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Full text of "X Window System user's guide : for X11 R3 and R4 of the X Window System"

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The Defiitive Gides 
to the X Wido  System 

Volume Three 

X Window System 
User's Guide 

ly Valcric Qucrcia 
and "l'i O'Rcilly 

O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. 

X Window System 
User's Guide 

Volume Three 

X Window System 
User's Guide 

for Xll R3 and R4 of the 
X Window System 

by Valerie Quercia and Tim O'Reilly 

O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. 

Table of Contents 


Preface ...................................................................................................................................... xxi 

Assumptions ................................................................................................................................ xxi 
Organization .............................................................................................................................. xxii 
Bulk Sales Information ............................................................................................................ xxiv 
xshowfonts.c ............................................................................................................................. xxiv 
Acknowlegements .................................................................................................................... xxiv 
Font and Character Conventions .............................................................................................. xxv 

PART ONE: Using X .......................................................................................................... l 

1 An Introduction to the X Window System ........................................................... 5 

Anatomy of an X Display .............................................................................................................. 5 
X Architecture Overview ............................................................................................................ 10 
The X Display Server .................................................................................................................. 11 
Clients ........................................................................................................................................... 12 
The Window Manager ............................................................................................................. 13 
The xterm Terminal Emulator ................................................................................................. 14 
The Display Manager .............................................................................................................. 14 
Other X Clients ........................................................................................................................ 14 
Customizing Clients ................................................................................................................ 15 

2 Getting Started ............................................................................................................... 19 

If X is Being Started Automatically ........................................................................................... 19 
Starting X Manually .................................................................................................................... 22 
Starting the First xterm Window ............................................................................................ 22 
Bringing Up the Window Manager ........................................................................................ 23 
Starting a Second xterm Window ............................................................................................... 23 
Exiting from an xterm Window .................................................................................................. 25 
Special Keys ................................................................................................................................. 26 
How a Client Looks and Behaves: Application Defaults ........................................................ 26 
Starting Other Clients .................................................................................................................. 27 
Running a Client on Another Machine ...................................................................................... 28 
Where to Go From Here .............................................................................................................. 30 

3 Using the twm Window Manager .......................................................................... 33 

Starting the Window Manager .................................................................................................... 34 
Titlebars ........................................................................................................................................ 34 
The Twm Menu ............................................................................................................................ 35 
Displaying Windows as Icons ................................................................................................. 36 
Resizing Windows ................................................................................................................... 38 
Moving Windows and Icons ................................................................................................... 39 
Shuffling the Window Stack: Raise and Lower .................................................................... 40 
Raising Windows (bringing in front of others) .................................................................... 41 
Lowering Windows (sending behind others) ....................................................................... 42 
Changing Keyboard Focus ...................................................................................................... 43 
Removing a Window: Delete and Kill ................................................................................... 43 
Restarting the Window Manager ............................................................................................ 44 
Exiting the Window Manager ................................................................................................. 44 
Button Control of Window Manager Functions ........................................................................ 45 
Using twm to Place Other Clients .............................................................................................. 45 
Customizing twm ......................................................................................................................... 46 
Some of My Keystrokes are Missing ......................................................................................... 46 

4 The xterm Terminal Emulator ................................................................................ 49 

The Release 4 xterm Menus ........................................................................................................ 50 
The xterm Menus at a Glance ................................................................................................. 50 
The Main Options Menu ......................................................................................................... 52 
VT Options Menu .................................................................................................................... 55 
VT Fonts Menu ........................................................................................................................ 57 
Tek Options Menu .................................................................................................................... 58 
Using the Scrollbar ...................................................................................................................... 59 
Copying and Pasting Text Selections ......................................................................................... 61 
Selecting Text to Copy ............................................................................................................ 62 
Pasting Text Selections ............................................................................................................ 64 
Manipulating Text Selections ..................................................................................................... 65 
Copying and Pasting between Release 2 and 3 Clients: xcutsel ......................................... 66 
Saving Multiple Selections: xclipboard (Release 4 Version) ............................................. 68 
Problems with Large Selections ........................................................................................... 71 
Editing Text Saved in the xclipboard ................................................................................... 71 
Release 3 xclipboard ............................................................................................................. 72 
Terminal Emulation and the xterm Terminal Type .................................................................... 73 
Resizing an xterm Window ......................................................................................................... 74 
Running a Program in a Temporary xterm Window ................................................................. 75 

5 Font Specification .......................................................................................................... 79 
Font Naming Conventions .......................................................................................................... 80 
Font Families ............................................................................................................................ 81 

Stroke Weight and Slant .......................................................................................................... 84 
Font Sizes ................................................................................................................................. 84 
Other Information in the Font Name ...................................................................................... 87 
Font Name Wildcarding .............................................................................................................. 88 
The Font Search Path ................................................................................................................... 90 
The fonts.dir Files .................................................................................................................... 91 
Font Name Aliasing ..................................................................................................................... 93 
Making the Server Aware of Aliases ................................................................................... 95 
Utilities for Displaying Information about Fonts ...................................................................... 95 
The Font Displayer: xfd ......................................................................................................... 95 
Release 3 xfd .......................................................................................................................... 97 
Previewing and Selecting Fonts: xfontsel ............................................................................. 98 
Previewing Fonts with the xfontsel Menus .......................................................................... 98 
Selecting a Font Name ........................................................................................................ 102 
Changing Fonts in xterm Windows .......................................................................................... 102 
The Great Escape ................................................................................................................. 102 
The Selection Menu Item .................................................................................................... 104 
Release 2 versus Subsequent Release Fonts ............................................................................ 104 
Font Specification in Release 2 ............................................................................................ 104 

6 Graphics Utilities ......................................................................................................... 109 

Creating Icons and Other Bitmaps ........................................................................................... 109 
Bitmap Editing Commands ................................................................................................... 111 
Pointer Commands ............................................................................................................... 112 
Bitmap Command Boxes .................................................................................................... 112 
Acting on the Entire Grid: Clear All, Set All, Invert All ................................................. 112 
Acting on an Area: Clear Area, Set Area, Invert Area .................................................... 114 
Copy Area, Move Area, Overlay Area ............................................................................... 115 
Drawing: Line, Circle, Filled Circle ................................................................................. 116 
Filling in a Shape: Flood Fill ............................................................................................. 117 
Hot Spots: Set Hot Spot, Clear Hot Spot .......................................................................... 117 
Saving and Quitting: Write Output, Quit .......................................................................... 117 
Creating a Bitmap from a Cursor ......................................................................................... 119 
Magnifying Portions of the Screen: xmag .......................................................................... 122 
Quitting xmag ...................................................................................................................... 123 
What xmag Shows You ....................................................................................................... 123 
Dynamically Choosing a Different Source Area ............................................................... 125 

7 Other Clients .................................................................................................................. 129 

Desk Accessories ....................................................................................................................... 129 
Clock Programs: xclock and oclock .................................................................................... 130 
A Scientific Calculator: xcalc .............................................................................................. 132 
Terminating the calculator .................................................................................................. 133 
Mail Notification Client: xbiff ............................................................................................. 133 

Monitoring System Load Average: xload ........................................................................... 134 
Browsing Reference Pages: xman ....................................................................................... 135 
Release 3 xman .................................................................................................................... 138 
Printing Utilities: xwd, xpr, xdpr ............................................................................................. 140 
Killing a Client Window with xkill .......................................................................................... 141 
Problems with Killing a Client ............................................................................................. 142 
Window and Display Information Clients ............................................................................... 144 
Displaying Information about a Window: xwininfo .......................................................... 144 
Listing the Window Tree: xlswins ....................................................................................... 146 
Listing the Currently Running Clients: xlsclients .............................................................. 148 
Generating Information about the Display: xdpyinfo ........................................................ 149 
User-contributed Clients ........................................................................................................... 150 
X Toolkit Applications .............................................................................................................. 150 
Dialog Boxes and Command Buttons .................................................................................. 151 
Scrollbars ................................................................................................................................ 152 
Selecting Information for Copying and Pasting .................................................................. 152 
Vertical Panes ......................................................................................................................... 153 
Viewports ............................................................................................................................... 154 
Text Editing Widget ............................................................................................................... 154 

PART TWO: Customizing X ...................................................................................... 159 
8 Command Line Options ........................................................................................... 163 

Which Display to Run On ......................................................................................................... 164 
Title and Name ........................................................................................................................... 165 
Window Geometry ..................................................................................................................... 166 
Border Width .............................................................................................................................. 168 
Color Specification .................................................................................................................... 169 
The rgb.txt File ....................................................................................................................... 169 
Release 4 Color Names ......................................................................................................... 170 
Release 3 Color Names ......................................................................................................... 172 
Alternative Release 4 Color Databases ................................................................................ 172 
Hexadecimal Color Specification ......................................................................................... 172 
The RGB Color Model ........................................................................................................ 173 
How Many Colors are Available? ...................................................................................... 174 
Starting a Client Window as an Icon ........................................................................................ 176 
Specifying Fonts on the Command Line .................................................................................. 176 
Reverse Video ............................................................................................................................ 177 

9 Setting Resources ......................................................................................................... 181 

Resource Naming Syntax .......................................................................................................... 182 
Syntax of Toolkit Client Resources ...................................................................................... 183 
Tight Bindings and Loose Bindings ..................................................................................... 184 
Instances and Classes ............................................................................................................ 184 


Precedence Rules for Resource Specification ..................................................................... 185 
Some Common Resources .................................................................................................... 187 
Event Translations ..................................................................................................................... 188 
The Syntax of Event Translations ......................................................................................... 189 
xterm Translations to Use xclipboard ................................................................................. 191 
How to Set Resources ................................................................................................................ 192 
A Sample Resources File ...................................................................................................... 193 
Specifying Resources from the Command Line .................................................................. 194 
The-xrm Option .................................................................................................................. 194 
The -name Option ............................................................................................................... 194 
Setting Resources with xrdb ..................................................................................................... 195 
Querying the Resource Database ......................................................................................... 196 
Loading New Values into the Resource Database .............................................................. 196 
Saving Active Resource Definitions in a File ...................................................................... 197 
Removing Resource Definitions ........................................................................................... 197 
Listing the Current Resources for a Client: appres ............................................................ 198 
Other Sources of Resource Definition .................................................................................. 199 

10 Customizing the twm Window Manager ....................................................... 203 

Seuing .twmrc Variables ........................................................................................................... 205 
Button/Key Bindings ................................................................................................................. 206 
Pointer Buttons ...................................................................................................................... 206 
Keys ........................................................................................................................................ 207 
Context ................................................................................................................................... 207 
Function Names ..................................................................................................................... 208 
Action ..................................................................................................................................... 208 
Defining Menus .......................................................................................................................... 209 
Submenus ............................................................................................................................... 210 
Executing System Commands from a Menu ........................................................................ 211 
Color Menus ........................................................................................................................... 212 
A Complete Revamp of twm .................................................................................................... 213 

11 Setup Clients ................................................................................................................ 219 

xset: Setting Display and Keyboard Preferences ................................................................... 219 
Keyboard Bell ...................................................................................................................... 219 
Bug Compatibility Mode .................................................................................................... 220 
Keyclick Volume ................................................................................................................. 220 
Enabling or Disabling Auto-repeat .................................................................................... 221 
Changing or Rehashing the Font Path ................................................................................ 221 
Keyboard LEDs .................................................................................................................... 221 
Pointer Acceleration ............................................................................................................ 222 
Screen Saver ......................................................................................................................... 222 
Color Definition ................................................................................................................... 223 
Help with xset Options ........................................................................................................ 223 

xsetroot: Setting Root Window Characteristics ..................................................................... 224 
Setting Root Window Patterns .............................................................................................. 224 
Foreground, Background Color and Reverse Video ........................................................... 225 
Changing the Root Window Pointer .................................................................................... 226 
xmodmap: Modifier Key and Pointer Customization ............................................................ 227 
Keycodes and Keysyms ......................................................................................................... 229 
Procedure to Map Modifier Keys ......................................................................................... 230 
Displaying the Current Modifier Key Map .......................................................................... 230 
Determining the Default Key Mappings .............................................................................. 231 
Matching Keysyms with Physical Keys Using xev ............................................................. 232 
Changing the Map with xmodmap ....................................................................................... 233 
Expressions to Change the Key Map ................................................................................. 234 
Key Mapping Examples ...................................................................................................... 235 
Displaying and Changing the Pointer Map .......................................................................... 236 

PART THREE: Client Reference Pages ............................................................... 239 

PART FOUR: Appendices ........................................................................................... 521 

A System Management ................................................................................................. 525 

Including X in Your Search Path .............................................................................................. 526 
Setting the Terminal Type ......................................................................................................... 526 
A Startup Shell Script ................................................................................................................ 527 
What Should Go in the Script ............................................................................................... 527 
Starting X ................................................................................................................................... 531 
Starting X with the Display Manager, xdm (Release 4) ..................................................... 531 
Getting Started with xdm on a Single Display .................................................................. 532 
Setting Up the Configuration File and Other Special Files .............................................. 532 
The Standard Login Session ............................................................................................... 535 
Customizing xdm ................................................................................................................... 536 
The Xservers File ................................................................................................................. 537 
The Xsession File and .xsession Scripts ............................................................................. 538 
The Xresources File ............................................................................................................. 538 
The Error Log File ............................................................................................................... 539 
The xdm-pid File (Release 4 Only) .................................................................................... 539 
Xstartup and Xreset ............................................................................................................. 539 
Security and the authorize Resource (Release 4 Only) .................................................... 539 
Stopping xdm and the Server ................................................................................................ 540 
X Terminals and the XDM Control Protocol (Release 4) ................................................... 540 
Release 3 xdm ........................................................................................................................ 541 
Release 3 Special Files and the Config File ........................................................................ 541 
Customizing the Release 3 xdm ........................................................................................... 542 
Managing Multiple Displays: the Release 3 Xservers File ............................................. 543 
Release 3 .xsession Scripts .................................................................................................. 544 

Release 3 Xresources File ................................................................................................... 544 
Release 3 Xstartup and Xreset ............................................................................................ 544 
Starting X with xinit .............................................................................................................. 545 
An Older Method of Starting X: /etc/ttys ........................................................................... 545 
Server Access Control ............................................................................................................... 547 
Host-based Access and the xhost Client .............................................................................. 547 
User-based Access: xdm and the .Xauthority File (Release 4) ......................................... 548 
Font Management ...................................................................................................................... 549 
Console Messages ...................................................................................................................... 550 
Log Files ..................................................................................................................................... 550 
Changing the Color Name Database ........................................................................................ 550 

B The uwm Window Manager .................................................................................. 555 

Starting the Window Manager .................................................................................................. 556 
The WindowOps Menu ............................................................................................................. 556 
Creating New Terminal Windows ........................................................................................ 558 

C The OSF/Motif Window Manager ..................................................................... 591 

Getting Started with mwm ........................................................................................................ 591 
Starting mwm ............................................................................................................................. 592 
Selecting the Window to Receive Input .................................................................................. 592 
Manipulating Windows with the mwm Window Frame ......................................................... 594 
Moving a Window: The Title Area ..................................................................................... 594 
Minimizing (Iconifying) and Maximizing a Window ........................................................ 596 
The Minimize Button .......................................................................................................... 596 
The Maximize Button .......................................................................................................... 597 
Raising a Window .................................................................................................................. 598 
Resizing a Window ................................................................................................................ 599 
The Window Menu Button: Display a Menu or Close the Window .................................. 602 
Manipulating Windows Using the Window Menu .............................................................. 602 
Changing the Window Location: Move ............................................................................ 604 
Resizing the Window: Size ................................................................................................ 605 
Iconifying the Window: Minimize .................................................................................... 605 
Changing to the Maximum Size: Maximize ..................................................................... 606 
Moving a Window to the Bottom of the Stack: Lower .................................................... 606 
Removing a Window: Close .............................................................................................. 606 
Restoring a Maximized Window or an Icon: Restore ...................................................... 607 
Manipulating Icons .................................................................................................................... 607 
Manipulating Icons Using the Window Menu .................................................................... 607 
The Root Menu .......................................................................................................................... 608 
Customizing mwm ..................................................................................................................... 610 
Activating Changes to the Window Manager ..................................................................... 611 
The system.mwmrc File ........................................................................................................ 612 
mwm Functions .................................................................................................................... 614 


Menu Specifications ............................................................................................................ 615 
Key Bindings ........................................................................................................................ 616 
Button Bindings ................................................................................................................... 617 
Customizing the Root Menu ............................................................................................... 619 
Creating New Menus ........................................................................................................... 620 
Cascading Menus ................................................................................................................. 620 
Setting mwm Resources ........................................................................................................ 622 
Component Appearance Resources .................................................................................... 623 
mwm-Specific Appearance and Behavior Resources ....................................................... 624 
Client-Specific Resources ................................................................................................... 624 
Setting the Focus Policy ...................................................................................................... 625 
Using an Icon Box ............................................................................................................... 626 

D Standard Cursors ....................................................................................................... 633 

E Release 3 and 4 Standard Fonts ........................................................................... 639 

F xterm Control Sequences ........................................................................................ 681 

xterm Control Sequences .......................................................................................................... 681 
Definitions .............................................................................................................................. 681 
VT102 Mode .......................................................................................................................... 681 
Tektronix 4014 Mode ............................................................................................................ 688 

G Standard Bitmaps ...................................................................................................... 693 

H Translation Table Syntax ........................................................................................ 697 

Event Types and Modifiers ........................................................................................................ 697 
Detail Field ............................................................................................................................. 699 
Modifiers ................................................................................................................................ 700 
Complex Translation Examples ............................................................................................ 700 

Glossary ................................................................................................................................. 705 

Index ......................................................................................................................................... 711 



X display with five windows and an icon ............................................................................ 6 
Some standard cursors .......................................................................................................... 8 
Focus on an xterm window ................................................................................................... 9 
Twm menu on the root window .......................................................................................... 10 
A display made up of two physical screens ...................................................................... 11 
A sample X Window System configuration ...................................................................... 12 
Workstation with login xterm window on the root window ............................................. 20 
xdm login window ............................................................................................................... 21 
xterm window with login prompt ....................................................................................... 21 
Placing a second xterm window ......................................................................................... 24 
Two xterm windows ............................................................................................................ 24 
The oclock display .............................................................................................................. 28 
Monitoring activity on two systems with xload ................................................................ 29 
Anatomy of a twm titlebar .................................................................................................. 35 
Twm menu ........................................................................................................................... 36 
The login window is about to become an icon .................................................................. 37 
The login window is about to be deiconified .................................................................... 37 
Resizing a window .............................................................................................................. 39 
Moving windows or icons .................................................................................................. 40 
One xterm window overlapping another ........................................................................... 41 
Raising a window ................................................................................................................ 42 
The Release 4 xterm menus ................................................................................................ 51 
The Main Options menu ..................................................................................................... 52 
Reverse video is enabled when the keyboard is secure .................................................... 54 
The VT Options menu ......................................................................................................... 56 
VT Fonts menu .................................................................................................................... 57 
The Tek Options menu ........................................................................................................ 59 
An xterm window with a scrollbar ..................................................................................... 60 
Highlighted text saved as the PRIMARY selection ........................................................... 63 

4-9 Pasting text into an open file .............................................................................................. 64 
4-10 An xcutsel window ............................................................................................................ 67 
4-11 The xclipboard window .................................................................................................... 68 
4-12 Selected text appears automatically in the xclipboard window .................................... 69 
4-13 xclipboard with scrollbars to view large text selection .................................................. 71 
4-14 The Release 3 xclipboard window ................................................................................... 72 
5-1 Font name, Releases 3 and 4 .............................................................................................. 81 

5-2 The major commercial font families available in the standard X distribution ............... 82 
5-3 Miscellaneous fonts for xterm text .................................................................................... 83 
5-4 The same fonts in different weights and slants ................................................................. 85 
5-5 The same font in six different point sizes .......................................................................... 85 
5-6 The 100-dpi version of a 24-point font appears larger on a 75-dpi monitor ................... 86 
5-7 Fixed font, 6x13 pixels ....................................................................................................... 96 
5-8 xfontsel window displaying 7x13 bold font ...................................................................... 99 


5-9 xfontsel window with foundry menu displayed .............................................................. 100 
5-10 xfontsel after choosing Adobe from the foundry menu ............................................... 100 
5-11 Default font, fixed ........................................................................................................... 106 
6-1 Bitmap window ................................................................................................................. 110 
6-2 Gumby bitmap ................................................................................................................... 111 
6-3 Clearing all ........................................................................................................................ 112 
6-4 Setting all ........................................................................................................................... 113 
6-5 Inverting all ....................................................................................................................... 113 
6-6 Selecting an area to clear, set, or invert ........................................................................... 114 
6-7 Selecting an area to copy, move, or overlay ................................................................... 115 
6-8 Selecting center and radius of circle ................................................................................ 116 
6-9 Bitmap window with quit dialog box .............................................................................. 118 
6-10 ASCII array representing the pound sign ...................................................................... 119 
6-11 /tmp/gumby.array ............................................................................................................ 120 
6-12 Bitmap of the Gumby cursor .......................................................................................... 121 
6-13 gumby.array padded by hyphens .................................................................................... 121 
6-14 xmag window displaying magnified screen area .......................................................... 123 
6-15 Displaying pixel statistics with xmag ............................................................................ 124 
7-1 Two xclock displays: analog clock above digital clock ................................................. 130 
7-2 oclock display .................................................................................................................... 131 
7-3 Oblong oclock display ...................................................................................................... 131 
7-4 The default xcalc (TI-30 mode) on the screen ................................................................ 132 
7-5 xbiff before and after mail is received ............................................................................. 134 
7-6 A sample xload window ................................................................................................... 134 
7-7 Initial xman window ......................................................................................................... 135 
7-8 Xman Options menu ......................................................................................................... 136 
7-9 cd reference page displayed in xman window ................................................................ 137 
7-10 Xman Sections menu ...................................................................................................... 138 
7-11 Release 3 Xman Options menu ...................................................................................... 139 
7-12 Selecting the window to be removed ............................................................................. 142 
7-13 Window information displayed by xwininfo ................................................................ 145 
7-14 Window tree displayed by xlswins ................................................................................ 147 
7-15 Window tree with geometry specifications ................................................................... 147 
7-16 Long xlsclients listing ..................................................................................................... 149 
7-17 A dialog box with Yes, No, and Cancel command buttons .......................................... 151 
7-18 An xterm window with scrollbar ................................................................................... 153 
7-19 Vertical panes and grips in the xmh client .................................................................... 154 
7-20 xman uses a viewport widget ......................................................................................... 155 
8-1 Window offsets .................................................................................................................. 167 
8-2 Multiple planes used to index a colormap ....................................................................... 175 
9-1 Selected text appears automatically in the xclipboard window .................................... 192 
9-2 A sample resources file ..................................................................................................... 193 
11-1 Partial keymap table ....................................................................................................... 232 
11-2 xev window ..................................................................................................................... 233 
11-3 Pointer map ...................................................................................................................... 237 
A-1 Display after running sample script ................................................................................ 530 
A-2 Default xdm-config file, Release 4 .................................................................................. 533 
A-3 Default xdm-config file, Release 3 .................................................................................. 542 


Typical Xservers file for a workstation, Release 3 ........................................................ 542 
WindowOps menu ............................................................................................................ 557 
A default-size xterm window .......................................................................................... 558 
A custom-size xterm window .......................................................................................... 559 
A maximum-height xterm window ................................................................................. 560 
Moving windows or icons ................................................................................................ 561 
Resizing a window ........................................................................................................... 562 
One xterm window overlapping another ........................................................................ 563 
Raising a window ............................................................................................................. 564 

B-9 The login window is about to become an icon ............................................................... 566 
B-10 The login window is about to be deiconified ................................................................ 567 
B- 11 Preferences menu ............................................................................................................ 571 
C-1 mwm is running on the display ........................................................................................ 593 
C-2 An xterm window running with the OSF/Motif window manager ............................... 594 
C-3 Moving a window by dragging the title area .................................................................. 595 
C-4 Converting a window to an icon with the Minimize button .......................................... 596 
C-5 xterm window icon under mwm ...................................................................................... 597 
C-6 Maximizing a window ..................................................................................................... 598 
C-7 The outer frame is divided into four long borders and four corners ............................. 599 
C-8 Window with resizing pointer ......................................................................................... 600 
C-9 Resizing pointer symbols ................................................................................................. 600 
C-10 Dragging the corner to make a window larger ............................................................. 601 
C-I 1 The Window Menu ......................................................................................................... 603 
C-12 The mwm Root Menu .................................................................................................... 609 
C-13 An arrow pointing to the right indicates a submenu .................................................... 621 
C-14 Utilities submenu of the Root Menu ............................................................................. 622 
C-15 An icon box ..................................................................................................................... 626 
C-16 In the resized icon box, only three icons are visible .................................................... 628 
C-17 Packlcons menu item rearranges icons in resized box ................................................ 628 
D-1 The Standard Cursors ....................................................................................................... 635 
G-1 The Standard Bitmaps ...................................................................................................... 694 



Subsection of the Release 4 fonts.dir file in/usr/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi .......................... 92 
Sample fonts.alias file entries ............................................................................................. 93 
Sample resources ............................................................................................................... 187 
The system.twmrc file from the MIT distribution ........................................................ 203 
The Utilities menu ........................................................................................................... 209 
The Preferences menu ..................................................................................................... 210 
Window operations divided into three menus .............................................................. 210 
A Useful Commands menu ............................................................................................. 211 
A menu with color definitions ........................................................................................ 212 
Modified .twmrc file ........................................................................................................ 214 
Startup Bourne shell script .............................................................................................. 528 
The system.mwmrc file, Release 1.0 ............................................................................... 612 
xshowfont source listing .................................................................................................. 674 




Keyboard Shortcuts for Window Manager Functions ................................................... 45 
VT Fonts Menu Defaults ................................................................................................. 58 
Button Combinations to Select Text for Copying .......................................................... 62 
Command Buttons and Functions ................................................................................... 69 
Fixed Font Aliases and Font Names ............................................................................... 83 
Essential Elements of a Font Name ................................................................................ 90 
Standard Font Directories, Releases 3 and 4 .................................................................. 91 
Fonts in the Standard Distribution, Release 2 .............................................................. 105 
Standard Options ............................................................................................................ 163 
Geometry specification x and y offsets ........................................................................ 166 
Core Toolkit Resources .................................................................................................. 187 
xdm Special Files .......................................................................................................... 533 
Window Menu Actions on an Icon .............................................................................. 608 
Resource Names Corresponding to mwm Components ............................................. 623 
Standard Cursor Symbols ............................................................................................. 634 
Fonts in the misc Directory, Release 4 ......................................................................... 640 
Fonts in the 75dpi Directory, Release 4 ....................................................................... 64 1 
Fonts in the 100dpi Directory, Release 4 ..................................................................... 646 
Fonts in the misc Directory, Release 3 ......................................................................... 651 
Fonts in the 75dpi Directory, Release 3 ....................................................................... 651 
Fonts in the 100dpi Directory, Release 3 ..................................................................... 654 
Standard Bitmaps Available as of Release 4 .............................................................. 693 
Event Types and Their Abbreviations ......................................................................... 697 
Key Modifiers ................................................................................................................ 699 
Event Modifiers and their Meanings ............................................................................ 700 



By convention, a preface introduces the book itself, while the introduction 
starts in on the subject matter. You should read through the preface to get 
an idea of how the book is organized, the conventions it follows, and so on. 

In The Preface: 

Assumptions ......................................................................................... xxi 
Organization ......................................................................................... xxii 
Bulk Sales Information ......................................................................... xxiv 
xshowfonts.c ....................................................................................... xxiv 
Acknowledgements ............................................................................. xxiv 
Font and Character Conventions .......................................................... xxv 


The book contains the following parts: 

Part One: Using X 

Describes the book's assumptions, audience, organization, and conventions. 

Chapter 1: An Introduction to the X Window System 
Describes the basic terminology associated with the X Window System: server, 
client, window, etc. The most important X clients are described. 

Chapter 2: Getting Started 
Shows the basics of using X: starting the server and creating the first terminal 
window; starting the window manager; adding additional windows; exiting. 
This chapter is tutorial in nature: you can follow along at a workstation as you 

Chapter 3: Using the twm Window Manager 
Describes how to use the twm window manager. This client is used to manipu- 
late windows on the screen. 

Chapter 4: The xterm Terminal Emulator 
Describes how to use the xterm terminal emulator, the most frequently-used cli- 
ent. Certain aspects of xterm operation described in this chapter, such as scrol- 
ling and "copy and paste," are common to other applications as well. 

Chapter 5: Font Specification 
Describes the somewhat complicated font naming conventions and ways to sim- 
plify font specification, including wildcarding and aliasing. Describes how to 
use the xlsfonts, xfd, and xfontsel clients to list, display, and select available dis- 
play fonts. Since the available fonts and font naming conventions changed radi- 
cally from Release 2 to Release 3, this chapter also reviews these changes. 

Chapter 6: Graphics Utilities 
Explains how to use the major graphics clients included with X, notably the bit- 
map editor. 

Chapter 7: Other Clients 
Gives an overview of other clients available with X, including window and dis- 
play information clients, the x.kill program, and several "desk accessories." 

Part Two: Customizing X 

Chapter 8: Command Line Options 
Discusses some of the command line options that are common to most clients. 

xxii X Window System User's Guide 

Chapter 9: Setting Resources 
Tells how to use create an .Xresources file, or other file, to set resources for client 
applications. This chapter also describes how to use xrdb, which saves you hav- 
ing to maintain multiple .Xresources files if you run clients on multiple 

Chapter 10: Customizing the tan Window Manager 
Describes the .twmrc file by showing the default file shipped by MIT, and then 
examining the purpose and syntax of entries. Explains various techniques for 
revising the .twmrc file to modify existing menus and create new ones. A 
revised .twmrc file is also offered for users to copy. 

Chapter 11: Setup Clients 
Describes how to set display and keyboard preferences using xset and how to set 
root window preferences using xsetroot. Demonstrates how to redefine the logi- 
cal keynames and pointer commands recognized by X using xmodmap. 

Part Three: Client Reference Pages 

Extended reference pages for all clients. 

Part Four: Appendices 

Appendix A: System Management 

Appendix B: The uwm Window Manager 

Appendix C: The OSF/MotifWindow Manager 

Appendix D: Standard Cursors 

Appendix E: Release 3 and 4 Standard Fonts 

Appendix F: xterm Control Sequences 

Appendix G: Standard Bitmaps 

Appendix H: Translation Table Syntax 



Preface xxiii 

Courier italics are used within examples or explanations of command syntax to 
show a parameter to a command that requres context-dependent 
substitution (such as a variable). For example, fil ename means 
to use some appropriate filename; opti on (s) means to use some 
appropriate option(s) to the command. 


is used to show menu titles and options. 

The following symbols are used within the X Window System User's Guide: 


surround an optional field in a command line or file entry. 
is the standard prompt from the Bourne shell, sh(1). 
is the standard prompt from the C shell, csh(1). 
is a reference to a command called name in Section 1 of the UNIX 
Reference Manual (which may have a different name depending on 
the version of UNIX you use). 

xxvi X Window System User's Guide 

Part One: 

Using X 

Part One provides an overview of the X Window System and concepts, and 
describes how to use the most important programs avaTable in the X 

An Introduction to the X Window System 
Getting Started 
Using the twm Window Manager 
The xterm Terminal Emulator 
Font Specification 
Graphics Utilities 
Other Clients 


An Introduction to the 
X Window System 

This chapter describes the features of a typical X display, while introducing 
some basic window system concepts. It also provides an overview of the X 
Window System's client-server architecture and briefly describes the most 
commonly used clients. 

In This Chapter: 

Anatomy of an X Display ......................................................................... 5 
X Architecture Overview ........................................................................ 10 
The X Display Server ............................................................................. 11 
Clients ................................................................................................... 12 
The Window Manager ........................................................................ 13 
The xterm Terminal Emulator ............................................................. 14 
The Display Manager ......................................................................... 14 
Other X Clients .................................................................................. 14 
Customizing Clients ........................................................................... 15 

An Introduction 
to the X Window System 

The X Window System, called X for short, is a network-based graphics window system that 
was developed at MIT in 1984. Several versions of X have been developed, the most recent 
of which is X Version 11 (X11), first released in 1987. 
X 11 has been adopted as an industry-standard windowing system. X is supported by a con- 
sortium of industry leaders such as DEC, Hewleu-Packard, Sun, IBM, and AT&T that have 
united to direct, contribute to, and fund its continuing development. In addition to the system 
software development directed by the X Consortium, many independent developers are pro- 
ducing application software specifically for use with X. Because X11 is a relatively new 
standard, much of this application software has yet to be released. 
First, we'll take a look at a typical X display and consider some general system features. 
Then we'll discuss what distinguishes the X Window System from other window systems. 
We'll also briefly consider some of the more important programs included in the standard 
distribution of X. 

Anatomy of an X Display 

X is typically run on a workstation with a large screen (although it also runs on PCs and spe- 
cial X terminals, as well as on many larger systems). X allows you to work with multiple 
programs simultaneously, each in a separate window. The display in Figure 1-1 includes five 
The operations performed within a window can vary gready, depending on the type of pro- 
gram running it. Certain windows accept input from the user. they may function as termi- 
nals, allow you to create graphics, etc. Other windows simply display information, such as 
the time of day or a picture of the characters in a particular font, etc. 
The windows you will probably use most frequently are terminal emulators, windows that 
function as standard terminals. The terminal emulator included with the standard release of 
X is called xterm. Figure 1-1 depicts three xterm windows. In an xterm window, you can do 
anything you might do in a regular terminal: enter commands, run editing sessions, compile 
programs, etc. 

An Introduction to the X Window System 5 


X cursor which appears in the root window. 

I-beam cursor, which appears within xterm 

Menu arrow cursor, which points at menu items 
currently selected. 

Upper left and lower right corner cursors, 
which allow interactive placement of client 
windows when using twm. 

Filled circle, which allows targeting of window to 
be acted on by twm for certain functions (setting 
focus, raising, lowering, etc.) 

Cross cursor, which is used to resize and move 
windows via twin. 

Skull and crossbones cursor, which is used to 
select the window to be removed with the Delete 
and Kill commands on the Twm menu. 

Figure 1-2. Some standard cursors 

You use the pointer to manipulate windows and icons, to make selections in menus, and to 
sclect the window in which you want to input. You can't type in an xterm window unless you 
place the pointer in that window, as in Figure 1-3. 
Directing input to a particular window is called focusing. You must be sure that the pointer 
rests in the desired window before you begin typing. The window border (if present) and text 
cursor are also highlighted when the pointer is in that window. The highlighting is a charac- 
teristic ofxterm: other applications may not highlight display features. 
The fact that input focus automatically follows the pointer is a default characteristic of the 
twm window manager. Other window managers require you to click on a window to focus 
input on that window. These two window manager focusing styles are commonly referred to 
as "real-estate-driven" (or "pointer focus") and "click-to-type." 
The most important thing to recognize is that the position of the pointer is very important to a 
real-estate-driven window manager like twm. If something doesn't work the way you expect, 
make sure that the pointer is in the right place. After you use X for a while, awareness of 
pointer position will come naturally. 
Be aware that it may take a moment for the input focus to catch up with the pointer, espe- 
cially on slower machines. If you type right away, some keystrokes may end up in the win- 
dow you left rather than in the new window. This is really a bug and happens because of the 
additional overhead involved in complex window managers like twm or mwm. It doesn't 
happen if you are using a simpler window manager like uwm. 

8 X Window System User's Guide 


Figure 1-3. Focus on an xterm window 

The pointer is also often used to display menus. Some X programs, notably twm and xterm, 
have menus that are displayed by keystrokes and/or pointer button motions. Unlike some 
window systems, which allow you to "pull down" menus from a menu bar that is always 
displayed, twm (and most X clients) support "pop-up" menus, which are displayed at the cur- 
rent pointer position. In addition to keyboard keys and pointer button motions, the location 
of the pointer also plays a role in displaying menus. For example, xterm menus can only be 
displayed when the pointer is within an xterm window. Figure 1-4 shows a twm menu called 
Twm, which is displayed by placing the pointer on the root window and holding down the 
first pointer button. 
You generally display this menu by moving the pointer to the root window and pressing and 
holding down the first pointer button. In Figure 1-4, the arrow next to the menu title repre- 
sents the pointer. As you drag the pointer down the menu, each of the menu selections is 
highlighted. Regardless of the program, you generally select a menu item by dragging the 
pointer down the menu, highlighting the item you want, and releasing the pointer button. 
With other programs, particularly several other window managers, you can display a menu 
simply by placing the pointer on a particular part of the window, e.g., a horizontal bar across 
the top. 
A final note about the X display: in X, the terms display and screen are not equivalent. A 
display may consist of more than one screen. This feature might be implemented in several 
ways. There might be two physical monitors, linked to form a single display, as shown in 
Figure 1-5. Alternatively, two screens might be defined as different ways of using the same 

An Introduction to the X Window System 9 

Personal Computer 


' Local 

Display Server 

 Large Minicomputer 

Figure 1-6. A sample X Window System configuration 

X allows you to run many clients simultaneously. For example, you could be editing a text 
file in one window, compiling a program source file in a second window, reading your mail in 
a third, all the while displaying the system load average in a fourth window. 
While X clients may display their results and take input from a single display server, they 
may each be running on a different computer on the network. It is important to note that the 
same programs may not look and act the same on different servers since there is no standard 
user interface, since users can customize X clients differently on each server, and since the 
display hardware on each server may be different. 
Several of the more frequently used client programs are discussed in the following 

12 X Window System User's Guide 


Getting Started 

This chapter shows you how to begin working if X is already running on your 
system and how to start the X server manually if X is not running. It also pro- 
vides preliminary instructions for starting the window manager, twm, and the 
xterm terminal emulator. 

In This Chapter: 

If X is Being Started Automatically ......................................................... 19 
Starting X Manually ............................................................................... 22 
Starting the First xterm Window ......................................................... 22 
Bringing Up the Window Manager ...................................................... 23 
Starting a Second xterm Window ........................................................... 23 
Exiting from an xterm Window ............................................................... 25 
Special Keys .......................................................................................... 26 
How a Client Looks and Behaves: Application Defaults ......................... 26 
Starting Other Clients ............................................................................ 27 
Running a Client on Another Machine .................................................... 28 
Where to Go From Here ........................................................................ 30 


Figure 2-1. Workstation with Iogin xterm window on the root window 

If the display manager, xdm, is running X on your system, you may see a window similar to 
Figure 2-2 when you turn on your terminal. 
Log in just as if you were using a standard alphanumeric terminal. The screen should then 
display the first xterm window, as in Figure 2-1. 
Without any user customization, the display manager executes a standard login "session," 
providing the first xterm window and starting the window manager. If the window manager 
is running, you will see a titlebar on your window, displaying the name of the window 
If the twm window manager is running, skip to the section "Starting a Second xterm Win- 
dow" later in this chapter for information on starting additional windows and other clients. If 
the window manager is not running, skip to the section "Bringing Up the Window Manager" 
later in this chapter for instruction on how to start it. 
On BSD 4.3 systems, there is another method to bring up X automatically (from the letclttys 
system file). This method has been phased out in Release 4. However, if your system is set 
up to use this method, when the power is turned on, your workstation should automatically 
start the server and open up an xterm window in which you can log in. If this is the case, 
your screen should look something like Figure 2-3. 

20 X Window System User's Guide 

I I 

I I 

Figure 2-2. xdm Iogin window 

Figure 2-3. xterm window w#h Iogin prompt 

Getting Started 21 

Bringing Up the Window Manager 

Make sure that the pointer is in the xterm window, so that the I-beam cursor is displayed. 
Start the twm window manager by typing: 
The screen will momentarily go blank; then the window will be redisplayed, this time with a 
titlebar. The titlebar provides a quick and easy way to move, resize, and otherwise manipu- 
late windows on the screen. The window manager also allows you to position client win- 
dows on the screen, as illustrated by the placement of the xterm window described in the next 
Note that it is important to run twm in the background by placing an ampersand (&) at the 
end of the command line, so that you can continue to enter additional commands into the 
xterm window. If you neglected to do this on a system that supports job control, type 
Control-Z to suspend twm, then use the bg command (see csh(1)) to place it in the back- 
If the system you're on does not support job control, interrupt the process with Delete or 
Control-C and start over. 

Starting a Second xterm Window 

If you want to open a second xterm window, type the following command at the prompt in 
the first xterm window: 
 :c...o-"n & 
After a few moments, the pointer becomes an upper-left-corner cursor, as shown in Figure 
This corner cursor represents the upper-left corner of the window you want to place. The 
cursor tracks pointer movement as you move the pointer across your screen and allows you to 
position the xterm window. 
Move the corner cursor to the desired position on your screen and click the left mouse button. 
(A click is defined as pressing the mouse button down and releasing it.) A new xterm win- 
dow appears on your screen, with a prompt from whatever shell you are using. Figure 2-5 
shows how your screen might look now. 

Getting Started 23 

[] xterm 
% twin& 
% xterm& 

Figure 2-4. Placing a second xterm window 

[] xterm [] 

% twin& 
% xterm& 

Figure 2-5. Two xterm windows 

24 X Window System User's Guide 

Special Keys 

Most workstations have a number of "modifier" keys, so called because they modify the ac- 
tion of other keys. 
Three of these modifier keys should be familiar to any user of a standard ASCII terminal or 
personal computer--Shift, Caps Lock, and Control. However, many workstations have addi- 
tional modifier keys as well. A PC has an "Alt" key, a Macintosh TM has a "fan" key, a Sony 
workstation has keys named "Nfer" and "Xfer," and a Sun workstation has no less than three 
additional modifier keys, labeled "Left," "Right," and "Alternate." 
Because X clients are designed to run on many different workstations, with different key- 
boards, it is difficult to assign functions to special keys on the keyboard. A developer can't 
count on the same key always being present! 
For this reason, many X clients make use of "logical" modifier keynames, which can be 
mapped by the user to any actual key on the keyboard. 
Up to eight separate modifier keys can be defined. The most commonly used (after Shift, 
Caps Lock, and Control) has the logical keyname "Meta." 
We'll talk at length about this subject in Chapter 11, Setup Clients, but we wanted to warn 
you here. When we talk later in this book about pressing the "Meta" key, you should be 
aware that there is not likely to be a physical key on the keyboard with that name. For ex- 
ample, on one workstation, the Meta key might be labeled "Alt" and, on another, "Funct." 
And as we'll show in Chapter 11, you can choose any key you want to act as the Meta key. 
Unfortunately, X provides no easy way to find out which key on your keyboard has been as- 
signed to be the Meta key. You don't need to know this right away.., but when you do, 
please turn to the discussion of key mapping in Chapter 11, Setup Clients, for information on 
how you can find out. 

How a Client Looks and Behaves: Application Defaults 

The way the xterm client looks (and, to some extent, behaves) is partially determined by a 
system-wide file of application defaults. Several clients have application defaults files that 
determine certain of the client's features. Applications defaults files generally reside in the 
directory lusrllibIXlllapp-defaults and are named for the client application. For xterm, the 
application defaults specify such things as the labels for menu items, the fonts used to display 
menu items, and the shape of the pointer when it's in an xterm window. 

In describing the appearance and behavior of clients in this guide, we assume all of the stan- 
dard application defaults file are present on your system and accessible by the client pro- 
grams. If, by some chance, a client's application defaults file has been edited or removed 
from your system, the client may not look or behave exactly as we describe it. If a client ap- 
plication appears substantially different than it is depicted in this guide, you may be using a 
different version of the program or the application defaults may be different. Consult your 
system administrator. 

26 X Window System User's Guide 

Within an application defaults file, defaults are set using variables called resources. Almost 
every feature of every client program can be controlled by a resource variable. The resource 
variables specified in a client's application defaults files are usually just a subset of a greater 
number of resources that can be set. 

As we'll see in Chapter 9, Setting Resources, you can override the system-wide defaults and 
control additional features of a client by specifying your own resources in a file in your home 

Starting Other Clients 

You can start other X clients just like you can start another instance of xterrn. At the com- 
mand line prompt in any xterm window, type the name of the client followed by an amper- 
sand to make the client run in the background. For example, by typing: 
 oclock & 
you can cause a window displaying a clock to be placed on the screen. (The oclock client is 
available as of Release 4. If you are running an earlier release of X, the only clock program 
available is xclock.) First an upper-left comer cursor will appear, just as it did when you 
created a second xterm window. Move the comer cursor to the position you would like the 
clock to appear, and then click the left mouse button. Figure 2-6 shows the oclock display, 
placed in the upper-right comer of the screen. 

Unfortunately, the developers of oclock neglected to provide an easy way to remove it. One 
way to remove the oclock display is to identify and kill the process using the standard UNIX 
process control mechanisms. To find the process ID for oclock, go to an xterm window and 
% ps-aux I grep oclock 
at a system prompt. Under System V, type: 
% ps-e I grep oclock 
at a system prompt. The resulting display should look something like this: 
128 p0 0 : 00 oclock 
142 p0 0:00 grep oclock 
The number in the first column is the process ID. Type: 
% kill process_id 
The oclock display will be removed, and you will get the message: 
Terminated oclock 
You can also remove the oclock display using other methods intended to "kill" the client pro- 
cess. These methods and their liabilities are discussed in Chapter 7, Other Clients. 
If you are running Release 2 or 3 of X, the xclock client must also be removed using the 
UNIX kill command (or another method of killing a client, as described in Chapter 7). As of 
Release 4, xclock can also be removed by a gentler method, namely, the Delete item of the 

Getting Started 27 

[] xterm [] - " ........... ' :.:. ii:.i, " 
:! [] oclock [] 
% twm& ....... :.::- 
,o xterm&  . .-- .... 
% oclock& 

Figure 2-6. The oclock display 
Twm menu. See Chapter 3, Using the twm Window Manager, for more information about De- 

Running a Client on Another Machine 

Remember that X also allows you to run a client on another machine, while displaying the 
client's window on the local machine. A client you may wish to run on another machine is 
xload, which is used to keep track of the system load average. By default, xload polls the 
system for the load average at five-second intervals and displays the results in a simple histo- 
If you are running processes on more than one machine, it's useful to gauge the level of ac- 
tivity on the systems in question. This information should help you judge when to start 
processes and monitor how your processes are impacting system resources. 
Say you're running clients both on the local machine (let's call it hostl) and on another 
machine (host2). On the local display, you can have two xload windows, one showing activ- 
ity on hostl and one showing activity on host2. 
To create an xload window monitoring activity on hostl, use the command: 

% xload & 

28 X Window System User's Guide 

The cursor changes to an upper-left comer cursor, allowing you to place the window. 
Then run an xload process on host2 using a remote shell (rsh), and display the results in a 
window on hostl: 
% rsh host2 'xload -display hostl:O' & 
Again, you place the window using the pointer. 
The -diaplay option tells xload to create its window on the local display (host1). The 
syntax and use of this option is discussed more fully in Chapter 8, Command Line Options. 
Figure 2-7 shows the resulting host1 display: two xload windows, the top window monitor- 
ing activity on the local system and the bottom one monitoring activity on the remote system. 

[] xterm [] 
% twm& 
% xlerm& 

xload & 
rsh host2 'xload -display host1 :O'& 

Figure 2-7. Monitoring activity on two systems with xload 

If you frequently need to access a remote system, you may want to run an xterm on that sys- 
tem using a remote shell and display the window on the local system. For instance, the fol- 
lowing command runs an xterm on a remote Sony NEWS workstation (with the hostname 
aony) and displays on the local Sun-3 (with the hostname sun): 

% rsh sony 'xterm -display sun:O' & 

Getting Started 29 

Where to Go From Here 

There are many useful client programs supplied with the X Window System. Details of how 
to use the two most important of these clients, the twin window manager and the xterm termi- 
nal emulator are provided in the next two chapters. Clients to list and display fonts are de- 
scribed in Chapter 5. Chapter 6 describes several graphics utilities available with X. An 
overview and tutorial for other clients is provided in Chapter 7. All clients are described in 
detail in a reference page format in Part Three of this guide. 

You should read at least the chapter on twin before starting up any other clients. You can 
then go on to read more about xterm in Chapter 4 or about other clients in Chapters 5 through 

30 X Window System User's Guide 


Using the twm Window Manager 

This chapter describes twm, the standard window manager distributed with 
X. Additional information on customizing the operation oftwm is provided in 
Chapter 10. 

In This Chapter: 

Starting the Window Manager ................................................................ 34 
Titlebars ................................................................................................ 34 
The Twm Menu ...................................................................................... 35 
Displaying Windows as Icons ............................................................. 36 
Resizing Windows ............................................................................. 38 
Moving Windows and Icons ............................................................... 39 
Shuffling the Window Stack: Raise and Lower .................................. 40 
Raising Windows (bringing in front of others) ................................... 41 
Lowering Windows (sending behind others) ..................................... 42 
Changing Keyboard Focus ................................................................. 43 
Removing a Window: Delete and Kill .................................................. 43 
Restarting the Window Manager ........................................................ 44 
Exiting the Window Manager ............................................................. 44 
Button Control of Window Manager Functions ........................................ 45 
Using twm to Place Other Clients ........................................................... 45 
Customizing twm ................................................................................... 46 
Some of My Keystrokes are Missing ...................................................... 46 

iconify I- xt 


Figure 3- I. Anatomy of a twm titlebar 

These functions can also be invoked from a menu and will be discussed more thoroughly in 
the next section. 

The Twm Menu 

twm's Twm menu gives you access to many of the most frequently used window manipulation 
functions. In the standard version of twm shipped by MIT, you bring up this menu by moving 
the pointer to the root window and holding down the left pointer button. The Twm menu and 
the menu pointer appear as shown in Figure 3-2. 
The following pages explain the functions of the Twm menu. Remember that all of the win- 
dow manager functions are customizable. Items can be added to or deleted from this menu, 
and new menus can be defined by modifying the .twmrc window manager startup file, as 
described in Chapter 10, Customizing the twm l&indow Manager. The current chapter 
describes the window manager as it is shipped with the standard release of the X Window 
System from the MIT X Consortium. 
To bring up the Twm menu, move the pointer to the root window and hold down the left but- 
ton on the pointer. To select a menu item, continue to hold down the left button and move the 
pointer to the desired menu item. A horizontal band, or highlighting bar, follows the pointer. 
When you've highlighted the desired menu item, release the button. The selected function 
will be executed. 

o io 

Using the twm Window Manager 35 

Figure 3-2. Twm menu 

Some of the functions on the menus can be invoked simply by pressing a combination of 
pointer buttons and keyboard keys. We discuss these "keyboard shortcuts" as appropriate 
when discussing each menu function, and summarize them in Table 3-1 later in this Chapter. 
Some of these shortcuts make use of the "Meta" modifier key. See Chapter 11, Setup Clients, 
for a discussion of how to determine which key on your keyboard serves as the Meta key. 
(For the Sun-3 keyboard, for example, Meta is either of the keys labeled "Left" or "Right.") 

Displaying Windows as Icons 

If you want to make rnore space available on your screen, you can convert a window into an 
icon. An icon is a small symbol that represents the application window. You can also con- 
vert the icon back into a window, as shown in Figure 3-3 and Figure 3-4. 

To convert a window to an icon: 
1. Bring up the Twm menu. 
2. Select Iconify with the menu pointer. The pointer changes to the target pointer. 
3. Move the target pointer to the desired window. 
4. Click the left button. The window is converted to an icon. 

36 X Window System User's Guide 

[] xterm 

% lwm& 
% ocIock& 

'i  xterm 

Show Iconmgr 
Hide Iconmgr 

Figure 3-3. The Iogin window-is about to become an icon 


Show Iconmgr 
Hide Iconmgr 

Figure 3-4. The Iogin window is about to be deiconified 

Using the twm Window Manager 37 

To display an icon as its original window, simply click the left button on the icon. twm has a 
couple of advanced techniques for managing icons. One, the Icon Manager, will be dis- 
cussed in the next section. The other, the Icon Region, is documented in the twm man page. 

The leon Manager 

The Show Iconmgr and Hide Iconmgr menu items control a twm feature called the Icon Man- 
ager. The Icon Manager is a small, menu-like window that contains one entry for each win- 
dow on the screen. An iconified window will have a small X before it; a window can be 
iconified and deiconified just by clicking on its entry in the Icon Manager. The Icon Manager 
also highlights the window with the current input focus. 

By using the Icon Manager in conjunction with the variable IconifyByUnmapping, you 
can keep all your icons conveniently in one place, and avoid searching for icons that have 
been hidden under other windows. See Chapter 10, Customizing the twm Window Manager, 
for information on setting variables in twm. 

Resizing Windows 

The Resize menu item resizes an existing window. See Figure 3-5. To resize a window: 
1. Bring up the Twin menu. 
2. Select Resize with the menu pointer. The pointer changes to the cross pointer. 
3. Move the cross pointer to the window you want to resize. Place it near the border you 
want to move. The opposite border remains in its current position. 
4. Hold down any button. 
5. Move the pointer across the border you want to change, then move the window's border 
to obtain the desired window size. As you resize the window, a digital readout appears 
opposite the pointer showing the window size in pixels. (For the xterm client, size is in 
characters and lines.) Release the button. 

Resizing an xterm window will not change the dimensions of the text currently in the win- 
dow. (If you make the window smaller, for instance, some of the text may be obscured.) 
However, if the operating system supports terminal resizing capabilities (for example, the 
SIGWINCH signal in systems derived from BSD 4.3), xterm will use these facilities to notify 
programs running in the window whenever it is resized. As you continue to work, perhaps 
starting an editing session, the program will use the entire window. If you resize during an 
editing session, the text editing program may not know about the new size, and may operate 
incorrecdy. Simply quitting out of the editor and starting another session should solve this 

If your resized xterm window does not seem to know its new size, you may be working with 
an operating system that does not support terminal resizing capabilities. Refer to the discus- 
sion of the resize client in Chapter 4, The xterm Terminal Emulator, (and to the resize refer- 
ence page in Pan Three of this guide) for alternative solutions. 

38 X Window System User's Guide 

[] xterm 

Figure 3-6. Moving windows or icons 

You can also move a window or icon simply by moving the pointer to the window or icon 
you want to move, then pressing the right pointer button while holding down the Meta key. 
The pointer at first changes to a small image of an icon. You can now let go of the Meta key. 
Then, as you drag the pointer while holding down the button, the pointer changes to a cross, 
while the window or icon changes to outline form. Drag the outline to the new location, and 
let go of the right button. The window will be redrawn in the new location. 

Shuffling the Window Stack: Raise and Lower 

Under the X Window System, windows can overlap each other. When windows overlap, one 
or more windows may be fully or partially hidden behind other windows (see Figure 3-7). 
You can think of these windows as being stacked on top of each other much the way papers 
are stacked on a desk. twm can control the stacking order of the windows by lowering a par- 
ticular window to the bottom of the stack or raising it to the top. 

40 X Window System User's Guide 

Figure 3-7. One xterm window overlapping another 
Raising Windows (bringing in front of others) 

The Raise menu item places a window at the top of a window stack. See Figure 3-8. To 
bring a window to the front: 
1. Bring up the Twm menu. 
2. Select Raise with the menu pointer. The pointer changes to the target pointer. 
3. Move the target pointer to the desired window. 
4. Click any button. The window is raised to the top of the stack. 

Using the twm Wtndow Manager 41 

Changing Keyboard Focus 

Normally, keyboard input goes to whichever window the pointer is currently in. The Focus 
option causes keyboard input to go only to a selected window (the focus window) regardless 
of the position of the pointer. 
Focusing can be useful if you are working in one window for an extended period of time, and 
want to move the pointer out of the way. It also prevents the annoying situation in which you 
inadvertently knock the pointer out of the window while typing. (This can be very important 
for touch typists who look infrequently at the screen while typing!) 
To choose a focus window: 
1. Bring up the Twm menu. 
2. Select Focus with the menu pointer. The pointer changes to the target pointer. 
3. Move the target pointer to the window you want to choose as the focus window. 

4. Click any button to choose the window. 

The titlebar of the focus window will remain highlighted, no matter where you move the 

In order to take the focus away from the selected window (and reactivate "pointer focus"), 
select Unfocus. The keyboard focus will once again follow the pointer into any window. 

Removing a Window: Delete and Kill 

The Delete and Kill menu items provide two different ways of terminating a client window. 
Most windows can be removed in ways that do not harm relevant processes. Delete is one of 
these ways. It simply requests that the client close itself down gracefully. 
Like other methods of "killing" a program (such as the xkill client), the Kill menu item can 
adversely affect underlying processes. Kill is intended to be used primarily after more con- 
ventional methods of removing a window have failed. 
To remove a window: 
1. Bring up the Twm menu. 
2. Select Delete with the menu pointer. The pointer changes to the skull and crossbones 
3. Move the pointer into the window you want to terminate. 

4. Click any pointer button. 

The window should go away. It may, instead, beep and remain on your screen. You have a 
stubborn window, which can be killed in the following way: 

Using the twm Window Manager 43 

1. Bring up the Twin menu. 
2. Select Kill with the menu pointer. The pointer changes to the skull and crossbones pointer. 
3. Move the pointer into the window you want to terminate. 
4. Click any pointer button. 
Th window will go away. 
Refer to the section on xkill in Chapter 7, Other Clients, for a more complete discussion of 
the hazards of killing a client and a summary of alternatives. 

Restarting the Window Manager 

The Restart menu item restarts the window manager. This may occasionally become neces- 
sary if the window manager functions improperly. To stop and restart the window manager:. 

1. Bring up the Twm menu. 

2. Select Restart with the menu pointer. 

You may also want to restart the window manager if you edit your .twmrc configuration file 
to change the functionality of twm. See Chapter 10, Customizing the twm Window Manager, 
for more information. 

Note that when the window manager is stopped, all icons revert to windows. This happens 
because the window manager is what allows windows to be iconified. When the window 
manager is restarted, you can iconify the windows again. 

Exiting the Window Manager 

The Exit menu item stops the window manager. You may want to stop twm in order to start 
another window manager. To stop twm: 
1. Bring up the Twm menu. 
2. Select Exit with the menu pointer. 

The window manager is stopped. All icons revert to windows. 

44 X Window System User's Guide 

Some of My Keystrokes are Missing 

If you are running Release 4, especially if you are running on a small or slow system, you 
may notice that the system can't keep up with the movement of the pointer. You may move 
from one window to another and begin typing, only to find that your first few characters were 
entered into the original window, or dropped into intervening windows. 
This annoying problem is caused by a subtle interaction between the operating system, the X 
server, and the window manager. It is unlikely to be fixed in the near future, but twm pro- 
vides a workaround: setting the variable roT].t:l.eFocus in your .twmrc file should keep 
the bug from popping up. See Chapter 10 for information on creating a .twmrc file and set- 
ting variables. 

46 X Window System User's Guide 


The xterm Terminal Emulator 

This chapter describes how to use xterm, the terminal emulator. You use this 
client to create multiple terminal windows, each of which can run any pro- 
grams available on the underlying operating system. 

In This Chapter: 

The Release 4 xterm Menus .................................................................. 50 
The xterm Menus at a Glance ............................................................ 50 
The Main Options Menu ..................................................................... 52 
VT Options Menu ............................................................................... 55 
VT Fonts Menu .................................................................................. 57 
Tek Options Menu .............................................................................. 58 
Using the Scrollbar ................................................................................ 59 
Copying and Pasting Text Selections ..................................................... 61 
Selecting Text to Copy ....................................................................... 62 
Pasting Text Selections ...................................................................... 64 
Manipulating Text Selections .................................................................. 65 
Copying and Pasting between Release 2 and 3 Clients: xcutsel ........ 66 
Saving Multiple Selections: xclipboard (Release 4 Version) .............. 68 
Problems with Large Selections ....................................................... 71 
Editing Text Saved in the xclipboard ................................................ 71 
Release 3 xclipboard ....................................................................... 72 
Terminal Emulation and the xterm Terminal Type ................................... 73 
Resizing an xterm Window ..................................................................... 74 
Running a Program in a Temporary xterm Window ................................ 75 

The xterm Terminal Emulator 

xterm provides you with a terminal within a window. Anything you can do using a standard 
terminal, you can do in an xterm window. Once you have an xterm window on your screen, 
you can use it to run other clients. 
You can bring up more than one xterm window at a time. For example, you might want to list 
the contents of a directory in one window while you edit a file in another window. Although 
you can display output simultaneously in several windows, you can type into only one win- 
dow at a time. 
Basic operation of xterm should be obvious to anyone familiar with a terminal. You should 
be able to work productively immediately. 
Among the less obvious features of xterm is a dual functionality. By default, xterm emulates 
a DEC VT102 terminal, a common alphanumeric terminal type. However, xterm can also 
emulate a Tektronix 4014 terminal, which is used to display graphics. For each xterm pro- 
cess, you can switch between these two types of terminal windows. You can display both a 
VT102 and a Tektronix window at the same time, but only one of them can be the "active" 
window, i.e., the window receiving input and output. Hypothetically, you could be editing in 
the VT102 window while looking at graphics in the Tektronix window. 
You switch between the VT102 window and the Tektronix window using items from certain 
xterm menus. The xterm client has four menus that can be used to manipulate the VT102 and 
Tek windows, to select many terminal settings, and to run other commands that affect the 
xterm process. We'll take a look at some of the more useful items on each menu as well as 
some alternatives to menu items. For more complete information about menus, see the xterm 
reference page in Part Three of this guide. 
We'll also discuss two of xterrn's more important features: a scrollbar, which allows you to 
review text in the window, and a "copy and paste" facility. 
Finally, we'll consider problems involved in resizing an xterm window and how to run a pro- 
gram in a temporary xterm window. 

The xterm Tetminal Emulator 49 

Main Options 
Secure Keyboard 
Allow SendEvents 
Log to F=le 
Redraw Window 

Send STOP Signal 
Send CONT Signal 
Send INT Signal 
Send HUP S0gnal 
Send TERM Signal 
Send KILL Signal 


V'l" Opt=ons 
Enable Scrollbar 
Enable Jump Scroll 
Enable Reverse Video 
Enable Auto Wraparound 
Enable Reverse Wraparound 
Enable Auto Linefeed 
Enable Application Cursor Keys 
Enable Appl0cation Keypad 
Scroll to Bottom on Key Press 
Scroll to Bottom on Tty Output 
Allow 80/132 Column Switching 
Enable Curses Emulation 
Enable Visual Bell 
Enable Margin Bell 
Show Alternate Screen 

Do Soft Reset 
Do Full Reset 
Show Tek Window 
Switch to Tek Mode 
Hide VT Window 

Tek Options 
Large Characters 
#2 Size Characters 
#3 Size Characters 
Small Characters 


Show VT Window 
Switch to VT Mode 
Hide Tek Window 

VT Fonts 
Escape Sequence 

Figure 4-1. The Release 4 xterm menus 

invoked from the xterm menus. However, some functions can be invoked in other ways: 
from a twm menu, on the command line, by a sequence of keystrokes (such as Control-C). 
This chapter includes alternatives to some of the menu items, alternatives which in certain 
cases may be more convenient. Of course, the xterm menus can be very helpful when other 
methods to invoke a function fail. 
Menus are displayed by pressing a combination of keyboard keys and pointer buttons. (The 
exact combination of keys and buttons is described below with each menu.) When you dis- 
play an xterm menu, the pointer becomes the arrow pointer and initially appears in the 
menu's title. Once the menu appears, you can release any keyboard key. The menu will 
remain visible so long as you continue to hold down the appropriate pointer button. 
If you decide not to select a menu item after the menu has appeared, move the pointer off the 
menu and release the button. The menu disappears and no action is taken. 
In the following discussions of the four xterm menus, we'll consider some of the more useful 
items as well as some alternatives to menu items. For more complete information about each 
menu, see the xterm reference page in Part Three of this guide. 

The xterm Terminal Emulator 51 

The Main Options Menu 

The Main Options menu, shown in Figure 4-2, (formerly called the xterm menu) allows you to 
set certain modes and to send signals (such as SIGHUP) that affect the xterm process. 
To bring up the Main Options menu, move the pointer to the xterm window you wish to effect 
changes on, hold down the Control key, and press the first (usually the left) pointer button.* 
The pointer changes to the menu pointer, and the following menu of three modes and eight 
commands appears. (You can release the Control key but must continue to press the first 
pointer button to hold the Main Options menu in the window.) 
Note that Main Options menu items apply only to the xterm window the pointer is in when 
you display the menu. To effect changes in another xterm, you must move the pointer to that 
window, display the menu, and specify the items you want. 

Main Options 
Secure Keyboard 
Allow SendEvents 
Log to File 
Redraw Window 

Send STOP Signal 
Send CONT Signal 
Send INT Signal 
Send HUP Signal 
Send TERM Signal 
Send KILL Signal 


Figure 4-2. The Main Options menu 

To select a menu item, move the menu pointer to that item and release the first button. After 
you have selected a mode (Secure Keyboard, Allow SendEvents, or Log to File), a check mark 
appears before the item to remind you that it is active.-t" The Log to File mode on the Main 
Options menu can also be set by a command line option when invoking xterm. In addition, 
both Log to File and Allow SendEvents can be set by entries in a resource startup file like 
.Xresources (see Chapter 9, Setting Resources). The menu selections enable you to change 
your mind once xterm is running. (See the xterm reference page in Part Three of this guide 
for more information on these modes.) 

*The right button can be made to function as the "first" button. This is especially useful if you are left-handed. See 
Chapter 11, Setup Clients, for instructions on how to customize the pointer with xmodmap. 
fThe Allow SendEvents mode is available as of Release 4. Log to File is available in Release 3 as Logging. The equiv- 
alent Release 3 menu (called xterm) also includes a Visual Bell mode toggle. As of Release 4, this item has been 
renamed Enable Visual Bell and moved to the VT Options menu. 

52 X Window System User's Guide 

The Secure Keyboard mode toggle has been added to the menu (in a Release 3 patch) to help 
counteract one of the security weaknesses of X. This mode is intended to be activated when 
you want to type a password or other important text in an xterra window. Generally, when 
you press a keyboard key or move the pointer, the X server generates a packet of information 
that is available for other clients to interpret. These packets of information are known as 
events. Moving the pointer or pressing a keyboard key causes input events to occur. 
There is an inherent security problem in the client-server model. Because events such as the 
keys you type in an xterra window are made available via the server to other clients, hypo- 
thetically an adept system hacker could access this information. (Naturally, this is not an 
issue in every environment.) A fairly serious breach of security could easily occur, for 
instance, if someone were able to find out a user's password or the root password. Enabling 
Secure Keyboard mode causes all user input to be directed only to the xterm window itself. 
Of course, in many environments, this is probably not necessary: if the nature of the work is 
in no way sensitive, if the system administrator has taken pains to secure the system in other 
ways, etc. If your environment might be vulnerable, you can enable Secure Keyboard mode 
before typing passwords and other important information and then disable it again using the 
When you enable Secure Keyboard mode, the foreground and background colors of the xterm 
window will be exchanged (as if you had enabled the Reverse Video mode from the VT 
Options menu), as shown in Figure 4-3. When you disable Secure Keyboard mode, the colors 
will be switched back. 
Be aware that only one X client at a time can secure the keyboard. Thus, if you have enabled 
Secure Keyboard mode in one xterm, you will not be allowed to enable it in another xterm 
until you disable it in the first. If Secure Keyboard mode is not available when you request it, 
the colors will not be switched and a bell will sound. 
If you request Secure Keyboard mode and are not refused, but the colors are not exchanged, 
be careful: you are not in Secure Keyboard mode. If this happens, there's a good chance that 
someone has tampered with the system. If the application you're running displays a prompt 
before asking for a password, it's a good idea to enable Secure Keyboard mode before the 
prompt is displayed and then verify that the prompt is displayed in the proper colors. Before 
entering the password, you can also display the Main Options menu again and verify that a 
check mark appears next to Secure Keyboard mode. 
Be aware that Secure Keyboard will be disabled automatically if you iconify the xterra win- 
dow, or start twin or another window manager that provides a titlebar or other window deco- 
ration. This limitation is due to the X protocol. When the mode is disabled, the colors will 
be switched back and the bell will sound to warn you. 
In addition to modes that can be toggled, the Main Options menu includes several commands. 
All of the commands (except for Redraw Window) send a signal that is intended to affect the 
xterm process: suspend it (Send STOP Signal), terminate it (Send TERM Signal), etc. Given 
that your operating system may recognize only certain signals, every menu item may not pro- 
duce the intended function. 
Note that most of these commands are equivalent to common keystroke commands, which 
are generally simpler to invoke. For example, in most terminal setups, Control-C can be used 

The xterm Terminal Emulator 53 

The Ouit command sends the SIGHUP signal to the process group of the process running 
under xterm, usually the shell. (The Send HOP Signal command sends the same signal.) This 
ends up killing the xterm process, and the window disappears from the screen. 

Ouit is separated from the earlier commands by a horizontal line, so it's easier to point at. 
Sending a SIGHUP signal with Ouit is also slightly more gentle to the system than sending a 
SIGKILL signal with Send KILL Signal. 

The Redraw Window command redraws the contents of the window. As an alternative, you 
can redraw the entire screen using the xrefresh client. See the xrefresh reference page in Part 
Three of this guide for more information about this client. 

If you are still using the uwm window manager, the Redraw and Refresh Screen selections of 
the WindowOps menu redraw a selected window and the entire screen, respectively. See 
Appendix B, The uwm Window Manager, for more about these uwm menu items. 

VT Options Menu 

The VT Options menu (formerly the Modes menu) provides many VT102 setup functions. 
Some of these mode settings are analogous to those available in a real VT102's setup mode; 
others, such as scrollbar, are xterm-only modes. 
The VT Options menu items allow you to reset several modes at once, to select the Tektronix 
window to accept input, and to hide the VT window. 
The Release 4 version of this menu is very similar to the Release 3 version. A majority of the 
mode toggles have been renamed by adding the first word "Enable." For example, Jump 
Scroll has been renamed Enable Jump Scroll, making it more apparent when a check mark 
precedes it that the mode is active. The names of a few of the other items have been changed 
slightly: Enable Visual Bell has been added from the Main Options menu, and Show Tek Win- 
dow has been moved from the mode toggles section of the menu below to the commands 
To bring up the VT Options menu, move the pointer to the xterm window, hold down the 
Control key, and then press and hold down the middle pointer button. (You can release the 
Control key but must continue to press the middle button to keep the VT Options menu in the 
window.) The menu shown in Figure 4-4 appears. 
Check marks indicate the active modes. For example, Jump Scroll, Auto Wraparound, and 
Scroll to Bottom on Try Output are active in the VT Options menu displayed in Figure 4-4. 
(These are the only modes active by default. In Release 3, Scroll to Bottom on Tty Output was 
not active by default.*) To turn off one of these modes, move the menu pointer to that mode 
and release the middle button. 

*In Release 3, if you enable the scrollbar for a particular window, the mode Scroll to Bottom on Tly Output is turned on 
automatically. This mode indicates that if you are using the scrollbar and the window receives output (or a key is 
pressed, if st:t:y echo is enabled), the window scrolls forward so that the cursor is at the current line. (You can use 
the menu to toggle this mode off, but it is generally desirable to have.) 

The xterm Terminal Emulator 55 

VT Options 
Enable Scrollbar 
Enable Jump Scroll 
Enable Reverse Video 
Enable Auto Wraparound 
Enable Reverse Wraparound 
Enable Auto Linefeed 
Enable Application Cursor Keys 
Enable Application Keypad 
Scroll to Bottom on Key Press 
Scroll to Bottom on Tty Output 
Allow 80/132 Column Switching 
Enable Curses Emulation 
Enable Visual Bell 
Enable Margin Bell 
Show Alternate Screen 

Do Soft Reset 
Do Full Reset 

Show Tek Window 
Switch to Tek Mode 
Hide VT Window 

Figure 4-4. The VT Options menu 

Most of these modes can also be set by command line options when invoking xterm, or by 
entries in a resource startup file like .Xresources (see Chapter 9, Setting Resources). The 
menu selections enable you to change your mind once xterm is running. 
The toggle Allow 80/132 Column Switching warrants a little more explanation. This mode 
allows xterm to recognize the DECCOLM escape sequence, which switches the terminal 
between 80- and 132-column mode. The DECCOLM escape sequence can be included in a 
program (such as a spreadshee0 to allow the program to display in 132-column format. See 
Appendix F, xterm Control Sequences, for more information. This mode is off by default. 
The VT Options menu commands (in the second and third partitions of the menu) perform two 
sets of functions, neither of which can be performed from the command line or a resource 
definition file. The commands Soft Reset and Full Reset reset some of the modes on the 
menu to their initial states. See the xterm reference page in Part Three of this guide for more 
The Show Tek Window, Switch to Tek Mode, and Hide VT Window menu items allow you to 
manipulate the Tektronix and VT102 windows. 
The Show Tek Window command displays the Tek window and its contents, without making it 
the active window (you can't input to it). Use the Switch to Tek Mode command to display a 
Tektronix window and make it the active window. When you select Switch to Tek Mode, the 

56 X Window System User's Guide 

To display all xterm windows with a scrollbar by default, set scrollBar in your 
.Xresources file, as described in Chapter 9, Setting Resources. This is illustrated below: 

XTerm* scrollBar: true 

Figure 4-7 shows an xterm window with a scrollbar. 

1- xterm 
% twm& 
% oclock& 

[] oclock [] 
:-: =_ .... 

Figure 4-Z An xterm window w#h a scrollbar 

The thumb (the highlighted area within the scrollbar) moves within the scroll region. The 
thumb displays the position and amount of text currently showing in the window relative to 
the amount saved. When an xterm window with a scrollbar is first created, the thumb fills the 
entire scrollbar. As more text is saved, the size of the thumb decreases. The number of lines 
saved is 64 by default, but an alternative can be specified with either the -al command line 
option or the saveLines value in an .Xresources file. 
When the pointer is positioned in the scrollbar, the cursor changes to a two-headed arrow. 
Clicking the first (usually the left) pointer button in the scrollbar causes the window to scroll 
toward the end of information in the window. 
Clicking the third (usually the right) pointer button in the scrollbar causes the window to 
scroll toward the beginning of information in the window. 
Clicking the second (usually the middle) pointer button moves the display to a position in the 
saved text that corresponds to the pointer's position in the scroll region. For example, if you 
move the pointer to the very top of the scroll region and click the second (middle) button, the 
display is positioned very near the beginning of the saved area. 

60 X Window System User's Guide 

If you hold down the second button, you can drag the thumb up and down. Text moves as 
you move the thumb. If you drag up, the window scrolls back, toward the beginning of infor- 
mation in the window. If you drag down, the window scrolls forward, toward the end of 
information in the window. When you release the button, the window displays the text at that 
location. This makes it easy to get to the top of the data by pressing the second button, drag- 
ging it off the top of the scrollbar, and releasing it. 

Copying and Pasting Text Selections 

Once your xterm window is created, you can select text to copy and paste within the same or 
other xterm windows using the pointer. You don't need to be in a text editor to use copy and 
paste. You can also copy or paste text to and from the command line. 
Text copied into memory using the pointer is saved in a global cut buffer and also becomes 
what is known as the PRIMARY text "selection." Both the contents of the cut buffer and the 
contents of the PRIMARY text selection are globally available to all clients. When you paste 
text into an xterm window, by default the contents of the PRIMARY selection are pasted. If 
there is no text in the PRIMARY selection, the contents of the cut buffer (called 
CUT_BUFFER0), are pasted. (Thus, in most cases, these will be the same.) 
Copying and pasting is one way in which clients exchange information, in this case, text. 
Prior to Release 3, many clients exchanged information solely by means of cut buffers. Cut 
buffers are only useful for transferring information between clients that interpret data in the 
same format. Thus, cut buffers could be used to transfer ASCII text between xterm windows. 
In accordance with the newer interclient communication conventions developed since 
Release 2, most Release 3 and 4 clients, notably xterm, primarily exchange information via 
selections. The advantage of the selection mechanism is that it allows data from one client to 
be converted to a different format to be used by another client. Cut buffers do not perform 
this type of translation. 
As we've said, if you are copying text between xterm windows, the contents of 
CUT_BUFFER0 and the PRIMARY selection should be the same. However, as we'll see later, 
while some applications (notably the current version of xterm) copy to both the cut buffer 
and the selection, other applications (generally prior to Release 3) only copy to the cut buffer. 
If you are using both types of applications together and trying to transfer text between them, 
differences between the contents of the cut buffer and the PRIMARY selection may make 
copying and pasting problematic. If you are only copying text between xterm windows 
(Release 3 or later), problems of this type will never arise. 
For our purposes, we are mainly concerned with ASCII text selections from xterm windows. 
First, we'll show you how to copy and paste text between xterm windows. Then we'll dis- 
cuss some of the implications of using selections versus cut buffers, and describe two clients, 
xcutsel and xclipboard, which allow you to manipulate text saved in memory. The xcutsel 
client addresses problems that arise when you're copying text between an application that 
uses selections and one that uses cut buffers. The xclipboard allows you to store multiple 
text selections. 

The xterm Terminal Emulator 61 

2. Place the pointer on the word graphics in the sample sentence and select it with two 
clicks of the first button. 
3. Then press and hold the third pointer button. Move the pointer away from the word 
graphics, to the left or right. A new selection now extends from the last selection (graph- 
ics) to the pointer's location and looks something like the following: 
The X Window System is a network-based :-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 
was developed at MIT in 1984. 

Remember that your extension always begins from your last selection. By moving the 
pointer up or down, right or left of the last selection, you can use this technique to select part 
of one line or add or subtract several lines of text. 

Dear Mr. Hoffman: 
You called yesterday for 
inlormation about X. [] 

X have been developed, the most 
recent o! which is X Version 11 
(Xll), first released in 1987. Xll 
has been adopted as an industry- 

:::: [] oclock [] 
' .. 
..... :. 

Figure 4-8. Highlighted text saved as the PRIMARY selection 

To clear the highlighting, move the pointer off the selection and click anywhere else in the 
window with the first button. Note, however, that the text still remains in memory until you 
make another selection. 

The xterm Terminal Emulator 63 

You can also paste over existing text with the vi change text commands (such as cw, for 
change word). For example, you can paste over five words by specifying the vi command 
5cw, and then pasting text by clicking the second pointer button. Note that you can paste 
over existing text in any editor that has an overwrite mode. 

Manipulating Text Selections 

Prior to Release 3, text copied into memory using the pointer was saved in the global cut 
buffer, in effect, "owned" by the server, and available to all clients. Cut buffers are only use- 
ful for copying and pasting information that does not need to be translated to another format, 
such as ASCII text between two xterm windows. 
Since Release 3, text copied into memory from an xterm window is saved in the cut buffer 
and as the PRIMARY selection. The PRIMARY selection takes precedence over the contents 
of the cut buffer. When pasting text between xterm windows, if the selection contains text, it 
is pasted. If not, the contents of the cut buffer are pasted. Selections can be used to transfer 
data that must be translated to a form the receiving client can interpret. 
A selection is globally available, but it is not owned by the server. A selection is owned by a 
client initially by the client from which you copy it. Then when the text selection is pasted 
to another window, that window becomes the owner of the selection. 
Because of the rules of precedence governing cut buffers and selections, and the nature of 
selections (particularly the issue of ownership), certain problems can arise in transferring 
1. If one client communicates with cut buffers and one with selections, copying and pasting 
between them is inherently problematic. By default, the selection takes precedence. 
How do you paste the contents of the cut buffer instead? 
2. By default, you can save only one selection at a time. 
3. For a selection to be transferred to a client, the selection must be owned by a client. If 
the client that owns the selection no longer exists, the transfer cannot be made. 
The xcutsel and xclipboard clients address the first two of these problems, respectively. 
Most users will probably not encounter the third problem. You are probably doing all your 
copying and pasting between xterm windows. If you've made a selection from an xterm win- 
dow and the window is killed, the selection contents are lost. However, the cut buffer con- 
tents remain intact and are pasted instead. (Since all xterm windows interpret ASCII text, the 
translation capabilities of the selection mechanism are not needed.) 
Problems involving the loss of selections are more likely to happen if you are transferring 
information between clients that require information to be in different formats. If you are 
having such problems, you can customize the clients involved to copy information to what is 
known as the CLIPBOARD selection. 
The CLIPBOARD selection is intended to avert problems of selection ownership by providing 
centralized ownership. Once the CLIPBOARD owns a selection, the selection can be 
transferred (and translated), even if the client that previously owned the selection goes away. 

The xterm Terminal Emulator 65 

You can customize a client to send data to the CLIPBOARD selection by using event transla- 
tions, which are discussed in Chapter 9, Setting Resources. See the client reference pages for 
information on the appropriate translations. For more information on selections and transla- 
tions, see Volume One, Xlib Programming Manual. 

Copying and Pasting between Release 2 and 3 Clients: xcutsel 

The xcutsel client is intended to bridge a gap that exists between the ways older and newer 
clients allow you to copy text. If all the clients you are using are from Release 3 or later, you 
will probably have no use for xcutsel and should skip ahead to the next section.* 
Since Release 3, when you select text from an xterm window with the pointer, the text is 
copied into the global cut buffer and made the PRIMARY selection. (Thus, generally, the 
contents of the cut buffer and the PRIMARY selection are the same.) By default, the PRI- 
MARY selection is what gets pasted into a window. If there is no PRIMARY selection, the 
contents of the cut buffer are pasted. 
Prior to Release 3, clients did not use selections. Text was copied into the cut buffer only 
(and was not equated with a PRIMARY selection). Problems can arise if you are running cli- 
ents that use cut buffers only (many Release 2 clients and uwm, any release) with clients that 
primarily use selections (Release 3 and later) and are trying to paste text between them. 
For instance, say you copy text in a Release 3 xterm window using the pointer. The text is 
copied into the cut buffer and also becomes the PRIMARY selection. If you paste in any win- 
dow, the PRIMARY selection is what you get. Then, say you copy text in a R2 xterm window. 
The text is stored in the cut buffer, replacing the text in the cut buffer from the R3 window, 
but it does not replace the PRIMARY selection. You can paste the text from the R2 window in 
another R2 window because the window only understands cut buffers, but you can't paste it 
in an R3 window. If you try to, by default you get the PRIMARY selection (from the other R3 
xcutsel enables you to switch the text in the cut buffer and the PRIMARY selection so that you 
can cut and paste between clients that use cut buffers and clients that use selections. 
To open an xcutsel window, type: 
% xcutsel & 
and then place the window on your screen. Figure 4-10 shows an xcutsel window. 
The window contains three command buttons whose functions are described below: 

copy PRIMARY to 0 
copy 0 to PRIMARY 

Exits the xcutsel program. 
Copies the contents of the PRIMARY selection to CUT_BUFFER0. 
Copies the contents of CUT_BUFFER0 to the PRIMARY selection. 

*If you are using uwm, you may have use forxcutsel. Regardless of the release, uwm uses only cut buffers. See 
Appendix B, The uwm Window Manager, of this guide for details. 

66 X Window System User's Guide 

Figure 4-10. An xcutsel window 

Now let's go back to the problem we set up earlier in this section. If you copy text from an 
R2 window and want to paste in an R3 window, you merely click on the copy 0 to PRIMARY 
button. The contents of the cut buffer (from the R2 client) replace the previous PRIMARY 
selection (from the R3 client). When you paste, you get the text you want (from the R2 
Now say you have the same situation, but the opposite problem. You made a selection from 
an R3 window, which filled the cut buffer and the PRIMARY selection. Then you copied text 
from an R2 window, which merely filled the buffer. (The contents of the buffer and the PRI- 
MARY selection are different.) But now say you want to paste the text from the PRIMARY 
selection (from the R3 window) in an R2 window. If you paste text in an R2 window, you get 
the contents of the cut buffer (the text from the other R2 window). 
To solve this problem, just click on the copy PRIMARY to 0 button in the xcutsel window. 
The contents of the PRIMARY selection (from the R3 window) replace the contents of the cut 
buffer (from the R2 window). When you paste in an R2 window, you get still get the con- 
tents of the cut buffer, but it is now the text you want. 
This business of selections versus cut buffers can be pretty confusing. If you have problems 
pasting the text you want, experiment a litde with xcutsel. 

The xterm Terminal Emulator 67 

Saving Multiple Selections- xclipboard (Release 4 Version) 

The xclipboard client provides a window in which you can paste multiple text selections and 
from which you can copy text selections to other windows. Similar to the clipboard feature 
of the Macintosh operating system, the xclipboard is basically a storehouse for text you may 
want to paste into other windows, perhaps multiple times. The xclipboard window is shown 
in Figure 4-11. 
This section and the next two sections describe various features of the Release 4 version of 
xclipboard. If you are using the Release 3 version, which has more limited functionality, also 
read the section "Release 3 xclipboard" later in this chapter. 

Figure 4-11. The xclipboard window 

To open an xclipboard, type: 
% xclipboard & 
and then place the window interactively with the pointer. 
You can paste text into the xclipboard window using the pointer in the manner described 
above and then copy and paste it elsewhere, but this is not its intended usage. To use the 
xclipboard most effectively, you must do some customization involving a resource file, such 
as .Xresources. The necessary steps are described in detail in Chapter 9, Setting Resources. 
For now, suffice it to say that you want to set up the xclipboard so that you can select text to 
be made the CLIPBOARD selection and have that text automatically pasted in the xclip- 
board window. This is illustrated in Figure 4-12. 
Since the xclipboard client is intended to be coordinated with the CLIPBOARD selection, 
the X server allows you to run only one xclipboard at a time. 
In order to illustrate how the clipboard works, let's presume it has been set up according to 
the guidelines in Chapter 9. According to those guidelines, you make text the CLIPBOARD 
selection by selecting it with the first pointer button (as usual) and then, while continuing to 
hold the first button, clicking the third button. (You could specify another button combina- 
tion or a button and key combination, but we've found this one works pretty well. For more 
information about these specifications, see Chapter 9, Setting Resources.) The first pointer 
action makes the text the PRIMARY selection (and it is available to be pasted in another 

68 X Window System User's Guide 

window using the pointer); the second pointer action additionally makes the text the CLIP- 
BOARD selection (and it is automatically sent to the xclipboard window). 

These guidelines still allow you to select text with the first pointer button alone, and that text 
will be made the PRIMARY selection; however, the text will not automatically be sent to the 
xclipboard. This enables you to make many selections, but to direct to the xclipboard only 
those you consider important (perhaps those you might want to paste several times). 


Figure 4-12. Selected text appears automatically in the xclipboard window 

In order to allow you to store multiple text selections, the seemingly tiny xclipboard actually 
provides multiple screens, each of which can be thought of as a separate buffer. (However, as 
we'll see, a single text selection can span more than one screen.) Each time you use the 
pointer to make text the CLIPBOARD selection, the xclipboard advances to a new screen in 
which it displays and stores the text. 

Once you have saved multiple selections, the client's Next and Previous command buttons 
allow you to move forward and backward among these screens of text. The functionality of 
the client's command buttons is summarized in Table 4-3. They are all selected by clicking 
with the first pointer button. 

Table 4-3. Command Buttons and Functions 

B utton 




Causes the application to exit. 
Deletes the current xclipboard buffer; the current screenful of 
text is cleared from the window, and the next screenful (or previ- 
ous, if there is no next) is displayed. 
Opens a new buffer into which you can insert text; the window is 

The xterm Terminal Emulator 69 

Table 4-3. Command Buttons and Functions (continued) 


Next and Previous 


Once you have sent multiple selections to the xclipboard, Next 
and Previous allow you to move from one to another (display 
them sequentially). Before two or more CLIPBOARD selections 
are made, these buttons are not available for use (their labels will 
appear in a lighter typeface to indicate this). 

The command buttons you will probably use most frequently are Delete, Next, and Previous. 
When you select text using the first and third pointer buttons, the text will automatically be 
displayed in the xclipboard window and will in effect be the first screenful of text (or first 
buffer) saved in the xclipboard. Subsequent CLIPBOARD selections will be displayed and 
saved in subsequent screens. 
You select text from the xclipboard and paste it where you want it just as you would any text. 
Just display the text you want in the xclipboard window, using Next or Previous as necessary. 
Then select the text using the first pointer button and paste it using the second pointer button. 
You can remove a screenful of text from the xclipboard by displaying that screenful and then 
clicking on the Delete command button. When you delete a screenful of text using this com- 
mand button, the next screenful (if any) will be displayed in the window. If there is no next 
screenful, the previous screenful will be displayed. 
Certain features (and limitations) of the xclipboard become apparent only when you make a 
very large CLIPBOARD selection. Say you select a full xterm window of text with the first 
and third pointer buttons, as described above. The text extends both horizontally and verti- 
cally beyond the bounds of a single xclipboard screen. (As we suggested earlier, a CLIP- 
BOARD selection can actually span more than one xclipboard screen. Pressing Delete will 
remove all screenfuls comprising the selection.) When you make a selection that extends 
beyond the bounds of the xclipboard screen (either horizontally, vertically, or both), 
scrollbars will be activated in the window to allow you to view the entire selection. 
If the text extends both horizontally and vertically beyond the bounds of the xclipboard 
screen, as it does in Figure 4-13, the window will display both horizontal and vertical 
scrollbars. If the text extends beyond the screen in only one of these two ways, the window 
will display either a horizontal or vertical scrollbar, as needed.* These scrollbars are selec- 
tion-specific: they are only displayed so long as the current selection cannot be viewed in its 
entirety without them. If you move to a previous or subsequent selection that can be viewed 
without scrollbars, the scrollbars will be deactivated. 

*An application created using the X Toolkit, which provides horizontal and vertical scrollbars, is described as a 
viewport. See Chapter 7, Other Clients, for more information about viewports and other X Toolkit features. 

70 X Window System User's Guide 

The X window system is a netw] 
based graphic window system t 
was developed at MIT in 1984.  
Several versions of X have bee 
he ....  most recent of / 

Figure 4-13. xclipboard with scrollbars to view large text selection 

Problems with Large Selections 

If you experiment making large selections with xclipboard, you may discover what seems to 
be a bug in the program. Though in most circumstances, making a new selection causes the 
screen to advance and display the new text, this does not happen reliably after a selection 
vertically spanning more than one screenful. In these cases, the new selection is saved in the 
xclipboard; however, the xclipboard window does not automatically advance to show you the 
new current selection. Instead, the previous long selection is still displayed. This is a bit of 
xclipboard sleight-of-hand. The new selection has been successfully made, but the appear- 
ance of the window belies this fact. (The Noxt button will probably add to your confusion; it 
will not be available for selection, suggesting that the text in the window is the last selection 
saved. This is not the case.) 
In order to get around this and display the actual current selection, press the Provious button. 
The same long selection (which is, in actuality, the Provious selection) will again be 
displayed. Then the Noxt button will be enabled, and you can click on it to display the actual 
current selection. 

Editing Text Saved in the xcllpboard 

You can edit text you send to the xclipboard using the same commands recognized by xedit. 
These commands are described in the section "Text Editing Widget" of Chapter 7, Other 
Clients. A small caret cursor will be visible in each screenful of text. You can move this cur- 
sor by clicking the pointer where you'd like it to appear. Then you can backspace to delete 
letters or type to insert them, or use any of the text editing commands described in Chapter 7. 
When you edit a screenful of text, the xclipboard continues to store the edited version, until 
you delete it or exit the program. 

Be aware that, without performing customization, you can still use xclipboard on a very 
simple level. You can paste text into and copy text from the xclipboard window just as you 
would any other, using the pointer movements described earlier in this chapter. You can also 
type in the xclipboard window, and then copy and paste what you've typed. Just move the 

The xterm Terminal Emulator 71 

pointer into the window and try typing. However, keep in mind that this is not the intended 
use of the xclipboard. 

If you do choose to use the clipboard in a limited way, it can still be a helpful editing tool. 
For example, say you wanted to create a paragraph composed of a few lines of text from each 
of two files. You could copy the text from each file using the pointer and paste it into the 
xclipboard window. (Each time you paste text into the xclipboard window, the text is 
appended to whatever text has already been pasted there.) Again using the pointer, you could 
copy the newly formed paragraph from the xclipboard window and paste it into a file in 
another window. 

Release 3 xclipboard 

xclipboard was first shipped as a part of the standard version of X in Release 3. If you are 
using the Release 3 xclipboard, shown in Figure 4-14, you'll find that it's functionality is 
considerably more limited than the Release 4 version. 


Figure 4-14. The Release 3 xclipboard window 

The Release 3 xclipboard can also be customized to receive the CLIPBOARD selection auto- 
matically. However, this version of the xclipboard merely inserts each selection on the 
line(s) following the previous one. The screen of the xclipboard will scroll forward as you 
add more text, but at line intervals, not at full screen intervals as the Release 4 client does. 
Thus, while the Release 4 xclipboard allows you to save multiple selections that are recog- 
nized as such by commands like Delete, the Release 3 xclipboard only allows you to save 
what is, in effect, a single, running selection. This limitation alone makes the Release 3 
xclipboard far less useful than the Release 4 xclipboard. 
But the Release 3 xclipboard has other serious limitations. It features only one functioning 
command button, quit. The erase button in the window is not functional, and unfortunately, 
no other key or combination of keys seems to clear the text from the xclipboard. 
Unlike the Release 4 version, the Release 3 xclipboard does not recognize all of the text edit- 
ing commands recognized by xedit. You can use all of the commands that move the cursor, 
but none of the commands that delete text. Your only option to remove text is to select the 

72 X Window System User's Guide 

Running a Program in a Temporary xterm Window 

Normally, when you start up an xterm window, it automatically runs another instance of the 
UNIX Bourne or C shell (depending on which is set in your .Xresources file or the SHELL 
environment variable). If you want to create an xterm window that runs some other program, 
and goes away when that program terminates, you can do so with the xterm -e option: 
% xterm-e command [arguments] 
For example, if you wanted to look at the file temp in a window that would disappear when 
you quit out of the file, you could use the UNIX more program as follows: 
If you are using other options to xterm on the command line, the -e option must appear last. 
This is because everything after the -e option is read as a command. 

The xterm Terminal Emulator 75 


Font Specification 

This chapter describes what you need to know in order to select display fonts 
for the various client applications. After acquainting you with some of the 
basic characteristics of a font, this chapter describes the rather complex font 
naming conventions and how to simplify font specification. This chapter also 
describes how to use the xlsfonts, xfd, and xfontsel clients to list, display, 
and select available screen fonts. 

In This Chapter: 

Font Naming Conventions ...................................................................... 74 
Font Families ..................................................................................... 75 
Stroke Weight and Slant .................................................................... 78 
Font Sizes ......................................................................................... 78 
Other Information in the Font Name ................................................... 81 
Font Name Wildcarding ......................................................................... 82 
The Font Search Path ............................................................................ 84 
The fonts.dir Files .............................................................................. 85 
Font Name Aliasing ............................................................................... 87 
Making the Server Aware of Aliases ................................................ 89 
Utilities for Displaying Information about Fonts ....................................... 89 
The Font Displayer: xfd ..................................................................... 89 
Release 3 xfd .................................................................................. 91 
Previewing and Selecting Fonts: xfontsel .......................................... 92 
Previewing Fonts with the xfontsel Menus ........................................ 92 
Selecting a Font Name .................................................................... 96 
Changing Fonts in xterm Windows ......................................................... 96 
The Great Escape ........................................................................... 96 
The Selection menu item ................................................................. 98 
Release 2 versus Subsequent Release Fonts ........................................ 98 
Font Specification in Release 2 .......................................................... 98 

Font Specification 

Many clients allow you to specify the font used to display text in the window, in menus and 
labels, or in any other text fields. For example, you can choose the font used for the text in 
lwm menus or in xlerm windows. 
Unfortunately, for the most part, there are no simple "font menus" like there are on systems 
such as the Macintosh.* Instead, X has a fairly complex font naming system (which, like 
most things about X, is designed for maximum flexibility rather than for simplicity or ease of 
use). Of course, there will no doubt soon be many applications such as word processors and 
publishing packages that provide a simple interface for selecting fonts. However, for the 
clients in the X distribution, you are generally limited to selecting fonts via command line 
options or resource specifications. 
This wouldn't be so bad if a typical font name wasn't mind-bending at first glance. Imagine 
typing this command line to create an xterm window whose text is to be displayed in 14-point 
Courier bold: 
% xterm-fn -adobe-ourier-bold-r-normal--14-140-75-75-m-90-iso8859-1 
Fortunately, you can use asterisks as wildcards to simplify this name to a somewhat more rea- 
sonable one: 
% xterm -fn '*ourier-bold-r*140*' 
and you can define even simpler aliases, so that you could end up typing a command line like 
% xterm-fn ourierBl4 
In this chapter, we're going to try to make sense out of the sometimes bewildering jungle of 
information about fonts under X. First, we'll explain the font naming convention in detail. 
Along the way, we'll acquaint you with the appearance of some of the basic font families 
(groups of related fonts), and the various permutations (such as weight, slant, and point size) 
within each family. 

*An exception is the VT fonts menu in the R4 xterrn. But even then, you need to know a lot about font naming to 
change the fonts on the menu. 

Font Specification 79 

inch. For example, the 16-inch monitor on the Sony NEWS workstation has an advertised 
resolution of 1280 x 1024 pixels. The actual viewing area is approximately 13 inches wide 
by 10 inches high. Dividing the resolution by the size, you come up with a vertical resolution 
of 102.4 dpi and a horizontal resolution of 98.5 dpi. 
The Sun 19-inch monitor, by contrast, has an advertised resolution of 1152 x 900. The hori- 
zontal and vertical dimensions of the viewing area are approximately 13.75 x 10.75 inches. 
This yields a resolution of about 84 dpi. 
What happens if you select the wrong resolution for your monitor? Given the difference in 
the pixel size, the same size font will appear larger or smaller than the nominal point size. 
For example, consider the 75- and 100-dpi versions of the 24-point charter medium italic 
-bit s t ream-chart e r-me di um- i-norma i--25 -240 -75-7 S-p- 136- i so8859-1 
-bit st ream-charter-medium-i-normal--33-240-I 00-I O0-p-179-iso8859-I 
If you look at the pixel size field, you will notice that the height of the 75-dpi version is 25 
pixels, while the height of the 100-dpi version is 33 pixels. If you use the 75-dpi version on 
the Sun, you actually get something closer to 21.5 points (75/84*24); on a 100-dpi monitor, 
you will actually get something closer to 18 points (75/100"24). We noticed this fight away 
when we first began using the Sony workstation. Because of its higher resolution, the font 
size we had been using on the Sun appeared much smaller. 
If you are working on a lower-resolution monitor, you can take advantage of this artifact to 
display type as large as 32 points (the size that a 24-point 100-dpi font will appear on a 
75-dpi monitor.) Figure 5-6 shows the 75- and 100-dpi versions of the same 24-point font, as 
displayed on a Sun workstation with a 19-inch monochrome monitor. As shown, neither is 
actually 24 points. The 75-dpi version is actually 21.5 points, as discussed above; the 
100-dpi version is about 28.5 points.* 

-adobe-new centtu3 schoolbook-medium-r-n 
-adobe-new century schoolbook-In 

Figure 5-6. The l O0-dpi version of a 24-point font appears larger on a 75-dpi monitor 

Note that the logical font naming convention allows for different horizontal and vertical res- 
olution values. This would allow server manufacturers to support fonts that were "tuned" for 
their precise screen resolution. However, the fonts that are shipped with the generic X11 dis- 
tribution all use the same horizontal and vertical resolution. 

*Note that the differences are exaggerated further in printing the screen dump of this display, xpr lets you select a 
scale factor, such that each pixel on the screen appears as scale pixels in the printout. Since the laser printer has a 
300-dpi resolution, a scale factor of 4 would produce a true scale screen dump if the resolution on the Sun monitor 
were truly 75 dpi by 75 dpi. Since it is actually 84 by 84, the printed image is enlarged by about 10%. 

86 X Window System User's Guide 

As suggested above, this resolution may not exactly match the actual resolution of any partic- 
ular screen, resulting in characters that are not true to their nominal point size. In the case of 
the Sony monitors, the actual resolution is quite close to the design of the 100-dpi fonts. 
However, on the Sun monitor, neither the 75- nor 100-dpi fonts will be right. (Of course, if 
you are using the X 11/NeWS server rather than the MIT sample server, you won't be using 
bitmapped fonts at all, but scalable outline fonts, so this isn't a problem.) 

Other Information in the Font Name 

What we've already shown summarizes the most important information in the font name. 
The remaining fields are explained below: 
Foundry Font manufacturers are still referred to as foundries, from the days when 
type was cast from lead. The X font naming convention specifies that the 
foundry is the company that digitized or last modified the font, rather than 
its original creator. 
For the fonts contained in the standard X distribution, the foundry is not 
terribly significant, since there are no cases where the same font family is 
available from different foundries. However, there are numerous commer- 
cial font families available from more than one foundry. In general, the 
appearance of the fonts should be quite similar, since the font family 
defines the design of the typeface. However, there may be some small dif- 
ferences in the quality of some of the characters, and there may be more 
significant differences in the font metrics (the vertical or horizontal mea- 
surements of the characters). This might be significant for a publishing 
application that was using the bitmapped font for a wysiwyg screen display 
that needed to match the fonts in a particular laser printer or typesetter. 
Set width A value describing a font's proportionate width, according to the foundry. 
Typical set widths include: normal, condensed, semicondensed, narrow, 
double width. All of the Release 3 fonts and most of the Release 4 fonts 
have the set width normal. A few of the Release 4 fonts have the set width 
Spacing All standard Release 3 fonts are either m (monospace, i.e., fixed-width) or p 
(proportional, i.e., variable-width). In Release 4, fonts may also have the 
spacing characteristic c (character cell, a fixed-width font based on the tra- 
ditional typewriter model, in which each character can be thought to take 
up the space of a "box" of the same height and width). As mentioned ear- 
lier, the original R2 fonts were of this type. 
Average width Mean width of all characters in the font, measured in tenths of a pixel. 
You'll notice, if you look back at Figure 5-2, that two fonts with the same 
point size (such as New Century Schoolbook and Times) can have a very 
different average character width. This field can sometimes be useful if 
you are looking for a font that is especially wide or especially narrow. 

Font Specification 87 

The Clean family of fonts from Schumacher offers several fonts in the same 
point size, but with different average widths.* 
Character set In the initial illustration of the font naming convention (Figure 5-1), we 
identified the character set as a single field. If you look more closely, 
you'll realize it is actually two fields, the first of which identifies the orga- 
nization or standard registering the character set, the second of which iden- 
tifies the actual character set. 
Most fonts in the standard X distribution contain the string "iso8859-1" in 
their names, which represents the ISO Latin-1 character set. The ISO 
Latin-1 character set is a superset of the standard ASCII character set, 
which includes various special characters used in European languages other 
than English. See Appendix H of Volume Two, Xlib Reference Manual, for 
a complete listing of the characters in the ISO Latin-1 character set. 
Note, however, that the symbol font contains the strings "adobe- 
fontspecific" in this position. This means that Adobe Systems defined the 
character set in this font, and that it is font-specific. You can see from this 
example that the usage of these fields is somewhat arbitrary. 
Style Not represented in the example or in most R3 or R4 font names. However, 
according to the logical font convention, the style of a font may be speci- 
fied in the field between set width and pixels. Some of the possible styles 
are i (informal), r (roman), serif and sans (serif). Note that the r for roman 
may also be used in the slant field. 
For a complete technical description of the font naming conventions, see the X Consortium 
Standard, X Logical Font Description Conventions. This document is available as part of the 
standard MIT X distribution, and is reprinted as Appendix M in the second edition of Volume 
O, X Protocol Reference Manual. 

Font Name Wildcarding 

Prior to Release 3, the use of wildcards within font names was restricted to specifying fonts 
to list with xlsfonts. If you are running Release 3 or Release 4, wildcarded font names can 
also be used to specify the display font for a client, either on the command line or in a 
resource specification. 

An asterisk (*) can be used to represent any part of the font name string; a question mark (?) 
can be used to represent any single character. You can usually get the font you want by spec- 
ifying only the font family, the weight, the slant, and the point size, and wildcarding the rest. 
For example, to get Courier bold at 14 points, you could use the command line option: 

-fn '*courier-bold-r*140*' 

*These fonts all (incorrectly to our minds) have a set width of "normal." They should be distinguished by set widths 
such as condensed, semi-condensed, etc. Since they do not, they can be distinguished by the difference in their 
average width. 

88 X Window System User's Guide 

Table 5-3. Standard Font Directories, Releases 3 and 4 


lusrllib/X11 Ifon tslmisc 



Release 3: Six fixed-width fonts (also available in 
Release 2), plus the cursor font. 
Release 4: Sixty fixed-width fonts, including the six 
available in Release 3, the cursor font, several Clean 
family fonts provided by Schumacher, a Kanji font, 
Kana fonts, and OPEN LOOK cursor and glyph 

Fixed- and variable-width fonts, 75 dots per inch. 
Release 3: The Adobe Charter font family, 100 dots 
per inch. 
Release 4: Fixed- and variable-width fonts, 100 dots 
per inch (all font families). 

These three directories (in this order) comprise X's default font path. 
Other directories can be added to the font search path, or its order can be rearranged, using 
xset with the fp option. To completely replace the font path, simply specify a comma- 
separated list of directories. For example, to put the lOOdpi directory before the 75dpi direc- 
tory, you might enter: 
% xsot fp= /usr/1ib/X11/fonts/misc,/usr/1ib/X11/fonts/100dpi,\ 
/usr/lib/Xl 1/font s/75dpi 
(Note that a space must follow the equal sign, and that the example above is broken onto two 
lines escaped with a backslash only so that it can be printed within the page margins.) To 
restore the default font path, type: 
% xet fp default 
Use the fp+ option to add a directory or list of directories to the end of the font path, or +fp 
to add them at the start. Use -fp and p- to delete directories from the beginning or end of 
the font path. 
For a complete listing of the fonts in each directory and samples of each font, refer to Appen- 
dix E, Release 3 and 4 Standard Fonts. 

The fonts.dir Files 

In addition to font files, each font directory contains a file called fonts.dir. Thefonts.dir files 
serve, in effect, as databases for the X server. When the X server searches the directories in 
the default font path, it uses thefonts.dir files to locate the font(s) it needs. 

Font Specification 91 

Notice the instruction Select a character below the command buttons. To display 
information about a particular character, click any pointer button within its grid square. 
Statistics about the character's width, left bearing, right bearing, ascent, and descent are 
displayed where the line Select a character previously appeared. 
If you are running the Release 3 version of xfd, read the section "Release 3 xfd." 
The xfd client is most useful when you have an idea what font you might want to display. If 
you don't have a particular font in mind or would like to survey the possibities, the xfontsel 
client (available as of Release 4) allows you to preview a variety of fonts by specifying each 
component of the font name using a different menu. See the section "Previewing and Select- 
ing Fonts: xfontsel" later in this chapter. 

Release 3 xfd 

The Release 3 version of xfd is not as flexible or as self-explanatory as the Release 4 version. 
It offers no command buttons, no line identifying the font name, and no obvious scrolling 
capabilities. However, it is still very useful for looking at a particular font. 
Like the Release 4 version, by default the Release 3 xfd displays character number 0 of the 
font at the upper left of the window. To see a character's number, move the pointer to the 
desired character and click the middle button. That character's number is displayed both in 
decimal and in hexadecimal notation at the bottom of the window, as in the following: 
85.(0x55) : 
This version ofxfd also accepts the -start option, which lets you specify the first character 
of the font that appears at the upper left of the window. 
Every character in the font may not fit in the window at once. Though this version of the 
application does not feature the handy command buttons introduced at Release 4, you can 
still view the obscured characters. To see additional characters, move the pointer to the xfd 
window and click the third (usually the right) mouse button. The next window full of charac- 
ters is displayed. To see the previous window of characters, click the first (usually the left) 
mouse button, xfd beeps if an attempt is made to go back past the first (0) character. 
The Release 3 xfd also provides statistics about the individual characters in a font, but you 
must run the client with the -verbose option to access this information. Then, to see 
information about a character's width, left bearing, right bearing, ascent, and descent, move 
the pointer to the desired character and click the second (usually the middle) button. The 
information is displayed in a portion of the window below the character grid. 
To display the minimum or maximum values taken by each of these fields over the entire 
font, move the pointer to the desired character and type a less than symbol (<) to display the 
minimum values or a greater than symbol (>) to display the maximum. Information similar 
to the following is displayed below the grid: 
maximum bounds: 
left bearing = 2, right bearing = 6 
ascent= i0 , descent = 3 
width = 6 

Font Specification 97 

To delete an xfd window that is running in the background, you can move the pointer to the 
window and type either q, Q, or Control-C. 

Previewing and Selecting Fonts: xfontsel 

The xfontsel client, available as of Release 4, provides a font previewer window in which you 
select the font to view using 14 menus corresponding to the 14 components of a font name. 
By specifying various font name components, you can take a look at a variety of fonts. This 
is particularly useful if you are trying to pick good display fonts and you don't have a very 
clear idea what type of font would be best. Rather than running several instances of xfd, you 
can dynamically change the font displayed in the xfontsel window by changing the font name 
components. (Despite the flexibility of xfontsel, it's certainly not practical to preview all of 
the available fonts. If you have no idea what particular font families look like, see the dis- 
cussion earlier in this chapter, or refer to Appendix E, Release 3 and 4 Standard Fonts, for 
complete listings.)* 
Once you've displayed the desired font using the menus, you can make the name of that font 
the PRIMARY text selection by clicking on the window's select button. (Selecting text is 
described in Chapter 4, The xterm Terminal Emulator.) You can then paste the font name 
into another window using the pointer: onto a command line, into a resource file, etc. Mak- 
ing a font name the PRIMARY selection also enables you to choose that font from the xterm 
vr Fonts menu, described in Chapter 4. 

Previewing Fonts with the xfontsel Menus 

To run xfontsel, enter the following command in an xterm window: 
% xfontsel & 
If your system is using the standard Release 4 fonts, the xfontsel window initially displays a 
bold, constant-width, 7x13 pixel font, from the misc font directory, as shown in Figure 5-8. 
This is the first font in the default font search path. 
The upper-left corner of the xfontsel window features two command buttons: quit and 
select. As we've explained, clicking on select (with the first pointer button) makes the font 
displayed in the window the PRIMARY text selection. Obviously, quit causes the applica- 
tion to exit. 
Below the command buttons is, in effect, a generic font name or font name template. It is 
divided into 14 fields corresponding to the 14 parts of a standard font name. Each field is an 
abbreviation for one part of a font name. Take a look again at the sample font name in Figure 

*To our minds, the major drawback of xfontsel is that it shows you only the first font that matches a given wildcarded 
font name. A far better interface would list all of the matching fonts, so that you could compare and choose the one 
that most suited your needs. There is no way in the standard X distribution to display the appearance of a group of 
fonts. To produce the figures in this book, we had to write such a program, which we called xshowfonts. The pro- 
gram has since been posted to cornpources.x, and a listing appears in Appendix E. 

98 X Window System User's Guide 

  474 font.,+ match 
-fndry- fmly-wght-slant-sWdth-adstyl-pxisz-ptSz-resx-resy-spc-avgWdth-rgstry-encdng 
--- ----------- 


Figure 5-8. xfontsel window displaying 7x 13 bold font 

5-1 to refresh your memory as to the components. Each of the fields in the xfontsel window 
is actually the handle to a menu, which lets you specify this part of the font name. 
To get a clearer idea of how this works, move the pointer onto the generic font name, specifi- 
cally onto the first field, Indry. (This is an abbreviation for the first part of a font name, the 
foundry.) When you place the pointer on lndry, the field title should be highlighted by a box. 
You can then display a menu of foundry names by pressing and holding down the first pointer 
button, as in Figure 5-9. 
Notice that the first choice is the asterisk (*) wildcard character. This is the first choice on all 
of the menus and thus allows you to include wildcards in the font name you specify, rather 
than explicitly selecting something from all 14 menus. 
To specify a font name component (i.e., make a selection from the menu), continue to hold 
down the first pointer button and move the pointer down the menu. As the pointer rests on 
each menu item, it is highlighted by reverse video. To select a highlighted menu item, 
release the first pointer button. 
The line below the font name menus represents the actual font name. When you first run 
xfontsel, all of these fields contain wildcard characters because no menu selections have been 
made. The number of fonts matched by the font name is displayed in the upper-right comer 
of the window. The number of fonts matched initially depends on the number of fonts with 
this naming convention available on your system. In this example, 474 fonts match. (Since 
this line of wildcards can match any 14 part font name, the server chooses the first font in the 
font path that reflects this naming convention.) 

Font Specification 99 

Selecting a Font Name 

Once you compose the name of the font you want by making selections from the menus, the 
corresponding font is displayed in the xfontsel window. Then you can select that font name 
by clicking on the select command button with the first pointer button. The font name 
becomes the PRIMARY text selection and thus can be pasted in another window using the 
second (usually the middle) pointer button, as described in Chapter 4, The xterm Terminal 
You might paste the font name on a client command line in an xterm window, in order to 
specify it as the client's display font. (See Chapter 8, Command Line Options.) You might 
paste it into a resource file such as .Xresources to specify it as the default font for a client or 
some feature of a client (such as a menu). (See Chapter 9, Setting Resources, for more 
Less obviously, once a font name is made the PRIMARY text selection, it can be toggled as 
the xterm display font using the Selection item of the xterm VT Fonts menu. The Selection 
menu item can only be chosen from the VI Fonts menu when there is a PRIMARY text selec- 
tion. (Otherwise, the menu item appears in a lighter typeface, indicating that it is not avail- 
able.) If the PRIMARY text selection is a valid font name (as it is when you've pressed the 
select button in the xfontsel window), the xterm window displays in that font. (In cases 
where the PRIMARY selection is not a valid font name, the xterm display font does not 
By default, xfontsel displays the lower and uppercase letters a through z and the digits 0 
through 9. You can specify alternative sample text using the -sample option. For more 
information about this and other options, see the xfontsel reference page in Part Three of this 

Changing Fonts in xterm Windows 

As discussed in Chapter 4, The xterm Terminal Emulator, xterm includes a VT Fonts menu 
that allows you to change fonts on the fly. We discussed most of the menu entries in Chapter 
4. However, two of the many items require a greater understanding of font naming than we'd 
covered by that point. So we've saved them until now. 

The Great Escape 

Though it is by no means obvious, xterm allows you to change the display font by sending an 
escape sequence, along with the new font name, to the terminal window. Once you change 
the font in this way, the Escape Sequence item on the xterm VT Fonts menu becomes avail- 
able and choosing it toggles the font you first specified with the escape sequence. (In effect, 
whatever font you specify using the escape sequence is stored in memory as the menu's 
Escape Sequence font selection.) 

You send an escape sequence to the terminal window by using the UNIX echo(l) command. 
The escape sequence to change the xterm display font is comprised of the following 

102 X Window System User's Guide 

This font will remain the Escape Sequence font for the duration of the xterm process, unless 
you again change the display font with an escape sequence. If you enter another font name 
using the escape sequence described above, the window will display in that new font and the 
Escape Sequence menu item will toggle it. 

The Selection Menu Item 

The Selection menu item allows you to toggle a font whose name you've previously 
"selected." The font name could be selected with the pointer, for example, from xlsfonts out- 
put, using the "cut-and-paste" techniques described in Chapter 4, The xterm Terminal Emula- 
tor. It is far more likely, though, that you would use this menu item after selecting a font 
with xfontsel. This menu item was clearly designed with xfontsel in mind. (If no text is cur- 
rently selected, this menu item is "grayed out," indicating that it is unavailable.) 
The main limitation of this menu item is that it uses the last text selected as the font name, 
regardless of what that text is. If you select a font name, that name is only available through 
Selection until you use the pointer to select other text. Since cutting and pasting text is one 
of the most useful features of xterm, you will probably be making frequent selections. If the 
last selected text was not a valid font name, toggling Selection will not change the display 
font, and a beep will inform you that the toggle failed. 

Release 2 versus Subsequent Release Fonts 

The primary intent of this guide is to describe the features of Release 4 of the standard X 
Window System shipped by MIT. However, we assume that many people are still using 
Release 3 and that some are still using Release 2. The available display fonts, font naming 
conventions, and possible system administration tasks supporting fonts changed radically 
from Release 2 to Release 3. For those who have been using Release 2 display fonts, switch- 
ing to Release 3 or 4 may take some adjustment. The following two sections will acquaint 
you with the differences between Release 2 fonts and the fonts provided in later releases and 
show you how to work effectively with the fonts you have. 

Font Specification in Release 2 

All Release 2 screen fonts are stored in a single directory called/usr/lib/X11/fonts.* If you 
do a listing of that directory, you'll see a list of filenames with .snfextensions. These are the 
font files. In Release 2, the name of a font is equivalent to the name of the file in which it is 
stored, without the .snfextension. 
Thus, the file fg-16.snf contains the font fg-16. To create an xterm window in which text will 
be displayed with the font namedfg-16, type the command line: 
*At Release 3, most Release 2 fonts were moved from the standard distribution of X to the user-contributed 

104 X Window System User's Guide 


Graphics Utilities 

This chapter describes how to use the major graphics clients included with X, 
notably the bitmap editor. 

In This Chapter: 

Creating Icons and Other Bitmaps ....................................................... 109 
Bitmap Editing Commands ............................................................... 111 
Pointer Commands ........................................................................ 112 
Bitmap Command Boxes ............................................................... 112 
Acting on the Entire Grid: Clear All, Set All, Invert All .................... 112 
Acting on an Area: Clear Area, Set Area, Invert Area .................... 114 
Copy Area, Move Area, Overlay Area ............................................ 115 
Drawing: Line, Circle, Filled Circle ................................................. 116 
Filling in a Shape: Flood Fill .......................................................... 117 
Hot Spots: Set Hot Spot, Clear Hot Spot ....................................... 117 
Saving and Quitting: Write Output, Quit ......................................... 117 
Creating a Bitmap from a Cursor ...................................................... 119 
Magnifying Portions of the Screen: xmag ........................................ 122 
Quitting xmag ................................................................................ 123 
What xmag Shows You .................................................................. 123 
Dynamically Choosing a Different Source Area .............................. 125 

Graphics Utilities 

The standard release of X includes four utilities to help you create bitmap images: bitmap, 
bmtoa, atobm, and xmag. The most powerful and useful of these clients is bitmap, a program 
that lets you create and edit bitmap files. The following sections include detailed ins-uctions 
for using the bitmap client. 

The bmtoa and atobm clients are programs that convert bitmaps to arrays (of ASCII charac- 
ters) and arrays to bitmaps. They are used to facilitate printing and file manipulation and can 
help you convert a font character to a bitmap. 

In a sense, the xmag client is a desk accessory for graphics programs. This client is used to 
magnify a portion of the screen, assisting you in creating images with a graphics editor, such 
as bitmap. 

Creating Icons and Other Bitmaps 

The bitmap program allows you to create and edit small bitmaps. A bitmap is a grid of pix- 
els, or picture elements, each of which is white, black, or, in the case of color displays, a 
color. You can use bitmap to create backgrounds, icons, and pointers. 
At this point in X Window System development, bitmap is primarily a programming tool for 
application developers. However, several applications allow you to design your own icon or 
background pattern with bitmap, save it in a bitmap file, and specify that filename on the 
command line.* For example, xsetroot (described in Chapter 11, Setup Clients) allows you 
to specify a bitmap that will be used as the background pattern for the root window. 
To invoke bitmap, type: 
% bitmap filename & 
An upper-left corner cursor appears on the screen for you to interactively place the bitmap 
window, shown in Figure 6-1. 

*There are many bitmaps included in the X distribution. These can be found in the directory/usr/include/Xll/bit- 
maps. Samples are shown in Appendix G, Standard Bitmaps. 

Graphics Utilities 109 

Clear All 
Set All 
Invert All 

I Clear Area 
I SetArea I 
I InvertArea I 
I CopyArea I 
I MoveArea I 
[Overlay Area 
I Line 
I Circle 
I Filled Circle I 
I FloodFill I 
I Se Ho Spo 
IClear Hot Spot 

Figure 6-2. Gumby bitmap 

Figure 6-2 shows our own rendition of Gumby, created using various bitmap edififig com- 
mands. The standard cursor font also contains a Gumby character. (You can specify the 
Gumby cursor as the xterm window pointer, as described in Chapter 9, Setting Resources, or 
as the root window pointer using the xsetroot client, as described in Chapter 11, Setup 
Clients.) Later in this chapter, we'll show you how to convert the Gumby character of the 
cursor font to a bitmap file, using the atobm client. 

Bitmap Editing Commands 

You can create and edit a bitmap using a combination of pointer commands and commands 
that appear in boxes on the right-hand side of the window. The pointer commands work on 
one square of the grid at a time, while the command boxes can work on the entire grid or a 
specified area. 

Graphics Utilities 111 

Pointer Commands 

When the pointer is in the checkerboard grid, each mouse button has a different effect upon 
the single square under the pointer. You can hold down a mouse button and drag the pointer 
to effect several squares in a row. 
left button Changes a grid square to the foreground color and sets the corresponding 
bitmap bit to 1. (On a monochrome display, background color means 
white and foreground color means black.) 
middle button Inverts a grid square, changing its color and inverting its bitmap bit. 
right button Changes a grid square to the background color and sets the corresponding 
bitmap bit to O. 

Bitmap Command Boxes 

To invoke any bitmap command, move the pointer to the appropriate command box and click 
any button, bitmap does not have an Undo command. Once you have made a change, you 
cannot retrieve the original. 

Acting on the Entire Grid- Clear All, Set All, Invert All 

To Clear All, Set All, or Invert All, click on the appropriate command box. 

Clear All 

Changes all the grid squares to the background color and sets all bit- 
map bits to O. 

Clear All 

Set All 
Invert All 
Clear Area 
Set Area 
Invert Area 
Copy Area I 
I MoveArea I 
I Overlay Area 
I Filled Circle I 

Figure 6-3. Clearing all 

112 X Window System User's Guide 

Set All 

Changes all the grid squares to the foreground color and sets all bit- 
map bits to 1. 

[ Clear All I 

Set All 

[ Invert All 
[ Clear Area 
[ SetArea 
[ InvertArea ] 
I CopyArea I 
[ MoveArea ] 
I Overlay Area 
[ Line 
I Circle 
I Filled Circle I 

Figure 6-4. Setting all 
Invert All 

Inverts all the grid squares and bitmap bits, as if you had pressed the 
middle button over each square. 

Clear All 
Set All 

Invert All 

1 Clear Area I 
Set Area 
i invertArea i 
i CopyArea 
Move Area I 

I Overlay Area I 

I Line 

I Circle 

Filled Circle I 

Figure 6-5. Inverting all 

Graphics Utilities 113 

Acting on an Area: Clear Area, Set Area, Invert Area 

Clear Area 

Set Area 

Clears a rectangular area of the grid, i.e., changes it to the back- 
ground color, and sets the corresponding bitmap bits to 0. 

Changes a rectangular area of the grid to the foreground color and 
sets the corresponding bitmap bits to 1. 

Invert Area 

Changes a rectangular area of the grid from the background color to 
the foreground color or the foreground color to the background 

Clear All I 
SetA, I 
I =nve  A" I 

Clear Area 

Set Area I 
I InvertArea I 
Copy Area J 
Move Area ] 
Overlay Area] 
Line ] 
Circle 1 
I Filled Circle I 

Figure 6-6. Selecting an area to c/ear, set, or invert 

The procedure to act on an area is as follows: 
1. Click the pointer over the command (Clear Area, Set Area, or Invert Area). The pointer 
turns into an upper-left comer. 
2. Move the pointer over the upper-left comer of the area you want to clear, set, or invert. 
Press and hold any button. The pointer changes to a lower-right comer. 
3. Move the pointer to the lower-right comer of the area you want to act on. X's cover the 
rectangular area as you move the pointer. Release the button. 
If the pointer has changed to a lower-right comer and you wish to abort the command 
without inverting an area, either click another button, move the pointer outside the grid, 
or move the pointer above or to the left of the upper-left comer. 

114 X Window System User's Guide 

Copy Area, Move Area, Overlay Area 

Copy Area 

Copies a rectangular area from one part of the grid to another. 

Move Area 

Moves a rectangular area from one part of the grid to another. 

Overlay Area 

Lays a rectangular area from one part of the grid over a rectangular 
area in another part of the grid. Overlay is not a pixel-for-pixel 
replacement, but those pixels that are clear (bitmap bits set to 0) 
allow those pixels that are set (bitmap bits set to 1) to show through 
the overlay. 

Clear All 
Set All 
Invert All 
I Clear Area ] 
Set Area 
[ InvertArea I 
I CopyArea I 

Move Area 

Overlay Area 
Filled Circle I 

Figure 6-7. Selecting an area to copy, move, or overlay 

The procedure to Copy Area, Move Area, or Overlay Area is as follows: 

1. Click the pointer over the command (Copy Area, Move Area, or Overlay Area). The 
pointer turns into an upper-left comer. 

2. Move the pointer over the upper-left comer of the area you want to copy, move, or over- 
lay. Press and hold any button. The pointer changes to a lower-right comer. 

3. Move the pointer to the lower-right comer of the area you want to act on. X's cover the 
rectangular area as you move the pointer. Release the button. The pointer changes to an 
upper-left comer. 

Graphics Utilities 115 

4. Move the pointer to the desired location and click any button. 


Press and hold any button to see the outline of the destination rectangle, move the pointer 
to the desired location, then release the button. 

5. To cancel an overlay, copy, or move command, move the pointer outside the grid and 
release the button. 

Drawing: Line, Circle, Filled Circle 

When you use a drawing command, the drawing is always done in the foreground color. 
Line Draws a line between any two points you select. 
Circle Draws a circle. You specify the center and the radius. 
Filled Circle Draws a filled circle. You specify the center and the radius. 

Clear All 
Set All 
[ Clear Area ] 
[ SetArea 
Invert Area 
I CopyArea 
Move Area 
I Overlay Area 


[ Filled Circle 

Figure 6-8. Selecting center and radius of circle 

To draw a line or circle: 
1. Click the pointer over the command Line, Circle, or Filled Circle. The pointer changes to 
the dot cursor shape (o). 
2. Move the pointer to the first point of the line or to the center of the circle. Click any but- 
ton. An X fills the square which is the starting point of the line or center of the circle. 
3. Move the pointer to the end point of the line or to the outside circumference of the circle. 
Click any button. The graphic is drawn. 

116 X Window System User's Guide 

Filling In a Shape: Flood Fill 

Flood Fill Fills all clear squares in a closed shape. 
To fill a shape: 
1. Click the pointer over the command Flood Fill. The pointer changes to the dot cursor 
shape (.). 
2. Move the pointer into the shape you want to fill. 
3. Click on any clear square inside the closed shape and all clear squares are filled out to the 
shape's border. If the shape is not closed, the entire grid will be filled. 

Hot Spots: Set Hot Spot, Clear Hot Spot 

Set Hot Spot 

Clear Hot Spot 

Designates a point on the bitmap as the hot spot. If a program is 
using your bitmap as a pointer, the hot spot indicates which point on 
the bitmap will track the actual location of the pointer. For instance, 
if your pointer is an arrow, the hot spot should be the tip of the 
arrow; if your pointer is a cross, the hot spot should be that point at 
which the perpendicular lines intersect. 

Removes a hot spot defined on this bitmap. 

To set or clear a hot spot: 
1. Click the pointer over Set Hot Spot or Clear Hot Spot. 
2. Move the pointer to the location of the hot spot. Click any button. When a hot spot is 
active a diamond (0) appears in the square. 

Saving and Quitting: Write Output, Quit 

Write Output 

Writes the current bitmap value to the file specified in the command 
line. If the file already exists, the original file is first renamed to 

If either the renaming or the writing causes an error (e.g., permission 
denied), a dialog box appears, asking if you want to write the file 
ItmplJilename instead. If you click Yes, all future Write Output com- 
mands in the current bitmap editing session write to ItmplJilename. 
See the bitmap reference page in Part Three of this guide for infor- 
mation on the format of the output file. 

Graphics Utilities 117 

Creating a Bitmap from a Cursor 

The atobm and bmtoa clients allow you to convert arrays (of ASCII characters) to bitmap 
files and to convert bitmap files to arrays. These clients are commonly used to facilitate 
printing: a bitmap file that is converted to ASCII text can be printed more readily and can 
also be included in standard ASCII text files. Once converted to ASCII, bitmap files can also 
be more quickly copied or mailed to other directories or systems, where they can be used in 
ASCII format or converted back to bitmap format. 

Among their uses, the bmtoa and atobm utilities make it possible to convert a character from 
a font, such as the cursor font, to the bitmap file format. Once converted, the file can be 
edited using the bitmap client, and used as you would any other bitmap file: specified as the 
root window pattern (with xsetroot), etc. 

When a bitmap file is converted to ASCII text, it is in the form of an array consisting of two 
types of characters. (An array is a number of elements arranged in rows and columns; it is 
sometimes called a matrix.) One character represents set or filled squares of the bitmap (bit- 
map bit 1) and the other character represents empty squares (bitmap bit 0). By default, the 
number sign character (#) represents filled squares and the hyphen (-) represents empty 
squares. Figure 6-10 shows the British pound sign character of the 9x15 font (in the misc 
directory) as an array of these ASCII symbols. 

Figure 6-10. ASCII array representing the pound sign 

As you can see, the array is a perfect rectangle. In a sense, the array is very similar to the bit- 
map grid. (You can edit or create the array using an ASCII text editor, so long as you use the 
standard two characters and keep the array rectangular.) 

To convert the Gumby character of the cursor font to a bitmap, the first thing you must do is 
display the cursor font as ASCII text. This can be done with the showsnfclient, which allows 
you to display the contents of a font file (with a .snfextension). The -g opdon specifies that 
arrays of all the characters in the font be displayed as well. 

To display the cursor font with each character represented as an array, use showsnf, with the 
font filename as an argument, and redirect output to a file called Itmplcursor.array: 

% showsnf -g /usr/lib/Xll/fonts/misc/cursor.snf > /tmp/cursor.array 

Graphics Utilities 119 

The cursor.array file contains information about the font and an array for each character. 
Using your ASCII text editing program, edit the file, writing the Gumby array to another file 
called/tmp/gumby.array. The Gumby array is pictured in Figure 6-11. 

--### ..... 
.... # ..... #--### 
.... # ..... #--### 
.... #__#__#_#### 
.... #__#__#__### 
.... #__#__# 
___#___#___# .... 
__# .... # .... #___ 

Figure 6-11. /tmp/gumby.array 

You can then use the atobm client to convert this array to a bitmap. Use the gumby.array file 
as an argument and redirect the output to a bitmap file: 
% aton /tmp/gumby.array > /tmp/gumby.bitmap 
Figure 6-12 shows the Gumby bitmap. As you can see from the bitmap, the Gumby character 
of the cursor font is considerably smaller than the Gumby we created (Figure 6-2) with bit- 
If you want, you can then edit the gumby.bitmap file using the bitmap client. 
If you specify the bitmap as the root window pattern, you'll notice that there is virtually no 
space between the Gumby figures. This is because the array file had no extra hyphens (repre- 
senting empty bitmap squares) padding it. If you want, you can add some hyphens to the 
gumby.array file (keeping the image symmetrical) and then use atobm to create a more pad- 
ded version of the bitmap. Figure 6-13 shows the gumby.array file after being padded with 
See the bitmap reference page in Part Three of this guide for more information on the atobm 
and bmtoa conversion clients. 

120 X Window System User's Guide 


I Clear All 
I SetA, 
I Invert All 
I Clear Area I 
I Set Area 
I InvertArea I 
I CopyArea I 
{ MoveArea ] 
[Overlay Area 
I Line 
I Circle 
I Filled Circle 

Figure 6-12. Bitmap of the Gumby cursor 

# ...... #--### 
# .... # .... # 

Figure 6-13. gumby.array padded by hyphens 

Graphics Utilities 121 

Magnifying Portions of the Screen: xmag 

The xmag client enables you to magnify a portion of the screen. The close-up look xmag 
affords can assist you in creating and editing bitmaps and other graphic images. 
xmag is primarily a tool for application developers using sophisticated graphics programs. 
But you could also use xmag in concert with the bitmap client. For instance, say you're run- 
ning a program that creates a special image on the root window and you'd like to create a bit- 
map file of a part of that image. You can display a magnification of the image you want with 
xmag, and try to recreate the image by editing in an open bitmap window. 
If you invoke xmag without options, you can interactively choose the area to be magnified 
(the source area) and position the magnified image on your screen. At the command line, 
% xmag& 
The pointer changes to a small cross (the crosshair cursor) in the center of a small, hollow 
square with a wavering border. (By default, the square is 64 pixels on each side.) Move the 
crosshair cursor, placing the square over the area you want to magnify, and click the first 
mouse button. 
The crosshair changes to an upper-left corner cursor, and the hollow square becomes 
enlarged to the size of the magnified image. (By default, the image is magnified five times.) 
Move the upper-left corner cursor, positioning the square where you want the magnified 
image. Again click the first mouse button and the xmag window containing the magnified 
bitmap image is displayed, as shown in Figure 6-14. 
If you are using a window manager that provides titlebars, such as twm, the title string "Mag- 
nifying Glass" will be displayed in the xmag window titlebar. This is the default title string 
of the application.* 
The default-size xmag window shows an area 64 pixels square, magnified five times. This 
magnification enables you to see the individual pixels, which are represented by squares of 
the same color as the corresponding pixels in the source image. 
Rather than use the default source area and magnification, you can specify other values on 
the command line. See the xmag reference page in Part Three of this guide for a complete 
list of options. 

*Applications written using the X Toolkit allow you to change the title string. See the section "Title and Name" in 
Chapter 8, Command Line Options, for details. The xmag client was not written using the X Toolkit and provides no 
method for changing the title string. 

122 X Window System User's Guide 

Figure 6-14. xmag window displaying magnified screen area 

Quitting xmag 

To exit the program, type q, Q, or Control-C in the xmag window. 

What xmag Shows You 

xmag enables you to determine the x and y coordinates, bitmap bit setting, and RGB color 
value of every pixel in the xmag window. (See Chapter 8, Command Line Options, for a dis- 
cussion of the RGB color model.) If you move the pointer into the xmag window, the cursor 
becomes an arrow. Point the arrow at one of the magnified pixels and press and hold down 
the first mouse buuon. Across the top edge of the window, a banner displays information 
about the pixel, as shown in Figure 6-15. 

Graphics Utilities 123 

Dynamically Choosing a Different Source Area 

If you want to magnify another portion of the screen using the same source area size and 
magnification, you do not have to start xmag again. Simply move the pointer into the xmag 
window and click the second or third mouse button, or press the space bar. The magnified 
image disappears and again the cursor becomes a crosshair surrounded by a hollow square. 
Move the crosshair cursor, placing the square over the new source area you want to magnify, 
and click any mouse button. The magnified image is immediately displayed in the location 
you placed the first image. 

You can select any number of source areas during a single xmag session. 

Graphics Utilities 



Other Clients 

This chapter gives an overview of other clients available with X, including 
window and display information clients, printing utilities, the xkill program, 
and several "desk accessories." 

In This Chapter: 

Desk Accessories ................................................................................ 129 
Clock Programs: xclock and oclock ................................................. 130 
A Scientific Calculator: xcalc ........................................................... 132 
Terminating the calculator .............................................................. 133 
Mail Notification Client: xbiff ............................................................ 133 
Monitoring System Load Average: xload ......................................... 134 
Browsing Reference Pages: xman .................................................. 135 
Release 3 xman ............................................................................. 138 
Printing Utilities: xwd, xpr, xdpr ........................................................... 140 
Killing a Client Window with xkill ........................................................... 141 
Problems with Killing a Client ........................................................... 142 
Window and Display Information Clients .............................................. 144 
Displaying Information about a Window: xwininfo ............................ 144 
Listing the Window Tree: xlswins ..................................................... 146 
Listing the Currently Running Clients: xlsclients .............................. 148 
Generating Information about the Display: xdpyinfo ........................ 149 
User-contributed Clients ...................................................................... 150 
X Toolkit Applications ........................................................................... 150 
Dialog Boxes and Command Buttons ............................................... 151 
Scrollbars ........................................................................................ 152 
Selecting Information for Copying and Pasting ................................. 152 
Vertical Panes .................................................................................. 153 
Viewports ........................................................................................ 154 
Text Editing Widget .......................................................................... 154 

A Scientific Calculator: xcalc 

xcalc is a scientific calculator that can emulate a TI-30 or an HP-10C. Once you place the 
pointer within the xcalc window, the calculator can be operated in two ways: with the 
pointer, by clicking the first pointer button on the buttons in the calculator window, or with 
the keyboard, by typing the same numbers and symbols that are displayed in the calculator 
window. When using the first method, notice that the pointer appears as a small hand, ena- 
bling you to "press" the buttons. Figure 7-4 shows xcalc on the screen. 


Figure 7-4. The default xcalc (TI-30 mode) on the screen 

This is the version of the calculator provided with Release 4 of X. As you can see, it features 
oval buttons. If you are running an earlier release, the calculator will have rectangular but- 
tons and may also have darker background coloring. These differences do not affect func- 
tionality. However, the Release 3 and Release 4 versions of xcalc do work somewhat differ- 
ently. We've described some of those differences below. For additional information, see the 
xcalc reference page in Part Three of this guide. 

The long horizontal window along the top of the calculator is the display in which the values 
are punched on the calculator and their results are displayed. You can enter values either by 
clicking on the calculator keys with the pointer, or by pressing equivalent keys on the key- 
board. Most of the calculator keys have keyboard equivalents. The non-obvious equivalents 
are described on the xcalc reference page in Part Three. 

132 X Window System User's Guide 

No mail 

New mail has arrived 

Figure 7-5. xbiff before and after mail is received 

Monitoring System Load Average- xload 

xload periodically polls the system for the load average, and graphically displays that load 
using a simple histogram. By default, xload polls the system every 5 seconds. You can 
change this frequency with the -update option. For example, if you type the following 
command at an xterm window: 

t xload -update 3 & 

you can interactively place an xload window polling every 3 seconds. 

your system 

Figure 7-6. A sample xioad window 
If you are using both the local machine and remote machines, you can display loads for all 
systems and do your processing on the system that is fastest at the time. 

134 X Window System User's Guide 

Browsing Reference Pages: xman 

The xrnan client allows you to display and browse through formatted versions of manual 
pages (reference pages). By default, xman lets you look at the standard UNIX manpages 
found in subdirectories of the directory lusr/man. The standard version of X assumes there 
are ten subdirectories: manl through man8, corresponding to the eight sections of manpages 
in the UNIX documentation set; manl (man local) and mann (man new). You can specify 
other directories by setting the MANPATH system variable. (The individual directory names 
should be separated by colons.) 
This section describes the version of xman provided with Release 4 of X. From a user's 
viewpoint, the general operation of the client has not changed much since prior releases, but 
the organization of menus and options has changed. If you are running Release 3 of X, read 
this section for an idea of how the client works and then take a look at the next section, 
"Release 3 xman," for a summary of the differences. 
Regardless of the version of X, you run xman by t)qging: 
in an xterm window. 
The initial xman window, shown in Figure 7-7, is a small window containing only a few com- 

Manual Browser 
(Manual Page  

Figure 7-7. Initial xman window 

This window is small enough to be displayed for prolonged periods during which you might 
have need to examine UNIX manual pages. You select a command by clicking on it with the 
first pointer button. 
The Manual Page command brings up a larger window in which you can display a formatted 
version of any manual page in the MANPATH. By default, the first page displayed contains 
general help informaUon about xman. Use this information to acquaint yourself with the cli- 
ent's features. (The actual xman reference page in Part Three of this guide primarily 
describes how to customize the client.) 

Other Clients 


IS cd. 

CD{ 1) USER Commands CD{ 1) 
cd - change working directory 
cd directory 
Directory becomes the new working dlrectory. The process must 
ave execute (search) Derission in directory. 
Because a new process is creaed zo execute each coand, cd 
would be ineffective if it were writte as a normal command. 
it is a therefore recogrlzea and executed by the shells. In 
csh([) you may specify a is of directories in whc. direc- 
tory is to be sough as subdirectory i: it is not a 
dlrecory of the current irectory; see the escrlptlon of 
the cdpath varlable in csh(1) 

csh(1), sh(1), pwo(1), cho:r(2) 

To display another manual page from the same directory, display the Xman Options menu 
again. Select Display Directory, and the directory listing is again displayed in the window. 
Then click on another command name to display its manual page in the window. (If you 
decide not to display another manpage, you can remove the directory listing and go back to 
the manpage previously displayed by using the second Xman Options menu selection, Display 
Manual Page. Display Directory and Display Manual Page are toggles of one another.) 

To display a manual page from another directory in the MANPATH, you must first change to 
that directory using the second xman menu, Xman Sections. You bring up the menu by plac- 
ing the pointer in the Sections box in the application's titlebar and holding down the first but- 
ton. The Xman Sections menu lists the default directories of UNIX manual pages, as in 
Figure 7-10. 

Other Clients 137 

Xman Sections 

(1) User Commands 
(2) System Calls 
(3) Subroutines 
(4) Devices 
(5) File Formats 
(6) Games 
(7) Miscellaneous 
(8) Sys. Administration 
(I) Local 
(n) New 
(o) Old 

Figure 7-10. Xman Sections menu 

You can select another directory of manpages from which to choose with the first pointer but- 
ton. Once you select a directory, the files in that directory are listed in the window. Again, 
you display a page by clicking on its name with the first pointer button. 
You can display more than one "browsing" window simultaneously by selecting the Open 
New Manpa0e option from the Xman Options menu. An additional manpage window will be 
opened, again starting with the help information. 
You can remove a browsing window by selecting the Remove This Manpa0o option from the 
Xman Options menu. (Prior to Release 4, selecting this option resulted in an error and caused 
the xman program to exit.) 
Selecting Quit from the Xman Options menu or from the initial xman window causes the cli- 
ent to exit. 

Release 3 xman 

In the Release 3 version of xman, the horizontal bar spanning the top of the browsing window 
merely contains information about the contents of the window. It is not divided and it does 
not contain obvious text handles to any menus. 
Though it may not be readily apparent, you can access the Xman Options menu simply by 
placing the pointer in the horizontal bar. You can then display manpages from the default 
directory by following the steps outlined in the previous section. Xman Options is the only 
menu directly accessible from the horizontal bar. 
The Release 3 Xman Options menu differs slightly in options and organization from the 
Release 4 menu. The Release 3 menu is pictured in Figure 7-11. 

138 X Window System User's Guide 

Xman Options 
Change Section 
Display Directory 
Display Manual Page 
Show Both Screens 
Remove This Manpage 
Open New Manpage 

Figure 7-11. Release 3 Xman Options menu 

Again, you can acquaint yourself with the various options by reading the help information 
displayed on the initial manual page. Most of the options and functionality are the same as 
described above for Release 4. 
The most significant difference is the method of changing directories within the MANPATH. 
As we've seen in the Release 4 version of xman, this is accomplished through the Xman Sec- 
lions menu, which is accessible directly from the horizontal bar. In the Release 3 version, in 
order to change directories you must first bring up the Xman Options menu. Then select the 
first option, Change Section (which has been removed from the Release 4 menu). A sub- 
menu of Xman Options, called Manual Sections, will be displayed. This sub-menu is the R3 
equivalent of the R4 Xman Sections menu. 
Like Xman Sections, the Manual Sections menu lists the default directories of UNIX manual 
pages. You can select an alternate directory by the method described in the previous section. 
The Release 3 version ofxman has one serious limitation. Selecting the option Remove This 
Manpage from the Xman Options menu results in an error and causes the xman program to 
exit. (This error has been corrected in Release 4.) 

Other Clients 139 

% xkill 
Select the client you wish 
kill with button 1 ... 
| | ],xterm 
.... : ....... 
-?: .... :.:i: i:. '-::ii) 

Figure 7-12. Selecting the window to be removed 

You can also specify the window to be killed by its resource ID. Every window has an iden- 
tification number associated with it. The xwininfo client can be used to display a window's 
resource ID (see the section "Window and Display Information" later in this chapter). 

To remove a window using its ID number, type: 

% x.kill -id number 

The window with the ID number is removed. Killing a window by its ID number is more 
cumbersome, but it's somewhat safer than choosing the window to be killed with the pointer. 
It's too easy to click in the wrong place. (Of course, it's less treacherous to use the pointer 
on an isolated window than a window in a stack.) 

Problems with Killing a Client 

The most obvious problem with xki//is that it's possible to kill the wrong window inadver- 
tently. Perhaps less obvious is a problem inherent in 'killing' a program. As a general rule, a 
command that 'kills" a program does not give the program time to save or complete processes 
that are still running--in effect, to clean up after itself. The processes that can be adversely 
affected may be visible to the user, like an editing session, or they may be underlying system 
processes, like writing to or reading from a socket. 

142 X Window System User's Guide 

The other statistics (with the exception of depth) can be used to gauge the window's geome- 
try (size and position). The absolute upper-left X and Y correspond to the positive x and y 
offsets of the window from the root window. These figures can be used on the command line 
to specify window placement, as described in Chapter 8, Command Line Options. 
The relative upper-left X and Y are significant only if you're running a window manager, 
such as twm, that provides some sort of frame. The relative upper-left X and Y are the win- 
dow's x and y offsets relative to its frame. In this example, the relative upper-left Y of 21 
pixels refers to the height of the window's titlebar. 
The four comers are listed with the upper left comer first and the other three clockwise 
around the window (i.e., upper fight, lower fight, lower left). The upper left comer always 
gives the positive x and y offsets for the window. The width and height in pixels are some- 
what less useful, since the geometry option to xterm requires that these figures be specified in 
characters and lines. See Chapter 8, Command Line Options, for more information about 
window geometry and how to set it based on the results of xwininfo. 
The values for window depth and colormap relate to how color is specified. See the discus- 
sion of color in Chapter 8 for more information. 
Be aware that the Release 3 version of xwininfo does not provide relative x and y offsets. It 
does provide absolute x and y offsets, though they are labeled simply as: 
--> Upper left X: 0 
--> Upper left Y: 0 

The other statistics provided by xwininfo are listed below: 
--> Window class: InputOutput 
--> Window Bit Gravity State: NorthWestGravity 
--> Window Window Gravity State: NorthWestGravity 
--> Window Backing Store State: NotUseful 
--> Window Save Under State: no 
--> Window Map State: IsViewable 
--> Window Override Redirect State: no 
These statistics have to do with the underlying mechanics of how a window is resized, 
moved, obscured, unobscured, and otherwise manipulated. They are inherent in the client 
program and you cannot specify alternatives. For more information on these and other win- 
dow attributes, see Chapter 4 in Volume One, Xlib Programming Manual. 
You can also use xwininfo with various options to display other window attributes. See the 
reference page in Part Three of this guide for details. 

Listing the Window Tree: xlswins 

Windows are arranged in a hierarchy, much like a family tree, with the root window at the 
top. The xlswins client displays the window tree starting with the root window, listing each 
window by its resource ID and title (or name), if it has one. (See Chapter 8, Command Line 
Options, for a discussion of setting a client's title and name with command line options.) 

146 X Window System User's Guide 

A resource ID can be supplied to xkill to specify the window to kill. You can also supply a 
resource ID to xwininfo to specify the window you want information about, or to xprop to get 
the window's properties. Being able to display the ID numbers of all windows on the screen 
at once is especially helpful if one or more windows is obscured in the stack. The xwininfo 
client is virtually useless in situations in which one window is hidden behind another. 
x/swins allows you to determine, by process of elimination, which window is hidden--with- 
out having to circulate all the windows on your screen. You can then use xwininfo with the 
ID number (displayed by xlswins) to get information about the obscured window. 
Figure 7-14 shows the results of xlswins for a simple window arrangement: a single xterm 
(login) window on a root window. 
Ox8006e () 
Ox3OOOOe (xterm) 
0x300015 () 
0x300016 () 

Figure 7-14. Window tree displayed by xlswins 

The xterm window is easily identified. Any client that displays a window, such as xterm, 
xclock, xfd, bitmap, etc., will be listed by name (in parentheses) following the ID number.* 
The root window is listed above the xterm in the window hierarchy. Client (and other) win- 
dows displayed on the root window are called children of the root window, in keeping with 
the family tree analogy. Thus, the root window is the parent of the xterm window. In the 
xlswins listing, a child window is indented once under its parent. 

But what are the other windows listed in Figure 7-14? A superficial examination of these 
other windows provides a brief introduction to the inner workings of X. An underlying fea- 
ture of X is that menus, boxes, icons, and even features of client windows, such as scrollbars, 
are actually windows in their own right. What's more, these windows (and client window 
icons) may still be considered to exist, even when they are not displayed. 
The two remaining windows are unnamed. From the relative indents of the windows, we can 
tell certain information. The first unnamed window is a child of the xterm, the second is a 
child of the child. 

If we again run xlswins, this time requesting a long listing (with the -1 option), we get geom- 
etry information that helps identi each window, as shown in Figure 7-15. 
O: Ox8006e () i152x900+0+0 +0+0 
i: Ox3OOOOe (xterm) 818x484+0+0 +0+0 
2: 0x300015 () 818x484+0+0 +i+i 
3: 0x300016 () 14x484+-i+-i +0+0 

Figure 7-15. Window tree with geometry specifications 
The first number on each line refers to the level of the window in the hierarchy, the root win- 
dow being at level 0, client windows at 1, etc. The first geometry string is the complete 
*Most likely, you will not have to deal with the ID numbers for windows other than the explicitly named client win- 
dows. You can use the IDs of the client windows in all of the ways we've discussed: with xkill, xwininfo, xprop, etc. 

Other Clients 


Window 0x30000e: 
Machine: colorful 
Name: xterm 
Icon Name: xterm 
Command: xterm -geometry 80x24+I0+I0 -is 
Instance/Class: xterm/XTerm 
Window 0x40000b: 
Machine: colorful 
Name: xclock 
Icon Name: xclock 
Command: xclock -geometry -0-0 
Instance/Class: xclock/XClock 

Figure 7-16. Long xlsclients listing 

As we'll see in Chapter 8, Command Line Options, many clients, including xterm, allow you 
to specify an alternate name for a client and a title for the client's window. If you've speci- 
fied a title, it will appear in the xlsclients Name field. If you haven't specified a title, but 
have specified a name for the application, the name will appear in this field. Neither of the 
clients in the sample display has been given an alternate name or title. 
You use the instance and class resource names to specify default window characteristics, gen- 
erally by placing them in a file in your home directory. This is described in detail in Chapter 
9, Setting Resources. 

Generating Information about the Display: xdpyinfo 

The xdpyinfo client gives information about the X display, including the name of the display 
(contents of the DISPLAY variable), version and release of X, number of screens, current 
screen, and statistics relating to the color, resolution, input, and storage capabilities of each 
screen. The xdpyinfo reference page in Part Three of this guide shows a listing for a display 
that supports both a color and monochrome screen. 
Much of the information provided by xdpyinfo has to do with how clients communicate infor- 
mation to one another and is more relevant to a programmer than to the typical user. How- 
ever, the basic statistics about the name of the display, the version and release of X, and the 
number and nature of screens might be very helpful to a user, particularly one who is using a 
display for the first time. 
In addition, the detailed information about each screen's color capabilities can also be very 
valuable in learning how to use color more effectively. This information includes the default 
number of colormap cells: the number of colors you can use on the display at any one time. 
See Chapter 8, Command Line Options, for more information on the use of color and how to 
specify colors for many clients. 
See Volume One, Xlib Programming Manual, for insights into some of the other information 
provided by xdpyinfo. 

Other Clients 149 

User-contributed Clients 

In addition to the clients in the standard MIT X distribution, there are many user-contributed 
clients available in the X source tree, distributed over Usenet, and perhaps included with var- 
ious commercial distributions. If you have access to Usenet, the newsgroup 
contains voluminous discussions of X programming and the newsgroup comp.sources.x con- 
tains sources. 
Prior to Release 4, uwm (the universal window manager) was the official window manager 
shipped with the standard X Window System. As of Release 4, uwm is no longer supported, 
but is still available as a user-contributed client. However, be aware that uwm does not com- 
ply with accepted interclient communication conventions and thus, should probably not be 
the window manager of choice. 
Several other window managers are widely used and have been tailored to reflect the inter- 
client communication conventions proposed in Release 3. Some of the more popular window 
managers that reflect these conventions are: 
awm Ardent window manager (written by Jordan Hubbard of Ardent Computer 
rtl Tiled window manager (written by Ellis Cohen at Siemens Research & 
Technology Laboratories, RTL). 
olwm OPEN LOOK window manager (developed by AT&T). 
mwm Motif window manager (written by Ellis Cohen at the Open Software 
Appendix C, The OSF/Motif Window Manager, discusses mwm in greater detail. 
Commercial products (such as spreadsheets, word processors, and graphics or publishing 
applications) based on the X Window System are also becoming available. 

X Toolkit Applications 

Many clients have been written (or rewritten) with a programming library called the X 
Toolkit. The X Toolkit provides a number of predefined components called widgets. Widg- 
ets make it easier to create complex applications; they also ensure a consistent user interface 
between applications. 
Most of the clients described in this guide were written before the X Toolkit was fully devel- 
oped. Although they have since been rewritten to use the X Toolkit, they don't necessarily 
make full use of all its features. 
However, most of the standard clients use enough of these features that you can see what to 
expect from future applications that are based more fully on the X Toolkit. 

150 X Window System User's Guide 

(A very handy shortcut exists in some applications: if you press the original button again, it 
will be interpreted as a Confirm. If you press any other command button, it will be inter- 
preted as an Abort.) 


As described in the discussion of xterm in Chapter 4, The xterm Terminal Emulator, applica- 
tions can use a scrollbar to move up and down through data that is too large to fit in a win- 
dow. A scrollbar is an X Toolkit widget. 
The scrollbar consists of a sliding bar (often called the thumb) within a columnar slide 
region. The size of the thumb within the scrollbar corresponds to the amount of the data 
displayed within the visible portion of the window with respect to the entire body of data. If 
no data has yet been displayed in the window, the thumb fills the entire scrolling region, as 
shown in Figure 7-18. 
xterm uses a vertical scrollbar; other applications may use a horizontal scrollbar, or both. 
One type of widget that can have both horizontal and vertical scrollbars is called a viewport. 
When the pointer is moved into the scrollbar, the cursor appears as an arrow that points in the 
direction that scrolling can occur. If scrolling can occur in either direction, the cursor 
appears as a two-headed arrow. 
When the middle pointer button is clicked at any point in the scrollbar, the thumb moves to 
that point, and the data in the window scrolls to the corresponding position. When the 
middle pointer button is pressed and held down, the thumb can be "dragged" to a desired 
position in the scrollbar. If you click the first (left) button in the scrollbar, the data in the 
window scrolls up, toward the end of the information in the window. If you click the third 
(right) button, the data in the window scrolls down, towards the beginning of the information 
in the window. 

Selecting Information for Copying and Pasting 

As described in the discussion of xterm in Chapter 4, when you select contents from one file, 
those contents become the PRIMARY selection, which is available to other clients. For 
example, you can select text in one xterm window and paste the text into any other xterm 
window. See Chapter 4, The xterm Terminal Emulator, for a complete discussion of copying 
and pasting. In applications written with the X Toolkit, selections are a method of 
widget-to-widget communication. 

152 X Window System User's Guide 

Control-H, or 
LineFeed, or 
Meta-H, or 


Move to the beginning of the current line. 
Move backward one character. 
Delete the next character. 
Move to the end of the current line. 
Move forward one character. 
Delete the previous character. 

New paragraph. 

Kill the rest of this line. 
Redraw this window. 
Move down to the next line. 
Divide this line into two lines, at this point. 
Move up to the previous line. 
Move down to the next screenful of text. 
Kill the selected text. 
Insert the last killed texL 
Scroll the text one line up. 
Move to the beginning of the file. 
Move to the end of the file. 
Move backward one paragraph. 
Move forward one paragraph. 
Move backward one word. 
Kill the next word. 
Move forward one word. 
Kill the previous word. 

Insert a file. If any text is selected, use the selected text as the 
filename. Otherwise, a dialog box will appear in which you can type 
the desired filename. 

Move up to the previous screenful of texL 

156 X Window System User's Guide 



Insert the last selected text here. Note that this can be text selected in 
some other text subwindow. Also, if you select some text in an xterm 
window, it may be inserted in an xmh window with this command 
Pressing pointer button 2 is equivalent to this command. 

Scroll the text one line down. 

Delete the previous character. 

Other Clients 


Part Two: 

Customizing X 

X has been designed to put the user in the driver's seat. Everything from the 
colors and sizes of windows to the contents of twm menus can be custom- 
ized by the user. This part of the book tells you how to reshape X to your 

Command Line Options 
Setting Resources 
Customizing the twm Window Manager 
Setup Clients 


Command Line Options 

This chapter describes command-line options that are common to most cli- 
ents. Some arguments to command-line options can also be specified as the 
values of resource variables, described in Chapter 9. For example, the for- 
mat of a geometry string or a color specification is the same whether it is 
specified as an argument to an option or as the value of a resource definition. 

In This Chapter: 

Which Display to Run On ..................................................................... 164 
Title and Name .................................................................................... 165 
Window Geometry ............................................................................... 166 
Border Width ....................................................................................... 168 
Color Specification ............................................................................... 169 
The rgb.txt File ................................................................................. 169 
Release 4 Color Names ................................................................... 170 
Release 3 Color Names ................................................................... 172 

Alternative Release 4 Color Databases ............................................ 172 
Hexadecimal Color Specification ...................................................... 172 
The RGB Color Model .................................................................... 173 
How Many Colors are Available? ................................................... 174 
Starting a Client Window as an Icon ..................................................... 176 
Specifying Fonts on the Command Line ............................................... 176 
Reverse Video ..................................................................................... 177 

The host specifies on which machine to create the window, the server specifies the 
server number, and the screen specifies the screen number. Note that the server param- 
eter always begins with a colon (a double colon after a DECnet node*), and that the screen 
parameter always begins with a period. If the host is omitted or is specified as unix, the 
local node is assumed. If the screen is omitted, screen 0 is assumed. 
xterm and other X clients normally get the host, server, and screen from the DISPLAY envi- 
ronment variable. (In most configurations, DISPLAY will be set to the local host, server 0 and 
screen 0.) 
However, you may want to specify the host, server, and screen explicitly. You can do this for 
all clients by resetting the value of the DISPLAY variable, or for a single invocation of a cli- 
ent by using the -display option. 
For example: 
% xterm-display other_node:O.O & 
creates an xterm window on screen 0 of server 0 on the machine named othe__node. 
Although much of the current X Window System documentation suggests that any of the 
parameters to the -display option can be omitted and will default to the local node, server 
and screen 0, respectively, we have not found this to be true. In our experience, only the 
host and screen parameters (and the period preceding screen) can be omitted. The 
colon and server are necessary in all circumstances. 
The -display option can be abbreviated as -d. 

Title and Name 

The name of the program (as known to the server) and the title of the window can be speci- 
fied on the command line. The -title option allows you to specify a text string as the title 
of the application's window. If your application has a titlebar, or if the window manager you 
are using puts titlebars on windows, this string will appear in the titlebar. Window titles can 
be useful in distinguishing multiple instances of the same application. 
The -name option actually changes the name by which the server identifies the program. 
Changing the name of the application itself (with the -name option) affects the way the 
application interprets resource files. This option is discussed further in Chapter 9, Setting 
Resources. If a name string is defined for an application, that string will appear as the appli- 
cation name in its icon. 
If you display information about currently running windows using the xwininfo or xlswins 
client, title strings will appear in parentheses after the associated window ID numbers. (If 
there is no title string, but there is a name string, the name string will be displayed.) 

*By convention, DECnet node names end with a colon. 

Command Line Options 


You can also use the xwininfo client to request information about a particular window by 
title, or name, if no title string is defined, using that application's own -name option. See 
the xlswins and xwininfo reference pages in Part Three and the section "Window and Display 
Information Clients" in Chapter 7, Other Clients, to learn more about these clients. 

Window Geometry 

All clients that display in a window take a geometry option that specifies the size and loca- 
tion of the client window. The syntax of the geometry option is: 
-geometry geometry 
The -geometry option can be (and often is) abbreviated to -g, unless there is a conflicting 
option that begins with "g." 
The parameter to the geometry option (geometry), referred to as a "standard geometry 
string," has the form: 
wi dthxhei gh t+xof f+yof f 
The variables, width, height, xoff (X offset), and yoff (y offset) are values in pixels 
for many clients. However, application developers are encouraged to use units that are 
meaningful to the application. For example, xterm uses columns and rows of text as width 
and height values in the xterm window. 
You can specify any or all elements of the geometry string. Incomplete geometry specifica- 
tions are compared to the resource manager defaults and missing elements are supplied by 
the values specified there. If no default is specified there, and twm is running, the window 
manager will require you to place the window interactively. 
The values for the x and y offsets and their effects are shown in Table 8-2. 

Table 8-2. Geometry specification x and y offsets 

Offset Variables 






A positive x offset specifies the distance the left edge of the window is 
offset from the left side of the display. 

A positive y offset specifies the distance the top edge of the window is 
offset from the top of the display. 

A negative x offset specifies the distance the right edge of the window 
is offset from the right side of the display. 

A negative y offset specifies the distance the bottom edge of the win- 
dow is offset from the bottom of the display. 

For example, the command line: 
% xclock -geometry 125x125-10+10 & 

166 X Window System User's Guide 

Color Specification 

Many clients have options that allow you to specify the color of the window border, back- 
ground, and foreground (the color text or graphic elements will be displayed in). These 
options generally have the form: 
-bg color Sets the background color. 
-fg color Sets the foreground color. 
-bd color Sets the border color. 
By default, the background of an application window is usually white and the foreground 
black, even on color workstations. You can specify a new color using either the color names 
listed in a system file called rgb.txt or hexadecimal values representing colors. 
In the next section, we'll take a look at some of the colors available in the rgb.txt file. For 
now, let's consider the syntax of a command line specifying an xterm to be displayed in three 
% xterm -bg lightblue -fg arkslategrey -bd plum & 
This command creates an xterm window with a background of light blue, foreground of dark 
slate grey, and window border of plum (all colors are available in both Releases 3 and 4). 
At the command line, a color name should be typed as a single word (for example, dark- 
slategrey). However, you can type the words comprising a color name separately if you 
enclose them in quotes, as in the following command line: 
% xterm -bg "light blue" -fg "ark slate grey" -bd plum & 

As we'll see, the rgb.txt file contains variants of the same color name (for example, "navy 
blue" and "NavyBlue," or "grey" and "gray") to allow a range of spelling, spacing, and capi- 
talization on the command line. 

Some clients allow additional options to specify color for other elements, such as the cursor, 
highlighting, and so on. See the appropriate client reference pages in Part Three of this guide 
for details. 

The rgb.txt File 

The rgb.txt file, usually located in lusrlliblX11, is supplied with the standard distribution of X 
and consists of predefined colors assigned to specific text names. 

A corresponding compiled file called rgb.dir contains the definitions used by the server; this 
machine-readable file serves as a color name database, and is discussed more fully in Appen- 
dix A, System Management. The rgb.txt file is the human-readable equivalent. 

Command Line Options 169 

Section 1: 

Section 2: 

Section 3: 

A standard spectrum of colors, many available in or similar to colors in 
Release 3 (such as sea green). These colors seem to be ordered roughly 
as follows: off-whites and other pale colors, greys, blues, greens, yel- 
lows, browns, oranges, pinks, reds, and purples. 
Sub-shades of Section 1 colors (such as SeaGreen 1 through 4). These 
sub-shades comprise the largest part of the file. 

One hundred and one additional shades of grey, numbered 0 through 
100 (also available in Release 3). This large number of precisely gradu- 
ated greys provides a wide variety of shading for monochrome screens. 
Rather than list every color in the rgb.txt file, we've compiled the following table of repre- 
sentative colors. We've chosen some of the more esoteric color names. Naturally, all of the 
primary and secondary colors are available also. 

Section 1: 

ghost white peach puff lavendar blush lemon chiffon 
slate grey midnight blue cornflower blue medium slate blue 
dodger blue powder blue turquoise pale green 
lawn green chartreuse olive drab lime green 
khaki light yellow goldenrod indian red 
sienna sandy brown salmon coral 
tomato hot pink maroon violet red 
magenta medium orchid blue violet purple 
Secon 2: 

snowl - 4 
azurel - 4 
PaleTurquoisel - 4 
SpringGreenl -4 
chocolatel - 4 
DeepPinkl - 4 
Section 3: 

bisquel - 4 
SteelBluel - 4 
aquamarinel - 4 
goldl - 4 
firebrickl - 4 
PaleVioletRedl - 4 

grey0 (gray0) rough greyl00 (grayl00) 

cornsilkl - 4 
DeepSkyBluel - 4 
PaleGreenl - 4 
RosyBrownl - 4 
DarkOrangel - 4 
pluml - 4 

honeydewl -4 
LightCyanl - 4 
DarkOliveGreenl - 4 
burlywoodl - 4 
OrangeRedl - 4 
DarkOrchidl - 4 

If you want to look more closely at the rgb.txt file, you can open it with any text editor. As 
an alternative, you can also display the contents of the file using the showrgb client, showrgb 
seems to do nothing more than cat(l) the file to your terminal window. Given the size of the 
file, it's necessary to pipe the command's output to a paging program, such as pg(1) or 
% showrgb [ more 
See Appendix A, System Management, for information on customizing color name 

Command Line Options 171 

Release 3 Color Names 

The following are the default color names shipped with Release 3 of the X Window System. 

Again, this list does not include the many variants of these names. 

aquamarine medium aquamarine black blue 
cadet blue corn flowerblue dark slate blue light blue 
light steel blue medium blue medium slate blue midnight blue 
navy blue navy sky blue slate blue 
steel blue coral cyan firebrick 
brown sandy brown gold goldenrod 
medium goldenrod green dark green dark olive green 
forest green lime green medium forest green medium sea green 
medium spring green pale green sea green spring green 
yellow green dark slate grey grey dim grey 
light grey khaki magenta maroon 
orange orchid dark orchid medium orchid 
pink plum red indian red 
medium violet red orange red violet red salmon 
sienna tan thistle turquoise 
dark turquoise medium turquoise violet blue violet 
wheat white yellow green yellow 

greyO (grayO) drough greylO0 (graylO0) 

Alternative Release 4 Color Databases 

In addition to the standard color database described above, Release 4 also includes three 
other databases that can be compiled by your system administrator. These files can be found 
in the general release in the directory ./rgb/others. 




Designed by Paul Raveling, this database rivals the default database in 
size and scope, but has been tuned to display optimally on Hewlett- 
Packard monitors. 
Based on the Release 3 database, this file has been modified by John 
Thomas of Tektronix to approximate the colors in a box of Crayola 
This is nothing more than the Release 3 database. 

Hexadecimal Color Specification 

You can also specify colors more exactly using a hexadecimal color string. You probably 
won't use this method unless you require a color not available by using a color name. In 
order to understand how this works, you may need a little background on how color is imple- 
mented on most workstations. 

172 X Window System User's Guide 

The RGB Color Model 

Most color displays on the market today are based on the RGB color model. Each pixel on 
the screen is actually made up of three phosphors: one red, one green, and one blue. Each of 
these three phosphors is excited by a separate electron beam. When all three phosphors are 
fully illuminated, the pixel appears white to the human eye. When all three are dark, the 
pixel appears black. When the illumination of each primary color varies, the three phosphors 
generate a subtractive color. For example, equal portions of red and green, with no admix- 
ture of blue, makes yellow. 
As you might guess, the intensity of each primary color is controlled by a three-part digital 
value--and it is the exact makeup of this value that the hexadecimal specification allows you 
to set. 
Depending on the underlying hardware, different servers may use a larger or smaller number 
of bits (from 4 to 16 bits) to describe the intensity of each primary. To insulate you from this 
variation, most clients are designed to take color values containing anywhere from 4 to 16 
bits (1 to 4 hex digits), and the server then scales them to the hardware. As a result, you can 
specify hexadecimal values in any one of the following formats: 
where R, G, and B represent single hexadecimal digits and determine the intensity of the red, 
green, and blue primaries that make up each color. 
When fewer than four digits are used, they represent the most significant bits of the value. 
For example, # 3 a 6 is the same as # 3 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 6 0 0 0.* 
What this means concretely is perhaps best illustrated by looking at the values that corre- 
spond to some colors in the color name database. We'll use 8-bit values--two hexadecimal 
digits for each primary. The following definitions are the hexadecimal equivalents of the 
decimal values for some of the colors found in the rgb.txt file: 

#000000 black 
#FFFFFF white 
#FF0000 red 
#00FF00 green 
#0000FF blue 
#FFFF00 yellow 
#00FFFF cyan 
#FF00FF magenta 
#5FgEA0 cadet blue 
#6495ED cornflower blue 
#ADDSE6 light blue 
#BOC4DE light steel blue 
#0000CD medium blue 
#000080 navy blue 

*If you are unfamiliar with hexadecimal numbering, see the Glossary for a brief explanation, or a basic computer 
textbook for a more extended discussion. 

Command Line Options 


#87CEED sky blue 
#6A5ACE slate blue 
#4682B4 steel blue 
As you can see from the colors given above, pure red, green, and blue result from the corre- 
sponding bits being turned full on. All primaries off yields black, while all nearly full on 
gives white. Yellow, cyan, and magenta can be created by pairing two of the other primaries 
at full intensity. The various shades of blue shown above are created by varying the intensity 
of each primarynsometimes in unexpected ways. 
The bottom line here is that if you don't intimately know the physics of color, the best you 
can do is to look up existing colors from the color name database and experiment with them 
by varying one or more of the primaries till you find a color you like. Unless you need pre- 
cise colors, you are probably better off using color names. 

How Many Colors are Available? 

The number of distinct colors available on the screen at any one time depends on the amount 
of memory available for color specification. (The xdpyinfo client provides information about 
a display, including the number of colors available at one time. See Chapter 7, Other Clients, 
and the xdpyinfo reference page in Part Three for details.) 
A color display uses multiple bits per pixel (also referred to as multiple planes or the depth of 
the display) to select colors. Programs that draw in color use the value of these bits as a 
pointer to a lookup table called a colormap, in which each entry (or colorcell) contains the 
RGB values for a particular color.* As shown in Figure 8-2, any given pixel value is used as 
an index into this tablemfor example, a pixel value of 16 will select the sixteenth colorcell. 
Why is this technical detail important? Because it explains several issues that you might 
encounter in working with color displays. 
First, the range of colors possible on the display is a function of the number of bits available 
in the colormap for RGB specification. If eight bits is available for each primary, then the 
range of possible colors is 256 3 (somewhere over 16 million colors). This means that you 
can create incredibly precise differences between colors. 
However, the number of different colors that can be displayed on the screen at any one time 
is a function of the number of planes. A four-plane system can index 2 ' colorcells (16 dis- 
tinct colors); an eight-plane system can index 2 s colorcells (256 distinct colors); and a 
24-plane system can index 2 24 colorcells (over 16 million distinct colors). 
If you are using a four-plane workstation, the fact that you can precisely define hundreds of 
different shades of blue is far less significant than the fact that you can't use them all at the 
same time. There isn't space for all of them to be stored in the colormap at one time, or any 
mechanism for them to be selected even if they could be stored. 

*There is a type of high-end display in which pixel values are used directly to control the illumination of the red, 
green, and blue phosphors, but far more commonly, the bits per pixel are used indirectly, with the actual color values 
specified independently, as described here. 

174 X Window System User's Guide 

Buffer Colormap 
R G B 
 Pixel 16 
..... 0 14 
..... 0 10 


Figure 8-2. Multiple planes used to index a colormap 

This limitation is made more significant by the fact that X is a multi-client environment. 
When X starts up, usually no colors are loaded into the colormap. As clients are invoked, 
certain of these cells are allocated. But when all of the free colorcells are used up, it is no 
longer possible to request new colors. When this happens, you will usually be given the 
closest possible color from those that have already been allocated. However, you may 
instead be given an error message and told that there are no free colorcells. 

In order to minimize the chance of running out of colorcells, many programs use "shared" 
colorcells. Shared colorcells can be used by any number of applications, but they can't be 
changed by any of them. They can only be deallocated by each application that uses them, 
and when all applications have deallocated the cell, it is available for setting one again. 
Shared cells are most often used for background, border, and cursor colors. 

Alternately, some clients have to be able to change the color of graphics they have already 
drawn. This requires another kind of cell, called private, which can't be shared. A typical 
use of a private cell would be for the pallete of a color mixing application. Such a program 
might have three bars of each primary color, and a box which shows the mixed color. The 
primary bars would use shared cells, while the mixed color box would use a private cell. 

In summary, some programs define colorcells to be read-only and shareable, while others 
define colorcells to be read/write and private. 

To top it off, there are even clients that may temporarily swap in a whole private colormap of 
their own. Because of the way color is implemented, if this happens, all other applications 
will be displayed in unexpected colors. 

Command Line Options 175 

In order to minimize such conflicts, you should request precise colors only when necessary. 
By preference, use color names or hexadecimal specifications that you specified for other 

Starting a Client Window as an leon 

The -iconic command line option starts the client window in iconified form. To start an 
xterm window as an icon, type: 
% xezm-iconic & 
This can be especially useful for starting the login xterm window. As described in Chapter 2, 
Getting Started, terminating the login xterm window kills the X server and all other clients 
that are running. It's always possible to terminate a window inadvertently, by selecting the 
wrong menu option or typing the wrong key sequence. If your login xterm window is auto- 
matically iconified at startup, you are far less likely to terminate the window inadvertently 
and end your X session. 
For most clients, the size and position of the icon can be set using resource variables in an 
.Xdefaults or other resource file. (This is highly recommended if you are starting the login 
xterm window as an icon.) See the appropriate client reference pages in Pan Three for a 
complete list of available resources. Refer to Chapter 9, Setting Resources, for instructions 
on how to set resources. 

Specifying Fonts on the Command Line 

Many clients allow you to specify the font to be used when displaying text in the window. 
(These are known as screen fonts and are not to be confused with printer fonts.) For clients 
written with the X Toolkit, the option to set the display font is -fn. For example, the com- 
mand line: 

% xtez'm-fn fon tname & 

creates an xterm window in which text will be displayed with the font named fontname. 

Chapter 5, Font Specification, describes the available screen fonts and font naming 

176 X Window System User's Guide 

Reverse Video 

There are three options to control whether or not the application will display in reverse 
video--that is, with the foreground and background colors reversed. The -x:v or 
- x:eve x:se option is used to request reverse video. 

The +x:v option is used to override any reverse video request that might be specified in a 
resource file (see Chapter 9, Setting Resources). This is important, because not all clients 
handle reverse video correctly, and even those that do usually do so only on black and white 

Command Line Options 



Setting Resources 

This chapter describes how to set resource variables that determine applica- 
tion features such as color, geometry, fonts, and so on. It describes the syn- 
tax of resource definition files such as .Xresources, as well as the operation 
of xrdb, a client that can be used to change resource definitions dynamically, 
and make resources available to clients running on other machines. 

In This Chapter: 

Resource Naming Syntax .................................................................... 182 
Syntax of Toolkit Client Resources ................................................... 183 
Tight Bindings and Loose Bindings .................................................. 184 
Instances and Classes ..................................................................... 184 
Precedence Rules for Resource Specification .................................. 185 
Some Common Resources .............................................................. 187 
Event Translations ............................................................................... 188 
The Syntax of Event Translations ..................................................... 189 
xterm Translations to Use xclipboard .............................................. 191 
How to Set Resources ......................................................................... 192 
A Sample Resources File ................................................................. 193 
Specifying Resources from the Command Line ................................ 194 
The -xrm Option ............................................................................ 194 
The -name Option ......................................................................... 194 
Setting Resources with xrdb ................................................................ 195 
Querying the Resource Database .................................................... 196 
Loading New Values into the Resource Database ............................ 196 
Saving Active Resource Definitions in a File ..................................... 197 
Removing Resource Definitions ....................................................... 197 
Listing the Current Resources for a Client: appres .......................... 198 
Other Sources of Resource Definition .............................................. 199 

Setting Resources 

Virtually all X clients are customizable. You can specify how a client looks on the screen-- 
its size and placement, its border and background color or pattern, whether or not the window 
has a scrollbar, and so on. Some applications even allow you to redefine the keystrokes or 
pointer actions used to control the application. 
Traditional UNIX applications rely on command line options to allow users to customize the 
way they work. As we've already discussed in Chapter 8, Command Line Options, X appli- 
cations support command line options too, but often not for all of their features. Also, there 
can be so many customizable features in an application that a command line to set them all 
would be completely impractical. (Imagine the aggravation of misspelling an option in a 
command that was three lines long.) 
X offers an alternative to customizing an application on the command line. Almost every 
feature of a program can be controlled by a variable called a resource; you can change the 
behavior or appearance of a program by changing the value associated with a resource vari- 
able. (All of the standard X Toolkit Command Line Options described in Chapter 8 have cor- 
responding resource variable names. See Table 8-1 for more information.) 
Resource variables may be Boolean (such as scrollBar: True) or take a numeric or 
string value (borderWidth: 2 or foreground: blue). What's more, in applica- 
tions written with the X Toolkit (or other object-oriented systems), resources may be associ- 
ated with separate objects (or "widgets") within an application. There is a syntax that allows 
for separate control over both a class of objects in the application and an individual instance 
of an object. This is illustrated by the following resource specifications for a hypothetical 
application called xclient: 
xclient*Buttons, foreground : blue 
xclient*help, foreground : red 
The f'u'st resource specification makes the foreground color of all buttons in the xclient appli- 
cation (in the class Buttons) blue; the second resource specification makes the foreground 
color of the help button in this application (an instance of the class Buttons) red. 
The values of resources can be set as application defaults using a number of different mecha- 
nisms, including resource files in your home directory and a program called xrdb (X resource 
database manager). As we'll see, the xrdb program stores resources directly in the server, 
thus making them available to all clients, regardless of the machine the clients are running 

Setting Resources 181 

Placing resources in files allows you to set many resources at once, without the restrictions 
encountered when using command line options. In addition to a primary resource file (often 
called .Xdefaults or .Xresources) in your home directory, which determines defaults for appli- 
cations you run, you can create system-wide resource files to set application defaults. You 
can also create resource files to set some resources only for the local machine, some for all 
machines in a network, and some for one or more specific machines. 

The various resource files are automatically read in and processed in a certain order within 
an application by a set of routines called the resource manager. The syntax for resource 
specifications and the rules of precedence by which the resource manager processes them are 
intended to give you the maximum flexibility in setting resources, with the minimum amount 
of text. You can specify a resource that controls only one feature of a single application, 
such as the red hea_p button in the hypothetical xclient settings above. You can also specify 
a resource that controls one feature of multiple objects within multiple applications with a 
single line. 

It is important to note that command line options normally take precedence over any prior 
resource settings, so you can set up the files to control the way you normally want your appli- 
cation to work, and then use command line options to specify changes you need for only one 
or two instances of the application. 
In this chapter, we'll first look at the syntax of resource specifications. Then we'll consider 
some methods of setting resources, primarily some special command line options and the 
xrdb program. Finally, we'll take a brief look at the section "Other Sources of Resource Def- 
inition," additional files that can be created or edited to set application resources. 

Resource Naming Syntax 

The basic syntax of a resource definition file is fairly simple. Each client recognizes certain 
resource variables that can be assigned a value. The variables for each client are documented 
on its reference page in Part Three of this guide. 
Most of the common clients are written to use the X Toolkit. As described in Chapter 7, 
Other Clients, toolkits are a mechanism for simplifying the design and coding of applica- 
tions, and making them operate in a consistent way. Toolkits provide a standard set of 
objects, or "widgets," such as menus, command buttons, dialog boxes, scrollbars, and so on. 
As we'll see, the naming syntax for certain resources parallels the object hierarchy that is 
built into X Toolkit programs.* 
The most basic line you can have in a resource definition file consists of the name of a client, 
followed by a period or an asterisk and the name of a variable. A colon and whitespace sepa- 

*If a client was built with the X Toolkit, this should be noted on the reference page. In addition to certain applica- 
tion-specific resource variables, clients that use the X Toolkit have a common set of resource variables. These com- 
mon variables may not be shown on each reference page, but all of the Toolkit variables are listed in Table 8-1, in 
Chapter 8, Command Line Options and are described in slightly greater detail on the X reference page in Part Three 
of this guide. A few of the more common variables also appear in Table 9-1 later in this chapter. 

182 X Window System User's Guide 

rate the client and variable names from the actual value of the resource variable. The follow- 
ing line specifies that all instances of the xterm application have a scrollbar: 
xterm*scrollBar : True 
If the name of the client is omitted, the variable applies to all instances of all clients (in this 
case, all clients that can have a scrollbar). If the same variable is specified as a global vari- 
able and a client-specific variable, the value of the client-specific variable takes precedence 
for that client. Note, however, that if the name of the client is omitted, the line should gener- 
ally begin with an asterisk. 
Be sure that you don't inadvertently omit the colon at the end of a resource specification. 
This is an easy mistake to make and the resource manager provides no error messages. If 
there is an error in a resource specification (including a syntax error like the omission of the 
colon or a misspelling), the specification is ignored. The value you set will simply not take 
effect. To include a comment in a resource file or comment out one of the resource specifica- 
tions, begin the line in question with an exclamation point (!). If the last character on a line 
is a backslash (k), the resource definition on that line is assumed to continue on the next line. 

Syntax of Toolkit Client Resources 

As mentioned above, X Toolkit applications are made up of predefined components called 
widgets. There can be widgets within widgets (e.g., a command button within a dialog box). 
The syntax of resource specifications for Toolkit clients parallels the levels of the widget 
hierarchy. Accordingly, you should think of a resource specification as having the following 
object.subobject[.subobject. . .].attribute: value 

is the client program, or a specific instance of the program. (See The 
-name Option later in this chapter.) 
subobjects correspond to levels of the widget hierarchy (usually the major structures 
within an application, such as windows, menus, scrollbars, etc.). 
a t t ri bu t e is a feature of the last s ubobj ec t (perhaps, a command buuon), such as 
background color or a label that appears on it. 
val ue is the actual setting of the resource attribute, i.e., the label text, color, 
or other feature. 
The type of val ue to supply should usually be evident from the name of the resource or 
from the description of the resource variable on the reference page. Most of these values are 
similar to those used with the command line options described in Chapter 8, Command Line 
For example, various resources, such as borderColor or background, take color spec- 
ifications; geometry takes a geometry string, font takes a font name, and so on. Logical 
values, such as the values taken by scrollBar, can be generally specified as on or off, 
as yes or no, or as True or False. 


Setting Resources 


Note that in a complex Toolkit application, these values can occur at every level in a widget 
hierarchy. For example, our hypothetical xclient application might support the following 
complete instance names: 
xclient, background 
xcl ient. butt onBox, background 
xcl ient. buttonBox, commandButton, background 
xcl ient. buttonBox, quit. background 
These resources would specify the background color for the application window, the button 
box area, any command buttons, and the quit command button, respectively. 
Of course, the specification: 
would match any and all of them. See Table 8-1 for a comprehensive list of the common X 
Toolkit resources. 

Event Translations 

We've discussed the basics of resource naming syntax. From the sample resource settings, it 
appears that what many resource variables do is self-evident, or nearly so. Among the less 
obvious resource variables, there is one type of specification, an event translation, that can be 
used with many clients and warrants somewhat closer examination. 
User input and several other types of information pass from the server to a client in the form 
of events. An event is a packet of information that tells the client something it needs to act 
on, such as keyboard input. As mentioned in Chapter 4, The xterm Terminal Emulator, mov- 
ing the pointer or pressing a key, etc., causes input events to occur. When a program receives 
a meaningful event, it responds with some sort of action. 
For many clients, the resource manager recognizes mappings between certain input events 
(like a pointer button click) and some sort of action by the client program (like selecting 
text). A mapping between one or more events and an action is called a translation. A 
resource containing a list of translations is called a translation table. 
Many event translations are programmed into an application and are invisible to the user.* 
For our purposes, we are only concerned with very visible translations of certain input 
events, primarily the translation of keystrokes and pointer button clicks to particular actions 
by a client program. 

*For more information on events and translations, see Volume Four, X Toolkit Programming Manual 

188 X Window System Users Guide 

The Syntax of Event Translations 

The operation of many clients, notably xterm, is partly determined by default input event 
translations. For example, as explained in Chapter 4, The xterm Terminal Emulator, selecting 
text with the first pointer button (an event) saves that text into memory (an action). 
In this case, the input "event" is actually three separate X events: 
1. Pushing the first pointer button down. 
2. Moving the pointer while holding the first button down. 
3. Releasing the button. 

Each of these input events performs part of the action of selecting text: 
1. Unselects any previously selected text and begins selecting new text. 
2. Extends the selection. 
3. Ends the selection, saving the text into memory (both as the PRIMARY selection and 

The event and action mappings would be expressed in a translation table as follows: 

<BtnlDown>: select-start()\n\ 
<BtnlMotion>: select-extend()\n\ 
<BtnlUp>: select-end(PRIMARY, CUT_BUFFER0) 

where each event is enclosed in angle brackets (< >) and produces the action that follows the 
colon. A space or tab generally precedes the action, though this is not mandatory: 
<event>: action 
A translation table must be a continuous string. In order to link multiple mappings as a con- 
tinuous string, each event-action line should be terminated by a newline character (M), which 
is in turn followed by a backslash (x,) to escape the actual newline. 
These are default translations for xterm.* All of the events are simple, comprised of a single 
button motion. As we'll see, events can also have modifiers, i.e., additional button motions 
or keystrokes (often Control or Meta) that must be performed with the primary event to pro- 
duce the action. (Events can also have modifiers that must not accompany the primary event 
if the action is to take place.) 
As you can see, the default actions listed in the table are hardly intuitive. The event-action 
mappings that can be modified using translation resources are usually described on the refer- 
ence page for the particular client. 

*They are actually slightly simplified versions of default translations. Before you can understand the actual transla- 
tions listed on the xterm reference page in Part Three of this guide, you must leam more about the syntax of transla- 
tions. In addition to the current chapter, read Appendix H, Translation Table Syntax. 

Setting Resources 189 

xterm Translations to Use xclipboard 

As stated in Chapter 4, The xterm Terminal Emulator, you can specify xterm translations to 
have copied text made the CLIPBOARD selection. The CLIPBOARD selection is the property 
of the xclipboard client. If you are running xclipboard and you copy text to be made the 
CLIPBOARD selection, this text automatically appears in the xclipboard window. The xclip- 
board window allows you to store text that can then be copied to other windows. 
Some sample translations that would allow you to use the xclipboard in this way follow: 
*VTI00 .Translations: #override\ 
Buttonl <Btn3Down>: select-end (CLIPBOARD)\n\ 
-Ctrl -Meta <Btn2Up>: insert-selection (PRIMARY, CLIPBOARD) 
According to this table, while selecting text with Buttonl (the modifier), the event of 
pressing the third pointer button (Btn3Down) (while continuing to hold down the first but- 
ton), produces the action of making the text the CLIPBOARD selection. (Notice that we've 
taken the select-end action and combined it with the argument CLIPBOARD. The default 
translation uses the arguments PRIMARY,CUT_BUFFER0.) 
The second line modifies the way selected text is pasted into a window so that the CLIP- 
BOARD selection can be pasted. As described in Chapter 4, The xterm Terminal Emulator, 
pressing the second pointer button pasted the contents of the PRIMARY selection, by default. 
If there is no PRIMARY selection, the contents of the cut buffer are pasted. The default trans- 
lation that sets this behavior is as follows: 
-Ctrl -Meta <Btn2Up>: insert-selection (PRIMARY, CUT BUFFER0) 
This translation specifies that releasing pointer button 2, while pressing any modifier button 
or key other than Control or Meta, inserts text from the PRIMARY selection, or if the selec- 
tion is empty, from cut buffer 0. In the second line of our translation table, we've replaced 
CUT_BUFFER0 with the CLIPBOARD selection. The new behavior is that releasing the second 
pointer button pastes the PRIMARY selection, or if there is none, the CLIPBOARD selection. 
Thus, according to the translations in the example, if you select text as usual with the first 
pointer button, and then additionally push the third button down (while continuing to hold 
the first button), the text becomes the CLIPBOARD selection and appears automatically in the 
xclipboard window, as in Figure 9-1. 
Since our first translation specifies a different event/action mapping than the default transla- 
tion for selecting text (discussed in the previous section), the default translation still applies. 
If you select text with the first pointer button alone, that text is still made the PRIMARY selec- 
tion and fills CUT_BUFFER0. To send text to the xclipboard, you would need to use the third 
pointer button as well. Thus, not all selected text need be made the CLIPBOARD selection 
(and sent automatically to the xclipboard). 
There are advantages to making only certain selections CLIPBOARD selections. You can 
keep xclipboard running and make many text selections by the default method (first pointer 
button), without filling up the xclipboard window. And chances are you don't want to save 
every piece of text you copy for an extended period of time, anyway. 


Setting Resources 191 


Figure 9-1. Selected text appears automatically in the xclipboard window 

The CLIPBOARD selection and the xclipboard client also get around the potential problems 
of selection ownership discussed in Chapter 4. Once text becomes the CLIPBOARD selection, 
it is owned by the xclipboard client. Thus, if the client from which text was copied (the orig- 
inal owner) goes away, the selection is still available, owned by the xclipboard, and can be 
transferred to another window (and translated to another format if necessary). 

The operation of many clients can be modified by specifying event translations as resources. 
See the relevant client reference pages in Part Three of this guide. 

For information about events, actions, and translation table syntax, see Appendix H, Transla- 
tion Table Syntax, in this guide, and Volume Four, X Toolkit Programming Manual. 

How to Set Resources 

Learning to write resource specifications is a fairly manageable task, once you understand the 
basic rules of syntax and precedence. In contrast, the multiple ways you can set 
resources--for a single system, for multiple systems, for a single user, for all users--can be 
confusing. For our purposes, we are primarily concerned with specifying resources for a 
single user running applications both on the local system and on remote systems in a net- 
As we've said, resources are generally specified in files. A resource file can have any name 
you like. Resources are generally "loaded" into the X server by the xrdb client, which is nor- 
mally run from your startup file or run automatically by xdm when you log in. (See Appendix 
A, System Management, for information about startup files and xdm.) Prior to Release 2 of X, 
there was only one resource file called .Xdefaults, placed in the user's home directory. If no 
resource file is loaded into the server by xrdb, the .Xdefaults file will still be read. 
Remember that X allows clients to run on different machines across a network, not just on 
the machine that supports the X server. The problem with the older .Xdefaults mechanism 
was that users who were running clients on multiple machines had to maintain multiple 

192 X Window System User's Guide 

.Xdefaults files, one on each machine. By contrast, xrdb stores the application resources 
directly in the server, thus making them available to all clients, regardless of the machine the 
clients are running on. As we'll see, xrdb also allows you to change resources without edit- 
ing files. 

Of course, you may want certain resources to be set on all machines and others to be set only 
on particular machines. See the section "Other Sources of Resource Definition" later in this 
chapter for information on setting machine-specific resources. This section gives an over- 
view of additional ways to specify resources, using a variety of system files. 

In addition to loading resource files, you can specify defaults for a particular instance of an 
application from the command line using two options: -xrm and -name. 

First we'll consider a sample resources file. Then we'll take a look at the use of the -xrm 
and -name command line options. Finally, we'll discuss various ways you can load 
resources using the xrdb program and consider "Other Sources of Resource Definition." 

A Sample Resources File 

Figure 9-2 shows a sample resources file. This file sets the border width for all clients to a 
default value of 2 pixels, and sets other specific variables for xclock and xterm. The meaning 
of each variable is fairly obvious from its name (for example, xterm*scrollBar: 
T rue means that xterm windows should be created with a scrollbar. 

Note that comments are preceded by an exclamation point (!). 
detailed description of each possible variable, see the appropriate client reference 

For a 

in Part Three of this guide. 
*borderWidth: 2 
! xclock resources 
xclock*borderWidth: 5 
xclock*geometry: 64x64 
! xterm resources 
xterm*curses: on 
xterm*cursorColor: skyblue 
xterm*pointerShape: pirate 
xterm*jumpScroll: on 
xterm*saveLines: 300 
xterm*scrollBar: True 
xterm*scrollKey: on 
xterm*background: black 
xterm*borderColor: blue 
xterm*borderWidth: 3 
xterm*foreground: white 
xterm*font: 8x13 

Figure 9-2. A sample resources file 


Setting Resources 


Specifying Resources from the Command Line 

Two command line options that are supported by all clients written with the X Toolkit can be 
useful in specifying resources. 

The-xrm Option 

The -xrm option allows you to set on the command line any specification that you would 
otherwise put into a resources file. For example: 
% xterm-xrm 'xterm*Foreground: lue' & 
Note that a resource specification on the command line must be quoted using the single 
quotes in the line above. 
The -xrm option only specifies the resource(s) for the current instance of the application. 
Resources specified in this way do not become pan of the resource database. 
The -xrm option is most useful for setting classes, since most clients have command line 
options that correspond to instance variable names. For example, the -fg command line 
option sets the foreground attribute of a window, but -xrm must be used to set Fore- 
Note also that a resource specified with the -xrm option will not take effect if a resource that 
takes precedence has already been loaded with xrdb. For example, say you've loaded a 
resource file that includes the specification: 
xterm*pointerShape : pirate 
The following command line specification of another cursor will fail: 
% xterm-xrm '*pointerShape: gumby' & 
because the resource xterm*pointerShape is more specific than the resource 
*pointerShape. Instead, you'll get an xterm with the previously specified pirate cursor. 
To override the resource database (and get the Gumby cursor), you'd need to use a resource 
as or more specific, such as the following: 
% xterm -xrm ' xterm*pointerShape: gumby' & 

The -name Option 

The -name option, which lets you name one instance of a client using an arbitrary alias, can 
also be used to set resources. If a client supports the -name option, you can create instance 
resources using the arbitrary alias as the object. You can then run the client using the alias 
as the -name argument. The client automatically uses the resources that begin with that 
For example, you could put the following entries into a resource file such as 2(resources: 
XTerm*Font : 8x13 
smallxterm*Font : 6x10 

194 X Window System User's Guide 

You should load a resource file with the xrdb -load option. For example, to load the con- 
tents of your 2resources file into the RESOURCE_MANAGER, you would type: 
% xrdb -load . Xresources 

Querying the Resource Database 

You can find out whm options are currently set by using the -query option. For example: 
% xrdb -query 
XTerm*ScrollBar: True 
bigxterm*font: 9x15 
bigxterm*Geometry: 80x55 
smallxterm*Font: 6x10 
smallxterm*Geometry: 80x10 
xterm*borderWidth: 3 
If xrdb has not been run, this command will produce no ouut. 

Loading New Values into the Resource Database 

By default, xrdb reads its input (either a file or standard input) and stores the results into the 
resource database, replacing the previous values. If you simply want to merge new values 
with the currently active ones (perhaps by specifying a single value from standard input), you 
can use the -merge option. Only the new values will be changed; variables that were 
already set will be preserved rather than overwritten with empty values. 
For example, let's say you wanted to add new resources listed in the file new.values. You 
could say: 
% xrdb -merge new. values 
As another example, if you wanted all subsequently run xterm windows to have scrollbars, 
you could use standard input, and enter: 
xterm* scrollBar: True 
and then press Control-D to end the standard input. Note that because of precedence rules 
for resource naming, you may not automatically get what you want. For example, if you 
xterm*scrollBar : True 
and the more specific value: 
xterm*vtl00.scrollBar: False 
has already been set, your new, less specific setting will be ignored. The problem isn't that 
you used the -merge option incorrectly--you just got caught by the rules of precedence. 

196 X Window System User's Guide 

If your specifications don't seem to work, use the -query option to list the values in the 
RESOURCE_MANAGER property, and look for conflicting specifications. 

Note also that when you add new specifications, they won't affect any programs already run- 
ning, but only programs started after the new resource specifications are in effect. (This is 
also true even if you overwrite the existing specifications by loading a new resource file. 
Only programs run after this point will reflect the new specifications.) 

Saving Active Resource Definitions in a File 

Assume that you've loaded the RESOURCE_MANAGER property from an .Xresources or 
other file. However, you've dynamically loaded a different value using the -me rge option, 
and you'd like to make the new value your default. 

You don't need to edit the file manually (although you certainly could.) The -edit option 
allows you to write out the current value of the RESOURCE_MANAGER property into a file. 
If the file already exists, it is overwriuen with the new values. However, xrdb is smart 
enough to preserve any comments and preprocessor declarations in the file being overwritten, 
replacing only the resource definitions. 

For example: 
% xrdb -edit -/. Xre=ource= 

will save the current contents of the RESOURCE_MANAGER property in the file .Xresources 
in your home directory. 
If you want to save a backup copy of an existing file, use the -backup option as follows: 
% xrdb -edit . mydefault= -backup old 
The string following the -backup option is used as an extension to be appended to the old 
filename. In the example shown above, the previous copy of .mydefaults would be saved as 

Removing Resource Definitions 

You can delete the definition of the RESOURCE_MANAGER property from the server by cal- 
ling xrdb with the -remove option. 
There is no way to delete a single resource definition, other than to read the current xrdb val- 
ues to a file. For example: 
% xrdb -query > filename 
Use an editor to edit and save the file, deleting the resource definitions you no longer want: 

% vi filename 
Then read the edited values back into the RESOURCE_MANAGER with xrdb: 

% xrdb -load filename 

Setting Resources 


Listing the Current Resources for a Client: appres 

The appres (application resource) program, available as of Release 4, lists the resources that 
currently might apply to a client. These resources may be derived from several sources, 
including the user's .Xresources file and a system-wide application defaults file. The direc- 
tory lusrlliblXlllapp-defaults contains application default files for several clients. The func- 
tion of these files is discussed in the next section. For now, be aware that all of the resources 
contained in these files begin with the class name of the application. 
Also be aware that appres has one serious limitation: it cannot distinguish between valid and 
invalid resource specifications. It lists all resources that might apply to a client, whether the 
resources are correctly specified or not. 
appres lists the resources that apply to a client having the class_name and/or 
inse,nce_n,rne you specify. Typically, you would use appres before running a client 
program to find out what resources the client program will access. 
For example, say you want to run xterm, but you can't remember the latest resources you've 
specified for it, whether you've loaded them, or perhaps what some of the application 
defaults are, etc. You can use the appres client to check the current xterm resources. If you 
specify only a class name, as in the following command line: 
appres lists the resources that any xterm would load. In the case of xterm, this is an extensive 
list, encompassing all of the system-wide application defaults, as well as any other defaults 
you have specified in a resource file. 
You can additionally specify an instance name to list the resources applying to a particular 
instance of the client, as in the following: 
% appres XTerm bigxterm 
If you omit the class name, xappres assumes the class -NoSuchClass-, which has no 
defaults, and returns only the resources that would be loaded by the particular instance of the 
Note that the instance can simply be the client name, for example, xterm. In that case, none 
of the system-wide application defaults would be listed, since all begin with the class name 
XTe rm. For example, the command: 
% appres xterm 
might return resources settings similar to the following: 

Buttonl <Btn3Down>: 


-Ctrl -Meta <Btn2Up>: insert-selection (PRIMARY, CLIPBOARD) 
Most of these resources set obvious features of xterm. The translation table sets up xterm to 
use the xclipboard. Notice also that appres has returned an invalid resource called 

198 X Window System User's Guide 


Customizing the 
twm Window Manager 

This chapter describes the syntax of the .twmrc startup file that can be used 
to customize the operation of the twm window manager. It describes how to 
bind functions to keys, and how to define your own twm menus. An alterna- 
tive .twmrc file is included. 

In This Chapter: 

Setting .twmrc Variables ...................................................................... 205 
Button/Key Bindings ............................................................................ 206 
Pointer Buttons ................................................................................ 206 
Keys ................................................................................................ 207 
Context ............................................................................................ 207 
Function Names .............................................................................. 208 
Action .............................................................................................. 208 
Defining Menus .................................................................................... 209 
Submenus ....................................................................................... 210 
Executing System Commands from a Menu .................................... 211 
Color Menus .................................................................................... 212 
A Complete Revamp of twm ................................................................ 213 

Example 10-1. The system.twmrc file from the MIT distribution (continued) 

# Sites should tailor this file. providing any extra title buttons. 
# menus, etc.. that may be appropriate for their environment. For 
# example, if most of the users were accustomed to uwm. the defaults 
# could be set up not to decorate any windows and to use meta-keys. 

TitleFont "-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal--*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*" 
ResizeFont "-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal--*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*" 
MenuFont "-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal--*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*" 
IconFont "-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal--*-100-*-*-*-*-*-*" 
IconManagerFont "-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal--*-100-*-*-*" 


BogderColor "slategrey" 
DefaultBackground "maroon" 
DefaultForeground "gray85" 
TitleBackground "maroon" 
TitleForeground "gray85" 
MenuBackground "maroon" 
MenuForeground "gray85" 
MenuTitleBackground "grayT0" 
MenuTitleForeground "maroon" 
IconBackground "maroon" 
IconForeground "gray85" 
IconBorderColor "gray85" 
IconManagerBackground "maroon" 
IconManagerForeground "gray85" 
# Define some useful functions for motion-based actions. 
MoveDelta 3 
Function "move-or-lower" { f.move f.deltastop f.lower } 
Function "move-or-raise" { f.move f.deltastop f.raise } 
Function "move-or-iconify" { f.move f.deltastop f.iconify } 
# Set some useful bindings. Sort of uwm-ish, sort of simple-button-ish 
Buttonl = : root : "defops" 
Buttonl = m : window,icon : f.function "move-or-lower" 
Button2 = m : window,icon : f.iconify 
Button3 = m : window,icon : f.function 

Buttonl = : title : f.function 
Button2 = : title : f.raiselower 

Buttonl = : icon : f.function 
Button2 = - icon : f.iconify 
Buttonl = : iconmgr : f.iconify 
Button2 = : iconmgr : f.iconify 



204 X Window System User's Guide 

An example of a numeric variable is: 
IconBorderWidth 5 
which sets the width of an icon's window border in pixels. 
In the following example, TitleHighlight is a keyword: 
Tit leHighlight "grayl" 
An example of a list variable is: 
NoTitle { "oclock .... xclock .... xscreensaver .... zwgc" } 
The available variables are described in detail on the twin reference page in Part Three of this 
guide, so we won't go into detail on each of them here. 

Button/Key Bindings 

The second section of the .twmrc file specifies which combination of keys, pointer buttons, 
and title buttons (and in which context) will be used to invoke each predefined twm function. 
Let's see how this works, by looking at the first few lines of the function binding section of 

Buttonl = 

: root : "defops" 
Buttonl = m : window [ icon : f. function "move-or-lower" 
Button2 = m : windowlicon : f.iconify 
The first line we've shown is just a comment line, which is not present in the original file. It 
labels each of the fields in the line below. The first field is separated from the others by an 
equals sign; subsequent fields are separated by colons. In system.twmrc, fields are separated 
by tabs for clarity, making the colons (falsely) appear to be delimiters only for the context 
field; they could instead follow each other without intervening whitespace. 

Let's talk about each of the fields in turn. 

Pointer Buttons 

The first field defines which keys or pointer buttons are used to invoke the function. 
twin can handle a pointer with up to five buttons, which would be named Buttonl, Button2, 
Button3, Button4, and Button5. To bind a key to a twin function, just use that key's 
keysym--the name that represents the label on a key. For example, the keysym for the F1 
key on a DECstation 3100 is "FI". For more information about keysyms, see Chapter 11, 
Setup Clients. 

206 X Window System User's Guide 


The second field lists modifier keys, if any, which must be held down while invoking the 
specified function, twin recognizes the Shift, Control and Meta keys. (See Chapter 11, Setup 
Clients, for more discussion.) These names must be entered in the .twrnrc file in lower case, 
and can be abbreviated s, c, and m. 
If two keys must be held down at once, the names should be separated by a vertical bar ( [ ). 
For example, c I a would mean that the Control and Shift keys should be pressed simulta- 
neously. It is not permissible to bind a function to three keys at once. If the field is left 
blank, no key needs to be pressed while invoking the function. 
Control and Shift should be familiar to most users. But what is a "Meta" key? There isn't a 
key by that name on many keyboards---instead, Meta is a user-definable Control key that can 
be mapped to an actual key on the physical keyboard using the xmodrnap client as described 
in Chapter 11. Most implementations of X will include a mapped Meta key. Type xmodrnap 
without any arguments to display the map. The systern.twrnrc specifies the Meta key in many 
keyboard bindings. On workstations without a special key corresponding to Meta, you will 
have to use xmodraap to find out or change the definition of Meta to something reasonable. 
M6ta could be mapped to the Control key, although this could potentially lead to conflicts 
with applications that want to use the Control key. In particular, certain functions of xedit 
will operate strangely or not at all if Meta is mapped to Control. 
If you want to map the Meta key, it is best to choose a keyboard key that's within easy reach 
and is not used frequently for other applications (perhaps an Alt or Funct key). Left- or right- 
handedness could also be a factor in choosing a Meta key. 
Some X developers warn against binding functions to the Shift key alone, since they say cer- 
tain applications use it as a Control key. If you use it in twin, it will perform both functions 
simultaneously, which is likely to be confusing. For the same reason, you should not bind 
functions to buttons without modifier keys in the context of a window, as an application may 
want to use the pointer buttons for its own purposes. 


The third field defines the context--the location the pointer must be in before the function 
can be invoked. This field may be blank, or may contain one or more of: window, rifle, icon, 
root, frame, iconmgr, their first letters (icon is i, iconmgr is m), or all. Multiple context speci- 
fications should be separated by vertical bars. 
If root is specified, it means that the pointer must be in the root (background) window, and 
not in any other window or icon. If the context is window, icon, title, frame, or iconmgr, the 
pointer must be in the specified place(s) for the function to be invoked. 
The context field makes perfect sense if you consider the sample function binding: 
Button2 = m : windowlicon : f.iconify 
f. iconify turns a window into an icon, or an icon into a window. The pointer must be in 
a window or an icon for the function to be used. 

Customizing the twm Window Manager 207 

running in that window. In order to avoid conflict with other applications, twin uses the more 
complex key/button combination. But when the pointer is in an icon or in the root window, 
there is no possibility of conflict, and it can take a more forgiving approach. 

Defining Menus 

The third section of a .twmrc file contains menu definitions. These definitions have the 

menu "menu name" { 
"item name" action 

The menu name must exactly match a name specified with the f. menu function. 

Each item on the menu is given a label (, which will appear on the menu. This 
is followed by the action to be performed. The action may be one of twin's functions, or if 
prefixed by a ! character, it can be a system command to be executed, as if in an xterm win- 
dow. The Utilities menu shown in Example 10-2 demonstrates both types of action. 

Example 10-2. The Utilities menu 

menu = "Utilities" 
"Source .twmrc" 
"Check Mail" 
"New Window" 
"Phase of Moon" 


!"/usr/bin/Xll/xbiff -display $DISPLAY&" 
!"/usr/bin/Xll/oclock -display $DISPLAY &" 
!"/usr/bin/Xll/xterm -is -display $DISPLAY &" 
!"/usr/bin/Xll/xphoon &" 
/usr/bin/Xll/xterm -title 
-e rlogin &" 
/usr/bin/Xll/xterm -title 
-e rlogin &" 

New Window is accomplished by running another instance of xterm. CheckMail, Clock, 
PhaseofMoon, news, and mintaka are also implemented by running a system function. The 
other functions are accomplished simply by invoking one of twin's predefined functions. 

The Preferences menu shown in Example 10-3 simply invokes xset with a number of differ- 
ent options: 

Customizing the twm Window Manager 209 

Example 10-3. The Preferences menu 

menu "Preferences" { 
"Bell Loud" !"xset b 80&" 
"Bell Normal" !"xset b on&" 
"Bell Off" !"xset b off&" 
"Click Loud" !"xset c 80&" 
"Click Soft" !"xset c on&" 
"Click Off" !"xset c off&" 
"Lock On" !"xset led on&" 
"Lock Off" !"xset led off&" 
"Mouse Fast" !"xset m 4 2&" 
"Mouse Normal" !"xset m 2 5&" 
"Mouse Slow" !"xset m 1 l&" 


While the menu defined by the system.twmrc file is a drastic improvement over the cluttered 
menus provided by uwm in previous releases of X11, it is still far from complete. We'd like 
to modify it to add a couple of menus which contain commands that, while still worth putting 
in a menu, aren't used as frequently as the commands in the Twm menu. 

For the moment, let's assume that we want to leave the variable definitions and function key 
bindings alone, but want to add two submenus to the Twm menu. For example, we might 
copy system.twmrc to a local .twmrc file, and modify the menus section to be like the one 
shown in Example 10-4. 

Example 10-4. Window operations divided into three menus 

menu "defops" 
"Twm" f.title 
"Iconify" f.iconify 
"Resize" f.resize 
"Move" f.move 
"Raise" f.raise 
"Lower" f.lower 
"" f.nop 
"..Utilities" "Utilities" 
"..Preferences" "Preferences" 
"" f.nop 
"Focus" f.focus 
"Unfocus" f.unfocus 
"Show Iconmgr" f.showiconmgr 
"Hide Iconmgr" f.hideiconmgr 
"" f.nop 
"Kill" f.destroy 
"Delete" f.delete 
"" f.nop 
"Restart" f.restart 
"Exit" f.quit 

menu "Utilities" { 

210 X Window System User's Guide 

Example 10-5. A Useful Commands menu (continued) 
Digital clock !"xclock -digital -geometry 162x37-10+174&" 
Edit File !"xterm -e vi" 
Calculator '"xcalc -geometry 126x230-180+10&" 
Mailbox !"xbiff -geometry 65x65-353+10&" 
Display keyboard mappings ! "xmodmap&" 
As you can quickly see, you can run any window-based programs directly, but you need to 
run other programs using xterm's -e option (discussed in Chapter 4, The xterm Terminal 
Emulator). You are limited only by your imagination in what commands you might want to 
put on a menu. Each command runs in its own window, but that isn't necessarily the case, as 
we'll see in a moment. 

Color Menus 

So far, we've assumed that all menus are black and white. But you can also create color 
menus. You can even assign different colors to the menu title, the highlighting bar (the hori- 
zontal band that follows the pointer within the menu and shows which item is selected) and 
the individual selections on the menu. 

Colors are added to menus when they're defined, using optional arguments. In Example 
10-6, we show a "colorized" version of the Preferences menu that we defined earlier. 

Examp l O-& A menu with cobr definions 
menu "Preferences" ("WhiteSmoke" : "HotPink" ) { 
"Preferences" ("DarkSlateGray" : "thistle") f.title 
"Bell Loud" ("DarkSlateGray" : "bisquel") !"xset b 80&" 
"Bell Normal" ("DarkSlateGray" : "bisquel") !"xset b on&" 
"Bell Off" ("DarkSlateGray" : "bisquel") !"xset b off&" 
"Click Loud" ("DarkSlateGray" : "azurel") !"xset c 80&" 
"Click Soft" ("DarkSlateGray" : "azurel") !"xset c on&" 
"Click Off" ("DarkSlateGray" : "azurel") !"xset c off&" 
"Lock On" !"xset led on&" 
"Lock Off" !"xset led off&" 
"Mouse Fast" ("DarkSlateGray" : "goldl") !"xset m 4 2&" 
"Mouse Normal" ("DarkSlateGray" : "goldl") !"xset m 2 5&" 
"Mouse Slow" ("DarkSlateGray" : "goldl") !"xset m i l&" 

In this example, WhiteSmoke and HotPink are the foreground and background (respectively) 
of a highlighted menu item. The colors defined for each menu item are the foreground and 
background colors (in that order) for that item when it is not highlighted. The default fore- 
ground and background colors for menu items are controlled by the variables Menu- 
Foreground and MenuBackground. 
twin has eighteen variables controlling different aspects of its color: 
B o rde rC o 1 o r The default color of a window's border. 

212 X Window System User's Guide 







The default background color of the gray pattern used in an 
unhighlighted window border. 
The default foreground color of the gray pattern used in an 
unhighlighted window border. 
The background color to be used for sizing and information 
The foreground color to be used for sizing and information 
The background color of icons. 
The foreground color of icons. 
The default color of an icon's border. 
The background color to use for icon manager entries. 
The foreground color to use for icon manager entries. 
The border color used when highlighting the icon manager 
entry which has the focus. 
The background color used for menus. 
The foreground color used for menus. 
The color used for the shadow behind pull-down menus. 
The background color of the highlighting bar. 
The background color of the highlighting bar. 
The background color of the highlighting bar. 
The background color of the highlighting bar. 

These variables are most commonly used as arguments to the Color and Monochrome 
variables, as seen in Example ]0-]. 

Colors can be specified either with color names or hex strings, as described in Chapter 8, 
Command Line Options. 

A Complete Revamp of twm 

Using the various techniques described in this chapter, we've modified the system.twmrc file 
to create an interface we think is more helpful to the average user. 
Our modified .twmrc file sets up three pull-right menus, each with a slightly different focus. 
The second menu offers some utilities, including oclock and xcalc, and some system com- 
mands, such as rlogin. The final menu is a Proforoncos menu, which sets different keyclick 
volumes, leds, and pointer speeds than the default. 
You can test our .twmrc, shown in Example 10-7, or just use it as a touchstone to create your 

Customizing the twm Window Manager 213 

Examp I O-Z Modified .twmrc file 
# O'Rellly custom .twmrc, modified from the XIIR4 system.twmrc 
UsePPosition "on" 
TitleFont "-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal--*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*- 
ResizeFont "-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal--*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*- 
MenuFont "-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal--*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*- 
IconFont "-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal--*-100-*-*-*-*-*-*- 
IconManagerFont "-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal--*-100-*-*-*" 
BorderColor "slategrey" 
DefaultBackground "maroon" 
DefaultForeground "gray85" 
TitleBackground "maroon" 
TitleForeground "gray85" 
MenuBackground "maroon" 
MenuForeground "gray85" 
MenuTitleBackground "gray70" 
MenuTitleForeground "maroon" 
IconBackground "maroon" 
IconForeground "gray85" 
IconBorderColor "gray85" 
IconManagerBackground "maroon" 
IconManagerForeground "gray85" 
# Define some useful functions for motion-based actions. 
MoveDelta 3 
Function "move-or-lower" { f.move f.deltastop f.lower } 
Function "move-or-raise" { f.move f.deltastop f.raise } 
Function "move-or-iconify" { f.move f.deltastop f.iconify } 
# Set some useful bindings. Sort of uwm-ish, sort of simple-button-ish 
Buttonl = : root : "defops" 
Button2 = : root : "Preferences" 
Button3 = : root : "Utilities" 
Buttonl = m : window,icon : f.function "move-or-lower" 

214 X Window System Users Guide 


I O-Z Modified .twmm file (continued) 
= m : windowlicon : f.iconify 
= m : window,icon : f.function 
= : title : f.function 
= : title : f.raiselower 

Buttonl = : icon : f.function 
Button2 = : icon : f.iconify 
Buttonl = : iconmgr : f.iconify 
Button2 = : iconmgr : f.iconify 

# And a menu with the usual things 
menu "defops" 
"Twm" f. title 
"Iconify" f. iconify 
"Resize" f. resize 
"Move" f. move 
"Raise" f. raise 
"Lower" f. lower 
"" f. nop 
"..Utilities" "Utilities" 
. .Preferences" f. menu "Preferences" 
"" f.nop 
"Focus" f. focus 
"Unfocus" f.unfocus 
"Show Iconmgr" f. showiconmgr 
"Hide Iconmgr" f. hideiconmgr 
"" f. nop 
"Kill" f.destroy 
"Delete" f. delete 
"Restart" f. restart 
"Exit" f. quit 

menu "Utilities" { 
"source .twmrc" 
"mail box" 





!"/usr/bin/Xll/xbiff -display $DISPLAY&" 
!"/usr/bin/Xll/oclock -display $DISPLAY &" 
!"/usr/bin/Xll/xterm -is -display $DISPLAY &" 
!"/usr/bin/Xll/xphoon &" 
/usr/bin/Xll/xterm -title 
-e rlogin &" 
/usr/bin/Xll/xterm -title 
-e rlogin &" 

Customizing the twm Window Manager 215 

Example 10-7. Modified .twmrc file (continued) 

menu "Preferences" { 

"Bell Loud" 
"Bell Normal" 
"Bell Off" 
"Click Loud" 
"Click Soft" 
"Click Off" 
"Lock On" 
"Lock Off" 
"Mouse Fast" 
"Mouse Normal" 
"Mouse Slow" 

("DarkSlateGray" : "thistle") f.title 

("HotPink" : "bisquel") 
("HotPink" : "bisquel") 
("HotPink" : "bisquel") 
("HotPink" : "azurel") 
("HotPink" : "azurel") 
("HotPink" : "azurel") 
!"xset led on&" 
!"xset led off&" 
("HotPink" : "goldl") 
("HotPink" : "goldl") 
("HotPink" : "goldl") 

!"xset b 80&" 
!"xset b on&" 
!"xset b off&" 
!"xset c 80&" 
!"xset c on&" 
!"xset c off&" 

!"xset m 4 2&" 
!"xset m 2 5&" 
!"xset m 1 l&" 

216 X Window System User's Guide 


Setup Clients 

This chapter describes three useful setup clients that can be used to custom- 
ize the appearance of your display, and the operation of your keyboard and 

In This Chapter: 

xset: Setting Display and Keyboard Preferences ................................. 219 
Keyboard Bell ................................................................................ 219 
Bug Compatibility Mode ................................................................. 220 
Keyclick Volume ............................................................................ 220 
Enabling or Disabling Auto-repeat .................................................. 221 
Changing or Rehashing the Font Path ........................................... 221 
Keyboard LEDs ............................................................................. 221 
Pointer Acceleration ....................................................................... 222 
Screen Saver ................................................................................. 222 
Color Definition .............................................................................. 223 
Help with xset Options ................................................................... 223 
xsetroot: Setting Root Window Characteristics .................................... 224 
Setting Root Window Patterns ......................................................... 224 
Foreground, Background Color and Reverse Video .......................... 225 
Changing the Root Window Pointer .................................................. 226 
xmodmap: Modifier Key and Pointer Customization ............................ 227 
Keycodes and Keysyms ................................................................... 229 
Procedure to Map Modifier Keys ...................................................... 230 
Displaying the Current Modifier Key Map ......................................... 230 
Determining the Default Key Mappings ............................................ 231 
Matching Keysyms with Physical Keys Using xev ............................ 232 
Changing the Map with xmodmap .................................................... 233 
Expressions to Change the Key Map ............................................. 234 
Key Mapping Examples ................................................................. 235 
Displaying and Changing the Pointer Map ........................................ 236 

Setup Clients 

This chapter discusses how to set up certain features of your working environment, using the 
following clients: 
xset To set certain characteristics of the keyboard, pointer and display. 
xsetroot To set root window characteristics. 
xmodmap To change pointer and modifier key mappings. 

xset: Setting Display and Keyboard Preferences 

The xset client allows you to set an assortment of user preference options for the display and 
keyboard. Some of these are followed by on or off to set or unset the option. Note that xset 
is inconsistent in its use of a dash (-) as an option flag. Some options use a preceding "-" to 
indicate that a feature be disabled; this can be confusing at first to users accustomed to seeing 
"-" as an introductory symbol on all options. 
Although xset can be run any time, it is suggested that you run it at startup. These settings 
reset to the default values when you log out. Not all X implementations are guaranteed to 
honor all of these options. 

Keyboard Bell 

The b option controls bell volume (as a percentage of its maximum), pitch (in hertz), and 
duration (in milliseconds). It accepts up to three numerical parameters: 
b volume pitch duration 
If no parameters are given, the system defaults are used. If only one parameter is given, the 
bell volume is set to that value. If two values are listed, the second parameter specifies the 
bell pitch. If three values are listed, the third one specifies the duration. 
For example, the command: 
% xset b 70 i000 i00 
sets the volume of the keyboard bell to 70 percent of the maximum, the pitch to 1000 hertz, 
and the duration to 100 milliseconds. 

Setup Clients 219 

Note that the particular LED values may refer to different LEDs on different hardware. 

Pointer Acceleration 

The m (mouse) option controls the rate at which the mouse or pointer moves across the 
screen. This option takes two parameters: accelerati on and t,hres,hold. They must 
be positive integers. Cllae acceleration can also be written as a numerator/denominator com- 
bination separated by a '/', for example, 5/4.) 
The mouse or pointer moves accelerat.ion times as fast when it travels more than the 
t.hres.hold number of pixels in a short time. This way, the mouse can be used for precise 
alignment when it is moved slowly, yet it can be set to travel across the screen by a flick of 
the wrist when desired. If only one parameter is given, it is interpreted as the acceleration. 
For example, the command: 
% xset m 5 I0 
sets the mouse movement so that if you move the mouse more than ten pixels, the mouse cur- 
sor moves five times as many pixels on the screen as you moved the mouse on the pad. 
If no parameter or the value default is used, the system defaults will be set. 
If you want to change the threshold and leave the acceleration unchanged, enter the value 
de f a u it for acceleration. 

Screen Saver 

X supports a screen saver to blank or randomly change the screen when the system is left 
unattended for an extended period. This avoids the "bum in" that can occur when the same 
image is displayed on the screen for a long time. The s (screen saver) option to xset deter- 
mines how long the server must be inactive before the screen saver is started. 
The s option takes two parameters: time and cyc1 e. The screen goes blank if the server 
has not received any input for the time interval specified by the t./me parameter. The con- 
tents of the screen reappear upon receipt of any input. If the display is not capable of blank- 
ing the screen, then the screen is shifted a pixel in a random direction at time intervals set by 
the cycl e parameter. The parameters are specified in seconds. 
For example, the command: 
% xset s 600 
sets the length of time before the screen saver is invoked to 600 seconds (ten minutes). 

For a display not capable of blanking the screen, the command: 
% xset s 600 I0 
sets the length of time before the screen saver is invoked to ten minutes and shifts the screen 
every ten seconds thereafter, until input is received. 

222 X Window System User's Guide 

The s option also takes the parameters: 
default Resets the screen save option to the default. 
blank Turns on blanking and overrides any previous settings. 
noblank Displays a background pattern rather than blanking the screen; overrides any 
previous settings. 
o f f Turns off the screen saver option and overrides any previous settings. 
expose Allows window exposures (the server can discard window contents). 
noexpose Disables screen saver unless the server can regenerate the screens without 
causing exposure events (i.e., without forcing the applications to regenerate 
their own windows). 

Color Definition 

On color displays, every time a client requests a private read/write colorcell, a new color def- 
inition is entered in the display's colormap. The p option sets one of these colormap entries 
even though they are supposed to be private. The parameters are a positive integer identify- 
ing a cell in the colormap to be changed, and a color name: 

p entry_number color_name 

The root window colors can be changed on some servers using xsetroot. An error results if 
the map entry is a read-only color. 

For example, the command: 

sets the third cell in the colormap to the color blue, but only if some client has allocated this 
cell read/write. 
The client that allocated the cell is likely to change it again sometime after you try to set it, 
since this is the usual procedure for allocating a read/write cell. 

Help with xset Options 
The q option lists the current values of all xset preferences. 

Setup Clients 


xsetroot: Setting Root Window Characteristics 

You can use the xsetroot client to tailor the appearance of the background (root) window on a 
display running X. 
The xsetroot client is primarily used to specify the root window pattern: as a plaid-like grid, 
tiled grey pattern, solid color, or a bitmap. You can also specify foreground and background 
colors (defaults are black and white), reverse video, and set the shape of the pointer when it's 
in the root window. 
If no options are specified, or the -clef option is specified, xsetroot resets the root window to 
its default state, a grey mesh pattern, and resets the pointer to the hollow X pointer. The 
-def option can also be specified with other options; those characteristics that are not set by 
other options are reset to the defaults. 
Although xsetroot can be run any time, it is suggested that you run it from a startup shell 
script, as described at the end of this chapter. All settings reset to the default values when 
you log out. 
For a complete list of options, see the xsetroot reference page in Part Three of this guide. Not 
all X implementations are guaranteed to support all of these options. Some of the options 
may not work on certain hardware devices. 
The -help option prints all the xsetroot options to standard outpuL The options you'll 
probably use most frequently are explained in the next section. Since only one type of back- 
ground pattern can be specified at a time, the -solid, -gray, -grey, -bitmap and 
-rood options are mutually exclusive. 

Setting Root Window Patterns 

The default root window pattern is called a "grey mesh." On most displays, it is fairly dark. 
The xsetroot client allows you to specify an alternative grey background with the -grey (or 
-gray) option. This tiled grey pattern is slightly lighter than the default grey mesh pattern. 
The xsetroot client also allows you to create a root window made up of repeated "tiles" of a 
particular bitmap, using the option: 
-bitmap filename 
where filename is the bitmap file to be used as the window pattern. 
You can choose any of the bitmaps in the directory lusrlincludelXlllbitmaps or make your 
own bitmap files using the bitmap client (see Chapter 7, Other Clients). 
For example, the command: 
% xsetroot -bitmap /usr/andy/gumby -fg red -bg blue 
fills the root window with a tiling of the bitmap lusrlandylgumby (a virtu army of Gu- 
bys!), using the colors red and blue. 

224 X Window System User's Guide 

In the following sections, we discuss key mapping, with an emphasis on the first type of map- 
ping, of modifier keyname functions. Chances are, you'll have relatively little call to map 
other key functions (such as Backspace), though we have included an example of one such 
mapping, just in case. 
After considering key mapping, we'll take a look at the much simpler issues involved in map- 
ping pointer button functions. As you might expect, when you're changing the functionality 
of (up to) three pointer buttons, it's fairly simple to keep track of what you're doing. 
On the other hand, mapping modifier key functions to physical keys can be more than a little 
confusing. In order to understand the mechanics of mapping keys, we first need to take a 
look at some terms used to describe keyboard keys. 

Keycodes and Keysyms 

Each key on a physical keyboard can be identified by a number known as a keycode. (Tech- 
nically speaking, a keycode is the actual value that the key generates.) Keycodes cannot be 
mapped to other keys. No matter what functions you assign to various keys with xmodmap, 
the keycode associated with each physical key remains the same. 
In addition to a keycode, each physical key is associated with a name known as a keysym. A 
keysym ("key symbol" name) is a name that represents the label on a key (theoretically) and 
corresponds to its function. 
Alphanumeric keys generally have obvious keysyms, corresponding to the label on the key: 
for example, the keysym for the key labeled "H" is h. Unfortunately, a keysym does not 
always correspond to the key label. For example, on a Sun-3 workstation, though the keysym 
for the key labeled "Return" is Return, the keysym for the key labeled "Alternate" is Break, 
and the keysym for the key labeled "Right" is Meta R. 
While each keycode is tied to a physical key, each keysym corresponds to a function--and 
the keysym/function is mapped to a particular physical key (keycode). Every keyboard has a 
default assignment of keysyms to keycodes. In most cases, each physical key on the key- 
board will be associated with a different keysym. As we'll see, however, the keysym (func- 
tion) associated with a particular physical key (keycode) can be changed. This is done by 
assigning the keysym of one key to the keycode of another. 
The modifier keynames recognized by X are not to be confused with keysyms. The X modi- 
fier keys are limited to the eight keynames discussed previously and are assigned in adch'tion 
to the regular keysym/keycode pairings. In other words, when a physical key is mapped to 
function as the X Control key, it already has a default functionality (keysym) and keycode. 
By default, most modifier keyname functions are mapped to keys having keysyms represent- 
ing the same function. For example, the X Control keyname is probably mapped to the key 
labeled Control, and having the keysym Control. 
The Meta modifier keyname is probably also assigned to a key having the keysym Meta. 
However, determining which physical key has the keysym Meta can be something of a 
puzzle. Later in this chapter, we'll consider a program called xev, which can be used to 
determine the keysym and keycode of any physical key. 

Setup Clients 229 

"Logical" modifier keyname 
recognized by X 





(hex version) 


In this mapping, two keys are assigned as Meta (modl) keys: keys having the keysyms 
Meta_L and Meta_R (for left and right, apparently one on each side of the keyboard). Unfor- 
tunately, as you can see, this doesn't really tell you which keys these are on the physical key- 
board. You still need to know which physical keys (keycodes) have the keysyms Meta_L and 
Meta_R. You can determine this using the xev client, described later in this chapter. 

Determining the Default Key Mappings 

Before you start mapping keys, you should display and save a map of the default assignments 
of keysyms to keycodes. Running xmodmap with the -pk option prints a current map of all 
keyboard keys to standard output. This map, called a keymap table, lists the decimal key- 
code on the left and the associated keysym(s) on the right. Figure 11-1 shows a portion of a 
typical keymap table, for a Sun-3 keyboard. 
Notice that each keysym is listed by a keysym name (comma, Caps_Lock, etc.) and a keysym 
value (0x002c, 0xffe5, etc). For our purposes, this value is irrelevant. It cannot be supplied 
as a keysym argument to xmodmap. 
As you can see, the keymap table lists regular keyboard keys (C, V, comma, slash, space, 
etc.), and function/numeric keypad keys (R13, F35, etc.) as well as modifier keys 
(Caps_Lock, Meta_L and Meta_R). If you map several keys, you may get confused as to the 
original assignments. Before you map any keys, we suggest you redirect the keymap table to 
a file to save and use as a reference: 
% xmodmap -pk > keytable 
The keysyms recognized by your server are a subset of a far greater number of keysyms 
recognized internationally. The file/usr/include/X11/keysym.h lists the keysymfamilies that 
are enabled for your server. The file/usr/include/X11/keysymdef.h lists the keysyms in each 
of the families enabled for your server, as well as the keysyms in several other families. See 
Appendix H, Keysyms, of Volume Two, Xlib Reference Manual, for more information on 
keysyms and tables of the most common ones. 

Setup Clients 



value (name) 

(comma) 0x003c (less) 
(period) 0x003e (greater) 
(slash) 0x003f (question) 
(Shift R) 
(Down) 0xffdf (F34) 


0xffe5 (Caps_Lock) 
0xffe7 (Meta L) 
0x0020 (space) 
0xffe8 (Meta R) 

Figure 11-1. Partial keymap table 

Matching Keysyms with Physical Keys Using xev 

The keysym and keycode for any key can be determined with the xev client.* This is particu- 
larly useful for finding the Meta key(s). The xev client is used to keep track of events, pack- 
ets of information that are generated by the server when actions occur and are interpreted by 
other clients. Moving the pointer or pressing a keyboard key cause input events to occur. 
(For more information about events, see Volume One, Xlib Programming Manual.) 
To use xev, enter the command: 
% xev 
in an xterm window, and then use the pointer to place the xev window, as in Figure l 1-2. 
Within the xev window is a small box. Move the pointer inside this box. When you type a 
key inside the box, information about the key, including its keysym and keycode, will be 
displayed in the xterm window from which you started xev. The relevant information will 
look like this: 

*xev is a Release 3 standard client. In Release 4, it has been moved to the demos directory. If an executable version 
does not exist on your system, ask your system administrator. 
If you cannot use xev, you must rely on the keymap table and a little deductive reasoning. Since certain twin func- 
tions have keyboard shortcuts involving the Meta key, testing these shortcuts should help you locate this key. See 
Chapter 3, Using the twin Window Manager, for more information. 

232 X Window System Users Guide 

There are 3 pointer buttons defined. 
Physical Button 
Button Code 
1 1 
2 2 
3 3 

Figure 11-3. Pointer map 

These are typical assignments for a right-handed person: the first logical button is the left- 
most button, designed to be pressed by the right index finger. The xmodmap client allows 
you to reassign logical buttons so that the pointer can be more easily used with the left hand. 

The xmodmap client allows you to change the pointer map.* There are two xmodmap expres- 
sions: one to assign logical pointer buttons (button codes) to physical buttons; and another to 
restore the default assignments. The syntax of the expressions is as follows: 

pointer = x y z 
Sets the first, second, and third physical buttons to the button codes x, y, and z. 
pointer = default 
Sets the pointer map back to its default settings (button 1 generates a code of l, but- 
ton 2 generates a code of 2, etc.). 
Being able to change the pointer button assignments is very useful if you happen to be left- 
handed and would like the rightmost physical button to function as the first logical button 
(i.e., generate button code 1). To configure the pointer for a southpaw: 
% xmmap -e 'pointer = 3 2 l' 
Then if you display the pointer mappings with xmodmap -pp, you get the following: 
There are 3 pointer buttons defined. 
Physical Button 
Button Code 
1 3 
2 2 
3 1 
You can then push the first logical button (button code l) with the index finger of your left 
You can return to the default pointer button assignments by entering: 
% xmdmap -e ' pointer = default' 

*Remember that the -n option, which allows you to see what xmodmap would do, without performing the changes, 
cannot be used with expressions to change the pointer mapping. 

Setup Clients 


Part Three: 

Client Reference Pages 

This part of the guide provides UNIX-style "man-pages" for each of the X pro- 
grams. These pages are arranged alphabetically for ease of reference, and 
they contain detailed information (such as all options to a program) that is not 
covered in other parts of this guide. 

The following reference pages appear in this section: 

intro xdm 
X xdpr 
Xau xdpyinfo 
Xserver xedit 
appres xev 
bdftosnf xfd 
bitmap xfontsel 
listres xhost 
mkfontdir xinit 
oclock xkill 
resize xlswins 
sedscr xmag 
showsnf xman 
twm xmh (Release 4) 
uwm xmh (Release 3) 
xlOtoxl I xmodmap 
xauth xpr 
xbiff xprop 
xcalc xpseudoroot 
xclipboard xrdb 
xclock xrefresh 
xcutsel xset 
xditview xsetroot 
xload xstdcmap 
xlogo xterm 
xlsatoms xwd 
xlsclients xwininfo 
xlsfonts xwud 

raThe X Window System 

,jr X 

X - a portable, network transparent window system. 

X is a network transparent window system developed at MIT that runs on a wide range of com- 
puting and graphics machines. The Release 4 core distribution from MIT has support for the 
following operating systems: 

Ultrix 3.1 (Digital) 
SunOS 4.0.3 (Sun) 
HP-UX 6.5 (HewleU-Packard) 
Domain/OS 10.1 (HP/Apollo) 
UX 1.1 (Apple) 
AIX RT-2.2 and PS/2-1.1 (IBM) 
AOS-4.3 (IBM) 
UTEK 4.0 (Tektronix) 
NEWS-OS 3.2 (Sony; client only) 
UNICOS 5.0.1 (Cray; client only) 
UNIX(tm) System V, Release 3.2 (AT&T 6386 WGS; client only) 

It should be relatively easy to build the client-side software on a variety of other systems. 
Commercial implementations are also available for a much wider range of platforms. 

The X Consortium requests that the following names be used when referring to this software: 

X Window System 
X Version 11 
X Window System, Version 11 
X Window System is a trademark of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 
X window system sewers run on computers with bitmap displays. The sewer distributes user 
input to and accepts output requests from various client programs through a variety of different 
interprocess communication channels. Although the most common case is for the client pro- 
grams to be running on the same machine as the server, clients can be run transparently from 
other machines (including machines with different architectures and operating systems) as well. 
X supports overlapping hierarchical subwindows and text and graphics operations, on both 
monochrome and color displays. For a full explanation of the functions that are available, see 
Volume Four, X Toolkit Intrinsics Programming Manual and Volume Five, X Toolkit Intrinsics 
Reference Manual. 
The number of programs that use X is growing rapidly. Of particular interest are: a terminal 
emulator (xterm), a window manager (twm), a display manager (xdm), mail managing utilities 
(xmh and xbiff), a manual page browser (xman), a bitmap editor (bitmap), access control 

X Window System User's Guide 245 

X (continued) The X Window System 

programs (xauth and xhost), user preference setting programs (xrdb, xset, xsetroot, and xmod- 
map), a load monitor (xload), clocks (oclock and xclock), a font displayer (xfd), utilities for list- 
ing information about fonts, windows, and displays (xlsfonts, xfontsel, xlswins, xwininfo, xdpy- 
info, xlsclients, and xprop), a diagnostic for seeing what events are generated and when (xev), 
screen image manipulation utilities (xwd, xwud, xpr, and xmag), and various demos (xeyes, ico, 
muncher, puzzle, xgc, etc.). 

Many other utilities, window managers, games, toolkits, etc. are available from the user-contri- 
buted dislribution. See your site administrator for details. 

Starting Up 
There are currently three ways of starting the X server and an initial set of client applications. 
The particular method used depends on what operating system you are running and on whether 
or not you use other window systems in addition to X. 
xdm (the X Display Manager) 
If you want to always have X running on your display, your site administrator 
can set your machine up to use the X Display Manager xdm. This program is 
typically started by the system at boot time and takes care of keeping the 
server running and getting users logged in. If you are running xdm, you will 
see a window on the screen welcoming you to the system and asking for your 
username and password. Simply type them in as you would at a normal ter- 
minal, pressing the Return key after each. If you make a mistake, xdm will 
display an error message and ask you to try again. After you have success- 
fully logged in, xdm will start up your X environment. By default, if you 
have an executable file named .xsession in your home directory, xdm will 
treat it as a program (or shell script) to run to start up your initial clients (such 
as terminal emulators, clocks, a window manager, user settings for things like 
the background, the speed of the pointer, etc.). Your site administrator can 
provide details. 
xinit (run manually from the shell) 
Sites that support more than one window system might choose to use the xinit 
program for starting X manually. If this is true for your machine, your site 
administrator will probably have provided a program named "xl 1", "starlx", 
or "xstart" that will do site-specific initialization (such as loading convenient 
default resources, running a window manager, displaying a clock, and starting 
several terminal emulators) in a nice way. If not, you can build such a script 
using the xinit program. This utility simply runs one user-specified program 
to start the server, runs another to start up any desired clients, and then waits 
for either to finish. Since either or both of the user-specified programs may 
be a shell script, this gives substantial flexibility at the expense of a nice 
interface. For this reason, xinit is not intended for end users. 
xterm -L (started from letclinit) 
This method can be used only with Release 3 (or an earlier release) of X. 
Some versions of UNIX that are derived from BSD 4.3 support starting the 

246 X Window System User's Guide 

X (continued) The X Window System 

% xeyes -display Joesws : 0 -geomtr 1000x1000+0+0 
% rsh big xterm -display myws:O -is </dev/null & 

X servers listen for connections on a variety of different communications channels (network 
byte streams, shared memory, etc.). Since there can be more than one way of contacting a 
given server, the hose name part of the display name is used to determine the type of channel 
(also called a transport layer) to be used. The sample servers from MIT support the following 
types of connections: 




The host part of the display name should be the empty string. For example: 
:0, :l, and :0.i. 

The host part of the display name should be the server machine's IP address 
name. Full Internet names, abbreviated names, and IP addresses are all 
allowed. For example: expo. lcs .mit. edu : 0, expo : 0, 
18.30.0. 212 : 0, bigmachine : 1, and hydra : 0.1. 

The host part of the display name should be the server machine's nodename 
followed by two colons instead of one. For example: myws : : 0, big : : 1, 
and hydra : : 0.1. 

Access Control 
The sample server provides two types of access control: an authorization protocol that pro- 
vides a list of "magic cookies" clients can send to request access (available as of Release 4); 
and a list of hosts from which connections are always accepted, xdm initializes magic cookies 
in the server, and also places them in a file accessible to the user. Normally, the list of hosts 
from which connections are always accepted should be empty, so that only clients that are 
explicitly authorized can connect to the display. When you add entries to the host list (with 
xhost), the server no longer performs any authorization on connections from those machines. 
Be careful with this. 
The file for authorization used by both xdm and Xlib can be specified with the environment 
variable XAUTHORITY, and defaults to the file .Xauthority in the home directory, xdm uses 
$HOMEI.Xauthority and will create it or merge in authorization records if it already exists 
when a user logs in. 
To manage a collection of authorization files containing a collection of authorization records, 
use xauth. This program allows you to extract records and insert them into other files. Using 
this, you can send authorization to remote machines when you login. As the files are machine- 
independent, you can also simply copy the files or use NFS to share them. If you use several 
machines, and share a common home directory with NFS, then you never really have to worry 
about authorization files, the system should work correctly by default. Note that magic cookies 
transmitted "in the clear" over NFS or usingftp or rcp can be "stolen" by a network eaves- 
dropper, and as such may enable unauthorized access. In many environments this level of secu- 
rity is not a concern, but if it is, you need to know the exact semantics of the particular magic 
cookie to know if this is actually a problem. 

248 X Window System User's Guide 

The X Window System (continued) X 

/usr/lib/X11 Ifonts175dpi 
This directory contains fonts contributed by Adobe Systems, Inc., Digital 
Equipment Corporation, Bitstream, Inc., Bigelow and Holmes, and Sun 
Microsystems, Inc. for 75 dots per inch displays. An integrated selection of 
sizes, styles, and weights is provided for each family. 
This directory contains 100 dots per inch versions of the fonts in the 75dpi 
Font databases are created by running the mkfontdir program in the directory containing the 
source or compiled versions of the fonts (in both compressed and uncompressed formats). 
Whenever fonts are added to a directory, mkfontdir should be rerun so that the server can find 
the new fonts. To make the server reread the font database, reset the font path with the xset 
program. For example, to add a font to a private directory, the following commands could be 
% cp newfont, snf -/myfonts 
% mkfontdir ~/myfonts 
% xset fp rehash 
The xlsfonts program can be used to list all of the fonts that are found in font databases in the 
current font path. Font names tend to be fairly long as they contain all of the information 
needed to uniquely identify individual fonts. However, the sample server supports wildcarding 
of font names, so the full specification: 
-adobe-cour ie r-medium-r-norma i- - 1 O- 10 0-7 5-7 5-m- 60-iso8 8 5 9-1 

could be abbreviated as: 
*-cour ier-medium-r-normal--*- 10 0-* 

Because the shell also has special meanings for * and ?, wildcarded font names should be 
% xlsfonts -fn ' *-courier-medium-r-normal--*-100-*' 
If more than one font in a given directory in the font path matches a wildcarded font name, the 
choice of which particular font to return is left to the server. However, if fonts from more than 
one directory match a name, the returned font will always be from the first such directory in the 
font path. The example given above will match fonts in both the 75dpi and lOOdpi directories; 
if the 75dpi directory is ahead of the lOOdpi directory in the font path, the smaller version of 
the font will be used. 

Color Names 
Most applications provide ways of tailoring (usually through resources or command line argu- 
ments) the colors of various elements in the text and graphics they display. Although black and 
white displays don't provide much of a choice, color displays frequently allow anywhere 
between 16 and 16 million different colors. 

X Window System User's Guide 251 

X (continued) The X Window System 

Colors are usually specified by their commonly-used names (for example, red, white, or 
medium slate blue). The server translates these names into appropriate screen colors using a 
color database that can usually be found in lusrlliblX111rgb.txt. Color names are case-insensi- 
five, meaning that red, Red, and RED all refer to the same color. 
Many applications also accept color specifications of the following form: 
where r, g, and b are hexidecimal numbers indicating how much red, green, and blue should be 
displayed (zero being none and ffff being on full). Each field in the specification must have the 
same number of digits (e.g., #rrgb or #gbb are not allowed). Fields that have fewer than four 
digits (e.g., #rgb) are padded out with zero's following each digit (e.g., #r000g000b000). The 
eight primary colors can be represented as: 


#000000000000 (no color at all) 
#ffffffff0000 (full red and green, no blue) 
# ffffffffffff (full red, green, and blue) 

Unfortunately, RGB color specifications are highly unportable since different monitors produce 
different shades when given the same inputs. Similarly, color names aren't portable because 
there is no standard naming scheme and because the color database needs to be tuned for each 
monitor. Application developers should take care to make their colors tailorable. 

The X keyboard model is broken into two layers: server-specific codes (called keycodes) which 
represent the physical keys, and server-independent symbols (called keysyms) which represent 
the letters or words that appear on the keys. Two tables are kept in the server for converting 
keycodes to keysyms: 

modifier list 

Some keys (such as Shift, Control, and Caps Lock) are known as modifier and 
are used to select different symbols that are attached to a single key (such as 
Shift-a generates a capital A, and Control-L generates a formfeed character 
"L). The server keeps a list of keycodes corresponding to the various modifier 
keys. Whenever a key is pressed or released, the server generates an event 
that contains the keycode of the indicated key as well as a mask that specifies 
which of the modifer keys are currently pressed. Most servers set up this list 
to initially contain the various shift, control, and shift lock keys on the key- 

252 X Window System User's Guide 

The X Window System (continued) X 

If these resources were stored in a file called .Xresources in your home directory, they could be 
added to any existing resources in the server with the following command: 
 xrc -merge $HOE/.Xresource8 
This is frequently how user-friendly startup scripts merge user-specific defaults into any site- 
wide defaults. All sites are encouraged to set up convenient ways of automatically loading 

The following is a collection of sample command lines for some of the more frequently used 
commands. For more information on a particular command, please refer to that command's 
manual page. 

 xrdb -load SHOME/.Xresource8 
 xmodmap -e ' keysym BackSpace = Delete' 
% mkfontdir /usr/local/lib/Xll/otherfont8 
% xset fp+ /usr/local/lib/Xll/otherfonts 
% xmodmap $HOME/. keymap, km 
% xsetroot -solid '#888' 
% xset b I00 400 c 50 s 1800 r on 
% xset q 
% twin 
% xmag 
% xclock -geometry 48x48-0+0 -bg blue -fg white 
% xeyes -geometry 48x48-48+0 
% xbiff -update 20 
% xlsfonts ' *helvetica*' 
% xlswins -i 
% xwininfo -root 
% xdpyinfo -display Joesworkstation : 0 
% xhost -Joesworkstation 
% xrefresh 
% xwd I xwud 
% bitmap 32x32 
% xcalc -bg blue -fg magenta 
% xterm -geometry 80x66-0-0 -nam myxterm 

A wide variety of error messages are generated from various programs. Various toolkits are 
encouraged to provide a common mechanism for locating error text so that applications can be 
tailored easily. Programs written to interface directly to the Xlib C language library are 
expected to do their own error checking. 
The default error handler in Xlib (also used by many toolkits) uses standard resources to con- 
struct diagnostic messages when errors occur. The defaults for these messages are usually 
stored in lusr/liblX111XErrorDB. If this file is not present, error messages will be rather terse 
and cryptic. 

X Window System User's Guide 257 

X (continued) The X Window System 

When the X Toolkit Intdnsics encounter errors converting resource strings to the appropriate 
internal format, no error messages are printed. This is convenient when it is desirable to have 
one set of resources across a variety of displays (e.g., color versus monochrome, lots of fonts 
versus very few, etc.), although it can pose problems for trying to determine why an application 
might be failing. This behavior can be overridden by setting the StringConversions- 
Wa rn ing resource. 

To force the X Toolkit Intrinsics to always print string conversion error messages, the following 
resource should be placed at the top of the file that gets loaded onto the RESOURCE_MANAGER 
property using the xrdb program (frequently called .Xresources or .Xres in the user's home 

*StringConversionWarnings: on 

To have conversion messages printed for just a particular application, the appropriate instance 
name can be placed before the asterisk: 

xterm*StringConversionWarnings: on 

If you encounter a repeatable bug, please contact your site administrator for instructions on 
how to submit an X Bug Report. 

See Also 
XConsortium(1), XStandards(1), Xau, Xserver, mkfontdir, bdftosnf, bitmap, bsdtosnf, oclock, 
showsnf, twm, uwm, xl0toxl 1, xauth, xbiff, xcalc, xclock, xdpyinfo, xedit, xev, xfd, xfontsel, 
xhost, xinit, xkill, xload, xlogo, xlsclients, xlsfonts, xlswins, xmag, xman, xmh, xmodmap, xpr, 
xprop, xrdb, xrefresh, xset, xsetroot, resize, xterm, xwd, xwininfo, xwud, biff(1), mh(1), init(8), 
ttys(5); Volume One, Xlib Programming Manual; Volume Two, Xlib Reference Manual; Vol- 
ume Four, X Toolkit Intrinsics Programming Manual; Volume Five, X Toolkit Intrinsics Refer- 
ence Manual. 

The following copyright and permission notice outlines the rights and restrictions covering 
most parts of the standard distribution of the X Window System from MIT. Other parts have 
additional or different copyrights and permissions; see the individual source files. 

Copyright 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989 Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 

Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any pur- 
pose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all 
copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting docu- 
mentation, and that the name of M.I.T. not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to dis- 
tribution of the software without specific, written prior permission. M.I.T. makes no represen- 
tations about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without 
express or implied warranty. 

258 X Window System User's Guide 


X Window System Server m 

X - X Window System server. 
X [ : di spl ayn umber] [opti on s] [t tyname] 
X is the generic name for the X Window System server. It is frequently a link or a copy of the 
appropriate server binary for driving the most frequently used server on a given machine. The 
sample server from MIT supports the following platforms: 


Digital monochrome vaxstationlI or II 
Digital color vaxstationlI or II 
Sun monochrome or color Sun 2, 3, or 4 
HP Topcat 9000s300 
IBM AED, APA and megapel PC/RT, 8514 and VGA PS/2 model 80 
Apollo monochrome or color (Domain/OS SR10.1 or SR10.2) 
Apple monochrome Macintosh II 
Digital color DECstation 3100 
Digital monochrome DECstation 3100 
Tektronix 4319 (this is the only tested configuration) 

Starting the Server 
The server is usually started from the X Display Manager program, xdm. This utility is run 
from the system boot files and takes care of keeping the server running, prompting for user- 
names and passwords, and starting up the user sessions. It is easily configured for sites that 
wish to provide nice, consistent interfaces for novice users (loading convenient sets of 
resources, starting up a window manager, clock, and nice selection of terminal emulator win- 

Since xdm now handles automatic starting of the server in a portable way, the -T, option to 
xterm is now considered obsolete. Support for starting a login window from BSD 4.3-derived 
/etc/ttys files is no longer included as of Release 4. 

Installations that run more than one window system will still need to use the xinit utility. How- 
ever, xinit is to be considered a tool for building startup scripts and is not intended for use by 
end users. Site adminstrators are strongly urged to build nicer interfaces for novice users. 
When the sample server starts up, it takes over the display. If you are running on a workstation 
whose console is the display, you cannot log into the console while the server is running. 

Network Connections 
The sample server supports connections made using the following reliable byte-streams: 
TCP/IP The server listens on port htons(6000+n), where n is the display number. 
UNIX Domain The sample server uses /tmp/.X11-unix/Xn as the filename for the socket, 
where n is the display number. 

262 X Window System User's Guide 

X Window System Server (continued) Xserver 


The server responds to connections to object X$Xn, where n is the display 

All of the sample servers accept the following command line options: 
-a number Sets pointer acceleration (i.e., the ratio of how much is reported to how much 
the user actually moved the pointer). 

-auth authori zati on-fil e 
Specifies a file which contains a collection of authorization records used to 
authenticate access. (Available as of Release 4.) 


Disables certain kinds of error checking, for bug compatibility with previous 
releases (e.g., to work around bugs in Release 2 and Release 3 versions of 
xterm and the toolkits). Use of this option is discouraged. (Available as of 
Release 4.) 

Disables backing store support on all screens. 
Turns off key-click. 

c vol ume 
-cc class 

Sets key-click volume (allowable range: 0-8). 
Sets the visual class for the root window of color screens. The class numbers 
are as specified in the X protocol. Not obeyed by all servers. (Available as of 
Release 4.) 

-dpi resol ut./. on 
Sets the resolution of the screen, in dots per inch. To be used when the server 
cannot determine the screen size from the hardware. (Available as of Release 

-f volume 

Sets beep (bell) volume (allowable range: 0-7). 
Causes all remaining command line arguments to be ignored. (Available as 
of Release 4.) 

-ld kilobytes 
Sets the data space limit of the server to the specified number of kilobytes. 
The default value is zero, making the data size as large as possible. A value 
of-1 leaves the data space limit unchanged. (Available as of Release 4; not 
available in all operating systems.) 

-is k.i.lobytes 
Sets the stack space limit of the server to the specified number of kilobytes. 
The default value is zero, making the stack size as large as possible. A value 
of -1 leaves the stack space limit unchanged. This option is not available in 
all operating systems. (Available as of Release 4; not available in all operat- 
ing systems.) 
-logo Turns on the X Window System logo display in the screen-saver. There is 
currently no way to change this from a client. 

X Window System User's Guide 263 

Xserver (continued) X Window System Server 

The option syntax is inconsistent with itself and xset. 
The acceleration option should take a numerator and a denominator like the protocol. 
If X dies before its clients, new clients won't be able to connect until all existing connections 
have their TCP TIME_WAIT timers expire. 
The color database is missing a large number of colors. However, there doesn't seem to be a 
better one available that can generate RGB values tailorable to particular displays. 

The sample server was originally written by Susan Angebranndt, Raymond Drewry, Philip 
Karlton, and Todd Newman, of Digital Equipment Corporation, with support from a large cast. 
It has since been extensively rewritten by Keith Packard and Bob Scheifler of MIT. 

268 X Window System User's Guide 


BDF to SNF Font Compiler-- 

bdftosnf - BDF to SNF font compiler for X11. 

bdftoenf [options] bdf file 

bdftosnf reads a Bitmap Distribution Format (BDF) font from the specified file (or from stan- 
dard input if no file is specified) and writes an X11 Server Natural Format (SNF) font to stan- 
dard output. 





Forces the glyph padding to a specific number. The legal values are 1, 2, 4, 
and 8. 
Forces the scanline unit padding to a specific number. The legal values are 
Forces the bit order to most significant bit first. 
Forces the bit order to least significant bit first. 
Forces the byte order to most significant byte first. 
Forces the byte order to least significant byte first. 
Prints warnings if the character bitmaps have bits set to one outside of their 
defined widths. 
Prints warnings for characters with an encoding of - 1; the default is to silently 
ignore such characters. 
Expands glyphs in "terminal-emulator" fonts to fill the bounding box. 
Suppresses computation of correct ink metrics for "terminal-emulator" fonts. 

See Also 
X, Xserver, Bitmap Distribution Format 2.1 

270 X Window System User's Guide 

--System Bitmap Editor 



bitmap, bmtoa, atobm - system bitmap editor and conversion utilities. 

bitmap [options] fil ename [WIDTHxHEIGHT] 
Immtoa [options] filename 
atolmm [options] filename 

bitmap allows you to create and edit small bitrnaps which you can use to create backgrounds, 
icons, and pointers. A bitmap is a grid of pixels, or picture elements, each of which is white, 
black, or, in the case of color displays, a color. 

The bmtoa and atobm filters convert bitmap files to and from ASCII strings. They are most 
commonly used to quickly print out bitmaps and to generate versions for inclusion in text. The 
bmtoa and atobm programs are available in the standard distribution of X as of Release 3. 

The window that bitmap creates has three sections (see Figure 6-1 in Part One of this guide). 
The largest section is the checkerboard grid, which is a magnified version of the bitmap you are 
editing. Squares on the grid can be set, cleared, or inverted directly with the buttons on the 
pointer. A menu of higher level operations, such as drawing lines and circles, is provided to the 
right of the grid. You can invoke these menu commands by clicking with any mouse button. 
Beneath the menu commands is an actual size picture of the bitmap you are editing; below this 
is an inverted version of the same bitmap. Each time the grid changes, the same change occurs 
in the actual-size bitmap and its inverse. 
If the bitmap is to be used for defining a cursor, one of the squares in the image may be desig- 
nated as the hot spot. This determines where the cursor is actually pointing. For cursors with 
sharp tips (such as arrows or fingers), this is usually at the end of the tip; for symmetric cursors 
(such as crosses or bullseyes), this is usually at the center. 
Bitmaps are stored as small C code fragments suitable for including in applications. They pro- 
vide an array of bits as well as symbolic constants giving the width, height, and hot spot (if 
specified) that may be used in creating cursors, icons, and tiles. 
The W_TDTHxHE_TGHT argument gives the size to use when creating a new bitmap (the default 
is 16x6). Existing bitmaps are always edited at their current size. 
If the bitmap window is resized by the window manager, the size of the squares in the grid will 
shrink or enlarge to fit. 

Options: bitmap 
-display [host] : server[, screen] 
Allows you to specify the host, server, and screen on which to create the bit- 
map window, host specifies which machine to create the bitmap window 
on, server specifies the server number, and screen specifies the screen 
number. For example: 

X Window System User's Guide 271 

System Bitmap Editor (continued) bitmap 

Options: atobm 
The atobm conversion program accepts the following options: 
-chars cc Specifies the pair of characters to use when converting string bitmaps into 
arrays of numbers. The first character represents a 0 bit and the second char- 
acter represents a 1 bit. The default is to use dashes (-) for O's and number 
signs (#) for l's. 
-name variable 
Specifies the variable name to be used when writing out the bitmap file. The 
default is to use the basename of the filename command line argument or 
leave it blank if the standard input is read. 
-xhot number 
Specifies the X coordinate of the hot spot. Only positive values are allowed. 
By default, no hot spot information is included. 
-yhot number 
Specifies the Y coordinate of the hot spot. Only positive values are allowed. 
By default, no hot spot information is included. 

Changing Grid Squares 
Grid squares may be set, cleared, or inverted by pointing to them and clicking one of the but- 
tons indicated below. Multiple squares can be changed at once by holding the button down and 
dragging the cursor across them. Set squares arc filled and represent l's in the bitrnap; clear 
squares are empty and represent O's. 
Button 1 (usually the left) 
Changes one or more grid squares to the foreground color and sets the corre- 
sponding bits in the bitmap to 1. 

Button 2 (usually 

the middle) 
Inverts one or more grid squares. The corresponding bit or bits in the bitmap 
are inverted (l's become O's and O's become l's). 

Button 3 (usually 

the right) 
Changes one or more grid squares to the background color and sets the corre- 
sponding bits in the bitmap to 0. 

Menu Commands 
To make defining shapes easier, bitmap provides 13 commands for drawing whole sections of 
the grid at once, two commands for manipulating the hot spot, and two commands for updating 
the bitmap file and exiting. A command button for each of these operations is located to the 
right of the grid. 
Several of the commands operate on rectangular portions of the grid. These areas are selected 
after the command button is pressed by moving the cursor to the upper left square of the desired 
area, pressing a pointer button, dragging the cursor to the lower right hand comer (with the but- 
ton still pressed), and then releasing the button. The command may be aborted by pressing any 
other button while dragging or by releasing outside the grid. 


X Window System User's Guide 273 

bltmap (continued) System Bitmap Editor 

To invoke a command, move the poter over that command and click any button. 
The following command descriptions assume that black is the foreground color and white is the 
background color (the defaults). 
Clear All Turns all the grid squares white and sets all bitmap bits to 0. This is irrevers- 
ible, so invoke it with caution. 
Set All Turns all the grid squares black and sets all bitmap bits to 1. This is also irre- 
versible, so invoke it with caution. 
Clear Area Clears a rectangular area of the grid, turning it white and setting the corre- 
sponding bitmap to 0. After you click on this command, the cursor turns into 
a comer cursor representing the upper-left comer of the area you want to 
clear. Press and hold down any mouse button while moving the mouse to the 
lower-right comer of the area you want to clear, then release the button. 
While you are holding down the button, the selected area is covered with X's, 
and the cursor changes to a lower-right comer cursor. If you now wish to 
abort the command without clearing an area, either press another mouse but- 
ton, move the cursor outside the grid, or move the cursor to the left of or 
above the left-comer. 
Set Area Turns a rectangular area of the grid black and sets the corresponding bitmap 
bits to 1. It works the same way as the Clear Area command. 
Invert Area Inverts rectangular area of the grid. It works the same way as the Clear Area 
Copy Area Copies a rectangular area from one part of the grid to another. First, you 
select the rectangle to be copied, in the manner dcscribed under Clear Area 
Once you have selected the area to copy, the cursor changes to an upper-left 
comer cursor. When you press a mouse button, a destination rectangle over- 
lays the grid; moving the mouse while holding down the button moves this 
destination rectangle. The copy occurs when you release the button. To can- 
cel the copy, move the mouse outside the grid and then release the button. 
Move Area Works identically to Copy Area, except it clears the source rectangle after 
copying to the destination. 
Overlay Area Lays a rectangular area from one part of the grid over a rectangular area in 
another part of the grid. Select the area as described under Clear Area. Over- 
lay is not a pixel for pixel replacement: those pixels that are clear (bitmap 
bits set to 0) allow those pixels that are set (bitmap bits set to 1) to show 
through the overlay. 

274 X Window System User's Guide 

System Bitmap Editor (continued) bitmap 



Filled Circle 

Flood Fill 

Set Hot Spot 

Clear Hot Spot 
Write Output 


Draws a line between two pints. When you select this menu option, the cur- 
sor changes to a dot shape. Position the cursor over the first point of the line 
you want to draw and click any mouse button. Then position the cursor over 
the end point of the line and click any mouse button. A black line is drawn 
between the two points. 
Draws a circle. When you select this menu option, the cursor changes to a 
dot shape. First, position the cursor over the point you want to specify as the 
center and click any mouse button. Then position the cursor over a point you 
want to specify as the radius and click any mouse button. A black circle is 
Draws a filled circle when you specify the center and radius of the circle as 
with Circle. 
Fills all clear squares in a closed shape you specify. When you select this 
menu option, the cursor changes to a dot shape. Click on any clear square 
inside the shape you want to fill and all clear squares are filled out to the bor- 
der of the closed shape. If the shape is not closed, the entire grid will be 
Designates a point on the bitmap as the "hot spoL" If a program is using your 
bitmap as a cursor, the hot spot indicates which point on the bitmap is the 
"actual" location of the cursor. For instance, if your cursor is an arrow, the 
hot spot could be the tip of the arrow; if your cursor is a cross, the hot spot 
should be where the perpendicular lines intersecL 
Removes any hot spot that was defined for this bitmap. 
Writes the current bitmap value to the file specified in the command line. If 
the file already exists, the original file is first renamed to Jilename- (in the 
manner of emacs(1) and other text editors). 
If either the renaming or the writing cause an error, a dialog box will appear 
asking if you want to write the file ItmplJilename instead. If you say yes, all 
future Write Output commands are written to ItmplJilename as well. See File 
Format below for the format of the output file. 
Exits the bitmap program. If you have edited the bitmap and have not 
invoked Write Output, or you have edited since the last time you invoked Write 
Output, a dialog window appears, asking if you want to save changes before 
quitting. "Yes" does a Write Output before exiting. "No" just exits, losing the 
edits. "Cancel" means you decided not to quit after all and you can continue 
with your editing. 
You can also terminate bitmap by typing Ctrl-C or q anywhere in the window. 
If you have edited the bitmap and have not invoked Write Output, a dialog 
window appears, asking if you want to save changes before quitting. 

X Window System User's Guide 275 

System Bitmap Editor (continued) bltmap 

i0010001 00000100 
ii001010 00000110 
i0000100 00000100 
i0001010 00000100 
i0010001 00000100 

0x91 0x04 
0xca 0x06 
0x84 0x04 
0x8a 0x04 
0x91 0x04 

The characrarray canenbegeneratedbyreadingeach row om left to fight, top tobouom: 
static char name bits[] = { 
0x91, 0x04, 0xca, 0x06, 0x84, 
0x04, 0x8a, 0x04, 0x91, 0x04 

The brntoa program may be used to convert bitmap files into arrays of characters for printing or 
including in text files. The atobrn program can be used to convert strings back to bitrnap for- 

Using Bitmaps in Programs 
To define a bitmap or pointer in an X program, include (#include) a bitmap file and refer to its 
variables. For instance, to use a pointer defined in the files this.cursor and this_mask.cursor, 
#include "this. cursor" 
#include "this mask. cursor" 
XColor foreground background; 
Pixmap source = XCreateBitmapFromData (display, drawable, this bits, 
this_width, this_height) ; 
Pixmap mask = XCreateBitmapFromData (display, drawable, this mask bits, 
-- _ 
this_mask_width, this_mask_height) ; 
Cursor cursor = XCreatePixmapCursor (display, source, mask, foreground, 
background, this x hot, this y hot); 
where foreground and background are XColor vslues. 
Additional routines are available for reading in bitmap files and returning the data in the file in 
Bitmap (single-plane Pixmap for use with routines that require stipples) or full depth Pixmaps 
(often used for window backgrounds and borders). Applications writers should be careful to 
understand the difference between Bitmaps and Pixmaps so that their programs function cor- 
rectly on color and monochrome displays. 
For backward compatibility, bitmap will also accept X10 format bitmap files. However, when 
the file is written out again it will be in X11 format. 

The bitmap program accepts the following resources. The foreground, background, and high- 
light colors are ignored unless you specify new values for all three options. 
Background Determines the window's background color. Bits which are 0 in the bitmap 
are displayed in this color. Default is white. 

X Window System User's Guide 277 

bitmap (continued) System Bitmap Editor 





Determines the text font. Default isftxed, a 6x13 pixel mono-spaced font. 
Determines the color of the border. Default is black. 
Determines the border width. Default is 2 pixels. 
Determines whether dashed or solid lines are used for the bitmap grid. (On 
specifies dashed lines, off specifies solid.) Default is on. (Available as of 
Release 4.) 
Determines the foreground color. Bits which are 1 in the bitmap are 
displayed in this color. Default is black. 
Determines the highlight color, bitmap uses this color to show the hot spot 
and to indicate rectangular areas that are affected by the Move Area, Copy 
Area, Set Area, Clear Area, and Invert Area commands. If a highlight color is 
not given, then bitmap highlights by inverting. For example, if you have a 
black rectangular area selected for a move, white X's appear in the rectangle. 
Determines the pointer's color. Default is black. 
Determines the size and location of the bitmap window. 
Determines the WIDTHxHEIGHT of the checkerboard grid within the bitmap 
window. Default is 16x16. 

Many standard bitmaps can be found in the directory lusr/includelX11/bitmaps. 

The old command line arguments aren't consistent with other X programs. 
If you move the pointer too fast while holding a pointer button down, some squares may be 
missed. This is caused by limitations in how frequently the X server can sample the pointer 
There is no way to write to a file other than the one specified on the command line. 
There is no way to change the size of the bitmap once the program has started. 
There is no Undo command. 

bitmap by Ron Newman, IV[IT Project Athena; bmtoa and atobm by Jim Fulton, IV[IT X Consor- 

See Also 
Chapter 6 of this guide; Volume One, Xlib Programmer's Guide; XmuReadBitmapDataFrom- 

278 X Window System User's Guide 

m Llst Wldget Resources 

jr listres 

listres - list resources in widgets. 

listres [opti ons] 

Available as of Release 4, the listres program generates a list of a widget's resource database. 
The class in which each resource is first defined, the instance and class name, and the type of 
each resource is listed. If no specific widgets or the -all switch are given, a two-column list 
of widget names and their class hierarchies is printed. 

listres accepts all 

of the standard X Toolkit command line options, along with the following: 
Indicates that listres should print information for all known widgets and 
-nosuper Indicates that resources that are inherited from a superclass should not be 
listed. This is useful for determining which resources are new to a subclass. 
-variable Indicates that widgets should be identified by the names of the class record 
variables rather than the class name given in the variable. This is useful for 
distinguishing subclasses that have the same class name as their superclasses. 
-top name Specifies the name of the widget to be treated as the top of the hierarchy. 
Case is not significant, and the name may match either the class variable 
name or the class name. The default is core. 
-format printf_string 
Specifies the printf-style format string to be used to print out the name, 
instance, class, and type of each resource. 

See Also 
X, xrdb; Volume Four, X Toolkit Intrinsics Programming Manual; Volume Five, X Toolkit 
Intrinsics Reference Manual; appropriate widget documents 

On operating systems that do not support dynamic linking of run-time routines, this program 
must have all of its known widgets compiled in. The sources provide several tools for automat- 
ing this process for various widget sets. 

Jim Fulton, MIT X Consortium. 

x Window System User's Guide 279 


Create fonts.dir Files m 

mkfontdir - creates afonts.dir file for each specified directory of font files. 

mkfontdir [directory-names] 

For each directory argument, mkfontdir reads all of the font files in the directory and searches 
for properties named "FONT", or (failing that) the name of the file stripped of its suffix. These 
are used as font names, which are written out to the filefonts.dir in the directory, along with the 
name of the font file. 
The kinds of font files read by mkfontdir depend on configuration parameters, but typically 
include SNF (suffix .snf), compressed SNF (suffix .snf.Z), BDF (suffix .bdf), and compressed 
BDF (suffix .bdf.Z). If a font exists in multiple formats, the most efficient format will be used. 

Font Name Aliases 
The file fonts.alias, which can be put in any directory of the font path, is used to map new 
names to existing fonts, and should be edited by hand. The format is straight forward enough, 
two white-space separated columns, the first containing aliases and the second containing font- 
name patterns. 
When a font alias is used, the name it references is searched for in the normal manner, looking 
through each font directory in turn. This means that the aliases need not mention fonts in the 
same directory as the alias file. 
To embed white-space in either name, simply enclose them in double-quote marks. To embed 
double-quote marks (or any other character), precede them with back-slash: 
"magic-alias with spaces" '%"fontnameV' with quotes" 
regular alias fontname 

If the string FILE_NAMES_ALIASES stands alone on a line, each filename in the particular 
directory (stripped of it's .snf suffix) will be used as an alias for that font. 

Xserver looks for both fonts.dir and fonts.alias in each directory in the font path each time the 
font path is set (see xset). 

See Also 
X, Xserver, xset 

280 X Window System User's Guide 

oclock (continued) Analog Clock 


Causes the clock not to reshape itself and ancestors to exactly fit the outline 
of the clock. 

Although the default colors for the Clock widget are black and white, the widget was designed 
in color; unfortunately, the toolkit makes specifying these colors in a device-independent man- 
ner difficult. If you want to see the correct colors, add the following lines to your resource file: 

Clock*Background: grey 
Clock*BorderColor: light blue 
Clock*hour: yellow 
Clock*jewel: yellow 
Clock*minute: yellow 

See Also 
X; Volume Four, X Toolkit Intrinsics Programming Manual; Volume Five, X Toolkit Intrinsics 
Reference Manual 

Keith Packard, MIT X Consortium. 

282 X Window System User's Guide 

resize (continued) Reset Terminal for Window Size 

There should be some global notion of display size; termcap and terminfo need to be rethought 
in the context of window systems. (Fixed in 4.3BSD and Ultrix-32 1.2.) 

Mark Vandevoorde (MIT-Athena), Edward Moy (Berkeley). 
Copyright (c) 1984, 1985 by Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 
See X for a complete copyright notice. 

284 X Window System User's Guide 


Tab Window Manager 

twm - Tab Window Manager for the X Window System. 
twin [options] 

twm is a window manager for the X Window System. It has been made the official window 
manager in the standard distribution in Release 4. twm provides titlebars, shaped windows, 
several forms of icon management, user-defined macro functions, click-to-type and pointer- 
driven keyboard focus, and user-specified key and pointer button bindings. 

This program is usually started by the user's session manager or startup script. When used from 
xdm or xinit without a session manager, twm is frequently executed in the foreground as the last 
client. When run this way, exiting twm causes the session to be terminated (i.e., logged out). 

By default, application windows are surrounded by a "frame" with a titlebar at the top and a 
special border around the window. The titlebar contains the window's name, a rectangle that is 
lit when the window is receiving keyboard input, and function boxes known as "titlebuttons" 
at the left and right edges of the titlebar. 

Pressing pointer Button1 (usually the left-most button unless it has been changed with xmod- 
map) on a titlebutton will invoke the function associated with the button. In the default inter- 
face, windows are iconified by clicking (pressing and then immediately releasing) the left 
titlebutton (which looks like a small X). Conversely, windows are deiconified by clicking in 
the associated icon or entry in the icon manager (see description of the variable ShowTcon- 
Manager and of the function f. showiconmgr). 

Windows are resized by pressing the right titlebutton (which resembles group of nested 
squares), dragging the pointer over edge that is to be moved, and releasing the pointer when the 
outline of the window is the desired size. Similarly, windows are moved by pressing in the title 
or highlight region, dragging a window outline to the new location, and then releasing when the 
outline is in the desired position. Just clicking in the title or highlight region raises the window 
without moving it. 

When new windows are created, twm will honor any size and location information requested by 
the user (usually through -geomet ry command line argument or resources for the individual 
applications). Otherwise, an outline of the window's default size, its titlebar, and lines dividing 
the window into a 3x3 grid that track the pointer are displayed. Clicking pointer Buttonl will 
position the window at the current position and give it the default size. Pressing pointer But- 
ton2 (usually the middle pointer button) and dragging the outline will give the window its cur- 
rent position but allow the sides to be resized as described above. Clicking pointer Button3 
(usually the right pointer button) will give the window its current position but attempt to make 
it long enough to touch the bottom the screen. 

twm accepts the following command line options: 

286 X Window System User's Guide 

Tab Window Manager (continued) twm 

-f twmfile 

-display host [ : server] [. screen] 
Allows you to specify the host, server and screen to connect to. host speci- 
fies the machine, server specifies the server number, and screen specifies 
the screen number. For example, 
twin -display your_node" O. 0 
specifies screen 0 of server 0 on the machine your node. Either or both the 
host and screen elements to the display specification can be omitted. If 
host is omitted, the local machine is assumed. If screen is omitted, screen 
0 is assumed (and the period is unnecessary). The colon and server are 
necessary in all cases. 
-s Indicates that only the default screen (as specified by -display or by the 
DISPLAY environment variable) should be managed. By default, twm will 
attempt to manage all screens on the display. 
Specifies the name of the startup file to use. By default, twm will look in the 
user's home directory for files named .twmrc.num (where hum is a screen 
number) or .twmrc. 
-v Indicates that twm should print error messages whenever an unexpected X 
Error event is received. This can be useful when debugging applications but 
can be distracting in regular use. 

Much of twm's appearance and behavior can be controlled by providing a startup file in one of 
the following locations (searched in order for each screen being managed when twm begins): 
The screennumber is a small positive number (e.g. 0, 1, etc.) representing the 
screen number (e.g. the last number in the DISPLAY environment variable 
host:displaynum.screennum) that would be used to contact that screen of the 
display. This is intended for displays with multiple screens of differing visual 
$HOME/.twmrc This is the usual name for an individual user's startup file. 
If neither of the preceding files are found, twm will look in this file for a 
default configuration. This is often tailored by the site administrator to pro- 
vide convenient menus or familiar bindings for novice users. 
If no startup files are found, twm will use the built-in defaults described above. The only 
resource used by twm is bitmapFilePath for a colon-separated list of directories to search 
when looking for bitmap files. (For more information, see the Athena Widgets manual and 

twm startup files are logically broken up into three types of specifications: variables, bindings, 
and menus. The variables section must come first and is used to describe the fonts, colors, cur- 
sors, border widths, icon and window placement, highlighting, autoraising, layout of titles, 


X Window System User's Guide 287 

twrn (continued) Tab Window Manager 

supplied, only those windows will be prevented from being squeezed. 
ForceTcons Indicates that icon pixmaps specified in the Tcons variable should override 
any client-supplied pixmaps. 
F rameP adding pi xel s 
Specifies the distance between the titlebar decorations (the button and text) 
and the window frame. The default is 2 pixels. 
IconBackground string [{ win list }] 
Specifies the background color of icons, and may only be specified inside of a 
Color or Monochrome list. The optional win_list is a list of window 
names and colors so that per-window colors may be specified. See the 
BorderColor variable for a complete description of the win list. The 
default is white. 
IconBorderColor string [{ win list }] 
Specifies the color of the border used for icon windows, and may only be 
specified inside of a Color or Monochrome list. The optional win_list 
is a list of window names and colors so that per-window colors may be speci- 
fied. See the BorderColor variable for a complete description of the 
win lis t. The default is black. 
I conBo rde rWidt h pixel s 
Specifies the width in pixels of the border surrounding icon windows. The 
default is 2. 
IconDirectory string 
Specifies the directory that should be searched if if a bitmap file cannot be 
found in any of the directories in the bitmapFilePath resource. 
IconFont string 
Specifies the font to be used to display icon names within icons. The default 
is 8x13. 
IconForeground string [{ win list }] 
Specifies the foreground color to be used when displaying icons, and may 
only be specified inside of a Color or Monochrome list. The optional 
win list is a list of window names and colors so that per-window colors 
may be specified. See the BorderColor variable for a complete descrip- 
tion of the win 1 i s t. The default is black. 
IconifyByUnmapping [ { win_list } ] 
Indicates that windows should be iconified by being unmapped without trying 
to map any icons. This assumes that the user is will remap the window 
through the icon manager, the f. warpto function, or the TwmWindows 
menu. If the optional win list is provided, only those windows will be 
iconified by simply unmapping. Windows that have both this and the Tcon- 
ManagerDontShow options set may not be accessible if no binding to the 
TwmWindows menu is set in the user's startup file. 

292 X Window System User's Guide 

Tab Window Manager (continued) twm 

IconManagerBackground string [{ win_list }] 
Specifies the background color to use for icon manager entries, and may only 
be specified inside of a Color or Monochrome list. The optional 
win_list is a list of window names and colors so that per-window colors 
may be specified. See the BorderColor variable for a complete descrip- 
tion of the win list. The default is white. 
IconManagerDontShow [{ win_list }] 
Indicates that the icon manager should not display any windows. If the 
optional win_list is given, only those windows will not be displayed. This 
variable is used to prevent windows that are rarely iconified (such as xcl ock 
or xl oad) from taking up space in the icon manager. 
IconManagerFont string 
Specifies the font to be used when displaying icon manager entries. The 
default is 8x 13. 
IconManagerForeground string [{ win_list }] 
Specifies the foreground color to be used when displaying icon manager 
entries, and may only be specified inside of a Color or Monochrome list. 
The optional win_list is a list of window names and colors so that per- 
window colors may be specified. See the BorderColor variable for a com- 
plete description of the win_list. The default is black. 
IconManagerGeometry string [ col umns ] 
Specifies the geometry of the icon manager window. The string argument 
is standard geometry specification that indicates the initial full size of the 
icon manager. The icon manager window is then broken into columns 
pieces and scaled according to the number of entries in the icon manager. 
Extra entries are wrapped to form additional rows. The default number of 
columns is 1. 
IconManagerHighlight string [{ win_list }] 
Specifies the border color to be used when highlighting the icon manager 
entry that currently has the focus, and can only be specified inside of a 
Color or Monochrome list. The optional win_list is a list of window 
names and colors so that per-window colors may be specified. See the 
BorderColor variable for a complete description of the win_list. The 
default is black. 
IconManagers { iconmgr_list } 
Specifies a list of icon managers to create. Each item in the i conmgr_list 
has the following format: 
"winname" ["iconname"] "geometry" columns 
where winname is the name of the windows that should be put into this icon 
manager, iconname is the name of that icon manager window's icon, 
geometry is a standard geometry specification, and columns is the num- 
ber of columns in this icon manager as described in 


X Window System User's Guide 293 

twm (continued) Tab Window Manager 

and constrains the move to be either horizontal or vertical depending on 
which grid line is crossed. To abort a move, press another button before 
releasing the first button. 
f. next iconmgr 
Warps the pointer to the next icon manager containing any windows on the 
current or any succeeding screen. 
f.nop Does nothing and is typically used with the DefaultFunction or 
WindowFunction variables or to introduce blank lines in menus. 
f. p revic onmgr 
Warps the pointer to the previous icon manager containing any windows on 
the current or preceding screens. 
f. quit Causes twm to restore the window's borders and exit. If twm is the first client 
invoked from xdm, this will result in a server reset. 
f. raise Raises the selected window. 
f. raiselower 
Raises the selected window to the top of the stacking order if it is occluded 
by any windows, otherwise the window will be lowered. 
f. refresh Causes all windows to be refreshed. 
f. resize Displays an outline of the selected window. Crossing a border (or setting 
AutoRelativeResize) will cause the outline to begin to rubber band 
until the invoking button is released. To abort a resize, press another button 
before releasing the first button. 
f. restart Kills and restarts twm. 
f. righticonmgr 
Similar to f. nexticonmgr, except that wrapping does not change rows. 
f. rightzoom Similar to the f. bottomzoom function, except that the selected window is 
only resized to the right half of the display. 
f. saveyourself 
Sends a %VM_SAVEYOURSELF message to the selected window if it has 
requested the message in its %VM_PROTOCOLS window property. Clients 
that accept this message are supposed to checkpoint all state associated with 
the window and update the %VM_COMMAND property as specified in the 
ICCCM. If the selected window has not selected for this message, the key- 
board bell will be rung. 
f. showiconmgr 
Maps the current icon manager. 
f. sort iconrngr 
Sorts the entries in the current icon manager alphabetically. See the variable 
Sort IconManager. 

304 X Window System User's Guide 


X Window Manager-- 

uwm - a window manager for X. 

uwm [options] 

The uwm program is a window manager client application of the window server. In releases 
prior to 4, uwm is the standard X window manager. As of Release 4, uwm has been moved to 
the user-contributed pan of the distribution and replaced in the standard distribution by twm. 
When uwm is invoked, it searches a predefined search path to locate any uwm startup files. If 
no startup files exist, uwm initializes its built-in defaults. 
If startup files exist in any of the following locations, it adds the variables to the default vari- 
ables. In the case of contention, the variables in the last file found override previous specifica- 
tions. Files in the uwm search path are: 
lusrllib/X11 luwrrdsystern, uwmrc 
$ H O M E/.uwmrc 
To use only the settings defined in a single startup file, include the variables, resetbind- 
ings, resetmenus, resetvariables at the top of that specific smnup file. 

-f filename Names an alternate file as a uwm startup file. 

-display [host] : server[, screen] 
Allows you to specify the host, server, and screen on which to run the window 
manager, host specifies the machine, server specifies the server number, 
and screen specifies the screen number. For example, 

uwm -display your_node: O. 1 

specifies screen 1 on server 0 on the machine your_node. If the host is 
omitted, the local machine is assumed. If the screen is omitted, the screen 0 
is assumed; the server and colon (:) are necessary in all cases. 

Startup File Variables 
Variables are typically entered first, at the top of the startup file. By convention, resetbind- 
ings, resetmenus, and resetvariables head the list. 
Places the menu cursor in first menu item. If unspecified, the menu cursor is 
placed in the menu header when the menu is displayed. 
Specifies the default background color for popup sizing windows, menus, and 
icons. The default is to use the WhitePixel for the current screen. 

308 X Window System User's Guide 

X Window Manager (continued) uwm 

Specifies the default border color for popup sizing windows, menus, and 
icons. The default is to use the BlackPixo'l for the current screen. 
bo rde rwidt h=pixel s 
Specifies the default width in pixels for borders surrounding icons. 
de it a=pixel s 
Indicates the number of pixels the cursor is moved before the action is inter- 
preted by the window manager as a command. (Also refer to the delta 
mouse action.) 
Specifies the default foreground color for popup sizing windows, menus, and 
icons. The default is to use the BlackPixel for the current screen. 
freeze/no freeze 
Locks all other client applications out of the server during certain window 
manager tasks, such as move and resize. 
grid/nogrid Displays a finely-ruled grid to help you position an icon or window during 
resize or move operations. 
hiconpad=pixel s 
Indicates the number of pixels to pad an icon horizontally. The default is five 
hmenupad=pixel s 
Indicates the number of pixels to pad each menu item to the left and right of 
the text. 

iconfont=fon tname 
Names the font that is displayed within icons. Font names for a given server 
can be obtained using xlsfonts. 

maxcolors=n Limits the number of colors the window manager can use in a given invoca- 
tion. If set to zero, or not specified, uwm assumes no limit to the number of 
colors it can take from the color map. maxcolors counts colors as they are 
included in the file. 

mborderwidth=pixel s 
Indicates the width in pixels of the border surrounding menus. 
norma li/nono rma li 
Places icons created with f. newiconify within the root window, even if 
they are placed partially off the screen. With nonormali the icon is placed 
exactly where the cursor leaves it. 
no rma lw/nono rma lw 
Places window created with f. newiconify within the root window, even 
if they are placed partially off the screen. With nonormalw the window is 
placed exactly where the cursor leaves it. 

X Window System User's Guide 309 

uwm (continued) X Window Manager 


push=n Moves a window n number of pixels or a l/n times the size of the window, 
depending on whether pushabsolute or pushrelative is specified. 
Use this variable in conjunction with f.pushup, f.pushdown, 
f. pushright, or f. pushleft. 
pushabsolute indicates that the number entered with push is equivalent to 
pixels. When an f .push (left, right, up, or down) function is called, the 
window is moved exactly that number of pixels. 
pushrelative indicates that the number entered with the push variable 
represents a relative number. When an f. push function is called, the win- 
dow is invisibly divided into the number of pans you entered with the push 
variable, and the window is moved one pan. 
resetbindings, resetmenus, resetvariables 
Resets all previous function bindings, menus, and variables entries, specified 
in any startup file in the uwm search path, including those in the default envi- 
ronment. By convention, these variables are entered first in the startup file. 
re s i ze font =fon tname 
Identifies the font of the indicator that displays in the comer of the window as 
you resize windows. See xlsfonts for obtaining font names. 
resizerelat ive/noresizerelative 
Indicates whether or not resize operations should be done relative to a mov- 
ing edge or edges. By default, the dynamic rectangle uses the actual pointer 
location to define the new size. (Available as of Release 3.) 
reverse / noreve rse 
Defines the display as black characters on a white background for the window 
manager windows and icons. 
viconpad=pixel s 
Indicates the number of pixels to pad an icon vertically. Default is five pix- 
vme nupad=pi xel s 
Indicates the number of pixels to pad each menu item vertically (i.e., above 
and below the text). 
Increases or decreases the base level volume set by the xset(1) command. 
Enter an integer from 0 to 7, 7 being the loudest. 
zap/nozap Causes ghost lines to follow the window or icon from its previous default 
location to its new location during a move or resize operation. 

Binding Syntax 
function=[control key (s) ] : [context] : mouse events : "menu name" 

Function and mouse events are required input. Menu name is required with the f. menu func- 
tion definition only. 

310 X Window System User's Guide 

X Window Manager (continued) uwm 

f. beep Emits a beep from the keyboard. Loudness is determined by the volume vari- 
f. circledown 
Causes the top window that is obscuring another window to drop to the bot- 
tom of the stack of windows. 
f. circleup Exposes the lowest window that is obscured by other windows. 
f. continue Releases the window server display action after you stop action with the 
f. pause function. 
f. focus Directs all keyboard input to the selected window. To reset the focus to all 
windows, invoke f. focus from the root window. 
f. iconify When implemented from a window, this function converts the window to its 
respective icon. When implemented from an icon, f. iconify converts the 
icon to its respective window. 
f. kill Kills the client that created a window. 
f. lower Lowers a window that is obstructing a window below it. 
f. menu Invokes a menu. Enclose 'menu name' in quotes if it contains blank charac- 
ters or parentheses. 
f. move Moves a window or icon to a new location, which becomes the default loca- 
f. moveopaque 
Moves a window or icon to a new screen location. When using this function, 
the entire window or icon is moved to the new screen location. The grid 
effect is not used with this function. 
f. newiconify 
Allows you to create a window or icon and then position the window or icon 
in a new default location on the screen. 
f. pause Temporarily stops all display action. To release the screen and immediately 
update all windows, use the f. continue function. 
f. pushdown Moves a window down. The distance of the push is determined by the push 
f .pushleft Moves a window to the left. The distance of the push is determined by the 
push variables. 
f. pushright Moves a window to the right. The distance of the push is determined by the 
push variables. 
f. pushup Moves a window up. The distance of the push is determined by the push vari- 

X Window System User's Guide 311 

uwm (continued) X Window Manager 

co1 or4 

Background color of the highlighter. 
Foreground color for the individual menu item. 
Background color for the individual menu item. 

Color Defaults 
Colors default to the colors of the root window under any of the following conditions: 
If you run out of color map entries, either before or during an invocation of uwm. If you spec- 
ify a foreground or background color that does not exist in the RGB color database of the 
server (see/usrllib/X111rgb.txt for a sample) both the foreground and background colors default 
to the root window colors. If you omit a foreground or background color, both the foreground 
and background colors default to the root window colors. If the total number of colors speci- 
fied in the startup file exceeds the number specified in the maxcolors variable. If you specify 
no colors in the startup file. 

Sample .mwmrc File 
The following sample startup file shows the use of window manager options: 
# Global variables 

# Mouse button/key maps 
# = meta = meta 
f.move = meta 
f.circleup = meta 
# Menu specifications 
menu = "WINDOW OPS" { 



:left down 
:middle down 
:right down 
:right down 


MENU (if any) 

314 X Window System User's Guide 

X Window Manager (continued) uwm 




Create Window: 
Iconify at New Position: 
Focus Keyboard on Window: 
Freeze All Windows: 
Unfreeze All Windows: 
Circulate Windows Up: 
Circulate Windows Down: 

!"xterm &" 

The color specifications have no effect on a monochrome system. 
See Also 
X, Xserver, xset, xlsfonts 
Copyright 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988 Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, MA. 
M. Gancarz, DEC Ultrix Engineering Group, Merrimack, New Hampshire, using some algo- 
rithms originally by Bob Scheifler, MIT Laboratory for Computer Science. 


X Window System User's Guide 315 

Protocol Converter (continued) xl Otoxl I 

variable DISPLAY set to your_node : 1 (but they should still work even if 
your X10 clients use your_node : 1.0). 
Sets minimum acceptable tile size to n. There is a difference in semantics 
between X10's XQueryShape and Xll's XQueryBestSize such that 
Xll will allow any tile size but will return the optimum whereas X10 
enforced a minimum tile size. Usually this minimum tile size was 16 and this 
is the default for xlOtoxll. If you find that this makes your X10 clients break, 
then you can override it with this option. 
help Prints out a usage message and exits. 

NoOve r rideRedi rect 
Insucts xlOtoxll to make every effort not to use OverrideRedirect 
when creating and mapping windows. Normally, xlOtoxll creates all win- 
dows with the OverrideRedirect attribute set to true. Placing this 
option on the command line will cause xlOtoxll not to use Override- 
Redirect except for windows that look like they might be menus. This 
will allow window managers that provide titlebars to do so. Unfortunately, it 
is impossible to determine ahead of time what an X10 client intends to do 
with windows. In addition, X10 clients are known to spontaneously unmap 
their windows which upsets Xll window managers unless the Override- 
Redirect attribute is true. Further, some Xll window managers may 
refuse to resize or move windows that are marked with Override- 
Redirect. This may be fixed to some extent when an Inter Client Commu- 
nications Convention Manual (ICCCM) is adopted by the X 11 community. 

See Also 
X, Xserver 

There are limitations with respect to emulating Version 10 through a Version 11 server. See the 
file/usr/lib/X/xlOtoxl for more details. 
Some window managers may refuse to move, resize, or perform any operations on X10 client 

If the source is compiled with certain flags, there are significant debugging facilities available. 
Using the help option will tell you whether debugging facilities are available, xlOtoxll 
marks them with OverrideRedirect. See "Options" above. 

Cop)right 1988, Tektronix Inc. 


X Window System User's Guide 317 

xl Otoxl I (continued) Protocol Converter 

Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any pur- 
pose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all 
copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting 

Todd Brunhoff, Visual Systems Laboratory, Tektronix. 

318 X Window System User's Guide 

Authority File Utility 

f xauth 

xauth - X authority file utility 

xauth [options] [command arguments] 

Available as of Release 4, the xauth program is used to edit and display the authorization infor- 
mation used in connecting to the X server. This program is usually to extract authorization 
records from one machine and merge them in on another (as is the case when using remote 
logins or to grant access to other users). Commands (described below) may be entered interac- 
tively, on the xauth command line, or in scripts. Note that this program does not contact the X 

The following options may be used with xauth. They may be given individually (for example, 
-q -5.) or may combined (for example, -qs.): 

-f authfile 

Specifies the name of the authority file to use. By default, xauth will use the 
file specified by the XAUTHORITY environment variable or .Xauthority in 
the user's home directory. 




Indicates that xauth should operate quietly and not print unsolicited status 
messages. This is the default if an xauth command is is given on the com- 
mand line or if the standard output is not directed to a terminal. 
Indicates that xauth should operate verbosely and print status messages indi- 
cating the results of various operations (for example, how many records have 
been read in or written out). This is the default if xauth is reading commands 
from its standard input and its standard output is directed to a terminal. 
Indicates that xauth should ignore any authority file locks. Normally, xauth 
will refuse to read or edit any authority files that have been locked by other 
programs (usually xdm or another xauth). 


Indicates that xauth should attempt to break any authority file locks before 
proceeding and should only be used to clean up stale locks. 

The following commands may be used to manipulate authority files: 

add displayname protocolname hexkey 
An authorization entry for the indicated display using the given protocol and 
key data is added to the authorization file. The data is specified as an even- 
lengthed string of hexadecimal digits, each pair representing one octet. The 
first digit gives the most significant 4 bits of the octet and the second digit 
gives the least significant 4 bits. A protocol name consisting of just a single 
period is treated as an abbreviation for MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1. 

X Window System User's Guide 319 

Mail Notification (continued) xblff 

sot: ( ) Causes the widget to raise the flag until user resets it. 
The default translation is: 

<ButtonPress> : unset ( ) 
See Also 
X, xrdb, stat(2) 
Jim Fulton, MIT X Consortium; 
Additional hacks by Ralph Swick, DEC/MIT Project Athena. 

X Window System User's Guide 325 


X Clipboard Client-- 

xclipboard - X clipboard client. 

xclipboard [options] 

The xclipboard program is used to collect and display text selections that are sent to the CLIP- 
BOARD by other clients. It is typically used to save CLIPBOARD selections for later use. 
Since xclipboard uses a Text Widget to display the contents of the clipboard, text sent to the 
CLIPBOARD may be re-selected for use in other applications. 
Release 4 Specifics 
The Release 4 version of xclipboard stores each CLIPBOARD selection as a separate string, 
each of which can be selected. Each time CLIPBOARD is asserted by another application, xclip- 
board transfers the contents of that selection to a new buffer and displays it in the text window. 
Buffers are never automatically deleted, so you'll want to use the delete button to get rid of 
useless items. 
xclipboard also responds to requests for the CLIPBOARD selection from other clients by send- 
ing the entire contents of the currently displayed buffer. 
An xclipboard window has the following buttons across the top: 
quit When this button is pressed, xclipboard exits. 
delete When this button is pressed, the current buffer is deleted and the next one 
new Creates a new buffer with no contents. Useful in constructing a new CLIP- 
BOARD selection by hand. , 
next Displays the next buffer in the list. 
previous Displays the previous buffer. 
Release 3 Specifics 
The Release 3 version of xclipboard has the following buttons across the top: 
quit When this button is pressed, xclipboard exits. 
erase When this button is pressed, the contents of the text window are erased. (The 
erase button is not functional.) 

The xclipboard program accepts all of the standard X Toolkit command line options as well as 
the following: 
-w Indicates that lines of text that are too long to be displayed on one line in the 
clipboard should wrap around to the following lines. 
-nw Indicates that long lines of text should not wrap around. This is the default 

334 X Window System User's Guide 

--Analog/Digital Clock 

jr xclock 

xclock - continuously display the time in either analog or digital form. 

xclock [options] 

xclock continuously displays the time of day, either in digital or analog form. In digital form, 
xclock displays the time using a 24-hour clock. It also displays the day, month, and year. In 
analog form, xclock displays a standard 12-hour clock face. You can set up more than one 
clock simultaneously. 

The default clock is an analog clock with a black foreground on a white background. If you 
want to change the clock's appearance, type in the appropriate options. For example, 

xclock -bd slateblue -fg navyblue -hl darkslategrey & 

sets up a conventional 12-hour clock with a slate blue window border, navy blue tick marks, 
and dark slate grey hands. 

By default, the clock is positioned in the upper-left comer of your background window. If you 
are running twm, you can place the clock using the pointer. 

xclock accepts all of the standard X Toolkit command line options along with the additional 
options listed below: 
-he lp Displays a brief summary of xclock's calling syntax and options. 
-analog Draws a conventional 12-hour clock face with tick marks for each minute and 
stroke marks for each hour. This is the default. 
-digital or -d 
Displays the date and time in digital format. Note that -display must be 
used to specify a display. 
-chime Indicates that the clock should chime once on the half hour and twice on the 
-hal col or Specifies the color of the hands on an analog clock. The default is black. 
-hl col or Specifies the color of the edges of the hands on an analog clock. Only useful 
on color displays. The default is black. 
-padding pixels 
Specifies the width in pixels of the space between the window border and any 
portion of the xclock display. The default is 10 pixels in digital mode and 8 
pixels in analog mode. 
-update seconds 
Specifies the frequency in seconds with which xclock updates its display. If 
the xclock window is obscured and then exposed, xclock overrides this setting 

X Window System User's Guide 337 

xclock (continued) Analog/Digital Clock 

and redisplays immediately. A value of less than 30 seconds will enable a 
second hand on an analog clock. The default is 60 seconds. 
The following standard X Toolkit options are commonly used with xclock: 
-bg col or Determines the background color of the window. The default is white. 
-bd co2 or Determines the border color of the window. The default is black. 
-bw pixels Specifies the width in pixels of the border around the xclock window. The 
default is 2 pixels. 
-fg col or Determines the color of the text in digital mode, and the color of the tick and 
stroke marks in analog mode. The default is black. 
-fn font Specifies the font to be used in digital mode. Any fixed width font may be 
used. The default is 6x 10. 
-rv Indicates that reverse video should be simulated by swapping the foreground 
and background colors. 
-geometry geometry 
Sets xclock window size and location according to the geometry specifica- 
tion. The -geometry option can be (and often is) abbreviated to -g, unless 
there is a conflicting option that begins with "g." The argument to the geom- 
etry option (geometry) is referred to as a "standard geometry string," and 
has the form wi dt hxh ei gh t+_xof f-l_yof f. 
In digital mode, height and width are determined by the font in use, unless 
otherwise specified. In analog mode, width and height defaults are 164 pix- 
els, unless otherwise specified. The default value for any unspecified x or y 
offset is -0. All values are in pixels. If you do not specify the geometry, 
xclock asks you for window window. 
-display [host] : server[, screen] 
Allows you to specify the host, server and screen on which to create the 
xclock window, host specifies which machine to create the xclock window 
on, server specifies the server number and screen specifies the screen 
number. For example, 
x:lock -display your_node: O. I 
creates an xclock display on screen 1 on server 0 on the machine 
your_node. If the host is omitted, the local machine is assumed. If the 
screen is omitted, the screen 0 is assumed; the server and colon (:) are neces- 
sary in all cases. 
Note that -display cannot be abbreviated to -d, which is shorthand for the 
-digital option. 
-xrm resourcestring 
Specifies a resource string to be used. This is especially useful for setting 
resources that do not have separate command line options. 

338 X Window System User's Guide 

Analog/Digital Clock (continued) xclock 

xclock uses the Athena Clock widgeL It understands all of the core resource names and classes 
as well as: 

width (class Width) 
Specifies the width of the clock. 
height (class Height) 
Specifies the height of the clock. 
update (class Interval) 
Specifies the frequency in seconds at which the time should be redisplayed. 
background (class Background) 
Determines the background color. The default is white. 
fo reground (class FO reground) 
Specifies the color for the tick marks and stroke marks. Using the class speci- 
fies the color for all things that normally would appear in the foreground 
color. The default is black since the core default for background is white. 
hands (class Foreground) 
Specifies the color of the insides of the clock's hands. The default is the 
fo reground color. 
highlight (class Foreground) 
Specifies the color used to highlight the clock's hands. The default is the 
foreground color. 
analog (class Boolean) 
Specifies whether or not an analog clock should be used instead of a digital 
one. The default is true. 
chime (class Boolean) 
Specifies whether or not a bell should be rung on the hour and half hour. The 
default is false. 
padding (class Margin) 
Specifies the amount of internal padding in pixels to be used. The default is 
font (class Font) 
Specifies the font to be used for the digital clock. Note that variable width 
fonts currently will not always display correctly. 
reve rseVideo (class Reve rseVideo) 
Specifies that the foreground and background colors should be reversed. 

Widgets (Release 4) 
In order to specify resources, it is useful to know the hierarchy of the widgets which compose 
xclock. In the notation below, indentation indicates hierarchical structure. The widget class 
name is given first, followed by the widget instance name. 

X Window System User's Guide 339 

xclock (continued) Analog/Digital Clock 

XCIock xclock 
Clock clock 

/usrllib/Xl 1/app-defaults/XClock 
Specifies default resources (as of Release 4). 
xclock believes the system clock. 
When in digital mode, the string should be centered automatically. 
No way to exit the program. 
See Also 
X, oclock, xrdb, time(3C), Athena Clock widget 
Tony Della Fera (MIT-Athena, DEC); 
Dave Mankins (MIT-Athena, BBN); 
Ed Moy (UC Berkeley). 

340 X Window System User's Guide 

Cut Buffer/Selection Interchange (continued) xcutsel 

See Also 
X, xclipboard, xtcrrn; Chapter 4 of this guide; text widget documentation, including Volume 
Four, X Toolkit Intrinsics Programming Manual 

Ralph R. Swick, DEC/MIT Project Athena. 

X Window S.vstem User's Guide 343 

xditvlew (continued) Display ditroff Files 

Portions of this program originated in xtroff which was derived from suntroff. 
Keith Packard (MIT X Consortium); 
Richard L. Hyde (Purdue); 
David Slattengren (Berkeley); 
Malcom Slaney (Schlumberger Palo Alto Research); 
Mark Moraes (University of Toronto). 

346 X Window System User's Guide 

xdm (continued) X Display Manager 

ments to the terminal; it also disables the DisplayManager .daemon- 
Mode resource, forcing xdm to run synchronously. To interpret these debug- 
ging messages, a copy of the source code for xdm is almost a necessity. No 
attempt has been made to rationalize or standardize the output. 
-error error_log_file 
Spifies the value for the DisplayManager. errorLogFile resource. 
This file contains errors from xdm as well as anything written to standard 
error by the various scripts and programs run during the progress of the 
-nodaemon Specifies "false" as the value for the DisplayManager.daemonMode 
-resources resource file 
Specifies the value for the DisplayManager*resources resource. This 
file is loaded using xrdb to specify configuration parameters for the authenti- 
cation widget. 
-server server_entry 
Specifies the value for the DisplayManager. servers resource. (See 
"Resources" below.) 
-udpPort port_number 
Specifies the value for the DisplayManager. requestPort resource. 
This sets the port-number which XDM will monitor for XDMCP requests. As 
XDMCP uses the registered well-known udp port 177, this resource should 
probably not be changed except for debugging. (Available as of Release 4.) 
-ses s ion sessi on_program 
Spifies the value for the DisplayManager*session resource. This 
indicates the program to run when the user has logged in as the session. 
(Available as of Release 4.) 
-xrm resource_specifi cati on 
Allows an arbitrary resource to be specified, just as most toolkit applications. 

At many stages the actions of xdm can be controlled through the use of the configuration file, 
which is in the familiar X resource format. See Jim Fulton's article on resource files 
(doc/tutorials/resources.txt) for a description of the format. Some resources modify the behav- 
ior of xdm on all displays, while others modify its behavior on a single display. Where actions 
relate to a specific display, the display name is inserted into the resource name between 
"DisplayManager" and the final resource name segment. For example, Display- 
Manager. expo_0, startup is the name of the resource that defines the startup shell file on 
the "expo:0" display. Because the resource manager uses colons to separate the name of the 
resource from its value and dots to separate resource name parts, xdm substitutes underscores 

348 X Window System User's Guide 

X Display Manager (contihued) xdm 

scores for the dots and colons when generating the resource name. (If you are running Release 
3, DisplayManager.expo. 0. startup is the resource. In Release 3, xdm substitutes 
dots for the colons when generating the resource name.) 

DisplayManager. servers 
Specifies either a filename full of server entries, one per line, or a single 
server entry. Each entry indicates a display that should constantly be man- 
aged and that is not using XDMCP. (If the resource value begins with a slash, 
it is assumed to be the name of a file containing the list.) Each entry consists 
of at least three parts: a display name, a display class (Release 4 only), a dis- 
play type, and (for local servers) a command line to start the server. (The pro- 
gram name should be an absolute UNIX pathname, since xdm does not search 
through the directories of the PATH environment variable.) Foreign servers 
can have a comment in place of the command line. A typical entry for local 
display number 0 would be: 

:0 Digital-QV local /usr/bin/Xll/X :0 

The display types are: 


A local display, i.e., one that has a server program to run 
A remote display, i.e., one that has no server program to run 

If you're running the Release 3 version of xdm, the following display types 
are also acceptable: 

localTransient A locai display that has only one session run 
t ransient A remote display that has only one session run 

The display name must be something that can be passed in the -display 
option to any X program. This string is used in the display-specific resources 
to specify the particular display, so be careful to match the names (e.g., use 
:0 local /usr/bin/Xll/X :0 instead of localhost:O local 
/usr/bin/Xll/X : 0 if your other resources are specified as Display- 
Manager. O.session). 

The display class portion can also be used in display-specific resources, as the 
class portion of the resource. This is useful if you have a large collection of 
similar displays (perhaps several X terminals) and would like to set resources 
for groups of them. When using XDMCP, the display is required to specify 
the display class. Your X terminal documentation should describe a reason- 
ably standard display class string for your device. 

DisplayManager. requestPort 
Indicates the UDP port number which xdm uses to listen for incoming 
XDMCP requests. Unless you need to debug the system, leave this with its 
default value of 177. (Available as of Release 4.) 

X Window System User's Guide 349 

X Display Manager (continued) xdm 

xlogin. Login. foreground 
The color used to display the typed-in user name. 
xlogin. Login. font 
The font used to display the typed-in user name. 
xlogin. Login. greeting 
A string which identifies this window. The default is "Welcome to the X 
Window System". 
xlogin. Login. unsecureGreeting 
When X authorization is requested in the configuration file for this display 
and none is in use, this greeting replaces the standard greeting. Its default 
value is "This is an unsecure session". (Available as of Release 4.) 
xlogin. Login. greetFont 
The font used to display the greeting. 
xlogin. Login. greetColor 
The color used to display the greeting. 
xlogin. Login. namePrompt 
The string displayed to prompt for a user name. xrdb strips trailing white 
space from resource values, so to add spaces at the end of the prompt (usually 
a nice thing), add spaces escaped with backslashes. (In Release 3, Control-A 
should work.) The default is "Login:". 
xlogin. Login. passwdPrompt 
The string displayed to prompt for a password. The default is "Pass- 
xlogin. Login. promptFont 
The font used to display both prompts. 
xlogin. Login. promptColor 
The color used to display both prompts. 
xlogin. Login. fail 
A message which is displayed when the authentication fails. The default is 
"Login Failed, please try again". 
xlogin. Login. failFont 
The font used to display the failure message. 
xlogin. Login. failColor 
The color used to display the failure message. 
xlogin. Login. failTimeout 
The time (in seconds) that the fail message is displayed. The default is 30 

X Window System User's Guide 355 

X Display Manager (continued) xdm 



allow -all-access 

Resets the X server and starts a new session. This can be 
used when the resources have been changed and you want 
to test them, or when the screen has been overwritten with 
system messages. 

Inserts the character typed. 
Specifies a single word argument which is passed to the 
session at startup. See 'I'he Xsession File" and 'I'ypical 
Usage" below. 

Disables access control in the server, this can be used when 
the .Xauthority file cannot be created by xdm. Be very 
careful when using this; it might be better to disconnect the 
machine from the network first. (Available as of Release 4.) 

The Xstartup File 
This file is typically a shell script. It is run as "root" and should be very careful about security. 
This is the place to put commands which make fake entries in/etc/utmp, mount users' home 
directories from file servers, display the message of the day, or abort the session if logins arc 
not allowed. Various environment variables arc set for the use of this script: 
DISPLAY is set to the associated display name. 
HOME is set to the home directory of the user. 
USER is set to the user name. 
PATH is set to the value of DisplayManager. DISPLAY. systemPath. 
SHELL is set to the value of DisplayManager. DISPLAY. systemShell. 
XAUTHOR1TY may be set to a non-standard authority file (Release 4). 
No arguments of any kind are passed to the script, xdm waits until this script exits before start- 
ing the user session. If the exit value of this script is non-zero, xdm discontinues the session 
immediately and starts another authentication cycle. 

The Xsession File 
This is the script that is run as the user's session. It is run with the permissions of the author- 
ized user, and has several environment variables specified: 


is set to 

is set to 
is set to 
is set to 

the associated display name. 
the home directory of the user. 
the user name. 
the value of DisplayManager. DISPLAY. userPath. 

is set to the user's default shell (from/etclpasswd). 
may be set to a non-standard authority file (Release 4). 

X Window System User's Guide 357 

xdm (continued) X Display Manager 

exit 0 
The most interesting script is Xsession. This version recognizes the special "failsafe" mode, 
specified in the translations in the Xresources file above, to provide an escape from the ordinary 

# !/bin/sh 
# Xsession 

This is the program that is run as the client 
for the display manager. This example is 
quite friendly as it attempts to run a per-user 
.xsession file instead of forcing a particular 
session layout 

case $# in 
case $i in 
exec xterm -geometry 80x24-0-0 -is 



check for a user-specific session and execute it 
Note: the -x flag to test is not supported in all versions of 
unix, check with local authorities before proceeding... 
if [ -f $startup ]; then 
if [ -x $startup ]; then 
exec $startup 
exec /bin/sh $startup 


# a simple default session. Check to see 
# if the user has created a default resource file 

360 X Window System User's Guide 

Dump Window Directly to Printer (continued) xdpr 

prints a dump of an X window from screen 1 of server 0 on the machine 
your__node. If the host is omitted, the local machine is assumed. If the 
screen is omitted, screen 0 is assumed; the server and colon (:) are necessary 
in all cases. 
Any other arguments will be passed to the xwd, xpr, and lpr(1) commands as appropriate for 

Environment Variables 
PRINTER Specifies which printer to use by default. 

See Also 
X, xwd, xpr, xwud, lpr(1) 

Paul Boutin, MIT Project Athena; 
Michael R. Gretzinger, MIT Project Athena; 
Jim Gettys, MIT Project Athena. 

X Window System User's Guide 363 

xdpyinfo (continued) Display Information Utility 

red, green, blue masks: 0x7, 0x38, 0xc0 
significant bits in color specification: 
visual id: 0x8006a 
class: TrueColor 
depth: 8 planes 
size of colormap: 8 entries 
red, green, blue masks: 0x7, 0x38, 0xc0 
significant bits in color specification: 

number of mono multibuffer types: 
visual id, max buffers, depth: 
visual id, max buffers, depth: 
visual id, max buffers, depth: 
visual id, max buffers, depth: 
visual id, max buffers, depth: 
visual id, max buffers, depth: 
number of stereo multibuffer types: 

screen #i: 

8 bits 

8 bits 

0x80065, 0, 8 
0x80066, 0, 8 
0x80067, 0, 8 
0x80068, 0, 8 
0x80069, 0, 8 
0x8006a, 0, 8 


i152x900 pixels (325x254 millimeters) 

1 bits 
0x80064, 0, 1 

resolution: 90x90 dots per inch 
depths (i): 1 
root window id: 0x80070 
depth of root window: 1 plane 
number of colormaps: minimum i, maximum 1 
default colormap: 0x8006c 
default number of colormap cells: 2 
preallocated pixels: black i, white 0 
options: backing-store YES, save-unders YES 
current input event mask: 0xd0801d 
KeyPressMask ButtonPressMask 
EnterWindowMask ExposureMask 
PropertyChangeMask ColormapChangeMask 
number of visuals: 1 
default visual id: 0x80064 
visual id: 0x80064 
class: StaticGray 
depth: 1 plane 
size of colormap: 2 entries 
red, green, blue masks: 0x0, 0x0, 0x0 
significant bits in color specification: 
number of mono multibuffer types: 1 
visual id, max buffers, depth: 
number of stereo multibuffer types: 

366 X Window System User's Guide 

xd pyi nfo (continued) Display Information Utility 

current input event mask: OxO 
number of visuals: 1 
default visual id: 0x80066 
visual id: 0x80066 
class: PseudoColor 
depth: 8 planes 
size of colormap: 256 entries 
red, green, blue masks: OxO, OxO, OxO 
significant bits in color specification: 

8 bits 

See Also 
X, xwininfo, xprop, xrdb 

Bugs in Release 3 
Due to a bug in the Xlib interface, there is no portable way to determine the depths of pixmap 
images that are supported by the server. 

Jim Fulton, MIT X Consortium. 

368 X Window System User's Guide 

--Text Editor for X / xedit 

xedit - simple text editor for X. 

xedit [ opt i on s] [ fi I ename] 

Description of the Release 4 Client 
The Release 4 version of xedit provides a window consisting of the following four areas: 
Commands Section 
A set of commands that allow you to exit xedit, save the file, or load a new 
file into the edit window. 
Message Window 
Displays xedit messages. In addition, this window can be used as a scratch 
Filename Display 
Displays the name of the file currently being edited, and whether this file is 
Read - Write or Read Only. 
Edit Window Displays the text of the file that you are editing or creating. 
Editing (Release 4) 
The Athena Text widget is used for the three sections of this application that allow text input. 
The characters typed will go to the Text widget that the pointer cursor is currently over. If the 
pointer cursor is not over a text widget then the keypresses will have no effect on the applica- 
tion. This is also true for the special key sequences that popup dialog widgets, so typing Con- 
trol-S in the filename widget will enable searching in that widget, not the edit widget. 
Both the message window and the edit window will create a scrollbar if the text to display is 
too large to fit in that window. Horizontal scrolling is not allowed by default, but can be turned 
on through the Text widget's resources, see Athena Widget set documentation for the exact 
resource definition. 
Commends (Release 4) 
Quit Quits the current editing session. If any changes have not been saved, xedit 
displays a warning message, allowing the user to save the file. 
Save If file backups are enabled (see "Resources") xedit stores a copy of the origi- 
nal, unedited file in <prefix>file<suffix>, then overwrites the file with the 
contents of the edit window. The filename is retrieved from the Text widget 
directly to the right of the Load button. 
Load Loads the file named in the text widget immediately to the right of the this 
button and displays it in the Edit Window. If the currently displayed file has 
been modified a warning message will ask the user to save the changes, or 
press Load again. 

Description of the Release 3 Client 
The Release 3 version of xedit provides a window consisting of the following three areas: 

X Window System User's Guide 369 

xf d (continued) Font Displayer 

ground. This permits determining exactly how XDrawImageString will draw any given 
character. If -gray has not been supplied, the characters will simply be drawn using the fore- 
ground color on the background color. 
All the characters in the font may not fit in the window at once. To see additional characters, 
click the right mouse button on the window. This will cause the next window full of characters 
to be displayed. Clicking the left mouse button on the window will cause the previous window 
full of characters to be displayed, xfd will beep if an attempt is made to go back past the 0th 
Note that if the font is a 8 bit font, the characters 256-511 (0xl00-0xlff in hexidecimal), 
512-767 (0x200-0x2f0, etc., will display exacdy the same as the characters 0-255 (0x00-0xf0. 
xfd by default creates a window big enough to display the first 256 characters using a 16 by 16 
grid. In this case, there is no need to scroll forward or backward window fulls in order to see 
the entire contents of a 8 bit font. Of course, this window may very well not fit on the screen. 
Clicking the middle button on a character will cause that character's number to be displayed in 
both decimal and hexidecimal at the bottom of the window. If verbose mode is selected, addi- 
tional information about that particular character will be displayed as well. The displayed 
information includes the width of the character, its left bearing, right bearing, ascent, and 
descent. If verbose mode is selected, typing '<' or '>' into the window will display the mini- 
mum or maximum values respectively taken on by each of these fields over the entire font. 
The fontname is interpreted by the X sewer. To obtain a list of all the fonts available, use 
The window stays around until the xfd process is killed or one of 'q', 'Q', ' ', or Control-C is 
typed into the xfd window. 

Options (Release 4) 
The Release 4 version of xfd accepts all of the standard X Toolkit command line options, as 
well as the following additional options. The option -en font is required. 
-fn font Specifies the font to be displayed. 
-box Indicates that a box outlining the area that would be filled with background 
color by an ImageText request. 
-center Indicates that each glyph should be centered in its grid. 
-start char num 
Specifies that character number char_num should be the first character 
displayed. (It appears in the upper left hand comer of the grid.) This option 
is used to view characters at arbitrary locations in the font. The default is 0. 
-bc col or Specifies the color to be used if ImageText boxes are drawn. 

Options (Release 3) 
The Release 3 version ofxfd accepts the following options. The option -fn font is required. 

-fn font Specifies the font to be displayed. 

376 X Window System User's Guide 

Font Displayer (continued) xf d 

Release 4 version by Jim Fulton, MIT X Comortium; 
Release 3 version by Mark Lillibridge, MIT Project Athena. 

X Window System User's Guide 379 


Preview and Select Fonts-- 

xfontsel - point and click interface for selecting display font names. 

xfontsel [opti ons] 

Available as of Release 4, xfontsel provides a simple way to display the fonts known to your X 
server, examine samples of each, and retrieve the X Logical Font Description (XLFD) full 
name for a fonL 
If -pattern is not specified, nil fonts with XLFD 14-part names will be selectable. To work 
with only a subset of the fonts, specify -pattern followed by a partially or fully qualified 
font name. For example, 
% xfontsel -pattern *medium* 
will select the subset of fonts that contain the string medium somewhere in their font name. 
Be careful about escaping wildcard characters in your shell. 
If -print is specified on the command line the selected font specifier will be written to stan- 
dard output when the quit button is activated. Regardless of whether or not -print was 
specified, the font specifier may be made the (text) selection by activating the select button. 
Clicking any pointer button in one of the XLFD field names will pop up a menu of the cur- 
rently-known possibilities for that field. If previous choices of other fields were made, only 
values for fonts which matched the previously selected fields will be selectable; to make other 
values selectable, you must deselect some other field(s) by choosing the "*" entry in that field. 
Unselectable values may be omitted from the menu entirely as a configuration option; see the 
ShowUnselectable resource, below. Whenever any change is made to a field value, 
xfontsel will assert ownership of the PRIMARY_FONT selection. Other applications (such as 
xterm) may then retrieve the selected font specification. 
Clicking the left pointer button in the select widget will cause the currently selected font name 
to become the PRIMARY text selection as well as the PRIMARY_FONT selection. Then you can 
paste the string into other applications. The select button remains highlighted to remind you 
of this fact, and de-highlights when some other application takes the PRIMARY selection away. 
The select widget is a toggle; pressing it when it is highlighted will cause xfontsel to release 
the selection ownership and de-highlight the widget. Activating the select widget twice is the 
only way to cause xfontsel to release the PRIMARY_FONT selection. 

380 X Window System User's Guide 

xfontsel (continued) Preview and Select Fonts 

printOnQuit (class PrintOnQuit) 
If True, the currently selected font name is printed to standard output when 
the quit button is activated. Equivalent to the -print option. 

Widget-specific resources: 

showUnselectable (class ShowUnselectable) 
For each field menu, specifies whether or not to show values that are not cur- 
rently selectable, based upon previous field selections. If shown, the 
unselectable values are clearly identified as such and do not highlight when 
the pointer is moved down the menu. The full instance name of this resource 
is fieldN, menu. options, showUnselectable, class Menu- 
Button. SimpleMenu.Options. ShowUnselectable; where N is 
replaced with the field number (starting with the left-most field numbered 0). 
The default is True for all but field 11 (average width of characters in font) 
and False for field 11. If you never want to see unselectable entries, 
*menu. options, showUnselectable : False is a reasonable thing 
to specify in a resource file. 

lusrllib/Xlllapp-defaultslXFontSel - Specifies default resources. 

See Also 

Sufficiently ambiguous patterns can be misinterpreted and lead to an initial selection string 
which may not correspond to what the user intended and which may cause the initial sample 
text output to fail to match the proffered string. Selecting any new field value will correct the 
sample output, though possibly resulting in no matching font. 

Should be able to return a font for the PRIMARY selection, not just a string. 

Any change in a field value will cause xfontsel to assert ownership of the PRIMARY_FONT 
selection. Perhaps this should be parameterized. 
When running on a slow machine, it is possible for the user to request a field menu before the 
font names have been completely parsed. An error message indicating a missing menu is 
printed to standard error, but otherwise nothing happens. 

382 X Window System User's Guide 

Preview and Select Fonts (continued) xfontsel 

Ralph R. Swick, Digital Equipment Corpomtion/MIT Project Athena. 


X Window System User's Guide 383 


Window System Initializer-- 

xinit - X Window System initializer. 

xinit [[cli en t] options] [-- [server_program] 
[-display [host] : server[, screen]] options] 

The xinit program is used to start the X Window System server program and a first client pro- 
gram (usually a terminal emulator) on systems that cannot start X directly from letclinit or in 
environments that use multiple window systems. When this first client exits, xinit will kill the 
X server program and then terminate. 
If no specific client program is given on the command line, xinit will look in the user's home 
directory for a file called .xinitrc to run as a shell script to start up other client programs. If no 
such file exists, xinit will use the following xterra command line as a default: 
xterm -geometry +1+1 -n login -display : 0 
If no specific server program is given on the command line, xinit will look in the user's home 
directory for a file called .xserverrc to run as a shell script to start up the server. If no such file 
exists, xinit will use the following as a default server specification: 
X :0 
Note that this assumes that there is a server program called X in the current search path. How- 
ever, servers are usually named Xdisplaytype, where displaytype is the type of graphics display 
which is driven by the server (for example, Xsun). The site administrator should therefore 
make a link to the appropriate type of server on the machine (see Chapter 2, Getting Started, in 
Part One of this guide for delails), or create a shell script that runs xinit with the appropriate 
Note that programs run by .xinitrc and by .xserverrc should be run in the background if they do 
not exit right away, so that they don't prevent other programs from starting up. However, the 
last long-lived program started (usually a window manager or terminal emulator) should be left 
in the foreground so that the script won't exit (which indicates that the user is done and that 
xinit should exit). 
An alternate client and/or server may also be specified on the command line. The desired client 
program and its arguments should be given as the first command line arguments to xinit. To 
specify a particular server program, append a double dash (--) to the xinit command line (after 
any client and arguments) followed by the desired server program. 
Both the client program name and the server program name must begin with a slash (/) or a 
period (.); otherwise, they are treated as an arguments to be appended to their respective startup 
lines. This makes it possible to add arguments (for example, foreground and background 
colors) without having to retype the whole command line. 
If an explicit server name is not given and the first argument following the double dash (--) is a 
colon followed by a digit, xinit will use that number as the display number instead of zero. All 
remaining arguments are appended to the server command line. 

386 X Window System User's Guide 

xkill (continued) Kill a Client 


Specifies a pointer button number to use when selecting the window to be 
removed. If the word any is specified, any button on the pointer can be used. 

See Also 
X, xwininfo; Volume One, Xlib Programming Manual 

Jim Fulton, MIT X Consortium; 
Dana Chee, Bellcore. 

390 X Window System User's Guide 

--Dlsplay Load Average 


xload - display system load average. 

xload [options] 

The xload program displays a periodically updating histogram of the system load average. 

xload accepts all of the standard X Toolkit command line options along with the additional 
options listed below: 
-scale integer 
Specifies the minimum number of tick marks in the histogram, where one 
division represents one load average point. If the load goes above this num- 
ber, xload will create m.ore divisions, but it will never use fewer than this 
number. The default is 1. 

-update seconds 
Specifies the frequency in seconds at which xload updates its display. If the 
load average window is uncovered (by moving windows with a window man- 
ager or by the xrefresh program), the graph will also be updated. In Release 
4, the minimum amount of time allowed between updates is 1 second (the 
default is 5 seconds). In Release 3, the minimum amount of time allowed 
between updates is 5 seconds (which is also the default). 

-hl color or 
-highlight color 
Specifies the color of the scale lines in Release 4. Specifies the color of the 
label and scale lines in Release 3. 

-jumpscroll pixels 
Specifies the number of pixels to shift the graph to the left when the graph 
reaches the fight edge of the window. The default value is 1/2 the width of 
the current window. Smooth scrolling can be achieved by setting it to 1. 
(Available as of Release 4.) 

-label string 
Specifies the text string for the label above the load average. (Available as of 
Release 4.) 


Specifies that no label be displayed above the load graph. (Available as of 
Release 4.) 

The following standard X Toolkit options are commonly used with xload: 
-bd co2 or Specifies the border color. The default is black. 
-bg co2 or Specifies the background color. The default is white. 

X Window System User's Guide 391 

xload (continued) Display Load Average 

This program requires the ability to open and read Mevlionem. Sites that do not allow general 
access to this file should make xload belong to the same group as Idev/kmem and turn on the set 
group id permission flag. 

Reading Idevlkmem is inherently non-portable. Therefore, the routine 
(;et:_a.oad. c) must be potted to each new operating system. 
Border color has to be explicitly specified when reverse video is used. 

used to read it 

K. Shane Hartman (MIT-LCS) and Stuart A. Malone (MIT-LCS); 
with features added by Jim Gettys (MIT-Athena), Bob Scheifler (MIT-LCS), Tony Della Fera 
(MIT-Athena), and Chris Peterson (MIT-LCS). 

394 X Window System User's Guide 

--Llst Interned Atoms 

jr xlsatoms 

xlsatoms - list interned atoms defined on server. 

xlsatoms [options] 

Available as of Release 4, xlsatoms lists the interned atoms. By default, all atoms starting from 
1 (the lowest atom value defined by the protocol) are listed until unknown atom is found. If an 
explicit range is given, xlsatoms will try all atoms in the range, regardless of whether or not any 
are undefined. 

-display host [: server] [. screen] 
Allows you to specify the host, server and screen to connect to. host speci- 
fies the machine, server specifies the server number, and screen specifies 
the screen number. For example, 
xlsatoms -display your_node" O . 1 
specifics screen 1 of server 0 on the machine your_node. Either or both the 
host and screen elements to the display specification can be omitted. If 
host is omitted, the local machine is assumed. If screen is omitted, screen 
0 is assumed (and the period is unnecessary). The colon and server are 
necessary in all cases. 
-format printf_string 
Specifies a printf-style string used to list each atom <value, name> pair, 
printed in that order (val ue is an unsigned long and name is a char *). xlsa- 
toms will supply a newline at the end of each line. The default is %ld\t%s. 
-range [i ow]-[high] 
Specifies the range of atom values to check. If 1 ow is not given, a value of 1 
assumed. If high is not given, xlsatoms will stop at the first undefined atom 
at or above 1 ow. 

-name string 

Specifies the name of an atom to list. If the atom does not exist, a message 
will be printed on the standard error. 

See Also 
X, Xserver, xprop 

Jim Fulton, MIT X Consortium. 

X Window System User's Guide 397 


List Running Clients-- 

xlsclicnts - list client applications running on a display. 

xlsclients [options] 

Available as of Release 4, xlsclients is a utility for listing information about the client applica- 
tions running on a display. It may be used to generate scripts representing a snapshot of the the 
user's current session. 

-display host [ : server] [. screen] 
Allows you to specify the host, server and screen to connect to. host speci- 
fies the machine, server specifies the server number, and screen specifies 
the screen number. For example, 
xlsclients -display your_node: O. 1 
specifies screen 1 of server 0 on the machine your_node. Either or both the 
host and screen elements to the display specification can be omitted. If 
host is omitted, the local machine is assumed. If screen is omitted, screen 
0 is assumed (and the period is unnecessary). The colon and server are 
necessary in all cases. 
-a Specifies that clients on all screens should be listed. By default, only those 
clients on the default screen are listed. 
-1 Requests a long listing showing the window name, icon name, and class hints 
in addition to the machine name and command string in the default listing. 
-m maxcmdl ength 
Specifies the maximum number of characters in a command to list. The 
default is 1000. 

See Also 
X, xprop, xwininfo 

Jim Fulton, MIT X Consortium. 

398 X Window System User's Guide 

xlsfonts (continued) List Available Fonts 

Mark Lillibridge, MIT Project Athena; 
Jim Fulton, MIT X Consortium; 
Phil Karlton, SGI. 

400 X Window System User's Guide 

Magnify Screen Portions (continued) xmag 

the user to select an area of the screen. The size of the source is used with the 
desired magnification to compute the default enlargement window size. 
Therefore, only one of -geometry size and -mag magfactor options 
may be specified if a source size is given with this option. 
-magma gfa c t o r 
This option specifies an integral factor by which the source region should be 
enlarged. The default magnification is 5. This is used with the size of the 
source to compute the default enlargement window size. Therefore, only one 
of -geometry size and -source geom options may be specified if a 
magnification factor is given with this option. 
-bw pixels This option specifies the width in pixels of the border surrounding the enlarge- 
ment window. 
-bd co2 or This option specifies the color to use for the border surrounding the enlarge- 
ment window. 
-bg col or_or_pixel_val ue 
This option specifies the name of the color to be used as the background of 
the enlargement window. If the name begins with a percent size (%), it is 
interpreted to be an absolute pixel value. This is useful when displaying large 
areas since pixels that are the same color as the background do not need to be 
painted in the enlargement. The default is to use the BlackPixel of the 

-fn fontname 


This option specifies the name of a font to use when displaying pixel values 
(used when button 1 is pressed in the enlargement window). 

This option indicates that the server should be grabbed during the dynamics 
and the call to XGet Tmage. This is useful for ensuring that clients don't 
change their state as a result of entering or leaving them with the pointer. 

The xmag program uses the following X resources: 
geomet ry (class Geomet ry) 
Specifies the size and/or location of the enlargement window. 
source (class Source) 
Specifies the size and/or location of the source region on the screen. 
magnification (class Magnification) 
Specifies the enlargement factor. 
borderWidth (class BorderWidth) 
Specifies the border width in pixels. 
borderColor (class BorderColor) 
Specifies the color of the border. 

X Window System User's Gutde 403 

xmag (continued) Magnify Screen Portions 

background (class Background) 
Specifies the color or pixel value to be used for the background of the 
enlargement window. 
font (class Font) 
Specifies the name of the font to use when displaying pixel values when the 
user presses button 1 in the enlargement window. 

See Also 
X, xwd 

This program will behave strangely on displays that support windows of different depths. 
Because the window size equals the source size times the magnification, you only need to spec- 
ify two of the three parameters. This can be confusing. 

Being able to drag the pointer around and see a dynamic display would be very nice. 

Another possible interface would be for the user to drag out the desired area to be enlarged. 

Jim Fulton, MIT X Consortium. 

404 X Window System User's Guide 

xman (continued) Display Man Pages 

-bw pixel s or -borderwidth pixel s 
Specifies the width of the border for all windows in xman. 
-bd col or or -bordercolor col or 
Specifies the color of the borders of all windows in xman. 
-fg col or or -foreground col or 
Specifies the foreground color to be used. 
-bg col or or -background col or 
Specifies the background color to be used. 
-fn font or -font font 
Specifies the font to use for all buttons and labels. 
-name name Specifies the name to use when retrieving resources. 
-t it le ei e./e Specifies the tide of this application. 
-xrm resources 
Allows a resource to be specified on the command line. 
Resources (Release 3 and Release 4) 
The resources in this section are valid for both Release 3 and Release 4, unless otherwise 
The xman program uses the following X Toolkit resources: foreground, background, 
width, height, borderWidth, and borderColor. 
In addition, xman has application-specific resources that allow unique xman customizations. 
manualFontNormal (class Font) 
The font to use for normal text in the manual pages. 
manualFontBold (class Font) 
The font to use for bold text in the manual pages. 
manualFontltalic (class Font) 
The font to use for italic text in the manual pages. 
directoryFontNormal (class Font) 
The font to use for the directory text. 
bothShown (class Boolean) 
Either true or false, specifies whether or not you want both the directory and 
the manual page shown at start up. 
directoryHeight (class DirectoryHeight) 
The height in pixels of the directory, when the directory and the manual page 
are shown simultaneously. 
topCursor (class Cursor) 
The cursor to use in the top box. 

408 X Window System User's Guide 

Display Man Pages (continued) xman 

Bugs in Release 3 
The -fn and -font options only specify the fonts for the command button and not the text of 
the manpages or directories. 

Protocol error upon selecting Remove This Manpage. 

See Also 
X, apropos(l), catman(8), man(l), Athena Widget set 

Chris Peterson, MIT X Consortium from the V10 version written by Barry Shein formerly of 
Boston University. 

X Window System User's Guide 413 

X Interface to mh (Release 4) (continued) xmh 

Basic Screen Layout 
xmh starts out with a single window, divided into four main areas: Six buttons with pull-down 
command menus. A collection of buttons, one for each top level folder. New users of mh will 
have two folders, "drafts" and "inbox". A listing, or Table of Contents, of the messages in 
the open folder. Initially, this will show the messages in "inbox". A view of one of your mes- 
sages. Initially this is blank. 

xmh and the Athena Widget Set 
xmh uses the X Toolkit Intrinsics and the Athena Widget Set. Many of the features described 
below (scrollbars, buttonboxes, etc.) are actually part of the Athena Widget Set, and are 
described here only for completeness. For more information, see the Athena Widget Set docu- 
Some parts of the main window will have a vertical area on the left containing a grey bar. This 
area is a scrollbar. They are used whenever the data in a window takes up more space than can 
be displayed. The grey bar indicates what portion of your data is visible. Thus, if the entire 
length of the area is grey, then you are looking at all your data. If only the first half is grey, 
then you are looking at the top half of your data. The message viewing area will have a hori- 
zontal scrollbar if the text of the message is wider than the viewing area. 
You can use the pointer in the scrollbar to change what part of the data is visible. If you click 
with the middle button, then the top of the grey area will move to where the pointer is, and the 
corresponding portion of data will be displayed. If you hold down the middle button, you can 
drag around the grey area. This makes it easy to get to the top of the data: just press with the 
middle, drag off the top of the scrollbar, and release. 
If you click with button 1, then the data to the right of the pointer will scroll to the top of the 
window. If you click with pointer button 3, then the data at the top of the window will scroll 
down to where the pointer is. 
Buttonboxes, Buttons, and Menus 
Any area containing many words or short phrases, each enclosed in a rectangle or rounded 
boundary, is called a buttonbox. Each rectangle or rounded area is actually a button that you 
can press by moving the pointer onto it and pressing pointer button 1. If a given buttonbox has 
more buttons in it than can fit, it will be displayed with a scrollbar, so you can always scroll to 
the button you want. 
Some buttons have pull-down menus. Pressing the pointer button while the pointer is over one 
of these buttons will pull down a menu. Holding the button down while moving the pointer 
over the menu, called dragging the pointer, will highlight each selectable item on the menu as 
the pointer passes over it. To select an item in the menu, release the pointer button while the 
item is highlighted. 
Adjusting the Relative Sizes of Areas 
If you're not satisfied with the sizes of the various areas of the main window, they can easily be 
changed. Near the right edge of the border between each region is a black box, called a grip. 
Simply point to that grip with the pointer, press a pointer button, drag up or down, and release. 
Exactly what happens depends on which pointer button you press. 

X Window System User's Guide 415 

xmh (conined) X Interface to mh (Release 4) 

In both of these operations, the selected folder or sequence and the viewed folder or sequence 
are not changed. 
xmh defines the following keyboard accelerators over the surface of the main window, except in 
the view area while editing a message: 
Mota-I Incorporate new mail. 
Meta-C Commit changes. 
Meta-R Rescan folder. 
Meta-P Pack folder. 
Meta-S Sort folder. 
Meta-space View next message. 
Meta-c Mark copy. 
Meta-d Mark deleted. 
Meta4 Forward the selected or current message. 
Meta-m Mark move. 
Meta-n View next message. 
Meta-p View previous message. 
Meta-r Reply to the selected or current message. 
Meta-u Unmark. 
ControI-V Scroll the table of contents forward. 
Meta-V Scroll the table of contents backward. 
Control-v Scroll the view forward. 
Meta-v Scroll the view backward. 
Text Editing Commands 
All of the text editing commands are actually defined by the Text widget in the Athena Widget 
Set. The commands may be bound to different keys than the defaults described below through 
the X Toolkit Intrinsics key re-binding mechanisms. See the X Toolkit Intrinsics and the 
Athena Widget Set documentation for more details. 
Whenever you are asked to enter any text, you will be using a standard text editing interface. 
Various control and meta keystroke combinations are bound to a somewhat Emacs-like set of 
commands. In addition, the pointer buttons may be used to select a portion of text or to move 
the insertion point in the text. Pressing pointer button 1 causes the insertion point to move to 
the pointer. Double-clicking button 1 selects a word, triple-clicking selects a line, quadruple- 
clicking selects a paragraph, and clicking rapidly five times selects everything. Any selection 
may be extended in either direction by using pointer button 3. 
In the following, a line refers to one displayed row of characters in the window. A paragraph 
refers to the text between carriage returns. Text within a paragraph is broken into lines for 

422 X Window System User's Guide 

X Interface to mh (Release 4) (continued) xmh 

display based on the current width of the window. When a message is sent, text is broken into 
lines based upon the values of the SendBreakW:i.dt:h and SendWJ.dt:h application-specific 
The following keystroke combinations are defined: 


Move to the beginning of the current line. 
Move backward one character. 
Delete the next character. 
Move to the end of the current line. 
Move forward one character. 
Multiply reset. 
Delete previous character. 
Create a new paragraph with the same indentation as the previous one. 
Kill the rest of the current line. 
Refresh window. 
New paragraph. 
Move down to the next line. 
Break this paragraph into two. 
Move up to the previous line. 
Search/replace backward. 
Search/replace forward. 
Transpose characters. 
Multiply by 4. 
Move down to the next screenful of text. 
Kill the selected text. 
Insert the last killed text. 
Scroll the text up one line. 
Move backward one word. 
Delete the next word. 
Kill the next word. 
Move forward one word. 
Delete the previous word. 
Kill the previous word. 

X Window System User's Guide 423 

xmh (continued) X Interface to mh (Release 4) 

Meta-i Insert file. 
Meta-k Kill to end of paragraph. 
Meta-q Form paragraph. 
Meta-v Move up to the previous screenful of text. 
Meta-y Insert current text selection. 
Meta-z Scroll one line down. 
Meta-< Move to the beginning of the file. 
Meta-> Move to the end of the file. 
Meta-] Move forward one paragraph. 
Meta-[ Move backward one paragraph. 
Meta-Delete Delete previous word. 
Mota-Shift Delete Kill previous word. 
Mota-Backspaco Delete previous word. 

Meta-Shift Backspace 
Kill previous word. 

In addition, the pointer may be used to cut and paste text: 
Button 1 Down Start selection. 

Button 1 Motion 
Button 1 Up 
Button 2 Down 
Button 3 Down 
Button 3 Motion 
Button 3 Up 

Adjust selection. 
End selection (cut). 
Insert current selection (paste). 
Extend current selection. 
Adjust selection. 
End selection (cut). 

Confirmation Dialog Boxes 
Whenever you press a button that may cause you to lose some work or is otherwise dangerous, 
a popup dialog box will appear asking you to confirm the action. This window will contain an 
Abort or No button and a Confirm or Yes button. Pressing the No button cancels the operation, 
and pressing the Yes will proceed with the operation. 

Some dialog boxes contain messages from mh. Clicking on the message field will cause the 
dialog box to resize so that you can read the entire message. 

Messag e-Sequences 
An mh message sequence is just a set of messages associated with some name. They are local 
to a particular folder;, two different folders can have sequences with the same name. In all fold- 
ers, the sequence "all" is predefined; it consists of the set of all messages in that folder. As 

424 X Window System User's Guide 

X Interface to mh (Release 4) (continued) xmh 

many as nine sequences may be defined for each folder, including the predefined "all" 
sequence. (The sequence "cur" is also usually defined for every folder;, it consists of only the 
current message, xmh hides "cur" from the user, instead placing a "+" by the current mes- 
sage. Also, xmh does not support the "unseen" sequence, so that one is also hidden from the 
The message sequences for a folder (including one for "all") are displayed in the Sequence 
menu, below the sequence commands. The table of contents (also known as the "toe") is at 
any one time displaying one message sequence. This is called the "viewed sequence", and its 
name will be displayed in the toc title bar just after the folder name. Also, at any time one of 
the sequences in the menu will have a check mark next to it. This is called the "selected 
sequence". Note that the viewed sequence and the selected sequence are not necessarily the 
same. (This all pretty much corresponds to the way the folders work.) 
The Open Sequence, Add to Sequence, Remove from Sequence, and Delete Sequence com- 
mands are active only if the viewed folder contains message-sequences. 
Note that none of the above actually affect whether a message is in the folder. Remember that 
a sequence is a set of messages within the folder;, the above operations just affect what mes- 
sages are in that seL 
To create a new sequence, select the Pick menu entry. A new window will appear, with lots of 
places to enter text. Basically, you can describe the sequence's initial set of messages based on 
characteristics of the message. Thus, you can define a sequence to be all the messages that 
were from a particular person, or with a particular subject, and so on. You can also connect 
things up with boolean operators, so you can select all things from "weissman" with the sub- 
ject "xmh" 
Hopefully, the layout is fairly obvious. The simplest cases are the easiest: just point to the 
proper field and type. If you enter in more than one field, it will only select messages which 
match all non-empty fields. 
The more complicated cases arise when you want things that match one field or another one, 
but not necessarily both. That's what all the "or" buttons are for. If you want all things with 
the subject "xmh" or "xterm", just press the "or" button next to the "Subject:" field. 
Another box will appear where you can enter another subject. 
If you want all things either from "weissman" or with subject "xmh", but not necessarily 
both, select the "-Or-" button. This will essentially double the size of the form. You can then 
enter "weissman" in a from: box on the top half, and "xmh" in a subject: box on the lower 
If you select the Skip button, then only those messages that don't match the fields on that row 
are included. 
Finally, in the bottom part of the window will appear several more boxes. One is the name of 
the sequence you're defining. (It defaults to the name of the selected sequence when Pick was 
pressed, or to "temp" if "all" was the selected sequence.) Another box defines which 
sequence to look through for potential members of this sequence; it defaults to the viewed 
sequence when Pick was pressed. 

X Window System User's Guide 425 

xmh (continued) X Interface to mh (Release 4) 

Two more boxes define a date range; only messages within that date range will be considered. 
These dates must be entered in 822-style format: each date is of the form "dd mmm yy 
hh:mm:ss zzz", where dd is a one or two digit day of the month, mmm is the three-letter abbre- 
viation for a month, and yy is a year. The remaining fields are optional: hh, mm, and ss specify 
a time of day, and zzz selects a time zone. Note that if the time is left out, it defaults to mid- 
night; thus if you select a range of "7 nov 86" - "8 nov 86", you will only get messages from 
the 7th, as all messages on the 8th will have arrived after midnight. 

Date field specifies which date field in the header to look at for this date range; it probably 
won't be useful to anyone. If the sequence you're defining already exists, you can optionally 
merge the old set with the new; that's what the Yes and No buttons are all about. Finally, you 
can OK the whole thing, or Cancel it. 

In general, most people will rarely use these features. However, it's nice to occasionally use 
Pick to find some messages, look through them, and then hit Delete Sequence to put things back 
in their original state. 

Widget Hierarchy 
In order to specify resources, it is useful to know the hierarchy of widgets which compose xmh. 
In the notation below, indentation indicates hierarchical structure. The widget class name is 
given first, followed by the widget instance name. The application class name is Xmh. 

The hierarchy of the main toc and view window is identical for additional toc and view win- 
dows, except that a topT.evelShell widget is inserted in the hierarchy between the applica- 
tion shell and the Parted widget. 

Xmh xmh 
Paned xmh 


SmeBSB open 
SmeBSB openInNew 
SmeBSB create 
SmeBSB delete 
SmeLine line 
SmeBSB close 

$impleMenu tocMenu 
SmeBSB inc 
SmeBSB commit 
SmeBSB pack 
SmeBSB sort 
SmeBSB rescan 
$impleMenu messageMenu 

SmeBSB compose 
SmeBSB next 
SmeBSB prey 
SmeBSB delete 
SmeBSB move 
SmeBSB copy 
SmeBSB unmark 
SmeBSB viewNew 

426 X Window System User's Guide 

X Interface to mh (Release 4) (continued) xmh 

SmeBSB reply 
SmeBSB forward 
SmeBSB useAsComp 
SmeBSB print 
SimpleMenu sequenceMenu 
SmeBSB pick 
SmeBSB openSeq 
SmeBSB addToSeq 
SmeBSB removeFromSeq 
SmeBSB deleteSeq 
SmeLine line 
SmeBSB all 
SimpleMenu viewMenu 
SmeBSB reply 
SmeBSB forward 
SmeBSB useAsComp 
SmeBSB edit 
SmeBSB save 
SmeBSB print 
SimpleMenu optionMenu 
SmeBSB reverse 
Viewport.Core menuBox.clip 
Box menuBox 
MenuButton folderButton 
MenuButton tocButton 
MenuButton messageButton 
MenuButton sequenceButton 
MenuButton viewButton 
MenuButton optionButton 
Grip grip 
Label folderTitlebar 
Grip grip 
Viewport.Core folders.clip 
Box folders 
MenuButton inbox 
MenuButton drafts 
SimpleMenu menu 
SmeBSB <folder name> 

Grip grip 
Label tocTitlebar 
Grip grip 
Text toc 
Scrollbar vScrollbar 
Grip grip 
Label viewTitlebar 
Grip grip 

X Window System User's Guide 427 

xmh (continued) X Interface to mh (Release 4) 

Text view 
Scrollbar vScrollbar 
Scrollbar hScrollbar 

The hierarchy of the Create Folder popup dialog box: 

transientShell prompt 
Dialog dialog 
Label label 
Text value 
Command okay 
Command cancel 

The hierarchy of the Notice dialog box, which reports messages from mh: 

transientShell notice 
Dialog dialog 
Label label 
Text value 
Command confirm 

The hierarchy of the ConJirmation dialog box: 

transientShell confirm 
Dialog dialog 
Label label 
Command yes 
Command no 

The hierarchy of the dialog box which reports errors: 

transientShell error 
Dialog dialog 
Label label 
Command OK 

The hierarchy of the composition window: 

topLevelShell xmh 
Paned xmh 
Label composeTitlebar 
Text comp 
Viewport.Core compButtons.clip 
Box compButtons 
Command close 
Command send 
Command reset 
Command compose 
Command save 
Command insert 

428 X Window System User's Guide 

X Interface to mh (Release 4) (continued) xmh 

The hierarchy of the view window: 


Label viewTitlebar 
Text view 
Viewport.Core viewButtons.clip 
Box viewButtons 

Command close 
Command reply 
Command forward 
Command useAsComp 
Command edit 
Command save 
Command print 

The hierarchy of the pick window: 
(Unnamed widgets have no name.) 

topLevelShell xmh 
Paned xmh 
Label pickTitlebar 
Viewport.core pick.clip 
Form form 
Thefrst6rowsofthepkwindow haveidemicalsucture: 




Viewport.core pick.clip 
Form form 




X Window System User's Guide 429 

xmh (continued) X Interface to mh (Release 4) 







Application-specific Resources 
Resource instance names begin with a lower case letter but are otherwise identical to the class 
If TocGeometry, ViewGeometry, CompGeometry, or PickGeometry are not speci- 
fied, then the value of Geomet ry is used instead. If the resulting height is not specified (e.g., 
.... , "=500", "+0-0"), then the default height of windows is calculated from fonts and line 
counts. If the width is not specified (e.g., '"', "=x300", "-0+0), then half of the display width is 
used. If unspecified, the height of a pick window defaults to half the height of the display. 
Any of these options may also be specified on the command line by using the X Toolkit Inlxin- 
sics resource specification mechanism. Thus, to run xmh showing all message headers, 
% xmh -xrm ' *HideBoringHeader : off' 
The following resources are defined: 
Banner A short string that is the default label of the folder, Table of Contents, and 
view. The default is: 

xmh MIT X Consortium R4 

BlockEvent sOnBusy 
Whether to disallow user input and show a busy cursor while xmh is busy pro- 
cessing a command. Default is true. 


The name of the symbol used to represent the position of the pointer, 
displayed if BlockEventsOnBusy is true, when xmh is processing a time- 
consuming command. The default is watch. 

The reound color of the busy cursor. 

Deult is XtDefault- 

430 X Window System User's Guide 

xm h (continued) X Interface to mh (Release 4) 

XmhPushFolder ( [foldername, . . . ] ) 
Pushes each of its argument(s) onto a stack of foldemames. If no arguments 
are given, the selected folder is pushed onto the stack. 
XmhPopFolder ( ) 
Pops one foldemame from the stack and sets the selected folder. 
XmhPopupFolderMenu ( ) 
Should always be taken when the user selects a folder button. A folder button 
represents a folder and zero or more subfolders. The menu of subfolders is 
built upon the first reference, by this routine. If there are no subfolders, this 
routine will mark the folder as having no subfolders, and no menu will be 
builL In that case the menu button emulates a toggle button. When subfold- 
ers exist, the menu will popup, using the menu button action PopupMonu ( ). 
XmhSetCurrentFolder ( ) 
Allows menu buttons to emulate toggle buttons in the function of selecting a 
folder. This action is for menu button widgets only, and sets the selected 
XmhLeaveFolderBut ton ( ) 
Insures that the menu button behaves properly when the user moves the 
pointer out of the menu button window. 
XmhPushSequence ( [sequencename, . . . ] ) 
Pushes each of its arguments onto the stack of sequence names. If no argu- 
ments are given, the selected sequence is pushed onto the stack. 
XmhPopSequence ( ) 
Pops one sequence name from the stack of sequence names, which then 
becomes the selected sequence. 
XmhP romptOkayAct ion ( ) 
Equivalent to pressing the okay button in the Create Folder popup. 
XmhCancelPick ( ) 
Equivalent to pressing the cancel button in the pick window. 

Customization Using mh 
The initial text displayed in a composition window is generated by executing the corresponding 
mh command; i.e., comp, repl, orforw, and therefore message components may be customized 
as specified for those commands, comp is executed only once per invocation of xmh and the 
message template is re-used for each successive new composition. 

-I.mh_proJile - mh profile 
/usr/local/mh6 - mh commands 
-/Maill <folder> /.xmhcache - scan folder 

434 X Window System User's Guide 

X Interface to mh (Release 4) (continued) xmh 

-/Maill <folder> /.mh_sequences - sequence definitions 
Itmp - temporary files 

See Also 
X, xrdb, mh(1), enscript(1); Athena Widget Set; Volume Four, X Toolkit lntrinsics Program- 
ming Manual; Volume Five, X Toolkit lntrinsics Reference Manual 

Printing support is minimal. 
Should handle the "unseen" message-sequence. 
Should determine by itself if the user hasn't used mh before, and offer to create the .mh_pro.file, 
instead of hanging on inc. 
Still a few commands missing (rename folder, remail message). 
A bug in mh limits the the number of characters in .mh_sequences to BUFSIZ. When the limit is 
reached, the .mh_sequences file often becomes corrupted, and sequence definitions may be lost. 
Except for the icon, there isn't an indication that you have new mail. 
There should be a resource, ShoraOn'rnc, which when true, would show the current message in 
the view after incorporating new mail. 
The Check'requency resource should be split into two separate resources. 
WM_SAVE_YOURSELF protocol is ignored. 
WM_DELETE_WINDOW protocol doesn't work right when requesting deletion of the first toc 
and view, while trying to keep other xmh windows around. 
Doesn't support annotations when replying to messages. 

Copyright 1988, 1989, Digital Equipment Corporation. 
Cop)night 1989, Massachusetts Institute of Technology 
See X for a full statement of rights and permissions. 

Terry Weissman, Digital Western Research Laboratory; 
Modified by Donna Converse, MIT X Consortium. 

X Window System User's Guide 435 

X Interface to mh (Release 3) (continued) xmh 

Delete Folder Deslroys the selected folder. You will be asked to confirm this action (see 
"Confirmation Windows"). 

Highlighted Messages, Selected Messages and the Current Message 
It is possible to highlight a set of messages in the list of messages for the viewed folder. To 
highlight a message, just click on it with pointer button 1. To highlight a range of messages, 
click on the first one with pointer button 1 and on the last one with pointer button 3. 

The selected messages are the same as the highlighted messages, if any. If no messages are 
highlighted, then the selected messages are considered the same as the current message. 

The current message is indicated by a "+" next to the message number. It usually corresponds 
to the message currently being viewed. 

Message Commands 
The third buttonbox (fourth if you have message-sequences displayed) contains commands to 
deal with messages: 

Incorporate New Mail 
Adds any new mail received to your inbox folder, and set the current message 
to be the first new message. (This button is selectable only if "inbox" is the 
folder being viewed.) 

View Next Message 
Views the first selected message. If no messages are highlighted, view the 
current message. If current message is already being viewed, view the first 
unmarked message after the current message. 

View Previous Message 
Views the last selected message. If no messages are highlighted, view the 
current message. If current message is already being viewed, view the first 
unmarked message before the current message. 

Mark Deleted 

Mark Move 

Mark Copy 

Marks the selected messages for deletion. If no messages are highlighted, 
then this will automatically display the next unmarked message. 

Marks the selected messages to be moved into the current folder. (If the cur- 
rent folder is the same as the viewed folder, this command will just beep.) If 
no messages are highlighted, then this will automatically display the next 
unmarked message. 
Marks the selected messages to be copied into the current folder. (If the cur- 
rent folder is the same as the viewed folder, this command will just beep.) 


Removes any of the above three marks from the selected messages. 

View in New Window 
Creates a new window containing only a view of the first selected message. 
Reply Creates a composition window in reply to the first selected message. 

X Window System User's Guide 439 

X Interface to mh (Release 3) (continued) xmh 

Composition Windows 
Aside from the normal text editing functions, there are six command buttons associated with 
composition windows: 





Closes this composition window. If changes have been made since the most 
recent Save or Send, you will be asked to confirm losing them. 

Sends this composition. 

Replaces the current composition with an empty message. If changes have 
been made since the most recent Send or Save, you will be asked to confirm 
losing them. 

Brings up another new composition window. 

Saves this composition in your drafts folder. (If you do not have a folder 
named "drafts", one will be created.) Then you can safely close the compo- 
sition. At some future date, you can continue working on the composition by 
opening your drafts folder, selecting the message, and using the Use as Com- 
position command. 

Inserts a related message into the composition. If the composition window 
was created with'a Reply button, the related message is the message being 
replied to, otherwise no related message is defined and this button is inactive. 
The message will be filtered before being inserted; see ReplyInsert- 
F i 1 t e r under "Resources" below. 

Text Editing Commands 
All of the text editing commands are actually defined by the Text widget in the X Toolkit. The 
commands may be bound to different keys than the defaults described below through the stan- 
dard X Toolkit key re-binding mechanisms. See the X Toolkit and Athena Widgets documenta- 
tion for more details. 
Whenever you are asked to enter any text, you will be using a standard text editing interface. 
Various control and meta keystroke combinations are bound to a somewhat Emacs-like set of 
commands. In addition, the pointer buttons may be used to select a portion of text or to move 
the insertion point in the text. Pressing pointer button 1 causes the insertion point to move to 
the pointer. Double-clicking button 1 selects a word, triple-clicking selects a paragraph, and 
quadruple-clicking selects everything. Any selection may be extended in either direction by 
using pointer button 3. 
In the following, a line refers to one displayed row of characters in the window. A paragraph 
refers to the text between carriage returns. Text within a paragraph is broken into lines based 
on the current width of the window. 
The following keystroke combinations are defined: 
ControI-A Move to the beginning of the current line. 
Control-B, Control-H, Backspace 
Move backward one character. 

X Window System User's Guide 441 

xm h (continued) X Interface to mh (Release 3) 

ControI-D Delete the next character. 
ControI-E Move to the end of the current line. 
ControI-F Move forward one character. 
Control-J, LineFeed 
Create a new paragraph with the same indentation as the previous one. 
ControI-K Kill the rest of this line. 
Refresh window. 

Control-M, Return 

New paragraph. 
ControI-N Move down to the next line. 
ControI-O Break this paragraph into two. 
ControI-P Move up to the previous line. 
ControI-V Move down to the next screenful of text. 
ControI-W Kill the selected text. 
ControI-Y Insert the last killed text. 
ControI-Z Scroll the text one line up. 
Meta-< Move to the beginning of the document. 
Meta-> Move to the end of the document. 
Meta-[ Move backward one paragraph. 
Meta-] Move forward one paragraph. 
Meta-B Move backward one word. 
Meta-D Kill the next word. 
Meta-F Move forward one word. 
Meta-H, Meta-Delete 
Kill the previous word. 
Insert a file. If any text is selected, use the selected text as the filename. 
Otherwise, a box will appear in which you can type the desired filename. 
Move up to the previous screenful of text. 
Stuff the last selected text here. Note that this can be text selected in some 
other text subwindow. Also, if you select some text in an xterm window, it 
may be inserted in an xmh window with this command. Pressing pointer but- 
ton 2 is equivalent to this. 
Scroll the text one line down. 




442 X Window System User's Guide 

X Interface to mh (Release 3) (continued) xmh 


Delete the previous character. 

Confirmation Windows 
Whenever you press a button that may cause you to lose some work or is otherwise dangerous, 
a window will appear asking you to confirm the action. This window will contain an Abort or 
No button and a Confirm or Yos button. Pressing the Abort button cancels the operation, and 
pressing the "'Confirm" will proceed with the operation. (A very handy shortcut exists: if you 
press the original, offending button again, it will be interpreted as a Confirm. If you press any 
other command button, it will be interpreted as an Abort.) 

An mh message sequence is just a set of messages associated with some name. They are local 
to a particular folder, two different folders can have sequences with the same name. In all fold- 
ers, the sequence "all" is predefined; it consists of the set of all messages in that folder. (The 
sequence "cur" is also usually defined for every folder, it consists of only the current message. 
xmh hides "cur" from the user, instead placing a "+" by the current message. Also, xmh does 
not support the "unseen" sequence, so that one is also hidden from the user.) 
The message sequences for a folder are displayed as buttons containing the names of the 
sequences (including one for "all"). The table of contents (aka "toc") is at any one time dis- 
playing one message sequence. This is called the "viewed sequence"; if it's not "all", its 
name will be displayed in the title bar just after the folder name. Also, at any time one of the 
sequence buttons will be highlighted. This is called the "selected sequence". Note that the 
viewed sequence and the selected sequence are not necessarily the same. (This all pretty much 
corresponds to the way the folder buttons work.) 

The Open Sequence, Add to Sequence, Remove from Sequence, and Delete Sequence buttons 
are active only if the viewed folder contains message-sequences. 

Note that none of the above actually effect whether a message is in the folder. Remember that 
a sequence is a set of messages within the folder, the above operations just affect what mes- 
sages are in that seL 

To create a new sequence, press the Pick button. A new window will appear, with lots of places 
to enter text. Basically, you can describe the sequence's initial set of messages based on charac- 
teristics of the message. Thus, you can define a sequence to be all the messages that were from 
a particular person, or with a particular subject, and so on. You can also connect things up with 
boolean operators, so you can select all things from "weissman" with the subject "xmh". 
Hopefully, the layout is fairly obvious. The simplest cases are the easiest: just point to the 
proper field and type. If you enter in more than one field, it will only select messages which 
match all non-empty fields. 
The more complicated cases arise when you want things that match one field or another one, 
but not necessarily both. That's what all the "or" buttons are for. If you want all things with 
the subject "xmh" or "xterm", just press the "or" button next to the "Subject:" field. 
Another box will appear where you can enter another subject. 

X Window System User's Guide 443 

X Interface to mh (Release 3) (continued) xmh 

The initial text displayed in a composition window is generated by executing the corresponding 
mh command; i.e., comp, repl, orforw and therefore message components may be customized 
as specified for those commands, comp is executed only once per invocation of xmh and the 
message template is re-used for each successive new composition. 


See Also 
X, xrdb, mh - the mh Message Handler 

Printing support is minimal. 
Keyboard shortcuts for commands would be nice. 
Should handle the "unseen" message-sequence. 
Should determine by itself if the user hasn't used mh before, and offer to set things up for him 
or her. 
Still a few commands missing (rename folder, remail message). 
Needs sub-folder support. 

Copyright 1988, Digital Equipment Corporation. 
See X for a full statement of rights and permissions. 

Terry Weissman, Digital Western Research Laboratory. 

X Window System User's Gutde 447 


Keyboard Modifier Utility-- 

xmodmap - keyboard and pointer modifier utility. 

xmodmap [options] [ f il ename] 

xmodmap is a utility for displaying and altering the X keyboard modifier map and keymap table 
on the specified server and host. It is intended to be run from a user's X startup script to setup 
the keyboard according to personal tastes. 

With no arguments, xmodmap displays the current map. 


[ host] : server[, screen] 
Allows you to specify the host, server and screen to use. For example, 
xmodmap -display your_node: O. 0 

specifies the screen 0 on server 0 on the machine your_node. If the host is 
omiued, the local machine is assumed. If the screen is omitted, the screen 0 
is assumed; the server and colon (:) are necessary in all cases. 


Indicates that a brief description of the command line arguments should be 
printed on the standard error. This will be done whenever an unhandled argu- 
ment is given to xmodmap. 




Indicates that a help message describing the expression grammar used in files 
and with -e expressions should be printed on the standard error. 
Indicates that xmodmap should print logging information as it parses its input. 
Turns off the verbose logging. This is the default. 
Indicates that xmodmap should not change the mappings, but should display 
what it would do, like make(l) does when given this option. (Cannot be used 
with expressions to change the pointer mapping.) 

-e expressi on 
Specifies an expression to be executed. Any number of expressions may be 
specified from the command line. 


Indicates that the current modifier map should be printed on the standard 


Indicates that the current keymap table should be printed on the standard 


Indicates that the current pointer map should be printed on the standard 

448 X Window System User's Guide 

Keyboard Modifier Utility (continued) xmodmap 

Some keyboards do not automatically generate less than and greater than characters when the 
comma and period keys are shifted. This can be remedied with xmodmap by resetting the bind- 
ings for the comma and period with the following scripts: 
' make shift-, be < and shift-, be > 
keysym comma = comma less 
keysym period = period greater 

One of the more irritating differences between keyboards is the location of the Control and 
Shift Lock keys. A common use of xmodmap is to swap these two keys as follows: 
! Swap Caps_Lock and Control_L 
remove Lock = Caps_Lock 
remove Control = Control L 
keysym Control_L = Caps_Lock 
keysym Caps_Lock = Control_L 
add Lock = Caps_Lock 
add Control = Control L 
The keycode command is useful for assigning the same keysym to multiple keycodes. 
Although unportable, it also makes possible to write scripts that can reset the keyboard to a 
known state. The following script sets the backspace key to generate Delete (as shown above), 
flushes all existing caps lock bindings, makes the CapsLock key a control key, makes F5 gener- 
ate Escape, and makes Break/Reset be a shift lock. 
! On the HP, the following keycodes have key caps as listed: 

' i01 Backspace 
' 55 Caps 
! 14 Ctrl 
' 15 Break/Reset 
' 86 Stop 
' 89 F5 

keycode i01 = Delete 
keycode 55 = Control R 
clear Lock 
add Control = Control R 
keycode 89 = Escape 
keycode 15 = Caps_Lock 
add Lock = Caps_Lock 

X Window System User's Guide 451 

xmodmap (continued) Keyboard Modifier Utility 

See Also 

Every time a keycode expression is evaluated, the server generates a MappingNotify 
event on every client. This can cause some thrashing. All of the changes should be batched 
together and done at once. Clients that receive keyboard input and ignore MappingNotify 
events will not notice any changes made to keyboard mappings. 

xmodmap should generate add and remove expressions automatically whenever a keycode 
that is already bound to a modifier is changed. 

There should be a way to have the remove expression accept keycodes as well as keysyms for 
those times when you really mess up your mappings. 

Rewritten by Jim Fulton, MIT X Consortium, from an earlier version by David Rosenthal of 
Sun Microsystems. 

452 X Window System User's Guide 

xpr (continued) Print X Window Dump 

-width inches 
Specifies the maximum width of the page. 
-left inches 
Specifics the left margin in inches. Fractions arc allowed. By default, the 
window is centered on the page. 
-top inches Specifies the top margin for the picture in inches. Fractions are allowed. By 
default, the window is centered on the page. 
-header header 
Specifies a header string to be printed above the window. Default is no 
-trailer trailer 
Specifies a trailer string to be printed below the window. Default is no trailer. 
-landscape Prints the window in landscape mode. By default, a window is printed such 
that its longest side follows the long side of the paper. 
-portrait Prints the window in portrait mode. By default, a window is printed such that 
its longest side follows the long side of the paper. 
-rv Reverses the foreground and background colors. 
-compact Compresses white pixels on PostScript printers. 
-output filename 
Specifies an output filcnamc. If this option is not specified, standard output is 
-append filename 
Specifics a filcname previously produced by xpr to which the window con- 
tents are to be appended. 
-noff When specified in conjunction with -append, the window appears on the 
same page as the previous window. 
-split n Allows you to split a window onto several pages. This might be necessary for 
large windows that would otherwise cause the printer to overload and print 
the page in an obscure manner. 
-plane number 
Specifies which bit plane to use in an image. The default is to use the entire 
image and map values into black and white based on color intensities. 
(Available as of Release 4.) 
-gray 21 31 a 
Uses a simple 2x2, 3x3, or 4x4 gray scale conversion on a color image, rather 
than mapping to strictly black and white. This doubles, triples, or quadruples 
the effective width and height of the image. (Available as of Release 4.) 
-psfig Suppress translation of the PostScript picture to the center of the page. 
(Available as of Release 4.) 

454 X Window System User's Guide 

Print X Window Dump (continued) xpr 

-density dpi Indicates what dot-per-inch density should be used by the HP printer. (Avail- 
able as of Release 4.) 
-cutoff level 
Changes the intensity level where colors are mapped to either black or white 
for monochrome output on a LaserJet printer. (Available as of Release 4.) 
The level is expressed as percentage of full brightness. Fractions are 
allowed. (Available as of Release 4.) 
-noposition Causes header, trailer, and image positioning command generation to be 
bypassed for LaserJet, PaintJet and PaintJet XL printers. (Available as of 
Release 4.) 
-gamma correction 
Changes the intensity of the colors printed by PaintJet XL printer. The cor- 
rection is a floating point value in the range 0.00 to 3.00. Consult the 
operator's manual to determine the correct value for the specific printer. 
(Available as of Release 4.) 
-render algori thm 
Allows PaintJet XL printer to render the image with the best quality versus 
performance tmdeoff. Consult the operator's manual to determine which 
al qori thms are available. (Available as of Release 4.) 
-slide Allows overhead transparencies to be printed using the PaintJet and PaintJet 
XL printers. (Available as of Release 4.) 

The current version of xpr can generally print out on the LN03 most X windows that are not 
larger than two-thirds of the screen. For example, it will be able to print out a large emacs win- 
dow, but it will usually fail when trying to print out the entire screen. The LN03 has memory 
limitations that can cause it to incorrectly print very large or complex windows. The two most 
common errors encountered are "band too complex" and "page memory exceeded." In the 
first case, a window may have a particular band (a row six pixels deep) that contains too many 
changes (from black to white to black). This will cause the printer to drop part of the line and 
possibly parts of the rest of the page. The printer will flash the number '1' on its front panel 
when this problem occurs. A possible solution to this problem is to increase the scale of the 
picture, or to split the picture onto two or more pages. The second problem, "page memory 
exceeded," will occur if the picture contains too much black, or if the picture contains complex 
half-tones such as the background color of a display. When this problem occurs the printer will 
automatically split the picture into two or more pages. It may flash the number '5' on its from 
panel. There is no easy solution to this problem. It will probably be necessary to either cut and 
paste, or rework the application to produce a less complex picture. 

There are several limitations on the use of xpr with the LA100: the picture will always be 
printed in portrait mode, there is no scaling, and the aspect ratio will be slightly off. 
Support for PostScript output currently cannot handle the -append, -noff or -split 

X Window System User's Guide 455 

xpr (continued) Print X Window Dump 

The -compact option is only supported for PostScript output. It compresses white space but 
not black space, so it is not useful for reverse-video windows. 

For color images, should map directly to PostScript image support. 


Printer Specifics (Release 4) 
If no -density is specified on the command line, 300 dots per inch will be assumed for l jet 
and 90 dots per inch for pjet. Allowable densi ty values for a LaserJet printer are 300, 150, 
100, and 75 dots per inch. Consult the operator's manual to determine densities supported by 
other printers. 

If no -scale is specified the image will be expanded to fit the printable page area. 

The default printable page area is 8x10.5 inches. Other paper sizes can be accommodated using 
the -height and -width options. 

Note that a 1024x768 image fits the default printable area when processed at 100 dpi with 
scale=l, the same image can also be printed using 300 dpi with scale=3 but will require con- 
siderably more data be transferred to the printer. 

xpr may be tailored for use with monochrome PCL printers other than the LaserJet. To print on 
a ThinkJet (HP2225A) xpr could be invoked as: 

% xpr -density 96 -width 6.667 filename 

or for black-and-white output to a PaintJct: 

% xpr -density 180 filename 

The monochrome intensity of a pixel is computed as 0.30*R + 0.59"G + 0.11*B. If a pixel's 
computed intensity is less than the -cutoff level it will print as white. This maps 
light-on-dark display images to black-on-white hardcopy. The default cutoff intensity is 50% 
of full brightness. Example: specifying -cutoff 87.5 moves the white/black intensity 
point to 87.5% of full brightness. 

A LaserJet printer must be configured with sufficient memory to handle the image. For a full 
page at 300 dots per inch approximately 2MB of printer memory is required. 

Color images are produced on the PaintJet at 90 dots per inch. The PaintJet is limited to sixteen 
colors from its 330 color palette on each horizontal print line. xpr will issue a warning message 
if more than sixteen colors are encountered on a line. xpr will program the PaintJet for the first 
sixteen colors encountered on each line and use the nearest matching programmed value for 
other colors present on the line. 
Specifying the -rv, reverse video, option for the PaintJet will cause black and white to be 
interchanged on the output image. No other colors are changed. 
Multiplane images must be recorded by xwd in ZPixmap format. Single plane (monochrome) 
images may be in either XYPixmap or ZPixmap format. 
Some PCL printers do not recognize image positioning commands. Output for these printers 
will not be centered on the page and header and trailer strings may not appear where expected. 

456 X Window System User's Guide 

Print X Window Dump (continued) xpr 

The -gamma and -render options are supported only on the PainLlet XL printers. 
The -s 1 ide option is not supported for LaserJet printers. 
The -split option is not supported for HP printers. 

See Also 
xwd, xdpr, xwud, X 

Copyright 1988, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 
Copyright 1986, Marvin Solomon and the University of Wisconsin. 
Copyright 1988, Hewlett-Packard Company. 
See X for a full statement of rights and permissions. 

Michael R. Gretzinger, MIT Project Athena; 
Jose Capo, MIT Project Athena (PP3812 support); 
Marvin Solomon (University of Wisconsin); 
Bob Scheifler, MIT; 
Angela Bock and E. Mike Durbin, Rich Inc. (grayscale); 
Larry Rupp, Hewlett-Packard (HP printer support). 

X Window System User's Guide 457 

xprop (continued) Display Properties for X 

To display the name of the root window: prop -root WM NAME 
To display the window manager hints for the clock: xprop -name xclock WM HINTS 
To display the start of the cut buffer: xprop -root -len 100 CUT BUFFER0 
To display the point size of the fixed font: xprop -font fixed POINT SIZE 
To display all the properties of window # 0x200007: xprop -id 0x2 0 0 0 0 7 

Environment Variables 

Specifies the name of a file from which additional formats are to be 

See Also 
X, xwininfo 

Mark Lillibridge, MIT Project Athena. 

462 X Window System User's Guide 

reCreate Pseudo Root Window 


xpseudoroot - create a pseudo root window. 

xpseudoroot [opti ons] 

This client is available in Release 3 only. It is experimental and should be used with cau- 
tion. (Please see Warning below.) xpseudoroot has been removed from the X distribution as 
of Release 4. 
The xpseudoroot program allows you to create pseudo root windows as outlined in the Inter- 
Client Communications Conventions Manual. By default it just makes a copy of the normal 
root window, but command line options may be used to alter much of the screen-related infor- 
The command line argument property_name specifies the name of a property on the 
screen's real root window in which to store the pseudo root information. Applications can be 
run within the pseudo root window by appending .property_name to the 
server, screen pan of the display name; for example: expo : 0.0. property_name. 
This is experimental code for implementing pseudo root windows as specified by the Inter-Cli- 
ent Communications Conventions Manual. The interfaces that it provides should be considered 
private to the MIT implementation of Xlib and will change in the next release. The interfaces 
that it provides should not be incorporated into any toolkits or applications. No effort will be 
made to provide backward compatibility. 

-display [host] : server[, screen] 
Allows you to specify the host, sewer and screen to connect to. host speci- 
fies the machine, server specifies the server number, and screen specifies 
the screen number. For example, 
xpseudoroot -display your_n ode:O.l 
specifies screen 1 of server 0 on the machine your_node. Either or both the 
host and screen elements to the display specification can be omitted. If 
host is omitted, the local machine is assumed. If screen is omitted, screen 
0 is assumed (and the period is unnecessary). The colon and server are 
necessary in all cases. 
-geometry geometry 
The xpseudoroot window is created with the specified size and location deter- 
mined by the supplied geometry specification. The -geometry option can 
be (and often is) abbreviated to -g, unless there is a conflicting option that 
begins with "g." The argument to the geometry option (geometry) is 
referred to as a "standard geometry string," and has the form widthx- 
h ei gh t+_xo ff_yoff. 

X Window System User's Guide 463 

xpseudoroot (continued) Create Pseudo Root Window 

-visuals visualid 
Specifies a list of visuals to support on the pseudo root window. Any number 
of numeric visual identifies (in hex, octal, or decimal) may be supplied using 
the -visuals option. 
-colormap col ormapid 
Specifies the numeric colormap identifier to be associated with the pseudo 
root window. 
-Colormap visualid 
Specifies a numeric visual identifier to be used in creating a new colormap for 
the pseudo root window. If this option is given, xpseudoroot will create a 
new colormap from the given visual and set the black and white pixel fields 
to the desired colors. 

-white pixel 

Specifies the numeric pixel value to use for WhitePixel when creating a 
new colormap with -Colormap. The default is to copy the real screen's 
-White colorname 
Specifies the color to use when setting WhitePixel in newly created color- 
maps. It may be used with -white to create arbitrary WhitePixels. 

-black pixel 

Specifies the numeric pixel value to use for BlackPixel when creating a 
new colormap with -Colormap. The default is to copy the real screen's 
-Black colorname 
Specifies the color to use when setting BlackPixel in newly created color- 
maps. It may be used with -black to create arbitrary BlackPixels. 
-empty Indicates that any colormaps created with -Colormap should not have 
BlackPixel and WhitePixel preallocated (although the values may still 
be set with -black and -white). This leaves as much room as possible for 
running applications that would otherwise not find enough colors. This is not 
for general use as it guarantees that an application will be displayed in incor- 
rect colors. 
-max number Specifies the maximum number of installed colormaps that will be allowed on 
this screen. The default is to use the real screen's value. 
-rain number Specifies the minimum number of installed colormaps that will be allowed on 
this screen. The default is to use the real screen's value. 
-backingstore when 
Specifies when backing store window attributes will be honored and takes 
one of the following arguments: NotUseful, WhenMapped, or Always. 
The default is to use the real screen's value. 

464 X Window System User's Guide 

Create Pseudo Root Window (continued) xpseudoroot 

-saveunders boolean 
Specifies whether or not this screen supports save-unders and takes one of the 
following arguments: yes or no. 

-name string 

Specifies the name to be used for the pseudo root window. 
See Also 
X, xdpyinfo, xwininfo, xprop; Volume One, Xlib Programming Manual 
This is a sample program that is primarily intended as a testbed for ICCCM pseudo roots. It 
should not be incorporated into any toolkit or application. 
Jim Fulton, MIT X Consortium. 

X Window System User's Guide 465 


L Server Resource Database Utlllty-- 

xrdb - X server resource database utility. 

xrdb [options] [ f i l ename] 

xrdb is used to get or set the contents of the RESOURCE_MANAGER property on the root win- 
dow of screen 0. You would normally run this program from your X startup file. 

The resource manager (used by the Xlib routine XGetDefault(3X) and the X Toolkit) uses the 
RESOURCE_MANAGER property to get user preferences about color, fonts, and so on for appli- 
cations. Having this information in the server (where it is available to all clients) instead of on 
disk, solves the problem in previous versions of X that required you to maintain defaults files 
on every machine that you might use. It also allows for dynamic changing of defaults without 
editing files. 

For compatibility, if there is no RESOURCE_MANAGER property defined (either because xrdb 
was not run or the property was removed), the resource manager will look for a file called .Xde- 
faults in your home directory. 

The fi/ename (or the standard input if- or no input file is given) is optionally passed through 
the C preprocessor with the following symbols defined, based on the capabilities of the server 
being used: 

The hostname portion of the display to which you are connected. 
The width of the default screen in pixels. 
The height of the default screen in pixels. 
The x resolution of the default screen in pixels per meter. 
The y resolution of the default screen in pixels per meter. 
The number of bit planes (the depth) of the root window of the default screen. 
CLAS S=vi sual cl a ss 
One of StaticGray, GrayScale, StaticColor, PsuedoColor, 
TrueColor, DirectColor. This is the visual class of the root window 
of the default screen. 
COLOR Defined only if CLASS is one of StaticColor, PsuedoColor, True- 
Color, or DirectColor. 

466 X Window System User's Guide 

X Server Resource Database Utility (continued) xrdb 

BITS PER RBG=number 
The number of significant bits in an RGB color specification. This is the log 
base 2 of the number of distinct shades of each primary that the hardware can 
generate. Note that it is usually not related to the number of PLANES. 
The name of the host on which xrdb is running. (Available as of Release 4.) 
The vendor release number for the server. The interpretation of this number 
will vary depending on VENDOR. (Available as of Release 4.) 
REVI S ION=n umber 
The X protocol minor version supported by this server (currently 0). 
VERS I ON=n umber 
The X protocol major version supported by this server (should always be 11). 
VENDOR=n umber 
A string specifying the vendor of the server. (Available as of Release 4.) 
Lines that begin with an exclamation mark (!) are ignored and may be used as comments. 

xrdb accepts the following options: 
-help This option (or any unsupported option) will cause a brief description of the 
allowable options and parameters to be printed. 
-display [host] : server[.screen] 
Allows you to specify the host, server and screen to connect to. host speci- 
fies the machine, server specifies the server number, and screen specifies 
the screen number. For example: 
xrdb -display your_node" O. 0 
specifies screen 0 of server 0 on the machine your_node. If the host is 
omitted, the local machine is assumed. If the screen is omitted, screen 0 is 
assumed; the server and colon (:) are necessary in all cases. 
-cpp filename 
Specifies the pathname of the C preprocessor program to be used. Although 
xrdb was designed to use CPP, any program that acts as a filter and accepts 
the -D, -I, and -U options may be used. 
-nocpp Indicates that xrdb should not run the input file through a preprocessor before 
loading it into the RESOURCE_MANAGER property. 
-symbols Indicates that the symbols that are defined for the preprocessor should be 
printed onto the standard output. This option can be used in conjunction with 
-query, but not with the options that change the RESOURCE_MANAGER 


X Window System User's Guide 467 

xrdb (continued) X Server Resource Database Utility 

-query Indicates that the current contents of the RESOURCE_MANAGER property 
should be printed onto the standard output. Note that since preprocessor 
commands in the input resource file are part of the input file, not part of the 
property, they won't appear in the output from this option. The -edit 
option can be used to merge the contents of the property back into the input 
resource file without damaging preprocessor commands. 
-load Indicates that the input should be loaded as the new value of the 
RESOURCE_MANAGER property, replacing whatever was there (i.e., the old 
contents are removed). This is the default action. 
-me rge Indicates that the input should be merged with, instead of replacing, the cur- 
rent contents of the RESOURCE_MANAGER property. Since xrdb can read 
the standard input, this option can be used to the change the contents of the 
RESOURCE_MANAGER property directly from a terminal or from a shell 
script. Note that this option does a lexicographic sorted merge of the two 
inputs, which is almost certainly not what you want, but remains for back- 
ward compatibility. 
-n Indicates that changes to the property (when used with -load) or to ',.he 
resource file (when used with -edit) should be shown on the standard 
output, but should not be performed. (Available as of Release 4.) 
-quiet Indicates that warning about duplicate entries should not be displayed. 
(Available as of Release 4.) 
-remove Indicates that the RESOURCE_MANAGER property should be removed from 
its window. 
-retain Indicates that the server should be instructed not to reset ifxrdb is the first 
client. (Available as of Release 4.) 
-edit filename 
Indicates that the contents of the RESOURCE_MANAGER property should be 
edited into the given file, replacing any values already listed there. This 
allows you to put changes that you have made to your defaults back into your 
resource file, preserving any comments or preprocessor lines. 
-backup string 
Specifies a suffix to be appended to the filename used with -edit to gener- 
ate a backup file. 
-Dname [ =val ue ] 
Is passed through to the preprocessor and is used to define symbols for use 
with conditionals such as #ifdef. 
-Uname IS passed through to the preprocessor and is used to remove any definitions of 
this symbol. 
-Idirectory Is passed through to the preprocessor and is used to specify a directory to 
search for files that are referenced with #include. 

468 X Window System User's Guide 

X Server Resource Database Utility (continued) xrdb 

Generalizes 7.Xdefaults files. 
See Also 
X, XGetDefault(3X), Xlib Resource Manager 
The default for no arguments should be to query, not to overwrite, so that it is consistent with 
other programs. 
Phil Karlton, rewritten from the original by Jim Gettys. Copyright 1988, Digital Equipment 

X Window System User's Guide 469 

Refresh X Screen (continued) xrefresh 

The xrefresh program uses the routine XGetDefault(3X) to read defaults, so its resource names 
are all capitalized. 
Black, White, Solid, None, Root 
Determines what sort of window background to use. 
Geomet ry Determines the area to refresh. Not very useful. 

See Also 

It should have just one default type for the background. 

Jim Gettys, Digital Equipment Corp., MIT Project Athena. 

X Window System User's Guide 471 


'lsplay and Keyboard Preferences-- 

xset - user preference utility for X. 

xset [opti ons] 

xset is used to set various user preference options of the display and keyboard. 

Note that not all X implementations are guaranteed to honor all of these options. 
-display [host]:server[.screen] 
Allows you to specify the host, server, and screen for which to set prefer- 
ences, hose specifies the machine, server specifies the server number, and 
screen specifies the screen number. For example, 
-display your_node: O. 1 & 
specifics screen l of server 0 on the machine your_node. If the host is 
omitted, the local machine is assume(i If the screen is omitted, screen 0 is 
assumed; the server and colon (:) are necessary in all cases. 
b Controls bell volume, pitch, and duration. The b option accepts up to three 
numerical parameters (vol ume, pi t ch, and durati on), a preceding dash 
(-), or an on/off flag. If no parameters are given, or the on flag is used, the 
system defaults will be used. If the dash or off are given, the bell will be 
turned off. If only one numerical parameter is given, the bell vo2 ume will 
be set to that value, as a percentage of its maximum. Likewise, the second 
numerical parameter specifies the bell/9./tch, in hertz, and the third numeri- 
cal parameter specifies the durat./on in milliseconds. Note that not all 
hardware can vary the bell characteristics. The X server will set the charac- 
teristics of the bell as closely as it can to the user's specifications. 
-be Controls bug compatibility mode in the server, if possible. The option with a 
bc preceding dash (-) disables the mode; the option alone enables the mode. 
The need for this option is determined by the following circumstances. Vari- 
ous pre-R4 clients pass illegal values in some protocol requests, and pre-R4 
servers did not correctly generate errors in these cases. Such clients, when 
run with an R4 server, will terminate abnormally or otherwise fail to operate 
correctly. Bug compatibility mode explicitly reintroduces certain bugs into 
the X server, so that many such clients can still be run. 
This mode should be used with care; new application development should be 
done with this mode disabled. Be aware that the server must support the MIT- 
SUNDRY-NONSTANDARD protocol extension in order for this option to work. 

472 X Window System User's Guide 

xset (continued) Display and Keyboard Preferences 

WhitePixel. Although these are often 0 and 1, they need not be. Also, a 
server may choose to allocate those colors privately, in which case an error 
will be generated. The map entry must not be a read-only color, or an error 
will result. 
Controls the autorepeat. If a preceding dash or the off flag is used, 
autorepeat will be disabled. If no parameters or the on flag is used, 
autorepeat will be enabled. 
Controls the screen saver parameters. The s option accepts up to two numer- 
ical parameters (time and cycle), a blank/noblank flag, an 
expose/noexpose flag, an on/off flag, or the default flag. If no 
parameters or the default flag is used, the system will be set to its default 
screen saver characteristics. The on/off flags simply turn the screen saver 
functions on or off. The blank flag sets the preference to blank the video (if 
the hardware can do so) rather than display a background pattern, while 
noblank sets the preference to display a pattern rather than blank the video. 
The expose flag sets the preference to allow window exposures (the server 
can freely discard window contents), while noexpose sets the preference to 
disable screen saver unless the server can regenerate the screens without 
causing exposure events. The time and cycle parameters for the screen 
saver function determine how long the server must be inactive for screen sav- 
ing to activate, and the period to change the background pattern to avoid burn 
in, respectively. The arguments are specified in seconds. If only one numeri- 
cal parameter is given, it will be used for the time. 
Gives you information on the current settings. (In Release 3, the query 
option can also be used.) 

These settings will be reset to default values when you log out. 

See Also 
X, Xserver, xmodmap, xrdb, xsetroot 

Bob Scheifler, MIT Laboratory for Computer Science; 
David Krikorian, MIT Project Athena (X11 version). 

474 X Window System User's Guide 

Define Standard Colormaps 

jr xstdcmap 

xstdcmap - X standard colormap utility. 

xstdcmap [options] 

Available as of Release 4, the xstdcmap utility can be used to selectively define standard color- 
map properties. It is intended to be run from a user's X startup script to create standard color- 
map definitions in order to facilitate sharing of scarce colormap resources among clients. 
Where at all possible, colormaps are created with read-only allocations. 

The following options may be used with xstdcmap: 
-display host [ : server] [. screen] 
Allows you to specify the host, server and screen to connect to. host speci- 
fies the machine, server specifies the server number, and screen specifies 
the screen number. For example, 
xstdcmap -display your_node: O. 1 
specifies screen l of server 0 on the machine your_node. Either or both the 
host and screen elements to the display specification can be omitted. If 
host is omitted, the local machine is assumed. If screen is omitted, screen 
0 is assumed (and the period is unnecessary). The colon and server are 
necessary in all cases. 
-all Specifies that all six standard colormap properties should be defined on each 
screen of the display. Not all screens will support visuals under which all six 
standard colormap properties are meaningful, xstdcmap will determine the 
best allocations and visuals for the colormap properties of a screen. Any pre- 
viously existing standard colormap properties will be replaced. 
-best Specifies that the RGB_BEST_MAP should be defined. 
-blue Specifies that the RGB_BLUE_MAP should be defined. 
-default Specifies that the RGB_DEFAULT_MAP should be defined. 
-delete map Specifies that a standard colormap property should be removed, map may be 
one of: default, best, red, green, blue, or gray. 
-gray Specifies that the RGB_GRAY_MAP should be defined. 
-green Specifies that the RGB_GREEN_MAP should be defined. 
-help Specifies that a brief description of the command line arguments should be 
printed on the standard error. This will be done whenever an unhandled argu- 
ment is given to xstdcmap. 

X Window System User's Guide 477 

xstdcmap (continued) Define Standard Colormaps 


See Also 

Specifies that the RGB_RED_MAP should be defined. 
Specifies tlmt xstdcmap should print logging information as it parses its input 
and defines the standard colormap properties. 

Donna Converse, MIT X Consortium. 

478 X Window System User's Guide 

mWindow Terminal Emulator 


xterm - window terminal emulator. 

xterm [options] 

The xterm program is a terminal emulator for the X Window System. It provides DEC VTI02 
and Tektronix 4014 compatible terminals for programs that can't use the window system 
directly. If the underlying operating system supports terminal resizing capabilities (for 
example, the SIGWlNCH signal in systems derived from BSD 4.3), xterm will use the facilities to 
notify programs running in the window whenever it is resized. 

The VTI02 and Tektronix 4014 terminals each have their own window so that you can edit text 
in one and look at graphics in the other at the same time. To maintain the correct aspect ratio 
(height/width), Tektronix graphics will be restricted to the largest box with a 4014's aspect 
ratio that will fit in the window. This box is located in the upper left area of the window. 

Although both windows can be displayed at the same time, one of them is considered the active 
window for receiving keyboard input and terminal output. This is the window that contains the 
text cursor and whose border highlights whenever the pointer is in either window. The active 
window can be chosen through escape sequences, the VT Options menu in the VTI02 window, 
and the Tek Options menu in the 4014 window. 

The Release 4 version of xterm provides four menus that allow you to manipulate the VTI02 
and Tektronix windows: Main Options, VT Options, Tek Options, and VT Fonts. The first three 
menus are available (with slight variations) in Release 3, but have the names xterm, Modes, and 
Tektronix. The VT Fonts menu is available as of Release 4. 

xterm accepts all of the standard X Toolkit command line options along with the additional 
options described below. Note that if the option begins with a + instead of a -, the option is 
restored to its default value. (Specifying the default with +option can be useful for overrid- 
ing the opposite value in an .Xresources file or other prior resource specification.) 
-help Causes xterm to print out a verbose message describing its options. 
-132 Causes the VT102 DECCOLM escape sequence, which switches between 80 
and 132 column mode, to be recognized, enabling the xterm window to resize 
properly. By default, the DECCOLM escape sequence is ignored. (See 
Appendix C for more information on xterm escape sequences.) 
(This option can be turned on and off from the xterm VT Options menu, 
described below.) 
-ah/+ah -ah specifies that xterm should always highlight the text cursor and window 
borders. By default, xterm will display a hollow text cursor whenever the 
focus is lost or the pointer leaves the window. +ah sets the default. 

X Window System User's Guide 479 

Window Terminal Emulator (continued) xterm 

% ge ome try 


-n string 


-w pixels 

-T string 

This option has been superceded by the xdm program. Furthermore, -L 
should never be specified by users when starting terminal windows. This 
option has been eliminated in Release 4. 

Specifies the preferred size and location of the Tektronix window. It is short- 
hand for specifying the tekGeomet ry resource. 

Specifies the preferred position of the icon. It is shorthand for specifying the 
iconGeometry resource. The width and height values of the geometry 
string are optional. 

Specifies the icon name for the xterm window. It is shorthand for specifying 
the *iconName resource. Note that this is not equivalent to the Toolkit 
option -name. The default icon name is the name of a program run with the 
-e option, if any, otherwise the application name. 
Indicates that reverse video should be simulated by swapping the foreground 
and background colors. It is equivalent to -rv. 

Specifies the width in pixels of the border surrounding the window. It is 
equivalent to -bw. 

Specifies the title for the xterm window. It is equivalent to -t it le. 

The program understands all of the core X Toolkit resource names and classes as well as: 

iconGeomet ry (class IconGeomet ry) 
Specifies the preferred size and position of the application when iconified. It 
is not necessarily obeyed by all window managers. 

t e rmName (class Te rmName) 
Specifies the terminal type name to be set in the TERM environment variable. 

title (class Title) 
Specifies a string that may be used by the window manager when displaying 
this application. 

ttyModes (class TtyModes) 
Specifies a string containing terminal setting keywords and the characters to 
which they may be bound. (In Release 3, this resource is ignored when -L is 
given since getty resets the terminal. The -L option has been eliminated in 
Release 4.) Allowable keywords include: intr, quit, erase, kill, eof, eol, 
swtch, start, stop, brk, susp, dsusp, rprnt, flush, weras, and lnext. Control 
characters may be specified as "char (e.g., *c or "u), and "? may be used to 
indicate delete. This is very useful for overriding the default terminal settings 
without having to do an stty every time an xterm is started. 

utmpInhibit (class UtmpInhibit) 
Specifies whether or not xterm should try to record the user's terminal in 


X Window System User's Guide 485 

xterm (continued) Window Terminal Emulator 

sunFunct ionKeys (class SunFunct ionKeys) 
Specifies whether or not Sun Function Key escape codes should be generated 
for function keys instead of standard escape sequences. 
The following resources are specified as part of the vt 10 0 widget (class VT 10 0): 
a 1 lowSendEvent s (class A1 lowSendEvent s) 
Specifies whether or not synthetic key and button events (generated using the 
X protocol SendEvent request) should be interpreted or discarded. The 
default is false meaning they are discarded. Note that allowing such events 
creates a very large security hole. (Available as of Release 4.) 
a i ways H igh i ight (class Always High i ight) 
Specifies whether or not xterm should always display a highlighted text cur- 
sor. By default, a hollow text cursor is displayed whenever the pointer moves 
out of the window or the window loses the input focus. 
boldFont (class Font) 
Specifies the name of the bold font to use instead of overstriking the normal 
c132 (class C132) 
Specifies whether or not the VT102 DECCOLM escape sequence should be 
honored. The default is false. 
charClass (class CharClass) 
Specifies comma-separated lists of character class bindings of the form 
flow-]high:value. These are used in determining which sets of characters 
should be treated the same when doing cut and paste. See "Character 
Classes" below. 
curses (class Curses) 
Specifies whether or not the last column bug in the cursor should be worked 
around. The default is false. 

background (class Background) 
Specifies the color to use for the background of the window. The default is 
foreground (class Foreground) 
Specifies the color to use for displaying text in the window. Setting the class 
name instead of the instance name is an easy way to have everything that 
would normally appear in the "text" color change color. The default is black. 
cursorColor (class Foreground) 
Specifies the color to use for the text cursor. The default is black. 
eightBit Input (class EightBit Input) 
Specifies whether or not eight-bit characters should be accepted. The default 
is true. (Available as of Release 4.) 

486 X Window System User's Guide 

Window Terminal Emulator (continued) xterm 

tekGeomet ry (class Geometry) 
Specifies the preferred size and position of the Tektronix window. 
tekInhibit (class TekInhibit) 
Specifies whether or not Tektronix mode should be disallowed. The default is 
tekSmall (class TekSmall) 
Specifics whether or not the Tektronix mode window should sn in i smal- 
lest size if no explicit geometry is given. This is useful when running xterm 
on displays with small screens. The default is false. (Available as of Release 
tekStartup (class TekStartup) 
Specifies whether or not xterm should start up in Tektronix mode. The default 
is false. 
titeInhibit (class TiteInhibit) 
Specifies whether or not xterm should remove t i or te termcap entries (used 
to switch between alternate screens on startup of many screen-oriented pro- 
grams) from the TERMCAP string. 
translations (class Translations) 
Specifies the key and button bindings for menus, selections, "programmed 
strings," etc. See "Actions" below. 
visualBell (class VisualBell) 
Specifies whether or not a visible bell (i.e., flashing) should be used instead of 
an audible bell when Control-G is received. The default is false. 
waitForMap (class WaitForMap) 
Specifies whether or not xterm should wait for the initial window map before 
starting the subprocess. The default is false. (Available as of Release 4.) 
The following resources are specified as part of the tek4 014 widget (class Tek4 014): 
width (class Width) 
Specifies the width of the Tektronix window in pixels. 
height (class Height) 
Specifies the height of the Tektronix window in pixels. 
fontLarge (class Font) 
Specifies the large font to use in the Tektronix window. (Available as of 
Release 4.) This font is toggled using the Large Characters item on the Tek 
Options menu. 
font2 (class Font) 
Specifies font number 2 to use in the Tektronix window. (Available as of 
Release 4.) This font is toggled using the #2 Size Characters item on the Tek 
Options menu. 

X Window System User's Guide 489 

Window Terminal Emulator (continued) xterm 

quit (class SmeBSB) 
Invokes the quit () action. 

The vtMenu (dtle VT Options) has the following entries: 
scrollbar (class SmeBSB) 
Invokes the set-scrollbar (toggle) action. 
jumpscroll (class SmeBSB) 
Invokes the set-jumpscroll (toggle) action. 
reversevideo (class SmeBSB) 
Invokes the set-reverse-video (toggle) action. 
autowrap (class SmeBSB) 
Invokes the set-autowrap (toggle) action. 
reversewrap (class SmeBSB) 
Invokes the set-reversewrap (toggle) action. 
autolinefeed (class SmeBSB) 
Invokes the set-autolinefeed (toggle) action. 
appcursor (class SmeBSB) 
Invokes the set-appcursor (toggle) action. 
appkeypad (class SmeBSB) 
Invokes the set-appkeypad (toggle) action. 
scrollkey (class SmeBSB) 
Invokes the set-scroll-on-key (toggle) action. 
scrollttyoutput (class SmeBSB) 
Invokes the set-scroll-on-tty-output (toggle) action. 
allow132 (class SmeBSB) 
Invokes the set-allow132 (toggle) action. 
cursesemul (class SmeBSB) 
Invokes the set-cursesemul (toggle) action. 
visualbell (class SmeBSB) 
Invokes the set -vi sua ibe 11 (toggle) action. 
marginbell (class SmeBSB) 
Invokes the set-marginbell (toggle) action. 
altscreen (class SmeBSB) 
This entry is currently disabled. 
linel (class SmeLine) 
A separator. 
softreset (class SmeBSB) 
Invokes the soft-reset ( ) action. 

X Window System User's Guide 491 

Window Terminal Emulator (continued) xterm 

Cursor Key 



ESC [ A 
ESC [ B 
ESC [ D 



Enable Application Keypad (Release 3: Application Keypad Mode) 
Generates a control function rather than a numeric character when you 
use the numeric keypad. Off by default. 

Scroll to Bottom on Key Press 
Indicates that pressing a key while using the scrollbar causes the cur- 
sor to be repositioned at the bottom of the scroll region. For example, 
if you have scrolled up the window to see past history, as soon as you 
begin typing your next command the cursor jumps to the bottom of the 
screen. Off by default. 

Scroll to Bottom on Tty Output 
Indicates that receiving output to the window (or pressing a key, if 
st:t:y echo has been specified), while using the scrollbar causes the 
cursor to be repositioned at the bottom of the scroll region. In Release 
4, on by default. (In Release 3, off by default; on automatically if the 
window has a scrollbar.) This mode can be toggled off, but is gener- 
ally desirable to have. 

Allow 80/132 Column Switching (Release 3: Allow 80/132 switching) 
Allows xterm to recognize the DECCOLM escape sequence, which 
switches the terminal between 80 and 132-column mode. The DEC- 
COLM escape sequence can be included in a program (such as a 
spreadsheet) to allow the program to display in 132-column format. 
See Appendix E, xterm Control Sequences, for more information. Off 
by default. 

Enable Curses Emulation (Release 3: Curses Emulation) 
Enables the curses fix. Several programs that use the curses cursor 
motion package have some difficulties with VTl02-compatible termi- 
nals. The bug occurs when you run the more program on a file con- 
taining a line that is exactly the width of the window and that is fol- 
lowed by a line beginning with a tab. The leading tabs may disappear. 
This mode causes the tabs to be displayed correctly. Off by default. 

Enable Visual Bell 

Causes your terminal window to flash whenever an event occurs that 
would ordinarily cause your terminal bell to ring. This item appears as 

X Window System User's Guide 499 

Window Terminal Emulator (continued) xterm 

Large Characters 
#2 Size Characters 
#3 Size Characters 
Small Characters 
V'I" Window Showing 

Tek Options Menu Mode Toggles (On/Off) 
These modes can only be set from the Tek Options menu. 
Selecting one of these four options sets the point size of text 
displayed in the Tektronix window. The four options are 
mutually exclusive. 

Shows the current contents of the VT102 window; you cannot input 
to that window until you choose Switch to VT Mode. This item is a 
mode toggle on the equivalent Release 3 menu (Tektronix). In 
Release 4, it has been renamed and moved to the commands section, 
as described below. 
Tek Options Menu Commands 
PAGE Clears the Tektronix window. 
RESET Closes down the Tektronix window. 
COPY Writes a file of the Tektronix text and graphics commands. 
Show VT Window (Release 3: VT Window Showing) 
Shows the current contents of the VT102 window; you cannot input 
to that window until you choose Switch to VT Mode. The Release 3 
item appeared in the mode toggles section of the menu; the item has 
been renamed and moved to the commands section in Release 4. 
Switch to V'I" Mode (Release 3: Select V'I" Mode) 
Makes the associated VT102 window active for input. 
Hide Tek Window Removes the Tektronix window but does not destroy it. It can be 
brought back by choosing Switch to Tek Mode from the V'I" Options 
Menu menu. 


Fonts Menu (Release 4) 
Added in Release 4, the VT Fonts menu enables you to change the VT102 display font dynami- 
cally. The menu is displayed when the Control key and pointer button three are pressed in the 
VT102 window. All items on the menu toggle different display fonts. The items are mutually 
exclusive. A checkmark appears on the menu next to the current fonL 


Selecting one of these five options sets the point size of text 
displayed in the VT102 window. The Default font 
is the font specified when the xterm was run. 

Escape Sequence 

Allows you to select a font previously toggled using an escape 
sequence. See Chapter 5, Font Specification, for the escape 

sequence to use. 

X Window System User's Guide 501 

Window Terminal Emulator (continued) xterm 

This resource is simply a list of range : value pairs where the range is either a single number 
or low-high in the range of 0 to 127, corresponding to the ASCI/code for the character or char- 
acters to be set. The va2 ue is arbitrary, although the default table uses the character number 
of the first character occurring in the set. 

The default table is: 

static int charClass[128] = { 

32, i, i, i, I, i, i, I, 
i, 32, I, I, i, I, I, i, 
i, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, 
I, I, I, i, I, I, i, I, 
/* SP ! " # $ % & " */ 
32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 
/* ( ) * + , - . / */ 
40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 
/* 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 */ 
48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 
/* 8 9 : ; < = > 9 */ 
48, 48, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 
/* @ A B C D E F G */ 
64, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 
/* H I J K L M N O */ 
48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 
/* P Q R S T U V W */ 
48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 
I* X Y Z [ \ ] ^ *I 
48, 48, 48, 91, 92, 93, 94, 48, 
/* ' a b c d e f g */ 
96, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 
/* h i J k 1 m n o */ 
48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 
/* p q r s t u v w */ 
48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 
/* x y z { I } - DEL */ 
48, 48, 48, 123, 124, 125, 126, I}; 

For example, the string "33:48,37:48,45-47:48,64:48" indicates that the exclamation mark, 
percent sign, dash, period, slash, and ampersand characters should be treated the same way as 
characters and numbers. This is very useful for cutting and pasting electronic mailing 
addresses and UNIX filenames. 

Actions (Release 4) 
It is possible to rebind keys (or sequences of keys) to arbitrary strings for input, by changing the 
translations for the vtl00 or tek4014 widgets. Changing the translations for events other 


X Window System User's Guide 503 

xterm (continued) Window Terminal Emulator 

quit ( ) 
Sends a SIGHUP to the subprogram and exits. It is also invoked by the quit entry in 
ma inMenu. 

set-scrollbar (onCffCoggle) 
Toggles the scrollbar resource and is also invoked by the scrollbar entry in vt- 

set- jumpscroll ( on/off/toggl e) 
Toggles the jumpscroll resource and is also invoked by the jumpscroll entry in 

set-reverse-video (onCffCoggle) 
Toggles the reverseVideo resource and is also invoked by the reversevideo entry 
in vtMenu. 

set -aut owrap ( on/off/t oggl e) 
Toggles automatic wrapping of long lines and is also invoked by the autowrap entry in 

set-reversewrap ( on/off /t oggl e) 
Toggles the reversewrap resource and is also invoked by the reversewrap entry in 

set - aut o i ine feed ( on/off/t oggl e) 
Toggles automatic insertion of linefeeds and is also invoked by the autolinefeed entry 
in vtMenu. 

set-appcursor ( on /o f f /t oggl e) 
Toggles the application cursor key mode and is also invoked by the appcursor entry in 

set-appkeypad ( on/off /t oggl e) 
Toggles the application keypad mode and is also invoked by the appkeypad entry in vt- 

set - sc rol l-on-key ( on/off/t oggl e) 
Toggles the scrollKey resource and is also invoked from the scrollkey entry in vt- 

set-scroll-on-tty-output (onCffCoggle) 
Toggles the scrollTtyOutput resource and is also invoked from the scrollt- 
tyoutput entry in vtMenu. 
set-allow132 (onCffCoggle) 
Toggles the c132 resource and is also invoked from the allow132 entry in vtMenu. 
set-cursesemul (onCffCoggle) 
Toggles the curses resource and is also invoked from the cursesemul entry in vt- 

506 X Window System User's Guide 

xterm (continued) Window Terminal Emulator 

Shift <KeyPress> Prior: 
Shift <KeyPress> Next: 
Shift <KeyPress> Select: 

Shift <KeyPress> Insert: 
-Meta <KeyPress>: 
Meta <KeyPress>: 
Ctrl ~Meta <BtnlDown>: 
-Meta <BtnlDown>: 
-Meta <BtnlMotion>: 
Ctrl -Meta <Btn2Down>: 
-Ctrl -Meta <Btn2Down>: 
~Ctrl -Meta <Btn2Up>: 
Ctrl -Meta <Btn3Down>: 
-Ctrl -Meta <Btn3Down>: 
-Meta <Btn3Motion>: 
-Ctrl -Meta 

select-cursor-end (PRIMARY, CUT BUFFER0) \n\ 
insert-selection (PRIMARY, CUT_BUFFERO ) \ n \ 
popup-menu (vtMenu) \n\ 
ignore () \n\ 
insert-selection (PRIMARY, CUT BUFFER0) \n\ 

The default bindings in the Tektronix window are: 

-Meta <KeyPress>: 
Meta <KeyPress>: 
Ctrl -Meta <BtnlDown>: 
Ctrl -Meta <Btn2Down>: 
Shift -Meta <BtnlDown>: 
-Meta <BtnlDown>: 
Shift -Meta <Btn2Down>: 
-Meta <Btn2Down>: 
Shift ~Meta <Btn3Down>: 
-Meta <Btn3Down>: 

insert-seven-bit ( ) \n\ 
insert-eight-bit ( ) \n\ 
popup-me nu (ma inMe nu ) \ n \ 
popup-menu (tekMenu) \n\ 
gin-press (L) \n\ 
gin-press (i) \n\ 
gin-press (M) \n\ 
gin-press (m) \n\ 
gin-press (R) \n\ 
gin-press (r) 

Below is a sample how of the keymap ( ) action is used to add speci keys for entering com- 
monly-typed works: 
*VTl00.Translations: #override <Key>Fl3: keymap(dbx) 
*VTl00.dbxKeymap.translations: \ 

<Key> FI4: 
<Key> FI7: 
<Key> FI8: 
<Key> FI9: 
<Key> F20: 

keymap (None) \n\ 
string("next") string(0x0d)kn\ 
string ("step") string (0x0d) \n\ 
string ("continue") string (0x0d) \n\ 
string("print ") insert-selection (PRIMARY, CUT BUFFER0) 

Actions (Release 3) 
It is possible to rebind keys (or sequences of keys) to arbitrary strings for input, by changing the 
translations for the vtl00 or tek4014 widgets. Changing the translations for events other 
than key and button events is not expected, and will cause unpredictable behavior. 

508 X Window System User's Guide 

Window Terminal Emulator (continued) xterm 

The actions available for key translations are: 

insert ( ) 

Processes the key in the normal way; i.e., inserts the ASCII character code 
corresponding to the keysym found in the keyboard mapping table into the 
input stream. 

string (string) 
Rebinds the key or key sequence to the string value; that is, inserts the string 
argument into the input stream. Quotation is necessary if the string contains 
whitespace or non-alphanumeric characters. If the string argument begins 
with the characters "0x", it is interpreted as a hex character constant and the 
corresponding character is sent in the normal way. 

keymap (name) 

Takes a single string argument naming a resource to be used to dynamically 
define a new translation table; the name of the resource is obtained by 
appending the string Keymap to name. The keymap name None restores 
the original translation table (the very first one; a stack is not maintained). 
Upper/lower case is significant. 

insert-selection ( name[,name] . . . ) 
Retrieves the value of the first (leftmost) named selection that exists or cut 
buffer that is non-empty and inserts the value into the input stream, name is 
the name of any selection, for example, PRIMARY or SECONDARY, or the 
name of a cut buffer: CUT_BUFFER0 ..... CUT_BUFFER7. Upper/lower case 
is significant. 
For example, a debugging session might benefit from the following bindings: 

*VTl00.Translations: #override <Key>Fl3: keymap(dbx) 
*VTl00.dbxKeymap.translations : \ 
<Key>Fl4: keymap(None) \n\ 
<Key>Fl7: strlng("next") string(0x0d) \n\ 
<Key>Fl8: string ("step") strlng(0x0d) \n\ 
<Key>Fl9: strlng("contlnue") string(0x0d) \n\ 
<Key>F20 : string ("print") insert-selection (PRIMARY, CUT_BUFFER0) 

Within the VT100 widget the key and button bindings for selecting text, pasting text, and 
activating the menus are controlled by the translation bindings. In addition to the actions listed 
above under Key Translations, the following actions are available: 
mode-menu ( ) Posts one of the two mode menus, depending on which button is pressed. 

select-start ( ) 
Unselects any previously selected text and begins selecting new texL 

select-extend ( ) 
Continues selecting text from the previous starting position. 

start-extend ( ) 
Begins extending the selection from the farthest (left or right) edge. 


X Window System User's Guide 509 

Window Terminal Emulator (continued) xterrn 

Some versions of init have relatively small program name buffer sizes and treat all sharp signs 
as comment delimiters. Sites that wish to list large numbers of options on the xterm line will 
need to write a small shell script to execute the long xterm line. The best solution, of course, is 
to use xdm. 

Other Features 
xterm automatically highlights the window border and text cursor when the pointer enters the 
window (selected) and unhighlights them when the pointer loves the window (unsclected). If 
the window is the focus window, then the window is highlighted no matter where the pointer is. 

In VT102 mode, there are escape sequences to activate and deactivate an alternate screen buf- 
fer, which is the same size as the display area of the window. When activated, the current 
screen is saved and replaced with the alternate screen. Saving of lines scrolled off the top of 
the window is disabled until the normal screen is restored. The termcap entry for xterm allows 
the visual editor vi to switch to the alternate screen for edidng, and restore the screen on exit. 

In either VT102 or Tektronix mode, there are escape sequences to change the name of the win- 
dows and to specify a new log file name. 

xterm sets the environment variables TERM and TERMCAP properly for the size window you 
have created. It also uses and sets the environment variable DISPLAY to specify which bitmap 
display terminal to use. The environment variable WlNDOWlD is set to the X window ID num- 
ber of the xterm window. 

The class name is xaerm instead of xt:erm. 
The -z option is no longer needed since the display manager, xdm, handles logging in much 
more cleanly. No more trying to match colors in letclttys or worrying about an unwanted login 
window. (The -L option has been removed in Release 4.) 
xterm will hang forever if you try to paste too much text at one time. It is both producer and 
consumer for the pty and can deadlock. 
Variable-width fonts are not handled reasonably. 
This program still needs to be rewritten. It should be split into very modular sections, with the 
various emulators being completely separate widgets that don't know about each other. Ideally, 
you'd like to be able to pick and choose emulator widgets and stick them into a single control 
The focus is considered lost if some other client (e.g., the window manager) grabs the pointer; 
it is difficult to do better without an addition to the protocol. 
There needs to be a dialog box to allow entry of the log file name and the COPY filename. 
Many of the options are not resettable after xterm starts. 
The Tek widget does not support key/button re-binding. 

X Window System User's Guide 511 

xterm (continued) Window Terminal Emulator 

See Also 
X, resize, pty(4), tty(4); Appendix E, xterm Control Sequences 

Far too many people, including: 

Loretta Guarino Reid (DEC-UEG-WSL), Joel McCormack (DEC-UEG-WSL), Terry Weissman 
(DEC-UEG-WSL), Edward Moy (Berkeley), Ralph R. Swick (MIT-Athena), Mark Vande- 
voorde (MIT-Athena), Bob McNamara (DEC-MAD), Jim Gettys (MIT-Athena), Bob Scheifler 
(MIT X Consortium), Doug Mink (SAO), Steve Pitschke (Stellar), Ron Newman (MIT- 
Athena), Jim Fulton (MIT X Consortium), Dave Serisky (I-if'). 

512 X Window System User's Guide 

xwd (continued) Window Image Dumper 

Tony Della Fera, Digital Equipment Corp., MIT Project Athena; 
William F. Wyatt, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory. 

514 X Window System User's Guide 

xwi ni nfo (continued) Window Information Utility 








Causes various attributes of the selected window having to do with its loca- 
tion and appearence to be displayed. Information displayed includes the 
location of the window, its width, height, depth, border width, class, and map 
state, colormap ID (if any), backing-store hint, and the location of its corners. 
Ifxwininfo is run with no options, -stats is assumed. 
Causes the display of various attributes pertaining to the selected window's 
raw bits and how the selected window is to be stored to be displayed. Infor- 
mation displayed includes the selected window's bit gravity, window gravity, 
backing store hint, backing planes value, backing pixel, and whether or not 
the window has save-under set. 
Causes the selected window's event masks to be displayed. Both the event 
mask of events wanted by some client and the event mask of events not to 
propagate are displayed. 
Causes the selected window's sizing hints to be displayed. Information 
displayed includes: for both the normal size hints and the zoom size hints the 
user supplied location if any; the program supplied location if any; the user 
supplied size if any; the program supplied size if any; the minimum size if 
any; the maximum size if any; the resize increments if any; and the minimum 
and maximum aspect ratios if any. 
Causes the selected window's window manager hints to be displayed. Infor- 
mation displayed may include whether or not the application accepts input, 
what the window's icon window # and name is, where the window's icon 
should go, and what the window's initial state should be. 
Causes all individual height, width, and x and y positions to be displayed in 
millimeters, as well as number of pixels, based on what the server thinks the 
resolution is. Geometry specifications that are in +x+y form are not changed. 
Causes all individual height, width, and x and y positions to be displayed in 
inches (and feet, yards, and miles if necessary), as well as number of pixels. 
-metric and -english may be used at the same time. 
A quick way to ask for all information possible. 

The following is a sample summary taken with no options specified. 

xwininfo ==> Please select the window you wish 
--> information on by clicking the 
==> mouse in that window. 

xwininfo ==> Window id: 0x30000f (xterm) 

==> Upper left X: 0 
--> Upper left Y: 0 

516 X Window System User's Guide 

Window Information Utility (continued) xwlninfo 

==> Width: 578 
==> Height: 316 
==> Depth: 1 
==> Border width: 1 
==> Window class: InputOutput 
==> Colormap: 0x80065 
==> Window Bit Gravity State: NorthWestGravity 
==> Window Window Gravity State: NorthWestGravity 
==> Window Backing Store State: NotUseful 
==> Window Save Under State: no 
==> Window Map State: IsUnviewable 
==> window Override Redirect State: no 
--> Corners: +0+0 -572+0 -572-582 +0-582 

Using-stats and-bitstogeth shows mercdundantifformafion. 

See Also 
X, xprop 

Mark Lillibridge, MIT Project Athena. 

X Window System User's Guide 517 

xwud (continued) Window Image Displayer 


X Window Dump File format definition file. 

Bugs in Release 3 
Does not attempt to do color translation when the destination screen does not have a colormap 
exactly matching that of the original window. 

See Also 
X, xdpr, xpr, xstdcmap, xwd 

Release 4 version by Bob Scheifler, MIT X Consortium; 
Release 3 version by Tony Della Fera, Digital Equipment Corp. and MIT Project Athena, and 
William F. Wyatt, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory. 

520 X Window System User's Guide 

Part Four: 


This part of the book contains useful reference information. 

System Management 
The uwm Window Manager 
The OSF/Motif Window Manager 
Standard Cursors 
Release 3 and 4 Standard Fonts 
xterm Control Sequences 
Standard Bitmaps 
Translation Table Syntax 



System Management 

This appendix discusses various tasks involved in X Window System man- 
agement, mostly from the UNIX point of view. 

In This Chapter: 

Including X in Your Search Path ........................................................... 526 
Setting the Terminal Type .................................................................... 526 
A Startup Shell Script ........................................................................... 527 
What Should Go in the Script ........................................................... 527 
Starting X ............................................................................................ 531 
Starting X with the Display Manager, xdm (Release 4) ..................... 531 
Getting Started with xdm on a Single Display ................................. 532 
Setting Up the Configuration File and Other Special Files ............... 532 
The Standard Login Session .......................................................... 535 
Customizing xdm ............................................................................. 536 
The Xservers File ........................................................................... 537 
The Xsession File and .xsession Scripts ........................................ 538 
The Xresources File ....................................................................... 538 
The Error Log File .......................................................................... 539 
The xdm-pid File (Release 4 Only) ................................................. 539 
Xstartup and Xreset ....................................................................... 539 
Security and the authorize Resource (Release 4 Only) .................. 539 
Stopping xdm and the Server ........................................................... 540 
X Terminals and the XDM Control Protocol (Release 4) ................... 540 
Release 3 xdm ................................................................................. 541 
Release 3 Special Files and the Config File ..................................... 541 
Customizing the Release 3 xdm ....................................................... 542 
Managing Multiple Displays: the Release 3 Xservers File .............. 543 
Release 3 .xsession Scripts ........................................................... 544 
Release 3 Xresources File ............................................................. 544 
Release 3 Xstartup and Xreset ...................................................... 544 
Starting X with xinit .......................................................................... 545 

An Older Method of Starting X: /etc/ttys .......................................... 545 
Server Access Control ......................................................................... 547 
Host-based Access and the xhost Client .......................................... 547 
User-based Access: xdm and the .Xauthority File (Release 4) ........ 548 
Font Management ................................................................................ 549 
Console Messages .............................................................................. 550 
Log Files .............................................................................................. 550 
Changing the Color Name Database .................................................... 550 

Including X in Your Search Path 

The various X clients are normally stored in the directory lusrlbinlXll. In order to invoke 
them by name like any other UNIX program, you need to make this directory part of your 
search path.* 

This is normally done from your .cshrc (C shell) or .profile (Bourne shell) file, using a com- 
mand similar to the following: 

PATH=.:/usr/ucb:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/bin/Xll:Other directories; 
export PATH 

C SheH: 
set path=(. /usr/ucb /bin /usr/bin /usr/bin/Xll Other directories) 

The exact list of directories will differ from system to system. You should be aware that 
directories are searched in order from left to right, so a command with the same name in an 
earlier directory will be found and used before one in a later directory. Many users take 
advantage of this fact to run customized versions of programs by putting "." (the current 
directory) or a local tools directory first in their search path. This works fine, but you should 
be aware that this provides a security loophole that can be taken advantage of by an experi- 
enced system cracker. It's much safer to put "." at the end of your path, or eliminate it 
If you have already logged in before adding the above line to your .projile or .cshrc file, you 
should log out and log in again, or type in the path-setting command at your prompt, so that it 
takes effect for your current session. 

Setting the Terminal Type 

Several termcap entries work with xterm, including "xterm," "vtl02," "vtl00," and "ansi." 
The xterm program automatically searches the termcap file for these entries (in this order) 
and sets the TERM and TERMCAP environment variables according to the entry it finds. 
We've found that the termcap entry called "xterm," which comes with the standard X distri- 
bution, provides very reliable emulation. We suggest you copy this entry from the xterm 
source directory (the file is called termcap) and add it as the first entry in the letcltermcap file 
on your system. This will allow you to set your terminal type to xterm. 

*This topic isn't really part of system management, but since we assume most people know how to do it, we didn't 
want to clutter up Chapter 2 with unnecessary discussion. On the other hand, the information is critical for those who 
don't already know it, so we wanted to put it somewherel 

526 X Window System User's Guide 

Examp A- 1. Sup Bourne shefl script (continue 
| Special-case the "bogus" non-network display names and 
| make sure we can always execute remote clients 
case $DISPLAY in 
export DISPLAY 
| Load resource definitions from .Xresources 
xrdb -Dhostname=$cpu $HOME/.Xresources 
| Set keyclick off and invoke the screen saver after 
| seven minutes of idleness 
xset c off s 420 
| Start the twm window manager 
twm & 
| Now start up some xterms 
| Start an xterm in bottom left corner 
xterm -geometry 80x35+0-0 -display $DISPLAY & 
| xterm next to it across the bottom 
xterm -geometry 80x35+500-0 -display $DISPLAY & 
| remote xterm in regular size just above, but below console xterm 
| at top 
rsh ora xterm -geometry -0-0 -display $DISPLAY & 
| Now start up other clients 
| digital xclock in upper right corner 
xclock -digital -update 1 -geometry -0+0 & 
| xcalc just below it; xclock 30 pixels high on sun, so offset by 30 
xcalc -geometry -0+30 & 
|xload 235 pixels below that, at bottom of xcalc 
xload -geometry -0+265 & 
#xbiff down another 120 pixels 
xbiff -geometry -0+385 & 
| Start a console xterm window. 
| This is the only xterm that should be run in the foreground. 
# Killing this window will shut down X. 
# Use the following line with xinit; comment out if you use xdm 
exec xterm -C -display $DISPLAY -geometry 80x5+0+0 
| Uncomment this line if you use xdm 
| exec xterm -C -is -display $DISPLAY -geometry 80x5+0+0 

System Management 529 

Table A- 1. xdm Special Files 




What it specifies 

Configuration parameters. 
List of displays to manage. 
xdm error log file. 
Contains ID of the xdm parent process 
(Release 4 only). 
Resources to load (with xrdb). 
Default login session. 
Startup procedure. 
Reset procedure. 

As you can see, the file xdm-pid has been added in Release 4; it represents new functionality. 
The Xstartup and Xreset files can still be used to affect xdm in Release 4, but there are no 
default files. We'll discuss these and some of the other special files in greater detail later in 
this appendix. 
Each of the special files can be specified by an xdm command line option. However, it's 
more efficient to specify the files--other than the single xdm configuration file--as resources 
and put those resources in the configuration file itself. The configuration file shipped with the 
standard version of X is called xdm-config. The Release 4 version of this file is shown in 

Figure A-2: 

DisplayManager. 0.authorize: 


Figure A-2. Default xdm-config file, Release 4 

The following three xdm-config file entries have been added in Release 4: 
DisplayManager.pidFile : /usr/lib/Xl i/xdm/xdm-pid 
DisplayManager. 0.authorize: true 
DisplayManager* authorize : false 
These entries represent new xdm functionality, which will be discussed later in this appendix. 
If you are using Release 3, these entries are not applicable. (See "Release 3 xdm" for the 
appropriate xdm-config file.) 
In effect, most of the entries in the default configuration file are just pointers to the other spe- 
cial files xdm uses. Notice also that, in most cases, the configuration file has the same syntax 
as any resource file. Release 4 introduces a variation from traditional resource syntax, which 
appears in the following line: 
DisplayManager. 0.authorize: true 

System Management 533 

The Xservers File 

The Release 4 xdm source directory contains two sample Xservers files, and 
Xservers.fs, which illustrate file entries for workstations and file servers (such as X 
terminals), respectively. To run xdm on a single workstation, you should create an Xservers 
file using the file as a guide. As we'll see later, in most circumstances, you must 
edit the Xservers file to specify additional displays for xdm to manage. 
Each entry in the Xservers file usually has three or four elements: the display name, an 
optional display class, the display type, and the server program name (and its arguments, typ- 
ically the display number). (Since an X terminal runs its own server, the final argument can 
be a comment, such as "Joe's X terminal.") Possible display types are described on the xdm 
reference page in Part Three of this guide. 
Most workstations have a single display numbered 0 of the type local, as illustrated by the 
typical Xservers file entry for a workstation: 
:0 local /usr/bin/X11/X 
The display class part of the Xservers entry is new as of Release 4. The sample entry above 
does not contain a display class, but it would normally be the second part, between the dis- 
play name and type, as in the following: 
:0 display_class local /usr/bin/X11/X 
The display class is determined by the machine you are using and should be provided by the 
hardware vendor. The use of the display class is related to an underlying feature of the 
Release 4 xdm, the X Display Manager Control Protocol (XDMCP), which is described later 
in this appendix. For now, suffice it to say that, in most circumstances, you do not have to 
supply a class name within an Xservers file entry. 
For xdm to run sessions on most X terminals, you must add specifications for these displays 
to the Xservers file, using the sample file Xservers.fs from the xdm source directory as a tem- 
plate. For instance, say you have two X terminals hooked up to a workstation. (As of 
Release 4, most X terminals are of the display type foreign. In Release 3, most X terminals 
are of the display type transient.) Your Xservers file might look like this: 
:0 local /usr/bin/Xl i/X 
visual:O foreign Lucy's Visual 
ncd:O foreign Ricky' s NCDI6 
Notice that the final element of each X terminal entry is a comment. Using this Xservers file, 
xdm provides login windows on the two X terminals, as well as the workstation, and runs a 
session for any user who logs on. 
If you edit the Xservers file while the server is running, xdm will not be aware of the changes. 
You can make xdm reread the Xservers file (or another file specified by the resource 
DisplayManager. servers) by sending the xdm parent process a SIGHUP. Use the 
UNIX ia'll command with the -HUP option (for SIGHUP) and the process ID number of xdm. 
It's likely there will be multiple xdm processes, since the program forks a child process for 
every display it's managing. As of Release 4, the ID of the parent process is stored in the file 
specified by the resource DisplayHanager. pidFile--usually lusrlliblXlllxdmlxdm- 

System Management 537 

% kill -}{U process-ID 
If a new entry has been added, the display manager starts a session on that display. If an 
entry has been removed, the display manager terminates any session on that display without 
notice and no new sessions will be started. 
Once you edit the Xservers file to reflect the different displays you want to manage, you can 
enter other display-specific resources in the configuration file. 
Be aware that communication problems can arise between the display manager and many 
autonomous displays (primarily X terminals). If the main display is powered off or reset, 
xdm may not detect that the server has been stopped and restarted, and thus may not send new 
login windows to connected displays. In the spring of 1989, the X Consortium proposed a 
standard protocol between displays and display managers that would avert these problems. 
The X Display Manager Control Protocol (XDMCP) has been adopted and is implemented by 
the Release 4 xdm, but not all X terminals implement it yet. We'll discuss the goals of this 
protocol at greater length in "X Terminals and the XDM Control Protocol" later in this 
appendix. For now, be aware that the XDMCP will eventually eliminate the need for 
Xservers file entries for X terminals. Currently, however, chances are that your X terminal 
does not understand the XDMCP and requires an Xservers file entry. 

The Xsession File and .xsesslon Scripts 

Depending on the needs of your site, you can edit the Xsession file to make the default ses- 
sion anything you want. You can specify an alternative window manager, perhaps even use 
another program to load resources, and execute any combination of clients. 
Another strength of xdm is that it provides for each user to design his own .xsession file. See 
"A Startup Shell Script" earlier in this appendix for more information on writing a .xsession 
Be aware that if you're testing a .xsession script and it doesn't work, by default xdm will not 
let you log in (using the normal method) to fix it. However, xdm does provide an escape 
hatch for these situations, which is explained in "The Xresources File" below. 

The Xresources File 

The Xresources file is where you should specify resources for the authentication widget. See 
the xdm reference page in Part Three of this guide for a complete list of resource variables. 

As of Release 4, the default Xresources file contains the following event translations, which 
allow users to log in if a .xsession script doesn't work: 

xlogin*login.translations: #override\ 
<Key>Fl: set-session-argument(failsafe) finish-field()\n\ 
<Key>Return: set-session-argument() finish-field() 

This translation table specifies that if you type the F1 key (rather than Return) after your 
password when logging in, a "failsafe" session, consisting of a simple login xterm window, 
will be executed. This will enable you to edit the non-functioning .xsession file. See the 
xdm reference page in Part Three of this guide for more information. (See Chapter 9, Setting 
Resources, and Appendix H, Translation Table Syntax, for a discussion of event translations.) 

538 X Window System User's Guide 

The Error Log File 

xdm errors are normally printed to the console. It's wise to redirect them to a file. The 
default configuration file sets the resource DisplayManager.errorLogFile to 
lusrllib/X1 llxdmlxdm-errors. The xdm-errors file can be very helpful if you are testing vari- 
ous xdm configurations. 

The xdm-pid File (Release 4 Only) 

Added to xdm as of Release 4, the xdm-pid file stores the ID number of the xdm parent pro- 
cess. If you edit the Xservers file while the .server is running, xdm will not be aware of the 
changes. You can make xdm reread the xdm-con.lig file and the Xservers file (or another file 
specified by the resource DisplayManager. servers) by sending the xdm parent pro- 
cess a SIGHUP. 

To make xdm aware of changes to the Xservers file, use the UNIX kill command with the 
-nUP option (for SIGHUP) and the process ID number ofxdm stored in the xdm-pid file. (See 
"The Xservers File" earlier in this appendix for an example.) 

Xstartup and Xreset 

As stated previously, the Xstartup and Xreset files mentioned in Table A-1 can still be used to 
affect xdm in Release 4, but there are no default files; thus, they are not specified in the 
default configuration file. 
The Xstartup file is intended to be a script that is run as root before starting the user session. 
You might want to write a script containing commands to make fake entries in/etc/utmp, 
mount users' home directories from file servers, display a message of the day, or abort the 
session if logins are not currently allowed. 
The Xreset file is intended to be a script that is run as root after a user session has been ended. 
You might want to write a script to undo the effects of commands in Xstartup, perhaps 
removing fake entries from/etc/utmp, or unmounting directories from file servers. 
See the xdm reference page for more information about the Xstartup and Xreset files. 

Security and the authorize Resource (Release 4 Only) 

In addition to pointers to several special files, the xdm-con.lig file contains the following 
resource specifications: 
DisplayManager. 0.authorize : true 
DisplayManager*authorize : false 
Available as of Release 4, the authori ze resource represents a new method of security for 
X, which xdm can be set up to provide. The first resource specification above sets a user- 
based server access scheme to work on the local display. The second one tunas the scheme 
off on all other displays. These defaults should be compatible with running X on the local 
display and most X terminals that might be connected to it. See "User-based Access: xdm 
and the .Xauthority File" later in this appendix and the xdm reference page in Part Three of 
this guide for more about authorization. 

System Management 539 

If a new entry has been added, the display manager starts a session on that display. If an 
entry has been removed, the display manager terminates any session on that display without 
notice and no new sessions will be started. 
If the xdm connection to an X terminal is interrupted, you should also be able to reestablish it 
by sending a SIGHUP to the xdm parent process. 
Once you edit the Xservers file to reflect the different displays you want to manage, you can 
enter other display-specific resources in the configuration file. 

Release 3 .xsession Scripts 

Be warned that if you're testing a .xsession script and it doesn't work, by default xdm will not 
let you log in (under the same login name) to fix it. While the default Release 4 version of 
xdm provides an escape hatch for these situation, the Release 3 version does not. We strongly 
suggest that you set one up using "The Xresources File." 

Release 3 Xresources File 

To give users a way to log in if a .xsession script doesn't work, place the following event 
translations in the Xresources file: 
xlogin* login, translations : #override\ 
<Key>Fl: set-session-argument(failsafe) finish-field()\n\ 
<Key>Return: set-session-argument () finish-field() 
This translation specifies that if you type the F1 key (rather than Return) after your password 
when logging in, a "failsafe" session, consisting of a simple login xterm window, will be exe- 
cuted. This will enable you to edit the non-functioning .xsession file. [This translation table 
has been added to the default Xresources file in Release 4.] 
The Xresources file is also where you should specify resources for the authentication widget. 
See the xdm reference page in Part Three of this guide for a complete list of resource vari- 
ables. (See Chapter 9, Setting Resources, and Appendix H, Translation Table Syntax, for a 
discussion of event translations.) 

Release 3 Xstartup and Xreset 

The Release 3 version of xdm includes default Xstartup and Xreset files that contain nothing 
more than a comment. You can use these files to specify custom startup and reset proce- 
dures. See "Xstartup and Xreset" under the discussion of the Release 4 xdm, earlier in this 
appendix. Also see the xdm reference page in Part Three of this guide for more information 
about the Xstartup and Xreset files. 

544 X Window System User's Guide 

Starting X with xinit 

The xinit program is used to start the server and a first client program, by default an xterm 
window. Starting X manually with xinit is described in Chapter 2, Getting Started. You can 
also use xinit to start X automatically. 
The easiest way to do this is to run xinit from your .login or .profile file. (If you are using 
System V, this may be the only reliable way to run xinit.) 
xinit will look in your home directory for a file called _xserverrc to run as a shell script to 
start up the server. If there is no such script, xinit will start the server X on the display : 0. 
xinit will also look in your home directory for a file called _xinitrc to run as a login script, 
such as the one described earlier in this appendix. If no such script is found, it will execute a 
login xterm window. 
With System V only, you might try to run xinit from the terminal initialization file letclinit- 
tab. This file is analogous to the BSD 4.3 letclttys. The letclinittab file normally has an entry 
for each serial port on a system, plus several entries that are used during the boot process. 
Note that the concept of pseudo-terminals, or ptys (which X relies on) is foreign to System V. 
All System V servers will have had to do some system hacking to add support for ptys. How 
this is done will vary from system to system. As a result, we're going to beg off on describ- 
ing inittab in detail, and refer you to your system documentation. Again, it is also possible 
that there will be problems with the controlling tty. 
See the xinit reference page in Part Three of this guide for more information. 

An Older Method of Starting X: /etc/ttys 

For Release 3, this method was supported only for backwards compatibility with older 
releases of X. As of Release 4, it is not supported. In either case, system administrators 
should switch to xinit or xdm. 

On BSD 4.3-derived systems, you can start X automatically from the/etc/ttys terminal initial- 
ization file.* This file normally contains a list of terminals on which a login prompt should 
be printed by the getty program. For X, this file can be used instead to start xterm for a 
pseudo-terminal. A typical line to start X from the letclttys file might have the following 

*Note that the technique described here will not work on earlier BSD systems, Xenix, or other systems which use the 
pre-BSD 4.3 ttys format. 

System Management 545 

BSD 4.3/etcAlys 

devname command ttype 
I I I 
ttyvO "/etc/xterm -L -geometry -I+I -display :0" xterm 
on secure window="/usr/bin/Xll/x :0 -c -i" 

#Start X 

Field Function in letclttys 






The name of the special file in the dev directory that corresponds to the device. 
For X, the 
pseudo-terminal with the highest minor device number (e.g. /dev/ttyq[ and 
/devlptyqD is normally renamed /devlttyvO and /devlptyvO. For systems with 
more than one display, the next highest pty is used for the second display, and so 
The command to be run by init. This is normally getty, but can be another com- 
mand, such as the command to start a window system. In this example, xterm is 
run with the -r. option, which causes getty to be run in the xterm window rather 
than the shell. (The -r. option is not supported in Release 4.) The window is 
placed in the top right comer of the screen. Since spaces and tabs are used to 
separate fields in letclttys, the entire command must be quoted. 
Note that some implementations of init have relatively small program name buf- 
fer sizes, so you may find you can't list many xterm options. In addition, 
because the # character is used as a comment symbol in letclttys, you may have 
difficulty specifying colors (say for an xterm window background) using the hex- 
adecimal color syntax. If you run into either of these problems, you may want to 
write a small program that runs xterm with the desired arguments, and have init 
run that instead. 
The name of the terminal attached to the line. This should be the name as 
defined in the letcltermcap terminal database. In the example above, it is speci- 
fied as xterm. 
Note that the presence of the terminal type field in the BSD 4.3 ttys replaces the 
letclttytype file that was used for this purpose in earlier BSD versions. 
The word on if the command is to be executed, or off if it is not. Additional flags 
may be specified after on or off. The word secure must be present to allow root 
to log in on a particular terminal. The flag window=" command" specifies a 
window system command to be executed by init before it starts xterm. This 
should be the command to start the X server, as shown in the example. 
Comments can appear anywhere in the file. They are introduced by #, and are 
terminated by a newline. 

546 X Window System User's Guide 

Server Access Control 

X runs in a networked environment. Because of X's design, your workstation is no longer 
your private preserve, but hypothetically, can be accessed by any other host on the network. 
This is the true meaning of the server concept: your display can serve clients on any system, 
and clients on your system can display on any other screen. 

The possibilities for abuse are considerable. However, there are two access control mecha- 
nisms, one host-based and one user-based. The host-based scheme involves a system file 
(letclXn.hosts) and can be controlled using the xhost client. The user-based scheme involves 
authorization capabilities provided by the display manager, xdm, as of Release 4, and 
depends upon the newly introduced X Display Manager Control Protocol (XDMCP). As 
we'll see, since most X terminals cannot interpret the XDMCP at this time, the usefulness of 
this latter access control mechanism is currently somewhat limited. 

These two access control methods are discussed briefly in the following sections. For more 
information, see the Xserver, xhost, xdm, and xauth reference pages in Part Three of this 

Host-based Access and the xhost Client 

The letclXn.hosts file (where n is the number of the display) contains a list of systems that are 
allowed to access the server. By default, this file contains only the name of the local host. 
Edit this file so that it contains the list of systems you want to have access to your server on a 
regular basis. 
The xhost client can be used to give (or deny) systems access to the server interactively, pos- 
sibly overriding the contents of letc/Xn.hosts. (The xhost client can also be run from a startup 
script.) Note that this is really only sufficient for a single-user workstation environment, 
Specifying a host name (with an optional leading plus sign) allows the host to access the 
server, and specifying a host name with a leading minus sign prevents a previously allowed 
host from accessing the server. Multiple hosts can be specified on the same line. Running 
xhost without any arguments prints the current hosts allowed to access your display. 
For example, to add the hosts jupiter and saturn, and remove neptune: 
% xhost +Jupiter saturn -neptune 
It is possible to remove the current host from the access list. Be warned that you can't undo 
this without logging out. 
Note that when a remote system is denied access to your display, it means two things: that a 
person working on the remote system can't display on your screen, and that you can't use 
that remote system for running clients you want displayed on your screen. 

System Management 547 

User-based Access: xdm and the .Xauthority File (Release 4) 

As of Release 4, the display manager and its control protocol (XDMCP) provide a user-based 
access control mechanism, which can be used to supplement or replace the host-based access 
mechanism discussed in the previous section. The Release 4 xdm can be set up to provide 
user authorization on a particular display (see "Security and the authorize Resource" earlier 
in this appendix). If authorization is enabled, when you log in, xdm places a machine-read- 
able access code, known as a magic cookie, in a file called .Xauthority in your home direc- 
tory. xdm also makes this magic cookie available to the server. 
The magic cookie defined in a user's .Xauthority file is basically a secret code shared by the 
server and a particular user logged in on a particular display. When the user runs a client on 
the local display, the server checks to see whether the client program has access to the magic 
cookie. All processes started by the user in question have that access, and thus the server 
allows the client to be run on the display. Basically, under the magic cookie authorization 
scheme, a display becomes user-controlled. (Once xdm creates an .Xauthority file for a user, 
each time the user logs on, xdm merges in authorization codes (magic cookies).) 
The access afforded by magic cookies is not as broad as that afforded by the host-based 
mechanism. When a system relies entirely on host-based access, any machine on the list of 
approved hosts can connect to the system. Thus, generally, any user logged on to an 
approved host can access any display connected to the system. This is somewhat feeble secu- 
rity. User-based access control is a little safer. 
Be aware, however, that, currently, user-based access control cannot provide security for all 
X terminal users. This method of access control relies on the X Display Manager Control 
Protocol and few X terminals in the current market are programmed to understand the proto- 
col. However, user-based access can be used effectively on workstations running Release 4 
and on many of the newer X terminals. 
The security mechanism provided by the magic cookie is evident in a situation in which 
another user tries to run a client on your machine. The server requires the client run by the 
other user to have access to the magic cookie shared exclusively between you and the server. 
The other user cannot provide the proper authorization code, and thus cannot run a client on 
your host. 
Of course, in many cases, users in a network will want to run clients on several machines 
(while displaying the client window on their local displays). This can be done if a user sup- 
plies authorization information associated with his local machine (or X terminal display) to 
the remote host. X developers have provided a new client, xauth, to allow users to transfer 
this information. Basically, xauth is a utility to manipulate .Xauthority files. 
The most common use for xauth is to extract a user's authorization information for the cur- 
rent display, copy it to another machine, and merge it into the server's authorization records 
on the remote machine, as in the following: 
% xauth extract - $DISPLAY l rsh hot2 xauth merge - 
The dash (-) arguments indicate that extracted authorization records should be written to the 
standard output and that the xauth merge function should accept records from standard input. 
This command supplies the remote server with authorization information, allowing the user 

548 X Window System Users Guide 

to run a remote shell on that host. See the xauth reference page in Part Three of this guide for 
more information. 
If an installation is using remote file sharing, such as NFS, then sharing authorization records 
may not be an issue. If every user has a single home directory that is accessible to all 
machines, the machines have access to the necessary .Xauthority files at all times. In such an 
environment, users should be able to run programs on any of the networked machines without 
using xauth. 
When user-based access control fails (for example, when a null or invalid magic cookie is 
offered to the server), host-based access takes over. To be more specific, say for example a 
user is logged on at an X terminal that is not XDMCP compatible, and thus the user has no 
.Xauthority file (i.e., magic cookie). If that user tries to open a window on the remote console 
display, the client window cannot access a magic cookie. (The host interprets this as a null 
cookie.) Then host-based access control takes over. If the user in question is working on a 
system authorized in the letc/Xn.hosts file, he should be authorized to run a client on the con- 
sole display. 

Font Management 

In Release 3, the X Consortium adopted the Bitmap Display Format (BDF) as the (non-exclu- 
sive) standard font format. BDF font files must be compiled to produce SNF (Server Natural 
Format) font files, which can be used by the server. (These font files have a .snfextension.) 
The standard fonts shipped with X should already be compiled. If you add BDF font files to 
the system, the files must be converted to SNF format using the program bdftosnf. The 
showsnf program displays the SNF font file so you can check that it compiled properly. See 
the bdftosnfand showsnfreference pages in Part Three of this guide for details. 
Once a new font is moved to the directory you want (perhaps/usr/lib/Xll/fonts/misc), you 
must add the font to the font database (]'onts.dir file) used by the server. To do this, run 
mkfontdir with the directory as an argument, as in the following: 
% mkfontdir /usr/lib/Xll/fonts/misc 
An entry for the new font is added to the fonts.dir file. You should also edit the fonts.alias 
file if you want to add an alias for the new font. 
Then the server must be made aware of the new font. The command: 
% xset fp rehash 
makes the server reread the font databases and alias files in the current font path. 
If you are using a server other than the standard release, the server developer should provide 
a program to convert BDF font files to a format appropriate for the server. 

System Management 549 

Console Messages 

On a single-user workstation, it is likely that the screen used for running X is also used as the 
system console. 
If X is started manually, the console will be the first window to appear on the screen. But if 
X is started from your .login file, console messages from the kernel may sometimes appear on 
the screen, overlaying the X windows. They make a nasty mess of the screen, but the display 
can be refreshed and the console message erased by running the client xrefresh (described in 
Part Three). 
Some implementations of X support a -C option to xterm that redirects messages sent to 
Idevlconsole to that xterm window. If this option is supported, you should add the -C option 
to the console xterm in your startup file. After this window is mapped (displayed on the 
screen), all such messages are displayed there. 

Log Files 

The X server creates log files useful in fixing a problem that might occur. These files are 
located in lusrladm. 

You should make provisions to trim these files periodically. As with all log files, you can do 
this automatically with an entry in the crontab file. 

Changing the Color Name Database 

The X Window System comes with a predefined set of colors, listed in the file 
lusrlliblXlllrgb.txt. You can use these color names to specify colors either on the command 
line or in a resources file. If you have the X sources, you can customize the color name data- 
base using the following procedure. 
1. Edit the rgb.txt source file, which is located in the mitlrgb directory, to change or add 
colors. The format of a line in the rgb.txt file is: 
red green blue color name 
The red, green, and blue values are integers in the range 0 to 255; the color name is case 
insensitive, but must not include any special symbols. A typical entry in the rgb.txt file 
127 255 212aquamarlne 
See Chapter 8, Command Line Options, for more about color specifications. 

550 X Window System User's Guide 

2. Run the rgb program using the makefile also located in the mit/rgb directory. This pro- 
gram converts the text file (rgb.txt) to a UNIX dbm(1) format file (rgb.dir), which is used 
as the color database. Just type: 

% make 

3. Then install the new rgb.dir file in/usr/lib/Xll by typing: 

% make install 

If the color name database gets corrupted in some way (e.g., written to accidentally), the 
server may not be able to find any colors with which to display. On a black and white works- 
tation, you may get error messages similar to the following: 
X Toolkit Warning: Cannot allocate colormap entry for White 
X Toolkit Warning: Cannot allocate colormap entry for Black 
X Toolkit Warning: Cannot allocate colormap entry for white 
X Toolkit Warning: Cannot allocate colormap entry for black 
If you get errors of this sort, perform steps 2 and 3 in the procedure described above. This 
will overwrite the corrupted rgb.dir file. 

System Management 551 


The uwm Window Manager 

This appendix describes uwm, the Release 3 standard window manager, 
which has been moved to the user-contributed distribution in Release 4. It 
covers both the basics of using uwm and how to customize it. 

In This Chapter: 

Starting the Window Manager .............................................................. 556 
The WindowOps Menu ......................................................................... 556 
Creating New Terminal Windows ...................................................... 558 
Refreshing the Screen ..................................................................... 559 
Redrawing a Window ....................................................................... 560 
Moving Windows and Icons ............................................................. 560 
Resizing Windows ........................................................................... 561 
Shuffling the Window Stack: Raise, Lower, CircUp, CircDown ......... 563 
Raising Windows (bringing in front of others) ................................. 564 
Lowering Windows (sending behind others) ................................... 564 
Circulating Windows ...................................................................... 565 
Displaying Windows as Icons ........................................................... 565 
Changing Keyboard Focus ............................................................... 567 
Freezing and UnFreezing the Server ................................................ 568 
Restarting the Window Manager ...................................................... 568 
Removing a Window ........................................................................ 569 
Exiting the Window Manager ............................................................ 569 
Button Control of Window Manager Functions ...................................... 569 
Using uwm to Place Other Clients ........................................................ 570 
The Preferences Menu ........................................................................ 571 
Customizing uwm ................................................................................ 572 
Setting .uwmrc Variables ..................................................................... 575 
Button/Key Bindings ............................................................................ 576 
Function Names .............................................................................. 576 
Keys ................................................................................................ 576 
Context ............................................................................................ 577 

Mouse Buttons ................................................................................ 577 
Action .............................................................................................. 578 
Defining Menus .................................................................................... 579 
Submenus ....................................................................................... 580 
Slip off menus .................................................................................. 581 
Executing System Commands from a Menu .................................... 581 
Cut Buffer Strings ............................................................................ 582 
Color Menus .................................................................................... 584 
A Complete Revamp of uwm ............................................................... 585 

The first half of this appendix discusses the default window manipulation functions provided 
by uwm. The second half discusses how to customize the window manager to suit your 
needs. First, however, let's take a look at starting uwm. 

Starting the Window Manager 

You start uwm from the command line by typing: 
% uwm& 
in an xterm window. If xdm (the display manager) is starting X on your system, the uwm 
window manager is probably started automatically when you log on. (See the discussions of 
xdm in Chapter 2, Getting Started, and Appendix A, System Management.) When uwm is 
started, nothing visible will happen, but your terminal will beep once to indicate that uwm is 
running on the current screen. 
Note also that you can run xterm or other X clients without running a window manager, uwm 
allows you to size and place client windows on the screen, but you can also use command 
line options to do this. However, there is no way to change the size or location of windows 
on the screen without a window manager. 

The WindowOps Menu 

The uwm WindowOps menu gives you access to many of the most frequently used window 
manipulation functions. In the standard version of uwm shipped by MIT, you bring up this 
menu by moving the pointer to the root window and holding down the middle pointer button. 
The WindowOps menu and the menu pointer appear as shown in Figure B-1. 

Note that the last two items, KillWindow and Exit, appear on the menu as of Release 3. If you 
are running Release 2, your menu will not include these items. (However, the items that 
appear on both Release 2 and Release 3 menus are identical in functionality; our discussions 
of these common menu items apply to either release.) 

Another Release 3 feature is that the "hand" pointer is used to indicate the window to be 
acted upon (resized, refreshed, etc.). In Release 2, this function was performed by the "target 
circle" pointer. The figures in this appendix depict Release 3 pointers, but the Release 2 and 
3 pointers function in the same way. 

556 X Window System User's Guide 

% uwm& 
% xclock& 
..,I/I_;...E ..... -E;-ErT :.- 

New Window 
RefreshScreen  ....... 
Lowerlconify " 
Focus :::. 
Freeze t- 
UnFreeze Ii .: 



Figure B-1. WindowOps menu 

The following pages explain the functions of the uwm WindowOps menu. Remember that all 
of the window manager functions are customizable. Items can be added to or deleted from 
this menu (and the Preferences menu) by modifying the .uwmrc window manager startup file, 
as described in the section "Customizing uwm" later in this appendix. This appendix 
describes the window manager as it is shipped with the standard release of the X Window 
System from the MIT X Consortium. 
To bring up the WindowOps menu, move the pointer to the root window and hold down the 
middle button on the pointer. To select a menu item, continue to hold down the middle but- 
ton and move the pointer to the desired menu item. A horizontal band, or highlighting bar, 
follows the pointer. When you've highlighted the desired menu item, release the button. The 
selected function will be executed. Note that you must keep the pointer within the menu as 
you drag down to make a choice, or the menu will disappear and you'll have to start over. 
Some of the functions on the menus can be invoked simply by pressing a combination of 
pointer buttons and keyboard keys. We discuss these "'keyboard shortcuts" as appropriate 
when discussing each menu function, and summarize them in Table B-1 later in this appen- 
dix. These shortcuts all make use of the "Meta" modifier key. See Chapter 11, Setup Clients, 
for a discussion of how to determine which key on your keyboard serves as the Meta key. 
(For the Sun-3 keyboard, for example, Meta is either of the keys labeled "Left" or "Right.") 

The uwm Window Manager 557 

Figure B-3. A custom-size xterm window 

Making a Maximum-Height Window. Move the comer to the desired position and 
click the right button. A default-width by maximum-height (to the bottom of the 
screen) window appears. See Figure B-4. 

Refreshing the Screen 

Refreshing your screen means redrawing its contents. This is useful if system messages from 
outside the X window system appear on the screen, overlaying its contents. To refresh your 
1. Bring up the WindowOps menu. 
2. Select FlefreshScreen with the menu pointer. The screen redraws itself. You can use the 
xrefresh client to achieve the same effect. Simply type xrefresh at the prompt in any 
xterm window. 

The uwm Window Manager 559 

3. Move the hand pointer to the desired window or icon. Hold down the middle button. The 
pointer changes to the cross pointer and a window outline appears. This outline tracks 
the pointer movement. 

4. Move the cross pointer with the window outline to the desired location on your screen. 

5. Release the middle button. The window will move to the new location. 

Figure B-5. Moving windows or icons 

You can also move a window or icon simply by moving the pointer to the window or icon 
you want to move, then pressing the right pointer button while holding down the Meta key. 
The pointer at first changes to a small image of an icon. You can now let go of the Meta key. 
Then, as you drag the pointer while holding down the button, the pointer changes to a cross, 
while the window or icon changes to outline form. Drag the outline to the new location, and 
let go of the right button. The window will be redrawn in the new location. 

Resizing Windows 

The Resize menu item resizes an existing window. See Figure B-6. To resize a window: 
1. Bring up the WindowOps menu. 
2. Select Rosizo with the menu pointer. The pointer changes to the hand pointer. 

The uwm Wtndow Manager 561 

3. Move the hand pointer to the window you want to resize. Place it near the border you 
want to move. The opposite border remains in its current position. 
4. Hold down the middle button. The pointer changes to the cross pointer. 
5. Move the window's border to obtain the desired window size. As you resize the window, 
a digital readout appears opposite the pointer showing the window size in pixels. (For the 
xterm client, size is in characters and lines.) Release the middle button. 

% uwm& 
% xclock& 

Figure B-6. Resizing a window 

You can also resize a window without using the menu. Move the pointer so that it is within 
the window you want to resize, placing the pointer near the window border you want to 
change. With one hand, press and hold down the Meta key on the keyboard. With the other 
hand, press and hold down the middle pointer button. The pointer starts as an icon pointer, 
but as you drag the pointer, it changes to a cross and a window outline appears. Move the 
pointer to resize the window. When the window is the proper size, release the middle button 
and the Meta key. 

Resizing an xterm window will not change the dimensions of the text currently in the win- 
dow. (If you make the window smaller, for instance, some of the text may be obscured.) 
However, if the operating system supports terminal resizing capabilities (for example, the 
$IGWINCH signal in systems derived from BSD 4.3), xterm will use these facilities to notify 
programs running in the window whenever it is resized. As you continue to work, perhaps 
starting an editing session, the program will use the entire window. If you resize during an 

562 X Window System User's Guide 

Raising Windows (bringing In front of others) 
The Raise menu item places a window at the top of a window stack. 
bring a window to the front: 

See Figure B-8. To 

1. Bring up the WindowOps menu. 
2. Select Raise with the menu pointer. The pointer changes to the hand pointer. 
3. Move the hand pointer to the desired window. 
4. Click the left or middle button. The window is raised to the top of the stack. 

% uwm& 
% xclock& 


..... % xterm& 

New Window 




Figure B-8. Raising a window 
Lowering Windows (sending behind others) 
The Lower menu item places a window at the bottom of a window stack. To place a window 
at the bottom: 

1. Bring up the WindowOps menu. 
2. Select Lower with the menu pointer. The pointer changes to the hand pointer. 
3. Move the hand pointer to the appropriate window. 
4. Click the left or middle button. The desired window is placed behind all windows except 
the root window. 

564 X Window System User's Guide 

.... % xclock& 

i:=ii New Window 
...... CircUp 

.: Freeze 
" L , Restar 

I Ei I 

xterm I 


Figure B-I O. The Iogin window is about to be deiconified 

Changing Keyboard Focus 

Normally, keyboard input goes to whichever window the pointer is currently in. The Focus 
option causes keyboard input to go only to a selected window (the focus window) regardless 
of the position of the pointer. 

Focusing can be useful if you are working in one window for an extended period of time, and 
want to move the pointer out of the way. It also prevents the annoying situation in which you 
inadvertently knock the pointer out of the window while typing. (This can be very important 
for touch typists who look infrequently at the screen while typing!) 

To choose a focus window: 

l. Bring up the WindowOps menu. 
2. Select Focus with the menu pointer. The pointer changes to the hand pointer. 
3. Move the hand pointer to the window you want to choose as the focus window. 
4. Click the middle button to choose the window. 

The uwm Window Manager 567 

The focus window becomes highlighted with a dark border. 

In order to take the focus away from the selected window (and reactivate "pointer focus"), 
you must give the focus back to the root window. To do this, select Focus again, and click 
anywhere on the root window. The keyboard focus will once again follow the pointer into 
any window. 

Freezing and UnFreezing the Server 

The X server normally responds to requests from clients in a first-come first-served order. 
There are times when you want one client (such as the window manager) to get priority treat- 
ment. For example, if there are many active X clients, or if you are running X across a slow 
network, you may find that uwm responds sluggishly while performing tasks such as moving 
or resizing a window. If you select Freeze, the window manager "grabs the server," so that 
no other clients have access. All events and requests to display to the screen by other clients 
are queued, or "saved up," and will be performed when the server is unfrozen. 

To freeze the server: 

1. Bring up the WindowOps menu. 

2. Select Freeze with the menu pointer. 

Since only the window manager has access to the server, window manager operations will go 
much more quickly. When you are finished moving or resizing windows (or whatever it was 
you wanted the window manager to do more quickly), select Unfreeze to resume normal 

Restarting the Window Manager 

The Restart menu item restarts the window manager. This may occasionally become neces- 
sary if the window manager functions improperly. To stop and restart the window manager:. 
1. Bring up the WindowOps menu. 
2. Select Restart with the menu pointer. 

You may also want to restart the window manager if you edit your .uwmrc configuration file 
to change the functionality of uwm. For more information, see the section "Customizing 
uwm" later in this appendix. 
Note that when the window manager is stopped, all icons revert to windows. This happens 
because the window manager is what allows windows to be iconified. When the window 
manager is restarted, you can iconify the windows again. 

568 X Window System User's Guide 

Removing a Window 

The KillWindow menu item terminates a client window. Like other methods of 'killing' a pro- 
gram (such as the xkill client), the KillWindow menu item can adversely affect underlying 
Most windows can be removed in ways that do not harm relevant processes. For example, 
you can generally remove an xterm window by typing the same command you use to log off 
the system. KillWindow is intended to be used primarily after more conventional methods to 
remove a window have failed. 
To remove a stubborn window: 
1. Bring up the WindowOps menu. 
2. Select KillWindow with the menu pointer. The pointer changes to the hand pointer. 
3. Move the hand pointer into the window you want to terminate. 

4. Click any pointer button. 

The window is removed. 
Refer to the section on xkill in Chapter 7, Other Clients, for a more complete discussion of 
the hazards of killing a client and a summary of alternatives. 

Exiting the Window Manager 

The Exit menu item stops the window manager. You may want to stop uwm in order to start 
another window manager. To stop uwm: 

1. Bring up the WindowOps menu. 
2. Select Exit with the menu pointer. 

The window manager is stopped. All icons revert to windows. 

Button Control of Window Manager Functions 

Table B-1 summarizes the keyboard shortcuts for window management functions. The first 
column lists the desired function; the second, the required location for the pointer; and the 
third, the button-key combination. In this column, "click" means to press and immediately 
release the specified pointer button; "down" means to press and hold the pointer button, and 
"drag" means to move the pointer while holding down the pointer button. In all cases, you 
can let go of the keyboard key as soon as you have pressed the appropriate pointer button. 

Note that these key "bindings" can be changed in your .uwmrc file as described later in this 
appendix. The combinations described in Table B-1 work for the default.uwmrc file. 

The uwm Window Manager 569 

Table B-1. Keyboard Shortcuts for Window Manager Functions 


Circulate up 
Circulate down 
Circulate down 

Iconify and move 
Deiconify and move 
WindowOps menu 
WindowOps menu 

Preferences menu 

Pointer Location 

Window or icon 
Window or icon 
Window or icon 

Window or icon 


Keyboard Shortcut 

Meta key, fight pointer button down and drag. 
Meta key, middle pointer button down and drag. 
Meta key, fight pointer button click. 
Meta key, left pointer button click. 
Meta key, right pointer button click. 
Meta key, left pointer button click. 
Meta-Shift key combination, left pointer button 
Meta key, left pointer button down and drag. 
Meta key, middle pointer button click. 
Meta key, middle pointer button down. 
Meta-Shift key combination, middle pointer 
button down. 
Meta-Shift key combination, middle pointer 
button down (must display WindowOps with 
Meta-Shift middle down and slip off'). 

Using uwm to Place Other Clients 

As described in Chapter 2, Getting Started, you can start another client simply by typing its 
name at the command line prompt in an xterm window. Some clients have a default size 
and/or location. A preferred size and location can also be specified in your .Xresources file, 
as described in Chapter 9, Setting Resources. 
When you start a client, you can also use the -geornet: ry command line option described in 
Chapter 8, Command Line Options, to size and locate the window, overriding any defaults 
that the client has. 
If none of these geometry specifications has been provided, uwm steps in and requires you to 
interactively size and locate the windows. You have already seen the process of interactively 
sizing and positioning a window in Chapter 2, when we discussed how to start a second xterm 
or an xclock window. 
First, the pointer turns into a comer shape and the name of the client appears in the upper-left 
comer of the screen followed by the digital size readout 0x0. 
To place the default-size client, move the pointer to the desired upper-left comer position for 
the new client. Click the left pointer button. 
To both size and place the client, move the pointer to the desired upper-left comer position; 
press and hold down the middle pointer button. The pointer changes to a lower-fight comer 
shape. Move the pointer to the desired window size. Release the pointer button. 

570 X Window System User's Guide 

The Preferences Menu 

The Preferences menu is generally included in the version of uwm provided with most sys- 
tems. The Preferences menu lists options for setting bell volume, keyclick volume, whether 
or not the Caps Lock key works, and the pointer tracking speed.* See Figure B- 11. 

% uwm& 
% xterm& 

Bell Loud 
Bell Normal 
Bell Off 
Click Loud 
Click Soft 
Click Off 
Lock On 
Lock Off 
Mouse Fast 
Mouse Normal 
Mouse Slow 

Figure B-11. Preferences menu 

Without customizing the window manager, the only way to display the Preferences menu is 
to first display the WindowOps menu by an alternative method. Instead of placing the pointer 
on the root window and holding down the middle pointer button, place the pointer anywhere 
on the screen, hold down both the Shift and Meta keys, and press the middle pointer button. 
(See Chapter 11, Setup Clients, for a discussion of how to determine which key on your key- 
board serves as the Meta key.) The WindowOps menu is displayed. 

You can let go of the Shift and Meta keys, but keep holding down the middle pointer button. 
Then drag the pointer off the right or left side of the WindowOps menu and the Preferences 
menu will be displayed. 

*The pointer tracking speed controls how much the pointer moves on the screen when you move the pointer. Experi- 
ment with each setting and see which you are most comfortable with. 

The uwm Window Manager 571 

Example B-1. The default.uwmrc file from the MIT distribution (continued) 

f.raise = mll 
f.pushright= mll 
f.pushleft = mlc 
f.pushup= mll 
f.pushdown = mlc 

:windowlicon: left up 
:windowlicon: right down 
:windowlicon: right down 
:windowlicon: middle down 
:windowlicon: middle down 

menu = "WindowOps" { 
New Window: !"xterm&" 
RefreshScreen: f.refresh 
Redraw: f.redraw 
Move: f.move 
Resize: f.resize 
Lower: f.lower 
Raise: f.raise 
CircUp: f.circleup 
CircDown: f.circledown 
AutoIconify: f.iconify 
LowerIconify: f.newiconify 
NewIconify: f.newiconify 
Focus: f.focus 
Freeze: f.pause 
UnFreeze: f.continue 
Restart: f.restart 
.... : f.beep 
KillWindow: f.kill 
.... : f.beep 
Exit: f.exit 
menu = "Preferences" { 
Bell Loud: !"xset b 7&" 
Bell Normal: !"xset b 3&" 
Bell Off: !"xset b off&" 
Click Loud: !"xset c 8&" 
Click Soft: !"xset c on&" 
Click Off: !"xset c off&" 
Lock On: !"xset led on&" 
Lock Off: !"xset led off&" 
Mouse Fast: !"xset m 4 2&" 
Mouse Normal: !"xset m 2 5&" 
Mouse Slow: !"xset m 1 l&" 

If you wish to change the operation of the window manager, you shouldn't change the 
default.uwmrc file. Instead, copy it to your home directory, under the name .uwmrc, and 
make changes to that copy. Or else, if you are planning only small changes, you can create a 
.uwmrc file from scratch. Settings in default.uwmrc and your own local .uwmrc file are 
cumulative (unless you explicitly override default.uwmrc as explained in the next section), so 
all you need to enter in your .uwmrc are values you wish to change. 

574 X Window System User's Guide 

The name of a button: left, middle or right. These must be in lower case, and can be 
abbreviated 1, m and r. 
The state of the button: down, up (just released), or delta (held down while the pointer is 
moving). The distance in pixels the pointer must be moved in order to trigger the delta 
state is set by the delta variable, and is set to 5 in default.uwmrc. The actual transla- 
tion of pixels to distance will vary from system to system, and you will probably want to 
experiment to find a value that you are comfortable with. The context for the delta state 
is the context at the point the button was first pressed, not its position at the time it has 
moved a delta number of pixels. 

The button name and state can be specified in either order. 
Going back to our sample function binding: 
f.newiconify = meta :windowlicon: delta left 
you can now understand that the f .newiconify function is invoked by moving the 
pointer to either a window or an icon, pressing the Meta key and the left pointer button, and 
dragging the pointer in any direction. 
All of the other function definitions should be equally readable to you. Go back for a 
moment and review the bindings shown in the default.uwmrc file in Example B-1. 
You'll notice that it is possible to bind the same function to more than one set of keys, but- 
tons and/or contexts. For example, the WindowOps menu can be invoked anywhere by press- 
ing the Meta and Shift keys together with the middle button on the pointer. But when the 
pointer is in the root window, the WindowOps menu can be invoked by pressing only the 
middle button on the pointer. The reason for this becomes obvious if you realize that when 
the pointer is on a window or an icon, the middle pointer button alone might have some other 
meaning to the application running in that window. In order to avoid conflict with other 
applications, uwm uses the more complex key/button combination. But when the pointer is 
in the root window, there is no possibility of conflict, and it can take a more forgiving 


The fifth field, labeled "Action," is typically used only for the f .menu function, which 
allows you to invoke menus. The fifth field specifies the name of a menu, whose contents are 
defined in the third section of the .uwmrc file. If the menu name contains quotes, special 
characters, parentheses, tabs, or blanks, it must be enclosed in double quotes. For consis- 
tency, you may want to always quote menu names. For example: :root: middle down: "WindowOps" mls : : middle down: "WindowOps" mls : : middle down: "Preferences" 

578 X Window System User's Guide 

Example B-3. The Preferences menu 
menu = "Preferences" { 

Bell Loud: !"xset b 7&" 
Bell Normal: !"xset b 3&" 
Bell Off: !"xset b off&" 
Click Loud: !"xset c 8&" 
Click Soft: !"xset c on&" 
Click Off: !"xset c off&" 
Lock On: !"xset led on&" 
Lock Off: !"xset led off&" 
Mouse Fast: !"xset m 4 2&" 
Mouse Normal:!"xset m 2 5&" 
Mouse Slow: !"xset m 1 l&" 


Frankly, we consider the menus defined by the default.uwmrc file to be rather awkward and 
far from complete. Among other things, the WindowOps menu has too many infrequently- 
used functions mixed right in with those you need all the time. 

For the moment, let's assume that we want to leave the variable definitions and function key 
bindings alone, but want to redefine the menus. We might create a local .uwmrc file that con- 
tained a menu definition like the one shown in Example B-4. 

Example B-4. Window operations divided into two menus 

menu = "WindowOps" { 
(De) Iconify: 
New window: 
Refresh screen: 
Restart window manager: 
. ,, : 
1, || : 
More Window Operations: 

!"xterm -sb&" 
f.beep"More Window Operations" 

menu = "More Window Operations" { 

(De) Iconify and move: 
Circulate windows up: 
!iii!: ::: Circulate windows down: 
Focus keyboard on window: 
:::: Freeze server : 
iii Unfreeze,, ,,. server: 
ii::i:::: E x i t : 
i:::?i i.: 


580 X Window System User's Guide 

Color Menus 

So far, we've assumed that all menus are black and white. But you can also create color 
menus. You can even assign different colors to the menu ritle, the highlighting bar (the hori- 
zontal band that follows the pointer within the menu and shows which item is selected) and 
the individual selections on the menu. 
Colors are added to menus using the following syntax: 
menu = "menu name" (title_fg:title_bg:highlight_fg: highliqht_bg) { 
"item name": (item_fg:item_bg) : "action" 

Up to four different colors can be defined for the overall menu: 

hi ghl i gh t_fg 

hi ghl i gh t_bg 

The foreground color of the menu rifle (i.e., the color of the lettering). 
The background color of the menu ritle. 
The foreground color of the highlighting bar (i.e., the color of the 
lettering within the bar). 
The background color of the highlighting bar. 

Two colors can be defined for each menu item: 

i t em_bg 

The foreground color of the item (i.e., the color of the lettering). 
The background color of the item. 

Colors can be specified either with color names or hex strings, as described in Chapter 8, 
Command Line Options. 

Here's a color menu that works well on a Sun-3 workstation. Keep in mind that the colors in 
the color database may look different on different servers. 

menu = "WindowOps" (darkslategrey:plum:darkslategrey:plum) 
Move: (slateblue:llghtblue) :f.move 

(De) Iconlfy: 
New window: 
Refresh screen: 
Restart window manager: 

(slateblue:lightblue) :f.resize 
(slateblue:llghtblue) :f.raise 
(slateblue:lightblue) :f.lower 
(slateblue:lightblue) :f.iconlfy 
(slateblue:lightblue) :!'xterm&- 
(slateblue:lightblue) :f.refresh 
(slateblue:llghtblue) :f.restart 

The total number of colors that can be allocated by the window manager for its own use is 
specified by the maxcolora variable. If you try to use more than maxcolora colors, the 

584 X Window System User's Guide 

Example B-8. Modified.uwmrc file (continued) 

f. circledown= mete 
f. circleup= mete 
f. menu= 
f. menu= 
f. menu= 
f. menu= 
f. menu= m s 
f. menu= ml s 
f. menu= m s 
f. menu= m s 
f. circleup= ml s 
f. iconi fy= ml c 
f. newiconi fy= ml 1 
f. raise= ml 1 
f. pushright= m 1 
f. pushleft= ml c 
f. pu shup= m  1 
f. pushdown= ml c 


menu = "WindowOps" { 
New window: 
Refresh screen: 
Restart window manager: 
. ,, : 
Kill window: 
menu = "More Window Operations" { 
Iconify and move: 
Circulate windows up: 
Circulate windows down: 
Focus keyboard on window: 
Freeze server: 
Unfreeze server: 
Create color window: 


menu = "Useful Commands" { 

left down 
rlght down 
middle down 
middle down 
middle down 
middle down 
middle down 
middle down 
middle down 
middle down 
rght down 
left down 
left down 
left up 
right down 
right down 
middle down 
middle down 

:"More Window Operations" 
:"Useful Commands" 
:"More Window Operations" 
:"Useful Commands" 
: "Preferences" 

!"xterm -sb &" 

!"xterm -d unix:0.1 -fg darkslategrey 
-bg lightblue -bd plum -bw 5&" 

Digital clock: 
Display keyboard mappings: 
Check disk space: ^"df" 
Remote login: l"rlogin" 

Analog clock: !"xclock -hd darkslategrey -hl darkslategrey 
-fg mediumorchid -bg lightblue -bd plum -bw 5 
-geometry 162x162-10+10&,, 
!"xclock -digital -fg darkslategrey -bg lightblue 
-bd plum -bw 5 -geometry 162x37-10+174&" 
!"xcalc -geometry 126x230-180+10&" 
!"xbiff -bg lightblue -fg lightslategrey -bd plum 
-bw 3 -geometry 65x65-353+10&" 


X Window System User's Guide 

Example B-8. Modified .uwmrc file (continued) 

menu = "Preferences" 
Bell Loud: !"xset 

Bell Normal: !"xset 
Bell Off: !"xset 
Click Loud: !"xset 
Click Soft: !"xset 
Click Off: !"xset 
Lock On: !"xset 
Lock Off: !"xset 
Mouse Fast: !"xset 
Mouse Normal: !"xset 
Mouse Slow: !"xset 

b 7&" 
b 3&" 
b off&" 
c 9&" 
c 2&" 
c off&" 
led l&" 
-led 1 & 
m 4 5&" 
m 2 5&" 
m 1 l&" 

The uwm Window Manager 587 


The OSF/Motif Window Manager 

This appendix describes the OSF/Motif TM window manager, mwm, one of the 
more popular window managers in the X market today. It describes both the 
basics of using mwm and how to customize it. 

In This Chapter: 

Getting Started with mwm .................................................................... 591 
Starting mwm ...................................................................................... 592 
Selecting the Window to Receive Input ................................................ 592 
Manipulating Windows with the mwm Window Frame ........................... 594 
Moving a Window: The Title Area .................................................... 594 
Minimizing (Iconifying) and Maximizing a Window ............................ 596 
The Minimize Button ...................................................................... 596 
The Maximize Button ..................................................................... 597 
Raising a Window ............................................................................ 598 
Resizing a Window .......................................................................... 599 
The Window Menu Button: Display a Menu or Close the Window ..... 602 
Manipulating Windows Using the Window Menu ............................... 602 
Changing the Window Location: Move .......................................... 604 
Resizing the Window: Size ............................................................ 605 
Iconifying the Window: Minimize ................................................... 605 
Changing to the Maximum Size: Maximize .................................... 606 
Moving a Window to the Bottom of the Stack: Lower ..................... 606 
Removing a Window: Close .......................................................... 606 
Restoring a Maximized Window or an Icon: Restore ..................... 607 
Manipulating Icons ............................................................................... 607 
Manipulating Icons Using the Window Menu .................................... 607 
The Root Menu .................................................................................... 608 
Customizing mwm ............................................................................... 610 
Activating Changes to the Window Manager .................................... 611 
The system.mwmrc File ................................................................... 612 
mwm Functions ............................................................................. 614 

Menu Specifications ....................................................................... 615 
Key Bindings ................................................................................. 616 
Button Bindings ............................................................................. 617 
Customizing the Root Menu ........................................................... 619 
Creating New Menus ..................................................................... 620 
Cascading Menus .......................................................................... 620 
Setting mwm Resources .................................................................. 622 
Component Appearance Resources ............................................... 623 
mwm-Specific Appearance and Behavior Resources ..................... 624 
Client-Specific Resources .............................................................. 624 
Setting the Focus Policy ................................................................ 625 
Using an Icon Box ......................................................................... 626 

This appendix is intended primarily for those using the default version of mwm, Release 1.0. 
If mwm has been customized at your site or you are running a different version, the principles 
should be basically the same, but the window manipulation functions may be invoked in dif- 
ferent ways. From time to time, we'll mention how commands or functionality might vary, 
depending on your version of mwm. 
If you have never used a window manager before, first read Chapter 1, An Introduction to the 
X Window System, for a conceptual overview of what a window manager does. 
In this appendix, we'll take a look at the standard window manipulation functions provided 
by mwm and the wide variety of methods for invoking them. Then we'll consider how to cus- 
tomize various features of mwm. Perhaps the most useful customization that can be per- 
formed involves selecting a keyboard focus policy, either pointer focus or click-to-type 
(referred to as explicit) focus. (Keyboard focus is described in Chapter 1, An Introduction to 
the X Window System.) By default, mwm uses explicit (click-to-type) focus. 
First, however, let's start with some basics: how to start mwm; and how to select the window 
to receive input, also known as the active window. Then we'll take a look at perhaps the 
most distinguishing feature of mwm: the frame it places around all windows on the display. 

Starting mwm 

As described in Chapter 2, Getting Started, you can start a window manager from the com- 
mand line in an xterm window. The following command line starts mwm: 

If xdm (the display manager) or another session manager is starting X on your system, mwm 
is probably started automatically when you log on. If mwm is already running, all windows 
will be surrounded by the characteristic window frame, pictured in Figure C-1. 

If mwm is not running, start it using the command line above. While mwm is starting up, the 
root window pointer changes to an hour glass that appears to be filling up with sand. When 
the hour glass is full, all windows will become framed, indicating that mwm is running. 

Selecting the Window to Receive Input 

By default, you select the window to receive input (the active window) by clicking the first 
pointer button anywhere within the window. As we've said, this focus policy is called 
click-to-type, or explicit. Whether mwm is started automatically or you started it by typing in 
an xterm window, you must then click in a window in order to enter text. 

Once you focus input to a window, all text typed appears in that window, regardless of where 
you move the pointer. In order to type in another window, you must transfer focus to that 
window by clicking the first pointer button within it. Later in this appendix, we'll describe 
how to make the keyboard focus follow pointer movement. 

592 X Window System User's Guide 

' 1 

Figure C-1. mwm is running on the display 

When you focus input on a window, the window frame changes color. Depending on the ver- 
sion of mwm you are running and the color resources specified for your system, the frame 
may change from black to white, from grey to white, etc. In any case, the active window's 
frame will be a different color than the frames of all other windows on the display. (In some 
versions, be aware that the black window frame of non-active windows obscures the titlebar 
text, which also appears in black. Only the title of the active window is visible in these 
Notice that if you are working with a stack of windows that overlap, selecting a window as 
the active window automatically raises that window to the top of the stack. (As we'll see 
when we look at customization, this behavior is controlled by an mwm resource variable 
called, which is true by default.) 

The OSF/Motif Window Manager 593 

and a window outline appears. This outline tracks the pointer's movement. In the center 
of the screen, a small, rectangular box also appears, displaying the x and y coordinates of 
the window as you move it. 
4. Drag the cross arrow pointer with the window outline to the desired location on your 
5. Release the first pointer button. The window will move to the selected location. 

Figure C-3. Moving a window by dragging the title area 

The tide area is the largest section of the horizontal bar that spans the top of the window 
frame. This horizontal bar is known as the titlebar. Notice that whenever you move the 
pointer into the titlebar, the pointer changes to the arrow cursor. 

In addition to the title area, the tidebar features three command buttons: one on the left and 
two on the right. These command buttons are described in the following sections. 

The OSF/Motif Window Manager 595 

Minimizing (Iconifying) and Maximizing a Window 

The two command buttons on the right side of the titlebar are the Minimize and Maximize 
buttons. The Minimize command button converts a window to an icon. As mentioned previ- 
ously, an icon is a small symbol that represents a window in an inactive state. 

The Maximize command button can be used to enlarge a window to the size of the root win- 
dow, and once the window has been enlarged, to convert it back to its original size. 

The Minimize Button 

The Minimize command button, immediately to the right of the tide area, is identified by a 
tiny square in its center. This button allows you to convert the window to an icon (iconify it), 
using the following steps: 
1. Place the pointer within the Minimize command button. The pointer simply has to rest 
within the button's outer border, not within the tiny square identifying it. 
2. Click the first pointer button. The window is iconified. Figure C-4 shows a window being 
converted to an icon in this way. 

Figure C-4. Converting a window to an icon with the Minimize button 

596 X Window System User's Guide 

By default, icons are displayed in the bottom left corner of the root window, mwm can also 
be set up to place icons in another location, to allow you to place them interactively using the 
pointer, or to organize icons within a window known as an icon box. Later in this appendix, 
we'll discuss the specifications necessary to set up an icon box. 

If you've used other window managers, you may notice that icon symbols generated by mwm 
are larger and more decorated than those generated by many other window mangers. This is 
one of the aesthetic advantages of mwm. Figure C-5 shows an example. 

/ :: ........... l ........... 

Figure C-5. xterm window icon under mwm 

To convert the icon back to a window (deiconify it), place the pointer on the icon and double 
click, using the first pointer buUon. The window is redisplayed in the position it appeared 
before it was iconfied. (See the section "Manipulating Icons" for a summary of functions.) 

The Maximize Button 

To the right of the Minimize command button (in the upper right corner of the window), the 
Maximize command buuon is identified by a larger square in its center. The Maximize but- 
ton allows you to enlarge the window to the size of the root window, and once it has been 
enlarged, to convert it back to its original size. 
To maximize a window, use the following steps: 
1. Place the pointer within the Maximize command button. The pointer simply has to rest 
within the button's outer border, not within the square identifying it. 
2. Crick the first pointer buuon. The window is maximized. Figure C-6 shows how it's 

The OSF/Motif Window Manager 597 

Figure C-6. Maximizing a window 

The large window should function in the same way it did before it was maximized. Theoreti- 
cally, you can maximize an xterm window to have a single, very large terminal screen. How- 
ever, be aware that certain programs you may run within an xterm, such as the vi text editor, 
do not always work properly within a window of this size (even if you've used the resize 
client, as described in Chapter 4, The xterm Terminal Emulator). The Maximize function is 
more safely used with an application that displays a graphic image or performs a simple func- 
tion, such as xclock. 

Also, some client programs that do not support resizing, such as the Release 3 version of 
xcalc, cannot be maximized correctly. In the case of xcalc, the frame surrounding the calcu- 
lator application is maximized, but the actual calculator remains the same size. 

The Maximize button is a toggle. To convert a maximized window back to its original size, 
click on the Maximize button again with the first pointer button. 

Raising a Window 

Windows often overlap on the screen. You can raise a window that is obscured by other 
windows to the top of the stack using the mwm frame. To raise a window: 

598 X Window System User's Guide 

1. Place the pointer on any part of the window frame, except the command buttons (Mini- 
mize, Maximize, and the button in the upper left comer of the titlebar, which as we'll see, 
brings up the Window Idonu). 

2. Click the first pointer button. The window is raised to the top of the stack. 

When you are using explicit (click-to-type) focus and the other default mwm resources, this 
action also selects the window to receive input, i.e., makes the window the active window. 

Resizing a Window 

One of the most distinctive and useful features of the mwm window frame is not at all obvi- 
ous. The entire frame (other than the title area and the command buttons) is designed to 
allow you to resize the window using the pointer. Notice that the frame is divided by small 
lines into eight sections: four long borders (two horizontal and two vertical) and four 
comers. Figure C-7 shows these sections of the window frame. 

II ! 

horizontal border 

-- vertical border 

Figure C-7. The outer frame is divided into four long borders and four corners 

If you place the pointer within a window and then move it into one of the long horizontal or 
vertical borders, you'll notice the pointer changes to a new shape: an arrow (pointing toward 
the window border), with a short line perpendicular to it. This short line represents the win- 
dow border. Try moving the pointer in this fashion in one of the windows on your display to 
get a better idea of what the pointer looks like. If you move the pointer from within a win- 
dow into the outer border at one of the comers, the pointer will become an arrow pointing 
diagonally at a small comer symbol, as pictured in Figure C-8. Figure C-9 shows all of the 
possible resize pointers. 

Once the pointer changes to one of these shapes, you can move the border (or comer) of the 
window. Resizing from one of the long borders only allows you to change one dimension of 
the window: a horizontal border can only be moved up or down, changing the height; a verti- 
cal border can only be moved left or right, changing the width. 

The OSF/Motif Window Manager 599 

Figure C-8. Window with resizing pointer 

Figure C-9. Resizing pointer symbols 

600 X Window System User's Guide 

Resizing from a comer offers the most flexibility. You can move a comer in any direction 
you choose, changing both dimensions of the window if you want. For example, you can 
drag the lower fight corner of a window down and to the fight to enlarge the window in both 
You determine the size and shape of the window by choosing the border or corner you want 
to extend (or contract) and moving it the desired amount using the following steps: 
1. Move the pointer from within the window to the border or corner you want to move. The 
pointer changes to one of the symbols pictured in Figure C-9. 
2. Press and hold down the first pointer button and drag the window border or corner in the 
direction you want. As you resize the window, an image of the moving border(s) tracks 
the pointer movement. Also, in the center of the display, a small rectangular window 
shows the dimensions of the window as they change (in characters and lines for xterm 
windows, in pixels for most other clients). 
3. Resize the window as desired. 
4. Release the first pointer buuon. The window is redisplayed in the new shape. (The bor- 
der image and window geometry tracking box disappear.) 

Figure C-10 shows a window being "stretched" from the lower fight corner. 

Figure C-10. Dragging the corner to make a window larger 

The OSF/Motif Window Manager 601 

The following sections explain how each of the Window Menu items works. 
To remove the menu without making a selection, move the pointer off of the menu and 
release or click the first pointer button, as appropriate. 
Notice also that a keyboard shortcut follows each command. The keyboard shortcuts allow 
you to perform all of the functions without having to display the menu. All of the keyboard 
shortcuts for the menu items involve the Alt key and a function key. (Alt is a logical key- 
name that may be associated with a physical key of another name. If you cannot locate the 
Alt key on your keyboard, see Chapter 11, Setup Clients, for a discussion of the xmodmap 
There are also keyboard shortcuts to display the Window Menu. Once you place the pointer 
anywhere in the window, either of the following key combinations will cause the menu to be 
displayed: Shift-Escape or Meta-space. (Like Alt, Meta is a logical keyname recognized by 
X programs. There is no key marked "meta" on the keyboard. Rather another key, such as 
the Compose Character key on the DECstation 3100 keyboard, functions as Meta. See Chap- 
ter 11, Setup Clients, for more information about the Meta key.) 
In the following sections, we assume you have displayed the Window Menu by clicking the 
first pointer button on the menu command button. (If you display the menu by pressing and 
holding down the first pointer button, instructions to click a pointer button can be roughly 
translated to mean release the button.) 

Changing the Window Location: Move 

To move a window: 

1. Bring up the Window Menu. 
2. Select the Move item by clicking on it with the first pointer button, or by typing the letter 
rn. The menu disappears. The pointer changes to the cross arrow pointer and appears in 
the center of the window. 
3. Move the window by dragging the pointer. When you begin to move the window, a win- 
dow outline appears. This outline tracks the pointer's movement. In the center of the 
screen, a small rectangular box also appears, displaying the x and y coordinates of the 
window as you move it. 
4. Drag the cross arrow pointer with the window outline to the desired location on your 

5. Click the first pointer button. The window will move to the selected location. 

To cancel the Move function, keep the pointer stationary and click the first button. 
The Move function can also be invoked using the keyboard shortcut AIt-F7. 

604 X Window System User's Guide 

Changing to the Maximum Size: Maximize 

To make a window as large as the root window: 
1. Bring up the Window Menu. 
2. Select the Maximize item by clicking on it with the first pointer button, or typing the letter 
3. The window is enlarged to the size of the root window. 

The Maximize function can also be invoked using the keyboard shortcut AIt-F10. 

Moving a Window to the Bottom of the Stack: Lower 

The Lower menu item allows you to send a window to the bottom of the window stack. This 
is the only Window Menu function that cannot be performed simply by clicking the pointer on 
the window frame. To lower a window: 
1. Bring up the Window Menu. 
2. Select the Lower item by clicking on it with the first pointer button, or typing the letter :t. 
3. The window is moved behind others on the display to the bottom of the window stack. 

Though this function cannot be performed by clicking the pointer on the frame, it can be 
invoked using the keyboard shortcut AIt-F3. 

Removing a Window: Close 

The Close menu item terminates the client window and the window is removed from the dis- 
play. This powerful command is separated from the other menu items by a horizontal line to 
prevent you from inadvertently closing a window. 
Be aware that, like other methods of 'killing' a program (such as the xkill client), the Close 
menu item can adversely affect underlying processes. Most windows can be removed in 
ways that do not harm relevant processes. For example, you can generally remove an xterm 
window by typing the same command you use to log off the system. Refer to the section on 
xkill in Chapter 7, Other Clients, for a more complete discussion of the hazards of killing a 
client and a summary of alternatives. 
Like xkill, Close is intended to be used primarily after more conventional methods to remove 
a window have failed. 
To remove a stubborn window: 
1. Bring up the Window Menu. 
2. Select the Close item by clicking on it with the first pointer button, or typing the letter c. 
3. The window is removed. 

606 X Window System User's Guide 

Two menu items, Size and Minimize, appear in a lighter typeface, indicating they are not 
available for selection. Size cannot be selected because, unlike a window, an icon cannot be 
resized. Obviously, Minimize cannot be used to iconify an icon. 

Table C-1 summarizes the Window Menu functions when invoked from an icon. For instruc- 
tions on selecting an item and performing the various functions, read "Manipulating Win- 
dows Using the Window Menu" earlier in this appendix. Note that the keyboard shortcuts 
(accelerators) for the commands are also the same as those described for windows. 

Table C- 1. Window Menu Actions on an Icon 

Menu Item 





Converts the icon back to a window. 
Moves the icon on the display. 
Not available for selection. 
Not available for selection. 
Converts an icon to a window the size of the 
root window. 
Sends an icon to the bottom of the win- 
dow/icon stack. 
Exits the client, removing the icon. 





Later in this appendix, we'll discuss using mwm resources to set up an icon box, a window for 
organizing icons on the display. Using an icon box changes the way you work with the Win- 
dow Menu from an icon and introduces another menu item, Packlcons, which reorganizes 
icons in the icon box. See "Using an Icon Box" later in this chapter for details. 

The Root Menu 

The Root Menu is mwm's main menu. It provides commands that can be thought of as affect- 
ing the entire display and is analogous to the Twm menu describe in Chapter 3. To display 
the Root Menu, move the pointer to the root window and press and hold down the first pointer 
button. The default Root Menu appears in Figure C-12. 

608 X Window System Users Guide 

 Root Menu .. 
 :, New Window 
-. Shuffle Up 
Shuffle Down 
Refresh - 

Figure C-12. The mwm Root Menu 

When you display the Root Menu, the pointer changes to the arrow pointer. As you can see, 
the default Root Menu offers only five items. To select an item, use the following steps: 
1. As you continue to hold down the first pointer button, move the pointer onto the the 
desired item name. (If you accidentally move the pointer off the menu, it will still remain 
displayed, as long as you continue to hold the first button down.) As you move the 
pointer onto an item, notice that a rectangular box is displayed around the item to high- 
light it. 
2. Once the pointer is positioned on the item you want, release pointer button one. The 
action is performed. 

The functions performed by the default Root Menu are described below. 
New Window By default, this command runs an xterm window on the display speci- 
fied by the DISPLAY environment variable, generally the local display. 
When you create a new window (by using the menu or typing the com- 
mand in an xterm), the new window automatically becomes the active 
Shuffle Up If windows and/or icons are stacked on your display, this command 
moves the bottom window or icon in the stack to the top (raises it). 
Shuffle Down If windows and/or icons are stacked on your display, this command 
moves the top window or icon in the stack to the bottom (lowers it). 

The OSF/Motif Window Manager 609 

in your .Xresources file. If you add the following resource specification to your .Xresources 
file, MyButtonBindings replace DefaultButtonBindings for all client applica- 
tions running with mwm: 
Mwm* keyBindings : MyButtonBindings 
If you want to use different sets of bindings for different applications, you can add an appli- 
cation name between the parts of the resource specification. For example, if you want My- 
ButtonBindings tO apply only to xterm windows running with mwm, you could enter the 
following resource line: 
Mwm* xterm* keyBindings : MyButtonBindings 
Then DefaultButtonBindings would s011 apply to all applications other than xterm. 
A non-obvious principle behind a key/function (or button/function) binding is that in order 
for the keys (or buttons) to invoke the function, the pointer must be in a certain location. 
This location is known as the conlexl. For mwm, e most commonly used contexts are: 
root, frame, window, and icon. The window context refers to the entire window, 
including the frame. (There are a few more specific contexts, such as border, but they are 
not used in the system.mwmrc file. See the mwm reference page in your OSF/Motif docu- 
mentation for details.) 
Some functions can be invoked if the pointer is in more than one context. For example, as 
we've seen, you can display the Window Monu from either a window or an icon using the 
keyboard shortcuts Meta-space or Shift-Escape. The action involved is f .post_wmenu 
and the window and the icon are the pointer contexts from which this action can be per- 
formed. These keyboard shortcuts are defined in the key bindings section of the sys- 
tem.mwmrc file as follows: 
Shift<Key>Escape icon I window f. post_wmenu 
Meta<Key>space icon I window f. post_wmenu 
Upon examining these lines, we can discern the template for a key binding: 
[modi]ier_keys ]<Key>key_name context function 
Each binding can have one or more modifier keys (modifiers are optional) and must have a 
single primary key (signaled by the word <Key> in angle brackets) to invoke the function. In 
the first specification, Shift is the modifier and Escape is the primary key. In the second spec- 
ification, Meta is the modifier and space is the primary key. Both specifications have two 
acceptable pointer contexts: either a window or an icon. And both bindings are mapped to 
the same action, f. post__wmenu, which displays the Window Monu. 

Button Bindings 

The key bindings section of the file is also titled and bracketed: 

Buttons Section Title 

button bindings defined 

The OSF/Motif Window Manager 617 

The section type is Buttons. The system.mwmrc file contains three sets of button bindings 
with the section ritles: 
De faultButtonBindings 
p ointerButtonBindings 
Button bindings clearly illustrate the need to coordinate your .Xresources and .mwmrc files. 
The three sets of button bindings correspond to three possible settings for the resource 
buttonBindings. The default setting for the resource is: 
Mwm*buttonBindings : De fau ItButtonBindings 
specifying that the DefaultButtonBindings are used. 
You can specify that one of the other sets of button bindings is to be used by setting this 
resource in your .Xresources file. For example, if you add the following specification to your 
resource file: 
Mwm*buttonBindings : ExplicitButtonBindings 
mwm will use those bindings that come under the heading ExplicitButtonBindings 
in the .mwmrc file. 

Be aware that if you do specify different button bindings, the value of the resource must 
exactly match the ride associated with the bindings, or the bindings will not take effect. 

The syntax for a button binding specification is very similar to that of a key binding: 

[modiJier_key]<button_event> context function 
Each binding can have one or more modifier keys (modifiers are optional) and must have a 
single button event (enclosed in angle brackets) to invoke the function. The motion that 
comprises each button event should be fairly obvious. (A list of acceptable button events 
appears on the mwm reference page in your OSF/Motif documentation.) 

Now let's see how the button binding syntax relates to the default button bindings in the sys- 
tem.mwmrc file: 

Buttons DefaultButtonBindings 

<BtnlDown> framelicon f.raise 
<Btn2Down> framelicon f.post_wmenu 
<BtnlDown> root RootMenu 
Meta<BtnlDown> windowlicon f.lower 
Meta<Btn2Down> windowlicon f.resize 
Meta<Btn3Down> windowlicon f.move 

The first specification is familiar. It indicates that the event of pressing down the first pointer 
button while the pointer is in a window frame or an icon performs the action of raising the 
window or icon, respectively. 

Most of the other default button bindings reveal ways to perform mwm functions that were 
not covered in the first half of this appendix. Upon closer examination, you should be able to 
figure out these bindings and what they do. The second binding reveals still another way to 
display the Window Menu, by pressing the second pointer button on a window frame or an 

618 X Window System User's Guide 

no-label f. separator 
"Restart..." f. restart 
You can also edit (or remove) existing menu items. For example, if you want to run a termi- 
nal emulator program other than xterm, you can edit the menu item definition in your .mwmrc 
file. Say you want to run the hpterm terminal emulator (developed by Hewlett-Packard), you 
would edit your menu specification to look like this: 

Root Menu Description 

Menu RootMenu 
"Root Menu" 
"New Window" 
"Shuffle Up" 
"Shuffle Down" 

f.exec "hpterm &" 
f.circle_up down 
f. refres 

Creating New Menus 

Keep in mind that mwm also allows you to specify entirely new menus in your .mwmrc file. 
A new menu can be separate from all existing menus, or it can be a submenu of an existing 
menu. (Submenus are described in the following section, "Cascading Menus.") 

If you want to create a new, independent menu, it must conform to the menu specification 
syntax discussed earlier. Items must invoke predefined window manager functions. 

The .mwmrc file must also specify how the menu will be displayed and in what context. This 
involves associating a key or button with the f. menu function. Say you've specified a new 
menu, tided GamesMenu, that runs various game programs, each in its own window. (The 
f. exec function would be used to define each item.) The following button binding speci- 
fies that pressing the second pointer button on the root window causes the Games Menu to be 

<Btn2Down> root GamesMenu 

Cascading Menus 

mwm also allows you to create submenus, generally known as cascading menus because they 
are dis#ayed to the right side of (and slighdy lower than) anoth menu. You define a sub- 
menu just as you would any other, using the syntax rums discussed earner. The following 
lines create a Utilies Menu that invokes several "desktop" clients and one game: 
Menu UtilitiesMenu 
"Utilities Menu" f.title 
No-label f.separator 
"Clock" f.exec "xclock &" 
"System Load" f.exec "xload &" 

620 X Window System User's Gutde 

Under these categories fall dozens of mwm resources. The sheer number of resources makes 
it impractical for all of them to be discussed here. (You could spend quite a long time cus- 
tomizing mwm in this way, if you had the time and inclination!) In the following sections, we 
discuss the three categories of resources in somewhat greater detail. We'll then take a look at 
two of the more powerful and useful resources, keyboardFocusPolicy and use- 
IconBox, which set the focus policy and set up mwm to use an icon box, respectively. For a 
comprehensive list of available resources, see the mwm reference page in your OSF/Motif 

Component Appearance Resources 

The Motif window manager can be considered to be made up of components: client window 
frames, menus, icons, and what are known as feedback boxes. An example of a feedback box 
is the box that appears so that you can confirm or cancel a Restart command from the Root 
Menu. (See "The Root Menu" earlier in this appendix.) 
Certain resources allow you to specify the appearance of one or all of these mwm component 
features. In specifying the resource setting, you can use the name of one of the features as 
part of the resource name. For example, one of the most useful component appearance 
resources is background, which, as we know from Chapter 8, specifies the background 
color. You can specify a resource that sets the background color of any of the mwm compo- 
nents. The following resource specification sets the background color of all client window 
frames to light blue: 
Mwm* client *background : lightblue 
Table C-2 summarizes the resource name that corresponds to each of the mwm components: 

Table C-2. Resource Names Corresponding to mwm Components 


Client window frame 
Feedback box 

Resource name 


Thus, to set the background color of feedback boxes to sea green, you'd use the following 
Mwm* feedback* foreground : seagreen 
Of course, if you omit any specific component from the resource specification, it applies to 
all components. Thus, the following specification sets the background color of all window 
frames, feedback boxes, icons, and menus to light grey: 

Mwm* foreground : lightgrey 

The OSF/Motif Window Manager 623 

Many of the client-specific resources provide what might be considered advanced customiza- 
tion. For example, a combination of resources allows you to specify your own bitmap as the 
image for a client icon. The average user will probably not need most of these resources. 
One client-specific resource users might be interested in is called focuaAutoRaiae. This 
resource, true by default, causes the active window (the window receiving input focus) to be 
raised to the top of the stack. If you are using explicit (click-to-type) focus (also the default), 
this behavior is clearly very desirable. However, if you change the focus policy to pointer 
focus (as we'll describe in the following section), having focusAutoRaise on can make 
the display seem chaotic. 
When pointer focus is active, as you move the pointer across the display, the focus changes 
from window to window based on the location of the pointer, often a desirable feature. How- 
ever, if focusAutoRaiso is still true, each time the pointer moves into a window, the 
window will be moved to the front of the display. Simply moving the pointer across a 
screenful of windows can create a distracting shuffling effect! If you set the focus policy to 
pointer, we suggest you also set focusAutoRaise to false, as in the following example: 
Mwm* focusAutoRalse : false 
Since an application name is omitted from this resource specification, it applies to all clients. 
To change the behavior only for the class ofxterm windows, you could specify: 
Mwm*kTerm* focusAutoRaise : false 
Of course, suppressing focusAutoRaise with pointer focus is just our preference. You 
may want to experiment a while to see how you like working with it. 

Setting the Focus Policy 

The most common resource users will probably want to set controls mwm's keyboard focus 
policy. By default, mwm has explicit (or click-to-type) focus, which is set using the follow- 
ing resource: 
Mwm* keyboardFocusPol icy : explicit 
To change the keyboard focus policy from explicit to pointer focus (that is, focus follows the 
movement of the pointer), enter the following line in your Xresources file: 
Mwm* keyboardFocu sPol icy : pointer 

The OSF/Motif Window Manager 625 

Using an Icon Box 

One of the most interesting (and desirable) features mwm can provide is a window in which 
icons can be organized on the display. This window is known as an icon box, and is pictured 
in Figure C-15 below. 

ii===! = icons 
.. .... 

Figure C-15. An icon box 

As we'll see, in addition to organizing icons neatly on the display, the icon box also provides 
a few window manipulation functions. 
You can set up mwm to provide an icon box automatically by specifying the following 
resource in your resources file: 
Mwm*use IconBox : true 
If this resource is included in your resources file (and the resources have been loaded as 
described in Chapter 9, Setting Resources), mwm will provide an icon box when it is started 
(or restarted). Other resources can be used to customize the size, appearance and location of 
the icon box, as well as the window's title. By default, the icon box is six icons wide by one 
icon high (the size of individual icons depends on other mwm resources) and is located in the 
lower left hand corner of the display. 
The horizontal and vertical scrollbars within the icon box suggest a significant, albeit non- 
obvious, feature. Icons can extend beyond the visible bounds of the icon box. If more than 
six icons are present in the default size box, you can view them using the scrollbars. (See 
Chapter 4, The xterm Terminal Emulator, for insuctions on using scrollbars.) Keep in mind 
that if icons do extend beyond the visible bounds of the box, the appearance of the scrollbars 
will indicate it. 
The presence of an icon box changes the way icons are used on the display. If you are using 
mwm without an icon box, only those windows that have been iconified are represented by 
icons on the display. If you are using mwm with an icon box, all windows on the display are 
represented by icons that are stored in the box, whether or not the windows are in an iconfied 


X Window System User's Guide 


Figure C-16. In the resized icon box, only three icons are visible 

Notice the horizontal scrollbar at the bottom of the window, indicating that the other three 
icons are still to the right of these and thus not viewable in the resized box. If you place the 
pointer on the scrollbar, hold down the first button and drag the scrollbar to the right, the hid- 
den icons will be revealed. 

In order to rearrange the icons to better fill the new shape box, use the Packlcons menu item. 
Figure C-17 shows the icon box after you've selected Packlcons. 
_:__--=-------- --___-_:---=---.: -'-: .................................................. --" ......  :--- --------- -:--_---_--_C-_-:------:_- ............. - =:----- - - ..... 

Figure C-17. Packlcons menu item rearranges icons in resized box 

628 X Window System User's Guide 

If you want to reorganize icons in the box yourself, without Packlcons, this is also possible. 
You can actually move icons into adjacent empty slots using the pointer. Just hold down the 
first pointer button on the icon and drag it into the next slot. If you first make the icon box 
larger, so that there are several empty spaces, you'll find you can radically reorganize icons. 
Once you've arranged them as you like, you resize the box to fit the iconsmor perhaps make 
it even smaller and view the obscured icons using the scrollbars. 

The OSF/Motif Window Manager 629 


Standard Cursors 

This appendix shows the standard cursor images that can be used by X 

Table D- 1. Standard Cursor Symbols 

Symbol Value 

XC X cursor 0 
XC arrow 2 
XC based arrow down 4 
XC_ba sed_a rrow_up 6 
XC boat 8 
XC_bogosity 10 
XC bottom left corner 12 
XC_bot t ore_right_co rne r 14 
XC bottom side 16 
XC bottom tee 18 
XC_box_s pi ra i 20 
XC_cent e r_pt r 22 
XC circle 24 
XC clock 26 
XC_co f fee_mug 28 
XC cross 30 
XC cross reverse 32 
XC crosshair 34 
XC diamond cross 36 
XC dot 38 
XC_dotbox 40 
XC double arrow 42 
XC_dra ft_l a rge 44 
XC draft small 46 
XC_draped_box 48 
XC_exchange 50 
XC_fleur 52 
XC_gobbler 54 
XC_gumby 56 
XC_handl 58 
XC_hand2 60 
XC_heart 62 
XC_icon 64 
XC_iron_cross 66 
XC_le ft_pt r 68 
XC_le ft_side 70 
XC_Ie ft_tee 72 
XC_leftbutton 74 

Symbol Value 

XC_ll_angle 76 
XC_I r_angle 78 
XC man 80 
XC middlebutt on 82 
XC mouse 84 
XC_pencil 86 
XC_pi rate 88 
XC_plus 90 
XC_que stion_arrow 92 
XC_right_pt r 94 
XC_right_side 96 
XC_right_tee 98 
XC_rightbutton lO0 
XC_rt l_logo 102 
XC sailboat 104 
XC sb down arrow 106 
XC sb h double arrow 108 
XC sb left arrow 110 
-- __ __ 
XC_sb_right_arrow 112 
XC_sb_up_a rrow 114 
XC sb v double arrow l l6 
XC shuttle 118 
XC_sizing 120 
XC_s pi de r 122 
XC_spraycan 124 
XC_star 126 
XC_t a rge t 128 
XC_tcross 130 
XC_t op_le ft_a rrow 132 
XC_t op_le ft_c o rne r 134 
XC_top_right_corner 136 
XC_t op_side 138 
XC_top_tee 140 
XC_trek 142 
XC_ul_angle 144 
XC_umbrella 146 
XC_ur_angle 148 
XC_watch 150 
XC_xterm 152 


X Window System User's Guide 

Figure D-1. The Standard Cursors 

Standard Cursors 635 


Release 3 and 4 Standard Fonts 

This appendix shows the standard display fonts available in Release 4 of the 
MIT X distribution. The images contained in this appendix are window 
dumps created with our own program, called xshowfonts, the code for which 
is included. 

Fonts that begin with many blank characters are shown with most leading blanks removed. 
Therefore, you can't always get the character number of each cell in the font by counting 
from the first cell we have shown. Use xfd to quickly determine the code for a particular cell. 

Table E-1. Fonts in the misc Directory, Release 4 



Font name 

-misc-fixed-bold-r-normal B 13-120-75-75-c-70-iso8859-1 
-misc-fixed-bold-r-normal B 13-120-75-75-c-80-iso8859-1 
-misc-fixed-bold-r-normal-- 15-140-75-75-c-90-iso8859-1 
-misc-fixed-bold-r-semicondensed  13-120-75-75-c-60-iso8859-1 
-misc-fixed-medium-r-normal  10-100-75-75-c-60-iso8859-1 
-misc-fixed-medium-r-normal  13-120-75-75-c-70-iso8859-1 
-misc-fixed-medium-r-normal  13-120-75-75-c-80-iso8859-1 
-misc -fixed-medium -r- normal B 14-130-75 -75-c- 140-jisx0208.1983 -0 
-misc-fixed-medium-r-normal  14-130-75-75-c-70-iso8859-1 
-misc-fixed-medium-r-normal  14-130-75-75-c-70-jisx0201.1976-0 
-misc-fixed-medium-r-normal  15-140-75-75-c-90-iso8859-1 
-misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--20-200-75-75-c- 100-iso8859-1 
-misc-fixed-medium-r-normal  8-80-75-75-c-50-iso8859-1 
-misc-fixed-medium-r-normal --9-90-75-75-c-60-iso8859-1 
-misc-fixed-medium-r-semicondensed B 12-110-75-75-c-60-iso8859-1 
-misc-fixed-medium-r-semicondensed  13-120-75-75-c-60-iso8859-1 
-schumacher-clean-bold-r-normal  10-100-75-75-c-60-iso8859-1 


B 13-130-75-75-c-80-iso8859-1 
-- 15-150-75-75-c-90-iso8859-1 

-schumacher-clean-bold-r-normal 8-80-75-75-c-80-iso8859-1 
-schumacher-clean-medium-i-normal  12-120-75-75-c-60-iso8859-1 
-schumacher-clean-medium-i-normal B8-80-75-75-c-80-iso8859-1 
-schumacher-clean-medium-r-normal  10-100-75-75-c-50-iso8859-1 
-schumacher-clean-medium-r-normal  10-100-75-75-c-60-iso8859-1 
-schumacher-clean-medium-r-normal  10-100-75-75-c-70-iso8859-1 
-schumacher-clean-medium-r-normal  10-100-75-75-c-80-iso8859-1 
-schumacher-clean-medium-r-normal __ 12-120-75-75-c-60-iso8859-1 
-schumacher-clean-medium-r-normal  12-120-75-75-c-70-iso8859-1 
-schumacher-clean-medium-r-normal __ 12-120-75-75-c-80-iso8859-1 
-schumacher-clean-medium-r_normal -- 13-130-75-75-c-60-iso8859-1 
-schumacher-clean-medium-r-normal  13-130-75-75-c-80-iso8859-1 
-schumacher-clean-medium-r-normal  14-140-75-75-c-70-iso8859-1 
-schumacher-clean-medium_r_normal  14-140-75-75-c-80-iso8859-1 
-schumacher-clean-medium-r-normal  15-150-75-75-c-90-iso8859-1 
-schumacher-clean-medium-r_normal B 16-160-75-75-c-80-iso8859-1 

640 X Window System User's Guide 

Table E-1. Fonts in the misc Directory, Release 4 (continued) 



Font name 

-schumacher-clean-medium-r-normal m6-60-75-75-c-40-iso8859-1 
-schumacher-clean-medium-r-normal m6-60-75-75-c-50-iso8859-1 
-schumacher-clean-medium-r-normal m6-60-75-75-c-60-iso8859-1 
-schumacher-clean-medium-r-normal --8-80-75-75-c-50-iso8859-1 
-schumacher-clean-medium-r-normal m8-80-75-75-c-60-iso8859-1 
-schumacher-clean-medium-r-normal 8-80-75-75-c-70-iso8859-1 
-schumacher-clean-medium-r-normal 8-80-75-75-c-80-iso8859-1 
-sony-fixed-medium-r-normal  16-120-100-100-c-80-iso8859-1 
-sony-fixed-medium-r-normal -- 16-120-100-100-c-80-jisx0201.1976-0 
-sony-fixed-medium-r-normal 24-170-100-100-c- 120-iso8859-1 
-sony-fixed-medium-r-normal 24-170-100-100-c- 120-jisx0201.1976-0 
-sun-open look cursor ..... 12-120-75-75-p- 160-sunolcursor- 1 
-sun-open look glyph ..... 10-100-75-75-p- 101-sunolglyph- 1 
-sun-open look glyph ..... 12-120-75-75-p- 113-sunolglyph- 1 
-sun-open look glyph ..... 14-140-75-75-p- 128-sunolglyph-1 
-sun-open look glyph ..... 19-190-75-75-p- 154-sunolglyph-1 

Table E-2. Fonts 


courB 10.snf 
courB 12.snf 
courB 14.snf 
courB 18.snf 

in the 75dpi Directory, Release 4 

Font name 

-adobe-courier-bold -r-normal 

-- 18-180-75-75-m- 110-iso8859-1 
m24-240-75-75-m- 150-iso8859-1 
18-180-75-75-m- 110-iso8859-1 
24-240-75-75-m- 150-iso8859-1 

-adobe-courier-bold-r-normal m8-80-75-75-m-50-iso8859-1 
-adobe-courier-medium-o-normal m 10-100-75-75-m-60-iso8859-1 
-adobe-courier-medium-o-normal  12-120-75-75-m-70-iso8859-1 
-adobe-courier-medium-o-normal  14-140-75-75-m-90-iso8859-1 
-adobe-courier-medium-o-normal  18-180-75-75-m- 110-iso8859-1 
-adobe-courier-medium-o-normal 24-240-75-75-m- 150-iso8859-1 

Release 3 and 4 Standard Fonts 641 

Table E-2. Fonts in the 75dpi Directory, Release 4 (continued) 


helvB 10.snf 
helvB 12.snf 
helvB 14.snf 
helvB 18.snf 
helvR 14.snf 

Font name 

-adobe-courier-medium-o-normal --8-80-75-75-m-50-iso8859-1 
-adobe-courier-medium-r-normal -- 10-100-75-75-m-60-iso8859-1 
-adobe-courier-medium-r-normal  12-120-75-75-m-70-iso8859-1 
-adobe-courier-medium-r-normal  14-140-75-75-m-90-iso8859-1 
-adobe-courier-medium-r-normal  18-180-75-75-m- 110-iso8859-1 
-adobe-courier-medium-r-normal m24-240-75-75-m- 150-iso8859-1 
-adobe-courier-medium-r-normal m8-80-75-75-m-50-iso8859-1 
-adobe-helvetica-bold-o-normal  10-100-75-75-p-60-iso8859-1 
-adobe-helvetica-bold-o-normal -- 12-120-75-75-p-69-iso8859-1 
-adobe-helvetica-bold-o-normal  14-140-75-75-p-82-iso8859-1 
-adobe-helvetica-bold-o-normal  18-180-75-75-p- 104-iso8859-1 
-adobe-helvetica-bold-o-normal 24-240-75-75-p- 138-iso8859-1 
-adobe-helvetica-bold-o-normal 8-80-75-75-p-50-iso8859-1 
-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal -- 10-100-75-75-p-60-iso8859-1 
-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal  12-120-75-75-p-70-iso8859-1 
-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal  14-140-75-75-p-82-iso8859-1 
-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal  18-180-75-75-p- 103-iso8859-1 
-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal 24-240-75-75-p- 138-iso8859-1 
-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal --8-80-75-75-p-50-iso8859-1 
-adobe-helvetica-medium-o-normal  10-100-75-75-p-57-iso8859-1 
-adobe-helvetica-medium-o-normal  12-120-75-75-p-67-iso8859-1 
-adobe-helvetica-medium-o-normal  14-140-75-75-p-78-iso8859-1 
-adobe-helvetica-medium-o-normal  18-180-75-75-p-98-iso8859-1 
-adobe-helvetica-medium-o-normal m24-240-75-75-p- 130-iso8859-1 
-adobe-helvetica-medium-o-normal --8-80-75-75-p-47-iso8859-1 
-adobe-helvetica-medium-r-normal  10-100-75-75-p-56-iso8859-1 
-adobe-helvetica-medium-r-normal  12-120-75-75-p-67-iso8859-1 
-adobe-helvetica-medium-r-normal __ 14-140-75-75-p-77-iso8859-1 
-adobe-helvetica-medium-r-normal -- 18-180-75-75-p-98-iso8859-1 
-adobe-helvetica-medium-r-normal --24-240-75-75-p- 130-iso8859-1 
-adobe-helvetica-medium-r-normal --8-80-75-75-p-46-iso8859-1 
-adobe-new century schoolbook-bold-i-normal__ 10-100-75-75-p-66-iso8859-1 
-adobe-new century schoolbook-bold-i-normal12-120-75-75-p-76-iso8859_l 



schoolbook-bold-i-normal -- 14-140-75-75-p-88-iso8859-1 
schoolbook-bold-i-normal  18-180-75-75-p- 111-iso8859-1 
schoolbook-bold-i-normal 24-240-75-75-p- 148-iso8859-1 
schoolbook-bold-i-normal 8-80-75-75-p-56-iso8859-1 
schoolbook-bold-r-normal  10-100-75-75-p-66-iso8859-1 
sc hoolbook-bold-r-normal -- 12-120-75 -75 -p-77-iso8859 - 1 
schoolbook-bold-r-normal  14-140-75-75-p-87-iso8859-1 
schoolbook-bold-r-normal  18-180-75-75-p- 113-iso8859-1 
schoolbook-bold-r-normal 24-240-75-75-p- 149-iso8859-1 
schoolbook-medium-i-normal  10-100-75-75-p-60-iso8859-1 

642 X Window System User's Guide 

Table E-2. Fonts in the 75dpi Directory, Release 4 (continued) 


IuBIS 10.snf 
IuBIS 14.snf 

Font name 

-adobe-new century schoolbook-medium-i-normal m 12-120-75-75-p-70-iso8859-1 
-adobe-new century schoolbook-medium-i-normal m 14-140-75-75-p-81-iso8859-1 
-adobe-new century schoolbook-medium-i-normal m 18-180-75-75-p- 104-iso8859-1 
-adobe-new century schoolbook-medium-i-normal--24-240-75-75-p-136-iso8859-1 
-adobe-new century schoolbook-medium-i-normal 8-80-75-75-p-50-iso8859-1 
-adobe-new century schoolbook-medium-r-normal  10-100-75-75-p-60-iso8859-1 
-adobe-new century schoolbook-medium-r-normal  12-120-75-75-p-70-iso8859-1 
-adobe-new century schoolbook-medium-r-normal  14-140-75-75-p-82-iso8859-1 
-adobe-new century schoolbook-medium-r-normal m 18-180-75-75-p- 103-iso8859-1 
-adobe-new century schoolbook-medium-r-normal 24-240-75-75-p- 137-iso8859-1 
-adobe-new century schoolbook-medium-r-normal--8-80-75-75-p-50-iso8859-1 
-adobe-symbol-medium-r-normal -- 10-100-75-75-p-61-adobe- fontspecific 
-adobe-symbol-medium-r-normal-- 12-120-75-75-p-74-adobe-fontspecific 
-adobe-symbol-medium-r-normal -- 14-140-75-75-p-85-adobe-fontspecific 
-adobe-symbol-medium-r-normal  18-180-75-75-p- 107-adobe - fontspecific 
-adobe-symbol-medium-r-normal 24-240-75-75-p- 142-adobe-fontspecific 
-adobe-symbol-medium-r-normal 8-80-75-75-p-51-adobe- fontspecific 
-adobe-times-bold-i-normal m 10-100-75-75-p-57-iso8859-1 
-adobe-times-bold-i-normal  12-120-75-75-p-68-iso8859-1 
-adobe-times-bold-i-normal -- 14-140-75-75-p-77-iso8859-1 
-adobe-times-bold-i-normal  18-180-75-75-p-98-iso8859-1 - 
-adobe-times-bold-i-normal 24-240-75-75-p- 128-iso8859-1 . 
-adobe-times-bold-i-normal 8-80-75-75-p-47-iso8859-1 
-adobe-times-bold-r-normal m 10-100-75-75-p-57-iso8859-1 - 
-adobe-times-bold-r-normal  12-120-75-75-p-67-iso8859-1 
-adobe-times-bold-r-normal  14-140-75-75-p-77-iso8859-1 
-adobe-times-bold-r-normal  18-180-75-75-p-99-iso8859-1 
-adobe-times-bold-r-normal 24-240-75-75-p- 132-iso8859-1 
-adobe-times-bold-r-normal m8-80-75-75-p-47-iso8859-1 
-adobe-times-medium-i-normal  10-100-75-75-p-52-iso8859-1 
-adobe-times-medium-i-normal  12-120-75-75-p-63-iso8859-1 
-adobe-times-medium-i-normal  14-140-75-75-p-73-iso8859-1 
-adobe-times-medium-i-normal  18-180-75-75-p-94-iso8859-1 
-adobe-times-medium-i-normal m24-240-75-75-p- 125-iso8859-1 
-adobe-times-medium-i-normal 8-80-75-75-p-42-iso8859-1 
-adobe-times-medium -r-normal  10-100-75 -75 -p-54-iso8859 - 1 
-adobe-times-medium-r-normal  12-120-75-75-p-64-iso8859-1 
-adobe-times-medium-r-normal  14-140-75-75-p-74-iso8859-1 
-adobe-times-medium-r-normal m 18-180-75-75-p-94-iso8859-1 
-adobe-times-medium-r-normal 24-240-75-75-p- 124-iso8859-1 
-adobe-times-medium-r-normal -- 8-80-75-75-p-44-iso8859-1 
-b&h-I ucida-bold-i-normal-sans- 10-100-75-75-p-67-iso8859-1 
-b&h-lucida-bold-i-normal-sans- 12-120-75-75-p-79-iso8859-1 

Release 3 and 4 Standard Fonts 643 

Table E-2. Fonts in the 75dpi Directory, Release 4 (continued) 


IuBIS 18.snf 
IuBIS 19.snf 
lulS 10.snf 
lulS 12.snf 
lulS 14.snf 
lulS 18.snf 
IriS 19.snf 
IuRS 10.snf 
lubB 10.snf 
lubB 12.snf 
lubB 14.snf 
lubB 18.snf 
lubB 19.snf 

Font name 

-b&h-lucida-bold-i-normal-sans- 18-180-75-75-p- 119-iso8859-1 
-b&h-lucida-bold-i-normal-sans-19-190-75-75-p- 122-iso8859-1 
-b&h-luc ida-bold-i-normal-sans-24-240-75-75-p- 151 -iso8859-1 
-b&h-lucida-bold-r-normal-sans- 10-100-75-75-p-66-iso8859-1 
-b&h-lucida-bold-r-normal-sans- 12-120-75-75-p-79-iso8859-1 
-b&h-lucida-bold-r-normal-sans- 14-140-75-75-p-92-iso8859-1 
-b&h-lucida-bold-r-normal-sans- 18-180-75-75-p- 120-iso8859-1 
-b&h-lucida-bold-r-normal-sans- 19-190-75-75-p- 122.-iso8859-1 
-b&h-lucida-bold-r-normal-sans-24-240-75-75-p- 152-iso8859-1 
-b&h-lucida-medium-i-normal-sans- 10-100-75-75-p-59-iso8859-1 
-b&h-lucida-medium-i-normal-sans- 12-120-75-75-p-71-iso8859-1 
-b&h-lucida-medium-i-normal-sans- 14-140-75-75-p-82-iso8859-1 
-b&h-lucida-medium-i-normal-sans- 18-180-75-75-p- 105-iso8859-1 
-b&h-lucida-medium-i-normal-sans- 19-190-75-75-p- 108-iso8859-1 
-b&h-lucida-medium-i-normal-sans-24-240-75-75-p- 136-iso8859-1 
-b&h-lucida-medium-r-normal-sans- 10-100-75-75-p-58-iso8859-1 
-b&h-lucida-medium-r-normal-sans- 12-120-75-75-p-71-iso8859-1 
-b&h-lucida-medium-r-normal-sans- 14-140-75-75-p-81-iso8859-1 
-b&h-lucida-medium-r-normal-sans- 18-180-75-75-p- 106-iso8859-1 
-b&h-lucida-medium-r-normal-sans- 19-190-75-75-p- 108-iso8859-1 
-b&h-lucida-medium-r-normal-sans-24-240-75-75-p- 136-iso8859-1 
-b&h-lucidabright-dem ibold-i-normal m 10-100-75-75-p-59-iso8859-1 
-b&h-lucidabright-demibold-i-normal m 12-120-75-75-p-72-iso8859-1 
-b&h-lucidabright-demibold-i-normal  14-140-75-75-p-84-iso8859-1 
-b&h-lucidabright-demibold-i-normal -- 18-180-75-75-p- 107-iso8859-1 
-b&h-lucidabright-demibold-i-normal -- 19-190-75-75-p- 114-iso8859-1 
-b&h-lucidabright-demibold-i-normal --24-240-75-75-p- 143-iso8859-1 
-b&h-lucidabright-demibold-i-normal 8-80-75-75-p-48-iso8859-1 
-b&h-lucidabright-demibold-r-normal -- 10-100-75-75-p-59-iso8859-1 
-b&h-lucidabright-demibold-r-normal  12-120-75-75-p-71-iso8859-1 
-b&h-lucidabright-demibold-r-normal -- 14-140-75-75-p-84-iso8859-1 
-b&h-lucidabright-demibold-r-normal  18-180-75-75-p- 107-iso8859-1 
-b&h-lucidabright-demibold-r-normal  19-190-75-75-p- 114-iso8859-1 
-b&h-lucidabright-demibold-r-normal --24-240-75-75-p- 143-iso8859-1 
-b&h-lucidabright-demibold-r-normal 8-80-75-75-p-47-iso8859-1 
-b&h-lucidabright-medium-i-normal  10-100-75-75-p-57-iso8859-1 
-b&h-lucidabright-medium-i-normal __ 12-120-75-75-p-67-iso8859-1 
-b&h-lucidabright-medium-i-normal  14-140-75-75-p-80-iso8859-1 
-b&h-lucidabright-medium-i-normal  18-180-75-75-p- 102-iso8859-1 
-b&h-lucidabright-medium-i-normal  19-190-75-75-p- 109-iso8859-1 

644 X Window System User's Guide 

Table E-2. Fonts in the 75dpi Directory, Release 4 (continued) 


techB 14.snf 
termB 14.snf 
term 14.snf 

Font name 

-bitstream-charter-medium-r-normal m 19-180-75-75-p- 106-iso8859-1 
-bitstream-charter-medium-r-normal m25-240-75-75-p- 139-iso8859-1 
-bitstream-charter-medium-r-normal  8-80-75-75-p-45-iso8859-1 
-dec -terminal-bold-r-normal  14-140-75 -75 -c-80-dec-dectech 
-dec-terminal-bold-r-normal  14-140-75-75-c-80-iso8859-1 
-dec-terminal-medium-r-normal  14-140-75-75-c-80-dec-dectech 
-dec-terminal-medium-r-normal m 14-140-75-75-c-80-iso8859-1 

Table E-3. Fonts 


courB 10.snf 
courB 12.snf 
courB 14.snf 
courB 18.snf 
courR 10.snf 

in the l OOdpi Directory, Release 4 

Font name 

-adobe-courier-bold-o-normal  11-80-100-100-m-60-iso8859-1 
-adobe-courier-bold-o-normal  14-100-100-100-m-90-iso8859-1 
-adobe-courier-bold-o-normal  17-120-100-100-m- 100-iso8859-1 
-adobe-courier-bold-o-normal 20-140-100-100-m- 110-iso8859-1 
-adobe-courier-bold-o-normal m25-180-100-100-m- 150-iso8859-1 
-adobe-courier-bold-o-normal 34-240-100-100-m-200-iso8859-1 
-adobe-courier-bold-r-normal  11-80-100-100-m-60-iso8859-1 
-adobe-courier-bold-r-normal -- 14-100-100-100-m-90-iso8859-1 
-adobe-courier-bold-r-normal -- 17-120-100-100-m- 100-iso8859-1 
-adobe-courier-bold-r-normal 20-140-100-100-m- 110-iso8859-1 
-adobe-courier-bold-r-normal 25-180-100-100-m- 150-iso8859-1 
-adobe-courier-bold-r-normal m34-240-100-100-m-200-iso8859-1 
-adobe-courier-medium-o-normal  11-80-1130-100-m-60-iso8859-1 


17-120-100-100-m- 100-iso8859-1 
20-140-100-100-m- 110-iso8859-1 
m25-180-100-100-m- 150-iso8859-1 

-adobe-courier-medium-o-normal  34-240-100-100-m-200-iso8859-1 
-adobe-courier-medium-r-normal  11-80-100-100-m-60-iso8859-1 
-adobe-courier-medium-r-normal  14-1130-100-100-m-90-iso8859-1 
-adobe-courier-medium-r-normal  17-120-100-100-m - 100-iso8859 - 1 
-adobe-courier-medium-r-normal m20-140-100-100-m- 110-iso8859-1 
-adobe-courier-medium-r-normal --25-180-100-100-m- 150-iso8859-1 
-adobe-courier-medium-r-normal  34-240-100-100-m-200-iso8859-1 
-adobe-helvetica-bold-o-normal  11-80-100-100-p-60-iso8859-1 
-adobe-helvetica-bold-o-normal  14-100-100-100-p-82-iso8859-1 
-adobe-helvetica-bold-o-normal  17-120-100-100-p-92-iso8859-1 
-adobe-helvetica-bold-o-normal m20-140-100-100-p- 103-iso8859-1 
-adobe-helvetica-bold-o-normal --25-180-100-100-p- 138-iso8859-1 
-adobe-helvetica-bold-o-normal 34_240_ 100-100-p-182-iso8859-1 

646 X Window System User's Guide 

Table E-3. Fonts in the l OOdpi Directory, Release 4 (continued) 


helvB 18.snf 

Font name 

-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal m 11-80-100-100-p-60-iso8859-1 
-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal m 14-100-100-100-p-82-iso8859-1 
-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal  17-120-100-100-p-92-iso8859-1 
-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal --20-140-100-100-p- 105-iso8859-1 
-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal --25-180-100-100-p- 138-iso8859-1 
-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal  34-240-100-100-p- 182-iso8859-1 
-adobe-helvetica-medium-o-normal  11-80-100-100-p-57-iso8859-1 

-adobe-new century 

-adobe-new century 
-adobe-new century 
-adobe-new century 
-adobe-new century 
-adobe-new century 
-adobe-new century 
-adobe-new century 
-adobe-new century 
-adobe-new century 
-adobe-new century 
-adobe-new century 
-adobe-new century 
-adobe-new century 
-adobe-new century 
-adobe-new century 
-adobe-new century 
-adobe-new century 
-adobe-new century 
-adobe-new century 
-adobe-new century 
-adobe-new century 
-adobe-new century 

m 17-120-100-100-p-88-iso8859-1 
34-240-100-100-p- 176-iso8859-1 
-- 11-80-100-100-p-56-iso8859-1 
-- 17-120-100-100-p-88-iso8859-1 
20-140-100-100-p- 100-iso8859-1 
-- 34-240-100-100-p- 176-iso8859-1 
schoolbook-bold-i-normal  11-80-100-100-p-66-iso8859-1 
schoolbook-bold-i-normal  14-100-100-100-p-88-iso8859-1 
schoolbook-bold- i-normal  17-120-100-100-p-99-iso8859-1 
schoolbook-bold-i-normal 20-140-100-100-p- 111-iso8859-1 
schoolbook-bold-i-normal m25-180-100-100-p- 148-iso8859-1 
schoolbook-bold-i-normal  34-240-100-100-p- 193-iso8859-1 
schoolbook-bold-r-normal  11-80-100-100-p-66-iso8859-1 
schoolbook-bold-r-normal  14-100-100-100-p-87-iso8859-1 
schoolbook-bold-r-normal m 17-120-100-100-p-99-iso8859-1 
schoolbook-bold-r-normal 20-140-100-100-p- 113-iso8859-1 
schoolbook-bold-r-normal --25-180-100-100-p- 149-iso8859-1 
schoolbook-bold-r-normal m 34-240-100-100-p- 193-iso8859-1 
schoolbook-medium-i-normal  11-80-100-100-p-60-iso8859-1 
schoolbook-medium-i-normal  14-100-100-100-p-81-iso8859-1 
sc hoolbook-medium-i-normal  17-120-100-100-p-92-iso8859-1 
schoolbook-medium-i-normal 20-140-100-100-p- 104-iso8859-1 
schoolbook-medium-i-normal --25-180-100-100-p- 136-iso8859-1 
sc hoolbook-medium-i-normal m 34-240-100-100-p- 182-iso8859-1 
schoolbook-medium-r-normal  11-80-100-100-p-60-iso8859-1 
schoolbook-medium-r-normal  14-100-100-100-p-82-iso8859-1 
schoolbook-medium-r-normal  17-120-100-100-p-91 -iso8859-1 
schoolbook-medium-r-normal 20-140-100-100-p- 103-iso8859-1 
schoolbook-medium-r-normal m25-180-100-100-p- 136-iso8859-1 

-adobe-new century schoolbook-medium-r-normal 34-240-100-100-p- 181-iso8859-1 
-adobe-symbol-medium-r-normal -- 11-80-100-100-p-61 -adobe-fontspecific 
-adobe-symbol-medium-r-normal  14-100-100-100-p-85-adobe- fontspecific 

Release 3 and 4 Standard Fonts 647 

Table E-3. Fonts in the l OOdpi Directory, Release 4 (continued) 


lulS 14.snf 
lubB 14.snf 
lubR 19.snf 
lutBS 12.snf 

Font name 

-b&h-lucida-medium-i-normal-sans- 17-120-100-100-p-97-iso8859-1 
-b&h-lucida-medium-i-normal-sans-20-140-100-100-p- 114-iso8859-1 
-b&h-lucida-medium-i-normal-sans-25-180-100-100-p- 141-iso8859-1 
-b&h-lucida-medium-i-normal-sans-26-190-100-100-p- 147-iso8859-1 
-b&h-lucida-medium-i-normal-sans-34-240-100-100-p- 192-iso8859-1 
-b&h-lucida-medium-r-normal-sans- 11-80-100-100-p-63-iso8859-1 
-b&h-lucida-medium-r-normal-sans-20-140-100-100-p- 114-iso8859-1 
-b&h-lucida-medium-r-normal-sans-25-180-100-100-p- 142-iso8859-1 
-b&h-lucida-medium-r-normal-sans-26-190-100-100-p- 147-iso8859-1 
-b&h-lucida-medium-r-normal-sans-34-240-100-100-p- 191-iso8859-1 
-b&h-lucidabright-demibold-i-normal m 11-80-100-100-p-66-iso8859-1 
-b&h-lucidabright-demibold-i-normal m 14-100-100-100-p-84-iso8859-1 
-b&h-lucidabright-demibold-i-normal  17-120-100-100-p-101-iso8859-1 
-b&h-lucidabright-demibold-i-normal 20-140-100-100-p- 119-iso8859-1 
-b&h-lucidabright-demibold-i-normal 25-180-100-100-p- 149-iso8859-1 
-b&h-lucidabright-demibold-i-normal 26-190-100-100-p- 156-iso8859-1 
-b&h-lucidabright-demibold-i-normal m34-240-100-100-p-203-iso8859-1 
-b&h-lucidabright-demibold-r-normal  11-80-100-100-p-66-iso8859-1 
-b&h-lucidabright-demibold-r-normal  14-100-100-100-p-84-iso8859-1 
-b&h-lucidabright-demibold-r-normal  17-120-100-100-p- 101-iso8859-1 
-b&h-lucidabright-demibold-r-normal 20-140-100-100-p- 118-iso8859-1 
-b&h-lucidabright-demibold-r-normal m25-180-100-100-p- 149-iso8859-1 
-b&h-lucidabright-demibold-r-normal 26-190-100-100-p- 155-iso8859-1 
-b&h -lucidabright-demibold-r-normal --34-240-100-100-p-202-iso8859-1 
-b&h-lucidabright-medium-i-normal  11-80-100-100-p-63-iso8859-1 
-b&h-lucidabright-medium-i-normal  14-100-100-100-p-80-iso8859-1 
-b&h-lucidabright-medium-i-normal -- 17-120-100-100-p-96-iso8859-1 
-b&h-lucidabright-medium-l-normal m20-140-100-100-p-113-iso8859-1 
-b&h-lucidabright-medium-i-normal 25-180-100-100-p-142-iso8859-1 
-b&h-lucidabright-medium-i-normal 26-190-100-100-p- 148-iso8859-1 
-b&h-lucidabright-medium-i-normal 34-240-100-100-p- 194-iso8859-1 
-b&h-lucidabright-medium-r-normal -- 11-80-100-100-p-63-iso8859-1 
-b&h-lucidabright-medium-r-normal -- 14-100-100-100-p-80-iso8859-1 
-b&h-lucidabright-medium-r-normal -- 17-120-100-100-p-96-iso8859-1 
-b&h-lucidabright-medium-r-normal 20-140-100-100-p-114-iso8859-1 
-b&h-lucidabright-medium-r-normal m25-180-100-100-p-142-iso8859-1 
-b&h-lucidabright-medium-r-normal 26-190-100-100-p-149-iso8859-1 
-b&h-lucidabright-medium -r-normal  34-240-100-100-p- 193-iso8859-1 
-b&h-lucidatypewriter-bold-r-normal-sans- 11-80-100-100-m-70-iso8859-1 
-b&h-lucidatypewriter-bold-r-normal-sans- 14-100-100-100-m-80-iso8859-1 
-b&h-lucidatypewriter-bold-r-normal-sans- 17-120-100-100-m- 100-iso8859-1 
-b&h-lucidatypewriter-bold-r-normal-sans-20-140-100-100-m- 120-iso8859-1 

Release 3 and 4 Standard Fonts 649 

Table E-3. Fonts in the l OOdpi Directory, Release 4 (continued) 


lutB S 18.snf 
lutBS 19.snf 
lutRS 10.snf 
lutRS 12.snf 
lutRS 14.snf 
lutRS 18.snf 
lutRS 19.snf 
charBI 18.snf 
charB 10.snf 
charB 12.snf 
charB 14.snf 
techB 14.snf 
termB 14.snf 

Font name 

-b&h-lucidatypewdter-bold-r-normal-sans-25-180-100-100-m- 150-iso8859-1 
-b&h-lucidatypewdter-bold-r-normal-sans-26-190-100-100-m- 159-iso8859-1 
-b&h-lucidatypewdter-medium-r-normal-sans- 11-80-100-100-m-70-iso8859-1 
-b&h-lucidatypewdter-medium-r-normal-sans- 14-1130-1130-100-m-80-iso8859-1 
-b&h-lucidatypewdter-medium-r-normal-sans- 17-120-1130-100-m-100-iso8859-1 
-b&h-lucidatypewdter-me lium-r-normal-sans-34-240-1130-100-m-200-iso8859-1 
-bitstream-charter-bold-i-normal -- 11-80-1130-100-p-68-iso8859-1 
-bitstream-charter-bold-i-normal D 14-1130-100-100-p-86-iso8859-1 
-bitstream-charter-bold-i-normal D 17-120-100-100-p- 105-iso8859-1 
-bitstream-charter-bold-i-normal  19-140-100-100-p- 117-iso8859-1 
-bitstream-charter-bold-i-normal 25-180-100-100-p- 154-iso8859-1 
-bitstream-charter-bold-i-normal 33-240-100-100-p-203-iso8859-1 
-bitstream -charter-bold-r-normal  11-80-1130-100-p-69-iso8859-1 
-bitstream-charter-bold-r-normal D 14-1130-100-100-p-88-iso8859-1 
-bitstream-charter-bold-r-normal  17-120-100-100-p- 107-iso8859-1 
-bitstream-charter-bold-r-normal  19-140-100-100-p- 119-iso8859-1 
-bitstream-charter-bold-r-normal --25-180-100-100-p- 157-iso8859-1 
-bitstream-charter-bold-r-normal 33-240-100-100-p-206-iso8859-1 
-bitstream-charter-medium-i-normal  11-80-1130-100-p-60-iso8859-1 
-bitstream-charter-medium-i-normal D 14-1130-100-100-p-76-iso8859-1 
-bitstream-charter-medium-i-normal -- 17-120-100-100-p-92-iso8859-1 
-bitstream-charter-medium-l-normal  19-140-100-100-p- 103-iso8859-1 
-bitstream-charter-medium-i-normal --25-180-100-100-p- 136-iso8859-1 
-bitstream-charter-medium--normal --33-240-100-100-p- 179-iso8859-1 
-bitstream-charter-medium-r-normal  11-80-1130-100-p-61-iso8859-1 
-bitstream-charter-medium-r-normal  14-1130-100-100-p-78-iso8859-1 
-bitstream-charter-medium-r-normal  17-120-100-100-p-95-iso8859-1 
-bitstream-charter-medium-r-normal D 19-140-100-100-p- 106-iso8859-1 
-bitstream-charter-medium-r-normal 25-180-100-100-p- 139-iso8859-1 
-bitstream-charter-medium-r-normal --33-240-100-100-p- 183-iso8859-1 
-bitstream-terminal-bold-r-normal  18-140-100-100-c- 110-dec-dectech 
-bitstream-terminal-bold-r-normal  18-140-100-100-c- 110-iso8859-1 
-bitstream-terminal-medium_r_normal __ 18-140-100-100-c- 110-dec-dectech 
-bitstream-terminal-medium-r-normal __ 18-140-100-100-c- 110-iso8859-1 

650 X Window System User's Guide 

Table E-5. Fonts in the 75dpi Directory, Release 3 (continued) 


helvB 10 
helvB 12 
helvR 18 
ncenI 18 

Font name 

-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal- - 10-100-75-75-p-60-iso8859-1 
-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal- - 12-120-75-75-p-70-iso8859-1 
-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal- - 14-140-75-75-p-82-iso8859-1 
-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal- - 18-180-75-75-p- 103-iso8859-1 
-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal- -24 -240-75-75 -p- 138-iso8859-1 
-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal- -8-80-75-75-p-50-iso8859-1 
-adobe-helvetica-medium-o-normal- - 10-100-75-75-p-57-iso8859-1 

-adobe-helvetica-medium -r-normal- 
-adobe-new century schoolbook-bold-i-normal- 

-adobe-new century 
-adobe-new century 
-adobe-new century 
-adobe-new century 
-adobe-new century 
-adobe-new century 
-adobe-new century 
-adobe-new century 
-adobe-new century 
-adobe-new century 


- 12-120-75-75-p-67-iso8859-1 
- 14-140-75-75-p-78-iso8859-1 
- 18-180-75-75-p-98-iso8859-1 
-24-240-75-75-p- 130-iso8859-1 
- 10-100-75-75-p-56-iso8859-1 
- 12-120-75-75-p-67-iso8859-1 
-24-240-75-75-p- 130-iso8859-1 
- 10-100-75-75-p-66-i so8859-1 
- 12-120-75-75-p-76-iso8859-1 
- 14-140-75-75-p-88-iso8859-1 
- 18-180-75-75-p- 111-iso8859-1 
-24-240-75-75-p- 148-iso8859-1 
- 10-100-75-75-p-66-iso8859-1 
- 12-120-75-75-p-77-iso8859-1 
- 14-140-75-75-p-87-iso8859-1 
- 18 - 180-75-75 -p- 113-iso8859-1 
-24-240-75-75-p- 149-iso8859-1 

-adobe-new century 
-adobe-new century 
-adobe-new century 
-adobe-new century 
-adobe-new century 
-adobe-new century 
-adobe-new century 
-adobe-new century 
-adobe-new century 
-adobe-new century 
-adobe-new century 
-adobe-new century 

schoolbook-bold-r-normal- -8-80-75-75-p-56-iso8859-1 
schoolbook-medium-i-normal- - 10-100-75-75-p-60-iso8859-1 
schoolbook-medium-i-normal- - 12-120-75-75-p-70-iso8859-1 
schoolbook-medium-i-normal- - 14-140-75-75-p-81 -iso8859-1 
schoolbook-medium-i-normal- - 18-180-75-75-p- 104-iso8859-1 
schoolbook-medium-i-normal- -24-240-75-75-p- 136-iso8859-1 
schoolbook-medium-i-normal- -8-80-75-75-p-50-iso8859-1 
schoolbook-medium-r-normal- - 10-100-75-75 -p-60-iso8859-1 
schoolbook-medium-r-normal- - 12-120-75-75-p-70-iso8859-1 
schoolbook-medium-r-normal- - 14-140-75-75-p-82-iso8859-1 
schoolbook-medium-r-normal- - 18-180-75-75-p- 103-iso8859-1 
schoolbook-medium-r-normal- -24-240-75-75-p- 137-iso8859-1 

-adobe-new century schoolbook-medium-r-normal- -8-80-75-75-p-50-iso8859-1 
-adobe-times-bold-i-normal- - 10-100-75-75-p-57-iso8859-1 
-adobe-times-bold-i-normal- - 12-120-75-75-p-68-iso8859-1 

652 X Window System User's Guide 

Table E-5. Fonts in the 75dpi Directory, Release 3 (continued) 


charBI 14 
charB 14 
chad 12 
chad 18 

Font name 

-adobe-times-bold-i-normal- - 14-140-75-75-p-77-iso8859-1 
-adobe-times-bold-i-normal- - 18-180-75-75-p-98-iso8859-1 
-adobe-times-bold-i-normal- -24-240-75-75-p- 128-iso8859-1 
-adobe-times-bold-i-normal- -8-80-75-75-p-47-iso8859-1 
-adobe-times-bold-r-normal- - 10-100-75-75-p-57-iso8859-1 
-adobe-times-bold-r-normal- - 12-120-75-75-p-67-iso8859-1 
-adobe-times-bold-r-normal- - 14-140-75-75-p-77-iso8859-1 
-adobe-times-bold-r-normal- - 18-180-75-75-p-99-iso8859-1 
-adobe-times-bold-r-normal- -24-240-75-75-p- 132-iso8859-1 
-adobe-times-bold-r-normal- -8-80-75-75-p-47-iso8859-1 
-adobe-times-medium-i-normal- - 10-100-75-75-p-52-iso8859-1 


- 12-120-75-75-p-63-iso8859-1 
- 14-140-75-75-p-73-iso8859-1 
- 18-180-75-75-p-94-iso8859-1 
-24-240-75-75-p- 125-iso8859-1 
- 10-100-75-75-p-54-iso8859-1 
- 12-120-75-75-p-64-i so8859-1 
- 18-180-75-75-p-94-iso8859-1 
-24-240-75-75-p- 124-iso8859-1 
- 10-100-75-75-p-62-iso8859-1 
- 12-120-75-75-p-74-iso8859-1 
- 15-140-75-75-p-93-iso8859-1 
- 19-180-75-75-p- 117-iso8859-1 
-25-240-75-75-p- 154-iso8859-1 
- 10-100-75-75-p-63-iso8859-1 
- 12-120-75-75-p-75-iso8859-1 
- 15-140-75-75-p-94-iso8859-1 
- 19-180-75-75-p- 119-iso8859-1 
-25-240-75-75-p- 157-iso8859-1 

-bitstream-charter-bold-r-normal- -8-80-75-75-p-50-iso8859-1 
-bitstream-charter-medium-i-normal- - 10-100-75-75-p-55-iso8859-1 
-bitstream-charter-medium-i-normal- - 12-120-75-75-p-65-iso8859-1 
-bitstream-charter-medium-i-normal- - 15-140-75-75-p-82-iso8859-1 
-bitstream-charter-medium-i-normal- - 19-180-75-75-p- 103-iso8859-1 
-bitstream-charter-medium-i-normal- -25-240-75-75-p- 136-iso8859-1 
-bitstream-charter-medium-i-normal- -8-80-75-75-p-44-iso8859-1 
-bitstream-charter-medium-r-normal- - 10-100-75-75-p-56-iso8859-1 
-bitstream-charter-medium-r-normal- - 12-120-75-75-p-67-iso8859-1 
-bitstream-charter-medium-r-normal- - 15-140-75-75-p-84-iso8859-1 
-bitstream-charter-medium-r-normal- - 19-180-75-75-p- 106-iso8859-1 

Release 3 and 4 Standard Fonts 653 

Table E-5. Fonts in the 75dpi Directory, Release 3 (continued) 



Font name 

-bitstream-charter-medium-r-normal- -25-240-75-75-p- 139-iso8859-1 
-bitstream-charter-medium-r-normal- -8-80-75-75-p-45-iso8859-1 
dec-adobe-symbol-medium-r-normal- - 10-100-75-75-p-61-adobe-fontspecific 
dec-adobe-symbol-medium-r-normal- - 12-120-75-75-p-74-adobe-fontspecific 
dec-adobe-symbol-medium-r-normal- - 14-140-75-75-p-85 -adobe-fontspecific 
dec-adobe-symbol-medium-r-normal- - 18-180-75-75-p- 107-adobe- fontspecific 
dec-adobe-symbol-medium-r-normal- -24-240-75-75-p- 142-adobe-fontspecific 
dec-adobe-symbol-medium-r-normal- -8-80-75-75-p-51-adobe-fontspecific 

Table E-6. Fonts in the l OOdpi Directory, Release 3 


charBI 12 
charB 12 
charB 14 
charB 18 
charR 14 

Font name 


- 11-80-100-100-p-68 -iso8859-1 
- 14-100-100-100-p-86-iso8859-1 
- 17-120-100-100-p-105-iso8859-1 
- 19-140-100-100-p- 117-iso8859-1 
-25-180-100-100-p- 154-iso8859-1 
- 11-80-100-100-p-69-iso8859-1 
- 14-100-100-100-p-88-iso8859-1 
- 17-120-100-100-p- 107-iso8859-1 
- 11-80-100-100-p-60-iso8859-1 
- 14-100-100-100-p-76-iso8859-1 
- 17-120-100-100-p-92-iso8859-1 
- 19-140-100-100-p- 103-iso8859-1 
-25-180-100-100-p- 136-iso8859-1 
-33-240-100-100-p- 179-iso8859-1 
- 11-80-100-100-p-61-iso8859-1 
- 14-100-100-100-p-78-iso8859-1 
- 17-120-100-100-p-95-iso8859-1 
- 19-140-100-100-p- 106-iso8859-1 
-25-180-100-100-p- 139-iso8859-1 
-33-240-100-100-p- 183-iso8859-1 

654 X Window System User's Guide 



Foundry: adobe 
Family: courier 

Release 3 and 4 Standard Fonts 655 


I Ii 

Foundry: adobe 
Family: helvetica 


X Window System User's Guide 

Foundry: adobe 
Family: new century schoolbook 

Release 3 and 4 Standard Fonts 657 

Foundry: b&h 
Family: lucida 


X Window System User's Guide 

Foundry: b&h 
Family: lucidabright 

Release 3 and 4 Standard Fonts 659 

Foundry: adobe 
Family: times 

660 X Window System User's Guide 

Foundry: adobe 
Family: symbol 

Foundry: b&h 
Family: lucidatypewriter 

Release 3 and 4 Standard Fonts 661 

Foundry: bitstream 
Family: charter 


X Window System User's Guide 

Foundry: misc 
Family: fixed 


X Window System User's Guide 

Foundry: schumacher 
Family: clean 

Release 3 and 4 Standard Fonts 665 


Encoding: adobe-fontspecific 

666 X Window System User's Guide 

Encoding: iso8859 

668 X Window System User's Guide 

I .1 II/ 

Encoding: jisx0201.1976 

Release 3 and 4 Standard Fonts 669 

Encoding: jisx0208.1983 

670 X Window System User's Guide 

m V O0 -r X rm X 

Encoding: jisx0201.1976 

Release 3 and 4 Standard Fonts 671 

Encoding: SunOLcursor 

Release 3 and 4 Standard Fonts 673 

Example E-1 is the source code for the xshowfonts program, which we used to create most of 
the illusations in this appendix. If you don't want to type it in, you can find instructions for 
getting it online in the Preface. 
i"  Example E-1. xshowfont source listing 
::!ililii /* Dan Heller <>, based on a design by Tim O'Reilly 
* xshowfonts.c - 
* Displays a set of fonts specified on the command line, from 
* a pipe, or typed into stdin. Fonts can be specified as specific 
* fonts or as wildcard character strings. A pixmap is created to 
* display all the fonts. This is done by using the pixmap as the 
* pixmap image for a label widget. Each font prints its own name 
* in its own font style -- the -phrase option prints the phrase 
* instead. 
* All fonts are loaded first and scanned to determine the total 
* width and height of the pixmap first. Then the fonts are 
* reopened again to actually render the fonts into the pixmap. 
* All this could be avoided by using XListFontsWithInfo() 
* rather than XListFonts(), but since the list is potentially 
* very large, I didn't want to overload the server and client 
* with all those fonts + a very large pixmap. 
* Usage: xshowfonts 
* -s sorts the fonts in alphabetical order before displaying 
* -v verbose mode for when input is redirected to stdin. 
* -w width of viewport window 
* -h height of viewport window 
* -fg foreground_color 
* -bg background_color 
* -phrase "text string" (otherwise, name of font is used) 
* -indicates to read from stdin. Piping doesn't require 
the '-' argument. With no arguments, xshowfonts reads 
* from stdin anyway. 
:i * Neat ways to use the program: 
* xshowfonts -fg green -bg black "*adobe*" 
* xshowfonts -sort "*" 
* xshowfonts -phrase "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy 
* dog .... *times*" 
* xlsfonts I xshowfonts -sort 
* xshowfonts "*helvetica*" 
* compile: (triple click and paste next line) 
i .... cc -O -s xshowfonts.c -IXaw -IXt -IXmu -IXll -o xshowfonts 
........ #include <stdio.h> 
iii!iiii! #include <Xll/Intrinsic h> 
:i:i:i:!::! " 
iiiiiiiiiiil #include <Xll/StringDefs. h> 
iiii!: #include <Xll/Xaw/Label.h> 
!!ii!iiii #include <Xl i/Xaw/Viewport, h> 
iiii!iiiiiiil, struct _resrcs ( 
..... iiiiiii!i int sort; 

674 X Window System User's Guide 

Example E- 1. xshowfont source listing (continued) 
int verbose; 
Plxel fg, bg; 
char *phrase ; 
int view_width, view_height; 
static XtResource resources[]= { 
{ "sort", "Sort", XtRBoolean, sizeof (int), 
XtOffsetOf(struct _resrcs, sort), XtRImmediate, 
False }, 
{ "verbose", "Verbose", XtRBoolean, sizeof (int), 
XtOffsetOf(struct _resrcs,verbose), XtRImmediate, 
False }, 
{ "foreground", "Foreground", XtRPixel, sizeof (Pixel), 
XtOffsetOf(struct _resrcs, fg), XtRString, 
XtDefaultForeground }, 
{ "background", "Background", XtRPixel, sizeof (Pixel), 
XtOffsetOf(struct resrcs,bg), XtRString, 
XtDefaultBackground }, 
{ "phrase", "Phrase", XtRString, sizeof (String), 
XtOffsetOf(struct resrcs,phrase), XtRImmediate, NULL }, 
{ "vlew-width", "View-wldth", XtRInt, sizeof (int), 
XtOffsetOf(struct resrcs,view width), XtRImmediate, 
-- -- 
(char *)500 }, 
{ "view-height", "View-height", XtRInt, sizeof (int), 
XtOffsetOf(struct _resrcs,view_height), XtRlmmedlate, 
(char *)300 }, 
static XrmOptionDescRec options[] = { 
{ "-sort", "sort", XrmoptionNoArg, "True" }, 
{ "-v", "verbose", XrmoptionNoArg, "True" }, 
{ "-fg", "foreground", XrmoptionSepArg, NULL }, 
{ "-bg", "background", XrmoptionSepArg, NULL }, 
{ "-phrase", "phrase" XrmoptionSepArg, NULL } 
{ "-w", "vlew-width", XrmoptionSepArg, NULL }, 
{ "-h", "vlew-height", XrmoptionSepArg, NULL }, 
/* sort font according to the following parameters. 
* font specs we're interested in: 
* -fndry-fmly-wght-slant-*swdth-*adstyl-*pxlsz-ptsz- .... 
: foundry-- sort by foundry first; similar ones are always 
grouped together 
* weight--medium, demi-bold, bold 
* slant -- roman, italic/oblique, reverse italic/oblique 
* o, 
* ptslze -- increase numerical order 
font_cmp(fl, f2) 
char **fl **f2; 
char fndryl[16], fmlyl[64], wghtl[32], slantl[3]; 
char fndry2116], fmly2164], wght2132], slant2[3]; 
int n, m, ptsizel, ptsize2; 
char *font fmt str = "-%['-]-%['-]-%['-]-%[^-]-%*['0-91% 
,d_%dU. ; -- 

Release 3 and 4 Standard Fonts 675 

Example E-1. xshowfont source listing (continued) 

n = sscanf(*fl, font_fmt_str, fndryl, fmlyl, wghtl, slantl, 
m = sscanf(*f2, font fmt str, fndry2, fmly2, wght2, slant2, 
if (m < 5  n < 5) 
/* font not in correct format -- Just return font names 
* in order */ 
return strcmp(*fl, *f2); 
if (n = strcmp(fndryl, fndry2)) 
return n; /* different foundries -- return alphabetical 
* order */ 
if (n = strcmp(fmlyl, fmly2)) 
return n; /* different families -- return alphabetical 
* order */ 
if (n = strcmp(wghtl, wght2)) 
return -n; /* weight happens to be correct in reverse 
* alpha order */ 
if (n = strcmp(slantl, slant2)) 
return n; /* slants happen to be correct in alphabetical 
* order */ 
/* sort according to point size */ 
return ptsizel - ptsize2; 

main(argc, argv) 
ii;i. int argc; 
!ili ! .... char{ *argv[]; 

Widget topLevel, vp; 
char **list = (char **)NULL, **tmp; 
char buf[128]; 
extern char **XListFonts(); 
extern int strcmp(); 
XFontStruct *font; 
Pixmap pixmap; 
GC gc; 
Display *dpy; 
int istty = isatty(0), redirect = !istty, i, j, total = 0; 
unsigned int w, width = 0, height = 0; 
topLevel = XtInitialize(argv[0], argv[0], options, 
XtNumber (options), &argc, argv) ; 
dpy = XtDisplay(topLevel) ; 

XtGetApplicationResources(topLevel, &Resrcs, 
resources, XtNumber(resources), NULL, 0); 

if (!argv[l]  !strcmp(argv[l], "-")) { 
printf("Loading fonts from input. "); 
if (istty) { 
puts("End with EOF or ."); 
} else 
puts("Use -v to view font names being loaded."); 
} else if (!istty && strcmp(argv[l], "-")) 
printf("%s: either use pipes or specify font names -- 
not both.\n", 

676 X Window System User's Guide 

Example E- 1. xshowfont source listing (continued) 

if ((w = XTextWidth(font, list[i], 
strlen(list[i]))) > width) 
width = w; 
height += font->ascent + font->descent; 
XFreeFont(dpy, font) ; 
width += 6; 
height += 6; 
/* Create pixmap + GC */ 
printf("Creating pixmap of size %dx%d\n", width, height); 
if (!(pixmap = XCreatePixmap(dpy, DefaultRootWindow(dpy), 
width, height, DefaultDepth(dpy, DefaultScreen(dpy))))) 
XtError("Can't Create pixmap"); 
if (!(gc = XCreateGC(dpy, pixmap, NULL, 0))) 
XtError("Can't create gc"); 
XSetForeground(dpy, gc,; 
XFillRectangle(dpy, pixmap, gc, 0, 0, width, height); 
XSetForeground(dpy, gc, Resrcs.fg); 
XSetBackground(dpy, gc,; 
height = 0; 
for (i = 0; i < total; i++) { 
if (!(font = XLoadQueryFont(dpy, list[i]))) 
continue; /* it's already been reported */ 
XSetFont(dpy, gc, font->fid); 
height += font->ascent; 
if (Resrcs.phrase) 
XDrawString(dpy, pixmap, gc, 0, height, 
Resrcs.phrase, strlen(Resrcs.phrase)); 
XDrawString(dpy, pixmap, gc, 5, height, list[i], 
height += font->descent; 
XFreeFont(dpy, font); 
vp = XtVaCreateManagedWidget("viewport", viewportWidgetClass, 
XtNallowHoriz, True, 
XtNallowVert, True, 
XtNwidth, Resrcs.view_width, 
XtNheight, Resrcs.view_height, 
XtVaCreateManagedWidget("_foo", labelWidgetClass, vp, 
XtNbitmap, pixmap, 

if (!redirect) 


678 X Window System User's Guide 


xterm Control Sequences 

This appendix list the escape sequences that can be used to control features 
of an xterm window or its terminal emulation. 

In This Chapter: 

xterm Control Sequences .................................................................... 681 
Definitions ........................................................................................ 681 
VT102 Mode .................................................................................... 681 
Tektronix 4014 Mode ....................................................................... 688 

Bell (Ctrl-G) 
Backspace (Ca'l-H) 
Horizontal Tab (Ca'l-I) 
Line Feed or New Line (Ca'l-J) 
Vertical Tab (Ca'I-K) 
Form Feed or New Page (Ca'l-L) 
Carriage Return (Ca'l-M) 
Shift Out (Ca'l-N) -- Switch to Alternate Character Set 
Shift In (Ca'l-O) -- Switch to Standard Character Set 
Same as non-escaped BEL 

Same as non-escaped BS 
Same as non-escaped HT 
Same as non-escaped NL 
Same as non-escaped VT 
Same as non-escaped NP 
Same as non-escaped CR 
Same as non-escaped SO 
Same as non-escaped SI 
Same as non-escaped BEL 
Same as non-escaped BS 
Same as non-escaped HT 
Same as non-escaped NL 
Same as non-escaped VT 
Same as non-escaped NP 
Same as non-escaped CR 
Same as non-escaped SO 

Same as non-escaped SI 
DEC Screen Alignment Test (DECALN) 
Same as non-escaped BEL 

Same as non-escaped BS 
Same as non-escaped HT 
Same as non-escaped NL 
Same as non-escaped VT 
Same as non-escaped NP 
Same as non-escaped CR 
Same as non-escaped SO 


X Window System User's Guide 

Same as non-escaped SI 
Select GO Character Set (SCS) 
C =   Special Character and Line Drawing Set 
C = [i]  Alternate Character ROM Standard Set 
C = [ -- Alternate Character ROM Special Set 
C = []  United Kingdom (UK) 
C = ]  United States (USASCII) 
Select G1 Character Set (SCS) 
C -- ]  Special Character and Line Drawing Set 
C = [i]  Alternate Character ROM Standard Set 
C = []  Alternate Character ROM Special Set 
C = [  United Kingdom (UK) 
C = [-  United States (USASCII) 
Select G2 Character Set (SCS) 
C = ]  Special Character and Line Drawing Set 
C = [i]  Alternate Character ROM Standard Set 
C = ] -- Alternate Character ROM Special Set 
C = []  United Kingdom (UK) 
C = [-  United States (USASCII) 
Select G3 Character Set (SCS) 
C = ]  Special Character and Line Drawing Set 
C = [i]  Alternate Character ROM Standard Set 
C = []  Alternate Character ROM Special Set 
C = []  United Kingdom (UK) 
C = [- -- United States (USASCII) 
Save Cursor (DECSC) 
Restore Cursor (DECRC) 
Application Keypad (DECPAM) 
Normal Keypad (DECPNM) 
Index (IND) 
Next Line (NEL) 
Tab Set (HTS) 
Reverse Index (RI) 
Single Shift Select of G2 Character Set (SS2) 
Single Shift Select of G3 Character Set (SS3) 
Return Terminal ID (DECID) 

xterm Control Sequences 683 

Same as non-escaped BEL 
Same as non-escaped BS 
Same as non-escaped HT 
Same as non-escaped NL 
Same as non-escaped VT 
Same as non-escaped NP 
Same as non-escaped CR 
Same as non-escaped SO 
Same as non-escaped SI 
Same as non-escaped BEL 
Same as non-escaped BS 
Same as non-escaped HT 
Same as non-escaped NL 
Same as non-escaped VT 
Same as non-escaped NP 
Same as non-escaped CR 
Same as non-escaped SO 
Same as non-escaped SI 

Insert Ps (Blank) Character(s) (default = 1) (ICH) 
Cursor Up Ps Times (default = 1) (CUU) 
Cursor Down Ps Times (default = 1) (CUD) 
Cursor Forward Ps Times (default = 1) (CUF) 
Cursor Backward Ps Times (default = 1) (CUB) 
Cursor Position [row;column] (default = [1,1]) (CUP) 
Erase in Display (ED) 
Ps = 0 --) Clear Below (default) 
Ps = [ --) Clear Above 
Ps = [] - Clear All 
Erase in Line (EL) 
Ps = 6] - Clear to Right (defaul0 
Ps = [ --) Clear to Left 
Ps = ] -) Clear All 
Insert Ps Line(s) (default = 1) (IL) 
Delete Ps Line(s) (default = 1) (DL) 
Delete Ps Character(s) (default = 1) (DCH) 
Track mouse 

684 X Window System User's Guide 

Ps ND string NP 

Device Attributes (DA1) 
Cursor Position [row:column] (default = [1,1]) (HVP) 
Tab Clear 
Ps =  -' Clear Current Column (default) 
e, = -, clear An 
Mode Set (SET) 
Ps = ]  Insert Mode 0RM) 
Ps = [  Automatic Linefeed (LNM) 
Mode Reset (RST) 
Ps = ]  Insert Mode 0RM) 
Ps = [  Automatic Linefeed (LNM) 
Character Attributes (SGR) 
Pm =  -- Normal (default) 
Pm = ] -') Blink (appears as Bold) 
Pm = ]  Underscore 
Pm =  --> Bold 
P = ] -- Inverse 
Device Status Report (DSR) 
Ps = 5 --> Status Report [[0-][] --) OK 
Ps = 6 -- Report Cursor Position (CPR) [row;column] as 
Set Scrolling Region [top;bottom] (default = full size of window) 
Request Terminal Parameters (DECREQTPARM) 
OSC Mode 
ND can be any non-digit Character (it's discarded) 
NP can be any non-printing Character (it's discarded) 
string can be any ASCII printable string (max 511 characters) 
Ps = -] -- use string as a new icon name and title 
Ps = ] -- use string as a new icon name only 
Ps = [] -- use string as a new title only 
Ps = [][ -- use string as a new log file name 
DEC Private Mode Set (DECSET) 
Ps = ] -- Application Cursor Keys (DECCKM) 
Ps = [] -- Set VT52 Mode 
Ps = [] -- 132 Column Mode (DECCOLM) 

xterrn Control Sequences 685 

Ps =   Smooth (Slow) Scroll (DECSCLM) 
Ps = []  Reverse Video (DECSCNM) 
Ps = []  Origin Mode (DECOM) 
Ps = []  Wraparound Mode (DECAWM) 
Ps = I-  Auto-repeat Keys (DECARM) 
Ps = [] -- Send MIT Mouse Row & Column on Button Press 
Ps = [I-  Enter TekTronix Mode (DECTEK) 
Ps = ][-0-] -- Allow 80 -- 132 Mode 
Ps = ][  curses(5) fix 
Ps = ]] -- Turn On Margin Bell 
Ps = ][]  Reverse-wraparound Mode 
Ps = [][]  Start Logging 
Ps = ][]  Use Alternate Screen Buffer 
Ps = [[-0-][-0-][-0-]  send VT200 Mouse Row & Column on Button 
,--l-0T0q[ --, e vr200 ii roue Row  Coum o 
Button Press 
DEC Private Mode Reset (DECRST) 
Ps = i]  Normal Cursor Keys (DECCKM) 
Ps = [ -- 80 Column Mode (DECCOLM) 
Ps = ]  Jump (Fast) Scroll (DECSCLM) 
Ps = [] -- Normal Video (DECSCNM) 
Ps = []  Normal Cursor Mode (DECOM) 
Ps = []  No Wraparound Mode (DECAWM) 
Ps = I-  No Auto-repeat Keys (DECARM) 
Ps = [] -- Don't Send MIT Mouse Row & Column on Button Press 
Ps = ][-0-]  Disallow 80 -- 132 Mode 
Ps = [][  No curses(5) fix 
Ps = [][] -- Turn Off Margin Bell 
Ps = ][] -- No Reverse-wraparound Mode 
Ps = [][]  Stop Logging 
Ps = [][]  Use Normal Screen Buffer 
Ps = [[[-0-][-0-]  Don't send Mouse Row & Column on Button Press 
Ps = [1-0-]1-0-][ --) Don't send Hilite Mouse Row & Column on Button 


X Window System User's Guide 

Restore DEC Private Mode 
g = ]  Normal/Application Cursor Keys (DECCKM) 
g =[ -- 80/132 Column Mode (DECCOLM) 
g = [] -- Jump (Fast)/Smooth (Slow) Scroll (DECSCLM) 
g = [] -- Normal/Reverse Video (DECSCNM) 
g = -] -- Normal/Origin Cursor Mode (DECOM) 
g = ] -- No Wraparound/Wraparound Mode (DECAWM) 
g = ] -- Auto-repeat/No Auto-repeat Keys (DECARM) 
g = [] -- Don't Send/Send MIT Mouse Row & Column on Button 
g = [][-0-] -- Disallow/Allow 80 - 132 Mode 
g = []] -- Off/On curses(5) fix 
g =   Turn Off/On Margin Bell 
g = [][  No Reverse-wraparound/Reverse-wraparound Mode 
g =   Stop/Start Logging 
g = [][]  Use Normal/Alternate Screen Buffer 
g = ][-0-][-0-][-0-]  Don't send/send VT200 Mouse Row & Column on 
Button Press 
g = ][0-][]] -- Don't send/send VT200 Hilite Mouse Row & 
Column on Button Press 
Save DEC Private Mode 
g = ] -- Normal/Application Cursor Keys (DECCKM) 


80/132 Column Mode (DECCOLM) 
Jump (Fast)/Smooth (Slow) Scroll (DECSCLM) 
Normal/Reverse Video (DECSCNM) 
Normal/Origin Cursor Mode (DECOM) 
No Wraparound/Wraparound Mode (DECAWM) 
Auto-repeat/No Auto-repeat Keys (DECARM) 
Don't Send/Send MIT Mouse Row & Column on Button 
-- Disallow/Allow 80 - 132 Mode 
-- Off/On curses(5) fix 
-- Turn Off/On Margin Bell 
-- No Reverse-wraparound/Reverse-wraparound Mode 
 Stop/Start Logging 
-- Use Normal/Alternate Screen Buffer 

xterm Control Sequences 687 

Select #2 Character Set 
Select #3 Character Set 
Select Small Character Set 
Set Text Parameters 
Ps = ] --> Change Window Name and Title to Pt 
Ps --[iq --> Change Icon Name to Pt 
Ps = [ -> Change Window Title to Pt 
Ps = ]6-] --> Change Log File to Pt 
Normal Z Axis and Normal (solid) Vectors 
Normal Z Axis and Dotted Line Vectors 
Normal Z Axis and Dot-Dashed Vectors 
Normal Z Axis and Short-Dashed Vectors 
Normal Z Axis and Long-Dashed Vectors 
Defocused Z Axis and Normal (solid) Vectors 
Defocused Z Axis and Dotted Line Vectors 
Defocused Z Axis and Dot-Dashed Vectors 
Defocused Z Axis and Short-Dashed Vectors 
Defocused Z Axis and Long-Dashed Vectors 
Write-Thru Mode and Normal (solid) Vectors 
Write-Thru Mode and Dotted Line Vectors 
Write-Thru Mode and Dot-Dashed Vectors 
Write-Thru Mode and Short-Dashed Vectors 
Write-Thru Mode and Long-Dashed Vectors 
Point Plot Mode 
Graph Mode 
Incremental Plot Mode 
Alpha Mode 

xterra Control Sequences 689 


Standard Bitmaps 

This appendix shows the bitmaps included with the standard distribution of 
the X Window System. These can be used for setting window background, 
cursor symbols, pixmaps, and possibly for application icon pixmaps. 


mense tmanus 


Figure G-1. The Standard Bitmaps (continued) 

Standard Bitmaps 695 


Translation Table Syntax 

This appendix describes the basic syntax of translation table resources, 
described in Chapter 9, Setting Resources. 

In This Chapter: 

Event Types and Modifiers ................................................................... 697 
Detail Field ...................................................................................... 699 
Modifiers .......................................................................................... 700 
Complex Translation Examples ........................................................ 700 

Table H-2. Key Modifiers 

Event Modifiers 




Detail Field 

To provide finer control over the translation process, the event part of the translation can 
include an additional "detail." For example, if you want the event to require an additional 
keystroke, for instance, an A key, or a Ctrl-T, then that keystroke can be specified as a trans- 
lation detail. The default detail field is ANY. 
The valid translation details are event-dependent. For example, to specify the above example 
for keypress events, you would use: 
Key fields can be specified by the keysym value, as well as by the keysym symbolic name. 
For example, the keysym value of the Delete key is 0xffff. Keysym values can be deter- 
mined by examining the file <X11/keysymdef.h> or by using the xmodmap client. (See Chap- 
ter 11, Setup Clients, for information about xmodmap.) Unfortunately, with some translations 
the keysym value may actually be required, since not all keysym symbolic names may be 
properly interpreted. 

Translation Table Syntax 701 


X uses many common terms in unique ways. A good example is "children." 
While most, if not all, of these terms are defined where they are first used in 
this book, you will undoubtedly find it easier to refresh your memory by look- 
ing for them here. 





console xterm window 




A window can have a border that is zero or more pixels wide. If a 
window has a border, the border can have a solid color or a tile pat- 
tern, and it will be repainted automatically by the server whenever 
its color or pattern is changed or an v..xpose event occurs on the 
An X application program. There are client programs to perform a 
variety of tasks, including terminal emulation and window manage- 
ment. Clients need not run on the same system as the display server 
An entry in a colormap is known as a colorcell. An entry contains 
three values specifying red, green, and blue intensities. These val- 
ues are always 16-bit unsigned numbers, with zero being minimum 
intensity. The values are truncated or scaled by the server to match 
the display hardware. See also colormap. 
A colormap consists of a set of colorcells. A pixel value indexes 
into the colormap to produce intensities of red, green, and blue to be 
displayed. Depending on hardware limitations, one or more color- 
maps may be installed at one time, such that windows associated 
with those maps display with true colors. Regardless of the number 
of installable colormaps, any number of virtual colormaps can be 
created. When needed, a virtual colormap can be installed and the 
existing installed colormap may have to be uninstalled. The color- 
map on most systems is a limited resource that should be conserved 
by allocating read-only colorcells whenever possible, and selecting 
RGB values from the predefined color database. Read-only cells 
may be shared between clients. See also RGB. 

This xterm window is the first window to appear on your display. 
Exiting the console window kills the X server program and any 
associated applications. Also called the login xterm window. 
A function-dependent value assigned when you do not specify a 
value. For example, specifying the -:v option with xterm reverses 
the foreground and background colors for the xterm window. If you 
do not specify this option, the default foreground and background 
colors are used. 
The depth of a window or pixmap is the number of bits per pixel. 
Aspects of a system that vary depending on the hardware. For 
example, the number of colors available on the screen (or whether 
color is available at all) is a device-dependent feature of X. 
A set of one or more screens driven by a single X server. The DIS- 
PLAY environment variable tells programs which servers to connect 
to, unless it is overridden by the -d-i :3play command line option. 
The default is always screen 0 of (display) server 0 on the local 

708 X Window System User's Guide 


hot spot 


input device 

keyboard focus 

modifier keys 






X clients accept a special hexadecimal notation (prefixed by a # 
character) in all command line options relating to color. See Chap- 
ter 8, Command Line Options, for more information. 
The horizontal band of color that moves with the pointer within a 
The reference point of a pointer that corresponds to its specified 
position on the display. In the case of an arrow, an appropriate hot 
spot is its tip. In the case of a cross, an appropriate hot spot might 
be its center. 
A small symbol that represents a window but uses little space on the 
display. Converting windows to icons allows you to keep your dis- 
play uncluttered. 
Hardware device that allows you to input information to the system. 
For a window-based system, a keyboard and pointer are the most 
common input devices. 
See focus window. 
A list of commands or functions, listed in a small window, which 
can be selected with the pointer. 
Keys on the keyboard such as Control, Alt, and Shift. X programs 
recognize a set of "logical" modifier key functions that can be 
mapped to physical keys. The most frequently used of these logical 
keys is called the "meta" key. 
An input device that, when moved across a flat surface, moves the 
pointer symbol correspondingly across the display. The mouse 
usually has buttons that can be pressed to send signals that in turn 
accomplish certain functions. The mouse is one type of pointer 
device; the representation of the mouse on the screen is also called 
the pointer. (See pointer.) 
In a windowing system, windows may be stacked on top of each 
other much like a deck of cards. The window that overlays another 
window is said to occlude that window. A window need not com- 
pletely conceal another window to be occluding it. 
Space inserted to maintain alignment within the borders of windows 
and menus. 
A value required before a client can perform a function. Also called 
an argument. 
The smallest element of a display surface that can be addressed. 
A generic name for an input device thaL when moved across a flat 
surface, moves the pointer symbol correspondingly across the dis- 

710 X Window System User's Guide 


reverse video 

root window 





play. A pointer usually has buttons that can be pressed to send sig- 
nals that in turn accomplish certain functions. A mouse is one type 
of pointer device. 
The pointer also refers to the symbol on your display that tracks 
pointer movement on your desk. Pointers allow you to make selec- 
tions in menus, size and position windows and icons, and select the 
window where you want to focus input. A pointer can be repre- 
sented by a variety of symbols. (See text cursor.) Some typical X 
pointer symbols are the I-beam and the skull and crossbones. 
Windows have associated properties, each consisting of a name, a 
type, a data format, and some data. The X protocol places no inter- 
pretation on properties; they are intended as a general-purpose data 
storage and intercommunication mechanism for clients. There is, 
however, a list of predefined properties and property types so that 
clients can share information such as resize hints, program names, 
and icon formats with a window manager. In order to avoid passing 
arbitrary length property-name strings, each property name is asso- 
ciated with a corresponding integer value known as an atom. 
Reversing the default foreground and background colors. 
An additive method for defining color in which tenths of percent- 
ages of the primaries red, green, and blue are combined to form 
other colors. 
A shaded area (also called the background window) that covers the 
entire screen and upon which other windows are displayed. 
A server may provide several independent screens, which may or 
may not have physically independent monitors. For instance, it is 
sometimes possible to treat a color monitor as if it were two screens, 
one color and one black and white. 
A bar on the side of an xterm window that allows you to use the 
pointer to scroll up and down through the text saved in the window. 
The number of lines saved is usually greater than the number of 
lines displayed and can be controlled by the savel,5_nes resource 
A process in which you move the pointer to the desired menu item 
or window and click or hold down a pointer button in order to per- 
form some action. 
Selections are a means of communication between clients using pro- 
perties and events. From the user's perspective, a selection is an 
item of data that can be highlighted in one instance of an application 
and pasted into another instance of the same or a different applica- 
tion. The client that highlights the data is the owner, and the client 
into which the data is pasted is the requestor. Properties are used to 
store the selection data and the type of the data, while events are 

Glossary 711 


text cursor 



window manager 

used to synchronize the transaction and to allow the requestor to 
indicate the type of data it prefers and to allow the owner to convert 
the data to the indicated type if possible. 
The combination of graphics display, hardware, and X server soft- 
ware that provides display services for clients. The server also 
handles keyboard and pointer input. 
The standard underscore or block cursor that appears on the com- 
mand line or in a text editor running an xterm window. To make the 
distinction clearer, the cursor that tracks the movement of a mouse 
or other pointing device is referred to as the pointer. The pointer 
may be associated with any number of cursor shapes, and may 
change shape as it moves from window to window. 
A pattern that is replicated (as if laying a tile) to form the back- 
ground of a window or other area. This term is also used to refer to 
a style of window manager or application that places windows side 
by side instead of allowing them to overlap. 
A region on your display created by a client. For example, the 
xterm terminal emulator, the xcalc calculator, and the bitmap graph- 
ics editor all create windows. You can manipulate windows on your 
display using a window manager. 
A client that allows you to move, resize, circulate, and iconify win- 
dows on your display. 

712 X Window System User's Guide 

cursor 14 
pointer 222 
access control 
/etc/Xn.hosts fde 547 
user-based 548 
xdm 548 
XDMCP 548 
xhost 547 
action field (twm window man- 
ager) 208 
active window 592 
aliasing font names 93 - 95 
converting to bitmaps 109, 119 
atobm (array to bimaap converter) 
109 - 120 
authentication widget 535, 538, 
auto-repeat option (xset) 109, 221 
average width (fonts) 87 

colors 225 
-background option (-bg) 169 
background window see also root 
window 6 
-bd option 169 
BDF (Bitmap Display Format) for 
fonts 549 
bdftosnf (font compiler) 549 
bell volume (xse0 203,219 


-bg option 169 
button/key (.twmrc t'de) 206 
keys 45 
tight vs. loose (resources) 184 
bitmap (creating graphics) 14, 109 
command boxes 112 
description of 109 
invoking 109, 112 
window 110 
Bitmap Display Format (BDF) for 
fonts 549 
-bitmap option (xsetroot) 224, 225 
converting to arrays 109, 119 
creating from cursor 119 
editing 111 
standard 693 
bmtoa (bitmap to array converter) 
109 - 120 
Boolean variables 205 
border color option (-bd) 169 
border width option 168 
Bourne shell script 528 
bug compatibility mode 220 
bindings 206 
codes 237 
command 151,188, 596 
logical 228 
-bw option 168 

dex 713 

C shell script 528 
calculator (xcalc) 14 see also 
description 132 
function of keys 133 
terminating 133 
character set 88 
character-cell fonts 82 
definition 184 
resource names 184 
click-to-type focus 
see explicit focus 592 
command line options 164 
customizing 15, 45. 181 
def'mifion 12 
desk accessories 129 
display manager 14 
display options 164 
location of default values 182 
placing 45 
removing 141 
standalone 14 
user-contributed 150 
window manager 13 
clipboard 72, 191 see also xclip- 
CLIPBOARD selection 65, 
191 - 192 see also 
clock 130 see also oclock 
Close (Window Menu) 606 
changing color name database 
determining number available 
displaying 174 
for screen elements 169 
hexadecimal specification 172 
menus 212 
problems allocating 551 
RGB model 173 
specifying root window 
(xsemaot) 225 
definition 174 
read-only 175 
read/write 175,223 
shared 175 

colormap 146, 223 
description 174 
command boxes (bitmap) 
112 - 118 
command buttons 
Maximize 596 
Minimize 596 
command button widget 151 
command line options (client) 
163 - 177, 181 
-f (font) 104 
-background 169 
-bd (border color) 169 
-bg (background) 169 
-border color 169 
-borderwidth 168 
-bw (border width) 168 
-display 164 
-f (font) 176 
-foreground 169 
-geometry 166 
-iconic 176 
list of standard 163 
-name 194 
-reverse 177 
-rifle 165 
-xrm (set resources) 194 
binap editing 111 
executing system 211 
for terminating xterm window 
Main Options menu 53 
menu 212 
pointer 112 
Tek Options menu 59 
text editing widget 156 
VT Options menu 56 
console messages 550 
context field (twm window man- 
ager) 207 
Conmal key 156, 189, 207 
conventions of book v 
copying selections in xterm win- 
dows 61,152 
and xcutsel 66 
create font databases 92 see also 
cursor font 633 
clients 15, 181 
keyboard 227 
mwm 610 - 629 

714 X Window System User's Guide 

pointer 227 
twm 46, 203 
xdm 536 - 544 
cut buffer strings 61 
vs. selections 65 

database resource 196 
DEC VT102 14 
-defoption (xsetroot) 224 
setting application 182, 187 
deiconifying windows 36, 597 
Delete key 157 
Delete (I'wm menu) 43 
deleting windows 43 
desk accessories 14, 129 - 139 
dialog box widget 151 
font 90 
depth of 174 
server 11 
setting 219 
DISPLAY environment variable 
165, 528 
display fonts 80, 97 - 98 see also 
display manager 14 see also xdm 
-display option 164 
display window information 144 
see also xwininfo 
dump file see window dump file 
-edit option (xrdb) 197 
enlarging windows 597, 606 
environment variables 
DISPLAY 148, 165, 528, 609 
TERMCAP 74, 526 
error log file (xdm) 539 
/etc/ttys (starting X from) 545 
event translations 188, 189, 538 
syntax 697 
defmition 188 
input 188 

Exit (I'wm menu) 44 
window manager 44 
xmag 123 
xman program 138 
xterrn window 25 
explicit focus 592 

feedback boxes 623 
-fg option 169 
.twmrc 35, 45, 46 
.Xdefaults 52 
.Xresources 45, 51, 52 
log 550 
resource 181 
.twmrc 15, 203 
.uwmrc 557 
.xinitrc 182, 527 
Xreset 536, 542, 544 
.Xresources 182 
Xresources 536, 542, 544 
.xsession 182, 535 
Xsession 538 
xfd (font displayer) 97 - 105 
xset (set display preferences) 
219 - 223 
xterm (terminal emulator) menus 
Main Options 50, 52 
xwd (window dump) 140 - 141 
Focus (I'wm menu) 43 
focus policies (mwm) 
explicit 592 
focus window 43 
definition 8 
font displayer see also xfd 15 
font path option (xset) 221 
fonts see also Release 2 fonts and 
Release 3 fonts 
75-dpi vs 100-dpi 85 - 87 
aliases for 93 
average width 87 
bdftosnf (font compiler) 549 
Bimaap Display Format (BDF) 
bold and demi-bold 84 
character set 88 
character-cell 82, 87 
conventions of in book v 

dex 715 

binding 207 
Conn'ol 156, 189, 20? 
Delete 157 
mapping 230, 235 
Meta 26, 156, 189, 207, 231 
modifier 26, 227, 227 - 237 
Shift 207 
keys field (twm window manager) 
missing 46 
definition 229 
determining 232 
mapping 234 
values 699 
keyword variables 206 
Kill (Twm menu) 43 
client window 141 
oclock 143 
server 141 
windows 43 
with Window Menu button 602 
xterm window 25, 54 
led option (xset) 221 
list fonts 80 see also xlsfonts 
list variables 206 
list window tree 146 see also 
log fries 550 
logging in 14, 20 
font convention 80 
keyname 26, 230 
pointer button 228 
loose bindings 184, 186 
Twm menu 42 
Window Menu 606 
lowering windows 42 

magnifying screen 122 see also 

Main Options menu 50 
commands 53 
mode toggles 52 
manipulating icons 607 - 608 
using Window Menu 607 
definition 188 
event-action 190 
Meta key 207 
modifier keys 227, 230, 236 
possibilities with xmodmap 234 
translation table 189 
command button 597 - 598 
Window Menu item 606 
color 212 
creating new 203 
defining in .twmrc file 209, 210 
executing system commands 
from 211 
Preferences 209 
Root Menu (mwm) 608 - 610 
Tek Options 49.58 
Tek'onix 49 
Twm 35, 203 
twm (window manager) 50 
VT Fonts 57 
VT Options 55, 59 
Window Menu (mwm) 
602 - 608 
WindowOps 556 
xterm (terminal emulator) 50 
-merge option (xrdb) 196 
Meta key 26, 156, 189 - 190, 231 
definition 207 
mapping 207 
command button 596 - 597 
Window Menu item 605 
mkfontdir (create font databases) 
92, 549 
-mod option (xsetroot) 225 
mode toggles 
Main Options menu 52 
Tek Options menu 58 
VT Options menu 56 
Modes menu see VT Options 
modifier keys 26, 227 
mapping 227 - 237 

Index 717 

monospaced fonts 82 
Motif(window manager) see 
mouse option (xset) 222 
Twin menu 39 
Window Menu 604 
windows 594 
on-screen objects 39, 45 
mwm (window manager) 
591 - 629 
activating changes to 610 
client-specific resources 624 
component appearance resources 
customizing 610 - 629 
manipulating windows 594 
overview 591 
restarting 610 
selecting windows 592 
setting resources 622 - 623 
specific resources 624 
starting 592 
omWlTII'C file 
customizing mwm through 610 

-name option 194 
naming conventions 
fonts 80 
New Window command 
Root Menu 609 
New Window (WindowOps menu) 
numeric variables 206 


def'mition 40 
oclock (analog clock) 27, 
130 - 131,206, 213 
killing 131,143 
options see command line options 
OSF/Motif (window manager) 
591 - 629 see also mwm 

pasting selections in xterm win- 
dows 64, 152 
and xcutsel 66 
including X in 526 
pipes and pointer interaction 141 
point size 84 
acceleration 222 
bindings 206 
buttons 237 
commands 112 
context of 207 
customization 227 
def'ming button functions 206 
definition 7 
mapping 236 
possible cursor images 633 
pointer button see button 
pointer button field (twin window 
manager) 206 
postscript translation 15 see also 
Preferences menu 
example of 209 
PRIMARY selection 61,152 
printer fonts see fonts 
printing utilities 140 - 141 
proportional fonts 82 

Quit command (Main Options 
menu) 54 

Raise (Twm Menu) 41 
raising windows 41, 42, 598 
read-only colorcell 175,223 
read/write colorcell 175,223 
redrawing windows 55 
Refresh command 
Root Menu 610 
refreshing the screen 550 
Release 2 fonts 
directory 104 
vs. subsequent releases 104 

718 X Window System User's Guide 

Send STOP signal command 
(Main Options menu) 54 
Send TERM Signal command 
(Main Oprions menu) 54 
closing connection 141 
control access (xdm) 548 
control access (xhost) 547 
defmirion 11 
display 11 
starting 19, 527 
Server Natural Format (SNF) for 
fonts 549 
set width (fonts) 87 
shell environment variables ee 
environment variables 
shell scripts 
Bourne 528 
C 528 
startup 527 
Shift key 207 
showsnf (display compiled font) 
Shuffle Down (Root Menu) 609 
Shuffle Up (Root Menu) 609 
Size (Window Menu) 605 
SNF see Server Natural Format 
-solid option (xsetroot) 225 
spacing (fonts) 87 
stacked windows 
changing order of 40, 42 
starting X 19 - 30 
bringing up window manager 23 
BSD 4.3 545 
from/etc/ttys 545 
placing clients 45 
setting search path 526 
setting terminal type 526 
steps for 22 
System V 545 
xdm (display manager) 
531 - 544 
xinit (start X server) 22, 545 
startup scripts 528, 538 
subrnenu 210 
system management 525 - 551 
system.mwmrc file 612 - 619 

Tek Oprions menu 50 
commands 59 
descriprion of items 58 
mode toggles 58 
Tektronix 4014 14 
temporary xterm windows 
running commands in 75 
environment variable 526 
entry for xterm 74 
terminal emulator 49 see also 
definirion 14 
setting 526 
xterm 73 
terminating xterm window 25, 54, 
copying and pasting 61, 64, 66, 
string variables 205 
switching buffer and selection 
(xcutsel) 66 
text editing widget 154, 156 
thumb (scrollbar) 
def'mirion 152 
right bindings 184, 186 
ride area of window 594 
-rifle option 165 
fiflebar 595 
description 7 
in twm window manager 23, 
34 - 35 
in xterm window 20 
riflebutton binlings 206 
Toolkit options see command line 
definition 182 
translation table 
definition 188 
example of 190 
mappings in 189 
syntax 190, 697 - 701 
Twm menu 35 - 45 
Delete 43 
Exit 44 
Focus 43 
Iconify 36 
Kill 43 

720 X Window System User's Guide 

Window Menu 
Close 606 
displaying 602 
Lower 606 
manipulating icons with 607 
Maximize 606 
Minimize 605 
Move 604 
reasons for using 602 
removing menu 604 
Restore 607 
selecting items 603 
Size 605 
Window Menu command button 
WindowOps menu 
New Window 558 
creating 22. 23, 558 
definition 6 
deiconiing 36, 597 
displayed as icons 36 
displaying information about 
enlarging 597 
exiting xterm 25 
focus 43 
geometry of 166 
hierarchy of 146 
icon box 626 
iconifying 25, 36, 596 
killing (Twm menu) 43 
killing (Window Menu button) 
killing (xkill) 141 
lowering 42 
manipulating 33, 555 
manipulating (mwm) 594 
maximizing 596 
minimizing 596 
moving 39, 594 
raising 41, 42, 598 
redrawing 55 
resizing 38, 74, 558, 599 
root 6, 224 
selecting (mwm) 592 
stacked 40, 42 
starting as icon 176 
switching focus between 25 
Tektronix 49 
terminating 54 
title 165 
title area 594 

vertically tiled 153 
width of 168 
X Window System 
description of 5 
display server 11 
overview of architecture 10 
xbiff (mail notification) 133,212 
xcalc (calculator) 14, 132- 133, 
212, 528, 598 
xclipboard (save text selections) 
65, 68, 191 
Release 3 72 
xclock (analog or digital clock) 
14, 130- 131,206 
killing 130 
xcutsel (exchange cut buffer and 
selection) 65, 66 
.Xdefaults file 52 
vs. xrdb 192 
.Xdefaults file see .Xresources 
xdm (display manager) 14 
access control features 548 
authentication widget 535, 538, 
configuration file 532 
customizing 536 - 544 
error log file 539 
login window 20 
standard session 535 
starting X with 531 - 544 
stopping xdm and the server 540 
Xreset 539 
Xresources file 538, 544 
.xsession file 538 
Xsession file 538 
Xstartup 539 
xdpr (window dump to printer) 
xdpyinfo (list display information) 
xedit (text editor) 71, 154, 207 
XENVIRONMENT environment 
variable 199 
xev (track events) 232 
xfd (font displayer) 15, 80, 95, 
xfontsel (select fort0 80 

722 X Window System User's Guide 

xhost (control access to server) 
xinit (start X server) 22, 527, 545 
.xinitrc file 527 
xkill (remove window) 141 - 144 
xload (poll system load average) 
28, 134 
xlsclients (list running clients) 
148 - 149 
xlsfonts (list available fonts) 80 
xlswins (list window tree) 
146 - 148 
xrnag (magnify screen portion) 
122- 125 
description of 122 
quitting 123 
as a viewport 154 
xman (display manual pages) 135 
Release 3 138 
xmodmap (modifier key and 
pointer customization) 
227 - 237 
change map 233 - 237 
display key map 230 
display pointer map 236 
grammar option 234 
xpr (postscript translation) 15, 
140- 141 
xrdb (resource database manager) 
15, 192- 199, 527 
-edit option 197 
loading new values to 196 
querying 196 
removing definitions 197 
saving definitions 197 
setting resources with 195 
syntax 195 
using 195 
xrefresh (refresh screen) 55,610 
Xreset file 536, 542, 544 
.Xresources file 15, 51, 52, 182, 
536, 538, 542, 544 
sample 193 
.xresources file 
customizing mwm through 610 
-xrm option 194 
.xsession file 535,538 
Xsession file 538 
xset (set display preferences) 14, 
auto display option 221 
auto-repeat option 109 

font path option 221 
mouse option 222 
xsetroot (set root window charac- 
teristics) 224 - 237 
-bitmap option 224 
-def option 224 
xterm menus 49 - 59 see also 
Main Options menu, Tek 
Options menu, Vt Options 
Modes 50 
Tek Options 49 - 50 
Tektronix 49 - 50 
VT Fonts 50 
VT Options 50 
xterm 50 
xterm (terminal emulator) 
and termcap 526 
control sequences 681 
creating window(s) 22, 558 
default size 45 
multiple xterms 23 
overview 14, 49 
pasting and copying selections 
running command in temporary 
window 75 
scrollbar 59 
Tektronix window 49 
terminal type 73 
terminating 25, 54 
xwd (window dump) 14 
xwininfo (display window infor- 
marion) 144- 146 
xwud (window undumper) 140, 

Index 723 

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