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[dangerous safari] 



A cknowledgments 

No African expedition that leaves the centers of civilization 
can succeed without the active help of scores of people. When 
the purpose of the trip is to take authentic and meaningful mo 
rion pictures of African tribes and wild animals, such assistance is 
all the more essential Every rime I encountered an obstacle and 
they were legion there was someone who took time and ex 
pended effort to help me overcome it. On my three African expe 
ditions I have received such help in abundance from officials high 
and low, military leaders, businessmen, corporations, missionaries, 
doctors, naturalists, hunters, African chiefs and their tribesmen, 
I owe much of whatever I have accomplished to these people, and 
I can only express my deep gratitude and humble thanks to them 
all, naming here but a few of those to whom I feel particularly 

Sir Frederick Crawford, Deputy Governor of Kenya, who 
during my third expedition went beyond the ordinary call of 
courtesy to help salvage my project when it was seriously threat 
ened. Other officials in East Africa, notably Col Merwyn Cowie, 
Head of National Game Parks, Kenya; Gerald H. Swynnerton, 
Head of Game Department, Tanganyika; G, W. ML Holmes, 
Warden, Queen Elizabeth Park, Uganda; William K Hale, 
Game Warden, Kenya; Leslie E. Whitehouse, District Commis 
sioner, Lodwar, N.F.D., Kenya; District Officer Riley, Monduli, 
Tanganyika; Kenneth Cowley, Native Commissioner, Kenya; 
Eric White, East African Information Service. And the chiefs of 
two other British Information Offices, Major E. B, Omerod in 
New York and Harold Evans in London. 

Pierre Ryckmanns, Governor General of the Belgian Congo 
during my first African expedition and now head of the Belgian 
delegation to the United Nations; Eugene Jungers, Governor of 

,T, , ->1 


Ruanda during my first expedition, now honorary Governor 
General of Belgian Congo, and many other Belgian officials in the 
Congo, notably Commandant Ernst Hubert of the Albert Na 
tional Park; Phillippe Veys, Territorial Administrator, Mam- 
basa, Belgian Congo; Alfred Synave, Territorial Administrator, 
Kisenyi, Belgian Congo. And also two outstanding Belgian rep 
resentatives in America, Baron Dhanis, Attache for Belgian 
Congo Affairs, Washington, D.C.; and Dr. Jan-Albert Goris, 
Commissioner of Information for Belgium and the Belgian 
Congo, New York City. 

General Matthew Ridgway, former Chief of Staff, U.8. 
Army, who on my third African expedition, as on my last ven 
ture into the Upper Amazon, opened many doors andf smoothed 
my path. Lt. General Sir Dudley Ward, Deputy Chief of the 
Imperial Army, whose words to the British Colonial Office served 
to add even greater energy to the active co-operation I always 
received from East African officials. Sir Geoffrey de I favitland, 
whose letters to East Africa unrolled several red carpets on that 
rough terrain, 

K. T. Keller and the Chrysler Corporation, who contrib 
uted the remarkable Dodge trucks which carried me and my men 
and equipment over thousands of miles of mountain, desert and 

Many missionaries of numerous denominations* especially 
Father Albert J. Nevins, of Maryknoll, N.Y,; Father Joseph A* 
Reinhart, of Rosana Mission, Tarime, Tanganyika; J. A, Schoe- 
man, of the Seventh Day Adventist Mission at Tarimc, Tangan 
yika; F. G. Reid, Seventh Day Adventist Mission, Musoma, Tan 
ganyika; Dr. George W. Allen, former medical missionary in 
Nigeria, later of Nairobi, Kenya, and now of Portland, Oregon. 

Robert Buell, American Consul General in Leopoldvillc, 
Belgian Congo, during my second expedition, the kind of public 
servant of whom Americans can be most proud. 

Mrs. Margot Rydon, Arasha, Tanganyika, whose sincere 
and unselfish interest in what I was trying to accomplish 
prompted her to bring me together with August Kucnzler, who 
by permitting us to accompany his wild animal capturing ven 
tures, made possible the filming of several exciting action se 

Herbert J. Yates, President of Republic Pictures, whose 
interest and confidence made my third African expedition possi** 


ble; Harry C. Mills of New York City, a valued friend who first 
envisaged my association with Republic for the production of 
"Zair/abuku"; Reginald Armour, Vice President of Republic Pic 
tures of Great Britain, 

Dn James P. Chapin, American Museum of Natural His 
tory, who has for many years given me invaluable encouragement 
and inspired me for all of my expeditions. 

Maxwell A. Kriendler, whose never-failing interest in my 
projects has been on a number of occasions a great help. 

Dr. Emory Ross, former Executive Secretary Africa Com 
mittee, Division of Foreign Missions, and his successor, George 
W. Carpenter, for suggestions and advice; and Kenneth Brett- 
Surman, of California Texas Oil Co., Ltd., for more of the same, 
since no author can have too many good suggestions. 

RKX) Radio Pictures for permission to reproduce some still 
pictures from "Savage Splendor," the film made in the course of 
the Armand Denis-Lewis Cotlow African Expedition. 

Republic Pictures of Great Britain for permission to repro 
duce some of the still pictures from "Zanzabuku," the film made 
on my Third African Expedition. 

Marshall McQintock, for editorial help m preparing this 

New York City, April w^ 



2. GORILLA! 26 











14, MARA VALLEY 307 

INDEX 553 


In Search of the Primitive 

IT was late afternoon, and the sun's rays which had been 
so bright and hot during the day were now subdued and 
pleasantly warm In the cool breeze that began to tell us how 
cold the night would be. I felt tired but satisfied, for after hours 
of jouncing over the rock-strewn plains in a hard-riding truck I 
had filmed the lion shots I wanted. My spine tingled when I 
recalled the baleful look of the lioness as she raised her blood- 
smeared head from the zebra carcass and stared at me. It was a 
good camera shot from fifteen yards* 

Now we relaxed the two white hunters, native gun- 
bearer, and I and enjoyed the cups of tea that welcomed us 
back to our camp. It stood at the edge of an acacia grove and 
looked out over broad grass-covered veldt, with thick forest off 
to our right and some scrub growth along a donga at the left. 
This dried-up riverbed still held a few waterholes where ani 
mals gathered at dusk from miles around* 

Maf uta touched my shoulder and said, "BwmaT I followed 
his pointing finger and saw a strange procession as it crested a 
slight rise of ground about two hundred feet away and headed 
for the donga* The central figure was a lion, one of the most 
majestic lions I have ever seen, huge and black-maned. He 
walked slowly and deliberately, with the subtle grace and hid 
den power of all cats but above all with awe-inspiring dignity. 

The lion did not see us or if he did would not deign to 
acknowledge our existence with a glance. He did not, indeed, 
seem to recognize the existence of any other living creature, and 
this was most difficult because he was surrounded by a throng of 
jeering animals that usually serve as his tastiest meals* 


I say they jeered, although they made no sound. Just in 
front of the lion cavorted three wildebeests, usually the awkward- 
est of all antelopes, with their wrinkled skins and grotesque 
beards and their impression of being assembled from spare 
parts of other animals. On this occasion they were acting as 
comical as they looked, kicking their heels clumsily, almost in 
the lion's face, and leaping as if in imitation of the graceful 
impala. They were so close to the lion that I wondered if they 
had forgotten that wildebeests are a lion's favorite food. But this 
lion did not notice them, even when they kicked up clouds of 
dust in his eyes. 

Bringing up the rear were four or five slopc-haunchcd topis, 
their reddish-brown skins glistening in the sun. They made 
mock charges toward the king of beasts, darting swiftly within 
ten feet of him, taunting him with their lack of fear, Flanking 
the lion on either side were six or eight Thomson's gazelles, 
graceful little "Tommies" with long, slightly curved horns and 
eternally twitching tails. On this occasion their tails were wag 
ging twice as fast as usual and each flick was an insult flung ac the 
haughty lion. 

There was only one possible interpretation of this scene 
and we all agreed on it* The lion had recently awakened from 
his afternoon siesta beneath a bush on the edge of the forest 
and found that he wanted a drink He headed across the plain 
for the waterhole. Several herds of animals had seen him* They 
knew either that he had eaten recently or could not, in any 
event, catch them in broad daylight on the open plain. They 
seized the opportunity to taunt and humiliate him, with every 
mocking gesture, with every kick of their heels and flick of their 

There was only one recourse for the lion, of course to ig 
nore completely the mocking actions of these small fry, these 
fresh and impudent creatures which he could MU with one 
blow of his paw* They did not exist. Just once, in that long and 
embarrassing march across to the waterhole, did he stop* Then 
he looked contemptuously at the topi behind him. All the other 


animals stopped, too, and stood stock still. Then the lion de 
cided that the topi was too far away for one spring, and he might 
make himself look silly. He turned his eyes forward again and 
took up his dignified walk. 

We desperately wanted to get pictures of this unbelievable 
scene, but the light was bad by that time of day and what there 
was of it streamed directly into the lenses of our cameras. So we 
rushed to one of the trucks and tried to circle around in position 
for some shots that might possibly turn out all right. At the 
sound of the motor, however, all the antelopes took fright and 
darted away* The lion continued his solitary march until he dis 
appeared in the bush near the waterhole. It was a sad thing to 
have missed filming this scene but a wonderful thing to have 
seen it at all and recorded it in memory. 

That scene and that memory will tell you just a little bit 
about why I like Africa and have gone back to it for three long 
trips* There are hundreds of others, too, such as the lone ostrich 
we saw one day, sitting in the middle of a hot sandy plain* It was 
a big male bird, apparently taking its turn at sitting on some eggs 
while mama was off looking for food. As we approached in the 
truck, it rose to its feet nervously and took flight but not the 
normally swift flight of the ostrich- It let one wing flop use 
lessly at its side, and its gait was almost a halting limp* The bird 
was obviously feigning a wound to entice us into pursuit which 
would lead us away from the precious eggs. 

But it was the eggs that interested us nine of them lying 
in a slight depression that could not be called a proper nest, 
scarcely hidden in the sparse grass* One had already been 
cracked, but the emerging chick had died in its futile efforts to 
force its way out* This told us that the other eggs were probably 
just about ready to hatch. 

It was too late in the day for pictures even if we had wit 
nessed some action, but we returned to the spot the next morn 
ing, this time frightening away the female, who also acted the 
part of a wounded and easily caught bird* She finally stood some 
distance away and watched while we set up our cameras and 



trained them on the cluster of big eggs. Then we just waited. We 
might have sat there for several days, of course, but this time 
luck was with us. Within an hour there was a pecking sound in 
one of the eggs, which rocked slightly from the struggles of its 
occupant to fight his way to freedom and life, 

Our cameras turned as the egg cracked and one small 
piece fell to the ground. The scrawny head and neck of the os 
trich chick emerged, and the little fellow blinked furiously at 
the blinding sunlight. But his struggles were not over, by any 
means. He pushed and shoved and strained to force his body up 
through the jagged little hole, pecking at the sides to chip away 
another segment of the tough shell Two more pieces cracked 
off, but still the chick was held fast, this time by the umbilical 
cord that bound him and tried to keep him prisoner in che egg. 
The little chick twisted and turned and tugged, collapsed occa 
sionally with exhaustion, returned each time to the battle* 

Finally the baby ostrich burst from the shell He lay pant 
ing on the hot sand for a few seconds, still wet and glistening, 
then tried to stand on his feet. He pushed himself up T but his 
spindly legs had no strength, and he fell beak and eyes plung 
ing into the sand. There was anger as well as determination in 
the next attempt, but another crash followed. There was no 
stopping this little fellow, however. He just kept at it as if his 
life depended on it, as of course it did. Within ten minutes the 
ostrich stood unsteadily on his own two feet and looked around 
curiously at the world that was to be his home a world of jack 
als and hyenas and wild dogs and other lovers of ostrich eggs and 
ostrich chicks. The wonder was that the eggs had not been eaten 
long before, and it was difficult to understand how any ostrich 
managed to survive to maturity. 

We returned again the next morning and once more the 
female limped away from the nest. Bat the little ostrich that 
had fought his way to life the day before was not running away 
from anything. He cocked his head on one side and stared perk 
ily up into the cameras, full of confidence and the juices of life* 
He was going to pack a mighty hard wallop in his legs when lie 


grew up, and we wished him luck in a tough career as we 
drove away. 

That's the sort of fascinating thing you can see in Africa 
just by being there for a short time, traveling off the beaten 
paths, and looking. You don't need to be a big-game hunter or 
daring explorer. Africa shows you everything. 

It shows plenty of death as well as life, of course. In the 
same area we encountered the lone sick zebra. We concluded 
that it must be sick, since only the very old, wounded, or sick are 
abandoned by a zebra herd. And this fellow looked quite young, 
about half-grown. He stood still and looked rather wistfully at us 
as we approached, but we slowed down and stopped for zebras 
often panic and run at the sound of automobiles and men. This 
zebra was different. He was lonely, bewildered, lost. We got out 
of the truck and stood near it, making no sudden motions to 
frighten the poor animal. Slowly and hesitantly he walked to 
ward us, stopping occasionally because of his natural fear, com 
ing on again because of his desperation* In time he came close 
enough for us to pet him. He was obviously quite sick and un 
steady on his legs, but there was nothing we could do for him 
so we drove on. 

About a mile away we saw a pack of wild dogs loping 
along in the direction from which we had come. In a few minutes 
they would catch the scent of the lone zebra and would be on 
him in a flash, ripping the flesh from his bones, tearing open 
his belly to get at his entrails. We didn't like the thought, so 
we turned around and drove back to the zebra who actually 
seemed happy at our return. Ace Du Preez put a bullet through 
his head. At least his death was quick this way, without the ter 
ror of the wild dogs bearing down on him. 

Only human beings and so-called civilized human beings 
at that would feel concern for one lost zebra- Most animals have 
little sentimentality within them and can be thoroughly cruel 
to their fellows. But a lioness will baby-sit for another lioness 
with cubs while mama goes off to get some food. An elephant 
will help a wounded comrade from the field to safety, will make 


a long detour to mourn silently at the grave of a lost mate. A male 
gorilla will sleep at the foot of a tree in which the mother and 
young ones are safely tucked for the night. I've seen most of 
these things and photographed many of them in color, and for 
every incident I've mentioned there are fifty more stored in my 
memory as a result of three trips to Africa. Is it any wonder that 
I have returned and stayed longer each time? 

Of course there are hordes of mosquitoes that threaten to 
destroy you, clouds of locusts so thick that you cannot see ten 
feet ahead, flies that bite as if they carried pincers some bear 
ing the deadly trypanosome of sleeping sickness and ants that 
can strip die flesh from an elephant in a couple of hours. There 
are chiggers and worms and poisonous snakes by the millions. 
There are days of rain, rain, rain when no pictures can be taken, 
no cars can be driven, no clothing can be dried. But all these 
unpleasant aspects of Africa seem to fade from memory rather 

Still vivid, however, is the recollection of an evening in the 
heart of the Ituri Forest when the Pygmy hunters came home 
from their day's labor. They were successful, so the strange bark- 
less hunting dogs were allowed to race ahead, the wooden clap 
pers around their necks beating a happy refrain. The little 
brown-skinned hunters marched into the village singing, shout 
ing, laughing, waving their tiny bows and arrows, pointing tri 
umphantly at the antelope they had killed* Women and children 
raced around making a bedlam of joyous sound, and soon there 
was feasting, gorging and universal gluttony. When the eaters 
could move again they started dancing, and kept me awake far 
into the night. 

I recall an afternoon's visit with three Watussi princesses 
as lovely and aristocratic as the women of any continent. And I 
still feel, when I look at their pictures, the appeal of the sensu 
ous Mangbetu women. I remember fishing in the roaring rapids 
of the Congo with the Wagenia fishermen, catching crocodiles 
along with hundred-pound perch with the Turkana tribe in 
Lake Rudolf, seeing the deadly charge of the spear-bearing 


Masai who had gone beserk as they raced toward our cameras. 

I saw snow-capped mountains on the equator, endless des 
ert, grass-carpeted veldt, smoking volcanoes, the loveliest and 
bluest lakes in the world, literally millions of birds, including 
flocks of pink flamingoes that virtually obscured the sun's light. 

What I am trying to say is that Africa has everything. Africa 
is a time machine that can carry you back along the world's life 
line as far as you want to go. It will show you modern up-to-date 
today in its bustling cities, factories, mines and housing projects, 
or will transport you back just a generation or two into a na 
tion where racial discrimination and talk of the master race fill 
the air. If you want to go a little further into the past you can 
find a parallel of American history, when tribesmen were pushed 
farther and farther off their lands by white settlers establishing 
farms; and they retaliate with massacre as spirited tribesmen al 
ways have. 

You can unwind the reel of history five hundred years, a 
thousand, two thousand even twenty thousand years* You can 
see ancient history and pre-history not just through the pottery 
sherds and stone inscriptions of archaeologists but through liv 
ing human beings. In Africa you can visit and talk to prehistoric 
man, old Adam's cousin, and that creature which is perhaps 
Adam's uncle, the gorilla. 

But this primitive world is shrinking fast Civilization, which 
has been nibbling at its edges for almost a century, is now biting 
huge chunks from it, cutting it into smaller pieces with roads, 
and covering the remainder with scheduled airlines. On three 
visits over a period of eighteen years I've watched Africa's Neo 
lithic world contract violently, I've seen millions of Adam's 
cousins begin the mighty leap from the primitive to the modern, 
trying to accomplish in two or three generations what most 
of us took a few million years to do, I've seen the animals of 
the primitive world grow more scarce and retreat into forests, 
up steep mountains, and into the sanctuary of huge protective 
game parks and reserves. 

Back in the thirties, one-third of the continent stiU existed 


as a living museum of natural history, and I made up my mind 
to visit it before it was demolished by the steam-roller of moder 
nity. I was not an explorer or a scientist just a man with an in 
satiable curiosity who had traveled around the world three times 
with countless detours in order to see strange and wonderful 
sights and above all to become acquainted with strange and 
wonderful people. I had traveled over most of the broad tourist 
highways of the world and many of the less frequented paths, 
Now I wanted to cut cross-lots, away from the conventional 
routes of travel. 

That is the point, I suppose, at which I became an explorer, 
although I didn't realize it until more than a year Liter, after 
my first African trip, when someone introduced me at a dinner 
in New York as "that well-known explorer/' The term did not 
sit quite comfortably on me at first, but now I have behind me 
encounters with wild animals and almost wild tribes in Africa, 
three journeys to the head-hunting Jivaros of South America, 
three feature-length movies, and hundreds of lectures with the 
first colored film to come out of the primitive areas of two con* 

I have rarely traveled the way a self-respecting explorer is 
supposed to, however. On most of my trips I've had no elaborate 
equipment, no retinue of assistants and natives, no subsidies 
from rich institutions, philanthropists, or industrialists. The 
financing of most of my trips has come from one Lewis Cotlow, 
an insurance man who managed to organize his business so he 
could take off three to six months now and then* IVc usually 
traveled alone or nearly alone, without fanfare and without 

On my first African trip I lacked even the essentials, 
through no fault of my own. I had made careful preparations* 
reading everything I could lay my hands on about Central Africa, 
consulting all the experts I could buttonhole, among them Mar 
tin Johnson, Dr. James L. Clark, Dr. James Chapin and others 
from the American Museum of Natural History, I arranged to 


have a truck and proper equipment waiting for me at Juba, in 
the southern Sudan, in time for me to start for the Belgian 
Congo before the rainy season set in. And finally I obtained sev 
eral thousand feet of some newly improved Kodachrome from 
Eastman, in addition to my black-and-white film, hoping that 
they had finally licked the problem of color disintegration in 
the tropics. 

The only trouble was that I couldn't get to Juba, where my 
truck and supplies awaited me. Instead I landed on Lake Vic 
toria because British Imperial Airways had put a new flying boat 
on the African run, so large that it could not land on the Nile at 
Juba during the low-water season. I found myself about seven 
hundred miles from my meager though adequate equipment, 
with no way to get to it. With more experience I might have 
called the whole thing off, but as it was I started my career as 
an explorer my search for the primitive with two suitcases 
and two cameras and that's all 

But there had already been some compensations. First, a 
herd of about a hundred fifty elephants over which our pilot 
flew low so I could get some pictures. We could see even the 
white egrets on many of the elephants' backs. The roar of the 
plane's engines frightened these most imperturbable creatures, 
and they took off across the smooth expanse of papyrus and grass 
in a frantic rush, trumpeting, bellowing and flapping their ears. 
Second, there was the sight of Victoria Nyanza from the air, a 
vast blue sheet of water, the largest lake in Africa, second largest 
in the world. You could plop Vermont, New Hampshire and 
Massachusetts down into it* 

The lake was not quite what I had pictured, looking more 
like one of our great lakes than a tropical inland sea. Gentle, 
rolling slopes led down to its many bays, giving it an air of 
placidity and fertility. Only later did I see swampy, papyrus- 
filled areas and a mountain or two rising three thousand feet 
above the water, which is itself almost four thousand feet 
above sea level And when I saw a log turn into a crocodile, 


and experienced one of Victoria's violent electrical storms that 
lashed the water into frothy waves, I forgot the gentleness of its 
first impression. 

As the plane circled for a landing, I saw villages of beehive 
huts along the shore and on some of the many islands. A big 
Arab dhow spread its sails and pointed its prow for the other 
end of the lake, two hundred fifty miles south. For years after its 
discovery in 1858, these ships and native canoes were the only 
transportation on the lake. Then in 1896 the first steamship was 
carried overland in sections to be assembled on its shores, fol 
lowed by others that now do a brisk business. 

Our plane came to rest, and I looked at the distant horizon 
where water and sky met almost imperceptibly, and I under 
stood how the first explorers, coming from the east, thought they 
had traversed all of Africa and reached the Atlantic, Turning, I 
saw Entebbe, Britain's administrative capital in the Uganda Pro 
tectorate. Situated on a promontory jutting out into the lake, it 
showed smooth, green lawns lined with mango trees and color 
ful shrubs. Near shore enormous lily pads floated on the water, 
and across them ran strange-looking birds with enormous feet, 
apparently searching for food, 

Two young Imperial Airway men, very British in spite 
of their volubility, took me from the plane in a small boat and 
welcomed me to Africa with an invitation to tea* On the way 
I saw that Entebbe looked like a lovely country club for British 
civil service officials, not even very tropical in appearance de 
spite its location almost exactly on the equator except for its 
scores of brilliantly colored birds. It was somewhat muggy* but 
not really hot. 

I felt far from the primitive world as I sipped tea and lis 
tened to the young Englishmen bewail the dullness of social life 
in Entebbe and, above all, its lack of attractive young women. 
After listening sympathetically to their tale of woe I retaliated 
with my own and asked, without much hope, if they knew of 
a truck, a man, and equipment for a trip into the Congo, They 
seemed not the least disconcerted by such a request* 


"If you're going on to Kampala this evening and you'll 
have to, for there's no hotel here," one said, "you will find there 
a young Belgian named Cezaire. He's been placer-mining in the 
Congo for several years, but right now he's looking for some 
thing interesting to do. I'll notify him to come to your hotel if 
you like." 

That's how I came to meet C6zaire and his old Chevrolet 
sedan. He was a slender, quiet-spoken fellow in his early thirties 
who seemed to know his way around this part of the world- The 
car was equipped with a tent strapped alongside, a rack on top, 
and room in back for baggage and numerous extra five-gallon 
tins of gasoline. Within fifteen minutes I realized that a bad 
predicament had suddenly been switched to a fortunate break. 
He was, I felt, exactly the man I needed and I found no reason 
to change that opinion during the following four months. 

We quickly came to an agreement, and I went to sleep that 
night feeling that despite my presence in a comfortable hotel in 
a busy city, I was not far from the primitive world I had come 
to see. When I awoke the next morning, however, primitive 
people and animals still seemed far away. Traffic noises floated 
up through my window, and I looked out on a city built on 
seven hills, one of which was dominated by a cathedral, another 
by a school When I went downstairs, I found that most of the 
traffic bustle was caused not by automobiles but by scores of 
bicycles that darted along the paved main street. 

Most of the riders were dark-skinned men wearing Euro 
pean clothes but no shoes. The vehicles had become tremen 
dously popular with the African population when a British bike 
manufacturer had advertised his wares by showing a black man 
escaping from a pursuing lion on his speedy bicycle. 

The women Baganda is the name of the tribe were differ 
ent. They are erect, poised, dignified, graceful possibly because 
they carry everything on top of their heads and gain thereby a 
flowing ease of morion. Their clothing is at the same time Afri 
can in feeEng and suitable to a city street, colorful and simple. 
Apparently they wore the same type of dress before the white 


men came, but made of bark cloth dyed in bright colors. It Is a 
long, slim robe, fitting tight over the breasts, gathered at one 
side at the hip, and falling straight to the unshod feet. Bare 
shoulders, smooth and well-formed, gleamed in the sun* 

One reason I wanted to go to Africa then was to see it be 
fore the invasion of calico and khaki was supreme and all-perva 
sive. There had been an invasion of non-African cloth in Kam 
pala, all right, but in the form of red silks, blue velvets, and 
bright cotton prints all adapted to the African style. 

Attractive and pleasing as all this was, it was nothing of the 
primitive I was searching for. Three British banks and a branch 
of a drugstore chain, plus hundreds of shops run by Hindus 
and Sikhs, scarcely suggested the prehistoric world. Kampala was 
a cosmopolitan commercial center of a productive country cot 
ton being the outstanding product. 

The region had not really been primitive, of course, when 
the British first came in 1862. They found a well-organized 
kingdom with a parliament, reasonably complete laws and effec 
tive control. Blood drenched the country's history pretty thor 
oughly, but that seems to be as much a characteristic of modern 
civilization as it is of the truly primitive* The blood has 
largely vanished since the British protectorate came into being* 
around the turn of the century, and in this case the word seems 
to be a correct one, for the British haw protected rather than 
ruled. Uganda is still a black man's country, run primarily fay 
its natives. Significantly, there have been no Mau Mau killings 
here, as in nearby Kenya, 

Even though impatient to get away from civilization, I was 
grateful to it at the moment, for Kampala had all the supplies 
we needed. C6zaire suggested waiting until we reached the 
Congo to buy guns as they were less expensive and we would 
avoid customs difficulties. For clothing he took me to a shop 
run by an emigrant from the tiny Portuguese territory of Goa 
on the western coast of India. There were five hundred Goans 
in Kampala alone, Years before, a high Uganda official had mar 
ried a Goanese wife, who had encouraged him to hire her 


countrymen as clerks. They proved so efficient that soon a good 
deal of the trade fell into their hands, giving rise to a saying cur 
rent in Kampala, "God save the King from the Goans." Being 
Roman Catholics, they held aloof from the three thousand or 
more Hindus and Sikhs who handled most of the other business 
of the city. 

All went rapidly and well in the outfitting department. I 
was supplied with excellent and succinct advice by Captain 
Roberts, who served as Uganda's chief detective-policeman and 
showed me some beautiful photographs he had taken of Africa. 

"If you observe a few simple rules/' he said, "you'll be as 
safe in Africa as in most places. If you don't wear a sun helmet, 
you'll have a heat stroke. If you drink any water that isn't bottled 
or boiled, you'll have dysentery or typhoid. If you don't take a 
dose of quinine every day you'll come down with malaria and 
perhaps blackwater fever. If you let a tsetse fly bite you, it may 
mean sleeping sickness. Bathe your feet every day to keep them 
clear of ticks, chiggers, and hookworms. Stay away from fleas if 
you don't want the plague. Don't make yourself bait for lions 
and leopards by wandering around at night And last of all, if 
you want to avoid venereal disease, keep away from Baganda 
girls and that probably goes for other girls, too/' 

On the surface, it sounded somewhat forbidding, as if Africa 
offered nothing but pests and dangers. Actually, it presented just 
a different set of problems from those I was accustomed to. 

At last we headed west from Kampala, along a red-dirt road 
pointing into the heart of Africa. The morning was bright and 
warm, the air clear, and the rolling hills as green as Eire in an 
Irishman's dream of home. Cars and bicycles moved along the 
broad smooth highway, as they do on the outskirts of most 
cities anywhere. Kampala has its suburbs of native huts, then its 
surrounding farmland of "shambas" large and small We saw 
endless fields of cotton, banana groves and, on the higher levels, 
coffee plantations, We might have been driving through the 
Carolinas, except for the absence of billboards and filling sta 


The road grew narrow, the shambas smaller and farther 
apart, the cultivated fields were replaced by a thick growth of 
grass and papyrus, sometimes ten feet high* The road was a 
narrow tunnel through the green walls, and we could see noth 
ing but its enticing path ahead, leading around a gentle curve 
and putting miles and centuries behind us* 

An inner excitement began to build up inside me. I took 
my Bell and Howell movie camera from its case, set my Leica on 
the seat beside me. But for a long time we saw nothing. The 
clutch of civilization had not been firmly extended this far, but 
it was too close for wild life to feel comfortable* We were in a 
kind of no-man's land between the advancing forces of civiliza 
tion and retreating world of the primitive. There are always 
these areas, although sometimes they are very narrow as when 
the city of Nairobi was so new that a herd of bewildered zebras 
found themselves racing down the main street. 

Usually the process of civilizing follows an established pat 
tern. A beachhead is established, a point of light in the dark 
ness that gradually grows brighter and sends its beams farther. 
(From another point of view, you can call it a tiny point of in 
fection that gradually spreads.) Next a road is cut through the 
darkness, and another central lighting station set up. Ten feet 
on either side of the road, of course, the primitive forces lie in 
wait, ready to snatch it back quickly when it is not 
used. They also hover around the growing points of light, but 
apparently the armies of civilization are inexorable* In Africa, at 
least, their points of light have been spreading and increasing 
in number, the thin lines connecting them cutting the big areas 
of darkness into the tiny pieces of Jigsaw puzzle. The airplane 
has speeded up the whole process tremendously, of course. 

We knew that we were coming out of the neutral fringe 
when we saw a great hornbiil blunder awkwardly across the 
road, wild geese and ducks fly overhead, and brightly colored 
birds of many kinds unknown to me dart over the tall reeds* 
Then these gave way to rolling fields of grass growing about 


We had traveled across this plain a few hours when I saw 
three enormous black blotches looming high above the grass. 
I touched Cezaire's arm, and he slowed down. There could be no 
mistake they were elephants! 

Now, I have seen elephants in zoos, in circuses, in Burma 
and India, but they were all captive or trained, and that really 
didn't count. I wanted to see wild animals in their own world, 
not man's. Here were elephants at home, giving me my first un 
adorned close-up of the primitive. It was an occasion that had 
to be recorded on film. 

By the time we stopped the car, the three elephants were 
less than a third of a mile away, but they seemed not to have 
noticed us. To them, cars are perhaps great big powerful ani 
mals, too. But when I started to get out of the car, Cezaire cau 
tioned me. 

"We haven't any guns yet," he protested. "If they should 
charge, we can't protect ourselves." 

"I don't see any young ones," I said. "I don't think they'll 
be upset." 

I had a feeling, confirmed by the reading I had done, that 
most wild animals would not charge a human being unless they 
were cornered, wounded, persistently annoyed, or protecting 
their young. These elephants were just standing in the grass, 
placidly eating, their trunks snaking out for bunches of green 
grass and plopping them into their mouths, their ears flapping 
idly as they moved their heads. Still, I knew that without a rifle 
and a big one at that I wouldn't have much chance if anything 
went wrong. Photographing an animal can be much more dan 
gerous than hunting it with a gun, particularly if you are the 
kind that likes to get as good a close-up as possible. Then too, 
there are rogue elephants, crazy creatures who attack without 
provocation; but they are more rare than raving maniacs among 
humans. The law of averages, which the insurance business had 
certainly taught me, was against my meeting such a danger. 

So I circled around toward the elephants, making sure they 
would not get my wind, The disapproving C6zaire followed me 


until we were about a hundred fifty yards from the big creatures. 
From that point my telephoto lens gave me a good shot, and we 
returned to the car without incident, I felt quite pleased with 
myself, but I could see that Cezaire was concerned. 

"Don't worry, Cezaire," I said. "I'm not going to take any 
foolish chances, but on the other hand I'm not going to miss any 
good bets just to make sure I'm a hundred-pcr-cent safe. I be 
lieve in taking calculated risks to gain worthwhile ends, but not 
in throwing caution to the winds." 

But C6zaire was sail unconvinced. He began to cite instances 
of hunters being killed by elephants and other animals, "You 
must have heard the story about Carl Akeley, 11 he said reproach 
fully. "It was only a fluke that he wasn't killed." 

I had heard, of course. The great naturalist's almost un 
believable escape from a charging elephant in the bamboo 
thickets of Mount Kenya was a classic of African adventure. As 
the huge beast lunged at him, Akeley seized its tusks, one in 
each hand, and pushed with all his might* They drove deep 
into the earth instead of into him, bur then the elephant top 
pled, and the huge head came down right above him. He was 
trapped between the tusks, unable to escape being crushed to 
death. But then the tusks struck a rock in the ground, or a big 
root, and sank no further. Akeley lay on the ground and the ele 
phant fell over Mm, missing him by an Inch or two. He was 
badly hurt, unconscious on the ground. The elephant righted It 
self, burning with anger, and turned* But the man seemed dead, 
so the elephant went off about its business- Akeley's natives 
rushed to him and took care of Mm. 

"Of course, I know an elephant can charge you/* I said to 
Cfeaire- "But I just want pictures, Akeley was looking for speci 
mens. He wanted the elephant itself and kept tracking it, filling 
it with anger and fear. In tWs case, as I remember, the elephant 
was smart and doubled back on its tracks and attacked Akeley 
from the rear. But I'm not planning on bothering any elephant 
that much. And anyway, they told me in Kampala that if a man 


hugs a tree and doesn't move an elephant will pass by without 
noticing him. Isn't that true?" 

"It may be," said Cezaire. "But where are the trees?" 
I looked over the grassy plain and knew he had made a point* 
Then I recalled the story about the cyclist who was coasting 
down a steep hill and suddenly saw an elephant directly ahead 
in his path. He couldn't stop, so he just rang his bell for all he 
was worth and the elephant snorted off into the bush. 

"Yes, that's possible," C&aire said, "but still " 

He left his sentence unfinished to point out an elephant 
trail, going for a space alongside the road, I was surprised at 
how narrow it was for such a large animal. In marshy ground, 
the elephant's prints look like miniature bathtubs, for he has 
no trouble pulling his feet from deep mud because they are 
constructed to spread out when his weight is on them, then con 
tract as he lifts them* 

Night was approaching when we reached another light in 
the darkness Fort Portal, center of an area of coffee plantations- 
Stopping at the Busirasagama Rest House, we were told not to 
be disturbed by any strange sounds during the night because 
the surrounding woods were filled with colubus monkeys who 
liked nothing better than to jabber at each other and the world 
in general while they should have been asleep* They kept me 
awake a good part of the night, and I had just dozed off when 
the proprietor awoke me to take a look at the highest peak of the 
Ruwemori range, Margherita* Since I knew that the mountains 
were so often blanketed with clouds that they were not visible 
for weeks at a time, I was willing to cut short my rest for a 

On this occasion, as on many others, Africa made my head 
whirl Here I was, just one-half a degree north of the equator 
and the equator meant to me what it means to most people, 
burning sands or dense tropical jungles. What I saw instead was 
something from the Alps or the Himalayas, a huge and imposing 
mass of earth from which peaks of unbelievable grandeur 


rose to heights of more than 15,000 feet. Marghcrica, one of the 
twin peaks composing Mt. Stanley (one of six mountains of the 
range), shot its glistening spire 16,814 feet into the sky, higher 
than any of its neighbors. The top two thousand feet were cov 
ered with snow and glaciers, which seemed to be a frosty pink 
in the light of the rising sun, 

For some time I stood with my glasses looking at the Ru~ 
wenzori, the Mountains of the Moon, as ancient Ptolemy called 
them without having seem them. Or had he, perhaps? I suspect 
that a few thousand years ago people knew a great deal more 
than we give them credit for. Just because much of their knowl 
edge was lost and it took us so long to rediscover it, we need 
not feel so superior. Ptolemy's maps showed a glacier-covered 
mountain range in the heart of Africa, whose streams were the 
source of the Nile. Even before him the ancient Greeks had 
spoken of the Nile as rising in snow-fed lakes, and Arab geogra 
phers later perpetuated the idea. But for centuries, until less 
than seventy-five years ago, this was considered arrant nonsense. 
Snow-covered mountains on the equator? Glaciers in the heart 
of tropical Africa? Tommyrot. Ancient myth and legend- When 
Africans told the first white explorers about snowy peaks in the 
center of the continent, their tales were dismissed as fantasy 
which illustrated just how ignorant these people were. Stanley 
even camped for some weeks on Ruwenzori's foothills without 
knowing the peaks were there, for clouds obscured them com 
pletely. Later he saw them, and so did others, and they were 
finally scaled in 1906. 

The Ruwenzori are not volcanic in origin like Kilimanjaro 
and Kenya, the only two taller mountains in Africa, or like the 
Virunga chain to the south which we were to visit later. They 
are instead just a gigantic upthnist of earth and scone from the 
surface of this old globe, an upheaval that occurred when the 
African rifts were formed. A massive crack in the earth, with 
branching crevices, runs from deep in Africa northward into 
Asia Minor, The Red Sea is part of it, and probably also the 
Gulf of Akaba, the Dead Sea, the Jordan Valley and the Gulf of 


Galilee. In Central Africa the rift is split in two on the east, 
the Great Rift; on the west, the Albertine Rift. Each is a deep 
trough, sometimes forty miles wide, between two gigantic es 
carpments running a thousand feet or more in height. In the 
trough lie fertile lands, beautiful lakes, volcanoes both active 
and extinct, and the overpowering mass that is Ruwenzori. 
Briefly, there are three theories about rift formation: faulting, or 
the dropping in of a kind of keystone in the arch of the earth's 
crust; continental drift, or the effort of half a continent to split 
off from the rest; and pressure, or a jutting up of the surface on 
two sides of a plain. 

Whatever the origin, the rift accounts for some of the most 
spectacular beauty in the world as well as some perplexing prob 
lems for the invading forces of civilization. When the first rail 
road in East Africa reached the escarpment, it just ended and 
started the tracks again a thousand feet down on the floor of the 
trough. Passengers and goods had to be lowered on cable-cars. 
In time, of course, engineers solved the problem with a series of 
hairpin bends and the builders of motor roads followed. 

Ruwenzori tempted me, for I knew that on its slopes was a 
rich animal and vegetable life rare indeed. Elephants, buffaloes, 
chimpanzees, wild pigs, many kinds of antelope and strange 
monkeys lived there; leopards ranged as high as thirteen thousand 
feet. In the tropical forests of the mountain sides there were 
bamboos, palms, ferns of great size; buttercups, daisies, violets, 
and giant lobelia twenty feet high. And very high, green moss, 
moss eighteen inches deep on tree trunks, moss the climber had 
to cut through almost tunnel through. There are deep caves, 
rushing mountain torrents from the glaciers, leaping over ledges 
in lovely cascades. 

I was tempted, but I was no mountain climber. A real ex 
ploration of Ruwenzori would take a larger party, more equip 
ment, and many weeks. I could not spare the time, for I 
wanted to see many things on this first trip to the primitive 
world pygmies, giants, fishermen, hunters, and even more dif 
ferent animals than I could find on Ruwenzori, and one of the 


animals I wanted to see most of all did not live there the gorilla. 

So we left Fort Portal, heading for the border of the Bel 
gian Congo, skirting the Ruwenzori by going south as well as 
west. In a half hour I thought I had my reward, for we en 
countered along the road a group of Bantu Negroes much 
smaller than the average height. 

"Pygmies?" I asked Cezaire hopefully. 

"Baamba," he answered. "Part Pygmy, part Bantu. Their 
teeth are filed to sharp points, supposedly from the time not 
very long ago when they were cannibals," 

C6zaire told me that there were still cases of cannibalism 
in central Africa, most of it on bodies that had just been buried. 
The authorities in some localities still had trouble over it occa 
sionally and there were tales of isolated tribes who practiced it 
regularly as they always had. 

We stopped and talked to the Baamba awhile and I was 
delighted to find that Cfeaire could communicate with them 
rather easily. Although there are about eight hundred differ 
ent languages spoken in Africa, natives and whites have found a 
way of communicating in a kind of linfflut franco introduced 
by Stanley. He had brought with him carriers from the east 
coast who spoke Swahili, and in much of central Africa this had 
become the dialect called Kingwana. It had almost no grammar 
and no standard pronunciation, but it served its purpose for 
transmitting simple ideas and requests, Cexaire handled it well* 

A little later, I knew for sure I was in Africa when Claire 
took one hand from the wheel and slapped me on the neck* 
"Tsetse," he said. I felt uneasy, with a kind of hollow at the pit 
of my stomach, but this time Cfe&ire didn't seem overly con 

"Just watch out for them," he said, "You can recognke them 
because the wings overlap like the blades of a scissors." 

Only a small percentage of tsetse flies carry the dread try- 
panosome of sleeping sickness. Osa Johnson had told me that 
she had been bitten ten thousand times without getting sick, so I 


knew that the law of averages was with me. The disease can be 
cured, too, if it is caught early. Most natives won't come to doc 
tors for help until the sickness if far advanced. Later, in Kenya, 
I heard that there was something about the air or climate of 
Norway which was particularly helpful in the cure of sleeping 
sickness. Downey, of Ker and Downey, famed white hunters 
and safari outfitters of Nairobi, had contracted the disease and 
had speeded his convalescence by going to Norway. 

At Kasindi we crossed the border into the Belgian Congo. 
The customs official, an old friend of Cezaire's, talked to us 
awhile and asked about our plans. When I told him that one of 
my prime objectives was to see and possibly photograph goril 
las, he told me about the new regulations concerning these 
much protected beasts. "No one entering any known gorilla 
country can carry a gun of any kind," he said. 

In view of this news, I suggested to Cezaire that we might 
as well postpone the purchase of guns until after we had gone 
on our gorilla hunt. He agreed, but expressed the hope that 
meanwhile I would not get too close to any animals we might 
encounter, Temptation came our way, however, almost at once, 

The customs official told us that a herd of buffalo and an 
other of elephants had gone past the night before, heading for 
the nearby Semliki River* "I could hear them a mile away/' he 
said. "If you want to follow them with your car, you might get 
some good pictures*" 

He sent a native boy in the car with us, and I got the cam 
eras ready as we rode through the tall elephant grass toward 
the river. We stopped on a steep bank and looked down* There 
were a doxen or more hippopotami basking in the hot sun. I 
clambered down for a shot, but as I was scrambling up the em 
bankment I heard Claire's shout from the car and saw a huge 
elephant lumbering toward us along the top of the ridge. He 
didn't see us or the car, apparently, for he shuffled along uncon 
cernedly, his big ears pumping rhythmically to and fro. Still, 
he was less than two hundred yards away and could cover the 


ground fast If he wanted to. We leapt into the car and Cezaire 
started the motor. The tusker heard it, stopped short, then 
veered off. 

"See?" I said to Cezaire, "If we don't annoy them they go 

Cezaire didn't answer. 

On the way back to Kasindi, circling around an acacia 
thorn in the tall yellow grass, we spotted four elephants, their 
backs just showing above the grass, 

"Stop!" I said. "I want to get this picture," 

"Bwam, be careful," the boy said. "You're in their wind." 

"I don't think you ought to try it, n C/*airc agreed. 

But I wanted that picture. I didn't think the elephants 
could see me in the tall grass and I planned to raise the camera 
on its tripod to shoot them over the top of the grass. I moved 
slowly to within a hundred fifty feet of the elephants and was 
adjusting the camera when Cezaire shouted* One of the ele 
phants was facing me, its trunk lifted, its great ears outstretched. 
I didn't have to be an authority on elephant psychology to 
understand that the elephant was seriously annoyed, I took to 
my heels, and C&aire speeded up the engine, let in the clutch, 
as I reached the running board. When we were safely away, 
C&aire let out his breath, turned to me and said, "Sec?" 

"One of them had young ones with hen I saw the backs of 
the totos in the grass/* This from the black boy* 

"See?" I said to C&aire* "She had young ones, other 
wise " 

"But you didn't see them." 

He could not dampen my own enthusiasm. Instead, I was ex 
hilarated, feeling that I was meeting the primitive world I had 
come to search for. This feeling was heightened, after we 
dropped the boy at Kasindi and went on toward Beni* by the 
sight of a beautiful waterbuck that dashed across the road in 
front of the car, like chickens in America and as I learned later 
like many other animals and tribesmen in Africa, 

We had to cross the Semliki River on a pontoon ferry op- 


erated by natives who hauled it over the water on a cable. While 
they put their backs into it, they chanted in unison "Hi-ho, hi- 
ho, hi-ho," in a mournful cadence, and then some of the crew 
broke into a rhythmic recitative that C6zaire translated for me 
on the spot. 

"Our hearts will be broken to pieces, 
Our eyes will come out of our heads, 
If the white man does not give us the big tip he promised us. 
Don't be so lazy, 
The xvhite man is in a hurry. 

Our stomachs are empty; they are flopping against our backs, 
We have not eaten for a long time* 
But the white man will give us money for food, 
The white man has a black heart and he will be kind to us. 
Put your testicles up! 
Our testicles will be broken because we are pulling so hard." 

The others joined in with a 4t Hi-ho, hi-ho," as the ferry 
reached the other shore* I'm afraid I actually overtipped the 
crew, fearing to lose my black-hearted reputation for generosity 
or to feel responsible for such irreparable damage to hard 
working men. 

Despite the very modem hints about tips and the presence 
of an old Chevrolet sedan, I felt happy. It took some people 
weeks to get this far from civilization. Within a month my 
search for the primitive was to be satisfying and exciting be 
yond my dreams. For I would stand face to face with a gorilla 
weighing over four hundred pounds, with a camera in my hand, 
a penknife in my pocket, and some distance behind me four 
Pygmies with thin spears, three of whom ran away! 




r I 1 HE natives call him Ngagi. The scientists have named 
JL him gorilla gorilla berm$cL ! le is the smartest primate 

other than man, although his brain is half as large as yours or 
mine. His body, on the other hand, is twice as large or larger 
and ten times as strong. He has a reach of nine feet and can 
twist your head off as you would pick wings off a fly. I le loves 
his wife and children and takes care of them as well as any 


human. He doesn't wittingly bother people who do nor bather 
him. He may not be your ancestor, but his father was probably 
the brother of Adam's father. If you doubt it, look at his foot 
print. It shows a heel Only yours and his, of all creatures, will 
reveal such a thing. He has a tremendous stomach essential for 
a vegetarian of such size but it's not much larger than that of 
many men Fve seen, The biggest difference I noticed, in fact, 
is that he has hair everywhere but on his chest* 

Until less than a century ago, he was a myth and a legend, 
like the Mountains of the Moon. And he turned out to be just 
as real as they. A few scientists began to take him seriously when 
they examined skins and skeletons sent from Africa by a sea cap 
tain. The world paid little attention, however, until Paul du 
Chaillu wrote his hair-raising tales of Africa, based on fact but 
sensationalized considerably by publishers* rewrite men. As 
more white men penetrated Africa, specimens were killed and 
examined. In time live young gorillas were captured for some of 
the world's great zoos, although most of these are of the smaller 
variety found in the forest plains of the French Cameroon^ The 
giant mountain gorilla live only in the Eastern Congo- I was 



there, and I wanted as much as anything to see him in his 
forest home. 

The odds were against me, I knew. Martin Johnson, Carl 
Akeley and others who knew the great ape best had taken at 
least two weeks of struggling through dense mountain forests 
before they caught a glimpse of one. Just a few years before, 
H. C. Raven, of the American Museum of Natural History, had 
spent a fortnight tracking with Pygmies on Mount Bugalamisa 
to see the gorilla, I could not devote that much time to this sin- 
gle project, but I headed optimistically for Bugalamisa, in the 
Tshibinda Forest a few miles southwest of Lake Kivu. 

At the foot of the mountain we found the experimental cin 
chona plantation operated by the Syndicat pour f Etude de 
Quinine au Kiwi* The manager, Marcel Ernsterhoff, was a 
handsome young Luxemburger who lived there with his dog, 
Max, and a cat, supervising the hundred-odd native workmen. 
He greeted us with the enthusiasm of a lonely man who wel 
comes anyone coming fresh from the outside world, and offered 
his full cooperation- We could use the plantation as our base, 
and he would try to find Pygmies to lead us up the mountain to 
the heights of eight or nine thousand feet at which the gorillas 
usually lived. 

But he warned me sharply and seriously about the new gov 
ernment regulation concerning firearms* Carl Akeley and other 
scientists had convinced the authorities some years before that 
the gorilla was in danger of extermination. Akeley had persuaded 
the Belgian king to set aside forever the huge tract of primitive 
land called the Albert National Park as a refuge for all animals, 
above all the gorilla. Despite this, gorillas still were shot. Hunt 
ers and scientists returned from expeditions into the gorilla 
mountains claiming that the huge beasts had charged them. They 
had to shoot in self-defense. Sometimes the statement was per 
fectly true, sometimes it was not. 

There was only one sure way of making the world safe for 
the gorilla, as officials had determined to do forbid all firearms. 


If an explorer objected, saying it was dangerous to go near goril 
las unarmed, the answer was, "Then don't go." 

No one had gone, so far as I could learn, since the ban went 
into effect a short time before my arrival in Africa. That's why 
Ernsterhoff stressed that I would go up Mount Bugalamisa 
strictly on my own responsibility. Even though I carried no fire 
arms, I might get in trouble if the Pygmies with me killed a 
gorilla with a spear despite a convincing plea of self-defense. 
In the first place, Ernsterhoff said, it was almost inconceivable 
that a group of Pygmies could withstand a gorilla charge with 
out one or two of their group being killed before the ape was 
put out of commission. Then I would be held responsible for 
the death of the Pygmies as well as that of the gorilla; an em 
barrassing investigation would follow, and I would be subject 
to a stiff fine and perhaps imprisonment. 

Once Ernsterhoff was satisfied that I fully understood the 
seriousness of the situation and the danger of going into gorilla 
country unarmed, he was as helpful as he could possibly be. 
He sent one of his boys into the forest to look for Kascxuia, chief 
of the Pygmies in that area, and some of his men. Kasciula was 
already a familiar name to me, for he had guided Attilio Gatti 
on his gorilla-hunting expedition, and had helped I L C Raven 
and W. K. Gregory, of the American Museum of Natural His 
tory, in their successful search for the big ape* Ernsterhoff as 
sured me that I could not possibly find anyone more skilled as a 
forest tracker, more courageous in the face of danger. And he 
knew the ways of the gorilla better than anyone. He had lived 
in the same forest with them for years, and claimed to know 
some of the old man apes individually. 

From the plantation clearing I looked up at the mountain 
that towered above us, wearing a thick mantle of dark green 
that hid from view elephants, gorilla, leopards and a score of 
other animals. Yet it could not be so dreadfully dangerous* I 
thought, if for centuries men had lived there, too, as the Pyg 
mies had. The lower stretches of the mountain, leading to the 
plantation, were covered with a wall of vines and underbrush so 


dense that I did not see how It would be possible to penetrate It. 

That evening the talk was of gorillas, of course, Ernsterhoff, 
as if tactfully giving me some good advice, pointed out that men 
still disagreed about the psychology and temperament of the 
great ape but that all were emphatic in saying the creature was 
as dangerous as any alive certainly not to be approached with 
out weapons. Carl Akeley who, more than anyone else, Insisted 
on the essential gentleness and mild temper of the gorilla, 
nevertheless took every precaution when he was in gorilla coun 
try, lie had said that anyone who allowed a gorilla to come 
within fifty feet of him was a damned fool. Although Akeley 
was convinced that often a gorilla charge was largely a bluff in 
tended to frighten men or other animals away, no sensible per 
son would wait to see whether or not the beast attacked. If it 
did, there could be only one result. 

"Akeley always pointed out," I said, "that gorillas would 
keep out of a man's way If given a chance. I Ic said that they 
would charge only if cornered or persistently followed, suddenly 
surprised while feeding or when protecting their young. Fm In 
clined to think that most animals are like that. That's why I feel 
reasonably safe without a weapon. Fm not going to Irritate 
the gorillas on Mount Bugalamisa." 

"You're going to be tracking them down," Ernsterhoff said, 
"even if you only want a look. They may not understand your 

I felt he was right and probably knew more about gorillas 
than many of the experts. But he did not say that they were 
vicious beasts, attacking and killing wantonly for the joy of it 
He knew that Pygmies, going through the forest, made a wide 
detour if they heard gorillas ahead. At the same time, if gorillas 
heard Pygmies coming they moved some distance away, as if to 
avoid any encounter that might result In trouble. The forest on 
the mountain was the gorilla's domain, where he lived at peace 
with all other animals except the leopard. 

Sometimes the gorillas came down the mountain and raided 
banana groves or vegetable gardens. But a gorilla would con* 


sider the bananas as being his as much as anyone else's. When 
such incidents occurred, the Africans attacked the marauder with 
sticks and loud shouts. Certainly this did not sound as if they 
thought the gorilla was overwhelmingly dangerous. Usually 
the assault was successful and the beast was driven back into the 
forest, but there were numerous cases on record of the killing 
or wounding of some natives in such brawls. Some Pygmies were 
also a bit leery of being the last man in a line walking along a 
trail in gorilla country- The great ape has a little trick of hid 
ing beside a trail and taking a bite of the last man filing along. 
Some have been known to circle back onto the trail when being 
followed, so as to charge the intruder from the rear, 

"The gorilla can charge with terrific speed/* Ernsterhoff 
told me, "and that's surprising in such a bulky animal* And some 
people get so paralyzed with fright at the sight of a gorilla and 
the sounds he makes that they cannot move/ 1 

He told me the story of a professional hunter from Colorado 
who came to Tshibinda Forest to hunt gorilla some years be 
fore. He finally encountered a band of gorillas, without being 
able to see them in the moving foliage on either side of his 
path. Suddenly a big male emerged and screamed at him. The 
hunter, who had faced Eons and elephants without a qualm, 
was so stricken with fear that he could not move. Fortunately, 
the gorilla ambled away, gathered up his family, and went on. 
The hunter, regaining his senses, quickly retreated down the 
mountain to the plantation, where a violent reaction set in. He 
vomited on the floor and was miserably sick all the following 

Ernsterhoff also told me about his strawberry patch. He had 
started it on the edge of the clearing and watched the little 
berries grow in ske and redden in the summer sun* Then one 
night, just before he planned to pick a nice batch, the gorillas 
appeared and ate every single one of the ripe red berries, after 
which they scurried up the mountain again* 

"Actually, gorillas don't give us much trouble, however/' 
Ernsterhoff said, "despite the fact that we are so close to them, 


Leopards arc a far greater problem. They often kill for the love 
of killing." 

Several of his workers had been killed by leopards in the 
forests, when they lay down at night to sleep on their way to 
visit their native villages. Only a few days before we arrived, 
one of his men had been attacked in broad daylight by an un 
usually bold leopard which dragged the body into the nearby 
bush and ate, according to custom, first the genitals and then 
the intestines. The natives, knowing the animal would return 
for the rest of its meal, laid a trap for it, but the leopard was 
clever enough to avoid the trap and managed to finish off what 
remained of the body during the night* 

While we were talking to Ernstcrhoff the next morning, a 
native reported that a leopard had been sighted, perhaps the 
man-eater itself, Ernstcrhoff went off with his gun immediately, 
a fiery light in his eye. His hatred of leopards seemed like a 
deep personal grudge, and he hunted them down as ruthlessly 
as they hunted down their prey. I would have liked to go with 
him, but I knew that I could see leopards elsewhere and this was 
my one big chance to see gorillas* I wanted to stay and wait for 
the Pygmies to arrive* 

The next morning they were there fourteen of them, some 
with thin ten-foot spears, others with small bows and arrows. 
They were not quite as small as I had expected, for these were 
not pure Pygmies. There had been some admixture of Bantu 
blood and, while some of them were under five feet in height, 
a few were a bit taller. These Pygmies were probably Batwa, 
whereas the pure-bred Pygmies of the Ituri Forest are called 

The small f orest men were led by Kasciula. He was no longer 
young, and a short greying beard fringed his chin. He stood, 
relaxed but alert, waiting for our palaver. There was a keen, 
darting look in his eyes, and an air of complete assurance about 
him, despite his shyness. By our standards, I suppose he was 
rather odd-looking, with his spindly legs, pot belly, gray kinky 
hair and small bulbous nose, but somehow he gave me great 


confidence. I felt sure I would be safe in his hands and that 
he could find a gorilla if anyone could. 

This kind of situation arises time and again in any explorer's 
activities. You must have native help for many undertakings, 
and you must size up in a minute or two the quality and charac 
ter of the human being into whose hands you are entrusting 
your life. With the barrier of language and a different frame 
work in which one's thinking is done, different standards of be 
havior and values, this is not always easy. But Kasciula left no 
doubt in my mind. He was all right. 

The chief spoke some Kingwana, enough for Cezaire to set 
tle with him the terms of our agreement. If he and his men led 
me to the gorillas, they would receive three sacks of salt and 
two dozen tins of tobacco both items highly prized* If they 
failed, I could then give them whatever I chose an eminently 
fair arrangement, 

He then made a suggestion that proved to be a blessing. 
Many gorillas were on the mountain, he said, but they were 
constantly changing their feeding grounds* He would send six 
men up to reconnoiter and report back when they had found a 
group. Then we could go directly to them. The six set off at 
once and the rest of us sat down to wait for how long none of 
us knew. 

That afternoon Ernsterhoff returned triumphant from the 
hunt, followed by two natives carrying a pole from which hung 
a hundred-fifty-pound leopard. The planter greeted the Pyg 
mies who had remained behind, then called one over to me. 

"If you have any doubts about what a gorilla can do, look at 
that arm," he said, 

A nasty looking wound scarred most of the native's left fore 
arm. He told us that he had been hunting with a tfend of 
other Batwa when a gorilla suddenly materialized from no 
where, seized him and bit him. Two of his companions had 
hurled their spears at the great ape, who let his victim go and 
ran off, screaming* He thought himself very tocky to have es- 


caped, even though he would never again have full use of that 

The following afternoon the Pygmy scouts came down the 
mountain to report that they had found a band of gorillas near 
the summit. They would most likely be somewhere in that vicin 
ity for a day or two. Kasciula announced that we would start 
early in the morning. 

Cezaire and I had a hearty breakfast of eggs and several 
cups of delicious coffee with Ernsterhoff, and then set out with 
the fourteen Pygmies, Kasciula in the lead. The heavy mist was 
just lifting under the rays of the rising sun as we walked along 
an avenue of cinchona trees, crossed a swamp, and plunged into 
the tangled underbrush. I was keyed up, inwardly excited, and 
perhaps a little afraid of the adventure I was walking into. 
Within ten minutes, however, it didn't seem much like an adven 
ture, Cfeaire and I were crawling half the time instead of walk 
ing. All thoughts and feelings were driven away by the concen 
trated effort to fight through that jungle up a steep grade. The 
lianas, creepers, saplings, bushes, ferns, bamboo and branches 
of large trees were so intertwined and matted that they pre 
sented what was to me an almost impassable barrier. I watched 
in amazement as Kasciula seemed to pull back a slit in the bar 
rier, slip through, and disappear. Behind him, I couldn't find 
the opening at all. The Pygmies got busy with their mgoow 
implements with long wooden handles, with an iron chopping 
blade on one side, a sort of scimitar-shaped sickle on the other* 
Deftly they cut a tunnel into the vegetation, and I followed. But 
a Pygmy-sized mnnel is considerably lower than I am. I found 
myself moving forward half-crouched, trying to ignore the long 
nettles and branches that snatched at my clothes* The Pyg 
mies, of course, wore nothing but breech-clouts, 

It was hot and semidark in the jungle* We didn't see the 
blue sky until we were near the summit. Once, when I was going 
on hands and knees beneath a fallen tree, I saw a chameleon on 
a vine beside me, His tongue darted out and bulTs-eyed a pass- 


ing insect, then he slithered away. The grade gradually became 
steeper, and I found myself panting, slipping back every few 
steps. When I slipped, Kasciula stopped and held his spear back 
to me so I could grab it and haul myself up again. 

After two hours my heart was pounding hard against the 
walls of my chest, my head was throbbing, and I panted heav 
ily. Looking back, I saw that C&zaire was having just as much 
trouble as I was. The Pygmies, on the other hand, moved effort 
lessly. It was obvious that they were moving at half their normal 
pace just to accommodate us, I had to signal for a brief rest. The 
Pygmies waited patiently but with an air of amiable condescen 
sion towards these two white men, supposedly so superior, who 
had so much trouble just climbing a mountain. As we rested, I 
looked about in the dark gloom of the forest and wondered why 
I had bothered to bring rny camera along. Even with the 
best lens and fastest film, it was impossible to take a picture in 
such a dim light. If I ever saw a gorilla, I could not photograph 
him unless he walked into an open glade, of which there were a 
few here and there on the mountain, I understood why most of 
the pictures of gorillas in the books of hunters and explorers 
showed dead gorillas propped up against a tree or in the sup 
porting arms of the hunters* They had to shoot the gorilla and 
get him out into the open for a camera shot. Carl Akeley had 
been the first to photograph gorillas in the forest with a movie 
camera, and he managed that only once in years of gorilla hunt 

Shortly after we started up again we came upon an ele 
phant path and followed it for some distance, so the walking was 
easier despite the steep grade. Then it veered off to the side and 
we hacked our way through the wall of vegetation again. The 
altitude as well as the exertion was getting me, but I kept on, al 
though calling for three-minute rests at more and more frequent 
intervals. Once we stopped a bit longer for a bite of lunch, 

Near the summit of the mountain we ran into more elephant 
paths. We could see the tracks but they were not at all fresh. 
The ground finally leveled out and I knew we had reached the 


ridge along the top of the mountain. The walking was easier, 
the trails more frequent. The Pygmies moved more cautiously 
now and with absolute silence. I tried to walk the way they did, 
but twigs snapped under my feet, leaves rustled as I passed, 
and I felt that every wild creature within half a mile would 
know that a white man was coming. 

Kasciula stopped and pointed to the ground. Elephant 
spoor, but not fresh. We went on, and again he stopped and 
pointed. But this time there was an air of expectation about 
him. I looked and saw the track of a gorilla. There was the 
print of the heel, and the marks made by the beasts* knuckles as 
he went along on all fours. A slight shiver went up the back of 
my neck as I realised that only a short time before a gorilla 
had walked down this trail 

A dozen yards farther along we saw dung, gorilla dung 
and it was still steaming! Kasciula nodded his head and smiled. 
There was no doubt about it now we were close to some goril 
las. The path circled around an outcropping of rock, across a 
tiny glade not ten feet across, into which bright sunlight 
streamed. Beyond the glade Kasciula pointed again, and we saw 
gorilla beds, three of them rather close together. A gorilla makes 
its bed by sitting down in a thick clump of saplings and bushes, 
then pulling other saplings and branches down around him, tuck 
ing them in, tying them, and arranging them into what looks 
like a gigantic bird's nest. They looked quite comfortable. 
When there are leopards around, mother and babies go up into 
a tree and fill a comfortable fork with branches, leaves, and 
moss; papa sleeps at the base of the tree, his back against the 
trunk, head sunk on his chest. Nothing is likely to get past him, 

Kasciula stepped forward on the trail again, after motion 
ing for silence* It was comfortable now, walking along the ridge 
on more or less level ground, and we were accustomed to the 
altitude. But I could not walk silently, no matter how hard I 
tried. Even the two fourteen-year-old Pygmy boys who had 
been brought along to gain experience, were more adept than I 
was. The gorilla spoor was plain before us as we moved ahead, 


showing trampled grass, broken bamboo, and the stalks of green 
shoots from which they had stripped the most succulent parts. 

I saw light ahead, and we came out of the forest onto a 
kind of rocky plateau with nothing but low scrub growth on it. 
The bright sun almost blinded me, but it made me feel a bit 
happier about my prospects for some pictures. If only we could 
spot a gorilla in an open area like this! 

We walked to the other end of the open space, and for 
once I was almost as silent as the Pygmies. Stopping, we looked 
down and saw the thick forest growth that started a hundred 
feet or more below. Then Kasciula pointed. He had obviously 
spotted something, but I couldn't see a thing but vegetation, 
I kept staring where he pointed, and I saw some leaves move. 
There came a crackling of branches* the sound of something 
moving among the trees. Then there was a lashing and whip 
ping of the branches in one place. I stared in eager expectation 
and I still saw nothing but vegetation. 

Kasciula grunted. From his expression, 1 knew he had 
seen something. It was a few seconds before 1 located it an al 
most black head emerging cautiously from the green leaves. A 
long hairy arm reached out and pushed some branches aside, 
then the gorilla hunched himself on all fours into the open, 

I was prepared for something big, of course, but the mas 
sive solidity of this great ape appalled me. I was filled with a 
mounting excitement and exhilaration. Jubilant over our good 
fortune in locating so quickly this most seclusive of beasts, I felt 
awe, fear, and admiration at the sight of his bulk, the epit 
ome of brute strength. As he moved along the edge of the trees, 
his head wagging from side to side, there was something of grace 
in him despite the superficial awkwardness of movement. Even 
though his knuckles touched the ground at every step* he was 
startlingly human not a burlesque of the human, such as you 
find in many monkeys and baboons. I felt like saying, "There* 

but for the grace of God " and for a fleeting moment I felt 

myself back in the primeval days of my own ancestors, watch 
ing warily this offshoot of my own family that had grown so 


much stronger physically than I but whose intellect had been 
standing still for thousands of years. 

He must have heard us, or caught our movement, for he 
stopped, turned in our direction, and looked. Curious, he stood 
up on his feet and peered more intently. He saw us, all right, 
but he did not seem perturbed. Still standing, his fist went to 
his chest, and I heard the sound for which gorillas are most 
famous. There was no cry, no roar, no scream just a pounding 
tom-tom sound as from a muffled drum. And that's precisely 
what the beating of the chest was the signal of a drum. There 
was nothing menacing in it, nor was there anything of anger in 
the sound and movement of the arm. He was just using that big 
barrel of a chest as a sounding board and opening his mouth so 
the sound would come out. It was a signal, plain and simple, in 
dicating to others behind him that he had sighted something 
and wasn't sure what the devil it was, 

Three other gorilla heads emerged from the green leaves, 
then disappeared again. We heard more chest-beating, and the 
same sound repeated farther away. The warning signal was re 
layed to all the gorillas in the neighborhood. 

The first gorilla was apparently as interested in us as we 
were in him. He stopped bearing his breast and grabbed an over 
hanging branch with his long arm* His legs were very short and 
seemed a bit unsteady. I saw the crest of furry, thickened skin 
on top of his head, the shiny black leather of his face and upper 
chest, his flat wide-flaring nose. Suddenly I remembered my 
camera and raised it But at that moment my gorilla friend de 
cided he had looked at us enough and dropped down, moving 
away slowly into the shadow. I snapped the shutter, but was cer 
tain that the beast had been lost in the darkness. 

As he lumbered back among the trees, I felt a touch on my 
arm* A wizened old Pygmy, less than five feet tall, with brittle, 
spindly arms and a grey wool fuzz on head and chin, nodded his 
head toward the other side of the ridge. His expressive eyes told 
me that there was something interesting to see over there, so I 
f oUowed the old veteran of many a gorilla hunt. Another Pygmy 


and the two boys on their first gorilla hunt followed, while 
Kasciula, Cezaire, and the others stayed at their post to see if 
our first gorilla friends would corne close again. 

Old greybeard led me to a ledge of rock that rose about 
three feet above a grassy glade sloping down toward the thick 
jungle growth. There on the edge of the grass, in the deep shade 
cast by the trees, stood four gorillas apparently father, mother, 
and two youngsters. Mama and the little ones were busy eating, 
but the old man had heard us and looked up inquiringly. He 
dropped a succulent stalk on which he had been feeding and 
turned to his family. Although I heard no sound, he obviously 
communicated a mild warning to them, for they glanced up, 
without showing any fear, and retreated a few steps among the 
trees. When he saw that they were safe, he named back toward 
us and stared. 

I readied my Leica, Could I possibly take a picture of this 
gorilla? At that moment there was nothing I wanted more. The 
desire to record our meeting on film became so compelling that 
all other thoughts fled even thoughts of my own safety* Quickly 
I calculated the strength of the light and its sloping angle to 
ward the glade. But the gorilla was in deep shadow, where the 
film could catch him only as a dark mass against a larger dark 

Then he started to move forward, away from the trees and 
into the open stretch below us. He walked on all fours, deliber 
ately and without menace, apparently motivated only by curi 
osity. If he kept going he would enter a bright patch of light 
where the sun's rays cut down across the tops of the trees. 

I could not wait calmly as he shuffled slowly towards us. 
What if he should stop short of the lighted area, then retreat to 
the dark forest? I would lose this one great chance for a picture 
of a live gorilla in his own mountain home. This was unthinka 
ble, of course. If I should leap down from the ledge and advance 
onto the sloping glade, I'd meet him halfway, as it were, and 
get close enough for a good picture if he stepped into the patch 
of light 


I was acting as soon as I thought. I clambered quickly 
down the rocky ledge and ran swiftly across a dozen yards of 
green grass breaking the most elementary rule in dealing with 
all wild animals, which is Never Run! In this case I broke the 
rule in the worst possible way by running toward the gorilla's 
family. I later realized there was only one interpretation he 
could put on my actions I was charging to attack his mate and 
his children. He reacted to that thought as quickly as I had re 
acted to mine about making certain of my picture. 

But I was so engrossed with the camera that I did not see 
or sense the sudden change that had come over the lumbering 
brute. Curiosity was instantly converted to fury, the strongest 
imaginable fury which erupted like an explosion set off by the 
gorilla's deep protective instincts. Through my view-finder I saw 
him raise himself to his full height, turn his body toward me, 
and open his mouth for a cry of rage. As I pressed the shutter 
button his scream split the air. It was a blood-curdling shriek 
of such intense, blind, unadulterated fury that I was terrified. 
I had to get out of there in a hurry! 

I turned to run back to the ledge and caught one glimpse 
of the maddened gorilla as he dropped on all fours and started 
for me. He obviously intended to seize me in. his vise-like hands 
and literally tear me to pieces. Fear, excruciating and almost 
paralyzing fear, struck every part of me, I thought that my knees 
would buckle and that my heart would stop beating. I wouldn't 
have thought it possible for a human being to be so frightened 
and retain consciousness. 

But somehow my legs moved, and I raced for the ledge 
with a speed greater than any I've ever attained before or since. 
I didn't dare turn my head to see how close the gorilla might be, 
and I expected at any moment to feel the overpowering clutch 
of long hairy arms* A gorilla possesses deceiving speed, and this 
one was in a hurry. But for one thing, he would surely have 
caught me before I could reach the ledge and clamber up one 
accidental little quirk of the terrain* Between me and the go 
rilla, when I took his picture, there was a depression in the 


ground, a kind of shallow gulley with fairly steep sides. Coming 
directly for me, he had to run down into it and climb up the 
other side again. It was no serious hazard for a gorilla, but it 
slowed him up just the large enough part of a second to give 
me precious time. 

Then something happened which almost cancelled out the 
advantage given me by the gulley. I had reached the ledge, dis 
mayed to find only the old wizened Pygmy standing there, 
Where were the others? I wasn't too confident that a three-foot 
ledge and one thin Pygmy spear could stoop an angry gorilla, but 
at least it was the first step to safety. 1 grasped the edge and 
started to swing my right leg up when I felt my shoe slipping off, 

It may sound foolish, I know, to save a shoe at the possible 
cost of your life, but my action was almost automatic. I knew I 
couldn't run without the shoe. Anyway, I reached down and 
shoved it back on my foot, losing precious time* The old Pygmy 
veteran not only stood his ground but reached down one bony 
arm toward me. I grasped it, and it was just the leverage I 
needed to vault up on the ledge. There, in the instant before I 
whirled round to face the gorilla, I saw that Kasciula and the 
others were racing across the ridge toward us, apparently sum 
moned by a call from my old friend* 

The gorilla was still coming, only about ten paces away 
from the bottom of the ledge where I had been a moment be 
fore. When the other Pygmies suddenly appeared he stopped, 
scowling, snarling, his eyes burning with fiery hatred. Several 
Pygmies lifted their spears high, ready to fling them when he 
came a bit closer. Others braced them against the ground, their 
sharp points forming a protective fence in front of me 

The gorilla stood and glared at tis. Finally he turned and 
ambled slowly back toward his family, looking back occasionally 
to threaten us with furious snarls, warning us not to follow, not 
to approach his family again. When he was a few feet from the 
trees he turned once more and barked at us- Yes, it was a bark 
halfway between a hound's and a seal's, not too loud but pene- 


trating, not menacing, like the scream, but not at all friendly, 

His family in the forest took up the barking, and then I saw 
that his two youngsters had climbed into a tree to watch the 
shindig while mama stood at the bottom. They all barked at us, 
and then their friends and neighbors for miles around took up 
the cry, and the air was filled with a cacophony of shrill barks. 

Kasciula and the Pygmies relaxed, Then the Pygmy who 
had disappeared from the ledge when the gorilla charged me, 
started bawling out the two boys who had also been there. They 
had been so terrified at the gorilla's scream that they had taken 
to their heels, with the adult after them to haul them back and 
teach them how to act in the face of a gorilla attack. They were 
supposed to train themselves for gorilla hunting, but they had 
broken the first rule and run away. The man read the riot act 
to them, and they hung their heads in shame. 

Then Kasciula spoke to C6zaire and me gravely. "The go 
rillas may still attack if we stay here," he said. "But we will do 
whatever you want stay and take the attack or go after them. 
What do you wish?" 

He seemed almost eager, and so did some of the others. I 
knew that they loved gorilla meat and that their chief sport was 
hunting. But I was in no position to agree to an attack or even a 
bold stand, if that might result in the death of a gorilla or some 
of the Pygmies, I would be held responsible by the authorities. 
Anyway, I felt that I had enjoyed all the contact with the primi 
tive that I cared for right then especially the primitive in the 
form of gorillas. I ordered a retreat and a return to the planta 

As we walked down from the summit into the forest, the 
barking of the gorillas subsided. In the thick growth we could 
soon hear nothing. When Kasciula signalled that he considered 
everything safe, we stopped for a brief rest and a smoke. I passed 
out cigarettes to the Pygmies, too, and they puffed away hap 
pily* I felt elated, once I caught my breath and my knees 


stopped trembling, and the Pygmies seemed just as happy as L 
They were pleased to know that they had helped me accom 
plish what I so much wanted, that they had made it possible for 
me to go into gorilla country unarmed, face a charging gorilla, 
take a picture, and get away safely. 

The descent of Mount Bugalamisa was much easier than 
the climb up. I steadied myself with one of the Pygmy spears, 
careful to heed the warnings of Kasciula not to impale myself or 
the men with me. Back at the plantation, Krnsccrhoff was de 
lighted at our success, of course, and relieved that everyone had 
come back safely, I paid off the wonderful Pygmies with an 
extra bonus, and said good-bye to them. My admiration for these 
little men was tremendous- for their tracking ability, their 
woodsmanship, their consideration, and their bravery in fac 
ing a gorilla, their willingness to attack it if I gave the word. 
They had given me a rare experience, and I knew that on my 
first trip to Africa in search of the primitive 1 hid achieved 
my primary goal even if I saw little else- 



Animal Kingdoms of Africa 

A FTER my experience with the gorillas, I was inclined 

JL\ to disagree with those who insisted they were near 
extinction. Kasciula estimated that there were close to a hundred 
gorillas barking at us on Mount Bugalamisa, and probably more 
elsewhere on the mountain. And that is only one spot where the 
great apes are found. If I could encounter so many in just two 
days, the gorilla could scarcely be considered a rare creature. 

Nevertheless, it is a sound idea to protect them. When you 
recall that the vast herds of American bison were completely 
wiped out in a short period, you know that the gorilla could dis 
appear quickly if big-game hunters and natives went after him 
in full cry. Provision should be made for the preservation of all 
wild animals in their natural environment, perhaps gorillas first 
of all 

In the past three decades Africa has set apart many huge 
tracts in which wild game can live safely at least so far as man 
is concerned* But how long will the animals there remain wild? 
Today the lions of Kruger National Park in South Africa are so 
accustomed to men and automobiles that they don't bother to 
move when civilization rolls close by. But other sanctuaries in 
Africa are different, and the men in charge are determined to 
keep them truly wild* Too many roads and tourists will convert 
the wild life into semidomestic animals, but on the other hand 
a reasonable number of visitors will drive away the poachers 
who might in time kill off the wild life. A delicate balance of 
opposing forces is involved and game officials mean to maintain 

New sanctuaries are being created all the time, either as 



definite parks where all game is protected, or as restricted and 
controlled areas in which certain species may not be hunted. In 
the period between my first and my most recent expedition in 
Africa, for instance, half a doxcn or more huge tracts have been 
set aside to remain forever in their natural stare. Shortly before 
m y 1954-55 trip, the Queen Elizabeth National Park had been 
opened in Uganda, a wild and beautiful area of about seven 
hundred square miles between Lakes George and Edward, ad 
joining in part the even larger Albert National Park in the Bel 
gian Congo. 

The Kazinga Channel between the wo lakes is a favorite 
haunt of hippos. The park's varied terrain, ranging from a group 
of extinct volcanoes to endless grassy plains, is ideally suited to 
the elephant, buffalo, Uganda kob and dozens of other species 
living there. The Queen Elizabeth Park officials welcome tour 
ists and provide rough but comfortable accommodations for a 
limited number; a few roads and trails have been cut through 
the great reserve but not too many so that the visitors may see 
the animals in their natural surroundings. The wild creatures 
near the roads will soon forget much of their fear of men and 
automobiles, but there are still vast areas far from all roads in 
which the animals have no contact with human beings, 

The Congo contains four great parks, in two of which no 
tourists are allowed up to this time, and scores of special re 
serves. The first and largest, Albert National Park, stretches for 
1 86 miles along the Albertine Rift, enclosed on both sides by 
tall escarpments and at the southern end by Lake Kivu. Most 
of its animal inhabitants never leave its confines except for those 
inveterate long-distance travelers, the elephants. Some areas are 
prohibited to tourists and ordinary travelers, such as parrs of 
the Virunga volcano region where gorillas abound. Special per 
mits for scientists are granted occasionally! but not often enough 
for the wild animals to become accustomed to man as 
something as harmless as a tree. 

When I first visited the Albert National Park In 1937, it had 
been established only a little over ten year^ and the tourist 


traffic was almost nonexistent, A genuinely primitive area about 
two-thirds the size of Connecticut, it contained just about ev 
ery kind of vegetation, terrain and environment any African 
animal might want tropical rain forests, mountains, broad sa 
vannahs, upland jungles, glaciers, rivers, swamps and half of 
fish-rich Lake Edward. Already its animal population was in 
creasing, not just because hunting had been forbidden, but be 
cause beasts from surrounding territories were migrating to it. 
The jungle grapevine had carried the word of this fertile and 
now relatively safe area. 

Safe from attacks by man, that is. The lion and leopard and 
wild dog still kill the many species of antelope, while the hyena 
and the vulture take care of the remains. The park authorities 
thus allow nature to "balance" itself. But, you may ask, isn't 
man part of nature, too? Modern man with a gun, with bull 
dozers and road-scrapers and dynamite and structural steel that 
man is not a part of nature as naturalists use the term. Man as 
a primitive hunter may belong, and that's why the Pygmies re 
main in the region while many other native settlers have been 
evacuated to other locations. 

The Albert National Park was the dream of an American, 
Carl Akeley, who saw the animal life of Africa diminishing and 
retreating during the two decades he traveled there in the inter 
ests of science, people and wild life. He wanted to make sure 
that a sizable chunk of the primitive was left intact, and he 
found a sympathetic listener in King Albert of the Belgians, 
who was an ardent outdoors man. The King had been deeply 
impressed by Yellowstone National Park on a visit to the 
United States in 1919, so Akeley's proposals were welcomed. 
The Park was established by decree in 1925, and has been 
added to since that time. Fittingly, Akeley lies buried within its 
boundaries on the slopes of gorilla-infested Mount Mikeno, 

Our own encounter with gorillas had occurred some miles 
to the south, on Mount Bugalamisa, but C6zaire and I headed 
for the Albert National Park after this adventure. Since guns 
were not allowed within the animal haven, we decided to post- 


pone again our purchase of weapons. Then it occurred to me 
that we really didn't need guns at all, so I discussed the matter 
with Cezaire. 

"If we lived through the gorilla hunt without a gun," I 
said, "we can get along without them entirely. I don't anticipate 
being in half as much danger from any other animal ever 
again, so why should we carry weapons of any kind? We're go 
ing to see more wild animals in the Albert National Park, with 
out guns. I think it would be a good idea to make the whole 
trip unarmed." 

Cezaire had never heard of such a thing, but he could not 
deny that we had managed to do rather well without weapons so 
far. At the time I did not realize just how unusual my proposal 
was, but later, when many people commented on my making 
an expedition through primitive Africa without a gun, I titled 
the lecture which I gave throughout the United States, 
"Through Africa Unarmed." 

I never had reason to regret my decision. I was not inter 
ested in killing animals, but in seeing and photographing them. I 
wanted to avoid situations in which it would be necessary to 
shoot. Although I took many chances during my three trips, I 
can't think of a single one where my possession of a gun would 
have altered the odds for or against me. So I never carried a 
weapon in the course of my three African trips except on my 
1954-55 journey, when officials required me to wear a revolver 
as protection against not wild animals, but men the Mau Mau 
terrorists of Kenya. In certain circumstances, notably when 
photographing lions close up, I was covered by professional 
hunters with guns, but not one of them ever had to shoot to 
save my life. 

One of the first spots we visited in the Albert National 
Park was the Rutshuru River, famous as the home of hippos. 
There I obtained one of the most unusual film shots ever taken 
unfortunately one that cannot be shown to the general public. 

We drove over flat savannahs toward the river grasslands 
with swampy patches and a few trees. Here and there we saw 


mudhules and from each hole a set of parallel tracks, quite deep, 
as if a small cart with xvide wheels, heavily laden, had retraced 
the route many times. They were hippopotamus tracks leading 
co the river from favored feeding places. Since an adult hippo 
may weigh as much as four tons, it was not unreasonable to 
find deep tracks, 

A hippo isn't afraid of anything, not even another hippo. He 
can break a lion's or a crocodile's back with one crunching bite 
of his gigantic jaws, I lell try his best to do the same to another 
hippo if he thinks his mate or his favorite sunning place on the 
bank of the river are being appropriated. And the Rutshuru 
River in some places is so crowded that the better locations on 
bank and sand bar are taken* 

Cfeaire stopped the car on a high bank above the river, and 
I gasped at the sight below me. There were literally hundreds of 
hippos in the river^ along the muddy banks, on little islands 
and sandbars. The water seemed to be full of them, too, diving* 
squirming* snorting and cavorting* One would sink below the 
surface wish contented gurgles, emitting huge bubbles, only to 
burst to the surface a few yards away puffing and blowing* An 
other would dive and be gone, apparently forever, A hippo 
can remain submerged perhaps ten minutes some authorities 
say much longer can swim underwater with grace and agility, 
or walk along the bottom, 

I found a spot where the reeds and bushes along the shore 
grew thick and high, so that I could get near the hippos without 
being seen. Not far away a tremendous bull hippo slept with his 
head resting on another's back, A huge scar, looking red and 
fresh, ran down his side, the memento of a recent battle. My 
camera was going, and 1 suddenly saw in my view-finder some 
thing riding on top of the water, 1 let the camera run for a bit, 
to make sure of getting this shot even though I didn't know 
what it was. Then I took the camera from my eye and looked. It 
was a hippo baby, small and almost pink, riding on the back of 
his mother, who was sedately swimming downstream with only 
her snout showing* No crocodile was going to get her baby. 


She deposited the young one on a sand bar and nudged 
away a few friends to make room for him. Then she lay down 
herself and almost squashed her baby to death. The baby 
squealed, the hippos nearby shifted slightly, reluctantly, and the 
baby went to sleep. 

I turned to my left, where I heard some thrashing in the 
water. There I saw a pair of hippos not more than fifty feet away, 
Only the back and ears of the female showed above the water, 
and the male was in an undignified but for him quite natural 
position. Turning the camera on its tripod, I caught them with 
the telephoto lens in flagrante dellcto. The amorous gentleman 
must have heard me, for he suddenly stopped his thrashing, 
turned his head in my direction, and hurled toward me a look so 
nasty that I felt I should apologize for having intruded* Taking 
his not-too-subtle hint, I clambered up the bank and into the 
car. We departed, and they continued their love-making undis 
turbed. I had a rare motion picture shot. 

On later expeditions, my hippo encounters were less inti 
mate but more exciting. One of the most unusual came about 
through my work with the fabulous Commandant Ernest I !u- 
bert, director of the Albert National Park in the Congo, Stories 
about this man's amazing dealings with wild animals had been 
circulating for some time. Negley Parson, author of two excel 
lent books on Africa, had not quite believed them but finally 
saw with his own eyes that Hubert turned away menacing crea 
tures by throwing chunks of mud at them. Since I always sought 
out those rare individuals who have an uncanny, almost instinc 
tive understanding of wild animals, I was eager to meet 
and work with Hubert, 

On my 1946 trip, he welcomed me to the Park with great 
warmth and charm, heightened, I think, because mine was the 
first expedition since the beginning of World War I! and he was 
a bit lonely. Slight, compact, energetic, witty, and absolutely 
fearless, he offered to help me in every possible way and set out 
immediately to find herds of buffalo, hippos, and elephants for 
me to film. Our first jaunt was down to the Rutshuru River to 


see hippos. We went in my truck, with one of his native boys 
walking ahead. The truck proceeded slowly because of rocks 
and anthills hidden in the tall grass, so the boy was a couple of 
hundred feet ahead, Not far from the river, a big bull hippo 
materialized from a mudhole, looking like a gigantic self- 
propelled piece of the wet earth he had been lying in. 

The hippo was to the left of the truck and some distance 
ahead of us. The boy was directly between the hippo and the 
river, and the hippo didn't like the idea at all I le headed for the 
boy on the run- Although his gait was awkward and lumbering, 
the beast covered the ground at a remarkable speed. The boy 
started running back toward the truck, but it looked to me as if 
the hippo might cut him off before he reached us, Hubert ap 
parently thought so, too, for he leapt from the truck and ran 
toward the hippo. He had no gun or weapon of any kind, of 
course, but still he ran toward the four-ton monster as if he in 
tended to put it across his knee and spank it, 

When he was about seventy-five feet from the hippo, Hu 
bert stopped, waved his amis wildly, and shouted at the top of 
his lungs* "Hey! Ocy! Hey!*' The big brute slowed down, came 
to a stop looked at Hubert and them at the boy, who had just 
about made the truck, and turned off to one side in a huff. It 
was difficult to credit my eyes f but I could believe, now, the 
story about the angry lion that charged Hubert. The gentle 
man just held up his hand imperiously and shouted, "Stop!" 
The lion stopped, 

I lubert came back to the car without a word* acting as if he 
had done nothing unusual And I guess he hadn't, by his stand 
ards* When we reached the river ! saw even more hippos than on 
my first trip and, under Hubert's guidance, got quite close to 
some of them. They were all rather busy, swimming and diving 
just for the fun of it, and they looked not tt all like the un 
moving lumps of flesh in most of our zoos* Hippos don't 
find food in the water they spend so much time in. The river is 
just a daytime rest-home for them, where they can swim and 
doxe and fight* They are nocturnal creatures, really, climbing up 


the river banks at night and wandering for miles if necessary in 
search of sweet grasses and plants. 

As I looked, some of the swimmers came ashore for a nap- 
Two big bulls began disputing a sunny spot on the sandbar a 
little way out, and neither one would back down. Soon they 
were having a battle royal, each one opening his scoopshovel of 
a mouth wide, showing vast pink interiors and wicked looking 
teeth. The one animal a hippo has the most trouble biting, how 
ever, is another hippo. Although these two bulls thrashed the 
water and tore up the sand, they did little damage to each other 
that I could see. Other hippos reluctantly moved out of the 
way, but the scores of pelicans walking up and down the sand 
bars paid no attention. 

After lunch that same day, we went out in the truck again* 
and as we crossed the plains I saw innumerable waterbucks, coh$ f 
topis, reedbucks, and other kinds of antelope. With these deli 
cate morsels in such profusion, I knew there must be lion about, 
but on my first trip I had been unable to catch sight of a single 
one in Belgian Congo. East Africa had made up for the lack, of 
course. I asked Hubert about lions. 

"Yes, we have plenty of lions/* he said, "but you'd rarely 
see them out at this time of day. Just before and after dusk is 
the best rime." 

I tried every evening I was there, but still saw no lions in 
the Congo. I heard them in the middle of the night, in the 
midst of all the other night noises the primitive world offers* 
The hyena's is one of the most chilling, but the most baffling 
is the noise made by a hippopotamus scratching itself against 
a tree close to your rondmiel; or visitor's cabin, in the Park. 

On our second day in the Park, while we were scouring 
around the Ruindi plains with I luberr, we spotted a large herd 
of elephants. Approaching them on the lee side, we came fairly 
close in the truck, then stopped and began to walk* This was 
against die rules of the park, dismounting from a car any 
where, but as the guest of Hubert I could do anything he did, He 
was as eager as I was, it seemed* for me 10 get dramatic movie 


shots. I told my cameraman to lag behind us somewhat, in an 
effort to get some shots with his six-inch lens showing me taking 
pictures of the elephants. I was producing for Hollywood this 
time, and just plain elephants are not really enough. You have 
to show man in relation to elephant, especially a man being 
somewhat foolish and getting too close* 

Because of the demands of a feature film, I took far more 
chances on my second trip than on my first, but when I was with 
Hubert I never really felt that I was risking my life* I had such 
confidence in his judgment and in his knowledge of animals that 
I never hesitated to do whatever he suggested, 

As we walked closer to the elephant herd, I saw that there 
were big ones and little ones both, I looked questioningly at 
Hubert, and he nodded casually, indicating that he thought it 
perfectly all right to proceed. 1 got closer to elephants than I 
had ever been in the wilds, taking many feet of color film as 
they gra/.cd, flopped their ears, and shifted position slightly. Be 
hind me, rhc cameraman was photographing the scene too, of 
course. That sequence came out quite well and in "Savage 
Splendor* 1 you can see Hubert and me uncomfortably close to 
the herd. But I don't think they ever found out we were there. 

When we were back in the truck, I asked Hubert how he 
kept elephants from charging* I didn't think shouting "Hey!" 
or throwing chunks of mud would suffice. He agreed, and said 
that a racing automobile engine was the best thing to divert 
them when they were angry. The horn seemed to have little 
effect, but a roaring motor really baffled them. 

"If I didn't know better, I might think this herd looked like 
a bunch of circus elephants," I said, "as tame as you could 
want them," 

"That's why the elephant can be the most dangerous ani 
mal here," Hubert said. "He looks so peaceful and well-behaved 
that your caution is apt to be lulled, Then you run into one with 
a grudge against men* Elephants travel long distances, you 
know* The other animals may stay within the confines of the 
Park it's so big but elephants regularly take little jaunts of a 


hundred or hundred and fifty miles. One of them may get 
wounded and walk around with a boiler in him or suffer from 
rusk-ache. This makes him short-tempered and he will charge 
without question when he gers the smell of man again. You 
never know when one of those bad-tempered boys will be in a 

I was happy that Hubert had brought up this subject after, 
not before, I had filmed the herd so close- 
Hubert drove me about twenty miles to a big hyena hide 
out, which looked like a huge pyramid of dried underbrush. We 
got out of the truck and Hubert picked up a big stick to beat 
against the mound. Shouting and pounding away for only a few 
moments he roused everything within a mile's distance. Sud 
denly a dozen or more hyenas darted out of the mound, streak 
ing by us with very unpleasant snarls and disappearing in the 
tall grass. They were so fast that I couldn't get a picture of them, 
but not too fast for me to smell them. They have the odor of 
rottenness about them, perhaps from the fact that they cat car 
rion, like vultures, They are scavengers, and some native tribes 
still put out their dead for them to dispose of. The hyena 
follows the lion to take what the king of beasts may leave. He 
follows wounded animals, waiting patiently for them to die, ! le 
will pursue for hours or even days a female antelope about to 
give birth to young. He wants to be on hand when the calf is 
born so he can devour it. The hyena is a coward and he has 
been known to bite sleeping natives in the face. 

When he doesn't have a hideout of brush, he goes under 
ground for the daylight hours* He doesn't trouble to dig a hole 
for himself, however. He waits until a wart hog has left its hole 
to go about its morning business, then backs into the hole hind* 
end first This may account for the fact that his shaggy coat 
always looks as if it needed a good brushing. When the wan hog 
comes home in the evening, the hyena snarls and bristles, so 
the poor wart hog has to rush off and dig another hole in a hurry 
before sunset brings out the lions and their keen appetite far 
wart hogs. Many natives believe that the hyena is a hcrmaph 


rodite and chat the male suckles the young. Actually, the con 
fusion is due to the resemblance between the male and female 

From a distance the wild dog looks something like a hyena, 
but the character is quite different. The wild dog is a killer, not 
a scavenger, lie is brave, willing to tackle something three times 
as big as he is, even when alone. Usually of course, the dogs 
travel in packs of five to twenty, although some hunters have re-* 
ported close to a hundred in a single pack* Short-haired, big-eared 
and spotted irregularly with black t white, and tan, the wild dog, 
or lycaon, is not a handsome animal But he is built for speed 
and endurance and can outrun almost any wild animal on the 
plains, And he is a killer, implacable, vicious and filled with a 
lust for the slaughter in addition to a voracious appetite. 

When they are chasing a fast antelope, baying like real 
hunting hounds, they adopt a technique of community effort 
that no single animal can beat* One leader sets a very stiff pace, 
right behind the fleeing prey, while the others of the pack lag 
behind a bit* When the leader tires he drops back and another 
takes over. When the antelope begins to falter, all the dogs 
come alongside and slash with their teeth at the flanks of the 
doomed animal, ripping the skin unril the intestines come out* 
IVe never heard of wild dogs attacking a human being, but I 
always noticed that the natives gave them a wide berth, 

The most dangerous animal in all of Africa, in my opinion, 
is the buffalo, and he is Number One or Two on every hunter's 
list The gorilla will usually keep out of your way, and anyway 
you have to go looking for him on the mountains, The lion? No, 
he attacks and eats only when he is hungry and doesn't always 
pursue the battle once he has knocked his enemy down* The 
elephant can be deadly in a charge, but he is more apt to move 
off a little rather than pick a fight. The leopard may come close 
to the buffalo as a dangerous creature, but he is largely nocturnal 
and most sensible people do not wander around in the open at 
night where leopards are known to live* 


You'll find buffalo almost everywhere in Central Africa, al 
though the herds are not nearly as big as they were in the old 
days. One buffalo alone, however, can take care of you neatly 
and thoroughly. He is close to a ton of hard muscle, with sharp 
horns whose roots meet in the middle over his forehead to form a 
protective armor plate in this most vulnerable spot. On top of all 
this, he is smart, fast and often bad-tempered. His sight, hearing 
and smell are all excellent and his truculence seems to increase 
mightily when man is brought into his ken through one of those 
sharp senses. 

Hunters with the best high-powered guns have great respect 
for the African buffalo. In the first place, when he charges, he is 
never diverted by a noise or a shot that hits him unless it kills 
him, too. And when he charges, he presents a mighty small area 
of vulnerability. Hunters have pumped four or five bullets into 
a buffalo and had him keep coming at full speed* And even 
when wounded, he is smart enough to backtrack and sneak up 
behind the hunter to catch him unawares. There is a long list of 
white hunters who have been killed by buffaloes. 

And I was asking Hubert to lead me to a herd of buffalo so 
I could take pictures of them without any weapon, without any 
hunter behind me to cover me with a gun! We were in the sanc 
tuary and no guns were allowed. That was one factor in my 
favor, of course. Very likely the buffalo in the park had experi 
enced no hunters for many years, unless they were migrants 
who had come to this animal haven for safety and because they 
hated hunters so much. 

Hubert was reassuring, however. He did not minimize the 
pugnacity of the buffalo, but felt that those in the Park would 
be less likely than others to charge readily. Then he found a 
herd for me, and we went together to film them. 

The buffalo were grazing in the grass, which did not obscure 
our view of them. We saw them as black dots from where we 
parked our truck and started walking toward them downwind. I 
followed Hubert's instructions carefully, walking at first just a 


few paces ahead of him. My cameraman stayed a hundred feet 
behind us to get pictures of us and the buffalo together. 

"To the left a little," Hubert whispered. I veered slightly to 
the left. 

"Stop," he cautioned, and I stopped. One of the buffalo had 
looked up. When he saw nothing move he went back to his 
munching again. 

"Now forward carefully," Hubert indicated and I stepped 
slowly toward the buffalo. I suddenly thought of something and 
looked around. There wasn't a tree in sight. Glancing back to 
see if my cameraman was in position, I noticed that the truck 
was now about half a mile away. If the buffalo charged, we had 
no chance whatsoever. 

"Stop," Hubert signaled, for I was too far ahead of him 
now for him to speak without disturbing the grazing herd. 

Two buffalo looked up and saw us. They were only about 
a hundred feet away from us and I could tell that even Hubert 
had no thought of going any closer. I don't think you ever go 
any closer without asking for trouble. 

One of the leaders turned toward the rest of the herd, and 
the other turned toward us. He stretched out his neck, as if 
sniffing. I had my camera ready and started the film running 
through. The sound of it must have reached the buffalo, for he 
lifted his head a little and stared more intently, more ominously. 
He was obviously not pleased. 

He waited, as if to see whether we would come any closer. 
Suddenly I felt as if I could put myself inside that animal's 
mind and feelings. I knew what he was thinking. We didn't be 
long there, and he didn't like us. We had disturbed his feeding. 
If we went away, all right. But if not, he'd give the signal and 
take care of us. But he couldn't quite make up his mind what 
he should do. 

Hubert and I did not move. If we had started back, the 
movement might have been the trigger of decision for that 
buffalo. The best procedure was just to stand there and hope he 


would be convinced that we meant no harm. Maybe he would 
figure that they should move on to another fresh patch of grass, 

That is exactly what he decided. At a signal which I could 
not see or hear, the twenty-five or twenty-six big black buffalo 
turned slowly and wandered off into the grass. We stood still 
until they were out of sight, and then I felt as if I hadn't 
breathed for a long time. I relaxed, and turned to smile at Hu 
bert. He appeared to be calm and pleased that I had obtained 
the pictures I wanted. Actually I was more interested in the pic 
tures my cameraman got of the whole scene. 

They did turn out well, all right. In the film you can see me 
and the buffalo in the same scene, even in the same frame. 
You can see the lead buffalo staring at me, his head covering 
almost the entire screen as he debates what action he should 
take. I see those thoughts in him every time I look at the film, 
and other people have told me they have seen them too. 

Only two years later, Tom Marvel, in his book The New 
Congo, told how Hubert took him to see a herd of buffalo. Hu 
bert told him that the park buffalo did not charge any more, 
except on very serious provocation, and nobody ever gave them 
that in that sacrosanct domain. This means that the buffalo are 
getting used to men. More and more people have been visiting 
the Park since my trip after the end of World War II. Before 
too long, the buffalo there will be like the bears in Yellowstone, 
a little unpredictable but really not dangerous. But I can't be 
lieve that they will ever stop tourists' cars and beg for sweets. 
Africa may be getting civilized in a hurry, but it can't go that 

Visits to the 
Stone-Age Pygmies 

AT first glance, Pygmies are caricatures of human beings, 
miniature imitations fashioned by a clumsy hand. I 
caught myself looking at them as I might at circus freaks or zoo 
animals, until checked by the thought, "How do I look to 

If a Pygmy looks like a wizened ten-year-old in my eyes, he 
must see me as an awkward giant. My figure must seem un- 
alluringly straight and flat, lacking the many curves that appeal to 
a Pygmy balloon-like belly, sway back, and outsize, impudent 
buttocks. His golden-brown skin no doubt seems just right to 
him, a proper compromise between the brown-black of his Bantu 
neighbors on the edge of the forest and the pasty pallor of 
the occasional white visitor. He may suspect that I'm not that 
color all over, but how can he tell when, instead of wearing a 
sensible liana G-string with barkcloth apron, I cover all but 
hands and face with layers of cloth and encase my feet in 
heavy leather boots? 

On several occasions I lived in the Great Ituri Forest 
with Pygmies who had rarely seen white men some of them 
never had. Once one grew so bold as to rub an exploratory finger 
over the back of my hand, to see if the white came off, like the 
paint he and other natives sometimes smear on faces and 
bodies. Pygmies show more curiosity about white men than most 
primitive tribes I've encountered. They felt my clothes, exam 
ined my tent and stared at my cameras. When I prepared 



food I had brought along, they surrounded me in a respectful 
and silent circle to watch me eat, glancing occasionally at one 
another and grinning. Once I opened a can of bacon and fried 
some, its aroma filling the little forest clearing. The crowd was 
larger that day, and those in the front row even drooled openly. 
They never asked for anything and there were too many present 
for me to distribute my small allotment. 

Despite his curiosity, no Pygmy feels that he understands a 
white man those incredible creatures who would rather take 
pictures of animals than kill and eat them. He is acutely percep 
tive of the white visitor's -feelings, however, sensing anger, im 
patience or happiness almost as soon as the emotion is felt. 
And he is respectful and cooperative, for white men invariably 
bring gifts above all precious salt. Hold out a handful of sugar 
and a handful of salt to a Pygmy and he will snatch the salt, 
cramming it into his mouth as if it were candy. It is the one 
serious nutritive lack in his lush forest. 

When you first meet a Pygmy, you cannot help staring at 
him with a kind of disbelief. The true Pygmy, the Bambuti of 
the Ituri Forest, averages four feet in height, and for most of us 
the only humans that size are children. Pygmies, however, are 
obviously not children, in spite of a certain childlike quality, a 
naive directness about them. Some have grey kinky hair and 
chin whiskers, and faces wrinkled like a butternut. There are 
three-foot-nine-inch matrons with babies on their hips, sus 
pended in a kind of sling from the shoulder, and the shortness 
of the mothers is accentuated because Pygmy babies are normal 
size, as large as ours at the same age. Pygmy children just stop 
growing when they are about ten years old. 

It is confusing to look at a female the size of your niece in 
the fourth grade and note that she is a toothless old hag with 
breasts like long empty leather pouches. Or to see a young fel 
low apparently too young for his first communion and realize 
that he may have slain fifty elephants by hamstringing their 
hind legs. Your preconceived notions about values and relation 
ships collapse which is one good reason for exploring. 


If you live and work with Pygmies long enough, in their 
own forest, this first startling impact of their juvenile size di 
minishes and even disappears. They are so perfectly adapted to 
their environment, to their work and play and houses and weap 
ons, that they strike you as just about right. If you think of 
size any more, you think of your own awkward bulk, entirely 
too cumbersome for skillful forest tracking. When that time 
comes, you can finally begin to see the Pygmies with a true un- 
jaundiced eye, as human beings with a different heritage, back 
ground and set of merits and faults. 

But can any white man get to know them? I think so, 
though it is customary for travelers and explorers to deny it. 
Even some who have lived among Pygmies longer than I did 
say that we cannot possibly bridge the evolutionary gap of sev 
eral thousand years separating us from these living "fossils" of 
the Paleolithic Age. I suspect that this is a fine piece of rationali 
zation, however, to explain away failure. Certainly Dr. Paul 
Schebesta, the great anthropologist who lived with Pygmies for 
long periods, came to know them very well. Perhaps I'm fooling 
myself, but I know some Bambuti Pygmies in the Ituri Forest 
better than I know some New Yorkers with whom I associate 
fairly regularly. The Pygmy never hides his true self behind a 
wall of pretense or inhibitions. 

You cannot know much about Pygmies if you merely stop 
along the road from Irumu to Mambasa and have your picture 
taken with what are now called "Cook's Pygmies" because 
they have become a standard tourist attraction. In the thirties, 
when I first visited Africa, the road was relatively new and few 
tourists traveled that way. For one thing, there was only one 
garage on a stretch of about six hundred miles cut through the 
primitive tropical jungle, a strip so thin that the forest could 
have reclaimed it without a trace in a few months. As you sped 
along it, you might know that Pygmies, okapi, elephants, leop 
ards, aardvarks, monkeys, parrots, chimpanzees and pythons 
lived behind the green wall on either side but only by hearsay. 
You'd probably never see them. A movement, a flutter of leaves, 


would tell you that something had been there a moment before 
you looked, but what? 

Sometimes, if you traveled at night, you might find your 
way blocked by several elephants, and you'd hope they would 
just go on across the road and act as if you were not there. At 
other times, especially at dawn or dusk, you might see a mother 
baboon scampering out of the way with her youngsters, one 
clinging to her back. And if you traveled the road often enough, 
you might eventually come upon a group of Pygmies, who 
would flee behind the green wall at your approach. If you had 
with you a guide who spoke Kingwana, the Ituri brand of Swa- 
hili that Pygmies are likely to understand, and if one Pygmy 
was braver than the rest or happened to know your guide, per 
haps he would venture within twenty paces of you, looking as 
frightened as a wild animal, hungry for the food you might 
give him but fearful that you mean to capture or kill him. Re 
assuring gifts of salt could bring him closer and even entice 
from the forest some of his companions. At best, however, the 
interview would have been brief and no more rewarding in hu 
man understanding than a ten-minute visit of a Martian to 

Now, of course, changes have been made. After the road 
came clearings made by the Bantus, little villages where they 
grow plantains and beans and rice. Since some Pygmies occa 
sionally visit those villages, a few have become more familiar 
with the road and the incredible men and machines that travel 
on it. They may pose for pictures or even stage a lackluster 

All this is really not as bad as it sounds. One narrow road 
cutting through a few thousand square miles of primitive forest 
does not bring civilization. If one of the Bantus of a roadside 
village should venture a mile from his home without a Pygmy 
guide, he would never return. Not long ago, a Bantu woman was 
lost for two days in the forest, wandering frantically in circles. 
The first miracle was that she still lived at the end of two 
days; the second that a Pygmy who knew her chanced upon her. 


He led her to her village, which was only a few hundred yards 
away all the time. 

The Bantus of the villages and the Pygmies have developed 
a strange interdependency. Only through the Bantu villagers 
can one make contact with the Bambuti Pygmies of the Ituri. 
For a half century every explorer, every government official, has 
found it necessary to use the village Bantu to reach the Pygmies. 
Even missionaries such as my friends Bill Deans and William 
Spees and the lone white settler in the Ituri, the late Pat Put 
nam, came to know the Pygmies first through the good offices of 
nearby Bantus. Long after they had become firmly established 
as friends of the Bambuti, they had to conduct all important 
affairs through the proper Bantu overlords. 

If you want to buy a Pygmy bow and arrow, a spear or a 
headdress for a souvenir, you cannot buy it from the Pygmy 
who seems to own these things no matter how much you offer. 
You must purchase it from the Bantu who "owns" the Pygmy. 
If you need Pygmy guides or hunters, you negotiate with the 
Bantu "masters." 

None of these terms is quite correct, nor do they give the 
right impression of the relationship of Bantu and Pygmy. The 
little Bambuti are not slaves, by any means they are, on the 
contrary, fiercely independent and jealous of their rights and 
prerogatives. A Bantu may say that he "owns" a certain number 
of Pygmies, and he always refers to them as "my Pygmies," but 
he does not own them in the sense that ante-bellum Southern 
ers owned slaves* He could not, for instance, remove the Pygmy 
from his section of the forest if he tried and he would never 
dream of trying. 

The Bantu is contemptuous of the Pygmy and at the same 
time afraid of him. He considers himself as far above the forest 
dwellers as most Americans consider themselves above the vil 
lage Bantu. He laughs at the Pygmies, and explains to the white 
man that they are not really human beings; they are animals, per 
haps a cut above the chimpanzee, but still animals because they 
live in the forest like animals. 


Bantu villagers have partially domesticated these wild crea 
tures for the usual purpose to obtain useful goods and labor. 
From the Pygmy hunters, the villagers obtain meat to eat and 
ivory to sell, plus some manual labor in the gardens during the 
dry season. In return, they have used the good American ad 
vertising technique of creating a demand and then satisfying it. 
For centuries the Pygmies lived completely self-sufficient lives 
in the forest; then the villagers introduced them to bananas and 
manioc and sugar cane, to iron for arrow and spear heads, to 
tobacco and hemp for smoking, and to more salt. The Pygmies 
succumbed to these luxuries, although they seem to have re 
jected all others such as the paying of taxes, clothing and, in 
the main, religion. 

The Pygmies have mortgaged themselves for the sake of 
their new appetites. If Bambuti society had been more ad 
vanced, both Pygmy and Bantu might have developed their rela 
tionship through commercial channels alone, through straight 
barter and trade. The forest hunters could have brought their 
meat and ivory to the market and sold to the highest bidder. 
But the Pygmy had no concept of commerce and could think 
only in terms of individual relationships. If he gave meat to a 
village Bantu, that man gave him bananas and arrow heads 
made of iron. So he dealt with that Bantu alone, and perhaps 
persuaded his brother and his cousins to do the same. In time, 
no Pygmy could get along without a close tie-up with a vil 
lager, and some villagers found themselves "owning" from three 
to twenty or more Pygmies. 

It was a good arrangement for the villagers, who proceeded 
to rob the poor Pygmies blind. A hunter might bring in ivory 
tusks which the villager could sell to the licensed ivory dealer 
for two hundred dollars; the man who risked his life to kill the 
elephant might receive the equivalent of ten dollars, while the 
middleman villager kept the balance. In a week's time, of course, 
neither Pygmy nor villager had anything to show, since both are 
spendthrifts. Tomorrow? They don't think about that. 

The Pygmy knows, most of the time, that he is getting a 


raw deal. He complains, verbally abuses his Bantu overlord, and 
tries to haggle over the price of the next thing he brings in. But 
he never contemplates staying away from the village entirely. 
He could disappear into the forest and no Bantu could go after 
him and find him. But if he fails to bring in his supposed quota 
of meat or acts recalcitrant in any way, the Bantu master with 
draws his marijuana or beer and that makes the Pygmy knuckle 
under quickly. He may retaliate by sneaking down to the village 
in a heavy rain, when all villagers are in their huts, and stealing 
fruits or vegetables from a garden usually the garden of an 
other Bantu, not his master. If he is caught, his master must 
pay for what he stole. 

Even though the village Bantus look on Pygmies as animals, 
they will take Pygmy women as wives readily enough, especially 
if their Bantu wives are sterile an increasingly common condi 
tion resulting from that early fruit of civilization, venereal dis 
ease. Intermarriage works only one way, however, for no Bantu 
woman ever marries a Pygmy. She could not possibly stand the 
nomad hunter's life in the forest, and no Pygmy male would 
abandon his natural home for life in the village. 

Many Pygmy women who have married Bantus find, in 
time, that they must return to the forest. They run away from 
the villages and go back to their families in the Ituri. Once, 
when I was staying with the Pygmies in the forest, two young 
men from the village came to visit their Pygmy mother who had 
run away from her Bantu husband. There was a noisy and 
joyous reunion, then the sons returned to the village. They were 
thoroughgoing villagers just as their mother was, despite a few 
years' exile, a forest Pygmy. The husband did not really mind; 
he had his sons, which was the chief object of taking the Pygmy 
as wife. She was never as good a housekeeper as his Bantu wife, 

The unusual symbiosis of Bantu and Pygmy is a fortunate 
thing for the traveler who wants to meet Pygmies, who trust 
only those strangers introduced under the auspices of their 
Bantu masters. At the approach of anyone else, the Pygmies 


simply disappear into a few thousand square miles of forest a 
place that even the Arab slave traders of the last century dared 
not penetrate. A Pygmy can still be a deadly opponent to anyone 
poaching on his territory without permission. Stanley found the 
Pygmies as "vicious" as any native enemies he encountered in 
Africa, and even today their Bantu masters maintain a healthy 
respect for Pygmy bows and arrows. They look like toys, but the 
twenty-inch bows are accurate in Bambuti hands and the arrows 
are dipped in poison. Which poison depends upon which book 
about Pygmies you read; some say it comes from strychnos and 
euphorbia trees, others from dried snake venom, still others from 
the roots of swamp orchids or the decayed bodies of insects. The 
chances are that Pygmies use all of these and perhaps others, 
depending upon what is available in their part of the forest at 
the time. In any event, the poison is eifective, as are many of 
the thousand other herbs and plants used as medicines and 

I met my first Pygmies in 1937 with the help of Kalum6, 
chief of a Bantu village on the eastern edge of the Ituri Forest, 
between Beni and Irumu. The Bantus are made up of scores of 
different tribes, of course. Those in this region were the Ban- 
dande, among whom Kalume was an important leader, a gen 
uine Sultani with numerous capitas, or subchiefs, beneath him. 

Kalume greeted me with friendliness and courtesy, a tall 
and well-muscled man in a long cloth toga. He smiled broadly 
as I made my speech, which had been written out for me in 
phonetic Kingwana by Commander Attilio Gatti, who had 
known Kalume some years before. The sounds I uttered halt 
ingly meant nothing to me, but much to my surprise they 
seemed intelligible to Kalume. I was prepared to fall back on the 
interpretive resources of Cezaire, but it tickled my vanity to 
have conversed at least once in Kingwana on my first trip to 

Business with Kalume was easily conducted; a little some 
thing for him and his capitas, salt, palm oil and other gifts for 
the Bambuti Pygmies that was all. Would we prefer to visit 


with the Pygmies here in the village or go to them in the forest? 
There was a Pygmy clearing not too far away, and the path 
leading to it was well worn for an Ituri forest path. 

I much preferred Pygmies in their own homes, in their 
natural surroundings. A Pygmy standing self-consciously on dis 
play in a Bantu village would be too much like a lion in a zoo or 
an elephant in a circus. He would blink in the unaccustomed 
light of the bright sun and probably get a headache, since the 
Bambuti complain that they dislike leaving the forest because 
the sun hurts their heads. Fd give him salt; he'd stuff it in his 
mouth and grin; there would be an exchange of fatuous questions 
and answers through an interpreter and that would be that. 

So we walked a few miles through the Ituri Forest, after 
Kalume had sent a messenger in advance to let the Pygmies 
know that white men were coming with gifts. I had hoped that 
the Bandande chief would summon some of his Pygmies by 
drum, as I knew they did in many places. But in this area, the 
Pygmy clearing was near the village only a few miles away 
and the path was sufficiently plain for a villager to follow. Later 
I was to hear plenty of drums drums deep in the forest that 
summoned more than five hundred of the Bambuti. They never 
failed to send a little shiver down my back and transport me a 
few centuries backward in time. Everyone must carry some 
where in his genes a memory of the primitive life from which he 
was sprung, and drums seem to awaken some of those long 
dormant memories. It is not a thought or picture that re 
turns at such moments, but rather a feeling, a feeling foreign to 
everything else in his life, but somehow vaguely and disturbingly 

A walk of three or four miles doesn't sound like much of a 
chore, unless you are speaking of the Ituri Forest. There the 
jungle seems to resent your intrusion and make every effort to 
push you back, trip you up, and hold onto you to prevent 
further progress. Later, when I followed the Bambuti deep in the 
forest, I knew that this first path had been an easy one. But at 
the time it seemed impassable in spots and difficult going all the 


way. True, our Bantu guides slipped along fairly deftly, and 
they were far from expert woodsmen, but they made my efforts 
look laborious and clumsy. 

This was one of the first excursions I made into tropical 
jungles, so I shall never forget it. Thorns reached out and 
snagged my clothes, holding fast until the tough cloth tore, 
nettles stung my face and hands, giant ferns slapped my face 
wetly, looping lianas wound themselves around my body like 
the tentacles of an octopus. This sort of thing was particularly 
bad during a detour of only a few hundred yards around a giant 
mahogany tree that had toppled across the path when lightning 
struck it. 

The crashing of the huge tree a good eight or nine feet in 
diameter at least enabled us to see a patch of sky for a few 
minutes and to take a few pictures. Everywhere else there was a 
thick green roof overhead which reduced the bright sunlight to a 
greenish twilight haze. I knew that within a few years that bril 
liant, dazzling patch of sun and sky would be obliterated by 
one of the many trees struggling upward to take the fallen mon 
arch's place. But other patches would be opened up as other 
trees, some growing as high as two hundred feet, were de 
stroyed by termites or were simply overcome by the weight of 
many years. 

We saw one huge nest of termites that might do the job. It 
stood over ten feet high and must have contained billions of 
the tiny creatures. The sickly white insects live inside, guarding 
their queen, an immense bloated egg machine, many times 
larger than her royal guards. The workers, unable to endure the 
light, never emerge, but toil ceaselessly to cultivate the fungus 
on which they all feed. When I tapped the mound with a 
long pole, however, an army of soldiers poured out, searching 
frantically and pugnaciously for the enemy and squirting 
streams of viscous liquid from their head-syringes to entangle 
and trap any insect invader. 

Back on the so-called path I was amazed to strike a stretch 


relatively free of undergrowth, but in its place was swampy, 
gooey mud clinging with the tenacity of glue. Here I would have 
welcomed some sturdy lianas by which I might pull myself 
along, but the only thing to grab was air. This, of course, was so 
heavily laden with moisture that it seemed to have substance. 

Once past the swamp the ground seemed to rise somewhat. 
In the forest it is not easy to distinguish hills because you can 
not get enough perspective to see a hill; the enveloping foliage 
is too close. You feel yourself bending forward slightly as you 
walk and realize that you are doing this because you are ascend 
ing an incline. In ten minutes, by the same sort of feeling, I 
knew that I was going down the hill Aviators talk of flying "by 
the seat of your pants." I was handling my body by the feel 
on the soles of my feet. 

As we went deeper into the forest, we began to see a little of 
its wild life. Splashing across a narrow, crystal-clear stream, I 
saw a long snake slither into the underbrush, but my glance was 
too brief to tell me for certain what kind it was. When I de 
scribed it later as being very thin only about the size of my 
thumb but incredibly long, perhaps eight or nine feet, I learned 
that it was probably a black mamba, considered one of the dead 
liest of all African snakes. 

I slipped and fell on a rotting log that lay lengthwise in the 
path, and a parrot screeched above my head, as if making fun 
of my awkwardness. The cry was taken up by other parrots some 
distance away, and I heard above me the whirring of wings and 
the rustling of leaves. But I could see nothing. Then we came 
to a space clear of undergrowth and I made an excuse to 
stop and catch my breath. Some pink and white orchids sud 
denly fascinated me and I examined them most carefully until 
my heart stopped pounding. As we started on again, a cloud of 
huge butterflies rose up and circled hysterically toward the high 
branches. A familiar sound came to me, and I stopped again. It 
seemed as if I were in the bird house at the zoo in Central Park, 
except that I smelled flowers and rotting vegetation instead of 


that obnoxious odor which exists in all zoos. Weaver birds 
wheezed, parrots squawked, and the tiny sunbirds tittered their 
high, wiry tones. 

Sometimes you can walk through the forest for an hour 
without hearing a sound except the racket you are making as 
you break branches beneath your feet and stumble over hidden 
roots. You stop and hear only the strange emptiness which is 
absence of sound, like that on the other end of a dead telephone 
connection. At such times, not even the air moves to stir one 
leaf so that it rubs against another. So far as you can tell, the 
forest is uninhabited by living things. Then at other times there 
will come a bedlam of sound, a turmoil of movement. Birds 
screech, sing and cheep while fluttering from branch to branch. 
Black and white colobus monkeys argue and scold as they swing 
in panic far above your head. A covey of guinea fowl takes off 
like a squadron of bombers. A sudden crash of branches and 
tossing of leaves make you realize that some big creature not 
ten feet to the right has bolted in terror, and you wonder leop 
ard, elephant, okapi, wart hog? This brings mixed feelings, for 
you would like to see the rare okapi, dread an angry elephant. 
Never mind, you do not know what it was and never will know. 
It was not a Pygmy, you may be sure; he would not have made 
so much noise. 

I finally got my second wind and at the same time seemed 
to acquire a certain amount of agility and grace in walking 
through the forest. Perhaps the Ituri gave up its attempts to 
keep me out, since I'd come so far, but at any rate I stopped 
stumbling and managed to evade clutching thorns and embrac 
ing lianas more frequently. But by this time the mosquitoes 
and other insects were almost unendurable. They had been with 
us right along, but we kept accumulating more as we progressed. 
Perhaps the insects have a forest telegraph like the Pygmies' 
drums and sent word of our arrival ahead. They stung, bit, and 
buzzed about our heads in clouds that moved with us. When I 
complained loudly, Cezaire remarked that we were fortunate not 


to have encountered any safari ants. The Ituri was saving them 
for later. 

Despite the hardships of our little hike, I was excited. I 
had wanted to find the primitive and here I was. The walk was 
only three or four miles, but it took me back how many 
thousands of years? 

Well, I am not a paleontologist or anthropologist, but my 
dictionary and encyclopedia give clear, concise definitions of the 
various ages of Man. In the Paleolithic Period, man had 
achieved a rudimentary speech and social organization, but had 
no settled homes, engaged in no agricultural pursuits. The fol 
lowing Period, the Neolithic, saw the development of agricul 
ture, the domestication of animals, usually settled homes, and 
the use of metal. To my mind, this placed the Bambuti Pygmies 
squarely in the Paleolithic Period, for they live by hunting 
alone, cultivate no crops, have no domesticated animals except 
their small hunting dogs. They have used iron for only a few 
decades and obtain that from their Neolithic neighbors, the 
Bantus, who also make earthen jars for the forest nomads. On 

my 1937 tr ip> i saw n ty a ver y ^ ew suc h j ars * n Pyg 11 ^ cam p s 

nearest the villages, none at all in more remote areas, where 
meat was hung over the fire and green bananas roasted in the 
coals. On subsequent trips, I found more and more jars being 
used by the forest people. 

As for speech, Pygmies usually talk the language of their 
Bantu masters. A basic rudimentary language called Kilesi, or 
sometimes Kimbuti, probably derived from the original Pygmy 
tongue about which nothing is known, is spoken by all Pygmy 
tribes in their relations with each other. Their form of King- 
wana, the lingua franca of Central Africa, is so simple as to be a 
kind of Pidgin Kingwana, which sounds remarkably like noises 
that animals make. 

Social organization? The family, somewhat extended, is 
their organization no more. 

Aside from a few recent borrowings from the Bantus then, 


the Bambuti Pygmies obviously live today as in the Paleolithic 
Period. My authorities say that this is the earliest period of man 
on earth, extending from the beginning up to about twenty 
thousand years ago. 

Yes, three or four miles took me back twenty thousand 


I was mulling over this awe-inspiring thought when a light 
almost blinded me. We stepped from the half light of the forest 
into a clearing, where shafts of the sun's rays cut the gloom like 
a shining sword. I stopped, blinked, and looked at a dozen leafy 
beehives about four feet high and six feet in diameter Pygmy 

I stood beside Kalume, his two capitas, and Cezaire, waiting 
for the Pygmies to appear. But not a creature stirred. We could 
hear nothing but our own breathing. 

My eye caught a movement of a leaf on the other side of 
the clearing, a glimpse of a coppery face, then nothing but 
leaves. I realized that dozens of eyes were staring at us, and it 
gave me an uncanny feeling. If we were enemies and the Pyg 
mies had not wanted us around, what a perfect target we would 
have made! We might have had a dozen arrows in us without 
once seeing an assailant. 

But Pygmies under the benign influences of approaching 
civilization don't kill people any more except occasionally each 
other. On the other hand, civilization may find that its influence 
boomerangs. Not long ago two Pygmies were seen selling fresh 
meat near Mambasa. This was strange, since all Pygmies sell 
goods only through their Bantu masters. And then a purchaser 
of one piece of meat thought that it had a familiar shape, 
remarkably like his own thigh. The authorities came and ar 
rested the two Pygmies. Yes, they had killed a man a Bantu of 
another village and had cut him up to sell the meat. Why? 
They needed money, money with which to buy metal. One of 
the Pygmies wanted to get married, and the father of the girl 
was demanding metal goods in payment. When civilization in 
troduces new wants, it can expect strong reactions. When I first 


saw the Pygmies in 1937, *h&y knew nothing of money, and the 
only metal they desired was iron from which to make tips for 

But even if you know that Pygmies rarely kill people any 
more, it is a strange sensation to know that you are being 
watched by so many persons you cannot see, whom you will 
never see unless they choose to reveal themselves to you. Some 
white men have traveled several days in the Ituri, with Pygmy 
guides, knowing that other Pygmies were walking parallel with 
them, keeping them under surveillance at all times. When they 
backtracked they saw tiny footprints, fresh and new, but never 
the little men who made the prints. 

Finally Kalume called out, "Aputo! Manzaele! Nzala!" and 
cried to the unseen Pygmies that the bivana had brought salt 
and was a friend. In a moment the leaves parted at several 
points as three small figures appeared, hesitant, watchful, digni 
fied but shy. They stopped fifteen feet in front of us and stared. 

"Itiri!" said Kalume, saying hello in their own Kilesi 

"Itiri bonocha," replied one of the little men, to let Kalume 
know that the Pygmies were glad to see him. 

At this exchange, other figures emerged slowly from the 
forests, until a group of about thirty Pygmies, men, women, and 
children, stood in the clearing. 

I was looking at Adam's cousin, at a remnant of "dawn 
man." Just as glaciers have preserved intact examples of mam 
moths long extinct, so the impenetrable forest had preserved, 
alive, these fossils from an ancient time. Civilizations had risen 
and fallen in many quarters of the globe without leaving a mark 
on these people. Perhaps evolution, too, had passed them by. At 
any rate, I stood face to face with the primitive, just as I had 
wanted, and it stared at me wonderingly, then smiled. I 
smiled back, and twenty thousand years began to fade away. If 
two human beings can smile at each other, they have much in 
common. I knew that these Pygmies and I were more alike than 

T7 - 


Pygmies' Ituri Forest 

EACH time I returned to Africa I visited the Bambuti 
Pygmies of the Ituri Forest. Only one other tribe lured 
me back that often the Masai of East Africa and I spent far 
less time with them than with the Pygmies, who are so thor 
oughly primitive that even three long visits failed to satisfy my 
curiosity about them. 

No one from the outside is capable of entering the depths 
of the Ituri to live as the Pygmies live hunting elephants with 
twenty-inch bows and slim spears, finding their way unerringly 
and in a straight line from one point in the hostile, cluttered 
jungle to another many miles away. They eat roots which our 
stomachs cannot digest, drink water which, without boiling, 
would make us deathly sick, and devour with gusto anything 
from caterpillar and ant grubs to bats, snakes and, on occasion, 
snacks of humans. Who else can scoop handfuls of honey from 
a bees' nest without getting stung by the clouds of angry bees? 
Or swallow handfuls of sand when hunger's pangs are severe 
and no food is at hand? Who else dines upon and makes belts 
from the okapi, so rare a beast that until about fifty years ago it 
was considered a legend, a tall tale of superstitious natives? 

If you have a rugged constitution and an iron stomach, and 
bring in some of your own supplies, you can live for a time 'with 
the Pygmies and under their protection, but you cannot live like 
a Pygmy. Getting to know them sometimes seems like trying 
to understand a creature of a different species, with the unique 



advantage that this creature can speak. But speech is a mixed 
blessing, for Pygmies, like many primitives, tend to answer ques 
tions not with facts but with statements not really intended to 
deceive but designed to make the questioner happy. Naturalists 
looking hopefully for unusual animals have been promised fan 
tastic creatures by the amiable Pygmies. No wonder they 
thought that the okapi, described as a cross between a giraffe 
and a zebra, represented just another Pygmy story designed to 
warm the heart of white visitors! Then the okapi turned out to be 
real, and the Pygmy description of it remarkably accurate. Obvi 
ously, some Pygmy talk is fanciful, some true. The difficulty lies 
in deciding which is which. Anyway, it is safer to judge Pygmies, 
as well as other people, by their actions rather than their talk. 

This takes a little time, however. Pygmies reveal little of 
their natures while standing for inspection, even after gifts of 
salt and palm oil. You would not act very natural under the 
penetrating gaze of a Martian, either, though he might have 
passed out ten-dollar bills. But if he stayed around long enough, 
you would return to your normal life. You'd become accustomed 
to this more or less permanent fixture observing you and, if he 
were at all acute, he would begin to see what made you tick at 
least enough to go back home to Mars and write a book about 

I could learn a good deal more about the Pygmies, after 
living with them for some time, than the Martian could learn 
about me. After all, we are of the same species. We spring from 
the same stock. A Pygmy could give me a blood transfusion, 
and I'd get along fine. After a time, the startling differences 
between us, which at first made him seem so remote, dwindled 
in importance. They were only patterns of behavior dictated 
largely by his environment. His inner drives were essentially the 
same as mine. He was stirred by the same emotions that stirred 
me, even though the stimuli were sometimes different. He was 
afraid of lightning and the hoot of an owl, which didn't bother 
me. I was afraid of elephants and getting lost in the forest, 
which didn't bother him. But we both felt fear. We both hoped 


for good hunting, although we hunted different things. He 
seethed with anger when someone stole a forest antelope from 
his trap, just as I would boil if someone took a good piece of 
insurance buiness from me by unfair tactics. We both wanted 
to avoid death, which he ascribed generally to something un 
seen, such as an evil hex, while I ascribed it generally to some 
thing unseen, such as a virus or germ. We both loved, bragged 
about and became annoyed with our women, using only slightly 
different ways of expressing those feelings. The Pygmy generally 
was a monogamist but had played around considerably before 
marriage and that sounded familiar. We both loved music and 
dancing, but he managed to find much more time for these 
pleasures than I did. 

You might say that you could never understand someone 
who voluntarily smears himself with elephant dung. The Pygmy 
does this to confuse the keen smell of the elephant, which he 
hunts for food and ivory. "Civilized" people sometimes also 
go to almost any length to earn a living. 

Maybe I can't see things through a Pygmy's eyes, as when 
he looks at a bat and sees food. Certainly I can't smell things 
through his nose, as when he sniffs a putrifying elephant dead 
four days in tropic heat and gleefully hurries to the feast. "I eat 
the meat, not the smell, b<waw? he explains. But even if I 
cannot put myself in his place, I can feel hunger, which lies 
behind his actions and mine. 

Feelings they are the heart of both of us, the bridge 
of understanding, the common language. Customs are just the 
costumes with which emotions clothe themselves to fit environ 
ment and heritage. The Pygmy's customs are as well adapted to 
his world as his dress and when I realized this, when I recog 
nized the feelings beneath them, I was at home in the Ituri, 
visiting friends who put on an amazing show for me just by 
being themselves. I witnessed a reasonable facsimile of the lives 
led by the ancient ancestors of all of us, with but minor 
changes in height, color, weapons and species of beasts hunted 
and roots eaten. 


On my second and third trips, I had to do more than try to 
understand the Pygmies. I had to capture some of that under 
standing on film, feature-length films in color to be shown 
throughout the civilized world. When you make a travel picture, 
you try to accomplish two things hold an audience's attention 
and interest with the picturesque, the colorful, the unique and 
the dangerous aspects of your journey, and at the same time 
invest all this with the warmth and humanity which will bring it 
home emotionally. Sometimes that is easy. A charging rhinoc 
eros or lion, obviously heading directly for the cameraman and 
hence for the audience, is colorful and dangerous; the vicarious 
fear, which the audience feels if the picture is a good one, is 
thoroughly human. 

With the Pygmies, there was plenty of unique and pictur 
esque material, of course, but most of it was so very different that 
adding the human touch for an American or European audience 
proved difficult. It would be easy to treat the Pygmies conde 
scendingly as half animals, or poke fun at them as freaks, but 
neither treatment would be honest or informative. Just as ipy 
own travels were motivated by more than sightseeing and thrill- 
seeking, so I wanted my moving pictures to give viewers at least 
some deepening and broadening of their understanding of hu 
man beings and even animals. For Hollywood I had to pack in 
thrills, danger, action, drama. For myself I had to add something 
of what I searched for better understanding of the seemingly 

One day, during my second trip, I got a wonderful shot of 
an old Pygmy, grey-haired and wrinkle-faced, talking. That's all 
he was doing, just standing there talking to a group of other 
Pygmies and to us, including an interpreter who managed to 
give me a brief running translation of the old gentleman's com 
ments. But I scarcely needed the words, for the man's grimaces 
and gestures told me plainly that he was being highly critical of 
something or somebody. He was fed up to the ears, he was dis 
gusted, he could hardly believe anything could be so bad. Indeed, 
it was so bad that it was almost funny and he laughed. He mut- 


tered the Pygmy equivalent of "Phooey ! " and gave an Ituri Bronx 
cheer. For almost five minutes he went on, oblivious of the 
grinding camera, expressing emotions that could be understood 
anywhere in the world. No one could look at pictures of the old 
man without knowing his feelings, and that was precisely what 
I wanted. 

Actually, the old man was talking about his wife. She 
nagged him, she didn't work hard enough, her cooking was no 
good, and she didn't know the first thing about bringing up 
children. Women? Phooey! In spite of his voluble talk, he kept 
a watchful eye out to make sure his wife was not within 
earshot, stopping occasionally to look around, then going on 
with his tirade when he saw he was safe. 

When it came time to cut and edit the footage for our 
picture, we could not figure out, at first, how to work in this 
marvelously human sequence. There was no place that could 
lead, naturally and understandably, to a man's talking about 
his wife. Then we realized that, from his expressions and ges 
tures, he was just being highly critical. We switched the object 
of his criticism from his wife to a dance being put on by the 
younger men of his group. We showed part of the dance, then 
cut to the old man and his disparaging grimaces, cut back to 
the dance again. When the old man was really looking to see if 
his wife were listening, we had him turn to look at the dance, 
then turn back to the camera for further belittling comments. 
They think they know how to dance? Phooey! 

I doubt that anyone who saw "Savage Splendor," will ever 
forget the old dance critic. Even though the film relocated 
him, I never felt that we were playing tricks on the audience* 
What we wanted to show was a Pygmy expressing feelings in 
stantly recognizable by human beings everywhere. The scene 
made Pygmies come alive as people, which was well worth the 
small bit of literary license we took to fit it in as part of a longer 

That particular dance was the highlight of the scores of 
dances I saw Pygmies perform, for it was the elephant dance. 


The day before, a group of hunters had killed an elephant, about 
which I'll tell more later. They had brought home to the village 
many big chunks of meat, which the women had cooked with 
roots and herbs of various kinds, while the men and children 
stood around uttering anticipatory shouts of pleasure, jabbering 
delightedly, twittering like birds, squawking like parrots, chatter 
ing like squirrels in a mounting bedlam that suddenly ended 
with the serving of the food on big green phrynium leaves. 

I stared aghast at the quantities of meat that disappeared 
into Pygmy stomachs. I have shopped and cooked and camped 
enough to judge the weight of meat fairly accurately, and I 
know that seven or eight pounds of elephant meat went down 
the throats of most of the men there and not a great deal less 
into those of the women and children. The skin over their bel 
lies was stretched tight until it seemed it should hurt, and I 
knew why that portion of their anatomy was always distended. 
When Pygmies have a lot of food, they eat all they can possibly 
hold, as if they might have to go three days without food 
which sometimes happens. They have neither the facilities nor 
inclination to keep anything for the next day except inside 

As they finished eating they appeared to be drugged, su 
premely happy but anesthetized. They sank back where they sat 
and fell asleep, one by one. There was no dancing that night. 
There were not even many loud quarrels the next morning. And 
no one went hunting the next day. They loafed and slept and 
talked about the good meal of the night before. 

By noon however, they had regained strength that matched 
their high spirits, so they danced. Obviously, the dance had to 
re-create the elephant hunt, with the actual hunters as dancers. 
Luck was with me, for the sun was bright and the time was 
noon. In the depths of the forest itself I could not shoot pictures 
at all because of the continual dusk; in the small clearing of a 
Bambuti encampment I could take pictures for two or three 
hours around noon, if and when the sun were shining down 
through the small hole in the vegetable roof. It was like taking 


pictures in the bottom of a well, so I viewed every chance to 
film as a special dispensation arranged through the joint efforts 
of Fate and the weatherman. Often, of course, nothing photo 
genic occurred during these rare periods. For the elephant dance, 
however, everything came together like the pieces of a jigsaw 
puzzle, and I got one of the best sequences I ever filmed. 

We had plenty of time for our preparations, for the Pyg 
mies had to build their elephant first. It was significant to see 
how, in the reconstruction, they cut him down to size. Their 
model of the huge beast was no taller than the Pygmies them 
selves. Two upright sticks driven into the ground were the legs, 
a larger log between them the body. For the tail, the dancers 
used the actual tail of the elephant they had killed the day 
before a little out of proportion but realistic. The tail holds a 
special significance for the Pygmies. The chief hunter of the 
group always cuts off the tail of a slain elephant first, before 
anyone else touches the animal. He throws it into the forest, 
which I took to be an offering to the spirits, since they always 
throw part of each piece of game to the jungle spirits. But I 
learned that the tail was thrown away because, if a Pygmy 
woman saw it, she would become sterile. In spite of this, here 
was the tail attached to the wooden model. Only the tail of a 
freshly killed elephant, I found, carried its dread power over 

Huge phrynium leaves at the front end of the log made 
realistic elephant ears, but the best touch was the curved banana 
stalk which served as a trunk. This admirable figure stood in the 
center of the clearing, and the hunters retired to the edge of the 
forest. They were armed with their frail spears, thin shafts of 
straight-grained hardwood with iron tips that glistened from the 
careful sharpening their owners had given them against smooth 
stones. I noticed that the hunters had either stuck bright parrot 
feathers in their short hair with a kind of gummy resin or 
donned small head-dresses of feathers and flowers. 

The drummers began a low, slow beat so slow, in fact, that 
I did not realize at first that there was a definite rhythm. I heard 


one muffled thump and then, several seconds later, another muf 
fled thump. When the five hunters led by their leader, Edodo, 
appeared at the edge of the clearing, I realized what perfect 
stalking music it was. 

The hunters appeared as Pygmies always do when they 
move through the forest, silently and suddenly. One moment you 
see nothing but leaves, lianas, and tree-trunks forming a wall. 
The next moment you see a Pygmy standing on this side of that 
wall, without apparently having disturbed a leaf. They were all 
wary, cautious and eager as they searched for the elephant, look 
ing first this way, then that, as they spread out slowly, seeming 
to cover much greater distances in their movements than they 
actually did. With a flick of the hand, one hunter signaled an 
other to follow him. Two notes of a bird's song came from 
Edodo, and the rest turned in his direction. They were following 
elephant spoor through the jungle, and had momentarily lost the 
trail, had spread out to seek it again, signaling to each other all 
the time. Edodo found the trail again and gestured to the others, 
who fell in behind him. 

The acting of these Pygmies was as expressive as any I had 
ever seen. They not only told their story convincingly but pro 
jected to the audience the emotions they felt in the hunt. Every 
muscle of their bodies was tense. Their eyes seemed to bore 
holes in the air and give the ground a microscopic search. Their 
faces showed excitement, eagerness and extreme caution at the 
same time. A suppressed joy brought quick smiles as they found 
the trail again, and they moved forward together. At this point, 
the drams increased their tempo, indicating plainly that the hunt 
ers were on the march once more, not casting about for the trail. 

Bodies bent over, spears ready, the hunters moved toward 
the center of the clearing in tiny steps, turning in a half circle to 
the left, then curving back toward the right, indicating that they 
traveled many miles through the forest after their prey. As they 
tracked down the big beast, the drums went imperceptibly faster, 
and I found my breath following suit. 

Suddenly came a moment so electric in its impact that I 


jumped and almost stopped turning the camera. The drums gave 
one louder boom and Edodo jerked erect, threw his arms back, 
and stared with both fear and elation at the dummy elephant, 
which somehow became, in our eyes, a true mammoth quietly 
eating grass and ferns in the jungle, his back toward his small at 
tackers. A long moment of silence followed, as the other hunters 
stared over Edodo's shoulders at the beast. Then came a flurry of 
movement, jittery and nervous, as the hunters retired seven or 
eight paces to consult on strategy. The drums took up a very soft 
but rapid beat. 

The hunters put their heads together, talked, gestured, 
looked up at the elephant, talked again, then separated to form a 
kind of half circle closing in on the animal from the rear. Edodo 
was the leader, the hunter chosen to cast the first spear, as he 
had on the real hunt the day before. There are several methods 
used by Pygmies to kill elephants; these had obviously used 
spears into the stomach rather than the hamstringing technique. 
The first hunter creeps up on the big beast from the rear, and 
downwind. In addition he is smeared with elephant dung to 
cover his own scent. Finally, he dashes in close, plunges his spear 
into the elephant's soft belly, pulls it out, and runs away. The 
elephant bellows and whirls on him, but at that moment another 
hunter from the opposite side dashes up and drives his spear into 
the beast, which turns to counterattack on that side. A third 
hunter snatches this moment to dart in, and so on until the ele 
phant's stomach has been cut in four or five places. The animal 
decides to get away from his tormentors, and plunges into the 
woods. But after a short distance, his viscera begin to drop from 
his sliced underbelly; he tramples upon them until he disem 
bowels himself and falls to the ground. The Pygmies, who have 
been following him, finish him off with their spears. 

This was the dramatic scene the dancers were about to re- 
enact. Edodo crept up close behind the dummy elephant, hesi 
tated, looked suddenly terror-stricken as if the elephant might 
have started to turn, darted back to the edge of the forest in a 


rapid shuffling step. Then again he cautiously, dancingly, moved 
toward the make-believe beast, every feature of his face and 
every muscle of his body displaying the excitement of the chase, 
the danger of his position. And the drums kept pace with his 
movements, mounting in tempo as he came closer, dwindling 
away as he retreated. Three times Edodo approached, three 
times ran back, then on the fourth sally carried through the first 
attack. With a whoop he plunged his spear with both hands 
forcefully under the body of the dummy elephant. Wrenching it 
free, he raced for the woods, as a second hunter approached 
from the right to follow suit. One after another the hunters 
speared the motionless dummy, until it almost seemed that it 
twisted and turned. The drums beat loudly and rapidly now, and 
I thought they had reached their peak. The other Pygmies were 
beginning to shout, to cheer and to laugh. 

The hunters pantomimed the brief tracking of the wounded 
elephant, then fell upon him all together, plunging their spears at 
the dummy ferociously until they knocked it over. The drums 
boomed and the whole village cheered, chattered, laughed. With 
abandoned frenzy the hunters danced around the fallen mock 
elephant, and several little boys dashed from the crowd to join 
them. The entire village took up the dance, jumping and cavort 
ing around the clearing in perfect time to the drumbeats but in 
no kind of pattern that might be called an organized dance. It 
was not particularly beautiful, but the joy of the dancers made it 
a delight to watch. 

I had stopped the cameras by this time. I had the elephant 
dance itself on two cameras, and the light had been fine. When it 
appeared in "Savage Splendor/' it was considerably cut, but it 
was still one of the memorable sequences of that film. Seeing the 
whole dance was an experience I'll never forget. It carried more 
meaning, more significant dramatic impact, than any dance I 
have seen in all my travels in Africa. I know that if I could have 
brought those hunters and their drummers to the United States 
and put them on tour they would have been a sensation. They 


had unknowingly staged a ballet of universal appeal, a dance 
that could be understood and appreciated by people all over the 

The day of the elephant dance was marked with red, and 
there were not many like that. For every lucky day when all the 
essential factors for interesting picture-taking jibed there were 
weeks of waiting, walking, talking and learning. Many of these 
days were interesting to me, even if they were not productive 
from the point of view of Hollywood. I lived with the Pygmies 
in their village, stayed long enough for them to get used to me, 
then watched and listened and learned that important first step 
in picture-making deciding what scenes to photograph. 

In 1946, 1 had plenty of variety and all the stars and extras 
I could hope for. Perhaps the largest gathering of Ituri Forest 
Pygmies in one spot took place, largely through the help of Bill 
Deans, the American missionary who for more than twenty 
years has given help, friendship, and encouragement to every 
outsider who came near the Ituri with serious purpose. I had met 
him in Stanleyville, where I was waiting for the balance of my 
equipment for trips to photograph the Wagenia, Mangbetu, 
Watussi, Pygmies and other native tribes in and around the Bel 
gian Congo. These trips vpere to be followed by jaunts into 
Uganda, Kenya and Tanganyika for pictures of more and dif 
ferent natives and as many animals as I could get near. Mean 
while, Armand Denis was busy in other sections of Africa with 
his own crew. Between the two of us we covered a good deal of 
territory, and shot more than enough footage to make "Savage 
Splendor," which we co-produced for RKO. 

Bill Deans was so devoted to the Pygmies that he was par 
ticularly energetic in helping anyone who wanted to picture 
them honestly and sympathetically, and he knew them so well 
that he could make many valuable suggestions as to scenes I 
might shoot. On top of that, he made arrangements in advance 
with the proper Bantu chiefs and capitas to call their Pygmies 
together "I'll have at least a hundred for you," he said and 
assembled the necessary palm oil, salt, dried fish, and so on for 


gifts. By the time I arrived at his headquarters in Bunia, Bill 
had gone on to Irumu, but my supplies were already loaded into 
his one-ton truck. We followed him in the truck, crossed the 
Ituri River on a pontoon bridge, then drove on about ten kilo 
meters along a narowing road into the forest until we came to 
Bill's original mission, now supervised by Mr. and Mrs. Searles 
and their son Tom. 

These missionaries always amaze me, above all those work 
ing with the Pygmies, who seem to be as highly resistant to civi 
lization's religion as to civilization itself. I don't see how men 
can continue year after year in this difficult and sometimes dan 
gerous work, with such meagre results in the way of conversion 
or conversion that really sticks. The nomadic life of the Pyg 
mies makes regular missionary work on a particular group al 
most impossible. And even when converted, a Pygmy rarely 
gives up his old way of life. But in spite of discouraging results 
for formal religion, the missionaries achieve great things for hu 
manity, for understanding and warmth between different peo 
ples. The medical missionaries, especially, are saving lives and 
reducing serious sickness, in spite of the fact that most Pygmies 
still prefer their own medicine men, amulets and herbs. Mission 
aries must have limitless patience. 

I was certainly grateful to the missionaries who persisted, 
for their presence and their knowledge made things easier for me 
many times. In this case, the groundwork was laid, but I still had 
the big job of living with the Pygmies and filming their activi 
ties. From Bill Deans' mission there lay miles to be covered on 
foot, through that thickest of all jungles, although I noted that 
as we penetrated further there were occasional patches in which 
the undergrowth seemed to have been completely choked out 
and all one could see were the lofty branches of trees up to two 
hundred feet tall The going was slow, however, because we had 
with us about thirty Pygmies and their wives to guide us and 
carry in our supplies and gifts. It was incredible to see what big 
loads those tiny women could haul, bundles supported by lianas 
across their foreheads in the tump-line style of our Indians and 


other primitive people all over the globe. And most of the wives 
carried a baby on one hip, babies who jogged along placidly, 
staring with wide eyes at the passing scenery or falling asleep. 

After about an hour we came to one small Pygmy clearing, 
with ten or eleven beehive huts in it. I saw no resident Pygmies, 
and the ashes looked quite dead. It must have been an aban 
doned camp the general messiness and smells indicated that, 
aside from the absence of humans. Pygmies aren't very clean 
and care little for good housekeeping or civic pride. When a 
camp becomes too dirty, or when the game in the region is 
thoroughly hunted out, Pygmies just move on to another loca 
tion. They have so few personal or household goods that moving 
is no great chore, and housebuilding takes only an hour or so. 

Villages are not the correct term for these settlements in the 
forest, because they are so temporary and also because they do 
not contain a heterogeneous group of men and women. In any 
one settlement, all the residents are members of the same fam 
ily; cousins, brothers-in-law, uncles and aunts are included, but 
there is always some close relationship. Such small groups have 
no need of governments, so there is no real chief or headman. 
There often is a hunter who is looked up to more than anyone 
else; his opinion carries great weight, but he is not a chief in the 
usual sense. 

In another encampment a few miles away, you will find an 
other family group. Group A may also have some blood ties to 
Group B, but they live and hunt separately and generally keep 
out of each other's way. While there is no actual association of 
family groups into what might correctly be termed a clan, a 
working arrangement exists between them daughters of one 
group marry sons in another; they may "belong" to Bantus of 
the same village; they do not now engage in serious quarrels 
over hunting territories. 

Each pseudo-clan, however, has a very definite territory in 
which it hunts, roams and lives. Fifty miles farther into the jun 
gle there may be another grouping of families in different en 
campments. Wars between the so-called clans formerly were 


quite frequent, and there are still clashes when anyone tres 
passes. Individual fights and minor feuds break out even in fami 
lies, but intertribal war has diminished because the "clans" are 
more inclined in recent years to stay within their own territories. 
All Pygmies know just where these boundaries are, although 
there is no marker of any kind. Moreover you cannot persuade 
or bribe your Pygmies to guide you across that boundary. They 
talk not only about the enemy, but about evil spirits, strange and 
fearsome beasts that throng the forest which is unfamiliar to 

This situation has prevented any white man from exploring 
the whole Ituri Forest. He cannot arrange to have himself passed 
on from one tribe to another, as many early explorers on this 
continent did with the Indians. If you start out from one side of 
the Ituri, determined to cross it, your Pygmies will accompany 
you only so far and no farther. There you are in the middle of 
the jungle, with little men who refuse to go another step, and no 
other little men on the other side to guide you on another leg of 
your journey. You are limited to the territory of your original 
Pygmies, but that may be a thousand square miles of land 
enough to tell you all you want to know about Pygmy life and 
environment. And there is no significant difference between the 
tribes. On my three trips I went to three different locations, 
worked with three different groups, and never could have told 
one tribe from another. 

On the long walk to our movie 'location" we passed two 
more abandoned settlements. I believe the last one was occupied 
at the time, but not by anyone I could see. I saw some pottery 
jars near fires that looked as if they had been burning recently. I 
asked if this camp belonged to our guides. They said no, and vol 
unteered no further information. The inhabitants may well have 
been looking at us as we passed through and returned to their 
homes as soon as we disappeared. 

In the afternoon I saw some light through the trees ahead, a 
startling sight after hours in the forest. Even the settlements 
were not large enough to let in more than a thin shaft of light. 


But here was something more, I could tell, and as we emerged 
from the trees, blinking and squinting, I saw a clearing such as I 
had never expected to find in the Ituri. It was fully two hundred 
feet across, with only a few tall trees standing inside it. I grinned 
happily and looked sympathetically at my camera. Now perhaps 
it would have a chance to show what it could do, with a little 
good light! 

I settled down for a long stay with the Pygmies, except for 
one short trip outside for supplies and a little respite from the 
claustrophobic effect of the deep forest. I pitched my tent at one 
side of the clearing. There were already about twenty Pygmy 
huts on the other side and my Pygmy guides and their families 
started at once to build their own houses near these. 

The women did most of the work, but some of the men 
helped while others bossed their wives. From the nearby woods 
they brought supple saplings about eight feet long, while the man 
of the family drew a circle on the ground to mark the dimen 
sions of the house. The thick ends of the saplings were driven 
securely into the ground along this line, about a foot apart, ex 
cept for a small opening that would later serve as the door. The 
women then bent the saplings over toward each other, interlac 
ing them and tying them together in a rounded arch. With all 
this bracing of one sapling against the other, the framework was 
quite sturdy. 

It was too late in the day to take any pictures of this activ 
ity but I wandered about the clearing, looking around for activi 
ties that could be filmed when the opportunity arose. I stopped 
at one house under construction to watch a Pygmy hunter who 
obviously fancied himself as a first-class architect. He limited his 
help to suggestions, advice and orders to his wife, but there were 
plenty of those. As I watched, I was struck once again with 
the fact that language is often no barrier whatsoever, especially 
when one is dealing with such expressive people as Pygmies* I 
did not need to understand a word in this case to know exactly 
what was going on. 


No, that sapling should bend over that way, the imperious 
gentleman gestured, and his wife did what he said. 

No, no, these are too close together. She made them farther 

That is not tied tightly. It 'will come loose in the middle of 
the night and then a leopard might come in. She tied the vine 

The next step in construction was fitting phrynium leaves 
into the latticework of the saplings, starting at the bottom and 
overlapping them as she progressed upward, much as we place 
shingles. In this process, the man found her work abominable. 
She left openings, didn't overlap properly, and generally did a 
sloppy job. To his specific corrections of his wife's work he 
added a few general denunciations of her as a wife, mother and 
workhorse. Through all this she just kept working steadily, and I 
thought she was doing a remarkably fast and efficient job. But, 
of course, I was not going to have to sleep in the hut, and he was. 

Suddenly he leaned forward and snatched away a big leaf 
she had just fixed in place. With that, she had enough. She 
turned on him all three foot six inches of her and glared. 
From her lips there burst a volcano of sound, shrill, rapidfire and 
filled with venom. Again, I needed no words to understand. She 
was telling him off as beautifully as ever that the job was done, 
telling him that he was a lazy good-for-nothing, that she did all 
the work and did it well, that all he did was get in the way and act 
like a big shot and he wasn't even a very good hunter! I could 
even tell when that last shot hit him, for he recoiled as if struck 
in a vital spot. Anger blazed in his eyes and he started to talk 
back, but she picked up a good-sized stick and waved it at his 
face. He stepped back, a little bewildered, glanced at me and 
looked ashamed, then walked away, muttering. The woman pro 
ceeded to finish the house in short order, tucking in leaves until 
the whole thing looked good and waterproof to me- The little 
door was so low that I don't know if I could have gone into it 
even on hands and knees, as the Pygmies did. I learned later 


that one reason for the small door was to make it difficult for evil 
spirits to enter. 

A couple of smooth logs to sleep on, the family jars or pots, 
the man's weapons bow and arrow, spear, and perhaps a knife 
were the total furnishings of the Pygmy home. At night the oc 
cupants usually started a fire inside to drive away the chill 
dampness of the ground, and to keep away insects and leopards. 
Insects were a perpetual menace, but leopards were relatively 
rare. I heard several times, nevertheless, of leopards breaking 
into Pygmy huts and making off with a child, although I never 
obtained firsthand information of such a tragedy. There is no rea 
son to doubt the truth of the stories, however. The leopard is 
clever, more silent and cunning than a Pygmy, and desperate 
when hungry or cornered. 

The next morning, I found about seventy-five Pygmies in 
and around the clearing. During the evening of our arrival I 
had heard the drums, and knew that the message was going out 
that the bivana bukuba had arrived, the white man bearing 
many gifts. The newcomers would have filled up the clearing 
with their huts, but I needed plenty of clear space for pictures, 
so persuaded them to retire to other clearings near by or make 
new ones. They didn't quite understand, but they were happy 
to oblige. The third day more Pygmies arrived, and the day 
after that still more. By the fifth day at least five hundred Pyg 
mies had established themselves in and near the big clearing 
far more than I could possibly use for pictures, so many that 
they got in each other's way. Bill Deans, who had hoped to get a 
hundred together for me, was astonished at the number and 
made a conservative if unofficial census. 

Bill was delighted, for he had never obtained the ears of so 
many Pygmies at one time. He held meetings and preached the 
gospel to them, and most of the Pygmies listened attentively, 
for Bill spoke in their language. But in my opinion most of the 
good missionary's ideas floated right over the curly heads to be 
lost in the tall trees. The concept of a single all-powerful, ever- 


present, and merciful God was one their minds could not grasp. 
In whatever religion they had, the Pygmies were not very con 
cerned about the Creator and the good God; I'm not sure that 
they envisaged such a Being, but if they did their idea was ex 
tremely hazy. In any event, they felt they did not need to worry 
about a good God, but only about the bad spirits, of which they 
knew plenty. 

Even though I now had more Pygmies than I could possi 
bly use, I could not disappoint them in their expectation of 
delicacies. Some had traveled scores of miles through the forest 
to reach my clearing, obtain the gifts, and help in any way they 
could. Each day I handed out presents to the new arrivals, which 
gave me some good pictures but also necessitated a trip out of the 
forest for more supplies. 

When the Pygmies lined up for distribution of presents, 
there was never any pushing, arguing or shoving. They were all 
quiet and orderly, but smiling broadly, talking to each other in 
low voices, rolling their always startled eyes, smacking their lips. 
For the moving pictures, I poured out a big sack of salt on 
leaves, then gave each person in line a handful as he stepped for 
ward. Each Pygmy shoved the salt in his mouth greedily. Al 
though I tried to make every handful just about the same, once 
in a while there was a noticeably small batch. Never did the 
Pygmy getting it object, but I received a searching look sev 
eral times. The palm oil came in big five-gallon tins, and to re 
ceive this the Pygmies all obtained big shiny phrynium leaves 
which they held cupped in their hands while I poured in the oil. 
Most of them ate this at once, too, licking the leaves hungrily 
to get every drop. Some of the women saved theirs and took 
it to their earthenware pots. They like to cook herbs and greens 
in the oil and it is one of the Pygmies' favorite dishes. Obviously, 
these forest dwellers have retained the faculty possessed by many 
animals and originally by man of knowing instinctively what 
their bodies need for good nutrition. Palm oil is one of the 
richest sources of Vitamin A in the world, for instance, and salt is 


a necessity. They don't know, in their minds, that they need 
these things, but their appetites are true reflections of their 
needs, not just of their desires. 

The dignity and consideration of the Pygmies in the food 
distribution was so striking that it brought back to my mind an 
incident from my first visit with them. Then I had salt and oil, 
but only a few cigarettes. When I learned that they liked to 
smoke, I passed out what cigarettes I had, about three-quarters 
of a package, and though there were few Pygmies present then, 
I had not nearly enough to go around. Each Pygmy who received 
a cigarette broke his in two, to share it with someone who had 
missed out. The act was a simple, uncalculated one, based upon 
an elementary fact of life for the Pygmy what one member of 
the family group had he shared with others. 

In addition to the first gifts for the five hundred Pygmies, 
I had to give them their posho while they were in attendance 
or rather, a small part of a posho, a word which stands for ra 
tions for one week given to bearers, guides and other full-time 
workers. I handed out salt and bananas regularly, but that is all. 
Since the Pygmies were living in their forest, they continued to 
hunt for game, and the women gathered berries, roots and green 
leaves resembling spinach, which all Pygmies enjoy. The 
matabishi, or pay, came at the end of my stay in the forest. I 
didn't really feel called upon to pay all five hundred, but handed 
out dried fish, nuts, and more salt to each family. To those per 
forming dances and other special acts for my camera, I gave 
larger amounts. 

It rained a great deal during my stay in the Ituri, but for 
tunately the downpours came chiefly at night. Many a day I 
just sat, or paced back and forth, however, praying for the 
small patch of grey sky overhead to turn blue, for the murky 
light to grow clear and bright. Even when there was no rain, the 
forest dripped almost continually as the moisture of the heavy 
air condensed on leaves and branches. And when the sun finally 
did appear, the forest floor exhaled misty clouds that hung in 
the clearing, coated camera lenses, and penetrated clothes, bed- 


ding, shoes and soul. Half of the time I was wetter than the 
Pygmies without clothing, and when I climbed into my saturated 
pajamas at night I almost envied the Pygmy who lay down as he 
was on a couple of smooth logs. The fire he burned in his hut 
all night filled the place with smoke that would have suffocated 
me, but it dried the air a little and drove out all but small attack 
forces of the man-eating insects. 

In spite of these photographic and personal difficulties we 
managed to take pictures of many scenes of daily Pygmy life 
and a few more exciting events especially staged. We filmed the 
making of huts; women going off into the forest for firewood, 
greens, and herbs, each with a baby rocking on one hip. A 
mother never puts her baby down on the ground, even for a 
moment there are too many animals at hand ready to snatch 
such a succulent morsel. This explains, of course, why Pygmy 
women always kill one of twin babies the moment it is born. 
They just cannot handle two babies at a time. With one baby 
on hip, the women can perform any task house construction, 
cooking, gathering food, working in the garden of their Bantu 
"owner" in the village. With a baby on each hip, they could do 
little. In some districts of the Ituri, the dead baby is buried 
under the floor of the hut it was born in; in others it is put in a 
jar and left out in the woods, where a variety of creatures will 
soon dispose of it. Pygmy women never eat the tiny double 
bananas about the size of one's finger because they think it will 
cause them to have twins and the only thing worse than this is 

I filmed the making of bark cloth, a task in which the men 
often join the women. Pygmies use the bark from six different 
trees and nine different vines for this purpose the one selected 
depending upon what is at hand and in good condition. The 
bark is stripped off in long pieces, soaked in water, then pounded 
with a small stone against a larger flat stone. Alternate soaking 
and pounding produces a broad, soft, and fairly tough cloth 
rather like felt. But the pounding must be done with care, to 
avoid poking a hole in the material, to make the web of inter- 


lacing fibres of about the same thickness. The final cloth is a 
dark brown, but many Pygmies like to dye it by boiling it with 
berries and roots that turn it a dull purple. 

Men wear the bark cloth like a rather full diaper, fastened 
to a liana G-string in front, passed between the legs, and fas 
tened again in back. When the cloth is large, the effect is almost 
that of old-fashioned bloomers. The women's dress is much 
briefer, and often consists of big leaves rather than bark cloth, 
tucked under G-strings front and back. I once followed some 
women into the forest when they were looking for food and saw 
several of them shop for new costumes while there. Coming upon 
some particularly large and glistening green leaves, one woman 
plucked them, removed the old leaves, and fitted the new ones in 
place. Several others followed suit, and some tucked small red 
flowers in the waistbands, too. 

One of the vines used for bark cloth is called, in English, 
the trellis-work fig tree, a powerful parasite. One of these vines 
will start growing up the trunk of a huge ironwood tree which is 
just about the hardest wood known. The vine circles and climbs 
and clambers, growing thicker and thicker as the years go by, 
branching out along the lofty branches of the tree. Soon the 
trunk of the vine is as large as that of the tree, and in time the 
tree is choked completely. In its place stands a huge trellis-work 
fig tree, strong and proud as if it had done the job of growing all 
by itself. 

Later I saw some Pygmy children playing a game which 
they call by the name of the vine. One child, who is "it," stands 
in a circle of other children. The encircling children dance 
around the one in the center, chanting a kind of song and grad 
ually closing in. The "it" child answers with its own chant and 
tries to break out of the circle. "It" is the ironwood tree, and the 
others are the trellis-work fig tree that will not let it loose. I 
never could figure out how the game ended or who won. I have 
an idea that there was no such thing as winning a game among 
the Pygmies, for there is no competitive spirit within the family 


During the course of filming routine events I learned what 
superb actors most Pygmies are. They are real hams who enjoy 
nothing quite so much as acting out a part. They do not, like 
some amateurs, try to steal the show or upstage each other, nor 
do they posture before the camera with self-conscious grins. 
They really act. At first, I thought it might be impossible for 
them to understand what I wanted, since the very concept of en 
acting a role might be completely foreign to them. They did not, 
I am sure, comprehend the purpose of cameras or the nature of 
picture taking. Pictures themselves are meaningless to most 
Pygmies. You can show a good photograph of himself to a 
Pygmy and he will recognize nothing; he may even hold it up 
side down. I thought that this might result from the fact that a 
Pygmy, lacking mirrors, never sees himself. But he does not rec 
ognize his wife or even his own hut in a picture. 

Although they may not have understood my purpose or 
the whirring boxes my cameramen and I held, they caught on 
immediately to the suggestion of >acting out certain scenes. The 
most difficult, perhaps, was the reenactment of my arrival in the 
Pygmy country. For this I selected about fifteen hunters with 
spears and with bows and arrows, and we all traveled some dis 
tance through the forest to the Ituri River, where it was broad 
enough to let in a fair amount of sunlight. At this point we had 
arranged to have two dugout canoes, for our arrival. 

I was in the lead canoe, paddled by several Bantus, while 
my cameraman rode in a following craft, filming my approach 
to shore. Faces peered through the thick foliage of the edge of 
the stream, disappeared, showed themselves once more. We ob 
tained shots of the Pygmies from a camera set up on land about 
twenty feet from shore; this caught some of them trotting to 
ward the river as if eager to look at the stranger reportedly ar 
riving by dugout. One of the Pygmies turned, right in front of 
the grinding camera, as if to motion to someone behind him to 
hurry along. He did not once look at the camera or the camera 
man which would have spoiled the illusion. 

Between shots from one dugout and others from on shore, 


we reenacted the entire scene, even to having one of the Pygmies 
extend a welcoming hand to help me on firm ground from the 
canoe. It was a good scene, showing a bit of the thick Ituri, of 
the river and close shots of the Pygmies as they moved among 
the trees. But it could have been awkward and phony with 
out the excellent acting of the Pygmies. 

One day, after some reminiscent talk by a few oldsters 
about fights between tribes in the old days, which was trans 
lated well enough by Bill Deans for me to get most of the story, 
I asked if the Pygmies thought they could put on a battle for 
me, acting as if two groups had come upon each other in the 
forest, two enemy groups that started fighting until one group 
was routed. They seized on the plan eagerly and talked among 
themselves about how to stage the war. The job had to be done 
on the edge of the clearing, rather than in thick woods, so I 
would have enough light; between us we settled on the member 
ship of the two groups. One old boy, who must have been over 
seventy and was crippled with rheumatism, insisted on being 
part of the play because he had fought in many wars in his 
youth. So vivid was the acting the next day that old age and 
rheumatism seemed to be thrown from him in that glorious mo 
ment of the charge against an enemy. He was just as spry as the 
rest of them. 

The realistic acting of the Pygmies frightened me for a 
while in shooting this sequence. If you had seen the looks on 
their faces when the two groups met each other, you would have 
thought they were in deadly earnest, that nothing would have 
pleased them so much as to kill their supposed opponents. The 
happy, carefree, smiling little folk of the forest suddenly became 
vicious and savage warriors, bent on spilling the blood of the 
enemy. I understood why Stanley had thought them as bitter 
enemies as any natives he encountered, why the Arab slave- 
traders kept a respectful distance, and why the Bantu "own 
ers" felt as much fear as contempt for the Pygmies. 

With shrieks and whoops that would unhinge the spine, 


they tore at each other, shooting their arrows with what looked 
like fair accuracy. But not an arrow hit a man; all sailed cleanly 
over everyone's head although a couple came rather near me. 

No matter what I asked the Pygmies to do for the camera, 
they performed brilliantly, so long as it was some act that was 
natural to them. They would have been dismal failures if they 
had tried to enact some unfamiliar routine, so I could not have 
faked anything if I had wanted to. I don't consider as fake the 
reenactment of something that does in truth take place a pro 
cedure that must be followed often in the forest for reasons of 
lighting if for no other. An act that normally occurs in deep, 
dark woods must be moved to the clearing for picture-taking. 

On several occasions at the outset of my second trip, I had 
to delay the start of filming because of one huge tree which held 
back the light about half an hour. After consulting Bill Deans, I 
decided to have it cut down. The Pygmies turned out to be 
poorer lumberjacks than actors, even with axes we supplied, but 
they finally chopped most of the way through the big trunk. I 
set myself to get a picture of the toppling of the big giant, cal 
culating the direction of its fall as well as I could, and placing 
myself in what appeared to be a safe but advantageous spot. 
The Pygmies had tied a very long liana halfway up the tree, ex 
tending to the ground at an angle, where a dozen of the little 
fellows were going to pull, then hop out of the way as the trunk 
began to fall of its own weight. I was about twenty feet to one 
side of the line of fall, hoping to catch the tree falling almost 
directly toward the camera. 

A final few hacking strokes with the axes, a mighty tug by 
the men on the ground, and the tree tipped toward me. I had the 
camera at my eye and started it, watching through the viewer 
as the tree majestically as if in slow morion keeled over. Sud 
denly I realized that I was getting too good a picture. The tree 
was falling directly toward me, not almost toward me. I pulled 
the camera away from my eye and stared up. Someone was yell 
ing to the Pygmies on the ground to pull hard toward them, 


which would have made the tree veer away from me. But they 
could have exerted little influence on it at that point, so great 
was its weight, as it gathered momentum. 

It was too late for me to run anywhere, either. I just ducked 
and thought fleetingly that this was a hell of a way to die. A 
small branch whipped across my bent back and that was all. 
Amid a roaring and snapping of branches, a trembling of the 
earth, I felt one small branch across my back. I looked up and 
breathed again. Another smaller tree, a dozen paces to my left, 
had caught the full impact of the big giant and had deflected its 
final fall away from me. Luck is one commodity an explorer can 
not have too much of. 

Out of the many days I have spent in the Ituri Forest, a 
kind of composite day emerges from my memories. I keep aside 
as special days those on which the elephant dance took place, 
the days of bridge-building (which I'll come to shortly), and the 
occasions on which I went hunting through the forest. I think 
of a normal, quiet day in the Ituri, when I stayed at the clearing, 
watching and listening, taking such pictures as presented them 
selves when the light was right. There were many days like this. 

In the morning I awaken to the sound of the loud voice of 
the chief hunter, or headman pro tern, calling out the day's plans 
to the whole encampment which groups will hunt on which 
trails and with which weapons, what special chores the women 
may have, and so on. Other voices come to me as the Pygmies 
emerge from their houses, and in a few minutes one or two voices 
are raised in anger. Soon some of the men are quarreling vio 
lently. Curses and imprecations fly back and forth. I pull on 
some soggy clothes and step from my tent to feel the splash of 
a huge drop of water that has fallen from a branch above. The 
smell of the Pygmies assails me at once. During the day my nose 
will become numbed so that it no longer perceives this odor, but 
on first awakening, with my senses keenly perceptive, the smell 
is strong. What is it like? It is hard to define, but seems com 
bined of sweat, dirt, dung both human and animal, half-spoiled 


meat, joined by the forest smells of damp rotting wood, stagnant 
swampy ground and thousands of flowers. 

Soon another smell covers this pervasive odor the more 
pleasant fragrance of woodsmoke and cooking food, which 
makes me look at my own fire cold and dead. Everything is so 
damp that getting a fire going is quite a task, but we manage it 
and prepare breakfast. Meanwhile, I listen to the mounting 
sounds of quarreling, for now a few of the women have joined in 
and their voices are shrill, piercing, strident. 

The morning is dark and gray, with no blue showing in the 
open space above. This accounts for the excessive disputes. 
Pygmies are as easily depressed as elated. A rainy or dull day 
puts them in bad humor as they awaken, and the entire village 
seems to get up on the wrong side of its logs. Since no Pygmy 
can conceive of repressing even the smallest and most insignifi 
cant emotion, he snaps at the first chance when he feels snap 
pish. The one snapped at snaps right back, and that starts it off. 
By^the time the snaps have grown to loud curses, a friend of 
Pygmy A joins in to say something nasty to Pygmy B, where 
upon Pygmy B curses him and Pygmy A tells him to mind his 
own business, he can handle his own battles. 

The wife of the interrupter thereupon feels called upon to 
add her bit, although she is supposed to be busy getting break 
fast. Husband tells wife to shut up, so wife yells at husband, 
calling him mean to the children, a lousy hunter with poor aim, 
and a philanderer. Thus we have a second battle going, which 
overlaps onto the first on occasion. 

What started the first quarrel? No one knows by this time. 
At first I made inquiries through interpreters, trying to learn 
what kind of thing brought on such battles. Once or twice I 
learned, but could not quite believe that such trivial matters 
would erupt into such loud fights. Usually, the chief combatants 
did not know the origin of the snapping three minutes after it 

Rarely did the quarrels mount above the verbal into the 


physical. Once or twice I saw one man hit another, and just 
once I saw a hunter grab up his bow and arrow and shoot at the 
fleeing figure of his opponent. 

This clamorous quarreling makes the Pygmies sound rather 
unpleasant, I suppose. And while it is going on I feel very an 
noyed with them. Bill Deans and other missionaries have told 
me that when they live in the forest with the Pygmies, they 
pitch their tents some distance away from the huts because they 
cannot stand the noise of the quarreling. When I feel like 
spanking the Pygmies for being so childish, I remind myself 
that they have no ulcers, no neuroses and apparently no high 
blood pressure or coronary thrombosis. Our society has imposed 
upon us the necessity of restraining most of the unpleasant emo 
tions that we feel over trivial things; we have gained and lost 
something by this. Pygmy society imposes no such restraints, 
possibly because they live in relatively small family groups, all 
of whose members are really closely bound together in deep af 

As I eat my breakfast and listen to the bedlam, I also tell 
myself to wait five or ten minutes. By that time the Pygmy 
breakfasts will be served and the air will clear. Breakfast takes 
some time to prepare because it is a big meal, often as big as 
dinner the night before. It must be large enough to sustain them 
through the day, for they take no other food. 

I can tell when breakfast is ready at hut after hut without 
looking, for the noise diminishes somewhat and alters its tone 
completely. There is talk and chatter all over the clearing, but it 
is happy, anticipatory. I look and see two men who have just 
quarreled violently sitting side by side on the ground, dipping 
boiled bananas into a common pot of palm oil sauce, looking at 
each other with wide smiles, chewing rapidly and happily. 

This quick change of mood, this lightning switch from an 
ger to affection, from bad spirits to happiness, makes the Pygmy 
sound childlike and that is what almost every visitor says. 
Childlike, happy, and carefree are the common terms used about 
Pygmies and, to a certain extent they are true. They give only a 


superficial picture, however. How can one call an elephant 
hunter childlike? How can I follow hunters for two days when 
game is scarce, watch them track as no other humans do, and 
say they are carefree? The looks of terror on Pygmy faces when 
an owl hoots at dusk are not the looks of happy people. It is 
better, I think, to say that they are temperamental, that their 
emotions are readily and easily expressed. Being completely ex 
pressed, they are out of the system, so anger can quickly be 
replaced by affection. Annoyance flew from the Pygmy's breast 
upon the stream of curses he hurled, and none was left to rankle. 
Pygmies are childlike, happy, carefree, gay and also coura 
geous, persistent, terror-stricken, devoted. They possess most hu 
man qualities and display all of them as the occasion warrants. 

As breakfast ends there are loud sighs of contentment, 
cheerful talk of plans for the day, jokes. Three or four young 
men take up their bows and arrows and start a kind of target 
practice, shooting at a broad leaf on the other side of the clear 
ing. It is too early for me to get pictures of this but I persuade 
them to have another practice later in the day. At this time, I 
recall something I read in Schebesta's great books on Pygmies 
and ask them to shoot at bananas thrown into the air. They are 
delighted and show remarkable accuracy, one banana being 
pierced with three arrows almost simultaneously. 

The work of the day begins. There is no big hunt today, so 
I decide to stay in the clearing and get what pictures I can. Two 
or three groups of hunters go off into the forest, and the women 
of the village leave to gather food, followed by some of the older 
children. I wander about from hut to hut, walk to some of the 
nearby clearings to see how some of the recently arrived 
Pygmies are getting along. There I am delighted to find a group 
forging iron spearheads. Few Pygmies know this art but prefer 
to buy their ironware already fashioned by the Negro villagers 
on the edge of the forest. These Pygmies have obtained their 
iron from the village, since they cannot smelt their own ore. One 
significant evidence of change in this field, however, is indicated 
by the fact that even most of the villagers have forgotten how to 


smelt iron. They now use the leaves of broken automobile 
springs. I would not have found a piece of spring in the middle 
of the Ituri Forest in 1937, when I first went there. By 1955 
that was the standard raw material. 

The Pygmies who are forging their iron have made a bel 
lows from the skin of an animal, which is pressed open and shut 
to bring the flame to white heat. The iron is heated, then 
pounded with a stone hammer into shape. The work is neat and 
attractive. Later, the hunters sharpen the point on another stone, 
then affix it to the thin hardwood shaft. 

In another clearing I see men compounding the poison for 
the arrows. I cannot recognize the root they pound into a pulp, 
but I note the care with which they handle it. Looking closely 
at some of the arrows, I see that they are notched about an inch 
behind the point just like the darts of the head-hunting 
Jivaros in South America. The purpose is the same, too to pre 
vent a monkey's pulling out the arrow as soon as it is struck. 
When it pulls, the arrow breaks at the notch, and the poisoned 
point stays in the flesh long enough to kill the animal. 

Back in the main clearing I come upon two boys, who must 
be eight or nine years old, wrestling in front of a sizable audi 
ence. There are cheers and shouts of encouragement for both 
battlers, who are sweating and enjoying themselves immensely. 
When the match is over, several boys decide to go hunting. 
They go into their huts for bows and arrows, disappear into the 
jungle talking excitedly. Occasionally, they actually return with 
some small game, although frogs and caterpillars are more fre 
quently their prizes. 

Behind one hut I see a boy and a girl talking. They act star 
tled when they see me, but I pretend not to be looking at them. 
They are about eleven or twelve years old, although this is an 
age that is difficult for an outsider to determine. Pygmies are 
usually fully grown at that age, so one must guess the age by a 
juvenile look. The girl's breasts are quite small, have obviously 
just begun to develop. Breasts are the standard Pygmy clue to a 


woman's age, but by the time a girl is twenty they are likely to 
sag considerably for she may have had four or five children by 
that time. 

The boy and girl, after a furtive look or two around, walk 
toward the woods together. Sexual relations between youngsters 
is promiscuous but not flaunted. I have heard that some mothers 
try to keep a watchful eye on their daughters, primarily because 
the birth of children before marriage can cause difficulties. But 
generally the fact of free sexual relations among boys and girls is 
accepted without much thought or concern. All this changes 
drastically at marriage, however, for fidelity stands high in the 
Pygmy moral code. Husbands and wives guard each other jeal 
ously and the only crime worse than adultery is stealing game 
from another man's trap. Only these two violations of the code 
may lead one Pygmy to kill another in these relatively peaceful 
days. The more common procedure, in the case of adultery, is a 
thoroughgoing beating administered by husband to the wife, and 
perhaps to the offending male although the latter may make 
amends by paying over a certain number of arrows or a spear. 

There is one fear husbands no longer feel about their wives 
cannibalism. William Spees told me about one very old Pygmy 
who said, "When I was young, you had to keep your wife right 
beside you all the time, or someone would grab her, kill her and 
eat her." Because of this old custom, he had enjoyed many wives 
and so, apparently, had his enemies, although in a different 

Just why cannibalism has died down, if not out, is not en 
tirely clear. I believe that the existence of a strong government 
in the Congo has exerted considerable influence, even though the 
Pygmies seem beyond its reach. The government cannot take a 
census or collect taxes; it must carry on what contact it has with 
Pygmies through their Negro overlords. But somehow the word 
has filtered through that there is a strong government of the 
white men out there, and one of the things they disapprove of 
most is cannibalism. On the other hand, this same government's 


disapproval of hemp-smoking has had little effect, probably be 
cause the Negroes surreptitiously continue to supply the 
Pygmies as a means of control over them. 

To get back to my quiet day in the forest, I watch the boy 
and girl disappear into the jungle on their own errand, then 
turn toward another cluster of Pygmy huts, just in time to see a 
boy of about six overturn a jar of water while trying to roll a 
hoop made from a liana. His mother, who is busy pounding bark 
cloth, jumps up in a sudden red rage, grabs a piece of firewood 
and brandishes it as if she would bash in her son's head. But he 
is too quick for her and runs howling at the top of his lungs to 
ward the forest. She races fifteen or twenty steps after him, 
then gives up and flings the wood at him, missing badly. She 
returns to her work on the bark cloth as if nothing had hap 
pened, although she can hear the hyena-like howls of her off 
spring in the woods. They continue until I think of trying to 
find the boy and calm him down, but some other women go into 
the forest after him. I hear the yells turn to sobs, then silence. In 
a few minutes the boy returns with the other women, showing a 
few startlingly clean areas of face where tears have washed dirt 
away. He glances cautiously at his mother as he approaches his 
hut, but she pays no attention, so he takes up the hoop again and 
continues to play. 

In spite of this scene, I will state flatly that Pygmy mothers 
and fathers are as devoted to their children as parents anywhere. 
For every act of anger against a child I have witnessed a dozen 
scenes of great love, which is all the more striking when one 
realizes that men and women never display any signs of affection 
for one another in public. I can only conclude that kissing, 
fondling, hugging and such acts are refinements of civilization, 
conjured up as substitutes for the sex act. If a Pygmy feels love, 
he knows just one way to express it in action, retires to some 
privacy and does so. Minor expressions of that emotion have not 
entered into his sphere of emotional concepts. 

There is a good deal of affection between parents and chil 
dren, however, probably developing from the almost constant 


physical contact between mother and child during infancy. 
There comes a point at which the child is definitely finished with 
such things, and the mother knows it. His love is directed else 
where and she pays little attention. For one thing, she probably 
has had several other children since the wandering twelve-year- 
old was astride her hip, half of whom have died. Infant mortal 
ity is high among the Pygmies, although missionaries and govern 
ment authorities believe the Pygmy population is increasing. 

Speaking of affection felt by parents for children, I wit 
nessed one scene which seemed to present evidence against it. A 
child three or four years old did something the mother did not 
like. She gave him a smack. Father objected, and picked up the 
wailing child. Mother resented father's objections and tried to 
snatch the child back again. There ensured a tug of war be 
tween parents, the child being the tugged object. I really 
thought they would pull him asunder and couldn't help running 
up to interfere. Both parents were so startled that they dropped 
the child, who picked himself up and scampered off a little way 
until he knew that everything was safe again. 

Yet I still insist that Pygmies love their children devotedly. 
But there is a difference which I had to learn between their 
ideas and ours. We want to train our children, plan for their 
futures, make certain that they will become successful members 
of their communities. Such an idea could not occur to a Pygmy. 
Pygmies cannot plan for the future beyond the next day's hunt, 
and there is no need for them to think about the future of their 
children. The lives of their children will be like their own lives, 
just as all Pygmy lives have been approximately the same for 
centuries. The child's security is no worry, for it is a member of 
a family-group which operates on a communal, collectivist prin 
ciple, in which every member shares what everyone else has so 
far as the essentials of life are concerned. 

Since there is little conscious training of children, there is 
no real discipline. Boys play with small bows and arrows and 
spears, and thus learn to track and hunt. Girls learn to gather 
vegetables and cook, to make bark cloth and houses along with 


their mothers. There is no conscious teaching of these arts. Chil 
dren just absorb them. Beyond that, what need a Pygmy child 
learn? Only to run faster than mother or father when parents 
are really angry. 

By noon on my quiet day, I see that the sun is shining 
brightly and I must not lose the opportunity to take pictures. I 
have heard that the Pygmies enjoy a game of tug-of-war and 
decide to film it, if I can persuade them to participate. This is 
never a difficult task when it comes to games of any kind, but 
when I start to select about twenty-five men and twenty-five 
women this is to be a battle of the sexes there is a sudden 
shyness over the big crowd in the clearing. As soon as the game 
begins, however, all those not selected act rather neglected, as if 
they had been punished for something they did not understand. 
When I decide that some of the shots would be better if taken 
from an elevation, I have a dozen eager volunteers to help me 
make a platform about ten feet high. It is a little shaky, but 
firm enough once my cameraman gets set. I handle a camera on 
the ground and direct my actors, who try to pull their opponents 
across a little stream that wanders through one side of the clear 
ing. At first they tug hard and earnestly, but then their gaiety 
gets the best of them. Some fall down and knock others over, 
laughing and shouting. Eventually the men pull the women 
through the stream and everyone cheers. I thank the players 
and pass out an extra matabiskA of salt. 

One reason for the tug-of-war being between the sexes is 
that men and women almost never touch each other in public, 
not even in their dances. Since each person on a team grabs the 
one in front of him around the waist to form a tugging chain of 
humans, teams are not mixed. I do not know the reason for this 
very definite lack of physical contact because there is no false 
modesty nor prudery among the Pygmies. The only thought that 
seems reasonable to me is that physical contact between man 
and woman suggests only one thing to Pygmies, and they re 
serve that for the privacy of the hut. 

The marriage relationship among Pygmies is complicated 


by many factors and fraught with numerous difficulties sur 
prising in a primitive society. In many groups the task of locat 
ing a potential wife is a serious problem for young men, because 
of the economic value of women. Women may be valued for 
individual qualities, but as a whole they are looked upon as es 
sential workers and as the producers of more Pygmies. A family 
group, as tenacious of its collective life as the individual of his 
own life, will not let a girl go without acquiring another in re 
turn. Thus there has arisen the "head for head" system, called 
in Kingwana kich t wa-kich*wa. A young man of sixteen or seven 
teen may find in a neighboring group a girl of thirteen or four 
teen he would like to marry. The basis for his choice may de 
pend in part on her beauty and figure, but her aptitude for hard 
work carries more weight. The young man must not only win the 
consent of the girl's father and pay over to him a purchase 
price, but he must also become match-maker and persuade a girl 
in his own family group to marry a young man in the same 
neighboring group. In this way, neither group will lose strength. 

This is not always as easy as one might think, since some 
groups are quite small and there are not always available girls 
near the marrying age. One group may produce primarily boys 
over a period of a few years, and these fellows are going to have 
a really rough time finding wives. Among Pygmy groups living 
near the villages, Bantus select some of the Pygmy girls as their 
own wives, which further depletes the supply of girls without 
giving any in return. 

Let's assume a young man has overcome these preliminary 
difficulties, arranged a match to meet the requirements of 
kichwa-kichwa, and gained the consent of the girl's father. They 
settle on a price for her, which might be six arrows and a spear, 
or eight arrows and so much bark cloth, or four arrows and a 
good piece of iron. The deal is made, and the girl goes home 
with her husband, without any ceremony of any kind. But this 
is far from the end. 

Whenever the wife bears a child, the husband makes an 
additional payment to her father. Even if she has no child, he 


makes a further payment at the end of six months or a year, 
when both parties to the marriage decide that it will probably 
work out all right. If the girl should prove sterile, or if the 
young couple should decide the marriage is no good, the man 
can return the girl to her father and get his payment back. This 
return is complicated, however, by the other couple in this ex 
change, who may want their marriage to continue. Although 
Pygmy marriage might be called trial marriage, very strong fac 
tors are brought to bear to make marriages stick. Only complete 
sterility is deemed complete justification for return of a wife, 
or the taking of another wife. 

This all sounds businesslike, cut and dried. But there is 
love among the Pygmies. Many marriages are based on aif ection 
as much as on economics. And sometimes a love affair will de 
velop that goes against economics and kichiva-kichwa. If a 
young man and girl love each other but cannot arrange a balanc 
ing head-f or-head match, or if the young man has nothing with 
which to pay the father, they may elope. The girl's father will 
track them down and bring the girl home, but the man may per 
sist and abduct her again. About the third or fourth rime, par 
ents of both boy and girl begin to realize that there is something 
big to cope with, and they may come to terms, foregoing the 
head-for-head arrangement. If the boy has nothing to pay the 
girl's father he may live in the girl's village and work and hunt 
for her family until he has discharged his obligation. It is rare, 
however, for love to overcome convention among the Pygmies. 

Even after many years of happy, successful marriage, a 
girl's strongest ties remain with her original family group and 
never with her husband. She knows that her family will wel 
come her back happily at any time and the husband knows it 
too, which puts some brake upon his dictatorial powers over her. 
A wife is looked upon as property; she is there to work and 
everyone knows it. It is perfectly all right for her husband to 
beat her once in a while, if only to remind her who is boss- But 
there are limits beyond which he cannot go. If he beats his wife 
too hard or too often, if he philanders regularly, if he faik to 


provide moderately well, if he is constantly mean to the chil 
dren then the wife will just walk back home to her family. The 
family will welcome her and protect her, unless she is just being 
too sensitive about an occasional smack on the head, in which 
case her family tells her to go on back to her husband. Usually, 
however, a wife leaves her husband only for good cause. 

The abandoned husband finds himself in a difficult situa 
tion. He is suddenly without the chief workhorse the person 
who made his house, gathered his firewood, brought his water, 
searched for his vegetables, cooked his meals, took care of his 
children, helped him hunt with nets. In short order he realizes 
that a wife is an absolute necessity, so he goes to win her back. 
He can succeed by making a further payment to her family and 
promising to avoid the acts which drove her away in the first 

I have heard of some unscrupulous families that milked a 
man dry by having the wife run away with fair regularity. In 
the main, however, the practice is not abused and serves only as 
+ mild check on a husband's complete dominance over his wife. 

The sun has dipped below the treetops on the western side 
of the clearing, and in about an hour the hunters come home 
one with a monkey, another with a snake, and a group of three 
with a young antelope. There is laughter through the clearing, 
and I know that the same scene is being enacted in all the clear 
ings near by where my five hundred Pygmies are established. 
With that number, however, this section of the forest will be 
cleaned out of game in a very few days. 

The game is divided according to standard regulations that 
have apparently existed for centuries. The first and prize por 
tions go to the hunter who actually struck the fatal blow. A piece 
is tossed into the woods for the spirits. If the hunter used an 
other's bow, the owner of thQ bow gets a prize piece. The owner 
of the hunting dog, if there was one, gets a special piece. Other 
members of the hunting party come next, and then all others in 
the family group of the village. 


Fires flicker in front of the beehive huts as the women and 
girls prepare the evening meal, the men watching and talking 
to each other with animation. Some hungry children are crying 
for their food, but the older ones stand near the fires, looking, 
sniffing and waiting impatiently. 

Dinner is served on leaves on the ground, as always, and the 
Pygmies eat as long as there is anything in the pot. The women 
clean up as the men lie back and stretch. Some get up and walk 
about the clearing, others come to watch me eat my dinner. A 
group comes in from a neighboring clearing for a chat. This is 
the happy time of day. No bickering, no screaming now. The 
only sounds are sounds of happiness and contentment. 

The dusk deepens and someone begins to tap out a rhythm 
on the drums, while a reedlike flute or whistle makes unmelodi- 
ous melody. I see some young men tapping their feet, waving 
their hands with the rhythm of the drums, but no one rushes 
out to dance. I sit and wait, knowing what will happen. One of 
the men who taps his foot steps away from the tree where he 
has been leaning, and does a little jig, claps his hands, laughs. 
The fellow next to him does the same, and the desire to dance 
spreads around the clearing like an engulfing wave. Soon there 
are fifteen men and women following one another around in a 
circle, waving arms, singing, laughing, stamping their feet. The 
drums are inspired by the dancers and the pounding rhythm 
pulses through the forest. Children join the dancers, and finally 
some of the oldsters. 

Pygmies can go on dancing for four or five hours when they 
are enjoying themselves and have good drummers. They can 
dance all night long when the moon is full and no outsiders are 
there to watch. For the Pygmies have two kinds of dances, one 
like those I have watched, another obscene dance in which the 
rule against physical contact between men and women is broken 
and broken resoundingly. How do we know? Some of the few 
Pygmies who have been convened to Christianity have told the 
missionaries, substantiating the rumors that everyone had heard. 
When I have seen the frenzy and complete abandon of their 


respectable dances, it is not difficult for me to imagine their 
being carried away one step further on the drumbeats of strong 

On my quiet day in the forest, however, the dance ends 
after about two hours. It is completely dark now. Some of the 
fires are taken inside the Pygmy huts to drive out insects and 
keep away marauding beasts. One by one the families disappear 
through the tiny doors. I sit for a while, staring at the tiny spots 
of red that glow here and there, listening to the sounds of the 
jungle. There are not many at night, for the birds and monkeys 
and parrots are still. Occasionally a leopard screams, a hyena 
emits its weird and unpleasant laugh, an owl hoots, and peepers 
try to imitate birds. On one occasion, a lemur kept me awake 
most of the night with its eerie, human cry. 

Finally I, too, turn in and fall asleep before I know it. 
Some time later something awakens me. My eyes are wide open 
and I listen intently, wondering what sound caused me to wake 
out of such a deep sleep. I hear nothing. The silence is as vast 
and broad as the sea. A mixed feeling of awe and pleasure comes 
over me as I realize that I am in the heart of the Ituri Forest, 
living among the remnants of prehistoric man. 

Then I hear something like a huge sigh far away. This is a 
familiar sound to me now, after a week or two in the forest. A 
storm is coming. The first signal is a sudden high wind in the 
treetops, and that is the sigh I hear from miles away. I hurry 
out of my tent to see if my stakes and ropes are strong and 
secure. I tighten them, test as best I can, for once in the middle 
of the night my tent had collapsed and I found myself in the 

Back in the tent again I listen to the sigh which has now 
grown to a roar. The branches overhead begin to stir uneasily, 
whispering to each other that the big, big wind is coming. They 
toss and twist and turn then suddenly the big wind arrives, 
like a huge wall of irresistible energy. Branches groan, snap, and 
crash to the ground. My tent tugs at its ropes, trying to take 
wing and fly across the continent. Not far away, a giant tree, 


writhing under the lashes of the wind, topples over, and the 
ground shakes beneath me as in an earthquake. 

One minute behind the strong wind, the driving rain ar 
rives. It pelts against my tent like pebbles hurled by a blast of 
dynamite. Inside, I feel the fine spray on my skin as the drops 
are vaporized and filter in. It sounds like Victoria Falls outside, 
as water pours from the leaves, falls into the clearing in sheets. 

Far away the deep bass boom of thunder begins, rolling 
across the universe slowly and majestically. Every half minute I 
hear it, but there is nothing menacing about it. Then I see the 
flashes of lightning that cause the thunder, and by the time be 
tween them I know it is still some distance away. I become 
fascinated counting the seconds between the flash and the rum 
ble as the storm comes closer and closer, until the lightning is a 
devastating blast of power and the thunder a menacing roar 
that threatens to split the earth open. I peer out through the 
tent flap and see a lake where the clearing was. As I look, the 
black sky is torn apart by a jagged bolt of lightning that reaches 
down to the top of a tall tree. I actually see it touch the tree, 
which towers above the others, before the brilliance temporarily 
blinds me. 

I hear the mighty tree crash, taking a dozen others with it 
in its fall, and I feel safer, for the tallest trees act like lightning 
rods, drawing the full force of the electric shock from the skies. 

Lightning and thunder, wind and rain, all combine at once 
to concentrate their forces on our clearing, pounding my tent 
and the Pygmy huts like fragile things on an anvil. But for all 
the high voltage striking around us, the noise of atomic blasts, 
the violent wind and lashing rain for all of that all we get is 
wet. And we are used to that. 

Now I begin to count the seconds as lightning and thunSer 
are separated in time once more, the storm passing beyond us. 
One second, two seconds, three seconds. It seems as if the wind 
is dying slightly, although the rain pours steadily. Bright flash, 
four seconds, crash-boom-rumble. Five seconds. I never get be 
yond seven seconds, for I am asleep. 


Bambuti Hunters 
and Builders 


HURRIED along an almost imperceptible forest path 
trying to keep up with three Pygmy hunters. The little 
man in the lead held up his right hand, and the others stopped. 
One, who was in the process of taking a step, actually kept one 
leg in the air until the leader signalled again. Perhaps the sound 
of some animal had been heard, in which case it was essential 
to make no noise even that of placing one bare foot on the 
soggy leaves covering the forest floor. 

But there was no animal. The leader had merely lost the 
trail of the wild pig they were following. Immediately the three 
hunters set about the task of locating it again and quickly. 
They were serious, alert, their eyes darting now to the ground, 
now ahead, now at their fellow hunters. 

The first man dropped to the ground, moved a few leaves, 
felt the earth with the palm of his hand. The second stepped to 
the left, the third to the right both disappearing behind the 
foliage. I stood still, feeling useless and on the verge of being 
lost, as I realized that if the leader took four or five steps and 
vanished, I would be alone in the jungle without even a glimpse 
of the sun to guide me. The lack of light also prevented my tak 
ing pictures of this fascinating example of tracking. 

I heard a soft, low whistle to my left. The leader turned, 
beckoned to me to follow, and in a moment we were proceeding 
as before, three hunters and panting explorer, on the path of the 
wild pig which hunter Number Two had found. Within an hour 



they had their wild pig, dispatched with spears as it charged. I 
was as pleased as they were, because I had not slowed them 
down or made so much noise as to spoil their hunt. 

When an outsider goes hunting with Pygmies, they must 
slow down for him. Nobody else can move through the forest 
that fast. When the Bambuti take an outsider along, whether 
sightseer like me or big-game hunter, they adjust themselves to a 
slower pace. At first my restricted experience with a Pygmy hunt 
made me think they had a sixth sense for such work, but then I 
realized that such talents or instincts must once have existed in 
all human beings. Civilization has dulled them or caused them 
to atrophy completely in most of us. 

I did not go with Pygmies on many hunts. For one thing, 
I'm not a big-game hunter myself; I had neither desire nor 
weapons for killing any animals. I just wanted to watch the 
Pygmies at work, which I did in the course of two or three hunts 
for okapi, which we never got, two elephant hunts, and the one 
for the wild pig. I saw them track, stalk, and kill half a dozen 
different creatures. I heard them use their wooden whistles to 
attract the game whistles in three sizes hanging from their 
necks. And I saw the work of their wonderful if unattractive 

The dogs are mongrels that look as if a bit of hyena and 
fox has been grafted onto the family tree, with permanently 
built-in moths to make their short coats splotchy and full of 
badly darned holes. But no canines can beat them at their jobs 
and I doubt that many can match their courage. When they 
accompany their masters on the hunt, they can follow the spoor 
even more surely and swiftly than the Pygmies, unless the prey 
crosses a good-sized stream, and even then they may pick it up 
on the other side. They never get too far ahead of the hunters 
but that the men can hear the clop-clop of the little wooden bells 
tied around each dog's neck. Since the Pygmy dog has no bark, 
the bell is essential. 

No "man's best friend" relationship exists between master 
and dog, so far as I could see. Never did I witness a pat or other 


sign of affection. But no Pygmy would underestimate the value 
of his dog, and a dog would give his life for his master, as shown 
by one experience I heard about but in which, I am happy to 
say, I was not a participant. 

Three Pygmy hunters were moving swiftly through the for 
est on the trail of some animal, and their dog was just a few 
feet from the first hunter. Suddenly a leopard sprang from a 
low branch upon the first Pygmy, who was quick enough to 
dart beyond the reach of a man-killing first blow but not quick 
enough to avoid a slashing of his right shoulder and arm. He 
flung his spear at the leopard, but his bleeding arm could not 
guide it right. The spear missed its mark, and the Pygmy man 
aged to clamber up a small tree. The leopard might have gone 
right after him, but its attention was diverted by the charge of 
the second hunter. The leopard swerved toward him just as he 
aimed his spear, so that it too missed, and broke against a rock. 

Luckily for the second hunter, the leopard saw Number 
Three and went for him, enabling the second to climb to tempo 
rary safety. The third hunter kept hold of his spear and tried to 
plunge it into the leopard as it sprang. The spear merely sliced 
the leopard's leg a bit, serving only to make him angrier than 
before. Then the leopard and hunter Number Three battled it 
out, the hunter struggling to keep the leopard's claws from his 
throat and at the same time maneuvering to get in another 
thrust with his spear. 

He would have been slashed to ribbons if it had not been 
for the dog. The mongrel rushed at the leopard from the side 
and from the rear, snapping at the big cat's legs and flank, 
then racing away as the leopard turned away from the hunter 
momentarily to get rid of the pesky dog. The two hunters in the 
trees could do nothing to help; they had no weapons and one 
was badly wounded and bleeding profusely. All they could do 
was watch man and leopard struggle, with the dog snarling, rush 
ing in and out. Once he sank his fangs into the leopard's tail 
and tugged. The leopard whirled, howled, and obviously decided 
to kill the pest once and for all. That gave the third hunter just 


the chance he needed. He lunged with his spear, which pierced 
the leopard's side, cut into its heart, and dropped it. By this time 
the hunter was so badly wounded that he could hardly stand, 
but all three men managed to get back home. As their wounds 
were cleaned and dressed, they all sang the praises of the dog, 
giving him full credit for saving their lives. But they did not 
once pat him or show him any affection. 

The dogs are helpful, too, when the hunters go out with nets 
and so are the women and children. This method of hunting 
involves the entire village the hunters themselves for fixing 
the nets; the dogs, women, and children to act as beaters, driv 
ing the game into the netted area. The nets themselves are fine 
examples of workmanship; made of thin lianas, they are woven 
into lengths of twenty to thirty yards, tough, strong, durable. 
With five or six nets hooked together, a big semi-circle can be 
made among the trees, an enclosure almost invisible. The hunters 
station themselves along the outside of the net, in hiding, while 
the noise-makers have formed a semicircle a few miles away 
an arc that slowly closes in toward the net. Small forest antelope 
are the most likely catch for the nets, although occasionally 
there is a small buffalo, a wild pig or an armadillo. 

Pygmies also dig pits and camouflage them with saplings 
and brush usually along well-established animal trails, which 
one can see here and there crisscrossing the forest. Poisoned 
stakes are fitted into the bottom of the pit, if they want their 
prey killed. Elephants, okapi and the lovely Bongo antelope are 
caught in pits. Smaller beasts are often taken in noose traps 
made of long, thin lianas. Then there are spear traps, with a 
pointed and poisoned log suspended over an animal path to a 
natural salt lick or watering place. A thin vine across the trail 
releases the spear when it is touched, so that it plunges into the 
beast below. Elephants and buffalo are the chief victims of this 

One of the most depressing experiences I went through was 
an unsuccessful hunt. Just as the Pygmies are hilariously gay 
and happy over good things, so they are cast down and dejected 


beyond belief by disappointment. On the way back to the clear 
ing, my hunters even muffled the wooden bell on the dog. When 
he raced ahead into the clearing there would be no sound to pro 
claim the return of the hunters. And they themselves trooped in 
silently, with heads cast down. The faces of the women fell, but 
they said no word about the hunt. 

After a good hunt, feelings are high, of course. Despite the 
great weight of the wild pig, which the hunters had to carry 
several miles back to the village, they laughed and chatted all 
the way. One snatched at a flower and tucked it in his waist, 
and they all beamed with pride and anticipatory hunger as they 
marched into the clearing. Women and children ran up, exclaim 
ing with pleasure, and no one could wait quietly until the 
butchering and division of the meat occurred. 

One thing will divert Pygmies from their hunting the find 
ing of a bees' nest with honey. Once I watched them scramble 
up a tall tree, where there was a hive hidden in a big hole. They 
used a heavy liana looped around the trunk to help them in their 
ascent, much as a telephone linesman uses a wide strap. Once up 
even with the hive, the first hunter enlarged the hole with his 
spear, as hundreds of bees swarmed about him. Then he plunged 
in his hand, brought it out full of honeycomb dripping with 
honey, and crammed the whole mess into his mouth. One after 
another, each hunter climbed the tree and ate his fill of honey, 
and not once did a bee sting a man. I questioned several people 
about this seeming immunity to bees, but could never learn the 
reason for it. I was told that in some places, Pygmies smear their 
skins with honey first, and the angry bees will not sting through 

The Pygmies' tree-climbing agility enables them to rob 
parrots' nests of eggs and, principally, of baby parrots, which 
they sell as pets to the Bantu villagers. Pygmy marksmanship 
with the tiny bows and arrows is often amazing. Bill Deans 
told me about a Pygmy who was set to guard a banana grove by 
his Bantu "master," who wanted to end the raids of monkeys 
and baboons. Suddenly a full-grown elephant lumbered from the 


forest into the grove, confronting the lone Pygmy armed only 
with his twenty-inch bow and a few arrows. The little hunter 
knew that there was only one chance of killing the huge animal 
with his feeble weapon a clean shot through the eye into the 
brain. And he would not have a second chance, for the elephant 
would be on him. He aimed the slender arrow and shot at the 
right eye a tiny target in the massive head. It struck its mark, 
and the elephant dropped in his tracks. 

Sometimes Pygmies shoot monkeys high in the trees, and 
the little creatures are caught in a lower branch as they fall. A 
Pygmy will scoot up the tree like a squirrel and bring it down. 
One day while I was there, some hunters caught a live monkey, 
bound its hands and feet, and brought it back to the camp with 
the idea of making a pet of it. But this monkey was determined 
never to be domesticated. It struggled continually with its bonds, 
thrashing about, rolling over, biting at its own arms and legs. 
After about three days it escaped, and I was glad. 

The forest is full of hazards, and the biggest beasts are not 
the most dangerous. I was reminded of this fact recently by Bill 
Deans, who visited with me in New York where he had come 
for medical treatment of a disease he had caught in the Ituri. 

"I remember sitting at your camp table in the heart of the 
forest," he said, "having supper. We looked around at the tower 
ing trees and thought how beautiful it was. And you might have 
thought at such a moment that, even though this was the jungle, 
it was really not so terrible. 

"But in the Ituri Forest there are many dangers, seen and 
unseen. I'm thinking of bilharzia, for instance, which I've con 
tracted and which I'm having such a hard time getting rid of. 
It is a pernicious disease, in which a microfilaria is introduced 
into the bloodstream and eventually the entire intestinal tract is 
seriously affected. You can get it just by standing in water or 
washing water that the Pygmies drink. 

"There's the tsetse fly carrying sleeping sickness, the 


anopheles with malaria and blackwater fever, and the fly bearing 
filaria bancrofti which, introduced into my brother's body, 
caused his death in the Ituri. We do not see these dangers as we 
look at the forest nor the graves of many missionaries buried 

"There are numerous deadly snakes pythons fifteen to 
twenty feet long, and the poisonous viper that almost got me 
recently. I was sitting in front of my tent and a Pygmy sud 
denly darted up and crashed his spear down right at my feet. I 
was startled, and couldn't believe that he meant to attack me. 
Then he pointed to the viper whose fangs were only inches 
from my leg, now dead from the quick thrust of his spear. Yes, 
it is beautiful, but the Ituri Forest is a dangerous place." 

Pygmies hate all snakes. Some tribes believe in reincarna 
tion and think that the souls of departed Pygmies live in snakes 
because they see snakes come out of the ground in which they 
have buried their dead. But even these Pygmies will eat snakes 
they have killed. Each tribe has one animal that is taboo, how 
ever, and is never eaten. 

One of the worst snakes is the spitting cobra, which can 
shoot its venom five or six feet with deadly accuracy, aiming for 
the eyes. H. A. Hunter tells of a trip in the Ituri during which a 
spitting viper actually shot its venom into the eyes of the leading 
Pygmy, who fell to the ground writhing in pain. Immediate 
treatment was given by the stricken one's companions, who 
urinated directly into their friend's eyes. This seemed to give 
some relief, and further treatment of the same kind effected a 
complete cure. Pygmies ordinarily suck snake bites immediately, 
and they also possess several herbs which are obviously good 

William Specs told me of one exception to the general dis 
like of snakes among Pygmies. He knew one Pygmy who car 
ried a live viper around in his loin cloth as a pet. Later he added 
a cobra to his collection, and kept both snakes in his house. He 
claimed that he owned a special medicine which rendered the 


snakes' venom ineffective. Specs could not really believe this, 
but he could learn of no other explanation of the man's im 

Another menace is the ant. Safari ants travel in solid col 
umns a few inches across a more dangerous enemy than many 
wild beasts of the forest and much more difficult to dispose of. 
Their bite is like the prick of a red-hot needle, which burns for 
hours afterwards. And no matter how many ants you kill, there 
are ten times as many ready to take their place. 

Dr. Schebesta tells of an experience with ants and a mon 
key. One of his associates caught a colobus monkey and wanted 
to make a pet of it. The monkey was apparently not too averse 
to captivity, for the man fed it well and did not bind its arms 
or legs. One leg clamp and a long chain kept it close to a stump 
on which it slept. 

One night Dr. Schebesta and the monkey's owner heard 
piercing shrieks from the pet, roused themselves and rushed to 
see what was wrong. The monkey was struggling to pull away 
from the stump, but it could scarcely be recognized as a mon 
key. It was a writhing mass of ants. The chain was a thick rope 
of ants, and the stump was alive with them. The monkey's owner 
put the little creature beyond torture with one merciful shot. 
By that time there was not much flesh left on the monkey. 

The men wasted no time in trying to repel the ant invasion, 
for within a few hours the horde would have attacked everyone 
and everything in the camp. 

Another explorer was awakened in the middle of the night 
by a persistent clicking sound. Reaching his hand out under the 
netting to find his flashlight, he felt his forearm burned as with 
red-hot pincers within a few seconds. Ants had invaded his tent, 
and the clicking sound was the noise of a million ant mandi 
bles attacking food, shoes, and the net itself. 

I have encountered ant armies on the march in the forest 
many times. When I did not see them in time to step over the 
long column, a hundred ants were swarming up my clothing in a 
flash. Only once was our clearing invaded, and then the 


Pygmies saw the army just after it had emerged from the forest. 
Everyone snatched up a burning brand of wood from the fires 
and ran to the defense. Boiling water is a good weapon, even 
though temporary, but there is not enough of it in a Pygmy 
clearing to do much good. A line of fire across the path of the 
ants is best, although it must continually be extended as the ants 
try to outflank the fire. Four or five Pygmies stayed awake all 
night to keep the fires burning, and the next day was devoted 
to the extermination of the invaders. 

Another Pygmy method of fighting ants was to break up the 
long column into smaller groups by starting fires at different 
spots along the line of march. But this was not enough. The 
surviving ants would have* regrouped, found each other, and gone 
on their way with only a slight delay and a detour. It was nec 
essary to track the line back to the ants' nest and destroy it with 
fire. When they finally found the big mound, with rivers of ants 
pouring down its sides, the Pygmies gathered dry leaves, twigs, 
and branches, and made a bonfire on top of the nest. Then they 
had to run to escape the avenging hordes that streamed from 
the mound. 

The high point in Pygmy life is the elephant hunt. Not 
every male Pygmy is an elephant hunter; this most dangerous 
chore is reserved for the most alert, courageous and cool-headed. 
When an elephant hunter's reflexes slow down, he reluctantly 
gives up the chase for the mammoth and confines his activities 
to antelope, pig and okapi, like a baseball player who is dropped 
from the major leagues and goes to the minors or takes up coach 

Every village, nevertheless, has a full quota of elephant 
hunters, and there is hardly a Pygmy family but has lost one 
of its members, at least, to the biggest forest animal. I tried to 
learn how many elephants an experienced hunter might have 
killed in his career, but it was difficult to arrive at any clear 
answer because Pygmies apparently have no numbers beyond 
ten. Several times, in answer to my question, "How many?" I 


received the reply, "Without number." This might mean, to a 
Pygmy, twelve or ninety or somewhere in between. From Bantu 
villagers and missionaries, I gathered that many hunters kill fifty 
to sixty elephants during their lives. 

No Pygmy goes on an elephant hunt casually, as he might 
for any other beast. The elephant demands preparation, the ap 
peasement of evil spirits, moral support from the entire village, 
and a little something to bolster courage at the last minute. 
Some Pygmies consult a medicine man the day before a pro 
jected hunt to learn if the signs are propitious. Actually, the 
medicine man is not as influential a person among Pygmies as 
among most primitive tribes. The idea seems to be borrowed 
from the village Bantu, as few Pygmies themselves act the role 
of medicine man. I did not encounter a single one. The Pygmy 
groups most closely tied to their Bantu owners, which means 
those who live on the edges of the forest rather than in its 
depths, are most likely to come under the witch doctor's influ 
ence and consult him in case of illness, sterility, a need of good 
fortune. None of my Pygmies, on my second trip, bothered to 
consult a witch doctor before going out to hunt elephants. 

They made other preparations, however. The day before 
the hunt they went into the forest in search of kola nuts, large 
and pink, which their women boiled, pounded and boiled some 
more. This is the nut from which is extracted the flavoring for 
all cola drinks, so Pygmies have enjoyed their "pause that re 
freshes" for centuries. Pygmy men also chew the kola nut for 
greater virility, then spit the fibres on their arms to advertise the 
fact to the girls. 

The hunter drinks a potion of kola water when he awakens 
on the day of the hunt. In his mind is the memory of the dance 
put on by the women of the village the evening before, a dance 
to inspire him to great deeds. A quick breakfast, and he is off 
with his companions, who may number from three to five. 

First, of course, they must find their elephants. But since 
the forest is well populated by the big creatures, Pygmy trackers 
rarely have much difficulty. By noon they may have located a 


small herd. The hunt would be much less dangerous if they 
could find a solitary elephant, of course, but elephants travel in 
groups most of the time, numbering from four or five up. The 
Pygmies must worry not only about the beast they plan to 
slaughter, but all the others. Elephants often show remarkable 
intelligence and concern for their fellows. I've seen, for example, 
two elephants support a wounded brother on either side, leading 
him to safety as two soldiers might carry a wounded comrade 
from the battlefield. 

When the Pygmy hunters locate their elephants, they study 
the terrain carefully, compare the elephants and select the one 
they will kill usually the one with the largest tusks, for his 
ivory will bring the greatest rewards. The elephants are unaware 
of the Pygmies at this stage, for the hunters not only keep out of 
the wind but also smear themselves with elephant dung of 
which they have found plenty along the trail. 

When the hunters have studied the lay of the land suffi 
ciently, they retire about a hundred yards, build a small fire, 
and smoke hemp, or marijuana, to take away their fear. Then 
they are ready. With the best hunter in the lead, they return to 
the herd of elephants, who may be asleep in the noonday heat or 
quietly munching grass. The hunters cautiously approach the 
elephant they have chosen, making certain to keep the wind just 
right, and circling if necessary to remain out of the vision of 
other elephants in the group. 

At this point, the task looks almost ridiculous. A Pygmy is 
small by any standards, but alongside a huge elephant he looks 
so tiny, so weak, so ineffectual, that one feels like urging them 
to call the whole thing off before they make fools of themselves 
and meet sudden death. A mouse might just as reasonably try 
to slaughter a lion, or a squirrel kill a wolf. But Pygmy spears 
are razor sharp and Pygmy strength is greater than you might 
believe. Their biggest asset and most potent weapon, however, 
is courage, of which they have plenty even without the aid of 

If the elephant lifts its trunk and turns its head as if it 


heard or smelled something, the approaching Pygmies freeze into 
immobility. The elephant sniffs only what smells like another 
elephant, lowers its head, and goes on eating. Then the Pygmies 
close in until two of them stand beside the hind legs of the ele 
phant. The others place themselves to rout the other elephants 
and take up immediate pursuit of the selected animal. 

At a silent signal the two leading Pygmies reach out with 
their sharp spears so the blades are just behind the elephant's 
knee joints. A sudden sharp slash and the tendon is severed in 
each hind leg. The two Pygmies dart away, the wounded ele 
phant whirls to grab them with its trunk, the other Pygmies 
shout and jump and bellow to frighten the other elephants into a 
stampede. They rush away, and the wounded animal tries to 
follow. But it can barely drag itself along, since its hind legs are 

The beast bellows angrily, tugs itself painfully along the 
ground, its hind legs dragging. It reaches out and grabs a tree 
with its trunk to pull itself along, and rips up the tree by its 
roots. With the other elephants out of the way, the Pygmy hunt 
ers dart in as close as possible, trying to thrust their spears into 
the elephant. But the animal lashes out at them with its trunk, 
makes them keep their distance as it tries vainly to escape. 
Sometimes the elephant manages to go some distance, with the 
Pygmies following, waiting for their chance to kill it. But kill 
it they finally do, without fail. 

Sometimes, of course, the plan goes wrong. Perhaps the 
tendons are not completely severed, and the elephant manages 
to snatch up one of the hunters and trample or gore him to 
death. Perhaps one of the other elephants refuses to panic and 
run, attacking the hunters instead. William Spees tells the story 
of one Pygmy hunter who was separated from his friends while 
trailing an elephant which had been wounded but not incapaci 
tated. The elephant circled around to fool its pursuer and at 
tacked the hunter from the rear, goring him in the side. The 
Pygmy dropped to the ground and, although bleeding badly, 


retained consciousness and his quick wit. He lay absolutely mo 
tionless, as if dead. The elephant approached, reached out with 
its trunk and poked the hunter, who remained limp and lifeless. 
Finally, after a good deal of investigating, the elephant decided 
the hunter was dead. Like all good elephants, it then had to bury 
its victim. The elephant dug a hole in the earth with its tusks, 
pushed the Pygmy into it with its trunk, then began to cover 
the hunter over with dirt, brush, and leaves. The Pygmy said 
later that this was his most difficult time trying to keep his 
nose free to breathe without moving and showing the elephant 
that he was still alive. 

But he succeeded, although he felt as if he would suffocate 
any minute. The elephant did not make things any easier for the 
hunter by going away when burial was completed. The beast 
must have been suspicious for it stood near by and watched the 
grave for a few minutes to make sure there was no movement. 
(Buffalo do the same thing after they have killed a man.) At 
long last, the elephant moved away and the wounded hunter 
pushed himself up into the air. Within a few minutes, the other 
Pygmy hunters came and found him. Fortunately, they carried 
him to the mission rather than to the Bantu witch doctor. Peni 
cillin, cleanliness and rest healed the Pygmy's wounds and dur 
ing the time he spent at the mission he became converted to 
Christianity. Spees thought that in view of this momentous 
change in his outlook on things, the Pygmy might give up ele 
phant hunting. But the young man just shook his head. "No," 
he said, "once an elephant hunter always an elephant hunter." 

When Pygmy hunters kill an elephant, the animal is usually 
many miles from the nearest Bantu village. But the hunters 
cannot touch the animal until the "owner" of the chief Pygmy 
hunter arrives to oversee the butchering and distribution. So one 
of the Pygmies races to the Bantu village to announce the news, 
another returns to the Pygmy village. Within a day, a huge 
crowd has gathered to watch and participate in the division of 
spoils. With the heat of the jungle, spoils is a term that can be 


used in more than one sense. The elephant's big belly begins 
to puff out like a balloon, bloated with the gases of decomposi 

During my second trip, I was most eager to get motion pic 
tures of an elephant hunt. I soon learned, however, that the 
hunt was almost impossible to film, as there was never enough 
light in the forest to take pictures. I was beginning to despair 
of success in this project, as the end of my visit approached. 
But then luck, which has always seemed to balance things out 
for me, came to the rescue. One group of Pygmy hunters killed 
an elephant in a clearing close to the edge of the forest, near 
the village of a Bantu chief named Pawanzas, of the Walese 
tribe. They sent a runner to bring me the news and guide me 
back to the clearing. Never did I travel through the forest so 
quickly, for this was an opportunity that would never come 
twice. According to my guide, the hunters had tracked the ele 
phant for miles after wounding him, and had finally dispatched 
him in a good-sized clearing where sunlight abounded. The only 
growth was tall elephant grass, which would soon be trampled 
down by the crowds. 

As we hurried through the forest to the clearing, I hoped 
that the Pygmy was not just saying things he knew I would like 
to hear and when we came to the clearing I saw that he was 
right. Plenty of sunlight, a little late in the day but good enough. 
The only factor that dismayed me was the big crowd that had 
gathered between three and four hundred men and women, 
about equally divided between Bantu villagers and Pygmies. 
They were all relatives some rather distant, I gathered of the 
Pygmy hunters or the Bantu overlord of the chief hunter. Luck 
ily, the butchering had not yet started, as everything had to wait 
for the arrival of the Walese chief of that area and the headman 
of the village in which the Bantu "owner" lived. 

While waiting for them I was able to clear a little space 
for good camera shots. When the important personages arrived, 
everyone turned to the Bantu in charge. He glanced around to 
see that everyone who might claim a share of the elephant was 


present, then lifted his hand in signal to the four Pygmies who 
had made the kill. They scrambled up on top of the big beast 
and stood on the bloated belly. At a second signal, the chief 
hunter plunged his spear into the elephant's side. A geyser of 
gas and stomach juices spurted into the air seven or eight feet, 
spreading an odor that made my senses reel. But the Pygmy 
hunters shouted and pushed their faces into the liquid, gulping 
it, bathing in it. This act was supposed to give the Pygmies 
some of the elephant's strength to aid them in their next kill. 

In some instances, the first act of the hunters, upon making 
the kill, is to cut a hole in the abdomen, walk inside, and cut 
off small portions of the entrails. They emerge with these pieces, 
two or three inches long, in their teeth, and offer bites to the 
remaining hunters teeth to teeth as a token of victory in the 

When the gassy geyser subsided, the hunters returned to 
the ground. Pygmies and villagers then lined up, each with a 
sharp knife. Behind each man stood his wife, ready and waiting 
with a big basket. At another signal, the Pygmies and villagers 
raced for the elephant, clambering up its sides, slipping, clutch 
ing for a firm hold each one trying to reach the backbone first. 
The men yelled, the women shouted encouragingly, and the 
whole scene looked like a small riot. But there was organization 
and plan behind the bedlam, though I could not see it at first. 
When a man reached the backbone, he gained the right to cut 
a strip of meat down the side from that point. As I learned 
later, he did not necessarily get to keep all the meat he cut, but 
each man no doubt figured that the more he had the more he 
was likely to wind up with. 

Shoulder to shoulder, Pygmies and villagers lined up along 
the crest of the fallen elephant and started hacking away at the 
meat. As one man cut a big chunk of flesh away he merely flung 
it back over his shoulder. He knew that his wife had her eyes 
fixed on him and was waiting to snatch whatever he threw, to 
deposit in her basket. Soon big chunks of elephant meat were 
flying through the air, women were rushing forward to grab the 


pieces, sometimes catching them even before they struck the 
ground. There was remarkably little bickering for such a con 
fused scene. I suppose it was confusing only to me, and not to 
the Pygmies and villagers. But they did get in my way repeat 
edly so I could not get clear shots of the butchering. 

Finally the meat was cut away from the exposed side and 
there was a lull in the proceedings while two Pygmies took an 
axe and chopped a hole through the elephant's ribs into the 
chest cavity. They then proceeded to take up their sharp spears 
and hop inside the beast. In a moment I saw two spear points 
sawing their way along the ribs, as the men worked from the 
inside out, cutting away more meat and flinging it out through 
the hole, along with heart, liver, and all other entrails prized 
parts of the beast. 

I could not quite believe that an equitable distribution of 
meat could be made among so many demanding men and 
women, but by the end of the afternoon the job was done and 
no one seemed angry. In fact, there was much hilarity among 
the entire group. The Bantu chief of the area received one huge 
leg as his share. The headman of the village was given a select 
piece. The "owner" of the chief Pygmy hunter kept some en- 
trail delicacies for himself, as well as some solid meat and per 
haps most important to him the ivory tusks. And he decided 
just how much meat should go to all the assembled villagers and 
Pygmies. No one, apparently, had the right to question his de 
cision, so long as the chief and headman received their shares. 
The Pygmy hunters received most generous portions for their 
families, of course, and other relatives from their settlement 
came in for shares. Not a thing was wasted. At the end, even 
the tough skin was cut up so some of the Pygmy women could 
make soup from it. 

Thus my second visit to the Ituri ended with a good deal of 
satisfaction on my part and, I believe, almost as much on the 
part of the Pygmies. An unexpected worry, however, came up at 
the last moment. A Pygmy messenger brought news that a large 
group of Pygmies from deep in the forest suba ndula had 


gathered a few miles away. Word had spread beyond the unseen 
boundaries of my Pygmies' forest that a white man with many 
gifts welcomed Pygmies. There were more than five hundred in 
the second group, making more than a thousand Pygmies gath 
ered in that small area. But we were somewhat worried because 
the newcomers were enemies of my Pygmies and, although 
there had been no intertribal battles for some time, the enemy 
had actually invaded my Pygmies' section of the forest. I 
wanted to avoid all chances of bloodshed, so consulted with a 
few of the Pygmy leaders and their overlords in the village. As 
a result, my Pygmies agreed to strike camp at once and return 
to their homes by a circuitous route that would avoid the new 
comers. And a messenger sought out the invaders to tell them 
that the white man had departed, had no more gifts, and urged 
them to return to their homes. He would come to visit them and 
bring more gifts when he returned to the Ituri another year. 

I learned later that the two antagonistic groups had man^ 
aged to avoid contact, so no blood was shed. At the time I sent 
the message, I had no intention of returning to Africa or the 
Ituri Forest. Near the end of such a trip, one always wonders 
why he got into such a hazardous and tormenting business as 
living with primitive people and trying to take moving pictures 
of them which would be acceptable to Hollywood. Within a 
year, of course, one forgets the ants, chiggers, mosquitoes, bad 
smells, doubtful food and worse water, the fatigue, the eternal 
dampness. What comes to mind are the sounds of the forest in 
the middle of the night, the sight of Pygmies dancing around a 
fire to the infectious beat of drums, of eighteen giraif es careening 
like rocking boats with tall masts along the plains, of pink 
flamingoes rising from a blue lake in mass flight, of a lioness 
playing with her cubs. 

When I went to Africa in 1954-55 to make "Zanzabuku" 
for Republic Pictures, I had a proper expedition, with an as 
sistant and four other cameramen, with a Dodge Power Wagon 


and truck, kindly supplied by the Chrysler Corporation, and 
with more time than I had ever taken before. I wanted to visit 
the Pygmies again, not just for my own satisfaction, but to take 
pictures of one thrilling achievement of these little people which 
I had never been able to get. This was the building of a liana 
bridge across a wide river. 

It would not be an easy task, I knew. I had to find the right 
.-spot on the right river, assemble a group of Pygmies and per 
suade them to tackle the really difficult job of building a bridge 
for which they might not see any necessity, and finally arrange 
to have all this take place where there was sufficient light and 
proper positions for my cameras. 

Lady Luck outdid herself on this occasion. During the bet 
ter part of a year in Africa, on my third journey, I frequently 
felt that she had abandoned me altogether, migrated to another 
continent, crossed me off her list once and forever. There were 
days, weeks of delay, frustration, rain, accidents and interrup 
tions. But when I returned to the Ituri, luck flew back and settled 
down on my right shoulder. 

The first spot selected was not right, for the river was nar 
row and the building of a bridge would not have looked at all 
spectacular. Hollywood had to have the spectacular, so we 
searched further, until we found the ideal stretch of the Ituri 
River. At this point it was about ninety feet wide, and throwing 
.a liana bridge across that distance would make a spectacle in 
deed. For a quarter of a mile the river flowed in a straight 
course instead of twisting and winding. Very tall trees lined 
each bank a necessity for the Pygmy method of bridge-build 
ing. But the undergrowth was rather sparse, leaving clear spaces 
from which my cameras could obtain good shots up and down 
the river. 

Most important of all, however, was that right here the 
Ituri River flowed from west to east. When the sun rose in the 
morning, its light would not be cut off by two-hundred-foot trees 
until almost noon. No, it would cast its beautiful rays right 
down that straight mile stretch of river. And in the afternoon, 


the sun would set at the western end of the stretch, giving me 
light until four o'clock at least. Each day would bring about 
three or four hours more of filming time than I had ever en 
joyed in the forest. It was almost too good to be true. 

Pygmies were assembled, given gifts and briefed on the 
project. They seemed agreeable, but I heard a few of them mut 
tering "Bumbafu! Bumbafu!" and shaking their heads. When I 
asked the interpreter what this meant, he seemed a little em 

"Well, when someone tries to do something very difficult 
and daring," he said, "even though it may not seem very sensi 
ble, he is bumbafu. These Pygmies don't need a bridge here, 
because their camp and the village of their Bantu masters and 
their hunting grounds are all on this side of the river. But you 
want a bridge, even though it's dangerous and difficult to build 
one. So you are bumba-fu" 

"How would you translate it in a word or a phrase?" I 

"Crazy white man!" he said. 

From the Pygmy point of view, I suppose they were right. 
Anyway, they were willing and eager so long as I gave them 
food and gifts. We set them to work at once clearing out some 
smaller trees that might get in the way of the cameras. Others 
went in search of long and strong lianas, and still others made a 
few platforms on which cameras could be mounted for shots 
from different angles. 

We were never certain, of course, that the project could 
succeed. The Ituri at this point was quite wide, as wide as any 
river the Pygmies had ever spanned. I wanted the task to be 
difficult because that would probably make it more dramatic, but 
I hoped it would not be too difficult. 

The crux of the problem in bridge building is the first long 
liana that must somehow be stretched across the river. After that 
the work is precarious but relatively simple. We selected a tree, 
tall and straight at the water's edge, from which the first at 
tempt would be launched. Free of low branches, it looked like 


a double-length telephone pole with another tree on top. Oppo 
site this tree, on the other bank of the river, stood several trees 
of comparable height with wide-spreading branches. 

Looping stout lianas around the trunk of the first tree, one 
of the more agile Pygmies worked his way up to the first big 
branch, taking one end of a hawser-like vine with him. He 
climbed out on the branch and tied the long liana securely to it, 
using smaller vines as tough as wire to reinforce it. A second long 
liana was attached about two feet away, so that two long and 
supple wooden ropes fell to the ground. These were simply the 
ropes for a giant swing, to which a small seat was attached. The 
idea was to place a strong young Pygmy in the seat, set him 
swinging, and hope that he could swing out far enough to reach 
a branch of one of the trees on the opposite bank. 

The swing did not look quite long enough to me, but I 
deferred to the judgment of the Pygmies. I was no engineer, but 
I could see that to reach across ninety feet of river, the swing 
had to be at least ninety feet long. Allowing for slack and a few 
extra feet on each side, a hundred and ten feet would be closer 
to the required length. 

None of the Pygmies seemed to be particularly eager to act 
as the swinger. As the time approached for the first launching, I 
think they looked at the river's width, at the great height of the 
swing, and found themselves assailed by doubts. But they were 
very vocal in their insistence that the job could be done, and 
equally vocal in their modesty. Each one disclaimed any special 
ability as swinger or bridge builder, and many pointed to other 
men as experts in the field. We finally settled on a young fellow 
of about twenty, named Meru, who seemed both proud to have 
been chosen and afraid to get in the swing. But he looked like a 
brave man, and I was told that he was one of the best elephant 
hunters of the tribe. When I enumerated the special gifts of 
dried fish, nuts and palm oil, plus several arrows, that would go 
to the man who carried the first liana across the river, Meru 
appeared more eager for the task. 

The Pygmies had cut a clear path through the forest lead- 


ing straight back from the tall tree, a kind of narrow alley in 
which the swing could be pulled back to launch Meru on his 
flying mission over the water. A long liana, tied to the seat of the 
swing, was led back through this path and passed up to two or 
three Pygmies perched high in the branches of a tree. The idea 
was for them to pull Meru back and up as far as possible, then 
suddenly let him go. He was equipped with a sharply curved 
piece of hardwood that looked something like a longshoreman's - 
bulky hook. As he swung up close to the branch on the other 
side of the river, he was supposed to latch his hook over the 
branch and hold on for dear life. I was afraid that this move 
ment would jerk him right out of the swing seat, but the 
Pygmies assured me that he would be fastened to it securely and 
would manage to scramble up on the branch once he caught 
hold of it. 

Looking quite serious, the young man settled himself in the 
swing, hooked his arms around the supporting lianas, grasped his 
wooden hook, and watched carefully while others strapped him 
to the seat with small tough vines. Then the Pygmies in the tree 
back at the end of the cleared path began hauling on the long 
liana, pulling Meru back and up higher and higher. I had one 
camera on a platform filming this action and another on the 
river bank to shoot the flight of the swing across the river and 
I hoped Meru's grasping of the branch on the other side. I sta 
tioned myself near the base of the tree with the swing, where I 
could see in both directions and give the necessary signals. 

Slowly and laboriously the Pygmies in the tree hauled Meru 
up on the back half of the swing's arc, until he was suspended, 
almost face down, near the far end of the narrow alleyway. Then 
I gave the signal, "Cut! " and one of the Pygmies in the tree cut 
the hauling liana. Meru's tiny body hurtled down and out at in 
creasing speed, barely missing the trees beside the cleared area. 
In a fraction of a second he reached the bottom of the arc at the 
foot of the tree and sped out over the water and up toward his 
goal. But something was wrong! He didn't zoom upwards as he 
should. I heard the groan of a bending branch and looked up to 


see the branch to which the lianas had been attached bending 
from the force of the pull that had been exerted on it. Meru's 
foot touched the top of the water, cut down his speed and pre 
vented him from coming anywhere near the tree on the opposite 

The swing arched back toward us, and the Pygmies grabbed 
it, bringing Meru to a stop. The young fellow was obviously 
deeply frightened, and I did not blame him. If the branch had 
broken, he would have been a goner. Even if it had bent a little 
more so that his body struck the water, he would have been 
killed by the force of the impact. 

He stepped from the swing rather shakily, and I put my 
arm around his shoulder in an effort to calm and reassure him. 
He kept shaking his head and muttering to himself something 
that sounded to me like "Zanzabuku! Zanzabuku!" I had no 
idea what it meant at first, and neither did anyone else, for it 
was apparently a word or phrase in the original Pygmy language. 
But as he gestured at the swing, the branch, and the river, shak 
ing his head as if to say "Never again! " I gained a fairly good 
idea of what he meant. He was trying to tell me that this job was 
too dangerous for him to tackle. Somehow, in spite of the tense 
ness of that critical moment, I have never forgotten the word, 
and it has come to my mind several times when I suddenly 
found myself in a hazardous situation. "Zanzabuku" must mean 
something like "perilous task" or "dangerous mission." 

I took Meru to one side, got him to sit down, and offered 
him a cigarette. We smoked quietly for a while. I wanted to give 
him a chance to collect himself, and I knew that I had to handle 
this delicate situation just right. If none of the other Pygmies 
had volunteered to swing the first liana across the river before, 
they certainly wouldn't now, after Meru's experience. And at 
this moment, Meru himself was adamant against making an 
other attempt. Somehow, I had to persuade him to try again. 
Otherwise all our work up to this time would be fruitless and we 
would not get our important Pygmy sequence. 

Realizing that strong measures were called for, I got out a 


bottle of the imported German beer which I'd bought at a duka 
outside the forest. He enjoyed it, as he did the cigarette, and I 
did not press him for a decision at this time. Instead, I called 
off work for the day, thus postponing the need for an answer 
from Meru. I talked to the young Pygmy about other things, 
about his elephant hunting, about dancing, about his hunting 
dog, and other pleasant subjects. I was searching for some basis 
of appeal that might weigh heavily with him. I had to sell him 
the idea of trying the swing once more, after it was properly 

Selling a Pygmy, however, is totally different from selling 
anyone else. The appeals I might make to another American, or 
to almost any civilized person, were ineffective with a Pygmy. I 
could not use his vanity, telling him how movies of his great feat 
would be shown in theatres all over the world and millions would 
applaud his bravery and skill, for Meru did not know what pic 
tures were and cared not a whit for the opinions of millions of 
people far from the Ituri Forest. I could not even use to much 
effect the argument that all the Pygmies would look up to him. 
Pygmies lack almost all serious competitive spirit and they can 
not understand the importance of being better than the next fel 
low except in games. There was not much more I could do in re 
lation to his acquisitiveness, for the rewards akeady offered for 
the man to take the first liana across the river seemed to him like 
riches. At least, riches for a day or two, and beyond that Meru 
was not interested. 

In my talk with him, however, something came out that I 
hoped I might use. When I asked him about his wife and chil 
dren, he said with a rueful expression that he was not married. I 
learned that there was a girl in a neighboring Pygmy group he 
wanted for a wife, but he could not persuade his sister to marry 
a young man in that group and thus make the head-f or-head ex 
change of women. 

There was only one thing for me to do turn matchmaker. 
I located the sister and talked to her. No, she did not have any 
thing against the fellow in the other tribe. She was only thirteen 


and didn't feel like getting married yet. Marriage meant a great 
deal of hard work, and she was having a good time as it was. 

Now I had to do a selling job on Meru's sister. In other 
primitive tribes I would have found my task easier, for the ap 
peal of mirrors, bright beads, scissors, safety pins, and such is 
very strong. Pygmies, however, do not care for personal orna 
ments, have no idea what a mirror is for, and have nothing to cut 
up or pin up. I had to rely on things to eat, plus two pottery jars 
with which she could start housekeeping. 

In the end I won her over. She agreed to take the young 
man from the neighboring group right away, and that meant 
Meru could have the girl he wanted. He was overjoyed, the next 
day when all this was settled, and agreed to make one more effort 
to span the river. But first we had to find a branch that would 
not bend under the force of his swing. 

About ten feet above the branch we had used was another, 
much thicker and stronger. This meant cutting off the first 
branch and also finding longer lianas for the swing itself. I was 
pleased, for it seemed to me that they would now be long enough 
to reach clear across the river, with a bit to spare. 

By the next day, everything was ready. The branch was ob 
viously sturdy enough and the swing long enough. Still, Meru 
looked as if he had made a mistake when he sat himself in the 
swing. He was quickly lashed to the seat, given his hook, and 
started on the backward pull. Higher and higher he rose until I 
gave the signal for him to be released. Down and out he flashed, 
and this time nothing went wrong. Meru arched out over the 
river and up toward the branch on the opposite shore. At the top 
of his swing, his arm darted out with the hook and missed the 
'branch by inches! 

A groan went up from all the Pygmies and from me too. 
Meru swung to a stop, and I walked up to him disconsolately, 
feeling sure that he would refuse vehemently to try again. But 
he was not frightened this time. The branch and the swing had 
held firm, so there was nothing to be afraid of. He was truly a 
courageous little Pygmy! 


Meru explained that if the men who hauled him back to 
start the swing would pull just a few feet farther he felt sure he 
could then reach the tree across the river. I gave the necessary- 
instructions, installed Meru in the swing again after a brief in 
termission for a cigarette, and started the procedure for the third 
and, I felt sure, the last time. 

Some of the other Pygmies were no help, for they cried out 
"Utanguka! (You'll fall!)" as Meru was being hauled up in the 
air. But the young man was so determined that I don't think he 
heard them. I waited to give the "Cut!" signal until Meru was 
several feet higher than before, then watched him speed down 
and out, looping up gracefully toward the distant branch across 
the water. At exactly the right moment Meru lunged with his 
hook and caught the branch. His body jerked so violently that 
I felt sure he would lose his grip, but he pulled himself up slowly 
until he lay panting on his long-sought goal. 

"Mukaramsu!" the Pygmies cried, deservedly calling Meru 
"fearless one." 

Everything after that was anticlimax so far as spine-tingling 
excitement was concerned, although there were many fascinating 
shots for the cameras as the main supporting vines were placed 
lower down on both trees, arching down over the river like the 
cable of a suspension bridge. The Pygmies built ladder-like ap 
proaches up from the ground on either side and set quickly to 
work enlarging the bridge. More thick lianas passed across the 
water, a little higher than the first so that they could serve as 
handrails. Pygmies worked their way out from the tree making a 
narrow footpath, and more vines were woven in and out to form 
a kind of netting on either side between footpath and handrails. 
Finally the day came when I ascended the ladder at one end, 
stepped onto the bridge and made my way across. The bridge 
swayed and danced under my feet, and I looked with a good 
deal of trepidation at the rushing waters below. But the bridge 
was strong and would no doubt last a long time. 

It had been a long and arduous task, but in the end it had 
turned out so well that I felt like celebrating. I gave Meru more 


than I had promised, and made sure that the essential marriages 
would take place. When I left the Ituri Forest the third time I 
felt happy. And somehow, I no longer felt that the Pygmies were 
strange or unusual human beings. We had been through too 
much together. 

Although the bridge-building was the outstanding incident 
of my third visit with the Pygmies, there were other events that 
come back to my mind now. On this trip I finally learned, I be 
lieve, the secret of the Pygmy's uncanny ability to find his way 
through the forest. What has always baffled outsiders the most is 
not the Pygmy's marvellous tracking of animals, but rather the 
beeline route he follows, without a path, in going from any one 
spot in his jungle to another, even five or ten miles away. Wil 
liam Spees showed me that there is no mystery involved, no 
sixth sense. The Pygmy is very observant, yes, but above all, he 
is thoroughly familiar with his section of the forest with every 
single part of it. There he has lived his entire life. He has lived 
a month here, and a month there, ranging throughout the whole 
territory, and has hunted through those woods daily. When he 
wants to make sure just where he is, he looks up and sees an 
ironwood or mahogany tree which has stood in this spot for 
longer than the Pygmy's grandfather can remember. To a forest- 
dweller's eyes, this particular tree is somewhat different from 
any other tree in the forest. 

"It's just as if he looked up at the tree and read it as you 
would read a street sign, 'Park Avenue and 58th Street/ " Bill 
Spees said. It is as simple as that. 

I think of the old white-haired Pygmy with all of his origi 
nal teeth who remembered H. M. Stanley, the first white man to 
enter the Congo. "We fought him," the old man said, "and tried 
to kill him." 

Another old man had been to Bulaya, the white man's coun 
try, he insisted. Mandiboka was the old fellow's name, and he 
told a convincing story. He said that the trip had occurred many 
many years before, when he was a young man so young that he 
was not even married. He recalled incidents of the trip from the 


Ituri Forest to the ocean and it sounded like going down the 
navigable part of the Congo River. He told about a huge boat 
he traveled across the water in and pointed out a distance of 
four hundred to five hundred feet as its length. The trip was 
long, he said, and terrible. He was sick for many days. Then he 
was in a country where there were nothing but white men, no 
forests, and so many strange things that he could not remember 
them all. Then he was brought back to his forest, and the white 
men gave him some papers to keep to prove he had been to 
Bulaya. These documents, according to the old man and the 
other villagers, had been given to the Bantu "owner" of Mandi- 
boka for safe-keeping. But the Bantu's house had burned down 
a few years before, with everything in it. 

The village Bantu confirmed the tale. William Spees spoke 
a few words in English to the old Pygmy, who showed some 
signs of comprehending. He even mumbled a few English words 
himself, but obviously no longer associated any meaning with 

At a World's Fair in St. Louis in the year 1900 a few Pyg 
mies were exhibited. So far as I can figure out, the time is right, 
and although it can never be proved, I like to believe that I have 
met a Pygmy who has visited my own country. When I go to St. 
Louis now, I see it in a new light, trying to visualize it as the 
Pygmy Mandiboka must have seen it. I like the city and have 
good friends there, but I am forced to admit that Mandiboka 
must have been very happy to get back to the Ituri Forest. 

It is difficult for me to believe that the Ituri Pygmies will 
ever be civilized. They reject civilization and everything that it 
offers, except for a few items. It is amazing that they have been 
in contact with the village Bantus for so many decades and 
have adopted so few of their ways. I believe that Pygmies pos 
sess the intelligence to cope with civilization, if it is not thrown 
at them too rapidly. Converts who have grown up in and around 
some of the missions have learned to read and write readily, 
have shown themselves adept at learning new skills if they 'want 
to. Most Pygmies don't want to. 


Once there were no roads through the Ituri. Now there are 
two or three. In time there may be dozens, with the forest cut up 
by them into smaller and smaller areas. Bantu will cut back the 
forest along the sides of the roads to make gardens and villages. 
The Pygmies will be confined to continually smaller areas. This 
is the inevitable course of civilization on the march in Africa. 
But if no one finds gold or oil or uranium in the Ituri, perhaps 
there will be a limit beyond which the constriction of Pygmy 
country will not go. I hope so. I hope that the Belgian govern 
ment will create for these wonderful wild humans a sanctuary in 
the Ituri as it has set aside huge reserves for wild animals. 

Giants in the Earth 

WHEN you walk out of the steaming, dripping, stifling 
tropical forest of the Pygmies, you can drive one day 
and find yourself in an African Switzerland where the air is clear 
and dry, the temperature balmy by day and a little chilly by 
night the homeland of the Watussi. On the way from tropics to 
mountains, in the course of a few hours, you will cross the equa 
tor and snow-covered mountain peaks. A little later you will see 
a row of volcanoes, the Virunga group, and nestled at their feet 
the most beautiful lake in the world, Kivu, whose waters contain 
no crocodiles or other dangers, whose shores are infested with no 
mosquitoes or tsetse flies. 

On one of the routes to the country of the Watussi, you will 
drive over a narrow road which climbs up the side of the escarp 
ment, making 844 sharp turns or so I was told, for I did not 
count them in rising close to four thousand feet. On some sec 
tions, where only a narrow shelf has been carved out of the prec 
ipice, you will encounter a barrier operated by a native perched 
on a high rock with a shiny, empty gasoline tin suspended from a 
pole and another on which to drum. When the one tin is raised 
and the other is loudly pounded, another native perched on an 
other rock miles away knows that a car has entered this one-way 
traffic area. You will perhaps see him in fifteen or twenty min 
utes, after you twist around a dozen hairpin bends and climb a 
few hundred feet. At every turn you look down on a breath 
taking sight the blue gem that is Lake Kivu, with the smoking 
volcanoes at its upper end, one of which sends down a broad, im 
perceptibly moving avenue of lava to hiss in the water; at the 
lower tip of the lake the Ruzizi River noisily fights its way 



through rocky gorges on its way to Lake Tanganyika. You see 
vast plantations of coffee, cinchona, pyrethrum some rising to 
great heights on terraced mountains. 

On your way you will perhaps stop for a delicious meal at 
the Hotel des Volcans in Goma, or the excellent hostelry in 
Kisenyi run by a gracious Russian woman. While savoring the 
food and gazing at lovely Kivu, you will recall that just that 
same morning you watched Pygmies at their breakfast of cater 
pillar grubs and snakes. 

With all these contrasts in the course of a day, you will not 
be surprised to see seven-foot aristocrats from a civilization far 
more ancient than our own. By this rime you expect the unusual 
and Africa never fails to give it to you in full measure. Just 
as it has preserved Paleolithic man in the Ituri Forest, so it has 
preserved at least some aspects of an ancient culture Egyptian, 
Abyssinian? in the mountains of Ruanda-Urundi. The bas- 
reliefs of sacred cattle on the walls of an old Egyptian temple 
come to life in the million cows owned by the Watussi cows 
with graceful white horns of ten-foot span, cows whose heads are 
bejeweled, cows on whom the dignity of a great lineage rests as 
naturally as it does on their human masters. - 

Ruanda-Urundi is the heart of Africa, but a heart that 
seems to have been transplanted from another body because so 
many characteristics of this tiny area only twenty thousand 
square miles are strikingly different from the vast continent that 
surrounds it. It has the densest concentration of people of any 
area in Africa except Egypt, with two hundred humans to the 
square mile in comparison with the Congo's eight. In addition it 
contains and supports a million cows, a million goats, half a mil 
lion sheep animals for which there are not even names in some 
areas of the continent. In many ways the most civilized country, 
so far as the natives are concerned, it was just about the last 
part of the continent to be found 'by white men. The German 
Count von Gotzen discovered Lake Kivu and the lovely lands on 
its eastern shore in 1894. 

When you begin to think that Ruanda-Urundi is not typi- 


cally African, you must ask yourself just what is typically Afri 
can. Nothing, of course. Tropical jungle, veldt, desert, gently 
rolling hills, steaming malarial marshes Africa has them all. 
Ruanda-Urundi is just different from our stereotyped concept of 
Africa, which actually applies to only a small part of the conti 
nent. You might as well try to believe that any one section of 
America is typical of our nation Florida, the Rockies, New 
England, the Bad Lands, the Mojave Desert or Iowa. 

Ruanda and Urundi the words bring into focus on the 
cinemascopic screen of my mind not only scenery of incom 
parable beauty but actors perfectly cast to occupy such a stage, 
the patrician giants called the Watussi. But they are really only 
a handful of the inhabitants of this land, about twenty thousand 
out of a total of four million. Most of the balance are Bantus 
called Bahutu, dark-skinned, docile people of average height, 
apparently content to occupy a secondary role in the feudal caste 
system of these twin kingdoms. In addition, Africa tossed a 
touch of another race into the small pot Pygmies. To be ac 
curate, the Batwa are Pygmoids, for they are not a pure race like 
the Bambuti of the Ituri Forest. Nor are they as diminutive. At 
some point in history the Batwa interbred with some of the 
Bantu tribes, from which they borrowed eight or ten inches in 
height, so that they range from four and a half to five feet tall. 
Although occupying the lowest rung on the social ladder, the 
Batwa won some special positions for themselves in the old days 
as court executioners and jesters, for example. 

The Watussi are a minority, but the country is unmistaka 
bly theirs. They have molded it in their image not only socially 
but to some extent physically, for they caused thousands of 
square miles of forest to be razed to provide grazing land for 
their sacred cattle. The result, up to twenty-five or thirty years 
ago, was recurrent famine, for the terraced farms did not pro 
vide enough food when a bad year came along. The people who 
died, of course, were chiefly the inferior Bahutu and Batwa, so 
the lordly Watussi did not mind too much. There was some 
resistance when the governing Belgians started reforestation pro- 


grams and commanded increased production of profitable crops, 
among them the most flavorful coffee in the world. Famines, 
however, seem to be a part of the glorious Watussi past, and the 
aristocrats cooperate intelligently, but with a hint of conde 
scension, with the Belgian authorities. 

When you watch and talk with the Watussi King and the 
chief princess of his court, you know you are not dealing with 
uncivilized men, despite their lack of hydroelectric plants, refrig 
erators, and other technological gadgets. Indeed, you may feel 
that you are the representative of a raw, new civilization in 
specting a far older and more gracious culture. The Watussi 
know that they are aristocrats, and they have known it for 
centuries. There is no arrogance in them, as there might be in 
someone doubtful of his superiority and thus determined to 
prove it. 

The great height of Watussi men from six and a half to 
seven and a half or even eight feet has a great deal to do with 
this effect, of course, but even more impressive is the way they 
carry that height, the noble air that surrounds them. Some 
unusually tall men are gangling; the Watussi move gracefully no 
matter what they are doing, even when they tuck their long 
robes up around their waists and jump over a crossbar eight feet 
high. These robes are designed, too, to aid the aura of dignity 
and grace long flowing robes like a Roman Senator's toga, 
snowy white with sunbursts of gold or broad red stripes. They 
are simple and rich, draped just right on tall thin bodies. You 
never see a fat Watussi man or woman. On the other hand, all 
Watussi babies are fat, for they live on nothing but milk sweet 
or curdled until puberty. At that time the diet and the phy 
sique change. Milk in some form still occupies an important place 
in adult diet, but fermented honey is added, and bananas, oc 
casionally some meat, and a few vegetables. It must be a perfect 
reducing diet, in any event, for after puberty the Watussi men 
stretch up and up until they are tall and thin but not bony. 
Their hands and fingers are long, slim, almost delicately femi 
nine. A contributing factor here is the fact that those hands 


need never soil or toughen themselves with physical labor. All 
work in Ruanda is handled by Bahutu and Batwa. The Watussi 
manage their estates and see that their great herds of cattle are 
properly cared for; they go in for sports such as javelin-throwing, 
high-jumping, archery. A select group is trained from childhood 
as court dancers. Recently, under Belgian tutelage, they are be 
ing trained to become community and national leaders leading 
in the direction the Belgians designate. 

The grafting of western civilization on the sturdy tree of 
Watussi feudalism appears to be singularly successful. For one 
thing, the Belgians have gone about the task intelligently, tough 
of purpose but not of manner, determined but understanding. 
More important, a civilization existed in Ruanda-Urundi, with a 
stable government, a system of laws, a complex social structure, 
and a long tradition. Altering the nature of a civilization is 
easier than bringing a group of primitives quickly through the 
normally slow process of becoming civilized. 

For me personally, the westernizing of Ruanda has been 
too rapid. Not that I have anything against civilization as com 
pared with primitive life, for each has its merits and its faults 
aplenty. My private interest happens to be primitive people 
and the Watussi have not been that for many centuries. Still, 
they are picturesque, colorful, likable. But the change was so 
great between my 1937 trip and the 1946 journey that I did not 
care to return in 1954. 

In 1937 the young king, Rudahigwa, lived in the traditional 
Watussi inssu, a large domed structure of poles and thatch, 
circular except for a rounded growth on one side which served as 
a foyer, the interior divided into sleeping, eating, cooking sec 
tions by fiber mats that made me think of Japanese screens 
between rooms. In 1946 King Rudahigwa had moved into a 
brick and concrete house with flush toilets, picture windows and 
broadloom carpeting. Some lion and leopard skin rugs lay on top 
of the broadloom, and a few Watussi baskets and other art 
objects were visible, but the King's own possessions of this sort 
were not as attractive or as expertly made as several things I had 


brought home with me in 1937. When artistic ability and crafts 
manship deteriorate that much in nine years, you can be sure a 
culture is dying, even if it does so gracefully. 

Another significant change occurred between 1937 and 1946, 
in the king's name. His name had been Rudahigwa, upon com 
ing to the throne of Ruanda at the age of sixteen, when the 
Belgians ousted his father, King Musinga, for lack of cooperation 
and some cruel butchery. When Rudahigwa ascended the 
throne, another name was added, as was always done with new 
kings. A council of Watussi elders selected the name which was 
chosen with great care so as to inform the new king what 
direction his reign was supposed to take. In the distant past, at a 
time of trouble between many Watussi clans, one king had been 
named Mazimpaka, "the peace-maker." Another had been called 
Lwabugiri, "the conquering hero," when new territory was 
desired. Rudahigwa was designated Mutara, "the reformer" or 
"the evolutionist," which was a plain instruction to abandon the 
dictatorial methods of his father and lead the way to beneficent 
collaboration with the Belgians and the new civilization. 

In 1937, the king, or Mfwaml^ I met and talked to was 
called Mutara III Rudahigwa. But by 1946 he had become a 
Christian and added several names to underline not only a 
religious but a cultural conversion. He was Mwami Mutara III 
Charles Leon Pierre Rudahigwa, no less, thirty-ninth ruler in a 
dynasty that can trace its line clearly back about four hundred 

Many changes followed. Rudahigwa, for example, would 
never collect thirty wives, as his father had done, or even the 
two or three that were almost a minimum for any Watussi lord. 
Nor would he find his bed warmed, on a chilly evening, by the 
court virgins. The preceding thirty-eight rulers of Ruanda had 
always chosen several comely maidens from among the daugh 
ters of Watussi princes for this honorable chore; they merely 
occupied his bed for half an hour before he retired, to take the 
chill off. I suppose that Rudahigwa has replaced them with an 
electric blanket which is undoubtedly more efficient. Certain it 


is that the Watussi tradition of incestuous relationships is al 
most dead, although there is some talk of occasional secret 
indulgence. According to the Watussi legend of the creation of 
the world, the first man descended from heaven and took his 
sister as his wife. Here is another feature of Watussi culture that 
reminds one of the ancient Egyptians. 

Mwami Rudahigwa is a pleasant, unaffected, and intelligent 
young man who has worked hard at his role of ruler under the 
aegis of the Belgians. And for the son of a king with absolute 
life-and-death power, he has made the transition from autocracy 
to a kind of constitutional monarchy swiftly and smoothly. In 
his case, of course, the restrictions on his power are not from a 
people's constitution but from Belgian regents; from his point 
of view it makes little difference. He is primarily a symbol for 
his people, the one who, by example, must try to lead them into 
new ways. Ostensibly, he still owns all the land of the country, 
as the kings always have, but he would never dream of claiming 
it. He appoints local officials, promulgates new regulations, and 
administers the laws through native courts but all of this is 
done with the constant but inconspicuous advice of the Belgian 
Resident and the Belgian Vice-Consul General in charge of 
Ruanda and Urundi. An important part of his job is to try to 
preserve those aspects of Watussi culture which are not tabu in 
western civilization while rejecting the rest. Retain the costumes, 
which have always been sufficiently modest to meet the ap 
proval of missionaries except in the case of some women dan 
cers. Reject polygamy and incest and summary executions. Re 
tain the hierarchical caste system rigidly, for it is easily man 
aged. Retain the colorful dances and pageants, the sports of 
high-jumping and javelin-throwing. Indeed make a show of 
these aspects of Watussi life, for they attract tourists! 

And tourists there will be, increasingly and inevitably. 
Ruanda is far away, but planes have cut long distances to one- 
tenth. The service to Leopoldville and Stanleyville, in the 
Congo, is excellent, and now that airfields have been made near 
Usumbura and other spots in Ruanda-Urundi, travelers with 


enough money will find it easy and pleasant to reach this land 
which will delight even the blase tourists who have been every 
where. Scenery, climate, two thousand miles of acceptable roads, 
several good hotels and more will be built as needed plus 
personable, colorful and untroublesome tribesmen will bring in 
thousands of sightseers from Europe and America. 

July will be one of the best times, for near the end of this 
month the Watussi stage one of their biggest and most attrac 
tive festivals. I fervently hope that some promoter will not try 
to make a production of it, for when it is honest and natural it 
is a memorable sight. 

On my first trip I saw it from sheer luck, since I happened 
to arrive in Ruanda just a few days before it began. After driving 
over the spectacular Kabasha escarpment road with Cezaire in 
his old Chewy, we headed for the town of Kigali, not far from 
the small capital of Ruanda, called Nyanza. We knew that in 
Kigali we would find a mission of the White Fathers who were 
always hospitable and helpful. Not far from the mission, just as 
it was getting dark, I saw my first Mutussi (singular of Watussi) . 
Despite all I had read and heard about these giants, I was strongly 
impressed, for he was almost eight feet tall and his robe was 
resplendent. His triangular face with small black goatee, large 
soft eyes, his satiny bronze skin, tapering fingers, high-bridged 
straight nose, and strange hair-do calculated to increase the 
impression of great height everything about him was strik 
ing. His grave courtesy, when Cezaire asked him the way to 
the mission, spoke at the same time of warmth and reserve, 
friendliness and dignity. 

Father de Bekker, a sturdy, blue-eyed Hollander, welcomed 
us at the mission and introduced us to the rest of the brethren, 
bearded and impressive in their white robes. I could see why 
they and the Watussi had managed to get along well together, 
even though it had taken the White Fathers several decades to 
make much headway in their missionary work. They were pa 
tient but vigorous men, who used medicine as an entering 


wedge, followed by education of children. Religion, they felt, 
would follow. 

We shared an excellent meal with the Fathers, then looked 
forward to a good night's sleep, for Cezaire and I had covered 
much territory that day. Our good hosts, however, were hungry 
for human companionship from their own world, and wanted 
to talk. 

I found among my things a box of good cigars and passed 
them around. The brethren happily and gratefully took them,, 
lighted up, and relaxed for a couple of hours of conversation, 
ignoring the irrepressible yawns which emanated from Cezaire 
and me. 

In spite of my fatigue, I found the talk fascinating, for the 
Fathers were extremely well informed about the Watussi and 
their country. The big task, as they saw it, was education and 
education of a different nature from that needed among really 
primitive peoples. It would be a long time before the Watussi 
changed their views about their cattle, but such a change had to 
come. The first purpose of the land, in Watussi eyes, was to 
support the sacred cattle, even if it could not support human 
beings. If the cattle contributed something to the country's 
economy, that might be all right, but no one slaughtered these 
sacred animals. Even the first of the milk went to the calves to 
make certain they grew up strong and beautiful. Humans came 

Once rinderpest had periodically reduced the cattle popula 
tion, but under the Belgians and the White Fathers this plague 
had been almost eliminated. So now there were more cattle than 
ever. Cows were not only sacred, as in ancient times in the 
Egyptian cult of Apis, but they were the measure of wealth and 
social prestige. 

Father de Bekker felt certain that the old tradition of 
Watussi migration from Egypt many centuries ago was true. In 
some time of terrible drought, a noble clan with great herds of 
fine cattle sought better pasture lands to the south, walking 


across deserts and through heavy bush country until they finally 
reached Ruanda. The nomadic Bahutu and the few Pygmies 
who inhabited the region were easily brought under Watussi 
control despite their greater numbers. 

Like the Egyptians, the Watussi studied the entrails of 
chickens for omens of the future; they believed in the transmi 
gration of souls and used animals as clan totems. One claimed 
the chameleon, another the toad, while the totem of the royal 
family was the crested crane. The Watussi held the monkey in 
great reverence, as the Egyptians had Anubis. According to 
legend all legends were passed down by a special court group 
called "the 'makers of intelligence" an early Watussi king, 
trapped by enemies in a cave, had been led to safety by a 
monkey. Another special group appointed by the king, called 
"the men of the cavern," had the duty of protecting and safe 
guarding monkeys. Still another clan had charge of an eternal 
fire, since fire had been given to an early Mutussi Prometheus 
by the gods. 

After chapel and breakfast the next morning, Cezaire and I 
inspected the workshop of the White Sisters, who were oversee 
ing the making of rugs a fine Watussi craft in danger of disap 
pearing, just as calico was threatening the superb cloth made 
by Watussi. Only the beautiful, conical baskets with their mod 
ernistic designs were still being made as much as ever. Nine 
years later, I was to see that even that art had waned somewhat. 

Near the main mission house, we encountered four Bahutu 
carrying on their cushioned heads a matshela, or palanquin 
made of woven fibers in the shape of a long basket. When the 
Bantus set it down, a tall woman stepped from it, and I met 
Kangazi, one of the thirty wives of the deposed King Musinga, 
,who had been exiled only a few miles away, in Kamembe. Al 
though Watussi women are not nearly as tall as the men, I 
would guess that their average height is considerably above that 
of American women. Kangazi wore a traditional crescent head 
dress and plaited fiber rings from ankle to knee an old custom 


that seems to be dying out. They certainly add nothing to the 
grace or attractiveness of the women. 

It was rather unusual for me to meet a Mutussi woman in 
this way. They generally live in almost Moslem seclusion and in 
public are extremely shy, trying to efface themselves and saying 
nothing. Being a wife of a deposed king must have made some 
difference, for Kangazi was at ease, forthright and pleasant. She 
willingly posed for me and then agreed to accompany me the 
short distance to Nyanza, where Mwami Rudahigwa lived and 
held court. 

In 1946, it was necessary for me to arrange my meeting 
with the king through the Belgian resident, and nowadays mere 
tourists do not gain an audience with Watussi royalty. In a way, 
he is a showpiece, but he is also much more than that Back in 
1937, however, there were not many visitors, and they were 
always welcomed warmly which usually meant a visit with the 
king. He still lived in his domed inzu and, although surrounded 
by numerous princely attendants, he was accessible. On this 
occasion, when Kangazi and I arrived before his home she 
traveling in style in her basket-litter and I walking by her side, 
King Rudahigwa came from his house and greeted me with a 
handshake. Over seven feet tall, dressed in robes that were 
resplendent but not more so than others of his court, he was 
imposing but set me at ease immediately. Not a handsome man, 
chiefly because of teeth that protrude slightly, he looked alert, 
intelligent, and every inch a leader. 

We talked for a while in French Rudahigwa's command of 
the language being perfect and mine quite halting and then I 
presented him with a black silk umbrella and a small silk Ameri 
can flag. He seemed pleased, and fondled the flag gently, almost 
as a woman might a lovely handkerchief. I did not know if he 
was just being polite or if he really liked my gifts, for it is not an 
easy task to choose a present for a king, even an African king. 
People who are accustomed to giving shiny trinkets to Africans 
must not include the Watussi aristocrats in that classification. I 


heard of a traveler who visited Nyanza shortly after Rudahigwa 
ascended the throne. After an interview with the king, the 
European produced some miserable dime-store jewelry, which 
he distributed to the king and his royal entourage. Rudahigwa 
thanked him as politely as he would if the baubles had been 
priceless gems, but after the visitor left the Watussi, with ex 
pressions of contempt, tossed the trinkets to their Bahutu serv 

Mwami Rudahigwa showed me the great ceremonial drums, 
most sacred possessions of the race, which are supposed to 
accompany him wherever he goes. Drums are the heartbeats of 
Africa big drums, little drums, slit drums made from hollow 
logs that boom high when struck at one end and boom low at 
the other, drums that are beaten with sticks, drums that are 
pounded, drums that are rubbed. They play for dances, play for 
feasts, summon the men to council and to war, announce the 
arrival of the chief, and send out long messages. In Ruanda, the 
royal drums have names. Three of them Ishakwe, Inyahura and 
Inumvu are beaten each morning to announce that the King 
has awakened and all the Watussi must wake. They announce 
his retirement, even though he has usually not gone to bed, and 
nobody else goes to bed then. But it is tradition, and Rudahigwa 
insists upon preserving the good traditions of his race. 

The most sacred of all Watussi drums is the Kalinga, sym 
bol of authority of the king. It is the equivalent of crown, 
sceptre, and seal. When the Belgian authorities finally had to 
rid themselves and the country of Musinga, they took away the 
Kdinga and kept it safely guarded. Without the drum, Musinga 
lacked all power, all prestige, all authority over the Watussi, 
and he knew it. He gave up without a fight. In a short time, 
when Rudahigwa was made king, the Kalinga was produced and 
given to him. With this, he and his followers both knew that he 
was truly the vnivomi. 

At the end of my visit with King Rudahigwa, he invited me 
to attend the great festival involving the presentation of the 
sacred cattle, dancing, high-jumping, and other celebrations that 


would take place in three days. Only two or three times yearly- 
are such ceremonies held, and I had luckily arrived in Ruanda 
just in time. 

During those few days I observed, talked, traveled, took 
pictures. Among other short trips about the country, I went to 
call upon the deposed king, Musinga, who lives in an unpre 
tentious inzu, comfortably but not lavishly provided for through 
an allowance from his successor-son. Even taller than his son, 
and much homelier, Musinga seemed to be a sour, embittered 
man, but he greeted me warmly, then asked, "Have you any 
medicine for my eyes?" Cataracts contributed largely, I decided, 
to the unpleasant expression he always wore, and he looked 
quite disappointed when I told him I had no medicine for his 
condition. He tried to show off, then, by reciting a few fumbling 
sentences in German, a language which no doubt recalled for 
him his days of power and glory. Ruanda and Urundi had been 
part of German East Africa until World War I, during which 
Belgian forces from the Congo had helped defeat German 
forces in Africa. Ruanda-Urundi had been given to Belgium 
as a mandated territory under the League of Nations, continued 
by the United Nations. I found remarkably few evidences of the 
long German occupation of Ruanda and Urundi; all I can recall 
right now, in fact, are those feeble and futile efforts of Musinga 
to speak the foreign sounds associated with more than twenty of 
his thirty-six years of kingship. By the time I left, I found my 
self feeling a little sorry for the lonely old dictator, who must 
have sensed rny thoughts, for he presented me with a particularly 
fine example of Watussi basketry. 

The royal ceremonies at Nyanza were even more spectacular 
than I had anticipated. Mwami Rudahigwa, in the first place, 
was more resplendent than ever, in magnificent white robe and a 
beautiful headdress with dangling pearl strands and crest of 
white monkey fur and feathers. Beside him were ranged about 
seventy-five of the chief Watussi nobles. Among them I saw a 
few men who stood out because of their normal height and I 
learned that for unusual services in the past some Bahutu and 


even Batwa families had been admitted to the Watussi aris 

This line-up was a sort of reviewing stand at one side of a 
huge field, awaiting the presentation of the long-horned cattle- 
some of those belonging to the king himself, called Inyambo, 
and others belonging to other Watussi, called Insanga. On the 
sidelines were hundreds of Bahutu and Batwa tribesmen, some 
to act their parts in the state ceremony, others to watch the 
magnificent show. Even the trees not far from the field were 
filled with clusters of Bahutu who had scrambled up for a good 

Before I started taking pictures, I saw that the king held in 
his hand the small silk flag I had given him several days before. 
Behind him stood a servant with the black umbrella. 

The opening event of the spectacle was the high jump. 
Two slender straight reeds were stuck in the ground and a thin 
rod placed horizontally between them. On the ground in front 
of the jumping standard was placed the top of a hard anthill, a 
few inches high. Then a Watussi youth tucked his toga up 
around his waist and raced about twenty steps unbelievably 
long strides toward the standard. On the last stride his foot 
reached the anthill, which served as a kind of hard springboard, 
and he leaped upwards over the bar, using the technique that had 
come into American sports only a couple of decades before. The 
bar was first set, I guessed, at about five and a half feet, and all 
the jumpers there were five or six cleared it by at least a foot. 
It was elevated rapidly, and in sizable moves, until it rested at 
more than eight feet. All jumpers sailed over the bar just as 
easily as before. 

I thought, as has every traveler witnessing the Watussi 
high-jumping, that a team should go to the Olympic Games 
some time. They would not be allowed to use the little mound 
to leap from in international competition, but I imagine they 
could get accustomed to its absence with a little training. And I 
have no doubt they could break all records by several inches. 

The next track and field event of the day was archery, in 


which some Bahutu and Batwa took part as well as Watussi. I 
was not nearly so impressed, for I have friends at home who 
could have beaten these Africans in a sport that they should 
have excelled in. The bows of the Watussi were very large, but 
their accuracy in hitting the target was nothing special and not 
up to that of the Batwa Pygmies, with their tiny bows and 

They must have sensed that they really were not superior in 
this field of sport, for before and during the archery there was 
exhortation on the part of the spectators, including the king, 
and prayerful self -stimulation on the part of the contestants. 
They petted their bows, stroked their arrows, talking soothingly 
to them as a gambler might to his dice before the throw. And 
after all this, few arrows hit the bull's-eye. Near the end of the 
archery contests, one of the White Fathers was invited to join 
in. He did, and hit the bull's-eye to the cheers of all the as 
sembled Watussi, Bahutu, and Batwa. 

Finally came the most important ceremony of the after 
noon, from the Watussi point of view the presentation of the 
sacred cattle. The impressive creatures had gathered in a clearing 
not far from the exhibition field, and when I looked there I saw 
a forest of white horns. The cows were even on this occasion 
dignified and quiet, lowing gently occasionally but never making 
a spectacle of themselves. They reminded me of elderly aristo 
cratic ladies or dowager queens, conscious of their importance 
and all the proprieties that must be observed on this state 
occasion. I suppose they are well behaved at all times, but they 
apparently sensed that they were part of something special. 

Each cow had its own attendant, or groom, who led it be 
fore the king and his court, talking to it soothingly all the time, 
waving away flies that might annoy it. These grooms, as special 
favors for performing such an important task, are permitted to 
drink the cow's milk, but no one else may drink the milk of the 
king's cows, the Inyambo* The grooms had certainly done an 
exacting job in preparing the cows for this occasion. Their coats 
glistened in the sun, the result of careful rubbing with butter. 


Their long curving horns looked like the finest ivory, due in 
part to the painstaking polishing with fine sand. Each cow's 
forehead was decorated with a head-dress of pearls and fine 
embroidery and the rips of horns were gay with colored tufts of 

The cows were not uniform in color, some being red and 
white, some black and white, others red and light gray. They 
were all big animals, with surprisingly thin legs, straight backs, 
and long dewlaps, but one scarcely noticed features other than 
the startling horns. Some had a span of close to twelve feet, but 
in spite of their great size the cows carried them as if they were 

As each animal was presented, its groom cried out its quali 
ties, gesticulating, jumping up and down, beating the ground 
with his staff. Soon all were jabbering at once in high, shrill 
voices, extolling the length of the horns, the progeny, the sires, 
the sleekness of the coat. The ruler and his assembled nobles 
discussed each animal thoughtfully and carefully. The vocabu 
lary of the Watussi is rich in words of many subtle shadings, 
used only to describe cows. 

The presentation of the cattle took a long time. I began to 
find it rather tiresome, and was eager to see the dancing which 
I knew would follow. 

I've watched dancing in most of the countries I've visited, 
for dancing is often more truly revealing of a group's feelings 
and heritage than any other activity. The barrier of language 
does not exist when a "foreigner" looks at people dancing. Like 
music, art and mathematics, the dance is a universal language. 

Actually, much dancing by primitives is disappointingly awk 
ward, even tame. Many times have I looked forward to a dance 
when I heard the first rhythmic beats of drums and perhaps the 
piping of strange horns, only to witness a half-hearted shuffling 
of the feet, with a few steps forward, a few steps back. Half of 
the Indian tribes of South America danced this way, and even 
the head-hunting Jivaros were not exciting except in their 


dramatic ceremony, the tsmtsa, celebrating the capture and 
shrinking of an enemy head. The Bororos of the Mato Grosso 
were thrilling chiefly because of their magnificent head-dresses, 
costumes, and body decorations. The Pygmies of the Ituri For 
est had been electrifying in their pantomime dance re-enacting 
the killing of the elephant; their general dances in the evening 
were full of verve and abandon, plenty of joy and noise, but 
they were not really graceful and carried no meaning beyond a 
happy release of emotions. 

But the Watussi they are real dancers! Jivaros, Bororos, 
Pygmies and all primitives would gasp with amazement and 
admiration if they could watch the Watussi dance. And they 
would bring down the house in Paris, London, New York, Co 
penhagen or Moscow, One secret is the tall elegance of all 
Watussi, another the beautiful costuming which is designed to 
enhance and accentuate the movements of the dancers. But the 
primary reason for their superiority is that they are professional 
dancers, trained from childhood to dance for the entertainment 
of the king and his court. Such cultural achievements seem to 
occur only in societies in which there is an aristocracy, a court 
rich enough to pay for the special terpsichorean training of a 
certain class of young men. The result is ballet with all the 
controlled grace of that highly developed art, plus the dynamic 
fire of elementary savagery, of war, of the hunt. And all this on 
an open-air stage of several acres, at an altitude of six thousand 
feet, against a backdrop of far-ranging mountains and equatorial 

At the outset, I was somewhat disappointed, for the 
Indashyikuvw, or Insurpassable Ones, consisting solely of 
Watussi dancers, did not open the dancing program. The first 
were a group of Bahutu women, who filed slowly onto the field 
to the accompaniment of drums, cymbals, some reed instru 
ments with a nasal whine, and low mellow woodwinds made of 
gaily decorated ox horns. Most of the musicians were Batwa 
Pygmies, with some Bahutu beating drums so tall that Pygmies 


could barely have reached them. Like the dancing, the music 
was somewhat more elaborate, with a greater variety of instru 
ments, than that of most primitive groups. 

The Bahutu women were dressed in calico sarongs which I 
felt sure were a recent addition to the festival, introduced no 
doubt by the White Fathers who had not, happily, been able to 
cover the beautiful bodies of the Watussi women who followed. 
The dances of both groups were little more than a rhythmic 
stepping and so far as the Bahutu were concerned bouncing. 
But the tall, slender yet rounded figures of the Watussi women 
were so lovely and every movement was so much the embodi 
ment of dignified grace that watching them was a pleasure. 
Narrow bands of antelope hide hugged the girls' slender hips so 
low that I wondered how they stayed up; from them dangled a 
skimpy fringe of twisted strips of fur. A single strand of pearls 
around the neck completed the costume* 

The women dancers were followed by some solos performed 
by Batwa Pygmies, the most striking of which was a pantomime 
of simplicity and dramatic power. A long strip of papyrus was 
placed on the ground to represent a snake, then onto the scene 
staggered a Batwa, clutching his short spear in one hand and 
bent over as if carrying a heavy burden, Suddenly he saw the 
make and jumped back in fear and surprise. Putting down his 
load, he decided to kill the snake and approached it cautiously. 
As he was about to thrust with his spear he leaped backward, as 
if the snake had struck, and his stomach muscles twitched with 
fright. Again he moved forward, stabbed at the snake and 
missed, leaped back and circled around. Finally as the drums 
built to a climax, the Pygmy impaled the snake triumphantly 
and danced around it. 

A group of Bahutu dancers led by a Mutussi were gcxxi, but 
their dance was erased from my mind by the breathtakiag 
spectacle that followed Fifty or more tall and lithe Watussi 
dancers rushed onto die field to the equivalent of a rolling fan 
fare fmn die orchestra and their own war whoops. The dancers 
wtrt drtssed in rich costumes crossed bands over the chest 


of embroidery and pearls, leopard-skin bands about the waist 
from which dangled thin strands of fur, leather anklets with 
small bells attached, a collar of more beaded embroidery and a 
ring of white monkey fur, and a plumed head-dress like a lion's 
mane that tossed gracefully with each movement of the head. 

As the dancers ranged themselves in rows, each man about 
ten feet from his neighbor on either side, the leader leapt into 
place before them. He was Butare, son of one of the highest 
Watussi princes and a minister at the king's court, one of the 
BirUy or council of elders. He was clad much like the others 
except that he wore a toga of flaming red cloth of very fine 
texture. When it swirled about his legs, it looked like the leaping 
flames of a fire. Butare's white teeth flashed in a happy smile as 
he led his dancers, and part of the beauty of the spectacle came 
from the joy that animated the performers. 

I have no hesitancy in saying that, in his prime, Butare 
was the outstanding dancer of Africa. He made leaps of astound 
ing length and grace, leaps in which he floated through the air 
in defiance of the law of gravity. Every muscle of his body 
contributed to each gesture, each movement; the toes, the fin 
gers, the arch of the supple neck, the flashing eyes all spoke the 
same message. The skirt, the streaming head-dress, the long 
staff in his hand each item became an extension of the dancer's 
body as he advanced to the charge, swerved and retreated* 
whirled and thrust again in an increasing frenzy of combat 
climaxed, of course, by victory over the enemy and an exultant 
pirouette of triumph. 

While they rested briefly the dancers sang a song of praise 
of their king, then took their places for a dance of an entirely 
different quality and flavor one that pantomimed the morions 
of the crested crane, symbol of the ruling family. Here there was 
much delicate, graceful stepping in which the long-legged 
cranes should have felt flattered by the actions of the more 
attractive long-legged Wattissi, whose flowing head-dresses be 
came for the moment the crests of the noble birds. In another 
dance they were the manes of pouncing lions. In the final dance, 


called "the thundering legion" the dancers became an advanc 
ing army, proud, irresistible, sweeping all before it. Their feet 
stamped the earth so hard that clouds of dust arose from the 
field, and I felt the ground shake beneath me. They chanted as 
they danced, and so did all the musicians and the Batwa and 
Bahum dancers. Throughout the entire series of dances, a 
special group on the sidelines whose duty was to act as cheer 
leaders, had urged the dancers on to greater and greater efforts, 
but for the final dance they screamed for the display of the last 
ounce of energy by the terpsichorean chorus. And they gave it 
everything, until 1 was limp and exhausted when the festival 
suddenly ended. The dancers trouped off, panting but smiling 
with pleasure, and the dust slowly settled back to earth under 
the hot sun. I looked happily down at my camera, for in it lay 
the first colored pictures ever taken of the Watussi dancers. 

After such a spectacle, it is not surprising that in 1946, 
when I was taking pictures for "Savage Splendor,'* Ruanda was 
the first objective on my long itinerary. Actually, it w r as planned 
for the second, for I had intended to drive from Stanleyville 
down to the Kasai, where I would film the artistic Bakuba. But a 
truck delayed in its journey up the river, difficulties with a 
cameraman, and other troubles which I like to forget inter 
vened, and the Bakuba were postponed. Memory is a wonderful 
thing; it can so easily given a little time wipe out two weeks of 
worry, problems, frustration and no film, in order to concentrate 
oil a few days of pleasure and accomplishment. 

The point was that I had to be in Ruanda by July twenty- 
first, when the big ceremonies would be held. When my depar 
ture for the Kasai was delayed, I had to pass it tip entirely in 
order to make certain of filming the Watussi. So I flew one 
thousand miks up the Congo River to Stanleyville, rented a 
truck, and arrived in time. Mwami Rudahigwa was just getting 
cyrer a ix>ot of malaria, but he greeted me with warmth and 
recalled serreral wdidcm of my first visit. The Belgian resident 
was most helping tnd I obtained good films of all the ceremo 
nies. Actually* the im shots of the catde and of the Watussi 


dancers were somewhat disappointing, because we could not get 
up high enough to show the whole scene well. When I men 
tioned this to the territorial administrator after the first day of 
shooting, he consulted with Rudahigwa, had a platform built, 
and called the dancers and cattle-tenders to repeat their per 
formances, which they did gladly and with even more spirit, I 
thought, than on the first day. 

I was most pleased, during my 1946 trip, about my "suc 
cess" with Watussi women. These pleasant creatures are rarely 
seen by outsiders. They are reserved, aloof and never filmed 
Except for my chance meeting with Kangazi and my pictures 
of women dancers, I had enjoyed nothing but a formal intro 
duction to any Watussi lady. Yet I knew that they occupied 
very important positions in the world of Ruanda. Watussi 
women are not the beasts of burden and the drudges of all work 
that women of other African tribes are. They are never forced 
to marry against their will, for example, and they have the right 
of divorce. Husbands treat their wives as companions, as equals, 
as persons of intelligence to be consulted on all affairs pertaining 
to the family. They weave beautiful basketware, some of it so 
fine that baskets may be used to contain liquids. They weave 
lovely cloth and oversee the management of the home and the 
bringing up of the children. But they do no menial tasks. 

The coming of dvilization has produced a strange effect on 
this relationship between Warossi men and women. Usually 
one of the most praiseworthy efforts of missionaries and Euro 
pean colonial administrators in Africa is to attempt to improve 
the lot of women, who in most tribes are chattels, just so much 
property. But in Ruanda, where women already occupied a fa 
vored position, just the reverse is happening. Many Watussi 
young men are being educated in fine schools, trained to become 
leaders of their communities. They learn French, many skills, 
and the sort of thing that one gets in a liberal aits college. But 
their daughters and their wives have no Belgian schook They 
cannot understand or speak when French is spoken in their 
homes, as it is increasingly. They have less in ccmmon with 


their husbands than before the Belgians came. The Watussi 
men do not like it, and they are beginning to say so. The 
Belgians have in general been so alert to situations like this that 
I have no doubt they will soon find ways to bring the Watussi 
women along the road to civilkation in company with their 

It was the Belgian administrator in Ruanda, who, after 
consulting with Rudahigwa, made it possible for me to visit 
with several Watussi ladies and to take motion pictures of 
them. Even with his help and Rudahigwa's permission, it was 
not an easy task for me to gain their cooperation. I could not 
pay them or give them gifts as an incentive. I had to ask them to 
inconvenience themselves and go through something no Watussi 
women ever had, merely to be kind, to help me show the out 
ride world what Watussi women are and what they do. At first 
they agreed, but with reluctance. As the filming of scenes over a 
period of several days continued, however, they became more 
and more friendly, though always reserved. In the end, I was 
able to get pictures of them being carried in their palanquins by 
their Bahutu servants, as if on a trip to visit friends; then the 
meeting with friends and gathering together in the compound 
of one of their houses. I took pictures of several of them weaving 
baskets, another of them playing games, another of servants 
bringing them food. They understood through all this that I 
wanted them to re-create normal scenes, and they acted quite 
natural. When I asked them to pose having a talk with me, 
they agreed but pointed out that it was not a normal scene. 

My admiration for them grew the more I saw them, worked 
with them, and talked to them. Rarely have I seen such poise, 
natural and without affectation. 

When I was leaving and trying ineffectually to express my 
grsrinide to the ladies, they thanked me instead, and one of 
them presented inc with a gift a low, hand-carved stool which 
I had admired* It was really a touching gesture. I had come to 
Africa m search of die primitive and here had encountered 

good manners tad generosity as are rarely surpassed 


The irony of it is that when the time came to cut the 
thousands of feet of movie film down for "Savage Splendor," 
almost all of my rare pictures of the Watussi ladies were omitted. 
Not enough action, Hollywood said, and Hollywood must have 
exciting action. But I still retain my satisfaction in the mem 
ory of the rewarding hours spent with my charming Watussi 


jffc ' - 

Fishermen, Artists, and 
Femmes a Plateau 

r I *HERE is no place like Africa for a study of the human 
JL race in all its diversity of shape, color, size and features 
and in the infinite variety of dress, decoration, architecture, art, 
religion, morals and manners. Africa was the home of perhaps 
the greatest of ancient civilizations, and it is still the home of 
men of the Old Stone Age. It contains more different racial 
groups and languages than any other continent perhaps more 
than all other continents combined. If you were to spend just 
one week with each distinct tribe in Africa, you would be visit 
ing for more than eight years. Obviously, all generalizations 
about Africans are bound to contain more error than truth. No 
one person has even seen more than a small fraction of the hun 
dreds of different kinds of tribesmen. 

We Americans think of our country as containing many 
different racial stocks, but we haven't a tenth of Africa's human 
ingredients* Some of these have apparently remained fairly pure, 
but most have intermingled in an uncountable number of 
blends. Except for the desert areas, the continent presents few 
barriers to human movement; the races of Africa have been mov 
ing back and forth for centuries, conquering, being conquered, 
intermarrying or running away. There were Bushmen, Pygmies, 
West African Negroes, Banra, Sudanese and Nilotic Negroes, 
Hamites, Semites and the perhaps- White Berbers of the north. 
There are countless mixtures of all these, such as the Hottentots 

tine probably t blend of Bushman, Negro, and Hamite; the 



Masai who are Hamite and Negro; the Batwa who are Pygmy 
and Bantu; Ethiopians who are Hamite and Semite, with some 
Negro; the Tibbu who are Berber and Negro; the Luo who are 
Nilotic and Bantu. The Azande and the Mangbetu are usually 
called Sudanese, but they probably intermingled with the Fula 
who were in all likelihood a mixture of Berber and Negro. The 
aristocratic Watussi are pure Hamite surrounded by Bantu and 
Pygmy* and blends of those two. 

As if a continent with four or five hundred tribes was not 
varied enough, Africa has welcomed Arabs, Persians, Turks, In 
donesians, Indians, Chinese, plus French, English, Dutch, Span 
ish, Italian, German, Belgian, and Danish traders, missionaries, 
conquerors and settlers, some of whom added their blood 
streams to the racial rivers of Africa. 

Languages? There are over three hundred not counting 
dialects. A few trade languages have in the past century spread 
over large areas, although there are variations in dialects of these 
tongues. On the other hand, one can find small areas with half a 
dozen villages within fifty square miles where four or five dif 
ferent basic languages are spoken. 

Most of Africa has no recorded history, in contrast to one 

O f it Egypt which has just about the longest history pos 
sessed by the human race. There was ancient Carthage, too, and 
the later Roman encirclement of the Mediterranean, followed in 
the Middle Ages by a thriving Arab civilization which even in 
vaded Europe. But all of these were along the 0ortJhermiM)st 
edge of the continent and may not even be ccmsidered as char 
acteristically African. 

From central and southern Africa we have no records. The 
British found a strong and well-organized kingdom in Uganda 
when they first wrat there, bot it was not an advanced civilka- 
tion by our standards, Other tribes, such as the Zulu and the 
Basoto, organized themselves into strong ooaf ederatioas, chiefly 
to oppose white men's encroachments. Almost every tribe has its 
legends which may well be founded in history, but it is difficult 
to tell how far back they go. The Pygmies of the Ituri Forest, 


for instance, say that their people originally came "from the 
North," but when and how far north no one has the faintest 
idea. Ethnologists and anthropologists can figure out many an 
swers as to which group is related to which and who inter 
married with whom; they can even make pretty good guesses as 
to the movements of some groups. And that is probably all the 
history we shall ever have for most of Africa and its peoples. 

In some ways, the lack of known history makes visiting 
African tribes more interesting. You have no preconceptions 
such as you might get from reading a history of a people before 
seeing them. Most of us, however, have other preconceptions so 
firmly rooted that we cannot eradicate them easily. We have a 
mental picture of a "typical African native 1 ' with dark skin, 
kinky hair, flat broad nose, big mouth, prognathous jaw, few 
clothes, many superstitions, a dislike of work or responsibility, 
a wonderful sense of rhythm, a childlike gaiety. A few Africans 
are like that, some are totally unlike that, others have some of 
these traits. If you can manage to wipe the preconceptions from 
your mind, you will find the tribes of Africa fascinating, con 
tinually surprising, always different from each other and from 
everything else you've known. 

Even if you confine your visiting to a small area, you will 
find amazing variety. Although I have traveled widely in North 
Africa and South Africa, I have concentrated on the central belt 
made op chiefly of the Belgian Congo, Ruanda-Urundi, Uganda, 
Kenya and Tanganyika. Even here I found every kind of terrain 
and climate and almost every kind of human being. There are 
hundreds of different tribes drawn from four basic human stocks 
and scores of combinations of these stocks. Let's restrict the 
territory even more and look only at the Belgian Congo, where 
there are Bantu, Nilotic and Sudanese Negroes, plus Hamites, 
Semites, and Pygmies with blendk There are Baluba, Bakuba, 
Batenda, Babali, Bambde, Babtra, Bahavu* Barobuba, Bakele, 
Bakmu, Btscmge, and a dozen more beginning with B#, which 
is t common prdix meaning "people.** There are the hot- 
tempertd Wakiadti, who are tall and long-legged like most Ni- 


lotics but not as tall as the Hamitic Watussi. Other Nilorics are 
the Alur, the Logo, the Lugware and the Kakwa. Then there are 
the Sudanese, among whom the Azande and the Mangbetu are 
the best-known tribes and these are quite different from each 
other in language and costume and culture. 

There are Walese, Wanande, Warega, Wazimba, Wasongola, 
Walengola, Wanianda, Wagenia and others whose tribal names 
begin with a second prefix, Wa, meaning "people" or "tribe." 
This great profusion of names is confusing enough for the out 
sider wondering where to go and whom to visit, and at first the 
confusion is doubled by the nature of the languages, which 
makes singulars out of plurals by changing prefixes. A man of 
the Babira tribe is a Mubira, and one of the Bambuti Pygmies is 
a Mamburi. A Walendu woman is a Mulendu, just as a Watussi 
princess is a MutussL 

For additional confusion there are the Bangwana, or Ar- 
abized natives found in the Eastern Congo. It is a little startling 
to come upon a community of dark-skinned men the women 
are rarely seen who are indistinguishable physically from most 
Bantu tribes but who wear flowing white robes and f ezzes. They 
are devout Moslems with their own schools for teaching their 
children the Koran a peaceful people who were once the 
scourge of this whole region. Their houses are easily recog 
nized, for they are whitewashed plaster, suggesting something 
from Morocco or other thoroughly Arab countries, 

How does one happen to find Moslem Bantos in sach a 
place? Well, many centuries ago, Arabs from Muscat and 
Oman, in the southeastern corner of the Arabian peninsula, 
traveled to the island of Zaimbar, off the eastern coast of Africa, 
These Arabs began to trade on the mainland, peoetratiiig 
deeper and deeper in search of ivory and other valuables. By 
force of arms they made some of die Africans carry the ivory 
back to the coast, where they sold die black men doog with 
the white ivory. It did not take the Arabs long to discover 
that they had found a httmaa gold mine more valuable rfmn 
any normal trade goods. The slave trade began in earnest. 


By the 18405, Arab slave traders had reached Lake Tan 
ganyika in the course of their bloody raids in search of slaves. 
Forty years later they controlled most of the eastern half of the 
Congo, but their armies consisted primarily of natives led by 
Arab. Bantu warriors by the thousands were converted to Islam, 
supplied with arms, and enlisted in the service of the Arab slave- 

Many Arabs intermarried with Bantu women, so among the 
Arabized natives were numerous blends of Arab and Bantu 
and these were natural leaders. 

The Arabized armies attacked Falls Station, now Stanley 
ville, in 1886, and the young new Free State of the Congo, 
founded by King Leopold of Belgium, decided that it had to 
wipe out Arab control and influence and also the institution of 
slavery or be wiped out in time, A bloody and costly eight-year 
campaign did the job, and Belgian authorities ruled unchal 
lenged. But here and there in the eastern Congo were groups of 
Arabked Africaiis, far from their original homes. Most of them 
settled down, but they retained their religion, their Arab dress 
and customs and much of the Arab cleverness in trade and 
barter. Stanleyville is the largest settlement of Arabises, al 
though there are many others. They have their own Sultan, who 
is recognized by the Belgian authorities as other native chiefs 

The Ar&Kss are scarcely to be considered a primitive tribe, 
or group, since they lived for some time under the "civilizing'* 
influence of slave-trading warriors, but they are interesting as 
evidence of the native African's ability to adopt new dress, cus 
toms, skills, and religion. And there are few tribes that are not 
changing today and changing f ast. The big push into Africa 
a last gigantic frontier for modern dvilizatioo which had for 
several decades touched the edges and easiest lines of interior 
iicatMW^ picked up speed m the twenties, gained mo- 
in die rf*ktie& The Second World War dekyed the 
of caiko and khaki ildbmigfa k a few spots it speeded 


things up. The Congo moved ahead in the mining areas because 
the Allies needed certain materials badly. And in the North 
eastern Congo a staggeringly difficult transportation operation 
was carried our. The little town of Paulls was a main terminal 
with more than three thousand trucks rolling out of it during 
the crucial months of the North African campaign. It had for 
some time been a center for Vicicongo the big company han 
dling most of the trucking throughout the Congo, There was a 
repair shop in Paulis, and a hotel The Mangbetu maintained 
by Vicicongo. But before the war, only a few tracks a day went 
in or out of Paulis. 

The war brought to Paulis road-builders, mechanics, tech 
nicians, drivers, and three thousand trucks plus tons of essen 
tial war materials which the trucks carried northeastward 
through the Belgian Congo, the Sudan and Egypt to the armies 
trying to drive back Rommel. The Axis forces had made the 
Mediterranean a precarious route at best, so it was essential to 
find alternate supply lines. Even the long, long one by ship to 
the mouth of the Congo, by rail and steamer up to Stanleyville, 
and by truck to Paulis and on to Egypt was worth trying. In 
1946 I found the truck roads to and out of Paulis quite good, 
with some pontoon bridges replacing the native ferries. On the 
other hand, the roads around Beni and Iramu, being off the 
lines of military communication, were far worse in 1946 than 
they had been in 1937. They had been neglected as almost 
everything was neglected for the war effort. But with the fight 
ing ended, the roads were soon repaired, new roads built, and 
the Belgian Congo raced ahead with the civilizing and mech 
anizing process at an incredible pace. The Congo is, of course, 
still strange, colorful and, in many areas, primitive and wild, 
but it is significant, I think, that on my last trip the only tribe 
I visited in the Congo was the Pygmies of the Ituri Forest. 

Even on my first two trips, or between them, I saw the first 
evidences of change* The younger mothers among die Maagbem 
no longer bound their babies* heads, and the teen-age Babtra 


girls wore no lip disks at least in those villages in closest and 
most regular contact with missionaries, doctors, officials and 

I visited some of the Babira tribe, near Bunia in the east 
ern Congo, in 1937 an ^ again in 1946 to take pictures for "Sav 
age Splendor." Most of us think of the Ubangi when we think of 
plate-lipped women, but the practice has been found among 
other tribes. The Babira "fe?nme$ a plateau" were friendly and 
delighted to have their pictures taken, proudly displaying their 
upper lips with three and four-inch disks inserted in them. I 
learned how the lips are made to accommodate the thin wooden 
saucers, but by 1946 there were no little girls wearing the small 
sticks which are first inserted in holes pierced in the lips, as 
many other people pierce their ear lobes. Sticks of larger and 
larger diameter are fitted into the lip hole, stretching the skin. 
By the rime a girl approached puberty the hole was large enough 
to accommodate a wooden disk about two inches across. I saw 
only one or two of this size, on my second trip, and by now I 
feel sure that only the old women will be found with plate 

One older woman had a rather small disk and a strange 
looking bump on the skin around it. The skin had been stretched 
so far and had become so thin and lifeless that it finally broke. 
She tied the two loose ends together, which made her take a 
smaller disk, of course. I touched the lip of one woman with a 
particularly large disk and found it as cold as if it were dead* 
Then I asked how the disk was held in place so that it stood out 
instead of hanging down in front of die mouth. The lady replied 
by removing the disk and I almost wished I was not so curious. 
The long loop of outer lip hung down to her chin, and through 
the big hole made by the disk I saw that the top four teeth had 
been polled out. The disk was held in place by the lip's pressing 
it firmly against dbe recess created between the two canine teeth. 
It was as ugly a sight as one might find on a human face, and I 
felt that the theory as to the origin of this practke must be true. 

The story is that btck in the days of the Arab slave-raiding, 


the men of the Babira tribe decided to make their women so 
unattractive that no slaver would want to steal them. The duck 
billed lip was the solution, and by the time the slave raids had 
ended the custom was so firmly established and custom is ev 
erything to primitives that it was continued. By that rime, per 
haps the Babira men thought undusuma^ or duck-billed women, 
were the only attractive females in the world. 

The trouble with this widely held theory is that such muti 
lations as stretching the lips usually go back in time far beyond 
the period of Arab slave raids. Furthermore, many African trite 
perform some kind of physical mutilation not essentially differ 
ent from this one, which just happens to strike us as particu 
larly ugly. On my third trip, I found a tribe in Tanganyika 
in which the men enlarged the lobes of their ears in this same 
way, eventually making the opening far larger that that in a 
Babira woman's lip. Only a few miles from the Babira village I 
saw Walese women with both lips pierced, and also the septum 
of the nose. They didn't bother to enlarge the openings to take 
big disks but inserted sizable ornaments of iron or other metal. 
I am inclined to think that, human vanity being what it is, some 
Babira woman in the dim past decided that if a little stick in 
the lip was a fine thing, a big stick would be even finer. Her 
neighbor decided to go her one better and stretched her lip even 
further, so it took a thicker stick, and so on until four-inch disks 
became the one item without which no sdf-respectibg Babira 
woman would be seen* 

Few visitors notice the men of the Babira tribe, so busy are 
they looking at plate lips. There is nothing physically distinctive 
about the men, but I talked to some of than after taking pic 
tures of a group and learned that some of the old men had 
fought Stanley when he first explored the Congo. Later they 
were won over by him and served as his bearers. 

I visited dozens of tribes, of course, too briefly to say any 
thing about them except what I happened to see. OIK; of these 
was the Baayali, near the Semliki River north of Lake Edward. 
In one village I happened to see two albino children a girl of 


fourteen and her younger brother and I was reminded at 
once of the numerous albinos I had seen and photographed 
among the San Bias Indians off the coast of Panama. Inbreed 
ing was supposed to have caused the white skin, almost white 
blond hair, and pinkish eyes among the Indians, and I assumed 
that the same reason held here among the dark-skinned Bantu 
Negroes. I located the parents and talked to them, learning that 
they had had four albino children in succession, then a normal 
dark-skinned child. Two of the albinos had died. While I was 
talking about this strange phenomenon extremely rare in 
Africa, so far as my observation is concerned I saw a young 
albino man walk into the village, to be welcomed in friendly 
fashion by everyone. He came from a neighboring Banyali vil 
lage, and was courting the fourteen-year-old girl I had first seen. 
As with the San Bias Indians, most albinos can find happiness 
only with other albinos. They have difficult problems, sen 
sitivity to sunlight and, above all, the stigma of being "differ 

Being different from the people of another tribe is, of 
course, aS right and serves usually to give anyone a feeling of 
superiority. What we do is right and good and has been done 
for hundreds of years; what other people do is different and 
therefore bad or at least not as good; therefore we are better 
than they are- It is a bit of unconscious rationalization that 
scons to work among modems as well as primitives. 

We envoys from civilization look at all the different tribes 
and decide that one is better than another, but we are judging 
by our standards and our judgments have no validity for anyone 
bat ourselves. I liked some tribes far more than others, found 
some more interesting than others, and by my standards 
tfaougbt sonic more intelligent and cultured than others. But I 
would not expect many Africans to agree with me. 

I like the Wagenia, for example, because the men have just 
about the most magnificent physiques I have ever seen, because 
rfiey display sod* skill, courage and joy in their unique method 


of fishing, and because I obtained some good shots for "Savage 
Splendor" among them. 

The Wagenia village I visited is just outside Stanleyville, on 
the shore near the cataracts of the Congo. It was startling to 
find a primitive tribe living in its age-old fashion so near a thriv 
ing, modern city. But the Wagenia are proud people, fond of 
fish, fishing, swimming, canoeing, and wearing few clothes. They 
too fought Stanley, the raiding Arabs, and almost anyone who 
sought to interfere with their way of life. They just ignore 
Christian missionaries. The Belgian authorities, when they took 
over the Congo, were smart enough not to try to change them. 
This technique has finally succeeded where outright opposition 
could not, for the Wagenias are finally changing. When I took 
pictures in 1946, only a few young men in the village wore some 
articles of European clothing. Nowadays a good proportion of 
the men in the village wear pants and/or shirt, taking them off 
for picture-taking and for a fee. 

On my 1946 visit, I made arrangements for accompanying 
the men in their daily visit to the fish traps at the cataract. In 
cidentally, the fish the Wagenia catch make delicious eating. 
The chief kind is the capitaine, or Kisangala, which is really a 
form of the Nile perch. They grow quite large, the record being 
about five hundred eighty pounds in weight. Catfish are also 
commonly snagged in the Wagenia traps, and these may run 
five feet long and weigh as much as two hundred pounds. 

On the morning I appeared, about one hundred fifty men 
and sixty boys showed up for my movies actually more than I 
could handle. But we all set out for the long, high-sided dugout 
canoes in high spirits. From the shore I could see the white 
foam at the cataract upstream. The Congo narrows somewhat at 
this point, but it is still a mighty, broad river with a tremendous 
quantity of water roaring over the ten-foot drop formed by a 
shelf of rocks and stony islands. The network of poles could 
be seen, too, and I wondered how the Wagenia fishermen ever 
managed to fix them in position in the midst of that torrent. 


During the dry season, I was told, the river drops con 
siderably and the water ambles mildly among the rocks of the 
ledge. The fishermen go out and repair broken poles, fix new 
ones deep in the river bed and wedge them between the rocks. 
Smaller poles brace the main supports and lianas tie the whole 
thing together in a strongly anchored set of fixtures to hold the 
traps. The traps themselves vary in size; some are ten or twelve 
feet in diameter at the open end; they taper down like a cone, 
where the fish are trapped. Made of saplings and lianas, they 
are tough and resilient. They are placed just below the surface of 
the water and are held in place by lianas tied to the poles. When 
the river rises and the water pours over the rocky cataract, it 
races with great force through the lattice-like traps. Fish are car 
ried into the traps by the swift current and are held pressed 
against the small closed end. 

The network of poles and traps extends from each bank of 
the river about two hundred yards toward the center, leaving 
an open stretch in the center of about a hundred yards. The 
Wagenias approach from below, paddling against the current to 
reach the traps, from twelve to eighteen men in each dugout. I 
climbed into a dugout, sitting on the thin gunwale near the 
stern, with one sturdy Wagenia specially delegated to hold onto 
me and keep me from falling overboard. I needed holding, too, 
for I held my camera in both hands, wondering if I could pos 
sibly get steady pictures in such a position in such a craft. 

As we pushed away from the shore, it was easy. The current 
was strong but smooth, and the men paddled with perfect 
rhythm that shot the dugout ahead steadily. I got one fine shot 
with the camera pointed straight ahead toward the bow, and 
the film, as seen in "Savage Splendor," shows the glistening 
dark-skinned backs of two rows of paddlers, their muscles grow 
ing taut and relaxing in regular tempo as the canoe moves to 
ward the cataract. 

A quarter of a mile below the ledge of rocks the water was 
more turbulent, rushing here, swirling in a small eddy there, 
catching the dugout a sideswipe a few yards farther along. My 


protector wrapped both arms tightly about my waist and held 
on, but I felt as if we both might get tossed out at any moment. 
I was in far greater danger, I'm sure, as we came within a few 
hundred feet of the cataract but by that time I was so excited by 
the roar of the waters, the boiling foam of the falls, and the 
increasing efforts of the paddlers that I forgot to be frightened. 
It seemed that we scarcely moved ahead, despite the grunting 
lunges of eighteen strong men against the paddles. But we crept 
up to the traps until the first paddler grabbed a pole, looped a 
tough liana around it to hold the dugout, and yelled back to the 
others to relax. They did this for about half a minute, then piled 
out into the cataract to search the traps for fish. They held on to 
poles, lianas, the traps themselves, of course, but the rushing 
waters tugged at them with fury. One man within ten feet of me 
slipped, and his head disappeared. I caught a glimpse of his 
body hurtling past me and cried out. But he grabbed the side of 
the next dugout, pulled himself up to the traps again and went 
back to work. 

I saw two or three others go under in the course of my half 
hour at the falls, but all saved themselves and kept on working. 
Never have I seen men swim so well or handle themselves in 
water so expertly against such great odds. Occasionally, I hear, 
a fisherman loses his grip and can't find another handhold. He 
goes tearing down the river about forty miles an hour, darting 
around boulders and rocky islands. He doubles himself in a 
ball for the worst waterfalls, then straightens out and finally 
swims to shore a couple of miles below. Almost never does a 
Wagenia fisherman lose his life in the river. 

The man at the bow of the dugout, my holder, and I were 
the only ones left in our craft, which swung this way and that 
with the water. I tried to take pictures of the men in the water 
pulling up the big traps and extracting the fish, which they 
tossed into the dugouts, but only a few feet of my shots here 
were steady enough to show anything clearly. On top of that 
difficulty, I realized that, at the stern of the dugout, I was a little 
too far below the main traps to get the best shots. I saw a 


small rock, about four feet across, near the bow of the canoe. It 
was a foot or so above the water most of the time, and although 
wet with spray seemed never to be completely submerged. 

Shouting above the roar and gesturing as well as I could, I 
finally made the men understand that I wanted to get out on 
the rock. They agreed, helped me to the bow of the dugout and 
over the side onto the rock. The spray stung my face, the water 
sloshed over my feet and threatened to trip me up, but I 
crouched and felt reasonably safe, especially after one of the 
men followed and held onto me. It was a perfect spot for shoot 
ing pictures of the Wagenia fishermen pulling up the huge 
traps, taking out three- and four-foot capitaines, fighting all the 
time against the torrents of water. 

After shooting for a while I looked toward the shore. I had 
stationed my cameraman at a good spot there and told him to 
take whatever he could with his telephoto lens. I was pleased 
to see that my rock was in line with his position, and I felt sure 
that he must have taken some footage of me in the dugout, 
then clambering onto the tiny rock in the middle of the cata 
ract. The telephoto lens would have shown me clearly enough. 
I could just visualize the finished sequence in the picture show 
ing me starting out with the fishermen from their village, then 
my shots of the paddlers in the canoe and our approach to the 
cataract. Then the scene would shift to the shots taken by my 
cameraman, showing the canoes from a distance, their near- 
ing the poles and traps, and finally my climbing out on the rock 
to take pictures. Cut next to my shots from the rock. It would 
be wonderful, and I already felt fully repaid for the risk. 

You can imagine, perhaps, how I felt when I returned to 
the Wagenia village an hour later, wet and completely ex 
hausted, only to have my cameraman say that he had not 
bothered to shoot me getting on the rock. He had not thought 
it would be interesting. 

He got some other excellent shots of the dugouts going up 
the river, of me photographing from the dugout while one Wa 
genia husky held onto me. Whenever I have looked at "Savage 


Splendor" I realize that one of the most dramatic shots of the 
Wagenia sequence is missing. But then so are dozens of other 
shots of even greater impact from other sequences. It seems to 
be an inevitable part of the business of making this kind of 
movie. There are no retakes, especially of the most dangerous 
and exciting events. You can't get a wild leopard, for instance, 
to make that ferocious charge just once more. For one thing, if 
it was a really ferocious charge, he is now dead. Nor do you ask 
a big herd of giraffes to come back and stampede once more, 
across the same plain where the light is just right. 

Picture-making is less difficult among the tribes whose chief 
occupations are not quite so active or hazardous especially 
when they live in areas with good light a few hours a day. Afri 
can groups famous for their art can be classed in the easy- 
picture category, and the outstanding among these are the 
Mangbetu, of Sudanese origin, and the Bakuba, a Bantu tribe 
living in the Kasai region of south central Congo Beige. 

Negro art, like Negro music, has wielded great influence in 
America and in Europe. Decades ago the continent was rather 
thoroughly scoured for portable art objects, but the best can 
seldom be carried off. Houses, council halls and furniture 
used and useful articles generally show a group's artistic soul 
more truly than objets cT#rt, and there are still plenty in Africa. 
One striking sign of the times, however, is the projected es 
tablishment perhaps it has come about by this time of a 
museum by the Bakuba, with the encouragement of the Belgian 
authorities. The ruler of that tribe has a most valuable collec 
tion which traders have not picked up, and it is a good idea that 
they will be preserved in the first thoroughly "native" museum 
in Africa, or at least Central Africa. 

The architecture and metalwork of the Mangbetu are 
beautiful but I was more attracted by their women. Just why they 
are so attractive is difficult to determine, but they undoubtedly 
have more sex appeal without being obviously erotic than any 
women of primitive tribes Fve seen. Perhaps they keep their 
figures longer. At any rate, the proportion of young women with 


slim hips, firm breasts, and lithe bodies is greater among the 
Mangbetu than among other tribes, where only women between 
about fourteen and twenty-three look attractive by our stand 
ards. Perhaps part of the appeal comes from the nekbwe, an 
oversize fan or undersize chair-seat worn like a bustle on the 
buttocks. When Mangbetu women dance actually a rather 
sedate and quiet dance except for soloists the nekbwe twitches 
and shifts slightly with every movement, with a most alluring 
effect. This is enhanced by the fact that the nekbwe itself is 
usually very pretty, being made of woven fibres somewhat like 
raffia in geometric or other designs in various colors. 

But it cannot be the nekbwe alone or its movements that 
make Mangbetu women so attractive, for I saw many of them 
without this ornament and they were very appealing, too. They 
have a great deal of dignity, as do the women of the Watussi 
aristocracy, but there is warmth beneath it and not buried too 
deeply. The Watussi women are gracious, dignified, friendly and 
far, far away. The Mangbetu women are gracious, dignified, 
friendly, and one feels they might also be very close. The 
Watussi arouse admiration; the Mangbetu arouse more funda 
mental emotions. 

Don't misunderstand me. The Mangbetu women are not 
lecherous, promiscuous or preoccupied with matters of a sexual 
nature. They show no particular interest as do some native 
women in male visitors. Most of them would certainly resent 
any untoward suggestion or action from such visitors. They do 
not invite; they stimulate. Certainly their elongated heads are 
not particularly attractive by our standards, although when these 
heads are crowned by the elaborate and unusual hairdos of 
Mangbetu women they are quite stunning. 

Perhaps Mangbetu men find the women of their tribe as 
attractive as I did, for polygamy is practiced by those who can 
possibly afford it. The tribal chiefs have anywhere from thirty to 
four hundred wives, and other important men enjoy a sizable 
assortment. But the plebeians usually have only one. 

Although the Mangbetu seem to us artistic, cultured, and 


interesting to the degree that they are now becoming first-rate 
tourist attractions, they once enjoyed a most unsavory reputa 
tion for cannibalism. There has been considerable loose talk by 
hit-and-run travelers about cannibalism in Africa and there un 
doubtedly was a good deal of it among many tribes. Such cus 
toms are hard to kill. In the case of the Mangbetu, there was 
definitely much more than talk and reputation there was 
proven fact. The distinguished German ethnologist, G. A. 
Schweinfurth, who revealed so many truths about equatorial 
Africa, lived with and studied the Mangbetu during the 18705 
and i88os, when that tribe was still living as it had lived for 
centuries, without the slightest influence of European civiliza 
tion. The scientist, wanting to take back to Europe bones and 
skulls for his studies, offered the tribesmen copper which they 
valued highly for human bones left over from their feasts. In a 
very short time he had accumulated a great pile, although he 
was disappointed to find that most of the skulls had been shat 
tered so that the Mangbetu gourmands could get at the brains 
a great delicacy. Still, he came home with forty excellent skulls 
out of about two hundred he collected. 

Another German who knew Africa in the early days, the 
fabulous leader who took an Arabic name, Emin Pasha, re 
ported that the Mangbetu delighted in meals of human flesh. 
He could not find a grave in their country, he said. The humans 
served up at banquets were, of course, captives from surround 
ing tribes. People were thus not a regular part of the diet but a 
special treat enjoyed on rare occasions. 

In an effort to explain why some tribes are cannibalistic, 
others vegetarian, and so on, some authorities have claimed that 
the Mangbetu ate human flesh because they raised no cattle. 
The Zulu and the Masai, they pointed out, never indulged in 
cannibalism and they were cattle-growers. On the other hand, 
the Mangbetu have always raised poultry, so any possible crav 
ing for meat was satisfied. 

No doubt all eating of human flesh among the Mangbetu 
has ceased by this time, but on my first trip I received some 


vague and confusing answers to my many questions about it. 
One missionary, who knew the country and people very well, 
told me, with a not-to-be-taken-too-seriously look in his eye, of 
the Mangbetu wife whose husband died. Instead of burying 
him, she made a stew of him and invited all her friends to the 
feast. Turning to a guest, she said, "You know, this is the first 
time I've really appreciated my husband." 

From others I heard more serious answers to my questions 
about cannibalism, but all inconclusive. One honest explorer 
told me that, tiring of roundabout investigations, he asked an 
old Mangbetu, "Do you eat human meat?" The ancient one was 
silently thoughtful for a moment and then, looking down his 
nose, said, "It is very hard to stop old habits." 

The point is, of course, that the chance to eat human be 
ings rarely if ever presents itself any more. For decades there 
have been no tribal wars, no raids, and no captives. But when 
Schweinfurth first discovered the Mangbetu, their king, Munza, 
treated himself almost daily to a meal of a tender child. Along 
with this habit has disappeared also the Mangbetu greeting 
which Schweinfurth reported. They held out their right hands, 
said "Gasiggy" and cracked the joints of their middle fingers. 
Being something of a collector of the multitude of ways which 
the human race has found to say hello, I looked hopefully but 
in vain for this novel method. 

On my first two trips, however, I found plenty of examples 
of the characteristic by which the Mangbetu are best known 
long heads. I was even permitted to photograph a mother bind 
ing her baby's head with long strands of raffia to give it this 
shape. During the first years of life, when a child's skull is still 
pliable, the raffia bindings are worn almost all the time, forcing 
the skull to grow up and back into a not unattractive extended 
oval. Doctors say that this alteration of nature's intentions has 
no bad effect on the brain or intelligence, but it does give the 
eyes an oriental slant and make them pop slightly. Mangbetu 
women accentuate the length of their heads by building out 
even further elaborate hair-dos, with their own and false black 


hair arranged in a kind of halo or crown fixed with small ivory 
or silver pins. It is the most dramatic coiffure I've ever seen, 
and takes at least three days to prepare. 

For some reason, despite the fact that medical men say the 
head-binding is harmless, the Belgian authorities have been 
discouraging, but not prohibiting, the practice. A friend who 
has visited the Mangbetu recently informs me that many chil 
dren are growing up with normally shaped heads. I approve 
heartily of the ending of intertribal wars, of cannibalism, and 
certain other primitive habits, but I wish the representatives of 
western civilization would not interfere with colorful and harm 
less customs of the different tribes. We'll eventually cast all the 
natives of Africa into one mold, and a great deal of beauty will 
be lost to the world. 

The Mangbetu are fine artists, musicians and dancers. 
The house of Chief Ekibondo, in the village not far from Paulis, 
has walls of plaster, and even the poles supporting the roof have 
been covered with plaster to make them into square pillars, 
upon which have been painted in black and red various designs 
suggested by animals crocodiles, snakes and fish. Geometric 
patterns, complicated and yet not cluttered, cover the plaster 
walls. Even the smaller houses were attractive, round with coni 
cal thatched roofs, their plaster walls decorated almost as beauti 
fully as the chief's. 

Ekibondo himself was pleasant, cooperative, and almost too 
eager to see that his musicians performed, his dancers danced 
and every native acted as he should for the movies. In 1937, I 
was pleased by this treatment but by 1946 the eagerness to 
help had gone so far that everything seemed a little staged. The 
chief was dressed in European trousers; he wore a wrist watch. 
He was happy to change into his native and regal attire, with 
woven fibre cap decorated with brilliant feathers, and the vo 
luminous bloomer-like loin cloth made of pounded bark. He 
gathered his court around him, including several of his seventy 
wives, brought in the orchestra and the dancers. Altogether he 
put on a very good show and I obtained some excellent shots. 


Another Mangbetu chief, Tongolo, even lived in a new 
brick house and sat in a Morris chair of which he was particu 
larly proud, while I talked to him sitting on a beautifully 
carved stool made from one big piece of wood by the native 
woodworkers, who are almost as expert as the Mangbetu metal 
workers and ivory carvers. Tongolo had a good orchestra, and 
his dancers were accomplished, particularly his daughter, the 
most attractive of all the attractive Mangbetu women I saw. 

A third village I visited possessed a dull, fat potentate who 
offered neither spontaneity nor much cooperation, so I stayed 
there a very brief spell. Finally I drove an extra two and a half 
hours to the little village of Gata, far enough from the centers 
of civilization to have remained more or less unspoiled. Here I 
saw dancing and heard music I'll never forget. 

The Mangbetu are accomplished choral singers a rare tal 
ent among primitive tribes. Their orchestras boast far more in 
struments than most African tribes drums of many shapes, 
including some that are triangular, others square, and all cov 
ered with antelope skin. There are even a few stringed instru 
ments, crude violins, I suppose they might be considered. Horns 
and trumpets of elephant tusks, some as long as five feet, were 
decorated with leopard skins and parrot feathers; the biggest 
horn gave out a throaty blast that sounded like some stalking 
wild animal of the forest. The rhythm section included some 
wooden clappers, rattles made of closely woven fibres with peb 
bles inside, and a long stick with a cluster of bells on one end. 

The music produced by this assembly of instruments was 
loud, exciting, feverish and infectious. Certainly the Mangbetu 
dancers grew more and more aroused, more and more spirited, 
as the music went on. Men and women both danced, but not 
together. First the men formed a circle with the women inside, 
shuffling at first in a subtly erotic movement which made their 
nekfrwe bustles go through strange gyrations. Then the women 
opened a small circle into which leaped two of their number, 
who gave special performances, leaping, twisting, jerking, kick 


Suddenly the soloists retired into the shuffling, hand- 
clapping circle. The women then moved back to allow the men 
to come into the center. The music quickened its pace as three 
men with raffia shields and sticks simulating spears went into a 
war dance with leaps, thrusts, parries and crouches. The encir 
cling men and women shuffled around more swiftly, shouting, 
clapping hands, and finally singing together in a fervor that 
seemed half religious, half lascivious. 

The male soloists retired to the outer ring and for a minute 
the circle was empty. Suddenly a very fat man who had been 
watching he weighed four hundred pounds at least broke into 
the circle and with surprising agility danced for several minutes, 
his huge stomach and breasts shaking up and down like jelly. In 
spite of the ludicrousness of the spectacle, there was something 
graceful and impassioned even in this human hippo's dancing. 

The king or Nyimi of the famous Bakuba tribe was almost 
as fat as my Mangbetu dancer, and not nearly so happy. The 
Bakuba are a Bantu tribe living in the south central part of the 
Congo, in the Kasai region. They are so well-known because 
more of their artwork has been collected by museums and con 
noisseurs of Europe and America than that of any other tribe. 
Their sculpture and wood-carving are astonishingly beautiful; 
the designs in their cloth woven of raffia, their mats and even 
the raffia walls of their houses are colorful, imaginative and 
quite "modern" in feeling; their embroidery & rare art among 
African tribes is intricate and beautiful. One of the loveliest 
pieces of art I have ever seen is a Bakuba mask carved in wood 
and decorated with colored beadwork. 

The importance of art to the Bakuba themselves is illu 
strated by the fact that among the king's council are repre 
sentatives of various arts and crafts, including sculptors and 
legend-keepers, or historians. Bakuba legends, which are mem 
orized and passed on from generation to generation, go back 
much further than those of most tribes and here and there can 
be tied to known historical events so that we have an inkling of 


their history. Among the legends is one of the creation the 
Nyimi, of course, came down to earth from the creator of earth 
and heaven and all things which has some striking resem 
blances to the creation stories of many other religions. There is 
even a Flood legend among the Bakuba similar to our own. 

The Bakuba love beautiful ornaments beads, feathers, 
metal pins, rings, and bracelets. The king wears more than any 
one else on his capacious body, but he also wears, most of the 
time, an expression of great weariness and boredom. He is so 
restricted by custom and tradition that he can scarcely move. 
When he sits down, for instance, he must sit on the back of a 
kneeling slave. His feet are not supposed to touch the earth, so 
he walks on mats strewn before him, or is carried in a litter. As 
a sign of his royalty and divinity he must wear two metal rings 
on his right big toe. 

It is this king who is building the first native museum, to 
house his own priceless collection of Bakuba art objects. In the 
coming years, I believe the museum will be one of the "must" 
visits for travelers in the Congo. It will be as rewarding as many 
museums in the great cities of the western world. But I have 
another prediction, unfortunately. In twenty-five years there 
will be no first-rate artists among the Bakuba people. They will 
be trying to paint in oil on canvas, in imitation of European 
artists. Reproductions of Bakuba figurines may be readily availa 
ble, however made of plaster of Paris in Japan. 

In filming the capture of elephants, one of my cameramen lashed him 
self to the back of a jolting truck to free both hands for his camera. 
An irate elephant turned and chased the track instead of running 
away. He was uncomfortably close when the truck driver, intent on 
the herd ahead, learned of the danger and sped away. 

>A -s.y " ^% f -^ ; f/ft;2 

The largest African beast is the favorite prey of Africa's smallest people, the 
Pygmies of the Ituri Forest, who smear themselves with elephant dung, 
stalk the animal in uncanny silence, and bring it to earth by hamstringing. 
Then it is an easy victim of their spears and carving knives. 

Ituri Forest Pygmies celebrate an elephant kill-or almost anything-with 
high spirits and vigorous dancing that may continue all night. Below, they 
enjoy a tug of war between men and women; dances and games are always 
so arranged because Pygmies avoid physical contact between the sexes in 

Pygmies gather round for their precious matabishi of salt, prized above 
most other gifts. For salt and palm oil they performed prodigious feats 
for our cameras, such as bridging the Ituri River with lianas, as shown 
below. This is the easy stage, following the dangerous crossing with the 
first long vine. 

loads, although constructed solely of forest vme, 

Pygmy women can build a house in less than an hour from saplings bent 
into a dome and overlapping phrynium leaves. 

Pygmies are not the only strange inhabitants of the Ituri Forest. Here I 
feed some okapi, shy relative of the giraffe, long believed to be only a 
Pygmy tall tale. 

The most dramatic feminine hairdo is that of the Mangbetu women, which 
is an accentuation of the elongated skull caused by binding the heads of 

I the nractice causes no harm, it is dying 

Mangbetu women beautify not only their heads but their rears. These 
beautifully woven nekbwe move in a subtly erotic fashion during tribal 

I admire the long earlobes of the tall witch doctor of the Kuria tribe. 
Later, a woman passed her newborn baby through one of the loops of 
skin in a ceremony calculated to bring good fortune. 

When we could not get milk for a nursing bottle, this Turkana mother 
came to the rescue of a baby lion we had found. 

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Some of the "actors" and staff on my third expedition. Carr Hartley 
and his son Mike sit in front of the Power Wagon, cameraman Freddie 
*ord Sr. at the left, myself and cameraman Dave Mason on the right 
assistant Geddes in the cab, and Turkana tribesmen on either side' 
Cameramen Johnny Coquillon and Freddie Ford Jr. were on another 
mission when this picture was taken. 

Chief Kasciula of the 
Pygmies living on Mt. 
Bugalamisa takes a ciga 
rette before we start the 
gorilla hunt. The grey 
beard on the left is the one 
whose thin arm helped 
me clamber up the ledge 
when the gorilla was after 

We found gorillas on 
the mountaintop. As I 
snapped this picture in 
poor light, the gorilla be 
came annoyed at my in 
trusion and, opening its j^y 
mouth in a chilling 
scream, headed for me. r,^%^ 


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The desire for close-ups of wild animals leads one frequently into dangerous 
situations. Above, the buffalo dislike my approach and debate the idea of 
charging me. Below, Ace DuPreez drifts into a herd of hippos, one of which 
could easily turn over his little boat and finish him with one crunch of its 
mighty jaws. 

Beauty, danger, and hu 
mor on a giraffe hunt. At 
our approach, the herd 
runs with a rocking gait 
that is somehow graceful. 
After we lasso one gi 
raffe, a helper grabs the 
animal's tail-almost uni 
versal procedure for 
throwing a beast off bal 
ance. But one kick can 
be fatal. The crated gi 
raffe below has calmed 
down and shows only 
curiosity as it nibbles the 
hat from its captor's head. 

Life and death in Africa. The hippos above were enjoying their mud bath 
so much they allowed me to approach quite close before one heaved itself 
up and chased me away. Below, some months later and hundreds of miles 
away, we saw scores of hippos trapped in hardening mud and broiled alive 
by the sun as the waters of the Rungwa River receded during a severe 

Animals for Tea 

^NLY in Africa, I'm sure, can one have tea with a kudu, 
an eland, a baboon, a zebra, a hyena and an attrac 
tive woman. All at the same time. And not only that, but with 
two white owls looking on and making apparently acidulous 

There is probably only one place in Africa where such a 
scene might occur Carr Hartley's big animal farm near the 
slopes of Mount Kenya. It is an amazing place, with normally 
wild animals wandering about like pet dogs, some of them in 
the houses as well as outside, and still-wild wild animals in 
strong pens awaiting shipment to zoos all over the world. If a 
particular species you want happens to be missing, Hartley will 
rustle one up for you. He will capture it without hurting it; he 
can take baby animals from their mothers without killing the 
mothers, which was previously considered essential. 

Several movie companies have used both the animals and 
services of Carr Hartley. As a result of his work on such films he 
has acquired several valuable things, including a very large 
fenced arena in which animals can move about as in their nat 
ural environment. This can sometimes be of great value to pro 
ducers of factual pictures; if you put an animal inside the arena 
you at least know where it is and can perhaps get some good 
shots of it. Otherwise you might have to track for days, wait 
patiently for more days, and then find the light wrong when 
you finally locate your camera's prey. When I think that during 
my three long visits I never saw one lion in the Congo al 
though I filmed many in East Africa I know how frustrating 



the filming of wild animals can be, and thus how helpful a 
natural-looking enclosure can be. 

The arena, however, was not the chief reason for my visit 
to Hartley's on my 1954-55 trip. I hoped to obtain some amus 
ing sequences involving the more or less tame animals around 
his place, and I knew that some exciting shots could be taken of 
Hartley going about his regular business of catching wild ani 
mals alive. For "Savage Splendor" Armand Denis had made 
some thrilling footage of Hartley lassoing animals from a fast- 
moving Power Wagon. But there was another short bit from 
that picture which served as the main lure drawing me to Hart 
ley's. This was a sequence showing Mike Hartley, Carr's 
six-year-old son, riding on the back of a huge turtle and feeding 
some of the animals. The boy had a winning smile and an ap 
pealing way about him that came through on film. I figured 
Mike as being thirteen now and undoubtedly helping his father 
with the animals and the capturing during his vacations from 

This fact, I hoped, would serve as the theme of my new 
motion picture for Republic, a thread upon which I could string 
many of the animal shots I might take. A theme of some kind is 
essential in such pictures, and they are not easy to find. The 
public enjoys good pictures of wild animals and tribesmen, but 
you cannot just put together seventy minutes of such sequences 
and wind up with a good feature film. Something must tie them 
together, some theme lead naturally from one subject to an 
other. My picture had to compete in the theatre with 
multimillion-dollar films starring famous actors and actresses, 
with absorbing plots full of suspense and drama. My stars must 
be the animals and Africans themselves and my "story" neces 
sarily plotless. Some suggestion of a story line, no matter how 
thin, was required, however. 

During the months of preparation for my 1954-55 trip, I 
kept trying to find a theme, a framework within which I could 
fit at least a fair amount of the footage I would shoot. Then I 
thought of young Mike Hartley. How about a story line built 


around young Mike learning the art of capturing wild animals, 
like his father? It was not much but it was a theme, a thread on 
which any number of animal sequences might credibly be 
strung. And since a good deal of animal hunting involved Af 
ricans, different tribes could be brought in without undue strain, 
too. Not all animal sequences and certainly not all tribal shots 
could be worked in around the character of young Hartley, but 
with careful planning and good editing he could serve as the 
unifying element for a fair amount of the film. 

A long distance call from New York to Carr Hartley in 
Kenya took some hours to go through but soon I was talking 
about my idea. Carr agreed that we could work something out, 
that many good animal sequences could be filmed at his place, 
and he thought Mike would enjoy the role I had in mind for 
him. He would be home from boarding school in about three 
weeks and would be at the farm just two months. I would have 
to fit in everything concerning Mike during that period. 

This was good news, but it meant rushing things faster 
than I had anticipated. What had begun as a leisurely trip to 
Africa for pleasure and some 1 6-millimeter films for my own 
purposes had, through an unforeseen series of events, developed 
into a much larger and more urgent project. First, while plan 
ning my private trip with one cameraman, I had run into an 
old friend, Harry C Mills, a director of Republic Pictures, and 
mentioned my journey. He asked me to see Herbert J. Yates, 
head of Republic, and his son Douglas Yates. After relatively 
little discussion, we decided that I should produce a full-length 
picture in color, using professional 35-millimeter equipment. 
So far as Republic was concerned, it was to be an English quota 
picture, which meant that the expedition would be financed 
by its subsidiary, Republic Pictures of Great Britain. This also 
meant that my staff had to be British citizens. Fortunately, the 
cameraman I had already made connections with, Johnny Co- 
quillon, was a Canadian and thus acceptable as part of the staff. 
The budget was a modest one by Hollywood standards, but al 
lowed me more leeway than on previous trips. 


Since the Chrysler Corportion had helped on the "Sav 
age Splendor" expedition I naturally turned to them. They were 
immediately cooperative, offering me a Dodge Power Wagon 
and a 2% -ton stake truck. This time, however, in view of the 
necessity of reaching Africa in time to catch Mike Hartley while 
he was on vacation, I was forced to ask for speed. The trucks, 
equipped and ready to roll, had to be on a ship sailing for Africa 
in just ten days. Somehow, Chrysler managed to get both trucks, 
on that ship. 

But it's a long trip, and the ship took forever. I could not 
wait for it, so completed my arrangements in New York, leaving 
my insurance business in the capable hands of my secretary, 
Louise Smith. Then I flew to London for conferences with the 
Republic people there, and learned that union regulations made 
it necessary for me to have an assistant director and four camera 
men, so my staff was immediately larger than I had planned. 

We flew to Nairobi, Kenya, a bustling city of over one hun 
dred thousand which only a few decades ago was a little village 
through whose streets herds of zebra and antelope occasionally 
ran. The airport still must be fenced in to keep wild animals off 
the runways. Many species of East African animals live in the 
near-by park readily accessible and most interesting but it 
was not right for our purposes, as the animals had become rather 
accustomed to visitors and restrictions were rigid. Anyway, it 
was essential for us to get to Hartley's farm, about 145 miles 
north of Nairobi, as soon as possible. 

In Nairobi, whenever we mentioned that we were going to 
Carr Hartley's place at Rumuruti, people looked askance at us. 
Finally someone said what was obviously on all minds. "The 
Mau Mau situation is pretty bad, you know." 

I knew about the Mau Mau killings, of course. I had read 
the newspapers. A secret society of Kikuyu tribesmen, in a 
surge of strong nationalist, anti-white feeling, had brutally mur 
dered many white settlers, chiefly on outlying and isolated 
farms. On my earlier trips I had seen evidences of the ferment 
between Africans and white farmers out of which the terroristic 


movement had grown. Knowing as many Africans as I did, I 
understood why the British authorities were having such diffi 
culties in coping with this secret, ritualistic band that struck 
without warning in the dark of the night. I knew, too, that at 
the time of my trip the killings had been on the increase, that 
the Mau Mau movement was growing in power, and that offi 
cials and individual white settlers were taking strong steps to 
combat the most serious threat to European lives and property 
that had arisen in Central Africa in decades. I was concerned 
and interested, but not deterred in my plans to do a good deal 
of filming in Kenya. It just did not occur to me that the Mau 
Mau situation might endanger or even interfere with my ex 

Then in Nairobi the British authorities told me that I and 
my staff must carry guns at all times. When I protested that 
I had traveled thousands of miles through Africa unarmed, I 
was told that this was not a suggestion it was an order. All 
whites were required to carry revolvers everywhere, and this 
meant literally everywhere to meals, bathroom, and bed. The 
weapons were intended primarily for protection, of course, and 
also to demonstrate to all Africans that the whites were pre 
pared to defend themselves. The fact that I was an American 
owning not one square foot of Kenya land which the tribesmen 
might think belonged to them would make no difference in the 
event I put myself in the position of easy target for the Mau 
Mau. There was no plan in their killings. They just -killed 
whites who could be reached with the least danger. If I should 
go about unarmed I would be inviting ambush and attack. 

The reason for carrying the weapon even in safe circum 
stances was to forestall theft. The Mau Mau had few guns and 
desperately wanted more. The one sure way to prevent theft was 
to wear one's gun and keep it at hand every minute of the day 
and night. Thus housewives went shopping in perfectly safe 
Nairobi with guns on their hips and in their pocketbooks, not 
because they expected attacks there but because they did not 
dare leave the guns at home. Even long-trusted servants had too 


often turned out to be Mau Mau members or sympathizers or, 
in some cases, slaves of fear. The Mau Mau had killed hundreds 
of Kikuyu far more than whites because they refused to take 
the Mau Mau oath and cooperated with white masters and au 

We equipped ourselves with guns and then made prepara 
tions for our trip to Carr Hartley's farm. Since our trucks would 
not arrive for several weeks, I bought a Volkswagen bus, loaded 
some of my men and equipment into it, and headed north for 
Rumuruti in spite of warnings that we were driving right into 
the heart of the Mau Mau country, near Mt. Kenya and the 
Aberdare Mountains, where Carr Hartley's farm lay. 

Housing was one difficulty. While Carr Hartley's place was 
a big establishment, consisting of a main building, barns, pens, 
animal compounds, and several small mud-and-wattle thatch- 
roofed rondavels, there was not enough room for all of us. Hart 
ley put me in a small rondavel near the main house, and found 
quarters for the rest of the men at a kind of local farmers' club 
about ten miles away. We were somewhat taken aback to find 
this building completely surrounded by thick barbed-wire fenc 
ing designed to keep out or at least hamper Mau Mau attackers. 
We were reassuringly told that the nearby building, which was 
similarly protected, had been set up as the police headquarters 
for battling the Mau Mau menace in one of the worst Mau 
Mau areas. 

Although we were sobered by these evidences of the im 
mediate presence of serious danger, we were not really fright 
ened because we could not believe that anyone would attack us. 
I talked the situation over with my assistant and the four 
cameramen, and they all agreed that we should proceed with our 
work as planned. They would drive the Volkswagen bus to and 
from Hartley's place every day, and we would depend primarily 
on Hartley's tracks for work in filming the capturing of ani 

Hartley himself did not seem very perturbed by the Mau 
Mau threat, although he did not minimize the seriousness of 


the situation. I learned that he was high on the Mau Mau list of 
whites they would like to eliminate, and they had actually am 
bushed him twice as he drove his truck along the twisting road 
to his farm both times at the same place, where he had to 
slow down for a curve and could not see ahead. They had missed 
him because they were such poor shots and because he just 
stepped on the accelerator and raced ahead. Not many of the 
Mau Mau had used guns enough to handle them very well, ex 
cept at close range on non-moving targets. They were much 
more effective with their pangas and simk, long double-edged 

We started filming, hampered only by the familiar difficul 
ties due to rain, absence of light and the sudden disappearance 
of animal life from its usual haunts. These are occupational 
hazards in nature photography and, although they drive one 
frantic at the time, are accepted as part of the job. But then 
three incidents occurred within the first two weeks of my stay 
at Hartley's that were far from the expected run of troubles. 
First, the head of the police in the district called to advise me 
to leave the area. 

"It is just too dangerous a situation," he said, "and I don't 
like to feel responsible for your lives. Mau Mau bands infest 
these hills and swamps. You are living within five hundred yards 
of an almost impenetrable swamp where we know scores of 
Mau Mau are hiding. They are out for blood, and it won't make 
any difference to them if it is your blood or some other white 
man's. Please go somewhere else. There are wild animals all 
over East Africa which you can photograph. I advise you to go 
to one of these places where the danger comes only from the 
animals and not from men too." 

He was very polite about it, but very serious. And he was 
right, of course, about the fact that there were many other areas 
in which I could film wild animals. Hartley's captured beasts 
and his enclosed arena were not important enough for me to 
take any avoidable chances. His son Mike, however, was the 
slim thread upon which I had decided to string many of the 


events of my film. If I wanted Mike to appear in several good 
sequences, I would have to stay in the heart of the Mau Mau 
country for at least a month and perhaps longer. 

It was a difficult decision to make, and not one to be made 
lightly. I had three alternatives abandon the whole project and 
go back home, which I rejected immediately; leave Hartley's 
as advised by the authorities and work in a safer region, thus 
abandoning my sequences with Mike and hoping that I would 
be able to come up with another theme in a hurry; stay at Hart 
ley's and continue with my work in spite of the danger, taking 
all sensible precautions at all times. 

If at that moment I'd been struck with inspiration and 
found another theme for the moving picture, I believe I would 
have left Hartley's, but I could not think of a thing. But more 
than my own life was involved in staying, so I took the matter 
up with the other men. By this time they too realized the situa 
tion was in all truth dangerous, but they urged that we stay on. 
We had a job to do and such work was always filled with a cer 
tain amount of danger. They were willing to face it if I asked 
them to. So I decided to stay on and film whatever I could. 

We had been working only a short while, however, when 
the second incident occurred. The police came and arrested 
more than twenty of Hartley's African workers. Several of 
the men were known to have taken the Mau Mau oath and 
others were strongly suspected, so they were put in jail. They 
were most of Hartley's best helpers, too, among them the head 
man, called Wilson. 

We were all a little shaken to know that we had been work 
ing side by side with Mau Mau terrorists who had taken a most 
sacred oath to kill white men. Hartley did not seem particu 
larly surprised, since he knew that many farmers had dis 
covered some of their most trusted servants to be Mau Mau 
members. But he was exasperated at losing so many workers 
when there was a great deal to be done. Their absence definitely 
slowed down our filming and resulted in a near tragedy during 
the leopard sequence, as I'll explain shortly. 


Then came the third incident that helped hamper our work 
at Hartley's. Gordon Pollman, Carr's half -brother who was him 
self an admirable handler of wild animals and a great aid in our 
work, was called up for duty with the armed forces serving to 
combat the Mau Mau threat. Every able-bodied white citizen of 
Kenya was subject to such draft and all served willingly, but no 
one's service could have come at a more inopportune moment 
for us. But after a good deal of petitioning, the authorities post 
poned his service for one month in view of the fact that he was 
helping with our project which was already under way. 

These affairs were scarcely out of the way when an African 
brought Hartley the warning that his house was going to be at 
tacked that evening by a band of Mau Maus from the swamp 
lands that began only five hundred yards away. Our work had 
ended for the day and my staff had driven home to their fortress. 
Hartley called everyone left on the farm into his home. There we 
ate and armed ourselves and waited for the attack to come. We 
did not listen to the wireless, a common evening entertain 
ment, because its noise might have obscured sounds of ap 
proaching attackers. Some of us tried to play cards but had little 
heart for it. We talked in desultory fashion, listened intently 
during the long silences, and wondered what might happen. I 
was amazed to see the quiet calm of the women Mrs. Hartley 
and her sisters, Dulcy Wedd and Thelma Randall, and Hartley's 
secretary, Nancy Drew. They were ready for anything. 

The attack never came, however, probably because we were 
prepared and well armed. The next morning Carr found that 
some of his cattle had been stolen. The Mau Mau had made 
a raid, all right, but to get food rather than kill people. We went 
back to our work. 

The incident apparently gave Carr Hartley an idea. He 
must have been the kind of child who set off firecrackers under 
old ladies' chairs, and he still had a fondness for practical jokes. 
The evening after the false alarm, I was sitting in my rondavel 
writing some letters. Darkness had not completely fallen, but 
one could not see far. The animals had gone to sleep and the 


whole place was quiet, as only a remote farm can be. Suddenly 
the night air was split by a piercing scream, a scream that came 
from Carr Hartley himself, somewhere outside my rondavel. 

"Mau Mau!" he yeUed. "Mau Mau!" 

I dropped my pen, snatched my rather unfamiliar gun from 
its holster and tore out of the rondavel at top speed, only to 
collide with the chunky, barrel-chested figure of Carr Hartley. 

The big man burst out laughing and his laugh boomed 
over the plains. Other people rushed from the main house, and 
Hartley, still laughing heartily, explained how funny I had 
looked racing out of the hut gun in hand when he shouted his 
practical joke. 

Nobody thought it was very funny, but Hartley persisted in 
enjoying his little fun whether anyone else did or not. I put the 
incident down as evidence of an unusual to say the least sense 
of humor, and went back to finish my letters. Hartley went to 
his house still chuckling. 

The next evening at dinner Hartley left the table a few 
minutes before the rest of us. Hartley's secretary spoke to me. 

"He's planning another Mau Mau joke on you," she said. 
"I don't know just what it is, but I don't think it's very funny. 
Come on, let's go outside after him. Pretend that you are not 
aware of anything." 

We all left the room, following Hartley outside. There he 
stood, grimly serious for a change, staring down at the blacker- 
than-black patch that we all knew represented the beginning of 
the thick and tangled growth of swamp where the Mau Mau 
were in hiding. We looked and saw a flash of a light, then an 
other and another. There seemed to be a regular rhythm or pat 
tern to the flashing of the lights. There was no doubt about it 
the Mau Mau were signalling to each other, perhaps to some 
one up on the farm or to other Mau Maus somewhere. Hartley 
pulled out his flashlight and pointed it toward the swamp and 
the blinking lights. He 'flashed it on, then off, then on again, as 
if he were sending a signal. There was no code in his flashes, but 


he let them know that Carr Hartley had seen their signals and 
was ready. 

End of joke. 

The atmosphere, obviously, was not conducive to concentra 
tion on the work at hand, and the reduced staff, plus normal 
difficulties, threw many monkey wrenches into our plans. But 
we managed to obtain some of the sequences we wanted, among 
them one with Chui, the leopard. Hartley had trapped the mag 
nificent creature some time before and kept him in a strong 
cage in the compound. He was not tame by any means, but his 
wildness seemed to have been tempered somewhat by kind 
treatment since his capture. My one worry, in fact, was that he 
was too mild a beast to make a good movie sequence. Graceful 
and lovely as he was, I was not interested in pictures of a leopard 
purring and licking one's hand. He did not quite purr for me 
when I first visited his cage, but he let me put my hand through 
the bars and scratch his ears. I decided that perhaps he was not 
a wild enough wild animal for my needs. 

The next afternoon after my affectionate tryst with Chui 
(the Swahili word for leopard) I was walking around Hartley's 
compound with Dulcy Wedd. As we approached Chui's cage he 
snarled, laid back his ears, lashed his tail, and sprang against 
the bars. I talked soothingly to no avail. The beast obviously 
had just one thought in mind to get out of that cage and kill 
both of us. 

Maybe Chui would be all right after all, I decided. But he 
had been so friendly with me the first time! Perhaps he didn't 
like women, and grew furious at the sight of Mrs. Wedd. So the 
next day I tried visiting him alone again. He snarled at me 
angrily. I concluded that Chui might indeed act like a real leop 
ard for the film sequence. It was worth a try, at least, because 
there was little likelihood of our getting good leopard pictures 
anywhere else. They are primarily nocturnal and prefer wooded 
areas, so you just don't encounter leopards the way you do lions, 
elephants, hippos, rhinos and the multitude of antelopes in Af- 


rica. If you do, it is likely to be in circumstances that do not 
permit you to take pictures you are running or it is too dark or 

To tempt the leopard into a little action, we decided to use 
his great fondness for baboon meat. Hartley had in his private 
menagerie a mother baboon, with her baby on her back and a 
slightly larger adopted baboon child at her breast. We didn't use 
the baboons for bait, but rather their smell. 

First we transferred the touchy and temperamental leop 
ard to a portable cage, which was trucked to the big arena about 
three miles away. Then we took the baboon and its children to 
another spot about a hundred feet away, and allowed them to 
sit and play and eat within sight and smell of the leopard. We 
could see and hear the beast pacing more eagerly back and 
forth in its cage. 

Finally the baboon and her children were removed, two 
cameramen were stationed at strategic spots for taking pictures, 
within the arena, and several of Hartley's helpers were ready 
farther along to divert the leopard and help keep it to a course 
that would be within camera range. I stood with Hartley close 
to the path Chui was supposed to take on his way to the spot 
where the baboon had been. Since we had already taken some 
shots of the baboon and its children, we hoped to establish the 
idea that the leopard was after them. The soundest way to ac 
complish this was obviously to make the leopard actually go 
after them. He would, we hoped, spring immediately to the 
spot where he had seen them and could smell them. Then he 
would follow their trail to the far gate from which we had taken 
the baboons out of the arena. At that point he would be balked 
and would get no baboon meat, but Hartley's men would have 
some other choice food waiting for him. 

It was a good plan if it worked. But when men are around, 
few animals act precisely as they would in their natural environ 
ment, so we just hoped for luck. At the last moment, I thought 
of another kind of luck involving my life rather than the taking 
of a picture. I turned to Hartley and asked, "What if the leopard 


comes for one of us?" Hartley replied, "Stand still. Don't move 
an inch. He'll probably go on past. And anyway, I'll take care of 

The leopard was released from his cage and came stalking 
swiftly down through the trees and underbrush along the route 
we had intended. Chui was an impressive creature. Beautiful 
as he had seemed in his cage, he was far more spectacular out 
in the open, moving ahead almost like liquid, and I was de 
lighted to see two cameras trained on him from different angles. 
Once he slowed down and darted quick and uncomfortable 
glances at the humans around, but the smell of baboon meat 
overcame his worries, and he went straight ahead to the spot 
where the baboon and her babies had sat and eaten for some 
time. This brought Chui within about fifteen feet of Hartley 
and me, and I held my breath as he passed. But he ignored us, 
after that first glance, and went on his way. 

He sniffed at the spot, looked up, and started off in the 
right direction, more swiftly than before. He didn't want that 
baboon to get away. Then quite suddenly he veered to the right, 
away from the baboon's trail and almost out of range of our 
cameras. Perhaps the wind shifted and fooled him, or our pres 
ence threw him off. Hartley signaled to one of his natives up on 
a hill to move toward the leopard in an effort to turn Chui back 
on his prepared route. The men who had most experience in 
working with Hartley knew that wild animals usually turn aside 
when men approach them. But Hartley's best men had all been 
arrested, and the workers we were using had neither the ex 
perience nor the confidence of those now in jail. The fellow 
obeyed Hartley's signal readily enough, taking half a dozen 
steps toward the leopard's path, at right angles to it. Chui should 
have angled off to the left, back onto his route within camera 
range. But he didn't. He stopped, faced the man, and lashed 
his tail in annoyance. 

This was too much for the inexperienced African, who was 
seized with sudden fear. Hartley and I could sense it a few 
hundred feet away, and I'm sure the leopard sensed it, jpo. Fear 


made the man do the worst of all things run away. If he'd 
possessed the courage to hold his ground, as Hartley's more ex 
perienced men would have, Chui would almost certainly have 
continued on his way. But the fellow panicked and took to his 
heels. In that instant the leopard was after him. In two terrific 
bounds Chui was on the man's back, knocking him to the 
ground, but Hartley was already running fast toward the spot, 
with me not far behind. Just as we rushed up, the leopard turned 
the native over and sank his fangs in his throat. 

It was a tough shot for Hartley to make, with man and 
beast so close together, but he did not hesitate. His first bullet 
struck the leopard, who leaped off the native and bounded away. 
Three more quick shots dropped the animal about ten feet from 

The man was horribly mauled and bleeding profusely, but 
still alive. Hartley ordered men to carry him at once to a truck 
and rush him to a hospital which was quite a trip but the only 
hope for the fellow. The man hovered between life and death 
for weeks but he finally recovered. 

At the time, Hartley's chief emotional disturbance came 
from the loss of his beautiful leopard. He actually wept as he 
looked down at the sleek spotted creature lying lifeless on the 
ground. I was very upset, of course, at the turn of events the 
near death of the native and the death of a prize leopard. It was 
the first serious accident on any of my expeditions. 

We did not get the attack on film, unfortunately, because 
Chui had wandered out of camera range. But we did take one 
final shot of the leopard as it lay on the ground dead. Then I 
was faced with a problem. Should I scrap all the good leopard 
footage we had taken? Good as it might be, it led nowhere, told 
no story at all, and was so incomplete as to be unusable as an 
important sequence in the film. To make an acceptable dramatic 
sequence we had to fill in the gaps, for which I needed a leop 
ard. Hartley had no other leopard in his compound, and captur 
ing this animal was not something one did on order in a day or 


Then Thelma Randall heard through a friend on a nearby 
farm that a leopard had just been caught in a trap about forty 
miles to the north. Off we dashed in the trucks, hoping that we 
had found a substitute for Chui in filming the balance of the 
leopard sequence. The beast had been put in a temporary cage, 
but when I saw him I wondered how long he might stay there. 
The leopard's face was bloody as a result of his lunging with all 
his strength against the wire mesh of the cage. As I approached 
him, he sprang at me, crashed against the cage and fell to the 
floor, picked himself up and catapulted his body once more 
against the cage walls. 

We hauled the animal back to Hartley's farm, hoping that 
good food and a calm environment would quiet him somewhat. 
But for three or four days he did not eat a bit of meat, did not 
even drink water. That beast wanted just one thing in the world 
out! Finally, however, he took some water. The next day he 
ate some fresh meat. At the end of a week he was still a ferocious 
and vindictive animal, but he did not spend all of his time try 
ing to escape. He ate, slept, and paced back and forth in his 
cage. If anyone came near, he threw himself against the cage 
with full fury, but the rest of the time he was relatively quiet. 
We decided that we might use him in some film shots. 

Meanwhile, we had gone about other picture chores, of 
course, but as soon as possible we went back to our leopard 
sequence, using the understudy. This time, however, our camera 
men were stationed in strong cage-like enclosures, with apertures 
for camera lenses to poke through. In one magnificent shot, the 
cameraman kept shooting film even as the leopard leaped at his 
fortress. At any rate, we finally succeeded in getting our leopard 
sequence for the picture. 

It was the only sequence for which we used the arena. This 
experience proved to us that "staging" an animal scene in an 
enclosed area was neither very safe nor satisfactory. A wild ani 
mal is a wild animal, even inside an arena. It may be more 
ferocious than usual because it is hemmed in, cornered, unable 
to run away which is the first impulse of just about every crea- 


ture in contact with man. On top of that, it has been captured 
and caged before being brought to the enclosure, which is sure 
to infuriate any self-respecting wild beast. 

Staging sequences in any way rarely works out well, for 
most animals just won't behave naturally. If you use somewhat 
pacified beasts, they act and look like tame animals, and that's 
not what the public wants. It can see such animals in circuses 
and zoos. The movie-goer wants action, excitement, and a sense 
of danger, so producers try to get scenes of animals battling each 
other or chasing a man both very difficult. Few wild animals 
chase a man unless cornered or provoked seriously. As for ani 
mal fights, it takes infinite patience plus uncanny luck to get 
such pictures unless they are caged together and even then it 
rarely works. Fortunately, the law has for some years prohibited 
the staging of man-made battles between natural enemies 
starved and then put together in a cage or enclosure. 

I tried to get some lion shots in Carr Hartley's arena, but 
the lions would not act as they were supposed to. They 
were hungry, and meat was placed on the ground for them some 
distance from the spot at which they were released into the 
arena. When they headed for the meat they would pass in front 
of our cameras, and Hartley would try to lasso one of them. But 
the stage-frightened lions would have none of our act. They 
ignored the meat and took off for the fence, out of range of our 
cameras. Hartley's half-brother, Gordon Pollman, was ready 
for such an emergency and drove in a truck to the spot at which 
the lions were trying to escape from the enclosure. One of the 
big beasts climbed up a supporting pole on which the wire fence 
was fastened and was about to leap over when Pollman coura 
geously tried to shove him back with his bare hands. The lion 
clung to its pole at the top of the fence and freed one murderous 
forepaw to brush the man out of the way. Pollman's arm was 
slashed and he was badly mauled, but he finally pushed the 
beast back into the enclosure. This may sound foolhardy, but 
Carr Hartley himself once conquered a wounded lion with a 
roundhouse right on the nose when his gun-bearer dropped his 


gun at a crucial moment. Hartley avoids shooting animals when 
ever he can, not only because he likes them but because they are 
valuable property, the assets of his business. 

We got many sequences in the country around Hartley's 
farm, most of them involving young Mike. There was one with 
a hippo caught in a pit trap, which was interesting, but could 
not find a spot in the film when it was finally cut and edited. 
There were several showing Mike feeding and caring for the 
many different animals at the Hartley place. One of the most 
satisfying was the giraffe hunt and capture. During a rare 
period of several dry and clear days, we all drove in Hartley's 
trucks to a region of flat grassy plains about fifty miles away. 
There we maneuvered around until we located a good herd of 
giraffe which, at our approach, ambled away in the typical se 
date and rhythmical gait of these beasts. The open truck, 
equipped with long pole and looped rope for lassoing, and con 
taining Pollman and young Mike Hartley in addition to a few 
workmen, picked up speed, while the photography truck tried 
to keep pace over the rough terrain. As the first truck came 
near to the herd, it split in several sections, so the truck was 
able to cut off from the others a couple of medium-sized 
giraffe. Selecting one to be captured, the truck pulled up along 
side and just a little ahead of the careening animal. Mike and 
Pollman extended the long pole, then lightly dropped the noose 
over the giraffe's neck. The other truck was taking pictures of 
the whole incident, of course. 

This is the crucial moment in any giraffe capture, for a 
giraffe's neck can be broken if he is stopped too abruptly. And 
even if his neck is not broken, his heart may actually burst at 
the sudden strain put upon it by an abrupt stop. 

The truck slowed down gradually as the rope tightened on 
the giraffe, restraining the animal gently but firmly. Then when 
the truck was traveling about fifteen miles an hour, two workers 
leaped from it, with the rope in their hands, and ran along with 
the giraffe, pulling it finally to a stop. One immediately grabbed 
it by the tail. 


Once the animal knew it was captured, it abandoned all 
efforts to get away and apparently accepted its fate philosophi 
cally. The giraffe is not a mean animal, and is provoked to kick 
out with its powerful legs only on rare occasions. Now Mike 
talked soothingly to it as he approached, and in a short time was 
patting its flanks affectionately. 

Then came the job of getting the big animal in the truck 
for the trip back to the farm, a forbidding feat. Our cameras 
took films of the whole affair and, I'm happy to say, one of 
them kept going even after the giraffe was safely in the truck. 
For as Pollman climbed up on the truck cab to arrange the ropes 
securely and had his back turned on the animal, the giraffe 
stretched out its long neck and gently nibbled Pollman's hat 
right off his head. It was just the kind of shot that you always 
want but usually miss because cameras have stopped one minute 

Getting the giraffe off the truck and into a pen in Hartley's 
compound was a more troublesome job than loading the animal. 
Hartley's men dug a big sloping hole in the ground right out 
side the pen that had been prepared for the giraffe, wide 
enough to accommodate the truck. The vehicle then backed 
down the slope into the hole so that its platform was at ground 
level A door was opened in the pen, directly behind it, and the 
giraffe was freed from its bonds so it could walk into the en 
closure. The truck ground its way out of the hole, which 
was then filled in. 

Among the Africans working at Hartley's farm were several 
men from the Turkana tribe which lived far to the north, around 
Lake Rudolf and near the border of the Sudan. They were tall, 
long-legged Nilotics, with distinctive lower-lip plugs and white 
ostrich-feather head-dresses. I became interested in them and 
made a note to try to work in a visit to their remote territory. 
Since the Turkana men at Hartley's had appeared in the 
leopard and other sequences, I knew that any pictures taken 
later in Turkanaland could easily be tied in with the rest of die 


A Turkana woman played an important if unusual role in 
another sequence taken at Hartley's. One day while out in the 
truck we saw a lioness with several very small cubs. We were 
downwind from her and well concealed, so she was not aware 
of our approach. We shot the scene with a telephoto lens and 
while we were filming, the lioness, who seemed quite restless, 
wandered away from her cubs probably to search for food. In a 
few seconds the father appeared, a big shaggy-maned lion. He 
was probably supposed to baby-sit while mama was off hunting, 
but he didn't like the job and soon sauntered away. One of the 
little cubs was lively and curious, and walked on very shaky legs 
away from his brothers and sisters. Finally he was far enough 
away for Mike to get out of the truck and pick him up. The 
little fellow didn't mind; he was too young to know fear of men. 

We drove away quickly, before the lioness might discover 
her loss, and took the cub back to Hartley's farm. Mike filled a 
nursing bottle with warm milk and tried to feed the cub as he 
had often fed many other baby animals. But the cub could not 
figure out the strange rubber nipple, although he seemed eager 
for food. Mike tried several times to give the baby lion the 
bottle but even the next day the little fellow could not manage 
it. We were all worried. If the cub didn't swallow some food 
soon, he'd weaken and perhaps die. 

While we were debating what to do, I suddenly remembered 
an experience from one of my trips to the head-hunting Jivaros 
of the upper Amazon. A hunting dog had been killed by a pan 
ther, leaving behind a puppy only a few days old. Dogs are 
valuable, and the Jivaros did not want to lose the puppy if they 
could help it. So a Jivaro woman with a new baby nursed the 
puppy along with her own offspring. I had taken pictures of the 
scene, which the censors removed from the movie, "Jungle Head 
Hunters," but a still shot appeared in my book, Amazon Head 
Hunters, which told the story of my three South American ex 

I had no idea, of course, if a Turkana woman would nurse 
a lion cub, but I had learned that primitive people the world 


over were much alike, especially about down-to-earth matters. 
Anyway, it was worth a try. Mike and I took the cub to the 
nearby Turkana village, where Mike was a great favorite. We 
found a young mother nursing her baby and Mike told his story 
about how the cub would not drink from a bottle. The woman 
smiled and nodded understandingly, grasping Mike's request 
even before he uttered it With calm self-possession she took the 
lion cub and put it to her breast. She did not mind my taking 
pictures of her with a baby at one breast, a lion at the other. 

Another out-of-the-ordinary sequence taken at Hartley's 
was the tea scene. I felt sure that pictures of the relatively tame 
creatures on the farm would appeal to people everywhere, so we 
set up a card table outside the house where the light was good. 
Near by was a cot. We confined the human actors to Dulcy 
Wedd, Mike Hartley and myself. On the table, in addition to 
various items of food and drink, was a deck of cards with 
which Dulcy and I could occupy ourselves, while Mike lay down 
on the cot for a nap. I put a few pieces of hard candy in the 
pocket of my jacket, which hung over the back of my chair. My 
hat was on a stool close by. 

With our cameramen set, the scene began. As Dulcy and I 
played cards, the camera caught a kudu and an eland grazing 
peacefully in the background, occasionally looking with some 
interest in our direction. Then Coco the baboon sauntered in, 
and I pretended not to notice as she sneaked to my chair, 
reached a paw into my jacket pocket, and stole some candy. She 
rushed a few feet away with great glee, removed the paper wrap 
ping, and stuffed the candy in her mouth. Next a small zebra 
wandered up close and nudged Dulcy with its nose. She took 
a nursing bottle from the table and gave the striped animal a 
welcome drink of milk. 

By the time the zebra was satisfied, the baboon was back 
again, with her two babies, one on her back and the other 
clinging to her breast. She took an open bottle of Pepsi Cola 
and tipped it up to drink, but some of the liquid spilled messily 
down her front, much to the delight of the baby there who 


lifted eager lips to catch what it could of the beverage while 
blinking to keep it out of its eyes. 

We shooed Coco and her children away and, as I turned 
back to our continually interrupted card game, another creature 
came into the scene silently an animal with a winning per 
sonality. I say this reluctantly, for I know that not many people 
will believe me. But Eric was once you got over the first dis 
taste of his appearance a charming fellow. Eric was a hyena 
even if totally different from all other hyenas. They are mis 
shapen, ugly, and generally revolting animals, and I've never 
heard a good word said for one until coming to Hartley's. Even 
then, I found him repulsive at first, but it did not take Eric 
long to win me over with the mischievous light in his eye, his 
friendliness and his sense of humor. Eric played endlessly and 
joyfully with Hartley's dogs. And he loved to play tricks. Sev 
eral times as I sat in my rond&vel writing, Eric sneaked in and 
snatched up some article of mine, hoping I would give chase. 
Once he picked up a shoe, making sure that I saw him at the 
last minute. I ran after him yelling, for I needed that shoe, and 
Eric dashed into an almost impenetrable growth of cactus, 
where I could not follow. 

In addition to shoes, Eric had a penchant for felt hats. 
That's why my hat was sitting on a stool, to tempt him into his 
mischievous thievery. It was irresistible to him, of course. He 
grabbed it in his teeth and tore away at top speed. This time I 
caught him, rolled him over on his back, and took my hat away 
from his snapping mouth. There was a hole in the hat, but that 
was small cost for a good scene. 

Back at the table again, I put a cigarette in my mouth only 
to have the eland step up and take it gently from my lips. He 
chewed it thoughtfully, swallowed it happily and gave me a look 
of thanks before stepping back. This eland loved cigarettes so 
much that it had been known to sneak through an open door of 
the house and steal an open package. 

Apparently the cigarette pepped him up, for he proceeded 
to tip over the cot on which Mike Hartley was supposed to be 


napping. Mike was furious, and the eland scampered away hap 
pily, delighted with his practical joke. 

The humans, at this point, decided that they had had 
enough. We all left the scene, but the cameras kept going, hop 
ing that the kudu would come through with his expected act. 
He did, entering the scene and eying the plates on the table. 
He looked around cautiously, then walked to the table and 
began licking the plates, as though knowing that he was doing 
something he shouldn't do. He stopped his licking occasionally 
to cast his eyes up at the cameraman, who might stop him at 
any moment. This meant, of course, that he looked directly into 
the camera during his rather guilty but happy cleaning of the 

It was only later that I thought of the white owls. We set 
the two of them on a beam above the door. They often made 
small growling noises at each other, turning as if in conversa 
tion as they did so. Then they looked forward, or down, at 
anyone who happened to be nearby. Their eyes would ordinarily 
be mere slits, but at sight of someone they would open wide as 
if in dismay or surprise. One owl would give this startled look, 
then turn to his fellow with a tilted head and small disapproving 
mutters. The friend would also look, turn, and make his own 

We set up a camera and waited for enough of these shocked 
looks and exchanges of comment to be impressed on the 
film. My plan was to cut these shots into the tea sequence. 
When Eric snatched my hat, or Coco spilled her drink, or the 
eland took my cigarette, the scene would cut to the owls with 
their amazement and disapproval. I reserved the most disapprov 
ing look of all for the kudu and his plate-licking, of course. 

There was nothing to keep us in the Hartley area any 
longer. I had to have more wild animals, more herds of wild 
animals, more wild animals in action, as well as tribes strange 
and wonderful. Two months had gone by and I had just 
scratched the surface. Some weeks before, our trucks had ar 
rived in Nairobi, where they were waiting for us. We had enough 


footage involving Mike and his father to use their experiences 
with animals as a theme for the picture. We had safely 
weathered the peak of the Mau Mau terror in the heart of the 
Mau Mau country. We were all eager to get our trucks and set 
out for wild country the wilder the better. 

y^ -Tr 
& yV 

Cats and Their Prey- 
and Scavengers 

favorite wild animal of most people seems to be 
JL the lion. At a zoo the monkeys will attract a big crowd 
if they are cavorting, the seals if they are diving and barking, the 
bears if they are dancing or fighting. But let the lion roar just 
once and everyone will leave these fascinating creatures to rush 
for the cage of the king of beasts. Men gave this big cat the 
name of king, indicating their preference, but the lion is not 
necessarily top dog in Nature. The elephant may be more in 
telligent, the leopard more cunning, the buffalo more deadly 
although you can start a hundred arguments among big game 
experts by such statements but the lion is king in men's eyes 
because he combines dignity, beauty, grace, speed, power, cour 
age and ferocity. 

I always admired lions, like everyone else, but I had a 
feeling that the whole story had not been told in the scores of 
books, fiction and fact, that I'd read. There were plenty of 
contradictions in what I read, which didn't bother me too much. 
Some writers particularly those who had hunted lions in the old 
days pictured the king of beasts as a bloodthirsty killer, with a 
nasty disposition and a chip on his shoulder, who went out 
looking for trouble, especially with nice harmless hunters who 
just wanted to shoot them for trophies. Others described the 
lion as a courteous gentleman who wouldn't hurt a fly unless 
the fly made a terrible nuisance of itself and unless, of course, 
the lion happened to be hungry; even then the lion would just 



kill some zebra or antelope too lame or sick or old to run fast. 
This, they said, was all for the best, a genuine service to zebras 
or antelopes in general who should thank the lion for weeding 
out their unfit and thus proving the correctness of Mr. Darwin's 
theory. These same writers also point out what good family men 
lions are and what a fine mother a lioness is, playing with and 
teaching her little cubs which are as cute and appealing as 
human babies and perhaps more so. 

People are always searching for human attributes in ani 
mals, and the more likenesses they can find the better the case 
they can make for the animal. Actually gorillas and chimpanzees 
are much more like humans than any other animals, which is 
not surprising in view of the closeness of the blood relationship, 
but few nature writers emphasize this because people don't 
find gorillas and chimpanzees admirable. There are some 
human beings in this world with a surprising number of the 
attributes of the hyena, some who remind me of nothing so 
much as a vulture. I even know a few women with the grace and 
the saucy posteriors of Thomson's gazelles. In general, however, 
I think it is a little silly and probably futile to try to understand 
animals in terms of human characteristics. 

In spite of this belief, I can see numerous resemblances 
between lions and men. In the main they both kill other ani 
mals for the sake of food and for no other reason. There are 
exceptions to this rule, such as mother lions killing in order to 
teach their cubs how to do it and, among men, big-game 
hunters who kill for the thrill of it. Generally, however, lions 
and men kill for food; in the last few centuries men have 
learned how to delegate this task to a few specialists. 

There are other similarities. Lions and men are both insatia 
bly curious, and both walk the earth as if they owned it as if it 
were created specifically for their enjoyment and stocked with 
birds, game, shady trees and clear streams solely for their pleas 
ure and sustenance. There's nothing particularly cocky about 
this feeling, in most cases; it is merely a never-questioned as 
sumption that he, whether Hon or man, is the center of things, 


the reason for things. The zebra has none of this feeling, nor 
does the topi, the giraffe, the hippo, rhino, buffalo or even the 
leopard. Perhaps the elephant has something of it, for he goes 
his own way unafraid of anything except man; but the elephant 
is more removed from the world, above it all, having little truck 
with other creatures. Lions and men, on the other hand, have 
plenty to do with the world and most creatures in it; both 
demonstrate daily that they are kings. Their calm assumption of 
superiority is half the battle in making them kings, for all other 
animals seem to sense the air of confidence that wraps itself 
around most lions and most men wherever they go. 

Kings are interested in other kings, so men have always 
shown more interest in lions than in other beasts. I shared this 
interest, but I was just about through with my scheduled trip in 
1937 when I realized that I had not even seen a lion. I had been 
in Simba's land without seeing Simba. I had seen elephants, 
buffalo, rhinos, hippos, okapi, and even gorilla which most 
hunters and explorers rarely see but not one lion. 

I was bemoaning this fact with Cezaire over the dinner 
table in the old Arab town of Usumbura at the northern end of 
Lake Tanganyika. He and his old Chewy^had taken me over 
thousands of miles of Africa and the months we had spent 
together had provided him, he said, with more adventures than 
he'd had in his previous ten yeays in Africa. The following 
morning he was heading back north for Kampala, while I was 
going to take a boat down the lake, spend some time in 
Rhodesia and South Africa, and catch the liner Duilio from 

But there was this business of having seen no lions, plus a 
natural reluctance to end an association and a trip that had 
meant so much to me. 

"The Serengeti Plains" I said, half to myself. "That 
would be the place to see lions for sure, I guess. You couldn't 
miss seeing lions in Kenya or Tanganyika two places I haven't 
been. Lots of other wonderful animals there, too. It seems a 
shame when I'm right here in Africa " 


Cezaire, with a light in his eye, produced a road map. We 
leaned over it, pointing, figuring distances. Even allowing time 
for repairs to the car and proper outfitting, we could be in the 
heart of the greatest game country in the world in ten days! 

Rhodesia and South Africa suddenly became unimportant 
places in my mind. I could shorten my itinerary by several 
weeks there, and I could fly when necessary to make the Duilio, 
on which I had reserved passage from Capetown. That's how I 
managed to see a lion indeed a great many lions on my first 
trip. But I never expected that my first sight of the king of 
beasts would come on a black night on a narrow road that 
seemed to be miles from anywhere. We had gone back to 
Kampala for tires and car overhaul and other essentials, then 
driven over dreadful roads to Nairobi, and were on our way to 
Arusha, in Tanganyika, from which we planned to take off for 
the Serengeti Plains. We were rather late because of a delayed 
start from Nairobi and numerous stops or slow-downs to see 
animals in such numbers as I had never seen before great herds 
of fat-rumped zebra, wildebeest, hartebeest and Thomson's ga 
zelles, not to mention a group of about fifteen baboons that 
crossed the road in front of us and barked at us as if we were 
trespassers, which I suppose we were. 

It was still light when we reached a rhino-hunting camp on 
the Namanga River operated by a middle-aged English couple 
with two very lonesome daughters, nineteen and twenty. The 
owner told us that the night before a number of lions had 
ganged up to attack a near-by kraal where some Masai herdsmen 
kept their cattle, eighteen of which were killed. 

"You can't help seeing lions around here," he said. "At this 
time of day, particularly, you will see lions on the road between 
here and Arusha." 

We left at once, to take advantage of all the daylight that 
might be left, but within half an hour the sun had set and 
darkness came down quickly, only to be lightened by a big moon 
that periodically went behind clouds with the effect of dropping 
a black cloth over us and our surroundings. When it reap- 


peared, we saw quite well well enough to make out a good- 
sized herd of giraffe only a few yards from the road. As we 
approached, they moved away like sedate rocking horses, in 
complete silence, but only a short distance. They then turned to 
look at us curiously, as if they could not understand such 
creatures roaming around in the night. But they showed no real 

We left the giraifes behind, and picked up speed slightly as 
the moonlight showed the road ahead for a reasonable distance. 
It ran between thick scrub growth of grass, thorn bushes and low 
twisted trees. When the moon plunged suddenly behind a cloud 
again, our view was constricted to the narrow shaft of white 
made by our headlights and the special searchlight Cezaire had 
improvised for night driving. At that moment of sudden dark 
ness, an immense form plunged from the bush at the right of 
the road, flashed across in front of the car actually clearing the 
hood by no more than a foot and disappeared on the other side 
of the road. Cezaire jammed on the brakes, which squealed and 
raised a cloud of dust, then threw the car into reverse and backed 
up slowly as we both peered into the bush at the left. 

The strong lights finally picked up the creature, and Cezaire 
maneuvered the car so that they shone squarely on him a huge 
male lion with a dark ruffly mane. He just sat there, seven or 
eight yards off the road, staring at us and blinking his eyes in 
the bright light. There was neither animosity nor fear in his 
expression and attitude, but rather surprise and curiosity pretty 
much the same feelings we had. Apparently he had been in the 
bush alongside the road, had spied our lights as we approached, 
and finally succumbed to that universal African impulse, shared 
by animals and Africans alike, to leap in front of the car and 
cross the road. 

The lion looked at us and we looked at the lion for several 
minutes, disproving all theories about animals hating bright 
lights. Finally he strolled slowly toward us and sniffed our front 
bumper. Obviously satisfied with his findings, he turned and 


ambled off down the road gracefully and nonchalantly, swinging 
his tail languidly. 

"Follow him slowly," I told Cezaire. 

We crept along about ten or twelve feet behind the big 
animal. After we'd gone about fifty yards he turned to stare at 
us. We stopped, and he walked on again, then turned and 
sauntered off into the bush where he disappeared from view. 

Cezaire and I looked at each other. We shook hands, smil 
ing happily. 

We drove on slowly, discussing what might have happened 
if the lion had struck the car instead of missing it by a few 
inches. Four hundred pounds of leaping lion might have caused 
considerable damage and if he had injured himself in the act he 
would have been very nasty. Suddenly Cezaire broke off in the 
middle of a sentence and pointed. Two lionesses stood near 
the edge of the road, as if waiting for us to approach. We drew 
up about fifteen feet away with our bright lights fixed directly 
on them. These beasts, too, seemed to bask in the light rather 
than avoid it. And they too showed no animosity only amaze 
ment and curiosity. One turned to the other as if to make a com 
ment, but the second lioness was apparently bored by us. She 
gave a prodigious yawn which revealed not only her murderous 
teeth but her lack of fear. 

The window on my side of the car was open, and suddenly 
I was aware of something moving beside me. The short hair on 
the back of my neck rose before I knew I was frightened, and by 
the time my eyes and brain took in the fact that a lion had 
passed close enough for me to touch him, he had moved on 
ahead into the shaft of light. The big fellow took the center of 
the stage at once, turned and stared at us. 

For no less than five minutes and that can seem like an 
eternity in such situations the lion family stood and looked at 
us. I knew that we were safe inside the "car, so after the first 
shock of surprise I could devote my whole attention to studying, 
at unusually close range, these beautiful and supremely confident 


animals. I could see them breathe, shift position slightly, lift their 
noses to sniff the night air, turn to one another as if in whispered 
conversation. Finally one of the lionesses became thoroughly 
bored, sauntered up to the front of the car to smell it and thus 
make sure there was nothing she had missed. Her friend fol 
lowed her, and then they both walked off into the bush without 
another backward glance. The lion looked at them, looked at us 
once more, and leaped lightly over a thornbush to follow them. 

That was an excellent and unexpected introduction to 
lions, of course, with only one drawback. At night I could take 
no pictures. I missed another camera shot on the Serengeti 
Plains on that first trip when we came upon a pride of seven 
lions two males, four females and a toto about six months old 
two hundred feet away. The light was right for once, but the 
lions proved unexpectedly fearful. Not at first. Cezaire stopped 
the car, and the whole group came up quietly to investigate us 
more closely. When they were about twenty-five feet from the 
car, Cezaire snatched up the Leica camera to get a shot. At the 
movement, six of the pack bounded back up the hill yipping 
bloody murder and the seventh took off across the plains in the 
opposite direction, his tail between his legs, yelping like a 
scared dog. 

When I saw the District Commissioner later, I asked him 
about the cowardly lions. He laughed. "Yes, that's rather unu 
sual," he said, "but I think I can explain it. A few nights ago 
a large pack of lions attacked a Masai kraal and killed many 
head of cattle. I sent out some askaris who shot a number of the 
gang. Probably your seven had been a part of it. When they saw 
Cezaire raise his arm with the camera, they associated the move 
ment with guns and gunfire, by which their friends had recently 
been killed. So they took off in a hurry, forgetting all dignity." 

On my later trips to Africa, I learned how rare this sight 
really was. A lion will do almost anything to keep his dignity, to 
save face. I'm sure, for instance, that the big lion I mentioned in 
the first chapter, which was being tantalized by so many suc 
culent gazelles, was annoyed as, could be. But he would never 


lower himself to show that annoyance, particularly when it 
would get him nowhere. 

Ace DuPreez, who convinced me on my 1954-55 trip that 
he not only knows lions but most animals thoroughly, insists 
that no one should be afraid of a lion. 

"If you come upon a lion unexpectedly," he advises, "re 
member that the lion wants to avoid trouble as much as you do. 
Give him a chance to retreat gracefully and with dignity, and 
he'll probably take it. But don't back him into a corner, or what 
he thinks is a corner, and don't do anything to make him look 
silly. He's the king and he must act like a king. Once I came 
upon a lion in the grass, much to the surprise of both of us. 
The wind was just right so he had no warning that I was near. 
We stood stock-still staring at each other, about ten feet apart. 
Then he haughtily turned to one side, going behind a tall ant 
hill as if that were where he had intended going anyway. I was 
able to peek over the top of the hill, though, which he didn't 
realize. Just as soon as he thought he was out of sight, he 
dropped his dignity in a hurry, and ran like a scared rabbit. 
But I want to warn you don't depend on a lion's always acting 
that way." 

Here is the universal refrain of everyone who really knows 
lions don't depend on it. A lion's actions are unpredictable, 
and generalizations are dangerous. Allan Tarlton, noted white 
hunter and expert on snakes, who has killed more than 150 lions, 
gives the same warning after telling about the time he was hunt 
ing guinea fowl with a twenty-two rifle. Walking through the 
long grass he almost stepped on a lioness suckling two newborn 
cubs. Now, everyone knows that any wild animal with young is 
most dangerous, but this lioness just sat up on her haunches, 
with one cub still clinging hungrily to her breast. Tarlton 
saw the blazing ferocity in her eyes, the twitch of her tail, 
but he could do nothing except stand still. His twenty-two was 
ineffectual against a lion particularly a lion only eight feet 
away a nd turning to run would have been the most fatal move. 
He thought he was a goner, but the lioness did not spring. She 


stared, and Tarlton stared. When nothing happened to the 
lioness or her cubs, the fire died slowly out of her eyes and she 
relaxed slightly. Tarlton slowly moved to one side into the grass 
and walked away. The lioness looked after him a moment, 
then settled herself in the grass again as her cubs went on with 
their interrupted meal. 

Despite this pleasant experience, Tarlton gravely advises 
that no one should take either the tameness or apparent inof- 
f ensiveness of any lion for granted. He recalls the fact that three 
of the lions he has shot were man-eaters and he was requested by 
the government to shoot them as professional hunters are when 
ever these psychopaths among lions are discovered. They are dis 
covered, of course, only by virtue of the fact that they have 
eaten someone, making it too late so far as the digested man is 
concerned but not too late for everyone else in the neighbor 
hood. It seems that once a lion has cultivated a taste for human 
flesh he is not really satisfied with anything else. So when a lion 
kills one person, strenuous efforts are made to hunt him down 
and kill him at once, before he can indulge his new appetite fur 

Fortunately, man-eating lions are relatively rare far less 
common than sensational Sunday supplement tales or the exag 
gerations of some travelers would lead us to believe. It obviously 
is not normal or customary for lions to eat human beings, any 
more than it is normal or customary for human beings to murder 
other people. You can walk down the street and be perfectly 
certain that almost everyone you meet is not a murderer, and 
you can go through Africa with equal certainty that almost every 
lion you see is not a man-eater. A man-eating lion is a twisted, 
warped, abnormal lion. What makes him that way is perhaps 
easier to figure out than what makes a man into a murderer, be 
cause a lion's life is less complicated than a man's. 

For many years the theory was that man-eating lions were 
old or sick or lame animals that were not fast enough to catch 
their normal prey such as zebras and different varieties of an 
telope. In these circumstances, they were often driven out of any 


group and forced to hunt alone. They turned to domestic ani 
mals such as cows as their hunger overcame their natural reluc 
tance to linger around human habitations. In the course of such 
raids, they might have to kill a man who was trying to protect 
his herds. With this first taste of human blood and human flesh, 
the lion was lost to normal ways. Just what makes human meat 
so tasty has never been explained. But then no one has quite 
satisfactorily explained what makes alcohol so irresistible to an 
alcoholic. Perhaps it helps build up the lion's ego. 

In any event, the hypothesis about man-eaters being lions 
unfit for ordinary lion life no doubt holds good in many cases, 
but it does not explain the man-eaters that are occasionally shot 
who turn out to be strong males in the prime of life, obviously 
capable of catching zebra or topi or wildebeest. 

But perhaps there are not many zebra or topi or wildebeest 
around that season. Lions are not long-distance travelers, like 
the elephants, and like to stay within a large area that they con 
sider their own. If for some reason drought, migration, or the 
conversion of wild land to farm land the natural food supply of 
the lion is considerably diminished, some few beasts will turn to 
whatever animals are at hand for their meals cattle or humans. 
In many sections of Kenya and Tanganyika, the last few decades 
have seen a vast extension of settled agricultural areas. The 
herds of antelopes and zebras move farther away; many lions 
move along with them, but others are reluctant to leave their 
old haunts. Thus civilization tends to make lions into man-eaters. 

The most famous man-eaters were very definitely connected 
with the advent of civilization. The man-eaters of Tsavo held up 
construction of the railroad from the coast into the interior of 
East Africa in 1899 because they ate so many of the workers. 
Colonel J. H. Paterson, who eventually wiped them out, felt that 
the laborers might have started the whole thing because they did 
not bother to bury properly a few men who had died on the job 
of natural causes. Although ordered to take the bodies into the 
bush and bury them deep, the workers just left them in the tall 
grass or among the thornbushes. Along came some lions, ate this 


flesh someone had left out for them and liked it. They wanted 
more of the same and went looking for it, even to the extent of 
occasionally dragging a screaming African from tent or hut. 

But if civilization has perhaps created man-eating tenden 
cies among lions, so has this custom of refraining from burial of 
their dead. Many tribes of Africa do bury their dead, but the 
Masai and others in the big-game areas do not. They apparently 
have no sentimental feeling about the body of a person and find 
that the most convenient way of disposing of it quickly and effi 
ciently is to leave it outside the village for the vultures, hyenas 
and jackals to take care of. Occasionally a lion finds the body 
first, eats, and may go haywire. 

It is not known, of course, that all lions who have once 
tasted human flesh gain an insatiable appetite for more of the 
same. There may be many lions who try it and don't like it, or 
others who eat one meal and go back to zebra as if there 
were no difference between the two meats. But it is best to as 
sume that one taste is enough to change the lion, for it has been 
proven that a man-eater in a certain area will go on making 
human kills every few nights until he is shot. 

JHappily, I never, to my knowledge, encountered a man- 
eater. On my 1954-55 trip* when we were going to Ifakara, a 
Wadamba village on the Kilombero River, to film the native 
harpooning of hippos, we learned that five natives had been 
killed by man-eating lions shortly before, one of them within a 
hundred yards of a Church Mission. I was glad that we were not 
searching for lion pictures there and that the beasts were not 
likely to appear near the hippo-infested river. I think that we 
would have abandoned lion filming in any area in which I heard 
a report about man-eaters. It is one thing to approach on foot 
within twenty feet of a normal lion who would look upon me as 
litde more that a prying nuisance, and quite another to move up 
close to a lion that might consider me as a great delicacy. 

Actually, the danger of encountering a man-eater never en 
tered my head when I was out in the field looking for lions to 
photograph. But there was always the chance that a lion might be 


in pain or a foul temper from any of numerous causes an ul 
cerating tooth, porcupine quills in his footpads, a lost girl 
friend or a plain stomach-ache. Certainly lions must be subject 
to moods like people, though cause and effect may be simpler 
and more direct. You do run into a nasty-tempered lion on occa 
sion, ready to slash at mate, friend or annoying man with cam 
era. Such beasts are called by the natives kali. They are not 
psychopaths as are the man-eaters, or rogues that seem to have 
gone completely crazy. No, they are just bad-tempered animals 
at least bad-tempered at the moment. And they are not to be 
trifled with. 

Sometimes I could sense when an animal was katt> but I 
did not rely on my own judgment. A look in the eye, a twitch of 
the tail, a kind of nervous tension would give me warning. Then 
I'd look at Mafuta, if he had not already cautioned me. Mafuta 
could always tell. He even scowled and looked bad-tempered 
himself, as if sharing the animal's emotions. With a shake of the 
head and a muttered "Kali? he would warn me off, and I would 
decide not to get out of the truck to get a close-up of this particu 
lar beast. 

Does all this mean that if a lion is not a man-eater, not 
wounded and not kali, he is safe? No, unfortunately. It may 
mean precisely that nine times out of ten, or even twenty-four 
times out of twenty-five but not always. That one other time a 
lion will act contrary to expectations despite the lack of any rea 
son discernible to man. Of course, the lion itself has a reason for 
charging, ignoring or retreating & reason that makes sense to 
him. The fact that we cannot foresee or understand it is of no 
concern to the lion. 

Personally, I have an idea that sometimes when a lion 
charges without apparent reason he is just plain sick of being 
pestered. Human beings creeping up close when he wants to 
sleep or make love or eat or just lie there enjoying the scenery 
must often seem annoying as the devil. I can understand why an 
otherwise peaceful and contented lion would suddenly lash out. 

In general, however, lions are singularly tolerant and even 


amiable creatures. They are intelligent and adaptable. Their 
adaptability accounts for some of the apparent contradictions in 
the stories one hears and reads about them. The lions that ap 
pear friendliest, tamest and consequently easiest to photograph 
are those which have seen almost nothing of man or a great deal 
of man. In the latter category are those Cezaire and I saw that 
night on the way to Arusha and those I encountered for my best 
pictures from the first trip, some time later. I had said goodbye 
to Cezaire in Arusha and hired a Ford with a Kikuyu driver to 
take me to Dodoma, where I could catch the plane south for 
Northern Rhodesia. So far as I was concerned, my experiences 
and filming in the big-game regions had ended. We were going 
along the road at a good clip when I saw a lion lying under a tree 
up ahead, a splendid specimen with a rare black mane. He 
was finishing a zebra dinner all alone, and looked inquiringly 
up at us as we stopped the car about thirty yards from him. The 
sky was overcast, and there was not enough light for me to get 
good pictures at that distance, especially since he was in the 
shade of the tree, but we didn't dare move closer. The driver 
was too frightened, even though he should have known he was 
safe in the car, and I was afraid that I would drive the lion away. 
Perhaps if we waited he would eventually come to us out of 

When the lion saw that we were standing still and mak 
ing no noise, he went back to his munching, looking up at us oc 
casionally to make sure we were still behaving ourselves. We had 
shut the motor off and could hear the crunch of bones as he 
worked on the short ribs. It was obvious that he was no longer 
ravenous, but he didn't want to leave too much for the vultures 
which were circling closer and closer, occasionally landing ten or 
fifteen feet away and casting nervous eyes first at the lion and 
then at us. 

For half an hour we sat there as the great beast finished his 
meal in leisurely fashion. Finally our patience was rewarded, for 
he rose slowly to his feet, took one last lick at the zebra, and 
feinted toward two vultures to scare them away. Then he walked 


diagonally across toward us, his belly so full that he had to move 
slowly. I could see the mouth and paws that dripped with blood 
and at that moment he was not so beautiful. But I leaned out of 
the window, trained the camera on him, and pressed the button. 
He turned into the road and padded along, away from us, very 
sedately. I told the driver to follow along behind, which he 
reluctantly did. The lion did not even turn around as the car 
started up but kept on his way. The light was just right and I 
felt sure I was getting exactly what I wanted. Suddenly he 
wheeled about, opened his jaws wide, and let out a combined 
yawn and roar. 

My driver, scared almost white, threw the car into reverse 
so violently that it almost leaped backwards and spoiled my 
shooting of the last half of the long yawn-roar. I know the lion 
was not angry. For one thing, lions seldom are after they have 
eaten their fill. This one was merely expressing his satisfaction 
with the good dinner he'd enjoyed, as some humans do quite 
noisily. In a moment he continued on his way, although a bit off 
the road, and for a time we traveled parallel, only a few yards 
apart. I kept the camera going a good deal of the time, and finally 
he vanished into the bush. 

I felt quite elated with this extra dividend, and then about 
an hour later the car rounded a turn and almost bumped into a 
pride of lions basking in the sun one male, three females and 
a half -grown cub. They lifted their heads to gaze at us, but did 
not stir. 

"Go ahead, slowly," I told the boy. 

"Oh no, Bwma, no!" he protested. 

"Yes," I insisted. 

He put the car into low gear and inched forward. The 
lions were aware of our gradual approach, but did not seem 
perturbed. I started photographing through the windshield, but 
the boy stopped about fifty feet from the lions. "Go ahead," I 
ordered, and we moved to twenty-five feet. "Farther!" I mut 
tered, though the driver was sweating and mumbling protests 
or prayers to himself. At about fifteen feet we stopped. The 


lions were stall lying down, still contemplating us indifferently 
all except the toto that was snarling furiously at us. The rest 
of them were not even very interested. After we had remained 
still for a few minutes they turned their heads away, and one 
lioness, lazy and contented, closed her eyes and dozed off. 

Another lioness, farther away and thus unable to see us 
very well, rose and started walking toward us, although not 
bothering to look directly at us. I still felt relatively safe as she 
approached the car, but took the precaution of jerking in the 
camera and rolling up the window. She walked right past with- 
out paying the slightest attention and disappeared in the bush. 

Encouraged by this, I told the driver to edge up even closer, 
very slowly. Against his better judgment, he did so, until we 
were no more than four feet from the nearest female. I opened 
the window and stuck out the camera, training it directly on her. 
At the whirr of its starting, she looked up at me and screwed up 
her eyes slightly as if wondering what this was all about. There 
was a calm and friendly, though aloof, expression in her eyes, 
and I could almost have said that she smiled slightly. 

After taking all the movie footage I could possibly use, I 
picked up the Leica and made some stills. Finally the male 
stood up slowly and started off in the bush, the others following 
him. They were thoroughly unconcerned and disdainful. 

As time goes on, more and more people are enjoying such 
experiences in Africa in the great reserves and parks that have 
been created. The lions in Kruger Park have long been known 
to act pretty much like the bears in Yellowstone Park, and 
those near Nairobi are fast becoming as indifferent to the pres 
ence of men in automobiles. The Serengeti Plains, where so 
many big-game hunters have bagged their beautiful lion tro 
phies, are now a restricted area, with lions protected. And it 
doesn't take lions or any other animals very long to realise 
they are in a safe place. Occasionally, of course, some foolish 
person is beguiled by the placid lions into thinking they are com 
pletely tame. He gets out of his car, contrary to regulations, and 
goes up too close. Even then, the lion is most likely to move away 


but he may become annoyed and maul the human pest. It doesn't 
take much mauling by a lion for a person to wind up with 
broken neck and a stomach slashed to ribbons. 

A man outside a car is not at all the same thing to a lion as 
a man inside one. It actually seems, in fact, as if the lion looks 
upon the automobile as one creature with which, in certain areas, 
it has become familiar. 

I said that the least dangerous lions are those either most 
accustomed to man or least familiar with him. I meant in the 
first connection those accustomed to men not trying to kill lions, 
of course in other words, the lions in parks and reserves and 
restricted areas where they are protected. But what about the 
lions that have had almost no contact with man, good or bad? 
One might think that they would be particularly savage, at 
tacking this strange new creature immediately when he first 
stepped into Simba's land. That assumes an innate ferocity in 
the lion, which just does not exist. Except for the very rare 
rogues and the occasional big cats with toothaches or such, lions 
apparently haven't got anything against anybody. They haven't 
even got anything against the zebra they stalk; that animal 
represents necessary food just as a steer means steak and roast 
beef to us. Maybe the steer thinks men are fierce and mean, but 
we don't have any such feelings toward the animal, of course. 
We're just hungry. 

When a lion is not hungry, he is a thoroughly inoffensive 
animal. The most conclusive proof of this comes from the ac 
tions of zebras, wildebeest, and other favorite dishes of the 
king of beasts. I've mentioned the lion being teased by various 
species of antelopes. I have also seen, on many occasions, herds 
of topi, wildebeest, hartebeest, zebra, and "Tommies" grazing 
placidly within seventy-five feet of a pride of lions. They did not 
even bother to keep their eyes on their most bitter enemies. 
The lions were full of food and the prey knew it. When die 
lions moved around, I could see their bulging bellies that made 
them walk slowly. They could not run fast if they tried but 
more important they had no desire to run after a zebra and 


bring it down. What would they do with it? A lion does not kill 
for the fun of it, as many leopards obviously do. He isn't inter 
ested in killing, only in getting a meal when he needs it. 

I believe that antelopes and other lion prey know through 
a sense of smell when a lion is satisfied, when he is hungry. The 
glandular activity of a lion digesting a big meal is certainly dif 
ferent from that of a hungry lion getting ready for a quiet stalk 
and a flying charge. In any event, the lion's prey knows when he 
is dangerous and when he isn't. 

As for the animals which are not considered edible by the 
lion, they show no fear of the king of beasts. A hyena will keep 
out of a lion's way because lions obviously don't like hyenas. 
But they never kill hyenas and would not dream of eating their 
flesh. When these scavengers come too close before a lion has 
finished eating, the big cat will take a swipe at the hyena or make 
a short charge to drive him away, but that's only because the 
hyena is a pest. On the other hand, lions seem to like jackals and 
have been reported sometimes to toss them bits of meat while 
they are still eating. Lions have fun chasing vultures away from 
the remains, but they never try to kill the birds. 

Lions do not make a habit of picking fights with other 
animals and rarely fight bitterly with each other. Even in com 
petition for a beautiful lioness at mating time, male lions almost 
never do battle for her favors. Instead, they seem to follow the 
sensible procedure of leaving the matter up to her and the one 
not chosen goes off to look for another young lady. Or he may 
just hang around and wait his turn, for lions are polygamous, 
and a lioness is generally willing to mate with several males in 
succession. And a male lion may have a harem or share one 
with another male. That's why you will find prides of one male 
and three females, or two males and four females, or in almost 
any combination. 

Two male lions of about the same age often form very close 
friendships, too, hunting and palling around together for a long 
period. There are, of course, similar evidences of deep devotion 
between male and female over quite a time, but these should not 


lead people to believe that all lions have family lives compara 
ble to those of human beings. 

Although the photographing of wild animals has begun to 
supplant the killing of them only in recent years, a few men were 
primarily interested in pictures as far back as the turn of the 
century. If they traveled far enough to get away from European 
towns and the villages of lion-hunting natives, and if they stayed 
long enough for the lions to become accustomed to them, they 
enjoyed remarkable experiences. An example is Paul L. Hoefler, 
who in the twenties found himself in some good lion country 
that had not been extensively hunted. He and his companions 
came upon a group of lions near a water hole and a clump of 
shady trees. They were busy eating and did not seem too dis 
turbed at the approach of men, so Hoefler contented himself 
with photographing them from a distance, with a telephoto lens. 

The next day the men returned and came a little closer, 
still being careful not to annoy or disturb the lions in any way. 
They killed a zebra and left it for the lions, came a little closer 
the following day, still taking pictures. For several weeks Hoefler 
spent almost every day with the lions, and it was soon obvious 
that the lions had accepted the men as completely harmless fea 
tures of the landscape. There were six females one with cubs 
and two males in the group, each with distinctive personality. 
The leader of the group, at least in courage and initiative, was 
a lioness and this seems generally to be die case. Fve always 
found that a lioness will come up closest, will make the first 
move, will display the greatest curiosity and confidence. She is 
usually the one to make a Trill, too, with her mate tagging along 

The lions performed regularly for Hoefler's camera, play 
ing among the rocks, teaching the cubs, making love and ob 
viously living exactly the kind of life that lions live with no men 
and cameras around. By the clever placing of the meat he brought 
for them, he was able to get them to perform pretty much as he 
wished, even to the point of having them climb trees which 
lions were always supposed not to be able to do. 


Some of his photographing was done from a blind, or boma, 
made of thorn bushes, with a couple of peepholes for cameras. 
He filmed lions fighting over a carcass when they were quite 
hungry and licking each other in friendly fashion after the 
meal as if to say that they had not really meant anything un 
pleasant by fighting. The boldest lioness used to approach the 
boma and stand on tiptoe to look through one of the apertures, 
just to make sure Hoefler was there. And always, after they left 
and were driving away in their truck, the men saw all the lions 
go up for a look inside. 

They were always aware of the men's presence but were 
neither afraid nor angry after the first few days. Hoefler had con 
clusive proof that the lions were selective and intelligent in this 
behavior, however, and did not extend their acceptance to all 
men. One day while photographing the lions near the water 
hole, the man saw them stop their actions, lift their noses and 
quickly but quietly hide in the nearby grass and a lion can hide 
effectively in a spot which, as Hoefler puts it, "a rabbit would 

La a few minutes Hoefler saw the reason for the lions' re 
treat three lion-hunting, spear-carrying Masai warriors came 
over the hill. When these men had passed by and were out of 
sight, the lions came out of the grass and went about their busi 

In spite of these amiable relations with lions, Hoefler never 
felt that he could predict their behavior so that he felt abso 
lutely safe. Once when he was filming the group from only about 
fifteen feet the lions were eating a female looked up, lashed 
her tail, snarled, and made a rush at him. He was frozen with 
fear, but the lioness suddenly stopped about six feet in front of 
him he could feel her hot breath turned around and went 
back to her meal. He could not explain what had made her rush 
at him in the first place or what had made her stop. And he re 
peats that the only thing certain about a lion is its uncertainty. 

Most of the early lion hunters had no such concept of the 
lion as Hoefler presented. They looked upon the lion as a 


vicious, bloody, vindictive killer that went out looking for trou 
ble and usually found it. They went to kill lions, not to study or 
understand them. Before the turn of the century, rifles were often 
not as accurate nor bullets as powerful as those of today, so 
many lions were just wounded at the first shot. Now everyone 
agrees that there is nothing much more angry and devastating 
than a wounded lion. The pain infuriates him, his pride is 
wounded as deeply as his body. His bloodstream is filled with 
a sudden great outpouring from his adrenal glands so that his 
muscles are activated to overpowering strength. He can leap 
twenty or twenty-five feet at one bound, and his speed over a 
short distance is almost incredible. 

Most of the early hunters had such a creature coming for 
them at one time or another, and they very naturally concluded 
that the lion was the most deadly and bloodthirsty beast ever 
created. They did not understand the lion's insatiable curiosity, 
either. When they camped out in lion country they built up 
thick thorn walls around their camps at night, and kept fires 
burning. The lions, wandering out at dusk, wondered about 
this new feature on the landscape and went to investigate. Find 
ing a thorn wall in their way served only to intensify their curi 
osity, just as it would with human beings. The lions found a way 
under or over or through the thorns and started sniffing around. 
A sleepy guard screamed, somebody grabbed a gun and shot it, 
and both lions and men went into a panic in which somebody 
got hurt. So the hunters concluded that lions were so vicious they 
would do anything to get at men and kill them. 

Nowadays nobody builds a wall around his camp or keeps 
fires going. I have heard lions padding around'my tent at night, 
sniffing and looking carefully until their curiosity was satisfied, 
then going quietly away. I will admit that I felt a little uneasy, 
but I don't think the more experienced professional hunters in 
the party did. 

Most of the lions I have encountered and photographed fall 
in the category of those which have had enough unpleasant ex 
perience with men to be afraid and not too friendly. 


candelabra euphorbia trees. Sheldrick, Mafuta, and I were in 
the open-sided safari car and Sheldrick drove right into the 
grove between the trees, looking for a good spot. About twenty 
feet in, the growth closed ahead of us and we could go no fur 
ther. As we looked back to turn around, we saw a huge buffalo, 
about fifteen feet to one side, glaring at us angrily. 

"If he charges, he could cause trouble hitting us broadside/' 
Sheldrick said. "He is a very big one." Mafuta agreed that this 
was an unusually large buffalo, probably an old fellow that had 
been thrown out of his herd because of age or cantankerousness. 
Buffaloes are almost never seen alone in other circumstances. 

The buffalo lowered his head, pawed slightly at the ground, 
but David quicldy threw the truck into reverse and backed it 
around toward the buffalo, confronting the animal with our solid 
rear end rather than our open side. The idea of attack was psy 
chologically sound, too, for the old buffalo was obviously star 
tled. Startled enough, at any rate, to turn and trot away. 

We made camp and ate our evening meal. When the sun 
set it became very cold, as it often does in spite of hot days on 
the veldt near the equator, and we needed a fire and sweaters. 
The next morning we were out early looking for lions and found 
three within twenty minutes a male and two females lying un 
der an acacia tree. Sheldrick suggested that we should get some 
bait to entice them into the open and into some action for film 
ing, so we went off looking for animals. This was an easy 
task, for in this country there were herds of zebra, topi, wilde 
beest, hartebeest, giraffe, Thomson's gazelles, eland and other 
animals almost everywhere one looked. We found a herd of topi 
and Mark Williams shot one. Strange as it may seem, it was the 
first animal I had seen shot in all my travels, and it gave me a 
sickening feeling. 

The topi is not the most beautiful or appealing of the many 
species of antelope, for its sloping haunches give a humorous 
impression. But it is a graceful and inoffensive animal, with the 
usual big eyes of the antelope tribe. Mark's first shot didn't fin 
ish it off, and it tried to get up, while the other topi in the herd 


raced off some distance. I noticed one of them which did not run 
as far as the others but stood and watched its friend, or possibly 
its mate, struggling to its feet. Mark shot a second time and 
the animal went down, and Maf uta ran up to put the animal out 
of its misery with his knife. He then expertly cut off one leg 
for food topi steaks are quite good and we tied a chain from 
the truck around the remains of the carcass to haul it off toward 
the lions. During the whole procedure, the other topi looked on 
dolefully. This added to my unhappiness, and my stomach was 
uneasy for a time, but I realized this was part of the business 
and said nothing. 

By the time we started to drag the topi across the plain the 
vultures were circling above and following us. We drove the 
truck as close to the tree sheltering the lions as we could without 
chasing them away, then hitched the chain to a small tree in the 
open, where the lions could both see and smell the meat. We 
retired a short distance, waiting for them to come out and eat. 
But they would not come. 

"They must have eaten recently," Sheldrick said. "They 
aren't hungry/' 

The vultures circled lower and finally skidded to an awk 
ward landing about ten feet away from the carcass. They knew 
the lions were watching, and kept their eyes on the beasts. We 
all hoped that the sight of the vultures at the carcass would 
bring the lions out, but they just lay under their tree as if en 
joying the sight. In disgust, we headed back for camp to have 
lunch, and by the time we returned the vultures had finished 
off the topi. The lions were asleep and merely lifted their heads 
when they heard us approach. I was not interested in taking pic 
tures of lions resting in the shade of a tree. 

There are at least a dozen such attempts for every shot one 
actually takes of lions and then only a few of the shots are 
worth putting in a feature film. In spite of the fact that we were 
in a rather isolated area and that die years of the war had con 
siderably curtailed all big-game hunting, we had a difficult time 
finding lions for a time. While out looking for them, however, 


we had many spectacular sights to enjoy and some to film. Once 
we came upon a herd of about three hundred zebra which 
stampeded at our approach. Thundering across the plains and 
raising a cloud of dust, they were a breath-taking sight and I 
thought we had some good pictures. But these films were later 
lost. I did manage to get a fine shot of a herd of giraffe moving 
swifdy but sedately across the flat land. The light was just right, 
and the giraffe, though some distance away, were clearly seen 
against die bright blue sky and white cumulus clouds. You'd 
think that a running giraffe might be the most awkward thing 
in the world, but actually he is graceful in a dignified way, rock 
ing along in a slow rhythm that deceives one as to speed. These 
shots turned out well and were included in "Savage Splendor." 
Later I filmed more excellent giraffe shots, as a large group 
stampeded in single file against a lovely mountain background. 
It was a real joy to take such photographs and made up for the 
repeated frustrations in connection with lions. 

One day we chased a warthog in the truck, trying to get 
close enough to film it well, when it suddenly turned and charged 
at us. Since a warthog is not a very pugnacious animal, and cer 
tainly not very destructive, we were all caught completely by 
surprise. The warthog's move was just a feint, but it served its 
purpose. We jammed on the brakes, and the animal veered off 
into the bush, escaping. I was reminded of a story Carl Akeley 
told about a half-grown warthog that managed to escape from 
a lioness. This seems incredible, but the lioness was old and 
heavy and rather slow. Still, she should have been able to get 
the little pig easily. He eluded her by veering to one side 
every time she was set to spring, and finally winded her so much 
the lion is never fast on the long haul that he got completely 

Another time we raced a cheetah in the truck. Since this 
member of the cat family is probably the fastest creature in the 
world for a short distance, we didn't have much chance. The 
cheetah is not really dangerous because it has rather blunt claws 
like a dog*s rather than the usual sharp sabres of the lion and 


leopard. I've seen young Mike Hartley grab one by its tail when 
it was climbing up a tree. 

Holding a wild animal by its tail looks silly, but almost all 
men who really know animals grab for any beast's tail in an 
emergency. They claim that if they keep tugging on the tail for 
all they're worth the animal cannot get set to spring, cannot keep 
its proper balance for any sort of attack, cannot kick or claw 
with top eif ectiveness. It seemed to work whenever we witnessed 
the efforts of a group of men trying to get an obstreperous wild 
animal into a cage or truck at Carr Hartley's place. 

After many days spent looking for lions or trying to entice 
them into action in a good light, we were rewarded by finding a 
pride of five lions, including two males with beautiful manes, 
among a small cluster of trees. We found a herd of wildebeest 
near by, shot one, and brought it back near the lions. There was 
no tree to tie it to, but we left it in the open not far from the 
lions and retired in the truck. Several lions came out almost im 
mediately, chased away the approaching vultures, and started 
to feed. We edged up in the truck with both cameras going. We 
got a good shot of a female, annoyed at the vultures which had 
returned, chasing them away. 

As we came closer and closer, the lions kept looking up nerv 
ously, and we decided that if we went further they might bolt. 
After all this time we didn't want to lose out, but I was disap 
pointed at our distance from the big cats. I decided to go closer 
on foot, and told David Sheldrick and Mafuta to cover me. 

The lions didn't pay much attention when I stepped from 
the truck, but they began to glance up as I moved slowly toward 
them, stopping to film them occasionally. I was happy to hear 
the whirr of the camera in the truck behind me, for I knew the 
cameraman was getting both me and the lions on his film. 
When I was about twenty feet away, all the lions looked up at 
once from their carcass, blood dripping from their jowls. Ob 
viously the lions did not like my close approach. I don't know if 
they thought I wanted to take their meat away from them or 
kill them, but they were obviously seriously annoyed. At such 


moments you have no way of knowing if the lions are going to 
go on earing, retreat, or charge. If the decision is the last, it hap 
pens in about one second. 

There was nothing I could do about it but freeze absolutely 
still. My blood was so chilled that I don't think I could have done 
anything else anyway, which is fortunate. 

I knew that David and Mafuta both had their big guns 
trained on the lions, ready to shoot the instant one of them 
made a move toward me. But could they handle five lions? 
Luckily, five lions rarely charge at once. One of them, probably 
a female, would have been the first. Perhaps even two would 
have come for me at once while the others stood by waiting. 
Thus the hunters, both with double-barreled rifles, might have 
been able to take care of four lions before they could get to me, 
provided each one shot at a different lion each time instead of 
ganging up on one or two. 

But there was no need to test their ability to get four or all 
of the lions. A second or two after the whirring of the camera 
stopped, one lioness lowered her head and sank her fangs in the 
wildebeest's haunch. The other lions looked down at her and 
decided not to let her have all of it. They went back to their 
meal, apparently forgetting all about me. 

I breathed normally again, then slowly backed up until I 
was far enough away to turn and get into the truck. In about 
five minutes I began to feel the thrill of the adventure course 
through my veins instead of the cold sludge that had been there 
a short while before. 

After that our luck turned and we got more lion pictures. 
One day vultures in the sky led us to a spot where a pride of 
eight lions were feasting on a zebra they had killed. Another 
time we came upon a fine lioness with a cub about six months 
old. They retreated into the edge of the bush at our approach, 
and we saw other lions there without being able to count how 
many. I came up quite close to the lioness and her cub, filming 
them within eighteen or twenty feet. 

Hoping to get the rest of die cats into the open we went for 


bait and put it nearby. This time we brought two carcasses and 
placed them about twenty feet apart. We hoped that lions would 
go to one, vultures to the other, and that some of the lions might 
run back and forth chasing the vultures away. This would make 
a good sequence if we could manage it. 

Only the lioness came out to the bait, however, while the 
rest remained in the cover. When vultures attacked the other 
carcass, the lioness didn't bother to chase them. If she was so 
tolerant of vultures, I decided she would tolerate a cameraman, 
so went on foot to within about fifteen feet without seeming to 
disturb her. Apparently I was downwind and she was so busy 
eating that she wasn't even aware of me, for when she suddenly 
looked up and saw me, she was obviously astonished. 

Astonishment was quickly replaced by anger, and I saw 
what Tarlton had meant when he spoke of the fire in an angry 
lion's eyes. There were burning flames in those two steady 
orbs fixed upon me. She raised her tail in the air and twitched 
it angrily twice. This really made me freeze, for I had always 
been told that three twitches of the tail was the prelude to a 
charge. Maybe so, but she gave only two twitches. We stared at 
each other for fifteen seconds that seemed like minutes. Then 
the angry young lady decided to go back in the bush with her 
cub. As soon as she was there I retreated hastily to the truck. 
When I could talk again I turned to my cameraman and said, 
"That must have been just about the best shot yet of man and 
lion together." 

"Oh I didn't get it," he said. "I was too scared." 

Gazelles and other prey of lions are much easier to film 
than lions themselves, but no matter how beautiful they are, 
they are not dramatic enough to take over major roles in a fea 
ture film. They are, however, among the most satisfying and 
thrilling sights in all Africa, for most of them live and travel 
in herds. I have been reading for years about how the vast herds 
of animals in Africa are disappearing. A book published in 1900 
states that the antelope herds are not what they used to be. An- 


other book published in 1910 deplores the fact that the big 
herds are no more. Ten years later we read the same thing 
about 1910, and so on to the present day. 

I have no doubt that these animals have been thinned out 
considerably, but I think they have retreated rather than disap 
peared. You have to travel farther from towns to see many big 
herds. Perhaps many herds are smaller, too, though I think that 
few people ever saw a bigger one than the three hundred zebra 
that stampeded before my eyes in 1946. 

* The greatest thrill of African animals is their variety. Just 
think of the kinds of antelope I have seen in my travels there 
without specially searching for them. The reddish-coated harte- 
beest with curved and pointed horns; the big and ungainly 
wildebeest (the gnu of crossword puzzles) with horns that curve 
down and out, and with long hair on the throat that makes him 
look bearded; the shiny-coated, slope-haunched topi; the little 
solitary duiker, which really means diver, so called from its 
sudden graceful dives into thick brush; the agile rock-climbing 
klipspringer, only about two or two and a half feet tall; the 
tawny oribi with straight horns; the rabbit-sized dik-dik, so 
swift that you can scarcely see him when he puts on steam; the 
large waterbuck that likes to live along the banks of streams 
and is a good swimmer; its relative, the bushbuck, smaller and 
swifter; another small relative found primarily in Uganda and 
called the kob; the good-sized oryx with long straight horns slop 
ing back over the forehead; the long-necked gerenuk with 
thick horns; the medium-sized impalla, prodigious jumper with 
particularly graceful curved horns; the big eland, sometimes 
running as much as fifteen hundred pounds; the situtunga which 
spends most of its time in the water with only head and horns 
above the surface and whose hooves are specially elongated to 
enable it to walk in soft mud; the steinbuck or stembok; the 
kudu, of which I have seen only that called the lesser and not 
die greater; the bongo, probably biggest of all East African an 
telopes; and finally those loveliest of all antelopes, Grant's and 
Thomson's gazelles. 


All these are meat for lions, although he has his preferences 
among them. The waterbuck is not very palatable, the dik-dik 
is not a mouthful, and even the "Tommies" offer so little meat 
as to be scarcely worth a chase unless there is nothing else 
around. Aside from the larger antelopes, lions love ostriches and 

Lions are not the only enemies the various antelopes have, 
of course. The smaller gazelles are favorite dishes for cheetah, 
hyenas and wild dogs. And leopards will eat almost anything 
even the meat of the hyena. 

Leopards love dog meat, too, as well as other domesticated 
animals. So they often hang around close to villages, which 
they raid with regularity. Leopards are not particularly im 
pressed by men, or afraid of them, although they will usually 
avoid contact if they can. Many leopards, however, will attack a 
nearby human without any apparent provocation, and leopards 
like to kill for the pleasure of it. A lion always eats what he kills, 
even if he doesn't finish it, but a leopard will kill and just leave 
the victim lying there. His favorite food is baboon meat, which 
brings up a problem in the economy of many areas. Baboons 
are a nuisance and a destructive menace. So are leopards. If you 
kill off the leopards, baboons multiply by the hundreds and 
drive everyone crazy. If you let the leopards live to keep down 
the baboons, they will steal your dogs, your cattle and maybe 
your children. 

In spite of the fact that leopards are among the most beauti 
ful of all four-footed animals, I don't like or admire them, as I 
do lions. They are vindictive, bloodthirsty, swift and cunning 
a real challenge to hunters with either cameras or guns. Vivid 
testimony to this effect was given me on my last trip by Edgar 
de Bono, a white hunter. For a time he was interested in night 
hunting for what reason I cannot imagine except that it is 
more difficult and dangerous and thus gives a greater thrill. He 
decided once, while in good leopard country in Eritrea, to 
hunt leopards at night. He fixed a flashlight securely to his rifle 
so that its beams covered the front sight on the barrel and the 


game at which the gun was aimed. The gun-bearer had a simi 
larly equipped gun for the second weapon. 

De Bono was in thick bush country when he sighted a leop 
ard, which he was able to approach within twenty-five feet. He 
aimed and fired and was enveloped in complete darkness as he 
heard a screech of pain from the leopard. The recoil of the gun 
had knocked the flashlight out of commission, and there de 
Bono stood, listening to the howling and thrashing leopard 
which could see quite well in the dark a few feet in front of 
him. He started to retreat toward his gun-bearer, who suddenly 
cried, "He's coming!" De Bono fired the second barrel of his 
rifle blindly in the dark, felt a huge form crash down on top of 
him. Pinned to the ground by the leopard he expected claws to 
slash him to ribbons. But no claws slashed. There was no move 
ment of the leopard. 

De Bono wriggled out from under the beast, and by that 
rime the gun-bearer was there with his flashlight. The last shot, 
fired in the dark, had gone through the leopard's brain, killing 
him instantly in mid-air. 

Edgar de Bono did no more night hunting after that. 

Tough Customers with 
Thick Hides 


WENT to Africa in time to see Lutembe. The grand 
old girl was dead when I returned in 1946, or at least 
she was presumed to be dead since she no longer came when 
called. For at least three generations this famous crocodile had 
never failed to answer to her name. 

You think of wild animals in African game reserves as 
being somewhat tame, but I doubt that anyone will find there a 
friendly crocodile. All animals and humans seem to dislike the 
creatures, and white men have carried on a war of extermination 
for several decades a war that has apparently exterminated 
very few crocodiles. 

Lutembe, however, was different. I heard about her in 1937 
at Kampala, Uganda, and made a detour to the little fishing vil 
lage of Dewe, on the shores of Lake Victoria, primarily to con 
firm my skepticism about this fabulous pet. I half expected to 
find a stuffed crocodile skin or at best a toothless old beast 
in an enclosure. But there was no phony crocodile on hand, when 
I found its native master. He said he'd have to call Lutembe, 
which he would be happy to do for a modest tip. 

Gathering up an armful of dried fish, the native led the way 
to the shore, where he looked out over the broad waters of the 
lake and saw precisely what I saw not a sign of a crocodile. But 
this did not seem to daunt him. He merely cupped his hands to 
his mouth and shouted loud and long, "Lutembe!" 

The name echoed over the choppy waves. I felt silly, 



waiting for someone to bring forth a crocodile from the lake, 
just by calling its name. But I would see the farce through, I 
said to myself. 

The young man called again, louder this time. Still noth 
ing could be seen. He shouted louder, "Lutembe! Lu tern 

This went on for five minutes, and I finally shifted uneasily. 
The man turned to me and with a gesture and a slight frown told 
me plainly that I must have a little patience. I summoned some 
patience and squelched my mounting doubts. For ten minutes, 
the call to Lutembe rang out over the lake. Finally the young 
man pointed triumphantly to a spot far out on the water, and 
turned to me with a smile. At first I could see nothing but then 
I noticed a commotion in the water, as if someone were swim 
ming vigorously. In a few more minutes I definitely saw the 
snout that ploughed through the waves directly toward us. As 
it approached the shore I saw the moving tail, the big jaws and 
the serrated hide of a crocodile. The beast heaved itself out of 
the water and lumbered toward the man. I stood a few feet 
away, behind the pile of fish, filming the incredible perform 

The crocodile looked huge and hideous to me it was about 
fourteen feet long, I believe especially when it opened its 
cavernous mouth and I saw its sharp teeth. I thought it was 
glancing hungrily in my direction, but I soon realized its inter 
est lay in the fish behind which I stood. The young fellow 
reached for a fish, thrust it in the croc's gaping jaws, his hand 
coming within inches of the teeth that chomped down on the 
morsel. Fish after fish went into the bottomless pit. Finally the 
creature's master took hold of the crocodile's tail affectionately 
and sat down on it. One swish, I thought, and he would have 
been tossed far into the lake. 

"How old is he?" I asked. 

"She, Bwma" the boy replied. 

"Well, I don't see how you know, but she, then. How old 
is she?" 


"Five kings, Bivana Kamanya, Suna, Mutesa, Mwango, 
and Daudi Chwa." 

I had no idea how long Buganda kings normally lived, but I 
found out later that this span would be about a century and a 
quarter. While this seemed an exaggeration to me, it was par 
tially confirmed by the fact that the young fellow's grandfather 
had apparently been the first to make a pet of Lutembe by 
tossing fish to the ordinarily irascible croc. The creature became 
accustomed to her daily handout and visited that one spot on 
the shore regularly. In time, it even learned to know the name 
"Lutembe," and to come when called. When the original croco 
dile tamer died, his son inherited Lutembe, or Lutembe in 
herited him. And he made a pretty good thing out of Lutembe, 
who was fast becoming a regular tourist attraction. Too bad the 
old girl could not have lived for the tourist influx after World 
War II. 

There were still a few fish left, and Lutembe was looking 
hungrily at them. 

"What would happen if I fed Lutembe?" I asked. 

"She would eat, Bwancc" the boy said, getting off his pet. 

She would eat, yes perhaps my arm. But I decided to try 
it. First I asked the boy if he had ever handled a camera. No, 
never. I showed him how to point it, how to push the right 
button down. Gingerly, he aimed the camera at Lutembe and 
me, and even more gingerly I picked up a fish by its tail and 
held it out toward the crocodile. Lutembe looked at the fish, or 
at me, with a gleam in her eyes and moved toward me at a speed 
that made me recoil. I later learned that all crocodiles are 
considerably faster on land than their appearance would lead 
one to believe. 

I flipped the fish into the open mouth before Lutembe 
reached me and backed away a few steps. The croc was either 
disappointed in the small morsel or disturbed at my mistrust. 
In any event, she slithered off into the water and began cir 
cling around, as if still hoping for more to eat. Wondering if she 
would snatch at something thrown in the water or perhaps even 


retrieve it like a pet dog, I picked up a small stick about a foot 
long and tossed it playfully in her direction. But instead of land 
ing in the water in front of her, it hit her on the back and 
bounced off. Instantly, as if in a huff, she turned about and 
headed full speed toward the middle of the lake. 

"Bwana, you should not have done that," the young master 
said, handing me my camera. "You hurt her feelings." He 
turned toward the fleeing crocodile and called out pleadingly, 
"Lutembe! Lutembe!" 

Although my stick made as much impression on the croc's 
tough hide as a toothpick on an elephant, I felt like a bad boy 
when Lutembe refused to return. But the young fellow per 
severed, calling lovingly to Lutembe, who finally decided that 
her temperamental conduct might be depriving her of dessert. 
She buried her pride and circled back to shore, forgiving and 
forgetting. This time her master stuffed her until she could 
have no complaints. Then she lay contentedly in the sun, open 
ing wide her enormous jaws before falling asleep so that the rays 
of the setting sun shone directly down her throat a most unusual 
form of sun-bathing. 

And that's the way I left her. Just what caused this partic 
ular crocodile to become friendly with men, when all others 
obviously fear or hate humans, is not clear. But I believe that 
this is probably the only crocodile that ever had human beings 
act nice and friendly instead of trying to kill. Certainly, her 
story lends weight to the theory that wild animals are all non 
belligerent toward men if they are not annoyed, provoked, or 
hunted. It just never occurred to anyone else in all Africa, except 
that first native fisherman, to be nice to a crocodile. 

Why it occurred to him is incomprehensible, for crocs are 
ugly-looking and generally ugly-acting, and they cause a great 
deal of trouble and destruction. There's no doubt that more 
tribesmen are killed by crocodiles than by any other wild ani 
mal in Africa, because they go into so many streams and lakes, 
fishing, bathing or fording. Snakes are probably the second most 


common killers since bare legs and bare feet offer ready targets. 

Fve seen and photographed hundreds of crocodiles since 
my experience with Lutembe, but I never let her apparent 
tameness lessen my caution in dealing with them. Another inci 
dent from my 1937 trip showed the foolishness of taking chances 
with them. Cezaire and I had arrived at Pat Putnam's camp on 
the Epulu River in the Congo. Although this unusual American 
who had lived so many years in the tropical forest was away in 
the states, two servants were in charge and made us at home. 

It was sweltering, so Cezaire suggested a swim in the river 
but I wanted to take a few pictures of Putnam's two rare okapi, 
kept in a stockade, while the light was still good. Although a 
few of these rare animals have finally reached the zoos of the 
world in recent years, they had at that time been seen by few 
people. A leftover from some ancient age, the okapi is probably 
related to the giraffe, but is about the size of many antelope, 
which it also resembles. It is a very shy creature with perfect pro 
tective coloration for the Congo forests in which it lives. It feeds 
only at dusk or in bright moonlight, traveling alone rather 
than in herds, slipping through the forest tangle so quietly, and 
so alert to danger, that not even the Pygmies can creep up on it. 
They usually catch the animals in pit traps. 

The okapi is one of the neatest and most fastidious ani 
mals in the world and spends much of its time grooming itself. 
In captivity, however, it has a tendency to become infected with 
worms from its own droppings. At Putnam's camp there was an 
attendant always on hand to keep the corral clean. He said it 
was perfectly safe for me to enter provided I kept out of reach 
of the okapi's legs, for it has a kick like a catapult. 

The color of the okapi is a kind of purplish brown but its 
legs are striped black and white like a zebra's, ending in white 
stockings on the rear legs. Contrary to the usual order of things 
in nature, the male is smaller than the female and carries a pair 
of diminutive, skin-covered horns. With its sixteen-inch tongue 
it can perform amazing feats, such as licking the back of its own 


red-fringed black ears. On both sides of its mouth are pockets 
in which it can store food. And it has the most plaintive eyes I 
have ever looked into. 

I took the pictures I wanted and, as I was leaving the corral, 
I heard Cezaire shouting. There was such despair in his voice 
that I dropped my camera and tripod and raced full speed for 
the river bank. I saw Cezaire about thirty-five feet from shore, 
treading the coffee-colored water and splashing furiously with 
his hands. Two Pygmies were jumping up and down on the bank, 
adding their shrill cries to his. Suddenly I saw the cause of all 
the commotion a huge crocodile scarcely ten yards downstream 
from Cezaire and swimming steadily toward him, against the 
current. If Cezaire made a dash for shore, the crocodile could 
put on a little speed and snatch him in his jaws easily. Our only 
hope of saving him was to frighten the big monster off. 

I picked up a rock and let fly, but my aim was bad. Still, 
the croc slowed down a little at the big splash in the water. The 
Pygmies, following my example, picked up stones and started 
flinging them at Charlie Croc. At the same time we all kept up a 
terrific din. The beast slowed down, stopped, and at that mo 
ment a stone caught him fairly on the snout. That was enough 
for him, for he turned and retreated. 

"Come on, Cezaire, come on!" I shouted frantically. "Now's 
your chance!" 

While we kept up the rock barrage against the crocodile, 
Cezaire started flailing at the water arm over arm, his feet beat 
ing like a paddle wheel. I helped pull him from the water, and 
he stood there trembling, unable to speak. Later he explained 
that he had been enjoying his swim so much that he paid no 
attention to the first warning cries of the Pygmies and then it 
was too late to swim for shore. He had yelled and thrashed the 
water mainly to frighten the croc, but he was grateful that I had 
heard and started the rock-throwing which finally drove the 
animal away. 

It may seem foolhardy to go swimming in waters known to 
harbor crocodiles. But since almost all rivers and lakes contain 


them except for Lake Kivu and a few other favored spots 
people swim and fish in spite of danger. 

Natives use the same technique we did in driving crocs 
away as much noise and turmoil as possible. Crocodiles are 
afraid of men and keep out of their way if they can, but it is 
hard for them to resist a tasty morsel all alone and not making 
much noise. Many tribes fish regularly in croc-infested waters 
but some take their medicine men along to help out. A large 
group plunges into the water making as much noise as they 
can, splashing the water, throwing rocks and sticks. Most of the 
crocs get out of the way, but some may find themselves trapped. 
In this case, they lie on the bottom, try to hide in a shallow 
cove or even burrow themselves into the mud and they play 
dead. Nothing on earth can play dead as effectively as a crocodile. 
You can beat it, poke it, hit it with stones and there won't be a 
movement from the animal. 

When the fishermen encounter one of these they call on the 
medicine men to take care of the menace. These gentlemen dive 
into the water and spear the croc. Although the others think the 
medicine men have special powers and immunity, the truth is 
that in such circumstances all crocs play dead and can be speared 
easily. The medicine men merely make a good thing of some 
thing they have learned about the nature of crocodiles a proce 
dure which accounts for most of die powers of medicine men 

The Semliki River, and especially its delta where it flows 
into Lake Edward, is famous for its concentrated crocodile popu 
lation. On the 1937 trip, Cezaire and I went out in a metal- 
bottom boat to see and photograph them. But at that time the 
water was so high that it had captured the sunny banks on 
which the crocs usually basked during the day; but there were 
plenty in the water. Our boat suddenly came upon a concen 
trated group which thrashed until the water boiled in their ef 
forts to get away. It made a good picture. 

In 1946 I came back to the same spot, crossed part of Lake 
Edward in a forty-foot steel boat powered by an old Chevrolet 


motor, and entered the Semliki River. Near the delta we saw 
crowds of white, yellow-billed pelicans and marabou storks. We 
had a supply of fish along and tossed some to the storks, who 
were the most voracious creatures I've ever encountered. 

The water in the river was very low at this time and innu 
merable crocodiles slept along the banks. But they were hard to 
spot, since they look so much like old logs or lumps of mud, until 
they slithered into the water at our approach. The water was 
so low that on several occasions the boat got stuck on sand bars, 
and some of the boys had to jump out and push. It was dan 
gerous, of course, in the croc-infested stream, but they face 
such dangers daily and think nothing of it. 

Men hunt crocodiles, but not for sport. In places where they 
abound, the animals are sitting ducks for a rifle, as they sleep 
on the bank with little birds cleaning their teeth and jaws for 
them. Hunters are interested in the valuable skins, from which 
pocketbooks, shoes, and other articles are made. Some game 
wardens have the task of searching out croc nests at the right 
times of the year, so they can destroy the eggs. A crocodile 
scoops out a depression in the sand, lays sixty or seventy eggs in 
it, and covers it up again. There are small lizards which love these 
eggs, but some crocs usually manage to grow out of one clutch of 
eggs. In spite of the fact that other animals and all mankind 
try to wipe out the crocodiles, they keep on reproducing plenti 

Crocs are well adapted to their environment and are formi 
dable beasts. They eat fish, men, women, children, dik-diks, 
baby hippos and almost anything they can get their jaws 
on. A crocodile can kill a rhino ten times its own weight if 
the situation is just right and the rhino reacts the way rhinos 
usually do. The croc lies in shallow water, hidden, at a fa 
vorite drinking spot. The rhino comes along, steps into the water 
a few feet, and begins to drink. The croc grabs him by one 
leg, the rhino is angry and charges. This is where he makes his 
big mistake. If he pulled back he could get away, but a rhino's 
mentality is such that attack is his first thought. He charges, and 


the croc merely hauls him in a little deeper until his snout is 
below water and he drowns. Then the croc has a big feast. 

A crocodile can kill a small elephant the same way, but a 
full-sized elephant can lift a croc from the water with his trunk, 
smash him to the ground and then trample on him. A hippo can 
cut a crocodile in two with one bite, but hippo calves are favorite 
dishes of Charlie Croc. When hippos are about to have babies 
they usually clear out that whole section of the river so no croco 
diles are around. And mother hippos take the precaution of car 
rying their little ones on their backs when they are traveling 
around. Most of the time hippos and crocs may be found in the 
same areas, but the crocodiles keep clear of the "river horses" 
unless they think they can sneak in a quick kidnaping of a hippo 
calf. They won't risk a fair battle with an adult hippo. 

It is amusing to watch a big group of hippos together, in 
clusters of fifty to a hundred, provided you can sit in some safe 
spot, off the regular deeply cut tracks from water back to feed 
ing places. Even if the hippos have noticed you at first, and sub 
merged, they soon get used to you and go about their business. 
In the Rutshuru River, which I visited on my first two trips, 
and in the Kazinga Channel between Lakes George and Edward, 
along which we saw and photographed dozens of different ani 
mals in 1954, hippos are protected and thrive in great numbers. 
You can watch them for hours without getting bored, chiefly be 
cause they have such a good time. You find yourself smiling at 
their antics, trying to figure out how long one can stay under 
water, and marveling at the ease with which they handle them 
selves. A cow hippo plays happily with her little calf, making 
him slide off her back into the water, then helping him climb up 
again for another go at it. 

If all the hippos in sight from your vantage point go to 
sleep, you can usually walk or move along the water's edge, or 
move by boat, a few hundred yards and you will find another 
group of a hundred or so hippos, and they will put on a show 
for you. Even in such hippo housing centers as the Rutshuru and 
Kazinga Channel, there are distinct herds that keep a little apart 


from each other. If a bull from one herd should approach the 
watery territory of another herd, he would quickly be driven off. 

Now, it's one thing to watch these fellows from shore, or 
from a boat traveling thirty or forty feet away from them. But 
it's quite another thing to stand in a tiny shell of a dinghy right 
in the midst of such a herd. That is just what my friend Ace 
DuPreez did, all for the sake of my moving pictures. Some of 
his acts seemed foolhardy at first glance, and would have been 
foolhardy if I (or most people) had undertaken them. But Ace 
was not foolish. He knew animals better than most men, that's 
all, and could thus do more with them, just as an expert sailor 
can handle a squall which others could not come through safely. 

"Safely" is perhaps not the word to be applied to Ace's voy 
age to the middle of a herd of hippopotami, but he felt confident 
throughout. He took it quite slowly, allowing his fragile dinghy 
to drift toward the cavorting herd while he sat quietly. From a 
little distance, we photographed the scene from another boat. As 
Ace's dinghy came within a few yards of the first hippos in the 
group, they saw him, submerged quickly and noiselessly, then 
came up again, showing only eyes and nostrils. The boat still 
moved only at the gentle speed of the water itself, and Ace made 
no sudden gestures. Some of the hippos stayed under water, 
but some let the rest of their heads appear, staring at the invader 
curiously but not belligerently. So long as it was not a crocodile 
after their youngsters or a hippo from another herd they appar 
ently had nothing to fear. The hippos did not consider men a 
serious menace, as they lived in a protected area and had not 
been hunted for years. 

Ace drifted into the center of the hippo herd, but by the 
time he was there, it no longer looked as large as it had been. 
Where there had been eighty to a hundred of the river horses, 
we could now see only twenty or thirty around the little boat. 
The rest had submerged and were staying under water. Ace did 
not seem worried as he stood up in the boat to take closeups of 
the hippos nearest him. But until he had gone past the herd, I 


was afraid that he would be tipped over by some well- 
intentioned hippo just coming up for a look. And that would 
be the end of Ace, I thought. 

I mentioned this fear to Ace when he joined us again. 

"Oh, I don't think they would hurt me even then," he said. 
"By the way, that should make a wonderful picture of the boat 
tipping over and throwing me into the water in the midst of the 
hippos. Would you like to get that?" 

I didn't take him seriously at first. Of course, I said, it 
would make an exciting picture, but I didn't expect anyone to 
be foolish enough to try it intentionally, and when it happened 
accidentally you were never right there with your camera, or 
the light was wrong, or something. 

"Tomorrow we'll do it," Ace said happily. "You will have 
your cameras all ready, and the light will be just right. If a hippo 
won't tip the boat over, I'll help, but I can make it look right." 

I protested. I wouldn't allow it. But Ace would think of 
nothing but the fine picture it would make. He insisted that 
if he took his time, let the hippos get accustomed to him, they 
would not hurt him, even when he fell in the water. 

"They'll just get out of the way," he said. 

So the next day, against my wishes and better judgment, 
Ace boarded his dinghy again while we got in the other boat 
with our cameras trained on him. Once more he drifted slowly 
to the middle of the herd of hippos the same ones he had visited 
the day before but maneuvered so that he was somewhat closer 
to shore. The scene would be exciting enough without making 
him swim too far to reach safety. 

I knew when the time was ripe because Ace signaled with 
his hand and stood up in the little boat. We were filming with 
our cameras, and the light was good. Suddenly the boat tipped, 
Ace lurched as if trying to keep his balance, and then tumbled 
over into the water with a splash. It looked so real that I could 
not believe that a hippo had not actually done the job without 
any help from Ace. Later, he told me that he didn't need to help 


much, for the boat had been nudged vigorously several times by 
the hippos and at that particular moment one almost tipped it 

And there he was in the water, surrounded by hippos, swim 
ming for the shore, about two hundred feet away. I held my 
breath, expecting to see a thrashing in the water, a huge gaping 
mouth, and then no more Ace. But he had been right all along, as 
I should have known. The hippos nearest him quickly sub 
merged and obviously swam away from this sudden disturbance 
in their water. By the time they came up again, Ace had almost 
made it to shore, and they just looked after him inquiringly. A 
few snorted loudly, and one even swam after him but lazily 
and curiously, not with speed and anger. 

Ace pulled himself up on the shore, dripping and muddy, 
then turned with a big smile to wave at us in the other boat. I 
was sweating and a little limp, but waved back. Then we cir 
cled around to pick him up, for he stood on a shore along 
which we had seen elephants, buffalos and rhinos the day be 

A few days later Ace and I and a cameraman were out on 
the plains looking for a herd of buffalo to photograph when we 
came upon a muddy pool overflowing with hippos. We stopped 
the truck, and Ace and I approached cautiously on foot. We saw 
a herd of at least fifty hippos, all so thickly covered with mud 
that we could hardly identify their shapes or tell where one 
hippo left off and the next began. Some were on top of each 
other, a few were squirming around for even muddier spots, 
but most of them were just dozing there in utter bliss. 

I wasn't sure how good a picture the scene would make, but 
it was worth a litde time and a few feet of film. Ace and I walked 
toward the pool while the cameraman stayed behind with the 
truck, shooting our approach and my own filming of closeups. 
As we drew near there came a sudden restless and annoyed heav 
ing of that entire mass of muddy hippos, almost as if some sub 
terranean rumbling had shaken the mud beneath them. Those 
nearest to us turned their heads and stared. We stopped, and 


the heaving subsided. We walked closer, and once more the 
muddy mass of animals stirred, and some of the hippos bel 
lowed like sick cows. One gigantic bull hippo at the edge of the 
pool lifted his head and glared at us. He was obviously not 
pleased with our presence. 

In my view-finder, I could see that the pictures I was tak 
ing would probably look like nothing but a waving mass of mud. 
I wished that we could get a little action, and Ace decided to 
fulfill my wish. He took a couple of steps at the suspicious hippo 
and yelled at him. At that, the big beast decided that we had 
interfered enough. I cannot understand how such a bulky ani 
mal mired in mud could move so quickly, but before we could 
think he was coming toward us, head lowered, eyes blazing 
and he was coming fast. We turned and raced for the truck, and 
the driver saw our predicament at once. He shoved it into gear 
and angled swiftly toward us so that we could leap on the mov 
ing vehicle just a few yards ahead of the angry hippo. Luckily, 
the cameraman had recorded the entire scene, which gave us 
more action than we had bargained for. 

Hippos continued to give us plenty of action on the 1954- 
55 expedition, including two long and arduous trips to remote 
regions. The first was to Lake Rukwa, in Southern Tanganyika, 
where a severe drought had been bringing slow death to hun 
dreds of hippos. Conservation authorities told August Kuenzler, 
brilliant collector of wild animals for zoos the world over, that 
since the hippos were sure to die, he might capture any animals 
which he thought strong enough to survive. I had fortunately 
met Kuenzler in Arusha, near which is located his fabulous wild 
animal farm, through Mrs. Margot Rydon, who knew how help 
ful he might be to me. August Kuenzler was a Swiss who came 
to Tanganyika in 1929 and eventually developed his business 
of capturing, and training for zoo life, many kinds of wild ani 
mals. He is a dedicated man, devoted to the idea of preserving 
animals, of treating them with kindness, of sending good speci 
mens to good homes around the world so that people can learn 
about them. He was one of the first to capture baby rhinos, ele- 


phants and other animals without killing the mothers a method 
now enforced by law in Tanganyika and has trained his re 
markable associate, Pellegrini, in this technique. 

We obtained some of our best sequences on catching ex 
peditions with Pellegrini, but the Lake Rukwa hippo safari was 
the first and toughest. Dave Mason, one of my most conscientious 
and competent staff members, was the only cameraman on this 
particular project and he took some dramatic footage. But it 
meant a bruising, battering trip of thirty-six days over some of 
the worst country imaginable, with roads so rocky that two 
trucks broke down and we had long waits for repairs. It meant 
sickness and fever of several days for Dave Mason, and work in 
the sun under a blistering heat of 102 degrees in the shade. All 
this for about four minutes in the final picture! 

Lake Rukwa lies more than eight hundred miles south of 
Arusha, and has on several occasions suffered such drought that 
many hippos died for lack of water. In such a drought, the 
vegetation for many miles around shrivels, dries and dies so the 
big herds of hippos have nothing to eat. The burning sun kills 
them if starvation doesn't, for a hippo must spend many hours 
a day in water or mud to withstand the strong rays of the sun. 
Without regular submersion, the heat literally cooks the thick 
layers of fat beneath its skin. As the lake shrinks, more and more 
hippos crowd into a smaller and smaller area. Then there is a 
sea of mud, growing daily thicker and harder. Many hippos 
become trapped in the gluey mire and die there. Others are so 
weak that they cannot pull themselves toward the receding 
water and mud. 

This is the scene we wanted to photograph but, after the 
long trip, circumstances at Lake Rukwa were not suitable for a 
combination of filming and catching. The hippos were scattered 
over a wide area; they could not be approached by trucks or 
cameramen because of the dried earth which had developed im 
passable cracks and crevasses. But Pellegrini had gone out after 
hippos and he meant to return with hippos. Since the drought 
covered a wide area, he determined to find another place. Back 


we went, retracing our steps to the Rungwa River, which con 
tained nothing but mud and hundreds of hippos. On one side 
the terrain made filming impossible, and on the other side pho 
tography had to wait until afternoon because of the sun, but 
these were common hazards. Mason just stuck to one side and 
took pictures in the afternoon. 

The trucks could come within a reasonable distance of the 
hippos a necessity because of the difficulty of transporting a 
captured hippo any great distance on foot. On the evening of 
our arrival, in fact, the trucks stopped so close to about two 
hundred hippos that no tents could be pitched. Everyone slept 
in the trucks because the huge beasts were wandering around 
too near for comfort. And they were not happy animals. 

A drying and muddy river bed in southern Tanganyika has 
a foul stench arising from it because of rotting vegetation, dead 
fish and such. On top of this odor there was the pungent and 
sickening smell of the rotting flesh of many dead hippos. The 
vultures were busy taking care of this carrion but they could not 
keep up with their work fast enough for good sanitary condi 

Over a priod of several days, Mason managed to get 
many good shots of hippos stuck in the mud, of hippos col 
lapsing. Pellegrini's job was not easy, for he had to find a hippo 
strong enough to withstand the trip back to Arusha, where he 
could have plenty of food and water, and at the same time small 
enough to fit into a truck. Thus he had to find a hippo about 
half-grown and in fair condition not easy since most of the 
smaller hippos were shoved out of die best places by the big 
cows and bulk. 

Pellegrini reconnoitred, searched, hunted for the right hip 
pos with Mason alongside at all times. He finally caught one 
hippo, then another and this time Mason got some good pic 
tures. Pellegrini found the second one at some distance from the 
truck, which could not be brought any closer. He and Mason 
were in the midst of hippos, dozens of them, some dead, some 
dying, some lethargic but with strength left for an emergency. 


These resented the men walking among them, but not enough 
to charge in their weakened condition. It might be another mat 
ter, however, when Pellegrini had caught one hippo and was 
trying to get it to the truck. Ey this act, the men would at once 
become more than mere nuisances to the hippos; they would 
constitute serious threats to be challenged and charged. And it 
would take only one aroused hippo to bring the whole project 
to a nasty end. Pellegrini was counting on the weakness and 
despair of all the living hippos to prevent their aiding the cap 
tured young one, who could be counted on to put up a big fight. 

Pellegrini threw his lasso, caught the young hippo securely, 
and pulled his rope tight. The beast was not full-sized nor up 
to his normal strength, but he weighed between two and three 
tons and was in better condition than most of his fellow hippos. 
He tugged, pulled, twisted, charged, but Pellegrini ran back 
through the other hippos toward the truck, holding his rope 
tight but paying it out at the same time. Some of his helpers 
were ready with another length of rope, which they quickly 
tied to the end of the lasso rope in order to gain sufficient length 
to get them clear of the cluster of hippos, some of whom had 
stirred and looked angry about the whole proceeding. 

Finally everyone hauled on the end of the long rope, tug 
ging the reluctant hippo toward the cage truck. Foot by foot 
he came, his strength finally ebbing so that the job became a 
little less back-breaking for the men. But then as he was hauled 
past a dead cow hippo all his fight and strength seemed to be re 
newed. He was determined not to leave the side of this particu 
lar beast, bloated and rotting as she was, her hide split so that 
the fat beneath could be seen as yellow lard that had literally 
boiled in the intense heat. 

"That must have been the young hippo's mother," Pelle 
grini said, when they had finally pulled the prisoner past the 
carcass and brought it beside the cage truck. Then they per 
formed the supreme act of kindness for that young hippo 
they poured a few buckets of water over his parched hide, pre 
cious water that they had hauled many miles by truck. Pellegrini 


wanted to soothe the beast, strengthen it, and teach it that cap 
tivity might mean pleasure and comfort. And both men and ani 
mals still had a long, tough trip ahead of them. 

On the way back to Arusha, one truck broke a spring, an 
other lost a shock absorber, another's gasoline line became 
blocked, and one of them broke a radiator hose. But Pellegrini 
had his hippos, and we had an interesting sequence. 

A second detour for hippo shots was made to the Kilom- 
bero River, a tributary of the Rufiji in the south central part of 
Tanganyika. Here hippos are looked upon as vermin to be ex 
terminated because of the great damage they do to crops and 
fishing traps so much that at times the Wadamba tribe, which 
lives there, doesn't get enough to eat. 

It is always confusing to find that wild animals which are 
protected in some regions are exterminated, if possible, in 
others. On the Kilombero the government helps the natives kill 
hippos, but our primary interest was the Wadamba method of 
killing these evil spirits of the river. The Wadamba are still 
quite primitive, deeply superstitious and under the influence of 
their witch doctors. They are poor, not colorful except in their 
hippo hunting, and are certainly not a tribe I would photograph 
for the sake of the people alone. Their lives are lived against 
great odds, for they had been plagued just before our arrival by 
some man-eating lions, on top of their customary curse, hippos. 
Malaria, endemic sleeping sickness, and relapsing fever are 
rife in the area, too. This pitiful situation will not last long, 
however, as government authorities have drafted plans to clean 
up the entire area so it will become a rich agricultural land 
which it can readily become since conditions are very favorable 
for the planting of rice and sugar cane. But first the hippos must 
go, and the swamps, the low bush, the mosquitoes. It is a big 
job, and it ought to be done but there is one more primitive 
region that will disappear. 

I wanted to put on film the Wadamba hippo killings before 
civilization caught up with the Kilombero River. There was no 
difficulty in persuading a group of men to go hunting for hippo 


in front of our cameras, so we got many good scenes over a 
period of several days. 

The natives entered canoes some distance upstream from 
the spot where a herd of hippos was swimming, sleeping, play 
ing and making love. Men with harpoons sat in the bow of each 
boat, spearsmen along both sides, and a paddler or two in the 
rear. But there was not much paddling. The canoes drifted down 
toward the hippos silently and smoothly, carried by the current. 
When a hippo near the edge of his group was spotted, the pad 
dler of the first canoe guided the craft toward him. But it is al 
most impossible to approach a hippo within striking distance 
without his seeing what is coming. He submerges in the muddy 
water, leaving scarcely a ripple on the surface. 

When a hippo submerges he may then do one of many 
things. He may just go down and lie quietly on the bottom, wait 
ing for the intruders to pass on or go away. He may swim ceway 
from the menace, retreating to the middle of the herd just be 
low him. He may advance toward the approaching craft with the 
intention of attacking it. Or he may turn to one side and hide 
temporarily in a muddy nook below the surface. 

The natives assumed, first of all, that he might be just 
below the surface where he submerged. So they drifted over 
that spot and the harpooners thrust their sharp weapons blindly 
down into the water, hoping to draw blood. When their weapons 
struck only water, the paddler came to life and sent the canoe 
zigzagging back and forth across the river, hoping to catch the 
hippo as he surfaced again. But the first hunters had no luck with 
any of the hippos on their downward drift. When they were be 
low the herd, they headed for the shallow waters along shore 
and poled their way upstream again, to repeat the whole ma 

Meanwhile four other canoes followed the first, but not a 
single hippo was harpooned that day or the next two days. 
Finally, however, the infinite patience of the natives and our 
cameraman was rewarded. A harpoon struck home and blood 
boiled up through the muddy waters. There was a violent 


thrashing in the water as the wounded hippo turned to attack, 
and the canoe rocked until we thought it would turn over. But 
in that brief encounter two more harpoons and several long 
spears were plunged into the big hippo, reaching vital spots that 
knocked the fight and life out of him in a hurry. 

The job was not over, by any means, for the men then had 
to haul the animal to shore. But they had enough ropes at 
tached to make it, and he was finally rolled up on the bank, to 
the joyous shouts of the Wadamba, who had not only rid the 
river of one more enemy but had found much needed food 

While hippos were often interesting and sometimes dan 
gerous, they could not hold a candle to rhinos in either depart 
ment. A rhino will eagerly attack a two-ton truck and some 
times he'll win even that battle. The theory that all wild 
animals will let man alone if not annoyed or hunted is put to a 
severe test by the rhino, who seems to go around permanently 
angry. On the other hand, there are Carr Hartley's two tame 
white rhinos, who allow people to ride them piggy-back. They 
prove that f aru is susceptible to kindness. And when I recall the 
number of times I 'wanted a rhino to charge for the sake of good 
movies, and the beast retreated or just paid no attention, I know 
that some rhinos occasionally remove the chips from their shoul 

There's no way of knowing what a rhino will do, and that 
is what makes him so dangerous. You can only be sure that half 
the time he will charge a man anywhere near him, whether 
there has been provocation or not. And when a rhino charges he 
means business. He's fast and agile and determined. 

To prove that stories of the ferocity and unpredictable be 
havior of the rhino are not exaggerated, I want to quote briefly 
from two news items in the East African Standard which I read 
during my 1954 trip. They served to increase my caution in 
dealing with these animals. 


Col. Charles Haynes of Nyeri was killed by a rhinoceros 
which charged him and his wife as they were walking near 
their home at Nyeri airstrip. Col. Haynes saved his wife by 
thrusting her into bushes when he saw the rhino was going 
to charge. He was badly gored in the groin and died later 
in Mt. Kenya Hospital. The first indication of the animal's 
presence came when Col. Haynes's dog ran out from the 
bushes, frightened. The rhino followed . . . Nyeri resi 
dents have been increasingly worried by the animals which 
now appear regularly near houses and the airstrip. 

Obviously the rhino, in this instance, considered the dog a 
sufficient provocation, became angry and charged, when most 
other wild animals would have stayed hidden in the bush or re 
treated, with or without dignity. The second item was more 

A bull rhino, disturbed by an operation in the forest around 
Treetops, charged into the Ol 'Gatai Sisal Estate, killed two 
cows and then attacked cars on the Mweiga-Nyeri Road. 
The animal went for a car driven by Mrs. Ruby Beyts, wife 
of Brig. G. H. Beyts, District Officer, Mweiga. She swerved 
past it and on arrival home told her husband who phoned 
the police. 

Meanwhile the rhino charged a truck owned by Col. G. Jar- 
man, a Treetops White Hunter, who stopped the vehicle 
to let an Asian passenger alight. The Asian's shirt was ripped 
up the back but he was unhurt. The animal charged the 
truck five times and later went up the drive to Brig. 
Beyts' house. A truck with four African policemen, in 
cluding a sergeant with a Bren gun, came to the scene. The 
rhino made for the truck, threw everyone out, dug his horn 
into the floorboards of the vehicle and lifted it bodily. The 
sergeant opened fire and killed the animal. 

Why is a rhino so belligerent? The most likely theory is 
that he is not very bright and his eyesight is poor. He cannot ac 
tually see anything clearly until it is about ten yards in front 
of him. But the beast makes up in courage what it lacks in 


brains, and a keen sense of smell compensates for its poor eye 
sight. If you approach a rhino downwind, as any sensible person 
does, the animal is not aware of you until you are very close. 
He dimly makes out the menace in front of him; if there's 
danger where he's looking, he figures there is probably also dan 
ger behind him and to right and left. At least, he's assuming 
the worst and taking no chances. So he charges to break out 
of the supposed encirclement and he goes in a straight line. 
The thickest brush growth is no barrier to him, as he can crash 
right through it. Don't think that because he looks so bulky and 
clumsy that you can dodge out of his way and his speed will 
carry him past you. He can wheel and turn in his own length, no 
matter how fast he is going, and would put to shame a polo pony 
in this department. 

All other animals make way for a rhino. If f am and tembo 
meet on a narrow forest path, the elephant is the one that will 
detour. I doubt that a rhino could do much damage to an ele 
phant, but the elephant will still decline an engagement. All 
natives feel the same way about the rhino. The Masai, bravest of 
the brave who kill charging lions with their thin spears, fear only 
one animal the rhino. Incidentally, rhino horn which is not 
genuine horn but compacted hair tissue is more valuable than 
ivory. Throughout the Orient, many people consider powdered 
rhino horn a powerful aphrodisiac. 

Perhaps it was foolish of me to set out to provoke a rhino 
to charge me. But a moving picture of a rhino is nothing unless 
he is charging. He's an ugly brute, and nobody enjoys looking 
at him in repose, as you can enjoy a reclining lion, an elephant 
quiedy drinking water, a giraffe nibbling at leaves on a tall tree. 
With their thick hides that fit so badly that they seem to be 
made for some other creature, and their long, forward-sloping 
horns placed in the most unlikely position near the end of the 
nose, rhinos would look like amusing caricatures if they were 
not obviously so cantankerous. 

My first intimate knowledge of rhinos came from die late 


Lionel Hartley, who helped me in 1946 in the country around 
Mtito Andei. It was a rugged area, dry and covered thickly with 
thorny bush, including many of the aptly named "Wait-a-bits" 
whose thorns snatch at one's clothes and hold on. It was good 
rhino country. 

After all the talk about the bull-headed belligerence of the 
rhino, you would think that it might have been simple to get 
one to charge me. But there were so many essential elements in 
my planned scene that we never managed to get them all to 
gether at once. There had to be, first of all, the rhino. Then 
there had to be a good tree for me to climb when faru charged 
me, plus a safe spot for my cameraman, preferably another 
tree, from which he could photograph rhino, me and the tree I 
escaped to. And the light had to be right. Hartley, of course, 
planned to cover the whole thing with his big .475 gun it took 
a mighty jolt to stop a charging rhino, and there wouldn't be 
any rime for second shots. Another essential was Hartley's abil 
ity to save me in an emergency, and he always inspired so much 
confidence that I was never really worried on this score. 

We went out in a truck and saw our first rhino right away, 
but he heard the motor and didn't like it so ambled away out 
of sight. A few hours later, during which, time we saw a fine 
pride of lions, we sighted a big bull rhino about two hundred 
yards away. When we stopped the truck, he retreated. 

As we jolted our way over the countryside for several more 
hours I began to express doubts about the ferocity and even the 
presence of rhinos. The words were hardly out of my mouth 
when a big rhino suddenly lunged at the truck from behind a 
bush about seven feet away. But the truck was going fairly 
fast, and Hartley stepped on the accelerator, so the rhino missed. 
He took up the chase, however, and came so close to the rear of 
the truck that one of the Africans sitting there was petrified with 
fright and rolled over to get as near the truck cab as possible. 
Hartley speeded up and we finally pulled away from the angry 
beast, who might have toppled us with a charge against the side 
but couldn't do too much damage with a collision on the rear 


of the vehicle. While this was all very exciting, I didn't get a 
picture. The rhino had not given me any time to get set. 

During the next few days, this same sort of thing hap 
pened many times a rhino suddenly charging from the bush 
but these meetings were totally unproductive photographically. 
Hartley explained that we had to find a rhino quietly feeding, 
approach him downwind, find the necessary trees, then let the 
rhino know we were there, whereupon he would charge. After 
several days, we came upon a feeding rhino who did not hear or 
see us. We watched the little tick birds that walked up and 
down his back, picking lice from the folds of his skin, and hoped 
we would not disturb them. They are very alert, and often serve 
as the rhino's eyes. If they became alarmed at our presence, 
they would fly up with little cries and head in our direction to 
tell the rhino where to look for trouble. 

We inched the truck to within a hundred yards of the 
animal without disturbing anyone. From here the cameraman 
could photograph the scene with relative safety, since the rhino 
would presumably be charging me rather than the truck. We 
found a tree off to the left that I might climb, but Lionel 
decided it was too fragile; the rhino might knock it over. 
Farther away we found a tree that was good, but it was out of 
position for the cameraman. So we switched around, put the 
cameraman in the good tree, and decided that I would run for 
the truck. All set at last, I walked slowly toward the feeding 
rhino, taking pictures with my own camera. I wanted to catch 
that moment when he looked up, saw me, and started his charge 
directly for me. Then I'd fly and hope to make the truck in 

He finally looked up, all right, but instead of charging he 
just turned and trotted away into the bush. And we had lost a 
couple of hours! 

Patience, patience how much of it is needed! And how 
thin it was running by that time. That is when camera hunting 
becomes dangerous. After days of frustration from uncoopera 
tive animals, rain, poor light or any of a dozen causes the 



photographing explorer is too eager. When he finally encounters 
an animal in favorable circumstances, he is likely to take foolish 

I know that I finally took chances I shouldn't have when 
we finally came upon a big bull feeding. Although he looked 
peaceful to me, Hartley said this particular animal was kali and 
ought to be "full of fun." I have no idea how Hartley could tdl. 
Perhaps it was the rutting season, when rhino bulls are all 
nervous and irritable. They have a right to be, for among 
rhinos, the female is the aggressor in love-making and will chase 
an attractive bull for miles, then butt him furiously until he 
agrees to give her what she wants. 

We found a tree for the cameraman, a sound tree for me 
about forty-five feet from the rhino. The light was right, and 
Hartley stationed himself with his gun to cover me. I ap 
proached the rhino, but the wind was wrong and he had no idea 
I was there. I picked up a branch and threw it at him. It fell 
short, but fam heard the noise and looked up, eying me sus 
piciously; but he did not charge. I threw a rock, which came a 
little closer and angered him. As he lowered his head, I was sure 
he was going to charge, so took off for my tree at full speed. I 
grabbed the lowest branch, swung my right leg up over it, 
managing to strain a muscle badly as I did so. Breathless but 
safe on the branch, I turned and looked back. The rhino was in 
the same spot, looking at me wonderingly. He had not charged! 

Hartley said later that he felt sure the rhino would charge 
when I took off. But I ran about a second too soon. If the charge 
had once begun, the rhino would not have stopped, but just 
before he moved I ran, and this confused him. 

But we didn't give up. I approached the rhino again, though 
he didn't seem very interested. Hartley sent a boy to circle 
around in back of the rhino, hoping the animal would get the 
boy's scent, feel surrounded, and charge me. The boy climbed a 
tree to reconnoiter, and then saw a sleeping cow rhino, the mate 
of my friend, near die foot of it. Hartley and I did not know this 
at the time, of course, and Lionel could not make out the boy's 


signals from the tree. The boy was afraid to descend for fear he 
would waken the sleeping rhino, which would charge him. And 
if that cow rhino had awakened, she might have charged me 
suddenly from the side and cut off my retreat toward the tree. 

But I could not get a rise out of the feeding rhino. He knew 
that he was not surrounded, for he had left his mate asleep back 
in the bush a little way. The light was growing dim and finally 
the big rhino, his belly full, turned and went back into the bush 
where he awakened his mate. They went off together. 

Conclusion I obtained no good rhino pictures in 1946, but 
I learned a good deal and had some exciting times trying. Dur 
ing my 1954-55 trip, I more than made up for the deficiencies of 
1946, although my first encounters with rhinos almost got me 
into a peck of trouble. 

I planned to go into the same general region, which by 
this time had become a protected area, the Amboseli National 
Park. Just before leaving for Amboseli, however, I heard from 
two good friends of mine from San Francisco, Marsden Blois 
and Earl Douglass, two fine sportsmen who were on a trip 
around the world. They asked if they could join my expedition 
for a short time, and I was very happy to have them come along. 
My one hope was that we would not strike one of those deadly 
stretches when nothing happens, when skies cloud over and 
no wild animals can be found. 

I met them in Nairobi, and we set out almost immediately 
for Amboseli in the Volkswagen bus and one truck, along with 
cameramen Johnny Coquillon and Dave Mason and an excel 
lent African guide. Shortly after entering the sanctuary, we saw 
another truck and, of course, stopped for a chat. It contained 
two Americans, a missionary named F. G. Reid, and Dr. George 
W. Allen, who had been a medical missionary in Nigeria for 
years and was now practicing in Nairobi. Allen was a fine ani 
mal photographer and such a lover of wild animals that the au 
thorities had made him an honorary game warden. Allen and 
Reid were looking for rhinos, and so were we, so we decided to 
join forces and look together. I felt that this was a lucky break, 


since I would have to worry less about strict park regulations in 
the company of an honorary game warden, especially if he took 
the lead which he did. 

After an hour or so of rough riding, we came upon a big 
cow rhino with two calves, a rare sight that I was delighted to 
record on film. But the beasts began to move away as we 
approached, and Dr. Allen took out after them. I knew that we 
were not supposed to chase animals in the sanctuary, but if an 
honorary game warden did it, I certainly wanted to tag along 
behind and get what pictures I could. The rhinos put on steam, 
and so did we. We were gaining on them when suddenly 
another car appeared, a car whose driver stopped our chase of 
the rhinos. He was a game warden full-fledged, not honorary 
from another region, taking a kind of busman's holiday. He 
informed us rather acidly of the regulation against chasing ani 
mals in national parks and seemed unimpressed by the presence 
of an honorary game warden. We gave up our rhino photog 
raphy for the day, of course. I knew he would report the 
incident to headquarters, a black mark against me that might 
conceivably lessen the amount of cooperation and help I'd 
always had from game and conservation officials. So I proceeded, 
as soon as possible, to make a report and explanation myself. I 
received a friendly but firm "Be careful in the future" warning, 
and continued to receive the best cooperation from authorities 
in Kenya and Tanganyika. 

Blois and Douglass were delighted by their first day in 
Africa, in spite of this incident, for they had seen and chased 
wild rhinos. And they continued to see what they wanted to see. 
On the second day we came upon an enormous herd of ele 
phants in a swamp. I took them along on our scheduled trip to 
the Ngorongoro Crater where they saw the largest wild game 
herds left in the world, to the number of close to one hundred 
thousand animals. Then on to the Serengeti Plains where they 
saw some fine lions and were present when the game warden of 
the area brought in some native poachers. They spent their last 
two days getting in some shooting with a white hunter and then 


took off for India by plane, saying that their three weeks in 
Africa had been the most memorable in their lives. 

To get back to rhinos, we filmed one very touching se 
quence on a rhino hunt with Pellegrini. That expert animal 
catcher had roped a big cow rhino, which struggled frantically 
to free herself. But just as he roped the animal, the truck bogged 
down with one wheel in a deep hole. Pellegrini and his men 
started to extricate the truck when they were rudely interrupted 
by a huge and very angry bull rhino, the mate of the cow they 
had captured. He had obviously come to rescue her, and he was 
not going to let several men and a big truck stand in his way. 

The cow rhino, fastened to the truck with a stout rope, 
tried desperately to get away, tugging at the rope until it seemed 
she might tear off the hind leg to which it was tied. The bull 
rhino stood watching her struggles about ten yards away, then 
decided the situation called for action. The men all clambered 
into the doubtful safety of the truck as the big rhino prepared 
to charge. With lowered head, he quickly picked up speed 
until he was thundering down on the truck like an express 
train. If he had struck the side of the truck he might have well 
tipped it over, but fortunately he aimed for the front and 
smacked the heavy grillwork with such force that the vehicle 
was almost shaken out of its pothole. Bewildered and perhaps 
a little dazed, the rhino backed off and surveyed the situation 
again, nervously eying his mate and the truck which seemed 
impervious to his blows. Then he decided to try again, and on 
he raced once more, crashing against the front of the truck with 
a savage blow. 

When he backed up this time, he looked genuinely be 
wildered as well as frustrated and angry. All this time, of course, 
the mate he was trying so hard to save against such great odds 
was struggling to free herself and join him. But he didn't know 
what to do. He shifted uneasily on his stubby legs, looked 
about as if puzzled, plainly trying to figure out what he could 
possibly do in this dreadful situation. All he could conclude, of 
course, was the usual answer of a rhino to every problem 


charge. So for the third rime he hurled himself against the 
front of the truck. If I had been in charge of the exploration, I 
would have been inclined to free the cow rhino. But we were 
guests of Pellegrini, and he was determined to keep his valuable 

He decided that he had better try to get rid of this most 
persistent and dangerous male. It might change its tactics and 
charge the truck from the side, possibly knocking it over and 
spilling out its occupants, who would not stand much of a 
chance against the furious animal. Pellegrini took a slender pole 
about fifteen feet long and, standing in the truck, waved it 
menacingly toward the rhino. I can't understand why a waving 
pole should intimidate a rhino, but it seemed to. The beast 
backed away a few yards but then held his ground. Pellegrini 
had to descend from the truck and advance toward the rhino on 
foot, slowly and cautiously, all the time waving the pole at him. 

The rhino backed away slowly, reluctantly, confused by the 
approaching man and the strange thing reaching out in the air 
toward him. He might have become even more angry and 
charged, of course, but the man knew what he was doing and 
showed great courage. He advanced steadily, and the rhino 
retreated steadily. Finally, even after Pellegrini had stopped, the 
animal kept moving away reluctantly until, just before disap 
pearing in the thick bush, he turned for one last look at the 
mate he had tried so hard to rescue. 

An aroused buffalo is just as vindictive as a rhinoceros, but 
he is certainly more predictable. With the rhino, we are dealing 
with stupidity and deficient senses, so many of his actions 
appear senseless, incomprehensible. The buffalo knows what 
he's about and you can tell that he does. 

When you come upon a herd of buffalo grazing they look 
from a distance not unlike a herd of domestic cows, peaceful 
and contented. You can often spot a herd from a distance, even 
in rather tall grass* from the white egrets flying overhead, then 
settling on the animals' backs to pick the lice from the hair and 
hide. When you first see a buffalo close up, you can't help 


admiring him, for he is a magnificent creature, weighing up to 
two thousand pounds and all muscle. His sweeping ebony horns 
are as thick as an arm at the base, and taper to fine sabre points. 

Many people have said that the biggest danger from a buf 
falo herd is a stampede, but they don't commonly attack en 
masse. A lone buffalo usually makes the charge, although others 
stay close to take up the battle if necessary. My experience 
tends to verify this. When I approached a herd closely, it was 
always one buffalo who glowered, lowered his head, and con 
templated a charge. The others looked but made no menacing 
gesture when they saw that one of their number had the mat 
ter in hand. 

All Africans have a healthy respect for the buffalo. Oc 
casionally herds get to be great nuisances around shambas, 
especially in areas newly opened to agriculture. They eat and 
trample down the crops and kill the owners who try to drive 
them away. In such cases, officials usually send white hunters to 
clear out the troublesome tribe, but generally buffalo are pro 
tected. Natives enjoy buffalo meat, and they used to like the 
hides for making shields. Nothing was as thick and tough as 
buffalo hide. 

Most animals refrain from tangling with the buffalo, but a 
lion that is hungry enough and can find no smaller prey will 
sometimes attack. Here is a battle Fd like to see, for it is just 
about the evenest match one can imagine. The bones of a lion 
and a buffalo have been found side by side after a battle in which 
both of them died. 

In East Africa you hear many tales about the buffalo, and 
each one demonstrates his extreme vindictiveness. The worst 
Fve heard of many verified experiences was told by a hunter who 
was never the same again. He and a companion were surprised 
by a charging buffalo and each ran for a tree, dropping his gun 
in fear and for the sake of speed. One man just barely reached 
his tree in time, so the buffalo kept his charge going for the 
other hunter, who was just pulling himself up to the lowest 
branch when the enraged beast caught him on his horns. He 


tossed the hunter in the air repeatedly, then trampled on him 
as if out of his mind. The hunter in the tree could do nothing 
to help his friend, because his gun was far away on the ground. 
He could just sit in his tree and watch the obliteration of a 
human being. For five minutes the buffalo trampled and kicked 
until there was actually nothing left of the man but small pieces 
that could not be distinguished from the bloody earth. The 
animal then kicked some dirt over the spot in a brief and 
contemptuous burial, and departed. 

Elephants give their victims a more thorough burial per 
haps because, being less vicious, there is something left to bury. 
An angry elephant can do a thorough job, of course, goring, 
stamping and picking it up in the trunk to bang against the 
earth or a sturdy tree trunk. Unless he is wounded, attacked, or 
has young to protect, however, an elephant is not really bellig 
erent. He is so big he has few enemies to challenge him, and 
most important he is undoubtedly the most intelligent of all 
wild animals. Many people think this is because the elephant's 
brain is so large, but his brain actually occupies only a very 
small part of that big skull. Many an amateur hunter has 
found that out to his sorrow, shooting too high and hitting only 
spongy skull tissue which doesn't even slow down a charging 

Everywhere I've gone in Africa I've seen elephants. Al 
though they like the great plains covered with low bush and 
elephant grass, they seem equally at home in thick jungle like 
the Ituri Forest or rocky mountains. I've seen a huge elephant 
just about the bulkiest thing you can think of push through 
almost impenetrable forest growth silently and without disturb 
ing too many leaves. And I've seen one clamber up a steep 
mountainside with speed and agility, if not with grace. As a 
matter of fact, elephant trails are as well engineered as any 
route could be, as surveyors long ago learned. 

There's something deeply moving about watching a herd of 
elephants grazing or moving across the ground in calm and 


purposeful fashion. They possess great dignity, in spite of their 
wrinkled and ill-fitting skins, their baggy Charlie-Chaplin pants, 
and their ridiculous tails. When you look at a few elephants 
from the rear, you decide that the pants belong to them but 
the legs don't. They're entirely too short and squat. Somehow, 
this makes the big animals even more lovable and tempers their 
dignity enough to appeal to your sentimentality. Then, of 
course, it helps to learn that elephants are somewhat senti 
mental, too. A male will travel miles to visit the grave of his 
dead mate, where he stands and mourns a while before going on 
to other feeding grounds or a water hole. How do we know he 
mourns and are we once more falling into that fatal trap of 
attributing human feelings to animals? Well, it is a hard question 
or set of questions to answer, but I don't think you can put any 
other interpretation on the verified facts of an elephant traveling 
with its herd, detouring several miles to the spot where its 
mate was killed and its bones remained, standing there for 
several hours, and then hurrying to catch up with the rest of the 
herd. If you can think of another meaning, go right ahead. I 
prefer mine. 

Another thing elephants are among the few wild animals 
that consciously help each other. Some creatures hunt in packs 
or cooperate in making their kills for the group, but that is not 
what I am talking about. If one elephant is hurr, others will 
gather around solicitously and try to help. I have seen a young 
elephant try to uproot a tree to get at the succulent roots, and 
when it proved too tough for him, go away to find a friend who 
would help. Together they uprooted the tree and feasted. If you 
are ever charged by an elephant and escape by climbing high 
into the branches of a strong tree, don't feel too safe. Tembo 
will summon a couple of friends to help him knock the tree 

Some men who know a lot about Africa and animals have 
expressed doubts about the stories of elephants helping a 
wounded comrade from the field of batde. But I have seen it 
and so has Allan Tarlton and so have many others whose word 


cannot be doubted. An elephant is wounded and falls to his 
knees but does not collapse. Two other elephants come along, 
one on either side of him. Pushing against his body they not 
only lift him to his feet but support him firmly as they all walk 
away seeking safety. 

Despite their general non-belligerence, elephants in some 
areas have caused much damage to farms and shambas. Since 
they like the food they find there as much as food found 
anywhere else, they may ruin village after village with their 
eating and tramping around. Elephants need a tremendous 
amount of food to keep their huge hulks going and the quan 
tity must be extra large since they are vegetarians. They spend 
about fourteen to sixteen hours out of every twenty-four eating 
lazily and slowly but still eating with stomachs rumbling 
loudly. I've passed through spots in the forest where a good- 
sized herd of elephants has been eating and it looks like 
complete devastation. The forest grows again quickly, of course, 
but not a farmer's plantings. When herds have been repeatedly 
destructive in a neighborhood, the officials send out professional 
hunters to kill the beasts and most white hunters have taken 
on this task at one time or another. 

About a thousand elephants a year are killed by game 
control officers in East Africa and the chief interest of these 
men is to preserve the game. But apparently the elephant pop 
ulation does not diminish appreciably, if at all. The birth rate 
seems sufficient to take care of the loss. And this is surprising, 
since an elephant can give birth to a young one only about 
every four years. The gestation period is almost two years 
probably twenty-two months. But an elephant lives a long time 
from eighty to more than a hundred years normally so a fe 
male may have twenty young ones during her lifetime. 

Even with the necessary game control killings and the 
increased hunting in Africa but strictly under license and lim 
ited there are probably fewer elephants killed than in the old 
days of unrestricted hunting, and wide-scale ivory hunting. In 
those times a good pair of tusks weighed one hundred fifty 


pounds each, and some have been recorded at well over two 
hundred pounds, but the average these days is thirty to forty 
pounds. The longer an elephant lives the bigger and more valu 
able his ivory becomes. Right now we're going through a period 
of slim pickings because of the excessive killing of a few decades 
ago. In another thirty or forty years, there may be plenty of 
elephants with the giant tusks of the old days. But poachers are 
always a problem, and they look for the old fellows with big 

You would think that something as big as an elephant 
would be easy to spot, but this is not always the case. His gray 
hide blends with the earth and general background in many 
regions, and in other places he unconsciously gives himself a 
disguise. An elephant loves water. He likes to drink it, wallow in 
it, and squirt it over himself. In most places the water is muddy, 
so that elephants regularly coat their hides with mud which is 
the exact color of all the earth nearby. 

At Mudanda Rock in Tsavo National Park, for instance, all 
the elephants look pink or red, because that is the color of the 
dirt in that area. The water at the rock is muddy, red-colored, 
and serves as a perfect coating to disguise the big beasts. In 
cidentally, if you go to East Africa, be sure to visit Mudanda 
Rock and the new dam they are building at the other end of the 
Park. There is always water here, even though there may be a 
drought for many miles around, so all the elephants come from 
great distances. The herds line up, taking their turns with all good 
humor, to drink, bathe, squirt and wallow. During a particularly 
bad drought you can see as many as five hundred elephants in 
one day there. 

With so many elephants congregating in one area, it is 
not surprising that some of the babies get lost, as at Coney 
Island and other popular resorts. David Sheldrick, my 1946 lion- 
hunring guide who succeeded Lionel Hartley as game warden 
of Tsavo National Park, took in a couple of elephant babies 
recently. He fed them, escorted them to a feeding ground each 
day to protect them from lions they were quite small and 


helpless and even gave them a big house to sleep in. They 
became quite friendly with him and his rangers, but remained 
suspicious of all other humans. When they are big and strong 
enough they will go their own way and join their herd or some 
herd again. 

For decades the prevalent opinion was that African ele 
phants would not become that tame and friendly. Everyone 
agreed that they could never be trained like Indian elephants. 
But the Belgians in the Congo were not convinced. They 
looked at numerous historical evidences of trained African ele 
phants notably those of Hannibal's army crossing the Alps to 
conquer Rome and decided that it could be done. About 1910 
they started an elephant school at Gangala na Bodio in the 
northeast corner of the Congo, on the Dungu River. Later they 
converted a huge area across the river into the Gambara Na 
tional Park, where elephants were completely protected. Right 
next door, therefore, there was a guaranteed supply of young 
elephants for the school. 

I visited Gangala na Bodio in 1946 and was heartily wel 
comed by the director of the school, who installed me in a 
guest pavilion, and showed me everything there was to see. I 
even witnessed an elephant hunt in the National Park, where 
young fellows from twelve to twenty years of age are taken for 
training. At this age they are considered old and strong enough 
to stand the strains of captivity but not too old to learn new 
tricks. But it is not an easy task to pick and choose your ele 
phant like that and to get him back to the school without harm 
and, if possible, without hurting other elephants in the herd 
from which he is taken. The men who actually catch the 
elephants by lasso are usually Azande tribesmen, rigorously 
trained for the dangerous job which they seem to love. They 
are protected by skilled professional hunters with elephant guns 
who will shoot to kill when one of the men is in danger. The 
most important members of the hunting party are probably the 
trained elephants, or monitors, who go along to calm the cap 
tured animals, soothe them and bring them back to school. 


When a herd of elephants is located, the commander of 
the school picks out the animals he wants, points them out to 
his hunters, and then starts the movement to cut them off from 
the rest of the herd. Guns are fired in the air to stampede the 
group of elephants, at which point the hunters rush in to divert 
the chosen ones. Many get away, of course, but some are 
lassoed and that is not an easy job. You can't really get an 
elephant around the head because his trunk will usually throw 
the rope off, so the hunters try to entangle one of the hind legs. 

An elephant that is caught fights and struggles for all he 
is worth, of course, and the hunters make every effort to keep 
from frightening him too much. Some elephants have been 
known to die of fright, of heart attack, just after capture so 
everyone tries to keep the capturing as kind and gentle as 

Just as soon as a few young elephants are secure, the 
monitors are called up. They are elephants who have not only 
gone through the school but have proved themselves particu 
larly reliable. Monitors are never sold to zoos or let out for hard 
labor but are kept for the express purpose of helping to calm and 
train new elephants. Each monitor has his mahout, or cornac 
as he is called in the Congo, who gives him his orders. A 
monitor elephant stands on either side of the captured animal 
while a rope is tied around the young elephant's middle and 
around each monitor's neck. When the captured animal bucks 
or holds back, it hurts the monitors, so they punish him, argue 
with him, or in some way tell him to stop being so stubborn. 
Meanwhile the cornacs are talking soothingly in the way they 
have learned to talk to elephants and by the time the elephant 
gets to the school he is no longer belligerent or rebellious at 
least in most cases. 

Food and plenty of water do a good deal of the job for the 
next few weeks. TTie captured elephants come to know the 
cornacs who bring them especially delicious meals each day, 
hose them off, fill their pools, and so on. Then die training 
period begins, and a cornac does the entire job, with the help of 


elephant monitors. Elephants are obviously fond of their cornacs 
even when they are still suspicious of other humans, and they 
certainly listen to the monitor elephants who tell them what a 
pleasant life this is. 

And it certainly is a good life. Elephants in zoos and cir 
cuses, even when treated with kindness, must find their quarters 
very confining. But the elephants at Gangala na Bodio have 
miles of room to roam around in, the Dungu River to swim and 
cavort in, and plenty of company. Such a natural life is led, in 
fact, that I witnessed a copulation scene near the river banks. 

Love affairs are encouraged at this coeducational school be 
cause elephants born at the school require no catching and grow 
up with the idea that humans are kind and helpful, even though 
masters demand a certain amount of work. 

There are unfortunate accidents here, of course. A few 
hunters get killed, and I heard of one cornac who fell from the 
head of a monitor that had been gentle and obedient for years. 
The elephant impaled him with his tusk; for what reason no one 
could discern. Another cornac fell from his elephant while that 
animal was bathing, and a crocodile snatched him and ate him 
before anyone could come to his help. 

There is some doubt about how economical elephants are 
for working purposes. They require so much food, and take such 
a long time to eat it, that production is small in proportion to 
consumption. Some people insist that tractors are better, even 
with the high cost of gasoline in the interior of Africa. Many ele 
phants are doing good work, however, in addition to supplying 
zoos and the Belgians have thoroughly disproved the old idea 
that African elephants could not be trained and tamed. 

In the old days they used to capture elephants by shooting 
the mother and then taking a young one who stayed by her side. 
But the Belgians at Gangala na Bodio, and a few hunters, else 
where learned that the job could be done more humanely and at 
the same time more efficiently. Elephants are shy, timid, and 
sensitive creatures; they are more likely to live if they are intro 
duced to civilization with a minimum of shock. American cow- 


boy methods were adapted to the big game of Africa, the idea 
being to cut the desired animal out of the herd and then lasso it. 

We filmed several such hunts with Pellegrini. They were 
back-breaking experiences, but they packed as much excitement 
as any of our special photographic missions. 

First a base camp had to be established in good elephant 
country where the animals were not protected trackless coun 
try through which trucks could travel. And that's where the 
back-breaking part came in, for most people would not have con 
sidered the area we covered passable. Pellegrini could take a 
truck almost anywhere, often at high speed and he did. He 
skirted boggy marshland and occasionally stopped at a ten-foot 
ravine with perpendicular sides, but rocks, stumps, underbrush, 
potholes, streams and washboard terrain with foot-high corruga 
tions could not even slow him down when he was after elephants. 
Twice in one week he broke springs on his truck, but he had 
come equipped for such emergencies and replaced the springs 
himself, after a full day's chase in the broiling sun. 

We usually had Dave Mason in the "catching" truck, 
driven by one of Pellegrini's men, and another cameraman, 
Freddie Ford Jr., in a second truck that followed along behind. 
On the first foray, the second truck was left a mile behind, and 
Pellegrini had already lassoed one little elephant by the time it 
caught up. After that, truck number two kept up with the catch 
ing truck no matter what happened to the backs and heads of the 
jouncing, rocking passengers. The cameramen suffered particu 
larly because they could not hold onto anything. They had to 
protect their precious cameras, clutching them with both hands 
to keep them from banging against the truck. At the end of a 
day's hunting, the men were battered and sore. So was everyone 
else, but Pellegrini was the only one who seemed never to mind 
He had only one thought catch elephants. 

When he first spotted a herd in the distance, he examined 
it carefully. Sometimes he said, "No, we won't go after that one, 
I don't like it." We could never figure out just how he readied 
his conclusions about a herd that might cause trouble and one 


that he could tackle with comparative safety and assurance of 
success. It was just a feeling he had. Once he had chosen a big 
herd as satisfactory, he headed toward it in the trucks, keeping 
the wind right so the animals would not start running away too 
soon. As he approached, with the truck crashing through the 
thick low brush, skipping from furrow to furrow in the hard- 
baked earth, he tried to pick out the elephant he wanted, a 
youngster he could handle but not quite a baby. While one 
truck scattered the herd, Pellegrini maneuvered his so that he 
could cut this one elephant away from the rest, or at least cut it 
off with only one or two others. And finally, he had to catch up 
with the racing elephant, come alongside close enough, and 
throw his rope to catch it. This was only a small part of the job, 
for Pellegrini and his helpers had to calm the captured elephant 
enough to get it into the back of his truck. Then, after such a 
day's work, he had to drive fifty miles to a mission where he had 
built a paddock to contain his captured elephants. Later, after 
the hunt was over, he would see about moving his whole catch 
five or six young elephants to Arusha. 

There were days when, after miles and miles of this roughest 
of travel, not an elephant would be seen. Other days a herd 
would be sighted but, on approach, would turn out to be on the 
opposite side of an impassable ravine. At other times a herd 
would head into a marsh where the trucks could not follow. 
Here was the toughest route of all, for near the edges of the 
marsh elephant footprints two feet deep, made when the ground 
was muddy, had dried as hard as rocks. 

Twice our cameramen were almost killed. Once after an ele 
phant had been caught, the rope holding it was temporarily tied 
to the rear of the second truck. There was a hatch in the top of 
this truck, through which a cameraman could stick his head, 
arms and camera. Dave Mason was up there, very pleased 
with shots he had taken of the lassoing of the young elephant. 
Suddenly the captured animal darted for the front of the truck, 
scraping the rope across the top of the vehicle. With an elephant 


tugging on it, the rope might well have decapitated Mason if he 
had not moved like lightning. And it is not easy to get oneself 
and a big camera down through a narrow hatch in a hurry. Just 
as Dave was jerking his head down, the rope caught the back of 
it, smacked it hard against the front of the hatch, and scraped 
over the top of his head. He fell down in the bottom of the truck 
with blood streaming from his nose, but the first thing he looked 
for was the camera, which had not been damaged. 

Another time, Freddie Ford Jr. had lashed himself to the 
struts at the back of the catching truck so that he could get some 
pictures with the truck in motion. With both hands on the cam 
era, he had to tie himself to keep from being thrown out. In the 
midst of the cutting-out operation, one of the big elephants be 
came angry and started chasing the catching truck. The driver, 
intent on the prey ahead, did not even realize that he was being 
pursued. But Freddie, tied securely, saw the angry elephant bear 
ing down on him, getting closer and closer. In spite of the danger 
he kept photographing the pursuing elephant. The men in the 
second truck, which fortunately was close by, saw what was 
happening and yelled to the driver of the catching truck. But 
there was so much noise he could not hear. The elephant was so 
near, finally, that he started stretching out his trunk for Freddie, 
and the tip of that trunk was only four feet away from him. 
Pellegrini, in the cab of the catching truck, suddenly realized 
what was happening, turned and saw the elephant bearing down 
on them. With a jerk and a spurt of speed the truck pulled away 
from the mammoth pursuer, and this was one time that no one 
minded the terrific pounding and rocketing of the vehicle. 
Freddie was vastly relieved, but what he talked about most was 
the unusual shots he must have taken. 

Pellegrini was still determined to get another elephant. A 
fine herd was seen late one afternoon, so everyone camped out 
near the spot, sleeping in the trucks, with the hope that the ele 
phants could not move away at dawn without being seen and 
followed. The next morning, however, as the elephant herd 


started moving, the trucks followed and were stopped by ground 
that even Pellegrini found impassable. But this did not discour 
age him. Some fine open terrain, solid and easy to maneuver 
on, lay some distance to the right, and he meant to get the 
elephants to move in that direction. So with two helpers he set off 
through the tall elephant grass on foot, determined to circle 
around the herd and drive it toward the good ground. The others 
sat in the trucks and waited. In about two hours Pellegrini came 
back, having been caught in a bush fire, completely submerged 
in a river he had to cross, but smiling triumphantly. He had 
managed to head the elephants toward the good ground. 

Soon the herd appeared, ambling along rather reluctantly to 
ward the good ground, and the trucks followed them slowly. 
Then the herd stopped. For some reason they did not want to go 
ahead. They did not want to turn back where the bush fire was 
burning. As if all the elephants in the herd at least twenty of 
them had thought of the same thing at once, they turned to 
ward the trucks. Why not go in that direction? Only a few men 
and a couple of trucks were in the way. 

Pellegrini knows his elephants, and he obviously knew what 
they were contemplating. He ordered one of his men to start a 
bush fire at once, not far from the trucks. The man was afraid 
and refused, but Pellegrini knew the seriousness of the situation. 

"If we don't start a fire to turn them," he said, "they'll head 
this way in a few minutes. And don't think you'll be safe in the 
truck. They'll turn it over in a flash." 

By the time the dry brush was blazing, the elephants were 
moving slowly toward the trucks eighty yards away, seventy 
yards away, sixty yards away. Someone snatched up a piece of 
the burning bush and tossed it in a thick patch of dry grass, 
which blazed up with a roaring whoosh. The elephants stopped, 
stared, and finally turned. At last they moved off toward the 
good ground. Pellegrini didn't know what made them so reluc 
tant to go there it was just the sort of terrain elephants like. 

The trucks moved in after the herd and, because the ground 
was smoother than ever before, were able to get fairly steady 


shots of the entire action of cutting out and catching a young 

Nobody had any food that day, but there was the satisfac 
tion of knowing that something exciting and unusual had been 
recorded in color. And that was what we had come to Africa 

Misses and Near Misses 

VERY rime I've gone back to Africa, I have stayed 
1 A longer, traveled farther, penetrated deeper, and taken 
more chances in my efforts to get good and unusual pictures. But 
there were some scenes fairly close to the main towns and roads 
that kept eluding me. One was Kilimanjaro. With all the glam 
our that has surrounded this highest of African mountains, I felt 
that leaving Africa without seeing it would be like leaving Pisa 
without a view of the leaning tower. But that is not as easy as it 
sounds. Kilimanjaro is a shy thing that keeps herself clothed in 
clouds a good deal of the time. The first explorers who saw it 
could not quite believe their eyes, for it was not there the next 
day or the next. Had they seen only a mirage? Eternal snow so 
near the equator was a hard thing to believe anyway, and people 
back in Europe thought the explorers had been touched with the 
fever when they heard about it. 

Kilimanjaro has captured men's imagination as have few 
mountains in the world. Rising slowly and gently from the torrid 
plains you can walk up one side of it, so gradual is the ascent, 
without any real climbing ability it keeps on mounting to 
the sky until it has reached almost twenty thousand feet at Kibo 
Peak. The last few thousand feet, gracefully draped with snow, 
look like something ethereal, far removed from things of the 
world. We've all seen photographs in which the forested and bar 
ren lower slopes fade mistily from view, blending with the back 
ground and leaving the glistening white peaks suspended far 
above in the heavens. Then it is a ghost mountain, a mysterious 
presence hovering over puny men below. 

You are lucky to be able to see Kilimanjaro like this. During 



my 1937 trip I waited and looked in vain for it to emerge from 
the clouds. Finally, Cezaire and I decided to walk up, but local 
authorities assured us we would find it disappointing. Standing 
on it, no one could appreciate its beauty or magnitude and un 
til passing the forest line at about ten thousand feet nothing but 
trees could be seen. 

"All right, we'll fly around it," I decided, and chartered a 
small plane at the town of Moshi, on the dry steppe near the foot 
of the mountain amidst great plantations of coffee and sisal. On 
the lower slopes of Kilimanjaro live thousands of the Chagga 
tribe all growing coffee that is almost as good as that found 
around Lake Kivu. 

From the plane we could see the plantations and the begin 
ning of the forest above them. Then the clouds closed in for a 
time while we climbed steadily through them. Suddenly we 
broke through them into air so clear and sparkling that it seemed 
to emanate from a perfectly cut diamond. Close at hand or at 
least in that air it appeared close lay the slopes of the * moun 
tain showing the end of the forest belt and the beginning of 
the fringe of giant lobelia, senecio and tree heather. Above came 
green, green grass sprinkled with millions of Alpine flowers. But 
what held our eyes was the gleaming, shimmering white of Kibo 
Peak which loomed high above us although we were flying at 
about fifteen thousand feet. In this world of air, seemingly de 
tached completely from the earth, the mountain was suspended. 

We circled around Kilimanjaro and feasted our eyes on it, 
then sloped down through the clouds and landed on the prosaic 
earth again. I had seen Kilimanjaro and while it was a thrilling 
experience, it was not completely satisfying. Seeing it from a 
plane, above a blanket of clouds, robbed me of a view of the 
mountain entire, from plains to snowy peak. I wanted to look at 
it with my feet on the ground and follow the lines of it all the 
way up. From a plane is was not quite real. 

Again in 1946, although I spent weeks in and around the 
country from which magnificent views of Kilimanjaro could be 
seen, I didn't get one clear sight of it and not a single picture. 


Finally, in 1954, fortune favored me and the clouds cleared 
while I was in Amboseli. For three whole days Kilimanjaro was 
revealed. I often found my mind and eyes wandering from the 
business at hand rhinos and elephants usually toward the 
snow-covered mountain. And at the end of a day, it brought 
a strange peace and relaxation. 

Another African "must" that kept eluding me photographi 
cally was, of all things, flamingoes. I saw them by the thousands, 
but could get no pictures of them. They feed in huge flocks on 
three slightly saline lakes in East Africa Nakura, Elmenteita 
and Hannington. The nature of the water aids the growth of 
food upon which flamingoes dote and the lakes are rather shal 
low, so the long-legged birds can wander over wide stretches 
around the shore. As you approach the lakes, you think some 
kind of pink water-lilies must have been strewn over thousands 
of square yards of shoreline for you can see nothing but a slightly 
moving mass of brilliant pink. When you get close enough to 
make out a few individual birds on the periphery, they are likely 
to take off. A flamingo, like most big birds, requires a runway al 
most as long as one of our big bombers, so the creatures in the 
middle of the feeding flock cannot move immediately. The outer 
edges of the pink mass move first, with a great whirring of wings 
and splashing of the water. All the others follow in one great 
slow wave that becomes airborne as in a slow-motion movie. In 
the air they spread out and circle around the lake, making a pink 
cloud between you and the sun. 

I was particularly eager in 1937 to get moving pictures of 
this sight because I was taking the first colored nature picture to 
come out of Africa, and the sight is almost breath-taking in full 
color. For three days I waited at Lake Nakura, which was sup 
posed to have the largest flamingo colony, while thick gray 
clouds hovered overhead. Finally I had to give up, and went on 
my way without the pictures. So in 1946 flamingoes were again 
on my list of pictures to take. Hearing that Lake Nakura had 
receded considerably in the past few years, we went to Lake 


Elmenteita, where we found the biggest flocks of pink flamingoes 
I had ever seen. Having a professional cameraman along, I 
turned over the photography to him, stationing him in an ideal 
spot where the light was perfect. Then I approached the flocks 
of flamingoes to set them into flight. Everything went off just as 
I planned it except that my cameraman told me the next day, 
after we had gone on our way, that his film had been threaded 
incorrectly and all flamingo footage was ruined! In 1954, we 
finally obtained good footage of thousands of flamingoes taking 
to the air, the beat of their countless wings sounding like that of 
a distant cascade. 

Birds are difficult to photograph, unless you set out to be a 
nature photographer specializing in birds. Otherwise you must 
confine yourself to the big birds that usually abound in clusters 
at some spot. Vultures were easy to get, of course, because they 
congregate wherever there is carrion and are quite courageous in 
sticking to their meals even though you come close. And mara 
bou storks often accompany the vultures. It is strange how this 
bird came to be a carrion-eater, for his big bill is not made for 
tearing and eating flesh. If it weren't for the vultures, he'd starve 
or have to change his diet. He waits for a vulture to rip off a 
great chunk of flesh, then tries to snatch if from him. If he gets 
hold of a piece, it disappears in that gigantic bill, and the vulture 
must go back to the carcass for more. 

Pelicans are big enough to get pictures of, and I particularly 
enjoyed a group in 1954 in Queen Elizabeth Park, Uganda, 
which seemed to be hunting in formation. They fly along about 
ten or fifteen feet above the surface of the water, looking for 
fish, then fold their wings and swoop like a dive-bomber when 
they spot one. This is an interesting sight at any time, but when 
you see ten or twelve pelicans flying like that in a straight line 
and diving together, all at the same angle, as if on the command 
of a sergeant that's the unexpected camera shot that brings 
joy to one's heart. 

Africa is as rich in birds as in animals, and I saw egrets, 
ducks of different kinds, hornbills, cormorants, darters, term, 


gulls, eagles, bustards, francolins, grouse and partridge and quail, 
humming birds, sun birds, widow birds, blackbirds, cuckoos, 
doves, warblers, Egyptian geese, plovers, herons, crested and 
other cranes, snake-hunting secretary birds, and parrots of end 
less variety. Only a few of these could I capture on film. 

The continent really outdoes itself when it conies to insect 
life of which I got no pictures at all. There are not just thou 
sands of species, but hundreds of thousands and scientists find 
a dozen or more new kinds each year. Mosquitoes, flies, ants and 
termites are the only small creatures that come to the attention 
of most visitors, but they can kill you or drive you almost crazy. 
Among the flies, of course, is the tsetse which carries the trypa- 
nosome of sleeping sickness. Much of Tanganyika is tsetse coun 
try, but authorities are taking area after area to work on, clean 
ing out the bush, the swamps and the breeding places. This 
means cleaning out the wild life, too, so there is considerable op 
position. In other instances, entire populations have been moved 
from tsetse country. 

Sleeping sickness can be cured, of course, but many natives 
will not come in to the doctors in time to get rid of it. Malaria 
can be forestalled by travelers if they will obey orders and take 
the right number of capsules weekly. Chiggers may bore into the 
skin between your toes even if you wear good shoes and bathe 
regularly, but these habits will make it unlikely. I never had to 
have a chigger cut out during all my three trips to Africa. In 
fact, I never became sick in Africa although I traveled through 
every kind of country and was for long stretches away from the 
benefits of running water. 

I encountered snakes but was never bitten by one. There 
was the black mamba in the Ituri, a cobra in the Ngorongoro 
crater and many others. But snakes are almost impossible to film 
unless they are in captivity. The natural habitat of most snakes 
has insufficient light for photography. Their protective colora 
tion is such that you can scarcely see them until they move, and 


then they are gone in a flash. I concluded that a python was the 
only reptile big enough to show up on film, but not until my 
1954-55 trip did I find a man who knew enough about snakes 
to help me. That was Allan Tarlton. 

Tarlton is one of those rare humans a man who likes 
snakes. Nephew of Leslie Tarlton, the first professional white 
hunter in East Africa and the man who guided Theodore Roose 
velt on his famous hunts there, Allan himself has been one of the 
best-known white hunters for several decades. This makes his 
interest in snakes even more striking, for most hunters I've 
known can't stand the creatures. Carr Hartley, for example, who 
fears no animal and makes pets of hyenas and rhinos, has such a 
sickening aversion for snakes that he must turn over to another 
man any business involving them. 

For more than thirty years, however, Allan Tarlton has been 
fascinated by snakes and has kept every African variety in cap 
tivity at one time or another, sometimes having hundreds on 
hand at one time. Because of the almost universal human aver 
sion for snakes, he feels that we know too little about them. They 
thrive in captivity, he says, and become quite accustomed to be 
ing handled, some even reaching the amiable point of being 
called tame. This doesn't mean that he abandons all caution 
when fondling his pets and he has been bitten scores of times 
fortunately never by a cobra, mamba or other member of the 
elapine group for which there is no known antidote. 

The cobra is probably the nastiest snake of all, Tarlton 
says, because its poison is so potent. Anyone getting a full dose 
of it hasn't a chance. The nerve centers at the base of the brain 
are immediately paralyzed, but the poison is so powerful a stim 
ulant that the victim's heart keeps beating for almost half an 

Tarlton's hobby, which started when he was just a boy, has 
developed into a business that eventually became more important 
than his chosen profession of white hunter. In addition to act 
ing as snake adviser to most of the big companies making Afri 
can movies and there have been a number in recent years 


he had a snake farm where he produced venom for serums and 
for research. During the war he was in charge of a serpentarium 
supplying dehydrated venom to the South African Institute of 
Medical Research, and managed more than three thousand cap 
tive snakes which he personally "milked" regularly. That meant 
grasping and extracting the venom from about four hundred 
snakes a day, keeping track of each one so that each snake 
would produce at each milking the same amount and potency 
of venom. 

Toward the end of such a day, he admits, he used to get 
pretty tired and this was always the dangerous time, when 
muscles were fatigued and alertness dulled. A puff adder might 
then wrench his head free and drive his poison-bearing teeth 
into his flesh. Despite his great experience and caution, he was 
bitten nineteen times during the war years. These, in addition 
to his other bites, has led to his having a strange kind of ailment 
over-immunization. Each time he was bitten, of course, he 
was given the necessary seruin that would serve as an antidote 
to the poison, and each time he himself built up in his blood 
stream more and more immunity to the poisons of snakes like 
the legendary king who took more and more arsenic each day 
until he could eat doses that would kill half a dozen normal men. 
This sounds fine for a snake-handler, but such immunization 
means a delicate balance within the blood stream. Now what he 
has to watch out for is the bite of a bee or any other insect 
injecting formic acid with the bite. The great danger here is a 
sudden and total breakdown of blood and tissue cells as a result 
of even mild alteration of the blood balance. 

A bee sting could easily kill Tarlton, but he has managed to 
survive three or four such stings with only a period of uncon 
sciousness. This is because he goes completely prepared at all 
times with hypodermic syringe, tourniquet, anti-venin and heart 
stimulants. If he can manage to keep his heart going while the 
formic acid is being dissipated in die body, he will recover. At 
the same time, he has to guard more carefully than ever against 
more make bites. Seven or eight years ago, doctors told him that 


his blood was in such precarious balance that one more bite 
would be fatal But did he stop handling snakes? No. And he 
has been bitten four times since then and says he feels as fine as 
he ever did in his life. 

When I met Tarlton in Arusha, I asked if it would be 
possible to film a genuine, undomesticated python in a scene 
involving human beings. He said yes, and added that perhaps a 
python was the only reptile I could use for such a sequence. A 
python has sharp teeth and powerful jaws, but he injects no 
poison. His method of killing is to clamp his jaws onto his 
victim just to hold him, then get his tail wound around a tree 
trunk or rock so he will have some leverage when he coils his 
body around his victim to crush it to death. The way to handle a 
python, Tarlton told me, is never to let it hook that tail onto 
anything, for without its purchase it cannot squeeze even a 
lemon. Of course, you try to avoid the bite, too, because it hurts 
even if it isn't poisonous. 

He made it all sound so simple that I decided I could 
handle a python myself with Tarlton at hand. He agreed that 
it should not be too difficult or dangerous, so we decided to set 
the stage for the capture of a python. There was only one hitch 
the python usually lives in thick growth where there is almost 
no light. We'd have to get ours out into the open so we could 
photograph it. When I pointed out that I wanted to avoid too 
much "staging" of any scene, that I insisted on genuineness and 
accuracy, Tarlton assured me that there would be no staging 
beyond placing a good big python in a spot with excellent light. 
He'd go into the bush, capture a python, take it to a nice 
spreading tree standing alone in the plains, and put it on a 
low branch. Then he'd let it go and we'd film our discovery and 
capture of the reptile. If anything, the reptile would be angrier 
than normal, after that handling. 

We found a good spot, set up cameras, and Tarlton and his 
helpers brought the python and placed it on a low branch of 
the tree we had selected. Then Tarlton and I moved off some 
distance. The cameras started turning as we walked toward the 


tree and saw the python. Close-up of python. Decision to 
capture same. Tarlton's natives had a gunny-sack, but they hung 
back as we approached the big snake. As Tarlton came close, the 
python suddenly shot his massive head forward, aiming a 
stunning blow at the man, who ducked it like an expert boxer 
without retreating. The snake coiled its thick body back for 
another thrust and again missed Tarlton only by inches. 

Apparently feeling that it could battle better on the ground, 
it slithered down the tree trunk and made directly for us with 
speed and determination. But now Tarlton had the python 
where he wanted it. This time, as it unleashed a vicious blow at 
Tarlton's legs, he deftly sidestepped and, with a speed to equal 
the snake's, dove and grabbed its neck with both hands. A 
moment later I leaped on the python's body, holding on to its 
writhing rear end for all I was worth. It was sickeningly cold, 
twice as thick as my arm and possessed of amazing strength. 
But I held on despite all its lashing and twisting. 

The natives ran up with the gunny-sack and with their help 
we managed to shove the writhing python inside. The whole 
incident took only a few minutes, but they were exciting and 
strenuous minutes. I was glad to get away from the clammy 
feeling of the reptile, cold like the flesh of a dead creature. But 
this python had been very much alive. 

That one experience with reptiles was enough for me, and 
I happily returned to the business of photographing wild ani 
mals and tribes. I wanted to film another scene I had missed on 
my first two expeditions perhaps the most exciting and dramatic 
hunt in the world Masai tribesmen killing a lion with their 

Cattlemen with Spears 

r T 1 HE Masai have been much photographed and written 
~L about because they are handsome, proud and romantic. 
Even today, when they have dwindled in numbers, degenerated 
into considerable loafing, drinking, and venereal disease and 
been forced to abandon their warlike customs, they are appeal 
ing. You can see this appeal most clearly among the British 
officials of Kenya and Tanganyika, who look upon the Masai as 
extremely difficult; but at the same time they complain about 
what headaches the Masai are, they speak with pride in their 
voices, with admiration for the sometimes overbearing insol 
ence of this tribe. I knew one official, in charge of the Masai 
Reserve, who always talked of "my Masai," as one would of a 
talented and likable child who was a holy terror. The British 
recognize in the Masai another people who, like themselves, are 
born with the unshakable conviction that they are a superior 
race. Even the lowliest Masai feels absolutely certain that he 
occupies a plane far above other human beings. He doesn't have 
to prove it, to himself or anyone else, for Nature ordered things 
in that fashion. Some distance below, the Masai places the 
British but everyone else in the world is out of sight beneath 
the reach of the Masai's glance. 

In spite of this superiority, the Masai is a friendly person. 
He doesn't throw his weight around or act obnoxious. He is 
cooperative in any venture that makes sense, considerate, polite. 
But I would hate to be on the other side of the fence when he 
decides that he does not like you. He is a formidable enemy, 
even in a more or less subject state. 

The self-confidence of the Masai is die kind that has been 



part of a race's heritage and legend for centuries, but we don't 
know their history that far back. They are probably a Hamitic 
race, with some Bantu added and possibly some strains of the 
Nilotic. Not too long ago a couple of centuries perhaps they 
moved down from the north as conquerors. We do know that 
in the i9th century they were the top dogs in all of East Africa. 
They had overcome all of the Bantu tribes in their way, they 
kept making raids and extending their territory, they scared the 
slave-trading Arabs so thoroughly that they detoured around 
the Masai, and no Masai was ever enslaved. 

You can still see this era of kingship in the walk and bearing 
and glance of a Masai momn, or warrior. He is tall around six 
feet or more thin, well-proportioned, and walks with a grace 
ful loping stride. He wears a dark cloth loosely thrown over one 
shoulder except for lion-hunting, when he strips for action. He 
glows with a kind of reddish-orange hue, from the ochre mud 
that he smears on his body and, chiefly, in his hair which is 
gathered into three or four small pigtails. He doesn't tattoo his 
body and wears relatively little decoration. Pierced earlobes, 
however, have been stretched and stretched until they are long 
loops, from which dangle heavy ornaments of copper or iron. 

This is the professional warrior, part of the Masai standing 
army, which consists of every able-bodied male between the 
ages of about eighteen and thirty. This was all very well, per 
haps, when the Masai were rulers and conquerors, but nowadays 
it is rather troublesome to have such a large body of professional 
warriors and no one to fight. Idle soldiers have a tendency to 
make or get into trouble, and the Masai moron is no exception. 

As a boy he has been trained for this warrior period of his 
life, has dreamed of the day he will reach it. At about fourteen 
he goes through a painful and rigorous circumcision ceremony, 
remarkably like that of primitive tribes elsewhere in Africa 
and as far away as South America and Australia. As he ap 
proaches his 1 8th year, he allows his hair to grow up to that 
time it has been shaved off, as with all Masai except the 


Finally he goes out on a lion hunt with some of the veteran 
warriors, and that makes him into el moran. Since the old 
lion-spearing expeditions are now almost nonexistent, I don't 
know what the occasion is for the introduction of a young man 
into the warrior band. At any rate, a warrior devotes his life and 
thoughts to being a warrior and nothing else. He cannot marry. 
He cannot live with his family, but instead lives at a special 
manyatta, or village, for fighting men. But this doesn't mean 
any Spartan-like abstinence on his part, for he may have one or 
more young girls living at the manyatta, too. 

Girls living with the warriors are usually so young that they 
have not yet reached puberty and thus there is little chance of 
their conceiving. When they approach that age, they withdraw 
from the 'moran mmyatta, go through a rigorous circumcision 
ceremony of their own, and are considered marriageable. And 
they are supposed to remain more or less chaste until married, 
faithful afterward, except when, as often happens, the husband 
gives permission for her to entertain a guest or friend. 

For about twelve years the young Masai man is a wamor, 
with no wars going on any more. At thirty, however, he retires, 
cuts off his pigtails, and marries. If he has been a good hunter 
and fighter, if he is smart and respected, he becomes one of the 
elders of his clan, and may be elected headman by the other 

Women don't have much to say among the Masai, but are 
on the whole rather well treated. They give themselves their 
own punishment, so far as I could see, by wearing pounds and 
pounds of decoration, usually thick copper wire formed into 
rings around arms, legs, and neck. Each limb may carry up to 
fifteen pounds of copper, and once put on it is never taken off. 
Some women carry such a load around their necks that they 
have to support it in a wooden frame when they lie down to 
sleep. It is colorful, but I didn't find it particularly attractive. 

The Masai are cattle herders and blood drinkers. A few 
groups of this once large tribe, isolated from the others in 
course of migrations and wars, have turned to agriculture and a 


settled life, but the vast majority, including those of southern 
Kenya and Tanganyika, are pastoral folk who consider it degrad 
ing to hoe the earth. Like herdsmen the world over, the Masai 
must lead a more or less nomadic life as they move about 
seeking good pastures for their cattle, but they keep themselves 
within a pretty well restricted area and build homes that are at 
least a little more permanent than tents. 

Wealth and prestige depend largely upon a person's cattle, 
but unlike the Watussi, the Masai count the number of cattle 
only and pay little attention to the quality. Actually, the Masai 
cows are generally a small and sorry-looking lot, and their milk 
production is not very large. But most of the sustenance of these 
natives must come from the cattle. Milk in its many forms 
cheese, smoked milk, butter, clarified butter called ghee form 
the basis of most food, but the piece de resistance is blood 
drawn from the jugular vein of one of the cattle. It may be taken 
straight or mixed with milk into a kind of thin porridge. This 
high protein diet may account in part for the lean, muscular 
appearance of most Masai. 

Cattle are the central focus of life for all Masai. Even the 
lion-hunting for which they are famous and through which a 
young fellow proves his manhood stems from cattle keeping, for 
the lions go after the cattle. Whatever steals a Masai warrior's 
cattle is the enemy, and the lion is the arch enemy. These 
magnificent hunters never hunt anything else, and they do not 
eat the meat of any game. 

Just as cattle are the center of Masai life, so are cattle the 
source of much Masai crime and deviltry. In the older days of 
war, the Masai raided neighboring tribes to steal cattle or good 
pasture-land. In these days of enforced peace, individual Masai 
moron or small groups of restless young men may steal cattle 
from a neighboring tribe, even of Masai. The government's 
troubles revolve much of the time around cattle. The Masai 
are not very cooperative about taking steps to protect their 
cattle from the rinderpest or the trypanosomiasis given by the 
tsetse fly. They move their herds onto game preserves or other 


restricted areas when they are not supposed to. And they resist, 
actively or passively, the government requirement that they 
must sell a certain number of their cattle each year. Since the 
cattle use so much of the land and constitute a primary nutri 
tional resource of the area, they must be used to support the 
population even the non-Masai part of the population. 

On my 1946 trip, while I was in Uganda and before 
reaching Kenya or Tanganyika, I read a newspaper report of the 
killing of a British official, Major Hugh Grant, by a Masai. 
Feelings ran high over the murder and the subsequent trial of 
the native. A few weeks later, when I reached Kenya and had 
gone out to the Narok area in Masai country with David 
Sheldrick and Mark Williams, I got the story from them. 

When the government regulation first went into effect, re 
quiring each Masai cattleman to sell a certain percentage of his 
herd to the government, these wily natives invariably picked out 
the very worst of their animals. So the government stepped in 
and said that its officials would select the cows to be purchased. 
They did not select the best, but a representative group, good, 
fair and poor leaning over backwards most of the time to be 
fair. The system worked all right most of the time, but the 
British had not taken into account the fact that sometimes a 
Masai herder will become deeply attached to one or two particu 
lar cows. This is often an emotional feeling such as one might 
have for a devoted dog or other domestic per. When the govern 
ment official inadvertently picked out one of these pets to be 
purchased, the Masai would be desolate and would plead with 
the official not to take that particular animal. Take any other, 
even a fatter one, but not this cherished creature. 

The officials, at the outset, agreed to a substitution each 
time this situation arose which was not too common to cause 
any difficulty. But then the Masai decided they could use this 
sentimental understanding of the British. Some of them claimed 
that every fat, sleek and hearty cow was a particular pet. Being 
excellent actors, like most primitives, the Masai would weep 
and plead with great urgency but they carried the stratagem too 


far. Major Grant had been one of the most gracious in allowing 
substitutions, so he found himself taken advantage of more than 
any other official. And he reacted as almost anyone would. No 
more substitutions! 

Then came the time that he chose his cattle from a Masai 
herd and picked, without knowing it, one of the herdsman's 
dearest pets. The Masai begged to be allowed to keep this one 
beast, but Major Grant had made a ruling no more substitu 
tions and would not reconsider. When the Masai saw that the 
Major meant business, he lifted his spear, hurled it at Grant 
and impaled him against the wall. 

The native was tried and convicted, of course, but there 
was much bad feeling on both sides. Generally, however, the 
Masai are not actually dangerous as are the Kikuyu, who started 
the Mau Mau movement. They are troublesome, proud, and 
insolent, but rarely murderers. 

I saw my first Masai in 1937, and felt the same admiration 
for them that almost everyone does. There's something fine in 
the sight of two or three Masai moron striding across the flat 
plains, with their very long and thin spears and tough colorful 
shields. Nowadays, of course, most of the Masai in Kenya and 
some elsewhere have been deprived of both spears and shields 
so they cannot war on their neighbors. Some of the men carry 
staffs instead of the spears, but they are not the same thing, by 
any means. And something has happened to the Masai soul 
with this major deprivation. In some areas of Tanganyika, for 
tunately, the Masai have kept shields and spears and may keep 
them so long as they are well behaved. But this is almost as 
soul-wrenching a deprivation as taking away the weapons them 
selves. A Masai warrior cannot really reconcile himself to the 
idea of a spear and a shield as nothing but ornaments. 

For my 1937 trip into the fabulous Ngorongoro crater, I 
needed Masai guides. Through the kind offices of British offi 
cials in Arasha, I went to a Masai village to make the necessary 
arrangements, and here my partial disillusionment with the 
Masai began. I didn't expect beauty in a nomad's temporary 


settlement, precisely, but after seeing the proud and handsome 
Masai men I expected something in keeping with the people 
and their personality. Of course my standards are different, and 
I can make many allowances for that fact, but filth just does 
not fit in my mind with personal beauty, strength, bravery 
and pride. 

The first view of a Masai manyatta is rather striking, for all 
you can see is a big circle of tangled thornbushes, ten or twelve 
feet high, designed not just to keep lions out but to keep cattle 
in. A determined and hungry lion can find his way through or 
over such a barrier, and the Masai know it, but the thorn wall is 
a deterrent for any but the hungriest. 

Inside the circle, I saw a cluster of flat-roofed huts made 
of earth and dung with plenty of odor to confirm the latter. 
There was more to the smell than just cow manure, however, 
which was accounted for when I was told that the Masai use 
cattle urine for washing. They certainly do not waste any prod 
uct of their herds! 

I wanted to look into one of the huts, unprepossessing as 
it was, so made my way through a cloud of flies that had found 
a paradise on earth. The Masai do not seem to have a well 
organized or systematized religion, but they believe that the 
spirits of their ancestors abide in all living things except the 
lion. Even flies are creatures that may bear an ancestor's spirit, 
so they must not be molested. The Masai will not even shoo 
them away. 

The doors of Masai huts are very low, so I got down on my 
hands and knees to crawl in and have a look. I could not see 
much, for there are no windows, but a fire was burning dully, 
filling the place with thick smoke. A calf tried to moo at me 
from a far corner, but I did not investigate further. The smoke 
made my eyes smart, and the smell was ten times as strong 
inside as it had been outside. The floor of the hut was made of 
manure, damp and sticky! 

I abandoned my investigation at that point, since my curi 
osity seemed to have evaporated. My first reaction was what 


yours might be the feeling that any people who could live that 
way could not really be admirable. But as I went on my way to 
Ngorongoro with a group of Masai moran who were obviously 
admirable, my perspective returned. All I could say with as 
surance was that I would never want to live in such huts or such 
villages. I might even go so far as to say that anyone in my own 
civilization who would live that way would have something 
wrong with him. But the Masai are living as Masai people have 
lived for centuries. You have to try to look at it inside the 
Masai framework. All it proved to me was that my standards of 
town-planning, architecture, sanitation and hygiene did not 
necessarily have much bearing on the character of a people. 

Still, I like to think of the Masai as they are when hunting 
lions. It is this which has caused explorers and big-game hunters to 
call them the "bravest of the brave." A few white hunters who 
in the old days accompanied Masai on a lion hunt have sworn 
they could never summon the courage that seems a common 
place thing among Masai men, and some have been so fright 
ened that at the crucial moment they fired a gun and spoiled the 
hunt for the natives. 

When a lion has killed a cow that's the time when the 
Masai go after the beast. Sometimes only a few take up the 
trail, but usually ten or more strip themselves for action and 
track down the killer. They usually locate the lion in a thick 
growth into which they throw rocks until the beast leaps out in 
an effort to get away. In a flash the Masai hunters are after it, 
and in short order the lion turns to attack its pursuers. At this 
point the hunters encircle the animal, closing in on it step by 
step, shields held before them, spears poised to strike. 

When the men are ten or fifteen feet away, the lion usually 
chooses one to attack; one that he will kill to escape from the 
ring closing round him. With three twitches of the tail the big 
cat leaps, and the hunter facing it drops to one knee and lifts 
his shield to bear the force of the pounce, at the same time 
hurling his spear at the lion in mid-air. Even if the spear hits its 
mark and it may pass completely through the lion that does 


not stop the animal, by any means. The big body lands on the 
shield, the claws raking and scratching for all they're worth. 
Even though the other hunters have thrown their spears, and 
the lion may look like a pin-cushion, the man who takes the 
lion's attack is almost always mauled considerably, and some 
times killed. The other hunters, after flinging their spears, rush 
in with their simis, double-edged knives about two feet long, and 
hack away at the lion until the animal is nothing but hunks of 
bone and a mass of bloody fur. They don't care about skins or 
trophies only about dead lions. 

The hunters come back home happy and triumphant, proud 
of their wounds and their bent spears. The man who took the 
charge is a special hero in most instances, but on occasion there 
is one who takes precedence even over him. This is the man 
who may grab the lion by the tail. If the encircling ring of 
hunters gets close enough before the lion springs, one man may 
rush forward, snatch the animal's twitching tail, and haul back 
on it with all his strength. At this instant, of course, the other 
hunters hurl their spears and close in with knives, hoping to 
kill the lion before it can whirl and claw the tail-holder. While 
this procedure sounds silly, it can acually hamper the footing 
and crouch of a lion enough to spoil its pounce at least for a 
very short time. A lion is strong enough, of course, to jerk free 
from a tail-hold unless he is killed in that second or two when 
thrown off balance and, I would guess, considerably embar 

No one had taken movies of a genuine Masai lion hunt for 
years and, so far as I could learn, it had never been shot in color. 
So when I went to Africa in 1946, one of my hopes was to film 
such a sequence. It would be dangerous, I knew, for when a lion 
breaks out of a ring of Masai hunters as it sometimes does it 
is always wounded, enraged, fast and deadly. If I were close 
enough to get good shots of the scene, I would be within easy 
reach of the lion. But I figured that I could be covered at such 
times by a white hunter with gun. 

I did not need to worry, for the authorities would not 


give permission for the filming of a Masai lion-spearing. In Kenya 
few Masai still possessed shields or spears and the authorities 
were reluctant to put spears in their hands even for a brief 
period. In Tanganyika, the Masai were armed, but many groups 
did not even hunt lions any more they called on the authorities 
to send hunters with guns to dispose of marauding lions. Some 
groups still went out in the old fashion after the ancient enemy, 
Simba, but the officials politely but firmly told me no. 

In 1954 I was more hopeful because I was better known: 
it was clear that I wanted to take accurate, honest pictures with 
out f akery. In addition, I was able to muster considerable friendly 
influence, if such a thing could have any effect. My good friend, 
Joan Fontaine, wrote her cousin, Sir Geoffrey De Haviland, 
whom I met and talked to in England on my way to Africa; 
Sir Geoffrey then wrote to his good friend, Col. Merwyn Cowie, 
head of all Kenya Parks and Reserves. Since security might be 
involved in arming some Masai for a lion hunt, the military aspect 
was taken care of by General Matthew Ridgway, then Chief of 
Staff, who had been deeply interested in my travels and films and 
had aided me greatly on my trip to South America, when he was 
stationed in Panama. General Ridgway wrote to his good friend 
and counterpart in the British Army, General Sir Dudley Ward, 
who took the matter up with the colonial office and East Africa 

All of this caused the normally friendly and helpful authori 
ties in Kenya and Tanganyika to be even more friendly and 
helpful. Some of the best footage we obtained would have been 
impossible without the special consideration we received. But 
one dispensation I could not get was permission to film the 
Masai hunting lions with spears. 

During my entire stay in East Africa in 1954-55, 1 kept at 
the project with as much persistence as was consistent with po 
liteness and diplomacy. But I could not even go back to Narok 
and the region near there, where both Masai and lions abound. I 
thought of getting some good dance sequences there, but was 


told quite firmly that Narok was a closed area, because of the 
increasing infiltration of Mau Mau terrorists. 

This was an astonishing development. The Mau Mau sect 
arose among the Kikuyn, for decades the deadliest enemies of 
the Masai. How could the fanatic nationalist spirit of the Mau 
Mau secret society gain adherents among the proud and aristo 
cratic Masai who, though troublesome on occasion, had never 
shown signs of being revolutionary? 

The answer was a strange one. Venereal disease had been 
spreading rapidly in recent years among the Masai, and as a 
result many Masai women had become sterile. Masai men had 
finally begun taking wives from the Kikuyu tribe whose territory 
adjoined theirs. These wives, some of whose families were ar 
dent Mau Mauists, brought with them the ideas, which found a 
relatively fertile soil in the thwarted warlike spirit of the Masai. 

So I waited for my Masai pictures until I reached Tan 
ganyika. Finally, at Monduli, about fifty miles from Arusha, I 
took some films that turned out to be more exciting and dan 
gerous than the lion hunt which never did materialize. British 
District Officer Riley was quite helpful, assigned a Masai inter 
preter to help me, and sent me to a Masai kraal. From here, 
word went out to three diff erent Masai headmen to come with 
some of their warriors for picture taking. From three directions 
they streamed in ten times as many as I needed. They were 
fine looking specimens, and all carried their big shields and long 
thin spears. My idea was to get footage of Masai dances, some 
of which I had filmed in 1946 but without shields and with 
wooden staffs instead of spears. Now I could get the real thing. 
With two cameramen and more than enough cooperative Masai, 
things should turn out well. 

They had no musical instruments except drums, but these 
gave out a persistent beat that was hypnotic in its effect. The 
dancers became more and more ecstatic as the dance progressed, 
flinging their arms out with great abandon, shouting and throw 
ing their heads back violently. As I saw the rather wild look in 


some eyes I recalled stories I had heard about the drastic effect 
of the war dance on some Masai moran. The resurgence of the 
old war spirit occasionally sent a few warriors into uncontrolla 
ble fits lie epileptic seizures. I had heard, too, that in Kenya 
and other areas where the Masai had been deprived of shields 
and swords that even the sight of a shield might send some of 
them off into a genuine frenzy. 

I had never seen such an incident in a Masai dance, and I 
didn't on this occasion, but the jerky gestures and rather wild 
looks of some of the men made me credit the tales I had heard. 
If this feeling could come across on film, the sequence would 
be dramatic and tense, but I was afraid that it would be lost, as 
the men were close together and the audience would see only 
the rather clumsy dance, without being aware of the feeling 
that went with it. 

These thoughts gave me an idea, however. If I could select 
a few men to keep the scene from becoming cluttered and give 
them some action that would arouse their spirits as the dance did, 
we might get a good scene. If these out-of-work warriors were 
excited by recollections of war, maybe a charge as if against an 
enemy in battle would do it. Through the interpreter I spoke to 
the three headmen, to find out first of all if such a charge 
would be authentic, if the Masai method of battle included a 
running attack with spears held high. It did indeed, the head 
men assured me with a smile, and the moran surrounding us 
agreed happily. 

So we set up the scene, selecting a low hill for the warriors 
to come charging over the crest of, with two cameras set up on 
flat ground about fifty yards from the crest. Then I chose 
about ten particularly fine specimens from among the warriors, 
among them a few I had noticed as displaying special fervor in 
the dance. They got the idea readily enough, and seemed to 
like it. They were to retire to the other side of the hill, then at a 
signal were to charge over the top and race down upon us, 
directly for the cameras, whooping and brandishing spears as if 
about to slaughter an old enemy. All the other Masai, with the 


headmen in the front row, lined up at one side, out of camera 
range but close to the line of march. 

The warriors went over the hill and out of sight. I checked 
with my cameramen and found everything ready, then gave the 
signal, which was relayed to the moran. Before we saw them 
we heard wild whoops and the cameras started grinding away. 
Suddenly the warriors burst over the top of the hill running at 
breath-taking speed, holding their shields in front of them and 
brandishing their spears on high. It made a thrilling spectacle 
and I was delighted. Straight toward us the men raced, two or 
three in front, the others strung out behind. They were forty 
yards away, thirty, twenty and I saw plainly the expressions of 
ecstatic frenzy on the faces of the leaders, the gleam of joyous 
ferocity in their eyes. And suddenly I knew that the first man, at 
least, was no longer acting. He was really going to charge. He 
was going to pierce me or one of my cameramen with his spear. 
Perhaps it was the fleck of white foam that appeared on his lips 
which told me, but the wild look in his eyes was that of a man 
whose mind has taken flight from reality. 

I was too petrified to move, and there wasn't really time, 
anyway. But the other Masai standing alongside acted with 
speed and decision, for they obviously saw what was about to 
happen. When the charging warriors were scarcely ten yards 
away, several of them hurled themselves at the first two warriors 
and knocked them to the ground. 

"Dave, get it!" I called to Mason, who immediately turned 
his camera on the scene where the Masai who had saved us were 
with difficulty holding down the two writhing, kicking warriors, 
both of whom were frothing at the mouth profusely. One still 
jerked his arm violently as if to throw his spear. His eyes were 
turned up so that I could see only the whites and he was a 
pitiful if frightening sight. The other warrior recovered from his 
seizure more quickly, and was soon nursing a deep gash in the 
calf of his right leg. He had stabbed himself with his own 
spear as he fell. 

Within a few minutes both men were calm. Their frothing 


and panting had ceased, as well as their struggles to free them 
selves. But when they got to their feet, their eyes were vacant, 
glazed, and both acted somewhat bewildered. 

No one seemed to be particularly surprised by the incident, 
except my cameramen and I, and surprise was hardly the word 
to describe our feelings. We didn't get over our fright for some 
time. The headmen knew that this sort of thing happened on 
occasion, so they were on the lookout for it and, happily, took 
quick action just in time. They didn't seem to be sorry, and they 
didn't apologize. They seemed to think that we should under 
stand that Masai warriors cannot always stop being warriors 
just because some authorities tell them they must not make war 
any more. 

It was some months later, when I was telling someone 
about this incident, that I learned of a similar occurrence 
during the filming of "King Solomon's Mines" in Africa. At one 
point the cameramen on that film had abandoned cameras and 
everything to run from a surging mock attack of Masai war 
riors. I strongly recommend that photographers stop putting 
the poor Masai through actions that will bring back to their 
minds and hearts their past glories. 

About six hundred miles away from the homes of the 
Masai, I found another group of Africans whose heritage and 
customs paralleled those of the Masai in many ways. These were 
the Turkana, tall and thin Hamites, with some infusion of 
Nilotic and Bantu blood. Their lives revolved around their 
livestock, and they had a heritage of raiding and war which was 
even more recently active than that of the Masai. 

I took that long and difficult trip to Turkanaland, in the 
Northern Frontier Province of Kenya, for two reasons. In my 
old drive to find the genuine primitive, I was forced by expand 
ing civilization to travel farther and farther afield. The Turkana 
had been visited by relatively few explorers and picture-makers, 
and they were photogenic. I was not sure since little had been 
written about them how many different varied activities of the 


Turkana might make good scenes for "Zanzabuku," but there 
would be enough to warrant the trip, I hoped. 

Second, some Turkana had been involved in scenes with 
Mike Hartley. It would be a good idea, I decided, to obtain 
more Turkana shots to serve as background. But I wanted to go 
to the main body of the Turkana, not to the small offshoot that 
had migrated south to Isiolo. 

It was a long haul, up north through Kenya into the 
Northern Frontier Province, down a twisting road that wound 
two thousand feet from the top of the escarpment to the bottom 
of the Rift, which was quite wide at this point. We had to cross 
a broad desert the reason for Turkanaland's being so thoroughly 
cut off from the rest of Kenya and go through part of the Suk 
Closed Area, from which visitors are prohibited except by special 
permit. The entire trip, in fact, required governmental sanction. 

Turkanaland is not much better than desert country itself, 
arid, rocky, barren of all but scrub growth for most of its area. 
At the northwest corner where the mountains begin, and along 
the banks of the two sizable rivers there is more varied vegeta 
tion. The trouble is, however, that both rivers are likely to be 
dried up for seven or eight months out of the year. The natives 
have learned to dig wells and waterholes along the dried up 
beds, for there is usually water not too far below the surface at 
these points. 

As always in such country, heavy rains bring bad floods, as 
the earth won't hold the water suddenly poured down upon it. 
But rains leave numerous waterholes aside from those at the 
rivers, and natives use them until they dry up. They also scoop 
shallow basins in the hard earth, line them with stone, and try 
to catch a fair amount of water from each rain. 

People living in a land like this must be herdsmen, for they 
cannot grow enough foods to turn to settled agriculture, and 
wild animals are too scarce to enable men to live chiefly by 
hunting. So the Turkana are semi-nomadic raisers of livestock. 
Cows can get enough fodder only in choice areas, such as those 
near the foothills, but sheep, goats and camels can find enough 


to eat almost anywhere, it seems, and manage to thrive in the 
lands of the Turkana. They milk all three animals, tap the 
arteries of each to obtain blood which they usually mix with 
milk for eating purposes. Occasionally they kill an animal and 
feast on the meat. Some Turkana women try to cultivate small 
garden plots, if they live anywhere near the rivers, where they 
may raise a little kaffir corn. Fortunately there are dom palms 
in the region, whose nuts give food, and also twenty or more 
varieties of berry bushes with edible berries, some of which are 
growing the year round. The women make a kind of pounded 
and dried berry meal which they can store, later mixing it with 
blood or milk or both to cook into cakes. 

In spite of the hard life the Turkana people were friendly, 
cooperative, and seemed quite happy. I saw little evidence of 
their warlike feelings, in spite of the fact that they had been 
busy with border raids and wars up until the twenties, when 
the British really stepped in to put down the fighting. But each 
young man carries a long spear, and often two. He also carries, 
slung from his left wrist, a little wooden stool to sit on, said 
stool serving also as a headrest to protect his precious coiffure 
when lying down to sleep at night. The Turkana have other 
weapons, too, knives, clubs, and a device I found fascinating a 
semi-circular knife attached to the right wrist. A devastating 
weapon for in-fighting, its razor edge is protected most of the 
time by a leather sheath. 

We finally reached Lodwar, the administrative center for 
Turkanaland, and were warmly greeted by District Commis 
sioner Whitehouse. Lodwar consists of only a few buildings in 
the midst of dreary country. The Turkana village near by was 
much more colorful, and the men and women so strikingly 
photogenic that I knew the long trip would be worth while. 
They were tall, strong and graceful most of the men being well 
over six feet. Some were completely naked, while others wore a 
kind of toga knotted at the shoulder. Most of the men wore 
smooth ivory plugs in their perforated lower lips, objects that 
looked from a distance something like brand new golf balls 


fixed just below the mouth. Somehow, they were attractive, 
standing out vividly against the reddish-brown skin. Many men 
also wore earrings, leg bands, arm bands and necklaces of wire 
and beads. They carried graceful spears and rectangular shields 
made of heavy leather, some decorated with big black ostrich- 
feather balls at the top. I also saw a few wickerwork shields, 
used in stick fights between one Turkana and another. They sup 
posedly use their spears only on animals or enemies of other 
tribes, never on each other. 

White and orange headdresses, however, were the distin 
guishing marks of the Turkana usually made of waving ostrich 
plumes. They were the crowning glories of elaborate hair-dos 
which, I learned, were only modest and skimpy versions of the 
startling coiffures which the Turkana had worn seventy years 
ago, when first seen by Europeans who discovered Lake Rudolf. 
Then the hair had grown long and been plastered with mud to 
form a huge chignon, which hung down as far as the waist and 
was decorated with a kind of snood made of feathers. From the 
top of this device came other plumes and even wire halos with 
feather balls suspended over the top of the head. 

While the hair-do has shrunk to a good-sized mud-plastered 
bun on the back of the head, the feathers and waving plumes 
remain and on top of a tall man they are striking. The women 
don't go in for such frippery, merely shaving their heads on the 
sides and twisting what's left of hair in the center into greased 
curls that hang down like an old floor mop. 

After getting acquainted, we started our camera work. 
There were a few hunting scenes, involving leopards and hyenas, 
which go after Turkana livestock and are thus the prime enemies. 
These tied in nicely with the leopard sequences taken at Hart 
ley's place, where Mike and the Turkana workers there were 
both involved. 

Word went out to other Turkana villages that there were 
dancing and gifts near Lodwar, and natives began streaming in 
from all sides, men, women, and children. The District Com 
missioner had told me that the Turkana were great dancers, but 


I had seen plenty of primitive dancers in the previous months 
and did not expect too much. But I rarely saw any group that 
loved dancing more than the Turkana. They were always ready 
and eager to dance before the cameras and once, after we had 
filmed during the good light for several hours, we knocked off 
and told them their work was done. But there was no stopping 
the Turkana. They kept going all that evening and most of the 
night, and the next day put in another four to six hours danc 

They had war dances, hunting dances, dances whose char 
acter I could not understand, and even an elephant dance al 
though there was no evidence of elephants having lived anywhere 
near Turkanaland for centuries if ever. Undoubtedly this tribe, 
which had probably come to the Rift Valley only a hundred to 
a hundred fifty years before, had once lived where there were 
elephants, and the dance had remained a part of their cultural 

No matter what the dance started out to be, it wound up 
being strongly erotic as night fell and the fires were lit. Because 
this sort of thing took place in the night I never could get any 
pictures, but they could not have been shown publicly in any 

After some time around Lodwar, we decided to go to Lake 
Rudolf, about forty-five miles to the East. This is one of the 
least-known large bodies of water in Africa, having been dis 
covered only in 1888 by the Austrian explorer, Count Teleki. It 
forms the eastern border of Turkanaland, with Ethiopia on the 
other side and the Sudan to the north, has no known outlet, con 
tains an alkaline water that abounds in fish, crocodiles, and hippos 
and is beloved of thousands of birds. It is an attractive invita 
tion to aspiring young explorers, for much of it has never been 
seen by white men and none has ever crossed it. 

Commissioner Whitehouse said he thought we'd find the 
fishing interesting. The Turkana settlements on the shores of 
the lake were comparatively recent and so was fishing, as an 
occupation. Although this tribe had a difficult time finding 


enough food in its arid land, it had never taken to fishing, had 
not really considered fish edible. Government authorities had 
finally persuaded some of them to migrate to the lake and eat 
fish. They brought in nets and other equipment, gave the 
necessary instructions. And the teaching had borne fruit. There 
were several Turkana villages on Lake Rudolf, more and more 
fish were being caught, and people were actually eating the fish. 

The lake was so full of fish that they were easy to catch. We 
took pictures of the men going out in small boats with a long 
net, then dragging it in to shore loaded with big fish. Tilapia 
(Nile perch) ranging from forty up to an occasional two hun 
dred pounds, came out of the lake in abundance and they were 
delicious eating. 

During our stay beside Lake Rudolf, we felt as far removed 
from the civilized world as if we had been visiting another 
planet. Looking out across the vast lake we saw no sign of hu 
man life, nor was there much on the land around us except for 
the few Turkana groups, practically untouched by civilization. 
The remoteness of Turkanaland is indicated by the fact that the 
Kenya authorities have chosen it for the imprisonment of the 
most dangerous Mau Mau leaders, including Jomo Kenyatta. 
In Lodwar, I was the house guest of Commissioner Whitehouse 
the type of official that has made the Empire great, in the best 
sense and from my window I could look down on the prison 
compound. Although guarded by vigilant Turkana policemen, 
I suppose that many of the prisoners could have escaped. But it 
would have done them no good; on the long trek back home 
they would have been cut down by their bitter enemies, the 
Turkana, or would have perished in the almost endless desert. 

We sensed this atmosphere of remoteness all the time we 
were in Turkanaland and it enhanced the enjoyment of our stay 
there. It was particularly pleasant at Lake Rudolf, where we 
stayed in thatched huts on a sandy spit jutting out into the 
lake. After work we sat beneath the palm trees or went swim 
ming in the lake always keeping a wary eye out for crocs and 
watched the magnificent sunsets. 


One day when we had stopped filming because of the 
diminishing light, we were watching the Turkana fishermen 
haul in a netful of fish. As the net neared the sandy shore we 
saw a violent thrashing in the water and wondered at the size of 
the fish that could raise such a commotion. But this was no fish. 
It was a crocodile that had been netted. It played possum, in its 
customary fashion, so long as it was some distance from shore 
but as the net forced it onto the sand in shallow water it started 
struggling to escape. 

Suddenly I understood why the tribesmen carried their 
spears even when fishing. Two of them ran toward the croc and 
thrust their spears into him again and again until he was dead. 

This would make an unusual and dramatic shot for the 
film, I decided. We asked the fishermen to signal to us the mo 
ment they realized they had netted a croc again and to hold up 
the final spearing of the creature until our cameraman could run 
up for a close shot. They willingly agreed, and we posted our 
selves on shore every time the men went fishing. The next day, 
however, there was no croc, nor the day after that. Finally a 
croc was caught but managed to escape around the end of the 
net before it was dragged ashore. Finally, our patience was re 
warded. There was a violent thrashing in the water, and our 
cameraman started running for the spot without any signal 
from the fishermen. But the men forgot our instructions and, 
in the excitement of the moment, followed their instincts. They 
had killed the big croc before our cameraman could get set. If 
they had held off for even thirty seconds, he could have recorded 
the dramatic scene on film. 

That's how close you come, sometimes, to unusual shots 
when engaging in animal photography. But despite this dis 
appointment, I was pleased with the three-minute sequence that 
eventually resulted from about three weeks of work in Turkana- 
land. I had to make three trips to get a film of Kilimanjaro. Why 
should I expect to catch the spearing of a crocodile in a fishnet 
with only one expedition? 

Mara Valley 

ON my third African trip I kept searching for a truly 
primitive region with an abundance of wild animals. 
The heart of the Ituri Forest was still part of the Stone Age, 
but poor light made animal photography difficult; Turkanaland 
was certainly isolated and primitive, but so arid and barren that 
most animals were too smart to live there; the great parks and 
restricted areas in the Congo, Uganda, Kenya, and Tanganyika 
offered plenty of animals of great variety, but they were not 
exactly right for my purposes. 

Fortunately, we had been able to work with two of the best 
animal catchers in East Africa, who took us into unrestricted 
territory in both Kenya and Tanganyika where we obtained 
wonderful action footage. But I was not satisfied. I wanted to 
find still another area so suited to animal life that many crea 
tures lived and loved and fought there; an area that had not been 
so thoroughly hunted as to thin out the herds or cause them to 
panic at the first scent of man; an area not yet encircled by 
farms or cleared in an effort to kill out the tsetse flies; a region 
more naturally primitive than the parks in that some natives 
still, hunted or trapped the wild animals there; a place far enough 
away from approaching civilization and hordes of tourist-hunters 
to have escaped the multitude of regulations set up for the pro 
tection of wild life. I had to be able to kill bait for lions, pro 
voke a rhino into a charge, startle a herd of impala into hasty 
flight, frighten buffalo or zebra into a stampede in other words, 
annoy or scare some animals enough to provide action for my 

There are still many such regions in Africa, of course. In 



1937, for example, there was the Ngorongoro Crater, a paradise 
for the largest game herds in the world. The first white man dis 
covered it in 1892, but it was not until after World War I that 
T. Alexander Barns wrote the first thorough description of it. 
Since that time someone had built what was euphemistically 
called a road up the outer slope to the crater's ridge, but beyond 
that all the going was on foot. Not many people had gone down 
to the floor of the crater. 

Until we reached the twisting road ascending the former 
volcano we enjoyed a lovely drive, with the western wall of the 
great Rift Valley dimly visible on our right, plenty of game in 
the valley through which we traveled, and the still active vol 
cano, Oldonyo-lengai, displaying its almost perfect symmetrical 
form for a good part of the journey. The Masai look on this 
mountain as sacred, the source of all that is good and bad in 
their lives. We saw thousands of flamingoes and pelicans on 
Lake Manyara, passed through the tiny farming village of Ol- 
deani, and then plunged into thick forests on the slope of 
Ngorongoro. On the way up, you cannot see much because the 
jungle is so dense. You realize that you are climbing a mountain 
only because of the steep grades and many turns, which con 
tinue for most of the nine miles or so of the ascent, which leads 
you to the lip of the crater, eight thousand feet above sea level. 

We found a small rest house there, of logs and thatch, built 
by the government for its game wardens and district officials 
but also available to travelers passing that way. It was so late by 
that time that we really could not make out the view, but I was 
delighted that with dawn there 'would be a view to see. I was 
worried for fear that even on the edge of the crater we would 
stand in the midst of forest that would cut off all vision for 
any distance. There isn't much growth along the rocky edge, 
however, and where the rest house sits there was none at all. 

Writers of more lush prose than mine have tried and failed 
to describe Ngorongoro Crater. In such cases I usually fall back 
on colored pictures to do the job for me. But you cannot even 
take a proper picture of the crater. It is too long, too broad, 


too deep to catch in one small square of film. And that is one 
point, I feel, that should be emphasized about the wonderful 
place. The word crater is apt to mislead, because volcanic 
craters are usually a quarter of a mile, a half mile, even a mile 
or two across. And down in the bottom of the fair-sized dish is 
a lake or a mass of black and hardened lava with a little scrub 
growth. Even when we know in advance that Ngorongoro is the 
largest crater in the world, we still conjure up in our minds all 
old associations with the word crater and they just don't fit. 

Ngorongoro must have been a very big mountain when it 
was all there not only in height but in breadth. And when it 
blew its top on some dateless yesterday, it really blew a top of 
mighty magnitude a top that was a good-sized mountain in 
itself. The crater left behind was twelve miles across, between 
thirty-five and forty miles in circumference! The floor of the 
crater lies a full two thousand feet below the rim a generally 
flat area of close to a hundred square miles, with a soil rich 
enough to satisfy even the most delicate and finicky plant. 

Even though I knew all this, my first view of Ngorongoro 
the next morning was breathtaking. In the early morning bright 
ness, I suppose, distances looked even greater than they were, 
and it seemed to me as if the opposite rim, just catching the 
first rays of the sun, must be fifty miles away. I've seen many 
deeper and wider valleys in the mountains, of course, but here 
the distant mountain rim circles right around on both sides till 
it reaches the spot on which you stand. Seeing all of the edge 
of the crater, you realize fully that it is a crater rather than a 
valley, that it is a gigantic saucer filled with a luxuriant growth. 

At dawn, the growth is not clearly visible, for it may be 
obscured by fog or mist. In a short time under the bright sun, 
the vivid green shows through in larger and larger patches but 
the mists give the impression that the whole scene is a mirage, 
something just conjured up by some enchantment. This atmos 
phere remains, to some degree, during the day for low clouds 
of white often hover over the rim of the crater. 

At first glance, the floor of the crater looks like a huge 


smooth green carpet. But then you notice that, although the 
floor is essentially flat, there are a few small hills and un 
dulations in the land. And you see darker and taller patches of 
green that represent forest rather than grassland. And you can 
see the two good-sized lakes, the occasional flash of sun on a 
winding river. On my first trip, I saw, through my binoculars, 
herds of many thousands of animals moving over the grassy plains. 
They appeared so small that I could not make out what they 
were, but their numbers amazed me. On my most recent trip I 
saw some animal herds, and I also saw herds of Masai cattle 
moving not far from them. 

In 1937, three Masai guides led Cezaire and me down into 
the crater. Shortly after leaving the rim of the crater we plunged 
into thick underbrush and then trees, so that our view was cut 
off. We followed a path which our guides said was a rhinoceros 
trail, with warnings to head for the nearest tree if they shouted 
"!" He is one beast that even the Masai want no en 
counters with. But we met no animals at all on our descent, 
probably because we made so much noise ploughing through 
the thick growth. Then suddenly the sloping ground leveled 
out, we emerged from the bush, and saw the vast level floor 
stretching before us. 

We stepped out onto a thick green lawn of clover that 
bounced resiliently as we walked across it. It was close-cropped 
and as even as a fairway and soon thereafter I saw why. Off to 
the right was a herd of several hundred zebra, quietly eating 
clover. Just ahead of them a herd of wildebeest so often found 
along with zebra and they were busy cutting the grass, too. 
They looked up at us but, since we did not walk closer, were 
not really disturbed. I stopped to take a few pictures and they 
went back to their eating. When we started on again, one of 
the wildebeests nearest us took offense and trotted away, not 
in too big a hurry, and the others followed him. The zebra, see 
ing this, decided to tag along. For several minutes the crater 
resounded with the muted drum of hoofbeats on the grass. 

We walked through an acacia forest and then into fields of 


white and red clover that came up above our ankles. Its growth 
was so rich that even all the animals in the crater could not 
keep it cropped. And the crater literally seethed with animals. 
Estimates at that time ranged between seventy-five thousand 
and one hundred thousand head in the crater, most of them 
locked within it and never leaving. Why should they leave? They 
had everything an animal wants food, shelter, shade, sun, 
water. There are zebra, eland, giraffe, topi, waterbuck, reedbuck, 
bushbuck, steinbok, impala, Thomson's gazelles, Grant's ga 
zelles, duiker, dik-dik, wildebeest, oribi, ostrich, jackals, hyenas, 
leopard, elephants, rhinos, hippos, buffalo, cheetah, baboons, 
guinea fowl, bustard, quail and the largest lions in Africa with 
the most beautiful manes. 

We approached Lake Magad, where I hoped to get pictures 
of cranes and other waterfowl, and perhaps some animals com 
ing to drink. But the lake was on such flat land that it was sur 
rounded by a half-mile of slimy ooze in which I could hardly 
keep my footing and on which there was no cover to hide me 
from birds and animals. On one side of the lake I saw the clear 
waters of the Lemunge River, which flowed into it, and I won 
dered how on earth a river came flowing over the side of the 
mountain and down into a crater. The answer lay in one of the 
two volcanoes which lay at opposite sides of the rim Oldeani 
and Ololmoti. Ololmori is about ten thousand feet high, well 
above the rim of Ngorongoro. The river rises near its summit, 
probably from some subterranean stream, flows down its side 
and over the edge of Ngorongoro in some lovely waterfalls. 

I had come equipped for only a short stay, but I might have 
obtained some wonderful pictures if I had remained in the 
crater. That's what I was thinking of on later trips, but Ngoron 
goro had become restricted and full of cattle. The Masai 
had three hundred thousand head grazing there against all 
regulations but there, nevertheless. Ngorongoro is still a thrilling 
place to visit, but not the spot for the kind of pictures I had to 
take. So I went on looking. 

Finally I found the Mara Valley, almost by accident, I 


knew about the Mara River, but from the Kenya side, where it 
started not far from Narok. I had not realized that it cut down 
into northern Tanganyika to travel through some really wild 
country before emptying into Lake Victoria. When I first went 
there in 1954 I did not go because of the river or the country 
but because of a nearby tribe I had heard about, the Kuria, who 
lived atop the Utimbaro Escarpment, at the bottom of which 
flowed the Mara River. 

It was F. G. Reid, the American missionary I met in Am- 
boseli Park, who mentioned the Kuria as a tribe that few trav 
elers had visited. He urged me to film them, and wrote a letter 
to the Reverend J. A. Schoeman, head of the Seventh Day Ad- 
ventist Mission at Tarime, in the heart of the Kuria tribal ter 
ritory. And he told me that I could get there quickly by hiring 
a small plane to fly me to a tiny airstrip near an old gold mine 
at the foot of the escarpment. 

While some of my cameramen were busy with other routine 
matters, I took one of them and flew to the airstrip, where a 
truck met us and took us to the mission. We were warmly wel 
comed, hospitably housed, and helped in our contacts with the 
natives, I also visited two other missions while I was there Dr. 
Eshelman and his Mennonite Mission, with which a leper 
colony is connected, and the Rosana Mission of the Catholic 
Church. I was delighted to find that this mission was associated 
with Maryknoll, on the Hudson River, which I had often visited, 
and that Father Reinhart, Father Smith, and Brother Damien 
were all friends of Father Nevins of Maryknoll, whom I knew 
well The District Commissioner at Tarime, Col Eric Wilson, 
V.C., was also most helpful. 

I was somewhat disappointed in the Kuria, of whom there 
are about one hundred fifty thousand living in that general area. 
They were interesting, but not particularly dramatic from a 
photographic point of view. We did get an excellent dance se 
quence on film, but rny best shot was connected with the head 
medicine man, named Noziburo. His most interesting features 
were his ears. The Kuria, like the Masai and many other tribes, 


pierce the ears and gradually enlarge the opening by the inser 
tion of larger and larger wooden blocks. I had seen Masai ear- 
lobes hanging to the shoulders but never anything like Nozi- 
buro's. His came almost to his waist. I examined them, because 
I could not believe that the small amount of skin of the ear- 
lobe could be stretched that far. It was all genuine flesh and 
fairly ropey at that, good and strong without a break or mended 
spot. While all the Kuria had long loopy earlobes, none com 
pared favorably with Noziburo's, which was as it should be since 
he was the witch doctor. And among his most potent magic 
assets were those earlobes. We filmed a woman with a newborn 
baby passing the baby through the opening in the earlobe of 
Noziburo to bring it good health and good luck for the rest of its 
life. It was, I suppose, the equivalent of a christening ceremony, 
the most unusual one I had ever seen. 

I learned of other interesting customs of the Kuria, but noth 
ing we could film. Both girls and boys went through rigorous 
circumcision rites. In the old days when any girl became preg 
nant before circumcision, she was killed, but with the ameliorat 
ing effects of civilization, they now only banish her from the 
tribe. If in the short period between circumcision and marriage 
a girl became pregnant, no man would marry her all of which 
was evidence of a much stricter sexual code, at least for girls, 
than existed in many tribes. The wayward girl who found herself 
without a husband had a way to live her life, however. She 
might be purchased from her father for the customary marriage 
price of a certain number of cattle by an older woman, perhaps 
a widow. The older woman would then set the girl up in a recog 
nized form of prostitution through which men in the tribe could 
enjoy the young lady. Any children born to her, however, did 
not belong to her but to the older woman who also owned her. 
They took the older woman's name, so she was always hoping for 
male children to carry on the name. 

I also became rather interested in the Luo tribe, who lived 
not far away, because they seemed so different in many ways 
from their neighbors, the Kuria. The Kuria girl banished for her 


waywardness, for instance, could always go and live with the 
Luo, where no one had to be circumcised and moral standards 
were quite different. We took some good footage of Luo dances 
because their colorful shields and fancy headdresses were quite 

When we finished our work among the Kuria and Luo, only 
fairly well pleased with the results, we returned to the airstrip 
near the gold mine to meet the little plane that came to pick us 
up. I was standing near the craft while the pilot warmed it up 
when a man walked up and introduced himself to me. He was 
Uys (pronounced Ace) DuPreez. I have mentioned him before, 
chiefly in connection with hippo sequences. Actually, however, 
this was our first meeting, and at that time I had never heard of 
him, knew nothing about his amazing knack with wild animals. 
On many occasions I had traveled hundreds of miles to meet 
someone who really understood animals, but this time such a 
man walked up and introduced himself. A husky, baldish blond 
just under forty, he had been born in Kenya of a French Hugue 
not family that had originally gone from France to Holland, 
then to South Africa, finally to Kenya. 

While the pilot readied the plane, DuPreez and I talked 
briefly. He had heard about someone visiting the Kuria to take 
pictures and wondered if I were interested in wild animal pic 
tures, too. If so, why hadn't I visited his Mara Valley? It was a 
relatively small area, but completely wild, and full of all kinds of 

"Lions?" I asked. 

"Plenty of lions," he said. 


"Lots of rhinos. There's even a place in the valley we call 
Rhino Swamp." 


"What species do you want? We have forest roan, impala, 
wildebeest, eland, Tommies, hartebeest, topi, and some others." 

"Well, well," I said, not knowing what to think of all this. 

"And in addition there are hippos, buffalo, zebra, elephants, 


giraffe, leopard, crocodiles, and, of course, hyenas, jackals and 
wild dogs. For birds we have ostrich, guinea fowl, spurfowl, 
partridge, quail, ducks and geese. Plus many varieties of snakes, 
all in abundance." 

"It sounds like animal heaven, the sort of place I've been 
looking for." 

"Well, there are twenty-nine kinds of animals in an area of 
thirty square miles. And every kind of terrain and growth, too, 
with the river running through the middle of it, thick forest, 
rocky plain, swamps, hills, and valleys. Plenty of shelter for ani 
mals and for you. Plenty of open areas with good light. You 
can make our mine your base," DuPreez said. "My brother and 
I run it with the help of natives. It's at the western end of 
Mara Valley. There are good places to set up camps in the 
valley. There are no roads, but I know my way around and I 
would be happy to help you." 

When I learned that DuPreez was the Honorary Game 
Warden of the area, which was called "controlled" but not "re 
stricted," I felt that he knew what he was talking about. The 
word "honorary" doesn't mean the same thing in East Africa 
that it means in America, where a person may receive a title as 
some kind of recognition or honor. An Honorary Game Warden 
there is a man who does not officially devote his full time and 
efforts to the job of protecting the game but takes on this work 
in addition to private affairs through his love of animals and his 
knowledge of a particular area and at no pay. 

In a "controlled" area like Mara Valley there were no rigid 
rules or restrictions as to the hunting or filming of animals, or 
the conduct of people visiting the region. But anyone going into 
the valley was supposed to obtain the permission of the game 
warden in charge and conduct himself according to that per 
son's directions. Some animals could be hunted at some times 
when they were abundant or inclined to wipe out other animals 
in the area. Native poachers had to be kept out, animal dis 
eases noted, and so on. The purpose in a controlled area is just 
what the name implies to exercise control over man's activities 


in it so as to preserve the wild life. DuPreez reported to the 
Head Game Warden in Arusha and worked in collaboration 
with the District Officer at Tarime. 

I made a sudden shift in plans as I talked to DuPreez there 
on the little airstrip. I said I'd fly back to Nairobi, get some of 
my other men and the Power Wagon, which he said was 
absolutely necessary. Since DuPreez said we could get all the 
animal pictures we might want in four or five days, I decided to 
stay a week. We were there six weeks six wonderful and pro 
ductive weeks. We camped at four widely separated spots once 
on the edge of the Mara River near a pool beloved of hippos, 
once on the edge of a forest that served as home for many lions, 
another time along a regularly traveled rhino trail, and again near 
a narrow pass through a rocky ridge, called Lion's Pass. Al 
though it was a relatively small area enclosed by the Mara 
River on one side and the high escarpment on the other, we 
would have become lost in it many times if we had not been 
guided by Ace DuPreez. 

Ace knew animals not as Mafuta, the gun-bearer, did, whose 
knowledge was specially useful to the hunter. He knew them in 
a different way from Kuenzler and Pellegrini, who were spec 
tacularly smart in capturing them alive and unharmed. Ace 
knew them by living with them. He did not hunt or capture 
them, except when such actions were made necessary by his job 
as game warden. He lived in Mara Valley with them, and he 
knew how they lived their day-to-day lives. 

Ace's knowledge inspired such confidence in me that I took 
many chances in the Mara Valley that I would have avoided 
otherwise. There was the day we saw a singularly large herd of 
buffalo on the other side of the river, and I wanted to get close 
for pictures. But the trucks could not cross the river at this point 
the water was fairly deep and Ace said we could wade across 
if we didn't mind getting wet. Wet clothes meant nothing to 
me when it came to getting good pictures, but I glanced with a 
worried expression at the pool of hippos not one hundred feet 
from the point where Ace said we should cross. 


"I think it will be all right," Ace said, "if we take it slowly." 
But I noticed that he did not order his helpers to cross. He 
asked for volunteers, and only three were willing to wade so near 
the hippos. The others refused. Johnny Coquillon, who never 
failed any such test, said he would go. Before starting into the 
stream, whose current was quite rapid, Ace and the rest of us 
found stout poles with which to brace ourselves. Then we 
stepped into the water. The hippos nearest us stirred, stared, 
and submerged themselves. The water was so muddy that we 
could not tell whether they headed for us or away from us. Ace 
went steadily ahead, and I followed, with the others close be 
hind me. The water came up to our waists, up to our shoulders, 
with the current tugging hard at us. Our footing was slippery 
and none too secure, so we moved quite slowly. Completely 
occupied with maintaining our balance in those circumstances, 
we were at the mercy of any animal in the water that felt like 
attacking us. And we had seen crocs in that river the previous 
day! We got across the river without incident and shot the 
buffalo pictures we wanted. 

On another occasion our Power Wagon got stuck in the 
Mara River because it was so heavily loaded with our equipment 
and three big drums of gasoline. Ace had previously crossed at 
this point but this time we managed to drop one wheel into a 
muddy hole and there we sat, churning up the water but getting 
nowhere. We had to get out and wade around, fix a cable to the 
winch at the front of the truck, hook it to a tree stump on the 
other side, and pull ourselves out. Without this wonderful mod 
ern equipment we could never have made it. Without Ace I 
would have been thoroughly scared of the herd of hippos near 

b y- 

Ace's biggest contribution to our film came during the 
rhino sequences the sort of thing I had always dreamed of get 
ting. Ace had an open jeep he had bought from a nearby mis 
sion, and a battered old five-ton track with four-wheel drive. We 
often used both in addition to my Power Wagon when we 
went scouting for animals. 


One day Ace was driving the jeep, with cameraman Johnny 
Coquillon beside him and the rest of us following in the 
Power Wagon, when three or four big rhinos charged out of the 
bush at the jeep. Johnny got the charge in his camera, and from 
the truck we got the whole scene rhinos charging jeep, Johnny 
manning his camera, Ace maneuvering the jeep to evade the 
charges. His handling of the car was magnificent. 

One by one the rhinos gave up the chase, but one fellow 
was more determined than the rest. Again and again he charged, 
missing the jeep only by inches. I could hardly breathe as I 
watched the scene, because Johnny had absolutely no protection 
from the big horn that came tearing at him. The jeep was low, 
putting Johnny at just the right height for a horn thrust, and it 
had no sides to deflect or diminish the blow. But Johnny kept 
photographing throughout, getting some magnificent shots. 

Finally the rhino succeeded his horn caught the rear of 
the jeep about a foot behind Johnny. Ace and Johnny tumbled 
out on the other side, Johnny clutching his precious camera, 
and we speeded up the truck to close in on the furious rhino, 
who was busy poking holes in the jeep and one rear tire. He 
charged us and we pulled away. He followed us a short distance 
then turned back toward the jeep. Johnny and Ace had gotten 
away, meanwhile, so we breathed easier and stopped the truck. 
The rhino began pounding away at his first enemy, the jeep, so 
I got out of the truck and approached him on foot, taking pic 
tures as I went. 

I was about forty feet away when the rhino saw me. He 
didn't hesitate, but lowered his head and raced for me, puffing 
with that sound which everyone has described, accurately, as like 
a steam locomotive. I ran for all I was worth, slipped once, 
scrambled to my feet, and leaped into the truck about five feet 
ahead of the rhino, who struck the vehicle a glancing blow which 
did little harm. The truck took off fast enough to make the ex 
hausted rhino give up the chase. We picked up Johnny and Ace, 
caught our breaths, and congratulated each other on the action 
pictures we had managed to take without harm to anyone. 


Rhinos? I've had them. And I prefer lions. 

Ace was full of lion lore. He said that all other animals 
were apparently fascinated by lions, curious about them, as well 
as respectful of them. In the daytime, all animals would stare 
at any lion that showed himself at a safe distance or after 
the lion had eaten. They would watch every move the lion made 
with expressions that clearly showed no fear but only intense 
curiosity. If the lion moved away, the other animals would often 
follow him just to watch and see what he did. 

Lions seem to have a greater respect for white men than for 
Africans, Ace insisted, and told a story to illustrate his point. 
One day he was in his truck with a helper when he came upon 
the tracks of a zebra that was traveling alone rather than with 
its herd. From the tracks, the animal was obviously wounded 
or sick, so Ace decided to follow and see what was wrong, put 
the zebra out of his misery if need be. After traveling along for 
a short distance over open country, he saw the zebra ahead, 
standing about fifty yards from a clump of trees. The zebra was 
afraid of the truck and wanted to run away, but was equally 
frightened of something ahead of him at the edge of the forest. 
Then Ace saw the lion which stood there, looking eagerly to 
ward the zebra. It was a hungry lion, but the approach of the 
truck had prevented his charging the zebra. 

Ace decided at this point to gain a little more information 
about lions. He had seen very few actual kills made by a lion 
and wanted to learn how the beast would attack and kill the 
zebra, who was a goner anyway. Ace stopped the truck and 
told the worker to get out and walk toward the zebra, thereby 
forcing it closer to the lion, who might in time make his attack. 
The man walked a short distance toward the zebra, which 
moved only a few steps, then stopped. The lion did not move 
away at all, and the man was afraid to go any closer* 

The helper then sat in the truck and Ace climbed out, 
walking slowly toward the zebra. The lion at once retreated into 
the bush at the edge of the forest. Ace carried no gun at the 
time he had left it in the truck so he was certain that there 


was no scent or awareness of a weapon that caused the lion to 
retreat. The animal had held its ground at the advance of the 
African, retreated at the advance of a white man and up to the 
same point. 

Ace went back to the truck, and the lion reappeared. At 
Ace's orders, the tribesman once more approached the same 
distance, and the lion held its ground. Ace advanced, lion re 
treated. There was no doubt in Ace's mind now. Then he took 
pity on the zebra, which had obviously been seriously wounded 
by an attack from another lion or a leopard. Ace got his gun 
from the truck and shot the zebra. The lion disappeared at the 
sound of the shot, of course, but soon reappeared. At this point, 
the helper was busy cutting up the zebra's carcass to get some 
meat to take back home. Ace was sitting in the truck waiting. 

The lion, smelling the blood, was obviously aroused. He 
decided to go after the carcass, even with the African there, and 
approached. The man ran toward the truck, and the lion came 
on toward the dead zebra, keeping his eye on the truck all the 
time. Ace stepped from the truck, walked toward the animals, 
and the lion retreated. 

"It's the same with all wild animals," Ace said. "They fear 
white men more than natives. The reason? Because the white 
man is usually not filled with fear, as the African is likely to be. 
There must be something glandular about it, some odor which 
a wild animal can smell when a man's guts are filled with fear. 
That lion knew the man was more scared of him than he of the 
man. And he knew, also, that I wasn't a bit afraid of him." 

Ace told me another fact about lions that I had never 
heard before. He said that they sometimes stalked game in the 
presence of rhinos. Antelopes and other natural prey of the lion 
did not fear rhinos at all, nor did the rhino fear the lion. A lion 
might use a rhino as a kind of shield or cover when the big 
stupid creature went wandering toward herds of antelope or 

One of the most interesting lion scenes I witnessed in the 
Mara Valley would have made a magnificent and humorous 


sequence for the picture I was producing had circumstances 
made it possible to get much of it on film. A swift and graceful 
impala was taunting a lioness until that poor cat was almost 
crazy. The wind was just right, and we had good cover, so 
neither animal was aware of the presence of man. 

The lioness had some cubs, apparently very young ones, in 
the bush at the edge of a grove of trees. She was hungry herself 
and wanted food for them, but she obviously did not want to 
stray too far from them. In most circumstances, she might have 
found the father or another lioness to baby-sit while she went 
after the impala, but no helper was near by. The impala ob 
viously knew it, and knew the lioness was hesitant about leaving 
the cubs for a long chase. The impala also knew that there was 
a deep, steep-sided donga not fifty feet away, with a good stream 
of water flowing at the bottom of it. 

The impala danced gaily up toward the lioness. She crept 
forward, tail beginning to twitch. At the last moment before the 
spring, the impala turned and darted away, looking back over its 
shoulder as if laughing at the lioness. The angry cat returned to 
her cubs, obviously very annoyed. Then the impala came back 
again, circling about closer and closer to entice the lioness out 
of the bush again and into another futile charge. Finally the little 
antelope circled between the lioness and the edge of the donga, 
and the lioness felt she had her meal this time for sure. The 
donga was a place she would avoid, finding it difficult to cross, so 
she apparently assumed the impala would find it a barrier. Con 
fidently the lioness started her charge, but the impala turned, 
fled gracefully down the steep bank of the donga, swam swif dy 
over the stream, and clambered up the other side, quite near to 


There the impala stood, staring insolently back at the 
lioness who had stopped at the other side of the donga. With a 
switch of the little tail and a kick of the heels, the lovely crea 
ture very plainly thumbed her nose at die lioness and ambled 

away happily. 

At another time I saw two roan antelopes that were far 


from happy. This is the sort of scene you just chance upon if 
you are lucky and stay long enough in an animal paradise like 
Mara Valley. We were walking along a faint animal path through 
tall grass and thick bush. We heard a kind of bleating noise, of 
great distress, heard a rustle of leaves, and then saw a leopard 
flash across the path directly ahead of us. There was a small 
animal in its mouth. 

The leopard disappeared in a fraction of a second but right 
on its heels caine two roan antelopes, male and female. Then we 
knew that the leopard had snatched a baby roan and the mother 
and father were pursuing it to try to save their little one. At this 
exciting moment, of course, all the animals were oblivious of 
our presence, so we crashed our way through the bush trying to 
follow them and see what happened. In a short time we 
found the father and mother antelopes. They had given up the 
chase, and were just wandering about forlornly. They were in 
obvious distress, looking without hope for something they had 
lost which was very dear to them. 

During our travels around the area we came upon three 
different camps of poachers, who had obviously fled a little be 
fore our arrival. Fires still burned, and meat hung in the smoke 
above them. 

Ace was increasingly worried about poaching in the valley. 
The population up on the escarpment had been growing rap 
idly in recent years, and villages had been started along the 
river not far above the controlled area. With food becoming 
more and more scarce, African hunters came into the valley 
after animals. They went after every edible creature they could 
catch, and by any method. Ace had a difficult time catching 
them and enforcing regulations. 

Ace told me about the dead elephant he had come upon 
shortly before we came to the valley. At first, he had felt that 
poachers were responsible for the big animal's death and that he 
had approached before they had a chance to remove the ivory 
or cut up the carcass for meat. But closer examination showed 
no signs of violence on the old fellow. Ace then found that both 


tusks were broken in the sockets and one was badly decayed, so 
he concluded that old age and tusk-ache had been responsible 
for death. Later he was able to examine the skull more care 
fully and found a serious fracture, between the tusks, about a 
foot long. It must have been very old, for new bone growth had 
covered the broken area. The socket of one tusk, however, was 
almost twice the size of the other, and contained numerous frac 
ture marks. Inside there were indications of an old abscess which 
had caused the expansion of the bones of the skull. The old ele 
phant had been in a serious battle many years before, and had 
suffered untold agonies from the abscessed tusk. Ace was glad 
he had never encountered the beast while it was alive, for this 
would have been a truly vicious rogue. 

Before leaving Mara Valley I wanted to get one scene that 
would convey some sense of the richness and variety and beauty 
of animal life in Africa. I could, of course, accomplish this by 
good editing of my film later placing together, one after an 
other, scenes of zebras, elephants, lions, hippos, rhinos, antelopes 
and many other animals. But I wanted to take one scene with as 
many of these as possible in the camera's vision. I wanted a dozen 
species caught in that small frame of my 35-mm moving picture 
cameras. And I wanted them moving. This meant a stampede. 

I talked the idea over with Ace several times. He was not 
adverse to the idea of a stampede. The animals would merely 
run away, temporarily frightened, and would not suffer at all. 
The problem was to photograph them close enough without en 
dangering myself or my cameramen. Animals that are never 
dangerous alone may kill you easily when a herd stampedes in 

There were plenty of animals in the Mara Valley for the 
most spectacular stampede in the world, but getting it on film 
was the big problem. I wanted not only big herds, but herds of 
many different species at the same time. The area had to be open 
and the light good. Our cameras had to be placed in the right 
positions. And finally, the animals had to run past die cameras 
when they stampeded. 


Such a task required many men, so Ace went up to the vil 
lages on top of the escarpment and came back with about fifty 
tribesmen, who were to serve more or less as beaters. This added 
a commissary problem for the men had to be fed, meat had to 
be obtained for them and that meant hunting. When all this 
was properly organized, we loaded the men into all the available 
vehicles and went reconnoitering, visiting one after the other all 
the open plains areas in the valley where Ace thought we might 
find good herds of animals. And we saw plenty of animals a 
herd of zebra here, some eland at another spot a few miles away 
and so on. 

Finally we found what we were looking for, in an open area 
near the foot of the escarpment. It was a wide plain, and there 
were many widely scattered herds grazing zebra, wildebeest, 
impala, Tommies, topi, an imposing number of eland, and even 
roan antelope and waterbuck. Ace quickly surveyed the lay of 
the land to figure out where the animals might run when fright 
ened. The escarpment rose behind them and thick forest bor 
dered two sides of the plain. Obviously they would race toward 
the open space between the forests. 

First we picked the best locations for our cameramen, one 
in a tree on a hastily built platform, another on a rocky ledge. 
Then we drove the men to their posts in a wide semicircle 
around the herds of animals, which took almost an hour of rough 
driving in the truck and Power Wagon. The men posted them 
selves all along the sides of the forested areas, looking out onto 
the broad plain. Then Ace and I returned to the middle of the 
semicircle and prepared ourselves for the final movements. He 
was in the jeep at one point, I in the Power Wagon at another 
a few hundred yards away. At his signal the waving of his ever- 
present miner's cap we started driving very slowly onto the 
plain. The helpers who saw the signal stepped from the cover 
of the trees, motioning to the others to follow their lead. 

Some of the animals in the herds nearest the approaching 
men looked up imeasily and began to walk away from them. All 
the action at this point was slow and calm, although I was tense 


inwardly. We did not want the animals to panic and run until 
the various herds were much closer together, for only in this 
way could we record on film the full impact of the stampede. 

Ace and I edged slowly forward in the trucks, and the Afri 
cans stepped along at about the same pace. The herd of topi 
trotted over closer to the zebra and wildebeest. The huge elands 
stalked closer to the impala and Tommies, who had already 
shifted next to each other. Everything was going just as planned, 
with the animals nervously moving away from the tightening 
circle into a more compact grouping. Then suddenly the shy 
roan antelopes became frightened and took to their heels in a 
burst of speed. The Tommies followed at once, and in a few 
seconds each herd had decided that it must escape quickly. The 
sight of these animals racing over the plain was so breath-taking 
that I almost forgot about speeding up the Power Wagon to 
keep the stampede moving in the right direction. Five or six 
thousand animals dashed along only a hundred yards ahead of 
me, the impala leaping like ballet dancers, the eland beating the 
earth with their hooves until it rumbled, and the Tommies flick 
ing their tails more and more rapidly. Waterbuck, topi, wilde 
beest and zebra flashed ahead of me, and I tried to imagine that 
my eye was a camera trained on this inspiringly beautiful scene. 
If we could put on film only a fraction of it, we'd have some 
thing rare! 

And for a time it looked as if we would succeed. The thou 
sands of animals had not only come closer together, but they 
were heading in the right direction, toward our cameras. But 
then something diverted the impala. I have no idea what it was, 
but they veered to one side, racing up a hill at the end of the 
forest, a hill that we never dreamed they would climb in the 
panic of a stampede. Many of the gazelles followed, although 
some kept straight ahead. The huge herd of eland split, about 
three quarters of them taking the route over die hill, the others 
continuing toward the open country that we had thought would 
be the only natural way for them to go. 

My heart sank as I saw the herds split, and I was particu- 


larly chagrined to note that most of the animals ran up the 
hill and out of sight over its crest. It was out of range for our 
cameramen, who managed to film the watered-down stampede 
which finally streamed past them. 

We were all terribly disappointed, but thrilled at the mag 
nificent sight we had witnessed. The stampede exhilarated me 
so much that I felt confident we could succeed another time. If 
we had found so many animals once, we could do it again, and 
the next time they certainly would run in the direction we 

So the next day we went out again with all cameramen, 
Africans, trucks, and equipment. We found nothing that day, 
but the next we came upon a fine group of animals, although 
there were not so many different species. Once more we laid our 
plans, built platforms in trees, stationed our men and started 
our stampede. And once more the stubborn creatures took a 
totally unexpected direction, away from our cameras. It was 
almost as if die animals knew we wanted to film them and were 

Five times we organized animal stampedes and four times 
we failed to film them satisfactorily. Finally we succeeded, al 
though the film can never quite match what I saw on our first at 
tempt. There were not five thousand animals, and there were 
not as many different species, but hundreds of zebra and wilde 
beest and impala streamed past our cameras, the impala leaping 
gracefully as if defying the law of gravity. It is that scene which 
opens the film, "Zanzabuku." 

I hope there will always be a Mara Valley where African 
animals live as they have for centuries. But even if civilization 
continues to push the lost valleys and the animal havens further 
and further until they are obliterated, I will keep that picture 
of the stampede and a thousand others in my mind, giving 
thanks that I was able to visit Africa in time to see and know the 
primitive world. 

White Men in a Dark Land 

I DON'T think it does much good to talk about what 
might have been. The white men are in Africa, and 
they are going to stay in some places and in some capacity. To 
talk about the injustices of nineteenth-century colonialism 
helps no one to solve any problem. Whether right or wrong, it 
was inevitable that the nations of Europe would scramble for 
possession of rich Africa. And it is apparently just as inevitable 
that colonialism is on its way out. The question is will it go out 
with bloodshed or a handshake? In the process, will Africans be 
come so embittered that they cast out not only whites but all the 
good they have done and can do? In an effort to stem the tide, 
will some white authorities undo all the good they have done 
and kill the best qualities of the Africans? There is so much that 
African culture can contribute to the world that I hate to see it 
erased just because of some unpleasant features. Western 
civilization has plenty of unpleasant features, too, along with its 
good ones. 

On my first trip to Africa, I saw hundreds of Africans with 
the raw and gaping sores of yaws. On my last trip I saw rela 
tively few. Doctors with penicillin had done the job. Millions of 
cattle have been saved from rinderpest by governmental and 
United Nations teams who will, in time, wipe this plague from 
the entire continent. Thousands of square miles have been 
cleared of the tsetse fly, and thousands of Africans removed from 
areas not yet cleared. Maybe they did not understand or like the 
forcible removal but many lives were saved as a result. In other 
words, the medical arm of Western civilization has performed 
wonders for the people of Africa and can do much more in the 



future. But I can't help wondering if there is any point in re 
moving their diseases and replacing them with our own, espe 
cially venereal disease, which has made many women of some 
tribes sterile. 

In many areas, European authorities have ended age-old 
tribal warfare, but does that help the African much if we pro 
ceed to bring him within civilization's orbit, with its more dev 
astating wars? We are teaching hundreds of thousands to read 
and write, but are we giving them anything to do with their in 
creased knowledge? 

In some colonies, yes the Africans are definitely given 
greater power, greater scope, and greater rewards in the wake of 
education and training, as in Britain's Gold Coast and Nigeria, 
which are nearing independent status. Uganda is still far from 
that point, but it is administered primarily for the benefit of the 
Africans, and no white man may own land. In spite of this en 
lightened administration, the British have in recent years en 
countered unrest in Uganda, resulting in their exile of the Ka- 
baka, or king. However, after his return in 1955 it was 
Koped that bad feelings would subside. There are serious prob 
lems in Tanganyika, but even here the fundamental goal of the 
British authorities is native welfare and since the Territory is 
a United Nations mandate, there is regular inspection to see 
that this goal is maintained. As a matter of fact, a great deal of 
Africa is now under some kind of jurisdiction of the United Na 
tions, and it is to this organization that more and more Africans 
look for justice, with a reasonable hope of getting it. 

Even in the Belgian Congo, political development of the 
African is now beginning to be part of the goal of the authorities, 
who used to feel that economic betterment could fully satisfy 
native desires and aspirations at least for some time. Big busi 
ness methods, development of rich resources, more and more 
industrialization these ideas dominate the administration of 
the Congo, where Africans can get schooling, training, good 
homes, good jobs, good medical attention and real material 
progress, European style. In areas removed from industrial re- 


gions, the ordinary African is the subject of a chief or king backed 
by the Belgian authorities, but he is producing more and varied 
agricultural products, getting some medical care and perhaps 
some education. In the Congo there is order, there is peace, 
there is increased productivity, there is steady improvement in 
the health and material comforts of many. The question is, 
how long will that be enough for men who see their brothers 
in other colonies gaining control of their own aff airs? 

The Congo proves to me, at least that much of the agita 
tion of Africans for political independence stems from eco 
nomic exploitation. There is less trouble in the Congo because 
of the economic benefits available. In Kenya, the Kikuyu have 
been fighting partly because they see white farmers on the best 
lands. In South Africa, mine-workers get only twenty-eight cents 
a day plus sustenance, and are considered well paid by other 

Even in Kenya, however, where the Mau Mau movement 
has struck terror to so many hearts, the ultimate aim of British 
authorities; if not of all the white settlers, is to find some way in 
which whites and blacks can get along together, with the Afri 
cans gaining an increasing voice in running their affairs. 

Only in South Africa have white authorities definitely de 
cided to set the clock back, to reverse the trend not only of the 
rest of the continent but of the rest of the world, where all na 
tive majorities have set their feet firmly on the road to inde 
pendence, in some form and to some degree. I don't think South 
Africa can make the clock move backwards. It may have more 
whites in proportion to blacks than many African countries or 
colonies, but still, two and a half million people cannot perma 
nently enslave and degrade ten million. Not in the world of to 
day and tomorrow. 

Everywhere there will be tension and some violence, Fm 
afraid. There are troubles between different tribes within an 
area, troubles between Africans and whites, troubles between 
Africans and the East African Indians, troubles between whites 
and Indians, troubles between haves and have-nots in all groups. 


And the tensions will often erupt in strange ways, of which the 
Mau Man terror is one example. 

Terror, secrecy, mumbo-jumbo rituals they are a part of 
African heritage. Almost every tribe has believed in witch 
craft, with incantations, the casting of spells, the use of amu 
lets and magic preparations from rhino horns or insects or snake 
fangs. Medicine men have wielded great power. The physical 
fact of the attainment of puberty has been surrounded in most 
tribes with elaborate and usually secret circumcision rites. Sacri 
fices, live and often human, have been made to evil spirits. War 
ring, hunting, planting, migrating, and other activities have 
been preceded and attended by dances, rites, spells, invocations 
of spirits. 

This way of doing things is not something of the dim past 
but of the present. The newspapers this past year told of a wave 
of witch killings in Uganda. In the Congo there is still an occa 
sional flare-up of killings by the Anyoto, the Leopardmen al 
though Belgian authorities have just about succeeded in wiping 
out this ancient terror. 

During my first trip to Africa, in 1937, I visited a jail in 
Irumu, the administrative center for the Ituri District and saw 
seven members of the Anyoto in a cell, awaiting trial. I had read 
and heard a great deal about the Leopardmen, never quite be 
lieving it because it was such sensational Sunday-supplement 
stuff. But even the most hair-raising tales about the secret so 
ciety were no doubt true. My friend, Dr. James P. Chapin, of 
the American Museum of Natural History, had first visited 
the Ituri region in 1909 and seen a number of Leopardmen 
jailed at Avakubi. The Belgian judge there had vowed to wipe 
the secret order out of existence, but all others laughed at him 
and said it could never be done. He even went so far as to have a 
village surrounded and then searched for Leopardmen, who 
were caught and hanged. But the killings did not stop. When 
the implements of the society leopard skin and sharp metal 
knives shaped like a leopard's claws were found, the evidence 
was pretty conclusive against a suspect. But before all the Leop- 


ardmen could be rounded up, someone had to talk, to point out 
the leaders. And no one would talk. Members of the society took 
a fearful oath which meant more to them than anything the 
authorities might do to them. 

In 1934, just three years before my first visit, the town of 
Beni went through a reign of terror caused by the Leopardmen, 
when forty-two Africans were killed in the course of three 
months. Since leopards infested the forests in that vicinity, it 
was some time before the deaths were ascribed to the secret so 
ciety. But leopards just don't go on a concentrated campaign 
die way humans do. By great good luck, the authorities in Beni 
unearthed a chapter of the society and discovered that a single 
witch doctor had organized and instigated twenty-three murders. 
The chief of a nearby tribe had been the actual head of the 

Nobody has ever really been able to figure out the purpose 
behind the Anyoto. At one time or another it has no doubt been 
used by a chief or witch doctor to gain his own personal ends of 
power or vengeance, but that is just a case of using a weapon at 
hand, not explaining the existence of the weapon. Apparently it 
is very old indeed, perhaps centuries old. While the Wamba sec 
tion of the Belgian Congo has been its apparent center during 
the last few decades, it has also cropped up sporadically in 
Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Angola, Kenya and other parts of Africa 
that have no easy and obvious means of communication with 
each other except for the white man's means of communica 
tion. Drums are powerful, but not that powerful. 

There is a fascination in weird and terrible secret societies 
for most humans, it seems. The Ku Klux Klan in our own coun 
try kept cropping up time after time over a period of sixty or 
seventy years and was difficult to root out. And this in a country 
that has supposedly rid itself of superstitions and mumbo-jumbo, 
a country that lives by the law instead of by terror. So it should 
not be surprising that in the continent of superstitions, among 
tribesmen without a universal law, a terroristic secret society 
keeps alive for several centuries. The Ku Klux Klan had an os- 


tensible goal white supremacy but its main appeal was build 
ing up the ego of members who might otherwise be Milquetoasts. 
Perhaps the same psychological truth holds in Africa. But the 
Anyoto has never directed its horrible work toward the end of 
black supremacy, as might be expected. In the main, the vic 
tims of the Leopardmen have been other Africans. 

What did the Leopardmen do? They killed other human 
beings, and killed them in such fashion so as to make it look as if 
a leopard had done the job. But there were often telltale clues 
that obviously showed the work was not that of a wild animal. 
The killer wore a leopard skin, an exaggerated leopard mask. 
He wore an iron bracelet from which four sharp curved knives 
extended so that they lay concealed against the palm when the 
hand was extended, but stuck out like four claws when the fist 
was clenched. Some even carried a piece of wood carved at the 
end to simulate a leopard's paw, which they pressed into the 
ground around the bodies of their victims. In some cases it was 
an actual paw fixed to the end of a stick. 

Leopardmen leaped upon solitary victims in the jungle, 
slashing at throat and chest savagely, to kill and leave the marks 
of the leopard. Others crept into a village at night, entered a 
hut and silently killed their victims. They were smart to choose 
the leopard as their symbol, of course, since only the leopard 
kills for the pleasure of killing, and leaves its prey lying there 
without being eaten. But many Leopardmen followed a prac 
tice that clearly gave them away. The female breast had a pecul 
iar fascination for them, and some cut off the breasts of a 
woman victim before leaving. No leopard could leave such a 
mark, of course. So all the leopard slashes and leopard pawmarks 
were futile as cover-ups. As a matter of fact, there was always a 
question as to just how seriously the members of the Anyoto 
wanted to be taken for leopards. The appeal of the order was 
probably dependent in part on the paraphernalia, on the method 
of killing as well as the killing itself. 

In some instances, the amputated breasts were carried to 
the leader of the local Leopardmen as proof of killing, in others 


they were eaten even though the killers might not otherwise be 
cannibals. I heard that in some areas the eyes of victims were 
taken and later boiled along with the claw-knives to give them 
vision in the dark and unerring aim for the throat of the next 
prey. Despite the minor variations, the society of the Leopard- 
men was essentially the same wherever it cropped up. 

During the day, members of the Anyoto might be normal, 
respected members of their communities whom no one would 
suspect another reason the movement was so hard to put down. 
Nor was there any significant pattern to most of the killings, 
which might have given a clue to the killers. In most cases, the 
Leopardmen just killed the handiest victim, although a large 
proportion seemed to be women. At initiation into the society, 
perhaps, a most difficult killing was demanded of the new mem 
ber his own father, or someone in his own village, whom he had 
to kill without leaving a clue or causing any suspicion to be di 
rected toward him. 

During a rash of Anyoto killings, the tribesmen of the af 
flicted area are terror-stricken, convinced that the Leopardmen 
possess superhuman powers. Even when they strongly suspect 
certain individuals, they will utter not one word to the author 
ities. Members of a Leopardman's family cannot help knowing, 
in time, that he has joined the society, but they will not speak. 
Usually members will willingly die before naming another. 

In spite of the almost insuperable difficulties, Belgian au 
thorities have probably been ninety per cent successful in stamp 
ing out the Anyoto after close to half a century of unremitting 
efforts. It occasionally crops up in the Wamba area apparently 
the original home of the society. Bill Spees told me within the 
past two years of a waterman at the mission a man who seemed 
mild and well-behaved ordinarily who was arrested as a Leop- 
ardman killer. The Belgians keep a watchful eye out at all times 
for the first sign that the terroristic group has revived. 

With such an organization as the Anyoto living through 
centuries as a part of African tradition, it is not surprising that 
such a group as the Mau Mau in Kenya should arise. But there 


are two significant differences between Mau Mau and Anyoto 
killings. First, the Mau Mau have no costume such as the leopard 
skin, no claw-knives to simulate a wild animal. Second, there was 
a definite purpose behind Mau Mau killings to drive the white 
man out of Africa. 

This does not mean that only whites are killed. As a matter 
of fact, far more Kikuyus than whites have been massacred; in 
one raid only about twenty-five miles from Nairobi, in 1953, 
more than three hundred African men, women, and children 
were slaughtered and their huts burned. The total death list of 
whites, since the Mau Mau terror began, is still under a hun 

Africans were killed by the Mau Mau in order to intimidate 
those who cooperate with white settlers, in order to gain forci 
bly if necessary recruits for the Mau Mau sect, and as a general 
measure for creating fear and gaining power. The fact that some 
have been forced to take Mau Mau oaths does not make it less 
effective. One Kikuyu man, who had worked faithfully and hap 
pily on a white settler's farm for many years, came to his em 
ployer and told him he was leaving. He had been forced to 
take the Mau Mau oath and might in rime be ordered to kill his 
master which he would then have to do. If he moved to another 
region, he might have to kill, but not the man toward whom he 
felt a deep loyalty. He left. He did not want to become a Mau 
Mau, but once having taken the oath he would obey it and kill 
when ordered to kill. Obviously in his mind the consequences of 
failing to abide by the oath would be too great to consider. 

Actually there are numerous Mau Mau oaths and variants 
of these in different localities, where local leaders have added 
their own embellishments. But essentially they are of two basic 
types one for the general run of members and a more stringent 
oath for the leaders, active terrorists, the shock troops of the sect. 
The first is strongly nationalist and aims above all to preserve 
the secrecy and discipline of the organization. The new mem 
ber swears never to reveal any information about the group or 


inform on anyone, to report known enemies to his leader, to fol 
low orders blindly, to steal and even kill if required. 

The oath for active terrorists and leaders is bloodthirsty 
and blood-curdling, since it demands killing even one's father 
or brother if so ordered, the burning of white farmers' crops, 
killing of their cattle, and a gory ritual to be performed with 
each murdered victim; the Mau Mau must cut off his head, ex 
tract the eyeballs, and drink the liquid from them. This require 
ment is subject to several variations, each one more gruesome 
than the other. 

The oath-taking ceremony has always been a revolting rit 
ual designed to impress the new member, appeal to his super 
stitions and enforce its domination of his thoughts and actions 
from that time on. As the movement grew, these rituals reached 
new heights of bestiality, as detailed in confessions of numerous 
Mau Mau members. When you get thousands of people in an 
organization, some are bound to talk, of course, no matter how 
dreadful the oath of secrecy. The oath-taking rituals vary con 
siderably but most involve acts with the viscera and genitals of 
animals and the drinking of blood. In the sexual aspects of the 
ceremonies, menstruating women usually play a prominent role. 

The generally unprintable details of these rituals make the 
Kikuyu sound like the most depraved and stupid of primitives. 
But Dr. J. C. Carothers, a British physician who spent many 
years in Kenya and recently made an exhaustive study of the 
psychological aspects of Mau Mau, said in his official government 
report that the Kikuyu were people of intelligence comparable 
with that of other groups anywhere, white or black; that with 
training and education they could become capable of the same 
work any of us might perform. He concluded, moreover, that the 
oaths were originally devised by a highly intelligent and "so 
phisticated" person, and that they appealed strongly to some al 
most universal human instincts. 

The Mau Mau killings, however, didn't seem to make much 
sense, at first, since many of the whites slaughtered were farmers 


who trusted and helped the Africans the most. Apparently it 
was because they wanted to eliminate any possibility of recon 
ciliation and thus bring together one extreme group against 
the other. Men who are highest on the Mau Mau list are con 
tinually on the alert against attack, go armed at all times, and 
are suspicious of even apparently loyal Kikuyu workers. Such 
men are difficult to murder, so the Mau Mau have confined most 
of their attacks to the friendly whites, women, old folks and 
others who offered good targets. The point of the Mau Mau 
campaign is not so much to kill leaders but to terrorize the entire 
white community so that whites will leave the country in fear. 

Since the native population outnumbers the whites in 
Kenya more than a hundred to one, the blacks could obviously 
Trill or drive out every European in a concerted attack, if they 
were willing to sacrifice enough of their own in the battle. 
Fortunately, the leaders of the Mau Mau movement have not 
adopted the tactics of the Jivaro Indians against the Spanish 
back in 1599, about which I learned on my South American ex 
peditions. Spaniards had established three towns on the eastern 
slope of the Andes and were encroaching on Jivaro territory, 
taking some Indians as slaves. The Jivaro tribes, which had 
spent most of their time warring on each other, buried the 
hatchet and planned a surprise attack. They didn't go in for 
halfway measures, either. They burned the three towns to the 
ground, massacred every inhabitant between twenty and thirty 
thousand men, women, and children and poured molten gold 
down the throat of the Spanish governor because he seemed to 
love it so much. 

Perhaps one reason the Mau Mau have adopted the hit-and- 
run method designed to terrorize everyone is that they lack fire 
arms. They have tried to raid some small arsenals and have 
stolen guns from individuals, resulting in the government law 
imposing severe fines on anyone who loses a gun or allows it to 
be stolen. 

Although I lived for weeks in the Mau Mau country at 
Hartley's farm, the incident which affected me most deeply did 


not involve me personally. You'll recall my mention of Lionel 
Hartley, Carr Hartley's younger brother and one of the finest 
white hunters in Kenya. Lionel was later killed in a plane crash, 
but his wife, Diane, continued to live in Kenya, and I saw her 
at the outset of my 1954-55 tr ^P- 

In October, Diane went to visit her mother and her step 
father, who owned a farm at Kibereri, in the neighborhood of 
Nyeri strong Mau Mau country. Her stepfather, seventy-year- 
old G. A. Leakey, was not really afraid, however. He had always 
trusted the Kikuyu and had even been made a blood brother of 
the tribe. He could not believe that harm could come to him 
who had always befriended them, so he did not barricade his 
farm or keep a gun always at hand. On government instructions, 
he did have in one bedroom a battery-operated rocket signaling 
system but he never really expected to use it. 

The day after Diane arrived for her visit, she and Mr. 
Leakey and her mother sat down at the table for dinner. Sud 
denly about thirty Kikuyu, armed with long knives called 
pcmgas, burst out of the scrub growth behind the house. They 
slashed to death a Kikuyu cook outside the door and rushed in 
side. Diane and her mother ran to the bathroom, which had a 
removable section in the c0ing for gaining entrance to a kind 
of attic. Diane's mother pushed her up, but before she could 
climb to safety the Mau Mau found her. They snatched Mrs. 
Leakey without seeing Diane in the attic. Since she had just ar 
rived there the day before, it is likely that the raiders did not 
even suspect that she might be around. In any event, they stran 
gled Mrs. Leakey on the spot, dragged the body outside, and 
hacked it with their pangas until it lay in a pool of blood. They 
did not kill Mr. Leakey, but carried him off with them. 

It was all over in a few minutes, and Diane rushed to the 
bedroom where she sent up signal flares from the apparatus 
there. The flares were seen from a government station a few 
miles away, but meanwhile Diane raced to the next farm to make 
sure help came. It was there in short order, but it was too late for 
Diane's mother or for the cook who had been killed. There 


was no trace of Mr. Leakey. Of five servants, three had vanished. 
One was held for questioning, but said nothing of value. 

An intensive hunt for Mr. Leakey was begun at once, and at 
one time two thousand members of the security forces were 
combing the woods and hills for miles around the farm. They 
finally found some of his clothing in a cave, where they also cap 
tured a Mau Mau who was believed to be a leader of the raiding 
gang. They learned that the old gentleman had probably died 
in a sacrificial ritual the reason for his being abducted rather 
than killed at his farm. A woman in the area had gained great 
influence over one part of the Mau Mau group, convincing them 
that she was a kind of prophetess. She had said that if a promi 
nent Englishman could be captured and buried alive in a sacri 
fice, Mau Mau fortunes would increase and prosper. Mr. Leakey, 
along with several goats, had apparently been buried alive in 
this primitive ritual. The authorities were sure enough of this 
story to give up the search for him. 

I saw Diane in Nairobi a few days after this horrible ordeal. 
She told me that her two children had been expected to visit at 
the farm the next day. If the Mau Mau raid had come just one 
day later, she felt sure they both would have been killed. So in 
spite of her great loss and the shoclJbf the dreadful experience, 
she found something to be thankful for. 

It is easy to see what happens to the ideas and emotions of 
other Britishers after such a ferocious and senseless killing as 
this. Patience, understanding and reason fly out the window, 
and nothing but hatred takes their place. It is difficult for any 
one to see any good in any African, after this, so it is greatly to 
the credit of the British officials and many Kenya leaders that 
they are trying to meet the threat with decisiveness and yet with 
understanding. They know that most Kikuyu are not members 
of the Mau Mau, but they feel that temporarily no Kikuyu can 
be trusted because it is so difficult to learn who is Mau Mau and 
who is not. At the outset, the other tribes in Kenya did not sue* 
cumb to the Mau Mau appeal, but before long the ideas began to 


find adherents in some groups, including the Masai of the Narok 
area which was consequently closed at the time of my visit. This 
was surprising, as the Masai had always been contemptuous of 
the Kikuyu, whom they drove from the plains to the hills long 
ago. At the beginning of the Mau Mau terror, the Masai herds 
men offered to recruit three thousand spears for the British to 
use against the secret society. The authorities declined, sensing 
the danger that might come if three thousand Masai warriors 
went on the rampage again. 

If the Mau Mau aim was intimidation of the white settlers, 
it has not worked. In spite of the danger, few Europeans left the 
country permanently although quite a few sent their wives and 
children away. While the influx of new white settlers has 
ceased, most of the whites in Kenya are more determined than 
ever to stick it out. 

But at what cost and with what result? Where does the 
blame lie in all this mess? If you go back far enough, to the 
time when the first white colonizers came to Kenya, you might 
say the blame rests on Europeans who took land away from na 
tive Africans to whom it belonged. But that almost takes us into 
the realm of metaphysics, for the British, for instance, nego 
tiated in good faith with the Kikuyu for occupation of this land 
which was comparatively unoccupied but there was a funda 
mental misunderstanding which no one realized at the time: the 
British thought they were acquiring perpetual rights to the land 
but the Kikuyu conception of land rights was that the inaliena 
ble tide rested in the tribe. Most of Africa was taken over by 
European powers, and much of it was cruelly exploited. In the 
past decades, at least, a new concept of the role of the colonizer 
has developed, and world opinion asks of colonial powers that 
they treat indigenous peoples fairly that they educate and train 
them to assume eventual control of their territories, or in some 
instances to share control. In those regions in which whites in 
good numbers have settled on the land and made it fruitful, 
they are not likely to leave. They have invested money and years 


of labor under the protection of a long-established government, 
just as settlers came to America and were encouraged to pioneer 
on lands taken from the American Indians. 

From one point of view, the white farmer in Kenya is right. 
But what about the Kikuyu point of view? Well, they sold the 
land to the white settlers, even if some of them were forced into 
the transactions. Some Africans continued to live on white farms, 
more or less as share-croppers. They contributed some labor and 
produce in exchange for the right to live on the land, keep some 
cattle, grow food for themselves and families. In time this be 
gan in the thirties the white fanners were able to take over for 
cultivation or pasture more and more of the land they had 
bought. They told the Kikuyu "squatters" to leave. The tribes 
men could not understand. Some of them had been born on 
these farms, had thought of them as their pieces of land for dec 
ades or at least had considered that they had some kind of 
vested right in it. Then they were evicted. 

Legally, the farmers were correct, but many Kikuyu do not 
comprehend European laws or legal processes. Their very con 
cept of ownership is different. They were moved to reserves, land 
that had been set aside for the Kikuyu by the government. Some 
of this was beautiful and fertile land, but it was usually forty or 
fifty miles away from the places where they had always lived and 
farther from the market for their goods Nairobi. They were 
thus handicapped in competing with white farmers and they did 
not like any of it. Later, when the Mau Mau terror began, most 
of the remaining squatters were evicted because farmers did not 
want any Kikuyu living on their land. 

For some years the reserves have been bursting at the seams 
with more people than the land can support. While the white 
population has for some time remained comparatively stable, the 
native population has been increasing at a high rate. When I first 
visited Kenya in 1937 there were approximately three million 
Africans and about thirty-eight thousand white Europeans there. 
Today the African population is five million five hundred thou 
sand while the whites number only forty-three thousand. In 


addition, there are one hundred sixty-five thousand Indians to 
complicate the political and social situation with a third dissatis 
fied and potent factor which must be considered in any settle 
ment of Kenya's problems. 

If the population continues to increase as it has in the 
recent past, another decade or two will bring unbearable over 
crowding and poverty for the blacks. The whites will be over 
whelmed by sheer numbers, and their position will be untena 
ble. Some solution must be found long before such a crisis is 

The government has sent agricultural experts into the re 
serves to help the Kiloiyu farmers increase productivity, stop 
erosion and learn improved methods. Generally the tribesmen 
have cooperated, but even greater efforts along this line can do 
no more than scratch the surface of the problem. 

Although it is a bitter pill for the diehard white-supremacy 
settlers to swallow, they must find some way to share the country 
and its management with the Africans. If they fail, they will 
eventually have to go and probably with much bloodshed. 

An all-race council now exists in Kenya, consisting of six 
white Europeans, two Asians, and one African. A more equita 
ble representation seems inevitable if a true multi-racial govern 
ment is to be inaugurated that will come anywhere near satisfy 
ing the Africans. The increase in participation must be gradual, 
however. From my observation, the Africans of Kenya will 
for many years need political and economic guidance, for not 
enough of them are educated to allow for more active participa 
tion now. It may well be the fault of the British that the educa 
tion of the Africans has been so badly neglected, but the fact 
remains that the vast majority are incapable of self-government 
today. If the Mau Mau uprising had been successful, it would 
have been a calamity not only for the one million two hundred 
thousand Kikuyu but also for the other native tribes of Kenya. 

For their own self -protection if for no other reason, the 
whites in Kenya must set about the urgent task of bringing the 
Africans to a level of education, security and self-respect that 


wiU make them capable partners in the government of the col 

My lugubrious guess is that the government will perhaps 
take too-small steps too late, and that impatient, stupid, or self 
ish nationalist leaders will not give the present multi-racial 
council a chance to evolve into a true multi-racial government. 

I hold in high regard the white settlers. They have worked 
terribly hard for what they have. Few are rich. They have had 
to contend with heartbreaking problems, including drought, 
rinderpest and locusts which have put most of them in debt to 
the banks. But perhaps their most difficult task lies ahead help 
ing the African to the point at which he will merit partnership in 
running a beautiful and productive country. 

Will they do it? Judging by the past, it looks unlikely, for 
there were many plain warnings that a bloody explosion would 
eventually come. Back in 1922, almost eight thousand Kikuyu 
marched to government house in Nairobi to protest the arrest of 
their most prominent leader, Harry Thuku. Police fired into 
the crowd, killing and wounding many men and women casual 
ties were estimated at around two hundred. Certainly this did 
not encourage them to believe that they could get anything from 
the authorities by mere talk and negotiation. It is significant, 
too, that the secretary of the organization of which Thuku was 
the leader was Jomo Kenyatta, who became the head of Mau 
Mau. He had an early demonstration of the effectiveness of 
armed force. 

During my 1937 trip I saw Kikuyu families being forcibly 
moved, lock, stock and barrel, from areas in which their an 
cestors had lived for generations. They didn't like it. On my 
1946 trip the pot was definitely boiling, but many Kenya farm 
ers concentrated their attention on berating the British Colo 
nial office for being soft-hearted. Then in the fall of 1952, the 
pot boiled over with massacre, murder and terror. It should not 
have surprised the whites of Kenya. 

At this writing the Mau Mau killings have subsided. Since 
the start of the uprising, the Mau Mau have lost approximately 


fifteen thousand killed or hanged, while unknown numbers have 
been eliminated in internecine struggles and by air bombard 
ment of the Aberdare Mountains and other known hideouts. 
There are approximately sixty-five thousand Mau Mau mem 
bers, sympathizers, or suspects in jails or detention camps, in 
cluding all the important leaders. But the authorities can't keep 
all of them there forever. One may well grant that when they 
are released many of the originally lukewarm sympathizers will 
have become fanatic and will join a hard core of irreconcilable, 
embittered and vindictive terrorists. 

It is not a pretty picture, but it will get worse unless the 
British take immediate and decisive steps to prove that the 
Africans will gain security and eventual, but not too long de 
layed, partnership. And incidentally, in the process they should 
pay more attention to the Kikuyu women, who are high-spirited 
and vigorous, and to the youngsters who are being thoroughly 
indoctrinated with deep nationalistic fervor. 

As in the case of tensions between nations everywhere, and 
between one organized group and another, everything would be 
fine if you consulted the people concerned as people rather than 
as members of a group or nation. Ordinary Germans didn't want 
to fight ordinary Frenchmen or Englishmen, just as I'm sure 
ordinary Russians don't want to fight anyone. Similarly, ordi 
nary Kikuyu natives even some who are members of Mau Mau 
don't thirst to kill white people. The majority of white settlers 
in Kenya want to give adequate good land and a good living 
yes, even a good voice in running their affairs to the Africans, 
even if a bit more education and training are necessary for the 

I have come to know hundreds of Africans pretty well, and 
I know that they are generally kind, cooperative, helpful. Their 
fundamental instincts are good, and they are no more blood 
thirsty or cruel than I am. I also know hundreds of whites in 
Africa, including officials, settlers, and hunters in Kenya. Except 
for some red-necked blusterers of the old school who still want 
to live in the last century, they are decent, kind, helpful, coopera- 


tive. Their instincts are good and they would like to see other 
people, white or black, get fair treatment and lead happy lives. 

The white settlers in Kenya lead closer to normal lives than 
most Europeans in Africa except for South Africa which is a 
thoroughgoing white civilization. In the Belgian Congo, for in 
stance, there are not many Belgians who settle down and intend 
to remain in the Congo for the rest of their lives. Most of them 
come out for definitely limited periods, whether they are govern 
ment officials, missionaries, doctors or supervisory executives in 
the many big corporations operating in the Congo. They plan to 
go back home some time, although a few find that Africa grows 
on them so much that they return to it when they no longer have 

Europeans in much of Central Africa are in the same cate 
gory temporary rather than permanent residents. These men, 
in the main, lead soigewhat abnormal lives. Some take African 
mistresses, who run their households, bear their children and 
develop close attachments. Others find the loneliness and strange 
ness of the life a strain, especially if they must be isolated 
from the good-sized cities filled with other Europeans, and take 
to drink as if it were a duty. 

European women probably find the going rougher than 
European men. Wives of officials, et cetera, find that servants are 
so easy to obtain that they have nothing whatsoever to do. They 
are bored, they feel cut off from their world and the standards 
that go with it. Affairs are quite common, and there's an old say 
ing in Kenya that "no one even has an opinion on matters con 
nected with sex." 

It is easy to exaggerate such tales, because they make good 
copy for short stories, articles and the yellow press. But on the 
other hand, there is no use denying that many white men and 
women do not lead in Africa the kind of moral lives they would 
lead at home. This is particularly true of the men and women 
of what might be the middle classes in Africa. The men at the 
top are usually too busy and too devoted to their work to have 
much time for play of any kind. 


I never met a cynical or brutal government official in the 
Congo, Uganda, Kenya, or Tanganyika. M. Ryckmanns, who 
was Governor General of the Congo during my first visit and 
was later Belgium's delegate to the -United Nations, is one of 
the finest men I have ever met, intelligent, dedicated to his task 
of improving the lot and the futures of the natives of the Congo. 
His successor, M. Jungers, was Vice-Governor General on my 
first trips, in charge of Ruanda-Urundi, and a man of the same 
stripe strong, kind, intelligent and conscientious. 

The same was true of government officials on a lower level, 
as well as their counterparts in Uganda, Tanganyika and even 
in troubled Kenya. But, you may say, even good men may be 
used as the tools of a bad plan. Perhaps, but not in the case of 
these men. They had great power in determining the plan, for 
one thing, and were as dedicated to helping the African as are 
missionaries. There are exceptions, to be sure, but I never en 
countered any at the highest levels and mighty few at any level. 

Among the missionaries and missionary doctors, there are 
no exceptions at all. Every one of them is thoroughly and com 
pletely devoted and most of them on a practical plane. While 
the ultimate goal of missionareis may be the improvement of 
the morals and souls of Africans, they spend most of their time 
and efforts improving their health and education. The way to 
save a soul is to save a life first, obviously, and one way to make 
a man like your God is to make him like you and your way of 

The old-fashioned missionary was often so shocked at the 
nakedness of natives that his first idea was to put clothing on 
them which may have helped the missionary's soul but had 
little effect on the Africans. While many of today's missionaries 
do try to inculcate in their African charges a sense of modesty 
and decency, most of them I met feel that such things can come 
later. After spending decades among naked primitives, they 
themselves are not very upset at the sight of unclothed bodies. 
They have vigorously combated cannibalism where they found 
i t _ one of the methods being to help the African find other 


sources for meat. They do not encourage polygamy, naturally, 
but they know better than to fight ancient customs at the outset 
of their attempted conversions. 

Health and education these are the routes by which the 
missionaries hope to bring the superstitious into the Christian 
fold. With some peoples the method seems to work; in others, 
such as among Pygmies, it has made scarcely a dent even after 
twenty or thirty years of hard labor. Meanwhile, however, many 
are being helped. I have visited Catholic, Seventh Day Advent- 
ist, Mennonite and other missions in many sections of Central 
and East Africa and have found in each of them truly dedicated 
men curing hundreds and thousands of people of dread disease, 
teaching thousands to write, read, weave, farm, build and think 
more clearly. Incidentally, I have been warmly welcomed in all 
these missions given food, shelter, invaluable advice about the 
local tribesmen, and all kinds of help in meeting and photo 
graphing them. Without Bill Deans and William Specs, for in 
stance, I could never have penetrated the Ituri Forest as I did. 
And without the suggestions and help of F. G. Reid and Dr. 
George W. Allen I probably would never have gone to the fabu 
lous Mara Valley. 

Of all these fine men, those who impress me most are the 
missionary doctors. I have met many in the course of my African 
trips, but I shall never forget Dr. Roy C. Woodhams. It was in 
1937 in the Congo that I visited him and his small "hospital." 
A mere shack with a wooden operating table and shelves for in 
struments and drugs, it had been the scene of many life-saving 
operations and treatments. 

Dr. Woodhams told me that medical knowledge alone was 
not enough to effect cures in the heart of Africa. Before he could 
conquer sickness he had to conquer superstition and fear. A 
man bitten by a poisonous snake, for example, was often con 
vinced that death was inevitable. A bite of that snake had killed 
his tribesmen for generations why shouldn't it kill him? No 
medicine man had found a cure, so how could the white medi 
cine man? The difficulty was to get him to believe enough so 


that he would come in for serum after having been bitten. Even 
then, he would attribute the saving of his life to magic rather 
than medicine. On many occasions Dr. Woodhams used the mod 
ern equivalent of magic psychology. Knowing the African's 
fears and superstitions, he found that many men died just be 
cause they were convinced they were going to die, above all if 
their own medicine men had told them this would happen. Dr. 
Woodhams was in constant competition with medicine men, but 
he had devised some effective psychological weapons in that 
war against witchcraft. The most useful was the hypodermic 
needle, which his patients concluded was a far more potent 
gadget than any owned by medicine men. It hurt, for one thing, 
which proved its power. And it usually cleared up yaws, even 
before the advent of penicillin. It had also been used on many 
occasions to cure, with nothing but water, ailments induced or 
aggravated by fear or superstition. Dr. Woodhams also kept on 
hand a vile-flavored concoction of no medicinal value but great 
psychological potency. It tasted so horrible that it instilled great 
faith in those who drank it. Anything so foul, they knew, was 
certain to work wonders. 

So Dr. Woodhams used not only the knowledge of modern 
medical science in bringing health to the Africans but diplo 
macy, understanding and psychology. Above all, he brought love 
and devotion to his work, which kept him isolated year after 
year in the heart of a continent of heat, insects, bad smells and 
loneliness. When I talked to him, he had no desire to leave. 

Of all the white men in Africa, one very small and highly 
special group stands out the professional white hunters. They 
have for years received publicity far beyond that of any other 
class, yet there are probably never more than forty or fifty men 
earning their livelihoods as hunters. They have no appreciable 
effect on the course of events in Africa, since they are not con 
cerned in governmental affairs or race relations or economic de 
velopment. They may carry some weight in matters of game con 
servation, although they carry out rather than determine broad 
policies in this field. 


Despite their small numbers and their even smaller weight 
in important African affairs, they spring to people's minds when 
anyone mentions the white man in Africa. Most Americans are 
not, never will be, and don't want to be big-game hunters, but 
their picture of the white man in Africa is the intrepid white 
hunter. He has been glamorized in fiction, fact and movies as 
have few characters anywhere. 

And here is the odd part of it the white hunter is, in plain 
truth, just about as glamorous and admirable a character as 
even the movies portray him. I've met and talked to, and spent 
many weeks with, several different hunters and they were proba 
bly pretty representative of them all. Lionel Hartley, David Shel- 
drick, Mark Williams and Russell Douglass were the men I came 
to know best among professional hunters, and they even looked 
the part lean, virile, good-looking, courageous. There is about 
all white hunters I've known an aura of excitement in reserve. 
They spell adventure in their walk, attitude, expressions and 

There are several explanations for this, I think. In the first 
place, the job of white hunter attracts a certain kind of man 
one who loves excitement, danger and the outdoors. Of those at 
tracted to the profession, only the best make good men who 
keep calm in the midst of excitement, brave in the face of danger, 
and strong enough to withstand the most punishing rigors which 
the outdoors can offer and in Africa they are plenty. Finally, 
the life they lead accentuates and strengthens these qualities, 
creating in time that aura in which every white hunter moves. 

The white hunter has to be much more than just a good 
man with a gun. When he goes out on safari with a client, he is 
in absolute authority even if he is a staff hunter on the payroll 
of one of the big outfitting companies in Nairobi or Arusha. 
Once the hunting expedition goes out from civilization, the 
white hunter is boss not only of his helpers but of the hunting 
clients. So he has an air of authority about him, which he must 
exercise firmly but with discretion. In the old days before cars 
and trucks were widely used, he might be in charge of fifty to 


several hundred porters on a safari. This meant he had to know 
how to handle Africans. He had to know their language, their 
ways, their foibles. A safari can be ruined by grumbling help 
ers and worse than ruined by a rebellious group. 

The white hunter has to outfit any hunting trip complete 
and within the means of the client. The necessary guns, am 
munition, tents, food, trucks, gasoline, medicines, and so on are 
ordered by him. On the really fancy safaris of rich men and 
rajahs, this means bringing along kerosene-burning refrigera 
tors, tent bathrooms and perhaps carpets; and he must arrange 
to have plenty of clean, safe water, to have special foods flown to 
the campsite or dropped by parachute. There are not many such 
safaris, of course, but each trip has its problems and each one is 

The white hunter must then find a good campsite, and 
finally find the game which his client wants to shoot. And that 
client may turn out to be an expert marksman, a fearful ama 
teur, a bloodthirsty killer of all game in sight, an alcoholic, an 
amorous woman with or without jealous husband. The profes 
sional hunter must keep them all happy, keep out of all embar 
rassing entanglements, make his clients obey all game laws and 
see that they get the trophies they want with appropriate 
photographs. In the course of the hunt, if the client wounds an 
animal, no white hunter can leave until he has tracked the 
wounded animal into bush or jungle and killed it. In doing this, 
every hunter takes his life in his hands with a regularity that 
might breed contempt but doesn't. 

During the long evenings, on days when it pours rain, on 
days when no game can be found, the white hunter must try to 
keep his clients entertained and amused. So he becomes a fine 
teller of tales, a gracious host, a concocter of amusements varied 
and suitable. The client must go home happy, because the white 
hunter has no method of advertising other than satisfied clients. 
Above all, he must come home alive and on this score the 
white hunters of East Africa have a remarkable record. 

Without wishing to detract a jot from the admiring picture 


I have drawn of the white hunter, I must add that many a hunter 
is made by his African gun-bearer. The hunters themselves will 
all admit this truth, insisting that a good gun-bearer is the most 
valuable asset a hunter can have. On my trips I have met several, 
all good, but none who could compare with Mafuta, whom I've 
mentioned as gun-bearer for David Sheldrick when he and 
Mark Williams took me to the Narok area in 1946 in search of 
lions. I admired him not only for his uncanny knowledge of ani 
mals and the country, but for his personality, character and won 
derful story-telling. From the Wakamba tribe, Mafuta had been 
a gun-bearer most of his life. He had worked with Martin John 
son, had been gun-bearer when James Clark obtained his won 
derful lion group for the Museum of Natural History. He knew 
intimately every game area in Kenya and Tanganyika, and could 
find his way through them easily where no one else could catch 
a clue as to his whereabouts. When he was with us, I noticed 
that his alert eyes seemed to be everywhere at once, noting rocks, 
trees, tracks and all features on the terrain. He would never for 
get them, either, once he had marked them down on the big and 
accurate map in his mind. 

Mafuta had originally been trained by the great hunter 
who was called by many other hunters the best of all, Al Klein, 
who was born in New Jersey and died in Kenya in 1947. But no 
one could have trained into him the uncanny understanding 
of animals which he possessed. It sounds rather far-fetched, I 
know, but Mafuta could and did put himself in the place of ani 
mals so that he felt what they felt. Some human beings can do 
this rather well with other human beings; they are simpatico in 
a way that all of us cannot understand. Well, Mafuta was that 
way with wild animals. He could look at a lion or elephant or 
rhino and tell me at once if that beast were kali, irritable and 
likely to charge with or without provocation. At other times he 
would tell me it was safe to approach quite close. And he was 
always right. Over and over again I saw Sheldrick and Williams 
depend absolutely upon Mafuta's words about an animal's mood 
and intentions. When a lion was wounded and disappeared into 


the bush always the most dangerous time for a hunter going 
after him Mafuta knew where that bloodthirsty creature was 
hiding, waiting to spring on his pursuers. If you asked him how 
he knew, he would smile, shrug, and say, "Well, that's where I 
would hide if I were a wounded lion." 

On the 1946 trip we had wandered in our trucks far from 
Narok, and Sheldrick decided it would be shorter, on our return, 
to cut across country rather than follow the route we had taken 
out. Mafuta said that there would be six dongas, or dried out 
river beds, to cross but that we ought to be able to make it all 
right. They can be almost impassable at times, with thick thorn- 
bushes along the banks, rocks and potholes, plus the steep sides. 
We made three of them all right. When we came to the fourth, 
it seemed impassable, so the trucks rode along parallel while 
we looked for an opening. It was Mafuta who found the spot to 
cross, a spot not even the experienced Sheldrick and Williams 
noticed. The fifth presented no difficulties, but the sixth was the 
worst of all. For two hours we rode along beside it, and once 
again it was Mafuta who found the safe way across it. By that 
time we had traveled so far off our direct route that Sheldrick 
and Williams didn't know where we were. But Mafuta knew, 
gave careful directions, and we arrived back in Narok safely. 
We all knew that it was Mafuta who had brought us there. 

Whenever I think of the increasing difficulties between 
white and black men in Africa, I think of Sheldrick, Williams 
and Mafuta. Somehow I wish all racial problems could be solved 
the way these white men and this black man had solved theirs, 
working together in harmony and achieving the goal set, a goal 
helpful to both, in ways that were fair to both. Mafuta was being 
helped by the knowledge and mechanical equipment of the 
whites, and the whites were being helped perhaps their lives 
saved sometimes by the special knowledge and abilities of 
Mafuta. Each partner here retained his individuality, his per 
sonality, his own traditions, and yet each helped a common en 
terprise by contributing what he himself could do better than 
anyone else. 


Making Africa a happy and productive home for millions 
of blacks and whites is probably one of the most difficult tasks 
human society has faced, and there is not much time left to meet 
the challenge twenty years at most, perhaps only five. Can 
whites and blacks find the way to cooperate in that short space? 
If not, the explosion of a continent is sure to spread its devasta 
tion over the entire world. 


aardvarks, 59 

Aberdare Mountains, 188, 343 

Akaba, Gulf of, 20 

Akeley, Carl, 18, 27, 29, 34, 45, 230 

Albert, King of the Belgians, 45 

Albert National Park, 27, 44, 45, 46, 48, 50, 5 1, 54, 56 

Allen, Dr. George W., 26 iff., 346 

Alps, 19 

Alur, 165 

Amazon Head Hunters, 201 

Amboseli National Park, 261, 280, 312 

American Museum of Natural History, 10, 27, 28, 330, 350 

Angola, 331 

anopheles, 117 

antelope, Bongo, 114 

antelope, roan, 321-22, 324, 325 

antelopes, 4, 5, 8, 21, 45, 50, 52, 73, 74, 114, 119, 193, 207, 214, 215, 

221, 222, 228, 233, 234, 235, 241, 314, 320, 322, 323, 324, 325 
ant grubs, 72 
ants, 8, 127, 282 
ants, safari, 69, 118 
Anubis, 148 

Anyoto. SEE Leopardmen 
Aputo, 7 1 
Arabises, 166 
armadillo, 114 
arrow heads, 62 

Arusha, 209, 218, 249, 250, 251, 252, 274, 275, 292, 297, 316, 348 
Avakubi, 330 
Azande, 163, 165, 270 


354 INDEX 

Baamba, 22 

Babali, 164 

Babira, 164, 165, 167, 168, 169 

baboons, 36, 60, 115, 183, 194, 202-03, 2O 9> 2 35* 3 11 

Baganda, 13-14, 15 

Bahavu, 164 

Bahutu, 141, 143, 148, 150, 151, 152, 153, 155, 156, 158, 160 

Bakele, 164 

Bakuba, 158, 164, 175, 181, 182 

Bakusu, 164 

Baluba, 164 

Balunda, 164 

Bambole, 164 

bamboos, 21, 33 

Bambuba, 164 

Bambuti, 31, 58, 61, 62, 64, 65, 69, 70, 72, 77, 112, 141 

banana, 15, 30, 62, 78, 90, 91, 99, 115, 142 

Bandande, 64, 65 

Bangwana, 165 

Bantu, 22, 31, 57, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 69, 70, 82, 84, 91, 93, 94, 

105, 115, 120, 123, 124, 126, 129, 136, 141, 148, 162, 163, 164, 165, 

166, 170, 175, 181, 288, 300 
Bantu Negroes, 22 
Banyali, 169, 170 
bark cloth, making, 91-2 
Barns, T. Alexander, 308 
Basonge, 164 
Basuto, 163 
bats, 72 

Batwa, 31, 32, 141, 143, 152, 153, 155, 156, 158, 163 
beans, 60 
bears, 56, 206 
beer, 63, 133 
bees, 72, 115 
Belgian (government), 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 150, 151, 160, 163, 166, 

171,175, 179,270,272 
Belgian Resident, 145 
Belgian Vice-Consul General, 145 
Bell and Ho well camera, 16 
Beni, 24,64, 167,331 
Berbers, 162, 163 
Beyts, Brig. G. H., 256 

INDEX 355 

Beyts, Mrs. Ruby, 256 

bicycle, 13, 15 

bilharzia y 116 

Biru, 157 

bison, American, 43 

blackbirds, 282 

blackwater fever, 15 

Blois, Marsden, 261 ft. 

boma, 224 

bongo, 234 

Bororos, 155 

bridge, building a, I28ff. 

British Imperial Airways, 11,12 

buffaloes, 21, 23, 44, 48, 53, 54, 55, 56, 114, 123, 206, 208, 228, 248, 

Bugalamisa, Mount, 27, 28, 29, 42, 43, 45 
Buganda, 239 
Bunia, 83, 168 
Burma, 17 
bushbuck, 234, 311 
Bushmen, 162 
bustards, 282, 311 
Busirasagama Rest House, 19 
Butare, 157 
buttercups, 21 
butterflies, 67 

cannibalism, 22, 101, 177-78, 345 

Capetown, 208, 209 

capitas, 64, 70, 82 

capitaine, 171, 174 

Carothers, Dr. JL C., 335 

caterpillar, 72, 100, 140 

Central Park, 67 

Cezaire, 13, 14, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23, 24, 25, 32, 33, 34, 38, 41, 45, 46, 47, 

64, 68, 70, 146, 147, 148, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 2l8, 219, 241, 242, 


Chagga, 279 
chameleon, 33, 148 
Chapin, Dr. James, 10, 330 
cheetah, 230-31, 235, 311 

356 INDEX 

Chevrolet, 13, 25, 146, 208, 243 

chiggers, 8, 15, 127, 282 

chimpanzees, 21, 59, 61, 207 

Chinese, 163 

Chrysler Corporation, 128, 1 86 

Chui, 1935. 

cinchona, 33, 140 

Clark, Dr. James L., 10, 350 

cobra, 117, 282, 283 

cobra, spitting, 117 

cobs, 50 

Coco, 202-03, 204 
coffee, 15, 19, 140, 142, 279 

Congo, Belgian, n, 12 13, 14, 22, 23, 26, 44, 48, 50, 82, 101, 145, 164, 
166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 175, 181, 182, 183, 241, 270, 271, 272, 307, 

Congo River, 8, 137, 170, 171, 172 

"Cook's Pygmies," 59 

Coquillon, Johnny, 185, 261, 317, 318 

cormorants, 281 

cornac, 27 iff. 

cotton, 15 

Cowie, Col. Merwyn, 296 

crane, crested, 148, 157, 282 

cranes, 282, 311 

crocodile, 47, 139, 2375., 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 272, 304, 306, 

cuckoos, 282 

daisies, 21 

elephant, 78ff. 

Masai, 2775. 

Pygmy, 76ff. 

Watussi, 155 
Danish, 163 
Damien, Brother, 312 
darters, 281 
Darwin, Mr., 207 
Daudi Chiva, 239 
Dead Sea, 20 
Deans, Bill, 61, 82, 83, 88, 94,95, 98, 115, 116, 346 


de Bekker, Father, 146, 147 

de Bono, Edgar, 235-36 

De Haviland, Sir Geoffrey, 296 

Denis, Armand, 82, 184 

Dewe, 237 

dhow, 12 

dik-dik, 234, 235, 244, 311 

Dodoma, 218 

dog (Pygmy), 8, 112-114 

dog, wild, 6, 7, 45, 52, 53, 235, 315 

Douglass, Earl, 26 iff. 

Douglass, Russell, 348 

doves, 282 

Downey,, 23 
Drew, Nancy, 191, 192 

drums, ceremonial, 150 

du Chaillu, Paul, 26 

ducks, wild,, 16, 315 

duiker, 234, 311 

Duilio, 208, 209 

duka, 133 

Dungu River, 270, 272 

DuPreez, Uys (Ace), 7, 213, 2465., 314*- 

Dutch, 163 

dysentery, 15 

East African Standard, 255 
Eastman Kodak Co., 1 1 
eagles, 282 
Edodo, 79, 80, 8 1 
Edward, Lake, 44, 45, 169, 243, 245 
egrets, u, 264, 281 
Ekibondo, Chief, 179 

eland, 183, 203-04, 228, 234, 311, 3M-, 3 2 4> 3*5, 3 26 
elapine group, 283 
elephant hunt, 78ff. 
elephant, rogue, 17 

elephants, 7, 11, 17, '8, 19, 21, 23, 24, 28, 30, 34, 35. 44, 4 5. 5'. 
5", 53, 58, 59, 60, 65, 68, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79, Bo 8 f 82 96, 99, J 

II S , 116, II 9 , 120, 121, 122, I2 3 , I2 4 , I2 5 , 126, I 93 , 206, 208, 226, 

240, 245, 249-50, 257, 266ff., 280, 311, 314, 3 22 " 2 3, 33 2 , 350 
Elmenteita, Lake, 280, 281 

358 INDEX 

Emin Pasha, 177 

English, 163 

Entebbe, 12 

Epulu River, 241 

Eric, the hyena, 203 

Eritrea, 235 

Ernsterhoff, Marcel, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 42 

Eshelman, Dr., 312 

Ethiopia, 304 

Ethiopians, 163 

euphorbia, 64, 228 

Falls Station, 166 

Farson, Negley, 48 

faru, 255. SEE ALSO rhinoceros 

"femmes a plateau" i68ff. 

ferns, 21, 33 

fig, trellis-work, 92 

filari bancrofti, 117 

fishermen, 21 

flamingo, 9, 127, 28off. 

fleas, 15 

flies, 8, 282, 293 

Fontaine, Joan, 296 

Ford car, 218 

Ford, Freddie, Jr., 273, 275 

Fort Portal, 19, 22 

francolins, 282 

French, 163 

French Cameroons, 26 

frogs, 100 

Fula, 163 

Galilee, Gulf of, 20-21 

Gambara National Park, 270 

Gangala na Bodio, 270, 272 

Gata, 1 80 

Gatti, Commander Attilio, 28, 64 

gazelle, 212, 233 

gazelle, Grant's, 2 34, 3 1 1 

gazelle, Thompson's, 4, 207, 209, 221, 228, 234, 235, 311, 314, 324, 325 

INDEX 359 

geese, Egyptian, 282 

geese, wild, 16, 315 

George, Lake, 44, 245 

gerenuk, 234 

German, 163 

ghee, 290 

giants, 21 

giraffe, 73, 127, 199, 200, 208, 210, 228, 230, 241, 257, 311, 3 15 

gnu, 235. SEE ALSO wildebeest 

Goa, 14, 15 

Goma, 140 

gorilla, 8, 9, 22, 23, 25, 26fL, 43, 45, 46, 53, 207, 208 

Grant, Major Hugh, 291-92 

grass, elephant, 23, 124, 266, 276 

Gregory, W. K., 28 

grouse, 282 

guinea fowl, 68, 213, 311, 315 

gulls, 282 

Hamites, 162, 163, 164, 288, 300 

Hannington, Lake, 280 

hartebeest, 209, 221, 228, 234, 314 

Hartley, Carr, 1835., 226, 231, 255, 283, 303, 336, 337 

Hartley, Mrs. Carr, 191 

Hartley, Diane, 226-27, 337rT. 

Hartley, Lionel, 226rT., 258, 259, 260, 269, 337, 348 

Hartley, Mike, 184, 185, 186, 189, 190, 199, 2ooff., 231, 301, 303 

Haynes, Col. Charles, 256 

hemp, 62, 121 

herons, 282 

Himalayas, 19 

Hindus, 14, 15 

hippopotami, 23, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 193, 208, 216, 244, 245, 2465., 

304, 3Hi3H>3 l6 - I 7>3 2 3 
Hoefler, PaulL., 223-24 
hookworms, 15 
hornbiU, 16, 281 
Hotel des Volcans, 140 
Hottentots, 162 
house building, Pygmy, 86fT. 
Hubert, Commandant Ernest, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 54, 55, 56 

360 INDEX 

humming birds, 282 

Hunter, H. A., 117 

hyena, 6, 45, 50, 52, 53, 109, 112, 183, 203, 207, 216, 222, 235, 283, 

Ifakara, 216 

impala, 4, 234, 307, 311, 314, 321, 324, 325, 326 

Indashyikuva, 155 

India, 14, 17 

Indians, 163 

Indonesians, 163 

Insanga, 152 

Inumva, 150 

Inyahura, 150 

Inyambo, 152, 153 

inzu, 143, 149 

ironwood, 92 

Irumu, 59, 64, 83, 167 

Ishakwe, 150 

Isiolo, 301 

Ituri Forest, 8, 31, 57, 58, 60, 61, 63, 64, 65, 68, 69, 71, 72, 74, 82, 85, 

86, 90, 91, 94, 96, ioo, 116, 117, 126, 127, 128, 133, 136, 137, 138, 

140, 141, 155, 163, 167, 266, 282, 307, 330, 346 
Ituri River, 83,93, 1289129 
Italian, 163 

jackal, 6, 216, 222, 311, 315 

Jarman, Col. G., 256 

Jivaros, 10, 100, 154, 155, 201, 336 

Johnson, Martin, 10, 27, 350 

Johnson, Osa, 22 

Jordan Valley, 20 

Juba, ii 

Jungers, M., 345 

"Jungle Head Hunters," 201 

Kabaka (King), 328 
Kabasha, 146 
Kakwa, 165 
kali, 217, 260, 350 
Kdinga, 150 
Kalume, 64, 65, 70, 71 

INDEX 361 

Kamanya, 239 
Kamembe, 148 

Kampala, 13, 14, 15, 18, 208, 209, 237 
Kangazi, 148, 149, 159 
Kasai, 158, 175, 181 

Kasciula, 28, 3 i, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 38, 40, 41, 42, 43 
Kasindi, 23, 24 
Kazinga Channel, 44, 245 

Kenya, 14, 23, 46, 82, 164, 185, 186, 187, 191, 208, 215, 227, 262, 
287, 290, 291, 292, 296, 298, 300, 301, 305, 307, 312, 314, 329, 331, 

333i 33^ 337> 33^, 339> 34> 34 1 * 34 2 > 343> 344. 345* 35 
Kenya, Mount, 18, 20, 183, 188 
Kenyatta, Jomo, 305, 342 
Ker and Downey, 23 
Kibereri, 337 
Kibo Peak, 278, 279 
kichwa-kichwa, 105, 106 
Kigali, 146 
Kikuyu, 186, 188, 218, 292, 297, 328, 329, 334, 335, 336, 337, 338, 

339, 340, 341, 342, 343 
Kilesi, 69, 71 

Kilimanjaro, Mount, 20, 278*1., 306 
Kilombero River, 216, 253 
Kimbuti, 69 

"King Solomon's Mines," 300 
Kingwana, 22, 32, 60, 64, 69, 105 
Kisangala, 171 
Kisenyi, 140 

Kivu, Lake, 27, 44, 139, 140, 243, 279 
Klein, Al, 350 
klipspringer, 234 
kob, Uganda, 44, 234 
Kodachrome, u 
Kruger National Park, 43, 220 
kudu, 183, 204, 234 
Kuenzler, August, 249, 316 
Ku Klux Klan, 331-32 
Kuria, 312, 313, 314 

Leakey, G. A., 337-38 
Leakey, Mrs. G. A., 337ff. 
Leica camera, 1 6, 38, 212, 220 

362 INDEX 

Lemunge River, 311 

lemur, 109 

Leopardmen, 3 3 off. 

leopards, 15, 28, 31, 32, 35,44, 53, 59 68 > 88 > I0 9> U 3> JI 4> r 75> 193^ 

197, 206, 208, 222, 231, 235, 236, 311, 315, 3 20 > 3 22 > 33^ 33 2 
Leopold, King of Belgium, 166 

Leopoldville, 145 

lingua -franca, 22, 69 

lions, 3,4, 5, 7, 15, 30,44,46,47,49, 50, 52, 53, 65, 121, 127, 157, 193, 

198, 201, 202, 2o6ff., 230, 231-32, 233, 235, 257, 258, 262, 265, 269, 
286, 288, 289, 293, 2945., 307, 311, 314, 316, 319-20, 321, 323, 350-51 

Lion's Pass, 316 

lobelia, 21 

locust, 8 

Lodwar, 302, 303, 304, 305 

Logo, 165 

Lugware, 165 

Luo, 163, 313, 314 

Lutembe, 2375. 

Lwabugiri, 144 

lycaon. SEE wild dog 

Mafuta, 3, 217, 227-28, 229, 231-32, 316, 35off. 

Magad, Lake, 3 1 1 

mahout, 271. SEE ALSO cornac 

malaria, 15, 282 

mamba, black, 67, 282, 283 

Mambasa, 59, 70, 282, 283 

Mambuti. SEE Bambuti 

Mandiboka, 136, 137 

Mangbetu, 8, 82, 163, 165, 167, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181 

Mangbetu, The (hotel), 167 

Mango, 12 

manioc, 62 

Manyara, Lake, 308 

manyatta, 289, 293 

Manzaele, 71 

Mara River, 312, 316, 317 

Mara Valley, 3 1 iff., 346 

Margherita, Mount, 19, 20 

marijuana, 63, 121 

Marvel, Tom, 56 

INDEX 36$ 

Maryknoll, 312 

Masai, 9, 72, 163, 177, 209, 212, 216, 224, 257, 286, zSyff., 300, 308, 

310, 311, 312, 313, 339 
Mason, Dave, 2502., 261, 2735., 299 
Massachusetts, n 
matabishi, 90, 104 
Mato Grosso, 155 
matshela, 148 

MauMau, 14, 46, i86ff., 292, 297, 305, 329, 330, 333ff. 
Max, 27 
Mazimpaka, 144 

medicineman, 120, 123, 243, 330, 331, 346-47 
Mennonite Mission, 312, 346 
Meru, 1 3 off. 
Meru's sister, 133-34 
mgoosu y 33 
Mikeno, Mount, 45 
Mills, Harry C, 185 
Monduli, 297 

monkey, colubus, 19, 68, 118 
monkeys, 36, 59, 100, 109, 115, 116, 148, 206 
moran, 288ff. 
Moshi, 279 

mosquitos, 8, 68, 127, 139, 282 
moss, 21 

Mountains of the Moon. SEE Ruwenzori 
Mtito Andei, 226, 258 
Mt. Kenya Hospital, 256 
Mubira, 165. SEE ALSO Babira 
Mudanda Rock, 269 
Mulendu, 165. SEE ALSO Walende 
Munza, 178 

Musinga, King, 144, 148, 150, 151 
Mutara, 144. SEE ALSO Rudahigwa 
Mutesa, 238 

Mutussi, i46ff. SEE ALSO Watussi 
Mwango, 239 
Mweiga, 256 
Mweiga-Nyeri Road, 256 

Nairobi, 16, 23, 186, 187, 204, 209, 220, 261, 316, 334, 338, 340, 542, 



Nakura, Lake, 280 

Namanga River, 209 

Narok, 227, 291, 296, 297, 312, 339, 350, 351 

Negro, 99, 101-02, 162, 163, 175 

Negroes, Nilotic, 162, 164 

Negroes, West African, 162 

nekbwe, 176, 180 

Neolithic Period, 69 

Nevins, Father, 312 

New Congo, The, 56 

New Hampshire, 1 1 

Ngagi, 26. SEE ALSO gorilla 

Ngorongoro Crater, 262, 282, 292, 294, 3o8ff. 

Nigeria, 261, 328, 331 

Nile River, n, 20 

Nilotics, 165, 200, 286, 300 

Norway, 23 

Noziburo, 312, 313 

Nyanza, 146, 149, 150, 151 

Nyeri, 256, 337 

Nyimi, 181, 182 

Nzala, 71 

okapi, 59, 68, 72, 73, 112, 114, 119, 208, 241-42 

Oldeani, 308, 311 

Oldonyo-Iengai, 308 

Ololmoti, 311 

Ol 'Gatai Sisal Estate, 256 

orchids, 67 

orchids, swamp, 64 

oribi, 234, 311 

oryx, 234 

ostrich, 5-7, 235, 311, 315 

owl, 109 

owls, white, 183, 204 

Paleolithic Age, 59, 69, 70 

Paleolithic man, 140 

palm oil, 64, 73, 82, 89, 90, 98, 130 

palms, 21 

palms, dom, 302 

tangos, 189, 337 


INDEX 365 

papyrus, 16 

parrots, 59, 67, 68, 109, 115, 282 

partridge, 282, 315 

Paterson, Colonel J. EL, 216 

Paulis, 167, 179 

Pawanzas, 124 

pelican, 50, 244, 281 

Pellegrini, , 250!?., 2635., 2735?., 316 

Pepsi-Cola, 202 

Persians, 163 

phrynium, 77, 78, 87, 89 

pigs, wild, 21, in, 112, 114, 115, 119 

plague, 15 

plantains, 60 

plovers, 282 

Pollman, Gordon, 191, 198, 199, 200 

Portuguese, 14 

posho, 90 

Power Wagon, Dodge, 127, 184, 186, 316, 317, 318, 324, 325 

Ptolemy, 20 

puff adder, 284 

Putnam, Pat, 61, 241 

Pygmies, 8, 21, 22, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 40, 41, 42, 

45, 57fF., 86fF., 139, 140, 141, 148, 153, 155, 156, 162, 163, 164, 165, 

167, 241, 242, 346 
Pygmoids, 141 
pyrethrum, 140 
python, 59, 117, 283, 285-86 

quail, 282, 311, 315 

Queen Elizabeth National Park, 44, 28 1 

Randall, Thelma, 191, 197 
Raven, H. C, 27, 28 
Red Sea, 20 
reedbucks, 50, 311 
Reid, F. G., 261, 312, 346 
Reinhart, Father, 312 
Republic Pictures, 127, 184, 185 
Republic Pictures of Great Britain, 185, 186 

rhinoceros, 75, 193, 208, 226, 244-45, 249, 255!!., 280, 283, 307, 310, 
311, 314, 316, 317, 318, 319, 320, 323, 350 

366 INDEX 

Rhodesia 208, 209, 218 

rice, 60 

Ridgway, General Matthew, 296 

Rift, Albertine, 21, 44 

Rift, Great, 21 

Rift Valley, 304, 308 

Riley, British District Officer, 297 

RKO, 82 

Roberts, Captain, 15 

Rosana Mission (Catholic), 312 

rondavel) 50, 188, 191, 192, 203 

Roosevelt, Theodore, 283 

Ruanda, 141, 143, 144, 145, 146, 148, 150, 151, 158, 159, 160 

Ruanda-Urundi, 140, 141, 143, 145, 151, 164, 345 

Rudahigwa, King, 143, 144, 145, 149, 151, 158, 160 

Rudolf, Lake, 8, 200, 303, 304, 305 

Rufiji River, 253 

Ruindi, 50 

Rukwa, Lake, 249, 250 

Rumuruti, 186, 188 

Rungwa River, 25 1 

Rutshuru River, 46, 47, 48, 245 

Ruwenzori Mountains, 19, 20, 21, 22, 26 

Ruzizi River, 139 

Ryckmanns, M., 345 

Rydon, Mrs. Margot, 249 

salt, 62, 64, 65, 73, 82, 89, 90, 104 

San Bias Indians, 170 

"Savage Splendor," 51, 76, 81, 82, 158, 161, 168, 171, 172, 174-75, 184, 

1 86, 230 

Schebesta, Dr. Paul, 59, 99, 1 18 
Schoeman, Reverend J. A., 312 
Schweinfurth, G. A., 177, 178 
seals, 206 

Searles, Mr. and Mrs., 83 
Searles, Tom, 83 
secretary birds, 282 
Semites, 162, 163, 164 
Semliki River, 23, 169, 243, 244 
Serengeti Plains, 208, 209, 212, 220, 262 
Seventh Day Adventist Mission, 312, 346 

INDEX 367 

shambas, 16, 265, 266 

Sheldrick, David, 227, 228, 229, 231-32, 269, 291, 348, 350, 351 

Sierra Leone, 331 

Sikhs, 14, i^ 

simis, 189, 295 

sisal, 279 

situntunga, 234 

sleeping sickness, 8, 15, 22, 253, 282 

Smith, Father, 312 

Smith, Louise, 186 

snakes, 8, 72, 117, 240-41, 282^., 315 

snake venom, 64, 283*?. 

South African Institute of Medical Research, 284 

Spanish, 163 

spear heads, 62 

Specs, William, 61, 101, 1 17, 1 18, 122, 123, 136, 137, 333, 346 

spurfowl, 315 

squirrel, 116 

Stanley, H. M., 20, 22, 64, 94, 136, 169, 171 

Stanley, Mt, 20 

Stanleyville, 82, 145, 158, 166, 167, 171 

steinbuck (stembuck), 234, 311 

storks, marabou, 244, 281 

strychnos, 64 

Sudan, n, 200, 304 

Sudanese, 162, 163, 164, 165, 175 

sugar cane, 62 

Suk Closed Area, 301 

Suna, 239 

sunbirds, 68, 282 

survival, rules for, 15 

Swahili, 22, 60 

Syndicat pour V Etude de Quinine au Kivu, 27 

Tanganyika, 82, 164, 169, 208, 209, 215, 227, 249, 250, 251, 253, 262, 

282, 287, 290, 291, 292, 296, 297, 307, 312, 328, 345, 350 
Tanganyika, Lake, 140, 166, 208 
Tarime, 312, 316 

Tarlton, Allan, 213-14, 233, 267, 283^:. 
Tarlton, Leslie, 283 
Teleki, Count, 304 

368 INDEX 

tembo, 257. SEE ALSO elephant 

termites, 66, 282 

terns, 281 

"Through Africa Unarmed," 46 

Thuku, Harry, 342 

Tibbu, 163 

ticks, 15 

tilapia, 305 

toad, 148 

tobacco, 62 

"Tommie's." SEE gazelle, Thompson's 

Tongolo, 1 80 

topis, 4, 5, 50, 208, 215, 228, 229, 234, 311, 314, 324, 325 

tOtOS, 24, 212 

tsantsa, 155 

Tsavo, 215, 226, 227 

Tsavo National Park, 269 

tsetse fly, 15, 22, 116, 139, 282, 290, 307, 327 

Tshibindi Forest, 27, 30 

tug of war, 104 

Turkana, 8, 200, 202, 30off. 

Turkanaland, 200, 300, 301, 302, 304-07 

Turks, 163 

typhoid, 15 

Ubangi, 168 

Uganda, 44, 163, 164,237 

Uganda Protectorate, 12, 14, 15, 82, 234 281, 291, 307, 328, 330, 345 

undusuma, 169 

Urindi, 141, 145, 151 

Usumbura, 145, 208 

Utimbaro Escarpment, 312 

Vermont, n 

Vicicongo, 167 

Victoria Falls, no 

Victoria Nyanza, Lake, n, 12, 237, 312 

violets, 21 

viper, 117 

Virunga Mountains, 20, 44, 139, 140 

Volkswagen, 188, 261 

INDEX 369 

von Gotzen, Count, 140 

vulture, 45, 52, 207, 216, 218, 222, 229, 231, 232, 233, 251, 281 

Wadamba, 216, 2535. 

Wagenia, 8, 82, 165, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175 

Wakamba, 350 

Walendu, 164, 165 

Walengola, 165 

Walese, 124, 165, 169 

Wamba, 331, 333 

Wanande, 165 

Wanianda, 165 

warblers, 282 

Ward, General Sir Dudley, 296 

Warega, 165 

wart hog, 52, 68, 230 

Wasongola, 165 

waterbuck, 24, 50, 234, 235, 311, 324, 325 

Watussi, 8, 82, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 

150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 163, 165, 

176, 290 
Wazimba, 165 
weaver birds, 68 

Wedd, Mrs. Dulcy, 191, 193, 202, 203-04 
White Fathers, 147, 153, 156 
White Fathers, mission of, 146 

Whitehouse, District Commissioner, 302, 303, 304, 305 
White Sisters, 148 
widow birds, 282 
wildebeests, 4, 209, 215, 221, 228, 231, 232, 234, 310, 311, 314, 324, 

325, 326 

Williams, Mark, 227, 228-29, 291, 348, 350, 351 
Wilson, , 190 
Wilson, Col. Eric., V. Q, 3 12 
witch doctor. SEE medicine man 
Woodhams, Dr. Roy C, 346ff. 
World's Fair, St. Louis, 137 
worms, 8 

Yates, Douglas, 185 

Yates, Herbert J., 185 

Yellowstone National Park, 45, 56, 220 

370 INDEX 

Zanzabuku, 132 

"Zanzabuku," 127, 301, 326 

Zebra, 3, 7, 16, 73, 183, 202, 207, 208, 209, 214, 215, 216, 218, 221, 223, 

228, 230, 232, 234, 235, 241, 307, 311, 314, 319, 320, 323, 324, 325, 

Zulu, 163, 177 

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