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World checklist 
of threatened mammals 

AIN S9S%& a 

World checklist 
of threatened mammals 

compiled by the 

World Conservation Monitoring Centre 


on behalf of the 

United Kingdom Scientific Authority for Animals 

Prepared under contract from the Joint Nature Conservation Committee by the World Conservation 
Monitoring Centre, Cambridge, UK. Established in 1988 as a company limited by guarantee with 
charitable status, WCMC is managed as a joint-venture between the three partners in the World Conservation 
Strategy and its successor Caring For The Earth: \UCN - The World Conservation Union, UNEP - United 
Nations Environment Programme, and WWE - World Wide Fund for Nature. Its mission is to provide 
information on the status, security, management and utilisation of the world’s biological diversity to support 
conservation and sustainable development. 

Published by: Joint Nature Conservation Committee 
Copyright: 1993 Joint Nature Conservation Committee 
ISBN: Ist edition published 1987 ISBN 0-86139-336-8 

2nd edition published 1993 ISBN 1-873701-44-6 

Citation: World Conservation Monitoring Centre (1993). World checklist of threatened 
mammals. Joint Nature Conservation Committee, Peterborough. 

Available from: Further copies and companion volumes for other animal species available from: 

Natural History Book Service Ltd 

2 Wills Road 


Devon TQ9 5XN 

United Kingdom 

Telephone (from UK): 0803 865913 
Telephone (from outside UK): +44 803 865913 

The designations of geographical entities in this book, and the presentation of the material, do not imply the 
expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of JNCC or WCMC concerning the legal status of any 
country, territory, or area, or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. 


Explanatory notes 

Introductory references 

Taxonomic List 


























Canidae 66 
Ursidae 69 
Procyonidae 70 
Mustelidae 71 
Viverridae 75 
Herpestidae 77 
Protelidae 78 
Hyaenidae 78 
Felidae 78 
Otariidae 84 
Odobenidae 85 
Phocidae 85 
Elephantidae 86 
Procaviidae 86 
Dugongidae 87 
Trichechidae 87 
Equidae 87 
Tapiridae 88 
Rhinocerotidae 89 
Suidae 89 
Tayassuidae 90 
Hippopotamidae 90 
Camelidae 91 
Tragulidae 91 
Cervidae 91 
Bovidae 95 

INDEX 135 


This checklist is one of a series prepared for the 
United Kingdom’s Scientific Authority for Animals 
to assist in implementing the Convention on 
International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild 
Fauna and Flora (CITES). Similar checklists are 
available for other animal taxa. 

The aim of this volume is to provide a summary of 
basic information on all species of mammals in 
CITES or appearing in the JUCN Red List of 
Threatened Animals, compiled by The World 
Conservation Monitoring Centre. The inclusion of 
scientific synonyms, English vernacular names and 
a full list of the countries in which each species 
occurs will provide a valuable quick source of 
reference for those assessing applications for 
CITES permits. The inclusion of many references 
in the text will permit access to more detailed 
information on the status of species in particular 
countries of origin. 

Together these features will combine to make this 
volume of interest to all those concerned with the 
distribution and status of threatened or potentially 
threatened species whether from a professional or 
an amateur point of view. 

The Joint Nature Conservation Committee is most 
grateful to the World Conservation Monitoring 
Centre for preparing this work on its behalf. 

Lord Selborne 

Chairman, Joint Nature Conservation Committee 
Monkstone House 

City Road 


PE1 1JY 

United Kingdom 


This checklist was compiled by the World 
Conservation Monitoring Centre under contract 
F71-12-56 from the Joint Nature Conservation 
Committee. The authors were Tim Inskipp and 
Crawford Allan. 

The volume builds on an earlier edition and the 
numerous contributors to that edition are 
acknowledged, particularly the authors, Tim 
Inskipp and Jonathan Barzdo. 

John A. Burton is thanked for providing access to 
additional information sources. 

For their assistance in producing the current 
edition, the following WCMC staff are also 
thanked: Duncan Bennet, Esther Byford, Lorraine 
Collins, Mary Cordiner, Helen Corrigan, Neil 
Cox, Brian Groombridge, Vanessa Heywood, 
Richard Luxmoore, Chris Magin, Julie Reay, 
Lindsay Simpson and Lucy Smith. 

David Morgan of the JNCC International Policy 
Branch is thanked for providing expert advice and 
guidance throughout. 

Timothy H. Johnson 

Head, Species Unit 

World Conservation Monitoring Centre 
219 Huntingdon Road 



United Kingdom 


In April 1991, the Nature Conservancy Council for 
England, Countryside Council for Wales and 
Scottish Natural Heritage acting together through 
the Joint Nature Conservation Committee were 
appointed by the Secretary of State for the 
Environment as the United Kingdom’s Scientific 
Authority for Animals under the Convention on 
International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild 
Fauna and Flora (CITES). CITES regulates 
international trade in wild animals and plants and 
in products derived from them, to help to ensure 
their conservation on a worldwide scale. The 
purpose of CITES is to regulate international trade 
in endangered wild animals and plants and in 
products derived from them, to help to ensure their 
conservation on a worldwide scale. 

The purpose of this work is to provide a combined 
list of the species and subspecies included in 
Appendices I, II and III to the Convention on 
International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild 
Fauna and Flora (CITES), and those included in 
the current edition of the JUCN Red List of 
Threatened Animals. This document incorporates 
additions and amendments to the CITES 
appendices up to and including those made at the 
8th Conference of the Parties in Kyoto in March 
1992 (effective from 11 June 1992). The Red List 
is supplemented, in the case of mammals, by the 
later IUCN Red Data Book covering Cetacea 
(Klinowska, 1991). For each taxon, the scientific 
name is given first, with the currently most 
frequently used synonyms in brackets. Common 
names appear on the following lines below which 
the geographical range is indicated. The numbers 
appearing in square brackets refer to entries in the 
reference list, at the back of this document. 

For background material on the rationale of the 
IUCN threat categories, readers are referred to 
IUCN (1990); for background on the workings of 
CITES, recommended works are Favre (1989) and 
Wijnstekers (1992). For information by country 
on the diversity and status of mammals and other 
taxonomic groups, and for a general review of 
biodiversity, readers are referred to WCMC 

In a publication of this nature, it is inevitable that 
users will discover entries that need correcting or 
updating. The publishers would be grateful if 
their attention could be drawn to these entries, and 
the World Conservation Monitoring Centre would 
be grateful to receive details of such changes so 
that they can be incorporated in the database from 
which this publication is produced. 

Explanatory notes 

Scientific names 

In general, nomenclature of mammals follows 
(Honacki et al., 1982). However, where this 
differs from the nomenclature used in the 
Appendices to CITES, the latter has taken priority. 

The taxonomic scope and sequence of orders in 
this checklist follow the system adopted in the 
Appendices to CITES. The Appendices are based 
on the classification of mammals proposed by 
Simpson (1945), but differs at ordinal level in 
separating Pinnipedia from Camivora. 

The taxonomic scope of families and their 
sequence within orders also follows the Appendices 
to CITES. The Appendices differ from Simpson 
(1945) at family level as given below: 

The following families have been separated: 

Myrmecobiidae and Thylacinidae from 
Thylacomyidae from Peramelidae 
Burramyidae and Petauridae from Phalangeridae 
Cheirogaleidae from Lemuridae 
Galagidae from Lonsidae 
Callimiconidae from Cebidae 
Hylobatidae from Pongidae 
Choloepidae from Bradypodidae 
Arvicolidae from Cricetidae 
Protelidae from Hyaenidae 

The following families have been renamed: 


Phascolomidae now Vombatidae 

Rhachianectidae now Eschrichtidae 

The following families/genera have been included 
within another family: 


Hipposideridae in Rhinolophidae 

Ailuropoda in Ursidae not Procyonidae 

Antilocapridae in Bovidae 

The nomenclature of genera and species follows 
Honacki et al. except in the following instances: 

1. Tamandua mexicana is included in T. 
2. Coendou mexicanus is listed as Sphiggurus 
3. Stenella plagiodon is included with Stenella 
frontalis under the latter name 
4. Ursus thibetanus is listed as Selenarctos 
5. Lynx canadensis is listed as Felis canadensis 
6. Lynx caracal is listed as Felis caracal 
7. Lynx lynx is listed as Felis lynx 
8. Lynx pardinus is listed as Felis pardina 
9. Lynx rufus is listed as Felis rufa 
0. Equus asinus is listed as E. africanus 
1. Equus kiang and E. onager are included in E. 
12. Equus przewalskii is separated from E. 
13. Bubalus bubalis is listed as B. arnee 
14. Tragelaphus eurycerus is listed as Boocercus 
15. Bos frontalis is listed as B. gaurus 
16. Bos grunniens is listed as B. mutus 
17. Bubalus bubalis is listed as B. arnee 
18. Ovis ophion is listed as O. orientalis ophion 
rather than O. musimon ophion or O. aries 


These differences are included as synonyms in the 
list, and alternative names used in (Corbet and 
Hill, 1991) are also included as synonyms. 

English names 

The common names used are taken from Corbet 
and Hill (1991), from the JUCN Red Data Book 
series and from a number of standard reference 
works for the mammals of particular regions. 
Secondary common names have been included 
wherever this was considered useful, including 
non-English names commonly used by English 
speakers. For the Cetacea, the common names 
used in Watson (1981), have also been included. 

Other information 

The three columns headed CITES, RL and Ref, 
list the following information for each taxon. 


I, II or III in this column refers to the appendix in 
which the taxon is listed under the Convention on 
International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild 
Fauna and Flora. The two-letter abbreviations 
following Appendix III entries denote the countries 
whose governments have placed the taxon in this 
appendix, as follows: 

BW __ Botswana 
CA Canada 
CR Costa Rica 
GH Ghana 

GT Guatemala 
HN Honduras 
IN India 

NP Nepal 

T™ Tunisia 
UY  Urmguay 

Threat categories follow those given in the 1990 
IUCN Red List and are as follows: 

E Endangered 

V Vulnerable 

R Rare 

K Insufficiently known 

Id Indeterminate (given as "I" in RDB, but 
modified here to avoid confusion with the 
CITES "I" entry). 

- not listed: note that this includes species which 
have not yet been evaluated for threatened status 
as well as those which have been evaluated and 
found not to be threatened 

The threat categories for all Cetacea taxa listed are 
taken from Klinowska (1991). 


The numbers in the column on the far right refer 
to an entry in the reference list at the back of this 
document. References may contain information on 
the status, distribution or nomenclature of the 
taxon in question. References which refer to the 
taxon in only a limited part of its range are 
generally excluded from this column and, instead, 
included in square brackets at the appropriate 
place/s within the geographical range information. 


Geographical Range 

The geographical range of each taxon is given in 
terms of political units, listed in alphabetical order. 

When a taxon is found in a restricted area within a 
larger political unit, the name of the smaller area 
is given in brackets, e.g. Indonesia (Kalimantan). 

When the name of a country is given as within the 
range of a certain taxon, that taxon may or may 
not occur throughout the country, and may even 
occur only peripherally. 

Without surveying the range of each taxon in the 
field, it is necessary to rely on published records. 
Most taxonomic works give the range of a taxon in 
terms of broad geographical areas, rather than of 
political units. While some countries have a 
relatively well-known and well-reported 
mammalian fauna, some others do not. These 
factors may occasionally have resulted in some of 
the geographical ranges given here being 
incomplete or inaccurate, although every effort has 
been made to prevent this. 

For Cetacea, geographical ranges are first 
expressed in terms of oceans, seas, and rivers 
where the taxon is known to occur or to have 
occurred. Published sources may not distinguish 
live and dead cetacean records, but all records 
have been included. Most cetaceans are 
widespread but coasts of some countries within 
their overall range may be avoided for physical, 
chemical or ecological reasons. Only confirmed 
sightings are included and taxa may occur in 
political units other than those named within their 
overall range. 

A question mark ‘?’ has been used in front of a 
country to indicate that there is some uncertainty 
in the status of the species in that country. 

A country where the species is known to be extinct 
is denoted by ‘(ex)’, or by ‘(ex?)’ where there is 
still a small possibility that the species survives, or 
where recent searches have been unsuccessful. 

‘[ ]’ denotes a range state where the species has 
been introduced. 

Names of countries and dependent territories 

This checklist has been made as compact as possible by listing names of countries and dependent territories 
in the shorter forms given by United Nations (1991). Within the text, Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia are 
used to denote the geographic areas as recognised by United Nations (1991). However, changes to the 

political boundaries within the former USSR have been incorporated in the geographic descriptions. 

Countries for which shorter forms of names are used and their shortened form: 

Brunei Darussalam 

Democratic People’s Republic of Korea 
Falkland Islands and Dependencies 
Islamic Republic of Iran 

Lao People’s Democratic Republic 
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya 

Northern Mariana Islands 
Republic of Korea 

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 
Syrian Arab Republic 

United Republic of Tanzania 

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 

United States of America 

D.P.R. Korea 
Falkland Islands 


Northern Marianas 
Korea Republic 
Saint Vincent 


United Kingdom 

In the text, parent countries of dependencies are ommitted. These are listed below: 

American Samoa, USA 

Anguilla, United Kingdom 

Aruba, Netherlands 

Azores, Portugal 

Bermuda, United Kingdom 

Bouvet Island, Norway 

British Antarctic Territory, United Kingdom 
British Indian Ocean Territory, United Kingdom 
British Virgin Islands, United Kingdom 
Canary Islands, Spain 

Canton and Enderbury Islands, Kiribati 
Cayman Islands, United Kingdom 
Channel Islands, United Kingdom 
Christmas Island, Australia 

Cocos Keeling Islands, Australia 

Cook Islands, New Zealand 

Falkland Islands, United Kingdom 
Faeroe Islands, Denmark 

Federated States of Micronesia, USA 
French Guiana, France 

French Polynesia, France 

French Southern and Antarctic Territories, France 
Galapagos Islands, Ecuador 

Gibraltar, United Kingdom 

Greenland, Denmark 

Guadeloupe, France 

Guam, USA 

Guernsey, United Kingdom 

Hawaiian Islands, USA 

Heard and Macdonald Islands, Australia 
Hong Kong, United Kingdom 

Isle of Man, United Kingdom 

Jersey, United Kingdom 

Johnston Atoll, USA 

Macao, Portugal 

Macquarie Island, Australia 

Madeira, Portugal 

Marshall Islands, USA 

Martinique, France 

Mayotte, France 

Montserrat, United Kingdom 
Netherlands Antilles, Netherlands 

New Caledonia, France 

Niue, New Zealand 

Norfolk Island, Australia 

Northern Marianas, USA 

Palau, USA 

Panama Canal Zone, USA 

Pitcairn Islands, USA 

Puerto Rico, USA 

Queen Maud Land, Norway 

Réunion, France 

Saint Helena, United Kingdom 

Saint Pierre and Miquelon, France 

South Orkney Islands, United Kingdom 
South Sandwich Islands, United Kingdom 
South Georgia, United Kingdom 

South Shetland Islands, United Kingdom 
Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands, Norway 
Tokelau, New Zealand 

Tristan da Cunha Islands, United Kingdom 
Turks and Caicos Islands, United Kingdom 
Virgin Islands of the United States, USA 
Wallis and Futuna, France 

Introductory References 

Corbet, G.B. and Hill, J.E. 1991. A world list of mammalian 
species. (3rd edition). Natural History Museum Publications. 
Oxford University Press, Oxford. 

Favre, D.S. 1989. International trade in endangered species: a 
guide to CITES. Martinus Nijhoff, Dordrecht. 

Honacki, J.H., Kinman, K.E. and Koeppl, J.W. 1982. Mammal 
species of the world, a taxonomic and geographic reference. 
The Association of Systematics Collections, Lawrence, 

TUCN. 1990. 1990 IUCN red list of threatened animals. TUCN, 
Gland and Cambridge. 

Klinowska, M. 1991. Dolphins, porpoises and whales of the 
world: the IUCN red data book. 1UCN, Gland and 


Simpson, G.G. 1945. The principles of classification and a 
classification of mammals. Bulletin of the American Museum 
of Natural History 85: 1-350. 

United Nations. 1991. Terminology bulletin no. 342. United 
Nations, New York. 

Watson, L. 1981. Sea guide to whales of the world. 
Hutchinson, London. 

Wijnstekers, W. 1992. The evolution of CITES. A reference to 
the Convention on International Trade in Endangered 
Species of Wild Fauna and Flora. (3rd revised edition). 
CITES Secretariat, Lausanne. 

World Conservation Monitoring Centre. 1992. Global 
biodiversity: status of the earth’s living resources. Chapman 
and Hall, London. 

Tachyglossidae CITES RL 



Zaglossus bruijni (Peters & Doria 1876) II Vv 
Long-beaked Echidna, Long-nosed Echidna 
Indonesia: Irian Jaya; Papua New Guinea 


Antechinus apicalis (Gray 1842) - Id 
(= Parantechinus apicalis) 



Phascogale calura Gould 1844 - Id 
Red-tailed Phascogale, Red-tailed Wambenger 

Sminthopsis douglasi Archer 1979 - Id 
Julia Creek Dunnart 

Sminthopsis longicaudata Spencer 1909 I K 
Long-tailed Dunnart, Long-tailed Sminthopsis 

Sminthopsis psammophila Spencer 1895 I K 
Sandhill Dunnart 


Thylacinus cynocephalus (Harris 1808) I Ex 
Thylacine, Tasmanian Wolf 

Australia: Tasmania (ex) 


Myrmecobius fasciatus Waterhouse 1836 . E 
Numbat, Banded Anteater 



1044, 1098 


1044, 1098 


838, 1044, 1098 

838, 1044,1098 

1044, 1098 

Peramelidae CITES RL Ref 


Chaeropus ecaudatus (Ogilby 1838) I Ex 838,1044,1098 
Pig-footed Bandicoot 
Australia (ex) 

Echymipera clara Stein 1932 - R 1098 
Clara Bandicoot, White-lipped Bandicoot 
Indonesia: Irian Jaya 

Perameles bougainville Quoy & Gaimard 1824 I R 838,1044,1098 
Western Barred Bandicoot, Marl, Barred Bandicoot 
Australia: Bernier Island, Dorre Island 

Perameles eremiana Spencer 1897 - Ex 1044,1098 
Desert Bandicoot 
Australia (ex) 


Macrotis lagotis (Reid 1837) I E 838,1044,1098 
Greater Bilby, Dalgyte, Greater Rabbit-eared Bandicoot 


Macrotis leucura (Thomas 1887) I Ex 838,1044,1098 

Lesser Bilby, Yallara, Lesser Rabbit-eared Bandicoot 
Australia (ex) 


Phalanger lullulae Thomas 1896 - E 1098 
(= P. orientalis lullulae) 

Woodlark Island Cuscus 

Papua New Guinea: Woodlark Island 

Phalanger maculatus (E. Geoffroy 1803) II - 1044 

(= Spilocuscus maculatus) 

Common Spotted Cuscus, Spotted Phalanger 

Australia: Queensland [1181]; Indonesia: Ambon, Aru, Irian Jaya, Kei, Salaya Island, Seram; Papua New 

Phalanger orientalis (Pallas 1766) II - 1044 

Grey Cuscus, Common Phalanger 

Australia: Queensland [1181]; Indonesia: Irian Jaya, Moluccas; Papua New Guinea: Bismarck Archipelago; 
Solomon Islands 

Phalanger permixtio Mengues & Pernetta 1986 - R 738 
Papua New Guinea 

Phalanger rufoniger Zimara 1937 - R 1098 
(= P. atrimaculatus, Spilocuscus rufoniger) 

Black-spotted Cuscus 

Indonesia: Irian Jaya; Papua New Guinea 

Phalanger vestitus (Milne-Edwards 1877) - R 352 
Silky Cuscus 
Indonesia: Irian Jaya; Papua New Guinea 

Petauridae CITES 

Gymnobelideus leadbeateri McCoy 1867 - 

Leadbeater’s Possum 


Burramys parvus Broom 1896 II 
Mountain Pygmy-possum 



Lasiorhinus krefftii (Qwen 1873) I 
(includes L. barnardi) 



Northern Hairy-nosed Wombat, Queensland Hairy-nosed Wombat 



Bettongia gaimardi (Desmarest 1822) I 
Tasmanian Bettong, Eastern Bettong 


Bettongia lesueuri (Quoy & Gaimard 1824) I 

Burrowing Bettong, Boodie, Lesueur’s Rat-kangaroo 

Australia: Bernier Island, Dorre Island, Boodie, Barrow Island 

Bettongia penicillata Gray 1837 I 
(includes B. tropica) 

Brush-tailed Bettong, Woylie 


Caloprymnus campestris (Gould 1843) I 
Desert Rat-kangaroo 

Dendrolagus bennettianus De Vis 1887 II 
Bennett’s Tree-kangaroo 

Dendrolagus dorianus notatus Matschie 1916 - 
Highland Unicolored Tree-kangaroo 
Indonesia: Irian Jaya; Papua New Guinea 

Dendrolagus goodfellowi shawmayeri Rothschild & Dollman 1836 

(= D. matschiei shawmayeri) - 
Shawmayer’s Ornate Tree-kangaroo 
Papua New Guinea 

Dendrolagus inustus Miller 1840 li 
Grizzled Tree-kangaroo 



1044, 1098 


405 ,838,1044,1098 


838, 1044, 1098 

232,838,1044, 1098 

838,1044, 1098 





Indonesia: Irian Jaya, Mysool, ?West Schouten Islands; Papua New Guinea [643] 


Dendrolagus lumholtzi Collett 1884 
Lumbholtz’ Tree-kangaroo 

Dendrolagus ursinus Temminck 1836 

Vogelkop Tree-kangaroo, Black Tree-kangaroo 

Indonesia: Irian Jaya 

Dorcopsis atrata Van Deusen 1957 

Black Dorcopsis Wallaby, Black Forest-wallaby 

Papua New Guinea: Goodenough Island 

Dorcopsis macleayi (Miklouho-Maclay 1885) 
(= Dorcopsulus macleayi) 

Papuan Dorcopsis, Macleay’s Dorcopsis, Papuan Forest-wallaby 

Papua New Guinea 
Lagorchestes asomatus Finlayson 1943 
Central Hare-wallaby, Least Hare-wallaby 

Australia (ex) 

Lagorchestes hirsutus Gould 1844 

Rufous Hare-wallaby, Western Hare-wallaby 


Lagorchestes leporides Gould 1841 
Eastern Hare-wallaby 
Australia (ex) 

Lagostrophus fasciatus (Peron & Lesueur 1807) 

Banded Hare-wallaby 

Australia: Bernier, Dorre Island, Dirk Hartog Island 

Macropus greyi Waterhouse 1846 
Toolache Wallaby 
Australia (ex) 

Onychogalea fraenata (Gould 1841) 
Bridled Nailtail Wallaby, Merrin 

Onychogalea lunata (Gould 1841) 
Crescent Nailtail Wallaby, Wurrung 
Australia (ex) 

Petrogale persephone Maynes 1982 
Prosperine Rock-wallaby 

Potorous longipes Seebeck & Johnston 1980 
Long-footed Potoroo 

Potorous platyops (Gould 1844) 
Broad-faced Potoroo 
Australia (ex) 















1044, 1098 

148,838, 1044,1098 

1044, 1098 

838, 1044, 1098 

1044, 1098 

838, 1044, 1098 

838, 1044, 1098 

713,1044, 1098 

993,1044, 1098 

1044, 1098 




Solenodon cubanus Peters 1861 

Cuban Solenodon, Almiqui 

Cuba [11,28] 

Solenodon paradoxus Brandt 1833 

Haitian Solenodon, Hispaniolan Solenodon 

Dominican Republic [1119]; Haiti [15,30] 


Geogale aurita aurita Milne-Edwards & Grandidier 1872 

Large-eared Tenrec 

Geogale aurita orientalis Grandidier & Petit 1930 

Eastern Large-eared Tenrec 

Limnogale mergulus Major 1896 
Aquatic Tenrec, Web-footed Tenrec 

Microgale brevicaudata G. Grandidier 1899 
Short-tailed Shrew-tenrec 

Microgale crassipes Milne-Edwards 1893 
Large-footed Shrew-tenrec 

Microgale drouhardi G. Grandidier 1934 
Drouhard’s Shrew-tenrec 

Microgale gracilis Mayer, 1896 
Gracile Shrew-tenrec 

Microgale longicaudata Thomas 1883 
Lesser Long-tailed Shrew-tenrec 

Microgale longirostris Major 1896 
Long-nosed Shrew-tenrec 

Microgale majori Thomas 1918 
Major’s Lesser Long-tailed Shrew-tenrec 

Microgale melanorrhachis Morrison-Scott 1948 

Striped Shrew-tenrec 


















Microgale occidentalis (G. Grandidier & Petit 1931) 
Western Short-tailed Shrew-tenrec 

Microgale parvula G. Grandidier 1934 
Pygmy Shrew-tenrec 

Microgale principula Thomas 1926 
Greater Long-tailed Shrew-tenrec 

Microgale prolixicaudata G. Grandidier 1937 
Northern Lesser Long-tailed Shrew-tenrec 

Microgale pulla Jenkins 1988 
Dusky Shrew-tenrec, Dark Pygmy Shrew-tenrec 

Microgale sorella Thomas 1926 
Long-tailed Shrew-tenrec 

Microgale taiva Major 1896 
Taivi Shrew-tenrec 

Microgale thomasi Major 1896 
Thomas’s Shrew-tenrec 

Micropotamogale lamottei Heim de Balsac 1954 

Nimba Otter-shrew 
Céte d’Ivoire; Guinea; Liberia 

Micropotamogale ruwenzorii (de Witte & Frechkop 1955) 

Ruwenzori Otter-shrew 
Uganda [808]; Zaire [808] 


Amblysomus gunningi (Broom 1908) 
Gunning’s Golden Mole 
South Africa 

Amblysomus iris Thomas & Schwann 1905 
Zulu Golden Mole 
South Africa 

Amblysomus julianae Meester 1972 
Juliana’s Golden Mole 
South Africa 























Chrysochloridae CITES) RL Ref 

Calcochloris obtusirostris (Peters 1851) - R 1014 
(= Chlorotalpa obtusirostris) 

Yellow Golden Mole 

Mozambique [808]; South Africa [808]; Zimbabwe [808] 

Chlorotalpa duthiae (Broom 1907) - R 808,1014 
Duthie’s Golden Mole 
South Africa 

Chlorotalpa sclateri (Broom 1907) - Id 808,1014 
Sclater’s Golden Mole 
South Africa 

Chlorotalpa tytonis (Simonetta 1968) - Id 808,1014 
Somali Golden Mole 

Chrysochloris visagiei Broom 1950 - Id 808,1014 
Visagie’s Golden Mole 
South Africa 

Chrysospalax trevelyani (Ginther 1875) - R 27,724,725 ,874,875,1020 
Giant Golden Mole 
South Africa 

Chrysospalax villosus (A. Smith 1833) - Vv 808, 1014, 1020 
Rough-haired Golden Mole 
South Africa 

Cryptochloris wintoni (Broom 1907) - Id 808,1014 
De Winton’s Golden Mole 
South Africa 

Cryptochloris zyli Shortridge & Carter 1938 - Id 808,1014 
Van Zyl’s Golden Mole 
South Africa 

Eremitalpa granti (Broom 1907) - R 1014 
Grants’ Golden Mole 
Namibia [808]; South Africa [808] 


Erinaceus frontalis A. Smith 1831 - R 724 

(= Atelerix frontalis) 

South African Hedgehog 

Angola [499]; Botswana [1020]; Lesotho [1020]; Namibia [1020]; South Africa [725, 1020]; Zimbabwe [1020] 

Podogymnura truei Mearns 1905 - Vv 27 
Mindanao Gymnure, Mindanao Moonrat 

Philippines: Mindanao 


Crocidura ansellorum Hutterer & Dippenaar 1987 - K 537,538 


Crocidura baileyi Osgood 1936 

Crocidura congobelgica Hollister 1916 


Crocidura crenata Brosset, DuBost & Heim de Balsac 1965 


Crocidura dolichura ludia Hollister 1916 
(= C. ludia) 

Crocidura dolichura polia Hollister 1916 
(= C. polia) 

Crocidura eisentrauti Heim de Balsac 1957 

Crocidura glassi Heim de Balsac 1966 

Crocidura grassei Brosset, DuBost & Heim de Balsac 1965 

Cameroon; Central African Republic; Gabon 

Crocidura kivuana Heim de Balsac 1968 

Crocidura lanosa Heim de Balsac 1968 
Rwanda; Zaire 

Crocidura latona Hollister 1916 

Crocidura longipes Hutterer & Happold 1983 

Crocidura lucina Dippenaar 1980 

Crocidura luna raineyi Heller 1912 
(= C. raineyi) 

Crocidura luna selina Dollman 1915 
(= C. selina) 

Crocidura manengubae Hutterer 1981 

Crocidura maquassiensis Roberts 1946 
Makwassie Musk Shrew 
South Africa; Zimbabwe 



















27,724,725, 1020 


Crocidura monax Thomas 1910 
Kenya; Tanzania; Zaire 

Crocidura nimbae Heim de Balsac 1956 
Céte d’Ivoire; Guinea; Liberia 

Crocidura odorata goliath Thomas 1906 
Cameroon (ex) 

Crocidura phaeura Osgood 1936 

Crocidura poensis thomensis Bocage 1887 
(= C. thomensis) 
Sao Tomé 


Crocidura stenocephala Dieterlen & Heim de Balsac 1979 

(= C. littoralis stenocephla) 
Zaire [282] 

Crocidura tansaniana Hutterer 1986 


Crocidura telfordi Hutterer 1986 


Crocidura thalia Dippenaar 1980 


Crocidura usambarae Dippenaar 1980 


Crocidura wimmeri Heim de Balsac & Aellen 1958 

Cameroon; Céte d’Ivoire; Gabon; Liberia 

Crocidura zimmermanni Wettstein 1953 
Greece: Crete 

Myosorex eisentrauti Heim de Balsac 1968 
Cameroon; Equatorial Guinea 

Myosorex geata (Allen & Loveridge 1927) 

Myosorex longicaudatus Meester & Dippenaar 1978 
Long-tailed Forest Shrew 
South Africa 

Myosorex polli Heim de Balsac & Lamotte 1956 

Myosorex schalleri Heim de Balsac 1967 

Paracrocidura graueri Hutterer 1986 























Paracrocidura maxima Heim de Balsac 1959 
Rwanda; Uganda; Zaire 

Suncus remyi Brosset, DuBost & Heim de Balsac 1965 
Gabon Dwarf Shrew 

Sylvisorex howelli Jenkins 1984 

Sylvisorex olulla Thomas 1913 
Cameroon; Gabon; Zaire 

Sylvisorex suncoides Osgood 1936 
(= Ruwenzorisorex suncoides) 
?Rwanda; Uganda; Zaire 


Desmana moschata (Linnaeus 1758) 
Russian Desman 











Belarus [106]; Estonia [106]; Kazakhstan [106]; Latvia [106]; Lithuania [106]; Russia [106]; Turkmenia [106]; 

Ukraine [106,808] 
Galemys pyrenaicus (E. Geoffroy 1811) 

Pyrenean Desman 
?Andorra; France; Portugal; Spain 



Petrodromus tetradactylus sangi (Heller 1912) 
Four-toed Elephant-shrew 


Rhynchocyon chrysopygus Ginther 1881 

Golden-rumped Elephant-shrew, Yellow-rumped Elephant-shrew 


Rhynchocyon cirnei cirnei Peters 1847 
Chequered Elephant-shrew 

Rhynchocyon cirnei hendersoni Thomas 1902 
Henderson’s Chequered Elephant-shrew 

Rhynchocyon petersi Bocage 1880 
Black-and-rufous Elephant-shrew 

Kenya [808]; Tanzania: including Pemba Island, Zanzibar [808] 





27,811,841,876, 1042 






Pteropodidae CITES 


Acerodon celebensis (Peters 1867) II 
(includes Pteropus arquatus Miller & Hollister 1921) 
Sulawesi Flying-fox 

Indonesia: Saleyer, Sula Mangoli, Sulawesi 

Acerodon humilis K. Andersen 1909 II 
Talaud Flying-fox 
Indonesia: Talaud Islands 

Acerodon jubatus (Eschscholtz 1831) II 
Acerodon lucifer Elliot 1896 I] 

Panay Giant Fruit Bat 
Philippines: Panay (ex) 

Acerodon mackloti (Temminck 1837) II 
Sunda Flying-fox 
Indonesia: Alor, Flores, Lombok, Sumba, Sumbawa, Timor 

Alionycteris paucidentata Kock 1969 - 
Philippines: Mindanao 

Aproteles bulmerae Menzies 1977 - 
Bulmer’s Fruit Bat 
Papua New Guinea: Western Province 

Dobsonia exoleta chapmani Rabor 1952 - 
(= D. chapmani) 

Chapman’s Fruit Bat 

Philippines: Cebu, Negros (ex?) 

Dobsonia minor (Dobson 1879) - 
Lesser Naked-backed Fruit Bat 

Indonesia: Irian Jaya [352,913], Sulawesi [145]; Papua New Guinea [352] 

Dyacopterus spadiceus (Thomas 1890) - 
(except subspecies brooki) 
Dayak Fruit Bat 






Malaysia: Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah, Sarawak; Philippines: ?7Mindanao 

Dyacopterus spadiceus brooki Thomas 1920 - 
(= D. brooki) 
Indonesia: Sumatra [913]; Philippines: Luzon 

Latidens salimalii Thonglongya 1972 = 

Megaerops kusnotoi Hill & Boeadi 1978 - 

Javan Tail-less Fruit Bat 
Indonesia: Java 

















Pteropodidae CITES RL Ref 

Nyctimene rabori Heaney & Peterson 1984 - E 483,742 
Philippines Tube-nosed Fruit Bat 
Philippines: Negros 

Otopteropus cartilagonodus Kock 1969 - K 483,742 
Philippines: Luzon 

Pteropus admiralitatum Thomas 1894 II - 742 
Admiralty Flying-fox 
Papua New Guinea: Admiralty Islands, Bougainville, New Britain, Tabar Islands; Solomon Islands 

Pteropus alecto Temminck 1837 II - 742 

Central Flying-fox 

Australia; Indonesia: Bawean Island, Kangean Islands, Salaya Island, Sawu, Sulawesi, Sumba; Papua New 

Pteropus anetianus Gray 1870 II - 742 
Pteropus argentatus Gray 1844 II - 742,783 

Silvery Flying-fox 
Indonesia: Ambon 

Pteropus balutus Hollister 1913 II = 742 
(= P. pumilus balutus) 
Philippines: Saragani Island 

Pteropus brunneus Dobson 1878 II - 742 
Australia: Percy Island 

Pteropus caniceps Gray 1870 II - 742 
Ashy-headed Flying-fox 
Indonesia: Bacan, Halmahera, Sangihe, Sula Islands, Sulawesi, Ternate 

Pteropus chrysoproctus Temminck 1837 II - 742 
Ambon Flying-fox 
Indonesia: Ambon, Buru, Gorong Islands, Keffing, Sangihe, Seram, Watebula Islands 

Pteropus conspicillatus Gould 1849 II - 742 
Spectacled Flying-fox 
Australia; Indonesia: Halmahera, Irian Jaya; Papua New Guinea 

Pteropus dasymallus Temminck 1825 II - 742 
Ryukyu Flying-fox 
Japan: Kyushu, Ryukyu Islands; Taiwan 

Pteropus faunulus Miller 1902 II - 742 
India: Nicobar Islands 

Pteropus fundatus Felten & Kock 1972 II - 742 
Vanuatu: Banks Island 

Pteropus giganteus (Briinnich 1782) II - 742 

Indian Flying-fox 
Bangladesh; China; India: including Andaman Islands; Maldives; Nepal; Pakistan; Sri Lanka 


Pteropodidae CITES RL Ref 

Pteropus gilliardi Van Deusen 1969 II - 742 
Gilliard’s Flying-fox 
Papua New Guinea: New Bnitain 

Pteropus griseus (E. Geoffroy 1810) II - 742 
Grey Flying-fox 
Indonesia; Philippines: ?Luzon 

Pteropus howensis Troughton 1931 II - 742 
Solomon Islands: Ontong Java Island 

Pteropus hypomelanus Temminck 1853 II - 742 

Small Flying-fox 

Australia; Cambodia; Indonesia; Malaysia: islands off Sabah; Maldives; Myanmar; Papua New Guinea; 
Philippines; Solomon Islands; Thailand; Viet Nam 

Pteropus insularis Hombron & Jacquinot 1842 I E 174,742 
Truk Flying-fox 
Federated States of Micronesia: Truk 

Pteropus leucopterus Temminck 1853 Il = 742 
Philippines: Luzon 

Pteropus leucotis Sanborn 1950 I] - 514 
Philippines: Busuanga, Palawan 

Pteropus livingstonei Gray 1866 II E 742 
Comoro Black Flying-fox 
Comoros: Anjouan, Moheli 

Pteropus lombocensis Dodson 1878 II - 742 
Lombok Flying-fox 
Indonesia: Alor, Flores, Lombok 

Pteropus lylei K. Andersen 1908 II = 742 
Lyle’s Flying-fox 
Cambodia; Thailand; Viet Nam 

Pteropus macrotis Peters 1867 II Id 742 
Big-eared Flying-fox 
Indonesia: Aru Islands, Irian Jaya; Papua New Guinea 

Pteropus mahaganus Sanborn 1931 II - 742 
Lesser Flying-fox 
Papua New Guinea: Bougainville; Solomon Islands: Santa Isabel 

Pteropus mariannus Desmarest 1822 I E 174,742 

Micronesian Flying-fox 

Federated States of Micronesia: Kosrae, Ulithi Atoll, Yap; Guam; Japan: Okinawa; Northern Marianas: Aguijan, 
Alamagan, Pagan, Saipan, Tinian; Palau 

Pteropus mearnsi Hollister 1913 ll - 742 
(= P. hypomelanus mearnsi) 
Philippines: Basilan, Mindanao 


Pteropus melanopogon Peters 1867 
Black-bearded Flying-fox 

Pteropus melanotus Blyth 1863 








Christmas Island; India: Andaman and Nicobar Islands; Indonesia: Enggano, Nias 

Pteropus molossinus Temminck 1853 
Pohnpei Flying-fox 

Federated States of Micronesia: Mortlock Island, Pohnpei 

Pteropus neohibernicus Peters 1876 
Bismarck Flying-fox 
Indonesia: Irian Jaya; Papua New Guinea 

Pteropus niger (Kerr 1792) 
Greater Mascarene Flying-fox 
Mauritius; Reunion (ex) 

Pteropus nitendiensis Sanborn 1930 
Solomon Islands: Ndeni Island 

Pteropus ocularis Peters 1867 
Seram Flying-fox 
Indonesia: Buru, Seram 

Pteropus ornatus Gray 1870 
New Caledonia 

Pteropus personatus Temminck 1825 
Masked Flying-fox 
Indonesia: Halmahera, ?Sulawesi, Ternate 

Pteropus phaeocephalus Thomas 1882 
Mortlock Flying-fox 

Federated States of Micronesia: Chuuk, Mortlock Island 

Pteropus pilosus K. Andersen 1908 
Large Palau Flying-fox 
Palau (ex) 

Pteropus pohlei Stein 1933 
(= P. macrotis pohlei) 
Indonesia: Yapen 

Pteropus poliocephalus Temminck 1825 
Grey-headed Flying-fox 
Australia; Indonesia: Timor 

Pteropus pselaphon Lay 1829 
Japan: Bonin Islands, Volcano Islands 

Pteropus pumilus Miller 1911 
Indonesia: Miangas; Philippines 



























Pteropodidae CITES RL Ref 

Pteropus rayneri Gray 1870 II - 742 
Solomon Flying-fox 
Solomon Islands 

Pteropus rodricensis Dobson 1878 II E 27,192,193,742 
Rodrigues Flying-fox 
Mauritius: Rodrigues, Round Island (ex) 

Pteropus rufus E. Geoffroy 1803 II - 742 
Madagascar Flying-fox 


Pteropus samoensis Peale 1848 I 12 742 

Samoan Flying-fox 
American Samoa; Fiji; Samoa 

Pteropus santacrucis Troughton 1930 II - 742 
(= P. hypomelanus santacrucis) 
Solomon Islands: Santa Cruz Islands 

Pteropus scapulatus Peters 1862 II = 742 
Little Red Flying-fox 
Australia; New Zealand; Papua New Guinea 

Pteropus seychellensis Milne-Edwards 1877 II - 742 
(except subspecies aldabrabensis) 

Seychelles Flying-fox 

Comoros; Seychelles; Tanzania: Mafia Island 

Pteropus seychellensis aldabrensis True 1893 II Vv 742 
Aldabra Flying-fox 
Seychelles: Aldabra Island 

Pteropus speciosus K. Andersen 1908 II - 742 
Indonesia: Mata Sin, Salembu Besar; Philippines 

Pteropus subniger (Kerr 1792) II Ex 742 
Lesser Mascarene Flying-fox 

Mauritius (ex); Reunion (ex) 

Pteropus tablasi Taylor 1934 II - 742 
(= P. pumilus tablasi) 


Pteropus temmincki Peters 1867 II - 742 

Temminck’s Flying-fox 
Indonesia: Ambon, Buru, Seram, ?Timor; Papua New Guinea: Bismarck Archipelago 

Pteropus tokudae Tate 1934 I] Ex 27,174,742,849,974 
Guam Flying-fox 

Guam (ex) 

Pteropus tonganus Quoy & Gaimard 1830 I Id 742 

Insular Flying Fox 
American Samoa; Cook Islands; Fiji; New Caledonia; Niue; Papua New Guinea; Samoa; Solomon Islands: 

Karkar, Rennell; Tonga; Vanuatu 


Pteropodidae CITES) RL Ref 

Pteropus tuberculatus Peters 1869 Il - 742 
Solomon Islands: Vanikoro 

Pteropus vampyrus (Linnaeus 1758) II = 742 

Large Flying-fox 

Brunei; Cambodia; Indonesia; Malaysia: Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah, Sarawak; Myanmar; Philippines; Thailand; 
Tonga; Vanuatu 

Pteropus vetulus Jouan 1863 II = 742 
New Caledonia 
Pteropus voeltzkowi Matschie 1909 II E 742 

Pemba Flying-fox 
Tanzania: Pemba Island 

Pteropus woodfordi Thomas 1888 II - 742 
Least Flying-fox 
Solomon Islands 


Coleura seychellensis Peters 1869 - E 809 
Seychelles Sheath-tailed Bat 


Emballonura furax Thomas 1911 - K 913 

Greater Sheath-tailed Bat 
Indonesia: Irian Jaya [1118]; Papua New Guinea [352] 

Emballonura raffrayana Dobson 1879 - K 913 
Raffray’s Sheath-tailed Bat 
Indonesia: Irian Jaya, Kai Islands, Seram, Sulawesi [352,1118]; Papua New Guinea [352]; Solomon Islands 


Craseonycteris thonglongyai Hill 1974 - R 514 

Kitti’s Hog-nosed Bat 

Thailand [500] 


Macroderma gigas (Dodson 1880) - Vv 527,1044,1098 
Ghost Bat, Australian False Vampire 



Hipposideros papua (Thomas & Doria 1886) - R 913,1118 
Geelvinck Bay Leaf-nosed Bat 
Indonesia: Biak, Irian Jaya, northern Moluccas 

Hipposideros ridleyi Robinson & Kloss 1911 Id 27 

Singapore Roundleaf Horseshoe Bat, Ridley’s Leaf- sioeed Bat 
Malaysia: Peninsular Malaysia; Singapore 


Rhinolophidae CITES RL Ref 

Rhinonicteris aurantius (Gray 1845) - K 1143 
Orange Leaf-nosed Bat, Orange Horseshoe Bat 


Leptonycteris nivalis (Saussure 1860) - Vv 80,243,488 
Big Long-nosed Bat, Mexican Long-nosed Bat 
Guatemala; Mexico [906]; USA 

Leptonycteris yerbabuenae Martinez & Villa-Ramirez 1940 

(= L. sanborni Hoffmeister 1957) - Vv 80 
Little Long-nosed Bat 

El Salvador; Guatemala; Mexico [906]; USA 

Phyllonycteris aphylla (Miller 1898) - K 717 
Jamaican Flower Bat 


Phyllonycteris major Anthony 1917 - Ex? 514 

Puerto Rican Flower Bat 
Puerto Rico (ex) 

Phyllonycteris poeyi Gundlach 1861 - K 514 
Cuban Flower Bat 
Cuba; Dominican Republic; Haiti 

Vampyrops lineatus (E. Geoffroy 1810) UY = - 625 
White-lined Bat 
Argentina [586,915]; Bolivia; Brazil; Colombia [316]; Paraguay [915]; Peru; Uruguay [400,401,915] 


Myzopoda aurita Milne-Edwards & Grandidier 1878 - Vv 68,562 
Sucker-footed Bat 


Glischropus javanus Chasen 1939 - K 1118 
Javan Thick-thumbed Bat 

Indonesia: Java 

Kerivoula africana Dobson 1878 - Ex? 724 
Tanzanian Woolly Bat 
Tanzania (ex?) 

Lasiurus cinereus semotus (Peale & Beauvois 1796) - Id 1098 
Hawaiian Hoary Bat 
Hawaiian Islands 

Myotis capaccinii (Bonaparte 1837) < Vv 138,179,243 ,267,313,514,630, 

Long-fingered Bat 

Algeria; Austria; Bulgaria [160]; France [340]; Greece; Iraq [466,687]; Iran [646]; Israel [466]; Italy; Jordan 

[466]; Lebanon [466]; Malta; Morocco; Spain: including Balearic Islands [406]; Turkey [466,629]; Uzbekistan; 



Vespertilionidae GIMTES “RE Ref 

Myotis dasycneme (Boie 1825) - K 243,313,514,1040 

Pond Bat 

Austria; Belarus; Belgium; China; Czechoslovakia; Denmark [138]; Estonia; France [138,340]; Germany; 
Hungary; Kazakhstan; Latvia [1092]; Lithuania; Luxembourg; Netherlands [138,254]; Poland; Russia; Sweden 
[138]; Switzerland; Ukraine [1068] 

Myotis formosus bartelsi Jentink 1910 - K 1118 
(= M. bartelsi) 
Bartel’s Myotis 

Indonesia: Java 

Myotis formosus hermani Thomas 1923 - R 913,1118 
(= M. hermani) 

Herman’s Myotis, Herman’s Bat 

Indonesia: Sumatra 

Myotis grisescens A.H. Howell 1909 - E 442,1098 

Grey Myotis, Grey Bat 


Myotis myotis (Borkhausen 1797) - K 179,238,243 ,406,514,1040 

Large Mouse-eared Bat 

Albania; Austria; Azores; Belarus; Belgium; Bulgaria [313]; Cyprus; Czechoslovakia [190]; France [340]; 
Germany; Greece; Hungary; Israel [466]; Italy; Jordan; Lebanon [466,630]; Liechtenstein; Luxembourg; Malta 
[988]; Netherlands [254]; Poland; Portugal; Romania; Slovenia [842]; Spain [406]; Switzerland; Syria [466]; 
Turkey [629]; Ukraine; United Kingdom (ex?); Yugoslavia 

Myotis sodalis Miller & Allen 1928 - Vv 442,1094, 1098 
Indiana Bat, Social Bat 


Plecotus townsendii Cooper 1837 - Id 95 ,632,1098 

Townsend’s Big-eared Bat 
Canada; Mexico [906]; USA 


Mystacina robusta Dwyer 1962 - Ex 351 
New Zealand Greater Short-tailed Bat 

New Zealand: Big South Cape Island, Solomon Island (ex) 

Mystacina tuberculata Gray 1843 - Vv 258 
New Zealand Lesser Short-tailed Bat 

New Zealand 


Otomops formosus Chasen 1939 - K 1118 

Javan Mastiff Bat 
Indonesia: Java 


Tupaiidae CITES RL Ref 


(listed in a separate Order (SCANDENTIA) by Honacki et al. [514] and Corbet and Hill [243]) 

Anathana ellioti (Waterhouse 1850) II - 763 
Madras Treeshrew 


Dendrogale melanura (Thomas 1892) II - PAI PE 

Bornean Smooth-tailed Treeshrew 
Malaysia: Sabah, Sarawak 

Dendrogale murina (Schlegel & Miller 1845) II - 514 
Northern Smooth-tailed Treeshrew 
Cambodia; ?Lao P.D.R. [655]; Thailand [151]; Viet Nam [198,1025] 

Ptilocercus lowii Gray 1848 II - 217,723 
Pen-tailed Treeshrew 
Brunei; Indonesia [565,934]; Malaysia: Peninsular Malaysia [721], Sabah, Sarawak; Thailand [151] 

Tupaia dorsalis Schlegel 1857 II - 723 
Striped Treeshrew 
Brunei; Indonesia: Kalimantan; Malaysia: Sabah, Sarawak 

Tupaia glis (Diard 1820) II - 514 

(includes T. belangeri) 

Common Treeshrew 

Bangladesh [602,604]; ?Bhutan; Brunei [119]; Cambodia [837]; China [1169]; India [763]; Indonesia: Java, 
Kalimantan [1009], Sumatra [934]; Lao P.D.R. [271,417,837]; Malaysia: Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah [266], 
Sarawak [217]; Myanmar; Nepal [573,756]; Singapore [469]; Thailand [151]; Viet Nam [261,837,1025] 

Tupaia gracilis Thomas 1893 II - 217,723 
Slender Treeshrew 
Indonesia: Bangka, Belitung, Kalimantan [1009], Karimata Islands; Malaysia: Sabah [266], Sarawak 

Tupaia javanica Horsfield 1822 II - 217 
Javan Treeshrew 
Indonesia: Bali, Java, Nias, Sumatra [934] 

Tupaia minor Gunther 1876 II - 217,723 

Pygmy Treeshrew, Lesser Treeshrew 

Brunei [119]; Indonesia: Kalimantan, Lingga Archipelago, Sumatra [934]; Malaysia: Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah 
[266], Sarawak; Thailand [151] 

Tupaia montana Thomas 1892 II = 217,723 
Mountain Treeshrew 
Indonesia: Kalimantan [1009]; Malaysia: Sabah [266], Sarawak 

Tupaia nicobarica (Zelebor 1869) II - 763 
Nicobar Treeshrew 
India: Great and Little Nicobar Islands 

Tupaia palawanensis Thomas 1894 II - 483 
(= T. glis palawanensis) 

Palawan Treeshrew 

Philippines: Busuanga, Culion, Cuyo, Palawan 


Tupaiidae CITES 

Tupaia picta Thomas 1892 II 
Painted Treeshrew 
Indonesia: Kalimantan; Malaysia: Sarawak 

Tupaia splendidula Gray 1865 II 
Ruddy Treeshrew 
Indonesia: Bunguran, Kalimantan [1009] 

Tupaia tana Raffles 1821 II 
Large Treeshrew 
Brunei; Indonesia [934]; Malaysia: Sabah [266], Sarawak 

Urogale everetti (Thomas 1892) II 
Philippine Treeshrew 
Philippines: Mindanao 


Hapalemur aureus Meier, Albignac, Peyrieras, Rumpler & Wright 1987 

Madagascar I 
Golden Bamboo Lemur, Golden Lemur 

Hapalemur griseus alaotrensis Rumpler & Albignac 1975 

Alaotran Gentle Lemur I 

Hapalemur griseus griseus (Link 1795) I 
Grey Gentle Lemur 


Hapalemur griseus occidentalis Rumpler & Albignac 1975 
Western Gentle Lemur I 

Hapalemur simus Gray 1870 I 

Broad-nosed Gentle Lemur, Greater Bamboo Lemur 

Lemur catta Linnaeus 1758 I 

Ring-tailed Lemur 

Madagascar [724] 

Lemur coronatus Gray 1842 I 
(= L. mongoz coronatus, Petterus coronatus) 

Crowned Lemur 

Madagascar [724] 

Lemur fulvus albifrons E. Geoffroy 1796 I 

White-fronted Lemur 














27,397,724, 1037, 1077,1183, 

175,577,717,860, 1037, 1060, 
1061, 1062, 1077,1183 

724,860, 1037, 1077, 1183 


Lemuridae (including Megaladapidae) 

Lemur fulvus albocollaris E. Geoffroy 1796 

White-collared Lemur 

Lemur fulvus collaris E. Geoffroy 1812 
Collared Lemur 

Lemur fulvus fulvus E. Geoffroy 1796 

Brown Lemur 

Lemur fulvus mayottensis Schlegel 1886 
Mayotte Lemur 

Lemur fulvus rufus (Audebert 1799) 
(= L. macaco rufus) 

Red-fronted Lemur 


Lemur fulvus sanfordi Archbold 1932 
(= L. macaco sanfordi) 

Sanford’s Lemur 


Lemur macaco flavifrons (Gray 1867) 
Sclater’s Lemur 

Madagascar [724] 

Lemur macaco macaco Linnaeus 1766 
Black Lemur 

Madagascar [724] 

Lemur mongoz Linnaeus 1766 

Mongoose Lemur 

Comoros: Moili and Nodzoavani Islands; Madagascar 

Lemur rubriventer 1. Geoffroy 1850 
Red-bellied Lemur 

Lepilemur dorsalis Gray 1870 
(= L. mustelinus dorsalis) 



Grey-backed Sportive Lemur, Nossi-be Sportive Lemur 


Lepilemur edwardsi Forbes 1894 
(= L. mustelinus edwardsi) 
Milne-Edwards’ Sportive Lemur 





577,724,860,914, 1037,1077 

461,577,724,816,860,914, 1037, 


27,577,724,860,901, 1037, 1059 

27,724,860, 1037 

27,860, 1037,1077 

27,860, 1037, 1077 

27,577,724, 860,1037,1077, 

724, 1037,1077,1183 



Lemuridae (including Megaladapidae) 

Lepilemur leucopus Major 1894 
(= L. mustelinus leucopus) 

White-footed Sportive Lemur, Dry-bush Weasel Lemur 


Lepilemur microdon Forbes 1894 
(= L. mustelinus microdon) 
Light-necked Sportive Lemur 

Lepilemur mustelinus 1. Geoffroy 1851 
Greater Weasel Lemur, Sportive Lemur 

Lepilemur ruficaudatus A. Grandidier 1867 

(= L. mustelinus ruficaudatus) 

Red-tailed Sportive Lemur, Lesser Weasel Lemur 
Madagascar [724] 

Lepilemur septentrionalis Rumpler & Albignac 1975 
(= L. mustelinus septentrionalis) 

Northern Sportive Lemur 


Varecia variegata (Kerr 1792) 
(= Lemur variegatus) 

Ruffed Lemur 



Allocebus trichotis (Ginther 1875) 

(= Cheirogaleus trichotis) 

Hairy-eared Dwarf Lemur 

Cheirogaleus major E. Geoffroy 1812 
Greater Dwarf Lemur 


Cheirogaleus medius E. Geoffroy 1812 

Fat-tailed Dwarf Lemur 

Microcebus coquereli A. Grandidier 1867 

(= Mirza coquereli) 

Coquerel’s Mouse-lemur, Coquerel’s Dwarf Lemur 

Microcebus murinus (J.F. Miller 1777) 

Lesser Mouse-lemur, Grey Mouse-lemur 






724,816, 1037, 1062 

27,577, 1037, 1096 


724, 1077,1183 

27,269,724, 1037, 1077, 1183 

724,816,860, 1037,1077,1183 

27,577,724,816,860,901, 1037, 
1061, 1062, 1077,1183 


1062, 1077,1183 

Cheirogaleidae CITES RL 

Microcebus rufus E. Geoffroy 1834 I = 
(= M. murinus rufus) 

Brown Mouse-lemur, Rufous Mouse-lemur, Russet Mouse-lemur 

Phaner furcifer (Blainville 1841) I R 

Fork-marked Lemur, Fork-marked Mouse-lemur 


Indri indri (Gmelin 1788) I E 
Madagascar [724] 

Lichanotus laniger (Gmelin 1788) I Vv 
(= Avahi laniger) 

Woolly Lemur 


Propithecus diadema Bennett 1832 I E 
Diademed Sifaka 
Madagascar [724] 

Propithecus tattersalli Simons 1988 I E 
Golden-crowned Sifaka, Tattersall’s Sifaka 


Propithecus verreauxi A. Grandidier 1867 I Vv 

Verreaux’s Sifaka 

Daubentonia madagascariensis (Gmelin 1788) I E 



Arctocebus calabarensis (J.A. Smith 1860) II K 
Golden Potto, Angwantibo 


816,860, 1077 

1062, 1077,1183 

27,914, 1037, 1077, 1183 

816,914, 1037, 1077 

816,914, 1077, 1079, 1183 

27,577,724,816,860,901, 1037, 
1061, 1062, 1077, 1079, 1183 

27,371,724,816,860, 1037, 1977, 


Angola [518,531]; Cameroon [691]; ?Central African Republic [759,823]; Congo [691]; Equatorial Guinea 

[578]; Gabon [141,214]; Nigeria [724,819]; ?Zaire [759,823,991] 
Loris tardigradus (Linnaeus 1758) II - 

Slender Loris 
India [38,969, 1034]; Sri Lanka [318,861,865] 



Lorisidae CITES RL Ref 

Nycticebus coucang (Boddaert 1785) II - 649,723,1183 

Slow Loris 

Bangladesh [393,453,601 ,602,603,604,605]; Brunei; Cambodia; China [1072,1202]; India [38,763]; Indonesia: 
Bangka, Java, Kalimantan [1009], Natuna Islands, Rhio Archipelago [934], Sumatra; Lao P.D.R. [271,837]; 
Malaysia: Peninsular Malaysia [707], Sabah, Sarawak; Myanmar [1109]; Philippines: Sulu Archipelago [892]; 
Singapore (ex?); Thailand [151,216]; Viet Nam [684,837,853, 1025] 

Nycticebus pygmaeus Bonhote 1907 II Vv 1183 
Pygmy Loris, Lesser Slow Loris 
?Cambodia [514]; Lao P.D.R. [422,837,976]; Viet Nam [684,837,853, 1025] 

Perodicticus potto (P.L.S. Miiller 1766) II - 435 ,443,724,1183 

Potto, Potto Gibbon 

Angola [518,531]; Benin [978]; Burundi [1179]; Cameroon [759]; Central African Republic [862]; Congo [862]; 
Céte d’Ivoire [162]; Equatorial Guinea [182]; Gabon [141,214,215]; Ghana [559]; Guinea [155]; Guinea-Bissau 
[155]; Kenya [611,897]; Liberia [14,628]; Nigeria [431,940]; Rwanda [322,895]; Sierra Leone [155,263]; Togo 
[155]; Uganda [120,611]; Zaire [233,759,896,991] 


Galago alleni Waterhouse 1838 II - 443 ,724,1183 

Allen’s Galago, Allen’s Bushbaby 

Angola [518]; Cameroon [557]; Central African Republic [759,823]; Congo [691]; Equatorial Guinea 
[182, 1093]; Gabon [141,214]; Nigeria [940] 

Galago demidovii (Fischer 1806) II - 435,724,1183 

(= Galagoides demidoff) 

(except subspecies thomasi) 

Demidoff’s Galago, Dwarf Bushbaby 

Angola [480,518]; Benin [978]; Burkina Faso [944]; Cameroon [557]; Central African Republic [759,823]; 
Congo [691]; Céte d’Ivoire [162]; Equatorial Guinea [182, 1093]; Gabon [141,214]; Ghana [1134]; Guinea 
[937,1134]; Liberia [14,628]; Mali [1134]; Nigeria [940]; Rwanda [594]; Senegal (ex?) [305]; Sierra Leone 
[263,1086]; Tanzania [1067]; Togo [1134]; Zaire [233,896,991] 

Galago demidovii thomasi (Elliott 1907) II K 649 
(= Galago thomasi, Galagoides demidoff thomasi) 

Thomas’s Bushbaby 

?Kenya; ?Malawi [1134]; Uganda [120,611]; Zaire 

Galago elegantulus Le Conte 1857 II - 724, 1183 

(= Euoticus elegantulus) 

Western Needle-clawed Galago, Western Needle-clawed Bushbaby 

?Angola [518,823,862]; Cameroon[557]; Central African Republic [759,823]; Congo [611]; Equatorial Guinea 
[182, 1093]; Gabon [141,214]; Nigeria [940]; ?Zaire [759,823] 

Galago granti Thomas & Wroughton 1907 II - 724 
(= G. senegalensis granti, Galagoides zanzibaricus granti) 

Grant’s Galago, Grant’s Bushbaby 

Malawi [78]; Mozambique [1017]; Zimbabwe [1020] 

Galago inustus Schwarz 1930 II - 443,724,1183 
(= Euoticus inustus) 

Eastern Needle-clawed Galago, Eastern Needle-clawed Bushbaby 

Rwanda?[1135]; Uganda [611]; Zaire [895,991] 


Galagidae CITES RL Ref 

Galago senegalensis E. Geoffroy 1796 II - 435,449 ,649,724,1018,1183 
(includes G. moholi A. Smith 1839) 

Lesser Galago, Lesser Bushbaby, Senegal Galago 

Angola [499,518]; Benin [978]; Botswana [1020]; Burkina Faso [944]; Cameroon [645]; Central African 
Republic [862,1134]l; Chad [689]; Cote d’Ivoire [155]; ?7Djibouti [611]; Ethiopia [1192]; ?Gambia; Ghana [153]; 
Guinea [155]; Guinea-Bissau [155]; Kenya [611]; Liberia [862]; Malawi [78,452,1066]; Mali [155]; 
Mozambique [1017,1020]; Namibia [1020]; Niger [872]; Nigeria [940]; Rwanda [551]; Senegal [305,307]; 
Sierra Leone [1086]; Somalia [337,367]; South Africa [725,1020]; Sudan [996]; Swaziland [1020]; Tanzania 
[1067]; Togo [155]; Uganda [120,611]; Zaire [991]; Zambia [75]; Zimbabwe [1020] 

Galago zanzibaricus Matschie 1893 II Vv 649,1014 
(= G. senegalensis zanzibaricus) 

Zanzibar Galago, Zanzibar Bushbaby 

Kenya [611]; Malawi [452]; Mozambique [514]; Tanzania: including Zanzibar [611] 

Otolemur crassicaudatus (E. Geoffroy 1812) II - 443 ,724,1014,1018,1183 
(includes O. garnetti Ogilby 1838) 

Thick-tailed Bushbaby, Greater Bushbaby 

Angola [518]; Burundi; Kenya [611]; Malawi [78,452, 1066]; Mozambique [1017, 1620]; Rwanda [724]; Somalia 
[337,367]; South Africa [725,1020]; Swaziland [1020]; Tanzania: including Pemba Island, Zanzibar [771]; 
Uganda [120,611]; Zaire [991]; Zambia [75]; Zimbabwe [1020] 


Tarsius bancanus Horsfield 1821 II - 27,468,723,1183 

Western Tarsier 

Brunei; Indonesia: Bangka, Belitung, Kalimantan [1009], Serasan [217], Sumatra [934]; Malaysia: Sabah [266], 
Sarawak [810] 

Tarsius spectrum (Pallas 1779) II - 27,1183 
(except subspecies pumilus) 

Eastern Tarsier, Sulawesi Tarsier, Spectral Tarsier 

Indonesia: Peleng, Salaya Island, Sangihe, Sulawesi 

Tarsius spectrum pumilus Miller & Hollister 1921 II Id 27,782 
(= T. pumilus) 

Lesser Spectral Tarsier, Pygmy Tarsier 

Indonesia: Sulawesi 

Tarsius syrichta (Linnaeus 1758) II E 27,1183 
Philippine Tarsier 
Philippines: Bohol, Leyte, Mindanao, Samar 


Callithrix argentata (Linnaeus 1766) II - 184,618,788 
(except subspecies leucippe) 

Silvery Marmoset, Black-tailed Marmoset 

Bolivia [116,493]; Brazil [251,948]; Paraguay[915,1035] 

Callithrix argentata leucippe (Thomas 1922) II Vv 788, 1098 
White Marmoset 

Callithricidae CITES RL Ref 

Callithrix humeralifer (E. Geoffroy 1812) II = 251,618,788,948, 1098 
(except subspecies chrysoleuca, intermedius) 
Tassel-eared Marmoset 


Callithrix humeralifer chrysoleuca (Wagner 1842) II K 493 


Callithrix humeralifer intermedius (Hershkovitz 1977) II K 947 


Callithrix jacchus (Linnaeus 1758) Il - 184,251,758,760,788,1813 

(except subspecies aurita, flaviceps) 

(includes C. geoffroyi (Humboldt 1812), C. penicillata (E. Geoffroy 1812)) 
Common Marmoset 

Bolivia [116]; Brazil 

Callithrix jacchus aurita (E. Geoffroy 1812) I E 251,758,781, 1098,1183 
(= C. aurita) 

Buffy-tufted-ear Marmoset, White-eared Marmoset 


Callithrix jacchus flaviceps (Thomas 1903) I E 184,251,478,758,788, 1098 
(= C. flaviceps) 

Buffy-headed Marmoset 


Cebuella pygmaea (Spix 1823) II - 184,618,788, 1021,1183 
Pygmy Marmoset 
Bolivia [116,486]; Brazil [251,316,948]; Colombia [316,493]; Ecuador [493]; Peru [316,1022,1023] 

Leontopithecus rosalia caissara Lorini & Persson 1990 I E 662 
(= L. caissara) 

Black-faced Lion Tamarin 

Brazil: Superagui Island 

Leontopithecus rosalia chrysomelas (Kuhl 1820) I E 184,251,692,758,788, 1098 
(= L. chrysomelas) 

Golden-headed Lion Tamarin 


Leontopithecus rosalia chrysopygus (Mikan 1820) I EB 184,251,692,758,788, 1098 
(= L. chrysopygus) 

Golden-rumped Lion Tamarin, Black Lion Tamarin 


Leontopithecus rosalia rosalia (Linnaeus 1766) I E 184,251,618,692,758,788, 1098 
(= L. rosalia) 

Golden Lion Tamarin 


Saguinus bicolor (Spix 1823) I E 92,184,251,315,618,788,948, 

(includes S. martinsi (Thomas 1912)) 

Bare-faced Tamarin, Pied Tamarin 



Callithricidae CIMES* RE Ref 

Saguinus fuscicollis (Spix 1823) Il é 618,788, 1095,1183 
(includes S. tripartitus (Milne-Edwards 1878)) 

Saddle-back Tamarin, Brown-headed Tamarin, Rio Napo Tamarin 

Bolivia [493]; Brazil [251,316,948]; Colombia [316,759]; Ecuador [493]; Peru (316,395, 1022, 1023] 

Saguinus imperator (Goeldi 1907) II Id 184,618,788, 1098 
Emperor Tamarin 
Bolivia [493]; Brazil [948]; Peru [1022] 

Saguinus inustus Schwarz 1951 II - 618,788,1183 
Mottle-faced Tamarin, Dusky Tamarin 
Brazil [948]; Colombia [316,493] 

Saguinus labiatus (E. Geoffroy 1812) II - 788,1183 
Red-chested Tamarin, Red-bellied Tamarin, White-lipped Tamarin 
Bolivia [116,184,618]; Brazil [251,948]; Colombia [490]; Peru [184,618, 1022] 

Saguinus leucopus (Giinther 1877) I E 316,788,1098 
White-footed Tamarin 


Saguinus midas (Linnaeus 1758) II - 788,1183 

(includes S. tamarin (Link 1795)) 
Red-handed Tamarin, Negro Tamarin 
Brazil [184,251,618,948]; French Guiana [316,493]; Guyana [316,493]; Suriname [94,532] 

Saguinus mystax (Spix 1823) II - 184,618,788, 1183 
(includes S. pileatus (1. Geoffroy & Deville 1848)) 

Moustached Tamarin 

Brazil [251,948]; Peru [395,905,1022] 

Saguinus nigricollis (Spix 1823) II - 184,618,788,1183 
(includes S. graellsi (Jiménez de la Espada 1870)) 

Black-and-red Tamarin, Black-mantled Tamarin 

Brazil [251,948]; Colombia [493]; Ecuador [493]; Peru [1022] 

Saguinus oedipus (Linnaeus 1758) I = 184,442 ,618,659,788 
(except subspecies oedipus) 

(includes S. geoffroyi (Pucheran 1845)) 

Cotton-headed Tamarin, Geoffroy’s Tamarin, Rufous-naped Tamarin 

Colombia [316,493]; Costa Rica [493]; Panama [1012] 

Saguinus oedipus oedipus (Linnaeus 1758) I E 184,442,788, 1098 
Cotton-top Tamarin, Pinché 



Callimico goeldii (Thomas 1904) I R 845,1098,1183 
Goeldi’s Marmoset, Goeldi’s Monkey 

Bolivia [116,493]; Brazil [251,948]; Colombia [316,493]; ?7Ecuador; Peru [1022] 


Alouatta belzebul (Linnaeus 1766) II - 184,251,788,854,948 

Red-handed Howler, Black-and-red Howler 


Cebidae CITES RL Ref 

Alouatta caraya (Humboldt 1812) II - 184,788 
Black Howler 
Argentina [124,699,701,915]; Bolivia [486]; Brazil [251]; Paraguay [915] 

Alouatta fusca (E. Geoffroy 1812) II Id 184,788, 1098,1183 
(includes A. beniensis Lonnberg 1941) 

(= A. guariba (Humboldt 1812)) 

Brown Howler 

Argentina [124,915]; Bolivia [860]; Brazil [251,478,758] 

Alouatta palliata (Gray 1849) I - 442,788,1183 

Mantled Howler 

Colombia [316,490]; Costa Rica [1122]; Ecuador; El Salvador; Guatemala; Honduras [703]; Mexico [906]; 
Nicaragua; Panama; Peru [202] 

Alouatta pigra Lawrence 1933 II K 442,522,788, 1098 
(= A. villosa (Gray 1845 nomen dubium)) 

Guatemalan Howler 

Belize [526]; Guatemala [404]; Mexico [906,1150] 

Alouatta seniculus (Linnaeus 1766) II - 184,788,1183 

Red Howler 

Bolivia [116,486]; Brazil [251,948]; Colombia [316,490]; Ecuador; French Guiana [316]; Guyana [316,776]; 
Peru [1022, 1023]; Suriname [94,316,353,532,760]; Trinidad and Tobago [13]; Venezuela [316,319,946] 

Aotus trivirgatus (Humboldt 1811) II - 184,442,788, 1183 

(includes A. azarae (Humboldt 1812), A. brumbacki, A. infulatus (Kuhl 1820), A. lemurinus I. Geoffroy 1843, 
A. miconax Thomas 1927, A. nancymai, A. nigriceps Dollman 1909, A. vociferans (Spix 1823)) 

Night Monkey, Douroucouli, Owl Monkey 

Argentina [124,910,915]; Bolivia; Brazil [251,854,948]; Colombia [316,490]; Ecuador; Panama; Paraguay 
[915]; Peru [1022,1023]; Venezuela [316,946] 

Ateles belzebuth E. Geoffroy 1806 II Vv 184,624,788, 1098 
Long-haired Spider Monkey, White-bellied Spider Monkey 
Brazil [948]; Colombia [316,759]; Ecuador; Peru [420,1022]; Venezuela [316,766,767 ,946] 

Ateles fusciceps Gray 1866 II Vv 184,624,788, 1098 
Brown-headed Spider Monkey 
Colombia [316,759]; Ecuador; Panama [316,442] 

Ateles geoffroyi Kuhl 1820 II Vv 184,442,624,788, 1098 

(except subspecies frontatus, panamensis) 

Geoffroy’s Spider Monkey, Black-handed Spider Monkey 

Belize [526]; ?Colombia [759]; Costa Rica; El Salvador [178]; Guatemala; Honduras [703]; Mexico [906, 1150]; 
Nicaragua; Panama 

Ateles geoffroyi frontatus Gray 1842 I Vv 442,624,788,1098 
Black-browed Spider Monkey 
Costa Rica [1122]; Nicaragua 

Ateles geoffroyi panamensis Kellogg & Goldman 1944 _ I Vv 442,624, 1098 

Red Spider Monkey 
Costa Rica; Panama 


Cebidae CIES BRIE Ref 

Ateles paniscus (Linnaeus 1758) II Vv 624,1098 

Black Spider Monkey 

Bolivia [116]; Brazil [251,948]; French Guiana [316]; Guyana [316]; Peru [420,1022,1023]; Suriname 

Brachyteles arachnoides (E. Geoffroy 1806) I E 50,184,251,358,478,751,758, 

Woolly Spider Monkey, Muriqui 


Cacajao calvus (1. Geoffroy 1847) I Vv 184,618,788, 1098 
(includes C. rubicundus (1. Geoffroy & Deville 1848)) 

Bald Uakari, Red-and-white Uakari 

Brazil [90,91,251,948]; Peru [1022] 

Cacajao melanocephalus (Humboldt 1812) I Vv 788, 1098 
Black Uakari, Black-headed Uakari 
Brazil [251,948]; Colombia [316,759]; Venezuela [316,946] 

Callicebus moloch (Hoffmannsegg 1807) II - 184,497,579,788,1183 
(includes C. brunneus (Wagner 1842), C. caligatus (Wagner 1842), C. cinerascens (Spix 1823), C. cupreus 
(Spix 1823), C. donacophilus (d’ Orbigny 1835), C. dubius, C. hoffmannsi Thomas 1908, C. modestus Lonnberg 
1939, C. oenanthe Thomas 1924, C. olallae Lonnberg 1939) 

Dusky Titi 

Bolivia [116,486]; Brazil [251,948]; Colombia [316,490]; Ecuador; Paraguay [915]; Peru [1022,1023] 

Callicebus personatus (E. Geoffroy 1812) Il E 251,758,788, 1098 
Masked Titi 


Callicebus torquatus (Hoffmannsegg 1807) II - 184,788,1183 
Widow Titi 

Brazil [251,948]; Colombia [316,490]; ?Ecuador; Peru [1022]; Venezuela [316,946] 

Cebus albifrons (Humboldt 1812) II - 184,788,1183 

Brown Pale-fronted Capuchin, White-fronted Capuchin 

Bolivia [486]; Brazil [251,948]; Colombia [316,490]; Ecuador; ?Guyana [788]; Peru [1022,1023]; T.inidad and 
Tobago [13]; Venezuela [316,946] 

Cebus apella (Linnaeus 1758) II - 184,788,1183 

Black-capped Capuchin, Tufted Capuchin 

Argentina [124,697,699,701,915]; Bolivia [486]; Brazil [251,948]; Colombia [316,490]; Ecuador; ?French 
Guiana; Guyana [316,776]; Paraguay; Peru [1022, 1023]; Suriname [94,316,353,532,760]; Venezuela [316,946] 

Cebus capucinus (Linnaeus 1758) II - 184,788, 1183 

White-faced Capuchin, White-throated Capuchin 

Belize [526,715,716]; Colombia [316,490]; Costa Rica [341, 1122]; Ecuador [184]; Honduras [703]; Nicaragua; 
Panama; Venezuela 

Cebus olivaceus Schomburgk 1848 II - 184,788,1183 

(= C. nigrivittatus Wagner 1848) 

Weeper Capuchin 

Brazil [948]; ?French Guiana; Guyana [316,776]; ?Peru (ex); Suriname [94,316,532,760]; Venezuela 


Cebidae CITES RL Ref 

Chiropotes albinasus (1. Geoffroy & Deville 1848) I Vv 184,251,788,948, 1098 
White-nosed Saki, Red-nosed Saki 


Chiropotes satanas (Hoffmannsegg 1807) II = 184,788 

(except subspecies satanas) 
Bearded Saki, Black Saki 
Brazil [251,948]; French Guiana; Guyana [316,776]; Suriname [94,316,353,532,760]; Venezuela [316,946] 

Chiropotes satanas satanas (Hoffmannsegg 1807) II E 184,568,571,788,1098 
Southern Bearded Saki, Black Saki 


Lagothrix flavicauda (Humboldt 1812) I E 670,788, 1022,1098 

(= L. hendeei Thomas 1927) 
Yellow-tailed Woolly Monkey 
?Ecuador; Peru 

Lagothrix lagothricha (Humboldt 1812) II Vv 184,788, 1098 
Common Woolly Monkey, Humboldt’s Woolly Monkey 
Bolivia [116]; Brazil [251,948]; Colombia [316,759]; Ecuador; Peru [1022,1023] 

Pithecia albicans Gray 1860 II - 251,494,569,788,948,1010 
Black-and-white Saki, Buffy Saki 


Pithecia hirsuta Spix 1823 II - 494 

Shaggy Saki 

Bolivia [1198]; Brazil [948]; Colombia [316,759]; Ecuador; Peru [1022, 1023] 

Pithecia monachus (E. Geoffroy 1812) II - 184,494 ,496,788,1183 
(includes P. aequatorialis, P. irrorata Gray 1844) 

Monk Saki, Red-bearded Saki 

Bolivia [486]; Brazil [251,948]; Colombia [490]; Ecuador; Peru [1022] 

Pithecia pithecia (Linnaeus 1766) II = 184,494,788,1183 
Pale-headed Saki, White-faced Saki 

Brazil [251,948]; ?French Guiana [1183]; Guyana [316,776]; Suriname [94,316,353,532,760]; Venezuela 

Saimiri oerstedii Reinhardt 1872 I E 788,1098 
Central American Squirrel Monkey, Red-backed Squirrel Monkey 
Costa Rica [728,1122]; Panama 

Saimiri sciureus (Linnaeus 1758) II - 184,788 

(includes S. boliviensis (d’Orbigny 1834), S. ustus (I. Geoffroy 1844)) 

Common Squirrel Monkey 

Bolivia [116,486]; Brazil [251,854,948]; Colombia [316,490]; Ecuador; French Guiana [316]; Guyana 
[316,776]; ?Paraguay [757]; Peru [1022]; Suriname [94,316,353,532,760]; [7USA]; Venezuela [316,946] 

Saimiri vanzolinii Ayres 1985 II - 89 


Cercopithecidae CITES” RE Ref 


Allenopithecus nigroviridis (Pocock 1907) II K 443 ,649,789,1183 
(= Cercopithecus nigroviridis) 

Allen’s Swamp Monkey 

Angola [514]; Congo [1125]; Zaire [1125] 

Cercocebus agilis Milne-Edwards 1886 II 443,724,789,1183 

(= C. galeritus agilis) 

Agile Mangabey 

Cameroon [377]; Central African Republic [194,257]; Congo [691]; Equatorial Guinea [950]; Gabon [141,691]; 
Zaire [473,991] 

Cercocebus albigena (Gray 1850) II - 435 ,443,724,789,1183 

(except subspecies aterrimus) 

Grey-cheeked Mangabey, White-cheeked Mangabey 

Angola [499,518]; Burundi [514]; Cameroon [377]; Central African Republic [194]; Congo [691]; Equatorial 
Guinea [108]; Gabon [141,377,691]; ?Kenya [443]; ?Nigeria [514]; Rwanda [40]; Tanzania [443]; Uganda 
[120]; Zaire [233,473,896,991] 

Cercocebus albigena aterrimus (Oudemans 1890) II K 516,649 

(= C. aterrimus) 

Black Mangabey 

Angola; Zaire 

Cercocebus galeritus galeritus Peters 1879 I E 27,427,443,511,512,649,706, 

Tana River Mangabey 


Cercocebus galeritus ’sanjei’ Homewood & Rodgers 1981 

Sanje Mangabey II E 513,649,938 


Cercocebus torquatus (Kerr 1792) II Vv 443 ,649,724,789,1183 

(includes C. atys (Audebert 1797)) 

Collared Mangabey, Sooty Mangabey, Red-capped Mangabey, White-collared Mangabey 

Cameroon [374]; Congo [691]; Cote d’Ivoire [155,1070,1178]; Equatorial Guinea: Rio Muni [952]; Gabon 
[141,691]; Ghana [84]; Guinea [937,1074]; Liberia [14,1130]; Nigeria [450,824]; Senegal [305,1047]; Sierra 
Leone [263,459, 1084] 

Cercopithecus aethiops (Linnaeus 1758) II = 443,518,724,789,1014,1018, 
(includes C. pygerythrus (F. Cuvier 1821), C. sabaeus (Linnaeus 1766), C. tantalus (Ogilby 1841)) 
Savanna Monkey, Green Monkey, Vervet Monkey, Grivet Monkey, Tantalus Monkey 
Angola [499]; [Barbados [517,1119]]; Benin [978]; Botswana [1001,1020]; Burkina Faso [944]; Burundi 
[1128,1179]; Cameroon [557]; [Cape Verde [794]]; Central African Republic [376,689]; Chad [376,689]; Congo 
[691]; Céte d’Ivoire [1070]; Equatorial Guinea; Ethiopia [245,1192]; ?Gabon [141,376]; Gambia [438, 1039]; 
Ghana [84,152]; Guinea [155]; Kenya [1048]; Liberia [14,628]; Malawi [78,452, 1066]; Mali [975]; Mauritania 
[376]; Mozambique [255,1017]; Namibia [376]; Niger [872]; Nigeria [940]; Rwanda; [Saint Kitts [1119]; 
Senegal [305,306]; Sierra Leone [459,936]; Somalia [263,337,367]; South Africa [1020]; Sudan [503,996]; 
Swaziland [1020]; Tanzania [1067]; Togo [84]; Uganda [126]; Zaire [991]; Zambia [75]; Zimbabwe [1177] 


Cercopithecidae CITES RL Ref 

Cercopithecus ascanius (Audebert 1799) II - 443 ,518,724,789,899,1018, 

Schmidt’s Guenon, Redtail Monkey, Black-cheeked White-nosed Monkey 

Angola [499]; ?7Burundi; Cameroon [759]; Central African Republic [194]; Kenya [611]; Rwanda [40]; Sudan 

[503,621]; Tanzania [587]; Uganda [120,611]; Zaire [233,473,759,896,991]; Zambia [75] 

Cercopithecus campbelli Waterhouse 1838 Il - 443 ,724,789,1183 

Campbell’s Guenon, Campbell’s Monkey 

Céte d’Ivoire [1070, 1178]; Gambia (ex?) [438, 1039]; Ghana [672,937]; Guinea [672,937]; Guinea-Bissau [672]; 
Liberia [628]; Senegal [305,306]; Sierra Leone [263,459, 1075] 

Cercopithecus cephus (Linnaeus 1758) II - 443,724,789, 1183 
Moustached Monkey 

Angola [107,518]; Cameroon [377]; Central African Republic [514,759]; Congo [691]; Equatorial Guinea 
[108,182]; Gabon [141,691]; Zaire [991] 

Cercopithecus diana (Linnaeus 1758) I Vv 443 ,649,724,789,1183 
(includes C. roloway (Schreber 1774) 

Diana Guenon, Diana Monkey 

Céte d’Ivoire [768,1070,1178]; Ghana [84]; Guinea [937]; Liberia [14,49,628]; Sierra Leone [263,581,683]; 

Cercopithecus dryas Schwarz 1932 II - 1183 

Dryas Guenon, Dryas Monkey 


Cercopithecus erythrogaster Gray 1866 II E 443 ,649,724,789,1183 

Red-bellied Guenon, Red-bellied Monkey, White-throated Guenon 
?Benin [978]; Nigeria [155,822,824]; Togo 

Cercopithecus erythrotis Waterhouse 1838 II Vv 443 ,649,724,789,1183 
(except subspecies sclateri) 

Russet-eared Guenon, Red-eared Monkey 

Cameroon [155,377]; Equatorial Guinea: Fernando Po [155] 

Cercopithecus erythrotis sclateri (Pocock 1904) II E 649 
White-throated Guenon 
Nigeria [19,155] 

Cercopithecus hamlyni Pocock 1907 II Vv 443 ,649,724,789,1183 
Owl-faced Guenon, Owl-faced Monkey 
Rwanda [65,899]; Uganda [1198]; Zaire [233,473 ,895,896,899] 

Cercopithecus lhoesti Sclater 1899 II Vv 435 ,443,648,724,789,1183 
(includes C. thomasi) 

(except subspecies preussi) 

L’Hoest’s Monkey, Mountain Monkey 

Burundi [899,1128]; Rwanda [322,899]; Uganda [120,611]; Zaire [233,473,899] 

Cercopithecus lhoesti preussi (Matschie 1898) II E 443,649 ,724,789,1183 
(= C. preussi) 

Preuss’s Guenon, Preuss’s Monkey 

Cameroon [373]; Equatorial Guinea: Fernando Po [691] 


Cercopithecidae CITES RL Ref 

Cercopithecus mitis Wolf 1822 II - 435 ,443,724,789,899,1014 
(includes C. albogularis (Sykes 1831)) 

Blue Monkey, Diademed Monkey, Sykes’ Monkey 

Angola [499,518]; Burundi [322,1128]; Ethiopia [1192]; Kenya [611,706]; Malawi [78,452, 1066]; Mozambique 
[255,1017]; Rwanda [26,86,677]; Somalia [337,367]; South Africa [725,1020]; Sudan [996]; Swaziland; 
Tanzania [938,1067]: including Zanzibar [771]; Uganda [120]; Zaire [233,473,896,991]; Zambia [75]; 
Zimbabwe [219] 

Cercopithecus mona (Schreber 1774) II - 237,443 ,724,789,1183 

Mona Monkey 

Benin [978]; Cameroon (557]; Ghana [152]; [Grenada] [791]; Nigeria [824]; [Saint Kitts]; Sao Tome and 
Principe [365]; Togo [84] 

Cercopithecus neglectus Schlegel 1876 II - 435,724,789, 1183 

de Brazza’s Monkey 

Angola [518]; Cameroon [759]; Central African Republic [194,257]; Congo [691]; Equatorial Guinea [108,182]; 
Ethiopia [1192]; Gabon [141,691]; Kenya [165,326,779]; Sudan [514]; Uganda [120]; Zaire [233,473,759,991] 

Cercopithecus nictitans (Linnaeus 1766) II - 443 ,724,789,1183 
White-nosed Guenon, Putty-nosed Monkey, Spot-nosed Guenon, Greater White-nosed Monkey 

Angola [518]; Benin [978]; Cameroon [557]; Central African Republic [194,689]; Congo [691]; Cote d’Ivoire 
[1070, 1178]; Equatorial Guinea: including Fernando Po [182]; Gabon [141,691]; Liberia [14,628]; Nigeria 
[765,824]; Sierra Leone [451]; Togo; Zaire [991] 

Cercopithecus petaurista (Schreber 1774) Il - 443,724,789,1183 

Lesser White-nosed Guenon, Spot-nosed Monkey, Lesser Spot-nosed Guenon, Lesser White-nosed Monkey 
Benin [978]; Céte d’Ivoire [1070,1178]; Gambia; Ghana [84]; Guinea [155,937]; Guinea-Bissau [305]; Liberia 
[628]; Senegal [305]; Sierra Leone [263,459]; Togo 

Cercopithecus pogonias Bennett 1833 II - 443,724,789,1183 
Golden-bellied Guenon, Golden-bellied Monkey, Crowned Guenon, Crowned Monkey 

Cameroon [377]; Central African Republic [194, 1074]; Congo [691]; Equatorial Guinea [108, 182, 1093]; Gabon 
[141,691,759]; Nigeria (ex?) [19,823]; Zaire [759] 

Cercopithecus salongo Thys van Audenaerde 1977 II Vv 649,1102 
Salongo Guenon, Zaire Diana Monkey 

Cercopithecus solatus Harrison 1988 II Vv 470,649 
Sun-tailed Guenon, Sun-tailed Monkey 
Gabon [141] 

Cercopithecus talapoin Schreber 1774 II = 724,789, 1183 

(= Miopithecus talapoin) 


Angola [518]; *Cameroon [557]; [Canary Islands]; Congo [691]; *Equatorial Guinea [182]; *Gabon [141,691]; 
Zaire [991] 

(* The populations of these countries may belong to an undescribed species [514]) 

Cercopithecus wolfi Meyer 1891 II = 443,724,789,1183 

(= C. pogonias wolfi) 

(includes C. denti (Thomas 1907)) 

Wolf’s Monkey 

Angola [672]; Central African Republic [689]; Rwanda [789]; Uganda [611,672]; Zaire [233,473 ,672,896] 


Cercopithecidae CITES RL Ref 

Colobus angolensis Sclater 1860 II - 435, 443,724,790,899,1183 
Angolan Black-and-White Colobus, Angolan Colobus 

Angola [518]; Burundi [898,1128]; Congo [691]; Kenya [611]; Malawi [790]; Rwanda [40,543]; Tanzania 
[938,1067]; Uganda [120]; Zaire [899]; Zambia [75] 

Colobus badius (Kerr 1792) II Vv 156,382,649,724,790,899, 1038, 

(= Procolobus badius) 

(except subspecies temminckii, waldroni) 

Western Red Colobus 

Céte d’Ivoire [84,899,1178]; Guinea [937]; Liberia [14,899, 1049]; Sierra Leone [263,459] 

Colobus badius temminckii Kuhl 1820 II R 649,790 
(= Procolobus temminckii) 

Temminck’s Red Colobus 

Gambia [438, 1039, 1049]; Guinea; Guinea-Bissau [790]; Senegal [305, 1049] 

Colobus badius waldroni Hayman 1936 II iE 649,790 
(= Procolobus badius waldroni) 

Miss Waldron’s Bay Colobus 

Céte d’Ivoire; Ghana [153] 

Colobus guereza Riippell 1835 II - 300,301 ,435,443,650,724,790, 
820,899, 1183,1192 

(= C. abyssinicus Oken 1816, invalid) 

Guereza, Magistrate Colobus, Eastern Black-and-White Colobus 

Cameroon [557]; Central African Republic [194,689]; Chad [689]; Congo [691]; Equatorial Guinea [759]; 

Ethiopia [245,1192]; Gabon [141,691]; Kenya [611]; Nigeria [19,820]; Rwanda [322,820]; Sudan [503]; 

Tanzania [611]; Uganda [120]; Zaire [473,896,991] 

Colobus pennantii Waterhouse 1838 II E 649,790 

(= Procolobus pennantii, C. badius pennantii) 

(except subspecies bouvieri, ellioti, foai, gordonorum, kirki, oustaleti, tephrosceles, tholloni) 
Eastern Red Colobus 

Equatorial Guinea: Fernando Po [25,899,1049] 

Colobus pennantii bouvieri (Rochebrune 1887) II E 649 
(= Procolobus pennantii bouvieri, C. badius bouvieri) 

Bouvier’s Red Colobus 

Congo [899] 

Colobus pennaniii ellioti Dollman 1909 II K 649 
(= Procolobus rufomitratus ellioti, C. badius ellioti) 

Elliot’s Red Colobus 

Uganda (ex?) [882]; Zaire 

Colobus pennantii foai Pousargues 1899 II K 649 
(= Procolobus rufomitratus foai, C. badius foai) 

Foa Red Colobus 


Colobus pennantii gordonorum (Matschie 1900) af E 27,435,443 649,938 
(= Procolobus gordonorum, C. badius gordonorum) 

Uhehe Red Colobus, Gordon’s Red Colobus 



Cercopithecidae CIES) RE Ref 

Colobus pennantii kirkii Gray 1868 I E 27,435,443 649,724,790 
(= Procolobus kirkii, C. badius kirkii, C. kirkii) 

Zanzibar Red Colobus, Kirk’s Colobus 

Tanzania: [Pemba Island] [1006], Zanzibar [899] 

Colobus pennantii oustaleti Trouessart 1906 II K 649 
(= Procolobus rufomitratus oustaleti, C. badius oustaleti) 

Oustalet’s Red Colobus 

Central African Republic [759]; ?Sudan [724,899]; Zaire 

Colobus pennantii tephrosceles Elliot 1907 II v 649 
(= Procolobus rufomitratus tephrosceles, C. badius tephrosceles) 

Uganda Red Colobus 

Burundi [899,991]; Rwanda; Tanzania [1050]; Uganda [120,1050] 

Colobus pennantii tholloni Milne-Edwards 1886 II K 649 
(= Procolobus rufomitratus tholloni, C. badius tholloni) 

Thollon’s Red Colobus 


Colobus polykomos (Zimmermann 1780) II - 443 ,724,690,790,899,1183 
(includes C. vellerosus (1. Geoffroy 1834)) 

King Colobus, Western Black-and-White Colobus 

Benin [978]; Céte d'Ivoire [84,899,1178]; Gambia [899]; Ghana [84,899,1178]; Guinea [155,937]; 
Guinea-Bissau [305,764]; Liberia [14,628]; Nigeria [940]; Senegal [155,305]; Sierra Leone [263,459,936]; Togo 

Colobus preussi (Matschie 1900) II E 27,443,649,724,790 
(= C. badius preussi, Procolobus pennanti preussi) 

Preuss’s Colobus, Preuss’s Red Colobus 

Cameroon; Nigeria (ex?) [19] 

Colobus rufomitratus Peters 1879 I Vv 27,435 ,443,649,724,790, 1050, 

(= C. badius rufomitratus, Procolobus rufomitratus rufomitratus) 

Tana River Colobus, Eastern Red Colobus 


Colobus satanas Waterhouse 1838 II E 27,443,649,724,790,899, 1183 

Black Colobus 
Cameroon [820]; Congo [691]; Equatorial Guinea [952]: including Fernando Po [724]; Gabon [141,691] 

Colobus verus Van Beneden 1838 II R 27,649,724,790, 1183 

(= Procolobus verus) 

Olive Colobus, Van Beneden’s Colobus 

?Benin [978]; Céte d’Ivoire [154, 1178]; Ghana [154]; Guinea [154,155]; Liberia [14, 154]; Nigeria [19,737,822]; 
Sierra Leone [154,263]; ?Togo 

Erythrocebus patas (Schreber 1775) II - 435,443 ,724,789,1183 

(= Cercopithecus patas) 

Patas Monkey 

Benin [978]; Burkina Faso [944]; Cameroon [557]; Central African Republic [689]; Chad [689]; Cote d’Ivoire 
[1070]; Ethiopia [1192]; Gambia [438, 1039]; Ghana [84]; Guinea; Guinea-Bissau; Kenya [611]; Mali [975]; 
Mauritania; Niger [873]; Nigeria [940]; Senegal [305,307]; Sierra Leone [1171]; ?Somalia [611]; Sudan 
[503,996]; Tanzania [1067]; Togo [84]; Uganda [120]; Zaire [991] 


Cercopithecidae CITES RL Ref 

Macaca arctoides (1. Geoffroy 1831) II - 336,789,1183 

(= M. speciosa Blyth 1875) 

Stump-tailed Macaque, Bear Macaque 

Bangladesh [601,602,603,604,605]; Cambodia [864]; China [363,1072,1202]; India [38,763]; Lao P.D.R. 
[271,417]; Malaysia: Peninsular Malaysia [707,721]; Myanmar [1109]; Thailand [96,151]; Viet Nam 

Macaca assamensis (McClelland 1840) Il - 336,361,789,1183 

Assam Macaque 

Bangladesh [393,601,602,603,604,605,970]; Bhutan; China [345,1072,1202]; India [762,763]; Lao P.D.R. 
[271]; Myanmar [1109]; Nepal [756]; Thailand [151]; Viet Nam [261,684,837,853,1025] 

Macaca cyclopis (Swinhoe 1863) II Vv 336,878,879, 1072, 1183,1202 
Taiwan Macaque, Formosan Rock Macaque 
[Japan]; Taiwan 

Macaca fascicularis (Raffles 1821) II - 217,336,686,723,789,1141, 

(= M. irus Cuvier 1818, M. cynamolgus (Schreber 1775)) 

Crab-eating Macaque, Cynomolgus Monkey, Long-tailed Macaque 

Bangladesh [601,602,603 ,604,605,970]; Brunei [119,170]; Cambodia; [Hong Kong] [709]; India: Nicobar 
Islands [38,278,763]; Indonesia [250,752,1009]; ?7Lao P.D.R.; Malaysia: Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah [266], 
Sarawak [707,721]; [Mauritius] [1063, 1064]; Myanmar [1109]; Palau [880]; Philippines [892]; Singapore [469]; 
Thailand [96,151]; [7?USA]; Viet Nam [684,837,853,1025] 

Macaca fuscata (Blyth 1875) II 
(= M. speciosa 1. Geoffroy 1826) 

(except subspecies yakui) 

Japanese Macaque 

[Hong Kong]; Japan 


Macaca fuscata yakui Kuroda 1941 II E 1034 
Yakushima Macaque 


Macaca maura F. Schinz 1825 II Vv 336 

Moor Macaque 
Indonesia: Sulawesi 

Macaca mulatta (Zimmermann 1780) II 
Rhesus Macaque, Rhesus Monkey 

Afghanistan [476]; Bangladesh [393,601,602,603 604,605,970]; Bhutan; China [1072,1202, 1204]; Hong Kong 
[709]; India [762,763,1026]; Lao P.D.R. [271,417,837]; Myanmar [1028,1109]; Nepal [756]; Pakistan 
[797,930]; Thailand [151,216]; [USA]; Viet Nam [261,684,837,853, 1025] 

336,789, 1027,1141,1183 

Macaca nemestrina (Linnaeus 1766) Il - 336,723,789,1183 

(except subspecies pagensis) 

Pigtail Macaque 

Bangladesh [393,601 ,602,603,604,605 ,970]; Brunei [119,170]; ?Cambodia; China [1072, 1202]; India [38,763]; 
Indonesia: Bangka, Kalimantan [1009], Sumatra [250]; Lao P.D.R. [271,359]; Malaysia: Peninsular Malaysia, 
Sabah [266], Sarawak [707,721]; Myanmar [1109]; Singapore (ex) [469]; Thailand [151,216]; Viet Nam 

Macaca nemestrina pagensis Miller 1903 II E 27,1168,1183 
(= M. pagensis) 

Mentawai Macaque 

Indonesia: Mentawai Islands, Siberut, Sipora, North and South Pagai Islands 


Cercopithecidae CITES RL 

Macaca nigra (Desmarest 1822) 
(includes M. nigrescens) 
Sulawesi Macaque, Celebes Black Macaque, Gorontalo Macaque 
Indonesia: Bacan, Sulawesi 

II - 

Macaca ochreata (Ogilby 1841) 
(except subspecies brunnescens) 
Booted Macaque 

Indonesia: Sulawesi 

Macaca ochreata brunnescens Matschie 1901 II K 
(= M. brunnescens) 

Muna-Butung Macaque 

Indonesia: Butung, Muna 

Macaca radiata (E. Geoffroy 1812) II - 

Bonnet Macaque 

Macaca silenus (Linnaeus 1758) I E 

Lion-tailed Macaque 
India [1141] 

Macaca sinica (Linnaeus 1771) II - 
Toque Macaque 

Sri Lanka 

Macaca sylvanus (Linnaeus 1758) II Vv 

Barbary Macaque, Barbary Ape 
Algeria [729, 1080]; [Gibraltar [268,818]]; Morocco [183,332,334, 1080] 

Macaca thibetana (Milne-Edwards 1870) II K 
Petre David’s Macaque, Tibetan Macaque 

Macaca tonkeana (Meyer 1899) II - 
(except subspecies hecki) ; 

Tonkean Macaque 

Indonesia: Palau Malenge, Togian Islands 

Macaca tonkeana hecki Matschie 1901 II Vv 
(= M. hecki) 

Heck’s Macaque 

Indonesia: Sulawesi 

Nasalis concolor Miller 1903 I E 
(= Simias concolor) 
Pig-tailed Langur, Pagai Island Langur 

Indonesia: Mentawai Islands 

Nasalis larvatus (Wurmb 1787) I Vv 
Proboscis Monkey, Long-nosed Monkey 





99, 100,336,762,763,789,893, 

27,38,45,99, 100, 132,336,421, 
575 ,576,592,763,789 


27,333,335 ,336,724,789, 1183, 

336,362,363,994, 1072 




27,558,723,790, 1183 

Brunei [170,673]; Indonesia: Kalimantan [135]; Malaysia: Sabah [266], Sarawak [956] 


Cercopithecidae CITES RL Ref 

Papio hamadryas anubis (Lesson 1827) II - 435,443 ,724,789,1183 

(= P. anubis) 

Olive Baboon 

Benin [978,1131]; Burkina Faso [84]; Burundi [102,1128,1179]; Cameroon [84]; Central African Republic 
[155,194,296]; Chad [689, 1074]; Congo [759]; Céte d’Ivoire [84, 103, 1070]; Ethiopia [245, 1192]; Ghana [84]; 
?Guinea [155]; Kenya [611]; Libya [528]; Mali [975]; ?Mauritania [102]; Niger [872]; Nigeria [1,940]; Rwanda 
[26]; ?Sierra Leone [459,789,936]; ?Somalia; Sudan [503]; Tanzania [1067]; Togo [84]; Uganda [120]; Zaire 

Papio hamadryas cynocephalus (Linnaeus 1766) II - 435 443,724,789, 1183 

(= P. cynocephalus) 

Yellow Baboon 

Angola [518]; Ethiopia [789]; Kenya [611,706]; Malawi [78,452,1066]; Mozambique [1017,1020]; Somalia 
[337,367]; Tanzania [1067]; Zaire [991]; Zambia [75] 

Papio hamadryas hamadryas (Linnaeus 1758) II R 443 ,649,724,789,1183 
Hamadryas Baboon 

Djibouti; Egypt (ex); Ethiopia [245,1192]; Saudi Arabia [463]; Somalia [337,367]; Sudan [501]; Yemen 

Papio hamadryas papio (Desmarest 1820) II - 443,724,789, 1183 

(= P. papio) 

Guinea Baboon, Western Baboon 

Gambia [1039]; Guinea [155]; ?Guinea-Bissau [155]; ?Liberia [102]; Mali [102]; Mauritania [155]; Senegal 
[305,307]; Sierra Leone [459,936] 

Papio hamadryas ursinus (Kerr 1792) II - 724,789,1018,1183 

(= P. ursinus) 

Chacma Baboon 

Angola [499,518]; Botswana [1020]; Lesotho [1020]; Malawi [1066]; Mozambique [1017,1020]; Namibia 
[1020]; South Africa [1020]; Swaziland [1020]; Zambia [75]; Zimbabwe [1020] 

Papio leucophaeus (F. Cuvier 1807) I E 27,649 724,789, 1183 
(= Mandrillus leucophaeus) 


Cameroon; Congo (ex); Equatorial Guinea: Fernando Po [108,320]; ?Gabon [141]; Nigeria [19,823] 

Papio sphinx (Linnaeus 1758) I Vv 429 ,649,724,789,1183 
(= Mandrillus sphinx) 


Cameroon; Congo; Equatorial Guinea: Rio Muni; Gabon [141] 

Presbytis comata Desmarest 1822 II E 168,790 
(= P. aygula misapplied, not (Linnaeus 1758)) 

Grizzled Leaf Monkey, Java Leaf Monkey 

Indonesia: Java 

Presbytis cristata (Raffles 1821) II - 723,790, 1183 

(= Trachypithecus cristatus) 

(includes Trachypithecus auratus (= P. aurata), P. pyrrhus (Horsfield 1823)) 

Silvered Leaf Monkey, Silvered Langur, Ebony Leaf Monkey 

Brunei; Cambodia [790]; Indonesia [168,250,722]; Lao P.D.R. [271,360,837,976]; Malaysia: Peninsular 
Malaysia [707,721], Sabah [266,468], Sarawak; Myanmar [1109]; Thailand [151]; Viet Nam 
[259,261 ,684,837,853, 1025] 


Cercopithecidae CITES RL Ref 

Presbytis entellus (Dufresne 1797) I - 790,1183 

(= Semnopithecus entellus) 

(includes S. hypoleucos (Blyth 1841)) 

Hanuman Langur, Common Langur, Grey Langur, Entellus Langur 

Bangladesh [393,601, 602,603,604,605,970]; ?Bhutan; China [1072,1202]; India [100,381,763,1055]; Nepal 
[573,756]; Pakistan [797,930]; Sri Lanka [318,865] 

Presbytis francoisi (Pousargues 1898) II E 654,790,1183 
(= Trachypithecus francoisi) 

(except subspecies leucocephala) 

Francois’ Leaf Monkey, Francois’ Langur, Tonkin Leaf Monkey 

China [47,1072,1202]; Lao P.D.R. [271,360,976]; Viet Nam [261,684,837, 1025] 

Presbytis francoisi leucocephala T’an 1957 II E 244,654 
(= Trachypithecus leucocephalus) 

White-headed Black Leaf Monkey 


Presbytis frontata (Miller 1838) II - 721,723,790, 1183 
White-fronted Leaf Monkey, White-faced Langur 
Brunei [170]; Indonesia: Kalimantan; Malaysia: Sarawak 

Presbytis geei Gee 1956 I R 27,71,398,790, 1183 
(= Trachypithecus geei) 

Golden Langur, Golden Leaf Monkey 

Bhutan [207]; India [38] 

Presbytis hosei (Thomas 1889) II - 217,723,790 
(= P. comata hosei) 

Grey Leaf Monkey, Hose’s Leaf Monkey 

Brunei [119]; Indonesia: Kalimantan; Malaysia: Sabah [266,468], Sarawak 

Presbytis johnii (Fischer 1829) II E 27,38,99, 100,519,520,521,763, 

(= Trachypithecus johnii) 

Nilgiri Langur, Black Leaf Monkey, John’s Langur 


Presbytis melalophos (Raffles 1821) II - 469,721,723,790 

(includes P. femoralis Martin 1838) 

Banded Leaf Monkey, Banded Langur, Mitred Leaf Monkey 

Indonesia: Batu Islands, Kalimantan [1009], Natuna Islands, Rhio Archipelago, Sumatra [250,722]; Malaysia: 
Peninsular Malaysia [707,721], Sarawak; Myanmar [1109]; Singapore (ex?) [217]; Thailand [96,151] 

Presbytis obscura (Reid 1837) II - 790, 1183 

(= Trachypithecus obscurus) 

Dusky Leaf Monkey, Spectacled Leaf Monkey, Spectacled Langur 

Bangladesh [603]; Lao P.D.R. [417]; Malaysia: Peninsular Malaysia [707,721]; Myanmar [1109]; Thailand 

Presbytis phayrei Blyth 1847 Il = 790,1183 
(= Trachypithecus phayrei) 

Phayre’s Leaf Monkey, Phayre’s Langur 

Bangladesh [393,601 ,602,603,604,605]; ?Cambodia; China [1072,1202]; India [222,762,778]; Lao P.D.R. 
[271,360,976]; Myanmar [1109]; Thailand [151]; Viet Nam [360, 1025] 


Cercopithecidae CITES) RL Ref 

Presbytis pileata (Blyth 1843) I - 790, 1183 
(= Trachypithecus pileatus) 

Capped Langur, Capped Leaf Monkey 

Bangladesh [393,601 ,602,603,604,605,970]; India [38,763]; Myanmar [955,1109] 

Presbytis potenziani (Bonaparte 1856) I E 27,790, 1183 
Mentawai Leaf Monkey, Mentawai Langur 
Indonesia: Mentawai Islands, Pagai, Siberut, Sipora 

Presbytis rubicunda (Miller 1838) II - 721,723,790, 1183 
Maroon Leaf Monkey, Maroon Langur 
Brunei [170,648]; Indonesia: Kalimantan [154], Karimata Islands [217]; Malaysia: Sabah [266,468], Sarawak 

Presbytis senex (Erxleben 1777) II 
(= P. vetulus (Erxleben 1777), Trachypithecus vetulus) 
Purple-faced Leaf Monkey 

Sri Lanka 

790,865, 1183 

Presbytis thomasi (Collett 1893) II 
(= P. comata thomasi) 

Thomas’s Leaf Monkey, Thomas’s Langur 

Indonesia: Sumatra 


Pygathrix avunculus (Dollman 1912) I E 684,790, 1025,1183 
(= Rhinopithecus avunculus) 

Tonkin Snub-nosed Monkey 

Viet Nam 

Pygathrix brelichi (Thomas 1903) I E 27,790, 1072, 1183 
(= Rhinopithecus brelichi, R. roxellana brelichi) 

Guizhou Snub-nosed Monkey, Grey Snub-nosed Monkey, Brelich’s Snub-nosed Monkey 

Pygathrix nemaeus (Linnaeus 1771) I E 27,790,900 
(except subspecies nigripes) 

Douc, Douc Langur, Red-shanked Douc Langur 

China: Hainan [1072,1202]; Lao P.D.R. [271,837,855]; Viet Nam [684,837,853, 1025] 

Pygathrix nemaeus nigripes (Milne-Edwards 1871) I E 27,790,900 
Black-shanked Douc Langur 
Cambodia [864]; Lao P.D.R.; Viet Nam 

Pygathrix roxellana (Milne-Edwards 1870) I Vv 27,790, 1183,1194 
(= Rhinopithecus roxellanae) 

(except subspecies bieti) 

Golden Snub-nosed Monkey, Sichuan Snub-nosed Monkey 

China [655,877,983,994, 1072, 1202]; ?India: Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur [383,763] 

Pygathrix roxellana bieti (Milne-Edwards 1897) I E 791 
(= Rhinopithecus bieti) 
Yunnan Snub-nosed Monkey 


Theropithecus gelada (Riippell 1835) II R 245,443,649,724,789,1183, 

Gelada Baboon 



Hylobatidae CITES RL Ref 


Hylobates agilis F. Cuvier 1821 I - 423,723 

(= H. lar agilis) 

Agile Gibbon, Dark-handed Gibbon 

Indonesia: Kalimantan, Sumatra [250]; Malaysia: Peninsular Malaysia [707]; Thailand [151,1112] 

Hylobates concolor (Harlan 1826) I Vv 2,27,423,1183 

(includes H. leucogenys Ogilby 1840) 

Black Gibbon, Crested Gibbon, White-cheeked Gibbon, Indochinese Gibbon 

Cambodia [423]; China [140,441,1072,1169,1202]; Lao P.D.R. [220,271,423,976]; Viet Nam 

Hylobates hoolock (Harlan 1834) I Vv 224,423,1183 

Hoolock Gibbon 

Bangladesh [393,601,602,603,604,605,970]; China [441,1072,1202]; India [38,222,763]; ?Lao P.D.R. 
[271,417]; Myanmar [955,1109] 

Hylobates klossii (Miller 1903) I E 27,423, 1090, 1167,1183 
Mentawai Gibbon, Kloss’s Gibbon, Dwarf Gibbon 
Indonesia: Mentawai Islands 

Hylobates lar (Linnaeus 1771) I - 423,1183 

Common Gibbon, Lar Gibbon, White-handed Gibbon 

China [441, 1072, 1202]; Indonesia: Sumatra [250]; Lao P.D.R. [271,417]; Malaysia: Peninsular Malaysia [707], 
Sabah, Sarawak; Myanmar [955,1109]; Thailand [151] 

Hylobates moloch (Audebert 1798) I E 27,423,589 
(= H. lar moloch) 

Javan Gibbon, Silvery Gibbon 

Indonesia: Java 

Hylobates muelleri Martin 1841 I - 423,723 
(= H. lar muelleri) 

Bornean Gibbon, Grey Gibbon, Miiller’s Gibbon 

Brunei [119,170]; Indonesia: Kalimantan [1009]; Malaysia: Sabah [266], Sarawak 

Hylobates pileatus (Gray 1861) I E 27,423,1183 

(= H. lar pileatus) 

Pileated Gibbon, Crowned Gibbon, Capped Gibbon 

Cambodia [220,410]; Lao P.D.R. [272,976]; Thailand [96,151,216]; Viet Nam (ex?) [853,1025] 

Hylobates syndactylus (Raffles 1821) I - 721, 1183 
(= Symphalangus syndactylus) 


Indonesia: Sumatra [220,250]; Malaysia: Peninsular [606,707] 


Gorilla gorilla Savage & Wyman 1847 I WY 27,443,455 ,649,724 

(except subspecies beringei, graueri) 


Angola [518,531]; Cameroon [181,375,434]; Central African Republic [ 194,1030]; Congo [375]; Equatorial 
Guinea [951]; Gabon [141,1107]; Nigeria [19,375,456,698]; Zaire [780] 


Pongidae CITES) RL Ref 

Gorilla gorilla beringei Matschie 1903 I E 27,649, 1152 

Mountain Gorilla 

Burundi (ex?) [1128]; Rwanda [327,1153]; Uganda [120,454]; Zaire: Virunga Volcano region [87,88,327, 
389,457,896, 1002] 

Gorilla gorilla graueri Matschie 1914 I E 649,780 
Eastern Lowland Gorilla 


Pan paniscus Schwarz 1929 I Vv 649,724 

Dwarf Chimpanzee, Pygmy Chimpanzee, Bonobo 
?Congo [691]; Zaire [233,759] 

Pan troglodytes (Gmelin 1788) I Vv 27,435 443,649,724, 1087 
(except subspecies verus) 


Angola [518,531]; Burundi [1127,1128,1179]; Cameroon [1088]; Central African Republic [194, 1088]; Congo 
[1088]; Equatorial Guinea [1088]; Gabon [141,1107]; Nigeria [19,35,1088]; Rwanda (ex?) [35,1088]; Sudan 
[503]; Tanzania [1088]; Uganda [10,120,1088]; Zaire [233,473 ,896, 1088] 

Pan troglodytes verus Schwarz 1934 I E 649 

West African Chimpanzee 

Benin (ex) [978]; Burkina Faso (ex) [1088]; Céte d’Ivoire [1088]; [Gambia [35,705]]; Ghana [1088]; Guinea 
[1088]; Guinea-Bissau (ex?) [35,1088]; Liberia [14,49,1088]; Mali [1088]; Senegal [305,718]; Sierra Leone 
[263,459, 1088]; Togo (ex) [35,1088] 

Pongo pygmaeus (Linnaeus 1760) I E 27,472,858 
?Brunei [723]; Indonesia: Kalimantan [1009], Sumatra [157, 159,926,927]; Malaysia: Sabah [266,468], Sarawak 


Myrmecophaga tridactyla Linnaeus 1758 II Vv 1098,1161 

(= M. jubata) 

Giant Anteater 

Argentina [124,184,699,701]; Belize (ex?) [442]; Bolivia [184]; Brazil [184,251]; Colombia [184]; Costa Rica 
[442, 1122]; ?7Ecuador [184]; El Salvador (ex) [442]; French Guiana [184]; Guatemala (ex) [442]; Guyana [184]; 
Honduras [442,703]; Nicaragua [442]; Panama [442]; Paraguay [184]; Peru [184,420,1122]; Suriname 
[184,532]; Uruguay [958,1161]; Venezuela [184,319,766] 

Tamandua tetradactyla (Linnaeus 1758) IlGT - 700,1159,1161 

(includes T. mexicana (Saussure 1860)) 

Tamandua, Collared Anteater, Lesser Anteater 

Argentina [184,699,701]; Belize [1161]; Bolivia [184]; Brazil [184,251,702,744,869]; Colombia [316]; Costa 
Rica [1161]; Ecuador [1076]; El Salvador [178,1161]; French Guiana [184,700]; Guatemala [1161]; Guyana 
[184]; Honduras [703, 1161]; Mexico [354,906, 1161]; Nicaragua [1161]; Panama [1161]; Paraguay [184,1162]; 
Peru [85,184,420]; Suriname [184,532]; Uruguay; Venezuela [63,184,319,448,766] 


Bradypodidae CITES RL Ref 


Bradypus torquatus Desmarest 1816 - E 184,251,868, 1098,1161 
Maned Sloth 


Bradypus variegatus Schinz 1825 II - 700,1161 

(includes B. boliviensis, B. griseus, B. infuscatus) 

Brown-throated Sloth 

Argentina [184]; Bolivia [184]; Brazil [184,251]; Colombia [184,316]; Costa Rica [442]; Ecuador [184]; ?El 
Salvador [442]; Honduras [442,703]; Nicaragua [442]; Panama [442]; Paraguay [184]; Peru [184,420]; 
Venezuela [184,766] 


Choloepus hoffmanni Peters 1859 HlCR- - 700,1161 

Hoffmann’s Two-toed Sloth 

Bolivia [1198]; Brazil [184]; Colombia [184,316]; Costa Rica [442]; Ecuador [184]; Honduras [703]; Nicaragua 
[442]; Panama [442]; Peru [85,184,420]; Venezuela [448,766] 


Cabassous centralis (Miller 1899) ICR - 442,700,1161 

Northern Naked-tailed Armadillo 

Belize [715]; Colombia [1160]; Costa Rica [1160]; Ecuador [316]; El Salvador; Guatemala [1160]; Honduras 
[703,1160]; Nicaragua [1160]; Panama [1160]; Venezuela [316,1160] 

Cabassous tatouay (Desmarest 1804) UY - 184,700,1160,1161 
(= C. gymnurus) 

Greater Naked-tailed Armadillo 

Argentina [124]; Brazil; Paraguay; Uruguay 

Chlamyphorus retusus (Burmeister 1863) = K 184,1098,1161 
(= Burmeisteria retusa) 

Greater Pichi Ciego, Burmeister’s Armadillo, Chacoan Fairy Armadillo 

Argentina [124,632,699]; Bolivia [1198]; Paraguay 

Chlamyphorus truncatus Harlan 1825 - K 184, 1098,1161 
Lesser Pichi Ciego, Pink Fairy Armadillo, Lesser Fairy Armadillo 
Argentina [124] 

Priodontes maximus Kerr 1792 I Vv 184,1098,1161 

(= P. giganteus Geoffroy 1803) 

Giant Armadillo 

Argentina [124,699]; Bolivia [1198]; Brazil [251]; Colombia [316]; French Guiana [316]; Guyana [316,701]; 
Paraguay; Peru [420]; Suriname [532]; Venezuela [316] 

Tolypeutes tricinctus (Linnaeus 1758) - Id 184,251,1098,1161 

Brazilian Three-banded Armadillo 


Manidae CITES RL Ref 


Manis crassicaudata Gray 1827 II - 514 
Indian Pangolin 
Bangladesh [602,603 ,604,970]; China; India [38,99,884]; Pakistan [797,930]; Sri Lanka [865] 

Manis gigantea Illiger 1815 IlGH - 724 

(= Phataginus gigantea) 

Giant Ground Pangolin, Giant Pangolin 

Angola [518]; Benin [978]; Burkina Faso; ?Burundi; Cameroon [557]; ?Central African Republic; Chad; Congo 
[691]; ?Céte d’Ivoire; Equatorial Guinea [108]; Gabon [839]; ?Gambia; Ghana [156]; ?Guinea; ?Guinea-Bissau; 
Kenya; Liberia [14,628]; ?Mali; ?Mauritania; Niger; Nigeria [1,940]; Rwanda; Senegal [307]; Sierra Leone 
[1086]; Sudan [503]; ?Tanzania; ?7Togo; Uganda [120]; Zaire [233,896,991] 

Manis javanica Desmarest 1822 II = 723 

Malayan Pangolin 

? Bangladesh [602,603]; Brunei; Cambodia; ?China; Indonesia [217,934, 1009]; Lao P.D.R. [271,417]; Malaysia: 
Peninsular, Sabah [266], Sarawak; Myanmar [955]; Philippines: Palawan; Singapore (ex?); Thailand [96,151]; 
Viet Nam [837,853, 1025] 

Manis pentadactyla Linnaeus 1758 II - 544 

Chinese Pangolin 

?Bangladesh [602]; Cambodia [410]; China [1169]; Hong Kong [709]; India [38]; Lao P.D.R. [271,417,837]; 
Myanmar [955]; Nepal [756]; Taiwan; Thailand [96,151]; Viet Nam [837,853, 1025] 

Manis temminckii Smuts 1832 I - 724,1051 

(= Phataginus temminckii) 

Temminck’s Ground Pangolin, Cape Pangolin 

Angola [518]; Botswana; Central African Republic [689]; Chad [689]; Ethiopia; Kenya [611]; Malawi [78,452]; 
Mozambique [1017]; Namibia; Rwanda [1020]; Somalia; South Africa [725]; Sudan [503]; Tanzania [611]; 
Uganda [120,611]; Zaire; Zambia; Zimbabwe 

Manis tetradactyla Linnaeus 1766 IiIGH - 724 

(= M. longicaudata, Phataginus tetradactyla) 

Long-tailed Pangolin, Black-bellied Pangolin 

Angola; ?Burkina Faso [944]; ?Burundi; Cameroon [557]; ?Central African Republic; Congo [691]; Céte 
d'Ivoire [894]; Equatorial Guinea [182]; Gabon [839]; Gambia; Ghana; ?Guinea; Liberia [14,628]; ?Mali; 
Nigeria [940]; ?Rwanda; Senegal; Sierra Leone [263]; Sudan; ?Togo; Uganda [120]; Zaire [233,896,991] 

Manis tricuspis Rafinesque 1821 IIGH - 77,724 

(= Phataginus tricuspis) 

Tree Pangolin, White-bellied Pangolin, Three-cusped Pangolin 

Angola [499,518]; Benin [978]; ?7Burkina Faso [944]; Cameroon [557]; ?Central African Republic; Congo [691]; 
Céte d’Ivoire [894]; Equatorial Guinea [182,1093]; Gabon [840]; ?Gambia; Ghana [83]; Guinea [937]; 
?Guinea-Bissau; Kenya [611]; Liberia [14,628]; Nigeria [940]; ?Senegal; Sierra Leone [263, 1086]; Sudan [503]; 
Tanzania [611]; ?Togo; Uganda [611]; Zaire [233,896,991]; Zambia [75] 



Ochotona koslowi (Buchner 1894) 
Kozlov’s Pika 

Ochotona muliensis Pen & Feng 1962 
Muli Pika 


Prolagus sardus Wagner 1832 
Sardinian Pika 

Sardinia (ex); Corsica (ex) 


Bunolagus monticularis (Thomas 1903) 
Riverine Rabbit 

South Africa 

Caprolagus hispidus (Pearson 1839) 
Hispid Hare, Assam Rabbit 



Bangladesh (ex?) [602,603,604,970]; India [38]; Nepal [756] 

Lepus flavigularis Wagner 1844 

Tehuantepec Hare, Tehuantepec Jack Rabbit 

Mexico [906] 

Nesolagus netscheri (Schlegel 1880) 

Sumatran Short-eared Rabbit, Sumatran Rabbit 

Indonesia: Sumatra 

Pentalagus furnessi (Stone 1900) 
Ryukyu Rabbit 
Japan: Ryukyu Islands 

Romerolagus diazi (Diaz 1893) 
Volcano Rabbit, Teporingo 
Mexico [906] 

Sylvilagus graysoni (J.A. Allen 1877) 
Tres Marias Cottontail 
Mexico: Tres Marias Islands [906] 

Sylvilagus insonus (Nelson 1904) 
Omilteme Cottontail 
Mexico (ex) [906] 

Sylvilagus palustris hefneri (Lazell 1984) 
Lower Keys Marsh Rabbit 
USA [445] 














524, 1098 




Aplodontidae CITES RL 


Aplodontia rufa nigra Taylor 1914 - Id 
Point Arena Mountain Beaver 
USA: California 

Aplodontia rufa phaea Merriam 1899 - Id 
Point Reyes Mountain Beaver 
USA: California 


Cynomys mexicanus Merriam 1892 I E 
Mexican Prairie Dog 
Mexico [906] 

Cynomys parvidens J.A Allen 1905 - Vv 
Utah Prairie Dog 

Epixerus ebii (Temminck 1853) III GH 
Ebian’s Palm Squirrel, Temminck’s Giant Squirrel 
Céte d’Ivoire; Ghana; Liberia [628]; Sierra Leone 

Glaucomys sabrinus coloratus Handley 1953 - E 
Carolina Flying Squirrel 

Glaucomys sabrinus fuscus Miller 1936 - E 
Virginia Flying Squirrel 

Glaucomys volans goldmani (Nelson 1904) - R 
Mexican Flying Squirrel 
Mexico [906] 

Glaucomys volans guerreroensis Diersing 1980 - R 
Guerrero Flying Squirrel 
Mexico [906] 

Glaucomys volans oaxacensis Goodwin 1961 - R 
Oaxaca Flying Squirrel 
Mexico [906] 

Marmota caudata (Geoffroy 1842-1843) III IN - 
Long-tailed Marmot 
Afghanistan; China; India; Kyrgyzstan; Pakistan; Tajikistan 

Marmota himalayana (Hodgson 1841) III IN - 
Himalayan Marmot 
China; India; Nepal 

Marmota menzbieri (Kashkarov 1925) - Vv 

Menzbier’s Marmot 
Kazakhstan [106]; Tajikistan [106]; Turkmenia [106]; Uzbekistan [106] 






52,442, 1098 










Sciuridae CITES RL Ref 

Marmota vancouverensis Swarth 1911 - E 442,787, 1098 
Vancouver Island Marmot 
Canada: Vancouver Island 

Ratufa affinis (Raffles 1821) II - 217,723 

Cream-coloured Giant Squirrel 

Brunei [119]; Indonesia [934, 1009]; Malaysia: Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah [266], Sarawak; Myanmar; Singapore 
(ex?); Thailand [96,151] 

Ratufa bicolor (Sparrman 1778) II - 514 

Black Giant Squirrel 

Bangladesh [602,604]; Bhutan [207,953]; Cambodia [260,837]; China [260,1169]; India [884]; Indonesia: 
Anambas Islands, Bali, Batu Islands, Java, Natuna Islands, Sumatra [934]; Lao P.D.R. [260,271,417]; Malaysia: 
Peninsular; Myanmar [955]; Nepal [756]; Thailand [151]; Viet Nam [260,837,853, 1025] 

Ratufa indica (Erxleben 1777) II - 99,100,884, 1182 
(except subspecies dealbata, elphinstonei) 

Indian Giant Squirrel 


Ratufa indica dealbata (Blanford 1897) II E 514 
Dangs Giant Squirrel 

Ratufa indica elphinstoni (Sykes 1831) II E 514 
Maharashtra Giant Squirrel 

Ratufa macroura (Pennant 1769) II - 884 
Grizzled Giant Squirrel 
India [903]; Sri Lanka [865] 

Sciurus deppei Peters 1863 ICR - 442,770 

Deppe’s Squirrel 

Belize; Costa Rica; El Salvador [178]; Guatemala [404]; Honduras [703]; Mexico [906]; Nicaragua 
Sciurus niger cinereus Linnaeus 1758 - E 1098 

Delmarva Fox Squirrel, Bryant’s Fox Squirrel 


Syntheosciurus brochus Bangs 1902 - K 514 

Mountain Squirrel 
Costa Rica; Panama [316] 

Tamias minimus atristriatus V.Bailey 1913 - E 442 
(= Eutamias minimus atristriatus) 

New Mexico Least Chipmunk 

USA: New Mexico 



Tamias quadrivittatus australis Patterson 1980 
(= Eutamias quadrivittatus australis) 

Organ Mountains Chipmunk 

USA: New Mexico 

Tamiasciurus hudsonicus grahamensis (J.A. Allen 1894) - E 442 

Mount Graham Red Squirrel 
USA: Arizona 




Thomomys umbrinus emotus Goldman 1933 
Southern Pocket Gopher 
USA: New Mexico 

Zygogeomys trichopus Merriam 1895 
Michoacan Pocket Gopher 
Mexico [906] 


Dipodomys elator Merriam 1894 
Texas Kangaroo-rat 

Dipodomys gravipes Huey 1925 
San Quintin Kangaroo Rat 
Mexico: Baja California [906] 

Dipodomys heermanni morroensis (Merriam 1907) 
Morro Bay Kangaroo-rat 

Dipodomys ingens (Merriam 1904) 
Giant Kangaroo Rat 
USA: Califomia 

Dipodomys microps leucotis Goldman 1931 
Houserock Chisel-toothed Kangaroo Rat 
USA: Arizona [442] 

Dipodomys nitratoides exilis Merriam 1894 
Fresno Kangaroo Rat 
USA: California [442] 

Dipodomys nitratoides nitratoides Merriam 1894 
Tipton Kangaroo Rat 
USA: California 

Dipodomys stephensi (Merriam 1907) 
Stephens’ Kangaroo Rat 
USA: California 

Perognathus alticola Rhoads 1894 
White-eared Pocket Mouse 
USA: California 

Perognathus inornatus psammophilus (von Bloeker 1937) 

(= P. longimembris psammophilus) 
Salinas Pocket Mouse 
USA: California 

Perognathus longimembris brevinasus Osgood 1900 

Los Angeles Little Pocket Mouse 
USA: California [442] 



















Castoridae CITES) “REE Ref 


Castor canadensis frondator Mearns 1897 - E 566 
Broad-tail Beaver 
Mexico [906] 

Castor canadensis mexicanus V. Bailey 1913 - E 566 
Rio Grande Beaver 
Mexico [906] 

Castor fiber birulai Serebrennikov 1929 - E 324 
Mongolian Beaver 


Anomalurus beecrofti Fraser 1853 IiIGH_ - 724 

Beecroft’s Flying Squirrel 

Angola [531]; ?Benin; ?Burkina Faso [944]; Cameroon [941]; ?Central African Republic [689]; ?Chad [689]; 
Congo [941]; ?Céte d’Ivoire; Equatorial Guinea: Fernando Po [941]; Gabon [691]; ?Ghana; Guinea [937,941]; 
Guinea-Bissau; Liberia [14,628,941]; Nigeria [20]; Senegal; Sierra Leone [941]; ?7Togo; Uganda [273]; Zaire 
[896,991]; Zambia 

Anomalurus derbianus (Gray 1842) IIIGH_ - 724 

Lord Derby’s Flying Squirrel 

Angola [941]; ?Benin; ?Burkina Faso; ?Burundi; Cameroon [941]; ?Central African Republic [689]; ?Chad 
[689]; Congo [691]; ?Céte d’Ivoire; Equatorial Guinea: Fernando Po [182,1093]; Gabon [941]; Ghana [941]; 
Guinea [937]; Kenya; Liberia [14,628]; Malawi [78]; Mozambique [1017]; Nigeria [941]; ?Rwanda; Sierra 
Leone [941,1086]; Tanzania: including Zanzibar [941]; ?Togo; Uganda [273]; Zaire [896]; Zambia 

Anomalurus peli (Temminck 1845) IiiGH_ - 724 
Pel’s Flying Squirrel 
?Burkina Faso [944]; Cote d’Ivoire [941]; Ghana [941]; Liberia [14,628,941]; Sierra Leone 

Idiurus macrotis Miller 1898 IIGH_ - 724 

Long-eared Flying Squirrel 

?Benin; Cameroon [941]; ?Central African Republic; ?Congo; ?Céte d’Ivoire; Gabon [691]; Ghana [941]; 
Liberia [628]; Nigeria; Sierra Leone [941]; ?Togo; Zaire [895,896,941] 


Neotoma anthonyi J.A Allen 1898 - E 514 
Anthony’s Woodrat 
Mexico: Todos Santos Island [906] 

Neotoma bunkeri Burt 1932 - E 514 
Bunker’s Woodrat 
Mexico [906] 

Neotoma floridana smalli Sherman 1955 - E 656 
Key Largo Woodrat 
USA [442] 

Neotoma fuscipes riparia Hooper 1938 - Vv 442 

San Joaquin Valley Woodrat 
USA: Califormia 


Cricetidae CITES RL 

Neotoma martinensis Goldman 1905 - E 
San Martin Island Woodrat 
Mexico: San Martin Island [906] 

Oryzomys argentatus Spitzer & Lazell 1978 - Id 
(= O. palustris argentatus) 

Silver Rice Rat 

USA: Florida 

Oryzomys nelsoni Merriam 1898 - Ex? 

Nelson’s Rice Rat 
Mexico (ex?) [906] 

Peromyscus gossypinus allapaticola Schwartz 1962 - E 
Key Largo Cotton Mouse 


Peromyscus pembertoni Burt 1932 < Ex 

Pemberton’s Deer Mouse 
Mexico: San Pedro Nolasco Island (ex) [906] 

Peromyscus polionotus allophrys Bowen 1968 - E 
Choctawhatchee Beach Mouse 

Peromyscus polionotus ammobates Bowen 1968 - E 
Alabama Beach Mouse 

Peromyscus polionotus niveiventris Chapman 1889 - Id 
South-eastern Beach Mouse 
USA [442] 

Peromyscus polionotus phasma Bangs 1898 - E 
Anastasia Island Beach Mouse 
USA [442] 

Peromyscus polionotus trissyllepsis Bowen 1968 - E 
Perdido Key Beach Mouse 

Reithrodontomys megalotis limicola von Bloeker 1932 - Vv 
Southern Marsh Harvest Mouse 
USA: California 

Reithrodontomys raviventris Dixon 1908 - E 
Saltmarsh Harvest Mouse 
USA: California 

Sigmodon arizonae plenus (Goldman 1928) - E 
(= S. hispidus plenus) 

Colorado River Cotton Rat 

USA: ?Arizona, California [143] 














442,999, 1098 


Arvicolidae CITES RL 


Microtus breweri (Baird 1858) - R 
(= M. pennsylvanicus breweri) 

Beach Vole 

USA: Massachusetts - Muskeget Island 

Microtus californicus scirpensis V. Bailey 1918 - E 
Amargosa Vole 
USA: California [442] 

Microtus mexicanus hualpaiensis Goldman 1938 - E 
Hualapai Vole 
USA: Arizona 

Microtus mexicanus navaho Benson 1934 - Id 
USA: Arizona 

Microtus pennsylvanicus chihuahuensis Bradley & Cockrum 1968 
Chihuahua Vole - BE 
Mexico [906] 

Microtus pennsylvanicus dukecampbelli Woods, Post & Kilpatrick 1982 

Florida Saltmarsh Vole - E 
USA: Florida 
Pitymys bavaricus Konig 1962 - Ex 

Bavarian Pine Vole 
Germany: West (ex) 


Batomys granti Thomas 1895 - Id 
Luzon Forest Rat 
Philippines: Luzon 

Conilurus albipes (Lichtenstein 1829) - Ex 
Rabbit-eared Tree-rat, White-footed Tree-rat 
Australia (ex) 

Leggadina lakedownensis Watts 1976 - K 
Lakeland Downs Mouse 


Leporillus apicalis (Gould 1854) - Ex 

Lesser Stick-nest Rat, White-tipped Stick-nest Rat 
Australia (ex) 

Leporillus conditor (Sturt 1848) I R 
Greater Stick-nest Rat 
Australia: Franklin Island 

Macruromys elegans Stein 1933 - K 

Western Small-toothed Rat, Lesser Small-toothed Rat 
Indonesia: Irian Jaya 








656,920, 1186 








Muridae CITES RL Ref 

Melomys albidens Tate 1951 - K 352 
White-toothed Melomys 
Indonesia: Irian Jaya 

Notomys amplus Brazenor 1936 - Ex 1044,1098,1149 
Short-tailed Hopping-mouse 
Australia (ex) 

Notomys aquilo Thomas 1921 - K 838, 1044, 1098,1149 
(includes N. carpentarius Johnson 1959) 
Northern Hopping-mouse 


Notomys fuscus (W. Jones 1925) - Vv 1044,1149 
Dusky Hopping-mouse 


Notomys longicaudatus (Gould 1844) - Ex 1044,1098,1149 

Long-tailed Hopping-mouse 
Australia (ex) 

Notomys macrotis Thomas 1921 = Ex 1044, 1098,1149 
(includes N. megalotis) 

Big-eared Hopping-mouse 

Australia (ex) 

Notomys mordax Thomas 1922 = Ex 1044, 1098,1149 
Darling Downs Hopping-mouse 
Australia (ex) 

Pseudomys fieldi (Waite 1896) - Ex 1044, 1098,1149 
Alice Springs Mouse 
Australia (ex) 

Pseudomys fumeus (Brazenor 1934) - R 735,838, 1044,1149 
Smoky Mouse 
Australia: Victoria 

Pseudomys gouldii (Waterhouse 1839) - Ex 1143 
Gould’s Mouse 
Australia (ex) 

Pseudomys occidentalis Tate 1951 - R 1143 
Western Mouse 

Pseudomys oralis Thomas 1921 - R 529, 1044,1098,1149 
Hastings River Mouse 

Pseudomys pilligaensis Fox & Broscoe 1980 - Id 1143 
Pilliga Mouse 

Pseudomys praeconis Thomas 1910 I R 838 ,933,1044,1102,1149 

Shark Bay Mouse 


Muridae CITES’ RL Ref 

Pseudomys shortridgei (Thomas 1907) = V 838,1044,1149 
Heath Rat, Shortridge’s Native Mouse, Blunt-faced Rat 
Australia: Victoria, W. Australia (ex) 

Rattus giluwensis Hill 1960 - R 352 
Giluwe Rat 

Papua New Guinea 

Solomys ponceleti (Troughton 1935) - E 514 
Poncelet’s Giant Rat 
Papua New Guinea: Bougainville 

Tokudaia osimensis muenninki Johnson 1946 - E 2/)/ 
North Okinawa Spiny Rat 
Japan: North Okinawa Island 

Xenuromys barbatus (Milne-Edwards 1900) - R 352 
Rock-dwelling Rat, Mimic Tree-rat 
Indonesia: Irian Jaya [352]; Papua New Guinea [352] 

Xeromys myoides Thomas 1889 I R 838,1044,1098,1149 
False Water-rat, False Swamp Rat 

Zyzomys pedunculatus (Waite 1896) I E 838,1044,1098,1149 
Central Rock-rat, Macdonnell Range Rock-rat 


Zapus hudsonius luteus (Miller 1911) - E 773 
(= Z. princeps luteus) 

Meadow Jumping Mouse 

USA: New Mexico 

Zapus trinotatus orarius Preble 1899 - Id 442 
Point Reyes Jumping Mouse 
USA: California 


Hystrix cristata Linnaeus 1758 IIGH - 724 

North African Crested Porcupine 

[Albania]; Algeria [941]; ?Benin; Burkina Faso [944]; Cameroon [557]; Central African Republic [689]; Chad 
[689]; ?Céte d’Ivoire; Egypt (ex?) [835]; ?Equatorial Guinea; Ethiopia [245,1191]; ?Gabon; Gambia [941]; 
Ghana [941]; Greece; ?Guinea; Italy: including Sicily; Kenya [941]; Liberia [14,628]; Libya [528,941]; ?Mali; 
Mauritania; Morocco [183]; Niger [805,941]; Nigeria [1,940]; Senegal [941]; Sierra Leone [941, 1086]; Somalia 
[337,367]; Sudan [503]; Tanzania; ?Togo; Tunisia [941]; Turkey; Uganda [120,273]; Yugoslavia; Zaire 

Chaetomys subspinosus (Olfers 1818) - Id 968, 1098 

Thin-spined Porcupine 


Erethizontidae CITES RL Ref 

Sphiggurus mexicanus (Kerr 1792) II HN - 514 

(= Coendou mexicanus) 

Mexican Tree Porcupine 

?Belize; Costa Rica; El Salvador [178]; Guatemala [404]; Honduras [703]; Mexico [906]; ?Nicaragua; Panama 

Sphiggurus spinosus (F. Cuvier 1822) UY = - 185 
(= Coendou spinosus) 

Spiny Tree Porcupine 

Argentina [915]; Brazil; Paraguay [915]; Uruguay [915] 


Dinomys branickii Peters 1873 - E 514 
Bolivia; Brazil; Colombia [316]; Ecuador; Peru; Venezuela [146,316] 


Agouti paca (Linnaeus 1766) IIlHN~ - 514 

(= Cuniculus paca) 

Spotted Paca 

Argentina: Misiones [915]; Belize; Bolivia [1198]; Brazil; Colombia; Costa Rica; [Cuba]; ?Ecuador; El Salvador 
[178]; French Guiana; Guatemala [404]; Guyana [316]; Honduras [703]; Mexico [906]; Nicaragua; Panama 
[316]; Paraguay [915]; ?Peru; Suriname [316]; Trinidad and Tobago [13]; Venezuela [316] 


Dasyprocta punctata Gray 1842 Til HN-~ - 514 

Central American Agouti 

Argentina [699,915]; ?Belize; Bolivia [1198]; Brazil; [Cayman Islands]; Colombia [316]; Costa Rica; [Cuba]; 
Ecuador [316]; El Salvador [178]; ?French Guiana; Guatemala [404]; ?Guyana; Honduras [699]; Mexico [906]; 
Nicaragua; Panama [316]; Paraguay [915]; ?Peru; ?Suriname; Venezuela [316] 


Chinchilla brevicaudata Waterhouse 1848 I Id 1098 
Short-tailed Chinchilla 
Argentina [124,699,701,915]; Bolivia [1198]; Chile [394,746,915]; Peru (ex?) [851] 

Chinchilla lanigera (Molina 1782) I Id 394,746,915, 1098 
Long-tailed Chinchilla 
? Argentina [124]; Chile 


Capromys angelcabrerai WVarona 1979 - E 1098 
Cabrera’s Hutia 
Cuba: Cay Ana Maria 

Capromys auritus Varona 1970 - E 1098,1120 
Large-eared Hutia 
Cuba: Cay Fragoso 

Capromys garridoi Varona 1970 - E 442,1098,1119 

Garrido’s Hutia 
Cuba: Canarreos Archipelago 



Capromys gundlachi Chapman 1901 
Chapman’s Prehensile-tailed Hutia 
Cuba: Isle de Juventud 

Capromys melanurus Poey 1865 
Bushy-tailed Hutia 

Capromys meridionalis Varona 1986 
(= Mysateles meridionalis) 

Isla de la Juventud Tree Hutia 
Cuba: Isle de Juventud [576] 

Capromys nanus G.M. Allen 1917 
Dwarf Hutia 

Capromys sanfelipensis Warona & Garrido 1970 

Little Earth Hutia, Land Hutia 
Cuba (ex?) 

Geocapromys brownii (Fischer 1830) 
(= Capromys brownii) 
(includes G. thoracatus) 

Jamaican Hutia, Indian Coney, Brown’s Hutia 
Honduras: Little Swan Island (ex) [703]; Jamaica 

Geocapromys ingrahami (J.A. Allen 1891) 

(= Capromys ingrahami) 
Bahamian Hutia, Ingraham’s Hutia 
Bahamas: Plana Keys 

Plagiodontia aedium F. Cuvier 1836 
(includes P. hylaeum Miller 1929) 
Hispaniolan Hutia, Cuvier’s Hutia 
Dominican Republic; Haiti 

Octomys barrerae Lawrence 1941 
(= Tympanoctomys barrerae) 

Red Vizcacha Rat 


Inia geoffrensis (de Blainville 1817) 
Amazon River Dolphin, Boutu 



(Found in all major rivers of the Orinoco and Amazon systems) 

Bolivia [1198]; Brazil; Colombia [316]; Ecuador; Peru; Venezuela [316] 















36,185 ,620,753,1147 

Platanistidae CITES RL Ref 

Lipotes vexillifer Miller 1918 I E 27,36,446 ,620,753,1147,1203 
Whitefin Dolphin, White Flag Dolphin, Changjiang Dolphin 

(Only found in the Chiangjiang River of China, may occasionally enter other rivers during times of flood) 
China: Tung Ting Lake, Changjiang and Tsien Tang Rivers 

Platanista gangetica (Roxburgh 1801) I Vv 36,620,753,1147 
Ganges River Dolphin, Ganges Susu 

(Ganges and Brahmaputra river systems) 

Bangladesh [602,603 ,604,970]; ?Bhutan; India [38]; Nepal [756,867] 

Platanista minor Owen 1853 I E 27,36,133,620,1147 
(= P. indi Blyth 1859, P. gangetica minor) 

Indus Dolphin, Susu 

(Indus River) 

?India; Pakistan [930] 

Pontoporia blainvillei (Gervais & d’Orbigny 1844) II K 36,185,620,753,1147 
La Plata River Dolphin, Franciscana 

(La Plata estuary and adjacent rivers and coasts) 

Argentina [124,915]; Brazil; Uruguay [915] 


Berardius arnuxii Duvernoy 1851 I K 36,185,620,1147 

Arnoux’s Beaked Whale, Southern Four-toothed Whale 

(Recorded infrequently in the Southern Ocean) 

Argentina [124,915]; Australia; Chile [915]; Falkland Islands [915]; New Zealand; South Africa [109, 1020] 

Berardius bairdii Stejneger 1883 I K 36,620,1147 

Baird’s Beaked Whale, Northern Four-toothed Whale, Giant Bottle-nosed Whale 

(Apparently confined to deep waters of Pacific, from Japan and California to Bering Sea) 

Canada [442]; Japan; D.P.R. Korea [1184]; Korea Republic [1184]; Russia [753,1147]; USA [442] 

Hyperoodon ampullatus (Forster 1770) I K 27,36,620,1147 

(= H. rostratus P.L.S. Miller 1776) 

Northern Bottlenose Whale, Bottlehead 

(North Atlantic, from New York and Azores to Svalbard, possibly including Mediterranean and as far south as 
Cape Verde) 

Canada [442]; Cape Verde Islands; ?7Denmark; Estonia [106]; Faeroe Islands (Denmark); France; Germany; 
Greenland; Iceland; Ireland; Latvia [106]; Lithuania [106]; Netherlands; Norway; Poland; Portugal; Russia 
[106]; Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands; Sweden; United Kingdom; USA [442] 

Hyperoodon planifrons Flower 1882 I K 36,185,620,724,1147 
Southern Bottlenose Whale 

(Circumpolar in Southern Hemisphere from Antarctic to Argentina, South Africa and Australia) 

Argentina [109,124,915]; Australia; Brazil; Chile [915]; Falkland Islands; New Zealand; South Africa [1020]; 
Sri Lanka [437]; Uruguay [915] 

Indopacetus pacificus (Longman 1926) II K 620,724, 1147 

(= Mesoplodon pacificus) 

(Probable IndoPacific distribution, known only from 2 skulls found on beaches in the Indian and South Pacific 

Indo-pacific Beaked Whale, Longman’s Beaked Whale 

Australia; ?Seychelles; Somalia 


Ziphiidae CITES RL Ref 

Mesoplodon bidens (Sowerby 1804) II K 620,1147 

Sowerby’s Beaked Whale 

(Mainly North Sea and North Atlantic but few records from North America, possibly Mediterranean) 
Belgium; Canada [442]; Denmark; France; Germany; Ireland; Italy; Netherlands; Norway; Poland; Sweden; 
United Kingdom; USA [442] 

Mesoplodon bowdoini Andrews 1908 II K 620,1147 
Splaytooth Beaked Whale, Andrews’ Beaked Whale 

(Temperate South Pacific) 

Australia; ?French Southern and Antarctic Territories; New Zealand 

Mesoplodon carlhubbsi Moore 1963 II K 620, 1147 
Arch-beaked Whale, Hubbs’ Beaked Whale 

(Temperate North Pacific from Japan and Oregon to Bering Sea) 

Japan; New Zealand; USA [442] 

Mesoplodon densirostris (Blainville 1817) II K 620,724,1147 

Blainville’s Beaked Whale 

(Circum-equatorial; temperate and tropical waters) 

Australia; Bahamas [442]; Canada [442]; Japan; Mauritius; Portugal; Seychelles; South Africa [1020]; Spain; 
Taiwan; USA [442] 

Mesoplodon europaeus (Gervais 1855) II K 185,620,1147 
Gervais’ Beaked Whale, Gulf Stream Beaked Whale 

(Caribbean and North-west Atlantic; single specimens from English Channel) 

Cuba [442]; Jamaica [442]; Trinidad and Tobago [316]; United Kingdom; USA [442] 

Mesoplodon ginkgodens Nishiwaki & Kamiya 1958 II K 36,620,1147 
Ginkgo-toothed Beaked Whale 

(Tropical Pacific) 

Japan; Sri Lanka [437]; ?Taiwan; USA [442] 

Mesoplodon grayi Von Haast 1876 II K 36,185,620,1147 
Gray’s Beaked Whale, Southern Beaked Whale 

(Circumpolar in Southern Hemisphere, south of 30°S, but mainly around New Zealand) 
Argentina [915]; Australia; Chile [915]; Netherlands; New Zealand; South Africa [1020] 

Mesoplodon hectori (Gray 1871) II K 36,185,620,1147 

Hector’s Beaked Whale, Skew-beaked Whale 

(Circumpolar in Southern Hemisphere) 

Argentina [124,915]; Australia; Chile [915]; Falkland Islands [915]; New Zealand; South Africa [1020]; USA 

Mesoplodon layardii (Gray 1865) II K 620, 1147 

Layard’s Beaked Whale, Strap-toothed Whale 

(Pacific and Indian Oceans, south of 30°S; sightings in South Africa and Falkland Islands) 

Argentina [915]; Australia; Chile [915,1124]; Falkland Islands; New Zealand; South Africa [1020]; Uruguay 

Mesoplodon mirus True 1913 II K 36,620, 1147 
True’s Beaked Whale 

(North Atlantic to United Kingdom; few records from South Africa) 

Canada [442]; Ireland; South Africa [1020]; United Kingdom; USA [442] 


Ziphiidae CITES RL Ref 

Mesoplodon stejnegeri True 1885 II K 36,620,663,1147 
Stejneger’s Beaked Whale 

(North Pacific from Japan and Oregon to the Bering Sea) 

Canada [442]; Japan; Russia [1147]; USA [442] 

Tasmacetus shepherdi Oliver 1937 II K 36,620,663,1147 
Shepherd’s Beaked Whale, Tasman Whale 

(Temperate South Pacific and West Atlantic) 

Argentina [124,915]; Australia; Chile [915]; New Zealand 

Ziphius cavirostris G. Cuvier 1823 II K 36,620,724,753,1147 

Cuvier’s Beaked Whale, Goose-beaked Whale 

(Widespread in all major oceans, but rarely found in polar regions; most records from North Atlantic and 

Argentina [124,915]; Australia; Bahamas [442]; Barbados [187]; Brazil; Canada [442]; Chile [915]; Cuba [442]; 
Galapagos Islands; France; Indonesia: Java; Ireland; Italy; Japan; Mexico; Morocco; Namibia [1020]; 
Netherlands Antilles: Bonaire, Curacao [316]; New Zealand [364]; Panama; Russia [1147]; Saint Vincent; South 
Africa [1020]; Spain; Sri Lanka [437]; Sweden; United Kingdom; USA [442]; Uruguay [915]; Venezuela 


Kogia breviceps (Blainville 1838) II K 36,185,620,723,753,1147 
Pygmy Sperm Whale 

(Warm waters, mainly South-east Pacific, west Indian Ocean, Australia, south-east USA) 

Argentina [915]; Australia; Azores; Canada [442]; Cuba [442]; France; Hong Kong; India; Indonesia; Japan; 
Malaysia: Sarawak; Mozambique; Namibia [1020]; Netherlands; New Zealand; Pakistan [930]; Peru; Senegal; 
South Africa [1020]; Sri Lanka [437]; United Kingdom; USA [442]; Uruguay [915] 

Kogia simus (Owen 1866) II K 36,620,724,753,1147 

Dwarf Sperm Whale 

(Warm waters, mainly off Japan and eastern USA, but also Indian Ocean) 

Australia; Canada; Chile [915]; Cuba [442]; India; Japan; Mexico [442]; Mozambique; Oman; Saint Vincent 
[442]; South Africa [1020]; Sri Lanka [437]; USA [442] 

Physeter macrocephalus Linnaeus 1766 I K 36,379,620, 1147 

(= P. catodon Linnaeus 1766) 

Sperm Whale, Cachelot 

(Found in all major oceans, from Arctic to Antarctic, including semi land-locked seas such as Mediterranean) 
Argentina [109,915]; Australia; Azores; Belgium; Brazil; Canada [442]; Chile [915]; China; Colombia [316]; 
Costa Rica [555]; Falkland Islands [915]; French Polynesia; Greenland; India [38]; Indonesia: Java, Sumatra 
[934]; Ireland; Japan; D.P.R. Korea [1184]; Korea Republic [1184]; Liberia [14]; Madeira; Mexico [847]; 
Mozambique [1017]; Myanmar; Netherlands [176]; New Zealand; Norway; Panama [442]; Saint Helena; South 
Africa [1020]; Spain; Sri Lanka [437]; Suriname; Thailand [151]; United Kingdom; USA [442], Uruguay [915]; 
Venezuela [316] 


Delphinapterus leucas (Pallas 1776) II K 36,620,753,1147 

White Whale, Beluga 

(Circumpolar in Arctic and sub-Arctic with scattered records to France and Japan; often in estuaries) 
Belgium; Canada [442]; Denmark; Finland; France; Germany; Greenland; Japan; Norway; Poland; Russia 
[106,126]; Sweden; Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands; United Kingdom; USA [442] 


Monodontidae GITES: ‘RE Ref 

Monodon monoceros Linnaeus 1758 II K 36,620,753,919,1147 
Narwhal, Unicorn Whale 

(Circumpolar and virtually confined to limits of Arctic pack ice; vagrants as far south as the United Kingdom) 
Canada [442]; Germany; Greenland; Iceland; Netherlands; Norway; Russia [106,760]; Svalbard and Jan Mayen 
Islands; United Kingdom; USA [442] 


Cephalorhynchus commersonii (Lacépéde 1804) II K 620,753,1147 

Commerson’s Dolphin, Piebald Dolphin 

(Temperate South Atlantic and Indian Oceans) 

Argentina [124,915]; Chile [915]; Falkland Islands; French Southern and Antarctic Territories: Kerguelen Islands 
[931]; Saint Helena 

Cephalorhynchus eutropia Gray 1846 II K 36,620,915,1147 
Black Dolphin, Chilean Dolphin, White-bellied Dolphin 

(Cold, inshore waters of Chile, between 33°S and 55°S) 


Cephalorhynchus heavisidii (Gray 1828) II K 620,724,753,1147 
Heaviside’s Dolphin, Benguela Dolphin 

(Cold, inshore waters of Benguela current, South Atlantic) 

Namibia; South Africa [1020] 

Cephalorhynchus hectori (van Beneden 1881) II Id 36,620,723,753,1147 
White-headed Dolphin, Hector’s Dolphin, New Zealand Dolphin 

(South-west and West Pacific Ocean) 

Malaysia: Sarawak; New Zealand; Viet Nam [1025] 

Delphinus delphis Linnaeus 1758 II K 36 ,620,723,724,753,1147 
Common Dolphin, Atlantic Dolphin, Pacific Dolphin, Saddle-backed Dolphin 

(Recorded from all warm temperate and tropical seas, including the Mediterranean and Black Seas) 

Algeria; Argentina [915]; Australia; Bangladesh [604]; Bulgaria; Canada [442]; Chile [915]; Costa Rica [442]; 
Céte d’Ivoire; Egypt; France; Georgia [679]; Greenland; Honduras [703]; Hong Kong; Iceland; India [38]; 
Indonesia [934]; Israel; Japan; D.P.R. Korea [1184]; Korea Republic [1184]; Libya [528]; Madagascar; 
Malaysia: Sarawak; Malta; Mauritania; Morocco; Mozambique [1017]; Namibia [1020]; Netherlands; New 
Zealand; Norway; Pakistan; Panama; Poland; Portugal; Romania; Russia [679]; Senegal; Somalia; South Africa 
[1020]; Spain; Sri Lanka [437]; Thailand [151]; Tunisia; Turkey [629]; Ukraine [679]; United Kingdom; USA 
[442]; Uruguay [915]; Venezuela [316] 

Delphinus tropicalis van Bree 1971 II K 514 
(= D. delphis tropicalis) 

Tropical Dolphin 

(Arabian Sea to South China Sea) 

India; Pakistan [930]; Somalia 

Feresa attenuata Gray 1875 II K 36,620,724,753,1147 

(= F. occulta Jones & Packard 1956) 

Pygmy Killer Whale, Slender Blackfish 

(Recorded sporadically from warm temperate and tropical waters, including North and South Atlantic, Indian 
Ocean and North Pacific) 

Australia; Costa Rica; Japan; Mexico; Namibia [1020]; Saint Vincent [442]; Senegal; South Africa [1020]; Sri 
Lanka [437]; USA [442]; Viet Nam [437] 


Delphinidae CITES RL Ref 

Globicephala macrorhynchus Gray 1846 II K 36,620,724,753,1147 

(= G. sieboldii Gray 1846) 

Short-finned Pilot Whale, Pacific Pilot Whale 

(Warm temperate and tropical waters, including Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans) 

Australia; Bangladesh [604]; Guam; Guatemala [442]; India; Indonesia [217]; Japan; Myanmar; Saint Vincent 
[442]; Senegal; South Africa [1020]; Sri Lanka [437]; USA [442]; Venezuela 

Globicephala melaena (Traill 1809) II K 36,620,723,753,1147 

(includes G. edwardii (Smith 1834)) 

Long-finned Pilot Whale 

(Occurs in two separate populations, the southern being circumpolar in cool temperate waters of Atlantic, Pacific 
and Indian Oceans north of the Antarctic Convergence; the North Atlantic population extending from USA and 
the Mediterranean to the Barents Sea. Apparently absent from North Pacific) 

Argentina [109,915]; Australia; Canada [442]; Chile [915]; Denmark; Faeroe Islands ; France; Germany; 
Greenland [442]; Iceland; Ireland; Italy; Malaysia: Sarawak; Malta; Netherlands; New Zealand; Norway; Peru; 
South Africa [1020]; Spain; Sweden; United Kingdom; USA [442]; Uruguay [915] 

Grampus griseus (G. Cuvier 1812) II K 36,620,723 ,724,745,753,1147 
Risso’s Dolphin, Grey Dolphin 

(Worldwide distribution in tropical and warm temperate waters) 

Argentina [124,915]; Australia; Bahamas [442]; Canada [442]; Chile [915]; China; Costa Rica [555]; Cuba 
[442]; France; Georgia [679]; Indonesia; Ireland; Italy; Japan; Malaysia: Sarawak; Malta; Mexico [648]; 
Namibia [1020]; Netherlands; New Zealand; Russia [679]; Saint Vincent [442]; Solomon Islands; South Africa 
[1020]; Spain; Sweden; United Kingdom; Ukraine [679]; USA [442] 

Lagenodelphis hosei Fraser 1956 II K 36,620,723,1147 

Fraser’s Dolphin, Sarawak Dolphin 

(Reported from widely scattered localities in tropical Pacific and Atlantic regions) 

Australia; Costa Rica: Cocos Island; French Polynesia; Japan; Kiribati; Malaysia: Sarawak; Philippines; Saint 
Vincent; South Africa [1020]; Sn Lanka [437]; Taiwan 

Lagenorhynchus acutus (Gray 1828) II K 620,753,1147 

Atlantic White-sided Dolphin 

(North Atlantic from the USA to Norway, including the Mediterranean and Baltic Seas) 

Canada [442]; Denmark; Faeroe Islands ; France; Greenland; Ireland; Netherlands; Norway; Portugal; Russia 
[753]; Sweden; United Kingdom; USA [442] 

Lagenorhynchus albirostris (Gray 1846) II K 36,620,753,1147 
White-beaked Dolphin 

(North Atlantic and western Arctic from the USA and Spain to Svalbard, including the Baltic, Davis Strait and 
Barents Sea) 

Belgium; Canada [442]; Denmark; Faeroe Islands ; Germany; Greenland [442]; Iceland; Ireland; Netherlands; 
Norway; Poland; Portugal; Russia [753]; ?Spain; Sweden; Turkey [629]; United Kingdom 

Lagenorhynchus australis (Peale 1848) II K 185,620,753,1147 
Peale’s Dolphin, Blackchin Dolphin 

(Cold, coastal waters of southern South America) 

Argentina [915]; Chile [915]; Falkland Islands [915] 

Lagenorhynchus cruciger (Quoy & Gaimard 1824) II K 620,1147 
Hourglass Dolphin 

(Circumpolar, recorded from high southern latitudes to the edge of the pack ice) 
Argentina [109,915]; Chile [915]; Falkland Islands 


Delphinidae CITES RL Ref 

Lagenorhynchus obliquidens Gill 1865 II K 620,753,1147 
Pacific White-sided Dolphin 

(Offshore in cooler regions of the North Pacific) 

Japan; D.P.R. Korea [1184]; Korea Republic [1184]; Mexico [442]; Russia [753]; USA [442] 

Lagenorhynchus obscurus (Gray 1828) II K 185,620,724,753,1147 
(includes L. superciliosus (Lesson & Garnot 1826)) 

Dusky Dolphin 

(Circumpolar between about 30°S and 60°S) 

Argentina [109,915]; Australia; Chile [915]; French Souther and Antarctic Territories; Madagascar; Namibia; 
New Zealand; Peru; South Africa [1020] 

Lissodelphis borealis (Peale 1848) II K 36,620,1147 
Northern Right Whale Dolphin 

(Offshore in North Pacific from Japan and California to the Bering Sea) 

Canada; Japan; Russia [1147]; USA [442] 

Lissodelphis peronii (Lacépéde 1804) II K 36,185 ,620,1147 

Southern Right Whale Dolphin 

(Circumpolar in Southern Hemisphere, extending to 19°S off Chile and to Indonesia) 

Argentina [109,915]; Australia; British Antarctic Territory: South Shetland Islands [403]; Chile [915]; Indonesia; 
New Zealand; Papua New Guinea; South Africa [1020] 

Orcaella brevirostris (Gray 1866) II K 36,620,723,753,1147 
Irrawaddy Dolphin, Snubfin Dolphin 

(Coastal waters from Bay of Bengal to South-east Asia and Australia, including major rivers - Ganges, 
Brahmaputra and Irrawaddy) 

Australia; Bangladesh [604]; Brunei; Cambodia; India; Indonesia: Java [217], Kalimantan, Sumatra [934]; Lao 
P.D.R. [417]; Malaysia: Sabah [468], Sarawak; Myanmar; Papua New Guinea; Singapore; Thailand [151]; 
Viet Nam [1025] 

Orcinus orca (Linnaeus 1758) II K 36, 128,620,723,724,753,1147 
(includes O. glacialis Berzin & Vladimirov 1983) 

Killer Whale, Orca 

(Reported from all sea areas, especially in cooler regions; extending well into the pack ice zone) 

Argentina [915]; Australia; Bahamas [442]; Canada [442]; Chile [915]; Cote d’Ivoire; Denmark; Ecuador, 
Faeroe Islands ; France; Germany; Greenland [442]; Guam; Iceland; India; Indonesia; Ireland; Japan; D.P.R. 
Korea [1184]; Korea Republic [1184]; Madagascar; Malaysia: Sabah [468], Sarawak [217]; Mauritania; Mexico 
[442]; Morocco; Mozambique [1017]; New Zealand; Norway; Russia [753]; Saint Vincent [442]; Senegal; 
Seychelles; South Africa [1020]; Spain; Sri Lanka [437]; United Kingdom; USA [442]; Uruguay [915]; Viet 
Nam [1025] 

Peponocephala electra (Gray 1846) II K 620,753,1147 

Melon-headed Whale 

(Widespread scattered records from warm temperate and tropical seas) 

Australia; Bangladesh [604]; Costa Rica [555]; French Polynesia; Guam; Guatemala; India; Indonesia; Japan; 
Malaysia; Mexico; Pakistan [930]; Papua New Guinea; Saint Vincent [316]; Senegal; South Africa [130, 1020]; 
Sri Lanka [437]; USA; Viet Nam [1025] 

Pseudorca crassidens (Owen 1846) II K 36,185,620,724, 1147 

False Killer Whale 

(Widespread, mainly in warm waters but strandings as far north as the Baltic) 

Argentina [915]; Australia; Brazil; Canada [97]; Chile [915]; China; Cuba [442]; Denmark; Germany; India; 
Iraq [687]; Japan; Malta; Mexico [442]; New Zealand; Oman, Peru; Russia [1147]; Saint Helena; Saint Vincent 
[442]; South Africa [1020]; Spain; Sri Lanka [437]; Sweden; Tanzania; United Kingdom; USA [442]; Uruguay 
[915]; Venezuela [316] 


Delphinidae CITES RL Ref 

Sotalia fluviatilis (Gervais 1853) I K 36,620,1147 

(includes S. brasiliensis (van Bénéden 1875), S. guianensis (van Bénéden 1864)) 

Tucuxi, Estuarine Dolphin, Guianian River Dolphin 

(All major rivers in the Amazon system, extending to Central America) 

Belize; Bolivia [1198]; Brazil; Colombia; Costa Rica; French Guiana; Guatemala; Guyana; Honduras; Mexico; 
Panama; Peru; Suriname; Venezuela 

Sousa chinensis (Osbeck 1765) I K 36,620,723,753,1147 

(includes S. borneensis (Lydekker 1901), S. lentiginosa (Owen 1865), S. plumbea (Cuvier 1829)) 
Indopacific Humpback Dolphin 

(Indian Ocean, including Red Sea, Arabian Gulf and Bay of Bengal, to South-east Asian region, south China 
coast and Changjiang, Min and Yu Rivers) 

Australia; Bahrain; Bangladesh; Brunei; Cambodia; China; Egypt; Ethiopia; India; Indonesia [934]; Iran [646]; 
Iraq [687]; Israel; Kenya; Kuwait; Madagascar; Malaysia: Sarawak [217]; Mozambique [1017]; Myanmar; 
Oman; Pakistan [930]; Papua New Guinea; Qatar; Saudi Arabia; Somalia; South Africa [1020]; Sri Lanka [437]; 
Sudan; Tanzania; Thailand [151]; United Arab Emirates; Viet Nam; Yemen 

Sousa teuszii (Kukenthal 1892) I K 36,620,724,1147 

Atlantic Humpback Dolphin 

(West coast of Africa, from Angola to Mauritania; enters rivers) 

Angola; Benin; Cameroon; Congo; Céte d’Ivoire; Gabon; Gambia; Ghana; Guinea; Guinea-Bissau; Liberia; 
Mauritania; Nigeria; Senegal; Sierra Leone; Togo 

Stenella attenuata (Gray 1846) II K 620,724,753,1147 

(= S. dubia attenuata) 

(includes S. dubia (Cuvier 1812), S. graffmani (Lénnberg 1934), S. malayana (Lesson 1826)) 

Pantropical Spotted Dolphin, Narrow-snouted Dolphin, Bridled Dolphin 

(Widespread in warm deep waters) 

Argentina [915]; Australia; Bangladesh; Cape Verde Islands; Costa Rica [555]; Honduras [703]; Indonesia; 
Japan; D.P.R. Korea [1184]; Korea Republic [1184]; Malaysia; Mexico [442]; Myanmar; New Zealand; Panama 
[442]; Peru; Seychelles; Singapore; Solomon Islands; South Africa [1020]; Sri Lanka [437]; Thailand [151]; 
USA [442] 

Stenella clymene (Gray 1850) II K 620,857,1147 
Helmet Dolphin, Atlantic Spinner Dolphin, Clymene Dolphin 

(Warm and tropical waters of North Atlantic) 

Honduras [703]; USA 

Stenella coeruleoalba (Meyen 1833) II K 36,620,753,1147 

(includes S. styx (Gray 1846)) 

Striped Dolphin, Euphrosyne Dolphin 

(Widespread in tropical and temperate waters, extending to Greenland and possibly Bering Sea) 

Argentina [915]; Australia; Belgium; Canada [442]; Costa Rica [555]; France; Greenland; Honduras [703]; 
Indonesia; Jamaica [442]; Japan; Mozambique [1020]; Panama; Seychelles; South Africa [1020]; Spain; Sn 
Lanka [437]; United Kingdom; USA [442]; Uruguay [915] 

Stenella frontalis (Cuvier 1829) II K 620,724,1147 

(= S. plagiodon (Cope 1866), S. attenuata frontalis) 

Atlantic Spotted Dolphin 

(Offshore in Atlantic from USA to west Africa) 

Algeria; Bahamas; Brazil; Cape Verde Islands.; Gabon; Honduras [703]; Panama; Saint Helena; ?Senegal; USA 


Delphinidae CITES RL Ref 

Stenella longirostris (Gray 1828) II K 185,620,1147 

(includes S. microps (Gray 1846), S. roseiventris (Wagner 1853)) 

Long-snouted Dolphin, Long-beaked Dolphin, Spinner Dolphin 

(Widespread in warm waters) 

Argentina [915]; Australia; Bangladesh [604]; Chile [915]; Costa Rica [555]; Galapagos Islands; French 
Polynesia; Honduras [703]; India; Indonesia; Japan; Mexico [442]; Papua New Guinea; Panama; Senegal; 
Singapore; Solomon Islands; Sri Lanka [437]; USA [442] 

Steno bredanensis (Lesson 1828) II K 36,620,1147 

Rough-toothed Dolphin 

(Widespread in warm temperate ocean areas, including Red Sea, Caribbean, Mediterranean and North Seas) 
Argentina; Bangladesh; Brazil; Céte d’Ivoire; Cuba; Ecuador; France; Honduras [703]; India; Indonesia [217]; 
Italy; Japan; Mexico; Mozambique [1017]; Netherlands; Portugal; Saint Helena; Saint Vincent; Senegal; South 
Africa; Sri Lanka [437]; Thailand [151]; USA [442]; Yemen 

Tursiops truncatus (Montagu 1821) II K 36,185,620,723,753,1147 
(includes T. aduncus (Ehrenberg 1832), T. gilli (Dall 1873), T. nuuanu (Andrews 1911)) 

Bottle-nosed Dolphin 

(Known from all temperate and tropical marine areas) 

Argentina [915]; Australia [647]; Bangladesh; Barbados [442]; Bulgaria; Canada [442]; Chile [915]; China; 
Denmark; Finland; France; Georgia [679]; Germany; Greenland; Honduras [703]; India; Indonesia; Ireland; 
Italy; Japan; Libya [528]; Malaysia: Sarawak; Malta; Mexico [442]; Mozambique [1020]; Namibia [1020]; 
Netherlands; Pakistan [930]; Poland; Portugal; Puerto Rico [442]; Romania; Russia [679]; Saint Helena; Saint 
Vincent [442]; Senegal; Seychelles; South Africa [1020]; Sri Lanka [437]; Sweden; Taiwan; Thailand [151]; 
Tunisia; Turkey [629]; Ukraine [679]; United Kingdom; USA [442]; Uruguay [915]; Venezuela; Western Samoa 


Neophocaena phocaenoides (G. Cuvier 1829) I K 36,620,721,723,753,1147 
Finless Porpoise 

(Coastal and freshwater Indopacific regions from China and Japan to the Gulf of Arabia, including South-East 
Asian archipelago) 

Bahrain; Bangladesh [604]; Brunei; Cambodia; China; Hong Kong; India; Indonesia [934]; Iran; Iraq; Japan; 
Myanmar; D.P.R. Korea; Korea Republic; Kuwait; Malaysia: Sabah [468], Sarawak [217]; ?New Zealand; 
Oman; Pakistan [930]; Philippines; Qatar; Saudi Arabia; Singapore; ?South Africa; Sri Lanka [437]; Taiwan; 
Thailand [151]; Viet Nam [1025] 

Phocoena dioptrica Lahille 1912 II K 36,171,185,620, 1147 

(= Australophocaena dioptrica) 

Spectacled Porpoise 

(Coastal waters of South-west Atlantic) 

Argentina [915]; Chile [915]; Falkland Islands: including South Georgia [915]; New Zealand [98]; Uruguay 

Phocoena phocoena (Linnaeus 1758) II K 36,380,620,753,1147 
(includes P. vomerina Gill 1865) 

Common Porpoise, Harbour Porpoise 

(Coastal waters of North Pacific, North Atlantic and Arctic Oceans, from Japan and California to Chukchi Sea, 
and from Baffin Island to west Africa, including Baltic, Mediterranean and Black Seas) 

Canada [442]; Denmark; France; Germany [139]; Georgia [679]; Greenland [442]; Iceland; Ireland; Japan; 
Mexico; Morocco; Netherlands; Norway; Poland; Russia [679]; Senegal; Spain; Turkey [629]; Ukraine [679]; 
United Kingdom; USA [442] 


Phocoenidae CITES RL Ref 

Phocoena sinus Norris & McFarland 1958 I E 27,56,172,620,753,1147 
Vaquita, Cochito, Gulf Porpoise 

(Northern half of Gulf of California) 

Mexico [442] 

Phocoena spinipinnis Burmeister 1865 II K 27,36, 173,620,753,1147 
Burmeister’s Porpoise, Black Porpoise 

(Coastal South America) 

Argentina [124,915]; Chile [915]; Peru; Uruguay [915] 

Phocoenoides dalli (True 1885) I] K 36,620,753,1147 

Dall’s Porpoise, White-flanked Porpoise 

(North Pacific from Japan and Mexico to Bering Sea) 

Canada [442]; China; Japan; D.P.R. Korea [1184]; Korea Republic [1184]; Mexico [442]; Russia [1147]; USA 


Eschrichtius robustus (Lilljeborg 1861) I - 36,620,921,1147 

(= E. gibbosus (Erxleben 1777 invalid)) 

Grey Whale, Devil Fish 

(North Pacific from Korea and Oregon to Bering Sea; extinct in North Atlantic) 

Canada [442]; China; Guadeloupe; Japan; D.P.R. Korea [1184]; Korea Republic [1184]; Mexico [442]; Russia 
[1147]; USA [442] 


Balaenoptera acutorostrata Lacépéde 1804 

Minke Whale, Lesser Rorqual, Little Piked Whale 

(Widespread in all oceans but rarer in the tropics; extends into polar pack ice; recorded from Baltic and Black 

Appendix I populations I K 36,1147,113,210,620 
Argentina [109,124,915]; Australia; Bahamas [442]; Bangladesh; Brazil; Canada [442]; Chile; Colombia; 
Denmark; Ecuador; France; French Polynesia; Germany; Greenland: except west coast; Iceland; Ireland; India; 
Indonesia; Japan; D.P.R. Korea [1184]; Korea Republic [1184]; Malaysia; Mexico [442]; Myanmar; 
Netherlands; New Zealand; Norway; Peru; Russia [753]; South Africa [1020]; Spain; Sri Lanka [437]; Svalbard 
and Jan Mayen Islands; Sweden; Thailand [151]; United Kingdom; USA [442], Uruguay [915] 

Appendix II populations II K 36,1147,620 
Greenland: west 

Balaenoptera borealis Lesson 1828 I Vv 36,379 ,620,723,1147 
Sei Whale 

(Widespread from sub-polar waters to the equator; main Southern Hemisphere stock summers in South Atlantic 
and Scotia Sea) 

Argentina [109,124,915]; Australia; Canada [442]; Chile [915]; Cuba [442]; Falkland Islands [915]; Iceland; 
India; Indonesia [217]; Japan; D.P.R. Korea; Korea Republic; Malaysia: Sarawak; Mexico [442]; Mozambique; 
Norway; Poland; Réunion; Russia [1147]; South Africa [1020]; Spain; Suriname; Taiwan; Thailand [217]; 
United Kingdom; USA [442]; Uruguay [915] 

Balaenoptera edeni Anderson 1878 I K 36,620,723,1147 

Bryde’s Whale, Tropical Whale 

(Circum-equatorial in warm waters, mainly coastal: Pacific from Chile to California and from Hawaii to 
north-east Japan; Atlantic from Brazil to Chesapeake Bay, USA, including Gulf of Mexico and from South 
Africa to West Africa; Indian Ocean from South Africa to Western Australia, extending to the Seychelles, Bay 
of Bengal, Sumatra) 


Balaenopteridae CITES RL Ref 

Angola; Argentina [124]; Australia; Brazil; Chile [915]; Fiji; French Polynesia; Grenada [442]; Indonesia; Iraq 
[687]; Japan; Madagascar; Malaysia: Peninsular Malaysia, Sarawak; Mexico [442]; Mozambique; New Zealand; 
Pakistan; Peru; Saudi Arabia [800]; Senegal; Seychelles; Solomon Islands; South Africa; Sri Lanka [437], 
Taiwan; USA 

Balaenoptera musculus (Linnaeus 1758) I E 27,36,620,723,1147 

Blue Whale, Sulphur-bottom Whale 

(Occurs in all major oceans, especially cold and temperate waters, but recorded infrequently from tropical seas 
and north Indian Ocean) 

Argentina [124,915]; Australia; Bangladesh [604]; Canada [442]; Cape Verde Islands; Chile [915]; Falkland 
Islands [915]: including South Georgia; French Southern and Antarctic Territories; French Polynesia; Galapagos 
Islands; Greenland; Iceland; India [38]; Indonesia [217]; Iraq [687]; Japan; D.P.R. Korea [1184]; Korea 
Republic [1184]; Malaysia: Sabah [723]; Mexico; Myanmar; Namibia; New Zealand; Nicaragua [442]; Norway; 
Pakistan [930]; Panama [442]; Peru; Russia [27]; South Africa [442]; Spain; Sri Lanka: Svalbard and Jan Mayen 
Islands; Taiwan; United Kingdom; USA [442]; Uruguay [915] 

Balaenoptera physalus (Linnaeus 1758) I Vv 27,36,620,1147 

Fin Whale, Finback, Common Rorqual 

(Occurs in all major oceans, extending to pack ice zones but rare in warmest waters at latitudes less than about 

Angola; Argentina [109]; Australia; Bangladesh [602]; Brazil; Canada [442]; Ecuador; Faeroe Islands; Falkland 
Islands: South Georgia; French Southern and Antarctic Territories; French Polynesia; Greenland [442]; Hong 
Kong; Iceland; India [433]; Indonesia [217]; Italy; Japan; D.P.R. Korea [1184]; Korea Republic [1184]; 
Madagascar; Mexico [442]; Myanmar; Namibia; New Zealand; Norway; Pakistan [930]; Poland; Portugal; 
Russia [27,1147]; South Africa [1020]; Spain; Sri Lanka [437]; Suriname [532]; Svalbard and Jan Mayen 
Islands; Taiwan; Tunisia; United Arab Emirates; United Kingdom; USA [442] 

Megaptera novaeangliae (Borowski 1781) I Vv 27,36, 101,379 ,620,723,1147 
Humpback Whale 

(Found in all major oceans from Arctic to Antarctic, but absent from pack ice zones) 

American Samoa; Angola; Argentina [124,915]; Australia; Bangladesh [602]; Bermuda [1043]; Brazil; Canada 
[442]; Cape Verde Islands; Chile [915]; Congo; Cook Islands; Dominican Republic; Ecuador; Falkland Islands; 
Fiji; France; Greenland [442]; Iceland; India; Indonesia; Iraq [687]; Japan; D.P.R. Korea [1184]; Korea 
Republic [1184]; Madagascar; Malaysia: Sarawak [723]; Marshall Islands; Mexico; Mozambique [1017]; 
Netherlands Antilles; New Caledonia; New Zealand; Norther Marianas; Norway; Pakistan [930]; Panama 
[442]; Peru; Poland; Russia [36]; Saint Lucia; Saint Vincent; Samoa; Solomon Islands; South Africa [1020]; 
Sri Lanka [437]; Svalbard and Yan Mayen Islands; Tonga; United Kingdom; USA [618]; Vanuatu; Venezuela; 


Balaena glacialis P.L.S. Miller 1776 I rE 27,36, 127,620,916,1147 

(= Eubalaena glacialis) 

(except subspecies australis) 

Black Right Whale, Northern Right Whale 

(Temperate and sub-polar coastal waters: North Atlantic from Florida to Greenland and from Spain to Svalbard; 
North Pacific from China Sea to Sea of Okhotsk and from California to Bering Sea, including Hawaii; 
circumpolar in Southern Hemisphere including South Atlantic, South Pacific, Southern Ocean) 

Argentina [109,675,915]; Australia; Azores; Bermuda; Brazil; Canada (442); Chile [915]; China; Falkland 
Islands [915]; France; French Southern and Antarctic Territories: Amsterdam Island, Crozet Islands; Iceland; 
Ireland; Japan; Korea Republic; Madeira; Mexico [442]; New Zealand: Campbell Island, Chatham Islands; 
Russia [106]; Saint Helena: Tristan da Cunha Islands; South Africa [416, 1020]; Spain; Svalbard and Yan Mayen 
Islands; Taiwan; United Kingdom; USA [442]; Uruguay [915] 


Balaenidae CITES RL Ref 

Balaena glacialis australis Desmoulins 1822 I Vv 620 

(= Eubalaena australis) 

Southern Right Whale 

(Circumpolar in Southern Hemisphere including South Atlantic, South Pacific, Southern Ocean) 

Argentina [109,124,675]; Australia; Brazil; Chile; Falkland Islands; French Southern and Antarctic Territories: 
Amsterdam Island; Crozet Islands, New Zealand: Campbell Island, Chatham Islands; South Africa [416, 1020]; 
Tristan da Cunha Islands 

Balaena mysticetus Linnaeus 1758 I Vv 27,36, 127,620,754,917,1147 
Bowhead Whale, Greenland Right Whale 

(Arctic Ocean, Beaufort, Barents and Chukchi Seas; North Atlantic - arctic waters; North Pacific - arctic waters, 
Japan, Okhotsk and Bering Seas) 

Canada: including Hudson Bay, Davis Strait, Baffin Island [442]; Greenland; Iceland; Japan; Norway; Russia 
[106]; Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands; USA [442] 

Caperea marginata (Gray 1846) I K 36,185 ,620,1147 

Pygmy Right Whale 

(Circumpolar in Southern Hemisphere, north of Antarctic Convergence; northern limit is probably the 20°C 

Argentina [915]; Australia; Falkland Islands [915]; French Southern and Antarctic Territories; New Zealand; 
South Africa [1020] 


Canis aureus Linnaeus 1758 Ill IN - 466 

Golden Jackal 

Afghanistan; Algeria; Armenia; Azerbaijan; Bangladesh; Bhutan; Bulgaria; Djibouti; Egypt; Ethiopia; Georgia; 
Greece; Hungary; India; Iran; Iraq; Israel; Kenya; Kyrgyzstan; Lao P.D.R. [271]; Lebanon; Libya; Mauritania; 
Morocco; Myanmar; Nepal [573]; Nigeria; Pakistan; Romania; Saudi Arabia; Senegal; Somalia; Sri Lanka; 
Sudan; Syria; Tajikistan; Tanzania; Thailand; Turkey; Turkmenia; Uganda; Western Sahara; Yemen; Yugoslavia 

Canis lupus Linnaeus 1758 
Grey Wolf 

Appendix I populations I Vv 1098 
Bhutan; India [38,836,997]; Nepal [756]; Pakistan [797,930] 

Appendix II populations II Vv 392,460,464,720,731,1098 
Afghanistan [440,793]; Albania; Armenia [392]; Austria (ex); Azerbaijan [392]; Bangladesh (ex?) [393,602,604]; 
Belarus [392]; Belgium (ex); Bulgaria; Canada [191,442]; China [985,994]; Czechoslovakia [1139]; Denmark 
(ex); Estonia [392]; Egypt [464]; Finland; France (ex); Germany (ex); Greece; Greenland [442]; Hungary (ex); 
Iran [646]; Iraq [464,687]; Ireland (ex) [338]; Israel [730]; Italy; Japan (ex); Jordan [464]; Kazakhstan [392]; 
D.P.R. Korea [1184]; ?Korea Republic [1184]; Kuwait [464]; Kyrgyzstan [392]; Latvia [392]; Lebanon 
[464,630]; Libya [346]; Lithuania [392]; Luxembourg (ex); Mexico [442,906]; Moldova [392]; Mongolia [695]; 
Myanmar (ex?) [955]; Netherlands (ex); Norway [749, 1140]; Oman [464]; Poland; Portugal [16,357]; Romania; 
Russia [392]; Saudi Arabia [786]; Slovenia [842]; Spain [274]; Sweden [137,750]; Switzerland (ex); Syria 
[464,630]; Tajikistan [392]; Turkey [629,1106]; Turkmenia [392]; Ukraine [392]; United Kingdom (ex); 
USA [191,442]; Uzbekistan [392]; Viet Nam [684]; Yemen; Yugoslavia [147] 


Canidae CITES RL Ref 

Canis rufus Audubon & Bachman 1851 - E 392,442,460,844,1098 
(= C. niger) 

Red Wolf 


Canis simensis Rippell 1835 - E 27,392,1108 
Simien Fox, Simian Jackal, Abyssinian Wolf 

Chrysocyon brachyurus (Illiger 1815) II Vv 184,283,392,640, 1098 
Maned Wolf 
Argentina [124,833,915], Bolivia [1198], Brazil, Paraguay [915], Peru [510], Uruguay (ex) [958] 

Cuon alpinus (Pallas 1811) II Vv 27,232,392 

Asiatic Wild Dog, Dhole, Red Dog 

Bangladesh [393,602,603 ,604,970]; Bhutan; Cambodia; China [836,994]; India [38,99, 100]; Indonesia: Java, 
Kalimantan (ex) [723], Sumatra; Kazakhstan; ?7D.P.R. Korea; ?7Korea Republic; Kyrgyzstan [106]; Lao P.D.R. 
[271,837,976,977]; Malaysia: Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah (ex), Sarawak (ex); Mongolia [695]; Myanmar [955]; 
Nepal [756]; ?Sr Lanka (ex?); Tajikistan [106]; Thailand [151]; Turkey; Uzbekistan [106]; Viet Nam 
[837,853, 1025] 

Dusicyon australis (Kerr 1792) - Ex 514 
Falkland Island Wolf 
Falkland Islands (ex) [124] 

Dusicyon culpaeus (Molina 1782) II - 392 

(includes D. culpaeolus (Molina 1782)) 

Colpeo Fox, Andean Wolf 

Argentina [184,640,699,701,833,915]; Bolivia [184,640]; Chile [184,394,640,696,870,915, 1069]; ?Colombia 
[514]; Ecuador [184,640]; Peru [85,184,420,640]; Uruguay [958] 

Dusicyon griseus (Gray 1837) II Vv 184,392,746 

(includes D. fulvipes Gray 1837) 

Argentine Grey Fox, Pampa Fox, Grey Zorro 

Argentina [124,699,701,833,915]; Chile [308,394,554,696,746,870,885,915, 1069]; Falkland Islands; Peru 

Dusicyon gymnocercus (G. Fischer 1814) II - 392 
Pampa Fox, Azara’s Zorro 
Argentina [699,915]; Bolivia [915]; Brazil; Paraguay [915]; Uruguay [915] 

Dusicyon microtis (Sclater 1883) - K 123,392,1098 
(= Atelocynus microtis) 

Small-eared Dog, Smali-eared Zorro 

?Bolivia; Brazil [196]; Colombia [316]; Ecuador; Peru 

Dusicyon sechurae Thomas 1900 - K 392 
Sechuran Zorro, Sechura Fox 
Ecuador [392]; Peru [392] 

Dusicyon thous (Linnaeus 1766) II - 122,243 ,392,514 

Forest Fox, Common Zorro 

Argentina [699,834,915]; Bolivia; Brazil; Colombia [316]; French Guiana; Guyana [316]; Paraguay [915]; 
Suriname [316]; Uruguay [915]; Venezuela [63] 

Dusicyon vetulus Lund 1842 = K 392 
Hoary Zorro, Hoary Fox 



Canidae CITES RL Ref 

Lycaon pictus (Temminck 1820) - IE 27,392,449 

Wild Dog, African Hunting Dog 

Algeria (ex?); Angola [518]; Benin (ex?) [978]; Botswana [1020]; Burkina Faso [944]; Burundi (ex?) [1128]; 
Cameroon [557]; Central African Republic [689]; Chad [689]; Congo (ex?) [691]; Céte d’Ivoire; Djibouti (ex); 
Ethiopia [1193]; Gabon (ex?) [691]; Ghana (ex?) [83]; Guinea; Kenya [613]; Malawi [78,452, 1066]; Mali (ex?); 
?Mauritania; Mozambique [1017,1020]; Namibia [508,1020]; Niger [872]; Nigeria [19,940]; Rwanda (ex?); 
Senegal [307]; Sierra Leone [1086]; Somalia [337,367]; South Africa [1013, 1020]; Sudan [503,996]; Swaziland 
[1020]; Tanzania [613,1067]; Togo (ex?); Uganda (ex?) [120,613]; Zaire (ex?) [991]; Zambia [75]; Zimbabwe 

Speothos venaticus (Lund 1842) I Vv 392,1098 

Bush Dog 

Argentina [124,915]; Bolivia [1198]; Brazil [251]; Colombia [316]; Ecuador; French Guiana; Guyana; Panama 
[442]; Paraguay [915]; Peru; Suriname [316,532]; Venezuela [316,640,766] 

Urocyon littoralis (Baird 1858) - R 392 
Island Grey Fox 
USA: California 

Vulpes bengalensis (Shaw 1800) Ill IN Id 392 
Bengal Fox 
Bangladesh; India [392]; Nepal [392,573]; Pakistan [392] 

Vulpes cana Blanford 1877 II K 392 
Blanford’s Fox, Hoary Fox, Afghan Fox 
Afghanistan [476]; Iran [646]; Israel; Oman; Pakistan [797,930]; Turkmenia [392] 

Vulpes corsac (Linnaeus 1758) - K 392 
Corsac Fox 
Afghanistan; China; Kazakhstan; Kyrgyzstan; Mongolia [695]; Russia; Turkmenia 

Vulpes pallida (Cretzschmar 1826) - K 392 
Pale Fox 
Burkina Faso; Cameroon; Chad; Guinea; Libya; Mali; Niger; Nigeria; Senegal; Sudan 

Vulpes rueppelli (Schinz 1825) - K 392 

Rueppell’s Fox, Sand Fox 

Afghanistan; Algeria; Chad; Egypt; Ethiopia; Iraq [687]; Iran; Libya; Morocco; Niger; Saudi Arabia; Somalia; 
Sudan; Yemen 

Vulpes vulpes griffithi Blyth 1854 III IN 
Afghanistan; Pakistan 


Vulpes vulpes montana Pearson 1836 Il] IN - 324 
?Bhutan; China; India; Nepal; Pakistan 

Vulpes vulpes pusilla Blyth 1854 Ill IN = 324 
(includes V. v. leucopus Blyth 1854) 
India; Iran; Iraq; Pakistan 

Vulpes zerda (Zimmermann 1780) II K 4,392,724 

(= Fennecus zerda) 

Fennec Fox 

Algeria [942]; ?Burkina Faso [944]; Chad [801]; Egypt [835]; Israel; Kuwait [464]; Libya [528,942]; 
Maunitania; Morocco [183,856]; Niger [805]; Oman; Sudan; Tunisia [942]; Western Sahara [1113] 


Ursidae CITES RL Ref 


Ailuropoda melanoleuca (David 1869) I E 27,221,772,984,994 
Giant Panda 


Helarctos malayanus (Raffles 1821) I Vv 723 

Sun Bear 

Bangladesh (ex) [602,603 ,604,970]; Brunei [119,170]; Cambodia; China [671,994]; India [38,384]; Indonesia: 
Kalimantan [1009], Sumatra [934]; Lao P.D.R. [271,417,837,976]; Malaysia: Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah [266], 
Sarawak; Myanmar [955]; Thailand [151]; Viet Nam [837,853, 1025] 

Melursus ursinus (Shaw 1791) I Vv Di 
Sloth Bear 
Bangladesh [602,603,604]; ?Bhutan; India [38,99, 100,884]; Nepal [756]; Sn Lanka 

Selenarctos thibetanus (G. Cuvier 1823) I Vv 514 

(= Ursus thibetanus) 

(except subspecies gedrosianus) 

Asiatic Black Bear 

Afghanistan [440,476]; Bangladesh [602,603,604,970]; Bhutan; Cambodia; China [671,994,1169]; India 
[381,884]; Japan; D.P.R. Korea [1184]; Korea Republic [1184]; Lao P.D.R. [271,417,837,976]; ?Malaysia: 
Peninsular Malaysia; Mongolia; Myanmar [955]; Nepal [756]; Pakistan [797,930]; Russia [106]; Taiwan; 
Thailand [151]; Viet Nam [837,853, 1025] 

Selenarctos thibetanus gedrosianus Blanford 1877 I E 27 
(= Ursus thibetanus gedrosianus) 

Baluchistan Bear 

Iran [646]; Pakistan [930] 

Tremarctos ornatus (F. Cuvier 1825) I Vv 1098 

Spectacled Bear 

Argentina; Bolivia [184]; Brazil; Colombia [184,316]; Ecuador; Panama; Peru [184,316,420]; Venezuela 

Ursus americanus Pallas 1780 Il - 442 
American Black Bear 
Canada; Mexico [906]; USA 

Ursus arctos Linnaeus 1758 
(except subspecies isabellinus, nelsoni) 
Brown Bear, Grizzly Bear 

Appendix I populations I - 514 
Bhutan; China; Mongolia 

Appendix II populations II - 514 

Albania; Armenia [106]; Austria (ex); Azerbaijan [106]; Belarus; Belgium (ex), Bulgaria; Canada [442]; 
Czechoslovakia [949]; Denmark (ex); Finland; France [340]; Georgia [106]; Germany (ex) [139]; Greece; 
Hungary; Iran; Iraq; Israel (ex); Italy; Japan; Jordan (ex); D.P.R. Korea; Latvia; Lebanon (ex); Liechtenstein 
(ex); Luxembourg (ex); Netherlands (ex); Norway [623]; Poland; Portugal (ex); Romania; Russia; Spain 
[274,378]; Sweden; Switzerland (ex); Syria (ex); Turkey; Turkmenia; United Kingdom (ex); USA [442,852]; 


Ursidae CITES RL Ref 

Ursus arctos isabellinus Horsfield 1826 I - 514 

Himalayan Brown Bear 

Afghanistan [793]; China [671]; India [38,381,836]; Kazakhstan [106]; Kyrgyzstan [106]; Nepal; Pakistan 
[797,930]; Tajikistan [106]; Uzbekistan [106] 

Ursus arctos nelsoni Merriam 1914 
Mexican Grizzly Bear 

Appendix I populations I Ex 1098 
Mexico (ex) [442] 

Appendix II populations II Ex 1098 
USA (ex) 

Ursus maritimus Phipps 1774 II Vv 18 

(= Thalarctos maritimus) 

Polar Bear 

Canada [442]; Greenland [442]; Iceland; Japan; Norway; Russia [106]; Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands; USA 


Ailurus fulgens F. Cuvier 1825 II K 884,929 
Lesser Panda, Red Panda 
Bhutan; China [994]; India [38]; Lao P.D.R. [271,417,976]; Myanmar [955]; Nepal [756] 

Bassaricyon gabbii J.A. Allen 1876 ICR - 184 

Bushy-tailed Olingo 

Colombia [184,316]; Costa Rica [442]; Ecuador [184]; Honduras [703]; Nicaragua [442]; Panama [442]; Peru; 
Venezuela [316,448] 

Bassariscus sumichrasti (Saussure 1860) IICR- - 442 

Central American Cacomistle 

Belize [617,716]; Costa Rica [442]; El Salvador [178,442]; Guatemala [404,442]; Honduras [442,703]; Mexico 
[442,906]; Nicaragua [442]; Panama [316,442] 

Nasua nasua (Linnaeus 1766) III HN - 184,442 

(includes N. narica Linnaeus 1766) 

(except subspecies solitaria) 


Belize; Bolivia [1198]; Brazil; [Chile: Robinson Crusoe Island [915]]; Colombia [316]; Costa Rica; ?7Ecuador; 
El Salvador [178]; French Guiana [316]; Guatemala [404]; Guyana [316]; Honduras [703]; Mexico [906]; 
Nicaragua; Panama [316]; Paraguay [915]; ?Peru; Suriname [316]; USA; Venezuela [316] 

Nasua nasua solitaria Weinland 1860 Il UY = - 184 
South Brazilian Coati 
Argentina [699,915]; Brazil [251]; Uruguay [915] 

Nasua nelsoni Merriam 1901 - K 906 
Cozumel Island Coati 
Mexico: Cozumel Island 

Potos flavus (Schreber 1774) II HN - 184,442 


?Belize; Brazil; Colombia [316]; Costa Rica; ?Ecuador; El Salvador [178]; French Guiana [316]; Guatemala 
[404]; Guyana [316]; Honduras [703]; Mexico [906]; ?Nicaragua; Panama [316]; ?Peru; Suriname [316]; 
Venezuela [316] 


Procyonidae CITES RL Ref 

Procyon gloveralleni Nelson & Goldman 1930 - Ex? 442 
(= P. lotor gloveralleni) 

Barbados Raccoon 

Barbados (ex?) 

Procyon pygmaeus Merriam 1901 - K 906 
(= P. lotor pygmaeus) 

Cozumel Island Raccoon 

Mexico: Cozumel Island 


Aonyx capensis (Schinz 1821) II - 443 ,449,724,941,1018 
African Clawless Otter, Cape Clawless Otter 

Angola [518]; Benin; Botswana [1019, 1020]; Burkina Faso [944]; Burundi; Cameroon [942]; ?Central African 
Republic; Chad [689]; ?Congo; Céte d’Ivoire; Equatorial Guinea: Fernando Po [942,1093]; Ethiopia [942]; 
Gabon; Gambia [942]; Ghana [942]; Guinea; Guinea-Bissau [942]; Kenya; Liberia [14,628]; Malawi [78,452]; 
?Mali; Mozambique [1017,1020]; Namibia [1020]; Niger [872]; Nigeria [942]; Rwanda; Senegal [307,942]; 
Sierra Leone [837,1086]; South Africa [1020]; Sudan [942]; Swaziland; Tanzania (462,613]; ?7Togo; Uganda 
[120]; Zaire; Zambia [75]; Zimbabwe [1020] 

Aonyx cinerea (lIlliger 1815) II K 723 

Oriental Small-clawed Otter 

Bangladesh [602,604]; Bhutan; Brunei; Cambodia; China [345, 1073, 1169]; India; Indonesia: Java, Kalimantan, 
Sumatra [934]; Lao P.D.R. [271,417,837]; Malaysia: Peninsular Malaysia [721,1151], Sabah [266,468], 
Sarawak; Myanmar [955]; Nepal [756]; Philippines: Palawan; Singapore [469]; Sri Lanka; Thailand [96,151]; 
Viet Nam [837,1025] 

Aonyx congica Loénnberg 1910 

(= A. microdon (Pohle 1920)) 

Cameroon Clawless Otter (Appendix I populations) _[ - 27,724 
Cameroon [942]; Nigeria 

Zaire Clawless Otter (Appendix IT populations) II - 724 
Angola; Burundi; Congo [691]; ?Equatorial Guinea; Gabon [691]; Rwanda; Uganda [613]; Zaire [233,896] 

Conepatus humboldtii Gray 1837 II - 184 
(includes C. castaneus) 

Patagonian Hog-nosed Skunk 

Argentina [196,833,915]; Chile [366,394,915, 1069]; ?Paraguay [514] 

Conepatus mesoleucus telmalestes V. Bailey 1905 - Id 442 
Big Thicket Hog-nosed Skunk 
USA: Texas [992] 

Eira barbara (Linnaeus 1758) III HN - 442,992 


Argentina [699,915]; Belize; Bolivia [1198]; Brazil; Colombia [316]; Costa Rica; Ecuador; El Salvador [178]; 
French Guiana [316]; Guatemala [404]; Guyana [316]; Honduras [703]; Mexico [205,906]; Nicaragua; Panama 
[316]; Paraguay [167,915]; ?Peru; Suriname [316]; Trinidad and Tobago [13]; Uruguay [177,958]; Venezuela 

Enhydra lutris (Linnaeus 1758) II - 329, 442,462,598 ,923 

(except subspecies nereis) 

Sea Otter 

Japan [972]; Russia: Kurile Islands [106]; USA: Alaskan south-east coast, including Aleutian and Commander 



Mustelidae CITES RL Ref 

Enhydra lutris nereis (Merriam 1904) I - 329 442 462,598,923 
Southern Sea Otter 
Canada: Vancouver and Straits of Juan de Fuca; Mexico: west coast (ex) [205,906]; USA: west coast [59] 

Galictis vittata (Schreber 1776) TiICR- - 442 

(includes G. allamandi) 

Greater Grison 

Belize [716]; Bolivia [1198]; Brazil; Colombia [316]; Costa Rica [442]; Ecuador; El Salvador [442]; ?French 
Guiana; Guatemala [442]; Guyana [316]; Honduras [442,703]; Mexico [205,442,906]; Nicaragua [442]; Panama 
[316,442]; Peru; Suriname [316]; Venezuela [316] 

Gulo gulo (Linnaeus 1758) - Vv 992 


Canada [992]; Estonia [992]; Finland [992]; Mongolia [695,992]; Norway [131,992]; Russia [992]; Sweden 
[992]; USA [992] 

Lutra canadensis (Schreber 1776) II - 442,561 
North American Otter 
Canada; Mexico (ex) [205]; USA 

Lutra felina (Molina 1782) I Vv 184, 1098 
Marine Otter, Chingungo 
Argentina [124,833,915]; Chile [201,394,746,915]; Peru 

Lutra longicaudis (Olfers 1818) I - 184,331,462 

(except subspecies longicaudis) 

(includes L. annectens, L. enudris, L. incarum) 

South American River Otter, Neotropical River Otter 

Belize [617,716]; Bolivia [1198]; Brazil; Colombia [291,316]; Costa Rica [442]; Ecuador [727]; El Salvador 
[178,442]; French Guiana; Guatemala [442]; Guyana [316]; Honduras [442,703]; Mexico [205,442,906]; 
Nicaragua [442]; Panama [442]; Peru [163]; Suriname [316,532]; Trinidad and Tobago [13]; Venezuela 

Lutra longicaudis longicaudis (Olfers 1818) I Vv 184,462, 1098, 1207 
(= L. platensis (Waterhouse 1838)) 

La Plata Otter 

Argentina [699,701,833,915]; Bolivia; Brazil [251]; ?Paraguay [915]; Uruguay [915,958] 

Lutra lutra (Linnaeus 1758) I - 96,323,462 

(except subspecies lutra) 

Eurasian Otter 

Afghanistan [440,476,793]; Bangladesh [602,604]; Bhutan; Cambodia; China [994,1073,1169]; Hong Kong 
[709]; India [836]; Indonesia: Sumatra [934]; Iran [646]; Iraq [687]; Japan [972]; Kazakhstan [106]; Kyrgyzstan; 
[106]; Lao P.D.R. [271,417]; Malaysia [721]; Myanmar [955]; Nepal [756]; Pakistan [797,930]; Slovenia [842]; 
Sn Lanka [1151]; Taiwan; Tajikistan [106]; Thailand [151,216]; Turkmenia [106]; Uzbekistan [106]; Viet Nam 
[837,853, 1025]; Yugoslavia: Slovenia [1132] 

Lutra lutra lutra (Linnaeus 1758) I Vv 27,462,777 

European Otter 

Albania [681]; Algeria; Armenia [323]; Austria; Azerbaijan [323]; Belarus [323]; Belgium [249]; Bulgaria; 
China; Czechoslovakia [523]; Denmark [1045]; Estonia [323]; Finland; France [409]; Georgia [323]; Germany 
[924, 1054]; Greece [675,680]; Hungary; Ireland [213]; Israel [681,682]; Italy [198,677,1151]; Jordan [464]; 
Kazakhstan [323]; D.P.R. Korea [1184]; Korea Republic [1184]; Latvia [323]; Lebanon [630,653]; Liechtenstein 
(ex); Lithuania [323]; Luxembourg (ex); Moldova [323]; Mongolia [695]; Morocco [679]; Netherlands [710]; 
Norway [484]; Poland; Portugal [16,115,676]; Romania; Russia [323]; Spain [274,325]; Sweden [328]; 
Switzerland (ex); Syria [630]; Tunisia [678]; Turkey [629,1106]; Ukraine [323]; United Kingdom [674]; 
Western Sahara [1113]; Yugoslavia [658] 


Mustelidae CRESS PRE Ref 

Lutra maculicollis Lichtenstein 1835 II - 443 ,462,724,941,1018 

(= Aydrictis maculicollis) 

Spot-necked Otter, Speckle-throated Otter 

Angola [518]; Botswana [1019, 1020]; Burkina Faso [944]; Burundi; Cameroon [942]; Chad [689]; Congo [691]; 
Céte d'Ivoire; 7Egypt; Equatorial Guinea [182,942]; Ethiopia [942]; Gabon [691]; ?Guinea; ?Iran; Kenya; 
Liberia [14,628,942]; Malawi [78,452]; Mozambique [1017, 1020]; Namibia [1020]; Niger; Nigeria; Rwanda; 
Sierra Leone [942,1086]; South Africa [1020,1052]; Sudan [942]; ?Swaziland; Tanzania [886]; Uganda [120]; 
Zaire [233,896,991]; Zambia [75]; Zimbabwe 

Lutra perspicillata 1. Geoffroy 1826 II K 323,462,723 

Smooth-coated Otter 

Bangladesh [602,604,970]; Bhutan [1115]; Cambodia; China [1073]; India; Indonesia: Java [1114], Kalimantan, 
Sumatra; Iraq [464,687]; Lao P.D.R. [837]; Malaysia: Peninsular Malaysia [721,1151], Sabah [266], Sarawak; 
Myanmar [955]; Nepal [573,756]; Pakistan [797,930]; Thailand [96,151]; Viet Nam [853, 1025] 

Lutra provocax Thomas 1908 I Vv 184,462,1098 
Southern River Otter, Huillin 
Argentina [124,218,833,915]; Chile [394,746,915] 

Lutra sumatrana (Gray 1865) II K 462,723 

Hairy-nosed Otter 

Brunei; Cambodia; Indonesia: Bangka [217], Kalimantan, Sumatra [934]; ?7Lao P.D.R.; Malaysia: Peninsular 
Malaysia [721], Sabah [266], Sarawak; Singapore [469]; Thailand [96,151]; Viet Nam [837,853,1025] 

Marrtes flavigula (Boddaert 1785) Ill IN - 992 

(except subspecies chrysospila, gwatkinsi) 

Yellow-throated Marten 

Bhutan [953]; China; India; Indonesia: Java, Sumatra; D.P.R. Korea; Korea Republic; Lao P.D.R. [271]; 
Malaysia: Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah, Sarawak; Myanmar; Nepal [573]; Pakistan; Russia; Thailand; Viet Nam 

Mares flavigula chrysospila Swinhoe 1866 Ill IN Id 992 
Taiwan Yellow-throated Marten 


Martes flavigula gwatkinsi Horsfield 1851 III IN Id 992 
(= M. gwatkinsi) 

Nilgiri Marten 


Martes foina intermedia Severtzov 1873 III IN - 239 

Central Asian Stone Marten 
Afghanistan; China; India; Iran; Kyrgyzstan; Pakistan; Turkmenia 

Martes melampus tsuensis Thomas 1897 - Id 992 
Tsushima Island Marten 

Japan [992] 

Mellivora capensis (Schreber 1776) Ti BW - 724 
Honey Badger, Ratel GH 

?Afghanistan [440,476]; Algeria; Angola [518]; ?Benin; Botswana [1020]; Burkina Faso; Cameroon [942]; 
Central African Republic [689]; Chad [801]; Congo [691]; Cote d'Ivoire [515]; Egypt (ex) [239]; Equatorial 
Guinea [942]; Ethiopia; Gabon [691]; Ghana [942]; Guinea; India [38]; Iran [646]; Iraq [464,687]; Israel 
[464,734]; 2Jordan; Kazakhstan [106]; Kenya [613]; Kuwait [464]; ?Lesotho; Liberia [628]; Malawi [78]; Mali; 


Mustelidae CITES RL Ref 

Mauritania; Morocco [183]; Mozambique [1017, 1020]; Namibia [1020]; Nepal [756]; Niger [805,942]; Nigeria; 
Oman [464]; Pakistan [930]; Rwanda; Saudi Arabia [464]; Senegal [942]; Sierra Leone [942]; Somalia 
[337,367]; South Africa [725,1020]; Sudan [503]; ?Swaziland; Tanzania [613]; ?Togo; Turkmenia [106]; 
Uganda [120]; Uzbekistan; Western Sahara [1113]; Yemen [464]; Zaire [233,896]; Zambia [75]; Zimbabwe 

Melogale everetti (Thomas 1895) - K 992 
Kinabalu Ferret-badger, Everett’s Ferret-badger 
Malaysia: Sabah 

Melogale personata orientalis Horsfield 1821 - K 992,1118 
(= M. orientalis) 

Javan Ferret-badger 

Indonesia: Java 

Mustela altaica Pallas 1811 Ill IN - 239 
Mountain Weasel 
China; India; Kazakhstan; D.P.R. Korea; Korea Republic; Mongolia; Nepal; Russia 

Mustela erminea Linnaeus 1758 Ill IN - 608 

Stoat, Ermine 

Afghanistan; Algeria; Belarus; Belgium; Canada; China; Czechoslovakia; Denmark; Estonia; Finland; France; 
Germany; Hungary; India; Ireland; Japan; Kazakhstan; Kyrgyzstan; Latvia; Lithuania; Moldova; Mongolia, 
Netherlands; Norway; Pakistan; Poland; Russia; Spain; Sweden; Switzerland; Tajikistan; Turkmenia; Ukraine; 
United Kingdom; USA 

Mustela kathiah Hodgson 1835 III IN - 514 
Yellow-bellied Weasel 

Bhutan; China; India; Lao P.D.R. [271]; Myanmar; Nepal; Pakistan; Viet Nam 
Mustela lutreola (Linnaeus 1761) - Vv 267,1199 
European Mink 

Austria (ex?) [992]; Belarus [1005]; Bulgaria [160,992]; Czechoslovakia [992]; Finland (ex?) [992]; France 
[992]; Germany [992]; Greece; Hungary (ex?) [992]; Latvia [1092]; Lithuania [741]; Netherlands (ex); Poland 
[992]; Romania [992]; Russia [992]; Spain [992]; Sweden; Yugoslavia [992] 

Mustela lutreolina Robinson & Thomas 1917 - K 913,992 
Indonesian Mountain Weasel 
Indonesia: Java, Sumatra 

Mustela nigripes (Audubon & Bachman 1851) I E 58,70,231,442,502,743,922, 

Black-footed Ferret 

Canada (ex); USA 

Mustela sibirica Pallas 1773 Ill IN - 514,239 

Siberian Weasel 

Bhutan; China; India; Indonesia: Java; Japan; D.P.R. Korea; Korea Republic; [Kyrgyzstan]; Myanmar; Nepal; 
Russia; Taiwan 

Pteronura brasiliensis (Gmelin 1788) I Vv 184,462,1098 

Giant Otter, Giant Brazilian Otter 

Argentina [124,833,915]; Bolivia [1198]; Brazil [251]; Colombia [270,316]; Ecuador; French Guiana [316]; 
Guyana [316]; Paraguay [915]; Peru; Suriname [316,532]; Uruguay (ex?) [915,958]; Venezuela [316] 


Mustelidae CITES RL Ref 

Vormela peregusna peregusna (Giildenstadt 1770) - Vv 160 
European Marbled Polecat 
Bulgaria [992]; Greece [992]; Romania [992]; Turkey [992]; Ukraine [992,1068]; Yugoslavia [992] 


Arctictis binturong (Raffles 1821) III IN - 514 


Bangladesh; China; India; Indonesia: Java, Sumatra; Lao P.D.R. [271]; Malaysia; Myanmar; Philippines: 
Palawan; Thailand; Viet Nam 

Arctogalidia trivirgata trilineata Wagner 1814 - Id 913,992,1118 
Javan Small-toothed Palm Civet 
Indonesia: Java 

Chrotogale owstoni Thomas 1912 - K 992 
Owston’s Palm Civet 
China [945,992]; Lao P.D.R. [271,945,992]; Viet Nam [807,992] 

Civettictis civetta (Schreber 1777) Il BW - 724 

(= Viverra civetta) 

African Civet 

Angola [518]; ?Benin; Botswana [1020]; Burkina Faso [944]; ?Burundi; Cameroon [557]; Central African 
Republic [689]; Chad [801]; Congo [691]; Céte d’Ivoire [515,1178]; Equatorial Guinea [182]; Ethiopia 
[245,942]; Gabon [691]; Gambia [574]; ?Ghana; ?Guinea; Kenya [613]; Liberia [14,628]; Malawi 
[78,452, 1066]; Mali; Mozambique [1017,1€20]; Namibia [1020]; ?Niger; Nigeria [20]; Rwanda; [Sao Tome 
and Principe [365]]; Senegal [942]; Sierra Leone [263,264, 1086]; Somalia [337,367]; South Africa [725, 1020]; 
Sudan [503,942]; ?Swaziland; Tanzania [613,771]; ?Togo; Uganda [120]; Zaire [233,896]; Zambia [75]; 
Zimbabwe [1020] 

Cryptoprocta ferox Bennett 1833 II K 6,9,27,622 

Cynogale bennettii Gray 1837 II K 723 

(includes C. lowei Pocock 1933) 


Brunei; Indonesia: Kalimantan, Sumatra [934]; Malaysia: Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah [266], Sarawak; 
?Singapore [469]; Thailand [151]; Viet Nam [151,837,1025] 

Eupleres goudotii Doyere 1835 II Vv 8,9,27,1037 
(includes E. major Lavauden 1929) 



Fossa fossa (Schreber 1777) II Vv 7,9,27, 1037 

(= F. fossana (P.L.S. Miller 1776)) 
Malagasy Civet, Striped Civet 

Genetta abyssinica (Ruppell 1836) - K 992 
Abyssinian Genet 
Djibouti [992]; Ethiopia [992]; Somalia [992] 

Genetta genetta isabelae Delibes 1977 - R 992 
Ibiza Genet 
Spain: Ibiza 


Viverridae CITES RL Ref 

Genetta johnstoni Pocock 1908 = K 992 

Johnston’s Genet 
Céte d'Ivoire [515,638]; Liberia [992]; Guinea [992] 

Hemigalus derbyanus (Gray 1837) II - 723 

Banded Palm Civet 

Brunei [170]; Indonesia: Kalimantan [1009], Mentawai Islands, Sumatra [934]; Malaysia: Peninsular Malaysia, 
Sabah [266], Sarawak; Myanmar; Thailand [151] 

Macrogalidia musschenbroekii (Schlegel 1879) - R 27,1156 
Sulawesi Palm Civet, Musang, Brown Palm Civet 
Indonesia: Sulawesi 

Paguma larvata (H. Smith 1827) Ill IN - 239 

Masked Palm Civet 

Bangladesh; China; India: including Andaman Islands; Indonesia: Sumatra; Lao P.D.R. [271]; Malaysia: 
Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah; Myanmar; Nepal; Sri Lanka; Taiwan; Thailand; Viet Nam 

Paradoxurus hermaphroditus (Pallas 1777) III IN - 244 

(except subspecies lignicolor) 

Common Palm Civet 

Bangladesh; Bhutan; China; India; Indonesia; Lao P.D.R. [271]; Malaysia: Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah, 
Sarawak; Myanmar; Nepal [573]; Philippines; Sri Lanka; Thailand; Viet Nam 

Paradoxurus hermaphroditus lignicolor Miller 1903 Ill IN E 913,992 
(= P. lignicolor) 

Mentawai Palm Civet 

Indonesia: Sumatra 

Paradoxurus jerdoni Blanford 1885 III IN Id 992 
Jerdon’s Palm Civet 

India [904] 

Poiana richardsoni liberiensis Pocock 1908 - Id 992 

Leighton’s Linsang 
Liberia [992]; Céte dIvoire [515,992]; Sierra Leone [992] 

Prionodon linsang (Hardwicke 1821) II - 723 

Banded Linsang 

Brunei; Indonesia: Bangka [217], Belitung, Java [217], Kalimantan, Sumatra [934]; Malaysia: Peninsular 
Malaysia [469], Sabah [266], Sarawak; Myanmar [955]; Thailand [151] 

Prionodon pardicolor Hodgson 1842 I - 884 

Spotted Linsang 

Bhutan; China [994, 1073]; India [38]; Lao P.D.R. [271,417,837]; Myanmar [955]; Nepal [756]; Thailand [151]; 
Viet Nam [837,853, 1025] 

Viverra megaspila Blyth 1862 Ill IN - 992 
(except subspecies civettina) 

Large-spotted Civet 

Lao P.D.R. [271]; Malaysia: Peninsular Malaysia; Myanmar; Thailand; Viet Nam 

Viverra megaspila civettina Blyth 1862 III IN E 27,38,591,631,884 
(= V. civettina) 

Malabar Large-spotted Civet 

India: Kerala 


Viverridae CIES) RE Ref 

Viverra zibetha Linnaeus 1758 III IN - 514 

Large Indian Civet 

Bangladesh; Cambodia; China; India; Lao P.D.R. [271]; Malaysia: Peninsular Malaysia; Myanmar; Nepal; 
Thailand; Viet Nam 

Viverricula indica (Desmarest 1817) III IN - 514 

Small Indian Civet 

Bangladesh; Bhutan; Cambodia; China; India; Indonesia: Bali, Java, Kangean Islands, Sumbawa; Lao P.D.R. 
[271]; [Madagascar]; Malaysia: Peninsular Malaysia; Myanmar; Nepal; [Socotra]; Sri Lanka; Taiwan; 
[Tanzania]; Thailand; Viet Nam 


Bdeogale crassicauda omnivora Heller 1913 - E 1081,1082 
Sokoke Bushy-tailed Mongoose 
Kenya [992]; Tanzania [992] 

Bdeogale jacksoni (Thomas 1894) - K 992 
Jackson’s Mongoose 
Kenya [992]; Uganda [992] 

Galidictis fasciata (Gmelin 1788) - Id 992 
Broad-striped Mongoose 

Galidictis grandidieri Wozencraft 1986 - K 992 
Giant-striped Mongoose 

Herpestes auropunctatus (Hodgson 1836) Ill IN - 799 

Small Indian Mongoose 

Afghanistan; [Antigua and Barbuda]; Bangladesh; [Barbados]; China; [Cuba]; [Dominican Republic]; [Fiyi]; 
[French Guiana]; [Grenada]; [Guadeloupe]; [Guyana]; [Haiti]; India; Iran; Iraq; [Jamaica]; Lao P.D.R. [271]; 
Malaysia: Peninsular Malaysia; [Martinique]; Myanmar; Nepal [573]; [Netherlands Antilles: Saint Martin]; 
Pakistan; [Puerto Rico]; [Saint Kitts and Nevis]; [Saint Lucia]; [Saint Vincent]; Saudi Arabia; [Suriname]; 
[Tanzania: Mafia Island]; Thailand; [Trinidad and Tobago [13]]; [Hawaiian Islands]; [Virgin Islands of the 
United States]; Viet Nam 

Herpestes edwardsi (E. Geoffroy 1818) III IN - 466 
Indian Grey Mongoose 
Afghanistan; Bangladesh; India; Iran; Iraq; [Malaysia: Peninsular Malaysia]; Nepal [573]; Pakistan; Sri Lanka 

Herpestes fuscus Waterhouse 1838 III IN - 514 
Indian Brown Mongoose 
India; Sri Lanka 

Herpestes smithii Gray 1837 IWIN - 514 
Ruddy Mongoose 
India; Sri Lanka 

Herpestes urva (Hodgson 1836) Ill IN - 514 
Crab-eating Mongoose 
China; India; Lao P.D.R. [271]; Myanmar; Nepal; Taiwan; Thailand; Viet Nam 

Herpestes vitticollis Bennett 1835 III IN - 514 
Stripe-necked Mongoose 
India; Sr Lanka 


Herpestidae CITES RL Ref 

Liberiictis kuhni Hayman 1958 - E 399 
Liberian Mongoose 
Liberia [992]; Céte d’Ivoire [515,992]; Guinea [992] 

Mungotictis decemlineata (A. Grandidier 1867) - Vv 992 
Narrow-striped Mongoose 

Salanoia concolor (I. Geoffroy 1837) - K 562,992 
Brown-tailed Mongoose, Salano 


Proteles cristatus (Sparrmann 1783) III BW - 724 


Angola [518]; Botswana [1020]; ?Burundi; ?Central African Republic [689]; Egypt [835]; Ethiopia [245]; Kenya 
[613]; Lesotho [1020]; Mozambique [1017,1020]; Namibia [1020]; Somalia [337,367]; South Africa 
[1013, 1020]; Sudan; Swaziland [1020]; Tanzania [613]; Uganda [120,613]; Zambia [75]; Zimbabwe [1020] 


Hyaena brunnea Thunberg 1820 I Vv 27,76,312,724,747 

Brown Hyaena 

Angola [518,531]; Botswana [1020]; Mozambique [1017]; Namibia [1020]; South Africa [1013, 1020, 1053]; 
Zimbabwe [1020] 

Hyaena hyaena barbara Biainville 1844 - E 27,724,925 
Barbary Hyaena 

Algeria; Morocco [183]; Tunisia 

Acinonyx jubatus (Schreber 1776) 
(except subspecies venaticus) 
African Cheetah 

Appendix I populations I Vv 27,435,436,724, 1018 

Algeria (ex?) [804]; Angola [518]; Benin [978]; Burkina Faso [944]; Burundi (ex) [1128]; Cameroon [557]; 
Chad [689,804]; Egypt (ex) [804,835]; Ethiopia [1193]; Kenya [33,444,613]; Libya [528]; Malawi [78, 1066]; 
Mali [804]; Mauritania [804]; Morocco (ex?); Mozambique [1017,1020, 1089]; Niger [418,805,872]; Nigeria 
[19,610]; Senegal [304,804]; Somalia [337,367]; South Africa [748, 1013, 1020]; Sudan [503]; Swaziland [156]; 
Tanzania [33,613]; Tunisia (ex); Uganda [33,120,613]; Western Sahara (ex?) [804,1113]; Zaire [991]; Zambia 

Appendix I populations (export quota) I(eq) Vv 1014 
Botswana [1020]; Namibia [704, 1020]; Zimbabwe [704, 1020, 1176] 

Acinonyx jubatus venaticus Griffith 1821 I E 27,550 
Asiatic Cheetah 

Afghanistan (ex?) [440]; India (ex) [38]; Iran [66,590,646]; Iraq (ex?) [464,732]; Israel (ex) [464]; Jordan (ex?) 
[464]; Kazakhstan (ex) [106]; Kuwait (ex) [464]; Kyrgyzstan (ex) [106]; Pakistan (ex?) [930]; Saudi Arabia 
(ex?); Syria (ex) [464,630]; Tajikistan (ex) [106]; Turkmenia (ex) [106]; Uzbekistan (ex) [106]; Yemen (ex) 


Felidae CIMES” RE Ref 

Felis aurata Temminck 1827 II - 436,449,724,941,1179 
Golden Cat, African Golden Cat 

Angola [518,942]; Burkina Faso; Burundi; Cameroon [736,942]; Central African Republic; Congo [1031]; Céte 
d'Ivoire [1178]; Equatorial Guinea [182,942]; Gabon [691]; Gambia [443]; Ghana [736]; ?Guinea; Kenya [613]; 
Liberia [14,628,942]; ?Niger; Rwanda [322,436]; Senegal [736,942]; Sierra Leone [263,736,942]; ?Togo; 
Uganda [120,613]; Zaire [736,896] 

Felis badia Gray 1874 II R 27,582,723 
Bay Cat, Bornean Marbled Cat 
Brunei; Indonesia: Kalimantan; Malaysia: Sabah [468,1084], Sarawak 

Felis bengalensis Kerr 1792 II - 217,436,550,723 

(except subspecies bengalensis) 

Leopard Cat 

Afghanistan [440,476]; Bhutan [207]; Brunei; China [669,1169]; Hong Kong [709]; India [38, 136]; Indonesia: 
Bali, Java, Kalimantan, Nias, Sumatra [934]; Japan; D.P.R. Korea [1184]; Korea Republic [1184]; ?Macao; 
Malaysia: Peninsular Malaysia [721], Sabah [266], Sarawak; Nepal [756]; Pakistan [797,930]; Philippines; 
Russia [106]; Singapore [469]; Taiwan; Thailand [96,151]; Viet Nam [261,837,853, 1025] 

Felis bengalensis bengalensis Kerr 1792 
Bengal Leopard Cat 

Appendix I populations I - 544 
Bangladesh [602,603,604,970]; Cambodia [837]; India [136]; Lao P.D.R. [417,837]; Myanmar [955]; Pakistan 
[797]; Thailand [216]; Viet Nam [837] 

Appendix II populations II - 544,57 
China [57] 

Felis bieti Milne-Edwards 1892 II - 436,550,994 
Chinese Desert Cat 

Felis canadensis (Kerr 1792) II - 442 
(= F. lynx canadensis, Lynx canadensis) 

American Lynx 

Canada [888]; USA 

Felis caracal Schreber 1776 
(= Lynx caracal) 
(except subspecies michaelis) 

Asian Caracal (Appendix I populations) I - 436,550 

Afghanistan [440]; India [38]; Iran [646]; Iraq [464,687,1091]; Israel [464,732,1155]; Jordan [464]; Kuwait 
[464]; Lebanon [464,630]; Oman [507]; Pakistan [797,930]; Saudi Arabia [464,785]; Syria [464,630]; Turkey 
[629,1106]; United Arab Emirates [464]; Yemen [464] 

African Caracal (Appendix II populations) II - 436,449,724,942,1018 

Algeria [942]; Angola [518]; Benin [978]; Botswana [1020]; ?Burkina Faso; Cameroon [557]; Central African 
Republic [689]; Chad [689,801]; Congo [1031]; ?Céte d’Ivoire; Djibouti; Egypt [835]; Ethiopia; Gabon [691]; 
Gambia [482,574,942]; Ghana [942]; ?Guinea; Guinea-Bissau [942]; Kenya [613]; ?Lesotho; ?Liberia; Libya 
[528]; Malawi [78]; ?Mali; Mauritania; Morocco [183,856,942]; Mozambique [1017,1020]; Namibia [1020]; 
Niger [805,872,942]; Nigeria [942]; Senegal [307]; Somalia [337,367]; South Africa [1020]; Sudan [503,942]; 
?Swaziland; Syria; Tanzania [613]; ?7Togo; ?Tunisia; Uganda [120,613]; Zaire [991]; Zambia [75]; Zimbabwe 


Felidae CITES RL Ref 

Felis caracal michaelis Heptner 1945 I R 27,106 
(= Lynx caracal michaelis) 

Turkmenian Caracal 

Kazakhstan [106]; Tajikistan [106]; Turkmenia [106]; Uzbekistan [106] 

Felis chaus Giildenstadt 1776 II - 550 

Jungle Cat, Swamp Cat, Reed Cat 

Afghanistan [440,695]; Bangladesh [602,604]; Bhutan; Cambodia; China [239]; Egypt [835]; India [136]; Iran 
[646]; Iraq [464,687]; Israel [464,732]; Jordan [464]; Kazakhstan [239,436]; Lao P.D.R. [271,417]; Mongolia 
[695]; Myanmar [955]; Nepal [756]; Pakistan [797,930]; Russia [239,436]; Sri Lanka; Syria [465,630]; 
Tajikistan [239,436]; Thailand [151]; Turkey [629,1106]; Turkmenia [239,436]; Uzbekistan [239,436]; 
Viet Nam [837,1025] 

Felis colocolo Molina 1810 II - 184,436 

(includes F. pajeros) 

Pampas Cat, Chilean Pampa Cat 

Argentina [699,701 ,833,915]; Bolivia; Brazil [251]; Chile [394,746,915,1069]; Ecuador; Paraguay [915]; Peru 
[79,420]; Uruguay [79,915,1190] 

Felis concolor Linnaeus 1771 II - 252 

(except subspecies coryi, costaricensis, couguar) 

Puma, Cougar, Mountain Lion, Deer Tiger, Red Tiger 

Argentina [699,701,833,915]; Belize [617]; Bolivia [1198]; Brazil [184,251,869]; Canada [442]; Chile 
[394,696,746,870,915, 1069]; Colombia; Ecuador [661]; El Salvador [178,442]; French Guiana; Guatemala 
[442]; Guyana [24,943]; Honduras [703]; Mexico [442,906]; Nicaragua; Paraguay [915,1129,1162]; Peru 
[85,851]; Suriname [532]; USA [442]; Uruguay [79,915,1190]; Venezuela [319,448,1201] 

Felis concolor coryi Bangs 1899 I E 317,1098 
Florida Cougar, Florida Puma 


Felis concolor costaricensis Merriam 1901 I - 442,1098,1122 

Costa Rican Puma 
Costa Rica; Panama 

Felis concolor couguar Kerr 1792 I E 1098 
Eastern Puma, Eastern Cougar 

Canada; USA 

Felis geoffroyi d’Orbigny & Gervais 1844 I - 184,436,1189 

Geoffroy’s Cat 
Argentina [124,699,701,833,915]; Bolivia [1198]; Brazil [251]; Chile [394,746,915]; Paraguay [915,1162]; 
Uruguay [79,958] 

Felis guigna Molina 1782 II - 184,436 
Kodkod, Chilean Cat 
Argentina [124,833,915]; Chile [394,746,915, 1069] 

Felis iriomotensis Imaizumi 1967 II E 27,546,550 
(= Prionailurus iriomotensis, F. bengalensis iriomotensis) 

Iriomote Cat 

Japan: Iriomote 

Felis jacobita Comalia 1865 I R 184,436, 1098 

Andean Cat, Mountain Cat 
Argentina [124,833,915]; Bolivia [1198]; Chile [394,746,870,915]; Peru 


Felidae CITES RL Ref 

Felis lynx Linnaeus 1758 II - 348 ,550,597,1105 

(= Lynx lynx) 

Eurasian Lynx 

Afghanistan [793]; Albania; Austria; Bhutan; Bulgaria (ex); China [345,994]; Czechoslovakia; Finland; France 
[340,491]; Germany; Greece; Hungary; India [38,228,836]; Iran [646,687]; Iraq [464]; Italy: ?Sardinia [239]; 
Kazakhstan [106]; D.P.R. Korea [1184]; Kyrgyzstan [106]; Mongolia [695]; Nepal [756]; Norway; Pakistan 
[797,930]; Poland; Romania; Russia [106]; Spain [46]; Sweden; Switzerland [164,491]; Tajikistan [106]; Turkey 
[629,1106]; Turkmenia [106]; Uzbekistan [106]; Yugoslavia 

Felis manul Pallas 1776 II - 436 

Pallas’s Cat 

Afghanistan [440,476]; Armenia [106]; China [345,994]; India [38]; Iran [646]; Kazakhstan [106]; Kyrgyzstan 
[106]; Mongolia [695]; Pakistan [797,930]; Russia [106]; Tajikistan [106]; Turkmenia; Uzbekistan [106] 

Felis margarita Loche 1858 II - 331,436,724,941 

(except subspecies scheffeli) 

Sand Cat 

Algeria [942]; Egypt [835]; Iran [239]; Israel [732]; Jordan [487]; Kazakhstan [436]; Morocco [239]; Niger 
[942]; Oman [464]; Qatar [465]; Saudi Arabia [464]; Senegal [436]; Turkmenia [436]; Uzbekistan [436]; Yemen 

Felis margarita scheffeli Hemmer 1974 II E 27,550,797 ,930 
Pakistan Sand Cat 


Felis marmorata Martin 1837 I Id 27,436 ,550,723,853 
Marbled Cat 

?Bangladesh [602,603,604,970]; ?Bhutan; Brunei; Cambodia; China [1057]; India [38,136]; Indonesia: 
Kalimantan [1009]; Sumatra [934]; Lao P.D.R. [271,417]; Malaysia: Peninsular Malaysia [721], Sabah, 
Sarawak; Myanmar [955]; Nepal [756]; Thailand [96,151]; Viet Nam [837,853, 1025] 

Felis nigripes Burchell 1824 I - 436,443,724 
Black-footed Cat, Small-spotted Cat 
?Angola [518]; Botswana [1020]; Namibia [1020]; South Africa [1020] 

Felis pardalis Linnaeus 1758 I Vv 184,436, 1098, 1122 


Argentina [124,184,832,833,915]; Belize [442,716]; Bolivia [1198]; Brazil [251]; Colombia [316]; Costa Rica; 
Ecuador [184]; El Salvador [178,442]; French Guiana [316]; Guatemala [404,442]; Guyana [316]; Honduras 
[442,703]; Mexico [442,906]; Nicaragua; Panama [316]; Paraguay [184,915]; Peru; Suriname [316]; Trinidad 
and Tobago [13]; USA [442,796]; Venezuela [316,319] 

Felis pardina Temminck 1824 I E 27,118,514 
(= Lynx pardinus, F. lynx pardina) 

Spanish Lynx, Pardel Lynx 

Portugal [16]; Spain [274,514] 

Felis planiceps Vigors & Horsfield 1827 I Id 27,723 

Flat-headed Cat 
Brunei [723]; Indonesia: Kalimantan, Sumatra [934]; Malaysia: Peninsular Malaysia [721], Sabah [266], 

Sarawak; [Singapore [721]]; Thailand [151] 


Felidae CITES RL Ref 

Felis rubiginosa 1. Geoffroy 1831 
Rusty-spotted Cat 

Appendix I populations I K 38,74,208,1187 

Appendix II populations II K 244 

Sri Lanka 

Felis rufa Schreber 1776 II - 21,436,442 

(= Lynx rufus) 

Bobcat, Bay Lynx 
Canada; Mexico [906]; USA 

Felis serval Schreber 1776 II - 435,436,449 ,724,941,1018 

Algeria [239]; Angola [518]; Benin [978]; Botswana [1020]; ?Burkina Faso; Burundi [1179]; Cameroon [942]; 
Central African Republic [689]; Chad [689]; Congo [1031]; ?C6te d'Ivoire; Djibouti; Ethiopia [245]; Gabon 
[691]; Gambia; Ghana [942]; Guinea; Guinea-Bissau [942]; Kenya [613]; ?Lesotho; Liberia [14,628,942]; 
Malawi [78,452,1066]; Mali [942]; Mauritania; Morocco [239]; Mozambique [942,1017]; Namibia [1020]; 
Niger [872]; Nigeria [610,942]; Rwanda [322]; Senegal [304,942]; Sierra Leone [942]; Somalia [337,367]; 
South Africa [1013, 1020, 1052]; Sudan [503]; Swaziland; Tanzania [613]; Togo [942]; Uganda [120,613]; Zaire; 
Zambia [75]; Zimbabwe [1020] 

Felis silvestris Schreber 1777 II - 239,435,436 ,442,724,941 
(includes F. lybica Forster 1780, F. ornata Gray 1830) 

Wild Cat 

Afghanistan [440]; Albania; Algeria [239]; Angola [518]; Armenia; Austria; Azerbaijan; Belgium; Belarus [106]; 
Benin [978]; Botswana [1020]; Bulgaria; Burkina Faso [944]; Burundi; Cameroon; Central African Republic 
[689]; Chad [801,942]; China; Czechoslovakia; Djibouti; Egypt [835]; Ethiopia [245]; France [340]; Gambia; 
Georgia; Germany; Ghana [152]; Greece; Guinea; Guinea-Bissau; Hungary; India [38]; Iran [646]; Iraq 
[464,687]; Israel [464,732]; Italy; Jordan [464]; Kazakhstan; Kenya; Kuwait [464]; Kyrgyzstan; Latvia (ex); 
Lebanon [630,653]; Lesotho; Libya [528]; Lithuania (ex) [106]; Luxembourg; Malawi [78,452]; Mali; 
Mauritania [724]; Moldova [106]; Morocco [183]; Mozambique [1017, 1020]; Namibia [1020]; Niger [805,942]; 
Nigeria [942]; Oman [464]; Pakistan [797,930]; Poland; Portugal; Romania; Russia; Rwanda [322]; Saudi 
Arabia [464]; Senegal [449,724,942]; Sierra Leone; Somalia [337,367]; South Africa [1020]; Spain [274]; 
Sudan; Swaziland; Switzerland; Syria [465,630]; Tajikistan; Tanzania; Togo; Tunisia [1173]; Turkey 
[629, 1106]; Turkmenia; United Arab Emirates [465]; Ukraine [106]; United Kingdom [242]; [USA: Hog Island]; 
Uganda [120]; Uzbekistan; Western Sahara [1113]; Yemen [464]; Yugoslavia; Zaire; Zambia [75]; Zimbabwe 

Felis temmincki Vigors & Horsfield 1827 I Id 27,436,550 

Asiatic Golden Cat, Temminck’s Cat 

Bangladesh [602,603,604,970]; Bhutan; Cambodia; China [994]; India [38,136]; Indonesia: Sumatra [934]; Lao 
P.D.R. [271,417,837]; Malaysia: Peninsular Malaysia [721]; Myanmar [955]; Nepal [756]; Thailand [96,151]; 
Viet Nam [261,837,853,1025] 

Felis tigrina Schreber 1775 I Vv 184,436,442,1098 

Little Spotted Cat, Tiger Cat, Oncilla 

Argentina [124,699,718,833,915]; Brazil [251]; Colombia [316]; Costa Rica [372,1122]; Ecuador; French 
Guiana [316]; Guyana [316]; ?Nicaragua; ?Paraguay; ?Peru [53]; Suriname [316,532]; Venezuela [316,448,766] 

Felis viverrina Bennett 1833 II - 436,550 

Fishing Cat 

Bangladesh [602,603,604,970]; Bhutan; Cambodia; China; India [38,136]; Indonesia: Bali, Java, Sumatra; Lao 
P.D.R. [271,417]; Malaysia: Peninsular Malaysia [1116]; Myanmar [955]; Nepal [756]; Pakistan [797,930]; 
Sri Lanka; Taiwan; Thailand [96,151]; Viet Nam [837,853,1025] 


Felidae CITES RL Ref 

Felis wiedii Schinz 1821 I Vv 184,436, 1098 

Margay, Tree Ocelot 

Argentina [124,699,832,833,915]; Belize [442,617]; Bolivia [1198]; Brazil [251]; Colombia [316]; Costa Rica; 
Ecuador; El Salvador [178]; ?French Guiana; Guatemala [442]; Guyana [316]; Honduras [703]; Mexico 
[442,906]; Nicaragua; Panama [316,442]; Paraguay [915]; Peru [420]; Suriname [316,532]; USA [442]; 
Uruguay [915,1190]; Venezuela [316,448] 

Felis yagouaroundi E. Geoffroy 1803 

Appendix I populations I Id 436,442,1098 
Belize [617]; Costa Rica [1122]; El Salvador [178]; Guatemala [404]; Honduras [703]; Mexico [906]; 
Nicaragua; Panama [316]; USA 

Appendix II populations II Id 184,436, 1098 
Argentina [124,699,701 ,833,915]; Bolivia [1198]; Brazil [251]; Colombia [316]; Ecuador; French Guiana [316]; 
Guyana [316]; Paraguay [915]; Peru [420]; Suriname [316,532]; Uruguay [1190]; Venezuela [316,319,448] 

Neofelis nebulosa (Gniffith 1821) I Vv 27,223 436,550,723 

Clouded Leopard 

Bangladesh (ex?) [393 602,603,604 ,970]; Bhutan; Brunei; ?Cambodia; China [994, 1169]; India [38]; Indonesia: 
Kalimantan [1009], Sumatra [961,964]; Lao P.D.R. [271,417,976]; Malaysia: Peninsular Malaysia [721], Sabah 
[266,468,891], Sarawak [891]; Myanmar [955]; Nepal [284,756]; Taiwan [203,815]; Thailand [96,151]; 
Viet Nam [837,853,1025] 

Panthera leo (Linnaeus 1758) II - 33,436,449 ,724,941 

(except subspecies persica) 


Algeria (ex); Angola [518]; Benin [942,978]; Botswana [1020]; Burkina Faso; Burundi [1128]; Cameroon [942]; 
Central African Republic [689]; Chad [801,942]; Congo [691]; Cote d'Ivoire [942]; Egypt (ex); Ethiopia; Gabon 
[691]; Gambia [942]; Ghana [942]; Guinea [942]; ?Guinea-Bissau; Kenya [613]; Malawi [78,452,1018]; Mali 
[975]; ?Mauritania; Morocco (ex); Mozambique [1017,1020,1089]; Namibia [1020, 1036]; Niger [626]; Nigeria 
[610,942]; ?Rwanda; Senegal [307]; Sierra Leone [942]; Somalia [337,367]; South Africa [748, 1020]; Sudan 
[503]; Tanzania [613]; Togo [942]; Tunisia (ex); Uganda [120,613]; Western Sahara (ex) [1113]; Zaire [991]; 
Zambia [75]; Zimbabwe [1020] 

Panthera leo persica Meyer 1826 I E DS 
Asiatic Lion 
Greece (ex); India [38]; Iran (ex) [646]; Iraq (ex); Israel (ex) [732]; Pakistan (ex) [930]; Syria (ex) [630] 

Panthera onca (Linnaeus 1758) I Vv 1065,1098 


Argentina [124,184,69°,701,833,915]; Belize [51,442]; Bolivia [184]; Brazil [184,251]; Colombia [184,316]; 
Costa Rica [442,1122]; Ecuador; El Salvador (ex) [442]; French Guiana [184,316]; Guatemala [442]; Guyana 
[184,316]; Honduras [442,703]; Mexico [442,906]; Nicaragua [442]; Panama [316,442]; Paraguay [184,915]; 
Peru [184]; Suriname [184,316,532]; USA [442]; Uruguay (ex); Venezuela [184,316] 

Panthera pardus (Linnaeus 1758) 

Appendix I populations I 1 27,435 ,436,449,550,553,724, 

Afghanistan; Algeria; Angola [518,784]; Armenia [106]; Azerbaijan [106]; Bangladesh [393,602,603 ,604,970]; 

Benin [978]; Bhutan; Burkina Faso [784,944]; Burundi [1128,1179]; Cambodia; Cameroon [784]; Chad [23]; 

China [550,994]; Congo [784]; Céte d’Ivoire [784, 1178]; Djibouti [62]; Egypt (ex?) [835]; Equatorial Guinea 

[108]; Gabon [784]; Gambia; Georgia [106]; Ghana [83]; Guinea; ?Guinea-Bissau; Hong Kong (ex) [709]; India 

[38,99, 100]; Indonesia: Bali, Java, Sumatra [934]; Iran [646]; Iraq [464,687]l; Israel [464,542,732]; Jordan 


Felidae CITES RL Ref 

[464]; D.P.R. Korea [1184]; Korea Republic [1184]; Lao P.D.R. [271,977]; Lebanon (ex?) [630,653]; Lesotho 
[1020]; Liberia [628]; Libya (ex) [528]; Malaysia: Peninsular Malaysia; Mali [784]; ?Mauritania; Morocco 
[183]; Myanmar [955]; Namibia [1020]; Nepal [756]; Niger [784,872]; Nigeria [19,784,940]; Oman [464]; 
Pakistan [797,930]; Russia [106]; 7Rwanda; Saudi Arabia [73,464]; Senegal [307,784]; Sierra Leone [59,1086]; 
Singapore (ex) [721]; Somalia [337,367]; Sri Lanka; Sudan [503,996]; ?Swaziland; Syria (ex) [464,630]; 
?Tajikistan [106]; Thailand [96,151,890]; ?Togo [784]; Tunisia; Turkey [158,629,1106]; Turkmenia [106]; 
Uganda [120,613]; ?Uzbekistan [106]; United Arab Emirates [464]; Viet Nam [837,853,1025]; Zaire 

Appendix I populations (export quotas) I(eq) T 435 ,436,550,724 

Botswana [1020]; Central African Republic [784]; Ethiopia [169,245]; Kenya [444,542]; Malawi [78,452, 1066]; 
Mozambique [784,1017,1020,1089]; South Africa [1013,1020,1053]; Tanzania [613,771,1067]; Zambia 
[75,784]; Zimbabwe [1020] 

Panthera tigris (Linnaeus 1758) I E 27,714,775 


Afghanistan (ex?); Bangladesh [393,602,603,604,970]; Bhutan [292]; Cambodia; China [551,582]; India 
[38,67,99, 100,912]; Indonesia: Java, Sumatra [967]; Iran (ex) [646]; Kazakhstan [106]; D.P.R. Korea (ex?) 
[1184]; Kyrgyzstan [106]; Lao P.D.R. [271,837,976,977]; Malaysia: Peninsular Malaysia [721]; Myanmar 
[955]; Nepal [756]; Pakistan (ex) [930]; Russia [106,887]; Singapore (ex) [721]; Tajikistan [106]; Thailand 
[96,151,890]; ?Turkey (ex); Turkmenia [106]; Uzbekistan [106]; Viet Nam [684,837,853, 1025] 

Panthera uncia (Schreber 1775) I E 27,142,550 

Snow Leopard, Ounce 

Afghanistan [793]; Bhutan [387]; China [669,981,985,994]; India [38,413,836]; Mongolia [695]; Nepal 
[552,756]; Pakistan [694,797,930]; Russia [106] 


Arctocephalus australis (Zimmermann 1783) II - 923,987 

South American Fur Seal, Southern Fur Seal 

Argentina [124,184,915]; Brazil [251]; Chile [394,746,915]; Falkland Islands [184,915]; Peru [85]; Uruguay 

Arctocephalus forsteri (Lesson 1828) II - 923,987 
New Zealand Fur Seal 
Australia; New Zealand [1083] 

Arctocephalus galapagoensis Heller 1904 II = 923,987,1098 
Galapagos Islands Fur Seal 
Galapagos Islands 

Arctocephalus gazella (Peters 1875) II - 923,987 

Antarctic Fur Seal, Kerguelen Fur Seal 

Bouvet Island [610,1020]; Brazil [200]; Chile [915]; Falkland Islands: South Georgia, South Orkney Islands, 
South Sandwich Islands [610], South Shetland Islands [610]; French Southern and Antarctic Territories: Crozet 
Islands [1020], Kerguelen Islands [610, 1020]; Heard and Macdonald Islands [596]; South Africa: Marion Island, 
Prince Edward Island [1020] 

Arctocephalus philippii (Peters 1866) II Vv 394, 746,915,923 ,987, 1098 

Juan Fernandez Fur Seal 
Chile: Juan Fernandez Archipelago 


Otariidae CITES RL Ref 

Arctocephalus pusillus (Schreber 1776) Il - 923,987 

(includes A. doriferus, A. tasmanicus) 

Afro-Australian Fur Seal, South African Fur Seal, Cape Fur Seal 

Angola [1020]; Australia [850]; Mozambique [1017]; Namibia [1020]; South Africa: including Marion Island 
[599, 1020] 

Arctocephalus townsendi Merriam 1897 I Vv 923,987,1098 
Guadalupe Fur Seal 
Mexico [442]; USA [442] 

Arctocephalus tropicalis (Gray 1872) II - 923,987 

(includes A. elegans) 

Sub-antarctic Fur Seal, Amsterdam Island Fur Seal 

Argentina; Australia: Macquarie Island [610]; Brazil [610]; Chile [394,1103]; Falkland Islands: South Georgia 
[610]; French Southern and Antarctic Territories: Amsterdam Island [610], Crozet Islands [585,610], Saint Paul; 
New Zealand [610]; Saint Helena: Gough Island, Inaccessible, Nightingale, Tristan da Cunha Islands [610]; 
South Africa: including Marion Island [610], Prince Edward Island [600] 

Zalophus californianus japonicus (Peters 1866) - Ex? 27,923,987 
Japanese Sealion 
Japan (ex?); D.P.R. Korea (ex?) [1184]; Korea Republic (ex?) [1184] 


Odobenus rosmarus (Linnaeus 1758) iCAy es 442,918,923,987 

(except subspecies laptevi) 


Canada; Denmark; Finland; France [299]; Greenland; Iceland; Ireland; Japan; Netherlands; Norway; Russia: 
Franz Josef Land [106]; Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands; Sweden; United Kingdom; USA 

Odobenus rosmarus laptevi Chapskii 1940 TCA K 27,106 
Laptev Walrus 
Russia [106] 


Mirounga leonina (Linnaeus 1758) II - 199,923,987 

Southern Elephant-seal 

Angola [1020]; Argentina [184,610,915]; Macquarie Island [610]; Bouvet Island [610]; British Antarctic 
Territory: South Orkney Islands [610}, South Shetland Islands [610]; Brazil [200]; Chile: Juan Fernandez 
Archipelago [184,394,610,746,915]; Falkland Islands: including South Sandwich Islands, South Georgia 
[184,610,915]; French Southern and Antarctic Territories: Amsterdam Island, Crozet Islands, Kerguelen Islands 
[610]; Heard Island [596,610]; Namibia [1020]; New Zealand: Campbell Island [610]; Saint Helena: Gough 
Island, Tristan da Cunha Islands [610]; South Africa: Marion Island, Prince Edward Island [234,235,1020]; 
Uruguay [915,1190] 

Monachus monachus (Hermann 1779) I E 27,923,987 

Mediterranean Monk Seal 

Albania (ex?); Algeria [995]; Bulgaria [121]; Canary Islands (ex?) [995]; Cyprus [995]; Egypt (ex) [995]; 
France (ex): including Corsica (ex?) [340,995]; Georgia (ex?) [106]; Greece [995]; Israel (ex) [995]; Italy: 
including Sardinia (ex?), Sicily (ex?) [995]; Lebanon [630,653,995]; Libya [528]; Madeira; Malta; Mauritania 
[995]; Morocco [183]; Portugal [995]; Romania; Russia (ex?) [106]; Spain (ex): including Balearic Islands (ex?) 
[995]; Syria (ex?) [630]; Tunisia [995]; Turkey [629,995,1106]; Ukraine (ex?) [106]; Western Sahara 
[971,1113]; Yugoslavia 


Phocidae CITES RL Ref 

Monachus schauinslandi Matschie 1905 I E 923,987,1098 
Hawaiian Monk Seal 
Hawaiian Islands 

Monachus tropicalis (Gray 1850) I E 923,987,1098 

Caribbean Monk Seal, West Indian Seal 

Bahamas (ex?) [442]; Colombia: Isla de Providencia (ex) [316]; Cuba (ex); Guadeloupe (ex); Haiti: Alta Vela 
(ex); Honduras (ex) [703]; Jamaica: Pedro Cays (ex); Mexico (ex?) [442]; USA (ex) [442] 

Phoca hispida saimensis Nordquist 1899 - E 27,923 ,987,1041 
(= Pusa hispida saimensis) 

Saimaa Ringed Seal 


Phoca vitulina stejnegeri J. Allen 1902 - Vv 150 
Kuril Seal 
Kuril Sea 


Elephas maximus Linnaeus 1758 I E 27,723,831, 1003 

Indian Elephant, Asian Elephant 

Bangladesh [393,602,603,604,970]; Bhutan; Brunei; Cambodia; China [100,226,439,998,1056]; India [99]; 
Indonesia: Kalimantan, Sumatra [792]; Lao P.D.R. [271,417,976]; Malaysia: Peninsular Malaysia [541,607], 
Sabah [266]; Myanmar [955]; Nepal [756]; Sri Lanka; Thailand [96,151,289]; Viet Nam [684,853,1025] 

Loxodonta africana (Blumenbach 1797) I Vv 27,294,295 ,724,845 

African Elephant 

Angola [518,549]; Benin [549,978,1131]; Botswana [549, 1020, 1033]; Burkina Faso [548,944, 1032]; Burundi 
(ex) [1128,1179]; Cameroon [549,557]; Central African Republic [195,339,549]; Chad [549]; Congo [339,549]; 
Céte d’Ivoire [549,740]; Equatorial Guinea [108]; Ethiopia [641,724]; Gabon [549]; Gambia (ex); Ghana [549]; 
Guinea; Guinea-Bissau (ex); Kenya [549,1100]; Lesotho (ex); Liberia [14,549,628]; Malawi [78,452,549, 1066]; 
Mali; Mauritania [549]; Mozambique [549,1017,1020]; Namibia [549,1020]; Niger [549,975]; Nigeria 
[19,549,940]; Rwanda [549]; Senegal [549]; Sierra Leone [263,549]; Somalia [337,367,549]; South Africa 
[549, 1013, 1020]; Sudan [549,996]; Swaziland (ex); Tanzania [549, 1067]; Togo [549]; Uganda [120,549]; Zaire 
[549,896,991]; Zambia [75,549]; Zimbabwe [549, 1020] 

Dendrohyrax validus True 1890 - K 724 

Eastern Tree Dassie 
Tanzania: including Pemba Island, Zanzibar 


Dugongidae CITES RL Ref 


Dugong dugon (P.L.S. Miiller 1776) 

Appendix I populations I Vv 723,1098 

Bahrain [369]; Bangladesh [602]; Brunei; Cambodia; China; Comoros; Djibouti [932]; Egypt; Ethiopia; 
Federated States of Micronesia: Yap; Guam; India [38]; Indonesia [934]; Iran; Japan: Ryukyu Islands; Kenya 
[657]; D.P.R. Korea; Korea Republic; Madagascar [125]; Malaysia: Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah, Sarawak; 
Maldives (ex); Mauritius; Mozambique [1017,1020]; Myanmar [955,1110]; New Caledonia; Oman; ?Pakistan; 
Palau; Papua New Guinea; Philippines; Saudi Arabia; Singapore [509]; Solomon Islands; Somalia [125,337]; 
South Africa [1020]; Sri Lanka [437,960]; Taiwan; Tanzania [611]; Thailand [96,151]; United Arab Emirates; 
Vanuatu [266,708]; Viet Nam [684,1025]; Yemen 

Appendix II populations II Vv 117 
Hydrodamalis gigas (Zimmermann 1780) - Ex 514 

Steller’s Sea Cow 
Bering Sea (ex); North Pacific Ocean (ex) 


Trichechus inunguis (Natterer 1883) I Vv 1098 
Amazonian Manatee, South American Manatee 
Brazil [251,290]; Colombia [316]; Ecuador; Peru; Venezuela [316] 

Trichechus manatus Linnaeus 1758 I Vv 1098 

Caribbean Manatee, North American Manatee, American Manatee 

Antigua (ex) and Barbuda [1119]; Bahamas [442]; Belize [442]; Brazil [251]; British Virgin Islands (ex) [1119]; 
Colombia [316]; Costa Rica [442]; Cuba [330,442]; Dominican Republic [442]; French Guiana; Guadeloupe (ex) 
[1119]; Guatemala; Guyana [316]; Haiti [442]; Honduras [442,703,911]; Jamaica [442]; Martinique (ex) [1119]; 
Mexico [188,442,1133]; Netherlands Antilles: Curacao; Nicaragua [442]; Panama [442,980]; Puerto Rico 
[442,883]; Suriname [316,532]; Trinidad and Tobago [13,442]; USA [442,474,616]; Venezuela [246,316]; 
Virgin Islands of the United States (ex) [1119] 

Trichechus senegalensis Link 1795 II Vv 27,724 

African Manatee 

Angola [477,518]; Benin (ex?) [978,1131]; Cameroon [557]; Chad; Congo [1031]; Céte d’Ivoire [813]; 
Equatorial Guinea [108]; Gabon [691,813]; Gambia; Ghana [189]; ?Guinea; ?Guinea-Bissau; Liberia 
[14,628, 1130]; Mali [975]; Mauritania [303]; Niger [813]; Nigeria [940]; Senegal [813]; Sierra Leone [481]; 
Togo [813]; Zaire [813] 


Equus africanus (Fitzinger 1857) I E 27,229,724 

(= E. asinus Linnaeus 1758) 

African Ass, African Wild Ass 

[Australia]; Chad; [Galapagos Islands]; Egypt (ex) [32]; Ethiopia [619]; Somalia [337,367]; Sudan [1205, 1206]; 



Equidae CITES RL Ref 

Equus grevyi Oustalet 1882 I E 27 
Grevy’s Zebra 
Ethiopia [149]; Kenya [288]; Somalia (ex) [367]; Sudan? 

Equus hemionus Pallas 1775 II Vv 27 

(except subspecies hemionus, hemippus, khur) 

(includes E. kiang Moorcroft 1841, E. kulan, E. onager Boddaert 1785) 

Asiatic Wild Ass, Onager Ass, Kulan, Kiang 

Afghanistan [440]; China [994]; India [38,836]; Iran [646]; [Israel [230]]; Kazakhstan [106]; Kyrgyzstan [106]; 
Tajikistan [106]; Turkmenia [27] 

Equus hemionus hemionus Pallas 1775 I Vv 27,1024 
(includes E. luteus Matschie 1911) 

Mongolian Wild Ass, Dziggetai 

China; Kazakhstan (ex?) [27,424]; Mongolia [695]; [Uzbekistan: Barsahelmus Island [104]] 

Equus hemionus hemippus 1. Geoffroy 1855 II Ex 27 
(= E. onager hemippus) 

Syrian Wild Ass, Achdari 

Iran (ex); Iraq (ex); Israel (ex); Saudi Arabia (ex); Syria (ex) [630] 

Equus hemionus khur Lesson 1827 I E 27,38,556,633 
(= E. onager khur) 

Indian Wild Ass, Khur 

India; ?Iran; Pakistan 

Equus przewalskii Poliakov 1881 I Ex? 27,1024 
(= E. caballus przewalskii, E. ferus przewalskii) 

Przewalski’s Horse, Takh 

China (ex?); Mongolia (ex?) 

Equus quagga Gmelin 1788 - Ex 1014 

South Africa (ex) 

Equus zebra hartmannae Matschie 1898 II Vv 27,724 
Hartmann’s Mountain Zebra 
?Angola [518,583]; Namibia [1020]; South Africa [1013] 

Equus zebra zebra Linnaeus 1758 I E 27,724, 1013,1020 
Cape Mountain Zebra 
South Africa 


Tapirus bairdii (Gill 1865) I Vv 185,492,1098 

Central American Tapir, Baird’s Tapir 

Belize [617,716]; Colombia [316]; Costa Rica; Ecuador; El Salvador (ex); Guatemala [404]; Honduras [703]; 
Mexico (ex?) [906]; Nicaragua; Panama [316] 

Tapirus indicus Desmarest 1819 I E 27 

Malayan Tapir 

Indonesia: Sumatra [934,965]; Lao P.D.R. [271,277,976]; Malaysia: Peninsular Malaysia; Myanmar [955]; 
Thailand [96,151]; Viet Nam [1025,1158] 


Tapiridae CITES RL Ref 

Tapirus pinchaque (Roulin 1829) I Vv 185,492,986,1098 
(= T. roulini) 

Mountain Tapir, Woolly Tapir, Andean Tapir 

Colombia [316]; Ecuador; Peru [85,420]; Venezuela [1076] 

Tapirus terrestris (Linnaeus 1758) II - 184,185,492 

Brazilian Tapir, South American Tapir, Lowland Tapir 

Argentina [124,699,701 ,833,915]; Bolivia [1198]; Brazil [251,744]; Colombia [316]; Ecuador [1076]; French 
Guiana; Guyana [24,316]; Paraguay [915]; Peru [85,420]; Suriname [316,532]; Venezuela [316,448, 1076] 


Ceratotherium simum simum (Burchell 1817) I - 368,724,939,1157 

Southern White Rhinoceros, Southern Square-lipped Rhinoceros 

[Angola (ex) [518]]; [Botswana]; [Kenya]; [Mozambique [1017]]; [Namibia]; South Africa [1020]; [Swaziland]; 
[Zambia]; [Zimbabwe] 

Ceratotherium simum cottoni (Lydekker 1908) I E 27,368,505,724,939,1004,1157 
Northern White Rhinoceros, Northern Square-lipped Rhinoceros 
Central African Republic; Chad (ex); Sudan [503]; Uganda [120]; Zaire 

Dicerorhinus sumatrensis (Fischer 1814) I E 27,939 

(= Didermocerus sumatrensis) 

Sumatran Rhinoceros 

Bangladesh (ex) [602]; Brunei (ex); ?Cambodia; India (ex?); Indonesia: Kalimantan, Sumatra [934]; Lao P.D.R. 
(ex?) [271,417,976]; Malaysia: Peninsular Malaysia [356], Sabah [266], Sarawak (ex); Myanmar [955]; Thailand 
[96,151]; Viet Nam [684,853, 1025] 

Diceros bicornis (Linnaeus 1758) I E 27,368,724,939, 1096,1157 
Black Rhinoceros, Hook-lipped Rhinoceros 

Angola [161]; Botswana [161]; Burundi (ex) [1128]; Cameroon; Central African Republic; Chad; Congo (ex); 
Céte d’Ivoire (ex); Ethiopia [641]; Kenya [166,287]; Malawi [78,452,547, 1066]; Mozambique [1017,1020]; 
Namibia [1020]; Niger (ex); Nigeria (ex) [19,940]; Rwanda; Somalia [337,367]; South Africa [1013, 1020]; 
Sudan [503]; Tanzania; Uganda; Zaire (ex); Zambia [75,1174]; Zimbabwe [1020] 

Rhinoceros sondaicus Desmarest 1822 I E 27,939 

Javan Rhinoceros 

Bangladesh (ex) [602]; Cambodia (ex?) [1099]; ?China (ex); India (ex); Indonesia: Java [966], Sumatra (ex); 
Lao P.D.R. (ex?) [271,417,976]; Malaysia: Peninsular Malaysia [48]; Myanmar (ex?) [955]; Thailand (ex?) 
[96,151]; Viet Nam (ex) [684,853,963, 1025] 

Rhinoceros unicornis Linnaeus 1758 I E 27,225 ,644,939 

Great Indian Rhinoceros 
Bangladesh (ex) [602,970]; Bhutan [711]; India [38,711]; Nepal [111,756]; Pakistan (ex) [930] 

Family SUIDAE 
Babyrousa babyrussa (Linnaeus 1758) I V 27 

Indonesia: Buru, Sula Islands, Sulawesi, Togian Islands 


Suidae CIES” RE Ref 

Sus barbatus cebifrons Miller 1838 - Vv 1118 
Visayan Warty Pig 
Philippines: Visayan Islands 

Sus barbatus oi Miller 1902 - Vv 1118 
Western Bearded Pig 
Indonesia: Sumatra, Kundur, Ungar Islands [913]; Malaysia 

Sus scrofa riukiuanus Kuroda 1924 - Vv 244 
Ryukyu Islands Wild Pig 
Japan: Ryukyu Islands 

Sus salvanius (Hodgson 1847) I E 27,825,826 
Pygmy Hog 

Bangladesh (ex); Bhutan (ex?); India [38]; Nepal (ex?) [756] 

Sus verrucosus Miller & Schlegel 1847 - Vv 913,1118 
Javan Warty Pig 

Indonesia: Bawean Island, Java 

Catagonus wagneri (Rusconi 1930) I Vv 1029, 1098 

Chacoan Peccary, Tagua 
Argentina [124,699,701,833,915]; Bolivia [321]; Paraguay [915] 

Tayassu pecari (Link 1795) II - 185,700, 1029 

White-lipped Peccary 

Argentina [915]; Belize; Bolivia [1198]; Brazil; Colombia [316]; Costa Rica; Ecuador; El Salvador; French 
Guiana (France); Guatemala; Guyana [316]; Honduras [703]; Mexico [906]; Nicaragua; Panama [316]; Paraguay 
[915]; Peru; Suriname [316]; Venezuela [316] 

Tayassu tajacu (Linnaeus 1758) Il - 185,700, 1029 

Collared Peccary, Javelina 

Argentina [699,701,833,915]; Belize [442,617]; Bolivia [1198]; Brazil [196,251,744,869]; Colombia [316]; 
Costa Rica [442,728]; [Cuba [1119,1120]]; Ecuador; El Salvador [178,442]; French Guiana [316]; Guatemala 
[404,442]; Guyana [24,316,943]; Honduras [442,703]; Mexico [442,906]; Nicaragua [442]; Panama [442]; 
Paraguay [915,1129]; Peru [85,420]; Suriname [316,532]; Trinidad and Tobago [13]; Uruguay [958]; Venezuela 

(Non-CITES populations in USA [442]) 


Choeropsis liberiensis (Morton 1844) II Vv 27,724, 1004 

Pygmy Hippopotamus 

Cote d'Ivoire [768, 1178]; Guinea [935]; ?Guinea-Bissau [237]; Liberia [14]; Nigeria (ex) [19,237]; Sierra Leone 

Hippopotamus amphibius Linnaeus 1758 IlGH- - 724, 1004 


Algeria (ex); Angola [518]; Benin [978,1131]; Botswana [1020]; Burkina Faso [43]; Burundi [1128,1179]; 
?Cameroon; Central African Republic [689]; Chad [689]; Congo [1031]; Céte d’Ivoire; Egypt (ex) [835]; 
Equatorial Guinea [108,182]; Ethiopia; Gabon [691]; Gambia; Ghana [189]; Guinea-Bissau [1004]; Kenya [593]; 
Liberia [628,1130]; Malawi [78,1066]; Mali [975]; Mozambique [1017,1020]; Namibia [1020]; Niger [418]; 
Nigeria [20,859]; Rwanda [769]; Senegal [307]; Sierra Leone [458,1086]; Somalia [337,367]; South Africa 
[1013,1020]; Sudan [503]; Tanzania [771]; ?Togo; Uganda [33,120]; Zaire; Zambia; Zimbabwe [1020] 


Camelidae CITES’ RL Ref 


Camelus bactrianus Linnaeus 1758 - Vv 27 
(= C. ferus Przewalski 1883) 

Wild Bactrian Camel 

China; Mongolia [695] 

Lama guanicoe (P.L.S. Miller 1776) II - 185,700 


Argentina [124,699,701,833,915]; Bolivia [1198]; Chile [394,696,746,870,915, 1069]; Paraguay [915,1129]; 
Peru [420,851] 

Vicugna vicugna (Molina 1782) 


Appendix I populations I \Y 185,1098 

Argentina [124,699,701,833,915]; Bolivia [1198]; Chile: all populations except part of the population of 
Parinacota Province Ia. region of Tarapacd [203,394,746,915]; Peru: all populations except populations of 
Pampa Galeras National Reserve and Nuclear Zone, Pedregal, Oscconta and Sawacocha (Province of Lucanas), 
Sais Picotani (Province of Azangaro), Sais Tupac Amaru (Province of Junin), and of Salinas Aguada Blanca 
National Reserve (Provinces of Arequipa and Cailloma) 

Appendix II populations II Vv 185,1098 

Chile: part of the populations of Parinacota Province Ia. region of Tarapaca [203,394,746,915]; Peru: 
populations of Pampa Galeras National Reserve and Nuclear Zone, Pedregal, Oscconta and Sawacocha (Province 
of Lucanas), Sais Picotani (Province of Azangaro), Sais Tupac Amaru (Province of Junin), and of Salinas 
Aguada Blanca National Reserve (Provinces of Arequipa and Cailloma) 


Hyemoschus aquaticus (Ogilby 1841) IIIGH_ - 724 

Water Chevrotain 

Angola [518]; Benin; ?Burkina Faso; Cameroon; Central African Republic [689]; Congo [1031]; Céte d’Ivoire 
[1178]; Equatorial Guinea [182]; Gabon [691]; Ghana [189]; Guinea [937]; ?Guinea-Bissau; Liberia [14,628]; 
Nigeria [20,859]; Senegal [1071]; Sierra Leone; ?Togo; Uganda [120]; Zaire [896,991] 

Blastocerus dichotomus (Illiger 1815) I Vv 247,1098,1166 

Marsh Deer, Guasu Pucu 
Argentina [124,699,701,915]; Bolivia; Brazil [41]; Paraguay [915]; Peru; Uruguay (ex) [915,958,1190] 

Cervus albirostris Przewalski 1883 - Vv 27,247,1166 
Thorold’s Deer, White-lipped Deer 


Cervus dama mesopotamicus (Brooke 1875) I E 27,247,275,1166 

(= Dama mesopotamica) 
Persian Fallow Deer 
Iran; Iraq (ex?) [464]; Israel (ex); Jordan (ex) [464]; Lebanon (ex) [464] 

Cervus duvauceli G. Cuvier 1823 I E 27,247,843,979,1010,1166 
Swamp Deer, Barasingha 
Bangladesh (ex) [602,603,604,970]; India [38,959]; Nepal [756]; Pakistan (ex) [930] 

Cervus elaphus bactrianus Lydekker 1900 II E 27,105,247,1166 

Bactrian Deer, Bokharan Deer, Bactrian Red Deer 
Afghanistan; Kazakhstan [106]; Tajikistan [106]; Turkmenia [106]; Uzbekistan [106] 


Cervidae CITES RL Ref 

Cervus elaphus barbarus Bennett 1833 Ill TN Vv 27,247,1166 
Barbary Deer, Barbary Stag, Atlas Deer, Barbary Red Deer 
Algeria [530]; Morocco (ex) [129]; Tunisia [990] 

Cervus elaphus corsicanus Erxleben 1777 - E 27,247,1166 
Corsican Red Deer 
France: Corsica (ex); Italy: Sardinia 

Cervus elaphus hanglu Wagner 1844 I E 27,247,634, 1166 
Hangul, Kashmir Stag 
India [38]; Pakistan (ex?) [930] 

Cervus elaphus macneilli Lydekker 1909 - Id 27,247,1166 
(= C. canadensis macneilli) 

MacNeill’s Red Deer 


Cervus elaphus wallichi G. Cuvier 1823 - E 27,247,1166 
Bhutan (ex?); China 

Cervus elaphus yarkandensis Blanford 1892 - E 27,247,1166 
Yarkand Deer 

Cervus eldi McClelland 1842 I Vv 1166 
(except subspecies eldi, siamensis) 


Myanmar [955,957]; Thailand 

Cervus eldi eldi McClelland 1842 I E 27,38,247,908,1011,1166 
Manipur Brow-antlered Deer, Sangai 


Cervus eldi siamensis Lydekker 1915 I E 27,247,1166 

Thailand Brow-antlered Deer 
Cambodia [1099]; China (ex?) [1169]; Lao P.D.R. [271,976,977]; Thailand [96,151]; Viet Nam [684,853, 1025] 

Cervus nippon grassianus (Heude 1884) - Ex? 27,247 ,343,1166 
Shansi Sika 
China (ex?) 

Cervus nippon keramae (Kuroda 1924) - E 27,247,343,1166 
Ryukyu Sika, Kerama Deer 
Japan: Ryukyu Islands 

Cervus nippon mandarinus Milne-Edwards 1871 - E 27,247,343, 1166 
North China Sika 
China: Hebei [814] 

Cervus nippon pseudaxis Eydoux & Souleyet 1841 - 1B 27,247,343,814,1166 
(= C. n. kopschi Swinhoe 1873) 

South China Sika 

China: ?Guangdong, Guangxi, Jiangxi, Zhejiang [814]; Viet Nam [1166] 


Cervidae CITES RL Ref 

Cervus nippon sichanicus Guo, Chen & Wang 1978 - I 814 
Sichuan Sika 
China: Gansu, Sichuan 

Cervus nippon taiouanus Blyth 1860 - E 27,247,343,1166 
Formosan Sika 
[Japan: Oshima Island]; Taiwan (ex?) 

Cervus porcinus annamiticus Heude 1888 I = 1166 

(= Axis porcinus annamiticus) 

Indochinese Hog Deer 

Cambodia; Indonesia; Lao P.D.R. [271,417]; Thailand [96,151]; Viet Nam [837,1025] 

Cervus porcinus calamianensis Heude 1888 I Vv 27,247,1166 
(= Axis calamianensis) 

Calamian Hog Deer 

Philippines: Calamian Islands 

Cervus porcinus kuhli (Miiller & Schlegel 1844) I R 27,144,247,1166 
(= Axis kuhli) 

Kuhl’s Hog Deer 

Indonesia: Bawean Island 

Cervus unicolor alfredi Sclater 1876 - E 1166 
(= C. alfredi) 

Visayan Spotted Deer 

Philippines: Visayan Islands 

Elaphurus davidianus Milne-Edwards 1866 - E 1166,814 
Pére David’s Deer 
China (ex) [814] 

Hippocamelus antisensis (d’Orbigny 1834) I Vv 185,247,1098 
North Andean Huemul, Peruvian Huemul, Taruca 
Argentina [124,701,833,915]; Bolivia [1198]; Chile [394,746,915]; Peru [420] 

Hippocamelus bisulcus (Molina 1782) I E 185,247, 1098 
South Andean Huemul, Chilean Huemul 
Argentina [124,833,915,1166]; Chile [394,746,882,915,1166] 

Hydropotes inermis Swinhoe 1870 - R 1166 
Chinese Water Deer 
China; [France]; D.P.R. Korea; Korea Republic; [United Kingdom] 

Mazama americana cerasina Hollister 1914 TilGT~ - 442 

Middle American Red Brocket 

Belize [617]; Costa Rica [442]; El Salvador [442]; Guatemala [404,442]; Honduras [442,703]; Nicaragua [442]; 
Panama [442] 

Moschus berezovskii Flerov 1929 II - 425 
(= M. chrysogaster berezovskii) 

Dwarf Musk Deer, South China Forest Musk Deer 

China; Lao P.D.R. [271]; Viet Nam [259,684, 1025] 


Cervidae CITES RL Ref 

Moschus chrysogaster (Hodgson 1839) 
(= M. moschiferus moschiferus sensu Flerov 1952, pro parte) 
Himalayan Forest Musk Deer 

Appendix I populations I - 3,27,247,411,415,432 
Bhutan; India [38]; Nepal [666,756] 

Appendix II populations II - 27,247,411,415,425,432 
China [186] 

Moschus fuscus Li 1981 II - 814 

(= M. chrysogaster fuscus) 
China: Xizang, Yunnan [814] 

Moschus moschiferus Linnaeus 1758 II - 425,1144 
(= M. sibiricus Pallas 1779) 

(includes M. anhuiensis Wang, Hu & Yan 1982) 

Siberian Musk Deer 

China; D.P.R. Korea [814,1184]; Korea Republic [1184]; Mongolia [695]; Russia [106] 

Moschus sifanicus (Biichner 1891) 
(= M. moschiferus moschiferus sensu Flerov 1952, pro parte) 
Alpine Musk Deer 

Appendix I populations I - 27,247,415 ,425,432 
Afghanistan; Bhutan; India [38]; Myanmar [955]; Nepal; Pakistan [797,930] 

Appendix II populations II - 27,247,415,425 ,432 

Muntiacus crinifrons (Sclater 1885) I Vv 247,668, 1000 
Black Muntjac 


Muntiacus feai (Thomas & Doria 1889) - E 27,247,447 

Fea’s Muntjac 
China [667]; Myanmar [955]; [Thailand [96,151]]} 

Odocoileus hemionus cerrosensis Merriam 1898 - R 247,906, 1098 
Cedros Island Mule Deer, Cedros Island Black-tailed Deer 
Mexico: Cedros Island 

Odocoileus virginianus clavium Barbour & Allan 1922 - R 1098 
Key Deer Toy Deer 
USA: Florida - islands near Big Pine Key 

Odocoileus virginianus mayensis IGT - 

(subspecies could not be traced, no information available) 


Ozotoceros bezoarticus (Linnaeus 1758) I - 185 

(= Odocoileus bezoarcticus) 

(except subspecies celer) 

Pampas Deer 

Argentina [124,699,701,833,915]; Bolivia; Brazil [251]; Paraguay [915]; Uruguay [79,915] 


Cervidae CITES RL Ref 

Ozotoceros bezoarticus celer Cabrera 1943 I E 247,1098 
(= Odocoileus bezoarcticus celer) 

Argentinian Pampas Deer, Venado, Gama 


Pudu mephistophiles de Winton 1896 II Id 185,495, 1098, 1166 
Northern Pudu 
Colombia [316]; Ecuador; Peru [420] 

Pudu pudu (Molina 1782) I - 185,495 
Southern Pudu 
Argentina [833,915]; Chile [394,746,870,915, 1069] 


Addax nasomaculatus (Blainville 1816) I E 27,636 


Algeria [391,1015]; Chad [803]; Egypt (ex) [355]; Libya [391,528]; Mali; Mauritania [303,1104]; Niger 
[391,802,805]; Sudan [639]; Tunisia (ex?) [391]; Western Sahara (ex?) [1113] 

Aepyceros melampus petersi Bocage 1879 - E 27,724 
Black-faced Impala 
Angola [518]; Namibia [1020] 


Alcelaphus buselaphus swaynei (Sclater 1892) 27,652,724 
Swayne’s Hartebeest 

Ethiopia [245]; ?Somalia [367] 

Alcelaphus buselaphus tora (Gray 1873) - E 27,724 
Tora Hartebeest 
Egypt (ex); Ethiopia [1004]; Sudan 

Ammodorcas clarkei (Thomas 1891) - Vv 27 
Dibatag, Clarke’s Gazelle 
Ethiopia; Somalia (337,367, 1007] 

Ammotragus lervia (Pallas 1777) II Vv 408 

Barbary Sheep, Aoudad, Uaddan 

Algeria [239]; Chad [276,689]; Egypt [835]; ?Israel (ex); Libya [239,528]; Mali [975]; Mauritania (ex?); 
Morocco (ex?) [183]; Niger [805]; Sudan [239,1175]; Tunisia (ex?) [239]; [USA]; Western Sahara (ex) 
[804, 1113] 

Antilocapra americana (Ord 1815) I - 693,817,906 
(except subspecies peninsularis, sonoriensis) 

Mexican Pronghorn 


Antilocapra americana peninsularis (Nelson 1912) I E 906, 1098 
Baja California Pronghorn 

Antilocapra americana sonoriensis (Goldman 1945) 

Sonoran Pronghorn 

Mexico [442,906] I E 1098,906 
(Non-CITES populations in USA [442]) 


Bovidae CITES RL Ref 

Antilope cervicapra (Linnaeus 1758) IINP - 244 

[Argentina]; Bangladesh [970]; India [38]; Nepal [756]; Pakistan [930]; [USA] 
Bison bison athabascae Rhoads 1898 I - 1097 
Wood Bison 

Canada; USA (ex) [442] 

Bison bonasus (Linnaeus 1758) - Vv 27,1097 

(= B. bison bonasus) 

European Bison, Wisent 

[Belarus [106]]; [Lithuania [106]]; [Moldova [106]]; [Poland]; [Romania]; [Russia [106,258]]; Slovenia (ex) 
[842]; Sweden (ex); [Ukraine [106]] 

Boocercus eurycerus (Ogilby 1857) TIGH - 724,902 

(= Tragelaphus eurycerus) 


Angola [518]; Benin (ex?) [978]; ?Burkina Faso ; Cameroon [557]; Central African Republic [194]; Congo 
[1031]; Céte d’Ivoire [768,1178]; Equatorial Guinea [182]; ?Ethiopia; Gabon [691]; Ghana [560]; Guinea; 
Guinea-Bissau (ex?); Kenya [33]; Liberia [14,628]; Mali (ex?); Niger (ex?); Sierra Leone [263,481]; Sudan 
[503,504,651]; Togo; ?Uganda [33,120]; Zaire [896] 

Bos gaurus H. Smith 1827 I Vv 27,1097 

(= B. frontalis Lambert 1804) 

Gaur, Indian Bison 

Bangladesh [393,603,604,970]; Bhutan; Cambodia; China; India [38,99,100]; Lao P.D.R. [271,976,977]; 
Malaysia: Peninsular Malaysia [236]; Myanmar [955]; Nepal [756]; Thailand [151]; Viet Nam 
(684,837,853, 1025] 

Bos javanicus D’Alton 1823 - Vv 27,723,1097 

(= B. banteng Wagner 1844) 

Banteng, Tembadau 

Bangladesh (ex?) [602]; Brunei (ex); Cambodia; India (ex); Indonesia: Bali, Java [81,82], Kalimantan; Lao 
P.D.R. [271,417,837,976]; Malaysia: Peninsular Malaysia (ex?), Sabah [266], Sarawak (ex); Myanmar [955]; 
Thailand [96,151]; Viet Nam [684,837,853, 1025] 

Bos mutus Przewalski 1883 I E 27,1097 
(= B. grunniens Linnaeus 1766) 

Wild Yak 

? Afghanistan; ?Bhutan; China [42,994]; India [38]; Nepal [756,842] 

Bos sauveli Urbain 1937 I E 27,1097 

(= Novibos sauveli) 


Cambodia [685,1099]; Lao P.D.R. [271,417,685,855]; Thailand (ex?) [44,151]; Viet Nam [684,685,853,1025] 

Bubalus arnee (Kerr 1792) IIINP E 27,1097 
(excluding the domestic form B. bubalis (Linnaeus 1758)) 

Wild Asiatic Buffalo 

Bangladesh (ex) [602,970]; India [38]; Nepal [756] 

Bubalus depressicornis (H. Smith 1827) I E 27,1097 
(= Anoa depressicornis) 

Lowland Anoa 

Indonesia: Sulawesi 


Bovidae CITES RU Ref 

Bubalus mindorensis (Heude 1888) I E 27,1097 
(= Anoa mindorensis) 


Philippines: Mindoro 

Bubalus quarlesi (Ouwens 1910) I E 27,1097 
(= Anoa quarlesi) 

Mountain Anoa 

Indonesia: Sulawesi 

Budorcas taxicolor Hodgson 1850 II - 798 
(except subspecies bedfordi, tibetana) 


Bhutan; China; India [38]; Myanmar 

Budorcas taxicolor bedfordi Thomas 1911 II R 7H) 
Golden Takin 


Budorcas taxicolor tibetana Milne-Edwards 1874 II Id 27,994 
Sichuan Takin 


Capra falconeri (Wagner 1839) I Vv 27 
(except subspecies jerdoni, megaceros) 


Afghanistan [795]; India [38]; Pakistan [12,930]; ?Turkmenia [106]; Tajikistan [106,239]; Uzbekistan [106,239] 
Capra falconeri jerdoni Hume 1875 I E 27,797,930 
Straight-horned Markhor 


Capra falconeri megaceros Hutton 1842 I E 27,797,930 
Kabul Markhor 

Afghanistan [440]; Pakistan [930] 

Capra ibex walie (Rippell 1835) - E 27,812 
(= Capra walie) 

Walia Ibex 


Capra pyrenaica pyrenaica Schinz 1838 - E 3,27 
Pyrenean Ibex 


Capricornis crispus swinhoei Gray 1862 - Vv 244 
Formosan Serow 


Capricornis sumatraensis (Bechstein 1799) I - 884 
(except subspecies sumatraensis) 

Mainland Serow 

Bangladesh [393,602,603 604,970]; ?Cambodia; China [994]; India [381]; Lao P.D.R. [271,417,837]; Malaysia; 
Myanmar [955]; Nepal [666,756]; Thailand [151]; Viet Nam [837,853, 1025] 


Bovidae CITES RL Ref 

Capricornis sumatraensis sumatraensis (Bechstein 1799) I E 27 
Sumatran Serow 
Indonesia: Sumatra 

Cephalophus adersi Thomas 1918 - Vv 33,724 
Aders’ Duiker 
Kenya [309]; Tanzania: Zanzibar [309] 

Cephalophus dorsalis Gray 1846 II - 724 

Bay Duiker 

Angola [518]; Benin; Burkina Faso [944]; Cameroon; ?Central African Republic; Congo [691]; Céte d’Ivoire 
[768,1178]; Equatorial Guinea [182]; Gabon [691]; Ghana [189]; Guinea [937]; ?Guinea-Bissau; Liberia 
[14,628]; Nigeria; Sierra Leone [263,481,1180]; ?7Togo; Zaire [233,896,991] 

Cephalophus jentinki Thomas 1892 I E 27,724 
Jentink’s Duiker 
Céte d’Ivoire [936,1178]; Liberia [14,49,253,936]; Sierra Leone [263,265,1180] 

Cephalophus monticola (Thunberg 1789) II - 724,1014 

(= Philantomba moniticola) 

Blue Duiker 

Angola [518]; Benin [978]; Burundi [1179]; Cameroon; Central African Republic; Congo [691]; Céte d’Ivoire 
[768]; Equatorial Guinea: including Fernando Po [182]; Ethiopia; Gabon [691]; ?Ghana; ?Guinea; Kenya; 
Liberia; Malawi [78,452]; Mozambique [1017,1020]; Nigeria [1]; Sierra Leone [263,481]; South Africa 
[1013, 1020]; Sudan [503]; Swaziland; Tanzania [33]; ?Togo; Uganda [33,120]; Zaire [233,991]; Zambia [75]; 
Zimbabwe [1020] 

Cephalophus nigrifrons rubidus Thomas 1901 - E 309,724 
Ruwenzori Black-fronted Duiker 


Cephalophus ogilbyi (Waterhouse 1838) II - 724 

(except subspecies crusalbum) 

Ogilby’s Duiker 

Cameroon; ?Céte d’Ivoire [768,1178]; Equatorial Guinea: including Fernando Po [108,182,1093]; Ghana; 
Liberia [14,49,628]; Nigeria [859]; Sierra Leone [481,1086,1180]; Togo 

Cephalophus ogilbyi crusalbum Grubb 1978 II Vv 430 
White-legged Duiker 
Gabon [430] 

Cephalophus spadix True 1890 - Vv 33,309,724 
Abbott’s Duiker 

Cephalophus sylvicultor (Afzelius 1815) II - 724 

Yellow-backed Duiker 

Angola [518]; Benin [978]; ?Burkina Faso [944]; Cameroon; Central African Republic; Congo [691]; Céte 
d’Ivoire [768]; Equatorial Guinea [182]; Gabon [691]; ?Gambia; Ghana [560]; Guinea; Guinea-Bissau; Kenya; 
Liberia [14,628]; Nigeria [20]; Rwanda; Senegal [307]; Sierra Leone [263,481,1086, 1180]; Sudan [503]; Togo; 
Uganda [120]; Zaire [233,896]; Zambia [75] 

Cephalophus zebra Gray 1838 II Vv 724 

Banded Duiker, Zebra Antelope, Zebra Duiker 
Céte d'Ivoire [768]; Liberia [49]; Sierra Leone [263,481,1180] 


Bovidae CITES RL Ref 

Damaliscus dorcas (Pallas 1766) - R 1014 
(except subspecies dorcas) 


South Africa [1014] 

Damaliscus dorcas dorcas (Pallas 1766) II Vv 724,1013,1020 
South Africa 

Damaliscus hunteri (Sclater 1889) - Vv 27,724 
Hunter’s Hartebeest, Hirola 
Kenya [33]; Somalia [337,367,1007]; Tanzania [33] 

Damaliscus lunatus (Burchell 1823) IIIGH - 724,1014 

(except subspecies korrigum) 


Angola [518]; Botswana [1020]; Burkina Faso [975]; Burundi [1128]; Ethiopia; Kenya [33]; Malawi (ex) [1066]; 
Mozambique [1017,1020]; Namibia [1020]; Rwanda; Somalia [337,367]; South Africa [1013,1020]; Sudan 
[503]; Tanzania [33]; Uganda [33,120]; Zaire; Zambia [75]; Zimbabwe [1020] 

Damaliscus lunatus korrigum (Ogilby 1837) IIGH E 724 

Korrigum, Tiang, Topi 

Benin [978,1131]; Burkina Faso [975]; Central African Republic; Chad; Mali [975]; Niger [872]; Nigeria (ex?) 
[19,859]; Senegal (ex) [307]; Sudan [503] 

Dorcatragus megalotis (Menges 1894) - K 27,724 
Beira Antelope 
?Djibouti; Ethiopia; Somalia [337,367, 1007] 

Gazella cuvieri (Ogilby 1841) IITN E 27,724 
Edmi Gazelle, Idmi, Cuvier’s Gazelle 
Algeria [1015]; Morocco [183]; Tunisia [1172]; Western Sahara [1113] 

Gazella dama (Pallas 1766) I E 27,724,855 

Dama Gazelle, Addra Gazelle 

Algeria (ex?) [804]; ?Cameroon [449]; Chad [689,804]; ?Gambia; Libya [528,804]; Mali [804,975]; 
?Mauritania; Morocco (ex?) [183]; Niger [419,804,805]; Nigeria [859]; Senegal (ex); Sudan [804,996]; Tunisia 
(ex); Western Sahara (ex?) [804,1113] 

Gazella dorcas (Linnaeus 1758) ITN V 724 

(includes G. bennetti (Sykes 1831)) 

Dorcas Gazelle 

Afghanistan; Algeria [804,1015]; Chad [689,804]; Djibouti; Egypt [347,835,954]; Ethiopia; India [38]; Iran; 
Mraq [464]; ?Israel [347,464,1197]; 2Jordan [464]; Kuwait [464]; Libya [528]; Mali [804]; Mauritania [804]; 
Morocco [183,856]; Niger [804,805]; Nigeria (ex?) [610]; Pakistan [930]; Saudi Arabia [464]; Senegal [804]; 
Somalia [337,367]; Sudan [804]; Togo; Tunisia [928]; Western Sahara [804,1113]; Yemen [464] 

Gazella gazella (Pallas 1766) - Vv 27 
Mountain Gazelle 
Egypt [355]; Israel [464]; Oman [464]; Saudi Arabia [464]; ?Syria [428]; Yemen [464] 

Gazella leptoceros (F. Cuvier 1842) ITN E 27 

Rhim, Slender-horned Gazelle, Sand Gazelle 

Algeria [485,1015]; Chad [314,689]; Egypt [835,954]; Libya [528]; ?Mali [804]; Mauritania [804]; Niger 
[804]; ?Sudan [804]; Tunisia [990]; Western Sahara [804] 


Bovidae CITES RL Ref 

Gazella rufifrons Gray 1846 - Vv 724 

Red-fronted Gazelle 

?Benin [311]; Burkina Faso [311]; Cameroon [311]; Central African Republic [311]; Chad [311]; ?Ethiopia 
[309]; Gambia [311]; Ghana (ex?) [311]; Guinea-Bissau [311]; Mali [311]; Mauritania [311]; Niger [311]; 
Senegal [311]; Sudan [311] 

Gazella soemmerringi (Cretzschmar 1826) - Vv 724 
Soemmerring’s Gazelle 
Djibouti [309]; Ethiopia [309]; Kenya [309]; Somalia [309]; Sudan 

Gazella spekei Blyth 1863 - Vv 27 
Speke’s Gazelle 
Ethiopia; Somalia [337,367,1007] 

Gazella subgutturosa marica Thomas 1897 - E 27,464 

(= G. leptoceros marica) 

Arabian Goitred Gazelle 

Bahrain [370]; Iraq [687]; Jordan; Kuwait; Oman; Saudi Arabia; United Arab Emirates; Yemen 

Hemitragus hylocrius (Ogilby 1838) - Vv 27,38,99, 100,262 
Nilgiri Tahr 

Hemitragus jayakari Thomas 1894 = 15) 27 
Arabian Tahr 
Oman [464]; United Arab Emirates: Abu Dhabi [279] 

Hippotragus leucophaeus (Pallas 1766) - Ex 310,724,1014 
South Africa (ex) 

Hippotragus niger variani (Thomas 1916) I E 27,518 
Giant Sable Antelope 
Angola [724] 

Kobus leche Gray 1850 II Vv 27,724 
Angola [518]; Botswana [1020]; Namibia [584]; [South Africa [1020]]; Zaire [991]; Zambia [75,525] 

Nemorhaedus goral (Hardwicke 1825) I - 239 

(except subspecies baileyi) 


? Afghanistan; Bhutan; China [994]; India [204,381,660]; D.P.R. Korea [1184]; Korea Republic [1184]; Lao 
P.D.R. [271,417]; Nepal [756]; Pakistan [797,930]; Russia [106,239]; Thailand [96,151] 

Nemorhaedus goral baileyi Pocock 1914 I Vv 479 
(= N. baileyi) 

(includes N. cranbrooki) 

Red Goral 

China; India; Myanmar [955] 

Oreotragus oreotragus porteousi Lydekker 1911 - E 311,724 

Western Klipspringer 


Bovidae CITES RL Ref 

Oryx dammah (Cretzschmar 1826) I E 27,724 

(= O. tao (H. Smith 1827)) 

Scimitar-horned Oryx 

Algeria (ex) [804]; Burkina Faso (ex); Chad [804]; Egypt (ex?) [835]; ?7Libya [528]; Mali [29]; Mauritania (ex) 
[804]; Morocco (ex) [183]; Niger [802,804,805]; Nigeria (ex) [503]; Senegal (ex) [804]; Sudan [804]; Tunisia 
(ex); Western Sahara (ex?) [390,1113] 

Oryx leucoryx (Pallas 1777) I E 27,724 

Arabian Oryx 

Egypt (ex); Iraq (ex) [687]; Israel (ex); Jordan (ex); [Oman]; Saudi Arabia (ex) [464]; United Arab Emirates; 
Yemen (ex) 

Ovis ammon (Linnaeus 1758) II - 239 

(except subspecies hodgsonii) 


Afghanistan [440,793]; Armenia [106]; Azerbaijan [106]; China [985]; Georgia [106]; Kazakhstan [106]; 
Mongolia [695]; Pakistan [797,930]; Russia [106]; Tajikistan [106]; Turkmenia [106]; Uzbekistan [106] 

Ovis ammon hodgsonii Blyth 1841 I - 239 
Tibetan Argali 
Bhutan [386]; China; India [38,836]; Nepal [755,756] 

Ovis canadensis Shaw 1804 

Bighorn Sheep 

Mexico [906] II - 442,906 
(Non-CITES populations in Canada and USA) 

Ovis musimon Pallas 1811 - Vv 27,197 

(= O. ammon musimon, O. orientalis musimon) 

Mediterranean Mouflon 

[Austria]; [Belgium]; [Bulgaria]; [Czechoslovakia]; [Finland]; France: Corsica; [French Southern and Antarctic 
Territories: Kerguelen Islands]; [Germany]; [Hawaiian Islands]; [Hungary]; Italy: Sardinia; [Luxembourg]; 
[Netherlands]; [Poland]; [Romania]; [Spain]; [Switzerland]; 

Ovis orientalis ophion Blyth 1841 I Vv 27 
(= O. aries ophion, O. ammon musimon (pro parte)) 

Cyprus Mouflon 




Ovis vignei Blyth 1841 

(= O. ammon vignei, O. orientalis vignei) 

Afghanistan; India [38,693,836]; Iran [646]; Oman; Pakistan [797,930]; Russia [1200], Turkmenia 

Pantholops hodgsoni (Abel 1826) I - 239 
Chiru, Tibetan Antelope 
China [994]; India [38,836] 

Redunca fulvorufula adamauae Pfeffer 1962 - E 724 
Western Mountain Reedbuck 
Cameroon [311]; Nigeria [311] 

Rupicapra rupicapra cartusiana Couturier 1938 = E 665 
Chartreuse Chamois 



Bovidae CITES RL Ref 

Rupicapra rupicapra ornata Neumann 1899 I Vv 664 
Abruzzo Chamois 
Italy: Abruzzo National Park 

Rupicapra rupicapra tatrica Blahout 1972 - R 396 
Tatra Chamois 
Czechoslovakia; Poland [396] 

Tetracerus quadricornis (Blainville 1816) III NP - 514 
Four-horned Antelope 
India [38]; Nepal [756] 

Tragelaphus buxtoni (Lydekker 1910) - E 724 
Mountain Nyala 
Ethiopia [309] 

Tragelaphus oryx gigas (Heuglin 1863) - Vv 443 

(= Taurotragus derbianus gigas) 

Eastern Giant Eland 

Cameroon [311]; Central African Republic [311]; Chad (ex?) [311]; ?Nigeria [311]; Sudan; Zaire 

Tragelaphus oryx derbianus (Gray 1847) - E 27,724 

(= Taurotragus derbianus derbianus, T. derbianus derbianus) 

Western Giant Eland 

Céte d’Ivoire; Gambia (ex); Guinea (ex?); Guinea-Bissau (ex?); Mali [975]; Senegal [39] 

Tragelaphus spekei Speke 1863 IIGH- - 724 

Sitatunga, Marshbuck 

Angola [518]; Benin [978]; Botswana [1020]; Burundi [1128, 1179]; Cameroon [557]; Central African Republic; 
Chad [689]; Congo [1031]; Céte d’Ivoire; Equatorial Guinea [182]; Gabon [691]; Gambia; Guinea (ex); 
Guinea-Bissau (ex?); Kenya [33]; Namibia; Niger (ex); Nigeria [20,610]; Rwanda; Senegal [307]; Sudan [503]; 
Tanzania [33]; Togo; Uganda [33,120]; Zaire; Zambia [75]; ?Zimbabwe [1179] 







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Includes scientific and common names; synonyms and names alternative to those used by CITES or the Red List are placed in parentheses. 

Aardwolf 78 

abyssinica, Genetta 75 
(abyssinicus, Colobus) 34 
Acerodon 11 

Achdari 88 

Acinonyx 78 

acutorostrata, Balaenoptera 64 
acutus, Lagenorhynchus 60 
adamauae, Redunca fulvorufula 101 
Addax 95 

Addax 95 

adersi, Cephalophus 98 
admiralitatum, Pteropus 12 
(aduncus, Tursiops) 63 
aedium, Plagiodontia 55 
Aepyceros 95 

aethiops, Cercopithecus 31 
affinis, Ratufa 47 

africana, Kerivoula 17 
africana, Loxodonta 86 
africanus, Equus 87 

agilis, Cercocebus 31 

(agilis, Cercocebus galeritus) 31 
agilis, Hylobates 41 

(agilis, Hylobates lar) 41 
Agouti 54 

Ailuropoda 69 

Ailurus 70 

alaotrensis, Hapalemur griseus 20 
albicans, Pithecia 30 

albidens, Melomys 52 
albifrons, Cebus 29 

albifrons, Lemur fulvus 20 
albigena, Cercocebus 31 
albinasus, Chiropotes 30 
albipes, Conilurus 51 
albirostris, Cervus 91 
albirostris, Lagenorhynchus 60 
albocollaris, Lemur fulvus 21 
(albogularis, Cercopithecus) 33 
Alcelaphus 95 

aldabrensis, Pteropus seychellensis 15 
alecto, Pteropus 12 

alfredi, Cervus unicolor 93 
(alfredi, Cervus) 93 
Alionycteris 11 

(allamandi, Galictis) 72 

allapaticola, Peromyscus gossypinus 50 

alleni, Galago 24 

Allenopithecus 31 

Allocebus 22 

allophrys, Peromyscus polionotus SO 
Almiqui 5 

Alouatta 27-28 

(Alouatta) 28 

alpinus, Cuon 67 

altaica, Mustela 74 

alticola, Perognathus 48 
Amblysomus 6 

americana, Antilocapra 95 
americanus, Ursus 69 

ammobates, Peromyscus polionotus 50 
Ammodorcas 95 


ammon, Ovis 101 
Ammotragus 95 

amphibius, Hippopotamus 90 
amplus, Notomys 52 
ampullatus, Hyperoodon 56 
Anathana 19 

anetianus, Pteropus 12 
angelcabrerai, Capromys 54 
angolensis, Colobus 34 
Angwantibo 23 

(anhuiensis, Moschus) 94 
(annamiticus, Axis porcinus) 93 
annamiticus, Cervus porcinus 93 
(annectens, Lutra) 72 
Anoa, Lowland 96 

Anoa, Mountain 97 
Anomalurus 49 

ansellorum, Crocidura 7 
Anteater, Banded 1 
Anteater, Collared 42 
Anteater, Giant 42 
Anteater, Lesser 42 
Antechinus 1 

Antelope, Beira 99 
Antelope, Four-horned 102 
Antelope, Giant Sable 100 
Antelope, Tibetan 101 
Antelope, Zebra 98 
anthonyi, Neotoma 49 
Antilocapra 95 

Antilope 96 

antisensis, Hippocamelus 93 
anubis, Papio hamadryas 38 
(anubis, Papio) 38 

Aonyx 71 

Aotus 28 

(Aotus) 28 

Aoudad 95 

Ape, Barbary 37 

apella, Cebus 29 

aphylla, Phyllonycteris 17 
apicalis, Antechinus 1 
apicalis, Leporillus 51 
(apicalis, Parantechinus) 1 
Aplodontia 46 

Aproteles 11 

aquaticus, Hyemoschus 91 
aquilo, Notomys 52 
arachnoides, Brachyteles 29 
Arctictis 75 

Arctocebus 23 
Arctocephalus 84-85 
(Arctocephalus) 85 
Arctogalidia 75 

arctoides, Macaca 36 
arctos, Ursus 69 

Argali 101 

Argali, Tibetan 101 
argentata, Callithrix 25 
argentatus, Oryzomys 50 
(argentatus, Oryzomys palustris) 50 
argentatus, Pteropus 12 
Armadillo, Brazilian Three-banded 43 


Armadillo, Burmeister’s 43 
Armadillo, Chacoan Fairy 43 
Armadillo, Giant 43 
Armadillo, Greater Naked-tailed 43 
Armadillo, Lesser Fairy 43 
Armadillo, Northern Naked-tailed 43 
Armadillo, Pink Fairy 43 
armee, Bubalus 96 

arnuxii, Berardius 56 
(arquatus, Pteropus) 11 
ascanius, Cercopithecus 32 
(asinus, Equus) 87 

asomatus, Lagorchestes 4 
Ass, African 87 

Ass, African Wild 87 

Ass, Asiatic Wild 88 

Ass, Indian Wild 88 

Ass, Mongolian Wild 88 

Ass, Onager 88 

Ass, Syrian Wild 88 
assamensis, Macaca 36 
(Atelerix) 7 

Ateles 28-29 

aterrimus, Cercocebus albigena 31 
(aterrimus, Cercocebus) 31 
athabascae, Bison bison 96 
atrata, Dorcopsis 4 
(atrimaculatus, Phalanger) 2 
(atristriatus, Eutamias minimus) 47 
atristriatus, Tamias minimus 47 
attenuata, Feresa 59 
attenuata, Stenella 62 
(attenuata, Stenella dubia) 62 
(atys, Cercocebus) 31 
aurantius, Rhinonicteris 17 
aurata, Felis 79 

(auratus, Trachypithecus) 38 
aureus, Canis 66 

aureus, Hapalemur 20 

aurita, Callithrix jacchus 26 
(aurita, Callithrix) 26 

aurita, Geogale aurita 5 
aurita, Myzopoda 17 

auritus, Capromys 54 
auropunctatus, Herpestes 77 
australis, Arctocephalus 84 
australis, Balaena glacialis 66 
australis, Dusicyon 67 
(australis, Eubalaena) 66 
australis, Lagenorhynchus 60 
australis, Tamias quadrivittatus 47 
(Australophocaena) 63 
(Avahi) 23 

avunculus, Pygathrix 40 
(avunculus, Rhinopithecus) 40 
(Axis) 93 

Aye-aye 23 

(aygula, Presbytis) 38 
(azarae, Aotus) 28 

Babirusa 89 

Baboon, Chacma 38 

Baboon, Gelada 40 

Baboon, Guinea 38 

Baboon, Hamadryas 38 
Baboon, Olive 38 

Baboon, Western 38 

Baboon, Yellow 38 

Babyrousa 89 

babyrussa, Babyrousa 89 
bactrianus, Camelus 91 
bactrianus, Cervus elaphus 91 
Badger, Honey 73 

badia, Felis 79 

badius, Colobus 34 

(badius, Procolobus) 34 
baileyi, Crocidura 8 

baileyi, Nemorhaedus goral 100 
(baileyi, Nemorhaedus) 100 
bairdii, Berardius 56 

bairdii, Tapirus 88 

Balaena 65-66 

Balaenoptera 64-65 

balutus, Pteropus 12 

(balutus, Pteropus pumilus) 12 
bancanus, Tarsius 25 
Bandicoot, Barred 2 

Bandicoot, Clara 2 

Bandicoot, Desert 2 

Bandicoot, Greater Rabbit-eared 2 
Bandicoot, Lesser Rabbit-eared 2 
Bandicoot, Pig-footed 2 
Bandicoot, Western Barred 2 
Bandicoot, White-lipped 2 
(banteng, Bos) 96 

Banteng 96 

Barasingha 91 

barbara, Eira 71 

barbara, Hyaena hyaena 78 
barbarus, Cervus elaphus 92 
barbatus, Xenuromys 53 
(barnardi, Lasiorhinus) 3 
barrerae, Octomys 55 
(barrerae, Tympanoctomys) 55 
bartelsi, Myotis formosus 18 
(bartelsi, Myotis) 18 
Bassaricyon 70 

Bat, Big Long-nosed 17 

Bat, Bulmer’s Fruit 11 

Bat, Chapman’s Fruit 11 

Bat, Cuban Flower 17 

Bat, Dayak Fruit 11 

Bat, Geelvinck Bay Leaf-nosed 16 
Bat, Ghost 16 

Bat, Greater Sheath-tailed 16 
Bat, Grey 18 

Bat, Herman’s 18 

Bat, Indiana 18 

Bat, Jamaican Flower 17 

Bat, Javan Mastiff 18 

Bat, Javan Tail-less Fruit 11 
Bat, Javan Thick-thumbed 17 
Bat, Kitti’s Hog-nosed 16 

Bat, Large Mouse-eared 18 

Bat, Lesser Naked-backed Fruit 11 
Bat, Little Long-nosed 17 

Bat, Long-fingered 17 

Bat, Mexican Long-nosed 17 
Bat, New Zealand Lesser Short-tailed 18 
Bat, Orange Horseshoe 17 

Bat, Orange Leaf-nosed 17 

Bat, Philippines Tube-nosed Fruit 12 
Bat, Pond 18 

Bat, Puerto Rican Flower 17 
Bat, Raffray’s Sheath-tailed 16 
Bat, Ridley’s Leaf-nosed 16 
Bat, Seychelles Sheath-tailed 16 
Bat, Singapore Roundleaf Horseshoe 16 
Bat, Social 18 

Bat, Sucker-footed 17 

Bat, Tanzanian Woolly 17 

Bat, Townsend’s Big-eared 18 
Bat, White-lined 17 

Batomys 51 

bavaricus, Pitymys 51 
Bdeogale 77 

Bear, American Black 69 

Bear, Asiatic Black 69 

Bear, Baluchistan 69 

Bear, Himalayan Brown 70 
Bear, Polar 70 

Bear, Sloth 69 

Bear, Spectacled 69 

Bear, Sun 69 

Beaver, Broad-tail 49 

Beaver, Point Arena Mountain 46 
Beaver, Point Reyes Mountain 46 
Beaver, Rio Grande 49 
bedfordi, Budorcas taxicolor 97 
beecrofti, Anomalurus 49 
(belangeri, Tupaia) 19 

Beluga 58 

belzebul, Alouatta 27 
belzebuth, Ateles 28 
bengalensis, Felis 79 
bengalensis, Vulpes 68 
(beniensis, Alouatta) 28 
(bennetti, Gazella) 99 
bennettianus, Dendrolagus 3 
bennettii, Cynogale 75 
Berardius 56 

berezovskii, Moschus 93 
(berezovskii, Moschus chrysogaster) 93 
beringei, Gorilla gorilla 42 
Bettong, Brush-tailed 3 
Bettong, Burrowing 3 

Bettong, Eastern 3 

Bettong, Tasmanian 3 
Bettongia 3 

(Bettongia) 3 

(bezoarcticus, Odocoileus) 94-95 
bezoarticus, Ozotoceros 94 
bicolor, Ratufa 47 

bicolor, Saguinus 26 

bicornis, Diceros 89 

bidens, Mesoplodon 57 

bieti, Felis 79 

bieti, Pygathrix roxellana 40 
(bieti, Rhinopithecus) 40 

Bilby, Greater 2 

Bilby, Lesser 2 

binturong, Arctictis 75 

birulai, Castor fiber 49 

Bison 96 

Bison, European 96 

Bison, Indian 96 

Bison, Wood 96 

bisulcus, Hippocamelus 93 
Blackbuck 96 

Blackfish, Slender 59 
blainvillei, Pontoporia 56 
Blastocerus 91 


Blesbok 99 

Bluebuck 100 

Bobcat 82 

(boliviensis, Bradypus) 43 
(boliviensis, Saimiri) 30 
bonasus, Bison 96 

(bonasus, Bison bison) 96 
Bongo 96 

Bonobo 42 

Bontebok 99 

Boocercus 96 

Boodie 3 

borealis, Balaenoptera 64 
borealis, Lissodelphis 61 
(bormeensis, Sousa) 62 

Bos 96 

Bottlehead 56 

bougainville, Perameles 2 
Boutu 55 

(bouvieri, Colobus badius) 34 
bouvieri, Colobus pennantii 34 
(bouvieri, Procolobus pennantii) 34 
bowdoini, Mesoplodon 57 
Brachyteles 29 

brachyurus, Chrysocyon 67 
Bradypus 43 

(Bradypus) 43 

branickii, Dinomys 54 
brasiliensis, Pteronura 74 
(brasiliensis, Sotalia) 62 
bredanensis, Steno 63 
brelichi, Pygathrix 40 
(brelichi, Rhinopithecus roxellana) 40 
(brelichi, Rhinopithecus) 40 
brevicaudata, Chinchilla 54 
brevicaudata, Microgale 5 
breviceps, Kogia 58 

brevinasus, Perognathus longimembris 48 

brevirostris, Orcaella 61 

breweri, Microtus 51 

(breweri, Microtus pennsylvanicus) 51 
brochus, Syntheosciurus 47 
Brocket, Middle American Red 93 
brooki, Dyacopterus spadiceus 11 
(brooki, Dyacopterus) 11 
(brownii, Capromys) 55 

brownii, Geocapromys 55 

bruijni, Zaglossus 1 

(brumbacki, Aotus) 28 

brunnea, Hyaena 78 
brunnescens, Macaca ochreata 37 
(brunnescens, Macaca) 37 
(brunneus, Callicebus) 29 
brunneus, Pteropus 12 

Bubalus 96-97 

Budorcas 97 

Buffalo, Wild Asiatic 96 
bulmerae, Aproteles 11 

bunkeri, Neotoma 49 

Bunolagus 45 

(Burmeisteria) 43 

Burramys 3 

Bushbaby, Allen’s 24 

Bushbaby, Dwarf 24 

Bushbaby, Eastern Needle-clawed 24 
Bushbaby, Grant’s 24 

Bushbaby, Greater 25 

Bushbaby, Thick-tailed 25 
Bushbaby, Western Needle-clawed 24 

Bushbaby, Zanzibar 25 
buxtoni, Tragelaphus 102 
Cabassous 43 

Cacajao 29 

Cachelot 58 

Cacomistle, Central American 70 
caissara, Leontopithecus rosalia 26 
(caissara, Leontopithecus) 26 
calabarensis, Arctocebus 23 
(calamianensis, Axis) 93 
calamianensis, Cervus porcinus 93 
Calcochloris 7 

(caligatus, Callicebus) 29 
Callicebus 29 

(Callicebus) 29 

Callimico 27 

Callithrix 25-26 

(Callithrix) 26 

Caloprymnus 3 

calura, Phascogale 1 

calvus, Cacajao 29 

Camel, Wild Bactrian 91 
Camelus 91 

campbelli, Cercopithecus 32 
campestris, Caloprymnus 3 
cana, Vulpes 68 

canadensis, Felis 79 
(canadensis, Felis lynx) 79 
canadensis, Lutra 72 
(canadensis, Lynx) 79 
canadensis, Ovis 101 
caniceps, Pteropus 12 

Canis 66-67 

capaccinii, Myotis 17 
capensis, Aonyx 71 

capensis, Mellivora 73 
Caperea 66 

Capra 97 

(Capra) 97 

Capricornis 97-98 
Caprolagus 45 

Capromys 54-55 

(Capromys) 55 

Capuchin, Black-capped 29 
Capuchin, Brown Pale-fronted 29 
Capuchin, Tufted 29 
Capuchin, Weeper 29 
Capuchin, White-faced 29 
Capuchin, White-fronted 29 
Capuchin, White-throated 29 
capucinus, Cebus 29 
caracal, Felis 79 

(caracal, Lynx) 79-80 
Caracal, African 79 

Caracal, Asian 79 

Caracal, Turkmenian 80 
caraya, Alouatta 28 
carlhubbsi, Mesoplodon 57 
(carpentarius, Notomys) 52 
cartilagonodus, Otopteropus 12 
cartusiana, Rupicapra rupicapra 101 
(castaneus, Conepatus) 71 
Castor 49 

Cat, African Golden 79 

Cat, Andean 80 

Cat, Asiatic Golden 82 

Cat, Bay 79 

Cat, Black-footed 81 

Cat, Bornean Marbled 79 

Cat, Chilean 80 

Cat, Chilean Pampa 80 

Cat, Chinese Desert 79 

Cat, Fishing 82 

Cat, Flat-headed 81 

Cat, Geoffroy’s 80 

Cat, Golden 79 

Cat, Iriomote 80 

Cat, Jungle 80 

Cat, Leopard 79 

Cat, Little Spotted 82 

Cat, Marbled 81 

Cat, Mountain 80 

Cat, Pakistan Sand 81 

Cat, Pallas’s 81 

Cat, Pampas 80 

Cat, Reed 80 

Cat, Sand 81 

Cat, Small-spotted 81 

Cat, Swamp 80 

Cat, Temminck’s 82 

Cat, Tiger 82 

Cat, Wild 82 

Catagonus 90 

(catodon, Physeter) 58 

catia, Lemur 20 

caudata, Marmota 46 
cavirostris, Ziphius 58 
cebifrons, Sus barbatus 90 
Cebuella 26 

Cebus 29 

(Cebus) 29 

celebensis, Acerodon 11 
(celer, Odocoileus bezoarcticus) 95 
celer, Ozotoceros bezoarticus 95 
centralis, Cabassous 43 
Cephalophus 98 
Cephalorhynchus 59 

cephus, Cercopithecus 32 
cerasina, Mazama americana 93 
Ceratotherium 89 
Cercocebus 31 

Cercopithecus 3\-33 
(Cercoptihecus) 31-33 
cerrosensis, Odocoileus hemionus 94 
cervicapra, Antilope 96 
Cervus 91-93 

Chaeropus 2 

Chaetomys 53 

Chamois, Abruzzo 102 
Chamois, Tatra 102 
chapmani, Dobsonia exoleta 11 
(chapmani, Dobsonia) 11 
chaus, Felis 80 

Cheetah, Asiatic 78 
Cheirogaleus 22 
(Cheirogaleus) 22 
Chevrotain, Water 91 
chihuahuensis, Microtus pennsylvanicus 51 
Chimpanzee 42 

Chimpanzee, Dwarf 42 
Chimpanzee, Pygmy 42 
Chimpanzee, West African 42 
Chinchilla 54 

Chinchilla, Long-tailed 54 
Chinchilla, Short-tailed 54 
chinensis, Sousa 62 
Chingungo 72 

Chiropotes 30 


Chiru 101 

Chlamyphorus 43 

Chlorotalpa 7 

(Chlorotalpa) 7 

Choeropsis 90 

Choloepus 43 

Chrotogale 75 

Chrysochloris 7 

Chrysocyon 67 

chrysogaster, Moschus 94 
chrysoleuca, Callithrix humeralifer 26 
chrysomelas, Leontopithecus rosalia 26 
(chrysomelas, Leontopithecus) 26 
chrysoproctus, Pleropus 12 
chrysopygus, Leontopithecus rosalia 26 
(chrysopygus, Leontopithecus) 26 
chrysopygus, Rhynchocyon 10 
Chrysospalax 7 

chrysospila, Martes flavigula 73 
Ciego, Greater Pichi 43 

Ciego, Lesser Pichi 43 
(cinerascens, Callicebus) 29 
cinerea, Aonyx 71 

cinereus, Lasiurus 17 

cinereus, Sciurus niger 47 

cirnei, Rhynchocyon cimei 10 
Civet, African 75 

Civet, Banded Palm 76 

Civet, Brown Palm 76 

Civet, Javan Small-toothed Palm 75 
Civet, Jerdon’s Palm 76 

Civet, Malabar Large-spotted 76 
Civet, Malagasy 75 

Civet, Owston’s Palm 75 

Civet, Striped 75 

Civet, Sulawesi Palm 76 

civetta, Civettictis 75 

(civetta, Viverra) 75 

Civettictis 75 

civettina, Viverra megaspila 76 
(civettina, Viverra) 76 

clara, Echymipera 2 

clarkei, Ammodorcas 95 

clavium, Odocoileus virginianus 94 
clymene, Stenella 62 

Coati, Cozumel Island 70 

Coati, South Brazilian 70 

Cochito 64 

(Coendou) 54 

coeruleoalba, Stenella 62 

Coleura 16 

collaris, Lemur fulvus 21 

Colobus 34-35 

Colobus, Angolan 34 

Colobus, Angolan Black-and-White 34 
Colobus, Black 35 

Colobus, Bouvier’s Red 34 
Colobus, Eastern Black-and-White 34 
Colobus, Eastern Red 34 

Colobus, Elliot’s Red 34 

Colobus, Foa Red 34 

Colobus, Gordon’s Red 34 
Colobus, King 35 

Colobus, Kirk’s 35 

Colobus, Magistrate 34 

Colobus, Miss Waldron’s Bay 34 
Colobus, Olive 35 

Colobus, Oustalet’s Red 35 
Colobus, Preuss’s 35 

Colobus, Preuss’s Red 35 
Colobus, Tana River 35 
Colobus, Temminck’s Red 34 
Colobus, Thollon’s Red 35 
Colobus, Uganda Red 35 
Colobus, Uhehe Red 34 
Colobus, Van Beneden’s 35 

Colobus, Western Black-and-White 35 

Colobus, Western Red 34 
(Colobus) 35 

colocolo, Felis 80 

coloratus, Glaucomys sabrinus 46 
comata, Presbytis 38 
commersonii, Cephalorhynchus 59 
concolor, Felis 80 

concolor, Hylobates 41 
concolor, Nasalis 37 
concolor, Salanoia 78 
(concolor, Simias) 37 
conditor, Leporillus 51 
Conepatus 71 

(Conepatus) 71 

Coney, Indian 55 

congica, Aonyx 71 
congobelgica, Crocidura 8 
Conilurus 51 

conspicillatus, Pteropus 12 
coquereli, Microcebus 22 
(coquereli, Mirza) 22 
coronatus, Lemur 20 
(coronatus, Lemur mongoz) 20 
(coronatus, Petterus) 20 
corsac, Vulpes 68 

corsicanus, Cervus elaphus 92 
coryi, Felis concolor 80 
costaricensis, Felis concolor 80 
cottoni, Ceratotherium simum 89 
Cottontail, Omilteme 45 
Cottontail, Tres Marias 45 
coucang, Nycticebus 24 
Cougar 80 

Cougar, Eastern 80 

Cougar, Florida 80 

couguar, Felis concolor 80 
(cranbrooki, Nemorhaedus) 100 
Craseonycteris 16 
crassicaudata, Manis 44 
crassicaudatus, Otolemur 25 
crassidens, Pseudorca 61 
crassipes, Microgale 5 
crenata, Crocidura 8 
crinifrons, Muntiacus 94 
cristata, Hystrix 53 

cristata, Presbytis 38 
cristatus, Proteles 78 
(cristatus, Trachypithecus) 38 
Crocidura 7-9 

cruciger, Lagenorhynchus 60 
crusalbum, Cephalophus ogilbyi 98 
Cryptochloris 7 

Cryptoprocia 75 

cubanus, Solenodon 5 
(culpaeolus, Dusicyon) 67 
culpaeus, Dusicyon 67 
(Cuniculus) 54 

Cuon 67 

(cupreus, Callicebus) 29 
Cuscus, Black-spotted 2 
Cuscus, Common Spotted 2 

Cuscus, Grey 2 

Cuscus, Silky 2 

Cuscus, Woodlark Island 2 
cuvieri, Gazella 99 
cyclopis, Macaca 36 
(cynamolgus, Macaca) 36 
cynocephalus, Papio hamadryas 38 
(cynocephalus, Papio) 38 
cynocephalus, Thylacinus 1 
Cynogale 75 

(Cynogale) 75 

Cynomys 46 

Dalgyte 2 

dalli, Phocoenoides 64 
dama, Gazella 99 

(Dama) 91 

Damaliscus 99 

dammah, Oryx 101 

Dassie, Eastern Tree 86 
dasycneme, Myotis 18 
dasymallus, Pteropus 12 
Dasyprocta 54 

Daubentonia 23 

davidianus, Elaphurus 93 
dealbata, Ratufa indica 47 
decemlineata, Mungotictis 78 
Deer, Argentinian Pampas 95 
Deer, Atlas 92 

Deer, Bactrian 91 

Deer, Bactrian Red 91 

Deer, Barbary 92 

Deer, Barbary Red 92 

Deer, Bokharan 91 

Deer, Calamian Hog 93 
Deer, Cedros Island Mule 94 
Deer, Cedros Island Black-tailed 94 
Deer, Chinese Water 93 
Deer, Corsican Red 92 
Deer, Dwarf Musk 93 

Deer, Indochinese Hog 93 
Deer, Kerama 92 

Deer, Key Deer Toy 94 
Deer, Kuhl’s Hog 93 

Deer, MacNeill’s Red 92 
Deer, Manipur Brow-antlered 92 
Deer, Marsh 91 

Deer, Pampas 94 

Deer, Persian Fallow 91 
Deer, Siberian Musk 94 
Deer, South China Forest Musk 93 
Deer, Swamp 91 

Deer, Thorold’s 91 

Deer, White-lipped 91 

Deer, Yarkand 92 
Delphinapterus 58 
Delphinus 59 

delphis, Delphinus 59 
(demidoff, Galagoides) 24 
demidovii, Galago 24 
Dendrogale 19 

Dendrohyrax 86 
Dendrolagus 3-4 
densirostris, Mesoplodon 57 
(denti, Cercoptihecus) 33 
deppei, Sciurus 47 
(depressicornis, Anoa) 96 
depressicomnis, Bubalus 96 
derbianus, Anomalurus 49 

(derbianus, Taurotragus derbianus) 102 


(derbianus, Tragelaphus derbianus) 102 

derbianus, Tragelaphus oryx 102 
derbyanus, Hemigalus 76 
Desman, Pyrenean 10 
Desman, Russian 10 
Desmana 10 

Dhole 67 

diadema, Propithecus 23 
diana, Cercopithecus 32 
diazi, Romerolagus 45 
Dibatag 95 

Dibbler 1 

Dicerorhinus 89 

Diceros 89 

dichotomus, Blastocerus 91 
(Didermocerus) 89 

Dinomys 54 

(dioptrica, Australophocaena) 63 
dioptrica, Phocoena 63 
Dipodomys 48 

Dobsonia 11 

Dog, African Hunting 68 
Dog, Asiatic Wild 67 

Dog, Bush 68 

Dog, Mexican Prairie 46 
Dog, Red 67 

Dog, Small-eared 67 

Dog, Utah Prairie 46 

Dog, Wild 68 

Dolphin, Amazon River 55 
Dolphin, Atlantic 59 
Dolphin, Atlantic Spinner 62 
Dolphin, Atlantic White-sided 60 
Dolphin, Benguela 59 
Dolphin, Black 59 

Dolphin, Blackchin 60 
Dolphin, Bottle-nosed 63 
Dolphin, Bridled 62 
Dolphin, Changjiang 56 
Dolphin, Chilean 59 
Dolphin, Clymene 62 
Dolphin, Commerson’s 59 
Dolphin, Common 59 
Dolphin, Dusky 61 

Dolphin, Estuarine 62 
Dolphin, Euphrosyne 62 
Dolphin, Fraser’s 60 
Dolphin, Ganges River 56 
Dolphin, Grey 60 

Dolphin, Guianian River 62 
Dolphin, Heaviside’s 59 
Dolphin, Hector’s 59 
Dolphin, Helmet 62 
Dolphin, Hourglass 60 
Dolphin, Indopacific Humpback 62 
Dolphin, Indus 56 

Dolphin, Irrawaddy 61 
Dolphin, La Plata River 56 
Dolphin, Long-beaked 63 
Dolphin, Long-snouted 63 
Dolphin, Narrow-snouted 62 
Dolphin, New Zealand 59 
Dolphin, Pacific 59 
Dolphin, Pacific White-sided 61 
Dolphin, Pantropical Spotted 62 
Dolphin, Peale’s 60 
Dolphin, Piebald 59 
Dolphin, Risso’s 60 
Dolphin, Rough-toothed 63 

Dolphin, Saddle-backed 59 
Dolphin, Sarawak 60 
Dolphin, Snubfin 61 
Dolphin, Spinner 62, 63 
Dolphin, Striped 62 
Dolphin, Tropical 59 
Dolphin, White-beaked 60 
Dolphin, White-bellied 59 
Dolphin, White Flag 56 
Dolphin, White-headed 59 
Dolphin, Whitefin 56 
(donacophilus, Callicebus) 29 
dorcas, Damaliscus 99 
dorcas, Damaliscus dorcas 99 
dorcas, Gazella 99 
Dorcatragus 99 
Dorcopsis 4 

Dorcopsis, Macleay’s 4 
Dorcopsis, Papuan 4 
(Dorcopsulus) 4 

dorsalis, Cephalophus 98 
(dorsalis, Lemur mustelinus) 21 
dorsalis, Lepilemur 21 
dorsalis, Tupaia 19 

Douc 40 

douglasi, Sminthopsis 1 
Douroucouli 28 

Drill 38 

drouhardi, Microgale 5 
dryas, Cercopithecus 32 
(dubia, Stenella) 62 
(dubius, Callicebus) 29 
dugon, Dugong 87 
Dugong 87 

Duiker, Abbott’s 98 
Duiker, Aders’ 98 
Duiker, Banded 98 
Duiker, Bay 98 

Duiker, Blue 98 

Duiker, Jentink’s 98 
Duiker, Ogilby’s 98 

Duiker, Ruwenzori Black-fronted 98 

Duiker, White-legged 98 
Duiker, Yellow-backed 98 
Duiker, Zebra 98 

dukecampbelli, Microtus pennsylvanicus 51 

Dunnart, Julia Creek 1 
Dunnart, Long-tailed 1 
Dunnart, Sandhill 1 
Dusicyon 67 

(Dusicyon) 67 

duthiae, Chlorotalpa 7 
duvauceli, Cervus 91 
Dyacopterus 11 
Dziggetai 88 

ebii, Epixerus 46 
ecaudatus, Chaeropus 2 
Echidna, Long-beaked 1 
Echidna, Long-nosed 1 
Echymipera 2 

edeni, Balaenoptera 64 
(edwardii, Globicephala) 60 
edwardsi, Herpestes 77 
(edwardsi, Lemur mustelinus) 21 
edwardsi, Lepilemur 21 
Eira 71 

eisentrauti, Crocidura 8 
eisentrauti, Myosorex 9 
Eland, Eastern Giant 102 

Eland, Western Giant 102 
Elaphurus 93 

elator, Dipodomys 48 
eldi, Cervus 92 

eldi, Cervus eldi 92 
electra, Peponocephala 61 
(elegans, Arctocephalus) 85 
elegans, Macruromys 51 
(elegantulus, Euoticus) 24 
elegantulus, Galago 24 
Elephant, African 86 
Elephant, Asian 86 
Elephant, Indian 86 
Elephant-seal, Southern 85 

Elephant-shrew, Black-and-rufous 10 

Elephant-shrew, Chequered 10 
Elephant-shrew, Four-toed 10 

Elephant-shrew, Golden-rumped 10 
Elephant-shrew, Henderson’s Chequered 10 
Elephant-shrew, Yellow-rumped 10 

Elephas 86 

ellioti, Anathana 19 

(ellioti, Colobus badius) 34 
elliot, Colobus pennannii 34 

(elliot, Procolobus rufomitratus) 34 

elphinstoni, Ratufa indica 47 
Emballonura 16 

emotus, Thomomys umbrinus 48 
Enhydra 71-72 

entellus, Presbytis 39 
(entellus, Semnopithecus) 39 
(enudris, Lutra) 72 
Epixerus 46 

Equus 87-88 

(Equus) 88 

eremiana, Perameles 2 
Eremitalpa 7 

Erinaceus 7 

Ermine 74 

erminea, Mustela 74 
Erythrocebus 35 
erythrogaster, Cercopithecus 32 
erythrotis, Cercopithecus 32 
Eschrichtius 64 
(Eubalaena) 65-66 
(Euoticus) 24 

Eupleres 75 

(Eupleres) 75 

europaeus, Mesoplodon 57 
eurycerus, Boocercus 96 
(eurycerus, Tragelaphus) 96 
(Eutamias) 47 

eutropia, Cephalorhynchus 59 
everetti, Melogale 74 
everetti, Urogale 20 

exilis, Dipodomys nitratoides 48 
Falanouc 75 

falconeri, Capra 97 
fasciata, Galidictis 77 
fasciatus, Lagostrophus 4 
fasciatus, Myrmecobius | 
fascicularis, Macaca 36 
faunulus, Pteropus 12 

feai, Muntiacus 94 

felina, Lutra 72 

Felis 79-83 

(Felis) 80, 82 

(femoralis, Presbytis) 39 
(Fennecus) 68 


Feresa 59 

ferox, Cryptoprocta 75 
Ferret-badger, Everett’s 74 
Ferret-badger, Javan 74 
Ferret-badger, Kinabalu 74 
Ferret, Black-footed 74 
(ferus, Camelus) 91 

fieldi, Pseudomys 52 
Finback 65 

Fish, Devil 64 

flavicauda, Lagothrix 30 
flaviceps, Callithrix jacchus 26 
(flaviceps, Callithrix) 26 
flavifrons, Lemur macaco 21 
flavigula, Martes 73 
Slavigularis, Lepus 45 
flavus, Potos 70 

fluviatilis, Sotalia 62 
Flying-fox, Admiralty 12 
Flying-fox, Aldabra 15 
Flying-fox, Big-eared 13 
Flying-fox, Greater Mascarene 14 
Flying-fox, Guam 15 
Flying-fox, Large Palau 14 
Flying-fox, Micronesian 13 
Flying-fox, Mortlock 14 
Flying-fox, Pohnpei 14 
Flying-fox, Rodrigues 15 
Flying-fox, Silvery 12 
Flying-fox, Truk 13 
Flying-Fox, Insular 15 
(foai, Colobus badius) 34 
foai, Colobus pennantii 34 
(foai, Procolobus rufomitratus) 34 
Forest-wallaby, Black 4 
Forest-wallaby, Papuan 4 
formosus, Otomops 18 
forsteri, Arctocephalus 84 
fossa, Fossa 75 

Fossa 75 

Fossa 75 

(fossana, Fossa) 75 

Fox, Afghan 68 

Fox, Argentine Grey 67 
Fox, Bengal 68 

Fox, Blanford’s 68 

Fox, Colpeo 67 

Fox, Corsac 68 

Fox, Fennec 68 

Fox, Forest 67 

Fox, Hoary 67 

Fox, Island Grey 68 

Fox, Pale 68 

Fox, Pampa 67 

Fox, Rueppell’s 68 

Fox, Sand 68 

Fox, Sechura 67 

Fox, Simien 67 

fraenata, Onychogalea 4 
Franciscana 56 

francoisi, Presbytis 39 
(francoisi, Trachypithecus) 39 
frondator, Castor canadensis 49 
(frontalis, Atelerix) 7 
(frontalis, Bos) 96 
frontalis, Erinaceus 7 
frontalis, Stenella 62 
(frontalis, Stenella attenuata) 62 
frontata, Presbytis 39 

Srontatus, Ateles geoffroyi 28 
fulgens, Ailurus 70 

(fulvipes, Dusicyon) 67 

fulvus, Lemur 21 

fulvus, Lemur fulvus 21 

fumeus, Pseudomys 52 
fundatus, Pteropus 12 

Jfurax, Emballonura 16 

furcifer, Phaner 23 

furnessi, Pentalagus 45 

fusca, Alouatta 28 

fuscata, Macaca 36 

fusciceps, Ateles 28 

fuscicollis, Saguinus 27 

fuscus, Glaucomys sabrinus 46 
fuscus, Herpestes 77 

Jfuscus, Moschus 94 

(fuscus, Moschus chrysogaster) 94 
JSuscus, Notomys 52 

gabbii, Bassaricyon 70 
gaimardi, Bettongia 3 

Galago 24-25 

Galago, Allen’s 24 

Galago, Demidoff's 24 

Galago, Eastern Needle-clawed 24 
Galago, Grant’s 24 

Galago, Western Needle-clawed 24 
Galago, Zanzibar 25 

(Galago) 24-25 

(Galagoides) 24 

galapagoensis, Arctocephalus 84 
Galemys 10 

galeritus, Cercocebus galeritus 31 
Galictis 72 

(Galictis) 72 

Galidictis 77 

Gama 95 

gangetica, Platanista 56 
(garetti, Otolemur) 25 
garridoi, Capromys 54 

Gaur 96 

gaurus, Bos 96 

gazella, Arctocephalus 84 
gazella, Gazella 99 

Gazella 99-100 

(Gazella) 99 

Gazelle, Addra 99 

Gazelle, Arabian Goitred 100 
Gazelle, Clarke’s 95 

Gazelle, Cuvier’s 99 

Gazelle, Dama 99 

Gazelle, Dorcas 99 

Gazelle, Edmi 99 

Gazelle, Red-fronted 100 
Gazelle, Sand 99 

Gazelle, Slender-horned 99 
Gazelle, Soemmerring’s 100 
Gazelle, Speke’s 100 

geata, Myosorex 9 

gedrosianus, Selenarctos thibetanus 69 
(gedrosianus, Ursus thibetanus) 69 
geei, Presbytis 39 

(geei, Trachypithecus) 39 
gelada, Theropithecus 40 
Genet, Abyssinian 75 

Genet, Ibiza 75 

Genet, Johnston’s 76 

Genetta 75-76 

Geocapromys 55 

(Geocapromys) 55 
geoffrensis, Inia 55 
geoffroyi, Ateles 28 
(geoffroyi, Callithrix) 26 
geoffroyi, Felis 80 
(geoffroyi, Sanguinus) 27 
Geogale 5 

Gibbon, Agile 41 

Gibbon, Black 41 

Gibbon, Bornean 41 

Gibbon, Capped 41 

Gibbon, Common 41 
Gibbon, Crested 41 

Gibbon, Crowned 41 
Gibbon, Dark-handed 41 
Gibbon, Dwarf 41 

Gibbon, Grey 41 

Gibbon, Hoolock 41 

Gibbon, Indochinese 41 
Gibbon, Javan 41 

Gibbon, Kloss’s 41 

Gibbon, Lar 41 

Gibbon, Mentawai 41 
Gibbon, Pileated 41 

Gibbon, Potto 24 

Gibbon, Silvery 41 

Gibbon, White-cheeked 41 
Gibbon, White-handed 41 
(gibbosus, Eschrichtius) 64 
gigantea, Manis 44 
(gigantea, Phataginus) 44 
(giganteus, Priodontes) 43 
giganteus, Pteropus 12 
gigas, Hydrodamalis 87 
gigas, Macroderma 16 
(gigas, Taurotragus derbianus) 102 
gigas, Tragelaphus oryx 102 
(gilli, Tursiops) 63 

gilliardi, Pteropus 13 
giluwensis, Rattus 53 
ginkgodens, Mesoplodon 57 
glacialis, Balaena 65 
(glacialis, Eubalaena) 65 
(glacialis, Orcinus) 61 
glassi, Crocidura 8 
Glaucomys 46 

glis, Tupaia 19 

Glischropus 17 
Globicephala 60 
(Globicephala) 60 
gloveralleni, Procyon 71 
(gloveralleni, Procyon lotor) 71 
goeldii, Callimico 27 
goldmani, Glaucomys volans 46 
goliath, Crocidura odorata 9 
Gopher, Michoacan Pocket 48 
goral, Nemorhaedus 100 
Goral 100 

Goral, Red 100 
(gordonorum, Colobus badius) 34 
gordonorum, Colobus pennantii 34 
(gordonorum, Procolobus) 34 
gorilla, Gorilla 41 

Gorilla 41-42 

Gorilla 41-42 

Gorilla, Eastern Lowland 42 
goudotii, Eupleres 75 
gouldii, Pseudomys 52 
gracilis, Microgale 5 


gracilis, Tupaia 19 
(graellsi, Saguinus) 27 
(graffmani, Stenella) 62 

grahamensis, Tamiasciurus hudsonicus 47 

Grampus 60 

grandidieri, Galidictis 77 
granti, Batomys 51 

granti, Eremitalpa 7 

granti, Galago 24 

(granti, Galago senegalensis) 24 
(granti, Galagoides zanzibaricus) 24 
grassei, Crocidura 8 
grassianus, Cervus nippon 92 
graueri, Gorilla gorilla 42 
graueri, Paracrocidura 9 
gravipes, Dipodomys 48 
grayi, Mesoplodon 57 
graysoni, Sylvilagus 45 
grevyi, Equus 88 

greyi, Macropus 4 

griffithi, Vulpes vulpes 68 
grisescens, Myotis 18 
(griseus, Bradypus) 43 
griseus, Dusicyon 67 

griseus, Grampus 60 

griseus, Hapalemur griseus 20 
griseus, Pteropus 13 

Grison, Greater 72 
(grunniens, Bos) 96 

Guanaco 91 

guanicoe, Lama 91 

(guariba, Alouatta) 28 
Guenon, Campbell’s 32 
Guenon, Crowned 33 
Guenon, Diana 32 

Guenon, Dryas 32 

Guenon, Golden-bellied 33 
Guenon, Lesser Spot-nosed 33 
Guenon, Lesser White-nosed 33 
Guenon, Owl-faced 32 
Guenon, Preuss’s 32 

Guenon, Red-bellied 32 
Guenon, Russet-eared 32 
Guenon, Salongo 33 

Guenon, Schmidt’s 32 
Guenon, Spot-nosed 33 
Guenon, Sun-tailed 33 
Guenon, White-nosed 33 
Guenon, White-throated 32 
guereza, Colobus 34 

Guereza 34 

guerreroensis, Glaucomys volans 46 
(guianensis, Sotalia) 62 
guigna, Felis 80 

gulo, Gulo 72 

Gulo 72 

gundlachi, Capromys 55 
gunningi, Amblysomus 6 
gwatkinsi, Martes flavigula 73 
(gwatkinsi, Martes) 73 
Gymnobelideus 3 
gymnocercus, Dusicyon 67 
Gymnure, Mindanao 7 
(gymnurus, Cabassous) 43 
hamadryas, Papio hamadryas 38 
hamlyni, Cercopithecus 32 
hanglu, Cervus elaphus 92 
Hangul 92 

Hapalemur 20 

Hare, Hispid 45 

Hare, Tehuantepec 45 
Hare-wallaby, Banded 4 
Hare-wallaby, Central 4 
Hare-wallaby, Eastern 4 
Hare-wallaby, Least 4 
Hare-wallaby, Rufous 4 
Hare-wallaby, Western 4 
Hartebeest, Hunter’s 99 
Hartebeest, Swayne’s 95 
Hartebeest, Tora 95 
hartmannae, Equus zebra 88 
heavisidii, Cephalorhynchus 59 
hecki, Macaca tonkeana 37 
(hecki, Macaca) 37 

hectori, Cephalorhynchus 59 
hectori, Mesoplodon 57 
Hedgehog, South African 7 
hefneri, Sylvilagus palustris 45 
Helarctos 69 

Hemigalus 76 

hemionus, Equus 88 
hemionus, Equus hemionus 88 
hemippus, Equus hemionus 88 
(hemippus, Equus onager) 88 
Hemitragus 100 

(hendeei, Lagothrix) 30 
hendersoni, Rhynchocyon cirnei 10 
hermani, Myotis formosus 18 
(hermani, Myotis) 18 
hermaphroditus, Paradoxurus 76 
Herpestes 77 

himalayana, Marmota 46 
Hippocamelus 93 
Hippopotamus 90 
Hippopotamus 90 
Hippopotamus, Pygmy 90 
Hipposideros 16 

Hippotragus 100 

Hirola 99 

hirsuta, Pithecia 30 

hirsutus, Lagorchestes 4 
hispidus, Caprolagus 45 
hodgsoni, Pantholops 101 
hodgsonii, Ovis ammon 101 
hoffmanni, Choloepus 43 
(hoffmannsi, Callicebus) 29 
Hog, Pygmy 90 

hoolock, Hylobates 41 
Hopping-mouse, Big-eared 52 
Hopping-mouse, Darling Downs 52 
Hopping-mouse, Dusky 52 
Hopping-mouse, Long-tailed 52 
Hopping-mouse, Northern 52 
Hopping-mouse, Short-tailed 52 
Horse, Przewalski’s 88 

hosei, Lagenodelphis 60 
hosei, Presbytis 39 

(hosei, Presbytis comata) 39 
howelli, Sylvisorex 10 
howensis, Pteropus 13 
Howler, Black 28 

Howler, Black-and-red 27 
Howler, Brown 28 

Howler, Guatemalan 28 
Howler, Mantled 28 

Howler, Red 28 

Howler, Red-handed 27 
hualpaiensis, Microtus mexicanus 51 

Huemul, Chilean 93 
Huemul, North Andean 93 
Huemul, Peruvian 93 
Huemul, South Andean 93 
Huillin 73 

humboldtii, Conepatus 71 
humeralifer, Callithrix 26 
humilis, Acerodon 11 
hunteri, Damaliscus 99 
Hutia, Bahamian 55 
Hutia, Brown’s 55 

Hutia, Bushy-tailed 55 
Hutia, Cabrera’s 54 
Hutia, Chapman’s Prehensile-tailed 55 
Hutia, Cuvier’s 55 

Hutia, Dwarf 55 

Hutia, Garrido’s 54 
Hutia, Hispaniolan 55 
Hutia, Ingraham’s 55 
Hutia, Isla de la Juventud Tree 55 
Hutia, Jamaican 55 

Hutia, Land 55 

Hutia, Large-eared 54 
Hutia, Little Earth 55 
Hyaena 78 

Hyaena, Barbary 78 
Hyaena, Brown 78 
(Aydrictis) 73 
Hydrodamalis 87 
Hydropotes 93 
Hyemoschus 91 

(hylaeum, Plagiodonta) 55 
Hylobates 41 

(Aylobates) 41 

hylocrius, Hemitragus 100 
Hyperoodon 56 
(hypoleucos, Semnopithecus) 39 
hypomelanus, Pteropus 13 
Hystrix 53 

Tbex, Pyrenean 97 

Tbex, Walia 97 

Idiurus 49 

Idmi 99 

Impala, Black-faced 95 
imperator, Saguinus 27 
(incarum, Lutra) 72 

(indi, Platanista) 56 
indica, Ratufa 47 

indica, Viverricula 77 
indicus, Tapirus 88 
Indopacetus 56 

indri, Indri 23 

Indri 23 

Indris 23 

inermis, Hydropotes 93 
(infulatus, Aotus) 28 
(infuscatus, Bradypus) 43 
ingens, Dipodomys 48 
ingrahami, Geocapromys 55 
Inia 55 

insonus, Sylvilagus 45 
insularis, Pteropus 13 
intermedia, Martes foina 73 
intermedius, Callithrix humeralifer 26 
inunguis, Trichechus 87 
inustus, Dendrolagus 3 
inustus, Galago 24 
inustus, Saguinus 27 
iriomotensis, Felis 80 


(iriomotensis, Felis bengalensis) 80 
(iriomotensis, Prionailurus) 80 
iris, Amblysomus 6 
(irrorata, Pithecia) 30 
(irus, Macaca) 36 

isabelae, Genetta genetta 75 
isabellinus, Ursus arctos 70 
jacchus, Callithrix 26 
Jackal, Simian 67 

Jacksoni, Bdeogale 77 
Jjacobita, Felis 80 

Jaguar 83 

japonicus, Zalophus californianus 85 
Javanica, Manis 44 
javanica, Tupaia 19 
Javanicus, Bos 96 

Javanus, Glischropus 17 
Javelina 90 

jayakari, Hemitragus 100 
Jjentinki, Cephalophus 98 
Jjerdoni, Capra falconeri 97 
Jerdoni, Paradoxurus 76 
johnii, Presbytis 39 

(johnii, Trachypithecus) 39 
johnstoni, Genetta 76 
(jubata, Myrmecophaga) 42 
jubatus, Acerodon 11 
jubatus, Acinonyx 78 
julianae, Amblysomus 6 
Kangaroo-rat, Morro Bay 48 
Kangaroo-rat, Texas 48 
kathiah, Mustela 74 
keramae, Cervus nippon 92 
Kerivoula 17 

khur, Equus hemionus 88 
(khur, Equus onager) 88 
Khur 88 

(Kiang, Equus) 88 

Kiang 88 

(kirkii, Colobus badius) 35 
kirkii, Colobus pennantii 35 
(kirkii, Colobus) 35 

(kirkii, Procolobus) 35 
kivuana, Crocidura 8 
Klipspringer, Western 100 
Klossii, Hylobates 41 

Kobus 100 

Kodkod 80 

Kogia 58 

(kopschi, Cervus nippon) 92 
korrigum, Damaliscus lunatus 99 
koslowi, Ochotona 45 
Kouprey 96 

krefftii, Lasiorhinus 3 
(kuhli, Axis) 93 

kuhli, Cervus porcinus 93 
kuhni, Liberiictis 78 
(kulan, Equus) 88 

Kulan 88 

kusnotoi, Megaerops 11 
labiatus, Saguinus 27 
Lagenodelphis 60 
Lagenorhynchus 60-61 
(Lagenorhynchus) 61 
Lagorchestes 4 
Lagostrophus 4 
lagothricha, Lagothrix 30 
Lagothrix 30 

lagotis, Macrotis 2 

lakedownensis, Leggadina 51 
Lama 91 

lamoutei, Micropotamogale 6 
Langur, Banded 39 

Langur, Black-shanked Douc 40 
Langur, Capped 40 

Langur, Common 39 

Langur, Douc 40 

Langur, Entellus 39 

Langur, Golden 39 

Langur, Grey 39 

Langur, Hanuman 39 
Langur, John’s 39 

Langur, Maroon 40 

Langur, Nilgiri 39 

Langur, Pagai Island 37 
Langur, Phayre’s 39 

Langur, Pig-tailed 37 
Langur, Red-shanked Douc 40 
Langur, Silvered 38 

Langur, Spectacled 39 
Langur, Thomas’s 40 
Langur, White-faced 39 
(laniger, Avahi) 23 

laniger, Lichanotus 23 
lanigera, Chinchilla 54 
lanosa, Crocidura 8 

laptevi, Odobenus rosmarus 85 
lar, Hylobates 41 

larvata, Paguma 76 

larvatus, Nasalis 37 
Lasiorhinus 3 

(Lasiorhinus) 3 

Lasiurus 17 

Latidens 11 

latona, Crocidura 8 

layardii, Mesoplodon 57 
leadbeateri, Gymnobelideus 3 
leche, Kobus 100 

Lechwe 100 

Leggadina 51 

Lemur 20-21 

Lemur, Alaotran Gentle 20 
Lemur, Black 21 

Lemur, Broad-nosed Gentle 20 
Lemur, Brown 21 

Lemur, Collared 21 

Lemur, Coquerel’s Dwarf 22 
Lemur, Crowned 20 

Lemur, Dry-bush Weasel 22 
Lemur, Fat-tailed Dwarf 22 
Lemur, Fork-marked 23 
Lemur, Golden 20 

Lemur, Golden Bamboo 20 
Lemur, Greater Bamboo 20 
Lemur, Greater Dwarf 22 
Lemur, Greater Weasel 22 
Lemur, Grey-backed Sportive 21 
Lemur, Grey Gentle 20 
Lemur, Hairy-eared Dwarf 22 
Lemur, Lesser Weasel 22 
Lemur, Light-necked Sportive 22 
Lemur, Mayotte 21 

Lemur, Milne-Edwards’ Sportive 21 

Lemur, Mongoose 21 
Lemur, Northern Sportive 22 
Lemur, Nossi-be Sportive 21 
Lemur, Red-bellied 21 
Lemur, Red-fronted 21 

Lemur, Red-tailed Sportive 22 
Lemur, Ring-tailed 20 
Lemur, Ruffed 22 

Lemur, Sanford’s 21 

Lemur, Sclater’s 21 

Lemur, Sportive 21, 22 
Lemur, Western Gentle 20 
Lemur, White-collared 21 
Lemur, White-footed Sportive 22 
Lemur, White-fronted 20 
Lemur, Woolly 23 

(Lemur) 22 

(lemurinus, Aotus) 28 
(lentiginosa, Sousa) 62 

leo, Panthera 83 

leonina, Mirounga 85 
Leontopithecus 26 

Leopard, Clouded 83 
Leopard, Snow 84 

Lepilemur 21-22 

leporides, Lagorchestes 4 
Leporillus 51 

leptoceros, Gazella 99 
Leptonycteris 17 

Lepus 45 

lervia, Ammotragus 95 
lesueuri, Bettongia 3 

leucas, Delphinapterus 58 
leucippe, Callithrix argentata 25 

leucocephala, Presbytis francoisi 39 
(leucocephalus, Trachypithecus) 39 

(leucogenys, Hylobates) 41 
leucophaeus, Hippotragus 100 
(leucophaeus, Mandrillus) 38 
leucophaeus, Papio 38 
leucopterus, Pteropus 13 
(leucopus, Lenur mustelinus) 22 
leucopus, Lepilemur 22 
leucopus, Saguinus 27 
(leucopus, Vulpes vulpes) 68 
leucoryx, Oryx 101 

leucotis, Dipodomys microps 48 
leucotis, Pteropus 13 

leucura, Macrotis 2 

thoesti, Cercopithecus 32 
liberiensis, Choeropsis 90 
liberiensis, Poiana richardsoni 76 
Liberiictis 78 

Lichanotus 23 

lignicolor, Paradoxurus hermaphroditus 76 

(lignicolor, Paradoxurus) 76 

limicola, Reithrodontomys megalotis 50 

Limnogale 5 

lineatus, Vampyrops 17 
linsang, Prionodon 76 
Linsang, Banded 76 
Linsang, Leighton’s 76 
Linsang, Spotted 76 

Lion 83 

Lion, Asiatic 83 

Lipotes 56 

Lissodelphis 61 

litoralis, Urocyon 68 
livingstonei, Pteropus 13 
lombocensis, Pteropus 13 
(longicaudata, Manis) 44 
longicaudata, Microgale 5 
longicaudata, Sminthopsis 1 
longicaudatus, Myosorex 9 


longicaudatus, Notomys 52 
longicaudis, Lutra 72 
longicaudis, Lutra longicaudis 72 
longipes, Crocidura 8 
longipes, Potorous 4 
longirostris, Microgale 5 
longirostris, Stenella 63 
Loris 23 

Loris, Lesser Slow 24 
Loris, Pygmy 24 

Loris, Slender 23 

Loris, Slow 24 

(lowei, Cynogale) 75 
lowii, Ptilocercus 19 
Loxodonta 86 

lucifer, Acerodon 11 
lucina, Crocidura 8 

ludia, Crocidura dolichura 8 
(ludia, Crocidura) 8 
lullulae, Phalanger 2 
(lullulae, Phalanger orientalis) 2 
lumholizi, Dendrolagus 4 
lunata, Onychogalea 4 
lunatus, Damaliscus 99 
lupus, Canis 66 

(luteus, Equus) 88 

luteus, Zapus hudsonius 53 
(luteus, Zapus princeps) 53 
lutra, Lutra 72 

lutra, Lutra lutra 72 

Lutra 72-73 

(Lutra) 72 

lutreola, Mustela 74 
lutreolina, Mustela 74 
lutris, Enhydra 71 

(lybica, Felis) 82 

Lycaon 68 

lylei, Pteropus 13 

lynx, Felis 81 

(lynx, Lynx) 81 

Lynx, Bay 82 

Lynx, Eurasian 81 

Lynx, Pardel 81 

Lynx, Spanish 81 

(Lynx) 79-82 

Macaca 36-37 

(Macaca) 37 

macaco, Lemur macaco 21 
Macaque, Assam 36 
Macaque, Barbary 37 
Macaque, Bear 36 
Macaque, Bonnet 37 
Macaque, Booted 37 
Macaque, Celebes Black 37 
Macaque, Crab-eating 36 
Macaque, Formosan Rock 36 
Macaque, Gorontalo 37 
Macaque, Heck’s 37 
Macaque, Japanese 36 
Macaque, Lion-tailed 37 
Macaque, Long-tailed 36 
Macaque, Mentawai 36 
Macaque, Moor 36 
Macaque, Muna-Butung 37 
Macaque, Pére David’s 37 
Macaque, Pigtail 36 
Macaque, Rhesus 36 
Macaque, Stump-tailed 36 
Macaque, Sulawesi 37 

Macaque, Taiwan 36 
Macaque, Tibetan 37 
Macaque, Tonkean 37 
Macaque, Toque 37 
Macaque, Yakushima 36 
mackloti, Acerodon 11 
macleayi, Dorcopsis 4 
(macleayi, Dorcopsulus) 4 
(macneilli, Cervus canadensis) 92 
macneilli, Cervus elaphus 92 
macrocephalus, Physeter 58 
Macroderma 16 
Macrogalidia 76 

Macropus 4 

macrorhynchus, Globicephala 60 
macrotis, Idiurus 49 
macrotis, Notomys 52 
macrotis, Pteropus 13 
Macrotis 2 

macroura, Ratufa 47 
Macruromys 51 

maculatus, Phalanger 2 
(maculatus, Spilocuscus) 2 
(maculicollis, Hydrictis) 73 
maculicollis, Lutra 73 
madagascariensis, Daubentonia 23 
mahaganus, Pteropus 13 
major, Cheirogaleus 22 
(major, Eupleres) 75 

major, Phyllonycteris 17 
majori, Microgale 5 
(malayana, Stenella) 62 
malayanus, Helarctos 69 
Manatee, African 87 
Manatee, Amazonian 87 
Manatee, American 87 
Manatee, Caribbean 87 
Manatee, North American 87 
Manatee, South American 87 
manatus, Trichechus 87 
mandarinus, Cervus nippon 92 
Mandrill 38 

(Mandrillus) 38 
manengubae, Crocidura 8 
Mangabey, Agile 31 
Mangabey, Black 31 
Mangabey, Collared 31 
Mangabey, Grey-cheeked 31 
Mangabey, Red-capped 31 
Mangabey, Sanje 31 
Mangabey, Sooty 31 
Mangabey, Tana River 31 
Mangabey, White-cheeked 31 
Mangabey, White-collared 31 
Manis 44 

manul, Felis 81 
maquassiensis, Crocidura 8 
margarita, Felis 81 

Margay 83 

marginata, Caperea 66 
mariannus, Pteropus 13 
(marica, Gazella leptoceros) 100 
marica, Gazella subgutturosa 100 
(maritimus, Thalarctos) 70 
maritimus, Ursus 70 
Markhor 97 

Markhor, Kabul 97 
Markhor, Straight-horned 97 
Marl 2 

marmorata, Felis 81 
Marmoset, Black-tailed 25 
Marmoset, Buffy-headed 26 
Marmoset, Buffy-tufted-ear 26 
Marmoset, Common 26 
Marmoset, Goeldi’s 27 
Marmoset, Pygmy 26 
Marmoset, Silvery 25 
Marmoset, Tassel-eared 26 
Marmoset, White 25 
Marmoset, White-eared 26 
Marmot, Menzbier’s 46 
Marmot, Vancouver Island 47 
Marmota 46-47 

Marshbuck 102 

Marten, Nilgiri 73 

Marten, Taiwan Yellow-throated 73 
Marten, Tsushima Island 73 
Mantes 73 

martinensis, Neotoma 50 
(martinsi, Saguinus) 26 
maura, Macaca 36 

maxima, Paracrocidura 10 
maximus, Elephas 86 
maximus, Priodontes 43 

mayensis, Odocoileus virginianus 94 

mayotiensis, Lemur fulvus 21 
Mazama 93 

mearnsi, Pteropus 13 
(mearnsi, Pteropus hypomelanus) 13 
medius, Cheirogaleus 22 
megaceros, Capra falconeri 97 
Megaerops 11 

megalotis, Dorcatragus 99 
(megalotis, Notomys) 52 
Megaptera 65 

megaspila, Viverra 76 
melaena, Globicephala 60 
melalophos, Presbytis 39 
melanocephalus, Cacajao 29 
melanoleuca, Ailuropoda 69 
melanopogon, Pteropus 14 
melanorrhachis, Microgale 5 
melanotus, Pteropus 14 
melanura, Dendrogale 19 
melanurus, Capromys 55 
Mellivora 73 

Melogale 74 

Melomys 52 

Melomys, White-toothed 52 
Melursus 69 

menzbieri, Marmota 46 
mephistophiles, Pudu 95 
mergulus, Limnogale 5 
meridionalis, Capromys 55 
(meridionalis, Mysateles) 55 
Merrin 4 

Mesoplodon 57-58 
(Mesoplodon) 56 
(mesopotamica, Dama) 91 
mesopotamicus, Cervus dama 91 
(mexicana, Tamandu) 42 
mexicanus, Castor canadensis 49 
(mexicanus, Coendou) 54 
mexicanus, Cynomys 46 
mexicanus, Sphiggurus 54 
michaelis, Felis caracal 80 
(michaelis, Lynx caracal) 80 
(miconax, Aotus) 28 


Microcebus 22-23 

(microdon, Aonyx) 71 
(microdon, Lemur mustelinus) 22 
microdon, Lepilemur 22 
Microgale 5-6 
Micropotamogale 6 

(microps, Stenella) 63 
microtis, Dusicyon 67 
Microtus 51 

midas, Saguinus 27 
(mindorensis, Anoa) 97 
mindorensis, Bubalus 97 
minor, Dobsonia 11 

minor, Platanista 56 

(minor, Platanista gangetica) 56 
minor, Tupaia \9 
(Miopithecus) 33 

Mirounga 85 

mirus, Mesoplodon 57 
(Mirza) 22 

mitis, Cercopithecus 33 
(modestus, Callicebus) 29 
(moholi, Galago) 25 

Mole, De Winton’s Golden 7 
Mole, Duthie’s Golden 7 
Mole, Giant Golden 7 

Mole, Grants’ Golden 7 
Mole, Gunning’s Golden 6 
Mole, Juliana’s Golden 6 
Mole, Rough-haired Golden 7 
Mole, Sclater’s Golden 7 
Mole, Somali Golden 7 
Mole, Van Zyl’s Golden 7 
Mole, Visagie’s Golden 7 
Mole, Yellow Golden 7 
Mole, Zulu Golden 6 
moloch, Callicebus 29 
moloch, Hylobates 41 
(moloch, Hylobates lar) 41 
molossinus, Pteropus 14 
mona, Cercopithecus 33 
monachus, Monachus 85 
monachus, Pithecia 30 
Monachus 85-86 

monax, Crocidura 9 
Mongoose, Broad-striped 77 
Mongoose, Brown-tailed 78 
Mongoose, Giant-striped 77 
Mongoose, Jackson’s 77 
Mongoose, Liberian 78 
Mongoose, Narrow-striped 78 
Mongoose, Small Indian 77 
Mongoose, Sokoke Bushy-tailed 77 
mongoz, Lemur 21 

Monkey, Allen’s Swamp 31 
Monkey, Banded Leaf 39 
Monkey, Black-browed Spider 28 

Monkey, Black-cheeked White-nosed 32 

Monkey, Black-handed Spider 28 
Monkey, Black Leaf 39 

Monkey, Black Spider 29 
Monkey, Blue 33 

Monkey, Brelich’s Snub-nosed 40 
Monkey, Brown-headed Spider 28 
Monkey, Campbell’s 32 

Monkey, Capped Leaf 40 

Monkey, Central American Squirrel 30 

Monkey, Common Squirrel 30 
Monkey, Common Woolly 30 

Monkey, Crowned 33 

Monkey, Cynomolgus 36 
Monkey, de Brazza’s 33 
Monkey, Diademed 33 
Monkey, Diana 32 

Monkey, Dryas 32 

Monkey, Dusky Leaf 39 
Monkey, Ebony Leaf 38 
Monkey, Geoffroy’s Spider 28 
Monkey, Golden-bellied 33 
Monkey, Golden Leaf 39 
Monkey, Golden Snub-nosed 40 
Monkey, Greater White-nosed 33 
Monkey, Green 31 

Monkey, Grey Leaf 39 
Monkey, Grey Snub-nosed 40 
Monkey, Grivet 31 

Monkey, Guizhou Snub-nosed 40 
Monkey, Hose’s Leaf 39 
Monkey, Humboldt’s Woolly 30 
Monkey, Java Leaf 38 

Monkey, L’Hoest’s 32 

Monkey, Lesser White-nosed 33 
Monkey, Long-haired Spider 28 
Monkey, Long-nosed 37 
Monkey, Maroon Leaf 40 
Monkey, Mitred Leaf 39 
Monkey, Mona 33 

Monkey, Mountain 32 

Monkey, Moustached 32 
Monkey, Night 28 

Monkey, Owl 28 

Monkey, Owl-faced 32 
Monkey, Patas 35 

Monkey, Phayre’s Leaf 39 
Monkey, Preuss’s 32 

Monkey, Proboscis 37 

Monkey, Purple-faced Leaf 40 
Monkey, Putty-nosed 33 
Monkey, Red-backed Squirrel 30 
Monkey, Red-bellied 32 
Monkey, Red-eared 32 
Monkey, Red Spider 28 
Monkey, Redtail 32 

Monkey, Rhesus 36 

Monkey, Savanna 31 

Monkey, Sichuan Snub-nosed 40 
Monkey, Silvered Leaf 38 
Monkey, Spectacled Leaf 39 
Monkey, Spot-nosed 33 
Monkey, Sun-tailed 33 

Monkey, Sykes’ 33 

Monkey, Tantalus 31 

Monkey, Thomas’s Leaf 40 
Monkey, Tonkin Leaf 39 
Monkey, Tonkin Snub-nosed 40 
Monkey, Vervet 31 

Monkey, White-bellied Spider 28 
Monkey, White-fronted Leaf 39 
Monkey, White-headed Black Leaf 39 
Monkey, Wolfs 33 

Monkey, Woolly Spider 29 
Monkey, Yellow-tailed Woolly 30 
Monkey, Zaire Diana 33 
monoceros, Monodon 59 
Monodon 59 

montana, Tupaia 19 

montana, Vulpes vulpes 68 
monticola, Cephalophus 98 

(monticola, Philantomba) 98 
monticularis, Bunolagus 45 
Moonrat, Mindanao 7 

mordax, Notomys 52 

morroensis, Dipodomys heermanni 48 
moschata, Desmana 10 
moschiferus, Moschus 94 
(moschiferus, Moschus moschiferus) 94 
moschus, Moschus 94 

Moschus 94 

(Moschus) 94 

Mouflon, Cyprus 101 

Mouflon, Mediterranean 101 
Mouse, Alabama Beach 50 
Mouse, Alice Springs 52 

Mouse, Anastasia Island Beach 50 
Mouse, Choctawhatchee Beach 50 
Mouse, Gould’s 52 

Mouse, Hastings River 52 
Mouse, Key Largo Cotton 50 
Mouse, Lakeland Downs 51 
Mouse-lemur, Brown 23 
Mouse-lemur, Coquerel’s 22 
Mouse-lemur, Fork-marked 23 
Mouse-lemur, Grey 22 
Mouse-lemur, Lesser 22 
Mouse-lemur, Rufous 23 
Mouse-lemur, Russet 23 

Mouse, Los Angeles Little Pocket 48 
Mouse, Perdido Key Beach 50 
Mouse, Pilliga 52 

Mouse, Point Reyes Jumping 53 
Mouse, Salinas Pocket 48 

Mouse, Saltmarsh Harvest 50 
Mouse, Shark Bay 52 

Mouse, Shortridge’s Native 53 
Mouse, Smoky 52 

Mouse, South-eastern Beach 50 
Mouse, Southern Marsh Harvest 50 
Mouse, Western 52 

Mouse, White-eared Pocket 48 
muelleri, Hylobates 41 

(muelleri, Hylobates lar) 41 
muenninki, Tokudaia osimensis 53 
mulatta, Macaca 36 

muliensis, Ochotona 45 
Mungotictis 78 

Muntiacus 94 

Muntjac, Black 94 

Muntjac, Fea’s 94 

murina, Dendrogale 19 

murinus, Microcebus 22 

Muriqui 29 

Musang 76 

musculus, Balaenoptera 65 
musimon, Ovis 101 

(musimon, Ovis ammon) 101 
(musimon, Ovis orientalis) 101 
musschenbroekii, Macrogalidia 76 
Mustela 74 

mustelinus, Lepilemur 22 

mutus, Bos 96 

myoides, Xeromys 53 

Myosorex 9 

myotis, Myotis 18 

Myotis 17-18 

Myotis, Bartel’s 18 

Myotis, Grey 18 

Myotis, Herman’s 18 


Myrmecobius 1 
Myrmecophaga 42 

(Mysateles) 55 

Mystacina 18 

mystax, Saguinus 27 
mysticetus, Balaena 66 
Myzopoda 17 

(nancymai, Aotus) 28 

nanus, Capromys 55 

(narica, Nasua) 70 

Narwhal 59 

Nasalis 37 

nasomaculatus, Addax 95 
nasua, Nasua 70 

Nasua 70 

(Nasua) 70 

navaho, Microtus mexicanus 51 
nebulosa, Neofelis 83 
neglectus, Cercopithecus 33 
nelsoni, Nasua 70 

nelsoni, Oryzomys 50 

nelsoni, Ursus arctos 70 
nemaeus, Pygathrix 40 
nemestrina, Macaca 36 
Nemorhaedus 100 
(Nemorhaedus) 100 

Neofelis 83 

neohibernicus, Pteropus 14 
Neophocaena 63 

Neotoma 49 

nereis, Enhydra lutris 72 
Nesolagus 45 

netscheri, Nesolagus 45 
nicobarica, Tupaia 19 
nictitans, Cercopithecus 33 
(niger, Canis) 67 

niger, Pteropus 14 

nigra, Aplodontia rufa 46 
nigra, Macaca 37 

(nigrescens, Macaca) 37 
(nigriceps, Aotus) 28 
nigricollis, Saguinus 27 
nigripes, Felis 81 

nigripes, Mustela 74 

nigripes, Pygathrix nemaeus 40 
(nigrivittatus, Cebus) 29 
nigroviridis, Allenopithecus 31 
(nigroviridis, Cercopithecus) 31 
nimbae, Crocidura 9 
nitendiensis, Pteropus 14 
nitratoides, Dipodomys nitratoides 48 
nivalis, Leptonycteris 17 
niveiventris, Peromyscus polionotus 50 
notatus, Dendrolagus dorianus 3 
Notomys 52 

(Notomys) 52 

novaeangliae, Megaptera 65 
(Novibos) 96 

Numbat 1 

(nuuanu, Tursiops) 63 
Nycticebus 24 

Nyctimene 12 

oaxacensis, Glaucomys volans 46 
obliquidens, Lagenorhynchus 61 
obscura, Presbytis 39 
obscurus, Lagenorhynchus 61 
(obscurus, Trachypithecus) 39 
obtusirostris, Calcochloris 7 
(obtusirostris, Chlorotalpa) 7 

occidentalis, Hapalemur griseus 20 
occidentalis, Microgale 6 
occidentalis, Pseudomys 52 
(occulta, Feresa) 59 

Ocelot 81 

Ocelot, Tree 83 

Ochotona 45 

ochreata, Macaca 37 
Octomys 55 

ocularis, Pteropus 14 
Odobenus 85 

Odocoileus 94 

(Odocoileus) 95 

oedipus, Saguinus 27 
oedipus, Saguinus oedipus 27 
(oenanthe, Callicebus) 29 
oerstedii, Saimiri 30 
ogilbyi, Cephalophus 98 

oi, Sus barbatus 90 

(olallae, Callicebus) 29 
Olingo, Bushy-tailed 70 
olivaceus, Cebus 29 

olulla, Sylvisorex 10 
omnivora, Bdeogale crassicauda 77 
(onager, Equus) 88 

onca, Panthera 83 

Oncilla 82 

Onychogalea 4 

(ophion, Ovis aries) 101 
ophion, Ovis orientalis 101 
oralis, Pseudomys 52 
Orang-utan 42 

orarius, Zapus trinotatus 53 
orca, Orcinus 61 

Orca 61 

Orcaella 61 

Orcinus 61 

(Orcinus) 61 

Oreotragus 100 

orientalis, Geogale aurita 5 
orientalis, Melogale personata 74 
(orientalis, Melogale) 74 
orientalis, Phalanger 2 
(ornata, Felis) 82 

omata, Rupicapra rupicapra 102 
omatus, Pteropus 14 
ornatus, Tremarctos 69 
Oryx 101 

Oryx, Arabian 101 

Oryx, Scimitar-horned 101 
Oryzomys 50 

Otolemur 25 

(Otolemur) 25 

Otomops 18 

Otopteropus 12 

Otter, African Clawless 71 
Otter, Cameroon Clawless 71 
Otter, Cape Clawless 71 
Otter-civet 75 

Otter, Eurasian 72 

Otter, European 72 

Otter, Giant 74 

Otter, Giant Brazilian 74 
Otter, Hairy-nosed 73 

Otter, La Plata 72 

Otter, Marine 72 

Otter, Neotropical River 72 
Otter, North American 72 
Otter, Oriental Small-clawed 71 

Otter, Sea 71 

Otter-shrew, Nimba 6 
Otter-shrew, Ruwenzori 6 
Otter, Smooth-coated 73 
Otter, South American River 72 
Otter, Southern River 73 
Otter, Southern Sea 72 

Otter, Speckle-throated 73 
Otter, Spot-necked 73 

Otter, Zaire Clawless 71 
Otter-shrew, Nimba 6 
Otter-shrew, Ruwenzori 6 
Ounce 84 

(oustaleti, Colobus badius) 35 
oustaleti, Colobus pennantii 35 
(oustaleti, Procolobus rufomitratus) 35 
Ovis 101 

owstoni, Chrotogale 75 
Ozotoceros 94 

paca, Agouti 54 

(paca, Cuniculus) 54 
pacificus, Indopacetus 56 
(pacificus, Mesoplodon) 56 
pagensis, Macaca nemestrina 36 
(pagensis, Macaca) 36 
Paguma 76 

(pajeros, Felis) 80 
palawanensis, Tupaia 19 
(palawanensis, Tupaia glis) 19 
palliata, Alouattia 28 

pallida, Vulpes 68 

Pan 42 

panamensis, Aleles geoffroyi 28 
Panda, Giant 69 

Panda, Lesser 70 

Panda, Red 70 

Pangolin, Black-bellied 44 
Pangolin, Cape 44 

Pangolin, Chinese 44 
Pangolin, Giant 44 

Pangolin, Giant Ground 44 
Pangolin, Indian 44 

Pangolin, Long-tailed 44 
Pangolin, Malayan 44 
Pangolin, Temminck’s Ground 44 
Pangolin, Three-cusped 44 
Pangolin, Tree 44 

Pangolin, White-bellied 44 
Paniscus, Ateles 29 

paniscus, Pan 42 

Panthera 83-84 

Pantholops 101 

papio, Papio hamadryas 38 
(papio, Papio) 38 

Papio 38 

(Papio) 38 

papua, Hipposideros 16 
Paracrocidura 9-10 
Paradoxurus 76 

paradoxus, Solenodon 5 
(Parantechinus) | 

pardalis, Felis 81 

pardicolor, Prionodon 76 
pardina, Felis 81 

(pardina, Felis lynx) 81 
(pardinus, Lynx) 81 

pardus, Panthera 83 
parvidens, Cynomys 46 
parvula, Microgale 6 


parvus, Burramys 3 

(patas, Cercopithecus) 35 
patas, Erythrocebus 35 
paucidentata, Alionycteris 11 
pecan, Tayassu 90 

Peccary, Chacoan 90 
Peccary, White-lipped 90 
pedunculatus, Zyzomys 53 
peli, Anomalurus 49 
pembertoni, Peromyscus 50 
penicillata, Bettongia 3 
peninsularis, Antilocapra americana 95 
pennanui, Colobus 34 
(pennantii, Colobus badius) 34 
(pennantii, Procolobus) 34 
pentadactyla, Manis 44 
Pentalagus 45 
Peponocephala 61 
Perameles 2 

peregusna, Vormela peregusna 75 
permixtio, Phalanger 2 
Perodicticus 24 
Perognathus 48 
Peromyscus 50 

peronii, Lissodelphis 61 
persephone, Petrogale 4 
persica, Panthera leo 83 
personatus, Callicebus 29 
personatus, Pteropus 14 
perspicillata, Lutra 73 
petaurista, Cercopithecus 33 
petersi, Aepyceros melampus 95 
petersi, Rhynchocyon 10 
Petrodromus 10 

Petrogale 4 

(Petterus) 20 

phaea, Aplodontia rufa 46 
Phaeocephalus, Pteropus 14 
Phaeura, Crocidura 9 
Phalanger 2 

Phalanger, Common 2 
Phalanger, Spotted 2 
Phaner 23 

Phascogale 1 

Phascogale, Red-tailed 1 
phasma, Peromyscus polionotus 50 
(Phataginus) 44 

Phayrei, Presbytis 39 
(phayrei, Trachypithecus) 39 
(Philantomba) 98 

Philippii, Arctocephalus 84 
Phoca 86 

phocaenoides, Neophocaena 63 
phocoena, Phocoena 63 
Phocoena 63-64 
(Phocoena) 63 
Phocoenoides 64 
Phyllonycteris 17 

physalus, Balaenoptera 65 
Physeter 58 

picta, Tupaia 20 

pictus, Lycaon 68 

Pig, Javan Warty 90 

Pig, Ryukyu Islands Wild 90 
Pig, Visayan Warty 90 

Pig, Western Bearded 90 
pigra, Alouatta 28 

Pika, Kozlov’s 45 

Pika, Muli 45 

pileata, Presbytis 40 
pileatus, Hylobates 41 
(pileatus, Hylobates lar) 41 
(pileatus, Saguinus) 27 
(pileatus, Trachypithecus) 40 
pilligaensis, Pseudomys 52 
pilosus, Pteropus 14 
pinchaque, Tapirus 89 
pithecia, Pithecia 30 
Pithecia 30 

(Pithecia) 30 

Pitymys 51 

(plagiodon, Stenella) 62 
(Plagiodonta) 55 
Plagiodontia 55 

Planiceps, Felis 81 
Planifrons, Hyperoodon 56 
Platanista 56 

(platensis, Lutra) 72 
platyops, Potorous 4 
Plecotus 18 

plenus, Sigmodon arizonae 50 
(plenus, Sigmodon hispidus) 50 
(plumbea, Sousa) 62 
Podogymnura 7 

poeyi, Phyllonycteris 17 
pogonias, Cercopithecus 33 
pohlei, Pteropus 14 

(pohlei, Pteropus macrotis) 14 
Poiana 76 

polia, Crocidura dolichura 8 
(polia, Crocidura) 8 
poliocephalus, Pteropus 14 
polli, Myosorex 9 

polykomos, Colobus 35 
ponceleti, Solomys 53 

Pongo 42 

Pontoporia 56 

Porcupine, North African Crested 53 
Porcupine, Spiny Tree 54 
Porcupine, Thin-spined 53 
Porpoise, Black 64 

Porpoise, Burmeister’s 64 
Porpoise, Common 63 
Porpoise, Dall’s 64 

Porpoise, Finless 63 
Porpoise, Gulf 64 

Porpoise, Harbour 63 
Porpoise, Spectacled 63 
Porpoise, White-flanked 64 
porteousi, Oreotragus oreotragus 100 
Possum, Leadbeater’s 3 
potenziani, Presbytis 40 
Potoroo, Broad-faced 4 
Potoroo, Long-footed 4 
Potorous 4 

Potos 70 

poto, Perodicticus 24 

Potto 24 

Potto, Golden 23 

praeconis, Pseudomys 52 
Presbytis 38-40 

(Presbytis) 39 

preussi, Cercopithecus lhoesti 32 
(preussi, Cercopithecus) 32 
preussi, Colobus 35 

(preussi, Colobus badius) 35 
(preussi, Procolobus pennanti) 35 
principula, Microgale 6 

Priodontes 43 

(Prionailurus) 80 

Prionodon 76 

(Procolobus) 34-35 

Procyon 71 

Prolagus 45 

prolixicaudata, Microgale 6 
Pronghorn, Baja California 95 
Pronghorn, Mexican 95 
Propithecus 23 

Proteles 78 

provocax, Lutra 73 

przewalskii, Equus 88 
(przewalski, Equus caballus) 88 
(przewalskii, Equus ferus) 88 
psammophila, Sminthopsis 1 
psammophilus, Perognathus inornatus 48 
(psammophilus, P. longimembris) 48 
pselaphon, Pteropus 14 
pseudaxis, Cervus nippon 92 
Pseudomys 52-53 

Pseudorca 61 

Pteronura 74 

Pteropus 12-16 

(Pteropus) 11 
Prilocercus 19 
Pucu, Guasu 91 
pudu, Pudu 95 
Pudu 95 

pulla, Microgale 6 
Puma 80 

Puma, Costa Rican 80 

Puma, Eastern 80 

Puma, Florida 80 

pumilus, Pteropus 14 
pumilus, Tarsius spectrum 25 
(pumilus, Tarsius) 25 
punctata, Dasyprocta 54 
(Pusa) 86 

pusilla, Vulpes vulpes 68 
pusillus, Arctocephalus 85 
Pygathrix 40 

(pygerythrus, Cercopithecus) 31 
pygmaea, Cebuella 26 
pygmaeus, Nycticebus 24 
Pygmaeus, Pongo 42 
Pygmaeus, Procyon 71 
Pygmy-possum, Mountain 3 
Pyrenaica, Capra pyrenaica 97 
pyrenaicus, Galemys 10 
(pyrrhus, Presbytis) 38 
quadricornis, Tetracerus 102 
quagga, Equus 88 

Quagga 88 

(quarlesi, Anoa) 97 

quarlesi, Bubalus 97 

Rabbit, Assam 45 

Rabbit, Lower Keys Marsh 45 
Rabbit, Riverine 45 

Rabbit, Ryukyu 45 

Rabbit, Sumatran 45 

Rabbit, Sumatran Short-eared 45 
Rabbit, Tehuantepec Jack 45 
Rabbit, Volcano 45 

rabori, Nyctimene 12 
Raccoon, Barbados 71 
Raccoon, Cozumel Island 71 
radiata, Macaca 37 
raffrayana, Emballonura 16 


raineyi, Crocidura luna 8 
(raineyi, Crocidura) 8 

Rat, Blunt-faced 53 

Rat, Colorado River Cotton 50 
Rat, False Swamp 53 

Rat, Fresno Kangaroo 48 

Rat, Giant Kangaroo 48 

Rat, Giluwe 53 

Rat, Greater Stick-nest 51 

Rat, Heath 53 

Rat, Houserock Chisel-toothed Kangaroo 48 
Rat-kangaroo, Desert 3 
Rat-kangaroo, Lesueur’s 3 

Rat, Lesser Small-toothed 51 
Rat, Lesser Stick-nest 51 

Rat, Luzon Forest 51 

Rat, Nelson’s Rice 50 

Rat, North Okinawa Spiny 53 
Rat, Red Vizcacha 55 

Rat, Rock-dwelling 53 

Rat, San Quintin Kangaroo 48 
Rat, Silver Rice 50 

Rat, Stephens’ Kangaroo 48 
Rat, Tipton Kangaroo 48 

Rat, Western Small-toothed 51 
Rat, White-tipped Stick-nest 51 
Ratel 73 

Rattus 53 

Ratufa 47 

raviventris, Reithrodontomys 50 
rayneri, Pteropus 15 

Redunca 101 

Reedbuck, Western Mountain 101 
Reithrodontomys 50 

remyi, Suncus 10 

(retusa, Burmeisteria) 43 
retusus, Chlamyphorus 43 
Rhim 99 

Rhinoceros 89 

Rhinoceros, Black 89 
Rhinoceros, Great Indian 89 
Rhinoceros, Hook-lipped 89 
Rhinoceros, Javan 89 
Rhinoceros, Northern Square-lipped 89 
Rhinoceros, Northern White 89 
Rhinoceros, Southern Square-lipped 89 
Rhinoceros, Southern White 89 
Rhinoceros, Sumatran 89 
Rhinonicteris 17 
(Rhinopithecus) 40 
Rhynchocyon 10 

ridleyi, Hipposideros 16 
riparia, Neotoma fuscipes 49 
riukiuanus, Sus scrofa 90 
robusta, Mystacina 18 
robustus, Eschrichtius 64 
Rock-rat, Central 53 

Rock-rat, Macdonnell Range 53 
Rock-wallaby, Prosperine 4 
rodricensis, Pteropus 15 
(roloway, Cercoptihecus) 32 
Romerolagus 45 

Rorqual, Common 65 

rosalia, Leontopithecus rosalia 26 
(rosalia, Leontopithecus) 26 
(roseiventris, Stenella) 63 
rosmarus, Odobenus 85 
(rostratus, Hyperoodon) 56 
(roulini, Tapirus) 89 

roxellana, Pygathrix 40 
(roxellanae, Rhinopithecus) 40 
rubicunda, Presbytis 40 
(rubicundus, Cacajao) 29 
rubidus, Cephalophus nigrifrons 98 
rubiginosa, Felis 82 
rubriventer, Lemur 21 

rueppelli, Vulpes 68 

rufa, Felis 82 

(ruficaudatus, Lemur mustelinus) 22 
ruficaudatus, Lepilemur 22 
rufifrons, Gazella 100 
rufomitratus, Colobus 35 
(rufomitratus, Colobus badius) 35 
(rufomitratus, Procolobus rufomitratus) 35 
rufoniger, Phalanger 2 
(rufoniger, Spilocuscus) 2 

rufus, Canis 67 

rufus, Lemur fulvus 21 

(rufus, Lemur macaco) 21 
(rufus, Lynx) 82 

rufus, Microcebus 23 

(rufus, Microcebus murinus) 23 
rufus, Pteropus 15 

Rupicapra 101-102 

ruwenzonii, Micropotamogale 6 
(Ruwenzorisorex) 10 

(sabaeus, Cercopithecus) 31 
Saguinus 26-27 

(Saguinus) 26-27 

saimensis, Phoca hispida 86 
(saimensis, Pusa hispida) 86 
Saimiri 30 

(Saimiri) 30 

Saki, Bearded 30 

Saki, Black 30 

Saki, Black-and-white 30 

Saki, Buffy 30 

Saki, Monk 30 

Saki, Pale-headed 30 

Saki, Red-bearded 30 

Saki, Red-nosed 30 

Saki, Shaggy 30 

Saki, Southern Bearded 30 

Saki, White-faced 30 

Saki, White-nosed 30 

Salano 78 

Salanoia 78 

salimalii, Latidens 11 

salongo, Cercopithecus 33 
salvanius, Sus 90 

samoensis, Pteropus 15 
(sanborni, Leptonycteris) 17 
sanfelipensis, Capromys 55 
(sanfordi, Lemur macaco) 21 
Sangai 92 

sangi, Petrodromus tetradactylus 10 
*sanjei’, Cercocebus galeritus 31 
santacrucis, Pteropus 15 
(santacrucis, Pteropus hypomelanus) 15 
sardus, Prolagus 45 

satanas, Chiropotes 30 

satanas, Chiropotes satanas 30 
satanas, Colobus 35 

(sauveli, Novibos) 96 
scapulatus, Pteropus 15 
schalleri, Myosorex 9 
schauinslandi, Monachus 86 
scheffeli, Felis margarita 81 

scirpensis, Microtus californicus 51 
sciureus, Saimiri 30 

Sciurus 47 

sclateri, Cercopithecus erythrotis 32 
sclateri, Chlorotalpa 7 

Seal, Afro-Australian Fur 85 

Seal, Amsterdam Island Fur 85 
Seal, Antarctic Fur 84 

Seal, Cape Fur 85 

Seal, Caribbean Monk 86 

Seal, Galapagos Islands Fur 84 
Seal, Guadalupe Fur 85 

Seal, Hawaiian Monk 86 

Seal, Juan Fernandez Fur 84 

Seal, Kerguelen Fur 84 

Seal, Kuril 86 

Seal, Mediterranean Monk 85 

Seal, New Zealand Fur 84 

Seal, Saimaa Ringed 86 

Seal, South African Fur 85 

Seal, South American Fur 84 

Seal, Southern Fur 84 

Seal, Sub-antarctic Fur 85 

Seal, West Indian 86 

Sealion, Japanese 85 

sechurae, Dusicyon 67 

Selenarctos 69 

selina, Crocidura luna 8 

(selina, Crocidura) 8 
(Semnopithecus) 39 

senegalensis, Galago 25 
senegalensis, Trichechus 87 

senex, Presbytis 40 

seniculus, Alouatia 28 
(septentrionalis, Lemur mustelinus) 22 
septentrionalis, Lepilemur 22 
Serow, Formosan 97 

Serow, Mainland 97 

Serow, Sumatran 98 

serval, Felis 82 

Serval 82 

seychellensis, Coleura 16 
seychellensis, Pteropus 15 
shawmayeri, Dendrolagus goodfellowi 3 
(shawmayeri, Dendrolagus matschiei) 3 
Sheep, Barbary 95 

shepherdi, Tasmacetus 58 
shortridgei, Pseudomys 53 

Shou 92 

Shrew, Gabon Dwarf 10 

Shrew, Long-tailed Forest 9 
Shrew, Makwassie Musk 8 
Shrew-tenrec, Dark Pygmy 6 
Shrew-tenrec, Drouhard’s 5 
Shrew-tenrec, Dusky 6 
Shrew-tenrec, Gracile 5 
Shrew-tenrec, Greater Long-tailed 6 
Shrew-tenrec, Large-footed 5 
Shrew-tenrec, Lesser Long-tailed 5 
Shrew-tenrec, Long-tailed 6 
Shrew-tenrec, Long-nosed 5 
Shrew-tenrec, Major’s Lesser Long-tailed 5 
Shrew-tenrec, Pygmy 6 
Shrew-tenrec, Short-tailed 5 
Shrew-tenrec, Striped 5 
Shrew-tenrec, Taivi 6 
Shrew-tenrec, Thomas’s 6 
Shrew-tenrec, Western Short-tailed 6 
Shrew-tenrec, Dark Pygmy 6 


Shrew-tenrec, Drouhard’s 5 
Shrew-tenrec, Dusky 6 
Shrew-tenrec, Gracile 5 
Shrew-tenrec, Greater Long-tailed 6 
Shrew-tenrec, Large-footed 5 
Shrew-tenrec, Lesser Long-tailed 5 
Shrew-tenrec, Long-nosed 5 
Shrew-tenrec, Long-tailed 6 

Shrew-tenrec, Major’s Lesser Long-tailed 5 
Shrew-tenrec, Northern Lesser Longtailed 6 

Shrew-tenrec, Pygmy 6 
Shrew-tenrec, Short-tailed 5 
Shrew-tenrec, Striped 5 
Shrew-tenrec, Taivi 6 
Shrew-tenrec, Western Short-tailed 6 
Siamang 41 

siamensis, Cervus eldi 92 
sibirica, Mustela 74 

(sibiricus, Moschus) 94 
sichanicus, Cervus nippon 93 
(sieboldii, Globicephala) 60 
Sifaka. Diademed 23 

Sifaka, Golden-crowned 23 
Sifaka, Tattersall’s 23 

Sifaka, Verreaux’s 23 
Sigmodon 50 

Sika, Formosan 93 

Sika, North China 92 

Sika, Ryukyu 92 

Sika, Shansi 92 

Sika, Sichuan 93 

Sika, South China 92 

silenus, Macaca 37 

silvestris, Felis 82 

simensis, Canis 67 

(Simias) 37 

simum, Ceratotherium simum 89 
simus, Hapalemur 20 

simus, Kogia 58 

sinica, Macaca 37 

sinus, Phocoena 64 

Sitatunga 102 

Skunk, Big Thicket Hog-nosed 71 
Skunk, Patagonian Hog-nosed 71 
Sloth, Brown-throated 43 
Sloth, Hoffmann’s Two-toed 43 
Sloth, Maned 43 

smalli, Neotoma floridana 49 
Sminthopsis 1 

Sminthopsis, Long-tailed 1 
smithii, Herpestes 77 

sodalis, Myotis 18 
soemmerringi, Gazella 100 
solatus, Cercopithecus 33 
Solenodon 5 

Solenodon, Cuban 5 
Solenodon, Haitian 5 
Solenodon, Hispaniolan 5 
solitaria, Nasua nasua 70 
Solomys 53 

sondaicus, Rhinoceros 89 
sonoriensis, Antilocapra americana 95 
sorella, Microgale 6 

Sotalia 62 

(Sotalia) 62 

Sousa 62 

(Sousa) 62 

spadiceus, Dyacopterus 11 
spadix, Cephalophus 98 

(speciosa, Macaca) 36 
speciosus, Pteropus 15 
spectrum, Tarsius 25 

spekei, Gazella 100 

spekei, Tragelaphus 102 
Speothos 68 

Sphiggurus 54 

(sphinx, Mandrillus) 38 

sphinx, Papio 38 

(Spilocuscus) 2 

spinipinnis, Phocoena 64 
(spinosus, Coendou) 54 
spinosus, Sphiggurus 54 
splendidula, Tupaia 20 

Squirrel, Beecroft’s Flying 49 
Squirrel, Black Giant 47 
Squirrel, Bryant’s Fox 47 
Squirrel, Carolina Flying 46 
Squirrel, Cream-coloured Giant 47 
Squirrel, Delmarva Fox 47 
Squirrel, Deppe’s 47 

Squirrel, Ebian’s Palm 46 
Squirrel, Grizzled Giant 47 
Squirrel, Guerrero Flying 46 
Squirrel, Indian Giant 47 
Squirrel, Long-eared Flying 49 
Squirrel, Lord Derby’s Flying 49 
Squirrel, Mexican Flying 46 
Squirrel, Oaxaca Flying 46 
Squirrel, Pel’s Flying 49 
Squirrel, Temminck’s Giant 46 
Squirrel, Virginia Flying 46 
Stag, Barbary 92 

Stag, Kashmir 92 

stejnegeri, Mesoplodon 58 
stejnegeri, Phoca vitulina 86 
Stenella 62-63 

(Stenella) 62-63 

Steno 63 

stenocephala, Crocidura 9 
(stenocephla, Crocidura littoralis) 9 
stephensi, Dipodomys 48 

Stoat 74 

(styx, Stenella) 62 

subniger, Pteropus 15 
subspinosus, Chaetomys 53 
sumatraensis, Capricomnis 97 
sumatraensis, Capricomnis sumatraensis 98 
sumatrana, Lutra 73 
sumatrensis, Dicerorhinus 89 
(sumatrensis, Didermocerus) 89 
sumichrasti, Bassariscus 70 
(suncoides, Ruwenzorisorex) 10 
suncoides, Sylvisorex 10 

Suncus 10 

(superciliosus, Lagenorhynchus) 61 
Sus 90 

Susu 56 

Susu, Ganges 56 

swaynei, Alcelaphus buselaphus 95 
swinhoei, Capricomis crispus 97 
sylvanus, Macaca 37 
sylvicultor, Cephalophus 98 
Sylvilagus 45 

Sylvisorex 10 

(Symphalangus) 41 

syndactylus, Hylobates 41 
(syndactylus, Symphalangus) 41 
Syntheosciurus 47 

syrichta, Tarsius 25 
tablasi, Pteropus 15 
(tablasi, Pteropus pumilus) 15 
Tagua 90 

Tahr, Arabian 100 

Tahr, Nilgiri 100 
ltaiouanus, Cervus nippon 93 
taiva, Microgale 6 

tajacu, Tayassu 90 

Takh 88 

Takin 97 

Takin, Golden 97 

Takin, Sichuan 97 
talapoin, Cercopithecus 33 
(talapoin, Miopithecus) 33 
Talapoin 33 

(Tamandu) 42 

Tamandua 42 

Tamandua 42 

Tamaraw 97 

(tamarin, Saguinus) 27 
Tamarin, Bare-faced 26 
Tamarin, Black-and-red 27 
Tamarin, Black Lion 26 
Tamarin, Black-mantled 27 
Tamarin, Brown-headed 27 
Tamarin, Cotton-headed 27 
Tamarin, Cotton-top 27 
Tamarin, Dusky 27 
Tamarin, Emperor 27 
Tamarin, Geoffroy’s 27 
Tamarin, Golden-headed Lion 26 
Tamarin, Golden Lion 26 
Tamarin, Golden-rumped Lion 26 
Tamarin, Mottle-faced 27 
Tamarin, Moustached 27 
Tamarin, Negro 27 
Tamarin, Pied 26 
Tamanin, Red-bellied 27 
Tamarin, Red-chested 27 
Tamarin, Red-handed 27 
Tamarin, Rio Napo 27 
Tamarin, Rufous-naped 27 
Tamarin, Saddle-back 27 
Tamarin, White-footed 27 
Tamarin, White-lipped 27 
Tamias 47 

Tamiasciurus 47 

tana, Tupaia 20 
tansaniana, Crocidura 9 
(tantalus, Cercopithecus) 31 
(tao, Oryx) 101 

Tapir, Andean 89 

Tapir, Baird’s 88 

Tapir, Brazilian 89 

Tapir, Central American 88 
Tapir, Lowland 89 

Tapir, Malayan 88 

Tapir, Mountain 89 

Tapir, South American 89 
Tapir, Woolly 89 

Tapirus 88-89 
tardigradus, Loris 23 
Tarsier, Eastern 25 
Tarsier, Lesser Spectral 25 
Tarsier, Philippine 25 
Tarsier, Pygmy 25 
Tarsier, Spectral 25 
Tarsier, Sulawesi 25 


Tarsier, Western 25 

Tarsius 25 

Taruca 93 

Tasmacetus 58 

(tasmanicus, Arctocephalus) 85 
ltatouay, Cabassous 43 

tatrica, Rupicapra rupicapra 102 
tattersalli, Propithecus 23 
(Taurotragus) 102 

taxicolor, Budorcas 97 

Tayassu 90 

telfordi, Crocidura 9 
telmalestes, Conepatus mesoleucus 71 
Tembadau 96 

temmincki, Felis 82 

temmincki, Pteropus 15 
temmincki, Colobus badius 34 
temminckii, Manis 44 
(temminckii, Phataginus) 44 
(temmincki, Procolobus) 34 
Tenrec, Aquatic 5 

Tenrec, Eastern Large-eared 5 
Tenrec, Large-eared 5 

Tenrec, Web-footed 5 

Tenrec, Web-footed 5 
(tephrosceles, Colobus badius) 35 
tephrosceles, Colobus pennantii 35 
(tephrosceles, Procolobus rufomitratus) 35 
Teporingo 45 

terrestris, Tapirus 89 

Tetracerus 102 

tetradactyla, Manis 44 
(tetradactyla, Phataginus) 44 
tetradactyla, Tamandua 42 
lteuszii, Sousa 62 

Thailand Brow-antlered Deer 92 
(Thalarctos) 70 

thalia, Crocidura 9 

Thamin 92 

Theropithecus 40 

thibetana, Macaca 37 
thibetanus, Selenarctos 69 
(thibetanus, Ursus) 69 

(tholloni, Colobus badius) 35 
tholloni, Colobus pennantii 35 
(tholloni, Procolobus rufomitratus) 35 
(thomasi, Cercopitheus) 32 
thomasi, Galago demidovii 24 
(thomasi, Galago) 24 

(thomasi, Galagoides demidoff) 24 
thomasi, Microgale 6 

thomasi, Presbytis 40 

(thomasi, Presbytis comata) 40 
thomensis, Crocidura poensis 9 
(thomensis, Crocidura) 9 
Thomomys 48 

thonglongyai, Craseonycteris 16 
(thoracatus, Geocapromys) 55 
thous, Dusicyon 67 

Thylacine 1 

Thylacinus 1 

tibetana, Budorcas taxicolor 97 
Tiger 84 

Tiger, Deer 80 

Tiger, Red 80 

tigrina, Felis 82 

tigris, Panthera 84 

Titi, Dusky 29 

Titi, Masked 29 

Titi, Widow 29 

tokudae, Pteropus 15 
Tokudaia 53 

Tolypeutes 43 

tonganus, Pteropus 15 
tonkeana, Macaca 37 

tora, Alcelaphus buselaphus 95 
torquatus, Bradypus 43 
torquatus, Callicebus 29 
torquatus, Cercocebus 31 
townsendi, Arctocephalus 85 
townsendii, Plecotus 18 
(Trachypithecus) 38-40 
Tragelaphus 102 
(Tragelaphus) 96 
Tree-kangaroo, Bennett’s 3 
Tree-kangaroo, Black 4 
Tree-kangaroo, Grizzled 3 
Tree-kangaroo, Highland Unicolored 3 
Tree-kangaroo, Lumholtz’ 4 
Tree-kangaroo, Vogelkop 4 
Tree-rat, Mimic 53 

Tree-rat, Rabbit-eared 51 
Tree-rat, White-footed 51 
Treeshrew, Bornean Smooth-tailed 19 
Treeshrew, Common 19 
Treeshrew, Javan 19 
Treeshrew, Large 20 
Treeshrew, Lesser 19 
Treeshrew, Madras 19 
Treeshrew, Mountain 19 
Treeshrew, Nicobar 19 
Treeshrew, Northern Smooth-tailed 19 
Treeshrew, Painted 20 
Treeshrew, Palawan 19 
Treeshrew, Pen-tailed 19 
Treeshrew, Philippine 20 
Treeshrew, Pygmy 19 
Treeshrew, Ruddy 20 
Treeshrew, Slender 19 
Treeshrew, Striped 19 
Tremarctos 69 

trevelyani, Chrysospalax 7 
Trichechus 87 

trichopus, Zygogeomys 48 
trichotis, Allocebus 22 
(trichotis, Cheirogaleus) 22 
tricinctus, Tolypeutes 43 
tricuspis, Manis 44 

(tricuspis, Phataginus) 44 
tridactyla, Myrmecophaga 42 
trilineata, Arctogalidia trivirgata 75 
(tripartitus, Saguinus) 27 
trissyllepsis, Peromyscus polionotus SO 
trivirgatus, Aotus 28 
troglodytes, Pan 42 

(tropica, Bettongia) 3 
tropicalis, Arctocephalus 85 
tropicalis, Delphinus 59 
(tropicalis, Delphinus delphis) 59 
tropicalis, Monachus 86 

truei, Podogymnura 7 
truncatus, Chlamyphorus 43 
truncatus, Tursiops 63 
Tsessebe 99 

tsuensis, Martes melampus 73 
tuberculata, Mystacina 18 
tuberculatus, Pteropus 16 
Tucuxi 62 

Tupaia 19-20 

Tursiops 63 

(Tursiops) 63 
(Tympanoctomys) 55 
tytonis, Chlorotalpa 7 
Uaddan 95 

Uakari, Bald 29 

Uakari, Black 29 

Uakari, Black-headed 29 
Uakari, Red-and-white 29 
uncia, Panthera 84 
unicomis, Rhinoceros 89 
Unal 101 

Urocyon 68 

Urogale 20 

ursinus, Dendrolagus 4 
ursinus, Melursus 69 
ursinus, Papio hamadryas 38 
(ursinus, Papio) 38 

Ursus 69-70 

(Ursus) 69 

urva, Herpestes 77 
usambarae, Crocidura 9 
(ustus, Saimiri) 30 

validus, Dendrohyrax 86 
Vampire, Australian False 16 
Vampyrops 17 

vampyrus, Pteropus 16 
vancouverensis, Marmota 47 
vanzolinii, Saimiri 30 
Vaquita 64 

Varecia 22 

variani, Hippotragus niger 100 
variegata, Varecia 22 
variegatus, Bradypus 43 
(variegatus, Lemur) 22 
(vellerosus, Colobus) 35 
Venado 95 

venaticus, Acinonyx jubatus 78 
venaticus, Speothos 68 
verreauxi, Propithecus 23 
verrucosus, Sus 90 

verus, Colobus 35 

verus, Pan troglodytes 42 
(verus, Procolobus) 35 
vestitus, Phalanger 2 
vetulus, Dusicyon 67 
(vetulus, Presbytis) 40 
vetulus, Pteropus 16 
(vetulus, Trachypithecus) 40 
vexillifer, Lipotes 56 
vicugna, Vicugna 91 
Vicugna 91 

vignei, Ovis 101 

(vignei, Ovis orientalis) 101 
(villosa, Alouatta) 28 
villosus, Chrysospalax 7 
visagiei, Chrysochloris 7 
vittata, Galictis 72 
vitticollis, Herpestes 77 
Viverra 76-77 

(Viverra) 75 

Viverricula 77 

viverrina, Felis 82 
(vociferans, Aotus) 28 
voelizkowi, Pteropus 16 
Vole, Amargosa 51 

Vole, Beach 51 

Vole, Chihuahua 51 


Vole, Florida Saltmarsh 51 
(vomerina, Phocoena) 63 
Vormela 75 

Vulpes 68 

(Vulpes) 68 

wagneri, Catagonus 90 
waldroni, Colobus badius 34 
(waldroni, Procolobus badius) 34 
walie, Capra ibex 97 

(walie, Capra) 97 

Wallaby, Black Dorcopsis 4 
Wallaby, Bridled Nailtail 4 
Wallaby, Crescent Nailtail 4 
Wallaby, Toolache 4 

wallichi, Cervus elaphus 92 
Walrus 85 

Walrus, Laptev 85 
Wambenger, Red-tailed 1 
Water-rat, False 53 

Weasel, Indonesian Mountain 74 
Whale, Andrews’ Beaked 57 
Whale, Arch-beaked 57 
Whale, Arnoux’s Beaked 56 
Whale, Baird’s Beaked 56 
Whale, Black Right 65 
Whale, Blainville’s Beaked 57 
Whale, Blue 65 

Whale, Bowhead 66 

Whale, Bryde’s 64 

Whale, Dwarf Sperm 58 
Whale, False Killer 61 

Whale, Fin 65 

Whale, Gervais’ Beaked 57 
Whale, Giant Bottle-nosed 56 
Whale, Ginkgo-toothed Beaked 57 
Whale, Goose-beaked 58 
Whale, Gray’s Beaked 57 
Whale, Greenland Right 66 
Whale, Grey 64 

Whale, Gulf Stream Beaked 57 
Whale, Hector’s Beaked 57 
Whale, Hubbs’ Beaked 57 
Whale, Humpback 65 

Whale, Indo-pacific Beaked 56 
Whale, Indo-pacific Beaked 56 
Whale, Killer 61 

Whale, Layard’s Beaked 57 
Whale, Long-finned Pilot 60 
Whale, Longman’s Beaked 56 
Whale, Melon-headed 61 
Whale, Northern Four-toothed 56 
Whale, Northern Right 61 
Whale, Pacific Pilot 60 
Whale, Pygmy Killer 59 
Whale, Pygmy Right 66 
Whale, Pygmy Sperm 58 
Whale, Sei 64 

Whale, Shepherd’s Beaked 58 
Whale, Short-finned Pilot 60 
Whale, Skew-beaked 57 
Whale, Southern Bottlenose 56 
Whale, Southern Four-toothed 56 
Whale, Southern Right 61 
Whale, Sowerby’s Beaked 57 
Whale, Sperm 58 

Whale, Splaytooth Beaked 57 
Whale, Stejneger’s Beaked 58 
Whale, Strap-toothed 57 
Whale, Sulphur-bottom 65 

Whale, Tasman 58 

Whale, True’s Beaked 57 

Whale, Unicom 59 

Whale, White 58 

wiedii, Felis 83 

wimmeni, Crocidura 9 

wintoni, Cryptochloris 7 

Wisent 96 

Wolf, Abyssinian 67 

Wolf, Andean 67 

Wolf, Maned 67 

Wolf, Red 67 

Wolf, Tasmanian 1 

wolfi, Cercopithecus 33 

(wolfi, Cercopithecus pogonias) 33 
Wolverine 72 

Wombat, Northern Hairy-nosed 3 
Wombat, Queensland Hairy-nosed 3 
woodfordi, Pteropus 16 

Woodrat, Key Largo 49 
Woodrat, San Joaquin Valley 49 
Woylie 3 

Wurmung 4 

Xenuromys 53 

Xeromys 53 

yagouaroundi, Felis 83 

Yak, Wild 96 

yakui, Macaca fuscata 36 
Yallara 2 

yarkandensis, Cervus elaphus 92 
yerbabuenae, Leptonycteris 17 
Zaglossus 1 

Zalophus 85 

zanzibaricus, Galago 25 
(zanzibaricus, Galago senegalensis) 25 
Zapus 53 

zebra, Cephalophus 98 

zebra, Equus zebra 88 


Zebra, Cape Mountain 88 
Zebra, Grevy’s 88 

Zebra, Hartmann’s Mountain 88 
zerda, Fennecus) 68 
zerda, Vulpes 68 

zibetha, Viverra 77 
zimmermanni, Crocidura 9 
Ziphius 58 

Zorro, Azara’s 67 

Zorro, Common 67 
Zorro, Grey 67 

Zorro, Hoary 67 

Zorro, Sechuran 67 
Zorro, Small-eared 67 
Zygogeomys 48 

zyli, Cryptochloris 7 
Zyzomys 53 

The UK Joint Nature Conservation Committee was established by the Environmental Protection Act 
1990 “for the purposes of nature conservation, and fostering the understanding thereof” in Great 
Britain as a whole and outside Great Britain. It is a committee of the three country agencies (the 
Countryside Council for Wales, English Nature and Scottish Natural Heritage), together with 
independent members and representatives from Northern Ireland and the Countryside Commission, 
and is supported by a specialist staff. JNCC and the three country agencies carry forward duties 
previously undertaken by the Nature Conservancy Council. 

JNCC’s statutory responsibilities include: 

the establishment of common scientific standards; 
the undertaking and commissioning of research; 

advising Ministers on the development and implementation of policies for or affecting nature 
conservation for Great Britain as a whole or nature conservation outside Great Britain; 

the provision of advice and dissemination of knowledge to any persons about nature conservation. 

JNCC also has the UK responsibility for European and international matters affecting nature 

Details of publications produced by JNCC are available from JNCC, Monkstone House, City Road, 
Peterborough PE1 1JY. 

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ISBN 1-87370144-6 © JNCC 1993