, ‘ 2500 2600 2700 VN KIB a0 | 24). \ Wel | sooo |e 3 OG 3000 V 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 4000 oe ee SERIAL TEMPERATURES, pee ee DEPTH, TEMP, COR, COR. TEMP, 25 50 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 990 REMARKS; | Wy CaS on coat 4 IXY , | \ ns > Mi i t Turns " via Cor, of Shot-or-bead——~ » Bottom Ao: Co, ge Sh Bottom temperature bfsd wy, Corrected temperature Air % Oo Trawt or dredge [J/g SOUNDING WIRE. _| | “—..- DOWN, AL al OV. i De : Le. OE | eS) ae iJ, S0 bo0\ 1 VIA JO'l/ [i 30 | E 4-671 No. of thermometer 0 uy a (6) Surface 7 TURNS. Cor. Drift DREDGE ROPE. DOWN, UP, ces ~ —— COR, TEMP, REMARKS; Air No. 70.1 a8 ss Doha t) NS arts Ane Machine. ' WTS Z ei Cor. o ee Shot or-ltead- zm. a fo Bottom © G, o, Bottom temperature _ LW. No. of thermometer {O24 6 Corrected temperature $0 Surface awl or dredge &—571 /7 SOUNDING WIRE. . Down, UP. TURNS, 4) at fr DREDGE ROPE. DOWN. Cor. Drift ee A¢ LOU Sh fo RS 00 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 goo 1000 UP, DEPTH, . COR, TEMP. 25 50 100 200 300 REMARKS: \ ' Ze e i Ve dex 4 Date \ /,_ K \-~ Machine. —* Réel. | 4 /KX __ -Shot-ortead,. aoe | Bottom eo IN 0 1 PR NA LILO: Bottom temperature \ , \ No. of thermometer Sak (i \ 7 Cor. Corrected temperature! | Air (o Surface Ie Drift | / _ Lrawl or dredge "DREDGE ROPE. _ DOWN. UP, 4-671 3200 3300 4f /) Cy Le 3400 ka f ¢ 3500 wf / | 3600 3700 a 3800 3900 4000 SERIAL TEMPERATURES. Fe are er ee ne ad DEPTH, TEMP, NO, OF THER, COR. COR, TEMP, 25 50 100 | 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 goo bn REMARKS; le Sia) i h ‘ Machine. Reel. een | Turns V V Cor. ct 4 / Depth PW? Ng | Shotor-lead,__ r (y * | = | Bottom K40 .d): | | Bottom temperature a < | No. of thermometer al ity Cor. | Corrected temperature erg | Air Co Surface °) c__Drift | Lrawt or dredge | 4. SOUNDING Wine. | | DREDGE ROPE, /f Wy) DOWN. ee Medi DOWN. Le uP. 4 Lh SI. /0 L/. J ¥, 18) 4 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1g00 2000 2100 __ 2200 2300 2400 3300 3400 sD om ~~ nJ \ 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 4000 SERIAL TEMPERATURES. DEPTH, NO, OF THER, COR, COR, TEMP, 25 50 1900 200 300 400 REMARKS; “ Date “AA i 6” Machine. Bottom temperature No. of thermometer Corrected temperature V Trawl or dredge DREDGE ROPE. _ Catin Prd LNA 0° 45'E., 175 ” ) / PF ape 2600 S 8 3900 4000 SERIAL TEMPERATURES. NO, OF THER, . COR, TEMP, REMARKS; Ano. 2. | © ke 7G Date ae} ha —e. OG 2 Meigs. 4 Machine, —= Reel. ' Turns 2 / Cor.+ £ \ Depth £0. a Shetor lead 2. ia aie we | Bottom a? 6. & Bottom temperature ) @ / oy” No. of thermometer — “ femur“ OOP. ta Corrected temperature. sie Air ¥0) Surface <~ Drift Trawtl or dredge DREDGE. ROPE. TURNS, [-— oS DOWN. UP. 2100 2200 2300 2400 2—671 3800 3900 4000 SERIAL TEMPERATURES, REMARKS; COR, TEMP, a f ts TL So, © 4 ag ff / 2 hy q va ie a 4 otf :f ‘ + p- Date a) i Gt awe 0 .L \ U/ go WY nhy a eas _ real.) _ Y Turns 2 / Cor. + VA Depth 2 20m ~wShob-oer lead 2 le pheges Bottom mS . Ge. Bottom temperature > : No. of thermometer y ee . Cor. Corrected temperature_) Air ee) Surface ig, C Drift Trawl or dredge 2-571 Lae oe {SERIAL TEMPERATURES, NO, OF THER, REMARKS: COR, TEMP, fs” - ey 4 ‘ fi f Yo » f se WN No. /7Y, 77 9O: Dite 2 Lotinn O44 , MOLE 4y~ Machine.|~ Reel. — v Turns 2/ Cor.+ Depth 2. 20 Fine, 7 Shetor lead 2G No. of thermometer Cor. ¢Y y a Corrected temperature \) Air L 4 — Surface Libic me Drath eral or | or dredge DREDGE ROPE, DEPTH, TEMP, NO, OF THER, COR, 25 50 1900 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 REMARKS; COR, TEMP, TSS A ; i ea fey vs JDO Date 2 fe \ ESS lgehee Machine. * / Reel. AG Ra \turnef 53 Cor. + 23 Sorerlead Go /6.. Bottom fre lo Ss : Bottom temperature WE NL. No. of thermometer Cor. Corrected tempera re fir 7. — Surface TS. — Drift Trawl or dredge Zi DREDGE ROPE, vy “Down ae DOWN. _ UP. we i Vs mt aw A ed he / IY. Io IS. 70 a—o71 Depth 266 Pan. DEPTH, TEMP, . COR, TEMP, REMARKS; Fe ushee aes Con eae EL (aealen ct naan, bet abel eZ 7 Turne The 4“ Cor. + Zo Shot or-tead- oe Lhe Bottom hey Cv ¢ ' _ Bottom temperature a—on dor. V8. No. of thermometer a) A 60! Cor. Corrected temperature Air - Js §-— Surface 7. ~ Drift Trawl Ommedic — \C / x” E ens EE pte (ee “ROPE. 2p 1x 0/7. So o 1. OT 80 i 7 Os EOP YY, 0a JS7 ae 200 Als Bf Le eas ee (ECE fh Os” C7. oe 400 Zr. 20 Weir | | 500 IN. Le AM Awan 600 ZAK Yigo| .62.cp| 100 NZ. oD Sole ce | ae goo $8. /o 1000 41.45 I100 Ad Ald | ee 1300 re ee ‘730 Fae Vi OL ie O4% 2 1 OF S71 (> 4 Lo, 354 A4IO 44d O ILEO IF = Blut 0. Lif. 4a | ; Ah av ne, oe Fa COs 3800 SERIAL TEMPERATURES, DEPTH, TEMP, NO, OF THER, COR, COR, elt 25 Q ‘ 50 AS lee {6 ; { hilisn une op: 100 |( Mac ord, Yhr dg : BS gos ’ goo | a ‘ Nf 0 ,'a | ae hoot d a gpa 2 | p AsV” i Osyako , | Rap srandid 600 nlawe w rary 2 1000 Adu § REMARKS: JOU re ial MOM jy jue La 10 fee ij : Mt OF. y MA 19 D> LBA) \ MAK. Turns 3. i Cor. +, TD iluobeoot —_ Bottom i) , « 2; 0 | J OL Dif D i] 7.Ho /4. Y 100 CE 3ol B..2g] 200 oO G. aa LD, hi 300 L O As ee Ne ’ 3 fe) 400 fs hf Ad, ley 500 £2, STS 14 by 600 be 72.30 | at dan | oe 800 goo T000 I1o0o0 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 8—671 Cite af Bird NSP 36'S, 107%0 2500 \ ne 2600 ( \~. / } 4? , ; 2700 Bry \ ae 2800 / g 1 if} 2900 m ef : : 3000 4000 SERIAL TEMPERATURES, DEPTH, TEMP, 25 50 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 TOOO REMARKS; ie he Clim 79.4 he fe Dris974 oh 8 Kane b2, Le, L581 ee Machines tieel,/ LAL, avy, | ims 207Cor.+ 28D “Depth >> > fow. Shot orbewdm 3 4 Li i f Bottom nes pl “ae Or Sey ‘ R - Bottom temperature “ee / ' No. of thermometer 8 O y 1, 0.» Cor. Corrected temperature - Air vs 77 ~ Surface F{~. Drift a Tri caduod ge a ~ ai And A forrne _ (Fm munns, [/22=PREDGE ROPE, Down. V “Own, : UP, fe Ae 12, ee Xa /, ha ee OE x3. 02/8 Bae i GA Per wy es 9 X 1700 | ek Mire a Hye 4) 1800 / / ~ / Sees °K Mb terr\ put oS fly 1900 Mint-e- Léa. Pap AT 2000 ariel, his aa a, ri Seed N . &—-671 dee bu - N6Y 29'S, II J Ae) y 3000 3100. 3200 3300 3400 3500 Te 3600 eet | ss x 3800 3900 4000 SERIAL TEMPERATURES, ‘DEPTH, TEMP, NO, OF THER. cor, COR, TEMP, 25 ! aan : , Le ae ‘leg ha % (2) Naor Coty We | Nebr, D : ; a} 4 ofa ; 1, (/ : gs 5 | EVEN » t ; ( A, if paren — REMARKS: ines ts Ay off, fd Date 3 ee ie /, heel y, ire eek Cort BE Shot ertomntr a : pore Sock Bottom oe pe A A Bottom Minperatire 42. — S960. No. of thermometer Cor, Corrected temperature fir %o,~ Surface 7. — Drift Trawl or dredge Dy. SOUNDING WIRE. “DOWN. ; : DOWN. 4—671 es ta 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 3790 3800 3900 4000 SERIAL TEMPERATURES, NTS ECS, 1G: ooo —————— DEPTH, TEMP, NO, OF THER, COR, COR, TEMP, 25 50 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 goo REMARKS: V= Vv (it L/tf/ e Wo. fh, Li rest _ Date ef ttm. AE ee "hee ae. K / Reel’ / Navy ) turns S Oor. + ye Depth Shot or-Lead Wen Bottbl QB J. : Bottom temperature TY Ad No. of thermometer £0 bf . Zz o., Cor. Corrected temperature Air Je: ~ Surface ARG ~~ Drift Traut or dredge /7n. SOUNDING WIRE. ‘DOWN. UP. 2-571 Bnd COR, TEMP, REMARKS; Z : ip “ ) i a or a QO. ff Ye 3 fbr, Ig F Jan “4 Lachine. 1 Turns Cor. + Shot or laad as : Bottom Bottom temperasure \ No. of thermometer Corrected temperature Air Va - Sprftice Lrawtl or dredge cl (Po sou ones. 7 1300 1400 2200 2300 2400 9—071 Ab = 3200 4000 SERIAL TEMPERATURES, DEPTH, NO, OF THER, COR, TEMP, 25 50 100 200 300 400 REMARKS; oe / Mf AA [A Date jer mpeg tO Machina ly Reel. Turns 3 / 7 cor. + 7) Z Gs ; Shot a e/ “t ey, : bod Sep Bottom tO) Wes /) Bottom temperature Fy, No. of thermometer SJIAGO Cor. Corrected temperature eo Cf fo Air q Surface /§ Drift Trawl or dredge ",___ SOUNDING WIRE, DREDGE ROPE. DOWN, UP, 2—o71 SERIAL TEMPERATURES, SS NO, OF THER, COR, TEMP, i. REMARKS: Wnty , MM AS org Lap: BOOTS, Mi achine™ Reel. Bottom fc Lo. ra Bottom tephperature No. of thermometer, Corrected temperature Air Surface We Trawl or dredge pe =)99)5 et" 7 he Depth F / ame ~~ SOUNDING WIRE. TURNS. 2-671 — ener SERIAL TEMPERATURES. NO, OF THER, COR, TEMP, REMARKS; Liz god Zs Machine. ae i Vary, Farns Z & Cor. + ue Depth oo Ufa Stator lead JF a ne a] Bottom AW 0. v Bottom température No. of thermometer Be a) “f 6 d Cor. Corrected temperature | Air ve i Ge Surface WL oY Drift Traut. or dredge “SOUNDING WIRE. Oe Jd. /d /d.40 2-671 3800 3909 4000 SERIAL TEMPERATURES, REMARKS; So. A 4 ln U wd, |, Date < HE 5 ®) OY mh é ¥--} H Ww JIG Madhine. No Reell JJ \ Oa Qi Turns Ld / Cor. +/ a | Depth “/ ea po Shot_or-lead ee Ge. | © F ee { Bottom ¢ pl. bo. od, . Bottom temperature __ No. of thermometer — () U ZA OC Cor. Corrected temperature Y { \ - Air / Surface 7 V Drift Trawl or dredge =) SOUNDING WIRE. DREDGE ROPE, DOWN. UP, a—671 NSU 46, (676) 2500 NO, OF THER. . COR, TEMP, REMARKS: | Lago aad Machino?/ Reel. ; | tdrns 42,7 Cor. + Ve) _, Depth A] 9 Ltd Shot ov-teed Sd hn VW, | Bottom gre Co f- 4 ry, | Bottom temperature 4 he a : No. of thermometer f. ( hd 2 ZA Cor. Corrected temperature ; Air Oe, a Surface £4 Drift Trawt or dredge (A= SOUNDING WIRE. | __ DREDGE ROPE. oe ae aa a—b71 SERIAL TEMPERATURES, DEPTH, TEMP, NO, OF THER, COR, COR, TEMP, REMARKS; yy oe a, eee eo Seg j ba x | A j uf a) 3 8 No. Yn q ; Bate? f HUA) VY hae G2 Sy 1A VAG Mathine. | Reel. J. re Urns 2/ & Leéor. + ‘Ah Depth < PAY 33. iid Shotor-tead ‘OO H v4 J Z Bottom Cad Cp Ly Cee Bottom temperature mm No. of thermometer H| [0 Lt 00 Cor. Corrected temperature Air js Surface ) aC Drift Trawtl eee Jay SOUNBINGE WIRE | DREDGE ROPE, 7 7) hour WI" TURNS. as WA Hg. Yo Til \ 0 4b, AO : JY, a | ge Bd, 02,10 ; At Sb 4 / / F910 OH, HA Jb Cae ? by : ce Ya 1900 Gi, rif \0. /D | 2000 0§$. 19 be Ua 5. (. YO!/Z.:11, 00} 2bss. 2300 ‘ a4ce Nitin Mam , rt? trusty Niihau/ ®- 25 °U2! By" NV. (Gf? YoY DEPTH, TEMP, 2500 4, 3 Ai 4 SERIAL TE ‘ATURES, moe NO, OF THER, REMARKS; COR, TEMP, ps\f 3S aw \ AS. Me VY L. (S.c} ‘i ay Lf bf 4 : ae \ No. af »_ Lieb Date of Kur 79.2 Ss tye hee. Machine. K/ Reel. (es ie ae ) Turns 2 173 Cor. + / GY A Depth AS " S7 Ponti shih or-bea Ls Sky. - aA Bottom Hawg: 4 nag @ 0) Zl Bottom temperature OEY No. of thermometer 16 0 ho Cor, Corrected temperature Air y, ee Surface Pv = Drift Trawt or dredge & 1, SOUNDING WIRE. DREDGE ROPE. TF / “Down, uP. hot ie DOWN. UPA veh 06.45 yf $7.2 ° oy @) Sf. LE] 100 Ae ler Ba at 0G 08 S@-/o] 300 /Q+ %0 LASS. 400 oss Ni y 500 i) .ty| S22. Jo] 600 awh ST. 1S]. 700 LS Yo JD AP) 800 14. Yo YO. 1) 900 Io. 40 YY). LDL 1000 /b, 40 Y6.Y0) x10 a. vA of (C1 1200 /\ Kd Y4 TE] _ 1300 (OS. ¥2-36] 1400 1/, or Y/. OC | _ 1500 rd .08 ( 4-40} 1600 V3 a w 1700 4s 4 /. ee | 1800 PINT 25 Ye | 1900 26.55 E HS Ze 2000 a—671 WA Oa! DE Ol IC fo 25 2600 DEPTH, —recnseneals| aie senescence mein NO, OF THER, COR, COR, TEMP, 25 50 100 200 300 400 REMARKS; nN i, 44 21 Date \beenre 4 = Ghee hi gael» Machine: “Reel. C ts 22 4G Cor. + 186 Aedes pe | fie Shot op-beeed A O 4 \- Bottom bir Me e | — Fe "Yaa cai A ae Battom temperature IEF ° No. of thermometer fa 4 GO d Cor. Corrected Boe ennui’ Air _/ ie) Surface Vhs b Drift Trawtl or dredge SOUNDING WIRE. : DREDGE ROPE. Wr DOWN. URNS: DOWN, UP, Yf- 7 Ghd oa 40 0 rie OPT) OF BE| os Zo. 00 OS.3d 200 LH: /O OF JO} 300 ie eo Jo.0G\ 400 poe en TS fe 03.30 500 a eA LO09| BHIF\ 60 Hts Ae Aer) J are LUL£0| 05.20| 1 eae Af OD 20, 800 L7H9.| 91.20 | 90 J SOHO \F- 00.20 | 100 GhAd | SF. /F |. 1100 : OL ¢/ me) it /: 6) 1200 | 4 q agli aah aby Cia i / =| 1300 Z Ah, dd SAFO! _x400 I 0 a, J 24: 4d 1500 pot , “ Be go Si / e/ it bi BS: 1600 Bee S - Jb. be JL. 451 1700 DP fp ; | 7 1 BILOV 1000 f aes J , 40-80 Fook ON 23500 YAS? Y%OE| 2000 4 ij. 4b YS — 2100 A 4, J a hl iA SF 0 2200 YS = \ #4 (f\ a6 a le S ug: ADI Be" WN. 160° SY! B04 DEPTH, TEMP, NO, OF THER, COR, cor, TEMP, 25 REMARKS; ; | b Vg) hy Ww ary 5. \S ‘ eS, Muchije. \\) Reel. Turns IG (cor. + JS al Shot or-leadema., 90 AA Depth (es IS V¥ Oty { / Bottom if 2 a Ab,” Maw re i Bottom temperature “> LY / V No. of thermometer MB } Cor. Corrected temperature fir “)) Surface 2 6 Drift Trawt or dredge 7_DSOUNDING WIRE. ae DREDGE ROPE. ; DOWN. e ee UES / DOWN." ‘i UP, DIGS. V4 Th. J Y, —ho\ 5 y oY fee v hey a MS, j 200 G/,fO\| Of fh 300 ei FONT se SI col (7 -\_ s0 Uae, iA Kia BON 6a UDR WARS Wd rh EF F00 AS oy Jo, Jo 800 Uh if WIE\. x id Satan 1000 Ai 6d 13 20h sm 2 A3. la fi 1500 rd / Ope lees aA ae / on 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 a—o71 2° 11' Nu 160% de! Bo" WN. personnes om eemnNas oe —— > a SERIAL TEMPERATURES, DEPTH, NO, OF THER, 25 REMARKS; COR, TEMP, Turns Cor, + Depth Ton, d : Sy GEO Date) \/ sre GF ‘ ols. 7 ; Machine. Reel. Shot or lead Bottom Bottom temperature pt ley No. of thermometer \s Corrected temperature eis ao6 Air BA Surface! ' 7 7, prise ( A Whe Eneveob-On Ado Sec: @Z, ufone uh, Ome Ons, Sue, RB. /SOUNDING WIRE. ‘DREDGE ROPE, / TURNS. ST RPE Penn eer pee seme mare a “DOWN. UP. DOWN, UP. 2 an /» Of eS ‘ Sf }o— 100 -~/ / _ ~~ 1Y. 4. & % 200 vA id 300 ww ee 7, Bef? 00 i ttn Pm ee Bil Tae 3g | 3900 4000 patanen ceesnsianen erntenernnnntaeenesenansetseennnenansrrenaeassnnesnernsennneenreeneent/nen SERIAL TEMPERATURES. ‘DEPTH.| TEMP. NO, OF THER, COR, TEMP. | | grr /, é. () ~/ & 25 Olen Aa 7 Chop Bny, (Koy he LV: ba i We i 7 by nny ie } 50 /Y€ 7 St Peay WE! fwcothat « wR du» Cait mat, a ot goo we 0 | b* Qe ma 1000 h 4 - OA SP e 6 4 CA 0 GA GW Stent Afadrdl (OX SAN tlre } ; We " ] 1 NM poe » seep ee teers Aold, ye Sthw ¢ amasiancceceat Corrected temperature » ae Sea . Air & a : Surface wae ban I40 [i CWO WPEO IZ GF preg Y ay < frame " 7 J 7 ¢SOUNDING WIRE: “Down. UP. Ow ay t. Lo S.4O %. 4 1.54 Jpn 2 ok. Fe & ah pk ge a. Ob abe: Cr Ate: Z > Keine f ad AP Acigncta.g | 2000 ! 2100 cs ; 2200 ‘ 2300 2-671 SERIAL TEMPERATURES, DEPTH. Dante) RO: OF risa R. SOR ASORs TEE fe a0 Breer Js 50 a NAW OWN ; > 4 A670 hj 2 e ’ not, Ne i} Vike — a J, Cw. AY YS2 I date | ee 02. ay A u’ / f oS is SAC: Machine. _ Reel, ‘Y harvey, Srororlead So Lhe. Bottom te A CAS gx ot om J Bottom temperature J/At incr chew Ltd riled Fors. too f an S04 ¥... Gor, No. of thermometer Corrected temperature Air Ki b. Surface Fei Drift Trawtl or dredge PAA "DREDGE ROPE. . DOWN. UP, Gf re ee —— COR, TEMP, DEPTH. 25 50 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 goo | 1000 REMARKS; {/ RN ye LAO. Bes, i oe Turns 2! »-Oor. + Strot-or lead vy é Bottom Crt Bottom temperature No. of thermometer Corrected temperature Air LF 7 Trenob-or-dredge “a g Y, - Surface : oh wth ot. PT RP ktng Zz DREDGE ROPE, DOWN, $671 ff ,@ ao yo ha (L4,/ ws Dh EOE: Oh Og 2100 2300 2400 Naunls ' | J vl Ra 2500 2600 DEPTH. TEMP, 25 SERIAL TEMPERATURES. NO, OF THER, NG? H a COR. COR, TEMP, REMARKS: AD ee gona, 2 | Hn dy. sek Kurds das tp Was; D ; any, pv | | | | | ‘No. “Ft & “24 Date Ke “J Machine. Reel. Turns & Cor. + Y Dlptn Y oo Shot-or lead Bottom Cry £rr te Ss cast GE Bottom temperature IL Ge P No. of thermometer G2 tf bf F Cor. Corrected temperature Air S Y. Surface (. — Drift Trawt or dredge Sof ©, SOUNDING WIRE. oe) a—671 Me ankle Cad IN ye A, 370, SERIAL TEMPERATURES, DEPTH. NO, OF THER, COR, TEMP, 25 50 REMARKS; Date ae, OS 02. ae Wh Feel, Was ; Depth Lf D6 Tne. Bottom temperature ¢ 34 J Corrected temperature | Air Sa Suurfgce Vis a Drift i | get deni flare Vile Apri =, SOUNDING WIRE. > ioe ROPE, TURNS. p77 oe ] | Bn | “DOWN, UP. | JE BOWN. : aig Ne SL. to. rd mad f fy. xe VAL s No. of thermometer GF? YiulgF Cor, 1 ~ aS - S g 48) QX N ~N SS e fate BS fas aS igs an mS ey tor 1000 §—671 SERIAL TEMPERATURES, NO, OF THER, COR, COR, TEMP, EMARKS; Mnduv $000 LAG am pnd I be Ait b, il Apu / “DOWN. L_/¢ Bottom fe A 2 ao %, Poke, Ca No. of thermometer o GZ 4A. f 7. Bottomfemperature Corrected temperature Air Surface Trawl or dredge ,//\# SOUNDING WIRE. TURNS, UP, oe tO — a one a re) Cae - ee a4 9499 SEO &—671 79 Cor. Drift DREDGE “ROPE, DOWN. UP. SERIAL TEMPERATURES, NO, OF THER, REMARKS: leg Yl 400 Machind’ / Turns g d, EF cor. oF £ Z Shot-or lead A lpg. Bottom Af td Lin ra , } og Bottom temperature a, ZT No. of thermometer Fi LQ 3 MAL GF Cor. Corrected temperature a i tir JF Surface prift\|\749. Bruaai-on- dived in. ! 5, Lane ee 4 SOUNDING WIR po PH DREDGE ROPE; =. i OWN. Re OURS eg desias * DOWN. UP, ZIf-d0 SYOF) o Vr. 3450 J4. 40 | fase 32 200 » — Lhel ; b/- is 32.05| Bib| F148) 22.40, 400 SHAMS | We bi Z0 500 Jf 20 /4h. O 6) 2—671 Howrdincli, Cold, fb ao'a0' Ht, 8%. 00 i } i A : / * 2600 Lo >», if 2700 SERIAL TEMPERATURES, DEPTH, TEMP, NO, OF THER, COR, COR, TEMP. 25 50 oO ake = : | 100 ne Mar ord Cr A Ribpe ; ' 200 |. Be, 2 ud 7 ody . { 300 11 © a d , 2 Kotor, a 0} 400 ree Teh 5608 + Ram | (\.4 wh 1000 REMARKS; Lan j | j { f / ) Date "hot acto ff C) a t litte Machine. iA Reel. VietY ie wens /4 7 co. ‘f, Depth /. b4 , eg a Bottom TH. Bottom témperature Je No. of thermometer GG v4 4) vd Cor. Corrected, temperature | Air Ve Gi Surface hs GF Drift TLrawt or dredge —— souNG WIRE] DREDGE ROPE thi TURNS. (f y'p owN. UP. DOWN. UP, f 8 lnk a—onl DEPTH, 25 50 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 goo TEMP, COR, REMARKS; COR, TEMP, A WZ 7. Date fan povvie e eae eel, Turns / 3 Cor. + Dept P/, Shot-or lead 24. loo Bottom Le. Bottom oe No. of thermometer GDA 4, “i Cd Cor. Corrected tenvperature = Ee OR : Air b / Surface Drift Trawl or dredge SOUNDING WIRE. DREDGE ROPE. __ DOWN, UP. a—671 DEPTH, 25 50 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 goo 1000 nee reenter sinensis fr SERIAL TEMPERATURES, NO, OF THER, REMARKS; COR, COR, TEMP, Bi je Machine. / oe yi J wt = A. €or. a 43, Shot on-bettd é e/ Ved Bottom Vag ces Be 4 S Bottom tentperature “i 2, No. of. thermometer ‘gis va Corrected temperature rfid. Trawl ortiedge y V, SOUNDI SCRE EAE &—571 ca a ; NG WIRE), / UP, LO? 5c borchere (O- 1. [Al Cott. Y , oom 177 f f a2: Lb Ae 4% bea pi-17 A re a 7 SERIAL TEMPERATURES. no. Boe ited COR, COR, ened REMARKS: Ge aeo 74 ak lv-r thir. } pF cee er U me Y t Cm d.[] A SL Machine. Reelé T¢h | / / , Shotelead. ot Lty | Bottom 4 > Pr, was Hear fd he Bottom a: oan, “6 OD = No. of thermometer G2 LL & Y Cor. Corrected temperature / Air hf Ee) g Drift Trawt or dredge a DREOGE ROPES DOWN. UP, 2—671 | Se Or i ea ce Sonar gudlesHashbr buy aM, L7e | / 2500 ease nnn REMARKS; LN Mak. 8706 rae \ Sas hes Machine./ KK / Reel. Turns eae Cor. + I2 / Shot Libs. if. Bottom ie A . for, i4 Lee a pf n/t > Bottom temperature Y/X No. of thermometer Ge FW Gb . Oor. Corrected temperature : Air Tb : Trawl omévedge SS =a WIRE. Surface . Te. Drift aed Pa © my og btm WN aw LES Me: Ly H Gltred put to 607 ‘ i$ Ah hte fhdteen fe Tn, 4—671 a DS ne ge ae REMARKS; Bone, 4 \ i i j f / Kee W; Wo ZN A a) ORT Dit Ye eet ne O 2, Nee Te, bee Machine. i 1 Ree / Nary., Depth Na ee Pout : Tovns SO Cor, + Motorlead SG A Bottom Cry co &. Yee Bottom temperature hg 3 No. of thermometer Get KF F. Cor. Corrected temperature ' aa ) dir 78. Surface TH. Drift ls Prawwl-or_dredge a7. Vii be Gwnky Orme tr ee, oe SOUNDING WIRE. ROPE A a—671 Semeeceeneennrneneeenssneenmcciinn 25 50 100 1000 SERIAL TEMPERATURES, o f . DEPTH. NO, OF THER, COR, COR, TEMP. 4h aS 6A, MV ‘ ® ¢ ih a MINA ee nds Oat “ha REMARKS; [ i “7 Bete Hata ae i ee Ree Mit ie uc nor. \h? At Ly, 6f xf Dug // Lure, 02 \ / nna Machine. Reel. — ’ Turns Uk. Cor.+ 2 Depth ruse, Shet-or lead 2b AG 7, Bottom co S&S. OL Bottom temperature 7 No. of thermometer GC Mops Cor. : Corrected temperature “A Air VG Surface JAVA Drift Trawl or dredge a “27, SOUNDING WIRE. DREDGE ROPE. -- DOWN. aE Ac DOWN: el: UP 2./.. 30 io) “fy 100 200 300 Spe a 500 6 500 Lo Ze 600 700 800 goo 1000 I10o 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2—671 NO, OF THER, . COR, TEMP. REMARKS: aA A al ; A hae | es (\ y/, ) Si ZL Yenee WA YA fF a | Date I" los ay lr rotex, Machine. #/ Reel. WN Turns /4/4 Cor. + VE Depth TU Lous, lL) shot codon 8 0 Lo / Bottom LEA YW, aie | Bottom temperature J 4 7 | No. of thermometer oA ae. OG "Cor, Corrected bemperature Jf Ome: pnp * OF G 4 Air ff Surface / oy, Drift Trawt or dredge a | _#7y. SOUNDING WIRE. DREDGE ROPE. ; fi O TURNS, fe « DOWN, UP. DOWN UP. a—671