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Year  £oo/c  93 


astronomy  •  plant  biology  •  developmental  biology  •  earth  and  planetary  sciences  • 

Office  of  Administration 

1530  P  Street,  N.W. 
Washington,  DC  20005-1910 
(202)  387-6400 

Department  of  Embryology 

115  West  University  Parkway 
Baltimore,  MD  21210-3301 
(410)  554-1200 


290  Panama  Street 
Stanford,  CA  94305-4101 
(415)  325-1521 

Geophysical  Laboratory 

5251  Broad  Branch  Road,  N.W. 
Washington,  DC  20015-1305 
(202)  686-2410 

Department  of  Terrestrial  Magnetism 

5241  Broad  Branch  Road,  N.W. 
Washington,  DC  20015-1305 
(202)  686-4370 

The  Observatories 

813  Santa  Barbara  Street 
Pasadena,  CA  91101-1292 
(818)  577-1122 

Las  Campanas  Observatory 

Casilla  601 

La  Serena,  Chile 

Cover:  Scientists  at  the  National  Science  Foundation 
Center  for  High-Pressure  Research  at  the  Carnegie 
Institution's  Geophysical  Laboratory  employ  the 
diamond-anvil  cell  to  study  materials  at  the  high  pressures 
of  earth  and  planetary  interiors.  The  sample  is  contained 
between  two  facing  diamonds,  which  are  forced  together 
mechanically  and  which  are  transparent  to  x-ray,  infrared, 
and  other  radiation  thus  facilitating  spectroscopic  studies. 
The  instrument  has  been  developed  and  improved  during 
the  past  two  decades  by  Ho-kwang  Mao,  Peter  Bell, 
Russell  Hemley,  and  colleagues  at  the  Geophysical 
Laboratory.  See  essays  by  Thomas  Duffy  and  Yingwei  Fei 
in  this  year  book,  pp.  78-92.  Photo:  H.-k.  Mao  and  J.  Shu. 



Year  Book  93 

The  President's  Report 

July  1993-June  1994 

Library  of  Congress  Catalog  Card  Number  3-16716 

International  Standard  Book  Number  0-87279-672-8 

Printing  by  Port  City  Press,  Inc.,  Baltimore 

Composition  with  Ventura /Postscript 

December  1994 


President's  Commentary  (Singer)       1 

First  Light  and  CASE  (James) 15 

Losses,  Gains,  Honors 20 

Department  of  Embryology       25 

The  Director's  Introduction  (Brown) 27 

News  of  the  Department 28 

Transposable  Elements:  Why  They  Move  and  Why 

They  Don't  (Fedoroff) 29 

Intracellular  Movement  and  Metabolism  of  Lipids  (Pagano)  36 

Short  Reports 42 

Bibliography 45 

Personnel 46 

Department  of  Plant  Biology 49 

The  Director's  Introduction  (C.  Somerville) 51 

Molecular  Mechanisms  of  Plant  Disease 

Resistance  (S.  Somerville) 54 

The  Role  of  Membrane  Lipid  Composition  (C.  Somerville)  59 

Short  Reports       64 

Bibliography 68 

Personnel 71 

Geophysical  Laboratory 73 

The  Director's  Introduction  (Prewitt) 75 

Properties  of  Hydrogen  at  High  Pressure:  Implications 

for  Jovian  Seismology  (Duffy)       78 

Studying  Core  Materials  at  High  Pressures  and 

Temperatures  (Fei)       84 

Short  Reports 89 

Bibliography 94 

Personnel 101 


Department  of  Terrestrial  Magnetism 103 

The  Director's  Introduction  (Solomon) 105 

The  Mantle  Beneath  Continents  (Carlson,  Shirey, 

Pearson,  and  Boyd) 109 

The  Tectonic  Evolution  of  Venus  (Solomon) 117 

Bibliography 126 

Personnel 131 

The  Observatories 133 

The  Director's  Introduction  (Searle) 135 

Atoms  and  Stars  (McWilliam) 136 

Spectroscopy  of  Gas  at  High  Redshift  (Rauch)     ....  142 

Bibliography 148 

Personnel 153 

Extradepartmental  and  Administrative 155 

Personnel 157 

Publications 158 

Special  Events       159 

Report  of  the  Executive  Committee 161 

Abstract  of  Minutes  of  the  100th  Meeting  of  the  Board     .  163 

Financial  Statements 165 

Articles  of  Incorporation 179 

By-Laws        183 

Index 189 


President  and  Trustees 


Maxine  F.  Singer 


Thomas  N.  Urban 

William  I.  M.  Turner,  Jr. 

William  T.  Golden 


Philip  H.  Abelson 
William  T.  Coleman,  Jr. 
John  F.  Crawford1 
Edward  E.  David,  Jr. 
John  Diebold 
James  D.  Ebert 
W.  Gary  Ernst 
Sandra  M.  Faber 
Bruce  W.  Ferguson 
Robert  G.  Goelet 
David  Greenewalt 
William  R.  Hearst  III 
Richard  E.  Heckert 
Kazuo  Inamori 
Antonia  Ax:son  Johnson2 
Kenneth  G.  Langone3 
Gerald  D.  Laubach 
John  D.  Macomber 
Richard  A.  Meserve 
Sally  K.  Ride2 
Robert  C.  Seamans,  Jr.4 
David  F.  Swensen 
Charles  H.  Townes 
Sidney  J.  Weinberg,  Jr. 

Caryl  P.  Ha  skins 
William  R.  Hewlett 
William  McChesney  Martin,  Jr. 
Garrison  Norton 
Richard  S.  Perkins 
Frank  Stanton 
Trustees  Emeriti 

1  From  November  7,  1994 

2  Resigned,  May  6, 1994 

3  From  November  16,  1993 

4  Trustee  Emeritus  from  May  6,  1994 

Former  Presidents  and  Trustees 

Daniel  Coit  Gilman,  1902-1904 
Robert  S.  Woodward,  1904-1920 
John  C.  Merriam,  1921-1938 
Vannevar  Bush,  1939-1955 
Caryl  P.  Haskins,  1956  -1971 
Philip  H.  Abelson,  1971-1978 
James  D.  Ebert,  1978-1987 
Edward  E.  David,  Jr.  (Acting 

President,  1987-1988) 

Alexander  Agassiz,  1904  -1905 
Robert  O.  Anderson,  1976  -1983 
Lord  Ashby  of  Brandon,  1967-1974 
J.  Paul  Austin,  1976  -1978 
George  G.  Baldwin,  1925-1927 
Thomas  Barbour,  1934  -1946 
James  F.  Bell,  1935-1961 
John  S.  Billings,  1902-1913 
Robert  Woods  Bliss,  1936  -1962 
Amory  H.  Bradford,  1959-1972 
Lindsay  Bradford,  1940-1958 
Omar  N.  Bradley,  1948-1969 
Lewis  M.  Branscomb,  1973-1990 
Robert  S.  Brookings,  1910  -1929 
James  E.  Burke,  1989-1993 
Vannevar  Bush,  1958-1971 
John  L.  Cadwalader,  1903-1914 
William  W.  Campbell,  1929-1938 
John  J.  Carty,  1916 -1932 
Whitefoord  R.  Cole,  1925-1934 
John  T.  Connor,  1975-1980 
Frederic  A.  Delano,  1927-1949 
Cleveland  H.  Dodge,  1903-1923 
William  E.  Dodge,  1902-1903 
Gerald  M.  Edelman,  1980-1987 
Charles  P.  Fenner,  1914  -1924 
Michael  Ference,  Jr.,  1968-1980 
Homer  L.  Ferguson,  1927-1952 
Simon  Flexner,  1910  -1914 
W.  Cameron  Forbes,  1920  -1955 
James  Forrestal,  1948-1949 
William  N.  Frew,  1902-1915 
Lyman  J.  Gage,  1902-1912 
Walter  S.  Gifford,  1931-1966 

Carl  J.  Gilbert,  1962-1983 
Cass  Gilbert,  1924  -1934 
Frederick  H.  Gillett,  1924  -1935 
Daniel  C.  Gilman,  1902-1908 
Hanna  H.  Gray,  1974  -1978 
CrawfordH.  Greenewalt,  1952-1984 
William  C.  Greenough,  1975-1989 
Patrick  E.  Haggerty,  1974-1975 
John  Hay,  1902-1905 
Barklie  McKee  Henry,  1949-1966 
Myron  T  Herrick,  1915-1929 
Abram  S.  Hewitt,  1902-1903 
Henry  L.  Higginson,  1902-1919 
Ethan  A.  Hitchcock,  1902-1909 
Henry  Hitchcock,  1902 
Herbert  Hoover,  1920-1949 
William  Wirt  Howe,  1903-1909 
Charles  L.  Hutchinson,  1902-1904 
Walter  A.  Jessup,  1938-1944 
Frank  B.  Jewett,  1933-1949 
George  F.  Jewett,  Jr.,  1983-1987 
Antonia  Ax:son  Johnson,  1980-1994 
William  F.  Kieschnick,  1985-1991 
Samuel  P.  Langley,  1904  -1906 
Ernest  O.  Lawrence,  1944  -1958 
Charles  A.  Lindbergh,  1934  -1939 
William  Lindsay,  1902-1909 
Henry  Cabot  Lodge,  1914  -1924 
Alfred  L.  Loomis,  1934  -1973 
Robert  A.  Lovett,  1948-1971 
Seth  Low,  1902-1916 
Wayne  MacVeagh,  1902-1907 
Keith  S.  McHugh,  1950  -1974 
Andrew  W.  Mellon,  1924  -1937 
John  C.  Merriam,  1921-1938 
J.  Irwin  Miller,  1988-1991 
Margaret  Carnegie  Miller,  1955-1967 
Roswell  Miller,  1933-1955 
Darius  O.  Mills,  1902-1909 
S.  Weir  Mitchell,  1902-1914 
Andrew  J.  Montague,  1907-1935 
Henry  S.  Morgan,  1936  -1978 
William  W.  Morrow,  1902-1929 
Seeley  G.  Mudd,  1940  -1968 
Franklin  D.  Murphy,  1978-1985 
William  I.  Myers,  1948-1976 

Paul  F  Oreffice,  1988-1993 
William  Church  Osborn,  1927-1934 
Walter  H.  Page,  1971-1979 
James  Parmelee,  1917-1931 
William  Barclay  Parsons,  1907-1932 
Stewart  Paton,  1916  -1942 
Robert  N.  Pennoyer,  1968  -1989 
George  W.  Pepper,  1914  -1919 
John  J.  Pershing,  1930  -1943 
Henning  W.  Prentis,  Jr.,  1942-1959 
Henry  S.  Pritchett,  1906  -1936 
Gordon  S.  Rentschler,  1946  -1948 
Sally  K.  Ride,  1989-1994 
David  Rockefeller,  1952-1956 
Elihu  Root,  1902-1937 
Elihu  Root,  Jr.,  1937-1967 
Julius  Rosenwald,  1929-1931 
William  M.  Roth,  1968-1979 
William  W.  Rubey,  1962-1974 
Martin  A.  Ryerson,  1908-1928 
Howard  A.  Schneiderman, 

Henry  R.  Shepley,  1937-1962 
Theobald  Smith,  1914  -1934 
John  C.  Spooner,  1902-1907 
William  Benson  Storey,  1924  -1939 
Richard  P.  Strong,  1934  -1948 
Charles  P.  Taft,  1936  -1975 
William  H.  Taft,  1906  -1915 
William  S.  Thayer,  1929-1932 
Juan  T  Trippe,  1944-1981 
James  W.  Wadsworth,  1932-1952 
Charles  D.  Walcott,  1902-1927 
Frederic  C.  Walcott,  1931-1948 
Henry  P.  Walcott,  1910  -1924 
Lewis  H.  Weed,  1935-1952 
William  H.  Welch,  1906  -1934 
Gunnar  Wessman,  1984  -1987 
Andrew  D.  White,  1902-1916 
Edward  D.  White,  1902-1903 
Henry  White,  1913-1927 
James  N.  White,  1956  -1979 
George  W.  Wickersham,  1909-1936 
Robert  E.  Wilson,  1953-1964 
Robert  S.  Woodward,  1905-1924 
Carroll  D.  Wright,  1902-1908 

Under  the  original  charter,  from  the  date  of  organization  until  April 
28, 1904,  the  following  were  ex  officio  members  of  the  Board  of  Trustees: 
the  President  of  the  United  States,  the  President  of  the  Senate,  the 
Speaker  of  the  House  of  Representatives,  the  Secretary  of  the  Smithsonian 
Institution,  and  the  President  of  the  National  Academy  of  Sciences. 


Directors  and  Administration 


1530  P  Street,  N.W.,  Washington,  D.C.  20005 

Maxine  F.  Singer         President 


115  West  University  Parkway,  Baltimore,  Maryland  21210 

Donald  D.  Brown         Director 
Allan  C.  Spradling         Director-designate1 


290  Panama  Street,  Stanford,  California  94305 

Christopher  Somerville         Director2 

Joseph  A.  Berry         Acting  Director3 


5251  Broad  Branch  Road,  N.W.,  Washington,  D.C.  20015 

Charles  T.  Prewitt        Director 

5241  Broad  Branch  Road,  N.W.,  Washington,  D.C.  20015 

Sean  C.  Solomon        Director 

813  Santa  Barbara  Street,  Pasadena,  California  91101 

Leonard  Searle        Director 


1530  P  Street,  N.W.,  Washington,  D.C.  20005 

John  J.  Lively  Director  of  Administration  and  Finance 

Susanne  Garvey  Director  of  Institutional  and  External  Affairs 

Ray  Bowers  Editor;  Publications  Officer 

Susan  Y.  Vasquez  Assistant  to  the  President 

Marshall  Hornblower        Counsel 

director,  effective  July  1, 1994 
2From  January  1,  1994 
3To  December  31, 1993 


Carnegie  Institution  of  Washington  does  not  discriminate 
against  any  person  on  the  basis  of  race,  color,  religion,  sex, 
national  or  ethnic  origin,  age,  disability,  veteran  status,  or  any 
other  basis  prohibited  by  applicable  law.  This  policy  covers 
all  programs,  activities,  and  operations  of  the  Institution, 
including  administration  of  its  educational  programs, 
admission  of  qualified  students  as  fellows,  and  employment 
practices  and  procedures. 


Presidents  Commentary 


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Administration  building,  Washington,  D.C. 




Magellan  head  Stephen  Shectman  inspects  the  Magellan  mirror  blank  at  the  University  of 
Arizona  s  Steward  Observatory  Mirror  Lab,  April  28,  1994.  The  6.5-meter-diameter  mirror 
had  been  gradually  cooling  inside  its  oven  since  its  initial  casting  in  early  February  1994 
The  Magellan  telescope  is  being  built  at  Carnegie's  Las  Campanas  Observatory  Chile 

President's  Commentary 

...fundamental  science  is  in  large  part  "strategic  science"  as  well.  The 
difference  is  that  the  strategy  is  not  directed  toward  finding  practical 
applications,  but  rather  toward  continually  asking  and  seeking 
answers  to  the  most  fundamental  questions....  The  measure  of  the 
success  of  the  strategy  is  the  actual  achievement  of  [this]  fundamental 
understanding....  It  is  success  in  this  continuing  endeavor  that  makes 
it  possible  for  infants  whose  brains  differ  very  little  from  those  of  their 
cave-dwelling  ancestral  counterparts,  to  become  within  two  or  three 
decades,  major  contributors  to  this  ongoing  quest. 

George  W.  Wetherill 

letter  to  Thomas  F.  Malone 

28  February  1994 

Images  of  two  magnificent  events  will  dominate  recollections 
of  the  past  year  among  scientists.  Last  winter,  the  Hubble 
Telescope  was  repaired  by  a  heroic  team  of  astronauts,  nearly 
200  kilometers  out  in  space.  Later,  in  the  summer,  fragments  of 
the  comet  Shoemaker-Levy  9  bombarded  Jupiter  more  than  600 
million  kilometers  away.  We  watched  both  distant  events  as  if  we 
were  close  observers,  and  in  both  we  glimpsed  the 
interdependence  of  science  and  technology,  albeit  from  different 

The  Hubble  repair  mission  had  a  human  purpose;  indeed  the 
telescope  itself  exists  to  advance  human  knowledge  of  the  distant 
universe.  The  superb  data  that  began  flowing  back  to  Earth  soon 
after  the  repair  met  with  unrestrained  enthusiasm  among 
Carnegie  astronomers.  Even  as  the  astronauts  were  earning  our 
admiration  aloft,  improved  technology  was  also  advancing 
science  on  Earth.  The  Geophysical  Laboratory'sThomas  Duffy 
and  Yingwei  Fei,  for  example,  using  improved  versions  of  the 


high-pressure  diamond-anvil  cell,  were  each  acquiring 
fundamental  new  data  important  for  understanding  the  planet 
(see  essays  by  Duffy  and  by  Fei,  pp.  78-89).  Like  the  astronauts, 
Duffy  and  Fei  were  engaged  in  a  venture  having  human  purpose, 
one  requiring  imagination,  knowledge,  and  skill. 

In  contrast,  the  bombardment  of  Jupiter  was  beyond  human 
purpose  or  influence,  almost  beyond  our  imaginations,  although 
our  ability  to  observe  it  depended  on  previous  technological 
accomplishments  including  the  Hubble  Telescope  itself,  the 
Galileo  spacecraft,  and  Earth-bound  telescopes  including  the  du 
Pont  Telescope  at  Carnegie's  Las  Campanas  Observatory  in  Chile. 

The  Hubble  repair  and  the  Jupiter  bombardment  captured 
widespread  public  attention.  So  too  do  new  understandings 
about  fundamental  biological  processes  relating  to  disease.  Public 
enthusiasm  for  science  seems  to  be  growing.  Locally,  we  see  that 
interest  in  the  large  attendance  at  our  monthly  Capital  Science 
lectures.  Meanwhile,  however,  a  troubled  discourse  continues 
bemoaning  the  effects  of  technology  and  modern  science  on 
human  life.  This  discourse  is  conducted  largely  by  nonscientists. 
It  is  marked  by  anxiety  rather  than  the  optimism  typical  of 
scientists  and  apparent  among  many  members  of  the  general 
public.  For  both  good  and  unfortunate  reasons,  scientists  rarely 
speculate  about  the  long-range  implications  of  their  work,  many 
of  which  are,  in  any  case,  not  predictable.  Deeming  the  public 
discourse  arid  and  beside  the  point,  many  scientists  remain  aloof. 
Nevertheless,  if  science  is  to  thrive,  scientists  and  those  who 
support  and  depend  on  science  need  to  think  about  the  content  of 
the  dialogue,  recognize  its  significance,  and  make  clear  its 
frequent  folly. 

The  dialogue  has  two  central  themes.  One  is  fear  of  the  effects 
of  technological  developments  on  human  existence  and  on  the 
ecology  of  the  Earth.  The  other  perceives  science  itself  as  a 
destructive  challenge  to  humanity's  faith  in  its  own  purpose. 

The  Fear  of  Technology 

Technology  is  often  the  outcome  of  applying  fundamental 
scientific  knowledge  to  human  needs.  Some  see  technology  as 
dangerous  and  dehumanizing.  Sometimes  it  is.  But,  as  the  dean  of 
one  of  our  nation's  great  medical  schools  once  remarked  to  me,  if 
one  is  really  sick,  better  to  have  as  a  doctor  a  businesslike, 

Aerial  view  of  Las  Campanas  Observatory,  December  1993,  shows  preparation 
for  the  Magellan  telescope. 

first-rate  medical  mind  than  a  kind  and  sympathetic  fool.  Of 
course,  the  ideal  physician  is  a  kind  and  sympathetic  person  with 
a  first-rate  medical  mind  (like  that  dean  himself),  but  such 
perfection  will  rarely  be  on  hand  in  emergencies. 

In  the  course  of  history,  we  have  become  dependent  on 
technological  innovation,  on  the  skilled  scientists  and  engineers 
who  produce  the  innovations  and  on  entrepreneurial  people  who 
see  fortune  in  the  innovations  and  are,  accordingly,  willing  to  take 
considerable  risks.  Such  commercial  activities  are  undertaken 
with  attention  to  what  people  seem  to  need  and  want.  They 
require  enormous  investments  in  time,  energy,  and  money, 
requirements  which  restrain  ventures  that  have  no  appeal  in  the 
marketplace.  Consumers  have  little  trouble  in  making  decisions 
about  the  cost-effective  utility  of  good  and  bad  inventions,  often 
despite  strenuous  attempts  through  advertising  to  influence  them 
otherwise.  Almost  everyone  would  laugh  at  a  suggestion  that  we 
give  up  the  use  of  fire  because  it's  dangerous,  or  that  we  eschew 
television  because  it  has  a  bad  influence  on  education  and  culture. 

We  have  learned  that  there  is  no  free  lunch.  Most  technological 
innovations  bring  new  problems  as  well  as  new  solutions. 
Choices  do  need  to  be  made,  restrictions  need  to  be  considered 
and,  if  necessary,  imposed.  Thus,  technological  innovations  in 
sanitation,  medicine,  and  agriculture  have  led  to  unprecedented 
increases  in  human  population.  If,  as  many  believe,  our  species  is 
now  using  more  than  its  sustainable  share  of  Earth's  space  and 
resources,  the  response  must  be  conservation  and  limitation  of 
future  population  growth,  not  a  return  to  open  sewers,  ineffective 
medicine,  and  even  more  widespread  starvation  than  now  exists. 

Yet,  each  technological  innovation  attracts  worriers  who 


would  make  us  Luddite  nay-sayers  rather  than  responsible, 
critical  citizens.  The  worriers  may  not  be  in  tune  with  most 
people,  but  they  gain  credence  through  the  cooperation  of  the 
communications  media.  Technology  itself  has  raised  the  media  to 
a  dominant  role  in  informing  and  shaping  public  opinion;  but  the 
favor  has  not  been  returned.  Reporting  of  scientific  and 
technological  news  is  too  often  superficial,  sensationalist,  and 
negative.  Only  rarely  is  the  actual  probability  of  undesirable 
effects  explained.  Once  the  initial  flurry  of  frightening  front-page 
reports  has  faded,  ameliorating  or  even  contradictory  evidence 
and  interpretation  is  usually  to  be  found  in  the  back  pages  (or  on 
public  broadcasting  stations),  if  at  all.  All  too  frequently  the 
outcome  is  public  hysteria  followed  by  costly  and  inconclusive 
new  studies,  needless  antagonism  toward  industry,  and 
ill-conceived  legislation.  Recent  objects  of  alarm  include  low-level 
electromagnetic  fields,  the  infamous  "alar  on  apples,"  bovine 
growth  hormone,  and  a  genetically  engineered  tomato,  which  has 
been  depicted  as  some  sort  of  red  menace. 

A  particularly  egregious  example  was  the  media  coverage,  last 
spring,  of  problems  with  long-term  clinical  studies  to  evaluate 
alternative  surgical  treatments  for  early  breast  tumors.  The  initial 
stories  said  little  or  nothing  about  the  nature  of  the  errors  in  the 
studies,  and  left  the  impression  that  the  medical  conclusions  were 
wrong.  Finally,  the  public  learned  that  the  problems  were 
managerial,  and  were  neither  venal  nor  scientifically 
consequential.  The  validity  of  the  studies'  results  was  supported 
by  substantial  independent  data.  Nevertheless,  the  media  had 
immediately  implied  the  worst.  It  had  drummed  up  terror  within 
the  ranks  of  women  who  had  chosen  the  treatment  favored  by  the 
studies — lumpectomy,  rather  than  radical  mastectomy.  Then  it 
displayed  that  terror  on  front  pages  and  prime-time  television 
through  intimate  and  heart-wrenching  interviews  with  women 
led  to  believe  they  were  the  victims  of  dishonest,  flawed  science. 

Alarmist  media  reporting  and  emotional  dialogues  confound 
reliable  assessment  of  real  public  opinion  about  technological 
development.  Of  course,  people  want  innovative  technology  to  be 
effective,  safe,  and  relatively  free  from  negative  environmental 
consequences — and  they  want  honest  information.  But  there  is 
also  evidence  that  the  public  shares  significantly  in  the  optimism 
of  scientists.  Opinion  polls  consistently  report  substantial  support 
for  scientific  research,  particularly  biomedical  research,  and 


relatively  high  esteem  for  scientists  as  professionals.  People  covet 
innovative  products  based  on  science  and  technology,  assuming 
that  the  products  perform  as  promised — everything  from  modern 
transportation,  fiber  optics,  computers,  and  instruments  of 
communication  to  foods  and  materials.  Persons  confronted  with 
serious  or  terminal  illness  seek  out  the  newest  medical  technology. 

Yet,  the  anxious  dialogue  continues,  often  in  nostalgic  tones 
for  what  is  romantically  imagined  to  have  been  a  safer,  simpler 
past.  It  would  be  more  productive  to  recognize  that  the  past  is  not 
only  forever  gone,  but  that  it  wasn't  always  wonderful  anyway.  I 
for  one  can't  pass  a  swimming  pool  full  of  happy  children 
without  remembering  that  pools  were  forbidden  to  me  as  a  child 
in  the  days  before  a  polio  vaccine  was  available. 

Science  as  Scapegoat 

Scientific  understanding  also  troubles  many  people.  It  has 
always  been  so.  Perhaps  the  situation  has  improved  since  the 
times  of  Galileo  or  Darwin,  but  the  treatment  accorded  their  ideas 
still  haunts  us.  Each  time  science  reminds  our  species  that  we  are 
neither  the  center,  the  pinnacle,  nor  purpose  of  the  history  of  the 
universe,  we  can  be  certain  that  verbal  hand-wringing  or  worse 
will  ensue  from  some  quarter.  Thus,  we  are  being  told,  again,  that 
the  current  turmoil  in  human  society,  worldwide,  has  its  roots  in 
the  loss  of  historical,  philosophical,  and  religious  underpinnings, 
and  that  science  is  to  blame. 

The  labeling  of  science  as  scapegoat  finds  support  among 
many  in  positions  of  leadership.  Such  people  may  mouth 
platitudes  about  science's  importance  to  our  national  well-being 
and,  most  recently,  to  our  economic  status,  but  they  know  little 
about  the  content  of  scientific  knowledge  or  how  it  is  obtained.  In 
contemporary  American  society,  significant  intellectual 
leadership  is  lacking,  and  it  usually  falls  to  scientists  themselves 
to  counter  the  scientifically  illiterate  politicians  and 
commentators  who  dominate  the  media. 

Statements  of  distress  about  the  influence  of  science  on  the 
human  social  order  often  begin  with  the  issue  of  uncertainty  and 
finish  with  a  yearning  for  the  renewal  of  human  purpose.  In 
between,  it  becomes  clear  that  many  individuals  are  deeply 
troubled  by  the  idea  that  random  (or,  more  fashionably,  chaotic) 
events  were  instrumental  in  the  history  of  the  universe  and  of  life. 

Fear  of  Uncertainty 

Discussions  of  uncertainty  by  nonscientists  usually  start  with 
a  weakly  informed  reference  to  Heisenberg's  uncertainty 
principle.  It  is  said  that  this  principle,  which  has  to  do  with 
intrinsic  problems  in  determining  the  properties  of  atoms  and 
smaller  particles,  is  responsible  for  widespread  philosophical  and 
religious  anxiety. 

Can  this  really  be  a  serious  argument?  It  is  unlikely  that  most 
people  even  know  about  the  uncertainty  principle  much  less 
understand  it.  After  all,  even  Harvard  graduates  are  revealed  on 
videotape  record  as  ignorant  of  why  summer  and  winter  occur. 
Moreover,  anyone,  educated  or  not,  knows  that  certainty  governs 
much  of  our  everyday  lives:  objects  exist  and  usually  remain  in 
the  place  we  left  them,  night  follows  day,  and  living  things 
denied  food  and  water  will  die.  To  paraphrase  a  remark  in  this 
Year  Book  by  Sean  Solomon,  the  director  of  our  Department  of 
Terrestrial  Magnetism  (DTM):  Although  the  physical  and 
biological  world  is  known  to  exhibit  stochastic  and  chaotic 
behavior,  there  is  nonetheless  an  overarching  optimism  among 
scientists  that  common  physical  and  chemical  laws  (my  italics) 
underlie  all  phenomena. 

Still,  uncertainty  exists,  although  it  has  little  to  do  with 
Heisenberg.  Most  people  seem  to  accept  it  and,  as  the  current 
slang  would  say,  "get  on  with  their  lives."  Some  uncertainties  are 
man-made,  like  the  departure  times  of  scheduled  airplane  trips. 
More  important  are  the  uncertainties  that  come  from  our 
ignorance  about  nature.  We  often  don't  understand  well  the 
operation  of  those  underlying  common  physical  and  chemical 
laws  Sean  Solomon  writes  about.  These  uncertainties  are  what 
motivate  contemporary  scientific  research.  For  example,  the 
weather,  earthquakes,  and  volcanic  eruptions  remain 
unpredictable.  Tumors  arise  when  a  series  of  mutations  in  certain 
genes  in  a  body  cell  release  that  cell  from  normal  growth  controls; 
while  some  of  those  genes  have  recently  been  identified,  most 
tumors  remain  unpredictable  and  undetectable  at  very  early 
stages  when  nondisabling  treatment  would  be  effective.  We 
recognize  that  the  growth  in  fossil  fuel  use,  together  with  the 
destruction  of  forests,  is  affecting  the  cycling  of  gases  important 
for  sustaining  life,  but  we  are  uncertain  as  to  the  outcome  of  those 


Other  kinds  of  uncertainty  are  intrinsic  to  natural  phenomena. 
Thus,  even  if  we  learn  to  predict  an  oncoming  volcanic  eruption 
or  earthquake,  the  event  itself  remains  the  result  of  a  set  of  chance 
events.  The  collision  of  comet  Shoemaker-Levy  9  with  Jupiter  was 
accurately  predicted  more  than  a  year  ago,  but  the  events  that  set 
the  comet's  path  are  ancient  and  indeterminate.  A  baby  will  be 
male  or  female  depending  on  whether  a  sperm  carrying  an  X  or  Y 
chromosome  happens  to  win  the  race  up  the  Fallopian  tubes  to 
the  waiting  egg.  The  series  of  mutations  that  lead  to  formation  of 
a  tumor  cell  occur  at  random;  although  some  mutagenic  events 
may  be  avoided  by  minimizing  exposure  to  carcinogenic 
chemicals  or  x-ray  or  ultraviolet  light,  many  are  intrinsic  to  the 
normal  function  of  cells.  Thus,  both  biological  systems  and  the 
physical  world  must  be  recognized  as  imperfect  as  well  as 
uncertain.  It  is  tempting  to  think  otherwise.  Multicellular, 
multifunctional,  and  distinctive  plants,  worms,  flies,  amphibians, 
and  mammals  develop,  under  genetic  control,  from  single 
fertilized  egg  cells,  as  described  in  the  essays  from  the 
Department  of  Embryology  (pp.  25-45).  However,  errors  caused 
by  genetic  changes  or  environmental  influences  can  occasionally 
disrupt  these  complex  and  precise  mechanisms,  with  disastrous 
results.  Still,  the  normal  process  of  development  is  so  amazingly 

An  open-top  chamber  used  by 
members  of  Carnegie's 
Department  of  Plant  Biology  for 
studying  the  effects  of  elevated 
carbon  dioxide  on  a  grasslands 


reliable,  successful,  and  even  elegant,  that  we  can  understand 
why  it  is  often  called  a  miracle. 

But  scientific  understanding,  by  its  very  nature,  cannot 
incorporate  the  miraculous.  Miraculous  explanations  end 
questioning  and  stop  scientific  inquiry  (Nor  are  scientific 
discoveries  themselves  miraculous,  as  Charles  James  reminds  us 
in  the  following  essay  about  First  Light  and  the  Carnegie 
Academy  for  Science  Education,  but  are  the  products  of  the  hard 
work  of  scientific  inquiry)  Orderly  processes  construct  distinctive 
living  things  and  are  the  result  of  random  trials,  a  great  deal  of 
error,  and  a  few  successes  over  billions  of  years,  not  of  miracles. 
Biological  evolution  is  the  result  of  genetic  tinkering.  The 
tinkering  is  not,  however,  undisciplined;  it  obeys  the  laws  of 
physics  and  chemistry  And  it  produces  viable,  reproductively 
competent  organisms  only  if  these  organisms  can  interact 
successfully  with  their  immediate  environments.  This  rather 
messy  process  gave  us  the  millions  of  living  things  with  which 
we  now  share  the  planet.  Beautiful  and  amazing  though  they  are, 
none  of  Earth's  living  inhabitants  is  invincible.  Error,  disease, 
even  annihilation  threaten  them  if  they  prove  unable  to  cope  with 
predators  or  changing  environments.  Much  the  same  can  be  said 
of  the  nonliving  objects  in  the  universe. 

In  view  of  this,  perhaps  we  could  do  away  with  the  words 
" truth"  and  "faith"  in  reference  to  science,  as  well  as  "miracle." 
What  science  seeks  is  understanding — not  truth,  whatever  that 
may  be.  And,  contrary  to  much  anti-scientific  writing,  scientists 
do  not  have  "faith"  in  scientific  understanding  and  facts.  Quite 
the  contrary.  They  hold  only  tentative  conclusions  about  any 
particular  scientific  understanding — conclusions  that  become  less 
and  less  tentative  as  more  and  more  phenomena  are  found  to  be 
consistent  with  that  understanding.  In  the  1950's,  for  example, 
there  was  room  for  some  skepticism  as  to  the  double-helical 
structure  proposed  by  Watson  and  Crick.  Similarly,  the 
demonstration  by  Carnegie  Institution  scientist  and  future  Nobel 
Laureate  Alfred  Hershey  that  all  the  genetic  information  of  a 
bacterial  virus  is  embodied  in  its  DNA  left  open  the  possibility 
that  other  molecules  contributed  to  the  transfer  of  genetic 
information  in  other  organisms.  Now,  just  about  all  such  doubts 
are  gone.  The  experimental  results  reported  in  this  Year  Book  by 
members  of  the  Departments  of  Embryology  and  Plant  Biology, 
and  similar  results  of  experiments  carried  out  hundreds  of  times 


each  day  in  laboratories  around  the  world,  make  sense  only  if  the 
properties  of  DNA  are  as  they  have  been  described.  It  is  these 
properties  that  permit  successful  laboratory  manipulation  of 
DNA  molecules  and  confirmable  predictions  of  the  consequences 
of  those  manipulations  when  the  altered  DNA  is  introduced  into 
living  organisms.  Other  good  examples  of  how  science 
approaches  increasingly  more  reliable  descriptions  of  natural 
phenomena  are  found  elsewhere  in  this  volume,  for  example  in 
essays  by  Thomas  Duffy  and  by  Sean  Solomon  on,  respectively, 
the  evolution  of  models  for  the  interior  of  Jupiter  and  the  surface 
of  Venus. 

The  tentative,  evolving  quality  of  scientific  understanding 
unsettles  many  people.  It  appears  to  some  to  undermine  a 
common  core  essential  for  stability  and  reliability  in  human 
society.  It  is  often  accused  of  implying  moral  and  philosophic 
relativism  and  a  challenge  to  deeply  held  religious  beliefs, 
although  science  of  course  can  say  nothing  about  moral  behavior 
or  religious  beliefs. 

Is  a  simultaneous  commitment  to  scientific  understanding  and 
religious  faith  incompatible?  Individuals  respond  to  this  question 
in  several  ways.  Some  turn  away  completely  from  traditional 
religious  faith.  Others  reject  scientific  explanations  of  natural 
phenomena  in  favor  of  religious  doctrine  such  as  the  biblical 
explanation  of  creation.  Many,  including  many  scientists,  accept 
scientific  explanations  while  remaining  secure  in  their  religious 
faith.  Still  others  struggle  to  reconcile  these  two  views  of  the 
universe  and  humanity.  One  element  in  that  struggle,  a 
consideration  that  is  often  fed  by  the  perplexing  focus  on  the 
uncertainty  principle,  is  the  question  of  human  purpose.  It  is 
argued  that  the  loss  of  religious  faith,  together  with  the 
displacement  of  our  species  from  the  pinnacle  or  center  of  the 
universe,  leaves  us  purposeless  and  without  the  foundation  for 
assuring  social  justice  and  human  rights. 

A  Sense  of  Purpose 

Scientific  ideas  and  their  technological  offspring  are  the  basis 
of  a  worldwide  commonality  new  in  human  history.  This  point 
has  been  made  by  many,  but  perhaps  most  notably  by  Vaclav 
Havel,  one  of  the  few  bona  fide  visionary  leaders  to  have 
emerged  in  the  late  20th  century.  Havel  earned  the  right  and 


respect  to  be  heard  by  sustaining  the  vision  of  freedom  for  his 
nation  and  making  the  vision  a  reality.  Now  he  has  turned  his 
thoughts  to  the  global  community.  He  recently  described  our 
present  approach  to  a  new  millennium  as  a  "transitional  period," 
a  time  when  "all  consistent  value  systems  collapse,"  when 
"everything  is  possible  because  our  civilization  does  not  have  its 
own  spirit,  its  own  esthetic."*  Havel  then  went  on  to  invoke  the 
global  scientific  and  technological  civilization  as  an  instrumental 
cause  of  the  lost  direction  he  perceives.  Besides  producing  "a 
state  of  schizophrenia"  in  which  "man  as  an  observer  is  becoming 
completely  alienated  from  himself,"  Havel  held  science 
responsible  for  the  disappearance  of  God  from  the  world — and 
with  Him  the  source  of  "the  traditional  foundation  of  modern 
justice,"  the  set  of  values  embodied  in  the  American  Constitution 
and  Bill  of  Rights. 

There  is  substantial  evidence  opposite  to  Havel's  perceptions. 
Although  the  American  founding  fathers  stated  the  grounds  for 
human  rights  in  religious  terms  tempered  by  the  concepts  of  the 
Enlightenment,  some  present-day  religious  movements 
themselves  present  dangerous  challenges  to  human  rights,  both 
in  the  United  States  and  elsewhere  in  the  world.  If  anything, 
science  runs  counter  to  such  influences.  Whether  they  are  people 
of  faith  or  not,  scientists  know  that  the  scientific  enterprise 
depends  on  freedom  and  human  rights:  the  individual's  freedom 
to  think  and  question  and  the  right  to  participate. 

In  joining  his  concerns  about  contemporary  society  to  the 
forthcoming  end  of  the  millennium,  Havel  attaches  a  mythical 
significance  to  this  junction.  We  should  be  wary  of  such  thoughts. 
More  than  a  decade  ago,  A.  Bartlett  Giamatti  warned  that 
millennial  passages  invite  false  philosophy. 

All  this  is  preamble  to  where  we  think  we  are,  beginning  a 
new  decade,  beginning  the  end  of  a  century,  ending  the  second 
millennium.  Humankind  becomes  more  consciously 
retrospective  the  more  it  fears  the  seemingly  uncontrollable 
accumulation  of  the  past,  and  so  it  is  with  us....  We  hear  on  all 
sides  that  we  are  weak;  that  knowledge  is  exploding 
unmanageably;  that  the  pace  of  uncontrollable  events  is 
exacerbated  by  instantaneous  communication;  that  technology 
is  a  beast  biting  its  own  tail;  that  ideology  is  insufficient  to  an 

*V.  Havel,  "The  Measure  of  Man,"  Speech  at  Independence  Hall,  Philadelphia, 
luly  4, 1994,  upon  receiving  the  Philadelphia  Liberty  Medal;  as  published,  The  New 
York  Times,  July  8, 1994,  p.  27. 


exploding  reality;  that  the  family  is  in  decline;  that  traditional 
values  are  devalued;  that  standards,  for  work  and  play  and 
quality  of  life,  are  gone. 

I  believe  that  the  new  wisdom  of  a  century's  end  is  really 
only  fatigue  masquerading  as  philosophy.  I  urge  you  to 
beware  the  captivation  of  these  easy,  thoughtless  profundities. 
These  banalities  have  only  in  common  the  belief  that  we  are 
not  able  to  give  definition — shape  and  contour — to  what  is 
around  us.  These  shibboleths  finally  tell  more  about  those  who 
utter  them  than  about  reality.  They  are  expressions  of 
exhaustion  more  often  than  they  are  forms  of  explanation.* 

Havel  does  not  stop  with  his  diagnosis  of  the  world's  troubles. 
He  follows  it  with  a  surprising  and  disturbing  prescription  for  a 
new,  unifying  human  perspective.  He  properly  notes  that 
scientific  concepts  interconnect  human  life,  the  ecosystem  of  our 
planet,  the  cosmic  events  that  formed  the  solar  system,  and  the 
universe  itself.  But  unlike  the  reports  in  this  Year  Book,  he  seeks 
these  interconnections  not  in  hard-won,  demonstrable  realities, 
but  in  the  vague,  romantic  ideas  embodied  in  the  "anthropic 
cosmological  principle"  and  the  "Gaia  hypothesis."  The  former 
sees  the  universe  as  in  the  service  of  humankind  and  our 
demonstrable  connection  to  the  universe  as  some  sort  of  a 
mysterious  anchor.  The  latter  cloaks  in  mythology  the 
scientifically  evident  interdependence  of  Earth's  physical 
attributes  and  the  properties  of  life.  In  Havel's  view,  these 
concepts  can  redeem  science  and  humanity  as  well. 

Crises  do  exist  all  over  our  planet.  The  passing  of  a 
millennium  will  make  them  neither  better  nor  worse.  And  science 
cannot  be  blamed  for  them.  Rather,  the  timeless  human 
proclivities  are  at  work:  greed,  xenophobia,  nationalism, 
intolerance.  Neither  can  science  rescue  us  from  the  crises.  Havel 
cannot  foist  on  science  a  transcendent  purpose  that  will  banish 
evil  and  substitute  for  earlier  mysticisms  and  mythologies. 

But  science  need  not  be  antithetical  toward  human  concerns. 
Without  romantic  decorations  and  independent  of  questions  of 
faith,  science  can  help  resolve  some  predicaments.  Six  years  ago 
in  these  pages  I  wrote  that  we  scientists  believe  that  the  quest  for 
better  understanding  is  a  fundamental  human  trait,  one  that  sets 
Homo  sapiens  apart  from  other  living  species.  Scientific  inquiry 
thus  confirms  a  unique  identity  and  a  special  purpose  for  humans 

*A.  Bartlett  Giamatti,  A  Free  and  Ordered  Space:  The  Real  World  of  the  University,  W. 
W.  Norton,  New  York,  1981, 1988,  pp.  295-296.  ©  W.  W.  Norton. 

Charles  James  (standing)  talks  to  elementary-school  teachers  at  a  session  ot 
the  Carnegie  Academy  for  Science  Education  (CASE)  in  the  First  Light  lab. 

compared  to  other  organisms. 

Can  scientists,  by  sharing  more  effectively  their  knowledge, 
their  ignorance,  and  the  nature  of  their  endeavor,  convince 
nonscientists  of  the  worthiness  and  significance  of  their  venture? 
George  Wetherill's  words,  quoted  at  the  start  of  this  essay,  convey 
science's  timeless  goal,  to  accumulate  fundamental 
understanding,  and  also  suggest  the  necessity  of  enlisting 
succeeding  generations  in  the  quest,  without  which  the  quest 
must  fail. 

Sharing  Science 

All  of  which  is  easier  said  than  done.  We  don't  know  well  how 
to  share  scientific  concepts  with  nonscientists,  although  we  are 
constantly  trying  to  improve  communications.  The  vocabulary 
and  concepts  needed  for  this  exchange  are  not,  however, 
embedded  in  many  of  the  brains  we  are  trying  to  reach;  the 
software  has  not  been  loaded.  In  this  Year  Book,  for  example,  we 
strive  to  write  plainly  about  complicated  ideas.  If  I  compare  this 
volume,  or  the  talks  on  front-line  science  delivered  at  the  monthly 
Capital  Science  lecture  series  at  P  Street,  with  much  current 
writing  in  the  humanities,  it  seems  that  science  is  not  doing  so 
badly.  The  language  of  literary  scholarship  has  become 
increasingly  dense,  infested  by  incomprehensible  jargon  of 
vocabulary  and  construction;  it  is  difficult  to  know  whether  the 
ideas  are  more  profound  or  sophisticated  than  those  of  earlier 
literary  scholars.  Science,  however,  grows  unquestionably  more 


sophisticated,  and  sharing  it  has  become  more  and  more  difficult 
even  as  it  becomes  more  and  more  important. 

The  Carnegie  Institution  is  continuing  its  efforts  to  share 
science  effectively.  Our  Capital  Science  lectures  are  popular, 
attracting  a  surprisingly  large  and  diverse  audience  of 
Washingtonians  thanks  to  the  hard  work  of  Susanne  Garvey  and 
her  staff.  Our  scientists  often  work  with  science  journalists, 
helping  them  explain  our  work  to  their  readers,  and  have 
themselves  written  books  for  nonspecialist  readers  and  articles  in 
magazines  like  Scientific  American.  First  Light,  entering  its  sixth 
year,  is  renewed  each  year  by  eager  children  and  its  tireless, 
imaginative  director,  Charles  James.  This  past  year,  the  Carnegie 
Academy  for  Science  Education  (CASE)  began  its  five-year 
program  to  retrain  450  D.C.  elementary-school  teachers  for 
teaching  modern  science  in  an  experiential  mode;  Mr.  James  and 
Dr.  Ines  Cifuentes,  the  leaders  of  CASE,  are  already  well-known 
and  admired  around  the  city.  The  Department  of  Embryology 
continues  with  various  efforts  directed  at  high  school  teachers 
and  students  in  Baltimore.  New  ideas  for  ways  to  share  are  being 
developed  at  DTM,  and  summer  research  experience  for  high 
school  students  and  undergraduates  is  provided  at  several 
departments.  We  prepare  booklets  about  Carnegie  science  for  top 
high  school  students  and  their  teachers.  Vigor  and  discipline,  not 
hand-wringing,  are  the  Carnegie  style. 

—  Maxine  Singer 
November  1994 

First  Light  and  CASE 

by  Charles  James* 

Our  First  Light  Saturday  science  program  for  neighborhood 
elementary-school  children  is  now  in  its  sixth  year.  Meanwhile 
the  Carnegie  Academy  for  Science  Education,  or  CASE,  where  we  work 
with  the  city's  elementary-school  teachers,  is  in  its  first.  A  common  set  of 
ideas  link  the  two  ventures;  indeed,  CASE  might  be  appropriately  named 
Second  Light,  after  the  lessons  and  experiences  of  its  model.  Some,  indeed 

*Director,  First  Light;  Director  of  Curriculum,  Carnegie  Academy  for  Science 
Education  (CASE) 


many,  of  the  details  in  both  programs  have  been  adapted  from  innovative 
ventures  elsewhere.  But  neither  the  details  nor  the  general  approach  of 
First  Light  and  CASE  are  yet  widely  seen  in  educational  systems.  Perhaps 
part  of  the  reason  lies  in  public  misperceptions  as  to  the  nature  of  science 
and  discovery. 

In  Thomas  Edison's  1923  advertisement  for  his  new  invention,  the 
dictaphone,  he  proudly  wrote:  "It  worked  the  first  time."  Given 
Edison's  genius  perhaps  the  statement  is  true,  but  it  is  assuredly  not  the 
common  occurrence  among  inventors  and  scientists.  Even  Edison 
experienced  frustrations,  as  his  work  on  the  electric  lightbulb  was  both 
long  and  full  of  failures.  Indeed,  by  1879  Edison  and  no  fewer  than  25 
other  scientists  had  produced  working  but  dead-end  prototypes. 
Edison's  final  patented  "perfected  model"  rested  upon  the 
extraordinary  insights  of  many  who  had  gone  before,  along  with  the 
able  help  of  his  assistant  Lewis  Latimer,  and  hours  of  insightful  errors. 

How  the  conventional  story  of  Edison's  lone  "miraculous" 
discovery  began  is  understandable.  Behind  such  romanticized  notions 
of  science  is  a  yen  to  find  miraculous  revelation  in  what  is  often  a 
frustrating  and  tedious  search,  perhaps  also  a  wish  to  celebrate  the 
achievements  of  the  present  rather  than  share  credit  with  prior 
generations.  But  perhaps,  too,  the  case  is  indicative  of  a  general 
misperception  of  science  itself. 

Both  science  and  science  education  have  been  troubled  by  the 
perception  of  "instant  science,"  where  discovery  belongs  to  a  moment 
in  time  and  a  few  chosen  individuals.  For  science  educators,  this 
misperception  seems  to  remove  individuals  from  personal  involvement 
in  scientific  reflection  and  discovery.  Our  children  read  about 
somebody  else's  discovery  of  new  knowledge,  but  they  are  not  led  to 
widen  their  own  experience  as  a  means  to  personal  discovery.  Edison's 
career  shows  that  there  is  no  special  way,  no  special  place  of  instruction 
required  to  learn  science,  only  special  places  of  reflection  to  prepare 
and  reveal  the  meaning. 

CASE:  The  First  Summer 

In  summer  1994  Carnegie  Institution  offered  such  a  place  of 
reflection  for  some  fifty  Washington,  D.C.  public-school  teachers. 
During  their  participation  in  the  CASE  program  at  the  Carnegie  main 
building  on  P  Street,  teachers  from  prekindergarten  through  grade  six 
began  to  reflect  in  new  ways  on  their  role  in  science  education.  For 
most,  it  was  by  admission  the  first  time  in  many  years  that  they  had 
focused  on  science.  For  six  weeks,  the  CASE  fellows  were  exposed  to 
speakers,  resources,  software,  and  various  interactive  activities,  each 
highlighting  different  aspects.  Math,  technology,  pedagogy,  instruction, 
and  assessment  were  explored  in  many  dimensions.  CASE 

Maxine  Singer  gives  a  lesson  in  genetics  at  a  session  of  CASE,  July  1994. 

developmental  activities  ranged  over  many  topics,  from  electricity  and 
energy  to  properties  of  water.  Each  fellow  approached  each  activity  as  a 
student  would,  thereby  acquiring  the  student's  outlook  even  while 
gaining  a  protocol  for  the  teacher's  own  use.  For  most  of  the 
participants,  it  was  a  new  experience;  such  topics  and  approaches  had 
been  largely  absent  in  their  classrooms. 

The  activities  required  full  participation.  On  Toy  Day,  participants 
raced  about  chasing  propellers  and  spinning  wings.  They  felt  the  sting 
of  their  muscles  while  powering  a  simple  twirling  of  a  toy.  Each  toy 
had  a  lesson  about  movement  and  energy.  In  other  activities,  some 
participants  for  the  first  time  realized  that  the  gardener  and  cook  are 
science  literate.  In  short,  CASE  fellows  came  to  realize  that  there  is  no 
aspect  of  our  world  that  is  not  science. 

The  participants  were  encouraged  to  make  models — plastic  models 
of  islands,  for  example,  where  the  various  formations  sculpted  by  their 
hands  could  be  identified  and  described.  They  made  topographic  and 
physical  maps  of  their  models  and  added  sustaining  industries.  When  a 
new  CASE  topic  was  introduced,  it  was  often  with  a  strong  element  of 
student  interaction.  Fellows  were  handed  a  brown-paper  bag 
containing  a  mineral  specimen  and  were  asked  to  describe  the  sample 
in  at  least  a  dozen  different  ways.  The  specimens  were  later  revealed  to 
all  and  the  descriptions  were  read.  Individuals  were  asked  if  they  could 
identify  the  mineral  being  described.  Thus,  the  participants  learned  that 
students  may  forget  the  names  of  minerals  but  can  benefit  from  the 
skillful  description  of  an  observation. 

The  CASE  program  is  being  supported  by  generous  five-year 
grants  from  the  National  Science  Foundation  and  the  Howard  Hughes 
Medical  Institute.  The  day-to-day  administrator  is  the  director,  Ines 
Cifuentes,  previously  a  Carnegie  postdoc  in  seismology.  Help  from  the 
scientists  of  Carnegie  Institution  has  been  gratifying:  Maxine  Singer, 
Vera  Rubin,  Bob  Hazen,  and  Chris  Field  offered  instructional  dialogues 
with  the  participants,  and  the  Department  of  Embryology  hosted  the 
entire  CASE  group  for  a  morning  of  lab  activities  in  the  areas  of 


classification,  genetics,  and  the  development  of  life.  Other  field 
experiences  included  a  comprehensive  look  at  the  geology  of 
Washington,  a  visit  to  the  new  Challenger  Center,  and  a  day-long  visit 
to  the  Chesapeake  Bay  and  du  Pont  Research  Farm  in  Chesterton, 
Maryland.  Meanwhile,  the  curriculum  included  a  strong  effort  to 
reinforce  and  expand  knowledge  and  understanding  of  today's  science 
among  the  participants. 

CASE  participants  earned  credits  at  Trinity  College  and  a  weekly 
stipend.  Fifty  enrollees  completed  the  summer's  program,  including 
nearly  all  science  coordinators  of  the  District's  schools.  A  strong 
cameraderie  became  unmistakable  among  the  fellows,  who  came 
quickly  to  understand  and  share  the  CASE  philosophy.  Meanwhile, 
those  of  us  who  planned  and  led  the  program  came  to  know  the 
extraordinary  strengths  of  these  individuals,  who  quickly  became  our 
colleagues  for  action.  They  have  now  returned  to  their  own  schools 
filled  with  these  ideas,  along  with  notebooks  full  of  science  curricula 
and  the  materials  needed  to  perform  the  interactive  activities  in  their 
own  classrooms,  and — perhaps  most  important — heightened 
motivation  and  confidence  for  bringing  science  to  children. 

Unlike  Thomas  Edison,  we  will  not  boast  that  CASE  "worked  the 
first  time."  CASE  is  a  start  toward  reform  in  the  District's  elementary- 
school  curriculum.  Our  goals  will  not  be  achieved  in  a  single  summer 
or  year.  We  will  be  working  with  the  1994  participants  in  visits  and 
meetings  throughout  their  school  year,  and  next  summer — aided  by  a 
number  of  mentor  teachers  from  the  first  group — we  will  enroll  a 
hundred  new  participants.  The  lessons  we  learned  and  are  learning  will 
feed  back  into  our  future  efforts. 

First  Light  Continues 

In  spring  1994,  First  Light  became  involved  in  a  project  with  the 
University  of  Delaware  at  Luce.  On  April  12, 1994,  thirty  floating 
devices  were  placed  in  the  Delaware  Bay.  Each  device  was  fitted  with  a 
radio  signal  that  was  monitored  by  satellite.  Each  day  the  positions  of 
the  floats  were  recorded,  and  the  information  sent  to  the  youngsters. 
Pretty  exciting  stuff,  made  even  more  so  by  an  accompanying 
challenge.  The  children  were  asked  to  learn  as  much  as  they  could 
about  offshore  currents  and  predict  where  the  floats  would  be  on  the 
seventh  day.  The  closest  guess  would  win  a  book  and  small  cash  prize 
from  the  University  of  Delaware.  Within  several  sessions,  the  children 
learned  how  to  read  latitude  and  longitude  in  degrees  and  minutes.  (I 
have  seen  geography  classes  take  weeks  to  do  the  same.)  Once  they 
became  proficient  at  reading  the  map,  the  sometimes  frustrating 
challenge  of  science  arose  in  the  form  of  questions  significant  to  all 
scientists:  What  if...?  What  are  the  chances  of...? 


We  all  learned  a  great  deal  about  offshore  curents,  wind,  and  water 
density.  We  learned  that  a  float  can  be  carried  three  days  off  course  by 
wind  and  then  recover  the  same  distance  in  one  day  because  of 
currents.  We  learned  that  there  are  more  chances  of  being  wrong  than 
right.  We  learned  that  science  is  a  process  of  closing  gaps  with  each 
disappointment,  that  success  comes  from  a  diversity  of  approaches 
applied  to  a  problem.  The  final  insight  is  rarely  a  direct  shot. 

Welcome  to  Fruitvale.  Fruitvale  is  a  tiny  town  in  need  of  expert 
advice.  Water  contamination  has  been  a  problem,  and  the  town  needs 
to  know  the  source  of  the  contamination.  The  First  Light  children  were 
organized  into  several  groups;  each  was  given  a  budget,  a  town  map, 
and  instructions  to  design  a  plan  for  solving  Fruitvale's  problems.  Our 
students  at  once  realized  that  there  is  underground  water,  and  began 
asking  about  aquifers.  We  made  an  aquifer.  They  asked  about  the 
effects  of  pesticides  on  ground  water.  We  explored  relevant 
information.  Groups  devised  ground-testing  strategies.  Were  they 
useful?  We  looked  to  examples  in  archaeology.  Is  a  scatter  pattern  or 
cross-sectional  pattern  of  testing  better?  Finally,  the  testing  began. 
When  groups  ran  out  of  money  they  were  forced  to  sell  some  of  the 
information  they  had  gathered  in  order  to  cooperatively  find  the  source 
of  contamination.  It  ended  up  that  the  culprit  was  a  dump  site.  Not  the 
chemical  factory,  not  the  farm,  as  some  groups  initially  guessed.  Each 
time  our  students  came  upon  a  wrong  answer  they  were  closer  to 
discovering  the  source.  Eventually  they  succeeded.  So  did  First  Light. 

Why  does  First  Light  advocate  this  kind  of  approach?  Abandoning 
notions,  trials,  and  retrials  take  time.  Couldn't  just  delineating  the  facts 
without  equivocation  work,  just  as  it  does  with  spelling? 

But  there's  a  difference.  Science  is  continuous  motion  of  thought 
brought  to  bear  on  a  particular  set  of  problems.  However  profound 
science  concepts  are  when  standing  alone,  they  are  not  embedded  in 
the  mind  until  applied.  The  application  must  be  real  and  not  placed 
under  the  guise  of  some  poorly  constructed  pseudo-investigation 
where  every  observation  has  a  predetermined  answer —  one  that  the 
student  writes  in  the  appropriate  place,  properly  titled  and  without 
mistake.  Successful  science  for  the  elementary  grades  challenges  the 
student  to  use  the  freedom  offered  to  decide  the  information  needed, 
determine  it,  and  apply  it.  Being  wrong  is  decidedly  not  a  failure. 

It  is  our  hope  that  the  children  will  become  life-long  learners  who 
tackle  science  because  they  have  found  that  active  and  thoughtful 
reflection  is  both  satisfying  and  enjoyable.  Science  is  a  basic 
impulse — an  asking  of  questions,  not  a  compendium  of  knowledge. 
Our  work  with  the  principals,  teachers,  and  children  in  First  Light  will 
remain  central  in  our  efforts.  The  newly  installed  computers  used  for 
CASE  will  open  new  levels  of  experience  for  the  First  Light  children. 

First  Light  and  CASE  will  continue  to  prepare  and  guide  children's 



reflections  about  the  world  through  experiencing  science.  We  as  guides 
are  committed  to  help  bring  this  scientific  way  of  thought  to  them,  both 
directly  and,  with  CASE,  through  their  teachers.  Our  goal  is  to  return 
the  children  to  the  inquiring  nature  of  science  that  is  innate  to  all 
youngsters.  The  door  we  wish  to  open  for  them  is  at  once  at  the  root  of 
intellect,  wonder,  and  the  many  good  myths  we  all  embrace. 

Losses,  Gains,  Honors 

Former  Carnegie  trustee  Franklin  Murphy,  chairman  emeritus  of 
the  Times  Mirror  Company,  died  June  16, 1994,  at  the  age  of  78. 
Murphy  served  on  the  Carnegie  board  from  1978  until  1985.  He 
was  a  member  of  the  Nominating  Committee  for  three  m 

years  (1979-1981)  and  was  chairman  of  the  committee 
for  one  (1981). 

Lawrence  Hafstad,  a  staff  member  at  the  Department  of 
Terrestrial  Magnetism  from  1928  until  1946,  died  October 
12, 1993.  He  came  to  DTM  from  the  University  of  Minnesota 
and  later,  while  serving  at  the  Department,  earned  his  Ph.D. 
from  Johns  Hopkins  University.  At  DTM,  he  joined  Merle 
Tuve  and  Norman  Heydenburg  in  performing  what  has 
been  called  one  of  the  most  beautiful  experiments  in  nuclear 
physics,  showing  that  the  nuclear  component  of  the  force 
between  two  protons  was  attractive  and  equal  to  the  force 
between  a  neutron  and  a  proton.  Hafstad  was  an  early  leader 
in  the  development  of  the  proximity  fuze,  and  served  in  the  Applied 
Physics  Laboratory  throughout  World  War  II,  succeeding  Tuve  as  its 
director  in  1946.  In  1948,  he  returned  to  nuclear  physics,  becoming 
the  first  director  for  reactor  development  with  the  Atomic  Energy 
Commission.  Then,  in  1955,  he  became  vice  president  and  executive 
in  charge  of  research  at  General  Motors  Corporation,  and  he  served 
in  that  role  until  his  retirement  in  1969. 

Clinton  B.  Petry,  an  accountant  at  the  Geophysical  Laboratory 
from  1966  until  his  retirement  in  1976,  died  January  30, 1994. 

Retired  custodian  Thomas  Miller,  who  worked  at  the  Department 
of  Embryology  from  1973  until  1985,  died  on  April  24, 1994. 

Lawrence  Hafstad 

Louis  Brown,  staff  member  at  DTM  since  1964  and  a  Carnegie 
fellow  from  1961  until  1964,  became  a  staff  member  emeritus  in 
February  1994.  Early  in  his  tenure  at  DTM,  Brown  conducted  research 
on  the  interaction  of  polarized  protons  with  atomic  nuclei,  in 
collaboration  with  scientists  at  the  University  of  Basel,  Switzerland.  He 


was  a  leader  in  developing  techniques  of  accelerator  mass  spectroscopy 
for  using  isotopes  of  beryllium  to  study  island-arc  volcanism.  Brown 
served  as  acting  director  of  DTM  from  July  1991  to  August  1992. 

Richard  Pagano,  a  staff  member  at  the  Department  of  Embryology 
since  1972  and  a  pioneer  in  lipid  biology,  resigned  in  November  1994  to 
assume  a  position  at  the  Mayo  Clinic  Foundation,  Rochester,  Minnesota. 

Geochemist  Julie  Morris,  a  staff  member  at  DTM  since  1987  and  a 
postdoctoral  fellow  there  for  the  previous  three  years,  resigned  in 
December  1993.  She  is  currently  at  Washington  University,  St.  Louis. 


Ian  Thompson  was  appointed  a  staff  member  at  the  Observatories 
on  January  1, 1994.  He  has  served  at  the  Observatories  since  1981, 
first  as  a  Carnegie  fellow,  then  as  research  associate  and  staff  associate. 
Thompson  holds  the  Ph.D.  in  astronomy  from  the  University  of 
Western  Ontario  (1981).  Much  of  his  recent  research  has  been  in 
studying  the  stellar  populations  of  globular  and  open  star  clusters.  He 
is  especially  interested  in  low-mass  stars,  which  emit  only  feeble  light 
and  thus  may  contribute  significantly  to  the  universe's  missing  dark 
matter.  He  has  also  designed  and  supervised  the  building  of 
CCD-based  systems  in  use  at  the  du  Pont  and  Swope  Telescopes  at  Las 

Erik  Hauri  joined  DTM  in  February  1994  as  staff  member  in 
geochemistry.  Hauri  completed  his  Ph.D.  in  1992  in  the  M.I.T. -Woods 
Hole  Oceanographic  Institution  Joint  Program  in  Oceanography  and 
remained  at  Woods  Hole  as  a  postdoctoral  investigator  for  another 
year.  His  research  involves  trace  element  and  isotopic  studies  of 
mantle-derived  lavas  and  ultramafic  rocks,  and  high-pressure 
petrologic  experiments,  applied  to  the  study  of  problems  in 
geodynamics.  A  particular  focus  of  his  work  has  been  on  mantle 
plumes  in  oceanic  intraplate  settings. 

Conel  Alexander  became  a  DTM  staff  member  in  cosmochemistry 
in  August  1994.  Alexander  received  his  Ph.D.  in  experimental  physics 
from  the  University  of  Essex  in  1987,  and  continued  his  research  as  a 
fellow  in  the  earth  sciences  department  of  the  Open  University,  Milton 
Keynes,  England.  From  1989  until  August  1994,  he  was  a  senior 
research  associate  in  the  Department  of  Physics  at  Washington 
University,  St.  Louis.  Alexander  studies  pre-solar  grains  in  meteorites. 
He  also  works  to  interpret  the  classes  and  populations  of  stars  which 
may  have  been  the  source  of  such  grains. 

Marnie  Halpern  arrived  at  the  Department  of  Embryology  as  staff 
member  in  August  1994.  Halpern  received  her  Ph.D.  from  Yale 
University  in  1990  and  was  a  postdoctoral  fellow  at  the  University  of 
Oregon,  Eugene,  from  1990  until  1994.  Her  research  focuses  on 



vertebrate  development,  particularly  on  the  development  and 
patterning  of  the  central  nervous  system.  She  uses  as  her  model  system 
the  zebrafish. 

Christopher  Somerville  and  Shauna  Somerville,  whose 
appointments  were  described  in  Year  Book  92,  arrived  at  the  Department 
of  Plant  Biology  in  January  1994  as  director  and  staff  member, 

Peter  de  Jonge  was  appointed  Magellan  project  manager  at  the 
Observatories  in  August  1993.  As  such,  he  oversees  the  engineering  and 
design  specifications  of  the  Magellan  telescope,  now  being  built  at  Las 
Campanas.  He  holds  a  degree  in  applied  physics  from  the  University  of 
Delft,  the  Netherlands,  and  has  had  many  years  of  experience 
overseeing  telescope  construction  and  operation,  both  in  Europe  and 
Chile.  He  received  the  prestigious  Legion  d'Honneur  medal  in  1988. 


Frank  Press,  the  Cecil  and  Ida  Green  Senior  Fellow  at  DTM  and 
the  Geophysical  Laboratory,  received  a  National  Medal  of 
Science  at  an  awards  ceremony  at  the  White  House  in  December  1994. 
He  was  cited  for  "his  contributions  to  the  understanding  of  the  nature 
of  the  deepest  interior  of  the  earth  and  for  his  contributions  to  the 
nation,  the  National  Academy  of  Sciences,  and  the  academic  world." 
Press  also  received  the  1993  Pupin  Medal,  presented  in  November  1993 
by  the  Engineering  School  Alumni  Association  and  the  School  of 
Engineering  and  Applied  Science,  Columbia  University.  In  April  1994, 
Press  delivered  the  1994  William  D.  Carey  Lecture  at  the  19th  Annual 
American  Association  for  the  Advancement  of  Science  Colloquium  on 

Frank  Press  (left)  holds  the  Vannevar  Bush  Award,  presented  to  him  on  May  4, 
1994,  at  the  Department  of  State.  With  him  are  his  wife,  Billie,  and  James  J. 
Duderstadt,  National  Science  Board  Chair  and  president  of  the  University  of  Michigan. 


Science  and  Technology  Policy  in  Washington,  D.C.  He  received  the 
Vannevar  Bush  award  at  the  National  Science  Board's  annual  dinner  at 
the  Department  of  State  in  May  1994.  The  award  acknowledged  his 
outstanding  contributions  in  science  and  technology  significant  to  the 
nation's  welfare.  In  June  1994,  he  received  an  honorary  Doctor  of 
Science  degree  from  the  University  of  Western  Ontario. 

Winslow  Briggs,  director  emeritus  of  the  Department  of  Plant 
Biology,  received  the  Stephen  Hales  Prize  in  July  1994  from  the 
American  Society  of  Plant  Physiologists  "for  serving  the  science  of 
plant  physiology  in  three  major  ways:  as  a  teacher  and  mentor  of  plant 
scientists  at  different  levels  of  their  careers  (undergraduate,  graduate, 
and  postdoctoral  scholars);  as  an  investigator  who  has  enlarged  our 
understanding  of  how  light  interacts  with  internal  metabolic  and 
hormonal  control  of  plants  to  affect  their  growth  and  development;  as  a 
senior  spokesperson  for  plant  physiology  and  plant  biology  in  general." 

DTM  staff  member  Vera  Rubin  received  the  Carnegie  Mellon's 
Dickson  Prize  in  Science  on  November  9, 1994.  She  received  an 
honorary  Doctor  of  Sciences  degree  from  Williams  College  at  the 
October  1993  celebration  of  the  200th  anniversary  of  the  college's 
founding.  She  presented  the  Jeffrey  Bishop  Lecture  at  Columbia 
University  in  October  1993,  the  Antoinette  de  Vaucouleurs  Lecture  at 
the  University  of  Texas  in  November  1993,  and  the  1993-1994  Russell 
Marker  Lecture  in  Astronomy  and  Astrophysics  at  Pennsylvania  State 
University  in  September  1994.  She  was  also  the  keynote  speaker  at  the 
first  annual  program  to  honor  women  in  science  and  engineering 
(WISE)  held  in  April  1994  at  the  National  Academy  of  Sciences.  Her 
late-1993  National  Medal  of  Science  was  described  in  Year  Book  92. 

The  Observatories'  Wendy  Freedman  was  selected  to  receive  the 
1994  Aaronson  Prize  for  her  work  on  stellar  populations  and  the 
extragalactic  distance  scale. 

DTM  director  Sean  Solomon  was  elected  president  of  the  American 
Geophysical  Union  in  February  1994  for  the  biennium  1996-1998;  he 
serves  as  president-elect  for  1994-1996. 

DTM  staff  member  Alan  Linde  received  the  Geological  Society  of 
Washington  award  in  December  1993  for  the  best  technical  paper  read 
before  the  society  during  1993.  His  paper  was  about  the  1991  eruption 
of  Hekla. 

Embryology  staff  member  Richard  Pagano  (who  resigned  in 
November  1994)  was  the  Merck-Frosst  Canada  Distinguished  Lecturer 
at  the  University  of  Alberta  in  December  1993. 

The  Geophysical  Laboratory's  Hatten  S.  Yoder,  Jr.,  was  elected 
president-elect  of  the  International  History  of  Earth  Sciences  Society.  He 
is  also  the  vice  president  of  the  Public  Numbers  Association  of  the 
Foreign  Service,  which  is  an  advisory  group  to  the  Department  of  State. 

Andrew  McWilliam,  McClintock  Fellow  at  the  Observatories, 

Edna  and  Caryl  Haskins  examine  a  copy  of  This  Our  Golden  Age,  a  new  book, 
edited  by  James  Ebert,  reprinting  several  annual  essays  that  Haskins  wrote  for  the 
Year  Books  during  his  tenure  as  Carnegie  president  (1956-1971).  The  Haskinses  were 
honored  at  the  Friday  luncheon  following  the  May  meeting  of  the  Board  of  Trustees. 

received  the  1995  A  AS  Newton  Lacy  Pierce  Prize  in  Astronomy. 

Geophysical  Laboratory  postdoctoral  fellow  Kathleen  Kingma 
received  the  Jamieson  Award  at  the  1994  Gordon  Conference  on  High 
Pressure.  She  was  honored  for  excellence  in  research  as  a  graduate 

Horatio  Frydman  and  Denise  Golgher,  predoctoral  fellows  at  the 
Department  of  Embryology  and  graduate  students  at  Johns  Hopkins, 
received  Du  Pont  Teaching  Awards  from  E.  I.  du  Pont  de  Nemours  and 
Co.  for  being  the  "best  graduate  student  teaching  assistants"  in  the 
Hopkins  Biology  Department.  The  two  are  husband-and-wife. 

Heather  Weir,  DTM  research  intern  during  1993-1994,  was  one  of 
five  1994  student  honorees  at  the  first  annual  program  to  honor  women 
in  science  and  engineering  (WISE)  held  in  April  1994  at  the  National 
Academy  of  Sciences. 

Former  Geophysical  Laboratory  fellow  Ross  Angel,  now  at  the 
Bayerisches  Geoinstitut,  received  the  Max  Hey  Award  from  the 
Mineralogical  Society  of  Great  Britain  and  Ireland. 

Carnegie  Trustee  Edward  E.  David  was  inducted  into  the  Georgia 
Institute  of  Technology  Hall  of  Fame  this  year. 

W.  Gary  Ernst  was  elected  to  membership  in  the  American 
Philosophical  Society. 

Richard  Meserve  was  elected  a  Fellow  of  the  American  Academy  of 
Arts  and  Sciences. 

Robert  Seamans,  Jr.  received  the  1994  Arthur  M.  Bueche  Award  on 
October  5, 1994,  from  the  National  Academy  of  Engineering. 

Emeritus  trustee  Frank  Stanton  received  a  Lifetime  Achievement 
Award  from  the  Business  Enterprise  Trust  on  November  9, 1993. 

Charles  Townes  was  selected  to  receive  a  Doctor  Honoris  Causa 
degree  from  the  Ecole  Normal  Superieure. 

Carnegie  president  Maxine  Singer  received  honorary  degrees  from 
Yale  University  and  Harvard  University. 

Department  of  Embryology 

Caenorhabditis  elegans 

Members  of  the  Department  of  Embryology,  summer  1994.  Bottom  row  sitting  (left  to 
right):  Earl  Potts,  Ron  Millar,  Glenese  Johnson,  Wanda  Brown,  John  Margolis,  Ping 
Zhang,  Chris  Norman.  Second  row  sitting:  Helen  Georgieva,  Nipam  Patel,  Bill  Kelly, 
Allison  Better,  Kentaro  Hanada,  Amy  Atzel,  Una  Savage,  Mary  Montgomery,  Brian  Calvi, 
Jessica  Blumstein,  Hai-fan  Lin,  Donald  Brown.  Third  row  sitting:  Allison  Pinder,  Eileen 
Hogan,  Dianne  Stern,  Michael  Schlappi,  Elizabeth  Helmer,  Susan  Dymecki,  Stacey 
Hachenberg,  Linda  Keys,  Maggie  de  Cuevas.  Fourth  row  sitting:  Mary  Strem,  Irene  Orlov, 
Tom  Haas,  Pam  Meluh,  Rebekah  Pagano,  Rob  Schwartzman,  Alejandro  Sanchez,  Dave 
Furlow.  Fifth  row:  Liz  Mendez,  Chris  Murphy,  Alexander  Strunnikov,  Vinni  Guacci,  Brian 
Eliceiri,  Pete  Okkema,  Michele  Bellini,  Zheng-an  Wu,  Joe  Gall,  Pascal  Paul,  Herbert  Wu, 
Ona  Martin,  Mary  Lilly,  Dianne  Stewart,  Ellen  Cammon.  Sixth  row:  Joe  Vokroy,  Kris 
Belschner,  Joohong  Ahnn,  Pat  Englar,  Chelsea  Davis,  Jennifer  Abbott,  Donna  Bauer,  Mike 
Sepanski,  Alexander  Tsvetkov,  Jeff  Kingsbury,  Luca  Pellegrini,  Bill  Kupiec,  Chii-shiarng 
Chen,  Andy  Fire,  Doug  Koshland,  Allan  Spradling,  Horacio  Frydman,  Ben  Remo. 

The  Director's  Introduction 

When  I  became  director  of  this  department  in  1976,  the  field 
of  embryology,  or  developmental  biology  as  we  had  begun 
to  call  it,  was  still  in  its  "biochemical  era."  The  methods  of 
biochemistry,  as  instructive  as  they  were  for  many  questions  in  biology, 
permitted  only  the  crudest  experiments  for  studying  how  genes 
participate  in  development. 

We  did  not  imagine  that  there  were  techniques  soon  to  be 
discovered  that  would  revolutionize  developmental  biology.  These 
advances  combined  genetics  and  molecular  biology  in  a  way  that  has 
made  possible  the  clarification  of  some  of  the  most  venerable  problems 
in  the  field.  One  of  the  pioneers  who  recognized  the  importance  of  this 
merger  of  methods  and  disciplines  was  Allan  Spradling.  In  1982 
Spradling  and  Gerald  Rubin  discovered  how  to  introduce  genes  into 
the  fruit  fly,  Drosophila.  This  advance  revolutionized  the  discipline  of 
genetics,  which  had  relied  for  a  century  on  the  identification  of 
mutations  by  tedious  screening  of  the  progeny  of  many  matings. 
Spradling  and  Rubin  showed  that  any  gene  of  interest  could  be  cloned, 
altered  in  the  test  tube,  and  then  reintroduced  into  the  living  organism 
to  become  an  integral  part  of  the  animal's  own  genetic  material.  Since 
then,  this  strategy  has  been  applied  to  other  organisms,  and  it  now 
represents  the  most  powerful  approach  that  exists  in  modern  biology  to 
enhance  our  understanding  of  gene  function.  In  addition,  it  forms  the 
technical  and  intellectual  basis  for  gene  therapy. 

Not  only  has  Allan  Spradling  changed  how  genes  are  studied,  but 
his  research  on  tissue-specific  gene  expression  has  made  his  laboratory 
one  of  the  preeminent  ones  in  the  world.  It  is  fitting,  therefore,  that  he 
assume  the  directorship  of  this  department  in  an  era  when 
developmental  biology  has  become  the  most  exciting  and  rapidly 
moving  field  in  modern  biology. 

My  plan  for  the  immediate  future  is  to  return  to  my  laboratory  and 


Donald  Brown  (center)  with  Allan  Spradling  (left)  and  Joseph  Gall,  at  a  party  held 
at  the  Department  to  welcome  Spradling  as  director,  effective  1  July,  1994,  and  to 
honor  Brown. 

resume  my  original  position  as  a  staff  member  and  bench  scientist.  If 
my  18-year  term  as  director  has  proceeded  smoothly,  it  is  because  of  the 
superb  assistance  of  our  supporting  staff.  I  am  grateful  to  Sue  Satchell 
who  explained  our  finances  to  me  each  year.  Pat  Englar  has  always 
maneuvered  through  the  most  complicated  procedures  and  forms 
without  a  complaint  or  even  a  frown.  Sheri  Rakvin,  Christine  Norman, 
and  Lori  Steffy  are  quietly  efficient,  and  all  of  them  together  have  made 
it  a  pleasure  to  come  to  work  every  day. 

A  visiting  committee  report  once  said  that  our  department 
functions  with  no  trace  of  administration.  I  think  that  was  a 

Nezvs  of  the  Department 

Our  seminar  program  was  highlighted  by  the  Seventeenth  Annual 
Carnegie  Minisymposium,  entitled  "The  Architecture  of  the  Nucleus." 
Laura  Davis,  John  Sedat,  Kenneth  Carter,  Gideon  Dreyfuss,  David 
Spector,  and  John  Newport  presented  one-hour  talks. 

Support  of  research  in  the  Department  comes  from  a  variety  of 
sources  besides  the  Institution.  Allan  Spradling  and  various  members 
of  his  lab  are  employees  of  the  Howard  Hughes  Medical  Institute.  We 
are  grateful  recipients  of  individual  grants  from  the  National  Institutes 
of  Health,  the  John  Merck  Fund,  the  Arnold  and  Mabel  Beckman 
Foundation,  the  McKnight  Endowment  Fund  for  Neuroscience,  the  G. 
Harold  &  Leila  Y.  Mathers  Charitable  Foundation,  the  American  Cancer 
Society,  the  Jane  Coffin  Childs  Memorial  Fund,  the  Helen  Hay  Whitney 
Foundation,  the  Damon  Runyon-Walter  Winchell  Cancer  Fund,  the 
Rita  Allen  Foundation,  and  the  Human  Frontier  Science  Program.  A 
grant  to  purchase  small  instruments  and  a  Biomedical  Research 
Support  Grant  to  the  Department  from  the  National  Institutes  of  Health 
are  gratefully  acknowledged.  We  remain  indebted  to  the  Lucille  P. 
Markey  Charitable  Trust  for  its  support. 

— Donald  D.  Brown 


Transposable  Elements:  Why  They  Move 
and  Why  They  Don't 

by  Nina  Fedorojf 

Half  a  century  ago  Barbara  McClintock  discovered  that  certain 
bits  of  DNA  are  able  to  move  from  one  chromosomal  position  to 
another.  She  identified  these  mobile  DNA  segments,  which  she  called 
transposable  elements,  in  maize  plants.  Several  decades  then  elapsed 
before  transposable  elements  were  discovered  in  enough  other 
organisms,  ranging  from  bacteria  to  humans,  for  wide  acceptance  of  the 
concept  that  mobile  genetic  elements  are  a  regular  feature  of  genome 
structure.  Today,  transposable  elements  and  DNA  segments  having  the 
structural  features  of  mobile  elements  have  been  identified  in  virtually 
every  organism  in  which  they  have  been  sought.  And  some 
transposable  elements  have  been  studied  in  sufficient  detail  to  reveal 
the  existence  of  sophisticated  mechanisms  responsible  for  their 

Yet  almost  fifty  years  after  their  discovery,  the  role  that 
transposable  elements  play  in  the  development  and  evolution  of 
organisms  remains  an  enigma.  With  time  it  has  become  increasingly 
evident  that  excessive  movement  of  even  a  single  one  of  the  many 
transposable  elements  in  an  organism  can  be  extremely  harmful.  When 
a  transposable  element  inserts  into  a  gene,  the  gene's  sequence  is 
interrupted  and  the  gene's  ability  to  function  may  be  disrupted.  If  an 
element  inserts  into  a  gene's  regulatory  sequence,  while  it  may  not 
harm  the  gene,  it  may  instead  change  the  gene's  pattern  of  expression 
in  the  organism,  causing  it  to  be  silent  when  it  should  be  active  and 
active  when  it  should  be  silent.  In  addition  to  such  genetic  changes 
from  insertion  in  or  near  a  gene,  the  very  movement  of  transposable 
elements  often  causes  breaks  and  rearrangements  of  chromosomes. 
Thus  genetic  damage  of  one  type  or  another  is  the  primary 
consequence  of  transposition. 

An  organism's  chromosomes  are  often  laden  with  dozens  or 
hundreds  of  copies  of  any  one  transposable  element,  of  which  there  are, 
in  turn,  many  groups,  or  families.  The  mobilization  of  just  one  family 
can  result  in  damage  at  many  chromosomal  sites  simultaneously.  The 
puzzle,  then,  is  why  transposable  element  damage  is  relatively  rare. 

The  emerging  answer  is  that  molecular  mechanisms  exist  whose 
purpose  is  to  keep  transposition  at  a  minimum  and  under  strict  control. 
Research  in  our  lab  on  the  transposable  elements  of  maize  has 
uncovered  an  altogether  unique  mechanism  that  can  maintain  the 

The  Spm  element 

transcription  start  site 


1  kb 


[~ J  Subterminal  repetitive  (TnpA-binding)  regions 

(the  region  adjacent  to  start  site  contains  the  promoter) 


Spm  protein-coding  sequences  (ORFs) 









Fig.  1 .  A  diagrammatic  representation  of  the  Spm  element,  its  transcripts,  and  its 
protein-coding  sequences  (ORFs).  See  text. 




elements  in  a  deeply  silent  condition.  The  very  same  mechanism  can 
also  program  the  elements  to  be  expressed  in  a  precise  developmental 
pattern,  active  in  certain  plant  parts  but  not  others.  While  this 
regulatory  mechanism  has  some  of  the  characteristics  of  more  widely 
known  reversible  regulatory  mechanisms  of  bacteria,  plants,  and 
animals,  it  has  the  paradoxic  quality  that  it  also  resembles  the  more 
permanent  changes  in  gene  expression  produced  by  mutations.  That  is, 
maize  transposable  elements  are  controlled  by  a  genetic  mechanism 
that  is  both  heritable  and  reversible.  We  have  studied  the  regulatory 
mechanism  of  the  maize  Suppressor-mutator  (Spm)  transposable 
element  and  present  here  a  summary  of  our  current  understanding  of 
its  operation. 

Spm  is  one  of  two  transposable  element  families  that  McClintock 
discovered  and  analyzed  in  great  genetic  detail.  Like  other  transposable 
element  families,  the  Spm  family  contains  fully  functional  autonomous 
elements,  called  Spm  elements,  and  a  host  of  moderately  to  severely 
disabled  relatives  dependent  on  the  autonomous  elements  for  mobility. 
All  autonomous  Spm  elements  are  interchangeable  genetically;  we  now 
know  that  they  are  almost  indistinguishable  at  the  DNA  sequence  level, 
as  well.  Each  is  a  bit  more  than  8300  base  pairs  in  length  and  appears  at 
first  glance  to  be  quite  simple  in  organization,  containing  a  single 
transcription  unit,  its  unit  of  genetic  expression  (Fig.  1).  The 
transcription  unit,  which  contains  the  element's  coding  sequences, 
begins  close  to  one  end  of  the  element,  at  a  site  designated  the 


transcription  start  site  in  Figure  1,  and  extends  almost  all  the  way  to  the 
other  end  of  the  element. 

The  few  hundred  base  pairs  outside  the  transcription  unit  consist 
of  sequences  that  are  very  important  for  Spm  transcription  and 
transposition.  The  extreme  ends  comprise  inverted  repeats  of  a  short 
sequence,  CACTACAAGAAAA.  Terminal  inverted  repeats  (or  TIRs) 
are  the  hallmark  of  most  transposable  elements.  These  are  the 
sequences  that  demarcate  the  segment  of  DNA  that  transposes:  all  that 
is  between  them  moves  with  them  during  a  transposition  event. 
Between  the  TIRs  and  the  transcription  unit  are  sequences  of  several 
hundred  base  pairs,  which  we  have  designated  the  subterminal 
repetitive  regions.  These,  too,  are  absolutely  essential  for  transposition 
and  contain,  between  them,  about  25  copies  of  a  repeated  sequence  that 
is  different  from  the  TIR  sequence  and  binds  to  one  of  the  proteins 
coded  for  by  the  element,  as  discussed  below.  The  left  subterminal 
repetitive  region  contains  the  element's  promoter,  the  sequence  that 
signals  when  the  element's  transcription  unit  is  to  be  read  and  thus 
transcribed  into  RNA. 

But  this  seemingly  simple  sequence  organization  hides 
considerable  genetic  complexity.  As  seen  in  Figure  1,  after  transcription 
the  primary  Spm  RNA  transcript  is  cut  and  reassembled  in  various 
ways  by  differential  RNA  splicing,  giving  rise  to  sequences  that 
potentially  code  for  different  proteins.  The  black  boxes  in  the  transcript 
diagrams  in  Figure  1  represent  the  exons,  the  sequences  that  remain 
after  splicing,  while  the  lines  represent  the  parts  of  the  primary 
transcript  that  are  removed  in  splicing.  We  have  identified  at  least  four 
transcripts,  each  assembled  by  a  different  pattern  of  splicing  from  the 
Spm  element's  single  primary  transcript;  they  are  designated  tnpA, 
tnpB,  tnpC,  and  tnpD,  in  order  of  increasing  size.  Depicted  at  the  bottom 
of  Figure  1  are  the  four  transcripts  and  their  protein-coding  sequences 
(called  open  reading  frames,  or  ORFs).  (The  spliced-out  regions  are 
shown  as  breaks  in  the  solid  boxes  representing  the  transcripts.)  Each 
complete  ORF  is  represented  by  an  arrow,  and  the  protein  each 
makes — TnpA,  TnpB,  TnpC,  and  TnpD — is  indicated.  Curiously,  two  of 
the  transcripts  contain  a  single  ORF,  while  the  others  contain  two.  Each 
transcript  has  one  ORF  that  is  unique  to  it,  and  it  is  this  unique  coding 
sequence  that  bears  the  transcript's  name. 

ORFs  can  code  for  proteins  and  therefore  might  have  a  function. 
Genes  are  sequences  that  are  known  to  have  a  function.  To  show  that  an 
ORF,  or  "potential"  gene,  is  truly  a  gene,  it  is  necessary  to  determine  a 
function  for  the  protein,  something  of  a  detective  task.  Knowing  that 
the  Spm  family's  many  crippled,  immobile  members  lack  parts  of  the 
Spm  ORFs,  we  suspected  that  some  of  the  ORFs  encode  proteins 
required  to  move  an  Spm  element  from  one  chromosomal  position  to 
another.  Because  there  is  so  much  overlap  in  the  coding  sequences,  we 

Nina  Fedoroff  with  members  of  her  laboratory.  Sitting,  left  to  right:  Elena  Georgieva, 
Andrea  Krumholz,  Nina  Fedoroff,  Amy  Atzel,  Surabhi  Raina.  Standing:  Ryuji  Tsugeki, 
Tom  Hass,  Adam  Elhofy,  Michael  Schlappi,  Ramesh  Raina,  Luca  Pellegrini. 

could  not  use  natural  Spm  deletion  mutations  to  identify  the  genes  that 
code  for  proteins  required  for  transposition.  We  therefore  dissected  the 
four  transcripts  into  their  molecular  components,  isolating  each  of  the 
ORFs  so  that  the  proteins  they  encode  could  be  tested  individually  and 
in  groups  for  their  participation  in  transposition.  (We  devised  a 
detection  system  for  Spm  transposition  in  tobacco — a  plant  separated 
from  maize  by  a  considerable  evolutionary  distance  and  devoid  of  any 
DNA  segments  closely  enough  related  to  Spm  to  supply  proteins 
capable  of  mobilizing  the  Spm  element.)  Testing  each  ORF  alone,  we 
found  that  none  of  the  Spm-encoded  proteins  could  support 
transposition  on  its  own.  But  a  combination  of  TnpA  and  TnpD  was 
both  necessary  and  sufficient  (perhaps  together  with  additional 
resident  plant  proteins)  to  promote  Spm  transposition  at  a  high 
frequency.  The  other  proteins,  TnpB  and  TnpC,  neither  helped  nor 
hindered  transposition,  leaving  their  function  a  mystery. 

Thus  we  had  determined  that  two  of  the  ORFs  code  for  proteins 
that  directly  participate  in  transposition.  But  we  suspected  from  genetic 
experiments  done  many  decades  ago  by  McClintock  that  the  Spm 
element  also  has  genes  that  determine  whether  or  not  the  Spin  element 
is  able  to  move  at  all  and  when  in  the  plant's  development  it  does  so.  In 
particular,  McClintock  had  reported  that  transposable  elements  were 
occasionally  turned  off  not  by  a  permanent  mutation  (such  as  those  we 
later  determined  to  be  large  deletions  of  the  element's  sequences),  but 
by  a  kind  of  genetic  event  that  is  heritable,  yet  can  readily  be  reversed 
under  certain  circumstances.  She  made  the  further  intriguing 
observation  that  Spm  elements  are  able  to  "talk  to"  each  other.  That  is, 
an  element  that  is  "on"  (active)  can  reactivate  an  element  that  is  "off" 
(inactive),  as  long  as  the  two  are  together  within  the  same  nucleus.  Yet 
the  conversation  must  be  maintained  at  close  quarters.  Once  the  active 
element  is  separated  from  the  inactive  one  when  the  germ  cells  divide 


in  meiosis,  the  formerly  inactive  one  relapses  into  its  silent  state  in 
progeny  plants. 

Some  years  ago  we  began  to  study  what  it  is  that  turns  elements 
off.  Early  in  our  molecular  studies  on  Spm,  we  noted  that  the  part  of  its 
sequence  just  downstream  from  the  transcription  start  site  was  very 
rich  in  GC  base  pairs  (Fig.  1),  a  rather  unusual  property,  and  that  it 
contained  many  sequences  in  which  the  C  nucleotides  could  be 
modified  by  the  enzymatic  addition  of  a  methyl  group.  Because  we 
knew  that  in  other  instances  the  methylation  of  C  nucleotides  can  alter 
whether  a  DNA  sequence  is  expressed,  we  asked  whether  the 
inactivation  of  Spm  was  associated  with  increased  methylation.  We 
found  that  it  was,  but  only  in  a  very  restricted  region,  precisely  the 
region  surrounding  the  transcription  start  site.  Active  elements  are 
unmethylated  in  the  promoter  region  just  upstream  and  the  GC-rich 
region  just  downstream  from  the  transcription  start  site,  while  inactive 
elements  are  methylated  in  these  areas.  The  more  stably  and  heritably 
inactive  the  Spm  element,  the  greater  the  extent  of  C  methylation  in  the 
GC-rich  sequence  downstream  from  the  transcription  start  site,  a 
sequence  we  designated  the  "downstream  control  region,"  or  DCR  (Fig. 


We  went  on  to  ask  whether  the  element's  regulatory  sequences 
alone  were  enough  for  the  methylation  and  silencing  to  occur  in  a  plant 
cell.  The  element's  regulatory  sequences  include  its  promoter,  which 
lies  directly  upstream  of  its  transcription  start  site  (and  coincides  with 
the  subterminal  repetitive  region  whose  repeats  bind  TnpA),  as  well  as 
its  GC-rich  DCR.  We  isolated  these  regulatory  sequences  for  study 
simply  by  attaching  them  to  a  "reporter"  gene,  for  which  we  used  a 
luciferase  gene  from  a  firefly.  This  is  the  gene  that  causes  the  firefly  to 
emit  light,  and  the  light  emission  can  be  used  in  test-tube  reactions  to 
measure  gene  activity — that  is,  the  amount  of  protein  that  is  made 
under  the  direction  of  a  given  regulatory  sequence.  We  found  that  the 
element's  regulatory  sequences  became  methylated  when  they  were 
introduced  into  plant  cells,  but  only  if  they  included  the  GC-rich  DCR. 
Thus  the  element's  regulatory  sequences  themselves  have  a  propensity 
to  undergo  methylation  in  plant  cells  leading  to  inactivation  of  the 
element  by  reducing  its  ability  to  be  transcribed. 

But  how  does  an  active  element  awaken  a  silent  one?  To  answer 
this  question,  we  began  with  cells  that  contained  either  a  silent, 
methylated  element  or  a  reporter  luciferase  gene  whose  Spm  regulatory 
sequences  had  been  inactivated  and  methylated.  Into  such  cells,  we 
introduced  each  of  the  element's  coding  sequences,  expressed  from  a 
strong  promoter.  The  answer  was  clear:  the  TnpA-coding  sequence  and 
only  the  TnpA-coding  sequence  is  required  to  activate  an  inactive  Spm 
element  or  its  inactive  promoter.  And  activation  is  invariably  coupled 
with  a  decrease  in  methylation.  But  we  also  found  that,  paradoxically, 




r         O 

Element  Methylated 
In  the  absence  of  ample  quantities  of  TnpA,  methyl 
groups  are  attached  to  promoter  and  downstream 
regions,  silencing  the  element. 

o  * 

f  #  *      o      f 

I  I 


▼       * 

Element  Transcribing 
As  TnpA  increases,  methylation  decreases  and 
transcription  proceeds.  Some  TnpA  binds  loosely  to 
element  ends,  slightly  inhibiting  transcription  but 
preventing  further  methylation. 


f      o 




■ D  f 

1                                 i 

A       o      ► 

o   *     A 




A       * 


o     * 

Element  Stops  Transcribing 
Element  continues  transcribing  until  enough  TnpA 
has  accumulated  to  saturate  both  ends. 

Element  Ready  to  Transpose 
TnpA  at  either  end  binds  together,  bringing  the 
element  into  a  U  shape.  Element  no  longer 
transcribes  and  is  ready  to  transpose. 

□    TnpA 

A   methyl  group 

Fig.  2.  How  the  protein  TnpA  encourages  transposition  by  both  promoting  and 
inhibiting  transcription. 

when  the  promoter  is  not  methylated,  the  very  same  TnpA  protein 
inhibits  its  expression.  Thus  we  discovered  that  a  single  protein  can 
have  opposite  regulatory  effects  on  the  same  promoter:  it  represses  the 
unmethylated  promoter,  but  it  activates  the  methylated  promoter. 

This  observation  is  perhaps  less  odd  than  it  might  appear  at  first 
glance,  because  TnpA  also  plays  a  role  in  the  transposition  process 
itself.  There  are  binding  sites  for  TnpA  at  both  element  ends,  suggesting 
that  when  TnpA  binds  to  those  sites,  it  serves  to  bring  together  element 
ends  for  transposition.  This  probably  occurs  as  the  element  is  actively 
expressed  and  the  TnpA  concentration  builds  up,  shutting  off  further 
transcription  in  preparation  for  transposition.  But  when  an  element  has 
been  silenced  by  methylation,  TnpA  has  the  opposite  effect,  activating 
transcription  and  in  some  way  promoting  a  decrease  in  the  extent  of 

Thus  we  have  uncovered  a  molecular  mechanism  that  regulates 


how  the  Spm  element's  genes  are  expressed  during  a  plant's 
developmental  cycle.  Plant  genes  in  general,  and  Spm  sequences  in 
particular,  undergo  changes  in  methylation  during  the  plant's 
developmental  cycle,  and  this  is  reflected  in  developmental  patterns  of 
Spm  expression.  Fully  active  elements  override  this  pattern  by  virtue  of 
the  ability  of  TnpA  to  interfere  with  and  reverse  methylation.  At  the 
other  extreme,  transposable  elements  can  become  so  extensively 
methylated  within  the  GC-rich  DCR  sequence  that  even  TnpA  cannot 
reactivate  them.  Such  elements  remain  silent  and  do  not  transpose.  We 
have  given  the  designation  cryptic  Spm  to  such  extremely  inactive 
elements.  It  is  in  this  cryptic  form  that  transposable  elements  are 
generally  maintained  in  the  plant  genome.  When  in  this  cryptic  form, 
transposable  elements  can  damage  neither  plant  genes  and 
chromosomes  nor  their  own  genes.  Thus  the  cryptic  form  is  optimal  for 
the  survival  of  both  element  and  plant. 

But  why  have  transposable  elements  survived  through 
evolutionary  time  and  in  such  abundance?  Why  haven't  such 
potentially  damaging  genetic  elements  been  eliminated  from  genomes? 
There  are  no  substantive  answers  to  this  question,  only  speculative 
ones.  The  simplest  speculation  is  that  transposable  elements  have 
survived  simply  because  when  active,  they  commonly  outreplicate  the 
genomes  within  which  they  reside.  But  this  is  true  only  of  active 
elements,  not  their  cryptic  forms,  which  replicate  with  the  genome  but 
remain  silent  and  immune  to  selective  pressure. 

A  clue  that  transposable  elements  might  have  a  positive 
evolutionary  value  lies  in  the  observation  that  cryptic  transposable 
elements  are  activated  whenever  chromosomes  sustain  extensive 
damage,  whether  spontaneously,  as  a  consequence  of  irradiation,  or  as 
a  result  of  the  unregulated  growth  that  plant  cells  experience  in  tissue 
culture.  This  would  seem  to  suggest  that  chromosomal  damage  is 
amplified  by  the  activation  of  transposable  elements.  But  in  an 
evolutionary  context,  the  genetic  changes  caused  by  transposable 
elements  may  be  an  important  source  of  the  new  genetic  and  regulatory 
combinations  that  are  the  raw  material  of  evolutionary  change. 

It  is  increasingly  apparent  that  genetic  changes  on  an  evolutionary 
time  scale  are  of  two  types:  those  that  occur  at  a  steady,  slow  pace  with 
the  passage  of  time  and  those  that  occur  episodically,  giving  rise  to 
periods  of  rapid  evolutionary  change.  There  may  be  environmental 
triggers  of  episodic  evolution  whose  primary  effect  is  to  increase 
temporarily  the  rate  of  general  genetic  damage.  Or  spikes  of  genetic 
damage  may  occur  spontaneously.  Either  may  be  further  increased  and 
directed  by  the  massive  activation  of  cryptic  transposable  element 
families,  resulting  in  periods  of  both  high  extinction  and  rapid 
evolutionary  change.  Since  the  causal  relationship  between 
chromosome  damage  and  activation  of  transposable  elements  is  not 



known,  an  alternative  hypothesis  is  that  widespread  activation  of 
transposable  elements  is  the  cause,  not  the  consequence  of  chromosome 
damage.  Thus  genomes  may  well  harbor  their  own  agents  (or 
amplifiers)  of  episodic  evolutionary  change  in  the  form  of  cryptic 
transposable  elements. 

Intracellular  Movement  and  Metabolism  of  Lipids 

by  Richard  E.  Pagano 

Lipids  have  long  fascinated  membrane  biologists  and  physical 
chemists  because  encoded  in  these  "simple"  molecules  is  the 
ability  to  spontaneously  form  macroscopic,  two-dimensional 
membrane  systems  whose  very  shape  and  properties  depend 
exquisitely  on  the  chemical  makeup  of  the  individual 
components.  Recently,  interest  in  lipids  among  cell 
biologists  and  biochemists  has  increased  due  to  the 
discovery  of  several  classes  of  lipids  which  have 
profound  effects  on  cell  function  and  to  the  elegant 
description  of  the  low-density  lipoprotein  (LDL) 
transport  system  and  its  regulation  of  cholesterol 

The  membranes  of  all  eukaryotic  cells  contain 
numerous  classes  of  lipids.  It  is  now  well-established 
that  these  various  lipids  are  not  randomly  distributed 
among  all  intracellular  membranes,  but  rather  certain 
lipids  are  enriched  in  the  membranes  of  particular 
organelles.  In  addition,  for  some  membranes  such  as 
the  plasma  membrane,  which  encloses  the  cell, 
different  lipid  species  may  be  distributed 

asymmetrically  across  the  membrane.  Since  no  membrane  system 
within  the  cell  is  able  to  synthesize  all  of  its  lipids,  the  synthesis, 
translocation,  and  sorting  of  lipids  represent  an  important  set  of 
problems  similar  to  those  encountered  in  the  study  of  membrane 
proteins.  This  general  cell-biological  problem  of  "lipid  traffic"  recently 
acquired  added  importance  with  the  finding  that  some  lipids  which  are 
restricted  to  certain  intracellular  locations  play  important  roles  in  cell 
physiology.  Thus,  understanding  the  mechanisms  which  regulate  lipid 
traffic  and  organelle  lipid  composition  are  critical  to  our  understanding 
of  cell  function. 

One  approach  for  studying  these  mechanisms  involves  the  use  of 
fluorescent  analogs  of  intermediate  or  end  products  of  lipid 





'""m%  d*M 


Richard  Pagano 


metabolism — a  technique  developed  in  my  laboratory.  Appropriate 
analogs  are  synthesized  in  the  laboratory  and  then  introduced  into 
cultured  mammalian  cells  under  defined  conditions.  Because  the 
analog  molecules  are  fluorescent,  we  can  observe  their  distribution  in 
living  cells  by  high-resolution  fluorescence  microscopy.  Changes  in  the 
distribution  of  these  molecules  can  then  be  recorded  over  time  and 
correlated  with  their  metabolism,  as  studied  by  standard  biochemical 
methods.  In  this  essay,  I  highlight  results  which  my  colleagues  and  I 
have  obtained  over  the  years  pertaining  to  three  different  pathways  for 
lipid  transport,  emphasizing  unanswered  questions  and  future 

Movement  Along  the  Secretory  Pathway 

During  the  life  cycle  of  a  cell,  certain  substances  are  packaged  into 
vesicles  which  are  transported  to  the  cell  surface,  where  they  fuse  with 
the  plasma  membrane,  releasing  their  contents  outside  the  cell.  This 
process  is  referred  to  as  the  secretory  pathway.  Studies  of  lipid  traffic 
along  the  secretory  pathway  have  been  made  possible  using  fluorescent 
analogs  of  ceramide1  developed  in  this  laboratory  by  former  fellow 
Naomi  Lipsky,  Ona  Martin,  and  myself.  These  molecules  are  vital  stains 
for  the  Golgi  apparatus,  a  cellular  organelle  which  plays  a  central  role 
in  directing  protein  traffic  within  cells.  When  human  skin  fibroblasts 
are  treated  with  BODIPY-ceramide,  the  Golgi  apparatus,  surrounding 
part  of  the  nucleus  of  the  cell,  appears  bright  orange  (Fig.  1).  The 
fluorescent  ceramide  analogs  are  metabolized  there  to  yield  the 
corresponding  fluorescent  analogs  of  sphingomyelin  (SM),  a  major 
structural  lipid  in  cells,  and  to  yield  a  glycolipid,  glucosylceramide 
(GlcCer).  These  fluorescent  metabolites  are  then  transported  from  the 
Golgi  complex  to  the  plasma  membrane.  In  addition  to  this  forward 
movement  of  lipids  from  the  Golgi  complex  to  the  plasma  membrane, 
studies  by  former  postdoctoral  fellows  Toshi  Kobayashi  and  Peter 
Hoffmann  further  demonstrate  that  certain  fluorescent  lipid  analogs, 
once  delivered  to  the  Golgi  apparatus,  have  the  potential  for  retrograde 
movement  to  the  endoplasmic  reticulum,  an  organelle  made  up  of 
membranes  that  form  a  system  of  tubes  and  flattened  sacs  continuous 
with  the  nuclear  membrane. 

As  a  result  of  our  studies  with  fluorescent  ceramide  analogs,  such 
analogs  have  become  widely  used  by  cell  biologists  for  (1)  vital  staining 

1  Natural  ceramide  is  used  by  all  animal  cells  as  a  building  block  for  the  synthesis 
of  higher-order  sphingolipids.  We  have  used  two  different  fluorescent  fatty  acids  to 
synthesize  various  fluorescent  lipid  analogs.  They  are 
N-[7-(4-nitrobenzo-2-oxa-l,3-diazole)]-6-aminocaproyl-  ("NBD"),  and 
N-[5-(5,7-dimethyl  BODIPY)-l-pentanoyl]-  ("BODIPY").  The  corresponding 
ceramide  analogs  are  designated  as  "NBD-ceramide"  and  "BODIPY-ceramide." 

Fig.  1 .  Vital  staining  of  the  Golgi  apparatus  by  a  fluorescent  ceramide.  Human  skin 
fibroblasts  were  labeled  with  a  BODIPY-ceramide.  The  fluorescent  ceramide  and  its 
metabolites  accumulate  at  the  Golgi  apparatus,  which  exhibits  bright  orange 
fluorescence  (bright  area  here),  while  other  intracellular  membranes  such  as  the 
endoplasmic  reticulum  and  nuclear  envelope  are  weakly  stained  and  exhibit  green 
fluorescence  (shaded  area  here). 

of  the  Golgi  apparatus  in  many  different  cell  types,  (2)  visualizing  lipid 
transport  along  the  secretory  pathway,  and  (3)  studying  the  "sorting"  of 
lipids  to  the  different  plasma  membrane  domains  of  polarized  cells, 
such  as  hepatocytes  and  intestinal  epithelial  cells.  This  latter 
application,  pioneered  by  Gerrit  van  Meer,  Kai  Simons,  and  their 
colleagues  at  the  EMBL  (Heidelberg),  is  particularly  intriguing  because 
it  shows  that  NBD-ceramide  and  its  metabolites  are  recognized  by  the 
cellular  sorting  and  transport  machinery  in  a  similar  manner  to  their 
natural  counterparts. 

Studies  with  fluorescent  and  non-fluorescent  ceramide  analogs  by 
former  fellow  Tony  Futerman  demonstrated  that  the  Golgi  complex  is 
the  major  site  of  SM  and  GlcCer  synthesis.  The  enzymes  responsible  for 
this  synthesis  ("synthases")  are  restricted  to  subcompartments  of  the 
Golgi  apparatus  and  may  also  play  essential  roles  in  regulating 
intracellular  membrane  traffic.  Indeed,  recent  work  by  former  fellow 
Anne  Rosenwald  demonstrated  that  partial  inhibition  of  these  enzymes 
or  elevation  of  their  substrate  (ceramide)  concentrations  dramatically 
slows  glycoprotein  processing  and  transport  to  the  cell  surface.  In 
addition,  current  postdoctoral  fellow  Chii-Shiarng  Chen  has  recently 
shown  that  ceramide  can  modulate  the  cell's  uptake  (or  endocytosis)  of 
various  labeled  molecules  from  the  external  bathing  medium. 

We  are  eager  to  study  a  number  of  fundamental  cell-biological 
questions  pertaining  to  these  enzymes.  For  example,  are  there  different 
forms  of  these  synthases  with  different  intracellular  locations?  How  are 
they  retained  in  the  proper  intracellular  location(s)?  How  are  their 
activities  regulated? 

In  order  to  address  these  questions  it  is  first  necessary  to  identify 
and  purify  the  SM  and  GlcCer  synthases,  and  we  are  using  two 


approaches  to  do  so.  In  a  biochemical  approach  using  rat  liver  Golgi 
membranes  which  are  highly  enriched  in  these  enzymes,  former  fellow 
Yasushi  Kamisaka  and  current  fellow  Pascal  Paul  have  developed  a 
two-step  detergent  solubilization  procedure,  followed  by  a  number  of 
chromatographic  steps.  To  date  they  have  succeeded  in  purifying  each 
of  the  synthases  several  thousandfold  over  the  starting  material.  We  are 
continuing  to  refine  this  approach  using  various  additional 
chromatography  steps.  If  this  biochemical  approach  is  successful,  we 
will  employ  standard  methods  for  cloning  the  genes  encoding  these 
enzymes.  We  will  also  make  antibodies  to  the  purified  proteins  to  probe 
for  the  existence  of  multiple  forms  of  these  enzymes  and  to  study  their 
subcellular  localization  at  the  electron  microscope  level. 

We  are  also  employing  a  genetic  approach  to  isolate  temperature- 
sensitive  mutant  Chinese  hamster  ovary  (CHO)  cells  defective  in  SM  or 
GlcCer  synthase  activities,  using  a  replica  screening  method.  We  have 
designed  an  in  situ  assay  for  SM  synthase  activity  in  cells  grown  on 
replicate  polyester  discs,  and  experiments  are  in  progress  to  screen 
mutagenized  CHO  cells  for  mutants  defective  in  this  activity.  Following 
isolation  of  such  mutants,  they  will  be  characterized  for  defects  in  lipid 
and  protein  transport,  as  well  as  in  lipid  synthesis. 

Recycling  of  Plasma  Membrane  Lipids  and  Transport  along  the 
Endocytic  Pathway 

During  the  life  cycle  of  the  cell,  certain  large  molecules  required  for 
cell  growth  are  taken  up  from  the  bathing  medium  by  a  process  called 
endocytosis.  During  endocytosis,  bits  of  the  plasma  membrane  fold 
inward  and  eventually  pinch  off  to  form  small  (endocytic)  vesicles  that 
move  into  the  cytoplasm.  After  delivery  of  their  contents  to  the  cell 
interior,  empty  vesicles  can  recycle  back  to  the  cell  surface. 

Studies  of  lipid  internalization  and  recycling  were  initiated  in  this 
laboratory  by  former  graduate  student  Mike  Koval.  The  pathway  can 
be  readily  visualized  using  an  NBD-labeled  analog  of  SM.  During  a 
low-temperature  incubation,  this  analog  is  incorporated  exclusively 
into  the  plasma  membrane  of  the  cells;  however,  subsequent  warming 
of  the  cells  for  a  few  minutes  at  37°C  results  in  labeling  of  large 
numbers  of  endocytic  vesicles.  Recycling  of  the  internalized  plasma 
membrane  lipid  is  extremely  rapid,  occurring  with  a  half  time  of  5-10 
minutes  at  37°C,  while  lipid  transport  to  the  lysosomes,  where 
degradation  occurs,  is  a  much  slower  process  (half-time  90  min). 

Recently  Ona  Martin  and  I  have  been  reinvestigating  some  of  these 
earlier  studies  using  a  BODIPY-labeled  SM  analog.  We  showed  that 
with  increasing  concentrations  in  cellular  membranes,  this  fluorescent 
lipid  exhibits  a  spectral  shift  from  green  to  red  wavelengths. 
Interestingly,  we  found  that  some  endocytic  vesicles  exhibited  green 

Fig.  2.  Internalization  of  a  fluorescent 
lipid  from  the  plasma  membrane. 
Human  skin  fibroblasts  were  labeled 
with  a  fluorescent  (BODIPY)  analog  of 
sphingomyelin  at  4°C  and  (A) 
immediately  photographed,  or  (B) 
subsequently  warmed  for  5  min  at 
37°C  prior  to  observation  and 
photography.  Note  the  prominent 
labeling  of  the  cell  surface  in  (A)  and 
the  presence  of  numerous  fluorescent 
endocytic  vesicles  (shaded  areas  and 
bright  spots)  scattered  throughout  the 
cytoplasm  in  (B). 

fluorescence  while  others  emitted  orange  fluorescence  (Fig.  2).  In 
addition,  "orange  endosomes"  were  sometimes  seen  at  the  edges  of 
cells.  These  results  suggest  that  different  populations  of  endosomes 
within  the  same  cell  may  contain  different  concentrations  of  the 
fluorescent  lipid  analogs.  We  are  currently  testing  various  models  for 
transport  of  the  lipid  analogs  along  the  endocytic  pathway  to  explain 
this  striking  phenomenon. 

We  are  also  trying  to  isolate  mammalian  cell  mutants  which  are 
defective  in  lipid  uptake  or  transport.  This  project  is  being  carried  out 
by  postdoctoral  fellow  Kentaro  Hanada.  His  basic  strategy  involves  the 
use  of  fluorescent  lipid  analogs  as  probes  for  the  selection  of  such 
mutants  using  a  fluorescence-activated  cell  sorter  and  replica- 
screening  techniques.  Once  a  mutant  clone  is  obtained,  it  should  be 
possible  to  determine  whether  defects  in  incorporation  result  from 
defects  in  lipid-uptake  mechanisms  such  as  endocytosis,  transbilayer 
movement,  lipid  degradation,  and/or  reutilization  of  the  fluorescent 
lipid  analog.  Eventually  we  hope  to  use  the  strategy  of  "expression 
cloning"  of  cDNA  to  complement  the  defect  of  fluorescent 
lipid-incorporation  in  the  mutant  cells,  and  to  attempt  to  isolate  the 
gene(s)  responsible  for  the  defect. 

A  Cell  Surface  Phospholipase  and  Regulation  of  Cell  Growth 

Previous  studies  from  this  laboratory  by  former  graduate  student 


Tony  Ting  utilized  a  fluorescent  analog  of  phosphatidylinositol  (PI)  to 
identify  a  novel  cell-surface  phosphatidylinositol-specific 
phospholipase  C  (csPI-PLC)  which  is  present  in  quiescent  Swiss  3T3 
cells,  a  cell  line  widely  used  by  cell  biologists,  as  well  as  in  a  number  of 
other  cell  lines  which  exhibit  inhibition  of  cell  growth  when  the  cells 
grow  and  begin  to  contact  one  another  in  culture.  When  cells  are 
incubated  with  the  fluorescent  PI  analog,  lipid  at  the  cell  surface  is 
hydrolyzed  to  fluorescent  diacylglycerol.  The  latter  is  readily 
transported  across  the  plasma  membrane  and  labels  various 
intracellular  membranes,  as  shown  in  Figure  3.  This  activity  is  not 
present  in  sparse  cell  cultures  nor  in  cell  lines  that  are  tumorigenic 
and  /or  do  not  exhibit  growth  inhibition  in  a  density-dependent 
manner.  Inhibition  of  csPI-PLC  activity  results  in  the  stimulation  of 
DNA  synthesis  and  cell  division  in  confluent  Swiss  3T3  cells,  providing 
further  evidence  that  csPI-PLC  plays  an  important  role  in  cell  growth 

Current  research  on  this  project  is  being  carried  out  by  graduate 
student  Jining  Bai,  whose  efforts  are  focused  on  cloning  csPI-PLC.  He 
has  designed  a  cloning  strategy  specifically  for  PI-PLCs  in  Swiss  3T3 
cells,  and  identified  three  alternatively  spliced  forms  of  this  enzyme. 
Immunofluorescence  studies  suggest  that  the  three  splicing  forms  are 
differentially  distributed  within  cells.  Two  of  them  are  distributed  in 
the  cytoplasm,  while  the  third  appears  bound  to  the  plasma  membrane. 
Studies  are  in  progress  to  determine  whether  the  latter  form  is  related 
to  csPI-PLC. 

Fig.  3.  Results  of  lipid  hydrolysis  at  the  cell  surface.  Swiss  3T3  cells  were  incubated 
with  a  fluorescent  (NBD)  analog  of  phosphatidylinositol  (PI).  Biochemical  analysis 
demonstrated  that  the  fluorescent  PI  was  hydrolyzed  to  fluorescent  diacylglycerol  at 
the  cell  surface.  The  diacylglycerol  readily  enters  the  cell  at  low  temperature  and  labels 
the  Golgi  apparatus,  endoplasmic  reticulum,  mitochondria,  and  nuclear  envelope. 


In  the  long  term,  we  hope  (1)  to  learn  whether  csPI-PLC  restores 
density-dependent  inhibition  of  cell  growth  when  transfected  into  cells 
which  do  not  exhibit  this  characteristic,  (2)  to  study  the  role  of  this 
molecule  in  the  regulation  of  cell  growth,  and  (3)  to  explore  the  possible 
role  which  csPI-PLC  may  play  in  vivo  in  cell  differentiation  and 


While  many  important  details  must  still  be  resolved,  studies  of 
lipid  traffic  in  eukaryotic  cells  have  progressed  substantially  since  our 
early  work  in  the  field  and  now  constitute  an  important  area  of 
investigation  in  cell  biology.  Although  we  continue  to  study  some  of 
these  details,  I  believe  the  stage  is  now  set  for  the  identification  and 
isolation  of  the  proteins  involved  in  lipid  sorting  and  transport  and  in 
lipid  signaling  using  the  powerful  tools  of  molecular  biology  and 
genetics,  as  outlined  in  this  article.  Such  information  should  eventually 
lead  to  an  understanding  of  how  the  various  pathways  of  intracellular 
transport  are  integrated  and  regulated. 

Short  Reports 

Donald  Brown  action  in  controlling  the  level  of  these 

Thyroid  hormone  induces  essential  receptor  molecules, 
transformation  of  every  tissue  and  organ  In  a  collaborative  study  with  Valerie 

of  the  tadpole.  It  does  so  by  altering  the  Galton  and  Donald  St.  Germain  at 

expression  of  groups  of  genes.  We  are  Dartmouth  Medical  School,  Robert 

examining  these  complex  programs  by  Schwartzman  has  identified  one  of  the 

identifying  the  multiple  genes  involved  in  thyroid  hormone-induced  genes  as  a  type 

causing  change  in  a  variety  of  tissues.  Ill  deiodinase.  This  enzyme  destroys 

These  genetic  programs  result  in  cell  thyroid  hormone,  and  its  presence 

death,  growth,  or  extensive  remodeling.  influences  the  effective  concentration  of 

In  the  past  year  Brian  Eliceiri  has  the  hormone  in  a  tissue, 
completed  a  quantitative  description  of  The  development  of  the  amphibian 

the  abundance  of  the  thyroid  hormone  limb  depends  upon  thyroid  hormone, 

receptor  proteins  during  metamorphosis.  Elizabeth  Helmer  has  begun  a  project  to 

One  form  of  the  receptor  accounts  for  all  identify  genes  that  are  essential  for  this 

of  the  molecules  capable  of  binding  the  process, 
hormone — strong  evidence  that  this 

receptor  molecule  plays  an  essential  role  Susan  Dymecki 
in  initiating  the  metamorphic  program.  A  central  issue  in  mammalian 

Eliceiri's  analysis  points  out  the  development — understanding  how  cell 

importance  of  events  that  follow  gene  lineage  and  environment  determine 



phenotype — has  been  limited  by  the 
inability  to  follow  the  fate  of  specific  cells 
in  the  embryo  and  to  observe  the 
distribution  of  their  progeny  cells 
throughout  gestation.  My  lab  is 
generating  a  transgenic  mouse  system 
that  should  overcome  these  limitations. 
The  initial  goal  is  to  use  this  new  tool  to 
get  at  mechanisms  underlying  the 
establishment  and  diversification  of 
neural  crest  derivatives.  Derangements  in 
the  neural  crest  are  implicated  in  many 
congenital  malformations  having 
devastating  neurobiological  and  cognitive 
effects  in  mammals,  including  humans.  It 
is  my  hope  that  this  work  will  provide 
new  approaches  to  prevention  and 
treatment  of  developmental  disabilities  in 

Andrew  Fire 

Our  group  seeks  to  understand  how 
cells  adopt  specific  fates  during 
embryonic  development.  As  an 
experimental  organism,  we  use  the 
nematode  C.  elegans.  Small  size,  a  rapid 
life  cycle,  and  a  variety  of  genetic  tools 
allow  much  more  detailed  functional  and 
anatomical  analyses  with  C.  elegans  than 
are  possible  using  vertebrate  systems.  C. 
elegans  thus  provides  a  model  system  of 
choice  for  studies  of  embryo  development. 

Formation  of  specific  cell  types  (e.g., 
muscle,  skin,  gut)  occurs  relatively  late 
during  embryonic  cell  proliferation. 
Earlier  embryos  consist  of 
undifferentiated  progenitor  cells  that 
apparently  carry  the  information  to 
produce  specific  patterns  of  progeny  cells. 
A  molecular  approach  to  pattern 
formation  entails  several  questions.  (1) 
How  do  cells  derived  from  a  single 
precursor  (the  fertilized  egg)  acquire 
unique  identities  during  the  early 
divisions?  (2)  What  molecules  are  used  to 
store  early  identity  information?  (3)  How 
do  cells  interpret  this  information  to 
generate  specific  tissues? 

We  have  been  addressing  these 

questions  using  a  variety  of  techniques. 
Transgenic  technology  allows  us  to 
identify  rare  gene  products  which  are 
distributed  asymmetrically  in  early 
embryos.  These  serve  as  both  markers  for 
early  cellular  identity  and  potential 
candidates  for  factors  involved  in  storing 
and  interpreting  pattern  information. 
Genetic  techniques  allow  us  to 
characterize  the  roles  of  individual 
components  in  the  overall  program  of 
embryonic  development  (by  disrupting 
the  corresponding  gene  and  examining 
development  in  the  resulting  mutant 
embryos).  Biochemical  approaches  have 
allowed  us  to  begin  working  backward 
from  components  produced  during 
terminal  differentiation  to  identify  the 
regulatory  factors  specifying  defined 
patterns  of  gene  expression.  By 
combining  information  from  these  diverse 
approaches,  we  hope  in  the  next  few 
years  to  generate  a  working  model  for 
development  in  a  simple  embryo. 

Joseph  Gall 

The  major  emphasis  of  our  laboratory 
is  on  the  synthesis  and  processing  of  RNA 
molecules  within  the  nucleus.  We  are 
especially  interested  in  the  small  nuclear 
ribonucleoproteins  (snRNPs)  that  are 
essential  for  processing  all  other  types  of 
RNA.  snRNPs  occur  in  several  nuclear 
organelles,  of  which  the  so-called  coiled 
body  is  emerging  as  one  of  the  most 
interesting.  We  are  investigating  the 
molecular  properties  of  coilin,  a  protein 
located  exclusively  in  coiled  bodies,  and 
we  are  studying  the  composition  and 
assembly  of  coiled  bodies  in  oocytes  and 
in  vitro.  Our  studies  have  led  us  to 
suggest  that  coiled  bodies  may  play  a 
pivotal  role  in  the  preassembly  of 
multiple  snRNA  complexes  and  their 
sorting  to  the  actual  sites  of  RNA 
processing  in  the  nucleus. 

Douglas  Koshland 

The  process  of  mitosis  can  be  divided 



into  three  phases:  the  packaging  of 
replicated  chromosomes,  their  attachment 
to  the  mitotic  apparatus,  and  their 
movement  apart.  Our  lab  employs 
genetic,  cytological,  and  biochemical 
methods  to  elucidate  the  molecular  basis 
of  each  of  these  phases  in  the  budding 
yeast.  Our  studies  have  revealed  that  at 
least  some  of  the  molecules  that  mediate 
the  packaging  and  movement  of 
chromosomes  are  conserved  from  yeast  to 
man.  In  addition,  the  molecules  that 
mediate  fundamental  aspects  of  mitosis 
have  been  usurped  to  function  in  related 
cell-biological  processes  required  during 

Nipam  H.  Patel 

I  am  studying  the  genes  that  control 
pattern  formation  during  the 
development  of  the  fruit  fly  Drosophila 
melanogaster,  and  much  of  my  effort  has 
concentrated  on  understanding  the  role  of 
the  gooseberry  gene  in  the  development  of 
the  central  nervous  system.  I  have  found 
that  gooseberry,  which  is  a  member  of  a 
gene  family  that  encodes  a  group  of 
transcription  factors,  is  important  in 
determining  the  identity  of  particular 
neurons  and  in  establishing  the  proper 
pattern  of  axonal  connectivity  during 
development.  By  looking  at  homologs  of 
various  Drosophila  genes  in  other  insects, 
I  am  also  investigating  the  evolution  of 
the  genes  that  control  Drosophila 
segmentation.  This  analysis  will  allow  us 
to  understand  how  complex 
developmental  processes  evolve  and  how 
changes  in  morphology  are  related  to 
changes  in  gene  expression. 

Pernille  Rorth 

During  development,  cell 
differentiation  is  manifested  by  selective 
gene  expression.  My  work  is  aimed  at 
understanding,  at  the  molecular  level, 
how  transcription  factors  control  gene 
expression  in  vivo.  I  have  used  a 
transgenic  rescue  assay  to  determine 

which  molecular  features  of  DmC/EBP,  a 
basic  region /leucine  zipper  transcription 
factor,  are  necessary  and  sufficient  for  its 
essential  function  during  Drosophila 
embryogenesis.  Surprisingly,  the  short, 
evolutionarily  conserved  basic  region  is 
solely  responsible  for  specifying  DmC/ 
EBP  activity  in  vivo.  I  am  currently 
developing  a  new  type  of  genetic 
interaction  screen  to  identify  key  gene 
products  regulating,  or  regulated  by, 

Allan  Spradling 

Eukaryotic  genomes  contain 
substantial  amounts  of  repetitive, 
transposon-rich  DNA  clustered  in 
chromosome  regions  known  as 
heterochromatin.  We  previously 
postulated  that  some  heterochromatic 
regions  rearrange  during  development  to 
activate  the  few  genes  located  there.  This 
year,  new  insight  was  obtained  into  the 
occurrence  of  such  rearrangements 
during  Drosophila  nurse  cell  and  follicle 
cell  development.  Satellite  DNA 
sequences  become  underrepresented 
during  the  first  polyploid  follicle  cell 
division,  and  the  Dp  11 87 
minichromosome  is  cleaved  at  its 
euchromatin-heterochromatin  junction. 
Methods  to  insert  genetically  marked  P 
transposable  elements  into 
heterochromatin  were  developed  that 
greatly  facilitate  the  study  of  these 

Catherine  Thompson 

I  am  investigating  the  molecular 
mechanisms  underlying  development  of 
the  mammalian  central  nervous  system. 
Because  of  the  enormous  complexity  of 
the  nervous  system,  I  am  focusing  on  a 
subset  of  regulatory  events  that  occur 
during  a  defined  period  of 
development — those  that  are  induced  by 
thyroid  hormone.  Thyroid  hormone  is 
essential  for  the  proper  development  of 
the  mammalian  central  nervous  system. 



The  actions  of  thyroid  hormone  are 
mediated  through  nuclear  receptor 
proteins,  which  regulate  the  expression  of 
specific  genes  in  response  to  hormone 
binding.  Until  recently,  the  genes 
regulated  by  thyroid  hormone  receptors 

in  the  brain  were  largely  unknown.  I  have 
isolated  several  thyroid  hormone- 
responsive  genes  from  developing  rat 
brain,  and  am  analyzing  the  functional 
significance  of  these  genes  and  the 
products  they  encode. 


Reprints  of  the  publications  listed  below 
can  be  obtained  at  no  charge  from  the 
Department  of  Embryology,  115  West 
University  Parkway,  Baltimore,  MD  21210. 

Ahnn,  J.,  and  A.  Fire,  A  screen  for  genetic 

loci  required  for  body-wall  muscle 
development  during  embryogenesis  in  C. 
elegans,  Genetics  137,  483-498, 1994. 

Bauer,  D.  W.,  C.  Murphy,  Z.  Wu,  C.-H.  H. 

Wu,  and  J.  G.  Gall,  In  vitro  assembly  of 
coiled  bodies  in  Xenopus  egg  extract,  Mol. 
Biol.  Cell  5,  in  press. 

Brown,  D.  D.,  Some  genes  were  isolated 

and  their  structure  studied  before  the 
recombinant  DNA  era,  BioEssays  16, 139- 
143, 1994. 

Brown,  S.  J.,  N.  H.  Patel,  and  R.  E.  Denell, 

Embryonic  expression  of  the  single- 
Tribolium  engrailed  homolog,  Dev.  Genet. 
15,  7-18, 1994. 

Bucher,  E.,  and  G.  Seydoux,  Gastrulation 

in  the  nematode  Caenorhabditis  elegans, 
Seminars  in  Developmental  Biology  5,  121- 
130, 1994. 

Chen,  L.,  M.  Krause,  M.  Sepanski,  and  A. 

Fire,  The  C.  elegans  MyoD  homolog  HLH- 
1  is  essential  for  proper  muscle  function 
and  complete  morphogenesis,  Develop- 
ment 120, 1631-1641, 1994. 

Condron,  B.  G.,  N.  H.  Patel,  and  K.  Zinn, 

engrailed  controls  glial /neuronal  cell  fate 
decisions  at  the  midline  of  the  central 
nervous  system,  Neuron,  in  press. 

Fedoroff,  N.  V.,  and  V.  Chandler,  Inac- 

tivation  of  maize  transposable  elements, 
in  Homologous  Recombination  in  Plants,  J. 
Paszkowski,  ed.,  Kluwer  Academic  Pub- 
lishers, Dordrecht,  The  Netherlands,  in 

Fedoroff,  N.  V.,  DNA  methylation  and 

activity  of  the  maize  Spm  transposable  ele- 
ment, in  Gene  Silencing  in  Higher  Plants  and 
Related  Phenomena  in  Other  Eukaryotes,  P. 
Meyer,  ed.,  Springer- Verlag,  New  York,  in 

Fedoroff,  N.,  Barbara  McClintock,  Gene- 
tics 136, 1-10, 1994. 

Fire,  A.,  A  four-dimensional  digital 
image  archiving  system  for  cell  lineage 
tracing  and  retrospective  embryology, 
Computer  Applications  in  the  Biological 
Sciences  (CABIOS)  10,  443-447, 1994. 

Guacci,  V.,  A.  Yamamoto,  E.  Hogan,  and 
D.  Koshland,  Chromosome  structure  in 
budding  yeast,  Cold  Spring  Harbor  Symp. 
Quant.  Biol.  58,  677-685, 1993. 

Guacci,  V.,  E.  Hogan,  and  D.  Koshland, 
Chromosome  condensation  and  sister 
chromatid  pairing  in  budding  yeast,  /.  Cell 
Biol.  125, 517-530, 1994. 

Heck,  M.,  A.  Pereira,  P.  Pesavento,  Y 
Yannoni,  A.  C.  Spradling,  and  L.  S.  B. 
Goldstein,  The  kinesin-like  protein 
KLP61F  is  essential  for  mitosis  in  Dro- 
sophila,  /.  Cell  Biol.  123,  665-679, 1993. 

Ihrke,  G.,  E.  B.  Neufeld,  T.  Meads,  M.  R. 
Shanks,  D.  Cassio,  M.  Laurent,  T.  A. 
Schroer,  R.  E.  Pagano,  and  A.  L.  Hubbard, 
WIF-B  cells:  an  in  vitro  model  for  studies 
of  hepatocyte  polarity,  /.  Cell  Biol.  123, 
1761-1775, 1993. 

Kanamori,  A.,  and  D.  D.  Brown,  Cul- 
tured cells  as  a  model  for  amphibian 
metamorphosis,  Proc.  Natl.  Acad.  Sci.  USA 
90,  6013-6017, 1993. 

Koshland,  D.,  Mitosis:  back  to  the  basics, 
Cell,  in  press. 

Krause,  M.,  S.  White  Harrison,  S.  Xu,  L. 
Chen,  and  A.  Fire,  Elements  regulating 
cell  and  stage-specific  expression  of  the  C. 
elegans  MyoD  homolog  Wh-1,  Dev.  Biol,  in 

Lin,  H.,  and  A.  C.  Spradling,  Germline 
stem  cell  division  and  egg  chamber 
development  in  transplanted  germaria, 
Dev.  Biol.  159, 140-152, 1993. 

Lin,  H.,  L.  Yue,  and  A.  C.  Spradling,  The 
Drosophila  fusome,  a  germline  specific  or- 
ganelle, contains  membrane  skeleton 
proteins,  and  functions  in  cyst  formation, 
Development  120,  947-956, 1994. 



Martin,  O.  C,  and  R.  E.  Pagano,  Inter- 
nalization and  sorting  of  a  fluorescent 
analog  of  glucosylceramide  to  the  Golgi 
apparatus  of  human  skin  fibroblasts: 
utilization  of  endocytic  and  non-en- 
docytic  transport  mechanisms,  /.  Cell  Biol. 
125,  769-781, 1994. 

Mello,  C,  and  A.  Fire,  DNA  transforma- 
tion, in  Methods  in  Cell  Biology:  C.  elegans, 

D.  Shakes  and  H.  Epstein  eds.,  Academic 
Press,  New  York,  in  press. 

Okkema,  P.,  S.  White-Harrison,  V. 
Plunger,  A.  Aryana,  and  A.  Fire,  Sequence 
requirements  for  myosin  gene  expression 
and  regulation  in  C.  elegans,  Genetics  135, 
385^04, 1993. 

Okkema,  P.,  and  A.  Fire,  The  C.  elegans 
NK-2  class  homeoprotein  CEH-22  is  in- 
volved in  combinatorial  activation  of  gene 
expression  in  C.  elegans  muscle,  Develop- 
ment, in  press. 

Pagano,  R.  E.,  and  O.  C.  Martin,  Use  of 
fluorescent  analogs  of  ceramide  to  study 
the  Golgi  apparatus  of  animal  cells,  in  Cell 
Biology:  A  Laboratory  Handbook,  J.  E.  Celis, 
ed.,  Academic  Press,  New  York,  in  press. 

Patel,  N.  H.,  Imaging  neuronal  subsets 
and  other  cell  types  in  whole-mount 
Drosophila  embryos  and  larvae  using  an- 
tibody probes,  in  Methods  in  Cell  Biology, 
Vol.  44,  Drosophila  melanogaster:  Practical 
Uses  in  Cell  Biology,  L.  S.  B.  Goldstein  and 

E.  Fyrberg,  eds.,  Academic  Press,  New 
York,  in  press. 

Patel,  N.  PL,  Evolution  of  arthropod  seg- 
menation:  insights  from  comparisons  of 
gene  expression  patterns,  Development 
Suppl,  in  press. 

Patel,  N.  H.,  Evolution  of  insect  pattern- 
ing, Proc.  Natl.  Acad.  Sci.  USA,  in  press. 

Patel,  N.  H.,  B.  G.  Condron,  and  K.  Zinn, 
Pair-rule  expression  patterns  of  even- 
skipped  are  found  in  both  short  and  long 
germ  beetles,  Nature  367, 429^34, 1994. 

Rosenwald,  A.  G.,  and  R.  E.  Pagano,  Ef- 
fects of  glucosphingolipid  synthesis  in- 
hibitor, PDMP,  on  lysosomes  in  cultured 
cells,  /.  Lipid  Research,  in  press. 

Schlappi,  M.,  R.  Raina,  and  N.  Fedoroff, 
Epigenetic  regulation  in  the  maize  Spm 
transposable  element:  novel  activation  of 
a  methylated  promoter  by  TnpA,  Cell  77, 
427^37, 1994. 

Scholtz,  G.,  N.  H.  Patel,  and  W.  Dohle, 
Serially  homologous  engrailed  stripes  are 
generated  via  different  cell  lineages  in  the 
germ  band  of  amphipod  crustaceans 
(Malacostraca,  Peracarida),  Int.  J.  Dev. 
Biol.,  in  press. 

Seydoux,  G.,  and  A.  Fire,  Whole-mount 
in  situ  hybridization  for  detection  of  RNA 
in  C.  elegans  embryos,  in  Methods  in  Cell 
Biology:  C.  elegans,  D.  Shakes  and  H. 
Epstein  eds.,  Academic  Press,  New  York, 
in  press. 

Seydoux,  G.,  and  A.  Fire,  Soma-germline 
asymmetry  in  the  distributions  of  embry- 
onic RNAs  in  C.  elegans,  Development,  in 

Shi,  Y  -B.,  and  D.  D.  Brown,  The  earliest 
changes  in  gene  expression  in  tadpole  in- 
testine induced  by  thyroid  hormone,  /. 
Biol.  Chem.  268,  20312-20317, 1993. 

Spradling,  A.  C.,  Position-effect  variega- 
tion and  somatic  instability,  Cold  Spring 
Harbor  Symp.  Quant.  Biol.  50,  585-596, 

Strunnikov,  A.,  and  D.  Koshland,  SMC1 : 
Yeast  gene  coding  for  protein  with  puta- 
tive head-rod-tail  organization,  essential 
for  stable  chromosome  maintenance  in 
mitosis,/.  Cell  Biol.  123, 1635-1648, 1993. 

Wang,  Z.,  and  D.  D.  Brown,  The  thyroid 
hormone-induced  gene  expression  pro- 
gram for  amphibian  tail  resorption,  /.  Biol. 
Chem.  268, 16270-16278, 1993. 

Xiong,  W.  -C.,  H.  Nokano,  N.  H.  Patel,  J. 
A.  Blendy,  and  C.  Montell,  repo  encodes  a 
glial-specific  homeodomain  protein  re- 
quired in  the  Drosophila  nervous  system, 
Genes  Dm  8,  981-994, 1994. 

Zhang,  P.,  and  A.  C.  Spradling,  Insertion- 
al  mutagenesis  of  Drosophila  hetero- 
chromatin  with  single  P  elements,  Proc. 
Natl.  Acad.  Sci.  USA  91,  3539-3543, 1994. 


Research  Staff 

Donald  D.  Brown,  Director 
Nina  V.  Fedoroff 
Andrew  Z.  Fire 

Joseph  G.  Gall 
Douglas  E.  Koshland 
Richard  E.  Pagano 
Allan  C.  Spradling 



Staff  Associates 

Susan  Dymecki 
Nipam  Patel 
Pernille  Rorth1 
Catherine  Thompson 

Postdoctoral  Fellows  and  Associates 

Zhou  Wang,  NIH  Grant  (Brown) 
Chung-Hsiun  Wu,  Fellow  of  the  Jane  Coffin 

Childs  Memorial  Fund 
Ayumu  Yamamoto,  CIW 
Ping  Zhang,  Howard  Hughes  Research 


Predoctoral  Fellows  and  Associates 

Joohong  Ahnn,  Research  Associate,  NIH 

Grant  (Fire) 
Amy  Atzel,  CIW2 

Brian  Calvi,  Fellow,  American  Cancer  Society3 
Chii-shiarng  Chen,  CIW 
David  Furlow,  Fellow  of  the  NIH 
Elena  Georgieva,  Research  Associate,  NIH 

Grant  (Fedoroff) 
Robert  Glaser,  Fellow,  Markey  Charitable 

Vincent  Guacci,  Fellow  of  the  NIH 
Kentaro  Hanada,  International  Human 

Frontier  Science  Program,  NIH  Grant 

Elizabeth  Helmer,  Research  Associate, 

Mathers  Charitable  Foundation  (Brown)5 
Akira  Kanamori,  Research  Associate, 

Mathers  Charitable  Foundation  (Brown) 
William  Kelly,  Fellow  of  the  NIH 
Linda  Keyes,  Fellow  of  the  NIH 
Mary  Lilly,  Fellow,  American  Cancer  Society 
Haifan  Lin,  Fellow,  Markey  Charitable  Trust 
Jonathan  Margolis,  Fellow  of  the  NIH 
Pamela  Meluh,  Fellow,  The  Helen  Hay 

Whitney  Foundation 
Mary  Montgomery,  Research  Associate,  NIH 

Grant  (Fire)6 
Edward  Neufeld,  Research  Associate,  NIH 

Grant  (Pagano)7 
Peter  Okkema,  Fellow  of  the  NIH 
Pascal  Paul,  Research  Associate,  NIH  Grant 

Luca  Pellegrini,  Fellow,  Consiglio  Nazionale 

delle  Richerche,  and  CIW8 
Ramesh  Raina,  Research  Associate,  NIH 

Grant  (Fedoroff) 
Alejandro  Sanchez,  Research  Associate, 

Mathers  Charitable  Foundation2 
Michael  Schlappi,  Fellow,  Swiss  National 

Science  Foundation 
Lynne  Schneider,  Fellow  of  the  Jane  Coffin 

Childs  Memorial  Fund 
Rob  Schwartzman,  Fellow,  American  Cancer 

Geraldine  Seydoux,  Fellow,  The  Helen  Hay 

Whitney  Foundation 
David  Smith,  Research  Associate,  Markey 

Charitable  Trust 
Alexander  Strunnikov,  Research  Associate, 

NIH  Grant  (Koshland) 

Jennifer  Abbott,  Johns  Hopkins  University 
Jining  Bai,  Johns  Hopkins  University 
Donna  White  Bauer,  Johns  Hopkins 

Lihsia  Chen,  Johns  Hopkins  University 
Brian  Eliceiri,  Johns  Hopkins  University 
Horacio  Frydman,  Johns  Hopkins  University 
Lina  Savage,  Anne  Arundel  Community 


Supporting  Staff 

Betty  Addison,  Laboratory  Helper 

Kristin  Belschner,  Photography  Assistant 

Ellen  Cammon,  Laboratory  Helper 

Patricia  Cammon,  Laboratory  Helper 

Chelsie  Davis,  Laboratory  Helper 

Pat  Englar,  Administrative  Assistant 

Eugene  Gibson,  Custodian 

Ken  Graf,  Technician 

Tom  Haas,  Technician 

Stacey  Hachenberg,  Technician9 

Eileen  Hogan,  Senior  Technician 

Connie  Jewell,  Photographer 

Glenese  Johnson,  Laboratory  Helper 

Jeff  Kingsbury,  Technician 

Bill  Kupiec,  Computer  Systems  Manager 

Ona  Martin,  Senior  Technician 

Keith  Menchey,  Technician 

Ronald  Millar,  Building  Engineer 

Christine  Murphy,  Senior  Technician 

Christine  Norman,  Howard  Hughes  Medical 

Institute  Research  Secretary 
Robinette  Oliver,  Maintenance 
Irene  Orlov,  Technician 
Allison  Pinder,  Technician 
Earl  Potts,  Custodian 
Sheri  Rakvin,  Administrative  Assistant 
Benjamin  Remo,  Technician10 
Susan  Satchell,  Business  Manager 
Michael  Sepanski,  Electron  Microscopy 

Donna  Somerville,  Laboratory  Helper11 
Loretta  Steffy,  Bookkeeper/Clerk 
Dianne  Stern,  Technician 
Mary  Strem,  Technician 
Dianne  Thompson-Stewart,  Senior  Technician 
Joe  Vokroy,  Machinist 
John  Watt,  Librarian 
Siqun  Xu,  Technician 



Visiting  Investigators  and  Collaborators 

Eldon  Ball,  Australian  National  University, 

Michele  Bellini,  Laboratoire  de  Genetique 

du  Developpement,  Paris  VI  University 
Michael  Edidin,  Department  of  Biology, 

Johns  Hopkins  University 
Zandy  Forbes,  Department  of  Zoology, 

Oxford  University,  England 
Valerie  Galton,  Department  of  Physiology, 

Dartmouth  Medical  School 
Phil  Hieter,  Department  of  Molecular 

Biology  and  Genetics,  Johns  Hopkins 

School  of  Medicine 
Andrew  Hoyt,  Department  of  Biology,  Johns 

Hopkins  University 
Ann  Hubbard,  Department  of  Cell  and 

Anatomy,  Johns  Hopkins  School  of 


Michael  Krause,  National  Institutes  of  Health 
Carolyn  Machamer,  Department  of  Cell  and 

Anatomy,  Johns  Hopkins  School  of 

Patrick  Masson,  Laboratory  of  Genetics, 

University  of  Wisconsin — Madison 
Andrei  Mirzabekov,  Engelhardt  Molecular 

Biology  Institute,  Moscow 
Markus  Noll,  University  of  Zurich, 

Rob  Saint,  University  of  Adelaide,  Australia 
Donald  St.  Germain,  Department  of 

Physiology,  Dartmouth  Medical  School 
Robert  Whittier,  Mitsui  Plant  Biotechnology 

Research  Institute,  Tsukuba,  Japan 
Zheng'an  Wu,  Institute  of  Developmental 

Biology,  Academia  Sinica,  Beijing 
Alexander  Tsvetkov,  Institute  of  Cytology, 

Russian  Academy  of  Sciences 
Kai  Zinn,  California  Institute  of  Technology 

1  From  January  1,1994 
2From  March  14, 1994 
3From  October  1,1993 
4To  July  31, 1993 
5From  December  1,  1993 
6From  February  1, 1994 

7To  January  31, 1994 
8From  March  21, 1994 
9From  March  16, 1994 
10From  May  31, 1994 
nTo  March  31, 1994 

Department  of  Plant  Biology 

Spinacia  oleracea 

Members  of  the  Department  of  Plant  Biology,  1994.  Front  row,  left  to  right:  Elena  Casey, 
Robin  Buell,  Greg  Colello,  Anne  Blanche  Adams,  Geeske  Joel,  Catherine  Copass, 
Christopher  Somerville,  Frank  Nicholson.  Second  row:  Neil  Hoffman,  Jim  Randerson,  Marc 
Nishimura,  Ruth  Alscher,  Christiane  Nawrath,  Julie  des  Rosier,  Jane  Edwards,  Amie  Franklin, 
Fitnat  Yildiz,  Missy  Holbrook,  Shauna  Somerville,  Yves  Poirier,  Cesar  Bautista,  Dave  Fork, 
Barbara  March.  Third  row:  Seung  Rhee,  Steven  Resier,  Melicent  Peck,  Xingxiang  Li,  Joe 
Ogas,  Deane  Falcone,  Pierre  Broun,  Claire  Granger,  Kris  Niyogi,  Carolyn  Malmstrom,  Aida 
Wells.  Fourth  row:  David  Kehoe,  Connie  Shih,  Larry  Reid,  Tom  Berkelman,  Michelle  Nikoloff, 
Wei  Fu,  Cyril  Grivet,  John  Quisel,  Luc  Adam,  Catharina  Lindley.  Back  row:  Brian  Welsh, 
Glenn  Ford,  Mary  Smith,  Arthur  Grossman,  James  Zhang,  Olle  Bjorkman,  Eric  Nelson, 
Simon  Turner,  Wayne  Stochaj,  Pedro  Pulido,  Howard  Whitted,  Kirk  Apt,  Joe  Berry,  Steve 
Lindley,  Chris  Field,  Sunia  Yang,  Chris  Lund,  Nadia  Dolganov,  Mannie  Liscum. 

The  Director's  Introduction 

The  past  year  in  the  Department  of  Plant  Biology  has  been  one  of 
transition.  In  July  1993,  Winslow  Briggs  retired  as  director  after 
twenty  years  at  the  helm.  During  Winslow's  tenure  the 
Department  underwent  major  evolution  in  the  structure  of  the  research 
groups,  the  scope  of  research,  and  the  dimensions  of  the  physical  plant. 
Meanwhile,  the  Department  became  one  of  the  most  highly  cited 
institutions  in  the  field  of  plant  biology,  ranking  second  only  to  the 
Australian  National  University.  This  remarkable  achievement  reflects, 
in  part,  the  uniqueness  and  central  importance  of  the  ground-breaking 
research  into  the  physiological  mechanisms  of  plant  adaptation  for 
which  the  Department  is  well  known.  As  I  now  face  the  task  of  leading 
the  Department  into  the  future,  I  look  forward  to  the  challenge  of 
carrying  this  legacy  forward. 

The  study  of  plant  biology  has  undergone  a  major  revolution 
during  the  past  decade  and  is  currently  enjoying  what  could  be  called  a 
Golden  Age.  A  major  stimulus  was  the  widespread  application  of  the 
techniques  of  molecular  genetics  to  problems  in  plant  biology.  The 
enthusiasm  with  which  plant  biologists  adopted  the  new  paradigm  was 
so  complete  that  disciplines  in  the  plant  sciences  such  as  physiology 
and  biochemistry  have  been  substantially  depopulated.  On  the  other 
hand,  disciplines  such  as  plant  morphology,  which  had  become 
relatively  moribund,  have  been  reinvigorated  by  the  growth  of  interest 
in  developmental  biology,  and  legions  of  students  are  once  more 
interested  in  being  able  to  identify  and  name  tissues  and  organs. 

The  widespread  adoption  of  Arabidopsis  thaliana  as  a  model  species 
and  the  accompanying  growth  of  interest  in  genetic  methods  have  also 
greatly  accelerated  progress  toward  the  resolution  of  many 
long-standing  problems  in  plant  biology.  Genes  encoding  the  proteins 



The  Department's  new  addition,  completed  in  early  1993. 

that  regulate  many  aspects  of  growth  and  development  have  been 
characterized  by  exploiting  the  genetic  advantages  of  Arabidopsis,  and 
it  is  increasingly  difficult  to  find  an  aspect  of  plant  biology  that  is  not 
being  intensively  dissected  in  this  model  plant  by  one  or  more 
laboratories.  For  a  variety  of  reasons,  the  average  size  of  plant  biology 
laboratories  has  also  increased  substantially  in  recent  years;  research 
groups  consisting  of  fifteen  or  more  postdoctoral  fellows  and  students 
are  not  uncommon.  It  has  been  estimated  that  as  many  as  2,000 
scientists  worldwide  are  now  using  Arabidopsis  as  a  primary 
experimental  organism,  and  many  thousands  more  work  with  other 
species.  More  than  9,000  Arabidopsis  genes  and  at  least  12,000  rice 
genes  have  been  partially  or  completely  sequenced,  and  the  first 
tentative  steps  have  been  taken  toward  the  complete  sequencing  of  the 
genomic  DNA  of  Arabidopsis.  It  now  seems  likely  that  this  first 
complete  sequence  of  a  plant  genome  will  be  available  shortly  after  the 
turn  of  the  century,  and  that  the  primary  function  of  many  of  the  genes 
will  be  known  by  that  time. 

What,  then,  is  the  role  of  a  Carnegie  Department  of  Plant  Biology  in 
the  midst  of  this  tremendous  amount  of  activity  and  discovery?  I 
believe  the  answer  is  the  same  as  it  has  always  been  within  Carnegie: 
We  will  invest  in  exceptional  individuals  and  provide  these  individuals 
with  the  freedom,  the  time,  and  the  resources  to  make  discoveries 
wherever  they  may  find  them.  In  the  current  climate  of  strenuous 
competition  for  limited  resources,  the  simplicity  of  the  Carnegie 
approach  to  supporting  research  is  as  valuable  and  unique  as  at  any 
time  in  the  past.  The  diversity  of  research  interests  represented  by  the 
Department  of  Plant  Biology  staff  ensures  the  Department's 
participation  in  many  of  the  major  themes  of  modern  plant  biology, 
from  global  ecology  to  plant  molecular  biology. 

The  following  two  essays  outline  some  of  the  new  research 
directions  within  the  Department  which  have  resulted  from  the 
appointments  of  Shauna  Somerville  and  me  as  new  staff  members. 


Shauna's  interests  concern  the  molecular  basis  of  the  mechanisms  by 
which  plants  sense  infection  by  fungal  and  bacterial  pathogens  and 
mount  defensive  responses.  Since  it  is  harmful  to  the  fitness  of  the 
pathogen  for  the  host  to  trigger  a  defensive  response,  and  harmful  to 
the  host  not  to  detect  the  pathogen,  the  pairs  of  organisms  are  locked  in 
a  complex  pattern  of  coevolution  in  which  host  resistance  genes  are 
paired  with  pathogen  virulence  genes.  The  molecular  basis  for  the  high 
degree  of  specificity  in  the  host-pathogen  interactions  is  not  known. 
However,  a  working  hypothesis  is  that  the  plant  resistance  genes 
encode  membrane  receptors  which  intercept  signals  from  pathogens 
and  trigger  cellular  defense  responses.  In  this  respect,  the  closest  analog 
for  the  phenomenon  in  animals  is  probably  the  human-leucocyte- 
associated  (HLA)  system  that  causes  rejection  of  transplanted  tissues. 
Shauna's  long-term  goal  is  to  identify  the  host  factors  that  mediate  the 
specificity  of  the  interaction  between  the  obligate  fungal  pathogen 
Erysiphe  cruciferarum  (powdery  mildew)  and  Arabidopsis.  Because  so 
little  is  known  about  the  molecular  mechanisms  underlying  any  plant 
pathogen  interaction,  I  consider  this  to  be  one  of  the  areas  of  greatest 
scientific  opportunity  in  plant  biology. 

The  second  essay  describes  several  aspects  of  my  own  research 
program  on  mechanisms  that  regulate  membrane  lipid  composition.  I 
was  attracted  to  the  area  because  we  do  not  know  the  answer  to  many 
fundamental  questions  such  as  why  plant  or  animal  membranes  are 
composed  of  so  many  different  species  of  lipids;  we  do  not  know  how 
the  composition  of  the  membranes  is  regulated,  nor  what  regulates  the 
amount  of  a  particular  membrane.  Also,  in  spite  of  thousands  of 
correlative  studies  suggesting  a  role  for  membrane  composition  in 
temperature  acclimation,  no  direct  test  had  been  done  by  exploiting  the 
power  of  modern  genetics  to  create  organisms  differing  by  only  one 
gene.  We  now  have  the  genetic  materials  to  complete  such  tests,  in 
collaboration  with  DPB  staff  member  Olle  Bjorkman.  Because  plant 
lipids  are  also  an  important  and  chemically  versatile  source  of 
biomaterials,  I  have  also  been  attracted  by  the  prospect  of  using  genetic 
engineering  methods  to  produce  plant  oils  having  nutritionally 
improved  qualities  or  new  industrial  uses  that  could  reduce  our 
reliance  on  non-renewable  resources.  Our  goals  in  this  respect  are  to 
solve  the  basic  biological  problems  that  currently  discourage  industrial 
research  and  development  in  this  area. 

In  addition  to  these  two  projects,  the  fourteen  students  and 
postdoctoral  fellows  and  associates  who  have  joined  Shauna  and  me  at 
Carnegie  each  harbor  a  wealth  of  curiosity  and  ideas  that  we  hope  to 
nurture  and  develop  in  this  unique  scientific  setting. 

— Chris  Somerville 



Molecular  Mechanisms  of  Plant 
Disease  Resistance 

by  Shauna  Somerville 

Higher  plants  are  susceptible  to  destructive  infections  by  a  wide 
variety  of  viral,  bacterial,  fungal,  and  nematode  species.  Plants 
also  can  participate  in  a  number  of  benign  and  beneficial  interactions 
with  microbes.  A  central  concept  in  plant  pathology  is  that  plants  have 
evolved  a  set  of  sensing  mechanisms  that  permit  them  to  recognize  and 
respond  to  pathogens.  These  mechanisms  appear  to  be  highly  specific 
and  selective,  in  that  a  large  number  of  disease-resistance  genes  have 
been  described  where  each  gene  confers  resistance  to 
one  species  or,  in  some  cases,  to  one  race  of  pathogen. 
My  research  program  is  focused  on  understanding  the 
molecular  mechanisms  underlying  the  recognition  of 
pathogens  by  plants. 

The  development  of  an  incompatible  plant- 
pathogen  interaction  (i.e.,  resistance  to  infection)  is 
thought  to  involve  three  steps:  (1)  the  generation  of  a 
signal  indicative  of  attack  by  a  specific  race  of  pathogen, 
(2)  recognition  of  the  signal  by  the  host,  and  (3) 
transduction  of  the  signal  to  the  cell  interior,  redirecting 
gene  expression  toward  defensive  responses.  In 
susceptible  plants,  some  aspect  of  this  sequence  fails,  and 
a  compatible  relationship  (i.e.,  infection)  is  established. 

Host  resistance  genes  are  thought  to  participate  in 
steps  2  and  3.  In  some  cases,  recognition  can  be  very  selective,  a  given 
allele*  conferring  resistance  to  a  specific  pathogen  race.  For  some 
diseases,  as  many  as  a  hundred  pathogen  races  have  been  described, 
and  similar  allelic  diversity  for  resistance  is  found  in  the  host.  This 
pattern  of  interaction  is  characteristic  of  plant  diseases  described  by  the 
"gene-for-gene"  hypothesis,  first  proposed  in  1955,  which  states  that 
incompatible  interactions  and  the  expression  of  resistance  develop 
when  a  host  plant  carrying  a  resistance  allele  recognizes  a  pathogen 

Shauna  Somerville 

*A  gene  is  a  sequence  of  DN A  or  RNA  that  when  expressed  codes  for  the 
manufacture  of  a  specific  protein.  Expression  usually  entails  transcription  of  the 
gene  DNA  into  complementary  RNA  and  translation  of  the  RNA  into  protein. 

An  allele  is  a  version  of  a  gene.  Its  sequence  differs  in  a  few  nucleotides  from  other 
alleles  of  the  same  gene.  Unless  self-fertilized,  an  individual  plant  has  two  alleles  of 
each  gene,  one  from  each  parent.  Among  many  individual  plants,  there  might  be 
several  or  even  many  alleles  of  a  given  gene,  a  condition  of  allelic  (or  genetic) 

A  locus  is  the  region  of  a  chromosome  where  a  given  gene  is  usually  situated.  A 
locus  has  the  same  name  as  the  gene  usually  present  there. 

Fig.  1 .  Scanning  electron  micrograph  of  a  conidium  of  Erysiphe  graminis  f.  sp. 
hordeion  a  barley  leaf  surface.  The  invader's  conidium  (en),  or  spore,  has 
germinated  to  produce  a  primary  germ  tube  (pgt)  and  an  appressorium  (ap).  A 
penetration  peg  arises  from  the  underside  of  the  appressorium  and  attempts  to 
penetrate  the  plant  epidermal  cell  wall.  In  this  incompatible  interaction,  the  first 
penetration  attempt  was  unsuccessful  and  a  second  attempt  was  made,  as  indicated 
by  the  presence  of  two  penetration-peg  lobes  (arrowheads)  on  the  appressorium. 
Bar=  10|!tn. 

having  a  specific,  complementary  avirulence  allele.  In  a  common 
mechanistic  model  of  the  "gene-for-gene"  hypothesis,  disease- 
resistance  genes  encode  receptor  proteins  that  intercept  a  pathogen 
signal  and  activate  defensive  responses.  Thus,  characterization  of  a 
resistance  gene  in  the  laboratory  is  an  important  step  in  determining  a 
key  biochemical  component  of  disease  resistance.  In  addition,  the 
genetic  structure  of  resistance  loci  will  dictate  the  range  of  novel 
resistance  alleles  that  can  be  created  in  vitro  for  the  purposes  of 
genetically  engineering  stable  disease  resistance. 

Our  immediate  goals  are  to  identify  and  characterize  plant  genes 
that  confer  resistance  to  the  fungal  pathogen  powdery  mildew  (Erysiphe 
sp.)  and  to  the  bacterial  black  rot  pathogen  (Xanthomonas  campestris  pv. 
campestris).  Powdery  mildew  disease  is  characterized  by  a  high  degree 
of  specificity  in  interactions  between  barley  cultivars  and  races  of  E. 
graminis  (Fig.  1).  Because  of  the  many  technical  advantages  and 
resources  associated  with  Arabidopsis,  we  are  also  pursuing  powdery 
mildew  resistance  genes  in  this  model  plant  species.  We  anticipate  that 
powdery  mildew  resistance  genes  from  Arabidopsis  will  provide  a 
technical  bridge  to  homologous  genes  from  the  economically  important 
cereal  crops. 

Powdery  mildew  and  black  rot  provide  two  contrasting  examples 
of  host-pathogen  interactions.  Whereas  resistance  in  powdery  mildew 
is  associated  with  a  reduction  in  pathogen  proliferation,  resistance  to 
the  black  rot  disease  of  Arabidopsis  is  correlated  with  a  reduction  in 


disease  symptoms  but  not  in  bacterial  growth.  Reduced  symptoms  are 
sometimes  not  accompanied  by  arrested  pathogen  multiplication;  in 
such  cases,  Arabidopsis  tolerates  the  pathogen.  In  the  context  of  the 
"gene-for-gene"  model,  it  will  be  interesting  to  compare  the 
Arabidopsis  gene  that  confers  tolerance  to  X.  c.  campestris  to  powdery 
mildew  resistance  genes  from  barley  and  Arabidopsis. 

Characterization  of  the  Barley  Ml-a  Powdery  Mildew  Resistance  Locus 

The  specific  barley  powdery  mildew  resistance  locus  that  we  have 
chosen  to  study,  the  Ml-a  locus,  is  highly  polymorphic:  more  than  thirty 
resistance  alleles  have  been  described  at  this  locus.  Thus,  in  addition  to 
helping  us  understand  the  nature  of  pathogen  recognition  in  barley,  the 
cloned  Ml-a  gene  will  allow  us  to  address  the  genetic  basis  for  the  high 
degree  of  polymorphism  at  this  locus. 

We  are  currently  exploring  the  feasibility  of  using  subtractive 
hybridization  for  cloning  the  Ml-a  gene,  a  gene  for  which  we  lack  any 
biochemical  or  structural  information.  The  method,  described  in 
Carnegie  Year  Book  92  by  Catherine  Thompson,  is  based  on  the 
subtraction  of  sequences  from  a  wild-type  (target)  DNA,  by  applying 
DNA  from  a  mutant  (driver  DNA)  which  lacks  certain  sequences; 
sequences  present  only  in  the  wild  type  are  recovered.  We  have 
prepared  driver  cDNA  from  coleoptiles  of  five  supposed  deletion 
mutants  that  presumably  lack  Ml-a  gene  sequences.  These  susceptible 
mutants  are  part  of  a  collection  of  35  such  mutants  isolated  from 
120,000  seedlings  exposed  to  mutagenesis.  We  have  also  made  target 
cDNA  from  AlgR,  the  resistant  wild  type.  In  several  of  our 
independently  derived  pools,  the  same  cDNA  was  isolated  by  our 
subtraction  procedure,  suggesting  that  certain  classes  of  cDNA  may  not 
subtract  well,  perhaps  due  to  their  structural  properties.  Some  of  our 
cDNAs  were  derived  from  mRNAs  that  varied  in  expression:  some 
were  apparently  coleoptile-specific  and  were  highly  expressed,  while 
others  were  expressed  at  low  levels  in  coleoptiles  and  not  expressed  in 
the  RNA  from  shoots. 

Our  analysis  is  continuing,  emphasizing  mRNAs  that  are 
expressed  at  low  levels  in  coleoptile  tissue.  Once  candidate  Ml-a 
cDNAs  have  been  recovered,  it  will  be  necessary  to  determine  which  of 
the  cDNA  clones  encodes  the  Ml-a  locus.  The  definitive  proof  will  be  to 
determine  which  clones  are  able  to  confer  powdery  mildew  resistance 
to  susceptible  barley  plants. 

Map-Based  Cloning  of  Powdery  Mildew  Resistance  in  Arabidopsis 

Barley  is  an  important  crop  species,  and  a  large  number  of 
powdery  mildew  resistance  alleles  have  been  identified  by  plant 


breeders  during  the  past  fifty  years.  Because  Arabidopsis  is  a  weed  of 
no  utility,  genetic  variability  for  disease  resistance  is  only  now  being 
studied.  As  a  first  step  in  characterizing  the  powdery  mildew  disease  of 
Arabidopsis,  caused  by  Erysiphe  cruciferarum,  we  surveyed  fifty 
Arabidopsis  varieties,  or  ecotypes,  for  susceptibility  to  one  isolate  of  E. 
cruciferarum.  Six  ecotypes  exhibited  various  degrees  of  resistance  and 
were  retained  for  further  study. 

Disease  resistance  in  four  ecotypes  was  conferred  by  the  presence 
of  a  semi-dominant  allele  at  a  single,  nuclear  locus.  In  one  case, 
mapping  studies  placed  the  resistance  locus  on  chromosome  3,  and  we 
are  seeking  the  resistance  loci  in  the  other  ecotypes.  With  ecotypes  Te-0 
and  Sl-0,  first-generation  progeny  were  susceptible  to  powdery 
mildew,  suggesting  that,  unlike  most  resistance  genes,  resistance  in 
these  two  ecotypes  was  recessive  in  nature.  In  the  Te-0  second 
generation,  the  ratio  3  susceptible  :  1  resistant  indicated  a  one-gene 
model.  In  the  Sl-0  second  generation,  the  ratio  9  susceptible  :  6 
intermediate  :  1  resistant  indicated  that  two  genes  are  involved. 
Resistance  in  Sl-0  is  unusual,  and  its  analysis  may  provide  a 
perspective  on  resistance  genes  from  weedy  species  not  previously  seen 
in  the  more  commonly  studied  genes  from  crop  species. 

To  recover  clones  for  these  resistance  genes,  we  will  pursue  a 
map-based  cloning  strategy,  one  recently  used  in  Chris  Somerville's 
laboratory  to  isolate  Arabidopsis  desaturase  genes.  In  brief,  molecular 
markers  lying  adjacent  to  a  disease-resistance  gene  will  be  used  to 
identify  large  fragments  of  Arabidopsis  DNA,  cloned  as  yeast  artificial 
chromosomes  (YACs).  The  YAC  clones,  containing  the  resistance  gene 
among  other  genes,  will  be  fragmented  into  pieces  containing  only  one 
or  a  few  genes,  and  each  fragment  will  be  introduced  separately  into 
susceptible  Arabidopsis  plants.  The  specific  fragment  containing  the 
resistance  gene  will  be  identified  by  a  resulting  change  to  powdery 
mildew  resistance  in  transformed  plants. 

Molecular  Characterization  of  Tolerance  of  Arabidopsis  to  Black  Rot 

Using  the  same  approach  for  characterizing  disease-resistance 
genes,  we  have  identified  black-rot-resistant  ecotypes  of  Arabidopsis. 
One  ecotype,  Columbia,  remains  asymptomatic  even  after  we  infiltrate 
black  rot  bacteria  into  the  intercellular  leaf  space.  By  contrast,  in  the 
susceptible  ecotype  Pr-0,  disease  symptoms  are  observed  3-4  days  after 
inoculation.  Interestingly,  bacterial  multiplication  in  both  the  resistant 
and  the  susceptible  ecotypes  is  similar,  suggesting  that  Columbia  is 
tolerant  to  high  population  levels  of  X.  c.  campestris.  Genetic  analyses  of 
crosses  between  Columbia  and  Pr-0  indicated  that  a  dominant  allele  of 
a  single  nuclear  gene,  RXC1,  governs  tolerance  to  X.  c.  campestris  2D520. 
We  have  genetically  mapped  RXC1  to  a  small  interval  of  chromosome 


2.  In  future  experiments,  this  gene  will  be  cloned  using  map-based 
cloning  techniques  as  outlined  above. 

In  a  series  of  experiments  focused  on  understanding  the  potential 
mechanism(s)  by  which  Columbia  is  able  to  tolerate  X.  c.  campestris 
growth,  we  examined  mRNA  levels  of  various  genes  proposed  to  have 
a  role  in  defense  responses  in  other  systems  and  /or  signaling  of  stress 
events.  Inoculation  with  X.  c.  campestris  2D520  induced  at  least  a 
twofold  increase  in  mRNA  levels  of  several  enzymes  associated  with 
disease-resistant  genes  over  that  following  buffer  treatment.  We 
observed  no  temporal  or  quantitative  differences  in  mRNA  levels 
among  tolerant  (Columbia)  and  susceptible  ecotypes.  Meanwhile 
neither  Columbia  nor  the  susceptible  ecotypes  exhibited  significant 
increases  in  several  other  mRNAs  associated  with  disease  resistance, 
including  the  ELI3  plant  defense  gene  mRNA.  These  data  indicate  that 
the  defense-response  genes  analyzed  here  do  not  have  a  substantial  role 
in  the  establishment  of  tolerance  to  X.  c.  campestris  2D520  in  Columbia. 
Thus,  although  we  do  not  understand  the  molecular  basis  for  the 
effects,  tolerance  and  resistance  are  distinct  mechanisms  for  limiting 
disease  in  plants. 


The  isolation  of  plant  disease-resistance  genes  will  resolve  the 
question  how  plants  recognize  and  respond  to  specific  pathogens  but 
not  to  symbiotic  organisms.  The  first  insights  into  the  biochemical 
distinction  between  resistance  and  tolerance  genes  will  arise  from 
comparisons  among  cloned  resistance  genes.  Additionally,  fresh 
inquiry  into  the  nature  and  evolution  of  resistance  genes  can  be 
initiated.  For  example,  what  is  the  basis  for  the  highly  polymorphic 
nature  of  resistance  loci  like  Ml-a?  What  impact  does  this  high  degree  of 
polymorphism  have  on  the  function  of  the  Ml-a  gene  product?  Does 
each  powdery  mildew  resistance  gene  confer  resistance  by  a  unique 
mechanism?  Are  common  resistance  mechanisms  employed  against 
viral,  bacterial,  fungal,  and  nematode  pathogens?  Meanwhile,  sequence 
comparisons  will  provide  insights  into  the  extent  of  conservation  or 
divergence  in  the  evolution  of  resistance  mechanisms  among  a  broad 
array  of  plant  species.  In  particular,  it  will  be  of  interest  to  compare 
resistance  genes  recovered  from  weedy  species,  like  Arabidopsis,  with 
crop  species,  like  barley,  that  have  been  under  cultivation  for  more  than 
10,000  years.* 

^Portions  of  the  work  described  in  this  report  have  been  supported  by 
the  National  Science  Foundation,  the  U.S.  Department  of  Agriculture,  and 
the  U.S.  Department  of  Energy. 



The  Role  of  Membrane  Lipid  Composition 

by  Chris  Somerville 

Along-standing  interest  in  my  laboratory  is  the  role  of  membrane 
lipid  composition  in  the  ability  of  higher  plants  to  withstand 
temperature  stress.  Many  higher  plants  are  subjected  to  wide  seasonal 
variation  in  temperature  and  may  experience  temperature-induced 
injury  at  both  extremes.  For  instance,  many  plants  of  tropical  origin  are 
injured  by  exposure  to  low,  non-freezing  temperatures  that  do  not  harm 
plants  from  temperate  zones  (Fig.  1).  The  existence  of  regulated  adaptive 
mechanisms  that  can  protect  plants  against  the  harmful  effects  of 
temperature  extremes  is  evident  in  the  ability  of  some  plants  to  acclimate 
to  survive  exposure  to  freezing  if  first  given  a  period  of  gradual  exposure 
to  low  temperature.  Similarly,  if  given  a  period  of  growth  in  progressively 
warmer  conditions,  many  species  acclimate  to  thermal  extremes  that 
would  injure  non-acclimated  plants.  A  large  body  of  correlative  evidence 
has  accumulated  from  comparative  physiological  studies  that  implicates 
membrane  lipid  composition  as  a  component  of  such  temperature- 
tolerance  mechanisms.  Much  of  the  focus  has  been  on  the  degree  to  which 
the  fatty  acyl  chains  of  the  lipids  are  saturated.  In  a  saturated  fatty  acid, 
each  of  the  carbon  molecules  within  the  acyl  chain  are  bonded  to  two 
hydrogen  molecules.  This  allows  the  lipids  to  be  packed  very  tightly 
together,  resulting  in  a  membrane  with  relatively  solid  composition.  Butter 
is  a  familiar  example  of  a  substance  containing  a  high  proportion  of 
saturated  fatty  acids.  The  introduction  of  double  bonds  into  the  acyl 

Fig.  1 .  The  effect  of  two  days  of  exposure  to  4°C  on  chilling-sensitive  squash 
plants.  The  plant  on  the  right  was  left  at  23°C. 


chains,  referred  to  as  desaturation,  forces  the  fatty  acids  apart  so  that  the 
membranes  become  more  fluid.  The  vegetable  oil  used  for  cooking  is 
liquid  at  room  temperature  because  the  fatty  acids  in  its  lipid  membranes 
contain  one  or  more  double  bonds. 

In  order  to  directly  test  the  role  of  membrane  lipid  fatty  acid 
desaturation  in  temperature  acclimation  and  other  physiological 
responses,  we  are  engaged  in  characterizing  fatty  acid  desaturases  so 
that  we  can  create  genetically  modified  plants  with  defined  membrane 
lipid  composition. 

Biochemistry  of  Desaturases 

Plant,  fungal,  and  animal  fatty  acid  desaturases  are  integral 
membrane  proteins  that,  with  very  few  exceptions,  have  proven 
difficult  or  impossible  to  purify  and  characterize.  When  we  began 
biochemical  studies  of  these  enzymes,  the  only  known  exception  was 
the  stearoyl-ACP  desaturase  from  higher  plants,  a  soluble  chloroplast 
enzyme  that  introduces  the  first  double  bond  into  saturated  fatty  acids. 
We  purified  this  enzyme  from  avocado  fruits  by  conventional 
chromatographic  methods,  cloned  the  corresponding  gene  from  castor, 
and  obtained  high  levels  of  expression  of  the  functional  protein  in  E. 
coli.  This,  in  turn,  permitted  the  production  of  diffracting  crystals, 
which  are  being  used  to  determine  the  structure  of  the  protein  by 
Gunther  Schneider  and  colleagues  (Swedish  Agricultural  University, 
Uppsala).  The  gene  has  also  been  used  to  isolate  two  structurally 
similar  desaturases  from  distantly  related  plant  species.  (These  place 
the  first  double  bond  at  different  positions  in  the  acyl  chain.)  When  the 
three-dimensional  structure  of  the  castor  stearoyl-ACP  desaturase  is 
completed,  it  should  be  possible  to  generate  three-dimensional 
structures  for  the  other  two  related  desaturases  by  computational 
methods.  Then,  by  comparing  the  three  similar  enzymes,  it  may  be 
possible  to  determine  how  the  enzymes  position  the  insertion  of  a 
double  bond. 

In  a  second  use  of  the  recombinant  stearoyl-ACP  desaturase,  E.  coli 
production  of  the  recombinant  protein  in  iron-supplemented  media 
permitted  the  purification  of  large  amounts  of  enzyme  in  which  the 
active-site  iron  was  isotopically  enriched.  Mossbauer  spectrometry  of 
the  labeled  protein,  carried  out  in  collaboration  with  Brian  Fox  and 
Eckhardt  Miinck  (Carnegie  Mellon  University),  indicated  the  presence 
at  the  active  site  of  two  iron  molecules  that  were  linked  by  an  oxygen 
molecule.  A  similarly  structured  iron  site  has  previously  been  observed 
in  several  other  proteins,  most  notably  in  methane  monoxygenase.  The 
presence  of  this  site  suggested  an  explanation  for  several  features  of 
desaturases  known  from  studies  of  the  vertebrate  enzyme  by  Phillip 
Strittmatter  and  colleagues,  and  permitted  the  formulation  of  a 


hypothetical  reaction  cycle  for  this  important  class  of  enzymes. 
Although  additional  experiments  are  required  to  critically  test  the 
proposed  cycle,  it  is  apparent  that  many  of  the  previously  intractable 
problems  associated  with  understanding  the  structure  and  function  of 
desaturases  have  been  overcome  by  selecting  a  suitable  model. 

A  prediction  of  the  above  proposed  cycle  is  that  a  relatively  small 
change  in  the  disposition  of  a  proton  during  the  reaction  might  convert 
a  desaturase  into  an  enzyme  (a  hydroxylase)  that  adds  an  OH  group  to 
the  fatty  acid  rather  than  inserting  a  double  bond.  On  the  basis  of  this 
idea  we  searched  for  and  found  a  structurally  divergent 
"desaturase-like"  gene  in  Ricinus  communis,  a  plant  species  that 
accumulates  large  quantities  of  hydroxylated  fatty  acids,  and 
demonstrated  that  the  gene  encoded  an  active  hydroxylase  when 
expressed  in  transgenic  tobacco  plants.  The  discovery  of  this  gene  will 
permit  the  development  of  genetically  engineered  plants  that  produce 
novel  hydroxylated  fatty  acids  that  cannot  currently  be  produced  in 
agricultural  species.  Such  compounds  have  many  technical  uses,  which 
range  from  direct  use  in  hydraulic  fluids  and  aviation  lubricants  to  use 
as  precursors  for  synthesis  of  nylon  and  other  polymers. 

Genetic  Studies 

In  contrast  to  the  stearoyl-ACP  desaturase  and  homologs,  all  other 
desaturases  are  membrane-bound  such  that  in  most  cases  enzyme 
activity  cannot  be  detected  by  in  vitro  enzyme  assays.  Therefore,  we 
tested  the  possibility  that  the  structure  and  function  of  these  enzymes 
could  be  deduced  by  primarily  genetic  methods.  Diploid  plant  species, 
such  as  Arabidopsis  thaliana,  can  be  mutagenized  at  very  high  rates  with 
chemical  mutagens,  so  that  it  is  frequently  possible  to  identify  mutants 
lacking  activity  for  any  dispensable  gene  product  by  screening  only  a 
few  thousand  individuals.  In  addition,  the  recent  development  of 
methods  for  isolating  Arabidopsis  genes  by  chromosome  walking 
affords  an  opportunity  to  exploit  the  mutations  both  for  comparative 
physiological  analysis  and  also  for  cloning  of  genes  that  are  only 
known  by  their  mutant  phenotype  and  are  not  accessible  by  other 

Mutants  affecting  fatty  acid  metabolism  were  isolated  by  simply 
taking  small  samples  of  leaf  material  or  seed  from  randomly  chosen 
plants  in  a  mutagenized  population  and  measuring  the  fatty  acid 
composition  by  gas  chromatography.  By  screening  approximately 
10,000  individuals,  seven  classes  of  mutants  (designated  fadl  to  fadS) 
having  defects  in  fatty  acid  desaturation  were  recovered,  as  well  as  a 
number  of  mutations  that  caused  other  alterations  in  membrane 
composition.  None  of  the  mutants  could  be  readily  distinguished  from 
the  wild  type  by  visual  inspection  under  normal  growth  conditions. 


Chris  Somerville  (left)  and  postdoctoral  associates  Christiane  Nawrath  and 
Yves  Poirier  with  Arabidopsis  plants. 

Because  it  has  not  been  possible  to  detect  activity  for  most  of  the 
desaturases  in  vitro,  very  little  was  known  beforehand  about  the 
number  of  desaturases,  their  chemistry,  or  their  cellular  localization. 
Except  for  the  stearoyl-ACP  desaturase,  for  which  no  mutation  was 
recovered,  we  identified  mutations  in  all  the  known  desaturases  in 
Arabidopsis.  In  general,  the  mutations  have  metabolic  consequences 
that  are  similar  to  simple  blocks  in  a  biosynthetic  pathway;  the 
precursor  accumulates  at  the  expense  of  the  product.  Analysis  of  the 
effects  of  each  of  the  fad  mutations  on  the  composition  of  the  various 
lipids  led  to  our  formulation  of  an  overall  scheme  for  the  pathway  of 
lipid  unsaturation  in  plants  (see  Science  252:  8087, 1991). 

As  a  first  step  in  the  isolation  of  the  corresponding  genes,  all  of  the 
fad  mutations  were  genetically  mapped.  7hefad3  gene  mapped  near  a 
previously  known  restriction  fragment  length  polymorphism  (RFLP). 
The  RFLP  was  used  to  isolate  a  relatively  large  clone  of  the 
corresponding  region  of  the  chromosome  from  an  Arabidopsis  genomic 
library  we  had  previously  constructed  in  a  yeast  artificial  chromosome 
(YAC)  vector.  The  YAC  clone  was  then  used  to  isolate  cDNA  clones  for 
all  the  expressed  genes  in  the  region  of  the  chromosome  covered  by  the 
YAC.  One  of  the  cDNAs  was  found  to  be  highly  expressed  in 
developing  seeds — a  characteristic  we  anticipated  because  of  the  high 
oil  content  of  Arabidopsis  seeds.  This  clone  was  then  used  to 
genetically  complement  the  fad3  mutation,  thereby  establishing  its 
identity.  The  fad3  gene  thus  became  the  first  plant  gene  to  be  isolated  by 
map-based  cloning  methods.  The  cloning  of  this  gene  signaled  a  new 
phase  in  plant  biology  in  which  any  gene  that  can  be  marked  by  a 
mutation  can  be  isolated  without  knowing  any  property  of  the  gene  or 
its  product. 

Following  the  isolation  of  the  fad3  gene,  we  used  the  gene  as  a 
heterologous  hybridization  probe  to  isolate  a  number  of  related  genes 
(i.e.,  fad6,  fadl ,  fadS).  The  function  of  these  homologous  genes  was 


established  by  mapping  the  cloned  genes  relative  to  the  map  location  of 
the  various  fad  mutations,  then  using  the  cloned  genes  to  genetically 
complement  the  corresponding  mutations.  In  addition,  my  principal 
collaborators,  John  Browse  and  his  colleagues  (Washington  State 
University),  used  insertional  mutagenesis  to  isolate  the  fad!  gene, 
which  we  had  failed  to  identify  by  heterologous  hybridization.  Thus, 
we  have  isolated  genes  for  most  of  the  eight  enzymes  that  control 
membrane  fatty  acid  composition.  The  genes  are  currently  being  used 
to  examine  the  role  of  transcriptional  regulation  in  controlling 
membrane  composition.  The  genes  have  also  been  used  by  colleagues 
in  industry  to  isolate  the  corresponding  genes  from  crop  species.  These 
have  been  used  to  engineer  improvements  in  the  nutritional  quality  of 
edible  oils,  which  comprise  approximately  one  third  of  the  calories  in 
the  diet  of  the  developed  world  and  are  factors  in  heart  disease  and 
other  diet-related  syndromes. 

The  Physiological  Role  of  Lipid  Unsaturation 

The  availability  of  mutants  having  specific  alterations  in  membrane 
lipid  fatty  acid  composition  provides  a  relatively  direct  method  for 
examining  the  physiological  consequences  of  variation  in  lipid 
unsaturation.  Because  of  the  availability  of  a  variety  of  sensitive 
techniques  for  assaying  the  function  of  the  photosynthetic  electron 
transport  activity  of  chloroplast  membranes,  we  have  initially  focused 
on  the  analysis  of  those  mutants  that  affect  chloroplast  lipid 
composition.  Compared  to  membranes  from  other  organelles, 
chloroplast  membranes  are  highly  unsaturated.  Unexpectedly,  the 
relatively  large  changes  in  lipid  unsaturation  in  the  fad  mutants  had 
only  minor  effects  on  the  rate  of  photosynthetic  electron  transport 
under  any  of  the  conditions  examined.  This  contrasts  with  the  results  of 
a  variety  of  studies  based  on  less-specific  methods,  such  as  inhibitors  of 
fatty  acid  unsaturation,  lipase  treatment,  or  other  correlative 
approaches,  which  had  generally  suggested  an  essential  role  for 
unsaturation  in  supporting  the  light  reactions  of  photosynthesis. 

The  most  pronounced  consequence  of  decreased  lipid  unsaturation 
was  observed  in  studies  of  the  effects  of  prolonged  exposure  of  the 
mutants  to  low  temperature.  When  illuminated  at  4°C,  the  wild  type 
remained  green  and  healthy  and  continued  to  grow.  In  contrast,  tissue 
of  the  fad5  and  fad6  mutants  that  developed  at  low  temperature  became 
chlorotic  (yellowed)  and  the  plants  exhibited  a  30-40%  reduction  in 
growth  rate  relative  to  the  wild  type.  In  dividing  or  growing  cells,  the 
chloroplast  membranes  from  the  mutants  exhibited  major  structural 
abnormalities.  In  the  case  of  the  fad6  mutant,  there  was  only  about  25% 
as  much  chloroplast  membrane  as  in  the  wild  type.  But  the  structure  of 
chloroplast  membranes  was  relatively  normal  in  cells  of  mutants  that 


were  fully  grown  before  exposure  to  low  temperature.  Thus,  it  appears 
that  the  mutants  are  defective  mainly  in  the  biogenesis  of  new 
membrane  at  low  temperature.  Chloroplast  membranes  from  the 
chlorotic  tissues  of  mutant  plants  grown  at  low  temperature  have 
substantial  changes  in  the  polypeptide  composition,  suggesting  that 
decreased  unsaturation  impedes  protein  translocation  into  chloroplast 
membranes.  (Various  effects  of  the  mutations  on  chloroplast  structure 
at  normal  growth  temperature  may  reflect  a  general  requirement  for  a 
certain  degree  of  lipid  unsaturation  to  accommodate  the  post- 
translational  insertion  of  proteins  into  chloroplast  membranes,  rather 
than  a  direct  effect  of  lipid  unsaturation  on  structure.)  Whatever  the 
precise  basis  for  the  effects,  these  results  provided  direct  evidence  for  a 
requirement  for  membrane  polyunsaturation  in  low-temperature 

Preliminary  evidence  indicates  that  lipid  unsaturation  is  also  a 
component  of  thermal  (i.e.,  high-temperature)  tolerance.  Steady-state 
fluorescence  measurements  of  the  temperature  at  which  the  chlorophyll 
a/b  binding  protein  complex  dissociated  from  the  photosynthetic 
reaction  centers  in  the  fad5  and  fad6  mutants  indicated  significant 
enhancement  of  the  stability  of  the  chloroplast  membranes  at  high 
temperatures.  Also,  whole-chain  photosynthetic  electron  transport  was 
less  susceptible  to  thermal  denaturation  in  the  mutants.  It  is 
particularly  noteworthy  that  there  is  a  direct  correlation  between  the 
degree  of  chlorosis  caused  by  the  various  mutations  at  low  temperature 
and  the  degree  of  thermal  tolerance.  Thus,  it  appears  that  the  decreased 
unsaturation  has  effectively  shifted  the  temperature  range  upward. 
Indeed,  in  short-term  growth  tests,  the  fad5  mutant  had  a  substantially 
higher  growth  rate  than  the  wild  type  at  the  highest  temperatures 
tested,  suggesting  that  chloroplast  membrane  stability  is  a  component 
of  whole-plant  thermal  tolerance.  Collaborative  studies  of  the  thermal 
tolerance  of  these  mutants  is  now  under  way  with  colleagues  in  the 
Department  of  Plant  Biology.  In  addition,  the  availability  of  the  cloned 
desaturase  genes  will  facilitate  the  genetic  modification  of  membrane 
composition  and  the  analysis  of  phenotypic  effects  in  other  plant 

Short  Reports 

Kris  Niyogi:  Acclimation  of  Chlamydomonas  reinhardtii  that  are 

Photosynthetic  Organisms  to  Light  deficient  in  nonphotochemical  quenching. 

Quantity  Such  mutants  may  have  an  altered 

I  am  working  jointly  with  Art  xanthophyll  cycle,  which  is  thought  to  be 

Grossman  and  Olle  Bjorkman  to  generate  important  for  plants  to  survive  high  light 

mutants  of  the  unicellular  alga  levels.  We  have  used  a  video-imaging 



system  that  detects  chlorophyll 
fluorescence  to  isolate  strains  having 
either  higher  or  lower  levels  of 
nonphotochemical  quenching.  We  have 
also  generated  several  high-light- 
sensitive  mutants  which  may  have 
damage  in  mechanisms  of 
photoprotection  or  photodamage  repair. 
Our  mutagenesis  procedure  generates 
mutants  via  insertion  of  a  piece  of  defined 
DNA,  thereby  marking  the  gene  of 
interest  and  allowing  for  its  rapid 
isolation.  The  information  that  we  obtain 
from  analysis  of  the  mutants  should 
apply  to  high-light  acclimation  in  higher 
plants,  since  the  photosynthetic  apparatus 
of  Chlamydomonas  is  virtually  identical 
to  that  of  higher  plants.  We  anticipate  that 
the  mutants  will  have  alterations  in  genes 
involved  in  quenching  excess  light  energy 
(e.g.,  xanthophyll-cycle  components),  in 
degradation  of  damaged  reaction  center 
proteins,  in  repair  of  the  reaction  centers, 
and  in  scavenging  and  eliminating  free 
radicals  generated  by  excited  chlorophyll 

Art  Grossman:  A  High-Light- 
Inducible  Protein 

Technical  associate  Nadia  Dolganov 
and  visiting  professor  Devaki  Bhaya  have 
isolated  and  characterized  a  gene  from 
the  prokaryotic  cyanobacterium 
Synechococcus  sp.  Strain  PCC  7942  that 
encodes  a  protein  of  72  amino  acids.  The 
work  is  interesting  from  two  perspectives. 
First,  the  protein  encoded  by  this  gene 
(gene  designated  hliA  and  protein 
designated  HLIP,  for  high-light-inducible 
protein)  has  strong  homology  to  the 
extended  family  of  eukaryotic  chlorophyll 
a,b  binding  (Cab)  proteins.  However,  it 
only  has  a  single  membrane-spanning 
helix,  while  the  Cab  proteins  and  the 
related  early-light-inducible  proteins 
(ELIPs)  of  higher  plants  have  three 
membrane-spanning  helices.  Hence,  the 
HLIP  may  represent  an  evolutionary 
progenitor  of  the  eukaryotic  members  of 

the  Cab  extended  gene  family.  Second,  we 
have  recently  shown  that  hliA  gene 
expression  is  induced  by  high  light,  UV-A 
radiation,  and,  to  some  extent,  by  blue 
light.  The  genes  for  the  ELIPs  are  induced 
under  similar  conditions  of  illumination 
and  have  been  implicated  in  the 
responses  of  plants  to  light  stress  and 
recovery  from  photoinhibition.  While  we 
are  exploring  the  subcellular  location  and 
function  of  HLIP,  we  have  also  developed 
a  genetic  screen  to  define  factors 
(including  the  UV-A /blue-light 
photoreceptor  and  elements  that  regulate 
transcription)  that  are  involved  in 
modulating  the  expression  of  hliA. 

Joe  Berry:  Modeling  Ecosystem- 
Climate  Interactions 

During  the  past  year  my  group 
participated  in  the  Boreal  Ecosystem 
Atmosphere  Experiment  (BOREAS).  This 
is  a  large-scale  multidisciplinary  study 
conducted  in  northern  Canada.  The  goal 
of  the  experiment  is  to  characterize  the 
influence  of  boreal  forest  ecosystems  on 
the  atmosphere,  to  understand  the 
mechanisms  that  control  this,  and  to 
develop  algorithms  to  use  satellite  remote 
sensing  to  expand  these  studies  to  the 
global  scale.  Our  role  in  these  studies  is  to 
study  the  photosynthetic  properties  of 
boreal  forest  trees  and  to  develop  and  test 
models  used  to  simulate  these  processes. 
The  most  remarkable  result  to  date  is  that 
photosynthesis  and  transpiration  of 
conifer  forests  are  strongly  inhibited  on 
clear  sunny  days.  We  have  obtained 
evidence  that  this  mid-day  stomatal 
closure  is  caused  by  atmospheric 
humidity  rather  than  water  stress. 

Work  has  progressed  on  a 
land-surface  parameterization  for  climate 
models.  This  year  we  have  conducted 
tests  of  the  model  with  data  collected  at  a 
site  in  a  tall-grass  prairie  in  Kansas.  This 
data  set  provides  observations  of  climate, 
surface  exchanges  of  heat,  water  vapor, 
and  CO2  at  several  sites  over  the  course  of 

Tower,  above,  was  built  for  the  BOREAS  project 
to  accomodate  instruments  for  measuring 
C02/methane/  heat/water  vapor  exchange 
between  forest  and  atmosphere. 


cytoplasmic  protein  that  functions  in 
transport  of  proteins  into  the  endoplasmic 
reticulum.  We  have  been  investigating 
whether  the  chloroplast  protein,  54CP, 
plays  a  role  in  the  transport  of  proteins 
within  the  chloroplast. 

At  least  four  types  of  transport 
pathways  appear  to  operate  in  the 
chloroplast.  One  of  the  transport 
pathways  is  utilized  by  the 
light-harvesting  proteins  (LHCP)  for 
integration  into  the  thylakoid  membrane. 
Light-harvesting  proteins  are 
hydrophobic  proteins  that  have  multiple 
membrane-spanning  regions.  Recent 
results  obtained  in  collaboration  with  the 
laboratory  of  Ken  Cline  (University  of 
Florida)  indicate  that  54CP  participates  in 
the  integration  of  LHCP  into  the 
thylakoid  membrane.  We  are  currently 
testing  the  hypothesis  that  54CP  is  an 
essential  component  of  the  machinery 
required  for  the  transport  of  hydrophobic 
chloroplast  proteins. 

a  year.  The  fluxes  are  controlled  primarily 
by  the  seasonal  changes  in  vegetation 
cover  and  by  the  physiological  activity  of 
the  vegetation  as  affected  by  climate  and 
water  availability.  We  have  been  able  to 
model  these  seasonal  changes  in  the 
physiological  status  of  the  plants  and 
their  influence  on  surface  fluxes.  This  was 
an  important  milestone  in  testing  our 

Neil  Hoffman:  The  Role  of  54CP  in 
Intrachloroplast  Protein  Sorting 

One  of  the  major  unresolved  problems 
of  chloroplast  biogenesis  is  the 
mechanism  by  which  proteins  are 
translocated  across  or  integrated  into 
chloroplast  membranes.  Progress  has 
been  hindered  by  the  fact  that  most  of  the 
components  of  the  protein-transport 
machinery  remain  to  be  identified. 
Previously  our  lab  had  cloned  a  gene 
encoding  a  chloroplast  protein  that 
exhibited  structural  homology  to  SRP54,  a 

Olle  Bjorkman:  Photophosphory- 
lation,  Energy  Dissipation,  and 
Photoprotection  under  Prolonged 
Salinity  and  Drought  Stress 

Last  year  I  reported  on  the  results  of 
our  laboratory  studies  on 
photophosphorylation,  adenylate  energy 
charge,  and  energy  dissipation  under 
conditions  that  severely  restrict 
photosynthetic  CO2  fixation.  These 
studies  raised  the  possibility  that  under 
natural  stresses  such  as  drought,  salinity, 
and  unfavorable  temperatures,  leaves 
may  be  able  to  make  use  of  some  of  the 
absorbed  light  energy  by  continuing  to 
produce  ATP  even  when  they  are 
incapable  of  fixing  CO2.  In  addition,  the 
continuation  of  electron  flow  under 
severe  stress  would  maintain  a  high 
proton  gradient  across  the  chloroplast 
membrane;  this  may  allow  the  excess  light 
energy  to  be  harmlessly  dissipated  and 
thus  protect  the  system  from 



During  the  past  year  some  of  these 
predictions  were  tested  under  long-term 
stress  conditions  on  cotton  plants  grown 
under  natural  sunlight.  Much  of  this 
work  was  conducted  during  my  stay  at 
the  Consiglio  Nationale  delle  Ricerche, 
Porano,  Italy,  in  collaboration  with  Enrico 
Brugnoli,  a  former  fellow  at  this 
department.  Exposure  of  cotton  to 
long-term  salinity  stress  under  natural 
sunlight  resulted  in  a  strong  build-up  of 
ATP,  a  massive  conversion  of  violaxanthin 
to  zeaxanthin,  and  a  high  rate  of  energy 
dissipation  (as  determined  by  chlorophyll 
fluorescence  quenching  analysis). 
Maximal  levels  of  ATP  and  energy 
dissipation  were  reached  when  the  leaf 
salt  concentration  had  risen  to  a  level  that 
caused  full  stomatal  closure  and  complete 
cessation  of  net  CO2  fixation.  As  expected, 
the  efficiency  of  photosystem  2  also  was 
quite  low  under  these  stress  conditions. 
Similar  results  were  obtained  in 
experiments  where  the  cotton  plants  were 
subjected  to  water  stress  by  gradually 
restricting  the  water  supply  over  several 
weeks.  It  is  noteworthy  that  even  in  the 
most  severe  stress  treatments,  no 
apparent  photodamage  could  be  detected. 
Just  a  few  minutes  after  darkening  the 
leaves,  a  very  large  fraction  of  leaf  ATP 
had  been  converted  to  AMP,  accompanied 
by  an  almost  full  relaxation  of 
fluorescence  quenching.  Moreover,  the 
efficiency  of  photosystem  2  rapidly  rose 
to  approximately  the  same  level  as  in 
leaves  of  non-stressed  control  plants.  Our 
results  thus  indicate  that 
photophosphorylation  can  proceed  at  a 
significant  rate  even  under  prolonged  and 
severe  stress,  and  that  energy  dissipation 
processes  associated  with  protonation 
and  zeaxanthin  formation  may  be 
sufficient  to  protect  against 
photoinhibitory  damage  to  photosystem  2. 

Christopher  Field:  Modeling  the 
Global  Carbon  Cycle 

The  research  in  my  laboratory 

continues  to  focus  on  the  global  carbon 
cycle,  at  a  number  of  scales.  At  the 
ecosystem  scale,  the  group  expanded  its 
studies  on  the  responses  of  California 
annual  grasslands  to  elevated  CO2,  to 
include  emphases  on  closing  the  carbon 
and  water  budgets,  responses  to  limiting 
nutrients  other  than  nitrogen,  and  the  role 
of  symbiotic  nitrogen  fixation.  At  the 
global  scale,  the  group  developed  a  new 
model  of  terrestrial  plant  production  and 
decomposition.  This  new  model  (CASA, 
for  Carnegie  Ames  Stanford  Approach), 
which  was  outlined  in  Year  Book  92  (pp. 
57-61),  combines  satellite  and  surface 
data  with  physiological  and  ecological 
principles  to  produce  a  picture  of 
biosphere  activity  that  can  be  used  to  test 
hypotheses  or  detect  change  during  the 
era  of  satellite  observations. 

Winslow  Briggs:  Phototropic  Mutants 
and  Protein  Phosphorylation 

Postdoctoral  associate  Emmanuel 
Liscum  has  obtained  several  new 
phototropic  null  mutants  (incapable  of 
phototropism,  i.e.,  reorienting  in  response 
to  light)  by  screening  populations  of 
Arabidopsis  thaliana  that  had  been 
mutagenized  with  fast  neutron 
bombardment  or  Ti-plasmid  insertion. 
Two  of  these  phototropic  null  mutants 
completely  lack  a  120-kD  plasma 
membrane  protein  that  normally  becomes 
phosphorylated  when  the  plants  or  the 
isolated  membranes  are  exposed  to  blue 
light.  We  have  previously  presented  both 
physiological  and  genetic  evidence  that 
the  phosphorylation  of  this  protein  plays 
a  role  in  the  signal  transduction  chain  for 
phototropism.  The  two  mutants  are 
genetically  close  to  JK224,  a  mutant 
described  by  Kenneth  Poff 's  laboratory  at 
Michigan  State  University,  which  we  have 
found  to  be  deficient  in  this  same  protein. 
Since  some  of  Liscum's  new  mutants  may 
be  deletion  mutants,  they  may  prove  very 
helpful  in  isolating  the  gene  for  the 
protein.  Since  unlike  JK224,  the  mutants 



lack  second  positive  phototropic 
curvature,  completely  lack  first  positive 
curvature  (present  but  altered  in  JK224), 
lack  phototropism  in  light-grown 
seedlings,  lack  phototropism  in  roots,  and 

have  no  response  to  green  light  (normal 
in  JK224)  or  UV-A  light,  we  tentatively 
conclude  that  this  protein  is  involved  in 
all  of  these  phototropic  responses. 


1189  Apt,  K.  E.,  D.  Bhaya,  and  A.  R. 
Grossman,  Characterization  of  the  genes 
encoding  the  light-harvesting  proteins  in 
diatoms:  the  biogenesis  of  the  fucoxan- 
thin  chlorophyll  a/c  protein  complex,  /. 
Appl.  Phycol.  6,  225-230, 1994. 

1213  Apt,  K.  E.,  S.  K.  Clendennen,  D.  A. 
Powers,  and  A.  R.  Grossman,  The  gene 
family  encoding  the  fucoxanthin 
chlorophyll  proteins  from  the  brown  alga 
Macrocystis  pyrifera,  Mol.  Gen.  Genet.,  in 

1228  Artus,  N.  N.,  S.  Naito,  and  C.  R.  Somer- 
ville,  A  mutant  of  Arabidopsis  thaliaria  that 
defines  a  new  locus  for  glycine  decar- 
boxylation, Plant  Cell  Physiol,  in  press. 

1241  Asard,  H.,  N.  Horemans,  W.  R.  Briggs, 
and  R.  J.  Caubergs,  Blue  light  perception 
by  endogenous  redox  components  of  the 
plant  plasma  membrane,  Photochem. 
Photobiol.,  in  press. 

1210  Berkelman,  T.,  P.  Garret-Engele,  and  N. 
E.  Hoffman,  The  pad  gene  of  Synechococ- 
cus  sp.  Strain  PCC  7942  encodes  a  Ca2+- 
transporting  ATPase,  /.  Bacteriol.  176, 
4430-4436, 1994. 

1224  Berry,  J.  A.,  P.  J.  Sellers,  D.  A.  Randall,  G. 
J.  Collatz,  G.  D.  Colello,  S.  Denning,  and 
C.  Grivet,  SiB2,  a  model  for  simulation  of 
biological  processes  within  a  climate 
model,  in  SEB  Seminar  Series — Scaling  Up, 
P.  van  Gardingen,  ed.,  Cambridge  Univer- 
sity Press,  Cambridge,  in  press. 

1211  Bhalerao,  R.  P.,  J.  L.  Collier,  P.  Gus- 
tafsson,  and  A.  R.  Grossman,  The  struc- 
ture of  phycobilisomes  in  mutants  of 
Synechococcus  sp.  Strain  PCC  7942  devoid 
of  specific  linker  polypeptides,  Photochem. 
Photobiol,  in  press. 

1094  Bilger,  W.,  and  O.  Bjorkman,  Relation- 
ships among  violaxanthin  deepoxidation, 
thylakoid  membrane  conformation,  and 
nonphotochemical  chlorophyll  fluores- 
cence quenching  in  leaves  of  cotton  (Gos- 
sypium  hirsutum  L.),  Planta  192,  238-246, 

1110    Bjorkman,  O.,  and  B.  Demmig-Adams, 

Regulation  of  photosynthetic  light  energy 
capture,  conversion  and  dissipation  in 
leaves  of  higher  plants,  in  Ecophysiology  of 
Photosynthesis,  Vol.  100,  E.-D.  Schulze  and 
M.  Caldwell,  eds.,  Springer- Verlag,  Ber- 
lin, Heidelberg,  New  York,  pp.  17-47, 
1196  Briggs,  W.  R.,  New  light  on  stem  growth, 
Nature  366, 110-111, 1993. 

1243  Briggs,  W.  R.,  E.  Liscum,  P.  W.  Oeller,  and 
J.  M.  Palmer,  Photomorphogenic  systems, 
in  Light  as  an  Energy  Source  and  Information 
Carrier  in  Plant  Physiology,  R.  C.  Jennings, 
G.  Zuchelli,  F.  Ghetti,  and  G.  Columbetti, 
eds.,  Plenum  Publishing,  New  York,  in 

1227  Browse,  J.,  and  C.  R.  Somerville, 
Glycerolipids,  in  Arabidopsis,  E.  Meyer- 
owitz  and  C.  R.  Somerville,  eds.,  Cold 
Spring  Harbor  Press,  Cold  Spring  Harbor, 
New  York,  in  press. 

1221  Casey,  E.  S.,  and  A.  R.  Grossman,  In  vivo 
and  in  vitro  characterization  of  the  light- 
regulated  cpcB2A2  promoter  of  Fremyella 
diplosiphon,  J.  Bacteriol.  176,  6362-6374, 

1204  Cardon,  Z.  G.,  J.  A.  Berry,  and  I.  E.  Wood- 
row,  Dependence  of  the  extent  and  direc- 
tion of  average  stomatal  response  in  Zea 
mays  L.  and  Phaseolus  vulgaris  L.  on  the 
frequency  of  fluctuations  in  environmen- 
tal stimuli,  Plant  Physiol.  105,  1007-1013, 

1244  Ciais,  P.,  P.  P.  Tans,  J.  W.  C.  White,  M. 
Trolier,  R.  J.  Francey,  J.  A.  Berry,  D.  R. 
Randall,  P.  J.  Sellers,  J.  G.  Collatz,  and  D. 
S.  Schimel,  Partitioning  of  ocean  and  land 
uptake  of  CO2  as  inferred  by  513C  meas- 
urements from  the  NOAA/CMDL  global 
air  sampling  network,  /.  Geophys.  Res.,  in 

1201  Collier,  J.  L.,  S.  Herbert,  D.  C.  Fork,  and 
A.  R.  Grossman,  Changes  in  the  cyanobac- 
terial  photosynthetic  apparatus  in 
response  to  macronutrient  deprivation, 
Photosyn.  Res.,  in  press. 

1177   Collier,  J.  L.,  and  A.  R.  Grossman,  A  small 



peptide  elicits  the  degradation  of 
phycobilisomes  during  nutrient-limited 
growth  of  cyanobacteria,  EMBO  J.  13, 
1039-1047, 1994. 

1202  Davies,  J.  P.,  and  A.  R.  Grossman,  Se- 
quences controlling  transcription  of  the 
Chlami/domonas  reinhardtii  p2-tubulin  gene 
after  deflagellation  and  during  the  cell 
cycle,  Mo/.  Cell.  Biol.  14,  5165-5174, 1994. 

1176  Davies,  J.  P.,  F.  Yildiz,  and  A.  R. 
Grossman,  Mutants  of  Chlami/domonas 
with  aberrant  responses  to  sulfur  depriva- 
tion, Plant  Cell  6, 53-63, 1994. 

1173  Dolganov,  N.,  and  A.  R.  Grossman,  In- 
sertional  inactivation  of  genes  to  isolate 
mutants  of  Synechococcus  sp.  Strain  PCC 
7542:  isolation  of  filamentous  strains,  /. 
Bacteriol.  175,  7644-7651, 1993. 

1226  Dolganov,  N.  A.  M.,  D.  Bhaya,  and  A.  R. 
Grossman,  Cyanobacterial  protein  with 
similarity  to  the  chlorophyll  rt/ib-binding 
proteins  of  higher  plants:  evolution  and 
regulation,  Proc.  Natl.  Acad.  Sci.  USA,  in 

1230  Falcone,  D.,  S.  Gibson,  B.  Lemieux,  and 
C.  R.  Somerville,  Identification  of  a  gene 
that  complements  an  Arabidopsis  mutant 
deficient  in  chloroplast  co-6  desaturase  ac- 
tivity, Plant  Physiol,  in  press. 

1240  Field,  C.  B.,  Carbon  cycle:  Arctic  chill  for 
C02  uptake,  Nature  371, 472-473, 1994. 

1151  Field,  C.  B.,  J.  Gamon,  and  J.  Penuelas, 
Remote  sensing  of  terrestrial  photosyn- 
thesis, in  Ecophysiology  of  Photosynthesis,  E. 
-D.  Schulze  and  M.  M.  Caldwell,  eds., 
Springer- Verlag,  Berlin,  pp.  511-527, 1994. 

1203  Field,  C.  B.,  J.  T.  Randerson,  and  C. 
Malmstrom,  Global  net  primary  produc- 
tion: combining  ecology  and  remote  sens- 
ing, Remote  Sensing  of  the  Environment,  in 

1217  Field,  C.  B.,  J.  T.  Randerson,  C.  M.  Malm- 
strom, and  C.  S.  Potter,  Ecological  controls 
on  net  primary  production:  lessons  from 
global  models,  in  Scaling  Up,  P.  van  Gar- 
dingen,  G.  Foody,  and  P.  Curran,  eds., 
Cambridge  University  Press,  Cambridge, 
in  press. 

1185  Fredeen,  A.  L.,  and  C.  B.  Field,  Con- 
straints on  the  distribution  of  Piper 
species,  in  Tropical  Forest  Plant  Ecophysiol- 
ogy, A.  P.  Smith,  K.  Winter,  and  S.  Mulkey, 
eds.,  Chapman  and  Hall,  New  York,  in 

1181  Gamon,  J.  A.,  C.  B.  Field,  G.  Joel,  M.  L. 
Golden,  K.  L.  Griffin,  A.  E.  Hartley,  J. 
Penuelas,  and  R.  Valentini,  Relationships 
between  NDVI,  canopy  structure,  and 
photosynthesis  in  three  California  vegeta- 
tion types,  Ecological  Applications,  in  press. 

1214  Gibson,  S.,  V.  Arondel,  K.  Iba,  and  C.  R. 
Somerville,  Temperature  regulated  ex- 
pression of  a  gene  encoding  a  chloroplast 
omega-3  desaturase  from  Arabidopsis 
thaliana,  Plant  Physiol,  in  press. 

1206  Gibson,  S.,  D.  L.  Falcone,  J.  Browse,  and 
C.  R.  Somerville,  Use  of  transgenic  plants 
and  mutants  to  study  the  regulation  and 
function  of  lipid  composition,  Plant  Cell 
Environ.  17,  627-637, 1994. 

1235  Giese,  H.,  S.  Hippe-Sanwald,  S.  Somer- 
ville, and  J.  Weller,  Erysiphe  graminis,  in 
Mycota,  Vol.  VI,  G.  Carroll  and  P.  Tudzyn- 
ski,  eds.,  Springer -Verlag,  Berlin,  in  press. 

1183  Gilmore,  A.  M.,  and  O.  Bjorkman, 
Adenine  nucleotides  and  the  xanthophyll 
cycle  in  leaves.  I.  Effects  of  CO2-  and 
temperature-limited  photosynthesis  on 
adenylate  energy  charge  and  violaxanthin 
de-epoxidation,  Planta  192, 526-536, 1994. 

1184  Gilmore,  A.  M.,  and  O.  Bjorkman, 
Adenine  nucleotides  and  the  xanthophyll 
cycle  in  leaves.  II.  Comparison  of  the  ef- 
fects of  CO2-  and  temperature-limited 
photosynthesis  on  photosystem  II 
fluorescence  quenching,  the  adenylate 
energy  charge  and  violaxanthin  de- 
epoxidation  in  cotton,  Planta  192, 537-544, 

1141  Goulden,  M.  L.,  and  C.  B.  Field,  Three 
methods  for  monitoring  the  gas-exchange 
of  individual  tree  canopies:  ventilated- 
chamber,  sap-flow  and  Penman-Monteith 
measurements  on  evergreen  oaks,  Func- 
tional Ecology  8, 125-135, 1994. 

1162  Grossman,  A.,  M.  Schaefer,  G.  Chiang, 
and  J.  Collier,  The  responses  of  cyanobac- 
teria to  environmental  conditions:  light 
and  nutrients,  in  The  Molecular  Biology  of 
Cyanobacteria,  D.  Bryant,  ed.,  in  press. 

1193  Grossman,  A.  R.,  D.  Bhaya,  and  J.  L.  Col- 
lier, Specific  and  general  responses  of 
cyanobacteria  to  macronutrient  depriva- 
tion, in  Molecular  Biology  of  Phosphate  in 
Microorganisms,  pp.  112-118, 1994. 

1208  Hasunuma,  K.,  T.  Hamada,  and  W.  R. 
Briggs,  Molecular  analysis  of  phyto- 
chrome-mediated  signal  transmission  in 
etiolated  pea  seedlings,  /.  Photochem. 
Photobiol.  B:  Biol.  23, 245-251, 1994. 

1191  Hoffman,  N.  E.,  and  A.  E.  Franklin, 
Evidence  for  a  stromal  GTP  requirement 
for  the  integration  of  a  chlorophyll  a/b 
binding  polypeptide  into  thylakoid 
membranes,  Plant  Physiol.  105,  295-304, 

1166  Huang,  L.,  T.  Berkelman,  A.  E.  Franklin, 
and  N.  E.  Hoffman,  Characterization  of  a 
gene  encoding  a  Ca2+-ATPase-like  protein 
in  the  plastid  envelope,  Proc.  Natl.  Acad. 



Sci.  USA  90, 10066-10070, 1993. 

1238  Jackson,  R.  B.,  O.  E.  Sala,  C.  B.  Field,  and 
H.  A.  Mooney,  CO2  alters  water  use,  carb- 
on gain,  and  yield  in  a  natural  grassland, 
Oecologia,  in  press. 

1215  Kehoe,  D.,  and  A.  R.  Grossman,  Comple- 
mentary chromatic  adaptation:  photoper- 
ception  to  gene  regulation,  Seminars  in  Cell 
Biology  5,  303-313, 1994. 

1195  Liscum,  E.,  and  R.  P.  Hangarter,  Muta- 
tional analysis  of  blue-light  sensing  in 
Arabidopsis,  Plant  Cell  Environ.  17, 639-648, 

1182  Luo,  Y,  H.  A.  Mooney,  and  C.  B.  Field, 
Prediction  of  photosynthesis  and  root/ 
shoot  ratio  responses  to  elevated  CO2 
based  on  altered  carbon  and  nitrogen 
relationships,  Plant  Cell  Environ.,  in  press. 

1219  McConn,  M.,  S.  Hugly,  J.  Browse,  and  C. 
R.  Somerville,  A  mutation  at  \hefad8  locus 
of  Arabidopsis  identifies  a  second  chloro- 
plast  omega-3  desaturase,  Plant  Physiol, 
in  press. 

1232  Nawrath,  C,  Y.  Poirier,  and  C.  R.  Somer- 
ville, Targeting  of  the  polyhydroxy- 
butyrate  biosynthetic  pathway  to  the 
plastids  of  Arabidopsis  tlialiana  results  in 
high  levels  of  polymer  accumulation, 
Proc.  Natl.  Acad.  Sci.  USA,  in  press. 

1233  Newman,  T,  F.  J.  de  Bruijn,  P.  Green,  K. 
Keegstra,  H.  Kende,  L.  Mcintosh,  J.  Ohl- 
rogge,  N.  Raikhel,  S.  Somerville,  M. 
Thomashow,  E.  Retzel,  and  C.  R.  Somer- 
ville, Genes  galore:  a  summary  of  the 
methods  for  accessing  the  results  from 
large-scale  partial  sequencing  of 
anonymous  Arabidopsis  cDNA  clones, 
Plant  Physiol.,  in  press. 

1164  Penuelas,  J.,  J.  A.  Gamon,  A.  L.  Fredeen, 
J.  Merino,  and  C.  B.  Field,  Indices  as- 
sociated with  diurnal  and  seasonal  chan- 
ges in  the  spectral  reflectance  of  nitrogen- 
and  water-limited  sunflower  leaves, 
Remote  Sens.  Environ.  47, 135-146, 1994. 

1231  Poirier,  Y,  L.  A.  Schechtman,  M.  M.  Sat- 
kowski,  I.  Noda,  and  C.  R.  Somerville, 
Synthesis  of  high  molecular  weight 

poly([R] — 3-hydroxybutyrate)  in  trans- 
genic Arabidopsis  thaliana,  Int.  J.  Biol.  Mac- 
romol.,  in  press. 

1170  Potter,  C.  S.,  J.  T  Randerson,  C.  B.  Field, 
P.  A.  Matson,  P.  M.  Vitousek,  H.  A. 
Mooney,  and  S.  A.  Klooster,  Terrestrial 
ecosystem  production:  a  process  model 
based  on  global  satellite  and  surface  data, 
Global  Biogeochemical  Cycles  7,  811-841, 

1242  Quail,  P.  H.,  W.  R.  Briggs,  J.  Chory,  R.  P. 
Hangarter,  N.  P.  Harberd,  R.  E.  Kendrick, 
M.  Koornneef,  B.  Parks,  R.  A.  Sharrock,  E. 

Schafer,  W.  F.  Thompson,  and  G.  C.  White- 
lam,  Spotlight  on  phytochrome  nomen- 
clature, Plant  Cell  6(4),  468-471, 1994. 

1192  Ribas-Carbo,  M.,  J.  A.  Berry,  and  J.  N. 
Siedow,  The  reaction  of  the  plant 
mitochondrial  cyanide-resistant  alterna- 
tive oxidase  with  oxygen,  Biochim. 
Biophys.  Acta,  in  press. 

1212  Robinson,  S.  A.,  M.  Ribas-Carbo,  D. 
Yakir,  L.  Giles,  and  J.  A.  Berry,  Beyond 
SHAM  and  cyanide:  studies  of  the  alterna- 
tive oxidase  in  plant  respiration  using 
oxygen  isotope  discrimination,  Aust.  J. 
Plant.  Physiol.,  in  press. 

1172  Samson,  G.,  S.  K.  Herbert,  D.  C.  Fork,  and 
D.  E.  Laudenbach,  Acclimation  of  the 
photosynthetic  apparatus  to  growth  ir- 
radiance  in  a  mutant  strain  of  Synechococ- 
cus  lacking  iron  superoxide  dismutase, 
Plant  Physiol.  105,  287-294, 1994. 

1167  Schaefer,  M.  R.,  G.  G.  Chiang,  J.  G. 
Cobley,  and  A.  R.  Grossman,  Plasmids 
from  two  morphologically  distinct 
cyanobacterial  strains  share  a  novel 
replication  origin,  /.  Bacteriol.  175,  5701- 
5705, 1993. 

1229  Schneider,  J.  C,  E.  Nielsen,  and  C.  R. 
Somerville,  A  chilling-sensitive  mutant  of 
Arabidopsis  is  deficient  in  chloroplast 
protein  accumulation  at  low  temperature, 
Plant  Cell  Environ.,  in  press. 

1246  Sellers,  P.  J.,  B.  Meeson,  F.  G.  Hall,  G. 
Asrar,  R.  E.  Murphy,  R.  Schiffer,  F  Brether- 
ton,  F.  Dickenson,  R.  G.  Ellingson,  C.  B. 
Field,  F.  Huemmrich,  C.  O.  Justice,  J. 
Melack,  N.  Roulet,  D.  S.  Schmil,  and  P.  Try, 
Remote  sensing  of  the  land  surface  for 
studies  of  global  change:  models — algo- 
rithms— experiments,  Remote  Sensing  of 
the  Environment,  in  press. 

1200  Short,  T.  W.,  and  W.  R.  Briggs,  The 
transduction  of  blue  light  signals  in 
higher  plants,  Annu.  Rev.  Plant  Physiol. 
Plant  Mol.  Biol.  45, 143-171, 1994. 

1104  Short,  T  W.,  M.  Porst,  J.  Palmer,  E. 
Fernbach,  and  W.  R.  Briggs,  Blue  light 
induces  phosphorylation  at  seryl  residues 
on  a  pea  {Pisiim  sativum  L.)  plasma 
membrane  protein,  Plant  Physiol.  104, 
1317-1324, 1994. 

1175  Smith,  H.,  G.  Samson,  and  D.  C.  Fork, 
Photosynthetic  acclimation  to  shade: 
probing  the  role  of  phytochromes  using 
photomorphogenic  mutants  of  tomato, 
Plant  Cell  Environ.  16,  929-937, 1993. 

1161  Tian,  G.,  J.  A.  Berry,  and  J.  P.  Klinman, 
Oxygen- 18  kinetic  isotope  effects  in  the 
dopamine-monooxygenase  reaction:  evi- 
dence for  a  new  chemical  mechanism  in 
non-heme  metallomonooxygenases,  Bio- 



chem.  33,  226-234, 1994. 

1188  Valentini,  R.,  J.  A.  Gamon,  and  C.  B. 
Field,  Ecosystem  gas  exchange  in  a 
California  serpentine  grassland:  seasonal 
patterns  and  implications  for  scaling, 
Ecology,  in  press. 

1156  Warpeha,  K.  M.  R,  and  W.  R.  Briggs,  Blue 
light-induced  phosphorylation  of  a  plas- 
ma membrane  protein  in  pea:  a  step  in  the 
signal  transduction  chain  for  photo- 
tropism,  Aust.  J.  Plant  Physiol.  20, 393-403, 

1245  Weaver,  L.  M.,  L.  Lebrun,  A.  E.  Franklin, 
L.  Huang,  N.  E.  Hoffman,  E.  S.  Wurtele, 
and  B.  Nikolau,  Molecular  cloning  of  the 

biotinylated  subunit  of  c-methylcrotonyl- 
CoA  carboxylase  of  Arabidopsis  thaliana, 
Plant  Physiol.,  in  press. 

1220  White,  M.  J.,  L.  S.  Kaufman,  B.  A.  Hor- 
witz,  W.  R.  Briggs,  and  W.  P.  Thompson, 
Individual  members  of  the  Cab  gene  fami- 
ly differ  widely  in  fluence  response,  Plant 
Physiol.,  in  press. 

1171  Yildiz,  F.  H.,  J.  P.  Davies,  and  A.  R. 
Grossman,  Characterization  of  sulfate 
transport  in  Chlamydomonas  reinhardtii 
during  sulfur-limited  and  sulfur-suffi- 
cient growth,  Plant  Physiol.  104,  981-987, 


Research  Staff 

Joseph  A.  Berry1 

Olle  E.  Bjorkman 

Winslow  R.  Briggs,  Director  Emeritus 

Christopher  B.  Field 

David  C.  Fork 

Arthur  R.  Grossman 

Neil  E.  Hoffman 

Christopher  R.  Somerville,  Director2 

Shauna  C.  Somerville2 

Visiting  Investigators 

Ruth  Alscher,  Virginia  Polytechnic  Institute 

and  State  University,  NSF  Fellow2 
Devaki  Bhaya,  Jawaharlal  Nehru  University, 

New  Delhi,  India 
Pierre  Broun,  Monsanto  Fellow3 
Ewald  Fernbach,  Alexander  von  Humboldt 

Stiftung  Fellowship4 
Ian  Graham,  University  of  Glasgow, 

Scotland,  British  SERC  Fellow2 
Bernard  Kloareg,  Centre  National  de  la 

Recherche  Scientifique,  Lauderueau, 

Dov  Koller,  The  Hebrew  University, 

Steven  Lindley,  Stanford  University,  Mellon 

Harry  Smith,  University  of  Leicester,  UK7 
Assaf  Sukenik,  Israel  Oceanographies  & 

Limnological  Research,  Haifa8 

Postdoctoral  Fellows  and  Associates 
Luc  Adam,  NSF  Research  Associate2 

Kirk  E.  Apt,  NSF  Fellow 

Thomas  R.  Berkelman,  NIH  Research 

Robin  Buell,  USDA  Fellow2 
Gregory  D.  Colello,  NASA  Research 

G.  James  Collatz,  NASA  Research  Associate9 
Steven  Daniel,  Stanford/Carnegie  Training 

John  P.  Davies,  USDA  Research  Associate 
Deane  Falcone,  NSF  Research  Associate2 
Arthur  F.  Fredeen,  Mellon  Fellow 
Wei  Fu,  NASA  Research  Associate11 
Adam  M.  Gilmore,  Mellon  Fellow12 
David  M.  Kehoe,  NSF  Fellow 
Xingxiang  Li,  NIH  Research  Associate 
Emmanuel  Liscum,  NSF  Research  Associate 
Christiane  Nawrath,  NSF  Research 

Michelle  Nikoloff,  DOE  Research  Associate2 
Krishna  Niyogi,  Stanford /Carnegie  Training 

Paul  Oeller,  NSF  Research  Associate 
Joseph  Ogas,  NSF  Fellow2 
Julie  M.  Palmer,  NSF  Research  Associate15 
Marsha  Pilgrim,  Stanford /Carnegie 

Training  Fellow16 
Yves  Poirier,  DOE  Research  Associate2 
Wayne  Stochaj,  Stanford /Carnegie  Training 

Susan  S.  Thayer,  NSF  Research  Associate 
Yvonne  Thorstenson,  NIH  Research 

Simon  Turner,  EMBO  Fellow2 
Jennifer  Weller,  NSF  Research  Associate19 
Fitnat  H.  Yildiz,  McClintock  Fellow 
James  Zhang,  DOE  Research  Associate2 



Predoctoral  Fellows  and  Associates 

Zoe  G.  Card  on,  Stanford  University20 
Elena  M.  Casey,  Stanford  University 
Jackie  L.  Collier,  Stanford  University20 
M.  Elise  Dement,  Stanford  University 
Amie  E.  Franklin,  Stanford  University 
Claire  Granger,  Stanford  University2* 
N.  Michele  Holbrook,  Stanford  University 
Geeske  Joel,  University  of  Bayreuth 
Catharina  Lindley,  Stanford  University2 
Chris  Lund,  Stanford  University22 
Carolyn  Malmstrom,  Stanford  University 
Margaret  Olney,  Stanford  University 
Patti  Poindexter,  Stanford  University 
John  Quisel,  Stanford  University23 
Steven  Reiser,  Michigan  State  University2 
Seung  Rhee,  Stanford  University,  NSF 

Support  Staff 

Ann  Blanche  Adams,  Technician24 
Cesar  R.  Bautista,  Horticulturist 
Mike  Blaylock,  Laboratory  Assistant25 

Nadejda  A.  Dolganov,  Research  Associate 

Jane  S.  Edwards,  Administrative  Assistant 

Celeste  Falcone,  Photographer26 

Glenn  A.  Ford,  Laboratory  Manager 

Cyril  D.  Grivet,  Senior  Laboratory  Technician 

Barbara  A.  March,  Bookkeeper 

Sylvia  Martinez-Strauman,  Research 

Ann  D.  McKillop,  Technician 
Barbara  E.  Mortimer,  Technician 
Frank  Nicholson,  Facilities  Manager 
Pedro  F.  Pulido,  Maintenance  Technician 
Jim  Randerson,  Technician 
Larry  D.  Reid,  Maintenance  Technician 
Connie  K.  Shih,  Senior  Laboratory  Technician 
David  Smernoff,  Research  Assistant28 
Mary  A.  Smith,  Business  Manager 
Paige  Thomas,  Laboratory  Assistant29 
Julie  M.  Tritschler  des  Rosier,  Technician 
Thang  Truong,  Laboratory  Assistant30 
Rudolph  Warren,  Maintenance  Technician 
Aida  E.  Wells,  Secretary 
Brian  M.  Welsh,  Mechanical  Engineer 
Howard  Whitted,  Support  Engineer 
Sunia  Yang,  Electrical  Engineer 

Acting  Director  to  December 

31,  1993 
2From  January  1, 1994 
3From  March  1, 1994 
4To  May  18,  1994 
5To  August  1, 1993 
6To  September  30, 1993 
7From  March  3  to  April  30, 1994 
8From  August  1, 1993 
9To  September  30, 1993 
10To  April  30, 1994 
nFrom  March  31, 1994 
12To  September  30, 1993 
13From  May  1, 1994 
14From  September  7, 1993 
15To  August  15, 1993 

16From  August  30, 1993 

17From  March  25,  1994 

18To  May  31, 1994 

19From  January  1  to  April  15, 1994 

20To  January  31,  1994 

21From  September  1, 1993 

^From  September  30, 1993 

23From  June  20, 1994 

24From  April  1, 1994 

25From  May  18, 1994 

26From  March  1, 1994 

27From  May  13, 1994 

28From  May  16, 1994 

29From  March  8, 1994 

30From  February  17, 1994 

Geophysical  Laboratory 


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The  Director's  Introduction 

The  two  principal  essays  offered  here  illustrate  important  areas  of 
research  in  the  earth  and  planetary  sciences,  ones  that  we 
believe  are  leading  to  real  understanding  about  the  compositions 
and  structures  of  planetary  interiors.  Recent  advances  in  theory, 
computer  modeling,  and  laboratory  experiment,  coupled  with  new 
observations  of  planetary  phenomena  such  as  the  recent  meteorite 
impacts  on  Jupiter,  make  this  an  exciting  time  for  those  of  us  who  want 
to  know  more  about  the  evolution  of  the  Earth  and  other  planets.  Tom 
Duffy  tells  how  laboratory  experiments  using  the  technique  of  Brillouin 
scattering  to  determine  sound  velocities  in  solid  hydrogen  at  high 
pressure  can  provide  constraints  on  the  interpretation  of  the  recently 
reported  global  seismic  oscillations  of  Jupiter.  From  this  and  other 
information,  scientists  here  and  elsewhere  are  beginning  to  construct 
reasonable  models  for  Jupiter's  interior  structure.  Then,  Yingwei  Fei 
describes  results  obtained  with  a  new  diamond  cell  equipped  with  a 
small,  but  well-designed  heater  that  allows  him  to  perform  synchrotron 
x-ray  diffraction  experiments  while  samples  are  raised  to  temperatures 
and  pressures  as  high  as  1100  K  and  125  GPa.*  Such  cells  have  been 
described  previously  by  others,  but  none  have  been  used  to  produce 
such  a  quantity  of  x-ray  diffraction  data  over  so  wide  a  range  of 
temperature  and  pressure.  In  applying  this  cell  to  experiments  on  FeS 
and  FeO,  Fei  probably  has  generated  more  new  information  on  the 
phase  relations  in  these  systems  in  a  few  months  than  has  been 

*One  gigapascal  (GPa)  is  ten  kilobars,  or  10,000  times  atmospheric  pressure  at  sea 



produced  by  all  other  investigators  in  all  of  previous  history.  Both  FeS 
and  FeO  have  been  proposed  as  possible  components  in  Earth's  core  or 
in  the  D"  layer  that  resides  between  the  core  and  the  lower  mantle,  and 
Fei's  new  information  is  essential  for  making  further  progress  in 
understanding  these  regions  of  the  Earth.  The  subjects  of  both  essays 
are  part  of  a  growing  interest  in  how  the  solar  system  formed  and 
evolved  over  billions  of  years  as  well  as  how  Earth  itself  nucleated, 
grew,  and  became  what  it  is  today. 

Because  research  at  the  Geophysical  Laboratory  is  very  much 
oriented  around  measurement  of  chemical  and  physical  properties  of 
terrestrial  and  meteoritic  samples,  it  is  interesting  to  compare  our 
current  activities  with  those  that  took  place  in  former  times  in  the  Lab. 
Recently,  some  of  our  staff  members  have  been  talking  about  a  paper 
published  in  1923  by  two  staff  members,  E.  D.  Williamson  and  L.  H. 
Adams,  "Density  distribution  in  the  Earth"  (Journal  of  the  Washington 
Academy  of  Sciences  13, 413-428, 1923).  This  was  a  seminal  paper, 
probably  the  Lab's  most  important  contribution  to  geophysics  and 
overall  one  of  the  key  geophysics  papers  of  the  first  half  of  the  20th 
century.  In  his  classic  paper  "Elasticity  and  constitution  of  Earth's 
interior,"  Francis  Birch  wrote  that  Williamson  and  Adams  were  the  first 
to  notice  that  seismic  velocities  give  information  about  the  change  of 
density  with  pressure.  Their  paper  is  still  quoted  today  and,  with  a 
companion  paper  in  the  same  year  (Adams  and  Williamson,  "The 
compressibility  of  minerals  and  rocks  at  high  pressures,"  Journal  of  the 
Franklin  Institute  195,  475-529, 1923),  the  work  represents  remarkable 
insight  to  problems  still  being  discussed  in  1994.  Erskine  D.  "Sandy" 
Williamson  was  a  Scot  who  came  to  Washington  as  a  staff  member  in 
1914.  He  was  a  physical  chemist  and  spent  a  year  or  so  during  World 
War  I  working  with  Pittsburgh  Plate  Glass  Company  in  the  effort  to 
manufacture  improved  optical  glass  for  the  war  effort.  After  returning 
to  the  Lab,  he  and  Adams  published  a  series  of  papers  that  are  exactly 
what  we  would  today  call  mineral  physics.  Unfortunately,  Williamson 
died  at  age  37  in  1923,  the  year  the  above  papers  were  published.  He 
was  married  to  Alice  Boorman  Williamson,  a  stenographer/editor  at 
the  Lab,  who  remained  an  employee  until  1947.  Leason  Adams,  of 
course,  became  director  of  the  Lab  in  1937. 

It  is  exciting  that  today  many  of  the  questions  asked  by  Williamson 
and  Adams  are  being  answered.  We  can  now  perform  experiments 
under  conditions  approximating  those  of  the  mantle  and  core  and  make 
in  situ  measurements  that  would  have  been  impossible  just  a  few  years 
ago.  Experimental  work  by  Tom  Duffy  and  theoretical  modeling  by  Iris 
Inbar  and  Ronald  Cohen  provide  new  information  on  the  behavior  of 
MgO  at  ultrahigh  pressures.  While  pure  MgO  probably  does  not  exist 
in  the  lower  mantle,  its  study  is  a  first  step  toward  experiments  on 
similar  phases  containing  iron  and  other  cations  as  well  as  magnesium. 


Michael  Walter's  studies  of  the  partitioning  of  elements  between 
silicate  and  iron  at  high  pressures  and  temperatures  are  another 
example  of  experiments  that  benefit  from  new  tools  and  increased 
awareness  of  the  questions  that  need  asking.  Kathleen  Kingma  and 
Ronald  Cohen  have  shown  that  the  high-pressure  Si02  mineral 
stishovite  will  transform  to  a  denser  phase  with  the  CaCl2  structure  at 
about  50  GPa  and  room  temperature.  This  structure  could  be  significant 
in  the  lower  mantle  because  it  is  predicted  to  exhibit  substantially 
different  elastic  (i.e.,  seismic)  properties  from  those  of  stishovite  at  high 

Another  area  of  increased  current  interest  is  in  the  role  of  volatiles 
such  as  H20  in  geological  processes,  not  only  at  ultrahigh  pressures  but 
throughout  the  Earth  and  throughout  its  history.  David  Bell's  thesis 
work  at  Caltech  emphasized  the  detection  and  characterization  of 
hydrogen  in  nominally  anhydrous  minerals  from  the  upper  mantle. 
Now,  he  and  Tom  Hoering  are  examining  the  ratios  of  the  isotopes 
deuterium  H2  and  hydrogen  H1  to  determine  whether  specific  mantle 
source  regions  exhibit  characteristic  isotopic  signatures.  A  long-term 
goal  of  this  and  other  investigations  is  to  determine  whether  volatiles 
we  see  on  Earth  today  were  introduced  in  the  original  accretion  process 
or  added  via  comets  or  meteorites  later  in  Earth's  history. 

An  exciting  aspect  of  research  at  the  Geophysical  Laboratory  is 
that,  even  though  our  staff  is  relatively  small  compared  to  those  of 
many  other  institutions  in  the  world,  we  are  engaged  in  a  wide  variety 
of  research  projects.  One  of  these  projects  was  initiated  by  John  Frantz 
and  Deborah  Kelley  during  one  of  John's  visits  to  Woods  Hole 
Oceanographic  Institution.  Kelley  collected  samples  of  gabbro  during  a 
cruise  to  the  South  Indian  Ridge  and  brought  them  to  the  Lab  for 
analysis  of  fluid  inclusions  from  the  rocks,  which  contain  a  very  large 
amount  of  methane.  Why  is  there  so  much  methane  in  these  rocks, 
where  does  it  come  from,  and  what  does  its  occurrence  tell  us  about  the 
circulation  of  hydrocarbons  in  the  Earth's  crust  and  mantle?  With  Tom 
Hoering's  involvement,  we  have  the  capability  of  analyzing  the  fluid 
inclusions;  we  hope  that  continued  collaboration  with  Woods  Hole  will 
provide  answers  to  these  questions. 

In  a  time  of  questioning  about  the  future  for  scientific  research  in 
the  United  States,  the  Geophysical  Laboratory  is  developing  new  ideas 
and  exploring  new  fields,  meanwhile  retaining  its  roots,  centered  on  the 
application  of  fundamental  physical  and  chemical  knowledge  and 
practices  to  the  study  of  the  Earth  and  the  other  planets.  It  is  truly  an 
exciting  time  to  be  involved  in  these  varied  research  activities. 

— Charles  T.  Prewitt 



Properties  of  Hydrogen  at  High  Pressure: 
Implications  for  Jovian  Seismology 

by  Thomas  S.  Duffy 

The  impacts  of  fragments  of  comet  Shoemaker-Levy  9  into  Jupiter 
in  July  1994  were  among  the  most  spectacular  events  in  the  history 
of  planetary  science  (Fig.  1).  With  almost  every 
astronomical  observatory  in  the  world  (and  in  space) 
viewing  the  collisions,  a  vast  amount  of  new  information 
about  Jupiter  was  obtained.  The  Jovian  planets  contain 
99%  of  the  planetary  mass  of  our  solar  system. 
Understanding  the  internal  workings  of  these  bodies  is 
critical  for  understanding  the  solar  system  as  a  whole. 

Our  current  view  of  the  interior  structure  of  Jupiter  is 
limited  and  largely  theoretical  (Fig.  2).  Existing  models 
are  constructed  to  satisfy  gross  observational  data  for  the 
mass,  rotation  rate,  radius,  and  gravitational  harmonics  of 
the  planet.  Jupiter  is  composed  dominantly  of  fluid 
hydrogen,  along  with  about  ten  percent  helium  and  small 
amounts  of  denser  materials  that  can  be  grouped  into  ice 
(e.g.,  H2O,  NH3)  and  rock  (e.g.,  Fe,  Si02)  components.  The 
pressure-density  relation,  or  equation  of  state,  of  hydrogen  is  a  source 
of  great  uncertainty  in  interior  models.  At  a  depth  of  perhaps  20%  of 
the  planet's  radius,  hydrogen  is  believed  to  undergo  a  transformation 
from  an  insulating  molecular  state  to  a  metallic  fluid.  The  actual 

Thomas  Duffy 

Fig.  1.  Hubble  Space  Telescope  images  of  Jupiter  taken  on  July  17,  1994,  showing 
impact  sites  of  fragments  of  comet  Shoemaker-Levy  9.  The  images  are  taken  in 
violet,  or  visible  (left),  and  in  ultraviolet  (right)  light.  Three  impact  sites  are  seen 
across  the  bottom;  a  Jovian  moon  appears  as  a  dark  spot  in  the  northern  hemisphere. 

losphere  -^ 

\  . 


~  —  ,. 

,  'J^"" 


^  Molecular  H2 

+  He 

^\^  s 

/  /           / 

Metallic  H  + 




'  /           / 


+  ice  core  -— . 

5000  GPa 
25,000  K 

200  GPa 
10,000  K 

1  bar 
165  K 

Fig.  2.  Interior  structure  of  Jupiter  as  generally  modeled.  Approximate  pressures 
and  temperatures  are  shown  at  bottom.  The  1-bar  pressure  level  is  a  convenient 
reference  point  for  interior  models.  The  equatorial  radius  of  Jupiter  at  this  level  is 
71 ,492  km,  about  1 1 .2  times  the  radius  of  the  Earth. 

location  of  this  phase  transition  is  unknown,  and  in  current  Jovian 
models  ranges  from  pressures  of  100  to  500  GPa.  The  central  pressure 
and  temperature  of  Jupiter  are  estimated  to  be  about  5000  GPa  and 
25,000  K;  the  former  is  fifty  million  times  greater  than  the  pressure  at 
the  Earth's  surface. 

Knowledge  of  the  internal  structure  of  the  Earth  is  obtained  from 
the  seismic  waves  generated  by  terrestrial  earthquakes,  which 
propagate  through  the  interior  of  the  planet.  Similarly,  the  strongest 
constraints  on  the  interior  structure  of  the  Sun  are  derived  from 
helioseismology — the  study  of  solar  acoustic  oscillations.  The 
Shoemaker-Levy  impacts  might  provide  new  information  on  the 
interior  of  Jupiter  if  the  arrival  of  seismic  waves  generated  by  the 
impacts  can  be  detected.  Such  waves  could  be  observed  by  measuring 
small  temperature  differences  arising  from  the  pressure  variations 
associated  with  the  waves,  or  as  Doppler  shifts  of  spectral  lines  arising 
from  wave  motion. 

But  whether  or  not  such  phenomena  are  actually  observed  from 
Shoemaker-Levy,  the  field  of  Jovian  seismology  is  expanding  rapidly.  A 
number  of  theoretical  studies  of  global  seismic  oscillations  of  the  Jovian 
planets  have  been  performed,  and  the  first  observational  searches  have 
been  carried  out.  In  1991,  a  group  of  French  astronomers  reported  the 
successful  observation  of  global  free  oscillations  of  Jupiter.  The 
observations  are  intriguing  because  of  the  unexpectedly  large 
amplitudes  and  profound  implications  for  interior  models,  as  discussed 

Laboratory  Studies 

Studies  of  global  oscillations  or  impact-induced  seismic  waves  are 
by  themselves  insufficient  to  unravel  the  interior  structure  of  planetary 
interiors.  As  with  terrestrial  seismology,  seismic  observations  must  be 
combined  with  laboratory  data  on  sound  (i.e.,  seismic)  velocities  and 
equations  of  state  of  the  appropriate  materials  under  the  extreme 
pressure  and  temperature  conditions  existing  within  these  bodies.  To 
address  this  need,  Willem  L.  Vos,  Chang-sheng  Zha,  Russell  J.  Hemley, 


£    10 


■  "  "J^-^ — -"""""• 



„  -  --J^_ 







-"  J^^^ 



-  -  YR  model 



—  HSG  model 






Pressure  (GPa) 

Fig.  3.  Sound  (i.e.,  seismic)  velocity  in  H2  at  room  temperature  as  a  function 
of  pressure.  Solid  symbols  are  experimentally  measured  data.  Curves  show 
velocities  calculated  from  intermolecular  potentials:  HSG,  this  study  (solid  line); 
YR,  calculated  from  earlier  shock  data  (dashed  line).  The  vertical  line  is  the 
melting  boundary  (at  room  temperature). 

Ho-kwang  Mao,  and  I  began  an  effort  to  measure  sound  velocities  in 
compressed  hydrogen  and  to  understand  their  implications  for  Jovian 

We  first  developed  new  methods  for  measuring  sound  velocities  in 
planetary  materials  at  elevated  pressure  in  the  diamond-anvil  cell.  The 
technique  involves  measuring  acoustic  velocities  through  Brillouin 
spectroscopy — the  scattering  of  light  from  thermally  generated  sound 
waves.  At  the  same  time,  crystallographic  orientation  is  determined  by 
synchrotron  x-ray  diffraction.  In  this  way,  a  complete  description  of  the 
seismic  properties  of  dense  hydrogen  can  be  obtained. 

When  compressed  at  room  temperature,  molecular  hydrogen 
remains  a  fluid  until  5.4  GPa,  at  which  point  it  crystallizes  into  a  solid 
with  a  hexagonal  close-packed  crystal  structure  (see  figure  legend,  p. 
86).  For  fluid  H2,  sound  velocities  are  directly  obtained  from  measured 
Brillouin  frequency  shifts.  For  crystalline  H2,  compressional-  and 
shear-wave  velocities  were  measured  for  15-20  separate 
crystallographic  orientations  at  each  of  six  pressures  between  6  and  24 
GPa.  From  these  measurements,  we  obtained  sound  velocity  as  a 
function  of  pressure  (Fig.  3). 

In  addition  to  seismic  velocities,  constraints  on  the  behavior  of 
high-density  hydrogen  are  obtained  from  pressure-volume,  i.e., 
equation  of  state  (EOS),  data.  Our  synchrotron  x-ray  diffraction 
measurements  on  H2  tightly  constrain  the  equation  of  state  between  5.4 
and  42  GPa  at  room  temperature  (Fig.  4).  The  EOS  of  hydrogen  has  also 
been  studied  at  high  pressures  by  shock  compression,  where  samples 
are  abruptly  compressed  by  projectile  impact.  Shock-wave  techniques 
have  the  advantage  that  measurements  are  made  directly  on  a 
high-temperature  fluid.  On  the  other  hand,  static  experiments  are  more 

Density  (g/cm3) 

Fig.  4.  Pressure-density  data  for  H2.  To 
the  right  are  experimental  data  from  the 
diamond  cell  (dots)  along  with  curves 
from  the  HSG  and  YR  model  calculations, 
all  at  room  temperature.  Starting  at  far  left 
are  HSG  and  YR  model  data  at  Jovian 
temperatures  (2500  K  and  4500  K  are 
indicated).  Data  from  shock  experiments 
(triangles)  and  model  data  at  equivalent 
high  temperatures  (lower  branch  of 
curves)  are  shown.  Good  agreement 
between  the  experimental  data  and  the 
HSG  model  is  generally  evident.  The 
complementary  nature  of  the  diamond- 
anvil  and  the  shock  data  is  seen. 

precise,  cover  a  wider  range  of  density,  and  allow  direct  measurements 
of  sound  velocities.  Through  combination  of  the  two  types  of  data,  an 
understanding  of  the  pressure-volume  behavior  of  hydrogen  over  a 
broad  range  of  experimental  conditions  can  be  obtained. 

Experimentally  Based  Models 

Interactions  between  molecules  are  described  using  an  empirical 
pair-wise  intermolecular-potential  model.  The  intermolecular  potential 
is  effective  in  the  sense  that  orientational  effects  are  averaged  and 
many -body  terms  are  included  implicitly.  Many  such  models  for 
hydrogen  have  been  constructed,  primarily  using  low-pressure 
experimental  data.  These  models  fail  at  high  pressure  because  they  do 
not  adequately  reflect  the  attractive  many-body  forces  that  become 
important  under  these  conditions.  Using  shock-wave  data,  Marvin  Ross 
and  colleagues  at  Lawrence  Livermore  National  Laboratory  developed 
a  model  (the  YR  potential)  for  hydrogen  that  has  subsequently  been 
widely  used  in  modeling  the  interior  of  Jupiter.  Comparisons  of  the 
predictions  of  this  model  with  equation  of  state  and  sound  velocity 
data  (Figs.  3  and  4)  reveal  that  the  YR  potential  is  in  error  at  high 
pressures.  We  have  constructed  a  new  form  of  this  potential  (called 
HSG)  that  fits  both  static  compression  and  sound  velocity  data  (Figs.  3 
and  4),  and  is  also  reasonably  consistent  with  shock  results.  With  our 
HSG  model,  which  fits  a  wide  range  of  experimental  data,  it  is  now 
possible  to  obtain  better  constraints  on  the  properties  of  the  molecular 
layer  of  the  Jovian  planets. 

For  both  models,  equations  of  state  and  sound  velocities  were 
calculated  for  pure  H2  at  Jovian  conditions  (an  adiabat  starting  at  T  = 
165  K  at  1  bar)  using  fluid  perturbation  theory  (Figs.  4  and  5).  (Fluid 
perturbation  theory  provides  a  statistical  mechanical  description  of  the 
fluid  from  which  thermodynamic  properties  can  be  obtained.)  At  low 


pressures,  there  is  little  difference  between  the  two  equations  of  state. 
At  higher  pressures,  the  equations  of  state  diverge  such  that  at  25-300 
GPa  the  HSG  EOS  is  6-11%  denser  than  the  YR  EOS.  Thus,  our  new 
experimentally  determined  potential  indicates  that  molecular  hydrogen 
is  significantly  denser  under  Jovian  conditions  than  found  in  previous 

Comparisons  to  Observed  Seismic  Data 

An  important  question  is  whether  the  acoustic  properties  of 
hydrogen  determined  here  are  consistent  with  the  observed  global 
oscillations  of  Jupiter.  A  basic  parameter  derived  from  the  acoustic 
observations  is  the  equidistance  v0  •*  The  equidistance  can  be  thought  of 
as  a  fundamental  frequency  of  oscillation — derived  from  and  therefore 
strongly  dependent  on  values  of  and  variations  in  seismic  velocity  in 
the  planet's  interior.  Although  interpretation  of  currently  available 
spectra  is  difficult,  the  observed  value  of  the  equidistance  of  Jupiter  is 
estimated  to  be  136  ±  10  mHz  for  low-degree  modes.  In  contrast,  values 
of  v0  computed  from  existing  Jovian  models  range  from  156  to  160 
mHz,  a  discrepancy  of  about  15%. 

If  the  oscillation  observations  are  correct,  then  substantial  revision 
of  the  models  would  seem  required.  And,  since  the  planet's  outer 
region,  composed  mostly  of  molecular  H2,  contributes  a  high 
percentage,  about  40%,  to  the  value  of  v0  for  Jupiter,  it  is  especially 
important  to  consider  how  variations  in  equation  of  state,  temperature, 
and  composition  within  that  region  would  affect  equidistance  (i.e., 
seismic  velocities)  in  the  Jovian  models. 

Figure  5  shows  seismic,  or  sound,  velocities  in  H2  calculated  using 
the  HSG  and  YR  potentials.  The  HSG  potential  yields  seismic  velocities 
that  are  up  to  7%  lower  than  the  YR  potential  at  high  pressure.  If  the 
molecular  portion  of  older  Jovian  interior  models  is  adjusted  to  reflect 
the  lower  HSG  velocities  of  Figure  5,  the  equidistance  for  the  Jovian 
interior  is  reduced  by  -1.6%.  Although  this  is  in  the  correct  direction  to 
explain  the  seismic  discrepancy,  it  accounts  for  only  -10%  of  the 
difference  between  observations  and  models.  Thus,  the  improved  EOS 
for  molecular  H2  can  only  partially  explain  the  apparently  anomalous 
seismic  properties  of  Jupiter.  Indeed,  the  magnitude  of  the  change  in 
the  H2  equation  of  state  that  would  be  required  to  fit  the  observed 
seismic  data  lies  well  outside  of  experimental  uncertainties  in  the  data. 

Other  features  of  Jovian  models  that  might  need  modification 
include  the  interior  temperatures,  core  size,  composition,  molecular- 
metallic  phase  transition,  interior  stratification,  and  the  metallic 

*The  equidistance  is  the  inverse  of  twice  the  travel  time  of  a  ray  from  the  planet's 
center  to  the  surface. 


Pressure  (GPa) 

Fig.  5.  Sound  velocities  in  H2  (Jovian  temperatures)  calculated  using  the  HSG  and 
YR  potentials.  The  bold  curve  shows  the  sound  velocities  in  Jupiter's  molecular 
region  required  to  satisfy  the  current  observed  seismic  data.  Also  shown  are  sound 
velocities  at  the  same  Pand  T conditions  for  He,  H20,  and  rock.  Does  the  presence 
of  these  materials  in  the  molecular  region  help  explain  the  variance  between  the 
calculated  H2  and  the  Jovian  observed  sound  velocities?  Other  evidence  suggests 
that  this  is  only  partly  the  case. 

equation  of  state.  The  effect  of  changes  in  interior  temperatures  perhaps 
due,  for  example,  to  a  thermal  boundary  layer  near  the  Jovian  surface, 
can  be  assessed  using  different  starting  temperatures  in  the 
computation.  Using  initial  temperatures  of  65  K  and  265  K  will  produce 
temperatures  in  the  deep  interior  that  differ  by  5000-6000  K,  but  the 
sound  velocity  difference  is  less  than  1%  at  these  pressures.  If  the  sound 
velocity  changes  are  restricted  to  the  thermal  boundary  layer  itself,  the 
change  in  the  equidistance  is  not  significant.  Adjusting  the  metallic 
phase  transition  level  from  171  to  500  GPa  affects  the  equidistance  by 
4%,  higher  transition  pressures  corresponding  to  higher  equidistances. 
If  the  phase  transition  occurs  continuously  over  this  range,  however, 
the  equidistance  is  reduced  from  its  value  at  171  GPa  by  only  1-2%. 

Experimental  sound  speeds  in  fluid  H2-He  mixtures  at  high 
pressure  can  be  used  to  infer  compositional  effects  on  sound  velocities. 
From  currently  available  data,  we  have  developed  a  simple  model 
which  describes  the  variation  of  seismic  velocity  with  composition. 
Applying  this  model  to  Jupiter,  we  find  that  an  approximate  doubling 
of  the  helium  mass  fraction  in  both  the  metallic  and  molecular  regions 
is  required  to  reduce  the  sound  velocities  by  the  amount  required  to 
satisfy  the  seismic  data.  This  is  far  in  excess  of  values  from  observations 
of  He  in  the  Jovian  atmosphere  or  from  the  expected  abundance  of  He 
in  the  primordial  solar  system.  Similar  conclusions  hold  when  other 
possible  constituents  (ices,  rock)  of  the  Jovian  interior  are  considered. 
Whether  large  increases  in  the  non-hydrogen  component  can  be 
reconciled  with  gravity  and  mean  density  data  needs  to  be  examined  in 
future  Jovian  models.  Additional  laboratory  studies  of  the  seismic 



properties  of  mixtures  of  planetary  fluids  are  also  urgently  needed  for 
further  progress. 

To  resolve  the  discrepancy  between  seismic  observations  of  Jupiter 
and  laboratory  data,  it  may  be  necessary  to  consider  new  classes  of 
Jovian  interior  models.  Alternatively,  improvements  in  observational 
data,  perhaps  arising  out  of  the  Shoemaker-Levy  events,  may  yield 
further  insights  into  the  interior  properties  of  Jupiter.  Nevertheless, 
results  obtained  to  date  show  that  new  observations  in  planetary 
astronomy  coupled  with  experimental  advances  in  the  study  of 
high-pressure  hydrogen  can  significantly  improve  our  understanding 
of  the  internal  structure  of  the  outer  planets  and  hence  the  solar  system 
as  a  whole. 

Studying  Core  Materials  at  High  Pressures 
and  Temperatures 

by  Yingwei  Fei 

The  Earth's  core  comprises  more  than  half  the  Earth's  radius.  Its 
pressure  ranges  from  135  GPa  at  the  core-mantle  boundary  to  364 
GPa  at  the  center  of  the  Earth.  The  temperature  distribution  in  the  core, 
however,  has  been  a  subject  of  considerable  debate.  Estimates  based  on 
melting  temperatures  of  possible  core  materials  are 
dependent  on  the  composition  of  the  core.  The  needed 
compositional  constraints  are  derived  from 
cosmochemical  arguments  and  accurate  measurement  of 
the  high-pressure  and  high-temperature  properties  of 
core  materials.  Thus,  on  the  basis  of  its  cosmochemical 
abundance  and  its  density,  iron  has  long  been  considered 
as  the  primary  constituent  of  the  Earth's  core.  However, 
comparison  between  the  equation  of  state  of  iron  and 
observed  seismic  data  indicates  that  the  core  is  about  ten 
percent  less  dense  than  pure  iron  at  core  pressures  and 
temperatures.  This  density  deficit  implies  that  a 
substantial  amount  of  light  elements  such  as  H,  O,  S,  C, 
Si,  or  Mg  may  be  incorporated  into  the  core.  In  the  last 
three  decades,  scientists  have  hypothesized  as  to  the 
identity  of  the  light  elements  present  in  the  core  and  how  these  light 
elements  were  incorporated.  Although  many  light  elements  have  been 
proposed,  the  high-pressure  and  high-temperature  properties  of  iron 
compounds  with  these  proposed  light  elements,  such  as  FeO  and  FeS, 
have  not  been  studied  experimentally. 

Yingwei  Fei 


Fig.  1.  Experimental  configuration 
of  a  high-temperature  diamond-anvil 
cell.  The  sample  is  contained 
between  two  single-crystal  diamonds 
(see  expanded  view)  and  is 
compressed  by  force  applied  through 
the  lever  arm.  High  temperature  is 
achieved  by  a  small  molybdenum- 
wire  resistance  heater  around  the 
diamonds  and  a  large  heater  fitted 
around  the  extruded  portion  of  the 
piston-cylinder.  Temperature  is 
measured  by  thermocouples  directly 
adjoining  the  sample  chamber  (TC1 
and  TC2).  The  x-ray  diffracted 
spectra  are  collected  with  an  intrinsic 
germanium  solid-state  detector. 

High-pressure  and  high-temperature  experiments  on  iron 
compounds  are  tricky  because  iron  occurs  in  several  different  valence 
states.  Further,  iron  reacts  with  most  of  the  conventional  materials  used 
to  contain  samples  in  such  experiments.  Another  problem  is  that  most 
of  the  high-pressure  and  high-temperature  phases  of  iron  compounds 
are  non-quenchable  (i.e.,  they  change  phase  upon  return  to  room 
conditions).  Therefore,  measurements  of  samples  while  they  are  at  high 
pressure  and  temperature  are  essential  for  the  study  of  the 
high-pressure  and  high-temperature  behavior  of  core  materials  such  as 
FeO  and  FeS. 

The  diamond-anvil  cell  is  the  primary  high-pressure  tool  for 
studying  the  deep  interior  of  the  Earth.  The  pressure  at  the  center  of  the 
Earth  can  be  generated  between  two  gem-quality  single-crystal 
diamonds  in  the  laboratory.  Achieving  high  temperature  at  high 
pressure  is  more  challenging.  Laser-heating  and  external /internal 
resistance-heating  techniques  have  been  developed  for  simultaneous 
high-pressure  and  high-temperature  experiments,  but  few  experiments 
have  involved  simultaneous  pressure,  temperature,  and  x-ray 
diffraction  measurements.  Figure  1  shows  a  newly  designed,  externally 
heated  high-temperature  diamond-anvil  cell.  This  instrument  is  capable 
of  achieving  pressures  over  125  GPa  at  temperatures  up  to  1100  K.  It 
has  the  advantage  of  providing  uniform  heating  across  the  sample 
chamber  for  long  periods  of  time.  It  is  ideal  for  in  situ  experimental 
studies  of  the  phase  relations  of  materials  at  high  pressure  and  high 
temperature,  and  for  determining  the  structure  and  physical  properties 
of  each  stable  phase.  The  following  examples  of  experiments  on  FeS 
and  FeO  demonstrate  use  of  the  technique. 

On  the  basis  of  cosmochemical  and  petrological  arguments,  it  has 
been  proposed  that  sulfur  may  be  the  lighter  alloying  element  in  the 
cores  of  the  Earth  and  other  terrestrial  planets  such  as  Mars. 
Knowledge  of  the  various  forms,  or  polymorphs,  of  FeS  that  occur  at 



high  pressure  and  high  temperature,  and  their  physical  properties,  is  of 
particular  importance  in  understanding  the  composition  and 
temperature  of  the  core.  The  high-pressure  polymorphism  of  FeS  at 
room  temperature  has  been  studied  previously  up  to  60  GPa,  but  not 
under  the  simultaneous  high  pressure  and  temperature  conditions 
relevant  to  the  interiors  of  planets.  Having  recognized  this  need,  we 
conducted  in  situ  synchrotron  x-ray  diffraction  measurements  of  FeS  at 
simultaneous  high  pressure  and  high  temperature  using  the 
high-temperature  diamond  cell  described  above. 

Our  experimental  data  revealed  five  polymorphs  of  FeS,  which  are 
closely  related  to  a  simple  NiAs-type  hexagonal  structure.  Figure  2 
illustrates  the  structure  of  FeS  V  based  on  a  close-packing  hexagonal 
lattice  type.  Figure  3  shows  our  experimentally  determined  phase 
diagram  of  FeS.  At  300  K,  we  confirmed  two  previously  observed  phase 
transitions.  Troilite  (FeS  I),  a  NiAs-type  structure  (a  hexagonal  close- 
packed  structure)  with  a  (V3fl,2c)  unit  cell  transforms  to  a  MnP-type 
structure  (FeS  II)  at  3.4  GPa.  A  high-pressure  phase  (FeS  III)  forms  at 
pressures  above  6.7  GPa.  Upon  heating  at  pressures  below  4  GPa, 
troilite  (FeS  I)  transforms  to  a  new  hexagonal  phase  with  a  (2fl,c)  unit 
cell  (FeS  IV),  and  then  to  a  simple  NiAs-type  structure  with  an  (a,c)  unit 
cell  (FeS  V).  Having  analyzed  all  the  spectra  collected  at  different 
temperatures,  we  then  plotted  the  lattice  constants  a  and  c  and  the  c/a 
ratio  as  a  function  of  temperature  at  3  GPa  (Fig.  4).  The  c/a  ratios  show 
a  clear  discontinuity  between  FeS  I  and  FeS  IV.  A  slope  change  of  the 
c/a  ratio  as  a  function  of  temperature  can  be  detected  between  FeS  IV 
and  FeS  V.  Also,  the  lattice  constant  c  decreases  with  increasing 
temperature  in  the  stability  field  of  FeS  IV  and  FeS  V 

Fig.  2.  The  structure  of  FeS  V,  a  hexagonal  close-packed 
structure  with  an  {a,c)  unit  cell. 

Each  unit  cell  of  a  crystalline  structure  consists  of  several 
atoms,  bonded  and  arranged  according  to  a  common  and 
repeating  pattern.  A  crystal  may  consist  of  billions  of  unit  cells 
situated  row-on-row  along  its  lattice. 

The  NiAs-type  structure  is  a  hexagonal  close-packed 
structure.  One  can  envision  such  a  structure  by  placing  a  layer  of 
oranges  at  the  floor  of  an  hexagonal  carton.  Lemons  are  then  fit 
into  voids  between  the  oranges  to  form  another  hexagonal 
close-packed  layer.  Alternating  layers  of  oranges  and  lemons 
would  then  fill  the  carton  in  a  highly  efficient  packing 

The  oranges  represent  Fe  atoms,  the  lemons  S  atoms  in  a 
hexagonal  close-packed  FeS  structure.  The  lattice  constants  a 
and  b(a=  b)  measure  distance  between  the  centers  of  Fe  (or  S) 
atoms  on  a  given  layer.  The  lattice  constant  c  measures  distance 
between  the  centers  of  two  Fe  (or  two  S)  atoms  across  layers. 

In  the  FeS  IV  {2a, c)  structure,  for  example,  Fe  atoms  are 
slightly  displaced  such  that  a  perfectly  repeating  unit  cell  occurs 
by  doubling  the  a  distance. 





V  i 


























10  15  20 

Pressure  (GPa) 

Fig.  3.  Experimentally  determined 
phase  diagram  of  FeS.  Symbols 
show  experimental  measurements, 
which  serve  to  delineate  the  phase 
boundaries.  Solid  squares,  FeS  I, 
NiAs-type  structure  with  a  (V3a,2c) 
unit  cell;  open  circles,  FeS  II, 
MnP-type  structure;  open  squares, 
FeS  III;  open  triangles,  FeS  IV, 
NiAs-type  structure  with  a  (2a,c)  unit 
cell;  solid  circles,  FeS  V,  NiAs-type 
structure  with  an  (a,c)  unit  cell. 

These  five  structural  forms,  or  polymorphs,  of  FeS  were  identified 
by  x-ray  diffraction.  None  of  the  high-pressure  and  high-temperature 
phases  of  FeS  are  quenchable.  The  phase  boundaries,  which  are 
reversible,  were  mapped  by  in  situ  x-ray  diffraction  measurements.  The 
discovery  of  the  FeS  III-FeS  IV  phase  boundary  has  important 
implications  for  the  temperature  of  the  core  if  FeS  is  a  major  core 
constituent.  By  linear  extrapolation  of  the  FeS  III-FeS  IV  phase 
boundary,  it  is  expected  that  a  triple  point  (FeS  III-FeS  IV-FeS  liquid) 
exists  under  Earth's  core  conditions,  which  may  significantly  affect  the 
temperature  profile  of  the  core. 

The  experimental  results  also  have  direct  applications  to  the 
interiors  of  small  terrestrial  planets  such  as  Mars  because  the  pressures 
and  temperatures  in  these  bodies  are  more  comparable  to  the 
experimental  conditions.  Previous  calculations  suggest  that  the 
pressure  at  the  Martian  core-mantle  boundary  may  lie  between  18  and 
28  GPa,  depending  on  the  sulfur  content  of  the  core.  However,  these 
calculations  were  based  on  a  wrong  polymorph  of  FeS.  In  light  of  our 
discovery  of  the  FeS  IV  phase  and  accurate  density  information  on  this 
phase,  the  relationship  among  the  Martian  core-mantle  boundary, 
sulfur  content,  and  density  of  the  Martian  core  needs  to  be  reexamined. 

While  we  consider  FeS  to  be  a  possible  light  member  of  the  Earth's 
core,  FeO  is  another  candidate.  In  order  to  demonstrate  that  oxygen  (in 
the  form  of  FeO)  is  a  potential  alloying  element  in  the  core,  it  is 
necessary  to  understand  the  high-pressure  and  high-temperature 
behavior  of  FeO.  At  room  temperature,  FeO  undergoes  a  structural 
transition  (from  NaCl-type  to  a  rhombohedral  distortion)  at  16  GPa.  A 
shock-wave  study  (high  temperature)  revealed  another  transition  near 
70  GPa.  This  high-pressure  phase  may  be  metallic,  as  suggested  in 
electrical  resistivity  measurements.  The  structure  of  this  high-pressure 




o<     3.44 

cc     3.43 







0<     5.78 

O     5.76 






•5     1.68 

Fig.  4.  How  lattice  constants  a 
and  c  and  ratio  cla  change  with 
temperature  at  pressure  3  GPa  in 
FeS.  The  discontinuities  signifying 
phase  transitions  between  FeS  I, 
FeS  IV,  and  FeS  V  are  evident. 



•  •% 



♦  • 


FeS  I 

(V3a,  2c) 





FeS  IV 



FeSV    O 









Temperature  (K) 


phase  has  been  the  subject  of  speculation  because  of  lack  of  in  situ  x-ray 
diffraction  measurements  at  high  pressure  and  high  temperature. 

Our  new  high-temperature  diamond  cell,  combined  with  the 
intense  synchrotron  x-ray  diffraction,  allows  us  to  determine  the 
structure  of  non-quenchable  high-pressure  and  high-temperature 
phases.  In  situ  x-ray  diffraction  measurements  of  FeO  at  pressures 
above  70  GPa  and  temperatures  between  300  K  and  1100  K  revealed 
that  the  high-pressure  phase  of  FeO  has  the  NiAs-type  structure  with 
lattice  constants  a  =  2.574  A  and  c=  5.172  A,  and  a  c/a  ratio  of  2.01  at  96 
GPa  and  800  K.  Figure  5  shows  our  experimentally  determined  phase 
diagram  of  FeO.  The  discovery  of  the  high-pressure  NiAs-type  phase  of 
FeO  has  significant  implications  for  the  composition  of  the  Earth's  core. 
The  transition  from  the  ionically  bonded  structure  of  the  NaCl  type  to 
the  covalently  and  metallically  bonded  structure  of  the  NiAs  type  in 
FeO  indicates  a  relative  increase  in  metallicity  at  high  pressure,  which 
is  consistent  with  the  high-pressure  phase  being  metallic.  The  latter 
structure  at  high  pressure  would  enhance  the  solubility  of  oxygen  (in 
the  form  of  FeO)  in  molten  iron.  This  new  discovery  provides  a 
physicochemical  basis  for  incorporating  oxygen  into  the  Earth's  core. 

Our  new  experimental  results  show  that  FeO  and  FeS  have  similar 






cS  1800 






,'''      I 









I       • 




/                A    \ 



A            *\ 

Rhombohedral  a   \ 

1 L-A L 

20    40    60    80    100 

Pressure  (GPa) 



Fig.  5.  Experimentally 
determined  phase  diagram  of 
FeO.  Points  are  measurements 
recently  obtained  at  the 
Geophysical  Laboratory.  Squares, 
NaCI  cubic  phase;  triangles, 
rhombohedral  distortion;  circles, 
NiAs-type  structure.  The  density 
discontinuity  in  the  shock-wave 
data  shows  phase  boundary. 

structures  and  chemical  bonding  at  high  pressure  and  high 
temperature.  It  is  thus  possible  that  FeO  and  FeS  form  a  solid  solution 
at  high  pressure  and  high  temperature,  which  opens  a  possibility  for 
incorporating  both  oxygen  and  sulfur  in  the  Earth's  core. 

We  are  still  far  from  knowing  the  details  of  the  composition  of  the 
Earth's  core.  The  experimental  approach  to  this  classic  problem  is  to 
obtain  constraints  necessary  to  eliminate  possible  core  candidates.  The 
high-temperature  diamond  cell,  combined  with  synchrotron  x-ray 
diffraction,  provides  a  powerful  tool  for  studying  structure  and 
physical  properties  of  core-related  materials  at  simultaneous  high 
pressure  and  temperature.  Our  future  work  will  focus  on  a  systematic 
determination  of  structure,  phase  relations,  and  density  as  functions  of 
pressure  and  temperature  of  core-related  materials  by  x-ray  diffraction. 
In  situ  electrical  resistivity  and  Mossbauer  spectroscopic  measurements 
will  be  introduced  to  understand  the  electronic  structure  and  electronic 
transitions  of  core  materials  at  simultaneous  high  pressure  and  high 
temperature.  These  research  results  will  provide  strong  constraints  on 
the  composition  of  the  Earth's  core. 

Short  Reports 

David  Bell  and  Thomas  Hoering: 
HzO  Contents  and  D/H  Ratios  of 
Mantle  Amphiboles 

Present  indications  are  that 
interactions  between  mantle  rock  and 

mobile  hydrous  phases  play  an  important 
role  in  the  Earth's  global  hydrogen 
(water)  cycle,  and  strongly  influence 
internal  geophysical  and  geochemical 
processes.  Deuterium /hydrogen  ratios 



Thomas  Hoering 

are,  in  principle,  useful  in 
characterizing  reservoirs  of 
mantle  hydrogen  and  as  tracers 
of  volatile  transfer  processes  in 
Earth's  interior.  Mantle-derived 
amphibole  megacrysts 
transported  to  the  surface  in 
alkali  basalts  represent  a 
widespread  source  of  mantle 
water  samples,  yet  measured  H 
contents  and  D/H  ratios  of  such 
samples  have  in  the  past 
presented  a  confusing  picture, 
with  suspected  disturbance  of  primary 
signals  by  near-surface  processes.  We 
have  departed  from  previous  studies  in 
analyzing  a  large  number  (17)  of 
amphiboles  from  a  localized  region  of  a 
composite  volcanic  center  at  Dish  Hill, 
California,  in  order  to  determine  the 
cause  of  this  variation  and  explore  the 
possibility  that  the  undisturbed  mantle 
D/H  ratio  can  be  deduced.  Surprisingly 
little  variation  in  D/H  ratio  was 
observed,  with  5Dsmow  =  -46  ±  7%o  (2s, 
h=15)  and  H2O  concentration  of  0.93-1.15 
wt  %.  These  values  probably  represent 
the  original  mantle  D  and  H  contents, 
although  we  will  explore  the  less  likely 
possibility  that  they  have  been 
homogenized  by  crustal  fluids  during  the 
water-rich  explosive  maar  phase  of  the 
eruption.  Two  of  the  samples  have 
significantly  lower  H  contents,  0.04  and 
0.6  wt  %  H2O,  respectively,  the  latter 
sample  having  5Dsmow  =  -9%o.  H  may 
have  been  lost  from  these  samples,  with 
accompanying  isotopic  disturbance, 
during  eruption.  These  results  provide 
tentative  evidence  that  mantle 
amphiboles  can  be  used  to  fingerprint  the 
D/H  ratios  of  their  mantle  source  regions, 
and  thus  help  to  characterize  various 
reservoirs  of  mantle  water  and  the 
processes  that  produced  them. 

Thomas  S.  Duffy:  Magnesium  Oxide 
at  Ultrahigh  Pressure 

MgO  is  an  important  refractory 

ceramic  and  may  comprise  a  significant 
portion  of  the  Earth's  lower  mantle.  An 
ultrahigh-pressure  static  compression 
study  was  undertaken  to  resolve 
long-standing  questions  regarding  the 
equation  of  state  and  phase  stability  of 
this  fundamental  material. 

In  collaboration  with  Russell  J. 
Hemley  and  Ho-kwang  Mao,  experiments 
on  MgO  were  conducted  using 
synchrotron  x-ray  diffraction  in  a 
diamond-anvil  cell.  It  was  found  that 
magnesium  oxide  remains  in  the  NaCl 
structure  from  ambient  pressure  to  at 
least  227  GPa.  This  is  a  remarkable  range 
of  stability,  but  one  that  is  nevertheless 
consistent  with  the  latest  theoretical 
predictions  of  Ronald  Cohen  and 
colleagues.  A  surprising  result  of  our 
study  was  the  large  value  of  the  static 
shear  strength  of  MgO  at  high  pressures. 
When  this  strength  is  taken  into  account, 
it  is  possible  for  the  first  time  to  construct 
an  equation  of  state  which 
simultaneously  satisfies  the  results  of 
static  compression,  shock  wave,  and 
ultrasonic  elasticity  experiments  on  MgO. 
Our  results  also  require  significant 
changes  in  the  degree  and  character  of  the 
elastic  anisotropy  of  MgO  at  high 
pressure,  an  interesting  finding  which 
warrants  further  investigation. 

Reto  Giere  and  Douglas  Rumble: 
History  of  Tourmaline  Growth  in 
Metamorphic  Schists  from  the 
Central  Alps 

Large  crystals  of  euhedral  tourmaline 
are  unusually  abundant  in  metapelitic 
garnet-kyanite-staurolite  schists  from 
Campolungo,  Switzerland,  an  area  that 
underwent  amphibolite  facies 
metamorphism  during  the  Alpine 
orogeny.  The  occurrence  of  such 
quantities  of  tourmaline  requires  the 
presence  of  boron  in  concentrations  that 
are  not  common  for  metapelites. 

In  our  samples,  tourmaline  exhibits  an 
optically  visible  three-stage  zoning  (core, 


inner  rim,  outer  rim).  These  zones  are 
separated  by  two  discontinuities  of 
strikingly  different  appearance:  the  first 
outlines  a  euhedral  core  and  marks  the 
beginning  of  a  new  growth  stage, 
whereas  the  second  (between  inner  and 
outer  rim)  is  sutured  and  clearly 
represents  a  corrosion  event  before  the 
final  growth.  Electron  microprobe 
analyses  reveal  a  complex  pattern  of 
continuous  and  discontinuous  chemical 
zoning;  the  most  pronounced  chemical 
gradient  is  found  at  the  corroded  surface, 
where  the  outer  rim  is  markedly  richer  in 
Mg  and  Na,  but  poorer  in  Al,  Fe,  and  Ca, 
suggesting  that  the  outer  rim  grew  under 
significantly  different  metamorphic 

In  order  to  characterize  the  conditions 
of  tourmaline  growth,  we  are  currently 
determining  the  oxygen  isotopic 
composition  of  each  zone.  Our  first 
results,  obtained  by  laser-fluorination  of 
clean  separates,  indicate  that  these 
tourmalines  exhibit  an  oxygen  isotopic 
zoning,  in  addition  to  the  chemical 
zonation.  In  our  investigation,  we  also 
attempt  to  analyze  the  zones  as  to  their 
boron  isotopic  composition,  which  should 
point  to  a  possible  source  of  the  boron 
required  for  tourmaline  growth. 

Our  study  suggests  that  zoned 
tourmaline  is  a  very  promising 
petrogenetic  indicator.  We  hope  that  our 
isotopic  and  microchemical  results  will 
help  in  establishing  a  correlation  between 
tourmaline  growth,  circulation  of  fluids, 
and  metamorphic  and  structural 
evolution  of  the  metapelitic  rocks. 

Glenn  A.  Goodfriend,  Michaele 
Kashgarian,  and  M.  G.  Harasewych: 
Aspartic  Acid  Racemization  and  the 
Life  History  of  Deep- Water  Slit  Shells 

Racemization  (or  epimerization)  of 
amino  acids  has  traditionally  been  used 
for  dating  samples  beyond  the  range  of 
radiocarbon  dating  (about  45,000  years). 
Recent  studies  have  shown  that  one 

Electron  microprobe  views  showing  zonations  of  Fe,  Al,  and 
Mg  in  a  sample  of  tourmaline  from  Campolungo,  Switzerland. 
In  each  view,  the  upper  part  shows  the  inner  rim,  the  lower  part 
the  outer  rim,  of  tourmaline.  The  lower  left  area  in  each  is  the 
muscovite  matrix  in  which  the  tourmaline  is  embedded.  The 
view  at  lower  right  is  a  backscattered  electron  picture  of  the 
same  area.  The  sutured  boundary  between  the  inner  and  outer 
rims  represents  a  corrosion  event  which  took  place  during  the 
Alpine  metamorphism. 

amino  acid,  aspartic  acid,  has  a 
particularly  high  rate  of  racemization  in 
very  young  samples  of  corals,  land  snails, 
and  ostrich  eggs  (and  probably  in  all 
biogenic  carbonates).  Consequently, 
aspartic  acid  racemization  analysis  offers 
the  possibility  of  dating  on  time  scales  of 
from  years  to  centuries.  Aspartic  acid 
racemization  in  the  nacreous  (inner)  layer 
of  the  slit  shell  Entemnotrochus 
adansonianus  (a  "living  fossil,"  inhabiting 
the  continental  slope)  is  shown  to  occur  at 
a  rate  sufficiently  high  for  annual 
resolution  of  the  age  of  samples  taken 
along  the  growth  spiral  of  the  shells,  thus 
providing  information  on  the  organism's 
growth  rates  and  longevity.  The  slit  shell 
family  (Pleurotomariidae)  dates  back  to 
the  Triassic  (c.  200  m.y.),  while  the 
superfamily  Pleurotomarioidea  originates 
in  the  Cambrian  (c.  500  m.y.),  not  long 
after  the  first  mollusks  appear  in  the  fossil 

The  rate  of  racemization  of  aspartic 
acid  was  obtained  by  calibration  of  D/L 
aspartic  acid  values  against  ages 
determined  by  14C  analysis  of  a 
post-bomb  specimen  (collected  in  1970)  in 
the  collection  of  the  Smithsonian 



Iris  Inbar  and  Ron  Cohen 

Institution.  The  rapid  increase  in  marine 
14C  levels  from  1958  to  1970,  resulting 
from  thermonuclear  bomb  tests,  enables 
shell  growth  of  this  period  to  be  dated  to 
the  year.  A  series  of  specimens  were 
collected  recently  using  a  Johnson 
Sea-Link  submersible.  Aspartic  acid 
racemization  analysis  of  these  shells 
showed  that  juvenile  growth  is  very  rapid 
and  adult  growth  1-2  orders  of 
magnitude  slower.  Adulthood  is  reached 
in  2-4  years,  and  individuals  live  for  an 
average  of  six  years  (maximum  among 
nine  individuals  observed:  13  years).  The 
life  histories  of  these  deep-water  living 
fossils  are  thus  similar  to  gastropods  that 
inhabit  shallow  water. 

Iris  Inbar  and  Ronald  E.  Cohen:  MgO 
Under  High  Pressure  and  Temperature 

We  have  developed  a  massively 
parallel  molecular  dynamics  code,  using 
the  non-empirical  Variation  Induced 
Breathing  (VIB)  model,  to  study  the 
thermal  properties  of  MgO  under 
simultaneous  high  temperatures  and 
pressures.  Supercells  of  64  atoms  have 
been  studied  with  periodic 
boundary  conditions. 

Results  from  calculated 
equations-of-state  isotherms  for 
temperatures  up  to  3000  K,  at 
pressures  up  to  310  GPa,  agree 
very  well  with  measurements. 
Calculated  thermodynamic 
quantities  such  as  the  thermal 
expansivity,  Griineisen 
parameter,  thermal  pressure, 
and  bulk  modulus,  and  their 
dependence  on  pressure  and 
temperature  are  also  in  very 
good  agreement  with 
experiments.  The  results  suggest 
that  the  thermal  properties  of 
minerals  at  very  high  pressure 
and  temperature  could  be 
represented  by  constants.  The 
results  were  also  compared  to  the 
thermal  properties  of  MgO  using 

the  quasi-harmonic  approximation:  up  to 
intermediate  temperatures  of  2000  K,  the 
results  agree  very  well,  indicating  that 
anharmonicity  is  not  negligible  beyond 
this  point. 

D.  S.  Kelley,  T.  C.  Hoering,  and  J.  D. 
Frantz:  Methane-Rich  Fluids  in 
Gabbroic  Rocks 

The  fluids  associated  with 
crystallizing  igneous  rocks  are  often 
trapped  as  small  bubbles  or  inclusions  in 
minerals  and  preserve  a  record  of  the 
complex  chemical  and  thermal 
environment  at  magmatic  temperatures 
and  continuing  down  to  200-400°C.  The 
analysis  of  individual  fluid  inclusions  in 
samples  from  a  437-meter  section  of 
gabbroic  rocks  recovered  during  Ocean 
Drilling  Program  Leg  118  at  the 
Southwest  Indian  Ocean  Ridge  has 
revealed  a  window  into  a  magma 
chamber  and  illuminated  the 
hydrothermal  processes  acting  at  a 
slow-spreading  ridge  environment. 

Because  of  the  small  size  of  the 
inclusions,  there  has  been  no  previous 
quantitative  data  on  the  composition  of 
them  from  Layer  3  of  the  oceanic  crust.  A 
new  method,  using  fast-scanning, 
quadrupole  mass  spectrometry,  was 
developed  at  the  Geophysical  Laboratory 
and  applied  to  the  analysis  of  individual 
fluid  inclusions  at  the  sub-nanogram 
level.  Fluids  released  on  heating  from 
100°  to  1000°C  yielded  mass  spectra 
characteristic  of  methane,  water,  C02,  and 
molecular  hydrogen.  The  bimodal  nature 
of  the  spectra  is  characteristic  of  fluid 
immiscibility  and  indicates  that 
end-member  fluids  contain  up  to  40  mol 
%  methane.  Isotopic  analyses  are  under 
way  that  may  help  delineate  the  origin  of 
the  methane. 

Kathleen  J.  Kingma  and  Ronald  E. 
Cohen:  Rutile-to-CaCl2  Transition 
Observed  in  Silica  at  High  Pressure 

The  high-pressure  behavior  of 



athleen  Kingma 

stishovite  (the  densest-known  silica 
polymorph)  is  of  geophysical  interest 
because  of  its  importance  as  a  possible 
mantle  constituent.  Since  its  discovery 
three  decades  ago,  a  major  question  has 
been  whether  stishovite  transforms  to  a 
denser  structure  at  high 
pressures.  Of  many 
suggested  forms,  the 
CaCL:  structure  is  a  likely 
post-stishovite  candidate, 
since  the  transition  would 
involve  only  a  slight 
tilting  of  the  Si06 
octahedra  that  results  in  a 
closer  packing  than  the 
ideal  rutile  structure. 

The  distortion  of  the 
rutile  structure  to  the 
CaCl2  structure  has  the 
same  symmetry  as  the  Raman-active  Big 
soft  mode  of  a  rutile-structured  phase.  In 
calculations  using  the  first-principles 
linear-augmented  plane-wave  model 
(LAPW),  the  rutile  Big  mode  is  found  to 
vanish  around  75  GPa.  Although  the 
transition  is  thought  to  be  driven  by  the 
soft  Big  mode,  a  shear  elastic  instability  is 
induced  prior  to  the  vanishing  of  the  soft 
mode.  Our  1992  LAPW  calculations 
predict  that  stishovite  will  become 
unstable  at  45  GPa,  when  the  C\\  -  Cu 
goes  to  zero.  At  the  phase  transition,  the 
soft  mode  will  become  a  hard  mode  of  Ag 
symmetry,  demonstrating  that  firm 
evidence  of  the  stishovite-to-CaCh 
transition  should  be  observable  in  the 
Raman  spectrum. 

We  have  now  examined  the 
high-pressure  vibrational  properties  of 
stishovite  by  Raman  scattering  to 
pressures  in  excess  of  60  GPa. 
Spectroscopic  measurements  during 
room-temperature  quasihydrostatic 
compression  clearly  demonstrate  that 
stishovite  transforms  to  the  CaCl2 
structure  around  50  GPa.  At  this  pressure, 
the  soft  Big  stishovite  mode  turns  around 
in  its  pressure  dependence  and  the  £g 

stishovite  mode  splits,  as  predicted  for 
the  transformation  to  the  CaCl2  structure; 
the  spectral  changes  are  continuous  and 
completely  reversible  with  no  hysteresis. 
The  excellent  agreement  between 
experiment  and  LAPW  predictions  shown 
here  for  stishovite  is  perhaps  one  of  the 
best  cases  for  a  quantitative  theoretical 
prediction  of  a  phase  transition  to  be 
experimentally  verified. 

We  have  developed  a  modified 
version  of  the  PIB  model  (PIB++)  to 
calculate  the  temperature  dependence  of 
the  stishovite-to-CaCl2  transition;  such 
information  is  currently  unavailable 
through  experiment.  Although  the  PIB++ 
model  gives  a  higher  transition  pressure 
of  -70  GPa,  the  room-temperature 
pressure  dependence  of  the  Raman 
modes  is  reasonable  (e.g.,  the  splitting  of 
the  rutile  Eg  mode  at  the  transition  is 
accurately  reproduced).  The  transition  is 
found  to  be  considerably  temperature 
insensitive — at  2000  K,  the  transition  is 
only  shifted  up  in  pressure  by  10  GPa. 
Thus,  free  silica  existing  in  the  deep  lower 
mantle  occurs  not  only  as  stishovite,  but 
also  in  the  CaCL:  structure  at  lower 
depths.  The  elastic  instability  in  stishovite 
associated  with  the  transition  and  the 
presence  or  absence  of  a  seismological 
signal  gives  a  bound  for  the  amount  of 
free  silica  present  in  the  deep  Earth. 

Michael  J.  Walter:  Segregation  of  the 
Earth's  Core 

The  segregation  of  a  metallic  core 
from  silicate  mantle  is  perhaps  the  most 
important  differentiation  event  in  the 
Earth's  4.6-billion-year  history.  Because  of 
the  inaccessibility  of  both  the  core  and 
most  of  the  Earth's  mantle  to  direct 
sampling,  little  is  known  about  the  details 
of  this  grand  event. 

Siderophile  elements  have  a 
preference  for  metallic  phases,  and  will 
have  partitioned  strongly  into  the  core 
upon  segregation.  If  core  segregation  was 
a  simple  equilibrium  process,  then  this 



should  be  reflected  in  the  inventory  of 
siderophile  elements  in  the  silicate 
mantle.  Rock  samples  from  the  Earth's 
upper  mantle  should  thus  yield  relict 
information  about  core  formation. 

It  is  known  experimentally  that  many 
siderophile  elements  are  too 
abundant  in  the  upper  mantle 
to  be  accounted  for  by  simple 
equilibrium  between  metal 
and  silicate  at  low  pressure  (1 
arm)  and  low  temperature 
(1200-1600°C).  However,  if 
the  Earth  was  partially  or 
completely  molten  at  the  time 
of  metal  segregation  (a 
controversial  but  theoretically 
substantiated  possibility),  then 
metal  may  have  equilibrated 
with  mantle  silicates  at  very 
high  temperatures  (2000°C)  and  at  high 
pressures  (1  arm  to  100  GPa).  In  order  to 
account  for  the  upper  mantle  budget  of 
siderophile  elements  in  an  equilibrium 
segregation  process,  many  siderophile 
elements  must  become  significantly  less 
siderophilic  with  increase  in  temperature 
and  pressure. 

To  test  this  model,  the  partitioning 

Michael  Walter 

behavior  of  Ni,  Co,  W,  and  Mo  between 
metallic  liquid  and  silicate  liquid  have 
been  determined  over  a  range  of  high 
temperatures  (1700°-2900°C)  and 
pressures  (1-12  GPa).  Experiments  have 
been  performed  in  piston-cylinder  and 
multi-anvil  apparatus  at  the 
Geophysical  Lab  and  at  the 
University  of  Alberta  in 
conjunction  with  Yves 

The  results  show  that 
each  of  these  elements 
becomes  less  siderophilic 
with  both  increasing 
temperature  and  pressure. 
However,  within  the  range  of 
conditions  investigated,  these 
elements  are  still  too 
siderophilic  to  account  for 
the  mantle  siderophile  element  budget  by 
equilibrium  segregation.  Is  it  possible  that 
the  mantle  siderophile  element  budget 
reflects  equilibrium  at  even  higher 
temperatures  and  pressures  than  have 
been  investigated?  This  question  must 
await  further  experimentation,  but  results 
so  far  do  not  exclude  this  possibility. 


Reprints  of  the  numbered  publications 
listed  below  are  available,  except  where 
noted,  at  no  charge  from  the  Librarian, 
Geophysical  Laboratory,  5251  Broad  Branch 
Road,  N.W.,  Washington,  D.C.  20015-1305, 
U.S.A.  Please  give  reprint  number(s)  when 

Alberto,  H.  V.,  B.  O.  Mysen,  and  N.  Ayres 

de  Campos,  The  structural  role  of 
titanium  in  silicate  glasses:  a  Raman  study 
of  the  system  CaO-SiC>2-Ti02,  Phys.  Chem. 
Glasses,  in  press. 

Barruol,  G.,  and  A.  Souriau,  Anisotropy 

beneath  the  Pyrenees  from  teleseismic 
shear  wave  splitting:  results  from  a  test 

experiment,  Geophys.  Res.  Lett.,  in  press. 

2426  Beaudoin,  G.,  B.  E.  Taylor,  D.  Rumble  III, 
and  M.  Thiemens,  Variations  in  the  sulfur 
isotope  composition  of  troilite  from  the 
Canon  Diablo  meteorite,  Geochim.  Cos- 
mochim.  Acta  58, 4253-4255, 1994. 

2355  Bertka,  C.  M.,  and  J.  R.  Holloway, 
Pigeonite  at  solidus  temperatures:  im- 
plications for  partial  melting,  /.  Geophys. 
Res.  98, 19755-19766, 1993. 

2369  Bertka,  C.  M.,  and  J.  R.  Holloway,  An- 
hydrous partial  melting  of  an  iron-rich 
mantle.  I:  Subsolidus  phase  assemblages 
and  partial  melting  phase  relations  at  10 
to  30  kbar,  Contrib.  Mineral.  Petrol.  115, 
313-322, 1994. 

2370  Bertka,  C.  M.,  and  J.  R.  Holloway,  An- 



hydrous  partial  melting  of  an  iron-rich 
mantle.  II:  Primary  melt  compositions  at 
15  kbar,  Contrib.  Mineral.  Petrol.  115,  323- 
338, 1994. 

Bocherens,  H.,  M.  L.  Fogel,  N.  Tuross, 

and  M.  Zeder,  Trophic  structure  and 
climatic  information  from  isotopic  signa- 
tures in  a  Pleistocene  cave  fauna  of  south- 
ern England,  /.  Archaeol.  Set,  in  press. 

2359  Brenan,  J.  M.,  Diffusion  of  chlorine  in 
fluid-bearing  quartzite:  effects  of  fluid 
composition  and  total  porosity,  Contrib. 
Mineral.  Petrol.  115,  215-224, 1993. 

2363  Brenan,  J.,  Kinetics  of  fluorine,  chlorine 
and  hydroxyl  exchange  in  fluorapatite, 
Chem.  Geol.  110, 195-210, 1994. 

2445  Burton,  B.  P.,  and  R.  E.  Cohen,  Theoreti- 
cal study  of  cation  ordering  in  the  system 
Pb(Sc1/2Tai/2)03,  Ferroelectrics  151,  331- 
336, 1994. 

Burton,  B.  P.,  and  R.  E.  Cohen,  First-prin- 
ciples study  of  cation  ordering  in  the  sys- 
tem Pb(Sc0.5Tao.5)03  and  (1  -  X)Pb 
(Sco.5Tao.5)03-XPbTi03,  Ferroelectrics,  in 

2393  Cohen,  R.  E.,  Origin  of  ferroelectricity  in 
perovskites:  the  principal  problems  from 
a  theoretical  perspective,  Ferroelectrics  150, 
1-12, 1993. 

2375  Cohen,  R.  E.,  Electrons,  phonons,  and 
electron-phonon  interactions  in  high- 
temperature  superconductors,  Comput. 
Phys.  8,  34-44, 1994. 

2446  Cohen,  R.  E.,  First-principles  phonon 
calculations  for  LiTa03,  Ferroelectrics  153, 
37^2, 1994. 

2429  Cohen,  R.  E.,  First-principles  theory  of 
crystalline  Si02,  in  Silica:  Physical  Beliavior, 
Geochemistry  and  Materials  Applications,  P. 
J.  Heaney,  C.  T.  Prewitt,  and  G.  V.  Gibbs, 
eds.,  Ch.  11,  pp.  369-402,  Reviews  in 
Mineralogy,  Vol.  29,  Mineralogical  Society 
of  America,  Washington,  D.  C,  1994.  (No 
reprints  available.) 

2406  Cohen,  R.  E.,  and  Z.  Gong,  Melting  and 
melt  structure  at  high  pressures,  in  High- 
Pressure  Science  and  Technology — 1993,  S.  C. 
Schmidt  et  al.,  eds.,  pp.  379-382,  AIP  Con- 
ference Proceedings  309,  American  In- 
stitute of  Physics,  New  York,  1994. 

2427  Cohen,  R.  E.,  and  Z.  Gong,  Melting  and 
melt  structure  of  MgO  at  high  pressures, 
Phys.  Rev.  B  50,  12301-12311, 1994. 

2444  Cohen,  R.  E.,  M.  J.  Mehl,  and  D.  A.  Papa- 
constantopoulos,  Tight-binding  total- 
energy  method  for  transition  and  noble 
metals,  Phys.  Rev.  B  50, 14694-14697,  1994. 

2412  Cohen,  R.  E.,  L.  Stixrude,  and  D.  A.  Papa- 
constantopoulos,  An  accurate  tight-bind- 
ing model  for  iron  at  high  pressures: 

towards  high  temperature  simulations  of 
the  Earth's  core,  in  High-Pressure  Science 
and  Technology — 1993,  S.  C.  Schmidt  et  al, 
eds.,  pp.  891-894,  AIP  Conference 
Proceedings  309,  American  Institute  of 
Physics,  New  York,  1994. 

Downs,  R.  T,  R.  M.  Hazen,  and  L.  W. 

Finger,  The  high-pressure  crystal 
chemistry  of  low  albite  and  the  origin  of 
the  pressure  dependency  of  Al/Si  order- 
disorder,  Am.  Mineral,  in  press. 

2368  Downs,  R.  T,  and  D.  C.  Palmer,  The  pres- 
sure behavior  of  a  cristobalite,  Am. 
Mineral.  79,  9-14, 1994. 

2440  Drits,  V.  A.,  F.  Liebau,  and  C.  Prewitt, 
Stages  of  scientific  and  technical  develop- 
ment, in  Advanced  Mineralogy,  A.  S.  Mar- 
funin,  ed.,  Vol.  1,  Ch.  2.1.1,  pp.  38-49, 
Springer- Verlag,  Berlin  and  New  York, 
1994.  (No  reprints  available.) 

Duffy,  T  S.,  and  R.  J.  Hemley,  Tempera- 
ture structure  of  the  Earth,  in  U.  S.  National 
Report  to  International  Union  of  Geodesy  and 
Geophysics,  in  press. 

Duffy,  T  S.,  C.  Meade,  Y  Fei,  H.  K.  Mao, 

and  R.  J.  Hemley,  High-pressure  phase 
transition  in  Brucite  Mg(OH)2,  Am. 
Mineral.,  in  press. 

2378  Duffy,  T.  S.,  W.  L.  Vos,  C.  S.  Zha,  R.  J. 
Hemley,  and  H.  K.  Mao,  Sound  velocities 
in  dense  hydrogen  and  the  interior  of 
Jupiter,  Science  263, 1590-1593, 1994. 

2434  Eggert,  J.  H.,  R.  J.  Hemley,  and  H.  K.  Mao, 
Raman  scattering  evidence  for  a  new 
phase  transition  in  normal  deuterium  at 
high  pressures,  in  Proceedings  of  the  Four- 
teenth International  Conference  on  Raman 
Spectroscopy,  N.  Yu  and  X.  Li,  eds.,  pp. 
1008-1009,  John  Wiley  &  Sons,  New  York, 

2408  Eggert,  J.  H.,  R.  J.  Hemley,  H.  K.  Mao,  and 
J.  L.  Feldman,  Rotation-vibration  and  in- 
termolecular  dynamics  of  hydrogen  and 
deuterium,  in  High-Pressure  Science  and 
Technology — 1 993,  S.  C.  Schmidt  et  al,  eds., 
pp.  845-848,  AIP  Conference  Proceedings 
309,  American  Institute  of  Physics,  New 
York,  1994. 

2389  Eggert,  J.  H.,  J.  Z.  Hu,  H.  K.  Mao,  L. 
Beauvais,  R.  L.  Meng,  and  C.  W.  Chu, 
Compressibility  of  the  HgBa2Ca„_i 
Cu„02n+2+5(ft=T,2,3)  high-temperature  su- 
perconductors, Phys.  Rev.  B  49,  15299- 
15304,  1994. 

2384  Eggert,  J.  H.,  H.  K.  Mao,  and  R.  J.  Hemley, 
Bivibron  line  widths  in  solid  deuterium  at 
high  pressure,  /.  Luminescence  58, 328-331, 

2431  Ellis,  G.  L.,  and  G.  A.  Goodfriend, 
Chronometric  and  site-formation  studies 



using  land  snail  shells:  preliminary 
results,  in  Archeological  Investigations  on 
571  Prehistoric  Sites  at  Fort  Hood,  Bell  and 
Coryell  Counties,  Texas,  W.  N.  Trierweiler, 
e<±;  pp.  183-201,  U.S.  Army  Fort  Hood 
Archeological  Resource  Management 
Series  Report  No.  31,  Ft.  Hood,  Texas, 
1994.  (No  reprints  available.) 

2432  Engel,  M.  H.,  G.  A.  Goodfriend,  Y.  Qian, 
and  S.  A.  Macko,  Indigeneity  of  organic 
matter  in  fossils:  a  test  using  stable  isotope 
analysis  of  amino  acid  enantiomers  in 
Quaternary  mollusk  shells,  Proc.  Natl. 
Acad.  Sci.  USA  91, 10475-10478, 1994. 

Fei,  Y.,  Thermal  expansion,  in  Handbook 

of  Physical  Constants,  T  J.  Ahrens,  ed., 
American  Geophysical  Union,  Washing- 
ton, D.C.,  in  press. 

Fei,  Y,  and  H.  K.  Mao,  In  situ  determina- 
tion of  the  NiAs  phase  of  FeO  at  high 
pressure  and  temperature,  Science,  in 

2423  Fei,  Y,  D.  Virgo,  B.  O.  Mysen,  Y  Wang, 
and  H.  K.  Mao,  Temperature-dependent 
electron  derealization  in  (Mg,Fe)Si03 
perovskite,  Am.  Mineral.  79, 826-837, 1994. 

Feldman,  J.  L.,  J.  H.  Eggert,  J.  De  Kinder, 

R.  J.  Hemley,  H.  K.  Mao,  and  D. 
Schoemaker,  Vibron  excitations  in  solid 
hydrogen:  a  generalized  binary  random 
alloy  problem,  Phys.  Rev.  Lett.,  in  press. 

2441  Filatov,  S.  K.,  and  R.  M.  Hazen,  High- 
temperature  and  high-pressure  crystal 
chemistry,  in  Advanced  Mineralogy,  A.  S. 
Marfunin,  ed.,  Vol.  1,  Ch.  2.1.8,  pp.  76-89, 
Springer- Verlag,  Berlin  and  New  York, 
1994.  (No  reprints  available.) 

Finger,  L.  W.,  Minerals  at  high  pressure, 

Nucl.  Instrum.  Methods  B,  in  press. 

Finger,  L.  W.,  D.  E.  Cox,  and  A.  P.  Jeph- 

coat,  A  correction  for  powder  diffraction 
peak  asymmetry  due  to  axial  divergence, 
/.  Appl.  Crystallogr.,  in  press. 

2395  Finger,  L.  W.,  R.  M.  Hazen,  R.  T.  Downs, 
R.  L.  Meng,  and  C.  W.  Chu,  Crystal 
chemistry  of  HgBa2CaCu206+5  and 
HgBa2Ca2Cu308+5:  single-crystal  X-ray 
diffraction  results,  Physica  C  226, 216-221, 

2425  Frantz,  J.  D.,  J.  Dubessy,  and  B.  O.  Mysen, 
Ion-pairing  in  aqueous  MgSC>4  solutions 
along  an  isochore  to  500°C  and  11  kbar 
using  Raman  spectroscopy  in  conjunction 
with  the  diamond-anvil  cell,  Chem.  Geol. 
116, 181-188, 1994. 

2418  Gao,  L.,  Y  Y  Xue,  F  Chen,  Q.  Xiong,  R. 
L.  Meng,  D.  Ramirez,  C.  W.  Chu,  J.  H. 
Eggert,  and  H.  K.  Mao,  Superconductivity 
up  to  164  K  in  HgBa2Cam_1Cuw02m+2+5 
(ra=l,2,  and  3)  under  quasihydrostatic 

pressures,  Phys.  Rev.  B  50, 4260-4263, 1994. 

Gao,  L.,  Y  Y  Xue,  F.  Chen,  Q.  Xiong,  R. 

L.  Meng,  D.  Ramirez,  C.  W.  Chu,  J.  H. 
Eggert,  and  H.  K.  Mao,  Universal  enhan- 
cement of  Tc  under  high  pressure  in 
HgBa2Cam.iCum02m+2+8/  in  Proceedings  of 
the  Fourth  International  Conference,  Material 
and  Mechanisms  of  Superconductivity,  High- 
Temperature  Superconductors  (M2S-HTSC 
IV),  Grenoble,  France,  in  press. 

Gibbs,  G.  V,  M.  B.  Boisen,  Jr.,  and  R.  T 

Downs,  The  effect  of  polarization  func- 
tions on  SiO  bond  length  and  SiOSi  angle 
variations  assessed  with  MP2  electron 
correlated  wave  functions,  Phys.  Chem. 
Minerals,  in  press. 

Giere,  R.,  Formation  of  REE  minerals  in 

hydrothermal  systems,  in  Rare  Earth 
Minerals:  Chemistry,  Origin  and  Ore 
Deposits,  A.  P.  Jones,  C.  T.  Williams,  and  F 
Wall,  eds.,  Chapman  &  Hall,  London,  in 

2439  Goodfriend,  G.  A.,  R.  A.  D.  Cameron, 
and  L.  M.  Cook,  Fossil  evidence  of  human 
impact  on  the  land  snail  fauna  of  Madeira, 
/.  Biogeogr.  21, 309-320, 1994. 

Goodfriend,  G.  A.,  and  P.  E.  Hare,  Reply 

to  the  comment  by  K.  L.  F.  Brinton  and  J. 
L.  Bada  on  "Aspartic  acid  racemization 
and  protein  diagenesis  in  corals  over  the 
last  350  years,"  Geochim.  Cosmochim.  Acta, 
in  press. 

Goodfriend,  G.  A.,  M.  Kashgarian,  and 

M.  G.  Harasewych,  Aspartic  acid  race- 
mization and  the  life  history  of  deep- 
water  slit  shells,  Geochim.  Cosmochim.  Acta, 
in  press. 

2411  Hanfland,  M.,  R.  J.  Hemley,  and  H.  K. 
Mao,  Synchrotron  infrared  measurements 
of  pressure-induced  transformations  in 
solid  hydrogen,  in  High-Pressure  Science 
and  Technology — 2993,  S.  C.  Schmidt  et  al., 
eds.,  pp.  877-880,  AIP  Conference 
Proceedings  309,  American  Institute  of 
Physics,  New  York,  1994. 

Hanfland,  M.,  R.  J.  Hemley,  and  H.  K. 

Mao,  Reply  to  comment  by  A.  L.  Ruof  f  and 
K.  Ghandehari  on  "Optical  absorption 
measurements  on  hydrogen  at  megabar 
pressures,"  Phys.  Rev.  B,  in  press. 

2356  Hazen,  R.  M.,  The  New  Alchemists:  Break- 
ing Through  the  Barriers  of  High-Pressure 
Research,  Times  Books/Random  House, 
New  York,  1993.  (Available  at  bookstores 
or  directly  from  the  publisher.) 

2443  Hazen,  R.  M.,  Matter,  high-pressure 
phenomena,  in  Encyclopaedia  Brittanica, 
1994  edition,  Vol.  23,  pp.  683-688, 
Chicago.  (No  reprints  available.) 

2422    Hazen,  R.  M.,  The  new  alchemy,  Technol- 



ogy  Review  97  (no.  8),  24-32,  1994.  (No 
reprints  available.) 

2421  Hazen,  R.  M.,  R.  T.  Downs,  P.  G.  Conrad, 
L.  W.  Finger,  and  T.  Gasparik,  Compara- 
tive compressibilities  of  majorite-type 
garnets,  Phys.  Chem.  Minerals  21,  344-349, 

2392  Hazen,  R.  M.,  R.  T.  Downs,  L.  W.  Finger, 
P.  G.  Conrad,  and  T.  Gasparik,  Crystal 
chemistry  of  Ca-bearing  majorite,  Am. 
Mineral.  79,  581-584, 1994. 

2361  Hazen,  R.  M.,  R.  T.  Downs,  L.  W.  Finger, 
and  J.  Ko,  Crystal  chemistry  of  ferromag- 
nesian  silicate  spinels:  evidence  for  Mg-Si 
disorder,  Am.  Mineral.  78, 1320-1323, 1993. 

2360  Hazen,  R.  M.,  L.  W.  Finger,  and  J.  Ko, 
Effects  of  pressure  on  Mg-Fe  ordering  in 
orthopyroxene  synthesized  at  11.3  GPa 
and  1600°C,  Am.  Mineral.  78,  1336-1339, 

2366  Hazen,  R.  M.,  D.  C.  Palmer,  L.  W.  Finger, 
G.  D.  Stucky,  W.  T.  A.  Harrison,  and  T.  E. 
Gier,  High-pressure  crystal  chemistry  and 
phase  transition  of  RbTi2(P04)3,  /.  Phys. 
Condens.  Matter  6, 1333-1344, 1994. 

Hemley,  R.  J.,  Properties  of  matter  at  high 

pressures  and  temperatures,  in  History  of 
the  Geosciences:  An  Encyclopedia,  G.  A. 
Good,  ed.,  Garland  Publishing,  New  York, 
in  press. 

2435  Hemley,  R.  J.,  and  H.  K.  Mao,  Progress  on 
hydrogen  at  ultrahigh  pressures,  in  On 
Seminar  Volume:  Elementary  Processes  in 
Dense  Plasmas,  S.  Ichimaru  and  S.  Ogata, 
eds.,  pp.  269-280,  Addison- Wesley,  Read- 
ing, Mass.,  1994. 

2428  Hemley,  R.  J.,  C.  T.  Prewitt,  and  K.  J. 
Kingma,  High-pressure  behavior  of  silica, 
in  Silica:  Physical  Behavior,  Geochemistry  and 
Materials  Applications,  P.  J.  Heaney,  C.  T. 
Prewitt,  and  G.  V.  Gibbs,  eds.,  Ch.  2,  pp. 
41-81,  Reviews  in  Mineralogy,  Vol.  29, 
Mineralogical  Society  of  America, 
Washington,  D.C.,  1994. 

2390  Hemley,  R.  J.,  Z.  G.  Soos,  M.  Hanfland, 
and  H.  K.  Mao,  Charge-transfer  states  in 
dense  hydrogen,  Nature  369,  384-387, 

Hoch,  M.  P.,  M.  L.  Fogel,  and  D.  L. 

Kirchman,  Isotope  fractionation  during 
ammonium  uptake  by  marine  microbial 
assemblages,  Geomicrobiol.  J.,  in  press. 

2407  Hu,  J.,  H.  K.  Mao,  J.  Shu,  and  R.  J.  Hem- 
ley, High-pressure  energy  dispersive  x- 
ray  diffraction  technique  with  synchro- 
tron radiation,  in  High-Pressure  Science  and 
Technology— 1993,  S.  C.  Schmidt  et  al,  eds., 
pp.  441-444,  AIP  Conference  Proceedings 
309,  American  Institute  of  Physics,  New 
York,  1994. 

Ilchik,  R.  P.,  and  D.  Rumble  III,  Sulfur, 

carbon  and  oxygen  systematics  during 
diagenesis  and  fluid  infiltration  in  the 
Creede  Caldera,  Colorado,  in  U.S.  Geol. 
Surv.  Open-File  Report,  R.  Bethke,  ed.,  in 

Inbar,  I.,  and  R.  E.  Cohen,  Origin  of  fer- 

roelectricity  in  LiTa03  and  LiNb03: 
LAPW  total  energy  calculations,  Fer- 
roelectrics,  in  press. 

2447  Irvine,  T.  N.,  and  J.  C.  0.  Andersen,  In- 
cluded blocks  (and  blocks  within  blocks) 
in  the  Skaergaard  Layered  Series,  in 
Kangerdlugssuaq  Studies,  Processes  at  a 
Rifted  Continental  Margin  III,  C.  K.  Brooks, 
E.  Hoch,  and  A.  K.  Brantsen,  eds.,  pp. 
41-43,  Geologisk  Museum,  Copenhagen, 

2377  Ita,  J.,  and  L.  Stixrude,  Density  and  elas- 
ticity of  model  upper  mantle  composi- 
tions and  their  implications  for  whole 
mantle  structure,  in  Evolution  of  the  Earth 
and  Planets,  E.  Takahashi,  R.  Jeanloz,  and 

D.  Rubie,  eds.,  pp.  111-130,  American 
Geophysical  Union  and  IUGG,  Washing- 
ton, D.C.,  1993.  (No  reprints  available.) 

2437  Jeanloz,  R.,  and  R.  J.  Hemley,  Ther- 
moelasticity  of  perovskite:  an  emerging 
consensus,  Eos,  Trans.  Am.  Geophys.  Union 
75,  476-477, 1994. 

2379  Jephcoat,  A.  P.,  J.  A.  Hriljac,  L.  W.  Finger, 
and  D.  E.  Cox,  Pressure-induced  orienta- 
tional  order  in  C6o  at  300  K,  Europhys.  Lett. 
25, 429^34, 1994.  (No  reprints  available.) 

2381  Kingma,  K.  J.,  and  R.  J.  Hemley,  Raman 
spectroscopic  study  of  microcrystalline 
silica,  Am.  Mineral.  79,  269-273, 1994. 

2380  Kingma,  K.  J.,  R.  J.  Hemley,  H.  K.  Mao, 
and  D.  R.  Veblen,  Reply  to  comment  by  L. 

E.  McNeil  and  M.  Grimsditch  on  "New 
high-pressure  transformation  in  oc- 
quartz,"  Phys.  Rev.  Lett.  72, 1302, 1994. 

2402  Kingma,  K.  J.,  R.  J.  Hemley,  D.  R.  Veblen, 
and  H.  K.  Mao,  High-pressure  crystalline 
transformations  and  amorphization  in  a- 
quartz,  in  High-Pressure  Science  and  Tech- 
nology— 1993,  S.  C.  Schmidt  et  al,  eds.,  pp. 
39^2,  AIP  Conference  Proceedings  309, 
American  Institute  of  Physics,  New  York, 

2398  Koch,  P.  L.,  M.  L.  Fogel,  and  N.  Tuross, 
Tracing  the  diets  of  fossil  animals  using 
stable  isotopes,  in  Stable  Isotopes  in  Ecology 
and  Environmental  Science,  K.  Lajtha  and  R. 
H.  Michener,  eds.,  pp.  63-92,  Blackwell 
Scientific  Publications,  Oxford,  England, 
1994.  (No  reprints  available.) 

2396  Li,  X.,  and  H.  K.  Mao,  Solid  carbon  at 
high  pressure:  electrical  resistivity  and 
phase  transition,  Phys.  Chem.  Minerals  21, 



1-5, 1994. 

Mao,  H.  K.,  J.  H.  Eggert,  and  R.  J.  Hemley, 

Reflectance  effects  caused  by  refractive- 
index  gradients  in  diamond-anvil  cell 
samples  of  H?  and  Al203,  Mod.  Phys.  Lett. 
B,  in  press. 

2383  Mao,  H.  K.,  and  R.  J.  Hemley,  Material 
science  at  ultrahigh  pressures,  in  Advanced 
Materials  '94,  M.  Kamo  et  a\.,  eds.,  pp.  229- 
234,  National  Institute  for  Research  in  In- 
organic Materials,  Tsukuba,  Japan,  1994. 

2436  Mao,  H.  K.,  and  R.  J.  Hemley,  Raman 
scattering  from  high  pressure  solids  of 
hydrogen  and  deuterium,  in  Proceedings  of 
the  Fourteenth  International  Conference  on 
Raman  Spectroscopy,  N.  Yu  and  X.  Li,  eds., 
pp.  828-829,  John  Wiley  &  Sons,  New 
York,  1994. 

2391  Mao,  H.  K.,  and  R.  J.  Hemley,  Ultrahigh- 
pressure  transitions  in  solid  hydrogen, 
Rev.  Mod.  Phys.  66,  671-692, 1994. 

2414  Mao,  H.  K.,  R.  J.  Hemley,  and  A.  L.  Mao, 
Recent  design  of  ultrahigh-pressure 
diamond  cell,  in  High-Pressure  Science  and 
Technology — 1993,  S.  C.  Schmidt  et  al.,  eds., 
pp.  1613-1616,  AIP  Conference  Proceed- 
ings 309,  American  Institute  of  Physics, 
New  York,  1994. 

2386  Mao,  H.  K.,  J.  Shu,  J.  Hu,  and  R.  J.  Hem- 
ley, High-pressure  X-ray  diffraction  study 
of  diaspore,  Solid  State  Commun.  90,  497- 
500, 1994. 

2417  Marton,  F.  C,  and  R.  E.  Cohen,  Predic- 
tion of  a  high-pressure  phase  transition  in 
A1203,  Am.  Mineral.  79,  789-792, 1994. 

McMillan,  P.  E,  J.  Dubessy,  and  R.  Hem- 
ley, Application  to  earth,  planetary  and 
environmental  sciences,  in  Raman  Micros- 
copy, M.  Delhaye,  ed.,  in  press. 

2397  Meade,  C,  Solid  Earth:  mantle  and  core 
studies,  Geotimes  39  (no.  2),  36-37,  1994. 
(No  reprints  available.) 

2394  Meade,  C,  J.  A.  Reffner,  and  E.  Ito, 
Synchrotron  infrared  absorbance  meas- 
urements of  hydrogen  in  MgSiOa 
perovskite,  Science  264, 1558-1560, 1994. 

Mehl,  M.  J.,  D.  A.  Papaconstantopoulos, 

R.  E.  Cohen,  and  M.  M.  Sigalas,  First-prin- 
ciples tight-binding  total  energy  calcula- 
tions for  metals,  in  Alloy  Modeling  and 
Design,  G.  M.  Stock,  ed.,  Minerals,  Metals 
&  Materials  Society,  Warrendale,  Perm.,  in 

Meng,  Y,  Y  Fei,  D.  J.  Weidner,  and  G.  D. 

Gwanmesia,  Hydrostatic  compression  of 
y-Mg2Si04  to  mantle  pressures  and  700  K: 
constraints  on  the  thermal  equation  of 
state  and  the  related  thermoelastic  proper- 
ties, Phys.  Chem.  Minerals,  in  press. 

Morse,  S.  A.,  and  H.  S.  Yoder,  Jr.,  Melting 

and  phase  transitions  of  RbCl  to  10 
kilobars,  Geophys.  Res.  Lett.,  in  press. 

My  sen,  B.,  Silicate  melts  and  glasses:  the 

influence  of  temperature  and  composition 
on  the  structural  behavior  of  anionic 
units,  in  K.  Yagi  80th  Birthday  Commemora- 
tion Volume,  A.  Gupta,  ed.,  Indian 
Academy  of  Sciences,  in  press. 

Mysen,  B.  O.,  Structural  behavior  of  Al3+ 

in  silicate  melts:  in-situ,  high-temperature 
measurements  as  a  function  of  bulk 
chemical  composition,  Geochim.  Cos- 
mochim.  Acta,  in  press. 

2382  Mysen,  B.  O.,  and  J.  D.  Frantz,  Structure 
of  haplobasaltic  liquids  at  magmatic 
temperatures:  in  situ,  high-temperature 
study  of  melts  on  the  join  Na2Si205- 
Na2(NaAl)205,  Geochim.  Cosmochim.  Acta 
58, 1711-1733, 1994. 

2399  Mysen,  B.  O.,  and  J.  D.  Frantz,  Silicate 
melts  at  magmatic  temperatures:  in-situ 
structure  determination  to  1651°C  and  ef- 
fect of  temperature  and  bulk  composition 
on  the  mixing  behavior  of  structural  units, 
Contrib.  Mineral.  Petrol.  117, 1-14, 1994. 

Mysen,  B.,  and  D.  Neuville,  Effect  of 

temperature  and  Ti02  content  on  the 
structure  of  Na2Si205-Na2Ti205  melts  and 
glasses,  Geochim.  Cosmochim.  Acta,  in 

2442  Mysen,  B.  O.,  and  D.  Virgo,  Structure 
and  properties  of  silicate  glasses  and 
melts;  theories  and  experiment,  in  Ad- 
vanced Mineralogy,  Vol.  1,  Ch.  4.1,  A.  S. 
Marfunin,  ed.,  pp.  238-253,  Springer- Ver- 
lag,  Berlin  and  New  York,  1994.  (No 
reprints  available.) 

2387  Nagahara,  H.,  I.  Kushiro,  and  B.  O. 
Mysen,  Evaporation  of  olivine:  low  pres- 
sure phase  relations  of  the  olivine  system 
and  its  implications  for  the  origin  of 
chondritic  components  in  the  solar 
nebula,  Geochim.  Cosmochim.  Acta  58, 
1951-1963, 1994. 

2415  Nagahara,  H.,  I.  Kushiro,  and  B.  O. 
Mysen,  Vaporization  and  condensation  of 
chondritic  materials — experimental 
studies,  in  Primitive  Solar  Nebula  and 
Origin  of  Planets,  H.  Oya,  ed.,pp.  427^46, 
Terra  Scientific  Publishing  Company 
(TERRAPUB),  Tokyo,  1993.  (No  reprints 

2419  Paerl,  H.  W.,  and  M.  L.  Fogel,  Isotopic 
characterization  of  atmospheric  nitrogen 
inputs  as  sources  of  enhanced  primary 
production  in  coastal  Atlantic  Ocean 
waters,  Mar.  Biol.  119,  635-645, 1994. 

Paerl,  H.  W.,  M.  L.  Fogel,  and  P.  W.  Bates, 

Atmospheric  nitrogen  deposition  in  coas- 
tal waters:  implications  for  marine 



primary  production  and  C  flux,  in  Proceed- 
ings of  the  6th  International  Microbial  Ecology 
Symposium,  Barcelona,  Spain,  C.  Pedros- 
Alio,  ed.,  ASM  Publications,  in  press. 

Paerl,  H.  W.,  M.  L.  Fogel,  P.  W.  Bates,  and 

P.  M.  O'Donnell,  Is  there  a  link  between 
atmospheric  nitrogen  deposition  and  eu- 
trophication  in  coastal  waters?,  in  Proceed- 
ings of  the  6th  International  ERF/ESCA  Sym- 
posium, September  1992,  Plymouth,  U.K.,  K. 
L.  Dyer,  ed.,  Olsen  and  Olsen,  Ltd.,  in 

2367  Palmer,  D.  C,  and  L.  W.  Finger,  Pressure- 
induced  phase  transition  in  cristobalite:  an 
X-ray  powder  diffraction  study  to  4.4  GPa, 
Am.  Mineral.  79, 1-8, 1994. 

Palmer,  D.  C,  R.  J.  Hemley,  and  C.  T. 

Prewitt,  Raman  spectroscopic  study  of 
high-pressure  phase  transitions  in  cris- 
tobalite, Phys.  Chem.  Minerals,  in  press. 

2376  Pearson,  D.  G.,  F.  R.  Boyd,  S.  E.  Haggerty, 
J.  D.  Pasteris,  S.  W.  Field,  P.  H.  Nixon,  and 
N.  P.  Pokhilenko,  The  characterisation  and 
origin  of  graphite  in  cratonic  lithospheric 
mantle:  a  penological  carbon  isotope  and 
Raman  spectroscopic  study,  Contrib. 
Mineral.  Petrol.  115,  449-466,  1994.  (No 
reprints  available.) 

Pearson,  D.  G.,  R.  W.  Carlson,  S.  B.  Shirey, 

F.  R.  Boyd,  and  P.  H.  Nixon,  The  stabilisa- 
tion of  Archaean  lithospheric  mantle:  a 
Re-Os  isotope  study  of  peridotite 
xenoliths  from  the  Kaapvaal  and  Siberian 
cratons,  Earth  Planet.  Sci.  Eett.,  in  press. 

Pearson,  D.  G.,  S.  B.  Shirey,  R.  W.  Carlson, 

F.  R.  Boyd,  N.  P.  Pokhilenko,  and  N. 
Shimizu,  Re-Os,  Sm-Nd  and  Rb-Sr  isotope 
evidence  for  thick  Archaean  lithospheric 
mantle  beneath  the  Siberian  craton 
modified  by  multi-stage  metasomatism, 
Geochim.  Cosmochim.  Acta,  in  press. 

Popp,  R.  K.,  D.  Virgo,  H.  S.  Yoder,  Jr.,  T. 

C.  Hoering,  and  M.  W.  Phillips,  An  ex- 
perimental study  of  phase  equilibria  and 
oxy-  component  in  kaersutitic  amphibole: 
implications  for  the  /h2  and  aHlo  in  the 
upper  mantle,  Am.  Mineral,  in  press. 

2404  Qadri,  S.  B.,  E.  F.  Skelton,  A.  W.  Webb, 
and  J.  Z.  Hu,  Pressure  induced  polymor- 
phism of  ZnTe,  in  High-Pressure  Science  and 
Technology — 2993,  S.  C.  Schmidt  et  al.,  eds., 
pp.  319-322,  AIP  Conference  Proceedings 
309,  American  Institute  of  Physics,  New 
York,  1994. 

2405  Qadri,  S.  B.,  E.  F.  Skelton,  A.  W.  Webb,  J. 
Z.  Hu,  and  J.  K.  Furdyna,  Pressure  induced 
phase  transition  of  Zni_xCoxSe,  in  High- 
Pressure  Science  and  Technology — 2993,  S.  C. 
Schmidt  et  al,  eds.,  pp.  347-349,  AIP  Con- 
ference Proceedings  309,  Amer-ican  In- 
stitute of  Physics,  New  York,  1994. 

Qian,  Y,  M.  H.  Engel,  G.  A.  Goodfriend, 

and  S.  A.  Macko,  Abundance  and  stable 
carbon  isotope  composition  of  amino 
acids  in  molecular  weight  fractions  of  fos- 
sil and  artificially  aged  mollusk  shells, 
Geochim.  Cosmochim.  Acta,  in  press. 

2388  Reffner,  J.,  G.  L.  Carr,  S.  Sutton,  R.  J. 
Hemley,  and  G.  P.  Williams,  Infrared 
microspectroscopy  at  the  NSLS,  Synchro- 
tron Radiation  News  7  (no.  2),  30-37, 1994. 

2372  Reichlin,  R.,  A.  K.  McMahan,  M.  Ross,  S. 
Martin,  J.  Hu,  R.  J.  Hemley,  H.  K.  Mao,  and 
Y  Wu,  Optical,  x-ray,  and  band-structure 
studies  of  iodine  at  pressures  of  several 
megabars,  Phys.  Rev.  B  49, 3725-3733, 1994. 

2374  Richet,  P.,  J.  Ingrin,  B.  O.  Mysen,  P.  Cour- 
tial,  and  P.  Gillet,  Premelting  effects  in 
minerals:  an  experimental  study,  Earth 
Planet.  Sci.  Eett.  121,  589-600,  1994.  (No 
reprints  available.) 

Rumble,  D.,  Water  circulation  in  meta- 

morphism,  /.  Geophys.  Res.,  in  press. 

2420  Rumble,  D.,  Ill,  and  T.  C.  Hoering,  Anal- 
ysis of  oxygen  and  sulfur  isotope  ratios  in 
oxide  and  sulfide  minerals  by  spot  heating 
with  a  carbon  dioxide  laser  in  a  fluorine 
atmosphere,  Accounts  Chem.  Res.  27,  237- 
241, 1994. 

2357  Saxena,  S.  K.,  N.  Chatterjee,  Y  Fei,  and  G. 
Shen,  Thermodynamic  Data  on  Oxides  and 
Silicates:  An  Assessed  Data  Set  Based  on 
Thermochemistry  and  High  Pressure  Phase 
Equilibrium,  Springer- Verlag,  New  York, 
1993.  (Available  directly  from  the  publish- 

2371  Shen,  G.,  Y.  Fei,  U.  Halenius,  and  Y. 
Wang,  Optical  absorption  spectra  of 
(Mg,Fe)Si03  silicate  perovskites,  Phys. 
Chem.  Minerals  20, 478^82, 1994. 

2365  Sillen,  A.,  and  T.  C.  Hoering,  Chemical 
characterization  of  burnt  bones  from 
Swartkrans,  in  Swartkrans,  A  Cave's 
Chronicle  of  Early  Man,  C.  K.  Brain,  ed.,  pp. 
243-249,  Transvaal  Museum  Monograph 
No.  8,  Pretoria,  South  Africa,  1993. 

2401  Skelton,  E.  F.,  A.  R.  Drews,  M.  S.  Osofsky, 
S.  B.  Qadri,  J.  Z.  Hu,  T.  A.  Vanderah,  J.  L. 
Peng,  and  R.  L.  Greene,  Direct  observation 
of  microscopic  inhomogeneities  with 
energy-dispersive  diffraction  of  synchro- 
tron-produced x-rays,  Science  263,  1416- 
1418, 1994.  (No  reprints  available.) 

Stafford,  T.  S.,  M.  L.  Fogel,  K.  Brendel, 

and  P.  E.  Hare,  Late  Quaternary  paleoecol- 
ogy  of  the  southern  high  plains  based  on 
stable  nitrogen  and  carbon  isotope 
analysis  of  fossil  Bison  collagen,  in  The 
Archaic  of  the  Southern  North  American 
Deserts,  H.  Shafer,  D.  L.  Carlson,  and  K.  D. 
Sobolik,  eds.,  Texas  A&M  Press,  College 
Station,  in  press. 



2338  Stixrude,  L.,  and  R.  E.  Cohen,  Stability  of 
orthorhombic  MgSiOi  perovskite  in  the 
Earth's  lower  mantle,  Nature  364, 613-616, 

2413  Stixrude,  L.  and  R.  E.  Cohen,  First  prin- 
ciples investigation  of  bcc,  fee,  and  hep 
phases  of  iron,  in  High-Pressure  Science  and 
Technology — 1993,  S.  C.  Schmidt  et  al.,  eds., 
pp.  911-914,  AIP  Conference  Proceedings 
309,  American  Institute  of  Physics,  New 
York,  1994. 

Stixrude,  L.,  and  R.  E.  Cohen,  Con- 
straints on  the  crystalline  structure  of  the 
inner  core:  mechanical  instability  of  bcc 
iron  at  high  pressure,  Geophys.  Res.  Lett.,  in 

2424  Stixrude,  L.,  R.  E.  Cohen,  and  D.  J.  Singh, 
Iron  at  high  pressure:  linearized-aug- 
mented-plane-wave  computations  in  the 
generalized-gradient  approximation, 
Phys.  Rev.  B  50,  6442-6445, 1994. 

Taylor,  R.  E.,  P.  E.  Hare,  and  T  D.  White, 

Geochemical  criteria  for  thermal  altera- 
tion of  bone,  /.  Archaeol.  Sci.,  in  press. 

2433  Tsoar,  H.,  and  G.  A.  Goodfriend, 
Chronology  and  paleoenvironmental  in- 
terpretation of  Holocene  aeolian  sands  at 
the  inland  edge  of  the  Sinai-Negev  erg, 
The  Holocene  4  (no.  3),  244-250, 1994. 

2430  Tuross,  N.,  and  M.  L.  Fogel,  Exceptional 
molecular  preservation  in  the  fossil 
record:  the  archaeological,  conservation, 
and  scientific  challenge,  in  Archaeometry  of 
Pre-Columbian  Sites  and  Artifacts,  D.  A. 
Scott  and  P.  Meyers,  eds.,  pp.  367-380, 
Getty  Conservation  Institute,  Marina  Del 
Rey,  Calif.,  1994.  (No  reprints  available.) 

2416  Tuross,  N.,  and  M.  L.  Fogel,  Stable  iso- 
tope analysis  and  subsistence  patterns  at 
the  Sully  Site,  South  Dakota,  in  Skeletal 
Biology  in  the  Great  Plains:  Migration,  War- 
fare, Health,  and  Subsistence,  D.  W.  Owsley 
and  R.  Jantz,  eds.,  pp.  283-289,  Smith- 
sonian Institution  Press,  Washington, 
D.C.,  1994.  (No  reprints  available.) 

2385  Tuross,  N.,  M.  L.  Fogel,  L.  Newsom,  and 
G.  H.  Doran,  Subsistence  in  the  Florida 
Archaic:  the  stable  isotope  and  ar- 
cheobotanical  evidence  from  the  Wind- 
over  Site,  American  Antiquity  59,  288-303, 

1994.  (No  reprints  available.) 

Vos,  W.  L.,  Helium  compounds,  in  Mc- 
Graw-Hill Yearbook  of  Science  and  Technology 

1 995,  in  press. 

2354  Vos,  W.  L.,  L.  W.  Finger,  R.  J.  Hemley,  and 
H.  K.  Mao,  Novel  H2-H20  clathrates  at 
high  pressures,  Phys.  Rev.  Lett.  71,  3150- 
3153, 1993. 

2409  Vos,  W.  L.,  L.  W.  Finger,  R.  J.  Hemley,  H. 
K.  Mao,  and  H.  S.  Yoder,  Jr.,  Phase  be- 
havior of  H2-H20  at  high  pressure,  in 
High-Pressure  Science  and  Technology — 
2993,S.  C.  Schmidt  etal,  eds.,  pp.  857-860, 
AIP  Conference  Proceedings  309, 
American  Institute  of  Physics,  New  York, 

2358  Williams,  Q.,  R.  J.  Hemley,  M.  B.  Kruger, 
and  R.  Jeanloz,  High-pressure  infrared 
spectra  of  a-quartz,  coesite,  stishovite  and 
silica  glass,  /.  Geophys.  Res.  98,  22157- 
22170, 1993. 

2373  Yochelson,  E.  L.,  and  H.  S.  Yoder,  Jr., 
Founding  the  Geophysical  Laboratory, 
1901-1905:  a  scientific  bonanza  from  per- 
ception and  persistence,  Geol.  Soc.  Am. 
Bull.  106, 338-350, 1994. 

2364  Yoder,  H.  S.,  Jr.,  Development  and 
promotion  of  the  initial  scientific  program 
for  the  Geophysical  Laboratory,  in  The 
Earth,  the  Heavens,  and  the  Carnegie  Institu- 
tion of  Washington,  G.  A.  Good,  ed.,  pp. 
21-28,  American  Geophysical  Union, 
Washington,  D.C.,  1994. 

Yoder,  H.  S.,  Jr.,  J.  Frank  Schairer,  April 

13, 1904-September  26, 1970,  in  Biographi- 
cal Memoirs  of  the  National  Academy  of  Scien- 
ces, Vol.  66,  National  Academy  Press, 
Washington,  D.C.,  in  press. 

2410  Zha,  C.  S.,  T.  S.  Duffy,  H.  K.  Mao,  and  R. 
J.  Hemley,  High-pressure  Brillouin  scat- 
tering and  elastic  constants  of  single-crys- 
tal hydrogen  to  24  GPa,  in  High-Pressure 
Science  and  Technology — 1993,  S.  C. 
Schmidt  et  ah,  eds.,  pp.  873-876,  AIP  Con- 
ference Proceedings  309,  American  In- 
stitute of  Physics,  New  York,  1994. 

2403  Zha,  C.  S.,  R.  J.  Hemley,  H.  K.  Mao,  T  S. 
Duffy,  and  C.  Meade,  Brillouin  scattering 
of  silica  glass  to  57.5  GPa,  in  High-Pressure 
Science  and  Technology — 1993,  S.  C. 
Schmidt  et  al,  eds.,  pp.^  93-96,  AIP  Con- 
ference Proceedings  309,  American  In- 
stitute of  Physics,  New  York,  1994. 

2438  Zha,  C.  S.,  R.  J.  Hemley,  H.  K.  Mao,  T.  S. 
Duffy,  and  C.  Meade,  Acoustic  velocities 
and  refractive  index  of  Si02  glass  to  57.5 
GPa  by  Brillouin  scattering,  Phys.  Rev.  B 
50, 13105-13112, 1994. 

2400  Zhang,  H.,  W.  B.  Daniels,  and  R.  E. 
Cohen,  Exciton  energy  and  its  pressure 
dependence  in  alkali  halides,  Phys.  Rev.  B 
50,  70-74, 1994. 

2362  Zhang,  J.,  R.  C.  Liebermann,  T.  Gasparik, 
C.  T.  Herzberg,  and  Y.  Fei,  Melting  and 
subsolidus  relations  of  Si02  at  9-14  GPa, 
/.  Geophys.  Res.  98, 19785-19793, 1993. 




Research  Staff 

Francis  R.  Boyd,  Jr. 

Ronald  E.  Cohen 

Larry  W.  Finger 

Marilyn  L.  Fogel 

John  D.  Frantz 

P.  Edgar  Hare 

Robert  M.  Hazen 

Russell  J.  Hemley 

Thomas  C.  Hoering 

T.  Neil  Irvine 

Ho-kwang  Mao 

Bjorn  O.  Mysen 

Charles  T.  Prewitt,  Director 

Douglas  Rumble  III 

David  Virgo 

Hatten  S.  Yoder,  Jr.,  Director  Emeritus 

Cecil  and  Ida  Green  Senior  Fellow 

Frank  Press1-2 

Jon  H.  Eggert,  CHiPR  Associate 

Reto  Giere,  Swiss  National  Science  Fellow6 

Alexandre  Goncharov,  Carnegie  Fellow11 

Michael  E.  Hanfland,  NSF  Associate12 

Robert  P.  Ilchik,  NSF  Associate 

Iris  Inbar,  Office  of  Naval  Research 

Ming  Li,  CHiPR  Associate14 
Daniel  R.  Neuville,  Carnegie  and  French 

Centre  National  de  la  Recherche 

Scientifique  Fellow15 
Raymond  M.  Russo,  Harry  Oscar  Wood 

Jinfu  Shu,  CHiPR  Associate 
Larry  Solheim,  Carnegie  Fellow1-17 
Madduri  S.  Somayazulu,  NSF  Associate18 
Jouri  Timofeev,  NSF  Associate19 
Willem  L.  Vos,  CHiPR  Associate16 
Michael  J.  Walter,  CHiPR  Associate20 
Edward  D.  Young,  Carnegie  Fellow21 
John  C.  VanDecar,  Harry  Oscar  Wood 


Senior  Fellows  and  Associates 

Predoctoral  Fellozvs  and  Associates 

Peter  M.  Bell,  Adjunct  Senior  Research 

Constance  Bertka,  National  Aeronautics  and 

Space  Administration  (NASA)  and  Center 

for  High  Pressure  Research  (CHiPR) 

Paula  Davidson,  Department  of  Energy 

(DOE)  Associate4 
Yingwei  Fei,  Norton  Senior  Fellow 
Glenn  A.  Goodfriend,  Senior  Postdoctoral 

Associate  (National  Science  Foundation, 

NSF,  Associate)5 
Jingzhu  Hu,  Research  Technician  (NSF)6 
Mark  D.  Kluge,  Research  Physicist  (NSF)7 
Charles  Meade,  NSF  and  CHiPR  Associate 
Chang-Sheng  Zha,  Research  Technician 


Postdoctoral  Fellows  and  Associates 

Carmen  Aguilar,  NSF  Associate 

Guilhem  Barruol,  NSF  Associate  and  Bourse 

Lavoisier  Fellow,  French  Ministry  of 

Foreign  Affairs1-8 
David  R.  Bell,  DOE  Associate 
Herve  Bocherens,  Carnegie  Fellow9 
Andrew  J.  Campbell,  Carnegie  Fellow 
Robert  T.  Downs,  NSF  Associate 
Thomas  S.  Duffy,  Grove  Carl  Gilbert 


Pamela  G.  Conrad,  Carnegie  Fellow4 
Jens  Christian  0.  Andersen,  Fulbright 

Beverly  Johnson,  Carnegie  Fellow24 
Kathleen  Kingma,  CHiPR  Associate10 
Julie  Kokis,  NSF  Associate 

Research  Interns 

Aaron  Andalman,  Blair  High  School25 
Beth  A.  Bailey,  George  Washington 

Claude  Banta,  Bethesda  Chevy  Chase  High 

Thomas  R.  Cooper,  George  Washington 

Marc  Hudacsko,  Blair  High  School25 
Felice  Segura,  Georgetown  Day  School28 
Stacy  Shinneman,  George  Washington 

Sujoy  Tagore,  Blair  High  School25 
Wendy  E.  Walker,  Long  Island  University29 
Joshua  Weitz,  Princeton  University30 
Emily  Yourd,  George  Washington 


Supporting  Staff 

John  R.  Almquist,  Library  Volunteer 
Andrew  J.  Antoszyk,  Shop  Foreman 



Maceo  T  Bacote,  Engineering  Apprentice1'32 
Gary  Bors,  Building  Engineer1'33 
Bobbie  L.  Brown,  Instrument  Maker 
Stephen  D.  Coley,  Sr.,  Instrument  Maker 
H.  Michael  Day,  Facilities  Manager1 
Roy  R.  Dingus,  Building  Engineer1 
Pablo  D.  Esparza,  Maintenance  Technician132 
David  J.  George,  Electronics  Technician 
Christos  G.  Hadidiacos,  Electronics  Engineer 
Shaun  J.  Hardy,  Librarian1 
Marjorie  E.  Imlay,  Assistant  to  the  Director 
Mikie  Ishikawa,  Library  Volunteer 
William  E.  Key,  Building  Engineer1 
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Paul  Meeder,  Administrative  Assistant17 
Lawrence  B.  Patrick,  Maintenance 

Pedro  J.  Roa,  Maintenance  Technician1 
Roy  E.  Scalco,  Engineering  Apprentice1 
Susan  A.  Schmidt,  Coordinating  Secretary 
Fiorella  V.  Simoni,  Laboratory  Technician35 
John  M.  Straub,  Business  Manager 
Stephanie  Vogelpohl,  Administrative 

Mark  Wah,  Instrument  Maker 
Merri  Wolf,  Library  Technical  Assistant1 
Karen  Young,  Laboratory  Technician21 

Visiting  Investigators 

Nabil  Z.  Boctor,  Washington,  D.C. 
Alison  Brooks,  George  Washington 

John  V.  Badding,  Pennsylvania  State 

Benjamin  P.  Burton,  National  Institute  of 

Standards  and  Technology 
Jean  Dubessy,  Centre  de  Recherches  sur  La 

Geologie  des  Matieres  Premieres 

Minerales  et  Energetiques, 

Vandoeuvre-Les-Nancy,  France 
Joseph  Feldman,  National  Research 

Donald  G.  Isaak,  University  of  California, 

Los  Angeles 
Deborah  Kelley,  University  of  Washington 
Allison  M.  Macfarlane,  George  Mason 

Kevin  Mandernack,  Scripps  Institution  of 

Frederic  Marton,  Northwestern  University 
Nicolai  P.  Pokhilenko,  Institute  of 

Mineralogy  and  Petrology,  Novosibirsk, 

Robert  Popp,  Texas  A&M  University 
Nicholas  M.  Rose,  Geological  Museum, 

Copenhagen,  Denmark 
Nicolai  V.  Sobolev,  Director  of  the  Institute 

of  Mineralogy  and  Petrology,  Academy  of 

Sciences,  Novosibirsk,  Russia 
Christopher  Talbot,  University  of  Uppsala, 

Noreen  C.  Tuross,  Smithsonian  Institution 
David  von  Endt,  Smithsonian  Institution 
Willem  L.  Vos,  University  of  Amsterdam, 

The  Netherlands 

Joint  Appointment  with 
Department  of  Terrestrial 
2From  September  15, 1993 
3From  May  1, 1994 
4From  December  1, 1993 
5FromJuly  1,1993 
6From  January  1,1994 
7From  April  9, 1994 
8From  October  10,  1993 
9To  September  30, 1993 
10To  June  30, 1994 
nFrom  December  21, 1993 
12To  December  21, 1993 
13From  October  1, 1993 
14From  October  1,  1993 
15To  January  15, 1994 
16To  December  1, 1993 
17From  September  1, 1993 


18From  March  17, 1994 
19From  January  17  to  June  1,  1994 
20From  September  30,  1993 
01To  June  14, 1994 

From  September  28, 1993 
23To  May  23,  1994 
24To  January  31, 1994 
25From  June  22, 1994 
26To  July  31,  1993 
27From  June  15, 1994 
28From  March  20,1994 
29To  August  31, 1993 
30From  June  1, 1994 
31From  May  26,  1994 
32From  May  16, 1994 
33To  April  8, 1994 
34From  September  24,  1993 
35From  January  13, 1994 

Department  of  Terrestrial 


Mike  Seemann,  left,  and  Glenn  Poe 

m  .-, 


•*  c& 


DTM  staff  near  the  main  building,  Broad  Branch  Road  campus,  spring  1994.  First 
row  (left  to  right):  David  Kuentz,  Janice  Dunlap,  Rosa  Maria  Esparza,  George 
Wetherill,  Lanbo  Liu,  Glenn  Poe,  Georg  Bartels,  Mikie  Ishikawa,  Pablo  Esparza,  Pedro 
Roa.  Second  row:  Sandra  Keiser,  Vera  Rubin,  Louis  Brown,  Merri  Wolf,  Ben  Pandit, 
Nelson  McWhorter,  Roy  Dingus,  Maceo  Bacote,  Raymond  Russo,  Lori  Herold,  Shaun 
Hardy,  Frank  Press.  Third  row:  Erik  Hauri,  Tsuyoshi  Ishikawa,  Richard  Carlson,  David 
James,  Selwyn  Sacks,  John  Graham,  Fouad  Tera,  Frangois  Schweizer,  Guilhem 
Barruol,  John  Almquist,  Prudence  Foster,  Harold  Butner,  Mary  Coder.  Last  row:  Terry 
Stahl,  Roy  Scalco,  David  Weinrib,  Sean  Solomon,  Ragnar  Stefansson,  Michael  Day, 
William  Key,  Alan  Boss,  Paul  Silver,  Ingi  Bjamason,  John  VanDecar. 

The  Director's  Introduction 

History,  as  it  lies  at  the  root  of  all  science,  is 

also  the  first  distinct  product  of  man's 

spiritual  nature;  his  earliest  expression  of 

what  can  be  called  Thought. 

Thomas  Carlyle 
On  History  (1830) 

As  British  historian  and  essayist  Thomas  Carlyle  recognized,  all 
scientists  are  to  some  extent  historians.  This  generalization  is 
particularly  apt  for  earth  scientists  and  astronomers.  By  means 
of  starlight  millions  to  billions  of  years  in  transit  or  minute  quantities  of 
a  radioactive  isotope  with  a  half-life  measured  in  billions  of  years,  we 
search  for  an  ever-improved  understanding  of  the  processes  governing 
the  behavior  of  galaxies,  stars,  and  the  solar  system.  The  objects  of  our 
study  are  by  their  very  nature  evolving,  at  times  violently,  and  the 
challenge  to  the  historians  of  such  objects  is  to  sift  through  the  residue 
of  past  events  within  our  observational  and  intellectual  grasp  and  to 
distill  the  most  important  themes.  Although  the  physical  world  is 
known  to  exhibit  stochastic  and  chaotic  behavior,  there  is  nonetheless 
an  overarching  optimism  among  earth  and  space  scientists  that 
common  physical  and  chemical  laws  underlie  all  phenomena,  and  that 
these  laws  provide  a  basis  for  hypothesis  formulation,  quantitative 
prediction,  and  rejection  of  false  hypotheses.  While  the  histories  we 
write  are  always  imperfect,  there  is  a  shared  method  that  binds  all  of 
our  efforts. 

The  two  essays  that  follow  exemplify  earth  and  planetary  science 
as  history.  The  first,  by  Richard  Carlson,  Steven  Shirey,  former  DTM 
Fellow  Graham  Pearson,  and  Geophysical  Laboratory  collaborator  F.  R. 
Boyd,  summarizes  recent  work  on  the  nature  of  the  mantle  beneath  the 



Earth's  continents.  Continents  are  generally  characterized  by  a  much 
greater  thickness  of  low-density  crust  than  oceanic  regions.  As  a  result, 
the  lithosphere  or  tectonic  plate  beneath  continents  is  too  buoyant  to 
participate  significantly  in  the  subduction  process  that  recycles  oceanic 
lithosphere  into  the  deeper  mantle,  and  parts  of  the  continental  crust 
are  billions  of  years  old.  The  oldest  continental  crust  has  also  been 
remarkably  stable  with  respect  to  tectonic  deformation  and  disruption. 
An  important  clue  to  the  mechanism  of  this  stability  is  the  evidence 
from  seismology  that  continental  crust  is  underlain  by  a  mantle 
lithospheric  root  of  anomalous  seismic  velocities  200  km  or  more  thick. 

By  a  fortune  of  nature,  samples  of  these  continental  roots  have  been 
ripped  from  their  lithospheric  resting  places  and  carried  to  the  surface 
during  the  volcanic  eruptions  of  magmas  generated  from  still  greater 
depths,  and  these  samples  are  available  for  detailed  geochemical 
analyses  in  the  laboratory.  Carlson  and  colleagues,  by  the  application  of 
Re-Os  isotope  systematics,  have  demonstrated  that  the  time  of  removal 
of  Re  (probably  by  partial  melting)  in  such  mantle  samples  from  South 
Africa  and  Siberia  is  about  the  same  as  the  3-3.5-billion-year  age  of  the 
crustal  rocks  near  their  respective  eruption  sites.  Their  result  indicates 
that  much  of  the  roots  of  ancient  continents  formed  at  the  same  time  as 
the  crust  to  which  they  are  attached.  It  therefore  appears  that  it  is  the 
strength  of  the  unusually  thick  lithosphere  that  has  provided  the  oldest 
continental  blocks  with  their  long-lived  stability.  The  mechanism  by 
which  these  deep  roots  formed  is  not  known,  but  Carlson  and 
colleagues  offer  the  intriguing  suggestion  that  they  arose  not  by  plate 
tectonic  processes  but  by  the  removal  of  large  melt  fractions  during  the 
ascent  of  hot  plumes  from  the  underlying  mantle,  plumes  early  in  the 
Earth's  history  that  may  have  been  hotter  or  more  vigorous  than  their 
more  modern  counterparts. 

The  second  essay  reviews  recent  work  by  my  students  and  me  on 
the  tectonic  evolution  of  Venus.  Once  known  as  our  sister  planet,  Venus 
offers  a  telling  example  of  how  the  gaps  in  our  understanding  of  the 
processes  that  have  governed  the  evolution  of  the  Earth  are  brought 
into  stark  focus  by  new  information.  Prior  to  the  Magellan  mission, 
whose  cloud-penetrating  radar  provided  the  first  high-resolution 
global  images  of  the  surface  of  Venus,  competing  hypotheses  for  the 
tectonic  and  volcanic  evolution  of  planet  Venus  were  strongly 
geomorphic,  variants  of  either  plate  tectonics  or  a  widespread  system 
of  mantle  plumes.  Instead  the  Magellan  images,  and  data  more  recently 
acquired  from  Magellan  on  the  planet's  gravity  field,  point  to  at  least 
two  distinct  eras  in  the  geological  history  of  the  planet,  neither  of  them 
plate-like  or  plume-like.  In  the  earlier  of  the  two  eras,  the  lithosphere 
was  able  to  deform  so  pervasively  as  to  render  the  surface  a  nearly 
unreadable  complex  of  faults  and  folds,  and  volcanism  was 
widespread.  In  the  younger  and  present  era,  in  striking  contrast,  the 


lithosphere  shows  signs  of  great  strength,  and  deformation  and 
volcanism  are  localized  to  a  few  regions  constituting  a  small  fraction  of 
the  surface  area.  Whether  these  patterns  have  repeated  throughout  the 
history  of  Venus  and,  if  so,  on  what  time  scale,  are  matters  of  debate 
and  ongoing  research,  but  it  is  a  sobering  lesson  that  apparently  modest 
differences  in  the  conditions  at  the  surface  or  at  the  outset  of  evolution 
have  pushed  Venus  and  Earth  onto  two  strongly  contrasting  paths. 

As  the  Earth  and  the  planets  evolve  by  processes  both  gradual  and 
abrupt,  so  too  do  institutions.  At  DTM,  the  course  of  our  research  can 
be  changed  significantly  by  an  unusual  natural  event.  Two  such  events 
punctuated  the  end  of  the  year  just  past. 

In  June,  two  portable  broadband  seismic  experiments  were  in 
progress  in  South  America,  one  led  by  David  James  aimed  toward 
probing  the  deep  structure  of  the  ancient  continental  lithosphere  of 
Brazil,  and  one  led  by  Paul  Silver  designed  to  image  the  structure  and 
define  the  large-scale  tectonics  of  the  subduction  zone  and  active 
mountain  belts  of  Bolivia  and  Chile.  On  June  9, 1994,  the  largest  deep 
earthquake  ever  recorded  occurred  beneath  Bolivia.  The  fortuitously 
sited  DTM  seismic  stations  are  providing  unique  data  on  the  nature  of 
that  unusual  event,  and  more  generally  on  the  mechanism  of  deep 
earthquakes  and  the  nature  of  mantle  convective  flow  beneath  western 
South  America. 

One  month  after  that  earthquake,  the  fragments  of  comet 
Shoemaker-Levy  9  crashed  into  the  upper  atmosphere  of  Jupiter, 

-  Pm^MMfi^^wi^Ai^;:.  ■■■: . : 

David  James  (far  right),  Randy  Kuehnel  (center),  and  Marcelo  Assumpcao  of  the 
University  of  Sao  Paulo,  Brazil,  service  a  portable  broadband  seismic  station  in 
Olimpia,  Sao  Paulo  State,  Brazil.  The  station  is  part  of  an  array  of  seismic  stations 
installed  to  study  deep  lithosphere  structure  beneath  the  ancient  continental  shield 
of  South  America. 


providing  for  the  first  time  an  opportunity  to  observe  the  effects  of  a 
large  impact  on  another  planetary  body.  Among  the  many  astronomers 
who  made  observations  of  those  impacts  were  DTM's  David 
Rabinowitz  and  Harold  Butner,  who  watched  events  unfold  on  the 
2.5-m  du  Pont  telescope  at  Las  Campanas.  Despite  generally 
cloud-covered  night  skies,  they  made  observations  of  comet  fragments 
a  few  days  prior  to  impact  that  show  evidence  for  ongoing 
fragmentation  and  the  development  of  dust  trails  emanating  from  each 
fragment  and  pointing  in  the  direction  of  Jupiter.  Their  findings  have 
helped  to  establish  precise  impact  times  and  may  yield  new  insight  into 
the  interaction  of  fine  dust  particles  with  the  Jovian  magnetosphere. 

The  most  critical  influence  on  the  history  of  a  department  comes 
from  the  movement  of  individuals,  and  DTM  experienced  several 
notable  transitions  in  the  last  year.  Julie  Morris  accepted  a  position  as 
research  associate  professor  at  Washington  University  and  resigned 
from  the  DTM  research  staff  at  the  end  of  1993.  Louis  Brown  retired 
from  the  research  staff  and  was  made  an  emeritus  staff  member  as  of 
the  end  of  January  1994,  although  the  passage  was  marked  by  no  break 
in  the  stride  of  either  his  work  or  his  daily  schedule.  In  response  to  the 
resulting  vacancies,  two  new  appointments  were  made  to  the  research 
staff:  Erik  Hauri  in  geochemistry  and  Conel  Alexander  in 
cosmochemistry.  Each  brings  to  the  department  a  high  level  of  energy, 
an  unusual  breadth,  and  an  exciting  research  agenda. 

Erik  Hauri,  trained  in  marine  geology  and  geochemistry,  has 
focused  his  research  on  the  geochemistry  of  the  Earth's  mantle.  He  has 
chosen  oceanic  island  basalts  and  the  nodules  of  mantle  material  they 
sometimes  contain  as  his  windows  to  such  broader  issues  as  the  nature 
and  origin  of  mantle  heterogeneity  and  the  relationships  among  mantle 
dynamics,  melting,  and  geochemical  mixing.  Even  as  a  graduate 
student,  he  brought  a  remarkable  diversity  of  skills  to  bear  on  his 
research  problems,  ranging  from  analytical  trace-element  and  isotope 
geochemistry,  to  theoretical  fluid  dynamics,  to  experimental 
high-temperature  and  high-pressure  measurements  of  the  partitioning 
of  diagnostic  elements  between  melt  and  the  minerals  remaining  in  the 
mantle  residue.  Since  arriving  at  DTM,  Hauri  has  led  the  Department's 
efforts  to  acquire  an  ion  microprobe,  an  instrument  that  permits  the 
measurement  and  imaging  in  situ  of  trace-element  concentrations  and 
isotope  ratios  in  rock  and  mineral  samples  at  a  spatial  resolution  as 
small  as  1  urn. 

Conel  Alexander's  most  visible  research  to  date  has  been  on  the 
nature  and  origin  of  small  meteorite  inclusions  of  carbon,  carbides,  or 
oxides  having  anomalous  isotope  ratios  tagging  them  as  Stardust 
surviving  from  a  time  before  the  formation  of  the  solar  nebula.  The 
search  for  these  once  interstellar  grains  involves  careful  chemical 
separation  techniques  and  ion  probe  analysis,  and  an  interpretation  of 

Sean  Solomon  (center)  with  new  staff  members  Erik  Hauri  (left)  and  Conel 
Alexander  in  the  geochemistry  building  mass  spectrometer  laboratory. 

the  isotope  anomalies  requires  an  understanding  of  the  nuclear 
reactions  and  astrophysical  processes  in  the  classes  of  stars  from  which 
the  grains  might  have  originated.  With  degrees  in  both  geology  and 
physics,  Alexander  brings  a  fluency  with  both  the  geochemical  and  the 
astrophysical  aspects  of  this  search.  His  research  interests  also  include 
the  formational  mechanisms  and  chemistry  of  chondritic  meteorites, 
and  the  chemical  identification  of  cometary  and  asteroidal  sources  of 
interplanetary  dust  particles  collected  in  the  Earth's  stratosphere. 

Whether  the  pursuit  of  answers  to  basic  questions  about  the  origin 
and  evolution  of  the  Earth  and  the  cosmos  is,  as  Carlyle  saw  history,  an 
expression  of  "man's  spiritual  nature,"  is  a  matter  for  the  philosophers. 
The  typical  individual  scientist  is  driven  more  by  an  enjoyment  of  the 
chase  and  the  satisfaction  of  learning  something  new  than  by  any  sense 
of  spiritual  imperative.  At  a  time  when  "curiosity-driven  research"  is 
out  of  vogue  with  many  of  those  elected  or  appointed  to  formulate  and 
implement  national  science  policy,  such  research  forms  the  backbone  of 
the  Carnegie  Institution.  For  those  of  us  fortunate  enough  to  be 
chartered  by  this  institution  to  follow  our  own  curiosities,  it  is 
incumbent  upon  us  to  direct  that  pursuit  toward  problems  both 
fundamental  in  nature  and  amenable  to  substantial  progress. 

— Sean  C.  Solomon 

The  Mantle  Beneath  Continents 

by  Richard  W.  Carlson,  Steven  B.  Shirey, 
D.  Graham  Pearson,  and  F.  R.  Boyd 

Inspired  in  part  by  the  puzzle-piece  fit  of  western  Africa  with 
eastern  South  America,  the  theory  of  continental  drift  and  its  driving 
mechanism,  plate  tectonics,  provides  a  unified  theory  to  explain  many 
surface  features  of  Earth.  Though  continents  and  the  shape  of  their 



boundaries  played  a  large  role  in  the  formulation  of  plate  tectonic 
thought,  continents  themselves  are  not  obvious  products  of  the  plate 
tectonic  process.  In  plate  tectonic  interpretations,  continents  are 
believed  to  form  as  amalgamations  of  the  thickened  volcanic  crusts 
created  above  subduction  zones,  where  oceanic  plates  descend  into  the 
interior.  But  in  fact,  the  volcanic  products  of  those  subduction  zones 
situated  purely  within  ocean  basins  are  not  similar  in  their 
major-element  composition  to  average  continental  crust.  Thus,  if 
continents  form  by  accumulation  of  subduction-related  volcanism,  an 
additional  step  of  chemical  processing  not  clearly  related  to  plate 
tectonics  is  required  to  produce  the  continents  we  observe  today. 

An  unusual  feature  of  the  continents,  particularly  the  oldest 
sections  of  the  continents  known  as  cratons,  is  that  they  seem  to  be 
underlain  by  deep  "keels"  of  mantle  distinguished  by  fast  seismic 
velocities  (and  strong  seismic  anisotropy,  as  described  by  Paul  Silver  in 
Year  Book  91,  pp.  66-78).  Fast  seismic  velocities  are  a  signature  of  cold 
mantle.  What  is  unexpected  about  these  keels  is  that  this  cold  mantle 
remains  attached  to  the  overlying  continent.  One  would  suppose  that 
cold  dense  mantle  should  either  delaminate  from  the  buoyant  crust  and 
sink  back  into  the  underlying  mantle  or  pull  the  crust  down  with  it,  as 
it  does  the  oceanic  crust  in  subduction  zones. 

These  observations  pose  many  questions.  Did  the  thick  keels  form 
purely  by  conductive  cooling  from  above?  Why  hasn't  the  cold  mantle 
broken  away  from  the  continent  or  caused  the  continent  to  subduct? 
What  characteristic  causes  the  mantle  keel  to  be  dynamically  stable 
beneath  continents?  Do  the  keels  play  some  role  in  the  long-term 
stability  of  continental  crust  and  perhaps  in  determining  its  chemical 
distinctions  from  oceanic  crust?  Does  the  presence  of  a  thick  mantle 

Left  to  right:  Steven  Shirey,  F.  R.  (Joe)  Boyd,  and  Richard  Carlson,  with  an 
unusually  large  xenolith  of  the  deep  mantle  found  in  the  Premier  kimberlite  of 
South  Africa. 

Fig.  1.  Sharp-edged  octahedral  diamond 
protruding  from  a  coarsely  crystalline  dunite 
xenolith  sample  from  the  Udachnaya  kimberlite, 
Siberia.  Such  xenoliths  are  thought  to  be  the 
dominant  host  rocks  for  diamonds  in  the 
Udachnaya  kimberlite  pipe.  The  presence  of 
diamond  indicates  derivation  from  great  depth 
(at  least  140  km),  and  Re-Os  isotope 
systematics  in  this  type  of  xenolith  indicate  an 
Archean  age,  greater  than  2.5  billion  years. 

keel  point  to  some  non-plate-tectonic  mechanism  for  the  origin  of  the 
first  continental  crust? 

Addressing  these  questions,  using  chemical  and  isotopic  tracers  to 
reconstruct  the  geologic  history  of  the  mantle  keels  and  their  influence 
on  the  volcanism  that  has  penetrated  continents,  has  been  a  prime  goal 
in  the  geochemical  research  at  DTM. 

Direct  Examination:  Mantle  Samples  in  the  Laboratory 

Certain  types  of  continental  volcanism,  particularly  the  kimberlite 
type,  originate  from  sufficient  depth  and  erupt  with  such  explosive 
force  that  they  carry  to  the  surface  pieces  of  the  mantle  that  line  the 
volcanic  conduits.  These  "xenoliths"  of  mantle  material,  including 
diamonds  and  their  silicate  mineral  inclusions  (Fig.  1),  provide  samples 
of  continental  mantle  from  depths  of  up  to  200  km  and  perhaps  much 
deeper.  In  many  previous  studies  over  the  years,  Boyd  and  colleagues 
have  shown  that  most  mantle  xenoliths  from  old  continental  keels  have 
major-element  characteristics  suggesting  that  they  are  residues  from  the 
extraction  of  partial  melts.  Melting  in  the  mantle  preferentially  extracts 
elements  like  calcium,  aluminum,  and  iron,  to  leave  a  residue  enriched 
in  magnesium  (Fig.  2).  The  depletion  in  aluminum  lessens  the 
abundance  of  the  dense  mineral  garnet  in  the  depleted  mantle  which, 
coupled  with  its  relatively  low  iron  content,  causes  depleted 
subcontinental  mantle  to  be  less  dense  than  surrounding  "fertile" 
mantle  even  after  it  cools  below  ambient  mantle  temperatures.  Thus, 
the  thick  sections  of  seismically  slow  mantle  beneath  old  continents 
float  stably  because  of  their  intrinsically  low  density  caused  by  partial 
melt  removal. 

To  better  understand  the  mechanism  of  formation  of  continental 
mantle  keels,  we  have  been  working  with  Peter  Nixon  of  Leeds 
University  on  xenoliths  from  southern  Africa  and  with  visiting 
scientists  Nicholai  Sobolev  and  Nicholai  Poikilenko  on  a  similar 
xenolith  suite  from  Siberia.  Through  study  of  the  trace-element  and 
isotopic  compositions  of  the  xenoliths,  we  have  been  able  to  reconstruct 



much  of  the  geologic  history  of  the  continental  mantle  keels  and  infer 
the  mechanism  of  their  origin  and  their  role  in  continent  formation  and 

Time  and  Duration  of  Keel  Formation 

The  first  question  to  be  addressed  is  how  old  are  these  continental 
keels?  Age  determinations  can  provide  answers  to  several  questions. 
Did  the  keels  form  by  gradual  cooling  from  above?  Are  they  created  in 
some  event  of  much  shorter  duration?  What  is  the  relation  of  their  age 
to  the  age  of  the  overlying  continental  crust? 

The  most  common  method  to  determine  the  age  of  a  rock  relies  on 
the  gradual  build-up  of  the  decay  products  of  naturally  occurring 
radioactive  elements  in  individual  minerals.  Mantle  xenoliths,  however, 
resided  at  temperatures  of  800°C  or  higher  in  the  mantle  prior  to  their 
capture  by  the  volcanic  host.  At  such  high  temperatures,  chemical 
diffusion  is  sufficiently  fast  to  homogenize  the  isotopic  composition  of 
the  generally  sub-millimeter-sized  minerals  that  form  these  rocks. 
Because  of  this,  ages  determined  by  comparison  of  the  isotopic 
composition  of  separated  minerals  from  a  single  xenolith  usually  reflect 
the  time  of  eruption  of  the  host  magma,  but  not  necessarily  the  time  of 



0>     55 


%  Melt  Removed  from  Mantle 


+  Kaapvaal 
o  Siberian 

(Q  Fertile,  Unmelted  Mantle 







Fig.  2.  Partial  melting  of  primordial,  "fertile"  material  in  the  mantle  leaves  residues 
enriched  in  magnesium  and  depleted  in  iron.  Here,  the  circle  at  lower  right 
represents  fertile  mantle.  The  solid  lines  show  experimentally  determined  values  of 
FeO  vs.  MgO  concentration  in  residues  following  various  degrees  (percentages)  of 
melting  at  conditions  generally  understood  to  exist  in  the  mantle. 

Crosses  and  circles  plot  FeO  vs.  MgO  concentrations  measured  in  mantle 
xenoliths  from  the  Kaapvaal  and  Siberian  cratons.  It  can  be  seen  that  if  a  simple 
melting  model  for  craton  formation  is  applicable,  then  these  xenoliths  could  be 
residues  of  between  20%  and  50%  melting  of  fertile  mantle. 


formation  of  the  section  of  mantle  from  which  the  xenolith  was  derived. 

Formation  ages  for  the  mantle  keel  theoretically  could  be 
determined  by  comparison  of  the  radiogenic  isotopic  composition  of 
different  xenoliths  sampled  from  nearby  localities.  However,  the 
xenolith  sampling  process  is  random,  and  there  is  no  guarantee  that 
different  xenoliths  are  related.  In  addition,  the  xenoliths  often  are 
contaminated  by  small  amounts  of  infiltration  from  the  host  magma. 
Compared  to  the  xenoliths,  the  host  magmas  contain  very  high 
concentrations  of  strontium,  neodymium,  and  lead.  Contamination  by 
the  host  magma  thus  severely  perturbs  the  indigenous  isotopic 
composition  of  these  radiogenic  elements  in  the  xenoliths,  eliminating 
the  possibility  of  age  determination  by  these  classical  radiometric 

What  was  needed  in  order  to  determine  the  age  distribution  of  the 
subcontinental  mantle  was  a  technique  that  could  provide  the  age  of  a 
single  xenolith.  That  technique  was  afforded  by  technical  developments 
that  allowed  measurement  of  the  rhenium  (Re)  and  osmium  (Os) 
isotopic  composition  of  xenolith  samples  (see  essay  by  Shirey  and 
Carlson,  Year  Book  90,  pp.  58-71).  During  the  event  that  depleted  the 
mantle  xenoliths  in  calcium,  aluminum,  and  iron,  Re  also  appears  to 
have  been  nearly  completely  removed,  while  Os  concentrations  either 
were  unaffected  or  increased  slightly.  This  is  exactly  what  would  be 
expected  given  the  chemical  behavior  of  Re  and  Os  during  melting  at 
mantle  conditions.  Re  is  a  so-called  incompatible  element,  which  means 
that  it  preferentially  partitions  into  the  melt  in  melt  formation.  Os,  on 
the  other  hand,  is  a  strongly  compatible  element;  it  concentrates  in  the 
residual  minerals  rather  than  going  into  the  forming  melt.  Thus,  the 
depletion  of  Re  in  subcontinental  mantle  xenoliths  is  consistent  with 
the  major-element  characteristics  described  earlier  suggesting  that 
xenoliths  (and  the  keels  they  represent)  are  the  residues  of  some  past 
partial  melt  extraction. 

The  radioactive  isotope  187Re  decays  into  187Os  with  a  half-life  of 
42.5  billion  years.  Thus  the  Os  composition  of  a  sample  containing  187Re 
is  constantly  changing.  But  the  extraction  of  Re  from  the  subcontinental 
mantle  "freezes  in"  the  Os  isotopic  composition  of  the  future  xenolith 
samples  at  the  time  of  the  event  responsible  for  Re  loss.  By  comparison 
with  the  Os  isotopic  compositions  expected  for  fertile  mantle  (mantle 
not  depleted  by  melting)  throughout  the  Earth's  history,  the  measured 
Os  isotopic  composition  of  a  mantle  xenolith  can  be  used  to  determine 
the  time  of  the  Re  depletion  event.  These  "Re-depletion"  ages  are 
minimum  estimates  of  the  true  age  of  differentiation,  since  both 
incomplete  Re  extraction  in  the  initial  event  and  Re  addition  by 
possible  later  magma  infiltration  will  result  in  continued  Os  isotopic 
evolution  and  hence  younger  estimates  of  the  time  of  Re  depletion  (Fig. 

10%  Melt 

Residue  of  30%  Melting 






Time  (billion  years  ago) 

Fig.  3.  The  ratio  of  1870s  to  1880s  changes  with  time  as  the  result  of  187Re  decay 
into  1870s.  In  the  fertile  mantle,  the  isotopic  composition  of  Os  will  evolve  over  the 
Earth's  history  along  the  dark  line.  Here,  a  melting  event  occurring  3.5  billion  years 
ago  is  postulated;  the  preferential  extraction  of  Re  into  the  melt  would  produce  rapid 
growth  in  1870s  in  the  extracted  material  (shown  in  the  near-vertical  lines),  but  less 
change  in  1870s  in  the  residue  material  (shown  in  the  more-horizontal  lines). 

Present-day  measurement  of  1870s/1880s  (=  0.12  here)  in  the  residue  gives  an 
indication  of  the  age  of  Re  depletion  TRD  by  extrapolating  horizontally  (dashed  line)  to 
intersect  the  dark  line.  As  shown  here,  if  the  extent  of  partial  melting  is  low  (here 
1 0%)  the  result  will  underestimate  the  true  age  of  the  melting  event,  while  if  the 
extent  of  melting  is  greater  (30%),  the  Re/Os  of  the  residue  will  approach  zero  and 
the  TRD  will  approach  the  true  age  (here  3.5  billion  years)  of  melting. 

Figure  4  shows  the  results  of  our  Os  isotopic  measurements  of 
xenoliths  from  southern  Africa.  The  ages  determined  for  individual 
samples  are  plotted  at  the  approximate  depth  of  origin  as  determined 
by  major-element  chemical  partitioning  between  the  minerals  of  the 
xenoliths.  Looking,  for  example,  at  the  data  for  xenoliths  from  the 
kimberlites  from  North  Lesotho,  a  sample  from  approximately  50  km 
depth  gives  a  Re-depletion  model  of  2.9  billion  years,  while  a  much 
deeper  sample,  one  derived  from  within  the  stability  field  of  diamond, 
gives  a  nearly  identical  age  of  2.8  billion  years.  Similar  ages  have  been 
obtained  for  xenoliths  from  throughout  the  depth  range  sampled  by 
xenoliths  from  the  Siberian  craton  mantle.  Even  ignoring  the  fact  that 
Re-depletion  model  ages  are  minimum  estimates  to  the  formation  age 
of  these  samples,  every  xenolith  analyzed  so  far  from  the  nearly 
200-km-thick  section  sampled  by  the  North  Lesotho  kimberlites 
suggests  an  ancient  origin  (i.e.,  2.6  billion  years  ago  or  more)  for  the 
material  that  makes  up  the  mantle  keel.  Furthermore,  the  implied 
formation  interval  of  only  a  few  hundred  million  years  or  less  for  the 
whole,  200-km-thick,  mantle  keel  is  too  short  to  be  consistent  with 
formation  by  cooling  from  above  and  suggests  another  mechanism  of 
formation.  Scatter  in  Re-depletion  ages  observed  in  South  African  and 
Siberian  pipes  may  reflect  true  scatter  in  formation  ages  for  the 
subcontinental  mantle,  but  it  may  reflect  nothing  more  than  imperfect 



adherence  of  the  samples  to  the  simple  single-event  depletion  model 
used  in  the  calculation  of  their  Re-depletion  ages. 

The  maximum  ages  obtained  for  samples  of  the  mantle  keels  in  the 
Siberian  and  Kaapvaal  cratons  are  essentially  the  same  as  the  oldest 
ages  obtained  for  rocks  in  the  overlying  crust.  This  result  suggests  that 
substantial  portions  of  the  thick  mantle  keels  beneath  the  continents 
formed  at  the  same  time  as  the  overlying  crustal  sections,  and  that  they 
have  remained  firmly  attached  to  the  crust  ever  since  (Fig.  5).  The 
long-term  stable  association  of  crust  with  mantle  keel  is  particularly 
surprising,  since  although  mantle  keels  are  indeed  cooler  than  the 
ambient  convecting  mantle  below,  temperatures  are  still  high  enough 
(1000°C)  to  allow  the  keels  to  deform  plastically  and  eventually  to  flow 
and  mix  with  surrounding  convecting  mantle. 

Formation  Mechanism  of  Mantle  Keels 

The  evidence  for  depletion  in  Re  and  the  major  elements  that 
partition  into  melts  suggests  that  continental  mantle  keels  are  residues 
left  from  melt  extraction.  The  degree  of  melt  extraction  needed  to 
explain  the  major-element  composition  of  keel  rocks,  however,  is  very 
large  compared  to  that  observed  in  the  residues  of  modern  mid-ocean 
ridge  melting,  which  produces  melts  of  basaltic  composition.  The 
ancient  Re-Os  ages  obtained  for  xenoliths  from  the  mantle  keels 
indicate  that  the  melting  events  occurred  early  in  the  Earth's  history, 
when  the  average  temperature  of  the  mantle  was  hotter  than  it  is  today. 

W  I 















_     3.1- 


2.1  - 



Fig.  4.  Schematic  cross-section  of  the 
mantle  provided  by  three  kimberlite 
localities  (Jagersfontein,  Premier,  and 
North  Lesotho — the  solid  vertical  pipes) 
erupted  through  the  Kaapvaal  craton  of 
southern  Africa.  Numbers  along  these 
pipes  show  the  Re-depletion  model 
ages,  in  billions  of  years,  obtained  from 
xenoliths  derived  from  the  approximate 
depths  shown.  The  spinel-garnet  and 
graphite-diamond  lines  show  the  depth 
of  important  phase  changes  in  the 
mantle  caused  by  increasing  pressure 
with  depth;  these  are  guideposts  in  the 
determinations  of  depth  indicated. 

Kaapvaal  Craton 

O     CO 

>-  CD 



Lower  crustal  xenoliths   I 1 

Witwatersrand  Osmiridiums  I 1 

Greenstones  &  Ancient  Gneiss  Complex  I — I 








Fig.  5.  Histogram  shows  Re-depletion 
model  ages  TRD  obtained  from  Kaapvaal 
and  Siberian  craton  xenolith  samples. 
Note  that  TRD's  are  minimum  age 
estimates  so  that  a  histogram  peak  at  2.2 
billion  years  for  the  Kaapvaal  and  1 .8 
billion  years  for  Siberia  is  not  inconsistent 
with  the  craton  formation  ages  of  3-3.5 
billion  years.  Also  shown,  in  the 
horizontal  bars,  are  measured  ages  of 
the  oldest  surface  rocks  overlying  both 
cratons,  plotted  against  the  scale  at  foot. 
These  values  define  the  3-3.5  billion 
year  continental  age. 

Siberian  Craton 

Anabar  Shield 

Olekma  Gneiss-Greenstones  Aldan  Shield 

Eclogite  xenoliths 


i_    CD    O 

£    Q. 
-P  CO  2 

Eruption  Age 





TRD  (billions  of  years) 

Nevertheless,  the  predominant  volcanic  rock  erupted  in  the  Archean 
(2.5  billion  years  ago)  is  basalt  not  significantly  different  in  composition 
from  modern  basalts.  This  indicates  that  the  shallow  Archean  mantle 
probably  was  not  more  than  about  200°C  hotter  than  the  present 
shallow  mantle. 

One  means  to  bring  hotter,  deep  mantle  towards  the  surface  is  as  a 
"plume"  of  rising  material.  Plumes  are  cylindrical  "bubbles"  that  rise 
through  the  general  circulation  pattern  of  mantle  convection  to  create 
fixed  centers  of  volcanism,  such  as  at  Hawaii  today.  Plumes  are  thought 
to  be  initiated  at  major  thermal  boundary  layers  in  the  Earth's  interior, 
for  example  the  core-mantle  boundary,  where  the  high  temperature  of 
the  lower  layer  causes  material  of  the  upper  layer  to  form  plumes 
which  carry  off  the  heat  from  below. 

Given  the  very  highly  melt-depleted  character  of  the  mantle  keels 
to  Archean  cratons  (such  as  the  Kaapvaal  and  Siberian),  the  materials 
that  make  up  these  keels  may  be  the  residues  of  ancient  plumes  left 
behind  after  the  extraction  of  high-degree  (more  than  30%)  partial 
melts.  High-degree  melts,  called  komatiites,  are  known  in  Archean 
surface  areas,  but  they  are  rare  and  volumetrically  inconsequential 
compared  to  the  volume  of  melt  that  would  be  produced  by 
high-degree  melting  to  leave  a  complete  mantle  keel.  An  alternate 
explanation  for  the  fate  of  the  high-degree  melts  is  as  follows:  as  the 
unmelted  source  plume  rose  from  the  deep  mantle,  melting  occurred  at 
a  depth  great  enough  for  the  melts  to  sink  rather  than  rise  with  the 
residual  solids.  (Because  silicate  melts  are  more  compressible  than  solid 
crystals,  at  approximately  200-km  depth  melts  are  more  dense  than  the 


solids  they  form  from.  Under  these  conditions,  the  residual  solids  will 
continue  to  rise  as  the  plume,  but  the  melts  will  descend  and  remain  in 
the  deeper  mantle.)  Thus,  the  combination  of  ancient  ages,  a  small 
spread  in  age,  and  the  highly  melt-depleted  character  of  mantle  keels 
suggest  that  the  first  cores  to  the  continents  formed  not  in  a  subduction 
setting,  as  modern  continental  crust  seems  to  form,  but  by  large-degree 
melting  of  a  hot  plume  rising  from  the  deep  mantle. 

The  Tectonic  Evolution  of  Venus 

by  Sean  C.  Solomon 

The  planet  Venus  provides  a  strong  challenge  to  the  maxim  that  the 
study  of  other  planetary  bodies  will  lead  to  a  deeper 
understanding  of  the  Earth.  Venus  is  the  planet  most  similar  to  the 
Earth  in  mass,  radius,  and  solar  distance.  Current  theories  for  the  early 
evolution  of  the  inner  solar  system — in  the  development  of  which 
DTM's  George  Wetherill  has  played  a  leading  role — suggest  that  Earth 
and  Venus  formed  by  the  accretion  of  planetesimals  which  collectively 
constituted  a  well-mixed  sample  of  material  from  the  inner  solar 
nebula.  Thus  the  bulk  compositions  of  the  two  planets  should  be 
similar,  and,  in  particular,  the  rates  of  internal  heat  generation  and 
therefore  the  energy  available  to  drive  interior  convection  should  also 
be  similar.  An  important  difference  between  the  two  planets,  however, 
is  in  the  character  of  their  atmospheres.  The  mass  of  the  dominantly 
C02  atmosphere  of  Venus  is  two  orders  of  magnitude  greater,  as  a 
fraction  of  planet  mass,  than  that  of  the  Earth,  and  the  surface 
temperature  is  450°C  higher,  a  consequence  of  continuous  global  cloud 
cover  and  a  runaway  greenhouse.  The  column  density  of  H20  in  the 
Venus  atmosphere  is  from  four  to  five  orders  of  magnitude  less  than 
that  of  the  atmosphere  and  hydrosphere  on  Earth.  As  a  result,  the 
Venus  surface  lacks  a  water  cycle,  and  the  processes  of  weathering, 
erosion,  and  sediment  transport  that  dominate  terrestrial  landforms  are 
comparatively  unimportant. 

On  Earth,  the  surface  manifestation  of  interior  convection  is  the 
steady  relative  motion  of  the  tectonic  plates,  which  separate  at 
mid-ocean  ridges,  converge  at  deep-sea  trenches  and  active  mountain 
belts,  and  slip  horizontally  past  one  another  along  great  fault  zones. 
The  recycling  of  oceanic  plates  at  convergence  zones,  and  their 
magmatic  renewal  at  mid-ocean  ridges,  serve  to  resurface  the  Earth's 
ocean  floor  continuously  on  a  time  scale  of  about  100  million  years.  The 
Earth's  continents,  underlain  by  thick  buoyant  crust,  do  not  participate 


significantly  in  that  recycling  and  thus  preserve  a  long  and  complex 
history  of  deformation,  igneous  activity,  erosion,  and  sedimentation,  as 
well  as  rocks  as  old  as  four  billion  years.  To  what  extent  do  the 
large-scale  patterns  of  volcanism  and  deformation  on  Venus,  with  a 
similar  internal  heat  budget  but  with  very  different  surface  conditions, 
resemble  those  of  the  Earth? 

This  question  was  among  several  that  motivated  the  Magellan 
spacecraft  mission  to  Venus.  While  the  thick  cloud  cover  precludes 
optical  studies  of  the  Venus  surface  from  Earth  or  from  orbit,  a  series  of 
Earth-based  and  orbital  radar  experiments  dating  back  three  decades 
demonstrated  that  radar  imaging  could  yield  important  information  on 
the  planet's  geology.  The  Magellan  mission,  managed  by  the  Jet 
Propulsion  Laboratory,  was  designed  to  image  the  surface  at  a 
horizontal  resolution  of  100-300  m  and  to  map  the  surface  elevation  at 
a  vertical  resolution  of  about  80  m  and  a  horizontal  resolution  of  about 
10  km.  A  single  radar  system,  operated  in  a  side-looking  synthetic 
aperture  mode  for  imaging  and  in  a  nadir-looking  mode  for  altimetry, 
accomplished  both  objectives.  As  a  member  of  the  Magellan  radar 
team,  I  was  charged  with  leading  the  team  efforts  to  apply  the  mission 
results  to  an  understanding  of  the  global  tectonics  of  Venus. 

The  mission  lasted  more  than  five  years.  The  spacecraft  was 
launched  in  May  1989  and  placed  into  a  nearly  polar,  elliptical  orbit 
about  Venus  in  August  1990.  Over  the  course  of  each  Venus  day  (equal 
to  243  Earth  days),  Venus  turned  once  on  its  axis  beneath  the  plane  of 
the  spacecraft  orbit.  For  two  years,  Magellan  obtained  radar  images  of 
more  than  98%  of  the  Venus  surface.  In  the  fall  of  1992  the  elevation  of 
the  spacecraft  orbit  at  closest  approach  (periapsis)  was  lowered  to  180 
km,  and  the  transmitter  antenna  was  pointed  toward  the  Earth  during 
periapsis  passage  to  permit  the  measurement  of  spacecraft 
accelerations  (inferred  from  Doppler  shifts  in  the  transmitter  carrier 
frequency)  produced  by  the  planetary  gravitational  field.  Because  the 
sensitivity  to  the  gravity  field  of  a  spacecraft  in  an  elliptical  orbit  is 
poor  at  latitudes  far  from  the  periapsis  latitude,  an  aerobraking  scheme 
was  carried  out  during  the  summer  of  1993  to  achieve  a  nearly  circular 
orbit  of  about  200-300  km  elevation.  Tracking  the  spacecraft  in  this 
circular  orbit  until  October  1994  yielded  a  global  gravity  field  of  nearly 
uniform  resolution. 

Volcanism  and  Tectonics 

Magellan  images  revealed  that  volcanic  and  tectonic  features  of  a 
wide  variety  of  styles  and  scales  are  present  on  Venus.  Volcanic  plains 
constitute  80%  of  the  surface.  Edifices  range  in  size  from  small  domes 
near  the  limit  of  resolution  to  large  volcanoes  hundreds  of  kilometers  in 
diameter.  Most  of  the  plains  have  been  subjected  to  modest 

Fig.  1 .  Magellan  radar  image  of  the  rifted  highland  region  known  as  Beta  Regio. 
The  radar-bright  areas  consist  of  a  fabric  of  closely  spaced  families  of  faults  and 
folds  of  various  trends.  This  terrain  has  been  stretched  in  the  east-west  direction, 
leading  to  the  formation  of  north-south-trending  faults  and  the  steep-sided  rift  valley 
(with  east-facing  walls  nearly  in  radar  shadow)  visible  in  the  center  of  the  image.  The 
rift-related  faults  splay  to  the  northwest  and  northeast.  Dark  patches  are  smooth  and 
are  inferred  to  be  volcanic  deposits  overlying  the  older  bright  terrain.  The  image  is 
centered  at  about  33.5°N,  283°E,  and  is  900  km  wide.  (This  and  all  subsequent  radar 
images  are  in  sinusoidal  equal-area  projection;  north  is  up,  and  the  radar  illumination 
direction  is  from  the  left;  the  incidence  angle  of  the  radar  is  about  41  °  for  this  image 
and  in  general  is  a  function  of  latitude.) 

deformation,  typically  manifested  as  families  of  faults  or  folds  spaced 
at  a  few  to  a  few  tens  of  kilometers  and  often  coherent  over  distances  of 
hundreds  or  thousands  of  km.  Zones  of  more-concentrated  horizontal 
extension  or  shortening  of  the  crust  are  also  common.  There  are  rift 
zones  (Fig.  1)  having  dimensions  and  relief  similar  to  intracontinental 
rift  structures  on  Earth,  such  as  the  East  African  or  Rio  Grande  rifts. 
Ridge  belts  (Fig.  2),  marked  by  many  closely  spaced  folds  and  thrust 
faults  and  up  to  1  km  of  relief,  are  the  dominant  structures  in  several 
plains  regions.  Ringing  one  highland  region  are  mountain  belts  (Fig.  3) 
comparable  in  relief  and  horizontal  dimensions  to  those  on  Earth;  these 
belts  presumably  formed,  as  on  Earth,  by  horizontal  compression  and 
crustal  thickening.  Few  large-offset  strike-slip  faults,  such  as  the  San 
Andreas  fault  on  Earth,  are  observed  on  Venus,  but  limited  local 
horizontal  shear  has  been  accommodated  across  many  zones  of  crustal 
stretching  or  shortening  (Fig.  2). 

Venus  also  displays  landforms  having  no  evident  terrestrial 
counterpart.  Many  elevated  areas  are  characterized  by  extremely 
complex,  intersecting  patterns  of  tectonic  features  at  a  range  of  scales 
(Fig.  4).  These  tessera  terrains  preserve  a  record  of  multiple  stages  of 
pervasive  strain  of  diverse  geometry.  Apparently  unique  to  Venus  are 



the  generally  circular  corona  structures,  60  to  more  than  1000  km  in 
diameter,  typically  marked  by  an  annulus  of  closely  spaced,  concentric 
faults  and  folds  (Fig.  5).  Many  coronae  have  elevated  interiors,  and 
many  are  centers  of  extensive  volcanism.  The  leading  interpretation  is 
that  these  features  overlie  sites  of  upwelling  and  melt  generation  in  the 
Venus  mantle. 

In  general,  the  preserved  record  of  global  volcanism  and  tectonics 
of  Venus  does  not  resemble  plate  tectonics  on  Earth.  Venus  has  no 
globally  continuous  system  of  structures  analogous  to  the  Earth's 
tectonic  plate  boundaries,  and  no  landforms  analogous  to  terrestrial 
mid-ocean  ridges.  How,  then,  can  we  begin  to  make  sense  of  the 
diversity  and  distribution  of  volcanic  and  deformational  features  on  the 

Age  of  the  Venus  Surface 

A  critical  context  for 
interpreting  a  planet's 
geological  record  is 
information  on  the  age  of 
the  surface.  For  Venus,  in 
the  absence  of  returned 
rock  samples  suitable  for 
geochemical  analysis,  the 
only  measure  of  surface 
age  is  the  density  of 
impact  craters.  As 
expected  on  the  basis  of 
earlier  data  and  theoretical 
models,  Magellan  revealed 
that  impact  craters  smaller 
than  about  30  km  in 
diameter  are 
underrepresented  on 
Venus  (because  of  the 
severe  decrease  in  the 
kinetic  energy  of  small 
meteoroids  during  transit 
through  the  dense  Venus 
atmosphere).  The  spatial 
density  of  craters  larger 
than  30  km  in  diameter, 
together  with  estimates  of 
the  cratering  rate  scaled 
from  the  Earth  and  Moon 






Fig.  2.  Magellan  radar  image  of  a  ridge  belt  in  the 
lowland  plains  region  known  as  Lavinia  Planitia.  The 
ridge  belt,  visible  as  the  family  of  bright,  NNE-trending 
ridges  on  the  left  side  of  the  image,  rises  200  m  above 
the  surrounding  plains.  Individual  ridges  are  1-5  km 
wide  and  spaced  5-15  km  apart.  Long,  narrow 
lineations  trend  primarily  WNW.  Some  of  these 
lineations  curve  as  they  approach,  and  appear  to  be 
offset  horizontally  across,  the  ridge  belt.  The 
combination  of  positive  relief  and  horizontal  offset 
suggests  that  the  ridge  belt  was  formed  by  a 
combination  of  compression  and  left-lateral  shear.  The 
image,  centered  near  49°S,  343°E,  is  240  km  wide. 

Fig.  3.  Magellan  radar  image  of  part  of  the 
northwestern  arm  of  Maxwell  Montes,  which 
stand  at  elevations  up  to  11  km  above  mean 
planetary  elevation  and  constitute  the  highest 
mountain  belt  on  Venus.  Elevation  rises  5  km 
from  the  northwest  corner  to  the  eastern  edge  of 
the  image.  The  radar-bright  front  of  the  mountain 
belt,  sloping  approximately  SW  in  the  region 
shown,  consists  of  ridges  spaced  3-10  km  at 
lower  elevations  (lower  center  of  the  image)  and 
10-20  km  at  the  higher  elevations  to  the  right. 
Steeper  slopes  on  the  western  sides  of  these 
ridges  suggests  that  they  are  the  product  of 
thrust  faulting.  On  the  steep  slope  of  the 
mountain  belt  visible  in  the  northwestern  corner 
of  the  image  are  depressions  1-2  m  wide  and 
spaced  15  km  apart;  these  extensional 
structures  are  likely  the  result  of  gravitational 
spreading  of  the  high  terrain.  The  image, 
centered  near  66.5°N,  357°E,  is  250  km  wide. 

or  taken  from  the  known 
population  of  Venus-crossing 
asteroids,  indicate  an  average 
surface  age  of  about  500  million 
years,  or  10%  of  the  age  of  the 
solar  system.  This  surface  age, 
greater  than  that  of  the  Earth's 
ocean  floor  but  less  than  the 
radiometric  age  of  the  Earth's 
continental  rocks  or  the  surface 
age  of  the  Moon,  Mercury,  or 
Mars,  in  itself  is  not  remarkable 
for  a  planet  having  a  hot, 









:     I 




Fig.  4.  Magellan  radar  image  of  heavily  deformed  tessera 
terrain  in  the  upland  area  known  as  Tellus  Regio.  The  terrain  is 
dominated  by  extensional  fault  structures  trending  NNW.  Several 
NE-trending  topographic  ridges  may  be  remnants  of  earlier 
products  of  horizontal  shortening.  This  type  of  complexly 
deformed  terrain  is  typical  of  many  highland  regions  on  Venus. 
The  image,  120  km  wide,  is  centered  on  39.5°N,  85.7°E. 


dynamic  interior  (like  the 
Earth),  albeit  one  on  which 
erosion  is  unimportant. 

On  most  solid  planets 
and  satellites,  the  density  of 
impact  craters  varies  from 
one  geological  unit  to 
another,  and  there  are 
abundant  examples  of  craters 
substantially  modified  by  the 
later  action  of  internal  (e.g., 
volcanism,  faulting)  or 
surface  processes.  On  Venus, 
in  contrast,  the  global 
distribution  of  craters  is 
indistinguishable  from  that  of 
a  spatially  random 
population,  and  most  of  the 
craters  (Fig.  6)  have  not  been 
significantly  modified  by 
tectonic  deformation  or  by 
volcanic  flows  external  to  the 
crater  rim.  One  interpretation 
of  these  unusual 
characteristics  is  that  most  of 
the  surface  of  Venus  dates 
from  the  end  of  a  global 

resurfacing  event  that  ceased  abruptly  about  500  million  years  ago, 
and  that  the  small  fraction  of  craters  volcanically  embayed  or  modified 
by  deformation  indicates  that  volcanic  and  tectonic  activity  since  that 
time  has  been  at  much  lower  levels.  A  contrasting  view  is  that  the 
Venus  surface  exhibits  a  spectrum  of  ages.  This  view  is  supported  by 
the  observations  that  modified  craters  tend  to  be  located  in  areas  of  low 
crater  density  (i.e.,  we  are  seeing  the  crater  removal  process  at  work) 
and  that  low  crater  density  appears  to  correlate  with  increased  radar 
backscatter  (a  quantity  elevated  in  regions  of  high  topography  and  high 
roughness,  both  thought  to  be  signatures  of  comparative  geological 

While  the  paucity  of  small  craters  prevents  the  use  of  crater  density 
to  determine  the  relative  ages  of  individual  geological  units, 
as  has  been  done  for  the  solid  planets  and  satellites  lacking  a  significant 
atmosphere,  it  is  possible  to  group  areas  on  Venus  by  criteria 
independent  of  the  crater  population  and  to  assess  relative  ages  among 
groups.  On  this  basis,  MIT  predoctoral  fellow  Noriyuki  Namiki  and  I 
were  able  to  show  that  the  density  of  impact  craters  on  175  volcanoes  at 

Fig.  5.  Magellan  radar  image  of  the  Idem-Kuva  corona 
structure.  Corona  structures  are  distinguished  by  an 
annulus  of  deformed  terrain  and  frequently  by  an  elevated 
interior.  Radar-bright  volcanic  flows  emanate  from 
topographic  highs  of  more  than  1  km  relief  in  the  eastern 
and  western  portions  of  this  structure.  The  corona, 
centered  at  25°N,  358°E,  is  about  230  km  in  diameter. 



least  50  km  in  diameter,  as  a  group,  is  half  that  of  the  planet  as  a  whole. 
In  other  words,  the  lava  flows  that  make  up  the  surfaces  of  these  large 
volcanoes  should  have  an  average  age  of  approximately  250  million 
years.  Of  course,  flows  both  younger  and  older  than  this  age  must  be 
present,  and  a  plausible  hypothesis  is  that  the  age  distribution  of  large 
volcanoes  is  approximately  uniform  over  the  last  500  million  years.  By 
similar  reasoning,  we  have  shown  that  while  coronae  as  a  group  are  not 
significantly  younger  than  the  global  average  surface  age,  the 
subgroups  of  coronae  having  the  most  voluminous  volcanic  deposits 
are  resolvably  younger.  Another  team  has  used  the  same  approach  to 
argue  that  tessera  terrain  has  a  greater  density  of  large  impact  craters 
and  is  therefore  older  than  the  average  planet  surface  and,  in  particular, 
the  widespread  volcanic  plains.  Careful  stratigraphic  mapping  by 
planetary  geologists  has  verified  that  tessera  terrain  is  older  than,  and 
volcanoes  are  typically  younger  than,  both  regional  plains  deposits  and 
most  corona  structures. 

Gravity  Anomalies 

Important  clues  to  the  interior  structure  and  dynamics  of  Venus 
come  from  an  examination  of  the  relationship  between  variations  in  the 
gravity  field  and  variations  in  surface  elevation.  Variations  in  gravity 


Fig.  6.  Magellan  radar  image  of  an  impact  crater  70  km  in  diameter.  Radar-bright, 
rough-textured  ejecta  extending  up  to  two  crater  radii  from  the  crater  center  (near 
4°S,  157°E)  and  the  remarkable  bright  flow  features  extending  hundreds  of 
kilometers  from  the  crater  walls  are  thought  to  date  from  the  impact  event  and  have 
not  been  subsequently  modified  to  any  significant  degree  by  later  deformation  or 
volcanism  exterior  to  the  crater  (although  the  generally  radar-dark,  smooth  floor  of 
the  crater  may  contain  volcanic  deposits  of  younger  age). 


(often  expressed  as  variations  in  the  height  of  the  gravitational 
potential  surface,  or  geoid,  from  that  expected  for  a  rotating  fluid  body 
of  radially  varying  density)  are  produced  by  both  the  gravitational 
attraction  of  topography  and  the  internal  density  structure  of  the 
planet.  It  has  been  known  since  the  first  spacecraft  were  placed  in  orbit 
around  Venus  that,  in  contrast  to  the  situation  on  Earth,  topography 
and  gravity  on  Venus  are  strongly  correlated  at  scales  of  thousands  of 
kilometers.  The  gravity  measurements  obtained  by  Magellan  have 
improved  the  definition  of  the  field  and,  in  particular,  have  extended 
the  determination  of  the  field  globally  to  scales  as  short  as  500  km. 

MIT  predoctoral  fellow  Mark  Simons  and  I,  together  with  Bradford 
Hager  of  MIT,  have  been  exploring  the  relationship  between  gravity 
anomalies  and  topography  on  Venus  by  mapping  variations  in  the 
admittance,  the  ratio  of  geoid  height  to  topography.  The  strong 
variation  of  admittance  with  scale  for  the  planet  as  a  whole  and  for 
several  broad  highland  rises  characterized  by  rift  zones  and  large 
volcanoes  is  in  general  agreement  with  admittances  predicted  by 
numerical  models  of  interior  dynamics  where  a  high-viscosity 
lithosphere  overlies  a  convecting  mantle  and  normal  tractions  on  the 
base  of  the  lithosphere  give  rise  to  topographic  variations  at  horizontal 
scales  of  hundreds  to  thousands  of  km.  The  admittance  values  for 
highland  plateaus  dominated  by  tessera  terrain,  in  contrast,  indicate 
that  topography  is  compensated  by  density  variations  at  shallow  (25-50 
km)  depths  and  are  consistent  with  the  view  that  such  regions  consist 
of  elevated  blocks  of  thicker-than-average  crust  that  are  no  longer 
associated  with  areas  of  vigorous  upwelling  or  downwelling  of  the 
underlying  mantle. 

The  shortest-scale  components  of  the  gravity  field  provide 
information  on  the  mechanical  properties  of  the  Venus  lithosphere. 
Together  with  Simons,  MIT  predoctoral  fellow  Patrick  McGovern,  and 
James  Head  of  Brown  University,  I  have  focused  on  the  gravity 
anomalies  over  large  volcanoes  on  Venus.  The  motivation  for  this  work 
is  that  the  flexure  of  a  planetary  lithosphere  in  response  to  loading  by  a 
large  volcano  is  a  well-understood  mechanical  problem,  and  the 
comparatively  young  ages  of  large  volcanoes  give  us  an  opportunity  to 
investigate  the  nature  of  the  lithosphere  during  the  most  recent  era  of 
Venus  history.  The  gravity  anomalies  over  eight  large  volcanoes  on 
Venus,  each  modeled  as  a  vertical  load  on  an  elastic  plate,  yield 
best-fitting  elastic  thicknesses  of  30-70  km. 

Such  lithosphere  thicknesses  are  comparable  to  those  in  oceanic 
regions  on  Earth.  At  face  value  this  result  is  surprising  because  the  base 
of  the  lithosphere  on  either  planet  is  governed  by  the  temperature  at 
which  rocks  flow  at  geologically  significant  rates.  Because  the  surface 
temperature  on  Venus  is  450°C  greater  then  on  Earth,  the  similar 
thicknesses  for  the  elastic  lithosphere  imply  either  that  the  rate  of  heat 


flow  on  Venus  is  less  than  on  Earth  or  that  geologically  significant  flow 
rates  begin  at  a  much  higher  temperature  in  the  anhydrous  crust  or 
upper  mantle  of  Venus  than  in  the  Earth's  upper  mantle.  The  former 
explanation  is  presently  favored,  but  considerable  work  now  in 
progress  must  be  completed  before  this  conclusion  may  be  regarded  as 
firm.  First,  we  are  carrying  out  modeling  calculations  of  alternative 
mechanisms  for  support  of  volcano  topography,  including  crustal 
thickness  variations,  depletion  of  the  lithospheric  mantle  following 
melt  extraction,  and  mantle  convective  tractions.  Second,  we  are 
quantifying  the  estimates  of  thermal  gradient  implied  by  a  given  elastic 
lithosphere  thickness  on  Venus,  including  the  uncertainties  associated 
with  both  the  thickness  estimate  and  the  temperature  dependence  of 
rock  strength.  Finally,  we  are  exploring  mechanisms  by  which  the 
mantle  of  Venus  might  be  losing  less  heat  (per  unit  mass)  than  the 
mantle  of  Earth,  including  a  lesser  heat  production,  a  greater 
fractionation  of  heat  production  into  the  crust,  and  a  strongly 
time-variable  mantle  heat  flux. 

Implications  for  Resurfacing 

Did  Venus  undergo  a  catastrophic  resurfacing  500  million  years 
ago,  and,  if  so,  what  was  the  nature  of  global  tectonics  and  volcanism 
both  during  and  after  that  catastrophe?  Some  sort  of  catastrophic 
resurfacing  is  strongly  implied  by  the  small  fraction  of  impact  craters 
modified  by  exterior  volcanism  or  significant  deformation  in  the  last 
500  million  years.  The  nature  of  the  resurfacing  event  is  not  known,  but 
global-scale  foundering  of  the  lithosphere  and  a  strong  pulse  of 
mantle-delivered  heat  have  been  two  suggestions.  The  presence  of 
terrains  of  such  pervasive  and  complex  deformation  that  they  could  not 
have  formed  during  the  present  era  of  a  strong  Venus  lithosphere  is 
consistent  with  this  view,  but  it  is  nonetheless  noteworthy  that 
differences  in  surface  ages  on  Venus  can  be  resolved. 

A  working  hypothesis  consistent  with  the  observations  is  that  for 
an  unknown  time  interval  prior  to  500  million  years  ago,  the  heat  flux 
on  Venus  was  greater  than  at  present  and  the  lithosphere  was  weak  and 
readily  deformable  in  response  to  mantle  convective  tractions.  Impact 
craters  and  volcanic  flows  during  that  era  would  have  been  rendered 
unrecognizable  by  deformation.  The  tessera  terrain  date  from  the  end 
of  that  era.  About  500  million  years  ago,  the  lithosphere  strengthened 
and  stabilized,  but  melting  in  a  still-hot  upper  mantle  gave  rise  to  the 
formation  of  the  volcanic  plains  and  most  coronae.  Continued 
strengthening  of  the  lithosphere  led  to  the  most  recent  era  of  tectonics 
and  volcanism,  marked  by  a  few  zones  of  limited  rifting  and  volcanism 
localized  to  a  small  number  of  large  constructs.  Will  Venus  be  subjected 
to  another  catastrophic  resurfacing  event  in  the  future?  An  affirmative 



answer  will  be  favored  if  the  present  rate  of  global  heat  loss  is 
confirmed  to  be  less  than  the  rate  of  interior  heat  production. 

While  this  working  hypothesis  is  sure  to  require  revision  as  further 
analysis  of  Magellan  mission  results  is  completed,  it  is  already  clear 
that  the  inner  workings  of  Venus  manifest  themselves  at  the  surface  in  a 
fashion  very  different  from  that  on  Earth.  While  Venus  presently  lacks 
global  plate  tectonics,  it  has  been  subjected  to  a  unique  resurfacing 
history,  one  which  challenges  our  ability  to  interpret  and  explain. 
Further  study  of  Magellan  images,  refinement  of  the  global  gravity 
field,  and  continued  development  of  interior  dynamical  models  should 
sharpen  the  competing  hypotheses.  The  long-term  goal,  yet  beyond 
reach  but  still  worthy  of  pursuit,  is  an  improved  general  understanding 
of  mantle  convection  and  melting  on  all  the  terrestrial  planets, 
including  Earth. 


Reprints  of  the  numbered  publications 
listed  below  can  be  obtained,  except  where 
noted,  at  no  charge  from  the  Librarian, 
Department  of  Terrestrial  Magnetism,  5241 
Broad  Branch  Road,  N.W.,  Washington,  D.C. 
20015.  When  ordering,  please  give  reprint 

5233  Aldrich,  L.  T.,  Isotope  geology  at  Carnegie 
1950-1970:  dating  Earth  processes,  in  The 
Earth,  the  Heavens,  and  the  Carnegie  Institu- 
tion of  Washington,  G.  A.  Good,  ed.,  pp. 
215-224,  American  Geophysical  Union, 
Washington,  D.C,  1994. 

5274  Barash,  T.  W.,  C.  G.  Doll,  Jr.,  J.  A.  Collins, 
G.  H.  Sutton,  and  S.  C.  Solomon,  Quantita- 
tive evaluation  of  a  passively  leveled 
ocean  bottom  seismometer,  Mar.  Geophys. 
Res.  16,  347-363, 1994. 

5265  Bina,  C.  R.,  and  G.  Helffrich,  Phase  tran- 
sition Clapeyron  slopes  and  transition 
zone  seismic  discontinuity  topography,  /. 
Geophys.  Res.  99, 15853-15860, 1994. 

5270  Bjarnason,  I.  T.,  W.  Menke,  and  6.  G. 
Flovenz,  Reply  [to  comment  by  6.  Gud- 
mundsson  on  "Tomographic  image  of  the 
Mid-Atlantic  plate  boundary  in  south- 
western Iceland"],  /.  Geophys.  Res.  99, 
17915-17917, 1994. 

5246  Boss,  A.  R,  Origin  of  binary  stars,  in 
Reports  on  Astronomy,  Transactions  of  the 

International  Astronomical  Union,  Vol.  22A, 
J.  Bergeron,  ed.,  pp.  481-483,  Kluwer 
Academic  Publishers,  Dordrecht,  1994. 

5247  Boss,  A.  P.,  Tidal  disruption  of  Periodic 
Comet  Shoemaker-Levy  9  and  a  con- 
straint on  its  mean  density,  Icarus  107, 422- 
426, 1994. 

Boss,  A.  P.,  Capture  mechanisms,  in  En- 
cyclopedia of  Planetary  Sciences,  J.  H.  Shirley 
and  R.  W.  Fairbridge,  eds.,  Van  Nostrand 
Reinhold,  New  York,  in  press. 

Boss,  A.  P.,  Collapse  and  fragmentation 

of  molecular  cloud  cores.  II.  Collapse  in- 
duced by  stellar  shock  waves,  Astrophys. 
/.,  in  press. 

Boss,  A.  P.,  Earth-Moon  system:  origins, 

in  Encyclopedia  of  Planetary  Sciences,  J.  H. 
Shirley  and  R.  W.  Fairbridge,  eds.,  Van 
Nostrand  Reinhold,  New  York,  in  press. 

Boss,  A.  P.,  Proximity  of  Jupiter-like 

planets  to  low  mass  stars,  Science,  in 

5226  Boss,  A.  P.,  and  J.  A.  Graham,  Clumpy 
disk  accretion  and  chondrule  formation, 
Icarus  106, 168-178, 1993. 

Boss,  A.  P.,  and  E.  A.  Myhill,  Second- 
order-accurate  radiative  hydrodynamics 
and  multidimensional  protostellar  col- 
lapse, Comput.  Phys.  Commun.,  in  press. 

5268  Bostock,  M.  G.,  and  J.  C.  VanDecar,  The 
influence  of  crust  and  upper-mantle 
heterogeneity  on  short-period  waveform 



distortion,  Phys.  Earth  Planet.  Inter.  83, 
225-247, 1994. 

5240  Brown,  L.,  An  annotated  bibliography  of 
radar  history,  in  Tracking  the  History  of 
Radar,  O.  Blumtritt,  H.  Petzold,  and  W. 
Aspray,  eds.,  pp.  323-361,  IEEE-Rutgers 
Center  for  the  History  of  Electrical  En- 
gineering and  the  Deutsches  Museum, 
Piscataway,  N.J.,  1994. 

5241  Brown,  L.,  Significant  effects  of  radar  on 
the  Second  World  War,  in  Tracking  the  His- 
tory of  Radar,  O.  Blumtritt,  H.  Petzold,  and 
W.  Aspray,  eds.,  pp.  121-135,  IEEE-Rut- 
gers Center  for  the  History  of  Electrical 
Engineering  and  the  Deutsches  Museum, 
Piscataway,  N.J.,  1994. 

Brown,  L.,  Accelerator  mass  spectro- 
metry, in  Modern  Analytical  Geochemistry, 
R.  Gill,  ed.,  Ch.  12,  Longman  Higher  Edu- 
cation Publishers,  Harlow,  Essex,  U.K.,  in 

5238  Brown,  P.,  Z.  Ceplecha,  R.  L.  Hawkes,  G. 
Wetherill,  M.  Beech,  and  K.  Mossman,  The 
orbit  and  atmospheric  trajectory  of  the 
Peekskill  meteorite  from  video  records, 
Nature  367,  624-626, 1994. 

5287  Butner,  H.  M.,  Multi-wavelength  spatial 
observations  of  dust  emission:  merits  and 
limits,  in  Clouds,  Cores,  and  Low  Mass  Stars, 
D.  P.  Clemens  and  R.  Barvainis,  eds.,  pp. 
251-255,  Conference  Series,  Vol.  65, 
Astronomical  Society  of  the  Pacific,  San 
Francisco,  1994. 

5286  Butner,  H.  M.,  J.  Di  Francesco,  N.  J.  Evans 
II,  P.  M.  Harvey,  L.  G.  Mundy,  and  A. 
Natta,  Density  profiles  of  the  envelopes 
surrounding  Herbig  Ae/Be  stars,  in  The 
Nature  and  Evolutionary  Status  of  Herbig 
Ae/Be  Stars,  P.  S.  The,  M.  R.  Perez,  and  E. 
P.  J.  van  den  Heuvel,  eds.,  pp.  185-188, 
Conference  Series,  Vol.  62,  Astronomical 
Society  of  the  Pacific,  San  Francisco,  1994. 

Butner,  H.  M.,  E.  A.  Lada,  and  R.  B. 

Loren,  Physical  properties  of  dense  cores: 
DCO+  observations,  Astrophys.  J.,  in  press. 

Butner,  H.  M.,  and  A.  Natta,  Lick  Ha  198 

revisited,  Astrophys.  /.,  in  press. 

5281  Carlson,  R.  W.,  Isotopic  inferences  on  the 
chemical  structure  of  the  upper  mantle,  in 
Invited  Lectures,  International  Symposium  on 
the  Physics  and  Chemistry  of  the  Upper 
Mantle,  August  14-19,  1994,  Sao  Paulo, 
Brazil,  pp.  99-116,  CPRM  and  FAPESP, 
Brazil,  1994.  (No  reprints  available.) 

5290  Carlson,  R.  W.,  Mechanisms  of  Earth  dif- 
ferentiation: consequences  for  the  chemi- 
cal structure  of  the  mantle,  Rev.  Geophys. 

5276  Carlson,  R.  W.,  and  A.  J.  Irving,  Deple- 
tion and  enrichment  history  of  subcon- 

tinental lithospheric  mantle:  an  Os,  Sr,  Nd, 
and  Pb  isotopic  study  of  ultramafic 
xenoliths  from  the  northwestern  Wyom- 
ing Craton,  Earth  Planet.  Sci.  Lett.  126, 457- 
472, 1994. 

5249  Castillo,  P.  R,  M.  S.  Pringle,  and  R.  W. 
Carlson,  East  Mariana  Basin  tholeiites: 
Cretaceous  intraplate  basalts  or  rift  basalts 
related  to  the  Ontong  Java  plume?,  Earth 
Planet.  Sci.  Lett.  123, 139-154, 1994. 

5285  Di  Francesco,  J.,  N.  J.  Evans  II,  P.  M. 
Harvey,  L.  G.  Mundy,  and  H.  M.  Butner, 
100  micron  observations  of  Group  I  Her- 
big Ae/Be  stars,  in  The  Nature  and  Evolu- 
tionary Status  of  Herbig  Ae/Be  Stars,  P.  S. 
The,  M.  R.  Perez,  and  E.  P.  J.  van  den 
Heuvel,  eds.,  pp.  181-184,  Conference 
Series,  Vol.  62.  Astronomical  Society  of  the 
Pacific,  San  Francisco,  1994. 

5284  Di  Francesco,  J.,  N.  J.  Evans  II,  P.  M. 
Harvey,  L.  G.  Mundy,  and  H.  M.  Butner, 
Constraining  circumstellar  environments: 
far-infrared  observations  of  Herbig  Ae/Be 
stars,  Astrophys.  J.  432,  710-719, 1994. 

Edwards,  C.  M.  H.,  M.  A.  Menzies,  M.  F. 

Thirlwall,  J.  D.  Morris,  W.  P.  Leeman,  and 
R.  S.  Harmon,  The  transition  from  calc- 
alkaline  to  potassic  alkaline  volcanism  in 
island  arcs:  the  Ringgit-Beser  Complex, 
East  Java,  Indonesia,  /.  Petrol.,  in  press. 

5288  Foster,  P.,  A  guide  to  isothermal  gravita- 
tional collapse,  in  Clouds,  Cores,  and  Low 
Mass  Stars,  D.  P.  Clemens  and  R.  Barvainis, 
eds.,  pp.  105-114,  Conference  Series,  Vol. 
65,  Astronomical  Society  of  the  Pacific, 
San  Francisco,  1994. 

5256  Freedman,  W.  L.,  S.  M.  Hughes,  B.  F. 
Madore,  J.  R.  Mould,  M.  G.  Lee,  P.  Stetson, 
R.  C.  Kennicutt,  A.  Turner,  L.  Ferrarese,  H. 
Ford,  J.  A.  Graham,  R.  Hill,  J.  G.  Hoessel, 
J.  Huchra,  and  G.  D.  Illingworth,  The  Hub- 
ble Space  Telescope  extragalactic  distance 
scale  key  project.  I.  The  discovery  of 
Cepheids  and  a  new  distance  to  M81, 
Astrophys.  J.  427,  628-655,  1994.  (No 
reprints  available.) 

5278  Freedman,  W.  L.,  B.  F  Madore,  J.  R. 
Mould,  R.  Hill,  L.  Ferrarese,  R.  C.  Ken- 
nicutt, Jr.,  A.  Saha,  P.  B.  Stetson,  J.  A. 
Graham,  H.  Ford,  J.  G.  Hoessel,  J.  Huchra. 
S.  M.  Hughes,  and  G.  D.  Illingworth,  Dis- 
tance to  the  Virgo  cluster  galaxy  Ml 00 
from  Hubble  Space  Telescope  observa- 
tions of  Cepheids,  Nature  371,  757-762, 

5282  Freedman,  W.  L.,  B.  F.  Madore,  P.  B.  Stet- 
son, S.  M.  G.  Hughes,  J.  A.  Holtzman,  J.  R. 
Mould,  J.  T  Trauger,  J.  S.  Gallagher  HI,  G. 
E.  Ballester,  C.  J.  Burrows,  S.  Casertano,  J. 
T  Clarke,  D.  Crisp,  L.  Ferrarese,  H.  Ford, 
J.  A.  Graham,  R.  E.  Griffiths,  J.  J.  Hester,  R. 



Hill,  J.  G.  Hoessel,  J.  Huchra,  R.  C.  Ken- 
nicutt,  P.  A.  Scowen,  B.  Sparks,  K.  R. 
Stapelfeldt,  A.  M.  Watson,  and  J.  West- 
phal,  First  Hubble  Space  Telescope  obser- 
vations of  the  brightest  stars  in  the  Virgo 
galaxy  M100  =  NGC  4321,  Astrophys.  J. 
(Lett.)  435,  L31-L34,  1994.  (No  reprints 

5283  Graham,  J.  A.,  Interaction  between  Her- 
big  Ae/Be  stars  and  the  surrounding 
medium,  in  The  Nature  and  Evolutionary 
Status  ofHerbig  Ae/Be  Stars,  P.  S.  The,  M.  R. 
Perez,  and  E.  P.  J.  van  den  Heuvel,  eds.,  pp. 
363-368,  Conference  Series,  Vol.  62, 
Astronomical  Society  of  the  Pacific,  San 
Francisco,  1994. 

Graham,  J.  A.,  and  W.  P.  Chen,  Ageing 

jets  from  low-mass  stars,  Astron.  }.,  in 

5258  Graham,  J.  A.,  C.  M.  Wade,  and  R.  M. 
Price,  Bart  J.  Bok,  April  28, 1906-August  5, 
1983,  in  Biographical  Memoirs  of  the  National 
Academy  of  Sciences,  Vol.  64,  pp.  73-97,  Na- 
tional Academy  Press,  Washington,  D.C., 
1994.  (No  reprints  available.) 

5234  Hardy,  S.  J.,  The  Earth  and  space  sciences 
at  Carnegie:  a  pictorial  sampler  from  the 
first  six  decades,  in  The  Earth,  the  Heavens, 
and  the  Carnegie  Institution  of  Washington, 
G.  A.  Good,  ed.,  pp.  237-252,  American 
Geophysical  Union,  Washington,  D.C., 

5260  Hartmann,  L.,  A.  P.  Boss,  N.  Calvet,  and 
B.  Whitney,  Protostellar  collapse  in  a  self- 
gravitating  sheet,  Astrophys.  J.  (Lett.)  430, 
L.  49-L52, 1994. 

Hauri,  E.  H.,  and  S.  R.  Hart,  Constraints 

on  melt  migration  from  mantle  plumes:  a 
trace  element  study  of  peridotite  xenoliths 
from  Savai'i,  Western  Samoa,  /.  Geophys. 
Res.,  in  press. 

5272  Helffrich,  G.,  and  I.  S.  Sacks,  Scatter  and 
bias  in  differential  PKP  travel  times  and 
implications  for  mantle  and  core 
phenomena,  Geophys.  Res.  Lett.  21,  2167- 
2170,  1994. 

5267  Helffrich,  G.,  P.  Silver,  and  H.  Given, 
Shear  wave  splitting  variation  over  short 
spatial  scales  on  continents,  Geophys.  J.  Int. 

5229  Hibbard,  J.  E.,  P.  Guhathakurta,  J.  H.  van 
Gorkom,  and  F.  Schweizer,  Cold,  warm, 
and  hot  gas  in  the  late-stage  merger  NGC 
7252,  Astron.  J.  107,  67-89,  1994. 

5257  Hughes,  S.  M.  G.,  P.  B.  Stetson,  A.  Turner, 
R.  C.  Kennicutt,  Jr.,  R.  Hill,  M.  G.  Lee,  W. 
L.  Freedman,  J.  R.  Mould,  B.  F.  Madore,  L. 
Ferrarese,  H.  C.  Ford,  J.  A.  Graham,  J.  G. 
Hoessel,  and  G.  D.  Illingworth,  The  Hub- 
ble Space  Telescope  extragalactic  distance 

scale  key  project.  II.  Photometry  of  WFC 
images  of  M81,  Astrophys.  }.  428, 143-156, 
1994.  (No  reprints  available.) 

5271  Ishikawa,  T.,  and  E.  Nakamura,  Origin  of 
the  slab  component  in  arc  lavas  from 
across-arc  variation  of  B  and  Pb  isotopes, 
Nature  3  70, 205-208, 1 994. 

5244  James,  D.  E.,  and  J.  A.  Snoke,  Structure 
and  tectonics  in  the  region  of  flat  subduc- 
tion  beneath  central  Peru.  I:  crust  and  up- 
permost mantle,  /.  Geophys.  Res.  99,  6899- 
6912, 1994. 

James,  D.  E.,  J.  A.  Snoke,  L.  C.  Ribotta, 

and  R.  Kuehnel,  Seismic  studies  of  con- 
tinental lithosphere  beneath  SE  Brazil, 
Anais  da  Academia  Brasileira  de  Ciencias,  in 

Johnson,  K.  E.,  R.  S.  Harmon,  S.  Moor- 
bath,  D.  F.  Strong,  J.  D.  Morris,  and  J.  M. 
Richardson,  Augustine  Volcano,  Alaska: 
isotopic  and  trace  element  constraints  on 
magmatic  components,  Contrib.  Mineral. 
Petrol,  in  press. 

5252  Johnston,  M.  J.  S.,  A.  T.  Linde,  and  D.  C. 
Agnew,  Continuous  borehole  strain  in  the 
San  Andreas  fault  zone  before,  during, 
and  after  the  28  June  1992,  Mw  7.3  Landers, 
California,  earthquake,  Bull.  Seismol.  Soc. 
Amer.  84,  799-805, 1994. 

Kaneshima,  S.,  and  P.  G.  Silver,  Aniso- 
tropic loci  in  the  mantle  beneath  central 
Peru,  Phys.  Earth  Planet.  Inter.,  in  press. 

Kenney,  J.  D.  P.,  V.  C.  Rubin,  P.  Planesas, 

and  J.  S.  Young,  Gas  filaments  in  the  col- 
lisional  debris  of  NGC  4438,  Astrophys.  J., 
in  press. 

5251  Koeberl,  C,  W.  U.  Reimold,  and  S.  B. 
Shirey,  Saltpan  impact  crater,  South 
Africa:  geochemistry  of  target  rocks,  brec- 
cias, and  impact  glasses,  and  osmium 
isotope  systematics,  Geochim.  Cosmochim. 
Acta  58, 2893-2910, 1994. 

5237  Koeberl,  C,  W.  U.  Reimold,  S.  B.  Shirey, 
and  F.  G.  Le  Roux,  Kalkkop  Crater,  Cape 
Province,  South  Africa:  confirmation  of 
impact  origin  using  osmium  isotope  sys- 
tematics, Geochim.  Cosmochim.  Acta  58, 
1229-1234, 1994. 

5242  Koeberl,  C,  V.  L.  Sharpton,  B.  C. 
Schuraytz,  S.  B.  Shirey,  J.  D.  Blum,  and  L. 
E.  Marin,  Evidence  for  a  meteoritic  com- 
ponent in  impact  melt  rock  from  the  Chic- 
xulub  structure,  Geochim.  Cosmochim.  Acta 
58, 1679-1684, 1994. 

Koeberl,  C,  and  S.  B.  Shirey,  Re-Os 

isotope  study  of  rocks  from  the  Manson 
impact  structure,  Iowa,  in  The  Manson  Im- 
pact Structure,  Iowa,  C.  Koeberl  and  R.  R. 
Anderson,  eds.,  Special  Paper,  Geological 
Society  of  America,  Boulder,  Colo.,  in 




Lambert  D.  D.,  S.  B.  Shirey,  and  S.  C. 

Bergman,  A  Proterozoic  lithospheric 
mantle  source  for  the  Prairie  Creek 
lamproites:  Re-Os  and  Sm-Nd  isotopic 
evidence,  Geology,  in  press. 

Lambert,  D.  D.,  R.  J.  Walker,  J.  W.  Mor- 
gan, S.  B.  Shirey,  R.  W.  Carlson,  M.  L. 
Zientek,  B.  R.  Lipin,  M.  S.  Koski,  and  R.  L. 
Cooper,  Re-Os  and  Sm-Nd  isotope 
geochemistry  of  the  Stillwater  Complex, 
Montana:  implications  for  the  pedo- 
genesis of  the  J-M  Reef,  /.  Petrol,  in  press. 

5266  Lavery,  R.  J.,  and  J.  P.  Henry,  Imaging  of 
"Butcher-Oemler"  blue  galaxies  at  a  red- 
shift  of  0.2,  Astrophys.  J.  426, 524-534, 1994. 

5235  Leeman,  W.  P.,  M.  J.  Carr,  and  J.  D.  Mor- 
ris, Boron  geochemistry  of  the  Central 
American  Volcanic  Arc:  constraints  on  the 
genesis  of  subduction-related  magmas, 
Geochim.  Cosmochim.  Acta  58,  149-168, 
1994.  (No  reprints  available.) 

Levinson,  H.  E,  M.  J.  Duncan,  and  G.  W. 

Wetherill,  Secular  resonances  and  com- 
etary  orbits  in  the  p  Pictoris  system,  Na- 
ture, in  press. 

5273  Linde,  A.  T,  I.  S.  Sacks,  M.  J.  S.  Johnston, 
D.  P.  Hill,  and  R.  G.  Bilham,  Increased 
pressure  from  rising  bubbles  as  a 
mechanism  for  remotely  triggered  seis- 
micity,  Nature  371, 408-110, 1994. 

Lissauer,  J.  J.,  J.  B.  Pollack,  G.  W. 
Wetherill,  and  D.  J.  Stevenson,  Formation 
of  the  Neptune  system,  in  Neptune,  D. 
Cruikshank,  ed.,  University  of  Arizona 
Press,  Tucson,  in  press. 

Martin,  C.  E.,  R.  W  Carlson,  S.  B.  Shirey, 

F.  A.  Frey,  and  C.-Y.  Chen,  Os  isotopic 
variation  in  basalts  from  Haleakala  Vol- 
cano, Maui,  Hawaii:  a  record  of  magmatic 
processes  in  oceanic  mantle  and  crust, 
Earth  Planet.  Sci.  Lett.,  in  press. 

5228  McGovern,  P.  J.,  and  S.  C.  Solomon,  State 
of  stress,  faulting,  and  eruption  charac- 
teristics of  large  volcanoes  on  Mars,  /. 
Geophys.  Res.  98,  23553-23579, 1993. 

5255  McNamara,  D.  E.,  T.  J.  Owens,  P.  G.  Sil- 
ver, and  F.  T.  Wu,  Shear  wave  anisotropy 
beneath  the  Tibetan  Plateau,  /.  Geophys. 
Res.  99, 13655-13665, 1994. 

Morris,  J.  D.,  L.  Brown,  I.  S.  Sacks,  and  F. 

Tera,  Subduction  and  volcanism,  Sci. 
Amer.,  in  press. 

5232  Morris,  J.,  J.  Ryan,  and  W.  P.  Leeman,  Be 
isotope  and  B-Be  investigations  of  the  his- 
toric eruptions  of  Mt.  Vesuvius,/.  Volcanol. 
Geotherm.  Res.  58,  345-358, 1993. 

5222  Myhill,  E.  A.,  and  A.  P.  Boss,  Protostellar 
hydrodynamics:  constructing  and  testing 
a  spatially  and  temporally  second-order 

accurate  method.  II.  Cartesian  coor- 
dinates, Astrophys.  }.  Suppl.  Ser.  89,  345- 
359, 1993. 

5263  Namiki,  N.,  and  S.  C.  Solomon,  Impact 
crater  densities  on  volcanoes  and  coronae 
on  Venus:  implications  for  volcanic  resur- 
facing, Science  265,929-933, 1994. 

5245  Norabuena,  E.  O.,  J.  A.  Snoke,  and  D.  E. 
James,  Structure  of  the  subducting  Nazca 
plate  beneath  Peru,  /.  Geophys.  Res.  99, 

Ocola,  L.  C,  J.  H.  Luetgert,  L.  T.  Aldrich, 

R.  P.  Meyer,  and  C.  E.  Helsley,  Velocity 
structure  of  the  coastal  region  of  southern 
Peru  from  seismic  refraction /wide-angle 
reflection  data,  /.  Geodynamics,  in  press. 

5243  Pearson,  D.  G.,  F.  R.  Boyd,  S.  E.  Haggerty, 
J.  D.  Pasteris,  S.  W.  Field,  P.  H.  Nixon,  and 
N.  P.  Pokhilenko,  The  characterisation  and 
origin  of  graphite  in  cratonic  lithospheric 
mantle:  a  penological  carbon  isotope  and 
Raman  spectroscopic  study,  Contrib. 
Mineral.  Petrol.  115,  449-466,  1994.  (No 
reprints  available.) 

Pearson,  D.  G.,  R.  W.  Carlson,  S.  B.  Shirey, 

F.  R.  Boyd,  and  P.  H.  Nixon,  The  stabilisa- 
tion of  Archaean  lithospheric  mantle:  a 
Re-Os  isotope  study  of  peridotite 
xenoliths  from  the  Kaapvaal  and  Siberian 
cratons,  Earth  Planet.  Sci.  Lett.,  in  press. 

Pearson,  D.  G.,  G.  R.  Davies,  and  P.  H. 

Nixon,  Ultrahigh  pressure  (diamond 
facies)  orogenic  ultramafic  rocks,  in 
Ultrahigh  Pressure  Metamorphism,  R.  G. 
Coleman  and  X.  Wang,  eds.,  Cambridge 
University  Press,  in  press. 

Pearson,  D.  G.,  S.  B.  Shirey,  R.  W.  Carlson, 

F.  R.  Boyd,  N.  P.  Pokhilenko,  and  N. 
Shimizu,  Re-Os,  Sm-Nd  and  Rb-Sr  isotope 
evidence  for  thick  Archaean  lithospheric 
mantle  beneath  the  Siberian  craton 
modified  by  multi-stage  metasomatism, 
Geochim.  Cosmochim.  Acta,  in  press. 

5259  Pollitz,  F.  F,  and  I.  S.  Sacks,  Fault  model 
of  the  1891  Nobi  earthquake  from  historic 
triangulation  and  leveling,  /.  Phys.  Earth 

5280  Press,  F.,  Humankind  and  Earth's 
natural  system,  Geotimes  39  (no.  1),  4, 1994. 
(No  reprints  available.) 

Press,  F,  Growing  up  in  the  Golden  Age 

of  science,  Annu.  Rev.  Earth  Planet.  Sci.,  in 

5289  Rabinowitz,  D.  L.,  The  size  and  shape  of 
the  near-Earth  asteroid  belt,  Icarus  111, 
364-377, 1994. 

Rabinowitz,  D.  L.,  E.  Bowell,  E.  M. 
Shoemaker,  and  K.  Muinonen,  The 
population  of  Earth-crossing  asteroids,  in 
Hazards  Due  to  Comets  and  Asteroids,  T 



Gehrels,  M.  S.  Matthews,  and  M.  L.  Guer- 
rieri,  eds.,  University  of  Arizona  Press, 
Tucson,  in  press. 
5279  Reagan,  M.  K.,  J.  D.  Morris,  E.  A.  Her- 
rstrom,  and  M.  T.  Murrell,  Uranium  series 
and  beryllium  isotope  evidence  for  an  ex- 
tended history  of  subduction  modifica- 
tion of  the  mantle  below  Nicaragua, 
Geochim.  Cosmochim.  Acta  58,  4199^212, 
1994.  (No  reprints  available) 

5230  Rubin,  V.  C.,  Kinematics  of  NGC  4826:  a 
Sleeping  Beauty  galaxy,  not  an  evil  eye, 
Astron.  J.  107, 173-183, 1994. 

5264  Rubin,  V.  C.,  Multi-spin  galaxies,  Astron. 
J.  208,456^67,1994. 

5236  Russo,  R.  M.,  and  P.  G.  Silver,  Trench- 
parallel  flow  beneath  the  Nazca  plate  from 
seismic  anisotropy,  Science  263, 1105-1111, 

Russo,  R.  M.,  and  P.  G.  Silver,  Mantle 

flow  and  the  making  of  the  Andes,  Natural 
History,  in  press. 

Russo,  R.  M.,  and  A.  Villasenor,  The  1946 

Hispaniola  earthquakes  and  the  tectonics 
of  the  North  American-Caribbean  plate 
boundary  zone,  northeastern  Hispaniola, 
/.  Geophys.  Res.,  in  press. 

Rydelek,  P.  A.,  and  I.  S.  Sacks,  Earth- 
quake "quanta"  as  an  explanation  for  ob- 
served magnitudes  and  stress-drops,  Bull. 
Seismol.  Soc.  Amer.,  in  press. 

5231  Sauber,  J.,  W.  Thatcher,  S.  C.  Solomon, 
and  M.  Lisowski,  Geodetic  slip  rate  for  the 
eastern  California  shear  zone  and  the 
recurrence  time  of  Mojave  desert 
earthquakes,  Nature  367,  264-266, 1994. 

5227  Schiotte,  L.,  B.  T.  Hansen,  S.  B.  Shirey, 
and  D.  Bridgwater,  Petrological  and 
whole  rock  isotopic  characteristics  of  tec- 
tonically  juxtaposed  Archaean  gneisses  in 
the  Okak  area  of  the  Nain  Province, 
Labrador:  relevance  for  terrane  models, 
Precambrian  Res.  63,  293-323,  1993.  (No 
reprints  available.) 

Schweizer,  E,  Effects  of  late  mergers  on 

stellar  populations  in  E  and  SO  galaxies,  in 
Stellar  Populations,  P.  C.  van  der  Kruit,  ed., 
IAU  Symposium  No.  164,  Kluwer  Aca- 
demic Publishers,  Dordrecht,  in  press. 

5223  Schweizer,  E,  and  P.  Seitzer,  Spectra  of 
two  luminous  young  globular  clusters  in 
the  merger  remnant  NGC  7252,  Astrophys. 
}.  (Lett.)  417,  L29-L32, 1993. 

5275  Shirey,  S.  B.,  K.  W.  Klewin,  J.  H.  Berg,  and 
R.  W.  Carlson,  Temporal  changes  in  the 
sources  of  flood  basalts:  isotopic  and  trace 
element  evidence  from  the  1100  Ma  old 
Keweenawan  Mamainse  Point  Forma- 
tion, Ontario,  Canada,  Geochim.  Cos- 
mochim. Acta  58,  4475^1490, 1994. 

Silver,  P.  G.,  and  M.  K.  Savage,  The  inter- 
pretation of  shear-wave  splitting  para- 
meters in  the  presence  of  two  anisotropic 
layers,  Geophys.  J.  Int.,  in  press. 

5253  Simons,  M.,  B.  H.  Hager,  and  S.  C.  Solo- 
mon, Global  variations  in  the  geoid/ 
topography  admittance  of  Venus,  Science 
264,  798-803, 1994. 

5224  Sims,  P.  K.,  J.  L.  Anderson,  R.  L.  Bauer,  V. 
W.  Chandler,  G.  N.  Hanson,  J.  Kalliokoski, 
G.  B.  Morey,  M.  G.  Mudrey,  Jr.,  R.  W. 
Ojakangas,  Z.  E.  Peterman,  K.  J.  Schulz,  S. 
B.  Shirey,  E.  I.  Smith,  D.  L.  Southwick,  W. 
R.  Van  Schmus,  and  P.  W.  Weiblen,  The 
Lake  Superior  region  and  Trans-Hudson 
orogen,  in  Precambrian:  Conterminous  U.S., 
J.  C.  Reed,  Jr.,  et  al,  eds.,  Ch.  2,  pp.  11-120, 
Geology  of  North  America,  Vol.  C-2, 
Geological  Society  of  America,  Boulder, 
1993.  (No  reprints  available.) 

5254  Solomon,  S.  C,  The  geophysics  of  Venus 
(in  Japanese),  Parity  Physical  Science 
Magazine  9  (no.  1),  13-22,  1994.  (No  re- 
prints available.) 

5250  Solomon,  S.  C,  Plate  tectonics:  stirring 
times  for  Mars,  Nature  369,  606-607, 1994. 

Solomon,  S.  C,  Venus  geology  and  geo- 
physics, in  Encyclopedia  of  Planetary  Scien- 
ces, J.  H.  Shirley  and  R.  W.  Fairbridge,  eds., 
Van  Nostrand  Reinhold,  New  York,  in 

Toomey,  D.  R.,  S.  C.  Solomon,  and  G.  M. 

Purdy,  Tomographic  imaging  of  the  shal- 
low crustal  structure  of  the  East  Pacific 
Rise  at  9°30'N,  /.  Geophys.  Res.,  in  press. 

5269  VanDecar,  J.  C,  and  R.  Snieder,  Obtain- 
ing smooth  solutions  to  large,  linear  in- 
verse problems,  Geophysics  59,  818-829, 

5262  Walker,  C.  K.,  G.  Narayanan,  and  A.  P. 
Boss,  Spectroscopic  signatures  of  infall  in 
young  protostellar  systems,  Astrophys.  J. 
431, 767-782, 1994.  (No  reprints  available.) 

5248  Wetherill,  G.  W.,  Possible  consequences 
of  absence  of  "Jupiters"  in  planetary  sys- 
tems, Astrophys.  Space  Sci.  212, 23-32, 1994. 

5277  Wetherill,  G.  W,  Provenance  of  the  ter- 
restrial planets,  Geochim.  Cosmochim.  Acta 
58,  4513^520, 1994. 

Wetherill,  G.  W.,  The  formation  of  habit- 
able planetary  systems,  in  Proceedings  of 
the  Conference  on  Habitable  Systems,  NASA 
Ames  Research  Center,  January  1994,  in 

5225  Wetherill,  G.  W.,  and  G.  R.  Stewart,  For- 
mation of  planetary  embryos:  effects  of 
fragmentation,  low  relative  velocity,  and 
independent  variation  of  eccentricity  and 
inclination,  Icarus  106, 190-209, 1993. 

5221    Wilcock,  W.  S.  D.,  M.  E.  Dougherty,  S.  C. 



Solomon,  G.  M.  Purdy,  and  D.  R.  Toomey, 
Seismic  propagation  across  the  East 
Pacific  Rise:  finite  difference  experiments 
and  implications  for  seismic  tomography, 
/.  Geophys.  Res.  98, 19913-19932, 1993. 
5239  Williams,  D.  R.,  and  G.  W.  Wetherill,  Size 
distribution  of  collisionally  evolved  aster- 
oidal  populations:  analytical  solution  for 

self-similar  collision  cascades,  Icarus  107, 
117-128, 1994. 
5261  Zhou,  S.,  H.  M.  Burner,  N.  J.  Evans  EL  R 
Giisten,  M.  L.  Butner,  and  L.  G.  Mundy,  CS 
multitransitional  study  of  density  dis- 
tribution in  star-forming  regions.  II.  The 
S140  region,  Astrophys.  J.  428,  219-232, 
1994.  (No  reprints  available.) 


Research  Staff 

L.  Thomas  Aldrich,  Emeritus 

Alan  P.  Boss 

Louis  Brown,  Emeritus1 

Richard  W.  Carlson 

W.  Kent  Ford,  Jr.,  Emeritus 

John  A.  Graham2 

Erik  H.  Hauri3 

David  E.  James 

Alan  T  Linde 

Julie  D.  Morris4 

Vera  C.  Rubin2 

I.  Selwyn  Sacks 

Francois  Schweizer2 

Steven  B.  Shirey 

Paul  G.  Silver 

Sean  C.  Solomon,  Director 

Fouad  Tera 

George  W.  Wetherill 

Senior  Research  Fellow 

Frank  Press,  Cecil  and  Ida  Green  Senior 

Postdoctoral  Fellows  and  Associates 

Guilhem  Barruol,  NSF  Associate,  and  Bourse 
Lavoisier  Fellow,  French  Ministry  of 
Foreign  Affairs5,7 
Ingi  Th.  Bjarnason,  Carnegie  Fellow 
Harold  M.  Butner,  Carnegie  Fellow8 
Thomas  S.  Duffy,  Grove  Carl  Gilbert 

Prudence  N.  Foster,  NASA  Associate10 
Tsuyoshi  Ishikawa,  Carnegie  Fellow11 
Russell  J.  Lavery,  Carnegie  Fellow12 
Lanbo  Liu,  Carnegie  Fellow13 
Elizabeth  A.  Myhill,  Carnegie  Fellow14 
David  L.  Rabinowitz,  NASA  Associate15 
Raymond  M.  Russo,  Jr.,  NSF  Associate 
Larry  P.  Solheim,  Carnegie  Fellow5'16 

John  C.  VanDecar,  Harry  Oscar  Wood 

Elisabeth  Widom,  Carnegie  Fellow17 
Cecily  J.  Wolfe,  Postdoctoral  Investigator18 

Predoctoral  Fellozvs 

Lori  K.  Herold,  Massachusetts  Institute  of 

Nguyen  Hoang,  University  of  Illinois, 

Patrick  J.  McGovern,  Massachusetts  Institute 

of  Technology 
Noriyuki  Namiki,  Massachusetts  Institute  of 

Mark  Simons,  Massachusetts  Institute  of 


Research  Interns 

Christopher  Bareford,  Concord-Carlisle 

High  School,  Massachusetts19 
Steven  C.  Schoenecker,  Princeton  University18 
Christoph  Trachslin,  Kantonschule,  Zug, 

Heather  M.  Weir,  George  Mason  University21 

Supporting  Staff 

Michael  J.  Acierno,  Computer  Systems 

John  R.  Almquist,  Library  Volunteer 
Maceo  T.  Bacote,  Engineering  Apprentice522 
Georg  Bartels,  Instrument  Maker 
Gary  A.  Bors,  Building  Engineer5'23 
Mary  McDermott  Coder,  Editorial  Assistant 
H.  Michael  Day,  Facilities  Manager5 
Roy  R.  Dingus,  Building  Engineer5 
Janice  Scheherazade  Dunlap,  Technical  Typist 
John  A.  Emler,  Laboratory  Technician 
Pablo  D.  Esparza,  Maintenance  Technician5'22 
Rosa  Maria  Esparza,  Clerk-Receptionist 
Shaun  J.  Hardy,  Librarian5 



Mikie  Ishikawa,  Library  Volunteer 
Sandra  A.  Keiser,  Scientific  Computer 

William  E.  Key,  Building  Engineer5 
Randy  A.  Kuehnel,  Geophysical  Technician 
David  C.  Kuentz,  Geochemistry  Laboratory 

D.  Carol  Lynch,  Executive  Secretary5'24 
P.  Nelson  McWhorter,  Instrument  Maker 
Ben  K.  Pandit,  Electronics  Engineer 
Lawrence  B.  Patrick,  Maintenance 

Glenn  R.  Poe,  Electronics  Research  Specialist 
Daniela  D.  Power,  Geophysical  Research 

Pedro  J.  Roa,  Maintenance  Technician5 
Roy  E.  Scalco,  Engineering  Apprentice5 
Michael  Seemann,  Design  Engineer — 

Mechanical,  Shop  Manager 
Terry  L.  Stahl,  Fiscal  Officer 
David  Weinrib,  Fiscal  Assistant 
Merri  Wolf,  Library  Technical  Assistant5 

Visiting  Investigators 

Craig  R.  Bina,  Northwestern  University 
Jean  Carignan,  Universite  de  Montreal, 

Ines  Lucia  Cifuentes,  Carnegie  Institution  of 

Timothy  J.  Clarke,  University  of  Illinois, 

Sonia  Esperanca,  Deakin  University, 

Mathias  Franke,  Venezuelan  National  Oil 


William  K.  Hart,  Miami  University 
Anthony  J.  Irving,  University  of  Washington 
Christopher  R.  Kincaid,  University  of  Rhode 

Christian  Koeberl,  University  of  Vienna, 

Allison  M.  Macfarlane,  George  Mason 

Sobhi  Nasir,  United  Arab  Emirates 

Suzanne  W.  Nicholson,  U.S.  Geological 

Jeffrey  J.  Park,  Yale  University 
Martha  K.  Savage,  University  of  Nevada, 

Patrick  O.  Seitzer,  University  of  Michigan, 

Ann  Arbor 
David  W.  Simpson,  Incorporated  Research 

Institutions  for  Seismology 
J.  Arthur  Snoke,  Virginia  Polytechnic 

Institute  and  State  University 
Ragnar  K.  Stefansson,  Iceland 

Meteorological  Office 
Nathalie  J.  Valette-Silver,  National 

Oceanographic  and  Atmospheric 

Leonid  L.  Vanyan,  Academy  of  Sciences, 

Moscow,  Russia 
Antonio  Villasenor,  Instituto  de  Ciencias  de 

la  Tierra  (Jaume  Almera),  Barcelona,  Spain 
Elisabeth  Widom,  National  Institute  of 

Standards  and  Technology 
David  R.  Williams,  National  Space  Science 

Data  Center 
Dapeng  Zhao,  California  Institute  of 


Retired  January  31, 1994 

2Holds  additional 

appointment  as  Adjunct 
Staff  Member,  The 
Observatories  of  the 
Carnegie  Institution 

3From  February  1, 1994 

4To  lanuary  1, 1994 

5Joint  appointment  with  the 
Geophysical  Laboratory 

6From  September  15, 1993 
7From  September  25, 1993 
8From  September  28, 1993 
9To  June  30, 1994 
10From  November  8, 1993 
"From  September  1, 1993 
12To  August  17, 1993 
13From  November  5, 1993 
14From  May  1, 1994 
15From  September  1, 1993 

16From  September  9, 1993 
17To  December  31, 1993 
18FromJune  1,1994 
19To  July  31, 1993 
20To  August  8, 1993 
21To  May  31, 1994 
22From  May  16, 1994 
23To  April  8, 1994 
24From  September  24, 1993 

The  Observatories 


■'■:';-v\,?vv>'./--!  v""ic:-;;s:;  .<;,■■:;«:  jg; 

du  Pont  Telescope,  Las  Campanas 

Postdoctoral  fellows  at  the  Observatories,  1993-1994.  Bottom  row,  left  to 
right:  Bob  Hill,  Ann  Zabludoff,  Dennis  Zaritsky.  Top  row:  Steven  Majewski, 
Andrew  McWilliam,  Jeff  Willick,  Michael  Rauch.  Not  present:  Steven  Landy. 

The  Director's  Introduction 

Astronomy  has  become  in  this  century  a  profoundly  historical 
science.  The  explanation  for  the  world  that  modern  telescopes  are 
revealing  is  to  be  found  in  origins,  in  process,  and  in  contingency. 
Physics  underlies  it  all,  but  answers  to  the  question  "Why  are  things 
the  way  they  are?"  are  stories.  There  are  two  quite  different  routes  to 
the  discovery  of  these  stories.  The  first  and  most  obvious  route  is  via 
the  isolation  and  study  of  old  things.  The  second  is  by  the  study  of 
things  sufficiently  remote  that  light  from  them  has  taken  a  significant 
fraction  of  the  age  of  the  universe  to  reach  us.  It  is  only  in  the  last 
decade  that  much  progress  has  been  made  along  this  second  route,  but 
there  is  little  doubt  that  its  exploration  will  occupy  a  major  fraction  of 
the  time  of  the  large  telescopes  now  coming  into  operation.  Growth 
areas  of  modern  astronomy  are  to  be  found  in  those  subjects  where 
investigations  following  both  of  these  routes  converge. 

The  two  essays  contributed  from  the  Carnegie  Observatories  to  this 
Year  Book  give  life  to  these  generalities.  Andrew  Mc William,  a 
McClintock  Postdoctoral  Fellow  in  the  Pasadena  department,  who  has 
been  working  with  staff  member  George  Preston,  has  been  making 
major  advances  in  the  study  of  the  chemical  elements  to  be  found  in  the 
oldest  known  stars.  Michael  Rauch,  a  postdoctoral  associate  working 
with  staff  member  Ray  Weymann,  has  been  pioneering  in  the  study  of 
abundances  of  the  elements  in  remote  intergalactic  matter.  In  the  near 
future,  these  two  approaches  will  converge,  and,  if  the  Observatories 
are  careful  to  cherish  intellectual  diversity,  the  large  telescopes  of  the 
Magellan  Project  will  help  bring  that  about. 

— Leonard  Searle 




Atoms  and  Stars 

by  Andrew  McWilliam 

What  are  stars  made  from?  How  did  the  atoms  that  we  and  our 
world  are  composed  of,  come  into  existence? 
It  is  possible  to  answer  both  of  these  questions  using  a 
spectrometer  at  the  focus  of  a  large  telescope.  The  Carnegie 
Observatories'  2.5-meter  du  Pont  Telescope  is  equipped 
with  an  efficient  echelle  spectrometer,  built  by  Carnegie 
staff  member  Steve  Shectman.  Stellar  spectra  obtained 
with  this  instrument  exhibit  many  dark  lines  imposed 
on  a  continuum.  The  lines  are  produced  by  the 
absorption  of  light  by  various  elements  present  in  the 
stellar  atmosphere;  the  line  strengths  can  be  used  to 
measure  elemental  abundances.  Spectra  of  three 
extremely  metal  poor  stars  are  shown  in  Figure  1.  (Here 
the  term  "metals"  refers  to  elements  other  than 
hydrogen  and  helium.)  Although  the  three  stars  have 
similar  structural  characteristics,  the  strengths  of  certain 
absorption  features  differ,  indicating  subtle  differences 
in  chemical  composition.  Andrew  McWilliam 

Fig.  1 .  Spectra  of  three  very- 
metal-poor  stars  similar  in 
temperature  and  mass  but  differing  in 
metallicity.  The  valleys  are,  in 
general,  absorption  features  caused 
by  the  presence  of  certain  elements. 
Notice  the  strong  absorption  features 
due  to  heavy  elements  in  the  bottom 
star;  the  Co  I,  Eu  II,  and  strong  Fe  I 
features,  for  example,  can  be  readily 
compared  vertically.  Metallicities  are 
1/1300  (top  star),  1/300  (middle  star), 
and  1/1100  (bottom  star)  of  the  solar 
value.  The  spectra  were  obtained 
with  the  echelle  spectrograph  at  the 
du  Pont  Telescope,  Las  Campanas. 

CS  22878-101 





Wavelength  (A) 







<  E 

a     Q. 


A    ^^  neutron  capture 

I      I  r  I         | 

Fepeak  ^#11^^/^^^  J^      J/^Ji 



0  50  100  150  200  250 

Atomic  Weight 

Fig.  2.  The  abundance  distribution  ot  elements  in  the  solar  system.  Principal 
nucleosynthesis  sources  are  shown:  BB,  Big  Bang;  Q,  quiescent  burning  in  stellar 
interiors;  Ex,  explosive  burning  during  a  supernova  episode;  neutron  capture, 
r-process  or  s-process  (as  marked)  neutron  capture  in  stars.  (Odd  numbered 
elements  only  are  shown;  y-axis  units  are  logarithmic,  abundance  per  106  Si  atoms.) 

The  chemical  composition  of  the  solar  system  has  been  studied 
extensively,  using  high-quality  spectra  of  the  Sun  (such  as  those 
obtained  at  Mount  Wilson  Observatory),  laboratory  analyses  of 
meteorites,  and,  since  the  advent  of  space  travel,  solar  wind  samples 
(such  as  those  acquired  during  the  Apollo  11  mission  to  the  Moon).  As 
a  result,  the  relative  abundances  of  most  of  the  extant  isotopes  in  the 
solar  system  are  known.  The  "Solar  Abundance  Distribution"  is  shown 
in  Figure  2;  one  can  see  several  peaks  and  valleys  in  the  trend  of 
abundance  with  atomic  weight.  One  would  rightly  suppose  that  these 
features  are  related  to  the  formation  processes  involved  in  the  synthesis 
of  each  isotope.  In  fact,  the  abundance  distribution  is  like  a  fingerprint, 
with  certain  patterns  betraying  nucleosynthesis  by  specific  nuclear 

Spectroscopic  surveys  of  many  stars  show  not  only  that  overall 
metal  abundances  vary  over  a  ten-thousandfold  range,  but  also  that 
many  stars  were  formed  with  chemical  abundance  patterns  very 
different  from  the  solar  system's.  Furthermore,  when  colors  and 
luminosities  are  used  to  measure  stellar  ages,  one  finds  a  general 
correlation  of  increasing  metallicity  with  decreasing  stellar  age;  in  other 
words,  the  metallicity  of  stars  in  the  Galaxy  increased  with  time. 

The  story  of  nucleo-genesis  that  has  emerged  begins  with  the 
production  of  all  hydrogen,  most  of  the  helium,  and  minute  amounts  of 
lithium,  beryllium,  and  boron  in  the  Big  Bang  origin  of  the  universe. 
Nearly  all  other  elements  are  thought  to  have  been  produced  in  the 
nuclear  furnaces  of  stellar  interiors.  It  is  the  transmutation  of  elements 
in  these  nuclear  furnaces,  from  light  to  heavy  nuclei,  which  provide  the 
stars  with  the  energy  necessary  to  delay  gravitational  collapse,  and  by 
which  the  stars  shine. 

stellar  surface 

collapsing  core 

Fig.  3.  Cutaway  illustrating  onion-layer  structure  of  a  typical  massive  star  just  prior 
to  its  supernova  explosion.  In  each  zone  are  shown  the  relevant  nuclear-burning 
process  and  the  prominent  constituents.  Typical  densities  and  temperatures  are 
indicated  at  each  boundary. 

Stars  begin  their  lives  by  burning  hydrogen  into  helium;  in  their 
later  phases,  when  the  hydrogen  is  exhausted  in  the  core,  the  helium 
ashes  are  burned  into  carbon  and  oxygen  under  higher  temperatures 
and  pressures.  During  its  lifetime  a  star  may  go  through  many 
nuclear-burning  phases  if  it  is  of  sufficiently  high  mass.  There  are  six 
major  burning  phases  which  can  occur  in  the  quiescent  life  of  a  massive 
star:  stages  of  hydrogen,  helium,  carbon,  neon,  oxygen,  and  silicon 
burning.  In  each  stage  the  fuel  is  the  product  of  the  previous  burning 
stage;  as  a  consequence,  progressively  heavier  elements  are  built  up  in 
the  cores  of  massive  stars,  in  an  arrangement  resembling  the  layers  of 
an  onion.  This  can  continue  only  until  the  core  consists  of  iron,  because 
iron  is  the  most  stable  element,  whereupon  no  further  fusion  or  fission 
reactions  can  occur  with  net  release  of  energy.  Finally,  the  star  runs  out 
of  quiescent  nuclear-burning  options  and  a  supernova  (SN)  explosion 
ensues.  Figure  3  shows  the  onion-layer  arrangement  of  elements 
resulting  from  successive  stages  of  nuclear  burning  in  a  typical  massive 
star,  just  prior  to  the  supernova  explosion. 

During  the  SN  explosion  nucleosynthesis  includes  explosive 
oxygen  and  silicon  burning,  as  well  as  the  synthesis  of  the  iron-peak 
nuclei  (see  Fig.  2)  formed  by  a  process  called  nuclear  statistical 
equilibrium  (or  NSE).  In  NSE  the  temperatures  are  so  high  (3-10  billion 
degrees  Kelvin)  that  nuclei  are  constantly  being  broken  up  by 
high-energy  photons  and  then  reassembled  from  the  fragments.  A 
statistical  equilibrium  is  quickly  achieved,  where  the  number  of  any 
particular  isotope  is  proportional  to  the  energetic  stability  of  its 
nucleus,  the  most  tightly  bound  nucleus  becoming  the  most  abundant 
species  (because  it  is  the  most  difficult  to  disintegrate).  When  the  SN 
material  finally  cools  to  about  3  billion  K  (approximately  1  second  after 


the  supernova  detonation),  the  isotopes  are  said  to  "freeze-out," 
thereafter  retaining  the  abundance  pattern  reached  during  NSE.  As 
early  as  1946  Sir  Fred  Hoyle  noted  the  similarity  of  the  solar  system 
iron-peak  abundance  pattern  and  the  abundances  predicted  from  this 
equilibrium  process.  Elements  heavier  than  the  iron  peak  are  thought  to 
be  produced  by  the  addition  of  neutrons  onto  iron-peak  nuclei.  This 
neutron  capture  can  take  place  on  rapid  or  slow  time-scales,  from  about 
a  second  to  several  hundred  years;  hence  these  processes  are  named  the 
r-process  and  s-process  respectively.  Both  r-  and  s-process  neutron 
capture  produce  distinct  peaks  in  the  abundance  distribution,  as  can  be 
seen  in  Figure  2.  The  observation  of  these  peaks  in  the  solar  abundance 
distribution  is  compelling  evidence  in  favor  of  the  operation  of  both 
neutron-capture  processes. 

One  can  think  of  star  formation  in  generations,  each  generation 
forming  from  the  interstellar  gas  as  composed  at  the  given  time.  Each 
generation  produces  new  stars  varying  in  mass  from  about  0.08  to 
perhaps  100  solar  masses.  The  lifetimes  of  these  stars  differ 
considerably;  a  high-mass  star  of  50  solar  masses  will  live  for 
approximately  one  million  years,  whereas  a  low-mass  star  like  our  Sun 
has  a  lifetime  of  about  ten  billion  years.  Stars  with  masses  less  than 
about  0.8  solar  masses  have  lifetimes  longer  than  the  age  of  the  Galaxy; 
thus  it  is  possible  to  find  stars  of  this  mass  from  all  epochs  in  Galactic 

In  each  generation  of  stars  the  high-mass  stars  end  as  supernovae, 
thereby  increasing  the  metal  content  of  the  Galactic  gas  out  of  which 
new  generations  of  stars  form.  Meanwhile  the  low-mass  stars  live  on, 
as  a  fossil  record  of  the  composition  of  the  Galaxy  in  the  location  and 
the  time  of  their  formation. 

Because  overall  metallicity  increased  with  time,  it  is  possible  to 
learn  about  the  history  of  element  formation  in  the  Galaxy  by 
measuring  the  chemical  composition  of  stars  of  differing  overall  metal 
content.  For  example,  in  the  1960's  George  Wallerstein  noticed  that  the 
abundance  ratio  of  Ca  to  Fe  was  higher  in  a  sample  of  metal-poor  stars 
than  in  the  Sun.  Today,  this  and  other,  similar  abundance  trends  are 
widely  thought  to  be  due  to  nucleosynthesis  from  a  mixture  of  two 
types  of  SN,  differing  in  proportion  from  the  current  proportion  of 
these  SN  types. 

A  recent  survey  by  George  Preston,  Tim  Beers,  and  Steve  Shectman 
of  the  Carnegie  Observatories  has  uncovered  a  sample  of  extremely 
metal  poor  stars  having  metallicities  down  to  1/10,000  of  the  solar 
metallicity.  If  a  crude  assumption  is  made,  then  the  most  extreme  of 
these  stars  was  born  when  the  Galaxy  was  only  one  million  years  old. 
These  stars,  then,  are  fossils  from  the  very  earliest  epoch  in  Galactic 
history.  The  chemistry  of  these  stars  provide  information  about  the 
Galaxy's  very  earliest  supernovae,  which  exploded  about  15  billion 


years  ago.  Using  the  du  Pont  Telescope  and  echelle  spectrograph, 
George  Preston,  Leonard  Searle,  and  I,  with  Chris  Sneden  of  the 
University  of  Texas,  have  acquired  and  analyzed  spectra  for  33  of  the 
most  metal  poor  of  these  stars. 

One  of  our  interesting  discoveries  is  that  the  Cr/Co  ratio  declines 
by  a  factor  of  ten  from  the  most  metal  rich  to  the  most  metal  poor  stars 
in  our  sample.  The  lowest  observed  Cr/Co  ratios  are  not  predicted  by 
any  published  supernova  nucleosynthesis  calculations;  however,  lower 
values  are  expected  in  the  very  deepest  levels  of  the  SN,  where  critical 
parameters  and  physical  processes  are  not  well  understood.  Therefore, 
our  observed  Cr/Co  ratios  provide  a  probe  into  the  deepest  layers  of 
the  SN,  and  may  be  useful  in  constraining  SN  models. 

Nucleosynthesis  arguments  suggest  that  we  may  expect 
enhancements  of  other  elements  near  Co;  specifically,  zinc,  gallium,  and 
germanium  (Zn,  Ga,  and  Ge)  are  interesting  candidates.  In  the  case  of 
Zn  strong  lines  do  exist  in  our  stars,  but  they  are  at  extremely  short 
wavelengths,  below  the  range  of  our  spectrometer. 

Interestingly,  measurements  of  Cr/Zn  have  been  made  for  the 
absorption-line  systems  arising  from  galaxies  along  lines  of  sight  to 
distant  quasars.  Some  of  these  galaxies  are  about  16  billion  light  years 
away,  and  are  therefore  contemporaneous  with  the  formation  of  our 
sample  of  extremely  metal  poor  stars  (see  the  following  article  by 
Michael  Rauch).  For  example,  recent  results  based  on  spectra  of  nine 
quasars  by  Pettini  and  collaborators,  of  the  Royal  Greenwich 
Observatory,  indicate  that  Cr/Zn  in  these  distant  galaxies  is  about  1/10 
of  the  solar  value.  Although  Pettini  et  ah  assume  that  these  unusual 
ratios  are  due  to  selective  depletion  of  Cr  onto  dust  grains,  this 
assumption  is  by  no  means  widely  accepted  as  fact.  It  may  be  no  more 
than  coincidence  that  for  distant  galaxies  the  Cr/Zn  ratios  (relative  to 
the  solar  value)  are  similar  to  the  Cr/Co  ratios  (relative  to  the  solar 
value)  of  our  most  metal  poor  stars;  yet  this  similarity  is  qualitatively 
expected.  We  speculate  that  the  similarity  of  abundance  ratios  may  be 
characteristic  of  the  composition  of  SN  ejecta  at  very  low  metallicity. 

This  link  between  abundances  in  Galactic  and  cosmological  objects 
will  likely  lead  to  greater  understanding  of  both  fields  of  study,  and 
should  therefore  be  explored  further. 

Besides  Co  and  Cr  abundances,  we  find  that  the  abundances  of  Mn, 
Al,  and  the  heavy  elements  Sr  and  Ba  begin  to  decrease  markedly, 
relative  to  iron,  below  a  metallicity  of  1/300  of  the  solar  value.  We 
conclude  that  SN  at  these  low  metallicities  were  very  different  than  SN 
today,  and  it  seems  reasonable  to  us  that  these  differences  may  have 
been  due  to  the  effects  of  stellar  mass  loss  on  stellar  evolution.  At  low 
metallicity,  mass  loss  from  stellar  winds  is  expected  to  be  much 
reduced,  and  this  could  change  the  mass  range  of  stars  which 
ultimately  become  SN. 



Finally,  we  find  that  there  is  a  large  scatter  in  certain  abundance 
ratios  among  metal-poor  stars.  In  particular,  we  found  that  star  CS 
22892-052  possesses  an  r-process  to  iron  ratio  more  than  forty  times  the 
solar  value.  A  spectrum  of  this  star  appears  in  Figure  1;  amazingly,  the 
figure  shows  that  the  strongest  line  in  this  portion  of  the  spectrum  is 
due  to  europium,  an  r-process  element.  We  conclude  that  this  scatter  is 
caused  by  a  real  spread  in  SN  production  of  r-process  elements  relative 
to  iron,  a  quantity  for  which  there  are  presently  no  reliable  theoretical 
predictions.  The  spread  in  abundance  ratios  also  indicates  that  at  these 
early  times  the  Galactic  mixing  processes  had  not  yet  homogenized  the 
interstellar  gas.  Therefore,  our  abundance  analyses  may  yield 
information  on  the  dynamical,  as  well  as  the  chemical,  evolution  of  the 

It  is  remarkable  that  from  spectral  analysis  of  extremely  metal  poor 
stars,  we  can  learn  about  the  nuclear  and  stellar  physics  of  element 
synthesis  occurring  ten  billion  years  before  the  birth  of  the  solar 
system,  deep  within  supernova  explosions,  in  an  environment  with 
peak  temperatures  of  several  billions  of  degrees  Kelvin. 

It  seems  impossible  not  to  feel  a  great  connection  with  the  universe 
when  one  realizes  the  significance  of  these  nucleosynthesis  processes  in 
our  daily  lives.  After  all,  the  iron  in  the  hemoglobin  of  our  blood  was 
made  by  nuclear  statistical  equilibrium  and  explosive  silicon  burning; 
the  calcium  in  our  teeth  and  bones  was  made  by  explosive  oxygen  and 
silicon  burning,  and  the  fluorine  we  brush  those  teeth  with  was 
produced  by  a  rare  neutrino  interaction  with  neon;  the  iodine  in  our 
thyroid  glands  was  produced  by  r-process  neutron  capture;  the  carbon 
and  oxygen  in  our  tissues  was  synthesized  during  helium  burning,  and 
the  hydrogen  in  our  tissues  and  fluids  was  forged  during  the  Big  Bang 
perhaps  20  billion  years  ago. 

Entrance  to  the  new  addition  at  the  Observatories'  Pasadena  office  building. 


Spectroscopy  of  Gas  at  High  Redshift 

by  Michael  Ranch 

Thus  the  explorations  of  space  end  on  a  note  of  uncertainty.  And 
necessarily  so.  We  are,  by  definition,  in  the  very  center  of  the  observable 
region.  We  know  our  immediate  neighborhood  rather  intimately.  With 
increasing  distance,  our  knowledge  fades,  and  fades  rapidly.  Eventually, 
we  reach  the  dim  boundary — the  utmost  limits  of  our  telescopes.  There, 
we  measure  shadows,  and  we  search  among  ghostly  errors  of 
measurement  for  landmarks  that  are  scarcely  more  substantial....* 

The  above  quotation  is  from  the  final  chapter  of  Edwin  Hubble' s 
classic  book  The  Realm  of  the  Nebulae,  a  compendium  of  what  was 
known  about  observational  cosmology  in  the  1930's.  Hubble's  dramatic 
description  refers  to  observations  of  distant  galaxies  and  to  the 
frustrating  observational  constraints  that  prevent 
astronomers  from  reaching  further  out  into  space. 
Writing  nowadays,  Hubble  would  presumably  give  a 
more  optimistic  account.  True,  "ghostly  errors  of 
measurement"  may  still  occasionally  be  met,  but  the 
"landmarks"  have  gained  considerably  in  substance 
during  the  past  fifty  years. 

Hubble  did  not  live  to  witness  the  birth  of  a 
branch  of  astronomy  devoted,  not  metaphorically  but 
literally,  to  the  study  of  "shadows,"  a  specialized  science 
which  would  extend  the  borders  of  knowledge  in  space 
and  time  far  beyond  what  he  could  have  envisioned  in 
his  lifetime. 

This  development  began  in  the  1960's  with  the  ... 

discovery  of  a  new  class  of  astronomical  objects,  the 
so-called  QSOs  (Quasi-Stellar  Objects,  or  quasars).  As 
it  turned  out,  many  of  these  extremely  bright  light  sources — thought  to 
be  caused  by  violent  phenomena  in  the  nuclei  of  early  galaxies — are 
located  not  too  far  from  the  edge  of  the  observable  universe,  the 
so-called  horizon.  In  a  world  of  finite  age,  light  from  galaxies  further 
away  than  the  horizon  has  not  yet  had  time  to  reach  us,  even  if  it  was 
emitted  at  the  very  beginning  of  the  universe.  Therefore,  the  horizon 
distance  is  really  a  fundamental  limit  to  Hubble's  quest  and  cannot  be 
transcended  even  by  using  arbitrarily  large  telescopes.  Observing  the 
ultraluminous  QSOs,  however,  we  can  at  least  sample  distances  out  to  a 
significant  fraction  of  the  horizon  radius,  where  the  nearby  galaxies 
Hubble  studied  would  long  have  become  invisible. 

*Edwin  Hubble,  The  Realm  of  the  Nebulae,  p.  36,  Yale  University  Press,  New 
Haven,  1936,  ©Yale  University  Press. 





Wavelength  (A) 

Fig.  1 .  Spectrum  of  the  QSO  001 4+81 3  at  redshift  3.4.  The  ragged  appearance 
below  5250  A  is  caused  by  hundreds  of  Lyman  a  absorption  lines  produced  by  gas 
intervening  between  the  QSO  and  us.  The  inset  is  an  enlargement  of  a  small  section 
taken  at  higher  spectral  resolution.  At  top,  it  is  normalized  such  that  the  QSO 
continuum  becomes  a  horizontal  line,  and  the  individually  resolvable  absorption 
components  are  indicated  by  vertical  tick  marks.  As  can  be  seen,  the  indentations 
split  into  many  distinct  absorption  lines,  each  representing  a  gas  cloud  at  a  slightly 
different  velocity  of  recession. 

Soon  after  the  discovery  of  QSOs  it  was  realized  that  the  ancient 
light  from  these  objects  contains  a  continuous  record  of  the  physical 
conditions  of  the  matter  along  the  light  path.  When  QSO  light  is 
analyzed  with  spectroscopic  means,  numerous  indentations  are  found 
to  be  imprinted  on  the  otherwise  rather  smooth  continuum  of  the  QSO 
spectrum.  These  features  can  be  identified  as  known  atomic  absorption 
lines  at  known  wavelengths  arising  in  gas  intervening  between  us  and 
the  QSO.  Each  of  those  atomic  transitions  casts  a  characteristic 
"shadow"  onto  the  spectrum  of  the  light  source.  The  light  from  a 
distant  QSO  intersects  hundreds  of  absorbing  gas  clouds  on  its  way  to 
us;  because  of  the  expansion  of  the  universe  the  spectral  signature  of 
each  of  these  clouds  is  shifted  increasingly  to  the  red  with  increasing 
distance,  so  the  absorption  features  line  up  along  the  spectrum  like 
beads  in  a  necklace  (see  Fig.  1).  The  "redshift,"  derived  from  the  ratio 
between  the  observed  "reddened"  and  the  terrestrial  wavelength  of  an 
absorption  line,  is  a  convenient  measure  of  the  distance  and 
lookback-time  to  an  absorbing  object.  Since  light  travels  with  a  finite 
velocity  we  see  distant  objects  as  they  appeared  when  the  light  was 
emitted.  Thus,  observations  of  QSOs  enable  us  to  probe  the  universe  in 
space  and  time:  far-away  and  long-ago  are  inseparable.  An  object  at 
redshift  3,  for  example,  is  now  at  a  distance  halfway  out  to  the  horizon, 


and  appears  as  it  was  when  the  universe  was  about  10%  of  its  present 

Over  the  past  two  decades,  spectroscopy  of  lines  of  sight  to  QSOs 
has  provided  us  with  a  wealth  of  information  about  the  chemical 
abundances  of  the  intervening  gas,  its  temperature  and  kinematics,  the 
intergalactic  radiation  field,  and  the  cosmological  distribution  of  these 
intervening  objects  throughout  most  of  the  history  of  the  universe.  It 
has  become  realized  that  the  shadows  in  the  QSO  spectra  arise  from 
quite  a  range  of  astronomical  objects,  and  that  the  variety  in  the 
physical  appearance  of  absorption  systems  is  larger  and  more  bizarre 
than  whatever  we  see  nearby.  Galaxies  as  we  know  them  from  their 
emission  (which  is  what  traditional  astronomy  is  about)  extend  a  much 
larger  cross-section  when  viewed  in  absorption  against  QSOs,  an 
indication  that  considerable  parts  of  these  objects  are  invisible  in 
imaging  studies.  This  is  a  consequence  of  the  enormous  sensitivity  of 
absorption  spectroscopy.  To  see  a  galaxy  in  emission  requires  billions  of 
stars  to  shine  simultaneously,  and  even  then  only  the  central  part  of  a 
galaxy  is  bright  enough  to  be  detected,  whereas  a  tiny  fraction  of  a  solar 
mass  in  absorbing  gas  (mostly  hydrogen)  suffices  to  be  detected  easily 
in  a  QSO  spectrum. 

Of  course  there  is  a  price  to  be  paid:  the  picture  QSO  spectroscopy 
draws  of  the  material  contents  of  the  universe  is  by  necessity  coarse 
compared  to  the  detailed  studies  possible  in  our  Galactic  neighborhood 
with  stellar  spectroscopy,  as  described  by  Andy  McWilliam  in  the 
preceding  article.  First,  because  of  their  enormous  distances  QSOs  are 
much  fainter  than  typical  stars  in  our  Galaxy;  this  restricts  extragalactic 
observations  at  present  to  the  few  most  abundant  chemical  elements 
having  the  strongest  absorption  lines.  Second,  the  stellar  astronomer  is 
free  to  choose  individual  stars  of  particular  interest  for  study,  while  the 
QSO  observer  is  stuck  with  a  single  line  of  sight  of  unpredictable 
orientation  through  a  whole  galaxy,  much  like  a  drilling  core.  A  line  of 
sight  to  a  QSO  will  always  pierce  through  many  layers  of  interstellar 
gas  and  probe  many  different  stellar  environments  at  the  same  time,  so 
we  can  only  expect  to  obtain  average  values  for  the  properties  of  the 
gas  we  observe. 

Keeping  these  cautionary  remarks  in  mind,  what  does 
spectroscopy  of  high-redshift  gas  tell  us  about  the  early  universe?  Not 
surprisingly,  galaxies  and  galaxy  precursors  account  for  at  least  some  of 
the  absorbers,  a  connection  firmly  established  only  a  few  years  ago 
(pioneered  by  J.  Bergeron  and  collaborators)  when  imaging  studies  at 
optical  wavelengths  and  in  the  radio  regime  detected  emission  from 
objects  previously  known  only  in  absorption.  Those  objects  turned  out 
to  be  rather  bright  galaxies  not  unlike  our  Milky  Way,  surrounded  by 
huge,  highly  ionized  gaseous  halos  responsible  for  the  absorption. 
Sometimes  the  line  of  sight  to  the  QSO  intersects,  in  addition  to  the 


halo  clouds,  the  predominantly  neutral  hydrogen  gas  of  what  is 
thought  to  be  a  galactic  disk  or  its  precursor,  leading  to  a  very  broad, 
"damped"  Lyman  a  absorption  line  in  the  spectrum.  However,  by  far 
most  of  the  absorption  systems  show  much  weaker  absorption  features 
than  either  the  halo  or  damped  Lyman  a  systems:  they  belong  to  a  third 
class  of  absorbers  called  "Lyman  a  forest"  clouds;  each  QSO  spectrum 
is  covered  by  a  dense  "forest"  of  hundreds  of  hydrogen  Lyman  a 
absorption  lines  arising  in  these  objects.  The  physical  nature  of  the 
forest  clouds  is  still  unknown;  counterparts  in  emission  have  not  yet 
been  discovered,  and  speculations  abound.  Infalling  gas  in  the  process 
of  galaxy  formation,  tidal  debris  from  galaxy-galaxy  interactions,  dark 
galaxies  with  burned-out  stars,  and  intergalactic  gas  confined  by  the 
gravity  of  dark-matter  halos  are  among  the  less  esoteric  candidates,  and 
possibly  all  of  them  contribute  to  some  extent  to  the  phenomenon. 

Numerous  metallicity  studies  of  individual  halo  or  damped  Ly  a 
systems  and  dozens  of  surveys  for  particular  metal-absorption  features 
have  been  performed  during  the  last  fifteen  years.  The  results  point  to 
some  kind  of  overall  chemical  evolution,  in  the  sense  that  the 
abundances  of  common  elements  produced  by  stellar  nucleosynthesis 
(such  as  carbon,  silicon,  and  oxygen)  increase  with  time.  Metal 
abundances  in  both  halo  and  damped  systems  are  lower  at  redshift  3  by 
a  factor  of  typically  10-100  relative  to  solar  abundances.  This  ties  in 
nicely  with  the  properties  of  the  metal-poor  globular  cluster  stars  in  our 
Galaxy,  and  we  have  reason  to  believe  that  these  objects  contain  a  fossil 
record  of  what  we  observe — still  in  the  form  of  gas — in  high-redshif t 
galaxy  halos.  Evidence  from  surveys  for  absorption  systems  with  the 
conspicuous  Carbon  IV  doublet  (by  Sargent  and  collaborators  at 
Palomar)  is  most  easily  interpreted  as  showing  a  monotonic  increase  of 
the  carbon  abundance  with  time,  a  sign  of  progressive  chemical 
enrichment  of  the  halo  gas  in  these  objects  by  stars.  Nevertheless,  there 
is  a  huge  scatter  in  abundances  even  at  the  same  epoch.  For  example,  of 
two  damped  Lyman  a  systems,  both  at  redshift  ~2  and  lying  toward 
the  same  QSO,  one  has  a  metal  abundance  down  by  almost  a  factor  of 
1000  relative  to  solar  values,  whereas  abundances  in  the  other  barely 
differ  from  present-day  values.  While  all  the  metal-containing  systems 
are  thought  to  be  somehow  related  to  galaxies,  most  of  the  weak  Lyman 
a  forest  systems  may  well  belong  to  a  pristine  intergalactic  population 
uncontaminated  by  any  stellar  nucleosynthesis.  At  the  time  of  writing 
there  is  no  strong  evidence  suggesting  that  they  contain  elements 
heavier  than  helium  at  all. 

Halo  or  disk  stars  are  not  the  only  sources  of  chemical  elements. 
For  some  time  it  has  been  suspected  that  a  peculiar  kind  of 
nucleosynthesis  has  taken  place  in  QSOs  themselves.  Work  by  former 
Carnegie  postdoc  Fred  Hamann  (now  at  UCSD)  and  collaborator  Gary 
Ferland  shows  that  the  nitrogen  abundance  in  redshift-2  QSOs,  as 


derived  from  QSO  emission-line  studies,  exceeds  that  of  the  solar 
neighborhood.  This  result  seems  to  hold  for  so-called  associated 
systems,  clouds  which  were  probably  ejected  from  the  QSO  in  the  past, 
some  of  them  with  velocities  of  more  than  10,000  km  per  second. 
Patrick  Petitjean  (Paris),  Bob  Carswell  (Cambridge),  and  I  detected  gas 
with  higher-than-solar  carbon  and  nitrogen  abundances  in  absorbing 
clouds  close  to  QSOs  at  redshift  2.  The  clouds  are  seen  when  the 
universe  was  only  about  20%  of  its  present  age,  so  nucleosynthesis 
obviously  proceeded  very  rapidly.  It  is  not  precisely  clear  why,  though. 
An  early  generation  of  massive  stars  has  been  suggested,  as  have  been 
violent  nucleosynthetic  processes  in  the  hot  gaseous  accretion  disk 
surrounding  a  black  hole,  the  central  engine  thought  to  be  behind  the 
QSO  phenomenon. 

There  is  clearly  nothing  like  a  global  chemical  abundance  ratio  at 
any  epoch  after  the  first  stars  and  galaxies  have  formed;  the 
metallicities  depend  much  on  local  conditions.  On  the  other  hand,  our 
currently  favored  picture  of  the  universe,  the  Big  Bang  model,  predicts 
the  emergence  of  a  characteristic  primordial  abundance  pattern  in  the 
nucleosynthetic  events  during  the  first  few  minutes  after  the  Bang. 
Next  to  hydrogen,  helium  and  the  heavier  hydrogen  isotope, 
deuterium,  are  the  most  notable  among  these  primordial  elements; 
unfortunately,  they  are  also  among  the  most  difficult  ones  to  detect  at 
high  redshift.  The  search  for  these  elements  in  high-redshift  gas  is 
nevertheless  of  great  interest  because  it  should  give  clues  as  to  the 
primordial  composition  of  matter  prior  to  processing  by  subsequent 
generations  of  stars. 

Last  year  Carswell,  Observatories  staff  member  Ray  Weymann,  and 
I  observed  an  absorbing  cloud  at  redshift  3.3  with  the  Kitt  Peak  4-meter 
telescope  to  look  for  primordial  deuterium,  an  important  indicator  of 
the  number  of  baryons  in  the  universe:  the  higher  the  baryon  density, 
the  more  deuterium  is  processed  into  helium  during  the  first  few 
minutes  after  the  Big  Bang  and  the  less  deuterium  survives  to  the 
present.  Only  very  few  absorption  clouds  are  suitable  for  such  a  study: 
if  the  amount  of  gas  present  is  too  large  then  the  nearby  hydrogen  line 
in  the  spectrum  caused  by  the  same  cloud  completely  swamps  the 
expected  deuterium  feature;  if  there  is  too  little  gas,  then  the  absorption 
signal  of  deuterium  is  too  weak  to  be  detected.  The  cloud  chosen  had 
the  additional  benefit  of  showing  no  signs  of  stellar  nucleosynthesis 
and  thus  of  stellar  processes  that  could  have  destroyed  primordial 
deuterium.  Absorption  at  the  putative  wavelength  position  of 
deuterium  was  detected  at  a  level  rather  stronger  than  expected  on  the 
basis  of  theoretical  predictions.  (This  finding  is  confirmed  in 
independent  work  with  the  Keck  telescope  by  Songaila  and 
collaborators.)  Taken  at  face  value  the  high  deuterium-to-hydrogen 
ratio  would  imply  that  there  may  be  less  baryonic  matter  in  the 


universe  than  previously  thought.  The  apparent  discrepancy  between 
the  small  amount  of  baryonic  matter  observed  in  galaxies  and  the 
larger  value  based  on  previous  estimates  of  the  deuterium  abundance 
would  disappear.  However,  it  is  conceivable  that  the  absorption  feature 
interpreted  as  deuterium  is  contaminated  by  the  hydrogen  line  of  a 
nearby  unidentified  cloud,  so  the  detection  should  be  cautiously 
considered  primarily  an  upper  limit  on  the  primordial  deuterium 
abundance.  Confirmation  or  rejection  of  this  result  must  await 
observations  of  several  other  clouds. 

Helium,  the  second-most-common  element  (after  hydrogen)  has 
also  remained  elusive  until  recently.  Its  absorption  lines  occur  in  the 
far-ultraviolet  region,  so  even  at  high  redshift  we  can  observe  them 
only  above  the  Earth's  atmosphere,  with  satellites.  Early  this  year 
Jakobsen  and  collaborators,  using  the  Hubble  Space  Telescope,  detected 
absorption  by  Helium  II,  apparently  distributed  in  a  continuous  fashion 
all  over  the  universe,  not  only  in  galaxies  or  the  clouds  producing 
Lyman  a  absorption  lines.  In  intergalactic  space,  the  helium-containing 
gas  should  be  untouched  by  stellar  nucleosynthesis  and  should 
represent,  therefore,  gas  of  primordial  origin.  This  result,  if  confirmed, 
lends  strong  support  to  the  Big  Bang  theory,  which  predicts  that  most 
of  the  existing  helium  formed  very  early  in  the  history  of  the  universe. 

From  these  recent  examples  it  is  clear  that  QSO  absorption  line 
spectroscopy  will  be  one  of  the  growth  industries  of  astronomy  for 
decades  to  come.  Large  telescopes  like  the  Carnegie  Observatories' 
Magellan,  in  combination  with  high-resolution  spectrographs,  will 
allow  QSO  spectroscopists  to  catch  up  with  their  stellar  colleagues,  as 
far  as  our  knowledge  of  chemical  abundances  is  concerned.  The  much 
stronger  signals  collected  by  these  instruments  will  make  many  more 
chemical  elements  having  only  weak  absorption  lines  available  for 

Detailed  kinematical  studies  of  the  absorption-line  profiles  will 
enable  us  to  track  gas  motions  and  witness  the  process  of  galaxy 
formation  in  situ,  providing  information  not  accessible  otherwise. 

With  increasing  sensitivity,  fainter  (and  thus  many  more)  QSOs  can 
be  observed  spectroscopically,  and  we  can  imagine  observing  programs 
dedicated  to  mapping  the  large-scale  structure  of  the  universe  with 
QSO  beams — a  kind  of  tomography  of  space. 

A  large  sample  of  absorption  systems  at  high  redshift  may  provide 
the  ultimate  reference  frame  to  measure  the  motion  of  our  solar  system 
with  respect  to  the  rest  of  the  universe. 

Once  we  gain  a  sufficient  understanding  of  the  variety  of 
phenomena  we  are  observing  at  high  redshift,  we  may  feel  prepared  to 
tackle  some  of  the  cosmological  questions  that  were  at  the  focus  of 
Hubble's  research,  knowing  now  that  the  realm  of  the  nebulae  is 
embedded  in  the  much  larger  realm  of  the  shadows. 




Bershady,  M  Av  M.  Hereld,  R.  G.  Kron, 
D.  C.  Koo,  J.  A.  Munn,  and  S.  R.  Majewski, 
The  optical  and  near-infrared  colors  of 
galaxies.  I.  The  photometric  data,  Astron. 
J.  108, 870, 1994. 

Carswell,  R.  E,  M.  Rauch,  R.  J.  Wey- 
mann,  A.  J.  Cooke,  and  J.  K.  Webb,  Is  there 
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Castander,  E  J.,  R.  S.  Ellis,  C.  S.  Frenk,  A. 
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Heathcote,  SN  1987 A's  circumstellar  en- 
velope. I.  The  shape  of  the  double-lobed 
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Donahue,  M.,  Evolution  of  clusters  and 
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line  emission  in  cluster  cooling  flows, 
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Ground-based  observations  of  PKS2155- 
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Donahue,  M.,  with  R.  Edelson  et  al., 
Multi-wavelength  monitoring  of  the  BL 
Lac  object  PKS2155-304.  IV.  Multi- 
wavelength  analysis,  Astrophys.  /.,  in 

Dressier,  A.,  The  spectra  and  morphol- 
ogy of  galaxies  in  high-redshift  clusters, 
in  Observational  Cosmology,  ASP  Conference 
Series  51,  G.  Chincarini  et  al,  eds.,  Astron. 
Society  Pacific,  p.  225, 1993. 

Dressier,  A.,  A.  Oemler,  Jr.,  H.  R.  Butcher, 
and  J.  E.  Gunn,  The  morphology  of  distant 
cluster  galaxies.  I.  HST  observations  of  CL 
0939+4713,  Astrophys.  J.  430, 107,  1994. 

Dressier,  A.,  A.  Oemler,  Jr.,  W.  B.  Sparks, 
and  R.  A.  Lucas,  New  images  of  the  dis- 
tant, rich  cluster  CL0939+4713  with 
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Astronomy  with  Arrays:  The  Next  Genera- 
tion, I.  S.  McLean,  ed.,  Kluwer,  Dordrecht, 
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Elston,  R.,  P.  J.  McCarthy,  P.  Eisenhardt, 
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and  P.  Maloney,  The  Seyfert  II  nature  of 
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Faber,  S.,  S.  Courteau,  A.  Dekel,  A. 
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Federspiel,  M.,  A.  Sandage,  and  G.  A. 
Tammann,  Bias  properties  of  extragalacric 
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Freedman,  W.  L.,  The  Local  Group  as 
stepping  stone  to  the  universe,  in  The  Local 
Group:  Comparative  and  Global  Properties, 
Third  CTIO/ESO  Workshop,  A.  Layden,  C. 
Smith,  and  J.  Storm,  eds.,  European 
Southern  Observatory,  in  press. 

Freedman,  W.  L.,  and  B.  F.  Madore, 
Recent  improvements  to  the  Cepheid  dis- 
tance scale,  in  New  Perspectives  on  Stellar 
Pulsation  and  Pulsating  Variable  Stars,  IAU 
Colloquium  139,  J.  M.  Nemec  and  J.  M. 
Matthews,  eds.,  Cambridge  University 
Press,  p.  61, 1993. 

Freedman,  W.  L.,  with  R.  Hill  et  al,  Hub- 
ble Space  Telescope  first  observations  of 
the  brightest  stars  in  the  Virgo  galaxy 
M100  =  NGC  4321,  Astrophys.  }.  Lett.,  in 

Freedman,  W.  L.,  with  M.  G.  Lee,  R.  Hill, 
et  al,  The  Hubble  Space  Telescope  ex- 
tragalactic  distance  scale  key  project.  I. 
The  discovery  of  Cepheids  and  a  new  dis- 
tance to  M81,  Astrophys.  J.  427,  628, 1994. 

Hill,  R.  J.,  B.  E  Madore,  and  W.  L.  Freed- 
man, The  initial  mass  function  for  massive 
stars  in  the  Magellanic  Clouds.  I.  UBV 
photometry  and  color-magnitude  dia- 
grams for  14  OB  associations,  Astrophys. }. 
Supp.  92,583,1994. 

Hill,  R.  J.,  B.  F  Madore,  and  W.  L.  Freed- 



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stars  in  the  Magellanic  Clouds.  II.  Inter- 
stellar reddening  toward  14  OB  associa- 
tions, Astrophys.  J.  429, 192, 1994. 

Hill,  R.  J.,  B.  F.  Madore,  and  W.  L.  Freed- 
man,  The  initial  mass  function  for  massive 
stars  in  the  Magellanic  Clouds.  III. 
Luminosity  and  mass  functions  for  14  OB 
associations,  Astrophys.  }.  429,  204, 1994. 

Hughes,  S.  M.  G.,  with  R.  Hill,  W.  L. 
Freedman,  et  al.,  The  Hubble  Space  Tele- 
scope extragalactic  distance  scale  key 
project.  II.  photometry  of  WFC  images  of 
M81,  Astrophys.  ].  428, 143, 1994. 

Ivanov,  G.  R.,  W.  L.  Freedman,  and  B.  F. 
Madore,  A  catalog  of  blue  and  red  super- 
giants  in  M33,  Astrophys.  J.  Supp.  89,  85, 

Jun,  X.,  A.  P.  S.  Crotts,  W.  E.  Kunkel,  Two 
new  light  echo  structures  from  SN1987A 
at  large  distances,  Astrophys.  /.,  in  press. 

Kaluzny,  J.,  and  W.  Krzeminski,  Contact 
binaries  and  SX  Phe  variables  in  the 
globular  cluster  NGC  4372,  MNRAS  264, 
785, 1993. 

Kapahi,  V.  K.,  R  M.  Athreya,  C.  R.  Sub- 
rahmanya,  R.  W.  Hunstead,  J.  C.  Baker,  P. 
J.  McCarthy,  and  W.  van  Breugel,  Cos- 
mological  evolution  of  linear  sizes  and  the 
unification  of  quasars  and  radio  galaxies, 
in  Proceedings  of  the  IAU  Asian  Pacific 
Regional  Meeting  on  Astronomy,  Journal  of 
Astrophysics  and  Astronomy,  Indian 
Academy  of  Sciences,  Bangalore,  in  press. 

Kennicutt,  R.  C,  Jr.,  M.  S.  Oey,  D.  Zarit- 
sky,  and  J.  Huchra,  Systematics  of  H  II 
region  abundances  in  galaxies,  Revista 
Mexicana  de  Astronomia  y  Astrofisica  27, 21, 

Koo,  D.  C,  M.  A.  Bershady,  G.  D.  Wirth, 
S.  A.  Stanford,  and  S.  R.  Majewski,  HST 
images  of  very  compact  blue  galaxies  at  z 
~  0.2,  Astrophys.  }.  Lett.  427,  L9, 1994. 

Kubiak,  M.,  and  W.  Krzeminski,  Short 
period  radial  velocity  variations  of  KO 
Velorum,  Acta  Astron.  44,  81, 1994. 

Kunkel,  W.  E.,  S.  Demers,  and  M.  J. 
Irwin,  in  The  Local  Group:  Comparative  and 
Global  Properties,  Third  CTIO/ESO 
Workshop,  A.  Layden,  C.  Smith,  and  J. 
Storm,  eds.  European  Southern  Obser- 
vatory, in  press. 

Lee,  M.  G.,  W.  L.  Freedman,  and  B.  F. 
Madore,  I-band  Cepheid  distance  to  NGC 
6822,  in  New  Perspectives  on  Stellar  Pulsa- 
tion and  Pulsating  Variable  Stars,  IAU  Collo- 
quium 139,  J.  M.  Nemec  and  J.  M.  Mat- 
thews, eds.,  Cambridge  University  Press, 
p.  91, 1993. 

Lee,  M.  G.,  W.  L.  Freedman,  and  B.  F. 

Madore,  I-band  Cepheid  distance  to 
WLM,  in  Nezv  Perspectives  on  Stellar  Pulsa- 
tion and  Pulsating  Variable  Stars,  IAU  Collo- 
quium 139,  J.  M.  Nemec  and  J.  M.  Mat- 
thews, eds.,  Cambridge  University  Press, 
p.  92, 1993. 

Lee,  M.  G.,  W.  L.  Freedman,  and  B.  F. 
Madore,  The  tip  of  the  red  giant  branch  as 
a  distance  indicator  for  resolved  galaxies, 
Astrophys.  J.  41 7,  553, 1993. 

Lorrimer,  S.  J.,  C.  S.  Frenk,  R.  M.  Smith, 
S.  D.  M.  White,  and  D.  Zaritsky,  The  dis- 
tribution of  satellite  galaxies,  MNRAS 
296,  696, 1994. 

Madore,  B.  E,  W.  L.  Freedman,  and  M.  G. 
Lee,  Resolved  stars  in  nearby  galaxies: 
ground-based  photometry  of  M81, 
Astron.  J.  106,  2243, 1993. 

Majewski,  S.  R.,  Astrometry  and  galactic 
structure,  in  Astronomy  from  Wide  Field  Im- 
aging, IAU  Symposium  161,  H.  T.  Mac- 
Gillivray  et  al.,  eds.,  Kluwer,  Dordrecht,  p. 
425, 1994. 

Majewski,  S.  R.,  The  Fornax-Leo-Scul- 
ptor stream  revisited,  Astrophys.  J.  Lett. 
431,  L17, 1994. 

Majewski,  S.  R.,  R.  G.  Kron,  and  D.  C. 
Koo,  Deep  UBVRI  photometric  calibra- 
tion of  high  latitude  fields:  SA57 
(1307+30)  and  Hercules  (1720+50),  Publ. 
Astron.  Soc.  Pac,  in  press. 

Majewski,  S.  R.,  J.  A.  Munn,  and  S.  L. 
Hawley,  Absolute  proper  motions  to  B  ~ 
22.5:  evidence  for  kinematical  substruc- 
ture in  halo  field  stars,  Astrophys.  J.  Lett. 
427,  L37, 1994. 

Mateo,  M.,  Photometrically  variable 
blue  stragglers,  in  Blue  Stragglers,  ASP 
Conference  Series  53,  R.  A.  Saffer,  ed., 
Astron.  Society  Pacific,  p.  74, 1993. 

Mazur,  B.,  J.  Kaluzny,  and  W.  Krze- 
minski, Photometric  study  of  the  inter- 
mediate-age open  cluster  Be33,  MNRAS 
265, 405, 1993. 

Mazur,  B.,  W.  Krzeminski,  and  J.  Kaluz- 
ny, Discovery  of  45  short-period  eclipsing 
binaries  in  the  field  of  the  old  open  cluster 
Cr261,  MNRAS,  in  press. 

McCarthy,  P.  J.,  Emission  line  properties 
of  3CR  radio  galaxies.  I:  Imaging  data, 
Astrophys.  J.  Supp.,  in  press. 

McCarthy,  P.  J.,  and  S.  Persson,  Energy 
distributions  of  distant  radio  galaxies,  in 
Infrared  Astronomy  with  Arrays:  The  Next 
Generation,  I.  S.  McLean,  ed.,  Kluwer,  Dor- 
drecht, p.  141, 1994. 

McWilliam,  A.,  and  R.  M.  Rich,  The  first 
detailed  abundance  analysis  of  Galactic 
bulge  K  giants  in  Baade's  Window, 
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Miralles,  M.  P.,  L.  F.  Rodriguez,  M.  Tapia, 
M.  Roth,  P.  Persi,  M.  Ferrari-Toniolo,  and 
S.  Curiel,  VLA  observations  of  Cyg  OB2 
No.  5:  detection  of  a  weak  radio  com- 
panion and  new  observations  and  models 
for  the  main  component,  Astron. 
Astrophys.  282,  547, 1994. 

Morris,  S.  L.,  R.  J.  Weymann,  A.  Dressier, 
P.  J.  McCarthy,  B.  A.  Smith,  R.  J.  Terrile,  R. 
Giovanelli,  and  M.  Irwin,  The  environ- 
ment of  Lyman-  absorbers  in  the  sight  line 
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Murphy,  D.  C,  Two  Offner-based  IR 
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Astronomy  with  Arrays:  The  Next  Genera- 
tion, I.  S.  McLean,  ed.,  Kluwer,  Dordrecht, 
p.  301, 1994. 

Nadeau,  D.,  D.  C.  Murphy,  R.  Doyon, 
and  N.  Rowlands,  The  Montreal  near-in- 
frared camera,  Publ.  Astron.  Soc.  Vac.  106, 
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Paczynski,  B.,  K.  Z.  Stanek,  A.  Udalski, 
M.  Szymanski,  J.  Kaluzny,  M.  Kubiak,  M. 
Mateo,  and  W.  Krzeminski,  Are  the  OGLE 
microlenses  in  the  Galactic  bar?, 
Astrophys.  J.  Lett.,  in  press. 

Persi,  P.,  M.  Roth,  M.  Tapia,  M.  Ferrari- 
Toniolo,  and  A.  R.  Marenzi,  The  young 
stellar  population  associated  with  the  H II 
region  NGC  3576,  Astron.  Astrophys.  282, 
474, 1994. 

Peterson,  B.  M.,  with  R.  J.  Weymann  et 
al.,  Steps  toward  determination  of  the  size 
and  structure  of  the  broad-line  region  in 
active  galactic  nuclei.  VII.  Variability  of 
the  optical  spectrum  of  NGC  5548  over  4 
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Petitjean,  P.,  M.  Rauch,  and  R.  F. 
Carswell,  The  zai,s  ~  zm  ~  2  QSO  absorp- 
tion line  systems:  evidence  for  solar  abun- 
dances, Astron.  Astrophys.,  in  press. 

Preston,  G.  W.,  The  globular  cluster  and 
horizontal  branch  content  of  the  bulge  and 
halo,  in  Galactic  Bulges,  IAU  Symposium 
153,  H.  B.  Dejonghe  and  H.  J.  Habing,  eds., 
Kluwer,  Dordrecht,  p.  101, 1993. 

Preston,  G.  W.,  CS  22873-139:  a  very 
metal-poor  main  sequence  spectroscopic 
binary  with  colors  indicative  of  inter- 
mediate age,  Astron.  J.,  in  press. 

Preston,  G.  W.,  T  C.  Beers,  and  S.  A. 
Shectman,  The  space  density  and  kine- 
matics of  blue  metal-poor  main  sequence 
stars  near  the  solar  circle,  Astron.  J.  108, 
538, 1994. 

Rauch,  M.,  High  resolution  studies  of  the 
Lyman  alpha  forest,  in  Proceedings  of  the 
ESO  Workshop  on  Science  with  the  VLT, 
Munich,  June  1994,  Springer-Verlag,  Ber- 
lin, in  press. 

Rauch,  M.,  A  cosmic  reference  frame: 
using  QSO  absorption  lines  to  trace  the 
Hubble  flow,  in  Proceedings  of  the  35th 
Herstmonceux  Conference  on  Wide  Field 
Spectroscopy  and  the  Distant  Universe, 
Cambridge,  July  1994,  World  Scientific,  Sin- 
gapore, in  press. 

Rauch,  M.,  A  cosmic  rest  frame  at  high 
redshift,  MNRAS,  in  press. 

Reid,  I.  N.,  and  W.  L.  Freedman,  The  RR 
Lyrae  population  of  the  LMC-I.  The  im- 
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Reid,  N.,  and  S.  R.  Majewski,  Deep 
multi-color  starcounts,  in  Astronomy  from 
Wide  Field  Imaging,  IAU  Symposium  161,  H. 
T.  MacGillivray  et  ah,  eds.,  Kluwer,  Dor- 
drecht, p.  423, 1994. 

Rix,  H.,  and  D.  Zaritsky,  The  mass  den- 
sity amplitude  of  spiral  arms,  in  Infrared 
Astronomy  with  Arrays:  The  Next  Genera- 
tion, Kluwer,  Dordrecht,  p.  151, 1994. 

Roth,  M.,  The  Magellan  Project:  A  6.5- 
meter  telescope  at  Las  Campanas  Obser- 
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ican IAU  Meeting,  Vina  del  Mar,  November 
1992,  Revista  Mexicana  de  Astronomia  y 
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Roth,  M.,  M.  Tapia,  R.  Vazquez,  and  A. 
Feinstein,  JHK  imaging  photometry  of  the 
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Astronomia  y  Astrofisica,  in  press. 

Saglia,  R.  P.,  R.  Bender,  and  A.  Dressier, 
The  intrinsic  shape  of  early-type  galaxies 
and  the  scatter  around  the  fundamental 
plane,  Astron.  Astrophys.  279,  75, 1993. 

Saha,  A.,  L.  Labhardt,  H.  Schwengeler,  F. 
D.  Macchetto,  N.  Panagia,  A.  Sandage, 
and  G.  A.  Tammann,  Discovery  of 
Cepheids  in  IC  4182:  absolute  peak  bright- 
ness of  SN  la  1937C  and  the  value  of  H0, 
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Saha,  A.,  A.  Sandage,  L.  Labhardt,  H. 
Schwengeler,  G.  A.  Tammann,  N.  Panagia, 
and  F.  D.  Macchetto,  Discovery  of 
Cepheids  in  NGC  5253:  absolute  peak 
brightness  of  SNe  la  1895B  and  1972E  and 
the  value  of  H0,  Astrophys.  /.,  in  press. 

Sandage,  A.,  The  Oosterhoff  period  ef- 
fect and  the  age  of  the  Galactic  globular 
cluster  systems,  in  New  Perspectives  on 
Stellar  Pulsation  and  Pulsating  Variable 
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Sandage,  A.,  The  cosmological  para- 
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ogy, ASP  Conference  Series  51,  G.  Chin- 
carini  et  ah,  eds.,  Astron.  Society  Pacific,  p. 
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Pintle  bearing  being  prepared  at  L&F  Industries,  Huntington  Park,  California,  for  the  Magellan 
telescope,  July  1994. The  pintle  bearing  will  sit  on  the  concrete  foundation  below  the  telescope, 
and  will  serve  as  the  bearing,  drive,  and  encoding  surface  for  the  telescope's  azimuth  rotation. 

Sandage,  A.,  Bias  properties  of  extragal- 
actic  distance  indicators.  I.  The  Hubble 
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Sandage,  A.,  Bias  properties  of  ex- 
tragalactic  distance  indicators.  II.  Bias  cor- 
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galaxies,  Astrophys.  J.  430, 13, 1994. 

Sandage,  A.,  R.  Diethelm,  and  G.  A.  Tam- 
mann,  The  P-L  relation  for  RR  Lyrae-like 
stars  with  0.8d<  P<  3d,  Astron.  Astrophys. 

Sandage,  A.,  A.  Saha,  G.  A.  Tammann,  L. 
Labhardt,  H.  Schwengeler,  N.  Panagia, 
and  F.  D.  Macchetto,  The  Cepheid  dis- 
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Shectman,  S.,  The  optical  design  of  the 
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Sneden,  C.,  G.  W.  Preston,  A.  McWilliam, 

and  L.  Searle,  Ultrametal-poor  halo  stars: 
the  remarkable  spectrum  of  CS  22872-052, 
Astrophys.  }.  Lett  431,  L27, 1994. 

Suntzeff,  N.  B.,  M.  Mateo,  D.  M.  Tern- 
drup,  E.  W.  Olszewski,  D.  Geisler,  and  W. 
Weller,  Spectroscopy  of  giants  in  the  Sex- 
tans dwarf  spheroidal  galaxy,  Astrophys.  J. 

Szymanski,  M.,  A.  Udalski,  J.  Kaluzny, 
M.  Kubiak,  M.  Mateo,  W.  Krzeminski,  G. 
W  Preston,  and  B.  Paczynski,  The  optical 
gravitational  lensing  experiment — first 
data,  in  Gravitational  Lenses  in  the  Universe: 
Proceedings  of  the  31st  Liege  International 
Astrophysical  Colloquium,  June  21-25, 1993, 
J.  Surdej,  ed.,  Universite  de  Liege,  Institut 
d'Astrophysique,  Liege,  1993. 

Tapia,  M.,  M.  Roth,  R.  Vazquez,  A.  Fein- 
stein,  and  P.  Prado,  UBVRI  imaging 
photometry  of  the  Carina  region,  Revista 
Mexicana  de  Astronomia  y  Astrofisica,  in 

Testi,  L.,  M.  Felli,  P.  Persi,  and  M.  Roth, 
Near  infrared  images  of  Galactic  masers: 
I.  Association  between  infrared  sources 
and  masers,  Astron.  Astrophys.,  in  press. 

Tremaine,  S.,  D.  O.  Richstone,  Y.  Byun,  A. 
Dressier,  S.  M.  Faber,  C.  Grillmair,  J.  Kor- 
mendy,  and  T.  R.  Lauer,  A  family  of 
models  for  spherical  stellar  systems, 
Astron.  f.  107,  634, 1994. 

Trevese,  D.,  R.  G.  Kron,  D.  C.  Koo,  S.  R. 
Majewski,  and  M.  A.  Bershady,  The  en- 
semble variability  properties  of  faint 
quasars,  Astrophys.  }.,  in  press. 

Turnshek,  D.  A.,  with  M.  Rauch  and  R.  J. 
Weymann,  The  HST  quasar  absorption 
line  key  project.  IV.  HST  faint  object 
spectrograph  and  ground-based  observa- 
tions of  the  unusual  low-redshift  broad 
absorption  line  quasi-stellar  object  PG 



0043+039,  Astrophys.  J.  428,  93, 1994. 

Udalski,  A.,  M.  Szymanski,  J.  Kaluzny, 
M.  Kubiak,  W.  Krzeminski,  M.  Mateo,  G. 
W.  Preston,  and  B.  Paczynski,  The  optical 
gravitational  lensing  experiment.  Dis- 
covery of  the  first  candidate  microlensing 
event  in  the  direction  of  the  Galactic 
bulge,  Acta  Astron.  43,  289, 1993. 

Udalski,  A.,  M.  Szymanski,  J.  Kaluzny, 
M.  Kubiak,  M.  Mateo,  and  W.  Krzeminski, 
The  optical  gravitational  lensing  experi- 
ment. The  discovery  of  three  further 
microlensing  events  in  the  direction  of  the 
Galactic  bulge,  Astrophys.  J.  Lett.  426,  L69, 

Udalski,  A.,  M.  Szymanski,  J.  Kaluzny, 
M.  Kubiak,  M.  Mateo,  G.  W.  Preston,  W. 
Krzeminski,  K.  Z.  Stanek,  and  B.  Pac- 
zynski, The  Warsaw-Carnegie-Princeton 
optical  gravitational  lens  experiment,  in 
Texas/PASCOS  '92:  Relativistic  Astrophysics 
and  Particle  Cosmology,  Annals  of  the  New 
York  Academy  of  Sciences  688,  C.  W.  Akerlof 
and  M.  A.  Srednicki,  eds.,  New  York 
Academy  of  Sciences,  p.  626, 1993. 

Udalski,  A.,  M.  Szymanski,  J.  Kaluzny, 
M.  Kubiak,  M.  Mateo,  G.  Preston,  W. 
Krzeminski,  and  B.  Paczynski,  Microlens- 
ing towards  the  Galactic  bulge,  in  Galactic 
Bulges,  IAU  Symposium  153,  H.  B.  Dejon- 
ghe  and  H.  J.  Habing,  eds.,  Kluwer, 
Dordrecht,  p.  311, 1993. 

Udalski,  A.,  M.  Szymanski,  K.  Z.  Stanek, 
J.  Kaluzny,  M.  Kubiak,  M.  Mateo,  W. 
Krzeminski,  B.  Paczynski,  and  R.  Venkat, 
The  optical  gravitational  lensing  experi- 
ment. The  optical  depth  to  gravitational 
microlensing  in  the  direction  of  the  Galac- 
tic bulge,  Acta  Astron.  44, 165, 1994. 

Voit,  G.  M.,  M.  Donahue,  and  J.  D.  Slavin, 
Emission  lines  from  condensing  in- 
tracluster  gas,  Astrophys.  J.  Supp.,  in  press. 

Welch,  D.  L.,  M.  Mateo,  and  E.  Olszew- 
ski, Cepheids  in  Magellanic  Cloud 
clusters,  in  New  Perspectives  on  Stellar  Pul- 
sation and  Pulsating  Variable  Stars,  IAU  Col- 
loquium 139,  J.  M.  Nemec  and  J.  M.  Mat- 
thews, eds.,  Cambridge  University  Press, 
p.  359, 1993. 

Weymann,  R.  J.,  Properties  of  the  Lyman 
alpha  forest  at  high  and  low  redshifts,  in 
The  Environment  and  Evolution  of  Galaxies: 
Proceedings  of  the  Third  Teton  Summer 
School  held  in  Grand  Teton  National  Park, 
Wyoming,  U.S.A.,  July  1992,  H.  Thronson 
and  J.  M.  Shull,  eds.,  Kluwer,  Dordrecht, 
p.  213, 1993. 

Weymann,  R.  J.,  M.  Rauch,  R.  Williams, 
S.  Morris,  and  S.  Heap,  New  observations 
with  the  HST  Goddard  High  Resolution 

Spectrograph  of  the  low  redshift  Ly 
clouds  in  the  3C273  line  of  sight, 
Astrophys.  J.,  in  press. 

Willick,  J.  A.,  Statistical  bias  in  distance 
and  peculiar  velocity  estimation.  I.  The 
"calibration"  problem,  Astrophys.  J.  Supp. 
92, 1, 1994. 

Zabludoff,  A.  I.,  and  M.  Franx,  Morphol- 
ogy and  kinematics  in  clusters  of  galaxies, 
in  Galaxy  Clusters  and  Large-Scale  Struc- 
tures in  the  Universe,  Proceedings  of  the  Sesto 
International  Workshop  (SISSA  preprint  ref. 
86/93/ A),  1993. 

Zabludoff,  A.  I.,  M.  Franx,  and  M.  J. 
Geller,  A  technique  for  detecting  structure 
in  cluster  velocity  distributions, 
Astrophys.  J.  419,  47, 1993. 

Zabludoff,  A.  I.,  and  M.  J.  Geller,  The 
kinematics  of  dense  clusters  of  galaxies. 
III.  Comparison  with  cosmological 
models,  Astron.  J.  107, 1929, 1994. 

Zaritsky,  D.,  Comments  on  the  distribu- 
tion of  mass  within  dark  matter  halos, 
STScI  Workshop  on  Groups  of  Galaxies,  O. 
Richter,  ed.,  in  press. 

Zaritsky,  D.,  Gravitationally  bound  com- 
panion galaxies,  in  Proceedings  of  the 
ESO/OHP  Dwarf  Galaxy  Meeting,  G. 
Meylan,  ed.,  European  Southern  Obser- 
vatory, in  press. 

Zaritsky,  D.,  Local  Group  dynamics,  in 
The  Local  Group:  Comparative  and  Global 
Properties,  Third  CTIO/ESO  Workshop,  A. 
Layden,  C.  Smith,  and  J.  Storm,  eds., 
European  Southern  Observatory,  in  press. 

Zaritsky,  D.,  Preliminary  evidence  for 
dust  in  galactic  halos,  Astron.  J.,  in  press. 

Zaritsky,  D.,  J.  R.  C.  Kennicutt,  and  J.  P. 
Huchra,  H  II  regions  and  the  abundance 
properties  of  spiral  galaxies,  Astrophys.  J. 
420,  87, 1994. 

Zaritsky,  D.,  M.  Rieke,  and  H.  Rix,  IR 
imaging  of  spiral  galaxy  bulges,  in  Galac- 
tic Bulges,  IAU  Symposium  153,  H.  B. 
Dejonghe  and  H.  J.  Habing,  eds.,  Kluwer, 
Dordrecht,  p.  441, 1993. 

Zaritsky,  D.,  and  H.  Rix,  The  shapes  of 
spiral  galaxy  disks,  in  Infrared  Astronomy 
with  Arrays:  The  Next  Generation,  I.  S.  Mc- 
Lean, ed.,  Kluwer,  Dordrecht,  p.  457, 1994. 

Zaritsky,  D.,  and  S.  D.  M.  White,  Satellite 
galaxies  as  dark  matter  probes,  in  Proceed- 
ings of  the  ESO/OHP  Dwarf  Galaxy  Meeting, 
G.  Meylan,  ed.,  European  Southern  Ob- 
servatory, in  press. 

Zaritsky,  D.,  and  S.  D.  M.  White,  The 
massive  halos  of  spiral  galaxies, 
Astrophys.  J.,  in  press. 




Research  Staff 

Horace  Babcock,  Emeritus 
Alan  Dressier 
Wendy  Freed  man 
Jerome  Kristian 
Patrick  McCarthy1 
Eric  Persson 
George  Preston 
Allan  Sandage 
Leonard  Searle,  Director 
Stephen  Shectman 
Ian  Thompson 
Ray  Weymann 

Staff  Associates 

Steve  Majewski,  Hubble  Fellow 

Postdoctoral  Fellows  and  Associates 

Megan  Donahue,  Carnegie  Fellow2 
Bob  Hill,  Research  Associate 
Stephen  Landy,  Research  Associate3 
Andrew  Mc William,  McClintock  Fellow 
Michael  Rauch,  Research  Associate 
Jeffrey  Willick,  Carnegie  Fellow 
Ann  Zabludoff,  Carnegie  Fellow 
Dennis  Zaritsky,  Hubble  Fellow 

Las  Campanas  Research  Staff 

Wojciech  Krzeminski,  Resident  Scientist 
William  Kunkel,  Resident  Scientist 
Miguel  Roth,  Director,  Las  Campanas 

Support  Scientists 

William  Kells 

David  Murphy 

Anand  Sivaramakrishnan 

Supporting  Staff,  Pasadena 

Alan  Bagish,  Las  Campanas  Observatory 

Richard  Black,  Business  Manager 
David  Carr,  Magellan  Project  Instrument 

Ken  Clardy,  Data  Systems  Manager 
Marinus  de  Jonge,  Magellan  Project 

Joseph  Dizon,  Instrument  Maker 
Elizabeth  Doubleday,  Publications  Editor 

Joan  Gantz,  Librarian 
Bronagh  Glaser,  Administrative  Assistant6 
Karen  Gross,  Assistant  to  the  Director 
Matt  Johns,  Magellan  Project  Systems 

Roberto  Mejia,  Housekeeper8 
Kristin  Miller,  Magellan  Project 

Administrative  Assistant 
Stephen  Padilla,  Photographer 
Gloria  Pendlay,  Administrative  Assistant 
Frank  Perez,  Magellan  Project  Lead  Engineer 
Melissa  Pratt,  Administrative  Assistant^ 
Pilar  Ramirez,  Machine  Shop  Foreperson 
Lorraine  Renfroe,  Staff  Accountant 
Scott  Rubel,  Assistant,  Buildings  and 

Jeanette  Stone,  Purchasing  Agent10 
Robert  Storts,  Instrument  Maker 
Estuardo  Vasquez,  Instrument  Maker 
Steven  Wilson,  Superintendent,  Buildings 

and  Grounds 

Supporting  Staff  Las  Campanas 

Eusebio  Araya,  Mountain  Superintendent 

Juan  Araya,  Part-time  El  Pino  Guard11 

Hector  Balbontin,  Chef 

Emilio  Cerda,  Electronics  Technician 

Angel  Cortes,  Accountant 

Jose  Cortes,  Janitor 

Jorge  Cuadra,  Assistant  Mechanic12 

Oscar  Duhalde,  Mechanical  Technician 

Julio  Egaha,  Painter 

Gaston  Figueroa,  Small  Shift  Supervisor13 

Luis  Gallardo,  El  Pino  Guard14 

Juan  Godoy,  Chef 

Jaime  Gomez,  Purchasing  Agent 

Danilo  Gonzalez,  El  Pino  Guard 

Bruno  Guerrero,  Electronic  Technician 

Luis  Gutierrez,  Mechanic 

Javier  Gutierrez,  Heavy  Equipment  Operator 

Juan  Jeraldo,  Chef 

Leonel  Lillo,  Carpenter 

Mario  Mondaca,  Part-time  El  Pino  Guard 

Cesar  Muena,  Night  Assistant 

Silvia  Munoz,  Business  Manager 

Herman  Olivares,  Night  Assistant 

Fernando  Peralta,  Night  Assistant 

Leonardo  Peralta,  Driver /Purchaser 

Roberto  Ramos,  Gardener 

Demesio  Riquelme,  Janitor15 

Jose  Rodriguez,  Welder16 

Honorio  Rojas,  Water  Pump  Operator 

Hernan  Solis,  Electronics  Technician 

Mario  Taquias,  Plumber 



Alejandro  Tirado,  Warehouse  Attendant17 
Gabriel  Tolmo,  El  Pino  Guard 
Manuel  Traslavina,  Heavy  Equipment 

David  Trigo,  Warehouse  Attendant18 
Patricia  Villar,  Administrative  Assistant 
Alberto  Zuhiga,  Night  Assistant 

Visiting  Investigators 

Gonsalo  Alcaino,  Instituto  Isaac  Newton, 

Ramana  Athreya,  Giant  Meter- Wave  Radio 

Telescope,  Poona  University,  Pune,  India 
Rebecca  Bernstein,  California  Institute  of 

Leonardo  Bronfman,  Universidad  de  Chile 
Joe  Cantanzarite,  Cypress  College,  NASA 

JOVE  Associate 
George  Carlson,  Citrus  College 
Bob  Carswell,  Institute  of  Astronomy, 

University  of  Cambridge 
Wen  Ping  Chen,  Department  of  Terrestrial 

Patrick  Cote,  McMaster  University 
Stephen  Eikenberry,  Harvard  University 
Greg  Fahlman,  University  of  British 

Max  Faundez-Abans,  Universidad  Catolica 

de  Chile 
Giovanni  Fazio,  Harvard  University 
Jay  Frogel,  Ohio  State  University 
Wolfgang  Gieren,  Universidad  Catolica  de 

John  Graham,  Department  of  Terrestrial 

Richard  Griffith,  Arizona  State  University 
Paul  Harding,  University  of  Arizona 
Leopoldo  Infante,  Universidad  Catolica  de 

Vijay  Kapahi,  Giant  Meter- Wave  Radio 

Telescope,  Poona  University,  Pune,  India 
Nobu-nari  Kashikawa,  National 

Astronomical  Observatory,  Tokyo,  Japan 
Martien  Kubiak,  Warsaw  University 

Arlo  Landolt,  Louisiana  State  University 
William  Liller,  Instituto  Isaac  Newton,  Chile 
Huan  Lin,  Harvard  University 
Barry  Madore,  California  Institute  of 

Mario  Mateo,  University  of  Michigan 
Jose  Maza,  Universidad  de  Chile 
John  Middleditch,  Los  Alamos  National 

Jeremy  Mould,  California  Institute  of 

Steve  Mutz,  Arizona  State  University 
Edward  Olszewski,  University  of  Arizona 
Michael  Pahre,  California  Institute  of 

Patrick  Petirjean,  Institute  of  Astrophysics, 

Hernan  Quintana,  Universidad  Catolica  de 

Neill  Reid,  California  Institute  of  Technology 
Hans- Walter  Rix,  Princeton  University 
Monica  Rubio,  Universidad  de  Chile 
Maria  Teresa  Ruiz,  Universidad  de  Chile 
Paul  Schechter,  Massachusetts  Institute  of 

Paul  Schmidke,  Arizona  State  University 
Nicholas  Schneider,  University  of  Colorado 
Maki  Sekiguchi,  National  Astronomical 

Observatory,  Tokyo,  Japan 
Michael  Shara,  Space  Telescope  Science 

Adam  Standford,  Jet  Propulsion  Laboratory, 

California  Institute  of  Technology 
John  Trauger,  Jet  Propulsion  Laboratory, 

California  Institute  of  Technology 
Andrzej  Udalski,  Warsaw  University 
Michal  Szymanski,  Warsaw  University 
Alan  Uomoto,  Johns  Hopkins  University 
Patricia  Vader,  Space  Telescope  Science 

Wil  van  Breugel,  Lawrence  Livermore 

National  Laboratory 
Rogier  Windhorst,  Arizona  State  University 
Masafumi  Yagi,  National  Astronomical 

Observatory,  Tokyo,  Japan 

Trom  September  1,  1993 
2To  August  31, 1993 
3From  September  1, 1993 
4From  May  24, 1993 
5From  August  1, 1993 
6From  August  18, 1993 
7From  July  1, 1994 
8From  April  16, 1994 
9To  March  19, 1994 

10FromJunel,  1994 
nTo  June  30, 1993 
12From  August  2, 1993 
13From  April  18, 1994 
14FromJuly  1,1993 
16To  September  17, 1993 
17To  August  20, 1993 
18From  May  6, 1993 


Adminis  TRATIVE 

Saturday  morning  at  First  Light 


Members  of  the  Departments  are 
listed  in  the  preceding  sections. 

Office  of  Administration 
1530  P  Street,  N.W. 
Washington,  D.C.  20005 

Lloyd  Allen,  Building  Maintenance  Specialist 
Sharon  Bassin,  Secretary  to  the  President 
Sherrill  Berger,  Research  Assistant, 

Institutional  and  External  Affairs 
Ray  Bowers,  Editor  and  Publications  Officer 
Gloria  Brienza,  Budget  and  Management 

Analysis  Manager 
Don  A.  Brooks,  Building  Maintenance 

Cady  Canapp,  Human  Resources  and 

Insurance  Manager 
Margaret  Charles,  Secretary 
Ines  Cifuentes,  Program  Coordinator, 

Carnegie  Academy  for  Science  Education 
Patricia  Craig,  Associate  Editor 
Linda  Feinberg,  Editorial /Administrative 

Susanne  Garvey,  Director  of  Institutional  and 

External  Affairs 
Mary  Ann  Kaschalk,  Financial  Accountant 
Ann  Keyes,  Accounts  Payable /Payroll 

John  J.  Lively,  Director  of  Administration  and 

Lynn  Morrow,  Grants  and  Operations 


Trong  Nguyen,  General  Accountant 
Danielle  Palermo,  Administrative  Assistant, 

Grants  and  Operations 
Loretta  Parker-Brown,  Administrative 

Catherine  Piez,  Systems  and  Fiscal  Manager 
Arona  Primalani,  Systems  Intern2 
Arnold  J.  Pryor,  Facilities  and  Services 

Lisa  Schubert,  Financial  Manager3 
Maxine  F.  Singer,  President 
John  Strom,  Administrative  Support  Assistant 
Kris  Sundback,  Financial  Manager4 
Vicki  Tucker,  Administrative  Coordinator, 

Accounts  Payable 
Ernest  Turner,  Custodian  (on  call)5 
Susan  Y.  Vasquez,  Assistant  to  the  President 
Yulonda  White,  Human  Resources  and 

Insurance  Records  Coordinator 
Jacqueline  J.  Williams,  Assistant  to  Manager, 

Human  Resources  and  Insurance 

1  From  November  15, 1993 

2  From  February  8, 1994 

3  To  August  31, 1993 

4  From  September  13,  1993 

5  From  October  1, 1993 



Publications  of  The  Institution 

Carnegie  Institution  of  Washington  Year  Book  92,  viii 
+  200  pages,  67  illustrations,  December  1993. 

Spectra:  The  Newsletter  of  the  Carnegie  Institution, 
issued  in  November  1993,  April  1994,  June 
1994,  special  Las  Campanas/Magellan  issue, 
March  1994. 

Carnegie  Institution  of  Washington,  informational 
booklet,  24  pages,  20  illustrations,  August  1993. 

Carnegie  Evening  1994,  8  pages,  4  illustrations, 
May  1994. 

This  Our  Golden  Age:  Selected  Annual  Essays  of 
Caryl  P.  Haskins,  James  D.  Ebert,  ed.,  x  +  141 
pages,  10  illustrations,  May  1994. 

Publications  of  The  President 

McMillan,  J.  P.,  and  M.  F.  Singer,  Studies  on  the 
translation  of  the  two  open  reading  frames  of 
the  human  LINE-1  element,  LIHs,  Proc.  Natl. 
Acad.  Sci.  USA  90, 11533-11537, 1993. 

Singer,  M.  R,  V.  Krek,  J.  P.  McMillan,  G.  D. 
Swergold,  and  R.  E.  Thayer,  LINE-1:  a  human 
transposable  element,  Gene  135, 183-188, 1993. 

Thayer,  R.  E.,  M.  F.  Singer,  and  T.  G.  Fanning, 
Undermethylation  of  specific  LINE-1 
sequences  in  human  cells  producing  a 
LINE-1-encoded  protein,  Gene  133,  273-277, 

Singer,  M.  F.,  From  genomic  junk  to  human 
disease,  Proc.  Amer.  Philos.  Soc.  138,  no.  1, 
11-42,  1994. 

Singer,  M.  E,  The  freedom  and  optimism  that 
drive  science  sound  like  rather  admirable 
attributes,  in  The  Challenge  of  Heritage, 
Brombergs,  ed.,  206-217,  1993. 

Singer,  Maxine,  No,  you  can't  make  dinosaurs, 
Washington  Post,  July  7,  1993;  Hot  tomato, 
Washington  Post,  August  10, 1993. 

Singer,  Maxine,  and  Paul  Berg,  Geni  e  Genomi,  D. 
Conti,  tr.,  Zanichelli,  Bologna,  1993  (Italian 

Singer,  Maxine,  and  Paul  Berg,  Genes  &  Genomes, 
K.  Arai  and  Hisao  Masai,  tr.,  Tokyo  Kagaku 
Dogin,  Inc.,  Tokyo,  1994  (Japanese  edition,  in  2 

Berg,  Paul,  and  Maxine  Singer,  Die  Sprache  der 
Gene:  Grundlagen  der  Molekulargenetik,  S.  Vogel, 
tr.,  Spektrum,  Heidelberg,  1993  (German 
edition  of  Dealing  with  Genes). 

Berg,  Paul,  and  Maxine  Singer,  Tratar  con  genes:  El 
Lenguaje  de  la  Herencia,  L.  Luis  Ruiz-Avila,  tr., 
Omega,  Barcelona,  1994  (Spanish  edition  of 
Dealing  with  Genes). 

Berg,  Paul,  and  Maxine  Singer,  Comprendre  et 
maitriser  les  genes:  le  langage  de  Vheredite,  N. 
Glansdorff,  tr.,  Vigot,  Paris,  1993  (French 
edition  of  Dealing  with  Genes). 

Berg,  Paul,  and  Maxine  Singer,  Basic  Molecular 
Genetics,  H.  Okayama,  A.  Nagata,  T. 
Nishimura,  S.  Kamino,  and  K.  Sudo,  tr.,  Tokyo 
Kagaku  Dogin,  Inc.,  Tokyo,  1994  (Japanese 
edition  of  Dealing  with  Genes). 


Special  Events 

Capital  Science  Lecture  Series 

Thomas  E.  Lovejoy,  Mapping  the  Nation 
Biologically,  October  19, 1993. 

Sean  C.  Solomon,  Venus  and  Mars,  or  Why  Can't 
a  Planet  Be  More  Like  an  Earth?,  November  16, 

Lucy  Shapiro,  From  Egg  to  Elephant:  Directed 
Cell  Differentiation,  December  7, 1993. 

Ralph  E.  Gomory,  Science,  Technology,  and 
Government,  January  18,  1994. 

Jacqueline  K.  Barton,  Travels  Along  the  DNA 
Helix,  February  8,  1994. 

Judith  Rodin,  Aging,  Control,  and  Health,  March 
1,  1994. 

James  Gleick,  Scientists  v.  Journalists,  April  5, 

Francis  S.  Collins,  The  Human  Genome  Project, 
May  17,  1994. 

Carnegie  Evening  Lecture 

Robert  E.  Kohler,  Partners  in  Science:  Foundations 
and  Scientists,  May  5,  1994. 


Report  of  the  Executive  Committee 

To  the  Trustees  of  the  Carnegie  Institution  of  Washington 

In  accordance  with  the  provisions  of  the  By-Laws,  the  Executive  Committee 
submits  this  report  to  the  Annual  Meeting  of  the  Board  of  Trustees. 

During  the  fiscal  year  ending  June  30,  1994,  the  Executive  Committee  has 
held  four  meetings.  Accounts  of  these  meetings  have  been  or  will  be  mailed  to 
each  Trustee. 

A  full  statement  of  the  finances  and  work  of  the  Institution  for  the  fiscal 
year  ended  June  30,  1993  appears  in  the  Institution's  Year  Book  92,  a  copy  of 
which  has  been  sent  to  each  Trustee.  An  estimate  of  the  Institution's 
expenditures  in  the  fiscal  year  ending  June  30,  1995  appears  in  the  budget 
recommended  by  the  Committee  for  approval  by  the  Board  of  Trustees. 

The  terms  of  the  following  members  of  the  Board  expire  on  May  6,  1994: 

William  T.  Coleman,  Jr.  Gerald  D.  Laubach 

Edward  E.  David,  Jr.  Sally  K.  Ride 

Richard  E.  Heckert  Robert  C.  Seamans,  Jr. 

Antonia  Ax:son  Johnson  David  F.  Swensen 

A  vacancy  exists  in  the  membership  of  the  Executive  Committee  for  a  term 
ending  in  1995,  resulting  from  the  resignation  of  Gerald  D.  Laubach  as  a 
member  of  the  Committee. 

In  addition,  the  terms  of  the  Vice-Chairman  of  the  Board,  all  Committee 
Chairmen,  and  the  following  members  of  the  Committees  expire  on  May  6, 

Finance  Committee  Auditing  Committee 

William  T.  Golden  Philip  H.  Abelson 

Nominating  Committee 
Richard  A.  Meserve 

William  I.  M.  Turner,  Jr.,  Chairman 
May  6, 1994 


Abstract  of  Minutes 

of  the  One  Hundreth  Meeting  of  the  Board  of  Trustees 

The  Annual  Meeting  of  the  Board  of  Trustees  was  held  in  the 
Board  Room  of  the  Administration  Building  on  Friday,  May  6,  1994. 
The  Meeting  was  called  to  order  by  the  Chairman,  Thomas  N.  Urban. 

The  following  Trustees  were  present:  Philip  H.  Abelson,  William  T. 
Coleman,  Jr.,  John  Diebold,  James  D.  Ebert,  Wallace  Gary  Ernst,  Bruce 
W.  Ferguson,  William  T.  Golden,  David  Greenewalt,  William  R.  Hearst 
III,  Richard  E.  Heckert,  Kenneth  G.  Langone,  Gerald  D.  Laubach,  John 
D.  Macomber,  Richard  A.  Meserve,  Robert  C.  Seamans,  Jr.,  David  F. 
Swensen,  Charles  H.  Townes,  Thomas  N.  Urban,  and  Sidney  J. 
Weinberg,  Jr.  Also  present  were  Caryl  R  Haskins  and  Richard  S. 
Perkins,  Trustees  Emeriti;  Maxine  F.  Singer,  President;  Donald  D. 
Brown,  Director  of  the  Department  of  Embryology;  Charles  T.  Prewitt, 
Director  of  the  Geophysical  Laboratory;  Sean  C.  Solomon,  Director  of 
the  Department  of  Terrestrial  Magnetism;  Christopher  Somerville, 
Director  of  the  Department  of  Plant  Biology;  Stephen  A.  Shectman, 
Head  of  the  Magellan  Project;  Allan  Spradling,  Director-Designate  of 
the  Department  of  Embryology;  John  J.  Lively,  Director  of 
Administration  and  Finance;  Susanne  Garvey,  Director  of  Institutional 
and  External  Affairs;  Susan  Y.  Vasquez,  Assistant  Secretary;  and 
Marshall  Hornblower,  Counsel. 

The  minutes  of  the  Ninety-Ninth  Meeting,  held  at  the  Department 
of  Terrestrial  Magnetism  on  December  16-17,  1993,  were  approved. 

The  Chairman  notified  the  Trustees  of  the  death  of  Crawford  H. 
Greenewalt.  He  read  a  memorial  statement  in  tribute  to  Mr. 
Greenewalt,  and  the  following  resolution  was  unanimously  adopted: 

Be  It  Therefore  Resolved,  That  we,  the  Trustees  of  Carnegie 
Institution  of  Washington,  record  our  deep  sense  of  loss  at  the 
death  of  our  friend  and  companion,  Crawford  Hallock  Greenewalt. 

And  Be  It  Further  Resolved,  that  this  resolution  be  entered  on  the 
minutes  of  the  Board  of  Trustees  and  that  copies  be  sent  to  his 

The  reports  of  the  Executive  Committee,  the  Finance  Committee, 
the  Employee  Benefits  Committee,  and  the  Auditing  Committee  were 
accepted.  On  the  recommendation  of  the  latter,  it  was  resolved  that 


Price  Waterhouse  &  Co.  be  appointed  as  public  accountants  for  the  fiscal 
year  ending  June  30, 1994. 

Section  3.5  of  the  By-Laws  was  amended.  In  addition,  wherever  they 
appear  in  the  By-Laws,  the  pronouns  "he"  and  "his"  were  amended  to 
read  "he  or  she"  and  "his  or  hers."  The  amended  language  is  given  in 
the  By-Laws  printed  on  pages  183-188  of  this  year  book. 

On  recommendation  of  the  Nominating  Committee,  the  following 
were  re-elected  for  terms  ending  in  1997:  William  T.  Coleman,  Jr., 
Edward  E.  David,  Jr.,  William  T.  Golden,  Richard  E.  Heckert,  Gerald  D. 
Laubach,  and  David  F.  Swensen. 

William  I.  M.  Turner,  Jr.,  was  elected  Vice-Chairman  of  the  Board  of 
Trustees  for  a  term  ending  in  1997.  William  T.  Golden  was  elected 
Secretary  of  the  Board  of  Trustees  for  a  term  ending  in  1997. 

The  following  were  elected  for  one-year  terms:  William  I.  M.  Turner, 
Jr.,  as  Chairman  of  the  Executive  Committee;  David  F.  Swensen,  as 
Chairman  of  the  Finance  Committee;  Philip  H.  Abelson,  as  Chairman  of 
the  Auditing  Committee;  and  William  T.  Coleman,  Jr.,  as  Chairman  of 
the  Employee  Benefits  Committee.  Sidney  J.  Weinberg,  Jr.,  was 
appointed  Chairman  of  the  Nominating  Committee  for  a  one-year  term. 

Vacancies  in  the  Standing  Committees,  with  terms  ending  in  1997, 
were  filled  as  follows:  William  T.  Golden  was  elected  a  member  of  the 
Finance  Committee;  Philip  H.  Abelson  was  elected  a  member  of  the 
Auditing  Committee;  and  Richard  A.  Meserve  was  elected  a  member  of 
the  Nominating  Committee.  In  addition,  John  D.  Macomber  was  elected 
a  member  of  the  Executive  Committee  for  the  unexpired  term  ending  in 

The  Chairman  pointed  out  that  Robert  C.  Seamans,  Jr.,  Antonia 
Ax:son  Johnson,  and  Sally  K.  Ride  had  chosen  not  to  stand  for 
re-election.  These  resignations  were  noted  with  regret;  special 
recognition  was  given  to  the  20-year  active  service  of  Dr.  Seamans, 
including  five  years  as  Vice-Chairman  of  the  Board;  and  in  accordance 
with  Section  1.6  of  the  By-Laws,  Dr.  Seamans  was  designated  Trustee 

The  annual  report  of  the  President  was  received. 

To  provide  for  the  operation  of  the  Institution  for  the  fiscal  year 
ending  June  30,  1995,  and  upon  recommendation  of  the  Executive 
Committee,  the  sum  of  $33,571,582  was  appropriated. 


Financial  Statements 

for  the  year  ended  June  30, 1994 

















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Carnegie  Institution  of  Washington 
Financial  Statements 

Contributions,  Gifts,  and  Private  Grants 
for  the  Year  Ended  June  30, 1994 


Philip  H.  Abelson 

Ahmanson  Foundation 

Jagannadham  Akella 

Rita  Allen  Foundation 

American  Cancer  Society 

Bennett  Archambault 

ARCO  Foundation 

AT&T  Bell  Laboratories 

Horace  W.  Babcock 

Hubert  L.  Barnes 

Robert  W.  Bates 

Giuseppe  and  L.  Elizabeth  Bertani 

Blackwell  Scientific  Publications,  Ltd. 

Ellis  and  V.  Elaine  Bolton 

Tom  I.  Bonner 

Montgomery  S.  Bradley 

Bristol-Myers  Squibb  Foundation,  Inc. 

Deborah  L.  Brown 

Jeanette  Brown 

Linda  W.  Brown 

Gordon  Burley 

Kenneth  D.  Burrhus 

Donald  M.  Burt 

Morris  and  Gwendolyn  Cafritz  Foundation 

John  A.  R.  Caldwell 

Dana  Carroll 

Carnegie  Corporation  of  New  York 

Paterno  R.  Castillo 

Centre  National  de  la  Recherche  Scientifique 

Britton  Chance 

Jane  Coffin  Childs  Memorial  Fund  for 

Medical  Research 
Matthias  Chiquet 
King-chuen  Chow 
CIGNA  Corporation 
Citibank,  N.A. 
William  T.  Coleman,  Jr. 
John  and  Annette  Coleman 
Robert  Criss 
John  R.  Cronin 
Stephen  M.  Cutler 
Howard  Clark  Dalton 
Edwin  A.  Davis 
Vincent  J.  De  Feo 
John  P.  de  Neufville 
Louis  and  Nahid  De  Lanney 
John  and  Ruth  Doak 
Bruce  R.  Doe 
Jean  Wallace  Douglas 
William  N.  Dove 
Dudley  Observatory 

E.  I.  du  Pont  de  Nemours  &  Co. 

James  and  Alma  Ebert 

Eistophos  Science  Club 

Donald  Elthon 

W.  Gary  Ernst 

Sandra  M.  Faber 

Bruce  W.  Ferguson 

Holly  K.  Fine 

Andrew  Fire 

Dorothy  R.  Fischer 

Michael  and  Helen  Fleischer 

Flintridge  Foundation 

Freepost  McMoran,  Inc. 

L.  Patrick  Gage 

M.  Charles  Gilbert 

Robert  G.  Goelet 

Golden  Family  Foundation 

Cecil  and  Ida  Green  Foundation 

Crawford  H.  Greenewalt 

Richard  D.  and  Irene  M.  Grill 

Helen  M.  Habermann 

Pembroke  J.  Hart 

Stanley  R.  Hart 

Caryl  and  Edna  Haskins 

Robert  M.  Hazen 

Ulrich  Heber 

Richard  E.  Heckert 

H.  Lawrence  Heifer 

Alfred  D.  Hershey 

John  L.  Hess 

William  R.  Hewlett 

Hillsdale  Fund,  Inc. 

Paul  and  Annetta  Himmelfarb  Foundation 

Anne  Hofmeister 

Satushi  Hoshina 

Howard  Hughes  Medical  Institute 

Kazuo  Inamori 

Intl.  Human  Frontier  Science  Program 

Institute  for  Advanced  Study 

Mizuho  Ishida 

George  F.  Jewett,  Jr.,  1965  Trust 

Antonia  Ax:son  Johnson 

Johnson  &  Johnson 

W.  M.  Keck  Foundation 

Kristi  Kendall 

Olavi  Kouvo 

L  &  F  Industries 

Otto  E.  Landman 

Gerald  D.  Laubach 

Gerald  D.  Laubach  Fund 

Faith  and  Arthur  LaVelle 

Arthur  Lazarus,  Jr. 


Carnegie  Institution  of  Washington 
Financial  Statements 

Contributions,  Gifts,  and  Private  Grants 
for  the  Year  Ended  June  30, 1994  (continued) 

Harold  Lee 

Melvyn  Lieberman 

Life  Sciences  Research  Foundation 

Dan  L.  Lindsley 

Charles  A.  Little 

Felix  J.  Lockman 

Eric  Long 

Richard  Lounsbery  Foundation 

John  D.  Macomber 

Winston  M.  Manning 

Mariah  Associates 

Lucille  P.  Markey  Charitable  Trust 

Marlow  Marrs 

Martek  Biosciences  Corporation 

William  McChesney  Martin  Jr.  Living  Trust 

Chester  B.  Martin 

G.  Harold  and  Leila  Y.  Mathers  Charitable 

Robert  H.  McCallister 
Sheila  McCormick 
Steven  McKnight 
McKnight  Endowment  Fund  for 

Andrew  W.  Mellon  Foundation 
John  Merck  Fund 

Richard  A.  and  Martha  R.  Meserve 
Paul  F.  and  Ella  Miller  Jr. 
Xenia  S.  and  J.  Irwin  Miller  Trust 
Mobil  Foundation 
Ambrose  Monell  Foundation 
Monsanto  Fund 
Mary  Lee  Morrison 
Gisela  Mosig 
Norio  Murata 
Jack  E.  Myers 

Newmont  Mining  Corporation 
Norton  Company 
Garrison  Norton 
Yasumi  Ohshima 
T.  S.  Okada 
E.  F.  Osborn 
Jeffrey  D.  Palmer 
George  H.  Pepper 
Richard  S.  Perkins 
Pfizer,  Inc. 

Pioneer  Hi-Bred  International,  Inc. 
Proctor  &  Gamble  Company 
George  Putnam 
Cary  Queen 

Estate  of  Elizabeth  Ramsey  Klagsbrunn 
Sally  K.  Ride 
Glenn  C.  Rosenquist 

Vera  C.  Rubin 

Sandoz  Corporation 

Ruth  N.  Schairer 

Paul  Schechter 

Maarten  and  Corrie  Schmidt 

Sara  Lee  Schupf 

Eugenia  A.  and  Robert  C.  Seamans,  Jr. 

Martin  and  Marilyn  Seitz 

Keith  Calhoun  Sengour 

John  J.  F.  Sherrerd 

Edwin  M.  Shook 

David  Singer 

Maxine  F.  Singer 

Alfred  P.  Sloan  Foundation 

Smithsonian  Institution 

Space  Telescope  Science  Institute 

SRA  International,  Inc. 

Frank  Stanton 

H.  Guyford  Stever 

Douglas  K.  Struck 

Linda  L.  Stryker 

Ziro  Suzuki 

David  F.  Swensen 

Georges  M.  Temmer 

Heinz  Tiedemann 

Scott  B.  Tollefsen 

U.S.  Department  of  Agriculture 

U.S.  Department  of  Energy 

U.S.  National  Aeronautics  and  Space 

U.S.  National  Science  Foundation 
U.S.  National  Institutes  of  Health 
U.S.  Office  of  Naval  Research 
University  of  Massachusetts 
University  of  Texas 
William  B.  Upholt 
Thomas  and  Mary  Urban 
John  L.  Weinberg  Family  Fund 
Sidney  J.  Weinberg,  Jr.  Foundation 
James  A.  Weinman 
A.  Morris  Williams  Jr. 
Marthe  Wilson 
Evelyn  M.  Witkin 
Frederick  T.  Wolf 
Bernard  J.  Wood 
Kenzo  Yagi 
Masaru  Yamaguchi 
Violet  K.  Young 
Western  Regional  Center  for  the  National 

Institute  for  Global  Environmental  Change 
Helen  Hay  Whitney  Foundation 
Woods  Hole  Oceanographic  Institution 


1301  K  Street,  N.W.  800W  Telephone  202  414  1000 

Washington,  DC  20005-3333 

Price  Waterhouse  llp 



December  15,  1994 

To  the  Auditing  Committee  of  the 
Carnegie  Institution  of  Washington 

In  our  opinion,  the  accompanying  statement  of  assets,  liabilities  and  fund  balances  and  the 
related  statement  of  revenue,  expenses  and  changes  in  fund  balances  present  fairly,  in  all 
material  respects,  the  financial  position  of  the  Camegie  Institution  of  Washington  (the 
Institution)  at  June  30,  1994  and  1993,  and  the  results  of  its  operations  and  the  changes 
in  its  fund  balances  for  the  years  then  ended  in  conformity  with  generally  accepted 
accounting  principles.  These  financial  statements  are  the  responsibility  of  the  Institution's 
management;  our  responsibility  is  to  express  an  opinion  on  these  financial  statements  based 
on  our  audits.  We  conducted  our  audits  of  these  statements  in  accordance  with  generally 
accepted  auditing  standards  which  require  that  we  plan  and  perform  the  audit  to  obtain 
reasonable  assurance  about  whether  the  financial  statements  are  free  of  material 
misstatement.  An  audit  includes  examining,  on  a  test  basis,  evidence  supporting  the 
amounts  and  disclosures  in  the  financial  statements,  assessing  the  accounting  principles 
used  and  significant  estimates  made  by  management,  and  evaluating  the  overall  financial 
statement  presentation.  We  believe  that  our  audits  provide  a  reasonable  basis  for  the 
opinion  expressed  above. 

Our  audits  were  made  for  the  purpose  of  forming  an  opinion  on  the  basic  financial 
statements  taken  as  a  whole.  The  supporting  Schedules  1  through  4  are  presented  for 
purposes  of  additional  analysis  and  are  not  a  required  part  of  the  basic  financial  statements. 
Such  information  has  been  subjected  to  the  auditing  procedures  applied  in  the  audits  of  the 
basic  financial  statements,  and  in  our  opinion,  is  fairly  stated  in  all  material  respects  in 
relation  to  the  basic  financial  statements  taken  as  a  whole. 

Tfo  U)<*cJU"^   LJ-P 


Carnegie  Institution  of  Washington 
Financial  Statements 

Statement  of  Assets,  Liabilities,  and  Fund  Balances 
June  30, 1994  and  1993 

1994  1993 
Current  assets 

Cash  and  cash  equivalents        $        139,563  $        85,943 

Grants  receivable 2,416,831  2,472,666 

Accounts  receivable  and  other  assets 1,628,662  535,756 

Accrued  interest  and  dividends  receivable 1,154,145  1,303,490 

Bond  proceeds  held  by  trustee  (cost  of  $28,608,237)          28,002,077  ... 

Total  current  assets 33,341,278  4,397,855 

Investments,  at  market* 

Temporary 15,889,760  26,690,677 

Corporate  stocks 129,544,822  140,125,108 

Fixed  income 68,060,889  79,355,829 

Limited  partnerships       59,954,993  28,039,642 

Other 227,846  249,379 

Total  investments 273,678,310  274,460,635 

Property,  plant,  and  equipment 

Buildings  and  building  improvements 29,119,098  28,981,172 

Scientific  equipment 10,329,163  9,780,856 

Telescopes       7,910,825  7,910,825 

Administrative  equipment       1,936,450  1,857,752 

Land       1,086,742  1,086,742 

Art  and  historical  treasures 34,067  34,067 

Less:  accumulated  depreciation (16,547,169)  (14,976,894) 

Property,  plant,  and  equipment  in  service        .     .        33,869,176  34,674,520 

Telescope  under  construction       7,016,424  3,466,171 

Buildings  under  construction       2,617,161  273,476 

Scientific  equipment  under  construction       ....             904,421  663,232 

Total  under  construction 10,538,006  4,402,879 

Net  property,  plant,  and  equipment    ....        44,407,182  39,077,399 

Total  assets       $351,426,770  $317,935,889 

Current  Liabilities 

Accounts  payable  and  accrued  expenses       ....     $    2,748,606  $    1,685,069 

Deferred  grant  income 3,647,313  3,552,360 

Broker  payable        _^_^ 5,350,934 

Total  current  liabilities        6,395,919  10,588,363 

Bonds  payable 34,918,382  „. 

Fund  balances 310,112,469  307,347,526 

Total  liabilities  and  fund  balances      .     .     .    $351,426,770  $317,935,889 

*Cost  on  June  30,  1994:  $248,883,120  (temporary  $15,889,760,  corporate  stocks  $107,850,484,  fixed  income 
$70,925,277,  lim.  partnerships  $53,989,753,  other  $227,846).  Cost  on  June  30,  1993:  $236,409,624  (temporary 
$26,690,677,  corporate  stocks  $110,330,722,  fixed  income  $74,138,846,  lim.  partnerships  $25,000,000,  other  $249,379). 

The  accompanying  notes  are  an  integral  part  of  these  financial  statements. 


Carnegie  Institution  of  Washington 
Financial  Statements 

Statement  of  Revenue,  Expenses,  and  Changes  in  Fund  Balances 
for  the  Years  Ended  June  30, 1994  and  1993 

Year  Ended  June  30, 

1994  1993 

Investment  earnings 

Interest  and  dividends $    7,584,076  $    8,479,164 

Realized  net  gain  on  investments 20,485,633  23,581,840 

Less:  investment  service  fees (837,027)  (875,680) 

Net  investment  earnings 27,232,682  31,185,324 


Federal 7,105,200  5,409,796 

Private 3,957,005  3,734,707 

Gifts  and  other  revenues 763,860  490,351 

Total  revenue 39,058,747  40,820,178 

Capital  contributions— equipment 946,083  1,410,449 

Total  revenue  and  capital  contributions       40,004,830  42,230,627 


Personnel  and  related 15,491,282  14,102,785 

Equipment 3,623,032  3,889,058 

General 6,755,623  6,015,350 

Total  expenses       25,869,937  24,007,193 

Excess  of  revenue  and  capital  contributions 

over  expenses  before  capital  changes     ....           14,134,893  18,223,434 

Capital  changes 

Unrealized  net  (loss) /gain  on  investments     ....     (13,861,981)  8,197,955 

Capital  campaign— gifts 2,492,031  2,100,207 

Total  capital  changes (11,369,950)  10,298,162 

Excess  of  revenue,  capital  contributions, 

and  capital  changes  over  expenses 2,764,943  28,521,596 

Fund  balances,  beginning  of  period 307,347,526  278,825,930 

Fund  balances,  end  of  period $310,112,469  $307,347,526 

The  accompanying  notes  are  an  integral  part  of  these  financial  statements. 


Carnegie  Institution  of  Washington 
Femancial  Statements 

Notes  to  The  Financial  Statements,  June  30, 1994  and  1993 

The  Carnegie  Institution  of  Washington  (the  Institution) 
is  an  institution  for  advanced  research  and  training  in  the 
sciences.  It  carries  out  its  work  in  five  research  centers:  the 
Departments  of  Embryology,  Plant  Biology,  and  Terrestrial 
Magnetism,  the  Geophysical  Laboratory,  and  the 
Observatories  (astronomy).  The  Institution  is  exempt  from 
federal  income  tax  under  Section  501(c)(3)  of  the  Internal 
Revenue  Code  (the  Code).  Accordingly,  no  provision  for 
income  taxes  is  reflected  in  the  accompanying  financial 
statements.  The  Institution  is  also  an  educational 
institution  within  the  meaning  of  Section  170(l)(A)(ii)  of 
the  Code.  The  Internal  Revenue  Service  has  classified  the 
Institution  as  other  than  a  private  foundation,  as  defined 
in  Section  509(a)  of  the  Code. 

Note  1.  Significant  Accounting  Policies 

Basis  of  Accounting 

The  financial  statements  of  the  Institution  are  prepared 
on  the  accrual  basis  of  accounting.  The  endowment  and 
special  funds  reflected  in  the  accompanying  Schedule  2, 
Changes  in  Fund  Balances,  include  gifts  and  bequests 
accepted  by  the  Institution  with  the  understanding  that  the 
principal  and  income  be  utilized  in  accordance  with  the 
terms  of  the  gifts  and  bequests. 


The  Institution  considers  all  highly  liquid  debt 
instruments  purchased  with  original  maturity  dates  of  90 
days  or  less,  excluding  amounts  that  are  classified  as 
temporary  investments,  to  be  cash  equivalents.  Temporary 
investments  reflect  endowment  and  special  fund 
investments  in  short-term  instruments  that  are  part  of  the 
investment  portfolio.  Investments  are  carried  at  market 

Fair  value  of  financial  instruments 

Financial  instruments  of  the  Institution  include  grants 
and  accounts  receivable,  investments,  accounts  payable, 
and  bonds  payable.  The  fair  value  for  investments  and 
Series  A  bonds  payable  is  based  on  quoted  market  price. 
The  fair  value  of  grants,  accounts  receivable,  accounts 
payable,  and  Series  B  bonds  payable  is  approximately 
equal  to  the  carrying  value. 

Property,  plant,  and  equipment 

The  Institution  capitalizes  expenditures  for  land, 
buildings,  and  leasehold  improvements,  telescopes, 
scientific  and  administrative  equipment,  and  projects  in 
progress.  Routine  replacement,  maintenance,  and  repairs 
are  charged  to  expense. 

Depreciation  of  the  Institution's  buildings,  telescopes, 
and  other  equipment  is  computed  on  a  straight-line  basis 
using  the  following  useful  lives:  buildings  and  telescopes, 
50  years;  building  and  leasehold  improvements,  25  years 
or  the  remaining  term  of  the  lease;  and  scientific  and 
administrative  equipment,  5  years.  Depreciation  expense 
for  the  years  ended  June  30, 1994  and  1993  was  $2,000,255 
and  $1,985,417,  respectively. 

Note  2.  Restricted  Grants  and  Gifts 

Restricted  grants  and  gifts  are  funds  received  from 
foundations,  individuals,  and  Federal  agencies  in  support 
of  scientific  research  and  educational  programs.  The 
Institution  follows  the  policy  of  reporting  revenues  only  to 
the  extent  that  reimbursable  expenditures  are  incurred. 
Accordingly,  funds  received  in  excess  of  reimbursable 
expenditures  are  recorded  as  deferred  revenue. 
Reimbursement  is  based  upon  provisional  rates  which  are 
subject  to  subsequent  audit  by  the  Institution's  Federal 
Cognizant  agency. 

Note  3.  Forward  Contracts 

The  Institution  enters  into  forward  exchange  contracts 
to  hedge  transactions  on  a  continuing  basis  for  periods 
consistent  with  its  committed  exposures;  the  Institution 
does  not  engage  in  currency  speculation.  Forward  foreign 
exchange  contracts  are  for  the  purchase  or  sale  of  foreign 
currency  or  instruments  to  be  delivered  on  a  future  date  at 
a  rate  fixed  on  the  contract  date. 

The  Institution's  foreign  exchange  contracts  do  not 
subject  the  Institution  to  risk  due  to  exchange  rate 
movements  because  gains  and  losses  on  these  contracts 
offset  losses  and  gains  on  the  equity  and  fixed  income 
securities  being  hedged.  The  gains  or  losses  on  these 
contracts  are  included  in  unrealized  and  realized  net  gains 
on  investments  in  the  period  in  which  the  exchange  rates 
change.  As  of  June  30,  1994  and  1993,  the  Institution  had 
approximately  $8,953,000  and  $10,793,000,  respectively,  of 
foreign  exchange  contracts  outstanding,  primarily 
denominated  in  French  Francs  and  Deutschemarks.  The 
forward  exchange  contracts  generally  have  varying 
maturities,  none  exceeding  three  months. 

The  Institution  also  invests  in  forward  commitment 
transactions  involving  mortgage-backed  securities  issued 
by  the  Government  National  Mortagage  Association  and 
the  interest  rate  and  specific  security  underlying  the 
transaction  are  determined  shortly  before  settlement.  At 
June  30,  1994  the  Institution  had  an  investment  of 
approximately  $5,656,000  in  these  forward  commitment 

Note  4.  Other  Investments 

In  order  to  assist  in  the  relocation  of  certain  key 
scientific  staff,  the  Institution  makes  loans  secured  by  real 
estate  to  these  employees  at  below-market  interest  rates. 
At  June  30,  1994  and  1993,  their  outstanding  value  was 
$227,846  and  $249,379,  respectively. 

Note  5.  Bonds  Payable 

On  November  1,  1993  the  Institution  issued  $17.5 
million  each  of  Series  A  and  Series  B  California  Educational 
Facilities  Authority  Revenue  tax-exempt  bonds.  Bond 
proceeds  are  used  to  finance  the  Magellan  project  and  the 
renovation  of  the  facilities  of  the  Observatories  at 


Carnegie  Institution  of  Washington 
Financial  Statements 

Notes  to  the  Financial  Statements,  June  30, 1994  and  1993  (continued) 

Series  A  bonds  bear  interest  at  5.6%  payable  in  arrears 
semiannually  on  each  April  1  and  October  1  and  upon 
maturity  on  October  1,  2023.  Series  B  bonds  bear  interest  at 
variable  money  market  rates  in  effect  from  time  to  time,up 
to  a  maximum  of  12%,  over  the  applicable  money  market 
rate  period  of  betwen  1  and  270  days  and  have  a  stated 
maturity  of  October  1,  2023.  At  the  end  of  each  money 
market  rate  period,  Series  B  bondholders  are  required  to 
offer  the  bonds  for  repurchase  at  the  appliable  money 
market  rate.  If  repurchased,  the  Series  B  bonds  would  be 
resold  at  the  current  applicable  money  market  rate  and  for 
a  new  rate  period. 

The  Institution  is  not  required  to  repay  the  Series  A  and 
B  bonds  until  the  October  1,  2023  maturity  date,  and  the 
Institution  has  the  intent  and  the  ability  to  effect  the 
purchase  and  resale  of  the  Series  B  bonds  through  a  tender 
agent;  therefore  the  bonds  payable  are  classified  as  long 
term.  Sinking  fund  redemptions  begin  in  2019  in 
installments  for  both  series.  The  fair  value  of  bonds 
payable  at  lune  30,  1994  is  approximately  equal  to 
$34,847,000.  The  fair  value  of  Series  A  is  based  upon  the 
quoted  market  rates,  and  the  fair  value  of  Series  B  bonds  is 
assumed  to  approximate  carrying  value  at  lune  30,  1994, 
as  the  mandatory  tender  dates  on  which  the  bonds  are 
repriced  are  generally  less  than  three  months  before  and 
after  year  end. 

Note  6.  Realized  and  Unrealized  Gain  and  Loss  on 

The  realized  and  unrealized  gain  and  loss  on 
investments  for  the  years  ended  June  30, 1994  and  1993  for 
the  fixed  income  and  equity  portions  of  the  Institution's 
investment  portfolio  are  as  follows: 

Realized  gain       gain  (loss) 

Year  ended  June  30, 1994 

Fixed  income $  2,417,000       $  (6,010,000) 

Equity     $18,069,000       $  (7,852,000) 

Total $20,486,000      $(13,862,000) 

Year  ended  June  30,  1993 

Fixed  income $  7,602,000       $      789,000 

Equity $15,980,000       $  7,409,000 

Total    $23,582,000       $  8,198,000 

Note  7.  Employee  Benefit  Plans 

The  Institution  has  a  noncontributory,  defined 
contribution,  money-purchase  retirement  plan  in  which  all 
United  States  personnel  are  elibible  to  participate. 
Beginning  April  1, 1989,  the  Plan  has  been  funded  through 
individually  owned  annuities  issued  by  Teachers' 
Insurance  and  Annuity  Association  (TIAA)  and  College 
Retirement  Equities  Fund  (CREF).  There  are  no  unfunded 
past  service  costs.  The  total  contributions  made  by  the 
Institution  were  $1,532,862  in  1994  and  $1,385,155  in  1993. 
After  one  year's  participation,  an  individual's  benefits  are 
fully  vested. 

The  Institution  provides  health  insurance  for  retired 
employees.  Most  of  the  Institution's  United  States 
employees  become  eligible  for  these  benefits  at  retirement. 
The  cost  of  retiree  health  insurance  benefits  is  currently 
being  recognized  as  an  expense  as  costs  are  incurred.  For 
the  years  ended  lune  30,  1994  and  1993,  these  costs  were 
$393,044  and  $376,128,  respectively. 

The  provisions  of  Statement  of  Financial  Accounting 
Standards  No.  106,  "Employer's  Accounting  for  Post 
Retirement  Benefits  Other  Than  Pensions,"  have  not  yet 
been  adopted  by  the  Institution.  This  Statement  requires 
that  the  cost  of  such  benefits  be  estimated  in  advance  and 
recognized  over  the  period  earned.  The  Institution  will  be 
required  to  adopt  the  provisions  of  this  Statement  for  the 
fiscal  year  ending  lune  30,  1996.  The  impact  of  this 
Statement  on  the  Institution's  financial  statements  has  not 
been  determined. 






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Financial  Statements 

Schedule  3 


Restricted  Grants  and  Gifts 
for  the  Year  Ended  June  30, 1994 

Balance     New  Restricted  Balance 

July  1, 1993    Grants  /Gifts  Expenses    June  30, 1994 
Federal  grants  and  contracts 

U.S.  Department  of  Agriculture $      85,100  $    221,849  $     80,806      $    226,143 

U.S.  Department  of  Energy 10,332  956,578  352,819  614,091 

U.S.  Department  of  the  Interior 16,310  ...  ...  16,310 

U.S.  Geological  Survey 32,410  ...  32,410 

U.S.  National  Aeronautics  and  Space 

Administration 1,730,050  1,398,662  1,185,846  1,942,866 

U.S.  National  Science  Foundation 2,113,035  3,482,638  2,888,397  2,707,276 

U.S.  Office  of  Naval  Research 98,497  131,000  109,355  120,142 

U.S.  Public  Health  Service 1,239,031  2,861,470  2,455,567  1,644,934 

Total  Federal  grants  and  contracts    ....     5,324,765  9,052,197  7,105,200  7,271,762 

Private  grants 

Ahmanson  Foundation ....  250,000  ...  250,000 

Rita  Allen  Foundation     22,561  30,000  20,206  32,355 

Amer.  Assoc,  for  the  Advancement  of  Science    .       3,000  ...  ...  3,000 

American  Astronomical  Society 5,586  ...  198  5,388 

American  Cancer  Society 510,300  138,100  131,063  517,337 

American  Society  for  Microbiology 3,307  ...  ...  3,307 

Arnold  and  Mabel  Beckman  Foundation     ....     34,428  ...  34,428 

California  Institute  of  Technology     62,770  20,000  19,462  63,308 

Capital  Science  Lecture  Series ...  71,448  ...  71,448 

Carnegie  Corporation 92,500  12,201  80,299 

Carnegie  Senior  Fellow 43,405  ...  17,598  25,807 

Centre  National  de  la  Recherche  Scientifique  .  .     10,794  ...  10,794 
lane  Coffin  Childs  Memorial  Fund  for 

Medical  Research    43,564  55,000  55,583  42,981 

Chilean  Fellowship 4,500  1,000  ...  5,500 

Donnay  Fund ...  6,018  ...  6,018 

Dudley  Observatory 961  17,000  9,758  8,203 

Duke  University 39  ...  ...  39 

David  Dunlap  Observatory    10,789  ...  435  10,354 

Embryology  Fund 109,981  2,729  210  112,500 

First  Light/ Academy  for  Science  Education     .  .      4,466  52,000  55,244  1,222 

Flintridge  Foundation 138,034  ...  59,777  78,257 

Geophysical  Fund 16,725  16,725 

Robert  Hazen 26,259  26,250  ...  52,509 

Howard  Hughes  Medical  Institute 44,697  ...  15,646  29,051 

Institute  for  Advanced  Study 38,099  ...  38,099 

International  Human  Frontier  Science  Program      52,104  ...  7,437  44,667 

Johns  Hopkins  University 219,203  ...  84,819  134,384 

Johnson  &  Johnson    12,000  500,000  13,684  498,316 

W.  M.  Keck  Foundation 157,846  601,470  26,186  733,130 

Kresge  Foundation    82,108  ...  67,762  14,346 

Lead  Trust 1,317,217  960,490  1,255,895  1,021,812 

Leukemia  Society  of  America 108,268  ...  ...  108,268 

Life  Sciences  Research  Foundation 9,499  ...  ...  9,499 

John  D.  &  Catherine  T.  MacArthur  Foundation  .      9,897  ...  ...  9,897 

Lucille  P.  Markey  Charitable  Trust 502,777  ...  164,318  338,459 

Martek  Biosciences  Corporation ...  24,000  15,519  8,481 

G.  Harold  and  Leila  Y.  Mathers 

Charitable  Foundation 673,943  ...  135,902  538,041 

McKnight  Endowment  for  Neuroscience    ....     74,474  ...  34,475  39,999 


Carnegie  Institution  of  Washington 
Financial  Statements 


Schedule  3 

2  of  2 

Balance     New  Restricted  Balance 

July  1, 1993    Grants /Gifts     Expenses    June  30, 1994 

Andrew  W.  Mellon  Foundation 465,723 

John  Merck  Fund    419,009 

Mobil  Oil  Corporation 

Ambrose  Monell  Foundation 213,710 

Monsanto  Company     

Norton  Corporation 35,697 

Oxford  University 2,172 

Observatories  Fund 3,040 

People's  Republic  of  China     4,285 

Plant  Biology  Fund 850 

Proctor  &  Gamble  Co 

Richard  B.  T.  Roberts  Memorial  Fund 1,422 

John  D.  Rockefeller  Foundation 3,734 

Vera  C.  Rubin  Fund 8,293 

Damon  Runyon-Walter  Winchell 

Cancer  Foundation 93,527 

Alfred  P.  Sloan  Foundation     20,000 

Smithsonian  Institution     10,000 

Space  Telescope  Science  Institute 295,025 

State  University  of  New  York  at  Stony  Brook  .      362,053 

Terrestrial  Magnetism  Fund 

Tularik,  Inc.  Fund 12,013 

University  of  California  Santa  Cruz 25,802 

Uppsala  University 2,259 

Weizmann  Institute 1,042 

Western  Regional  Center  of  the  National  Institute 

for  Global  Environmental  Change 15,154 

Helen  Hay  Whitney  Foundation 235,805 

Woods  Hole  Oceanographic  Institution   ....  _. __ 





















































Total  private  grants  and  contracts     .  .  . 

Total  restricted  grants  and  contracts 

Less  cash  not  yet  received 

from  grants  and  contracts (8,301,797) 

Deferred  income $3,552,360 

6,529,392        4,736,232        3,952,005        7,313,619 
11,854,157    $13,788,429    $11,057,205      14,585,381 



Financial  Statements 

Schedule  4 

Schedule  of  Expenses 

for  the  Years  Ended  June  30, 1994  and  1993 

1994 1993 

Endowment      Restricted  Total  Total 

and  Special  Grants  Expenses  Expenses 

Salaries,  fringe  benefits,  and  payroll  taxes 

Salaries $  8,215,060  $  2,722,780  $10,937,840  $  9,722,006 

Fringe  benefits  and  payroll  taxes     ....       2,246,980  724,733  2,971,713  2,756,489 

Retiree  health  insurance 393,044 393,044  376,128 

Total     10,855,084  3,447,513  14,302,597  12,854,623 

Fellowship  grants  and  awards 393,588  835,673  1,229,261  1,248,162 

Equipment 2,017,954  1,605,078  3,623,032  3,889,058 

General  expenses 

Educational  and  research  supplies     413,313  1,247,497  1,660,810  1,469,860 

Contract  services      310,965  502,698  813,663  720,771 

Building  maintenance  and  repairs 361,821  81,137  442,958  425,097 

Utilities 939,064  116  939,180  802,992 

Administrative 451,387  115,831  567,218  528,088 

Computer  services 52,182  20,236  72,418  42,898 

Travel  and  meetings 414,869  458,904  873,773  766,957 

General  insurance    89,890  96,028  185,918  188,692 

Scientific  publications 15,567  50,508  66,075  91,066 

Professional  and  consulting  fees 216,611  52,458  269,069  395,374 

Commissary 42,444  ...  42,444  58,459 

Shop    67,568  10,627  78,195  48,333 

Telephone 232,980  2,046  235,026  194,071 

Postage  and  shipping 142,578  14,000  156,578  114,883 

Books  and  subscriptions 186,287  7,372  193,659  199,208 

Contributions  and  miscellaneous    ....          142,738  77,806  220,544  66,750 

Total  general  expenses 4,080,264  2,737,264  6,817,528  6,113,499 

Indirect  costs— grants (2,431,677)  2,431,677 ... 

Indirect  costs  capitalized  on 

scientific  construction  projects (102,481) (102,481)  (98,149) 

Total  expenses $14,812,732  $11,057,205  $25,869,937  $24,007,193 


Articles  of  Incorporation 

JtflH-ttgJtjj  Congress  of  tjre  lititfl)  States  of  America; 

&t  the  Jfcamd  Session, 

Begun  and  held  at  the  City  of  Washington  on  Monday,  the  seventh  day  of  December,  one 
thousand  nine  hundred  and  three. 

^lIST   act 

To  incorporate  tbe  Carnegie  Institution  of  Washington. 

Be  it  enacted  by  the  Senate  and  House  of  Representatives  of  the  United 
States  of  America  in  Congress  assembled,  That  the  persons  following,  being  persons 
who  are  now  trustees  of  the  Carnegie  Institution,  namely,  Alexander  Agassiz, 
John  S.  Billings,  John  L.  Cadwalader,  Cleveland  H.  Dodge,  William  N.  Frew, 
Lyman  J.  Gage,  Daniel  C.  Oilman,  John  Hay,  Henry  L.  Higginson,  William 
Wirt  Howe,  Charles  L.  Hutchinson,  Samuel  P.  Langley,  William  Lindsay,  Seth 
Low,  Wayne  MacVeagh,  Darius  0.  Mills,  S.  Weir  Mitchell,  William  W.  Morrow, 
Ethan  A.  Hitchcock,  Elihu  Root,  John  C.  Spooner,  Andrew  D.  White,  Charles 
D.  Walcott,  Carroll  D.  Wright,  their  associates  and  successors,  duly  chosen,  are 
hereby  incorporated  and  declared  to  be  a  body  corporate  by  the  name  of  the 
Carnegie  Institution  of  Washington  and  by  that  name  shall  be  known  and  have 
perpetual  succession,  with  the  powers,  limitations,  and  restrictions  herein  contained. 

Sec.  2.  That  the  objects  of  the  corporation  shall  be  to  encourage,  in  the 
broadest  and  most  liberal  manner,  investigation,  research,  and  discovery,  and 
the  application  of  knowledge  to  the  improvement  of  mankind;  and  in  particular — 

(a)  To  conduct,  endow,  and  assist  investigation  in  any  department  of 
science,  literature,  or  art,  and  to  this  end  to  cooperate  with  governments, 
universities,  colleges,  technical  schools,  learned  societies,  and  individuals. 

(b)  To  appoint  committees  of  experts  to  direct  special  lines  of  research. 

(c)  To  publish  and  distribute  documents. 

(d)  To  conduct  lectures,  hold  meetings,  and  acquire  and  maintain  a  library. 

(e)  To  purchase  such  property,  real  or  personal,  and  construct  such  building 
or  buildings  as  may  be  necessary  to  carry  on  the  work  of  the  corporation. 



(f)  In  general,  to  do  and  perform  all  things  necessary  to  promote  the 
objects  of  the  institution,  with  full  power,  however,  to  the  trustees  hereinafter 
appointed  and  their  successors  from  time  to  time  to  modify  the  conditions  and 
regulations  under  which  the  work  shall  be  carried  on,  so  as  to  secure  the 
application  of  the  funds  in  the  manner  best  adapted  to  the  conditions  of  the  time, 
provided  that  the  objects  of  the  corporation  shall  at  all  times  be  among  the 
foregoing  or  kindred  thereto. 

Sec.  3.  That  the  direction  and  management  of  the  affairs  of  the  corporation 
and  the  control  and  disposal  of  its  property  and  funds  shall  be  vested  in  a  board 
of  trustees,  twenty-two  in  number,  to  be  composed  of  the  following  individuals : 
Alexander  Agassiz,  John  S.  Billings,  John  L.  Cadwalader,  Cleveland  H.  Dodge, 
William  N.  Frew,  Lyman  J.  Gage,  Daniel  C.  Gilman,  John  Hay,  Henry 
L.  Higginson,  William  Wirt  Howe,  Charles  L.  Hutchinson,  Samuel  P. 
Langley,  William  Lindsay,  Seth  Low,  Wayne  MacVeagh,  Darius  0.  Mills, 
S.  Weir  Mitchell,  William  W.  Morrow,  Ethan  A.  Hitchcock,  Elihu  Root, 
John  C.  Spooner,  Andrew  D.  White,  Charles  D.  Walcott,  Carroll  D.  Wright, 
who  shall  constitute  the  first  board  of  trustees.  The  board  of  trustees  shall 
have  power  from  time  to  time  to  increase  its  membership  to  not  more  than 
twenty-seven  members.  Vacancies  occasioned  by  death,  resignation,  or  otherwise 
shall  be  filled  by  the  remaining  trustees  in  such  manner  as  the  by-laws  shall 
prescribe;  and  the  persons  so  elected  shall  thereupon  become  trustees  and  also 
members  of  the  said  corporation.  The  principal  place  of  business  of  the  said 
corporation  shall  be  the  city  of  Washington,  in  the  District  of  Columbia. 

Sec.  4.  That  such  board  of  trustees  shall  be  entitled  to  take,  hold  and 
administer  the  securities,  funds,  and  property  so  transferred  by  said  Andrew 
Carnegie  to  the  trustees  of  the  Carnegie  Institution  and  such  other  funds  or 
property  as  may  at  any  time  be  given,  devised,  or  bequeathed  to  them,  or  to  such 
corporation,  for  the  purposes  of  the  trust ;  and  with  full  power  from  time  to  time  to 
adopt  a  common  seal,  to  appoint  such  officers,  members  of  the  board  of  trustees  or 
otherwise,  and  such  employees  as  may  be  deemed  necessary  in  carrying  on  the 
business  of  the  corporation,  at  such  salaries  or  with  such  remuneration  as  they  may 
deem  proper;  and  with  full  power  to  adopt  by-laws  from  time  to  time  and  such  rules 
or  regulations  as  may  be  necessary  to  secure  the  safe  and  convenient  transaction 
of  the  business  of  the  corporation;  and  with  full  power  and  discretion  to  deal 
with  and  expend  the  income  of  the  corporation  in  such  manner  as  in  their 
judgment  will  best  promote  the  objects  herein  set  forth  and  in  general  to  have 
and  use  all  powers  and  authority  necessary  to  promote  such  objects  and  carry  out 
the  purposes  of  the  donor.     The  said  trustees  shall  have  further  power  from  time 


to  time  to  hold  as  investments  the  securities  hereinabove  referred  to  so  transferred 
by  Andrew  Carnegie,  and  any  property  which  has  been  or  may  be  transferred 
to  them  or  such  corporation  by  Andrew  Carnegie  or  by  any  other  person, 
persons,  or  corporation,  and  to  invest  any  sums  or  amounts  from  time  to  time 
in  such  securities  and  in  such  form  and  manner  as  are  permitted  to  trustees 
or  to  charitable  or  literary  corporations  for  investment,  according  to  the  laws 
of  the  States  of  New  York,  Pennsylvania,  or  Massachusetts,  or  in  such  securities 
as  are  authorized  for  investment  by  the  said  deed  of  trust  so  executed  by  Andrew 
Carnegie,  or  by  any  deed  of  gift  or  last  will  and  testament  to  be  hereafter  made 
or  executed. 

Sec.  5.  That  the  said  corporation  may  take  and  hold  any  additional 
donations,  grants,  devises,  or  bequests  which  may  be  made  in  further  support  of 
the  purposes  of  the  said  corporation,  and  may  include  in  the  expenses  thereof 
the  personal  expenses  which  the  trustees  may  incur  in  attending  meetings  or 
otherwise  in  carrying  out  the  business  of  the  trust,  but  the  services  of  the 
trustees  as  such  shall  be  gratuitous. 

Sec.  6.  That  as  soon  as  may  be  possible  after  the  passage  of  this  Act  a 
meeting  of  the  trustees  hereinbefore  named  shall  be  called  by  Daniel  C.  Gilman, 
John  S.  Billings,  Charles  D.  Walcott,  S.  Weir  Mitchell,  John  Hay,  Elihu  Root, 
and  Carroll  D.  Wright,  or  any  four  of  them,  at  the  city  of  Washington,  in 
the  District  of  Columbia,  by  notice  served  in  person  or  by  mail  addressed  to 
each  trustee  at  his  place  of  residence;  and  the  said  trustees,  or  a  majority 
thereof,  being  assembled,  shall  organize  and  proceed  to  adopt  by-laws,  to  elect 
officers  and  appoint  committees,  and  generally  to  organize  the  said  corporation; 
and  said  trustees  herein  named,  on  behalf  of  the  corporation  hereby  incorporated, 
shall  thereupon  receive,  take  over,  and  enter  into  possession,  custody,  and 
management  of  all  property,  real  or  personal,  of  the  corporation  heretofore  known 
as  the  Carnegie  Institution,  incorporated,  as  hereinbefore  set  forth  under  "An  Act 
to  establish  a  Code  of  Law  for  the  District  of  Columbia,  January  fourth,  nineteen 
hundred  and  two,"  and  to  all  its  rights,  contracts,  claims,  and  property  of  any 
kind  or  nature ;  and  the  several  officers  of  such  corporation,  or  any  other  person 
having  charge  of  any  of  the  securities,  funds,  real  or  personal,  books  or  property 
thereof,  shall,  on  demand,  deliver  the  same  to  the  said  trustees  appointed  by  this 
Act  or  to  the  persons  appointed  by  them  to  receive  the  same;  and  the  trustees 
of  the  existing  corporation  and  the  trustees  herein  named  shall  and  may  take 
such  other  steps  as  shall  be  necessary  to  carry  out  the  purposes  of  this  Act. 

Sec.  7.  That  the  rights  of  the  creditors  of  the  said  existing  corporation 
known  as  the  Carnegie  Institution  shall  not  in  any  manner  be  impaired  by  the 



passage  of  this  Act,  or  the  transfer  of  the  property  hereinbefore  mentioned,  nor 
shall  any  liability  or  obligation  for  the  payment  of  any  sums  due  or  to  become 
due,  or  any  claim  or  demand,  in  any  manner  or  for  any  cause  existing  against 
the  said  existing  corporation,  be  released  or  impaired ;  but  such  corporation  hereby 
incorporated  is  declared  to  succeed  to  the  obligations  and  liabilities  and  to  be  held 
liable  to  pay  and  discharge  all  of  the  debts,  liabilities,  and  contracts  of  the  said 
corporation  so  existing  to  the  same  effect  as  if  such  new  corporation  had  itself 
incurred  the  obligation  or  liability  to  pay  such  debt  or  damages,  and  no  such  action 
or  proceeding  before  any  court  or  tribunal  shall  be  deemed  to  have  abated  or  been 
discontinued  by  reason  of  the  passage  of  this  Act. 

Sec.  8.  That  Congress  may  from  time  to  time  alter,  repeal,  or  modify  this 
Act  of  incorporation,  but  no  contract  or  individual  right  made  or  acquired  shall 
thereby  be  divested  or  impaired. 

Sec.  9.  That  this  Act  shall  take  effect  immediately. 

President  of  the  Senate  pro  tempore. 

By-Laws  of  the  Institution 

Adopted  December  13, 1904.  Amended  December  13,  1910,  December  13,  1912,  December  10, 1937, 
December  15, 1939,  December  13, 1940,  December  18, 1942,  December  12, 1947,  December  10, 1954, 
October  24,  1957,  May  8,  1959,  May  13,  1960,  May  10,  1963,  May  15,  1964,  March  6,  1967,  May 
3,  1968,  May  14,  1971,  August  31,  1972,  May  9,  1974,  April  30,  1976,  May  1,  1981,  May  7, 1982, 
May  3,  1985,  May  9,  1986,  May  15,  1987,  May  6,  1988,  May  5,  1989,  May  10,  1991,  and  May  6, 


The  Trustees 

1.1.  The  Board  of  Trustees  shall  consist  of  up  to  twenty-seven  members  as 
determined  from  time  to  time  by  the  Board. 

1.2.  The  Board  of  Trustees  shall  be  divided  into  three  classes  approximately  equal  in 
number.  The  terms  of  the  Trustees  shall  be  such  that  those  of  the  members  of  one  class 
expire  at  the  conclusion  of  each  annual  meeting  of  the  Board.  At  each  annual  meeting  of 
the  Board  vacancies  resulting  from  the  expiration  of  Trustees'  terms  shall  be  filled  by 
their  re-election  or  election  of  their  successors.  Trustees  so  re-elected  or  elected  shall  serve 
for  terms  of  three  years  expiring  at  the  conclusion  of  the  annual  meeting  of  the  Board  in 
the  third  year  after  their  election.  A  vacancy  resulting  from  the  resignation,  death,  or 
incapacity  of  a  Trustee  before  the  expiration  of  his  or  her  term  may  be  filled  by  election 
of  a  successor  at  or  between  annual  meetings.  A  person  elected  to  succeed  a  Trustee 
before  the  expiration  of  his  or  her  term  shall  serve  for  the  remainder  of  that  term  unless 
the  Board  determines  that  assignment  to  a  class  other  than  the  predecessor's  is 
appropriate.  There  shall  be  no  limit  on  the  number  of  terms  for  which  a  Trustee  may 
serve,  and  a  Trustee  shall  be  eligible  for  immediate  re-election  upon  expiration  of  his  or 
her  term. 

1.3.  No  Trustee  shall  receive  any  compensation  for  his  or  her  services  as  such. 

1.4.  Trustees  shall  be  elected  by  vote  of  two-thirds  of  the  Trustees  present  at  a  meeting 
of  the  Board  of  Trustees  at  which  a  quorum  is  present  or  without  a  meeting  by  written 
action  of  all  of  the  Trustees  pursuant  to  Section  4.6. 

1 .5.  If ,  at  any  time  during  an  emergency  period,  there  be  no  surviving  Trustee  capable 
of  acting,  the  President,  the  Director  of  each  existing  Department,  or  such  of  them  as 
shall  then  be  surviving  and  capable  of  acting,  shall  constitute  a  Board  of  Trustees  pro  tern, 
with  full  powers  under  the  provisions  of  the  Articles  of  Incorporation  and  these  By-Laws. 
Should  neither  the  President  nor  any  such  Director  be  capable  of  acting,  the  senior 
surviving  Staff  Member  of  each  existing  Department  shall  be  a  Trustee  pro  tern,  with  full 
powers  of  a  Trustee  under  the  Articles  of  Incorporation  and  these  By-Laws.  It  shall  be 
incumbent  on  the  Trustees  pro  tern  to  reconstitute  the  Board  with  permanent  members 
within  a  reasonable  time  after  the  emergency  has  passed,  at  which  time  the  Trustees  pro 
tern  shall  cease  to  hold  office.  A  list  of  Staff  Member  seniority,  as  designated  annually  by 
the  President,  shall  be  kept  in  the  Institution's  records. 

1.6.  A  Trustee  who  resigns  after  having  served  at  least  six  years  and  having  reached 
age  seventy  shall  be  eligible  for  designation  by  the  Board  of  Trustees  as  a  Trustee 
Emeritus.  A  Trustee  Emeritus  shall  be  entitled  to  attend  meetings  of  the  Board  but  shall 
have  no  vote  and  shall  not  be  counted  for  purposes  of  ascertaining  the  presence  of  a 
quorum.  A  Trustee  Emeritus  may  be  invited  to  serve  in  an  advisory  capacity  on  any 
committee  of  the  Board  except  the  Executive  Committee. 




Officers  of  the  Board 

2.1.  The  officers  of  the  Board  shall  be  a  Chairman  of  the  Board,  a  Vice-Chairman,  and 
a  Secretary,  who  shall  be  elected  by  the  Trustees,  from  the  members  of  the  Board,  by  ballot 
to  serve  for  a  term  of  three  years.  All  vacancies  shall  be  filled  by  the  Board  for  the 
unexpired  term;  provided,  however,  that  the  Executive  Committee  shall  have  power  to 
fill  a  vacancy  in  the  office  of  Secretary  to  serve  until  the  next  meeting  of  the  Board  of 

2.2.  The  Chairman  shall  preside  at  all  meetings  and  shall  have  the  usual  powers  of 
a  presiding  officer. 

2.3.  The  Vice-Chairman,  in  the  absence  or  disability  of  the  Chairman,  shall  perform 
the  duties  of  the  Chairman. 

2.4.  The  Secretary  shall  issue  notices  of  meetings  of  the  Board,  record  its  transactions, 
and  conduct  that  part  of  the  correspondence  relating  to  the  Board  and  to  his  or  her  duties. 


Executive  Administration 

3.1.  There  shall  be  a  President  who  shall  be  elected  by  ballot  by,  and  hold  office  during 
the  pleasure  of,  the  Board,  who  shall  be  the  chief  executive  officer  of  the  Institution.  The 
President,  subject  to  the  control  of  the  Board  and  the  Executive  Committee,  shall  have 
general  charge  of  all  matters  of  administration  and  supervision  of  all  arrangements  for 
research  and  other  work  undertaken  by  the  Institution  or  with  its  funds.  He  or  she  shall 
prepare  and  submit  to  the  Board  of  Trustees  and  to  the  Executive  Committee  plans  and 
suggestions  for  the  work  of  the  Institution,  shall  conduct  its  general  correspondence  and 
the  correspondence  with  applicants  for  grants  and  with  the  special  advisors  of  the 
Committee,  and  shall  present  his  or  her  recommendations  in  each  case  to  the  Executive 
Committee  for  decision.  All  proposals  and  requests  for  grants  shall  be  referred  to  the 
President  for  consideration  and  report.  He  or  she  shall  have  power  to  remove,  appoint, 
and,  within  the  scope  of  funds  made  available  by  the  Trustees,  provide  for  compensation 
of  subordinate  employees  and  to  fix  the  compensation  of  such  employees  with  the  limits 
of  a  maximum  rate  of  compensation  to  be  established  from  time  to  time  by  the  Executive 
Committee.  The  President  shall  be  ex  officio  a  member  of  the  Executive  Committee  and 
the  Finance  Committee. 

3.2.  The  President  shall  be  the  legal  custodian  of  the  seal  and  of  all  property  of  the 
Institution  whose  custody  is  not  otherwise  provided  for.  He  or  she  shall  sign  and  execute 
on  behalf  of  the  corporation  all  contracts  and  instruments  necessary  in  authorized 
administrative  and  research  matters  and  affix  the  corporate  seal  thereto  when  necessary, 
and  may  delegate  the  performance  of  such  acts  and  other  administrative  duties  in  his  or 
her  absence  to  other  officers.  He  or  she  may  execute  all  other  contracts,  deeds,  and 
instruments  on  behalf  of  the  corporation  and  affix  the  seal  thereto  when  expressly 
authorized  by  the  Board  of  Trustees  or  Executive  Committee.  He  or  she  may,  within  the 
limits  of  his  or  her  own  authorization,  delegate  to  other  officers  authority  to  act  as 
custodian  of  and  affix  the  corporate  seal.  He  or  she  shall  be  responsible  for  the 
expenditure  and  disbursement  of  all  funds  of  the  Institution  in  accordance  with  the 
directions  of  the  Board  and  of  the  Executive  Committee,  and  shall  keep  accurate  accounts 
of  all  receipts  and  disbursements.  He  or  she  shall,  with  the  assistance  of  the  Directors  of 

BY-LAWS  185 

the  Departments,  prepare  for  presentation  to  the  Trustees  and  for  publication  an  annual 
report  on  the  activities  of  the  Institution. 

3.3.  The  President  shall  attend  all  meetings  of  the  Board  of  Trustees. 

3.4.  The  corporation  shall  have  such  other  officers  as  may  be  appointed  by  the 
Executive  Committee,  having  such  duties  and  powers  as  may  be  specified  by  the 
Executive  Committee  or  by  the  President  under  authority  from  the  Executive  Committee. 

3.5.  The  President  shall  retire  from  office  at  the  end  of  the  fiscal  year  in  which  he  or 
she  becomes  sixty-five  years  of  age,  except  as  retirement  may  be  deferred  by  the  Board 
of  Trustees  for  one  or  more  periods  of  up  to  three  years  each.  The  corporate  officers 
appointed  by  the  Executive  Committee  shall  retire,  and  the  Directors  of  Departments 
shall  retire  as  Directors,  at  the  end  of  the  fiscal  year  in  which  they  become  sixty-five  years 
of  age,  except  as  otherwise  required  by  law  or  as  retirement  may  be  deferred  by  the 
Executive  Committee. 


Meetings  and  Voting 

4.1.  The  annual  meeting  of  the  Board  of  Trustees  shall  be  held  in  the  City  of 
Washington,  in  the  District  of  Columbia,  in  May  of  each  year  on  a  date  fixed  by  the 
Executive  Committee,  or  at  such  other  time  or  such  other  place  as  may  be  designated  by 
the  Executive  Committee,  or  if  not  so  designated  prior  to  May  1  of  such  year,  by  the 
Chairman  of  the  Board  of  Trustees,  or  if  he  or  she  is  absent  or  is  unable  or  refuses  to  act, 
by  any  Trustee  with  the  written  consent  of  the  majority  of  the  Trustees  then  holding 

4.2.  Special  meetings  of  the  Board  of  Trustees  may  be  called,  and  the  time  and  place 
of  meeting  designated,  by  the  Chairman,  or  by  the  Executive  Committee,  or  by  any 
Trustee  with  the  written  consent  of  the  majority  of  the  Trustees  then  holding  office.  Upon 
the  written  request  of  seven  members  of  the  Board,  the  Chairman  shall  call  a  special 

4.3.  Notices  of  meetings  shall  be  given  ten  days  prior  to  the  date  thereof.  Notice  may 
be  given  to  any  Trustee  personally,  or  by  mail  or  by  telegram  sent  to  the  usual  address 
of  such  Trustee.  Notices  of  adjourned  meetings  need  not  be  given  except  when  the 
adjournment  is  for  ten  days  or  more. 

4.4.  The  presence  of  a  majority  of  the  Trustees  holding  office  shall  constitute  a 
quorum  for  the  transaction  of  business  at  any  meeting.  An  act  of  the  majority  of  the 
Trustees  present  at  a  meeting  at  which  a  quorum  is  present  shall  be  the  act  of  the  Board 
except  as  otherwise  provided  in  these  By-Laws.  If,  at  a  duly  called  meeting,  less  than  a 
quorum  is  present,  a  majority  of  those  present  may  adjourn  the  meeting  from  time  to 
time  until  a  quorum  is  present.  Trustees  present  at  a  duly  called  or  held  meeting  at  which 
a  quorum  is  present  may  continue  to  do  business  until  adjournment  notwithstanding 
the  withdrawal  of  enough  Trustees  to  leave  less  than  a  quorum. 

4.5.  The  transactions  of  any  meeting,  however  called  and  noticed,  shall  be  as  valid 
as  though  carried  out  at  a  meeting  duly  held  after  regular  call  and  notice,  if  a  quorum  is 
present  and  if,  either  before  or  after  the  meeting,  each  of  the  Trustees  not  present  in 
person  signs  a  written  waiver  of  notice,  or  consent  to  the  holding  of  such  meeting,  or 
approval  of  the  minutes  thereof.  All  such  waivers,  consents,  or  approvals  shall  be  filed 
with  the  corporate  records  or  made  a  part  of  the  minutes  of  the  meeting. 

4.6.  Any  action  which,  under  law  or  these  By-Laws,  is  authorized  to  be  taken  at  a 
meeting  of  the  Board  of  Trustees  or  any  of  the  Standing  Committees  may  be  taken 
without  a  meeting  if  authorized  in  a  document  or  documents  in  writing  signed  by  all 


the  Trustees,  or  all  the  members  of  the  Committee,  as  the  case  may  be,  then  holding  office 
and  filed  with  the  Secretary. 

4.7.  During  any  emergency  period  the  term  "Trustees  holding  office"  shall,  for 
purposes  of  this  Article,  mean  the  surviving  members  of  the  Board  who  have  not  been 
rendered  incapable  of  acting  for  any  reason  including  difficulty  of  transportation  to  a 
place  of  meeting  or  of  communication  with  other  surviving  members  of  the  Board. 



5.1.  There  shall  be  the  following  Standing  Committees,  viz.  an  Executive  Committee, 
a  Finance  Committee,  an  Auditing  Committee,  a  Nominating  Committee,  and  an 
Employee  Benefits  Committee. 

5.2.  All  vacancies  in  the  Standing  Committees  shall  be  filled  by  the  Board  of  Trustees 
at  the  next  annual  meeting  of  the  Board  and  may  be  filled  at  a  special  meeting  of  the 
Board.  A  vacancy  in  the  Executive  Committee  and,  upon  request  of  the  remaining 
members  of  any  other  Standing  Committee,  a  vacancy  in  such  other  Committee  may  be 
filled  by  the  Executive  Committee  by  temporary  appointment  to  serve  until  the  next 
meeting  of  the  Board. 

5.3.  The  terms  of  all  officers  and  of  all  members  of  Committees,  as  provided  for 
herein,  shall  continue  until  their  successors  are  elected  or  appointed.  The  term  of  any 
member  of  a  Committee  shall  terminate  upon  termination  of  his  or  her  service  as  a 

Executive  Committee 

5.4.  The  Executive  Committee  shall  consist  of  the  Chairman,  Vice-Chairman,  and 
Secretary  of  the  Board  of  Trustees,  the  President  of  the  Institution  ex  officio,  and,  in 
addition,  not  less  than  five  or  more  than  eight  Trustees  to  be  elected  by  the  Board  by 
ballot  for  a  term  of  three  years,  who  shall  be  eligible  for  re-election.  Any  member  elected 
to  fill  a  vacancy  shall  serve  for  the  remainder  of  his  or  her  predecessor's  term.  The 
presence  of  four  members  of  the  Committee  shall  constitute  a  quorum  for  the  transaction 
of  business  at  any  meeting. 

5.5.  The  Executive  Committee  shall,  when  the  Board  is  not  in  session  and  has  not 
given  specific  directions,  have  general  control  of  the  administration  of  the  affairs  of  the 
corporation  and  general  supervision  of  all  arrangements  for  administration,  research, 
and  other  matters  undertaken  or  promoted  by  the  Institution.  It  shall  also  submit  to  the 
Board  of  Trustees  a  printed  or  typewritten  report  of  each  of  its  meetings,  and  at  the  annual 
meeting  shall  submit  to  the  Board  a  report  for  publication. 

5.6.  The  Executive  Committee  shall  have  power  to  authorize  the  purchase,  sale, 
exchange  or  transfer  of  real  estate. 

Finance  Committee 

5.7.  The  Finance  Committee  shall  consist  of  not  less  than  five  and  not  more  than  six 
Trustees  to  be  elected  by  the  Board  by  ballot  for  a  term  of  three  years,  who  shall  be  eligible 
for  re-election,  and  the  President  of  the  Institution  ex  officio.  The  presence  of  three 
members  of  the  Committee  shall  constitute  a  quorum  for  the  transaction  of  business  at 
any  meeting. 

5.8.  The  Finance  Committee  shall  have  custody  of  the  securities  of  the  Institution  and 

BY-LAWS  187 

general  charge  of  its  investments  and  invested  funds  and  shall  care  for  and  dispose  of 
the  same  subject  to  the  directions  of  the  Board  of  Trustees.  It  shall  have  power  to 
authorize  the  purchase,  sale,  exchange,  or  transfer  of  securities  and  to  delegate  this 
power.  For  any  retirement  or  other  benefit  plan  for  the  staff  members  and  employees  of 
the  Institution,  it  shall  be  responsible  for  supervision  of  matters  relating  to  investments, 
appointment  or  removal  of  any  investment  manager  or  advisor,  reviewing  the  financial 
status  and  arrangements,  and  appointment  or  removal  of  any  plan  trustee  or  insurance 
carrier.  It  shall  consider  and  recommend  to  the  Board  from  time  to  time  such  measures 
as  in  its  opinion  will  promote  the  financial  interests  of  the  Institution  and  improve  the 
management  of  investments  under  any  retirement  or  other  benefit  plan.  The  Committee 
shall  make  a  report  at  the  annual  meeting  of  the  Board. 

Auditing  Committee 

5.9.  The  Auditing  Committee  shall  consist  of  three  members  to  be  elected  by  the 
Board  of  Trustees  by  ballot  for  a  term  of  three  years. 

5.10.  Before  each  annual  meeting  of  the  Board  of  Trustees,  the  Auditing  Committee 
shall  cause  the  accounts  of  the  Institution  for  the  preceding  fiscal  year  to  be  audited  by 
public  accountants.  The  accountants  shall  report  to  the  Committee,  and  the  Committee 
shall  present  said  report  at  the  ensuing  annual  meeting  of  the  Board  with  such 
recommendations  as  the  Committee  may  deem  appropriate. 

Nominating  Committee 

5.11.  The  Nominating  Committee  shall  consist  of  the  Chairman  of  the  Board  of 
Trustees  ex  officio  and,  in  addition,  three  Trustees  to  be  elected  by  the  Board  by  ballot  for 
a  term  of  three  years,  who  shall  be  eligible  for  re-election,  but,  after  serving  for  two 
consecutive  terms,  not  until  after  the  lapse  of  one  year.  Any  member  elected  to  fill  a 
vacancy  shall  serve  for  the  remainder  of  his  or  her  predecessor's  term.  The  Chairman  of 
the  Board  shall  appoint  a  member  of  the  Committee  as  Chairman  for  a  term  expiring  no 
later  than  the  expiration  of  his  or  her  term  as  a  member. 

5.12.  Sixty  days  prior  to  an  annual  meeting  of  the  Board  the  Nominating  Committee 
shall  notify  the  Trustees  by  mail  of  the  vacancies  to  be  filled  in  the  membership  of  the 
Board.  Each  Trustee  may  submit  nominations  for  such  vacancies.  Nominations  so 
submitted  shall  be  considered  by  the  Nominating  Committee,  and  ten  days  prior  to  the 
annual  meeting  the  Nominating  Committee  shall  submit  to  members  of  the  Board  by 
mail  a  list  of  the  persons  so  nominated,  with  its  recommendations  for  filling  existing 
vacancies  on  the  Board  and  its  Standing  Committees.  No  other  nominations  shall  be 
received  by  the  Board  at  the  annual  meeting  except  with  the  unanimous  consent  of  the 
Trustees  present. 

Employee  Benefits  Committee 

5.13.  The  Employee  Benefits  Committee  shall  consist  of  not  less  than  three  and  not 
more  than  four  members  to  be  elected  by  the  Board  of  Trustees  by  ballot  for  a  term  of 
three  years,  who  shall  be  eligible  for  re-election,  and  the  Chairman  of  the  Finance 
Committee  ex  officio.  Any  member  elected  to  fill  a  vacancy  shall  serve  for  the  remainder 
of  his  or  her  predecessor's  term. 

5.14.  The  Employee  Benefits  Committee  shall,  subject  to  the  directions  of  the  Board 
of  Trustees,  be  responsible  for  supervision  of  the  activities  of  the  administrator  or 
administrators  of  any  retirement  or  other  benefit  plan  for  staff  members  and  employees 


of  the  Institution,  except  that  any  matter  relating  to  investments  or  to  the  appointment 
or  removal  of  any  trustee  or  insurance  carrier  under  any  such  plan  shall  be  the 
responsibility  of  the  Finance  Committee.  It  shall  receive  reports  from  the  administrator 
or  administrators  of  the  employee  benefit  plans  with  respect  to  administration,  benefit 
structure,  operation,  and  funding.  It  shall  consider  and  recommend  to  the  Board  from 
time  to  time  such  measures  as  in  its  opinion  will  improve  such  plans  and  the 
administration  thereof.  The  Committee  shall  submit  a  report  to  the  Board  at  the  annual 
meeting  of  the  Board. 


Financial  Administration 

6.1.  No  expenditure  shall  be  authorized  or  made  except  in  pursuance  of  a  previous 
appropriation  by  the  Board  of  Trustees,  or  as  provided  in  Section  5.8  of  these  By-Laws. 

6.2.  The  fiscal  year  of  the  Institution  shall  commence  on  the  first  day  of  July  in  each 

6.3.  The  Executive  Committee  shall  submit  to  the  annual  meeting  of  the  Board  a  full 
statement  of  the  finances  and  work  of  the  Institution  for  the  preceding  fiscal  year  and  a 
detailed  estimate  of  the  expenditures  of  the  succeeding  fiscal  year. 

6.4.  The  Board  of  Trustees,  at  the  annual  meeting  in  each  year,  shall  make  general 
appropriations  for  the  ensuing  fiscal  year;  but  nothing  contained  herein  shall  prevent  the 
Board  of  Trustees  from  making  special  appropriations  at  any  meeting. 

6.5.  The  Executive  Committee  shall  have  general  charge  and  control  of  all 
appropriations  made  by  the  Board.  The  Committee  shall  have  full  authority  to  allocate 
appropriations  made  by  the  Board,  to  reallocate  available  funds,  as  needed,  and  to 
transfer  balances. 

6.6.  The  securities  of  the  Institution  and  evidences  of  property,  and  funds  invested 
and  to  be  invested,  shall  be  deposited  in  such  safe  depository  or  in  the  custody  of  such 
trust  company  and  under  such  safeguards  as  the  Finance  Committee  shall  designate, 
subject  to  directions  of  the  Board  of  Trustees.  Income  of  the  Institution  available  for 
expenditure  shall  be  deposited  in  such  banks  or  depositories  as  may  from  time  to  time 
be  designated  by  the  Executive  Committee. 

6.7.  Any  trust  company  entrusted  with  the  custody  of  securities  by  the  Finance 
Committee  may,  by  resolution  of  the  Board  of  Trustees,  be  made  Fiscal  Agent  of  the 
Institution,  upon  an  agreed  compensation,  for  the  transaction  of  the  business  coming 
within  the  authority  of  the  Finance  Committee. 

6.8.  The  property  of  the  Institution  is  irrevocably  dedicated  to  charitable  purposes, 
and  in  the  event  of  dissolution  its  property  shall  be  used  for  and  distributed  to  those 
charitable  purposes  as  are  specified  by  the  Congress  of  the  United  States  in  the  Articles 
of  Incorporation,  Public  Law  No.  260,  approved  April  28,  1904,  as  the  same  may  be 
amended  from  time  to  time. 


Amendment  of  By-Laws 

7.1.  These  By-Laws  may  be  amended  at  any  annual  or  special  meeting  of  the  Board 
of  Trustees  by  a  two-thirds  vote  of  the  members  present,  provided  written  notice  of  the 
proposed  amendment  shall  have  been  served  personally  upon,  or  mailed  to  the  usual 
address  of,  each  member  of  the  Board  twenty  days  prior  to  the  meeting. 


Abelson,  Philip  H.,  v,  vi,  161, 163, 164, 167 

Abbott,  Jennifer,  47 

Adam,  Luc,  71 

Aguilar,  Carmen,  101 

Ahnn,  Joohong,  47 

Aldrich,  L.  Thomas,  131 

Alexander,  Conel,  21, 108-109 

Andersen,  Jens  Christian,  101 

Angel,  Ross,  24 

Apt,  Kirk,  71 

Arabidopsis  thaliana 
disease  resistance  genes  in,  51,  55-58 
membrane  lipids  in,  61-64 
phototrophic  mutants  of,  67-68 

Atzel,  Amy,  47 

Babcock,  Horace,  153, 167 
Bai,  Jining,  41,  47 
Barruol,  Guilhem,  131 
Bauer,  Donna  White,  47 
Bell,  David,  77 

Short  report,  89-90 
Bell,  Peter,  101 
Berkelman,  Thomas,  71 
Berry,  Joseph,  vii,  71 

Short  report,  65-66 
Bertka,  Constance,  101 
Bjarnson,  Ingi,  131 
Bjorkman,  Olle,  53,  71 

Short  report,  66-67 
Bocherens,  Herve,  101 
BOREAS,  65-66 
Boss,  Alan,  131 
Bowers,  Ray,  vii,  157 
Boyd,  F.  R.,  101, 105 

Special  essay,  109-117 
Briggs,  Winslow  R.,  23, 51,  71 

Short  report,  67-68 
Brown,  Donald  D.,  vii,  46, 163 

Director's  introduction,  27-28 

Short  report,  42 
Brown,  Louis,  20-21, 108, 131 

Buell,  Robin,  71 

Burner,  Harold,  108, 131 

Caenorhabditis  elegans,  muscle  differentia- 
tion in,  43 

Calvi,  Brian,  47 

Campbell,  Andrew,  101 

Capital  Science  Lectures,  4, 14-15, 159 

Cardon,  Zoe,  72 

Carlson,  Richard  W.,  105-106, 131 
Special  essay,  109-117 

Carnegie  Academy  for  Science  Education 
(CASE),  10, 15-20 

Casey,  Elena,  72 

CASA,  67 

Chen,  Chii-shiarng,  38, 47 

Chen,  Lihsia,  47 

Chlamydomonas  reinhardtii,  studies  in,  64-65 

Cifuentes,  Ines,  15, 17, 157 

Cohen,  Ronald,  76,  77,  90, 101 
Short  reports,  92, 92-93 

Coleman,  William  T,  Jr.,  v,  161,  163, 164, 

Collatz,  James,  71 

Collelo,  Gregory,  71 

Collier,  Jackie,  72 

Comet  Shoemaker-Levy  9,  3-4,  75,  78-79, 

Conrad,  Pamela,  101 

Daniel,  Steven,  71 

David,  Edward  E.,  Jr.,  v,  vi,  24, 161 

Davies,  John,  71 

Davidson,  Paula,  101 

De  Jonge,  Peter,  22, 153 

Dement,  Elise,  72 

Diebold,  John,  v,  163 

Donahue,  Megan,  153 

Downs,  Robert  T,  101 

Dressier,  Alan,  153 


heterochromatin  in,  44 

pattern  formation  in,  44 




Duffy,  Thomas,  11,  75,  76, 101, 131 

Special  essay,  78-84 

Short  report,  90 
Dymecki,  Susan,  47 

Short  report,  42^3 

Ebert,  James  D.,  v,  vi,  163, 167 

Eggert,  Jon,  101 

Eliceiri,  Brian,  47 

Ernst,  W.  Gary,  v,  24, 163, 167 

Erysiphe  sp.,  studies  with,  53,  55,  57 

Faber,  Sandra  M.,  v,  167 
Falcone,  Deane,  71 
Fedoroff,  Nina  V,  46 

Special  essay,  29-36 
Fei,  Yingwei,  3,  75, 101 

Special  essay,  84-89 
Ferguson,  Bruce  W.,  v,  163, 167 
Field,  Christopher,  17,  71 

Short  report,  67 
Finger,  Larry,  101 
Fire,  Andrew  Z.,  46 

Short  report,  43 
First  Light,  10, 15, 15-20 
Fogel,  Marilyn  L.,  101 
Ford,  W.  Kent,  Jr.,  131 
Fork,  David,  71 
Foster,  Prudence,  131 
Franklin,  Amie,  72 
Frantz,  John  D.,  77, 101 

Short  report,  92 
Fredeen,  Arthur,  71 
Freedman,  Wendy,  23, 153 
Frydman,  Horacio,  24,  47 
Fu,  Wei,  71 
Furlow,  David,  47 

Gall,  Joseph  G.,  46 

Short  report,  43 
Garvey,  Susanne,  vii,  15, 157, 163 
Georgieva,  Elena,  47 
Giere,  Reto,  101 

Short  report,  90-91 
Gilmore,  Adam,  71 
Glaser,  Robert,  47 
Goelet,  Robert  G.,  v,  167 
Golden,  William  T,  v,  161, 163, 164 
Golgher,  Denise,  24 
Goncharov,  Alexandre,  101 
Goodfriend,  Glenn,  101 

Short  report,  91-92 
Graham,  John  A.,  131 
Granger,  Claire,  72 
Greenewalt,  Crawford  H.,  163, 167 
Greene  wait,  David,  v,  163 
Grossman,  Arthur,  71 

Short  report,  64-65 
Guacci,  Vincent,  47 

Hafstad,  Lawrence,  20 

Halpern,  Marnie,  21 

Hanada,  Kentara,  40, 47 

Hanfland,  Michael,  101 

Hare,  P.  Edgar,  101 

Haskins,  Caryl  P.,  v,  vi,  24, 163, 167 

Hauri,  Erik,  21, 108, 131 

Hazen,  Robert,  17, 101, 167 

Hearst,  William  R.,  Ill,  v,  163 

Heckert,  Richard  E.,  v,  161, 163, 164, 167 

Helmer,  Elizabeth,  47 

Hemley,  Russell,  79,  90, 101 

Herold,  Lori  K.,  131 

Hewlett,  William  R.,  v,  167 

High-pressure  studies,  75-77 

of  Earth's  core,  84-89,  93-94 

of  Jupiter's  interior,  78-84 

of  magnesium  oxide,  90, 92 

of  stishovite,  92-93 
Hill,  Bob,  153 
Hoang,  Nguyen,  131 
Hoering,  Thomas,  77, 101 

Short  reports,  89-90,  92 
Hoffman,  Neil  E.,  71 

Short  report,  66 
Holbrook,  Michele,  72 
Hornblower,  Marshall,  vii,  163 
Hu,  Jingzhu,  101 
Hubble  Space  Telescope,  3 

Ilchik,  Robert,  101 
Inamori,  Kazuo,  v,  167 
Inbar,  Iris,  76, 101 

Short  report,  92 
Irvine,  T.  Neil,  101 
Ishikawa,  Tsuyoshi,  131 
Isotope  studies 

of  mantle  materials,  106, 109-117 

James,  Charles,  10, 15, 157 
Essay  on  First  Light  and  CASE,  15-20 

James,  David  E.,  107, 131 

Joel,  Geeske,  72 

Johnson,  Antonia  Ax:son,  v,  vi,  161, 164, 

Johnson,  Beverly,  101 

interior  structure  of,  78-84 
coment  impacts  on,  ?>-A,  75, 108 

Kanamori,  Akira,  47 
Kehoe,  David  M.,  71 
Kells,  William,  153 
Kelley,  Deborah,  77, 102 

Short  report,  92 
Kelly,  William,  47 
Keyes,  Linda,  47 
Kingma,  Kathleen,  23,  77, 101 

Short  report,  92 



Kluge,  Mark,  101 
Kohler,  Robert,  159 
Kokis,  Julie,  101 
Koshland,  Douglas,  46 

Short  report,  43^14 
Kristian,  Jerome,  153 
Krzeminski,  Wojciech,  153 
Kunkel,  William,  153 

Langone,  Kenneth  G.,  v,  163 

Laubach,  Gerald  D.,  v,  161, 163, 167 

Landy,  Stephen,  153 

Lavery,  Russell  J.,  131 

Li,  Ming,  101 

Li,  Xingxiang,  71 

Lilly,  Mary,  47 

Lin,  Haifin,  47 

Linde,  Alan  T.,  23, 131 

Lindley,  Catharina,  72 

Lipid  studies 
in  animal  cells,  36-42 
in  plant  membranes,  59-64 

Liscum,  Emmanuel,  71 

Liu,  Lanbo,  131 

Lively,  John  J.,  vii,  157, 163 

Lund,  Chris,  72 

Oeller,  Paul,  71 
Ogas,  Joseph,  71 
Okkema,  Peter,  47 
Olney,  Margaret,  72 

Pagano,  Richard  E.,  23,  46 

Special  essay,  36^42 
Palmer,  Julie,  71 
Patel,  Nipam,  47 

Short  report,  44 
Paul,  Pascal,  47 
Pearson,  Graham 

Special  essay,  109-117 
Pellegrini,  Luca,  47 
Perkins,  Richard  S.,  v,  163, 168 
Persson,  Eric,  153 
Petry,  Clinton,  20 
Photorropism,  regulation  by  blue  light, 

Pilgrim,  Marsha,  71 
Poindexter,  Parti,  72 
Poirier,  Yves,  71 
Press,  Frank,  22-23, 101, 131 
Preston,  George,  135, 139, 140, 153 
Prewitt,  Charles  T.,  vii,  101, 163 

Director's  introduction,  75-77 

Macomber,  John  D.,  163, 164, 168 
Magellan  Project,  2,  3, 135 
Majewski,  Steve,  153 
Malmstrom,  Carolyn,  72 
Mao,  Ho-kwang,  80,  90, 101 
Margolis,  Jonathan,  47 
Martin,  William  McChesney,  Jr.,  v,  168 
McCarthy,  Patrick,  153 
McClintock,  Barbara,  29 
McGovern,  Patrick,  124, 131 
McWilliam,  Andrew,  135, 153 

Special  essay,  136-141 
Meade,  Charles,  101 
Meluh,  Pamela,  47 
Meserve,  Richard  A.,  v,  24, 161,  163, 164, 

Miller,  Thomas,  20 
Montgomery,  Mary,  47 
Morris,  Julie,  21, 108, 131 
Murphy,  David,  153 
Murphy,  Franklin,  20 
Myhill,  Elizabeth,  131 
Mysen,  Bjorn  O.,  101 

Namiki,  Noriyuki,  131 
Na wrath,  Christiane,  71 
Neufeld,  Edward,  47 
Neuville,  Daniel  R.,  101 
Nikoloff,  Michelle,  71 
Niyogi,  Krishna,  71 

Short  report,  64-65 
Norton,  Garrison,  v,  168 

Quasars,  142-147 
Quisel,  John,  72 

Rabinowitz,  David,  108, 131 
Racemization  studies,  91-92 
Raina,  Ramesh,  47 
Rauch,  Michael,  135, 153 

Special  essay,  142-147 
Reiser,  Steven,  72 
Rhee,  Seung,  72 
Ride,  Sally  K.,  v,  161, 164, 168 
Rorth,  Pernille,  47 

Short  report,  44 
Roth,  Miguel,  153 
Rubin,  Vera,  17,  23, 131, 167 
Rumble,  Douglas,  III,  101 

Short  report,  90-91 
Russo,  Raymond,  101, 131 

Sacks,  I.  Selwyn,  131 

Sanchez,  Alejandro,  47 

Sandage,  Allan,  153 

Savage,  Lina,  47 

Schlappi,  Michael,  47 

Schneider,  Lynne,  47 

Schwartzman,  Rob,  47 

Schweizer,  Francois,  131 

Seamans,  Robert  C,  Jr.,  v,  24, 161, 163, 164, 

Searle,  Leonard,  vii,  140, 153 

Director's  introduction,  135 
Seismic  studies,  in  South  America,  107 



Seydoux,  Geraldine,  47 

Shectman,  Stephen,  136, 139, 153,  163 

Shirey,  Steven  B.,  105, 131 

Special  essay,  109-117 
Shu,  Jinfu,  101 
Silver,  Paul  G.,  107, 131 
Simons,  Mark,  124, 131 
Singer,  Maxine,  vi,  vii,  17,  24, 157, 163, 168 

President's  commentary,  1-15 

publications  of,  157 
Sivramakrishnan,  Anand,  153 
Smith,  David,  47 
Solheim,  Larry,  101, 131 
Solomon,  Sean  C,  vii,  8, 11, 23, 131, 159,  163 

Director's  introduction,  105-109 
Somayazulu,  Madduri,  101 
Somerville,  Christopher,  vii,  21-22,  71, 163 

Director's  introduction,  51-53 

Special  essay,  59-64 
Somerville,  Shauna,  21-22,  53,  71 

Special  essay,  54-58 
Spradling,  Allan,  vii,  27,  28, 46, 163 

Short  report,  44 
Stanton,  Frank,  v,  24 
Stars,  chemical  compositions  of,  136-141 
Stochaj,  Wayne,  71 
Strunnikov,  Alexander,  47 
Swensen,  David  F.,  v,  161, 163, 164, 168 
Synechococcus,  studies  with,  65 

Transposable  genetic  elements,  in  maize, 

Turner,  Simon,  71 
Turner,  William  I.  M,  Jr.,  v,  161, 164 

Urban,  Thomas  N.,  v,  163,  168 

VanDecar,  John,  101, 131 

Vasquez,  Susan,  vii,  157, 163 

Venus,  tectonic  evolution  of,  106-107, 

Virgo,  David,  101 
Vos,  Willem  L.,  79, 101 

Walter,  Michael,  101 
Short  report,  93-94 
Wang,  Zhou,  47 

Weinberg,  Sidney  J.,  Jr.,  v,  163, 164, 168 
Weir,  Heather,  24 
Weller,  Jennifer,  71 
Wetherill,  George  W.,  3, 131 
Weymann,  Ray,  135, 146, 153 
Widom,  Elisabeth,  131 
Willick,  Jeffrey,  153 
Wolfe,  Cecily,  131 
Wu,  Chung-Hsiun,  47 

Xanthomonas  campestris,  disease  resistance 
genes  in,  55-58 

Tera,  Fouad,  131 
Thayer,  Susan,  71 
Thompson,  Catherine,  47,  56 

Short  report,  44-45 
Thompson,  Ian,  21, 153 
Thorstenson,  Yvonne,  71 
Thyroid  hormone 

role  in  mammalian  nervous  system, 

role  in  amphibian  metamorphosis,  42 
Timofeev,  Jouri,  101 
Tourmaline,  studies  on,  90-91 
Townes,  Charles,  H.,  v,  24, 163 

Yamamoto,  Ayumu,  47 

Yeast,  studies  of  mitosis  in,  43^14 

Yeh,  Wen-chen,  47 

Yildiz,  Fitnat  H.,  71 

Yoder,  Hatten  S.,  Jr.,  23, 101 

Young,  Edward  D.,  101 

Zabludoff,  Ann,  153 
Zaritsky,  Dennis,  153 
Zha,  Chang-Sheng,  79, 101 
Zhang,  James,  71 
Zhang,  Ping,  47 


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