ADULT, JUVENILE, AND LARVAL FISH POPULATIONS IN THE VICINITY OF THE JAMES H. CAMPBELL PLANT, 1981, WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THE EFFECTIVENESS OF WEDGE-WIRE INTAKE SCREENS IN REDUCING ENTRAINMENT AND IMPINGEMENT OF FISH David J. Jude, Charles P. Madenjian, Philip J. Schneeberger , Heang T. Tin, Pamela J. Mansfield, Thomas L. Rutecki, George E. Noguchi, George R* Heuf elder Under contract with Consumers Power Company David J. Jude, Project Director Special Report Number 96' Great Lakes Research Division The University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109 December 1982 11 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Consumers Power Company, Environmental Department provided the funding for this project, for which we are grateful. John Gulvas, our Consumers Power Company liaison, provided suggestions, data, reports, assistance in the field and contacts for smooth operation of our project on the Campbell Plant site* We appreciate the enthusiasm shown by our larval fish sorters, who also assisted with field work: Mary Sweeney, Janet Huhn, Dennis Mounsey, Mike Wood, Jill Latta, Jeff Braunscheidel, Scott Nelson, Steve Hare, Alan Mansfield, Jim Wojcik, Bin Huang, Lee Fuiman and Pam Humphries. Assistance in report preparation was provided by Janet Huhn, Mary Sweeney and Dennis Mounsey. Their dedication and good work have helped make the final product one of high quality. Jim Greiner, assisted by Eric Silberhorn and Mike Spitters, lived on site, enduring the rigors of the field. We thank them for conducting entrainment sampling, preparing for field trips and securing our field equipment. Access to our beach seining station was graciously provided by Herbert Norder. The captain, Cliff Tetzloff and first mate. Glen Tompkins of the R/V Mysis made our trawling and larval fish sampling trips a pleasant and cooperative endeavor. We would also like to acknowledge Laurie Feldt, who identified the algae in our riprap and wedge-wire screen periphyton samples, and Mike Winnell and Mary Lynn Giovannini, who identified the Bryozoa from the Unit 3 intakes. We thank John Dorr III and Karl Luttrell for their advice and help on the scuba diving program, Steve Schneider for his help in report review and preparation, Nelson Navarre for assistance on administrative aspects and Norah Daugherty for her help in accounting. Linda Gardner did much of the text processing for the first draft. Frank Tesar's advice was invalxaable, and Harvey Blankespoor of Hope College helped find onsite personnel. Ill IV TABLE OB^ CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS • . . . • iii INTRODUCTION 1 STUDY AREA 4 METHODS 11 Introduction 11 Seining 11 Gillnetting 11 Trawling 12 Fish Larvae Tows 12 Sled Tows 14 Entrainment 17 Discharge Canal Sampling .... 21 Missing Larval Fish and Egg Samples 21 Fish Egg and Larvae Processing 21 Quality Assurance ..... 22 Laboratory Analysis of Juvenile and Adult Fish .... 23 Data Processing and Calculations ..... 23 Estimation of Larval Fish Abundance in a Specified Area of Lake Michigan 24 Definition of Terms ..... 27 Diver Observations ..... 29 Statistics 30 Introduction 30 Design and Analysis Considerations ........ 30 Wilcoxon Test 36 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 37 Statistics 37 Test Results 37 Power Analysis 45 Field Larvae Samples - Overview 45 General Trends 45 Seasonal Distribution 52 Entrainment Summary 57 Projected Yearly Entrainment 57 Taxons 58 Seasonal Occurrence 67 24-h Population and Entrainment Comparisons 72 Total Catch of Juvenile and Adult Fish 76 Most Abundant Species 80 Alewife .\ 80 Rainbow Smelt 135 Spot tail Shiner 163 Unidentified Coregoninae . . 190 Yellow Perch 203 Trout-perch 228 Less Abundant Species 248 Johnny Darter 248 White Sucker 262 Lake Trout 263 Longnose Sucker 265 Round VJhitefish . . . • 266 Slimy Sculpin 268 Gizzard Shad 281 Chinook Salmon 282 Coho Salmon 282 Brown Trout 283 Emerald Shiner 283 Ninespine Stickleback 285 Rainbow Trout 288 Common Carp 288 Lake Whitefish 290 Shorthead Redhorse 291 Silver Redhorse 291 Burbot 291 Walleye 292 Bluntnose Minnow 293 Channel Catfish 293 Quillback 294 Freshwater Drum 294 Deepwater Sculpin 294 Golden Redhorse 299 Mottled Sculpin 299 Chestnut Lamprey 299 Bluegill 300 Unidentified Lepomis spp 300 Unidentified Pomoxis spp 302 Lake Sturgeon 304 Fathead Minnow 304 Golden Shiner 304 Brook Silverside 304 Largemouth Bass 305 Damaged Larvae 305 Fish Eggs 318 Introduction 313 Seasonal Distribution 319 Entrainment 336 24-h Population and Entrainment Estimates 346 Diver Observations 346 Introduction 346 Invertebrates 347 Periphyton 348 Fish 348 Biofouling 356 Impingement and Intake Observations 356 VI /additional Observations 358 GENERAL SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 360 Introduction 360 Statistical Tests • • • 360 Field Larvae Distribution Overview . . 361 Entrainment Summary , 361 24'"h Population and Entrainment Comparisons 362 Total Catch of Juvenile and Adult Fish 363 Alewife 363 Yellow Perch „ 364 Spottail Shiner „ 365 Rainbow Smelt « 366 Unidentified Coregoninae 366 Trout-perch 367 Slimiy Sculpin 367 Johnny Darter , 368 Less Abundant Species ..... 369 Fish Eggs , , 369 Diver Observations 370 Impingement 370 Biofouling 370 Overview 370 REFERENCES ..... 373 INDEX TO FISH SPECIES 382 APPENDIXES 1-18 385 Vll Vlll INTRODUCTION This report interprets, in part, data collected during a comprehensive environmental monitoring program performed near the J. H. Campbell Power Plant situated on eastern Lake Michigan. For 5 yr, 1977 to 1981, Great Lakes Research Division personnel sampled adult, juvenile and larval fish in Lake Michigan near the plant, and those fish impinged or entrained by the plant. Preoperational years 1977-1980 were compared with operational year 1981. One of the purposes of this report is to provide a tool for deciding whether the currently employed intake design at Campbell Plant Unit 3 reflects "the best technology available for minimizing environmental impact" as required by the Federal Water Pollution Control Act of 1972, Section 316(b) (Public Law 92-500). Due to the complexity of and variability between biological communities, the major terms in this law, "best technology available" and "adverse environmental impact," cannot be broadly applied, but can only be defined after careful examination of each site in question. With the proliferation of power plants and increased demand for methodology which would limit adverse environmental impact, three main methods in the technology of water intakes have found broad application in reducing loss of fish at power plant intakes. All of these methods, to varying degrees, are employed presently at the Campbell Unit 3 intake. The first method relates to locating the water withdrawal structures in an area where field studies indicate there is the least probability of entrapping vulnerable life stages of organisms which are determined to be ecologically important at that site. The second method, which is becoming a widely accepted means of limiting entrainment and impingement of fishes, is to lower the intake velocity to a point at which even the most vulnerable stages of the organism to be protected can escape. This is generally accomplished by increasing the surface area over which the required water is withdrawn. Finally, the use of screening which will physically exclude even larval fishes has been widely used to limit entrainment and impingement of fish. This study focuses primarily on the former two methodologies used at the Campbell Plant. The currently employed intake at Campbell Unit 3 is designed for maximum withdrawing currents of 15.2 cm/s (0.5 ft/s) through 9.5-mm square slot openings. Based only on the limiting fish larva dimension, body depth, Schneeberger and Jude (1981) suggested that very little exclusion of indigenous larval fishes would occur using 9.5-mm mesh. The question we attempt to resolve in this report, however, is whether larval fish avoidance responses to low velocity currents and the intake structure itself are sufficient enough to consider 9.5-mm slot opening screens as a viable alternative to use of screens having slot openings which would function to physically exclude larvae. Initial work performed within our study area using a scaled down replicate of the present intakes as well as a similar flow rate across the screens (15.2 cm/s) suggests that larval fish avoidance is as effective, if not more so than larval fish exclusion, in limiting entrainment of larval fish (Zeitoun et al. 1981). However, scale effects (i.e., actual intakes are much larger than the test screens) could modify their findings significantly. Our initial observations in September and October (1980) when Unit 3 was intermittently operating led us to believe that, due to the low intake velocity, juvenile and adult fish would suffer little, if any, impingement loss. This contention was confirmed by this study. Unit 3 draws its condenser cooling water from an offshore submerged intake in Lake Michigan, at about the 11-m contour. The intake location was selected to minimize entrainment and impingement losses, based on biological surveys (Jude et al. 1981a) which showed the location to be an area of probable minimal impact. The cylindrical wedge-wire intake design and array were selected because the combination of an expanded withdrawal area, low approach velocity, smooth screen surface, cylindrical screen shape, slot width and low profile both minimize potential biological effects and enhance the probability of operational success. Preoperational aquatic monitoring in Lake Michigan has been ongoing since 1977 to establish the basis for assessment of potential effects of Unit 3 operation. Commercial operation of Unit 3 began on 30 September 1980. The National Pollution Discharge Elimination System permit for the plant requires that "the permittee conduct a postoperational monitoring study to determine the effects of the Unit 3 cooling water intake structure on fish and ichthyoplankton. " The 1-yr operational study began December 1980 and was completed December 1981. Reported herein are operational impingement, entrainment and adult, juvenile and larval fish field data collected from January to December 1981, plus Units 1 and 2 entrainment data from 1980 (not previously reported) and 1981. Included are diver observations of the number and composition of fish in the vicinity of the intake and their utilization of the habitat afforded by the intake, discharge and riprap structures. Estimates of the number, length frequency and species composition of fish larvae entrained through all plant intakes are provided, along with estimates and comparisons of ichthyoplankton abundance and species composition in Lake Michigan in the vicinity of the new Unit 3 intake structure and at the reference transect. For adult, juvenile and larval fish, we compared seasonal distributions and abundances in field collections between preoperational years (1977-1980) and operational study year 1981, and examined any differences between the plant vicinity and the reference transect. STUDY AREA The J. H. Campbell Power Plant (fossil fuel) is located on the eastern shore of Lake Michigan in Port Sheldon Township {T6N, R6W) , Ottawa County, Michigan. Presently there are three operating units. Units 1 and 2 have a combined capacity of 582 mw and draw a maximum of 1000 mVmin of cooling water from Lake Michigan and Pigeon Lake (Fig. 1). An illustration of cooling water flow through Units 1 and 2 is provided in Figure 2. The newly constructed Unit 3 has a designed capacity of 810 mw and draws cooling water from an offshore submerged intake in Lake Michigan • (Fig. 2) at a rate of 1280 mVmin. Cooling water for Unit 3 is withdrawn from the 11-m contour in Lake Michigan by gravity into an intake canal on shore. Located at. the end of the canal are two Unit 3 condenser cooling water circulating pumps. After passing through the condensers, water flows into the discharge canal, which runs parallel to, but is separate from, the Unit 3 intake canal. The discharge canal also carries the cooling water discharges of Units 1 and 2. At the shoreline of Lake Michigan, the combined discharges from all three units are pumped offshore and released through diffusers situated at approximately the 6-m depth in Lake Michigan. In the canal system, two pressure differential flap gates ensure the passage of water from the intake forebay of Units 1 and 2 to the intake of Unit 3 in case insufficient flow is supplied by the Unit 3 intake structures in Lake Michigan. Additionally, the intake canal of Unit 3 is connected at the plant end with the common discharge canal of Units 1, 2 and 3 which under normal operating conditions may allow for up to 10% recirculation of intake water to the discharge channel. The Campbell Unit 3 intake structure is located approximately 1070 m offshore in Lake Michigan at approximately the 11-m depth contour (Fig. 1). A 5.5-m diameter intake pipe is installed below the lake bottom and runs perpendicular to shore. Connected to it are four 2.4-m diameter horizontal header pipes alternately branching out at approximately 45-degree angles (Fig. 3). Each arm has seven evenly spaced vertical header pipes which extend from below lake bottom into the water column. On top of each vertical header pipe are two closed-ended, cylindrical wedge-wire screens which form a "T" (Fig. 4). The axes of the circular screens are thus horizontal and the orientation of most screens to the shoreline is approximately 45 degrees off parallel. The cylindrical wedge-wire screens are 1.2 m long (4 ft), have a diameter of 1.2 m and have 9.5-mm (0.375 in) square slot openings. During Unit 3 operation the maximum designed through-slot water velocity is 15.2 cm/s (0.5 ft/s) (Fig. 5). Under conditions of no obstruction to the screens, through-slot velocity is as low as 11.5 cm/s (0.38 ft/s) (Consumers Power Company 1978). LAKE MICHIGAN ARtA lOCATION MAP Fig. 1. Scheme of the J. H. Campbell Plant showing Lake Michigan and the 18 sampling stations (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, L, N, 0, P, Q, R, U and W) established for fisheries monitoring. 7/ v^\UV/A^lntake Screen % ll-M DEPTH • Discharge Nozzle •6-M DEPTH Lake Michigan Fig. 2. Scheme of the J- H. Campbell Power Plant showing the various components of the intake and discharge system for Units 1, 2 and 3- Adapted from Randall and Landon (1981). CAMPBELL PLANT UNIT 3 INTAKE MANIFOLD CONFIGURATION rs 30 9 SCALE IN METERS '^^rO'ifdO^^ f f .4-M D(A. SCREEN SOUTHEAST ARM LAKE BOTTOM LUM DIA. RISER 2.4«»M DiA. HEADER PIPE Fig. 3o Scheme of the J. H. Campbell Plant Unit 3 intake manifold depicting site of scuba observations during 1981 • Inset shows enlargement of an individual riser with two accompanying screens. Prior to installation of the intake structures, the lake bottom in the area featureless (Jude et al. 1978). Bottom features a result of the Unit 3 intake and discharge s include intake vertical header pipes, cylindric discharge diffuser vertical headers and complete and an extensive riprap field surrounding the This field varies in width from 9 to 18 m and variable-sized (predominantly 225-900 kg) crushed and discharge was relatively have changed as tructures, which al screens, 18 diffuser nozzles intake manifold, is composed of limestone. To establish ambient larval fish densities in the Lake Michigan Unit 3 intake area, seven larval fish sampling stations were established in a transect perpendicular to shore and parallel to the Unit 3 intake line (Fig. 1). The transect was located as closely as possible to the structures and associated riprap. Stations R, I, J, L, N, 0 and W ranged in depth from 1 m LAKE SURFACE /r~/f SCREEN CROSS-SECTION to UJ CO UJ LJ 0> Ti ':^B2g^fe^3^55 CROSS-SECTIONAL AREAS OF WITHDRAWAL AT REPRESENTATIVE CURRENT VELOCITIES NECESSARY TO SUPPLY DAILY WATER USAGE FOR UNIT 3» 4.1 CM/S 6.6 CM/S 8.2 CM/S LAKE BOTTOM , 0 i-1 - V4 - 0.18 I d4 J-1 ^ _ 0 otherwise where di = vertical depth of water in the i-th water stratum D ■ total depth of water column 5 D « Z di i=l Tj^ « total uncorrected catch of larvae in the i-th water stratum. % m *" total uncorrected catch of larvae of the m-th size class caught in the i-th water stratum. V^ « estimates volume of water filtered by net towed in stratum i. (0.18) e correction factor expressed in terms of volume of water filtered/meter of vertical tow. I.e., units « m-^ 2 — « m^ m trc(«) « function which truncates argument to nearest non-negative integer number. C^^uj « adjusted average concentration of lai-vae of the m-th length class in the j-th depth stratum. Fig. 6. Schematic representation of adjustment calculations for upper level contamination in larvae samples. Blocks represent varying quan- tities of water filtered in five different water strata. 15 0) u a • O 4J CO 4J Qi O iH CL 1^ CO 0) 0) CO CO > CD GO •H CO CO »^ CO 8g O 4J t3 O 2 c CO ^ D -H 0) 0) u n3 o }^ ^ a o CO vo c O 0) •H >4 4J P CO 50 a s o a O U4 0) 6 • CO G X O W -H *J CO s 0) CO CO O c o CO u u o CO O u go 4J « O o • S o o c c o ^ T3 O O ^ o a 6 • c c * o » O "H C 0) CO > u CO /^^ fH fH 4J • CO JC o 4J O 9 ^^ U CO < >4 U E i ^ CO C JC tH 'g CO 4J CO i - c J-» *c q; oj H CO fH 4J 1*1 ^ 0) CO > ^ iH }^ 4J • CO CO .C O 9 fH CiO C 4J 3 >^ O iH 03 < CO O -H 4J i w »H H 3 CO 0-^^ iH :^ 6 O CO f^ > U^ CO > o .C CO ^-^ 60 U •H 4J -H a CO TJ ^ 4J g o av-' t3 nH so en m en vo en rn en ^ en 4 f-t lO • • • •• NO o m o »-M i-H CM " 00000 »n m o m o o o o m • . . o m o m in o * • • • • • • o t^ m ON o NO r^ v-4 ««(«-( viH CM 2 i » » » ' » •-4 vo f-i \0 ?-« NO •-^ ••••••• NO vo o o m 00 o <)C v^H f-4 1-H «^ CM CM CM CM o CM g o u a c 0 *-H g CO c o o CO CO u u a O G g CO G 16 at night at all Lake Michigan stations coincident with other fish larvae tows when time and weather permitted. All sled tows were performed from 6- to 7-m outboard motorboats. ENTRAINMENT Due to the unique design of the Unit 3 cooling system, entrainment sampling was performed at the opening of the 5*5-m (18 ft) diameter intake pipe which enters the uncovered intake canal near the Lake Michigan shoreline (Fig. 2). Collection at this point ensured that very few, if any, larvae produced in the intake canal would be sampled and thus bias the entrainment samples with larvae which did not originate from Lake Michigan. However, egg samples taken at this location may have been biased by eggs of adult fish from the intake canal spawning inside the intake system. Entrainment sampling was performed from a raft situated directly above the juncture where the buried Lake Michigan intake pipe entered the on-land intake canal. A 0.5-m diameter plankton net, identical to that used for field sampling (363-micron mesh net) was lowered into a central position in the mouth of the intake pipe. A heavy weight (18 kg) was necessary to keep the net at the desired depth. The amount of cable necessary to maintain this central position was calculated trigonometrically . Location of the raft and amount of cable necessary to ensure the correct positioning of the net in the opening was verified by scuba diver observations. Four replicates were taken four times (day, dawn, dusk and night) each 24-h period sampled. Each replicate consisted of a 10-min sample. Sampling was performed on a weekly basis from May through September, three times per month in April and October and twice per month January through March, November and December 1981. The periods of dawn and dusk were defined as the period extending from 1 h before to 1 h after both sunrise and sunset. Sunrise and sunset times were obtained from the Nautical Almanac Office (1981), United States Naval Observatory, Washington D. C. Lengths of daylight and dark hours were also calculated using this information. Entrainment sampling at Units 1 and 2 was conducted by deploying a 0.5-m diameter conical plankton net in the discharge canal just below the surface of the water, as close as possible to the plant discharge. During 1980, four 10-min replicate samples were taken during each diel period in a 24-h sampling period: dawn, day, dusk and night. Entrainment sampling was done weekly May through August 1980 and approximately biweekly February through April and September through December 1980. 17 u U •» 0) •» r-l • a O o 4J Q) f=^ 5 2 o -H cd rH CU Q) o CM • • 5 c O O -H < u CO cd CO T-) II O u o • CO 0) o a O bO s I 4J CO CO CO 0) ^ o (1) (U ^ o P=4 C5 H fin CO o o o 0) CO d § i u (1) d P4 z o ttio g3£ li xo x< zq: liJ< CD -J 0) iH g CO ^ o CO M-l M CO CO ^ fH CO o ^ 60 CO -H •d o d •H CO d 0) (U d PQ d • o • s ()0 CO •H tH PB4 CU O 0) 4J rH d 4J O d •H a 0) 4J U CO O CO CO rH .d u -d o 0) u u u •d i o o O4 0) cn c • c 0) CO o cn • 4-> U C7) (0 O4 &4 cn u (0 0) 0) 4-> O CD cn c ul 26 Table 3. Stratum (m) at which each tow was taken and in parentheses cross-sectional area (m*) represented by each tow for north transect stations near the J. H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan. Stratum cross-sectional area is defined in METHODS. Station Parameter R I J L N 0 W 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 (83) (133) (270) (284) (458) (1339) (2825) 1.0 1.5 2.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 4.5 (28) (67) (225) (397) (610) (2104) (4520) 3.0 4.0 4.5 6.0 8.5 (45) (397) (610) (2295) (3955) 5.5 6.5 9.0 11.5 (227) (610) (1913) (3108) 6.0 8.5 11.0 14.0 (57) (381) (1148) (1978) 9.0 12.0 15.0 (76) (383) (565) Maximum Depth (m) 1.0 1.5 3.0 6.0 9.0 12.0 15.0 Total cross-sectional area for each station 111 200 540 1362 2745 9182 16951 DEFINITION OF TERMS Adult fish length intervals - for figures describing total lengths of adult fish, individuals were assigned to 10-mm intervals. For example, the 30-mm length interval would include fish from 25 to 34 mm. For length-frequency histogram figures for most abundant species, size ranges for adult, yearling and young-of-the-year were determined from length modes of fish collected during each sampling period. Size ranges of each of these groups may be slightly different for different months or years of capture. 27 Beach zone - refers to that area of water, usually less than 1.5 m, that is accessible to wading during seining and fish larvae sampling activities. Includes only beach stations. Fish larvae - any fish less than or equal to 25.4 mm in total length. Fry - any fish greater than 25.4 mm in total length caught in plankton nets. Fish were usually 25.5 to 100 mm. Inshore - refers to that area of water between the shoreline and 21 m. Larval fish length intervals - for figures describing total lengths of larval fish, a specimen was assigned to a 0.5-mm interval based on total length. For example, larvae 0.3 mm would be assigned to the interval 0.5 mm (which includes all larvae 0.1 to 0.5 mm), 5.6-mm larvae would be assigned to the interval 6 mm (which encompasses 5.6- to 6.0-mm larvae). Nearshore - refers to that area of water less than or equal to 3 m and includes stations P, A, B, Q, R, I and J. Offshore - term for that area of water, not beach zone, 21 m deep or greater. There are no stations in this zone. Same as deepwater . Open water - refers to that area of water which is not beach zone and includes all stations 6 m to 21 m which were usually sampled by boat and which had no aquatic macrophytes present. The area includes stations C, D, E, F, G, H, L, N, 0, U and W. TL - total length - length of fish from most anteriorly projecting part of head to farthest tip of caudal fin when caudal rays are squeezed together. Transition zone - area of water from 1.5 to 3 m. Zone of influence - that area of Lake Michigan aquatic habitat actually or potentially affected by the presence of the intake and discharge structures of Units 1 and 2 and Unit 3 and their associated withdrawal and discharge of cooling water. YOY - young-of-the-year - fish in their first year of life. They become yearlings January 1. 28 Water temperature intervals - catch of adult fish was assigned to 2 C water temperature intervals for the purposes of establishing temperature-catch relationships. For example, the 3 C temperature interval would include fish caught between 2.0 and 3.9 C. DIVER OBSERVATIONS Visual observations via scuba divers during 1981 were conducted at least once per month in April and June through September and at least three times per month in May and October, including two dives in the area of the intake structures (one day, one night), and one day dive at the reference area 3 km south of the plant. Substrates in the reference area were typical of those found in the inshore areas of southeast Lake Michigan and were comprised of uniform-size, shifting sand presenting a smooth and gently sloping surface profile. The intake station substrate consisted of riprap (crushed limestone 0.1-2.5 m in diameter; 225-900 kg) deposited during construction to reduce erosion of in-lake cooling water intake structures. The standard series dives were conducted using two or three divers equipped with scuba. Divers always swam side by side either 1 or 2 m apart. Divers made observations by swimming southeast along the west side of the seven risers and back northwest along the east side of the risers (approximately 50' m) (Fig. 3). The northeast and northwest arms of the intake manifold were examined in this manner. While swimming each diver examined a plot 2 m in width. Weather and time permitting, 28 wedge-wire screens were inspected for impinged fish and periphytic growth; at least 14 screens were always inspected. In addition, divers swam side by side for 5 min over the sand bottom directly north of the northeast intake arm and at the 11-m contour of the south reference transect. The previously described stations and observational methods comprise our monthly standard series sampling effort. Additional inspections of the wedge-wire screens to monitor fish impingement were conducted in May and October. Impingement monitoring was performed day and night at the northwest and northeast arms of the intake manifold. In November a low-light-sensitive underwater television system was employed to monitor the wedge- wire screens for periphytic growth. The screens of the northeast arm of the intake manifold were inspected and the results recorded on videotape. Observations were made following the format of Dorr and Miller (1975) and were recorded on water-resistant paper or plastic slate. Because of the uneven nature of the riprap substrate at the Campbell Plant, abundance of cryptozoic or 29 benthic organisms is probably underestimated. Large chunks of limestone (approximately 2 m in diameter) rest on the bottom in such a manner as to produce a large number of small fissures and interstices which cannot be examined and may contain demersal organisms, STATISTICS Introduction One objective of this study was to detect differences in densities of fish larvae (and fish eggs) between the following areas: (1) north transect area in Lake Michigan in the immediate area of the intake structures and (2) the Unit 3 intake entrainment sampling station (Figs. 1, 2). Such information would hopefully provide some insight into: (1) the density of fish larvae and eggs in the immediate area of the intake structures relative to those observed in the north transect vicinity and (2) the behavior of fish larvae in response to the intake screens. When comparing entrainment and field densities, exact locations of the sampling stations should be considered. North transect sampling was performed with tows parallel to shore with the entire tow in the general area north of the intake and discharge structures. Entrainment samples were collected in the Unit 3 intake canal. These samples, being taken from entrained water, were drawn from the immediate area of the intake structures. One other point which should be considered is the possibility of fish spawning in the intake pipe itself. Such an occurrence would inflate estimates of eggs entrained from Lake Michigan, but should not bias larval fish entrainment estimates, since eggs spawned far into the intake pipe would be carried out of the pipe long before they hatched. A possible exception would be species such as johnny darter and slimy sculpin which deposit their eggs on the undersides of rocks. Larvae from these species could inflate entrainment estimates although fecundities for these species are relatively low compared to alewife and spottail shiner. Design and Analysis Considerations Statistical analyses were performed on density data for fish eggs and for the seven most abundant taxons of fish larvae collected in Unit 3 1981 entrainment samples at the Campbell Plant. They included: alewife, spottail shiner, rainbow smelt, yellow perch, slimy sculpin, johnny darter and damaged larvae. Differences in densities between entrained larvae and those caught in the field were examined using analysis of variance (ANOVA). The experimental designs were analyzed as completely 30 crossed, factorial models with MONTH PERIOD (sampling date), AREA and TIME OF DAY as design variables (Table 4). All factors were considered fixed. The response variable was either number of fish larvae (or eggs) per 1000 m* or a transform thereof. We transformed raw data by taking 1oo-q of the sum of density plus one. The addition of one ensured inclusion of zero values of CPE in the transformed data. This transformation was performed to reduce data variance so ANOVA assumptions might be more closely met. To match the four replicates used during each entrainment sampling period (day, dusk, dawn, night) and balance the design (that is, have an equal number of replicates for each cell in the design), four observations were selected from among the field samples collected. For Design I the four field-collected samples closest to the intake structures were included in the design (Fig. 8). These were the observations (densities) for the 8.5- and 9-m tows (sled tow) at the 9-m station and the 9- and 11-m tows at the 12-m station. Apparently alewife larvae exhibit a movement off the lake bottom at night; thus using plankton net densities from all four field replicates better represents the density of alewife larvae susceptible to entrainment since intake screens are 3 m above lake bottom. Therefore a second design, Design II, was employed which was identical to Design I, except that the sled tow observation at the 9-m station was replaced with the 6-m plankton net tow observation at the 12-m station. Factorial ANOVA designs were chosen according to taxons and presence of zero values in data (Table 4). The MONTH PERIOD (or sampling date) factor was expected to explain a considerable amount of the variation attributable to seasonal changes in density. The AREA factor was designed to test for differences in densities between entrainment and field samples. TIME OF DAY was employed in all designs. A main effect or an interaction was considered significant if the attained significance (p) of its statistical test was less than O.OiS (p < 0.05); the main effect or interaction was considered highly significant if the attained significance (p) for its test was less than 0.01 (p < 0.01). Assumptions for the ANOVA model were: (1) residuals are normally distributed, (2) variances of the population are constant for all partitions of the population and (3) observations are statistically independent. Balanced factorial ANOVAs are robust to the assumptions of normality and homogenous variances. In other words, moderate departures from these assumptions do not completely invalidate results of the model. Violation of the independence assumption may have more serious consequences. Examination of frequency histograms of residuals and plots of residuals versus cell means indicate that the assumptions of normality and homogeneous variances were violated for some models, but test results were still considered valid. 31 , 14J CT' cn r fish eggs and It samples for servations for smples. 0 c • c ^ CI) -r-l •O "^ W 0 UlCO»Hi4J ac _ 0 g-iJ 4JOx: ceo O^ECO E-i 'p^g'2 >iC0--iVD •'^i:j5^ca)co'Oc-4c CP > .H -r-i CO 0>4J ^Oa)cOfHUO> 0 ^ Cl'O ^ 2 -, ? S^ScnTiCrHcu^ > ina <0«^2J2r'O-jucn rH ccorHCcn •uiO^fH •-^'"^'^^occvojaj cn jc rHcorHaDDTDcoiH^ CPT) ^r*.«:rl'0^7'^^ data foi trainmei 81. Ob! nment s< 4J c CD tncu-rH efncrcUfHijCCCUCcuicnrH *_^^ UJ .*H 4J CO 0) cn VD < >i JJ rH D rH >i a 4^ fHO>iC0C0rHOX: E E 0 ^4J>4J rH rHrH O ChrH rH -rH > > , -f* "^ uij4 OrHacocooini cEOx:cocuoc5;pcocox:oc U fc4COcnrH'0^rHvx)cocnM^4Jcncocn^co acu rH rH jj a-^H c o>«i-< >i 0) 0) cn '^ c c C t) t4 C 4J C l-i CO C CO (U •H C CO -H rH JC ••^ 0) > CD »o cr E COrH JC 0) U Qi4J U no irH 5: C cn CD ^ cn U4 CO 0 ^ >i iCC7^ CO 0 (U 0 ^rHO^-PCfHECCO C U -A > c tn cn U U4 0) fQ •• •0 CO i -r^ i cn E CD iH r^ u -TJ CO 0 rC CO CO C D 1 0) 4J D rH cn 0) cn a »^ vD a c .H cn QfiH u ^ CD U C J^ E ^H *>TJ 0 CNJT5 cn E c 4J - 0 E (U 4-> tH 4J in 1 c c c ••-< CO E '0*«-» M-4 C (U U 1 rH CO •'^ -^ C 4J CN cn 0 CO •*-• CO ^ iHco'OEcncrkcocorH C fH M-4 M-l ^•.Q.J-i'HlC^-^ >'^ cn cn O4 -iE-ua)0^o_ii^^ •.H c c M-4 >lCrHCOC"H .rHZONCDO -Jli cn 0 rH CO 0 coDDcn0^-^00^-^*'-* 4J X) x: r^ a>vDrHcn T5 u-fHjs -r^xc rH Pi M E-/H 4J C CO S > 1 1 1 CT»"-« (Dtncncov-ii coi-«>< Q) C0tnODC-«-» •X34JOrH4JOC0 C CO u a ^^cM ^ »-4 0) CO • d: a ^ cn CD CO C c CD cn cn D^ rH 4J ••-• •f-4 X) 0)-^^ cn cn l-H CO x: c 0) QJ H -iJ DT5 Q 32 • O^ 0^ C N O)-*^ >i ^ rH fH Ui -u a (d o E C «M Ui CO (0 O tn cn M-l (U 4J 0) U c CO C 0) 0) cn 4J D ^ E »-« 4J CO ^l c 'O T3 o c (U VD O u cn E >ifH -p^ •p^ E rH 1 J-l 0 in O C ID 0) 0) (U U O.H a fH "O CO u (U Q) 0) c CO TJ U4 C 4J C Ui CO *iH > c CO .P^ ph x: •-< 0) > E U CO iH x: Q) u Q44J u ro CO cn E ui ph u CO X pH cn D^ cn 0) D CO vH OD CP C fH Ob u TJ Q) O^.fH •• >ia) c • 1-4 0C-p-i-MJ30>iCCTJ o > XrHO^^CrHECCO X 0) cnrHxoo**HfH*fHx:E CO iH •fHOCOtHQUCOCUfHOCO Ir* < ix4M-i4J1 -pH 0) 4J 4J Ui ^TJ U to •- CD rH U •»'0 CO U4 0 4J 3 O > E cpr^a)4JD 0 c C rH C U D r) 1 a C fH c c u 0) U 0) CM «-D vo a; 0 0 O EC 4J «- in fH CN CTEC-^ -^EjjE .p C -rH (0 E JD -- ini'OcC'p^^Ei CO u •P^ o 1 fH C -p^ 'p^ CO rH eg to CO TJ E W Ok O ^ co«-Hco'0>crifHtniH VM U fH 1 C^-" E dUipHU^-^ C^- jj 0) cn c 1 c •-(U>iE-PCU(U noo (•M C -p^ -p^ Z «H O 4J >iCfH CO C*fH WZ C-phO-JJ o CD 1x4 TJ -u fH -fH x: coDZ3cna)ii4-Q C04J x: C CO C 4J CT> S«^»-D OC COCCT^ ten c^ • CO > O TD CO '^*» ••-' 4J m • 0 1 > 0 'ph pH TD Vj -fH C 4J X C CnvOfHW TJE-»-iO^Ui-p^C 0 4JfHI (l)4->C0in4J •* fHfHCMD4JfH|4J •fH i i 1 1 C7>>pH 0) LD CO •^ cn CO >i q) C*fH •JDoJljJOcO coinoDc-H •-uijaojco • *^ O ^ CO O Vi U\ (0 CO »HfHCNi © D v c t. E ^ L O 0) •^ -H c o -^ w iL — ^ H. ^ ja Q) C (DO aD w '^ > X © " i. XJ © -^ — E 0) — Q Q. 10 Q) g £ OiD - 4- 0) « O ^ C ^ 4- t. C -^ if. CO •^ W O £- 0) i«- c Ui IX Q) C Qi 10 0) D 3 E a (Q 0) £ a c (0 •^ O) S. (D D . 0) S. 0) C B C L. O > > 3 Oi I- O) 10 10 C <*- 00 C3) © 0) X5 M- <.- o O (0 c X (0 o o > 0) - i (0 b) c (0 (0 0) ^ DfO ro C (0 ♦- (P 4-» C 15 10 0) •D U 0 i, L, m (u Q. N C T3 0 fi. «0 4-^ •D (0 C (0 > 4^ c -^ i. 0) -H O Q) W ro 3 ji ^ E dj *- jD 10 — > u n (0 -J to -H 0) c •«- r c © "H C 0) 10 -H O) > W i- T5 C -- •^ O tt> 0) (0 10 t: E -M C 13 - OJ a CO 10 D •^ c ro 0) c ^ L. Qj tt) E ro U i- O > 0) •- o to 0) - 0) £ 0) M. oj 10 -H x: -^ o c "M 0) u. ^r a; ro jc w £ — II +^ix • ** a 0) in _ (X CO fl) ,- c — • -^ « ro a> c^r H- -- CO a- c D O) E CO LU ^ O ro O) ro 0) x»<^ 0) (u K 0 E -^ •^ CO r X c to ro Qj -^ s D «•- ^f**CDh*0)^CX)Cn I^CPOOOCDOt^OO ^ in "^ Tt -r- ^ Ol cs "^ooioeoonnr) ^(DoicncD^Ttd in ID ^ O) CO n in ^r- coh»r)cNO^"^in '^^■^0)incDCJ)CM ininoot^cMinoou} iDinooiwnO'^ inincNDiNCpcan in Tf V CM O cp O ^ "- r^ oi W O in -^ -^ CM n CM 0) *- -»- tpf^^f^CT)ino)^ P5 CN (p CD 0) 00 00 in 00 CMWflONflOOOOO) ino>(*}oooooo^*oo **" CO ^ 00 *- -^ CM ^COCDflOODDW ^C0OICJ)tP^^d in in '•- 0) tp n in 'T" ^cpooininvptn D'^ininCMCMOCN tninooh'^CDou) wcocNDoicP"^Tr in n •.- CM U>*-CNCM00CMOa> nnoo^cNCDDrr n f** ^ n n CN 00 -^ ^ cpr^ni^oinin^ CD CO ^ *- ro CN ^ n CM ^"^^OOCDCNrrCD criDCDTr-r-fo^)^ 0) C V c ^ ,- r - CO £ J. - t. (0 S2, CO QJ 3 (0 - O) 0) -^ 3 CO T) a> <^ ro o 3 > 0) •^4-X)0>C0) •C5-MC^£Cro cocuo---rE •^—arocD— oro ii-tn-Do »-4 i-i 0) H. z •»- C5 3 ♦M Q) tn t— UJ < o ^^TtOOlDCM^O) c -H c I- ro •;; — r — cu > r 0) u a-H t. CO £ 1- - L. ro w w Q) 3 ro ^ O) •- Q. O T3 C3) QJ 1- 3 CO "D 0) M- ro o 3 > 0) •-4-£0>C0) -C3-MC— Ecro •^•-D.roo«— oro 35 per 1000 m' plus one for entrained larvae EN to field densities FD. In the transformed coordinate system (i.e., log^transf ormed system) changes will be detectable if |x„vt "" Xp-^l > 6 where x-,j, and XpQ refer to the log-transformed mean catches for entrainea larvae Yen) and field larvae (FD) , respectively. In the original coordinate system, differences are detectable whenever: ^'en < 10"^ or ^'en > 10^ x' x' ^ FD ^ FD We shall refer to the quantity 10 as the least detectable true ratio (LDTR). Wilcoxon Test The Wilcoxon signed ranks test was performed on fish larvae and fish egg data to investigate differences in larvae and fish egg densities between the reference (south) transect and the plant-influenced or discharge (north) transect. This statistical technique is the nonparametric analogue of the t-test for paired observations (Conover 1971). With a few exceptions, for each tow performed at a particular depth contour and a particular stratum in the water column at one transect there was a corresponding tow performed at the same depth contour and stratum at the other transect for each sampling period. Thus, during a particular diel period of larvae sampling, pairs of densities could be calculated for all taxons of larvae found and this technique could be used. To apply this procedure, both beach tow replicate samples were averaged to yield one value for the 0.5-m depth in the beach zone. Any incomplete (one missing observation) pair of observations were ignored as well as all zero differences or ties between pairs of observations. The Wilcoxon signed ranks test was applied to data for each of the more abundant taxons of larvae collected as well as fish eggs. A difference in densities between transects was considered significant if the attained significance level (a) for the statistic was less than 0.05. 36 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION STATISTICS Test Results Results of the ANOVAs for fish eggs showed the AREA effect (entrained larvae vs. field-caught larvae) to be highly significant, with the mean entrainment density greater than that for the field samples (Tables 6 and 7). Egg densities in the immediate vicinity of the intake structures and the surrounding riprap may have been substantially higher than those densities observed just north of the intake structures where the field sampling was performed, due to attraction of fish to riprap and structures. Some spawning in the intake system from resident intake canal fish may be also occurring. Interestingly enough, egg densities were significantly greater at night than during the day. Higher night egg densities were also observed for entrainment data for the D. C. Cook Plant (M. Perrone, personal communication, Univ. of Mich., Great Lakes Research Division, Ann Arbor, Mich.). Alewives, probably the major contributor to the eggs collected, spawn at night (Jude et al. 1979b; Scott and Crossman 1973). Eggs may water harden and then sink to the bottom. Thus, at night eggs may be more susceptible to our plankton nets and to being entrained, since eggs are present in high numbers (after just being deposited) and many of them probably had not water hardened and were not on the lake bottom. Of the sampling periods included in the design, highest egg densities for both field and entrainment samples were observed in the mid-June sampling period (Fig. 9). The MONTH PERIOD x AREA (M X A) interaction was significant in the first design. Particularly during the mid-June sampling period, but also during early August, differences between field and entrainment mean densities were large. These sampling periods corresponded with the primary and secondary spawning peaks, respectively, according to our fish larvae data for alewives. Alewife larvae, as was found with almost all of the other taxons of larvae examined in 1981, showed highest mean density during mid- June (Fig. 9). Densities of alewives for the other three sampling periods were much lower than observed during mid- June. For the first design (which included the sled tow at the 9-m station) with four sampling periods included, there was no significant difference detected between the entrainment and field mean larval fish densities (Table 8),. However, when the July and August month periods were deleted, as was the case for Design lA, mean density in the field was significantly greater than observed 37 Table 6« Analysis of variance summary for fish eggs collected in the vicinity of the J. H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lalce Michigan, I98U Fish eggs were collected in the B.B"^ planlcton net tows and sled tows at station N (9 m, north) and the 9- and ll-m planlcton net tows at station 0 (12 m, north) and in entrainment samples for Unit 3 of the Campbell Plant. Data were for the 15-16 June, 1-2 July, 20-21 July and 6-7 August sampling periods. (Design I - see METHODS - STATISTICS) Attained Source of variation df Mean square F-statistlc significance level Month period (M) Area (A) Time (T) M X A H X T A X T M X A X T 3 1 1 3 3 1 3 13.0483 18.9707 17.6688 2.5314 2.3786 2.1712 0.9926 20.9272 30.4257 28.3378 4.0599 3.8148 3.4822 1.5919 <0.0001** <0.0001** <0.0001** 0.0119* 0.0157* 0.0681 0.2036 Within cell error 48 0.6235 ** Highly significant (P < 0.01). * Significant (P < O.05) . Table 7. Analysis of variance summary for fish eggs collected in the vicinity of the J. H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan, I98I. Fish eggs were collected in the S.B'^in plankton net tows at station N (9 m, north) and the 6-, 9* and 11-m plankton net tows at station 0 (12 m, north) and in entrainment samples for Unit 3 of the Campbell Plant. Data were for the I5-I6 June, 1-2 July, 20-21 July and 6-7 August sampling periods. (Design I I) Source of variation df Mean square F-statistic Attained significance level Month peri iod (M) 3 7.8850 10.7039 <0.0001** Area (A) 1 24.3195 33.0136 <0.0001** Time (T) 1 18.4710 25.0743 <0.0001** M X A 3 2.1643 2.9381 0.0425* M X T 3 1.8768 2.5477 0.0668 A X T 1 1.9020 2.5819 0.1146 M X A X T 3 1.1054 1 .5005 0.2264 Within ce 11 error 48 0.7367 ** Highly significant (P < 0.01) * Significant (P < 0.05). 38 soo fISM EGGS N X A INTERflCTION •211.3 tft • I tit 1 ISO \ \ \ \ \ / too \ \ v^ \ / 50 ''^ L_ / 0 ^iT""^^'-' — -J 15-16 JUNE 20-21 JULT 1-2 JULT 6-7 AUGUST SAMPLING fEfllOO 125 RLEHIFE N X ft INTERACTION \ J 77^.0 too ■ \ i^ 75 \ i so \ 1 25 \l 0 r T-ii.'" ■...■, -;.a ENTRRINMENT — • FIELD 15-16 JUNE 20-21 JULT 1-2 JULT 6-7 AUGUST SAHPLING PERIOD SLINT SCULPIN N X A INTERRCTION 1-5 JUNE 15-16 JUNE SAMPLING PERIOD 120 SLIMT SCULPIN A X T INTERACTION 100 / 60 / 60 / HO / 20 / 0 ENTHAINNENT FIELD OBT NIGHT TINE OF DAT Fig. 9. Geometric mean density plus one of fish eggs and larval alewives and slimy sculpins in field and entrainment samples collected near the J. H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan during 1981. Graphs illustrate the MONTH PERIOD X AREA interaction. For slimy sculpin larvae the AREA X TIME interaction is also shown. All interactions illustrated above are for Design I ANOVAs except the interaction for alewife larvae which is for the Design II ANOVA. ' 39 at the entrainment sampling site. Apparently the sampling periods in July and August diluted the difference observed between the entrainment and field sites in mid-June (Table 9). Additionally, we found that in most cases, and clearly for alewife, that as larvae grew larger their susceptibility to entrainment decreased. In June many species are newly hatched, do not resist currents or have much fin development and as a consequence are entrained in proportion to their abundance in the field, except alewife where fewer were entrained than would be expected from field densities. During subsequent months, a smaller proportion of the total fish larvae population is comprised of newly hatched larvae. Sin-ce this group is most susceptible to entrainment and larger larvae present in the population avoid entrainment, comparisons, as we found, between field and entrainment data show a large disparity between lengths of larvae in field samples and those in entrainment samples in waning months of the spawning and nursery season. For the second design, when a plankton net tow observation at 6 m at the 12-m north station was substituted for the one for the sled tow at station N (9 m, north), again alewife mean field density was significantly higher than that for entrained larvae (Table 10). Of all the taxons examined, only data for alewife larvae showed a significantly higher field density than entrainment density. Alewife larvae near the intake structures are probably in the same (or even higher) densities than were observed in our field samples, but avoided the intake. These larvae probably do not seek cover as do larvae of other species and may react to intake flow by swimming away from it and thus avoiding being entrained. Definitely, some behavioral response is involved. The ANOVA for yellow perch larvae was performed on data for the mid-June sampling period only. Results show that the AREA effect was significant; yellow perch larvae density for entrainment samples was significantly greater than that for field samples (Tables 11 and 12). We feel yellow perch larvae were more concentrated in the immediate area of the intake structures where they are known to spawn than in most of the water sampled by our north transect tows. There is also a possibility that yellow perch larvae may have been attracted to the "cover" afforded by the intake structure itself. Densities of slimy sculpin larvae were relatively high during early and mid-June (Fig. 9). ANOVA results for slimy sculpin larvae showed a significantly higher entrainment density than was found in the field (Tables 13 and 14). Field densities in the immediate vicinity of the intake structure for slimy sculpin larvae were very likely underestimated because larvae would probably have concentrated in the immediate riprap area 40 Table 8. Analysis of variance summary for alewlfe larvae collected In the vicinity of the J. H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan, I98I. Larvae were collected In the 8.5-m plankton net tows and sled tows at station N (9 m, north) and the 9- and 11-m plankton net tows at station 0 (12 m, north) and In entralnment samples for Unit 3 of the Campbell Plant. Data were for the 15-16 June, 1-2 July, 20-21 July and 6-7 August sampling periods. (Design I) Source of variation df Mean square F-statlstIc Attained significance level Month period (M) 3 15.2883 31.7186 <0.0001** Area (A) 1 1.3392 2.778lf 0.1021 Time (T) 1 it.5'*l'* 9.i»219 0.0035** M X A 3 0.6576 1.3644 0.2649 M X T 3 0.4175 0.8662 0.4651 A X T 1 O.OA51 0.0935 0.7611 M X A X T 3 0.0772 0.1603 0.9225 Within cell error i»8 0.1»820 ** Highly significant (P < 0.01). * Significant (P < O.05) . Table 9. Analysis of variance summary for alewlfe larvae collected In the vicinity of the J. H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lalte Michigan, I98I. Larvae were collected In the 8.5-ni plankton net tows and sled tows at station N {9 m, north) and the 9- and 11-m plankton net tows at station 0 (12 m, north) and In entralnment samples for Unit 3 of the Campbell Plant. Data were for the I5-I6 June sampling period only. (Design lA) Source of variation df Mean square F-statistic Attained significance level Area (A) Time (T) A X T 1.6465 1.0238 0.0040 7.4969 4.6617 0.0180 0.0180* 0.0518 0.8954 Within eel error 12 0.2196 ** Highly significant (P < 0.01). * Significant (P < 0.05) • 41 Table 10. Analysis of variance summary for alewife larvae collected in the vicinity of the J. H. Campbell P1ant» eastern Lake Hichigan» I98I. Larvae were collected In the 8.5~(n plankton net tows at station N (9 m, north) and the 6-, 9~ a^ct 11-m plankton net tows at station 0 (12 m^ north) and in entrainment samples for Unit 3 of the Campbell Plant. Data were for the 15-16 June, 1-2 July, 20-21 July and 6-7 August sampling periods. (Design I I) Source of variation df Mean square F-statistic Attained significance level Month period (H) 3 16.3101 37.8829 <0.0001** Area (A) 1 2.55'»3 5.9328 0.0186* Time (T) 1 2.1»882 5.7793 0.0201* M X A 3 0.9528 2.2131 0.0987 M X T 3 0.6786 1.5762 0.2073 A X T 1 0.1165 0.2707 0.6053 M X A X T 3 0.2983 0.6928 0.5610 Within cell error 48 0.1*305 ** Highly significant (P < 0.01). * Significant (P < 0.05) • where they would not efforts. The TIME higher night density interaction was sign of the interaction relative to the fi density. Data indica active at night and c These larvae may al intake structure (inc have been observed by be collected by effect was al than a day densi ificant (Fig* 9) was the high eld densities te that slimy onseguently more so have been att luding the inta divers to rest our north transect sampling so highly significant with a ty. Also the AREA x TIME The most striking feature night entrainment density or even the day entrainment sculpin larvae were more susceptible to entrainment. racted to the "cover" of the ke screens). Many on these structures. adults Of the four sampling periods included in the design, spottail shiner larvae showed peak densities during mid- June (Fig. 10). The night density was significantly higher than the day density (Tables 15 and 16). AREA was not a significant factor in either design; however, it was close to significance in the second design (when the TIME x AREA interaction was significant). Spottail shiner larvae were collected in the sled at the 9-m station, but not in the 6-m plankton net tow at the 42 Table 11. Analysis of variance summary for yellow perch larvae collected in the vicinity of the J. H. Campbell Plants eastern Lake Michigan* 1981. Larvae were collected in the 8«5~n) plankton net tows and sled tows at station N (9 m, north) and the 9- and ll-m plankton net tows at station 0 (12 m, north) and in entrainment samples for Unit 3 of the Campbell Plant, Data were for the 15-16 June sampling period only. (Design I) Attained Source of significance variation df Mean square F-statistic level Area (A) Time (T) A X T 1 1 1 6.9555 0.0003 0.5595 11.6667 0.0006 0.9384 0.0051** 0.9811 0.3518 Within cell error 12 0.5962 ** Highly significant (P < 0.01). * Significant (P < 0.05). Table 12. Analysis of variance summary for yellow perch larvae col- lected in the vicinity of the J. H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan, 1961* Larvae were collected in the 8.5~m plankton net tows at station N (9 m, north) and the 6-, 9- and ll-m plankton net tows at station 0(12 m, north) and in entrainment samples for Unit 3 of the Campbell Plant. Data were for the I5-I6 June sampling period only. (Design II) Source of variation df Mean square F-statistic Attained significance level Area (A) Time (T) A X T Within cell error 1 1 1 12 2.5271 0.0385 0.8565 0.5028 5.0262 0.0765 1.7034 0.0U6* 0.7868 0.2163 ** Highly significant (P < 0.01). * Significant (P < 0.05). 43 Table 13. Analysis of variance summary for slimy sculpin larvae collect- ed in the vicinity of the J. H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan, 1981. Larvae were collected in the S.S'^ni plankton net tows and sled tows at station N (9 m, north) and the 9* and 11-m plankton net tows at station 0 (12 m, north) and in entrainment samples for Unit 3 of the Campbell Plant. Data were for the k^S June and 15*16 June sampling periods. (Design I) Source of variation df Mean square F-statistic Attained significance level Month period (N) 0.0692 0.2280 0.6374 Area (A) 4.O519 M^ikkB 0.0013** Time (T) 14.2932 kl.OJk) <0.0001** M X A 0.0196 0.06i»6 0.8015 M X T 0.0672 0.2212 0.6424 A X T 2.2222 7.3186 0.0124* N X A X T 0.11*61 0.4811 0.4946 Within cell error 2k 0.3036 ** Highly significant (P < 0.01). * Significant (P < 0.05). Table ]h. Analysis of variance summary for slimy sculpin larvae col- lected in the vicinity of the J. H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan, 1981. Larvae were collected in the S.S^m plankton net tows at station N (9 m, north) and the 6*, 9* and 11-m plankton net tows at station 0 (12 m, north) and in entrainment samples for Unit 3 of the Campbell Plant. Data were for the 4-5 June and I5-I6 June sampling periods. (Design II) Attained Source of significance variation df Hean square F-statistic level Month period (M) 0.2984 1 .0963 0.3055 Area (A) 5.2723 19.3666 0.0002** Time (T) 12.2320 44.9318 <0.0001** H X A 0.0205 0.0753 0.7862 M X T 0.0006 0.0021 0.9636 A X T 3.1467 11.5589 0.0024** M X A X T 0.4427 1.6263 0.2144 Within cell error 24 0.2722 ** Highly significant (P < 0.01) * Significant (P < 0.05) . 44 12-in station at night during mid-June. Considering the high percentage of zero density observations in the data for the design, we can conclude that there was no significant difference in densities between entrained larvae and those caught in the field. As for most species, peak density for rainbow smelt larvae was in mid-June for data included in the design, while for johnny darter, peak density occurred in early August (Fig. 10). For both species, night densities were greater than day densities (Tables 17-20). No significant difference was detected between entrainment and field mean larval fish densities for either species. Likewise for damaged larvae the AREA effect was not significant (Tables 21-22). Power Analysis The LDTRs (Least Detectable True Ratios) are ratios involving geometric mean number of fish larvae (or eggs) per 1000 m'. Least detectable true ratios for the designs employed ranged from 2.81 to 117.63 with most occurring from 3.5 to 8.7 (for a = 0.01 and Power = 0.95) (Table 23). The lowest LDTR (for a = 0.01 and Power = 0.95), 2.81, was for the second design for johnny darter larvae. For this design the mean density at one area would have to be at least 281% greater than the mean density at the other area before a difference in density between areas could be detected. Overall LDTRs of ANOVAs for adult and juvenile fish data were dramatically lower than those observed for the ANOVAs calculated for larval fish data. This was undoubtedly due to the naturally high variability associated with fish larvae data compared with adult and juvenile fish data. The LDTRs for fish eggs were slightly higher than for most larvae, except for yellow perch and damaged larvae. FIELD LARVAE SAMPLES - OVERVIEW General Trends Alewife and spottail shiner larvae were the most abundant larvae in field samples during 1981, as was found during the preoperational study. During times of hatching, alewife larvae were collected at all sampling stations. When upwellings occurred, alewife larvae were concentrated more inshore, 1-6 m. Alewife larvae appeared to migrate toward surface strata at night, as adult alewives do. Spottail shiner larvae were most abundant at nearshore stations; few were collected from 6 to 15 m. Larval spottail shiners were more demersal than alewife larvae, as evidenced by large catches in sled tows. 45 SPOTTflll. SHINER N X R INTERRCTION fIfllNBOH SMELT M X fl INTERRCTION 15-16 JUNE 20-21 JULT 1-2 JULT «-7 AUGUST SRHPLINC PERIOD ENTRRINHENT FIELD 18-19 MRT H-S JUNE 15-16 JUNE SRHPLINC PERIOD JOHNNY ORRTER N X R INTERRCTION ENTRRINHENT • FIELD 15-16 JUNE 20-21 JULT 1-2 JULT 6-7 RUCUST SRHPLINC PERIOD Pig. 10. Geometric mean density plus one of larval spottail shiners, rainbow smelt and johnny darters in field and entrainment samples collected near the J. H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan during 1981. Graphs illustrate the MONTH PERIOD x AREA interaction. Interactions illustrated above are for Design I ANOVAs. 46 Table 15. Analysis of variance summary for spottail shiner larvae collected in the vicinity of the J* H. Campbell Plantt eastern Lake Mich- igan, 1981. Larvae were collected in the 8*5'^ plankton net tows and sled tows at station N (9 m, north} and the 9~ and 11-m plankton net tows at station 0 (12 m, north) and in entrainment samples for Unit 3 of the Campbell Plant. Data were for the 15*16 June, 1-2 July, 20-21 July and 6-7 August sampling periods. (Design I) Source of variation df Mean square F-statistic Attained significance level Month period (H) 3 0.9290 2.i»092 0.0785 Area (A) 1 0.1702 O.UI5 0.5096 Time (T) 1 l..6ifl9 12.0373 o.oon** M X A 3 0.12if5 0.3228 0.8088 M X T 3 0.3430 0.8895 0.4534 A X T 1 0.6276 1.6276 0.2082 M X A X T 3 0.1777 0.4609 0.7109 Within cell error 48 0.3856 ** Highly significant (P < 0.01). * Significant (P < O.O5) . Table 16. Analysis of variance summary for spottail shiner larvae collected in the vicinity of the J. H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Mich- igan, 1981. Larvae were collected in the 8.5*m plankton net tows at sta- tion N (9 m, north) and the 6-, 9* and 11-m plankton net tows at station 0 (12 m, north) and in entrainment samples for Unit 3 of the Campbell Plant. Data were for the I5-I6 June, 1-2 July, 20-21 July and 6-7 August sampling per iods. (Design II) Source of variation df Mean square F-statistlc Attained significance level Month period (M) 3 0.7507 2.5913 0.0635 Area (A) 1 1.0813 3.7325 0.0593 Time (T) 1 2.3324 8.0508 0.0066** M X A 3 0.0207 0.0716 0.9749 M X T 3 0.2461 0.8494 0.4738 A X T 1 2.0150 6.9551 0.0112* M X A X T 3 0.1554 0.5363 0.6596 Within cell error 48 0.2897 ** Highly significant (P < 0.01). * Significant (P < 0.05). 47 Table 17* Analysis of variance summary for rainbow smelt larvae collected in the vicinity of the J« H. Campbell Plant* eastern Lalee Michigan, 1981. Larvae were collected in the S.S'^ni ptanlcton net tows and sled tows at station N (9 m, north) and the 9- and ll-m planleton net tows at station 0 (12 m, north) and in entrainment samples for Unit 3 of the Campbell Plant. Data were for the 18-19 May, 4-5 June and the I5-I6 June sampling per lods •(Design I) Attained Source of significance variation df Mean square F-statistic level Month period (M) Area (A) Time (T) M X A H X T A X T M X A X T 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 1.4236 0.0334 2.6633 0.0340 2.7111 0.5198 0.3864 3.9653 0.0930 7.4185 0.0948 7.5515 1.4478 1.0762 0.0278* 0.7622 0.0099** 0.9098 0.0018** 0.2367 O.3516 Within cell error 36 0.3590 ** Highly significant (P < 0.01). * Significant (P < O.O5) . Table I8. Analysis of variance summary for rainbow smelt larvae col- lected in the vicinity of the J. H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan, 1981. Larvae were collected in the 8.5-m plankton net tows at station N (9. m, north) and the 6-, 9- and ll-m plankton net tows at station 0 (12 m, north) and in entrainment samples for Unit 3 of the Campbell Plant. Data were for the I8-I9 May, 4-5 June and I5-I6 June sampling periods. (Design II) Attained Source of variation df Mean^quare F-statistIc significance level Month period (M) Area (A) Time (T) M X A M X T A X T, M X A X T 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 1.3855 0.3073 2.5444 0.0441 1.5244 0.5742 0.0838 2.9970 0.6647 5.5037 0.0954 3.2973 1.2421 0.1813 0.0625 . 0.4203 0.0246* 0.9092 0.0484* 0.2725 0.8349 Within cell error 36 0.4623 ** Highly significant (P < 0.01). * Significant (P < 0.05) . 48 Table 19. Analysis of variance summary for johnny darter larvae collect- ed vicinity of the J. H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan, I98K Larvae were collected in the 8.5~in plankton net tows and sled tows at sta- tion N (9 m, north) and the 9- and 11-m plankton net tows at station 0 (12 m, north) and In entralnment samples for Unit 3 of the Campbell Plant. Data were for the I5-I6 June, 1-2 July, 20-21 July, and 6-7 August sampling per iod. (Design I) Attained Source of significance variation df Mean square F-statistic level Month period Area (A) Time (T) M X A « X T A X T M X A X T (M) 0.3422 0.1441 1.9336 0.0444 0.3422 0.1441 0.0444 1.3617 0.5735 7.6943 0.1768 1.3617 0.5735 0.1768 0.2657 0.4526 0.0079** 0.9116 0.2657 0.4526 0.9116 Withiin cell error 48 0.2513 ** Higlily significant (P < * Significant (P < 0,05) . 0.01) . Table 20, Analysis of variance summary for johnny darter larvae col- lected In the vicinity of the J. H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan, 1981. Larvae were collected in the 8.5-ni plankton net tows at station N (9 m, north) and the 6-, 9* and ll-m plankton net tows at station 0 (12 m, north) and in entralnment samples for Unit 3 of the Campbell Plant. Data were for the 15-16 June, 1-2 July, 20-21 July, and 6-7 August sampling per I ods. (Design i I) Source of variation df Mean square F-statistIc Attained significance level Month peri iod (M) 3 0.2441 1.4400 0.2428 Area (A) 1 0.4430 2. 6134 0.1125 Time (T) 1 1.2201 7.1971 0.0100** M X A 3 0.0627 0.3696 0.7753 M X T 3 0.2441 1.4400 0.2428 A X T 1 0.4430 2.6134 0.1125 M X A X T 3 0.0627 0.3696 0.7753 Within cei 11 error 48 0.1695 ** Highly significant (P < 0.01). * Significant (P < 0.05) . 49 Table 21. Analysis of variance summary for damaged larvae collected In the vicinity of the J. H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan. I98I. Larvae were collected In the 8.5-m plankton net tows and sled tows at sta- tion N (9 mt north) and the 9- and 11-m plankton net tows at station 0 (12 m. north) and In entralnment samples for Unit 3 of the Campbell Plant. Data were for the 15-I6 June sampling period only. (Design I) Source of variation df Mean square F-statistic Attained significance level Area (A) Time (T) A X T 0.5211 2.3073 0.1287 0.7109 3.U77 0.1756 0.4156 0.1014 0.6825 Within cell error 12 0.7330 ** Highly significant (P < 0.01) * Significant (P < 0.05) • Table 22. Analysis of variance summary for damaged larvae collected in the vicinity of the J. H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan, I98I. Larvae were collected In the 8.5'*in plankton net tows at station N (9 m, north) and the 6-, 9- and 11-m plankton net tows at station 0 (12 m, north) and in entralnment samples for Unit 3 of the Campbell Plant. Data were for the 15"l6 June sampling period only. (Design II) Source of variation df Mean square F-statlstIc Attained significance level Area (A) Time (T) A X T 0.5211 2.3073 0.1287 0.7109 3.1477 0.1756 0.4156 0.1014 0.6825 Within cell error 12 0.7330 ** Highly significant (P < 0.01). * Significant (P < 0.05). 50 r • > 10 r -H ^ o -^ 0) --^ c O C (0 -H H. 3 (0 D U O — O « t3 — a L. -^ (u — a 0) > « ^ t o >- Q) — © r «»- a -13 ^ o E 4- a » — E W > (1) (0 -^ ^ CEO - • ^ • o -^ c « ? I -^ 13 O © O £ « -^ "0 JD • 5 X) -H ^ c -D ^ o a m n m il CL L, 4-» t. £ o o C -^ O) ar -HO) ^ X « -^ a J- « 0) C > 0) 0) — -^ -H 3 -0 £ ^ o o u ffj — (p a &. «•!-'>£ o O Q) 0 t- a£ H- D ^ O W -H o i. CO) <1) •^ N « — -^ - n > © -^ 1- £ CD "H "H © — (0 © iO £ CO T3 ^ 4- © CD « © © E w > fi fO -^ — "O CO D (0 £ «>. V am c ^ - « © < w -^ © 1- . £ ♦^ fl) f- +J ^ •H CO O I- 0) a c © -^ > © 15 £ > © H- a -^ o © -J — w (0 © •- o © ^ > © © L, — © H. 3 O ♦^ © © £ -^ Q © •M C o © © -D © i- > C - O) •D O C © ^ «^ C O) 3 © •H £ -^ C -^ © T) O £ © © C -^ O © © © © •-• £ £ -J '^ 4-> •*■> © C O Q) •*- 0) O) Q. • •»- ajt c > CO •H •* © — £ CM -^ 3 «J ♦- « o o *- £ © C © <- © t. -^ 3 © "O > © © C - E -H J- £ O)-^ © © © O)— « M- £ f- © © © O "H O Ui UJ < L O > © < tt 3 Z < O < -I Q. O > a £- Z UJ © Z h- 5 xa o o < 0. z z a © -JD o «/> U Q. cn o u &. -J GC © U UJ 3K UJ a o >- 0. O K t- m -J © Z ui 3 •-•so < tn a on -J in »-• a (L 0) < UJ © KZ 3 *- •-• 0 o X a O a «/) 0) U1 UJ in u. i. 0) •-« 0) ^ 3 UJ 0 -J CL O < 0) X tn © »-. O O U. UJ Q. < X^ CL O W O CI 1^

w -^ CO ^' w N r^ C> in M ^ (£1 O 1^ W CM CM 1^ in w ci CM in €► ro in CM o:) (p n f^ CHI CM 10 -r- c CD ••- 0) (fi C*) CO CM CSI CM in 0) ^ ^ in in rt (p r^ io in ^ m CM (0 en n in in «o (0 m ^ en 00 0) n 00 (P CO CO r^ fo CM CO n 1^ in w CM n O) (0 CO ^ "^ -^ CM O iD ry ID in CO CM '»- 0) f^ 0) ^ I** ^ n 00 in in ^ CO f^ n t^ O 0) ^ r^ CO ^ ^ ra CO in -^ Tf CM N CO r^ CO ^ n CO CO in (0 1^ O •^ t^ CM 0) ^ CO CO CM ■<- CM I*- CM h* ▼- cn CO O) "^ h- ^ in 1- TT CO •.- O in (D 0) TT r- CM O ro CO n CO 00 t^ -^ u> O in 0) CM ^ CO in •^ O) O r** •«- CO in CO ■^oiino -^cMino CO O CM h^ (D 51 ID in f^ •»- O) rj ^ 00 ^ n N r^ O in CM ^ (D O 1^ CO CM CM f* in CO CM •^ CO o -^ CO IP ^ CM CM CM CM 0< t^ ■»- O) CM in ^ -^ O CM r< CM CM CO (P t^ 00 1^ 0) 0) o< «p in '^r 5J- ^ ^ "^ CM h* O CM IP in in '"^ CO to m t^ tD CO CM CO CO •^ CO in 00 in CO CM -^ CM O CM (P (p 5 0) o) cp r* r^ CM CO CM -^ -^ CO in (p o CO ^ H tP t^ IP in '•8' 1^ CM "^ 1^ '^ ^ in CO cp in ^ CO CP ^ -^ CO CO in '^ CO en CO CO CM en in 0) CM n -^ i^ in CO CO CM CM en CO CO in ^ cp o in inin^co co-^cotf) in^nco O in CD CO mono nncoeo oco(pin nrrcocn CM CM 0) in cp in -^ CM CO f^ (p in in n CO in "^ CM -r- CO h-

omis Pomoxis spp. PM L L Unidentified Pomoxis Micropterus sal mo ides (Lacepede) LB L Largemouth bass Centrarchidae spp. CT L Unidentified Centrarchidae Clupeidae Alosa pseudoharenaus (Wilson) AL L,F L L.F L.F Alewife Dorosoma cepedianum (Lesueur) GS L L L Gizzard shad Cottidae Cottus cognatus Richardson SIS SI imy sculpin Cottus bairdi Girard MS Mottled sculpin Myoxocephalus thompsoni (Girard) FS Deepwater sculpin Cottidae spp. UC Unidentified Cottidae L L L L Cypr inidae Cypr inus carpio Linnaeus Common carp CP 53 Table 2k. Continued. Scientific and Common Name Lake Michigan 1981 Entrainment Code Unit 1981 Units 3 16 2 1981 Units 1 6 2 1980 GL L ES L L.F L SP L.F L L.F L.F BN F F PP F F Notemiqonus crysoleucas (Mitchill) GL Golden shiner Notropis ather inoides Raf inesque Emerald shiner Notropis hudsonius (Clinton) Spottail shiner Pimephales notatus (Raf inesque) Bluntnose minnow Pimephales promelas Raf inesque Fathead minnow Gadidae Lota lota (Linnaeus) Burbot BR Gasterosteidae Pungi tius pungi tius (Linnaeus) Ninespine stickleback NS Osmeridae Osmerus mordax (Mitchill) SM L,F Trout-perch L,F L,F L,F Rainbow smelt Percidae Etheostoma nigrum Raf inesque JD L.F L L L Johnny darter Perca flavescens (Mitch ill) YP L.F L L L Yel low perch Percopsidae Percopsis omiscomaycus (Walbaum) TP L L L L Salmonidae Coregoninae spp. Unidentified Coregoninae XC L.F Larvae damaged beyond recognition XP 54 5000- 4000- £ O O O N UJ 3000- < > q: < _j o Z 2000- 1000- Apr MIONTH Fig. 11. Mean collected at Plant, eastern over all gear (day and night) and over all calculation of densities of fi July. Entrai larvae/1000 m» densities by month the north transect Lake Michigan, 1977- (sled and plankton n for calculation of diel periods (day entrainment densitie sh larvae entrained nment rates for and were not shown. of total fish larvae near the J. H. Campbell 1981. Data were pooled ets) and all diel periods field larvae densities, dusk, night, dawn) for s. Shaded areas are mean by Unit 3 for June and other months were <15 NS « not sampled. 55 was collected in a beach tow. Smelt larvae appeared in early May, primarily in nearshore samples, along with a few yellow perch. Deepwater sculpin larvae were collected in late May at >3 m stations, which was later than their usual peak of occurrence {March-early May). A few smelt larvae continued to appear through July; however, by June they were more abundant at deeper stations (6-15 m) . Slimy sculpin larvae were first collected in early June at 9-15 m. Mid- June — Alewife and spottail shiner spawning commenced in June, and abundance of larvae was much greater in mid-June than early June. Both species were collected at all depths, but spottails tended to concentrate near shore. Yellow perch larvae were common at all depths. Species diversity was greatest in mid-June. Other larvae collected included johnny darter, slimy sculpin, trout- perch, ninespine stickleback, gizzard shad, carp and unidentified Coregoninae (probably bloater), but most of these taxons were collected only at the plant transect (Appendixes 9, 10). Early July — Cool water temperatures in late June (9-13 C, Fig. 12) indicated an upwelling occurred. Depressed spawning or evacuation of the inshore zone by adult and larval fish due to the upwelling was evidenced by lower abundance of larvae in early July, except near shore (1-3 m) . Both newly hatched and older alewives were collected there. Late July — Spawning and hatching rebounded after the upwelling, but larvae densities did not reach 1980 levels (Fig. 11). Alewives and spottails were more abundant at the plant transect than the reference transect (Appendixes 9, 10), with both newly hatched and larger larvae of both species common in the area. Newly hatched alewives were concentrated at 6 m. Spottails were most abundant at 1-1.5 m; a night sled tow at station I (1.5 m, north) yielded peak density for the year, 33,600 larvae/1000 m^ . August and September — Alewife larvae continued to be the most abundant species in August and September, followed by spottail shiner. The last newly hatched alewives appeared in early August. Abundance of alewives and spottails tapered off through September. Small numbers of trout-perch larvae appeared through late August. 56 30- o ^20 3 (ri- iu< UJ I- 10- I • entrainment 'sampling dates FIELD SAMPLING DATES i 1 11 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 n I M M 1 1 n I n I i n 1 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 m 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 m 1 1 1 1 JUN JUL AUG MONTH Fi-^. 12. Daily water temperatures taken at the entrainment sampling site at Unit 3, the J. H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan during June-August 19B1. ENTRAINMENT SUMMARY Projected Yearly Entrainment Projected larvae entrainment at Units 1 and 2 during 1980 and 1981 _ was 186 and 22.2 million, respectively (Tables 25 and 26). Estimated numbers of larvae entrained at these two units ranged from 69.9 to 77.7 million per year during 1977-1979 (Jude et al. 1980). Fluctuations of yearly entrainment at Units 1 and 2 were due mainly to changes of abundance of larval alewives. The large projected loss during 1980 resulted mostly from extreme abundance of alewife larvae in Lake Michigan due to warm inshore water _ temperatures and few to no upwellings during the major spawning season (Jude et al. 1981a). Relatively low entrainment during 1981 was due to a weak year class of larval alewives and a year of frequent upwellings. Total number of alewife larvae 57 entrained at Units 1 and 2 during 1980 and 1981 was 169 million and 9*3 million, respectively. The number of fish eggs entrained was estimated at 336 million in 1980 and 20.6 million in 1981 (Tables 25 and 26) . During 1980 Unit 3 was in operation only from September to December and approximately 95,000 fish larvae (alewives and trout-perch) were estimated entrained during this period (Table 27). Projected number of fish larvae entrained at Unit 3 during 1981 (10.2 million) (Table 28) was relatively low. During 1981 Unit 3 operated at a monthly average of 33 to 73% of kilowatt capacity (Table 29), with an annual mean of 59.1%. The mean percentage of capacity during May-September was 62.7%. An average operating level of 60 to 65% of capacity is considered normal for this type of power plant (J. Gulvas, personal communication, Consumers Power Company, 1945 Parnall Rd. , Jackson, Michigan). These data suggested that, at the level of larval fish abundance observed in Lake Michigan during 1981 (see RESULTS AND DISCUSSION - 24-H POPULATION AND ENTRAINMENT COMPARISONS), the estimated 10.2 million larvae entrained represented a loss under normal operating conditions of Unit 3. Taxons During 1977-1980, 18 to 21 larval fish species were collected annually in Lake Michigan field sampling near the J. H. Campbell Plant (Jude et al. 1981a). During 1981 only 15 species were found at the north transect and 11 species, plus larvae too damaged to identify, were entrained at Unit 3 (Table 28). Larval fish taxons that occurred at the north transect, but were not entrained, included emerald shiner, unidentified Coregoninae and largemouth bass. Lake trout, burbot, suckers, sunfish and crappie larvae were caught in field samples during 1977-1980, but did not occur in north and south transects or entrainment samples during 1981. A large number of species, 23, 21, 21 and 16, respectively, were found in 1978-1981 Units 1 and 2 entrainment samples due to intake of both Lake Michigan and Pigeon Lake water. The relative importance of species entrained by Unit 3 was substantially different from that observed at Units 1 and 2. Yellow perch was the most abundant species entrained by Unit 3 accounting for 31.8% of all larvae entrained. This species represented approximately 3.5% of the larvae entrained by Units 1 and 2 during 1980-1981 which is much lower than observed during 1978-1979, when larval yellow perch represented about 21% of all larvae entrained. Slimy sculpin, johnny darter, ninespine stickleback and trout-perch were also found in higher proportions in Unit 3 entrainment samples during 1981. Alewife remained one of the most abundant species entrained by Unit 3, but its relative importance was substantially lower than was found at 58 o u c o o 1. O > 0) « i^ T5 :3 *- D i. » « — • 13 O 3 O 1} (P -H iO C 0) y. « 3 -^ C E - 131 -^ - O « iz ** v m u •»- a o •- v (. uj — < c 3 {L 0) • a • « CD *- © © C «i- (0 W ^ — > (3) « S. > £. © -J 3 — « (D "O -^ ^ C fO £ t TJ 13 <*. to © © O ••- ♦* 4^ C H. 0) o o n CQ © L «•- © ^ XJ © o - ©x> » O M E 13 +' O CO 3 C C a C IB 10 M •- © ©-o © a — £. © fs a © -H > - E 5 O U *- CO © 10 © 10 C0 "^ - 13 © O acp -H «. r E -^ « a CQ CO E -»- o c -^ © «|. — ^ £ M. X "D liJ (3 © C • > o c © o (3 © 10 00 (. X r 1} o> o CO 4- O '- l- 4-' C <»- C £. © CO o o © 3 4^ D *- (3 CM ^ E O C © {. T? CO U B) JO C - © -o > © ao c O 3 «♦- '•^ > r o (3 £ 0)JQ « ♦* 3 CO -H r o £. 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L. 9 9 9 -^ D -i OOO OOO OOO OOO OOO OOO OOO OOO 0 3 3 (COO a oa ffl 9 « - C {. c j£ a> « ■^ o as a^- ao «« ♦- D-J « (/) c (. c c 0 0 0 ♦* a 5 a a 0 0 9 65 o d 88° 88' COOT CM rr oj OOO OOO OOO OOO OOO OOO OOO OOO OOO OQ< iP 5 CM OOO OOO OOO w -»- CM 0)' OOO OOO — eo n « '- ^ CM ^ •- OOO — 0> P5 P> to O S8° SS" CO o» m 6 I z s c 3 ■3 tn 10 tf) CM to 0) OOO in 10 If) CM n •- 88! (0 (O ( !88 OOO OOO !8 81 OOO OOO '» 0) 00 O •^ 10 OOO OOO 88" n 80 •0 3 C C o o CO n OOO OOO OOO OOO OOO 5 « 0 :a1 No. of Eggs 'ntralned Upper Bound Lower Bound 11 Si N 1 (0 c 11 moo 5ii ill 1 3 -1 66 Table 29. Percentage of kilowatt capacity for the J.H. Campbell Plant's Unit 3 during 1981. Month Average % of capacity Month Average % of capacity Jan 51.6 Feb 61.5 Mar 73.7 Apr 33.2 May 59.1 Jun 63.0 Jul 60.9 Aug 62.9 Sep 67.5 Oct 44.5 Nov 67.5 Dec 63.6 Units 1 and 2 during 1977-1981. In 1981 spottail shiner larvae represented a lower percentage of the total larvae entrained at Unit 3 (12%) than at Units 1 and 2 (22.4%). During 1977-1980, t^e percentage larval spottail shiners comprised of total larvae entrained at Units 1 and 2 was relatively low (0.43-12.1%). Percentage of smelt larvae entrained at Unit 3 during 1981 (2.9%) was similar to percentages of this species comprised in Units 1 and 2 entrainment samples during 1978-1981 (0.35-3.5%). Seasonal Occurrence January-April — Yellow perch larvae first appeared in Unit 3 entrainment samples during late April in 1981 (Table 28, Appendix 14). No other larval fish species were entrained during this month. Fish eggs, probably burbot eggs, were first collected during March. Increasing numbers of fish eggs were entrained during April as more species started to spawn in Lake Michigan. During 1981 unidentified Coregoninae larvae and damaged larvae were first collected at Units 1 and 2 in March (Table 26). Spottail shiner, yellow perch, burbot and unidentified sucker larvae first appeared in Units 1 and 2 entrainment samples in Apr i 1 . May- Larval fish densities at the north transect and in the Unit 3 intake canal were relatively low during May 1981 (Fig. 13). Estimated larval fish entrainment at Unit 3 for May (231,000) was only slightly higher than that of April (Table 28). Rainbow smelt was the most common species entrained during May accounting for 44.5 percent of all larvae entrained. This species was 67 abundant in the shallow area (1-3 m) and less common at stations L, N and 0 (6 to 12 m) (Fig. 13). Deepwater sculpin larvae made up 70.1 percent of all larval fish collected at stations L, N and 0, but occurred in substantially lower proportions in entrainment samples (Table 30). Larval slimy sculpins were the second-most common species entrained during May. They were not found at stations L, N and 0 (Table 30). Larval yellow perch^ first appeared in north transect samples during May. This species was entrained at approximately the same rate as during late April (Table 28). Perch larvae represented 13.5 percent of all larvae entrained during May. The only other larval fish entrained during May was spottail shiner. Fewer fish eggs were entrained during May than during April (Table 28). Rainbow smelt larvae were also the most abundant species found in Units 1 and 2 entrainment samples during May 1981. Common carp, johnny darter and Pomoxis larvae began to occur in entrainment samples, whereas yellow perch larvae started to decline at Units 1 and 2 during May. June — Larval fish densities at the north transect and the Unit 3 intake canal remained low during early June, but dramatically increased during late June (Fig. 13). Of the 10.2 million larvae lost at Unit 3 during 1981, 8.25 million (81%) were entrained during June. Yellow perch was the most abundant species in entrainment samples, accounting for 36.2 percent of all larvae entrained in June. This species, however, comprised only 10.0 percent of the larvae collected at stations L, N and 0 (Table 30). Larval alewives represented 79.9 percent of the larvae collected at stations L, N and 0, but accounted for only 26.9 percent of entrained larvae. Rainbow smelt larvae comprised 4.5 percent of the larvae collected at stations L, N and O, but only 2.4 percent of the larvae entrained were smelt. For all other species entrained in June (spottail shiner, slimy sculpin, johnny darter and trout-perch) percentages observed in entrainment samples were higher than those found in the field at stations L, N and 0 (Table 30). These data suggested that larvae were not equally susceptible to entrainment by Unit 3. The ANOVA indicated that densities were significantly higher in the Unit 3 intake canal than at the lower strata of stations N and 0^ (9 and 12 m) for yellow perch and slimy sculpin larvae; no difference in densities between these two areas was found for rainbow smelt, spottail shiner and johnny darter larvae (see RESULTS AND DISCUSSION - STATISTICS). For design II using only plankton net observations (see METHODS - STATISTICS) for stations N and 0, larval alewife density was significantly greater in field samples than in entrainment samples. Avoidance of the intakes (alewife) and concentrated spawning on the riprap (other species) are proposed reasons for these differences. 68 f 0. 0>liJ CO iSS 1» t5 L\^^^vvvvvv^ ^3 cvjL 2- ^ k\\NNSSS\SS\\S\\\\SSSS^^.^^.^IS g h- o o on LU 0) 2 z H- < -J z cc UJ h- CO s z z X o < h- K QC o: < 1- o H z z CO UJ It II II cz5 ^2 D E3 o o s o o o o CD CD CVJ O 2 cNjcr cvjq: ' Q. 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Per statio J. H. u o f-l rH 1 >^ V4 0) c •fH c •H CO > fH u 0) tn tn a fH u CO iH 0) E tn 4J u CO c u u O Table 3C transect from the tn 0) U a 0) M-< > cu iH < iH ••-1 CO 4J 4J o a en u tn >i E •f-4 iH cn 0) CO B o •Q ••-4 CO >1 c c o 0) a 4J iH CO O ^ u atn 0) 0) Q s. 1 o CO fH iH CU u tn •fH 70 Alewife, spottail shiner and common carp larvae were the dominant species in Units 1 and 2 entrainment samples during June. Rainbow smelt, yellow perch, johnny darter, Lepomis, Pomoxfs and trout-perch larvae were also entrained at Units 1 and 2 during June. July — Mean densities of larval fish at the north transect and in the Unit 3 intake canal decreased substantially during early July 1981 (Appendixes 9, 14). Spawning and hatching of most fish species were probably slowed due to upwellings of cold water by the end of June. During late July larval fish populations at the north transect and at stations L, N and 0 increased to the levels observed during late June (Fig. 13) due mainly to an abundance of alewife and spottail shiner larvae. Entrainment losses, however, remained relatively low (Fig. 13, Table 28). Larval alewives and spottail shiners occurred mostly in shallow areas (1-6 m) , far from the Unit 3 intake site. Despite being entrained in low numbers, alewife and spottail shiner larvae accounted for 71.8 percent of total larvae entrained. Johnny darter and trout-perch represented 11.5 and 5.7 percent of all entrained larvae, respectively. Other larval fish entrained in low densities during July were slimy sculpins, ninespine sticklebacks, yellow perch, gizzard shad, carp and damaged larvae (Table 28). Entrainment of fish eggs declined substantially during July (Table 28). At the north transect, however, greatest numbers of fish eggs were found during late July at nearshore stations (Appendix 9). Alewife, spottail shiner and common carp larvae continued to be the most abundant species entrained at Units 1 and 2. Most species found in entrainment samples in June also occurred in July. August -Dec ember — Larval fish abundance • in field and Unit 3 entrainment samples declined substantially during August 1981. Alewife and spottail shiner larvae continued to dominate in field and entrainment samples (Tables 28 and 30). Alewife larvae were the most common species at stations L, N and 0, but were entrained at a lower rate than spottail shiner larvae. Other larval fish entrained during August were johnny darters, trout-perch, gizzard shad and ninespine sticklebacks. Larvae were scarce in the study area during September and October. Only larval alewives were found in field samples at stations L, N and 0, and only trout- perch larvae were found in entrainment samples during September and October. No larvae were found in Unit 3 entrainment samples during November and December. Fish egg entrainment continued to 71 decline during August. No eggs were entrained in September and December. A small number of fish eggs were entrained at Unit 3 during October and November (Table 28). Monthly entrainment of alewife larvae at Units 1 and 2 was highest during August. Other larval fish species found at Units 1 and 2 during June and July substantially declined in August. Only larval alewives and spottail shiners were entrained during September. Alewife was the only larval fish species entrained at Units 1 and 2 during October, November and December. 24-H POPULATION AND ENTRAINMENT .COMPARISONS We calculated a population estimate for each larval fish species based on densities of larvae measured at each north transect station and stratum (see METHODS - ESTIMATION OF LARVAL FISH ABUNDANCE IN A SPECIFIED AREA OF LAKE MICHIGAN). The water body encompassed the area from shore to the 15-m contour and was based on length of shoreline realized by an "average^' current (0.082 m/s) during a 24-h period. We compared these population estimates with our 24-h entrainment loss estimate to get a perspective on the magnitude of the impact on Lake Michigan fish larvae populations. Estimated populations of larvae in the vicinity of the plant were greatest , on the average, for alewife (Table 31). Peak 24-h abundance of alewife larvae observed in the plant vicinity based on night sampling was 207 million during mid- June. Average percentage of the population estimate comprised by the corresponding entrainment estimate was low for alewife (0 to 0.53%) while the average percentage was highest for slimy sculpin larvae (over 100% in mid-June). The population of slimy sculpin larvae was apparently substantially underestimated. Density of slimy sculpin larvae within the immediate area of the intake structures, including the riprap, was most likely considerably higher than at north transect sampling areas. Entrained fish eggs, on the average, comprised a relatively high percentage (up to 32%) of the estimated population of fish eggs in the plant vicinity. As with slimy sculpin larvae, fish egg density was probably higher in the immediate riprap area than at the average north transect station. Behavior of fish larvae in response to the intake structures, including screens, influenced the calculated ratios of entrainment totals to field population. Alewife larvae may have avoided the intake screens whereas slimy sculpin larvae may have been attracted to them. 72 ft) x: emu. ^ C r u s. •o o c «•- n (D Q) 03 13 -H B TJ ID 0) r C Q) E 0—00 £ tn ^ •»- O S. f. t} to Q) Ow 0) a V) Q) . r 3 - o •D 0) E (D OJ C -^ i fo 8) n O) c I. ui c © ^ ^ > c - « (D • a n E 0) 0) ID O O'H ID 4- flj C ** - 3 C n r 0) C 01 0} E » -^ * c "D «l> 4^ •^ C (8 C "D CO C O C — 4- « a c 0) « — - 10 > © "^ i3 C £ CO » ^ B "^ t. 10 © r u &. ? 0) © ^ © £ 0} ti. r E © ♦- © 10 o >a E jD © — 1. in 4^ © 0) 0) X3 tJ O © E O v 3 -^ •-• C t. — 1-4 © ^ T3 a j- c © a O 4^ 0)< •^ 10 c ^ E •- E « -^ — o .- ^ a i. D 0> B «^- a © © O 0J TJ CL © O t r -^ ©ail. — ^ © •^ x» CM a r © 3 "0 O) O) 3 c c o) c 3 a - -^ tJ E c © 0-^0) 4* 10 ^ © - C XJ < © — 13 E © © C -^ > . -^ «*- IL 4* © © £ ;. r 0) 0)4* O X) - c © O C UJ © C E o - o 4* in • © eo^ •- 13 CMZ 3 © < a c o C9 O •^ 4^ »-4 © © u * "D J. «-» © c o z © 3 r ^ n til u c ^ © n E < a o-t 0) © c © «». u. r -»- o o © T) © u © < © ^ X3 lAJ 13 £ cr «^ c © < 0-^4- X o © I *-< n c •-• 4^ JZ © U C © Hi © © © o. O D C I/) © < — < a © © • o*-* u © i: O 4^ © UJ « o © E u. 2 © ^ o < ©4' O © © E Z £ © D 4* in tD c 4^ eo < ©CO <- © r* I © E (/) a c ci-< ^ Ou. c © •^ t- T3 -J 4* © < © c © > L. © © cr © 1} < DO) -I EC© 3 -^ © u. 2 13 5 O O 4*2 • a c o O) © © t-^ C © .- K •^ i- a< «- J. s Q. 0 © •-< E O r K © 4* I/) © © lAJ r ««. T5 4* O I © > >cn •^ D 4*0 »«- -^ o •OCX r © -^ H 4^ © U UJ ^^ ^ s a © > E © — o • © ♦- o ©w c o» © © © © IL 4^ 4^ t. 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IB M •— «» 10 T> — — ID g — — ID *» 3 :t u n 3 3 u 3 3 U tt :i 3 i. 3 3 u a CL *^ 4u a a w >N. a 0. CL 0. ^ — 0 0 c: 2 0 CI c -M 0 0 c E 00c ID c 0 c (J 0 0 C — 0. CL UJ tt 0. a., UJ 0 fi. a. ui a. a. ui E 0. fi. UJ _ a. 0. UJ «) •" fi. •— ID ID 73 o •o m C O u n m i 1 o o o 03 i t 000 I I 00 — d 000 o -> — c *n-9 lA c I 3 i m I m 000 000 000 000 O O -a- I I O OvA I I 000 I I 000 00 — o o o o • CO ^sO o oco o 000 000 00 o moo 0 (M 0 oo o%o U>f^ en i*% — 0 r^i*> lArri -» CM 000 f*y 03 — o 000 I I 000 000 o o o% 00 •I c c c c c c 4-ioot» jcoot) >^ a C Q. Ol c o o c 5 »- ^2 2*- 4-1 4.' CL O. 4-> 3 O O C o a. o. < c c c J« o o « O — — E i) « 4^ 4^ S C A « « — — •> — —• a— 3 3 a. M ^ O. CL 4U t> u o o c c — a. o. uj c c c e c c 0 0 •! 0 0 « V. 'Z'Z z zzg •) • « — ID « — 4-» C ^ — « 5 - 3 3 i. :i 3 k. lt»oS (L a 4^ 0. ( 0 c 01 3 0. & 4*1 u a. a. lAj 0> U ID ** 4-1 ID 4^ *DCCC tS CCC £1 C C C IDO^tt tlt>00«> OOV ¥i *-t ** C «»»C4i' o o > -» — «> o oco o o u> f I o o o ^ CD O O o o I 3 «- C 1 3 soeo o I I o o o O 0 4' O O " • • rsi eo o\ o o^ to \D W\ \0 %f\ o o o o o o «n O — oo O O \0 tACD iA CO — iA *»MA O O vO O O o>> o o o o o O O 91 — £ £ I o o •» -22*- •>33»- ao.a.4.i< — I0Q.O.4J uopc io>ooc E o « c c o o I s t) o C « lA O « ON 13 3) : O O 1 ) a. a. L 75 TOTAL CATCH OF JUVENILE AND ADULT FISH During the 1981 study, 36 species of adult and juvenile fish representing 16 families were collected or observed in Lake Michigan near the J. H. Campbell Plant (Table 32). They included a wide variety of species, including marine forms (alewife, rainbow smelt, salmon), a threatened species (lake sturgeon), sport fish (yellow perch, trout), commercial fish (bloaters, yellow perch, lake whitefish, round whitefish), forage species and a primarily inland species (chestnut lamprey). The 1981 catch of juvenile and adult fish was dominated by alewives (41%), rainbow smelt (40%), spottail shiner (8%), unidentified Coregoninae (6%) and yellow perch (1%) (Table 33). During the period 1977-1980 alewives were either first or second in order of abundance. Rainbow smelt were ranked first in total catch in 1979 (38%) and 1980 (44%). Alewives were first in order of abundance in 1977 (69%) and 1978 (49%). Spottail shiner catch was relatively stable over the 5-yr sampling period, ranging between 8 and 18% of the total catch for all years. Spottail shiner was the third-most common species in all years. Unidentified Coregoninae, believed to be mostly bloaters, were the fourth-most often caught fish in 1980 and 1981. This subfamily has become more abundant in each study -year. The increase is a lake-wide occurrence attributed to banning of commercial harvest and a decline or stabilization in alewife populations. Yellow perch numbers remained stable in 1981, comprising 1.5% of the total catch. They comprised 1 to 2% of the total catch during 1977-1981. Trout-perch fell from fifth- most common §pecies in 1980 to sixth in 1981. They were the fourth- to sixth-most common species from 1977-1981. Of the four gear types used for collecting juvenile and adult fish (trawls, surface and bottom gill nets and seines), trawls collected the vast majority of fish (Tables 34-37). Although surface gill nets caught the smallest numbers of fish, some unusual results were noted from surface gill net catches. Spottail shiners and lake trout, two normally benthic species, were the second- and third-most abundant species caught in surface gill nets. Lake trout were caught in surface gill nets in past years (especially during fall), but October 1981 was the only time that lake trout catches were greater in surface gill nets (74 fish) than in bottom gill nets (60 fish) (Tables 34, 35). Results were similar at both transects, precluding any effect from the thermal plume. 76 Table 32. Family name, scientific name, common name and codes for all species of juvenile and adult fish captured (from 1977 through 1981) in Lake Michigan near the J. H. Campbell Plant. An X denotes presence in a given year. Names assigned according to Robins et al. (1980). Family, Scientific and Common Name Code 1977 1978 1979 1980 198I Acipenser idae Acipenser fulvescens Rafinesque LG Lake sturgeon Ather inidae Labidesthes sicculus (Cope) SV Brook silverside Catostomidae Carpiodes cypr inus (Lesueur) Qui 1 Iback Catostomus catostomus (Forster) Longnose sucker Catostomus commersoni (Lacepede) White sucker Moxostoma anisurum (Rafinesque) Silver redhorse Moxostoma erythrurum (Rafinesque) Golden redhorse Moxostoma macro lepidotum (Lesueur) Shorthead redhorse Centrarchidae Lepomis cyanel lus Rafinesque Green sunfish Lepom i s qibbosus (Linnaeus) Pumpk i nseed Lepom i s macrochi rus Rafinesque Bluegill Micropterus dolomieui Lacepede Smal 1 mouth bass Pomox i s nigromaculatus (Lesueur) Black crappie Clupeidae Alosa pseudoharengus (Wilson) AL X XX X X Alewif e Dorosoma cepedianum (Lesueur) GS X X X X X Gizzard shad QL X X X LS X X X X X WS X X X X X MA X X X X X GR X X X X SR X X X X X GN PS X BG X X SB X BC 77 Table 32. Continued. Family, Scientific and Common Name Code 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 Cottidae Cottus bairdi Girard Mottled sculpin Cottus coqnatus Richardson SI imy sculpin Myoxocephalus thompsoni (Girard) Deepwater sculpin Cyprinidae Carassius auratus (Linnaeus) Goldfish Cypr inus carpio Linnaeus Common carp Notemigonus crysoleucas (Mitchill) Golden shiner Notropis atherinoides Raf inesque Emerald shiner Notropis hudsonius (Clinton) Spottail shiner Pimephales notatus (Raf inesque) Bluntnose minnow Pimephales promelas Raf inesque Fathead minnow Rhinichthys cataractae (Valenciennes) Longnose dace Esocidae Esox lucius Linnaeus Northern pike Gadidae Lota lota (Linnaeus) Burbot Gasterosteidae Fungi tius pungi tius (Linnaeus) Ninespine stickleback Ictalur idae Ictalurus natal is (Lesueur) Yellow bullhead Ictalurus punctatus (Raf inesque) Channel catfish MS X XXX SS X X X X X FS XX GF X CP X X X X X GL X ES X X X X X SP X X X X X BM XX X PP X X LD X X NP X X BR X X XX NS X X X X X YB X CC X X X X X 78 Table 32. Continued, Family, Scientific and Common Name Code 1977 1978 1979 1980 I98I Osmer idae Osmerus mordax (Mitchill) SM X X X X X Rainbow smelt Percidae Etheostoma nigrum Raf inesque JD X X X X X Johnny darter Perca flavescens (Mitchill) YP X X X X X Ye 1 low perch Stizostedion vitreum vitreum (Mitchill) WL X XX Wal leye Per cops idae Percopsis omiscomaycus (Walbaum) TP X X X X X Trout-perch Petromyzontidae Ichthyomyzon castaneus Girard CL X Chestnut lamprey Salmonidae Coreqonus artedi i Lesueur Lake herring or cisco Coregonus clupeaformis (Mitchill) Lake whitefish Coregonus hoyi Bloater Coregonus spp. Unidentified Coregoninae Oncorhynchus kisutch (Walbaum) Coho salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha (Walbaum) Chinook salmon Prosopium cylindraceum (Pallas) Round whi tef ish Sal mo gairdneri Richardson Rainbow trout Sal mo trutta Linnaeus Brown trout Salvel inus namaycush (Walbaum) Lake trout Sciaenidae Aplodinotus grunniens Raf inesque FD Freshwater drum 79 LH X LW X X X X X BL X X X X X XC X X X X X CM X X X X X CH X X X X X RW X X X X X RT X X X X X BT X X X X X LT X X X X X Table 32. Continued. Family 9 Scientific and Common Name Code 1977 1978 1979 1980 198I Umbr idae Umbra 1 imi (Kirtland) Central mudminnow m MOST ABUNDANT SPECIES Alewife Introduction — Alewife was the most abundant species of larval fish in Lake Michigan near the Campbell Plant from June to August of all years sampled, 1977-1981 (Judeetal. 1981a). The first substantial occurrence of larval alewives in the area of the Campbell Plant in any one year was related to the annual spring warming of Lake Michigan when temperatures approximated 17 C, which generally occurs from early to late June. Prior to this, adult alewives annually move inshore and initiate spawning when water temperatures approximate 15 C. Total catch of alewives in 1981 was 63,618 fish, the highest total catch recorded from 1977 to 1981, when catches ranged from 15,993 in 1980 to 53,864 in 1977. Part of these differences in total catch were due to minor changes in stations fished, upwelling phenomena, and the population level in 1981. Seines comprised 15.7%, trawls 77.3%, surface gill nets 1.4% and bottom gill nets 5.5% of the total catch in 1981. Maximum catch (all gear) occurred in November when 33,804 fish, many YOY, were collected, while May was second with 10,643 fish caught. Alewives were ranked first or second through the 5 yr sampled, comprising the following percentages of total catch in the corresponding years: 1977 - 68.5, 1978 - 49.0, 1979 - 36.4, 1980 - 19.0 and 1981 - 41.0. Overall more fish were caught during the day (37,155) than at night (26,463) during 1981. Larvae — Introduction — The first major occurrence of larval alewives in Lake Michigan near the Campbell Plant generally occurred from late June to early July. Limited spawning and hatching activity 80 0) n a E « U o C c ID r u (0 0) 0) a > (0 12 £ 00 UiOi 3 -^ (0 U t. 0) (0 n Q) E ^ 0) u u ao 0) I r ^ o c 10 I. -^ « r E o E •«- D Z 0) "c SL O 0) 12 CO 09 (0 H- (0 O -H o E 3 lnlD^^Dooo)^*0(n«^*(»cnO'^"^c^lOooooooeo^DC2WC2^l3-3"^3-3-3-3- ^,,-^^CM'»-coo o z u o a en > (0 a < m o a canCMWO'^n«)W^lO^^^WCMCM" CO o* cs O Ci -^ (P ip <.- ^ ID in h»^CDr^oo^«PO'^CMO'^0)OOOC^OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOin ^ ^ 00 ex W CO ^floco'»-0'^oo^fl0'^oo^0inioeoc>0ino00^flonooo0'-000000in 0 0*^010^ CM '«- CO *- CM t^ 00 -^ "^ CM ^ in CO -•- ^ h-cMinooOcoOin^r^O^coOOOcoO^^coOcMCMWOOOcoO'^O'^^OOflO COO'^CMOO'^'^CMCOCO^ ^ f-'T-o^'^co'^ in •^ 1" ^ ^ cM^eoin^i^cM^cMincoin'»-oocMcoo>OcM 4-0 1. O -H C Q) C (0 — 3 C -H © O) N ^ o r -^ ^ c N © t- o r CO o -^ > I- -D ^ -J -J O CO c — CO «*- -^ E 0) a^ c •H — « O •^ 3 10 E JZ O i- 3 to ^ (0 o to T5 > O C E C O 3 ---^ £ O .- £ O q: tn u cj u a n . o c 3 JI O l» C '(O ^ IL O (3) L. 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O C o « c TJ -^ 9£ •^ 01 O • v — c « 01 - o - c a o in u IL C -^ £ a» -^ V £ o v am 0 1. L. ^ c o « 3 a» « ax3 u c a « -^ 1 2 > a M 3- c E « O*- £ '^ C c a» o - -^ I- > "D in Z d> O 3 10 v 3 O O m L O -H c C J£ o a £ ^ « u 3 n 10 c « 9 N V ^ £ O 3 £ « C •^ O H. E 9 - £ o T3 O C C 3 -^ O £ a o c a • c £ — C -^ 10 3 CI a^ O £'- H- M a flO 3 4^ c a 10 o 9 o ^ V 3 TJ — « c c o o i o -H - c a E 10 ♦^ c O E Q) V fi 0 O £ O £ 2 o C £ C M •^ 1^ E ^H c o 4> «} « E D in ♦» c « 0. ^ > f>B 0 Q) z J3 g- fO ■" u s ♦* 4^ s. « g & c l/> a 0) £ U ? i 3 < o j^ « ^ c 1 0) c 0 m C ^ 3 4"* r O) > £ 10 o o to *- a 00 < £ 0) i iO ^* ^^ (^ 0) M-£ 1 0 § >> 1 L. o flZ 1 1 E »— 3 ^» en a < r*- • €0 c 9 8> r 10 o £ u fi a nSSncMCMCM'-OOOOOOOOO (PfJVdbdbdooooooooo cn^nwwwcDOOtPtP n in ^ n n*-"^- in 0)^*^OOOOO^OOOOOOOO*• ^ ^ n o ^ CM OwnOWOOOOnOOOO'^OOw ip^^^0>OOOO€>iO'*-OOO'**Oin » ^ ^ CM CDr)r)CMflDO0DOO'*-OrMO>OOO'«-(P n so CD in CM o 0) CM n r* IP ^ 00 CMOOOOO'^OOOOO^noOOiP n IP O ooinoooomoooO'^oooo^ ^iniPOOCMO^OOinO^'OOOO^ 00 (P m 0) r* ^ m CM n '-OcMOCMOOOmO^'-'^'OOOOf^ ^ IP ^ CM 0) « c c o Ui CO O c •hC« O C4-»^ o ^-»-uc re TJ -^3 0 t-c ©ro-^co — iTio-HEos a»c eio-^not-ioors^t. 10 jc^ n iooa)+' UE ^ -^ — a o cw «-3 0)2-^4^T}iO ^aX3-H0 36IO.-IOT3 H.OlOC'-IOSOilC COO*^ «(/> •^i}«Ha)fD oo-Hac-i »c-HXJi-0'-C3N5Cc:o»a)*-i:< ©^0-«X:'--0N03-'-C3-^'H»- *-«acEo«££--^t— 110 — r«o -OI»C9fiQ0aCC-JfiD3KU.K 85 was indicated in early June of some years, however, larval alewife densities were generally minimal at this time (less than 25 larvae/1000 mM. The single occurrence of larval alewives in May, 1979 (Jude et al. 1980) suggests that limited alewife spawning activity may begin in May of some years, however, the spawning site (either inland or coastal Lake Michigan) could not be determined. Newly hatched larval alewives are believed to be passively carried by water currents, and are suspected to be the progeny of alewives spawning in May in adjacent rivers (Grand, Muskegon and Kalamazoo Rivers). Progeny are then carried into Lake Michigan and transported by various alongshore currents. The distributional patterns of larval alewives during times of maximum abundance in July and August were generally similar. Larval alewives at these times were found at most depth strata to a depth of at least 15 m. Densities of larval alewives in bottom strata, as indicated by benthic sled samples, were generally lower than densities in the overlying depth strata. During times when the thermocline intersected the Lake Michigan bottom within our study area, larval alewives were substantially diminished in abundance in the cold subthermocline strata (Heufelder et al. 1982). Additionally, drastic shifts in the position of the thermocline shoreward, such as occurred during an upwelling, altered appreciably the distributional trends as well as abundance of larval alewives in the study area as will be discussed later. As the spawning season progressed and less and less recruitment of newly hatched alewife larvae occurred, there was some tendency for larval alewives to be distributed primarily at depths of 9 m or less, however, many stations and depth strata beyond 9 m continued to contain alewife larvae. Recruitment of newly hatched larval alewives generally continued until the end of August, but in 1979 newly hatched larval alewives were collected as late as mid-September. This exception was attributed to the effect of multiple and often intense upwellings in delaying and prolonging some portion of the alewife reproductive effort. Water temperature was the primary factor responsible for the annual fluctuations in abundance of larval alewives near Port Sheldon (Jude et al. 1981a). Highest larval alewife abundance was directly related to the occurrence of favorable (for spawning) water temperatures for extended periods of time during June to August. Upwellings, which are a common occurrence on the eastern shore of Lake Michigan in early spring and summer, were shown to have a diminishing effect on the intensity of alewife spawning and hatching activity, thus decreasing larval alewife abundance. 86 Upwellings were shown to cause a more nearshore distribution of larval alewives, compared with the more widespread distribution to depths of 15m when upwellings did not occur. Possible mechanisms by which upwellings cause changes in larval alewife abundance as well as shifts in the distributional trends are discussed in detail by Jude et al. (1981a) and Heufelder et al. (1982). An examination of intake water temperatures taken at the Unit 3 pump house (Fig. 12) gives initial indication that upwellings occurred frequently in July and August 1981. These upwellings imposed similar distribution and abundance patterns as those observed in previous years such as 1978 and 1979 (Jude et al. 1981a). Although numerous and sometimes intense upwellings diminished larval alewife abundance during 1981, particularly when compared with 1980, all distributional patterns of larval alewives recognized in previous years were exhibited in 1981. We thus feel that data from 1981 offered an adequate basis for evaluating the effectiveness of the Unit 3 intake design in limiting larval alewife entrainment. Entrainment estimates for 1981 would be representative of years characterized by frequent upwellings, but not for years such as 1980 when no significant upwellings occurred during the peak spawning season. Thus, due to relatively low abundance of alewife larvae in 1981 field samples, use of 1984 entrainment values to predict future entrainment losses should be approached with caution. The Wilcoxon signed ranks test showed that significantly more alewife larvae were found at the north transect than at the south transect (a = 0.05). Adult alewives may be attracted to the warmwater discharge or to the vertical structures of the intake to spawn. Seasonal distribution — No alewife larvae were collected during our May sampling and only one occurrence was noted during early June sampling. Alewife larvae in a density of 25/1000 m^ were collected at 12-m station E (south transect) at the 6-m stratum (Appendix 10). Water temperatures during early June were generally cool, in the 12-15 C range. Some 9 and 19.2 C temperatures were, however, also recorded. The second sampling period in June marked the maximum alewife densities and the most widespread distribution observed in 1981. Water temperatures were in the optimal spawning range (18-21 C) and densities were commonly 300-2000/1000 m^ at most stations and strata (Fig. 14). Highest densities were observed at night, which was attributed to net avoidance. Since most larvae at this time were newly hatched (about 4 mm - Fig. 15), it suggests that even newly hatched larvae have some limited net avoidance capabilities. This pattern of avoidance by small 87 larvae was also observed when the entrainment data were analyzed again suggesting these larvae not only could avoid field plankton nets, but also the wedge-wire screen intakes. Q c ^S^'^^^'^-^M^^y' upwellings had occurred (temperatures were y.b-17 c; and caused larvae to be primarily distributed in nearshore water (3 m to beach). Up to 13,000 larvae/1000 m' were observed at south transect beach station P. At the north transect the inshore distribution pattern was the same, but the abundance was lower (less than 1000/1000 mM. Most larvae durinq this early July period were again newly hatched 4-mm specimens! but a second cohort, most likely from late June hatchings, was present. This cohort had a mean length of approximately 10 mm. In late July, densities were lower than in early Julv around 600/1000 m' inshore, and less at deeper Stations IFig. 14). There were some present at almost all stations, with the highest up to 5000/1000 mO found at north transect station L (6 m, north). A distinctly shoreward {<9 m) aggregation of ^^^?? ^^'^^ again noted, as offshore stations were affected by upwelled water. Two cohorts of larvae were present, the newly hatched group (about 4.4 mm) and some in the 15-20-mm range. These latter larvae are probably again from the strong late June spawnings. By early August, abundance of alewife larvae at the south reference transect had diminished to around 120/1000 m' at some stations and strata, while slightly more (up to 2000/1000 mM y!^®oo^2^^®^^®^ ^^ ^^^ "°^^^ transect. Water temperatures U7-23 C) were still conducive to spawning and a large percentage of larvae was newly hatched and inhabited the area ^6 m on the north transect. Another group ranging from 10 to 25 mm was also noted (Fig. 15). /,r,nn^/" ^^^f August, a modestly high abundance of larvae (1000/1000 mM was noted at some nearshore stations (<3 m)* densities were reduced considerably as depth increased. Since many of the larvae now being caught were of a larger average size (X =11.7 mm on the south transect), net avoidance became more prominent leading to a higher proportion of larvae being caught at night. Water temperatures were still high, over 20 C in surface strata. A wide range of sizes of larvae were found in the area. Most were from 4 to 15 mm with another small cohort at 20-25 mm. September was a time of low abundance (<40/1000 m') of alewife larvae in the study area. Larvae were present at 12- to 6-m stations plus the beach on the south transect and at more stations on the north transect. Almost all were collected at 88 2-5 JUNE 0.51 4.5- (1^-S) 8.5- 1LS- SL tSM- 0.5- 3X- 6.0- ao- 1L0- (12§-S) SL 12.0- 0.5- 2.5- I9r-S) i 4.5- 6.5- 6.5- SL S.0- 0.5- 2.0- i;6r-S) 4.0- 5.5- SL 6.0- 0.5- i:3?-s) 2.5- SL 3UI- 0.5- SL L5- 0.5- l^ro-S) P (IfirS) SL U- TEMPERRTURE DBY NIGHT 15.5 14.0 10.3 7.3 7.5 5.8 9.7 8.2 15.0 14.0 12.0 10.5 11.4 6.9 11.6 10.1 15.2 14.0 12.6 12,1 11.1 9.0 12.2 10.6 14.8 13.5 13.0 11.8 13.0 11.5 14.5 12.2 17.2 16.3 15.7 13.5 14.5 12.2 17.5 16.2 14.7 13.2 19.2 16.6 15.4 13.4 D 4 B 12 16 20 24 28 NO. LflRVflE/1000 in' Fig 14. Density of larval alewives (no./lOOO m^) at north and south transect stations near the J. H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan, April to September 1981. Q =day ■ ^enight, SL«sled. 89 15-16 JUNE 0.5- 4.5 4 8,5- 11.5- 14,0 -f SL 15.0- 0.5 -i (12ni-N) N - Om-N) S 3,0 6.0 9.0 tt.O SL 12,0 0,5 2.5 4.5 6.5 8.5 (6m-N) OlrrN) (ISm-N) R (Im-N) OL LU Q SL 9.0 0.5 2.0 4.0 5.5 SL 6.0 0.5 2.5 SL 3.0 0,5 SL 1.5- 0.5 SL 1,0 TEMPERATURE DAY NIGHT t' " ' I ' I H 1 I « I I 400 800 NO. LflRVflE/1000 m' 20,0 23,5 19,6 22.7 19.4 22,1 17.2 16,4 21.0 23.8 20,0 22.5 19.5 22,3 17.5 17.9 21.5 24.8 21.3 23.9 20.9 23.2 17.7 18.0 21.5 25.7 214 25.3 21.2 25.1 18.3 18.0 20.0 19.9 19.2 19.7 19.2 19.7 20.0 19.7 20.0 19.2 22.5 19.7 21.5 19.7 1200 1600 2000 2400 2800 3200 Fig. 14. Continued. 90 15-16 JUNE (1^- S) 0.S 4.S 8.5 11.5- I4X SL 15.0 ai (12I-S) 0.5 3.0 6.0- 9.0- 11.0 SL 12U) a. 8.5 m-s) p (3r-S) (isl- S) P (1»i-S) 0.5 2M 4J1 5.5 SL U 0.5 2.5 SL XO 0.5 SL 1.5 0.5 SL 10 ^1 I > 11 > > TEnPERRTURE DPY NIGHT 18.0 21.2 18.0 21.2 18.0 21.0 18.5 18.0 18.9 22.2 18.9 22.2 18.9 22.2 18.8 18.9 22.4 21.5 22.4 21.5 22.4 21.5 19.5 19.2 22.8 22.5 22.8 22.5 22.8 22.5 20.0 19.5 21.0 20.7 21.0 20.7 21.0 20.7 21.5 21,5 21.5 21.5 21.5 21.5 21.5 21.5 400 800 1200 1600 2010 2400 2600 3200 3600 4000 NO. LflRVflE/1000 m* Fig. 14. Continued. 91 1-2 JULY TEMPERATURE DAY NIGHT U (]5in-N) 0.5- 4.5- 8.5- 11.5- 14.0 > SL 15.0- (12in-N) 0.5 3.0 6.0 9.0 11.0 SL 12.0 N - (9fn-N) £ 0.5 2.5 4.5- 6.5- 8.5- ^ SL 9.0 (Gm-N) Om-N) 0.5 2.0 H 4.0 5.5 SL 6.0 5m-r (1.5in-N) p (Im-N) 0.5 2.5 SL 3.0 0.5 SL 1.5 0.5- SL 1.0 _i ^ 16.0 16.5 14.5 14.5 9.8 9.0 11.8 16.0 16.0 16.0 15.5 14.5 11.7 10.2 13,0 13.0 16.0 16.0 15.2 15.1 12.8 11.8 14.1 14.5 16.5 16.5 15.4 15,5 14.5 13.9 15.2 15.0 16.4 15.8 16.0 15.5 16.1 15.6 16.5 16.2 16.3 15.7 18.5 17.0 17.2 16.0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 NO. LflRVflE/1000 m' Fig. 14. Continued. 92 1-2 JULY (1^- S) us* I 4.5- 8.5- 1U- 14.0-1 SL 15.0- (12m- S) 0.5- 3.0- ' 6.0 -' 3.0- i 11.0- SL 12.0 D - OnrS) 5 0.5 2.5 4.5 6.5-1 8.5- SL 9U)-| (6r-S) [3r-S) 0.5 -f 2.0 4.0- 5.5-1 SL 6.0-1 0.5 2.5 SL 3.0 0.5 (l.S-S) ^^^-^ 0.5 (InrS) ^ ^"^ 2000 I i I 4000 6000 I I t 8000 10000 TEflPERflTURE DAY NIGHT 16.0 16.5 15.1 14.5 10.4 8.2 10.7 16.7 15.0 16.0 14.5 13.1 9.5 9.1 11.7 14.7 17,0 16.0 16,3 15.0 11.5 11.3 13.4 15.2 17.5 16.5 16.7 14.9 14.9 13.5 14.0 15.7 15.6 15.0 14.5 14.5 14.3 16.7 15.5 15.2 15.6 17.7 15.4 15.2 16.7 17.5 12000 14000 NO. LflRVflEVlOOO m* Fig. 14. Continued. 93 19-21 JULY ttriPERflTURE DAY NIGHT U (15m-N) (12m-N) N ~ Oni-N) 5 CL 8.5-1 (61II-N) (iiir-N) ^'- ••° Fig. 14. Continued, 1600 2400 3200 4000 NO. LflRVflE/1000 m^ 94 19-21 JULY (uS-S) iv&- S) 0.5 43 8.5 Its 140) SL 15.0 0.5 60) 90) 110) SL 120) 0.5 2.5 £ 4.5 a! 6.5 O SL 3.0 r {6nrS) 0.5 2.0 4.0 5.5 SL 6.0 0.5 B ^'^ (3m~S) SL 30) (i.^.-s) ^^'•=- p (Im-S) 0.S SL ixH TEHPERRTURE DRY NIGHT 22.8 21.5 14.0 15.0 8.4 7.3 8.3 9.1 22.8 22.2 21,0 20.0 13.0 9.5 10.5 14.5 22.2 21.7 20.9 20.0 18.5 14.6 17.8 17.9 22.5 22.9 22.3 20.0 21.3 19.0 21.0 20.7 21.0 21.5 19.5 21.5 19.5 21.7 22.0 22.0 20.5 22.0 22.0 21.5 21.5 21.8 60 120 180 240 300 360 420 480 540 600 660 720 NO. LflRVflE/1000 m' Fig. 14. Continued. 95 5-7 AUGUST U (15ni-N) (12m-N) 0.5-1 3.0 -jl 6.0 9.0 11.0 SL 12.0 -P N - Om-N) ^ a. 0.5 2.5 -a 4,5 -li 6.5 8.5 Q SL 9.0 (strN) Om-N) 0.5- 2.0- 4.0- 5.5- SL 6.0 0.5- 2.5 SL 3.0 5m-r (1.5m-N) p (Im-N) 0.5 SL 1.5 0.5 i SL 1.0 TEnPERflTURE DRY NIGHT 22.0 22.1 21.8 21.0 19.8 18.8 20.0 20.4 22.4 22.2 22.0 22.1 22.0 22.0 20.0 20.3 22.2 22.5 22.0 22.5 22.0 22.2 20.0 20.5 22.5 22.5 21.8 22.5 20.5 21.0 22.5 22.5 21.0 22.0 23.5 22.5 21.0 22.5 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 .1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 NO. LflRVflE/1000 m' Fig. 14. Continued. 96 (1^- S) (12I- S) tLS 14 J SL tSJ^ u tU) SL tU 0.S (9P-S)i ^^ (6m-S) 0.5 2M 4.0 H 5.5 SL 6.0 0.5- 6 ^'^ (3n)-S) SL 3ij (I.5I- S) 0.5 SL L5 0.5- (lilrS) ^ ^- 5-7 AUGUST I % >i » ■ I t't t " > » f ■ I w t t I 'I I I I TEflPERPTURE DfiY NIGHT I "I I "I I I ' " 'I 'I " ' I I "f ' ' ' I > I ' t I 22.0 22.2 21.0 21.5 16.9 17.4 21.4 17.8 22.0 22,2 21.9 21.8 21.9 17.8 21.2 19.0 22.6 22.2 22.3 22.0 22.2 22.0 21.6 20.6 22.6 22.0 22.3 22.0 22.3 22.0 21.6 21.0 22.5 21.3 22.5 20.9 21.9 20.9 23.0 21.3 22.2 21.0 23.0 21.3 22.8 21.3 60 120 180 240 300 360 420 480 S40 600 NO. LflRVflE/1000 m* Fig. 14. Continued. 97 17-18 AUGUST U (ISm-N) 0.5-1 4.5- 8.5-' tl.5- 14.0 SL 15.0- TENPERflTURE DAY NIGHT (]2in-N) 0.5 -|i 3.0 6.0 9.0 11.0 SL 12.0 -' N - (9m-N) E 0.5 2.5 4.5 6.5- 8.5-' Q- Q SL 9.0- (6ni-N) (3m-N) (I5fh-N) p 0.5 2.0 4.0 5.5 SL 6.0 0.5 SL 1.5 0.5 SL 1.0 20.5 20.2 19,8 6.8 9.0 6.1 17.2 7.0 20.5 20.9 20.4 11.0 17.0 7.4 17.3 7.5 21.3 19.4 20.9 6.9 19.7 6.3 18.0 7.7 20.9 18.5 20.5 8.3 20.0 7.7 19.6 9.5 21.5 19.9 20.5 14.8 20.5 14.8 21.0 20.2 21.0 19.2 22.0 20.3 21.5 19.4 600 1200 1800 2400 3000 3600 4200 4800 5400 6000 6600 7200 NO. LflRVflE/1000 m' Fig. 14. Continued. 98 17-18 AUGUST (15b- S) 0.5 •.S 1L5 SL tSM (125- S) 6.0- 9.0*15 lUO SL tLO- £ 4.5 (9P-S)i " 8.5 a. C (6nrS) p (3r-S) (1.^- S) P (IbtS) SL SM 0.5 40) 5.5 SL BM 0.5 2.5 SL 3U) 0.5 SL 1.5 0.5 SL LO 200 400 600 800 1000 NO. LflRVflE/1000 m' 1200 TEnPERRTURE DRY NIGHT 1 20.5 19.2 20.2 12.0 6.8 5.1 16.0 5.5 21.0 19.8 20.8 14.9 16.0 7.1 18.5 6.2 20.2 20.4 20.1 17.0 19.0 8.5 18.2 6.5 19.7 20.4 19.7 20.2 19.7 15.0 19.5 11.0 21.0 19.2 20.5 9.9 20.5 9.9 21.4 19.7 20.7 11.7 21.0 17.7 21.5 13.9 1400 Pig. 14. Continued. 99 u (ISm-N) (12m~N) N - (9m-N) S 0.5 4.5 8.5 11.5 14.0 SL 15.0 0.5 3.0 6.0 9.0 11.0 SL 12.0 0.5 2.5 4.5 6.5 8.5 a. UJ a SL 9.0 0.5 2.0 I 4.0 (Bm-N) 5.5 SL 6.0- 0.5 J ^'^ Om-N) SL 3.0 0,5- (lii-N) ^^'-^ p (Im-N) 0.5 SL 1.0 I I 8-11 SEPTEMBER t ■'■" f I I t r' I " t I ' I I I 't I I I - > I II 1 * 1 12 24 36 48 €0 NO. LRRVflE/1000 m' 72 TEMPERATURE DRY NIGHT ■"T " ' I 19.9 20.6 19.6 20.3 19.4 20.1 15.0 15.5 19.7 20.6 19.4 20.2 19.2 20.2 14.0 15.5 19.5 ,20.7 19.0 20.5 18.6 20.4 13.5 15.5 18.5 20.3 18.5 20.2 18.3 20.0 14.0 15.2 18.0 20.8 18.0 20.3 15.2 15.6 18.0 20.6 14.8 15.0 18.0 20.6 14.8 14.8 84 Fig, 14. Continued. 100 e-ll SEPTEMBER (1^- S) 4JS' BJS- IU5- 14.0 SL tsM (m-S) 0.5 xo 6.0- a.0- ao SL izo-l 0.5 2.54 ^ 4.5 6.5 D ^^ OnrSJ 5 al 8.5 -j ^ SL 3.0 (6r-S) 0.5 2.0- 4.0- 5.5- .SL 6.0 0.5-1 D 2.5 Om-S) SL 30) 0.5- P (Im-S) 0.5 SL \M NO 12 16 20 24 28 NO, LflRVflE/1000 n? 32 36 TEHPERPTURE DRY NIGHT 20.2 21.2 20.2 20.9 20.2 20.6 16.5 15.0 20.2 21.0 20.2 20.9 2D.2 20.6 16.7 15.5 19.8 21.2 19.8 21.1 19.8 20.9 16.2 16.8 19.2 20.7 19.2 20.6 19.2 20.5 16.5 17.0 ND 21.0 18,3 20.7 16.7 16.5 18.2 20.6 16.5 16.5 18.2 20.6 18.2 20.6 40 Fig. 14. Continued. 101 LAKE MICHIGAN «-18 JUNE UKC MCHIGAN STATION 9-12y N. TRANSECT OAY-t-NICKT tm 4.0 (0.0) N« 510 20- 10- 1-2 JULY UKE UiCHIGAN STATION 9- 1214 N. TRANSECT OAY-fNICHT X« 8.4 (0.9) N- 13 19-21 JULY LAKE MICHIGAN STATION 9-12M N. TRANSECT 0AYNI6HT X- 4.6 (0.3) M- 66 20 2S 20- z o a: yj GL S-7 AUGUST LAKE MICHIGAN STATION 9-12M N. TRANSECT OAY-fNIGHT X- 6.1 (0^) N- 65 . Jtl . Hiiillill 30 III , i I 17-18 AUGUST LAKE MCHIGAN STATION 9-12M N. TRANSECT OAY-fMGHT X«14.0 (1.0) N- 34 ' dkjll ■y 15 20 25 15-16 JUNE LAKE MICHIGAN STATKINS COMBINED N. TRMECT '4»wr#iGMT tlllilili, 1,1111 I 20- 8-11 SEPTEMBER UKE MCHK^AN STATION 9-12M N. TRANSECT OAY-f NIGHT X-21.0 (0.6) N« 6 20 25 1 1-2 JULY 30- LAKE MCHK^AN STATIONS C0M8INE0 N. TRANSECT OAY-»>NK*HT X- 6.3 (0.4) N- 61 20- 10- 1 U Iiil.k... , , , 30 19-21 JULY LAKE MiCH«AN STATIONS COMeiNEO N. TRANSECT 0AY-»>NiGHT X- 4.2 (0.0) N* 1449 5-7 AUGUST UKE MCHIGAN STATIONS COMBINED N. TRANSECT DAY+NCHT X- 5.5 (0.2) N- 521 10- .i|.ii. I 20 25 17-18 AUGUST LAKE MCHIGAN STATIONS COMBINED N. TRANSECT OAY-fNCHT X-12.3 (0.2) N- 485 30- \hu^ 20 25 8-11 SEPTEMBER LAKE MCHIGAN STATIONS COMBINED N. TRANSECT OAY-fNIGHT X-20.7 (0.5) N- 15 TOTAL LENGTH (MM) Fig. 15. Length-frequency histograms for larval alewives observed in field and entrainment samples collected during 1981 near the J. H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan. Length-frequency histograms for alewife larvae entrained during 1980 were also included.^ All plankton net and sled tow samples were combined. X = mean, N = total number of larvae, standard error is given in parentheses. 102 2-4 JUNE ^ LAKE MICHIGAN STATIONS COMBINED S. TRANSECT vj OAY+NWHT '^ Xm 4.1 (0.0) N- 1 LAKE MICHIGAN IS JUNE LAKE MICHIGAN STATIONS C0M8INE0 S. TRANSECT OAY-fNIGHT X- 4.1 (0.0) N- 1762 S 10 19 20 25 I I I I 5 n « 20 25 LJl 1 JULY LAKE MICHIGAN STATIONS COMBINED S. TRANSECT OAY-fNKrHT X- 4.3 (0.1) N- 268 30- 4 5 10 15 20 25 19-20 JULY LAKE MICHK^AN STATIONS COMBINED S. TRANSECT DAY-fNICHT X- 4.4 (0.2) N« 210 I , i>i I ^ 5 10 15 20 25 5-6 AUGUST LAKE mk:higan STATIONS COMBINED S. TRANSECT OAY-fNK^KT X- 9.2 (0.7) k U— n 5 10 15 20 25 17-18 AUGUST LAKE michk;an STATIONS COMBINED S. TRANSECT OAY-fNICHT X-11.7 (0.3) M- 237 8-10 SEPTEMBER LAKE michk;an STATIONS COMBINED S. TRANSECT DAY-fNIGHT X-22.2 (0.9) M- 17 J I 20 29 S » S 20 25 Ul o UJ 0. ENTRAINMENT-UNIITS i AND 2,1980 20 ;S| ENTRAINMENT' ol 11-12 JUNE 1 » X- 4.0 (0.0) 4 N« 2 UNITS 1*2***' 1980 I I ' t I 5 10 15 20 25 \\ ENTRAINMENT j 19-20 JUNE y X- 4.1 (0.1) / N« 50 -UNITS m: 1980 U 30- 20- I I I I 5 « 15 20 25 EHTRAINMENT -UNITS 1A 24-25 JUNE 1980 X- 4.9 (0.2) Hm 40 I I I I 5 10 15 20 25 ENTRAINMENT -UNITS 1*2 2-3 JULY 1980 X« 4.4 (0.0) N- 2500 L 5 10 15 20 25 ENTRAINMENT-UNfTS 1*2 8-9 JULY 1980 X- 4.8 (0.0) N- 9138 :jL 5 10 15 20 25 < ENTRAINMENr-UNirS 1*2 16-17 JULY 1980 X-10.8 (0.1) N- 2219 20 20 25 ENTRAINMENT-UNrrS 1*2^ 22-23 JULY 1980 X-11.6 (0.2) Hm 1654 30- i [.. . ..> i^-i i.i,jiiiiiiiin.i.. 5 10* 15 20 25 ENTRAINMENT-UNITS 1*2 4-5 AUGUST 1980 X-13.6 (0.2) N- 622 L WiLiiMlu 5 10 15 20 25 Fig. 15. Continued. TOTAL LENGTH (MM) 103 ENTRAINMENT-UNITS I AND 2,1980 20 ENTRAiNMCNT-UNfTS 1*3^ 7-a AUGUST 1960 X- 6.8 (0.1) Hm 3882 : .,I.Mi CNTRAtNMCMT-UNITS t<(2 ^1 H-1S AUGUST 1980 i-12.6 (0.4) Hm 406 3Qj 20 IS 20 23 ■u Ill.l4l.l>« i« Mil.l>Li S «> 13 20 2S ENTRAINMENT-UNfrS 1*2*** 21-22 AUGUST 1980 X-19.1 (0.7) N-.74 ' 30 20- , llil|llliltlllill[lllltll I 13 20 23 ENTRAINMENT-UNITS 1*2 27-28 AUGUST 1980 X-16.5 (1.0) N- 33 . ill lliil Hill IS 20 25 20 UJ o UJ Q. CNTRAINyCNT-UNrTS 1*2 4-3 SEPTEMBER 1980 1(-21.4 (0.9) N* 6 30- '*^'' ENTRAINMENT-UNITS Xd^ |§ ^ 11-12 SEPTEMBER 198^o jg 30 20- 1 I 1 5 10 13 20 23 X-21.0 (2.5) *7 N- 2 / ENTRAINMENT-UNITS 1*2 8-9 OCTOBER 1980 X-21.4 (0.2) N- 5 30- 10- 13 20 23 ENTRAINMENT-UNITS 1*2(| 21-23 OCTOBER 1980 X-20.2 (0.2) y 13 20 23 I I r - 5 10 13 20 23 ENTRAINMENT-UNITS 1*2 28-29 OCTOBER 1980 X.21.2 (0.7) N- 2 40-1 ENTRAINMENT-UNITS 1*2 |S 13-14 NOVEMBER 1980 S X-.22.0 (0.0) L I 3 10 13 20 23 I » I 3 10 13 20 23 ENTRAINMENT-UNITS I AND 2,1981 ENTRAINMENT-UMTS 1*2 4-5 JUNE X- 4.0 (0.0) N- 1 30 13 20 23 ENTRAINMENT-UNfTS 1*: ^ 10-11 JUNE X- 5.0 (0.3) N. 8 13 20 23 ENTRAINMENT-UNITS 1*2 IS JUNE X- 4.4 (0.1) N- 92 : IS 20 23 TOTAL LENGTH (MM) Fig, 15, Continued. ENTRAINMENT-UN(TS 1*2 23-26 JUNE X- 7.2 (OJ) N- 42 M»- 13 20 25 104 EMTRAIMMEMT- UNITS I AND 2, l»8l 30 EMTRAINMCNT-UNTTS tlt2 ^ 1 JULY 5: »«•<"•« 3,H »• S to IS 20 29 ENTRAWMEKT-UNffS Ut2 ] 9 JULY X- 6.0 (0.4) Hm 2H 9 10 15 20 25 EKTRAINyENT-UNlTS 1*2^ H-tS JULY X- 9.1 (0.9) N« 58 2 20- i\ 20 JULY % X-a? (2.8) / N- 7 I lililiii|i I S 10 15 20 25 UNITS 1*2 )U 5 10 15 20 25 EMTRAINyENT-UNrTS 1*2 6 AUCUST X-.18.3 (1.0) N» 11 Z hi U CC Ul 40 30 20- 30 5 10 15 20 25 .♦Oi ENTRAINMENT-UNfTS 1*2 2-3 SEPTEMBER X-20.0 (t4) N- 5 30- 10- S 10 15 20 25 ENTRAmMENT-UMTS 1*2 12 AUCUST X- S.7 (0.2) N- 216 20- .III 5 tt 15 20 25 ENTRAINMENT-UNTTS 1*: 17- id AUCUST X- 9.4 (0.1) N- 701 9 SEPTEMBER X-20.1 (1.0) 20- 9 » 15 20 25 5 10 15 20 25 EKTRAINMENT-UMTS 1*2 17 SEPTEMBER X-22.6 (0.5) N« 19 ENTRAINMENT-UNiTS 1*2 25 AUCUST X-H.3 (1.3) N- 13 IL 20 5 10 15 20 25 ENTRAINMENT-UNITS 1*2 24-25 SEPTEMBER X-21.9 (1.0) 5 10 15 20 25 5 10 15 20 25 EMTRAINMENT-UNITS 1*2 I? ^1 27 OCTOBER |§ X.-21.9 (0.0) y N« 1 < 30 ENTRAINMENT-UNITS 1*^ 16 DECEMBER § x-19.0 (0.0) y N- 1 4 5 10 15 20 25 ■' r 'I '"I 5 10 15 20 25 TOTAL LENGTH (MM) Fig. 15. Continued. 105 20- CNTRAINMENT-UNfT 3 12-13 NOVeySER 1980 X-23.0 (0.0) Hm 1 ENTRAINMENT- UNIT S, 1980 5 10 IS 20 2S ENTRAINMENT- UNIT 9, 1981 30 a q: UJ CL Cmtrainmcnt-h;n»t 3 ^ 10-11 JUNE X- 4.4 (0.8) IS 20 2S ENTRAINMCNT-UNIT 3 *® IS- 18 JUNE X- 4.2 (0.1) M« H2 30 ENTRAINMENT-UN(T 3 ^ 2S-26 JUNE X- 4.8 (0.4) H- 35 1 ^i jjii ENTRAINMEFfr-UNlT 3 1-2 JULY X- 5.4 (1.7) N- 5 20 25 10 IS 20 25 10 15 20 25 1 St ENTRAINyENT ;;| 9-10 JULY > X- 3.8 (0.1) 4 H- 32 20 ENTRAINyENT-UMT 3 ^ 9-10 J X- 3.8 Hm 32 lilt' 10 IS 20 25 ENTRAINMENT-UNrr 3 11-12 AUGUST X- 5.8 (0.8) N- 14 ENTRAINMENT-UNIT 3 ^1 ^\ ENTRAINyENT-UNiT 3 ^1 Xm 4.2 (0.4) N- 13 20- U ENTRAINMEK' M 20-21 JULY > X- 4.0 (0.1] 4 M« 40 IS 20 2S I » I I 21 ;;| ENTRAINMENT-UNir 3 51 SI '^"* AUGUST 7 >;:5M«) a » tt 20 2J5 S «> "S M 2S •f'^Vv^iiAIWMENT-UNlT 3 •I "'^ "in AUGUST 7 5:'>' <»•" 15 20 25 15 20 25 TOTAL LENGTH (MM) Fig. 15. Continued. 106 night. Water temperatures were still fairly high, from 16 to 20 C. All larvae caught were over 20 mm TL, except for one 10-mm specimen. The distribution of alewife fry (fish greater than 25.4 mm but less than 100 mm) in field samples was spread out over 6 months, April to September (Appendix 15). Densities, except for two (414 and 1401/1000 mO , were always less than 200/1000 m'. No consistent spatial or temporal patterns were evident from the data set. Entrainment — Units 1 and 2, 1980~In 1980, alewife comprised 90.5% or 169 million of the 186 million larvae which passed through Units 1 and 2 of the J. H. Campbell Plant (Table 25). Alewives were first entrained on 11 June 1980 and the last record was on 13 November (Appendix 11). Maximum entrainment densities ( 1000-2000/1000 mO occurred from 3 July through 15 August (Fig. 16). Densities were always one or two orders of magnitude lower on other dates. Examination of the data set revealed a tendency during peak entrainment for highest densities to occur during the night and lowest during the day. Of the seven sampling periods from 3 July to 15 August, the lowest densities were recorded during the day four times; night densities were never the lowest (Fig. 16). Highest densities were recorded twice at night and three times at dawn among the seven sampling periods. As noted earlier in the discussion of the seasonal distribution of larvae, most were caught at night in the field. This pattern was also carried over to entrainment and suggests that not only are larvae less able to avoid a plankton net at night but that they are also more susceptible to being entrained at night. This may imply that larvae are more active at night, as the water path to Units 1 and 2 (from Lake Michigan through Pigeon Lake, the intake canal and then^ into the plant) is unchanged at night. Many larvae are carried passively to the screens and the increased entrainment abundances noted at night are attributable to more larvae being in the water mass which enters the plant or their inability to avoid the intake screens at night. The same pattern was noted at the Unit 3 wedge-wire screen intakes; more larvae were entrained at night. In this case, we also felt that larvae were reacting to the currents and the physical structure of the screens (9.5-mm openings) and avoiding them during the day. At night visual cues were less and entrainment of even small, newly hatched larvae was relatively much higher than what occurred during the day. A comparison of the peak field densities of alewife larvae during 1980. (see Jude et al. 1981a) showed a close correspondence with peak numbers entrained at Units 1 and 2. Compared with 107 NIGHT 11-12 JUNE ENTRAINMENT-UNITS I AND 2,1980 INTRKE TtnP C DflWN DRY 11.0 14.0 12.0 ^^ 19-20 JUNE INTRKE tnp C K\\^V\\\^-.^ t3.6 13.6 13.4 13.6 20 40 60 80 100 120 24-25 JUNE DAY NIGHT 17.9 18.4 1B.9 18.6 2- 3 JULY D ^\VV^\V\V\<\VV\V\\H 16.5 17.0 17.0 17.0 8- 9 JULY DAY DUSK^ NIGHT 16.0 17.5 17.5 18.0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3C 16-17 JULY 00 22.0 23.0 22.0 22.5 y////y/////////////////////A 1 :^^:^VvvJ^^v5^^v:^^v^^ 0 4000 8000 12000 16000 20000 2^ 22-23 JULY iOOO 21.0 22.0 21.5 21.0 DflUN y//////////A DRY 1 DUSK ^V^^^^:^^^^"^^^^^:\^^^^:^^v^^ NIGHT 400 800 1200 1600 2000 2400 4- 5 AUGUST ^v^^^^^^ 22.0 22.0 22.0 21.9 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 NO. OF LflRVflE PER 1000 m' Fig. 16* Density of larval alewives (no./lOOO m ) in weekly dawn, day, dusk and night entrainment samples at the J. H. Campbell Plant's Units 1 and 2 and Unit 3 during 1980 and 1981 • Only day and night densities were shown for Units 1 and 2 during 1981 • 108 ENTRAINMENT- UNITS I AND 2, 1980 7- 8 fiUGUST INTAKE ^EnP C DAY NIGHT 22.0 23.0 23.0 23.0 0 400 800 1200 1600 il-22 flUGUST 2000 2i 100 21.5 22.0 22.0 21.0 DRUN V////////M DRY 1 DUSK ^^^^^:^:^^^^;^:^^^J^^^:^:^^^^ NIGHT 20 40 60 80 100 120 DflUN DAY NIGHT 4- 5 SEPXEM^ 22.0 24.0 23.0 23.0 ^^^V:^^^ NIGHT 2 4 6 8- 9 OCTOBER 8 10 12 DfiUN DRY t 14.0 U.0 14.5 10 12 14-15 nUGUST V///////////////A ^^^^m^m^ :NTfiKE EflP c 19.0 20.5 20.0 20.0 80 160 240 320 400 480 27-28 flUGUST 22.0 22.5 22.5 22.0 y/y///////////A ^^^^^^^^^^^^Jjj^^jj^^^^^^ 5 10 15 20 25 11-12 SEPTEMBER S^\\\\V\\\\\\\\\\V\\\\^^^^^^ 21-23 OCTOBER ^V\\^\\\\\\\VVVV\V\^^^^:^ NO. OF LflRVflE PER 1000 m' Pig. 16. Continued. 30 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 9,5 11.0 10.0 tO.5 109 28-29 OCTOBER NIGHT ENTRAINMENT. UNITS I AND 2, 1980 XNTRKE TEHP C 13-14 NOVEMBER INTAKE "EHPC 2 3 0 1 2 ENTRAINMENT- UNITS I AND 2,1981 INTfiKE 4 JUNE TEnP C DAY 17.5 NIGHT 11 JUNE 17.5 DAY 19.0 NIGHT 1 19.0 15 JUNE 21.0 21.5 DAY 1 NIGHT ISiMi^WiMiftiWii^^ , 25-26 JUNE DAY NIGHT u. 16.5 17.0 DAY NIGHTl NIGHT DAY NIGHT DAY NIGHT 6 1 AUGUST 21.0 21.0 12 AUGUST 24.0 23.0 18 AUGUST 21.5 21.5 I^QB ; AUGUST 19.0 19.0 ( } 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1( 3 OCTOBER 500 DAY 6.5 NIGHT 3 OCTOBER 8.5 DAY ^ 9.4 NIGHT 16 OCTOBER 9.4 DAY 10.0 NIGHT 10.0 27 OCTOBER 8.9 8.9 DAY 1 NIGHT 1 j 1 1 JULY 1 17.0 16.9 9 JULY 24.0 22.5 1 15 JULY ] B 20.5 20.5 ■B ] 1 20 30 JULY JULY 22.0 22.0 14.0 14.0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 1 2- 3 SEPTEriBER 20.5 20.0 j 9 SEPTEttBER 17.5 17.5 17 SEPTEMBER 1 16.3 14.2 i 24-25 SEPTEMBER 16.7 16.7 12 16 20 24 28 32 16 DECEHBER 1.5 1.9 21-22 DECEriBER 3.5 3.9 _0 1 2 0 NO. OF LflRVflE PER Fig. 16. Continued. 110 ENTRAiNMENT- UNIT 3, 1980 12-13 NOVEMBER DflUN DAY DUSK INTRKE TEHP C 9.0 9.0 8.0 8.0 ENTRAINMENT- UNIT 3, 1981 10-11 JUNE DAY NIGHT r DflUN ^ DflYZZ] 4 8 12 25-26 JUNE 16 20 NIGHT 20 40 60 80 9-10 JULY DflUN^^^ DAY NIGHT INTAKE TEMP C 17.3 n.7 18.5 17.7 15-16 JUNE INTAKE TEnP C 19.5 17.8 17.8 17.8 24 INTAKE TEHP C 12.0 9.5 11.5 1Z8 80 160 240 320 400 480 1- 2 JULY INTAKE TEOP C 14.2 15.1 14.7 14.4 100 120 INIHKt TEMP C 9.2 20.0 10.8 10.0 S 16 24 32 40 48 14-15 JULY INTAKE TEflP C 11.4 19.6 14.5 1^8 ^^^^^^i^^^^^ 1 y//////////////////^^^^ - 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 <) 4 8 12 NO, OF LflRVflE PER 1000 m^ Fig. 16. Continued. 16 20 24 111 ENTRAINMENT- UNIT 9, 1981 20-21 JULY DAY DiJSK y///////////////////////A NIGHT t INTRKE TEHP C 10.0 17.5 13.0 11.0 40 80 120 160 200 240 6- 7 AUGUST '^//////////A 17-18 AUGUST 10 15 20 25" 30 0 2 4 6 8 NO. OF LflRVflE PER 1000 m^ 10 INTRKE TEnP C 19.8 21.0 21.5 21.0 INTAKE TEtIP C 24.0 17.0 15.0 9.0 12 Fig. 16 continued. other years, 1980 was a year of relatively warm inshore water with very few upwellings. Alewife larvae were abundant and widespread throughout the period July-August, the same period high entrainment of larvae was noted. Len (Fig. 15 11-12 J mean len first w were ent represen years of periods another gth-f requency ) showed that une through 8 gths ranging f eek in August rained. Larva ted in the ca intensive upw in August, peak around 18 histograms for each sampling period larvae entrained by Units 1 and 2 from -9 July 1980 were mostly newly hatched with rom 4.0 to 4.8 mm. In latter July and the , alewife larvae with a wide range of sizes e from 3 to almost 20 mm were equally tch, a pattern which is not observed during ellings. In late July and the first three a strong peak of newly hatched larvae and mm were noted in the length-frequency 112 histograms. The absence of strong upwellings in 1980 was responsible for the wide range of lengths and the almost continual presence of these larvae during the peak spawning months around the Campbell Plant. By late August, September, October and November, no newly hatched larvae were observed in entrainment samples. This corresponds with the documented behavior of alewives (Heufelder et al. 1982) which reproduce in the first half of the potential spawning season when upwellings are rare and water temperatures are warm over long periods of time. In years characterized by upwellings (such as 1979), reproduction is postponed until water temperatures are conducive to spawning, leading to some spawning all the way into September. Also length-frequency histograms from years of frequent upwellings typically showed large gaps in their distribution, with the dominant size group usually being newly hatched fish. During 1980, alewife fry were entrained tfy Units 1 and 2 from 3- July to 12 September. Densities were highest in August, peaking at 130 fry/1000 m' {Appendix 16). Most alewife fry were entrained during dusk or night, due to higher activity levels during these periods or their ability to avoid the intakes during daylight. Units 1 and 2, 1981 — In 1981, substantially fewer alewife larvae were entrained (9.35 million - Table 26) than 1^^1980 when an estimated 169 million passed through Units 1 anfefc^ at^ the plant. Peak entrainment in 1981 was during June ( 2. 4 f' million) , July (2.21 million) and August (4.29 million). The remaining 0.44 million larvae were entrained during September-December. Alewife comprised only 42.2% of the total number of larvae entrained in 1981. Reasons for the reduced entrainment loss in 1981 could be related to upwellings and cool water temperatures which characterized that year. As was discussed earlier, 1980 was a unique year in that upwellings were few and warm temperatures prevailed leading to sustained high densities of larvae and greatly increased entrainment rates. In 1981, conditions were not favorable for alewives as cooler temperatures and upwellings depressed alewife abundance and prolonged the spawning season. The pattern of more larvae being entrained at night was striking for 1981 since in 16 of 18 cases alewives were entrained in higher densities at night (Appendix 12, Fig. 16). This pattern has been a consistent trend through most of our field and entrainment collections. Even newly hatched larvae were involved, since only this size of larvae was collected during the first three sampling periods in June (Fig. 15). Starting in July (the first three sampling dates), there was a bimodal distribution with a peak of newly hatched larvae around 4 mm and another around 10-18 mm. The latter peak was undoubtedly the mid-June cohort. As was noted in earlier discussions, these 113 length-frequency histograms show the gaps in the size distribution of larvae which we attributed to the influence of upwellings on adult spawning and drift of larvae. Note that in 1980, an almost continuous length-frequency histogram with a wide range of sizes equally represented was observed. Again we felt the lack of upwellings in 1980 caused this size-frequency distribution. In latter August, delayed spawning effort, presumably because of frequent upwellings in 1981, caused a large peak of newly hatched larvae to appear. Another large group in the 12-mm range was also present. After August 17-18, only larger larvae (>8 mm) were observed in entrainment samples. The last alewife larva (almost 20 mm) was collected on 16 December 1981. Only two incidences of fry being entrained in the discharge canal at the plant were recorded; both were on 18 May 198l at night. Entrainment of alewife fry by Units 1 and 2 (see Appendix 17) was always less than 100 fry/1000 m^ during 1981. Fry were entrained starting in April and continued through 12 November. Three times as many fry were caught at night as during the day, which suggests they avoided the intakes during the day, but were more susceptible to entrainment at night. Unit 3--Using all Unit 3 entrainment samples during which coincident field samples were taken in 1981, ANOVA comparisons indicated that during mid-June, densities of larval alewives in entrained water (Fig. 16) were significantly less than densities of larval alewives at those stations chosen to represent ambient densities at the point where Unit 3 withdraws water (sled tow and 8.5-m tow at station N and 9.0- and 11.0-m tow at station 0, Fig. 14 - see METHODS - STATISTICS). Since alewife larvae from past studies were shown not to be highly demersal, ANOVAs were also run by substituting the 6-m tow at station 0 (12 m) in place of the sled tow at station N (9m). This ANOVA again indicated that larval alewife densities in coincidentally taken entrainment samples were significantly lower than ambient larval alewife densities at the point of Unit 3 withdrawal. In conjunction with these ANOVA comparisons, length- frequency data (Fig. 15) revealed two significant findings relative to the effectiveness of the Unit 3 intakes in limiting larval alewife entrainment. Initially in mid-June, when field sampling indicated that the vast majority of larval alewives at the 9-12-m contours were newly hatched (mean total length = 4.0 mm, SE < 0.05), the mean length of those alewife larvae in entrainment samples was not substantially different (mean total length = 4.2 mm, SE = 0.1). Since there were lower densities of entrained larval alewives compared with ambient densities of larvae in mid-June, these length-frequency data indicate that even newly hatched yolk-sac larvae, to some degree, were 114 exhibiting an avoidance reaction to the Unit 3 intake. Although the detection mechanism (visual or lateral line) is not known and avoidance behavior has not been observed, it is apparent that the low intake velocity (maximum of 15.2 cm/s at the screen surface) does allow escape of even newly hatched larval alewives. In addition to indicating that some small, newly hatched larval alewives were able to avoid entrainment, length-frequency data also indicated that larger alewife larvae were less subject to entrainment compared with newly hatched larvae. During both early and later August field sampling, a wide size range of larval alewives (2.5-25.0 mm) was observed in field samples taken at the 9-12-m contours, while alewife larvae only 9 mm or smaller were^ observed in entrainment samples (Fig. 15). The increased ability of larger larvae to avoid entrainment is also exhibited by the absence of larval alewives from September entrainment samples, when coincident field sampling indicated the presence of large (19-25 mm) larval alewives in the vicinity of the intake. Additionally, from June to August, no larval alewives exceeding 12.5 mm were entrained. An overview of length-frequency data from all entrainment samples (Fig. 15) makes plausible the contention that the most significant reduction in vulnerability to entrainment occurs shortly after larvae attain a length of 5.0 Peak entrainment occurred most often at dusk (five of eight sampling periods), followed by night (two periods) and dawn (one period) (Fig. 16). Entrainment rates were consistently lowest during^ the day, suggesting visual cues at the intake may significantly affect the number of larvae that eventually become entrained. An estimated 2.98 x 10' larval alewives were entrained at Unit 3 during 1981, which was 29.2% of the total number of larvae entrained. Yellow perch were the most often entrained larvae (31.8% of the total) followed by alewife (Table 28). The alewife loss for 1981 was an order of magnitude lower than estimates of alewife larvae entrained by Units 1 and 2 (23.4 million to 63.7 million) during 1977-1979 (Jude et al. 1980). In 1980, 169 million were entrained at Units 1 and 2, while 9.35 million were entrained in 1981 (Tables 25, 26). The difference in absolute numbers of larvae entrained, despite similar volumes of water pumped by Unit 3 and Units 1 and 2, suggests the intake design of 115 Unit 3 is more effective in limiting entrainment than Units 1 and 2. At Units 1 and 2 during 1977-1981 alewife larvae were the most frequently entrained species, ranging from 33 to 93% of the total number of larvae entrained. Relative importance of alewife larvae was lower at Unit 3 (29%), most likely because other species such as yellow perch and slimy sculpins were attracted to the riprap to spawn, while alewives were not. The majority of larval alewives entrained by Unit 3 in 1981 were lost during June (2.29 x 10') while entrainment during July and August showed progressive declines, 581,000 and 108,000, respectively. The actual entrainment loss for larval alewives at Unit 3 in any year will be highly dependent upon the distributional patterns of the most vulnerable stages (5.0 mm TL .— -.., ,^ . . ,^ «...^w •••>^*.w »»W"^J^ AAUWWAAV^VA O.CA^VOIC^ would be exposed to the intake. In 1980, no upwellings were detected and densities of larval alewives at those stations we designated as representative of ambient conditions at the point of Unit 3 water withdrawal approximated 10 times their peak abundance in June 1981 (Jude et al. 1981a). Additionally, the general distribution of larvae to the 15-m depth was more common in 1980 compared with operational year 1981. Thus we believe that the actual number of larvae entrained in any year will depend somewhat upon the extent of upwelling in the area, which serves as a mechanism regulating the distribution of larvae relative to the position of the intakes. 24-h population and entrainment estimates — To place the 1981 entrainment losses at Unit 3 in perspective, Table 31 contrasts our 24-h entrainment estimates with our concurrent estimate of the larval fish population in the vicinity of the plant in the same 24-h period (see METHODS - ESTIMATION OF LARVAL FISH ABUNDANCE IN A SPECIFIED AREA OF LAKE MICHIGAN). Using the most conservative estimates of field populations on each date, the highest percentage of larval alewives entrained relative to field populations was 0.53%. Since these estimates only consider depths to 15 m or less, these percentages are likely exaggerated. Jude et al. (1978) have documented the presence of larval alewives to depths of 21 m, and it is likely that some alewife larvae are present in deeper water. Although difficult to interpret, these data (Table 31) indicate that entrainment of mostly small larvae and escapement of some newly hatched alewife larvae and most larvae longer than 116 •C o U O r-- c r^ to -^ 4J "O C Q) (0 C i-H •^ a« 0.-H U 0) CO a 0) E •«-» ro U U 0) a • (0 a; en CO cn a; > rH CO (0 0) 4J CO > u U (0 (0 0) rH C JC c en (0 O •'H CO 0) e^ CO O J o o c U 4J (0 a; jc rH > CP c o 0) 'O w ••H C 0) 4J CO ••-< £i^ oooi/3VAdvi yaaiNDN • w o c c c >i CO 4^ 4J in C 4J 0) u (n c c ro CO 0) u S 4J rH o in cnt3 ••H c Db CO in >i C CO row o^ in CO •*H O CO U U 0) 0) a > CO •-• a; >1-rH -Q -O 0) c 4J CO CO rH (0 3 4J U CO CO 4J o in 0) in 0) in rH 0) in •f-4 4J ^O •r^ C in (0 c 0) in no *j 0) c c CO 0) c S o • C rH CO CD .-H cn a in c CO 0) E 4J c in U a 0) in u CO o • in (D c E O u "H o 4J M-4 C 0) aa no CP 0) c C '^ 0) rH ^ a ^ E CO CO Q in • O TJ c 0) rH li a (0 117 03 0) C c o u jlAI 000l/3VAdV"l d38IAinN 01 118 0) O c c o o cl/^ OOOI/BVAdVn d39IAinN 119 0) c c o u l\N 000l/3VAdVn d38lAinN (X4 120 0) c c o o clAI 000l/3VAdVn d3QI/^nN (Z4 121 £i^ oooi/3VAdvn d3ai^nN 0) C C o u .1-1 (X4 122 5c=z> z no 0) D C •r-l c o u ^\n oooi/3VAdvn d39i^nN &4 123 z\N 000l/3VAdVn H38IAinN 0) c c o u &4 124 0) C c o u fcW 000l/3VAdVl d39WnN &4 125 gw ooa/3VAavi d38wnN c c o u &4 126 10 mm will decrease impact of the plant because only a minimal proportion of the larval alewife population in the area is entrained. Larger larvae (12.5 mm or greater), which have survived highest mortality, do not appear to be removed from the population. Although we observed sporadic entrainment of larval alewives in the size range 5.5-12.5 mm, the major size group impacted appeared to be newly hatched larvae 5.0 mm or less. Young-of- the- Year — The first YOY recruited to our adult and juvenile fishing gear were 11 fish in the 20- to 30-mm length intervals (Fig. 18). These fish were collected in July with seines at both the reference and plant beach stations. By August fish in modal length intervals of 30 and 40 mm were collected in large numbers (over 6000 fish) at beach stations, with disproportionately higher numbers (over 90%) caught at the reference station. Most were seined during the day. Only one YOY was trawled, attesting to the nearshore distribution of this alewife life stage. In September YOY were in the 50- and 60-mm length intervals. Interestingly, only 6 fish were seined, while trawls at 6- to 12- m stations captured over 500 fish, documenting the offshore movement of YOY'. Most fish were trawled at night. These data and our previous studies have shown that the largest YOY move offshore earlier in the season than smaller YOY. Fish were about 50 to 70 mm in October; again none were caught in the beach zone. YOY were trawled almost exclusively during the day at 6- to 12-m stations, a pattern also noted by Brandt (1980), who attributed this to vertical migration upward at night and to the bottom during the day. Almost twice as many alewives were collected at the plant transect as at reference stations. The offshore migration by YOY was well under way by October . November was the month of maximum YOY catch when over 33,000 fish were collected. Only 149 were seined; most of the remaining fish were trawled during the day from 3- to 12-m stations. Almost three times as many YOY were caught at 6- and 9-m north transect stations as were caught at the comparable reference stations. Because of cold inshore temperatures in December most YOY were farther offshore than our deepest station (12 m). Only 14 fish were collected, most trawled at night at our 6- to 12-m stations. 127 lo-3n ie-an NORTH TRANSECT 1x10' • 1x10'' 1x10'- 1x10'- 1x10*- 1x10'- 1x10'- 1x10' - 1x10* = 1x10*- 1x10'- 1x10' - 1x10*- 1x10'- 1x10'- 1x10'- llll { 40 _ RPR 80 120 nflY -H JUN IjJ. 160 200 240 TOTAL LENGTH(nm JUL 280 320 360 400 Fig. 18. Length-frequency histograms for alewives collected during April - December 1981 at the north and south transects. Stations were combined into two groups for the north transect: beach and 3 m; 6 and 9 m and into three groups for the south transect: beach, 1.5 and 3 m; 6 and 9 m; and 12 m. Diel periods and gear types were pooled. 128 lo-3n l6-9n NORTH TRANSECT AUG SEP OCT NOV [}EC 160 200 240 TOTAL LENGTH(nn) 280 320 360 400 Fig. 18. Continued. 129 Q 1x10' 1x10* — lo-3n l6-9rl 12f1 SOUTH TRANSECT M li: ii! 11 t I I i: i: APR MflY 1; • iJN 11,1 \: i: li li j! 1 1 1: , _ JUN JUL I I. l! llMI^ i^ ^ \ I jMl^ {• P I AUG •I I i: i : I i'* i. i; ! i! > : li' li- W Vv ij- -, SEP : I V -, OCT ^ NOV DEC 120 160 200 240 TOTAL LENGTH(nn) 280 320 360 400 Pig. 18. Continued. 130 Yearlings — Yearling alewives are usually pelagic and reside far offshore; we seldom catch large numbers during our netting activities. However, during 1981 we found yearlings were a major component of the catch from April through September. Comparable numbers were collected from both transects. In April we collected over 250 yearling alewives in about equal numbers during the day and night. Fish were in the 60- to 100-mm length intervals (Fig. 18), and the vast majority of fish were trawled at 3- to 12-m stations. Less than 10 fish were caught in gill nets and seines. May was the month of maximum catch when over 6000 yearling alewives were collected. Almost twice as many fish were caught during the night as during the day. Trawls fished at 3 to 12 m accounted for most of the catch, while gill nets caught very few. Seines collected approximately 1900 fish at beach station R (plant) while only about 400 were taken at reference beach station P. In June about equal numbers of fish were collected during the day and night, but catches were down considerably from the peak May catch. Fish again were in the 60- to 100-mm range and almost exclusively collected with trawls. None were seined and only a few were gillnetted in surface nets. At trawling stations fish were collected in numbers ranging from about 20 at station L (6 m, north) to 400 at station D (9 m, south). Some fish were trawled at all stations indicating a widespread distribution at that time. Again collection of this many yearlings is somewhat surprising, since most reside farther offshore. Apparently 1981 was a favorable year for yearlings, or the hypothesis advanced by Crowder and Magnuson (1982) of bloaters "forcing" alewives more inshore may be supported by our data. Fish collected in July were mainly in the 80- to 110-mm length intervals, with all but 7 of the over 1500 fish collected during the day. Trawls accounted for virtually all fish collected, with hauls at plant station L (6 m, south) the highest among stations with over 80% of the total catch. The warm water or currents may have attracted fish to this station. Catches were modest at all other stations, but a strong presence of yearlings was established from 3 to 12 m in the vicinity of the plant during July. Catches of yearlings were considerably reduced in the remaining 3 mo, August - October. Fish caught were in the 80- to 120-mm length intervals. In August more were caught at night than during the day, and trawls, with highest catch again at plant station L (6 m, north), dominated total catch. By 131 September, the yearling catch was reduced below what was observed in August; day-night catches were similar. Trawls accounted for most of the catch which came from 12-m station E (reference transect) and 6-m station L (plant). A few were seined and caught in surface gill nets. In October only about 30 yearlings were caught. They were in the 70- to 120-mm length intervals and were almost exclusively trawled during the day at plant station N (9 m, north). In November and December only three and two fish respectively were collected, some by trawl, gill net and seine. Most fish resided in deep water outside our study area by this time. Adults— The proportion of our catch made up of adult fish has remained relatively consistent over the years of our study. In 1981 adults were approximately 11% of the catch (about 7000 fish), substantially higher than the previous years' catches which ranged from 3180 to 4858 adult alewives in 1977 - 1980 (Jude et al. 1981a). Since total catch of alewives was also higher than previous years' total alewife catch, it is to be expected that the adult component of the catch would also be high. The 1981 ^seine catch (10,009) was intermediate among values from 1977 - 1980, while surface and bottom gill net catches were comparable to previous years' catches. The big change occurred with trawls which collected 49,164 fish, almost 13,000 more fish than trawls had obtained in 1978, the year of peak trawl catch. As noted, a large component of the catch was yearlings (approximately 17%), while YOY dominated with 72% of the catch. Adults were roughly defined as fish larger than 104 mm from April through June, then larger than 124 mm for the remainder of the year (Fig. 18). In April, the first sampling month, roughly equal numbers of adults were caught during the day and the night. April through August were months of peak catches; thereafter very few adults were caught in the study area. Most adult alewives collected in April were in 160- to 200-mm length intervals. They appeared to be concentrated in inshore waters (< 9 m) as highest trawl and bottom gill net catches were observed at 3- to 9-m stations. Alewives usually make pre-spawning runs into inshore waters as soon as temperatures there rise above 4 C. In May, adult fish were smaller than the majority of those caught in April. The larger individuals usually lead the inshore migration. More fish were caught at night. Fish were again concentrated in 3- to 6-m water as was demonstrated by trawl catches. A number of fish were gillnetted, including 137 fish caught in surface gill nets only at night. Alewives are known to perform diel vertical migrations and are collected in higher numbers in our surface nets at night as a result. 132 spawning probably began in earnest in June as gonad data (Table 38) showed a large number of males, and a few females were ripe-running. Many of the remaining fish had well developed gonads and a few were already spent. Larval fish data (see RESULTS AND DISCUSSION, Alewife, Larvae) showed that mid- June and early July were times of peak alewife larvae abundance, which corresponds well with our juvenile and adult fish findings. The modal (those most frequently caught) length intervals of adults were 170 and 180 mm. Fish caught were in the 120- to the 230-mm intervals. Adults were found at all stations sampled, with peak trawl catches observed at station L (6 m, north); a similar finding was observed with gill net data. Since the currents of the Campbell Plant discharge and the heated water effluent influence the fish in the vicinity of our stations, this may account for the congregation of adults in this area. We observed many adults during our scuba dives on the intake structures. Highest catches were observed at night. Gill net catches at the south reference transect were highest at the 3-, 6- and 12-m stations. As noted, far higher catches were recorded at the plant transect at both 6- and 9-m plant stations. More fish were also seined at the plant beach station when compared with the reference station. In July, most alewives we collected were in the 170- to 190- mm length intervals.; twice as many were caught during the day as at night. The largest number of adults (about 1000) were trawled at 3 m during the day. They were presumably inshore because of warmer water temperatures and spawning activities. Very few (<40) were captured at all other trawling stations, except for about 300 (all during the day) at plant station L (6 m, north). A few alewives were seined at beach stations, most at the south transect. Gill net data confirmed' trawl catch trends, as highest numbers were caught at the 3-m station. Catches were highest at night. A few adults were observed in surface gill nets, and again nocturnal vertical migratory behavior by alewives was responsible for the exclusive night catches. August was the last month that large numbers of adult alewives were noted in our gear. Some spawning was still continuing as attested by gonad data (Table 38) and the presence of some "newly hatched larvae (see RESULTS AND DISCUSSION, Alewife, Larvae). No adults were collected in the beach zone. Bottom"" gill nets contained the highest number of fish, over 100. Trawls (about 38 fish) and surface gill nets (about 20 fish) accounted for the remaining adults captured in the study area. Among gill net stations, catches were highest at 6 and 9 m, on both transects. None were collected at 12 m. In remaining months catches of adult alewives declined precipitously, as they moved to deeper water. This offshore movement appeared to be complete by September as only four adults 133 Table 38. Monthly gonad conditions of alewives caught during 1981 in Lake Michigan near the J. H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan. All fish examined in a month were included except poorly received specimens. Gonad condition Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Males Slight development Mod. development Well developed Ripe-running Spent 159 169 2 1 182 133 27 2 55 238 194 16 40 101 86 11 40 41 8 1 20 21 18 1 2 Females Slight development Mod. development Well developed Ripe-running Spent 161 316 1 2 61 119 56 2 6 34 82 6 5 37 75 47 31 33 3 1 3 8 9 1 13 2 Immature 3 12 18 23 7 1 Unable to distinguish 10 23 11 3 14 4 were collected in our fishing at 1.5- to 12-m stations. All fish collected were taken in bottom gill nets. By October only 15 were present in our catches; 11 were trawled at 9- and 12-m stations, while remaining fish were caught in bottom gill nets at 1.5- and 9-m stations and surface gill nets at 6-m stations. In November and December only one fish per month was caught in a trawl and gill net respectively. Temperature-Catch Relationships — Examination of what tempera alewives were most frequently c of all fish we collected in trawl obtained in the 11 C temperatur at 10 to 11.9 C). A large majori in the spring when this wate available in that area of the la fish was collected when tempera these were YOY. Most YOY were ranges (10 to 11.9 C and 16 to collected at higher temperatures, tures various size groups of ollected at showed that over 46% s, seines and gill nets were e interval (includes fish caught ty of these fish were collected r temperature was the warmest ke. The next largest group of tures were 16 to 17.9 C; many of collected at two temperature 17.9 C). A large group was also from 17 to 24 C, a reflection 134 of their usual residence in warm beach zone waters. Yearlings were collected in a wide range of temperatures; one peak occurred from 4 to 13.9 C, while another was predominant from 16 to 23.9 C. Adults also showed two modes where they were most often caught, one at 4 to 13.9 C and another at 16 to 23.9 C. Alewives generally respond to the warmest temperatures available by concentrating in these areas. Some of the increased catches noted at plant stations may be a reflection of this preference. Maximum catches of alewife by temperature interval in individual gear generally followed the same trends as was seen for pooled gear catches. One exception was the seines, where 64% of the catch (all YOY) was caught at 16-17.9 C in this gear. Surface gill nets also had a relatively high proportion of the catch (64%) caught in one temperature interval, 18 to 20.9 C. Rainbow Smelt Introduction — Rainbow smelt migrate inshore to spawn in spring. Near the J. H. Campbell Plant, smelt spawning generally starts around mid-April, reaches a peak by the end of April, and ends around mid-May. Smelt spawning may take place along shores of lakes or in streams. Most smelt larvae collected in the study area probably originated from shore spawning, as no smelt spawning run was observed in tributary streams in the vicinity of the J. H. Campbell Plant. Rainbow smelt was the most abundant species collected in trawls, gill nets and seines during 1979 and 1980, but smelt larvae were less abundant than those of alewife, spottail shiner and yellow perch. Smelt larvae are 5 mm at hatching. They are pelagic and widely dispersed in the study area, except during the early hatching season when they were concentrated in the shallow area. They were commonly found from 6 to 15 m from June to September. Entrainment of smelt larvae by the Unit 3 intake, which is located at the 11-m depth contour, may be influenced by the distributional patterns of these larvae in the deeper part of the study area. Larvae — Seasonal distribution — May — During 1981 smelt larvae first occurred in the study area during 4-5 May. During 1978-1980 smelt larvae were first collected around mid-May (Jude et al. 1979a, 1980 and 1981a). This slight difference in the timing of first smelt larvae hatching may be due to difference in water temperature during spring. On the north transect most larvae were collected at 1 and 1.5 m (Fig. 19). Low numbers of smelt larvae occurred at 3 and 9 m, while none were found at 6, 12 and 15 m. Highest 135 density (990 larvae/1000 mM was observed at the 1-m station. On the south transect smelt larvae occurred from 1 to 3 m, but were not found in water deeper than 3 m (Fig. 19). Highest density at the south transect (3755 larvae/1000 m^) was observed at 1 m. Since water temperatures were higher in the shallow areas than at deeper stations during spring (Appendix 5), larvae collected during 4-5 May probably hatched in shallow areas. During 1978 and 1980, smelt larvae were also most abundant in shallow water when they first hatched (Jude et al. 1979a, 1980, 1981a). Larvae may, however, quickly disperse to deeper water as has been found at the south transect during 15-16 May 1979. Distributional patterns observed during 4-5 May 1981 (Fig. 19) suggested that similar dispersal was taking place during this sampling period. Mean density of smelt larvae was 45 larvae/1000 m^ for the north transect and 147 larvae/1000 m^ for the south transect. During May 1978 smelt larvae were slightly more common on the south transect (19 larvae/1000 mM than the north transect (11 larvae/1000 mM . During May 1979-1980 more smelt larvae were caught at the north transect than at the south transect (Jude et al. 1981a). Differences in abundance of smelt larvae between the two transects during May may be due to differences in timing of the first hatching and in larva dispersal from the beach zone. Vertical-diel distribution of smelt larvae varied considerably during May. On the north transect smelt larvae were found mostly in the upper strata and were more common at night than during the day (Fig. 19). On the south transect larvae occurred more commonly during the day than at night and showed no preference for any stratum. Smelt larvae exhibited no consistent pattern of diel vertical distribution during May 1978-1980. All smelt larvae collected during 4-5 May 1981 were newly hatched with a mean length of 5.3 mm (range 4 to 6.5 mm) (Fig. 20). During 18-19 May smelt larvae were scarce in the study area (Fig. 19). Only one smelt larva (6.8 mm) was collected on the north transect. Two larvae (5.5, 6.5 mm) occurred on the south transect. Upwellings of cold water (6.3 to 9 C) during 18-19 May probably caused smelt larvae that hatched during 4-5 May to move to other areas. While newly hatched smelt larvae were abundant by mid-May during 1978-1980 (Jude et al. 1981a), very little hatching occurred in the study area around mid-May 1981. Low water temperatures may have delayed smelt hatching. June — Smelt larvae were more common during 2-5 June than during late May. On the north transect they occurred from 6 to 15 m, in densities ranging from 16 to 80 larvae/1000 m^ (Fig. 19). On the south transect smelt larvae were found from 9 to 15 m. Mean density during early June was 7 and 10 larvae/1000 m^ for north and south transects respectively. Low densities of larval smelt (2 to 13 larvae/1000 mM were also observed during early June 1978-1980 (Jude et al. 1981a). 136 4-5 MAY TEtlPERflTURE DAY NIGHT U (ISm-N) 0.5- 4.5 8.5- 11.5- 14.0 SL 15.0 H (12ni-N) 0.5- 3.0- 6.0 9,0 11.0 SL 12.0 H 0.5 2.5 N ^ S54 . qZ 8.5-1 UJ Q SL 9.0 0.5 2.0-1 L ^'^ (6n)~N) 5.5- SL 6.0- 0.5 J 2.5 Om-N) SL 3.0 KSm- d.Sfh-N) p (Im-N) 0.5- SL 1.5- 0.5 SL 1.0 9.8 7.0 8.4 6.9 8.2 6.9 8.5 6.9 9.5 9.0 8.2 7.9 8.1 7.7 8.5 9.0 9.5 9,0 8.5 8.9 8.2 8.8 8.8 9.5 10.2 9.1 10.1 9.1 10.1 9.1 9.0 10.2 12,0 11.5 10.5 11.2 111 11.2 12.0 12.0 12.2 9.0 13.5 11.3 13.5 11.0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 NO. LflRVflE/1000 id' 800 900 1000 Fig 19. Density of larval rainbow smelt (no./IOOO m^) at north and south transect stations near the J. H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan, April to September 1981. n«day H-night, SL=sled. 137 4-5 MAY (li- S) e.5 14 J) - SL 1SJ- (ra- S) IL5 M 1U) SL 12J) US 2,5 (9r-S) i ^^ CL 6.5 c (6nrS) J 0.5- 4.0- 5.5 SL 6.0 0.5- ■ 2.5- (3in-S) SL3UJ-I (Ksi-S) P 0.5 -■ SL U5- 0.5 SL to 'i^r^^'i^^ 9.0 6.3 8.4 6.3 8.2 6.3 8.4 6.3 9.8 8.0 9.3 7,3 9.2 7.3 9.0 7.3 9.3 8.8 9.8 8.8 9.7 8.7 9.3 8.7 10.0 3.0 9.3 3.0 9.8 3.0 10.0 3.0 11.5 11.7 11.5 11.5 10.4 11.5 13.0 12.0 12.2 12.0 14.5 12.5 14.5 12.5 400 800 1200 1600 2000 2400 2600 3200 3600 4000 NO, LflRVflE/1000 m* Fig. 19. Continued. 138 u 0.5- 4,5- 8.5 11,5-1 14.0 SL 15.0 (12?- 0.5 3.0 6.0 9.0 11.0 SL 12.0 N - Om-N) £ 0.5- 2.5- 4.5- 6.5 8.5 a. Q SL 9.0 0.5 2.0 I 4.0 (6m-"N) 5.5 SL 6.0 0.5 J ^-^ Om-N) SL 3.0 I.Sni- (I.Sni-N) p (lm~N) 0.5 SL 1.5 0.5 SL 1.0 18-19 MAY -1 1 I 1— 1 I -nt I I I ■ I '"I .' r T "' 1 ' 't I I ,1 I , I II r I T I I I '"I I I I 1 'I' ■' ■" '"T ■ f I I I T I I I I 1 f r I I I I r f" -I 1 1 \ 1- H ^ 1 1 1 —4 1 1 16 24 32 40 48 NO. LflRVRE/1000 m' Fig. 19. Continued. 56 TEMPERATURE DfiY NIGHT 7.9 7.0 7.6 6.6 7.3 6,3 4.5 6.3 9.0 7.0 8.8 6.5 8.5 6.3 5.0 6.3 8.9 7.5 8.8 7.0 8.6 6.9 4.5 6.9 8.9 7.0 8.6 6.8 8.6 6.7 6.0 6.7 6.0 7.0 6.5 7.0 6.0 7.0 8.5 7.5 8.5 7.5 9.0 8.0 8.5 8.0 139 18-19 MAY 0.5 4.5 S.5 14.0 SL 15.0 0.5 lU) SL 12U) {I2I- S) 0.5 2.5 (9P-S)i '-' a. 8.5 0.5- 2M c ^-^ (6fn-S) 5.5 SL 6.0 0.5-^ B 2.5- Om-S) SL xo- (usl- S) 0.5 SL 1.5 r 0.5 Hi /,' 0% SL Ul-^ » » I I I I I n 20 40 60 80 too NO. LflRVRE/lOOO m' 120 140 TEflPERflTURE DAY NIGHT 8.0 7.0 7.8 6.5 6.9 6.5 5.5 6.0 8.0 7.0 7.8 6.8 7.4 6.5 6.0 6.0 7.7 7.0 7.5 6.9 7.2 6.7 6.0 6.5 8.0 7.0 7.9 6.9 7.8 6.9 6.0 6.0 7.5 6.0 7.0 6.0 7.0 6.0 8.0 6.3 7.5 6.3 8.0 7.0 8.0 7.0 Fig. 19. Continued, 140 (ISm-r (12m-N) 0.5 4,5 8.5 11.5 14.0 SL 15.0 0.5 3.0 6.0 9.0 11.0 SL 12.0 N - Om-N) S 0.5- 2.5- 4.5 6.5 8.5 CL UJ Q SL 9.0- (6fn-N) 0.5 2.0 4.0 5.5 SL 6.0 0.5 J 2.5-1 (3fn-"N) SL 3.0- I5f^ (l5m~N) p (Im-N) 0.5 SL 1.5-1 0.5 SL 1.0 2-5 JUNE I I— 1 ■ I I I t I I ' I t I' I I It I t ■ I I > I I I " ■ I I I f I I I" -I 1 1 J- H —I f- 12 24 36 48 60 NO, LflRVflE/1000 m' 72 84 TEMPERflTURE DAY NIGHT 15.5 14.0 11.0 9.0 8.0 5.9 10.6 7.6 15.4 13.5 13.8 11.8 11.0 6.8 11.2 8.9 16.0 13.5 15,8 12.5 13.2 9.4 13.5 9.6 14.7 13.0 14.6 11.8 14.6 11.3 13.8 11.9 17.7 16.8 16.5 13.4 14.5 12.5 18.3 17.0 15.0 12.9 18.5 16.7 15.4 13.2 Fig. 19. Continued. 141 2-5 JUNE (1^- S) 0.S 4.5 8.5 11.5 14.0- SL 15.0-1 (12S- S) 0.5 6.0 9.0 11.0-1 SL 1Z0 0.5- 2.5 £ 4.5H (9P-S)i ^^ s; 8.5-1 r (6nrS) 0.5- 2.0- 4.0 5.5 SL 6.0-1 0.5 B 2.5 Om-S) SL 2M ( S) P 0.5- SL 1.5- 0.5 SL tJ) 32 48 64 80 NO, LflRVflE/1000 m' 96 TEnPERflTURE DAY NIGHT 15.5 14.0 10.3 7.3 7.5 5.8 9.7 8.2 15.0 14.0 12.0 10.5 11.4 6.9 11.6 10.1 15.2 14.0 12.6 12.1 11.1 9.0 12.2 10.6 14.8 13.5 13.0 11.8 13.0 11.5 14.5 12.2 17.2 16.3 15.7 13.5 14.5 12.2 17.5 16.2 14.7 13.2 19.2 16.6 15.4 13.4 112 Fig. 19. Continued. 142 15-16 JUNE TEMPERATURE DAY NIGHT U 0.5 4.5 8.5 11.5 14.0 H SL 15,0 (12m-N) 0.5 3.0 6.0 9.0 11.0 H SL 12.0 N ^ (9fn-N) E 0.5- 2.5 4.5 6.5 8.5 CL ^ SL 9.0 (Gni-N) (3fn~N) 0.5- 2.0- 4.0- 5.5- SL 6.0 (I5ni~ N) p 0.5 2.5 SL 3.0 0.5 SL 1.5 0.5 SL 1.0 20.0 23.5 19.6 22.7 19.4 22.1 17.2 16.4 21.0 23.8 20.0 22.5 19.5 22.3 17.5 17.9 21.5 24.8 21.3 23.9 20.9 23.2 17.7 18.0 2L5 25.7 21.4 25.3 21.2 25.1 18.3 18.0 20,0 19.9 19.2 19.7 19.2 19.7 20.0 19.7 20.0 19.2 22.5 19.7 21.5 19.7 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 NO. LflRVflE/1000 m' Pig. 19. Continued. ^_ 143 15-16 JUNE (1^- S) (1^- S) oP- S)5 CL 0.S 4^ •.5 Its 14.0 SL 15.0 0^- 3.0- 6.0- 9.0 11.0 SL 12.0-1 0.S 2.5 : ^'^ 6.5 8.5 SL 9.0 (6ra-S) Om-S) 0.5- zn 4.0 5.5 SL 6.0 0.5- 2.5- SL 3.0- (1,^- S) P (1in-S) 0.5 SL 1.5 0.5 SL 10 L 16 24 32 40 48 56 NO. LflRVflE/1000 m' 64 72 '^r^'^m 18.0 21.2 18.0 21.2 18.0 21.0 18.5 18.0 18.9 22.2 18,9 22.2 18.9 22.2 18.8 18.9 22.4 21.5 22.4 21.5 22.4 21.5 19.5 19.2 22.8 22.5 22.8 22.5 22.8 22.5 20.0 19.5 21.0 20.7 21.0 20.7 21.0 20.7 21.5 21.5 21.5 21.5 21.5 21.5 21.5 21.5 80 Fig. 19. Continued. 144 l-2t JULY U (15m-N) (12m-N) N - Om-N) B 0.5 4.5 8.5 11.5 14.0 SL 15.0 0.5 3.0 6.0 9.0 11.0 SL 12.0 0.5 2.5 4.5 6.5 8.5 (6(n-N) Ql UJ ^ SL 9.0 0.5 2.0 4.0 5.5 SL 6.0 0.5- J ^•^" (3m-N) SL 3.0- l,5(h- (I5(h-N) p (Im-N) 0.5- SL 1.5- 0.5 SL 1.0 I ■ '» ' -1 p- H 1 1 1 1 H 16 H 4-^ 64 32 48 NO. LflRVflE/1000 m' -H ^- 80 96 TEMPERfiTURE DRY NIGHT H 1 112 16.0 16.5 14.5 14.5 9.8 9.0 11.8 16.0 16.0 16.0 15.5 14.5 11.7 10.2 13.0 13.0 16.0 16.0 15.2 15.1 12.8 11.8 14.1 14.5 16.5 16.5 15.4 15.5 14.5 13.9 15.2 15.0 16.4 15.8 16.0 15.5 16.1 15.6 16.5 16.2 16.3 15.7 18.5 17.0 17.2 16.0 Fig. 19. Continued, 145 (1^- S) 0.5 IU5- 140) SL 15U) (I2I- S) US- 6.0 -i 9.0 SL 12.0-1 0.5- 2.5- (9?-S)i " ol 8.5 i^SL 9.0 0.5- 2J3- C ^*^ (6ni~S) 5.5 SL 6.0 0.5 B ^^ (3ni-S) SL 3.0- (isi- S) 0.5- SL t.5 P 0.5 SL U) » I I I 1-2 JULY » t I f t I I'll I » I I I t ' 'I I I I ' " T ' ' I > > 'I t m I I 11 I I I t I t ' » I II I I 'I ' n 12 24 36 48 60 72 NO, LflRVflE/1000 m' 84 96 Fig. 19. Continued. TEnPERflTURE DflV NIGHT 16.0 16.5 15.1 14.5 10.4 8.2 10.7 16.7 15.0 16.0 14.5 13.1 9.5 9,1 11.7 14.7 17.0 16.0 16.3 15.0 11.5 11.3 13.4 15,2 17.5 16.5 16.7 14.9 14.9 13.5 14.0 15.7 15.6 15.0 14.5 14.5 14.3 16.7 15.5 15.2 15.6 17.7 15.4 15.2 16.7 17.5 146 30- 20 LAKE MICHIGAN 40< 4-7 MAY ^ LAKE MICHICAN STATWNS COKBINEO H. TRANSECT .q OAY-I-NICHT ^ i- 5.2 (0.2) 20 18-10 MAY LAKE MICHICAN 5TATK)N5 COMBINED N. tRANSECT OAY+NKJHT X. 6.8 (0.0) N« 1 20 25 20 25 40 20 ^40 T 2-5 JUNE ^ LAKE mk:higan STATK>NS COMBINED H. TRANSECT ^^ j DAY-^NlGHT ^^ Xm 6.8 (0.4) Hm 16 20 U- 1-2 JULY UKE mk:hican STATIONS COMBINED N. TRANSECT OAY-fNiGKT X.22.5 (1.1) N« 6 1 «-16 JUNE 30- LAKE MICHICAN STATK>NS COMBINED N. TRANSECT OAY+NIGHT tV.'"'' 20- «- II 1 1 ,. I.IL HI H II , Ul o a: ill 40n 30-1 20 4 MAY LAKE MKHIGAN STATK)NS COMBINED S. TRANSECT OAY-fNK»HT X- 5.3 (0.1) N- 76 30 20 20 25 18 MAY LAKE MCHKAN STATIONS COMBINED S. TR/VNSECT OAY-I-HKSHT X- 6-2 (0.7) N» 2 20 25 20 25 40 2-4 JUNE UKE mk:hican ^ STATK>NS COMBINED S. TRANSECT vi oay-*>nk;ht ** 20 25 X- 7.9 (0.4) N« 24 20- IS JUNE UKE mk:hk;an STATIONS COMBINED S. TRANSECT 0AY4NIGHT X-H.4 (0.8) N- IB 40 11 JULY LAKE .MICHK^N 1 30 20 STATK)NS COMBMED s. transect day-i>nk;ht X-22.2 (to) • 4 1 10- U^ f 20 25 20 25 TOTAL LENGTH (MM) Length-frequency histograms for larval rainbow -" -- " entrainment samples collected H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lake histograms for rainbow smelt larvae entrained during '1980 were also included. All plankton net and sled tow samples were combined. X = mean, N = total number of larvae, standard error is given m parentheses. Fig. 20. , . smelt observed in field and during 1981 near the J. Michigan. Length-frequency 147 20 ENTRAINMENT-UNITS I AND 2,1980 CNTRAINMCNT-UNn'S 1*2^ «~16 MAY 1960 S- 5.7 (0.1) M- B6 30 -r- EKTRAINyCNT-UMTS 1*/^ 22>23 MAY 1M0 X- 5.7 (0.2) M- 17 T- 51015 20 25 5101520 25 EMTRAINMEMT-UNITS 1*2*° 28-29 MAY 1980 X- 6.1 (0.2) N- 15 30- 20- 5 10 « 20 25 >| CKTRAINMCNT- \\ 11-12 JUNe 1 h S« 4.7 (0.0) / N» 1 -UNTS 1*2^ 30- 20 CNTRAMMCNT-UNrrS 1*2 19-20 JUNE 1980 X.16 3 (2.1) H» 10 « 20 25 a 30 20 CNTRAmMeNr-uNn-s 1*2 . 24-25 JUNE 1980 X-19.1 (1.2) N- 23 15 20 25 ,1 Ul. 40-1 30 20 10- l\ ENTRAINMENT i\ 4-6 JUNE 19 > 5.5.0(0.0) UNTTS 1*2 1960 —I , , -T« * 10 15 20 25 S| ENTRAINMENT-UNirS 1*2 «J2-3 JULY 1960 >| 2-3 JULY 19fl Sx-19 4 (2.7) < N- 3 G 20 25 fi 20 25 UJ o a: UJ 40-1 20- ENTRAiNMENT- UNITS I AND 2,1981 ENTRAINMENT-UMTS 1*2 4 MAY ♦0 S« 5.5 (0.1) N- 22 20 >| ENTRAINMENT- i\ 12 MAY h X- 5.5 (0.0) / N- 1 UNTTS 1*2 20- §1 ENTRAINMENT-UNn-S 1*2*° U ENTRAINMENT >| 18-19 MAY b X- 5.7 (0.6) < N- 6 I 30 20 ENTRAlNMENT-UNfTS 1*2 10-11 JUNE X-16.6 (0.5) N- 14 e 20 25 15 20 25 15 20 25 15 20 25 40-1 30- 20 ENTRAINMENT-UNITS 1*2 15 JUNE 5(«15.5 (0.9) M- 14 M 30- 20 u 5 10 15 20 25 ENTRAWMENT-UMTS 1*2 25-26 JUNE S-21.4 (0.9) N- 11 ' 30 20 ENTRAINMENT-UNITS 1*2 . 1 JULY X-20.5 (0.7) N- 5 I I I ^^T ENTRAINMENT-UNITS 1*2 1 9 9 JULY |§ X-23.0 (0.0) 30^N- 1 20- 1^ 5101520 25 510152025 51015 20 25 TOTAL LENGTH (MM) Fig. 20. Continued. 148 40 90 20 I ENTRA1NMENT- UNIT 3, 1981 a (XL LJ 40 a. doH to S c»rrRAiNMeNT--UNnr 3 ^ 12-13 MAY f X- W (0^) N- 4 20* I I I I 5 «) « 20 29 g enrRAMMCNT-uNrr 3 :* «-» MAY X- 5^ (0.0) N« 2 8| eNTitAiNMeNr-uifr3 ^ gl 4-5 JUNE ^-1 30 2CI OITRAINMCMr-UNn^ 3 ^ 10-11 JUNE X-13.1 (2.3) N-6 ' 30 20- CKnuMMCiir-UNfr 3 19-16 JUN£ 2-15.5 (2J) ID e 20 29 tt 19 20 29 10 19 20 29 TOTAL LENGTH (MM) Fig. 20, Continued. Most larvae were 4.5 to 8 mm (Fig. 20) inciicating that hatching took place in the study area between 19 May and 2 June. These larvae were a result of the second hatching peak, which was generally observed around mid-June during 1978-1980 (Jude et al. 1981a). Since all smelt eggs spawned in shallow water (1-3 m) hatched by early May, hatching of smelt larvae between 19 May and 2 June probably took place in deeper water (6 to 15 m). Smelt larvae that hatched during 4-5 May were approximately 1-mo old by early June and should range from approximately 14 to 18 mm based on data collected during 1978-1980 (Jude et al. 1981a). in this first cohort were scarce during 2-5 June, probably their widespread distribution. Only a few large smelt (10-13 mm) were found on both transects during 2-5 June On the north transect smelt larvae were found mostly strata at night and in lower strata during the day Smelt larvae tended to remain in mid-water both day and at night at the south transect (Fig. 19). Larvae due to larvae (Fig. 20). in upper (Fig. 19). during the 149 During June 15-16 smelt larvae were found from 6 to 15 m on both transects in densities ranging from 17 to 233 larvae/1000 m^ (Fig. 19). More larvae were caught on the north than south transects. Mean densities were 19 and 7 larvae/1000 m^ for north and south transects respectively. During late June 1978-1980 mean larval smelt densities ranged from 3 to 50 larvae/1000 m' for the north transect and from 6 to 38 larvae/1000 m^ for the south transect. During late June larvae were in several strata at night, but tended to be more common near bottom, except at station L (6 m, north) where larvae were most abundant at the surface (Fig. 19). Most larvae were collected at night. During the day smelt larvae were found only at 9 and 12 m on both transects. Smelt larvae collected during 15-16 June ranged from 6.5 to 22 mm, most being 10 to 22 mm (Fig. 20). These larger larvae were undoubtedly members of the cohort that hatched during early May. Recently hatched larvae were scarce. Only a few larvae less than 10 mm were found on both transects (Figs. 19 and 20), indicating that smelt hatching ended by mid-June during 1981. During 1978-1980 smelt larvae were most abundant in water temperatures of 11 to 16 C and were scarce at higher temperatures. During 15-16 June 1981, however, appreciable numbers of smelt larvae occurred in water 16 to 23.5 C (Fig. 19). These data indicated that smelt larvae tolerate relatively warm water. July-September — Smelt larvae were scarce in the study area during July. During early July 1978-1980 mean larval smelt densities for north and south transects ranged from 3 to 20 larvae/1000 m^ . During 1-2 July 1981 mean densities were 3 larvae/1000 m^ for both transects. Larvae were found only in the shallow water (1-3 m) at the south transect, but were scattered to water 1.5, 9, 12 and 15 m deep at the north transect. Smelt larvae collected during 1-2 July ranged from 18 to 25 mm. Smelt larvae were not collected in the study area after 2 July. A few smelt fry 26-29 mm were also collected in plankton nets and sleds during 2 July. Most of these YOY smelt were probably from the first cohort which was approximately 2-mo old by early July. During 1978-1980 2-mo-old smelt YOY reached a similar size range (20-38 mm). No smelt fry were collected during late July. Appreciable numbers of smelt fry 33 to 48 mm were collected in plankton nets and sleds during August and September. Fry occurred at several stations in the study area, but tended to be more common in shallow water (1 to 3 m) (Appendix 15). 150 Entrainment — May — In 1980 smelt larvae were first entrained at Units 1 and 2 during 15-16 May. Densities in intake water were 59, 10, and 10 larvae/1000 m^ during 15, 22, and 29 May respectively (Fig, 21). These data suggested that peak hatching took place around mid-May in 1980. All larvae entrained during May 1980 were recently hatched (4-7 mm) (Fig. 20). In 1978 and 1979 smelt larvae also first occurred in entrainment samples around mid-May. Projected smelt larvae entrainment during May 1980 was 468,000. Smelt larvae were first observed in Units 1 and 2 entrainment samples during 4-5 May in 1981 (Fig. 21). As was previously mentioned, first hatching of smelt larvae in the study area took place in the shallow area of Lake Michigan. Entrainment occurred earlier at Units 1 and 2 than Unit 3 because the intake for Units 1 and 2 is located in shallower water than that of Unit 3. Smelt larvae were entrained at Units 1 and 2 at densities of 21, 1 and 5 larvae/1000 m^ during 4, 12 and 18 May 1981 respectively. No smelt larvae were found in samples collected at the end of May. These data suggested that peak hatching of smelt larvae took place during early May in 1981. A continued decline in smelt entrainment through May probably resulted from offshore dispersal of larvae which took place soon after hatching. Low entrainment at Units 1 and 2 during 12 May (1 larva/1000 m^) coincided with the first entrainment of smelt larvae at Unit 3 at the rate of 11 larvae/1000 m^. Projected number of smelt larvae entrained at Units 1 and 2 during May 1981 was 307,000. Larvae entrained during May were all newly hatched (4.5-7 mm) (Fig. 20). Absence of larvae in entrainment samples between 19 and 31 May suggested no hatching took place in the shallow area during this period. Smelt larvae were abundant at the north transect during early May, but were not entrained at Unit 3 during this period because they were mostly in shallow water. Mean larval smelt density at 9-12 m, based on day and night samples, was only 3 larvae/1000 m^. Smelt larvae were first entrained at Unit 3 during 12-13 May during day, dusk and night in densities of 5 to 21 larvae/1000 m^ (Fig. 21). Mean density of entrained larvae was 11/1000 m^. Projected losses during the 24-h period on 12 and 13 May were approximately 12,000 larvae. During 18-19 May smelt larvae were entrained at a mean density of 4 larvae/1000 m^ which corresponds to a 24-h entrainment loss of 2440 larvae. Low entrainment rates during this sampling period were due to scarcity of larval smielt in the vicinity of the intake structure (9-12 m) where mean density was 2 larvae/1000 m^ . Larvae entrained during May were all recently hatched (5-6 mm) (Fig. 20), No smelt larvae were found in entrainment samples at Unit 3 during 28-29 May probably because of scarcity of larvae in Lake Michigan. Projected entrainment of larval smelt at Unit 3 151 15-16 MAY DAY ENTRAINMENT-UNITS I AND 2,1980 INTflKE enp c NIGHT 11.0 10.9 11.1 10.6 0 20 40 60 80 100 12 28-29 rifiY !0 13.5 14.0 13.0 13.0 DflUN yy////////////////////////////////////^^^^ DRY 1 DUSK \^^^^^^^^^:^^^^^^:^^^^^\\v^^^^ NIGHT NIGHT 2 4 6 11-12 JUNE 8 10 12 DflWN DRY I I 11.0 14.0 12.0 11.5 nflUN v//////////////////////////////z;7!7^ DRY 24-25 JUNE DUSK^^^^^ NIGHT ■HB^BJim 17.9 18.4 18.9 18.6 22-23 MflY ^ 4 8 12 4- 6 JUNE 16 20 19-20 JUNE y////////////////A^ .. M ■"''*# : • nWWWWWWWW^^^^ 2- 3 JULY V///////////A INTAKE TEfff> i: 14.1 14.8 14.3 14.0 24 11.0 11.0 12.7 12.0 13.6 13.6 13.4 10 12 -^^^^^^^-^^^-^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 16.5 17.0 17.0 17.0 8 12 16 20 24 0 12 3 4 5 6 NO. OF LflRVflE PER 1000 m^ Fig. 21 • Density of larval rainbow smelt (no./lOOO m^) in weekly dawn, day, dusk and night entrainment samples at the J. H, Campbell Plant's Units 1 and 2 and Unit 3, during 1980 and 1981. Only day and night densities were shown for Units 1 and 2 during 1981. 152 Dfl NIGHT DflYl] NIGHT DRY NIGHT DAY NIGHT ENTRAINMENT- UNITS I AND 2,1981 ^?1 4 rwY 12 MAY 18-19 MRY 29 MAY 13.0 13.0 10.1 9.0 8.0 10.0 13.0 13.0 INTAKE inpc 12 18 24 30 36 1 JULY DnY 14.0 NIGHT 14.0 9 JULY DAY 22.0 NIGHT Hi 22.0 15 JULY DRY 20.5 NIGHT 20.5 20 JULY DAY 24.0 NIGHT 22.5 30 JULY DRY 17.0 NIGHT 16.9 01 23456789 10 DflUN 12-13 nflY INTAKE TEHP C 7.8 7.2 7.5 7.4 DAY 1 DUSK y///////////////////////////////////A NIGHT ENTRAINMENT- UNIT 3, 1981 18-19 nflY r 0 4 8' 12 16 20 24 024 6 8 10 NO. OF LflRVflE PER 1000 m' Fig. 21. Continued. 153 INTAKE TEttP C 7.0 7.5 7.5 7.5 12 4- 5 JUNE DflUN 12.0 DRY 12.0 DUSK NIGHT \2ja 12.0 ENTRAPMENT- UNIT 3, 1981 TEI1P C 10-11 JUNE TEftP C '^/////////\ NIGHT 2 4 6 15-16 JUNE 10 12 0 taip c 17.3 17.7 16.5 17.7 DflUN DAY DUSK^^^ 19.5 17.8 17.8 17.8 24 32 40 48 NO. OF LflRVflE PER 1000 m' Fig. 21. Continued. during May was 105,000 larvae (Table 28). As was found for 1978 and 1979, smelt larvae were vulnerable to being drawn into Units 1 and 2 cooling water mostly during a short period after the first hatching in May during 1980 and 1981. June-September — In 1980 low numbers of smelt larvae were entrained at Units 1 and 2 during early June (Fig. 21). They ranged from 5 to 25 mm, most being 9-25 mm (Fig. 20). A few newly hatched larvae (5-7.5 mm) occurred in entrainment samples at Units 1 and 2 during June 1980. Sampling in Lake Michigan revealed that most newly hatched larvae remained in deep water (12-15 m) during June (Jude et al. 1981a). Projected losses of smelt larvae at Units 1 and 2 during June 1980 was 171,000. During 1981 smelt larvae were entrained at Units 1 and 2 at densities of 12, 29 and 9 larvae/1000 m' during 11, 15 and 26 June respectively (Fig. 21). Lower densities were observed in Unit 3 entrainment samples during June. Smelt larvae entrained 154 at Units 1 and 2 were relatively large (9-23 mm). Recently hatched larvae were found from 6 to 15 m in Lake Michigan. They occurred in small numbers in Unit 3 entrainment samples, but were not found in entrainment samples taken at Units 1 and 2 during early June 1981. These data substantiate our earlier contention that late hatching of smelt larvae took place in deep water. Projected number of smelt larvae entrained at Units 1 and 2 during June 1981 was 449,000. Smelt larvae 14-23 mm were entrained in low numbers at Units 1 and 2 during early July 1980 and 1981 (Figs. 20 and 21). No smelt larvae were found in Units 1 and 2 entrainment samples after 9 July in 1981 and 3 July in 1980. During 1978-1979 larval smelt entrainment also ended in July. Projected losses of larval smelt were 10,000 and 27,900 during July 1980 and 1981 respectively. Entrainment of smelt larvae at Unit 3 increased steadily from the beginning of June to late June (Fig. 21). Mean densities of entrained larvae were 3, 5 and 13 larvae/1000 m^ respectively during 4-5, 10-11 and 15-16 June. Estimated numbers of smelt larvae entrained at Unit 3 during 24-h were 3,700, 4,500 and 21,000 larvae respectively during these sampling periods. Mean larval sm.elt densities at 9-12 m during 2-5 June (14 larvae/1000 mM an|^ during 15-16 June (26 larvae/1000 mM were slightly higher %l^h mean densities of larvae entrained at Unit 3 during the correiS'ponding sampling periods. Densities in the lower strata of the 9- and 12-m contours and those observed in entrainment samples were, however, not significantly different (see RESULTS AND DISCUSSION - STATISTICS). Smelt larvae entrained at Unit 3 from 2 to 16 June were 5 to 21 mm (Fig. 20). Smelt larvae that hatched in deep water during 4-5 June probably dispersed quickly from the bottom as only low numbers of newly hatched larvae were entrained during this sampling period (Fig. 20). Most larvae entrained during June were 10.5 to 21 mm (Fig. 20) indicating that relatively large larvae may be drawn through the intake screen of Unit 3. Since smelt larvae often concentrate in strata where the intake structure is located (Jude et al. 1979a, 1980, 1981a), they remained vulnerable to entrainment during most of the larval stage. More data on abundance of larvae in field and entrainment samples are needed to determine if smelt larvae may be able to avoid being entrained by the Unit 3 intake. No smelt larvae were entrained at Unit 3 after 16 June in 1981. Projected loss of smelt larvae during June was 191,000 (Table 28). Relative importance of smelt larvae in entrainment samples was similar between Unit 3 entrainment and Units 1 and 2 (2-3% of the total larvae entrained by the respective unit). However, 155 Units 1 and 2 entrained an estimated 1.5 and 1.6 million smelt larvae in 1978 and 1979 (Jude et al. 1980), while Unit 3 entrained only 296,000 in 1981 (Table 28). Low numbers of smelt fry 35--42 mm were found in Unit 3 entrainment samples during August and September 1981 (Appendix 18). During 1980-1981 a few smelt fry (26-45 mm) occurred in Units 1 and 2 entrainment samples taken in early July and early August (Appendixes 16 and 17). Fry entrainment at Units 1 and 2 increased substantially during late August and September both in 1980 and 1981. Densities ranged from 8 to 428 fry/1000 m^. The number of fry entrained at Units 1 and 2 declined substantially during October and November (Appendixes 16 and 17). No fry were entrained at Units 1 and 2 during December 1980-1981. A similar pattern of fry entrainment was observed during 1978-1979. Fry entrainment was lower at Unit 3 than at Units 1 and 2 during July-December. Since smelt fry were relatively common at all Lake Michigan stations during August and September, these data suggested that smelt fry were able to avoid the Unit 3 intake. 24-h population and entrainment estimates — The estimated total number of larval rainbow smelt in the vicinity of the plant during a 24-h period ranged from 66,000 to 293,000 during the five sampling periods from early May to early July 1981 (Table 31). Relatively small fractions of these larvae were drawn into the Unit 3 intake. Entrainment losses of smelt larvae per 24-h period for these five sampling periods were from 0 to 20,900 larvae (0 to 3.7% of the estimated total number in the plant vicinity) . Young-of-t he-Year — July and August — As was found during July 1977-1980 only low numbers of YOY (42) were collected during July 1981 (Fig. 22). Smelt YOY were still too small to be retained in trawls during this month. YOY catches increased substantially during August* YOY were found from 1 to 12 m (Appendix 8). Their distribution in the inshore water was probably influenced by water temperature. YOY were abundant during August 1979 and 1980 when water temperatures in the study area were 8 to 18 C. Catches of YOY per trawl haul were 703 and 638 during August 1979 and 1980 respectively. Low catches of YOY during August 1981 (300/trawl haul) were probably due to upwelling of cold water. Bottom temperatures were from 6 to 9 C from 3 to 12 m during August 1981. Low catches of YOY during August 1978 (183/trawl haul) probably resulted from relatively high temperatures in the study area (18-24 C in water up to 12 m). During August 1977 catches of 330 YOY were obtained when bottom temperatures ranged from 9 to 22 C. 156 NJe lo-3n N l6-9n NORTH TRANSECT o u m ixi(r 1x10' - 1x10* ■ IxlC- IxICf- 1x10' - 1x10^ = IxIC- IxlO'- 1x10' - fxio*-= IxlC- IxlC- '1x10' - i i illlil.Ml.i.iiJ.!.il.ll J I , APR ! I , f19Y j I .lUN ! I X _ JUL Q 20 40 60 80 100 120. 140 160 J80 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 "-" TOTFiLTENGTHitiTi) -^^ 5i?i* i'^ Length-frequency histograms for rainbow smelt collected during April - December 1981 at the north and south transects. Stations were combined into two groups for the north transect: beach and 3 m; 6 and 9 m and into three m'°«n^ i^""^ '^'n^l^"^^ transect: beach, 1.5 and 3 m; 6 and 9 m; and 12 m. Diel periods and gear types were pooled. 157 o oc u GQ 5 IxlC- 1x10*- 1x10' - 1x10* = 1x10*- 1x10*- 1x10' - 1x10*" 1x10*- 1x10*- 1x10' - 1x10*- ,1x10*- •IxlO*- hxlO'- 1x10*- IxlO*- 1x10*- 1x10' - S lyimri lo-3n N ii 6-90 NORTH TRANSECT JU I ! I I ! i . i ! ! ! ! ! i AUG J J { ,{ SEP JUL i i ! i ! , ! i ! I OCT till ilhii! i, i ! i ! ! . ! .! ! I ! i I , ,t , ^ NOV I ! DEC 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 TOTAL LENGTHmm Fig. 22. Continued. 158 Ie-9n :i?n SOUTH TRANSECT .ji IJ: Ij: I \[ ,\l I fiPR nflY JUN JUL II ,: «1 J: IJ: IJlI J^ RUG _ SEP I I: : : . i: li: \v i: Mt ir i \1 |_ OCT ' li- '! li- Ij' i-- V NOV 0 Fig. 22. Continued 20 40 60 80 100^^^120 ^^^^^m^^ 180 200 220 240 260 280 DEC 159 YOY generally avoid shallow water and were more common in deeper water in August. During August 1981 however, more YOY were caught in shallow water (1-3 m) than at deeper stations (6-12 m) due to cold water (5-7 C) at deeper stations and relatively mild temperatures (9-12 C) in shallow areas. More YOY were seined in August 1981 than any year during August 1977-1980. YOY smelt collected during August were 30-45 mm. As was found during 1977-1980, smelt YOY had a modal length of 40 mm during August 1981. These data indicated growth rates of YOY smelt were similar during August 1977-1981. September-December — Offshore migration caused the decline of YOY catches in the fall. September catches of YOY (184/trawl haul) were substantially lower than August catches (300/trawl haul). Most YOY were found at 6 and 9 m (Fig. 22). YOY abundance continued to decline in October with catches of 13/ trawl haul. In contrast to October, relatively high catches of YOY (180/trawl haul) were made during November 1981. Water temperatures were slightly higher in October (11-12.6 C) than in November (9.3-11.6 C) in 1981. These data suggested factors other than temperature influenced the return of YOY to inshore water during November 1981. November catches were generally low during 1977-1980. Low catches of YOY were observed in December. YOY catches in 1981 (25,000) ^ were comparable to those of 1980 (26,000). These data suggested smelt had another strong year class in 1981. YOY catches tended to be higher at the north transect than the south transect. Yearlings — April and May — Yearlings occurred at all stations during April with most being found at 12 m (Fig. 22). Yearlings were more abundant during April 1981 than during April 1978-1980. Yearling catches were 4-60/trawl haul during April 1977-1980 and 482/trawl haul in April 1981. A large inshore migration in April may have been caused by relatively warm water (6-9 C). Water temperatures were 1.5-9 C during April 1978-1980. Yearlings ranged from 40 to 110 mm during April 1981. Yearling modal length in April 1981 (70 mm) was similar to that of April 1980. During April 1978-1979 modal length of yearlings was 60 mm. Difference in yearling growth among years probably resulted from a low sample size of yearlings in April 1978-1979 samples. Yearlings were most abundant in May during 1978-1981. Higher catches were observed in May 1981 (632/trawl haul) than during May 1978-1980 ( 1 12-132/trawl haul). Abundance of yearlings in May 1981 was due to a strong 1980 year class. During May 1981 yearlings occurred at all stations, being most 160 common at 6 and 9m. A similar depth distribution of yearlings was observed in May 1978-1980. Yearling modal length in May (70 mm) was the same as in April, suggesting there was little growth from April to May. June-December — A dramatic decline in yearling catches was observed in June 1981 when only 11 yearlings were collected. Yearlings were generally common in the study area during June. Scarcity of yearling smelt during June 1981 may be related to relatively high temperatures (19-22 C) in the study area. Yearling catches increased substantially during July as a result of an upwelling of cold water (5-7 C). Mean catch of yearlings per trawl haul was greater in July 1981 (324) than July 1977-1980 (100-150). Yearlings were found from 3 to 12 m with highest concentrations at 9 m (Fig. 22). Yearlings generally migrated offshore by August during 1977-1980 (Jude et al. 1981a). During August 1981 yearlings were still common in the study area due probably to an upwelling of cold water (6.5-18 C). Catches of yearlings in August 1981 were estimated at 53/trawl haul. Small numbers of yearlings continued to occur during September and October 1981 (Fig. 22). Yearlings were scarce in inshore water during September and October 1977-1980. Few yearlings were collected during November and December. Total catch of yearlings during 1981 (36,200) was substantially higher than annual yearling catches during 1978-1980 (4300-14,400). As previously mentioned these high catches were due to the exceptionally strong year class of yearlings in 1981. More yearlings were caught at the north than at the south transects. Adults-- April and May — Adult smelt 120-280 mm were caught in substantial numbers during April (Fig. 22). Most adults collected had well developed, ripe or spent gonads (Table 39), suggesting that spawning was in progress. During April 1979-1980 few ripe adults were caught, probably because the sampling period did not coincide with with the spawning run. In 1978 substantial spawning occurred during 22-24 April (Jude et al. 1979a). Smelt spawning was reported to take place in water temperatures of 5-7 C (Listen et al. 1980) and reached a peak at 10 C (Daly and Wiegert 1958; Jude et al. 1979b). Similar water temperatures (6-9 C) were observed in the study area during 13-15 April 1981. Adult smelt were caught in water 1 to 12 m, most being found at 3 and 6 m (Fig. 22). Spawning generally takes place in shallow areas (Rupp 1959; Jude et al. 1979b),. Some spawning was reported to occur in deep water 9-22 m (Legault and Delisle 1968; MacCallum and Regier 1970). 161 Table 39. Monthly gonad conditions of rainbow smelt caught during 1981 in Lake Michigan near the J. H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan. All fish examined in a month were included except poorly received specimens. Gonad condition Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Males Slight development Mod. development Well developed Ripe-running Spent 30 7 39 1 38 3 1 2 1 7 14 1 60 2 1 40 3 31 32 17 38 3 1 3 Females Slight development Mod. development Well developed Ripe-running Spent 28 2 32 24 21 8 28 2 24 20 5 18 31 1 2 Immature 991 884 11 682 535 406 318 540 311 Unable to distinguish 8 9 7 7 14 Adults were scarce during 18-19 May. A few ripe and spent adults were collected, indicating that spawning was ending by late May in 1981. During 1978-1980 a substantial number of ripe adults were found during mid-May. June-December — Adult smelt generally moved offshore soon after spawning. Few adults were found in the study area during June 1977-1980. High water temperatures in the study area during June 1981 (19-22 C) also caused early departure of adults, as one was collected. Low catches of adults were observed in July. In August a substantial number of adults were collected due to an upwelling of cold water (6-18 C) . Adults were scarce from September to December. Smelt catches of 62,500 (YOY, yearlings and adults) in 1981 were substantially higher than 1980 catches (36,700). Our data indicated that smelt abundance in the study area was increasing during 1977-1981 . 162 Spottail Shiner Introduction — Spottail shiners are very abundant in the vicinity of the J. h/ Campbell Plant. Jude et al. (1981a) reported that spottails were third-most abundant in collections during the period 1977-1980. Spottails exhibit a pattern of biological activity similar to many fish in the study area: they move into the study area in the spring (May to early June) prior to spawning which is usually completed by August. During spawning, fish are most concentrated in the beach zone; when water is warm enough (> 15 C) they are found out to 6 m. Spottails then migrate out to deeper water (15 m or more) where they overwinter by November or December. The area of the lake extending from the beach to 3 m is an important nursery area for spottail larvae (Jude et al. 1981a). YOY spottails, which first appear in mid- August, are the last age class to migrate to deeper water in the fall and can be found in the study area as late as December. During 1981 spottail shiners were the third-most numerous species collected in juvenile and adult fish sampling gear, comprising 8.3% of the total catch. Spottails comprised a larger percentage of the total catch (10-18%) during preoperational years. The numbers of spottails caught from 1977 to 1981 have remained rather constant with an average of 11,667 fish caught per sampling season. Larvae-- Seasonal distribution — Highest larval spottail densities occurred during July or August depending on stability of water temperatures (i.e., no upwellings, which interrupt spawning). Maximum densities were always found from the beach to 3-m depths (Fig. 23). Mean lengths of larvae caught in the beach zone (5.0 mm + 0.3 mm SE - Fig. 24) indicated larvae were recently hatched and documented the beach to 3-m zone as an important nursery area for spottails. Larval spottail densities were greater at the north plant transect than at south transect stations during Unit 3 preoperational years, and during operational year 1981. During 1979, 1980 and 1981 the difference between transects was statistically significant (a = 0«05), as shown by the Wilcoxon signed ranks test (Jude et al. 1981a). YOY spottails were first collected in adult sampling gear in mid-August and due to yearly fluctuations in water temperatures during spawning, sizes of YOY fish varied by month depending on peak spawning time. YOY spottails were the last size group to migrate to deeper water in the fall and were present in the study area as late as December. 163 15-16 JUNE U (ISm-N) 0.5 -' 4.5 f 8.5 11.5 14.0- SL 15.0-1 (12m-N) 0.5- 3.0- 6.0- 9.0 11.0 -p SL 12.0 0.5 2,5 £ 4.5 N - Oin-N) =E UJ Q SL 9.0 6.5-^1 8.5- CelirN) 0.5 -k 2.0-1 4.0- 5.5- SL 6.0- 0.5 J " (3ni-N) SL 3.0 U5ni- (ISm-N) p (l(n~N) TEMPERATURE DAY NIGHT "I ' ' ' 't " "I I I » I I' ' "I" 05- SL 1 5- 1 . • ^ i . . . . . 1 I . . . 05- SL 1 0- > 1 1 1 1 1 > < 1 > t 1 < 1 » « 20.0 23.5 19.6 22.7 19.4 22.1 17.2 16.4 21.0 23.8 20,0 22.5 19.5 22.3 17.5 17.9 21.5 24.8 21.3 23.9 20.9 " 23.2 17.7 18.0 21.5 25.7 21.4 25.3 21.2 25.1 18.3 18.0 20.0 19.9 19.2 19.7 19,2 19.7 20.0 19.7 20.0 19.2 22.5 19.7 21.5 19.7 0 400 800 1200 1600 2000 2400 2800 3200 NO. LflRVflE/1000 m' . Fig 23. Density of larval spottail shiners (no./IOOO m^) at north and south transect stations near the J, H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan, April to September 1981. n »day B=night, SL=sled. 164 (1^- S) (1^- S) 6.0- tU) SL 12.0 03 -I 2.S D ^. r 6.5- OiirS) Z 83 SsL 9.0 c (6nrS) 03 2.0 4.0 5.5 SL 6.0 0.5 B ^^ (3ni-S) SL 3i) .^.-S) ^ 0.5 1.5 P 0.5 SL XM 15-16 JUNE 0.5- 43- 83- = 1L5 140)- SL ISO)- 03 30IH 80 160 240 320 400 480 NO, LflRVflE/1000 m' 560 TEflPERRTURE DftY NIGHT 18.0 18.0 18.0 183 18.9 18.9 18.9 18.8 22.4 22.4 22.4 19.5 22.8 22.8 22.8 20.0 21.0 21.0 21.0 213 213 213 213 640 21.2 21.2 21.0 18.0 22.2 22.2 22.2 18.9 213 213 213 19.2 22.5 22.5 22.5 19.5 20.7 20.7 20.7 213 213 213 213 Fig. 23. Continued. 165 1-2 JULY U (ISin-N) 0.5- 4.5 8.5 11.5 14.0- SL 15.0- (12m~N) 0.5 -{■ 3.0- 6.0- 9.0- 11.0- SL 12.0- N - Om-N) £ 0.5 2.5 H 4.5 6.5 Q. 8.5-1 UJ ^ SL 9.0 (6in-N) (3ni-N) (ISm-N) p (Im-N) 0.5 2.0-1 4.0 5.5- SL 6.0- 0.5 2.5 SL 3.0 4 0.5 SL 1.5-1 0.5 SL 1.0 ' »"■' ■ ' "■ T' I t TEMPERflTURE DRY NIGHT 16.0 16.5 14.5 14.5 9.8 9.0 11.8 16.0 16.0 16.0 15.5 14.5 11.7 10.2 13.0 13.0 16.0 16.0 15.2 15.1 12.8 11.8 14.1 14,5 16.5 16,5 15.4 15.5 14.5 13.9 15.2 15.0 16.4 15.8 16.0 15,5 16.1 15.6 16,5 16.2 16.3 15.7 18.5 17.0 17,2 16.0 0 too 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 ItOO 1200 NO. LflRVflE/1000 m' Pig. 23. Continued. 166 1-2 JULY fl^- S) 0.5- 4JS' 8.5- lis 14.0- SL 15.0- (I2I- S) 0.5- 6.0 9.0- 110- 1 SL 12.0-1 0.5 2.5- £ 4.5- <9P-s)i "• o. 6.5-1 OSL 3.0 r (6nrS) p (3r-S) as 2J0 4.0-1 5.5 SL 6.0-1 0.5 2.5- SL 3.0-1 (1.^- S) 0.5- SL 1.5 P (Im-S) 0.5 SL LO 400 600 1200 1600 2000 NO. LRRVflE/1000 m" 'Sf^-S 16.0 16.5 15.1 14.5 10.4 8.2 10.7 16.7 15.0 16.0 14.5 13.1 9.5 9.1 11.7 14.7 17.0 16.0 16.3 15.0 11.5 11.3 13.4 15.2 17.5 16.5 16.7 14.9 14.9 13.5 14.0 15.7 15.6 15.0 14.5 14.5 14.3 16.7 15.5 15,2 15.6 17.7 15.4 15.2 16.7 17.5 2400 2800 Pig. 23. Continued. 167 19-21 JULY U 0.5- 4.5- 8.5 11,5 14.0- SL 15.0- (12ni-N) 0.5-1 3.0 6.0 9.0- 11.0- SL 12.0- N - Orn-N) E 0.5- 2.5- 4.5 6.5 8.5 LU Q SL 9.0 (Gm-N) Om-N) 0.5 2.0 4.0 5.5 H SL 6.0 0.5 2.5 SL 3.0 U5lil (ISm-N) p (Im-N) 0.5- SL 1.5- 0.5 SL 1.0 4 T|nPERflTURE DflY NIGHT 22.8 22.9 20.0 10.7 10.2 7.4 9.0 8.2 22.8 23.2 22.1 14.5 16.6 10.0 14.0 15.8 22.5 23.0 22.2 19.0 19.0 10.7 17.0 17.3 22.0 23.0 21.8 20.0 21.6 15.0 20.5 20.4 21.2 22.0 21.0 21.5 21.0 20.5 21.7 22.0 21.5 21.2 22.0 22.0 22.0 21.2 0 4000 8000 12000 16000 20000 24000 28000 32000 38000 40000 NO. LflRVflE/1000 m' Fig. 23. Continued. 168 19-21 JULY (ie£-s) (12(5-5) 0.^ 43 8.5 1LS 14.0 SL rsM (L5 6.0 3.0 11.0 SL 12.0 0.5 2.5 £ 4.5- (9?-S)i ''" & e.5- ^ SL 9.0 (ef-s) 0.5 4 J] 5.5 SL 6.0 as Om-S) SL 3UJ (isl" S) 0.5 SL US 0.5 (IfP-S) ^ '-'^ TEnPERRTURE DftY NIGHT 22.8 21.5 14.0 15.0 8.4 7.3 8.3 9.1 22.8 22.2 21.0 20.0 13.0 9.5 10.5 14.5 22.2 21.7 20.9 20.0 16.5 14.6 17.8 17,9 22.5 22.9 22.3 20.0 21.3 19.0 21.0 20.7 21.0 21.5 19.5 21.5 19.5 21.7 22.0 22.0 20.5 22.0 22.0 21.5 21.5 21.8 120 180 240 300 360 4:n) 480 540 600 660 720 NO. LfiRVflE/1000 ffi* Fig. 23. Continued. 169 u (15ni-N) 0.5 4.5 8.5- 11.5- 14.0 SL 15.0 (12in-N) 0.5 3.0- 6.0- 9.0 11.0 SL 12.0 0.5 2.5 N ^ 65 qI 8,5 ^ SL 9.0 (6in-N) 0.5- 2.0- 4.0- 5.5 SL 6.0 H 0.5- Om-N) SL 3.0 5m-^ (I5m-N) p (Im-N) 0.5 SL 1.5 H 0.5- SL 1.0- f I I I 5-7 AUGUST 1 I — I »_ 80 H 1 1— -^ 1- 160 240 320 400 NO. LflRVflE/1000 m' 480 TEMPERATURE DAY NIGHT 22.0 22.0 21.2 17.6 15.0 17.6 19.8 20.3 22.0 22.1 21.8 21.0 19.8 18.8 20.0 20.4 22.4 22.2 22.0 22.1 22.0 22.0 20.0 20.3 22.2 22.5 22.0 22.5 22.0 22.2 20.0 20.5 22.5 22.5 21.8 22.5 20.5 21.0 22.5 22.5 21.0 22.0 23.5 22.5 21.0 22.5 560 Pig. 23. Continued. 170 ci^-: S) •3 SL tSM im- S) ax 1U) SL 12J) as (9P-S)i " al 6.5 (ef-s) 0.5-1 S.5 SL 6.0-1 0.5 B ^' Om-S) SL 3.0- (uS- S) 0.5 SL 15 QJ5- (l«rS) ^ "- 5-7 AUGUST 64 32 46 64 80 96 NO. LflRVfiE/1000 m' 112 'i^r^^'m 22.0 22.2 21.0 21.5 16.9 17.4 21.4 n.8 22,0 22.2 21.9 21.6 21.9 17.8 21.2 19.0 22.6 22.2 22.3 22.0 22.2 22.0 21.6 20.6 22.6 22.0 22.3 22.0 22.3 22.0 21.6 21.0 22.5 21.3 22.5 20.9 21.9 20.9 23.0 21.3 22.2 21.0 23.0 21.3 22.8 21.3 t2B Fig. 23. Continued. 171 u (ISm-N) 0.5 4,5 8.5- 11.5- 14.0 SL 15.0 ^ (12in-N) 0.5- 3.0 6.0- 9.0- 11.0 SL 12.0 N ^ Om-N) £ 0.5 -> 2.5 6.5- 8.5- a. LU Q SL 9.0- (6rirN) J 0.5- 2.0- 4.0- 5.5- SL 6.0 -^^ 0.5-1 2.5 Om-N) SL 3.0 -P (I5fh-N) p (Im-N) 0.5 SL 1.5 0.5 SL 1.0 H 17-18 AUGUST TEnPERflTURE DRY NIGHT 20.5 18.8 9.0 17.2 20.5 20.4 17.0 17.3 21.3 20.9 19.7 18.0 20.9 20.5 20.0 19.6 21.5 20.5 20.5 21.0 21.0 22.0 21.5 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 NO. LflRVflE/1000 m' 20.2 6.8 6.1 7.0 20.9 11.0 7.4 7.5 19.4 6.9 6.3 7.7 18.5 8.3 7.7 9.5 19.9 14,8 14.8 20.2 19.2 20.3 19.4 Fig. 23. Continued. 172 J7-I8 AUGUST (1^- S) fi.S 1L5 ]£' (121-5) SL t2JQ 0.5 s 4.5 n ^ OnrS) 5 " ol 6.5 m-S) 115- 2M 4i 5.5 SL M^ 8.5- (3ni""S) SL aj} 0.5 0.5 (lilrS) ^ "^ BO 160 240 320 400 NO. LflRVflE/1000 id' 460 Fig. 23. Continued. 560 TEnPERflTURE _DfiY NIGHT 20.5 19.2 20.2 12.0 6.6 5.1 16.0 5.5 21.0 19.8 20.8 14.9 16.0 7.1 18.5 6.2 20.2 20.4 20.1 17.0 19.0 8.5 18.2 6.5 19.7 20.4 19.7 20.2 19.7 15.0 19.5 11.0 21.0 19.2 20.5 9.9 20.5 9.9 21.4 19.7 20.7 11.7 21.0 17.7 21.5 13.9 173 8-11 SEPTEMBER TEMPERflTURE DRY NIGHT U (ISm-N) 0.5- 4.5- 8.5- 11.5- 14,0- SL 15.0 (I2S-N) 0.S 3.0 6.0 9.04 11.0 SL 12.0 -i 0.5 2.5 £ 4.5 £: 8,5 Q SL 9.0 0.5- 2.0 I 4.0- (6in-N) 5.5- SL 6.0- 0.5- J 2.5- (3(n-N) SL 3.0 (I5ih-N) R (lin-N) 0.5 SL 1.5-1 0.5- SL 1.0- 19,9 20.6 19.6 20.3 19.4 20.1 15.0 15.5 19.7 20.6 19.4 20.2 19.2 20.2 14.0 15.5 19.5 20.7 19.0 20.5 18.6 20.4 13.5 15.5 18.5 20.3 18.5 20.2 18.3 20.0 14.0 15.2 18.0 20.8 18.0 20.3 15.2 15.6 18.0 20.6 14.8 15,0 18.0 20,6 14,8 14,8 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 NO. LflRVflE/1000 m' Fig. 23. Continued. 174 8-11 SEPTEMBER (1^- S) 8^ 43 SO- ILS' I4U) SL tSM (121- S) 3.0- 6.0 9.0 H 11.0 SL tZO 0.5 2.5 £ 4.5-1 (9P-s)i ^^ CL 6.5- (sf-S) 0.5 2.0 4X-I 5.5 SL 6.0 0.5 (JlD-S) SL 3J- (l^ro- S) 0.5 SL 1.5 05- (IflrS) ^ ^-^ NO 12 16 24 30 36 42 48 54 NO. LRRVflE/1000 m' 60 66 72 TJEnPERflTURE DAY NIGHT 20.2 21.2 20.2 20.9 20.2 20.6 16.5 15.0 20.2 21.0 20.2 20.9 20,2 20.6 16.7 • 15.5 19.8 21.2 19.8 21,1 19.8 20.9 16.2 16.8 19.2 20.7 19.2 20.6 19.2 20.5 16.5 17.0 NO 21.0 18.3 20.7 16.7 16.5 18.2 20.6 16.5 16.5 18.2 20.6 18.2 20.6 Fig. 23. Continued. 175 LAKE MICHIGAN 30- 20- LAKE MICHIGAN STATIONS cor— ' N. TRANSECT OAY+NICHT X* 4.7 (0.0) N- 284 1-2 JULY LAKE MICHIGAN STATIONS coMeweo N. TRANSECT OAY-t-NIGHT X- 6.2 (0.2) M- 54 UiLu 1»-21 JULY LAKE mk:hk;an STATK>NS COMBINED N. TRANSECT OAY+NICHT X- 7.4 (0.1) N- 471 20 25 111 a q: u 30 20- 5-7 AUGUST LAKE mk:hkmn STATIONS COMSINCO N. TRANSECT OAY+NK*HT X- 8.1 (11) N- 32 20 25 IS JUNE LAKE MCHIGAN _^ STATIONS COMatNED S. TRANSECT OAY+NIGHT X- 5.1 (0.1) W- 4' 30- 20 20 25 Jj 17-18 AUGUST LAKE mk:higan STATIONS COMBINED N. TRANSECT OAY-fNKSHT X« 9.2 (0.5) N- 57 20 8-11 SEPTEMBER LAKE MICHIGAN STATK)NS COMBINED N. TRANSECT OAY+NIGHT X-21.3 (0.4) N- 3 1 JULY LAKE MICHMAN STATK>NS COMBINED S. TRANSECT DAY+NIGHT X- 6.7 (0.2) N- 77 H-L 19-20 JULY LAKE MtCHK;AN STATKMS COMBINED S. TRANSECT OAY+NKSHT X-12.2 (0.8) N- 66 5-6 AUGUST LAKE MICHiCAN STATIONS COMBINED S. TRANSECT DAY+MGHT X- 9.8 (2.5) N- 11 17-18 AUGUST LAKE MICHIGAN STATIONS COMBINED S. TRANSECT DAY+NKMT X- 5.4 (0.1) N« 16 I 8-10 SEPTEMBER LAKE MICHK^AN STATIONS COMBINED S. TRANSECT OAY+MGHT X-12.2 (3.6) N- 3 20 TOTAL LENGTH (MM) Fig. 24. Length-frequency histograms for larval spottail shiners observed in field and entrainment samples collected during 1981 near the J. H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan. Length-frequency histograms for spottail shiner larvae entrained during 1980 were also included. All plankton net and sled tow samples were combined. X « mean, N « total number of larvae, standard error is given in parentheses. 176 ENTRAPMENT. UNITS i AND 2, 1980 20- ENTRAINMCNT-UNITS 1*2 15->16 MAY 1980 X- 4.S (0.0) N- 1 10 IS 20 2S l\ ENTfl I 22-2 > X-. 5 4 M« 1 ENTRAtNlieNT-UNrrS 1*2 23 MAY 19110 S.0 (0.0) 20- — I 1 ! r- 5 10 IS 20 25 S| ENTRAINMCNT ;; 19-20 JUNE V X- 5.3 (0.1) 4 N- 33 -UMTS 1*2 1980 10 IS 20 25 40 liJ o liJ a. jL EMTRAINMEMT-UNrTS 1*2*^ 24-25 JUNE 1980 X- 5.5 (0.1) N- 112 30. U 10 15 20 25 ENTRAINMENT-UNITS 1*2 *^ 16-17 JULY 1960 X- 5.8 (0.1) N- 122 M 20- L4L « 15 20 25 ENTRAINMENT-Uf«TS 1*2 2-3 JULY 1980 X- 5.5 (0.1) Hm 84 20 IS 20 25 ENTRAINMENT-UNITS 1*2 ♦^ 22-23 JULY 198(3 X- 5.4 (0.1) M- 78 ^ -r— 1 i 1- 10 15 20 25 ENTRAINMENT-UNITS 1*2 8-9 JULY 1980 X- 5.8 (0.1) N« 198 I IS 20 25 ? ENTRAINMENT-UNITS 1*2 2 4-5 AUGUST 1980 X- 5.5 (0.2) N- 11 10 15 20 25 ENTRAINMENT-UNfTS 1*2 *^ 7-8 AUGUST 1980 X- 7.3 (1.0) N- 12 M 5 10 IS 20 25 ENTRAINMENT-UNfTS 1*2 ^ M-15 AUGUST K»80 X- 7.4 (1.2) N- 9 ' ' « I I ' I I 5 10 IS 20 25 i| o| ENTRAPMENT i\ i\ 2^-22 AUGUS UNITS 1*2 AUGUST 1980 I I » 5 10 IS 20 25 TOTAL LENGTH (MM) Pig. 24. Continued. 177 ENTRAINMENT. UNITS I AND 2,1981 30 CNTRAiNMCNT-UNrTS Mtl 11 9-10 APRIL W X- 4.8 (0.0) / N- 1 30 >| ENTRAmMCNT- SI 22-23 APRIL h X- 8.5 (0.0) S 10 IS 20 25 I I I r 5 « IS 20 25 II CNTRAINMCNT-UMTS Mii*^ 10-11 JUNE X- 5.2 (0.1) H- 13 ' ' 30 20- CKTRAINMCNT-UNITS 1*2 15 JUNE X- 5.3 (0.1) N- 14 5 10 15 20 25 5 10 15 20 25 Ul a q: Ul a. Li 20- CNTRAINMEMT-UNITS 1*2 25-28 JUNE X- 5.3 (0.0) Hm 137 5 10 IS 20 25 ENTRAMMeNT-UNn'S 1*2 20 JULY X« 9.8 (0.8) N« 18 I I '1 ■ 5 10 « 20 25 ENTRAINMENT-UNITS 1*2 1 JULY 5- 5.2 (0.1) M« 81 20 10 IS 20 25 ENTRAINMCNT-UNTrS 1*2 9 JULY .'>^n X- 4.9 (0.0) N- 300 IL ENTRAiNMENT-UNTTS 1*2 H-15 JULY X- 5.2 (0.1) iJill 5 10 IS 20 25 5 10 IS 20 25 ENTRAINMENT-UNITS 1*k 30 JULY X-13.1 (1.3) N- 18 30 20- ENTRAINMENT-UNITS 1* >| ENTRAINME || 8 AUGUST V X- 5.0 (0. / N- 3 4o^ 20- 5 10 IS 20 25 I I 11 S 10 IS 20 25 ENTRAINMENT-UNITS 1*2 12 AUGUST X- 5.5 (0.2) N- 18 IL 5 10 IS 20 25 30- I EKTRAINMENT-UMTS 1*2 ^ 17-18 AUGUST X- 5.9 (0.8) N- 33 30 JJL ^-i^ 5 10 IS 20 25 Fig. 24. Continued. •I 25 Al y X- a. 4 N- 4 ENTRAINMENT-UNITS 1*2 AUGUST 30 5 tt IS 20 25 8| ENTRAINMENT-UNITS 1*2 § 2-3 SEPTEMBER S5-12.5 (0.0) /n- 1 I I I 5 10 15 20 25 TOTAL LENGTH (MM) 178 ENTRAINMENT- UNIT 3, 1981 91 ENTRAINMENT -UNIT 3 ° § 12-13 MAY y X- 5.6 (0.0) < N- 1 30 10 15 20 25 )?| ENTRAINMENT- 51 10-11 JUNE h X- 5.4 (0.1) ^ N- 79 10 15 20 25 ENTRAINMENT-UNIT 3 ^" 15-16 JUNE X- 5.1 (0.1) N- 31 30 10 15 20 25 ENTRAINMENT-UNIT 3 25-26 JUNE X- 5.1 (0.1) N- 28 20 25 H 30 z 111 O 20- q: UJ a. 10 ENTRAINMENT-UNIT 3 ^ 1-2 JULY X- 4.7 (0.1) N- 20 30 20- d^TRAWyCNT-UNfT 3 ^^ •-K) JULY 5- 5.0 (0.1) M- 25 30 10 15 20 25 10- I ff EMTRAINy£NT-UNfr 3 *° 14-15 JULY X- 5.0 (0.1) •*- " 30 20 o 9j ENTRAINMENT- o 20-21 JULY 7 5:|o(o.o) «• 20 25 20 25 UNIT 3 20 25 §1 ENTRAINMENT-UNIT 3 U> 6-7 AUGUST V X- 4.9 (0.2) < N- 5 ^1 ENTRAINME !5 11-12 AUG y X- 4.7 (0, 4 N- 9 — I — T 1 r- 5 10 15 20 25 ENTRAINMENT-UNIT 3 AUGUST 1) ■— « 1 , r- 5 10 15 20 25 Fig. 24 continued. TOTAL LENGTH (mm) Entrainment — Units 1 an(3 2, 1980 — Yearly entrainment loss of spottail shiners at Units 1 and 2 during 1980 was projected at 6.5 million larvae. This is a decrease in numbers of larvae entrained from 1979 when losses were 8.8 million spottail shiner larvae. July was the month of maximum entrainment for spottails (4.7 million larvae) followed by June (1.3 million larvae). During 1980, spottail shiners comprised 1.4% of the total number of fish larvae entrained at Units 1 and 2. 179 Units 1 and 2, 198 1--Projected number of spottail shiner larvae entrained at Units 1 and 2 in 1981 (4,960,000) was less than in all other sampling years except 1978. Peak numbers of fish were entrained in July 1981, as was the case in all other years. Pigeon Lake, which is an important spawning and nursery area for spottails (Jude et al. 1981a), is most likely the major source of spottail larvae entrained by Units 1 and 2. Only 1.3 million spottail larvae were lost at Unit 3, compared with the 4.96 million at Units 1 and 2. This is a reduction in entrainment losses which we consider to be due to placement of the intakes in deep (ll-m) water and branched design of the intakes resulting in reduced flow rate. Unit 3 — First occurrence of spottail larvae in 1981 Unit 3 entrainment samples was on 13 May indicating that some isolated spawning took place in May, most likely in inland lakes or rivers. No spottail larvae were observed in field samples during May. Spottail larvae were absent from all samples (field and entrainment) between 13 May and 9 June. Entrainment sampling on 10-11 June marked the first major occurrence of spottail larvae when as many as 68,432 larvae/24-h were entrained at densities of 93-168 larvae/1000 m^ (Fig. 25). Spottail larvae were absent from 9- and 12-m north transect field samples until 15 June when day and night densities of 26-99 larvae/1000 m^ and 32 larvae/1000 m' were found at 9 and 12 m respectively (Fig. 23). Larvae at 9 and 12 m were concentrated near or at bottom at both stations. Water temperatures were similar (17.5 C bottom, 21.5 C surface) at both stations. Larvae collected in field samples at 9- and 12-m north- transect stations were similar in size to those in entrainment samples (Fig. 24 - mean length 4.9 mm for field larvae and 5.3 mm for entrained larvae indicating they were recently hatched). Data from entrainment samples collected on 15-16 and 25-26 June were quite similar to those of 10-11 June. Densities of entrained larvae ranged from 6 to 72 larvae/1000 m' with total losses of 19,949 to 49,284 larvae/24 h for the latter part of June (Appendix 14). Although night field samples from north transect beach stations contained high densities of larvae (over 3000 larvae/1000 m') entrainment losses were relatively small, because spottail larvae were concentrated inshore, away from the intakes which are located at 11m. Mean length of spottail larvae entrained during June was 5.3 mm and none^ were entrained during day sampling periods. Peak spottail entrainment occurred during June with projected losses of 851,000 larvae that month. Although field densities in July remained similar to those observed in June, entrainment losses were reduced by 65%. During July an estimated 332,000 (Table 28) spottail larvae were entrained for the month with a mean length of 4.9 mm (Fig. 24). 180 ENTRAINMENT-UNITS i AND 2,1980 NIGHT INTAKE TEflP C 22-23 HflY INTPHCE TEMP C 14.1 14.8 14.9 14.0 19-20 JUNE DRY NIGHT 2- 3 JULY DAY DUSK ^^^^^^^^ NIGHT 13.6 13.6 13.4 13.6 16.5 17.0 17.0 17.0 24-25 JUNE y////A 17.9 D 18.4 :i^ 18.9 18.6 ) 40 80 120 160 200 240 8- 9 JULY 16.0 17.5 '/////////////////////////'/A ._! S 17.5 18.0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0 80 160 240 320 400 480 NO. OF LflRVRE PER 1000 m' Fig. 25. Density of larval spottail shiners (no./IOOO m^) in weekly dawn, day, dusk and night entrainment samples at the J. H. Campbell Plant's Units 1 and 2 and Unit 3 during 1980 and 1981. Only day and night densities were shown for Units 1 and 2 during 1981. 181 % i 16-17 JULY duskM NIGHT ENTRAINMENT-UNITS I AND 2,1980 22-23 JULY INTAKE TEMP C INTRKE TEnP C 22.0 23.0 22.0 22.5 v/////////////////^m 21.0 22.0 21.5 21.0 40 80 120 4- 5 RUGUST 160 200 240 DRY DUSK^ NIGHT 22.0 22.0 22.0 2t.9 40 80 120 160 200 240 7- 8 AUGUST DflUN DRY ^yy/yy///y////////y///////////////////ym NIGHT 4 8 12 14-15 AUGUST 16 20 24 DUSK^WWWWW^ 19.0 20.5 20.0 4 8 12 21-22 AUGUST \\\^^\^\\^X^V^K\^\\\\\\\\^^ 3 4 5 6 0 ENTRAINMENT- UNITS I AND 2,1981 1- 2 APRIL DRY 9.0 NIGHT 9-10 APRIL 8.0 DAY 11.0 NIGHT 14 APRIL 10.0 DAY 12.0 NIGHT 22-23 BPRIL 12.0 DAY 10.0 NIGHT 27 APRIL 10.0 DAY 11.0 NIGHT 18.5 22.0 23.0 23.0 23.0 21.5 22.0 22.0 21.0 4 JUNE 17.5 17.5 : 11 JUNE 15 JUNE B 25-26 JUNE 19.0 19.0 21.0 21.5 16.5 17,0 0 1 2 3 4 0 60 120 ISO 240 300 360 NO. OF LARVAE PER 1000 m' Fig. 25. Continued. 182 ENTRAINMENT- UNITS I AND 2,1981 INTAKE TEMP C 1 JULY DAY 17,0 NJGHT^^ wm i 16.9 9 JULY DAY 24.0 NTGHT^^ H 22.5 15 JULY DAY 20.5 NIGHTin i 20.5 20 JULY DAY 1 22.0 NIGHTS 22.0 30 JULY DRY 14.0 NIGHT ■■ 14.0 INTAKE ^EflP C 60 120 180 240 300 360 420 480 2- 3 SEPTErtBER DAY 20.5 NIGHT 9 SEPTEnBER 20.0 DAY 17.5 NIGHT 17 SEPTEMBER 17.5 DAY 16.3 NIGHT 24-25 SEPTEMBER 14.2 DRY 16.7 NIGHT 16.7 ENTRAINMENT- UNIT 9, 1981 12-13 nflY INTfiKE TEnP C 7.8 7.2 DflUN ^\\VVV\\VV\\V\\\V\\\\\\\\^^^ DAY DUSK 7.5 NIGHT 7.4 c 10-n JUNE :NTflKE EflP C 17.3 17.7 16.5 17.7 10 12 40 80 120 160 200 240 NO. OF LRRVflE PER 1000 m' Fig. 25. Continued. 183 15-16 JUNE ENTRAINMENT. UNIT 3, I98j^ 25-26 JUNE INTRKE TEnP C DRY ni l^k '7Z^?Z^//////////////A NIGHT 19.5 17.8 17.8 17.8 INTAKE TEMP C v////////y////////////////////////////7m 12.0 9.5 11.5 12,8 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 1- 2 JULY ENTflKE FEflP C DflUN * 14.2 DAY 15.1 M.7 14.4 DUSK y////////////////^^^^^ NIGHT 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 9-10 JULY INTAKE TEOP C y///////////////////////////////////y77X 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 14^15 JULY INTAKE FEnP C DRUN S 11.4 DRY 19.6 14.5 DUSK y//////A NIGHT — ■ 12.8 S:^^^^^^;^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 10 20 30 40 50 20-21 JULY DflUN DRY DUSK NIGHT 5 10 15 20 25 30 6- 7 AUGUST 0 2 4 6 8 10 INTAKE TEflP C 19.8 2U 21.5 21.0 ^^^^^ 11-12 AUGUST 12 16 20 24 0 4 8 12 16 20 NO. OF LflRVflE PER 1000 m^ Pig. 25. Continued. 9.2 20.0 10.8 10.0 60 INTAKE TEflP C 10.0 17.5 13.0 11.0 12 INTAKE TEttP C 23.0 22.6 21.4 2Z3 24 184 Greatest entrainment losses for July occurred during 1-2 July when 13,700 larvae/24 h were entrained. Spottail larvae were absent from all day entrainment samples in July. Field samples from early July revealed that high densities of spottail larvae (over 1100 larvae/1000 m^) were present in the north transect beach zone. Jude et al. (1980) documented the importance of the beach to 3-m depth zone as a nursery area for larval spottails. Densities of larvae decreased with increasing depth as indicated by densities of 28-65 larvae/1000 m^ at 9 m and only 18 larvae/1000 m^ at the 12-m north transect station. These were all newly hatched larvae with a mean length of 5.1 mm (Fig. 24). Peak field densities of larval spottails for the entire year were found during mid-July at beach to 3-m north transect stations; densities over 33,000 larvae/1000 m^ were found (Fig. 23). As in early July comparatively few spottail larvae were collected at 9- and 12-m north transect stations. Densities of only 14-55 larvae/1000 m' were found at those stations; larvae had a mean length of 4.5 mm (Fig. 24). Water temperatures remained conducive to spawning (Fig. 12) during most of July. During August only an estimated 120,000 spottail larvae were entrained/mo compared with 332,000 larvae lost during the preceding month. Maximum losses of spottail larvae for August occurred during 6-7 and 11-12 August when 6720 and 13,176 larvae/24 h were entrained by Unit 3. After 12 August, no spottail larvae were entrained. Mean length of spottail larvae entrained during August was 4.7 mm. Entrainment samples were not collected during the last week of August due to plant shutdown. While moderate to large densities (500-2300 larvae/1000 mM of spottail shiner larvae were present at the north transect beach station during early and mid-August, they were nearly absent from 9- and 12-m north transect stations, confirming their preference for shallower water. 24-h population and entrainment estimates — The numbers of spottail shiner larvae lost due to entrainment by Unit 3 are slight when compared with the total number of larvae present in the area of the plant. Estimates of total number of spottail larvae in the plant vicinity have been made (Table 31) and were compared with entrainment losses (Table 28) during that same temporal period. The highest ratio of spottail larvae entrained to those present in the area was only 2.11 percent, which occurred during 6-7 August when 6720 larvae were entrained from an estimated 318,000 present in the vicinity of the Unit 3 intake system, based on day and night field samples. Percentages of fish entrained from the estimated number present were most often 185 <1%. During entrainment sampling on 20-21 July only^ 5680 spottail larvae were entrained from an estimated 22.8 million larvae present in the immediate vicinity. The life history of the spottail shiner in the vicinity of the Campbell Plant (Jude et al. 1978, 1979a, 1980 and 1981a) indicates that a preference for the beach to 3-m depth zones during early life stages exists. Densities of spottail larvae at 9 and 12 m were always minimal in contrast to densities at beach to 3-m stations. As with many species of fish larvae the stage just after hatching appears to be most susceptible to entrainment. The mean length of 5.1 mm for all spottails entrained by Unit 3 indicated that larger larvae were able to avoid being entrained. Yearly entrainment losses of approximately 1.3 million spottail larvae f rom«^ Unit 3 are very low when compared to field populations and to projected losses of 11.2, 2.9 and 8.8^ million spottail shiner larvae entrained by Units 1 and 2 during 1977, 1978 and 1979 respectively (Jude et al. 1980). The depth at which the Unit 3 intake manifold is situated (11 m) is very advantageous for reducing spottail entrainment. Placement of screens 2.3 m off the bottom also reduces the numbers of spottail larvae entrained. Spottail larvae are benthic as evidenced by high densities present in ^nthic sled samples and bottom strata plankton net tows (Jude et^l. 1978, 1979a, 1980). Young-of-the-Year — During 1981, seasonal distribution of spottail YOY and adults followed the same trends as in most other years. Jude et al. (1981a) found that YOY spottails first appeared usually in August in the vicinity of the Campbell Plant. Interruptions of spawning, due to upwellings, could delay first occurrence of YOY spottails. YOY spottails move to deeper water as winter approaches and are the last spottail age-group to leave the study area. As in past years, YOY spottails first appeared in adult fish sampling gear during August 1981. Approximately 200 YOY spottails were seined at the north transect beach station during the day with half as many seined during the day at the south transect beach station (Fig. 26). YOY spottails were nearly absent from beach stations after August. During September, YOY spottails were concentrated in 6 and 9 m of water and absent from the beach zones. By November, YOY spottails, traditionally the last age-class to leave for deeper water, were nearly absent from the study area, suggesting that the annual migration to deeper water was completed earlier than usual. 186 3 o CQ n CD NORTH TRANSECT , APR . nflY . JUN JUL 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 TOTAL LEINGTHmn) Fig. 26. Length-frequency histograms for spottail shiners collected during April - December 1981 at the north and south transects. Stations were combined into two groups for the north transect: beach and 3 m; 6 and 9 m and into three groups for the south transect: beach, 1.5 and 3 m; 6 and 9 m; and 12 m. Diel periods and gear types were pooled. 187 3 IxlO* — IxlO" — 1x10' — ixi(r=^ IxlO* — 1x10^ — 1x10' - 1x10* = 1x10*- 1x10"- 1x10' — 1x10* =~ 1x10" — 1x10* — 1x10' — 1x10*= — 1x10* — 1x10' — 1x10' — lo-3n le-an NORTH TRANSECT 0 ! Ij li , I I Li ■i ! ,1 . . .1 M I i M -J — «• — u 4 1 — I — 1 — J L J .1 ll 1,1 i 20 I i ' -•I 1— — ♦! 1 1 l___JI « ,1 t , ^ AUG SEP -. OCT NOV ^ DEC 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 Pig. 26. Continued. TOTAL LENGrH(nn) 188 ixi(r— ]- 1x10* — 1x10* 1x10' 1X10* =T^ SOUTH TRANSECT lo-3n le-an Ii2n S 1x10^- Li- fe 1x10' - m ixiu - ^ IxlO*- 1x10*- 1x10' - 1x10*- 1x10"- 1x10^- 1x10' - 1x10* = 1x10*- 1x10^- 1x10' - 1x10* = 1x10*- 1x10*- 1x10' - J_L I I. JJL JiLj . APR MflY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT , NOV 10 20 30 40 50 Fig. 26. Continued. . DEC %ill tfuoi^mnl'' ''' '^' '^' ''' '^' ^^0 189 Adults-- Jude et al. (1981a) found that the spring inshore migration of spottail shiners was usually at its peak during May, when large adults (85-135 mm) move inshore prior to spawning. Distribution of adult spottails during May 1981 wastypical of past years: sporadic catches occurred at all sampling depths with greatest numbers caught in 9 m of water or less._ Gonad development data showed that spawning took place primarily in June with sporadic spawning in July and August. June through August has been the spawning time of spottails during all years of the study. During June, most fish were caught between 1.5- and 9-m depths, suggesting these depths were also the major spawning areas. After spawning was completed, adult spottails were found throughout the study area with greatest densities at the 6- and 9-m stations (Fig. 26). During September, increasing numbers of adults were found with increased depth. By 'November very few adults were collected in the study area, suggesting that most spottails were out beyond 15 m and that the annual migration to deeper water was nearly complete. Unidentified Coreqoninae Introduction — p^ Members of the subfamily Coregoninae occurring in the vicinity of the Campbell Plant include lake whitefish,_ round whitefish, bloater and lake herring. Round and lake whitefish collected in adult and juvenile fish sampling gear can be identified to species, while most bloaters and lake herring, and other ciscoes which may be present, cannot. Variation in meristic characters and possible introgression between species (Scott and Grossman 1973) prevent positive identification of bloaters or lake herring in most cases, except for large specimens which are not numerous in our samples. During our study, most unidentified Goregoninae collected by adult and juvenile fish sampling gear were believed to be bloaters, Coregonus hoyj, or hybrids thereof (Jude et al. 1978). During 1981 unidentified Goregoninae were fourth in abundance of fish collected in adult and juvenile fish sampling gear (Table 32). Over 10,000 were collected, 6.6% of the total catch, compared with 1980 when almost 9,000 were collected, comprising 10.6% of he catch. Each year of the study, the number of unidentified Goregoninae caught has increased. As larvae, all Goregoninae are very similar, including round and lake whitefish. Therefore larvae of all members of the subfamily were designated unidentified Coregoninae. Speculations 190 as to the identity of larvae were based upon descriptions of larvae by Hinrichs (1979) and seasonal distribution and gonad conditions of adult Coregoninae. Larvae — Seasonal distribution — Round whitefish, lake whitefish and lake herring all spawn in late fall (November-December) in shallow water, less than 10 m (Scott and Grossman 1973; Machniak 1975). During our study, however, round whitefish was the only species captured as adults during October-November in the inshore zone near - the Campbell Plant. Round whitefish with well developed and spent gonads were collected, indicating spawning occurred in the plant vicinity. Only a few lake whitefish and no adult unidentified Coregoninae were collected during October- November. However, lake whitefish are more readily collected by gill nets set perpendicular to shore, rather than parallel as we set them, due to their tendency to cruise parallel to shore (N. A. Auer, personal communication, Mich. Tech. Univ., Houghton, Mich). Therefore lake whitefish may spawn in the plant vicinity but may not be detected by our sampling scheme. Lake whitefish are reported to spawn on a rocky reef near Ludington 93 km north of the Campbell Plants (Listen et al. 1981). No YOY lake whitefish were collected during our study, but a few YOY round whitefish, 50-97 mm, were collected during summer 1980. Coregoninae larvae collected in April during our study may have been round or lake whitefish, or lake herring larvae. These larvae were collected from beach stations to 3 m (Fig. 27) and generally averaged 13 to 15 mm TL (Fig. 28). A 24-mm individual collected in April 1979 was positively identified as a lake whitefish. During 1981, densities at the north transect ranged from 22 to 110 larvae/1000 m^ . South transect densities were higher, 28-752 larvae/1000 m^ (Fig. 27). In 1981, coregonine larvae were collected during April at stations D (9 m, south) and F (15 m, south) for the first time. Water temperatures during April when unidentified Coregoninae larvae were collected were 6-11.5 C. After April, Coregoninae larvae were absent from field samples until summer. From June to August, low densities of Coregoninae larvae were observed, mostly at deeper stations (12-15 m) , at water temperatures from 14.5 to 22.0 C. These larvae were smaller than those collected in April, usually 11-13 mm TL. The bloater, Coregonus hoyi , spawns during late winter (February-March), usually in water deeper than 36 m (Scott and Crossman 1973). Larvae are primarily distributed deeper than 80 m and are most abundant in late June and early July (Wells 1966). For these reasons, Coregoninae larvae collected during summer were believed to have been bloater larvae. Bloaters hatch over a 191 13-16 APRIL U (ISm-N) 0.5 4.5 8.5 11.5 14.0 SL 15.0 H (12in~N) 0.5 3.0 6.0 9.0 11.0 SL 12.0 Om-N) 0.5 2.5 £ 4.5 .N...r 6.5 Q. 8.5 LU Q SL 9.0 0.5 2.0 4.0 5.5 (6m-N) Om-N) SL 6.0- 0.5- 2.5- SL 3.0- (1.5m- N) p (Im-N) Fig (no./ J. H. June I I 05- SL 1.5- ' — 1 0.5- SL 1.0- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t TEMPERRTUf^ DRY NICW 6.9 5.9 6.5 4.9 5,5 4.0 8,5 7.2 7.2 5.2 7.6 4.8 6.9 4.0 7.5 7.3 6.4 5.0 8,7 5.0 6.3 4.9 8,5 7.7 7.2 5.7 7.2 f 5.7 7.1 5.7 9.0 7.7 10.0 10.5 9.5 9.5 10.0 8.0 11.5 10.5 10.0 8.5 11.5 11.5 11.0 9.0 16 32 48 64 80 96 112 NO. LflRVnE/1000 ni' 27. Density of larval unidentified Coregoninae 1000 mM at north and south transect stations near the Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan during April and 198U D-day iisnight, SL=sled. 192 113-16 APRIL (1^- S) (L5 4.5-1 8.5 140) SL 1S.0 IL5 SL 120)- 0.5 i5- ol 8.5 H r (6nrS) 0.5 i 20) 40) 5.5 SL 6.0-j as B 2.5 (3in""S) SL 30) (l.Sni-S) *^'-s (Im-S) «■ '•» 80 160 240 320 400 480 560 640 720 800 NO. LflRVflE/1000 m* ^ DAY NIGHT 7.3 6.0 7.1 5.0 6.5 4.1 5.9 6.0 7.5 6.5 7.3 6.0 7.0 5.1 7.0 6.6 8.0 7.3 7.6 7.2 7.2 6.2 7.2 7,1 7.0 7,8 6.6 7.8 6.7 7.8 7.5 7.9 9.5 9.0 9,5 8.0 7.6 7.5 10.2 9.5 8.4 7.8 '10.2 9.5 8.4 8.8 Fig. 27. Continued. 193 2-5 JUNE (1^- S) OoSH 8.5 1U5 14.0- SL 15.0- (I2I-S) 0.5 3X 6.0-1 9.0 11.0 SL 1Z0- 0.5 2.5 £ 4.5-1 Om-S) 5E r (6nrS) 0.5-' 4 J -I 5.5 SL 6.0 0.5-1^ Om-S) SL xo 0.5- n cP c^ SL 1.5 0.5. ,,P c^ SL 1.0-! lilt 12 16 8 12 16 20 NO. LRRVflE/1000 m' 24 TEflPERflTURE DRY NIGHT 15.5 10.3 28 14.0 7.3 7.5 5.8 9.7 8.2 15.0 14.0 12.0 10.5 11.4 6.9 11.6 10.1 15.2 14.0 12.6 12.1 1L1 9.0 12.2 10.6 14.8 13.5 13.0 11.8 13.0 11.5 14.5 12.2 17.2 16.3 15.7 13.5 14.5 12.2 17.5 16.2 14.7 13.2 19.2 16.6 15.4 13.4 Fig. 27. Continued. 194 15-16 JUNE (1^- S) 0.S itsH 14.0 SL 15U}-| (I2I- S) 0.5 ZM 6.0 11 J SL 12.0-j 0.5 2.5 H £ 4.5 (9nrS) S 6.5 r (6nrS) J 0.5- 2i) 40) 5.5 SL 6.0 0.5 H 2^ Om-S) SL 3.0- 0.5 r ILS-| (if-S) ^ " : 8 10 12 14 16 18 NO. LflRVflE/1000 in' TEMPERPITURE DAY NIGHT 18.0 21.2 18.0 21.2 16.0 21.0 18.5 18.0 18.9 22.2 18.9 22.2 18.9 22.2 18.8 18.9 22.4 21.5 22.4 21.5 22.4 21.5 19.5 19.2 22.8 22.5 22.8 22.5 22.8 22.5 20.0 19.5 21.0 20.7 21.0 20.7 21.0 20.7 21.5 21.5 21.5 21.5 21.5 21.5 21.5 21.5 20 22 24 Fig. 27. Continued. 195 S||SB-t8 APRIL oi U^^KC MICHIGAN ♦lUrrATIONS COM8IN4 Wh. transect , OAY-fNlCHT X-13.9 (0.1) N« 5 20 LAKE MICHIGAN 8 40- I 15-16 JUNE S LAKE MICHIGAN Utatjons combined 30 7n. transect ^ OAY+N«HT X-U^ (0.0) Hm 1 20- 20 2S 20 25 40- 13-15 APRIL LAKE MICHIGAN STATIONS COMBINED S. TRANSECT vj, DAY+NICHT "^ X«14.3 (0.2) Hm 20 20 9| 2-4 JUNE Si LAKE MiCHK^AN 4\: NATIONS COMBINED : TRANSECT DAY-t-NlCHT X-117 (0.0) N- 1 20 H 40- UJ 30- o o: Ul 20- CL 10- 15 JUNE LAKE MICHKUN STATIONS COMBINC S. TRANSECT DAY-I-NICHT X-H.8 (t2) Hm 3 20 25 20 ENTRAINMENT-UNltS I AND 2,1980 gl ISktrainmcnt-umts 1*2 gl l»-1« MAY 1960 >| «-1« MAY IB 30- 20- Sl ENTRAINMENT-UNrrS 1*2 §1 24-25 JUNE 1980 *;5-l3.0 (0.0) /n« 1 20 25 5 10 15 20 25 TOTAL LENGTH (mm) Fig. 28. Length-frequency histograms for larval unidentified Coregoninae observed in field and Units 1 and 2 entrainment samples collected during 1981 near the J. H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan. Length-frequency histograms for unidentified Coregoninae larvae entrained during 1980 were also included. All plankton net and sled tow samples were combined. X = mean larvae, standard error is given N = total number of in parentheses. 196 ENTRAINMENT- UNITS I AND 2,1981 40- rMTKAMMrMT-U H 1-2 A«WL x*a.e (0.4) Z M- N- § ' ' kJ J O „ oc » lU ft. . « CNTRAIMieNr-UNn^S \k2 14 APRIL ^X-1S.2 (0.2) N- « 30 20- «>' eNTRAINIlCNr-UMrS 1*2 f-10 APRIU X«13.5 (0.1) N- •• Ji S « S 20 2S tt « 20 25 5 « « 20 25 TOTAL LENGTH (MM) Fig. 28. Continued. long period, as length distributions in Wells' data did not change over the season (mean lengths 11-11.3 mm) and larvae with yolk were collected from April to August. During a study of lake trout reproduction at the -Gpipbell Plant riprap (Dorr et al. 1981), evidence was discovered of whitefish reproduction on the riprap. Eggs 3.0-3.5 mm in diameter, probably those of lake or round whitefish, were collectecS from the rocks on 16 December 1981. Coregonine larvae were collected with emergent fry traps set on the riprap during April-May 1982 (J. A. Dorr III, personal communication, Great Lakes Research Division, Ann Arbor, Michigan). Entrainment — No Coregonin samples. Larvae occurring regula entrainment whitefish, shallower than the intake depth fish migrated to deeper wate entrainment as they passed the were collected near the intake in such low densities that our them, or they may have been case, bloater larvae at the 11- fringes of the population, (Wells 1966). ae larvae were found in Unit 3 believed to be round or lake rly in April, inhabited waters Presumably by the time these r, they were large enough to avoid intakes. Bloater larvae in summer depth and may have been entrained entrainment sampling scheme missed able to avoid entrainment. In any m intake depth would be at the which is primarily in deeper water Units larvae in June 1980 al. 1980; 1 and 2 entrained April and May 1978, and 1,410,000 in Tables 25, 26). an estimated 22,900 Coregoninae 607 in April 1979, 4230 in May and March and April 1981 (Jude et Larvae entrained by Units 1 and 2 197 during March through May were most likely lake or round whitefish from the nearshore zone. These larvae apparently avoided the Unit 3 intake as none were entrained by Unit 3. Those entrained at Units 1 and 2 in June were probably bloaters. Densities in 1981 entrainment samples from Units 1 and 2 ranged from 6 to 157 larvae/1000 m^ and peaked on 9-10 April (Fig 29). Entrainment densities were similar to field densities at the north transect, but lower than south transect densities. Entrained larvae were similar in size to larvae in field samples (13.5-15 mm - Fig. 28). Unidentified Coregoninae larvae were entrained at low densities in 1980 (2-4 larvae/1000 m^ Fig. 29). ENTRAINMENT- UNITS I AND 2, 1981 INTRKE TErtP C 1- 2 APRIL DRY 9.0 NIGHTB 8.0 9-10 APRIL 11.0 10.0 DRY 1 NIGHT 14 RPRIL DRY 12.0 12.0 22-23 APRIL DRY 10.0 NIGHT 27 APRIL 10.0 DRY 11.0 NIGHT 18.5 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 NO. OF LflRVflE PER 1000 m' / ^•/.n?^* 3^ P^^sity of larval unidentified Coregoninae (no./IOOO m ) m weekly day and night entrainment samples at the J. H. Campbell Plant's Units 1 and 2 during 1981. Young-of- the- Year — YOY and yearling Coregoninae were separated by inspection of length-frequency histograms and data from preoperational years. Most unidentified Coregoninae collected in August through December 1981 were YOY. These fish grew from 45-74 mm TL in August to 55-104 mm TL in December (Fig. 30). Most YOY were collected in trawl hauls from 3 to 12 m, but a few were taken in seines. Particularly high catches of YOY were trawled from 198 station B (3 m, south) in November (697 fish) and at station N (9 m, north) in December (289 fish). Water temperatures when YOY were collected were cool, usually 5-12 C. Catches of YOY Coregoninae at stations C (6 m, south) and D (9 m, south) were similar to catches at stations L (6 m, north) and N (9 m, north) respectively. Most YOY unidentified Coregoninae were believed to be bloaters, Coregonus hoyi, as was postulated during preoperational years (Jude et al. 1981a). The long hatching period of bloaters, April to August (Wells 1966), partially accounts for the wide size range of YOY. The largest and earliest appearing YOY may, however^ have been another species with an earlier spawning period than bloaters, such as lake whitefish or lake herring. Yearlings — Most unidentified Coregoninae collected April through July 1981 were yearlings. Yearling Coregoninae ranged in size from 55 to 94 mm TL in April, and grew to 85-134 mm TL in August (Pig. 30). Most yearlings were collected by trawl, but a few were collected by bottom gill net. Fish were collected at water temperatures ranging from 2 to 24 C. More yearlings were collected at deeper stations, 9-12 m, than at stations 3-6 m in depth. Similar catches were recorded at north and south transects, unlike preoperational years when significantly more unidentified Coregoninae were trawled at the plant transect than the south reference transect (Jude et al. 1981a). Adults- Very few unidentified Coregoninae age 2 or older were collected during 1981 (13), in contrast to 1980 when over 2000, 155-314 mm TL, were collected. During preoperational years, adult unidentified Coregoninae increased in abundance (Jude et al. 1981a), which may have been a response of the population to closure of the commercial fishery for all chubs in 1976. U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service fall surveys in eastern Lake Michigan found adult bloaters continued to increase during 1981 for the fourth consecutive year, at depths from 20 to 100 m (Wells and Hatch 1982). Our sampling was not conducted in deep enough water to detect this trend, we collected only stragglers from the greater offshore population. During preoperational years, significantly more unidentified Coregoninae were collected at the plant transect than the reference transect (Jude et al. 1981a), perhaps because construction activity increased turbidity (thus decreasing net avoidance) or stirred food organisms into the water column, attracting fish. Construction was finished before the 1981 field season, which may account for part of the decrease in catch of adult unidentified Coregoninae. 199 2 1x10^ 1x10' 1x10' 1x10'. 1x10' 1x10' 1x10' 1x10' 1x10* 1x10' 1x10' 1x10' 1x10* 1x10' 1x10' IxiO' o-3n N ie-sn - ■ NORTH • TRANSECT - 1 . .1 . - . , \ ,1 i , , f_ — 1 — .1 — 1 j i , , , ! , . APR nflY . JUN--;. JUL 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 .J60 180 200 220 240 TOTAL LENGTH(nn) Fig. 30. Length-frequency histograms for unidentified Coregoninae collected during April - December 1981 at the north and south transects. Stations were combined into two groups for the north transect: beach and 3 m; 6 and 9 m and into three groups for the south transect: beach, 1.5 and 3 m; 6 and 9 m; and 12 m. Diel periods and gear types were pooled* 200 CE U 3 o cc UJ CD JZ Z 1x10^- 1x10'- IxK?- 1x10' - 1x10* = Ixr- 1x10*- 1x10' - 1x10*'= 1x10'- 1x10'- 1x10' - 1x10* = 1x10'- 1x10^- 1x10' - 1x10*^ 1x10' 1x10' 1x10' l0-3n N iS-Sfl NORTH TRANSECT . AUG I I I I j^i — 1_ _ SEP 4 1 4 -^ ^ OCT NOV _ DEC 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 TOtni LENGTH(nn) . Fig. 30. Continued. 201 1x10*- 1x10'- 1x10^- 1x10'- 1x10* = 1x10*- IxlO'- 1x10' - 1x10*- 1x10'- 1x10'- 1x10' - 1x10*- 1x10"- 1x10^- G 1x10' - -J ^^ 1x10*= o d 1x10'- § 1x10^- lo-3n !i !6-9n :12n m 1x10* = ^ 1x10'- 1x10"- 1x10' - 1x10* = 1x10'- 1x10^- 1x10' - 1x10* = 1x10'- 1x10'- 1x10' - 1x10* = 1x10'- 1x10'- 1x10' - 20 40 SOUTH TRANSECT ^ RPR _ nnY -. JUN _ JUL _ AUG -. SEP Ir Hi ^ OCT ^ NOV DEC 60 80 100 120 TOTAL LENGTH(nn) 140 160 180 200 Fig. 30* Continued. 202 During 1981, the largest coregonine was in the 220-mm length interval, and only 13 fish longer than 135 mm were collected (Fig. 30). These adults were collected during spring and summer by bottom gill net and trawl, at water temperatures of 4 to 22 C and depths of 6 to 12 m. Gonads of adult unidentified Coregoninae were only slightly developed. Males and females were nearly equal in number. Most unidentified Coregoninae (all sizes) were collected at night. Yellow Perch Introduction — Yellow perch was the fifth-most abundant species caught in adult sampling gear in 1981 (Table 32). During our 5-yr study (1977-1981), perch have been consistently between fourth and sixth in overall abundance. Seasonal distribution of yellow perch in 1981 was similar to that of other years. However, the total number of perch caught in adult sampling gear was considerably greater in 1981 (2,370) than in previous sampling years (1977-1980 range: 605-1,714) and the proportion of the catch according to life stage (YOY, yearling, adult) was unusual in 1981. In Lake Michigan in the vicinity of the J. H. Campbell Plant, adult yellow perch overwinter at depths beyond our deepest sampling station of 15 m (Jude et al. 1981a). A few perch move into shallower water (predominantly between 6 and 15 m) during April, and more follow in May. Male perch (many with well developed gonads) are generally the first to come inshore where they congregate and await the arrival of females (Scott and Crossman 1973). Lake Michigan perch prefer to spawn over gravel, rocks or crevices in bottom substrate, generally at depths between 6 and 12 m (Dorr 1982). Riprap associated with the Campbell Plant intake and discharge structures provides suitable substrate for perch reproduction to depths of about 12 m. Construction activities during preoperational years may have discouraged perch spawning in the intake/discharge area as evidenced by mid-June collections of larval perch which were substantially less in 1978-1980 than in 1981. Perch spawning in Lake Michigan usually is concentrated over a 7 to 12-day period (Dorr 1982) and occurs during late May or early June near the Campbell Plant (Ju'de et al. 1981a). Similar spawning times have been reported for perch near the D. C. Cook Nuclear Power Plant at Bridgman, Michigan (Jude et al. 1979b) and near Ludington, Michigan (Brazo 1973). Eggs may hatch after 6-27 days depending on water temperature (Hokanson and Kleiner 1974; Mansueti 1964a). Norden (1961) and Dorr et al. (1976) reported hatching lengths for yellow perch to be from 5 to 6 mm, but smaller larvae (4.0 and 4.5 mm) were not unusual in Campbell Plant field samples. 203 Perch with hatching lengths between 5.5 and 6.0 mm had completely absorbed their yolks at 7.0 mm (after about 5 days) and teeth were evident in fish of 7.2 mm according to Mansueti (1964a). Larval perch swim well relative to most other larval fish of similar age, and exhibit notable ability to avoid larval fish sampling devices. The phenomenon of net avoidance by yellow perch and other species has been discussed and confirmed by many workers (Isaacs 1964; Faber 1967; Ward and Robinson 1974; Wells 1974). Few perch larvae exceeding lengths of 9 mm have been caught near the Campbell Plant. Wong (1972) considered perch to be demersal when they attained approximately 30 mm; they were pelagic prior to that size. Mansueti (1964-a) observed that under laboratory conditions, newly hatched perch larvae must actively feed (generally on green colonial flagellates and small zooplankton) to supplement yolk-derived nutrients, and larvae that did not feed died after 7 days. Aquaria-held larvae engaged in feeding activities and appeared to be immediately vigorous swimmers upon hatching (Mansueti 1964a). Houde (1969) similarly documented active swimming by aquaria-held perch larvae under 6.5 mm, but discovered that swimming movements ceased when currents of 5.0 cm/s were introduced in a test apparatus; larvae less than 10-11 mm allowed themselves to be rolled along the length of the testing tube by the current. Perch larvae that are collected in Lake Michigan before mid- June are generally considered to be fish that were spawned in April and May in warmer waters of inland lakes, rivers and streams (Wells 1973; Jude et al. 1981a). Such fish are believed to drift into Lake Michigan from their inland nursery grounds and be dispersed in Lake Michigan by lake currents. Houde (1969) suggests that limnetic larvae (such as yellow perch), in contrast with littoral or stream-inhabiting larvae, may depend mostly on drifting in lake currents for dispersal. Since alongshore currents are strongest closest to shore, most larvae collected before mid-June are found in water less than or equal to 3 m. Relatively warmer temperatures and greater food availability may also explain predominance of larvae in nearshore water. Larvae — Seasonal distribution — April — A 6.5-mm perch larva was collected in the north transect beach zone on 15 April 1981 (Figs. 31 and 32). Size of the fish indicated that it had probably hatched in early April. Perch larvae had not previously been collected in April near the Campbell Plant, and were only rarely collected elsewhere; one larva was collected on 28 April 1973 near the D. C. Cook Nuclear Plant (Jude et al. 1979b). Temperature in nearshore water in 1981 (11.5 C) was not exceptional compared with preoperational years, but perhaps inland water sources were warm enough to allow 204 earlier than usual perch spawning as was indicated by Units 1 and 2 entrainment data (see RESULTS AND DISCUSSION - Yellow Perch, Larvae - Entrainment) , Estimated average density of perch larvae in April in the beach zone was 55/1000 m^ (Appendix 9). May — ^Perch were collected from the beach zone out to the 12- m contour during early May. Highest densities came from beach stations at both north (312/1000 m^) and south (113/1000 mO transects (Appendixes 9 and 10). Densities farther offshore ranged from 35/1000 m' (12 m, south) to 95/1000 m^ (6 m, north) (Appendixes 9 and 10). Mean length of larvae from both transects was 6.6 mm (Fig. 32). Similar densities and sizes of perch larvae were collected during preoperational years. Water temperatures in 1981 ranged from 10.1 to 11.3 C at stations where perch larvae were found. Early June — No perch were collected at the south transect in early June, but at the north transect, perch continued to be most concentrated (112/1000 m^) in the beach zone (Appendix 9, Fig. 31); whereas, larval perch densities were lower at 1.5- (25/1000 mM and 6-m (23/1000 mM contours (Appendix 9). Fish lengths ranged from 6.5 to 8.0 mm (Fig. 32), indicating that, as in April and May, fish collected in early June were produced in inland waters. Spawning in Lake Michigan had probably already commenced in late May, but at water temperatures recorded during early June (14.7-18.3 C), eggs would require about 8-10 days to hatch (Hokanson and Kleiner 1974). Densities and distribution of perch larvae in 1981 were similar to those of 1978, but were somewhat higher than those of other preoperational years. The variable densities and length frequencies of perch larvae collected in early June of different years were partly attributable to the relative timing of perch spawning in inland waters and in Lake Michigan. If spawning in inland waters occurred in early May (1977 and 1979), larvae were large enough by early June to avoid our nets; if spawning was delayed or continued into mid-May (1978, 1980 and 1981) larvae collected in early June included some perch from inland sources. Perch spawned in Lake Michigan were present in early June samples only when spawning had occurred by late May (1978 and 1979). Mid-June — Perch larvae were collected in mid-June at densities up to 874/1000 m^ at the north transect, and up to 1547/1000 m^ at the south transect (Appendixes 9 and 10). Larvae were generally distributed throughout the water column at every sampling contour (beach to 15 m) during both day and night. Normally, few perch larvae are found deeper than 5.5 m (Clady 1976), but we collected many perch at considerably greater depths (e.g., 209 perch/1000 m^ at the 11-m stratum over the 12-m reference contour and 78 perch/1000 m^ in a sled tow at 15-m south). Indeed, larval perch were more widespread and occurred in higher mean densities at 12- and 15-m contours compared with 205 13-16 APRIL U 0.5 4.5- 8.5- 11.5- 14.0- SL 15.0- (12m-N) 0.5 3.0- 6.0- 9.0 11.0 SL 12.0 0.5 2.5-1 (9m-N) i ^-^ qI 8.5 Q SL 9.0 0.5- 2.0 I 4,0 (Bm-N) 5.5- SL 6.0- 0.5 J 2-^ Om-N) SL 3.0 (I5m- N) R '1 1 TEMPERflTURE DAY NIGHT I ' ' ' 'I I I I I I r -1 r- 0.5- SL 1.5- 0.5- SL 1.0- 6.9 5.0 6.5 4.9 5.5 4.0 8.5 7.2 7.2 5.2 7.6 4.8 6.9 4.0 7.5 7.3 6.4 5.0 8.7 5.0 6.3 4.9 8.5 7.7 7,2 5.7 7.2 5.7 7.1 5,7 9.0 7.7 10.0 10.5 9.5 9,5 10.0 8.0 11.5 10,5 10.0 8.5 11.5 11.5 11.0 9.0 16 24 32 40 48 56 NO. LflRVflE/tOOO m' Fig. 3U Density of larval yellow perch (no*/1000 m ) at north and south transect stations near the J. H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan, April-July 1981. O =^ "1 r I '" ' I '!'"'» " r I " » 't r ' ' I' ' I" ■' 'T -1 — 1 r- I 11 1 — I— Fig. 31. Continued. TEnPERflTURE DRY NIGHT r I II I > » » I I t 1 — t I 1 * 1 1 » I < 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 NO, LflRVflE/1000 m' 9.8 7.0 8.4 6.9 8.2 6.9 8.5 6.9 9.5 9.0 8.2 7.9 8.1 7.7 8.5 9.0 9.5 9,0 8.5 8.9 8.2 8.8 8.6 9.5 10.2 9.1 10.1 9.1 10.1 9.1 9.0 10.2 12.0 11.5 10.5 11.2 11.1 11.2 12.0 12.0 12.2 9.0 13.5 11.3 13.5 11.0 207 4-5 MAY (1^- S) t.5 14.0 SL 15.0 (1^- S) 0.5 6.0 SM 11.0 SL 12.0 i 0.5 2.5 £ 4.5 Q. B.5" r (6nrS) 0.5 2J) 4.0 •{ 5.5 SL 6.0-1 0.5 B ^'^ Om-S) SL 3X- (1,5m- S) P (Iffi-S) 0.5 SL 1.5 0.5 SL 1.0 TEMPERRTURE DRY NIGHT 9.0 6.9 8.4 6.9 8.2 6.9 8.4 6.9 9.8 8.0 9,3 7.9 9.2 7.9 9.0 7,9 9.9 8.8 9.8 8.8 9.7 8.7 9,3 8.7 10.0 9.0 9.9 9.0 9.8 9.0 10.0 9.0 11.5 11.7 11.5 11.5 10.4 11.5 13.0 12.0 12.2 12.0 14.5 12.5 14.5 12.5 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 J20 NO. LflRVRE/1000 m' Fig. 31. Continued. 208 2-5 JUNE U (ISm-N) 0,5- 4.5- 8.5- 11.5- 14.0 SL 15.0 H (12ni-N) 0.5- 3.0- 6.0- 9.0- 11.0- SL 12.0 N - Om-N) S 0.5 2.5 4.5 6.5 H 8.5 SL 9.0- {6(n-N) (3n)-N) (ISm-N) p 0.5 2.0 4.0 H 5.5 SL 6.0-1 0.5 2.5 H SL 3.0 0.5 SL 1.5 0.5 SL 1.0 TEMPERATURE DRY NIGHT 15.5 14.0 11.0 9.0 8.0 5.9 10.6 7.6 15.4 13.5 13.8 11.8 11.0 6.8 11.2 8.9 16.0 13.5 15.8 12.5 13.2 9.4 13.5 9.6 14.7 13.0 14.6 11.8 14.6 11.3 13.8 11.9 17.7 16.8 16.5 13.4 14.5 12.5 18.3 17.0 15.0 12.9 18.5 16.7 15.4 13.2 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 NO. LflRVflE/1000 m' 100 110 120 Fig. 31. Continued. 209 u (15ni-N) 0.5 4.5 8.5 11.5 14.0 H SL 15.0 (12m-N) 0.5- 3.0 6.0 9.0 11.0 SL 12.0 N - Om-N) E 0.5 2.5 4.5 6.5 H 8.5 UJ Q SL 9,0- {6m-N) Om-N) 0.5 2.5 SL 3.0- (l^m- N) 0.5 SL 1.5 p (Im-N) 0.5- SL 1.0 -HD 15-16 JUNE I If I till t II y 11 I I I i" I I .1 I I |ii I f ly I T f I t I t I I I I I > 120 240 360 480 600 720 NO. LflRVflE/1000 m' Pig. 31. Continued* TEnPERflTURE DRY NIGHT > I I I I 1 20.0 23.5 19.6 22.7 19.4 22.1 17.2 16.4 21.0 23.8 20.0 22.5 19,5 22.3 17.5 17.9 21.5 24,8 21.3 23.9 20.9 23.2 17.7 18.0 21.5 25.7 21.4 25.3 21.2 25.1 18.3 18.0 20.0 19.9 19.2 19.7 19.2 19.7 20.0 19.7 20.0 19.2 22.5 19.7 21.5 19.7 840 960 210 I5*i6 JUNE 43-P (15ro- S) (I2I- S) t.5 ILS 14 J 8L IS.0 IL5 IM 6.0 SO) lU) SL t2J} 0.5 2.5 {9?-S)i « fiu BJS (6ro-S) 0.5 20) -f 4J0 S.5 $L 6.0 S.5^ B "^ (3n)-S) SL xo^ (l^si- S) 0.5 1 8L US- P (lin-S) 0.5 SL LO 1000 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 NO, LflRVflE/1000 m' 1400 TEriPERflTURE DAY NIGHT te.o 21.2 16.0 21.2 18.0 21.0 18.5 18.0 18.9 22.2 18.9 22.2 18.9 22.2 18.6 18.9 22.4 21.5 22.4 21.5 22.4 21.5 19.5 19.2 22.8 22.5 22.6 22.5 22.8 22.5 20.0 19.5 21.0 20.7 21.0 20.7 21.0 20.7 21.5 21.5 21.5 21.5 21.5 21.5 21.5 21.5 1600 Fig. 31. Continued. 211 1-2 JULY U (ISm-N) 0.5 4.5 8.5- 11.5 14.0- SL 15.0- (12ni-N) 0.5- 3.0- 6.0 9.0 11.0- SL 12.0- N - Om-N) E 0.5 2,5 4.5- 6.5- 8.5- (6in-N) a. tJL] ^ SL 9.0 0.5 2.0 4.0 5.5 SL 6.0 0.5- J "■ (3m-N) SL 3.0- (I.Sm-N) p (Im-N) 0.5 SL 1.5 0.5 SL 1.0 H TEHPERflTURE DAY NIGHT 16.0 16.5 14.5 14.5 9.8 9.0 11.8 16.0 16.0 16.0 15.5 14.5 11.7 10.2 13.0 13.0 16.0 16.0 15.2 15.1 12,8 11.8 14.1 14.5 16.5 16.5 15.4 15.5 14.5 13.9 15.2 15.0 16.4 15.8 16.0 15.5 16.1 15.6 16.5 16.2 16.3 15.7 18.5 17.0 17.2 16.0 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 NO. LflRVflE/1000 m' Fig. 31. Continued. 212 1-2 JULY (uS-S) 8.5 IL5 14 J SL tSU) (i:l- S) us 6.0 9.0 H lUO SL 12.0 0.S 2.S £ 4.5 n OnrS) 5 " 0. 6.5 i^ SL 9J) r (6nrS) 0.5 4i} 5.5 SL 6.0 03H B «■ Om-S) SL 30)- 0.5 IL5-; (Ir-S) ^ "' • I" ^ ^ I ' » 2 4 6 e 10 t2 14 16 IB 20 22 24 NO. LflRVflE/1000 m* TEMPERRTURE DfiY NIGHT 16.0 16.5 15.1 14.5 10.4 6.2 10.7 16.7 15.0 16.0 14.5 13.1 9.5 9.1 11.7 14.7 17.0 16.0 16.3 15.0 11.5 11.3 13,4 15.2 17.5 16.5 16.7 14.9 14.9 13.5 14.0 15.7 15.6 15.0 14.5 14.5 14.3 16.7 15.5 15.2 15.6 17.7 15.4 15.2 16.7 17.5 Pig. 31. Continued. 213 LAKE MICHIGAN 13-16 APRIL LAKE MICHIGAN STATIONS COMBINED N TRANSECT DAY ♦NIGHT X- 6.5 (GO) N- 1 SI 4-7 | 4-7 MAY l\ LAKE mc L BEACH-3 7 N. TRANS 4-7 MAY MK^HIGAN _ -3M . TRANSECT DAY+NKJKT X- 6.3 (0.0) N- 1 §1 2-5 JUNE ol LAKE MICHIGAN *Lbeach-3m 7n. TRANSECT ^ DAY+NIGHT X- 7.2 (0.7) N- 2 20 25 40 20- I 2-5 JUNE LAKE MICHIGAN STATION 6-9M N. TRANSECT DAY+NIGHT X- 7.5 (0.0) N- 1 30- 20 20 25 15-16 JUNE LAKE MICHIGAN STATION 6-9M N. TRANSECT DAY+NIGHT X- 5.8 (0.1) N- 48 20 25 20 20 25 40- 15-16 JUNE 30- LAKE MKTHIGAN STATION 12-15M N. TRANSECT OAY+NIGHT X- 5.6 (0.1) N- 109 20- 1 10- -J L| f . r- 30 20- k 20 25 1-2 JULY LAKE MK:hIGAN STATION 12-15M N. TRANSECT OAY+NIGHT X- 5.5 (0.3) N- 3 20 25 TOTAL LENGTH (mm) Fig. 32. Length-frequency histograms for larval yellow perch observed in field and entrainment samples collected during 1981 near the J. H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan. Length-frequency histograms for yellow perch larvae entrained during 1980 were also included. All plankton net and sled tow samples were combined. X = mean, N « total number of larvae, standard error is given in parentheses. i 214 LAKE MICHIGAN 4 MAY LAKC MCHIGAN STATIONS COMSWeO S. TRANSECT OAY-fNiCHT Xm 6.S (OJ) Hm 9 tt 20 29 tt JUNE LAKE IMCHICAN STATIONS COMeiHEO S. TRANSECT OAY-fMCHT X- 5.4 (0.0) M- »2 « 20 29 i JULY LAKE MCHIGAN STATIONS COMeiNEO S. TRANSECT DAY-fNICHT X- 6.0 (0.0) 9 » O 20 29 ENTRAINMENT- UNITS I AND 2,1980 40 90 20 »• z u u I EKTRAMMCNT-UNTTS 1^^ 29-30 APRIL 1980 X» 9.6 (0.1) M- 19 1 20- S| CNTRAINMeMr ill 4-9 MAY 196 > X- 9.8 (0.0) / M- 182 19 20 29 -UNffS 1*2 "' r " 19 20 29 ENTRAMMeNT-UMTS 1*2^ 19-16 MAY 1980 X- 6.1 (0.1) M- 240 :i 20 « 20 29 EMTRAINMENT-UNITS 142 22-23 MAY 1980 X« 6.7 (0.3) M- 44 JUIM 19 20 25 40 30- 20 :--ll CNTRAINMENT-UNfTS 1*2 28-29 MAY 1980 Xm 6.9 (0.4) N- 17 19 20 29 ^1 EMTRAINMENT-UNITS 1*2 4-6 JUNE 1980 X- 5.1 (0.1) M- 9 30 20- 19 20 29 ll ENTRAINMEMT-UNITS 1*2 § 11-12 JUNE 1980 >5- 9.2 (0.0) UNirS 1*2 J X. 7.2 (0.2) 15 20 25 Z UJ o UJ CL 20- ENTIUlNMENT-UNrrS >| 10-11 JUNC % S- 9.9 (0.3) / W- 4 m#« O 20 25 £NTfUiNMeNr-UMTS 1*2^ St CNTfUINMeNr •I IS JUNE S| CMTRAINMeNT- •I 25-2« JUNE '^h U 9.7 (0.7) / N- 2 90- g||S EMTRAiNMEKT-UNrrS Me2 ^|r X. 4.7(0.2) ^ N- 2 e 20 29 O 20 29 ENTRAINMENT- UNIT 3, 1981 20 25 30- 20- g||SENTRAIWMCNT-UNfT 3 ;||Sentraiwmcnt- mi 27-28 APRIL WX' 6.3 (0.3) // N- 2 19 20 29 ffl ENTRAINM£NT-UNfT 3 Mi 10-11 JUNE **» X. 5.2 (0.1) N« 34 30- 20 EMTRAINMENT-UMT 3 15-16 JUNE X- 5.2 (0.0) N- 210 19 20 29 19 20 29 H CNTIUlNMeNT- \\ 9-10 JULY h X. 5.5 (0.0) 4 N» 1 19 20 29 30 20 i\ 27- *L 0A> / X- ENrRAMMENr-UNnr 3 ^ -28 APRIL DAY 6U) (0^) 30 « 20 29 Si ENrRAMMENT-UMT 3 SI 27-28 APRIL % ou < X- OUSK 6.7 (OO) 30- 80- «- I ENTRAINIlEHT-UNrr 3 ^' 10-11 JUNE DAWN Urn 5J2 (0.1) 30 N- 9 20 e 20 29 e 20 29 TOTAL LENiSTH (MM) >| ENTRA 'L DAY / X- 5. ENTRAINyEKT-UNIT 3 JUNE 5.9 (0.0) I I I I 10 15 20 25 Fig. 32. Continued. 216 ENTRAINMENT- UNIT 8, 1981 10« o lU 0. CMnUMMCNTHJMr 3 «-11 JUNE DUSK S- 9^ (0.1) Ma • CMnUMyCNT-UMT J ** 15>ie JUNE DAWN S» 5J (ai) M 20 as e>it juNC DUSK ». W (OO) 30 » « OAV i« 5X (0.1) •!• 20 20 2S DflHAINMeMT-UNfr 3 30-21 JULY OUSK i- 3.0 (0.0) - 20 25 TOTAL LE:N6TH (MM) Fig. 32. Continued. shallower stations during 1981 (Appendixes 9 and 10). During preoperational years, abundance of larvae decreased with increasing distance from shore (Jude et al. 1981a). Perch at deeper stations in 1981 may have been more abundant because of availability of suitable spawning substrate in the north (to about 12 m), or winds and strong currents may have caused perch to shift to deeper water as was observed in Lake Erie (Turner 1920). Similar to what was found to occur with spottail shiner larvae during preoperational years, the mean length of larval perch decreased as sampling depth increased. At the north transect for example, perch caught between the beach and the 3-m contour had an overall mean length of 6.3 mm; at 6 and 9 m perch mean length was 5.8 mm and at deeper stations (12 and 15 m) mean fish length was 5.6 mm. Perhaps fish were larger in shallower water because they hatched earlier (spawned inland) or because more food was available to fish in the more productive nearshore zone. In addition, smaller larvae may be more susceptible to transport by currents. Predominance of small larvae may have m 217 inflated estimated densities of perch in deeper water relative to shallow water densities because smaller larvae are less able to avoid nets* Wong (1972) found that larval perch fed continuously, so presence of fish throughout the water column during both day and night is not surprising. Overall densities of larval perch for mid-June 1981 were substantially greater than densities during preoperational years. As stated before, we believe this reflects in part the extensive use of riprap as a spawning ground. However, comparable densities of perch larvae at both north and south transects indicate that successful spawning in the vicinity of the Campbell Plant was not restricted to the riprap area, even though the possibility of transportation of larvae between transects by lake currents clouds this issue somewhat. Adult gonad condition data indicate that most spawning may indeed have occurred at the north transect (see RESULTS AND DISCUSSION, Yellow Perch, Adults). Water temperatures in mid-June 1981 ( 17.2-25.7 C) were appreciably higher than in other years and probably contributed to higher catches. Some newly hatched perch were collected in discharge samples in mid- June 1981, apparently indicating limited perch reproduction within the discharge canal or in Pigeon Lake. Field densities of perch larvae collected in mid- June may therefore have been augmented slightly by larvae originating from the discharge canal and being pumped into the open lake. July — On 1 July 1981, yellow perch in low densities were captured at 12 m (22-36/1000 mM and 15 m (19/1000 m') (Appendixes 9 and 10). Most fish which were hatched in mid-June were probably large enough to avoid nets by the end of June. Furthermore, Ward and Robinson (1974) documented that in West Blue Lake, Manitoba (31 m maximum depth - 160 ha), yellow perch moved offshore soon after hatching and occupied the epilimnion throughout mid-lake; perch returned to the littoral zone around early August at sizes of about 30 mm. Jude et al. (1979b) inferred similar behavior for perch near the D. C. Cook Nuclear Plant, and our data from 1981 and preoperational years are also consistent with such a migration. Thus by July, most yellow perch larvae may have occupied water deeper than our deepest sampling station. Larval perch densities in July of preoperational years did not differ greatly among years or from those of 1981, and small differences probably reflect variations in time of major hatches. Mean length of perch caught in July 1981 was 5.5 mm (Fig. 32). This suggests that some peripheral spawning activity may have extended into late June. 218 Eintrainment — Units 1 and 2, 1980 — Yellow perch was the second most frequently entrained species at Units 1 and 2 in 1980 as an estimated 6.5 million larvae were collected (Table 25). Perch comprised 3.5% of the 1980 entrainment total. Entrainment of yellow perch larvae peaked in early to mid May. Mean length of fish collected during this peak period was about 6.0 mm (Fig. 32). Units 1 and 2, 1981 — Perch larvae represented 3.6% of the total number of fish larvae entrained at Units 1 and 2. Projected number of yellow perch entrained at Units 1 and 2 in 1981 (787,000) was 18 to 20 times less than in previous sampling years (excluding 1977 when only 7,450 perch larvae were entrained; however, entrainment sampling did not commence until July). Sampling was not performed during 1981 in Pigeon Lake (where the majority of perch larvae entrained at Units 1 and 2 originate), so reasons for a relatively low entrainment rate, related to the relative success of Pigeon Lake perch spawners, were not documented. Peak entrainment of perch occurred in April 1981 (Appendix 12); whereas, most perch were entrained in May from 1978 to 1980. This was evidence that inland spawning of perch occurred earlier than usual in 1981. Unit 3 — Yellow perch were entrained at Unit 3 in greater numbers, (3.25 million), than any other species and represented nearly 32% of the total number of fish larvae entrained at the Unit 3 offshore intake during 1981 (Table 28). These losses were partially attributable to the extensive use of riprap (associated with intake structures) by spawning perch in 1981. Perch comprised a higher percentage of the total entrainment loss and more larvae were entrained at Unit 3 than at Units 1 and 2. Considerably higher densities of Lake Michigan-spawned perch larvae were collected (especially at depths near intake structures and riprap) in 1981 compared with preoperational years (1977-1980). Temperatures favorable to perch reproduction occurred for prolonged periods in 1981 and probably contributed to perch reproductive success. Other fish species undoubtedly utilized Campbell Plant riprap for spawning purposes, but they did not make as extensive use of the riprap at 11-m depths as perch apparently did. Furthermore, perch larvae were found throughout the water column during both day and night, making perch more susceptible to entrainment (since they had a higher chance of encountering 219 intake screens) than species which were either concentrated near the surface, entirely demersal, crepuscular or generally less active. During different dates when perch were entrained, different periods (day, dusk, night, dawn) accounted for greatest entrainment densities for any given sampling date (Appendix 14). Overall however, most larvae were entrained during the dusk period. Wong (1972) proposed that larval perch experience a combination of partial night blindness and low efficiency of scotopic vision after sunset and at night; this could make perch more susceptible to entrainment during periods of darkness. Wong additionally found that perch were less affected at dawn when they changed from scotopic to photic vision. In general, for any given sampling date larvae entrained during the day were smaller than those entrained at night, and larvae entrained at dusk or dawn were of a size somewhere in between (Fig. 32). This implies that larvae which were larger and better swimmers were able to avoid entrainment during the day when they could detect intake screens. Entrained larvae were generally smaller than larvae collected in field samples at approximately corresponding dates (Fig. 32). Thus it appears that larvae remained susceptible to capture by field gear after they had reached sizes which enabled them to avoid entrainment. Perch egg masses are gelatinous and rope-like and become lodged on rock substrate. Since offshore intake structures at the Campbell Plant are about 2 m off the bottom, entrainment of perch eggs is unlikely and we did not identify any in our samples . April — Perch were entrained on 27 April 1981 during day (53/1000 mM and dusk (49/1000 mM sampling periods (Appendix 14, Fig. 33); larvae measured between 6.0 and 6.7 mm (Fig. 32). Field sampling dates on which perch larvae were collected and which were closest to the April entrainment date, were 15 April and 4-7 May. Perch of densities and sizes similar to those entrained were captured on both sampling dates. However, on 15 April, perch were apparently concentrated in the beach zone; whereas, in early May perch were found out to the 6-m contour as well as in the beach zone. Entrainment of perch in late April indicates distribution out to at least the 11-m contour. It appears therefore that perch in nearshore water in mid-April moved toward deeper water in subsequent weeks, just as was found by Ward and Robinson (1974) for perch in West Blue Lake, Manitoba. Mean length of fish entrained during April (6.3 mm) was greater than for any other date on which perch were entrained. Fish greater than 6 mm were generally able to avoid entrainment, but perhaps 220 relatively cold water (10-11 C) and generally more turbid conditions during April inhibited swimming ability and made entrainment of relatively larger fish more likely. ENTRAINMENT- UNIT 3, 1981 DflUN DRY NIGHT 27-28 flPRIL ni iqi^ y/////////////y////////////////z^ •10 20 30 40 50 15-16 JUNE NIGHT DRY DUSK V/////////////////////////A INTflKE TEtIP C 9.0 10.0 11.0 10.0 60 INTflKE TEttP C 19.5 17.8 17,8 17.8 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 10-11 JUNE v//////////////////7zm7m 9-10 JULY 12 NO. OF LflRVflE PER 1000 m^ INTAKE TEHP C 17.3 17.7 16,5 9.2 20.0 10.8 10.0 16 20 24 Fig. 33. Density of larval yellow perch (no./IOOO m^) in weekly dawn, day, dusk and night entrainment samples at the J. H. Campbell Plant's Unit 3 during 1981. May—No perch larvae were collected in May entrainment samples. However, 16,700 perch were projected to have been entrained during May (Table 28) based on entrainment samples collected in late April. June — During entrained at dusk mg pen m^) and day (5/1000 mM ( recently hatched (4.5-6 had apparently not yet oc 2 and 5 June contained concentrated in the beac were of similar magnitude mean length of field-c Apr: sampli (33/1000 m^), n Appendix .0 mm ) , curred. yellow h zone, as en ollected ods on 10-1 ight (46/1000 14, Fig. 33) but major Lak Field sample perch which but densities trainment de larvae (7. 1 June, perch were mM, dawn (37/1000 All larvae were e Michigan hatching s collected between were most highly at deeper contours nsities. However, 3 mm) suggests that 221 these fish were probably the last of the perch cohort spawned in inland waters that was still susceptible to our gear, while entrained larvae, with a mean length of 5.2 nun, probably marked the beginning of Lake Michigan-spawned perch. Peak perch entrainment densities corresponded with peak perch field densities. Entrainment samples collected on 15-16 June contained perch in densities of 117/1000 m^ (day), 813/1000 m' (dusk), 276/1000 m^ (night) and 304/1000 m^ (dawn) respectively (Appendix 14). Again entrained perch were newly hatched with a mean length of 5.2 mm (Fig. 32). Mean length of perch caught in field samples at the 9- and 12-m contours was 5.6 mm, while overall mean length for perch in mid-June field samples was 5.8 mm (Fig. 32). Field-collected perch were distributed through each sampling depth, but highest single-sample densities were found at the 12- and 15-m contours. July — Entrainment sampling conducted at dawn on 10 July included one perch (5.5 mm) (Fig. 32) representing a density of 15/1000 m^ (Appendix 14, Fig. 33). Perch densities determined from 1 July field samples were similarly low, and fish collected had a mean length of 5.5 mm. Perch were caught in the field at 12- and 15-m stations. 24-h population and entrainment estimates — Population estimates for the number of yellow perch passing by the plant from shore to the 15-m depth contour during a 24-h period were generated and compared with 24-h entrainment estimates of yellow perch on 15-16 June. Both field and entrainment data for this date indicate that it was a time of peak perch abundance in Lake Michigan. The 24-h entrainment estimate (414,000) represents 1.7% of the 24-h, day-night population (24,600,000) estimated to be present in the near-plant vicinity (Table 31). The day-night population estimate was used because it was deemed more accurate than the estimate made from only night densities, i.e., day densities were greater than night densities on this particular date. Most entrained perch were less than 6.0 mm, and no perch greater than 6.7 mm were entrained (Fig. 32). The Unit 3 offshore intakes create currents of 11.5-15.2 cm/s through-slot velocity according to engineering specifications (Consumers Power Company 1978). Perch larger than 6.7 mm, therefore, are apparently able to detect and react to lower velocity currents some distance away from screens and thereby prevent themselves from being drawn into stronger currents. Houde (1969) determined that perch less than 9.5 mm could not maintain themselves in current velocities of 3 cm/s. In general, after an initial period as newly hatched larvae when fish swam poorly, larval perch exhibited sustained swimming ability in currents of 3-4 larval lengths/s (Houde 1969). The effect of temperature on the 222 swimming of perch larvae is inferred by Houde from tests on 20-25-mm smallmouth bass, whose swimming ability continued to increase as temperatures were raised to near the lethal limit. Loss of perch larvae through entrainment is compensated to some degree by increased overall spawning potential for perch utilizing the riprap area. Natural survival rates for larval perch in Lake Michigan are not known and would help in evaluating entrainment losses. Early survival of perch (egg to 8 mm) in Oneida Lake, New York, varied from 1.6 to 18.4% (Clady and Hutchinson 1975). Certainly the smaller the larvae the higher the mortality rate, and since only small larvae are entrained, the population should be. less affected than if larger larvae were entrained. Young-of-the-Year — Densities of larval perch observed in mid-June 1981 were greater than in any other sampling year (see RESULTS AND DISCUSSION, Yellow Perch, Larvae). However, this indication of perch-spawning success was not reflected in the number of YOY caught during months subsequent to spawning. YOY comprised only 7% of the 1981 yellow perch catch; whereas, from 1977 to 1980, YOY comprised 30-41% of the overall perch catch. Number of YOY caught in 1981 (167) was substantially less than in 1977 (414), 1978 (340), and 1980 (696), but was comparable to the number caught in 1979 (183). In 1979, the small number of YOY collected was attributed to an upwelling which occurred during July (Jude et al. 1981a). An upwelling also occurred in the vicinity of the Campbell Plant during July, 1981, and water temperatures remained relatively cool through our August sampling dates. Cool summer water temperatures apparently caused YOY to leave our sampling area and seek warmer water in other parts of the lake. Another possibility is that the disproportionate number of yearling perch (see RESULTS AND DISCUSSION, Yellow Perch, Yearlings), reduced larval perch numbers in 1981 by cannibalizing YOY perch and competing with them for food. In 1981, YOY perch first appeared in August samples at sizes in the 30- to 70-mm length intervals; by December, YOY were in the 60- to 90-mm length intervals (Fig. 34; Appendix 7). Most YOY perch were caught in August (97); fewer were caught in September (26), October (16), November (0), and December (28). Thirty-four perch fry per 1000 m^ were estimated from a single 39.5 mm fry caught in larval fish sampling gear in August (Appendix 15). YOY were caught predominantly at depths between 0 and 9 m from August through December, but a few were also caught at 12- and 15-m stations (Fig. 34). There did not appear to be obvious differences between catches from north and south transects (Fig. 34). 223 o cc GD 10- 3n N ie-sn IxKr—r 1x10* IxlCf 1x10' — NORTH TRANSECT 1x10* =r 1x10* 1x10* 1x10' 1x10* =p 1x10* — 1x10^ 1x10' — 1x10* IxlC — IxlO' 1x10' flPR ^ nflY ! 1 ! III. t I ! I I I . . ! . I I I I .11.11 I I I I I I I i I I I -J-hI i I t— ii I I L-41 I i L--4- J L-H I— i I |l I -H JUN t . . i i» I I I I — »- 40 80 '20 ISO 200 240 280 TOTAL LENGTH(nn) 320 360 ^ JUL 400 Fig. 34. Length-frequency histograms for yellow perch collected during April - December 1981 at the north and south transects. Stations were combined into two groups for the north transect: beach and 3 m; 6 and 9 m and into three groups for the south transect: beach, 1.5 and 3 m; 6 and 9 m; and 12 m. Diel periods and gear types were pooled. 224 i NORTH TRANSECT 1x10*- - lo-3n N le-sn IxIlT — IxlC- - 1x10' - - ii .. . i .1, ! , i } 1 t 1x10* = - IxlO'- - 1x10*- - 1x10* - - .il 1 . ,! ! i !, 1 1x10* = - 1 IxlC- - IxlC- - 1x10' - - , • i ,' , ! ,h i , . 1 1x10* = - IxlO*- - IxlO*- - 1x10' - - • i ! ,! 1 5 , . i 1 j . . ! , . . 1x10* = " IxlC- - IxlO"- - 1x10* - - , ..J. 1 ,1 , flUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 40 80 120 160 20D 240 280 TOTAL LENGTH(nn) 320 360 400 Fig, 34* Continued. 225 ixicr- 1x10* -f |o-3n le-an ii2ti 1x10"- 1x10'- 1x10* = 1x10*- 1x10"- 1x10' - 1x10* =r 1x10* — IxlC 1x10' -+ IxlO'-y 1x10" — 1x10" — 2 1x10' —h a: cilxi0*=r o 3 1x10* • a 1x10" — fe 1x10' • SOUTH TRANSECT I < » a 1x10*: ^ 1x10*- Ix^O'— h 1x10' 1x10*' 1x10* — 1x10" 1x10' 1x10* 1x10* — 1x10*-- 1x10' ixic: 1x10' • J 1_ \ t! li JLIl JJL ii i:i i M. It » I I, ti I ! i li I ll lj li ll ll ll I, ll ll u r ^ r { -i:-! 1: JIL JLdUULil iIULiLju l| i:i .M- r,:,:i -, APR nflY JUN JUL flUG SEP OCT NOV 0 40 to 120 100 tOO^. t40 ^ tiO 320 MO 400 TOTAL LtwaTMlliK) DEC Fig. 34. Continued. 226 Yearlings-- Number of yearling perch caught during 1981 was from 5 to 71 times greater than the number caught in other years. Yearlings dominated the perch catch in 1981 (75%); from 1977 to 1980 they comprised only 2-35% of the total number of perch caught. A large 1981 yearling catch was predicted from the number of YOY caught in 1980 (Jude et al. 1981a), but the preponderance of yearlings in the 1981 catch was not expected. A few yearlings were captured in our sampling area in April and May, but most perch were in water deeper than 15 m during these months. Yearlings moved inshore at both transects in June and were caught in unprecedented numbers through August (Fig. 34). Yearling catches for June (350) and August (339) were larger than the total number of yearlings caught during the entire year in 1977,1979, and 1980, and the catch for July, 1981 (804) surpassed totals for all other sampling years combined. Size range of yearlings in 1981 (66-84 mm in April and May; 86-174 mm in November and December--see Appendix 7) was similar to that of other years. From September to December, numbers of yearlings caught were less than during the mid-summer peak, but were generally greater than catches for the same months in previous years. Adults— During 1981, the catch of 434 adult yellow perch represented 18% of the total perch catch. Adult perch generally occupied water >15 m deep until June when inshore migration associated with spawning occurred. Peak spawning took place in early June as in other sampling years. From April to June, adults with well developed gonads were collected at north and south transects in approximately equal numbers. Also, densities of perch larvae were nearly parallel at both the plant and reference transects (see RESULTS AND DISCUSSION, Yellow Perch, Larvae). Some evidence indicated that spawning was concentrated at the north transect as 72% of the perch with spent gonads were caught there. However, because perch spawning probably peaked about 2 wk prior to our mid-June adult sampling date, some perch that were captured at the north transect may have moved over the riprap after having spawned elsewhere in the lake. Adults were captured in water depths < 9 m through November, but a few perch had begun to move to deeper water during September (Fig. 34). By December, offshore migration by perch was nearly complete. Diet of yellow perch varied seasonally in that alewives were predominant food items during June and July; whereas, the availability of rainbow smelt YOY was capitalized upon during August. Perch also consumed small numbers of several other fish 227 species including johnny darter, slimy sculpin, spottail shiner, unidentified coregonine, and yellow perch. One perch captured in April had 20 sculpin eggs in its stomach. Trout-perch Introduction — Trout-perch inhabit all the Great Lakes and a few of the larger inland lakes (Hubbs and Lagler 1958). In Lake Michigan this species occurs most commonly in shoal areas, but may range into water as deep as 94 m (House and Wells 1973). Trout-perch was one of the most abundant fish species collected near the Campbell Plant during 1977 through 1981. Trout-perch comprised approximately 1.1% of the total adult and juvenile catch in Lake Michigan in 1977, slightly more than 2% both in 1978 and in 1979, about 3.5% in 1980 and 0.9% in 1981. Adult and yearling trout-perch apparently are benthic as almost all were caught in trawls from the lake bottom. Although adults and juveniles were very common, trout-perch larvae were uncommon in the study area which may be partially explained by the prolonged spawning period and the relatively low fecundity of the species (Jude et al. 1981a). Furthermore, larval trout-perch are apparently demersal and not susceptible to the majority of our sampling efforts; 52 of the 63 trout-perch larvae (over 80%) captured in Lake Michigan from 1977 through 1981 were collected in sled tows. In general, during the previous years of the study, a few adult trout-perch would move into the study area during April, presumably to spawn. It was not until May that a substantial trout-perch population was inshore and spawning activity was high. June was the peak spawning month for trout-perch in the vicinity of the plant for each of the years 1977 through 1980 and spawning activity remained high through July. Spawning activity apparently declined in August but did not cease; larvae data indicate that spawning may have extended into early September (Jude et al. 1981a). During late spring and throughout summer most adults and yearlings were collected in bottom trawls from 6 to 12 m at night and showed a movement toward deeper water with daylight. The vast majority of adults and yearlings were trawled at night. Adult and yearling trout-perch exhibited a wide range of tolerance to water temperature; no distinctive distributional patterns associated with temperature were noted (Jude et al. 1981a). In agreement with our conclusion on the lack of temperature preference by trout-perch were the scuba diver observations of a Georgian Bay study in which trout-perch behavior was unaffected by upwellings (Emery 1970). A 228 substantial population of adult trout-perch remained in the study area into September but this population dispersed from the area during October through December. Most adults and yearlings had left the study area by November. A few (47) YOY trout-perch were collected in trawls from 1977 through 1980; all were caught from August to November between 6 and 15 m. Larvae — Seasonal distribution — Trout-perch larvae in Lake Michigan were caught from the beach to 15 m during years 1977 through 1981 with the majority caught from 6 to 15 m. Larvae were collected from April through September. Most were captured at night and by sleds. During 1981, nine trout-perch larvae were collected during June to August in Lake Michigan from the beach to 12 m at the north transect. All but one larva were caught in sled tows. Six larvae were caught at night, while three were caught during the day indicating more net avoidance occurred during the day. Densities for strata where trout-perch were collected ranged from 26 to 125 larvae/1000 m' (Fig. 35). Water temperatures at which these nine larvae were collected ranged from 11.8 to 22.5 C. Six larvae (6-8 mm in length) were recently hatched. Trout-perch are about 5.5 to 6.0 mm at hatching (Jude et al. 1979b; Fish 1932). Three larger larvae were collected in early August in sled tows: a 9-mm specimen at the beach, a 10.0-mm larva at 1.5 m and a 16.5-mm specimen at 12 m (Fig. 36). A 40-mm yearling was collected in a night sled at 12 m in early August (Appendix 15). At the south transect in 1981, trout-perch larvae were first collected in early July when one larva was captured in each of two plankton net tows at the 9- and 12-m stations (Fig. 35). In late July one larva was caught in a sled at the 9-m station; and in late August three trout-perch larvae were collected in each night sled tow sample from the beach and 1.5-m stations. One larva was also collected in a plankton net sample at the 9-m station. All larvae were recently hatched (4.5-7.0 mm in length) and all were collected at night. Densities ranged from 26 to 219 larvae/IOUO m^ and temperatures at which these larvae were caught ranged from 9.0 to 17.9 C. The number of trout-perch larvae collected in the field at the north transect decreased from 23 larvae in 1980 to 9 larvae in 1981. Furthermore there was no apparent difference in catch or density of larvae between transects during 1981 (10 trout- perch larvae were collected at the south transect). However, numbers of larvae generally collected in the field were low enough so the conclusion that the riprap lost its attractiveness to trout-perch for spawning (and cover) from 1980 to 1981 was not warranted. 229 2-5 JUNE U 0.5 4.5- 8.5- 11.5- 14.0 SL 15,0 H (12m-N) 0.5 3.0 6.0-1 9.0 11.0 SL 12.0 N - (9fn-N) £ 0.5- 2.5- 4.5- 6.5 8.5 Q SL 9.0 (6nr 0.5 2.0 4.0 N) 5.5- SL 6.0- (3m- 0.5 2.5 N) SL 3.0 H (I5m -N) 0.5 SL 1.5-1 (Im- N) 0.5 SL 1.0 I I TEMPERATURE DAY NIGHT 15.5 14.0 11,0 9.0 8.0 5.9 10.6 7.6 15.4 13.5 13.8 11.8 11.0 6.8 11.2 8.9 16.0 13.5 15.8 12.5 13.2 9.4 13.5 9.6 14.7 13.0 14.6 11.8 14.6 11.3 13.8 11.9 17.7 16.8 16.5 13.4 14.5 12.5 18.3 17.0 15.0 12.9 18.5 16.7 15.4 13.2 8 12 16 20 NO. LflRVflE/IOOO m' 24 26 Fig. 35. Density of larval trout-perch (no./IOOO m ) at north and south transect stations near the J. H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan, jime, July and August 1981. Q = day, ■ » night, SL » sled. 230 15-16 JUNE U (ISm-N) (12in-N) 0.5 4.5 8.5 11.5 14.0 SL 15.0 0.5 3.0 6.0 9.0 11.0 SL 12.0 0.5 2.5 £ 4.5 t 8.5 Q SL 9.0 0.5 2.0 4.0 5,5 SL 6.0 (Bm-N) 0.5 J 2.5 (3(n-N) SL 3.0 (ISm- N) p (Im-N) 0.5 SL 1.5 0.5 SL 1.0 TEMPERflTURE DRY NIGHT 20.0 23.5 19.6 22.7 19.4 22.1 17.2 16.4 21.0 23.8 20.0 22.5 19.5 22.3 17.5 17.9 21.5 24.8 21.3 23.9 20.9 23.2 17.7 18.0 21.5 25.7 21.4 25.3 21.2 25.1 18.3 18.0 20.0 19.9 19.2 19.7 19.2 19.7 20.0 19.7 20.0 19.2 22.5 19.7 21.5 19.7 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 NO. LflRVflE/lOiOO m' Fig. 35. Continued. 231 1-2 JULY (1^- S) 0.5 4^ 8.SH 113 t4j SL 15.0-1 (I2I-S) 0.5 3.0 6.0 3.0- 11.0- SL 12.0- 0.5 2.5 £ *-5 ,qD ^. '1 6.5 ^SL 9.0 r (6nrS) 0.5- 2.0- 4.0- 5.5- SL 6.0 0.5 B " (3m-S) SL 3.0 0.5 p (Im-S) 0.5 H SL t.o 20 8 12 16 NO. LflRVflE/1000 m' > "4 ■ 24 TEriPERRTURE DAY NIGHT 16.0 16.5 15.1 14.5 10.4 8.2 10.7 16.7 15.0 16.0 14.5 13.1 9.5 9.1 11.7 14.7 17,0 16.0 16.3 15.0 11.5 11.3 13.4 15.2 17.5 16.5 16.7 14.9 14.9 13.5 14.0 15.7 15.6 15.0 14.5 14.5 14.3 16.7 15.5 15.2 15.6 17.7 15.4 15.2 16.7 17.5 26 32 Fig* 35. Continued. 232 19-21 JULY (1^- S) IL5 8.5 tu 14.0-1 SL ISO) (m- S) ILS xo- 6.0- ao SL \2M' 0.5 2.S-I oP-s) i "" a! 8.5- ' SL 3.0- (6nrS) (3r-S) 0.5 2J)-| 4.0 5.5 SL 6.0-1 0.5 2.5-1 SL XO (1.^- S) 0.5- SL 15 P 0.5 SL LO 12 e 12 16 20 24 NO. LflRVflE/1000 m' 28 32 TEMPERPTURE DAY NIGHT 22.8 21.5 14.0 15.0 8.4 7.3 8.3 9.1 22.8 22.2 21.0 20.0 13.0 9.5 10.5 14.5 22.2 21.7 20.9 20.0 18.5 14.6 17.8 17.9 22.5 22.9 22.3 20.0 213 19.0 21.0 20.7 21.0 21.5 19.5 21.5 19.5 21.7 22.0 22.0 20.5 22.0 22.0' 21.5 21.5 21.8 Fig. 35. Continued. 233 u 0.5 4.5 8.5 H 11.5 14.0 SL 15.0- (12m-N) 0.5 H 3.0 6.0 9.0 11.0 SL 12.0 0.5- 2.5 51 8.5 LU ^ SL 9.0 (6r-N) J 0.5 2.0- 4.0- 5.5- SL 6.0- 0.5 2.5 -i (3m-N) SL 3.0 (l&ni- N) (Ir-N) 0.5 SL 1.5 0.5- SL 1.0- 5-7 AUGUST -1 1 I r- -I 1 I ' I I I " — ~«- e^ m -I 1 —I r- I I 1 ' -H 1 ^ < t « » — • 16 32 48 64 NO. LflRVnE/1000 m 4 —I 1 1- TEnPERflTURE DAY NIGHT 22,0 21.2 15.0 19,8 22.0 21.8 19.8 20.0 22.4 22.0 22.0 20.0 22.2 22.0 22.0 20.0 22.5 21.8 20.5 22.5 21.0 23.5 21.0 80 96 3 112 128 22.0 17.6 17.6 20.3 22.1 21.0 18.8 20,4 22.2 22.1 22.0 20.3 22.5 22,5 22.2 20.5 22.5 22,5 21.0 22.5 22.0 22.5 22.5 Fig. 35. Continued. 234 17-18 AUGUST U (ISm-N) 0.5 4.5 8.5 11,5 14.0 SL 15.0 (12ni-N) 0.5 3.0 6.0- 9.0- 11.0- SL 12.0- 0.5- 2.5- fcJ^ M^ Z 6.5 (9n)-N) 2: a. 8.5 UJ Ci SL 9.0 (6ni-N) 0.5 2.0 H 4.0 5.5- SL 6.0- 0.5 J " Om-N) SL 3.0 (I.Sm- N) 0.5- SL 1.5 p (Im-N) 0.5- SL 1.0- I T t ' r I 1 TEnPERflTURE DAY NIGHT 20.5 20,2 19.8 6.8 9.0 6.1 17.2 7.0 20.5 20.9 20.4 11.0 17.0 7.4 17.3 7.5 21.3 19.4 20.9 6,9 19.7 6.3 18.0 7.7 20.9 18,5 20.5 8.3 20.0 7.7 19.6 9.5 21.5 19.9 20.5 14.8 20.5 14.8 21.0 20.2 21.0 19,2 22.0 20,3 21.5 19.4 B 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 80 66 72 NO. LflRVflE/1000 m' Fig. 35. Continued. 235 17-18 AUGUST TEnPERRTURE DBY NIGHT OnrS) 5 ., , r (6nrS) 4.0-1 S.5 SL 6X4 0.5 Om-S) SL xo ( S) P (Im-S) C.S SL 1.5-1 SL LO-k 20.5 20.2 u 20 40 60 80 too 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 NO. LFlRVflE/1000 m* 19.2 12.0 6.8 5,1 16.0 5.5 21.0 19.8 20.8 14.9 16.0 7.1 18.5 6.2 20.2 20.4 20.1 17.0 19.0 8.5 18.2 6.5 19.7 20.4 19.7 20.2 19.7 15.0 19.5 11.0 21.0 19.2 20.5 9.9 20.5 9.9 21.4 19.7 20.7 11.7 21.0 17.7 21.5 13.9 Fig. 35. Continued. 236 LAKE MICHIGAN 20 2-S JUNC LAKE MCHiGAN STATIONS COMBINCO N. TRANSECT OAYfNtCKT X- 6.5 (0.0) Hm 1 LAKE MCHICAN STATIONS COMBINCD N. TRANSECT OAY-t-MCKT i« 6.0 (0.0) M- 1 20 2S SI LAKE MiCHlCAN ^SSTATIONS COMStNEO N. TRANSECT OAY-t-NICHT X-10.0 (1.7) N- 5 17-18 AUGUST LAKE MICHIGAN STATIONS COMBINED N. TRANSECT OAYNICHT X« 5.0 (0.5) M- 2 20 29 ENTRAtNMENT-UNn'S 1*2 1680 9-20 JULY UKE MiCHttAN STATIONS COMStNEO S. TRANSECT OAY-fMCHT X- 4.5 (0.0) 20- 20 25 I 17- » AUGUST LAKE MICHIGAN STATIONS COMBINED S. TRANSECT 0AY-«>NIGHT X- 6.6 (0.1) N- 7 20 25 ENTRAINMENT- UNITS I AND 2, 1980 >| ENTRAINMENT- il 28-26 MAY n h %m 6.5 (0.0) / Hm 1 5 10 tt 20 29 l\ ENTRAINMENT 51 16-20 JUNE 7 5:5^<''^' -UNITS 1*2 1660 >| ENTRAINMENT- \\ 24-25 JUNE *7 X- 7.2 (0.0) / N- 1 •UNITS 1*2 1680 30- 20 ENTRAINMENT-UNITS 1*2 2-3 JULY 1680 X- 4.7 (0.2) N« 2 20 25 15 20 25 20 ?\ ENTRAINMENT \\ 16-17 JULY 1 -UNITS 1*2 ^ 1680 30 20 25 >| ENTRAINMENT 1| 7-8 AUGUST > i- 6.0 (0.0) < N- 1 -UNITS 1*2 1680 30 10- >| ENTRAINMENT !| 4-5 SEPTEMi > t r^ ^^ •> -UNITS 1*2 SEPTEMBER 1680 TOTAL LENGTH (MM) Fig. 36. Length-frequency histograms for larval trout-perch observed in field and entrainment samples collected during 1981 near the J. H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan. Length-frequency histograms for trout-perch larvae entrained during 1980 were also included. All plankton net and sled tow samples were combined. X = mean, N = total number of larvae, standard error is given in parentheses. 237 ENTRAINMENT- UNITS I AHO 2,1981 20- «| ISEKTRAWMCMT-UNrrS 1*2 • HW-II JUNE 40 St EKTRAtNyENTMMTS 1*2 »| EKTRAtNyENr- !| IS JUNE h tm CO (0.0) / Hm 1 »• I ENTKAINMENT-UNfTS 1*2 1 JULY X- S.4 (0.4) Hm 4 5 tt O 20 25 5 tt « 20 2S « 20 2S ENTRAINMENT- UNIT 3. 1980 lo- ut o K CL 40 30 g|S| ENTRAtHMCNT^UNfT 3 Q o 18-19 SEPTCueER lOOv 1 II 5 10 O 20 25 ENTRAINMENT- UNIT 3, 1981 ll 5 EKTRAINMENT-UHn' 3 ^ W-ll JUNE S X- 6^ (0.2) N- 5 tt « 20 25 20 ENTRAINMENT-UNn' 3 25-26 JUNE X- $J0 (0.6) Hm 3 30 tt- -I 1 1 r- 9 «> e 20 25 8| EHTRAWKlEKT-UNn' 3 ^ I >| ENTRAINIIEKT- II 1-2 JULY h 5c- 7 J) (0.0) / N-> 1 30 5 10 15 20 25 EKTRAiNMENT-UNfT 3 9-10 JULY X« 7.2 (0.4) N« 3 IS 20 2S 30- 51 EKTRAINMEKT-UNTr 3 ** ml H-15 JULY ^' X- 6.7 (0.2) N» 3 30 20 -^ ! I I « S « « 20 25 Fig. 36. Continued. ^1 ENTfUINMEN' II 11-12 AUGUt S X- 6.5 (0.0 / Hm 1 S| ENTfUINMENT-UNrr 3 S| 11-12 AUGUST *' • - '0.0) 30- 20- 5 « e 20 25 Si ENTRA1NMENT-UN(T 3 S| 4-5 SEPTEMSER )^m 9.6 (0.0) /n- 1 30 I I I I I 5 10 15 20 25 TOTAL LENGTH (MM) (| ENTRAINMENT || 19-20 OCTOfi y X- 7.0 (0.0) / N« 1 -UNIT 3 OCTOBER till 10 15 20 25 238 Entrainment — Eleven trout-perch, all newly hatched (4.5-7.2 mm in length) , were counted in entrainment samples collected at Units 1 and 2 during 1980. Six larvae were from night samples, two from dawn and three from dusk samples; densities of these larvae ranged from 1 to 8/1000 m^ (Appendix 11). Larvae were first collected in entrainment samples during late May and were collected intermittently from the end of May through September. The observed peak density was recorded during June and the estimate of trout-perch entrained during the month of June was highest of all the months sampled at Units 1 and 2 during 1980 (Appendix 11; Table 25). At Unit 3 sampling began in September during 1980 and during 18-19 September two larvae (9 and 11 mm in length) were collected. The estimated number of larvae entrained during 1980 at Unit 3 (49,600 larvae) was disproportionately high compared to number counted in samples due to relatively low volume of water sampled (Table 27). During June through October 1981, 18 trout-perch larvae were collected in entrainment samples from Unit 3 (Fig. 37). All larvae were recently hatched (5.0 to 7.8 mm), except for a 9.8-mm larva recovered in a sample collected at dusk in early September. Average entrainment densities for diel periods when trout-perch larvae were collected ranged from 2 to 25 larvae/1000 m^. Larvae were collected at water temperatures ranging from 7.3 to 22.3 C. Nine larvae were caught at night ,, six at dusk, one at dawn and only two during the day. It may be that trout-perch larvae are more active at night (dusk and dawn also) than during the day and are more likely to be entrained during the night than during the day. Most trout-perch larvae entrained at Unit 3 during 1981 were entrained during June and July (80,000 and 62,000 larvae, respectively); during August through October entrainment levels were considerably lower (Table 28). A 7.0-mm trout-perch larva was recovered from a 20 October entrainment sample (Fig. 36); this recently-hatched larva indicated that trout-perch spawning continued through early October during 1981. Entrainment occurred mainly during June and July in 1981 for all units of the plant, although this was not the case in previous years at Units 1 and 2. For example, in 1979 at Units 1 and 2 monthly entrainment rates were relatively steady from April through September, except in July when no trout-perch larvae were collected in entrainment samples. In 1978 trout-perch larvae were recovered from entrainment samples just in May and July, while during 1977 they were only found in June. Trout-perch larvae were entrained at Units 1 and 2 during 1981 at night on 1 June (3 larvae/1000 m^), 15 June (3/1000 m' ) and 1 July (7 larvae/1000 mM. A total of seven larvae were identified in entrainment samples; all were newly hatched (4.5 to 7.0 mm in length). An estimated 30,000 trout-perch larvae were entrained during June and 18,600 larvae were entrained during 239 ENTRAINMENT-UNITS I AND 2,1980 28-29 MAY NTfiKE TEW C DflUN 13.5 DAY 14.0 13.0 13.0 DUSK ^;^^^^^v^•^^5^:s^^V^^^^^^^^-^:.^^ IGHT 19-20 JUNE ^^ 8 10 INTAKE TEOP C 13.6 13.6 13.4 13.6 12 24-25 JUNE DflUN n.9 DAY 18.4 DUSK le.s NIGHT 18.6 2- 3 JULY 16.5 n.o 17.0 17.0 DflUN DRY 16-17 JULY 22.0 23.0 22.0 22.5 DUSK ^^C^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ NIGHT 7- 8 AUGUST 22.0 23.0 23.0 23.0 NO. OF LflRVnE PER 1000 m' Fig. 37. Density of larval trout-perch (no./IOOO m^) in weekly dawn, day, dusk and night entrainment samples at the J. H. Campbell Plant's Units 1 and 2 and Unit 3 during 1980 and 1981. Only day and night densities were shown for Units 1 and 2 during 1981. 240 ENTRAiNMENT-UNITS I AND 2,1980 TEnP c 4- 5 SEPTEMBER DflUN 22.0 DAY 24.0 DUSK 23.0 NIGHT 23.0 ENTRAINMENT- UNITS 1 AND 2,1981 DAY NIGHT DAY INTAKE TEHP C JUNE It JUNE IS JUNE DRY NIGHT mmmmmm^^^ DAY NIGHT 25-26 JUNE 17.5 17.5 19.0 19.0 21.0 21.5 16.5 17.0 2 3 4 0 12 3 4 ENTRAINMENT- UNIT 3t 1980 4- 5 SEPTEflBER INTAKE TEflP C DflUN 22.0 DAY 24.0 DUSK IGHT 23.0 23.0 10-11 JUNE INTAKE TETIP C DflUN 17.3 DAY 17.7 DUSK ^ 16.5 NIGHT 17.7 ENTRAINMENT- UNIT 3, 1981 25-26 JUNE S^^^^^^^ c 12 16 20 24 Fig* 37. Continued. NO. OF LflRVRE PER 1000 m' 241 INTAKE TEnP C 1 JULY fmMiww 17.0 16.9 24.0 9 JULY 15 JULY 22.5 20.5 20 JULY 20.5 22.0 30 JULY 22.0 14.0 14.0 INTAKE EflP C INTAKE TETIP C 12.0 3.5 11.5 12.8 ENTRAINMENT- UNIT 3, 1981 DRUN DAY DUSK NIGHT I- 2 JULY •INTftKE TEnP C 14.2 15.1 14.7 9-10 JULY INTAKE TEfff C '^////////////////////////y////y///////77m 0 5 10 14-15 JULY DAY NIGHT 11.4 19.6 14.5 12.8 0 1 2 3 4- 5 SEPTEnBER TEOP C DflUN 3.2 DRY 7.7 7.3 7.0 DUSK y////////////////////////////////////////A NIGHT 9.2 20.0 10.8 fO.0 3 12 3 4 5 6 TEflP C 11-12 AUGUST 23.0 22,6 21.4 22.3 1 2 3 : tNTAKE fEnp C 19-20 OCTOBER 11.0 11.2 11.2 1 12.0 NO. OF LflRVnE PER 1000 m' Fig. 37. Continued. July (Table 26). Coincidentally , trout-perch larvae were also collected in entrainment samples at Unit 3 during 11 June and 1-2 July 1981. Trout-perch larvae catches were infrequent and sparse enough not to warrant ANOVA for testing differences in densities between samples collected in Lake Michigan at the north transect (near the intake for Unit 3) and entrainment samples for Unit 3.^ Note that trout-perch were never collected simultaneously during any 242 sampling period during 1981 in both Unit 3 entrainment and north transect field samples (Figs, 35 and 37). Most trout-perch larvae collected during 1981 in both entrainment and field samples were recently hatched (5-8 mm). Of the few larger larvae collected, more were collected in the field than were in entrainment samples. The aforementioned characteristics of length frequency were similar to those observed for years 1977 through 1980. Entrainment of trout-perch larvae at Units 1 and 2 was relatively high during 1979 (86,500 larvae) compared with 1978 (4,690 larvae) and 1977 (7,450 larvae). This substantial increase may to due to attraction of trout-perch to the riprap (deposited in 1979), intake and discharge structures and currents produced by them. This area is apparently favorable to trout- perch for spawning, feeding and cover. During 1980, 23 larvae were recovered from field samples at the north transect and the riprap was suspected of attracting trout-perch to the plant area to spawn (Jude et al. 1981a). During 1980 and 1981 trout-perch entrainment at Units 1 and 2 was moderately high at an estimated 46,300 and 48,600 larvae, respectively. The annual entrainment total was expected to be relatively high for the Unit 3 intake during 1981 since the water would be drawn from the riprap area, to which trout-perch were probably attracted for spawning. The total was high as an estimated 145,000 trout-perch larvae were entrained by Unit 3 during 1981. 24-h population and entrainment estimates — As was stated previously, collection of trout-perch larvae in Unit 3 entrainment samples never coincided with collection of these larvae in Lake Michigan during 1981. This fact plus the uncommon occurrence of trout-perch larvae in the plant vicinity complicated the assessment of the entrainment loss in relation to the^ larval trout-perch population in the vicinity of the plant. Maximum number of larvae estimated in the plant vicinity was 423,000 (for early June), while peak entrainment for a 24-h sampling period (7,600 larvae) occurred in early July; 7,600 is 1.8% of 423,000 (Table 31). This percentage was fairly high compared with those of alewife, but not high compared with other less common species. Since larval trout-perch catch was sparse, the population estimates of larvae in Lake Michigan in the plant vicinity are probably not as accurate as those for more common species of larvae. Actual trout-perch densities at lake bottom strata may be underestimated since density of trout-perch larvae in the immediate area of the riprap was suspected to have been greater than the density sampled at north transect stations. Of the four sampling periods (two in June and two in August) when trout-perch larvae were collected at the north transect, no trout-perch were estimated entrained. 243 Young-of-the-Year — Only one YOY trout-perch was captured during 1981; this was a specimen in the 40-mm length interval caught in a night trawl at station E (12 m, south) during September (Fig. 38). Previous YOY annual catches were not quite as sparse (ranging from 3 to 16 fish); however, note that trawling was not performed at station F (15 m, south) during 1981, although it was in earlier years, and this may account for the lower 1981 catch. Yearlings — Yearling trout-perch catch was unusually low in 1981 (only 30 fish compared to a range of 201 to 1175 fish annually for years 1977 through 1980) for reasons not clear. Perhaps the bulk of the yearlings remained in deeper water, not entering the study area; again note that the 15-m station was dropped from the sampling design for trawls during 1981. Additionally, the survival of YOY from 1980 may have been poor during the 1980-1981 winter. All the yearlings but one were caught in trawls between 6- and 12-m depths (Fig. 38); similarly, in previous years most yearlings were captured in trawls between the 6- and 12-m depths. Adults— The adult trout-perch catch data present some anomalies to the annual distribution pattern established by the data for previous years. Peak adult catch was observed during the spawning peak in June or in May just prior to peak spawning. However, in 1981 the May catch was low relative to catches from other months; furthermore, peak catch of adults was observed in October when 342 adults were collected. Most of these fish were recovered from a night trawl at station N (9 m, north) (Fig. 38). In previous years, adult catch for October ranged from 20 to 139 individuals. Total adult catch for 1981 was 1240 fish (during the three previous years, annual adult catch ranged from 1043 to 1694 fish), however catch was fairly low during June 1981, the peak spawning month for that year, as only 163 adults were caught. One other unusual feature of the 1981 data was the evidence for trout-perch spawning in October. In previous years trout-perch spawning usually extended from April to September but there was no indication of spawning in October. However, in 1981 one ripe-running female was captured in October and a recently- hatched trout-perch larva was collected in an entrainment sample. As observed in earlier years, most adults captured during 1981 occurred in night trawls between the 6- and 12-m depths. The 1981 adult catch data were inconclusive as to whether the riprap and intake-discharge complex were attracting adults to spawn. Summing for the entire sampling year, considerably more adults were observed in trawls at the 6- and 9-m stations at the 244 lo- O UJ m ixi(r- IxlC- IxlO*- 1x10' • 1x10* = IxlO'- 1x10*- 1x10' - 1x10* = 1x10"- 1x10*- 1x10'- 1x10* = IxlO*- 1x10*- 1x10' - 3n N ^B-9^ NORTH TRANSECT 20 II I.} _ flPR -. HflY -H JUN 40 JUL 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 TOTAL LEMGTHCnm ^i?i^^?®; Length-frequency histograms for trout-perch eonij'^J^'^ ^'^f'''^ ^P^^^ " December 1981 at the north Ind tSf nnrfS'^r^'^^- stations Were combined into two groups ?Sr the north transect: beach and 3 m; 6 and 9 m and into three groups for the^ south transect: beach, 1.5 and 3^-6 and 9 m; and 12 m, Diel periods and geai^ types were pooled! 245 IxlC- 1x10' — 1x10' - 1x10* =y" 1x10* — IxlC — 1x10' ■ 1x10* =r" Q 1x10* -f o 1x10^-4- 5 1x10' — h 2 1x10* fe 1x10- — I 1x10* — i 1x10' — 1x10*=- IxlC — 1x10* — 1x10' — lo-3n N fe-sn NORTH TRANSECT -ii 1 iL. -i 1 I I « -I ^ A 1 k I »l i_ -j- , 1 ii -. RUG ^ SEP ^ OCT -. NOV .. DEC 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 TOTAL LENGTH(nn) Fig. 38. Continued. 246 1x10* IxlC 1x10* 1x10' --" 1x10* IxlO* IxlO* 1x10' H- lxlO'=T 1x10*- IxlC- 1x10" -+ lo-3n li 16-90 :12f1 1x10* =f=^ 1x10'- IxlO' — D 1x10' • -J y. Ix10*=f=- o d IxIC- a 1x10*- fe 1x10' • I 1x10* = ^ IxlO*- IxIC- 1x10' • m ■^W 1x10* =F" 1x10* — 1x10^— - 1x10' — 1x10* =Y 1x10* — 1x10" 1x10' 1x10* 1x10" 1x10* 1x10^ SOUTH TRANSECT -4 U »4i- i7 i , Ui ^ — m — M L — i|L , li; li- 1 li: il- -J 1- 1. 1 t I li i i I t I I II i; i; Si ilL_Jt. -Ji; — b JLJ. -: I ti ii I I ill_l| L. flPR _ nflY ^ JUN JUL flUG- ^ SEP ^ OCT NOV _ DEC 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 TOTAL LENGTH(nn) 247 north transect than at stations with matching depths at the south transect, but this was chiefly due to the unusually high trawl catch at station N (9 m, north) during October, a month of very limited spawning activity according to gonad data. The difference in adult trout-perch catch between transects for the 6- and 9-m depths during months of high spawning activity (June through August) was very slight. LESS ABUNDANT SPECIES Johnny Darter Introduction — The johnny darter inhabits a wide range of aquatic habitats, including lakes, rivers and streams. It has been recorded at a depth of 40 m in the Great Lakes (Scott and Grossman 1973) and is widespread in the Lake Michigan basin (Becker 1976). Johnny darters were the seventh-most abundant species collected during 1981, with 526 taken. They comprised 0.3% of the total catch, similar to their relative abundance in previous years. During preoperational years in the Campbell Plant vicinity, adults appeared to spend winter months offshore and moved inshore in April or May (Jude et al. 1981a). Spawning took place from late May through July. Adults were most abundant at 6- and 9-m stations during these months. In 1980, a marked preference by johnny darters for the plant transect was noted, particularly in May, when 40 adult johnny darters were trawled at station L (6 m, north) in contrast to 6 at station C (6 m, south). Darter preference for the north transect is undoubtedly related to the riprap (associated with intake and discharge structures) which provides excellent darter habitat. Construction-related activities probably discouraged notable colonization of riprap by darters during 1978 and 1979. Prior to 1980, no substantial catch differences existed between transects. Larvae — Seasonal distribution — During preoperational years, collections of larval johnny darters increased from 1 larva in 1977 to 105 larvae in 1980 (Jude et al. 1981a). Thus distributional patterns were most evident in 1980. The earliest occurrence of johnny darter larvae in 1980 was in early June at 6 m. In late June, larvae were collected at beach station Q (south discharge). During July, johnny darter larvae occurred from 6 to 15 m. In June and July, north transect densities ranged from 20 to 87 larvae/1000 m^. By August, johnny darter larvae were only caught in night sled tows because their demersal habits had become established and they had apparently grown to sizes (>10 248 mm) at which net avoidance limited daytime capture. For example, a density of 1688 larvae/1000 m\ highest for the year, was recorded for a sled tow during August 1980 at station N (9 m, north). During 1981, seasonal distribution of johnny darter larvae was similar to that observed in 1980. First occurrence was in mid-June, at 6- to 15-m plant transect stations, throughout the water column (Fig. 39). Densities reached 56 larvae/1000 m' at 9 m, and larvae were 5.5 to 6.5 mm TL (Fig. 40). No johnny darter larvae were collected at the plant transect in July 1981, but a few appeared at reference transect stations 1-9 m in depth. July densities ranged from 22 to 141 larvae/1000 m^ and larvae were 5.3-7.5 mm TL. In early August johnny darter larvae (6.0-7.5 mm) were again collected from 6 to 12 m in night sled tows at the plant transect, where densities were 29-202 larvae/1000 m^. It should be noted that in both 1980 and 1981, johnny darter adults and larvae tended to be most abundant from the 6- to 12-m depth contours at the north transect, where the riprap associated with Campbell Plant intake and discharge structures is located. Entrainment — Johnny darter larvae were entrained by Unit 3 from 10 June to 11 August, 1981. Estimated entrainment densities in June ranged from 2 to 60 larvae/1000 m^ (Fig. 41) which were similar to plant transect densities (17-56/1000 mM. During July, entrainment densities were 3-27 larvae/1000 m\ while johnny darter larvae were collected only at the reference transect (densities 22-141/1000 mM . August entrainment densities stayed low, 3-16/1000 m' , while plant transect densities were higher, 25-202/1000 m^ . Density differences were attributed to growth of larvae and to behavior patterns associated with different-sized fish. Mean length of larvae tended to be smaller in Unit 3 entrainment samples than in field samples (Fig. 40). For example, during 5-7 August, mean length of entrained larvae was 5.9 mm, while field-caught larvae averaged 6.7 mm. Smaller larvae are poorer swimmers and are somewhat pelagic, while larger larvae can more easily resist intake currents or may be almost totally demersal, thus staying away from the Unit 3 intakes which are almost 3 m off bottom. In late summer, most larvae have grown large enough to be relatively invulnerable to entrainment, accounting for low densities observed in Unit 3 entrainment samples. In late August a 15.2-mm larva was collected at station N (9 m, north) (Fig. 40), but no johnny darter larvae were taken in entrainment samples. During 1981, an estimated 304,000 johnny darter larvae were entrained by Unit 3 (Table 28). This is more than were entrained by Units 1 and 2, where an estimated 193,000 johnny darter larvae were entrained in 1981 (Table 26). However, Unit 3 intakes are located in an area where johnny darters are naturally more abundant than the area near the intake for Units 1 and 2. 249 15-16 JUNE U 0.5 4.5 H 8.5 11.5 14.0 H SL 15.0 (12m-N) 0.5 3.0 6.0 H 9.0 11.0 SL 12.0 0.5- 2.5- £ 4.5 N ^ 65-1 (£, 8.5 Ui ^ SL 9.0 0.5 2.0 L '-' (6ni-N) 5.5H SL 6.0 0.5 J " Om-N) SL 3.0 (I5ni~ N) R (lin-N) TEMPERflTURE DAY NIGHT 0.5- SL 1.5- 0.5- SL 1.0- 20.0 23.5 19.6 22.7 19.4 22.1 17.2 16.4 210 23.8 20.0 22.5 19.5 22.3 17.5 17.9 21.5 24.8 213 23.9 20.9 23.2 17.7 18.0 21.5 25.7 21.4 25.3 21.2 25.1 16.3 18.0 20.0 19.9 19.2 19.7 19.2 19.7 20.0 19.7 20.0 19.2 22.5 19.7 21.5 19.7 12 18 24 30 36 42 NO. LflRVflE/1000 m' 48 54 60 Fig. north Plant day. 39. Density of larval johnny darters (no./IOOO m ) at and south transect stations near the J. H. Campbell , eastern Lake Michigan, J\me, Jiily and Aijgust 1981. Q ' ■ » night, SL > sled. 250 1-2 JULY (isS- S) 14.0 8L \SM (12^- S) 1L5 9.0 lUiH SL 12J) 0.S a. 6.5 (6m-S) 0.5 zo 4.0- 5.5- SL 6.0- 0.5- 6 ^^ C3ni-S) SL xo- (uSi- S) P llm-S) 0.5 SL U5 03 SL LO TEHPERflTURE DAY NIGHT t6:o 16.5 15.1 14.5 10.4 6.2 10.7 16.7 15.0 16.0 14.5 13.1 9.5 9.1 11.7 14.7 17.0 16.0 16.3 15.0 11.5 11.3 13.4 15,2 17.5 16.5 16.7 14.9 14.9 13.5 14.0 15.7 15.6 15.0 14.5 14.5 14.3 16.7 15.5 15.2 15.6 17.7 15.4 15.2 16.7 17.5 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 NO. LflRVflE/1000 n? 20 22 24 Fig. 39. Continued. 251 (l^- S) (1^- S) 6.0 9.0 SL ao 0.5 2.5 H £ 4.5 oP-sii ^l SL 9M' r (6nrS) 0.5 4.0- 5.5- SL 6.0 0.5 B " Otn-S) SL 3.0- 0.5 (l.^.-S) '^'^ p (Ir-S) 0.5 SL to- 19-21 JULY 0.5- 4.5- •.5 IL5 MX' SL 1S.0- 0.5- XO- 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 NO. LflRVfiE/1000 m' TEnPERRTURE DRY NIGHT 22.8 14.0 8.4 8.3 22.6 21.0 13.0 10.5 22.2 20.9 18.5 n.8 22.5 22.3 21.3 21.0 21.0 19.5 19.5 22.0 20.5 22.0 21.5 66 72 21.5 15.0 7.3 9.1 22.2 20.0 9.5 14.5 21.7 20.0 14.6 17.9 22.9 20.0 19.0 20.7 21.5 21.5 21.7 22.0 22.0 21.5 21.8 Fig. 39* Continued, 252 5-7 AUGUST TEMPERflTURE DRY NIGHT U (15m-N) 0.5- 4.5 8.5 11.5- 14.0- SL 15.0 {12m-N) 0.5- 3.0- 6.0- 9.0- 11.0 SL 12.0 N - Om-N) E Q. UJ 0.5- 2.5 4.5 6.5 8.5- SL 9.0- {6m-N) Om-N) 0.5 2.0- 4.0 5.5- SL 6.0- 0.5 2.5 SL 3.0- 5m-r (ISih-N) p 0.5- SL 1.5 0.5 SL 1.0 22.0 22.0 21.2 17.6 15.0 17.6 19.8 20.3 22.0 22.1 21.8 21.0 19.8 18.8 20.0 20.4 22.4 22.2 22.0 22.1 22.0 22.0 20.0 20.3 22.2 22.5 22.0 22.5 22.0 22.2 20.0 20.5 22.5 22.5 21.8 22.5 20.5 21.0 22.5 22.5 21.0 22.0 23.5 22.5 21.0 22.5 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 NO. LflRVflE/IDOO m' Fig. 39. Continued. 253 u (15in-N) 0.5 4.5 8.5 H 11.5 14.0 SL 15.0 (12m-N) 0.5- 3.0- 6.0- 9.0 11.0- SL 12.0- 0.5 2.5 £ 4.5- .N...r 6.5- s: 8.5- LU o SL 9.0 (9m-N) (BfirN) 0.5 2.0-1 4.0 5.54 SL 6.0 0.5 i J " Om-N) SL 3.0 (ISm- N) (1r-N) 0.5- SL 1.5- 0.5 SL 1.0 H 17-18 AUGUST I I I I H 1 -H »- 8 12 16 20 NO'. LflRVflE/1000 m' 24 TEHPERflTURE DRY NIGHT 20,5 20.2 19.8 6.8 9.0 6.1 17.2 7.0 20.5 20.9 20.4 11.0 17.0 7.4 17.3 7.5 21.3 19.4 20.9 6,9 19.7 6.3 18.0 7.7 20.9 18.5 20.5 8.3 20.0 7.7 19.6 9.5 21.5 19.9 20.5 14.8 20.5 14.8 21.0 20.2 21.0 19.2 22.0 20.3 21.5 ,a. 28 Fig. 39. Continued. 254 LAKE MICHIGAN 20 I 40n »-1« JUN€ ^ si LAKE IMCHICAN f STATIONS COMBtNCD H. TRANSECT 30 OAY^HICHT '^ X» 6.1 (0.1) N* 8 20 5-7 AUGUST ^ LAKE MICHIGAN STATIONS coMBmeo H. TRANSECT vi OAY-l-NiCKT ^ 5- 6.7 (0.2) H- 13 20 17-18 AUGUST LAKE MfCHlCAN STATIONS COMBINE! N. TRANSECT DAY -f NIGHT X-15.2 (0.0) N* 1 1 AILY LAKE MICHtCAN STATIONS COMBINED S. TRANSECT OAY-fNKSHT X« S.3 (0.0) 20 20 25 ! UJ O 111 CL 40-1 »• •-20 JULY LAKE michk;an STATIONS COMBINCO $. TRANSECT OAY-t-NlGHT X- 6.0 (0.5) Hm 4 20 25 ENTRAINMENT-UNITS I AND 2,1980 CNTRAINMENT-UMTS 1*2*' >| CNTRAINMENT' \\ 22-23 MAY 1 > 5- 6.0 (0.0) / W- 1 30- 20- >i CNTRAINMENT \\ 4-6 JUNE IB h X- 5.5 (0.0) / M- 1 -uwns 1*2 1B80 30- CKTRAiNMENT-UNlTS 1*2 11-12 JUNE 1980 X- 6.4 (0.7) N- 5 EMTRAINMCNT-UMTS 1*2 19-20 JUNE 1980 X- 5.6 (0.1) N« 5 30 t\ ENTRAWMENT- W 24-25 JUNE V X- 6 1 (0.2) / N« 8 -UNnS 1*2 1980 30- »l EKTR/ > X- 5. < N« 4 20 25 20 25 EKTRAINMENT-UNTTS 1*2 JULY 1980 0 (0.0) 30 ENTRAINMENT-UNTTS 1*2 8-9 JULY 1980 X- 5.0 (0.0) N« 1 20 25 20 25 TOTAL LENGTH (MM) Fig. 40. Length-frequency histograms for larval johnny darters observed in field and entrainment samples collected during 1981 near the J. H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan. Length-frequency histograms for johnny darter larvae entrained during 1980 were also included. All plankton net and sled tow samples were combined. X » mean, N « total number of larvae, standard error is given in parentheses. 255 ENTRAINMENT- UNITS I AND 2, I960 20 \\ Ii-17 JULY y X« S.S (0.0 CNTRAimiCNr-UNn^S 1*2 ' JULY «60 (0.0) 30 20- CNTIUiNyeNT-UMTS 1*^ II 22>23 JULY h Xm f .0 (0.0) / H- 2 20 >| CNTfUMMCNT \\ H-n AUCUS b Xm S.0 (0.0) 4 Hm \ -UNITS 1*2 AUCUST «60 S « « 20 29 S 10 O 20 29 I r I t 9 10 19 20 29 ENTRAINMENT. UNITS 1 AND 2,1981 40l g| 20- >| CNTRAINMCNT- \\ n MAY h Im 7.0 (0.0) / Hm 1 UJ o a: Ul CL ^ 20 r I t > 9 « » 20 29 Si tHTHAwmtm^imns 1*2^ »| E»ITRAINMe^fT \\ 29 MAY h Xm 9.9 (0.0) / H» 1 30- > I I I 9 tt 19 20 29 S| ENTRAINMCNT- • I 10-11 JUNE V X- 6.0 (0.3) / H- 9 -UNITS 1« Z\\^ EKTRAINMCNT-UNTrs 1*2 5: V ''■'' 9 10 19 20 29 ENTRAiNMENT-UNlTS 1*2 9| ENTRAiNMENT< il 29-26 JUNE % X- 9.4 (0.3) / N- 4 ***! SI IS ENTRAINMENT-UNfTS 1*2*^1 || EKTRAINMENT-UNn'S 1*2^ 30- 9 10 19 20 29 n IS ENTRAINMENT o| ENTRAINMENT- gl 9 JULY y Xm 5.9 (0.0) < N-i 2 9 tt O 20 29 9 10 19 20 29 I I I » 9 10 19 20 29 Silo ENTRAINMENT-UNITS 1*2 SJBS 20 JULY X. 6.0 (0.0) 9 10 19 20 29 30 ENTRAINMENT-UNffS 1*2 »| ENTRAINMENT- i 30 JULY h Xm 7.0 (0.0) / N« 1 11 I I » tf 20 29 >| ENTRAMMENT- \\ • AUCUST h Xm 9.0 (0.0) 4 N- 1 30- 20 U ENTRAiNMENT- l\ 12 AUCUST h Xm 9.0 (0.0) / N« 1 9 tt » 20 29 9 « 19 20 29 TOTAL LENGTH (MM) Fig. 40. Continued. 256 ENTKA1NMENT - UNIT 8, !••! UJ o CNnUMMCKT-UMT 3 S| CNTIUMMCI 21 JUNC-ALL I ^L COMtlNCO / i« St (0. ••- 12 90- tt« AiLT-ALL nmoo$ COMtlNCO » « 20 2S U, CNTRAMMCNT-UNIT 3 AUCUST-AU. KRtOOS COMfMCD « « 20 29 20 TOTAL LENGTH (MM) Fig. 40. Continued. Units abundance et al. 1 entrainmen (Fig. 41) ranged in larvae di were entra entrained 1 and 2 e of larval 980; Tabl t samples Larvae size from d not inc ined in a larvae we ntrainment loss data show an increase in johnny darters over the years 1977-1981 (Jude es 25, 26). Densities in 1981 Units 1 and 2 were 1-13 johnny darter larvae/1000 m^ were entrained from 12 May to 12 August, and 5.0 to 7.0 mm (Fig. 40). Mean length of rease over time, rather, newly hatched larvae 11 months, a pattern not uncommon among have sampled. During 1980, Units 1 and 2 entrained an estimated 160,000 johnny darter larvae (Table 25). Larvae were entrained from 22 May to 14 August (Appendix 11). Peak densities occurred in June (23 larvae/1000 m^ - Fig. 41). Johnny darter larvae entrained during 1980 ranged in size from 5.0 to 9.5 mm. As in 1981, newly hatched larvae were entrained in all months (Fig. 40). number of population entrainmen Based on n johnny .da 16,200 (2% that 24-h entrained because c depressed population The estima 24-h population and ent entrained johnny in the vicinity o t will only minima ight field samples rter larvae were ) were estimated t period. For 1 in 24 h, but none ool water temper spawning. For was 264,000 and 2 ted population was rainment estimates — Comparison of darter larvae with the estimated f the Campbell Plant indicated Unit 3 lly affect johnny darter populations. for 15-16 June, an estimated 807,000 in the vicinity of the plant and only o have been entrained by Unit 3 in -2 July, 4100 larvae were estimated were taken in field samples, possibly atures (9-16 C) during late June 6-7 August, the estimated field 940 (1%) were estimated entrained. 13,500 on 17-18 August and none were 257 ENTRAINMENT-UNITS I AND 2,1980 22-23 nflY INTAKE TEflP C DflUN 14.1 DRY 14.8 DUSK 14.9 NIGHT 14.0 DflUN DAY 11-12 JUNE 11.0 14.0 12.0 11.5 DUSK s^c^^^J^^^^SS^^^s^^J^^^^^^ IGHT 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 24-25 JUNE DflUN DflY NIGHT 17.9 18.4 18.9 18.6 4- 6 JUNE c tiVffiWgffll 0 2 19-20 JUNE 4 8 12 16 20 2- 3 JULY :^x^x\\\\\\\\\-K\N INTRKE TEHP C 11.0 11.0 12.7 12.0 13.6 13.6 13.4 13.6 24 16.5 17.0 17.0 17.0 NO. OF LfiRVflE PER 1000 m' Fig. 41. Density of larval johnny darters (no./IOOO m ) in weekly dawn, day, dusk and night entrainment samples at the J. K. Campbell Plant's Unit 3, eastern Lake Michigan, 1981. 258 DflUN DAY DUSK NIGHT 8- 9 JULY ENTRAINMENT- UNITS I AND 2, 1980 16-17 JULY INTAKE TEflP C 16.0 17.5 17.5 18.0 Q 2 3 22-23 JULY 5 DflUN 21.0 DAY 22.0 DUSK 21.5 IGHT lEMMHiiiiyii^^ l^^^^mu 21.0 ENTRAINMENT- UNITS t AND 2,1981 1 JULY 4 OflY DRY 13.0 NIGHT 12 HflY 13.0 DAY B.O NIGHT 18-19 nflY 10.0 DRY 10.1 NIGHT 29 flRY 9.0 DRY 13.0 13.0 NIGHT , , , , 6 AUGUST DRY 21.0 NIGHT M^a^sgg^ mi^&mi^mmi^^simii&mM 21.0 12 AUGUST DAY 24.0 NIGHT fl^f^^^ B 23.0 18 AUGUST DAY 21.5 NIGHT 21.5 25 AUGUST DRY 19.0 NIGHT _H 1 ^ — 1 19.0 0 12 3 NO. OF LflRVflE PER 1000 m' Fiq. 41, Continued. 259 ENTRAiNMENT* UNIT 3, 1981 NIGHT 10-11 JUNE INTAKE TEflP C DflWN DAY DUSK V/////////////////////A 17.3 17.7 16.5 17.7 10 12 25-26 JUNE INTAKE TEflP C 1Z0 9.5 DflUN S^^^^^5^J^^i^^^^^^^;^J:^^^^;^:^J^^^ DAY DUSK 11.5 NIGHT 12.8 0 2 9-10 JULY [NTRKt FEMP C 9.2 20.0 10.8 10.0 DRUN ^^:^^^^^^^^^^^^:^^^^^;:^^ DAY 1 DUSK v///////////////////////y////////////A. NIGHT 0 5 10 15 6- 7 AUGUST 20 25 3[ ) ^\ 19.8 21.0 DflUN :^;j^^^^^^ DAY DUSK 21.5 NIGHT 21.0 10 12 15-16 JUNE INTAKE TEMP C ^///^//////^^^^^ y///////////////////////////^^^^^ NO. OF LflRVflE PER 1000 m' Pig. 41. Continued. 19.5 17.8 17.8 17.8 11.4 19.6 14.5 12.8 2 4 6 8 10 12 11-12 AUGUST INTAKE ItMH C 23.0 22.6 21.4 22.3 y///////////////^^^^ - 12 16 20 24 260 entrained. By late summer, population estimates were undoubtedly low due to growth of larvae and net avoidance; vulnerability to entrainment also decreased substantially. The increase in abundance of johnny darter larvae from 1977 to 1980 and from 1980 to 1981 is most likely due to utilization of the Campbell Plant riprap for spawning. Scuba observations showed densities as high as 40 adult johnny darters/m' on the riprap (Jude et al. 1981a). Johnny darters prefer to spawn under rocks or other objects (Winn 1958). The riprap also provides foraging habitat. Thus local johnny darter populations may be increasing. However, despite attraction of adult johnny darters to the riprap to spawn, their larvae were not relatively abundant in entrainment samples when compared with other species such as slimy sculpin and ninespine stickleback. The estimated percentage of local Lake Michigan larvae populations entrained by Unit 3 was higher for slimy sculpin and ninespine stickleback (Table 31) than for johnny darter. Perhaps johnny darter larvae are more demersal at early stages, while sculpin and stickleback larvae are more pelagic and hence- more susceptible to entrainment. Additionally, johnny darter larvae, due to their large pectoral fins, probably swim better than ninespine stickleback larvae. Thus darters may be able to resist intake currents or may move away from the riprap to forage. In view of the increased spawning habitat and protective cover for adults, johnny darter populations have probably benefited from addition of the riprap habitat more than they have been impacted by entrainment. Juveniles and Adults — Only three YOY johnny darters were collected during 1981. These YOY, 15-34 mm TL, were trawled during August and September at stations 6-12 m in depth. Yearling and adult johnny darters could not be distinguished by length. During 1981, as in preoperational years, adult johnny darters moved inshore during late spring and were most abundant at 6- to 9-m stations in summer. Spawning probably took place around these depths. • Ripe- running^ and spent fish were collected May through August, indicating an extended spawning period. More johnny darters were collected in August than any other month. Offshore movement began after August, and more fish were collected at 9- to 12-m stations than 6-m stations during the fall, which was similar to findings in preoperational years. Water temperatures when johnny darters were collected ranged from 4 to 24 C, but most were taken at temperatures below 10 C. During 1981, 165 males and 128 females were collected. All johnny darters captured were in trawl hauls. None were seined, indicating little use of the beach zone. Most were taken at night. Unlike 1980, catches were similar between transects in 261 1981. However, scuba observations conducted during 1981 showed johnny darters continued to utilize the Campbell Plant riprap. We believe that johnny darters concentrate on the riprap, and north transect catches have not necessarily reflected this. White Sucker Introduction — During 1981 white sucker was the eighth-most abundant species in our collections, with 466 fish comprising 0.3% of the total catch. Relative importance during 1981 was similar to preoperational years (Jude et al. 1981a). White suckers were the fourth-most abundant species in bottom gill nets, 3.4% of the total catch. Larvae — In our study area, white suckers usually spawn during April in streams. Most young stay in streams up to 1 yr, causing larvae to be rare in our samples. During 1981 no sucker larvae were collected in Lake Michigan field samples or Unit 3 entrainment samples. On 27 April 1981, three unidentified catostomid larvae were collected in Units 1 and 2 entrainment samples, resulting in an estimated 17,000 catostomid larvae entrained for the entire year (Table 26). These three larvae were most likely white suckers, the most abundant species of Catostomidae in the study area. Intake water temperature on 27 April was 8.0 C. The larvae were 12.0-19.0 mm TL. Young-of-the-Year and Yearlings — Data from Koehler (1978) were used to separate YOY and yearling white suckers. Only one YOY (100 mm in September) was collected in 1981. It was captured by seine, as were YOY during preoperational years. Several juveniles, ranging from 90 mm in June to 250 mm in fall, were probably yearlings. The 90-mm individual was trawled at 3 m, and the rest (200-250 mm) were gillnetted in September and October at depths of 3-9 m. Water temperatures when YOY and yearlings were collected ranged from 6 to 22 C, which were similar to temperatures at which adults were collected. Generally YOY inhabited shallower water than yearlings or adults. Adults— Nearly all adult white suckers were collected by bottom gill net. Generally throughout the year, white suckers were more abundant from 1.5 to 6 m than from 9 to 12 m. Most were 370 to 262 460 mm TL, but white suckers ranged up to 614 mm TL (Appendix 7). More were collected at night than during the day, most markedly at 1.5- to 3-m stations. During preoperational years, no white suckers were collected in April because they had migrated to streams to spawn. During April 1981, 25 white suckers were collected, 14 of them with spent gonads. Possibly spawning occurred earlier in 1981 than in 1977-1980. From April to July 1981, abundance increased irregularly. Peak catch of white suckers was in August, when 175 were collected at water temperatures from 6 to 13.5 C. During the 5 yr. of our study, peak catch of white suckers was always during August or September. August catch varied inversely with water temperature (Jude et al. *i981a). Adults apparently move inshore when water temperatures begin to cool in late summer or fall, or when upwellings occur. Later in the fall, abundance tapered off, probably due to offshore movement. White suckers with well developed gonads were collected from August to November 1981. More males (233) were collected than females (208). Water temperatures when adult white suckers were captured ranged from 4 to 22 C. Mean lengths tended to be greater at cooler water temperatures. Preoperational data (1977-1980) showed five times as many white suckers were collected at reference transect station C (6 m, south) as at plant transect station L (6 m, north). During 1981, the trend continued as 108 white suckers were gillnetted at station C and 59 at station D (9 m, south) contrasted to 25 at station L and 17 at station N (9 m, north). Water temperatures were not consistently higher at the north transect. However, at times the south transect was a few degrees cooler, and suckers may have preferred the cooler waters. Construction activity ceased by 1981 and was not a factor in sucker distribution, as it was thought to have been for 1977-1980. At the D. C. Cook Nuclear Plant, as at Campbell, white suckers tended to be more numerous at the reference transect than the plant transect (Great Lakes Research Division, unpublished data). Lake Trout Introc^uction — Lake trout are naturally occurring and widely distributed throughout northern North America. Southern Lake Michigan marks the southern-most extension of this species' natural range although they have been widely introduced (Scott and Crossman 1973). While anglers have found this species to be abundant in nearshore waters of Lake Michigan during spring and fall, scientific evidence indicates that little or no natural 263 reproduction is occurring. All of the lake trout occurring in Lake Michigan since the late 1960s are believed to have been the result of annual stocking efforts initiated in 1965 because of a population crash during the 1930s and 1940s due to lamprey predation and overfishing* The occurrence of 61 lake trout larvae in our 1980 samples (Jude et al. 1981a, 1981b) documented the first evidence of successful natural reproduction by lake trout in southern Lake Michigan since stocking began. Fertilized lake trout eggs were found on the riprap covering the intake and discharge pipes during fall 1980; however, no larvae or fry were collected the following spring in 1981. Lake trout eggs were collected from the riprap again in fall 1981 and 1982. Juveniles — As in previous sampling years, juvenile lake trout (21 fish, 110-276 mm) occurred sporadically throughout the 1981 sampling season. Greatest numbers were collected in May (seven fish) and June (seven fish) with the remainder in July (five fish) and August (two fish). Unlike adults, juvenile lake trout do not congregate in nearshore areas during the fall, apparently remaining offshore in deeper water during this time. Adii|p:s — Of the 262 lake trout collected in 1981, 241 (92%) were adults (395-914 mm). Annual catches in preceding years were 201, 258, 222 and 513 in 1977, 1978, 1979 and 1980 respectively, of which 92% of the total were adults (Jude et al. 1981a). All but one of the adult lake trout caught in 1981 were taken by gillnetting, and 90% of all lake trout were collected at night. Lake trout were collected during all months sampling was performed in 1981, April through December. Furthermore, lake trout have been collected during every month sampling was performed since June 1977 except for December 1978 and July 1980. While greatest numbers of lake trout generally are observed in the fall and to a lesser extent in the spring, large catches have occurred during summer months. For example 54 lake trout were collected in August 1981, 22 in July 1979 and 56 in July 1977. These occurrences have been coincident with either cold water upwelling or intrusion of the thermocline within our sampling area, producing favorable water temperatures for this species. Congregation of lake trout in the fall around nearshore spawning grounds has produced seasonal high catches in all 5 yr of sampling, including 1981. Greatest monthly catches of lake trout have occurred consistently in October. This is also the month when fish in spawning condition first appear. Substantial 264 differences in abundance of lake trout between transects were not evident in spite of the predicted attraction of lake trout to the riprap adjacent to north transect sampling stations* Catches for stations C (6 m, south), D (9 m, south), L (6 m, north), D (6 m, north) and N (9 m, north) were 28, 4, 43, 19 and 3 for October 1981, respectively, and 3, 0, 5, 1 and 2 for November 1981. Analysis of lake trout for stomach contents revealed the occurrence of fish in the stomachs of 94% of those examined from spring catches (April and May), 33% from summer catches (June through August) and 4% from fall catches (September through December). Alewives comprised 80% and 68% of the identifiable fish in stomachs of spring- and summer-caught lake trout respectively. Other species found in lake trout stomachs during these periods were smelt and sculpins. Gizzard shad was the only species identified in the stomachs of fall-caught fish. The infrequency of food in stomachs of lake trout collected in the fall is consistent with observations from previous sampling years and appears to be a characteristic of lake trout while in spawning or near spawning condition. Examination of lake trout for lamprey scars revealed an overall decline in the frequency of attacks from 1977 through 1981. Seventeen percent of 220 fish examined in 1981 had lamprey scars. This value along with the 27%, 36%, 24% and 23% observed in 1977, 1978, 1979 and 1980 respectively substantiates a downward trend (Jude et al. 1978, 1979a, 1980, 1981a). Low lamprey attack activity within our study area is evidenced by the occurrence of fresh lamprey wounds on only 2.5% of the lake trout examined. Equally low occurrences of fresh lamprey wounds were found in previous sampling years. ♦ Longnose Sucker Introduction — Longnose sucker was the tenth-most abundant species collected in juvenile and adult fish sampling gear during 1981, comprising 0.1% of the total catch (Table 32). Most longnose suckers were collected by bottom gill net; they were the seventh- most abundant species in that gear and comprised 1.3% of the gill net catch. As with white suckers, longnose suckers spawn in streams in early spring, so we do not often collect their larvae. Young-of-the-Year and Yearlings — YOY and yearling longnose suckers were separated using data from Koehler (1978). YOY in our study were collected from July to December 1981. During July and August, YOY were 65 to 124 mm TL (Appendix 7), and 17 were collected in seines and trawls at stations 1-3 m in depth. During September through December, a 265 few YOY were trawled (one was gillnetted) at stations 6-9 m in depth; fish had grown to 135-184 mm TL by this time. These fish were longer than YOY in preoperational years (35-124 mm), probably reflecting an earlier spawning period in 1981. A few yearling longnose suckers were gillnetted and trawled during 1981 at stations 6-12 m in depth. They were 165-264 mm TL. YOY and yearling fish data for 1981 show longnose suckers inhabiting the nearshore zone during their first summer, then moving to somewhat deeper waters (6-12 m) during the fall and for their second year of life. Preoperational data showed a similar pattern (Jude et al. 1981a). Adults— During 1978-1980 longnose suckers were scarce in April samples (1 to 9 fish), most likely because they were in streams to spawn. However, in April 1981, 39 longnose suckers were collected, 37 of them with spent gonads, indicating spawning occurred earlier than usual. White suckers also spawned early in 1981. Generally, adult longnose suckers were most abundant at station C (6 m, south). No seasonal movement patterns were observed during 1981. Water temperatures when longnose suckers were collected ranged from 2 to 24 C, but most were taken at 6-12 C. Longnose suckers ranged in size up to 594 mm, but most were 400-500 mm. More were collected at night than during the day, especially at shallow stations (1-3 m) . More males were collected than females (95 males, 80 females). Like white suckers, longnose suckers were more abundant at the south transect than the north transect during all 5 yr of our study. During 1981, 53 longnose suckers were gillnetted at station C (6 m, south) and 30 at station D (9 m, south) in contrast to 12 at station L (6m, north) and 11 at station N (9 m, north). A small, inconsistent water temperature difference between transects may have caused suckers to prefer the reference transect (see RESULTS AND DISCUSSION - White Sucker) . Round Whitefish During 1981, 134 round whitefish were collected near the Campbell Plant, continuing the increase in abundance documented during preoperational years (Jude et al. 1981a). During 1977 only 8 were collected, while 10 were taken in 1978, 44 in 1979 and 115 in 1980. During each of the preoperational years, several YOY or yearling round whitefish were collected, but 1981 collections included no YOY and only one yearling, which was trawled in May at station C (6 m, south). Round whitefish larvae 266 could not be distinguished from other coregonine larvae (see RESULTS AND DISCUSSION-Unident if ied Coregoninae) . Round whitefish collected by trawl ranged in size from 135 to 404 mm, while those in bottom gill nets were 195 to 514 mm. Most were collected at night. As in past years, round whitefish were collected from April to December at all stations where trawling or gillnetting was conducted. Most were collected in the fall, and very few were taken during summer (Appendix 7). There was a tendency for greater abundance at deeper stations. Round whitefish were probably offshore in cool water during summer, and moved inshore to spawn during fall. Water temiperatures when adults were captured were 4-22 C, in contrast to 1977-1980 when only immatures were collected at temperatures >16 C. During September 1981, unusually warm water temperatures (20-23 C) occurred during our sampling. Round whitefish adults may have begun to move inshore for spawning despite the warm water. Round whitefish with well developed gonads were found from August to December, most commonly in October. Two spent fish were collected in October, indicating spawning had begun then. By December most had moved offshore. During 1981, 60 males and 59 females were collected. Immature fish and those with only slight gonad development in the fall appeared to move with mature fish. Round whitefish with identifiable food in their stomachs most often had eaten chironomid larvae. Snails were also frequently found, and a few fish had eaten caddisfly and dipteran larvae and beetles. During August one fish had eaten fish eggs, probably those of alewife or spottail shiner due to the season. During past years a number of round whitefish were found to have consumed lake trout eggs, but during 1981 none were found with salmonid eggs in their stomachs. Lake trout apparently had spawned on the riprap at the Campbell Plant intake in past years (1979-1980), and in 1980 round whitefish were more abundant at the plant transect. Preoperational construction activities increased turbidity (thus decreasing net avoidance) and stirred food organisms into the water column, possibly attracting round whitefish. During 1981, however, abundance of round whitefish was similar between north and south transects. Absence of construction activity and fewer spawning lake trout during fall 1981 may have caused fewer food organisms to be available at the plant transect than in preoperational years. 267 Slimy Sculpin Introduction — Slimy sculpins are bottom-dwelling members of the family Cottidae, In southern Lake Michigan this species has been found to inhabit depths up to 155 m but attain highest densities between 22 and 73 m (Wells 1968). Inshore residence by slimy sculpin is relatively infrequent and appears to be strongly influenced by temperature and spawning habits. Greatest numbers of mature sculpins in the nearshore zone of southeastern Lake Michigan observed by Jude et al. (1979b, 1981a) occurred during April and May. Gonad condition data indicate most of these fish were in spawning condition. Individuals with spent gonads began to appear in May suggesting that this month represents the onset of the spawning period. In New York waters slimy sculpins were reported to begin spawning in spring when water temperatures reached 5 C in Cayuga Lake and 10 C in spring streams (Koster 1936). Water temperatures during our May 1981 collections of mature sculpins ranged from 5.5 to 7.2 C at depth of capture. Larvae — Seasonal distribution — Slimy sculpin larvae have occurred sporadically over the 5 yr of sampling in Lake Michigan near the J^ H. Campbell Plant. In general, they have occurred with greater frequency and in greater densities in years since deposition of riprap covering the intake pipe (1979-1981) than in years prior (1977-1978) (Jude et al. 1981a). Relatively low densities of larvae overall make transect comparisons difficult; however, in 1981, there appeared to be substantially greater numbers of slimy sculpin larvae at plant transect stations (14) than at our reference stations (3 - Fig. 42). If sampling were to be performed directly over the riprap rather than the plant transect stations, an even greater disparity in larvae abundance would have likely been observed. Slimy sculpin larvae first appeared in nearshore waters in late spring from May to July. The newly hatched larva is robust, usually 6-6.5 mm in length, with well developed hypurals and pectoral fins (Heufelder and Auer 1980). Laboratory observations and the common occurrence of this species in lotic systems suggest that young larvae possess good swimming ability. Like adults, yolk-sac larvae maintain a demersal existence, remaining close to the protected nest area until the time of complete yolk absorption. Remaining close to a protected area often affords protection from conventional sampling gear and explains the absence of newly hatched larvae in our samples. Once the yolk has been absorbed the larvae appear less restricted to benthic habitats. Slimy sculpin larvae collected during early June 1981 at both plant and reference transects ranged in length from 7 to 268 2-5 JUNE U (15in-N) 0.5 4.5 8.5 11.5 14,0- SL 15.0- (12m-N) 0.5 3.0 ^ 6.0 9.0 H 11.0 SL 12.0 N - (9m-N) =; a. Ci SL 9.0- 0.5 2.5 H 4.5 6.5 H 8.5 0.5- 2.0- I 4.0 (6ni-N) 5.5H SL 6.0 0.5- J ^'^' Om-N) SL 3.0- (1.5m- N) 0.5- SL 1.5- p (Itn-N) 0.5- SL 1.0 T I I I TEMPERflTURE DBY NIGHT I r 11 1 '■' r' 'I " i 15.5 14.0 11.0 9.0 8.0 5.9 10.6 7.6 15.4 13.5 13.8 11.8 11.0 6.8 11.2 8.9 16.0 13.5 15.8 12.5 13.2 9.4 13.5 9.6 14.7 13,0 14.6 11.8 14.6 11.3 13.8 11.9 17.7 16.8 16.5 13.4 14.5 12.5 18.3 17.0 15.0 12.9 18.5 16.7 15.4 13.2 56 64 0 8 16 24 32 40 48 NO. LflRVRE/11300 m' Fig. 42. Density of larval slimy sculpins (no./IOOO m ) at north and south transect stations near the J. H. Campbell Plants eastern Lake Michigan, June and August 1981. Q* day, ■ « night, SL « sled. 269 2-5 JUNE (1^- S) (1^- S) 0.S 43 8.5 Its 140) SL tSM US 30) 6.0 9.0 110) SL 120) 0.S 2.5 O. 8.5 i^SL 30) (6m-S) 0.5 20) 40) 5.5 SL 6.0H 0.5- B "- Om-S) SI 30) ( S) 0.5 SL 1.5 P (1in-S) 0.5- SL to- TEnPERflTURE DRY NIGHT 15.5 14.0 10.3 7.3 7,5 5.8 9.7 8.2 15.0 14.0 12.0 10.5 11.4 6.9 11.6 10.1 15.2 14.0 12.6 12.1 11.1 9.0 12.2 10.6 14.8 13.5 13.0 11.8 13.0 11.5 14.5 12.2 17.2 16.3 15.7 13.5 14.5 12.2 17.5 16.2 14.7 13.2 19.2 16.6 15.4 13.4 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 46 NO. LRRVflE/1000 rn* Fig. 42. Continued. 270 15-16 JUNE TEnPERflTURE DRY NIGHT U (15ni-N) 0.5- 4.5- 8.5 11.5- 14.0- SL 15.0- (12in-N) 0.5-1 3.0 6.0-1 9.0 11,0 SL 12.0 N " Om-N) ^ 0. UJ ^ SL 9.0 0.5- 2.5 4.5 6.5 8.5 (6m-N) 0.5 2.0 4.0 5.5- SL 6.0- 0.5 J ^'^ (3m-N) SL 3.0 0.5 (l.sL-N) ^^'-^ (1m~N) 0.5- SL 1.0- 20.0 23.5 19.6 22.7 19.4 22.1 17.2 16.4 21.0 23.8 20.0 22.5 19.5 22.3 17.5 17.9 21.5 24.8 21.3 23.9 20.9 23.2 17.7 18.0 21.5 25.7 21.4 25.3 21.2 25.1 18.3 ta.o 20.0 19.9 19.2 19.7 19.2 19.7 20.0 19.7 20.0 19.2 22.5 19.7 215 19.7 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 NO. LflRVflE/1000 hi' Pig, 42. Continued. 271 5-7 AUGUST U (ISm-N) 0.5 4.5 8.5 11.5- 14.0- SL 15.0- (12m~N) 0.5 H 3.0 6.0 9.0 H 11.0 SL 12.0 N - Om-N) £ 0.5- 2.5- 4.5- 6.5 8.5 H (6nrN) Q. UJ Q SL 9.0 0.5 2.0 4.0 5.5 SL 6.0 0,5 J 2.5 Om-N) SL 3.0 (I.Sm- N) 0.5- SL 1.5 0.5 t ' ' I ' T T" I I I to 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 NO. LflRVflE/1000 m' TEnPERRTURE DRY NIGHT 22.0 22.0 21.2 17.6 15.0 17.6 19.8 20.3 22.0 22.1 21.8 21.0 19.8 18.8 20.0 20.4 22,4 22.2 22.0 22.1 22,0 22.0 20,0 20.3 22.2 22.5 22.0 22.5 22.0 22.2 20.0 20.5 22.5 22.5 21,8 22.5 20.5 21.0 22.5 22.5 21.0 22.0 23,5 22.5 21.0 22.5 100 Fig. 42. Continued. 272 (I^ffi- S) 0.5- 8.5- Its- 14.0 SL 15.0 E (12ni-S) 0.5 3.0- 6.0- 8.0- 11.0- SL 12.0- D ^ (9ir-S) =E CL r (6;r-S) 0.5 2.5 4.5 6.5 8.5 SL 8.0 0.5 2.0 4.0 5.5 SL 6.0 p (3r-S) P (IffrS) 0.5- 2.5- SL 3.0 0,5- SL 1.5 0.5 SL 1J) 5-7 AUGUST NO. LflRVflE/1000 n? TEnPERRTURE DfiY NIGHT t t lit I ii< < i# 4 I > 4 i> « "< « I > I I II .H 0 4 e 12 16 20 24 28 32 22.0 22.2 21.0 21.5 16.9 n.4 21.4 n.8 22,0 22.2 21.9 21.8 21.9 17.8 21.2 19.0 22.6 22.2 22.3 22.0 22.2 22.0 21.6 20.6 22.6 22.0 22.3 22.0 22.3 22.0 21.6 21.0 22,5 21.3 22.5 20.9 21.9 20.9 23.0 21.3 22.2 21.0 23.0 21.3 22.8 21.3 Fig. 42. Continued. 273 10 mm and were found at intermediate depths within the water column, which also led to many this size being entrained (Figs. 42, 43). Early-occurring pelagic sculpin larvae were also evident during 1979 and 1980 (Jude et al. 1980, 1981a) in our study area. The vast majority of sculpin larvae were found at depth contours of 9 m or greater which was characteristic of all sampling years when very young larvae were collected {1979-1981). Densities of larvae during this period (no. of larvae/1000 m^) ranged from 17 to 42 in 1979, 15 to 40 in 1980 and 28 to 61 in 1981. No slimy sculpin larvae were collected in 1978 and the earliest occurring larvae may not have been susceptible to capture in 1977 since our sampling did not begin until late June. Timing of the first appearance of slimy sculpin larvae in our study area was affected mainly by water temperature. No doubt, onset of spawning activity as well as the incubation period of eggs and subsequent duration of the yolk-sac stage are all temperature mediated. It is interesting to note that water temperatures at time of capture of the earliest occurring larvae were inversely related to the timing of first occurrence such that water temperatures were highest in years when larvae appeared earliest in the season. In 1979 when larvae (9-14 mm) were first collected in early July, water temperatures ranged from 5.7 to 8.0 C. In 1980 water temperatures of 13.8-14.7 C were recorded in late June when larvae (7-9 mm) first appeared. The earliest occurrence of larvae (7-10 mm) in the 5 yr of field sampling was in early June 1981 when water temperatures had reached 13.5 C. By mid-June 1981 slimy sculpin larvae collected in the study area were 10 to 12 mm in length and appeared to resume a more benthic existence (Figs. 42, 43). Densities of 28 and 39 larvae per 1000 m^ were estimated at the 8.5- and 9.0-m strata of station N (9 m, north) respectively (Appendix 9). The next and final occurrence of sculpin larvae during 1981 was in August when water temperatures in excess of 20 C were recorded (Fig. 12). Again, larvae were concentrated at or near the bottom (Fig. 42). However, greatest densities were found farther offshore [12-98 larvae/1000 m^ at station W (15 m, north), 28 larvae/1000 m^ at both E (12 m, south) and F (15 m, south)] in August than in June. Similarly August marked the final occurrence of larvae in the study area in both 1979 and 1980, and they were generally found at greater depths than in previous months. The absence of larvae following August may be the result of offshore movement or possibly that larvae have grown to a length beyond 24.5 mm when larvae are designated fry (see METHODS - DEFINITION OF TERMS). Lengths of larvae collected in early August ranged from 12.5 to 24 mm suggesting that both explanations may be plausible. 274 UKE MICHIGAN SO- SO ^ 2-5 7 H. T 40n LAKE MICMIGAN _ STATIONS COMSINCO N. TRANSECT v| OAY-fNiCHT "^ S- 8.7 (0.4) N« 5 tS-W JUNE LAKE MICHIGAN LsTATtONS COMBINE ^. TRANSECT -rt DAY+NIGHT ^ X«11.0 (1.0) M- 2 20 5-7 AUGUST LAKE MICHIGAN STATIONS COMBINED N. TRANSECT OAY-f NIGHT X-17.9 (1.7) N- 7 20 2S 20 20 25 Si 2-4 JUNE SI LAKE MICHK^AN "^LSTATIONS COMBMEO 7s TRANSECT * OAY+NKWT X- 9.1 (0.0) Hm 1 20- 5-6 AUGUST LAKE mk:hk;an STATIONS COMBINEO S. TRANSECT DAY4-NIGHT X-18.5 (10) N- 2 Ul o a: Ul Ol ENTRAINMENT- UNIT 3, 1981 30 20 f*\ ENTRAMMENT 21 28-29 MAY h X- 8.1 (0.4) / N- 4 -UMfT 3 40 SO- 5 10 IS 20 25 40-1 g| ENTRAmMENT-UMT 3 ;| 4-5 JUNE «7X- 7 9 (0.2) N- 12 30 20- 5 10 IS 20 25 X\ ENTRAMMEKT-UNIT 3 si 10-11 JUNE 7Xm 8.0 (0.1) N- 50 5 « IS 20 25 CNTRAINMENT-UMT 3 15-18 JUNE %m 8.6 (0.1) N« 43 15 20 25 20 ttt MIXZ 40-1 30- tt- 20 25 ?| EMTRAINMEMT-UNn' 3 ^ g 1-2 JULY Ml- 10.5 (0.0) t /n* 1 30- 20- CNTRAiNMENT-UNn' 3|^ 14-15 JULY |§ X-174 (0.0) N- 1 20 25 TOTAL LENGTH (MM) Pig, 43, Length-frequency histograms for larval slimy sculpins observed in field and Unit 3 entrainment samples collected during 1981 near the J. H, Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan.^ All plankton net and sled tow samples were combined* X « mean, N « total number of larvae, standard error is given in parentheses* 275 During our 5 yr of sampling in the vicinity of the J, H. Campbell Plant 40 fish larvae samples contained slimy sculpin larvae. All but three of those samples were taken at night which suggests either daytime net avoidance or a diurnal association of larvae with protective bottom cover such as riprap, which renders them invulnerable to our sampling gear during the day. Entrainment — Until operation of Unit 3, slimy sculpin larvae were rarely entrained by the J. H. Campbell Plant. During the first 2 yr of preoperational sampling (1977-1978) no slimy sculpin larvae were collected in entrainment samples for Units 1 and 2 (Jude et al. . 1980). In 1979 an estimated 3790 slimy sculpins were entrained based on one occurrence of 2 larvae/1000 m' in mid- June. During the first complete year of operation (1981), Unit 3 entrained an estimated 1.24 million slimy sculpin larvae (Table 28). This total was sufficiently high to rank Cottus cognatus as the fourth-most abundant species entrained, comprising 12.1% of the total. As previously mentioned, highest densities of sculpin larvae in field samples were generally found at the 9- to 15-m stations. Given the infrequent occurrence of slimy sculpin larvae in Lake Michigan at stations less than 9 m in depth, it is understandable why few have been entrained by Units 1 and 2 since the inflowing cooling water |§om Lake Michigan is drawn from approximately the 6-m contour. Lotion of the Unit 3 intake structures at the 11- m contour places 'them within the zone of high larval slimy sculpin abundance. A 9.0-mm slimy sculpin larva was found in a 12 June, 1980 entrainment sample, resulting in an estimated 6,420 larvae entrained by Units 1 and 2 for 1980. An unidentified cottid larva, probably also slimy sculpin, was taken during the same sampling period with an estimated 1,910 entrained during 1980 (Table 25, Appendix 11). No slimy sculpin or unidentified cottid larvae were found in Units 1 and 2 entrainment samples from 1981. Ninety-six percent of the slimy sculpin larvae entrained by Unit 3 in 1981 were less than 10 mm TL; entrainment occurred primarily in June. First occurring in the last week of May, sculpin larvae were entrained with increasing frequency during the first 2 wk of June. Seasonal peak densities were attained during the third week of June with 202 and 147 larvae per 1000 m^ for dusk and night diel periods respectively (Fig. 44). Length- frequency histograms (Fig. 43) indicate a slight increase m the mean length of larvae over this period from 7.9 to 8.6 mm. Densities declined sharply at the end of June (10 larvae/1000 mM and early July (12 larvae/1000 mM . These larvae ranged m length from 6.5 to 10.5 mm indicating the presence of recently hatched larvae and an extension of the spawning season beyond that inferred from field larvae data. The last occurrence of 276 entrained slimy sculpin larvae was in mid-July when a 16.5-m individual was captured at night at a density of 12 larvae/1000 Coincident mid-water occurrence of 1- to 10-mm slimy sculpin larvae at 9-15-m stations during early June with high entrainment densities during that period suggests that location of the intake risers within the water column (1 to 3m above the bottom) makes them ideally located for entraining larvae in this size range. Larvae of this size, at or near the point of complete yolk absorption, appear less benthic than newly hatched (6-6.5 m) or larger larvae (>10 mm). These vertically migrating larvae may be attracted to the structures as cover, to protect them from potential predation by fish such as alewives and juvenile yellow perch. The reasons why larval sculpins, which lack a swim bladder and sensitive buoyancy control, leave the protective cover of bottom substrate for a mid-water existence are poorly understood but may very likely be related to feeding activity. Periphytic growth observed on the intake screens and possible high concentrations of potential food items may further serve to attract slimy sculpin larvae. Considering the relatively low through-screen velocity of the inflowing cooling water it seems likely that larval sculpins possessing good swimming ability could be actively moving in and out of the screens over the course of time during foraging and escape activity. Larval slimy sculpins were rarely entrained during the day (Fig. 44). Highest entrainment densities were attained at dusk and night diel periods with frequent occurrences at dawn. The near absence of day-entrained larvae reinforces the contention that larval slimy sculpins are exhibiting a diel activity pattern. Unlike field larvae observations, net avoidance would not be a plausible explanation for infrequent daytime occurrence if larvae are assumed to be swimming freely in and out of the intake screens. 24-h population and entrainment estimates-- Projected estimates of total numbers of slimy sculpin larvae passing by the intake screen over a 24-h period vs. numbers of larvae entrained over the same periods (Table 31) indicate an overwhelming effect of Unit 3, which entrained 212% of the standing crop of slimy sculpin larvae during times of peak abundance (15-16 June). However, for this species, these data may be misleading. Population values based on north transect field larvae densities probably grossly underestimate the number of larvae that are actually present in the vicinity of the intake structure. Highest densities of slimy sculpin larvae probably occur in the immediate vicinity of the riprap given the relatively high entrainment densities and association of spawners and larvae with bottom structures, such as rocks and debris. North transect sampling stations appear sufficiently distant from the riprap to 277 ENTRAINMEMT. UNIT 3, 1981 28-29 tlRY INTAKE EflP C DRY DUSK0 NIGHT 12.2 9.4 9.5 8.5 0 20 40 60 80 10-11 JUNE DflUN3 DAY 100 120 I^frflKE TEflP c NIGHT t 17.3 17.7 16.5 17.7 40 80 120 160 200 240 25-26 JUNE INTAKE TEflP C 12.0 9.5 DflUN S:^^^c^^^^ DAY DUSK 11.5 NIGHT 12.8 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14-15 JULY [NTflKE TEflP C DflUN 11.4 DRY 19.8 DUSK NIGHT 14.5 12.8 4- 5 JUNE INTAKE TEMP C H 1Z0 12JJ 12.0 12.0 100 120 15-16 JUNE INTAKE TEHP C y///////////////////////////y/////A 19.5 17.8 17.8 17.8 14.2 15.1 14.7 NO. OF LflRVflE PER 1000 m' Fig. 44. Density of larval slimy sculpins (no./IOOO m ) in weekly dawn, day, dusk and night entrainment samples at the J. H. Campbell Plant's Unit 3, eastern Lake Michigan, 1981. 278 be strongly influenced by high densities most likely occurring there. No sampling for field larvae was performed directly over the riprap at contours of 9 m or greater. The potential for entrainment of slimy sculpin larvae in future years will likely be a function of the nature and rate at which the Campbell riprap is colonized. Similar studies of riprap colonization associated with offshore water intakes at the D. C. Cook Nuclear Power Plant, southeastern Lake Michigan (1973-1979) have indicated a rapid increase in abundance of certain reef colonizers on newly laid riprap followed by several years of gradual decline and eventual stabilization of population densities (J. Dorr, unpublished data, Univ. of Mich., Great Lakes Research Division, Ann Arbor, Mich.). Early macroinvertebrate colonizers such as crayfish and snails appeared to reach peak densities within 1 yr of reef implantation. Snail abundance, however, dropped off sharply the next year, further declining the following year to an eventual level of stabilization; whereas, crayfish declined in abundance more gradually over a 4-yr period from nearly 1000 observed to less than 100. Vertebrate colonizers such as johnny darters and sculpins responded less rapidly to the presence of new structure with greatest numbers occurring 1 to 2 yr after deposition of the riprap. Johnny darter abundance decreased abruptly over the following 2 yr and appeared to taper off a year or two later. Numbers of sculpins also declined sharply in the year following peak abundance but appeared to reach a level of stabilization the following year. As observed at the J. H. Campbell Plant, greatest numbers of sculpins occurred during the spawning season, in April and May, suggesting that similar trends in abundance of sculpin larvae from year to year may be expected. Processes similar to those at Cook are undoubtedly occurring on the Campbell reef; however, the greater depth at which it is located may cause it to age more slowly. If so, then 1981 entrainment densities of slimy sculpin larvae, occurring 2 yr after completion of the Campbell intake structures and final deposition of riprap, are most likely well below densities expected to occur over the next few years. The rate of riprap colonization will determine the time at which maximum densities are reached. A period of diminishing abundance of adult and larval slimy sculpins would follow in ensuing years leading eventually (3-6 yr) to stable levels most likely less than or equal to 1981 levels. The average size of riprap boulders is larger for the Campbell reef than for Cook. Thus, interstitial spaces are larger, and the Campbell riprap may not be as good cover for organisms such as crayfish and sculpins as the Cook riprap. Possibly sculpin populations will not become as dense at Campbell as at Cook. 279 Adults- Over the 5 yr of sampling near the J. H, Campbell Plant we observed greatest abundances of slimy sculpins in the early spring and late fall. Of the 134 sculpins collected in 1981, 79 occurred in April and May, 49 in December and the remaining 6 occurred from June through October (Appendix 7). Ninety-three percent of the sculpins sampled were collected at night, with seventy-four percent occurring at deeper stations (9-15 m) . Differences in abundance between north (plant) and south (reference) stations were slight (48 at south transect stations C, 6 m, and D, 9 m, and 43 at north transect stations L, 6 m, and N, 9 m). However, diver observations combined with a general knowledge of the association of sculpins with bottom structures such as rocks and debris suggested that numbers of sculpins inhabiting the riprap greatly exceeded those on the adjacent sand substrate where our north plant transect stations are located. Therefore, it is expected that there is a greater abundance of slimy sculpins in the plant-influenced area (including the riprap) than in the reference area, 4.8 km south of the plant. The occurrence of slimy sculpins in nearshore areas in the spring most likely represents a small percentage of the overall spawning population in the region. Data of Wells (1968) suggest most spawning occurs between 31 m and 73 m. Known ^ deposit egg masses on the undersides of rocks and large piec^ of debris (Roster 1936), slimy sculpins on the nearshore fringe of the population would likely be attracted to riprap covering the intake and discharge pipes. Diver observations verified this contention with the collection of an egg mass on 18 June 1980 (water temperature 10 C) which was attached to a small piece of riprap, 2-5 cm in diameter (Jude et al. 1981a). A similar occurrence was reported by Jude et al. (1979b) when a slimy sculpin egg mass was collected from the riprap covering the offshore intake structure at the D. C. Cook Nuclear Power Plant, southeastern Lake Michigan. The low numbers of slimy sculpins occurring in our study area during summer months, and their recurrence in December, were most likely due to the suitability of inshore water temperatures. Laboratory studies suggest the preferred temperature for this species ranges from 9 to 12 C depending upon acclimation temperature (Otto and Rice 1977). However, field observations of Rottiers (1965) indicate a preferred water temperature of 6 C and Wells (1968) reported that this species was most frequently collected at temperatures of 4-5 C. 280 Gizzarcj Shad Introduction — Gizzard shad spawning takes place from April to July (Bodola 1966; Smith 1979) in sloughs, ponds, lakes or large rivers (Miller 1960). Near the Campbell Plant there was apparently no gizzard shad spawning activity in Lake Michigan, Pigeon Lake or Pigeon River. Data collected during 1977-1980 suggested gizzard shad spawn in the discharge canal; spawning probably also occurs in the Grand River (Jude et al. 1979a). Larvae- — Seasonal distribution — During 1977-1980 larval gizzard shad occurred in the study area from May to July in densities up to 175 larvae/1000 m^ . During 1981 gizzard shad larvae were relatively scarce, being caught only during June at 6, 9 and 12 m (north) and at 15 m (south). Densities ranged from 27 to 56 larvae/1000 m^ (Appendixes 9 and 10). All gizzard shad larvae from the plant transect were recently hatched (2.5 to 3.5 mm); whereas, a single larva captured at the reference transect measured 6.5 mm. These larvae may have been carried by currents from the discharge canal or from the Grand River. Entrainment — Units 1 and 2, 1980 and 198 1-— Gizzard shad larvae were entrained at low densities (2-8 fish/1000 m^) during late May and early June 1980 (Appendix 11). From these densities, 27,700 larvae were estimated to have been entrained (Table 27). No gizzard shad were found in Units 1 and 2 entrainment samples in 1981. Unit 3 — At Unit '3 intakes, gizzard shad were entrained during 20-21 July and 6-7 August at a mean density of approximately 1 larva/1000 m^ (Appendix 14). Entrained gizzard shad larvae (3 and 4 mm) were approximately the same size range as those collected in Lake Michigan during June and probably had similar origins (i.e., the discharge canal or the Grand River). Young-of-the-Year , Yearlings, and Adults — Gizzard shad were caught during 1981 in numbers, patterns, and at temperatures similar to other years. YOY were present in our sampling area from August through October (Appendix 7), and were collected in small numbers (1-24 fish), mostly in seine and trawl hauls. 281 Yearling (^50-130 mm) and adult (k/^140-690 mm) gizzard shad were collected from April through November, generally at temperatures exceeding 10 C. Monthly catches ranged from 1 fish in April to 34 fish in September (Appendix 7). Most yearling and adult gizzard shad were captured in gill nets at depths of 6 m or less. Of the few adult shad collected with well developed gonads, two were caught in May and four were caught in June. None of the shad that we captured during 1981 had spent gonads, again indicating that adult gizzard shad do not spawn in Lake Michigan in the vicinity of the Campbell Plant. Chinook Salmon In general, chinook salmon catch in 1981 (76 fish) was typical of catches during the past 2 sampling years. Catches at north and south transects were similar. Chinook smolts (vr70-180 mm) were collected in May (1 fish), June (27 fish), July (4 fish) and August (6 fish) (Appendix 7). Smolts were found most often at water temperatures of about 19 C, and were most susceptible to capture in seine and trawl hauls. Jack (vr200-400 mm) and adult (j^430-940 mm) chinook salmon were caught sporadically from April to November at temperatures ranging from 7 to 21 C. All jacks and adults were captured in gill nets, and 87% were caught at night. Adults with well developed gonads were present in our sampling area during August and September. Stomach contents of immature chinook included terrestrial insects, amphipods and a small alewife. Diet of adult salmon consisted mostly of alewives (75-200 mm), but smelt and unidentified (partially digested) fish were also found in adult Chinook stomachs. Coho Salmon Sixty coho salmon were collected during 1981. From 1977 to 1980, 18 to 75 coho were sampled. Catch in 1981 included 32 coho smolts (^^130-170 mm), all of which were seined in May (Appendix 7). The beach zone apparently was preferred because of food availability. Smolt stomachs contained a variety of terrestrial insects and some small fish (alewife and smelt). Smolts occupied water temperatures between 9 and 13 C, and most (91%) were caught at night. Adult coho (v/^400-640 mm) were captured sporadically throughout our sampling season; highest catches occurred in April (7 fish). May (13 fish), and November (5 fish). Adults were 282 caught in both surface and bottom gill nets, mostly at night (Appendix 7). Large coho appeared to prefer cool water temperatures (7-11 C). Coho were found with both adult and YOY alewives in their stomachs. Only two adults, one of each sex, contained well developed gonads. Both fish were caught in September. Brown Trout Brown trout catch* in 1981 was concentrated (78%) during April and May, but a few fish were caught in other months through November. Most browns (93%) were caught in water < 6 m. In total, 2 juveniles (vtI 10^160 mm) and 44 adults (.^260-720 mm) were caught in approximately equal numbers during day and night sampling (Appendix 7). During other sampling years, from 49 to 114 brown trout were collected (Jude et al. 1981a). Predominance of brown trout in the spring was probably related to water temperature and food availability. Brown trout were caught mostly at water temperatures between 7 and 11 C, although a few^ individuals were caught at higher temperatures up to 21 C. Brown trout were voracious piscivores, foraging mostly on alewives. Sculpins and smelt were occasionally consumed. One 685-mm female had 19 alewives, from 60 to 140 mm in length, and 5 other unidentified (half-digested) fish in its gut. Many other brown trout contained from 5 to 15 fish in their stomachs. Brown trout spawning occurs during fall in Lake Michigan near the Campbell Plant (Jude et al. 1981a). A few browns collected in 1981 had well developed gonads in September. Emerald Shiner Introduction — The emerald shiner is a pelagic species characterized by extreme fluctuations in abundance (Scott and Grossman 1973). In Lake Michigan emerald shiner populations have declined drastically since the 1950s, coincident with the increase in alewife populations (Wells and McLain 1972). During 1981, we collected 32 emerald shiners, down from 247 in 1980. However, our catches during 1977-1979 ranged from 1 to 50 emerald shiners. Our catch is unpredictable due to schooling behavior and movements and may or may not reflect population levels. Emerald shiners in the vicinity of the Campbell Plant spawn during June and July, probably in Pigeon Lake (Jude et al. 1981a). Adults move offshore after spawning, return to the beach zone of Lake Michigan in autumn, then overwinter offshore. 283 Larvae — During 1977-1980, newly hatched emerald shiner larvae were collected most frequently at relatively shallow north transect stations (1-9 m); highest densities were at beach stations. Older larvae and juveniles were sometimes collected out to 15-m stations. In 1981 emerald shiner larvae were collected in field samples only at beach station R (north discharge) in early July. Density was 132 larvae/1000 m^. Emerald shiner larvae were rare in 1981 compared with 1979 and 1980, although they were never abundant during preoperational years. Changes in abundance of larvae in our samples were probably due to patchy distribution and natural population fluctuations. No emerald shiner larvae were collected in Unit 3 entrainment samples. Emerald shiner larvae were found in 1981 Units 1 and 2 entrainment samples only on 1 July, at a density of only 4 larvae/1000 m^. During 1980, emerald shiner larvae were found in entrainment samples on 12 June, 17 July and 15 August, at densities of 2-3 larvae/1000 m^ . An estimated 15,400 emerald shiner larvae were entrained by Units 1 and 2 during 1981, compared with none in 1977, 9830 in 1978, 321,000 in 1979 and 13,200 in 1980 (Jude et al. 1980; Tables 25, 26). Difficulty in identifying emerald shiner larvae may cause these estimates to be low, as some emerald shiner larvae may have been called spottail shiners. Juveniles and Adults — Age-groups of emerald shiners were separated using data from Flittner (1964), Fuchs (1967) and our study (Jude et al. 1981a). As in preoperational years, emerald shiner YOY, yearlings and adults were collected only by seine, mostly at plant transect beach station R. Eighteen emerald shiners (which were probably YOY), ranging in length from approximately 25 to 44 mm, were seined during September and October. Two YOY, 25.5 and 34.0 mm TL, were found in Units 1 and 2 entrainment samples during October and November. The rest of our 1981 catch may have been yearlings. Two fish collected in April were 25-54 mm TL. Yearling or adult emerald shiners collected from August to October were 45-84 mm TL, and all had either immature or only slightly developed gonads. During 1977-1980, we collected emerald shiners up to 104 mm TL. Water temperatures when emerald shiners were collected during 1981 were 8-22 C. As during preoperational ye'ars, emerald shiner abundance appeared to be related more to season than to water temperature. Although catch fluctuated considerably over the 5 yr, a pattern was discernible: occasionally yearlings were 284 taken during spring, and YOY, yearlings and adults were taken during late summer and fall. The pelagic habit, schooling behavior and inshore-offshore movements of emerald shiners are probably responsible for yearly fluctuations in catch and zero catch in Lake Michigan during summer. When emerald shiners are offshore, they are in the upper water column so our bottom trawl would not capture them. Successful spawning probably takes place in Pigeon Lake and other inland waters (Jude et al. 1981a). Nine spine Stickleback Introduction — The ninespine stickleback is common in the Great Lakes basin (Scott and Grossman 1973), but is not as abundant in southeastern Lake Michigan as it is farther north (Wells 1968). Adults overwinter in deep water and usually move inshore in May, then spawn from June through August (Jude et al. 1981a). During 1977-1980, ninespine sticklebacks comprised 0.1-0.5% of our catches. From 133 to 414 were collected each year (Jude et al. 1981a). However, in 1981 only 32 ninespine sticklebacks were collected, comprising only 0.02% of the total catch. During 1981, spawning of sticklebacks appeared to be earlier than usual, and offshore movement may have decreased catches. Slimy sculpins, which prefer rocky areas as sticklebacks are believed to, were slightly less numerous in our 1981 catches (134) than in 1980 catches (163). Low catches of sticklebacks may have been caused by riprap which attracted them to such an extent that few were captured at north transect sampling stations. Larvae — Seasonal distribution — During our preoperational study, spawning took place in 12- to 15-m water (probably also deeper) as newly hatched larvae were only collected at these depths. Older larvae and fry were collected at all depths sampled (1-15 m), indicating dispersal after leaving nests. Both larvae and adults appeared to prefer bottom strata. Ninespine stickleback larvae increased in abundance near the J. H. Campbell Plant during preoperational years (Jude et al. 1981a), but decreased in 1981. Apparently spawning sticklebacks were attracted to the riprap which was deposited from 1978 to 1980. In 1981, only three stickleback larvae were collected in field samples, in mid- June at stations L (6 m, north) and C (6 m, south) and in early August at station A (1.5 m, south). These larvae were not newly hatched, and the ones collected at the reference transect were larger (12-17.5 mm TL) than the larva at the plant transect (8 mm) . 285 Entrainment — In 1981 ninespine stickleback larvae were entrained from 15 June through 17 August. Densities were lower, 3-12 larvae/1000 m\ than field densities of 28-40/1000 m^. Larvae entrained were 7-15 mm TL, not newly hatched (Fig. 45), ENTRAINMENT- UNIT 3, 1981 40- S 1 ENTRAINMENT-UNIT 3 8| JUNE-ALL PERIODS ^L COMBINED H 30- /x« 8.0 (0.0) Z Urn 1 UJ o a: 20- UJ CL 10- 30- 20 10- UNIT 3 PERIODS N« 6 40 30 20 ! S| ENTRAINMENT-UNIT 3 2 AUGUST-ALL PERIODS •"LCOMBINED /x-11.1 (3.8) ^ N« 2 20 25 20 25 20 25 TOTAL LENGTH (mm) Fig. 45. Length-frequency histograms for larval ninespine sticklebacks observed in Unit 3 entrainment samples collected during 1981 near the J. H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan. X « mean, N « total number of larvae, standard error is given in parentheses. Extrapolating 1981 entrainment sampling data for the entire year showed an estimated 68,000 ninespine stickleback larvae were entrained by Unit 3. Units 1 and 2 entrained fewer stickleback larvae: none in 1977, 1979, 1980 or 1981 and an estimated 16,500 in 1978 (Jude et al. 1980; Tables 25, 26). However, abundance in Unit 3 entrainment samples was not due to the arrangement or location of intake screens; rather, the ninespine sticklebacks to the area of were entrained. Presumably this local affect the main Lake Michigan sticklebacks, since they prefer spawning 11-m intake depth (Jude et al. 1981a). periphyton and fauna provide a food provided by sand substrate. Unit 3 riprap attracted the intakes, where larvae concentration would not population of ninespine in deeper water than the Additionally, riprap source better than that 24-h population and entrainment estimates — Based on 15-16 June 1981 collections of ninespine stickleback larvae (night data only), 48,200 larvae were estimated to be in the vicinity of the Campbell Plant (Table 31). During this 24-h period, an estimated 4,400 ninespine stickleback larvae were entrained, representing 286 9% of the proximate population. However, this comparison ignores utilization of riprap for spawning which would concentrate stickleback larvae around that area. There were probably greater densities of larvae around the riprap than over sandy substrate at the north transect. In 1977 to 1978, before the present intake and discharge structures and riprap were in place, fewer stickleback larvae were collected, indicating spawning was not concentrated and was mostly taking place in deeper water. By 1980 larvae were collected frequently and it was speculated that spawning occurred on the riprap because of a concentration of sticklebacks there. Data from 1981 show ninespine stickleback larvae appeared more frequently in entrainment samples than in field samples, although entrainment densities were low. Frequency of stickleback entrainment indicates the local population of ninespine sticklebacks may have been attracted to the riprap, built nests and spawned there more than over sandy substrate at the north transect. During 1981, no newly hatched larvae were collected in field or entrainment samples, in contrast to previous years. This suggests riprap provides good nesting habitat where larvae are protected from entrainment and currents. After yolk absorption, larvae became f ree~swimming and dispersed. At that time some larvae in the intake area moved up in the water column and became vulnerable to entrainment. This would explain the difference between entrainment and field collections. Adults-— During 1981, no YOY ninespine sticklebacks were collected in adult and juvenile fish sampling gear. Yearling sticklebacks could not be distinguished from older ones by size, and yearlings may spawn (Jones and Hynes 1950); therefore, yearlings were considered together with adults in this report. During 1981, adult ninespine sticklebacks were collected from May to July, mostly at deeper stations (9-12 m); most were trawled. For the first time during our study, one was collected in a bottom gill net. Fish with ripe-running or spent gonads appeared May through July instead' of June through August as in preoperational years, indicating early spawning in 1981. Twenty- three females and three males were collected during 1981, which was similar to the unbalanced sex ratio seen in preoperational years (Jude et al. 1981a). Due to the preference of ninespine sticklebacks for deeper waters, many were often collected at station F (15 m, south) during 1977-1980. During 1981 we did not trawl at station F. That,^ in combination with attraction to the riprap, early spawning and subsequent offshore migration, may have accounted for the large decrease in stickleback abundance in our 1981 collections. Sticklebacks were not seen on the riprap by scuba 287 divers, however, these fish are small and may stay down in the rock crevices. Distribution of larvae indicates adults must have spawned on the riprap. Rainbow Trout Eighteen rainbow trout were captured during 1981 sampling. Catch data indicated that 1 1 C was the most favored water temperature, although some rainbows were caught in water ranging from 7 to 23 C. Rainbow trout appeared in samples from April through November, with greatest catches occurring during spring and fall (Appendix 7). Breakdown of catch according to gear type was as follows: bottom gill nets — six fish; surface gill nets — eight fish; seines — four fish. From 8 to 26 rainbows were caught during other sampling years (Jude et al. 1981a). Only two immature (./"1 10-150 mm) rainbow trout were collected, one each in June and July. In general, adult fish (j"240~790 mm) had slight to moderate gonadal development in spring and well developed gonads in fall. Catch data from 1979 indicated that spring-spawning rainbows also may occur in the study area (Jude et al. 1981a). Food items of rainbow trout caught in 1981 included alewives, rainbow smelt, and terrestrial insects. Common Carp Introduction — The carp is a native of Asia, widely introduced and naturalized in North America. Although common in inland waters such as Pigeon Lake, carp are not collected frequently in Lake Michigan near the Campbell Plant. Some carp larvae in Lake Michigan originate in inland waters and drift to the lake (Jude et al. 1981a), while others are known to originate from spawnings in the vicinity of the D. C. Cook Nuclear Plant warm-water discharge in southeastern Lake Michigan (Jude et al. 1979b). Absence of YOY and yearling carp from Lake Michigan signifies inland waters such as Pigeon Lake serve as nursery areas. During 1977-1979 a few immature carp were collected in Pigeon Lake. Each year of our study, a few adult carp were collected in Lake Michigan. Larvae-- Seasonal distribution — During preoperational years, 1977-1980, carp larvae were collected from Lake Michigan from mid-May through September. Occurrence of larvae was, however, discontinuous and sporadic, indicating spawning at different 288 times by several populations (Jude et al. 1981a). In 1977-1978, when the Campbell Plant discharge was onshore, carp larvae were most abundant at north transect stations 1-3 m in depth. When the offshore discharge structure was completed in 1979, carp larvae began to be more abundant at deeper stations (6-15 m). This pattern indicates that the Campbell Plant discharge system and Pigeon Lake were major sources for carp spawning and larvae production in our study area. It is likely that carp spawned both in the discharge canal and in the thermal plume in Lake Michigan. Few carp larvae were collected during 1981 in field samples. Carp larvae were captured in Lake Michigan only in mid-June at station W (15 m, north). Densities were low, 17-19 larvae/1000 m^. Larvae were 5.5-6.0 mm TL. Entrainment — Unit 3 entrainment samples yielded carp larvae on 11 June and 9 July; densities were 3-12 larvae/1000 m^. An estimated 30,700 carp larvae were entrained by Unit 3 for the entire year. Units 1 and 2, in contrast, entrained an estimated 1.5 million carp larvae in 1978, 11.2 million in 1979, 2.65 million in 1980 and 3.35 million in 1981. These larvae originated from the Pigeon Lake system which is much more productive than Lake Michigan in termis of carp populations (Jude ^ et al. 1980). A spawning population of carp inhabits the intake '^ canal of Units 1 and 2, which causes many carp larvae to be entrained by these units, in addition to those produced in Pigeon Lake. Carp was the third-most abundant species in 1981 entrainment samples from Units 1 and 2, comprising 15.1% of the total estimated loss (Table 26). During 1980, carp was the fourth-most abundant species entrained by Units 1 and 2 (1.4% of total - Table 25). During 1981, densities ranged up to almost 200 larvae/1000 m^ peaking in mid- July; in 1980, peak density was 440 larvae/1000 m^ on 3 July. Carp larvae were entrained by Units 1 and 2 from 29 May to 25 August 1981, and from 22 May to 15 August 1980. Most carp larvae were from entrainment samples collected at night. All carp larvae in Unit 3 entrainment samples were newly hatched (< 6 mm TL), but samples from Units 1 and 2 included larger larvae, up to 15.5 mm during 1981. Newly hatched larvae continued to appear in entrainment samples from Units 1 and 2 through mid-August in both 1980 and 1981. Intake water temperatures at Units 1 and 2 were 13-23 C when carp larvae were entrained in 1981, and 11-23 C in 1980. Discharge canal samples provided more insight into carp populations. Carp larvae were more abundant in discharge canal samples than in either Lake Michigan or Unit 3 intake samples (discharge canal densities were 6-322 larvae/1000 mO. Also, carp larvae were more abundant in discharge canal samples than any other species. A spawning population of carp inhabits the discharge canal, which was shown by the presence of carp larvae 289 in discharge samples and capture of seven adult carp by gill nets set in the canal. Scarcity (compared with carp) of more abundant species such as larval alewife and spottail shiner in discharge samples suggests that either most larvae are dead when discharged from the plant, so do not reach the discharge pumps, or if they survive, do not grow and successfully spawn in the canal. The higher thermal tolerance of carp permits them to spawn, and their larvae to survive, at higher temperatures than other species common to our study area (Pitt et al. 1956; Reutter and Herdendorf 1974). Adults — No YOY or yearling carp were collected in the plant vicinity during 1981, just as none were collected during 1977-1980. Lake Michigan is not a favorable nursery area for carp. However, 15 adult carp were collected during 1981, similar to our catches in previous years. Fourteen were gillnetted, and one was trawled. Ten were collected in September and October, in contrast to preoperational years, when catch was relatively constant through the sampling season. Carp were collected at 1.5- to 6-m stations at the reference transect and 6- and 9-m stations at the plant transect. As in preoperational years, carp appeared to prefer inshore waters, although none were seined during 1981, probably because they easily avoided our seine. During both 1980 and 1981, several carp were collected at station N (9 m, north) which may indicate carp extend their range offshore somewhat due to the presence of the riprap and/or warmer waters from the Campbell Plant discharge. Seven male carp and eight females, with slightly to well developed gonads, were collected during 1981. Fish with the most highly developed gonads appeared from April to June. Carp we collected ranged in size from 585 to 784 mm, and water temperatures were 6 to 22 C. Lake Whitefish Only 13 lake whitefish were collected near the Campbell Plant during 1981, down from 75 in 1980. No YOY or yearling lake whitefish were captured during 1981. Most lake whitefish were taken in bottom gill nets. Fish captured in gill nets ranged from 215 to 674 mm TL. One fish in the 700-mm length interval was trawled. Five males and four females were collected, with slightly to well developed gonads. Water temperatures at times of collection ranged from 4 to 20 C. All were taken April through August. 290 There was no noticeable pattern of depth distribution. No lake whitefish were collected during the fall. They were also absent during fall of preoperational years (Jude et al. 1981a), indicating most may spawn elsewhere (see RESULTS AND DISCUSSION - Unidentified Coregoninae, Larval). During the summer most lake whitefish inhabit deeper water than we sample (Van Oosten et al. 1946). During 1981 all lake whitefish were collected at night. Amphipods, snails, and chironomid larvae were observed in lake whitefish stomachs. Shorthead Redhorse The shorthead redhorse inhabits lakes more commonly than other redhorses (Becker 1976) . During 1981, we collected 13 shorthead redhorses, equaling our catch for -1977-1980 combined. The seasonal distribution pattern was similar to that observed in 1977-1980, as shorthead redhorses were collected from June to October, most at nearshore stations but a few out to 9 m. All were taken in bottom gill nets during the 5 yr. Shorthead redhorses collected during 1981 ranged in size from 365 to 514 mm. Seven females and' three males were observed, none in spawning condition. Water temperatures when shorthead redhorses were collected were 10-22 C. Silver Redhorse The silver redhorse primarily inhabits rivers (Becker 1976). Silver redhorses collected during 1981 in the Campbell Plant vicinity were similar in abundance, distribution and season of occurrence to those taken during preoperational years. All 12 were collected by bottom gill net, most at 1.5- and 3-m stations, but a few as deep as 9 m. Silver redhorses were collected from August to November. Six males and six females were captured, ranging in size from 485 to 614 mm. None were ripe-running or spent. Water temperatures were 8-22 C. Burbot Introduction — The burbot inhabits deep waters of lakes, coming inshore to spawn during midwinter (Scott and Grossman 1973). Adult burbot were infrequently collected at the Campbell Plant, as we did not sample deep enough water or sample during midwinter. Burbot 291 larvae were collected more often than adults over the 5 yr. Winter impingement sampling and Units 1 and 2 entrainment indicate burbot spawn in Pigeon Lake (Jude et al. 1980, 1981a). Larvae — No burbot larvae were found in Lake Michigan • collections during 1981, unlike preoperational years, when burbot larvae usually appeared from April to June (Mansfield et al. in press). During 1978-1980 newly hatched larvae occurred at densities of hundreds/1000 m^ at beach stations (Jude et al. 1981a). There were no burbot larvae in Unit 3 entrainment samples, probably because burbot larvae are more abundant in the beach zone than at the intake depth, and apparently not many burbot spawned in Lake Michigan in the vicinity of the plant during 1981. Units 1 and 2 entrained burbot larvae from 9 April to 4 May 1981 and 15 to 23 May 1980. Densities were low in samples from both years, 1-6 larvae/1000 m^ . Larvae were newly hatched (3.0-4.5 mm TL). An estimated 54,000 burbot larvae were entrained by Units 1 and 2 during 1981. Yearly entrainment of burbot larvae fluctuated greatly during our study, with 1.56 million estimated entrained during 1978, only 810 in 1979 and 15,900 in 1980. Presence of burbot larvae in Units 1 and 2 entrainment samples in 1981, while none were found in field samples, indicates nearly all spawning that year was in Pigeon Lake or Pigeon River. Adults- No YOY or yearling burbot were collected in the plant vicinity during 1981. However, more adults were taken during 1981 (12) than all preoperational years put together (6). Two were taken during spring, the rest during fall. Eleven were collected by bottom gill net, and one was trawled. All were collected at the plant transect, in contrast to previous years, when burbot were collected at the reference transect as well. Burbot may be attracted to the riprap; one was seen there by scuba divers. Buibot collected during 1981 ranged from 335 to 524 mm TL. Most burbot were collected at cool water temperatures, 8-14 C. Six males and six females were taken, most with slight or moderate gonad development. Walleye Ten walleyes were collected in Lake Michigan during 1981, all in the fall (Appendix 7). All were caught at night in bottom gill nets when water temperatures were between 9 and 13 C. 292 Walleyes were caught at ^ .5- , 3-, and 6-m stations, and were found at both north and south transects in October. During November y walleyes were captured only at the north transect in water from 6 to 9 m deep. Captured fish were between 255 and 574 mm in length and generally had moderately or well developed gonads. Alewives and rainbow smelt were found in walleye stomachs. During previous sampling years, walleyes were collected in Lake Michigan only in 1978 (seven YOY) and 1980 (three adults). Adult walleyes may be attracted to the Campbell riprap to forage (Jude et al. 1981a) . Bluntnose Minnow The bluntnose minnow is common in inland waters (Becker 1976), including Pigeon Lake (Jude et al. 1981a), but was not frequently collected in Lake Michigan during our study. Fifteen were collected during 1978, four during 1979 and five during 1981. Most were collected by seine and two by trawl during our study, indicating use of the beach zone but usually not open water. Bluntnose minnows were collected during April, September and October 1981. All were immature or sex could not be determined. Bluntnose minnowsj^aken in 1981 were 25-64 mm in length. Water temperatures^t times of collection were 6-20 C. No bluntnose minnow larvae or fOY were collected during 1981. Channel Catfish Channel catfish were rare in our Lake Michigan samples taken from 1977 to 1981. Catch in any given year never exceeded 10 fish. Catfish we collected are believed to have migrated into Lake Michigan from large river systems (Jude et al. 1981a). This migration has usually occurred around August in the vicinity of the Campbell Plant. Five channel catfish were caught during 1981 (Appendix 7). One YOY (70-mm length interval) was collected in a trawl haul (6 m, south) in September. Water temperature the night of capture was 23 C. Four adult catfish (wr^450~580 mm) were gillnetted in water 6 m or less in depth. Adults were captured in June, August and September at water temperatures ranging from 17 to 21 C. All but one adult were collected at night. Catfish with well developed gonads were caught in June (one male) and September (one female); a female that had recently spawned was caught in September. No catfish with well developed or spent gonads had been caught during previous sampling years. 293 Quillback Quillbacks inhabit several tributaries of Lake Michigan near the Campbell Plant (Becker 1976), including the plant discharge canal. From inland waters, quillbacks occasionally move into Lake Michigan, where we collected six during 1977-1980 and four during 1981. Quillbacks were gillnetted during April, June and August 1981 at stations 1.5-9 m in depth. Two males and two females were collected, including a spent female taken in August, indicating summer spawning. In late April 1978, a quillback larva was collected, probably originating from the discharge canal (Jude et al. 1981a). Individual quillbacks may spawn at widely differing times in our study area, most likely triggered by water temperature. Quillbacks collected during 1981 were 405-444 mm in length. Water temperatures when quillbacks were taken were 8-20 C. Freshwater Drum Three freshwater drums (201-342 mm) were caught in night bottom gill nets set in October 1981 (Appendix 7). Drums were taken at both transects (one fish at 6 m, north, and two fish at 3 m, south). All three drums had slightly developed gonads. Only one fish had food in its stomach. Water temperature when drums were captured was 11 C. The freshwater drum is rare in Lake Michigan near the Campbell Plant; only two specimens were collected from 1977 to 1980 (Jude et al. 1981a). Their occasional appearance in Pigeon Lake and Units 1 and 2 impingement samples (Jude et al. 1979a) indicated that a small population of freshwater drums may inhabit the Pigeon Lake area. As would be expected from the low density of adults, no larval drums were collected in the area of the plant. Deepwater Sculpin Introduction — The deepwater sculpin is distributed from approximately 50 to 200 m in Lake Michigan (Deason 1939). Adults were seldom collected during our study; however, larvae were collected with some regularity. Because of their pelagic existence, deepwater sculpin larvae tend to drift or swim inshore (Jude et al. 1981a; Mansfield et al. in press). In addition, during winter some adults may move inshore to spawn, but this has not been documented. Times when larvae were collected indicate spawning occurred from early winter to early spring (Jude et al. 1981a). 294 Larvae-- Sieasonal distribution — Deepwat€jr sculpin larvae were collected from February through August during the preoperational study (Jude et al. 1981a). Peaks oi: occurrence were usually from March through early May, according to Units 1 and 2 entrainment sampling. In 1981 deepwater sculpin larvae were collected in field samples only on 18-19 May, which was later than usual. Presumably temperature controls time of hatching, and currents may affect temperature at the incubation site and patterns of dispersal. This complexity makes it difficult to predict times of abundance. During our study, 1977-1981, larvae were generally more abundant at 12-15 m than nearshore, although they were collected as shallow as 3 m. In contrast to the demersal habits of adult sculpins, sculpin larvae are pelagic. Deepwater sculpin larvae occurred throughout the water column, including one collected in 1981 at the surface stratum of station N (9 m, north) (Fig. 46). During 1981, more deepwater sculpin larvae were collected at the plant transect than the reference transect. Deepwater sculpin larvae collected in July or August were somewhat larger (18-20 mm) than those collected during spring (8-16 mm); summer occurrences were always during cold-water upwellings. Thus larvae collected in summer were not newly hatched, and inhabited deep, cool water most of the time. Deepwater sculpin larvae were scarce in the inshore zone after spring, which we attribute to offshore dispersal by currents or an active attempt by larvae to inhabit deep water. Entrainment -"Deepwater sculpin larvae were taken in Unit 3 entrainment samples only on 18 May. The density of larvae was 15/1000 m% compared with values ranging from 11 to 173/1000 m^ during 5 yr of field sampling. Lengths of larvae entrained (8-10 mm) were similar to those observed in 1981 field samples on that date (Fig. 47). Unit 3 entrained an estimated 39,200 deepwater sculpin larvae during 1981 (Table 28). Units 1 and 2 entrained an estimated 227,000 deepwater sculpin larvae during 1978, 166,000 during 1979 (Jude et al. 1980) and 62,600 during 1980 (Table 25). However, during 1981, no deepwater sculpin larvae were found in Units 1 and 2 entrainment samples, eliminating direct comparison between Units 1 and 2 and Unit 3. This hinders prediction as to whether many deepwater sculpin larvae would be entrained by Unit 3 in subsequent years. Because deepwater sculpins do not spawn in Pigeon Lake, larvae entrained by Units 1 and 2 originated in Lake Michigan. Unit 3 might be expected to entrain more larvae because its intake is closer to spawning sites of deepwater sculpins. 295 18-19 MAY U 0.5 4.5 8.5 11.5 14.0 SL 15.0 {12fn-N) 0.5- 3.0 6,0 9.0 H 11.0 SL 12.0 0.5- 2.5 ;= 4.5 6.5 N - Om-N) 5 qI 8.5 Q SL 9.0- 0.5 2.0 I 4.0 -] (6ni-N) 5.5 SL 6.0-1 0.5- J 2.5 (3fn~N) SL 3.0- (1 .5(h- N) 0.5- SL 1.5 p (1m-N) 0.5- SL 1.0 TEHPERflTURE DPY NIGHT 7.9 7.0 7.6 6.6 7.3 6.3 4.5 6.3 9.0 7.0 8.8 6.5 8.5 6.3 5.0 6.3 8.9 7.5 8.8 7.0 8.6 6.9 4.5 6.9 8.9 7.0 8.6 6.8 8.6 6.7 6.0 6.7 6.0 7.0 6.5 7,0 6.0 7.0 8.5 7.5 8.5 7,5 9.0 8,0 8,5 8.0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 NO, LflRVRE/1000 ^ B'ig* 46. Density of larval deepwater sculpins (no./IOOO mM at north and south transect stations near the J. H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan, 18-19 May 198U Q * day, ■ « night, SL = sled. 296 18-19 MAY (1^- S) 43-1 •3 M.0 SL 15.0 (i:^- S) 0.5 xo &0 SL 12.0 0.5 2.5 oP-s)i '-'^ gZ 8.5 i^ SL 9.0^ (6ffi-S) (3r-S) 0.5- 2.0 4.0 5.5 H SL 6.0 0.5 2.5- SL 3J- 11.^- S) 0.5- SL U5 P 0.5 SL 10 TEnPERflTURE DAY NIGHT 6.0 7.0 7.8 6.5 6.9 6.5 5.5 6.0 8.0 7.0 7.8 6.8 7.4 6.5 6.0 6.0 7.7 7.0 7.5 6.9 7.2 6.7 6.0 6.5 jCi W' 8.0 ,.0^ g 7.9 6.9 7.8 6.9 6.0 6.0 7.5 6.0 7.0 6.0 7,0 6.0 8.0 6.3 7.5 6.3 8.0 7.0 8.0 7.0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 NO. LflRVflE/1000 in* Fig. 46. Continued. 297 LAKE MICHIGAN «-« MAY Z 30- UKC MICHIGAN STATIONS coMeweo N. TRANSECT 0AY«»>NI6HT UJ o QC 20- .fcV'"' it »- 1 III 30- ;(| 18-19 MAY St i>*| CNTRAiNMCNT- II 1S-16 MAY W h X- 5.0 (0.0) 30 20 20 25 ^1 CNTRAINMeNT 2;| 4-6 JUNE 19 ""> X- 5.1 (0.2) 7 N.9 UNITS 1*2 1980 30 20- 20 25 I ENTRAINMENT -UNITS 142 11-12 JUNE 1980 3(« 4.0 (0.0) 20- 20 25 M ENTRAINMENT- >| 24-25 JUNE h X- 5.2 (0.2) / N- 8 -UNITS 1*2 1980 20 25 30- 20- UJ o Gt CL ENTRAINMENT-UNrTS 1*2 2-3 JULY 1980 X- 4.7 (0.2) N- 8 30 20 gist CMTIUINMENT-UNrrS 11^ SI SI ^'^ ^^^ ^MO *'*' X.|.7(t2) 30 20- nj S| EKTRAiNMENT-UNirS ^2 4-5 AUGUST 1980 'm 6.5 (1.5) 2 20 20 25 20 25 20 25 ENTRAINMENT-UNITS I AHD 2,1981 30 20- 10- >| CKTRAINMEN* 2 10-11 JUNE h X- 4.3 (o.i; 4 N- 2 CKTRAINMENT-UNITS ^k2 I JUNE 30 20 H CNTRAINMENT- l\ 1 JULY h Itm 4.0 (0.0) 4 N- 1 -UNITS 142 40 30 20 8||g ENTRAINMENT-UNITS 142^ " X- 5.1 (0.1) N- 2 30- 20- »• 40-1 30 20- \\\^ ENTRAINMEhrr \M 17-18 AUCUS 20 25 -UNITS 142 AUGUST 20 25 20 25 g| IfNTRAINMENT-UNrrS 142 jA 1 9-8 AUGUST 198C l,U 6.7(0.7) 20 25 I S ENTRAINMENT-UNITS 142 5 14-15 JULY X. 5.0 (0.2) 20 25 TOTAL LENGTH (MM) Pig. 48. Length-frequency histograms for larval Lepomis observed in entrainment samples at the J. H. Campbell Plant's Units 1 and 2, eastern Lake Mchigan durir^ 1980 and 1981. X = mean, N = total nunober of larvae, standard error given in parentheses. 301 Pigeon Lake during 1977-1979 (Jude et al. 1980). Entrainment of larval Lepomis was generally low during 1977-1981 probably because this species remained in the shallow water after ^ their dispersal from the nests. No Lepomis larvae were entrained at the Unit 3 intake. A few centrarchid larvae, approximately 5 mm, were observed in entrainment samples at Units 1 and 2 during late June 1980 and 1981 (Appendixes 11 and 12). These larvae were too damaged to be identified beyond the family level. Unidentified Pomoxis spp. Black crappie is a common species in Pigeon Lake. White crappie was reported to occur in Pigeon Lake (Consumers Power Company 1975), but had never been caught in the study area during 1977-1981. These data suggested that most unidentified Pomoxis spp. larvae we collected were black crappie larvae. In 1980 Pomoxis larvae were first entrained by Units 1 and 2 during mid-May at a density of 3 larvae/1000 m' (Appendix 11). Pomoxis larvae occurred at slightly higher densities (15-20 larvae/1000 mM during 23 and 29 May 1980. Entrainment of Pomoxis larvae peaked during early June in 1980 (50 larvae/1000 m') and declined sharply during late June and early July when densities of 1-5 larvae/1000 m^ were observed (Appendix 11). In 1980 no Pomoxis larvae were entrained at Units 1 and 2 after mid- July. An estimated 1.02 million Pomoxis larvae were entrained during 1980 (Table 25). In 1981 Pomoxis larvae were first observed in entrainment samples at Units 1 and 2 during late May at a density of 3 larvae/1000 m^ . Entrainment of Pomoxis larvae continued at low densities (Appendix 12) from late May to mid-June 1981. No Pomoxis larvae were entrained after 15 June in 1981. Units 1 and 2 entrained an estimated 103,000 Pomoxis larvae during 1981 (Table 26). Pomoxis larvae were generally common in Pigeon Lake during May and early June (Jude et al. 1980). Peak entrainment densities were 120 larvae/1000 m=* during early June in 1978 and 355 larvae/1000 m' during May in 1979. Lower densities observed in entrainment samples at Units 1 and 2 during 1980 and 1981 may be due to lower spawning intensity in Pigeon Lake. Pomoxis larvae were 2-2.36 mm when first hatched (Siefert 1969). Entrained Pomoxis larvae were 4 to 8.5 mm during 1980 and 4 to 9 mm during 1981, most being between 4 and 5 mm (Fig. 49). A similar size range was observed for Pomoxis larvae entrained during 1978-1979. Newly hatched larvae were probably not 302 entrained because they remained near the bottom of the nest and were therefore not vulnerable to being drawn into intake currents. Pomoxis larvae larger than than 9 mm were scarce in entrainment samples because they were able to avoid the intake current. No Pomoxis larvae were found in Unit 3 entrainment samples, probably because crappies are rarely found in Lake Michigan. ENTRAINMENT*UNITS I AND 2,1980 40 1 30 20 EKTRAINMENT-UNITS 1*2 1M0 Ol tKTRAINMEf r-l 15- ie MAY '"Ir X- 4.3 (0. 4 N- S *^T 51 EMTRAWMENT-UNITS 1*2^ MAY 19S0 30- 20 ;| ENTRAMMEN »| 22-23 MAY > Urn 4.8 (0.1 / N- 34 » 10 IS 20 2S 30- 20- l\ ENTRAINMEN ^1 28-29 MAY h X- 4.9 (0.1 / H- 23 q| ENTRAINMEKT-UNITS 1*2 MAY 1980 40-1 30- S 10 15 20 25 5 10 15 20 25 ENTRAINMENT-UNITS 142 4-6 JUNE 1980 X- 5.3 (0.2) N- 36 15 20 25 Z Ul o a: LlI 0. 30- ENTRAINMENT-UNITS 1*2 24-25 JUNE 1980 X- 4.8 (0.4) / N- 4 40 30 20 >| EKTRAINMENT || 16-17 JULY 1 b X- 5.4 (0.0) / N- 1 -UNITS 1*2 1980 5 10 15 20 25 5 10 15 20 25 40i 20 'I ENTRAINMENT. UNITS I AND 2,1981 eNTRAINMENT-UNrrS 1*2^^ 18-19 MAY X- 6.0 (15) N- 3 30 20 10- I ENTRAINMENT-UNfTS 1*2^ 29 MAY X- 4.0 (0.0) 20- l\ ENTRAir > 10-11 J % U 4.6 / N« 6 ENTRAiNMENT-UNrrS 1*2 JUNE (0.5) 20- >| ENTRAINMENT- 2 1 15 JUNE V X- 4.2 (0.0) / N- 1 UNITS 1*2 20 25 20 25 20 25 20 25 TOTAL LENGTH (MM) Fig. 49. Length-frequency histograms for larval Pomoxis observed in entrainment samples at the J. H. Campbell Plant's Units 1 and 2, eastern Lake MichJlgan during 1980 ard 1981. X = roean^ II = total number of larvae^ stcuidard error given in parentheses. 303 Lake Sturgeon The lake sturgeon has suffered the most abrupt decline of any species in Lake Michigan (Wells and McLain 1973). This species is rare in the vicinity of the Campbell Plant. One 487- mm specimen was captured in a night trawl haul in August 1981 (Appendix 7). It was returned unharmed to the lake. Water temperature at the site of capture (9 m, south) was 9 C. Two lake sturgeons were collected during other sampling years, one in July 1977 and one in May 1979 (Jude et al. 1981a). Fathead Minnow Fathead minnows were rarely collected in Lake Michigan during our study. During August 1981, one immature was seined at beach station P (south reference) at a water temperature of 17.7 C. Two fathead minnows, 35.0-35.2 mm, were taken in a sled tow during April, also at station P. A number of fathead minnows, 33-45 mm, were found in Units 1 and 2 entrainment samples during late March and April 1981 (Appendix 17). Such entrainment of fry has not happened in previous years, and fathead minnows are not particularly common in Pigeon Lake, so we surmise that most were bait minnows released by fishermen. Golden Shiner Golden shiner is a common species in Pigeon Lake. Larval golden shiners were collected in low numbers in Pigeon Lake during 1977-1979 (Jude et al. 1980). Larval golden shiner were however, not found in entrainment samples during 1977-1979 and 1981. One golden shiner larva (23.5 mm) occurred in Units 1 and 2 entrainment samples at dusk during late May 1980. Brook Silverside Adult and juvenile brook silversides were common in Pigeon Lake during 1977-1979 (Jude et al. 1980). Larvae of this species were caught in low numbers every year during 1977-1979. They were however, scarce in entrainment samples. One brook silverside larva was entrained at Units 1 and 2 in July each year during 1979-1981. Larvae were newly hatched (approximately 5 mm). No brook silverside larvae were entrained in 1977 and 1978. 304 Larqemouth Bass Largemouth bass is common in Pigeon Lake. During 1977-1979 largemouth bass larvae were caught in low numbers in Pigeon Lake, but were never found in Lake Michigan (Jude et al. 1978, 1979a and 1980). One largemouth bass larva (9.5 mm) was collected during 17-18 August 1981 at the north transect (6-m station L). This larva was probably carried by current from the discharge canal. No largemouth bass larvae were found in Unit 3 entrainment samples. Damaged Larvae During the course of sample collection there are a number of factors which may result in damaged larvae. In field samples the primary cause of damage is abrasion, which occurs when sand and other debris grind against specimens during net tows and subsequent sample processing. With few notable exceptions, highest densities of damaged larvae occurred in sled tow samples and at beach and 1.5-m stations. These areas have the greatest turbulence which causes suspended sand and debris to be in highest occurrence in the samples where they exhibit maximum abrasive effects. Another source of damaged larvae may be those larvae which died prior to our sampling and exhibit varying degrees of decomposition, often making them impossible to distinguish from larvae which were subjected to abrasion. Unlike damaged field larvae which were generally a result of sampling techniques and subsequent handling, damaged larvae occurring in entrainment samples were most likely disfigured prior to sampling. Damage incurred as a result of entrainment by Unit 3, however, should contribute relatively little to the overall abundance of damaged larvae since entrained larvae are sampled prior to passage through the plant. As in field samples, larvae which had died and were partially decomposed prior to entrainment would be expected to contribute to damaged larvae totals. When damage occurred to a larva, all practical methods were employed to identify the larva to species. In some instances, however, elimination of body parts or obscuring of pigmentation patterns precluded larva identification. When larvae were damaged beyond recognition, we speculated as to their identity based on the identity of larvae caught coincidentally in the same or adjacent samples. In 1981, 0.8 and 1.2% of the larvae collected at north and south transects, respectively, were classified as damaged. The percentage of damaged larvae observed in Lake Michigan was 2.3% 305 in 1978 and 0.5% in 1979. In general, highest densities of damaged larvae occurred during periods of greatest larval fish abundance. In order to determine the potential influence of damaged larvae on the abundance of identified larvae in the same sample, damaged larvae were proportioned among species of co-occurring larvae. Using the information in Tables 40-43, densities of damaged larvae were assigned to a particular species based on the presence of that species in the same or adjacent samples and what percentage of the entrainment sample that species represented. Only species whose length-frequency distribution for that particular sampling period overlapped with lengths of damaged larvae (Fig. 50) were assigned damaged larvae. Of the 25 north transect samples containing damaged larvae in 1981, 9 would require adjustments of more than 15% if damaged larvae were proportionally assigned to species. In four of these samples damaged larvae were the only larvae present, but occurred in densities below 35 larvae/1000 m^. On the south transect 11 of the 30 samples containing damaged larvae would require adjustment of more than 15%. Damaged larvae were the only larvae present in one of these 30 samples. As was concluded by Jude et al. (1981a), regarding the 4 yr of preoperational sampling, such adjustments in larvae abundance, if made, would not have affected our results or conclusions about any known species of larval fish in the area. Most damaged larvae found at north and south transect stations were small (5 mm or less). During 1980 damaged larvae represented 0.9% (210 of 22,795) of all larvae collected at Units 1 and 2. A higher percentage of damaged larvae (4% of all larvae collected) was observed in entrainment samples collected at Units 1 and 2 during 1981. Damaged larvae accounted for 5.5 and 4.5% of all larvae found in entrainment samples in 1977 and 1978 respectively. Low percentage of damaged larvae observed in 1980 may be due to the extreme abundance of newly hatched alewife larvae which were relatively easier to identify than other larval fish species when damaged. Of the i008 larvae collected in Unit 3 entrainment samples during 1981, 4.3% (43 larvae) were damaged. This value appears surprisingly high, for reasons previously explained, compared with percentages of damaged larvae occurring in Units 1 and 2 samples. Either Unit 3 entrainment, up to the point of our sampling, is more rigorous than expected or more damaged larvae occurring in the field are being entrained. The latter is most likely because larvae in poor condition, or dead, would not resist intake currents. 306 en c • c o u in 0) a; x: CO cn c •iH u u u u o I o u CO (n C CO u a CO ' O o m ^ a; o ••"^ u en a; a 01 xn 0) CO > CO O 4J u a tn TJ c (0 in O rH (u 00 a; in cr> f-H c rH j:) CO ns )^ -t- c CO o •»H Ul x: u • •»H in i/a CO ^ ;c: CO 4.J iJ c: x: 4-) o c £ o u c (D 4-) in co< a; a in c Q o i-H (0 (D 4J CO C > CO U rH CO Oi c: CD 0) (U cnjQ CO a CO CO no Ur-H en CD U ra Ci) CO u f3 o o o o c 0) CO > u CO en c •iH u u V V o I c u >1 4J • iH in c s O v-i CO O >ifH o 4J O •r^ 13 rH cn a)\ c cn • o c CO^ E -P 4J Ou CO 0) Ui Q 4J en c o 4J CO 4-) «-'>^ CNj C7^ vD r^ cn U.2 < < CD U Cli rH O < I/) CO iH in -CX) VD - U ^--^ tnLODU><>«QU<^^ai CtX4tH^-^>»C/)>--'--'f^X-^P^C/) vjininocTtocncnr^cncNrHO 4JroinrocniniH»HiHiHr^rHoo u O -a ^-^ C/) S-- 0) cn iH C>- ^ O CM '5J« C C^ iH < c r^ O CN C iH c^ < cj> in VD iH in ^ < J cu --^a J>-^ < cn Oi < 0 < iH w.>^ c/5 w' c '^-^ c^ cn CO w in O cn o vjD r^ ^ ^ C rH fH t^t* cn VO CO in cn C '-- fO CX) Ui CN 4: O cn lnlnlnooL^oo^o^^a^m^}*OrHCN^Hlncn^cnvJDcncNCN'<;J<^ 00 rOinCX^CTkCMOOVDiHrHOLlD^rOror^iH rHiHOrHCnrOiHiH CN iH CN rH CN CN iH oininininLnoininocDLnooLninoinoinLOinooin in • •••••••••••••••••••••••• • VDrHOCNVDCOCnOrHiHrHOrOCnCNO^^inOVDrHCO^CM O Ot-i«-4»-D22o:5;5(Xcs^^D2:»r5JJz:5a:zHHi-D»jz GO CO CO i I I 00 in in iH rH fH t I I in vo VD CO 00 00 I i I in in in rH iH rH I I I VD VO ^ rHrHrHrHrHiHrHrHrHrHrHiHiHiHfHrHiHiHrH COQOCOOOCOCOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOCOCOOOOOCOOO t I i I I I I I I i i I inLnvDiHrHrHiHrHOOOO iHrHrHOCDOOOCNCNCNCN I t I I I I I I I i i i vDvjDvor-r^r^r-r^t^t^r^r- i i I I i I I cn VD r^ r- r*- CO p*** »H O O rH iH iH rH I I I I t I I r^ 00 CO CO CO CO 00 04 00 I o I in 307 0) c •iH c o o 0) I— I JQ o o o o c 0 CO > V-i (0 c •f-l u o u u o I o u >1 4-) en c (D Q ^ > e O U (0 o >irH O 4J O •rH TJ «H W 0\ C C7^ • Q) 03 O Q e c ID a CO a; u Q 4J c o 4J ro en C/5 O O CM >^ CO CD 04 CO CNJ CM in ir> to o p ir>'^CM>^^-'CM^-^t/) ro VD iH 00 ro UD ro ^ CO 00 iH 4-^ u (U w c (0 C-^'*— 'OVD'*-^00«!j<*<^rO*w^^«-^LOCNCn(NVOCNJin^-'ir>^^CMVp*^^ ^--^ ^4 Oi < C/5 <«k«^ m,^ w^VO VD CVJ ^ 00 r^ iH CO 0) 4J (0 Q C ^*-^ *■— ' d^ VU ^-^ OU "^r ^^ r^/ ^^-^ ^"^ Uf \^ \jy \^ Vfc/ v"v ti/ '•-^ u/ '"-^ v>i >fc^ -^-^ '•^ Ui OLOL^OC7^0C7^rH^rOrHOOO^Or^OOC^JVDrOCMCOCOOCMLO 4-> CCMr^rHCMr^r^^r^rHCOChVOOOCNCr>ViDrHCOC\IiHlf>CMr^Kj^^CM CS»CMr0^rorOCMVJDCMCM'5t^OVX)CMCNfHCMrOCVJCMCN^CNrHiHiHC\jm tnoLOoinoinoLDOLnominoomoooooLOLominLOoo OVDOOrHrHrOCM^OC\IOOCriO'sOVOVD5:ji'«:} a ro 6rH C dt c u en 0) • fHI u a w O a Q) •rH (N u a c .jQ w ro ro • E- rH rH O r^ CD (D ro W CTi 0) 4J rH LO O C D a; o cn .»H c o o o o c 0) ro > u ro cn c u u u o I o o o >«1 cn c Q 0)^ ro "^ to o j-> o •r^ 13 rH c cn • 0) to o pec ro^ rH O •r^ U Q 0 a 0) ro Q CM ««».^ J »J •J ^ X K ^ **<-«* ^««' s«^ J r^ 00 rH >: ^ CNJ CsJ ro O CM CM rH CX) CNJ rH - CN CM 04 to •J a CM O GO 03 Oi Oa O4 ^--^ ><><>• S >^'-->- O4 ID CM r^^*-' in rH 00 r^ rH VD CM rH in 0. S---S--0 O4 S O4 ^ Oi S c/) S^^ CO tH ^^^CO'^WOOrHw'^-- rHVD^-^O'^-'rHrHVDr^ CM CO rH rH (^ CM .^ to X CM ^^ rH ^ O4 O4 to O rH ^ 0. O4 {H w- CM CO ^5}* CO S Q S ^ to '-D to (M CM CM (N O4 to CM (M Oi to O4 lf> cn O4 D CM ^rH S O4 to to v^ in to O4 00 CM a^ - .-K.^ .-^ 32^^^ -SiJa4'--EH ^^ tOS04Ol-^04>CtO04tJ'^D4 — 'co>Hto04 — >-'-^tj^-'aiCj rH^-^-^v-.>lrHiHCMwrOtJ^' CM VD in CM ^-^00 CO CM in >-^ in CM a\ •-in ^ ■» ^ ^ •». ^ ^^'■^■k ^ a.04^^04^-^JD4lJ»-304''--->J >4>»04>404XU<<^|J< in 00 '--' ^^^ -^ rH O (X5 ^-^ iH CMrHCMCOCDrHrHCMCO CTiCM O4 U VD' CM -O4 04 ^ 04 04 cr* ro rH ':^ 04^ to Oi ^^ to rH>-^ CM rH ro CM Oi^>1CP:^>N|tncncn^cn^:^ rorororo*'-»roroZ3-'-i-r^ro3roro QQQQ2PQQ22QQQQ OOOOOOOOOOCDOOO COGOOOOOOOOOCOOOCOOOOOCOOOCO 1 I I I I i I I I I i I i I LninvDininror^cMCMcnLn^cnKj* OOrHrHrHCMCMCNCMCMOOrHCM I i i I i I I I i I I I I I ininininininininininvDVDVDvD Day Dusk x: on •f-i 2; C ro P Dusk Nigh Dawn Dusk 0 0 00 CO 1 1 0 CO 1 0 CO 1 0 0 00 CO 1 1 0 0 00 00 1 1 1 1 CM CM 1 1 1 in CM 1 CO 0 1 i 1 CM ro 0 0 1 1 00 CO 0 0 1 i VD VD i VD 1 1 i r^ 1 309 c 4-) c o u (0 o o o o c 0) (0 > (0 en c •fH u u o f o u o >1 en c 0) Q (0 « M-i > e o u ro o >i-H o OJ o •rl ^O •-+ c C7^ -^ 0 (0 O Q e c rH O OJ -f-i Q O a 0) Q ro ^-^ CU f^ W Oi Q*^ w^w 10 '-D J E- CO Ou*-^ iJ ^ 10 iJ 5< r-4 ^ w CO rH CM Q CM CI) ou cu CO to w 0*0* ^^ ^ C/) U-^ cu-^ *^^-^ 04 CO a r- o w' vo v^ OJ iH O CN4 CM •*K*« CNJ in CO cj 04 cu en «e< rH CO ^ iH < < J < < r^ CO r* cvj vD iH VO VD ro rH in iH vo fH eg J < < a < <— -- <-^ w r- vD^*-^ in ^ CO cr> CO o CO rH LO r* ^ C^ iH CM r^ rH O4 Oj O4 ""^ U U U O4 www CO CM ^ CO-^ rsi < < < J ,J www < < en M r^ ^-^w rH CX5 o ro r^ iH iH ro CM r^ 04 E- CM < < rH CM OO^^r^CX5CDrO«d r^ vD O rH fH I I I I I I r^r^i^r^r^r^r^c^oooocoGOcooocooocrN 310 CO .M > C rH J-i •iH rH (0 ro 0) rH c a en e c (0 -fH c o u a a u o U C (D u u O u o I o en o ' cp o a to (0 en > JC 0) (0 w u ^ U-l C/5 CN O CN W T3 • ^ 0) C rH ^ 0) iH rH CL (L) WW ^0) -U C CO I— I -f-i (^ rH C CP fO JD ••-• • JZ W M-i a; u Ci^ O ^ •-• W w x: 0) E CO q; CO c a u Q) C 4J -iH CO W • »-H CO C CM 0) CJ14-) en •-I CO c X) E CO 0) CO to •— » U E-« T) O4 CO O o o o c CO > CO c •l-l :d u u o o u o w c 0) Q CO " »4-l > £ O u CO o >irH O 4J O ••H ^O rH W (D\ c cr> • O CO O Q e c co-w- rH O •.H U Q (U a 0) CO D ^ 04 s u >-^ o ^ 00 Eh u a u ID U Q ON w u3 CM a CNJ as -- U c/3 X ^^ CO CM iH ^-' (^ CNJ ViD •CO c^ co-w- OQ a Q Oi CO ^ ^ O CO-— rH fH --^ ---' CO (D>iQCOSa,(J*Ji-3 c w ^3 w a. u^ < < O CVJ>^rHw^^f\J.^w Cln(^J^HC^Jr^c^JC^JCJ^ X a CM *-^ a a >^ CO -— < a ''■^ CO S a a vj CO u u X-- p aC^CTk CM»JVD»-D ^^ U rH 00 X >^ fH w i^s^ ..CM fH^^ s a ^ as CO ^u-^ a ^>4co --"^^--'a'-^ CJ ^ws^ rH a I^ CJ Q w^ arOCTN >^C7^*— 'f-D ^ >< •-^•^ rH r^ ^-^ N-^^w ,*^^ ^CM «^ rH--^^ a •- ^ a-^^-»co •-^-*- "^ •» a CO CO a^— '^-^a^-^'^-'-^co w-iticovDacoaaa^- Oww-rHCO^-^COCOCOC^O CM';J-' ro CM a CJ in — iH a u a CO ^ C7^ a r^ CO ^ < 0) in o o rH rH C CMrOCM^CMiHCMVDrO v*D CM r^ CM 00 iH CM ^ rHOr^^iHCM^OOO rH CM kU* 4J 4J 4J 4J 4-) 4J 4-) x: jz x: Xi s: jz x: O^CJ>CT>0^>iD^CJ^>s,CJ> • r-4 -H -fH -iH f3 .r-l .»H fQ -H COCOOOOOCOCOOOOOOO i I t I I I I i t COCTiCMCnCT^CTk^fHrH CMCMiHrHCMCMOrHiH i I I I I I i I I ro^tniniDinvovovD >i cn CO -'H O 2 00 00 i i LO in rH r-i I I VD V£) X x: >t o^ cn 022 00 CO CO i I I VX) VD iH CM CM O I I I VD VD P^ 4J 4J 4J 4-> 4J 4J 4J xz xz xz xz xz xz x: >iCT^>*iCncT»CP>iCncncj»>i CO 'r^ CO 'r^ 'rH -tH ffl .fH -i-H .|H (^ 020222Q2220 cooooocooooooococoooco I I i I I I I i i t i 0^a^LnLnovDCMCM00Ln^ OOiHfHCMOfHfHiHCMCM t i t t i I I I I I I r^f^r^r^r^cocococx^ooo^ 311 tn ^-«« 0) a; ^ *J 10 ••-* 04 < > u • Ehw u o tn "w^ ro ro a (U ro -^ •-H W TD S O -- ^ w HD U -^x ^ 0) • S en CTi CTiiH in CO w (0 CO a> wcn ^ ^ Eo>.H CO — v^-K (D iH U D S TJ 0) ^^ r) w •^ a '■•^ 04 *^^ ^i»^ ^-«>k o^ c en DO OO tr) c m 0) 1-3 w v£> ^ tn^ •fH D^ J-4 CO s^ CN 'W 04 C-^ O > r^ iH i- ^ CM tH ••-4X^-1 u *-*- ^1-^ ^"^ rH ^^ CO U u-i tor) ^ 1^ 04 04 ro 4J -iH •^ OrH E -^^^^ c/) to ^ c S r^j iJ 04 U5 ^^w ^^ «. O >i cro < E-" en r^ en D-- U 0) 0) 4J C O ww-*^ VD LO ^ to ^ i-H • iH •*-* O ^-^^ ro 00 <^ wz cn ro ^ in u fH iJ *H iH -^ •- D CM-- 0) a (0 c u \ < - ^-K rD .H VO rH E- a; D • ^ ^ ^^ J in «>M^ ac Duo ^'^'-^ 04 < CO CM *. -^ £ u 0) V c 04 to w ^^ ^-^ ^-^ (0 0) (U o ^ •.>! to "^-^ CM !^ - CU D in 4J LO 1 ^^>^%^ eg VO K}< ^^ to r) in o to tn ^ r^ iH fH CO 0,^w C (0 • u to C^ CSl to E-< CM r- •fi Q) m *^i^ ^ ^1^ v«^^^ rH rH 0) 00 •- -^^ ^-^^ ro ro 0) •> in -^^--s 04 '-^ to 04 ^^ «k ^ ro 4J 0) - a 04 >* kj CO >< to «. fc^i^ «'-». ^-N^ > CJZ --to >^-^ <^^ 2 ^^ 04 a to U (0 4J S^-'w-^w^CNVD--' 04 to E-» < O CO t-H C toc^^ocnoi^o^toto^^^— -^ rH CU 0) ^-^ en ^ C^ VO CNJ CM w-^-^ in CM '^j* Ui 00 >V0 r^ CM CM M-l fH (0 •l. tk *. ^ •» •^.^-s *> o^ a ^.^--K ^<*v^i^ ^—^ ^^ 0^^ Q (D --^tO04iJDuai-3»-D ^-* *-^^^ ^^ tj in ^ c 04tnto<>Ht>^<^ ij} d. ^ a < (D a*<-^ >4v^w^^wwlf) < CO < to^ .^ E ^^P^COrHr^COV^iH '^Mi' >>-»' "(.^ ^«^ V^ U (0 C r- ^ v£> in iH fH o vo ro in ^ ^ 0) U 0) CO rH iH CO iH 00 ro rH CM ro CM fH a > in • -^ 0) --^ X CP co^ rH M-l > E rH • 0) O u 05 rD S-J ro O (0 >ifH O ^ fH VC O '^ O VO ro ro in ro ^ 14-1 ^ 4J O CNJ ro CM CN ro CM O 0) 0) .»H HD rH fH ^ CO in cu \ in (0 > c en . 0) 4J V4 0) CO c •*H C CO DEC 4J -^ fH CO ^ -.H no in CO cr> c c T3 4J 4J 4J 4^ ^ i in CT» ^ o^ o^ cn in c u •fH u (0 Z3 ••-» CO CO D •«-• CO -^ ••-< •'-* 3 D 3 D Q) D D 2 O D D 2 D z 2 z; D U a m 0) o ^ -C o rH iH fH fH rH iH iH iH fH rH rH rH 4J 1 ^f^ ro ro ro oo ro co 00 00 00 ro 00 ID v^ v^ CM o^ o -D O -u fH fH fH rH iH rH iH CM fsj O O CM (0 U u^ CO i t i 1 1 i 1 i 1 i 1 1 Ehu4 O D VD VO VD VD ViD ViD V£) VD viD P^ r- !^ 312 LAKE MICHIGAN M' 16-19 MAY LAKC MICHIGAN STATIONS C0M8INCD N. TRANSECT 0AY4-NiCHT X- 7.0 (0.0) W- 1 30- 20 20 2S i O-W JUNC UKC MICHIGAN STATIONS COMBINED N. TRANSECT 0AY<«>NICHT X- 4.7 <0.3) Ll 30- 20- 1-2 JULY LAKE MICHIGAN STATIONS COMBINED N. TRANSECT OAYnk;ht X« 4.0 (0.0) w- 20- 20 25 1B-20 JULY UKE michk;an STATIONS COMBINEO S. TRANSECT OAY-fNlGHT X- 5.0 (0.9) N- 4 "11 X 20 25 5-7 AUGUST LAKE MICHIGAN STATIONS COMBINEO N. TRANSECT OAY^fMGHT i- 3.0 (0.5) W- 2 40-1 20- 17-18 AUGUST LAKE MICHIGAN STATIONS COMBINEO N. TRANSECT DAYNICHT X- 2.5 (0.0) N- 3 20 25 1 JULY LAKE MiCHK;AN STATIONS COMBINED S. TRANSECT DAYt>NlGHT X- 6.7 (2.3) 20 25 I 17-18 AUGUST LAKE MICHIGAN STATIONS COMBINED S. TRANSECT OAY-t-NKiHT X- 7.5 (0.0) N- 1 20 25 TOTAL LENGTH (MM) 20 25 Fig. 50*^ Length-frequency histograms for damaged larvae observed in field and entrainment samples collected during 1981 near the J. H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan. All plankton net and sled tow samples were combined. Length-frequency histograms for damaged larvae entrained during 1980 were also included. X « mean, N « total number of larvae, standard error is given in parenthesis. 313 ENTRAINMENT- UNITS I AND 2,1980 30- I ENTRAIMlCNT-UNfTS 1*2 4-5 MAY 1980 X- S.2 (0.2) N« 3 30- 20 IS 20 25 11 CKTRAtNyCNT II 15-16 MAY H V X- 5.2 (0.2) / N* 10 -UNn^S 1*2 1980 I I I I 10 e 20 25 SI ENTRAINMCN Sjl 22-23 MAY •*^ X. 4 8 (0.1 / W- 14 ENTRAINMCNT-UNfTS 1*2 MAY 1980 *.\ ENTRAINMCNT- \\ 28-29 MAY 1 h X- 5.0 (0.0) / M- 1 -UNfTS 1*2 1980 15 20 25 15 20 25 20- CNTRAINMENT-UNtTS 1*2 4-8 JUNE 1980 X- 5.3 (0.6) N- 3 : 20 19-20 JUNE 1980 Xm 6.6 (15) N- 10 «) 15 20 25 « 20 25 ENTRAINMENT-UNITS 1*2*° 24-25 JUNE 1980 X- 5.4 (0.3) ' "^ 30 I ill ENTRAJNMENT-UNITS 1*2 2-3 JULY 1980 X* 4.8 (0.1) N» 41 "i" ' t t I 10 IS 20 25 z til u 30- q: u CL 20- ENTRAINMENT-UNITS 1*2 8-9 JULY 1980 X- 5.7 (0.3) N« 29 30 20 ilLL O 20 2S ENTRAINMENT-UNTTS 1*2 16-17 JULY 1980 X* 9.2 (0.9) N- 33 3 20 «- IS 20 2S .40-1 ENTRAINMENT-UNITS 1*2 22-23 JULY 1980 X- 9.4 (1.3) N- X) ' ' 30 20 15 20 25 >| ENTRAINMENT- \\ 4-5 AUGUST h X. 4.5 (0.0) / N- 1 •UNITS 1*2 1980 M '^^d. ^^' 15 20 25 30 I ^ Sgo 20 15 20 25 EMTRAtiyENT-UNlTS 1*2^ M-15 AUGUST 1980 5(«15.0 (2.8) N« 9 30 20 ENTRAINMENT-UNITS 21-22 AUGUST 1980 X-21.5 (3.5) N- 2 I f 8 ^ Si « 20 25 15 20 25 Pi ENTRAINMENT-UNITS 1*2 g 27-28 AUGUST 1980 Mt- 9.6 (0.0) /n- 1 15 20 25 30- Si EHTRAINMENT-UNITS 1*2 gl 4-5 SEPTEM8ER 1980 M(-12.0 (0.0) /n* 1 tt 20 25 TOTAL LENGTH (MM) Fig. 50. Continued. 314 ENTRAINMENT- UNITS I AND 2,1981 40 30 20 l\ CNTRAMMCNT-UMTS 1*2 '^l S||S CNTKAtNtieNT l\ 20 MARCH , 9 S 27 APRIL S » » 20 25 ^1 8| CNrRAJNMCNT-UNrrS 1*2 ^ 8 CMTRAtNllENT-UNlTS l^fc***' SO 20- »| CNrRAJNMCNT-UNrrS 1*2 ^1 •11^ CNTRAMMCKT-VMr W «-« HAY , si Is 29 MAY h X- 4.5 (0.0) y V X- 5.2 (0.7) / H- 1 30- << M- 2 5 10 O 20 25 5 « « 20 25 -VMTS lJk2'' 30 20 5 10 IS 20 25 II CNTRAiNMerfr- I 12 MAY 7 5:? MOO) UNrrs 1*2 ' ''ill T" * « IS 20 25 81 \\ CNTRAINMeNr- \\ 4-5 JUNE > X- 5.5 (0.0) < N- 1 UNITS V S » 15 20 25 ENTRAINMENT-UNrrS 1*2 io>n JUNE X- 5.4 (0.7) N- 15 5 10 IS 20 25 ENTRAMMENT-UNITS 1*2 1- M- z til o 20- o: Ul 0. »- 5 « « 20 25 ENTRAINMENT>UNrTS Ilk 25-26 JUNE X- 5.8 (0.4) N- 29 X- ».1 (2.1) 30H N- 4 ' ' 20- 10- UlL ENTRAINMENT -UNITS 1*2 ^ 1 JULY 5 « « 20 25 5 « IS 20 25 ENTRAINMENT-UNITS 1*2 9 JULY X- 4.S (0.3) N- 9 5 10 15 20 23 ENTRAMMENT-UNn^S 1*2 H-1S JULY 1(« 4.3 (0.4) 5 » « 20 25 ^^ ll ENTRAJNMENT-UNCTS II *^1 8j ENTRAINMENT-UNTTS 1*2*<^ 9 1 ENTRAJNMENT §1 20 JULY y X- 5.5 (0.0) / N- 1 20 • I I 10 15 20 25 9 1 ENTRAINMENT- S 6 AUGUST h X- 4.5 (0.0) < N« 1 5 10 IS 20 25 9| ENTRAINMENT 1^1 12 AUCUST 7 X. 5.2 (0.4) 4 N- 9 -UNITS 1*2 'Lll 10 15 20 25 ENTRAMMENT-UNOS 1*2 17-18 AUCUST X- 5.8 (0.3) N- 18 I I I « O 20 25 30- 20- Pig. 50. Continued. l\ ENTRAMMENT- \\ 25 AUCUST V S. M (0.0) UNITS 14(2 30Hn- 1 20 ENTRAMMENT-UNITS Ifi2 . 24-25 SEPTEMBER IS 5C-17.0 (0.0) h S101S2025 5W15 20 25 TOTAL LENGTH (MM) 315 ENTRAINMENT- UNIT 3, I98I 40-1 lU u a: tij CL 40 so- so- CNrRAMMeNT-uNnr 3 ^^ i- 4^ (0^) H.9 30 20 29 OfnuMMCHr-uNrr 3 V-2 JULY Im 3X (OU)) "- 1 30 20 CNrRAMMCNT-UMT 3 0->16 JUNE X- 4^ (0^) M- 29 I CMTH / Hm 1 20 29 CMTRAMMCNT-UNn' 3 JULY 9U> (0.0) 9 « O 20 29 eXTKAINIieNT-UNIT 3 29-26 JUNE X- 4.2 (0.2) N- 2 / >| EKTRAl n 20-21 > X- 4.C < N« 1 20 29 EKTRAMICKr-UNn' 3 JULY .0 iOJO) I I I ■ 1' ' "I 9 tt 19 20 29 TOTAL LENGTH (MM) Fig. 50. Continued. Densities of damaged larvae samples collected at Units 1 and larvae/1000 m^ during 1980 a during 1981. Only a few samples 40 damaged larvae/1000 m' (Table of damaged larvae in Units observed from mid-June to mid-Ju and mid-August in 1981 (Tables occurred at Units 1 and 2 when a were most abundant. were generally low. Entr 2 contained 2 to 103 nd 1 to 42 damaged larvae/ from 1980 and 1981 had mo s 41 and 42) . Highest de 1 and 2 entrainment sampl ly in 1980 and during m 41 and 42). Most damaged lewife and spottail shiner amment damaged 1000 m^ re than nsities es were id-June larvae larvae Densities of damaged larvae in entrainment samples collected at Unit 3 were also low with 11 of the 12 occurrences being less than 40 larvae/1000 m^ . Using the same technique that was applied to field larvae samples, the percent contribution of damaged larvae to densities of identified larvae, in the same samples, was also low; less than 15%, in 92% of the samples. The highest ^densities of damaged larvae in Unit 3 entrainment samples (Fig. 51) when alewives and yellow perch species in entrainment samples (Table 28). occurred were the m mid- June most abundant 316 All damaged larvae from Unit 3 samples were small, with most less than or equal to 5 mm (Fig. 50). A substantial number of damaged larvae larger than 5 mm, however, occurred in Units 1 and 2 entrainment samples during 1980 and 1981. ENTRAINMENT- UNIT 3, 1981 10-11 JUNE INTRKE TEflP C 17.3 17.7 16.5 17.7 DflUN ^:j5^^^ DRY DUSK y///////////////////////////////////A NIGHT DRUN DRY DUSK NIGHT :yN^\\\^\\^^^^^ 4 8 12 25-26 JUNE 16 20 24 INTfiKE "EtlP C 12.0 9.5 11.5 12.8 0 NIGHT 15-16 JUNE INTAKE TEflP C J ^//////////////^^^^^ 20 40 60 9-10 JULY 80 100 19.5 17.8 17.8 17.8 120 INTRKE TEflP C 9.2 20.0 10.8 ■NO. OF LflRVflE PER 1000 m^ Fig. 51. Density of damaged larvae (no./IOOO m^) in weekly dawn, day, dusk and night entrainment samples at Unit 3 of the J. H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan, 1981. 317 FISH EGGS Introduction Most fish eggs collected in our samples were nondescript in appearance and similar in diameter^ thus were not identified to the species level. However, based on biology of indigenous species, we speculated on their identity. We feel that the majority of fish eggs in our samples were those of alewives and spottail shiners. Evidence for this contention is that alewife larvae and spottail shiner larvae comprised the vast majority of larvae collected in our samples. Additional species which are thought to spawn in the study area are yellow perch, trout-perch, rainbow smelt, emerald shiner, burbot, slimy sculpin, ninespine stickleback, johnny darter, white sucker, longnose sucker, gizzard shad, lake trout and coregonines. Since slimy sculpins and ninespine sticklebacks lay their adhesive eggs within nests and johnny darters lay their adhesive eggs on the bottom of submerged objects, it was unlikely that we sampled the eggs of these species. White suckers and longnose suckers were more apt to spawn in streams and also have comparatively larger eggs which would facilitate identification. Trout-perch eggs are large and contain an oil globule which would aid in distinguishing them from alewife or spottail shiner. Burbot eggs are considered to occur in the study area in late winter or early spring (Jude et al. 198la). However, most eggs counted in our samples were collected in late spring and in summer and thus were not burbot eggs. Eggs of emerald shiners have a large perivitelline space which would enable them to be identified. Eggs of yellow perch and smelt are highly characteristic and could be easily recognized. Lake trout and coregonine eggs are large (>5 mm and 3 mm respectively). Gizzard shad eggs could possibly be in our samples, but spawning adults have not been observed in the study area, except for the discharge canal. Additional evidence, circumstantial though it may be, supporting the argument that most fish eggs collected were from alewives and spottail shiners, was provided by a few samples with larvae collected (and preserved) in the act of emerging from their eggs. These samples contained a relatively high number of eggs and were predominated by recently hatched alewife larvae or by recently hatched spottail shiner larvae; the few larvae in the act of breaking out of their eggs were clearly identified as the predominant species of larvae in that sample (either alewives or spottail shiners) . Statistically higher densities of fish eggs were sampled by the benthic sled than by the plankton net. Using ANOVA and the Wilcoxon signed ranks test, it has been shown that the mean 318 density for the sled tow was significantly higher than the mean density for the plankton net tow performed closest to bottom for each of the years 1978 through 1980. Seasonal Distribution At the north transect during 1981, fish eggs were first collected during the early May sampling period (Fig. 52). Egg densities ranged from 25 to 564/1000 m^ in day sleds at 1- and 1.5-m stations and a night sled at the 12-m station. These eggs may be the result of spawning activity in the Units 1 and 2 intake canal; eggs may have passed through the plant and were then discharged into the lake, as was suspected in previous years 1977-1980 (Jude et al. 1981a). Another possibility is that a few alewives or spottail shiners were spawning in the vicinity of the discharge in Lake Michigan. Spawning and subsequent egg dispersal may have been influenced by water flow, temperature and the riprap. Relatively low densities of fish eggs were observed at the beach to S-m station at the south transect in early May (Fig. 52); these eggs may have been the result of low spawning activity in Lake Michigan or were discharged into the lake from inland sources. A few of these eggs collected in early May at both transects were stalked, indicating spawning by rainbow smelt in the general vicinity. Eggs were next collected during early June when they were recovered in a night sled tow sample at station R (north, beach), a day sled at station P (south, beach) and a night sled at station E (12 m, south) (Fig. 52). This early June density was relatively low and the eggs collected were the result of some early spawning, possibly in Lake Michigan, by a few individuals, most likely alewives or spottail shiners. In mid-June relatively high densities of eggs were observed at both transects (Fig. 52). In general, substantially higher densities were observed at night, and eggs were more concentrated from the beach to 9 m. Eggs were recovered from samples throughout the water column (from surface to lake bottom), but in general, the highest densities were found in sled tows rather than in plankton net tows. Alewife larvae, like fish eggs, were concentrated from the beach to 9 m during the mid-June sampling period (Fig. 14). Almost all alewife larvae collected at this time were recently hatched (Fig. 15); also highest densities of alewife larvae at both transects were observed at this time. Spottail shiner larvae (almost all newly hatched) occurred in relatively high densities during mid- June but were very concentrated between the beach and 3 m (Fig. 23). Thus data suggest that most eggs collected fromi 6 to 9 m were alewife eggs, while both alewife and spottail shiner eggs probably comprised eggs collected from the beach to 3 m. During 1977 through 1979 almost all eggs sampled were found from the beach to 3 m. 319 4-5 MAY TEnPERflTURE DAY NIGHT U (ISm-N) 0.5 4.5 8.5 115 14.0- SL 15.0- (12m-N) 0.5- 3.0- 6.0 9.0- 11.0- SL 12.0 0.5 2.5 N ^ 65 5; 8.5 ^ SL 9.0- 0.5- 2.0 I 4.0 (6fn-N) 5,5 SL 6.0 0.5 J '•' Om-N) SL 3.0 (ISm- N) R (Im-N) 0.5 SL 1.5 0.5 SL 1.0 9.8 7.0 8.4 6.9 8.2 6.9 8.5 6.9 9.5 9.0 8.2 7.9 8.1 7.7 8.5 9.0 9.5 9.0 8.5 8.9 8.2 8.8 8.6 9.5 10.2 9.1 10.1 9.1 10.1 9.1 9.0 10.2 12.0 11.5 10.5 11.2 11.1 11.2 12.0 12.0 12.2 9.0 13.5 11.3 13.5 11.0 60 120 180 240 300 360 420 . 480 540 600 NO. EGGS/1000 m' Fig. 52. Density of fish eggs (no./IOOO n»^) at north and south transect stations near the J. H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan, May -September 1981. D« day, ■ « night, SL » sled. 320 (1i- S) US 8.5- SL IS.O- (1^S-S) (L5 6.0 9.0 11.0- SL 12JJ- 0.5 2.S E 4.5 tcP c^ Z 6.5 a. 8*5- i^SL 9.0 r (6ir-S) .B 0.5- . 2aj- 4.0 5.5 H SL 6.0 0.5 2.5 (3i-S) SL xo (1.;S-S) P (1«-S) 0.5- SL 1.5 0.5 SL \A 4-5 MAY 40 80 120 160 200 NO. EGGS/ 1000 m' 240 TEHPERflTURE DAY NIGHT 9.0 6.9 8.4 6.9 6.2 6.9 6.4 6.9 260 9.6 9.3 9.2 9.0 9.9 9.6 9.7 9.3 10.0 9.9 9.8 10.0 11.5 11.5 10.4 13.0 12.2 14.5 14.5 6.0 7.9 7.9 7.9 6.8 6.8 6.7 6.7 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 11.7 11.5 11.5 12.0 12.0 12.5 12,5 Fig. 52. Continued* 321 u (15(n-N) 0.5 4.5-1 8.5 11.5- 14.0- SL 15.0- (12in-N) 0.5 3.0 6.0 9.0 11.0- SL 12.0- 0.5- 2.5- (9m-N) i ^-^ qI 8.5- LU Q SL 9.0- (6ni-N) 0.5- 2.0- 4.0- 5.5 SL 6.0- 0.5- J ^•^' (3ni~N) SL 3.0- (l.Sni- N) p (Im-N) 2-5 JUNE t I I I " » I r I I I I I 'I II 11 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 NO. EGGS/1000 m' Fig. 52. Continued. TEMPERATURE DAY NIGHT f I 11 I It 1 I I I f I t I I t I tit 1 I t 0.5- SL 1.5- 0.5- SL 1 0- 15.5 14.0 11.0 9.0 8.0 5.9 10.6 7,6 15.4 13,5 13.8 11,8 11.0 6.8 11.2 8,9 16.0 13,5 15.8 12,5 13.2 9.4 13.5 9,6 14.7 13,0 14.6 11,8 14.6 11,3 13.8 11.9 17.7 16.8 16.5 13.4 14.5 12.5 18,3 17.0 15.0 12.9 18.5 16.7 15.4 13.2 160 322 2-5 JUNE (15m- S) fi.5 •.S Its- 14.0- SL ISJ)- (12ro-S) 0.5 6.0 9.0 11.0 SL 12.0 0.5 2.5 CL 8.5 0^ (elr-s) &5 7M 4.0 S.5 SL 6.0 0.5-1 (3rn-S) SL 3.0 0.5 p (Iw-S) o.s-i SL 1J-! 160 240 320 400 NO. EGGS/1000 m' 480 TEMPERATURE DfiY NIGHT 15.5 14.0 10.3 7.3 7.5 5.8 9.7 8.2 15.0 14.0 12.0 10.5 MA 6.9 11.6 10.1 15.2 14.0 12.6 12.1 11.1 9,0 12.2 10.6 14.8 13.5 13.0 11.6 13.0 11.5 14.5 12.2 17.2 16.3 15.7 13.5 14.5 12.2 17.5 16.2 14.7 13.2 19.2 16.6 15.4 13.4 560 Fig. 52. Continued. 323 15-16 JUNE U (15m-N) 0.5- 4.5 8.5- 11.5- 14.0- SL 15.0- (12ni-N) N - Om-N) E 0.5 3.0 6.0 9.0 11.0 SL 12.0 0.5 2.5 4.5-1 6.5 8.5 0. LU o SL 9.0 0.5 2.0-1 I 4.0 (6ni~N} 5.S SL 6.0-1 0.5 J ^'^ Om-N) SL 3.0 (Kbni- N) p (1m-N) 0.5 SL 1.5 0.5 SL 1.0 H TEHPERflTURE DRY NIGHT • ■ I t I I -1 20.0 23.5 19.6 22.7 19.4 . 22.1 17.2 16.4 21.0 23.8 20.0 22.5 19.5 22.3 17.5 17.9 21.5 24.8 21.3 23.9 20.9 23.2 17.7 18.0 21.5 25,7 21,4 25.3 21.2 25.1 18.3 18.0 20.0 19.9 19.2 19.7 19.2 19.7 20.0 19.7 20.0 19.2 22.5 19.7 21.5 19.7 800 1600 2400 3200 4000 4800 5600 6400 7200 8000 NO. EGGS/ 1000 m' Pig. 52. Continued. 324 15-16 JUNE (isli- 5) 0.S tt.5 M.0-' SL 1S.0- (dm- S) 6.5 xoH 6.0 9.0- SL 12.0- 0.5- ? 2.5-3 ,9?-s.| iJi i^SL 9.0 (6r-S) 3 0.5 -t 2U) 4J) 5.5 SL 6.0 0.5 2.5 H Om-S) SLXO-P [].&- S) P (1fli-S) 0.5 SL 1.5 0.5 SL to TEnPERRTURE DRY NIGHT 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 18000 20000 NO. EGGS/1000 m' 18.0 21.2 18.0 21.2 18.0 21,0 18.5 18.0 18.9 22.2 18.9 22.2 18.9 22.2 18.8 18.9 22.4 21.5 22.4 21.5 22.4 21.5 19.5 19.2 22.6 22.5 22.8 22.5 22.8 22.5 20.0 19.5 21.0 20.7 21.0 20.7 21.0 20.7 21.5 21.5 21.5 21.5 21.5 21.5 21.5 21.5 Fig. 52. Continued. 325 1-2 JULY U (ISm-N) 0.5 4.5 8.5 11.5 14.0 SL 15.0 -k (12ni-N) 0.5- 3.0-1 6.0-1 9.0- 11.0 SL 12.0-1 0.5 2.5 N ^ 65- qI 8.5-1 Q SL 9.0- (6(n-N) 0.5- 2.0 4.0-1 5.5 SL 6.0 H 0.5- Om-N) SL 3.0- (ISm- N) 0.5- SL 1.5- p (Im-N) 0.5 SL 1.0 H r I TEnPERflTURE DBY NIGHT 16.0 16.5 14.5 14.5 9.8 9.0 11.8 16.0 16.0 16.0 15.5 14.5 11.7 10,2 13.0 13.0 16.0 16.0 15.2 15.1 12.8 11.8 14.1 14.5 16.5 16.5 15,4 15.5 14.5 13.9 15.2 15.0 16.4 15.8 16.0 15.5 16.1 15.6 16.5 16.2 16.3 15.7 18.5 17.0 17.2 16.0 0 400 800 1200 teOO 2000 2400 2800 3200 3600 4000 4400 4800 NO, EGGS/1000 m' Pig. 52. Continued. 326 (uS-S) 0.5 1L5 14.0- SL tSJQ lYM-S) 0.5- 3.0 6.0 9.0 ItJ) SL 12.0 0.5- 2.5 £ 4.5- ,c>D ex Z 6.5- Q. 6.5 ^ SL 9.0- r (6nrS) 0.5 2.0 4.0 5.5 SL 6.0 0.5- B ^' (3l!l-S) SL xo ( S) P 0.5-1 SL 1.5 0.5- SL to 1-2 JULY I I I I I I » I * » ^ TEtlPERflTURE DAY NIGHT 16.0 15.1 10.4 10.7 15.0 14.5 9.5 1U 17.0 16.3 11.5 13.4 17.5 16.7 14.9 14.0 15.6 14.5 14.3 15,5 15.6 15.4 16.7 20000 40000 60000 6O0O0 100000 120000 140000 160000 NO, EGGS/ 1000 m' 16.5 14.5 6.2 16.7 16.0 13.1 9.1 14.7 16.0 15.0 11.3 15.2 16.5 14.9 13.5 15.7 15.0 14.5 16.7 15.2 17.7 15.2 17.5 Fig. 52. Continued. 327 19-21 JULY U (ISm-N) 0.5 4.5 8.5 11.5 14.0- SL 15.0- (12m-N) 0.5 3.0- 6.0- 9.0- 11.0- SL 12.0 0.5 2.5 CL 8.5 ixi o SL 9.0 (6m-N) OnrN) 0.5 2.0 4.0 5.5 SL 6.0 0.5 2.5 -b SL 3.0- (I5n)" N) 0.5- SL 1.5 p (Im-N) 0.5 SL 1.0-1 TEnPERflTURE DRY NIGHT & 22.8 22.9 20.0 10.7 10.2 7.4 9.0 8.2 22.8 23.2 22.1 14.5 16.6 10.0 14.0 15.8 22.5 23.0 22.2 19.0 19.0 10.7 17.0 17.3 22.0 23.0 21.8 20.0 21.6 15.0 20.5 20.4 21.2 22.0 21.0 21.5 21.0 20.5 21.7 22.0 21.5 21.2 22.0 22.0 22.0 21.2 20000 40000 60000 80000 100000 120000 140000 160000 180000 200000 220000239999 NO. EGGS/1000 id' Pig. 52. Continued. 328 19-21 JULY TEriPERflTURE DPY NIGHT d^' S) 4,5- ILS 14J) SL 15.0 dA' S) 0.5- 6.0- 9.0- 1U SL ITMi oP- S) ILS 2JS £ 4.S a. 8.5 i^SL 9.0-1 c (6r-S) 3 0.5- 4.0 5.5 SL 6.0 -k 0.5 -b 2.5 (3r-S) SL 3J) 0.5 P (Ir-S) 0.5 •» SL LO f 22.8 21.5 14.0 15.0 8.4 7.3 8.3 9.1 22.8 22.2 21.0 20.0 13.0 9.5 10.5 14.5 22.2 21,7 20.9 20.0 18.5 14.6 17.8 17.9 22.5 22.9 22.3 20.0 21.3 19.0 21.0 20.7 21.0 21.5 19.5 21.5 19.5 21.7 22.0 22.0 20.5 22.0 22.0 21.5 21.5 21.8 eOOO 16000 24000 32000 40000 48000 56000 64000 72000 BOOOO NO. EGGS/1000 m* Pig. 52. Continued. 329 5-7 AUGUST U 0.5 4.5- 8.5- 11.5 14.0- SL 15.0- (12ni-N) 0.5 3.0- 6.0 9,0 11.0 SL 12.0 N - Om-N) E 0.5-1 2.5-' 4.5- 6.5 -t 8.5 UJ Q SL 9.0- 0.5 J ^'^ (3ni-N) SL 3.0 (1.5m- N) p (Im-N) 0.5 SL 1.5 0.5 SL 1.0 800 TEMPERATURE DRY NIGHT 1600 2400 3200 4000 4800 5600 6400 NO. EGGS/1000 m^ 22.0 22.0 21.2 17.6 15.0 17.6 19.8 20.3 22.0 22.1 21.8 21.0 19.8 18.8 20.0 20.4 22.4 22.2 22.0 22.1 22.0 22.0 20.0 20.3 22.2 22.5 22.0 22.5 22.0 22.2 20.0 20.5 22.5 22.5 21.8 22.5 20.5 21.0 22.5 22.5 21.0 22.0 23.5 22.5 21.0 22.5 Pig. 52. Continued. 330 5-7 AUGUST TEMPERflTURE WY NIGHT (ls£-S) im- S) Its as 14 J St tSM ILS 6.0 8.0 Hi) SL ao D.5 2.S-I E 4.5 (9P-S)i ^-M CL 8.S- ^ SL 9.0 (6ro-S) 0.S 4.0- 5.5 -I St 6.0 0.5- B ^^ (3m-S) St 3J ( S) P (Im-S) 0.5 St US 0.5 St lOH 22.0 22.2 21.0 t 21.5 16.9 17.4 21.4 17.8 22.0 22.2 21.9 21.8 21.9 17.8 21.2 19.0 22.6 22.2 22.3 22.0 22.2 22.0 21.6 20.6 22.6 22.0 22.3 22.0 22.3 22.0 21.6 21.0 22.5 21.3 22.5 20.9 21.9 20.9 23.0 21.3 22.2 21.0 23.0 21.3 22.8 21.3 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 IBOO 2000 2200 2400 NO. EGGS/1000 m* Fig. 52. Continued. 331 (15m- N) 0.5-1 4.5 8.5 H 11.5 14.0 SL 15.0- 17-18 AUGUST (12fn-N) 0.5- 3.0- 6.0- 9.0- 11.0- SL 12.0 0.5 2.5 g 4.5-1 Om'-N) i ®'^ 51 8.5- UJ ^ SL 9.0- (Bm-N) 0.5- 2.0- 4.0 5.5- SL 6.0 0.5 H 2.5 (3(n-N) SL 3.0 (1.5ni- N) 0.5-1 SL 1.5 p (Im-N) 0.5 SL 1.0 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 NO. EGGS/1000 m' 40 44 48 Pig* 52. Continued. TEMPERfiTURE DRY NIGHT 20.5 19.8 9.0 17,2 20.5 20.4 17.0 17,3 20.2 6.8 6.1 7.0 20.9 11.0 7.4 7,5 213 19.4 20.9 6.9 19.7 6.3 18.0 7.7 20.9 18.5 20.5 8.3 20.0 7.7 19.6 9.5 21.5 19.9 20.5 14.8 20.5 14.8 21.0 20.2 21.0 19.2 22.0 20.3 21.5 19.4 332 17-18 AUGUST 5 (i;>»-s) dS 8.5 1US (i:?in-S) 0.5 6.0 9J-J 1L0 8L 120} 0.5- 2.5 Oro-S) i *-^ £ 6.5 (6m-S) 0.5 40)- 5.5- Sl 60) B "-i (jm-S) SL 3J 0.5 -k OS-; (1«rS) ^ "^ 12 16 20 24 26 32 36 40 NO. EGGS/ 1000 m* TEOPERflTURE DflY NIGHT 20.5 19.2 20.2 12.0 6.8 5.1 16.0 5.5 21.0 19.8 20.6 14.9 16.0 7.1 18.5 6.2 20.2 20.4 20.1 17.0 19.0 8.5 18.2 6.5 19.7 20.4 19.7 20.2 19.7 15.0 19.5 11.0 21.0 19.2 20.5 9.9 20.5 9.9 21.4 19.7 20.7 11.7 21.0 17.7 21.5 13.9 Pig. 52. Continued. 333 (1^- S) 0.5 Its 14.0 SL 15J)H (12!- S) xo 6.0 tto SL 12.0 H 0.5 2.5 £ 4.5-1 (9P-S)i '-' a! 6.5 ^ SL 9.0-1 0.5 C ^•^' (6n)-S) 5.5- SL &0- 0.5- Om-S) SL 3.0 NO 0.5- (i.^™-s) '^'•^- 0.5H (liIrS) ^^ ^^ 8-11 SEPTEMBER 400 »» I I I I I I I I I * I 11 I t I I i !■ I ' » » I I I I I f » 'I T I ' ' r- » I I I I "'< » I < < < I i« 4 14 III i< I ■« 1200 1600 2000 2400 2B00 3200 NO. EGGS/ 1000 m' TEMPERflTURE DAY NIGHT 20.2 21.2 20.2 20.9 20.2 20.6 16.5 15.0 20.2 21.0 20.2 20.9 20.2 20.6 16.7 15.5 19.8 21.2 19.8 21.1 19.8 20.9 16.2 16.8 19.2 20.7 19.2 20.5 19.2 20.5 16.5 17.0 ND 21.0 18.3 20.7 16.7 16.5 18.2 20.6 16.5 16.5 18.2 20.6 18.2 20.6 Fig. 52. Continued. 334 However, relatively high egg densities were observed at 6- and 9- m depths at the north transect during 1980 (Jude et al. 1981a). Again during 1981 (in mid-June and early August) relatively high egg densities were recorded at 6- and 9-m depths at the north transect. The warm-water discharge and the riprap probably encouraged more spawning in the vicinity of the 6- and 9-m stations at the north transect. Note that eggs and larvae from the discharge canal may have been transported offshore by the discharge system. Also in 1980, unlike 1981, relatively high densities of spottail shiner larvae were observed at the 6- and 9-m depth contours at the north transect. The pattern of higher densities at the 6- and 9-m -stations in 1980 and 1981 than at these same stations in years 1977 through 1979, was also observed for the south transect. This phenomenon may somehow be related to the switch from onshore to an offshore discharge; this switch occurred between the 1979 and 1980 field sampling seasons. Considerable egg deposition was indicated in early July 1981; most eggs were collected from the beach to 3 m (Fig. 52)*. In general, day densities were higher than night densities at the north transect; whereas, at the south transect :or ion the south transect for the sampling year. Sampling was performed during an upwelling with decreased water temperatures at night, so spawning was probably interrupted somewhat during early July sampling. Furthermore this concentrated nearshore (beach to 3 m) distribution of fish eggs may have been partially due to the upwelling. The highest observed egg densities of 1981 for the north transect occurred during the late July sampling period with night sled tow densities of over 80,000 and 227,000/1000 m' for beach and 1.5-m stations, respectively (Fig. 52). Indeed eggs were chiefly concentrated in the beach to 1.5-m depth contour region for both transects (Fig. 52). This distribution is well matched by the late July one for spottail shiner larvae. A substantial portion of the spottail shiner larvae in these samples were recently hatched (Fig. 24). Therefore, a considerable portion of these eggs were probably those of spottail shiners. During early August fish eggs were collected chiefly from the beach to the 6-m depth contour at the north transect (Fig. 52). Densities were higher at night in general, although highest density was for a day sled at the 1.5-m station. The distribution pattern exhibited by fish eggs was quite similar to that for alewife larvae (most of which were newly hatched), suggesting a good percentage of these eggs were alewife eggs. Densities of fish eggs in early August at the south transect, with the exception of the beach station, were substantially less 335 than those corresponding densities at the north transect (Fig. 52). Reasons for the transect difference during this sampling period and no differences during the other sampling times were not clear. In late August egg densities were relatively low at both transects. No eggs were collected in September field sampling at the north transect, although alewife spawning may have continued through late August and early September based on alewife larvae data. Eggs were recovered from the beach station at the south transect during September (Fig. 52). During years 1977 through 1980 the density of fish eggs at the north transect was significantly greater than that at the south transect (Jude et al. 1981a). However, in 1931 no overall difference between the densities of fish eggs for both transects was detected using the Wilcoxon signed ranks test (see METHODS- STATISTICS, Wilcoxon Test) . Indeed, the fish egg densities matched each other fairly closely between the two transects throughout the sampling year, with the exception of early August. Entrainment data indicated that fish eggs were concentrated in the immediate area of the intake-discharge complex. Perhaps the operation of the Unit 3 intake during 1981 affected the distribution of fish eggs such that eggs were most dense in the immediate vicinity of the riprap and intake and discharge structures but density declined rapidly from the intake structure area, causing densities at the north transect sampling area to be similar to those for the south transect. To keep the lack of a density difference between transects during 1981 in perspective, it must be pointed out that 1981 was a relatively poor year for fish egg abundance in general. Densities of fish eggs observed in field and Units 1 and 2 entrainment samples were considerably higher in years 1978 through 1980 than in 1981, most likely due to frequent upwellings during 1981. Entrainment Units 1 and 2, 1980— Fish eggs in low densities were entrained during mid- February 1980 at Units 1 and 2 (Fig. 53). These eggs were probably those of burbot, which are known to spawn in winter. The next eggs collected in entrainment samples were in early May and were probably the result of early spawning in Lake Michigan or Pigeon Lake; egg densities were low. The first observation of substantial entrainment of fish eggs was for 5-6 June when over 900,000 eggs were estimated entrained and on 19-20 June when over 500,000 eggs were estimated entrained (Appendix 11). Most of these eggs were believed to be alewife and spottail shiner eggs. Night densities were relatively high during these sampling periods, although not the highest for the 24-h periods. Observed 336 peak entrainment of fish eggs occurred on 24-25 June when over 37 million eggs were estimated entrained for the 24--h period. Judging from the densities of fish larvae for this sampling period and the subsequent period (2-3 July), a considerable jggs )f 1 eggs were alewife and spottail shiner eggs. Fish eggs were last estimated entrained during the 24-h period; almost all of these were alewife and spottail shiner eggs. Fish _,,,_-_, , gi highest density for the diel periods sampled (Fig. 53). Units 1 and 2, 1981 — First record of fish eggs at Units 1 and 2 during 1981 was for 22-23 April, probably the result of limited, early spawning inland or in Lake Michigan (Fig. 53). Fish eggs were entrained sporadically and in low densities during late April through the end of May at Units 1 and 2 (Fig. 53). During 4-5 June, substantial egg entrainment occurred with an estimated 116,000 entrained. Maximum 24-h entrainment of fish eggs at Units 1 and 2 during 1981 was recorded on 11 June when over 1.1 million eggs were estimated entrained; coincidentally , egg entrainment peaked for Unit 3 at over 9 million eggs (Appendixes 12, 14). A secondary entrainment peak was observed in early July; on 1 July an estimated 838,134 eggs were entrained at Units 1 and 2. At Unit 3 this secondary peak extended through the first 2 wk of July, while at Units 1 and 2, relatively few eggs were entrained on 9 July and 15 July (Appendixes 12, 14; Fig. 53). Eggs at Units 1 and 2 were next collected during 6 August; density of eggs was low (Fig. 53). No fish eggs were collected again at Units 1 and 2 until 27 October when a low density (4/1000 mM was recorded. Unit 3 — No eggs were collected at Unit 3 during 1981; few were expected since collection began in September. In Unit 3 entrainment sampling during 1981, eggs were first collected in mid-March (Fig. 53). These eggs were probably those of burbot, as were the eggs collected in late March (Jude et al. 1981a). Eggs were not collected in Unit 3 entrainment samples again until the latter half of April and were observed in relatively low densities from just after mid-April until mid-May (Fig. 53). These eggs probably were spawned in the discharge canal or the intake canal of Units 1 and 2 and were carried offshore into Lake Michigan by the discharge system. A few fish may have spawned in Lake Michigan in the area of the discharge also. Eggs were not collected in Unit 3 entrainment samples again until early June 337 ENTRAINMENT- UNITS I AND 2, 1980 15-16 FEBRUARY DPI \^\\7777777777777777?77?777777777777X INTRKE TEflP C DAY DUSK NIGHT 4.3 4.5 4.5 4.5 32 40 3 16 24 22-23 nflY 48 DflYD DUSK NIGHT 14.1 14.8 14.9 14.0 100 200 300 400 500 600 4- 6 JUNE DRY DUSK NIGHT 11.0 11.0 12.7 12.0 I I INTRKE TEttP C 4- 5 flRY 10.0 12.0 10.5 10.0 2 4 6 28-29 nflY 10 12 ^\^^^^\^^^^^^^^^^^\\^^^^^^ 13.5 14.0 13.0 13.0 11-12 JUNE 2 <\\^^^.^s.^^^^^^^\^^^^^^^^^^ 11.0 14.0 12.0 11.5 400 800 1200 1600 2000 2400 0 4 NO. OF EGGS PER 1000 ^ 8 12 3 16 20 24 Fig, 53* Density of fish eggs (no./lOOO m^) in weekly dawn, day, dusk and night entrainment samples at Units 1 and 2 and Unit 3 of the J. K. Campbell Plant, during 1980 and 1981 • Only day and night densities were shown for Units 1 and 2 during 1981. 338 ENTRAINMENT.UINITS I AND 2,1980 19-20 JUNE INTAKE TEMP C DAY DUSK NIGHT 13.6 13.6 13.4 24-25 JUNE INTAKE TEriP c I 17.9 I 18.4 3 18.9 18.5 DflUNSZ DAY] NIGHT 80 160 240 320 400 480 2- 3 JULY 16.5 17.0 17.0 17.0 ^^ 20000 40000 60000 80000 100000 120000 8- 9 JULY 16.0 17.5 17.5 18.0 DflUNa DAY I DUSK NIGHT 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 16-17 JULY 4000 8000 12000 16000 20000 24000 22.0 23.0 22.0 22.5 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 EMTRAINMENT. UNITS I AND 2,1981 1- 2 BPRIL DAY 9.0 NIGHT 9-10 fiPRIL 8.0 DAY 11.0 NIGHT 14 APRIL 10.0 DAY 12.0 NIGHT 12.0 22-23 PPRIL 10.0 10.0 DAY 1 NIGHT 27 PPRIL 11.0 18.5 DRY i NIGHT 1 1 4 nfiY 12 nflY 18- 19 nflY 1 29 1 my 1 13.0 13.0 8.0 10.0 10.1 9.0 NO. OF Fig. 53. Continued. EGGS PER 1000 m^ 339 ENTRAiNMENT- UNITS 1 AND 2,1981 INTRKE TEflP C INT« kl «> 120 90 u 60 SO COMPflRISON OF SPOTTfllL SHINER flBUNORNCE FOR 1980 RNO 1981 1980 1981 i i L RPR MAT JUN JUL RUG MONTH SEP OCT 50 COHPRRISON OF YELLOM PERCH RBUNORNCE FOR 1980 RNO 1981 ;:iio c lU n 0} 30 20 10 . w z .m. 983 1980 1981 I .m. RPR NRT JUN JUL RUG SEP OCT MONTH Fig. 54. Numbers of spottail shiner, yellow perch, alewife, johnny darter and rainbow smelt observed monthly by scuba divers during 1980 and 1981 on the J. H. Campbell riprap. 352 ■1000 3500 COMPARISON OF flLEHIFE ABUNDflNCE FOR 1980 flNO 1981 US CO 3000 . 2500 «*• 2000 y. o flc 1500 ID I 1000 S 500 0 i 1980 1981 APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT MONTH 120 COMPARISON OF JOHNNY DARTER ABUNDANCE FOR 1980 AND 1981 1980 1981 APR HAY JUN JUL AUG MONTH SEP OCT Fig. 54. Continued. 353 ISO COHPflRISON OF RfllNBOH 8HELT DBUNOflNCE FOR 1980 AND 1961 120 w m as o to w UJ 90 60 30 M m. 1960 1961 flPR HAT JUN JUL RUG 3EP OCT HONTH Fig. 54. Continued. Although spottail shiners ranked third in field collections by all gear types in 1981, they were observed infrequently in the reef area. During July, adult spottails were observed resting on top of the wedge-wire screens. Dorr and Miller (1975) observed spawning by this species over the Cook Plant intake structures which were covered by a luxuriant growth of Cladophora. It is felt by Dorr (personal communication, Great Lakes Research Division, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI) that the Cladophora was mostly responsible for the observed spawning activity, with a reduction in the Cladophora substrate, spottail spawning was never again observed at the Cook Plant. Because of the limited numbers of spottails observed on the Campbell Plant reef, despite field samples showing this species to be abundant in the area, we concluded that spottails were not a significant component of the reef fauna. They were always observed at least 3 m above the rocks and never observed feeding. Although some spawning may occur, data from Dorr and Miller (1975) suggest that the Campbell reef will have little or no impact upon the life history and ecology of spottail shiners in the study area. 354 NUMBERS OF FISH OBSERVED ON RIPRAP FOR 1980 AND 1081 1000^ lOlS SH SS SPECIES 1980 1981 Fig. 55« Total numbers (pooled over month and diel period) of the six most abundant species of fish observed on the J. H. Campbell intake riprap during 1980 and 1981 • Although never observed in high numbers during standard series dives (Fig. 54), slimy sculpin and johnny darter are probably the most abundant members of the Campbell reef fish fauna. Due to the extremely large number of interstices and the cryptozoic nature of these fish, visual observations do not accurately reflect their true numbers. Sampling with emergent fry traps in April and May of 1981 revealed densities of slimy sculpins over 10/m^ although very few were observed visually. Johnny darters were also collected in the fry traps, but in lesser numbers than sculpins. Numbers of fish observed on the reef were always higher than encountered in the sand bottom control transects, with the exception of an enormous school of YOY and juvenile alewives observed in mid-water on the south reference transect on one occasion. Trout-perch and johnny darters were sometimes observed at the sand/rock interface. With the exception of yellow perch, fish were observed in greater numbers and exhibited higher 355 activity levels at night than during the day. Yellow perch numbers were usually similar for both diel periods. If perch were observed during the day, they were most often present at night resting on rocks. Perch had a higher level of activity during the daylight period. Biof oulinq During 1981 a substantial increase in biofouling of the wedge-wire intake screens was detected at the Campbell Plant. From April to September an escalating accumulation of organic matter on the screens was noted. Attached algae, invertebrates, flocculent organic detritus and sediment were present in varying amounts. Among the periphyton were 21 species of attached algae which are indicative of eutrophic conditions (e.g., Asterionel la formosa , C 1 adophora sp . , Osc i 7 / at or ia sp . , Aphan izomenon sp . ) . Invertebrates included bryozoans iPect inatel la magnif ica^ Cristatella mucedOf Lophopodella carter)) , Hydra and freshwater sponges. Periphyton density (resulting in clogging of screen pores) was variable by screen. Some screens had only small patches of growth while others had very large patches (nearly 0.5 m^) on both upper and bottom portions of the screens. Sponges increased dramatically both in size and abundance between May and September. Sponge growth was most common on the base of the risers, rather than on the screens themselves, so screen obstruction by sponges would not be a problem. Peak height of periphyton on the screens was usually less than 25 mm. During the season, growth seemed to be minimal in terms of height, but colony size increased to cover more surface area. Maximum coverage was observed in early September with a decrease in late September and October. Periphytic growth on the riprap was minimal in contrast to that observed on the intake risers. Most likely the 3-m difference in depth was responsible for the sparse growth on the riprap. Impingement and Intake Observations Divers inspected at least 14 screens, 28 when possible, during each of a total of 16 dives performed between 27 April and 22 October 1981 (see METHODS - SCUBA OBSERVATIONS for details). Fish species observed on the screens, riprap or in the general area around the intakes were also recorded by divers, to identify how many of which species were utilizing the new habitat afforded by the offshore intake structures. Divers observed several fish species in the riprap or in the water column near intake structures. These species included alewife (in schools with fish 356 numbering in the thousands during mid- to late summer), burbot, gizzard shad, johnny darter, logperch, rainbow smelt, slimy sculpin, spottail shiner, trout-perch, unidentified Coregoninae and yellow perch. Diver observations determined that no fish were impinged on intake screens during the periods observed. The closest approximation to impingement was retention on screens of already dead alewives (70-150 mm) during June (31 fish) and October (1 fish). The 31 fish retained in June were believed to have been part of an alewife die-off which occurred in June and which was observed at both plant and reference transects near the J. H. Campbell Plant. Dead alewives were observed in June at the surface (approximate density: 10-15 fish/mM and on the beach, and were collected in seine hauls (up to 100 fish/haul). Dead alewives were similarly observed during June in southeastern Lake Michigan near the D. C. Cook Nuclear Plant (unpublished data. Great Lakes Research Division), so the phenomenon was not strictly localized. Alewives retained on Campbell intake screens, therefore, were believed to have been already dead fish which were drifting with lake currents and which happened to pass close enough to the screens to have become retained. Because no other fish were observed impinged during diver observations, it is assumed that the single alewife retained in October was also a fish which had died prior to being impinged and was carried close to the intakes by lake currents. To judge the strength of intake currents around screens, divers held and released dead alewives at various distances from the screens. A 75-mm alewife was drawn gradually back onto the screen if its distance from the screen was less than or equal to about 30 cm. At distances greater than 30 cm, lake currents had a greater influence on the fish than intake currents, and the fish was carried away from the intake structures. Thus it appears that a dead fish drifting with lake currents would have to pass quite close before it would become influenced by Campbell intake currents. On two occasions, different species of live fish were observed directly on intake screens and did not appear to be influenced by intake currents. In April, 30 slimy sculpins (85-150 mm) were observed on various screens; 2 johnny darters (70-90 mm) were similarly seen in July. Sculpins and darters are known to be attracted to benthic structures and it was clear that they were not impinged. When divers approached too near, fish would swim to another portion of the screen or would swim away to hide themselves in the riprap. Swimming did not appear to be inhibited even for the smallest of the fish observed. Other fish species were also observed on intake screens [three trout-perch (75-110 mm) and an abundance of spottail shiners (100-140 mm) in June; two rainbow smelt (50 mm) in October], but these 357 observations were made during periods when no offshore pumping was taking place, and presumably no intake current was influencing fish behavior. Additional evidence of fish being able^ to resist intake currents comes from observations of many gizzard shad (200-340 mm) and one large carp (500 mm) on the inside of intake cylinders. These fish must have swum against the intake current for the full length of the offshore conduit; they maintained their positions inside the screens by swimming against the current . Other species which were apparently unaffected by water intakes included those species collected in our standardized sampling. Species which were gillnetted or trawled at the 9-m contour of the plant transect in the general area of the intakes included brown trout, common carp, chinook salmon, lake trout, lake whitefish, longnose sucker, ninespine stickleback, quillback, round whitefish, shorthead redhorse, walleye and white sucker. At the D. C. Cook Nuclear Power Plant in southeastern Lake Michigan (intakes at 9 m) , alewife, rainbow smelt, spottail shiner and yellow perch were the species most frequently impinged; their combined weight from January through September 1981 was 13,627 kg (unpublished data, Great Lakes Research Division). These same species were abundant near the Campbell intake structures and the absence of any impingement indicates that the location and design of the Campbell intakes are extremely effective at preventing fish impingement. Additional Observations Slimy sculpin eggs were found on the surface of a piece of riprap in June 1981; they hatched shortly after transport to the surface. Larvae were identified as slimy sculpins. Several unidentified Coregoninae larvae were collected from emergent fry traps set in May 1982, which provided evidence that lake whitefish or round whitefish spawned on the reef. Lake trout eggs were collected during 1980, 1981 and 1982 on the reef, and Jude et al. (1981a) collected lake trout fry in the vicinity of the Campbell Plant providing evidence of successful incubation of lake trout eggs on the reef. Schooling behavior was observed for rainbow smelt, alewives and yellow perch. Smelt were rarely observed during the day, while at night schools of 5-15 individuals were observed about 1-4 m above the reef. Smelt seemed very sensitive to divers' lights and would dart away when divers approached within 1 m. Adult smelt were never observed on the reef. Yellow perch were observed in schools hovering over the intake risers^ and large 358 rocks during the day, while at night individuals settled to the bottom of the reef as schools dissipated. At night yellow perch seemed to be m a dormant state. Dive lights elicited no response from them and it was possible to touch or grab them while they were illuminated by divers' lights. Alewives darted away when a light was within 1 m of a fish. During the day alewives did not dart away from divers, but did not allow them to approach too near. When descending through schools of alewives the fish moved away at a very controlled rate as opposed to the flight behavior observed at night. The seasonal trend in biological activity on the reef closely paralleled the trends in fish distribution described by Jude et al. (1978, 1979a, 1980) for the portion of Lake Michigan surrounding the Campbell reef. There was an increase in the number and kind of fish observed in late spring (May through early June) which reached a peak during summer months. Numbers of fish observed decreased beginning in the fall (late September to late October) with minimal activity by December. Presence of the riprap field in the vicinity of the Campbell Plant has created a rough bottom habitat atypical of Lake Michigan. The artificial reef that has been formed has increased surface area for attachment and shelter of potential fish-food organisms and has also served as a spawning habitat and shelter for fish. The riprap at Campbell will result, in an increased density and diversity of fish and invertebrates when compared with the adjacent sand area. 359 GENERAL SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS INTRODUCTION Operational studies were conducted during 1981 to comply with regulations requiring monitoring of the new Unit 3 wedge- wire screened intakes placed in 1 1 m of water in offshore Lake Michigan. Main emphasis was placed on securing information on impingement of juvenile and adult fish and entrainment of fish eggs and larvae at the Unit 3 intake. To accomplish this, we conducted scuba diver observations to investigate the extent of impingement of fish on the screens and to document colonization of the screens and riprap by plants and animals. In addition, an encompassing sampling program was instituted to provide background data on larval fish distribution, abundance and densities in Lake Michigan from which population estimates in the immediate vicinity of the plant were made. These data were then used for comparisons of abundance, species composition and length-frequency distributions between entrained larvae and those found in the field. Data were also gathered on juvenile and adult fish distribution and abundance in the study area to provide ancillary data on spawning, dominant fish in the plant vicinity and which species and sizes were in the proximity of the intakes. STATISTICAL TESTS Significantly higher densities of fish eggs were entrained than were found in the field, which we attributed to attraction of spawning fish, mainly alewife, to the vertical habitat provided by the intake risers. Egg densities for entrainment samples were higher at night than during the day, which corresponds with known nocturnal spawning by the alewife. For alewife larvae, significantly higher densities were measured in the field than in entrained water. This was unique among the species tested, as all other comparisons resulted in no differences, or higher densities being found in entrainment samples. The reason for the higher alewife densities in field compared with entrainment samples was probably that alewife larvae, even newly hatched individuals, exhibited some avoidance of the intakes. As alewife larvae grew larger their susceptibility to entrainment decreased substantially. For yellow perch, higher densities of larvae were entrained than were observed in the field. Attraction of adult yellow perch to the intake riprap base for spawning resulted in newly hatched perch larvae being susceptible over a short period (until they reached 6.0-6.7 mm) to entrainment by Unit 3. Slimy sculpins also were entrained in higher densities than were found in adjacent Lake Michigan. Slimy sculpins are known to be attracted to riprap for spawning, as they lay their eggs on the undersides of rocks. 360 Divers collected sculpin eggs from the riprap; the eggs hatched after being moved. Again, the increased nocturnal movements of sculpins resulted in more being entrained at night than during the day. For the remaining three species tested, spottail shiner, rainbow smelt and johnny darter, no significant difference was detected between entrainment and field mean larval fish densities. FIELD LARVAE DISTRIBUTION OVERVIEW Alewif.e and spottail shiner were the most abundant larvae in field samples during 1981, as in prior years 1977-1980. Alewives were widespread throughout the study area during times of elevated temperatures (>15 C), but were more restricted to nearshore areas during upwellings« Spottail shiners were found in water <3 m deep and were strongly demersal. Mean densities of larvae (all species) were generally lower in 1981 than in most preoperational years, which was a reflection of low water temperatures caused by frequent upwellings in 1981. During 1980, a time of few upwellings, larvae were substantially more abundant and widespread than any other year studied. The low abundance of larvae in the area during 1981 resulted in low numbers of larvae being entrained at Units 1, 2 and 3.. Few larvae were collected in April, May and early June. Species collected then were unidentified Coregoninae, yellow perch, rainbow smelt and deepwater sculpin. Alewife and spottail shiner spawning commenced in mid-June and yellow perch larvae were widespread at this time. Species diversity was greatest in mid-June. Alewife, spottail shiner and a few trout-perch were the species most often collected during remaining months. ENTRAINMENT SUMMARY For 1981, 10.2 million fish larvae were entrained at Unit 3. During 1977-1980, 18 to 21 larval fish species were collected in the field. In 1981, only 15 species were observed on the north transect and of these only 11 were observed in Unit 3 entrainment samples. Yellow perch (31.8% of total) and alewife (29.2% of total) were the two most often entrained larval fish. From January to March, no larvae were entrained; in April, the only species entrained was yellow perch. In May, deepwater sculpin, slimy sculpin, and yellow perch were entrained. June was the month of maximum entrainment losses when 8.25 million larvae, over 80% of the total, were estimated entrained by Unit 3. Yellow perch was the major species entrained (36.2% of the total for the month) followed by alewife, smelt, spottail shiner and slimy sculpin. In July entrainment losses were low compared with June, probably as a result of larvae produced in June growing 361 large enough to avoid intakes and the detrimental effect of upwellings on reproduction during this month* In August- September, alewives and spottail shiners were dominant species in entrainment samples, but rates were very low compared with earlier months. Entrainment losses at Units 1 and 2 ranged from 69.9 million to 77.7 million from 1977 to 1979. In 1980, a substantially warmer year than any other studied, Units 1 and 2 entrained 186 million larvae, almost three times more than former annual losses. In 1981, another year of frequent upwellings, reproduction was so depressed that entrainment rates at Units 1 and 2 were the lowest recorded during the 5 yr, only 22.2 million. This contrasted with 10.2 million entrained at Unit 3. The species composition of larvae entrained by Units 1 and 2 was dominated by alewife (33.5-90.5% of total larvae entrained during 1977-1981) and spottail shiner (2.6-14.4%). Yellow perch (2.1-20.9% of the total), carp and smelt were the next most-often entrained larvae at Units 1 and 2. This contrasted with Unit 3, where yellow perch was the dominant species, followed by alewife, spottail shiner, slimy sculpin and rainbow smelt. This is a dramatic species shift, which was strongly influenced by increased spawning on the riprap by yellow perch, slimy sculpin, johnny darter and ninespine stickleback. Deepwater sculpin was seldom entrained at Units 1 and 2, but was entrained more often at Unit 3, because of the more offshore placement of the intakes in 11-m water, where this species is more abundant than near shore. The percentage of the total comprised by spottail shiner and smelt remained approximately the same at Units 1 and 2 as at Unit 3. 24-H POPULATION AND ENTRAINMENT COMPARISONS Measured populations of larvae in the yicinity of the plant during a 24-h period were compared with the entrainment estimate for that species for the same time interval. Average percentage of the population estimate comprised by the' corresponding entrainment estimate was low for alewife (0 to 0.53%), while the average percentage was highest for slimy sculpin (over 100%). For slimy sculpin, johnny darter and ninespine stickleback, and possibly yellow perch, our ambient populations are believed to be underestimated because of concentrated spawning and residence of larvae in the immediate vicinity of the riprap, an area not sampled by our field tows. 362 TOTAL CATCH OF JUVENILE AND ADULT FISH In 1981^ 36 species of juvenile and adult fish were collected in Lake Michigan near the Campbell Plant, Alewife dominated the total catch (41%), followed by rainbow smelt (40%), spottail shiner (8%), unidentified Coregoninae (6%) and yellow perch (1%). Unidentified Coregoninae have become more abundant in each succeeding year of the study, a reflection of banning commercial harvest and decline or stabilization of alewife populations. ALEWIFE Alewife was the most abundant larval fish species observed in the field during summer months, but they were only the second- most abundant fish entrained at Unit 3; yellow perch was the larval fish most often entrained. During 1981, almost 3 million larval alewives were entrained at Unit 3 (29.2% of the total), the most during June (2.3 million). Highest densities were usually entrained during dusk, dawn or night periods. To compare entrainment losses with ambient field population estimates in the vicinity of the plant during a 24-h period, we calculated the number of larvae in the body of water from shore to 15 m which passed by the plant in 24 h. We then calculated the percentage of this population estimate that entrainment losses comprised on each sampling date. For alewives, the highest percentage was only 0.53. A comparison of the densities of larvae and of length-frequency distributions in the field and entrainment samples gave insight into how selective the Unit 3 wedge-wire screens were. An ANOVA showed that densities of entrained larvae were significantly lower than corresponding field densities measured on the same date. Length-frequency data further indicated tha^ only the small, newly hatched alewife larvae were being entrained. During mid-June, mostly newly hatched larvae were present in field samples, yet densities of larvae entrained were less than ambient densities suggesting some avoidance of the wedge-wire screens occurred by fish in this size interval. Later in the year, it was clear that size-selective entrainment was occurring as the whole range of larvae were present in the field (5-25 mm), yet mostly newly hatched larvae along with small numbers of larvae up to 12.5 mm were entrained. A noticeable reduction in entrainment vulnerability occurred after larvae attained a size of 5.0 mm. Entrainment at Units 1 and 2 was dominated by alewife larvae from 1977 to 1981. Percentages comprised by alewife ranged from 33.5 to 90.5. Because alewife was the dominant species, fluctuations in Units 1 and 2 entrainment over the 5-yr study were primarily due to fluctuations in alewife larvae abundance resulting from water temperature effects on alewife spawning. 363 Adult and juvenile alewives were the most often collected fish in 1981; total catch was substantially higher than any previous year's catch. A large portion of the alewife catch was comprised of yearlings, which are usually rare in our catches because of their more offshore residence. YELLOW PERCH Yellow perch were unexpectedly the most abundant larval fish species entrained at the Unit 3 intake during 1981; almost 3.25 million (31.8% of the total) larvae passed through the pipe. At Units 1 and 2 in 1980, a year of warm inshore water temperatures, 6.49 million perch larvae were entrained. In 1981, when upwellings characterized the year, only 787,000 perch larvae were entrained at Units 1 and 2. Yellow perch occur in Lake Michigan usually in two cohorts, one in early spring (April-May) from eggs spawned in inland and connecting waters and one in June from reproduction occurring in Lake Michigan proper. Because of predominant alongshore currents, the early cohort of yellow perch is usually concentrated near shore (< 3 m) and away from the influence of the 11-m deep intakes. Later, in June, yellow perch larvae derived from Lake Michigan spawners are more widespread and thus more susceptible to entrainment through the Unit 3 screens. In addition, there was evidence that increased numbers of spawners and increased utilization of the riprap as spawning habitat (inferred from higher densities of larvae), caused more larval perch to be present in the vicinity of the intakes which ultimately resulted in over 3.2 million fish being entrained at Unit 3. Of this total, 3.03 million were entrained during June when peak Lake Michigan larval perch densities were observed. Apparently this concentration of spawners in the area was substantial, as 1981 field densities in June were the highest recorded during our 5-yr study. Highest entrainment rates were recorded at dusk. Lengths of larvae entrained were generally smaller than comparable perch collected in the field, again confirming the trend of entrainment of the newly hatched, smaller members of the larval perch cohorts and avoidance of the intakes by larger perch. Most entrained perch were 6 mm, and none any larger than 6.7 mm were entrained. Statistical analyses revealed that significantly higher densities of perch larvae were found in entrainment samples than were present in the field near the intakes. We attributed this difference again to the concentration of spawning perch and newly hatched perch on the riprap around the intakes, which caused higher densities to be recorded in our entrainment samples. In addition, we calculated a population estimate for yellow perch in the vicinity of the plant and found that entrainment losses on 15-16 June (peak larval perch abundance) were only 1.68% (414,000 perch) of the total estimated population in the vicinity of the 364 plant (24.6 million). Juvenile and adult yellow perch were ranked fifth in our field catches in the plant area, comprising 1% of the catch. Catches were similar to those obtained in prior years. SPOTTAIL SHINER Spottail shiners are a bottom-oriented minnow (third-most abundant fish in adult and juvenile fish collections), whose spawning activity and nursery area are usually confined to the 3- m to shore area of Lake Michigan in the vicinity of the plant. Some incidental spawning, however, is suspected to have occurred on the riprap surrounding the discharge and intake structures which may have increased entrainment susceptibility of larvae. Most larvae found at depths greater than 3 m were small, newly hatched larvae that probably drifted from the inshore zone. Peak spawning occurred during June and July with maximum densities recorded during July. Entrainment losses for spottail shiner during 1981 at Unit 3 totalled 1,310,000 (12.8% of the total) with 851,000 being entrained during June. Fewer entrainment losses were recorded in May and July-August. All larvae entrained were less than 7 mm, with most around 5 mm, the size at hatching. Field samples, particularly those collected later in the year, contained larvae up to 25 mm, showing again the highly selective nature of the Unit 3 screens which entrained only the smallest larvae present in the cohort. Spottail shiner . larvae entrainment at Units 1 and 2 was 4.8 million in 1980 and 4.9 million in 1981, which contrasts with 1.3 million entrained at Unit 3 in 1981. In 1981, densities of larvae in field and entrainment samples were not significantly different. Numbers of spottails lost to entrainment were slight when compared with estimates of the total number of larvae in the plant vicinity. The highest ratio of spottail larvae entrained to those present in the area was only 2.11 percent during 6-7 August when 6720 larvae were entrained from an estimated 319,000 present in the plant area. At other times these percentages were < 2 percent. Placement of the intake screens in 11-m-deep water away from nearshore concentrations of larvae and 2.3 m off the bottom (greatest densities of spottail larvae occurred in bottom strata) has significantly reduced the potential impact of Unit 3 on spottail shiners. In addition, obvious avoidance of the intakes by larger larvae ensures that the more important (in terms of the overall spottail population) large larvae, which have survived the higher mortality experienced by smaller larvae, are not affected by the plant. Abundance and distribution of adult and juvenile spottail shiners during 1981 were similar to patterns displayed in preoperational years. 365 RAINBOW SMELT Smelt spawn in spring when waters are around 10 C, usually sometime in April or May. Most spawning occurs in the nearshore area, although some deepwater spawning does occur. Larvae hatch at about 5 mm, are most concentrated nearshore right after hatching, then become more widespread in the study area. They are commonly found from 6 to 15m from June through September. Entrainment rates are dependent on the distribution and densities of smelt near the 11-m contour of the study site. Smelt larvae were entrained in only 2 mo at Unit 3. During May 105,000 were entrained while during June another 191,000 passed through the Unit 3 intake system. Smelt represented only 2.S percent of the total number of larvae entrained. From analysis of our data we found that densities and sizes of smelt in the field were comparable to those entrained at Unit 3, which was contrary to results observed for perch and alewives. For example most smelt larvae entrained during June were 10.5 to 21 mm TL showing that relatively large larvae were entrained. In addition, they occupy water in the region of the intake structures for a good part of their early life history. Fry 35-42 mm were found in entrainment samples during August and September. Entrainment of smelt at Units 1 and 2 was 649,000 in 1980 and 784,000 in 1981, which compares with the 296,000 entrained at Unit 3 in 1981. Our comparisons of field population estimates with the number of larvae entrained during the same period showed that relatively small percentages (0-3.7%) of the field population were impacted. Annual catches of juvenile and adult smelt in the study area increased from 12,903 in 1977 to 62,533 in 1981. YOY made up the major portion of the total catches. Adults occurred mostly during the spawning season. UNIDENTIFIED COREGONINAE Each year of the study, the number of unidentified Coregoninae caught has increased. Larvae, probably round or lake whitefish, were collected in the beach zone during spring 1981, as in previous years. None were entrained at Unit 3 because of their primarily nearshore distribution, but 4230 were estimated entrained at Units 1 and 2 during 1980 and 1.41 million during 1981. Larvae believed to be bloaters were collected rarely at our deeper stations during summer, but none were found in entrainment samples. Most adult and juvenile unidentified Coregoninae were believed to be bloaters and were taken in trawls. Most taken from August through December were YOY, and most taken April through July were yearlings. YOY were generally collected at shallower depths than older fish. Although YOY and yearlings were more abundant than previous years, fewer adults were collected during 1981 than during 1979 or 1980. Also in 366 contrast to previous years, similar numbers of unidentified Coregoninae were taken at each transect. We attributed these two differences to construction activity, which increased turbidity (decreasing net avoidance) and stirred up food organisms, attracting fish. TROUT-PERCH Though trout-perch juveniles and adults were among the five most abundant fish collected in the plant vicinity, larvae were relatively uncommon. Apparently the prolonged spawning period (April-September), low fecundity of adults and the demersal behavior of larvae resulted in larvae appearing infrequently in our gear. Over 80% of the 63 trout-perch caught from 1977 to 1981 in Lake Michigan appeared in sled samples. Only 17 larval trout-perch were entrained by Unit 3 in 1981; all were recently hatched (5-7.8 mm) except one 9.8-mm specimen. Most were entrained during dusk, night and dawn. Major entrainment of trout-perch occurred in June (68,500) and July (62,700) with lesser quantities entrained during August-September. Trout-perch entrainment at Units 1 and 2 was as follows: 1977 - 7,450; 1978 - 4,690; 1979 - 86,500; 1980 - 46,300 and 1981 - 48,600. Entrainment rate at Unit 3 in 1981 was substantially higher (145,000) than was observed at Units 1 and 2. Attraction of trout-perch to the riprap is the suspected cause of high entrainment rates. YOY and yearling trout-perch catches were lower than in previous years, in part because trawling was not performed at 15 m in 1981. Peak catch of adults occurred in October, unlike 1977-1980 when the peak was in May or June, just prior to peak spawning. A ripe-running trout-perch and a recently hatched larva provided evidence for October spawning, extending our documentation of their spawning period to April-October. SLIMY SCULPIN Slimy sculpins are demersal fish which have been found to thrive in rocky substrates such as that found around the Campbell intake and discharge system. Sculpins usually spawn in April and May and deposit their eggs on the undersides of rocks or similar objects. The population in the vicinity of the plant represents the fringes of a population which resides in deeper water beyond the study area. Most adults migrate to deeper and colder water during summer months. Sculpin larvae have occurred in higher densities and frequencies since deposition of the riprap, although compared to other larvae, numbers caught were relatively low. More larvae were found at deeper offshore stations than those closer to shore. In 5 yr of sampling only 40 samples (37 367 at night) contained larvae. Slimy sculpins, though rare in field samples, were comparatively abundant (ranked fourth) m entrainment samples as 1.24 million (12.1% of total) were estimated lost in 1981 at Unit 3. Location of the intake structures at 1 1 m placed them within the zone of greatest field abundance of slimy sculpin larvae. Of those larvae entrained, 96% were <10 mm TL and most were entrained during June. It appeared that larvae around 7-10 mm (near the end of yolk absorption) were less benthic, and therefore more susceptible to entrainment by the intake structures, which are located within the water column (2 m above the bottom), than were smaller and larger larvae. Most entrainment occurred at dusk, night and dawn periods when adults and, apparently, larvae are most active. Entrainment of slimy sculpin larvae always comprised less than 1% of the total entrainment loss at Units 1 and 2 during 1977-1981, probably due to the more nearshore withdrawal of water (6 m) where slimy sculpins are less abundant. Slimy sculpin larvae were entrained with greater frequency by Unit 3 and comprised a much higher percentage (12.1%) of the total entrainment loss than at Units 1 and 2. Attraction of slimy sculpins to the riprap is believed responsible for the increased slimy sculpin entrainment rate at Unit 3 relative to Units 1 and 2. This attraction was also the cause of the significantly higher densities of entrained larvae at Unit 3 when they were compared with ambient densities in the vicinity of the plant. A comparison of field estimates of population abundance with entrainment estimates showed that on 15-16 June more than twice as many larvae (212%) were entrained as were calculated present in the Campbell Plant vicinity. However, we feel this is due to the overwhelming effect of colonization and spawning on the riprap and low abundance elsewhere (off the riprap area). JOHNNY DARTER Johnny darters, like sculpins, are demersal, lay their eggs under objects and prefer rocky habitat. As evidence of this, one larva was collected in 1977, while increases through the years occurred such that 105 were caught in 1980. In both 1980 and 1981, adults and larvae tended to be most abundant at 6 to 12 5. Divers noted densities of adults in the riprap as high as 40/m . Darters were entrained from 10 June to 11 August when 304,000 larvae (2.98% of the total) were estimated to be lost at the Unit 3 intake in 1981. Density comparisons between the field and entrainment samples varied; in June they were similar, in July more were caught in the field and in August field densities were higher than entrainment densities. Mean length of larvae tended to be shorter in entrainment samples when compared with field- caught larvae, suggesting avoidance of the Unit 3 intakes by the probably more demersal longer and older larvae. In 1980, 160,000 johnny darters were entrained at Units 1 and 2; in 1981 over 368 190,000 were estimated entrained. Field estimates of populations of darters compared with those entrained showed low percentages (< 2%) of larvae impacted by entrainment. LESS ABUNDANT SPECIES A number of larval fish species were collected infrequently in the field and in entrainment samples. Deepwater sculpin larvae are uncommon in the vicinity of the plant , but enough were collected to establish that they are pelagic larvae with major populations in deep water {>50 m),, Spawning occurs over a prolonged period from early winter to early spring. Deepwater sculpin larvae were entrained on 18 May at a density of 15/1000 m which was comparable to densities of 11-173/1000 m measured in the field over the past 5 yr. Lengths of larvae entrained (8-10 mm) were similar to those collected in the field on that date. Unit 3 entrained an estimated 39,200 deepwater sculpin larvae during 1981, while none were entrained by Units 1 and 2 in 1981. In 1980, Units 1 and 2 entrained 62,600 larvae. Ninespine stickleback larvae were entrained from 15 June through 17 August; densities were low and larvae ranged from 7 to 15 mm TL. During 1981 68,000 larvae were entrained by ' Unit 3. Ninespine stickleback larvae were relatively rare in larval fish samples from 1977-1979. Beginning in 1980-1981 more were observed in field and entrainment samples, as apparently more adults utilized the riprap for spawning. In previous years spawning was believed to be more concentrated in deeper offshore waters. Common carp larvae were relatively rare in Lake Michigan, only occurring in late June at the 1 5-m station. Entrainment losses at Unit 3 for the year were 35,000 with most being newly hatched larvae < 6 mm. Entrainment losses at Units 1 and 2 were very high in some years (over 11 million in 1979), but levels were reduced in 1980 (2.65 million) and 1981 (3.35 million). Gizzard shad was another species which was entrained at the Unit 3 intakes in low quantities (5420). A number of species (unidentified Coregoninae, emerald shiner, largemouth bass) were collected in the field, but not entrained. FISH EGGS Fish eggs reached maximum densities in field samples in June-July, with highest densities in late July sled tows. Most eggs were believed to be those of alewife and spottail shiner. Significantly higher densities were recorded in entrainment samples than field samples, which was attributed to the 369 attractive influence of the intake riprap and risers to spawning alewives. Night densities for entrainment samples were higher than corresponding day densities. Unit 3 egg entrainment in 1981 was 1C7 million. Units 1 and 2 entrained 336 million eggs and 20.6 million eggs in 1980 and 1981, respectively. DIVER OBSERVATIONS Hydra, bryozoans and freshwater sponges were the dominant colonizers on the Unit 3 intake screens and risers. The deep water (11m) apparently inhibited algal growth and favored these invertebrates. Isopods {Asellus sp. ) were observed in high densities in the riprap, as well as a few snails {Lymnaea sp.). No crayfish were observed. Periphyton growth was sparse compared to other areas, but Cladophora was noted in low abundance on riprap collected in 1981. Eleven species of fish were observed, and spawning by lake trout, unidentified Coregoninae and slimy sculpin was documented. Slimy sculpins, johnny darters, trout- perch, spottail shiners and rainbow smelt were observed resting on top of the wedge-wire screens. IMPINGEMENT Results of our scuba diver work showed that no fish were impinged on the intake screens. Many live fish were observed directly on top of the screens and they seemed unaffected by the low through-slot current velocities. BIOFOULING From April to September 1981, an escalating accumulation of organic matter was observed on the Unit 3 wedge-wire screens. Invertebrates (freshwater sponges, bryozoans and Hydra), attached algae (including some Cladophora) , flocculent organic detritus and sediment were present in varying amounts. Some screens had only small patches, while others had very large patches, up to 0.5 m^ on both upper and lower parts of the screens. Maximum coverage was observed in early September with a decrease recorded in late September-October. Periphyton growth on the riprap was minimal in contrast to that observed on the wedge-wire screens. OVERVIEW The placement of the Unit 3 intake at the 11-m contour in Lake Michigan was based on previously collected data which showed this depth was an area of low abundance of larvae during most times of the year for most species. The potential effects of 370 this decision were realized and evaluated in terms of entrainment and impingement losses, creation of new habitat, colonization of that habitat and operational success of the wedge-wire screens themselves, i.e., biofouling and resistance to storm-generated ice or tree damage. Estimated entrainment losses of larvae at Unit 3 in 1981 totaled 10.2 million, which when compared with potential populations of larvae in the vicinity of the plant, represented a minimal impact on respective populations. For most species, newly hatched, or small larvae of a particular cohort, were entrained with greater frequency than larger larvae which appeared to successfully avoid the wedge-wire screens. Since the smallest larvae usually experience the highest mortality rate, their entrainment represents less of a loss than if larger, older larvae were removed from their respective populations. Most entrainment occurred during the non-daylight periods, evidence that larvae were able to visually detect and avoid the screens. The most frequently entrained larvae were yellow perch, which was somewhat surprising; apparently the riprap extended optimal spawning habitat out to the 11-12-m contours which resulted in perch larvae being susceptible to entrainment by the Unit 3 intake. £>tatistical analyses (ANOVA) showed that alewife larvae densities were significantly higher in field samples than in entrainment samples. This is evidence that even newly hatched alewife larvae are exhibiting an avoidance reaction to the wedge- wire screen intakes. Data from later on in the alewife spawning season showed only larvae up to 10 mm in length were entrained when larvae up to 25 mm were present in the field. Densities of entrained spottail shiner larvae were not significantly different from those in the field; however^, the ANOVA utilized tows from four strata nearest the intake, not the 1-3-m depths where spottail larvae were most abundant. The fact that fish egg, yellow perch, and slimy sculpin densities were significantly higher in entrainment samples than in the four north transect field tows used to represent ambient field densities is undoubtedly due to attraction of fish to the riprap for spawning. For rainbow smelt, johnny darter and damaged larvae, there was no significant difference between densities in field samples and entrainment samples. The Unit 3 screens completely prevented any impingement of fish according to our scuba divers who surveyed the screens regularly during 1981. Some fish which were presumed dead prior to their impingement were observed on the screens. Another consideration in evaluating the new screens is the creation of new habitat by the structures and associated riprap which have been documented as attracting invertebrates and fish by providing cover and food. Lake trout, slimy sculpin and unidentified Coregoninae were documented as spawning in and 371 around the riprap since its deposition began in 1978. Several other species, including johnny darter, yellow perch, ninespine stickleback and trout-perch, were also believed to prefer rocky areas for spawning, as larvae of these species were found in entrainment samples with greater frequency than they were found in field samples. Lastly, the screens were shown to exhibit considerable biofouling, with up to 60% of some screens being covered with Hydra, bryozoans, freshwater sponges and various algal species, including Cladophora. No damage to the screens by ice or storms was noted by scuba divers during 1981, although the winter of 1980-1981 was relatively mild. 372 REFERENCES AnjarcU C. A. 1974. Centrarchidae - sunfishes. pp. 178-195 in: A. J. Lippson and R. L. Moran. Manual for identification of early developmental stages of fishes of the Potomac River Estuary. 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Distribution of fish fry in nearshore waters of southern and central Lake Michigan, May-August 1973. Admin. Rep. Great Lakes Fish. Lab., Ann Arbor, Mich. 22 pp. 380 and R. W. Hatch. 1982. Status of bloater chubs, alewives, smelt, and slimy sculpins in Lake Michigan, 1981. Report to Great Lakes Fishery Commission,, Lake Michigan Committee, March 23-24, 1982. Agenda Item 11. and A. L. McLain. 1972. Lake Michigan: effects of exploitation, introductions and eutrophication on the salmonid community. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 29:889-898. and . 1973. Lake Michigan - man's effects on native fish stocks and other biota. Tech. Rep. 20. Great Lakes Fish. Comm. Ann- Arbor, Mich. 55 pp. Westin, L. 1970. Observations on the nest digging of fourhorn sculpin, Myoxocephal US quadricornis (L.). Rep. Inst. Freshw. Res. Drottningholm 50:211-214. Winn, H. E. 1958. Comparative reproductive behavior and ecology of fourteen species of darters (Pisces - Percidae). Ecol. Monogr. 28: 155-191 . Wong, B. 1972. Growth, feeding and distribution of yellow percn fry, PercafTuviatil IS flavescens (Mitchill), during their first summer in West Blue Lake. M.S. Thesis. Univ. Manitoba, Winnipeg, Man. 92 pp. Yocum, W. L. and F. J. Tesar. 1980. Sled for sampling benthic fish larvae. Prog. Fish-Cult. 42:118-119. Zeitoun, I. H., J. A. Gulvas and D. B. Roarabaugh. 1981. Effectiveness of fine mesh cylindrical wedge-wire screens in reducing entrainment of Lake Michigan ichthyoplankton. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 38:120-125. 381 INDEX TO FISH SPECIES Alewife, 80 Bluegill, 300 Bluntnose minnow^ 293 Brook silverside, 304 Brown trout, 283 Burbot, 291 Channel catfish, 293 Chestnut lamprey, 299 Chinook salmon, 282 Coho salmon, 282 Common carp, 288 Damaged larvae, 305 Deepwater sculpin, 294 Emerald shiner, 283 Fathead minnow, 304 Freshwater drum, 294 Gizzard shad, 281 Golden redhorse, 299 Golden shiner, 304 Johnny darter, 248 Lake sturgeon, 304 Lake trout, 263 Lake whitefish, 290 Largemouth bass, 305 Longnose sucker, 265 Mottled sculpin, 299 Ninespine stickleback, 285 Quillback, 294 Rainbow smelt, 135 Rainbow trout, 288 Round whitefish, 266 Shorthead redhorse, 291 Silver redhorse, 291 Slimy sculpin, 268 Spottail shiner, 163 382 Trout-perch, 228 Unidentified Lepomis spp. , 300 Unidentified Pomoxis spp. , 302 Unidentified Coregoninae, 190 Walleye, 292 White sucker, 262 Yellow perch, 203 383 384 APPENDIXES ADULT, JUVENILE AND LARVAL FISH POPULATIONS IN THE VICINITY OF THE JAMES H. CAMPBELL POWER PLANT, 1981, WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THE EFFECTIVENESS OF WEDGE -WIRE INTAKE SCREENS IN REDUCING ENTRAINMENT AND IMPINGEMENT OF FISH Special Report No. 96 Great Lakes Research Division The University of Michigan December, 1982 385 APPENDIXES Appendix 1 . Appendix 2. Appendix 3. Appendix 4. Appendix 5. Appendix 6* Appendix ?• Appendix 8. Alphabetical listing of code letters and common names of all fish species and species groups captured in the vicinity of the J. H. Campbell Plants eastern Lake Michigan, 1977 to 1 98 1 389 Meteorological and limnological parameters measured during gillnetting, April to November 1981 near the J. H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan * - surface gill net 390 Meteorological and limnological parameters measured during seining, April to November 1981 near the J, H, Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan 394 Meteorological and limnological parameters measured during trawling, April to December 1981 near the J. H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan • • • 395 Meteorological and limnological parameters measured during fish larvae sampling by plankton net, April to September 1981 near the J. H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan.. • 398 Meteorological and limnological parameters measured during fish larvae sampling by benthic sled, April to September 1981 near the J. H. Campbell Plant, eastern Lake Michigan. .. 423 Monthly length-frequency distributions of species caught from April to December 1981 in the J. H. Campbell Plant study area, eastern Lake Michigan. Catches from all gear were pooled. Length intervals represent the mid-point of a 10-mm length group 429 Monthly length-frequency distributions of the most abundant species caught during April- December 1981 in Lake Michigan near the J. H. Campbell Plant. Distributions were segregated by gear type. Length intervals given represent the mid-point of a 10-mm length group 444 386 Appendix 9. Appendix 10. Appendix 11. Appendix 12. Appendix 13. Appendix 14. Appendix 15. Number of fish larvae and eggs per 1000 m^ for north transect stations in Lake Michigan near the J. H. Campbell Plant, April to September 1981. D =^ day, N = night, * = sled tow. See Appendix 1 for species code identification 455 Number of fish larvae and eggs per 1000 m* for south transect stations in Lake Michigan near the J. H. Campbell Plant, April to September 1981. D = day, N = night, * = sled tow. See Appendix 1 for species code identification 472 1 A weekly summary of fish larvae and eggs entrained by the J. H. Campbell Plant (Units and 2) from January through December 1980. This summary includes average number of fish larvae and eggs entrained per diel period. See Appendix 1 for species code identification 489 A weekly summary of fish larvae and eggs entrained by the J. H. Campbell Plant (Units 1 and 2) from January through December 1981. This summary includes average number of fish larvae and eggs entrained per diel period. See Appendix 1 for species code identification , 494 A weekly summary of fish larvae and eggs entrained by Unit 3 of the J. H. Campbell Plant from September through December 1980. This summary includes average number of fish larvae and eggs entrained per diel period. See Appendix 1 for species code identification , 498 A weekly summary of fish larvae and eggs entrained by the J. H. Campbell Plant (Unit 3) from January through December 1981. This summary includes average number of fish larvae and eggs entrained per diel period. See Appendix 1 for species code identification. ... 499 Number of fish fry per 1000 m^ caught in eastern Lake Michigan near the J. H. Campbell Plant during 1981. D = day, N = night, * = sled tow. See Appendix 1 for species code identification. 505 387 Appendix 16. Number of fish fry per 10C0 m^ in entrainment samples collected at the J, H. Campbell Plant (Units 1 and 2), eastern Lake Michigan, during 1980. D - day, N = night* See Appendix 1 for species code identification 509 Appendix 17. Number of fish fry per 1000 m^ in entrainment samples collected at the J. H. Campbell Plant (Units 1 and 2), eastern Lake Michigan, during 1981. D = day, N - night. See Appendix 1 for species code identification 512 Appendix 18. Number of fish fry per 1000 m' in entrainment samples collected at the J. H. Campbell Plant (Unit 3), eastern Lake Michigan, during 1981. D « day, N = night. See Appendix 1 for species code identification 516 388 Appendix names of 1. Alphabetical all fish species listing of code letters and common and species groups captured in Lake Michigan near the J* H. Campbell Plant, 1977 to 1981 Code Common name Code Common name AL Alewife MA BC Black Crappie MM BG Bluegill MS BM Bluntnose Minnow NP BL Bloater NS BR Burbot PM BT Brown Trout PP CC Channel Catfish PS CH Chinook Salmon QL CM Coho Salmon RT CP Common Carp RW ES Emerald Shiner SB FD Freshwater Drum SM FS Deepwater Sculpin SP GF Goldfish SR GL Golden Shiner SS GN Green Sunfish SV GR Golden Redhorse TP GS Gizzard Shad UC JD Johnny Darter WL LD Longnose Dace WS LG Lake Sturgeon XC LH Lake Herring XG LP Logperch XL LS Longnose Sucker XM LT Lake Trout XP LW Lake Whitefish XS XX Unidentified Pisces YB yp Yellow Perch Silver Redhorse Central Mudminnow Mottled Sculpin Northern Pike Ninespine Stickleback Unidentified Pomoxis spp. Fathead Minnow Pumpkinseed Quillback Rainbow Trout Round Whitefish Smallmouth Bass Rainbow Smelt Spottail Shiner Shorthead Redhorse Slimy Sculpin Brook Silverside Trout-perch Unidentified Cottidae Walleye White Sucker Unidentified Coregoninae Unidentified Stickleback Unidentified Lepomis spp. Unidentified Cyprinidae Damaged Larvae Unidentified Catostomidae Yellow Bullhead 389 CD D E Q) > O z 05 c a; c 3 - T3 a> Q) U £. fC 3 ♦»- V) t. 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