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British Museum (Natural History). 

Instructions for Collectors: 

No. 12.—WORMS. 



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NOTE.—Boxes of specimens so addressed are not opened by 
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The Trustees 



——a | 



Instructions for Collecting 




Tue term “ Worms,” as here used, embraces a great many animals 
which bear very little resemblance to the popular conception of a 
worm. Some little idea of their variety and of the situations in 
which they are most likely to be found may be gathered from the 
lists given below. 

It will be seen that the parasitic groups are A 2 and 3, C, D, E, 
and those mentioned on pp. 10-11. 

The majority are internal parasites of vertebrate animals; 
but their position in their hosts varies very greatly. Many 
live in the alimentary canal, but many occur in other cavities and 
organs of the body, eg. the heart, liver, lungs, kidneys, bladder, 
body-cavity, nasal cavities, or even in the blood-vessels, bronchial 
tubes, and among the muscles and connective tissue. Some of the 
Trematodes and Leeches are external parasites of fishes and other 
aquatic or amphibious animals, and may be found attached to their 
skin, especially on the fins, or on the gills and in the cavity of the 
mouth. Hence one must not be content merely to open the 
intestines of an animal and make a hasty examination there, but all 
parts of the animal ought to be inspected. Even the connective 
tissue between the skin and flesh often contains parasites. Filarice 
(Nematodes), for instance, often choose this situation, where they 
lie coiled up in capsules or “cysts’’; and the larval forms of 
various other parasites may be discovered in similar positions. 
When found in the connective tissue or in the peritoneum covering 
the internal organs and body-cavity, or in the walls of the stomach, 
etc., it is advisable to cut out and preserve the cyst with a small 
portion of the surrounding tissue. 

It is worth while to collect all parasites seen, since it is often 
only the most careful microscopic investigation that can determine 
& species, 

Some small Nematodes parasitic in the intestines, more 
especially of birds, are so fine that they are difficult to see unless 
some of the contents of the intestine or ceca are shaken up in salt 
solution or water, when the little hair-like creatures can be picked 
up with a needle, to which they adhere readily. For many 


Nematodes it is a good plan to shake or stir up the intestinal 
matter in a vessel of weak salt solution, and allow it to stand, 
when the worms will sink to the bottom, and the dirty fluid can 
be poured off. Clean fluid may then be added, and the process 
repeated until the worms are clean and free from débris. 

In collecting Tape-worms the intestine of the host should be 
slit up with a pair of scissors (preferably blunt-ended) and the 
contents scraped out gently with the back of a knife or scalpel. 
The scraping ought to be so managed as to secure the heads of the 
worms, which may be attached more or less firmly to the lining of 
the intestine. If any are very firmly attached a small portion of 
the intestine may be cut out round them, and placed with the 

a b Cc d 

Portions of an adult Tapeworm, Taenia serrata, natural 
size. a, the head (scolex) and some of the young 
segments ; d, the most fully developed (gravid) segments, 
near the hinder end of the worm: 3%, e, portions from 
intermediate regions. [CESTODA.] 

worms in a dish of weak salt solution, when by gentle persuasion, 
by means of scalpel or needles, the worms may be made to loosen 
their hold. In general, however, it is best to place the mass of 
worms and ingested matter in a tall vessel of salt solution, any 
floating lumps being broken up, and the worms then washed by 
gentle “shaking, as directed on p. 22. 


It is extremely important to label 
all specimens fully. 

The label bearing data as to the 
host in which a _ parasite occurred, 
its position in the host, the locality, 
date, and any other Siseamiions made 
at the time of collecting, is almost 
as valuable as the specimen itself; a 
specimen without its label is practically 
useless. These remarks, of course, 
apply to free-living forms as well as to 
parasites—notes as to the position in 
which they were found should always 
be given. The method of preservation 
used should also be stated. In addition 
to the labels giving such information, 
it is well to number the specimens, and to 
keep a note-book with full notes of each 
specimen or set of specimens opposite 
its number. 

In the case of parasites, the species 
of the host (if known) should always 
be given. If unknown, an accurate 
description of it, and if possible a 
drawing, will help greatly in the labour 
of determination. In some cases (e.g. 
small Fishes, Reptiles, Mammals, &c.) FIGURE 2. 
it would be well to preserve the ip pra \ ey eo br a 
host as well as_ the parasite, ing the hooks and two of the 
giving it a corresponding label and ‘Suckers. From a Ee ea 

Labels should» be written clearly with a soft lead pencil on 
unsized paper, and placed in the preserving fluid with the 
specimens. Ordinary imk will not do for this purpose, as it 
will wash out. Certain kinds of waterproof Indian ink, however, 
are good, if allowed to dry thoroughly before being placed in the 
liquid. In some cases an additional label in ink may be placed 
outside the bottle. 

* Fishes, Amphibians, Reptiles, &c., are best preserved in spirit; in the 
case of Birds and Mammals the skins must be preserved, and the skulls of 
Mammals should be dried and labelled to correspond with the skins. (See 
“« Instructions for Collectors,’”’ Nos. 3, 2, 1.) 


A. PLATYHELMINTHES (Flat-worms). Including :— 
1. TuRBELLARIA (Planarians). 
2. TREMATODA (F'lukes). 
3. Crsropa (Tape-worms). 

B. NEMERTINEA (Long unsegmented worms, mostly marine). 
C. NEMATODA (Thread-worms or Round-worms). 

DIACEA (Hair-worms). 

ing Echinorhynchus). 

F. CHATOPODA (Bristle-worms). 
Including :— 

1. OuicocHmtTa  (Earth- 

worms and their allies). 

2. PotycH@Ta (Marine 


H. HIRUDINEA (Leeches). 
I. PHORONIDEA (Phoronis). 

Some of the distinguishing features 
of the groups mentioned above are 
outlined in the following 

IGURE 5. ‘ 
Fasciola hepatica, the Liver-fluke CHIBF GROUPS OF WORMS. 

toler mad onlargal spouse 2> A. PLAT YHEUMIN DEES 
diameters. The veneuntnee ‘Ooimals of flattened shape, their 
behind the mouth. In some yiscera not contained in a “ body- 
related species it ag amnat? cavity.” The alimentary canal, which 
is either simple or branched, has no 
anus or vent. Mostly aquatic or parasitic ; exceptionally lving 
on land in moist situations. These include :— 
(1) TurBEeLLaRiA (see Fig. 14). Usually with soft, oval or 
elongate, unsegmented body, covered with minute cilia, or vibratile 

“hairs.” Mouth often in centre of ventral surface, or even further 


back, with protrusible tubular pharynx. Alimentary canal simple 
or much branched. Chiefly aquatic (marine and fresh-water) ; 
some terrestrial, living in damp places, generally under logs or 

(2) Tremaropa (e.g. Fasciola hepatica, the well-known Liver- 
fluke of the Sheep.—See Fig. 3). Internal or external parasites ; 
usually of oval shape. Unsegmented. With suckers and some- 
times horny hooks for attachment to host. Alimentary canal 
bifurcate, sometimes branched. 

(3) Cestopa (eg. Tenia of various species, parasitic in man, 
dog, etc.—See Figs. 1 and 2). 

HKlongate parasitic creatures, of ribbon-like form, with a 
rounded “ head”’ bearing suckers or hooks and suckers, followed by 
a series of segments Increasing in size 
posteriorly. The hinder segments are 
generally full of eggs. The larval or 
young forms (see Fig. 4) of these 
worms are found as_ bladder-like 
‘cysts’ of various sizes embedded in 
the organs (e.g. the liver) of some 
animal which is liable to be eaten by 
their final host. Alimentary canal 
absent in all stages. 

{ Note—In collecting Tapeworms 
great care must be faieen to find the 
head (Figs. 1 and 2), which is very 
minute and easily broken off, as it 
may be attached firmly to the host’s 
tissues. (See p. 2.) | 

B. NEMERTINEA (see Fig. 15). 
(Such as Linews of the sea- shore.) 
Generally very elongate, unsegmented, 

FIGURE 4. more or less flattened worms, capable 
A “Bladder - worm,” Cysticerevs of oreat extension and contraction. 
tenuicollis, enlarged about 12 : 5 ' : 
diameters. This is the larval Sometimes several yards in length 
Teworas of ees and te when extended. Possessing a remark- 

found in the lining of the body- able protrusible proboscis, in a sheath 
eavities of Sheep, Cattle, etc. 

[CESTODA.] lying above the alimentary canal. 
, Mostly marine, rarely on land or ip 
fresh water, living under stones, etc. . 

C. NEMATODA (see Fig. 5). (Such as Ascaris lumbricoides, 
the largest round-worm found in man. 

Mostly parasitic worms of elongated form, with flexible but not 
extensible cylindrical, unsegmented body. (There are many free- 
living Nematodes, but these are mostly very minute, living in 


water or in the soil; some are also para- 
sites of plants.) Tail of male nearly always 
curved downwards, and proyided either 
with a membranous expansion, or with 
curved horny spicules, or both. 

D. NEMATOMORPHA  (Gordiacea) 
(see Fig. 13). Extremely long, thin, 
wiry-looking worms, traditionally compared 
to ‘animated horse-hairs.” Parasitic at 
first in the body-cavity of Insects; after- 
wards emerging from them to lead a free 
life, usually in fresh water. 

etc.—See Fig. 6). 
worms, more or 
less resembling 
Nematodes, but 
having a_ pyro- 
bosecis armed 
with many hooks 
(see Fig. 7), with 
which theyattach 
themselves to the 
tissues of the 
host—usually to 

ies : Gigantorhynchus gigas, natural 
the lining of the © size,of the Pig. This isa male 

Pye ees Z specimen, the female being 
stomach or intes- considerably larger. [ACAN- 

tines. Larvee in THOCEPHALA. ] 
cysts, usually in 

aquatic insects or crustacea, sometimes in 
fishes, preyed upon by the final host. 
Alimentary canal absent. 

F. CHAATOPODA. Body divided into 
a number of “rings” or 
The large Nematode, Segments,each of which 
Ascaris megalocephala, 3.4 aces a sea 
Fateral/e dine OF the 218. DrOvided syriun certain 
intestines of the Horse. groups or rows of 
This specimen shows the } istles 
curvature of the tail, UFIStLeS. 

characteristic of the male (1) OLIGOCHETA 
sex of many Nematodes. ah ‘ i 
[NEMATODA.] (Karthworms, é&c.). 



Chiefly living below the surface of the 
soil (often crawling on the surface after 
rain, &¢c.), or among rotting timber or 
other vegetation. Others, of small size, 
in fresh water, or in mud at the bottom 
of ponds and streams. 

(2) Potycuamra (see Figs. 8, 9 and 16). 
Each segment bears generally a fin-like 
expansion on each side, from which 
bristles project fanwise. These expansions 
may be wanting, or confined to the front 
end of the body, in forms which inhabit 

Marive. Some live under stones, or 
buried in sand at low-water mark ; many 
in tubes of their own construction, at- 
tached to _ solid 
objects under water. 
The tubes are of very 
-yarlous appearance, 
some being hard 
and chalky, others 
covered with sand- 
grains, bits of shells, 


The “head” end of a 
typical Echinorhynchus, 
greatly magnified, showing 
the eylindrical proboscis 
covered with hooks. 

seaweed, &c., others quite transparent. 


An example of a 
free-living Polychete 
worm, Lepidasthenia 
elegans, slightly en- 
larged, showing the 
characteristic paired 
appendages. {CH ®- 

Many of the tube-living worms (see Fig. 9) 
have a flower-like crown of feathery “ gills ”’ 
on the head, which can be protruded from 
the opening of the tube. 

A few Polychetes lead an entirely free- 
swimming life at the surface. 

Certain forms, rather unlike the ordinary 
conception of a ‘‘ worm,” are included in 
this group (Polycheta)—such as the Poly- 
noids, some of which are of woodlouse- 
like shape and appearance; and Aphrodite 
(“ Sea-mouse ”) and its relatives, which 
are thick-set animals covered with strong 
bristles and beautifully iridescent hairs (see 
Fig. 16). 

G. GEPHYREA (see Fig. 10). Marine 
forms, usually with a simple distended sac-like 
body, which shows no external traces of seg- 
mentation. Sometimes a crown of short ten- 
tacles may be seen expanded at oneend. The 
viscera are enclosed in a spacious body-cavity. 

H. HIRUDINEA. (Leeches.) 

Worm-like animals, narrower at the 
head end than at the tail, and having 
a rounded sucker at each end. Ex- 
ternal, temporary parasites mostly 
found on vertebrates, sometimes 
entering the mouth or nose; living in 
water (either fresh or salt) or on land 
in moist places, sometimes climbing on 
to low bushes, &e. 

I. PHORONIDEA (see Fig. 11). 
Unsegmented worms living in tubes, 
commonly found associated in large 
numbers. Tube membranous, some- 
times covered with mud and other 
FIGURE 9. substances. 

One of the tube-forming Poly- 

cheetes, Sabella bombyx, slightly The mouth 
enlarged. The specimen has is in the 
been removed trom its tube, and 

shuws the crown of tentacles. middle of a 

[CHATOPODA.] terminal 
crown of tentacles, arranged on a more 
or less obvious horseshoe-like plan. 
Alimentary canal U-shaped, the intestine 
running up by the side of the cso- 
phagus and opening near the mouth. 
The blood is red, with 

Marine. May be found attached to 
solid objects in shallow water, or 
inhabiting tunnels bored in calcareous 
rocks, shells, &e. 

17). Soft-bodied worms which may 
have a strong odour of iodoform. The 
front end has the form of a conical or 
cylindrical ‘proboscis,’ which 1s 
followed by a short region termed the 
“collar,” encircling the mouth. The 
rest of the animal, unsegmented and 
often of considerable length, is composed 
of several distinct regions, the first of 
which is often produced into large 
Jateral flaps. A double series of pores FIGURE 10. 
occurs on the back or at the sides of  Echiurus vulgaris, the “ Spoon- 

this * br: shial’’ regi worm,” slightly enlarged. 
118 IvVaNneN1a region. (GEPHYREA.] 


Marine; to be looked for on sandy shores at extreme low 

[ Note.—The body is so easily injured that great care is required 
to obtain complete specimens ; but they are worth preserving if 
the front half can be obtained in good condition. | 


A portion of a crowded colony of Phoronis, seen from above and 
slightly enlarged. The tentacles of the individual worms are not 
fully expanded. [PHORONIDEA.] 



When searching, by dissection or otherwise, for parasitic 
worms, it is not improbable that various other parasites of more or 
less worm-like appearance will be found. 

The importance of collecting everything of this kind, especially 
if there is any question 
as to its identity, can- 
not be too strongly 
emphasised. Hence a 
brief reference is made 
here to some of the 
parasitic creatures 
which bear some re- 
semblance to worms. 

Certain parasitic 
Arthropods, in which 
the limbs are degraded 
or entirely lost, re- 
semble worms’ in 
general appearance 
and are commonly 
confused with them. 
Among these may be 
mentioned the insect 
larve or MAGGOTs, 
which make their way 
into the mouth, nostrils 
or stomach, or under 
the skin of Mammals, 
FIGURE 12. including Man. These 

A large Pentastomid, Pentastoma polyzonum, found in ar , o ¥ 
the Puff-adder ; natural size. [PENTASTOMIDA.] Bre the lary al stages of 
certain Khes, and most 

of them attack Ungulates—(Horses, Cattle, &c.). Some, like the 
‘“‘Warble’”’ flies, raise tumours of considerable size under the skin, 
in which the larve live and feed, and from which they eventually 
emerge. The so-called “Screw-worm”’ similarly attacks Man. 
In other cases, like the Gastrophilus of the Horse, the eggs 
swallowed by the animal hatch in its stomach, and the larve 
thereupon attach themselves as true internal parasites to the 
stomach-wall. They are true maggots and have the usual shape 
of such creatures, tapering in front and broadened behind, and 
armed with various rings of spines encircling the body. 


The Pentastomipa (Pentastoma or Linguatula, &c.) are curious 
worm-like creatures (see Fig. 12), of doubtful affinities, usually 
considered to belong to the Arachnid group, 7.e. to be allied to 
Spiders and Mites. But in general appearance they resemble 
worms, having a comparatively soft elongated body, without limbs, 
and the head being armed with two pairs of sharp, horny hooks. 
In their immature stages they may occur enclosed in cysts among 
the tissues of almost any part of the body, and in almost any 
Mammal or Bird, or living free in its various cavities, more 
especially the general body-cavity. The adult forms usually occur 
in Snakes or other carnivorous Reptiles, and mostly take up a 
position in the lungs of their host. 

Parasitic CrusTAcEA of various sorts may also occur. They 
are found mostly on Fishes and Whales, or on other Crustacea, 
on Mollusca and other aquatic invertebrates; they may assume a 
very different appearance from a typical Crustacean. The body 
may be reduced to a mere soft sac, without appendages, or with 
only vestiges of them. Sometimes there is a pair of elongated 
bags of eggs attached to the body, and looking almost like a pair 
of legs, or like a pair of long strings. These parasites are very 
commonly found, for example, clinging to the gills of Fishes. 

Any of the above-mentioned creatures may be safely treated 
by ordinary methods of killing, such as corrosive sublimate, and 
preserved in alcohol. 

Insect-larvee may be killed by immersion for a few seconds only 
in boiling water, and then placed in weak spirit, in which they are 
to remain till hardened (two or three weeks). They can finally be 
transferred to stronger spirit. 


The following is intended as a rough indication of what may 
be looked for in a particular kind of locality, though it is impossible 
to give a complete guide :— 

(i) Inland localities. 

(a) Parasitic worms.—Any kind of mammal, bird, reptile, 
amphibian, or fresh water fish may be found to harbour 
parasites of many kinds. NrmaropEes, TREMATODES, 
CESTODES, and ACANTHOCEPHALA occur in all these 
groups of animals, either in their larval or adult stages. 
As a rule, dissection is the only method of obtaining 
them, a special search being made in the alimentary 
canal. But some of the TREmMATopEs attach themselves 
to the skin of Fishes. LEECHES are sometimes found 
adhering to animals (e.g. Frogs) which have recently been 
in or near water. Reptiles, especially Snakes, are some- 
times found to harbour Pentastoma (or Porocephalus, see 


Fig. 12), a wormlike creature of doubtful affinities, which 
usually takes up a position in the lungs of its host. 

Molluses frequently contain the immature stages of 

Insects, such as beetles, grasshoppers and flies, often 
harbour the immature stages of ‘“‘ Harr-worms ”’ (Gordius 
and a Nematode worm of somewhat similar appearance, 
Mermis). These live coiled up in the body-cavity of the 
host. It is to be desired that the adult stages of these 
worms should be obtained, and if possible some knowledge 
acquired as to their eggs and larvee, and the mode of 
infection of new hosts by the larve. It is recommended, 
therefore, that when these worms are seen emerging from 
insects, or found crawling about, an attempt should be 
made to keep them alive for a time in damp earth, water, 
etc., in the hope of learning more of their life-history, as 
the mature stage is usually only reached after leaving the 
insect host. Some small Nemaropss are also parasitic 
in insects, but usually require the microscope for their 

(b) Fresh-water worms. 

TURBELLARIA are commonly found in any standing 
water, crawling on water-weeds or on the bottom, or even 
upside down on the surface-film. Since many of them 
are carnivorous, and have a liking for decaying matter, 
they may sometimes be conveniently caught by sinking a 
pot of dead earthworms in a pond or ditch, drawing it up 
after a day or two and collecting the Planarians that have 
been attracted by it. 

Fresh-water fishes,* amphibians, etc., as mentioned 
above, should be examined for parasites. Some of the 
Insects and Crustacea also harbour NematopEs and 

NEMERTINEA are rare in fresh water, but may be 
found occasionally. 

Many Nematopa occur in fresh water, in the mud at 
the bottom, or among plants, but these are chiefly of 
microscopic size. 

NematomorpHa habitually pass their adult stage of 
existence in fresh water, sometimes in standing water, 
sometimes in quite rapid streams. They may often be 

* Fishes frequently harbour parasitic Crustacea, especially on their gills. 
These parasites should, if possible, be preserved, with a note of the position in 
which they were found, and information about the ‘‘ host.” 


found tangled together (see Fig. 13) in great numbers, 
and twisted round weeds, ete., on which their eggs are laid. 

The fresh-water CHa#ropops are practically all 
OuigocH#TA, chiefly small forms living in the mud 
round the roots of aquatic plants, or plants growing near 
the edge of the water. Samples of mud scraped up from 
the bottom of any pond, ditch or stream may contain 
many of these worms. PotycHmTA are exceptionally 
found in fresh water, and these are most likely to be 
obtained by dredging in large 

lakes. In brackish water, on 
the other hand, PoLtycHaTES 
are numerous, living in the 
mud, under stones, ete., as do 
those of the sea-shore. 
LercuHesare often abundant 
in ponds, ditches and streams, 
where they swim with an un- 
dulating movement, or attach 
themselves to solid objects, and 
walk like “looper” caterpillars. 

(c) Land forms. 
A number of PLANARIANS (see 
Fig. 14) crawl about in moist 
places, or may be found among 
wet vegetation, such as mosses, 
or under stones and decaying 
logs. Some of them suggest 
slugs, othersare more elongated, 
but they are to be recognised by 
their extremely soft and slimy 
bodies, having no tough skin 
like molluses or other worms. 

FIGURE 13. Land Planarians are chiefly, 
A tangled mass of Gordius aquaticus, but not exclusively, tropical. 

natural size. [NEMATOMORPBA. } 
NEMERTINES are rare on 

land, but one or two have been recorded. They are 
likely to be found in wet places, under stones, «ce. 

NemMATopDEs of minute size are abundant in soil and 
among roots of grasses and other plants. Some are 
parasitic on plants, and form various kinds of galls and 
other diseased growths on grasses, &c. Mermis, as already 
mentioned, is at first parasitic in Insects, but after 
emergence from them is often found crawling about on the 
soil or on plants, sometimes in large numbers, especially 
after rain. It resembles Gordiws in its very wiry 


Gorpius and its relatives are also sometimes found 
crawling on the ground, among dead leaves, &c., especially 



A land Planarian, Geoplana 
fryi, natural size. [TURBEL- 

in wet forest districts. 

OxicocHm®Ta (Harthworms and 
their allies) are abundant every- 
where in damp soil, under stones, 
or among rotting vegetation, some- 
times even in the accumulated 
water and vegetable débris in 
hollows in the branches of trees. 
Many species are very small and 
inconspicuous. ‘The earthworms 
may be obtained by digging, but 
many of them emerge from, their 
burrows after rain, and may then 
be collected, while some species 
habitually lie with part of their 
bodies out of their holes at night, 
except in frosty weather or bright 
moonlight. They may be caught 
with forceps when found in this 
position, but are very sensitive to 
light and vibration, and dart back 
into their burrows with astonishing 
speed if disturbed. 

Land-leeches occur chiefly in 
the tropics, lying in wait for their 
vertebrate prey, either on the 
ground or on forest undergrowth, 
always provided that the situation 
is moist. They often attack man 
and domestic animals passing 
through such places. 

(ii) Marine localities.* 
(a) Parasites. As on land and in 

fresh water, all kinds of mammals, 
birds, reptiles, and fishes may be 
examined for PLATYHELMINTHES, 
HirupINnEA (see Synopsis). The 
last-named are not always attached 
to their hosts (usually fishes),. but 
may be found free in the water, or 
on stones and weeds. 

*Much valuable information about the collection and preservation of 
Marine organisms will be found in a most useful book, ‘‘ Science of the Sea,” 
issued by the Challenger Society. London: John Murray. 6s. 



It is also worth while to examine the gills and body- 
cavities of crustacea (crabs, &c.), for larval NemaropEs 
and TREMATODES, and the various cavities of shell-fish 
for larval TremMatopEs, and their empty shells for 

Free-living forms in the water 
or on shore. 

TINES (see Fig. 15) are 
numerous, being generally 
found under stones between 
tide-marks or dredged in 
shallow water. The NemEr- 
TINES are often in tangled 
masses. Hmpty shells should 
be examined for them, and also 
sea-weeds. Some Nemertines & 
make gelatinous tubes, or even 
burrows in the mud. Pelagic 
Nemertines, swimming freely 
at the surface, are very rare. 

Free-living NEMATODES are 
known in the sea, but many 
more no doubt remain to be 

A single NrmatomorrH, 
Nectonema, has sometimes been 
caught by the tow-net swim- 
ming at the surface. 

PotycHmTa (see Figs. 8, 9, 
and 16, and p. 7) are very 
abundant. Unless dredging 
operations can be carried out, 
they are best obtained by shore- 
collecting at low tide. The 
burrowing kinds often betray 
their presence by leaving es 
“casts”? of sand which has FIGURE Li. 
passed through the alimentary Nemertine, Hunemertes gracilis, 
canal on the surface of the ily twisted position. [NEMER- 
ground, and may be obtained Cian! 
by digging in such spots. 

GEPHYREA (see Fig. 10) will, as a rule, only be 
obtained by dredging, but a few may be found between 
tide-marks, burying themselves in mud, or forming tubes, 
or tubular excavations in soft rock. Some live as ‘‘ com- 
mensals ” with corals or sea-urchins, or in empty shells. 


OLIGOCHETA are rare on the shore, but a few forms 
have been found among seaweed above high-water mark, 
and some small species are partly marine. 

For LrencHes, cf. i (a), p. 14. 

For PHORONIDEA, see p. 8. 

IJNTEROPNEUSTA (see Fig. 17) may be looked for 
on sandy shores at extreme low-tide mark. They 

Hermione hystrix, one of the spiny 
Polychetes. reluted to the “sea- 
mouse”; slightly enlarged. [CH#- 

form large sand-casts, resembling those of Polychetes, 
and they may be found by digging in the neighbourhood: 
of these casts. They must be handled with great care 

(see p. 9). 


Acetic ACID, GLACIAL (see “ Herries Sublimate’”’). Only a 
very small quantity of this will be required. Its use is to 
counteract the shrinkage of tissues, caused by solutions containing 
corrosive sublimate. A few drops added to the solutions are 

Anconon. The best is “pure spirit,’ which can often be 
obtained more easily abroad than in England, where the heavy 
duty makes its price almost prohibitive. For 
export only it may be obtained from English 
firms at about 2s, 6d. per gallon, or 10s. for a 
10-gallon drum (retur nable). The strength of 
the spirit as purchased should be about 90 per 
cent. For most purposes a strength of 70 
per cent. is sufficient for use; this is obtained 
by adding 70 volumes of the 90 per cent. 
spirit to 20 volumes of water. Similarly, a 
50 per cent. solution is obtained by diluting 
50 volumes of 90 per cent. spit with 40 
volumes of water 

Ordinary “‘ methylated” spirit can be used 
for some animals, but cannot be diluted, as a 
white precipitate is formed on addition of 
water. For delicate marine animals it is 
quite useless. What is known as Industrial 
methylated spirit is, however, suitable for 
preserving specimens. In. England it can 
only be obtained by special permit from the 
Customs authorities, and only in considerable 

Sudden changes in the strength of this 
reagent should be avoided. Thus if it be 
desired to transfer specimens from corrosive 
sublimate to alcohol, they should be placed, 
after washing with water, in a weak solution 
of alcohol before being transferred to stronger 

Cutorat Hyprarr (Crystals), used for ee es 
narecotizing certain kinds of worms (e.4. auisseeg ape eatl 
Nemertines) before killing them, so as to diameters.  [ENTERO- 
cause them to die expanded. A few of the . 
crystals may be added to the sea-water, or the animals may be 
placed in a 1 per cent. solution of the substance made up in sea 

water. Further remarks about narcotizing are made on page 21. 


Corrosive SuBpuimate (HgCl,). A saturated solution of this 
exceedingly poisonous substance in fresh water (or sea-water for 
marine animals) is a very useful killing and preserving fluid. Its 
action is extremely rapid, and is made even more so by heating. 
The solution is best made by putting more of the crystals in a 
vessel of water than will dissolve; but as solution takes place 
slowly the mixture should be made some hours before it is likely 
to be wanted. As the solution is used more water can be added 
at intervals. So long as some of the crystals remain undissolved 
the solution will remain “saturated.” For delicate specimens 
which are not calcareous it is useful to add a few drops of glacial 
acetic acid to the solution. Steel instruments should not be 
brought into contact with solutions of corrosive sublimate. 

Objects hardened with corrosive sublimate should be soaked 
for some hours in, water or, better, in iodised alcohol (alcohol 
70 per cent. 100 parts; tincture of iodine 2°5 parts) before being 
placed in alcohol for keeping. Otherwise the sublimate may 
crystallise out in the tissues, and spoil the specimens, when 
subsequently mounted for the microscope. 

N.B.—The saturated solution of sublimate looks exactly like 
plain water, and the bottle containing it should be labelled 
‘“« Poison.” 

FormMAuiIn. The commercial formalin as bought is a solution 
of the gaseous compound formaldehyde in water. Its strength is 
about 40 per cent. For use it may be diluted with several times 
its bulk of water; hence it is very convenient for certain purposes, 
owing to its portability. It is also much cheaper than spirit. The 
strength most convenient for preserving animals is a 10 per cent. 
solution of formalin (or, which is the same thing, a 4 per cent. 
solution of formaldehyde). This is made by diluting one volume 
of commercial formalin with 9 volumes of water. After haying 
been preserved in this solution specimens may be kept in a 
weaker one—say 5 per cent. (5 parts commercial formalin to 
95 of water). 

Note.—As formalin does not give good results with many kinds 
of animals, some caution must be used in employing it. It 
is advisable not to preserve all the specimens of a kind in 
it, but to keep some in alcohol. Further, formalin contains a 
certain amount of acid, which is injurious to animals with 
calcareous structures, such as worms with calcareous tubes, or 
jaws in which the hardening matter is calcareous. Hence 
Polycheetes should generally be preserved in alcohol rather than 
in formalin. For marine animals the formalin may be diluted 
with sea-water instead of with fresh water—an advantage which 
this reagent has over alcohol. N.B.—Formalin should not be 
used for preserving Nematodes, as it is liable to cause the 
specimens to burst. 


GLYCcERINE. This may be used, with special precautions, to 
preserve the natural colour of an animal. But as this reagent 
produces strong shrinkage in the tissues, it is essential to transfer 
the specimen into it gradually. This can be done by using 
successively stronger solutions of glycerine. The specimen may 
first be placed in a 10 per cent. solution of formalin containing a smal/ 
quantity of glycerine. After a suitable interval (perhaps half an 
hour) the specimen, now hardened by the formalin, may be placed 
in a stronger solution of glycerine in water; and this process 
must be repeated each time with an increasing strength of 
glycerine. If the colour is not too fugitive, the specimen may be 
hardened in alcohol for a short time, transferred to a dilute 
solution of glycerine in alcohol, and then left in an open dish for 
the glycerine to concentrate itself by evaporation. In a hot, dry 
climate a formalin solution of glycerine might be allowed to 
concentrate itself in the same way. 

Whatever method is adopted, the specimen should be brought 
into glycerine of full strength before the colour is lost. 

TopINE, TINCTURE OF. A small quantity of this will be useful 
(see “ Corrosive Sublimate ”’). 

Soptum CHLORIDE (common salt). A weak solution of this 
substance should always be kept ready to hand for the preliminary 
washing of parasitic worms. 1 gramme of salt dissolved in 99 
cubic centimetres of water will give the required strength (or about 
1 oz. in 5 pints). 


A few dissecting instruments will be required by those who 
intend to look for parasites. They need not be many or costly, 
but the following would be indispensable :— 

Forceps.—Two or three pairs of various sizes, including one 

large and strong pair, and one with slender points. 

Scissors.—A large strong pair for cutting open animals (some- 

times better than a knife). One or two pairs of smaller 
dissecting scissors. 

Scalpels.—Three or four of different sizes and shapes. 

Needles.—A few of different sizes mounted in wooden handles. 

Camel's hair brushes.—One or two. 

Glass vessels.—Specimen tubes, with corks, of various sizes, 

will be required, and can be obtained cheaply from dealers 
in natural history requisites. 


For larger specimens any kind of wide-mouthed bottles 
with sound corks or stoppers will do, but perhaps the best 
are those with screwed-on metal lids and rubber rings. 

Tins, closed by soldering, may be used for specimens in spirit. 
They should under no circumstances be employed for 
specimens in formalin, which corrodes the metal. 

Glass ptpettes—Fitted with rubber caps, are useful for 
picking up and transferring small specimens. ‘“ Dipping 
tubes,” or straight pieces of glass tubing, with their cut 
edges rounded by placing for a few seconds in a flame, are 
useful for similar purposes, especially for capturing small 
creatures contained in deep vessels of water. (The method 
of using a dipping tube is as follows: close one end with a 
finger, and bring the other end down into the water until 
close to the specimen. Then remove the finger, when 
water will rush up the tube, carrying the specimen with it. 
Replace the finger over the upper end of the tube, and 
withdraw the tube from the vessel.) 

Test-tubes.—A few of these will be useful in cleaning speci- 
mens, as described below. 

Dishes.—Shallow glass or porcelain dishes may be used for 
containing the fluids in which specimens are to be killed or 
washed, but an ordinary saucer, plate, or other such vessel 
will serve most purposes equally well. Hnamelled iron 
vessels are particularly useful when travelling—e.g. for 
heating the alcohol with which Nematodes are to be 
preserved. For this purpose they need only be wide 
enough to allow the specimens to be straightened out, 
and should not be too shallow, in order to lessen the 
possibility of the spirit being set on fire. 


CLEANING, Having collected the specimens, the first thing to 
do is to clean them from foreign matter, which may be difficult to 
remove after they have been killed. 

All parasitic worms may be washed by shaking in the 1 per 
cent. salt solution. Nematodes and Trematodes can be shaken up 
vigorously in a test-tube without damage, but care must be taken 
with Tapeworms, which are very fragile. In some cases, such as 
Cheetopods, a soft camel’s hair brush may be used to remove 
particles of sand, ete., which cling to their bodies, especially if they 


are very bristly. Water alone may be used for the washing if 
salt solution cannot be had, but specimens, especially Nematodes, 
must not be left long in it. 

Kinurne. After washing, the specimens must be killed with 
some reagent which leaves them in a suitable condition for 
subsequent examination—7.e. which “fixes” their tissues in a 
condition as nearly as possible approaching that of life. 

The+ most generally useful reagent is Corrosive Sublimate 
(see list of reagents). The effect is more instantaneous if the 
solution be heated, and the animals then plunged into it; but it 
may also very well be used cold. . An hour or two in this solution 
will be long enough for the largest specimens; for smaller ones a 
few minutes will suffice. For necessary treatment after corrosive 
sublimate, see this heading in the list of reagents. 

Formalin (10 per cent. solution) is also good for most 
parasites, except for Nematodes, but it cannot be recommended 
for the majority of marine worms; specimens left in this reagent 
for 24 hours can then be transferred to the weaker solution, or to 

For killing parasitic worms, see also other methods given below. 

Narcotizine. As it is desirable to get the animals to die in an 
expanded condition, it is useful in some cases to anzsthetize them 
before killing. This is especially the case with Nemertines, and 
worms which live in tubes. They may be placed for from 
6 to 12 hours in a solution of chloral hydrate in sea water 
(1 per cent.), or a few of the crystals may be simply added to the 
sea water in which they lie. When fully extended and showing 
no sign of sensation, they may be preserved with formalin or 
alcohol. Cocaine may be used with advantage instead of chloral 

Another method is to place the worms in a shallow dish of sea 
water, and gently pour about ,, part of strong alcohol on the 
surface. This will slowly mix with the water and anesthetize 
the animals gradually. They can then be transferred to alcohol 
to harden, and preserved in it. 

Some of the free-living Polycheta must be treated in this way, 
or they will break themselves into a number of little pieces when a 
killing reagent is added. 

Note.—In tropical countries narcotizing is sometimes found 
difficult, owing to the fact that decomposition sets -in before the 
aneesthetic has had time to take effect. In such cases the alcohol 
method will be found to give better results than chloral hydrate. 


SpeciAL Metuops For Parasitic Worms. 

After washing thoroughly as above directed,* kill by plunging 
each separately into a quantity of hot 70 per cent. alcohol. A 
temperature of 50°-60° C. is high enough. 

N.B.—Care must be used, as the vapour given off is highly 
inflammable.) The advantage of this method is that the worms 
should die in a straight position. 

After being killed in this way the worms are to be stored in 
fresh 70% alcohol (never in formalin). 


After the first shaking up in salt solution the dirty liquid is 
poured off, and a small quantity of fresh salt solution introduced. 
The worms are shaken vigorously in this, and an equal quantity 
of saturated solution of corrosive sublimate added quickly, the 
shaking being then continued for several minutes. This should 
kill and fix the worms in an extended position. They may be left 
in the fluid for several days, or transferred at once to water, in 
which, in any case, they should be washed for about twelve hours. 
After this they may be stored in 70% alcohol as usual. 

[Formalin may be used instead of corrosive sublimate, in a 
solution of 10% strength, followed by a weaker solution (about 3%) - 
as a storing fluid. ] 


Wash gently in salt solution ;f then fix in a solution containing 
equal parts of saturated corrosive sublimate and 70% alcohol, to 
which add a few drops of glacial acetic acid—the whole heated 
to about 50°C. The Tapeworms should remain in the fixing 
fluid till it is cold; they are then washed gently in running 
water for twelve hours, and stored in 70% alcohol. 


The separate small bottles containing worms should be filled 
as full as possible with the preserving fluid (alcohol or formalin), 
and damage to the specimens by shaking prevented as far as 
possible by a light packing of cotton-wool or tissue-paper. Care 
mau, “however, be taken to insert the wool in such a way that the 

* In the case of Nematodes with a mouth-capsule, a thorough shaking-up 
is necessary to remove parts of the tissues of the host, or other débris, from it. 

+ When the Tape-worms are long and tend to become much tangled they 
should be washed in a shallow dish, and picked out one by one on a splinter 
of wood (not a metal instrument) and transferred to the fixing fluid. 


small specimens cannot get entangled init. The liquid must on 
no account be allowed to dry up. When they are to be forwarded 
all the small bottles should be placed in a large, wide-mouthed 
bottle with a good sound cork or a glass stopper, or better still, 
a screwed-on lid with rubber ring. In this the small bottles 
should be packed lightly with wool, horse-hair, or soft paper 
screwed up into loose balls, and the whole filled up with 
the fluid. It is a good plan, if the large bottle or jar is well 
stoppered and protected against breakage, to leave the small 
bottles without corks, simply plugging their necks with a pellet of 
cotton-wool or a stopper of pith—e.g. elder-pith—and then stand 
them upside-down in the large jar. There is then much less risk 
of the fluid in the small bottles getting dried up, so long as there 
is plenty in the big jar. Air-bubbles in the small bottles should 
be avoided as far as possible. 

N.B.—Small bottles packed in this way, immersed in fluid, 
must have their labels imside, and not gummed on the outside. 

These ‘“ Instructions” have been drawn up by Mr. H. A. 
Baylis, Assistant, Department of Zoology. 

Srpney F. Harmer, 
Keeper of Zoology. 

Br:tisH Musrum (NaturAL History), 
Lonpon, 8.W. 
February, 1915.