WEBVTT 00:00.000 --> 00:16.800 The freedom bell in West Berlin tolls in sympathy for East Germans on the first anniversary 00:16.800 --> 00:19.720 of the wall of shame that holds them prisoners. 00:19.720 --> 00:24.040 It was just a year ago that authorities in communist Germany, appalled at the numbers 00:24.040 --> 00:27.520 who were fleeing to the West, threw up the wall. 00:27.520 --> 00:32.040 German boss, Olbricht, cut worshipers from their churches, separated parents from their 00:32.040 --> 00:38.600 children, but at the same time, he unwittingly united Germany as never before. 00:38.600 --> 00:43.040 On this anniversary, wreaths are placed where people died, jumping to freedom, and at checkpoints 00:43.040 --> 00:47.040 authorities are on the alert to prevent outbreaks among West Berliners who might seize on the 00:47.040 --> 00:55.480 anniversary to vent their wrath on East German guards. 00:55.480 --> 01:04.520 U.S. patrols check a segment of the 95-mile-long barrier. 01:04.520 --> 01:08.520 There are brief memorial services led by Mayor Willy Brandt in tribute to the scores who 01:08.520 --> 01:11.840 died seeking freedom. 01:11.840 --> 01:19.880 The slogan of the day among the West Berliners is marked on the cross, We Accuse. 01:19.880 --> 01:24.440 They march along the wall, a display of silent contempt for communist efforts to imprison 01:24.440 --> 01:27.640 their friends and relatives. 01:27.640 --> 01:30.720 At dusk, tensions erupt in a rock-throwing barrage. 01:30.720 --> 01:34.440 The police have their hands full and don't succeed in quieting the Westerners for some 01:34.440 --> 01:35.440 time. 01:35.440 --> 01:54.960 It's the anniversary day of the shameful war.