Historic, archived document Do not assume content reflects current scientific Knowledge, policies, or practices. 4 am Va PY Dak TA oy ae ; aI? Co 1903 Catalogue New, Rare ana Beautiful Plants and Seeds Cheodosia B. Shepherd 0. VUentura-by-the. Sea, California Se OS Telephone Red 174 ; 1904 Supplement... \\ ERIS, 7 ed A To Customers and Friends: E send you most cordial greeting and will be pleased to receive your usual orders for plants ete. Weissue asupplement only this season with our 1903 Catalogue, containing a few handsome novelties and some plants accidentally omitted last year. We feel sure you will be pleased with our new plants and seeds. .We have enjoyed their daily companionship long enough to know their merits. HEN ordering please observe carefully directions for ordering seeds and plants in Catalogue for 19038. Always senda 2nd choice list, as we may be short ofsome varieties. Ask questions on a separate sheet of paper leaving space for answers. Enclose stamps when wishing a reply to letters. | ) ene of the plants offered in our catalogue are grown only in conserva- tories or the house in climates where winter prevails, but in Southern California, especially on the coast and a few miles back most of the plants, bulbs and seeds we offer, can be grown in the open ground all the year. Many plants that attain great proportions in Southern California, never grow more than the height of a few feet in pots in the east. We would sug- gest to our Eastern customers that they give tender plants, especially begonias, the benefit of open grounc culture, partial shade in summer, and before frost to cut them back a little and remove them into pots, thus insur- ring stronger growth for winter. Much can be learned by experimenting. When we first began to grow tender plants in California we were told they would not grow outside, but we experimented, sometimes loosing them, but trying again, till we learned their requirements in this climate, E supply small plants of many of the common varieties of begonias at $1 per dozen, but we advise all customers sending from a distance to order larger plants and have them sent by express. Thestems of young begonias are succulent and watery, and are easily injured and fall apart when packed inclose quarters. If they are hardened and fibrous their powers of resist- ence to heat and cold are very great, which makes it possible to ship them as far as Europe or Asia with safety. A well established begonia will soon recuperate after a Jong journey even if it loses all its foliage, while a young plant would perish. We will make special prices on large collections of begonias, cactus, ete. We are prepared to furnish fine specimen begonias of various sizes. Prices on application. We make a specialty of hanging baskets. New and Rare Seeds. ANCHUSA CAPENSIS A rare old annual, new in California. It resembles a fine large for-get- me-not but is a deeper, brighter blue witha white center. Itis very branching and is a fine bloomer, growing its beautiful flowers in winter when flowers.are scarce. It is alsoa summer bloomer. 10c pkt. NEW SEMPERFLORENS BEGONIAS Mrs. Shepherd’s ‘Good Venture” Mixture, Grand new mixture of twenty-five or more varieties from Mrs. Shep herd’s many named and unnamed new seedlings and some new varieties from other sources. Begonia lovers will be delighted to grow plants from these seeds. They are sure to give a great variety of beautitul flowers, from pure white, blush, pink and rose to deepest red and with foliage equally varied. They are easily grown from seed and managed, blooming when only three inches high and continuing indefinitely. When the branches have bloomed themselves out after some months, they can be cut back and at once new stems will start up from the roots bringing their bright flowers as they come. They will continue on in this way several seasons forming large clumps that can be divided again and again and used for low hedges and borders. 25e pkt. New Giant Flowered Climbing Nasturtium. Cream Cup—A lovely variety ; a fitting companion to Jupiter of which it is the counterpart except that its color is cream, almost white. The flowers are 234 to 3 inches across, and are crumpled and crepe like. They are fine for cutting and especially effective for bowls or vases either alone or used with golden Jupiter. The two new giants have larger flowers than any varieties ever before offered. 15¢ pkt. New Scarlet Passiflora--The New Passion Vine Parsifal. Intense brilliant velvety scarlet. See description in plant novelties. 25c¢ pkt. MRS. SHEPHERD’S LOVELY NEW PETUNIAS. “Fairy Frills,” A new strain of the fringed hybrid type. The daintiest and prettiest petunias yet introduced. The plants are low spread- ing and round, about one foot high. The flowers measure from 2 to 2% inches across; colors, mostly shades of pure pink and mauve or white veined mauve, while some are white stained with mauve or pink. They are ex- quisitely dainty in form, and are beautifully ruffled. The under side of the ruffled edge of the pink ones is faced with pinkish mauve, the mauve ones faced a lighter shade and as it frills over makes a charming contrast to the brighter color above. Fine for baskets and very effective for bedding; the colors harmonize well with other flowers. 25c pkt. FAIRY FRILLS GIANT PETUNIAS. Giants of California-—No petunias have ever been introdueed that surpass the Giants of California, in beauty, grace, splendid colors and_ varia- GIANTS OF CALIFORNIA—flowers 5 inches across tion. The flowers measure from 4'% to 5 inches across and are beautifully ruffled and often frilled on the edges. The old magenta color has almost been eliminated, and given place to royal crimson, and wine color, exquisite shades of pink lavender. and white. veined, penciled. flushed or variegated with darker shades in splendid colors.