 
an  exception  and  to  confer  on  a  Minister  the  power  of  legislating  with 
immunity  from  challenge.  " 


(53)  2  K.  B.  98  (1930),  A.  C  494  (House  of  Lords  1931). 

(54)  Willis,  op.  cit.,  82: 

"I  venture  to   suggest  that  words  of  this  nature  will  protect 
any  rule  bona  fide  nade  to    carry  our  the  objects  of  the   section  which 
defines  the  rule-raalcing  power,    and  directed  in  the  opinion  of  the 
Court   towards  effectuating  the  general  p-*.rposes  of  the  Act  to  be 
gathered  from  the  terms  of  the  Act  as  a  whole.      The  same  test  would 
be  applicable  to  a  power  to  make  orders,    except  as  regards  orders   con- 
firming schemes.      Hiere  the  words  VYOuld  nave  at    least   the  force  claimed 
for  them   oy  Slesser,    L.    J.,    and  would  validate    'an  order  legally  intra 
vires  but  administratively  imperfect;    and  perhaps  an  order  made  according 
to  a  course  of  procedure  not   sti'ictly  in  accordaaice  with  the  terms  of  the 
Act,    but   affording  equally  good  protection  to   the  individual  owner. 
Beyond  that,    in  the   light  of  Yaffe's   Case,    it   is  impossible  to  hazard 
a  guess, " 

(55)  I.    C.    C.    V.   Union  Pacific  Railway  Compajiy.    222  U,    S.    541,  ' 
547    (1912),    and  Intermountain  Bate  Cases.    234  U.    S.   476,   490,   491, 
(1914).        . 

(55)    Dickinson,    op.    cit.,    310-311,    315. 

(57)  A  section  on  jurisdictional  fact  and  constitutional   fact  is 
included  in  the  consideration  of  Administrative  Finality  and  the  cases, 

(58)  Ma-King  v.    Blair,    271  U.    S.    479    (1926). 

(59)  Dickinson,    op.    cit.,    at  315  especially. 

(60)  Dickinson,    op.    cit.,    55: 

"In  truth,    the  distinction  between    'questions  of  law'    and    'questions 
of  fact'    really  gives   little  help  in  determining  how  far  the  courts  will 
review;    and  for  the  good  reason  that   there  is  no  fixed  distinction.      They 
are  not   two   rautua] ly  exclusive  kinds  of  questions,    based  upon   a  difference 
of  subject-matter.      Matters  of  law  grow  downward  into   roots  of  fact,    and 
matters  of  fact   reach  upward,    without  a  brealc,    into  matters  of  law. 
The  knife  of  policy  alone  effects  an  artificial  cleavage  at   the  point 
where  the  court   chooses  to   draw  the   line  between  public  interest  and 
private  right.      It  would  seem  that  when  the  courts  are  unwilling  to 
review,    they  are  tempted  to   explain  by  the  easy  device  of  calling 
the  question  one  of    'fact';    and  when  otherwise  disposed,    they  say 
that  it   is  a  question  of   'la,w'.      Thus,    while  the  reasonableness  of 
a  rate  is   said  to  be  a  matter  of  fact  and  not   reviewable,    yet  when  the 
rate-fixing  body  has  omitted  to  taJ.e  into   consideration  some  element 
or  factor  which  the  court   thinks  ought   to  have  been  included,    error  of 
law  is  promptly  held  to   have  been  committed  and  the  power  to   review  is 
exercised. " 



(Sl)    Infra,    IV.    In  ■americ.-m   School  of  Ma.-^g-ietic  Healing;  v. 
School   of  Kasnetic  Healing  v.    McAnnualt/,    187  U.    3.    94,    109,    111    (1902), 
spoke  of  the  problem  as  a  question  of  law  throi:ig-nout   the  opinion,    out 
at  one  place  said:      "We  do  not  mean  to  preclude  the  defendant   from 
showing  on  the  trial,    if  he  can,    that   the  business  of  complainants, 
as   in  fact   conducted"  was  a  violation  of  the  statutes. 

(81a)   Federal  Trade  Commission  v..    Gratz.    253  U.    S.    421    (1920) 

(62)    Comer,    Legislative  Functions  of  National  Administrative 
Authority,    (tlew  York  1927),    137. 

(S3)   Thayer,    Preliminary  Treatice  on  the  Law  of  Evidence   (Boston, 

1898),    202: 

'"The  _judges  have  always  answered  a  multitude  of 

questions  of  ultimate _ fact  which  forms  part  of  the 

issue.      It   is  true  that  this  is  often  disguised  by- 

calling  them  questions  of  law."' 

Eiis  can  also  be  found  quoted  in  l.'cFarland,    op.    cit. ,    25,    n.    62 

(64)    Smith  v.    Hitchcock.    22  6_TJ.    S.   53   (1912).     McFarland*   op. 
cit.,    26,    expresses  this  view  as  regards  the  Interstate  Coimnerce 
Commission  and  the  Federal  Trade  Commission. 

(55)  Federal  Trade  Commission  v.  'Sirestern  iieat  Co.,  272  U.  S.  554 
(1926);  Federal  Trade  Coi.naisgion  v.  Curtis s  Publishing  Co..  260  U.  S. 
568    (1922). 

(66)  Federal  Trade  Commission  v.  Cratz.  253  U.  S.  421  (1920),  and 
Frischer  &  Co..  v.Bakelite  Corp.,  39  F.  (2d)  247,  259  (Ct.  Cust.  &  Pat. 
4)p.    1930). 

(67)  G-egiow  v.   UM.    239  U.    S.    3   (1915).    Tiie   Court  treated  as  a 
"question  of  law"  the  decision  that   aliens  were   "likely  to  become  public 
charges"  where  the  Commissioner's  action  was  based  on  the  condition  of 
the  labor  market  at  Portland,    Oregon,    the  Aliens'    destination.      Likewise 
in  Hanson  v.    Haff ,    291  U.    S.    559    (1934)   the  Coxirt  reviewed  the  facts, 
reversed  the  administrative  determination    (preswaably  upon  the  existence- 
of  a  question  of  law),    aiid  held  that   an  alien  woman  who  had  entered  the 
country  and  left  it  to  go  on  o  trip  with  a  man  v/ith  whom  she  was  having 
illicit   sex  relations  was  not  barred  from  ret-uming  under  the  statutory 
prohibition  of  entry  into  the  country  "for  the  purpose  of  prostitution 
or  any  other  immoral  purpose"  where  the  facts  indicated  a  paramount  ■ 
object  of  entering  to   follow  a  legitiniate  occupation. 

(68)  14.   Pet.    497    (1840). 

(59)   For  the  distinction  between  ministerial   and  discretionary 
acts   see:   Kendall  v.    Stokes.    3  How.    87    (1839);    Brashear  v.    Mason.    6 
How,    92   (1845);    Seeside  v.    Walker,    11  How.    272  (1848);    Commissioner  of 
Patents  v.    Tniteley.    4  Wall  522  (1867);  U.    S.   v.    Seaman,    17  How.    224, 
(1855);'  U.    S.    V.    Guthrie.    17  How.    284   (1855);   U.    S.    v.    Commissioner 
5   Wall  553  (1867);    Gaines  v.    Tliompson  7  Wall  437   (1869);'  Secretary  v.     ■ 
McGarrahan  9  Wall   298    (1870);   Marque z  v.    Frischie.    101  U.    S.    433   (1879); 
U.S.    V.    Churz   102  U.    S.    378    (1879);   Butterworth  v.    Hoe  112  U.S.    50    (1884); 
and  U.    S.   v.    Black  128  U.    S.   40    (1888). 


(70)  Kansas  Association  v.    Wilder,    2Z  Pac.    1061    ^Kansas,    1890),- 

(71)  Noble  V.    Union  Hiver  Lodging:  Railroad,    147  U.    S.    165   (1893), 
involving  the  decision  of  the   Secretary  of  Interior  upon  the  question 
whether  a  railroad  -.yas  entitled  to   a  land  grant  and  whether  this  could 
"be  revoked  by  his   siiccessor. 

(72)  national  Life  v.   National  Life,    209  U.    S.    17,    (1908). 

(73)  McFarland,    op.    cit.,    31-32;    The   Court's  review  and  frequent 
complete  re- examination  of  the  facts,    the  author  attributes  to   the 
failureof  the  Court   to   accept  or  to  appreciate  the  merits  of  problems 
involving   expert  knowledge.      Cr;me  v.   Uichols,    IF.    (.2d)      33   (1924); 

(74)  Silver  v.    Federal   Trade  Commission.    292  F.    752  (C.C.A.    6th, 
1923);    and  Florida  and  East   Coast  R.R.    Co..    v.   U.    S.,.    234  U.    S.    167 

(75)  Minnesota  Rate  Cases. 330  U.    S.    352   (1913);    Interstate 
Commerce   Commission  v.    Illinois   Central  R.  R.  .    215  U.    S.    452  (1910). 

(76)  Rhode  Island  Hospital  Trust   Co..    v.    Conmissioner  of  Internal 
Revenue.    29   F.    (2d)    339    (1928),      The  court   required  tiiat  evidence,  made 
expressly  prima  facie  by  a  statute,    could  not  be  ignored  and  should   "be 
given   substantial,    if  not   controlling  weight,  " 

(77)  International  Shoe  Company  v.    Federal   Trade  Coi.imission.    280 
U.S.    291   (1930).  .The  court   refused  to   sustain  a  finding   that   compe- 
tition was   substantially  limited  and  cominerce  restrained  where  it  was 
not   supported  by  evidence.. 

(78)  Chicago   Junction   Case.    264  U.    S.    258    (1924),    264-265.      "The 
provision  for  a  hearing  implies  both  the  privilege  of  introducing 

evidence  and  the  duty  of  deciding  in  accordance  with  it. to  make 

an   essential   finding  without    supporting  evidence  is  arbitrary  action." 
Interstate   Commerce   Commission  v.    Louisville  aiid  Ilashville  R.  R.    Co.,    227 
U.    S.    88    ( 19 1 3); &■  Chicago,   M.   &   St.   Paul  Hy.    v.   Minnesota,    134  U.    S. 

418    (1890). 

(79)  Yudelson  v.    Andrews.    25  F.    (i:d)    80    (C.C.A.  3d.    1928). 

(80)  Southern  Railway  Co..    v.    Virginia.    290  U.    S.    190    (1933). 

(81)  Ibid  at  p.    197.      There  was  a  strong  dissent  in  the  case 
by  the  Chief  Justice,    concurred  in  by  Justices   Stone  and  Ca.rdozo, 
based  upon   the  fact  that    later  review  of  the  administrative  action 
before  a  co-'ort  was  afforded. 

(82)  U.    S.    V.    Williams.    194  U.    S.    279    (1904),    in  a  deportation   case. 

(83)  Federal  Trade  Commission  v.  Good^^rape  Co.,  45  F.  (2d)  70,  72, 
(C.C.A.  6th  1930).  The  weight  to  be  given  the  evidence  is  for  the  Com- 
mission to   decide. 


(CU)  Federal  Paclio  Connission  v.  1-Tolson  Brothers,  2o9  U.S.  26G 
(1533).  Ei.Trloyers  Inc-urance  Cor-''.,  v.  Inc":astrir.l  Accident  Connission. 
151  Pac.    h  23    (Crlifornia  191:0. 

(C5)      Un-:g-r  v.    S-g-mF.n.    U  3   (2d)    £0    (C.C.A.    "th,    192^0;    l^il:er  v. 
Federal  Hadio   Connission. , ^"7  ".    (2d)    5  35   (1931)  ;    and  General  Broad- 
car.tin-  Systen  v."  Federal  fuidio   Conuission,    kf  I .    (2f.)    U26   (1531). 

(So)      Dickinson,    00.    cit.,    323: 

"The  dif:^  cases  ar->  tliose  --liicii  occra-  ;Then  the  d.oulit 
arises  not  fron  the-  logical  or  ".hysical  inpossi'cility  of  the  inference, 
nor  froLi  the  totcl  phsence  of  evidence,  Mt  from  its  neager  andi.  unsat- 
isfactory charr.ct-rr.  " 

(rSy)   rcFrrland,  cy-.    cit.,  29-30.  The  Authoi 

"Althoxigh  the  detei-nination  of  tlie  facts  is  ar'.-uttecLly  the 
function  of  the  adninistrrtive  con'. lis s ions,   experience  has 
shorn  that  on  judicial  e::r;iination  of  the  evidence  upon  r/hich 
pcxiinistrrtive  action  is  pr'dicalcv.  tlie  courts  freouently  oust 
adninistrr-tive  j  udfonent  and  suostitute  therofor  the  opinions 
of  judpes," 

(SS)   Chief  Jiistice  Huphes,  in  the  I^Te-  York  Tineas  Feoruary  13 ,  1931, 
"The  pouer  of   rdviinistrrtive  oodies  to  mclze   findinps  of  fact  -ihich 
may  oe  treated  r.s  conclusive,  if  there  he  evidence  "both  -rays,  is  a 
poiTer  of  enoiTnous  consequence." 

(S9)  Ha-:eraan  Famers  Coro. .  v.  3ald-7in.  29  3  U.S.  lo  3,  55  Suo.  Ct. 
7  (193U);  Frentis  v.  Atlajitic  Coast  Line.  211  U.S.  210  (I90S);   Stanley 
et  a.l  V.  Peahodv  Coal  Cct^F  Supp.  S;2  (D.C.  S.F.  111.  1933.)  I  Chicr£0, 
Ful.  C:  P.  Up.  Co.  V.  Strte  Hi'::r,Ty  Con;-iisEion  of  llissouri.  322  rio.  U19 
(1929);  and  Uhite  v.  Federal  Frdio  Connission.  29  F.  (2d)  113  (192&'). 

(90)  rLed  "C"  Oil  lianufacturin-  Co. v.  Board  o::  A-rici,i-lture.  222  U.S. 
3S  0  (1911);  Petersen  Fakinp  Co.  v.  :>:ran,  ,290  U.S.  57O  (193'+)- 

(91)  G-olrsnith  v.  U.S.  Fogydof  Tan  Ao-.e^ls.  27O  U.S.  II7  (I926)  ; 
he  Chord  V.  Louisville  r-,  Hashville  I^^nlC]  U.S.  Ug  3  (1902);  and  lIcFon- 
ald  V.  Foard  of  Street  Corriiasioners.  l57  F.F.  -'I7  (h'ass.  I929). 

(92)  FinJ:elstein.  "Judici  al  Self-Lin.itation, "  37  Harvard  La\7  Fe- 
vie'7  338   (192U).  And  Uilllu-j-hoy,  op.  cit.,  Ill,  33,  1327-133S. 

(93)  The  Fui:e  of  York's  Clain  to  the  Cro-n.  5  Fotuli  Par.  375  (1U60) 

(9U)   Pet .1  en  v.  Central  Leather  Co.  2^6  U.S.  227  (19IS).  The  Con- 
stitution, Article  IV,  Section  '!-.  The  doctrine  also  is  applied  in 
England..   Luthe r  v.  3p_er,  3  U.F.  3  32  (I921). 

(95)   Luther  v.  Forden.  7  Hon.  1  (12^9);  and  Pacific  States  TeleT)hone 
and  Tele-ranh  Co.  v.  Oregon.  223  U.S.  US  (I912). 



(    95)      The   Constitution,   Article   III,    Section  2.      See   ?inhlestein, 
Q-},    cit.  ,    sivora,    Chapter   II,   n.    17. 

.    (97)      I-Ieller  v.   Potoinac   Zlectric  Pouer   Co..    2S1  U.    S.    428   (192C). 

(93)      Villin/;  v.    Cliicaro  AuJlitoriujh  Co..    277  U.    S.    274  (192'j)- 

(99)  Po^aiio.,    "3ook  P.eview"  ,   41  EarvarJ.  L.    R.    115.   114  (1927). 
S'pealcs  of  administrative   lav;  decisions  as   "a  '/■ilc'ierness   oi    sin-le 
instancee,   ambiguity  ahcl  inconsistenc"  of  "jrinci  )les . " 

(100)  Willis,   on.   cit.,   172-173: 

"Under  the  'oresent   syste-'.  a  rjj.e   miich  Parlia  :ent   itself  would 
never  have   d.rerued  of  autxiorisin.-:  :-av   continue   for  years  unchallenged, 
if   technicalities   or   the  \:)0verty  of  -oersons'  agyrieved   orevents   the 
issue   from  heing  raised  "before   a  co'ort,   v/hile   a  rule   r/hich  to   the   eye 
of   somnion   sense   is    ilainly  r.'ithin  the    Durvievf  of  the   Act  na-/  fall   be- 
fore an  unsjnn-oathetic   or  'nisinforned  tribunal.      It   is   so  haxjliazard. 
IHien  a.     State  nay  force   its   subject   to    obev  rules  made   b--  its  e:cecutive 

arm,   and  later  through  its   judiciarv  mulct  hin   for   obej^in-  \7hat   ^7as 
held  out   to  him  as  binding  law,    soiiething   is  i7rong.      A  rule   r.iust   be 
either  legal   or   illegal.      T^ay  should  the   issue   renain  in  dcabt  until   it 
hatDoens   to  be   ro.ised  in   the   coiu'se   of  -oroceedings   by  an   individual  liti- 
gant,  and  then  before  a  body  which,    as   I  '•lointed  out   above,   is  unsuit- 
ed  to   t:ie   decision  of   questions   of  govern;  lent?" 

(101)  7illis,   o-Q.   cit.,   4S: 

"But  when  he"  (Lord  "assumes  in  his  oreuises-  tha.t  a  court 
is  competent  to  -lass  uDon  all  matters  involving  the  aiDili cation  of 
standards,  SJid  tha.t,  beca^ise  in  the  "oast  coiorts  have  ercercised-iowers 
remaining  to  them  from  a  'leriod  in  history  when  justices  in  ejrre  exer- 
cised taxing  DOwers,  and  justice;;  of  the  peace  were  in  substanc6  if  not 
in  form  a  oart  of  the  e::ecutive,  the;'-  sho^uLd  be  granted  the  control  of 
any  new  powers  which  resemble  those  no?: -controlled  by  the  King's  Berjch, 
it  is  impossible  to  agree."  '  > 

(102)  i.icFarland,  op.  cit.,  14-15: 

"L-/-  subjecting  the  coinnissions  to  a  scrutiny  mol-e  or  less  in  ac- 
cordance with  recently  developed  principles  and  bjr  rendering  decision 
in  terms  of  statutory  authority  and  evidence,  '  diie- iDrocesa  of  law'  and 
'private  rights'  have  almost  disappeared  from  the  language  of  the  de- 
cisions. _ It  is  not  that  the  judges  who  test  legislation  in  terms  of 
private  rights  are  any  less  vigilant  in  the  censorshi-o  of  administrative 
orders  (the  contrar--  is  to  be  e:roected)  ;  there  are  more  subtle  ways  of 
reaching  the  same  resuJ.t  —  chiefly  throu^-;h  'interpretation.'   Tlie  com- 
missions have  been  held  dov:n  to  a  procedure  aiid  sco^e  of  axithority  which 
nakes  abstract  consideration  of  validit"  of  their  orders  unnecessary-. 
So  far  c,s  the  due  process  clavise  remains,  it  is  to  be  seen  in  the  ju- 
dicial -jrohibition  of  'arbitrnr-'-  and  ca-oricious'  act-ion,,  and  the  re- 
qpiirement  of  orderly  '-process."   '  -   ■ 

(103)  I.icFarland,  oo.  cit.,  22 

(104)  For  references  to  the  literature  on  this  suoject  see  Bon- 
chard,  "The  Constit-ationalitjr  df  Doclarator3'-  Judrwents",  CI  Colijjiibia 
Law  Review  561   (1951). 

(105)  ::cFarland,    o-^.    cit.,    lJ-19 . 

(106)  Dickinson,    oo.    cit.,    3o4: 

"T  he  action   of  .^lovernnent   requiren    in   sor.e   c"e;=;ree   to  he 
hro\i£;ht   to   the   touchstone   of  judicial   decision  if   progress   is   to 
be   orderly'  and' consistent ." 



(1)  A  good  general   stateinent   of   the   formula    is  fo-und  in 
Pitts'oyijgh   C.    C.   &  St.    L.    a.    Co.   v.    Backus,    154  .U.S.    421    (1894). 

(2)  Dickinson,   Adjninistrative   Justice  and  the   Supremacy  cf  Lsxr 
in  the   United  States      (Harvard  University  Press,    1927,    59, 

(5)      Dickinson,    ibid,   X,    263-305;    The    subject   is   court   revieu  cf 
detervainpticns  made   in   the  administration   of   the   business  of   government, 

(4)  Dickinson,    op.    cit.,    265,    et   seq, 

(5)  U.    S.   V.   Pisher,    109  U.S.    143   (1883) 

(6)  Evans  v.    Gore,    253  U.S.    245   (1320);    and  C Do no hue  v.   U.S. 
289  U.S.    516    (1932). 

(7)  Humphrey' s  Executor  v.    U.    S. ,    295  U.S.    602   (1935). 

(8)  Ex  parte   Hennen,    13  Pet.    230    (1839). 

(t)      Act   of   June   10,    1890,    Chapter  407,    26    Stat,    at  Large   131. 

(10)  Shurtleff  v.    U.    S.      189  U.S.    311   (1903).      See   also  Reagan  v, 
U.    S..    182  U.S.   419    (1901). 

(11)  Xeim  V.    U.    S.,    177  U.S.    290   (1900);      U.    S.    ex  rel  Redfield 
V.   "indca,    137   U.S.    636    (1891);      U.    S.    ex  rel   Dunlaw  v.   Black,    128   U.S. 
40    (13C8);      U.S.    ex  rel   Boynton  v.    Blaine,    139   U.    S.    306   (1890);    and 

U.    S.    ex  rel  McBride  v.    Schurz,   102  U.    S.   398    (1879). 

(12)  Meyers  v.    U.    S. .    272  U.S.    52   (1926). 

(13)  Huffiuhrey's  Executor  v.    U.    S. ,    295  U.S.    602   (1935). 

(14)  Angelus  v.    Sullivan,    246   F.    54    (1917),    57,    Judge  Rogers; 
Boitanc   v.    District   Board,    Northern  Dist.    iv'o.    3,    Sacro:nento,    Cal,,    250 
P.    812   (1318). 

(15)  Blake  v.    U.    S.,    103   U.S.    227      (1881). 

(16)  Crensha'j  v.    U.    S.  ,    134  U.S.   99    (1889) 

(17)  Smith  V.    Whitney,    116  U.S.    167    (1886).      Dickinson,    op.    cit., 
268   et    seq.      See  Fairlie,    "Administrative  Legislation",    18  liichigan 

Laxi  Reviev  181   (1930)   for  a   discussion  of   the   importance  of   the 
trative   rule  and  the  vast  fields  thev  cover.     Professor  Fairlie   served  in 
the   Judge  Advocate    General's   office   during   the   V/orld  ?Jar. 



(18)  220  U.    S.    506    (1910). 

(19)  18    Kr".    272    (I85f5). 

(20)  I^id. ,    277-279. 

(20a.)      Generally,   -oryinent  of   ta::  money  under  TJrctost   is   the   only 
prrced.ure   open  to    the   t-3:cp3yer.      In    the   case   of    incone,    estate     and  gift 
taxation  an  appeal   from   the   determination  of   the    Ccrr.iissioner  of   Internal 
Revenue    tc    the  Board  of   Tax  Appeals   lies  prior   to   the  assessment   of  -pay- 
ment  cf  any  tax  money.      The  Revenue  Act   of  1924,    Section  900;    and  The 
Revenue   Act   of  1926,    Section  1000   et    seq. 

(21)  Ihid. ,    280 

(22)  Louisiana  v.   licAdco,    234,    U.    S.    627    (1314). 

(23)  Eisner  v.   Maccmher,    252  U.    S.    189   (1920). 

(24)  U.    S.    V.    Bahcock,    250  U.    S.    328    (1919). 

(25)  Bartlett  v.    Kane,    16  How.    263    (1853). 

(26)  Au-ffuordt  v.   Heddin,    137  U.    S.    310    (1390). 

(27)  Louisiana  v.   McAdoo,    234  U.    S.    627,    632   (1914). 

(28)  U.    S.   V.    200   Chests  of   Tea.    9  THieat   430   (1824);    Barlow  v. 

U.    S.,    7  Pet.    404   (1833);    U.    S.   v.    112   Casks  of   Sugar.    8  Pet.    277    (1834); 
De  Forest  v.   Lawrence,    13  How.    274   (1851);    Maillord  v.   Lawrence,    16   How. 
251    (1853), 

(23)  U.    S.   V.   Fassavant,    169  U.    S.    16,    (1893). 

(50)  Carey  v.   .Curtis,    3  How.    236    (1845). 

(31)  137  U.    S.    310    (1890). 

(52)  Ihid  at  page   324. 

(33)  Dickinson,    op.    cit.,    277   et   seq. 

(34)  Knight  v.   United  Land  Association,    142  U.    S.    161    (1891); 

U.    S.    ex  rel  Riverside   Oil   Gc.   v.    Hitchcock,    190  U.    S.    316    (1903);    ^nd 
Warner  Yalle^^  Stock   Co.   v.   Smith,    165  U.    S.    28    (1899). 

(35)  Mar  que  z  v.   FrisMe,    101  U.    S.   473   (1879);    U.    5.    ex  rel 
International   Contracting;  Co.,    v.   Lament  155  U.    S.    303   (1894); 

M(  Clunig;  v.    Silliman.    6    wheat   598   (1821). 

(36)  U.    S.    e:c  rel  Riverside  Oil    Co.    v.   Hichcock,    190  U.    S.    316 


(37)  234  U.    S.    569,    710    (1914) 

(33)  St.    Lcuis   Sr.eltinA-  etc.    Co.    v.   Kenro,    104  U.    S.    636    (1882) 

(3j)  Burke  v.    So-gthern  P.-^cific  R.   H.    Co.,    234  U.    S.    669    (1914) 

(40)  Hoble   V.    Union  Lo.p-,g;ing:  Co.,    147   U.    S.    165    (1893) 

(41)  Vpnce  v.    Bur'bpnk,    101  U.    3.    514   (1880) 

(42)  Steel  v.    St.    Louis   Sneltinp;  etc.    Co.      106   U.    S.   447   (1G82) 

(43)  French  v.   Frypn,    93  U.    S.    169   (1876);    MajTrjuez  y.    ?ris-bie,    101 
U.S.   473   (i:.79);    and  Jchnson  v.    Tonsley.    13  'Jail.    72   (1871). 

(44)  Ifewhall  V.    Sanger,    92  U.  S^_761    (1875);    nnd  Donlpn  v.    Cp^rr, 
125  U.S.    618    (1887),    -hich  involves  the   Question  ,of  '-hether   certain  l?nds 
T'here    there   exists  s   claim  of   title  tesed  on  iiexican  or   Spanish  grants, 
are    "pulilic  lands". 

(45)  Wilcox  V.    Jackson,    13  Pet.    498    (1839);    and  Burfennin.g  v.    Chi., 
St.    Prul   etc^  H.    Co.,    163  U.S.    319   (1896). 

(46)  138  U.    S.    573   (1891). 

(47)  Supra, III.      Decatur  v.    Paulding',:  14  Pet.   497   (1840).      See   also 
U.S.    ex  rel  Dunlap  v.    Black,    128  U.    S.    40    (1888), 

(43)      Butter-7orth  v.    Hoe_,    112  U.    S.    50   (1384)..     See   also   Philadelphia 
&  Trexitcn  E.R.   v.    Stimpson,.  14  Pet.   448,    458   (1831).      The   court   said  in 

part,    "It   is  not necessary  for  the  patent   to   contain  any  recit.^ls 

that    the  prerequisites   to    the   grant   of   it  have   been  duly  corrolied  v;ith, 
for   the   lav;  makes   the  presuinjDtion. " 

(49)  llarquette  University  v.  P.. -eral  Radio  Comhdssion  47  F.  (2d) 
406  (1931),  "j"here  the  Comraission  refuses  to  increase  a  station's  power 
"the   court   '■•ill  hesitate   to    set  aside   a   finding   (as   to   fact)   of   the 

Co: mission  unless   it  appears   to   "be   manifestly  contrary  to   the   evidence. 

(50)  Infra.,    this   chapter,    section  2. 

(51)  Sarlp  V.    Pulaski   Coimty,    88   S.W.    953   (Ark.    1905). 

(52)  Brougham  v.    Blantcn  Lifg.    Co.    249  U.    S.    495    (1919).      Power  is 
limited  to   admission,    exclusion  and  ercpulsion.      Keller  v,    U.    S.  ,    213  U.S. 
138    (1909). 

(53)  The   right   to   exclude  was   early  recognized.      The    Chinese 
Exclusion  Case,    130  U.    S.    581    (1889). 

(54)  Ihu-ray  v.    Schooner   Charming  Betsy,    2   Cranch  64   (1804), 


(55)  U.    S.   V.    Ju  Toy,    198   U.    S.    253   (190.). 

(56)  llishimura  Ekiu  v.   U.._S^,    1^2  U.    S.    651   (1892). 

(57)  uilwaukee  Publishin.f^  Co.    v.    Biirlescn,    255  U.    S.   407    (1921). 

(58)  ivs  FmijS:  Ho   V.    -Jhite,    259  U.    S.    276    (1922). 

(59)  Van  Vleck,    Administrative    Control  of  Aliens,    (I'fev/  York,    1932). 

(60)  Broune  v.    Zurtrick,    45  Fed.    (2d)   931    (C.C.A.   6th,    1930) 
suggests   that   Immigration  Act  1929,    46   Stat.   41,      by  making  attempt   of 
deported  alien  to   return  a  felony  vTill   cause  greater  due  process  of  Igi; 
requirenents.      See    "Reguisites  of  an  Administrative  Hearing",    80  Fa.  Lan 
Review  878    (1932). 

(61)  Compare  U.    S.    v.   Williams,    194  U.    S.    279   (19C4),    and  Tod  v. 
Waldnan,    266  U.    S.    113   (1934);    Colyer  v.    Skeffington,    265  Fed.    17 

(D.C.   liass.  1920);8nd  U.S.    ear^l  papa  v.    Day.    45  F.    (2d)   435   (D.    C.    S.   D. 
W.    1.-1930). 

(62)  Hanson  v.   Haff,    291   U.    S.    559.  (1934). 

(63)  Dickinson,    op.    cit.,    27,    indicates    the    increase   in  the   C-overn- 
ment's  activity  in  supplying  putilic   services. 

(64)  Fairlie,    op.    cit.,    181. 

(65)  Public   Clearing  House  v.    Coyne,    194  U.    S.   497   (1904). 

(66)  Bates  and'  Guild  Co.   v.'  Payne,    194  U.    S.    106   (1904). 

(57)      Ajnerican  School  of  Magnetic  Healing  v.   McAnnuIty,    187   U.    S. 
94   (1202). 

(68)  Leach  v.    Carlile,    253  U.    S.    138    (1922). 

(69)  American   School  v.   McAnnuIty,    187  U.    S.    94   (1902)    See   the 
dissenting  opinion. 

(70)  lalwaTikee  Publishing  Co.   v.    Burleson,    255  U.    S.    407    (1921) 
Was  probably  anunusual   case   because   of   the  war  circumstances   coloring 
the   facts.  .       , 

(71).      Ibid. 

(72)  IvTational  Life  v.   National  Life,   -209   U.    S.    317    (1908). 

(73)  Albertswcrth,    "Judicial  Revierr  of  Administrative  Action," 

35  Harvard  Law  Review  127,    153   (1921);    "Tnen  the   government   is   dispensing 
a   boiuity,    i-^hen  it   is  admitting  aliens,    a  proper   balancing  of   the    interests 
involved  leads   the    Supreme    Court   to   give   greater  liberty  to   the  executive 
official;    v/hen  vested  rights,    or  personal  liberty  are   involved,    a  nore 

rigid  control  is  kept  over  executive  officers.  This  resixlts  in  having 
rules  of  cue  kind  for  the  exercise  of  the  police  po^jer,  of  another  for 
taxation,  of  another  for  aliens,  of  still  another  for  the  operation  rf 
varimis  kinds  of  puhlic  "business," 

(74)  Blackly  and  Oatman,    Administrative  Legjislation  and  Ad.judicaticn 
(Brookings   Institution,    1934)   7:    "".Then,    on  the   other  hand,    the   state 
attempts  to  exercise  a   day-"by-day  regulation  over  private  economic  enter- 
prise,   it  is  confronted  with  very  difficult  administrative  pro'blens. 
Instead  rf  agreeing  on   terms,    or  controlling  the   internal  management  cf 
its  crm   "business,    it   is   regulating  and  controlling  a   business  which  it 
does  not   cxm,    the   internal  management  of  -.Thich   is   entrusted  to  n^rivpte 
individuals,    the   fiscal   relationships  of  '.'hich  must  meet   the   necessities 
of  private  profit   as  well   as   the   reouireraents  of  pu"blic   ser"Sfice," 

(75)  Dickinson,  op.  cit.,  216:  "A  sufficient  excuse  for  distrust  of 
the  operation  of  law  in  fields  of  clashing  social  opinions  is  afforded  "by 
actual  e:cperience  of  the  failures  of  the  law  in  these  fields,  or  what  is 
worse,  hy  its  occasional  perversion  into  an  instrument  of  injustice.  The 
trcu"ble,  it  is  su"bmitted,  does  not  go  so  much  to  the  applicability  cf  law 
as  to    the   improper  manner  of   its  application." 

(7S)     Frankfurter  and  Landis,      The  Business  of   the   Supreme   Court 
(New  York,    1927),    173:      "Courts  are  less  than  ever  technical  erpounders 
of  tecliiiical  provisions  of  the   Constitution,      '^h.ey  are  arbiters  of  the 
economic  and  social  life  of  vast  regions  and  at   times  of  the  whole 
ccimtr;'-  — The  wisdom  of  debatable  policies,    like   the  proper  scope  for 
competition  or  for  monopoly,   policies  never  susceptible  to   quantitative 
Judgments,    is  for  their  ultimate  decision," 

(77)  Texas  and  Pacific  H.    Co.    v.    I.    C.    C. ,    62  U.    S.    197   (1896); 
Frankfurter  and  Landis,    ibid.,    164-  n.    86.      In  the   first   twenty-three 
Cases   the    Interstate   CoraiTierce   Commission  sought   the   aid  of   the   court,    it 
was  reversed  in   twenty-one;    and  Sharfman,    The    Interstate   Commerce   Ccm- 
missicn   (l^ew  York,    1931),    Vol.    II,    Chapter  X. 

(78)  34  Stat,    at  L.    584. 

(79)  Interstate    Coiamerce   Cor.inission  v.   Delnware,    Lackawanna  & 
Western  ?..    Co. ,    220  U.    S.    235   (1911);    Interstate    Conmerce   Connission  v. 
Illincis   Central  R.   S.    Co.,    215  U. 'S.    452   (1910);    U.    S.   v.   Louisville  & 
Nashville  H.    Co.,    235  U.    S.    314   (1914).      Dickinson,    op.    cit.,    159-167 

(80)  Avent  v.   U.    S..    266   U.    S.    127,    131    (1924),    cites   U.    S.    v. 

(82)      222  U.    S.    541    (1912):    "ivot   that   its   decision,    involving  ps   it 
does   sc   many  and  such  vast  public   interests  can   be   supported  by  a   mere 
scintilla   of  proof,    but   the   courts  will  not  examine    the   facts  further  thnn 
to   determine   whether   there  iras   substantial  evidence   tc    sustain   the   order," 


(83)  I.C.C.  V.  Alabama  Midland  R.  Co. ,  168  U.S.  144  (1BS7); 
I.  C.  C.  V  Illinois  Central  R.  Co.,  215  U.S.  452  (1910);  Texas  and 
Pacific  ~.  Co.  v  I.  C.  C. ,  162  U.S.  197  (1896);  Southern  Pacific  Co. 
Y.  I.  C.  C,  219  U.S.  433  (1911);  I.  C.  C.  v.  Delaware,  L.  and  W.  R. 
Co. ,  220  U.  S.  235  (1911). 

(84)  I.  C.  C.  V  Union  Pacific  R.  Co. .  222  U.S.  541,  548  (1912). 

(85)  227  U.S.  88  (1913). 

(86)  Florida  East  Coast  E.  Co.  v.  U.S. ,  234  U.S.  167  (1913)' 

(87)  Dickinson,  op.cit.,  175. 

(83)   McFarland,  Judicial  Control  of  the  Federal  Trade  Commis- 
sion  qjid  the  Interstate  Commerce  Commission,  1920-1930  (Harvard  Uni- 
versity Press,  1953),  167-168:   The  sparing  control  of  the  courts  is 
undoubtedly  one  of  the  more  important  factors  which  made  the 
Interstate  Commerce  Commission  tae  foremost  example  of  administrative 
Justice  in  the  United  States." 

(90)  Wisconsin  Railroad  Commission  v.  Chicai^o  B  ic  0  H.  Co»  , 
257  U.S.  563,  589  (1922).   Congress  was  seeking,  the  court  declared, 
"to  make  the  system  adequate  to  the  needs  of  the  country. "   See 
Sharfman,  op.cit.,  Vol. I. 

(91)  McFarland,  op.cit.,  170-171. 

(92)  This  does  not  mean  that  no  remedy  existed  if  the  expert 
was  clearly  wrong,  or  if  tnere  was  a  questionable  statutory  basis 
for  the  proposed  application. 

(93)  Handler,  "Jurisdiction  of  the  Federal  Trade  Commission 
over  False  Advertising,"  31  Columbia  Law  Review  527  (1931). 

(94)  Comment,  "Judicial  Review  of  Administrative  Orders  under 
NRA  and  AAA. "  43  Yale  Law  Journal  599  (1934),  600  n.  9.   Of  719, 
cease  and  desist  orders  between  1915-1926,  22  were  sustained  by  the 
Circuit  Court  of  Appeals,  2  by  the  Supreme  Court,  and  only  17  were  •' 
reversed.   In  regard  to  new  standards  established  by  the  Commission, 
it  has  not  been  so  successful.   Of  97  orders  over  the  same  period, 

9  were  sustained  by  the  Circuit  Court  of  Appeals,  2  by  the  Supreme 
Court,  and  the  Commission  was  reversed  26  and  11  times  respectively. 
These  figures  are  talcen  from  the  National  Industrial  Conference  Board, 
Public  Regulation  of  Competitive  Practices  (Rev.ed.  1929).   See  also 
McFarland,  op.cit..  Ill,  93.   The  aj.thor  summarizes  the  unfair  methods 
of  competition  treated  by  the  Comm.ission  in  the  Courts,  false  or  mis- 
leading advertising,  misbranding  of  products,  or  other  misleading 
sales  practices.   In  this  field  the  Commission  has  done  its  greatest 

(95)  McFarland,  op.cit.,  94-97,  states  taat  the  commission  has 
had  little  success  witn  commercial  bribery,  although  this  practice  often 
partake-s  of  fraud  and  unfairness.   The  orders  concerning  interference 

in  the  channels  of  trade  and  distribution  have  been  sustained  only 



where  associated  or  concerted  action  was  shown,  which  element 
probably  came  from  the  common  law  doctrine  of  conspiracy  and  its 
weight  in  making  a  practice  ijiifair  which  might  not  otherwise^  be  so. 
Ee-sale  price  maintenance  orders  were  freely  dmodified,  and  the  Com- 
mission finally  gave  up  attempting  to  regulate  this  practice.   In 
this  field  particxilarly,  the  Court  evinced  a  desire  to  establish  the 
law  as  against  any  disposition  to  let  the  Commission  establish  it. 
Other  practices  were  imitation  of  competitor's  trade  ns,me,  misrenre- 
sentation  of  competitor's  products  or  ability  to  serve  price  fixing, 
time  contracts,  price  discrimination,  and  full  line  forcing. 

Handler,  op.cit.   See  table  of  cases  on  tnis  "ooint  cited  at  the 
end  of  the  article. 

(96)  McFarland,  op.cit.,  8,  96:   "The  Federal  Trade  Commission 
has  been  restricted  to  the  exercise  of  a  preliminary  investigating 
power  by  the  decisions,  while  tne  Courts  do  not  ordinarily  interfere 
with' tne  authority  exercised  by  the  Interstate  Commerce  Commission 

"In  connection  with  all  cases,  tne  courts  determine  the  suffi- 
cienoy  of.  the  pleadings  (although  this  appears  to  have  been  the  sole 
ground  of  decision  in  only  one  instance),  what  shall  constitute  proof 
and  what  conclusions  shall  be  drawn  from  the  evidence,  when  the  mat- 
ter is  of  public  interest,  what  amounts  to  interference  with  compe-Tt 
tition,  and  when  monopoly  exists  or  is  fostered.   If  an  order  of  the 
commission  is  successful  in  passing  this  minute  scrutiny,  in  some 
coarts  tnere  is  still  the  troublesome  question  of  enforcement." 

(97)  253  U.S.  421  (1920). 

(98)  260  U.S.  568  (1922). 

(99)  Supra,  n.94.   McFarland,  op.cit.,  178,  suggests  that  the 
inadequacy  of  the  Federal  Trade  Commission  has  probably  been  nartly 
responsible  for  the  frequency  witn  wnich  tne  Commission  has  been 
reversed.   Sep  also  Dickinson,  op.cit.,  240-250;  comment-  "Ju- 
dicial Review  of  Administrative  Orders  under  NSA  and  AAA,"  43  Yale 
Law  Journal  599  (1954). 

(100)  Ibid.,  580. 

(101)  Now  Special  Assistant  (in  the  Anti  Trust  Division)  to 
the  Attorney  General  of  the  United  States  snd  sometinp  attorney  for 
the  Federal  Trade  Commission. 

(102)  McFarland,  or^.cit.,  29. 

(103)  Ibid, ,  99. 

(104)  Ibid,,  V,  l''0-18R:   "The  orders  of  the  Federal  Trade  Commis- 
sion are  subject  to  a  judicial  rnconsileration  on  the  record  taken  before 
the  trade  commissionors,  while  the  orasrs  of  the  Interstate  Commerce 
Commission  are  subject  to  be  set  aside  only  for  excess  of  authority  or 



disregard  of  insufficiency  of  rvic'ence.  The  trade  conmissionprs 
themselves  huve  i'  takren  tne  vie'7  taat  trie  commission  is  an 
investigative  body  r?nd  paolic  u-osecutor  in  a  s-oecial  field." 

See  also  Henderson,  The  Feder-'l  Trn:'e   ComnuESion  (Yale  Univer- 
sity Press,  1924),  77,  descrioxng  procedare  tc    tne  Circuit  Courts 
of  Appeals. 

(ins)   FcFarland, .op.cit. ,  V,  170-183,  n.  2;  "Accordingly, 
wnat  extensions  will  be  made  from  t;ip  evidence  depends  u-oon  the  ju- 
dicial attitude  toward  the  legisla.tion  administered.   Obviously, 
without  some  conce^jtion  of  the  purposes  and  desired  legal  situation, 
a  treatment  of  tne  evidence  must  meander  into  ineffectiveness." 

(106)  Ibid.,  175. 

(107)  Ibid.,  176-177. 

(108)  Ibid. ,  ?;   "One  item  of  trade  commission  process,  however, 
has  been  singled  o^^t  for  oarticular  criticism  —  the  inadequacy  of  the 
ooinions  and  findings  of  the  commissioners.   Although  the  courts 
themselves  have  not  remarked  the  absence  of  argumentative  opinions  and 
even  vvhere  findings  are  made  have  either  ignored  them  or  have  subjected 
them  to  an  almost  metaphysical  consideration,  the  absence  of  an  extend- 
ed administrative  reoort  on  each  case  confirms  what,  in  some  cases, 

is  a  judicial  conviction  that  administrative  orocess  is  'oarticularly 
open  tc  tne  suspicion  that  careful  consideration  nas  not  been  given 
the  evidence.   iiVhere  the  courts  point  out  a  lack  of  findings,  they 
have  no  hesitancy  in  drawin?r  tiieir  own  conclusions  from  the  record.   In 
comparison,  the  decisions  or  reports  of  tne  Interstate  Commerce  Com- 
mission are  carefully  dra^'n  and  treat  the  evidence  fully,  although 
tne  Supreme  Court  has  oronounced  t-iat  tne  courts  nave  no  concern  with 
the  soundness  of  tne  reasoning,  tJie  application  of  administrative  pre- 
cedents, or  tne  wisdom  of  the  action  of  tne  Interstate  Commerce  Com- 
mission.  On  occasion,  however,  tne  commerce  commission  has  been 
admonished  to  state  in  its  reports  the  facts  and  reasons  for  its  con- 
clusions to  facilitate  judicial  review.   Apparently,  while  the  courts 
in  their  regular  course  of  proced'ore  may  render  decision  by  memorandum 
or  deny  relief  "for  want  of  equity,"  administrative  decisions  must  be 
clotned  in  the  garb  of  judicial  o-omion  before  they  will  be  accepted 
oy  the  bench  as  bona  fide  adjudications.   Herein  the  federal  trade 
commissioners  have,  undoubtedly  been  remiss." 

(109)  Ibid. ,  V:   "The  form  of  the  legislative  character  of 
authority  for  each  commission  is  much  the  same.   The  delegation  of 
authority  is  in  terms  of  legal  standard  such  as  'reasonable  rates'  or 
'tending  to  create  monoiooly.  '   Sometimes  the  standard,  thus  clothed 
with  authority  of  law,  is  given  a  moral  color  —  'unfair  competition, ' 
'undue  prejudice,'  'unjust  discrimination.'   But  these  standards,  as 
between  the  two  commissions,  differ  in  scope  or  particularly  of  sub- 
ject matter.   The  standards  which  the.  Interstate  Commerce  Commission 
must  apply  are  more  specifically  related  to  particular  situations  — 



rates,  services,  facilities,  and  so  on.   But  tne  standard  entrusted 
to  tne  Federal  Trade  Commission  —  the  maintenance  of  com-oetition 
or  prevention  of  moncooly  --  embraces  the  whole  commercial  field; " 

(lin)   See  discussion  of  tne  Interstate  Commerce  Conmission, 
supra,  this  section. 

(ill)   Supra,  n.  94.   Handler,  op.cit.,  states  tiiat  the  statu- 
tory standards  in  the  Federal  Trade  Commission  ict,  88  Stat.  719 
(1914)  was  -ourposely  made  indefinite  to  insure  flexibility  and  adat)- 
tation  to  new  situations. 

(112)  i-cFarland,  op.cit.,  2^,  21:   'These  standards,  if  such 
tney  may  be  called,  are  not  the  materials  of  common  lav;  administra- 
tion of  justice;  nor  is  it  that  the  legislature  had  a  definite  legal 
order  in  mind  —  rather,  authority  has  been  granted -to  the  administra- 
tive agency  to  work  out  the  problem  thus  specified. 

"I«evertheless,  because  of  this  very  character  of  the  Federal 
Trade  Commission  Act  the  courts  assume  comlete  authority;   If,  as 
is  the  case  with  the  Federal  Trade  Commib;.ion  Act,  it  is  for  the 
courts  'ultimately  to  determine  ^s  a  matter  of  law'  whrt  the  standard 
'unfair  methods  of  competition'  means,  then  the' courts  are  either  ex- 
ercising the  delegated  authority  or,  by  fiction,  convert  a  general 
expression  or  specification  of' delegated  power  into  substantive  law. 
Althougn  tne  proolem  has  been  delegated  to  a  specialized  tribunal, 
the  courts  of  law  have  set  themselves  in  the  place  of  the  adminis- 
trators, wnich  means  to  many  people  tnat  the  ourpose  of  the  entire 
scheme  is  set  aside  —  the  classical  politics  and  economics  of 'judges 
prevail  in  full." 

(113)  Ibid. ,  185:   "The  field  of  trade  and  commerce  regulation 
is  no  excep^tion  to  tne  rule  of  exioerience  that  there  are  no  sharp 
turns  in  government." 

(114)  In  the  narrow  fields  it  has  been  observed  in  this  study 
that  finality  extended  to  a  field  such  as  alien  determinations  might 
be  circumvented  by  tne  courts. 

(115)   Iv'cFarland ,  oo.cit.,  188:   "To  vitalize  the  regulation 
of  trade  and  industry,  Congress  and  the  executive  have  yet  to  oro- 
vide  a  capaole  body  of  administrators,  and  no'7  the  statutes  must  be 
revised.   In  the  substantive  oortions  of  such  legislation  a  ■oolicy 
must  be  stated  and  maintained  as  administration  progresses.   On  the 
procedural  side,  if  the  regulation  is  to  be  administrative  and  not 
judicial,  the  d.eterminations  of  tne  administrative  agency  must  be 
made  effective  without  resort  to  the  courts.   This  was  the  legis- 
lative program  which  revived  the  regulation  of  interstate  transpor- 
tation^ in  1906  and  1910." 

!    tll6)   Federal  Trade  Commission  v.  Royal  Milling  Co. .  288  U.S. 
212  (1933),   See  also.  Federal  Trade  Commission  v.  G-oodgrape  Co.  , 
45  F.  (2d)  70  (CCA.  6th,  1930).   For  an  earlier  case  see.  Federal 
Trade  Commission  v.  Pacific  Coast  Paper  Ass'n. .  273  U.S.  52  (1927) 




Federal    Tradp    Com'  icLiou 

67    (1934). 


Federal   Trade   Connis::ion 


Ibid.,    309. 


Ibid.,    312. 

V.  Alabama  Lumber  Co.,  291  U.S. 
on  V.    Zecjel,    391  U.S.  304  (1934). 

(121)  Ibid.,  314.   Note  Rsoecially  the  citation  of  a  case  in- 
volvine,  the  Interstate  Commerce  Commission. 

(122)  Dickinson,  op.cit.,  57. 

(125)   Lawton  v.  Steele,  152,  U.S.  133,  140-141  (1894). 

(124)  North  German  Lloyd  v.  Hedden,  43  F.  17,  25  (1890):   "It 
was  perha'os  unnecessary  .  .  .  that  I  should  have  more  than  ac- 
quiesce in  the  doctrines.  .  .announced,  and  support  the  validity 

of  the  Act.  .  .  without  further  discussion,  but  the  large  amount  of 
money  involved  in  the  present  actions,  and  the  earnestness  and  force 
wit a  which  the  plaintiff's  claims  have  been  pressed,  have  induced  me 
to  make  a  more  extended  presentation  of  tnem  thaii  was  at  first  de- 
signed. "   (Underlining  mine). 

(125)  Davidson  v.  Federal  Hadio  Commission,  61  F.(2d)  401 
(1952).   See  also,  "Power  of  Federal  Radio  Commission"  28,  III.  Law 
Review  409  (1932);  Chicago  Federation  of  Labor  v.  Federal  Radio  Com- 
mission, 41  F.  (2d)  422  (1950);  Strawbridge  &   Clothier  v.  Federal 
Radio  Commission.  57  F.  (2d)  434  (1932). 

(126)  White  v.  Federal  Radio  Commission,  29  F.  (2d)  113  (1928). 

(127)  Great  Lakes  Broadcasting  Co.  v.  Federal  Radio  Commission 
37  F.  (2d)  993  (1930).   Certiorari  denied,  281  U.  S  706  (1930); 
Journal  Co.  v.  Federal  Radio  Commission,  48  F.  (2d)  461  (1931). 

(128)  Dickinson,  op.cit.,  67. 

(129)  City  of  Knoxville  v.  Knoxville  Water  Co.,  212  U. S.  1, 
18  (1909). 

(130)  Merchants  Exchange  v.  Missouri,  248  U.S.  305  (1919), 
held  a  statute  prohibiting  weighing  of  grain  or  hay  by  -orivate  weigh- 
ers where  public  ones  are  present  is  not  a  denial  of  property  with- 
out due  process  of  law. 

(131)  Infra,  XIII        '   ' 

(132)  State  v.  Gullatt  Cleaning. 'i  Garment  Co.;  Same  v.  Garfield, 
C.  P.  CT. ,  Hamilton  County,  Ohio,  Nos.  A-4216607,  May  5,  1934,  (Ma- 
thews, J.);  and 



United  States  v.  Sutnerland  et.  al.  (D. C. W.n.Mo.)   Dec.  27,  1934, 
£q.  Ko.2552.  (Otis  D. J.). 

(135)  Hegeman  Parmprs  Corp.  v.  Baldwin,  293  U.S.  163,  55  Sut). 
Ct.  7  (1954).   ■  ■ 

(154)  People  v.  Nel)toia,  291  U.S.  502  (1334). 

(155)  See  infra  XI —  discussion  of  U.S.  v.  Spotless  Dollar  Cleaners 
ers,  6  Fed.  Supp.  725  (D.  C.  ii.  D.    N.  Y.  1934). 

(136)  San  Diego  Land  and  T'om  Co.  v.  National  City,  174  U.S. 
739  (1889);  Sam  Diego  Land  and  T..  m  Co.  v.  Jasper,  189  U.S.  439,441 
(1903);  see  also  Dickinson,  op.  cit.,  177. 

(137)  ■  This  is  self-limitation  linder  the  separation  of  powers 

(138)  "It  (the  statute)   deprives  the  Company  of  its  rijSiht  to  a 
judicial  investigation,  by  due  process  of  law,  under  the  forms  and 
with  the  machinery  provided  "by  the  wisdom  of  successive  ages  for  the 
investitation  judicially  of  the  truth  of  a  matter  in  controversy,  and 
substitutes  therefor,  as  an  absolute  finality,  the  action  of  a  Rail- 
road Comnission  which,  in  view  of  tne  po^^ers  conceded  to  it  by  the  . 
State  court,  cannot  be  regarded  as  clothed  wita  judicial  functions 

or  possessing  the  machinery  of  a  court  of  justice The  -ques- 
tion of  the  reasonableness  of  a  rate  of  charge  for  transportation  by 
a  railroad  company,  involving  as  it  does  tne  element  of  reasonable- 
ness both  as  regards  the  company  and  as  regards  the  public,  is  emi- 
nently a  question  for  judicial  investigation,  reqairine:  due  process 
of  law  for  its  determination. " 

"If  tip  company  is  deprived  of  the  power  of  charging  reasonable 
rates  for  the  use  of  its  property,  and  such  deprivation  takes  place 
in  the  absence  of  an  investigation  by  judicial  machinery,  it  is  de- 
prived of  tne  lawful  use  of  its  property,  and  thus,  in  substance  and 
effect,  of  the  property  itself,  without  due  process  of  law."   See 
Willoughby,  Constitutional  Law  of  the  United  States,,  (New  York  1929) 
p.  1703. 

(139)  Smyth  v.  Ames,  169  U.S.  466  (IBbB);  St.  Loaia  &  0' Fallon 
Ry.  V.  U.  S.  ,  279  U.S.  461  (1929). 

(140)  An  extreme  case  is  United  Railway  of  Baltimore  v.  West, 
280  U.S.,  234  (1930)  which  sugfl-ested  that  a  return  of  less  than  7.44^ 
was  confiscatory. 

(141)  Ohio  Valley  Water  Co.  v.  Ben  Avon  Borough,  253,  U.S.  287 
(1920),   See  contra,  New  York  dc   Q.ueens  Gas  Co.  v.  McCall.  245  U.S. 

(142)  Dickinson,  op. cit.,  195. 


■  -171- 

(143)  Ohio  Valley  Water  Co.,  v.  Ben  Avon  Borough,  103  Atl.  744 
(Pa.  1918). 

(144)  At  page  289. 

(145)  Georgia  Ry.  a  Power  Co.  ,■  v.  Railroad  Commission,  262  U.S. 
625  (1923). 

(146)  See  Wilcox  v.  Jackson,  13  Pet.  498  (1839)  as  to  use  of 
doctrine  in  cases  of  disputed  jurisdiction  between  State  and  Federal 

(147)  Crowell  v.  Benson,  285  U.S.  22  (1932). 

(148)  259  U.S.  27S  (1922)   See  also  United  States  v. _Ju  Toy. 
198  U.S.  253  (1905). 

(149)  Groenvelt  v._Burwell,  1  Ld.  Rayraond  454,  467  (1691). 

(150)  Philadelphia  &  Readin?  Ry.  v.  Di  Donato,  256  U.S.  327,  328 
(1920),  involved  tne  question  whetner  a  flagman  at  a  railway  crossing 
where  Dotu  _inter3tatp  a~id  iritrasta,tft  traihS  passed  was  enga^dd  in 
"interstate  coitiTnerce.  "  Dickinson,  op.cit.,  52;   "To  allow  an  exec- 
utive body  thus  to  deterynine  conclusively  the  limits  i^f   its  own  'juris- 
diction' looks  suspiciously  like  allowing  it  to  determine  a  'matter 

of  law. ' " 

(151)  Western  Indemnity  Co.  v.  Pillsbury,  151  Pac.398  (Cal. 
1924).   The  court  allowed  finality  to  the  board's  determination,  but 
apparently  only  because  the  court  approved  it. 

(152)  Employers  Insurance  Corp.  v.  Industrial  Accident  Com- 
mission, 151  Pac.  423  (Cal.  1915). 

(153)  Kansas  Asoociation  v.  Wilder,  23  Pac.  1061  (Kan. 1890). 

(154)  I  iller  v.  Horton,  26  h'.K.    100  (Mass.  ,  1891) ,   The  de- 
cision was  handed  down  by ,\Justice  Holmes,,  who  later  refused  to 
recognize  the  doctrine  as  urged  upon  the  court  in  U.  S.  v.  fTu  Toy. 

(155)  People  v.  Public  Service  Commission,  195  N. Y.  157  (1909). 

(156)  Brougham  v.  Blanton  Mfg.  Co..  249  U.S.  495  (1919). 

(157)  198  U.S.  253  (1905). 

(159)  Van  Vleck,  Administrative  Control  pf  Aliens  (New  York 

(160)  259  U.S.  276  (1922);  see  also  Van  Vleck,  op.cit., 189. 

(161)  Gegiow  V.  Uhl .  239  U.S.  3  (1915);  also  Hanson  v.  Hoff , 
291  U.S.  559  (1934). 



(lo2)   253  U.S.  287  (1920). 

(163)   Supra,  section  2,  this  chapter. 

(Ib4)   Dickinson,  "Review  of  Administrative  Determination  of 
questions  of  'Constitutional  Fact'/',  80  Penn.  Law  Review  1055  (1932) , 
1072:   "The  doctrine  of  constitutional  fact  is  the  doctrine  of  juris- 
dictional fact  in  a  special  form.   Constitutionality  is  a  question 
of  power  to  act,  arid  when  it_  is  held  to  depend  en  the  presence  of  a 
fact,  tne  situation  is  the  same  as  when  what  is  called  the  'jurisdic- 
tion' of  an  adrninistrative  "body  is  made  to  turn  on  a  fact  issue.. 
The  difference  is  only  that  in  one  case  the  limitation  is  deduced 
from  the  Constitution  and  in  tne  other  from  the  statute  creating 
the  body  whose  power  is  in  the  issue." 

(165)  Dickinson,  ibid. ,  1061:   "It  is  well  settled  tnat  when 
tne  re  is  provision  for  a  proper  administrative  nenring,  t;ie  indi- 
vidual 8-fiected  is  not  entitled, to  another  and  second  hearing  in 
the  review  proceeding  at  law. " 

(166)  Dickinson,  Administrative  Justice  aiid  the  Supremacy 
of  Law  in  the  United  States,  op.cit.,  200  et.seq. 

(167)  Dickinson,  "Eevie'¥  of  Administrative  Determination  of 
Questions  of  'Constitutional  Fact,'"  op. cit. ,1059-1060:   "It  (the 
doctrine)  holds  that  when  statutory  authority  to  decide  deoends  on 
tne  actual  existence  of  a  fact,  then  the  existence  or  non-exist- 
ence of  that  fact  must  be  independently  decided  in  Court  in  order 
to  enable  the  Court  to  determine  whether  or  not  as  a  natter  of  law 
the  Administrative  decision  is  ultra  vires  and  void.   What  the  doc- 
trine means  in  practice  is  that  unless,  on  those  facts  which  are 
held  to  be  'jurisdictional,'  the  administrative  tribunal  reaches  a 
finding  corresponding  to  that  which  a  Court  will  later  reach  on  dif- 
ferent evidence,  tne  administrative  decision  will  be  over-thrown 

as  in  excess  of  jurisdiction." 

(168)285  11.3.22^(1932);  see  '.Theeling  Corrugating  Co,  ,  v. 
Mcmanigal .  41  F.(2d)  .593  (CCA.  4th,  1930),  whicn  was  overruled 
by  Crowell  v.  Benson. 

(169)  This  does  not  mean  to  suggest  the  doctrine  had  never 
been  applied  to  federal  agencies.   See  discussion  of  Mg  Fung  Ho 
V.  White,  S59  U.S.  276  (1922).,.    .  ,   •.■ 

(170)  Ibid.,    60. 

(171)  Ibid.,    93. 

(172)  Dickinson,   Review  of   Administrative  Determination  of 
(questions   of    'Constitutional  Fact'"   op.    cit.,    1058,. n.    12. 



(173)  Dickinson,  ibid.,  1081;  also  Comment,  "The  Federal  Long- 
shoreraen's  and  Harbor  ./orlcers'  Compencation  Act,"  43  Yale  Law 
Journal  640  (1934'^;  sop  Vochl  v.  Indemnity  Insu.rance  Company  of 
North  America,  288  U.S.  lo2,  Ibo  (l'^-'3). 

(174)  State  ex  rel  ::ilwuakee  i.edical  College  v.  Chittenden, 
107  N.W.  500  (1906  vVisc.)  Employers'  Insurance  Corporation  v.  In- 
dustrial Accident  Connission,  151  Pac.  423  (192b  Cal.);  Western  In- 
demnity Co.  V.  Fillsbury,  151  Pac.  398  (1926  Cal.). 

(175)  San  Diego  Land  and  Town  Co.  v,  Jasper,  189  U.S.  439,  441 
447  (1903). 

(176)  Note,  "Due  Process  Reqairements  of  Notice  and  Hearings 
in  Adrainistrative  Proceedings,"  34  Columbia  Law  Review,  332  (1934). 

(177)  Brown,  "Book  Review,"  41  Harvard  L^-^w  Review  115,  114 

(178)  Consider  the  confidential  report  in  Local  Government 
Board  v.  Arlidge,  A.  C  120,  (House  of  Lords  1915),  and  the  laxity 

of  requirements  in  the  aDoraisal  of  imported  goods;  Origet  v.  Hedden, 
155  U.S.  228,  237  (1894). 

(179)  North  American  Colri  Storage  Co.  v.  Chicago.,  211  U.S. 
306  (1908);  Neff  v.  Paddock,  26  Wis.  546  (1870). 

(180)  Supra,  tnis  chapter,  section  I. 

(181)  Origet  v.  Hedden  155  U. S,  228  (1894). 

(182)  Palmer  v.  I'cMahon,  135  U.S.  660  (1890);  Phillips  v. 
Commissioner,  283  U-.S^  589  (1931);   Murray's  Lessee  v.  Hoboken  Land 
and  Improvement  Co.  18  How,  272  (1855)., 

(183)  Van  Vleck,  "Administrative  Justice  in  the  Enforcement 
of  Q,uasi-Criminal  Law,  "  1  George  Washington  Law  Review  18  (1932) 

(184)  Van  Vleck,  iDid.,  46.  . 

(185)  Yamataya  v.  Fisher,  189  U.S.  86,  100-101  (1903);  see 
also  Nishim.ura  £kiu  v.  U.S..  142  U.S.,  651,  b59  (1892). 

(186  Chin  Yow  v.  U.S. .  208  U.S.  8  (1908). 

(187)  Gonzales  v.  Zurbrick,  45  F.(2d)   934  CCA.  6th,  1930). 

(188)  Ex  -parte  Bun.U  Une .  41  F.  (2d)  239(S.D.  CAl.  ,  1930). 

(189)  Smith  v.  Hitchcock,  226  U.S.  53,  69-61  (1912);  see  also 
the  opinion  in  the  lower  court,  34  App.  D.  C  521  (1910);  Note  -  "The 
Necessity  of  a  Notice  and  Hearing  in  Administrative  Determinations," 
80  University  of  Pennsylvania  Law  Review  96  (1931). 



(ISn)   Communications  Act  of  1934,  48  State.  1064. 

'-  ^i)    (Ibl)   Hadio  Act  of  1927,  44  Stat.  1174. 

(192)   Courier  Journal  Co.  v.  Federal  Radio  Commission,  46  F. 
(2d)  614  (Ct.  of  App.  D.  C.  1931)'. 

(1^3)   Southern  Railway  Co.  v.  Virginia,  290  U.S.  190  (1933);   ■ 
Sabre  v.  Rutland  K.  Co:.  85  At] .  693  (Vt.  1913). 

(194)  State  Railroad  Tax  Cases,  92  U.S.  575,  6^9,  (1876),  in  re- 
fusinfT  to  ;pke  such  requirements  said: 

"The  'Tiain  function  of  Board  is  to  equalise  these  assess- 
ments over  txie  vhole  State.   If  they  find  that  a  county  has  had 
its  property  assessed  too  high  in  reference  to  fie  general  standard, 
they  may  reduce  its  valuation;  if  it  has  been  fixed  too  low,  they 
raise  it  to  that  standard.   When  they  raise  it  in  any  county,  they 
necessarily  ra.ise  it  on  tne  property  of  every  individual  who  owns 
any  in  that  county.   Must  each  one  of  these  nave  notice  and  a  sepa- 
rate hearing?   If  a  railroad  comoany  is  by  law  entitled  to  such 
notice,  surely  every  individual  is  equally  entitled  to  it.   Yet  if 
tnis  be  so,  the  expense  of  giving  notice,  the  delay  of  hearing  ench 
individual,  would  render  the  exercise  of  the  main  function  of  this 
Board  impossible." 

Accord  see:   Bi  Metallic  Investment  Co.  v.  State  Board  of  Equal - 

i  gat  ion.  239  U.S.  44  (1915).   For  cases  raaJning  the  requirement 

see  Kunt z  v.  Sumotion,  19  N.ii.  1  (ind.  1888);   Londoner  v.  Denver. 

210  U.S.  627  (1914) 

(195)  Lander  v.  Mercantile  Bank,  136  U.S.  458  (1902);  San 
Diego  Land  and  Town  Co.  v.  National  City,  174  U.S.  739  (1899); 
Pittsburgh  etc.  R.  Co.  v.  Backus .  154  U.S.  421  (1894).-  • 

(196)  Erie  R.  R.  v.  City  of  Paterson,  76  Atl.  1065  (N. -J.  1910). 

(197)  Supra,  n.  195. 

(198)  Huhling  v.  Ehrich.  55  M.E.  636  (111.1899). 

(199)  Supra,  194. 

(200)  Hag^.r  v.  Reclamation  District,  111  U.S.  701  (1884). 

(■-201)   Bi  I.ietallic  Investment  Co.  v.  State  Board  of  Equalization, 
239  U.S.  441  (1915);  and  North  American  Cold  Storage  Co.  v.  Chicago,  211 
U.S.  306-  (19^'8). 

(202)   In  Chicago  Junction  Case,  264  U.S.  258  (1924)  Justice 
Brandeis  lists  notice  of  hearing  required  under  the  Hepburn  Act  of 
1906  and  the  Transportation  Act  of  1920,   In  the  cases  of  .unreason- 
able rates,  discriminatory  rates,  'switching  connections,  division 
of  joint  rates,  pooling,  railway  control  of  water  carriers,  valua- 
tion, extension  of  time  for  new  constriction  and  abandonment.   Notice 
of  hearing  i^-as  not  necessary,  however,  for  the  issuance  of  securities. 


(?03)   Fote  -  "Re-'uisitss  of  -ni  Aclninistr-^tive  Hearirir-v,"  SO  F.  L. 
H.  878  (19"2). 

(204)  Cro  Id  smith  v.  U.S.  3o-u-d  of  Tnx  Appeals.  270  U.  S.  117 
(1926);  Stoehr  v.  Wall.^oe.  335  U.  3.  239  ( 1931)  ;  TJ.  S.  ex  rel  Root)  v. 
Douglas,  19  D.  C.  99  (lE90) . 

(205)  San  Diego  Land  ^^   Town  Co.  v.  National  City,  174  U.  S.  739 
(1899).  A  mere  conference  may  be  a  hesjring. 

(208)   Fittsbur^ch  Stc.  R.  Co.  v  Baclcus .  154  U.  3.  421,  426-427 
(1894):   "A  hearing  "befors  judgnent,  vdth  full  opportunity  to  present  all 
evidence  and  the  ar.^uments  which  the  party  deems  important  is  all  that 

can  "be  adj\id;5ed  vital If  a  single  hearing  is  not  due  process, 

douhlin^i'  it  v;ill  not  make  it  so  .  .  .  " 

(207)  L'ew  York  and  Queens  Gas  Co.  v.  McCall.  245  U.  S.  345  (l917); 
Chin  low  V.  U.  S.  .  208  U.  S.  8  ( 1908)  ;  Kwock  Jan  Fat  v.  White,  253  U.  S. 
454  (l920)  .  Dickinson,  Adrninistrative  Justice  and  Su"oreniacy  of  Lav/  in 
the  United  States,  op.  cit.,  106,  n.  3. 

(208)  llorwe-rian  Nitrogen  FroiOicts  Co.  v.  U.  3.  ,  238  U.  S.  294 
(1933)  . 

(209)  Zayos  v.  Lathrop.  Luce  &  Go . .  231  U.  S.  171,  177  (1913); 
State  ex  rel  r:il-78u3cee  "medical  Colleg-e  v.  Chittendtan,  107  i\'.  W.  500 
(Wise.  1906);  Bradley  v.  City  of  Riclmond.  227  U.  S.  477  (1913). 

(210)  Bratton  v.  Chandler,  250  U.  S.  110  (l922) ;  &age  v.  Censore 
of  New  Hampshire  Eclectic  l.iedical  Society.  63  K.  H.  92  (1884). 

(211)  Garfield  v.  U.  S.  ex  rel  Spaldin.^-.  32  App.  D.  C.  153  (1908). 

(212)  KFOck  Jan  Fat  v.  White,  253  U.  S.  454  (l930);  U.  S.  ex  rel 
Bilokumsl:y  v.  Tod,  263  U.  S.  149  ( 1924)  ;  Federal  Trade  Coimnission  v, 
Goodgrape  Co.,  45  Fed.  (2d)  70  (C.C._4..  6th  1930). 

(213)  Chamher  of  Commerce  of  I'.-.inn.  v.  Federal  Trade  Commission. 
280  F.  45  (C.  C.  A.  8th,  1922)  148:   "A  hearing  is  granted  before  the 
Commission,  and  ultimate  review  by  the  Circuit  Court  of  Appeals  is  pro- 
vided; therefore  there  is  no  denial  of  due  process.   The  Federal  Trade 
Commission  exercises  administrative,  not  judicial,  powers.   The  act  pro- 
vides no  penalties,  nor  has  the  Commission  power  to  make  more  than  a 
finding  of  facts,  v/hich  requires  confirmation  by  this  court  before  any 
biorden  is  cast  upon  the  parties  subjected  to  inquiry." 

(213a)  Note  -  The  Necessity  of  a  Notice  and  Hearing  in  Administra- 
tive Determinations,  80  University  of  Pennsylvania  La.w  Review  96,  97 
(1931):   "Notice  and  hearing,  however,  detract  to  some  extent  from  admin- 
istrative efficiency.   They  involve  delay  and  expense.  Publicity  may 
deter  government  investigators  from  frankly  reporting  a  harsh  truth,  or 
disturb  the  relationship  of  confidence  and  discipline  between  inferior 
and  superior  officers."   The  Board  of  Tax  Appeals  and  the  Court  of  Custans 
and  Patent  Appeals  are  excellent  examples.   But  see, 



(214)  Frankfurter  and  Landis,  op.  cit.,  I¥:  "The  fortimes  of  the 
ill-fatea  Conmerce  Court  were  not  so  good  as  those  of  other  sjyoolall^.e'i 
courts."  Blachly  &  Oatman,  op.  cit.,  11. 

(215)  Reports  of  Americ.a:i  Bar  Association,  Heport  of  the  Committee 
on  Adi-ainistrative  Law,  (Baltimore,  1933,  1934)  'IVIli ,  203-204,  LIX,  539, 
sugcrest  that  rule  making  and  the  prosecutions  functions  should  he  in 
separate  hands  aJid  speaks  highly  of  spec  ialized  courts  such  as  the  Board 
of  Tax  Appeals.   Blachly  5:  Catman,  op.  cit.,  215: 

"6.     '.There  administrative  adjudication,  is  separated  from  active 
administration,  it  is  possihle  to  "break  av/aj''  from  the  control  of  the 
ordinary  courts  over  administration  and  to  substitute  a  system  of  control 
liy   administrative  courts.   In  case  administrative  adjudication  results 
from  the  administrative  process,  tyro  otjectionahle  features  appear. 
First,  the  administrative  process  is  not  surrounded  "by  the  safeguards 
necessary  for  proper  adjudication.  , Second,  the  act  of  the  administration 
is  not  controlled  hy  an  impartial  outside  authority." 




(1)  Dickinson,  "Political  Aspects  of  the  iJew  Deal",  28  Am. 
Pol.  Sci.Rev.197.  201  (1954): 

"these  (NIRA  and  AAA)  are  the  most  extreme 
and  striking  illustration  of  the  degree  to 
which  administrative  aathox'ity  has  oeen 
expanded  in  connection  witn  the  recovery 
program. " 

Frankfurter  and  Landis,  Business  of  tne  Supreme  Court,  (New  York,  1927), 
at  oage  173  expresses  the  doubt  that  Congress  would  ever  entrust  to  five 
men  the  DOwer  given  the  Commerce  Court.   Its  short  existence  (February 
1911-  October  1S13)  resulted  from  the  sharp  reh-uffs  handed  it  by  the 
Supreme  Court.   Blachley  and  Oatman,  Administrative  Legislation  and  Ad- 
judication. (Brookings  Institution  1934). 

(2)  The  statement  ..that  such  was  the  case  comes  from  a  person  in 
high  official  position  throughout  the  early  cart  of  the  Act's  adminis- 
tration.  He  has  not  given  his  oermission  to  be  quoted.. 

(3)  Brookings  Institution,  Tne  National  Recovery 'Administration  - 
an  Analysis  and  an  Appraisal,  47,  suggests  NRA  as  a  matter  of  organiza- 
tion had  broken  with  traditional  pattern. 

(4)  T/illis,  Parliamentary  Po'^ers  of  English  Government  Departments, 
Harvard  University  Press  1932)  IV,  deals  with  private  bill  legislation. 

(5)  Jbid.  59: 

"Delegated  legislation  in  England  fails,  like 
parliamentary  legislation,  into  two  main  classes, 
that  which  corresponds  to  a  public  general  Act, 
the  rule-making  power,  and  that  which  is  in  the 
nature  of  a  private  Act,  the  power  of  confirming 
schemes  by  order."  ■ 

(5)   This  entire  procedure  is  fully  described,  ibid. ,133-135. 

(7)  Ibid., IV. 

(8)  The  King  v  Minister  of  Health  (ex  parte  Yakke),  2K.S.  98 
(1930),  and  A  C  494  (1931). 

(9)  Willis,  op.  cit. ,  137: 

"Only  after  the  'world  V/ar  is  this  procedure  by  scheme 
moulded  to  the  task  for  which  it  seems  destined,  the  app- 
lication of  adoptive  socialistic  measures  to  the  groups 
or  areas  willing  to  try  tne  experiment.   The  Electricity 
Supply  Act  permits  the  Coram.issioners  to  divide  England 
into  districts  and  establish  electricity  authorities  in 
them;  the  Mining  Act  provides  for  cases  where  the  majoritjr 



of  owners  in  ^  district  wish  to  amalgamate  but  are 
unable  to  bring  in  the  small  minority  whose  cooper- 
ation is  essential  for  success;  the  Agricultural 
Marketing  Act  enables  trading  boards  to  be  set  up 
by  order.   Therein  the  imderlying  principles  of 
pufelic  and  private  Acts  are  reconciled. 

(10)  Supra,  8. 

(11)  Henderson,  The  Federal  Trade  Commission,  (Yale  University 
Press,  1924). 

(12)  Flexible  Tariff  Act,  42  Stat.  858,  941-943. 

(13)  Brookings  Institution,  or),  cit.,  4,  sur-^gests  that  the  lare- 
cedents  available  were  to  be  found  in  the  Interstate  Commerce  Commission, 
Public  Utility  Commissions,  labor  laws,  trade  oractice  conference  agree- 
ments, axid  the  corporate  bodies  of  the  wartime.   Trade  ujiions,  cooper- 
atives and  trade  associations  had  all  been  vario\isly  used  by  the  American 

(14)  Infra,  VI 

(15)  Title  I,  Section  2  (a)  and  (b). 

(16)  Cochnower  v  U.S. ,  248  U.  S.  407,  408  (1919).   The  creation 
of  offices  and  assignment  of  compensation  is  a  legislative  function. 
Although  denying  the  power  claimed  in  the  case,  the  court  recognized 

that  such  a  power  could  be  delegated  by  "clear  expression  or  implication.'' 
See  also  Childs  v.  State,  113  Pac.545  (Okl. ,1910) ;  and  Carson  v.MeLead, 
148  S.  E.  584  (Ga. ,  1929). 

(17)  Brookings  Institution,  op.  cit.,  43,  162: 

"The  machinery  the  President  has  set  up  is  a  balanced 
sort  of  executive-legislative-judicial  tribunal.   It 
'  is  not  a  bureau  and  it  I'^ill  not  become  one.   It  is 
rather  a  for-ura  for  cooperation.   It  will  duplicate 
no  existing  government  machinery.   It  iias  the  active 
and  vital  guidance,  cooperation,  and  supoort  of  every 
government  department,  and  on  its  board  of  directors 
sits  every  Cabinet  officer  whose  department  is  af- 
fected or  can  help."  NPJl  Release  No,  11,  June  25, 

(18)  Brookings  Institution,  op.  cit.,  96-97  outlines  three  steps 
in  code-making; 

1,   The  preliminary  checking,  classification  and  assign- 
ment; 2.  Preliminary  conferences  and  hearings;  3,   Final  negotiations 
leading  to  Approval. 



(19)  Johnson,  The  Blue  Eagle  from  Se:,":  to  Earth,  Saturday 
Evening  Post,  January  26,  (1955).  Pag-e  85:  3.   within  iJRA  itr-elf 
were  departments  made  up  of  accredited  representatives  of  the  three 
conflicting  interests:  (a)  Industry;  (h)  Lahor;  (c)  Conswners. 

"It  was  to  be  their  husiness  to  point  out  every  Code  proposal  which 
they  thought  might  Dear  harshly  or  unfairly  on  the  interests  they 
represented.   They  voiced  and  supoorted  their  protest  and,  he  as- 
sured, they  did  it.   "The  Boards  not  only  wei'e  to  do  this  themselves 
but  they  were  to  activate  and  assist  all  puhlic  cr  orivate  .groups  of 
similar  interest  to  present  their  cases." 

(20)  Field,  The  Effect  of  an  Unconstitutional  Statute, 
■j('Minneapolis  1935)  305. 

(21)  Brookings  Institution,  op.  cit.,  31. 

(22)  Infra.,  XII 

(23)  Norwegian  Nitrogen  Products  Co.  v.  U.S. ,  238  U.  S,  294  (1933). 

(24)  Legal  Memorandum  No.  54,  July  30,  1934  directed  to  the 
Legal  Division  from  Blackwell  Smith,  Acting  General  Counsel,  quoting 
a  memorandum  from  Robert  P.  Reader  on  "Notice  and  Hearing:" 

"In  legislative  matters  the  requirement  of  an  opoor- 
tunity  to  he  heard  rests  upon  statute  and  not  upon  the 
Constitution.   Yet,  as  the  Supreme  Court  held  in  the 
flexible  tariff  case  (Norwegian  Nitrogen  Products  Co. 
V.  United  States,  288  U.S.  294,  321)  data  may  be  placed 
in  the  record  otherwise  than  at  public  hearings  and 
may  be  treated  as  confidential;  the  record  may  include 
letters,  reports  of  confidential  investigations,  other 
governmental  reports  and  trade  journals;  and  the  right 
to  a  hearing  coes  not  include  a  right  to  have  access 
to  such  data  or  the  rignt  to  cross  examine  witnesses. 
In  that  case  the  court  said: 

'If  it  was  under  a  duty  to  give  the  kind  of 
hearing  that  was  fair  in  all  the  circumstances, 
it  was  free  to  shape  its  course  within  reason- 
able limits  Dy  its  own  conception  of  the 
promptings  of  policy  and  fairness.   It  would 
have  kept  within  the  statute  even  though  it 
had  made  the  hearings  private  and  had  refrained 
from  the  publication  of.  anything,  either  the 
records  of  its  agents  or  the  testimony  of  wit- 
nesses. '  " 

This  last  sentence,  on  its  face,  is  dictiom.   It  is  also  interesting  to 
note  that  this  is  the  earliest  statement  of  the  precedents  the  Legal 
Division  felt  NRA  was  acting  under,  that  the  writer  has  found.   This 
statement  is  dated  over  a  year  after  the  W.k  began  operations. 



(25)  Tariff  Act  of  1922,  42  Stat.  858,  941-943. 

(26)  Norwe^gjian  Nitropen  Prodacts  Co.  v.  U.  S.  ,  233  U.S.  294 
505,  (1930). 

(27)  Tariff  Act  of  1922,  42  Stat.  858,  941-943: 

"Investigations  to  assist  the  President  in  ascertain- 
ing differences  in  costs  of-  production  under  this 
section  shall  be  made  by  the  United  States  Tariff 
Commission,  and  no  proclamation  snail  be  issued 
under  this  section  until  such  investi!p:ation  shall 
have  been  made.   The  commission  shall  give  reason- 
able public  notice  of  its  hearings  and  shall  give 
reasonable  op-oortunity  to  parties  interested  to  be 
present,  to  produce  evidence,  and  to  be  heard.   The 
commission  is  aiithorized  to  adopt  such  reasonable 
procedure,  rules,  and  regulations  as  it  may  deem 
necessary. " 

(28)  Norwegian  Nitrogen  Products  Co.  v.  U.S.  294, 
303-315  (1933). 

(2S)   Ibid. ,  318: 

"It  is  very  different,  however,  when  orders  are 
directed  against  public  service  corporations 
limiting  their  powers  m  the  transaction  of  their 
business. " 

(30)  Ibid. ,  321;  also  307: 

"The  statute  does  not  say  that  they   are  to  have  an  o-oioortunity 
to  produce  evidence  and  to  be  heard  to  whatever  extent  they 
may  desire.   It  says  that  they  are  to  have  a  reasonable 
opportunity,  and  this  subject  to  the  power  of  the  Commission 
to  adopt  such  reasonable  procedure,  rules  and  regulations 
a,s  it  may  deem  necessary.   Nothing  in  the  statute  suggests 
a  belief  of  the  law-makers  tnat  every  producer  or  importer 
is  to  be  viewed,  like  a  party  to  a  la,!"  suit,  as  the  adver- 
sary of  every  other,  with  the  privilege  of  examination 
and  cross»^examination  extended  through  the  series.   'There 
must  be  a  limit  to  individual  argument  in  such  matters  if 
the  government  is  to  go  on.'   Holmes,  J.  in  Bi-Mctallic 
Co.  V.  Colorado,  239  U.S.  441,  445."  (1315) 

(31)  Ibid,  512,  and  see  317: 

"The  answer  will  not  be  found  in  the  definitions  of  a 
hearing  lifted  from  their  setting  and  then  applied  to 
new  conditions.   The  answer  will  be  found  in  a  considera- 
tion of  the  ends  to  be  achieved  in  the  particular  condi- 
tions that  were  expected  or  foreseen.   To  know  what  the;'- 



are,  there  must  be  a  recourse  to  all  the  aids  avail- 
able in  the  process  of  construction,  to  history  and 
analogy  and  practice  as  well  as  to  the  dictionary. " 

(32)  Supra.  IV,  1. 

(32a)  When  this  entire  problem  was  stated  to  a  Tariff  Commission 
attorney,  Ivr.  E.    G.  Martin,  he  immediately'-  felt  that  a  great  difference 
betyreen  the  problem  of  the  NIRA  and  the  Flexible  Tariff  Act  existed 
in  the  underlyin^e;  concepts,   "vvhile  it  is  conceded  tnat  no  one  has  any 
right  in  a  rate  of  duty,  it  is  not  likewise  conceded  that  the  "vested 
interests"  of  an  established  industry  will  not  demand  both  procedural  and 
substantive  "due  process." 

(33)  137  U.S.  310  (1890). 

(34)  Supra  N.29. 

(35)  Title  I,  Section  2  (b) . 

(36)  Executive  Order  No.  6543-A,  September  30,  1933. 
'   (57)  Hampton  v.  U.S. .  276  U.S.  394  (1928). 

(38)  American  Stores  Co.  v.  U. S. ,  58  Treas.  Dec.  6  (1930), 

(39)  Glassie,  "some  Legal  Aspects  of  the  Flexible  Tariff," 
11  VA.  Law  Review,  329,  442  (1925): 

"Litigation  involves  the  concept  of  actor  and  reus, 
arid  of  a  right  infringed  or  a  duty  broken.   But  an 
investigation  by  the  Tariff  Commission  is  not  for  the 
purpose  of  ascertaining  whether  somebody's  right, 
under  the  law,  has  been  infringed.   It  is  for  the 
purpose  of  ascertaining  whether  there  shall  be  a 
change  in  the  law. " 

(40)  Harriman  v.  Interstate  Commerce  Commission,  211  U.S.  407 
(1908);  Infra  VIII. 

(41)  Luce,  Le.-rislative  Procedure  (Boston  &   New  York,  1922),  142- 

(42)  Yates  v.  Kilwaukee ,  10  Wall  497  (1870);  Hammer  v.  Dagenhart , 
274  U.S.  251  (1918). 

(43)  Freund,  Administrative  Powers  over  Persons  and  Property 
(University  of  Chicago  Press  1926),  84; 

"If  oublic  policy  requires  the  exercise  of  a  mediating 
discretion  whicii  cannot  be  turned  into  an  expert  dis- 
cretion, it  seems  on  the  whole  that  it  should  be  exor- 
cised by  a  politically  constituted  authority,  i.e. , 


normally  by  the  legislature;  from  this  point  of  view 
the  delegation  "by  Congress  to  the  Interstate  Commerce 
Commission  of  the  power  to  fix  a  fair  return  appears  as  • 
an  anomaly. " 

(44)  Dickinson,  Administrative  Justice  and  the  Supremacy  of  the 
La'T  in  the  United  States  (Harvard  University  Press  1927)  18. 

(45)  Fre^ond,  op.cit.,  84. 

(46)  Ibid. ,  154-155: 

"Provision  for  som.e  kind  of  notice  and  hearing,  which 
in  the  case  of  a  reeiilation  is  at  best  a  matter  of 'legis- 
lative requirement  in  the  interest  of  equity  and  intelli- 
gent action,  becomes  in  the  case  of  an  order  a  constitu- 
tional requirement  under  the  due  process  clause  of  the 
Fourteenth  Amendment."   (vlnd  the  Fifteenth  Amendment). 

(47)  Frischer  &  Co.  v.  Bakelite  Corp.  ,  39  F  (2d)  343.CC-t  ^.Cust. 
&  Pat.  Aoo.  1930);  Federal  Trade  Commission  v.  Curtis  Publishing  Co., 
260  U.  s/568  (1922). 

(48)  Freond,  op.  cit.;  108: 

"The  combination  of  a  provision  for  hearing  '"ith  a  provision 
for  competitors  becoming  parties  to  the  apolication  preceding,  may  thus 
turn  the  latter  into  a  contest  of  a  semi- judicial  character.   The  hearing 
requirement  is  however,  the  exception  rather  than  the  rule;  and  ordi- 
narily competitors  have  not  the  requisite  locus  standi  to  contest  the 
grant  cf  an  application. 

"It  remains  to  be  seen  whether  the  hearing  requirement  will  become 
a  permanent  feature  of  licensing  provisions;  it  may  be  appropriate  as  a 
prerequisite  to  refusal;  but  there  is  little  purpose  in  malcing  it  a  pre- 
reouisite  to  a  grant  -unless  a  definite  right  to  contest  the  applicat 
is  given  to  other  interested  parties,  and  this  is  not  done  even  by  the 
Transportation  Act."   See  also  Chicago  Junction  Case,  264,  U.S.  258 

See  also  Freund,  op.  cit. ,  108: 

If  in  the  absence  of  such  a  substantial  sho-"ing  and  finding  the 
application  is  nevertheless  granted,  there  is  a  technical  illegality 
which  may  remain  remediless.   The  Supreme  Court  has,  however,  held 
that  a  competing  carrier  may  be  permitted  to  intervene;  ^nd,  thus 
becoming  a  party  to  the  proceeding,  it  may  contest  the  consent  order 
(Chicago  Junction  Case,  264  U.S.  258;  see  also  People  v.  Public 
Service  Commission,  195  1".Y.  ,  157) " 

(49)  Title  I,  Section  3. 




(50)  Panama  Refining  Co.  v.  Ryan ,  293  U.S.  338  (1935);  and 
Southern  Railway  Co.  v.  Virginia,  290  U.S.  190  (1933). 

(50-). A)  "EXECUTIVE  ORDER  NO  6205-B 


"Pursuant  to  the  authority  vested  in  me  by  Title  I  of  the 
National  Industrial  Recovery  Act,  approved  June  16,  1933, 

"I  hereby  prescrioe  the  following  regulation,  modifying  any 
previous  order  inconsistent  therewith: 

"Any  code  of  fair  competition  anoroved  by  mp  shall  be  deemed 
in  full  force  and  effect  on  the  effective  date  as  stated  in  the  code; 
but  ifter  the  approval  of  a  code  and  as  an  incident  to  the  immediate 
enforcement  thereof,  hearings  may  be  given  by  the  Administrator  or  his 
desi.enated  representative  to  persons  (hereby  defined  to  include  natural 
persons,  partnerships,  associations  or  corporations)  who  have  not  in  per- 
son or  by  a  representative  participated  in  establishing  or  consenting  to 
a  code,  but  who  are  directly  affected  thereby,  and  who  claim  that 
applications  of  the  code  in  particular  instances  are  unjust  to  them  and 
who  apply  for  an  exemption  to,  or  exemption  from,  or  modification  of  the 
code.   Such  persons  so  applying,  within  ten  days  after  the  effective 
date  of  the  code,  shall  be  given  an  opport^anity  for  a  hearing  and  deter- 
mination of  the  issues  raised  prior  to  incurring  any  liability  to 
enforcement  of  the  code,  and  the  Administrator  shall,  if  justice  re- 
quires, stay  the  application  of  the  cod.e  to  all  similarly  affected 
pending  a  determination  by  me  of  the  issues  raised. 


"The  White  House, 

July  15,  1933.  ~' 

'Approval  Recommended: 

Hugh  S.  Johnson. " 

(51)  Blachley  and  Oatman,  op.cit.,  8-9;  speak  of  MA  and  AAA 
legislative  but  do  not  have  this  problem  in  mind. 

(52)  In  Louisville  &  Nashville  R.R. Co.  v.  Garrett,  231  U.S. 

298,  305,  307  (1913),  Mr.  Justice  Hughes  spoke  of  the  rate-making  power 
as  legislative.   However,  he  continued  the  procedure  may  properly 
conduct  inquiries,  giving  notice  and  hearing,  even  "Necessarily" 
(underlining  mine)  doing  this. 

Brookings  Institution,  op.cit.,  33,  U.S.: 

The  aatnor  finds  a  strong  resemblance  between  NRA  and  the 
Interstate  Commerce  Commission  and  agencies  of  that  character. 

1.   The  notion  of  business  affected  with  the  oublic  interest 
is  involved,  and  it  is  a  resort  to  general  concepts  of  'fair ', 'reason- 
able '  ,  etc, 



2.   The  administrative  regulations  have  the  force  of  law  and 
effect  of  law. 

3.  The  authority  has  been  extended  over  the  whole  area  of 
trade  and   industry. 

4.  The  power  is  "based  upon  the  federal  authority  over 
Interstate  Commerce  Commission. 

(53)  Eerie,  "The  Expansion  of  American  Administrative  Law," 

50  Harvard  Law  Review  430-440  (1917) ,  points  out  how  Interstate  Commerce 
Conimission  exercises  all  three  powers. 

(54)  Dickinson,  Adninistrative  Justice  and  the  Supremacy  of  Law 
in  tne  United  States,  op.cit.,  19-20: 

"The  whole  discussion  should  go  to  demonstr/ite  the  futility  of 
trying  to  classify  a  particular  exercise  of  administrative  loower  as 
either  wholly  legislative  or  wholly  judicial.   The  tendency  of  the 
Administrative  procedure  is  to  foreshorten  "both  functions  into  continu- 
ous governmental  act."   See  also  Blachley  and  Oatnan,  op.cit.,  167,  225. 

(55)  Blachly  and  Gatman,  op.cit.,  256-57: 

"In  respect  to  agencies  connected  i-ath  or  placed  under  the 
WRA  which,  during  the  first  year,  have  acted  almost  exclusively  as 
administrative,  mediating,  and  conciliatory  authorities,  there  was  at 
first  a  d.ire  confusion  of  functions,  with  little  recognition  of  the 
fact  tnat  a  separate  and  distinct  function  of  administrative 
adjudication.   This  fact  now  seems  to  be  recognized,  and  it  is  probable 
fhat  the  MA  will  soon  provide  for  better  organized  administrative 
adjudication  agencies. " 

(55)   Southern  Railway  Co.  v.  Virginia,  290  U.S.  190,  197  (1933). 

(57)  264  U.S.  258  (1924).   This  case  was"  earlier  than  the 
Worwegian  litrogen  Case,  supra,  n.26.   The  case  is  referred  to  above 
indicating  its  requirements  where  the  statute  orovides  for  a  hearing, 

(58)  Chicago  Junction  Case  264  U.S.  258,  26-1-265  (1924): 

"Congress  by  using  the  'whenever  the  Commission  is  of 
the  opinion,  after  hearing' ,  prescribed  quazi  judicial  action.   Upon 
application  of  a  carrier,  the  Commission  must  form  a  judgment  whether 
tne  acquisition  proposed  will  be  in  the  public  interest.   It  may  form 
this  judgment  only  after  hearing.   The  provision  for  a  hearing  implies 
both  the  privilege  of  introducing  evidence  and  t'ne  duty  of  deciding 
in  accordance .witn  it.   To  refuse  to  consider  evidence  introduced  or 
to  make  an  essential  findin^i;  without  supoorting  evidence  is  arbitrary 
action, " 

(59)  Executive  Order  "No.  6202-A  (Administrative  for  Industrial 
Recovery) . 


( j9a)      Infra,   Forcing   Issuance  or  Restraint  of   Codes. 

(59"b)      This  .gj-'gument  has  "been  advanced,  by  Dr.    E,    ?.   Blachly  in  mem- 
orrmuin  form  and.  ia  conversations  '-ith   the  T^riter.      This   is  also   the 
vievT  erroressed  by  the  lei^al  Division,,   supra  n.    24,      But   see  Legan  ueia- 
orcnd-ujn,   IJo,    7,    re  Functions  of   the  Legal  Division,   January  4,    1934, 
"hich  a;Tolies  ordinary  concepts   of  aoministrative  la'"^  to   the   co de-raslcing 

"(b)   As  to  Constitutionality; 

"The  question  of  constitutional  validity  of  codes  comes  dor^n  priraea— 
ily  to  p,  o^uestion  of  due  process,  .  If  the  property  of  a  member  of  the  in- 
dustrs^  or  a  laborer  is  taken  v-'ithout  due  process  of  lav  under  the 
of  the  code,  it  is  subject  to  attack  on  Constitutional  grounds, 

"In  determining  this  question  the  matter  defends  upon  the  interpre- 
tation of  the  facts  relative  to  the  emergency  of  the  particular  industry 
plus  reasonableness  in  meeting  the  need.  If  provisions  Fhich  Fould  nar- 
mally  constitute  a  deprivation  of  property  r-ithout  due  process  as  to  a, 
particular  member  of.  the  industrjr  axe  essential  to  meet  the  emergenc"'-  of 
the  '7hole  country,  then  they  can  probably  be  sustained,  if  not  arbitrs.r;r 
in  for:a,  jnethods  of  adoption, 

"This  again  requires  evidence  of  facts  in  the  record  upon  '-hich  the 
Aojninistrator  can  reasonably  find  that  the  emer-;ency  demands  the  provis- 
ions in  cue-tion. 

"It  also  requires  a  full  opportunity  for  any  potentially  aggrieved 
part"  to  be  heard  so  that  if  there  are  facts  contrary  to  the  other  evi- 
dence in  the  record  he  may  bring- it  out.   If  after  full  o^iportunitj-  to 
all  interested  parties,  to  be  heard  such  a  provision  seems  necessar;^  aiid 
the  particular  one  seems  the  most  reasonably  devised  to  meet  the  need, 
it  will  probably  stand, 

"Here  again  legal  advice  is  very  important^' 

(59c)   Supra,  Part  I. 

(59d)   Supra,  IV,  11. 

(59e)  ,1, urray'  s  Lessee  v.  Eoboken  Land  and  IraDrovement  Company,  18 
HOTT,  272  (1855), 

(5Sf)   See  particularly  Carr,  Delegated  Le:aslation  (Cambridge 
University  Press,  1921), 

(59g)   Ibid, 

(59h)   Dickinson,  Administrative  Justice  and  the  Supremacy  of  the. 
La'.',  op,  cit,,  21, 

(5Ci)   Ibid.,  19-20, 



(o9j)      Supra,    IV,    11. 

(59k)      Investigation   for   the  purpose   of  legislation   is  a  proper 
f\mction  of  the   Congress;      kcG-rain  v,    Daugherty,    273  U.    S.    135   (192S), 
But   see  ZillDOume  v.    Thompson,    103  U.    S,    168   (1880). 

(591)      Infra,    VIII. 

(59n)   In  fact  each  field  is  treated  individually.  Precedents  are 
used  from  other  fields  when  the  courts  feel  they  are  helpful.   Suprc,, 
IV.   See  also,  Stephens,  Administrgtive  Tribunal  and  the  Riles  of  Evi- 
dence (Harvard  University  Press,  193S),  101:   "Discrimination  must  be 
made  between  the  commissions  themselves.   The  proceedings  of  the  Inter- 
state Commerce  Commission  are  clearly  the  most  dependable." 

(59n)   Dissent  in  Springer  v.  G-overnment  of  the  Philippine  Islands, 
277  U.  S.  189,  210-211  (1928). 

(59o)   Supra  n.  (27). 

(59p)   Carl  Zeiss.  Inc.  v.  United  States.  76  Fed.  (2d)  412  (1935) 
which  interestingly  limits  the  President's  reliance  vcpon   evidence  not 
gathered  in  conformity  vith  the  statutory  procedure.   See  also  T.  D. 
45673  to  45677;  and  T.  D. 46086. 

(59q)  Pacific  States  Box  and  Basket  Company  v.  TThite,  80  Law  Ed, 
(Adv.  Ops)  133  (1935). 

(59r)   Ibid,  at  page  139: 

It  is  urged  that  this  rebuttable  presumption  of  the  existence  of  a, 
state  of  facts  sufficient  to  justify  the  exertion  of  the  police  pover  at- 
taches only  to  acts  of  legislature:  and  that  '-'here  the  regxilation  is  the 
act  of  an  administrative  body,  no  such  presumption  exists,  so  that  the 
burden  of  proving  the  justifying  of  acts  is  upon  him  '"ho  seeks  to  sus- 
tain the  validity  of  the  regulation.   The  cont«=ntion  is  without  support 
in  authority  or  reason,  and  rests  upon  misconception.   Every  exertion 
of  the  police  po^er,  either  on  the  legislature  or  bj''  an  administrative 
body  is  an  exercise  of  delegated  power But  where  the  regula- 
tion is  within  the  scope  of  authority  legally  delegated,  the  presump- 
tion of  the  existence  of  the  acts  justifying  its  specific  exercise 
attaches  alike  to  statutes,  to  municipal  ordinances,  and  to  orders  of 
administrative  bodies, 

"Here  there  is  added  reason  for  applying  the  presumption  of  vali- 
dity; for  the  regulation  now  challenged  was  adopted  after  notice  and 
public  hearing  as  the  statute  required."    (Underlining  mine) 

(m)      Mississippi  v.  Johnson.  4  Wall  175  (l867).   WiHoughby,  op. 
cit.,  1497-1500.   The  author  points  out  that  in  Harbur''-  v.  Madison, 
the  court  stated  that  the  Secretary  of  State  would  be  s\ibject  to 
mandamus  in  the  performance  of  a  purely  ministerial  duty,  but  when 
acting  as  the  agent  of  the  President  in  carrying  out  his  discretion, 
that  such  a  writ  would  not  issue.  At  the  trial  of  Aaron  Burr,  Jefferson 



refused  to  ans^-"=r  a  su'bpo'^^na  duces  tecum.   Chi'^f  Justice  Marshall  is 
reported  to  have  said,  "In  no  case  of  this  >:ind  would  the  court  "be 
required  to  proceed  arainst  the  President  as  against  an  ordinary  indi- 
vidual.  The  objections  to  such  a  course  are  so  strong  and  obvious 
that  all  rmst  acicnowledge  them.  ...  In  this  case,  however,  the 
President  has  assigned  no  reason  -whatever  for  withholding  the  paper 
called  for.   The  pro-oriet:"  of  withholrUn.-^  it  must  "be  decided  bv  himself, 
not  by  another  for  him.   Of  the  wei.^ht  of  reasons  for  and  against  pro- 
ducing it  he  himself  is  the  Judge."   Counsel  argued  that  the  President, 
because  of  his  office,  was  "above  the  process  of  any  court,  or  the 
jurisdiction  of  anv  Court,  to  bring  hin  to  account  as  Pr<^sident."  The 
court  held  that  the  act'of  th'^  President  wr-s  executive  and  as  such  was 
not  subject  to  judgment  of  the  Court. 

Dickinson  Administrative  Justice  and  the  Siit) remac^r  of  La^  in 
the  United  States,  ov.    cit. ,  ?62,  K.  2?  and  See  also.  People  v. 
Bissell,  19  111.  229    (185?)  there  cited. 

(5l)  A.  L.  A.  Sch^chter  Coro.    v.  U.  S.  295,    U.  S.  495  (l935) . 

(62)  Kendall  v.  U.  S.  ex  rel  Stokes.  12  Pet.  524  (l838) ; 
Eutter^orth  V.  Foe.  112  U.  S.  50  (l884);  U.  S.  ex  rel.  HcBride  v. 
Sehurz,  102  J.  S.  378  (l879);  see  also  the  dictum  in  liarburry  v. 
Madison,  1  Cr.  137  (l803).   "TiHoughbv,  o-o.  cit.,  1501. 

(63)  Interstate  Commerce  Commission  v.  Humbeldt  S.  S.  Co.. 
224  U.  S.  474  (l912). 

(64)  An  interestinr  situation  arose  in  the  Inland  ^ater  Carrier 
Trade  in  the  Eastern  Division  of  the  United  States  operating  via  the 
New  York  Canal  System,  a-onroved  Cod^  Ih.    '^66.   In  the  Spring  of  1934 
the  Code  (Art.  VIIl)  allowed  the  industry  to  propose  a  tariff  schedule. 
This  the  industrv  did.   The  schedule  proposed  included  an  "arbitrary", 
which  is  in  the  nature  of  a  differential.   It  was  the  understanding 
that  if  there  were  no  objections  from  the  industry  or  Administration, 
that  the  schedule  would  go  into  effect  ten  days  after  it  was  received. 
Later  a  representative  of  the  Le?;a.l  Division  orally  stated  that  the 
schedule  became  effective  the  instant  it  ■wa,s  put  into  the  mail  box  with- 
out an;'-  -oossibility  of  prior  Administratis  review. 

The  industr-"-  is  composed  of  two  elements:   the  tow  boats  and  barges 
and  the  motor  shi-os.   The  motor  shi-o  people  felt  that  the  proposed 
tariff  WPS  unfair  to  them  and  asked  to  have  it  siispended.   The  Deputy 
Administrator's  office  drew  up  a  suspension  order  which  wa„s  forwarded 
to  General  Johnson  for  action.   Shortly  thereafter  the.  Dep-iity  Adminis- 
trator called  a  meeting  of  interested  "oersons  in  Non  York  City,  att<^m-o- 
ting  to  get  the  divergent  elements  of  the  inriustry  to  agree  upon  a 
course  of  action.   Thile  this  meeting  was  in  progress  General  Johnson 
signed  the  susnension  order.   The  Deputy  Administrator  preferred  to  have 
the  tariff  schedule  remain  in  effect,  since  the  various  elements  of  the 
industrv  had  agreed  to  work  out  some  amicable  arrangement.   To  prevent 
the  publication  of  th=  suspension  order  th°  Deputv  by  telephone  told  an 
assistant  to  keep  it  from  being  made  public  until  he  arrived  back  in 
Washington.  According  to  the  procedure  then  in  effect,  the  Deputy 



Adrninistrator  was  to  notifj'^  the  code  authority  of  the  industry  by  tel- 
ephone immediately  upon  the  issuance  of  any  administrative  orders 
affecting  it.   This  the  Deputy  failed  to  do.   In  addition,  he  prevailed 
upon  Code  Record  Section  to  dela^'  puhlication  of  this  order  for  nearly 
fifteen  days,  approximately  nine  days  more  than  the  dela^j-  which  would 
have  heen  entailed  due  to  the  pressure  of  work  then  upon  Code  Record. 
During  all  this  time  the  industry  was  going  ahead  charging  tariff,  when 
in  fact  this  tariff  had  "been  suspended.  Pinal-ly  a  cancellation 'order 
was  dravm  up  and  placed  with  the  suspension  order  in  some  NRA  file. 
The  fact  remains  that  neither  of  tnese  orders  was  ever  published,  and 
the  e::traordinary  thing  was  the  flagrant  violation  of  publication  pro- 
cedure.  (This  information  was  furnished  me  'oj   Mr.  K.  B.  Fitzgerald  in 
a  conversation  in  the  latter  part  of  iMovember,  1935). 

(65)  Chicago,  Roch  Island  c^-  Pacific  Ry.  Co.  v.  State  Highway 
Comiflission,  17  S.  ff.  (2d)  535  (iio.l-?29) .   Injunction  will  not  lie 
where  the  petition  can  get  a  remedy  by  order  cf  the  Public  Service 
Cor.rnission  which  has  already  ordered  adversely  to  hin.   Also  see  Padgett 
v.  State  Highway  Commission,  143  S.  E.    548  (Ga.l929).  Injunction  v.dll 
not  lie  because  the  Commission  proposed  to  complete  the  project  before 
the  court  cpji  pass  on  the  validity  of  the  bond  issue. 

(66)  .Dickinson,  "The  major  issues  presented  by  the  Industrial 
Recovery  Act,"  33  Columbia  Law  Review. 1095  (1933)  1095;  "It  is  an 
interesting  commentary  on  the  past  half-century  of  our  history  that 
legality  should  have  come  to  be  so  widely  associated  with  governmental 
inaction."  .U.S.  ex  rel  Dunlao  v.  Black.  128  U.  S.  40  (1888). 

(67)  Hamilton  v.  Dillin,  21  TSTall.  73  (1875).   The  Act  authorized 
the  President  to  license  commercial  intercourse  with  the  South  during 
the  Civil  ¥ar.   A  regulation  by  the  Secretary  of  the  Treasury  clia,rging 
a  few  was  held  not  proper  despite  the  fact  it  had  no  statutory 
basis.  War  conditions,  then  existing,  probably  go  far  to  erq^lain  the 
case;  See  Freund,  op.cit.,  113;   See  also  International  Railway  Co.  v. 
Davidson,  257  U.  S.  506,  514  (1922).   The  statute  authorized  the  Secre- 
tary of  the  Treasury  to  issue  special  permits  for  lading  or  unlading 

of  vessels,  etc.,  and  to  fix  the  compensation  to  be  paid  customs 
officials  at  euojense  of  licensee.   This  could  not  be  extended  to 
include  a  bridge  company's  activities  in  keeping  open  on  Sunday.  Said 
Brandeis,  J.,  "A  regulation  to  be  valid  must  be  reasonable  and  must  be 
consistent  vdth  the  law." 

(68)  Dickinson,  oi;).cit.,  1095.   See  also  Brougham  v.  Blanton 
Mfg.  Co.,  249  U.  S.  (1919).   The  Secretary  of  Agriculture  could 
withdravr  his  approval  of  a  trade  name  where  the  ingredients  were  so 
changed  as  to  malce  the  name  misleading. 

(69)  Freimd,  op.cit.,  113.  Board  of  Education  v.  Rice,  A.  C. 
179  (House  rf  Lords  1911). 

(70)  Wahrenbook,  "Federal  Anti-Trust  Law  aiul  the  N.  I.  R.  A.," 
37  liich.  La.w  Review  1009,  1050  (1935). 


(1)  Brookings  Institution,  The  National  Recovery  Administra- 
tion -  an  Analysis  and  an  Ap^rgisal,  (1935)  25. 

(2)  Blachley  and  Catman,  Adjninistrative  L-3,^islation  and  Ad- 
judication, (Brookings  Institution  1934),  203: 

"The  decisions  of  t-ie  authorities  connected  with  the 
National  Secovery  Administration  almost  of  necessity 
must  "be  made  in  h.amiony  with  the  aims  of  the  program 
of  industrial  recovery.  Such  authorities  are  not 
administering  en  abstract  law,  "but  are  administering 
a  social  and  economic  policy." 

The  difficulty  in  doing  'this'  can  "be  readily  seen,  with  theories  as 
numerous  as  tiey  were. 

(3)  An  example  of  tho  flexibility  which  axLnini strati. n  can 
furnish  is  illustrated  by  the  NHA  Office  Lirxiual. 

"Code  Administration  III-4000  Enforcement  III-4113.7 

"(g)   Restitution  to  All  Employees 

"A  respondent  must  ordinarily  make  restitution  to 
all  his  employees  entitled  to  restitution  and  not  mere- 
ly to  those  who  made  complaint  or  who  are  the  subject 
of  the  evidence  of  finding  or  violation  in  the  partic- 
ular case.   In  many  cases,  therefore,  an  exaniination 
of  the  respondent's  books,  acco"'ants,  records  or  em;oloyees 
by  either  the  State  Director's  Office  or  an  accountant 
will  be  necessary  to  determine  the  amount  of  restitution." 

(4)  Brief  for  A.  L.  A.  Schechter  Corporation,  in  Schechter  v.  U.  S. 
Brookings  Institution,  op.  cit.,  37. 

(5)  Brookings  Institution,  op.  cit.,  37. 

(6)  Ibid,  46;  suggests  that  two  methods  presented  tiiemselves  to 
l^JRA;  that  of  "slow  academic  study  of  all  the  complications 
and  contingencies  to  be  met  in  code  drafting  punctuated  by 
erpert  testimony  and  oriented  in  the  long-terra  effects  of  these 
changes  in  economic  balance  that  would  inevitably  result  from 
t.'..e  new  recovery  set-up  —  that  is,  in  the  opinion  of  men  who, 
however  rich  in  academic  learning,  never  knew  the  ¥i?eight  of 

a  business  responsibility  in  their  whole  lives. 



"Tiie    :tlier  was   to   i^et   the   codes   in,   meeting  the  ■aneiiroloyinent 
situation  after   some  fashion,    cleaning  up   the  work  of   the   economic 
abuses,   ^Dutting  first   things  first,    letting  the  minor  maladjust- 
ments fall   where   they  raigiit,    and  dealing  with   the  long-term  effects 
as   they  iDecame   evident, 

"The  choice  was  between  academic  conjecture  and  action  and   the 
decision  was  for  action.      Now  according  to  plan,   WRA  steps   to   take 
stock  of  its   shortcomings,    to   deal  with   the   complaints.      The  work 
of  refinement  begins."      See  also  IIHA  Release  Mo.    2993,   January  25, 
1934;    address  of  Recovery  Administrator. 

(7)  Johnson,    The.  Blue  Eagle  from  Egg  to  Earth    (Saturday 
Evening  Post,   January  19,    1935),    15. 

(8)  Brookings   Institution,    op.    cit. ,    89: 

"At   the  very  outset   of   the  NHA  some   trepidation 
was  felt   as   to   whetaer   industrial   groups  would  embrace 
the  voluntary  scheme  offered  by  the  government,    involv- 
ing,   as  was   supposed,    some  initial    sacrifice  on  the  part 
■of  the  co-operating  groups." 

(9)  Brookings   Institution,    ibid,    92,    95: 

"The  positive  incentives  v;ere:      (l)      relief  from  the  anti-trust 
laws;    (2)    the  authoritative   enforcement   of  price-control   devices;    and 
(3)    relief  from  competitive  practices  deemed  to  be   ruining  the  market ." 

"Since   there  was  little  disposition  on   the  part   of   the  Administration 
to  use   the  power  to   impose  codes,    applicant  groups  held  t'.ie  key  to   the   sit- 
uation.     T-iey  could  appear  with  proposals  or  not,   as   they  jpleased.      Since 
most  of   them  were  little   interested   in  negotiating  with  the  NRA  on  the  basis 
of   the  initial   limited  objectives,    the  KRA  quickly  adjusted  its     ideas   to 
•the   situation,    and   thereby  implicated  itself  .in  .the   immeasurably  complicated 
task  of  dealing   in   short   order  with   the  whole   realm  of  business  practices 
for   each  of   the  hundreds  of   groups." 

See  also   ibid.,    93-94,  'for  a  further   st&tement  of   the  motives   that 
caused  industries  to  apply  for  codes. 

(10)  Ibid.  ,    6.    See   also  86,    com:nenting   that  NRA  was  no   impartial 

(11)  Hearing  on  the  Telegraph  Communications  Industry,  February  6, 
1935.  The  bargaining  character  of  the  fair  trade  prS.ctice  provisions  is 
indicated  by  a  statement  of  Mr.  Kern,  a  member  of  tlie  Industry,  who  said 
at  page  11: 

"If  that  means  a  substantial  or  additional  commit- 
ment after  we  go  back  to  the  forty  hour  basis,  what  ad- 
ditional provision  will  be  made  in  tlie  fair  practice  to 
enable  the  companies  to  do   that?" 


(lla)      3rookingi5   Institution,    op.    cit.  ,    85. 

Tlie  ideal  unself isli  sacrifice  in  promoting  enrployment 
soon  gave  V7a.y  "to  the  realitii's  of  an  out  and  out  bargain- 
ing process  in  Miicii  selfish  interests  were  pla.yed  against 
one  another. " 

(12)  Jolinson,    op.    cit.,    (January  S6,    1935)    91. 

(13)  Ai'nerica'  s  Recovery  Program  -    (Oxford  Press  1934)   72; 

"...    the   Code  will   contain  unfair   trade 
practice  provisions    ....   Here  industry  obtains 
its   quid  pro   quo  for  its   efforts   in  behalf  of   labor 
and  for  its  cooperation  with   the  CQiojitry   .    .    .    ." 

(14)  Iron  &   Steel   Industry  Code  #11,   Report  of  Deputy  Administrator 
K.    M.    Simpson: 

"It   is   to  be  observed   that   in  partial   compensation   for   increased  labor 
costs,    the   steel    industry  seems  likely   to   derive   substantial   market  advant- 
ages from  tlie  price-stabilization  provisions     of   the  code,      'iiniile  leaders 
in   the  industry  indicate   that  they  would  gain  no  advantage  by  raising  pre- 
sent    prices,    tliey  evidently  refer  to  published  officialy  base  prices. 
Members  of   the   industry  have  not,    as  is  conceded,   been  able   to    secure 
these  prices  uniformly  under   the   competitive  conditions   recently  prevailing. 
On   the  other  hand,    it   seems  likely  that   these  prices  will  be  firmer,    and 
result   in   substantial   increases   in  profits,   under   the   influence  of  provis- 
ions requiring  publication  of  base  prices  and  prohibiting  concessions  con- 
tained in   tha   code.      Further,    the  mere   elimination  of   credit  abuses   should 
greatly  help  the  industry.      Stabilization  of  prices  may  have  a  favorable 
effect  on  employment   and  business  generally." 

Later,   Mr.    Simpson  frankly   states   that   the   industry  is  being  given 
price   stabilization  in  order   to    enable   it   to    compensate   the  additional 
labor  burden  it  undertook  as  a  result  of   the  code. 

(15)  Transcript  of  Hearing  for  the  Telegraphic  Comrnanications  In- 
dustry,  February  6,   1935,   p.    100-105,   Deputy  Administrator  Fuller: 

"I   think   that   it  would  be  well   to   put   into   the  record  an   estimate  given 
by  members   of   the  different  units  of   tlie   industry  as   to   vmat   they  anti- 
cipate it   is  possible   to   recover  from   these  fair   trade  practices,    and  the 
effect   of   the   code.    ------ 

"Deputy  Fuller:      You  are   overlooking   some   of   the   simpler  recovery  pos- 
sibilities,   are  you  not,   which  miglit  be   set  up  very  definitely.      We  will 
say,    the   charge  for  call  boxes.      Our  estimate  was   that   there  are   some 
500,000  call  boxes  from  which  you  might  collect  25  cents  a  month  on  #3  a 
year  rental.     Perhaps  it  is  not  possible  to  do   so,   but   the  thought  of  the 
Research,  .and  Planning  Division  was  along  that  line,   and  on  the  question  of 
where  you  put  teletypwriters,    that  you  charged  him  fixed  rental  for  the 
machines,   plus   the   service  charge.      Things  like   that  are  rather  definite, 
are   tliey  not?----- 



"Deputy  Fuller:   I  would  like  to  have  the  view  of  the  industry 
upon  those  subjects.  Are  they  going  to  pass  them  up  entirely  or  are 
four  or  three  units  interested  in  getting  rentals  for  machines  or 
services  that  they  are  furnishing,  if  any,  or  is  that  a  competitive 
situation  that  no  one  wants  to  give  up? 

"Mr.  Kern:  May  1   answer  that? 

"Deputy  Fuller:  Yes. 

"Mr.  Kern:  We  are  discussing  realities  now,  Mr.  Administrator. 
Our  desire  to  obtain  benefits  is  always  tempered  by  a  desire  to  main- 
tain a  competitive  position.   It  is  diffic\clt  sometimes  to  work  out  a 
formula  that  will  not  have  repercussions  from  a  competitive  point  of 

"Deputy  Fuller:   Q;uite. 

"Mir,  Kern:   It  is  obviously  impossible  to  put  in  some  of  the  charges      ( 
on  particular  facilities  when  you  have  a  competitive  situation,  on  a  basis 
which  makes  it  to  the  interest  of  the  customer  to  only  have  the  services 
of  one  company.  A  formula  has  to  be  devised,  if  you  have  a  competitive 
situation,  which  will  not  make  it  to  the  interest  of  the  customer  to  use 
the  service  of  only  one  company.   Otherwise,  one  company  or  the  other 
will  be  sacrificed  by  the  customer,   llo  matter  how  sincere  the  industry 
or  the  Board  or  the  competitor  is  in  trying  to  work  out  a  formula,  we 
do  not  always  see  eye  to  eye, on  it  as  to  what  the  result  will  be.  Unques- 
tionably benefits  can  be  obtained  in  the  industry,  if  we  can  find  a  formula 
tiiat  will  not  hurt  one  company  or  the  other  from  a  competitive  point  of  view, 
and  if  the  Commission  will  approve  whatever  is  recom^nended  by  the  Code  Au- 

"Deputy  Fuller:   Even  if  the  Commission . should  not  approve  of  a  merger, 
I  suppose  it  would  psrnit  you  to  abandon  some  duplicate  facilities,  if  you 
could  work  among  yourselves  a  proper  division  of  the  income  from  those 
facilities.  ' 

"Mj".  Kernt   That  can  be  agreed  upon  now  without  violation  of  the 
Anti-Trust  L^vs.  v.rAriv   N„Il.A.  Code  Authority,  v/here'it  could  not  have  been 
agreed  upon  before.   A^ain,  it  comes  down  io  a  competitive  basis.   One  com- 
pany may  give  you  a  diiTerent  amount  than  another  company." 

(15)  Brookings  Institution,  op.  cit.,  131: 

"Had  any  deputy  administrator  been  so  unrealistic  as  to  have  attempt- 
ed to  function  in  a  judicial  capacity  during  the  code-making  process  — 
that  is,  first  impartially  taking  the  testimoriy  offered  by  all  contending 
parties  and  advisers,  and  then,  by  an  uninteriniped  study  of  the  record, 
formulating  a  final  decision  —  he  would  have  found  himself  in  an  embarrass- 
ing position  at  the  end  of  the  code  process. 

"In  actual  practice  the  deputy  never  evaluated  the  entire  code  in  the 
lig>it  of  a  comprehensive  and  digested  record.  A  code  took  from,  provision 
by  provision,  out  of  bargaining  and  haggling.   Even  in  the  attempt  to  secure 
agreement  by  this  process,  the  deputy  found  himself  in  possession  of  a  re- 
markably flimsy  set  of  materials  to  assist  him  in  determining  and  defending 
his  own  position  on  proposals  of  far-reaching  economic  and  social  consequences." 


(17)  Bfookings  Institutiorij   op*    cit.  ,    36,    suggests   that  NRA.  was  not 
an  impartial  referee,  but  rather  an  active  proponent  of  certain  ends,   and 
that  the  hargaining  process  is  largely  a  result  of  the  fact  that   such  in- 
definite  standards  were   stated  as   to   those  ends.      But   see.   National  Re- 
covery Admini strati jn  Release  No.    181    in  respect  to   the  positi:n  of   the 
government  in  the  code  malcing  process:      "In  order  to   explain  the  National 
Recovery  Administration  one  might   compare   it    to   a  three-cornered  game  in 
wliich  labor,    industry  and  the  conswaer  are  players.      The  National  Recovery 
Administration  is  not  involved  in  any  attempt   to  direct  any  player,   rather 
it  occupies   tiie  position  of  a  referee,    insuring  tiie  establislimani  of  proper 
rules  of  play,    and  to    s-ee   that  no  player  achieves  an  unfair  advantage." 

(18)  Presiding  Officers  did  not  always  feel    tlie  need  for  a  record 
however,      See  Hearing  on  Telegraph  ComiTomications   Industry,   February  6, 
1935.      Pages  100   to   105   indicate   the  attitude   of   the  Administration  toward 
codes   and  code   provisions: 

"Deputy  Fuller:      I  do  not   think  that  the  fair  trade  practices  are  any- 
thing that  we   should  consider  here.      That   is  a  matter  for   the   industry  to 
agree  upon,    that   is,    assuming  that   they  are  legal,   ivir.   McConnell, 

"Mr.   McConnell:      All   I   v/ant   to  know  is   to  be   sure   that   I  know  exact- 
ing what  they  mean,    to  be   sure   tiiat  later  on,    when  we  try  to   enforce   them, 
we  wont  be  thinking  about  different  things,   because  that  is  the  trouble. 
Tliey  look  all   right  at   the  time   the  code   is  apj'roved,    and  then   somebody 
gets  mad  at  anctiier  fellow  and  he  comes  dovm  here  and  wants  us    to   enforce 
them,    and  we  don't  agree  on  what   they  mean. 

"Mr.   Fnite:      You  don't   think   that   could  be  pos?ible   in   this   industry, 
dc  you? 

"Mr.   McConnell:      Yes,    I   do. 

"Mr.  Kern:      I   thiiic  we   should  aslc  you  to   give  a  thorougli  consideration 
to    the  fair   trade  practices,   because   that   is   the  only  way   that  we  can  do 
this   thing  at   the  present   time  and  we   thinl:  that  by  proper   enforcem  nt   of 
those  the  industry  will  be  able  to  do  what  the  Administration  is  asking 
in   tlae  matter  of  wages  and  hours. 

"Division  Administration  Peebles;      That  is  the  reason  that  we  wanted 
them  interpreted  properly." 

(19)  Ibid. 

(20)  Floor  and  Wall  Clay  Tile  Manufacturing  Industry  Code,  No.  92, 
Codes  of  Fair  Competition,  II,  445: 

"Section  C  -  No  member  of  the  Industry  shall  sell  second-grade  tile 
in  an  amount  in  excess  of  thirty-five  percent  of  the  total  square  footage 
of  glazed  tile  sold  by  him,  nor  in  excess  of  fifteen  percent  of  the  total 
square  footage  of  unglazed  tile  sold  by  him,  or  such  other  reasonable  per- 
centage as  may  hereafter  be  decided  upon  by  a  majority  of  the  Industry,  and 
approved  by  the  Administrator,,  from  time  to  time;  provided,  however,  that 
tiie  Administrator  on  petition  and  after  such  hearing  as  he  may  prescribe  may 



modify   tlie  percentages  Ler'ein  'esta-'blished;    and  _5rfflvided'_f\i,   tliat   aiiy 
raemb^sr  of   tlie  Code  may  participate  in  the  provisions 'of   Section  D  here- 
inafter  set  forth.      The  provisions  of   this   Section   C'  shall  not ^apply   to 
unglazed  quarry  tile. " 

The   ruling  test    provided   is  majority  vote  not  a   test  hy  the  Administra- 
tion for  desirability. 

(Sl)      Brookings   Institution,    op.    cit.,    116-117,    indicates   tha  g^eat' 
pressure  brought  not   only  upon  IJRA.  officials,    but   other  persons   in' the 
governm'eht,    to    secure  desired  code  provisions. 

'  ;  (22)  Ibid.,  119-129  discusses  the  three  Advisory  Boards.  It  is 
suggested' tha.t' the  Consumor' s  Board  did  not  have  the  pressure  groups 
behind  it  that  the  other  Boards  had.  The  method,  it  employed,  was  to 
collect  basic  economic  data,  then  analyze  proposals  and  evaluate  "  in 
terms  of  the  general  public  intorest."  The  opinion  is  expressed  that 
the  method  was   ill-adapted  to    tue  code  -  making  process. 

(23)  Johnson,    op.    cit.    (Fsbriary  9,    1935),    81. 

"It  is   true   that  business  descended  on  IJRA  faster   than   we   could 
'man   the  organization   to  handle   it.      It  is   true   that  I    could  not  get 
space   to  house   the  people   I   had,    and  that  mad  congestion.      It   is   true 
that  many  people  came   to  Washington  with  ready-made   Code  provisions 
written  in   their  oi/?n  interest   and   expected   to   rush  out  with   an  IIBA 
signature  on   the  dotted  line  without  waiting  for   the  other  follow   to 
be  heard  from.      These   things  made  for  delay,   but   it    should  not  have  been 

(24)  America's  Recovery  Program,    op.    cit. 

A.   Heath  On  thank    (Asst.    to    the  Executive  NRA)    said,    "Haste  at   tliis 
time  will   probably  mean  v/aste  at  a  later  date." 

(25)  This   is  formation   is   commonly  thought   to  be   true   in  NEA,    al- 
though it   is  not  capable  of  documentary  proof.      Every   statement  has  been 
made   only  after   careful   consultation  with  persons   in  a  position   to  know 
the  facts, 

(26)  Oral   Argument  of  Hon.    Donald  R.    Richberg  on  Behalf  of   the 
United   States   in   the   case  of  A.   L.   A.    Schec  iter   Corporation  v.   U.    S.  ,    Friday, 
May  3,    1935,    Fir.    Richberg  made   tie   follo-./mg   statement   indicating  the  limita- 
tion  of   Congress  and  the   Courts  despite  fact   t'lat   the   Recovery  Admin- 
istration  in  many   instances  operated  as   if   there  was  no    such  limitation 
placed  upon  it: 

"Congress  and   tie   courts   cannot  know  where   to   draw 
the  line  until   they  can   survey  a  comprehensive  record  of 
the  actual   coperations  of   each  trade  and  the  character  of 
business  transacted  in  different  parts  of   tlie  country." 

(27)  Brookings   Institution,    op.    cit.,    96,    suggests   the  extreme   con- 
fusion which  existed  in   tie  code-malcing  process. 


(28)      Johnson,    op.    cit.  ,    (February  2,    VJZ5) ,  ,B4: 

"ivTorvos  T.'ere   stretcaed   so   taut   t'uit   there  weru   several    explosions. 
Even  two-fisted  Bill  Al'en  once  di  sap  .reared  for  two  days  in  a  huff.      The 
Dudley  Gates  episode  was  nine-tentJis  overwork.      Host  astonisuin£  of  a'l, 
Alvin  Brown   once   "went  ^irima-donna  on  me"   and  I  had  to   send   two  of   t.iy 
younger  men  away   to  prevent  physical   and  nervous  collapse.      One  man  drooled 
dc^ad  in   the  coal   ne:;^otiations.      Earl  Howard  collapsed  in  a  garment  hoaring. 
Several   '^f  my  principal   assistants  had  to   leave  'b.Dcause   the   simply  could 
not   stand  tlie  physical    strain." 

(39)      Office  Manual,  , 

(The  following  quotation   indicates   the  uurr^'-   that  x^revailed  in  K.R.A. 
w::iere"by  advisors  were   expected   to  malce  recom.aendaticn  despite   the  fact   that 
tjiey  had  no   information:) 

"Code  I.laking  and  Anendi.ient  II-.?000  Pro ce  lure  11-3506 

(7)      Ti'/.e  designated  adv-sors  wxll    submit    tueir  preliminary  reports 
to    the  Deputy  Administrator  with.m  73  .lours  after  receipt  of    proposed  code 
and  letter  of   transmittal." 

(30)  See   Code  Hev-Sion,    i.lemorandum  llo,    1,    Evolution  of  Trade  Practice 
Policy,   L.    0.    Liarshall,    including  an  acco'ont  hy  Edwin   C.    George. 

( 31 )  Office  Llanual,,    "Code   ivMcing  and  Amen'.:lment   III-IQOQ      Substantive 
G-:iides   11-1002 

(3)      T-iis  does  not  -.i^^an   every  cede   in  pr'^cess   -nd  not   ap- 
proved at   the   time  of  announcement  of   a  general   policy  must   conform  -   in 
the   sence   of   including  the   ty;oe  of     jrovisi.;n  favored  by  policy.     Under   cer- 
tain circuinstances,    it  rai;glit  be  manifestly  unfair   to   require   substitution 
of   a  new  clause  after  lengthy  negotiations  have  finally  resulted  in  assent 
by   the   indur-,try  to   a   supposed  final   form  of   the  code.      It  would  be   equally 
unfair   to    the  i:iembers  of  an   industry  to   approve   a  provision  and   tlius   cause 
them  to   adjust   their  practices   to   conform  thereto,   when   the  provision   is 
so   framed  as   to  'require   subsequent  change   or  elimination."      Tlie  adsninistra- 
tion  of  Administrative   Order  Ko.   X-36   suggests   the  hastiness  without  due  con- 
sideration of  facts  because  of   the  wholesale   exemptions  which  were  made  from 
the  provisions  of   this  Order. 

(32)  Transcript  of  Hearing  -  The  Traffic   Control    Signs  ic  Signals  In- 
dustry and  The  Advertising  Lletal  &:  Display  Manufacturing  Industry  -  March 
50,    1934. 

"Deputy  Brady:      If   there   is  nothing   else   to  come  before   this  hearing, 
I   am  going   to   ask   the   two   comnitteeiaen   to   get   togetlier  with  Erabricated 
Metal   azid  with   the   advisors,    and  iron  out  all   the  little  difficulties,    so 
that  v/e  will   get   out   of   this  wandering  in   the  de-ert   that  you  liave  been  for 
the  last  few  months,    and  get   this  cleaned  up.      I  T/ant   to    turn  it  over  and 
have   it   signed  and  complete,    .and  not  half   done,    and  I   want   to   turn  it   over 
next  week,    and  if  you  will  help  me  by  all   getting  together   so   taat  v/e   can 
have   the  matter  ironed  out,    I   would  appreciate  it. 



(jhereupon,    r.t'10:50   o''clocI:  ::,,m.  ,  ■tliq  .lie.-^.rin;;  wo,s 
recessed  subject    to   tlie   c:"-.ll   of  tiae  Aduunistr  .tor)" ,      The 
her.ring  'bec'-n  .".t   10:1:3  .-..n.        •:. 

(oo)  Hcr-^^rl.r-nd,  Judici.l  Control  of.  tho  Jeder-.l  Ti-^.de  Comidsc-ion 
p.nd  the  Intcrst-Qc  Coip..:iercc  Corn. '.is 'o  ion,  19'dO-13^.0,  (H.".rv.''^rd  University 
Press,    193:), -17  -  n.    39: 

"?ie    (tlie  "burcDiicr-^.t )   lr;io'-s    uost   vli-^.tis   to  "be   ;'   '^nd  the  most 
convenie:".t  :  :ep;ns    of   do  •■.-;£"  it;    he    ir,    th:    ciroGrt,    '.'if.i  speci-^.l  r.ier.ns   of 
laiowleCl.,',e    -,t  his   co-;iir\:v--\    ^n^:  v.'hen  principles   of   lev  n,re  piit   in  his  way, 
he   is   "pt    to   he  irTO'-.tiont    of   them   "is  mere  ped,antic   ohstructions."      Allen, 
3ure  -'-.UP  r  -  cy  Tr  i-uia'^n-  .nt ,    (dc"  Yor:'-:,    1931), 59. 

See   r.lso  Broolrings   Institution,    op,    cit.,    131, 

(54)      Brookings   Institution,    op.    cit.,   390: 

"The   Code    structure  -  -   -  -    'just   grew'   rather 
th.-ui  heir.g  :-.  "o.-.rt   oi    .-".ny  contcm;Tlr,tcd  plon," 

(35)        "Jo.  Date 

Jan.  4,  1934  Draftsmanship 

*9     J.-,n,  12,  1934  ITotice  and  An  Opportuiiity  to  he  ?Ieard, 

12     Pch.  5,  1934  True  Representation, 

16     Mar,  31,  1934  Codes  .and  Anti-Trust  Decrees. 

18     Apr,  16,  1934     Standard  clause  for  Uniform  Cost 

28     I.iay  15,  1934      Effect  of  Code  Provisions  on  Contracts, 

May  34,  1934      Codes  Legislating  for  groups  repre- 
sented hy  the  applicants, 

32     May  24,  1934      IIon-Association  Hepresentation  on  Code 

*S5    June  2,  1934      Hearings  on  proposed  Amencanents. 

Jimc  21,  1934     Ezrjnination  of  Boohs. 

50     July  23,  1934     Contr.cts  for  Future  Delivery  in  Onjen 
Price  Systems.  . 

*51    July  24,  1934     Hotice 

*54    July  30,  1934     Notice  and  Hearing. 

60     Apr.  4,  1335      Ahuse  of  Powers  of  Code  Authority. 



7  *72     Uo.y.2Z,    1935  ''oticc. 

(^'i)      I'oid.    i.:c.ic:^tot.  Ly   * 

(37)      Leg-1  ^.eeo-.rcla  Euliotin  No.   ,;;7,   P-esi.Tie   of  ilRA. 

(5S)      See   Ofvica  i;emor-.n:.-iri  Ho.   228,    June   7,   19o4. 

(3Sr,)     Ail  interest. L.v;-  -nL.  hel-if -ol  docu'-;cnt  wpor.  this  -orolileni  is 
Scji-^.te  DocxTinent   164,    73u   Coni5:rest-,   ~;nd  Sesrion,    Letter  from  the  National 
Recovery  Aomnisti— tor  entitled,    "En-:  lo;;ee:    of  the  ll-^tionc.l  Eecovery 
Admi.ii  s  t  r  ",ti  Oil .  " 

(39)       r?rGo]-:i:i;'i"s    Ii-stitution,    op.    cit.,    103: 

"One   Ox   the   re    1  -^irohleis   cre^.te'.'.  .for   tiie  IIFlA.  or£LMiiz?,tion  "by  the 
code   delio^'e   -.y-.r -thr^t   of  discovering^;  .deputie  s  ^corip.etent   to  carry  on  the 
exacting  \iov.:  of  coL.e  negotiations.      The  jTFA.  pi:nn:iOse  was   to   ccranvand  the 
services   of  Men  '.-ho  h^d  est  'o "fished   reivutati  ins   in,  their  fields,   who  were 
tem-Dormentaliy  an'.-  ■.lect".i    Lly  c  a  .'blj    of  reviewing-;  ;':.roblems   in  terms 
of   the   "broad  public    int>;r35t    i-   ^Vi:  r   thm  fro;i  the    stanopoint    of  the 
narrower   intersts   of   an     p    ^ic  at   ,;,:■  ~"P'.     Uorcove-',    the   specifications 
crllcd  for  r.ien  with  a  aractic   1   turn    of  inind,     ..hid  as  r.  i:r,tter  of  policy 
no   deputy  vns   to  he   a?5if:nec',   to  any  code   covering'  an  industry  in  vdiic'n 
he   heldsubsr-^nti  ;1   iab,:"Ci:t^.      Sucn  sjjccific  ■  ti  oas  mi^ht  It.yc  "been 
partially  met    in   s  d'-ffi'a,     r ,  '-,;.ial '.    ors-ani"    ti  t.l,    ruch  ar   was   originally 
contemplated,      ilo   doiibt   auri-^  the    ior;.;-tlve   y^vvi:-':    of  :T7A.  they  were  ^^let, 
in   soae  degree,    oy  "drifting  leaders   in  various   fields   for   tours   of  duty. 
But   with  arogressive   adcitinns   to   the  volume   of  worh,    the  NHA  was  forced 
to    adjust  personnel   idcls    to   the    iv   il-hility   of  material,      Hegoti'^tions 
on   tne    first  major   coder    v;oro    supervised  "by  deiraties    selected  according 
to    t]ie   original  -lersoniel  plan.     After   tint   codes   were   in  general   distri- 
"buted   to    tJie    'least   "Duraenad'   dc-uty  and   he   in    ttirn  reassigned   them  to 
such  a?rist'nts   as   were    ii-^i.e    _.vaila'jle," 

Cn   the   same  page  n.   2S   rrads: 

"It   ho.s    been  .alleged   th'\;'e    of   them  "ere    'plaited'    to  protect 
the   intercuts   of   grouos   or  large   enterprises.      This   of  course   is  hardly 
su'oject    to  verification.      It   is    true   that   some   of  them.,   as  well  as  higher 
officials,   were   on  temporary  loam  from  ousiness   emplojmients,    and  tlxat 
most   of  them.  e>:pocted   to   return   to  private   omploj-ment   after  a  temporary'- 
tenure  at   the  llEA,      These   frets,   iiowever,    arc  merelv  a  part   of  the   general 
personnel  problem  and  c-.-.n  "be  given  no   invidious   interoretation  otlier  tlion 
the   general     fleco    of  'Dias   descri'bed  in  the    tent." 

A  memo-.-ndun  "by  Enid  Brira   to   Corwin  I;.   Edvards,    Octoiar  29,    1934 
reads   in  p.irt : 

"I    chucJ::ed  with  the  Personnel   Oiiice     n  •   found  that  Assistant  Depxity 
Administrator  Jrancis   Lowthrop   vvas   wi  tn   ta-    .Law  firm  of  ""Jise,   ^toitney 
and  Par]:er  heforc   ne   came   to   the  Paper  Eivision   of  the  ICIA, 

Wise,   V/liitney  :'.nd  Parher  are  general   coiuisel   for   the  Paper  Indxistry 


Authority,  ?.s  well  -'.s  for  the  Pr.per  "iid  Pulp  Association.  They  po.rticip-^.te 
very  directly  in  the  proceeding's  of  the  Code  Authority  through  Mr.  TJhitney 
and  Mr.  P-"rl:er. 

Mr.  Pr.rher,  himself,  is  man'^.ging  director  of  the  Booh  P';-.per  Manu- 
facturers'  Associ.^tion,  and  represents  the  Pool:  Paper  Division  -  one  of 
the  most,  important  divisions  -  in  all  administrative  relations.   He  evi- 
dently succeeded  George  H.  Head,  who  was  formerly  managing  director  of 
this  group  "before  he  hec-^jnc  chairman  of  the  Industrial  Advisory  Board, 
Mr.  Mead  is  still  vice-cliairman  of  the  Paper  Industry  Authority." 

Ho  officirl  statement  in  the  form  ^of  -^.n  Adjninistrative  or  Office 
Order  has  hcen  fo-ond  v/hich  covers  this  suhject, 

(40)  R.  D.  Paddock,  Cotton  Ga-rment  Manufacturing  I.ndustry;  Ward  W. 
pichard,  Paper  Industry;  Tilman  B.  C;uitrell,  Ice  Industry;  ¥,  B.  Lawson, 
Cotton  Textile  Institute;  H.  0.  King,  Copper  Industry;  W.  L.  Pinger,  Hubber 
Association;  Max  Meyer,  Millinery  Industry;  Erail  Kekich,  Match  Institute; 
H.  B.  Lindsay,  Ahrr^.sice  G-r:iin  Grinding  '".'heel;  E.  G.  Montgomery,  Canners 
Industry;  John  Mathews,  Jr.,  Am.ericai  Glassware  Industry;  A.  B.  Dickinson, 
Cotton  Garment;  Walter  Mitchell,  Purniture  Manufacturers;  Reed  Lane, 
Retail  Motor  ■V"ehicle  Trade, 

See  U._S.  V.  ITilliaras,  19U'  U.  S.  279(1904). 

(41)  Johnson,  op.  cit.,  (Pe^.  9,  1935),  83; 

"Of  coiu-se  t'ne  chn.rg?  that  we  sold  out  to  "big  business  or  unduly 
favored  it  is  the  precise  reverse  of  the  charge  of  "bulldozing  it,  and 
is  equally  untrue,   Tliere  is  no  dou"bt  thj.t  some  deputies  and  assistants 
could  never  reconcile  themselves  to  the  la"bor  i^rovisions  of  the  law  and 
v;ere  not  c  -.rrying  them  out  in  the  spirit  that  animated  them  —  not  con- 
sciously, "but  "because  of  long  habits  ,of  thought  in  a  contrary  direction, 
Wlienever  I  found  thr^t  this  v/as  triie,  I  let  such  men  resign." 

Brookings  Institution,  op.  cit.,  136-137: 

"One  fact  v;as  of  specie!  im-oortance.  Most  deputies  v/ere  dravm  from 
the  r^nks  of  business  occupations.  By  virtue  of  training  and  inclination 
they  were  ther  fore  s^/inpathetic  with  the  business  point  of  view.   This  fact 
undoubtedly  colored  their  views  of  wlx-.t  the  proper  content  of  a  code  wr^ 
and  affected  the  direction  in  v/hich  their  influence  v;as  exerted  during 
code  negotiations.   The  wei:hting  of  bias  as  deputies  li-.d   is,  however, 
less  to  be  charged  against  them  than  against  the  responsible  higher  official: 
of  the  NPiA,  The  ;rjmlunt  of  definitive  guidance  given  thorn  was  slight.   They 
were  to  exact  as  much  as  possible  in  the  direction  of  re-cmploymcnt ;  were 
vaguely  instructed,  against  price  fixing;  v/ere  left  to  .assune  that  an  ap'^li- 
cant  group  Imew  more  about  the  remedies  for  its  problems  than  any  one  else; 
and  were  instructed  in  any  case  to  get  codes  completed. 

"The  one  real  guide  \7hich  deputies  .h,:id  vfas  what  was  plready  in 
approved  codes.  The  sam.e  guide  v/o.s  open  to  apilicant  groups.  Since  in 
the  earliest  codes  the  JfRA  hpA   gone  far  in  granting  collectives  powers 
over  prices  andproduction,  precendent  granted  wide  scope  for  concessions 



of  po'7er." 

(4.3)      Taf:c".,   XV. 

(■^3)      Ibid, 

(41)      Tfcsjiinjtoh  ilev;p ,    Sej-'teiibcr  26,    I'-'Sj.  A  lotter  v/rit'en 
TDy  Prosident   Roosevelt   to   lutlier  Ster-.-r-.r.".,   Preside-.-:t   of   the  l^atiDn?! 
Feder-.tion  of  ^edorr.l  EnplDveos   is   quoted.      The   article   re-\ds   in  p.irt: 

"Defending  the    exeiapti  in  01    the  he-:^  Dcc.l  mr.chinery  froni  the   rerit 
svstom,   Hoosevelt  yointed  out    fch-it   in  March,    19o'3,    the   elipjihle   registers 
of   the   Civil  Service   ConL.dssion  were  many  S'-ears   old.     Sxc-Tii nations  hr^d 
not  "been  held  for  a  considerahle  period  for  many  of  the   registers   from 
which  the   emergency  af;eMcie:^    ''ould   had  to   drr.w  pcrsonael,    h\d  they 
heen   under  Civil   Service. 

"Hundreds   of   thousands   of  r/el  — ■nr-.liiic-"   -'ernons  vAo   lost    their 
positions  durin.     the   depression  "oi.d   Jeen    ;,iv,-n   ..0   op'oortuiiity  to   qualify," 
Hoosevelt   e:qil ',ined.      The   s'.agnation  v/as   due,   he   sai-' ,    to  reduced  Civil 
Service    -,p  TOoriati ons, 

"The   Conidssi   n  vras  not   in  a  position  to   suprly  imi  ledirtely  the 
personnel   required  by  the   e;aergency  agcnc'.es.      It  \-r.s   obvious,    of   course, 
th-.t   the'-e   a;:encies,    if  they  were   to  "be   effective,    vrould  "nave   to  begin 
operations   at   once." 

(43)  Broo"-in,';:s  Institution,  op.  cit.,  IT.  2?. 

(46)  Herring  on  Proposed  Aaca/'  .entp  to  the  Ceaient  Industry  Code, 
(ap:rroved  Code  So.  1-B,  Codes  of  'c-iv   Competition,  Vol,  III),  Julj-  H,  1934, 

Divirion  Acnunistr^tor  Murray:   "You  have  r-.ised  a  q,uestion  v;hich  I 
thiixh  shoi-.ld  b-j  ansv.'e".-ed  here  vhile  the  ouestion  is  clear  in  the  minds 
of  those  of  the  industry  \7ho  are  present.   You  h^ve  ray  personal  assurance 
that  nothing  v/ill  'ii?:-y\^en   to  the  cement  code,  so  far  as  my  res:oonsibility 
extends,  that  does  not  have  the  co:.^plete  assent  of  ohe  members  of  the  industry 
who  have  been  delegated  by  the  industry  to  administer  the  code. 

"The  proposals  thia.t  you  refer  to  as  having  been  made  by  Advisory- 
groups  in  the  Ac'jp.ini  strati  on  are  presented  for  discussion  just  as  those 
vmich  are  the  pro^oosals  01  y^vx   gTou,j ,  ,nc".  i.':  no  'aay  do  the:,  nave  the 
sanct..on  of  the  Administrr tor  other  c'lm  tn  t  lie   "'.'  s  a;.v  oiated  and  has 
seen  fit  to  give  considerable  tlioiight  to  the  recorii;'eia"  -/cions  of  the 
Advisory  boards.   They  arewhr-t  their  title  v.oulc'  ieau  one  to, 
advisers,  and  in  no  way  t'.o  they  those  proposals  in  any  other  capacity," 

(47)  Title    I,    Section  n(b). 

(48)  Infra,    IX  and  X.      In  a  I.Iemorandua,   dated  December   15,    1935   to 
the   Consuaers  Advisory  Sor.rd   from  an  odvisrr,    re  '  the  P-,j^jlic  Hearing  of 

the   Spray  Painting  and  Finishing  :3q.uipmGnt  lianuf  i.cturing  Industry  an  accute 
ex^ampie   of  this  feeling  is   illustrated.      The  presiding  officer   showed 
extra,  16  -annoyance   at   the  adviser's   suggestions.      He   interrupted  him  "with 


squelching   but  not   -r.ngry  questions",    and  fin-lly  rslced  Mm  to  put    "further 

sioggestions-  -  -   in     .   report    to    be    sub:.;itiecl  to   him  ".ftcr   the  hearing." 

Later   the  presiding  officer   told  th.    adviser   that   his   actions  were   "ernbarr- 
asing  to  him  -^iid   oho  Administrate. on," 

(49)  Jolmson,    op.    cit.,    (janu-ry  19,    l^r.5)    74; 

"lio  industrial  ■,jroc'.\iccr  ivho  loiows  all  aonut  the  price  and  inventory- 
situation  in  his  industry  is  going  to  over-produce  in  the  fact  of  ?n  uai- 
manageable  surplus  and  a  downward  price  trend.   It  v,'il^  not  necessarily 
require  a.ny  quota  system  to  attain  che  en''-  of  control  cd  industrial  pro- 
duction. All  th:-t  is  needed  in  i  .dustry  is  full,  accur:te,  co::Tplete  and 
honest  information  on  prices  .Vid  inventories," 

This  does  not  consider  the  huii:^er  for  volume  that  drove  m.any  industrial 
concerns  to  Icnov/ingly  over  proc.uco, 

(50)  Pro-^kings  Institution,  o-j.  cit.,  .?73, 

(51)  Iiemor:.,ndum  to  Consvj^er?  '  Advisory  Bo_,rd  f-or.i  W.  L.  Chandler 
June  3,  1935.   "Subject:   Some  incident?  Reflecting  the  Attitude  of 
Deputies  and  Other  Adninistr- tive  Officials  I'o'.vard  Consumer  Problems 
a.nd  Consu.  ers'  Advisory  Eo.n-d  Lrpresent..tives. 

•'"Uhen  El- is  ..s.  a  de-oixtj   was  handling  Solid  Fuel  he  ".a-.d  a 
similar  complacency  in  regard  to  tint  Code,  As  one  illustr -^tion  of 
the  tro"o.ble  v/hich  ensued  from  that  I  thinh  of  the  e:cperience  v/ith  deter- 
minations of  lov/est  .reasonable  costs, 

"We  discovered  th.,t  instead  of  exercising  sfiDervision  over  the 
costs  being  determined  'i)y   the  41  division  .1  Code  Authorities,  he  aad 
discouraged  all  division.;- 1  Code  Aiithorities  from  sending  to  this  office, 
the  transcripts,  of  hearings,  cost  d. ,t.a  and  other  information  necessary 
to  .:ai  analysis  of  the  cost  determination  v;hich  it  was  his  duty  to  be 
fruniliar  v/ith  in  conformity  v/ith  the  Code  whihc  provides  th-.t  he  slir  11 
have  the  'right  of  the  Administr -.tor  to  ap"''rove,  Cisr-yovovc   or  modify.' 

''The  deputy  nad  r.ttemrpted  to  communicate  ivith  the  Code  Authority, 
but  had  received  no  replies,  ic  sent  a  .'lan  to  call  on  the  officers  of 
tne  .ssociation.   The  oflicerT-  gave  '■,  very  hay.ipy  pictui'c  of  the  opero.- 
tions  of  the  Code,   The  Code  Authority  had  cnnendec  the  C:-.'-e  three  times, 
hac'  inserted  tlie  provision  requiring  a  20"  percent  mr.rk-up  on  :'\11  their 
products,  aad  in  general  they  v;ere  getting  along  splendidlj'',   I  believe 
that  suit::,ble  action  by  the  deptit;^  v-.s  imdor  way  v.'hen  the  Svipreme  Court 
"decision  was  handed  c.ov/n," 

See  also  letter  by  Walter  F.iite,  Deputy  Administre„tor ,  to  the 
Mayon;iaize  Industry, 

"Ivir,  W.  F.  L.  Tut  tie,  Jlanaging  Agent,.      July  6,  1934 
Code  Authority  for  the  Mayonnaise  Industry 
114  East  33 d  Street 
New  Yorh,  1',  Y, 



''Der,r  Mr.   T-tc! 

'"■'his;  \!i'   .    ■,c^::ov/lc^■■;e   rccei-'t   of   tlic  M'/,yo:::v  ise   Code 
A-athoritj/'  Ilclo-',?e   y?',    .■.';.,L-jd  July  5th.,    1934, 

"In  ;:.ccor'i..Mice   ^dt'i  oiit   convcrs  .t.vv,    tno   he 'ring  scheduled 
for  July  6th  h.s   L>:cn  r  istTov.-.-c.  uiitil   Jul.y  13th.      This   her.rinc  is 
for   the  :j\u'poso   of  r^cciviiip  evidence  with  :-,  viev  to  deterninr.tion 
r.nd   ?,p;-roval   of  the   lowest   reason;  l)lc   coot   for  produces   of  the 
Mayonnr.ise   Industry  in  accord.. vrice  -s/ith  the  provisions   of   the   Code, 
I   -rn  hr^py  to -note  from  #7  thr.t   the   Industry  has   tahen  steps 
to   correct   the  price   situ-tion  itself,    racher   th-.nput   the  "burden 
on   this  Administr-.tion   to   reaulate   your   Industry. 

"Fnile   it   is    the  :oolicy  of   the  National  Recovery  Administr-.tion 
to   invoke   every  o:o-  lie  .ole   Code   provision  in  the   elir;dn.ation  of 
destractive  rrice-cuttina,    v;r   i.tuch  prefer   tli  t    the    icmbers   of  any 
particul    r  indiistry    -.rrai£::e   by  r,:;ro-!.ier.t   to   follov;  r.  const-'-uct^^/e'-- 
policy  of  solf-prcscrv-tion  for    tho    iadustry  :,s   a  v/hole,   which  does 
not   require    thj   intcrveat    in   oi'   tnc    aovr-ani  cnt .      If  you  c:n  furnish 
us   with  re -.^oviiJljlc   evia.j'-_cc    tht    the    nc'-'  price    lists   renovc    the 
ener^-ency  situt..on   in  t"_ie  Kayoa.vis?   ladustr^.i",   'tc  will  he  £;l^d- to 
?.d,jou:'n   the  aroposc-d  he   rina  iudefinitely,      I   certainly  hope    th-t 
I  nay  h  ,vo   such  v'ord  froa  ^'ou  pronptly," 

Very  truly  yo-ars, 

"Jalter  Wliite 

Deputy  Adininistr' tor." 



(1)  Supra,  III. 

(2)  Supra,  H,  5. 

(3)  Supra,  IV,  2. 

(4)  Title  I,  Section  Z{\>) . 

(5)  Approved  Code  i\io.  84,  Fabricated  Metals  Products  Mfg.  P   Metal 
Coating  Ind. ,  Codes  of  Fair  Competition,  II,  227. 

(6)  Approved  Code  To.    287,  Graphic  Arts  Industry,  Codes  of  Fair 
Competition,  VII,  1. 

(7)  See  J.  M.  I-Iadley' s  Heport  on  the  Graphic  Arts  Industries,  April 
3,  1935,  to  the  Cons-omers'  Advisory  Board. 

(8)  See  trenscriot  of  he-^ring  for  the  Animal  Soft  Fair  Industry, 
Dec.  7,  1933  (Approved  Code  Ko.  253,  Codes  of  Fair  Competition,  VI,  97). 
The  industrjA  employed  forty-five  men  at  its  peak,  Its  yearly  business 
was  from  $200,000  to  $300,000  gross. 

(9)  Approved  Code  No.  9,  Lumber  &_  Timber  Products  Ind.,  Code  of 
Fair  Competition,  I,  95. 

(10)  Approved  Code  No.  116,  Mop  Stick  Ind.,  Codes  of  Fair  Competi- 
tion, II,  57.   See  also  the  Paper  Disc  Milk  Bottle  Cap  Code,  approved 
Code  No.  246,  Codes  of  Fair  Competition,  VI,  16;  and  the  Sanitary  Milk 
Bottle  Closure  Code,  Approved  Code  No.  371,  Codes  of  Fair  Comoetition, 
VIII,  581. 

(11)'  Approved  Code  No.  25,  Oil  Burner  Industry,  Codes  of  Fair  Com- 
•etition,  I,  339.   Brookings  Institution,  The  National  Recovery  Adminis- 
tration -  An  Analysis  and  an  ATDnraisal  (1955). 

(12)  Hefring  on  Traffic  Control  Signs  c"  Signals  Industry,  Vol.  1, 
Mar.  30,  1934:  4  -  "94(b)  and  94(a)  have  to  do  with  the  supnleraental 
codes  for  traffic  control  signs  and  signals  industry  and  the  advertising 
metal  signs  and  display  manufacturing  industry  which  the  record  shows 
were  originally  offered  under  the  code  of  fair  practices  for  the  fabri- 
cated metals  industry  and  originally  occurred  on  the  preliminary  set-ui) 
list  of  the  fabricated  metal  industry  which  T;as  offered  at  the  time  the 
code  T;as  offered  to  the  administration.   In  the  consideration  of  these 
two  there  is  nothing  in  regard  to  labor  under  the  agreement  reached  at 
the  time  the  code  of  fair  practices  for  the  fabricated  metal  ^tjroduct  s 
manufacturing  and  finishing  industry  contained  in  supplemental  cocies 
offered,  and  appearing  on  the  list  would  mr?k:e  no  changes  in  the  Irbor 
provisions  of  th?t  basic  code,  and  these,  as  we  understand  it  from,  the 
records,  v/ere  originally  offeree  under  that  code.   In  the  transfer  of 
this  code,  it  ap-i^^ears  thrt  these  t'-'O  sup-olemental  coc'es  were  in  the 
wrong  category  in  going  under  the  mcrkin^:  devices  indu<;try,  ?nd  after 
discussion  between  the  Administration  and  the  two  code  committees,  this 
hearing  was  called  to  consider  removing  them  from  the  marking  devices 



industry  end  ---ut   them  brc>  Vnere   they  originally  Cc?me  from  the   fabricsted 
metals   ina\istry. 

(lo)   Office  Order  X-36. 

(14)  Re?tfcnir;:nt  Industry,  Code  }lo.    '3~:,    Code::  of  Fair  ConToetition, 
VI,  512,  Art.  Ill,  Sec.  1:   "Tho  term  'rer,tau.rant  industry'  as  used  here- 
in, shall  mean  the  husiness  of  operating,  directly  or  indirectly  or  tlirough 
any  subdivision,  a  restaurant,  as  hereinafter  defined  in  Sec.  "'." 

Balcing  Industry,  Code  ]\To.  445,  Codes  of  Fair  Com-oetition,  Vol.  XI, 
7,  Art.  II,  Sec.  1  -  "Definitions:   "The  terra  'Baking  Industry'  or 
•  Industry'  as  used  herein  shall  me^n  the  raanufgcture,  distribution  in- 
cluding trucking,  and/or  sale,  in  any  manner  whatsoever,  of  bakery  pro- 
ducts.  Said  term  shall  not  include  (a)  hotels,  clubs,  restaurants  and 
similar  places  ^7here  bakery  product?  are  manufactured  exclusively  f or 
consumption  at  the  place  of  manufacture,  (b)  wholesale  or  ertail  groceries, 
provided  the  owner  or  operator  thereof  does  not  manufacture,  directlj/-  or 
indirectly,  througu  an  a^ent,  affiliate  unit,  or  otherwise,  any  "oart  of 
the  bakery  products  offered  for  sale  therein.   If  wholesale  or  retail 
groceries  do  so  manufacture  any  pert  of  the  bakery  products  offered  for 
sale  therein,  as  to  them  said  term  shall  include  only  the  manufacture , 
distribution  including  trucking,  and/or  sale  of  the  bakery  products  manu- 
factured by  them. "   ■ 

(15)  See  Cons^omers  Advisory  Eoerd  Files,  Erking  Industry  Code  Sum- 
mary, 11-1£. 

(16)  i.iemorandum  to  A.  C.  Coo"':  from  Consumers  Advisory  Board  re 
Request  of  Wholesale  Hardware  Industry  for  Extension  of  Sxemption  from 
the  rholesale  Plumbing  and  Heating  Code:  "The   wholesale  plumbers  prefer 
to  sell  exclusively  to  maoter  plumbers  or  plumbing  contractors.  Whole- 
sale hardware  houses  do  business  with  the  latter  and  also  with  retail.  .  .  . 
hardware  stores.  Because  of  this  and  other  differences  in  methods  of  •' 
doing  business,  the  wholesale  plumbers  desire  price  filing,  the  hardware 
wholesalers  do  not.  ■why  force  the  latter  to  file  prices?  In  addition 

to  this,  is  the  further  considera.tion  th-it  price  filing  under  distribution 
codes  offers  far  greater  problems  than  under  manufacturing  codes,  and 
those  distributing  codes  with  price  filing  provisions  are  having  consider- 
able difficulty.  We  recommend  exemption  from  this  provision." 

(17)  Approved  Code  150,  Fiar  Trapping  Contractors,  Codes  of  Fair 
Competition,  IV,  151. 

(18)  See  Title  I,  Section  1  and  especially  Section  7(a)  (b)  and 

(c) ,  indicating  that  labor  v;as  to  receive  certain  benefits  from  the  codes. 

(19)  John  M.  Keating,  later ■  G-enei" al  Counsel  of  the  Dress  Code  Auth- 
ority, now  in  the  private  practice  of  law  in  New  York  City. 

(20)  All  the  story  that  can  be  found  in  writing  exists  in  the  tran- 
scripts of  hearing. 



(21)  Cons-umers'  Advisory  Board  memorand-um  to  D.  C.  Pilkington  re 
Pump  Manufacturing  Code,  (Approved  Code  No.  37,  Codes  of  Fair  Competi- 
tion, 1,  573)  ,  May  14,  1955.   Tlie  industry  tried  to  include  manufacturers 
of  dredge  pumps,  who  had  little  relation  to  the  industry.  At  least 
twelve  industries  or  subdivisions  were  affected  by  the  "broad  definition 
of  the  industry. 

(22)  Field,  The  Effect  of  an  Unco  istitutional  Statute  (Minneapolis, 
1935)  . 

(23)  Legal  Memorandum,  No.  16  from  Jack  Garrett  Scott,  re  Conflict 
"between  Codes  aaid  Antitrust  Decrees,  March  31,  1934. 

(24)  Memorandum  "by  Eugene  Culver  to  the  Consumers'  Advisory  Board, 
re  Anti-Trust  Decrees  and  Injunctions,  June,  1935; 

"Tnile  these  ( some  named)  axe   the  only  codes  in  vmich  the  decree 
of  injunction  has  "been  modified,  it  seem.s  certain  that  of  the  169  re- 
maining cases  in  which  decrees  have  "been  entered  th^t  these  defendants 
are  now  operating  in  violation  of  some  code.  It  is  not  likely  that  any 
industry  or  group  of  industries,  sufficiently  large  to  have  "been  con- 
sidered a  monopolistic  menace  under  the  Anti-Trust  laws,  could  have  es- 
caped codification  under  the  NilA 

The  case  of  the  United  States  vs.  Tile  Manufacturers  Credit  Association, 
at  al.  involving  13  corporate  defendatns  and  15  individual  defendants  is 
illustrative.   There  has  been  no  modification  of  the  decree  in  this  case 
which  enjoins  23  specific  acts,  12  of  which  are  permitted,  in  fact  re- 
quired, by  the  Floor  and  Wall  Clay  Tile  Industry  Code  approved  by  the 
President  on  November  4,  1933. 

"The  following  practices  (copied  from  the  decree)  are  enjoined. 

(a)  To  adopt  or  use  a  uniform  basic  price  list,  or  to  fix  and  adopt 
list  prices  for  their  products; 

(b)  To  establish  or  maintain  uniform  prices  for  their  products; 

"(c)   To  establish  and  maintain  individual  prices  that  are  uniform 
for  all/ classes  of  purchasers  or  dealers  and  for  all  sales; 

"(d)   To  establish  or  maintain  rules  or  ree,ulations  as  to  the  ac- 
ceptance of  orders  at  prices  in  effect  prior  to  changes  there- 

(e)   To  establish  or  maintain  uniform  extra  charges  for  builtup 
letters,  for  numbers  or  for  beveled  edges; 

t=(f)   To  establish  or  maintain  uniform  limitations  on  the  propor- 
tionate amounts  of  the  lovifer  grades  of  tile  sold; 

(g)  To  sell  tiles  f.o.b.  factory  with  freight  equalized  with  other 
factories  in  the  United  States  manufacturing  the  same  class  of 



(h)   To  compile  and  distribute  freight  rate  tooks  for  -Use  in  making 
freight  nations ; 

*(i)   To  establish  or  maintain  xuiiforra  terras  of  sale; 

*(j)   To  establish  or  inaintaiii  imiform  conditions  on  or  for  the 
acceptance  of  orders; 

*(k)   To  establish  or  maintain  -uniform  charges  for  barrels,  half 

barrels  or  boxes  used  for  shipping  tiles;  to  refuse  to  allow 
credit  for  old  packages  returned;  to  quote  prices-  with  package 
charges  included,  and  to  charge  for  packages  vvhether  used  in 
shipment  or  not; 

*(l)   To  establish  or  maintain  uniform  conditions  for  the  furnish- 
ing of  tiles  for  sample  purposes; 

(m)   To  refuse  to"  combine  loss  than  carload  shipments  into  carload 
shipments  invoiced  to  one  of  the  purchasers; 

(n)   To  refuse  to  ocll  to  any  persons  or  corporations  because  of 
any  unpaid  acco-ont'or  accounts; 

*(o)   To  formulate  and  establish  or  to  retain  in  effect  any  require- 
ments, circumstances,  or  conditions, nonconformity  or  noncom- 
pliance with  which  shall  exclude  any  customer  or  customers 
from  securing  credit  or  shall  impose  anj^  limitations  or  con- 
ditions whatsoever  upon  the  credit  granted; 

*(p)   To  restrict  sales  to  dealers  or  contractors  in  tile  or  to 

establish  uniform  requirements  for  classification  as  dealers 
or  contractors; 

(q)   To  establish  any  system  of  cooperative  purchasing  of  raw  ■ 

materials  or  supplies  or  of  cooperative  o\'ming  of  the  sources 
of  raw  materials,  which  shall  eliminate  or  tend  to  eliminate 
competition  in  the  purchasing  of  sadd  m^aterials  or  supplies; 

(r)   To  adopt  or  to  use  a  c  ornmon  trademark; 

(s)   To  pool  orders  or  to  enter  joint  bids; 

*(t)   To  prepare  and  publish  any  list  or  lists  of  dealers  or  o.f 
certified  dealers;" 

Those  starred  were  listed  by  Ivlr.  Culver  as  having  been  allowed  by 
the  Code. 

(25)   Brookings  Institution,  op.  cit.,  78: 

(Reference  is  made  to  overlapping  jurisdiction  resulting  from  the 
number  of  regulatory  a^^encies  created  by  the  present  administration.) 



"The  jurisdiction  of  many  of  these  agencies  overlaps  that  of  others 
in  many  important  respects.   Even  if  there  is  no  outright  overlapping 
of  jurisdiction,  the  total  coverage  is  so  "broad  that  adoption  "by  one 
agency  of  a  given  policy  or  method  may  vitally  affect  the  success  of 
another  agency  in  carrying  out  previously  adopted  policies."  As  an 
example  of  this  prohlem,  the  relation  "between  codes  such  as  lumoer  and 
tim"ber  products  and  the  construction  code  with  the  activities  of  the 
FHA  is  given. 

(26)  Mr.  W.  H.  Hastall  who  is  making  a  study  on  relationships  with 
other  government  agencies  furnished  this  information  in  a  conversation, 
Novem'ber  8,  19S5. 

(27)  National  La"bor  Board,  National  La"bor  Relations  Board,  nnd  the 
Department  of  La'bor. 

(28)  Hearing  on  Telegraphic  Communications  Industry,  Pe'b.  6,  1935. 
The  question  of  jurisdiction  was  brought  up  at  page  52. 

"  Mr.  IIThite:   They  (The  Federal  Communications  Commission)  had  a 
hearing  on  free  service  here  just  a  few  vreeks  ago. 

"Deputy  Administrator  Fuller:   They  retained  jurisdiction  over  that. 

"Mr.  TJhite:   I  think  pretty  generally  they  have  jurisdiction  over 
everything.   I  think  that  is  one  of  the  difficulties." 

(29)  Mr.  C.  H.  Osthagon,  Deputy  Administrntor  furnished  this  in- 
formation in  a  conversation  Hovem"ber  8,  1935.   The  relationship,  he  stated 
was  quite  cordial. 

(30)  See  hearing,  Electric  Light  and  Power  Industry,  Jan.  12-13, 
1930,  10  a.  m..  Hall  of  Nations,  Washington  Hotel,  Washin^'ton,  D.  C. 

(31)  Approved  Code  No.  199,  Cork  Industry,  Codes  of  Pair  Competi- 
tion, V,  45,  Merchandising  Plan,  requiring  that  distri"butors  filevith 
manufacturers  their  prices  on  certain  items;  see  also  Ariendment  No.  2 

to  Approved  Code  No.  199,  Cork  Industry,  Codes  of  Pair  Competition,  Vol. 
XX,  271,  requiring  that  industry  mera'bers  shall  not  sell  to  distributors 
unless  they  enter  into  the  contract  provided  for  in  the  Merchandising 
Plan;  see  also  Approved  Code  No.  88,  Business  Furniture ,  Storage  Equip- 
ment and  Piling  Supply,  Codes  of  Pair  Competition,  Vol.  II,  38C',  Exhibit 
C,  Art.  VI  (f),  which  was  once  interpreted  as  requiring  resale  price  main- 
tenance. All  uniform  contracts.  Approved  Code  No.  546,  Pacific  Coast 
Dried  Pruit  Industry,  Codes  of  Pair  Competition,  Vol.  XXI,  39;  also 
Approved  Code  No.  503,  Pretzel  Industry/,  Codes  of  Pair  Competition,  Vol. 
XV,  87. 

(32)  Ibid. 

(33)  Memorandum  by  Blackijell  Smith  to  the  Legal  Staff,  May  24,  1934, 
re  Codes  Legislating  for  G-roups  not  requested  by  the  Applicants. 


"Many  of  the  proolems  of  industries  relate  to  practices  of  individuals 
outside  of  the  industry  itself ,  such  as  malpractices  of  jo'cbers  injuring 
a  producing'  induatry.  There  ia  i?;rec:.t  pressure  for  elimination  of  such 
practices  even  though  they  arise  outside  of  the  industry  for  v^hich  the 
code  is  adopted.  We  are  asked  to  do  this  sometimes  "by  prohibiting  any 
transactions  between  members  of  the  codified  industry  and  members  of  some 
group  who  enga..^'e  in  the  practices  conplained  of.   Sometimes  also  the  ap- 
plicants seek  to  provide  for  a  required  agreement  to  be  entered  into  by 
the  member  of  the  other  group  in  transactions  with  members  of  the  codified 

"Section  o  (a)  sets  up  the  procedure  for  codifying  a  'trade,  industry 
or  subdivision  thereof  on  application  of  a  trtide  or  industrial  association 
or  group  for  such  trade  or  industry  or  subdivision  thereof.   Such  associa- 
tions or  groups  must  be  truly  representative  of  such  trades  or  indxistries 
or  subdivisions.  When  a  code  is  approved  its  provisions  become  the  stand- 
ards for  the  trade  or  industry  or  subdivision. 

"The  whole  conception  is  of  voluntary  codification  of  a  particular 
trade  or  industry  or  subdivision  thereof  on  the  application  of  an  associa- 
tion or  group  truly  representative  of  it.   It  is  probable  that  purported 
codification  of  one  group  on  apiDlic  tion  of  another  group  under  Section  3 
(a)  is  liltra  vires.   In  any  event  it  is  contrary  to  the  principles  under- 
lyin-  the  conception  of  the  Act." 

(34)   Hearing  for  Approved  Code  Ko.  59,  Harking  Devices  Industry  - 
Proposed  Amendment  to  Code  of  Fair  Competition,  January  30,  1935,  (Codes 
of  Fair  Cdmpetition,  II,  13)  84  and  86. 

"Mr.  M\irray:  Mr.  Administrator,  this  Code  for  the  Traffic  Control 
Signs  and  Signals  Industry,  this  proposed  Code,  is  one  of  the  Codes  that 
has  been  bruited  about  for  man;-  months  in  cm  effort  to  secure  approval, 
and  it  has  been  passed  through  the  Review  Division.   Tne  Code  as  a  Code 
is  acceptable  to  the  Administr  tion  and  is  now  ready  for  approval  in  its 
final  form.  However,  the  Heview  Division  have  questioned  the  representa- 
tive character  of  the  sponsoring  groxip  and  requested  that  that  matter  be 
firmly  established  before  Administrative  approval  will  be  given.  ..... 

"A  que  tionnaire  was  sent  to  the  twenty-six  Icnown  members  of  this 
industry,  replies  received  from  a  large  majority,  and  it  clearly  indicates 
that  the  proponents  who  originally  claimed  to  represent  75^  of  the  industr;;- 
in  truth  only  represent  25'/^  now.  So  the  tables,  as  it  were,  are  turned, 
and  the  non-association  members  are  more  representative  of  the  industry 
than  the  association  members.   The  association  proposing  the  Code  has 
been  properly  notified  that  their  approval  is  not  sufficient  to  obtain 
Administrative  approval  of  the  Code." 

(35)   See  the  transcript  of  hearing.  Flaying  Card  Appendix  of  the 
Graphic  Arts  Code,  January  10,  1934,  35  et  seq.   There  appears  an  indica- 
tion that  U.  S.  Playing  Card  Co.  desired  no  price  control  in  the  industry 
and  held  back  in  approving  the  administrative  structure  for  that  reason. 
It  was  successful  in  securing  its  wishes. 


In  connection  \7ith  the  problem  of  assent  it  might  "oe  argued  that 
an  assenter  would  "be  estopped  to  deny  the  representative  character  of  the 
proponents.  AnsY/ere  of  duress  and  secret  action  and  intent  might  te 


llOTfiS  TO  CHAPTER  ^'111 

(1)   The  Procedai-il  Scheme  and  the  He  rings. 

Slachly  and  Oat  man,  Administr-'tive  Le|g;isl'^.tion  and  Adjudication, 

(Brookings  Institution  1934),  21S: 

"An  advantage  possessed  "by  administrative  tribunals,  which,  if  prop- 
erly safeguarded,  is  also  an  advantage  to  the  public,  is  the  relative 
simplicity  and  flexibility  of  their  methods,  procedui'es,  rules  of  evidence, 
and  manner  of  making  decisions.   In  na.ny  cases  such  tribunals  are  •■^iven 
newer  to  establish  their  'ovm  Taroceciure,  to  create  their  o'-m  rules  of  evi- 
dence, and  to  control  to  a  very  la.r,?e  extent  the  factors  7/hich  ^7ill  govern 
the  mahing  of  their  decisions.   '''Iven  when  they  are  not  given  conmlete  "oovrer 
in  such , natters,  they  are  generally  left  a  inuch  freer  hand  than  the  ordi- 
nary co^irts  Toossess. 

""'oreoyer,  the  .iudicial  coLirts  thcr^.selves  h9VG  been  verv  liberal  in 
leaving  such  authorities  a  frei?  ha.nd  in  these  matters,  instead  of  insist- 
ing on  the  a.iTolication  ^f   ordinary  .iudicial  -orocedure  and  criteria.   It  is 
generally  the  practice  of  administrative  boards  and  tribunals  to  conduct 
their  hearings  in  a  much  freer  manner  than  the  jud.icial  courts  would  em- 
ploy.  Thus,  the  hearings  are  generally  exoedited,  rules  of  evidence  are 
reduced  to  a,  minimum,  are  freouently  loresented.  without  counsel  or  by 
TDublic  accountants,  and  the  decisions  are  based  not  merely  on  the  evidence 
■oresented  in  the  hearing  of  the  case,  but  also  on  facts  ga„thered  by  the 
commission  or  administrative  tribunal  itself." 

(?)  Ibid.,  1"^175: 

"Eiere  are  no  general  rules  of  ^roced:are  a,-o-nli cable  to  the  authori- 
ties that  -re  carr^^ing  on  administrative  adjudication.  is  so 
varied^thpt  no  layn^^er  ■'mo^-'s  ho^T  to  "oroceed  with  a.  case  without  examining 
the  -oarticular  rules  of  the  authority  with  which  he  is  dealing,  i^ven 
when  he  does  so,  he  ma.y  find  the  rules  so  va.eue  and  indefinite  that  he  . 
hardl^-  ^^no^-'s  with  anv  degree  of  certainty  what  is  reauired.   Although 
several  eLabora.te  general  treatises  have  been  v;ritten  on  the  subject  of 
federal  procedure  and  practice,  as  well  as  many  special  treatises  dealing 
with  the  proceccure  of  particular  actoinistrative  adjudicating  bodies  and 
administrative  tribunals,  lawyers  as  well  as  litigants  are  often  at  a  loss 
regarding  the  proper  steps  to  talce. 

"joules  of  evidence  range  all  the  way  froij  those  almost  as  strict  as 
the  rules  a^iplied  in  ordinary  judiciaJ  courts  to  practically  no  rules,  ex- 
cept, perhaps,  those  of  ordinary  co]Tmon  sense.   In  some  administrative  tri- 
bunals, the  hea,rings  are  very  formal.   In  others,  they  are  scarcely  more 
formal  than  conversations.   Informality  is  generally  most  pronounced  in  the 
case  of  mixed  a.uthorities  v/here  the  quasi- judicial  function  is  as  yet  hard- 
ly recognized.   Yet  even  before  some  of  the  authorities  that  are  acting  as 
controlling  agencies  over  administrative  action,  there  is  very  little 
formality  and  the  rules  of  evidence  are  almost  negligible." 

It  should  be  pointed  oui>  that  mles  of  evidence  and  procedure  frequent- 
ly vary  v;ith  the  jurisdiction,  and  that  in  private  law  courts,  the  attorney 


encotmters  the  same  difficulty  as  tliese  rules  are  so  different  and  of 
such  delDatahle  merit,  and  especially  in  the  case  of  adi^inistrative  bodies 
where  the  prohleias  vary,  have  special  reasons  for  differing.   It  would 
seem  that  the  authors'  criticism,  if  meant  as  such,  is  not  particularly 
in  point,  although  it  might  he  desirable  to  have  some  simplification. 

(3)  Van  Vleck.-  "Administrative,  Justice  in  the  Enforcement  of 
Qp.asi-Criirdnal  Lav/,"  1  G-eorge  "Tashington  Law  P.eviev;  18  (1952).   The 
author  sugj^:ests  that  only  two  references  to  administrative  procedure  for 
expulsion  of  the  Act  are  made  within  the  Act:   (l)  Proceedings  "begin  by 
the  arrest  of  the  accused  on  a  warrant  issued  by  the  Secretary.   (2)  The 
accused  oa^/  have  bail.   The  Administration  worked  out  its  ovm  rules  of 
procedure.   See  Rule  19,  Rules  of  January  1,  1930,  nage  37. 

(4)  31achly  and  Oatman,  op.  cit.,  IfiS.   The  authors  point  out  that 
statutes  vary  as  to  established  -orocediire  for  administrative  bodies.   The 
statutes  outline  procedure  for  the  Interstate  Commerce  Commission,  but 
say  little  or  nothing  of  the  federal  Trade  Commission.   Others  definitely 
give  pov/er  to  administrative  bodies  to  establish  their  own  rules.   On 
this  proposition,  see  Stephens,  Administrative  Tribunals  and  the  Rules 

of  Evidence,  p.  8. 

(5)  Comer,  Legislative  Inunctions  of  Ifational  Administrative 
Authority  (iTew  York  1927),  200: 

"In  recent  years  maay  of  the  statutes  authorizing  delegated  legisla- 
tion have  included  provisions  to  the  effect  that  a  hearing  must  be  held 
before  such  legislation  can  legally  issue."  e.g.,  37  Stat.  315  Sees.  5, 
fi,  7,  G  (1912);  39  Stat.  728,  Sec.  23  (l91fi);  41  Stat.  10h3,  Sec.  20 
(1920);  -2  Stat.  1435,  Sec.  3  (1923). 

{<^)    Yi.ra::tava  V.  Fisher.  189  U.  S.  Pfi  (1903);  Brat  ton  v.  Chandler, 
2fi0  U.  S.  110  (1922);  State  Board  of  Health  v.  McCoy.  125  111.  289,  17 
W.  E.  781^  (1C3S);  Coojoer  v.  Board  of  fforks.  14  C.  B.  (il.S.)  180  (18(^5); 
State  V.  Chittenden,  127  Wis.  4^3  -  107  K.  "f.  500  (190(^);  U.  S.  ex  rel 
Roop  V.  IDou.-lass,  19  D.  C.  99  (1390).   See  also,  I>:cParland,  Judicial 
Control  of  the  Federal  Trade  Coimnission  and  the  Interstate  Commerce  Comr^ 
mission,  1920-1930,  (Harvard  University  Press,  1933). 

(7)   l.ayers,  A  Hand  Book  of  H.R.A. .  2nd  ed.  (New  York,  1934),  192: 

"On  June  27,  1933,  at  its  first  public  hearing,  the  National  Recov- 
ery Actministration  announced  that  inasmuch  as  the  statute  laid  down  no 
requirements  for  any  public  hearings  upon  codes  of  fair  competition  or 
any  procedural  requirements,  it  would  determine  its  own  procedure.   It 
then  stated  that  sponsors  of  codes 'V/oxild  be  called  unon  to  present  evi-« 
dencc  on  the  various  matters  in, Section  3(a)  resTjecting  which  the  Presi- 
dent is  required  to  malce  findings.   It  further  stated  that  persons  offer- 
ing objections  to  or  modifications  of  any  code  provision  or  additional 
code  provisions  must  file  a  specific  statement  in  v/riting  requesting 
simply  the  elimination  or  addition  of  a  specific  provision,  or  a  modifi- 
cation in  language  proposed  by  the  objector."  This  was  quoted  in  the 
Brief  for  A.  L.  A.  Sch.echter  Corrioration  in  Schechter  v.  U.  S. ,  52. 



(8)   See  also  Brookings  Institution,  The  National  Recovery  Adminis- 
tration -  an  Analysis  and  an  Aoor-yisal  (1935)  14: 

"Except  in  the  case  of  tariff  investigations,  procedure  requirements 
are  limited  to  the  vague  specification  of  public  notice  and  hearing, " 

(S)   Title  I,  Section  4(b'). 

,(10)  K.I.R.A.  ,  See  3(a). 

(11)  Brief  for  A»  L.  A.  Schechter  Corporation,  on.  cit. ,  49-50: 

"There  is  nothing  in  this  section  3(a)  or  anywhere  else  in  the  Recov- 
ery Act  wiiich  provides  for  notice  to  persons  in  the  industry,  particularly 
those  not  members  of  the  applicant  trade  or  industrial  association,  and  no 
provision  whatsoever  is  expressly  made  for  a  hearing  to  determine  ^whether 
the  provisions  in  the  proposed  code  are  properly  contained  therein.   No 
evidence  is  required  to  be  taken  and  no  findings  of  fact  are  required  to  be 
made  by  the  President  except  those  i?re  have  mentioned  -above,  which  have  no 
relation  at  all  to  the  fairness  or  unfairness  of  most  of  the  practices  pro- 
hibited by  the  Live  Poultry  Code.   Thus,  in  this  respect  the  President  is 
free  to  act  in  a  purely  a.rbitrary  manner,   A  trade  'oract ice  .is  denominated 
unfair  simply  by  reason  of  the  fact  that  the  preiDondera,nt  majority  in  the 
industry  has  ordained  it  to  be  such,  and  this  .without  any  required  notice 
to  other  members  of  the  industry,  without  any  reouired  hearing,  without 
any  requirement  for  evidence  and  without  any  requirement,  foi"  findings  of 
fact  or  judicial  review.   Thus,  it  is  plain  that  the  code  may  be  formulated 
in  a  purely  arbitrary  and  capricious  manner,  for  it  makes  no  difference 
that  the  National  Recovery  Administration  .may  .have  customarily  held  in- 
formal public  hearings  to  politely  listen  to  the  complaints  of  'persons  en- 
gaged in  other  steps  of  the  economic  process'.   When  presented  for  approv- 
al to  the  President  his  action  in  ..gjpproving,  rejecting  or  modifying  the 
same  may  be  utterly  arbitra.ry  and  capricious,  because  he  need  not  say  why 
he  acts.  " 

(12)  Supra,  V, 

(13)  Brief  for  A.  L.  A.  Schechter  Cor'o oration,  op,  cit.,  51. 

(14)  38  Stat.  717. 

(15)  Brief  for  A.  L.  A,  Schechter  Corporation,  op.  cit. ,  46-54, 

(16)  Infra,  XII. 



(17)  Johnson.  The  Blue  Ea^-^le  from  Eg^  to  Earth.  (Saturday  Evening 
Post,  Fehruarjr  9,  1935),.  31: 

"The  very  Act  was  cohceived  in  controversy — controversy  as  old  as 
civilization — controversy  among  labor,  management  and  consumers.   For 
reasons  recited  earlier, "we  organized  to  make,  that  controversy  vocal, 
public  and  intense,   iVe  preferred  to  write  the  rules  for  a  new  economic 
government  of  the  United  States  by  hearing  every  side  which  might  have  an 
interest  in  the  result  and  arriving  by  compromise  at  the  greatest  good  -lo 
the  greatest  number  and  tiie  least  possible  harm  to  anybody,", 

(18)  Johnson,  ibid.,  (January  26,  1935)  88: 

"As  I  have  said,  my  whole  theory  of  administration  was  to  make  MA  a 
forum  of  controversy.  Nothing  short  of  clairvoyance  can  prevision  the  ef- 
fect of  a  Code;  first,  because,  the  whole  idea  is  \inprecendented;  second, 
because  no  group  of  men  could  be  gathered  who  could  know  enough  about 
the  infinite  variety  of  circumstance  in  American  business  to  pass  in  a 
closet  on  its  problems.   The  only  way  to  get  the  truth  in  such  a  case  is 
to  give  every  adversary  and  informed. interest  its. day  in  court," 

(19)  Supra,  V. 

(20)  Supra,  n,  17  and  18. 

(21)  Supra,  VI. 

(22)  Freiind,  Administrative  Powers  over  Persons  and  Property  (Uni- 
versity of  Chicago  Press  1928),  84,  and  Chicago  Junction  Case,  264  U.  S, 
258  (1924), 

(23)  Tagg  Bros.  &  Moorehead  v.  U.  S. .  280  U.  S.  430,  432  (1921). 

(24)  N.R.A.  Release  No.  2993,  January  25,  1934,  quoted  by  Brookings 
Institation,  op.  cit.,  85,  N.  3: 

"The  formula  is  designed,  by  controversy  of  conflicting  interest,  to 
arrive  at  truth  and  composition.   This  practice  has  been  followed  without 
exception.   Without  it  there  would  be  no  formula . or  possibility  of  ob- 
taining informed  -opinion  on  any  of  the  three  principal  sides  of  the  con- 
trolling questions  pertaining  to  each  code.   The  only  alternative  to 
that  sort  of  revelation  through  controversy  is  such  long  inquisitorial 
and  academic  proceedings  as  have  contributed  to  the  .previous  failure  to 
control  monopoly  -by  the  anti-trust  acts."   See  infra. 

(25)  See  NRA  Release,  J^-ine  27,  1933, 

(26)  Office  Order  No.  15,  August  5,  1933  p.  6  is  the  only  early 
reference  to  public  hearings  (other  than  Press  Releases  which  can  not  be 
tnken   as  formal  policy).   The  reference  merely  contains  the  outline  head- 
ing "VIII  Hearing  A,  Hearing  Proper."   Immediately  above,  ander  VII  B,  is 
rather  full  instructions  that  the  Deputy  Administrators  will  inform  Public 
Relations  Division,  if  a  good  publicity  story  exists  and  will  check  the 
draft  of  the  story  prepared  by  the  Public  Relations  Division  with  the  in- 
terested Trade  Association, 


(27)  Office  I.«n,nunl:   ■ 

"CODE  Iv^CINCr  Al'^D  iU/'EI-IDIv.£lJT  II-2nno   PROCEDURE  11-2412 

(3)  During  the  Public  Heai'ing  the  presiding  officer  (See  11-2400) 
will  seek  to  elicit  facts  from  the  opponents  and  proponents  of  specific 
provisions  of  the  proposed  code,  for  the  purpose  of  bringing  out  the 
necessity,  benefit',  or  detriment  of  such  provisions.   He  will  receive 
suggested  questions  from  his  advisors  and  will  make  such  use  of  them  as 
he  deems  necessary.   He  will,  however,  be  guided  by  the  line  of  question- 
ing suggested  by  his  Code  Legal  Advisor  to  insure  the  legal  adequacy  of 
the  record  of  the  Public  Hearing. " 

(28)  Ibid.,  27. 

(29)  Transcript  of  Hearing  Electrical  Manirfacturing  Industry,  July 
19,  1933,  155-165.   Transcript  of  Hearing  Cotton  Textile  Industry,  June 
27,  1933,  24-25. 

(30)  America's  Recover^^  Program  (Oxford  Press  1934),  82;  See  also 
Brookings  Institution,  op.  cit.  ,  108-112. 

(30a)  Recommendation  of  the  Advisory  Council: 

"It  is  a  well  established  practice  at  public  hearings  that  advisers 
may  if  they  wish,  maice  statements,  and  that  so  long  as  they  confine  them- 
selves to  questions  designed  to  elicit  facts  they  may  ask  questions  .  - 
directly  as  well  as  through  the  deputy.   This  practice  has  been  recogniz- 
ed not  only  by  custom  but  in  conferences  between  executive  officials  of 
the  advisory  boards  and  the  Administrator,   It  should  be  recognized  in 
the  manual.  Therefore,  the  Council  recommends  that  the  second  sentence 
be  deleted  and  replaced  by  the  words  'he  will  give  his  advisers  adequate 
opportunity  to  develop  facts, ' " 

(31)  Transcript  of  Hearing,  Fire  Extinguisher  Appliance  Maniifac- 
turing  Industry  (Approved  Code  Ho,  98),  Codes  of  Fair  Competition,  Vol, 
III)  Monday-  October  23,  1933,  10:17  a.m, 

Mr.  A.  0.  Bonniface,  Secretary  of  the  Chemical  Fire  Extinguisher 
Associationj  in  submitting  the  code  had  only  two  sentences  to  say  which 
might  have  any  bearing  at  all  upon  the  code  proposal.  The  Transcript  of 
Hearing  upon  Article  VI,  covering  Powers  ajid  Duties,  discloses  testimony 
running  from  Page  61  to  85  inclusive.  It  is  interesting  to  note  that  of 
these  24  pages  of  testimony  not  a  single  word  was  spoken  in  favor  of  the 
provisions  of  the  proposed  code.  The  testimony  in  fact  is  limited  main- 
ly to  briefs  by  people  opposing  the  code, 

(32)  Transcript  of  Hearing,  Air  Filter  Industry,  December  21,  1933, 


"Deputy  PCing:  The  first  code  is  the  Air  Filter  Industry.  I  have  no 
requests  to  be  heard  on  that,  and  may  we  consider  your  original  presenta- 
tion as  a  presentation  of  all  codes? 



"l:r.  (j'Leary:   You  may  consider  the  presentation  the  presentation 
of  all  codes.   If  you  prefer,  we  will  present  each  one. 

"Deputy  King:   I  think  it  is  a  useless  detail,  which  will  hurden 
this  hearing.   I  suggest  to  the  reporter  that  with  the  announcement  of 
the  hearing  of  these  codes  that  the  code  for  each  hearing  he  copied  into 
the  record  of  the  code  under  consideration. 

"Mr.  O'Leary:   I  should  like  to  have  you  give  the  chairman  of  the 
code  committee  of  each  industry  an  opportunity,  if  they  have  not  already 
done  so,  to  present  a  letter  of  presentation,   I  think  most  of  those  are 
in,  but  if  they  are  not,  I  think  they  should  be  presented.   Otherwise 
the  code  is  fully  presented. 

"Deputy  King:   Does  anyone  wish  to  be  heard  on  the  Air  Filter  Indus- 
.try  Code? 

"In  order  to  save  time  we  will  consider  each  code  first  where  no 
one  has  suggested  an  opportunity  to  be  heard,  and  after  amnle  oDDortunity 
has  been, given,  pass  on  to  the  next  code. 

"I  assume  no  one  has  any  special  amendments  in  reference  to  the  Air 
Filter  Industry,  and  the  hearing  on  the  Air  Filter  Industry  is  recess 
subject  to  the  call  of  the  Administrator. 

"(The  hearing  was  thereupon  recess  as  above  stated,  at  2:30  o'clock 

(33)   Transcript  of  Hearings: 

Buff  and  Polishing  Wheel  Industry,  October  16,  1933,   The  hearing 
lasted  from  10:00  a.m,  to  10:55  a,m. 

'Tashing  and  Ironing  Machinery  Manufacturing  Industry,  October  4, 
1933,   The  hearing  lasted  from  10:00  a.m.  to  10:35  a.m. 

Terra  Gotta  Industry,  September  26,  1933,   The  hearing  lasted  from 
,10:15  a.m.  to  11;22  a.m. 

Hair  and  Jute  Felt  Industry,.  September  29,  1933.   The  hearing  lasted 
from  10:05  to  11:00  a.m. 

Ladder  Manufactiiring,  October  10,  1933.   The  hearing  lasted  from 
10:00  a.m.  to  11:40  a.m.  "   ' 

Hardwood  Distillation,  October  3,  1953.   The  hearing  lasted  from 
10:00  a.m.  to  .12:15  p.m. 

See  also,  Dearing,  Homan,  Lorwin,  and  Lyon,  The  ABC  of  MA  (Brookings 
Institution  1934)  87: 

"The  duration  of  hearings  depends  entirely  upon  the  amount  of  evi- 
dence to  be,  introduced;  some  last  only  a  few  hours  while  others  continue 
for  several  days.   Public  hearings  on  the  code  for  the  storage  battery 
industry  required  only  two  hours,  while  those  for  the  retail  trade  code 
required  several  days, " 



(34)  Transcript  of  Henriiit-,  Cotton  Textile  Industry.   The  hearing 
lasted  from  June  27,  ID?-',  to  J'une  30,  ll^^S  inclusive. 

(35)  Transcript  of  Hearing',  Steel  Industry,  July  31,  1933,  1, 
Statement  of  Mr.  Donald  Rich'oerg,  Counsel,  National  Recovery  Administra- 

"Since  the  first  hearing  upon  the  code  submitted  by  the  cotton 
textile  industry,  there  has  been  a  form  of  :Drocedure  follo\7ed,  v^fith  v/hich 
I  assume  most  of  those  present  are  faaiiliar,  but  in  order  that  there  may 
be  no  misunderstanding,  it  may  be  desirable  to  restate  that  form  of  pro- 

"The  law  lays  down  no  requirements  for  any  -public  hearings  upon 
these  codes  of  fair  competition,  therefore  there  are  no  statutory  limi- 
tations or  controls  upon  this  procedure. 

"It  should  be  clearly  understood  that  no  representatives  of  any  pri- 
vate interest  favoring  or  opposing  a  code  have  any  legal  rights  to  control 
or  direct  the  presentation  of  evidence,  or  the  procedure  in  this  public 
hearing,  v/hich  is  subject  to  sole  control  of  the  Deputy  Administrator  in 
charge,  acting  in  conformity  with  general  regulations. 

"IE  is  hov;ever  the  purpose  of  the  Administrator  to  give  all  persons 
interested  an  adequate  opport-onity  for  the  presentation  of  evidence  in 
support  of  the  code,  or  any  objections  to  proposed  code  provisions,  or 
any  suggested  modifications  thereof  or  additions  thereto. 

"Tlie  actual  hearing  upon  a  code  will  begin  with  the  presentation  of 
the  code  by  its  sponsors. 

"Bfiifore  a  hearing  is  given  to  those  offering  objections  or  additions 
to  or  modifications  of  any  code  provision,  a  specific  statement  is  to  be 
filed  in  \7riting  setting  forth  the  request  for  the  elimination  of  the 
specific  provisions,  a  modification  of  a  provision  or  any  additional  pro- 
vision, and  then  the  proposals  will  be  heard  in  the  order  announced  by 
the  Deputy  Administrator,  and  all  parties  presenting  evidence  are  request- 
ed to  confine  their  presentation  in  the  first  instance  to  oral  or  documen- 
tary evidence  produced  in  support  of  a  specific  proposal  made. 

"Oral  arg-uments  are  not  to  be  received  in  these  hearings  unless  cer- 
tain matters  are  subsequently  set  dov/n  for  oral  arguments..  Written  argu- 
ments may  be  filed  if  parties  so  desire. 

"The  purpose  of  this  hearing  is  to  provide  evidence  of  facts  upon 
which  an  administrator  will  be  justified  in  recommending  approval  of  codes 
to  the  President;  therefore  these  herrings  are  not  appropriate  for  the 
presentation  of  argument  upon  issues  of  law.   If  any  party  in  interest 
desires  to  raise  any  issues  of  lav/  in  connection  with  a  proposed  code  of 
fair  competition,  he  may  file  a  written  argument  thereon  with  the  Deputy 
Administrator,  but  all  arguments  upon  question  of  law  v?ill  not  be  per- 
mitted during  the  public  hearings. 



As  previously  stated,  the  control  of  the  hearings  rests  with 
the  Deputy  Administrator.   Uitnesses  are  presented  hy  him  for  question- 
ing or  hy  others  representing  the  Administration,  hut  T7itnesses  are  not 
presented  for  cross  examination  hy  opposing  interests,  and  such  cross 
exajainaticn  is  not  a  part  of  these  proceedings.      ■  ■ 

"Again  I  \7ish  to  eraphaze  the  point  that  this  is  an  adjninistrative 
inquir;!-  and  not  a  judicial  investigation;  there  is  no  restriction  upon 
the  representation  of  parties  hy  attorneys  or  specialists,  hut  such 
representation  so  far  as  they  are  heard  in  these  proceedings  should 
regard  themselves  as  witnesses  suhject  to  questioning  hy  the  Deputy 
Administrator  and  not  as  co-ansel  conducting  a  lecn   suit." 

This  statement  hj'-  lir.  Richherg  provided  the  pattern  of  procedure 
folloijed  in  all  subsequent  hearings,  and  was  widely  quoted  "by  presid- 
ing officers  and  legal  advisers,  although  it  was  never  issued  as  an 
official  II. Pi.. A.  statement  in  eiiy   other  form  thg.t  that  ahove  referred 
to,  3ir  practice,  it  can  he  said,  it  was  adopted  as  official  IT.R.A. 

See  also  Transcript  of  Hearing,  Cotton  Te::tile  Industry,  June  27, 
1933,  4-7.       •     ^ 

SJLepiiejiai.  Ji^jrujXstj^tJLve. jrjiihiuiaj._s  jyid  the.  ILule_s.  .of.  JLvi.d e.rice.; 
(Harvard  University  Press) ,  95: 

"If  the  rules  of  evidence  are  common- sense  ways  of  determining 
whether  to  consider  offered  proof,  vrhj   should  thej'-  not  he  of  value  tc 
one  tribunal  as  well  as  to  ajiother?" 

(36)  Transcript  of,  Hearing,  Fire  Extinguisher  Appliance  Manufac- 
turing Industry,  90-91: 

"lir. Evans:   I  wo-old  lihe  to  state  th^t  it  is  all  very  rigid 
for  a  different  specialty  which  does  not  require  that  dsort  of  control. 

"Assistant  Deputy/-  Lane:  igain  I  must  warn  you  tliat  you  a,re  deal- 
ing with  pure  opinion,  and  I  cannot  talce  it  unless  you  want  to  suh- 
stajatis,te  it  with  facets.   We  would  "be  pleased  tc  have  any  facts  v/ith 
relation  to  Article  "VIII. 

"Ilr.  Evans:   I  will  stop  just  as  scon  as  I  can  understand  your 
directions,  hut  I  cannot  xinders'tajid  hov/  ycu  can  prove  a  judgment 
about  3'^  days,  for  instance;  there  is  no  proof  adducible  for  that;; 
it  is  a,  question  of  judgment,  trade  judgment  and  practice  and  experience." 
. ,-L  ,•<:." 

The  presiding  officer  then  aslred  i:r,  Evans  to  place  his  suggections 
in  a  brief.  For  a  discussion  of  this  practice.   Infra. 

(37)  Luce,  Legislative  Proced.ure,  (Boston  &  Hew  York,  1922)  ,146-147: 

Speaicing  of  legislative  hearings"  the  Author  saj^s  -  "The  value  of  the 
opinion  brought  out  by  hearings  is  a,s  uncertain  as  that  of  the  infor- 
mation.   The  opinion  is  the  more  dangerous,  for  misinformation 


can   "be  corrected,  "bat  tnere  is  no  test  for  opinion.  Ponder  it  for  a 
moment,  and  you  will  see  tne  risk  in  drawing  inf-rence  p,s   to  the  opin- 
ion of  two  million  or  so  of  ad alt  humsn  beings  from  the  views 

exoiessed  by  five  or  fifty  persons  in  a  committee  room." 

(38)  Ta^gi^:  Eros.  &  Mo  ore  he  ad  v.  U.  S..  280  U.  S.  420,  432  (1930), 
indicates  taat  full  arsament  is  allowed  as  regular  orocedare. 

(39)  Supra,  IV,  1. 

particularly  discussion  of  Auffmordt  v.  Hedden. ' 137  U.  S. 
310  (1890). 

(40)  Supra,  n.  (35). 

(41)  Mayers,  on.  cit.,  192.  Brief  for  A.  L.  A.  Schechter  CoriD, , 
00,  cit,,  52,  quoted  the  statement  of  Mayors'  referred  to. 

(42)  Mayers,  oo.  cit.,  192.  l.j.t  see  Transcript  of  Rearing,  Fvir 
Dressing-  and  Dyeing.  Industry,  Nov.  1,  1933,  , 

(43)  Farmers  Elevator  Co.  v.  Chicago,  Rock  Island  and  Pacific 
Railroad  Co.  ,107  N.  £.  S41,  843  (lH..  1915).   The  case  consciously 
follows  the  Interstate  Commerce  Commisslon_  cases.   It  should  also  he 
noted  that  the  statute  requirer":  a  hearing.   Smith  v.  Hitchcock,  226  U, 
S.  56  (1912);  Gonzales  v.  Z-ihrick,  45  Fed,  (2d.)  934  (C.C.A.  6th,  1930); 
and  Garfield  v.  U.  S. .  ex  rel  Spalding,  32  App.  D.  C.  153,158  (1908). 

See  also,  Note,  "Requisites  of  an  Administrative'  Hearing,"  80 
Pennsylvania,  Law  Rp.view  878  (1932). 

(44)  Stephens,  Administrative  Tribunal  and  the  Rules  of  Evidence. 
(Harvard  University  Press,  1933).  95; 

"The  sacrifice  of  cross-examination,  however,'  seems  serious. 
It  is  not  impossible  to  reject  hearsay  after  having  heard  it,  that  is, 
to  determine  to  give  it  no  weight.   But  if  it  is  to  .be  relied  on,  how 
far  is  the  trier  of  fact  to  give  it  worth?" 

(45)  Berizz  Co,  v.  Kransz,  146  N,  E,  436  (II.  Y.  1935),  Evidence 
is  not -conclusive  where  there  is  no  basis  to  offer  rebuttal.  This  was 
in  a  proceeding  under  the  New  York  Arbitration  Act. 

(46)  Infra,  T',   .   . 

(47)  A.  C.  120  (House  of  Lords  1915). 

(48)  Such  books  as:  He'^art,  The  New  Despotism,  (New  York  1929); 
Allen,  Bureaucracy  Triumphant.  (N=w  York  1931). 

(49)  Cmd.  4060,  Presented  by  the  Lord  Chancellor  to  Parliament 
in  April,  1932,  at  page  30: 

"A- fourth  orinciple  '"hich  some  judges  have  discerned  is  that  when 
a  public  inquiry  is  provided  by  statute,  the  insoector  should  make 


his  report  available  to  the  parties  heard.   Although  the  Committee 
is  not  willing  to  sa'  tnat  a  refusal  to  do  this  is  contrary  to  natural 
justice,  it  states  its  belief  "that  important  considerations  of  Dub- 
lic  policy  are  involved,'" 

(50)  Ungar, v.. Seaman.  4  F.  (2d)  80  (C.  C.  A.  8th.,  1924); 
Farmers  Elevator  C3.  v,  Chicago,  Rock  I  '^land  A  Pacific  Railroad  Co. , 
107  N,  £.  841  (111.  1915);'  Sabre  v.  Ratland  R.  R.  Co.  .  85  Atl.  69:-, 
(Vt.,  1930);  And  Yudelson,  v.  Andrews;  25  F,  (2d)  80  (C.  C.  A.  3rd,, 
1928);  See,  llote,  "Thp  Risht  to  a  Hearing  Befbre' Administrative  Tribu- 
nals," 28  Harvard  Law  Review  198  (1914);   See  also  Kwock  Jan  Fat  v, 
vfnite.  253  U,  S.  454,  464  (1920),  approachin^s-  the  problem  from  the 
inadequac„  of  the  record  presented  ttie  court, 

(51)  Stock  V.  Central  Midwives  Board.  3  K.  B.  756,  7640765  (1915). 

(52)  Note,  "Requisites  of  an  Administrative  Hearing,"  ^o^,  cit.,  884. 

(53)  Garfield  v.  U,  S.  ex  rel  Spaldinr^,  32  Apo.  D.  C.  153,  158 

(54)  38  Stat.  722  (1914),   For  a  discussion  of  the  power  in  the 
alien  field  see  Van  Vleck,  otj.  cit, 

(55)  .46  Stat,  699  (1930). 

(56)  Title  I,  Sections  3  (e)  and  6  (c),  •  ■   ■   ■ 

(57)  Interstate  Commerce  Commission  v.  Brifnson,  154  U,  S,  447 
(1894),  7/hich  case  involved  26  Stat,  at  L.  743;  and  Sabre  v,  Rutland 
R.  Co,.  85  Atl,  t93  (Vt.,  1913), 

(57a)   Blaisdell,  "The  Federal  Trade  Commission,"  New  York, 
1932,  VIII,  The  Commission  Shorn  of  Power,  259-284,   The  theses  is  that 
the  Commission  has  been  fought  with  all  kinds  of  publicity  by  those 
it  sought  to  control  and  has  often  been  rendered  helpless  to  show 
its  side  of  the  picture  by  tae  Courts  harshly  limiting  its  power  to 
inspect  records  or  require  periodic  reports, 

(58)  Federal  Trade  Commission  'v.  Claire  Farnace  Co,  ,  274  II.  S, 
160  (1927);  Fedoi-al  Trade  Commission  v.  Maynard  Coal  Co. .  22  f.  (2d) 
873  (Ct,  Apo.  D.  C.  1927);  and  Federal  Trade  Commission  v.  I'lller' s 
National  Federation.  23  F.  (2d)  968  (Ct.  Aip.  D.  C.  1927),  which  held 
that  making  a  refusal  to  produce  evidence  saige'ct  to  a  criminal  oro- 
secution  is  a  denial  of  due  process  of  law, 

(59)  Transcriot  of  Hearing,  Pur  ivianuf acturing  Industry,  March 
19-21,  1935,  67.   Mr.  Hodgson,  the  Code  Dif-ector,  who  should  have  had 
tne  richest  experience  with  the  tnde  '  nractice  orovisions  and  ■  who  should 
have  been  most  helpful  to  the  N.  R.  A.,  after  specifically  stating 

upon  his  first  appear=<nce  that  he  would  reappear  with  a  detailed  state- 
ment upon  the  trade  practice  provisions,  failed  to  do  so,  'Mr,  Hodgson's 
statement  was  in  response  to  an  inq^ary  by  an  ¥.  R.  A.  official,   Tne 
suggestion  was  made  th-<t  the  Industry  desired  that  he  made  no  further 

(6^!)   Ellis  V.  Interstate  Commerce  Ccn-^ission.  237  TJ.  S.  434,  445 
(1915),  1ihe  0 'inion  of  i-r.  Justice  Holmes;  Feceral  Tr^.de  Commission  v. 
A'aerican  Tobacco  Co..  264  U,  S.  2S8,  306  (1924),  the  o^jinion  of  Mr.  Jus- 
tice Holmps;  Federal  Trade  Commission  v,  Hammond  Snyder  A  Co..  267  U«  S, 
586-  (1925);  and  Federal  Trade  Commission  v.  Smith.  34  F.  (2d)  322,  324 
(1929);  see  also  Hale  v.  Henkel.  201  U.  S.  43  (1906).   Lnnge lut t i g , 
"Constitutional  Limitation  on  Administrative  Power 'of  Investigation," 
28  111.  Law  Review '508  (1933-34). 

(61)  Kilbourne  v.  Thompson.  103  U.  S.  168  (1880);  and  I/cGrai n 
v.  Daagherty.  273  U.  S.  135  (1926). 

(62)  Harriman  v.  Interstate  Com.mer' e  Commission.  211  U.  S. 
407  (1908);  and  in  re  Pacific  RailvTay  Commission.  32  F.  241  (1887). 

(63)  Kr,  Justice  Holmes  in  Harriman  v.  Interstate  Commerce 
Commission.  211  U.  S.  40?,  418  (190S). 

(64)  Logal  Memoranda,  from  Black--fall  Smith  to  Legal  Staff, 
June  21,  1934,  re  Examination  of  Books,  qaoting  a  memorandum  of 
Robert  P.  Reeder: 

"A  witness  may  waive  the  orotectlon  of  the  Fifth  Amendment 
by  testifying  voluntarily.   It  is  very  doubtful  whether  he  could  bar- 
gain long  in  advance  that  h'-  would  vvaive  the  protection  of  the  Amend- 
ment.  Congress  could  grant  such  imm-^nity  from  further  prosecution 
tnat  he  could  be  required  to  testify  if  such  legislation  were  on  the 
st-tute  books.   It  is  not  there.   It  seems  that  the  President  could 
grant  such  a  Dardon  that  tne  witaess  could  be  required  to  testify  and 
prod-ace  evidence;  but  tne  district  attorney  can  not  grant  immunity." 

(65)  Title  I,  Section  3  (a).   "The  President  may,  ^s   a  condition 
of  his  approval  of  any  such  code,  impose  conditions  (including 
requirements  for  ♦'he  making  of  reoorts  and  the  kee-oing  of  accounts) 

for  the  protection  of  consumers,  com-oetitors,  employees,  and  others....' 

On  the  subject  of  periodic  reports  see  Lilienthal,  "The 
POT'er  of  Governiriental  Agencies  to  Compel  Testimony.  '"39  Harvard  L-^w 
Review,  694,  700  (1926);  and  BlaisdelJ.  The  Fe'deral  Trade  Commission. 
(Columbia  University  Press  1932)  259-284. 

(66)  Legal  Memorai  dura,  op.  cit.  (64): 

"My  conclusions  are  that  the  keeping  of  books  showing  such 
data  as  are  necessary  for  the  enforcement  rf  legitimate  code  aims  may 
be  required  in  advance  and  that  tnereafter  the  production  of  such  data 
wnen  necess-  ry  for  the  enforcement  of  the  lay  may  be  required. " 

S-.  e  also  Interstate  Co-';merce  Co7"Tn.ission  v.  Goodrich  Transit 
Co.,  244  U.  S.  194  (1912). 

(b7)   Approved  Ccce   o.  4,  &lectrical  '"anuf acturing  Industry, 
Codes  of  Fair  Comoetition,  I,  48,  Art.  VI;  --^jid  Ao-oroved  Code  No.  15, 
Ken's  Clothing  Industry,  Codes  of  Fair  Comoetition,  I,  235,  Art.  XIII. 



(68)  General  Regulations,  Series  A,  issued  ty  the  Secrptary  of 

(69)  -Note,  "Requisites  of. an  Adminis^r^ti  -e  Hearing, "•  on.  cit,, 
881.  ' 

■  (70)   Note,  ibid.;  San  Diego  Land  and  To- ti  Co.  v.  W^tionag  City. 
174  U. 'S,  739  (1899^;  Lander  v.  Mercantile  Bank.  186  U.  S.  458  (3.902); 
and  Smith  v.  Hitchcock.  226  11.  S.  55  (191-';);  but  see,  Farmers'  Elevator 
Co.  V.  Chicago.  Rock  Island  &  Fncific  Ry.  Co.  107  N.  E.  841,  843  (1915). 

(71)   Transcript  of  Hearing,  Fire  Extinguisher  A-opliance 
f  anufacturing  Industry,  91: 

"Assistant  Deputy  Lane:   As  I  understand  it,  you  want  to 
suggest  a  modification  of  the  time? 

"Mr.  Evans:  I  want  to  suggest,  ^ith  repsect  to  our  business, 
that  it  as  too  rigid,  aand  useless.  I  made  this  oremise  in  the  begin- 
ning, that  1  would  have  to  raise,  these  points  with  respect  to  the  dif- 
ferent Articles,  and  that  is  why  I  am  doing  it. 

"Assistant  Deputy  Lane:   You  will  cover  those  in  your 

"Mr.  Evans:   Yes,  " 

(7?)   Office  Manual:  . 

"Code  Making  and  Amendment  II-500n  Amendnipnts  11-5120 

"C.   Nature  of  Proceedings  . 

"(l)   'i/henever  a  likelihood  exists  tha.t  a  substantial 
minority  or  group  will  object  to  a  proposed  amendment,  or  where  the 
nature  of  the  subject  matter  involiyes  the  public  interest,  a  iDublic 
hearing  should  be- called.   In  other  cnses  notice  of  oooortunlty  to  be 
heard  or  to  file  objections  will  ordinarily- be  sufficient," 

(73)   Legal  Memorandum,  by  Biackwell  Smith  to  the  Legal  Staff 
re  Hearings  on  Prooosed  Amendments,  June  2,  19b4: 

"Questions  are  frequ>=ntly  arising  as  to  whether  an  actual 
hearing  on  a  proposed  amendment  or  like  matter  is  required  as  dis- 
ti.iguished  from  opportunity  to  be  heard.   Obviously,  from  an  Adminis- 
trative standpoint,  it  is  impossible  to  hold  hearings  on  every 
pro-QOsal-  made.   Tne  advisable  orocedure  in  this  connection  is  to  obtain 
from  known  informed  sources,  including  the  industry,  available  f^.cts 
concerning  the  probable  result  of  the  proposal,  both  within  the 
industry  ano.  in  relation  to  otner  industries.   If  no  con- 
troversy or  conflict  is  likely  to  ensue,  or  if  the  proposal  is  of 
comparati  -£  ly  minor  importance,  or  is  one  ."-Jhich  would  not  requirp  f-grther 
investlg -tion  to  obtain  necessary  information,  or  the  question  of  d-ge 
•process  is  not  largely  involved,  then  an  opportunity  to  be  heard  probably 



will    s-uffice.      Such  f^cts   should    be   analyzed   in  e=(ch  case   from   this 
viewpoint,    which  makes   the   -^ns'-er   to   the   question  largely  a  matter   of 
the  exercise   of   sound  judgment.      The  main  requirement  (which   should   te 
complied  with  in  either  event),    is' to   obtain  in  the   record   sufficient 
facts   to    snow  the   need  for   the  proposal,    -nd    that   its   aoprov-il   is   i 
reasonable   exercise   of   administrative   authority,    V7ithin  the   oolicies   of 
the  Act."      (Underscoring  is. mine). 

(74)      Ibid.      See   also   the   language   by  Lr.    Justice   Holmes   in  Bi 
^■etallic   In\  ^stment   Co.    v.    btate  EoaL-d   of    '^^uuali nation. 
259   -J.    -S.    -.1,    445    (1915): 

"Vfliere   a  rule   of   condact    a.oulieG   to  nore   tJl•^n  a  few  ■oeoole, 
it    is   imorsctic^ble   th-- 1    e/eiyone    should  h  ive    '    direct    voice    in   its 
adoption.      T..'-   Constitution  does  not   require   ^11   oablic   acts   to    De   done 
in  tO'Ti  meeting  or   an   assembly  of    the   whole." 

But   see   Londoner  v.   Jenver,    210   j,    S.    273    (1908),    indicating 
a  different   requirement   where   the   area  involved   wn.s    smaller. 



(1)  Tgrjg  Bros.  &  iioorhead  v.  U.S.  ,  280  U.S.  420,  (1S30): 

"■,;'e  find  in  the  evidence  iDefore  the  Secretary  ajn-jle  su-,j--iort  for  the 
findings  and  the  conclusion  reached  "by  him.   It  may  he  that  some  of  the 
evidence  was  irrelevant  or  of  little  weight,  and  that  some  of  the  reason- 
ing v?as  not  persuasive.  But,  mere  admission  by  an  administrative  tribunal 
of  matters  which,  under  the  rules  of  evidence  anplicable  to  judicial 
proceedings,  would  be  deemed  inco:iroetent ,  or  mere  error  in  reasoning  unon 
evidence  adduced,  does  not  invalidate  an  order  made  ''oy   it " 

and  rote  -  "The  Right  to  a  .-iearing  Before  Administrative  Tribunals," 
28  Harvard  Law  Review  198  (1914)  at  page  198: 

"The  law  of  the  subject  is  apparently  still  in  its  infancy  and  this 
is  Particularly  true  of  that  part  dealing  with  -orocedure.  Doubtless  free- 
dom from  procedural  shackles  is  one  of  the  chief  ends  sought"  in  adminis- 
trative tribunals. 

(2)  Stephens,  Administrative  Tribunals  and  the  Rules  of  Evidence, 
(Harvard  University  Press,  1935). 

(3)  Ibid,  68:   "(l)   Do  you  apply  the  rules  of  evidence?   (2)   If 
you  apply  certain  of  the  rules  and  omit  to  apply  others,  please  state 
which  and  whjr?   (3)  To  what  extent,  if  any,  have  you  found  in  your  ex- 
perience that  omission  to  apply  the  rules  of  evidence  operates  against 
obtaining  an   accurate  understanding  of  the  facts;  and  (4)   To  what  ex- 
tent, if  any,  have  you  found  in  your  experience  that  applying  the  rules 
of  evidence  operates  against  obtaining  an  accurate  understanding  of  the 

(4)  An  ilUistrative  answer  given  to  Judge  Stephens  follows. 
Stephens,  op,  cit.,  80:   "In  Utaii  the  ChairmaJi  of  the  Commission,  took 
pnins  to  prepare  the  follovifing  answers:  '(l)  As  Andy  says,  'Yes  and  no, 
mostly  no.'   W'e  pay  little  attention  to  the  rules  of  evidence  in  the 
course  of  our  investigation  of  matters  submitted.   The  questions  we  have 
to  determine  are  largely  social  and  economic  ones,  not  legal,  therefore 
requiring  procedure  unknown  to  the  Courts.   (2)   Yes.   Vife  often  apply 
the  rules  of  evidence  with  respect  to  wholly  immaterial  or  irrelevant 
matters.   Obviously  the  admission  of  such  evidence  would  add  nothing  to 
the  facts  for  determination  by  a  regulatory  or  administrative  body.   We 
also  rule  against  evidence  that  is  purely  argumentative,   (s)   Technical 
rules  of  evidence  under  our  statute  may  be  disregarded.  In  practice  and 
procedure  their  omission,  we  have  found,  not  only  tends  to  expedite  hear- 
ings, but  affords  many  witnesses  not  under  the  guidance  of  attorneys 
greater  freedom  of  expression,  which  in  the  main  will  lead  to  a  better 
understanding  of  the  facts  we  ultimately  have  to  determine.  Opinion 
evidence,  wnile  generally  admitted  for  the  record,  oftentimes  operates 
against  an  accurate  understanding  of  the  faces,  unless  supplemented 

with  the  reasons  or  the  facts  upon  which  opinion  of  the.  witness  is 
predicated.   (4)   Strict  application  of  the  rules  of  evidence  and  the 
observance  of  court  procedure  would  in  practically  all  cases  defeat  the 
purpose  for  varich  public  utility  cormnissions  were  created,  that  of  safe- 
guarding the  public  interest  and  providing  for  the  general  welfare." 


(5)  Far'-S,  "Judical  Notice  oy  Administrotive  Bodies,  "4  Indiana 
Law  Journal  1:^7  (1923). 

(6)  r-nillips,  "A  Practical  "Method  for  the  Determination  of  Business 
Fact,  "  B  Penns77-lvania  Lav/  ?.eview  330  (l934) . 

(7)  Scer;hens,  o-n .  cit.,  6:      "But  now  he  is,  "by  tne  rel-'xation  or 
ab;xndon:aent  of  the  i^ules  of  evidence,  to  be  Vhe^rt  whole  aud  fancy  free' 
as  to  tne  facts.  The  'mmch'  as  the  basis  of  decision  will  indead  have 
been  canonized.  But  if  the  popular  view  is  correct  and  the  rules  of 
evidence  are  but  'obstructive  ;\nd  irrational  tecnnicali ties, '  then  we  are 
well  rid  of  them.  Perha-os  the  truth  lies  part  way  betv/een." 

(8)  KcFarland,  Judicial  Control  of  the  Federal  Trade  Coimnission  and 
The  Interstate  Comi-ierce  Cominission  (Harvard  University  -'ress  1933)  30  n. 
75,  citing:   17  Illinois  -^aw  Review  3S3  ^3^2);,  Ross,  "A-.Tolica.bility  of 
Rules  of  Evidence  in  Proceedings  Jefore  "'oriaiien's  Coimensation  Commission, 
56  Harvard  ^a.w  Revie'v  233  (1935);  and  ■•'iginore,  Evidence  (2  ed.  ,  1923),  27. 

(9)  Van  Vleck,  "Administrative  Justice  in  the  Enforcement  of  Qu-'si- 
Criminfl  Law,"  1  Geor,-'e  Washin,q;ton  Law  Review  18  (1952).   and  /ote  - 
"Administrative  Law.  Probative  value  of  Hea'isay  Testimony,  24  Hichi/^an 
Law  Review  851  (1926). 

(10)  Stephens,  o;.  cit.,  7-8,  15.   See  also  v.^o.   9-14  for  a  compre- 
hensive  statement'  of  tne  rales  of  evidence  a-oolied  by  various  State 
public  service  comirdssions. 

(11)  Henderson,   The  Federal  Trade  Coiii:-.iission,_  (Yale  University 
Press  1924i)  .   Stephens,  o".  cit.:  Tiie   federal  Trade  Commission,  in 
answer  to  Juo:;,e  Stennens'  questionaire,  stated  tiiat  it  intended  to  re- 
ceive only  le:^,ally  com  etent  evidence  find  base  its  findin,^^s  uoon  such 

(12)  Henderson,  op. cit.,  54. 

(13)  Blachly  and  Oatman,  Admini strative  Leg;! slatiii)n_aM-AdJMii: 
cation,  (Brookings  Institution  1934),  154:   "Wnen.  courts  review  the 
decisions  of  administrative  judicial  tribunals,  they  sometimes  refuse  to 
uphold  these  decisions  because  they  consider  that  evidence  was  t  al-cen  in 
an  im-oro-oer  manner,  or  that  the  rules  of  evidence  employed  in  arriving  at 
a  decision  were  not  such  as  to  safeguard  all  the  interes-cs  concerned. 
The  judiciiil  courts  thus  have  a  certain  influence  u^Don  the  rules  of. 
evidence  em'oloyed  by  agencies  of  administrative  adjudication.  Yet  this 
influence  is  considerably  less  -nowerful  than  might  be  ex^^ected,  for  the 
courts  have  dis-ol^yed  a  marked  tendency  to  assume,  on  the  whole,  a  fairly 
luoeral  attituce  on  the  matter  of  evidence." 

(14)  John  Bene  &   ^ons.  Inc.  v.  Federal  Trade  Comirdssion.  299  F. 
468  (1924);  and  Prischer  ""^  Co.  v.  Bakelite  Corn.  ,  39  F.  (2d)  247,  251 
(Ct.  Customs  ajid  Pat.  kp-p.,   1930).   See,  Pennsylvanis  R.  Co.  v.  U.S., 
40  F.  (2d)  921  (1930).   The  case  held  that  evidence  between  the  sajne 
parties  in  a  different  cause  u'oon  a  related  issue,  was  -oro-oerly  consider- 
ed.  This  is  a  recognized  exce-otion  to  the  hearsay  rale.  But  see 
Employers  Insurance  Corp.  v.  Industrial  Accident  Jomxvdssion,  151  Pac. 
423  (Calif.  1915)  holding  tnat  hearsay  evidence  in  not  a  proper  basis  on 



which  to  determine  jurisdictional  fact. 

(lo)  Jolm  Bene  &  ^ons.  Inc.  v.  Federal  Trade  Comi-nission.  su-orc  n.  14. 
(15)   Ibid,  at  page  471. 

(17)  Ibid,  at  page  473:  "From  the  evidence  we  deduce  as  findings 
of  fact:  .  .  .  .  " 

(18)  Stephens,  op.  cit.:   "Even  the  expert  Commissioner  should 
receive  hearsay  ■  sparingly ,  should  not  c'.eny  hi'-Vjclf '  the  ■tf-'s^3)afe  v.f^ln§ 'oi 
c:-©no'^^=xa:.iination,  and  should  be  willing-  to  introduce  nhat  he' acts  upon." 

(19)  Garfield  v.  U.  S.  ex  rel  S-oalding.  32  Am.  D.C.  153  (1908). 
Attorneys  disbarred  by  the  Secretary  of  Interior  objected  to  the  use  of 
depositions,  taken  without  notice  to  them  or  o-a-'5ort\inity  to  examine  the 
witnesses,  and  were  sustained. 

(30)   Infra,  VIII. 

(?l)  Brookings  Institution,  The  National  ^ecoven''  Adinini  strati  on 
-  An  Analysis  and  an  Ap-oraisal    (1935),   104-108. 

(2?!)      Ibid,    112-117. 

(23)  America's  Kecovery  Progmm,  (Oxford  ?ress  1934'',  82:   "The 
post-Hearing  converences  are  really  a  series  of .compromises  until  a  Code 
satisfactory  to  all  elements  is  i^roluced.   The  ITFJl's  attitude  is  that  of 
leadership,  although  at  times  it  has  been  forced,  to  use  a  more  potent 
influence  on  recalcitrant  or  selfish  interests." 

(24)  Bates  &  Guild  Cq.  v.  Payne .  194  U.S.  105  (l'04);  infra,  n.  25. 

(25)  Shurtleff  v,  U.  S.,  189  U.  S.  311,  31^  (1903).  Where  Congress 
had  specified  grounds  for  the  removal  of  an  officer  by  the  President,  =-nd 
he  was  removed  virithout  notice  or  opportunity  to  be  heard,  the  Court  said: 
"It  must  be  presuined  that  the  President  did  not  make  the  removal  for  any 
cause  assigned  in  the  statute  .  •.  .  "  The  imolication  is  that  the  Presi- 
dent's action  needed  no  evidentiary  basis.   The  case  is  distinguisnable 
as  it  involves  the  President  in  relation  with  a  subordinate  employee. 

See  also  feyers  v.  U.  ^. .  272  U.  S.  52  (1925),  53. 

(26)  Kwock  Jail  Fat  v.  White.  253  U.  S.  454,  454  (l920).   ifhere  the 
instiector  failed  to  record  in  its  -orooer  ^lace  important  testimony,  the 
court  said:   "It  is  the  province  of  the  courts,  in  'iroceedings  for  review, 
witnin  the  limits  am-nly  defined  in  the  cases  cited,  to  prevent  abuse  of 
this  extraordinary  power,  and  this  is  possible  only  when  a  full  record 

is  -oreserved  of  the  essentials  on  which  the  executive  officers  proceed  to 
judgment.  For  failure  to  preserve  such  a  record  for  the  information,  not 
less  of  the  cominissioner  of  immigration  and  of  the  Secretary  of  Labor 
than  for  the  courts,  the  judgment  in  this  case  must  be  reversed." 

(27)  Chicago  Janction  Case.  264  U.  ^.  258,  264  (192-^);  Atchison. 
T.  &  S.  F.  Ry.  v  Comfnerce  Commission,  l'^'7  N.  E,  831  (1929  111.);  Inter- 
state Commerce  Commission  v.  Louisville  and  K.ashyille  R.  ,  827  U.  S.  88' 
(1913);  U.  S.  V.  AbUene  &  Southern  Rv.  Co..  255  U.  S.  274.  Note,  "Ad- 

9838      ': 

ministrative  Law  -  Probative  Value  of  Hearsay  Testimony,"  24_5*i_ch._  Lfiw 
Review,  851  (1926.).;.  and  'Mote,  '.'5,e.quisites-of  an  Administrative  Hearing," 
80  Pennsylvania  Lav^  Eevip-w  378  (1952)  884 . 

(28)  Stephens,  op.  cit.,  98:   "Certainly  no  practical  difficulty 
stands  in  the  way  of  drawing  the  line  against  action  by  coMTiissions  u-oon 
■na.T)ers  in  their  files,  cairicrs'  and  engineers'  reports,  and  other  such 
dpta,  without  submitting  the  s^'ne  to  the  record  and  to  the  scrutiny  of 
the  parties  .  nd  of  the  reviewing  tribunal.   ITot  only  is  ;i,  fair  hearing 
not  had  in  the  absence  of  such  procedure,  out  a  f^ir  review  cannot  be 
made.  Unles;:.  evidence  acted  uoon  is  introduced,  the  reviewing  tribunal 
Cannot  Icnov;  of  it." 

(29)  235  U.  S.  274,  (1924). 

(30)  Ibid.  286-288. 

•(Sl)   Op.  cit.,  289.   See  also  Chicago  Junction  Case,  254  U.  S.  258, 
364  (1924).   Mr.  Jiistice  Brandeis  said,  "Facts  conceivably  known  to  the 
Commission  but  not  put  in  evidence  will  not  sumjort  an  order." 

(32)  The  recent  cases  of  Panama  Refining  Co.  v.  Hy--n,  293  U.  S. 
388  (1935);  and  U.  S.  v.  Schechter  Brothers,  295  U.  S.  495  (1935)  indi- 
cate this. 

(33)  Supra.  Plorida  &East  Const  R.  R.  Co.  v.  U.  S.  234  U.  S.  157 
(1913);  Chica-,0  Junction  Case,  264  U.  S.  358  (1924);  International  Shoe 
Co.  V.  .Federal  Trade  Cornip.ission.  ?B0   U.  S.  291  (1930);  and  Federal 

Radio  Commission  v.  Nelson  Bros. ,  289  U.  -S.  266  (1933);   see  also  Willough- 
by,  Constitutional  Law  of  tne  United  States,  (iTew  York  1929) 

(34)  Freiind,  Adiainistrative  Powers  over  Persons  and  Property 
(University  of  Chicago  Press  1928),  108:   "The  hearing  provision  thus 
circumscribes  discretion  by  requiring  its  exercise  to  be  substantiated 
by  evidence.   It  remains  to  be  seen-  how  this  will  a.ffect  the  exercise  of 
-orudential  discretion,  particularly  uoon  the  basis  of  the  widest  con- 
sideration of  expediency.   How  will  it  be  -possible  to  -o rove  or  disprove 
'public  interest'?   In  many  cases  it  is  clear  that  the  requirement  will 

be  mainly^  one  of  form:   chere  must  be  something  in  the  record  tending  to 
show  puolic  interest,  or  the  oT)--)osite,  and  a  corres-o ending  finding. 
This  may  inure  to  the  benefit  of  the  applicant  if  he  makes  a  good  prima 
facie  showing,  and  no  evidence  is  introduced  to  the  contrary,  and  if  he 
sees  to  it  that  the  consent  order  contains  the  appropriate  finding." 
Also  see  page  84. 

(35)  Supra.  ■  ■ 

(36)  Federal  Trade  Comjnission  v.   Kerrpel,   291  U.   S.    304,    312,    314 

(37)  U.    S.   v.   Baltimore  dc  Ohio  R.R.    Co..   293  U.    S.    454,    55  Sup.    Ct. 
268,    (1935). 

(38)  Ibid,    at  page    .'72. 


(39)  VJiliis,  Parliamentary  Powers   of  English  Government   Departments, 
(Harvard  University  Press   1932),    184.      The  value   of  investigation  ^oy  ad- 
ministrative  officers    is   discussed. 

(40)  Su^ra.,  VIII. 

(41)  Hew  England  Divisions  Case.  261  U.  S.  184  (1923). 

(42)  U.  S.  v.  Abilene__&  "Southern  By.  Co..  255  U.  S.  274,  291  (1924). 

(42a)   Office  Manual,  2412  (s): 

"During  the  Public  Hearing  the  Pre?iding  Officer  (See  11-2400)  will 
seek  to  elicit  facts  from  the  opponents  and  proponents  of  specific  pro- 
visions of  the  proposed  code,  for  the  purpose  of;  bringing  out  the  necessity, 
benefit,  or  detriment  of  such  provisions.   He  mil  receive  suggested  questions 
from  his  advisers  and  will  make  such  use  of  them  n.s   he  deems  necessary. 
He  will ,.  hoi.vever,  be  guided  by  the  line  of  questioning  suggested  by  his 
Code  Legal  Adviser  to  insure  the  legal  adequacy  of  the  record  of  the  Public 

(43)  Brookings' Institution,  op.  cit..  111.  . 

(44)  Johnson,  The  31ue  Eagle  from  Egg  to  Earth,   (Saturday  Evening 
Post,  Feb.  2,  1935),  82:   "The  Lumber  Code,  too,  come  in- during  this  period. 
I  did  not  conduct  these  hearings.   There  was  no  epic  fight  in  these  nego- 
tiations, bxit,  on  the  other  ho.nd  and  for  the  very  reason  that  there  was 

not  sufficient  controversy  to  develop  the  subject,  the  Code  has  never  been 
so  satisfactory  as  others  of  the  Big  Six.  We  have  had  to  change  it  more 
than  once,  said  I  fear  that  it  is  still  not  right." 

(45)  3i-ief  for  A.  L.  S.  Schechter  Corp.,  in  Schechter  v.  U.  S,  160: 
" '§elective  buying'  was  referred  to  in  the  Government's  brief  below  as 
one  of  the  'evils'  corrected  by  the  Code.   The  evidence  relied  on  in 
support  of  this  contention  and  also  for  the  purpose  of  linking  'straight 
killing'  with  interstate  commerce,  is  that  of  Government's  sitness 
Tottis,  himself  a  slaughterer.   The  nature  of  the  'evil'  was  thus  naively 
stated  by  this  witness  on  his  direct  examination  by  the  Government: 

"  'Q.  Will  you  explain  the  practice  of  selective  killing  that 
existed  prior  to  the  time  that  the  Code  became  effective?  A.   Well, 
at  that  time  a  buyer  went  in  and  handled  each  bird  himself  and 
picked  out  just  what  he  wanted.'  (R.  294) 

"^is   objection  to  the  practice  was  expressed  with  equal  frahkness  and 
naivete  on  his  direct  examination  by  the  Government  as  follows: 

"'Q.  IThat  happened  to  the  rest  of  this  poultry?  A.  It  was  sold 
at  a  cheaper  price  to  whichever  buyer  they  could  get  at  a  satisfactory 
price.   It  was  a  sacrifice  price.'   (R.  294-295) 

"In  the  opinion  of  this  witness,  concurred  in  by  the  Government, 
selective  killing  is  an  'evil'  because  it  permits  the  customer  to  buy 
what  he  chooses,  leaving  in  the  possession  of  the  slaughterer  inferior 



poultry  required  to  be  sold  at  a  lower  i^rice." 

(45a)   The  follovvin,^  is  an  interesting  exam^Dle  wfhich  can  best  be 
considered  by  quoting:  from  the  Transcriot  of  Hearing  Kabber  Manufactur- 
ing Industry,  January  12,  1934,  8,  lir.  Eugene  A.  Kingman  representing 
the  LaCrosse  Rubber  Mills  Co.,  The  Tyler  I-ubber  Co.,  and  the  Goodyear 
Hubber  Co.  testified: 

"■'■n  commenting  on  that  I  would  say  that  the  Code  on  which  we  had  a 
■Duolic  hearing,  so  far  as  the  pur-30ses  of  our  discussion  today  are  con- 
cerned. Was  not  this  Code.   These,  so  far  as  these  proceedings  go,  are 
new  features.  There  was  in  that  code  a  definite  tjrice  fixing  -orovision 
differing  from  these  in  i.ts  wording  and  possible  operation,  to  which  we 
most  strenuously  objected.   That  provision  has  been  omitted.   But  in  a 
series  of  conferences  which  took  place  between  the  socalled  hearing 
committee,  and  representatives  of  the  Administration,  there  were  put  into 
this  Code  the  provisions  to  which  objection  is  now  made. 

"Concerning-  these  provisions  we  were  not  consulted,  although  our 
petition,  in  objecting  to  the  isrinciple  of  price  fixing  and  its  operation 
must  have  been  well  knoFn,  because  of  the  attitude  aiid  position  which  we 
took  at  the  hearin,^. 

"In  this  industry,  as  we  will  point  out  very  early,  there  is  a 
great  difference  in  this  tyrje  of  manufa,cture  and  distribution  of  goods 
to  the  public.   The  provisions  of  the  code  were  prepared  not  by  a  rep- 
resentative group  of  the  industry,  because  no  group  of  the  industry  can 
be  representative  which  represents  one  division  of  the  industry  whose 
economic  interest  and  advantages  are  utterly  opposed  to  another. 
'Representative'  cannot  mean  size.   'Representative'  can  only  mean  that 
it  fairly  represents  all  elements  in  an  industry. 

"As  I  say,  we  objected,  or,  rather,  we  requested  an  opportunity  to 
sit  in  and  be  represented  and  at  least  present,  when  this  thing  which  is 
now  longer  was  being  formulated, —  present  our  views,   \7ithout  know- 
ledge and  without  permitting  us  to  oe  present,  this  was  approved  and  be- 
comes law,  and  the  law  which  now  exists  was  formulated  by  those  whose 
economic  interest  is  entirely  at  variance  with  our  own.   In  saying  this 
I  wish  to  say  that  I  fully  appreciate  the  very  great  pressure  which  the 
administration  is  under. 

"That,  however,  does  not  in  any  sense  take  away  from  what  I  have 
already  said,  that  a  code  is  written  by  our  competitors  who  are  in  a 
different  position,  and  approved  without  our  having  an  opportunity  to  be 
influential,  if  we  might  be  influential,  in  the  framing  of  its  provisions. 

"And  since  these  a,re  entirely  new  provisions  which  are  in  here, 
which  were  not  in  the  code  at  the  time  of  the  public  hearing,  our  position 
is  that  this  hearing  here  is  a  hearing  in  which  we  address  ourselves  to 
the  government  primarily  because  to  address  ourself  to  those  whose  economic 
interest  differs  so  radically  from  our  own,  as  will  appear  presently,  is 
quite  analagous  to  having  a  Judge  appoint  the  adversary  attorney  as  his 
delegate  to  decide  some  claim  which  I  have  in  dispute  with  him.   So  that 
this  argument  is  addressed  primarily  to  the  Government,  and  waiving  tech- 
nicalities of  machinery  for  changing  codes,  it  is  a  proposed  review  of 

■^hich  laa-s  "been  done;  it  is  pi-opo^ieo.  on  r/hat  Icr'jers   call  a  nunc  pro  tunc 
tasis  at  tliis  time,  doing  that  ;-hicli  '^'e  '-'ould  have  done  had  there  "been  a 
hearing  on  the  code  T/ith  these  provisions  in  it,  rather  tha.n  those 
"hich  '-.-ere  in  it  rt  the  tine  of  the  hearing," 

(U6) '  Fu.r  Dressing  and  ITur  L^^eing  Industr^^',  Approved  Code  Ho.   iSl, 
Codes  of  Pair.  COiToetition,  IV,  l6l. 

(Uj)   Ihid, ,  Art.  VIII,  2-3 5   "2.   In  order  to  effectuate  the  pur- 
poses of  the  Act  and  to  r-sure  tiie  nrintenrnce  of  laoor  stande.rds,  an;,' 
division  of  this  industr;,^  ■•i?-7,  c-.t  an;'  tine  a"ter  the  effective  date  of. 
this  code  sutuit  to  the  Adninistrator,  throtigh  the  'Code  Authority  Board, 
a  schedule  of  charges  applicajle  to  services  rendered  hy  nenhers  of 
said  division,  hased  upon  the  lo'-est  reasonrole  cost  of  production.   If 
and  -hen  siich  t-chedij.le  shall  oe  ap'rrovec"  op  the  Ac-.iinistrr tor  and  "by 
employers  of  55;'.'  of  the  employees  engaged  in  the  division  af  "ected,  the 
rates  set  forth  therein  for  the  servicer  specified  shall  he  the  mini- 
mum charge  for  said  semrices  in  the  industry,  and  the  rendition  of  ser- 
vices for  chrrges  helo"  those  appearing  in  such  approved  schedule  shall 
he  a  violation  of  this  code.  Sahsenuent  changes  in  srid  schedrile  shall 
"be  arrived  at  in  the  scxie  manner  rnd  shjll  not  oe  su.hject  to  the  pro- 
visions of  Section  2  (c)  of  Article  VI. 

"3.   Any  group  of  fur  dresr-er^.  or  fixr  dyers,  not  other-rise  hound  hy. 
an  approved  schedule  of  charges  as  contemplated  hy  Article  VIII,  may 
agree  upon  a  minimiira  service  charge  to  assure  the  mrintenance  of  .lahor 
standards  covering  any  one  t-poe  of  service  or  a  schedule  comprehending 
more  then  one  type,  of  service,  '7hich  shall  hecome  effective  and  hind- 
ing  upon  the  parties  to  such  agreement  '-hen  approved  hy  the  Atoinis- 
trator.   Any  violation  of  such  agreement  after  approval  thereof:  shall 
"be  deemed  a  violation  of  this  code.   Suhsecueht  changes  in  said  sched- 
ule shall  he  arrived  rt  in  the.sajie  manner  and  shall  not  he  suoject  to 
the  provisionr  of  Section  S  (c)  of  Article  VI." 

C^S)   Transcript  of  Post  Kea.ring,  Tur  Dressing  and  Pur  Dyeing  In- 
dustry (Dog  and  Long  Hair  Division),  April  U,  153^. 

(!45)   Ihid.,  7,  10,  30. 

(50)  These  vere   Indian  Kitt  Po::es,  S'.dft  Foxes,  Ca.pe_Fo::es,  Sand 
Forces,  King  Foxes,  and  Persian  hitt  Foxes. 

(51)  ".iemorandum.  Consumers'  Advisory  3oard,  iiajr  1,  133^« 

(52)  Transcript,  op,  cit. ,  II3. 

(53)-  Transcript,  op.  cit.,  I7. 

(5U)  April  30,  1S3U. 

(55)   Approved  Code  Ho.  9S,  Fire  Extinguishing  Appliance  Ilfg.  Ind. , 
Codes  of  Fair  Competition,  II,  ,511. 

(5S)   Transcript  of  Hearing,  Fire  Extinguishing  Appliance  Manu- 
facturing Industry,  April  30,  193^,  2S-3S. 


(57)   A-mDroveri  June  7,  1934. 

(5S)   '.Tool  Textile  -Luductry ,  Coi.'Le  Xo.  3,  (Codes  of  F'dr  Competition, 
I,  33},  37  -  "Tiie  oi-ovision  in  the  Ooae  regaljioing  machinery  hours  was 
the  only  point  at  issue  unon  which  a  minority  of  the  industry  took  ex- 
ception.  Tais  minority  withdrew  its  objection  in  f--ivor  of  the  majority. 
It  was  a  fine  exliioition  of  sportsmanship  and  unselfishness.   A  thorough 
analysis  of  this  particular  problem  will  be  undertaken  immediately  to 
obtain  the  actual  facts  by  nccurpte  statistical  study  and  research." 
The  provision  in  qi.iestion  reads  ps   follows:   Pa^'e  39  -  "IV  —  HOURS  OF 
OPERATION  OF  MACHIrlERY  —  "On  and  after  the  effective  date  no  emrjloyer 
shall  oper,-,te  any  comb  or  any  spinning  srjindle  or  any  loom  or  any  knit- 
ting machine  for  more  than  two  shifts  of  forty  hours  each  ;oer  week." 

(59)   Legitim-ate  Full  Length  Dramatic  and  Musical  Theatrical  In- 
dustry, Code  Ho.  8,  (Codes  of  Fair  Competition,  I,  81)   Administrator's 
Letter  to  the  President,  at  page  83:   "For  the  first  time  in  history  of 
the  legitimate  theatre  minimriun  wages  and  maximum  number  of  hours  have 
been  fixed  by  agreement  for  actors,  "oress  representatives,  company 
managers,  house  treasurers,  and  otner  labor.  Wages  have  not  been  re- 
duced, and,  indeed,  have  been  raised.   Hours  generally  have  been  reduced." 

(50)  H.  I.  R.  A.,  Title  I,  Sec.  1. 

(61)   Codes  of  Fair  Com-oetiti on,  Volume  IV,  Page  703,  Administrative 
Order  Mo.  1-38,  December  15,  1953: 


"Pursupnt  to  the  recommendation  of  the  Cotton  Textile  Code  Au- 
thority under  Section  VI  of  the  Cotton  Textile  Code,  approved  by  the 
Administrator  December  1,  1933,  providing  for  procedure  for  temporary 
changes  in  the  limitation  of  hours  of  oioerition  of  productive  machin- 
ery to  meet  particular  conditions  arising  in  particular  grouns  of  the 

"It  is  required  that,  for  a  period  of  sixty  da,ys  froin  January  1, 
1934,  spinning  spindles  in  the  industry,  wherever  located,  operating 
on  the  production  of  any  type  of  carded  yarns  for  sale  as  such  (such 
spindles  comprising  the  productive  machinery  of  the  carded  yarn  group 
of  the  industry)  shall  ^ot  Lc  O'-rrLor'  in  czzcozs^Of^-'faviir'-eit^ht-'Aoui^S^-each 
in  any  week  during  such  period,  -orovided -that  such  oeriod  may  be  short- 
ened by  the  ^ode  Authority  with  the  concurrence  of  the  Government  Re- 
presentative thereon,  or  that  such  restriction  of  hours  of  orjeration 
may  likewise  be  reduced  at  any  time  during  the  period  as  changing 
conditions  m^y  warrant;  and  provided  further  that  during  the  period 
when  such  te.,;roorary  limitation  is  in  effect,  no  weaving  mill,  combed 
yarn  mill,  or  laiitting  mill  shall  operate  spindles  in  the  r)roduction  of 



any  type  of  crrded  yarn  for  sale  as  such  which  were  not  employed  in 
spinning  carded  yarn  for  such  sale  at  some  time  during  the  ninety  days 
prior  to  December  1,  1933." 

"Code  Authority  under  the  Code  of  Fair 

Gomr)etition  for  the  Cotton  Textile  Industry. 
"By  George  A.  Sloan,  Chairman. 

"The  foregoing  requirement  is  concurred  in. 
"Hugh  S.  Johnson 

"Leo  Wolman, 
"H.  A.  Slater. 

"Government  Representative  on  the  Cotton  Textile  Industry 
Committee,  Code  Authority  under  tthe  Code  of  Fair  Competition 
for  the  Cotton  Textile  Industry." 

(63)   Transcript  of  Hearing,  Cotton  Textile  Industry,  June  27-30, 

(S3)   Brief  for  A.  L.  A.  Schechter  in  Schechter  v.  U.  S. ,  o ).  cit., 
172,  suggested  to  the  Supteme  Court  that  no  ansv/ers  could  he  found  in  this 
field.   Although  this  view  seems  rather  hopeless,  it  indicates  the  diffi- 
cult subject  matter  w.ith  which  NRA  dealt:   "lifhetLer  a  given  transaction 
will  '-oroduce  an  effect  upon'  interstate  commerce  is  a  question  which  in 
a  corarjlex  economic  society  involves  factors  so  imiltitudinous  and  so  inter- 
woven with  inoperative  circtmistances  that  even  an  exliaustive  study  vail 
not  provide  an  answer.   The  conflicting  testimony  in  this  case  amply 
demonstrates  that  thecjiestion  is  practically  impossible  of  solution." 

(S-i)   Transcript  of  Public  Hearing,  Zlectric  Light  and  Power  In- 
dustry, January  12.-13,  1934,  594. 

(65)   Hemoraiid^uTi  to  C.  W.  Dupning  from  the  Consumers'  Advisory  Board, 
November  27,  1934.  A  considerable  iiortion  of  tnis  memorand-um  is  set  forth: 

"(4)  Article  VI,  Section  7,  Paragraph  (j),  authorizes  the  Code 
Authority  to  formulate  and  present  to  the  Administrator  an  open  price 
plan  which- may  be  used  in  this  industry.  Pending  completion  of  such 
plan,  the  Code  Aithority,  for  a  period  of  four  months,  is  empowered  to 
collect  and  disseminate  information  as  to  prices,  discounts,  rebates, 
allowances,  -nd  all  other  terms  and  conditions  of  sale  and/or  transfer 
to  different  classes  of  distributors.   In  other  words,  mntil  the  Code 
Authority  can  work  out  some  plan  which" is  acceptable  to  the  Administration, 
it  is  given  a  carte  blanche  for  four  months,  to  -oursue  any  program  it 
desires.   7/e  regard  the  grant  of  a.ny  such  brond  and  uiirestricted  power 
as  imwise  and  highly  objectionable,  and  advise  its  elimination  from  the 

"This  code  has  oeen  Pending  before  the  A. A. A.  and  the  N.R.A.  for  more 
than  a  year.  During  that  time  the  proponents  hnve  suggested  several 
different  price  filing  proposals,  none  of  which  were  acceptable  both  to  the 
Administration  and  the  members  of  the  industry.  There  is  no  reason  to 
believe  that  the  '-'ode  Autnority  will  suddenly  develop  a  proper  ,'ind  un- 
objectionable program  for  the  collection  and  <Jisscminafcion  of  orice  infor- 


mation  for  use  during  four  months  following'  a'o-iroval  of  the  code. 

"A  brief  review  of  the  history  of  this  industry  may  he  of  assist- 
ance in  pointin^t,  out  the  dangers  inherent  in  ajay  provision  such  3,s  that 
above  referred to. 

"Six  mumbers  of  this  industry  do  more  than  80S  of  the  entire  volume 
of  business,  the  .remaining  business  being  distributed  among  thirty  to 
forty  small  manufacturers.   The  industry  is  divided  into  two  canros  -  the 
mea-t  ppckers,  and  the  so-called  " independent s"  .   Each  group  produces  about 
half  the  total  output  of  the  industry.   They  both  apparently  desire  an 
open  price  plan,  but  h-^ve  had  difficulty  in  arriving  at  a  program  that 
was  mutually  satisfactory  and  at  the  same  time  unobjectionable  to  the 

"The  independents  wish  to  have  an  open  price  pl^n  which  would  apply 
to  the  distribution  method  followed  by  the  packers.   A  major  portion  of 
the  output  of  the  packers  is  sold  through  branch  houses  owned  oy  the 
packers.   The  independents  realized  that  a  price  filed  by  a  packer  cover- 
ing the  sale  of  his  proifuct  to  his  branch  outlets  would  mean  nothing,  ns 
the  branch  house  could  sell  at  any  price  it  found  desirable,  without 
reference  to  the  nominal  price  made  to  it  by  the  packer.   The  independents 
therefore  proposed  a  price  filing  plan  embodying  the  principle  of  resale 
price  maintenajice,  the  effect  of  which  would  be  to  require  the  packers  to 
file  wnolesale  prices  aS  well  as  manufacturers'  prices.   Tne  packers 
objected,  and  the  proposal  has  been  withd.rawn.  nov/ever,  in  view  of  this 
history,  and  our  laiov'ledge  of  the  desires  of  certain  members  of  the  in- 
dustry, we  believe  it  very  undesirable  to  allow  the  Code  Authority  to  do 
anything  about  open  px-ices  until  the  limits  of  the  power  so  conferred 
are  distin-ctl3'  set  forth. 

"The  wisdom  of  permitting  any  open  price  filing  plan  in  this  in- 
dustry is.  open  to  serious  doubt,   ifo  plan  or  suggestion  that  has  yet 
been  offered  is  ncceptable.   This  industry  has  six  very  large  members, 
and  forty  very  small  ones.   It  is  improbable  txiat  any  open  price  can 
be  evolved  vi/nich  will  afford  protection  to  the  small  memoers,  yet  be 
satisfactory  to  the  large. 

"About  fop.r  years  ago,  the  Department  of  Justice  commenced  an  in- 
vestigation of  members  of  the  Cottonseed  Oil  Refiners  industry,  follow- 
ing complaints  against  certain  activities  of  their  trade  association. 
In  this  investiga.tion,  attention  was  given  to  the  operation  of  an  open 
price  plan  which  was  in  use  by  the  association.   Mr.  Walter  Rice,  Special 
Assistant  to  the  Attorney  General,  made  a  report  to  the  Attorney  General 
on  April  20,  1931,  containing  a  summary  of  the  evidence  secured.   This 
summary  indicates  that  the  open  price  plan  was  resulting  in  virtually 
uniform  prices  on  the  part  of  the  18  largest  producers  in  the  industry; 
that  price  changes  were  made  sumaltaneously ;  and  that  the  sale  prices 
for  cottonseed  oil  shortening  were  maintained  at  a  high  and  nearly 
constant  level  during  and  following  a  period  of  time  when  prices  for 
cottonseed  aiid  rav/  cottonseed  products  had  fallen  to  a  very  low  level 
and  were  still  declining.     

"The  federal  Trade  Commission,  in  its  investigation  of  the  Cotton- 
seed Industry,  developed  the  fact  that  the  same  large  refiners  who  dom- 


inate  the  refiniog  industry,  also  dominate  the  cottonseed  crushers  through 
suosidiaries  enga^sed  in  that  industry.   At  about  the  same  time  that  the 
refiners  v/ere  participating  so  effectively  in  an  open  price  plan,  the 
crushers  were  engaging  in  a  plan  for  the  collection  and  dissemination  of 
information  oo'nceruing  the  "orices  which  the  crushers  v/ere  "o-yiiig  for 
cottonseed.  According  to  the  report  of  the  Federal  Trade  Coininission,  this 
cooperative  activity  on  the  part  of  the  crushers  resulted  in  the  crushers 
paying  uniform  and  ever-decreasing  -oricej  for  cottonseed.   This  result 
could  not  h.-ve  heen  achieved  if  it  were  not  for  the  full  coorieration  of 
those  large  crushers  which  were  subsidiaries  of  the  large  refiners. 

"Because  of  tne  fact  that  the  refiners  wno  dominate  this  industry 
have  abused  open  price  filing  plans  in  the  past,  there  is  valid  reason 
for  apprehension  that  they  would  abuse  permission  to  engage  in  an  open 
price  filin^  program  in  the  future." 

(65)  Jan.  28,  1935,  Cincinnati,  Ohio. 

(67)  Approved  Code  No.  436,  rur  Mfg.  Industry,  Codes  of  Pair  • 
Competition,  X,  265. 

(68)  March  19-21,  1935,  Article  VIII,  Section  15-20, 

(69)  Transcript  of  Hearing,  ?:arch  19-:>1,  1935,  612,  773,  Fur 
Manufacturing  Industry:   ivir.  Fillmore  -  "After  all,  aren't  all  these 
regulations  of  Industry  -  they  hr.ven't  anytning  to  do  with  the  consumer". 
(Page  612)   Mr.  iiiller  -  (referring  to  a  suggestion  that  prohibition  of 
style  shov/s  would  be  detrimental  to  consuiners  in  the  small  and  medium 
size  cities)  s.^id  -  "The  v?oman  in  that  small  town  you  spoke  of  is  not 
concerned  in  this  Code  of  ours.  We   cannot  be  concerned  with  her".  (Page 

(70)  Transcript  of  hearing,  Steel  Industry,  July  31,  1933,  1. 
Transcript  of  Hearing,  Cotton  Textile  Inc^'ustry,  June  27,  1933,  4-7. 

(71)  i'lemorandum  to  ConsuiTiers'  Advisory  3oard  re  Some  Incidents 
Reflecting  the  Attitude  of  Deputies  and  Other  Administrative  Officials, 
June  3,  1935:   "  .  .  .  .  was  probably  the  deputy  most  convinced  of  the 
correctness  of  the  rule  against  advisers  being  permitted  to  make  state- 
ments or  ask  o^uestions  at  hearings.   His  contention  was  that  .^  s  the 
^administration  was  engaged  in  friendly  cooperation  to  produce  a  code 

as  nearly  like  that  proposed  as  possible,  it  should  not  be  allowed  to 
appear  that  any  spirit  of  distrust  or  antagonism  toward  industry  exist- 
ed anywhere  v/ithin  N.R.A.   He  also  was  Convinced  that  his  advisers  were 
to  consider  the  facts  brought  out  njid  to  render  advice  to  him  on  the 
side.   It  was  his  job  to  preside  and  if  we  brelieve  further  pertinent  facts 
could  be  brought  out  by  questions,  it  was  our  function  to  suggest  the 
questions  to  him. 

"  .  .  .  .  did  not  hesitate  to  t  ell  members  of  industry  at  conferences 
that  they  mis^ht  well  ignore  certain  suggestions  of  advisers  for  he  in- 
tended to  over-ride  them  

"Later  on,  however,  Kenny  had  an  Bxperience  v/ith at 



a  conference,  with  the  Alumin-uiii  Cooking  Utensil  Inciustry.   On  this  oc- 
casion   exTDlained  to  the  industry  that  the  Consumers  renre- 

sentatives  always  objected  and  that  they  might  well  ignore  the  recom- 
mendations.  Kenny  -oointed  to  one  -nrovision  which  mi^ht  "be  administered 

against  the  Public  interest 's  re-oly  was  that  it  would 

never  be  administered  imTironerly  oecause  he  was  going  to  administer  it." 

(72)  Cement  Industry,  A-nnroved  Code  ''•o.  138,  Codes  of  T^air  Comne- 
tition,  III,  335  at  "oage  534,  Article  VII,  "Prior  to  the  construction 
or  operation  of  a  new  -olant,  or  the  increase  in  the  r)roductive  ca-oacity 
of  an  existing  one,  or  the  movement  of  all  or  nart  of  such  a  plant  from 
one  place  to  another.  The  Cement  Institute,  on  receipt  of  such  informa- 
tion, shall  promptly  collect  complete  information  concerning  existing 
productive  capacity  in  the  area  in  which  the  proposed  new  pla.nt  is  to 
be  located,  together  i"ith  data  concerning  consumption  of  cement  in  tlmt 
area.   If  these  data  disclose  that  such  new  plant  will  result  in  further 
increasing  the  riroblem  of  over-production  or  over-capacity  in  such  area, 
The  Cement  Institute  may  petition  the  President  to  nrohibit  the  construc- 
tion, or  ope-^ation,  of  the  -nro-Dosed  new  plant,  or  the  increase  in  manu- 
facturing capacities  of  such  existing  plants.   The  provisions  hereof 
shall  not  be  construed  to  prevent  the  raoderniza,tion  of  existing  plants 

to  imrorove  ouality  of  -oroduct  and/or  o-oeration  efficiency. 

"The  Board  may  study  the  Problem  of  permanent  excess  of  productive 
capacity  in  any  area  and  may  from  tine  to  time  prepare  and  submit  to  the 
Administrator 'for  considera-.tion  plans  for  the  closing  down  or  amortiza- 
tion of  the  less  economical  nlants. 

(73)  Su-nra.,-  n/  71.   The  writer  continued:   ''If  the  Code  Authority 
is  STDecif ically  authorized  to  formulate  and  pesent  a  -nlan  for  apnroval, 
the  Administration  has  ta.citly  assented  to  the  -orincinle  that  open  "orices 
are  desirable  in  this  industry.   Por  this  reason,  we  a^dvise  against  the 
approval  of  the  -nrovision  :authorizing  the  Code  Authority  to  r)resent  an 
open  price  -olan  for  apinroval,  and  recommend -the  entire  elimination  of 
Article  VI,  Section  7,  Paragraph  (j)." 

The  Legal  Division  had  a.  direct  statement  upon  this  Tjroblera,  which- 
did  not  a"'-iolish  the  use  of  the  argument  of  tacit  a-rrnroval.   Legal  Memo- 
randum, No.  9,  ■•lotice  and  an  OpiTortunity  to  be  ^"eard ,  January  13,  1934: 

"As  to  addition  of  new  matter  to  codes  under  provisions  in  such 
codes  for  inclusion  of  such  new  matter  on  ap-nroval  by  the  Administrator: 
The  comments  as  to  notice  and  an  opportunity  to  be  heard  supply  in  theory, 
but  where  the  new  matter  is  carefully  set  up  in  the  code  itself,  not  be- 
ing effective  until  approved  by  the  Administrator,  the  Administrator 
could  siLTiply  a-onrove  stating  that  his  apnroval  would  be  effective  on  a 
specifies  date  unless  cause  were  shown  to  the  contrary  nrior  to  that  time. 

"In  cases  where  the  ne%  matter  is  not  mentioned  in  the  code  except 
by  general  descrir)tion  then  there  should  be  a  definite  hearing  on  the 
specific  new  matter  when  Administrator  had  decided  wliat  form  it  should 
take  and- in  such  cases  the  remarks  in  the  first  portion  of  this  raemo- 
rand-Qin  as  to  notice  and  hearing  are  a.r)-nlicable.  " 



(74)  Stra'^bridge    .-  Clothier  v.    ?erlersl   "^.adio   Com-gisFion.    57  F.    (?d) 
434   (1932). 

(75)  Iron  pnr"    Steel   Industry,    A-n-oroyed^  Code  To,    11,    Codes   of  ''''air 
Cc;iir)etition,    I,    "Reriort   of  Deputy  Administrator  K.     '.    Si.ntjson,    at  nage 
173:      ""^nile   the   raemlDers   of   the   industry  and   the   industry  advisor   re-oort 
that  the   scheme   of   the   code   involves   no   suhstantial   change  from  "oresent 
■oractices,    a  nunber   of  'protests   have  hean  made   against  alleged  changes 

in   oasing  noints   and   aj-ainst    the  -nrice  provisions   of  the   code  a.s  a  whole. 
Protests  iiave  also  been  made  against   the   control   of  deductions  for   trans- 
nortation  costs   chea-oer   than  11-rail,    against   the  control   of   Quantity 
discounts,    and  against   the   orjeration   of   throiogh  rail   rates    on  ■'^roducts 
fabricated    in   transit.      The  nrotestantg   "nave   not   satisfactorily  estab- 
lished   their   objections   to   the   o-'^eration   of   the   code. 

"In  vie"'   of  the  ■nrotests   and    the   far-reaching  effects    of   the  nro- 
visions   of   the   code,    it   seems  wise   to  -nrovide  for  a    90-day  "oeriod    of 
ex-oerimental   observa.tion   of   the    oneration   of   the   code."      (Underlining 
mi  ne ) . 

(76)  Ibid 

(77)  Panama  defining  Co.  v.  "?.yan.  ?9?  U.  S.  of'f^,   (1935). 

(73)   Smith  v.  ^'itchcock.  2?&   U.  S.  53,  61  (1913):   ".  .  .  the  of- 
ficial was  not  called  on  to  state  reasons  or  to  discuss,  -  his  only  du- 
ty was  to  hear;  and  beyond  offei-in'-  the  -nrinted  brief,  -olaintiffs'  re- 
nresentatives  showed  no  desire  to  be  heard."   See  also  U.  S.  v.  Chemi- 
cal Fo-ondation.  Inc.  .  272  U.  S.  1  (1926);  -uid  U.  S.  ex  rel  T^-oor)  v.  ::^oug- 
las,  19  D.  C.  99  (1390). 

(79)  Vartin  v.  Mott,  12  "'heat.  19,  72.   (lf^27);  and  Philadelphia  & 
Trenton  R.  ~..  v.  Stimnson,  1^.  ^e\.    448,  458  (l8-'"i). 

(80)  ^Tichita  H.  1.  ._  Light  Co.  v.  Public  Utility  Commission,  260 
U.  S.  48,  59  (192^)  in  which  the  court  said:   ""'e  rest  our  decision  on 
the  T^rinci-ole  that  an  ex-oress- finding  of  unreasonableness  by  the  Commis- 
sion was  indisTensable  under  the  statutes  of  the  State." 

(81)  ::woc.k  Jan  Fat  v.  Tiite,  25".  U.  S.  454,  464  (l920). 

(81a)  ComTiJitee  on  ''inisters'  Powers  ^e-nort  ( Cf.rd .  4060,  -nresented 
by  the  Lord  Chcnc -llor  to  Parliament  in  Ariril,  1932)  80. 

(82)  '^Tote  -  "Delegation  of  Power  by  Congress",  48  ''■^arvnrd  L"-w  t^e- 

(83)  Ibid  ,  ^1-22. 
(8/')   Ibid,,  9-12. 

(85)  Ibid. 

(86)  Pacific   States   'lox  and   :3aslcet   Cora-oany  v.   "hite,    2  U.    S.    Law 
"eek  202   (1935. 


(87)  293  IJ.  S.  '"'^'^  (19-35)  . 

(88)  Pacific  States  :3ox  anri  3a?.:-et  Co.-i'-'ony  v.  "'hite,  0-).  cit.  ,  ?0a. 

(89)  ?95  U.  S.  495  (19P5). 

(90)  ?pcific  States  3ox  and  "aslret  .Co  n-nany  v.  '""ni  te ,  Ot.  cit.,  204. 

(91)  P60  U.  S.  ''B  (19-^?). 

(92)  264  U.  S.  32  (1924), 

(93)  290  U.  S.  190  (1933). 

(94)  Pacific  StPte  3ox  and  lasket  CoTiijany  v.  'Tiiite,  O-o.  cit.  . 

(95)  Irief  for  A.  L.  A.  Schechter  Cor-o.  ,  or>.    cit.,  80,  com.nented 
UTjon  this  fa.ct  as  regarded  the  Administrator's  report. 

(96)  A  tyne  of  finding  is  found  in  the  letter  to  the  President 
from  the  Administrator  on  A-n-oroVed  Code  Ho.  49,  QTjtical  'fenufncturing 
Industry,  Codes  of  Fair  Com-oetition,  I,  600,601,  which  reads,  in  nart, 
as  follows: 

"The  Administrator  finds  that: 

"(a)   The  Code  as  recom.;iend  ed  complies  in  all  resioects  with  the 
pertinent  "orovisions  of  Title  I  of  the  Act,  includim'  without  limitation, 
subjection  (&)  of  Section  7,  and  subsection  (h)  of  Section  10  thereof: 
and  that 

"(b)   The  a^^ilicant  ij:rou-)  in-noses  no  ineouitable  restrictions  on 
admission  to  me'Tibershi-T'  therein  and  is  truly  reriresentative  of  the  Oti- 
tical  ''anufacturiniT  Industry;  and  that 

"(c)   The  Code  as  reco.mended  is  not  desi^-ned  to  -oromote  monopolies 
or  to  eliminate  or  op-oress  small  enterprises  and  will  not  operate  to  dis- 
criminate against  then  and  will  tend  to  effectuate  the  policy  of  Title  I 
of  the  'Mational  .Industrial  Hecovei-y  Act. 

"It  is  recommended,  therefore,  thnt  this  Code  be  imLiediately 

Another  type  of  finding  is  indicated  by  the  ''^Ixecutive  Order  for  the 
same  Code,  reading,  in  ^,  as  follows,  599: 

"N0T\  TTTTtffivoTPF,  I,  Franklin  D.  Roosevelt,  President  of  the  United 
States,  pursuant  to  the  authority  vested  in  me  by  title  I  of  the  I'^ation- 
al  Industry  ^.ecovery  Act,  approved  June  16,  1933,  and  otherwise,  do  adopt 
and  approve  the  report,  reco;nmendations  and  findings  of  the  Administrator 
and  do  order  that  the  said  Code  of  Fair  Competition  be  and  is  hereby  ap- 
proved, subject  to  the  following  conditions:" 

Anotxier  is  indicated  by  the  short  letter  to  the  President  from  the 
Administrator  in  connection  with  approved  Code  No.  50,  Automatic  Sprink- 
ler Industry,  Codes  of  Fair  Competition,  Vol.  I,  605,  606,  as  follows: 



"I  have   the  honor   to   sulimit  and   recoTtmend   for  your  aTroroval   the 
Code   of  F»ir  CoToetition  for    tne  Automatic  S-nrinkler  Industry. 

"An  analysis    of    the  ^rovisionp    of   tne   code  has  been  made  by   the  Ad- 
ministration.     I   find   that    the   code   comnlies  with   the   renuirements   of 
clauses   1  and   2,    subsection   (a)    of  Section  3   of  ilaie  IIa.tiT3-irJ.   ImhiOlJriial 
Recovery  Act. 

"I   am,    my  dear  Mr.   Presioent, "    etc. 

(97)  Phi  lade  1-nhia  Pj:  Reading  ^^.y.    v.    Pi   Donato,    256,    U.    S.    327,    ^28 
(1920).      The   court   referred    to  fin;iir.;'p   .-nade   in   thp    terms   of  the   statute 
as    "no   connected    finfiin^^s   of  fact  aside  from  conclusions   of   law."      Tt'or 
another  critical   comment,    see   '"enrie-^son,    on.    cit.,    IIR,    119,    criticizing 
the  Federal   Trade   Cor.mission  for'usin,^  such   terms   as    "commercial  bribery" 
and   "stifling  ann    suToressin-T   conrjetition   in   interstate   commerce."      See 
also  -oage   114. 

(98)  ""enderson,    o-n.    cit,,    103-l':i9. 

(99)  Office  "'anual:   "Code  Ma^ring  and  Amendment  11-2000  •Procedure 

"(ll)   It  '"rill  contain  tiie  follo-vinjT  mandatory  r)arpfl:rar)h  beginning; 
I  analyze  said  code  and  find etc.  (see  V-P) " 

It  is  significant  that  these  reouirements  do  not  tell  the  Adminis- 
trative Official  what  tyoe  of  findings  he  must  -riake  or  should  make.   In 
fact,  the  i"hole  indication  is  that  this  'vas  a  mere  form  which  the  Admin- 
istration felt  it  must  comrily  with,  more  as  a  necessary  evil  than  any- 
thing else. 

(100)  A--)-nroved  Code  :'o.  1,  Cotton  Textile  Indiistry,  Codes  of  Pair 
Comtjetition,  I,  3-14a. 

(101)  A-n^roved  Code  ''o.  9,  Lunber  and  Timber  Products  Industry, 
Codes  of  Fair  Con-.etition,  I,  96-135;   '"illis,  oo.  cit.,  133-135. 

(102)  The  Pnglish  practice,  in  cases  of  local  slum  clearance  nro- 
Jects,  run  from  fifty  to  three  hiondred  oages.   It  includes  a  statement 
and  an  analysis  of  the  facts. 

(103)  Legitimate  Full  Length  Dramatic  and  '''usica.l  Industry,  An- 
■nroved  Code  '.'o.  8,  Codes  of  Fair  Co  n-oetition,  I,  PI. 

(104)  Fishing  Tackle  Industry,  A-n-oroved  Code  "'o.  1",  Codes  of  Fair 
Comnetition,  I,  217. 

(105)  Leather  Industry,  A^-oroved  Code  '^o,  21,  Codes  of  Fair  Com- 
Toetition,  I,  ''88-291. 

(106)  3rief  for  A.  L.  A.  Schechter  Coro. .  00.  cit.,  54-59.   It  is 
contended  that  "the  President  has  made  no  findings  of  fact  to  bring  his 
action  in  aonroving  the  code  within  any  -oolicy  or  standard  '"hich  the  Act 
may  contain."   The  same  suggestion  is  made  in  'j-ote,  "Delegation  of  Power 
by  Congress,"  o-o.  cit. 

(107)  Infra,  XV. 



(1)  1  Coke  Reporter  VVb;  Storrs  v.  Barker,  10  Am.  Dec.  317, 
323  (N.Y.  1822);  Haven  v.  Foster.  19  Am.  Dec.  353,  357  (Mass.  1829) 
Where  the  maxim  is  stated  iffnorantia.  j-gris  q-uod  qui s que  tenetur  scire 
memin-um;  and  Wharton  Legal  Maxims  (New  York,  1878),  93  where  the 
maxim  is  stated  ignorant ia  juris  non  excusat, 

(2)  Pairlis,  "Administrative  Legislation" ,  18  Michigan  Law- 
Review  181,  198  (1920);   "In  the  matter  of  nuMication,  Acts  of  Con- 
gress and  state  legislatures  are  promulgated  in  well  known  and  ac- 
cessible ways;  "but  it  is  a  difficult  and  almost  impossiMe  task  to 
keep  track  of  the  multifold  variety  of  administrative  regulations." 

(3)  5  Bentham,  Works  (1843)  V,  547:   "We  hear  of  tyrants, 
and  those  cruel  onesl  hut,  whatever  we  may  have  felt,  we  have  never 
heard  of  any  tyrant  in  such  sort  cruel,  as  to  punish  men  for  disohedience 
to  laws  or  orders  which  he  has  kept  them  from  the  knowledge  of." 
Quoted  "by  Griswold,  "Government  in  Ignorance  of  the  Law  -  A  Blea  for 
Better  Puhlication  of  Executive  Legislation,"  48  Harvard  Law  Review  198 

(4)  Betham,'  ihid. ,  V,'  546:   "That,  if  he  (a  man)  —  asks  in 
which  of  all  these  "books  he  could  upon  occasion,  lay  his  hands  and  find 
those  parts  in  which  he  himself  is  concerned,  without  "being  "bewildered 
with  those  in  which  he  has  no  concern,  —  what  he  learns  is  —  that  the 
whole  matter  is  so  completely  mixed  up  together,  ..that  for  him  to  pick 
out  the  collection  of  those  same  parts  from  the  rest,  is  utterly  im- 
possi"ble,"  '        ■ 

(5)  Comer,  Legislative  Functions  of  National  Administra.tive 
Authority  (New 'York  1927),  156,  n.  4,  indicates  that  often  only  a  small 
(15)  per  cent  of  rulings  relative  to  prohlem  will  te  found  to  "be  pu"b- 
lished.   Senate  Report  Nc-.  27,  69th  Cong.  1st  Sess.,  p.  7  (1926)  relat- 
ing to  the  Bureau  of  Internal  Revenue. 

(6)   Itid. ,  195-196. 

(■?)   Ihid.  ■ 

(8)  Blachly  and  Oatman,   Administrative  Legislation  and 
Ad.lui cation,    (Brookings   Institution  1934),    11:      "It   is   impossi"ble   to 
secure  accurate   statistics  re:;arding  the  num"ber  of   sub-legislative  acts 
which  are   issued  "by  all   such  authorities  each  year:      or  to  find  out  the 
number  of  a.dministrative   judicial  decisions  of  various  sorts  which  are 
made  by  them.      Their  published  rules  and'  regulations  cover  altogether 
about  eight  or  ten  -fcimes  as  map.y  pages  as   the  acts  passed  by  Congress," 

(9)  Brookings   Institution,    The  National  Recovery  Administration 
an  Analysis  and  an  Appraisal    (1935),    29:      There   is  a  reference   to   the 
grea.t  volume   of   codes,    supplemental   codes,    amendments,    modifications, 
classifications,   et  cetera. 



(10)  Brief  fer  A»  L,  A.  Schechter,  Gorp»  in.  Schechter  ^.  U.  S., 
66,  68:   This  note  is  designed  to  show  the  persuasive  way  administrative 
inadequacies  were  presented  to  the  court,  particularly  hy  quoting 
reputable  authority.  Tlie  writer  has  read  both  authorities  quoted  in 

the  ariginal.   "The  practice  of  filing  Executive  Orders  with  the  Depart- 
ment of  State  is  not  uniformly  or  regularly  followed,  and  the  totals 
are  really  greater  than  above  indicated.   Some  erders  are  retained  or 
buried  in  the  files  rf  the  government  departments,  some  are  confidential 
and  are  not  published,  and  the  practice  as  to  printing  and  publication 
of  orders  is  not  uniform.   Some  orders  are  made  known  and  available 
rather  promptly  after  their  approval;  the  publication  of  others  may 
be  delayed  a  month  or  more,  with  consequent  confusion  in  numbering. 
The  comparatively  large  number  of  recent  orders  v/hich  incorporate 
pravisions  purporting  to  impose  criminal  penalities  by  way  of  fine 
and  imprisonment  for  violation  is  vdthout  numerical  precedent  in  the 
history  of  the  government. 

"'Of  the  recent  output,  approximately  half  have  been  issued  under 
or  pursuant  to  the  National  Industrial  Eecovery  Act,  and  have  had  to 
do  either  with  its  administration,  agencies,  and  appropriations,  or 
with  the  approval  of  codes  and  amendments  thereof. 

"'The  total  volume  above  stated  does  not  include  the  contents 
of  the  codes  and  amendments,  all  of  v/hich  according  to  the  act,  have 
the  force  and  effect  of  la?/  and  violation  of  any  provision  of  which 
is  a  criminal  offense."  Report  of  Special  Comm,  Administrative  Law, 
Am,  Bar  Assn.,  215-216. 

"'In  the  first  year  of  the  National  Eecovery  Administration,  2,998 
administrative  orders  were  issued.   In  addition  to  these,  the  Recovery 
Administration  has  adopted  numerous  regulations  and  sets  of  regulations 
which  are  to  be  found  scattered  among  5,991  press  releases  during  this 
period.   It  has  been  estimated  that  the  total  amount  of  'law'  evolved 
during  the  first  year  of  the  IffiA' s  activities  exceeds  10, '300  pages, 
probably  a  greater  volume  than  the  total  amount  of  statute  law  contain- 
ed in  the  United  States  Code.'  Erwin  N.  Griswold,  'Government  in 
Ignorance  of  the  Law — a  Plea  for  Better  Publication  of  Executive  Leg- 
islation. '   48  Hiarvard  Law  Review  198,  199  (1954)." 

(11)  Infra,  XI 

(12)  293  U.  S.  388  (l935). 

(13)  U.  S.  Law  Week,  Dec.  18,  1934,  "Taken  separately,  though 
several  New  Deal  agencies  have  made  an  endeavor  to  distribute  their 
orders  and  regulations.   This  is  shown  by  the' enormous  number  of  're- 
leases' issued. 

"Particularly  is  this  true  as  to  the  codes  of  N.R.A. ,  published 
copies  of  which  aro  quite  readily  and  promptly  available.  It  is  not 
so  true  as  to  the  hundreds  of  miscellaneous  orders  issued  by  the  Re- 
covery Administration  and  other  agencies. 



Hon  Existent  Provision  Invoked 

'•5?he  interest  of -the  Supreme  Court  in  this  matter  was  aroused 
particularly  by  the  disclo:^re  during  the  ar^^umeut  of  the  oil  cases 
that  four  Texas  oil  producers  had  been  indicted  for  violation  of  a 
non-existent  ■nrovision  of  the  Petroleum  Code,  and  that  a  lower  Federal 
Court  had  sustained  a  demurrer  to  the  indictment  on  the  ground  that 
the  provision,  thought  to  be  actually  in  the  code,  v.'as  unconstitutional. 
This  anomalous  result  occurred  because,  in  amending  the  entire  Sec.  4 
of  Art.  Ill  of  the  Code,  the  second  paragraph  of  the  section,  in  which 
no  changes  were  made,  was  not  restated  in  the  executive  order.   The 
error  was  not  discovered  and  rectified  until  a  year  later,  during  which 
the  oil  producers  were  rirosecuted.   Upon  discovery  of  the  error,  the 
Government  withdrew  its  c. pi-teal   to  the  Supreme  Court  in  the  case  — ■ 
known  as  the  .Smith  case  of  the  last  terra  (1^.  W.  733)."  See  also, 
the  ilew  York  Herald-Trib-cuae,  December -12,  13,  19u4. 

(14)  Lorwin  and  Wuonig,  Labor  Relations  Boards   (Brookings, 
1935),  93. 

(15)  Carr,  Seleg-^ted  Legislation  (Cambridge  University 
Press  1921),  42-47,  at  pa  :e  4-1:   "The  dociJinentsry  form 'in  which  stat- 
utory rules  and  orders  are  officit-lly  published  is  governed  by  section 
3  of  the  Hules  Publication  Act  and  by  the  Treasixry  re,'-;ulations  made 
thereunder.  Before  that  Act  ?/as  passed,  delegated  legislation  was 
almost  undiscoverable.  Part  of  it  was  buried  in  the  pages  of  the 
"London  Gazette,"  the  arid  nature  of  which  still  justifies  "Kacaulay' is 
criticisms;  the  rest  was  scattered  over  ParliaiTj-eutary  Papers  or  other 
departmental  documents  or  files  without  any  definite  system." 

(16)  Ibid,,  L'7  reproduces  this  (original  citation  55-7  V.C. 
65).   Also  see  page  59.   "Regulations,  dated  August  9,  1394,  made  by 
the  Treasury  with  the  concurrence  of  the  Lord  Chancellor  and  the  Speak- 
er of  tJie  House  of  Coimnons  in  puj.-su'-'nce  of  the  Rules  Publication  Act, 
1893-1894.   No.  734". 

(17)  Cajrr,  op.  cit.,  42-47. 

(18)  Gl-is^Yold,  op,  cit.;  Bachley  and  Oatman,  o^o.  cit., 
260-261,   Tlie  authors  suggest:   A.   A  uniform  form  for  the  publication 
of  rules  and  regulations,  st-iting  a  reference  to  the  legal  basis  foj? 
the  regi-ilation.  B.   That  all  such  regulations  shall  be  issued  in  the 
name  of  the  President.   C.   That  a  special  bureau  handle  the  matter, 
checking  it  as  to  form,  leg.-'l  basis  and  relationship  to  other  admin- 
istrative legislation.   The  authors  further  suggest  that  an  Official 
Gazette  be  established  to  publish  important  administrative  rules  and 
I'egulations,  and  that  this  Gazette  be  made  available  at  "numerous 
official  depositories." 

(18a)   Federal  Register  Act,  43  Stat.  5)0  (July  25,  1935). 
Mr.  James  Ronald,  an  attorney  'for  the  Federal  Archives  has  afforded 
the  writer  with  information  concerning  the  administration  of  the 
"Federal  Register".  In  iiis  opinion  much  of  the  work  of  his  adminis- 
tration is  educational.   As  various  agencies  are   shown  tlie  advantages 
of  using  good  forms  vvitii  standardized  "iLirposes  t.'iey  are  coming  to 



use  them,   Mr.  Ronald  advises  that  there  has  heen  a  higli  degre^i  of 
intelligent  cooperation  "by  the  various  agencies. 

In  connection  with  Chapter  V,  Tlie  Scheme,  it  is  interesting  that 
the  Federal  Register  Act  provides: 

"Sec.  5  (a)   There  shall  he  puhlished  in  the  Federal  Register  (l) 
all  Presidential  proclamations  and  Execj.tive  orders,  except  such  as' 
have  no  general  apijlicahility  find  legal  effect  or  are  effective  only 
against  Federal  agencies  or  -persons  in  their  capacity  as  officers, 
agents,  or  employees  thereof;   (S)  such  documents  or  classes  of  docu- 
ments as  the  President  shall  c'eteriaine  from  time  to  time  have  general 
applieahility  and  legal  effect;  and. (S)  such  documents  or  classes  of 
documents  as  may  he  required  so  to  he  published  by  Act  of  the  Congress: 
Provided,  That  for  the  pur'ooses  of  this  Act  every  document  or  order 
whic^...i:?jffll  prescribe  a  penalty  snail  be  deemed  to  have  general  ap- 
12.1i.oji.bility  and  legal  effect."  (Underlining  mine. ) 

It  is  also  interesting  in  this  connection  that  some  agencies  do 
issue  final  orders  toward  individuals  and  groups  under  the  'same  statu- 
tory authority. 

(lO)   Memorandum,  re  Functions  of  the  Legal  Division,  January 
4,  1934.   1.   Eraftmanship 

"The  N.I.R.A.  does  no't  operate  with  respect  to  any  industry  until 
a  code  or  agreement  for  the  industry  has  been  drafted  and  approved. 

"Codes  are  thus  extensions  of  statute.   Hence  they  should  be  pre- 
pared with  the  care  appropriate  to  the  preparation  of  statutes,  thus 
■  producing  certainty  and  eliminating  ambiguity.  _The  rights  of  all 
enterprises  in  the  industry  and  of  the  public  in  relation  to  the  in- 
dustry, as  well  as  the  powers  of  acljiainictration  of  the  industry  "by 
itself  and  by  fche  Administrator  depend  practically  entirely  upon  the 

"This  means  that  good  legal  draftsmanship  is  at  a  premium," 

,(20)   Research  and  Planning,  Post  Code  Analysis,  Serial 
Number  73,  .July  8,  1934,  "Definitions  of  Industries  and  Trades  under 
Approved  Codes"  gives  a  n'ombor  of  examples  of  poor  draftsmanship  and 
ambiguity  in  definiticns.   Other  types  of  provisions  also  furnish 

(21)  Dickinson,  Administrative  Justice  and  the  Supremacy  of 
Law  in  the  United  States   (Harvard  University  Press  1927),  106,  n.  3. 
There  appears  a  long  and  excellent  note  upon  notice  of  hearing. 

(22)  Freund,  Administrative  Powers  over  Persons  and  Property, 
(University  of  Chicago  Press  1928),  156.   The  author  cites  a  number  of 
New  York  cases  on  hearing  and  states  that  the  Coiirts  look  at  the  re- 
quirement as  being  technical,  for  "nov/here  does  it  appear  that  th'e 
complaining  party  was  actually  taken  by  surprise  or  suffered  actual 


injustice   froia  laclc  c-f  notice." 

(23)  Ibid. 

(24)  ToR'^  Brothers  &  Lloorliead  v,  U.  S..  230  U,  S.  42'),  440 
(l9o'i)  holding  that  notice  is  proper  if  the  determination  is  one  which 
the  "plaintiffs  shc-sild  anticipated";  and  Tederal  Trade  Coniinission 
V,  _G-ratz,  253  U.  S.  421  (l923).   The  CoinmiDsion  can  prohibit  only 
practices  charged  in  the  complaint. 

(25)  Chin  Yow  v.  U.  3..  208  U.  S.  8  (1908).  A  party  has  a 
ri^ht  to  procure  evidence  before  hearing. 

■  (25)  Bi-Metallic  Investment  Co.  v.  State  Bocrd  cf  Equal- 
izatipn,  239  U.  3.  441  (1915).  ■ 

(27)  St?tc  Board  r-f  Health  v.  Iic_Cg:/,  17  U.S.  786  (ill.,  1838). 

(28)  Notice  of  Hearings,  0.0.  2,    July  15,  1933,  established 
procedure  for  haiidling  and  making  public  the  notices  of  hearing; 
Notices  of  Hearings,  0.0.  14  (Undi  ted)  set  forth  procedure  for  handling 
notices  of  hearing;   Recornmended  Public  Hearings,  0.0.  23-A,  November 
21,  1933  stressed  publication  of  notices;   Notice  of  Proceedings,  B.C. 
6527,  December  21,  1933  created  NRA  official  bulletin  board;  Notices 

of  Hearing,  0.0.  23,  August  23,  1955;   Notice  of  Hearing,  0.0.  50, 
December  25,  1933,  gave  form  for  notice  of  hearing  on  codes  aa.d  amend- 
ments;  Official  NEA' Bulletin  Board,  A.  0.  X-2,  January  5,  1934;  and 
Publication  of  Notices,  CM.  193,  Anril  23,  1934,  set  forth  persons  ' 
and  places  where  notices  should  be  s'-nt  for  publication.   See  also, 
Brookings  Institution,  op.  cit.,  108  n.  15:   "It  is  interesting  to  note 
that  these  precautionary  meas^ores  occurred  late  in  the  code-making 
period.  Previous  to  this  time  the  Press  and  the  trade  associations 
were  informally  relied  on  in  large  measure  to  keep  interested  parties 
informed  as  to  the  time  and  subject  of  public  hearings. 

"Under  the  present  arrangement  notices  of  important  hearings  are 
furnished  to  the  Press,  labor  uiiicns,  fed-eral  government  officials, 
governors  of  states,  code  authorities,  comiDliance  directors,  firat- 
class  post  offices,  trade  associations,  and  indivi6.uals  on  special 
mailing  lists. " 

(29)  Tliis  information  was  furnished  by  Messrs.  Ridings  and 
Patterson,  Publications  Section. 

(30)  Transcript  of  Hearing  Corn  Dry  Milling  Industry,  January 
28,  1955.   The  number  of  inoLustry  members  in  the  Southern  States  could 
hardly  be  estimated  in  any  accurate  manner. 

(31)  It  is  doubted  if  the  fact  that  tj'pical  evidence  was 
present  would  be  a  proper  basis  upon  which  to  deny  the  privilege  of 
being  heard  to  one  demanding  it.   Supra. 

(32)  Legal  Memorandum  No.  9  by  Blackwell  Smith  rega-ding 
Notice  And  An  Opportunity  To  Be  Heard,  January  12,  1934; 


"(l)   In  order  for  a  code  to  "be  valid  there  must,  of  course, 
"be  fair  notice  to  all  that  certain  subject  matter  is  to  he  considered 
and  that  miscellaneous  modifications  thereof  may  te  made  at  the  hear- 
ing.  (This  is  fairly  vrell  talcen  care  of  hy  the  new  Executive  Order 
on  Hotice  and  the  new  Office  Order  on  Form  of  ITotice.) 

"(2)   In  order  to  save  the  value  of  proper  notice  it  is  neces- 
sary, in  my  opinion,  to  ]:eep  a  hearing  alive  uaitil  revision  of  the  code  • 
has  been  completed  so  that  the  final  code  can  be  presented  to  the  hear- 
ing as  adjourned.  This  can  only  be  done  I  believe  by  a  specific  ad- 
joui-iiment  of  the  first  hearing  to  a  definite  later  time  ^■nr\   pl^r-^,  which 
can  be  the  deputy's  office.   If  this  is  done,  anyone  can  follow  the 
course  of  the  hearing  by  inquiring  of  the  deputy  at  the  time  and  place 
warned  at  the  previous  session.   If  there  is  to  be  further  adjournment, 
this  can  be  stated  at  such  later  time  and  place. 

"(o)   As  you  undoubtedly  realize,  some  of  the  decided  cases 
on  "notice"  are  rather  extreme,  and  hold  that  important  laatters  not 
referred  to  in  a  notice  cannot  validly  be  dealt  with  even  though  the 
notice  does  contain  a  general  catch-all  clause  warning  of  consideration 
of  other  matters  v^rhich  may  be  bro^aght  before  the  meeting. 

"There  must  be  some  line  beyond  which  one  cannot  validly  intro- 
duce new  matter  not  speciffically  referred  to  in  the  notice.   For  in- 
stance, if  the  notice  only  referred  to. a  simple  labor  code  it  would 
seem  doubtful  whether  allocation  of  production  Ejid  -orice  fixing  could 
be  validly  inserted  inasmuch  as  no  one  would  be  fairly  warned  of  such 

"(4)   In  all  cases  where  the  new  procedure  as  to  notice  and 
form  of  notice  is  properly  followed,  keeping  the  meeting  alive,  as  above, 
will  do  the  trick,  with  the  exception  of  those  cases  wliere  radical 
de-par tures  are  effected.  ' 

"In  the  latter  t^/pe  of  case  (radical  departures)  there  should  be 
notice  of  the  revised  code  containing  the  new  matter. 

"(5)   The  matter  can  be  cared  for  as  follows  when  a  radical 
departure  is  made  from  the  code  as  noticed  for  hearing; 

"(a)   When  the  code  is  finally  revised, 

broadcast  notice  in  the  usual  channels 
somewhat  as  follows 

"The  Code  of  Fair  Competition  for 

the Trade/ Indus try 

has  been  revised  in  the  light  of 
evidence  and  representjotion  made 
to  N.R.A.  and  copies  thereof  may 
be  obtained  by  all  interested 

parties  on  application^  to  Room 

Comnerce  Building,  Washington.  D.  C. 

Any  criticisms  or  objections  to  said  code 
as  revised  must  be  delivered  to  Deputy 


Administrotor      ,   Hoom 

Building,   Vfeshin^ton, 

D.    C.    ^rior   t? 1234." 

"(0)11  no  serious  objections  are  ^repented 
prior  to  tne  d^te  specified,  the  code 
can  be  approved  and  pro!Tailr:ated. 

"Of  course  if  any  vital  objections  are 
made  they  v/ill  have  to  he  cared,  for  in 
the  manner  that  seen's  best  in  lip^ht  of 
the  developments.   Siich  objections  .v/ould 
come  in,  if  they  could  properly  be  made, 
no  ma.tter  i."/hat  co'carse  were   followed  and 
would  have  to  be  tal:en  care  of,  so  it  is  better 
to  have  then  registered  before  a^iproval." 

(33)  Leg-al  I'.iemorandijm,  ".'0.  51,  by  Blackwell  Smith:   "In 
view  of  the  campaign 'to  clean  .up  code-raskini^;,  I  have  stated  that  the 
Legal  Division  will  approve  reduced  notice  '^f  hearing  where  the  Deputy 
considers  reduction  im-oortaiit,  provided  that  no  national  notice  is  cut 
to  less  than  seven  (?)  days  net.   This  means  that  the  notice  must  ac- 
tually be  public  pro;oerty  for  seven  (?)  days'." 

(34)  oUTora.  n,  3?. 

(35)  Le,.?:al  i'.Iemorandu.a,  ITo.  72,  fro.a  Slackwell  Smith:   "1_._ 
ITotice  "i71-ile  I  cannot  state  that  it  is  an  absolute  requirement  of  every 
adiiiinistrative  action  that  there  be  notice  to  the  parties  affected  prior 
to  the  effectiveness  of  the  action,  I  do  wish  to  remind  you  that  it  is 
hijO-hly  important  that  there  be  rersonable  notice  in  every  case  where 
such  course  is  practicable.   It  should  ta':3  convincin;';  r easons  as  to 
im-practicabilit:/  to  lead  the  Legal  Division  tj  relax  its  recommendation 
for  notice  as  to  any  action." 

(36)  Le:3al  Memoranduin,  ilo.  54, .  by  Blachwell  Giaith,  quoting 
Robert  P.  Heeder,  re^^  Uotice  and  Jlearing. 

(37)  Tagg  Brothers  c:   Moorhead  v.  U.  S..  38;  U.  S.  42;  (1930) 

(08)   Transcript  of  Hearing.   Fainting,  Faioerhajfiging  and 
Decorating  Industry  -  Araendments  to  Cocie  of  Pair  Cora-oetition,  Minimum 
Eatej_  of  Pay  for  Sl:illed  17orkers,  etc.,  February  26,  1935,  p.  51: 

"Mr.  Du  Brau,  SeTiresenting  the  I.iaster  Painters  Associstion  raid 
Decorators  Association  jf  Baltimore,  affiliated  with  the  IJational 

"Mr,  Administrator,  I  v;ould  like  to  mal:e  a  few   remarl's.   This 
heajring,  as  v/e  Uiiderntand  it,  is  nation— v;ide  and- of  the  utmost  and 
greatest  importance,  as  we  as  a  unit  from  Baltimore,  presenting  Sec- 
tions of  Maryland,  nave  had -no  time  and  were  given  no  ciiiie  for  this 
hearing.   We  received  a  notice  from  Mr.  Eungerf ord' s  office,  semi- 
officially that  a  hearing  would  be  held  todpy,  ten  days  ago. 


In  order  to  gather  cate,  and  50  intimately  into  all  phases  of  the  ques- 
tion, we  certainly  die.  not  hf-ve  r.ny  time,,  or  the  information  a"bout 
these  ■oroposed  ajnendmentf;,  that  the  ::ational  Code  Authority,  with  which 
we  are  affiliated  through  the  ilation.-il  Liaster  Painters  and  Decorators 
Association,  almost  feel  sort  ^f  nnal;y  that  we  'belong;:  to,  they  them- 
selves did  not  cive   us  any  information  until  now.   It  was  printed  in 
the  National  Liaster  Painters  -■iaii:azine,  of  which  only  one  copy  is  in 
Baltimore,  has  oeen  received  yesterday.   Thjit  is  no  information  at 
all.   Aiu.  we  would  here  protest  a^^ainst  any  conclusive  vote  teing  talcen, 
forced  u;^Don  this  industry  as  far  as  Baltimore  or  i.iaryland  areas  are 
concerned.   In  the  hrief  time  we  have  had,  v/e,  however,  Vv-ent  to  work 
and  sent  out  questionnaires,  over  5'),  and  we  gathered  an  average  o^>- 
inion  of  what  the  id':a  of  the  eraployin,];  painters  in  Liaryland,  Cambridge, 
Salisbury,  Frederick,  District,  Ajinanolis,  Laltimore  area,  was  in  the 
opinion  of  the  eaijloying  painters, o^'in-^;  over  3"'}  men.   That  is 
under  this  cross  section. 

"Assistant  Deputy  Yow:   Employiiv;  how  many? 

"Mr.  Du  Brau:   30 ').   We  sent  out  about  500  questionnaires,  and 
only  received  about  [30  answers,  and  those  50  answering  employed  about 
30  '  men.   We  have  prepared  a  brief,  which,  if  you  will  kindly  consent, 
we  will  leave  it  for  you  to  read." 

See  alr.o  Transcript  of  Hearing,  Fire  Extinguisher  Appliance  Manu- 
facturing Industry,  October  23,  1953,  67-?:'. 

(39)  Iron  and  Steel  Industry,  approved  Code  I'o.  11,  Codes 
of  Pair  Competition,  I,  19t),  Ai't.  XI,  "Section  1.   Any  notice,  demand, 
•r  request  required  or  permitted  to  be  given  to  or  made  uoon  any  member 
of  tne  code  shall  be  sufficiently  given  if  maileo  postage  prepadd 
addressed  to  such  member  at  the  addres:^  of  such  member  on  file  with 
the  secretary.   A  v.'aiver  in  writing  i-i-ne  by  any  member  of  the  code 

of  any  such  notice,  dejaajnd,  or  request  nnd  deliverec'  to  the  secretary 
shall  be  deemed  to  be  t.'ie  eriuiv  lent  of  r.   notice,  de.aand,  or  request 
duly  given  or  made,  v/hetner  or  .lot  sucJ.  v;aiver  was  signed  and  delivered 
before  the  time  wiien  sacn  notice,  dc..i.vnd,  or  reque;;it  was  required  or 
permitted  to  be  given  or  made." 

(40)  ITotice  of  Opportunity  to  be  Heard,  Band  Instrument 
Manufacturing  Industry,  April  13,  1935,  Registry  !Io.  lG40/05.  Both 
types  of  printed  notices  v;ere  used  liere. 

(41)  Memorandum,  to  W.  L.  Schurz.,  Deputy  Administrator, 
from  the  Consumers'  Advisory  Zoard,  May  1,  1S35:   "1.   Article  II, 
Section  1.  This  provision,  Y/hich  defines  tlie  Industry,  v/ould,  a.s  it 
is  proposed  to  amend  it,  be  extremely  .a..ibigu.ous  and  confusing.   In 
the  first  place,  section  1,  in  defining  the  'Industry'  would  refer 
to  'original  sale  ***  by  a  member  of  the  Industry',  while  section  2 
defines  a  member  of  the  Industry  as  anyone  'engaged  in  the  Industry'. 
However,  insertion  of  the  jjhrasr.e,  'and/or  the  original  sale  thereof 
by  a  member  of  the  Industry',  at  the  loint  suggested  would  appear  to 
confine  its  application  to  'fabricating,  aaid/or  asnembling,  repairing, 
reconstructing,  and  remodeling  ***,'  and  to  exclude  original  sale  of 


products  of  the  industry.   If  such  ir,  intenderi  the  provision  is  unusual 
to  say  the  least.   If  it  ia  intended  that  original  sale  of  products  of 
the  industry  shall  come  under  the  code,  the  effect  would  be,  first,  to 
include  importers  and  second,  to  cause  a  conflict  with  the  general 
Wlaolesalin,-;  and  Retailing  codes,  if  not  to  establish  a  vertical  code. 
?or  example,  jurisdiction  over  orii-jinal  sale  of  products  "by  the  manu- 
facturer to  retailers  would  be  covered  by  the  Band  Instrument  Manufac- 
turing Industry  code,,  although  coming  properly  uiider  the,  v/holesaling 
code.   Likewise,  jurisdiction  over  original  sale  of  products  by  the 
manxifacturer  direct  to  consumers  would  be  covered  by  the  Band  Instrument 
Manufacturing  Industry  Code  although-  coming  properly  ■'under  the  Retailing 
Code.   Thus,  a  code  designed  to  cover  manufacturers  and  maniifacturing 
would  be  extended  to  cover,  potentially,  the  entire  process  from  manu- 
facture to  final  sale, 

"We  object  very  seriously  to  vdiat  appears  to  be  an  attempt  to 
broaden  arbitrarily  the  scope  of  the  Btind  Instrument  Manufacturing 
Industry  code.   This  amendment  v/as  discussed  very  briefly  at  a  public 
hearing  on  September  24,  1935,  and  presumably  at  the  post-hearing  con- 
ference, but  it  was  not  noticed  for  hearing.   Thus,  parties  vitally 
interested,  namely,  those  engaged  in  v/holesaling  and  retailing  opera- 
tions, have  had  no  opportunity  to  register  objections.   We  believe  that 
such  crganizations  as  the  iJational  Retail  Dry  Goods  Association  will 
feel  that  they  have  a  vital  stake  in  such  a  proposal  as  this  and  that 
they  should  be  heard  from.   In  any  event,  we  urge  that  the  present 
amendment  to  Article  II,  Section  1,  be  disapnroved, " 

(42)  Supra,  YII. 

(43)  Legal  MemoranduTi,  i^Io.  12,  from  Blackwell  Smith,  regard- 
ing True  Representation,  February  5,  1934: 

"I  should  thinlc  tha,t  true  re-presentation  refers  rather  to  the  fact 
that  the  applicant  group  can  be  considered  to  be  more  or  less  a  repre- 
sentative cross-section  of  the  industry  for  which  it  speaks..  Of  course 
the  larger  the  percentage  we  have  the  more  certain  we  can  be  that  the 
sampling  is  ;  true  one.   In  the  case  of  any  industry,  or  trade  widely 
scattered  and  made  u]p  of  manj^  thousands  of  small  ''jnits  we  can  only  say 
that  an  association, when  it  is  freely  open  to  membership  and  which  has 
members  distributed  in  every  geographical  division  of  the  industry,  i.e., 
such  as  metro-^olitan  and  non-metropolitan  areas,  north,  west,  and  south, 
small  enterprises  as  well  as  large  ones,  specialized  branches,  etc., 
and  includes  members  of  all  sizes  and  types,  is  truly  representative 
of  the  industry. 

"On  the  other  hand,  an  association  or  group  which  includes  85fj  of 
the  industry  as  defined  in  the  code  but  excludes  a  specific  class  who 
may  be  competitors  and  whom  they  therefore  wish  to  include  under  the 
code  bxit  who  did  not  join  with  the  applicant  association  or  group  in 
formulating  a  code,  cannot  be  said  to  satisfy  the  Act. 

"As  the  Act  is  phrased  the  President  is  required  to  rnsUze   a  positive 
finding  that  the  Association  is  truly  representative  of  the  industry. 
The  absence  ^f  evidenc?-  alone,  or  the  mere  statement  of  the  fact  that 
it  is  truly  representative  without  more,  is  not  sufficient,  as  I  see  . 
itj^  to_  base  such  a  finding.   The  trajiseript  of  the  public  hearing  should 
9838"  '"    .  " 


contain  some  definite  factual  evidence  u^ion  v;hich  the  deputy  can 
satisfy  himself  on  this  point." 

See  alsa  ^e.^al  Hemoranduin,  by  Blackr/ell  Smith,  regarding  Hon- 
Association  Representation  on  Code  Author i tier,;,  l.Iay  24,  1934, 

(44)   Transcriist  of  Hearing,  Fire  Extinguisher  Appliance 
Manufacturing  Industry,  October  23,  1933,  69-70.   Powell  Evans  of 
Merchant  and  Evans  Company:   "This  company,  the  AutoFIRstop  Company, 
etjects  to  inclusion  under  this  code  as  unreasonable  and' unfair  to- 
wards its  pur-'3oses  and  businessj  and  we  desire  to  go  on  record  here 
that  we  have  had  no  notice  of  this  code  other  than  hereinabove  stated, 
and  had  no  invitation  from  its  proponents  to  become  a  member  of  it  or 
a  party  to  it  to  d.ate;  althou^;h  the  code,  Section  4,  states  'the  term 
'member  of  the  ind.ustry'  includes  everyone  engaged  in  the  industry  as 
above  defined,  either  as  an  employer  or  on  his  own  behalf." 


(45)   Gray,  Ilature  and  Source  of  thp.  Law,  2d  Ed,,  (New  York 

(4S)    Tl-ffi  COlISmEES'  ADVISORY  BOARD  OF  THE  H.R.A. 
PROM  JULY,  1933,  to  JANUARY,  1934 

Prepared  by  Geo,  B.  Haddock 

"During  the  latter  part  of  llovember  and  the  month  of  December,  the 
work  of  the  C.A.B.  continued  to  increase  in  effectiveness.   The  staff 
personnel  turn-over  slowed  up,  and  each  adviser  became  more  efficient 
in  his  work.  During  December,  the  loroblem  of  code'  administration  be- 
gan to  present  itself,  and  it  became  evident  that  many  hastily  drafted 
code  provisions  would  require  interpretation.   At  first.  Code  Authorities 
issued  their  own  interpretations,  and  even  some  of  those  which  were 
approved  by  the  Administration  had  the  practical  effect  of  a  code 
amentment.  Because  it  was  apparent  that  improper  interpretations  would 
be  as  bad  or  worse  that  improper  code  provisions,  it  was  decided  that 
the  Advisory  Boards  should  be  consulted  in  the  formulation  and  issuance 
of  interpretations." 

(47)  Office  Manual:   "Code  Administration  III-3'IOO  Rulings 
III-3114  (5)  Interpretations  vs.  Exemptions.   Individuals  or  groui^s 
)ivill  not  be.  relea.sed  from  the  full  operation  of  code  provisions  by 
interpretation  of  the  language  thereof.   Wliere  the  original  language 
of  a  code  binds  an  individual  or  group  and  it  is  desired  to  release 
such  individual  or  group  therefrom,  this  release  may  not  be  effected 
by  a  strained  construction  of  that  langua.;-;e,  but  will  be  accomplished 
by  exemption  or-  stay  as  provided  for  in  Part  III  32' '0  (below)." 

(48)  "A  tendency  is  noted,"  says  the  Advisory  Council  (October 
26,  1934).  "on  the  part  of  Deputy  Administrators  to  act  on  Classifica- 
tions and  interpretations  without  consulting  their  Advisers.   The 
tentative  MA  Office  Manual  does  not  require  Deputies'  to  obtain  reports 
from  Advisory  Boards  prior  to  action.  On  September  11,1934,  however, 
the.  Council  recomraended  that  Sections  3131.2  to  3131.4  covering  Inter- 
pretations, and  Sections  3331,  3332  and  3333  covering  Classifications, 
and  Sections  3234,2  and  3235.43  covering  Exemptions  and  Stays  to  be 


modified  to  restore  the  ori "inal  rdvi^ory  relptionships,  for  the  repson 
that  J^xemotions,  Classifications  ?iia  Interpretations  iiiay  vitally  affect 
the  iiieanin; ;  of  a  Co^.e,  and  in  their  nature  are  choices  anong  several 
Kvail?ble  lines  of  x^clicy.   The  Lieniial  has  plreaay  been  moc'-iiied  by 
Office  nemorandiim  No.  5C0  to  conform  to  the  above  reco.niTiendation  with 
respect  to  Jlxemptions.   The  Coujicil  believes  it  cesirable  that  a 
similar  correction  be  iimr.ediately  made  and  circulated  ''Ith  rcsocct  to 
Interoretstions  and  Classifications." 

"Some  of  the  suggestions,"  Bays  the  Advisory  Council  (iiarch  4,  1935), 
"are  dicteted  by  cji   vaiderlying  conviction  on  -diiinistrptive  policy  vhich 
is  quite  basic  in  character  t?.nC   which  reduces  to  the  lollov/ing  progressive 

"(l)   The  Advisory  Boards  shoula  have  an  apportvjiity  to  express 
fiieraselves  on  all  matters  in  wh.ich  they  have  nn  interest. 

"(2)   They  are  the  only  ones  in  a  position  to  c'ecide  when  a 

matter  is  .(genuinely  of  interest  to  them  or  to  the  points 
I  '-^f  view  they  respectively  represent. 

"(3)   To  maice  such  decisions,  they  must  at  least  be  informed  on 
pendin.,  actions.  " 

"Since  interoreta tions  i.iaj'  vitally  affect  the  raeanin,^  of  a  code 
and  since  by  their  nature  they  are  choices  smonj  lines  of  policy,  we 
reco.-unend'  that  De^uty  Ac'rainist raters  be  required  to  consult  the  Advisory 
Eoards  as  well  as  tJieir  le^^al  advisers.   This  is  the  present  practice, 
and  we  see  no  reason  for  chan._;in  ,  it."   September  11,  1934. 

(49)   Legal  iviemorono^am,  ?2  from  Blackvell  Smithy  May  23,  1935: 

"2.   Interpretations 

"Confusion  has  been  incicated  in  the  minds  of  some  members  cf  the 
.    Legal  Division  as  to  the  time  of  effectiveness  of  an  interpretation. 
f  The  confusion  necessarily  ari-^.es  if  the  matter  is  loolced  at  as  a 

question  of  when  an  interpretation  shall  be  efiective. 

"The  fact  is,  of  course,  that  an  interpretation  has  no  effective 
vitality  in  itself.   The  effectiveness  flows  from  the  code  or  other 
le^al  document  interpreted.   The  date  of  efi ectiveness  of  the  par- 
ticular  doc-ument  interpreted  is  the  only  efiective  da.te. 

"A  serious  question  does  arise  however  as  to  fairness  and  justice 
of  enforcing  liabi lity  g,s:a.inst  i:idividi.als  under  the  terms  of  any 
interpreted  docvjnent  e^s_tp_   the  period  -prior  to  the  announcement  of 
an  interpretation.   Even  though  the  provision  has  been  efiective  from^ 
the  date  of  the  code,'  it  may  very  v;ell  be  unfair  or  unjust  to  assert 
such  effectiveness  against  one  who  did  not  in  fact  laiow  the  interpretation 
questioned  and  who  reasor-ably  relied  upon  some  other  interpretation. 


"In   any  such  case   of  injustice   or  tijifairness,    the  Le^al   Jjivision 
should  recommend  an   exemption  or   ct   lefst  withholding   of   enforeement 
activities   as   to   any   tiiae    irior    to    the   annoi'-nceoent   of   the  interpre- 
tation.     The  matter   is   really  one   of   equity  and  should  be   so   conoidered, 
rather   than  as  a  question  of  when   the   interpretation   is   effective. " 

(49a)      An  aide   for   the  Bnhin^  Industr^,    Cede   advised  in  conversation 
that   after  the  Eeviev/  Division   "clamped  dovn"   on   "inter  -retatinns"   he  had 
been   sendin  •  ov.t   that  he  merely  chan'ved  f  eir  name   to    "o  jinions"    or 
"explanations"   and  c:)ntinued  to    send  them  out  knowin,.;  they  wovild  be  used 
as   interpretations. 

(rO)      Transcrijt   of  'Tearing;,    Fire  Ixtin',':  .isher  Aopliance  Manu- 
facturing Indu-^try,    October   23,    1953,    33-3-^,    in   the   (  iscusrion  of 
Article   IX. 

(51)  Article  VII,    Section   5:      "PremiiJms   snc.   Coupons.      llo  member 
of   the   Industry  snail     ;ive   coxi.onp.   or   oremiiams.      The   tenTi   "coupons" 
sha,ll  mean   the  wrapper   of  a  bal^cer^     .iroc.uct   or  otlier     >a.3er   redee;aable 
or   exchan.eable  for  baicery  products   or   other  articles   of  vAlue,    v/ith 
or  withoxit   the  pajonent   of    aoxitional  inone3^      The   terra   "premiums" 
shall  mer.n   my  article   ot   vr  lue-  or  use     :iven  v;ith  bakery  products   or 
exchai"i,?;eable   for  cou jons  mentioned  herein.  " 

(52)  For   example   see   Cons"ai:ners'    Advisory  Board  Liemorandum  to 
V/eld  h.    Stevens,    February  16,    1935. 

(53)  Around  lafe  March,    1935. 

(54)  January' 31,    1934,    263-310. 

(55)  '  See   testimony  Mr.    Charles  Vifesley  Dunn,    268-279. 

Mr.    Girard  R.    V/illirms   "oer-kin^'  in  favor  of   the    orovision   for 
the     Baking  Inuustry  (Mr.    V/illipms    spoke   as   a  member   of   the   Committee 
pro,posing   the  Code)    at   >age  232,  "  indicates   the   oractice  at  which  the 
Industry   aimed  this    orovision.      He  mentions   the  jjivin.j  of   tov;els, 
aluminum  items,    pencils,    toys,    haraware,    woodenware,    novelties, 
cotton  goods,   marbles,    valentines,    false   faces,    and  Christmas  goods. 
This   seems   almost   a.  definition  by  eniuneration.      Again   at  Page   285 
Mr.    Williams   -tates   as   the   cogent   reason, 

"The   oractice   is  ^discriminatory  rnd  not   in  the 
public  intere<^t   becaxise   the   conswner  may  be 
taxed  as  much   as   l/3   to   l/2'/'.per  loaf  without 
any  option  on  his  part "■ 

(56)  Baiting  Industry  approved  Code  "No.    'PS,    Code   of  Fair  Compe- 
tition,   Vol.    XI,  .20,    Art.    VII,    Sec.    9:      "Comjnercial  T-ribery.      No 
member  of  the  Industry  shall  give,   permit   to  be  given,    or  directly 
offer  to  give,    anything  of  value  for  the  purpose  of  influencing  or 
rev/ardin,g  the  action  of  any  employee,    a^ent  or  representative  of 
another  in  relation   to   the  business   of  the  employer  or   such  employee, 
the  principal   of   such  agent   or   the   represented  party,    without   the 
laiowledge   of   such  em_jloyer,    principal   or  party.      This   Section   shall 
not  be  construed  to    iro:iibit  free  and  general  cistribution  of 
rrticles   commonly  used  for  advertising   except   so   far   as   such 
articles  are  actually  used  for  commercia.1  bribery  as  herein  defined.  " 


(57)  Arorjid  May  18,    1935. 

(58)  Supra,    n.    56,    23,    Art.    IX,    Sec.    3. 

(59)  About  May  21,    1035. 

(so)      Approved  Code  l^o.    32,    Steel   Csstin,-:;   Industry,    Cndc   of  Fair 
CoMpeticioi:,"Vol.    II,    29£. 

(61)  '^^n  November   27,    1935,    the   Steel   Cpr:tin,;:   Code  Authority 
isGuec.  Coniaerciel   F.efsolution  IJo.    .<'   rea^'ln.:;-  as.   follows; 

"5I-S0LVi!]I),    thpt   Cast   Steel   "^arts   for  new  locomotives 
rr  other  finished    -'rodi^ctc,    built  "oy  compenies   sffilisted 
vith  the   stet^l   fouiiO.ries    ;.roducir:-   such  parts,    are  n^t 
Diib.ject   to   the   Steel   Cr  stin^  Coue,    bu.t   repair  and  replace- 
ment   o^rts  for   Gucii  finis'- ed    jrocaicts   are   subject   to   said 
Ecde.  " 

(62)  Conruir.ers'    Advi^rory   Board  L.eifior-tTidi-an   to   J.    3.    rre'ond. 
May  15,    1935.      The  ;)ro-^osal   rs^id: 

"Steel   Cr:?tin;;s    (v;:;ether  finir,l::ed,    s-:';ni-fini3hedL,    or   rou^h)  , 
v.hen   sold  for  use   as   reoair  or   replacei.ient     larts   for  prodiicts   of 
another   indv.stry   already  in  \ise   and    sold  in   coraoetition  i^ith 
similr:r   castin-js  produced  by  other  rnemoers    of   the    Steel   Casting 
Industry,    arc    su.bjcct    to    the   Cod.e   of  Fair  Comiietition  for   the 
Steel   Castin.p  Industry,    re.ijai'dlcss   of  ^'fj^ether  or  not    thfy   are 
produced  and/or   sold  by   a   c^Tnoany  ^'Viich  ir.   oivned  by  or  affiliated 
vidth  another   coLipany     /rodn.cin^  and/or   selling  ne^v  proc'ucts   of 
another   industry.  " 

The  memo  ran  d-djii   said:       "Alt,;ou;h    the   original    resolution  applied 
solely  to   locomotive   castin  -a,    zoe.   inter  'retation   is    of   considerably 
broaider   scope,    and.  necessarily   ::,o,      Ueny   indu.stries   are   in   a 
position  similar  to   that   of   locomotive  b"'"dlcang:,    in  their  dependence 
on  steel   c;  stint's   aaid  in  the  conflict   of    'castings'    v.     'repair  and 
replacement  parts'." 

(63)  Ibid.: 

"There  seems  to  u.s  one  kind  of  trrnsaction  a,t  stake  nam.ely, 
the  sale  bj-  a  m?  c'line  builder  --if  steel  crstina;s  r.ade  by  him,  as 
repair  or  replacement  ;;arts,  for  use  in  m.achines  biiilt  either  by 
hi.n  or  by  other  biiilders  cf  the  s'-jf.e  kind  of  macnine.   The  Steel 
Castin:7j  Code  Authority  claims  ji,;ris diction  over  tnhs  type  of  traI^s- 
action.   The  public  hearing  on  i.arch  13  L.isclosed  that  many  code 
authorities  representative  of  the  machine  indu-stries  dispute  the 
claim.   To  be  more  specific,  tne  following'  code  groups  also  main- 
tain rights  over  the  above  tran  .-rcti  on,  through  their  respective 
code  definitions:   Boiler  Manuiacturina-  -.  Compressed  Air  - 
Electrical  Manufacturin,;;  -  Hc^t  -^xciian'^e  -  Laundry  ane  Dry  Cleaning 
l,ia.chinery  Manuff  cturing  -  Locomotive  i.ianufacturin  j  (subdivision  of 
IviAPl)  -  Machinery  -nd  Allied  procucts  and  many  others  of  its 
subdivisions  -  Pvjnp  Menufacturin,?;  -  jSnad  Machinery, 


"It   is   c  ;ite  ? op-:  rent   tlipt   c?lt..iouj-    the   St^  el   Crstin^  Coc.e 
Authority   see'rs   jurisclction  over  rn.?nuirct'.;rers   of  incc'ines    or 
other    jroducts   (in   the   pbovc    -fi-oup)  ,    wnon   en  jajecl  in   selling  steel 
castin::s   rs   re.-^pir  or   reolrceaeat  p^rts,    this   Coc.e  Antl^ority   can 
by  no   stretch  of   the  iin;\;lnFtion   oe.  Cflle-     re,>re^..ent^tive  of   such 
manufacturers.      'Jxcept   in   ;;o   far  as   they  ^;ere   siio-ject    to   the   Steel 
Casting   Coc.e  in  other   respects,    the    letter  ;..erLUi -ctv.rers  had  no 
part   in  formulrtin-;   the   cot  e   and  have  not   r-sc-.ented  to   it.      And 
there   is  much  to   he   said  for  the   statement  made  by  .Tames   D.    Andrevfs, 
of  the   Soiler  :,>ntifact-:.rin'^  Coc.e  Ai^t.iority,    at  the  hearin,;   ( o.    127) 
nahiely,    that: 

"This  i"e  contend,    is  not   an   interpretation  but 
sji  arnencanent   of  the  Code,    ..-reatly   increasin;   the   scope 
of   the  industi-y  and  ille":']ly   so,    as   the    r.oonsors   of  this 
interpretation  or  anen(   t  re  not    tnily  represe^itative 
of   those  whom  they  are  a.ttempting;   to   regulate,    as' required 
by  Section  3-a-l   of   the  ITational   Industrial  lieccvery  Act.  ' 

"In  our   0  dnion   the  Deputy's     -r.viosed  inter -retation  of   the 
Steel   Castin^   Inductry   '■.efinition  i'-    a     :oo'l  literal    interpretation 
but   a  vei-^,-  poor  practical   ap  ■licrtio;i   of   t  le   def iiiition,    and  when 
seen   in   the   li  "dat   of   other  overla  >   i/i      cclb   r'efinitions   ap  ^ears 
impossible.      'Te   ere   inclined  to   a-:ree    /dth   that  part   of  Colonel 
Brae's/' s   brief   statemer.t,    also  made   a.t    tjie  hearin-   (p.    217),    when 
he   said: 

'"'We  have   the   castings   i.iO'.stry,    T.'nicii    ^'oes   far  bade, 
and  we  have-  the     iroduction  of  products,    whic'i   voes  back 
as   far  as  liistory   ];oes.      As  Ion-;  as   these   two   'cinds   of 
industries   exist,    no  matter  what  we   do,    or  what  -"e  put 
on  paper,   you  are    "oin:;   to   have   the   identical    -jroduct 
ijnder  two   codes,    and  I    def^-     nw  to   write   it   in   any  way 
that  will  work  otliervdijc.  ' 

"In   other  '-'ords   tlie   ca-etin^'o  u.sed  as   repair  piid.  replacement 
parts  v/ill   come  unc:,er  the    .'.teel   Castin  ,   Code  w^ien   sold  by  foundries  and 
under   the  machine   or    :)rodxxct   codes   v/hen   sold  by  manvif acturers   of 
macnines   or  products.  " 

(34)      Hearing,    Airil   2,    193'-;.      FilA.  '''as  reportec    as   favoring 
the  proposed!   inter oretation. 

(55)      Office  i/Ianvial:      "The   oroiriul,  ;ation  of  an   amendaent   to   a 
code  hac   the   same   force   and  effect   a.s   the  promulgation  of   the   code 
since   the   jmenctaent   becomes    X'rt   of   the   coc'e.      Therefore,    the   for- 
mation tnd  approval   of   an  araeninent   shoulo.   be  .;iven   the   same  balanced 
consideration  as   a  code.      Fo  final   aaproval   or  disapproval    of   the 
proposed  amencu'iients  i-ill   be   exceot   over   the   signature   of   the 
Administrator."      (See   also   :.210,    to    1253.2).      See   also,   Aiiencjnants, 
0.0  Q6,    May  3,    1934. 


(66)      S'upra,    this  Chapter,    Section  2. 

(GV)      S''i.'jr-,    "i'lll.      The  Advisory  Co^incil   recommenced:      "We   do   not 
■believe   th?t   aepjjrtures   from  f-j.n-oved  nolicics   rfiould  be  tindertaJcen 
v'ithoii-t    public  hesrin.^.      Therefore,    we   re;ard  t"ls    oectinn  of   the 
liPnaal   ps   inappropriate.      L'oi-'ever,    if   c-ach  cr.sea   are   to   rrisc,    we 
believe   thpt   the  Administrative  Officer  s-'.ould  consult   the  Advisory 
CoToncil   as  vjell   as   the   G-eneral   Counsel  ana   the  Economic  Adviser,    and 
ve   recohunend    thnt   tliis   section  bo   cheAr-eci  f'Ccorcia'-'-ly.  " 

(6S)      A-visory  Council   rccoranendec.:      "We  (  first,    that 
when   the  L'epo.ty  Aduninistrrtor   inteno.s   to   sciiedule   ;     oroposal   for 
public  hearin'r;  no   advisory  process   snoulr'   be  invoked  -..intil   after 
the  hearin;-:;    second,    thrt   v/hen  the  Deputy  Adj-.ainistretor  isf'dsposed 
to   believe   that   ;  jnendt-iieritn   s.ioulc.   be   considered   the   procedure 
of  notice   for   the   filin-  of  objections,    reports   from  tlie  Advisory 
Boards   sliouldi  be-  reoue  ;teci  before   t"'  notice  i'.-,   Issued-      Since   the 
notice   of  o .)  )orti.uiity    to    be  Jiearct  i.-i"lies   s.  I'^vorable  Adiaini  strati  on 
judjpr.ent,    it   is     'ro  ;er   to   .^enrdt   t:.:e  A;-Visory  Boards   to   speak   before 
the  AcLninistrf:tion  hs.s  co:\i:;itted  itself  ariL'.   before   it  has  been 
definitely  decic'ed.  that  no   public  nearin;;  is  necessary." 

(59)      The  Ac^visory  Coimcil   recc.jnended: 

"The  v/eajcnesses   of   the   ore'-^ent  procecure  are   only  partly  corrected 
by 'the   sub:;titute  procedure  here  ^.roviued.      It   is   'jtill   possible   for 
an  industry  to   be   confronted  by  Adninistration   3;iondments   of  vhich  it 
has  had  no  notice.      It   is  also   oossible   for   a  prooosed  Adiainlstration 
amendment   to  be  indefinitely  delayed,    to   be   rejected  v/ithoxit   expla.nation 
to   the  agency  proposin,;^   the  ahiendiient,    or  to  be  blocked,  in   case   the 
industry,    upon  hearing  of   the  AciKiini;:trstion  amondiUent,    v/itndraws   its   own 
pro  00  sals. 

"We   regard  tlie  follovdnri'  pra.ctices   as   iraoortant : 

(p.)      That   any  ERA  8,'2;enay    ;ro  losiu":  an  rme.iCrK  nt  be   informed  of   the 
d.isposition  made   of   it,    as   is     irovidedt  in   Office  Me;norandium 

(b)  That  industry  receive  notice  and  be  penaitted  to  attend  a 
hegrins:  ipon  pro^-'osed  Adiiinistration  aiaend.  iev;ts  vrtiich  are 
about   to   be  consid.erei:.  -by   tne  Deputy. 

"We    reco;.Eiend,    therefore,    that    the   follov;ing  provisions   be   in- 
serted,   vdth   suitable  c'~an"es   in  other   -jrovisions    to   avoid  conflict. 

'Upon  '  receipt   of  a    'ro,.)OStd  ornenc:f:ent   from  any  iJEA 
Agency   the  De  uty  Adjrhr.i  ;tr-  tor ,    r-fter   r.v.Cii   consulta- 
tion  as  he  ..lay  '-ish,    shall   i-.eteruine  vhcther   or  not  he 
is   disposedt  to  hold  a  public  hearin;-;  upon   amendinent. 
If  he' is   so   disoosed,    he   suoH   refer   the   orcj-iosed  arnend- 
•r.ent    to    the   Code  Autnorit^-    for   its   infnrniation  and  comment 
before   calling  a  hearing.      If  he   is   disposed  to   reject   or 
delay  consideration  of  the    jroposed  ainenduncnt ,    he   shall 
notify  the  Divisional  AdjTiini;;trrtor,    who   'vlll   inform  the 
pro  jonent   of   the  aaiendj.ient   in  writing   of   the   disoosition 
to  be  made  of  it   and  the   reasons   therefor.  ' 

'Administration  amendments  sh-^ll  "be  considered  ty  nuMic  hea„ring 
rr.ther  than  by  notice  of  ooportimity  to  be  heard,  -anle's  the  latter  -Dro- 
cedure  is  acce-otrble  to  the  Code  Authority,' 

"TTe  call  attention  to  three  gs^s  in  the  i.ianual's  discussion  of 
amendment  s : 

1.  Procedure  is  not  specified  for  those  cases  in  vhich  the 
Deputy  Administrator  r-ishes  to  iranose  an  amendment  of  a  code 
without  the  consent  of  the  Code  Authority.  'Je  believe  this 
procedure  should  be  definitely  indic-ted, 

2.  It  should  be  stated  that  \7hen  a  "'public  hearing  has  been 
called  verbal  chan^;es  mny  be  made  by  those  oro-oosing  the  amend- 
ment, but  not  changes  in  the  substance  of  the  matter  to  be 
heard,  ^orovided  that  this  lirait"tion  shall  not  a^oly  to  efforts 
to  arrive  at  a  satisfectory  comi^romise  in  conferences  after 
the  hearing.   It  should  also  be  orovided  that  code  authorities 
and  WA   agencies  may  request  an  adjournment  of  a  hearing  in 
order  to  consider  any  changes  in  subst-^nce  ^--hich  may  be  Tiro- 

3*  The  Advisory  Council  recommended  some  \7eeks  ago  that  the 
Divisional  Administrator  be  requested  to  hold  a  preliminary 
conference  of  the  Code  Authority  and  the  Advisory  Boards  when 
■oroTDOsed  amendments  or  revisions  of  codes  are  unsatisfactory, 
or  inconsistent  with  Tnresent  oolicy  or  so  sweeoing  that  their 
adoption  '-^ould  amount  to  a  com-iolete  revision  of  the  aorjroved 
codes.   This  recommendation  is  omitted  from  the  i^rocedure  a,s 
set  forth  in  the  ijresent  draft  of  the  Manual.   7e  recommend 
that  it  be  included," 

See  also,  Yudelson  v.  Andrews.  25  F  92d)  SO,  SU,  (C.C.A,  3d  1322):  and 
Legal  iiemorandum,  No.  35  by  Blaclcell  Smith,  regarding  Hearings  on  Pro- 
posed Amendments,  J-one  2,  193^. 

(70)  Ibid. 

(71)  Freund,  op.  cit.,  I3I-I32:  "Most  ne-ly  formulated  re- 
strictive policies  bring  temporary  hardshi-os  to  legitimate  interests; 
and  there  is  al^-'ays  pressure  to  temner  that  hardsnip  in  cases  where 

it  should  aiopear  to  be  excessive,  and  particula.rly  in  'emergencies.'  There 
is  little  need  to  make  exjpress  -orovision  for  the  overriding  emergencies 
of  calamity  or  disaster,  which  take  care  of  themselves.   The  economic 
emergency  or  claim  to  s-oecial  consideration  stands  in  a  different  category. 
'.Tiere  a  rule  serves  merely  administrative  convenience,  it  is  legitimate 
enough  to  malce  concessions  to  -orivate  convenience  (e.g.,  unloading  vessels 
at  other  -olaces  than  oorts  of  entry  under  official  oermits  (Tariff  Act, 
1922,  Sees.  kk'J,   UU9),  but  it  is  otherwise  where  the  rule  serves  some 
non-administrative  -oublic  interest.   In  Germany  both  the  Sunday  law  (Trade 
Code,  Sec.  105  e,f)  and  the  women's  hours-of-labor  law  (Sec.l3Sa)  pro~ 
vide  for  emergency  exceptions,  attempting  to  safeguard  the  pov/er  from  un- 
due exercise  by  careful  checks  (rules  of  Federal  Co-'juicil,  v/riting,  records); 
in  America  it  is  generally  considered  that  they  tend  to  break  down  the 
law,  and  they  are  consequently  avoided.   The  English  Trade  Board 



Act,   v/hich  provides   for  the   fixin;";;  of  wa;..cs,   admits   exceptions   for   infirm 
vrorl'ers    (Act,    19G9,    Sec.    6    (o);    this  ap;:eary   to  ho   le/:-itimatc  and   is 
also   fovuic.  ■xn.Ai:--cric?..-.i   statutes   of  the   same  Irind,      The  Prussian  Incoi-.e 
Ta::  Im.  rt;:il<:e,s  provision  for  ad^ainistrative   reduction  of  rates   in  the 
loTvcr   Dr-clrots  vmen  special  circunstances ,   ^-hich  the   Ian  indic--,t,s 
f.-euerical'Y    (sicl^jies'- ,    Iossl.-^:,    ctc.)»    reduce   the  vaying  capacity  of   the 
ta:-qpa;,vr    (See.    19).      We   r-hcild  he,    Lversc    to  granting  such  power   to  .an 
adiaiiiistr-.tivc   official,   hut  pref"r   to   ^rpccif'^  the   exc;r'ptionG   in   oho   lav/. 
It   sc-o;/s    '  disponsin.Tj  powers   are   mor^    frcqar--ntly  f-rxntcc.   in  Gcrinan 
tnnn  in  Enf;lish  or  American  leeisl-:^ti -^n ,    a  ;.•     the    careful   saf  e^^niard;:- 
th:.t   are   io-jnc    in    the    laws   for  the  -i-'ot  .ct   on  of   labor  are  hy  no  nv:  ms 
ty.;ical   of  the    othrr  C-errraan  instances   of    the  power."      For    •.xamples    of 
statutes  aliowi:!^   ^i^ch  aovdnistr^tive   action,    see,   U.S. v.    Shreveport   G-rain 
Co..    287  IT.-S.    ?v    (13.".:).    Tne   Toou  -.v..   T)tv{;  Act,    57   St^t.    75?   reported 
there   reads   in  -art:    "Third.      If   in   .^pclcr'r,\:   form,    the   quantity  of  the 
contents  he  not  pi.- inly  .aid  conspicuoxisly  iitarked   on  the    outside    of   the 
pacltage   in  ■cor'as   of  weight,   Lieasur.  ,    or  n-umcrieal   count:  Provided, 
hov/ever ,  'Th- .t   rr~  r-.^nrcl  ■    --:-'i  -  ti -^^c  he  ---lermitted,   a.nd  tolerances 
and  also   cy.  r-tz     .:■    :;•    ;•--   gp:1'.  p-c':',>.f^    shall   he   cst:.hlishrd  hy  rules 
and   re£,ulGti;'nc^      ;■.  c    ...    ■.  co  ■■■  :';;c      vritn  tiv:    yrovisio^is    of  Section    Three 
of   this   .^et.";    ,  nd   S-'roTk.  s  v.   ^^ijiford,   ZB6  U.    S.    57-1    (1952). 

(72)    Le^-l   :'enior";n'"-'ai:i,    fr.;r  3--.c' :t.'c11    Smith  re.;;  Notice  And 
Ail   Op;  orti^jiitj-,  I'o  To   He  t.'.,    J  .ni\  ry    Li,    l??-.'-:    "Ag    to   c::ceptions   ..'.nd 
exe  '.pbions;      Tiiere   snoald  'oc   -n  c-.   or'Gunit  ■"    to  he   he;,rd  to   the  maximnm 
practici^'ble   ..:-:t.:nt,    th:    cxt   .it   of,  puolicit;'-  heinj;  dependent  perhaps 
so:7ie'v,'j;icit.  on  \/hethe.r    the    excep^tien   or   exv.rnption  is   ge?ie:.-   1   in  nature." 
Sec.,  also,    Le   al';. n:\-Lmi,   llo ,    51-,    froi.i  ElaekiA'cll    Smith,    quoting  Rohert 
P.    Rc-Cq.:,    reg:-,rei  .^:  lIotie>.    ^n-.L"  Heering,    July  50,    13"'';-: 

"Fnen  the  gr  ntm;^-  of  encT-n.- tions   or   cxee-vcijns   is   of  a  general 
nature   or  is  rupde   to  ay  O.y  to   of  c    c1f:,ss   it   is    of  a  legislative 
character.      Sec.   5 (a)   gives    lli-.-   rignt   to  he   heard  whe'ee   ijersons   engaged 
in  other  steps   of   the   economic  process   are   involved, 

"Aside   fro;,i  the    "jq;::al   asp:ct~,    ric  prchahly  need  a  nuhlic  hearing 
on   excfr.Tcions   or  c.-.empcions   vhei'cvcr  a  suhstentis.l   .anou:it   of   contro- 
versy is   to  he  ex-:iccted,     Uv-,   c-.n  grant   c::ce;oti  ins ,    if    lecesso.rj'',    in  ceses;   hut   '-e    irv..     .'^nc   vdthout   full  puhlic   ncaring  plus   cross 
examination  of  v.hc    apvlic-ni.   h..cao.?e    of  the  pressure    of 
The   g  anting  of   i:pro'--er  exce^itiins    is   veifair   to   oth  r  memher"^   of   the 
industry   if  not  -■; lisitivelj.-  illcg-.l,***" 

"75)   Office  ;>nu-l: 
"Code  Adninistr   tion   111-500^'  Rulings  -   III-5255-5255. 1-5255.2-5255.5 

"(4)   Pact -finding. 

"(a)    Generc-1.    There  must  always  he   ran  adrainisti'ative   finding  of 
fact   on  v.hich  to  h,ase    tne    gr?.nting  ol'  an  exemption  or   stay, 

"(h)   By  txie   Code  Authori  t^^.      The   Code  Authority  is   required  to  mahe 
such  inv>;,stigr,tions   as   is   necdssar;-  "ci   find  the   true   operative   facts. 
Code  Authority  huj^lget   itcns  usuali;,-  -orovide   for  fact-fincU  ig  facilities 
for  this  ::nn-"iOEe.     At    the   e.-rliest  -ocs?ihle  noi.ient ,    or   in  any  event 



within  ten  days  of  the  filing  of  vn   a]D  lic?.tion,  tiae  Code  Authority  vail 
forward  its  findings  and  recoiiv  cnd:?,tions  thereon,  and  the  reasons  for  such 
recoil  lendations  to  iT"^A  in  ^Vashington.   In  no  case,  however,  v/ill  the  Dep\ity 
Administrator  r.llow  the  lack  of  Go(l-_  A"'rchoritv  f '.ct-findi-.\g  facilities  or 
tardiness  on  the  "art  of  the  Code  Aiithjrity  ■unroa.cona.'bl?/  to  delay  his  action. 

"(c)  3y  IT5A.  If  it  is  apprrcr^t  that  ohe  Code  Authority  is  unat  le  to 
furnish  all  tnc  necessary  facts,  the  Deputy  r,x\y   rco,n.est  the  Chief  of  the 
Canrpliance  Division  to  ssign  a  field  invcsti;;.,tor  to  nahe  the  necessary 
survey  of  the  operative  facts.   The  economic  -nd  statist'iccl  fact-finding 
facilities  of  the  Research  and  Planning  Division  a.::e  also  available  to  the 

(74)'  Advisory  Board  rciuor  ndun,  hay  i3,  1935:  "The  Deputy 
proposed  to  allow  horn  aiid  Hardart ,  r,  r„st.ur;;.nt  chain  operating  retail 
bakeries,  to  work  its  ein-'loyec?;  d4  inste-^d  of  40  hours  a,  vreek.   He  based 
this  intonti:n  upon  the  fact  i'^\x,   h.  h:vd  visited  the^  plant  of  Horn  and  ■ 
Hardart  .-■nd  in  his  .opinion  the  >.xc^pi:ion  should  be  granted.   Just  wiu.t 
reasons  the  Deputy  ir.d  ...c  c  id  not  disclose  to  his  advisers  unless  it  wa.s 
a  belief  tnat  coiTpIi?,nce  cov.ld  not  i-.ossibl;-  bu  S'^curcd,   It  r.iay  be  that 

the  Deputy  -'is  perfectly"  right  in  'h:.t  lie  iatendcd  to  do  .^nd  that  siifficient 
facts  existed  to  justify  the  proposec-  ^xce  -.tion.   The  -:>oint  remains, 
however,  tha.t  he  y/o.s  as'-ii-^j  the  a,eviEerr>  to  apv.rove  this  exception  without 
furnish:^ng  them  any  facts  uoon  which  to  their  action." 

(75)  See  Industrial  A'vpeais  Board,  A-o"-ief.l  of  Central  Weaving  and 
Spinning  Corjiora.tian,  Silk  Textile  Incustry,  (r'r, roved  Code,  Ko.  43, 
Codes  of  lair  Competition,  Vol.  l),  Decision  do.  18.   The  Board  said, 
in  part: 

"Precisely  bee  .use  the^"  .'.ay  "i-^v>;  b  en  hancdcap-'cc'  in  one  or  nore 
of  these  res:ects,  the  workers  in  the  appelant 's  plant  may  require  and 
deserve  a  so  ewha:  longo"'  -pcrioc    of  tr  inmf.  in  order  to  attain  normaJ  ■ 
efficiency.   The  reco.-nition  ol'   this  fact  imolies  nothing  derogatory  to 
eithe-  their  native  ability  or  their  cnyicity  for  development.   It  irriplies 
merely  a  realistic  -nd  honest  ■,■■>  ^reciatiovi  of  con'itions  v/hich' would  lv.\ve 
proved  an  eq-i:ially  forraidable  barrier  to  the  ■■'progress  of  any  other  group 
of  emplo3''ees  sii-iil'.rl;."  sitii:>tcd, 

"The •-ef ore,  v/e  thinl:  t.i.  t  a  ;nar"cial  exemption  would  be  fair  to 
the  appellant,  for  the  best  interest  of  its  employees,  not  unfair  to  its 
competitors  rnd  would  affor-l  this  company  an  opportunity  to  bring  its 
labor  u:.  to  standard  efficier.c  rnc.  improve  its  equipment  and  operations 
so  as  to  a.l"-ow  it  to  continue  oiier,ations  uiider,  the  provisions  of  the  Code 
withou  suffering  loss.  Accordingly,  we  are  of  the  opinion  that  the 
Centr-.l  Weaving  andSpinning  Corpor-rtion  should  be  granted  an  exem-otion  from 
Article  IV,  Section  1,  of  the  Code  of  Pair  Competition  for  the  Silk 
Textile  Industry  for  a  period  of  six  months  from  the  date  of  this  decision, 
upon  the  follov;lng  conditions: " 

(76)  An  aii.c  working  on  the  Southern  Rice  hilling  Industry,  Code  Mo  . 
LP-5,  proposed  to  free  the  entire  industry  of  a  burdensome  provision  by 
an  exemption.   The  matter  was  handlec'  by  ?;menc'xient  finally.  Notice  of 
Opportunity  to  be  Heard,  Administr -.tivc  Ordc"-  llo .  LP5-5,  AjTril  ^3,    1935. 

(77)  Bur]:e  v.  Southern  Pacific  ?dl  Co.,  334  U.S.  669  (1914);  and 

3rou^li,?;.i  v.   '.hiton  ManuiVcutiu-iri;?;"    ..    .-j49  U.S.   495   (1919). 

(7S)   Tho  Ac.visoJ'j'   Coijr.cil   r  co;:ne:idatioas   co>--  exit  xcoon  this:    "(3311  r.nd 
32-10)      riiC   ;."-ciinitiov:  of  str.y  t;  ivon   inthcse;    'ivo  paragrralis   is  not    the   Same, 
There   arc.    tvo   co^ts   of   stays;    thos'j   which  rmovnt   to  a  temporary  cxGnrotion 
of  a  aarticv.lar  ;_:ro-ap    ".nc.   those  which  te:vroorarily  an  entire   in("'.uptry 
fro.i   SO;  !c   codo  i^rovisiorL.      The   two   should  he   cistiu^.-ai<:hcd.      The   sto.y  of 
a  code  -provision  for  an  entix-c   iadur-try  ho  miich  th,    force   of  ''.n  anenLjp.cnt, 
Froccc'-urt-   for   such  Dt:ys   should  he   set   forth  more   clearly  than  is 
in  this   Section," 

(79)   Wor.  s    -u^   Phrases,    G-CS    (\7cst  Pul^lish-ia  ■    Co.,    St.  Paul   1905),    7. 
See  Brown  v.   S_vos,   37  L.E.A.   675    (Va.    1G95),    there   cii;cd. 

(so)    J^cj-le r a  1_ jT r2^(_e_  Co:"mission  v.    C'ox t i s  P'e."^  1  i T: \rh\{,   Con\p.any , 
260  U.S.    "■•6;,    530    (192.-.0:      'i'l^c   Cor.rt   st-'tet-    :":ial'    althjvah  the  usua.l  -procecure 
is    to    re;.iaaL.    th-     c::a;e    ro    tat    Co-   ission   if   suhst -a:.  i:,l   ovidoace    IsJachin:', 
tlaa,t    in   certrin  circvristancer;   vhero    "it    cl.a-Trl,       ■■■o-DTr    tlr;t ,    in   the    in- 
terest 'oi    justice  ,    the    coatrove'."ra'    v-:ioul/    I'e   ceci'.'e,.   y.'i"';aoal:    further 
delay,"    the   Court   will   decide   the    c^-ae   it^a^lf.      It   eo^^c  njt    ;H:8ia  t^iat   there 
is   any   st    cator.'   "ba^is,    or   coa.stitua^  a-r-l  '■-'■3ic    j'o\-   thab'.-er,    for 
this    statenent,    r.  i      if   the   Coiaisc'ri    ic-    ;o    Jc         i    ct    findin;?:  agency,    it 
sce/ns    uhat   it   shoul-"   '-■     so  wi'ihoiit   rLl'e".;.::cc    to    th^:,   ini-ividual   reqairei-ients 
of  various   cases,    althoit^ih  tl\K.-rc   i"    so^'utliiaa    to    be   saii"    for   the  point 
that    c'uo-  process   of  mi.y  not   he    servk.e.  hy  ..ilatory  ii^action   just   as 
well  as  hy  ~n  nnf;? ir   a.  ■••rini~, 

(81)    Ihid.  Also   sr..  ,  _Stocl:  v.    Ceatr..!  Midwives  Board,   3  K.B.,    756, 
764-765    (191";). 

(8.:)   Sa  parte  Bieaj  Uhe  ,   41   a    (od)   039    (1930). 

(S3)    Codes   of   Competition,    1,    701, 

"The   Prerident,    by  Exccuiiv.    Or.  er  llo .    33;i9,    dated   October   10,    19;":3 , 
cCiy'Tovc-.   the    iolLnv;::.;i^    to    ta^    Sai  '   dail,  i  ,;_    and  Sai^i   Tlepairing 
Coce:      "Sec.    8.    (r)      To    ef:  iicrraat^    fiirther   the  --'C^licie-.-,    of   the  Act,    a  Ship 
Builain^;  arid     Shi  -   d^\-  Lvir.;-   Industry  Co..-aittec    is   aere.y  desi'piatee    to 
cooperate   with   a.-     .-.  a.lj.irtr  .tor   ec=   f:   Plraai  if    aa    }?air  Prectice  Aaency   for 
the    shia    bulldinr.;  raia   saia   ra)-iri;i^'   indue  try.      ^ais    Ccavu  ttee    shr.ll    con- 
sist  of  representatives   of   t'v    Shi--   duil'^ero    and   Shi;-    P.eriaircrs    in   such 
numher  not    less    zlii^ii   six  as    the    A-"' LL.istr?  :or    in  his   discr^ition  may  from 
time    to    tii'ie   detemiiae,    clectt-d   uy  .^   f 'ir  acthod   of   selection  to  be   approved 
hy  tnc    -iLX-iinistrator,    and  foLn^     :e   here-   without,  vote   nppoiatea  hy  the  Presi- 
dent  of  the  United   States,      Such  ■,, >,-.;cy  nay  iroia  time   to   time  present   to 
the  Acjiiinistrator   reco^maendationc  h   s^  '.   on   coaditi  jns   in  their  industry 
as   they  may  develop   fro,     time   to   time   which  will   ttad     o  eficctuatc   the 
operation  of  the  -n-ovisions    of  this  Code   aaidne  policy  of  th..;   Hatioaal 
I  ndus  t  r  i  r  1  P.e  c  ov  c  r  y  Act." 

(84)    This  v/as   issuat    in  pamphlet   form    (3a"    x  11"    and   13  paacs)   at   the 
office    ef    aa:    Codi.   Gov  'ixtce. 

(S5)    Omittins;';  re;:.ulations   vdiich,    on   a  liber--l   interpretation,    the 

Code   ini£^ht   te   said   to   authorize,    the   H-ales.snd  Re{nilations   in  effect   chai^'ed 
the   CoL.e  "by:  ■    • 

(a)   Providing  for   " se^roc" tion  of  the    shipbuilding  industry,"    this 
being  tied  up   with  special   tro,de  practice  provisions   for  the 
Great   Lp.!:es  District: 

(h)  providii-g   for  price   filing    (v;ith  a  thirty-day  v;aiting  period): 

(c)  Requiring   that    "material    sup^-'lied  hy  shiprepaircrs   -   -   -    shall 
he   ciirrgcd  at   not   less   tlian,  the  prevailing  delivered  marlret 

price  plx\s"    certain  fixed  percentages    (including   "10^  for  profit"): 

(d)  Restricting  hid   ing:  ■  .     ■  ■  • 

(e)  Requiring  the   filing  of  hids;   ' 

(f)  Fixing  maximum  quantity  discoxmts: 

(g)  Pixing  raaximun  cash  discounts   on  hills   for  repair  'Tork; 

(h)  Prescrihing  a  formula  to  he  used  hy  shiprep.^irers  "in  the 
determination  of  all  lump  sum  prices,  a,nd  in  the  hilling  f 
of   "-'11   time    uid  material   vrork;    and 

(i)   Regulating  outside   contr   ctors  used   on  shiprep->,iring. 

(86)  Ihid 

(87)  Cover  page    of   the   "Rules". 

(SB)    ""    oag.     12. 

(89)  Office  h'anual:  "10J7.12-(ll)  In  some  cases,  the  Advisors  will 
pass  upon  differently  dated  revisions  of  the  same  named  code.  For  exaa^le, 
the  Lahor  Board  may  approve  a  code  dated  Apri^.  JiOth,  and  the  Consu-.'ijrs,' 
Advisory  Board,  the  code  as  revised  April  25th.   This  is  in  order  if  the 
Deputy  Administrator  states  in^his  letter  (Volume  II )  t'.ia.t  no  matoriaL 
changes  heen  in  the  Code,  since  the  ap-oroval  (or  disapproval) 
of  the  various  Advisory  Borrc.s." 

(20),  Consui'iierb  '  Advisory  2o  ,rd  to  Clinton  A.  Berry,  re- 
garding I'otor  Vehicle  rainter.ance  Trade  -  InteriTretation  of  Article  Vii, 
Rule  8,  April  3,  19S5:  " — this  rule  is  improperly  in  the  Code  in  our  opin- 
ion, since  it  v/oe,  altered  and  tlie  vrord  "secretly"  deleted  after  the  Code 
was  passed  u-ion  hy  the  various  Advisory  Board  and  Divisions,  we  are  very 
definitely  of  the  opinion  that  the  Administr  tion  is  not  in.  a  position  to 
make  any  decision  relating  to  it  until  it  is  modified.  We  have  heen  assured 
that  it  v^ill  he  amended  on  proposal  of  the  inCustry  at  an  earlj'-  date." 

(91)  i.;emora.ndum  to  the  Consumers'  Advisory  Bor-rd,  regarding  Sonc  Inci- 
dents Reflecting  The  Attitude  of  Deputies,  et  cetera,  June  3,  1935:  "I 
cent  to -the  Deputy  -v,  complete  report  on  the  Code  ,and  its  o.o-^endices ,  hxit  he 
immediately  23honed  m.e  p.sking  that  I  delay  the  writing  of  the  final  report 
until  after  he   returned  from  a  vacation  hc'cpuse  he  wished  then  to  read  my 



renort     ac.   to   cliscucG  r-ciyitr   ^dx,:.  ,;K  .      -c   never   i^eturncd  from  his 
vacation,    'out    I    Ire-    1.  G,rn:;d    i  :-t    -u:    -V^.d   -c'lt    the   Coio    to   Gcner?,!   Johnson  for 
av-rovr,l    h.?.lf    :-=n   /ic.r^   -at..:-   ;ic     ni-xic;     -cl-i'i^^:  ' -^    '^o    Cel.).:;-  our   final   reports 
Corsf-qu^^tl:-  t>.t   iiA,:.,l  r.  port   .-as  ^icvcr  "b^en  Fritton." 

(93)    Infr-i,    XI ,    ' :   ;^n.^   o. 



(1)  Cor-dn,    "Basic  Doctrine   of  Americ?.n  Constitutionpl   l="--.'i 
12  richi   .-n  L^'--  Heviev  347,    ?75    (1^14). 

(2)  Arizor?.  Grocery  Co.    v.    A.    ^.    "■.  ^.    ?.    -"y  Co.,      -^84  U.    S.    -^70, 
3S2    (1^-2). 

(o)      District   Court   for  "District   of  Oregon,    ^-'^'^^7,    Janw^-ry  24, 
1934.      Q-iinion  by  TcITary,    T),    j. 

(4)  AiTDrovecl  Code  Fo .    9,    Ltmiber  and  Timber  Proc^ucts,    Codes   of 
Fair  Comoetition,    1,95. 

(5)  Trpnr.cri^-^t   of  Hearing,    A-.-^^e^l   of   the  ^''ill^mette   Cor^-'ony, 
October   23,    19"".      An   intereptin.':  ''^ote  on  the   case   is   foijnd  in   "Valir-ity 
of  Allotment   Order  imder  L-omber  Code;      Sf.s-iension  of  Penal  Provisions 

as   to   Litigants   Challenging  Order,"   47.  Yale  L^.f  Joumpl   9^7   (l^'^4). 

(6)  Article  VIII,    An-?roved  Code  ^"o.    '^,    o-o.    rit.,    '^7-^8. 

(7)  Srora,    n.    (3). 

"The  r.'est  Coest   Division  a-encies,    in  making  their  initial  allot- 
ments,   i^ere   confronted  y/ith  a   com-^lex  "oroblem,    requiring   considers ticn 
of  many  factors;    the  -orim.e  object  being   to   distribute   the  -nrodu.ction 
qujota  allo'"ed   the   division   so   that   all  of  the  mills  vould  be  able   to   carry 
on  operations  and  give  emi^loyment   to  a  raaximimi  nimber  of  emnlovees  at  a 
self-sustaining  wage. 

"In  viey  of   the   economies   reaviirer'    to  meet   the  "ore'ent   lov?  -nrices 
and  market   conditions,    30  hours  per  r'oek  is   the  minimum  o'-ierating   time 
necessary  for  the  manufacture  of  lujiiber  products.      Likerise   30  hours 
per  week  is   the  minimujn  operating   time  on  which  mill   employees   can  be 

"  It  is  evident  that  if  the  division  agencies  had  made  s-oeciol 
allotments  to  limited  grouos  on  the  b^sis  of  manufacturing  ca^-'acity, 
productive  history,  or  contractua.l  oblir^^tions,  it  necessarily  iTOi\ld 
have  requ.ired  a  greater  limitation  in  o-oerating  time  of  other  mills 
and  destroyed  un.iformity  in  Forking  concHticns,  thus  creating  a  sit- 
uation in  which  no  scheme  of  distribv.tion  of  •nror'uction  or  labor  has 
been,  to  the  i-iorledge  of  the  coiirt,  conceived  whereby  the  inc'ustry 
as  a  whole    cou-lc'   be  vitalised  throurh  the  oner^'tion  of  the  Pecovery  Act. 

"Unfortunptely,    distribution  of  allotments   rea'ii.ires    some  mills 
to  make  rreater  sacrifices   in  productive   c?^oacity  than  others,    but   this 
ap-oears   to  be  unavoidable  by  reason  of  the  c'iverr.ity  in  m.ill  o-^er^tion. 
However,    it   is  obvious   that   the  administrative  a::encies  h^^vo  adorited  a 
plan  of  distribu.tion  which,   while  not  nerfect,    is  the  most   likely  to  "ore- 

vent   com:->lete   disaster  to   the   lumber  industr/, a  TDir-n  by  v-hich  --'ll 

mills  are   in  one   classification,    and  i"hich  '-''oes  not,    in  the   juc'rment  of 
the   court,    srbitr-'^rily  discriminate  ag?inst  any  mill   unit." 


(8)    m-i. 

(^)      ".'ote,    "Vri.lic''ity  of  Allot/nent  Crc'.cr  Tinf-'er  Lr,  Core; 
Sv.s^ersion  of  ?en-l  Provisions  -"  s   to   Litir^.nts   Cmllep-ing  Orr'or,  " 
Op.    cit. 

(lO)      Fq-'.^  ?-i.  ^'nalo   oiis  -M-o^ilcn   peo  A-n-roTed  Cor^e  ''o .    IIP,    Cotton 
Gp.ment   Ind".stry,    Codes   of  F?ir  ComDtitioii   ITI,    Art.   V-A  <^d: 

"ITo  memlDer  of   the  Cotton  G?rment   Inr'-.i^try   r.?i9ll   0T^cr?te  r>ro- 
df.ctive  machinery  uxed  in  ?,ny  of  the  -•rocess^es   em^nier^'tTr'    in   Flection  A 
of  Article   II,    except   ciittin^  m?.chinery,    for  more   th??.n  one   shift  of  40 
hours  per  ^-'eek.  " 

Hi^h  leral  officirls  of   the  ration?!   'Recovery  Ar'ninirtr-'' tion  recor- 
nized  this  ■orohlei!:      Smith,    "Le::-?1  Prohlenr  Confronting   the  "^^^^tion^l 
Recovery  Adminiptr"  tion,  "   2  Feder-.l  "'-"^r  Association     Journal   IP,    ('A'lril 
1934) ; 

"For  c  :?nr^le,    o'^erptinns   in  "o-Tticv-l^r  e?iten^riser.  m^-y  he   on  ^ 
he.sis   of  t\7o   or  more   shifts  ^"hile  i-dthin   the   s^:^e   inrh^stry  other  e--^.ter- 
prises  will  he  oTere.ting  on  a   si-^rle   shift   o=sis.      If   the  allocation  of 
prod\iction  is  on  the   oasis  of  a   fl?t  nnmher  of  hoiirs  of  sfchiTie  oT^cration 
for  any  mill,    there   '.vill  he  ?   vrstly  dis'nronortiona te   effect   on  mills 
rimnin;;^:  t"o   or  more   shiftr  relative   to  mills   on   single   shift  h^sis.      "^one 
of  the   latter  may  not  ho   redv.ced  in  -^enr.:  sr^.ihlc   o-oer^'tion   to   ^ny  crtent 
vlia.tsoever  vfhile  mills   OT^erating   sev-ral   shift^s  nay  he   reduced   to   ?    small 
percentage  of  the   total  amoimt  of  o--^?r^ticn  i^ossihle  hefore   the   cor'e.      On, 
the  other  hand,    if  m.ills  o^eratin;-  on  a  hnsis  of  t'-o   or  m.ore   shifts  rre 
permitted  to   retain  the   same   rel'-^tive  -?roT-iortion  of   their  --^revioxis   time 
of  operations   as   in   the   c^se  vith   the   sinrlo   shift  mills,    several   diffi- 
ciilties.  arise.      In   the   first  -^l^ce,    the  mill   on   several   shi-fts   is   fiven 
?    crystallized  leral  --^'-'v^nt^:  e   in   costs  of  operation  over  the  other  mills. 
In  the   second  ■olace,    the  am.otuit  of  recHiction  necesserj''  in   the  sin^rle 
shift  mills   on   the  h°sis  of  this  theory  \-'ou-lr-    redu.ce   the  numhcr  of  hours 
of  OToeraticn  helo-^  the   economic  minimum  anr'  '-.'oul^''    close  \n  many 
mills.      Due  r)rocoss  ->rohlcm.s  are   raised  in  c'iffici^lt   form.  h->^   the   en- 
c'cavor  to   cone  y.dth  those   siti^a tions.      In   ""oneral   it   is   our  a'n-rofch  to 
the  problem,  that   assujnin.-;  the  vit-'l   ij^roort'^ncc   of  limitations   of  -^ro- 
duction  for  the  p!^rticul-?r  industry  in  order  to   en^hle   it   to    sustain   the 
lahor  hurden  im^Tosec'  hy  the   code,'    the  miost   reasonrhle   formula   for  li'nita- 
tion  that   can  he   devised  in  viei-  of   the   ?hove  and  m.^ny  other  difficulties 
should  he   the   one   chosen.      If   com-^l?ints   demonstrate   th'^t  the  method  =ct- 
imlly  chosen  has   serio^^s   flpvs  '-h.ich  can  he   remedied  hy  m.ori:^i cations  of 
the   fcrmxila,    the  ar^ministration  str-:"'-"?   r-^-'j  to   coo^oerate   in   the   en.f'e^vor 
to   imiorove    the   for.nula,    administr^.tirn   fle:-:ihility   should  do  much   to 
eliminate   th-^  extreme  Cv.e  -process   difficulties." 

(11)     A-.riroved  Coco  ]'o.    7.,    ''JoqI  Textile   Industry,    Co^^'es   of  "^^^ir 
Coraroetition,    I,    Art.   VII,    40. 

Ap--iroved  Code  Vo.    21,    Le^^ther  Industry,    '^or'os  of  "^air  'Competi- 
tion,   I,    Art.    IX,    294. 

9838  . 


Av-^rovec'.  Ccc'c  '^o.    p>,    L^ce   rajiAif---^tiirir.f  Ir'?T.rtry,    '^•or'os   of 
Fair  Co":'ieiticn  I,    Art.    "I,    65. 

(13)      r.    ::.    A.    :^\^lletin  -To.    1,    Ji:uie   15,    l^^"^;    pn;!^ 

(l^)      PrGsidert's   "^,een--lo:-i<^"t   Arree"ert,    P-^r,    1'^: 

"'"Jhsre,    "before  J-an°   1'"^,    1''^'^'^,    the  Rn-9r'^i--=('   h^''    -ontr^ct- 
ed  to  "-archare  jvoods  nt   p.   fixec"_  --rire   for  c'eli.^/er'^   .-''i^rinf-.   the  --erio'''   of 
this  af;reen!ent,    the  iinr'erpigred  i"ill  me.hc  ?n  a-n->rn-- ri?  te  ar'.jti.'^tnent  of 
saic".  fixed  Tsrice   to  .Tieet  any   inr-ea'-e   in   cort   caiired  "by  the   seller  h^'v- 
ing   signed  this  President's   ree;"~'l':j^nF:nt   aj^ree'ient   or  h'~'^''inf  "^^ecor'e  I'oijjir' 
hy  a.ny   coc'e   of  fair  corrn^tition  ?---'--roved  "by  the  President." 

The   exnlanation  of  this   tp^-"s  as    follors; 

"This  agreement  vill,    usii^lly,    increase   the  costs  of  those  7ho 
sign  it.      The  -:ur-'ore  of  this  T?ar=;  r^ph  is   to  ^:>asr,  ^ny  incre-'^sed 
costs   alon,;   from  one   sig:aer   to   another,    and   so   on   to   the   ronstir^.er. 

"If  yor.  have   a   contract  made  "^^efore  Ji^jtc   16,    1^".'^,    to"Diiy  -roo-^s  at 
a   fixed  -^rice,    you  agree   to   ma":e  ar   pi-r^r.r-=-cn-'-.  '"ith  yoi^  seller   so    th^t 
you  pay  him   for  the   extra   cost    to  him  causer"   loy   his   navinr.'   siri^ed   this 
agreement,    or  having   come   fnc'er  a   code   a-y-'roved  "by  the  Presidert. 

"In   some   cases  the   final  "buyer  is    the  ^overn'^ent,    "-hich,    "Lmr'^er 
existin;;   lai7,    is   g'enerally  not   allowpd   to  -^--v  more   than  the    contract 
price.      The  President  has   anrcuncec'    that  he  ^-ill   recomm.end   to   Con^rc-s 
that  a.-oproi^riations  be  ma.dc   to   alio'"  the  GoArernment   to  -olay   its  •o^'rt 
"by  -oaying  Government   contractors  who  have    sig"'ed   the  aj-reei^ent   for  their 
increased  costs.      The  President   has  also   a.-r-ealed  to   the   ^tat°s   -^nd 
cities   to    take   action  permitting   them  to   c'o   li"'-:erise. 

"You  sho\ild  have  no    fear  that,    because  yov.r  hiiyer  h=s  not   signed, 
you  vill  "be   left  Fith  the   increased   cost   on  you. -alone.      The  Presi'-^'ent   ex- 
pects  every  employer  to    sign   this   artreement. " 

(14)      Comm.ent,    "Some  Legal  Asijects  of  t'ae  ^T.^tional   Industrial 
Recovery  Act,  "   47  Karvarc'   La'-'  '^■■evie'-'   P5    (l^^r^),    sug--e-t<-    the    following 
line   of 

Imoossibility  means   cxtre-ic   eco'"'omic  vaste,    ==""'.'""'.   f'ere  ore 
few  cases  which  allow   this  as  an  excuse   for  breach  of   "pntr^'ct, 
Mineral  Pari:  Land  Co.    v.    Ho'-'ard.    l""-6  Pac.    458    (   Oal..    I^^IP)  .      It  mi-ht 
be   t"nat  a   seller  woulc   offer  the  cefenso   that  a   s=-les  belov   cost  -pro- 
vision of  the   code   unfcr  which  he  vaR  o-neratin-^-  ■preventer''   hi'i   from 
carrying  out   the   contract,    b^sed  on   the   technical  meaning  of   the  '-ord 
"sale"   as  not  being  a   cor-->letcd  t;-ans?ction  imtil   the   '•oo'''s  are  a-o-oro- 
priated.      He  would  be   correct,    but   th^   term  a^   n.snr'    in  the   co'c'es   is 
prob-bly  v.sec"    in   its   colloqv.i^.l   sense   of   "to   sell."     As  an   example  of   t"^^i! 
see  Approved  Code  Fo.    11,    Iron  9-nd    Steel   Industry.      Co'-"'es  of  ■""^^ir 


Competitioi:,    Vol.    I,    '=chsc':alc   "],    Soc.    "^ ,    ^01:      "*■  *   ♦  dclivo-T  of  ^vy 
■oroc'uct  r.p.fe  --i-o.-^-sr-^nt   to   ?.   cortrpct   of  s==le   sh?ll  Lc   rcs-T'^er'    j^p  ^'    s"lo 
tliereo:.'^   "''.c'o   rt   t>.c   tine   of  m?'.:ir.g   sv.cV:  contract." 

"'v.t,    cor.tiT  ,    is   the  viRr  that   even   if,  the   i-'e+"e--f,e  of   "hr>T'r''pVi-nii 
is  v.seci,    it"  "be   orl^'-  ^-.-■.•^•e-'ti  ^.f   extrporciiv^r:/  relief  of   ■^-neeific 
-Tcrformance.      Sec  "'ill^:i'd  v.    Tnyloe,    ""   ■"-ll.    557   (1869).      '^-'^m^.ces   coi\lrl 
■nrol'e.'uly  he   securer",  in  a  at   lav'  for  hre-ch  of  contract. 

(15)      Convior-ealth  v.   reff,    114  Atl.    ?67   (F-.    I'^'^l);    and 

Coiv-T;b\is  ?..   pQV'er  A  Lif^ht  Co.    v.    Coin  ■^h\\s,      -^^  IT.    S.    "^^ 

(lb)      Bichlanc    Ste^r-shJ-n   Co.    v.    Puff  air,   ^^-y  -"qc^:,    ^^^4  ■^.    PBP. 
(C.    C.    A.    nc.    1-19). 

(17)  ■  "^revard  Tannin  Co.   v.    ?'oPrer  Co.,    ^PP  "'ed.    7^5    (C.  C  .A.  "-"rth. , 
191-).        _        ■' 

(18)  Supra,    n.    (l4). 

(19)  Rele--Ee  Vo.    1?,    July  "0,    l'^'^-''-,    frofn.  the  Code  Av.thority   to 
all  I'emhers   of  the  Pavonn-ipe   Indu^t-y: 

"Shortly  ?ftor  the   afo^^tion  of  our  Co-'s,    re   fent  yo\i  ""vi-lletin  1, 
exolaininj.   the   situation  vith  re.;^;?rd    to   contra'^ts.      Since    then  \"3  h-^.ve 
\'ritten   to  you  ii;non   this   pitva.tion  more   than   once.      IIoT-ever,    it   seems 
that   certain  inenber?   of  the   Industry  are   still   in   some  douot  a^-   to   the 
effect   of  the  -^revisions   of   the  co''^   on   r-ontracts   ^nd'^ro  not   co'-n^lving 
Fith  the  Code.      In  or'-^cr  that   there  nay  he  no   fiirther  dovibt  on   this   sr.h- 
ject,    ifc  are   again  advisin,;:  you  of   the   sitxiption   on   this  stih.iect. 

"Pursuant   to   Section   la   of  Article   I"'  of  the  Code,    all   spI^s  made 
"by  each  memher  of  the   Ind-c.r  try  mu^t   be  at   the  -?rir'9s  and  discounts   then 
on   file  as   effective  ^-ith  the  Code  AutViority.      In  other  ^-ords,    at   th.e 
time  a   sale      is  niailc,    it  must  be  r)"r.i"^va;it   to   tb.e  -^riccs  enr"'    discoiu^ts   on 
file  Y.'ith  th  .  Code  Axitbori.ty  at   the    time   the   sale   is  ma'de. 

"A  sale  does  not   occur  vmcn  the  rmuf'rctn-ror  agrees   ii^   vj-itinr- 
of   to   deliver  raerchpudise   in   t^io    future  r,t   cert-^in    stin^.l^^tcd 
prices.      This   is  o    contract   of   sale   or  an  -^froement   to    sell.    A   s?le 
occurs   only  vhon  the  ?ctral  5oods  ar-   :"iefinitely  ■etnoronri^t'^d    to   the 
contract.      This  riepns   that   the  rnpvmf-ctiirer  has   t"he-  roods  a-d    sets   them 
a-oart   for  the  bvyer. 

"If  a  m.anuvf^.c turer  today   shon.ld    enter  into   -•^   '-o-tract   to    sell  roods 
at  a   cefini.te    :>ricc   to   a  buyc^r  callir    for   r^'elivery  over  a  -^°rio'^   of  ^^cei-= 
or  months,    it   ir   an-o=>rently  obvio^is    that  no   -^^le   oc^   ^t   the   tine   the 
contract   is  m?re.      In   such  instances  most  o:^'  the  n=rch"ndise   c-^lled    for 
"by   the   co-tra"t  m-^y  not   even  be  Tna-mt>ctiir3d  at   the   time   the   contract   is 
signed.      Under  con"'itioriS   a    s=le  onl"  occurs  at   the   time    the   eoorls 
have  been  m.pra\factur-:'d  and   set   psi^e   for  delivery  to    the  b^u'er.      It   is 
obvious   then  that   a   sple  i-'ould  occur  not  at   the   time   the   contra -t   is  --^P'-'o 
but  many  ree"'s   subseoueni.    thereto. 

"Therefore  yo^^r  attention  ir.   c-ller'    to   the   :>ct    tV  t   e'-'t'^-'^^-'r  i-^to 
a   contract   of   z^-le    -"o-s   not   o'cviete   the  -^eces?r_ty  o"  co"^:il"3  ■^^-  '-ith  the 
proyisione  of   the  Coc'e.      If  -■^t   the   title  pierch^-'c'ipe   is   ^et   psi-'e   for   the 
"biTyer  and  shi"?nent   raj^de,    a  m?:uifact\irsr  h^^^^   on  file  '-ith  the  "c'e 
Author! t;--  a   differert  -^rice    (higher  or  lo^-^er)    than   that    callec'    for  "b^ 
the   contract,    such   sale  must  he  at   the  "irice   on   file  ^-ith  the  Hoc'e 
Authority.      To  nahe  a   sale   at    the   '"on^ract  nrice  ^-'ould   constitute 
a.  distin.ct  violation  of 'the   Code. 

"We   thiph  '--e  have  made   this  m-tter  an.ite   cle^'r.      ~or  yow^^  informa- 
tion,   T.'e  have    taken   this  i^-^  i-ith  the  "^."^.A.    OT":"ici  =  ls   in  '"'--^shinr ton  ^^nd 
they   fu.113-   confirm  rhat   is   ezzores^^ed.  >.erein.      In   connection  ^^ith  -^11 
provision'^   of   the   i^oc'e,    it   is   the   intention  of   the  '^oc'e  Autlioritv   to   c'c 
everything:  nossihle    to   m?-he   sri-re   tK-'t  no   one   is  viol=>tinf:   Section  1^   of 
Article   10  hy  enteri-^^    into   so-called  contr-^cts.      ^in^e  ve  h^ve   con- 
firmation  from.  'Tashin   ton  on  th^t,    =?   stater'   herein,    '-e   feel   con"icie^t 
that   the   Corr-^liance   "division  of  V .    "".   A.    ■'-'ill  assist  i^s   in  -'prosecuting 

As  '-e  have   rea^^ested  "before,    should  any  nemher  of  the   Indi^^try 
knov  that  ma^'u.factn.rers  are  violate  nr;  Section  la  of  Article   10  h-'  e-nter- 
in,'^-   into   stich  contracts,    please   for'-'ard  thir   infoi'^iatio-    to   us  -r-r"   '-e 
v'ill  he  QlsrX  to   act  n."^on   same   imnediately. 

'".    F.    I.    Tu.ttle." 

(20)      Le^^'^l  Fem.or^.nc'-uin  Fo.    "0,    from  T'laC-r-ell   Smith,    re   '^•ontr'^cts 
for  F\  "r^elivery  in  Croen  Price   Systems,    July  2'^,    1'^''^: 

"Ka-ny  qn.eFtions   hp^-e   ^■risen   concerni--!,'-:   -o'-itv^rts    for   future 
delivery  -of  goods   in   connection  -ith  o""en  nrice  -^roi^i^ion?   of   ^oc'es. 
Typical  of  this   situation  is  '-'hers   a  nrovisio'i  in  ^    co^'e  nroh"-ii-s   sales 
at   other  than  the   effective   filed  --^rice.    anrT   -,vni-9c;  no    s--^e''-i:f'i<-  n°-^tion 
of  contracts   for   delivery,    the   nuestion   oeiT^.'-  ■'-'hether  a   --^elivery 
of  goods  at   the   contract  -irice   instead  of  the   effective   file^"  -"rice   con- 
stitutes a  code  violation. 

"The   aueftion  cannot  he   re^ol-ec'  hy  rule' of  thnmh  hiit  only 

on   the  hasis   of  a    c?reful  analysis   of   the  -orevisions  of  the   code   and 

the   contract   in  each  case  alon"'   the   line   in.'"icated -in  any  legal   hemo- 
randrin  of  hay   1"^    1934. 

"The   next   sten   should  he   to   arrive   at  a   correct   intej-n-ir°t=>- 
tion  of   the   core  nrovision.      If  no   amhifviity  has  heen   cne^^t^r"    therein,. 
either  by   the   lan^^-na-rce   of  the   co^^e  -provision   it-^elf  or  hy  other  nro- 
visions  of  the   coc'e   or  "by  extri-'jic   frets,    there   is,    o"f  course,    no  need 
for  inte-x^oretation.      If  there   is  a-diiruity   such  ?s   to   c^-^t   '■o\\bt  u-non 
'••;-.ether  'sales'   was   intended   to   moan  or  inclu-dc    'contr-^cts   to    pell', 
such  interpretation   sh.oulc''  he    r-r^^olved  acco'^cin^-   to   ths   wle'^    of  st^tiitoi 

"'"here   it   is   cle^^r   th^'t   the   co'-'e  -^^■o'"- is  ion  refers   to   ^.r-tnal 
sales  as   dirtinr-uished  from  cortrr^cts,    then   it    s>ion.ld  he   c"'ete:rrn.i-~er'    from 



the  terns  of  tlie  contrr-ct,  ^.r.^    rj^  of'. 'v  f-^'^i'?  ■>^,  ^r^-   lie  -^^rtin^nt, 
when  the  'sale'  t?--.t=n  -l-  -o.   ":""or  o^T-T.^le,  i-^'  --^  vthi:v  of  s\\T;star.ce 
remeins  to  Id;-'  core  vac'er  the  t:^r.T.r-  of  Qio  coritri^rt  toforo  title  may, 
such  as  icLentific'--.ti'^ii  of  tre  -'r  rt:  cifr- r  rop'"s,  or  '  ■^ir-r'^-^ri'^tion'  of 
them  to  the  cor,t,r~-t,  or  rono  ot-v:--  I'^c   T.-^.ttor,  the  co'^t-^'-'^ct  is  not  a 
sale,  hut  is  ?n  ?,i,rce"'e-it  to  sell,  ■^-•f  fi-^--  r-^-^lir-hlc  "ri^c  if.  the  filed 
price  effective  on  the  c^te   of  the  ^..-tual  s-^le  ^nc"  -^ot  that  of  the  .-''ate 
of  the  mahin^-  of  the  contract.   It  is  oh-'ious  that  -^n  ^,f;rec:T'9nt  to  sell 
goods  not  j-et  -.^  cannot  ce  a  sale,  :^or  title  c?nrx.t  nass  to 
goods  not  in  "being.   It  is  also  obvious  that  in  such  c°se  th.e  a-o-nli'"a''-le 
Tries  is  that  in  effect  vhen  in  fact  the  transaction  acttiall"  'becomes 
a  sale.   Other^-ise  c^en  urice  lorovisions  would  he  rendei-od  mi,^?tory  hy 
the  e:a;3edie'-.t  of  forward  contracts. 

"'"here  the  a-Q'^lication  of  the  r-hovc  sngrc^  tions  ^-'ould  res"^lt  in 
manifest  injustice,  either  to  -?n  ir'-^'ividual  Tcm.h°r  of  the  ind-iistry  or  to 
the  entire  i:''.duFtry,  'orornot  frantir,;;  of  ererrotions  vciild  seem  to  he  .  _  ■ 
indic-'^.ted,  at  le="- 1.  -^endin,™  amendment  of  the  co:"e  -n revisions  in  such 
way  as  to  m.ahe  them  s-oeah  oro-ocrly  the  need  ?nd  desire  of  the  inf-'ustry. 

(21)  !'i/;;hland  v.  Ihj.ssell  Car  ."■  Snow  Plo-  C^rni^.^nv.  ?7<^  TT.  S.  253, 
261  (1929): 

"It  is  also  well  est?hlished  hy  the  decisions  of  this  court  that 
such  liherty  (of  contrr-ct)  is  not  ahsolute  or  -universal,  and  that  Cons-ress 
may  rerulate  the  mahirg  end  '■crforman'-'s  of  such  contracts  whcnc^rer  rea'^on- 
ably  necessary  to  effect  any  of  the  great  mi.roos'-^s  for  which  the  n?tioi-'al 
government  was  created. " 

(22)  See  Jecohson  v.  Kassachusetts.  l'^7  U.  S.  11  (1^05)".  pointing 
out  an  analogous  h?la^-^.cing  in  the  case  of  individual  liherty  and  its 
sacrifice  for  the  comri.on  good. 

(23)  Eaincs,  The  Revival  of  ''•?t\ir-?l  Law  Conse-nts.   (f^arvard 
University  Press  l'^30)  ,  VI.   The  Fourteenth  Amendment  to  the  "^ederal 
Constitution  and  Due  Process  of  Law.   An  erccllent  statement  of  the 
court's  feeling,-  is  fou^d  in  the  o'-inion  of  i'r.  Justice  "^ield  (not  the 
majority  opinion)  in  Barhier  v.   Connolly,  113  U.  S.  "7,  "1  (lS95); 
Pound,  "Liherty  and  Contract,"  18  Y^le  Law  Journal  454  (I'^Qg)  • 

(24)  165  U.  S.  578  (18-^7) . 
$25)  208  U.  S.  161  (1908). 
^26)   236  U.  S.  1  (1^15). 

(27)  Texas  and  ITew  Orleans  P.y.  Co.  v.  Ttrotherhood  of  '°ail'-qy 
and  Stea;rishi-o  Cler"-s.  281  IT.  S.  548  (l^^f^O). 

(28)  Le  -^l  :'em.orardum;  ]To.  28,  from  '^-l^C'-^-ell  Smith,  re  'Effect 
of  Code  Provisions  on  Contr^^.cts,  ''av  15,  1^34: 

"T.iere  are  !!T?ny  ill   conc^iv^d  qtie?-tions  e"broad  ?s    to  T^hether 
codes  abrogate   co:itracts.      Code?  :.:ay  or  may  T^.ot  a>ro5^tc   co*trac•^s   in 
'-•hole  or  in  "o^rt,    the   correct  a-^.-^i-oach  "being  ir   every  cape   to   exa.mir.e 
the  partir-jJar  core  ^rovisi-rn   ?nd   the  "oarticv-l^r  contract  rith   some 
care    to   ascertain   the   extent   to   -'hich  cor-rliance  ^-'ith   the  Goc'e  me?ns 
"breach  of   the   contract. 

"Of   cov.rse,    if  it   is   foimc'    that   it   is   irpospitle   to   comply 
'-ith   the   contract   to  a   C9rt?in   e-tent   if  the   corie   is   corrilied  •'-ith, 
then  ve  have  a  case  of  ^artial  a"bre;-ation  of  the   contract  and  the  coi-irt? 
may  decide  A-^hether  this  h^s   the   effect  of  releasing   the  -n-^OT.issor  from 
the   contract  as   a  whole.      This  m?.tter  shoiiJd  "be  left  to  rjrivte  counsel. 
The   rationale   is   somerhet  as   follo'-s: 

"The   federal  goverrj-^.ent   is   li-iited  vdth   reference   to_  the 
sanctity  of   contr^'Cts   only  "by  due  -orocess   requirements,      "furthermore, 
it  '^'ould  "be  utterly   imrt^ossitle    to   rr.rry  out   a  -^rorram  siich  as    that_of 
j^IRAif  memhers   of  industry  could,    hy   estimating   the   coT-'.rso   o"^  codifi'-^-tion, 
contract   themselves   into   situations  which  vould  bloclc  the   epta'bilization 
efforts  of   the  acLministration.      It   is   ou.r  o'ninion,    and  has  "been  our 
fixed  "oolicy   to   declare,    that  all  mera"bers   of  indu-stry  nust   comr)ly  with 
the   codes   to  v-hi'^h   they  are   su.hject,    irres-'-iective   of  contracts.      This 
sometimes  nieans   conflict  "between   code  provisions  and   con-rracts,    "biit  more 
commonly,  a   close  analysis   of   the   situation   reveals   that   the   rode   sim.-^l^'- 
imooses  more   stringent   reqi^irements   on   the  mem"  of  industrj'   than 
those   required  by  his   contract,    without   the   fact   annuling  or  affecting 
the   contract   itself. 

"There  should  "be  no   statement  "by  any  mer'"ber  of  the   legal      '  ' 
Division   that    'codes   a"brogate  •.-'rior   contracts'   "but   i^sof^r  as  any  general 
statement   is  made   it   should  "be   alonr   the   follo"ing  line: 

"i,:em"'Dcrs   of  Industry  must   com:^-'ly  vlth  codes,    notwithstanding 
contracts,    and   tal:e    the   conseqtiences  as   to   the   civil   situation   thorc"by 
created, ' 

"Ihren  siich  a  ^'jcnerel  st^^tement  shoul':''  "be  ^voi^'ec"  so  f^'r  as 
■ocs?,i"ble  and  the  rationale  herein  outlined  should  he  made  clear  to  the 
interested  -:!9rties. 

"In   so'-e   case'    of  "binding  "bona   fide   contracts,   w'  i^^h  i^ould 
be   affected  by  code   com-'liance,    justice  might    require   exep-^tion   from 
the   coc'e  -Trovisions  which  create  the   conflict.      "3ach  such  case   should 
be  resolved  on  its  own  facts,    inclu^'ing  a  determination  of     the  good 
fait"h  of  the   contract,    its  bir':"'ing   effect,    anc'    the   results   in   the   int^ustry 
of  granting   the  exemption.      The   reauirement?^   of  du.e  T-irocess  m.ay  '-'ell  be 
met   in    SLich  a  -orocecding. "  '      ' 

(39)      $79  U.    S.    253   (1029). 

(30)  Do-n--ld  K.    Richborg,    Address  July  5,    1^-^. 

(31)  A-n-oroved  Code  "^^o .    4"^,    Ice   Ii-'.''''t\strv,    Cc'es   of  "^^ir  Co:^-ietition 
I,    "29. 


('^?)      F-?.f"rocl:  ii--;- . -trr"  o:"   t::e   Ice   Co'o,    -^ror.:  t.'ie  Vi-^r-ipir^t   of  the 
Consuj  .evs  '   At'v.p.-^—'  ""'o^-    '''..  "     J^-p'■   \"',    1'""'"'. 

("^)  ra'cr  -.   -•.    r-Yo.^  . 

(V.)  Kr.    T.   B.    Cmtroll. 

(-5)  Dotf-et  of  the   Ice  Co-'o. 

(■"^6)  KexTdoch,    op.    cit.,    5;    Cr-Ao'oev  ^•,    1^"^-   to   '?rcli  11,    l'^"4. 

(37)  Itid. 

('^S)      This   iiiform?tion  w?.s  {riven   the  ^rriter  in  s    conversation  T^ith 
an  emioloyee   of  the  Cog's  Hcccrc'    Section  in  the  s'^nin;;;  of  I'^^S. 

(r^^)      Su-n-a,    n.    ("l),    A^T-)rovec^.  Coc^e  !To.    4".,   Art.    7.    ^ec.    --,    -"7. 

(40)  Ibid 

(41)  "fo   rocord   exists  v-ith  Coc'c    -ecorc'.      '^e-'-n-tv  ArVii-r. ■^tr^tor  __ 
Str^Uf^   stf.rted  to  have  ■?.   recorr    con-oiler'    from,  the   foiTier  '^e-^T'.t^- ' s 
files.      He   Et?ted  infor-'.ally  that  he  "believed  o'"-er  t^-o  hi\nr'r°r''   a^-niica- 
tions  were   inforriall"  handled  either  by  the  "le-^n.ty  or  the   "Committees." 

(42)  Ice   Indurtry  Cc-'e  Atitl-ority  Pnlletin,    "Ar'vice   of  the   Corle 
Authoritj^,    "Jr:-iiv£.TY  12,    l-'34. 

(43)  Svcnrs.    n.    i'^l)  . 

(44)  Ice   Inr'nstrv,    A-p-Trover   Coc'e-^'o.    4".    oiT-cit.   Art.    IT,    Pec. 

(45)  Vr.    "D.    '".    Dahlherg. 

(46)  haddoch,    or),    cit.,    1".. 

(47)  Adminir  tr- tive  Order  To .    4"-14. 

(4-8)      Su-ra,    n.    (47). 

Haddock,    ov.    cit.,    1^-13. 

(4^)  AdrniniFtr--tive  Order,    To.    4.'^-2-,    A^veust   18,    1^"4. 

(50)  A-o-roved  Cor^e  "''o.    4",    Ice   Inc'U.'^try,    o^-^.    cit.,    Art.    IT, 

(51)  T'"enty-fivc  a,-n-?rovals  anc"    six  r'enials. 
(3^)  Eaddocl:,    on),    cit.,    18-19. 

(33)  Infra.    XV. 



(J'4)      StraLis,    He;  ort   to   the  I'.    I.    ?..    Z.   April   l-'j,    ^ives  a 
full   Gtrtsmsnt  of  ths&e   cl-.=n;es. 

(^3)      Plac.c.ocl:,    07,    cit.,    ?5-.n8: 

"In  Se:  tenfoer,    l'^/"^   the  Loc?.l  Co-rraittes   of  ArlDitrT^tion  ?.nd 
Ap'^eel   in  Fhilac,er:.hia   requertec'.   the   e£ tfhlirhiPiit  of  ?.    'taeic  or  normal 
market  area'    to   ii'.cluce   only  the  Civ      ^'^  ^    il?.c.el"/..ia,    in   to  pre- 
vent an  ice  mc- ivaf? c ture r  in  "ivnrf'ice,    I'ei;    Jc-rsey,    frcm  shi-r^in^;    ice 
into  Philac.elphia  and   selli;-:^   it  belo-  the   s&t- ulisr.ed  "orice   of  70j^ 
per  cwt.    exif-.tin^   in  Phil^'hia   oefore   the  Riverside   lianuiactv-rer 
'invaded'    the  Philr.:".el-:i.ia  market. 

"This  matter  ras  not  -Trejeiited  to   the  Advisory  T-oards  imtil 
early  in  Janvia.ry.      At   the  ac.vitroy   conxdttee  m.eetins  uhen  it   was      con- 
sidered,   hr.    T.    ".    C?ntrell    (a-roci?te   conn';-el   of   the   Ice  Code  Authority), 
and  Mr.    Pdcnard  Bircher   (ch?iriV:  }    of   the   Loc-.l   ConTaittee  of  Arbitration 
and  Appeal   for  Philadelphia)   v;ere  present   to   e:rolain  to    the   comi-nittee 
the  necessity  for   favor^^hle  action  on   their  ap'olication.      During   the 
discu.ssion,    Mr.    Tdrcher  casua.lly  m.entioned  tlie   fact   that   he  vas  also 
the  head  of   the    'Philadelphia   Ice   harheting  Service.  '      I   asked  vjhat 
that   orgsnization  did,    and  vs.s   definitely  assured  "both  by  ur.    Cantrell 
and  Lir.    Sircher  that   it   did  absolutely  nothing,   er.cept  advertise  -ice   for 
Philadelphia timers.      Hot  being   fully   satisfied   th^.t    there  \7as  a,ny 
necessity   for  favorable  action  on   the  ap;^iica tion,    I   requested   the  Deputy, 
after    the  meeting,    to   defer  action  ujitil   I   coxild   secure   some   information 
from  the  Co:isum3rs'    Con.nty  Coxuicil   a.t  ?hilrdel-hia.      He  assented,    and  I 
telepnoned  the   clxaiiTnan  of  the   Cour:ty  Cotuicil   at  Philadel-hia.      ITot  being 
able   to   reach  her,    I  got   in   toucl-  vifith  the   chairriian  of  the  Camden  Coimty 
ConsuTiiers   Coraicil,    asking  him  to   invecti_,?te  and   sxipply  me   i,7ith  informa- 
tion about   the  Philaterohia   ice   sitxia.tion.      I   vas  not  av/are   that  he  vjas 
a  ne^7s■oaper  re-'orter  XLitil   the  jiext   day,,  when   the  Philadelphia  ne'--spa"5er^. 
carried  ?n  item  to   the   effect   tlia.t   I   was  m.akin^  an  investi.^ation  of 
charges   of  m.onopoly   in   the   Ice   Indn.'.  try  there.      That  afternoon  I    received 
a   telegram  from  i.r.   Jn.lien  Coldocrg,    attorney   for  the   Independent   Ice 
Dealers'   Association  of  Philac  ehniia,    stating   that  he  had  some   irp/Dortant 
inforr.iation   to   i.'.nc  rt .      Later   in  the   day,    I  was   advised  by  the  Deputy 
that    the   Code  Authority  was  very  much  interested  in  knov/ing  what   I   was 
doin^;^  and  v.'hy.      In  viev/  of   these   circuistances,    I  believed   that  a   tri;~' 
to  Philadslnnia  might  be  worth  while,    and  I    spent   some   si::  hours   there 
the  next  day.      On  my  return,    I  prepared  a  •.iemoranc''tijn  to  Deptity  Administrc"  toi 
Straus,    dated  January  21,    1935,  ■  indie- tin;,   the   result   of  my   investigr.tion. 

Briefly   stated,    it  oo      :  red   tlia.t    the   Ice   iianufacturers 

of  Phi  lade  l-^hia  had  entered  into  an  agreement   to   fix  prices  and  to   dis- 
cipline manufacturers  and  dealers  who   refused   to  abide  by   the   orices 
fixed  by   the  Philadelphia   Ice  I.;arketing  Service,    which  v.'ould  C.vz.v->  vast 
qua.ntities  of  ice  at   ridiculously  low  ^Trices   in   the   territory  of  any 
ma.nufact\i.rer  or  dealer  v?ho   refused  to  contribute   to   the  Fhilac'er^hia  Ice 
Marketing   Service,    or  follow   its   instrux'tions. 

S3  38 


"Ar,   a   ix^FV-lt  of  tl:i:    rt^-ort,    the.  ''k^":vs,i    too::  the  m?.tter  v.p 
i^'ith  the  Coc.-j  Ac.miri'- 1: :;- tion  Director,    v/ho   r'-v'-iuvv '  c;'f.  that   tr.c   Ice  Code 
Authority  be   cirGctii:"    to   r\?.::e   :■•■    i"  .'■•:;. ti,:/ tio.i  of  the   .v;-?.tter.      If   this 
investi^-'-tior.   £,ubst=;'-:^i;i?  ted  t.:c    i-   cvx-tic   co;:t- i;.3d  in  ;-ny   re-.ort,    the 
Code  Aut/iority  v?'^  s  3;r;oected  to  r::.;?-/:;    t-ie   ].oc--l   Conwdttee   of  Arbitration 
and  Ap-^   for  the  Fhil--(.el;-:-.:.r,  A:  ■-,    --.::•.'   '-/r-'oirit  another  committee 
composed  of  men  havir.~  no   conrer'tic;-   v-ita  th;^  Philadelphia  Ice  Marketing 
Service.      I'othin^,   fv^.rther  T.'a&   done  after  the  ::;?.tter  was   referred  to    the 
Code  Aiithoritj'",    so   far  as   I   can   find  out. 

"Follovinv   this   report   on   the  F^.il-.i  el-;hia  situation,    De-.uty 
Adxiinit  tr'tor  Straus   refused  to   establish  a    'b-sic  or  normal  r.iarlcet 
area'    at   that  place,   and  annovjicsd  his   intention  of  establishing  no  other 
such  areas  Uiitil  and  xmless   the   Ice  Code  ras.  amended  to  live  more 
adequate    wblic   svnervision  and  co:"-trol  over  the   indaistry  vrithin  st\ch 
areas.      Ho   fra-thei-    'm.?rl-et  areas'   v/ere   established  durin^,  the   renain.'.er 
of   the   life   of  ti.e   code." 

(56)  Consu-vers'   Advisor;^  "oard  i  emor^nduin   to   ?..   K.    Strains,    re 
?.ecoiru:ien(..aticns   —   for  F.evision  of  the   Coc'e —   for  the   Ice   Inc.ustry, 
Liarch  1,    1935.      This  raeniorrndujn,    si^jned  b;;  C-cor^e  1.    Haddod^,    '::as 
collaborated  i:i  by   the  \^riter. 

(57)  Ibid.,    3. 

(58)  Ibid.,    4-5: 

"1.      Is   there  a  mono'Doly   in   the   locality  under  consideration; 
or  do  monorolii-tic  -practices   exist? 

2.  Are  a::;;   ai_rce-i.ent6   m  e;:i::tence   oetween  members   of  the 
industry  with  res'occt   to  ■■.rices;    service;    allocation 
of  routes,    territory,    sales  or  -^rocuction? 

3.  Are  prices  re-:-.sonable  and  ■.iroper;  ?-hpt  effect  vould 
the  erection-  of  ns-  cr.^oacity,  or  the  denial  of  per- 
mission to   ei-3ct  new  ca-^r-city  have   o;'  -^^rices? 

4.  Is   existing-  service  adenuate   and  sr-tir  factory;   would 
the   erection  of  a  new  pla^.-t   i.nrnrove   existing   service? 

3.      What   is   the   de^'ree   of  obsolescence   of  existing,  ■plants; 
are   they   caprble   of  efficient   o'-e-x^ation;    are   their  cost 
of  o-poration  re-jso'iiable  a:id  pro':^er? 

6.  Are  existinc^  -plants  o/ierrted  at  a  "rofit  or  a  loss, 
and  how  much  of  either? 

7.  Y.'o"o.ld  -^ermissic::   to   erect  new  ca^^-^city   tend   to   develop 
new  mri.rkets  or  deter  the   loss  of  existi:ig  markets? 

£.      VJould   the   denial   of  the  ap-lication  hamroer  or  delay 
techjio logical  progress   ir    the   industry  by  preventing 
the   installation  of  a  new  tj-pe   of  ice  iTianufacturing 


9.   Vhrt, 'effect  co  "'l?.:its,  in  loce.litie&  that 
V(.nd3r  co"iT.sic'.er-''.tioii,  h?.Vd  on  pi-icc-s,  service,  r.nd 
?.v?il?'.L)le  s-u.-^'T'l.--  of  ice  in  the  locrlity  \  considera- 

(a)  iTu-iriber,  size  and  location  of  outside  plants. 

(Id)  Distance  from  -oro;?osed  plant. 

(c)  ri-ices  charged  "by  outside  plants. 

(d)  Load  factors  of  ot\tEide  plants. 
(d)  Cost  of  trans-Tcrtation  of  ice  from 

outside  plants  to  locality  under 

(f)  Past  and  existin._  practices  of  outside  plants  with 
res-^ect  to  sales  vithin  territory  under  considera- 

ii,)     Age  and  obsolescence  of  oiitside  y:lants. 

(h)   Ovnership  of  outside  plants. 

10.   VJhat  vrauld  "be  the  effect  on  outside  plants,  and  "orices 

throughout  the  entire  area,  if  application  were  granted? 
Hov,'  large  an  ar -?  should  he  considered  in  this  coivnecticn? " 

(59)   Ihid.   10-11.   This  problem  involves: 

"1.   Is  the  applicant  financially  ahle  to  construct  and 
oper-te  the  proposed  plant? 

2.   Will  the  applicant  "build  the  proposed  -?lant,  or  will 
he  levy  a  tri"bute  on  existing  iVipiaifacturers  in  con- 
sideration of  his  decision  not  to  use  the  permit?   If 
he  constructs  the  plant,  vifill  he  operate  it,  or  will 
he  sell  it  for  its  nuisance  value  to  existing 

^.   Is  the  -orooosed  "olant  of  pro"oer  size,  too  large,  or  too 

4.  Wou.ld  the  proposed  plant  sell  any  of  its  "orodu.ct  in 
other  localities  than  the  one  in  which  erected? 

5.  Plas  the  a"oplic?nt  any  reas.cna"ble  assurety  of  success 

in  his  venture,  or  will  ho  just  throw  his  money  a.way  if 
the  "oermit  is  granted? 

6.  '."."hen  two  or  more  applications  are  made,  which  shall  have 
Imve  precedence,  or  shall  "both  he  granted,,  even  though 
the  total  capacity  wou.ld  he  in  excess  of  reasonable 
anticipated  demand? 

7.  Shall  the  Administration  grant  permission  to  increase 
capacity  of  a  -olant  now  having  a  monopoly?   If  so,  should 
that  action  prevent  the  grant  of  a  future  a;o""ilication  on 
the  ground  that  a  monopoly  exists,  even  thoiigh  excess 
capacity  is  shown? 

,:ive   -.  r.o:\o'iol"   to   ?:•.  p -■^ll'■;;•■•-t   -jio   .'oss  not   at  -orespnt     • 
r.rvo  a  Vtiono'-ol;'"':      If  ^o,    iz  the  Ac'jTiinistr?tion  required 
to  ,. re.;:..t  a:Ay  tubsefa-.tiTLt  ep"li:.".!^;.tionG.  oor.-os.' c  oi  the 
er.itter.ce   of  siich;o-ool:y r'! 

(■60)      Ibid.,    13-14: 

"  most   forms   of  puolic  utility   rRgulation,    certain  c'uties 
^T3   iirrposed  icon   the   inc'-urtry  for  the  protection  of   the  puhlic.      Among 
them  are   the  f  ollorin';: 

1.  The  utility  must   render   rep.sonable  a:.d  r\denv.?te   service, 
serving  all   corners  withoxit  unreasonaole     discri  dnation. 

2.  For   this   service   the  utility  may  not   ch-rtjc  more   than, 
a   rcasonahle   rate. 

3.  This   serv'ice  must  he   rendered  v-ithcut   delay. 

4.  Rules  and  re^.ulations  governin     the    eonduct'  of   the 
tusiness  must  not  to   contrary   to   the  -ovhlic   interest. 

5.  Certain  restrictions  are    ?laced  upon  ahandoninf    the 

"'     '  "Under   the  Ice   Code   as   it   is   fr-ziec    ^t    :^rii-ent,    the  Adminis- 

tration has  no   authority  to   com-^el   thu   indu.i:try  to   follo'"  any   of  those 
requirements.      Y.'hethsr  tlie  Act   itself  confers   sufficient  authority  u-;^on 
the  A.drainif  tr-'-tion   to  ma":e  -^ossiole    such  regulation  is  a   'luestion  for 
the   Le^Bl  Divicion   to  pat.s  vioon. 

"In  retv.rn  for  duties   imoosed  ivfon   the  utility,    certain 
concessions  and  -protections  a  re  given  it  in  order  that   it  may  he  ahle 
to   o-Torate   success-fully  rnd  attract   financial  hacking   to   enable   it   to 
perform  the<ie   duties.      The  m?jor   mac'e   cy   the   St-t?:   is   that    the 
utility  shall  he  -ieiT.iitted  to   chr  rgo  ?  r-^'te   calcu.lC' tin"    to   result   in  a 
reasonable   return  upon  a   reT.conrble   invo'-tmcnt   dedicated  to    the  -lublic 
use.      Another  grant,    of  nearly  equal   i:nort--.:"e,    is  m?de   to  many   tyj^es 
of  utilities   -   th?t   of  .Tiono-^oly.      Under  puolic  u.tility  resail' tion,    these 
u.tilitics    (provided   they  perform  the   duties   laid  u^on   them)    are   granted 
a  vested  right   to   r-?;.ain  in  er.iT  terce,  which  vested  .rit^:i:t   is  -protected  by 
granting  virtua.l  mon.o:olics   in  the   r^quire.n.-iit   that  no   new  comoetition 
may  enter  the  field  except  u.-'on  the   issuance   of  a  certificate   of  public 
convenience  and.  necessity.      T-e  bs^sis   of   thnse   certificates   is  not   tho 
needs  and  desires  of  the   ino.ustry,    ey.ce-^t   incidentally   to   the  major 
queFtion  of  vhat  Y:ill  best   serve   the  pu.blic  rithcxit   alloring  wa.steful 
practices  or  u.seless   capacity,    and  the  rearon   for  t::eir  use   stands  u-on 
the   concept   that   in  certain  cases   the  ber.t   and  chea-^est   service   is  not 
?.fforded  "oy  the   connetitive   system. 

"It  T.'ill  oe  oL/SC-ved  thr-t  sxich  certific- t-'s  of  public  conven- 
ience and  necessity  are  used  only  \-here  the  -^u-v-lic  interest  is  adequately 
saf  e^jUa.rd.  dt  by  otner,    positive   reouirerent:  .      This   is   not   true   of   their 



use  in  the  Ice  Code,  which  places  no  requirements  on  the  industry  other 
than  specified  minimtun  wages  and  maximum  hours  of  employment. 

"If  the  N.3.A.  is  to  enter  into  the  field  of  puhlic  utility 
regulation  so  far  as  the  Ice  Industry  is  concerned,  proper  administration 
will  require  the  establishment  of  a  large,  techincally  skilled  staff, 
qualified  to  fix  rates,   supervise  operation,  evaluate  existing  plants, 
and  maintain  a  constant  vigilance  to  prevent  unauthorized  agreements, 
financial  manipulations  and  other  actions  contrary  to  the  puhlic  interest," 

(61)  Consiomers'  Advisory  Board  Memoranda,  April  10,  1935  and  April 
15,  1935. 

(62)  Infra,  XV 

Further  details  of  the  Ice  Industry's  self-administration  are 

(63)  This  term  is  used  to  include  misfeasance  and  non-feasance. 

( 64)  Pr eund ,  Administrative  Powers  over  Persons  and  Property , 
(University  of  Chicago  Press  1928),  160.   In  referring  to  the  Arlidge  case, 

the  author  says:  "The  decision  settles  the  important  principle  (before 
adverted  to)  that  in  administrative  determinations  the  nominal  authority 
need  not  take  actual  personal  or  mental  cognizance  of  a  case,  hut  may 
assume  responsibility  for  conclusions  vicariously  reached." 

(65)  Brookings  Institution,  The  National  Recovery  Administration  - 
an  Analysis  and  an  Appraisal.   (l935),  279. 

(65)   Ibid,  274-278  See  particularly  p.  276. 

(67)   Ibid.,  272. 

(63)   Office  Memorandum  No.  318,  December  13,  1934. 

(69)  Legal  Memorandum,  No.  60,  from  Jack  G-arrett  Scott,  April  4, 

(70)  See  Deputy's  files  re  "Bules  and  Regulations  Issued  by  the 
Executive  Committee"  of  the  Copper  and  Brass  Mill  Products  Code  treating 
with  uniform  contracts.   See  memoranda  of  Assistant  Deputy  S.  M.  Richards 
on  this  subject,  March  22,  and  April  15,  1935  to  advisers,  and  their 

(71)  Approved  Code  No.  308,  Sup.  No.  3,  California  Sardine  Process- 
ing Industry,  Codes  of  Fair  Competition,  X  645. 

(72)  Code  Authority  Bulletins  No.  C.  A,-l,  C.  A, -3,  C.  A,-3-A, 
C.  A, -27. 

(73)  Code  Authority  Bulletin  No.  C.  A. -2. 

(74)  Code  Authority  Bulletin  No.  C.  A. -11;  No.  C.  A. -14. 



(75)  Code  Anthority  ilo.  C.  A. -10. 

(76)  Cost  Acco-unting  System  for  the  industry,  and  Approved  Code 
No.  308,  National  Fishery  Industry,  Codes  of  Fair  Competition,  VII,  327, 
Sections  1  pjid  2. 

(77)  Approved  Code  No.  19,  Wall  Paper  Manufacturing  Industry,  Codes 
of  Fair  Competition,   I,  267. 

(78)  Art.  VII,  Sec.  (c)  . 

(79)  Deputy  David  H.  Tulley;  atid  Assistant  Deputy  Administrator 
Francis  C.  Lowthorp. 

(80)  "WKSREAS,  those  memters  present  at  said  meeting  accepted  "by 
unanimous  vote  the  following  as  a  'Schedule  of  Minimum  "Adequate" 
Differentials  for  Wholesalers  and  Retailers'. 

"BE  IT  THEREFORE  RESOLVED,  That  the  following  ruling  shall  "be 
adopted  and  promulgated  "by  the  Code  Authority  of  the  Wall  Paper  Manu- 
facturing Industry  as  "binding  upon  the  Industry  and  to  "be  o"bserved  "by 
gll  manufacturers: 

"Differentials  "between  wholesalers  and  retailers  snail  "be  not 
less  than  the  following: 

:  On  papers  carrying  list  or  road  prices  up  to  and 

including  18-^ 10^^ 

On  papers  carrying  list  or  road  prices  over 

18^   and  \ander  30(# 15^ 

On  papers,  carrying  list  or  road  prices  from 

30(^  "but  under  40{# 20^ 

On  papers  carrying  list  or  road  prices 

40^  and  over „ individual 

"For  the  purposes  of  the  a"bove  differentials  purchasers  of  less 
than  $3,000.00  per  year  from  all  mills  shall  "be  sold  as  retailers. 

"The  group  of  purchasers  atove  $3,000,00  while  made  up  largely 
of  wholesalers  nevertheless  includes  a  num'ber  of  large  retailers  who 
"because  of  their  distributional  methods  are  in  some  cases  capa"ble  of 
rendering  a  wholesaling  service  to  the  manufactxirer  and  who  cannot  "be 
exactly  or  correctly  defined  for  the  purposes  of  this  classification. 
It  is  therefore  the  opinion  of  the  Code  Authority  that  manufact-orers 
shall  esta"blish  their  own  differentials  "between  wholesalers  and  retailers 
included  in  this  group. 

"Nothing  contained  in  this  ruling  shall  "be  interpreted  to  pre- 
vent a  greater  differential  to  v/holesale  purchasers  whose  piorchases 
aggregate  over  $3,000,00  from  all  mills  per  year, 



" Every  maiiufact-orer  shpll  set  up  within  five  days  after  the 
receipt  hereof  full  schedules  oi  list  prices^ for  retailers  nnd  shall  file 
a  signed  copy  of  such  list  prices  with  the  Executive  Secretary'-  of  the 
Code  Authority,  This  provision  is  to  ensure  the  maintenance  of  proper 
differentials  "between  retailers  and  wholesalers. 

"The  Code  Authority,  through  its  executive  secretary,  or  other 
impartial  agency,  is  empowered  to  establish  and  publish  an  Annual  Classi- 
fication of  Buyers  —  Based  Upon  Total  Individual  Purchases  from  All 
Manufacturers,  such  classification  to  indicate "the  proper  classification 
of  each  buyer  only  as  over  and  under  a  $3,000.00  purchaser  from  all  mills; 
in  no  case  shall  the  dollar  amount  of  individual  "buyers'  purchases  "be 

"With  the  advice  and  the  approval  of  the  Admiilistrator,  the 
'  Code  Authority  shall  "be  empowered  to  further  revise  or  modify  this 
Commercial  Idling. 

"This  Ruling  is  an  emergency  ruling  arrived  at  with  the  under- 
standing on  the  part  of  "both  Code  Authorities  that  when  and  as  such  amend- 
ments to  this  ruling  are  presented  to  and  approved  hy  the  Administrator 
this  ruling  shall  "be  modified  pursu.ant  thereto.   Furthermore,  the  Ad- 
ministrator may  at  any  time  suspend,  or  cancel  this  ruling," 

(81)  Administrative  Order  Wo.  19  -  17,  April  18,  1955, 

(82)  Minutes  of  the  Code  Authority  Meeting,  3eptem"ber  27,  1933,  and 
Commercial  Ruling  Ho.  2  on  B^se  Prices  adopted  at  that  meeting:  "Until 
further  revision  "base  prices  adopted  by  the  Advisory  Committee  at  the 
Lake  George  Meeting  shall  b"e  adiidred  to  atnd  all  quotations  lower  than 
such  base  prices  will  be  considered  sales  below  cost,  unless  justified  by 
the  mills  malcing  such  quotations." 

Minutes  of  the  March  22,  1934  Meeting  show  how  the  ruling  worked: 

"The  file  of  pending  c'omplaints  of  Code  Violation  were  received. 
The  executive  secretary  reporting  that  substantial  progress  was  being  made 
toward  the  clearing  and  closing  of  all  pending  complaints  arising  in 
relation  to  the  Lake  G-'eorge  Schedule'.  '  He  'report'ed'  having  received  cost 
figures  from  the  following  concerns: 

Barnes  Wall  Paper 
Commercial  Wall  Paper  Co. 
William  Vernhold  Co. 

"With  the  exception  of  Commercial  personal  contact  wpS  established 
in  each  case.   This  concern  has  submitted  figures  regarding  which  complete 
agreement  has  not  been  reached.  However,  a  letter  to  the  trade  indicating 
withdrawal  of  all  prices,  below  the  Lake  G-eorge  Schedule  as  issued  by  this 
concern  has  come  to  the  executive  secretary's  attention.   Satisfactory 
closure  of  the  complaint  regarding  Commercial  is  contingent  upon  official 
verification  of  this  letter  as  a  general  policy,  or  final  agreement  on  the 
cost  figures," 


(83)  Approved  Code  No.  120,  Paper  aiid  Piilp  Industry,  Codes  of  Fair 
Competition,  III,  115. 

(84)  Paper  and  Pulp  Industry  -  Proposed  Amendments  to  Code  of 
Pair  Competition,  May  10,  1935.  Transcript,  85,  Mr.  J.  M.  Austin, 
(Secretary,  Napkin  Association):   "The  Paper  Napkin  Industry  is  very  much 
in  the  same  position  as  Mr.  Boyce  outlined.  We  have  had  a  divisional 
status  and  evei-ything  except  official  recognition,  which,  as  a  natter  of 
fact,  we  thought  we  had  since  a  year  ago  last  January  or  Pelnniary,  and 

at  that  time  the  napkin  group  separated  from  the  tissue  division  with 
the  consent  of  the  tissue  group, 

"An  application  was  made  to  the  N.H.A.  for  divisional  status 
under  the  Paper  and  Pulp  Code,  and  as  Mr.  Boyce  explained,  through  some 
slip,  that  was  never  officially  granted.  However,  an  executive  authority 
was  elected  hy  the  industry  and  it  has  heen  functioning  as  a  separate 
division  aaid  as  a  separate  entity.  We  have  both  our  association  and  the 
execiitive  authoritj--,  which  of  course  has  not  been  official  because  it 
Was  never  confirmed  down  here,  as  I  understand  the  situation." 

(85)  Approved  Code  No.  2,  Sliipbuilding  and  Shiprepairing  Industry, 
Codes  of  Pair  Competition,  1,    25. 

(86)  H.  G-errish  Smith,  Chairman,  Shipbuilding  and  Shiprepairing 
Industry  Committee,  to  Assistant  Dep\ity  Administrator  H.  Newton  Whittelsey, 
January  17,  1935: 

"    "We  note  your  statement  that  special  exemption  from  the  maximum 
hour  provisions  of  the  Code  must  be  obtained  either  by  an  amendment  to 
the  Code  or  by  an  exemption  of  a  temporary  nature. 

"We  note  further  that  yoxi  state  no  authorization  e  xists  for 
the  industry  to  work  in  excess  of  the  maximum  hour  provisions  in  the  Code 
on  emergencies. 

"This  matter  was  taken  up  this  date  at  a  meeting  of  the  Code 
Authority  at  which  Colonel  W.  W.  Rose  and  yourself  were  present,  and  the 
absolute  necessity  of  working  beyond  the  Code  hours  on  certain  emergency 
work  Was  shown,  and  attention  was  invit-ed  to  the  discussion  of  this 
matter  that  occurred  at  the  Code  Authority  meetings  in  1933,  the  minutes 
of  one  of  which  meetings  dated  November  8th  of  that  year  contained  the 
following  regarding  emergency  works: 

"'The  Code  Committee  for  several  meetings  was  confronted 
with  requests  from  shipbuilding  and  shiprepairing  firms 
asking  for  exemptions  in  hours  worked  due  to  emergency 
work.   It  was  felt  by  the  Committee  that  some  letter  of 
instruction  should  be  sent  out  covering  this  class  of 
vrork  and  thereupon  the  Chairman  offered  a  draft  of  letter 
and  form  for  approval.   The  letter  was  gone  over  and  the 
following  was  adopted: 



"Tne  Code  Committee  has  not  granted  any  general 
approval  of  emergency  vrork,  and  will  not  do  so. 
For  the  time  "being  the  Code  Committee  will  consider 
special  cases  of  emergency  work,  and  will  approve 
them  where  thd  facts  justify  such  action.' 

(87)  Ihid: 

"Kr.  William  H.  Davis,  our  Deputy  Administrator  at  that  time 
was  present  at  the  ahove  meeting  and  discussed  and  approved  of  the  letter 
quoted  ahove.   That  letter  was  sent  out  to  the  Industry  under  date  of 
Woveraber  16,  1933  and  at  the  same  time  was  printed  as  Interpretation  llo.  2, 
of  which  N.  R.  A.  has  a  copy." 


(88)  A&sistaht  Deputy  Administrator  H.  STevfton  Whittelsev  to  Consumers ' 
sory  Board.  January  22.  1935; 

"The  Shipbuilding  Industry  since  November  8,  1933,  has  been 
working  on  the  supposed  authority  of  the  Shipbuilding  and  Shiprepairing 
Industry  Committee  to  permit  such  Emergency  work.  However,  the  Code  was 
never  properly  amended,  nor  was  an  Exemption  requested,  or  granted  by  the 
Administration.  For  this  reason  I  advised  the  Code  Committee  that  I  could 
not  find  adequate  authority  for  the  Industry  to  continue  to  e xceed  the 
maximum  hours  of  the  Code  on  -Smergency  work.  I  advised  them  further  that 
the  Code  should  be  amended  and  while  an  amendment  is  under  consideration 
a  temporary  Exemption  might  be  granted." 

(89)  Approved  Code  No.  15,  Men's  Clothing  Industry,  Codes  of  Fair 
Competition,  I,  229. 

(go)   Inter-pretations  of  the  Code  of  Competition  for  the  Men's 
Clothing  Industry  ~  Men's  Clothing  Code  Authority  -  225  Fifth  Avenue. 
Hew  York.  New  York; 

5.   The  word  "substantial  classes"  as  used  in 
Article  II  subdivision  (b)  are  to  include 
20^  of  the  total  number  of  employees  employed 
in  ,any  establishment. 

If,  however,  there  is  any  individual  case  in 
which  20^  seems  inequitable,  the  full  facts  of 
such  case  are  to  be  communicated  to  the  Committee 
provided  for  in  Article  II,  subdivision  (d)  for 
their  further  consideration. 

Approved  September  26,  1933, 

8.  1-To  provision  for  closeouts  or  clearance  sales 

for  topcoats  is  found  in  Article  X.   The  decision 
of  the  Code  Authority  is  that,;  topcoats,  either 
for  the  Spring  or  Fall,  may  be  closed  out  at  such 
periods  as  the  manufacturer  deems  desirable. 

Approved  September  26,  1933. 



Eighteen  of  these  were  issued.  N.  H.  A.  never  took  any  official 
action  in  regard  to  these,  as  far  as  a  thorough  check  will  reveal. 

(91)  Approved  Code  I'lo .  15,  Men's  Clothing  Industry,  op.  cit.,  Art. 
VIII,  Clause  9: 

"wo  member  of  the  Industry  shall  accept  for  credit  or  exchange 
returned  merchandise,  except  for  defects  in  manufacture,  delay  in  delivery, 
errors  in  shipment  or  failures  to  conform  to  specifications.  Wo  returned 
merchandise  shall  be  accepted  for  credit  if  returned  after  ten  (lO)  days, 
from  date  of  receipt  by  the  customer,  except  on  account  of  defects  in 
manufacture  not  discoverable  "hy   reasonable  inspection.   iJo  member  of  this 
Industrjr  shall  accept  for  credit  or  exchange  worn  and  Y/ashed  garments, 
except  as  hereinabove  provided." 

(92)  Approved  Code  No,  408,  Undergarment  and  Negligee  Industry, 
Codes  of  Pair  Competition,  IX,  935. 

^  (93)   Undergarment  and  l'Je>:,^li^?:ee  Code  Authority  Bulletin  -  Vol.  1. 

No.  2.   Se-pt ember.  1954: 

"It  is  with  the  last  foui^  lines  of  this  Clause  (9  of  Art.  VIII) 
that  we  are  presently  concerned.  If  a  retailer  accepts  a  worn  and  washed 
garment  from  his  customer  because  it  is  claimed  to  be  defective  either  in 
manufacture  or  material  and  he  sends  it  to  the  manufacturer  for  credit, 
who  is  to  determine  whether  that  return  is  justified?  Hemember  that  we 
are  dealing  with  a  garment  that  has  been  worn  and  washed.   Is  the  manu- 
facturer to  be  the  sole  judge  of  whether  the  return  is  or  is  not  justified 
on  the  theory  that  his  merchandise  is  always  right,  or  shall  it  be  left 
to  the  judgment  of  the  retailer  on  the  theory  that  his  customer  is  alwaj'"S 
right?  Who  is  to  determine  whether  the  garment  (taking  price  into  con- 
sideration) has  given  reasonable  wear?  Who  is  to  determine  whether  the 
garment  bought  was  not  several  sizes  too  small,  and  finally,  virho  is  to 
determine  whether  the  garment  has  been  properly  laundered. 

P  "It  is  this  problem  that  your  Code  Authority  is  attempting  to 

solve.  With  the  view  of  finding  a  method  that  would  be  fair  to  the 
retailer,  consumer,  as  well  as  the  manufacturer,  the  Code  Authority  is 
establishing  a  Bureau,  at  its  headquarters  at  261  Pifth  Avenue,  to  receive 
all  returns  of  worn  and  washed  garments  manufactured  from  woven  silk. 
These  garments  will  be  examined  by  the  U.  S.  Testing  Company,  and  if  found 
de  fective,  the  manufacturer  will  be  asked  to  pass  credit  to  the  retailer. 
Otherwise  the  carment  will  be  returned  to  the  retailer. 

"The  many  retailers  that  have  been  consulted  are  of  the  opinion 
that  this  is  a  constructive  step  in  the  stabilization  of  the  Industry, 

"The  following  is  a  brief  outline  of  the  plan,  -  full  det3,ils 
of  which  will  be  mailed  to  you  in  the  course  of  the  next  few  days. 

"1,  Manufacturers  are  to  notify  retailers  that  under 
the  regulation  of  the  Code  Authority  they  are  not 
permitted  to  accept  the  return  of  v/orn  and  washed 
silk  garments, 



"2.   jletailers  should  "be  advised  to  send  parcel 
direct  to  Code  Authority,  261  J'iftn  Avenue. 

"3.  A  sticker,  outlining  the  plan,  to  be  used  on. 
invoices,  will  be  furnished  to  manufacturers  ' 
"by  the  Code  Authority. 

"4.   Tlie  garment  will  be  examined  and  tested  by  the 

U.  S.  Testing  Company  and  a  report  sent  to  manu- 
fact-^rrer  and  retailer. 

"5.   It  is  not  contemplated,  for  the  present,  to  make 
any  charge  for  the  service  rendered  by  the  Code 

Undergarment  and  Negligee  Code  Authority  Bulletin  -  Vol  1.   Mo.  5 . 
February,  1935. 

Bureau  of  Returns  •-  Worn  and  Washed  G-arments 

"Retailers  and  manufactxirers  are  by  this  time  aware  of  the  very 
good  work  that  is  being  done  by  the  Bureau  of  the  Return  of  Worn  and 
Washed  Garments. 

"To  those  manufacturers  and  retailers  who  have  not  as  yet  availed 
themselves  of  the  services  of  the  Code  Authority,  it  msQr   be  pertinent  at 
this  time  to  outline  the  procedure. 

"ViFhen  the  retailer  or  manufacturer  returns  a  garment  to  the 
Code  Authority  he  is  asked  that  the  return  be  accompanied  with  a  statement 
showing  the  name  of  the  retailer  and  the  name  of  the  raa:nuf acturer ,  approxi- 
mately when  purchased  and  the  price  paid,  also  the  cause  of  the  complaint. 

"This  is  recorded  by  the  Clerical  Staff  of  the  Biireau  aiid  the 
garment  is  then  ready  to  be  sent  to  the  U.  S.  Testing  Co.  for  examination. 
The  first  step  by  the  U.  S.  Testing  Co.  is  the  determination  of  the  com- 
plaint and  the  extent  of  the  dama,ge.   The  result  of  this  damage  is  1-ecorded 
under  the  heading  of  'Observed  Damage.* 

"The  technician  the;n  mal-ies  the  necessary  tests  and  studies 
covering  the  following  items: 

"  1.  Construction  of  the  fabric 

2.  Composition,  weighted  or  pure  dye. 

3.  Cut  of  garment,  straight  or  biased. 

4.  Slippage  or  shifting  of  fabric. 

5.  Tjj^pe  of  seams. 

6.  Amount  of  fabric  taken  in  at  seams. 

7.  Sewing  thread  used  in  seams. 

8.  Color  fastness  to  washing  and  crocking. 

9.  Price  (Wholesale). 

"Additional  tests  are  made  depending  upon  the  nature  of  the 
damage.  For  example,  if  the  damage  is  a  broken  or  ruptured  fabric,  it  is 



necessary  to  detennine  the  tensile  strength  of  the  fabric  to  see  whether 
or  not  the  complaint  of  a  weal:  fabric  is  justified.   All  of  tne  above 
information  is  listed  on  the  report  uiider  the  heading  'Fabric  Construction 
and  Workmanship' . 

"Under  tho  heading  of  'Conclusion'  the  report  states  that 
either  the  'Retail  Store  Return  is  Justified'  or  the  'Retail  Store  Return 
is  not  Justified' .   This  conclusion  is  fQllowed  with  an  explanation  of  the 
cause  of  the  dajnage  based  on  the  inspection,  examination  and  tests.   In 
addition,  the  report  is  stamped  '  G-.arment  Returned  t©  Manufacturer'  or 
'Crarment  Returned  to  Retailer',  whichever  the  case  may  be. 

"Standards  have  been  established  covering  the  construction, 
tensile  strength,  type  of  seams,  workmanship  and  all  other  factors,  so  that 
after  making  the  necessary  tests  and  examination,  the  proper  conclusions 
may  be  dra\m  based  on  facts  and  the  garment  returned  to  the  proper  party. 

"Copies  of  the  report  are  mailed  to  the  retail  store,  manufactu- 
rer and  Code  Authority.   The  garments  are  returned  to  the  retail  store  in 
cases  where  the  returns  are  fo-and  to  be  unjuctified  and  to  the  manuf a.cturer 
where  the  complaints  are  justified. 

"The  BTireau  was  established  Oct.  1,  1934  and  our  records  show 
that  for  four  months  up  to  Feb.  1,  1935,  there  have  been  examined  4192 
number  of  garments,  of  which  amount  2231  number  of  garments  were  returned 
to  the  manufacturer  with  the  notation  'Claim  Justified',  and  1961  number 
of  garments  were  returned  to  retailers  with  the  notation  'Claim  Unjustified. 

(94)  Approved  Code  IIo .  7,  Corset  and  Brassiere  Industry,  Codes  of 
Fair  Competition,  Vol.  I ,  69 . 

(95)  Monthly  Bulletin  Corset  ajid  Brassiere  Code  Authority  -  232 
Madison  Avenue,  l^ew  York.  Kew  York.  -  Vol.  II.   February.  1935. 

" Regulations  G-overniniz;'  Infractions  of  Section  (d) 
Delivery,  and  Section  (f)  Dating.  Discounts  and 
Rebates  of  Article  IX  of  the  Code  of  Fair  Competition 
for  the  Corset  and  Brassiere  Industry 

"1.  Within  30  days  after  laiowledge  of  an  infraction  by  any 

customer  of  Code  provisions  as  to  discounts,  and/or  the  service  charge 

notice  of  such  violation  with  full  particulars  must  be  filed  with  the  Code 

"2.  Assignments  of  claims  for  excessive  discount,  unearned  dis- 
count and/or  the  service  charge  shall  be  made  and  delivered  to  the  Chairman 
of  the  Code  Authority  at  the  time  of  notification.   Forms  for  assignment 
purposes  vail  be  supplied  to  each  member  of  the  Industry. 

"3,   The  customer's  account  maj'  be  credited  only  for  the  amount 
of  the  payment  plus  allowable  discount.   The  unallowable  deduction  must 
remain  as  a  balance  on  the  ledger  account,  but  after  assigning  same  to  the 
Code  Authority  the  customer' s  account  may  be  balanced  and  the  item  may  be 
transferred  to  an  accoimt  headed  'Code  Authority  Assignments'. 


"4.  At  each,  meeting  of  the  Code  Authority,  the  Chairman  will 
report  such  notices  of  violations  and  assignments  and  he  shall  take  such 
action  ns  the  Code  Authority  may  direct, 

"5.  A  copy  of  these  rules  shall  "be  sent  hy  each  suhscrihing 
memher  to  all  active  customers  on  their  hooks. 

"6.   All  of  the  foregoing  shall  he  in  addition  to  the  handling 
of  such  violations  through  the  machinery  afforded  "by  the  National  Recovery 
Admini  stration . " 

(9S)   Memorandum  "by  S.  W.  3rand  on  this  subject,  April  6,  1935. 

The  meraorandun  states  that  the  Legal  Adviser  thought  the  Code 
Authority  to  "be  "fully  within  its  rights  in  adopting  this  plan." 

(9?)   Brookings  Institution,  op.  cit,,  253. 

(98)  A  studj^  made  "by  the  Consumers'  Advisory  Board,  entitled 
"Experience  with  the  Open  Price  Provisions  of  Approved  Codes",  offers 
some  excellent  examples.   Recommendation  iJo .  3  waS  "In  regulating  price 
filing,  Code  Authorities  should  not  he  permitted  to  exceed  the  powers 
given  hy  their  codes  over  terms, of  sale." 

Two  of  the  many  examples  are  given: 

"Paper  and  Pulp  Industry  (Cardhoard  Manufacturers  Division) 
Code  i"o.  120. 

"Tlie  Secretary  of  the  Code  Authority  threatens  an  unpleasant 
investigation  of  costs  if  filed  prices  are  not  raised. 

"(The  code  contains  an  open  price  provision  with  a 
waiting  period  and  a  provision  against  selling 
helow  individual  cost  except  to  meet  competitionl) 

"Letter  of  January  23,  the  Secretary  of  the  Code  Authority: 

"tYour  filed  prices  were  roughly  10  per  cent  less  than 
those  filed  hy  your  competitors.  In  view  of  their  ex- 
perience in  the  raanufactiiring  of  a  similar  grade,  they 
feel  it  douhtful  that  you  could  justify  such  prices. 
Consequently,  I  feel  sure  that  you  will  want  to  revise 
your  prices  so  that  they  will  hear  a  closer  relation  to 
those  of  your  competitors.   They  pointed  out  that  in  the 
event  you  found  yourself  unahle  to  cooperate,  it  was  the 
opinion  of  some  of  the  memhers  that  they  might  have  to 
resort  to  procedure  provided. .. .hy  the  code.  Under  this 
provision  a  memher  may  complain  to  the  Code  Authority 
in  regard  to  your  price  schedule.   This  will  lead  to  an 
investigation  to  ascertain  whether  this  price  can  he 

justified Such  a  procedure  is  of  course  unpleasant 

and  costly.  I  am  sure  this  matter  can  he  straightened 
out  without  resorting  to  any  such  action.' 


'It  was  pointed  out  that  in  the  event  the  investigation 
proved  that  this  price  schedule  could  "be  justified  on 
the  "basis  of  your  own  ^ost,  that  the  members  ^?ould  then 
he  forced  to  meet  your  price.   This  would  then  destroy 
your  existing  competitive  advantage  and  merely  serve  to 
lower  the  existing  price  structure  to  no'" 

"Motor  Fire  Apparatus  Mfg.  Industry,  Code  No.  108 

"The  Code  Authority  sent  out  a   list  of  suggested  prices  although 
not  a^ithorized  to  do  this  hy  its  code. 

"Letter  of  March  1,  manufacturer  of  fire  apparatus. 

"  'We  have  "been  holding  strictly  to  these  prices  for  fear 
they  were  authorized  "by  the  Code  Authority  and  might  pos- 
sihly  get  us  in  had  if  we  did  not  sell  at  the  schedule 
price  for  extras.   There  are  a  great  many  items  priced 
in  this  list  that  wo  can  produce  pro'ba'bly  a  lot  cheaper 
than  some  of  the  bigger  corporations  who  have  terrific 
overhead. '  " 

(99)   Approved  Code  I'To .   349,  Mayonnaise  Industry,  Codes  of  Fair 
Competition," VIII,  Art.  X,  283. 

See  Releases  of  the  Mayonnaise  Code  Authority,  No.  7,  8,  10, 
11,  14. 

See  also  Transcript  of  Hearing,  Cast  Iron  Soil  Pipe  Industry, 
January  23,  1934,  25.  A  letter  "by  the  National  Association  of  Master 
Plumbers,  Shor eh am  Building,  15th  and  H.  Sts.,  N.W.,  Washington,  D.  C. 

"Now  we  are  asked  to  pay  the  Cartage  of  these  fittings  back 
to  Chicago  which  we  are  willing  to  do  but  we  are  told  by  reason  of  this 
Code  that  we  ax-e   to  be  penali'r^id  25^  of  the  rrlr'e  ^'hich  this  company 
agreed  to  sel"i  us  these  fittings  fcrli:  to  be  delii.cted  if  we  return  these 

"The  Sell  Pipe  InJi^stry  has  always  b  een  more  or  less  of  a 
racket  in  the  w:iy  ;)f  pricr  fixing,  but  today  since  they  have  been  given 
a  Code  by  the  TJ-i:  l;,=d  States  Clovernment,  it  is  impossible  to  deal  with 
them.   Tliey  h?v^;  ^.ot  thtan&elwss  on  a  pedestal  and  anybody  that  wants  any 
of  their  prodr-ct.&  is  at  the  mercy  of  that  Combine  v.hich  exists  through 
the  medium  01  a  Code.   In  the  enclosed  copy  you  will  note  all  of  the 
stress  is  laid  tc  the  fact  that  they  caJinot  violate  the  rules  of  the  Code, 
but  you  will  notice  that  in  their  letter  that  this  rule  was  made  by  their 
own  comiiiittee.'' 

Page  29.   Mr.  A.  C.  Olson,  Crane  Co.,  156  K.  Jefferson  St., 
Chicago,  Illinois: 

"Dear  Sir:   We  have  your  letter  of  January  12,  We  note  your 
customer  H.  P.  Reger  &  Co.,  seems  dissatisfied  with  the  service  given  on 
this  order. 



"It  is  very  positive  violation  of  the  code  w©  are  -workl-ng  under 
to  handle  this  tilling  or  to  accept  settlement  other  than  just  as  we  have 
invoiced  it  to  j'-ou.  Fnile  we  regret  the  situation  as  you  explain' it, 
still  most  positively  our  company  will  not  loiowingly  violate  the  code 
that  ',ve  are  vrorking  under. 

"The  code  committee  in  charge  of  its  enforcement  and  hy  authority 
given  them  in  the  code  have  passed  a  resolution  that  any  goods  returned 
m.ust  stand  a  deduction  of  255*  and  the  pa^-ties  returning  them  pay  all 
freight  charges.  Personally  I  am  not  in  favor,  or  in  accord,  with  the 
full  amount  of  that  charge,  at  the  same  time  our  company  will  observe 
until  the  code  committee  can  "be  persuaded  to  mal:e  some  amendment." 

Page  85.   "Deputy  Iling:   Do  you  think  there  are  members  in  your 
Industry  vho ,  if  they  had  a  two  thov.sand  ton  order  offered  them  would 
likely  file  a  more  attractive  price  if  it  was  necessary  to  get  the 

"Mr.  Hamilton:   We  have  had  to  sit  up  at  nir'^ht  Y;ith  them  to 
keep  them  from  doing  that,  but  they  have  not  done  it  yet. 

"Deputy  King:   You  mean  you  have  used  pressuire  on  them  to  keep 
them  from  doing  it? 

"Mr,.  Hamilton:   No  sir,  not  pressure,  but  we  have  tried  to  show 
them  the  errors  of  their  way." 

to  v.hom? 

Page  101.   "Deputy  King:   Those  are  recorninendations  from'  whom 

"ivir.  Hamilton:   In  the 'association: 

"'We  recommend  that  goods  of  manufacturer's  own  m;\l:e  may  be  re- 
t-urned  by  payment  by  pirr chaser  of  freight  both  v/ays,  with  twenty-five  per 
cent  as  a  handling  charge.   Specials  and  obsolete  goods  may  be  returned 
at  scrap  prices.  Heturn  of  any  goods  to  be  made  only  if  permission  is 
given  liy   the  ma:iufact''arer. ' 

"There  v/as  no  reason  that  they  may  not  have — he  is  a  salesman — 
could  not  have  allowed  this  man  to  take  these  goods  out  at  his  own  expense 
from  the  warehouse  and  return  them  at  his  own  expense. 

"Deputy  King:  Yes.   But  you  are  taking  a  refuge  in  the  code  here 

in  that  letter  to  one  of  your  customers,  justifying  a  charge  of  twenty-five 

per  cent,  when,  as  your  own  recommendation  says,  it  is  twenty-five  per  cent 

on  standard  goods,  and  only  scrap  prices  allowed  on  specirl  goods. 

"Mr.  Hamilton:   On  obsolete  goods,  which  are  specials. 

Those  are  tho  fittings  I  was  telling  you  were  made  up  special 
for  a  certain  job. 

"Deputy  King:  We  have  nothing  to  do  with  the  ordinary  trade 
practices  within  an  industry,  and  in  the  ordinary  policy  that  any  manu- 
facturer wishes  to  piirsue  in  the  ordinary  conduct  of  his  business. 


"We  have  no  right,  in  the  Recover:/  Administration,  to  question   - 
that,  if  it  is  an  honorable  in  the  matter  of  policy. 

"But  we  are  very  sensitive  to  the  actions  of  a;iy  manufacturer 
who,  in  the  treatment  of  his  customer,  resorts  to  ;)-iractices,  claiming  he 
is  not  -permitted  to  do  c'ifferently  under  his  code,  when  his  code  does 
not  cover  that  situation. 

"Mr.  H'^jniilton:   I  agree  -'dth  you  one  nimdred  per  cent,  sir. 

"Deputy  King:  You  adnit  in  this  case  that  the  company  was 
wrong,  and  I  assurae  that  you  will  take  steps  to  correct  the  situation? 

"Mr.  Hamilton:   I  ahsolutely  admit  it,  sir. 

"It  was  somebody  that  did  not  understaiid,  and  he  used  a  v;ord, 
he  used  the  v;ord  'code'  in  the  place  of  something  else,  "but  they  are  wrong, 
regardless  of  that. 

"Deputy  King:   This  document  that  you  Just  read  from  here; 
that  is  a  copy  of  the  action  taken  by  your  code  authority? 

"Mr.  Hamilton:  Yes,  the  minutes  of  the  association. 

"Mr.  W.  A.  Brecht:   The  association  meeting  setting  up  rules 
for  the  industry. 

"Deputy  King:   Then  you  have  not  talcen  this  action  under  the 
code;  it  is  just  an  association  matter,  and  represents  recommendations? 

"Mr.  Brecht:   That  is  right." 

(100)  Testimony  of  ^homas  Blaisdell. 

(101)  Tate,  Memorandum,  Dated  21,  1934,  on  the  Commercial  Relief 
Printing  Industry  pointed  out  that  the  Code  Authority  gave  the  impression 
to  the  industry  that  the  so-called  "jTranklin"  schedule  must  be  followed 
by  the  industry; 

Hadley,  Memorandum,  May  29,  1935,  on  the  Electrotypin^  and 
Stereoti/ping  Industry.   Tiie  industry  followed  a  cost  accounting  system 
never  approved  by  IT.  R.  A.;  Hadley,  Memorandum,  May  29,  1935,  points  out 
a  similar  situation  in  the  Photo  Engraving  Industry. 

(102)  Aijproved  Code  No.  237,  Graphic  Arts  Industry,  Codes  of  Pair 
Competition,  VII,  1. 

(103)  Hadley,  Memorandum,  April  3,  1935]^:  on  the  Graphic  Arts  Indus- 
t  ries,  comj-nerits  upon  Division  Administrator  George  Buckley's  actions  in 
this  regard. 

(104)  Supra,  n.  (6S),  Fr.ctual  Basis. 

(105)  Brookings  Institution,  op.  cit.,  268 



(lOS)   Mackenzie,  Memorand-um  re  Improper  Code  Authority  Activities 
tjr  i'otor  Vehicle  iRetailing  Trade  Code  Authority,  June  23,    1935. 

(107)  Approved  Code  No.  445,  Baking  Industry,  Codes  of  Fair  Com- 
petition, Vol.  XI,  1. 

(108)  The  complete  story  is  set  forth  in  a  memorandum  entitled 
"Baking  Industry  Code",  June  8,  1935,  "by  the  writer. 



(1)  Brookini^s  Institution,  The  Hational  Recovery  Adminis- 
tration -  An  Analysis  and  An  Appraisal   (1935) 

See  also  Supra,  X. 

(2)  Ibid.,  266-267. 

(3)  Ibid.,  267. 

(4)  Ibid.,  260. 

(5)  Ibid.,  270. 

(6)  Ibid.,  270. 

(7)  Ibid.,  267.       . 

(8)  The  basis  for  this  discussion  vms  furnished  in  conver- 
sations with  Mes-srs.  Howard  C.  Dunn  add  John  B,  Jago,  both  formerly 

of  the  Compliance  Staff. 

(9)  Ibid.,  particularly  the  statements  of  Mr.  Jago,  who  was 
a  field  adjuster. 

(19)  IIRA  Bulletin  No.  5,  Regulations  on  Procedure  for  Local 
NRA  Compliance  Ben  rds,  September  12,  1933. 

(11)  Ibid.  This  contains  the  admonition  that: 

"the  whole  tone  of  any  notification  whether 
written,  telephonic  or  personal  should  be 
that  of  assuming  that  the  employer  is  comply- 
ing and  that  the  complaint  is  due  to  some 
misunderstanding  which  the  employer  can  clear 
up  be  erplaiining  the  situation  to  a  represen- 
tative of  the  Board.  The  employer  should  not 
be  gdven  the  name  of  the  complainant  unless 
the  employer  requests  it  add  the  complainant 

(12)  N'RA  Bulletin  No.  7,  Manual  for  the  Adjustment  of  Com- 
plaints by  State  Directors  and  Code  Authorities;  January  22,  1934  and 
amendments  dated,  April  6,  1934  and  May  12,  1934. 

(13)  See  Office  Order  No.  79,  which  under  the  heading  "Field 
Contacts"  states: 

M„  _  _  „  however,  it  was  not  intended  that  the 
Compliance  Division  is  to  undertake  the  adminis- 
tration of  all  codes  for  compliance  and  enforcement, 



This  remains  the  responsibility  of  a  Code  Author- 
ity, the  administrative  member  and  the  Deputy  and 
Division  Administrator  for  each  Code." 

(14)  Supra,  V: 

See,  Federal  Trade  Commission  v.  Baltimore  Paint  Color 
Works,  41  P.  (2d)  474  (C.C.A.  4th,  1930). 

(15)  Handler,  "The  National  Industrial  Recovery  Act",  19 
A.B.A.  Journal  44-0,  443  (l933). 

(16)  The  Act,  Sections  3(f)  and  10(a)  -  Stanley  v.  Pea- 
body  Coal  Co..  5  F.  Supp.  612,  614  (l933): 

"It  is  a  singular  fact  that  the  Industrial 
Recovery  Act  provides  no  penalty  for  the  viola- 
tions of  the  Act.  The  only  crimes. denounced  in 
the  Act  are  for:  (l)  Violating  a  Code  approved 
by  the  President;  and,  (?)  for  violating  the  rules 
and  regulations  prescribed  by  the  President  to 
carry  out  the  purposes  of  the  Act." 

(17)  Section  3(b)  and  (c)  - 

Comment  -  "Some  Legal  Aspects  of  the  National  Indus- 
trial Recovery  Act",  47  Harvard  Law  Review 
85  (1933) 

(18)  Brief  for  A.L.A.  Schecter  in  Schecter  v.  U.S.,  70: 

"Accusations  have  been  made,  tried,  sustained 
and  punishments 'imposed  and  with  relatively  few  ex- 
ceptions no  effort  has  been  made  to  use  the  methods 
of  enforcement  provided  by  the  Recovery  Act,  but 
employers  have  been  kept  in  line  by  using  the  coer- 
cive force  of  Government  boycott,  compliance  has 
been  enforced  by  depriving  persons  charged  with 
code  violation;  of  the  use  of  the  Blue  Eagle,  of  the 
right  to  compete  for  Government  contra,cts,  by  for- 
bidding all  contractors  engaged  in  Government  work 
to  purchase  materials  or  suTjplies  produced  or  furni- 
shed in  whole  nr  in  part,  by  one  who  has  not  complied 
with  the  code,  by  withliolding  financial  aid  extended  to 
industry  by  the  Reconstruction  Finance  Corporation, 
aiid  by  threatening  to  revoke  the  licenses  of  radio 
broadcasting  stations  which  do  not  deny  their  faci- 
lities to  advertisers  'who  are  disposed  to  defy,  ignore 
or  modify  the  'codes  established  by  the  NRA.  " 


(19)  Blachly  and  Oatman,  Administrative  Le,^islation  and 
Adjudication  (Brookings  Institution  1934),  155: 

The  authors  suggest  th^.t  the  HEIA,  by  its 
compliG,nce  activities,  "furnishes  the  most  striking 
and  complete  example  of  an  attempt  to  settle  diffi- 
culties "by  way  of  medirtion,  conciliation,  and  ad- 
ministrative procedure  generally,  rather  than  hy 
Judicial  or  quasi-judicial  action."  Of  course,  as 
the  authors  point  out,  the  IffiA  itself  had  no  power 
to  enforce  the  Act,  heing  forced  to  rely  upon  the 
Department  of  Justice  or  Tederal  Trade  Commission, 
which  enforcement  had  in  the  past  proved  inadequate 
in  relation  to  the  less  complex  anti-trust  statutes. 

See  also  pp.  253-254. . 

(20)  Bearing,  Homan,  Lorwin  and  Lyon,  The  ABC  of  IIRA 
(Brookings  Institution  1935),  97: 

"The  setting  for  the  enfqrcement  problem  is. 
seen  in  the  fact  tliat  neither  the  KRA  nor  any 
agency  established  by  it  has  any  legal  power  to 
coerce  any  business  enterprise  into  complying  with 
the  terms  of  a  code.  All  its  elaborate  mechanism  of 
compliance  is  therefore  designed,  first,  to  establish 
the  fact  of  violation  of  a  code,  and  second,  to  'per-'  the  violator  to  mend  his  v;ays  and  to  'adjust' 
complaints.  Only  at  the  end  of  the  procedure  is  the 
case  passed  on  to  the  Department  of  Justice  or  the 
Federal  Tr.ade  Commission  for  the  exercise  of  the 
government's  power  to  coerce.  To  sum  the  matter  up, 
the  violator  of  a  code  is  violating  the  law,  but  the 
Recovery  Administration  has  no  power  to  enforce  the 
la.v/.  The  word  ' compliance'  is  not  therefore  a  mere 
euphemism  for  'enforcement.'" 

(21)  Brookings  Institution,  op.  git.  263: 

"Whatever  the  services  of  prompt  justice  in 
discouraging  crime,  the  customary  theory  of  justice 
does  not  permit  legal  officers  to  overlook  the 
offences  of  known  wilful  violators  of  law.  This 
is  exactly  v/hat  has  been  done  under  HRA  compliance 
machinery.  The  out-come  is  a  system  of  'selective 
justice,'  under  which  a  few  violators  are  selected  to 
be  made  examples  of,  with  no  pretense  of  prosecuting 
other  cases  of  similar  nature." 

(22)  (7211)  Opinion  of  the  Attorney  General  to  the  President, 
June  21,  1934: 



"I  have  also  given  consideration  to  the  question 
of  whether  the  National  Recovery  Act  author- 
izes the  President  to  c'omjpromise  civil  or  criminal  lia- 
bility arising;;  thereunder,  and,  in  ills'-  opinion,  it  does 
not  do  so.  I  find  nothing  in  the  Act  which  exipressly 
or  impliedly  authorizes  such  action.  Nearly  all  inroor- 
tant  laws  contdn  provisions  authorizing  some  executive 
officer  to  establish  regul?,tions  to  carry  out  the  pur- 
poses therof,  hut  it  has  never  been  held  that  the 
authority  to  compromise  liability  arises  under  such  laws. 
As  above  indicated,  the  power  to  make  regalations  does 
not  include  the  power  to  a],  ter,  amend,  or  add  to  a  law 
(Merrill  v.  Jones  supra).  It  is  clear  that  a  regulation 
authorizing  the  compromise  of  liability  arising  under  the 
National  Industrial  Recovery  Act  would  be  in  effect 
legislation  a,nd,  therefore,  invalid." 

(22)  Blachly  and  Oatman,  op.  cit, 

(23)  Johnson,  The  Blue  Eagle  from  Egg  to  Earth  (Saturday 
Evening  Post,  February  2,  1935),  85: 

"if  an  individual  voluntarily  agrees  with  the 
^President  to  pry  atandard  wages  for  standard  hours, 
in  consideration  of  being  allowed  to  display  the  Blue 
Eagle,  statute  or  no  statute,  this  difficulty  has 
been  abated,  even  though  the  only  remedj'-  for  violations 
in  intrastate  commerce  is  removal  of  the  Blue  Eagle." 

(24)  1  U.S.  Law  Week  49,  September  26,  1933:  Hews  Papers  of 
October  31,  1933. 

(25)  1  U.S.  Law  Week  49,  September  26,  1933; 

Note  -  "Possible  Methods  of  attacking  the  N.I.R.A.- 
,28  Illinois  Law  Review  544  (l933) 

(26)  In  Raladam  Co.  v.  Federal  Trade  Commission.  42  P  (2d) 
430  (C.C.A.  oth,  1930)  there  was  brought  up  the  fact  that  the  Chairman 
of  the  Federal  Commission  had  advised  newspapers  that  there  would 
be  prosecution  against  those  who  assisted  the  Raladam  Co,  At  pages 
436-437,  the  Court  says: 

"It  appears  that  these  methods  of  influence,  aarried 
on  in  this  case  before  this  cross-suit  for  enforcement 
was  comraenced,  and  while  it  hB.s  been  pending,  have 
destroyed  a  large  part  of  petitioner's  business  through 
refusals  to  accept  this  advertising,  and  onlj?-  the  injun- 
ction of  this  court  is  needed  to  make  the  elimination 
complete.  We  have  no  occasion  to  deny  nor,  indeed,  reason 
to  doubt,  that  this  elimination  Vfoul.d  tend  to  the  public 
good;  but  we  cannot  thinlc  that  Congress  had  any  concep- 
tion that  it  was  creating  a  tribunal  for  that  kind  of 
action. " 


(27)  Executive  Order,  Ai^ril  14,  1934. 

(28)  (7211)  Opinion  of  the  Attorney- General  to  the  President, 
June  21,  1934: 

"The  National  Industrial  Recovery  Act  does  not 
provide  for  civil  penalties  Section  3(f)  of  Title  I 
(c.llO)  provides  that  a  violation  of  a  code  of  fair 
competition  approved  hy  the  President  shall  he  a  mis- 
demeanor and  upoix  conviction  thereof  an  offender  shall 
he  fined  not  more  than  $500  for  each  offense.  Section 
10  (a)  (c.827)  provides,  inter  alia,  that  violations 
of  rules  or  regulations  made  hy  the-  President  shall  .  .  . 
he  punishable  by  fine  of  not  to  exceed  $500,  or  im- 
prisonment of  not  to  exceed  six  mo-nths,  or  hoth. 
These  provisions  clearly  contemplate  judicial  action 
through  criminal  proceedings.  A  criminal  statute 
may  not  he  enforced  hy  civil  action.  United  States 
V.  Claflin,  97  U.S.  546.  .  . 

"It  is  also  urged  hy  the  Administration  that  pay- 
ment of  the  civil  penalties  to  he  assessed  by  the 
Administration  would  be  entirely  voluntary.  However, 
criminal  prosecution  or  permit  revocation  might  and 
probably  would,  result  from  a  refusal  to  pay  the  civil 
penalty,  and  I  find  it  difficult  to  reach  the  conclusion 
ths,t  such  payments  would  be  held  to  be  entirely  voluntary. 

"Viewing  the  matter  in  the  light  of  the  above  con- 
siderations and  the  above-cited  authorities,  I  am  cf 
the  opinion  that  the  President  has  no  authority  to  im- 
pose civil  penalties  for  violations  of  codes  and  regu- 
lations, and  that  violators  of  such  codes  and  regula- 
tions may  not  lawfully  be  punished  in  s.  manner  other 
than  that  provided  oy   Congress  in  the  National  Indus- 
trial Recovery  Act.  It  follows,  of  course,  that  the 
President  has  no  power  to  delegate  such  authority  to 
the  Federal  Alcohol  Control  Administration  and  that 
the  issuance  of  the  proposed  Executive  Order  would  be 

(29)  Hearing,  Homan,  Lorwin,  and  Lyon,  The  A3C  of  the  NRA. 
17:  suggests  this  method  of  enforcement.  But  see  Purity  Ice  Case  Co..  Inc. 
20  F.T.C.  278,  Docket  2203,  April  4,  1935:  indicating  the  Trade  Conmis- 
sion' s  refusal  to  follow  all  code  provisions. 

(30)  Blachly  and  Oatman,  op.  cit.  172. 

(31)  Ibid:  8-9 

(32)  Frankfurter  and  Lendis,   The  Business  of  the  Supreme  Court 
(New  York,    1927). 


(?>o)   The  Clayton  Act,  however,  allowed  individuals  to  sue 
to  remove  restrictions  in  commerce  upon  them, 

(34)  G-eneral  Investment  Co.  v.  Lake  Shore  6  Michigan  S.R. 
Co.,  260  U.S.  2B1  (1923).  Particularly  see  cases  cited  at  page  286, 
and  D.a.  Wilder  itfg.  Co.  v.  Corn  Products  Co..  2S6  U.  S.  165  (l915); 
lannesota  v.  ITorthern  Securities  Co.,  194  U.S.  48  (l904);  Paine  Lumber 
C0..V.  Neal,  244  U.S.  439  (l917). 

(35)  Pro^';ressive  Miners  of  America  v.  Feahody.  7  Fed.  Supp. 
340  (1934);  Western  Fowdcr  ivianufacturing  Co.  v.  Interstate  Coal  Co.. 

5  Fed.  Supp.  619  (l954);  Stanley  v.  Feahody  Coal  Co..  5  Fed.  Supp.  612 
(1933);  and  Purvis  v.  Basemore,  5  Fed.  Supp.  230  (1933).  But  see 
Sherman  v.  Abeles.  269  K.Y.S.  849  (l934)  contra,  hut  cased  upon  the 
Nev7  York  Schackno  Act. 

(36)  Brookings  Institution,  op.  cit.,  59. 

(37)  U^.  V.  Grimaud.  220  U.S.  506  (l910);  and  Illinois 
Central  Railroad  Co.  v.  McKendree,  203  U.S.  514  (1906). 

(38)  Comer,  Legislative  Sanctions  of  National  Administrative 
Authority  (New  York  1927),  126  n.  2: 

There  is  doubt  in  the  minds  of  some  writers 
as  to  the  constitutionality  of  delegating  discre~ 
tion  to  neiae   penalties  for  criminal  offenses  not 
named  in  the  statute.  This  practice  is  follov/ed 
in  England,  with  the  limitation  of  a  fixed  maximum 
by  the  stfitute.  On  this  point,  see  Ha;rt,  the 
Ordinance-Making  Powers  of  the  President  of  the 
United  States,  151~155. 

(39)  Sec.  3(a) 

(40)  Supra,  VIII,  n.  (59)  et  seq. ;  and  Legal  Memorandum 
No.  39  by  Blackwell  Smith  quoting  a  memorandum  by  Robert  P.  Reedcr, 
on  Examination  of  Books,  June  21,  1934. 

(41)  Su}ora,  n.  8  and  12,  which  furnish  the  basis  for  the 
brief  outline  of  the  steps  in  the  complaint  -  compliance  -  enforcement 

(42)  Supra,  IV. 

(43)  See  the  discussion  of  this  point  in  this  Chapter,,  supra. 
It  should  be  noted  that  it  is  rather  well-established  that  delegated 
Icgislstion  should  not  authorize  the  imposition  of  penalties:  Carr, 
Dclcgat&d  Legislation  (Cambridge  University  Press  192l),  53.  The  basis 

of  this  dictrine  is  said  to  rest  in  the  Case  of  Proclamations,  12  Coke 
Renorter  74. 



(44)  Johnson,  The  Blue  Eagle  from  E,g:^  to  Earth.  New  York 
1035  in  a  number  of  places  su£f_,csts  that: 

"like  the  Draft  Act  the  whole  law  v/as  written  to 
depend  on  co>-operation  and  popular  su-pport,  rather 
than  on  statutory  compulsion.  Tlrnt  is  the  very  "basis 
of  IT.  I.E.  A.  and  N.E.A.  " 

(45)  Brookings  Institution,  op.  cit.,  263  c.t  scq. 



(I)  ThR  National  Industrial  R^cov^r^^  Act,  48  Stat.  195,  Brief 
for  A.  L,  A.  Schecht=?r  Corooration  in  Sch^chtf^r  v.  U.  S.  ^rcellentlv 
analyses  the  pOT^ers  granted  in  terms  of  the  stptut°. 

(?)   Title  I,  Section  1. 

(3)  A.  L.  A.  Schechter  Corr).  v.  U.  S..  295  U.  S.  495  (l935) 
Panama  Refinin.?  Co.  v.  R^an,  293  U.  S.  388  (l93^). 

(4)  Titl-  I,  Section  PXa) ,    (h)  and  (c). 

(5)  Stpte  V.  Butler,  73  Atl.  560  (He.  1909)  and  State  v.  Poulin, 
74  Atl.  119  (M-.  1909).   But  contra  see,  Carson  v.  I'tcLgod.  148  S.  E. 
584  (Ga.  19P9)  ;  and  Cochno^er  v.  U.  S. .  ?48  U.  S.  407  (l919)  approving; 
the  pOT^'er  if  "the  delegation  -  -  (has)  clear  expression  or  implication." 
Childs  V.  Stat2..  113  Pac.  545  (Okl.  1910)  approves  the  delegation  of 
porrer  to  fill  an  office  createrT  h^'-  the  legislature. 

(6)  Title  I,  Section  3. 

(7)  Titl-  I,  Section  4(a)  and  7(h). 

(b)   Titl--  I,  S^^ction  4(d).   This  poi^-^r  ^^as  never  exercised,  and 
lapsed  hy   its  o^n  terns  at  the  exoira.tion  of  a  year. 

(9)  Title  I,  Section  7\c).   - 

(10)  Title  I,  Section  "'(h)  and  (c). 

(II)  Titl-  I,  Section  3(-) 

(12)  Title  I,  Section  8(h). 

(13)  Title  I,  Section  9(c).   Panama  Refininr  Co.  v.  R^ran,  293, 
U.  S.  388  (1935)  involved  this  section. 

(14)  Title  I,  S,-ction  9(a). 

(15)  Title  I,  Section  3(a). 

(16)  Title  I,  Section  1. 

(17)  Title  I,  Section  3(b). 

(18)  Title  I,  Sr-ction  3(a) 

(19)  Wiiloughhy,  Constitutional  Law  of  th-  United  States(New 
York  1929)  I,  89. 

(20)  19  Ruling  Case  La^.  Itunicipal  Corporations  par  75  and  106 
and  cases  there  cited.  Th"^  doctrine  of  strict  or  narrow  construction 
of  delegated  vo^-^t   is  referred  to.   It  is  also  otnted  that  po^^nr  cannot 


te  redelegated  to  private  persons  or  to  suTDordinatns  iml-^ss  it  is 
merely  ministerial  in  naturo, 

(21)  KRA.  Organization  Studios,  History  Unit  is  pr^^T^aring  a  full 
report  upon  th'^  sutjnct  of  Po'^'^rs.   Thn  I'^^rit'^r  has  teon  ask^d  to 
analyze  and  write  up  th-  material  that  has  "been  gathered.   The  lorohlem 
is  distinct  from  th^  g^n-^ral  scope  of  this  studv. 

(22)  Infra,  XII  discussion  of  enforcement. 

(23)  Infra,  XII  discussion  of  assessments. 

(24)  Supra,  XI,  1. 

(25)  Barrett:   "Is  there  a  ^Tational  Police  Po^rnr,  etc.", 

14  Boston  Univ^rsit^^  Ls.yr  R-^vien  243  (l954)  ;  Dickinson,  "The  Major 
Issues  Presen-cod  hy  the  Industrial  P-ecovery  Act",  33  Columhia  Law 
Review  1095  (l933),  1101;  Brown,  "The  Constitution,  The  Supreme  Court 
and  the  K.  I.  R.  A.",  13  Oregon  Law  Review  102  (l934).   See  also  Field, 
"The  Constitutional  Theory  of  the  National  Industrial  Recovery  Act," 
18  Minn-'sota  Law  Review  269  .  (l934)  ;  Corwin, ,  "Congress'  Power  to  Prohi- 
hit  Commerce:  A  Crucial  Const itxi.tional  Issue",  18  Cornell  Law  Journal 
477  (19.'^?);  Ellingwood,  "The 'New  Deal  and  the.  Constitution" ,  28  Illinois. 
Law  R-view  729  (l934);  and  Corwin,  "T^-'ilight  of  the  Supreme  Court", 
Yale  University  Press  (l934) ,  45-4S: 

"It  will  be  urged  no  douht  .that,  considered  as  typifying  or 
fore- shadowing  a  permanent  system  of  legislation,  Nira  spells  the 
end,  or  at  least  the  complete  .suhordination,  of  state  power  over 
"business  and  industry,  and  h-^nce  the  end  of  the  d-aal  federal  prin- 
ciple within  this  predominantly  important  .field  of  governmental 
action.   Nor  do  1  see  how  this  assertion  can  he  gainsaid.   But  the 
simpla  and  .sufficient  answer  is  that  in  so  doing  the  act  merely 
sounds  the  knell  of  a  departed  day,  and  for  the  reason  stated  hy 
Professor  Gulick  in  his  address  at  Chicago  last  summer:   'Nothing 
effective  can  he  don^  in  the  r-"gal?tion  or  stahilization  of  econo- 
mic affairs  unless  the  area  of  planning  and  control  has  the  spjne 
boundaries  as  the  economic  structure.'". 

Professor  'Corwin'  s  statement  should  not  be  read  in  the  sens^^  of  an 
opinion  as  to  the  court's  course  of  action,  but  as  a  criticism  of  its 
past  action. 

(26)  The  Constitution,  Article  1,  Section  8  (."). 

■  (27)   Cravi't,  The  Commerce  'Clause  (Bloomington,  Indian.a,  1932)  47: 
"Results  londer  commerce  clause  and  Due  Process  Clauses  may  be  the  same." 
Wahrenbrock,  "Federal  Anti-Trust  Law  and  the  II.I.R.A.",  37  Michigan  Law 
Review  1009.  1045-1065  (l933).  ,  '  ,   . 

(28)   Code  Revision,  M.emorandum  No.  .3,  Ife,y  27,  1935,  "Some  Legal 
Considerations  in  Connection  with  Interstate  Commerce"  clearly  recor 
gnized  this. 



(29)   9  1  (l824). 

(.30)   I"bid,  189. 

(?l)   Ibid,  69: 

"It  is  not  int'-^nd^d  to  sa,v  that  thnso  words  co"rorohnnd  that 
coramGrca  which  is  coraplTtily  internal,  which  is  carried  on  he- 
t'JTG'^n  man  and  man  in  a  statn,  or  hntwnen  diffornnt  parts  of  the 
same  state,  and  rhich  does  not  ext'^nd  to  or  affect  other  states,   Suh 
Such  a  powr  vroixld  "be  inconveni-^nt,  and  is  certa.inlv  -iinecessary. " 

iZP.)      4  Wheat.  "16,  415-416  (l819): 

"It  would  "been  an  unwise  attempt  to  provide,  hy  immut- 
ahla  rul'^s,  for  exigencies  which,  if  foreseen  at  all,  must  have 
"been  seen  dimly,  and  which  can  hest  he  provided  for  as  they 
occur.   To  havf^  declared  that  the  hest  means  shall  not  he  used, 
hut  those  alone  without  which  the  powers  given  would  he  nugatory, 
would  have  heen  to  deprive  the  legislature  of  the  capacitv  to 
avail  itself  of  exDerience,  to  exercise  its  reason,  and  to  accom- 
modate its  legislation  to  circuinstances.   If  we  apply  this  prin- 
ciple of  construction  to  anv  cf  the  powers  of  government,  we  shall 
find  it  sp  p-"rnicious  in  its  op^^'ration  that,  we  shall  he  compelled 
to  discard  it."  . 

(3"^)   Brown  V.  Maryland,  12  TTheat.  419,  446-447  (182?) . 

(34)  Ther-^  is  little  need  to  discuss  for^^ign  commerce  as  the 
courts  find  no  competition  for  jurisdiction  there.   Here  Congress 
has  a  "complete  power."  Weher  v.  Freed,  239  U.  S.  325  (l915), 

(35)  Warran,  The  S^ipreme  Court  in  United  States  History  (Boston 
1926)  discusses  the  reaction  of  the  Taney  court, 

(36)  Supra  n.  29  (1824),' 

(37)  U.  S.  ex  rel  Attorney  G-gneral  v.  Delaware  and  Hudson  Co., 
213  U.  S.  366  (1909) ;  Southern  Eailway  Co.  v.  U.  S..  222  U.  S,  20 
(l91l);  The  Minn-^sota  Hate  Cases.  230  U.  S.  352,(l913);  Pennsylvania 
H.  Co.  V.  Sonmen  Shaft  Coal  Co.,  242  U.  S.  120  (l916) ;  Dayton- Goose 
Creek  Ry.  v.  U.  S.,  ?63  U.  S.  456  (l924) ;  and  U.  S.  v.  Michigan 
Portland  Cement  Co..  270  U.  S.  521  (l926). 

(38)  Wisconsin  Railroad  Commission  v.  C.  B.  Q,.  R.  Co..  257  U.  S. 
563,  589  (1922). 

(39)  In  re  D^hs.  158  U.  S.  564  (l895);  and  Northern  Securities  Co, 
•V.  U.  S..  193  U.  S..  197.  (1904). 

(40)  Pensacola  Telefcranh  Co.  v.  Western  Union  Co..  96  U.  S.  1 

(41)  The  PJT)-'  Line  Cases.  234  U,  S.  548  (l914). 


(42)  Thn  Motor  Carrior  Act  of  19-^^5,  Putlic,  No.  255,  74th 

(43)  Cushinan,  "National  Police  Po'-'-rs  Undnr  thn  Comranrcr^,  Clause, 
5  Minnesota  La^^  H-^vi-^T?  ?89  (l919). 

(44)  Ibid,  303. 

(45)  bid,  381;  ChPTiroion  ^'.  Anns,  188  U.  S.  ,^21  (190^^0, 
lottery  tick^its;  Hok-^  v.  U.  S.  ???  U.  S.  308  (l913)  and  Canin-^tti 
V.  U.  S.  242  U.  S.  470  (191?)  Whit-  Slav-^^^;  Broland  v.  U.  S..  236 

U.  S.  216  (1915)  opium  imoortation;  Brooks  .v.  U.  S..  267  U.  S.  432  (1925) 
stolf^n  automobiles'';  and  Thornton  v.  U.  S.  271  IT.  S.  414  (l926)  quara- 
ntining and  dis-inf 'Acting  cattle. 

(46)  Cushinan,  op.  cit.,  400;  Clark  Distilling  Co.  v.  W-^st-^rn 
Maryland  R.  R.  Co..  242  U.  S.  311  (l917);  and  U.  5.  v.  Hill.  k!4B  U.  S. 
429  (1919). 

(47)  F-'nns^rivania  v.  W'-st  Virginia.  262  U.  S.  553  (l922);  Volley 
V.  Rhoads.  188  13.  S.  1  (l902)  ;  and  Public  Utilities  Cprnmission  v. 
Attolaboro  Stoarn  and  Electric  Co..  273  U.  S.  83  (l927) .   But  s-^^, 
P-nnsvlvania  Cas  Co.  ir. '  Public  Snr^^ic--  Connission.  252  U.  S.  23  (l920). 

(48)  In  Charl-^s  A.  Rams?-^  Co.  v.  Associated  Bil]  Post-^rs. 

260  U,  S,  501,  511  (1923)  a  conliination  of  bill  posters  throughout  the 
country  tried  to  socur--'.  a  monopoly '  and  dnstroy  como-^tition.   Th^  court 
says  little  about  commnrc^.  though  th^  counsnl  argued  that  preventing 
salas  and  shipment  is  an  interference  with  commerce.   Said  the  court l 
"The  pur-oose  -  -  -  is  to  destroy  comp-^titinn  and  s-^cure  a  monopoly  by 
limiting  and  restricting  connerce  te  channels  dista.ted  by  the  confede- 

(49)  Infra,  XIII,  discussion  of  labor  cases.  . 

■  (bo)  a.  L.  a.  Schecht-^r  Core,  v.  U.  S.  ,  295  U.  S.  495  (l935). 
In_Am--rican.  C^il  ffci.  v.  Ladoga~Can-ning  Cg_. ,  44  F.  (2d)  763  (C.C.A.  7th 
tsZO) ,    certiorari  denied  282  IT,  S.  899  (l93l)  a  packing  cora^nany  was 
permitted  to  recover  tri-ole  dama,p-es  under  the  Clavton  Act,  although  an 
overwh-^lming  percentage  of  business  was  intrastate,  unon  the  grounds 
that  it  might  affect  interestate  busin-^ss.   Brief  on  Anneal  for  U.  5. 
in  A.  L.  A.  Sch-^cht-^r  Com,  v.  U.  S..  56. 

(51)  196  U.  S,  375  (1905)  ■ 

(52)  258  U.  S.  495  (l922). 

(53)  262U.  S;  1-  (1923). 

(54)  259  U.  S.  44  (1922). 

(55)  156  U.  S.  1  (1894). 

(56)  Federal  Trade  Comnission  v.  Pacific  Coast  Pauer  Association. 
273  U.  S.  52  (1927) 



(5?)      A-pT)alachian  Coals  v.   U.    ^.    ?.88  U.    S.    344   (193^0,    said  Mr. 
Chi^f  Justicn   HiT:q:h^s  st  pa^"-^   360.: 

"In  apTDlyinr  this   t^st   (that   tho   cf^ntract  or  corah i nation 
pnjudic^s   th'i  iDuhlio   intor-^sts  bv  undul"'^  r-^stricting   corapi^tition 
or  londuly  ohstructing  th^   courso   of   trpd-)),    a  clos^  and  ohj^.ctive 
sonitin?'-  of  particular  conditions'  and  ■ouroos'^s   is  n-^c-ssary  in 
r^ach  cas-^.      H-^aliti-'S  Tirast   dominate   thn   judgraont." 

(58)  291  U.    S.    293   (1934) 

(59)  Bri^f  for  th-i  U.  S.  in  A.  L.  A'.  Schncht-^r  Corn,  v.  U.  S.. 
23,  31,  57,  62,  63  and  71. 

(60)  But  3-3^  U.  S.  V.  Calist^n'PanVqrs,  Inc..  4  F.  supp.  660 
(1933);  and  U.  S.  v.  Spotl-ss  Dollar  Cl-^annrs.  6  3?.  Supp.  725  (l934). 
In  -connection  With  this  last  cas*^  si.^,  Not-^  on  R^c^-nt  Cas'^s,  82  Uni- 
versity of  Pgnnsvlvania  I^a?r  R-vi-iTT,  864  (l9o4)«  •  An  int  ore  sting  group 
of  cas-^s  an  foimd  in  thos^  on  AAA  Marketing  Arnas,  .  On-posnd  to  such 
agr^^m-nts  s-^,  U.  S.  v.  K'^un^dorf,  8  f.  Svcot).  403  (l934)  ;  U.  S,  v. 
Greenwood  Dairy  Farms;  Inc. ,  8F.  Supp.  398  (l9?4);  Dou?las'  v.  Wallace, 

.  8  F  Supp.  379  (1934);  EdfVQT^atqr  Dairy  Co.  v.  ^allaco,  7  F.  Supp.  121 
(1934);  Columbus  I'liiv  Froducnrs  Association  v.  T7allac-^,  7307  Comm-^rcG 
Cl-aring  Hous-,  F-deral  Tr^d^  Rr-gulation  S-rvic-,  Vol.  11  A  (D.  C.  .1. 
D.  111.  1934)  and  Hill  v.  Daig-^r,  8  F.Sutdt).  189.(l934).  .Contra: 
U.  S.  V.  '.Shiesl-r,  7  F.  Supn.  123  (l934).   On  this  qu'^stion  sen, 
Duan'^,  "  Agr^oracnts  und^r  th-^  Agricultural  Adjustm'^nt  Act, 
ThRir  Contents  and  Constitutionality,  82  University  of  Fnnnsyl'yania 
La^  Review  91  (l935) .  ,  •   • ;'   - 

(61)  Illinois  Central  R.  H.  v.  McKendreg.  203  U.  S.  514  (l906) 
intrastate  quarantin-^s;  F-^d-^rpl  Baseball  Club  v.  B^iltimore  International 
League,  259  U.  S.  200  (l92l);  and  Blum^nstock  Brothers  v,  Curtis  Publi- 
shing Co..  252  U.  S.  436  (l920). 

(62)  247  U;  S.  251  (l918).  Sn^.   Cushman,  ov.    cit.  452. 
(G3)   Hqisl-r  V.  Thomas  Colli-^rv  Co..  260  U.  .S.  245  (l922). 

Bacon  v.  Illinois,  227  U..  S..  439  (l915).   Compare  Board  of  Trade  v. 
01  sen.  262  U,  S.  1  (l923)..   See  also,  Coe  v.  Errel.  116  U.  S.  517 
(I886).  Under  tHe  Anti-Trust  Acts,  the  courts -have  sanctioned  the 
-enjoining- of  labor  from  interfering  with  local  production,  when  the 
sourt  sa'^  a,n  a.ffect  upon  interstat-^  commerce,  Coronado  Coal  Co.  v. 
U.  H.  W.  A..  268  U.  S.  295  (l9^5). 

(64)  Utah  Po-^'-r  and  Light  'Co.'  v.'  Pfost.  286  U.  S.  165  (l932). 

(65)  P\iblic  Utilities  Commission  v.  Landon,  249  U.  S.  236  (l919). 

(66)  Wisconsin  Ro,il^-av  Coranission  v.  C.  B.  &  Q,.  Railroad  Co.  257 
U.  S.  563  (l92?);  and  ^^ashville.  Cha.tta.nooga  &  St.  Louis  Ry.  v.  Alabama, 
128  U.  S.  96  (I888). 

(67)  U.  S.  V.  D"^^itt.  9  ^all.   41  ( 18-69).;  and  Illinois  C-^ntral 
R.  R.  V.  Bqhr-nq.  233  U.  S.  473  (l914). 



(68)  Nqt-,  York  -x  r"l  pRnnavlvania  R.    Co.    v.   l^ni£ht.,    19?  U.    S. 
31    (1904);   Paul  v.    Virginia.    8  Wall.    168   (l869). 

(69)  Kida   V.   F '"arson.    1P8  U.    S.    1   (l888)    statute  prohibitinfi' 
inan^actur°  of  linuor;   £ei^  ^^.    Colorado.    187  U.    S.    137   "(l90?)    stptutfi 
regulating  iirroort^.tion  of  cattlR;      The  Mayor  of  th^  City  of  ITrt  York 

V.    Mi  In.    11  P'^t.    lO:?   (l837)    City  Ordinance   requiring-  r-^port   from  shio's 
raast-r  as  to  health  of  pass^ngf^rs;    and  cases  involving  public  high-rays; 
Kan",  v..  State  of  N°w  J-^rsey.    ?42  U,    S.   160   (l916),    and  Hp.ndrick  v. 
State   of  Maryland.    pr^S  U.    S.    610   (l915). 

(70)  Lemke   v.   Farmer's   Grain  Co..    258  U.    S.    5a   (l922) ;  .Dahnke- 
-Walker  Milling  Cq.    y.    Bond-urant".    257  U.    S.    282   (T921).      Se-   also 
Hp-bhin^  v.    Sh'^lby  Cotrnt-V.    120  U.    S.    49   (l887)   holding  negotiation  for 
sales  of  goods   in  another  State   is   so    in  interstate   coranerce   to  pre- 
clude local  license  taxation. 

(71)  Corwin,  or),  cit. 

(72)  Itiid,  I:  I>ual  Federalism'  Versus  Nationalism,  and  the  Indus- 
trial Process! 

The  language  in  th°  Shr^veport  Rs,te  Cases  is  of  particular 
inter-^st:   "TTherever  the  interstate  and  intrastate  transactions 
of  carri'^rs  ar-^  so  related  that  the  government  of,  the  one  involves 
the  control  of  the  othpr,  it  is  Congress,  and  not  the  state,  that 
is  entitled  to  prescribe  th'^  final  and  dominant  rule,  for  otherwise 
-  Congress  wo\ild  be  denied  the  exercise  of  its  constitutional  authority 
and  thn  Stat«,  tmd  not  the  Nation,  would' "be  supreme  within  the 
national  field  .  .  .  ." 

(73)  Ibid,  49: 

"Appli-^d  as  a  r-^striction  to  state  power,  the  terms  of  the 
clause  wer'^  given  a  liberal  interpretation  which  became  a  material 
factor  in  fiirthering  the  reorganization  of  American  "business  on  a 
national  scale  and  its  attendant  subj'-ction  to  a  highly  concen- 
trated management.   Applied,  on  the  other  hand,  as  a  grant  of  na- 
tional power,  thes"  same  terms  suffered  a  marked  contraction  from 
the  doctrineo  of  Chi'^f  Justice  Marshall,  'commerce'  being  confined 
to  transportation  mainly,  and  the  po^'^'^r  to  'regulate'  it  being  con- 
ceived as  chiefly  a  vo-^'^v   to  protect  and  promote  it  by  th«  adontion 
of  measures  beneficial  to  it  '^fh^n  regarded  as  a  purely  private 

(74)  Pag-"  50:   "Th-  Shr-yeport  Cas"  brusquely  dismissed  dual 
federalism  as  having  no  longf~-r  any  ■oertin-'^nce  to  the  question  of 
rail'^ay  rat^  I'-^gislation.   This  •^ps  in  1914.   But  already  a  decade 
earlier,  Holmes'  opinion  in  th"  Swift  Case  had  laid  do^n  th"^  guiding 
lines  toward  a  similar  r'^^sult  in  the  field  of  business  regulation 
generally,  lin-'s  which  wer'^  emphasized  and  extended  in  Chi^f  Justice 
Taft's  opinions  in  1922, 

"And  "KIPA  purports  to  build  uT)on  th"s"  r'^sults,  extending  them 



in  r^^sponc-^  to  th^-  l-^ssons  of  th^.  df^^^r'^s'jsion.  .,It  -oosits  thp 
solidarity'-  of  American  --^oonomic  lif-^,  th-^  int  ;'rd 'np:ndf?ncP! .  of  all 
its  phases,  and  it  proffors  a  ccncrption  of  unfair  ra-^thods  of 
comp-^tition  ^hich  is  a,  n-^cissary  d-ducticn  fr^n  this  solidarity 
and  int•=^^d'^;p■^ndonC'"'.   In  so?n'=;  _  respects  Wira  is  a  r •evolutionary 
statuto,  jr^t  th--^  revolution  '^hich  it  ^mljodi^s  is  only  th'^.l'^gal 
count'^rpart  of  a  r'volution  alr9ad,v  r',cr;omDlish''d  ty  sci'^no^', 
inv=>ntion,  and  Imsin'^ss  manaf'^m'^nt  in  th^  fi^-ld  of  coramRrco  and 
industry,  and  r^pr-smts  an  effort  —  not  n'^co.ssarily  th'^  "best 
conc=iv"d  ^f:*^ort  —  to  ^ivi  established  'cononic  trends 'a  socially 
"benf-if  icial  dinction. " 

(75)   Ihid,,  ,38,  At  pafl,-'-?  19,  th'i  author  savs: 

"But  1-it  us  suppos"^  also  tha,t  th-";  Court  could  hR  convinced 
that  in  th=:  lonf  run  child  lahor,  and  oth^r  inr"ustria.l  practices 
of  -^hich  child  lahor  may  he  taken 'to  h"^  typpia^l,    injured  inter- 
state commerce  —  ■^hat,  in  lif'ht  of  the  cases,  '•^puld  he  the  result? 
That  the  official  d-f -nd'-rs  of  the  F.I.R.A.  ^^ill  have  to  ans^rep 
this  question,  I  entertain  no  douht," 

"In  "brief,  in  the  verv  act  of  sef e^niardine  th--^  dev^lo-oment 
of  interstate  commerce  from  interruptior.  by  thf"  states,  the  Court 
unavoidably  built  up  an  enlarged  concer>tion  of  th-^  subject  matter 
rfhicii  th-e  'commerce'  clause  in  express  -ords  subjects  to  Congress' 
po-rirer  to  r^gul-=t<^.   On  th-^  other  hand,  it  built  up  at  the  same 
time  a  greatlv  mitigated  conception  of  the  -^rord  'regula.te.'   It 
ceased  to  think  of  this  po'^'^r  in  th--  terms  which  Marshall  had 
laid  do-'m,  as  the  po^-r^r  to  govern.   Inst-^ad,  it  tended  to  view 
Congress'' pO'-^er  und^r  the  'commerce.'  clause  'in  the.  same  light  as 
it  did  its  OTvn,  namely,  as  primarily  p'O'Ver  to  foster,  t)rotect, 
and  promote  commerce.  And  so  proce'>ding,  the  Court  converted  the 
clause  into  a  broad  highway  for  business  to  overs-oread  the  co-ontry 
without  regard  to  state  lines,  and  thus  to  effect  an  organization 
which  has  p-iit  itself  beyond  effective  State  control.   Nevertheless, 
when  Congress,  discovering  what  was  ha-npening,  endeavor='d  belatedly 
to  follow  alon^  this  sam^  highway  it  foun'  itself  confron-fced  at 
every  turn  with  the  sign  'no  thoroughfare,'  erected  ostensibly  to 
safeguard  state  -oow^r  and  the  princi-ole  of  dual  federalism." 

tc,  14  Boston 

(77)   Address  bv  th-  Administrator,  I^-brua,rv  27,  1934: 

"Intrasta,te  commerce  and  industry  comp"'tes.  with  interstate  commerce 
and  industry,   Unl'^ss  wo  could  find  som--^  rul"^  to  vnt   them  on  th"^  sara-^ 
basis  of  hou-^s  and  wp^^g  wc,  would  not  hav  been  justified  in  doing  any- 
thing- at  all,  beca\ise  intrastat-^  o-n'^rat'ions  ^'ould  simpl-"-  hav^  ruin'^d 
interstate  enterprise." 



(78)  Brinf  for  A,  L.  A.^r  in  Schechtgr  v.  U.  S..  77-83. 
Counsel  m-ntion'^d  such  cod-s  as  Infants'  and  Chile r«^n' s  .W-ar.  Funeral 
Service  and  Retail  Montmnnt;  Transit  Ina.ustry,  cov^.rinp'  ty  its  defi- 
nition "Automotive  tuses  transportin.'^  passongers  sol^l:"'  within  Stato 
lin-^s,  -exc^-nt  '^h^n  nngagnd  in  int'^.rstat^  coratnorc^.; "  Barter  Shop,, 
•which  covered  tarher  service,  "boofblack  service  and  manicare  service; 
Bo'^ling  and  Billiard  Ouerating  Trade,  Motor  Vehicle  Storage  end  Park- 
ing, Cleaning  anc^  Hyeing;  Shoe  Sebuilding,  which  trade  also  covered 
■boot-tlacks,  Advertising  Display,  Merchant  and  Custon  Tailoring,  Real 
Estate  Brokerr^ge;  Retail  Trpde,  Burlesque  Theatrical  Industr:''-  and 
Laundry  Trade.   The  counsel  also  comment  upon  th-'  fact  that  small 
ina.ustries  emploving  as  few  as  1500  -^mroloye'^^s  in  th-  ^ntir'^  country 
could  hardly  h^  considered  to  affect  interstate  comm-'rce  unl-^ss  some 
definite  finding  was  made. 

(79)  Brief  for  the  United  States  in  the  Case  of  Schecht^r  v. 
U.  S.,  35:   In  th^  concurring  OT)inion  of  Mr.  Justice  Cardoza  in  the 
Schechter  Case,  he  shows  an  awar=^n-^ss  of  th-^  view  of  causation  conten- 
ded for  hy  the  G-overnra°nt: 

"Motion  at  the  outer  rim  is  communicated  perceptihly,  though 
minutely,  to  r°cordinff  instrura'-^nts  at  the  center  .  ,  .  ." 

The  Justice  th=n  quotes  th^  ap-oroval  from  Lqa,rned  Hand  in,  the 
Court  hf^lo-w: 

"The  la^T  is  not  indifferent  t"  considerations  of  degree. 
Activities  local  in  their  immediacy  do  not  "become  interstate  and 
national  "because  of  distant  rer)9rcussion,s. " 

(so)   Henderson,  The  Federal  Trade  Comnission  (Yal'^  University 
Press  1924),  1-6;  Blachly  and  Oatraan,  Administrative  Legislation  and 
Ad.iudication  (Brookings  Institution  1934),  205: 

"Years  ago  th^  Federal  Trade  Coranission,  when  attempting  to 
i    introduce  into  the  concept  of  'unfairmethocls  of  comrpetition'  cer- 
tain practices  now  recognized  as  unfair  "by  various  codes  made 
under  -the  National  Recovery  Act,,  found  itself  "blocked  at  every 
turn  "by  the  courts,  which  refused  to  go  "beyond  the  common  la-^ 
doctrine,   Th^^  old  common  la'^  standard  of  '  reasona"blen°ss'  was 
read  "by  the  courts  into  the  Sherman  Anti-Trust  Act  irith  such 
effect  as  to  change  entirel?^  the  cha.racter  of  the  act." 

•  (Sl)  Excellent  exampl-^s  -"ill  "D'='  found  in  Federal  Trade  Commis- 
sion V.  Gratz.  2.53  U.  S.  421  (:'920);  and  Federal  Trade  Commission  v. 
Sinclair  Refining  Co..  261  U.  S.  463  (l923). 

(82)  F^d^.ral  Trade  Comnissi'-n  v.  'Kf.-p-o-^l.  291  U.  S.  304  (l934)  ; 
Federal  Trade  Con-nission  v.  Alagoma  Lumher  Co.,  291  U.  S.  67  (l934)  ; 
and  Federal  Trade  Commission  v.  Royal  I'illin^  Co..  P88  U.  S.  212  (l933) 

(83)  ApTjalachian  Coals  v.  U.  S..  288  U.  S.  344  (l933). 

(84)  Corwin,  o-o.  cit. ,,  44-45;  Federal  Trade  Commission  v.  Beech- 
-Hut  Packing  Conpany.  257  U.  S.  441,  453  (l922). 


-29  R- 

'  (85)   TTilliojns  v.  Stajidard  Gil..  278  y.  S,  235  (1929);  Tyson  v. 
Bant  on,  273  U.S.  418  (1927);  piio.  U.S.  v  Trenton  Potteries  Co..  273 
U.  S.  5S2  (1927).   See  Kale,  "The  Constitution  and  the  Price  System: 
Some  ?.ef lections  on  lehliia  v.  ISev   Yor'c",  54  Colupibia.  Law  Heviev;  401 

(86)  'Jarner  and  Giiterman,  "Tvfo  Aspects  of  LM.R.A.  -  Price-. 
Pirdng  and  Labor i',  14  Boston  University  Law  Revievj  221  (1954). 

(87)  Consider  the  Corset  and  Brassiere  Code,  Article  V  (c): 

"No  person  shall  Icno'.Tingly  purchase  materials  used  in 
his  product  which  have  not  teen  made  in  a  clean  and  sanitary 
factory " 

Of  covu'se,  it  must  te  admitted  that  this  migiit  have  an  effect  upon  a 
com.petitor  usinf'5  a  cheap  and  unsanitary  material,  hut  the  direct  tear- 
ing seems  to  he  upon  the  goods  sold  to  the  consumer. 

TJiien  the  term  "historico,lly"  is  used  it  is  with  reference  to  the 
past  cases  of  our  courts.   It  is  recognized  that  in  early  England, 
particularlj'--  the  fourteenth  century,  price-fixing  and  restrictions  hy 
law  upon  trade  and  lahor  more  severe  than  those  imposed  hy  NRA  were  not 
uncommon.   5  Pollock  and  liaitland  History  (Ca:n"bridge  University  Press 
1899)  581;  2  Holdsvrorth,  History  of  English  Law  (5rd  ed. ,  London, 
1923)  459-466: 

"Can  we  in  the  twentieth  century,  who  lir.e  in  aii  atmosphere 
of  Jfree  competition,  tempered  "by  strikes,  lock-outs,  and 
rings,  say,  as  decisively  as  the  economists  of  the  middle 
of  the  nineteenth  century,  that  the  vie\7S  lield'hy  the  legis- 
lature in  the  fourteenth  century  were  -unreasonahleT".  (at 
page  463)       ' 

(88)  Comment  •-  "Judicial  Review  of  Administrative  Orders  under 
ilEA  aaid  AAA"  45  Yale  Law  Journal  599  (1954). 

(39)   T:/son  V.  Banton,  275.U.S.  418  (1927);  TTilliams  v.  StaJidard 
Oil  Gom-oany.  278,  U.S.  235  (1929);  and  Wolff -Packing  Co.  v.  Court  of 
Industrial  Relations;  262  U.S.  522  (1925). 

(90^   94  U.  S.  113,  126-127  (1877). 

(91)   Hamilton,  "Affectation  with  Puhlic  Interest",  59  Yale  L.  J. 
1089  (1950);  Adler,  "Business  Jurisprudence",  28  Harvard  Law  Review, 
155,  158  (i914):        ■  . 

"Under  si.,   true  interpretation  of  the  common  law  all  husiness 
is  puMic,  and  the  phrase  'private  "business'  is  a  contra- 
diction in  terms.    Whatever  is-  private  is  not  "business, 
aiid  that  which  is  business  is  not  private.   Every  man  engaged 
in  business  is  'engaged  in  a  public  profession  and  a  public 
co,lling.  The  parties  to  business  are  the  merchants  on  the 
one  ahnd  and  the  public  on  the  other. " 


Of  course  the  conce-ot  is  not  so  undnsirable  if  fre-^ciori  is  l^ft  in  pla- 
cing; "business  fro-i  on°  class  to  th°  oth^r  "^v  legislr-tiv^  ■"ill.   Even 
Chi'^if  Justine  Waite's  qxiotntion  fro-^  Lord  Kale  illustrates  this.   At 
•D.  127,  r^ferrins;  to  -ouhlio  'vharves,  it  is  suggested' tliat  they  seem 
to  have  that  essential  oharact'^r  ""beopuse  th^y  ar«  the  Yfharfs  onlv 
licensad,  "by  the  Q;ae-^n  _  _  or  because  ther=^  is  no  other  '-harf  in  that 

Soe  also  The  Pipe  Line  Casfis,  2:^4  U.  S.  548  (l914).   On  the 
-^hol°  problem,'  see  Canoenter,  "Constitutionality^  of  the  National  Indus- 
trial Recoverr  Act  and  the  Agricultural  Adjustment  Act"  ,  7  Soiithern 
California  La.^  ReviQr,T  135  (l9g4). 

(92)  Supra  n.  89.  Even  legislation  that  is  ap-^roved  is  discussed 
in  terms  of  "affectation  "dth  a  public  inter°st."   3udd  v.  He^  York. 
143  U.  S.  517  (1892);  Noble  Bank  v.  Hask°ll.  219  U.  S.  104  (l91l); 
and  Peopl^  V.  Nebbia.  291  U.  S.  502  (l9?4) . 

(93)  Warner  and  Guterman,  op.  cit.,  n.  86;  Eld<=r,  "Some  Consti- 
tutional Aspects  of  the  Na.tional  Industrial  Recover^r  Act, "   28  Illinois 
La^  Royj p.vr  636  (l934);  and  Hal^,  "The  Constitution  and  the  Price  System: 
Some  Reflections,  on  ^ebbia  v.  Hew  York."  op.  cit.  n.  85. 

(94)  Ibid.  ■ 

(95)  People  V.  Nebbia,  supra  n.  93,  at  p.-  523.* 

"Under  o\ir  form  of  government  the  use  of  prop^rtv  and  the 
making  of  contra.cts  ar"  normally  maters  of  private  and  not  public 
concern.   The  general  rule  is  that  both  shall  be  fr°e  of  govern- 
mental interferorce.   But  neither  property  ri^-hts  nor  contract 
rights  aro  absolute;  for  government  cannot  erist  if  the  citizen 
may  a.t  his  will  use  his  property  to  the  detriment  of  his  felloe's, 
or  exercise  his  freedom  of  contract  to  ^rork  them  harm.   Eaually 
fundam='ntal  ^ith  th=^  private  right  is  that  of  the  nublic  to  regu- 
late it  in  the  common  interest." 

(96)  The  language  of  People  v.  Nfibbia.  "ibid. .  is  in  marked  con- 
trast with  that  of  Mr.  Justice  Field  in  Barbier  v.  Connolly.  113  U.  S. 
27,  31  (1885) : 

.  "As  in  our  intercourse  -rrith  our  fello'^-men  certain  principles 
of  morality  are  assumed  to  e?:ist,  without  which  society  would  be 
impossible,  so  certain  inherent  rights  lie  at  the  foundation  of 
all  action,  and  upon  a  recognition  of  them  alone  can  free  insti- 
tutions be  maintained.   These  inherent  rights  have  never  been  more 
happil-'-  =>xpressed  than  in  th"^  Declaration  of  Independence,  that 
new  evangel  of  liberty  to  the  people;  'Wr  hold  these  truths  to  be 
self-evident'  —  that  is,  so  plain  that  their  truth  is  recognized 
upon  their  mere  statement  —  '  tha.t  all  men  are  endowed'  —  not  by 
edicts  of  Emperors,  or  decrees  of  Parliament,  or  acts  of  Congress, 
'au-t  '"3:^1  ijheTiT  Creator  with  certain  inalienable  rights'  —  that  is, 
rights  which  cannot  be  bartered  away  or  given  away,  or  taken  away 
except  in  punishment  of  crime  — 'and  that  among  these,  are  life, 



liberty,  and  the  pursuit  of  happiness,  and  to  secure  these'  —  not 
graoit  them,  hut  secure  them  —  'governments  are  instituted  BHiong 
men,  deriving  their  just  powers  from  the  consent  of  the  governed,' 

Among  these  inalienable  rii-^^hts,  as  proclaimed  in  that  great 
document,  is  the  right  of  men  to  pursue  their  happiness,  by  which 
is  meant  the  right  to  pursue  any  lawful  business  or  vocation,  in 
any  manner  not  inconsistent  with  '-,he  equal  rights  of  others,  which 
may  increase  their  prosperity  or  develop  -'their  faculties,  so  as  to 
give  to  them  their  highest  enjojonent, 

"The  common  business  and  callings  of  life,  the  ordinary  trades 
and  pursuits,  which  are  innocuous  in  themselves,  and  have  been  foil 
i'.owed  in  all  communities  from  time  immemorial,  must,  therefore,  be 
free  in  this  countrj'  to  all  alike  upon  the  same  conditions.   The 
right  to  pursue  them,  without  let  or  hindrance,  except  that  r^hich 
is  applied  to  -all  persons  of  the  .same  age,  sex  and  condition,  is 
a  distinguishing  privilege  of  citizens  of  the  United  States,  and 
an  essential  element  of  that  freedom  which  they  claim  as  their 

Or  the  Court  in  Allgyer  v.  Louisiana,  155  U.  S,  578  (1897);  Adair  v, 
U.  S. ,  208  U,  S.  -161  (1908);  .and  Coppage  v.  .Kansas.  236  U.  S.  1  (1915). 

(97)  People  v.  Nebbia,  supra  n.  93,  at  p  536: 

"It  is  cleSir  that  there  is  no  closed  class, or  category  of 
business  affected  rith  a  public  interest,  and  the  function  of  courts 
in  the  application  of  the  Fifth  and  Fourteenth  Amendments  is  to 
determine  in  each  case  whether  circumstances  vindicate  the- chal- 
lenged regulation  as  a  reasonable  exertion  of  government  authority 

or  condemn  it  as  arbitrary  or  discriminatory  .   The  phrase 

'affected  with  a  public  interest'  can  mean  no  more  than  that 

<   an  industry  for  adequate  reasons,  is  subject  to  control  for  the 
public  good." 

(98)  Ibid.,  532  and  539: 

"The  thought,,  seems  nevertheless  to  have  persisted  that  there 
is  something  peculiarly  sacrocanct  about  the  price  one  may  charge 
for  that  he  makes  or  sells,  and  that,  hov;ever  able  to  regulate  other 
elements  of  raan^ifacture  of  trade,  with  incidenta.1  effect  upon  price, 
the  state  is  incapable  of  directly  controlling  the  price  itself. 
This  view  was  negatived  many  years  ago." 

"price  control  like  any  other  form  of  regulation  is  unconstitu- 
tional only  if  arbitrary,  discriminatory,  or  demonstrably  irrelevant 
to  the  policy  the  legislature  is  free  to  adopt,  and  hence  an  -un- 
necessary and  unwarrented  interference  with  individual  liberty," 

(99)  at  page  537. 

(100)  at  page  525: 



"They  (the  fifth  and  fourteenth  amendments)  merely  condition 
the  exertion  of  the  admitted  pover,  "by  securing  that  the  end  shall 
"be  accomplished  by  methods  consistent  with  due  process.  And  the 
guaranty  of  due  process,  as  has  often  heen  held,  demands  only  that 
the  lar'  shall  not  be  unreasonable,  arbitrary  or  capricious,  and 
that  the  means  selected  shall  have  a  real  and  substantial  relation 
to  the  object  sought  to  be  attained.   It  results  that  a  regulation 
valid  for  one  sort  of  'business,  or  in  given  circumstances,  may  be 
invaJ-id  for  another  sort,  or  for  the  same  rusiness  under  other  cij^- 
cumstances,  because  the  reasonableness  of  each  regulation  depends 
upon  the  relevant  facts," 

(101)  Brief  for  A.  L.  A.  Schechter  Corp.  in  Schechter  v.  U.  S, , 
34:   Counsel  suggests  to  the  Court  the  po'-rer  of  the  government  to  regu- 
late fields  of  natural  or  actual  monopoly,  such  as  railroads  and  radio 
broadcasting,  the  implication  being  that  other  lorivate  businesses  cannot 
be  regulated.   This  has  considerable  basis  in  the  public  utility  concept 
and  development  thereof,  but  vhen  considered  as  a  limitation  upon  the 
povrer  of  Congress  to  regulate  commerce,  it  appears  to  be  another  exajnple 
of  judicial  legislation. 

Again  at  page  148  in  treating  the  relation  of  wage  and  hour 
-provisions  of  codes  to  the  Fifth  Amendment,  counsel  says: 

"Interstate  shipment  of  poultry  is  purely  private 
.  business." 

To  their  mind  it  seems  that  this  means  that  the  liberties  of  contract 
outweigh  the  Government  need  for  regulation.   This,  of  course,  brings 
up  that  peculiar  doctrine  in  American  Lav  of  affectation  with  the  public 

(102)  Carpenter,  op.  cit.,  134;  and  Maggs,  "The  Constitution  ajid 
the  Hecovery  Legislation;  The  Roles  of  Document,  Doctrine  and  Judges," 
1  University  of  Chicago  Law  Review ^665  (19S4). 

(105)   Johnson,  The  Blue  Eagle  from  Egg  to  Earth  (Saturday  Evening 
Post,  January  26,  1935),  85: 

"I  must  call  attention  here  to  another  fundamental  of 
NEA.   In  vie'Tf  of  an  uninterrupted  course  of  Supreme  Court 
decisions,  we  did  not  believe . anybody  could  write  the  labor 
provisions  of  that  Bill  into  substantive  law  to  be  enforced 
by  pains  and  penalties.   Like  the  Draft  Act,  the  whole  law 
is  written  to  depend  on  popular  support  rather  than  on  sta- 
tutory compulsion.   That  is  the  very  basis  of  NIEA  and  NRA. 
It  is  what  is  being  forgotten  today.   It  must  not  be  forgotten 
•  unless  KRA  is  to  fail.   Those  provisions  can  no  more  be  con- 
stitutionally included  in  this  Act  now  than  they  could  then, 
and  even  if  they  could,  they  would  be  even  more  futile  now 
than  then." 

(104)  Ray  and  ^ienke,  "Hot  Oil  on  a  Sea  of  Delegation  of  Power," 
29  111.  Law  Review  1021  (1935);  "SoGtlon  7(a)  of  the  N.I.R.A. :   An  attempt 


to  Equalize  Bargaining  Po-vrer,"  34  Colum'bia  Lav  Revierr  1529  (    );  "The 
Effect  of  Section  7(a)  upon  the  Closed  Shop,"  30  Illinois  Lavr  Bevien 
199  (1955);  and  Majority  Rule  in  Collective  Bargaining  Under  7(a),"  29 
Illinois  Law  Review. 275  (1954). 

(105)  Texas  &  Kevr  Orleans  R.  Co.  v.  Railway  Clerks,  281  U.  S.  548 
(1950);  Co-oT)age  v.  Kansas.  23t.  U.  S.  1  (1915);  and  Adair  v.  U.  S..  208 
U.  S,  161  (1908). 

(106)  Hammer  v.  Da^enhart ,  247  U.  S,  251  (1918);  Eailey  v.  Drexel 
Furniture  Co. .  259  Uo  S.  16  (1922);  Texas  &  Pacific  Ry.  Co.  v.  Rig soy, 
241  U.  S.  53  (1916);  and  Second  Employers'  Liability  Cases,  223  U.  S. 
146  (1911). 

(107)  Bedford  C\it  Stone  Co.  v.  Stone  Cutters  Association,  274  U, 
S.  37  (1927);  Coronado  Coal  Co.  Case,  268  U.  S.  295  (1925);  Loe^e  v. 
LarOer,  208  U.  S.  274  (1908);  and  International  Organization  of  United 
Mine  ¥orkers  of  America  v.  Red  Jacket  Consolidated  Coal  and  Coke  Co,  18 
F.  (2d)  839  (CoC.A,  4th,  1927). 

(108)  Local  167.  etc.  v.  United  States.  291  U.  S.  293,  297  (193): 

"It  may  he  assumed  that  some  time  after  delivery  of  car- 
load lots  "by  interstate  carriers  to  the  receivers,  the  move- 
ment of  the  poultry  ceases  to  he  interstate  commerce. 
(Citing  cases.)  But  we  need  not  decide  ^■'hen  interstate 
commerce  ends  and  that  '"hich  is  intrastate  hegins.   The  con- 
trol of  the  handling,  the  sales,  and  the  prices  at  the  place 
of  origin,  before  the  interstate  journey  begins,  or  in  the 
State  of  dest inaction  where  the  interstate  movement  ends  may 
operate  directly  to  restrain  and  monopolize  interstrte  com- 
merce. (Citing  casesO   The  Sherman  Act  deno\mces  ever^r  con- 
spiracy in  restraint  of  trade  including  those  that  are  to 
be  carried  on  by  acts  constituting  intrastate  transactions," 

Texas,  etc.  E.  Co.  v.  Railway  Clerks,  281  U.  S.  548  (1930) 

(109)  Supra,  n.  108. 

(110)  Supra,  n.  108,  158: 

"In  the  case  at  bar,  the  receivers  did  not  warehouse  the 
poultry  or  commingle  it  with  local  goods  before  disposing 
of  it.   They  were  merely  a  conduit  through  V7hich  flowed  the 
daily  stream  of  commerce  from  shippers  to  marketmen.   It  was 
clearly  contemplated  by  the  shippers  that  the  poultry  should 
pass  through  the  reseivers  to  the  marketmen,  for  the  shippers 
paid  the  charges  for  unloading,  cooping,  and  cartage  to  'Test 
Washington  Market,   and  the  price  paid  the  shippers  depended 
on  market  price  made  by  resale  to  the  marketmen,***  ?e  be- 
lieve the  situation  is  analogous  to  that  involved  in  the 
livestock  cases  already  discussed,  and  we  hold  that  the  poultry 
remained  in  interstate  commerce  until  sale  by  receivers  to 
marketmen. " 


(111)  Hearings  "before  the  Committee  on  Tfays  and  Mesus,  House  of 
Representatives,  May  18,  19  and  20,  193S: 

"Page  114,  Senator  Wagner: 

"The  courts  have  also  said  that  intrastate  business 
cannot  be  conducted  in  a  Fay  rhich  may  burden  interstate 
commerce;  and  thus,  if  an  intrastate  business  indulged  in 
unfair  competition  to  the  extent  that  it  would  be  a  burden 
upon  interstate  commerce,  such,  for  instance,  as  to  a  cer- 
tain scale  cf  wages,  I  am  confident  that  under  this  nen   con- 
cept the  courts  will  say  we  have  a  right  to  reach  that  kind 
of  an  industry,  *******  in  our  economic  growth  there  is  such 
an  interdependence  that  State  lines  are  no  longer  economic 
barriers,  and  we  have  to  deal  with  the  whole  subject  more 
intelligently,  because  nothing  can  be  affected  in  the  way 
of  the  readjustment  of  our  economic  activities  unless  the 
rules  have  universal  application.   Congress  is  recognizing 
that  more  and  more  each  year,  and  so  are  the  courts." 

(112)  Brief  for  the  U.  S.  in  Schechter  v.  U.  S.  52.   See  also 
quotations  at  pp.  62-63: 

"Senator  Waigner:   Otherwise  we  may  talk  as  we  like, 
but  what  has  dragged  industry  doTi  more  than  ajiything  else 
is  the  exploitation  of  labor,  cutthroat  compe.tition.   If 
you  inquire  of  business  men  all  through  the  coTintry,  the 
thing  they  will  tell  you  is  that  particularly  during  these 
days  of  unemployment  .they  have  suffered  because  their  com- 
petitors were  able  to  secure  people  to  work  for  them  for 
long  hours  and  starvation  wages  (Cong.  Rec,  vol.  77,  pt,  6, 
p.  5236). 

"Mr.  Samuel  B.  Hill:   The  antitrust  law  does  not  tal:e 
into  consideration  \mfair  competition  resulting  from  the  ex- 
ploitation of  labor.   It  has  developed  that  that  -is  the 
greatest  factor  in  unfair  competition  that  confronts  industry 

(115)   Brief  for  the  U.  S.  in  Schechter  v.  -U.  3.  in  lower  federal 

(114)  The  National  Industrial.  Recovery  Act ,  48  Stat,  (Part  l)  195; 
The  Agricultural  Adjustment  A£t,  48  Stat.  (Part  l)  31;  and  Elder,  "Some 
Constitutional  Aspects  of  the  National  Industrial  Recovery  Act,  28  Ill- 
inois Lav   Review  636  (1934).  .   . 

(115)  A.  L.  A.  Schechter  Corporation  v.  U.  S. .  295  U.  S.  495  (1935); 
Pajiaiia  Eefinlni;  Co.  v.  Ryan,  293  U.  S.  388  (1935);  and  U.  S.  v.  Butler 

et  al.  Receivers  of  Hoosac  Kills  Corporation,  U.  S.  Supreme  Court,  Jan- 
uary 6,  1936. 

(116)  Brookings  Institution,  op.  cit.,  134.   Lincoln,  in  the 
,  Emancipation  Proclamation: 



"I  felt  that  mp.asures  other\'?is^  i3TQ.coTict.'i.-v,-at ional  might 
"become  lawful  "by  becoming  indispensa'ble  to  the  preservatioii 
of  the  Constitution  through  the  preservation  of  the  nation," 
Kote  74,  p.  219  -  J.  G.  Randall  Constitutional  Problems  under 
Lincoln  (Mew  York,  1926),  pp.  378,  514. 

Willis,  Parliamentary  powers  of  English  Government  Departments  (Harvard 
University  Press  1932)  29,179  represen  s  the  English  view: 

"The  clearest  justification  for  the  employment  of  the 
exceptional  type  of  delegated  legislation  is,  of  course,  the 
existence  of  an  emergency;  but  there  still  remains  the  dif- 
ficult question  of  what  is  an  emergency,  a  question  discussed 
with  some  bitterness  during  the  crisis  of  1931,   The  Committee 
vfere  fully  conscious  of  the  difficulty,  and  although  they 
stated  that  'emergency  and  urgency  are  matters  of  degree,' 
that  'the  measure  of  the  need  should  be  the  measure  alike  of 
the  power  and  of  its  limitations,'  they  did  not  express  an 
opinion  how  far  the  Acts  of  the  autumn  of  1931  measured  up 
to  their  standards  (that  would  have  been  to  enter  upon  pol- 
itics),' nor  did  they  lay  down  any  general  rules  about  the 
delegation  by  Parliament  to  the  executive  of  por'er  to  legis- 
late on  occasions  of  emergency."  (at  page  179), 

See  particularly  the  opinion  of  Scrutton,  L,  J.  in  Rotinfelt  v, 
.   Phillips,  35  T.  L,  R,  46,  47  (l918)  vhere  he  said  "a  war  cannot  be  carried 
on  according  to  the  principles  of  magna  charta. " 

(117)  Block  V.  Hirsh,  256  U.  S.  135,  155  (1921)  Justice  Holmes  said: 

"Plainly,  circ-amstsnces  may  so  change  in  time  or  so  dif- 
fer in  space  as  to  clothe  vdth  such  an  interest  what  at  other 
times  or  in  other  places  would  be  a  matter  of  purely  private 

Harcus  Brown  Holding  Co.  v.  Feldman,  256  U,  S.  170  (1921);  and 
TTilsonv,  New,  245  U.  S.  332,  348  (1917): 

"Nor  is  it  an  answer  to  this  view  to  suggest  that  the 
situation  was  one  of  emergency,  and  that  emergency  cannot  be 
made  the  source  of  power  -  -  -  The  proposition  begs  the  ques" 
tion,  since  although  an  emergency  may  not  call  into  life  a 
power  which  has  never  lived,  nevertheless  emergency  may  af- 
ford a  reason  for  the  exercise  of  a  living  power." 

(118)  Avent  V.  U.  S. .  266  U.  S.  127,  130  (1924): 

"We  must  take  it  that  an  emergency  contemplated  by  the 
statute  existed,  as  foiuid  by  the  commission  (I.C.C.  )  -  -  - 
That  in  such  circumstances  Congress  could  require  a  prefer*- 
ence  in  the  order  of  purposes  for  which  coal  should  be  carried, 
consistently  with  the  Pifth  Amendment,  is  clear  -  -" 

See  also,  Highland  v.  Russell  Car  &  Snow  Plow  Co.,  279  U.S.  253  (1929). 

(119)  Field,  op.  cit.-  271: 

"The  declaration  of  an  emer.^ency  is  of  importance  only 
as  showing  that  the  conditions  obtaining  in  intrastate  ""ous- 
iness  are  affecting  interstate  business  to  an  unusual  degree, 
to  such  a  degree  that  the  whole,   or  a  major  part,  of  com- 
mercial activity  must  be  subjected  to  ne^tional  regulation  in 
order  to  save  interst-nte  commerce." 

(120)  Comment,  "National  Recovery  Cofe  Assessments",  44  Yale  Law 
Journal  84-9  (1955). 

(121)  Institute  of  Patent  Agents  v.  Lpck^-^ood,  A.  C.  347  (House  of 
Lords,  1894). 

(122)  Willis,  op.  cit.,  67.  ' 

(123)  Comment,  supra  n.  (147),  854. 

(124)  Infra,  XV. 

(125)  McCulloch  V.  Maryland.  4  TJheat  316,410  (lalg);  Slaughter 
House  Cases,  16  Wall.  36,  64  (1873);  and  Smith  v.  Kansas  City  Title  & 
Trust  Co.  255  U.  S.  180> 

(126)  Copley  v.  Board  of  Uardens  of  Philadelphia.  12  Hor.  299  (1851); 
Willard  v.  Presbury.  14  Wall.  676  (1871);  The  Head  Money  Cases.  112  U,  S. 
580  (1884);  Hagar  v.  Reclamation  District.  Ill  U.  S.  701  (1884);  Charlotte. 
Columbia  &   Augusta  --.  R.  Co.  v.  Gibbes,  142  U.  S.  386  (1892);  Nerr  Yorl:  v. 
Squire.  145  U.  S.  175  (1892);  i'lOrgan's  L.  &   T,  .ny.  and  Steamship  Cp.  v, 
Louisiana,  118  U.  S,  455  (1885);  Patapsco  Guano  Co.  v,  llorth  Carolina 
Board  of  Agriculture.  171  U.  S.  345  (1898);  St.  Louis  Consolidated  Coal 
Co.  V.  Illinois.  185  U.  S.  203  (1902);  McLean  v.  Denver  &  Rio  Grande  P..Y. 
Co.,  203  U.  S.  38  (1906);  St.  Mary's  Pranco -American  Petroleum  Co.  v. 

West  Virginia.  203  U.  S.  183  (1906);  Red  "C"  Oil  iuanufacturing  Co.  v. 
Board  of  Agriculture,  222  U.  S.  380  (l91l);  Savage  v.  Jones,  225  U.  S. 
501  (1912);   Standard  Stock  Pood  ^o.  v.  Vfright,  225  U.  S.  540  (1912); 
Kansas  City  Southern  Ry.  Co.  v.  Road  and  Improvement  District.  256  U.  S» 
658  (1921), 

(127)  Legal  Research  Memorandum,  "The  Legal  Sanctions  upon  which 
assessment  provisions  in  codes  of  Pair  Competition  Rest,  August  6,  1954, 

"There  are  numerous  statutes  providing  that  certain  ex- 
penses connected  with  a  particular  industry  or  business  shall 
be  borne  by  members  of  that  industry  or  business.   Thus,  the 
expenses  and  salaries  of  the  members  of  the  Federal  Farm  Loan 
Board  are  paid  by  banks  deriving  benefits  from  activities  of 
the  Boacd  (Act  of  March  4,  1925,  c.  524,  s.  3,  12  U.  S,  C.  A. 
657),   The  Federal  Reserve  Board  may  assess  member  banks  in 
order  to  pay  its  expenses  (Act  of  Dec,  23,  1913,  c.  6,  s.  10, 
12  U.  S.  C.  A,  243).   The  Federal  Coordinator  of  Railroads 
must  be  paid  in  part  by  the  carriers  (Act  of  June  16,  1933, 
c.  91,  73rd  Congress  1st  Session.)" 

(128)  Legal  Research  Lemorciidum,  supra,  n.  (154), 

(12S)  Executive  Order  No.  6678,  and  Adrainistrative  Order  X-33, 

(150)  Note,  2  George  Washington  Law  Review  436,  ^^--4  (1934). 

(131)  21  Wall,  73  (1875). 

(152)  In  International  Railrray  Co>  v.  Davidson,  257  U.  S.  506  (1922) 
it  was  held  that  the  Secretary  of  the  Treasurjr  did  not  have  the  poner  to 
force  the  company  to  pay  the  compensation  of  Custom  Officials  on  Sunday, 
although  he  did  have  the  porrer  to  issue  special  permit  for  immediate  un- 
loa,ding  of  conveyajices,  and  also  to  make  rules  and  regulations  as  to  such 

In  the  testimony  of  NEA' s  General  Counsel,  Donald  Richherg, 
heiore  the  Senate  Finance  Committee,  he  repudiated  mandatory  or  compul- 
sory "assessments," 




(1)      Diiff  and  Ihitosido,    "Delo'A'.t,n.  Potostas  Yon  Potest  Dole  ,:,ri: 
A    :r^"-i:-  of  .I'lcrican  Constitutional  L-^"",    14  Cornell  La-?  'Miartoi-1      IGC 
(1929):    -.nilouglity,      Constitution  of   t^.e  United  Stot..:s,    2d.  od. ,    III, 

(d)      Aiio tiler  form  is     "  dele.g:atis  non  potest   deloearo"  . 

(3)  C-orvrin.    Twiliglit  of    the   Supreme   Court   (Yale  University  Press 
1934),    140-146. 

(4)  Duff  and  !?,1iiteside,    "Delegata  potestas  ?on  Potest  Dele.':-ari,    A 
I.;a;:ini  of  A.erican   Constitutional  La  ■^"  ,    op.    cit.: 

"7e  -  -  learn   tliat    tlie  maxim  vdiich  was   to    serve 
tile   turn  of  Coke,    to   co.T.mand   tlie   respect  of  Kent  and 
Story,  and  to  leave  its  mark  on   the   Constitutional 
history  of   the  United  States,   owes  its  origin,   and  its 
vogue   in    the  co.vuaon  la^^?   to    the   carelessness  of  a   six- 
teenth ccnturj'  printer." 

3racton,   De  Legil^us   et  Consuetudinihus  An  liae   (.Yale 
University  press  1932)    II,    157 

(5)  iraff  and  'Thiteside,    op.    cit.,    173 

(6)  GaiT,   DelegP/te^  Le.::islation  (    Camhrid-o  University  Press  19-31); 

•'If  we   cannot  na.i^j    the   earliest   instance  of  dele- 
■;;ation,    wo   cbp.  at  least   say    .Thicli   y'&.s   the  most,  strikin;-; 
of  early  instances.      It   is    tac   Statute  of  proclarc.tions 
passec'   in  1539,    'Act   that  Proclamations  ..-au:-  by   i:.-e 
I'lin;--   sha.ll  he  oheyoL..'      Tlie    aain  provision  of   tids  lex 
regia  was   that  \7-.iic.'-  empowered  Plenry  VIII   with   the   advice 
of  a  raajorit^'"  of   liis   Council,    to    set  forth  proclanations 
under   such  penalties  and  pains  and  of   such   sort  as   to 
His  hajesty    aii"   his   said  couiicil    should   seem  necessary 
and  requisite,    the   said  proclamations   to  be  oheyed, 
oh  served  '-.nd..kep.t  as   though   they  were  made  hy  Act  of 
Parliament  unless   the  King'  s  ^-^igliness   dispense  with  any 
of   them  lander  his     reat   seal.      In  addition   to   various 
sections   as    to    the  penalties   and  procedure  under   the 
Act,    there  is   -^    clause  which  prescribes   that   every 
sheriff  or  other  officer   to   whom  ''■as  :  ajesty' s  proclaiiia- 
tions  are   directed,    shall,    -vit-in  fourteen  days  proclaim 
them  in  market-toims,    other   towns  or  villages  and"  post 
them  up   'openly  upon  places   convenient!    therein.      Here 
then  are  all   the   ele.'ients  of   a  dele':ation  of  legislative 
power  hy  Parliament  and   the   elements  of  a  Rules  Publica- 
tion Act   as  well.      And,    as  a   second  exami^le  of   dele  :ated 



legislation  from   the   same   reign,    three  or  four  years 
later   there  va.s  another  Act   of  Parlianent— of  less  notor- 
iety and  of  narrower  application,    yet   equally   significant 
for  our  purpose — v/hich  empowered   tne  King   to    alter 
the  laAvs  of   '.7ales   and  to  make  la^/s   and  ordinances 
for  ^Tales,    such  alterations  anc,  now  laws     and  ordinances 
to  be  published  ^ander  the  great  seal  and  to   be  of  as 
Cood   strength,    virtue   and  effect  as   if  made  by   the  auth- 
ority of  Parlisjiient . 

"This  latter  Act   remained  on   the    statute  book  for 
nearly    a  century.      The   Statute   of  Pxocla.iations  -yas  re- 
pealed as    soon  as  Henry  died." 

(7)      Gorwin,    op.    Git.   140-146   quotes   from  Locke,    Treatise   on 
Civil    Govenruent; 

"The  legislature   cannot    transfer   t.ic  power  of 
mal-ring  laws   to   any  other  hands,    for   it  being  but  a 
delegated  power  from   the  people,    they  who  have    it   cannot 
pass   it   over   to   others." 

(3)      Ibid,    op.    cit.,    140-146. 

(9)  Ibid,    op.    cit.,    143. 

Go 0 dno w ,    The  Frinci-ples  of   the  Administrative  Law  of   the 
United  States   (iTew  York  1905),    42. 

(10)  Allen,    Bureaucracy  Triumiphant.    (new  York,    1931);    Willis, 
Parlia..ientary  Powers  of  Fnglish  Government  Departments   (Harvard  Univer- 
sity Press  1932).    170: 

"Parliajiient  has  -  —  -  empowered  a  department 
to  make   a   code,    a  Cremation  Code,    an  Air  Code,    a  High- 
way  Code," 

See   the   Cremation  Act,    1902,    2  Ed.    7,    c.    8,    sec.    7;    the 
Air  iIr',vi:;r,tion  Act,    1919,    9   Geo.    5,    c.    3,    sec.    1;    the  l.iotor  Car  Act, 
1903,    5  Ed.    7,    c.    36,    sees.    2  and  7;    Road  Traffic  Act,    1930,    20  &  21 
Geo.    5,    c.    43,    sec.   45.      Of   course,    the   extreme   examples  of  executive 
governr.ient     were   the  Defense  of    the   Healm  Acts.      Here,    of    course,    the 
inherent  power  of   the   nation    to  meet   the   emergency  of  war  ...ust  be 
reco.i'nir:ed  as   di  stinguishin;-   these  Acts   from  the  otaers  mentioned. 

However,    examples  of  great   delegations    are   found  in  our  First 
Congress,    v/he re    some   thirty-three   delegations  were  made:      Comer,   1,6,'^! si a- 
tive  Functions  of  National  Adimini  strative  Authority   (Hew  York  1927),    III, 
52-5G,    70.      One   of   the  most  broad  waq;: 

"The   chief  of  each  department    to,s   autnorizcd 
to    'prescribe  rules  and  regulations,    not  inconsis- 
tent with  law,      for   the   government  of  his  Department, 



tlie  conduct  of   its  officers,    the  distri'bution  of  its 
"business,    the    custody,   use,    and  preservation   of   the 
records,    papers  and  property  appertaining   thereto.'" 

(11)  Hart,    The  Ordinance-Making  Powers   of    the  President  of 
the  United  States   (Baltimore,    1925),    127. 

(12)  For  example   see,    :;arpenter,    "Constitutionality  of   the 
National   Incloistrial   Recovery  Act    aid   the  Agricultural   Adjustment  Act," 

7   Souf-iern  California  Law  Review  125   (1934);   Bl?.ck   "The  national  Indus- 
trial  Recovery  Act  and   the  Delegation  of  Legislative  Power   to    the  pres- 
ident,"   19   Cornell  Law  Quarterly  389   (1934);    Dickinson,    "The  Major  Issues 
Presented  "by   the   Industrial    Recovery  Act,"    53   Columbia  La.w  Review  1095 
(1933),   1100;    and  Rashbaum,    "Delegation   to  Administrative  Agencies  miCiev 
the  IT.I.R.A.    and   the    AAA." '19    ^t .    Louis  Law  Review  46    (1935). 

(13)  r/ayman   v.    Southard,    10   i/iheat,    1,    25   (1335). 

(l-'i)      .  aggs,    "The   Constitution   nnd   the  Recovery  Legislation; 
The  Roles  of  Document,   Doctrine   and  Judges,"    1  University  of  Chicar'^o 
La-  Review  665   (1934).    673. 

(15)      Supra  n.   12;    and  Chcadle,    "Delegation  of  Legislative 
Functions,"   27  Yale  Law  Journal  892   (1918) .      One  writer     entitled  an 
article  "Delegation  of  Legislative  Powers:      The  Decadence  of  a  Funda- 
mental   Consitutional  Maxim,    37  Harvard  Law  Review  1118   (1927). 

(1.6)      Supra,    H,    3. 

The    court   in  Field  v.    Clark.    143  U.    S.    649,    694'  (1392) 
quoted  \Tith  approval    the   following: 

"'The  legislati-ire   cannot   delegate   its  power 
to  make   a  law;   but   it   can  make   a  la.w   to    delegate 
a  power    to   determine    some  fact  or   state  of  things 
\ipon  which   the  law  raglces,    or   intends   to  malvo,    its 
own  action  depend.      To    deny  this  would  stop   the 
wheels  of  government.      There  are  many   things  upon 
vj-hich    ase  and  useful  legislation  must   depend  \7hich 
cannot  be  known   to    the  law-making  pouer,    and  must, 
therefore,   be   a  subject,  of  inquiry  outside  of   the 
halls  of  legislation.'"      Locke's  Appeal.    72  penn.    491. 

(17)      Comer,    Legislative  Functions  of  National   Administrative 
Authorities.    (!Tew  York,    1927),    30,    36;    and  Carr,    op.    cit.,    10,    15-18 
illustrates   the    same  problem   in  Engl an : .      There   this   type  of  legisla- 
tion is   refferred   to    as  "appointed  day  clause"    legislation.      Examples 
are  found  in:      Car  to   of   the  Brig  Aurora.    7    ::ranch  382   (1813);    Field  v. 
Clark.   143  U.    S.    649   (1892);    and  Hampton  v.   U.    S..      276  U.    S.    394(l92S). 

(IC)     Ruttfield  v.    Stranahan.    192  U.    S.    470 '  (19'~'-.^)  ;    Union  Bric-e 
Co.    V.   U.  's.    204  U.    S.    36-   (1907);   Hckiiiley  v.   U.    S..    249  U.    S.    397 
(1919);   U.    S.    V.    Orimaud.    220  U.    S.    506   (1910);    and  U.    S.    v.    Shreveport 
Grain  and  l^levator  Co..    287  U.    S.    77   (1932).      Willis  op.    cit.,   106-115 
offers   the    suggestive   term  "Sl-:eleton  Legislation"   which  is   the   counterpart 


-310-    ■ 

of   this   tyrie  ?.s  used  in  Iln;jland,  . 

(19)      Trevnid,    Acijiiini strati ve  Pov.-ers   over  Persons  and  Property 
(University  of  Chicago  Press   1?28)[,    218: 

"It   can  be  -understood  tliat   even  so  basic  ?    n?.tter  as 
the  principle   of  valxiation  should  be   referred  to   c    conmission, 
althov^h  the   difficiiltj'  of  the  ins,tt3r  is   reflected   in   the   in- 
conclusiveness  of  the  dele;;ation;    horever,    it   cannot  be   re- 
garded as  other  than  an  anomely  that  Congress   shovJ.d  Imve 
left   it    to   the   Interstate   Commerce   Comniission  to   determine   for 
th.e   futu-re   the  percenta^-e   rate  of  a   fair  return,    tenpered 
thoTJ^h  the  delegation  vas  by  the   initial   fixing  of   the   rate  by 
Congress   itself,    thu.s   setting  a  standard  for  the  guidance  of 
the  Comn'dssion.      A  point   of  such  vital   iDioortar.ce   ought   to  be 
matter  of  direct   stattitory  regfl^tion.      It   is  also   doubtful 
rhether  the  above    suggested  principle  of  delegation   can  be 
verified  in   the  matter  of'  railroad  accoLinting.      In  America, 
both  in   the   Interstate  Commerce  Act  and  in  I'lev  York,    there   is 
out  and  out   delegation   to   the   commission,   while   in  Ungland 
there   is  an  elaborate  procedure   for  the   settlement   of   sys- 
tems,   on   the  basis  of   cons'altation  v.dth  representative  bodies. 
The   relation  of   some  phases  of  accounting   (allocation  to 
principal  or  income)    can  lir-.rdly  be   regarded  as  purely  techni- 
cal or  non-controversial,    nor  is   it   too  obseciire   for  clear 
formulation;    and   in   the   absence  of  freedom  of  private  choice, 
direct   stft'O-tory   regu.lation  might   seem  appropriate.      It  may- 
be,   hovever,    tlia.t  after  the  practice  of  delegation  l:ias   once 
become   as   firmly  established  as   in  the   regulation  of  public 
utilities,    its   continued  and  even  expanded  application  vdll 
come   to  ?ppcar  politically  preferable   to   the  perils  of 
sectionally  influenced  legislative   intervention;    thus   the 
railroad  conrpanies   themselves  oppose   the   substitution  of 
statutory  for  acjninistretivo  handling  of  the   long-and-short- 
I'lzv.l  problem   (defeat   of   the  Gooding  Bill   in  1926)." 

Such  powers  are  given   to    the  Tariff  Comraission  \mCcr  the  Flexible 
Tariff  Act,    The  I'ederal   Tr^dc   Commission,    and  the   Interstate  Commerce 
Conaission.      It   is  more   a   cuestion  of  adenvacy  of   the   standards,    infra. 
'^.ilroad  Coi-.-jnission  Cases.    IIG  U.    S.    107;    The  i.innesot?   ?^,te  Cases,    330 
U.    S.    332    (1913);    Intermountain  Er-tc   Cases,    234  U.    S.   476'  (1914). 

Sec  ITotc,    "The  Delegation  of  Tederal   Legislative  Power  to   ::xecutive 
or  Aojninistrative  Agencies,"    31   ilchigan  Lav  Review  736    (1935). 

(20)    Ibid,    84  c:cpresscs   the   opinion   th-- 1  where   the.  sublegislation 
involves  mediation  more    than   crTcrtizc,    the   delegation   is  not  -Dro^Der, 



unciialified  a  dele/-o.tion  v/ould  present   ti.e   constitutional 
cUfficiilty  inmost'   ac\ite   form." 

,  (^■..■)      1434  U.    S.    G49   (1892). 

(2j)      :  onongahela  Brid.'se  Co.   v.   U.    S..    216  U.    S.    177   (1909). 

(26)      : -at-aal   Film   Corporation  v.    Inrlustrial    Com.riii.  sion,    236 
U.    S.      CO   (1915), 

(■^7)      ::ew  York  Central    Securities   Cor-p.    v.   IT.    S.,    287  U.    S. 
12,    2v  (1932). 

(     ■)      265, U.    S.    127   (1924). 

.      '.'.     (29)      2"72'u.    S..1    (1926). 

(50)      ••'aite   v.   Wacy,    246  U.  .S^.    506   (1918);    -Tillougliliy ,    Con-     . 
stitutional .La^?  of  ;txie  United  States   (V"ew  York  1929),    1568-1570  offers 
an  e:7;lan:',tion  for  broad  dele  ations    found   in   ti.;:e  of  v¥ar.      In   tae 
.  exercise  of   such  po-.-:ers   Congress  lias  been   allov/ed  to  make  a  nunber  of 
unusual    statutory  provisions,    such  as   confiscation- acts,    once   re  ula- 
tion,    ;-,nd   th.e    commandeering  'of    a  ios,    factory  -oroducts,    tele  rrap>.  anh 
railway'  lines, 

(31)  laittfield  v..    Stranohan.    192  U.    S.    470   (1904). 

(32)  hay  ajid  '?ienlce,    "'Vot  Oil   on  Uncharted  Seas  of- Delegated 
Powers,"    29    Illinois  1021    (1955) 

(33)  Uiclcersham,    "  dele;::ation  of  Po'ffcr   to  Legislate,"    11  Vir- 
ginia Law    Iteview  185   (1925);    and  Note   -  "Validity  of  Delectation  of  Pov/ers 
under  hecovery  Act,"    19   Iowa  Law  Review  583  (19'34);    and  Treund,    O'- .     :it., 

"There   is    the   recognition  of   the   .-i'eneral   -principle 
that   the   leffisls.ture  may  not  delegate   its  legislative 
pov/ers    to    the  noint   of  abdication;    on    the   other  hand 
there   is   the   fact  of  an  extensive  practice   of  delega.ti- 
.    .  on." 

miff  and  'Tniteside,    op.    cit.,    191--192,      ProfesGor  •.V.iteside    co--clur.e 
txiat;    1.   Le--islatures   can't  abdicate   or  delegate  le  -islrtive  power. 
2,      Str.tiites  become   effective  upon  a   contingency  are  proper.      3.   Legis- 
latures  cr.n   delegate  powers  not  essentially  legislative  ir-Mch  theg  :ii-;.t 
the'selves   exercise;    and '4.   Legislatures  maj''   '.'rant   extensive   oowers  of 
local    self-jove;:nment  to    municipalities  and  other  political,   subdivisions. 

{3<':)      "ickershara,    ot:i.    cit.    suggests   t  iC   following  in  a  well- 
considered   rnd  scholarly  article,    that   is  unusual   in  not    following  the 
tacl:  adopted  by  most  ya-iters: 

First.      Trie    subject  .aattcr  be   one    that   is   wit-in 



f-ie  legislative  power, 

Second.      Tl.e  legislature  must  not  aodicate   itr,  ovra 
-oowers,   "but  must  act,    -  must   announce    the  "oolicy  or,    in 
ot.  er  words,    express   and  clearly  '  efine   the  legislative 
v;ill   or   intention,    thus   establishing^  the   general    rule. 

Third.      The  'oower   felegated  ,Tiust  be  v.-ithin   the 
lir-iits   of   the   object   to   he   effected. 

Fourth.      The  measures   taken   thereuiider  ..lUst  he   rea- 
sonably designed  to   acconr^lish  the  le^-islative  v;ill. 
Frohphly  no    court  would  uphold  a  bizarre  or  Uiireason- 
able   requirement. 

Fift.i.     iluch  will   depend  upon   the   court's,  own 
views  of  the  necessities  and  requirements  of   the   sit- 
uation,, of   the  needs  of   the   community.     But,    in   this 
respect,    the   courts  have   E:hov.Ta  a  disposition   to  he 
liberal . 

Sixtii.      Penalties  must  be   imposed  by   the  le   isla- 
tive   and  not  by   tie   aoministrative  body. 

Delegations  of  i-o^^er   to   legislate  falling  "ithin 
these   rules   are  likely   to   be  utiheld, 

(55)  Government's  "^rief   in  Schechter  v.   U.    S..    119. 

■(35)  M.R.A.,    Title   I,    Section  3(a). 

(37)  Supra  n.    35. 

(38)  "".I.H.A.,    Title   I,    Section  1. 

The  possible   standards   embodied  in   t/.e  "Declaration 
of  Policy"   --ere   divided  in  a  very  effective  manner   in   the  Brief  for  the 
Schechter  Brothers  in  A.   L.    A-    Schechter  Corporation  v.   U.    S.      The   brief 
merely  ruotes   this  portion  of   the  Act,   but   sets   each  part  off   seoarately: 

"It   is  hereby  declared   to  be    tl:e  policy  of   Con- 
gress  to   remove  obstructions    to    tlio   free   flow  of 
interstate  and  foreign  commerce   which  tend   to    diminish 
the   amount   thereof; 

"aJid   to  provide   for   the   general   welfrre 

"by  promoting  the  orsajiisation  of   industry   for   tb.e 
purpose   of   co-operative     auction   aiiong  trade   groups, 

"to   induce  and  raaintehn  united     action  of  labor   and 
management  under  adequate    2;overnmental    sanctions  and 



"to  promote  the  fullest  possilile  utilizatlou  <>f  *^,.q 
present  productive  capacity  of  industries, 

"to  avoid  undue  restriction  of  production  (except  as 
may  be  temporarily  required) , 

"to  increase  the  consumption  of  industrial  and  agri- 
cultural products  by  increasing  purchasing  power, 

"to  reduce  pjid  relieve  unemplojnnent , 

"to  improve  standards  of  labor, 

"and  otherwise  to  rehabilitate  industry 

"and  to  conserve  n?i,tural  resources." 

(3S)  Pa.nama  Refinin.'^  Co.  v,  ]]yan,  ov.    cit,  n,  (22) 

(40)  Committee  on  i.inisters'  Povers,  Report,  Grad.  4060  Presented 
by  the  Lord  Chancellor  to  Parlianent  in  April,  1932,  31,  sets  forth  the 
exceptional  instances  of  deleg? tion  found  in  England: 

i.   Instances  of  powers  to  legislate  on  matters  of 
principle  and  even  to  impose  taxation; 

ii.   Instances  6f  poi-fers  to  amend  Acts  of  Parliament, 
either  the  Act  by  irhich  the  poners  are  delegated, 
or  other  Acts; 
iii.   Instances  of  powers  conferring  so  v;ide  a  discretion 
on  a  Minister,  that  it  is  almost  impossible  to  know 
what  limit  Parliament  did  intend  to  .impose; 

iv.   Instances  where  Parliament,  without  formally  aban- 
doning its  normal  practice  of  limiting  delegated 
powers,  has  in  effect  done  so  by  forbidding  control 
by  the  Courts. 

(This  can  also  be  found  quoted  in  "illis,  op,  cit,,  177.) 

Continues  the  Committee: 

"When  Parliament  has  resorted  to  any  of  them, it  has 
generally  been  on  account  of  the  special  nature  of  the 
subject  matter  and  without  intention  of  establishing  a 

(41)  Buff  and  Whiteside,  op.  cit.,  195. 

(42)  Duff  and  Whiteside,  opl  cit.,  195-196: 

"Far  from  being  a  principle  of  constitutional  law,  it  seems 
that  the  maxim  has  little,  if  any,  application  to  the  distribution  of 
the  v.'Ork  of  government  by  the  legislature.   There  is  no  mention  of  it 
in  any  American  Constitution,  nor  any  remote  reference  to  it.   The 
v;hole  doctrine,  insofar  as  it  is  asserted  to  be  a  principle 


of   corLstitution.<i.l   In.-',    ic  tail  t  upo;;    the 
tliinnest  of   ;l  ,iplication,    or  is    the    )roduct  of  the 
unwritten  constitution." 

(45)      Freund,    ov.    cit.    n.    ( ■. -C-O  ;    Freund,   Adnini strati ve 
FoYjers  over  Tersons   and  I-roue:  t>'   (ijiiiversity  of   Gnicp.ii'o  press  19  3S),    31S: 

"V/hile   it   is   extremely  difficult   to   formulate   a 
generally  valid  principle  of  legiti'nacy  of  delegation, 
the  observation  may  "be  hazarded,    that  with  regard  to 
major  .natters   the   appropriate    sphere  of  delegated  author- 
ity is  where   there  are  no    controverted  issues  of  policy 
or  of  opinion.     Hence  a  liberal    delegation may  he   expect- 
ed,   and  is   actually  found,    in   safety  legislation,    in 
which  arrangements   of  a  purely   technical   character  nec- 
essarily pla.y  a  conspictious  part." 

(4--.)      Supra  n.    (23). 

Duff  and  -yhiteside,    op,    cit.  ,  169: 

"In  other  words,    delegated  authority  caivnot  he 
re-delegated  unless   there   is"  some   reason  why  it   should 
he.      This   is   :iot   altogether   self-evident  and  might  determine 
tl.-e  burden  of  proof   in  a  particular   case;   but   a  maxim 
weighed  down  with   such  a  lar,-ce   exception,  needs   strong 
sxipport   if   it   is    to  pose    as    •  a  primal  a::iom  of  juris- 
prudence, '" 

(45)  Fanpma  Eefinine   Co.    v.    Hyan .    293  U.    S.    388   (1935) 

(46)  Ibid  at  parses  433-433. 

(47)  Schechter  v.   U.    S.    295  U.    S.    49..:,    552 



(1)      Sv^rx-a,  XIII. 

(2)  rretuid,   Ad:ninistrr tive  Pouors  Over  Persons  and  Pror)erty 
(Universit;^  of   Chicago  Presc,    192S),    31. 

"In  the  adrainistrfftion  -  rhere   control   or   determination  consti- 
tutes a  -orincroal   or   the   exclusive  'business   of   the   office   (Patent  Office, 
Federal   Trn,de   Coimnission,    Corrotroller   of   the   Currency,    Interstate 
Commerce   Conuission),    the-   amount   of  determinative  iDusiness  manifestly'' 
exceeds   the  personal   capacity  of   the  noninr.l  authority,    necessitating 
st3.ff  assistance,   v/ith  the   effect   that    the   chief   in  the  main  supervises, 
and  porsonall^r  determines   only  in  e>:ce-otionsl   cases, 

"In  other  words,    total].y  dii-.''erent  methods  or  T^rinciples   of   official 
action  'orevail   in  the   tno    services:    judicial  action  is  personal,   rhile 
adijiinistrative  determination  is  normally,    as  a  matter   of  fact,    delegated." 

ITillis,   Parliamentary  Po\7ers   of  En^clish  G-overnnent  DeTiartments 
(Harvard  Universitj'-  Press  19S2) ,    52: 

"One  of   the  reasons  for  delegating  ~oower   to  make   rules   to   the 
departments   is,   put   shortly,    to   enal)le   auestions  of   deta,il   to  "be   ■i'eraoved 
from  the   consideration  of  Parliament." 

(3)  T7ilcor,  v.   Jackson.   13  Pet.   498    (lS39). 

(4)  Preiijid,    op,    cit.,    32:  ;, 

"Provisions  for  delegation  vary.   Occasionally  they  relate  to  the 
entire  range  of  powers  exercisable  under  a  given  statute— so  in  section  5 
of  the  Trading  nith  the  Enemy  Act  of  1917  (Stoehr  v,  Wallace,  255  U. 
S.  239);  in  the  act  of  March  3,  1927,  nermitting  delegation  by  the 
Secretary  of  the  Treasury  to  the  Comnissi oners  of  Customs  and  of 
Prohibition;  and  in  section  82  of  the  English  Hail^7ays  Act  of  1921,  which 
provides  that  'anything  by  this  act  atLthorizcd  or  reqmred  to  be  done 
by  the  Board  of  Trade  majr  be  done  b;r  the  President  or  a  Secretary  or 
Assistant  Secretary  or  any  -oerson  authorized  in  that  behalf  by  the 
Presi6.ent.'  Btit  tnis  is  uncommon." 

(5)  Ibid. 

(6)  Hrool'ings  Institution,  The  r'ational  aecovery  Administration  -  An 
Analysis  and  An  A-Q-prslssl  (l935),  IIG: 

Suggests  that  the  re'oort  of  t^io  Deputy  to  the  Administrator 
actually  became  final  bece-use  its  recommendations  "ere  usiially  carried 
out,  that  is,  cualifications  and  stays  in  the  executive  order  of  final 
arjioroval  •'.rere  usually  those  reco;im''3ndod  by  tho  interested  deputy. 

(7)  Title  I,  Section  2(b). 



(8)  ::i."cl:ly  and  Oo.tuan,  Aclninisti-ative  Legislation  and  Ad.iudication 
(Brookin::s  Institution  1934)  21  at  scq. : 

It  is  suy'jcGtcd  that  resulti:-/;  :'Ton   the  autho-..'ization  in  the  ITIHA., 
there  nas  ostal)lishrd  'oy  the  Pi-Ksident  the  hUC,  a  Science  Advisory  Board 
under  the  national  Research  Council,  a  Central  Statistical  Board,  a 
Federal  Co-ordinator  of  Tranrroortation,  a  Federal  ']ner::;ency  Adjnini  strati  on 
of  Public  Uorks,  an  Executive  Council,  a  Public  T7orV:s  Emergency  Plousing 
Corporatio:--,  and  a  Cpmnodity  Credit  Cornoration;  a  Federal  Civic  Works 
Administration,  a  Federal  Alcohol  Control  Administration,  etc. 

(9)  Dearinr:,  Honan,  Lor-in  and  Lyon,  The  ABC  of  IIEA  (Brookings 
Institution  1935),  35: 

Sneaking  of  the  national  Labor  Board,  the  autJiors  say: 
"The  e:-:act  status  of  ths  board  in  relation  to  the  National 
Recovery  AcUiinistration  is  ill-defined.   It  is  an  agency  created  under 
the  Recovery  Act,  but  it  is  not  an  integral  part  of  the  Recovery 

Administration Wliilo  it  is  not  a  part  of  the  enforcement 

machinery  of  ISA,  its  nork  is  in  sone  degree  complenentary  to  that 
of  the  Conpliance  Division." 

(10)  The  follo\7ing  is  a  list  of  executive  orders  delegating 
power  .under  the  IIIRA: 

Code-naking  -iDO-rer,  etc.,  delegated  to  the  Presi dent-Hat ional 
Industrial  Recovery  Act,  June  16,  1933;  Administrator  appointed  and 
authorized  to  ap'ooint  personnel  on  a  temporary  basis,  conduct  hearing 
and  other  ^Tork  as  authorized  under  Title  I  -  E.  0.  5173,  June  16,  1933; 
Secretary  of  Agriculture  delegated  certain  powers  (except ; hours  of 
labor,  u^ugcs)  -  President  reserves  -oovier   to  anprove  or  disapprove 
provision  of  any  code  -  E.  0.  6182,  June  26,  1933;  Secretary 'of  Interior 
delegated  "oorrers  under  Section  9(c)  -•  0.  6204,  July  14,  1933J  Adminis- 
trator authorised  to  ap-ooint  -oersonnel  on  a  permanent  basis,  conduct 
hearings,  exercise  ftmctions  as  of  Title  I,  except  approval  of  codes, 
making  of  a-greementsj  issuance  of  licenses,  and  exercise  the  powers  in 
Sec.  3(e),  6(c),  8(b);  Sec.  9;  Sec.  10-E.0.6205-A,  July  15,  1933; 
Administrrtor  authorised  to  stay  application  of  codes  -  S.O.  6205-B, 
July  15,  1933;  continuing  in  effect  powers  delegated  to  Secretary  of 
Agricultiire  -  E..0.,6207,  July  21,  1933;  Secretary  of  Interior  to  be 
administrator,  for  tlie  Petroleu:n  Industry  -  E.  0.  6260-A,  August_29,  1933; 
Administrator  authorized  to  prescribe  rules  and  regulations  for  the  PEA 
and  codes  o.nd  for  use  of  insignia,  and  to  delegate  to  personnel  such 
TDOwers  as  ne^y  be  deemed  necessary  to  accomplish  the  pui'poses  of  this 
order  -  E.  0.  6537,  Oct.  14,  1933;  Secretary  of  Agriculture  delegated 
additional  powers  —  E,  0,  6345,  Oct.  20,  _  1933;  Adjninistrator  empowered 
to  make  preliminary  investigations  under  Section  3(e)'-  E.  0.  6353, 
Oct.  23,  1933;  Administrator  to  adopt  II. R. A,  seal  and  to  appoint 
certification  clerk  -  S,  0.  6439,  ITov.  18,  1933;  Certification  clerk 
authorised  to  excLwlify  copies  -  A,  0.  X-1,  ITov.  20,  1933;  Administrator 
authorized  to  modify  and  grant  exemptions  from  agreements  -  E.  0.  64^3, 
Hov,  22,  1933;  Administrator  authorized  to  approve  codes,  amendments  and 
exem-otions,  except  codes  for  major  indxistries  and  codes  imposed  under 
Section  5(d),  E."0,  5543-A,  Dec.  30,  1933;  Delineation  of  authority  of 


ii-dninistvator  anc"  Secretary  of  Agriculture,  po^-'ers  heretofore  delegated, 
to  Sec.  of  Agriculture  and  tra:nsferr.e(5  to  Adjninistrator  v/ith  exceptions  ~ 
S.  0.  6551,  Jan.  8,  1934;  Administrator  authorized  to  prescrilie  rules 
and  regalr.tions  governing  araen^jnents,  exemptions  and  stays  -  E.  0.  6590-A, 
Feb.  8,  1954;  Administrator  authorized  to  prescribe  rules  reposting  of  " 
provisions  -  E.  0.  6590-B,  Feb.  8,  1934;  Administrator  may  malce 
exceptions  re  government  contraats  i,7hen,  in  judgment  of  Administrator, 
justice  or  public  interest  will  best  be  served  thereby  -  E.  0.  6646, 
I'arch  4,  1934;  Heads  of  emergency  agencies  established  under  illRA 
authorized  to  make  certain  expenditures  -  E.  0.  6660, -.liarch  27,  1934; 
Deputy  Adi'.iinistrator  of  the  Distributing  Trade  Section,  Division  4,  to 
a-onrove  local  code  authorities  -  0.  0.  80,  liarch  29,  1934;  Deputy 
Administrator  of  Service  Trade  Section  to  ap-oroye  trade  areas  -  0.  0.  84, 
April  9,  1934;  Ao^ninistrator  authori-^.cd  to  suspsnd  certain  provisions 
of  service  trade  codes  -  E.  0.  6723,  liarch  26,  1934;  Administrator 
authorized  to  ap-orove  territorial  agreements  pursuant  to  Sec.  4(a)  of 
Act  -  S.  O;  675b-A,  June  27,  1934;  Secretary  of  Labor  authorized  to 
T)rescribe  rules  and  ro.gul8.tion&  re  aTo-orentice  training  programs  -  E.  0. 
S750-C,  Jime  27,  1934;  Joint  arj-oroval  of  agricultural  codes  by  Secretary 
of  Agriciature  and  Administrator  -  E.  0.  6764.,  June  29,  1934;  Administrator 
authorized  to  reduce  tolerance  of  15fj  on  government  contracts  but  not 
below  5^  and  is  directed  to  mahe  a  studj'-  of  effects  of  this  order  upon 
maintenance  of  standards  of  fair  comt)etition  in  sales  to  public  and 
private  cvistomers  -  E.  0.  5767,  Juno  30,  1934;  Secreti^ry  of  Interior 
delegated  powers  under  Sections  9(a)  and  (b)  -  E.  0.  6785,  June  30,  1934; 
Federal  Alcohol  Control  Administration  del ega-ted  .certain  functions  -  E.  0, 
6829,  Aug.  21,  1934;  Textile  Labbr  Relations  Boa,rd  delegated  certain 
functions  -  S.  •Q,  6858,  Sept,  26,-  1934;'  IIIHB  .created  but  not  authorized 
to  exercise  pov/ers  heretofore  conferred  on  Adrainistra.tor  -  E.  0.  6859, 
Sept.  27,  1934;  Duties  of . Industrial  Emergency  Committee  -  E.  0.  6860, 
Sept.  27,  1934;  Authority  conferred  f.pon  G-.  A,  Ljmch  as  Administrative 
Officer  -  A.  0.  X-93,  Sept.  28,  I934;"lh.ities  of  llational  Emergency 
Council  -  Donald  Ilichbe;rg  aut.horized'  to   execute  the  f^mctions  and  perform 
duties  vested  in  the  Council  by  President  through  such  ;oerson  as 
Executive  Director  shall  designate  -  E.  0.  6889-A,  Oct.  29,  1934; 
Authority  conferred  uiDon  '7.  A.,Harrinan  as  Ad.iinistrative  Officer  -  A.  0. 
X-107,  llov.  7,  1934;  Duties  of  .Federal  Prisqn  Industri-s,  -Inc.  -  ^-.    0. 
6917,  Dec.  11,  1934;  Powers  delegf-tGd  t'o  deputy  administrator  for 
Hawaii  -  0.  I.i,  348,  March  19,  1935;  Reconstituting  the  ITIHB,'  continued 
appointments  of  Messrs.  Whiteside,  Hillman,  Marshall  and  H&milton  - 
ap;oointed  Messrs.  Witherow  and  Murray  as 'members  -  E.  0.  6993, 
March  21,  1935; '  Charles  Ed3.son  member  of  i'lIEB  ~  S.  0.  7025,  April  29,  1935; 
Powers  cl,elGgrted  to  deputy  s.dministrator  for  territory  of  Alaska  -  0.  M. 
356,  May  5,  1935;  Termination  of  iTIKB  and'  reorganization  of  1©A  -_  E.  0. 
7075,  Juiie  15,  1935;  Continuing  in  effect  .Exsctitive,  Orders  issued  under 
KRA  -  E.  0.  7076,  June  15,  1935;-  Continuing  Textile  Labor  Pielations 
Board  until  Jiay  1,  1935  -  E.  -,0,  7084,  June  ^4,.  1935;  Continuing 
national  Steel  Pelatij^ns  Board  until  July  1,  1935  -  E.  0.  7085,  J\ine  24, 
1935;  Extpndijig  Te^.tile  Labor  Relations  Board  uiatil  iui'ther  order  -  E.  0. 
7089,  June  29,  1935;  Ext.ending  national  Labbr  Relations' Board  until 
Aug.  1,  1935  -  E.  0.  7090,  Jijne  29, '1935; 'Extending  rational  Steel  Labor, 
Relations  Board  until  further  order  ^  E.  0.  7091,  Jum^  29,  1935. 


(11)  Ofj'ice  Hcinoranox-un,  To,  S'lG,  iiarch  19,  1935.  | 

(12)  Office  l.:i>vioraiiLn;-i,  I^o.  ^56;  Ilay  o,  1935. 
.(15)   Office  Order,  '-o.  84,  Aoril  9,  1934. 

(14)  Office  Ordor,  No.  80,  liarch  29,  1934. 

(15)  The  question  of  the  t^'-po  of  pov/ers  redelegated  and  the 
controls  provided  is  discussed,  infra. 

(16)  This  term  is  usnd  to  include  "Code  Committee",  etc«,  as  the 
term  "Code  A'at^iority"  "became  the  standard  term. 

(17)  But  see  Adminictrative  Order,  I-Tov.  28,  1933,  approving 
recommendatiou  of  Cotton  T-^ittile  Indtistr^  Committee,  roadin/;  inter  alia: 

"It  is  ,  .  .  recommended  tart  to  provid-^  procedure  for  nocessary 
temporary  changes  in  the  limitation  of  hours  of  operation  of  productive 
machinery  iDrovided  in  the  Code  to  meet  particular  conditions  arising 
in  particxUar  grouns  in  the  Industry  and  to  nreserve  a  "balance  of 
production  activity  irith  consura-otion  reqjairements,  the  Code  Authority 
with  the  concm-rcnce  of  the  Government  representatives  on  the  same  may 
hereafter,  for  -oeriods  of  not  more  than  ninety  days,  require  a  temporary 
shortening  of  the  hours  of  such  machine  operation  \Tithin  any  group 
from  those  otherwise  permitted  "by  thy   Cotton  Textile  Code." 

This  is  quoted  in  Kayers,  A  Eandhoolc  of  IIEA.  2nd  ed.  (Hew  York,  1934), 
Paragraph  3G1,  Iss-oa-nce  of  orders  a.nd  regulations. 

(18)  Oemeiit.  Indus  try  Code  Ko.  128,  Article  IV-B-2,  "K.H.A.  Codes 
of  Fair  Competition,"  III,  332: 

"The  Code  Authority  may  designate  the  Institute  or  such  other 
committees  or  agents,  and  may-delegate  to  thorn  siich  of  its  powers  as  it 
may  deem  necessary  for  the  administra.tion  of  tliis  Code;  orovided, 
however,  that  the  Code  Authority  shall  not  te  relieved  of  final  responsi- 
hility  with  respect  to  any  such  delegated  leowers." 

(19)  Strpra,  n.  (lO). 

(20)  U.  S.  V.  Warfield,  170  Ted.  43,  (1909)  illustrates 'the  practice 
although  the  point  is  not  involved  in  th"e  case. 

(21)  Selective  Draft  Case.  245  U.  S.  355,  389  (1918). 

(22)  Transcript  of  Hearing,  Ruhher  I  Manufacturing  Industry, 
Januarir  12,  1934,  33.  One  raemher  of  the  industry  shows  an  acute 
awareness  of  these  diverse  allegences.   He  says: 


"I  tliiiil:  that  is  im-oortant.   I  feel  that  th^y  are  placed  "by 
the  very  provisions  and  the  machii:':5ry  of  the  Act  perhaps  ty  the  necessities 
of  the  sit-aa.tion,  in  a.n  extremely  difficalt  730sition,  'because  they  are 
in  a  thrce-T7£.y  fiduciarj'-  position,  —  not  only  in  dr^af ting  this  thing, 
but  also  in  all  of  its  future  activities,  and  those  three-way  fiduciary 
positions  may  T/ell  bo  adverse.   In  the  first,  i^lace ,  as  members  of  the 
code  authority,  and  as  members  of  tho  Steering  Committee  r?hen  the  thing 
was  drafted,  they  had  a  duty  to  -oroceed  Trith  the  utmost  impartiality. 
Tliey,  perhaps  better  tlian  anyone  clse,.];ner;  of  these  tvro  tjrpos  of 
manufacture,  pnd  thej'-  had  to  proceed  forgetting  who  they  were,  but 
taking  the  industry,  academically  and  saying  what  is  best  for  the 
industry  in  conform! tj'-  with  the  lew. 

"Tliey  had  a  second  duty,  a  duty  which  every  officer  owes  to  his 
company,  and  his  directors,  the  people  whom  he  represents,  a  duty  to 
promote  their  interests. 

"Tliey  had  a  third  duty,  —  to  themselves,  their  family  and  dependents 
to  see  to  it  that  that  v/hich  they  ha.d  done  does  not  cost  them  their 

"It  is  a  very  difficult  -oosition  for  anyone  to  be  in.   It  may  well 
be  necessary  in  industry  that  that  shoiild  happen,  but  I  would  venture 
the  prophecy  that  the  criticisms  of  codes,  when  this  is  all  wor]ced  out, 
will  not  come  as  a  criticism  against  the  United  States  Government,  as  a 
criticism  a£:ainst  the  -ourposes  of  the  nodes,  as  s.   criticism  of 
stabilizing  hours,  or  filling  the  price  of  labor  —  those  provisions 
will  not  be  criticized.   It  is  already  wor]cing  otit,  piirticuLarly  in 
our  coimnvjiity  to  the  tremendous  advantage  of  the  mc^nufacturers.   The 
criticism  vjill.  come  because  industr:;-,  in  many  cases  ta.kcs  this  thing 
and  uses  it  as  a  means  for  dominating  factor  in  thp  industry  to  write 
a  law  governing  their  cora-oetitors  which  will  inevitably  work  to  the 
ruin  of  their  competitors,  and  in  their  own  interests,  and  they  write 
the  law  V7hich  the  other  one  is  5;overned  by," 

(23)  Title  I,  Sections  2  and  3.   See  Legal  licmorrndnm  To.  32,  by 
Blackwell  Smith,  ITon-Association  He-oresontation  on  Code  Authorities, 
Hay  24,  1934  suggesting  that  Congress  may  have  contemplated  such 
administrative  activity.  ,  '     .   , 

(24)  Brookings  Institution,  op,  pit.,  206-209,  disc^isses  Code 
Authorities  and  trs-de  associations.   The  study  shows  that  the  relationship 
differed,  'ov.t   in  some  instances  the  Code  Authority  was  merely  the  alter 
egos  of  the  trade,  association..   Sometimes  thp  code  v/as  used  to  force 
members  of  the  industry  into  the  trade  association. 

(25)  As  an  example  see  the  Commercial  Resolutions,  of  the  Steel 
Castings  Industry.  See  also.',  the  Conswners'  A6.visory  Board  Memorandum 
from  L.  B,  Lovell  to  J.  B,  Fr-.uiid,  Hay  16,  1936. 

(26)  Brookings  Institution,  co.  cit.,  168.   The  Code  fior  the  Gear 
Ife-nufacturing  Industry,  ITo.  117,  Article  VII,  Section  l(a),  "KRA  Codes 
of  Pair  ComDOtition",  III,  73,  orovides: 



"Tne  Codo  Authority  shrll  of  lIx  lo-ibers  of  the  ssr.ociation 
(no  tv'o  of  "honi  shall  r  ror'.-sent  the   sr  :::  •T.imfocturor)  ,  n.T)r)ointGd  hy  and 
suh.iect  to  the  direction  of  th-;  ~^-:cctitivo  CoHmittGo  of  the  Association, 
one  rcTjrosrntative  of  ncRiDors  of  the  Inchistry  ^'ho  rre  not  memhers  of 
the  Association  (orovidin;-;  the;-.-  d.oniro  such  roprcsontation,  and  signify 
their  willingness  to  T)ay  their  "oro  rata  shrro  of  ths  cost  of  e.dninistering 
this  Code) ." 

(27)  Office  I.icraoranduin  llo.  33S. 

(28)  Lege.1  iiemorandtun  iTo.  32,  saTjra  n.  23,  suggested  the  advisability 
of  careful  rttontion  to  the  tr\aly  representative  requirement.   See  the 
discussion  of  control  over  exorcise  of  Code  Authority  powers,  infra. 

(29)  Concrete  Kirsonry  Industry,  i:ir.TDroved  code  IIo''.  133,  "IIRA  Codes 
of  Frir  Cov.roctition"  ,  III,  417  Article  VI,  16. 

(30)  Trp.nsit  Industry  approsred  code  Uo.  28,  ihid,  I,  378, 
Article  VI  (A)  (5). 

(31)  Automatic  Sprinl^er  Industry,  Cods  ITo.  50,  ihid,  I,  610, 
Article  VI  (f)  providing  for  strndard  forias  of  license  agreement  upon 
administrative  ap-oroyalj  Complete  TTire  and  Iron  Tence  Indu.stry, 
approved  code  ITo.  84,  SiipTDlcmont  ilo.  38,  ioid,  XII,  555,  Article  V,  2; 
a,nd  Conveyor  and  Ilaterial  Preparation  'Tloui-oment  Hanufacturing  Industry, 
approved  codo  ilo.  347,  Supplenont  !Io.  22,  ihid,  XII  455,  Article  VII  (a). 

(32).  Prper  and  Pulp  Industry,  approved  code  To.  120,  ihid.  III, 
125,  Article  VII,  4. 

(33)  Reinforcing  'liaterials  Paoricating  Industry,  approved  code 
llo.  127,.  ihid,  III,  294-295,  Article  VI,  Section  7. 

(34)  StrLict-ujGl  Clay  Products  Industry,  approved  code  lb.  123, 
ihid,  III,  205,  Article  VII: 

"Prior  to  the  increasing  of  existing  production  capacity  in  the 
industry  hy  starting  the  operation  of  existing  plants  within  amy  hranch 
of  the  industry  that  have  heen  shu.t  do'-^n  continuously  for  i.   period  of 
three  years  or  more  prior  to  the  effective  date  of  this  Code,  or 
starting  the  operation  of  plants  not  heretofore  in  operation  within  any 
hranch  of  the  industry,  a  certifier tc  rmst  he  procured  hy  the  owner 
thereof  from  the  hi-anch  committee  of  such  hranch  of  the  industry, 
suhject  to  review  hy  the  Code  Authority  or  the  Adninistrctor,  certifj'-ing 
that  the  operation  of  plant  is  consistent  vith  the,  policy  of  the 
Act,   In  case  of  a  denial  hy  a  hrt.nch  committee  of  the  certificete 
mentioned  herein,  or  refusal  to  decide  within  sixty  (60)  d.oys  Such 
owner  may  rpperl  to  the  Code  Authority  or  the  Administrator  for  a  final 

(35)  lotion  Picture  Laoorrtor^-,  approved  code  ilo.  22,  HSA  Codes 
of  Frir  Competition,  I,  507,  Article  VI,  Section  2: 



"By  the  Associrtion.      Th 5  provisions   of  this   Code,    other  than  the 
mandatory-    provisions  under   the  i:.I.2.A.,    -nry  'be,  modified  or  amended  "by 
the  concirrrin;';  vote  of  rt  least   t^-o   thirds   of   t]ic  nonoers   of  the  Asso- 
cirtion at   a  meoting  cal?.;d  for   such  v\vc-oos:,   -orovid:d  that   notice   of 
suhmission  of   th.D  propos.d  raodif icrtion,    or  amendjncnt ,   has  'b.^•Jn  given 
in  till  notice   of  nootin,^  and  -orovidod  further,    that   rny  modification 
or  amcnd:-.icnt   adonoted  hjr  the  Associrtion  shall  not  h  .Gorac  "binding  or 
effective  uiilrss  and  iintil   norovcd   oy   the  Pr  isidcnt  J' 

(36)  rioor  rnd  Wall   Clav  File  L'rnufrcturing  Indiistry,    ariprovcd 
code  TTo.    92,    420,   Article  VI, V  B-11: 

"Th.    Cod;  Authority  shall  ho   the  generrl  -olannin-'^,    coordinating 
rnd  acanini storing  agency  of   this   Cod^:.      It  rary  raa] •-. ;   rules  and  regula- 
tions for   the  £ dministration  of  this   code." 

Bro-ohings   Institution,    op.    cit.,   279, 

(37)  Ihid,  164-165,  225-227. 

(38)  i'or  r  -oartial  statoni^nt  of  the  prohlom  soe  Mcmorrndum  from 
L.  A.  liorrifion  to  Cod.  Advis::rs  of  Consumers'  Advisory  Board,  Methods 
of  Handling  Trrde  Practice  CovTol-'^ints,  Jiuie  13,  1934, 

(39)  Office  ilanual:  Code  Adi-iinistration  III-100'O.  Code  Authority 
Orgcni zat ion  II 1-1412 . 4  (d)  Reports  to  i'xLA.. 

( 40)  I'.cgss ,  '  Th";  Constitution  and  the  P.ecovjry  Legislrtion: 

The  Holes  of  Docui:i  .nt.  Boctrin:,  and  Judges.  1  University  of  Chicago  Law 
Hoviev?.  665.  659  (1934);   Congr-ss  delegated  vast  legislrtivc  poners  .  .  . 
(in  effect)  to  associations  of  ousiness  men."   It  is  doubtful  if  this 
is  quite  accu.rrte,'  for  Congress  v;;"  s  not  fully  avrrre  of  how  the  II.I.R.A. 
woiild  he  acUiinisterod.  ■   '  ■ 

(41)  3roo'':ings  Institution,  0-0.  cit,,  280:   The  authors  point  out 
"the  ahsencc  frem  the  minds  of  certain  persons  with  ahusiness  background, 
even  wh-n  plrced  in  officio.l  oosii  ion,  of  any  set  of  conCDpts  wherewith 
to  consider  the  relations  of  government  to  busin  ss  enter-orise  other 
than  the  hachn:>yed  thought  that  th^  less  government  supervision  there 

is  the  hettcr." 

(42)  loid,  199  sets  forthi  tJie'  clr  ssif  icrtion  used  here. 

(43)  Ihid,  201:  discusses  th;;  u.s  ;•  of  industry  insriectors  to 
secui""  compliance.   The  instance  of  the  luraher  industry  with  two 
hundred  field  rgonts  is  given,  rnd  a  singl..  division  of  the  retail  solid 
fuel  indxistry  pro-oosed  to  use  f  if  t'z-tvro . 

^44)   The  functions  or.   rcis.  r"  ''ill  he  discussed,  infra. 

(45)  Gio.-.nv^lt  V.  Bury-ai  ot  al  Censors  of  ^:h  Colle.ce  of  Physicians. 
1  L.  D.  ?.cyMond  454  (1691).  ,     ,  ..  , 

(46)  Ihid,  :.G7. 

(:?)   Ibid.,  167. 

(•:-8)   G-c,2:c  V.  C-.nsors  of  V:-\'   ::r.aoEhir-'  3cl.;ctic  i;.:6icrl  Society, 
63  IJ.  H.  92,  93  (inBO)  : 

"Tiio  str-tt\tr.  requires  ovory  modicr.l  society,   orgcnizod  -under  the 
laws  of  this  stcto,  to  :loct  a  laofrrd  of  censors  consisting  of  throe 
mcmhors.  Authority  is  conferred  u-oon  the  "bor.rd  to  examine  and  license 
persons  to  practice  medicine,  surgery  or  mid-nifery  .  .  ." 

(49)  State  -?:  rc-1  Hilwaukoe  liodical  College  v.  Chittcnd^.  107  II. W. 
500  (Wise.  1906);  and  Scholls  v.  State,  90  lid.  729,  7^13  (1900). 

(50)  llcvada  Corro.,  1929,  I,  Sections  5':0-590;  Laws,  of 
California,  1927,  Chcpter  XXXIV;  ITorth  Carolina  Code  of  1931,  Chapter 
IV,  Article  6,  Section  215;  and  revised- statutes  of  Utrh,  1933,  Title  6. 
For  cases  on  this  sc-.  In  re  Scott,  292  P.  290  (iTov.  1930);  and  State 
Ear  of  California  v.  Sunerior  Coiu-t,  278  P.  132  (Calif.  1929). 

(51)  l-icchia  v.  Pe£ol_i,  25-i  U.  S.  228  (1930);  Feoule.  ex  rcl. 
W,st  Bay  v.  Delaney,  130  IT.  Y.  Siro^el.  853  (Sue.  Ct,  1911).   See  also: 
13  A.  L.  H.  828,  a  previous  similar  statute  had  te  :n  h'ld  invalid, 
though  not  u:oon  due  process  gro-iands  or  the  qujstion  of  d  legation  to 
a  private  agency.  Fox  v  Kohavjl;  &  H.  H.  Humane  Socioty.  165  H.  Y.  517 

(52)  Laws  of  Oklahoma,  Chapt.r  25,  P  "hruary  11,  1932. 

(53)  Cham-olin  H-^fining  Co.  v.  Coriporation  Commission  of  Oklahoma. 
286  U.  S,  210,  250,  231  (1932). 

(54)  Snith  V.  Kansas  City  Title  and  trust  Co..  255  U.  S.  180  (l92l), 

(55)  rirst  ratio-nal  Bank  of  Bay  City  v.  Fellows  ex  rel  Union 
Trust  Co.,  24-:.  U.  S.  elG  (1917).- 

(55)   232  U.  S.  531  (I91e ) . ' 

(57)  Ihid,  545: 

"It  is  to  he  pr  sumed,  until  th  contrary  aiepears,  that  the 
administrative  hody  would  have  act,.d  with  reasonahle  regard  to  the 
property  rights  of  plrintiff  in  error"  .  .  . 

(58)  210  U.  S.  281  (1908).   '  ■      " 

(59)  27  Stat,  at  L.  531. 

(60)  rt  pages  295-296. 

(61)  Souse.  V.  Thom-Dson.  81  T,   E.  1109  (111.,  1907). 

(62)  Johnson  C:m  tery  Association  v.  Parker  16  li.  Y.  Supp. 
1015  (1897). 


(53)  State  v.  Crawford,  1C4-  Kansas  141,  145,  177  P.  360  (1919). 

(64)  Schlosser  v,  Welch,  5  F.  Supp.  993  (1954). 

(65)  Callajn  Co-unty,  ffashinj^ton  v.  U.  S.  263  U.  S.  341  (1923); 
Gilles-oie  v.  Ol.lahoraa,  257  U .  S.  50  (1S22);  and  Indian  Territory  Ill-umi- 
nating  Oil  Co.  v.  Oklalioma.  240  U.  S.  522  (1916). 

(65)  Dwcan  v.  U.  3.  34  Ct .  CI.  458  (1899). 

(67)  Pan  American  Fetrole-um  CoiT-  v.  Ala"bama,  57  P.  (2d)  590 
(1933);  and  Feox)le  v.  Standard  Oil,  22  P.  (2d)  2  (Cal.  1933).  But  see 
Panhandle  Oil  Co.  v.  Knox.  277  U.  S.  218  '(1927)  holding  a  State  Tax  void 
which  applies  to  sales  of  gasoline  to  federal  instrtuientalities . 

(68)  Lucas  v.  Reed,  281  U.  S.  699  (1930). 
(59)  269  U.  S.  514  (1925) 

(70)  at  page  520 .      ' 

(71)  JBA  Legal  Research  reraorandtiin  of  La.w  on  the  Tax  Liahility  of 
Code  Authorities,  Pehruary  14,  1935.  Ls^-^al  Research  Ileraorandum  No  .771 
Karch  27,  1935  sta.tes:  "Code  Authorities  were  e:-:enpted  from  taxation  as 
"Business  Leagues"  !)-'•  the  Bui'eau  of  Internal  Revenue." 

(72)  IJRA  Legal  Research;  "Legal  Position  of  Code  Authorities," 
June  11,  1934. 

(73)  U.  S.  V.  I -onat .  124  U.  S.  303  (1808);  U.  S.  v.  Smith.  124 

U.  S.  525  (1GS8);  U.S.  v.  Geri.iaine.  99  U.  S.  508  (1379);  and  Scully  v. 
U.  S.,  193  7ed.  185  (1210). 

(74)  The  terra  "legislation"  is  -ased  in  the  "broad  sense  of 
constitutions.  State  v.  Cole,  148  Pac.  551  (h'ev.  1915). 

(75)  Fergus  v.  Russell,  110  II.  E.  150  (ill.  1915);  and  Eliason  v. 
Coleman,  86  H.  C.  235  (18C2) .  But  holding  that  power  to  create  offices 
can't  he  delegated.   See,  State  v.  Smiley,  253  S  .  ¥.  825  (ilo.  1934). 

(75)  For  a  discussion  of  the  prohlon  suggesting  that  puhlic  officers 
should  discharge  sovereign  functions- see,  Sta.te  v.  Cole,  146  Pac.  551 
(Nev.  1915). 

(77)  People  v.  Brady,  135  IT.  E.  87  (111.1922). 

(78)  Brookings  Institution,  op.  cit.,  162: 

"A.iong  its  longer  run  objectives  the  Recovery  Act  was 
intended  to  furnish  the  "basis  for  contifLuing  forn^  of 
collective  action  uy  "business  groups." 

(79)  I"bid,  251. 

(80)   Orel  e.r-,iment  of  Ron.  Dor.rld  Richberg  on  behalf  of  the 
United  States  in  A.  L.  A.  Schechter  Coro.  v.  U.  S. 

(ni)   Carr,  Sele^-tated  Legislation  ■CCambridinie  University  Press  1921),  37: 

"More  than  loiir  centuries  ago  Farlia:nent  too^c  notice  of  the  fact 
that  the  ordinances  of  craft  f elloTVships,  gailds  and  fraternities  were  often 
■unlawfiil  and  imreasonalDle.   These  minor  la.w-making  "bodies  were  forbidden 
to  make  statutes  without  first  submitting  them  for  the  approval  of  the 
Chancellor,  Treasurer  ajid  Chief  Justices  of  either  Bench  (or  any  three 
of  them)  on  the  circuit  judges  of  the  shire  concerned." 

(82)  Brookings  Institution,  The  ITational  Recovery  Aajninistration 
Analysis  and  an  A-p-praisal  (l935) ,  253;  and  Consujners'  Advisory  Board 
Study,  "Si'Toerience  with  the  Oxien  Price  Provisions  of  Approved  Codes.": 

"Pire  Ibitinrmsher  Ap-oliance  Ivifg.  Industry.  Code  #98 

"Letter  of  I.iarch  6,,  fire  e:-:ting\iishing  ap-oliance  manufacturer. 

"Je  are  taking  the  liberty  of  enclosing  a  co-oy  of  telegram  received 

from  ,  on  the  Code  Aixthority,  in  iThich  he  threatens  ■ 

prosecution  if  we  do  not  accept  the  cost  arbitrarilj"-  set  by  the  Code 
Authority.  We  believe  that  this  was  a  very  unfair  procedure  as  we 
were  never  given,  in  our  opinion,  the  right  consideration  in  the  filing 
of  our  costs.   It  is  our  opinion  that  to  arbitrarily  set  a  ridiciolous 
cost  on  this  coranodity  is  to  gradually  stifle  the  industry.  One  of 
the  most  ridiculous  things  in  the  whole  set-up  is  the  fact  that  you 
are  allowed  to  qu.ote  distributors  your  cost.  This  "in  itself,  we  believe, 
is  a  direct  violation  of   the  Code  and  shows  absolutely  that  the  cost, 
as  set  by*  the  Code,  is  not  authentic, 

"Letter  of  Kerch  10,  small  manufacturer  of  apolianc§s. 

"The  o-oen  "orice  "orovision  in  our  Code,  couoled  with  a  minimum  cost 
for  the  Industry,  '.7ill  unauestionably  result  in  all  prices  being  the 
same.  '  It  -oractically  is  the  ssTae  as  if  the  Code  had  ordered  price, 

"¥e  did  file  a  -orice  list  with  1  quart  extinguishers  at  $12.2^,  but 
the  Code  Authority  did  not  send  them  out  and  vre  later  withdrew  them 
because  we  could  see  that  it  wouldn't  help  us -any." 

See  also,  Ilenorandum  to  Corwin  D.  Edwards  from  Group  V,  Consiomers' 
Advisory  Board,  on  Preliminary  Rules  about  Cost  contained  in  Codes 
assigned  to  G-roiip  7. 

(83)  Sivora,  XI  3  and  Menorana.iun  to  0,  K.  Hamill  from  Consumers' 
•Advisory  Board,  re  Commercial  Resolution  ITo.  15  issiied  by  the  Code 
Authority  of  the  Wall  Par)er  Manufacturing  Industry, 



(84)     I.irr-ers,   Consumers'   Advisory  Board  Stixdj-,    siipra  n.   82: 

■  A  -Hia:i][BooK  OF  :niA 

(llevr  Yorh  1954) 

"Par,  380,   Studies  and  recommendations 

"Virtually  all  the  code  authorities  are  erarioi^ered  to  reouire 
statistical  reports  from  the  members  of  the  industry,  in  order  to  make 
possible  studies  looking  to  recomuendations  for  modifications  of,  or 
additions  to,  the  code.  In  many  codes  is  found  a  -orovision  reauiring 
that  the  iiiiTorrmtion  obtained  be  held  as  'confidential'  by  the  authoritj?-, 
a  requireuent  vhich  must  be  read  in  the  light  of  the  fact  that  the 
members  of  the  raithority  are  themselves,  in  most  cases,  actively 
engaged  in  the  industry."' 

"Cast  Iron  Soil  Fi-pe  Industry.  Code  #18 

"Letter  of  I.Iarch  15,  fittings  manufacturer, 

"'A  feu  vfeel's   ago  the  writer  called  on  one  of  his  customers  and  the 
customer  diiring  the  course  of  the  conversation  told  ne  the  monthly 
production  of  several  manufacturers  and  explained  that  he  Imew  our 
[production,  sales,  etc.  This  information  is  given  confidentially  to 
the  Soil  Pipe  Association,  and  according  to  the  code  is  keiot  in 

(85)   transcript  of  Hearing  Machine-Applied  Staple  and  Startling 
Machine  Industry,  August  29,  1934.  A  -orice  sheet  filed  to  be  effective 
July  2,  1934  uas  not  distributed  until'  August  8,  1934,   The  Manager  of 
the  Code  Authority  admitted  that  "the  list  (filed  by  the  E.  H.  Hotchkiss 
Company)  uas  .  .  ,  withheld  from  distribution  -nending  a  discussion  .  ,  . 
with  the  nanufacturer  who  filed  the  list.   Contact  was  made  for  this 
purpose,"  the  llanager  wrote,  "but  the  President  of  the  Company  was  out 
«f  town  and  delay  ensued.   It  was  not  until  August  1st  that  we  were 
finally  brov.ght  to  the  realization  that  our  efforts  were  hopeless,  and 
then  the  lists  were  sent  out"  (Transcript  page  9),   The  Manager, 
Mr.  I.   B,  HrJ.1,  stated  at  the  hearing  that  he  kjiew  he  was  without  au- 
thority to  withhold  the  price  list,  that  he  acted  on  his  own  responsibility 
and  that  during  the  time  that  the  price  list  of  the  Hotchkiss  Company  was 
being' kept  confidential,  "the  Code  Authority  kne^-  nothing  except  for  the 
chairman"  (Transcript,  page  17).  What  was  done  "was  not  done  throTigh 
carelessness;  it  was"  not  carelessness  or  negligence,"  ilr,  Hull  declared 
later  in  the  hearing,   "I  did  it  advisedly,  because  I  felt  it  was  to  the 
best  interest  of  the  Industry  not  to  have  a  low  price  like  that  go  out" 
(Transcript,  page  34).   The  high  motive  just  indicated  vra.s  the  principal 
basis  of  Lr.  Hull's  defense,  although  certain  somewhat  technical  reasons 
for  withholding  distribution  of  the  price  list  were  also  advanced.   The 
Administration  took  no  a'cti'on  in  the  matter  subseou.ent  to  the  hearing, 
Mr.  Hull  rer.igned  as  Manager;  the  Code  Authority  continues  to  function 


(86)   Sirvr.-,  VIII 

A  nenoxcziCvn   "by  Francis  A,  Staten  to  Ruth  W,  Ayres  on  this  protlem 
sets  forth  the  follov/ing  points: 

"1.  The  code  authorit;"-  shoiold  "be  given  no  blanket  authority  to 
require  any  information  for  vrhich  it  wishes  to  call.   In  other  words,  the 
code  should  not  authorize  fishing  expeditions  into  private  records. 
In  the  afejinistration  of  the  code,  the  requirement  of  general  uniform 
reports  shoiild  lie   authorized,  Preferahly  the  code  should  designate 
the  kind  of  information  which  can  he  required,  such  as  total  sales, 
units  prod\i.ced,  total  wages,  etc.  Hovrever,  in  some  cases  it  may  he 
imprac'ticahle  to  designate  specifically  the  information  vhich  is 
authorized  to  he  required.   In  any  case  whether  or  not  the  specific 
type  of  infornation  is  described,  the  report  or  questionnaire  forms  to 
he  used  should  he  submitted  to  the  Administration  for  approval,  together 
with  the  forms  stibmitted  there  should  be  a  description  of  the  use  to 
which  the  information  is  expected  to  be  t)ut,  the  method  of  compilation 
which  is  to  be  followed,  and  a  description  of  the  manner  in  which  the 
information  is  to  be  submitted  to  the  code  authority  or  to  members  of 
the  industry.   Tlie  administration  can  thus  a,ssui-e  itself  that  publication 
will  not  be  in  such  a  way  a.s  to  reveal  the  identity  of  individual 
firms.   The  general  re-ports  so  authorized  should  be  sxibraitted  as  sworn  sta-te~ 
ments.   I  can  think  of  no  reason  why  the  code  authority  should  have  the 
Toower  to  reqxiire  s-oecia2  re-oorts  from  individual  members  of  the  industr;?-, 
but  there  ni;iht  be  occasion  when  such  authority  might  be  needed,   ITo 
special  rer)ort  should  be  required  until  after  SDecific  approval  by  the 

"'2.  All  statistical  information  required  should  be  submitted  to  a 
confidential  a^ent.  By  a  confidential  agent,  I  mean  one  other  than  a 
member  of  the  industry  and  someone  other  than  an  employee  of  the  code 
authority  — 'probably  a  firm  of  independent  accof-ntants.  Reports 
should  be  made  to  the  confidential  agent  and  the  summaries  made  by  this 
agent,   I  have  no  doubt  that  in  most  instances  code  authority  secretaries 
who  have  been  designated  as  confidential  agencies  have  discharged  their 
duties  conscientiously.   However,  it  apoears  clear  that  the  code 
authority  secretary  and  other  code  authority  members  are  in  a  great  many 
instances  too  much  influenced  by  the  inside  political  situation  in  their 
code  authorities  to  exnect  them  to  function  with  absolute  inde-oendence. 

"3,  Ulien  information  is  prepared  in  summary  form  and  copies  of 
such  summary  su.bmitted  to  the  code  authority  or  to  members  of  the  industry 
copies  also  should  be  submitted  to  11. R. A,  in  order  that  such  information 
may  be  available  as  a  guide  to  the  Administration.   I  think  it  particu- 
larly importajit  thai;  the  large  mass  of  material  available  in  industry 
be  channeled  into  the  government.   The  submission  of  these  summaries 
would  also  give  the  n.E,A,  further  check  on  the  use  of  material 
collected  from  industry  members. 


"4»   rield  OAidits   should  "be  mads   only  "hy  the  confidential  agent. 
Under  the  Y.,'-\mA,    to   date,    there  has  "been  a  large  amotiht   of  field 
auditing  133-  code  authority  employees,   and  raany  instsaices  nhich  have   come 
to  my  personal   attention,    I   knovr  that   these' audits  have  re.stilted  in  a 
kind  of  fishins   er-oedition  nhich  the  Federal   Trade   Commission,   rrith 
all  of   its  pov;er   to   suhpoena  duces   tecujn  and  vyhat  not,    could  never  lout 

(87)  Ihid.      See   the  last  p?rt    of  this  nemorand-ujn. 

(88)  Sr:ora,   XI   2. 

(89)  The  Code  Authority's  Reiily  Brief  to  Heoort  of  Demity 
Administrator,  P.ohert  K.  Strc';.us,  on  Acninistretion  of  the  Ice  Code 
submitted  Aoril  2.  1955; 

"Mista]-os  --ere  made  here  and  there,  and  some  of  the  records 
disclosed  inept  or  prejudiced,  hs-ndling,  hut  the  record  is  one  of 
accompli slxment  of  the  purposes  to  ^-hich  the  C-overnraent  and  the  Industry 
set  themselves  to  serve,  3.nd  i-re  are  reluctant  to  have  the  period  of 
this  service  of  these  men  terminated  vdth  the  general  and  unchallenged 
imr)lication  that  they  vrere  guided  \7h0lly  hy  selfish  motives  even  to 
the  ejitent  of  variDing  facts  to  their  selfish  ends." 

(90)  EXCERPT  PROLI  L^j¥  YOHIC  H3HALD  EIIBUImS,  Wednesday,  April  3,  1935 

"K.R.A.  TiCEATEl-S  T.IUCK  PAliilEP. 


'3y  Hark  SuJ.livan 

"Washington,  April  2  -  In  Princess  Anne  Countjr,  Va.,  Mr,  P.  D.  Halstead 
is  a  farmer.   He  raises  mainly  sioinach  and  herries.   He  ships  them  to  msA-':et 
in  carloa>d  lots.   The  cars  need  to  he  iced.   The  ice,  hought  from  des-lers 
and  manufacturers,  costs  ahout  $4  a  ton.  lire  Halstead  figures  he  could 
make' his  o'Tn  ice  for  less,  he  thinks  for  as  little  as  $2  a  ton — and 
so  he  started  to  huild  a  little  ice  -olant  on  his  farm.   It  \7as  very 
small— its  capacity  ten  tons  p.   day. 

"After  he  had  partly  constrvicted  his  "building  and  laid  out  about 
$2,000,  he  got,  on  December  22  last,  a  telegram.  The  telegram  was  from 
an  official  of  IT.R.A.   U.R.A.  has  a  great  mfimy  officials,  departments  and 
committees  having  long  names.   Tlie  one  vho  signed  this  telegram  was 
"chairman  of  the  Committee  of  Arbitration  and  Aiopeal  for  the 
Virginia  ice  indu.stry." 


"i:,r.,A.  Orders  Cn^'.striictinn  Sto-oned 

"The  teleigrrrn  sent  "by  this  official  to  Farmer  Ilalstead  tegan: 
'This  connittee  is  advised  you  are  Isiying  foimdation  -pre-oaratory  to 
construction  ice-inaving  -olant.'  The  telegrGra  rent  on  to  inform 
Mr.  Halstead  that  H.R.A.  foroids  o.iiy  one  to  "biiild  an  ic:'  -olant  without 
first  apiplying  for  and  getting  a  -oerrait  froTa  the  iT«H«A.  code  authority 
for  the  ice  industry.   The  cora;.!ittee  further  ua.rned  Parmer  Halstead  that 
he  must  cease  "building  his  ice  plant.   Othervrise-— so  the  telegram  con- 

"'This  committee  will  take  such  action  as  may  he  necessary  to 
enforce  the  le.v   ....  Your  imriediate  coranliance  is  called  for.' 

"Farmer  Halstead  did  not  reply.   T\70  days  later  he  received  a 
letter  from  the  seme  IT. 3. A.  official.   The  letter  repeated  the  substance 
of  the  telegram,  r/arning  Mr.  Halstead  that  he  must  -ccet  a  nermit  from 
Iv.R.A.  hefore  he  could  huild  an  ice  -olant  'whether  for  individual  or 
TDUblic  xise.  t 

"Again  i,:r.  Halstead  did  not  reply.   Five  days  later,  Decemher  29, 
he  received  ohother  telegram  fr'^^m  the  same  l",'R,A.    official.   In  part 
it  read:   'Lacl'ing  any  resiDonse,  I  e::tend  opnortunity  to  indicate  to 
me  on  or  oefore  Monday  that  you  agree  ....  Your  non-response  Trill 
he  accepted  as  refiisal,  which  -.all  result  in  such  action  as  necessary 
to  enforce  la\;,*" 

It  will  he  noted  that  Mr.  Siillivan  calls  the  code  authority 
renresentative  a  KUtl  .official.  On  the  other  hand  ITHA  would  have 
protahly  hotly  denied  this. 

(91)   The  letter  in  -oart  reads: 

"The  showdov.'n  came  on  Aioril  15,  -jhen  the  Code  Authority  appeared 
hefore  the  national  Industrial  Recovery  Board  and  for  a  full  half  day 
presented  the  merits  of  Article  XI,  and  reauested  the  Board  to  direct 
that  further  distu.rhance  of  the  -orovision  he  stopped  and  that  it  "be 
administered  c^ggressively  and  firmly. 

"The  Recovery  Board  has  complied  with  this  request.  We'have  heen 
given  asstijrancc  that  Article  XI  will  not  he  disturhcd,  at  least  until 
the  new  illRA  has  hecn  passed  hy  Congress,  when  it  is  prohahle  that  all 
Code  Torovisions  will  come  up  for  reviewing,  and  The  Board  has  directed 
all  KRA  Agencies  to  go  ah::ad  and  administer  the  provision  with 
firmness  and  vigor," 

Shortly  aft-r  this  letter  was  written  the  II.I.R.B.  issu.Gd  an 
order  practically  defeating  the  r:ff octiv^ncss  of  Article  XI. 

MomoraneAm  for  the  N.I.R.B.  hy  Dr.  L.  C.  Marshall,  May  13,  1935. 
Applications  ^'ith  the  r' commendations  of  the  Divisional  and  Darouty 
Administrator  rerc  to  ho  sent  directly  to  the  oxed.itive  secretary  of  the 
N.I.R.B.   If  a  denial  were  recommended,  the  matter  was  to  he  referred  to 
the  Advisory  Covmcil*   The  effect  of  this  procedure  wotad  have  heen  con- 
traryto  the  ina-ustry' s  desires  as  hoth  the  H.I.R.B,  and  the  Advisory 
Council  v/ere  sxispicious  of  Article  XI, 

(92)  '.ionoro-ndi-m  form  Con-fin  D,  Eduards  to  Walter  i.ip.n^^uia,  re  Code 
Administrc.tion  Provisions  of  Iiodel  Code,  A-oril  26,  1935; 

"In  too  ur.:iy  casa  those  agencies  hav'e.  (a)  exceeded' their  porrers 
and  misinter-preted  their  codes;  (t)  sought  to  coerce-  and  o-opress  part's 
of  their  ii-Ldustry;  (c)  failed  to  distinguish  hetv-een  their  status  as 
memoers  of  a  trade  association  or  as  -orivate  husiness  nen  o.nd  their 
status  as  code  officials;  (d)  given  inac'.  squat  e  recog-.-.ition  to  the  _ 
interests  of  consumers  and  lahor;  (o)  let  their  code  1)0001/16  ineffective 
hy  inattention  a.nd  of  inter -^st;  (f)  sought  to  htiild  up  a 
hureaucrac"  of  johs  and  salaries  regardless  of  th-^  indr.stry's  need." 

(93)  4  7ords  and  Phras.^s  37C3  and  cas-s  ther-  cited. 

(94)  Di:j-s  v.  Grand  Junction  Canal.  3  K.  L.  C.  759,  793  (1852) 
Lord  Carrohell  said:  "This  is  not  to  he  confinr^d  to  a  cause  in  rrhich 
he  (the  jixdge)  is  e  party,  hut  a-D-oli"s  to  a  cause  in  -fhicli  h-.  has  an 

(95)  Zex  V.  Sunderland  Justic-s.  2  I'l.B.  357  (l90l). 

(SS)   Ihid,  and  s-^e  Report  of  tl--^  Co.jnitte-;  on  Minister's  Fo'.7ers. 
(Cmd.  4060,  Prosent-d  hy  th'"  .Lord  Chancellor  to  Parlianent  on  Arjril, 
1932),  76-79. 

(97)  r.e-oort,  ihid  76-79,  "Th-  first  and  most  f\uid?,ra-ntal 
principle  is  that  a  man  may  not  he  a  judge  in  his  orrn  cause," 

(98)  Peo-ol-:  v.  Brady.  135  II.  "i.    87  (ill.  1922). 

(99)  Legal  ?Lesearch  Memorandum,  "Legal  Position  of  Code  Authorities", 
June  11,  1934. 

(100)  Legal  Uemorandruii  llo.  18,  hy  Blac^CT^ll  Snith,  quoting 

Mr.  liclxaty.   Standard  Clause  for  Uniform  Cost  Accoiuiting  as  Set  Forth 
in  Office  H.-norand-um  of  January  29,  1934: 

"Th'  Office  :>raoranduTi  of  January  29  recorriends  the  folloF^ing 
as  a  standard. clause  for  uniform  cost  accounting: 

'Tiie  Codo  Authoritjr  shall  caupe  to  he  formulated  an  accounting 
system  and  methods  of  cost  finding  and/or  estimating  capable  of  use  hy   • . 
all  memhers  of  the  ino.ustrs:  After  such  system  and  methods  have  heen 
formulated,  full  details  concerning  them  shall  "be  made  availahle  to  all 
memhers.   Thereafter  all  memhers  shall  determine  and/or  estimate  costs 
in  accordance  i-ith  the  iDrinci-oles  of  such  methods'. 

"In  t'.TO  or  three  a-o-Drovd  codes  and  a  large,  r.u.ih-r  of  important  P^©- 
possd  c^d-s  this  has  h^^ji  ceu-'?led  nith  a  -orovisien  forbidding  sales 
helow  cost  ^-ithotit  a  further  m^ans  of  determining  cost  or,  h^low  cost  as 
determined  oy  a  formula  to  he  devised  hy  the  Code  Authority  in  accordaiice  . 
with  such  clause.   Since  the  accounting  systemand  m^th-^ds  of  cost  finding 
and/ or  estimating  contemplated  under  this  clause  ar^  not  s\ihjoct  to  the  , 
aiDproval  of  the  Aajiinistyator  its  us'^  in  conjunction  r^ith  a  sales  h^lon 
cost  TDrovision  raises  a  question  nf  major  im-portance. 

"TJ"   lir,v   to.ltrn  th*"  -^nsition  thc.t  -omvisionr.  \7hich  cinstit\itc   d-^t"!-- 
minations   ^f    ■'.cj'^T  cu-^stions   of  il.'R.A,  -o^licy  can  'on   'vnlvnd  only  ■and'^r 
govornn-iit   sv  ^^rvision  after  dun  n-.tic^  and  an  ^p^^-)^t^^nity   t'^  to  hoard. 
W"  hav"  n-^t  !■    -n  xmd.til;-  cuuti^us   in   s-  -onco'-'ding,      Tlic   '">:-^rciso   of   fan 
"broad  -r^uci-   confcrrod  on  tho  pr^sid'^nt  by   tlio  II.I.H.A.    is   so  alcin  to 
logisla.tion  that  tto  s-o"£:c  of  cod"s  a.s   'str.tutos'   and  the  d.rafting  of 
c^dos  as    'I'^^iplPi.ti'^n' .      Tho  r^siilt   of  tho  use   if  tho   claus'^   in  question 
in   cnjitiiction  \7ith  a  sal-'S  IdoIott  cost  -orovision  vith-ait  a  fiirthor 
d'-^finition  of   cost  r/hich  is   subject   to   tho  Administrator's  apr)roval 
is  to  pornit   th-   Codo  A\ithority  to   d^tormin^   th-   cost  TdoIott  \7hich 
ono  may  n^^t    s'll.      This   is  a.n  administra.tiv^   -r-.t'-jirion  of   tho  H.I.R.A, 
so"  important   as   to  "do  "oro-oorly  call' d   'I'^gislation'    in  thn  atovo 

"It   is  n  ^t   difficiilt   to   d^m^nGtrato   that   a  d"- termination  of   th^ 
■•DriC'-^  h'^lov-  -/,ich  on-  rnay  not   s'-ll  affects   the  -oronorty  rights   of 
thos^   to  •-'hou  it  -o-^rtains.      Du-^  -orocss   of  lai7  r'--quir-s   that   such  a 
•orovision,   "b-foro   it  h-com-^s  laiT,    Fh-'Uld  "b^   suhj^ctod  to   th-   scrutiny 
and  a-Toroval   -f  an  im-oartial   t  gov-rnm-ntal   agency.      A  Cod^  Authoritjr 
is  neither   in-Dcrtial  nor   ^-v^rnn-^ntal.      Its  )7i^m'b^rs   are   c">m"o'^titors 
'•'n'^^  rith  an~thor  end  nith  ot'.i-r   ■-^l-n-uts   in  th^   industry,    and  their 
int^r'^sts  ar-  rntrgonistic   to   tn-s-   -'f   c^nsum^rs  and  -li-^rsons   '  "ngag^d 
in  other   sti^-DS    -f  th.-    economic  -oroc"ss'. 

"It   is   a.r'-u^'d  that   a  suffici-nt   clieck  is  "orovided  by  the   inclusion 
of   th-  Zichh-rg  po.ragraph  contain'-d  in  Offic'-  I.i-morandum  ^f  January  27, 
but   it  uu3t    0-   ron'^nh"r'--d  that  undor  the   clause   in  auosti'^n  the   system 
formulated  hy  th-   Cod-  Authority  h-c-'in^s   -ff-ctiv^  as   so-n  as   'full 
details'    are    'mad-  available   t-   all  ra-nb-rs'.      Property  rights   are 
soriously  aff-ctod  instantly.      In   ?,uch  a.  situation   the  r-servati^n  of 
the  pow-r   to   r-nedy  fails   to   fulfill   the  roquir-m-nts   of  due  proc-ss 
and  in  practi-ce  -i/ould  not  bo   efficacious. 


"Th-   clause   in  qu-sti-n  nh-n  j-ined  to  a  ^erohibition  of  sal-s 
b-low  est  as   c.eteri.iined  by  the;   system  to  be  delegat-a   to   0. 
iDrivate  and  -:)artial  agency  a  ^oTTor   so   d-rastic   that   th-   delegation  is 
unr-asonable  and  in  violation  of  due  rjroc-ss   ''•■f  Ian," 

Legal  h-norand-'om,    "T^i-  Legal   Sanctions  upon  vrhich  Assessment 
Provisions   in  Cod-s  of  Pair  Com-o-tition  R-st"',   Ar^ust   28,    1934,    9: 

"It   ch-iv-ld  be  noted  that  rr-  have  not   dioscrib-d  the  m-mbors   of   the 
Code  Authority  as  ^oublic   officers.      ?fe  believe   a  Code  Authnrity   is 
sui   iFceneris  -  a  legal   s-o-cies  -o-culior   to   th-  administration  of  the 
Kati^nal   Ir.dustrial  Recoverj'-  Act.      U-   cannot  her-  attempt   to   classify 
its  1-gal   status  fm-th-r  than  to   determin-   that   it   is   some   sort   of 
an  agency  authorised  t'^   administer   the  -our-ooscs  of   th-  National 
Industrial  Act." 

(101)      Su-ora,   V. 


(102)      S-o  AdTTiiniPtrrtive  Order  "o.   X-29,   TTnere   tlie  Administrator 
soii,';;lit    to  '■it--c"jrr.r  ■DOi"ers   fron  code  r.uthorities. 

(105)      lIirool:ings   Institiition,    op.    cit.,  -291,   r.nd  at   272  vhere   the 
authors   scrj: 

"Sinjervicioii  of   Code  Authorities.      It  jaay  "be  tr;:en  for  granted  that 
the  activities   of   code  authorities  have   to  "be   supervised.      Contention 
to   the   contrary  "blinks  all   the  relevant  facts,      ffiiat   they  acijninister   is 
a  "body  of  la\7.     Being   interested  parties   to   the  "bod;'-  of  the  law  i.7hich 
they  administer,    their   imoartiality  is   o"bviously  not   uholly  to  "be  relied 
on.      Their  po'"ers  are  "built  upon  the  disci-olinarjr  and  coercive  porrers   of  ■ 
governnent.      It   is   therefore   inconceivable  as   a  matter   of  riublic  policy 
that   they   shor2d  "be  given  full   authority  either  to   administer  the 
definitive   terns   of   codes   or   to   exercise   the  discretionary  legislative 
andjidicial  ;T0T7ers   contained  therein." 

(104)  292  U.    S.    495   (1935).      Tliis   decision  -'as  handed  doTO  Hay  27. 
Brookings   Institution,    otd.    cit.,   255: 

"It   is  adding  emphasis   to   the  pu"blic  character  of  their 
responsi"bilities«      This  was   illustrated  "by  the  removal   of  members   from 
the   cotton  garment   code  authority,   "because   they  rere  parties   to   a 
legal  action  r^gainst   the  government   to  prevent   the   executive  imposition 
of  an  amendraent  to   the  code.     However  appropriate  such  action,    a  "body 
of  persons  thus  limited  cannot  at   the  same  time  "be  in  any  real   sense 
representative   of   the  mem'bers   of  an  industry.      There  arise   tests  of 
loyalty  as  "between  o"bligations  as  a  ouasi-pu'blic  official   and  as   a 
representative  of  an  industrial  group," 

(105)  At  page  537. 

(106)  S-'-'pra,  XIII  discusses  what  standards  were  set  tip  "by  the 
Act,  and  their  adequacy. 

(107)  S-.vora,  III. 

(108)  r.vles  that  are  -orescri"bed  "by  a  higher  administrative  "body 
have  the  sa:.:3  force  as  law,  upon  a  subordinate  body.   Ex  rjarte  Eun.ji  Une. 
41  ?.  (2d)  239  (1930). 

(109)  An  excellent  but  soLiewhat  unusual  exam-ol;;  is  found  in 

the  Iron  and  Steel  Code  ho.  11,  "1I3A  Codes  of  Pair  ComDetition,"  I,  199, 
200,  Sched-nlG  E. 

(no)   Pivip  Lo.nuf.actixring  Industry,  aiD-oroved  code  Fo.  57,  ibid, 
679,  Articl?  IIU 

"Every  ora-oloyer  shall  use  an  accounting  system  '-'hich  conforms  to 
the  T)rincipl:s  of  and  is  at  as  detailed  and  co;.rp].ete  as  the 
uniform  nd  standard  method  of  accountin:'';  and  the  uniform  and  standard 
method  of  costing  to  be  formulated  or  approved  by  the  Supervisory  Agency, 
with  such  vcriations  therefrom  as  ma.y  be  reqtiired  by  the  individual 
conditions  affecting  any  employer  or  group  of  employers  and  as  may  be 



approved  "b:"  the  Surjervisory  Agency  and  made  supnlenents  to  said 
formulated  or  ?,-oproved  methods  of  accounting  and  costingj' 

Corset  c:ic.  Brassiere  Industry,  approved  code  ITo.  7,  "IISA  Codes  of 
Frir  Conpotition" ,  I,  75,  Article  IX.   See  also,  Oil  Burner  Industry. 
AT)proved  Code  ITo.  25,  ibid,,  I,  341-345.   Section  5  nhere  the 
Administratnr  retained  an  approval  ■oo"Ter,  vhich  v:as  t'a'^   most  common 

(111)  Lrrjidry  and  Dry  Cleaning  l.iachinery  Manufacturing  Industry, 
ar,-Droved  coc.o  I'o.  34,  Ihid,  I,  444,  Article  XII: 

"I'o  e:.n?.oyer  shall  rao-ke  rny  allorrance  for  aniparatus,  machinery, 
or  anpliancos  tc.::=.:n  in  trade  in  excess  of  the  a.Tnou-n.t  fixed  in  standard 
list  of  trr:.e-in  allowances  ap-oroved  from  time  to  time  hy  the 
supervisory  r,:,'oncy  and  filed  in  the  office  of  the  Secretary  of  the 
Laundry  anc  Dr;-  Gleaners  liachinery  Ilanufacturers'  Association." 

(112)  Cotton  Garment  Ind\istry,  fo-oroved  code  'Jo,    118,  ihid,  124, 
Article  VII,  2: 

"The  Ziiecutive  Authority  of  rnir   division  v\Pi'',    from  time  to  time, 
Y7ith  the  ap-oroval  of  the  Pa'oer  Industry  Authority,  change  in  respect 
of  all  or  any  of  the  products  of  such  division  the  -oeriod  of  time 
which  shall  elrpse  between  the  date  of  filing  and  the  effective  date 
of  any  such  schedule;  "orovided,  however,  that  svich  period  shall  not 
be  less  tha...  t-.:enty-f our  (24)  hours  or  more  than  five  (5)  days;  and 
provided  fui-t::er,  that  loending  the  holding  of  a  meeting  of  the  Paper 
Industrj^  Authority  the  chairman  thereof  mpy  grant  an  interim  approval 
of  such  action." 

(115)   Iron  and  Steel  Industry,  approved  code  "o.  11,  ibid,  I, 
Section  S: 

"The  Board  of  Directors  by  the  affirmative  vote  of  a  majority  of 
the  whole  Borrdaay  establish  maximum  rates  of  ciscount  and  maximum 
periods  of  free  credit,  other  thon  those  specified  in  Schedule  G-  of 
the  Code,  T-hicli  mry  be  alloved  by  an-'  member  of  the  Code  with  resnect 
to  the  sale  of  any  product  or  -oroducts  to  jobbers  for  resale  as 
permitted  b-  the  -provisions  of  Section  4  of  this  Sc/ odtile  i.   The 
Secretar3-  sl.all  notice  in  ^.-rriting  of  any  action  taken  by  the 
Board  of  BiL&ctors  in  accordrnce  "ith  the  -orovisions  of  this  Section  6 
to  each  -le'iber  of  the  Code  --^  ich  at  the  time  shall  be  engaged  in 
producing  the  hind  of  loroduct  in  the  srle  of  --hich  nny  such  other  rrtes 
or  periods  c.'.:.air.  have  been  established  by  such  action," 

(114)   Iron  end  Steel  Industry/,  an-oroved  Code  ho,  11,  ibid,  I,  189, 
Article  X,  S  ction  3: 



"It-ce-ot   ill  for  rrhich  liauidated  danic-ges   are  fixed  in  the   code 
and  in  ccsoa  -.'l-ich  slir.ll  give  rise   to  actions   in  tort    in  fe.vor  of   one 
or  more  }.ie?iDers  of  the  code  for^f^es  suffered  by  it   or  then,    the 
"board  of  directors   shall  have  -DOFrer  fron  time   to  tine   to   establish  the 
Emouiit   of  lictiidated  da,-nages  pajrahle  "oj  rnj^  member   of   the   code  upon  the 
commission     b;-  such  member  of  any  act   constitutin':  aii  iijifair  loractice 
under  the   c-iCe  and.  a  list   of   the  anouiits   so  fi::ed   shall  from  tiflie  to  time   be 
filed  "ith  t>.3   secretrry. 

(11")      I'or   e^zarrole   see  Wall  Par)er  Ilanufacturing  Industry,    a-n-oroved 
code  r.    IS,    iuic.,    I,   272,   Article  VII    (c). 

(115)      S-vora,   n.    (113) 

(117)   Cotton  Garment  Industry,  r.-Q-oroved  Code  "  o  118,  "llEA  Codes 
of  Fair  Con^tition" ,  III,  101,  Article' XII . 

(113)   :;illinery  and  Dress  Trinnin.'^,  Braid  and  Textile  Industry, 
approved  code  "_o.  69,  ibid,  II,  15d  Article  II,  (S)  (4). 

(lis)   Drosr,  Lantifact-un-'in::;  I:idustry,  a-Q-oroved  code  To.  64,  ibid, 

II,  32,  Article  VI  (i) : 

"Tne   Code  -i-uthority  shall  provide  r\il2s  and  re.;ulations  by  lyhich 
the   disti.-.ccr.on  betvreen   'higher-priced  garinents'   as  hereindefined,    rnd 
'lower-priced  garments   shall  be  determined.      In  so   doing,    the  Code 
Authorit;;-  shall  be  guided  by  the   ifnolesale  -orices  prevailing  on 
August  15,   1S33,    or  thereaboiits,   as   representing  the   intention  of 
the  franers   of  this   Code." 

(120)  d:iectrical  iipnuft.cturing  In6.ustry,    approved  code  Ho,   4, 
ibid,    I,   4S: 

"If   tde   supervisory  rgency  shrll   deternine   that   in  o.ny  branch  or 
subdivision   'f  the   electrical  nanufccturing  industry  not   nof  selling 
its  -orodiict    ^n   the  basis   of  -orice  lists  v/ith  or  \Tithotit   discount 
sheets  irith  fined  terns   of  paj-rnent   the  distribiition  or  marketing 
conditions   in   said  branch  or   subdivision  are   similrT   to   or   the   same 
as  the  d.istribution  or  marketing  conditions   in  a  brai^ch  or   subdivision 
of  the  industr:/  vjhere  the  use  of  -orice  lists  TJith  or  without  discount 
sheets   is  rell  recognized,    and  that   a  system  of  selling  on  net  price 
lists  or  -orice  lists  and  d_isco-unt   sheets   should  be  put   into   effect 
in  such  branch  or   subdivision,    each  mrnufa-ctiirer  of   the  -i^roduct   or 
products   of   such  branch  or   subdivision   shall  trithin   t- -enty   (20)    days 
after  notice   of   such  determination  file  'rrith  the  su-oervisory  agency 
net  price  lists  prprice  lists  and  discount    sheets,    as   the   supervisor^/ 
agency  nay  direct." 

(121)  C-er,r  lian-ofacturing  Industry,    a-D'oroved  code  ro.    117,    ibid, 

III,  74,   _-rticle  VII    (2)(j). 



(122)  TJc.ll  Pr.-oer  Manufacturing  Industrj'-,  c-nproveo.  code  ITo.  19, 
ibid,  I,  271-272,  iirticle  VI;  rind  Cemont  Industry'-,  aijoroved  code  llo.  128, 
ibid,  III,  0-1-5,  Article  XIII: 

"All  Portl'-'iid  Ceiaent  ~iri-':eted  by  me.abers  of  the  industry  shall 
comply  r.'ith  the  strndord  .s-oecif icctions  for  Portland  Cement  of  the 
American  Society  for  Testing  i.feterials,  and  the  American  Standards 
Associe-tion,  .and/or  the  Federal  Spscif ication  Board.  I.fembers  of  the 
industry  no.y  sell  cement  under  modified  Portland  Cenent  specifications 
that  are  designed  to  meet  special  or  unusual  conditions  not  adequately 
or  properly  covered  by  the  s-oecifications  hereinrbove  referi^ed  to, 
provided,  honever,  that  the  price  at  T7aich  such  modified  Portland 
Cements  are  sold  shall  be  filed  with  the  Code  Authority," 

(123)  71oor  and  ¥all  Clay  Tile  Manufacturing  Ind'astry,  approved 
code  ITo,  92,  ibid,  II,  454,  Article  X,  Section  A;  anc'  Underwear  and 
Allied  Products  Manufacturing  Indu.stry,  sp-oroved  code  i'o.  23,  ibid,  320, 
Part  V,  Section  2: 

"All  standards  already  formulated  in  coot)eration  -ith  the  Bureau 
of  Standards  of  the  United  States  Department  of  Corrierce  and  ap-oroved 
by  the  I:idT\5try  or  standards  '-rhich  shall  be  so  formlated  and 
aiDTDroved  shall  become  the  standards  for  the  Industry.  rJ.1   merchandise' 
raanufa.cttired  after  the  effective  date  shall  be  plainly  and  visibly 
marked  by  an  i:-delible  stam-o  or  firmly  sewn  label  'substandard',  where 
such  nerchar-"ise  cones  below  the  minirrom  standards.   Every 
manufacturer  shall  plainly  mark  with  an  indelible  stamp  or  firmly  sewn 
label  the  sizes  of  measurements  of  his  product  tliereon.  However,  any 
merchandise  nanufactured  -orior  tft  the  date  of  adoption  of  a  standard 
for  such  r.:srcha::dise  shall  not,  in  any  case,  be  classified  as 
'substandard'  nerchandise,  rnd  the  Secretary  shall  notify  all  Icnown 
interested  persons  in  the  Industry  of  each  new  standard  ador)ted  and 
the  effective  date  thereof." 

(124)  Cleaning  and  Dyeing  Trade,  A-oproved  Code  To..  101,  ibid, 
558,  Article  VI,  3(h): 

"To  establish  and  prescribe  fair  and  reasonable  minimum  wholesale 
and  retail  -prices  by  regions  and/or  local  areas,  for  the  several 
services  comprised  within  the  definition  of  cleaning  and  dyeing;  such 
minimum  wholesa.le  a-nd  retail  prices  to  be  sufficient  to  provide  for 
carrying  out  the  ;ourpose  of  the 'Act,  to-be  consistent  with  maintenance 
of  the  niniraL.i  standards  of  a^ia.lity  Torescribed  by  the  Code  Authority, 
to  enaJble  the  trade  to  maintain  the  payment  of  at  least  minimum  wa^es 
herein  established  and  other  wages  -oroperly  based  thereon,  the 
furnishing  of  stable  employment  necessary  to  ma-intain  the  trade,  and 
such  other  considerations  reasonably  pertinent  thereto. 

"Any  niniiirj-n  -orices  thus  esta-blished  nay  from  time  to  time  be 
increased  or  decreased  by  the  Code  Aiithority  according  to  changing 

."Immedic.tely.  after  any  such  Tjrices,  increases,  and/or  reductions 
have  "been  c:o-rro\-e6.  hy   the  Administrator,  the  Code  Authority  shall  take 
such  steps  as  are  reasonably  calculated. to  .notify  c.ll  raenhers  of  the 
trade  thereof.   Such  prices,  increases, 'and/or  reductions  shall  go  into 
effect  r-pon  such  date  or.  dates  as  the  Code  Authority  shall  fix." 

(125)   Panama  Refining  Co.  v.   Ryan.  293  U.  S.  388  (1935). 

(l?6)   Dr.  C.  T/.  Putnaiii  has  made  such  an  extended  analysis  which 
is  very  interesting  and  sugj^-estive.   It  has  served  the  nriter 
materially  in  the  preparation  of  this  problem. 

(127)"  Retail  Custom  Millinery  Trade,  Code  V.o,    SOD,  "IIRA  Codes  of 
Fair  Competition",  XXI,  502,  Article  V,  Section  2(1)). 

(128)  R-tail  Trade,  Code  ITo.  60,  ihld,  II,  40,  -Irticle  X, 
Section  (c). 

(129)  Pahricated  Metal  Products  L'anufacturing  and  Tetal 
Pinishin/;;  and  Lletal  Coating  Industry,  Code  Ho.  84,  ioid,  II,  336, 
Article  IV,  Soction  6. 

(150)   Cotton  Textile  Industry,  Code  Ko.  1,  ihid,  1,  16, 
Article  Y,  Section  (c). 

(131)   Supra  VIII. 

.  (132)   B.arher  Shop  Trade,  Code  I^o.  398,  "ITRA  Codes  of  Fair 
Competition",  IX,  343, Article  VI,  Section  8(e). 

(133)  Oiitdoor  Advertising  Trade,  Code  To.  304,  ihid,  VII,  280, 
Article  VI,  Section  14. 

(134)  Ax'.tomohile  Hot  Water  Heater  I.Ifg.  Industry,  ibid,  XII,  484, 
Article  TV,  .Section  15. 

(135)  Suora  XII  and  XIII.  ' 

(136)  Lr^foer  and  Timber  Products  Industry,  Code  Ho.  9,  "NRA  Codes 
of  Fair  Coupetition" ,  I,  119,  Article  III,  Section  (d). 

(137)  BarJ-ers,  Code  ITo.  47,  ibid,  I,  580,  Article  VII, 
Sections  4(c)  and  5, 

(138)  TTnolesale  Automotive  Trade,  Code  Ho.  163,  ibid,  IV,  193, 
Article  VII,  Section  F. 

(139)  Pawner  Distributing  Trade,  Code  Ho.  176,  ibid,  IV,  387, 
Article  X,  Section  14, 

(140)  Electrical  Manufacturing  Industry,  Code  Hn.  11,  ibid,  I,  49, 
Article  IX. 



(141)   r.estr-tirant  Industry,  Code  No.  202,  itid,  VI,  515,  Article  V, 
Section  5(d) . 

(142)'  Dress  Ilfg,  Industry,  Code  Uo.  64,  ibid  II,  90,  Article  IV, 
Section  11. 

(143)  :;.-n»s  Clotliin.5  Inc-ustry,  Code  Vo.   15,  itid,  I,  232, 
Article  IV. 

(144)  Dress  ufg.    Industry,  code  Fo.  64,  itid,  II,  88, 
Article  III,  S-ctions  1,  2  and  3. 

(145)  ^rr.a-.ine-  Industry,  Code  ^lo.  278,  ioid,  VI,  439,  Article  VII, 
Section  (2)  (e). 

(146)  Cotton  Garnent  Industry,  Cods  1-To.  9,  iliid,  III,  77, 
Article  IX,  Section  E. 

(147)  Solid  Fu.el  Industry,  code  ¥.o.   280,  Toid,  XV,  386, 
Article  IX,  Section  n. 

(148)  C-i\-phic  Arts  Industry,  code  ITo.  287,  ioid,  VII,  20, 
Article  I,  Section  5. 

(149)  Legal  i.Ieraorandur.i,  Eeviev  of  Code  Authority  Pov;er, 
November  27,  1953: 

"1  -  The  nei-iorandura  of  Novenber  22nd  to  the  Legal  Division 
was  directed  to  stopping  an  arbitrary  requirement  by  members  of  the 
Legal  Divisio:i  there  must  be  incorporated  in  every  code  a 
general  -oovjer  given  to  the  Adrainistrator  to  'revise  and  modify' 
actions  taheii  by  a  Code  Authority.   Tlie  effect  of  such  a  demand 
would  be  to  i::Gist  upon  final  authority  in  the  Ac^ministrator  to 
substitute  his  jxidginent  wherever  desired  for  that  of  the  Code 
Authority.   Tl:is  vould  impose  an  impossible  burden  on  the  Administrator 
and  at  the  sane  time  take  away  from  industry  the  fundamental  power  of 
self-government . 

"2  "  It  '.'as  not  intended  by  this  memorandujn,  on  the  other  hand, 
to  indicate  that  Code  Authorities  should  be  left  free  to  govern  an 
industry  without  regard  to  necessary  limitations  and  checks  to 
xirotect  private  and  public  interests,  which  the  government  must 

"3  -  Tor  r^r-iample,  a.ny  exercise  of  power  by  a  Code  Authority  in  the 
nature  of  -jric-  fixing,  even  in  the  determination  of  minimum  prices  to  cover 
costs  of  -oroouction,  must  be  subject  to  the  power  of  government  revision, 
or  else  there  Is  grave  danger  of  violating  a  primary  requirement  of  the 
law,  -miich  is  that  codes  shall  not  be  designed  to  promote  monopolies  or  to 
eliminate  or  oppress  small  enterprises  and  will  not  operate  to  discrimi- 
nate a-gainst  then  -  and  also  that  the  codes  shall  not  permit  monopolies 
or  monoTDOlistic  -oractices. 


"4  "   Therefore,  there  niust  Ve   exitliorit"/  reserved  in  the  representatives 
of  the  goverir.icnt  to  disapprove  of  any  actions  of  the  Code  Authority  v/hich 
might  violate  the  purposes  of  the  Recovery  Act," 

(150)  L3{^al  Ileinorandum,  To.  32  "by  B1pc'':'-"^11  Sr.ith,  Ton-Association 
Representatio.i  on  Code  Authorities,  Lay  24,  1934: 

"The  Act  does  not  ejrpressly  provide  for  Code  Authorities.   It  raay  he 
that  in  the  consideration  of  this  suhject,  Congress  contemplated  performance 
of  the  accjinistrctive  functions  of  industrsr  hy  trade  associations.   It  rras 
provided  that  trade  associations  must  he  truly  representative  of  their 
industries  in  order  to  ohtain  the  code  ap-olied  for,  and  in  Section  5(h)  it 
was  provided  that  a  trade  association  in  order  to  he  entitled  to  the  hene- 
fits  of  thT  act  should  meet  the  requirements  of  the  President  that  they  he 
truly  repr-:sontative.  Any  requireraente  along  this  line  o.s   to  a  trade 
association  sho-^dd  reasonable  he  aiDiolied  to  Cods  Authorities,  and  inasmuch 
as  the  contents  of  a   code  rrith  reference  to  a  Code  Authority  rest  nithin 
the  aajninistrative  discretion  of  KBA  ;7e  should  insist  on  high  standards 
of  true  representation  for  Code  Authorities  as  uell  as  for  associations. 
If  an  association  only  partially  covers  an  industry,  unless  the  -oortion 
uncovered  is  a  negligible  factor,  the  f'^re^oing  rationale  uouLd  seem  to 
req_uire  representation  on  the  Code  Authiority  of  the  non-trade  association 
members  of  the  industry.  This  is  p?-.rticularly  true  in  cases  vrhere  knorm 
conflicts  enist  between  trade  association  members  on  the  one  hand  and 
non-trade  association  members  on  the  other, 

"It  nay  also  be  that  representation  of  non-trade  association  members 
is  necessary  as  a  reasonable  insurance  against  discrimination  against  small 
enterprises,  inasmuch  as  those  vho   are  not  member?  of  the  trade  association 
are  likelj-  to  he  the  sm.aller  enterprises  in  the  industry, 

"Fnere  fi;idings  of  true  representation  and  of  no  inequitable  restric- 
tions of  th  s-oonsoring  group  raay  be  based  on  incomplete  or  unsatisfactory 
evidence,  cr.refnj.  insistence  upon  the  truly  re-oresentative  character  of 
the  Code  A.-atl..ority  may  go  far  to'.7ard  curing  this  nossible  defect." 

(151)  Consu:ners'  Advisory  Board  memorandum  ~oy   J.  Li.  Kadley,  G-ra-ohic 
Arts  Ind.ustries,  A-oril  3,  1935: 

"Code  Authority  Organization: 

"Coordinating  all  of  the  code  authorities  and  ac!ninistra.tive  agencies 
of  the  Code,  is  the  national  Arts  Coordinating  Committee  v/ith  very  limited 
powers  of  control, 

"Tne  ;orincipal  industry  (A^l)  under  Graphic  Arts  is  Commercial 
Relief  Prii-ti:.-.;^-,  for  which  the  United  Typothetae  of  America  is  designated 
in  the  Code  rs  the  national  Code  Atithority.  Local  agencies  have  no  direct 
responsibilit--  to  the  United  Tjnoothetae  of  America  as  National  Code  Author- 
ity; the  rep jrcussions  reaching  Washington  are  the  only  direct  evidence  to 
the  K.R.A,  of  tneir  activities.   The  United  Typothetae  of  America  is 
divided  into  17  zones  and  116  regions,  II.R.A". 's  contact  nith  them  is 
through  the  ITational  G-raphic  Arts  Coordinating  Committee,  the  national  Code 
Authority  for  Industry  A-1  (United  Typothntae  of  America),  thence  to  the 


Relief  Printiivj  Clonal  code  o.uthorities  and  finally  to  the  individual 
estatlishi.ieiits  in  such  manner,  forn  and  time  as  the  rogi^nal  mr.y  determine. 
It  is  little  v'onder  that  II. II, A.  cannot  "be   sure  hon  cn.refully  its  instruc- 
tions are  connuiiicated. 

"The  U:\'ited  T^roothetao  of  America  is  controlled  tjy  its  local  chapters, 
which  for  cof-exJ-nTjoses  they  have  or^^ani^ed  into  zona.l  and  regional  code 
authorities.   The  netional  has  little  po^^er  to  relcct  the  local  agencies; 
as  a  matter  of  fact,  the  17  zonos  appoint  the  29  national  directors,  nho, 
in  turn,  :lect  the  national  Adjninistrrtive  Gomnittse  of  7  members  througli 
which  the  t.ssociation  deals  '.-'ith  N.H.A,   Since  the  Code  actually  names  the 
United  Tj-pothetae  of  America  as  the  Code  Authority,  it  is  technically 
true  thc.t  al^  the  nem'bers  of  the  association  are  iiembars  of  the  Code 
A\ithority  -  a  i;::nican  array  consisting  entirely  of  generals. 

"The  result,  bitterly  opposed'by  this  Board  in  all  of  our  dealings,  is 
tha.t  no  o:v-  is  directly  responsible  to  II. R. A,,  and  no  matter  what  a 
de-Duty  may  rule,  they  ma'ce  their  own  laws  regardless  of  the  mandate  of 
the  code  i^'^.tder  ■..■>ich  they  opera.te." 

(152)   IZIA  Press  Release  Ho.  2251,  December  13,  1933: 

"As  ::-:preGsed  bj^  the  Administrator,  the  Administration  members  of 
Code  Authorities,  carefully  avoiding  the  fact  or  appearance  of  dictation 
or  coercion  will  function  a.s  co-T/orkers  in  an  undertaking  of  public  interest, 
concerned onl--  in  the  faithful  administretion  of  the  Codes, 

"Specifically,  their  chief  duties  may  be  summarirred  as  follows: 

"1.  Refer  with  recommendation  to  the  Administrator  through  the  divi- 
sion administrator  tho^e  matters  mentioned  in  the  oode  as  being  subject 
to  review  and/or  the^proval  of  the  Administra.tor. 

"2,  Rcconmend  to  the  division  administrator  such  other  matters  as  in 
his  judgment  are  important  to  the  welfare  of  the  indn.stry,  or  to  the  ptiblic 
interest,  or  to  the  cons-umers  or  employees  affected  by  the  provisions  of 
the  code, 

"3.   TL.ough  the  code  authority  secure  complete  assent  to  and  compliance 
with  all  provisions  of  the  code  by  each  unit  of  the  industry. 

"4,  Assist  the  code  au.thority  in  conn'^ction  with;  the  preparation 
of  recorni-i-ndations  for  necessary  interpreta.tions,  mo6-if ications,  a.nd 
additions  o:r  the  code.   Consult  with  the  division  aiiinistrator  in  refer- 
ence thereto. 

"'5,  Uarn  and  guard  against  threa^tened  deviations  from  the  code  or 
non-observance  of  its  terms  or  action  contrary  to  tho  principle  of  II.I.R.A. 

"6.   Constantly  scrutinize  the  operation  of  the  code  and  see  that  it 
does  not  peruit  or  Tjromote  monopolies  nor  tend  to  eliminate  or  oppress 
small  ente^^-^rises. 


"7.  Advise  rith  the  code  authority  in  seeing  thrt  its  affairs  are 
handled  in  a  cooToerative  and  fair  manner  with  respect  to  all  -units  under 
the  code,  v.c'r.iiiQ   store  that  the provis ions  cf  the  co6.e  rre  strictly  o.dhered 
to  with  an  eouitahle  and  fair  settle^ient  of  all  raatters  covered  by  the 
code  TDertainins  to  the  interests  of  the  general  public,  consumers,  or 

"8,  Assure  himself  and  the  division  adninistrator  that  the 
industrial  nemhers  of  the  code  2.uthority  are  truly  re^oresentative  of  the 
entire  iiidustry  and  elected  by  a  method  folr  end  equitable  to- all 

(153)  Ibid, 

(154)  Sroolrin^s   Institution,    op,    cit,,   272,    et    seq. 



(1)  Corwin,  TTTili:?ht  of  the  Supreme  Court,  (Yale  University  Press, 
1934),  184: 

Professor  Corwin  suggests  that  the  back-to-the-Constitution  move- 
ment may  not  be  so  concerned  with  any  meaning  of  the  constitution  other 
than  "certain  doctrines,  also  sanctioned  by  the  Court  at  times,  which 
were  conceived  with  the  idea  in  mind  of  putting  the  future  in  cold  stor- 
age . " 

(2)  Laski,  "Book  Review",  45  Harvard  Law  Review,  754.  756  (1932): 

"Parliament  has  been  led  to  experiment  with'  departmental  jurisdic- 
tion because  judicial  review  of  social  policy  has  been  reactionary  in 
temper  and  clumsy  in  execution.   It  has  failed 'to  appreciate  the  ele- 
ment of  policy  which  is  involved  in  finding  the  facts  wherever  quasi- 
judicial  problems  emerge.   Until  the  courts  are  willing  to  look  upon 
these  issues  with  something  of  the  temper  which  Mr.  Justice  Brandeis  has 
brought  to  their  examination,  they  are  not  likely  to  add  to  the  respect 
in  which  it  is  desirable  they  should  be  held." 

(3)  U.  5.  V.  E.  C.  Knight  Co. >  156  U.  S.  1  (1894) 
.  (4)   288  U.  S.  344  (1935) 

(5)  295  U.  S.  495  (1935) 

(6)  293  U.  S.  388  (1935) 

(7)  295  U.  S.  602  (1935) 

Corwin,  op.cit.,  130.  'Speaking  of  the  then  pending  Humphrey ' s  Case, 
Professor  Corwin  suggests  this  decision  would  be  of  extreme  significance 
in  the  decision  in  this  case,  and  indicate  whether  the  court  intended 
to  clamp  down  executive  power.   Apparently  that  was  the  intention  of  the 
Court,  and  so  we  can  assume  they  do  have  some  significance  in  the  de- 
cision in  the  Schechter  Case. 



(1)  Quoted  in  Co'-nission  of  Inquiry  on  Public  Service  Personnel, 
Better  C-overnr.ent  Personrael  (:'e\7  York,  1935),  54, 

(2)  iTDid,  15: 

"The  success  or  fo.ilure  of  ths-t  govermient,  an.d  the  kind  of  service 
which  it  renders,  rill  rest  in  the  last  anal3^sis  upon  the  capacity  and 
character  of  the  men  and  rromen  '^Tho  constitute  it.   T7e  must  therefore 
maintain  a  govermaental  systen  under  which  the  governnent  attracts  to  the 
public  service  its  full  share  of  the  capacity  and  character  of  the  man 
po\7er  of  the  nation.   This  vre  do  not  accomplish  in  the  United  States 
under  existing  conditions." 

Again  at  page  54  the  Report  sttites: 

"Governmental  reform  in  the  United  States  has  directed  its  attention 
prinaril3'-  to  the  structure  of  the  governnent.  This  attitude  arose  natvir- 
ally   because  of  our  great  faith  in  v/ritten  constitu-tions,  " 

(3)  Ibid,  67: 

"In  an  emergency,  men  must  be  c^a-a-fted  for  \7ork  rapidly  ajid  in  large 
numbers.   During  the  process  of  organization,  men  v/ho  cr,n  organize  and 
drive  aheo»d,  who  can  mrJ:e  decisions  and  develop  policy,  are  needed  sud- 
denly and  in  large  numbers.   The  Com-iission  is  convinced  it  would  have 
been  utterly  impossible  to  meet  this  need  without  permitting  the  greatest 
possible  freedon  for  which  the  present  powers  of  the  Civil  Service  Com- 
mission are  inadequa-te,  " 

(4)  Dickinson,  Administrative  Justice  and  the  Suprenac-  of  Law  in 
the  United  States.   (Harvard  University  Press,  1927),  341: 

"TiJliat  he  really  needs  to  see,  beyond  the  range  of  the  particulars 
with  which  he  has  to  deal,  are  not  such  phantom  abstractions  but  rather 
a  wealth  of  other  particu-lar  facts,  eqxially  concrete,  historical  facts, 
economic  facts,  social  facts,  psychological  facts,  —  stretching  awas'' 
to  the  boundaries  of  Iniowledge  before  the  realm  of  ultimates  begins 
ever  to  be  reached, " 

See  also  Ibid.  Xll,  333-358,  The  Supremacy  of  the  Law  and  the  Prob- 
lem of  Legal  Education, 

(5)  Commission  of  Inquiry  on  Public  Service  personnel,  op,  cit,, 
44,   Spea'iing  of  the  t;-pe  of  examination  to  be  given  the  Report  says: 

"The  exam imr-t ion  should  determine  primarily  what  the  candidates  are, 
not  -what  they  know  about  the  ^'ork  for  ^rhich  they  are  to  be  trained  in  the 
future, " 

(6)  il,  R,  A,  did  set  up  a  training  school.   Its  curriculum  v/as  not 
as  full  or  systematic  as  the  scheme  the  writer  has  in  mind. 



(7)   Uillis,  Farliaiientary  Povers  of  Bnp-clish  Cjoverrjient  DeTpartraents^ 
(Harvard  University  press,  1932),  35-S6,  : 

(7a)   Committee  on  I'inisters'  oovrers  Re-oort  (  4060,  presented  "by 
the  Lord  Chancellor  to  parlianent  in  April,  1932)  76-80,  98-98,  108-109 

The  Conuittee  lists  certain  safeguards.   It  savs  that  jurisdiction 
should  oe  in  the  High  Court  of  Justice  to  revieij,  and  to  quash  the  pro- 
ceedings on  the  ground  that  a  Minister  or  Hinisterial  Tribunal  had  ex- 
ceeded statutory  powers  and  acted  uitnoiit  jurisdiction.   It  is  essential 
that  the  three  principles  of  natural  justice  listed  should  Tse  o'bserved 
ty  the  :;inister  or  I'inisterial  Trihuiial,  and  the  fourth  principle  should 
he  ooserved  er.cept  in  ey.ce-otional  cases  where  puhlication  would  he  against 
the  puhlic  interest.   A  right  of  appeal  to  the  High  Court  of  Justice  upon  , 
any  question  of  law  sho-'oJ.d  he  available.   Throu:hout  the  listing  of  these 
safeg-aards  the  Corir:ittee  insists  that  sinple  procedure  should  prevail. 

The  principles  are:  , 

1.  A  man  may  not  he  a  judge  in  his  own  cause; 

2.  As  to  quasi- judicial  proceedings  "no  party  ought  to  he 
cond.enned  unhean'-c.;  .and  if  his  right  to  he  heard  is  to 
he  a  reality,  he  must  know  in  good  tine  the  case  which 
he  has  to  meet;  " 

3.  A  part"-  is  entitled  to  know  the  reason  for  the  decision; 

4.  Tihere    the  statLite  requires  a  puhlic  inquiry  the  inspec- 
tors' re:)ort3  should  he  available  to  the  parties  heard. 

The  Connittee  felt  that  appeals  upon  questions  of  fact  are  highly 
\mdesirahle,  though  it  suggests  an  appeals  tribunal  for  this  purpose, 

(S)   Johnson,  The  31uo  Eagle  from  Egg  to  Sarth,  (Saturday  Evening 
post,  Pehruary  9,  1S35) ,  84; 

"In  the  A'oril  open  forum  I  pointed  out  fau.lts  or  indicated  inprove- 
ments  in  ISA,  viz.: 

"10,  Adequate  labor  and.  conswier  representation  in  an  advisory 
capacity, " 

"11,   UniforKity  of  governnental  representation  on  Code  Authorities." 
*  m  « 

"In  ad.dition  to  this,  as  I  see  my   principal  blunders,  they  were; 

"S,   The  31iie  Eagle  should  never  have  been  withdrawn  in  cases  where 
the  Deparfcient  of  Justice  foxuid  no  sufficient  grounds  for  prosecution." 

"14,   A  full-tine  and  aggressive  G-overniient  menber,  with  an  assist- 
ant each  for  Labor  and  Cons-uraers,  should  have  been  appointed  to  each  Code 
A^lthority  the  moment  the  Cod.e  w?,s  approved,  and  he  should  have  vigorously'' 
pressed  its  organization  and  administration  in  strict  accordjance  with 
ilSA  policy, " 


(9)  U.  S,  Lan  ?eek,  March  12,  1935,  1 

The  article  quotes  Richherg  as  "suggest ing  to  Senate  S'inance  Com- 

1,  Linit  codification  to  interstate  industries  and  those  so  suV 
stantially  affecting  it  that  must  he  req_ulated  to  protect  interstate 

2.  I.iore  clear  definition  or  policy  and  e:olicit  authorization  of 
administrative  activity. 

5,  president  should  he  required  to  raaice  findings  that  the  stand- 
ards of  Congress  have  heen  met» 

4,  proponents  should  he  able  to  ijithdran  fron  codes  so  modified  as 
to  he  unacceptahle, 

5.  and  S,  dealt  'rith  insignia  and  -laiTs, 

(10)  Su.pra,  IX    .  '  . 

(11)  Supra,  I,  n.2. 




284  U.S.  370  (19S2) 

274  U.S.  37  (1927) 

Adair  v.  U.S.,  208  U.S.  161  (l908) 

Allgeyer  v.  Louisiana,  169  U.S.  978,  (1897) 

American  Can  Co.  v.  Ladoga- Canning  Co.,  44  F.  (2d)  763'(C.C.A.  7th  1930) 

American  Foundries  v.  ?ri-City  Council,  257U.S.  184  (l92l) 

American  School  of  Magnetic  Healing  v.  McAnulty,  187  U.S.  94  (1902) 

American  Stores  Co.  v.  U.S.,  58  Trers.  Dec.  643  (l9S0) 

Angelus  v.  Sullivan,  246  Fed.  54  (l917) 

Appalachian  Coals  v.  U*S.,  -288  U.S.  344  (l933) 

Arizona  Grocery  Co  v.  Atchison  Topeka  &  Santa  Fe  Ry. 

Auffmordt  v,  Heddin,  137  U.S.  310  (l890) 

Avent  V.  U.S.,  266  U,S,  127  (1924) 

Bacon  v.  Illinois,  227  U.S.  439  (l915)      •  • 

Baldwin  v.  Missouri,  281  U.S.,  586,  595  (1930) 

Barbier  v.  Connolly,  113  U.S.  27 

Bartlett  v.  Kane,  16  How.  26g  (1853) 

Bates  &  Guild  Co.  .v..  Payne,  194  U.S.  106  (1904) 

Barlow  h.  U.S.  7  Pet.  404  (l833)  (1885) 

Bedford  Cut  Stono  Co.  v.  Stone  Cutters  Association, 

Berizz  Co.  v.  Zransz,  146  !T.E.  436  (N.Y.  1935) 

Bi  Metallic  Investment  Co.  v.  State  Board  of  Equalization, 

239  U.S.  441  (1915)  "   ■■  . 

Bingham  v.  Miller,  17  Ohio  Rcoi  4-^^5  (l848) 
Blslce  V.  U.S.,  103  U.S,  227  (l88l) 
Block  V.  ::irsh,  256  U.S.  135  (l92l) 

Blumenstock  Bros.  v.  Cul'tis  Puhlishing  Co.,  252  U.S.  436  (l920) 
Board  6S   Ldmcation  v.  Rice,  A.C.  179  (House  of  Lords  1911) 
Board  of  Trade  v.  Olsen,  262  U.S.  1  (1923)      '    '  ' 
Boitano  v.  District  Board,  Northern  District  Ko.  3,  Saciramento,  Calif. 

250  F.  812,  (1918) 
Bradley  v.  City  of  Richmond,  2.:7  U.S.  477  (1913) 
Bratton  v.  Chandler,  260  U.S.  110  (1922) 
Brevaxd  Tannin  Co.  v,  Mosser,  288  Fed.  (C.C.A.  4th, 
Broland  v.  U.S.,  236  U.S.  21-6  -(1915) 
Brooks  v.  U.S.  -.^S?  (  1925) 

Brougham  v.  Blanton  Wg,,    249  U.S.  495  (l919) 
Broune  v.  Zushi-ick,  45  F.  (2d)  931  ( C.C.A.  Stl 
Broun  v.  Epps,  27  L.R.A.  676  (Va.  1895) 
Brown  v.  Varyland,  12  T*"heat,  419  (l827) 
Budd  V.  New  York,  143  U.S.  517  (l392)  -  -  :     '     ' 
Bunji  Une,  Ex  Parte,  41  F.  (2d)  239  (S.D.  Cal.  1930) 
Burke  V.  So.  Pacific  E.R.  Co.,  234  U.S i  669  (l914) 
Buxfenning  v.  Chi,,  St.  Paul,  etc.  R.  Co.,  163  U.S.  319  (l095) 
Buttfield  V.  Stranahan,  192  U.S.  470  (1904) 
Butterworth  v.  Hoe,  112  U.S.  50  (l384) 
Cochnower  v.  U.S.,  243  U.S.  407  (l919) 
Caldcr  v.  Bull,  3  Dall.  386  (l798) 
Caminetti  v.  U.S.,  242  U.S.  470  (1917) 
The  Cargo  of  Brig  Aurora,  7  Cranch  382  (iSls) 
Carson  v.  McLeod,  148  S.E.  584  (Ga.  1929) 
Carey  v.  Curtis,  3  How.  236  (l845) 




Chamber  of  Commerce  of  Llinn.  v.  Federal  Trade  Commission,  280 

Fed.  45  (CCA.  8tli  1922) 
Champlin  Eefiniriti'  Co.  v.  Corporation  Commission  of  Oklahoma, 

285  U.S.  210  (1932) 
Chajq^iion  v.  Ames,  188  U.S.  321  (l903) 

Charles  A.  Ramsay  Co.  v.  Associated  Bill  Posters,  260  U.S.  501  (l923) 
Charlotte,  Colunbia  &  Augusta  R.K.  Co.  v.  Gitbes,  142  U.S.  386  (1892) 
Chicago  Federation  of  Labor  v.  Federal  Radio  Commission,  41  F.  (2d) 

422  (1930) 
Cliicago  Junction  Case,  '264  U.S.  258  (1924) 

Chicago  Jaiwaiiteee  &  St.  Paul  Ey.  v.  Minnesota,  134  U.S.  418  (l890) 
Chicago  R.I.  &  P.  Ry.  Co.  v.  State  Highway  Commission  of  ^!issouri, 

17  S.!'"'.  (2d)  535  (Mo.  1929) 
Childs  V.  State,  113  Pac.  545  (Okla.  1910) 
Chinese  Exclusion  Case,  130  U.S.  581  (1889) 
Chin  Yow  V.  U.S.,  208  U.S.  8  (1908) 
Cincinnati,  Wilmington  R.R.  v.  Commissioners,  of  Clinton  County, 

1  Ohio  State  77  (1852) 
Clark  Distilling  Co.  v.  Western' Maryland  R.R.Co. ,  242  U.S.  311  (l917) 
Coe  V.  Errol,  116  U.S.  517  (l886) 
Cold  Storage  Co.  v.  Chicago,  211  U.S.  306  (1908) 
Columbus  Light  Co.  v,  Columbus,  249  U.S.  399  (1919)  .   , 
Columbus  Milk  Producers  Ass'n  v.  Wallace  D.C,  IT.D. ,  111.  (1934) 

7303  Com.  Clearing  House,  Federal  Trade  Regulation  Service  Yo,  11a 
Colyer  v.  Skeffington,  265  Fed.  17  (D.C.  Mass.  1920) 
Commonwealth  v.  Ileff,  114  Atl.  267  (  Va.  1921 ) 
Cooley  V.  Board  6f  Wardens  of  Philadelphia,  12  How.  299  (l85l) 
Cooper  V.  Telfair,  4  Dall.  14  (l800) 
Coppage  V.  Kansas,  236  U.S.  1  (1915) 
Coronado.  Coal  Co.  v.  U.M.W.A.  268  U.S.  295  (l925) 
Caurier  -JoumpJ.  Co.  v.  Federal  Radio  Commission,  46F  (2d)  614 

(Ct.  of  App.  D.C  1931) 
Crane  v.  Nichols,  1  F.  (2d)  33  (l924) 
Crenshaw  v.  U.S.,  134  U.S.  99  (1889) 
Crowell  V.  Benson,  285  U.S.  22  (1932) 

Dahnke,  Wallcer  Milling  Co.  v.  Bondunant,  257  U.S.  282  (l92l) 
Davidson  v.  Federal  Radio  Commission,  61  F.  (2d)  40,1  (1932) 
Dayton-Goose  Creek  Railway  v.  United  States,  263  U.S.  456  (1924) 
Debs,  In  Re,  158  U.S.  564  (l895) 
Decatur  v.  Paulding,  14  Pet.  497  (l840) 
De  Forest  v.  Lawrence,  13  How.  274' (1851 ) 
Dimes  v.  Grand  ^Tunction  Canal,  3  H.L.C.  759  (l852) 
Donlaw  v.  Carr,  125  U.S.  518  (l887) 
Douglas  V.  Wallace,  8P.  Sup-o.  379  (H.D.  Okla.  1954) 
Dred  Scott  v.  Sanford,  19  How.  393  (1857) 
Dugan  V.  U.S.,  34  Ct.  CI.  458  (1899) 
Dunlap  V.  Black,  128  U.S.  40  (l888) 

Edgewater  Dairy  Co.  v.  Wallace,  7  F. ' Supp.  121  (F.D.  111.  1934) 
Eisner  v.  Macomber,  252  U.S.  189  (l920)^^ 
Eliason  v.  Coleman,  8.6  N.C.  235  (l882) 

Ellis  V.  Interstate  .Coiomercc  Commission,  237  U.S.  434  (l915) 
Employees  Insurance  Corporation  v.  Industrial  Accidqnt, 

151  Pac.  423  (Cal.  1915) 


Erie  R.R.  v.  City  of  paterson,  76  Atl.  1065  (N.J.  1910) 

Evans  v.  Gore,  253  U.S.  245  (l920) 

FariBers'  Elevator  Co.  v.  Chicago  R.I.  &   Pacific  Ry.  Co., 

107  H.E.  841  (  111.  1915) 
Eedcral  Baseball  Club  v.  Baltimore  International  League, 

259  UoS.  200  (19S1) 

Federal  Ra.dio  Commission  v.  -Nelson  Bros. ,  289  U.S.  266  (1933) 
Pcderal  Trade  Commission  v.  Ala-oma  Lumber  Co.,  291  U.S.  67  (l934) 
Federal  Trade  Commission  v.  Jbiierican  Tobacco  Co.,  264  U.S.  298  (l924) 
Federal  Trr/Ie  Commission  v.  Baltimore  Paint  Color  Works,  41  F  (2a) 

474  (] 330 ) 
Federal  Trf-de  Commission  v.  Beech--iut  Packing  Co.,  257  U.S.  441  (1922) 
Federal  Trr ie  Commission  v.  Claire  Furnace  Co.,  274  U.S.  160  (1927) 
Federal  Corniiiissi  on  v.  Curtis  Publishing  Co.,  260  U.S.  568  (l923) 
Federal  Trade  Commission  v.  Goodgrape  Co.,  45  F.  (2d)  70  (C.C.A.  6th  1950) 
Federal  Trade  Commission  v.  C-ratz,  253  U.S.  421  (l920)  v 

Federal  Trade  Commission  v.  Hammond  Snyder  &  Co.,  267  U.S.  586  (1925'^ 
Federal  Trade  Commission  v.  Kennel,  291  U.S.  504  (l934) 
Federal  Trade  Commission  v.  Klessner,  280  U.S.  19  (l929) 
Federal  Trade  Commission  v,  !viayno.rd  Coal  Co.,  22  F  (2d)  873  (Ct.  App. 

D.C.  1927) 
Federal  Trade  Coianission  v.  Miller's  Nationa.l  Federation,  '23  F.  (2d) 

968  (ct.  Ap-;.  D.C.  1927) 
Federal  Trade  Commission  v.  Pacific  Coast  Paper  Association, 

273  U.S.  52  (1927) 
Federal  Trade  Commission  v.  P.oyal  billing  Co.,  288  U.S.  212  (l933) 
Federal  Trade  Commission  v.  Sinclair  Refining  Co.,  261  U.S.  463  (l923) 
Federal  Trade  Commission  v.  Smith,  34  F.  (2d)  323  (S.D.N.Y.  1929) 
Federal  Trade  Commission  v.  7/estern  Meat  Co.,  272  U.S.  554  (1926) 
Federal  Trade  Commission  v.  Baltimore  Paint  &  Color  Works,  41  F.  (2d) 

474  (C.C.A.  4th,  1930) 
Federal  Trade  Commission  v.  Stand3.rd  Education  Society,  14  F.  (2d) 

947  (C.C.A. •7th  1926) 
Fergus  v.  Russell,  110  N.E.  130  (ill.  1915) 
Field  V.  Clark,  143  UiS.  649  (,1892) 
First -National  Bank  of  Bay  City  v.  Fellows  ex  rel  Union  Trust  Co., 

244  U.S.  416  (1917) 
Florida  &  East  Coast  R.R.  Co.  v.  U.S.,  234  U.S.  167  (1913) 
Fox  v.  Mohawk  &  H.R.'  Eumane  Society  165  N.Y.  517  (l90l) 
Fox  River  Butter  Co.  v.  U.S.,  Treasury  Decisions  44667;  20  C.C.P.A. 

38;  certiorari  denied  287  U.S.  628  (l933) 
French  v.  Iryan,  93  U.S.  169  (l876) 

Frischer  &  Co.  v.  Balcelite  Cor^^.,  39  F.  (2d)  247  (Ct.  Cust.&  Pat.  1930) 
Frischer  &  Co.,  Inc.  v,  Elting,  .50  F.  (2d)  711  (1932) 
Gage  V.  Censors  of  II. H.  Eclectic  Medical  Society,  63  N.H.  92  (1884) 
Garfield  v.  U.S.  ex  rel  Spalding,  ?>^   A^?p.  D.C.  153  (l908) 
Gegiow  V.  Uhl,  239  U.S.  3  (l915) 
General  Broa,dcasting  System  v.  Federal  Radio  Commission,  47  F.  (2d) 

426  (1931) 
General  Investment  Co  v.  Lake  Shore  &  Michigan  S,R.  Co., 

260  U.S.  261  (1922) 


Georgia  Railway  and  Power  Co.  v.  Commission,  262  U.S.  625  (l923) 

Gibbons  v.  Ogden,  9  ¥hcat.  1  (1824) 

Gillespie  v.  Oklahoma,  257  U.S.  50  (l922) 

Goldsmith  v.  U.S.  Board  of  Tax  Appeals,  270  U.S.  117  (l926) 

Gonzales  V.  Zuxbrick,  43  F.  (2d)  934  (  C.C.A.  6th  1930) 

Great  Lakes  Broadcasting  Co.  v.  Federal  Radio  Company,  37  F.  (2d)  993 

(1930);'  Certiorari  denied,  281  U.S.  706  (  1950) 
Groenvelt  V.  Burwell,  et  al,  Censors  of  the  College  of  Physicians, 

1  L.D;  Raymond  454  (l69l) 
Hagar  v.  Reclamation  District,  111.  U.S.  701  (l884) 
Haven  v.  Foster,  '19  .Am.  Dec  353  (Mass  1829) 
Heath  v.  Wallace,  138  U.'S.  573  (1891 ) 
Hegcman  Farmers  Corp.  v.  Baldwin,  293  U.S.  163  (l934) 
Hale  v.-Henkel,  201  U.S.- 43  (1906) 
Hamilton  v.  Dillin, .21  Wall.  73  (l875) 
Hammer  v.  Dagenhart,  247  U.S.  251  (l918)  ' 
Hamptin  v.  U.S.  276  U.5.  394  (  1928) 
Hanson  v.  Haff,  291  U.S..  559  (l934) 
.  Harriman  v.  Interstate  Commerce  Commission,  211  U.S.  407  (l908) 
The  Head  ^Wey  Cases,  112  U.S.  580  (l884) 
Heiner  v.  Donnan,  285  U.S.  312  (1932) 
Heisler  v.  Thoma.s  Colli  eny  Co.,  2GC  U»S.  245  (1922) 
Hendrick  V.  State  of  Maryland,  235  U.S.  610  (1915) 
Hennen  ex  parte,  13  Pet,. 250  (l859) 

Highland  V.  Russell. Car  &  Snow  Plow  Co.,  279  U,s.  255  (l929) 
'Hill  V.  Dafger,  8  F.  Sup-o.  189  (D.O.S.D.  Cal.  1934) 
Hill  V.  Wallace,  259  U.S.-  44  (l922) 
Hoke  V.  U.S.,  227  U.S.  508  (1915) 

Honolulu  Rapid  Transit  Co.  v.  Hawaii,  211  U.S.  282  (1908) 
Houck  V.  Little  River  Drainage  District,  259  U.S.  254  (l915) 
Huling  V. 'Ehrich,  55  N.E.  656  (  111.  1899)  .  . 
Humphreys  Executor  v.  U.S.  295  U.S.  502  (1955) 
Hurst  &  Son  v.  Federal  Trade  Commission,  263  Fed.  874  (l920) 
Illinois  Central  R.R.  v.  Behrens,  255  U.S.  475  (1914) 
Illinois  Central  R.R.  v.  McKcndrec,  205  U.S.  514- (l906) 
Indian  Territory  Illuminatinc  Oil' Co.  v'.   Oklahoma  240  U.S.  522  (1916) 
Institute  of  Patent  Agents  v.  Lockwood,  A.C.  547. (House  of  Lords)  1894 
Intermountain  Rate  Cases,  254  U.S.  476  (l914) 
International  Organization  of  United  Mine  Workers  of  America  v.'  Red 

Jacket  Consolidated  Coal  and  Coke  Co.,  18  F.  (2d)  839  (C.C.A. 

4th  1927) 
International 'Ey.  Co.  v.  Davidson,  257  U.S.  506  (l922) 

International  Shoe  Co.  v.  Federal  Trade  Commission,  280  U.S.  291  (l930) 
Interstate  Commerce  Commission  v,  Brimson,  154  U.S.  447  (1894) 
Interstate  Commerce  Commission  v.  Goodrich  Transit  Co.,  244  U.S.  194 

Interstate  Commerce  Comraission  v.  Alabama  Midland. R.  Co.,  168  U.S. 

144  (1897)       .  , 
Interstate  Commerce  Commission  b.  Humbolt  S.S.  Co.,  224  U.S.  474  (l912)  Commerce  Commission  v,  Illinois  Central  R.R,,  215  U.S.  452 

Interstate  Commerce  Commission  v.  Delaware  L.  and  17. R.  Co.,  220  U.S. 

235  (1911) 


-  349  - 

Interstate   Commerce  ContTiission  v.   Delaw.ire  L.    nnd  W.   H.    Co.,    220  U.   S. 

235   (1911) 
Interstate  CoiTTTierce   Connic^ion  v.  Union  Pacific  H.H.    Co.,    222  U.    S. 

541    (1912) 
Intel-state  Cominerce  Coin.nission  v.   Louisville  &  Nashville  R.,    227  U,    s. 

S8      (1913) 
Jccolison  V.   iJasGachusetts,    197  U.    S.    11    (l905) 

Joixii  Bene  &  Sons,    Inc.    v.   Federal  Traie  Coinnission,    299  Fed.   468   (l924) 
Johiison  Ceraetery  Association  v.   Parker,    IS  r.Y.    Supp.,  1015  (1397) 
Johnson  v.   Towsley,    13  'Jail   72   (1871) 
Jo-urnal   Co.   v.   Federal  Hadio   Commission,    43   (2d)    461   (Ct.   of  App. 

Dl   C.    1931) 
Kane  v.    State  of  New  Jersey,    242  U.    3.    160   (l916) 
Kansas  Association  v.   Wiiaer,    23  Pac.,1061   (KaJisas   1890) 
Kaiisas  City  Southarn  ?.y.    Co.    v.   Rono.  Improvement  District,    255  U.    S. 

558   (1921) 
Keller  v.   PTtomac  Elec.  Power   Co.,    231  U.    S.   428   (l923) 
Keller  v.  U.    S.,    213  U.   S.    153  .(1909) 
Kelley  v.  Hioads,    i88  U.   S.    1   (1902) 
Keim  v.  U.    S.177  U.    S.    290   ( 1900) 
Packet  Co.   v.   Keolaik,    95  U.    S,    80   (1877) 
Kendall  v.  U.    S.    ex  rel   Stokes,    12  Pet.   52   (1838) 
Kidd  v.   Pearson,    128  U.S.    1   (1883) 
Kilboiirne  v.   Thompson,    103  U.    3.    168   (1880) 

The  King  v.   Minister   of  Health,   Ez  parte   Yaffe,    2  K.   B.    98   (l930) 
Knight  V.   United. Land  Assn.,    142  U.    3.    151   (l89l) 
Kn'j-xville   v.   Knoxville  Water  Co.,    212  U.S.   1    (1909) 

KoDi   Co.   V.   Federal  Trade   Coir^nission,    23'F.    (2d)    41   (CC.A.    (2d)    1927) 
Kolick,   Sx  parte,    165  U.    3.    525   (1897) 
Kuntz  V.    Sumption,    19  N.   S.   474   (ind.    1388) 
Kwock  Jan  Fat  v.   Tnite,    253  U.    S.   454   (1920) 
Laiider  V.  Mercantile  Bank,    186  U.    S.   458   (l902) 
Lawton  v.    Steele, 'l52-U.    S .    133   (lS94) 
Leach  v.   Carlile,  ,258     U.S.    138   (1922) 
Leimlce  v.   Farner's  Grain  Co.,    258  U.    S.    50   (1922) 

Local  Government   Board  v.   Arlidge,   A.   C.    120    (House   of  Lords,    1915) 
Little  V.   Barreme,    2  Cr.    170   (l804) 
Loan  Assn.   v.   Topeka,    20  Wall.   655   (1875) 
Local  No.    1S7  v.  U.    S.,    291  U.    S.   293   (l934) 
Londoner  v.   Denver,    210  U.    S.    373   (l908) 
Loewe  v.   Lawler,    208  U.    3.    274   (l908) 
Louisiana  V.   McAdoo,    234  U.    S.    627   (1914)      • 
Louisville  &  N.   R.    Co.   v.   Gn.rrett,    231  U.    S.    298   (1913) 
Lucas  V.  Reed,    281  U.    3.   699   (193-;^) 
Luther  v.   Borden,    7  How.    1   (l8i-9) 
Luther  v.   Sagor,    3  K.   B.   532   (l92l) 
Manufacturers  R.   Co.   v.  U.    S.    246  U.    S.   457   (l918) 
Mahler  v.  Etay,    264  U.    3.   32   (l924) 
Maillaxd  v.   Lawrence,    15  How.    251   (1353) 
Maa-bury  v.  Madison,    1   Cranch  137   (1803) 

Marcus  Brovm  Holding  Co.   v.   Feldman,    256  U.    S.    170    (l92l) 
Marouez  v.   Fristie,    101  U.    S.  473   (1879) 

Marquette  University  v.   Federal  Radio   Commission,    47  F.    (2d)    406    (l93l) 
Majmard  v.   Hill,    125  U.    S.    190    (l387) 
Merchants  Exchange  v.  Missouri,    248  U.    S.    305    (1919) 
Michigan  Central  R.R.   v.  Powers,    201  U.    S.    245   (1905) 

Miller  v.  Horuon.  ,^6  N.  E.  100  (Lass.  1891) 

Milwa-okee  Publishirii;  Co.  v.  Burltson,  :?  .5  U.  S,  407  (1921) 

Mineral  Land  Park  Co.  v.  Howard,  1.j6  ?cc.    4dS  (1916) 

The  kinnesota  Rate  Cases,  230  U.  ^.  352  (1915) 

Iviississip-::)!  v.  Johnson,  4  Vi^all.  175  (1857) 

McChord  v.  Louisville  &  Nashville  Ky.  ,  133  U.  S.  ^^83  (1902)' 

McDonald  v.  Board  of  Street  Comaissioners,  167  N.  E.  417  (Mass.  1929) 

McEadden  Publications  Inc.  v.  Federal  Trade  Corarassion  37  F.  (2d)  822 

(Ct.  App.  D.-  C.  1930) 
McGrain  v.  Da.ugherty,  ■^73  U.  S.  135  (1925) 
McKinley  v.  U.  S,,  249  U.  S.  597  (1919) 
McClung  v.  Sillim-n,  16  Vfceat  598  (1821) 
McCulloch  V.  Maryland,  4  *'heat.  516  (1S19) 
McLean  v.  Denver  &  Mo  Grande  Ey.  Co.,  203-11.  3.  ZB    (1906) 
Metcalf  &  Eday  v.  Mitchell,  259  U.  S.  ^14   (1925) 
Milwaukee  Puolishing  "-^o.  v.^  Burleson,  255  U.  S.  407  (l92l) 
Minnesota  v.  Horthern  Securities  Co.,  194  U.  S.  48  (l904) 
Monongaliela  Bridge  Co.  v.  U.  S.,  216  U.  S.  177  (1909) 

Morgan's  L.  e;  T.  Ey.  ic  Stea.iship  Co.  v.  Louisiana,  118  U.  S.  455'  (1885) 
Munia  V.  Illinois,  94  U.  S.  113,'  (1877) 

Murray's  Lessee  v.  Hoboken  Land  io  Improvement  Con-nany,  18  How.  272  (1855) 
Murray  v.  Schooner  Charming  Betsy,  2  Crancy  54  (1804) 

f-'utual  Film  Conoration  v.  Industrial  Commission,  233  U.  S.  230  (l91o) 
Myers  v.  U.  S.  ^72  U.  s.  52  (1926)   53 
Fathan  v.  Louisiana,  B  How,  73  (I8u0) 
National  Harness  Manufacturers'  Association  v.  Federal  Trade  Commission^ 

261  Fed.  170  (C.C.A.  6tn,  1919) 
Nashville,  Chattanooga  ^   St.  Louis  Ey.  v.  Als'oajna,  128  U.  S.  95  (188) 
National  Life  v.  National  Life,  209.  U.  S.  317  (1908) 
Neff  v.  Paddock,  26  Wis.  0^6   (1870) 

New  York  Central  Securities  Corp.  v.  U.  S.  287  U.  ^.  12  (1932) 
New  York  ex  rel  Peni.sylvania  E.  Co.  v.  Knight,  192  U.  3.  21  (i904) 
New  York  ex  rel  Liherman  v.  Van  Be  Carr,  199  U.  S.  552  (1905) 
The  Mayor  etc.,  of  the  City  of  Hew  .York  v.  Miln,  11  Pet.  102  (1937) 
New  York  v.  Squire,  1-^5  U.  S.  175  (1.892.) 

New  York  i  Queens  Gas  Co.  v.  t;cCall ,  245  U.  S.  345  (1917) 
Nev;hall  v.  Sangr-r,  92  U.  S.  761  (1875) 

Niccnia  v.  People  of  State  of  Hew  York,  254  U.  0,  2-'8  (1920) 
Ng  Fung  Ho  V.  White,  259  U.  S.  276  (1922) 
Nishinura  Ekiu  v.  U.  S.,  142  U.  S,  55l ,  559  (1892) 
Noble  V.  Union  River  Logging  Eailroad,  1-7  U.  •'3.  155  (1893) 
Noble  State  Bank  v.  Haskell,  219. U.  S.  104  (1911) 
Horth  German  Lloyd  v.  Hedden,  43  Fed.  17  (1890) 
Northern  Securities  ^q .  v.  U-  S.,  193  U.  S.  197  (1904) 
Norwegian  Nitrogen  Products  Com^oany  v.  U.  S.  288  U.  S.  294  (1933) 
O'Bonohue  v.  U.  S.,  289  U.  ^ .'  515  (1932) 
Oetjen  v.  Central  Leather  Co.,  256  U.  S.  297  (1918) 
Ohio  Valley  -/ater  Co.  v.  ?en  Avon  Borough,  2c3  U.  S.  287  (1920);  in 

the  Su-oreme  Court  of  Pennsylvania,  103  Atl.  744  (1918) 
Origet  V.  Hedc.en,  155  U.-  S.  228  (1894) 
Pacific  Ey.  Commission,  in  re,  32  Fed.  241  (l8'7) 

Pacific  States  Telephone  &  Telegraph  Cq.  v.  Oregon,  223  U.  S.  118  (1912) 
Packet  Co.  v.  St.  Louis,  100  U.  S.423  (I88O) 
Padgett  V.  State  Highway  Commission,  1-8  S.S.  548  (Go.  19^9) 
Paine  Lumber  Co.  v.  Neal ,  244  U.  ,S.  /•i39  (1917) 

9  838 


Palm-r  v.    liciiahon,   133  U.    S.    560   (1890) 

Panr-.Tia  Eeiini.ig  Co.   v.    Ryan,    255  U.   o.    388    (1935.) 

Pan  Aiaerican  Petroleum  Cortoration  v-.   Alabama,   67  Fed.    (2d)   o90    (1933) 

Panhandle  Oil  Co.' v.  Knox,  277  U.  S.  218  (1927) 

Patarisco  Gu:mo  ^o,  v.  Morth  Carolina  Board  of  Agriculture,  171  U.  S. 

5-5  (1S9?) 
Paul  V.  Virginia,  8  w,-ll.  168  (1869) 

Pensaccla  Tele5rar)li  '^o.  v.  V/estern  Union  Telegraph  Cq.,  95  U.  S.  1  (1877) 
Pennsylvania  3.  Co.  v.  Sonnian  Shaft  Coal  Co.,  243  '^ .    S.  120  (1916) 
Pennsylv?jiia  v.  West  Virginia,  252  U.  S.  553  (l922) 

People  ex  rel ,  West  Bay  v.  Delavey,  130  IT.  Y.  Supo.  853  (Sun.  Ct.  1911) 
Peoi^le  V.  Brrdy,  135  N. 'E.  87  (llln-  L922) 
People  V.  Bitoell,  19  Illinois  229  (1857) 
People  V.  Neubia,  rj91  U.  s.  502  (1934) 

People  V.  Public  S^rvic-:  Comnission,  195  N..Y,  157  (1909) 
People  V.  Standard  Oil  Co.,  22  Pac.  (2d)  2   (Cal.  1933) 
People  V.  Ti-eniam-,  168  ¥.    ^.  817  (N.  Y.  1929) 
Peterson  BaXing  Co.  v.  Bry.'n,  290  U.  s.  570  (1954) 
Petit  V.  Minnesota,  177  U.  S.  154  (1300)- 
Philadelphia  Co.  v.  ^timson,  '-23  U.  S.  505  (1912) 
Pniladelphi-  c,  Heading 'Ry.  v.  DiDonrto,  255  U.  S.  527  (1920) 
Philadel-ohia  '^  Trenton  H.  R.  v.  Stimpson,  14  Pet.  448  (1831)   ". 
Phillips  V.  Comrr.i 3si oner,  283  U.  S.  589  (l93l)  .   , 
Pittsburgh  C,  C.  c:  St.  L.  R.  Co.  v.  Backus,  154,U..S.  421  (1894) 
Plymouth  Co'--l  Co.  v.  Pennsylvania,  232  U.  C . '  531  (1914) 
Postum  Cereal  Co.  v.  California  Fi^^  -"^ot- Co .  ,  -^72  TJ.  S.  593  (1927)  , 
Prentis  v.  Atlantic  Coast  Line,  21l"^.  S.-210  (190G) 
Progressive  ^''dners  of  America!  v.  Peaocdy-, '7- P.  Su-^-t.  340:  (1934) 
Public  Clearing  House  v.  Cjyne,  194  U.  S-.  ^?>7    (190>-) 
Public  Utilities  Comiiiissioh  v.  Atoleboro  Ste-am  c--  Electric  Co.,  273  U.  S. 

(1957)  :  . 

Public  Utilities  Conuuission  v.  London,'  249  U.  S.  235  (1919) 
Purvis  V,  Bazemore,  5  F.  Sapp.  230  (-1^33) 
Railroad  CoVmnission  Cases,  115  U.  S.  '507  (18,85) 
Railrofd  Commission  of  Wisconsin -v.  Cnicf.^go,  Burlington  ex:  Quincy  R.  Co., 

257  U.  5.  563  (1922) 
Ealadaan  Co.  v.  Federal  Trade  .Com^rdssion,  42  F,  (2d)  ^i30  (C.C.A.  5th,  1930) 
Ramsey  (Charles  A.)  Co.  v.  Associated  Bill  Posters  25:'  U.  S.  501  (1923) 
Reading  Broodc-^sting  Co.  v.  Federal  Radio  Commission,  48  Fed.  (2d) 

458  (195.) 
Reagan  v.  Farmer's  Loan  and  Trust  Co., -154  U.  S.  352  (1893) 
Reagan  v.  U.'ii.,    182  U.  S,  419  (1901) 
Red  "C"  Oil  Manufacturing  Co.  v.- Board  of  Agriculture,  222  U.  S .  380 

Reid  V.  Colorado,  187  U.  S.  1-37  -(1903) 
Rex  V.  Sunderland  Just  ice- s,  2K.'"3.'  3:>7  (19^1) 
Rhode  Island  Hospital  Trust  Co.-  v.  si  oners  of  Internal  Revenue, 

29  F. .(2d)  559  (l928)  ' 
Ricnland  ^teamship  Co.  v.  Buffalo  Dry  i^ock,  254  Fed.  558  (c.C.A.  2d  1918) 
Hiker  v.  Federal  Radio  Commission,  5d7  F.  (2d)  555  (1951) 
Robbins  v.  S.ielby  County,  120  U.  S,  49  (I8S?) 
Ronnfeldt  v.  Phillips,  35  T.L.H.  46   (1918)^ 
Rouse  V.  Thompson,  £1  N.  E.  1109  (ill.  1907).  ' 

Royal  Baking  Powder  Co.  v.  Federal  Trade  Commission,  280  U.  S.  572  (1929) 


Saore  v.  Rutlend  R.  Co.,  85  Atl.  695  (Vt .  1913) 

San  Diego  Land  ci  Town  Co.  v.  J^soer,  189  U.  S,  439  (1903) 

San  Li  ego  Land  and  Tov/n  Co.  v.  National  .City,  174  U.  S.  739  (1889) 

Sarlo  V.  Pulaslci  County,  68  S.  W.  953  (Ark.  1905) 

Savage  V.  Jones,  ^2b\].    S.  oCl ,  (1912) 

A.L.A.  Schechter  Poultry  Coro.  v.  U.  S.,  295  U.  S.  49d  (1935) 

Schiosser  v.  T/elsh,  5  F.  Sudtd.  ^"93  (1934) 

Scnolls  V.  State  90  i'."'d.  729  (1900) 

Scott,  in  re  -.93  p.  290  (Nev.  1930) 

Scully  V.  U.  ^.  193  Fed.  185  (1910) 

Sears  Roebuck  &  Co.  v.  Federal  Trade  Commission,  258  F.  307  (1919) 

Second  Employees  Liability  Cases,  223  U.  S.  1^6  (1911) 

t^elective  Draft  Case,  2^5  U.  S.  365  (1918) 

Sherman  v.  Abeles,  ^69  N.  y.  S,  P49  (i''K.-) 

Shurtleff  v.  U.  S.,  189  U.  ».  311  (1905) 

Silver  v.  Federal  Trade  Commission,  289  Fed.  985  (1923)   (1st  case); 

29?  Fed.  152  (1925) 
Slaughter  blouse  Cpses,  16  'ffall.  56  (1875) 
Smith  V.  Hitchcock,  225  U.  S.  53  (1912) 

Smith  V.  Kansas  City  ^itle  and  Trust  Co.,  2.j5  U.  S.  180  (1921) 
Smith  V.  "<Vhitney,  116  U.  S.  167  (1885) 
Southern  Railway  Co.  v.  Virginia,  290  U.  S.  190  (1935) 
Southern  Railway  Co.  v.  U.  S.,  222  U.  3.  20  (l91l) 
Southern  Pac.  Co.  v.  I.C.C.,  219  U.  S.  ^33  (1911) 
Sparhawk  v.  Sparnpwk,  115  i''ass.  515  (1874-75) 
^proles  v.  3inford,'285  U.  S.  574  (1952) 
St.  Louis  6.  OTallon  Ry.  v.  U.  S.,  279  U.  S.  'iSl  (1929) 
Stafford  v.  Wall-ce,  258  U.  S.  -9b  (1922) 
Standard  Stock  Food  Co.  v.  «V right ,  225  U.  S.  540  (1912) 
Stanley  v.  Peabody  Coal  Co.,  5  F.  Supn.  512-  (1955) 
State  V.  Cole,  1-.8  Pac.  651  (iTev.  1915) 
State  V.  Crawford  177  p. 540  ■  (Kan. 1919) 

State  3ar  of  California  v.  Superior  Court  378  p. 432  (Calif .1929). 
State  Board  of  Health  v.  f.icCoy,  17  N.  E.-  766  (ill.  1888) 
State  V.  3utler,  73  Atl.  560  (fie.  1909) 

State  V.  Poulin,  74  Atl.  119  (L'e.  1909)  .   . 

State  V.  Smiley,  263  S.  V^.  825  (Mo.  1924) 
State  ex  rel  Milwaukee  Medical  College  v.  Chittenden,  107  N.  Vif.  500 

(Wise.  1906) 
State  R.  R.  Tax  C-ses,  92  U.  S.  575  (1876) 

Strawbridge  &  Clothier  v.  Federal  Radio  Commission,  57  F.  (2d)  434  (1932) 
Steel  V.  St.  Louis  Smelting  Etc.  Co.,  106  U.  S.-  -^47  (1882) 
Stephanson  v.  Binford,  287  U.  S.  251  (1922) 
Stock  V.  Central  Midwives  Board,  3  K.  3.  756  (1915) 
St.  Louis  Consolidated  Coal  Co.  v.  Illinois,  185  U.  S.  203  (1902)  . 
St  Louis  Smelting  etc.  v.  Kcmn,  1C4  U.  S  .•  536  ■(1882) 
St.  Louis  Iron  Mountain  &  Southern  Hy.  Co.  v.  Taylor,  210  U.  S.  281 

St.  Mary's  Franco -American  Petroleum  Co.  v.  W.  Virginia,  203  U.  S.  183 

Stoehr  v.  Yfallace,  255  U.  S.  259  (1921)  ■ 
Storrs  V.  Barker,  10  Am.  Dec.  317  (iJew  York  1922) 
■Sturges  &  3urn  Mf^.  Co.  v.  Beauchamp,  231  U.  S.  320  (1915) 
Swift  V.  U.  S.,  196  U.  S.  375  (1905)  ■   ■ 


Tagg  3ros.   u.  ...oorhead  v.   U..  S .  „    '80   U.    S.   4,?0   (lOoO) 

Texas  3tc.   I.    Co.   v.    Hr.ilu,-..^  Cl-rks,    o81  U.    S.    643   (1930) 

Texps  <f,'  ?ac.   v.    Inbernunte  Comitrrco  Comnission,   1  ^2  U.    S.    197   (18.96) 

Texas  <i  P.xific -w.   Co.   v.    uigsby,   2il  U.   S.    3o   (i:i'5) 

x'horton  v.  U.    S.  ,     :71  U.    S.    '..1^^   (l9:;o) 

Tol  V.    v'-ilc'jirn,    235  U.    3.    115    (l9o    ) 

TuUii.i  V.    c.    S.,    r:,70  U.    S.    b6C    (i:-:'33) 

ryson  v.   3fiiton,    -70  U.   S.    'i-lB   (19>,9) 

Ung-i.r  V.    Seamaii,   -i  F.    (2i)    80   (193-.  ) 

United  Railway  of  Baltimore  v.   \iest,    ^,?0  U.    S.     ;S4   (1930) 

U.    S.   V.   iibilene  &  So.   Rv.    Co.,   255  U.    3.    r.7'-^  '(1924) 

U.    ^'.    V.     ir:jcoc.i',    250  U.    S.  .328    (191''0 

U.  S.  V.  3"ltimore  &  Ohio  R.  ?: .  Co.,  l-S  U.  S.  454  (l9:;,o) 

U.  S.  V.  ?utler  et  al ,  Eoceivers  oi\  Hopoc  ?.ills  Corr^oration, ,  U.  S. 

Supreme  Coiirt ,  J:;,n.  5,  1^36 
U.  S.  V.  Chemical  rouiidation.  Inc.,  272  "U.  S.  1  (193S) 
U.  S.  V.  Pisaer,  109  U.  3.  1^:5  (if  ^3) 
U.  S.  V.  Shreve-Toort  Grain  Co.,  287  U.  3.  77  (1932) 
U.  3.,  ex  rel  Goynton  v.  Llaine,  129  U.  3.  -06  (l89l) 
U.  S.  ex  i-el  Bilokumslq;^  v.  Tod,  25o  U.  S.  1.9  (19,-^4) 
U.  3.  ex  rel  Mc3ri:le  v.  Schurz,  10.:  U.  3.  378  (1S79) 
U.  3.  ex  rel  Zedfield  v.  V'in^om,  137  U.  S.  5;;,S  (1891) 
U.  3.  ex  rel  Zoo-p  v.  Douglas,  19  D.  C.  99  (1890) 

U.  3.  ex  rel  Riverside  Oil  Co.  v.  Hi tchcock, ' 190  U.  3.  315  (1903) 
U.  S.  V.  Caliston  Packers,  Inc.,  '.  F.  bup-i".  360  (1933) 
U.  3.  ex  rel  International  ContraCGin-^  '-'o.,  v.  Lament,  16cj  U.  S.  303 

U.  3.  V.  Ger.naine,  99  U.  3.  508  (l'^79) 

U.  S.  ex  rel  Ps^f  v.  D:'y,   45  F.  (2a)  ^35  (i)  .0 .3 .0.x^  .Y.  1930) 
U.  3.  V.  Griiiiaud,  •;20  U.  S.  uOS  (I'^'IO) 

U.  3.  ex  rel  ^tty.  Gen.  v.  Jelawpre  &  Huison  ^o.,  :':13  U.  3.  353  (1909) 
U.  S.  V.  Devitt,  9  '^alL  '^1  (1S5.>') 

U.  S.  V.  Greenwood  Dairy  Farms,  Inc.,  8  F.  Sup^3.  398  (l93'-±) 
IJ.  3.  V.  Louisville  t  Fashville  ?..   Co.,  235  U.  3.  314  (1914) 
IT.  S.  V.  Hill,  ^48  U.  3.  429  (1919) 
U.  3.  V.  E."C,  Knight,  156  U.  ^.  l'.  (1394) 

U.  3.  V.  I'iichig^m  Portland  Cerr.ent  Co.,  270  U.  3.  d21  (192S) 
U.  3.  V.  :.yers,  272  U.  S.  52  (l92S) 
U.  ^.  V.  Ju  ■^ov,    198  U.  3.  2c5  (l90u) 
U.  i.  V.  200  Chests  nf  Tea,  9  '•heat  430  (183-.) 
U.  S,  V.  112  Casks  of  Sugar,  8  Pet.  277  (12::4) 
U.  3.  V.  Manat,  124  U.  S.  303  (iSe'O 
U.  3.  V.  ITeun-dorf,  8  F.  3uDp.  -=03  (1934) 
U.  3.  V.  Passavant,  F.  159  U.  3.  13  (1898) 
U.  3.  V.  3chisslr-.r,  7  F.  ^upi.  123  (1934) 
U.  3.  V.  S..:ith,  12'-x  U.  S.  5  35  (1888) 

U.  3.  V.  Sijotless  Dollar  Cleaners,  3  F.  3upp.  725  (1934) 
U.  3.  V.  3wift  &  Co.,  270  U.  5.  124  (1952) 
U.  3.  V.  Warfield,  170  Fed.  ^i3  (1909) 
U.  3.  V.  ■,  194  U.  S.  279  (l90^i) 
Union  Bridge  Co.  v.  U.  3.,  204  U.  3.  364  (1907) 
Utah  Power  &  Lig.,t  Co.  v.  Pfost,  2S3  U.  3.  155  (1932) 
Vance  v.  Burbcnk,  101  U.  S.  514  (IS^O) 
Waite  v.  Macy,  24:6  U.  S.  605  (1918) 


Warner  Vrdloy  Stock  Co.   v.    Smith,    135  U.   S,    35    (1F37) 

Wqymaji  V.    Southai-d,    10    ..'ae----.t   1    (1^25)    5  I.    Zd.    2oS 

lever  v.  7re^d,  -39  U.  S.  3-^5  (l3i;.) 

Western  Indemnity  Co.  v.  Fillsbur;-,  \IA    P.-c.  .v.-?8  (Ct.1.  192'.)  • 

western  Powder  la'iufncturin;-^  v.  Interstate  Coal  Co.,  5  P.  Svoo.  519  (1954) 

Wheeling  Corragating  Go.  v.  f 'c:  .rnit:al ,  -1  -^  .  (  'd)  c95  (1P30)- 

White  V.  Federal  Radio  GonLiiission,  39  ^e-'..  (2d)  115  (1938) 

Whitney  v.  California,  374  U.  S.  353,  575  (1937) 

Wichita  H.  R.   "  Li^jht  Co.  v.  Public  Utility  Conm.ission,  360  U.  3.  ^iS 

Viilcox  V.  Jackson,  13  Pet.  -i98  (lc59) 
Wilcox  V.  People,  '.•C  111.  183  (1S75) 

Wilder,  D.  :.-..  Mffe.  Co.  v.  Corn  Products  Co.,  355  U.  S.  155  (1915) 
Willard  V.  Pres^oury,  14  Wall.  573 ■  (1871) 
Williams  V.  Standard  Oil  Company,  :-:73  U.  S.  '^'Sb  (1939) 
Wilkinson  v.  Leland,  2  P-t.  837  (1839) 
Wilson  V.  i'ew,  3^:3  U,  S.  352  (1^17) 
Wisconsiii  I.ailroad  Comniissioi;  v.  C.  3.  &   Q,.  pLailroad  Company,  :;57  U.  s.- 

565  (13 '3) 
Chas.  \^:olff  Pachin^,,  Co.  v.  Court  of  Industrial  Relations,  362  U.  K.  522       ( 

Yamataya  v.  x^isher,  189  U.  S.  35  (1905) 
Yates  V.  ;;ilwruicee,  10  Wall.  -97  (1S70) 
Yudelson  v.  Andrews,  35  I.    (2d)  80  (l^"'33) 
Zayos  V.  Lat„ro-5,  Luce- &  Co.,  331  U.  S.  171-  (1915) 
Carl  Zeiss,  Inc.  v.  U.  S.,  75  Fed.  (3d)  .12  (1935) 



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America's  Recovery  Fro,g:ram 

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Blachley  and  Oatman,  Adninistra.tive  Leigcislation  and  Adjudication 
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Bl a i s de  1  ]- ,    T  ' e  Federal   Trade  Commission 

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B on dy ,    Separation   of   G-overnraental  Povfers 
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Brief  on  Appeal  for  U.  S.  in 

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Brookings  Institution,  The  National  Recovery  Adjiiini  strati  on  -  an  Analysis 
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(1935)  : 

Carr,  I)ele,3:ated  Le;S:islation 

(Camhridge  University  Press,  1921) 

Comer,  Legislative  F-jnctions  of  National  Administrative  Authority 
(New  York,  192?) 

Commission  of  Inquiry  on  Putlic  Service  Personnel,  Report  of  Better 
Gc vernment  personnel 
(;  cGraw,  Hill  Book  Co.,  InC  ,  1935) 

(*)   This  tahle  is  not  complete  hut  cites  the  authority  mainly  relied 

Committee  on  Administrative  Law,  Report  of  Ar:ierican  Bar  Association 
(Baltimore,  lSS7-19o4) 

Committee  on  Ministers'  Po'Ters  llcport  _ 

(Cmd.  4060,  Presented  "by  tJie  Lord 
Cliancellor  to  Parliament  in  April,  1932) 

Cooley,  Constitutional  Limitations  Sth  Ed. 
(Boston,  1927) 

Corwin,  Twili':;ht  of  the  Supreme  Court 

(Yale  Universit;'-  Press,  1934) 

Dearin:;r,  Homan,  Lovviin   and  Lyon,  The  ABC  of  N?A 
(Brookings  Institution,  1954) 

Dicey,  The  Law  of  the  Constitution 
Sth  ed.  (London,  1929) 

Dickinson,  Administrative  Justice  and  the  Supremacy  of  Law  in  the  United     ( 
(Harvard  University  Press,  192?) 

The  Pederalist,  Hamilton,  Hadison,  Jay 
(Chicago,  1894) 

Field,  The  Effect  of  an  Unconstitutional  Statute 
(Liinneapolis,  1935) 

F rankf ur t e r ,  The  Public  and  its  Government 

(Yale  University  Press,  1930)  .   , 

Frankfurter  and  Davison,  Cases  on  Adninistrative  Law 
(Chicago,  19.32) 

Frankfurter  and  Landis,  Business  of  the  Supreme  Court 

(New  York,  1927)   ^  .      ( 

Preund,  Administrative  Powers  over  Persons  and  Property 
(University  of  Chicajco  press,  1928) 

G-avit,  Tiie  Commerce  Clause 

(Bio  on  in -'ton,  Indiana,  1932) 

Gray,  Nature  and  Sources  of  the  Lavf 
2nd  cd.'"(Kew  York,  1927)  " 

Goodnow,  Princi-iles  of  the  Administrative  Law  of  the  United  States 
(New  York,  1905) 

Goodnow,  Comparative  Administrative  Law 
(New  York,  1903) 

Haines,  The  Revival  of  Natural  Law  Concepts 
Harvard  Univ.  Press,  1930) 


Hart ,  The  Ordinance  MakinjP:  Powers  of  the  President  of  the  United  States 
(Baltimore,  ig.^S)' 

Henderson,  The  Federal  Trade  Coinmission 
(Yale  University  PresK,  1924) 

He  wart,  The  Wcw  SesTOtisrn 
(New  York,  1929) 

Holdsworth,  Histonr  of  Enpilish  Law 
(London,  192S) 

Holmes,  Collected  Legal  Papers 
(New  York,  1920) 

Johnson,  The  Blue  Sajgle  from  Ef?:^   to  Earth 

(Saturds^r  Evening  Pest,  Jan.  19,  26,  Eeb.  2,  9,  1935) 

Luce,  Le.5;islative  Proced-gre 

(Boston  and  Hew  York,  1932) 

iuayers,  A  Han-dhood  of  I^fliA  Snd  ed. 
(Nt'^7  York,  1954) 

McFarland,  A^'-ninistrative  Af^encies  in  G-overnment  and  the  Effect  Thereof 
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(A-nericaji  Bar  Association  Ross  Award,  1934) 

McFarland,  Judicial  Control  of  the  Federal  Trade  Commission  and  the 
Interstate  Coumerce  Commission  -  1920-1930 
(Harvard  University  Press,  1933) 

National  lawyers  Committee  of  the  American  Liberty  League,  Constitutionality 
of  the  National  Labor  P.elations  Act  Report  on  the 

Pollock  and  Maitland,  History  of  English  Common  Law  before  Edward  I 
(Cambridge  Univ.  Press,  1923) 

Ritchie,  Natural  Ri-^ts 

(New  York  1895) 

Sharfman,  The  Interstate  Commerce  Commission 
(New  York,  1931) 

Sho rt ,  National  Administrative  Organization 
(Johns  Hopkins  Press,  1923) 

St eph en s ,  Administrative  Tribunals  and  the  Rules  of  Evidence 
(Harvard  University  Press,  1933) 

Thayer,  A  Preliminary  Treatise  on  Evidence  at  the  Common  Law 
(iJston,  1898) 

Van  Vleck,  Administrative  Control  of  Aliens 

(New  York,  1932) 


Willis,    Parliamentary  Povrers   of  Engjlish   (jovernment  Departments 
(Harvard  University  Press,   1932) 

Willoiighby,    Constitutional  La^  of  the  United  States 
(New  York,    1929) 





Adler,  "Business  Jurisprudence", 

38  Harvard  Lay-  Review  135  (1914) 

Alberts^orth,  "Judicial  Rfiview  of  Administrative  Action," 
35  Harvard  Law  Review  127  (1921) 

Barrett,  "Is  there  a  National  Police  Power,  etc.", 

14  Boston  University  Law  Review  245  (1934) 

Berle,  "The  E:-qDansion  of  American  Administrative  Law", 
50  Harvard  La?;  Review  430  (1917) 

Black,  "The  National  Industrial  Recovery  Act  and  the  Delegation  of  Legis- 
Irtive  Po'ver  to  the  Presicent", 
1.1  Cornell  La^7  quarterly  359  (1954) 

Borchard,  "The  Constitutionality  of  Declaratory  Judgments," 
31  Colui^.bia  Law  Review  561  (1931) 

Brown,  "The  Constitution,  the  Supreme  Court  and  the  NIRA" , 
13  Ore:-^on  La.w  Review  102  (1954) 

Brown,  "Boo.';  Review", 

41  Harvard  Law  Review  125  (1954) 

Carpenter,  "Constitutionality  of  the ^ National  Industrial  Recovery  Act  and 
the  Agricultural  Adjustment  Act", 
7  Southern  California  Law  Review  125  (1954) 

Cheadle,  "The  Delegation  of  Legislative  Functions", 
27  Yale  Law  Journal  892  (1918) 

Corwin,  "The  Supreme  Court  and  the  Fourteenth  Amendment," 
7  Hjchigcan  Law  Review  645  (1909) 

Corwin,  "Basic  Doctrine  of  American  Constitutional  Lavr,  " 
12  i,Iichi;;an  Law  Review  247  (1914) 

Corwin,  "The  'H^igher  Law'  Bsckground  of  American  Constitutional  Law," 

42  Harvard  Law  Review.  149-135.  565.  409  (1928 ) 

Corwin,  "Congress's  Pow^r  to  Prohibit  Commerce  a  Crucial  Constitutional 
1 3 sue", 
i;-  Cornell  Law  Journal  477  (1955) 

Corwin,  "Social  Planning  under  the  Constitution  -  A  Study  in  Perspectives, 
26  American  Political  Science  Review  1  (1952),  8. 

(*)   This  table  is  not  complete  but  states  the  authority  mainly  relied  upon. 


Corwin,  "The  Progress  of  Constitutional  Theory  Between  the  Declaration  of 
Independence  and  the  Ileetings  of  the  Philadelphia  Convention", 
30  American  Historical  Review  511  (1925) 

Corwin,  "The  Spending  Power  of  Congress," 

56  Harvard  Law  Review  548  (1923) 

Corwin,  "The  Doctrine  of  Dae  Process  of  Law  Before  the  Civil  War," 
24  Harvard  Law  Review  366  (1917) 

Cousens,  "The  Delegation  of  Federal  Legislative  Power  to  Executive  Offi- 
33  Liichigan  Law  Review  512  (1955) 

Cusliman,  "National  Police  Powers  Under  the  Commerce  Clause," 

3  Kinnesota  Law  Review  289  (1919) 

Dickinson,  "The  Hajor  Issues  Presented  by  the  Industrial  Recovery  Act, " 
53  Columhia  Law  Review  1095  (1955) 

Dickinson,  "Review  of  Administrative  Deterriinations  of  Questions  of 'Con- 
stitutional Fact' " , 
80  Pennsylvania  Law  Review  1055  (1952) 

Duane,  "Marketing  Agreements  under  the  Agricultural  Adjustment  Act,  Their 
Contents  and  Constitutionality," 
82  Pennsylvania  Law  Review  91  (1953) 

Duff  and  Whiteside,  "Delegata  Potestas  Hon  Potest  Delegari:  A  Maxim  of 
Americaxi  Constitutional  Law," 
14  Cornell  Law  Q,uarterly  168  (1929) 

Ehrlich,  "wiontesquisu  and  Sociological  Jurisprudence," 
29  Harvard  Law  Review  582  (1916) 

Elder,  "Some  Constitutional  Aspects  of  the  "National  Industrial  Recovery 
28  Illinois  Law  Review  656  (1954) 

Ellingwood,  "The  Kew  Deal  and  the  Constitution," 
28  Illinois  Law  Review  729  (1934) 

Dickinson,  "Political  Aspects  of  the  Bev/  Deal," 

28  American  Political  Science  Review  197  (1954) 

Fairlie,  "Administrative  Legislation," 

18  Michigan  Law  Review  181  (1920) 

Faris,  "Judicial  Notice  by  Administrative  Bodies,"  ' 

4  Indiana  Law  Journal  167  (1928) 

Field,  "The  Constitutional  Theory  of  the  National  Industrial  Recovery  Act," 
18  Liinnesota  Law  Review  269  (1934) 

Finklestein,  "Judicial  Self-Limitation," 

57  Harvard  Law  Review  558  (1924) 

Pranlcfurter..    "The  Task  of  Aduiinistrrxtive  Law," 

7(3  University  of  Venn.    Law  Review  614  (1927) 

Frankfurter  and  Landis,  "A  Str.dy  in  Separation  of  Powers," 
57  Harvard  Law  Review  IQlQ  (1924) 

Pranlrfurter  and  Landis,  "Power  of  Congress  over  Procedure  in  'Inferior' 
federal  Courts"  -  A  Study  in  Separation  of  Powers 
37  Harvard  Law  Review  1010  (1924) 

Glassie,  "Some  Legal  Aspects  of  the  Flexiole  Tariff," 
11  Vir-TJnia  Law  Review  329  (1925) 

Grisv/old,  "Goveriuneiit  in  Ig;no ranee  of  the  Law  -  A  Plea  for  Better  Publi- 
cation of  Executive  Legislation," 
48  Harvard  La"  Review  198  (1954) 

Hale,  "The  Constitution  and  the  Price  System;  Some  Reflections  on  llebbia 
V.  II.  Y=" 
54  Colunoia  Law  Review  40  (1954) 

Hough,  "Due  Process  of  Law  -  Today," 

24  Harvard  Law  Review  566  (1911) 

Hamilton,  "Affectation  with  Public  Interest," 
59  Yrle  Law  Journal  1039  (1350) 

Handler,  "J-irisdiction  of  the  Federal  Trade  Commission  over  False  Adver- 
5\  Columbia  Law  Review  527  (1955) 

Handler,  "The  National  Industrial  Recovery  Act," 

19  Anerican  Bar  Association  Journal  440  (1935) 

Harriman,  "The  Development  of  AdiTiinistrative  Law  in  the  U.  S.," 

25  Yale  Law  Journal  P56  (1916) 

Lerner,  "The  Supreme  Court  and  American  Capitalism," 
42  Yale  Law  Journal  668  (1933) 

Langelutting,  "Constitutional  Li'nitations  on  Administrative  Power  of  In- 
vest  ion,  " 
28  Illinois  Law  Review  508  (1955) 

Lilienthal,  "The  power  of  Governjnental  Agencies  to  Compel  Testimony," 
59  Harvard  Law  Review  694-700  (1926 ) 

Laski,  "The  Limitations  of  the  Eicpert," 
Ha.rpers,  Dec.  1930 

Laski,  "Book  Review," 

45  Harvard  Law  RaTJew  754  (1952) 

Maggs,  "The  Constitution  and  the  Recovery  Legislation;  The  Roles  of  Docu- 
ment, Doctrine  and  Judges," 
1  University  of  Chicago  Law  Review  665  (1934) 



i.iaiircr,    J.ouert  A.,    "Sone   Conctit-ational  As-;.octs  of  IIIA  and  AJlf^. ,  " 
,■2  C-eorr:etonn  Lg-  Jour-ial   L07    (HZ^ 

?'"-illrD£,    "a  Pre.ctic?.!   iiethod  foi'  tl.o  determination  of  Lu-siness  Fact," 
S;    Lav  'evie--   :;""Q    (1934) 

roi;au.,    '"lool:  i'.eviev;,  " 

41  Ilrrvarc.  Lar^  :;:evie',-  115   (l''S7) 

Tov-iC,    "Liberty  and  Contract," 

IC  Yale   La-  Journal   454   (190.-')  '    , 

?^shoa-ux.i,    "Delegation   to  Ac'ini- istrative  A:;encies  Under  the  ITIEA 
?nd  the  MA", 
IS   St.    Louis  Lav.r  ?,eviev;  46    (1935) 

?.ay  cj  5'ienl:e,    "Hot  Oil   on  a  Sea  of  5ele£;ation  of  PoY-er,  " 
,:29   111.    Lev  ::eviev-  10:!l    (1955) 

P.oss,    "Ay^licahility  of  TIulos   of  7]A''idence   in  Procoedinfs  Before   jorl-nien' s 
COiiTpensation  ConiLdf. eions,  " 

56  Harvard  Lr.y-  5evic'.-  265   (15:7:5)- 

Stephens,    "ALjiiinistrrtive   Trihinials   and  the  Z^ules   of   Evidence," 

52  University  of  Pennsylvania  La.v;  devie'-  564   (1954) ■ 

Van  Vleck,    "Administrative  Justice   in   the  Zhaforcement   of  Ouasi-Crininal 
Law,"  "  .■ 

I  G-eor^:e  ',7ashin,%ton  La.v  deviev.f  IC    (1952) 

d'anrenorock,    "^federal  La.v'  and  the  I'IdA," 

57  hichi.^an  Lav  Levi ev  IOC"    (1955) 

VJai-ner  ?.nd  C-uteman,    "5v,-o  Aspects  of  '.'l?Ji  -  Price  Tixin^'  and  La.hor,  " 
-    14'  Lo^:ton  University  La^.-  devie-  3.31    (1954) 

VJichershai.:,    "Delei^-ation  of  Peer!,   to   Lbi^.islatc,  »■ 

II  Vir;inia  Lav  :■Hvie^■  1C5   (1935)  ~     • 

■jijnore,    "Adxiinistrative  Loard  hules, 

17   Illinois  La-.--  deviev   365   (I9j2) 

dote   -   "iX'.e  Process  Herniirementr.  of  ilotice  and  hearin('-,s   in  Administrative 
Proceec'inG's,  " 
54  Colur.foia  La--  ?Levie'.-   553   (1954) 

dote  -  See   7(a)    of  the  dlPA  An  Attenpt   to    Zavr.li7.e  Bar^'aininfa  Pover, 
54  Colurahia  Lav  deviev,'  15' 2 9    (l-'54) 

dote  -   "Constitutional  Lav.'  -  Delegation  of  rovers" 
33  C-eorr;etovn  La---  Jovu-'nal   100    (1^55) 

"dote   -   "Gone  Constitutio-nrl  r.c'oects  of   tj.o  drtio:v;.l   In'^^.uc  trial  decovery 
Act  and   the  Agricultv.ral  A'ju'-jtvont  ..(.5.ii  vuctration" 

53  C7eor^<etovm  ls.\!  Journal  307   (l'"'54) 

Co.  u.ic'.-it   -   "Some   Le^:al  Asvects   of   the   ratio-nal   Industrial   decovery  Act" 
47  Harvard  Lav  deviev  G5    (l  d;^) 

Ilote  -   "Tlie  ?dght   to   ?.  Ken.rin:,  p.efoi-e  Ac>.ini£tr?.tive" 
rS  K?.rvard  Lp.v  ?.eviev  133    (iSl-l) 

note  -  "Delegation  of  Po'vcr  "b;-  Co'i^a-c£.£-" 

■^-S  I-:rrvard  Lav  l-levievj  798    (1955) 

Cori.v3-it  -  "?o'"cr  of   CoT'i^ross  over   in  Criminal   Contcrnpts   i:~i 

'IniDi-ior  rcc.eral  Coui'ts'   -  A  Study  in    'Separation  of  Po'-ers,'" 
C7  T:c.t\^vC  Lav;  :dcvie--'   1010    (19 J4) 

JO  to   -   "Eelc.  ^tion  of  Legislative  ?o--ers:      The  Decadence   of  a  rundanontal 
Co..stitiTtion?l  liaxim.  " 
£7  j :arvarc-   Lav:  Icvie'v  lllG    (l9.^7) 

l^ota  -  "Delecat:.o;i  of  Legislative  lor'or  -  3'lexiole  Trriff  Act," 
57  Illinois   La-j  Zeviev  g02   (19:^2) 

ilote  -   "Porcr  of  Federal  D.adio   Coriirrission,  " 
99   Illinois  Lav  Deviev-  409    (i933) 

iTote  -   "PcLr-i'ble  ilothods  of  AttacVin  ,   the  I'lPA," 

28  Illinois  La-  Tteviov  544   (19^5) 

Conii'nent  -   "llajoi'ity  Patle   in  Collective  Dargainin;:  Under   7(a)," 

29  Illinois  La^-^  Peviev  275    (1994) 

iTote   -  "Vrlidity  of  Pele;^-ation  of  Po'-'ers  under  Pecovery  Act," 
19   Io-.7a   Lay-  Pevier  535   (1934) 

ITote   -   "AdiTiinistrative  Lav  -  Prcliativo  VaLac  of  Plearsa.y  TestiiMony,  " 
94  :.:iclii;;an  Lav  P.o\-iov  851    (1926) 

ITote  -  "Peqv.isitcs  of  an  Aexiinistr-:  tive  Hearing," 
80  P.    L.    P.    979    (1932) 

ITote  -   "Phe  Lelegatioji  of  Pec.cral  Lcu^islative  Pover   to   Pxccvitive 
or  Acininistrr.tive  Agencies," 
31  Pichiran  Lav  Psvicv;   796   (1993) 

ITote   -   "The  P   CGssity  cf  a  ITotice  and  Hearing   in  Administrative 
De  1 1 :  nrd  na  t  i  on  s ,  " 
80    9.iivcrsity  cf  Penns:avania   Lav  Peviev,-  96    (1931) 

Co;.r.ient  -  "Judicial  Peviev  of  Ac  rai^iistrative  Orders  under  I'PA  and  .AA_A.", 
43  Yale  Lav  Journal   599   (1934) 

Comment  -  "The  Federal  Longshore.aen's  and  Hartor  WorPers'    Compensation 
43  Yale   Lav  Journal   940    (1934) 

ITotc  -   "Validity  of  Allotment   Order  under  Luj.iTDer  Code;    Eu-spension  of 
Penal  Provisions  as   to   Litigant  Ch?i lending  Order," 

43  Yale  Lav  Journal   827   (1954) 

Comment  -   "Prtional  pecovery  Code  Assessments," 

44  Yale   Lav..  Journal   949    (1935) 



( Tliis  note,  written  by  a  revie-'er  of  'Ir.  Ai'tens  reanuscri-ot. 
r.eserves  niniecgraphin-j:  elc>n';-  ';7ith  the  nanus criot) 

There  are  tr?o  contradictorv  theories  re.^'  the  Code  raalring 
po^7ers  of  the  National  P.ecovery  Adrunistration. 

The  first  goes  on  the  ground  that  the  process  was  quasijudicial 
in  nature  and  that  therefore  the  detailed  "due  nrocess  of  la.v'i'  procedure 
was  applicable  to  it.  As  thit;  thesis  is  c'evelcped  fully  in  this  study, 
it  will  not  be  necessarj;-  to  discuss  it  further  here. 

According  to  the  second  theory  the  Code  raaJcing  process  is  legis- 
lative in  nature  and  as  a  conseqiience  it  was  not  necessary  that  all  of 
the  detailed  procedxires  required  to  inrure  "due  process  of  law"  should 
be  complied  with.  However  desirable  a  more  adequate  procedure  mijht 
have  been  frori  the  viewpoint  of  sound  administrative  oractice  or  econom- 
ic and  social  ex.3ediency,  it  vcs   not  required  as  a  matter  of  law. 

The  arguments  advanced  b-^'-  the  proponents  of  this  second  theory 
go  on  several  groimds. 

The  first  of  these  had  to  do  with  the  broad  purpose  and  princi- 
ples of  the  National  Recovery  Administration.   One  of  the  basic  prin- 
ciples of  the  national  Hecovery  Aojuinistration  was  "self-government  in 
industr--".   The  President  in  his  message  of  Hay  17,  1933,  asked  Cong- 
ress for  the  machinery  necessary  "for  a  great  cooperative  move'aent". 
Section  1  of  the  National  Industrial  Recovery  Act  stated  that  it  was 
the  purocse  of  Congress  to  provide  for  the  generrl  welfare  by  promot- 
ing the  organization  of  inc ustrjr  for  the  purpose  of  cooperative  action 
among  trade  groups,  to  induce  a.nd  maintain  united  action  of  labor  and 
manage/ient  under  adequate  govern-iental  sanctions  and  supervision....  " 
In  the  sts-tenent  of  the  President  outlining  the  policies  of  the  nation- 
al Recovery  Administration  (iTlo/i.  Bulletin  ilo.  1.  pi.)  it  v;as  said;  "It 
is  a  challenge  to  industry  \.'hlch  has  long  insisted  that,  given  the 
rijjht  to  act  in  unison,  it  coulo  do  niuch  for  the  general  good  which 
has  hitherto  been  unlawful.   From  today  it  has  that  right."  This  "as 
the  vieTooint  taken  bv  those  most  closely  associated  v/lth  the  fon.iula- 
tion  of  the  policy  of  the  lloti'.'nal  Recovcrv  Adrn.inistration,  G-eneral 
Johnson  ?jid  ilr.  Richberg. 

A  fev;  quotations  will  show  hov>.-  strongly  the  idea  of  self-govern- 
ment x.'as  in  the  minds  of  those  responsible  for  this  Administration.  In 
Bulletin  "Jo.  7  of  the  lOA  ve   find  the  following  e^rpressions: 

"The  aim  of  the  IIRA  is  to  give  industr^r,  through  its 
Code  Authorities,  the  widest  possible  range  of  self- 
government,  subject  to  the  ultimate  responsibility 
of  the  Adininistrat'-.-r";    "It  is  fundamental,  within 
both  the  letter  and  intent  of  FIRA....that  as  much  as 
possible  of  both  aspects  of  Code  Administration  (Planning 


and  Progress  and  Ccrapliunco''  be  effected  by  industry 
itself";   "for  an  industry  sufficiently  orf'anized 
to  have  a,greed  upon  a  Code  of  Jair  Coraoetition,  there 
usually  will  be  no  need  for  Government  administration 
in  the  'planning  and  progress'  field." 

lu  his  oral  arf-Ti.^j.icnt  in  the  Schechter  Case,  Don.'-.ld  Eichberg  said: 

"The  Faticnal  Recovery  Act  reccf;ni7,ed  e;-rplicitly  the  need  of 
orr:anizing  a  Hation-Wide  Cooperation.   It  recognised  the 
utter  impossibility  and  impracticability  of  seeking  to  vrite 
a  single  code  of  fair  practices  for  .s,ll  business,  or  of-  seek- 
ing to  enforce  a  single  set  of  ri^id  standard',--,  of  business 
conduct.   It  proceeded  upon  the  sound  theory  that  thousands 
of  business  men  themselves  should  know  better  than  any  small 
group  of  laT/makers  \ihat   improved  practices  would  stimulate  a 
business  revival,  what  the  prohibition  of  unfair  practices 
.woi.ild  do  in  promoting  business,  and  whe.t  would  sub- 
■  stitute  an  orderl:/  advance  for  a  disorderly  retreat.   So  the 
law  provided  tiiat  codes  of  fair  competition  should  be  drawn 
up  by  those  truly  representative  of  trades  and  industries  and, 
after  passing  thr.;'U;.^:i  en  a,cljninii- trative  test  as  to  whether 
they  effectuated  the  public  policy  laid  down  by  Congress,  then 
these  codes  would  provide  the  rtaadards  of  fair  competition 
under  which  trade  and  inoustry  might  be  stimulated  and  im- 
proved."  (*) 

iir.  Hichberg  also  pointed  out  the  fact  that  the  Codes  were  of  the 
type  called  "voluntary"  i.e..  Codes  broa;;ht  forth  voluntariljr  by  re- 
presentative of  the  trade  and  indastrioR  £.ffected. 

"It  is  perfectly  clear  that  the  fundamental  basis  of  the  Code  is 
is  the  agreement  of  a  truly  reTsresentative  group  of  a  trade 
or  industry  as  to  what  constitutes  fair  competition." 

In  his  recent  book  "The  Rainbow"  Mr.  Richberg  says: 

"In  the  :'irst  stages  of  cur  endea^vor  we  were  fearful  of  any- 
thing even  flavored  with  governmental  die  taction.   We  sought 
diligently  to  provide  the  reality'-  of  'self-government  of 
industry'  ."   (p  120*) 

In  a  monorandum  issued  on  ITcvembcr  22,  1933  to  the  members  of  the 
Legal  Division  (as  quoted  from  "the  Rainbow"  (p  12'"))  Richberg  said: 

"It  is  not  required  .aiid  it  is  not  proper,  except  in  special 
instances  to  grant  in  a  Code  any  general  power  to  the  Admin- 
istrator to  review  and. modify  actions  taken  by  the  Code  Author- 
ity.  If  anyone  insists  upon  incorpcrf.ting  such  a  clause,  you 
may  refer  to  this  memorajtdum  as  a  statement  of  policy  to  pro- 
mote self-government  of  industry,  as  distinguished  from  polit- 

ly^      The  ITKA  CaseT!   llo.  354  and  iT-o.  8G4.   IK  THE  SUPREIiE  COURT 




ical  government  of  industry,  which  should  guide  the  Legal  Division."     _) 
"The  inclusion  of  a  few  compulsory  requirements  and  criminal  penalties 
in  the  Recovery  Act  should  not  ohscure  the  dominant  intention  'to  provide 
for  the  general  welfare  "oy   promoting  the  organization  of  industry  for 
the  purpose  of  cooperative  action, '   Kor  was  there  ever  a  deliberate 
departure  from  this  orL^inal  intention."* 

Further  the  Administration  took  the  view  that  "It  is  not  the  func- 
tion pf  the  National  Recovery  Administration  to  prescribe  what  shall 
be  in  the  Codes  to  be  submitted  by  associations  or  groups.  The  initia- 
tive in  all  such  matters  is  expected  to  come  from  within  the  industry 
itself."  (K3A  Bulletin  No.  2  Sec.  (6)). 

Another  indication  of  the  cooperative  nature  of  the  Code  making 
process  is  found  in  the  fact  that  although  often  at  the  hearing  of  the 
proposed  Code  it  might  be  "modified  at  the  suggestion  of  the  Administra- 
tion or  otherwise"  it  was  further  provided:  "and  as  so  modified  if  it 
is  agreed  to  by  representatives  of  the  Association  or  group  presenting 
it  and  ratified  by  such  Association  or  group  under  such  conditions  as 
the  Administration  may  prescribe,  it  will  be  presented  to  the  President 
for  his  approval  or  disapproval  or  suggested  modification..."  (NRA  Bul- 
letin No.  2  Sec  (3)).   It  will  thus  be  seen  that  Congress,  the  President, 
industry  itself  and  those  primarily  responsible  for  National  Recovery 
Administration  regarded  the  Code  making  process  as  fundamentally  an 
attempt  at  industrial  cooperation  and  at  self-government  of  industry 
rather  than  a  mere  regulatory  procedure,  such  as  exists  where  the  govern- 
ment regulates  and  controls  the  manufacture  and  sale  of  foods  and  drugs, 
the  use  of  navigable  streams,  foreign  coimerce  or  the  use  of  the  public 
domain.   In  all  such  cases  the  sanction  of  law  results  without  attempting 
to  secure  the  participation,  in  the  making  of  the  law,  of  the  real  re- 
presentatives of  those  regulated,  without  asking  them  to  initiate  the 
regulations,  without  securing  their  cooperative  action  in  the  formula- 
tion of  rules  and  regulations,  and  without  requiring  their  approval  be- 
fore the  law  goes  into  effect.   Whatever  one  may  think  of  the  validity 
of  such  a  process  of  la^v  making  the  fact  remains  that  it  actually  existed. 
Of  course,  it  was  agreed  by  all  that  the  final  sanction  to  the  Codes 
was  in  the  President. 

The  next  factor  to  be  taken  into  consideration  is  the  nature  of  the 
Code  making  p:'ocess.   The  process  involved  the  making  of  complicated 
sets  of  adjustments  rather  than  merely  laying  down  rules,  standards  and 
norms.   The  first  of  these  adjustments  resulted  from  the  very  difficult 
problems  involved  in  the  classification  of  industry  under  Codes.  Waat 
industries  should  be  included  within  certain  codes;  in  other  words  what 
industries  fell  within  a  -paj-ticular  comoetitive  field?   ^That  factors 
constitute  an  industry? 

Adjustments  had  to  be  made  between  different  kinds  of  concerns  with- 
in competing  groups,  because  of  volume  of  output,  different  sales  methods, 
different  purchasing  methods,  different  advertising  methods.  Adjustments 
had  to  be  made  betwe^^n  large  companies  and  small  companies;  between 

(*)   "The  Rainbow"   Donald  R.  Richberg.   (I936)   p.llS 


inter-industrial  competition  and  inter-industrial  competition  in  various 
levels;  between  large  coinoaaiies  and  small  compinies;  'betT?een  quasi-mo- 
nopolistic concerns  and  others.  Adjustments  had  to  be  made  in  Codes 
to  prevent  injurj--  to  consumers,  and  likewise  to  protect  the  interests 
of  labor,  and  to  adjust  the  relationship  between  organized  and  unorga- 
nized labor.   Other  adjustments  had  to  be  made  on  account  of  geographi- 
cal location  of  industries.   Others  had  to  be  made  in  relationship  to 
the  Anti-Trust  laws. 

In  this  process  of  adjustment  it  was  not  always  possible  to  know 
who  were  interested  parties,  how  particular  pro'/isions  would  affect 
different  industries,  what  authorities  were  representative.   It  is  main- 
tained that  this  process  could  not  in  any  possible  way  be  reduced  to  a 
judicial  pr.cessc   3y  its  very  natixre  it  involved  bargaining,  dickering 
and  giving  pnd  taking.   It  would  have  been  impossible  by  merely  taking 
testimony  to  get  at  the  truth  of  the  contentions  of  va.rious  groups,  for 
facts  and  statistics  to  back  up  these  contentions  did  not  exist.   Those 
who  made  the  Codes  were  not  dealing  in  any  manner  with  individual  rights; 
on  the  contrary  they  ':yerG  formulating  general  policies. 

In  respect  to  the  contents  of  Codes  even  greater  difficulties  are 
encountered,   'iThether  or  noo  advertising  allowances,  price  fixing,  price 
filing,  resale  r>rice  maintenance,  cost  accoiinting  provisions,  loss 
leaders,  limitation  of  machine  hours,  etc.  are  desirable  are  matters 
largely  of  opinion.   Some  of  these  provisions  may  be  advantageous  to 
certain  concerns  vi'ithin  a  Code,  and.  disadvantageous  to  others.   In  or- 
der to  find  out  the  effects  of  such  provisions,  a  season  of  experimen- 
.tation  would  probably  be  necesssrj   and  after  that  elaborate  studies.  A 
quasi — judicial  process  would  probably  come  no  nearer  to  a  correct  so- 
lution than  a  process  of  bargaining  and  agreement.   In  all  of  this  pro- 
cess there  were  separate  and  distinct  interests  involved  but  they  were 
non-justi cable  interests. 

Let  us  now  turn  to  the  strictly  legal  situation.   The  first  ques- 
tion that  should  be  answered  from  the  standpoint  of  law  is  what  is  the 
nature  of  these  codes?  Did  they  involve  rules  of  future  application 
governing  a  v;ide  range  of  action,  or  were  they  specific  orders  such 
as  might  be  made  by  the  Interstate  Commerce  Commission  or  the  Federal 
Trade  Commission.   Manifestly  they  were  the  former. 

The  next  pertinent  question  is,  what  authority  was  ultimately  res- 
ponsible for  the  formation  of  the  Codes?   The  answer  is  the  President 
of  the  United  States;  (*)  an  authority  coordinate  with  the  legislature, 
and  not  merely  an  administrative  authority. 

Again,  what  kind  of  power  was  the  President  exercising?   It  was 
cleraly  a  delegated  legislative  power,  as  has  been  well  recognized  in 
the  Panama  Refining  Cora-oany  Case  and  t he  Schechter  Case.    In  fact,  in 
the  latter  case,  the  whole  Code  raal:ing  process  was  declared  unconsti- 
tutional on  the  gro-'jud  that  there  \-as  an  improper  delegation  of  legis- 
lative power.   The  court  said;   "Such  a  sweeping  delegation  of 

(*)  See  Schechter  vs  U.  S.,  where  the  Court  says  that  the  Codes  "have 
no  sanction  beyond  the  will  of  the  President,  who  may  accept,  mo- 
dify or  reject  them  as  he  ple-'-ses." 



legislative  power  finds  no  sup-oort  in  the  decisions  uoon  which  the 
Government  especially  relics." 

ThP  next  question  that  may  te  asked  is  whether  there  were  present 
in  the  Code  hearings  the  factors  necessary  to  a  judicial  or  qaasi-judi- 
cial  hearing.   These  factors  may  "be  said  to  he  parties,  controversy  over 
rights,  an  authority  capable  of  passing  judgment  and  some  method'  of  en- 
forcing the  decisions  of  the  judging  authority.  None  of  these  factors 
were  present  in  the  Code  hearings.  ■kUhile  there  were  a  good  many  people 
with  divergent  views  and  different  interests  they  were  in  no  sense  partie; 
to  a  suit.  Uor  were  any  rights  involved,  as  is  the  case  where  an  adminis- 
trative hody  is  making  an  orii^r.   The  interests  involved  were  of  the  sane 
nature  as  those  present  when  any  le^aslat;  on  is  passed.  The  President 
was  not  an  authority  which  msJe  a  O-uci^ioM  or  issu.ed  a  rule  governing 
specific  cases,  bui;  was  an  authority  issuing  of  future  application. 
Farther  the  subject  ms.cter  of  these  rules  and  regalations  was  as  wide 
or  wider  and  equally  significant  as  those  issued  by  Congress  itself. 

TO  SUiviJViABIZE:   The  Code  making  process  consisted  (a)  in  organizing  the 
business  of  the  co-'intry  into  coiTr3e titive  groups,  (b)  in  passing  judgment 
upon  the  business  and  labor  rr  ^.o'^ices  vf  ■'.'cese   groups  which  they  them- 
selves, the  Adrainistrav.ion,  labor  reprer.bntati  ■■'•ss  and  representatives 
of  the  consuming  public  consioe  i-od  j-',iiMion,l  to  the  welfare  of' business 
and  the  public  and  (c)  in  iovia^  Liiir^p,   tnc';:;>  jud,?-ia£nts  into  Codes.   This 
process  took  place  through  the  p--.^'U:jipaticn  of  raal  represoi tatives  of 
industry  who  initiated  cedes,  coopers^.t  ed  in  the  process  of  foraralating 
these  suggestions  into  law,  and  apiDroved  the  law  before  it  went  into 
effect.   The  passing  of  jxxdgraent  upon  the  great  mass  of  practices  in- 
volved in  the  manufacture,  advertising  of,  sale  and  distribution  of  goods, 
as  well  as  upon  laDor  lolr.ti  oii^hips  in  respect  to  hours  and  conditions 
of  work,  and  wages,  yr-i^r.   In   no  s-i-ni-^e  a  judicial  or  quasi- judicial  process: 
it  was  a  process  of  f  o-v'-'.l  a+ -in,?-  ^nryjftl   and  eccnoi'iic  policy.  However 
desirable  it  might  hav^  DO':r,,  to   h:\ve  lal  far  '.-'ider  inv3-tigations  for 
the  formulation  of  t,hi  l;  _jolic,y,  this  was  not  rei[uired  from  the  viewpoint 
of  "due  process  of  law";  for  ■'due  process  of  law"  is  not  a  test  of  ex- 
pediency but  a  test  of  legality. 





Executive  Order  No.  7075,  dated  June  15,  1935,  established  the  Division  of  Review  of  the 
National  Recovery  Administration.   The  pertinent  part  of  the  Executive  Order  reads  thus: 

The  Division  of  Review  shall  assemble,  analyze,  and  report  upon  the  statistical 
information  and  records  of  experience  of  the  operations  of  the  various  trades  and 
industries  heretofore  subject  to  codes  of  fair  competition,  shall  study  the  ef- 
fects of  such  codes  upon  trade,  industrial  and  labor  conditions  in  general,  and 
other  related  matters,  shall  make  available  for  the  protection  and  promotion  of 
the  public  interest  an  adequate  review  of  the  effects  of  the  Administration  of 
Title  I  of  the  National  Industrial  Recovery  Act,  and  the  principles  and  policies 
put  into  effect  thereunder,  and  shall  otherwise  aid  the  President  in  carrying  out 
his  functions  under  the  said  Title.  I  hereby  appoint  Leon  C.  Marshall,  Director  of 
the  Division  of  Review. 

The  study  sections  set  up  in  the  Division  of  Review  covered  these  areas:  industry 
studies,  foreign  trade  studies,  labor  studies,  trade  practice  studies,  statistical  studies, 
legal  studies,  administration  studies,  miscellaneous  studies,  and  the  writing  of  code  his- 
tories.  The  materials  which  were  produced  by  these  sections  are  indicated  below. 

Except  for  the  Code  Histories,  all  items  mentioned  below  are  scheduled  to  be  in  mimeo- 
graphed form  by  April  1,  1936. 


The  Code  Histories  are  documented  accounts  of  the  formation  and  administration  of  the 
codes.  They  contain  the  definition  of  the  industry  and  the  principal  products  thereof;  the 
classes  of  members  in  the  industry;  the  history  of  code  formation  including  an  account  of  the 
sponsoring  organizations,  the  conferences,  negotiations  and  hearings  which  were  held,  and 
the  activities  in  connection  with  obtaining  approval  of  the  code;  the  history  of  the  ad- 
ministration of  the  code,  covering  the  organization  and  operation  of  the  code  authority, 
the  difficulties  encountered  in  administration,  the  extent  of  complianv.e  or  non-compliance, 
and  the  general  success  or  lack  of  success  of  the  code;  and  an  analysis  of  the  operation  of 
code  provisions  dealing  with  wages,  hours,  trade  practices,  and  other  provisions.  These 
and  other  laatters  are  canvassed  not  only  in  terms  of  the  materials  to  be  found  in  the  files, 
but  also  in  terms  of  the  experiences  of  the  deputies  and  others  concerned  with  code  formation 
and  administration. 

The  Code  Histories,  (including  histories  of  certain  NRA  units  or  agencies)  are  not 
aimeographed.  They  are  to  be  turned  over  to  the  Department  of  Commerce  in  typewritten  form. 
All  told,  approximately  eight  hundred  and  fifty  (850)  histories  will  be  completed.  This 
number  includes  all  of  the  approved  codes  and  some  of  the  unapproved  codes.  (In  Work  Mate- 
riais  Nfi^  i§.  Contents  of  Code  Histories,  will  be  found  the  outline  which  governed  the 
preparation  of  Code  Histories.) 

(In  the  case  of  all  approved  codes  and  also  in  the  case  of  some  codes  not  carried  to 
final  approval,  there  are  in  NRA  files  further  materials  on  industries.  Particularly  worthy 
of  mention  are  the  Volumes  I,  II  and  III  which  constitute  the  material  officially  submitted 
to  the  President  in  support  of  the  recommendation  for  approval  of  each  code.  These  volumes 

-ii  - 

set  forth  the  origination  of  the  codes,  the  sponsoring  group,  the  evidence  advanced  to  sup- 
port the  proposal,  the  report  of  the  Division  of  Research  and  Planning  on  the  industry,  the 
recommendations  of  the  various  Advisory  Boards,  certain  types  of _ official  correspondtnce, 
th2  transcript  of  the  formal  hearing,  and  other  pertinent  matter.  There  is  also  much  offi- 
cial information  relating  to  amendments,  interpretations,  exemptions,  and  other  rulings.  The 
materials  mentioned  in  this  paragraph  were  of  course  not  a  part  of  the  work  of  the  Division 
of  Review. ) 


In  the  work  of  the  Division  of  Review  a  considerable  number  of  studies  and  compilations 
of  data  (other  than  those  noted  below  in  the  Evidence  Studies  Series  and  the  Statistical 
Material  Series)  have  been  made.  These  are  listed  below,  grouped  according  to  the  char- 
acter of  the  material.  (In  Work  Materials  No.  17,  Tentative  Outlines  and  Summaries  of 
Studies  in  Process,  the  materials  are  fully  described) . 

Industry  Studies 

Automobile  Industry,  An  Economic  Survey  of 

2-:t.;n;inous  Coal  Industry  under  Free  Competition  and  Code  Regulation,  Ecnomic  Survey  of 

Electrical  Manufacturing  Industry,  The 

Fertilizer  Industry,  The 

Fishery  Industry  and  the  Fishery  Codes 

Fishermen  and  Fishing  Craft,  Earnings  of 

Foreign  Trade  under  the  National  Industrial  Recovery  Act 

Part  A  -  Competitive  Position  of  the  United  States  in  International  Trade  1927-29  through 

Part  B  -  Section  3  (e)  of  NIRA  and  its  administration. 
Part  C  -  Imports  and  Importing  under  NRA  Codes. 
Part  D  -  Exports  and  Exporting  under  NRA  Codes. 

Forest  Products  Industries,  Foreign  Trade  Study  of  the 

Iron  and  Steel  Industry,  The 

Knitting  Industries,  The 

Leather  and  Shoe  Industries,  The 

Lumber  and  Timber  Products  Industry,  Economic  Problems  of  the 

Men's  Clothing  Industry,  The 

Millinery  Industry,  The 

Motion  Picture  Industry,  The 

Migration  of  Industry,  The:   The  Shift  of  Twenty-Five  Needle  Trades  From  New  York  State, 
1926  to  1934 

National  Labor  Income  by  Months,  1929-35 

Paper  Industry,  The 

Production,  Prices,  Employment  and  Payrolls  in  Industry,  Agriculture  and  Railway  Trans- 
portation, January  1923,  to  date 

Retail  Trades  Study,  The 

Rubber  Industry  Study,  The 

Textile  Industry  in  the  United  Kingdom,  France,  Germany,  Italy,  and  Japan 

Textile  Yarns  and  Fabrics 

Tobacco  Industry,  The 

Wholesale  Trades  Study,  The 

Women's  Neckwear  and  Scarf  Industry,  Financial  and  Labor  Data  on 


Women's  Apparel  Industry,  Some  Aspects  of  the 

Trade  Practice  Studies 

Commodities,  Information  Concerning:   A  Study  of  NRA  and  Related  Experiences  in  Control 

Distribution,  Manufacturers'  Control  of:   Trade  Practice  Provisions  in  Selected  NRA  Codes 

Distributive  Relations  in  the  Asbestos  Industry 

Design  Piracy:   The  Problem  and  Its  Treatment  Under  NRA  Codes 

Electrical  Mfg.  Industry:   Price  Filing  Study 

Fertilizer  Industry:   Price  Filing  Study 

Geographical  Price  Relations  Under  Codes  of  Fair  Competition,  Control  of 

Minimum  Price  Regulation  Under  Codes  of  Fair  Competition 

Multiple  Basing  Point  System  in  the  Liiae  Industry:   Operation  of  the 

Price  Control  in  the  Coffee  Industry 

Price  Filing  Under  NRA  Codes 

Production  Control  in  the  Ice  Industry 

Production  Control,  Case  Studies  in 

Resale  Price  Maintenance  Legislation  in  the  United  States 

Retail  Price  Cutting,  Restriction  of,  with  special  Emphasis  on  The  Drug  Industry. 

Trade  Practice  Rules  of  The  Federal  Trade  Commission  (191^-1936):  A  classification  for 

comparision  with  Trade  Practice  Provisions  of  NRA  Codes. 

Labor  Studies 

Cap  and  Cloth  Hat  Industry,  Commission  Report  on  Wage  Differentials  in 

Earnings  in  Selected  Manufacturing  Industries,  by  States,  1933-35 

Employment,  Payrolls,  Hours,  and  Wages  in  115  Selected  Code  Industries  1933-35 

Fur  Manufacturing,  Commission  Report  on  Wages  and  Hours  in 

Hours  and  Wages  in  American  Industry 

Labor  Program  Under  the  National  Industrial  Recovery  Act,  The 

Part  A.   Introduction 

Part  B.   Control  of  Hours  and  Reemployment 

Part  C.   Control  of  Wages 

Part  D.   Control  of  Other  Conditions  of  Employment 

Part  E.   Section  7(a)  of  the  Recovery  Act 
i\{aterials  in  the  Field  of  Industrial  Relations 
PRA  Census  of  Employment,  June,  October,  1933 
Puerto  Rico  Needlework.  Homeworkers  Survey 

Administrative  Studies 

Administrative  and  Legal  Aspects  of  Stays,  Exemptions  and  Exceptions,  Code  Amendments,  Cor 

ditional  Orders  of  Approval 
Administrative  Interpretations  of  NRA  Codes 
Administrative  Law  and  Procedure  uilder  the  NIRA 
Agreements  Under  Sections  4{a)  and  7(b)  of  the  NIRA 
Approved  Codes  in  Industry  Groups,  Classification  of 
Basic  Code,  the  —  (Administrative  Order  X-61) 
Code  Authorities  and  Their  part  in  the  Administration  of  the  NIRA 

Part  A.   Introduction 

Part  E.   Nature,  Composition  and  Organization  of  Code  Authorities 

-  iv  - 

Part  C.   Activities  of  the  Code  Authorities 

Part  D.   Code  Authority  Finances 

Part  E.  Summary  and  Evaluation 
Code  Compliance  Activities  of  the  NRA 
Code  Making  Program  of  the  NRA  in  the  Territories,  The 
Code  Provisions  and  Related  Subjects,  Policy  Statements  Concerning 
Content  of  NIRA  Administrative  Legislation 

Part  A.  Executive  and  Administrative  Orders 

Part  B.  Labor  Provisions  in  the  Codes 

Part  C.  Trade  Practice  Provisions  in  the  Codes 

Part  D.  Administrative  Provisions  in  the  Codes 

Part  E.   Agreements  under  Sections  4{a)  and  7(b) 

Part  F.  A  Type  Case:  The  Cotton  Textile  Code 
Labels  Under  NRA,  A  Study  of 

Model  Code  and  Model  Provisions  for  Codes,  Development  of 

National  Recovery  Administration,  The:   A  Review  of  its  Organization  and  Activities 
NRA  Insignia 

President's  Reemployment  Agreement,  The 

President's  Reemployment  Agreement,  Substitutions  in  Connection  with  the 
Prison  Labor  Problem  under  NRA  and  the  Prison  Compact,  The 
Problems  of  Administration  in  the  Overlapping  of  Code  Definitions  of  Industries  and  Trades, 

Multiple  Code  Coverage,  Classifying  Individual  Members  of  Industries  and  Trades 
Relationship  of  NRA  to  Government  Contracts  and  Contracts  Involving  the  Use  of  Government 

Relationship  of  NRA  with  States  and  Municipalities 
Sheltered  Workshops  Under  NRA 
Uncodified  Industries:  A  Study  of  Factors  Limiting  the  Code  Making  Program 

Legal  Studies 

Anti-Trust  Laws  and  Unfair  Competition 

Collective  Bargaining  Agreements,  the  Right  of  Individual  Employees  to  Enforce 

Commerce  Clause,  Federal  Regulation  of  the  Employer-Employee  Relationship  Under  the 

Delegation  of  Power,  Certain  Phases  of  the  Principle  of,  with  Reference  to  Federal  Industrial 
Regulatory  Legislation 

Enforcement,  Extra-Judicial  Methods  of 

Federal  Regulation  through  the  Joint  Employment  of  the  Power  of  Taxation  and  the  Spending 

Government  Contract  Provisions  as  a  Means  of  Establishing  Proper  Economic  Standards,  Legal 
Memorandum  on  Possibility  of 

Industrial  Relations  in  Australia,  Regulation  of 

Intrastate  Activities  7ifhich  so  Affect  Interstate  Commerce  as  to  Bring  them  Under  the  Com- 
merce Clause,  Cases  on 

Legislative  Possibilities  of  the  State  Constitutions 

Post  Office  and  Post  Road  Power  —  Can  it  be  Used  as  a  Means  of  Federal  Industrial  Regula- 

State  Recovery  Legislation  in  Aid  of  Federal  Recovery  Legislation  History  and  Analysis 

Tariff  Rates  to  Secure  Proper  Standards  of  Wages  and  Hours,  the  Possibility  of  Variation  in 

Trade  Practices  and  the  Anti-Trust  Laws 

Treaty  Making  Power  of  the  United  States 

War  Power,  Can  it  be  Used  as  a  Means  of  Federal  Regulation  of  Child  Labor? 



The  Evidence  Studies  were  originally  undertaken  to  gather  material  for  pending  court 
cases.  After  the  Schechter  decision  the  project  was  continued  in  order  to  assemble  data  for 
use  in  connection  with  the  studies  of  the  Division  of  Review.  The  data  are  particularly 
concerned  with  the  nature,  size  and  operations  of  the  industry;  and  with  the  relation  of  the 
industry  to  interstate  commerce.  The  industries  covered  by  the  Evidence  Studies  account  for 
more  than  one-half  of  the  total  number  of  workers  under  codes.  The  list  of  those  studies 

Automobile  Manufacturing  Industry 
Automotive  Parts  and  Equipment  Industry 
Baking  Industry 

Boot  and  Shoe  Manufacturing  Industry 
Bottled  Soft  Drink  Industry 
Builders'  Supplies  Industry 
Canning  Industry 
Chemical  Manufacturing  Industry 
Cigar  Manufacturing  Industry 
Coat  and  Suit  Industry 
Construction  Industry 
Cotton  Garment  Industry 
Dress  Manufacturing  Industry 
Electrical  Contracting  Industry 
Electrical  Manufacturing  Industry 
Fabricated  Metal  Products  Mfg.  and  Metal  Fin- 
ishing and  Metal  Coating  Industry 
Fishery  Industry 
Furniture  Manufacturing  Industry 
General  Contractors  Industry 
Graphic  Arts  Industry 
Gray  Iron  Foundry  Industry 
Hosiery  Industry 

Infant's  and  Children's  Wear  Industry 
Iron  and  Steel  Industry 

Leather  Industry 

Lumber  and  Timber  Products  Industry 
Mason  Contractors  Industry 
Men's  Clothing  Industry 
Motion  Picture  Industry 
Motor  Vehicle  Retailing  Trade 
Needlework  Industry  of  Puerto  Rico 
Painting  and  Paperhanging  Industry 
Photo  Engraving  Industry 
Plumbing  Contracting  Industry 
Retail  Lumber  Industry 
Retail  Trade  Industry 

Retail  Tire  and  Battery  Trade  Industry 
Rubber  Manufacturing  Industry 
Rubber  Tire  Manufacturing  Industry 
Shipbuilding  Industry 
Silk  Textile  Industry 
Structural  Clay  Products  Industry 
Throwing  Industry 
Trucking  Industry 
Waste  Materials  Industry 
Wholesale  and  Retail  Food  Industry 
Wholesale  Fresh  Fruit  and  Vegetable  Indus- 
Wool  Textile  Industry 


This  series  is  supplementary  to  the  Evidence  Studies  Series.  The  reports  include  data 
on  establishments,  firms,  employment,  payrolls,  wages,  hours,  production  capacities,  ship- 
ments, sales,  consumption,  stocks,  prices,  material  costs,  failures,  exports  and  imports. 
They  also  include  notes  on  the  principal  qualifications  that  should  be  observed  in  using  the 
data,  the  technical  methods  employed,  and  the  applicability  of  the  material  to  the  study  of 
the  industries  concerned.  The  following  numbers  appear  in  the  series: 

Asphalt  Shingle  and  Roofing  Industry  Fertilizer  Industry 

Business  Furniture  Funeral  Supply  Industry 

Candy  Manufacturing  Industry  Glass  Container  Industry 

Carpet  and  Rug  Industry  Ice  Manufacturing  Industry 

Cement  Industry  Knitted  Outerwear  Industry 

Cleaning  and  Dyeing  Trade  Paint,  Varnish,  ana  Lacquer,  Mfg.  Industry 

Coffee  Industry     .  Plumbing  Fixtures  Industry 

Copper  and  Brass  Mill  Products  Industry  Rayon  and  Synthetic  Yarn  Producing  Industry 

Cotton  Textile  Industry  Salt  Producing  Industry 

Electrical  Manufacturing  Industry 


The  original,  and  approved,  plan  of  the  Division  of  Review  contemplated  resources  suf- 
ficient (a)  to  prepare  some  1200  histories  of  codes  and  NRA  units  or  agencies,  (b)  to  con- 
solidate and  index  the  NRA  files  containing  some  40,000,000  pieces,  (c)  to  engage  in  ex- 
tensive field  work,  (d)  to  secure  much  aid  from  established  statistical  agencies  of  govern- 
ment, (e)  to  assemble  a  considerable  number  of  experts  in  various  fields,  (f)  to  conduct 
approximately  25%  more  studies  than  are  listed  above,  and  (g)  to  prepare  a  comprehensive 
summary  report. 

Because  of  reductions  made  in  personnel  and  in  use  of  outside  experts,  limitation  of 
access  to  field  work  and  research  agencies,  and  lack  of  jurisdiction  over  files,  the  pro- 
jected plan  was  necessarily  curtailed.  The  most  serious  curtailments  were  the  omission  of 
the  comprehensive  summary  report;  the  dropping  of  certain  studies  and  the  reduction  in  the 
coverage  of  other  studies;  and  the  abandonment  of  the  consolidation  and  indexing  of  the 
files.  Fortunately,  there  is  reason  to  hope  that  the  files  may  yet  be  carec"  for  under  other 

Notwithstanding  these  limitations.,  if  the  files  are  ultimately  consolidated  and  in- 
dexed the  exploration  of  the  NRA  materials  will  have  been  sufficient  to  make  them  accessible 
and  highly  useful.  They  constitute  the  largest  and  richest  single  body  of  information 
concerning  the  problems  and  operations  of  industry  ever  assembled  in  any  nation. 

L.  C.  Marshall, 
Director,  Division  of  Review.