SEDIMENTS OF SAGINAW BAY, LAKE HURON: ELEMENTAL COMPOSITION AND ACCUMULATION RATES John A. Robbins Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory 2300 Washtenaw Avenue Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104 Grant No. R804686 Project Officer Michael D. Mullin Large Lakes Research Station Environmental Research Laboratory-Duluth Grosse He, Michigan 48138 ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH Li^.BORATORY-DULUTH OFFICE OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY DULUTH, MINNESOTA 55804 Special Report No. 102 of the Great Lakes Research Division Great Lakes and Marine Waters Center The University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109 1986 ABSTRACT During the period from 1975 through 1978, sediment cores and grab samples were obtained from over 100 sites in lower Saginaw Bay. Selected samples were analyzed for grain size, organic and inorganic carbon, over 30 elements and both cesium-137 and lead-210. The study has revealed an extensive mud deposit in the lower bay covering about 400 km^ oriented approximately with bathymetric contours. The clay content of this deposit exceeds 50% toward the center with the mean grain size increasing toward deposit margins. Calcium family elements (Ca, Mg, and inorganic carbon) are preferentially concentrated at the southwestern end of the deposit either because of the distribution of source materials or because of prevailing currents in the system. In contrast, iron and organic carbon exhibit highest concentrations in sediments with highest content of clay-size particles. Most other elements, including contaminant metals (Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn) have surface concentrations which correlate strongly with concentrations of iron and organic carbon (r>0.9; N = 30). Vertical distributions of radionuclides and contaminant metals reveal a zone of constant activity (or concentration) which extends from the sediment- water interface to depths ranging from 10 to 25 cm. This zone of uniform composition varies systematically within the deposit, tending to be greatest toward the center, and is probably the resiilt of extensive mixing by zooben- thos (predominantly oligochaetes) . About 90% of the zoobenthos occur within the zone of mixing determined radiometrically. Benthos densities range from 10,000 to 50,000 per m^ and are sufficient to completely mix sediments annually. Ill Because of extensive mixing, sedimentation rates may not be reliably determined from profiles of Cs~137 in this system. However, lead-210 dating appears valid and yields sedimentation rates ranging from about 0.07 to 0.24 g/cm^/yr (0.1-0.6 cm/yr). Highest rates occur toward the southwestern end of the deposit and decrease with increasing distance from the mouth of the Saginaw River. Radiometric mixed depths, in combination with sedimentation rate values, provide estimates of particle residence times in the mixed layer ranging from 11 to 60 years and averaging 30 years. Contaminant metal deposition rates as of 1975 are estimated using a model of steady-state mixing and exponential loading with a 20-year doubling time in combination with sedimentation rate data. Annual loadings are estimated (in metric tons/year) as: Cr, 54; Cu, 28; Ni, 30; P, 420; Pb, 40; and Zn, 86. Surface concentrations of contaminant metals (and most other elements) are consistently lower in the bay mud deposits than in open lake deposits. Intense local sources do not lead to higher concentrations within the deposit mainly because of extensive downward reworking of surface materials, and to a lesser degree, because of dilution by inert allochthonous materials. \*Jhen corrected for "dilution" effects, concentration of chromium are considerably higher in the bay muds. Relative to underlying sediments, the contaminant metals are highly enriched in surface materials and mean vertically integrated amounts (exceeding background) levels (pg/cm^) are: Cr, 280; Cu, 160; Ni, 160; Pb, 230; and Zn, 490). These values far exceed the excess element accumulation in deposits of the open lake. Thus, while surface concentrations of contaminant elements, with the exception of chromium, are not particularly distinctive, the vertically integrated amounts are strikingly high IV illustrate the effectiveness of vertical reworking processes in diluting contaminants reaching the mud. The total amount of cesium~137 stored in the deposits is about 64 Ci compared with an estimated 158 Ci deposited over the same area from cumulative atmospheric fallout. As tributary contributions may be ignored (but possibly not exchange from the open lake) the muds are no more than 40% efficient in retention of the radionuclide. Total inventories of metal contaminants in the lower bay (metric tons) are:: Cr, 1,000; Cu, 590; Ni, 590; P, 11,000; Pb, 850; and Zn, 1,800. Fluxes of nutrients from cores collected during the period from April through November 1978 were determined from changes in concentrations in water overlying sediments incubated at prevailing in situ temperatures. Mean values for the period were: P, -530 yg/cm^/yr; N(NH3), +200 yg/cm^/yr; N(N03), -360 yg/cm^/yr; and Si, 3,000 yg/cm^/yr. Releases of Si constitute a major input of Si into the Bay. The flux of silicon from sediments exhibits an annual cycle ranging from about 1,500 yg/cm^/yr in the spring to a maximum of about 6,000 yg/cm^/yr in August. The mean flux may be reliably predicted from thermodynamic expressions and the sediment temperature. During the fall months the flux (at constant temperature) is strongly correlated with the numbers of chironomid larvae present. Correlations between other nutrient fluxes and organism densities are generally insignificant. The mean flux of silicon based on pore water concentration gradients and estimates of the effective molecular diffusion coefficient were only about 660 iig Si/cm^/yr. Significantly higher direct fluxes suggest that Si release from sediments is not diffusion-limited but dependent on the rate at which materials dissolve at the sediment-water interface. CONTENTS Abstract iii Introduction 1 Methods 4 Field Methods 4 Laboratory Methods 5 Results and Discussion • • 6 Physical Characteristics of Sediments 6 Composition of Surface Sediments 13 Vertical Distribution of Elements • 39 Sediment Mixing and Sedimentation Rates • 57 Cesium-137 58 Lead-210 • 68 Net Metal Contaminant Fluxes 79 Vertical Distribution of Dissolved Silicon and Phosphorus 83 Nutrient Fluxes 85 Conclusions • 91 Acknowledgments 95 Data File 96 References • 97 Publications and Presentations Receiving EPA Support 100 Vll INTRODUCTION This is the second of three reports dealing with the composition of re- cent sediments of Lake Huron and the rate of accumulation of metal contami- nants. The aims of the report include: (1) determination of recent sedimentation rates both by radiometric methods and other means, (2) identi- fication of elemental contaminants by examination of concentration profiles in dated sediment cores, (3) development of contour maps for sections of the lake which show the concentration of metal contaminants and their present and historical rates of accumulation, (4) estimation of the total amount of various contaminants stored in sediments, (5) identification of the origins of metal contaminants in selected cores, and (6) recognition and quantitative treatment of processes affecting sedimentary records of radioactivity and metal contaminants and the exchange of substances between sediments and overlying water. The results of the research reported in this Lake Huron sediment series represent a natural extension of the work of Thomas et al. (1973), who provided the first extensive and systematic mapping of the surficial sediments of Lake Huron, and that of Kemp and Thomas (1976), who provided the first limited exploratory study of the distribution of metal contaminants in pollen-dated cores from this Lake. The reports in the series deal with southern Lake Huron (Robbins 1980), Saginaw Bay and northern Lake Huron. Areas of the lake treated in each report are indicated in Figure 1. This report, focusing on Saginaw Bay, emphasizes the lower part of the bay as can be seen from the distribution of coring locations shown in Figure 2. The 1973 study of Thomas et al. indicated that sediments of the outer bay were comprised of sand and therefore relatively 46«00- 45*00 44*00 43*00 85*00' 84*00 83*00' 82*00' Figure 1. Sediment coring locations in Lake Huron. Sampling was conducted throughout the entire lake from 1974 through 1978. stations and Depth Contours (ft) • 1975ai978Stations o 1978 Stations 44"'00' 83°50 Figure 2. Sediment sampling sites in Saginaw Bay. uninteresting from the standpoint of significant accumulations of contaminants. Although the Thomas et al. study did not include the lower bay, the earlier work of Wood (1964) showed that the lower part of the bay possessed an area of fine-grained sediments of considerable extent. As the fine-grained sediments are the primary carriers of contaminants, this area is a probable receptor of contamination issuing from the Saginaw River. In this report, the results of analyses of many samples from the several hundred cores collected in the lower bay are summarized. METHODS FIELD METHODS Sediment samples were collected at 57 stations in Saginaw Bay during April and August of 1975. The locations of the 1975 stations, shown in Figure 2, cover in considerable detail most of the corable areas in the lower bay. In 1978 the entire lower bay was resampled at over 100 stations. Cores were collected wherever possible and supplemented by Ponar grab samples of uncorable sediments (sand and gravel). The additional 1978 sampling sites are shown in Figure 2 as open circles. Sediment cores were collected with a 3- inch diameter gravity core (Benthos, Inc., Falmouth, Mass.). Cores contained within plastic liners were hydraulically extruded and sectioned aboard ship. Details of the sediment collection and processing methods are provided in the Southern Lake Huron Report (Robbins 1980). In addition, for this report, a series of cores were taken for nutrient flux measurements. Cores collected by the above methods were extruded into short plastic liners approximately 25 cm long. Care was taken to preserve approximately 10 cm of overlying water and to disturb the core minimally 4 during the transfer process. The short sections of core with overlying water were placed in a water-bath incubator, the temperature of which was adjusted to match the in situ sediment temperature. The overlying water in the cores was continuously aerated and mixed by introduction of filtered air from a 3/8" section of Tygon tubing extending a few cm into the water overlying each core. A maximum of 21 cores could be incubated simultaneously. During the period from April to November 1978, selected sites in the lower bay were revisited eight times to collect cores for nutrient flux determinations. Fluxes were inferred from measurement of the concentration of nutrients in overlying water as a function of time. Approximately every 24 hours for one week, 20 mL of water was withdrawn from each core (about 5-7% of the total volume of overlying water), filtered immediately through a phosphate-free pre-rinsed 0.45 micron (Millipore®) filter, and frozen for subsequent analysis. During the course of the flux study, over 40 cores were examined. LABORATORY METHODS The methods for determination of certain sediment characteristics and composition of sediments are described in considerable detail in the Southern Lake Huron Report (Robbins 1980). Methods are described for determination of bulk density, fraction dry weight, zoobenthos composition, activity of cesium- 137, total and inorganic carbon, elements via x\tomic Absorption Spectro- photometry (AAS) on acid-peroxide extracts, lead-210, amorphous silicon, and elements in whole sediment as determined via Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA). Concentrations of nutrients in pore water and, in the flux experiments, in overlying water are determined by conventional colorimetric methods as described by Strickland and Parsons (1972). In addition, for this report, grain-size distributions have been measured by conventional methods, employing sieving for peroxide-cleaned sediments with mean grain diameters exceeding 63 ym and pipette analysis of the sieved materials with mean grain sizes less than 63 ym. Details of these methods are described by Royse (1970). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF SEDIMENTS The distribution of grain size in surface sediments of the lower bay is summarized in Figures 3-5 in terms of the major size categories: clay, silt, and sand. In analyzing over 150 sediment cores, the 1-2-cm interval was chosen on the assximption that it provides a better representation of the distribution of grain sizes of quasi-permanent surface deposits than does the 0-1 cm interval. This uppermost layer (0-1 cm) consists of a fluid, highly mobile flocculent phase overlying all corable sediments in the bay. The lim- ited comparisons possible from the vertical dependence of grain size distributions in cores suggest that there is generally little difference in grain size distribution between the 0-1 and 1-2 cm intervals of sediment. Inspection of Figures 3-5 shows that the lower bay possesses an extensive area of mud (clay plus silt) which generally lies within the deeper waters and covers roughly one quarter of the area of the lower bay. Areas outside the mud deposit are generally comprised of sand with isolated areas of gravel and coarser materials. Even within the mud deposit, surface sediments generally have detectable amounts of fine sand. Only six samples out of 102 contained no measurable amounts of sand. The mean grain size of surface sediments in the lower bay is shown in Figure 6. Note that accumulation of finer materials PERCENT CLAY IN SURFACE SEDIMENTS 44''00 — 43°50 — 43''40 — o N LOWER SAGINAW BAY 5 10 KILOMETERS Qyio Figure 3. Percent clay in surface sediments (1-2 cm depth) of lower Saginaw Bay. PERCENT SILT IN SURFACE SEDIMENTS 30-50 »ll 10-30 in j-10 mm 0-1 44000' N LOWER SAGINAW BAY 5 10 KILOMETERS Figure 4. Percent silt in surface sediments (1-2 cm depth) of lower Saginaw Bay. 8 PERCENT SAND IN SURFACE SEDIMENTS ^m 10-50 EZ3 2-10 CZl <2 44»00'— 43»50 — 43°40 LOWER SAGINAW BAY 5 10 KILOMETERS 83°30 Figure 5. Percent sand in surface sediments (1-2 cm depth) of lower Saginaw Bay. MEAN ( 3RAIN SIZE (Phi Units) Wk >6 ^ 4-6 ^g 2-4 11 0-2 m. <0 44°00 43°50 — 43M0 Boy City 83° 50 N LOWER SAGINAW BAY 5 10 KILOMETERS Figure 6. Mean grain size (phi units) of surface sediments of lower Saginaw Bay. 10 (phi 2) occurs to a limited extent in the southeastern region of the bay in locally deep water (cf . Fig. 2 for bathymetric data). The fractional water content by volume (porosity) of surface sediments (1-2 cm) shows minor but systematic variations over the mud deposit. Highest porosities tend to occur toward the center of the deposit and decrease toward the margins where a greater proportion of sand occurs. No water content measurements were made outside the mud deposits, as only grab samples could be obtained for which water content as well as depth determinations are inaccurate. The vertical distribution of water content in cores shows systematic variations which are important for interpretation of radioactivity and metal profiles. An example is provided in Figure 7 (Core: EPA-SB-75~40) . A qualitative description of sediment textural characteristics is shox^m as a function of sediment depth along with the porosity and the fraction of dry sediment by weight which is soluble on treatment with acid and concentrated hydrogen peroxide. Both the porosity and the soluble fraction decrease with increasing sediment depth down to about 20 cm, remain constant more or less between 20 and 35 cm, and then rise slightly below 35 cm to at least 50 cm. The principal reason for this systematic decrease in porosity over the upper 20 cm is variable dilution of fine grained sediments by sand. Sediments between 20 and 35 cm contain considerable sand (^50%). Below the layer of sandy clay-silt is a layer, starting at about 35 cm in the core (Fig. 7), of virtually sand-free clay. It is important to note that although compaction can account for some of the decrease in water content near the sediment surface, its role is comparatively minor below depths of a few cm, as can be seen by comparison of the water content and acid soluble fraction in Figure 7. This core typifies the vertical structure of the mud deposits in the lower 11 (uiD) Hld3a lN31Alia3S 12 bay: zone 1 (fluid flocculent sediment) is roughly 1 cm thick, overlaying zone 2, gray silty clay with a sand content which gradually increases with sediment depth, followed by zone 3, which is a region of silty clay with a relatively uniform and high amount of fine sand, underlain by a clay (zone 4) of higher water content (greasy) of indeterminate thickness. The thickness of the zones varies systematically with location within the mud deposit. The depth of the transition between zone 2 (mud with sand content increasing with depth) and zone 3 (clay-silt with uniformly high amounts of fine sands) occurs roughly where the porosity, cj), is 0.7 and the rate of change of d(f) 1 d(j) porosity, *-*', with depth is greatest (i.e., - r-")* ^^ the case of Core 78-40 dz 9 dz (Fig. 7), this depth is about 15 cm. Porosity profiles for several other cores are shown in Figures 8 and 9. Porosity transition depths (mud layer thickness) vary from 4 to 18 cm in the examples. The porosity of surface sediments is shown in Figure 10. The systematic variation in the mud thickness is illustrated in Figure 11. Thickest deposits occur toward the center of the depositional area and the thickness is correlated with the fraction of the sediment which is clay. COMPOSITION OF SURFACE SEDIMENTS The pH of surface sediments measured in April is shown in Figure 12. Values tend to be highest (exceeding pH 8.00) toward the margins of the mud deposit. Lowest pH values tend to be centrally located within the deposit and are as low as about 7.2 pH units. The platinum electrode potential (Eh) shown in Figure 13 also tends to be highest toward the deposit perimeter with values exceeding 400 mv. Within the deposit the electrode potential is less than 100 mv over roughly half the area. These trends toward lower pH and Eh values 13 ' e' i 1 — ""^ X. — x>„^^ 00 ^— - Ld LO 8 1 -, -J J \ ^ o o CM O S- ~^^ 1 1 1 - ...-. L - CORE 78(1) 48 , 1 r f 1 XI' 1 1 \ ^^ \ -^^ "~ \ 00 \ ^-c\j ^*^ u^ cr o 1 1 1 1 o o C CO O u u CO OJ u o u ID u a; T— I 0) CO C o 00 u c o c ^ s - s o CO 0) o CO o u o 00 CD u COS •H (^3) HldBQ lN3lAlia3S 14 •••••, •••••••. . - CO J L J L • • • • J L _?J •. J L CD ro J L •••. ••• ••• O rO '• • • • • • I L ••• •••••• • • • • , • • • • • J L ID CvJ J I I L •• •••i CD • • • • • J L • • • • J I • • • I I • •• < CVJ • • • • J L O cp a OJ ^. 0) C/3 CO o CO OJ N 00 01 1 >- 2;" 3- h- CO (f) ^ = O (T Z> "5 O "," Q- -^ ^ 00 .5 1 o ro O S 0? 00 ;; ^ o Q- cn O o 00 (^3) Hid3a 15 POROSITY OF SURFACE SEDIMENTS 44''00' 43»50 — 43'40 — Bay City N LOWER SAGINAW BAY 5 10 KILOMETERS 83»50 83M0 Figure 10, Porosity (water content) of surface sediments. 16 POROSITY TRANSITION DEPTH (cm) ^ 15-25 Bi iO-15 HI 0-10 44''00 — 43°50 — 43M0 N LOWER SAGINAW BAY 5 10 KILOMETERS Figure 11. Depth of maximum fractional porosity change (see text) 17 Figure 12. pH of surface sediments (April 1975) 18 Figure 13. Eh of surface sediments (April 1975) 19 within depositional basins is typical of the sedimentary environments of the Great Lakes. Lower pH and Eh values are associated with fine-grained, organic rich, comparatively reducing sedimentary materials. The distribution of inorganic carbon (Fig. 14) exhibits an enhanced concentration in the southwest end of the mud deposit. This trend is reflected in the distribution of calcium (Fig. 15) and magnesium (Fig. 16). The association of these constituents as well as their ratios provide presumptive evidence for preferential deposition of dolomitic materials in that area of the lower bay. The distribution of organic carbon in surface sediments (Fig. 17) contrasts markedly with those of the calcium element group. Organic carbon ranges from less than 1% to greater than 5% over the lower bay, with maximum concentrations tending to occur in deepest areas of the bay. Iron (Fig. 18) exhibits a similar pattern. Metals such as lead, zinc, and copper (which in surface sediments may be partly of anthropogenic origin) have distributions which are very similar to the distribution of iron. The distribution of lead is provided as an example in Figure 19. Concentrations range from less than 20 ppm in regions outside the mud deposit (sand/gravel) to greater than 80 ppm at several isolated sites within the depositional zone. In contrast to the above three contaminant metals, another, cadmium, has a distribution (Fig. 20) which is dissimilar to the iron group but resembles more closely the distribution of the calcium family constituents. The weaker association of cadmium with the iron-organic carbon group also occurs in surface sediments in the southern part of the main lake (Robbins 1980). The similarity of the distribution of iron in surface sediments to that of other elements is summarized in Figure 21 in terms of ordered correlation coefficients. Note that total iron exhibits the best 20 INORGANIC CARBON ( Wt % ) rai >2 ^ 1.5- ■2 iii )-i .5 mm <\ 44»00'— 43»50'— N LOWER SAGINAW BAY 5 10 KILOMETERS Figure 14. Inorganic carbon in surface sediments (1-2 cm). 21 44''00 — 43°50 43''40 — Bay City o N LOWER SAGINAW BAY 83° 50 5 10 KILOMETERS 83°30 Figure 15. Calcium in surface sediments (1-2 cm) 22 MAGNESIUM Wt % 44''00' 43»50'— ^Z^AO' Bay City N LOWER SAGINAW BAY 83° 50 83M0 5 10 KILOMETERS 83»30 Figure 16. Magnesium in surface sediments (1-2 cm). 23 ORGANIC CARBON {Wt.%) ■1 5 ■ 4-5 Si 3-4 {ZH 1 -3 nz 3 ^2.5-3 Hi 2-2.5 EH 1-2 mi <\ 44''00 — Figure 18. Iron in surface sediments (1-2 cm) 25 LEAD (ppm) I >80 60-80 ^40-60 f 20-40 mm <20 44°00' 43°50 — N LOWER SAGINAW BAY 5 10 KILOMETERS 83050 83»40 Figure 19. Lead in surface sediments (1-2 cm) 26 CADMIUM (ppm) wa > 4 ^ 3- 4 ill 2 - 3 IH t- 2 mm < 1 44°00'— 43»50- 43*'40 — N LOWER SAGINAW BAY 5 10 KILOMETERS Figure 20. Cadmium in surface sediments (1-2 cm). 27 CO CO c cu E •l-t CU CO O) u 3 CO CVJ CO CO CSJ o C3 CVJ CO C/5 C-5 UJ UJ -J UJ ■^ OJ =3 o c C CD C o u CO c CT3 O c :^ o; XI c o OJ c OJ CL. I O CD ^ o 00 o 1^ d d X ID ^ ro CM d d d d lN3IOIdJ300 NOIlVn3ddO0 -J - o o u u o a; 3 00 28 correlation with acid soluble iron (Fe2) (r = 0.96 for N = 33). The elements Pb, Zn, Cu, Mn, and Ni are all well correlated with iron while organic carbon is comparatively less well-correlated in this environment. In contrast, in surface sediments of the main lake, both iron and organic carbon are significantly better correlated (Robbins 1980). Reasons for this difference are unclear; however, a possible explanation is that the hydrodynamic properties of iron and organic carbon-containing particulate matter may tend to be more similar in deep water depositional environments remote from allochthonous sources. It should also be noted that the inorganic carbon content of surface sediments is more poorly correlated with calcium and magnesium in sediments of Saginaw Bay than in sediments of the main lake (Robbins 1980). The surface sediment composition data are summarized in Table 1. Values are in micrograms/gram (ppm) unless noted. The index 2 following an element symbol (e.g., Fe2) indicates a concentration based on MS analysis of acid extracts. Elements without this index xvrere determined by neutron activation analysis of whole sediment. The extent of variability of the concentrations is indicated by the ratio of the standard deviation of the values to the average (coefficient of variation). This ratio is shown versus element in Figure 22. Two major groups of elements may be distinguished: those with coefficients greater than 0.4 and generally (with the exception of As) in the range of 0.4-0.6, and those with values below 0.4, generally occurring within a somewhat narrower range from about 0.25 to 0.35. Elements falling within the high variability group include the calcium family constituents and the contaminant metals group as determined from acid extracts. The low variability group includes the rare earth elements, elements which are not 29 TABLE 1. Summary of surface concentration data. Numbe r Range Standard of Element Minimum Maximum Average Deviation Ratio* Samples FSOL(%) 1.40 54.6 27.7 10.3 0.372 34 IOC(%) 0.110 2.49 1.42 0.619 0.437 29 0C(%) 0.320 5.21 3.47 1.14 0.330 28 As 1.14 60.2 16.6 13.5 0.814 35 Ba 183 551 422 82.9 0.196 35 Be 1.42 46.7 15.1 7.77 0.513 35 Ca2(%) 0.012 4.87 2.35 1.48 0.628 46 Cd2 0.170 4.32 2.40 1.22 0.507 33 Ce 7 55.6 41.1 11.1 0.270 35 Co 1.25 11.1 8.22 2.29 0.278 35 Cr 5.67 106 71.6 21.8 0.304 35 Cr2 8.93 173 63.5 36.8 0.508 46 Cs 0.216 5.15 3.25 1.05 0.323 35 CsR 0.110 7.04 2.97 1.42 0.479 35 Cu2 0.720 49.7 25.5 15.9 0.624 45 Eu 0.206 1.12 0.895 0.222 0.248 35 Fe(%) 0.310 3.43 2.38 0.686 0.288 35 Fe2(%) 0.026 3.21 1.78 0.948 0.532 46 Hf 0.880 9.19 5.60 1.51 0.269 35 K2(%) 0.104 1.23 0.652 0.247 0.379 33 La 5.13 31.9 24.2 6.30 0.269 35 Lu 0.044 0.423 0.283 0.075 0.264 35 Mg2(%) 0.020 5.56 1.54 1.05 0.682 46 Mn2 20 964 496 298 0.602 46 Na 4,020 9,090 6,550 1,130 0.172 35 Ni2 3.10 66.5 31.9 17.5 0.548 44 P2 187 2,100 1,330 486 0.366 26 Pb2 3.20 87.5 45.3 26.9 0.593 44 Sb 0.089 0.957 0.522 0.167 0.320 35 Sc 0.640 12.3 8.80 2.67 0.304 35 Se 0.574 3.00 1.76 0.474 0.269 35 Sm 0.770 5.28 3.76 1.08 0.287 35 Th 0.802 8.57 6.28 1.79 0.286 35 U 0.249 5.00 1.41 0.918 0.650 35 Zn2 4.90 188 96.3 56.2 0.584 45 Values in yg/g unless indicated. *Ratio = SD/mean = coefficient of variation. FSOL = fraction soluble in acid; IOC = inorganic carbon; OC = organic carbon; CsR = radiocesium (Cs-137). 30 COEFFICIENT OF VARIATION (SD/AV) 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 ( 1 1 1 1 i Asl Mq2| lOCI Ul Ca2| Cu2l Mn2l Pb2l Zn2l Ni2l Fe2 Br Cr2 Cd2 CsRI K2I h- FSOLI 2 P2I OCI UJ Sb _J III Cs S c C r Fe Th Co Sm Ce Hf La Se Lul Eul Bal Na Figure 22. Relative variability in concentrations of elements in surface sediments (see text). 31 likely to be contaminants and (where comparison is possible) the whole sedi- ment concentrations of elements whose acid extract concentrations fall in the high variability group (e.g., Fe/Fe2, Cr/Cr2, and Cs/CsR). A comparison of the concentration of elements in surface sediments of the lower bay with those in surface sediments in the southern part of Lake Huron is provided in Table 2. It can be seen that, generally, concentrations are lower in the bay mud deposits. A regression of In Cgg vs In Cslh yields the following relationship: CsB = 0.71 CsLH^-03 (1) with r = 0.99 (N = 33). The mean ratio of Csb/CslH ^s 0.77. Thus, on the average, concentrations in the mud deposit of the bay are 30% less than in mud deposits in southern Lake Huron, presumably because of the greater dilution of bay sediments by inert (quartz/clays) materials. If the effects of this dilution are taken into account, only a few elements have significantly different average concentrations in the bay relative to the open lake. Most notable is whole-sediment chromium (Cr) which has an average concentration of 72 ppm. As the mean concentration in southern Lake Huron is 47 ppm, the above regression equation yields a predicted value of 0.71*47"'-*03 s 37.5 ppm. Hence, if the effects of dilution are removed, concentrations of total chromium are 72/37.5 = 1.9 times higher in the bay than the lake. This relative enhancement is also seen in acid-soluble chromium, although to a lesser degree (63/0.71*66-*'*03 =s 1.2). Also occurring in relatively higher concentration (on an inert-material corrected basis) is organic carbon (3.5/0.71*3.2^*03 = 1,5). The relative enhancement (or reduction) in the mean concentration of elements in the bay muds is shown in the last column of 32 TABLE 2. Comparison of average concentrations of elements in surface sedi- ments of Saginaw Bay and southern Lake Huron. Lower Southern Ratio of Relative Saginaw Bay Lake Huron** means Enhancement Element* (Csb) (Cslh) (Csb/^slh) (Csb/^sb) FSOL(%) 28 31 .90 1.15 IOC(%) 1.4 2.4 .58 0.80 0C(%) 3.5 3.2 1.08 1.48 As 16 27 .61 .78 Ba 422 432 .98 1.14 Br 15 51 .29 .37 Ca2(%) 2.4 2.7 .89 1.22 Cd2 2.4 2.9 .83 1.13 Ce 41 54 .76 .95 Co 8.2 10.6 .77 1.02 Cr 72 47 1.53 1.92 Cr2 63 66 .95 1.18 Cs 3.3 3.6 .91 1.24 Csl37 3.3 7.7 .42 .56 Cu2 25 37 .67 .85 Eu .90 1.1 .81 1.15 Fe(%) 1.8 2.4 .75 1.03 Fe2(%) 2.4 3.1 .77 1.05 K2(%) .65 .68 .96 1.36 La 24 31 .77 .98 Lu .28 .33 .85 1.24 Mg2(%) 1.5 2.0 .75 1.03 Mn2 .050 .13 .38 .58 Na 6,550 7,300 .90 .97 Ni2 31.9 50.6 .63 .79 P2 1,330 1,500 .88 1.00 Pb2 45.3 73.6 .62 .76 Sb .52 .87 .60 .85 Sc 8.80 11.2 .79 1.03 Sm 3.76 5.23 .72 .96 Th 6.28 8.24 .76 1.00 U 1.41 2.79 .50 .69 Zn2 96.3 116.3 .83 1.01 *Values in pg/g unless indicated. **From Robbins (1980). 33 Table 2. Some elements, notably Br, Cs-137, Mn2, and U are significantly less in the bay muds even after correction for dilution. Reasons for this reduction are not clear. In the case of the radionuclide, Cs-137, which enters the lake primarily from atmospheric fallout, the reduction may be attributable to focusing effects. Cesium-137 deposited over a wide area (lake surface) accumulates in comparatively limited areas of the lake bottom. In the bay, the area of accumulation is comparable to the area of initial deposition. Also, more Cs-137 may be exported to the open lake from shallow bay waters through resuspension. Coefficients of correlation between contaminant metal concentrations (namely Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn) , provided in Table 3, illustrate their very high degree of similarity in areal distribution within surface mud deposits. In all cases but the pair Zn-Cr, for which r = 0.89, values of the correlation coefficient exceed 0.9 for N >^ 32 in the case of Cd and N >^ 43 for the other element pairs, not involving Cd. Analysis of one contaminant element in surface sediments serves to establish levels of the others with a high degree of confidence. TABLE 3. Correlation coefficients for pairs of contaminant metal concentra- tions (acid soluble) in surface sediments. Cd Cr Cu Ni Pb Zn Cd 1 .90 .94 .91 .91 .92 Cr .90 1 .93 .91 .94 .89 Cu .94 .93 1 .94 .97 .98 Ni .91 .91 .94 1 .97 .95 Pb .91 .94 .97 .97 .1 .99 Zn .92 .89 .98 .95 .99 1 For Cd N >_ 32; for other elements N >_ 43. 34 x\s both grain size distribution and concentration data are available for surface sediments, some inferences may be made concerning the association of elements with sediment grain size. Ideally, the elemental composition of sediment size fractions should be measured, but such an approach is beyond the scope of this study. However, to the extent that the concentration of an element in sediments of a well-defined size range (e.g., 3 to 4 phi units) is independent of location over the lower bay, the concentration may be inferred by statistical analysis of a sufficiently large concentration-grain size data set. If fj_ is the fraction of the total dry weight of sediment which is in the ith size class, and the concentration of a certain element in that size class is CjL, then the measured concentration in the sample is N C = I Cifi. (2) i = 1 If Cj is the measured concentration in the jth sample, then the assumed independence of C^ on location means that N Cj = I Cifij (3) i = 1 where fj_j is the fraction of the total sediment dry weight in the ith size class at the jth location. It is further assumed that the dependence of C*^ on mean grain size in each size class ((^±) is essentially Gaussian so that, -(6.-6) 2 / lo'l 1 m 9 Ci = C^ax^ (^) 35 A nonlinear least squares routine was used (Dams and Robbins 1970) to deter- mine values of the three parameters (C^ax ^m ^^^ ^^ ) ^^^ each element using the surface concentration data and grain size data. The results are presented in Table 4 and Figure 23. It can be seen that the elements (Fe2, Fe, Pb2, Zn2, and Br) are apparently associated with the smallest mean grain sizes (greater than 10 phi units). These elements not only are associated with particularly fine grained sediments but concentrations are distributed over a wider range of sizes (especially Fe2, for which the value of a. is 6.3 phi units). The model concentrations for these elements shown in Figure 23 indicate that Fe2 is, in fact, not strictly Gaussian, in the sense that the apparent position of the maximum is beyond the range of the data. Also shown in Figure 23 (upper panel) is the correlation of the measured concentration with each size class. Generally, for all elements (including those shown), correlations are high (>0,7, N = 30) for grain sizes greater than 7 phi. Below 7 phi units, the correlation decreases rapidly, reaching zero at 4 phi units and remains zero or negative for even lower phi values (larger grain sizes). Thus, the measured concentrations of all elements of this study are derived from partial concentrations of the element on grain sizes smaller than about 60 microns (4 phi). The presence of materials with grain sizes greater than 4 phi (coarse silt) merely serves to dilute sediments with inert constituents (inert with respect to elements determined in this study). In the case of Fe2 and Pb2 (Fig. 23), the correlations vs. grain size in the interval beyond 7 phi units are comparable, although the correlations with lead remain slightly higher. The behavior of calcium, however, is significantly different. For this element, the maximum correlation occurs around 7-8 phi units and drops significantly for smaller particle sizes 36 TABLE 4. Grain size/concentration model parameters. Correlation Number Am (phi units) (phi units) Coeffi- of Element Cmax* cient** Samples FSOL 209. 7.1 0.66 .51 34 IOC 9.65 6.8 0.68 .52 29 OC 205. 8.0 0.25 .65 28 Br 76.6 13.0 2.2 .49 35 Ca2 19.7 6.7 0.64 .81 46 Cd2 7.8 7.8 1.8 .86 33 Ce 93.9 8.1 2.2 .67 35 Co 23.1 8.0 1.8 .70 35 Cr 266. 7.6 1.4 .70 35 Cr2 142. 10.8 3.8 .80 46 Cs 7.82 11.0 3.0 .68 35 CsR 159. 8.8 0.21 .81 35 Cu2 318. 7.0 0.50 .89 45 Eu 1.63 8.4 2.8 .62 35 Fe 4.93 10.5 3.2 .72 35 Fe2 9.25 18.4 6.3 .87 46 Hf 9.72 6.2 2.2 .41 35 La 52.6 8.4 2.4 .69 35 Lu 0.65 7.6 2.0 .56 35 Mg2 24.6 8.2 0.52 .82 46 Mn2 1,200.0 8.4 2.5 .83 46 Na 10 , 000 . 5.4 2.7 .44 35 N12 168 7.1 1.1 .85 44 P2 3,500. 8.4 2.1 .56 26 Pb2 128. 10.3 2.8 .91 44 Sb 0.99 9.4 3.0 .54 35 Sc 36.8 7.3 1.2 .69 35 Sni 16.4 6.9 1.0 .69 35 Th 21.9 7.3 1.4 .71 35 U 3.3 7.0 1.8 .25 35 Zn2 284. 12.0 3.6 .90 45 * Units are identical with those in Table 1. **The coefficient of correlation between measured and predicted values of surface concentrations . 37 UJ o UJ o o or o o *E > (D < UJ O Z o o too- 2 4 6 GRAIN SIZE (phi units) 8 Figure 23. Model concentrations of calcium, iron, and lead as a function of grain size (see text). 38 ((j) = 9). This result, which does not depend on any complex model analysis, suggests an association of Ca with a narrower range of grain sizes than Pb2 and Fe2. This is borne out by the concentration model analysis as xvell. The distribution of Ca as well as the other calcium family elements (FSOL, Mg, IOC) peaks at a distinctly lower value of phi ((|)= 6.7) and has a very narrow grain size range (0.64 phi units). The model concentration of calcium vs. grain size (Fig. 23) indicates that this element is associated with fine silt (8-16 micron dia) whereas both lead and iron are associated with fine clays (<2 micron dia). Other elements are relatively undistinguished in terms of grain size, but several have relatively narrow grain size ranges (like the Ca group) for reasons which are not clear. These include: organic carbon, Cs-137 (CsR), and Cu2. VERTICAL DISTRIBUTION OF ELEMENTS The vertical distribution of FSOL (fraction soluble on acid treatment) and selected acid-soluble major and minor elements are illustrated in Figures 24 through 34. The behavior of FSOL as exemplified in Figure 7 for a core at station 40 is characteristic of its behavior in other cores. As seen in Figure 24, FSOL at first decreases with increasing sediment depth (through zones 1-2) and increases once again in zone 4. Note that the porosity remains more or less constant in zone 4 for the cores used for illustration (Fig. 9). Both calcium and magnesium (Figs. 25 and 26, respectively) follow a similar trend, decreasing within zones 1 to 3 but rising dramatically (up to a factor of 4) within zone 4. The concurrent rise in both magnesium and calcium suggests an increase in the amount of dolomitic materials within zone 4. The behavior of iron contrasts strongly with that of FSOL, Ca, and Mg. 39 • •••••••... 1 i i • • • • • • • • (J) • 1 1 1 1 i i 1 • • • • • • • • • CD ro 1 1 t 1 • • • X • • • X • O ro << roro • X - 1 • •• i i 1 • • • • • • • • in C\J • • 1 • • • i 1 i • • • • • • • • • • - 1 1 1 1 1 • • < C\J 1 1 C) d d CO d d d _i CD Z) _J o CO o CNJ O ro O CVJ d o h- o < or Ll d d d d o in (UJD) Hld3a 0) u o u c a; a O) a; u u CD 0) CO f-H O CO .2 "^ 3 XJ CO •f-4 T3 > CD u 3 00 40 10 20- E u CL UJ Q 30- 40- 50 !• '#• 1 1 • 1 1 « 1 1 • 1 1 •\ • • ;• • • • m • • • m • • • • X • • • •X • • • m • • • •X • • • •X • — • • X* • • • X* • • • • • • • • • • • — • • "* • • • _> x« • "~ " • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • — • "~ • ■"" • • ■"• X • ■~ • • —" • • » _ • -. • _ • __ • • • • • • • • • • • 2A . 16 • 25 • • 30 36 49 • 1 • 1 1 • 1 1 • X 30A-*SC 30A-2-SC 1 1 1 1 • 1 1 2 0240240 2 40 2 4 24 CALCIUM (wt%) Figure 25. Vertical distribution of calcium in selected sediment cores. 41 10 — • IT 4 X X X X X X X X X 20- o CL LiJ ^ 30h 40- 2A 50 25 30A-2-SC 36 49 2 2 2 4 2 MAGNESIUM (wt.7o) 4 Figure 26. Vertical distribution of magnesium in selected sediment cores. 42 • •• X • X J L •••••••.••....• • - CM J L •• •••••• CD ro J L J L J L I O o > I << oo- roro -I I I L t •...•••••••• • • • • • ID C\J • - -I L CD '• •• • ••, '•• ••^•••»«« • J L ••• • • • J L O o CO O to < J L o ro CO u o u XJ C 0) E T3 O CO 00 U 0) r— 1 -^ CO .—V c ^ •H O "i c o u ro 2 o o cr c CO 4.J D •r-t V4 4-1 CO •rH T3 O CU r*') U CO > — CN O CO OO ta o o ID (LU3) Hld3a 43 1 •! 1 1 •! i 1 • 1 1 ^ 1 1 1 • 1 •! 1 • • • ¥• ^ • • ' • • » • • • >% • • • _ m _ • • m • • • •< • • • •< • • • •< • • )0 _ • )• • _ • • i • • • • • • • • • • • • • -• • • 2 — » ~ • • • • • • • • • • • • 20 — — • • • • • ># • • 'e -• — • -. • — • — • — • ^ • • • X t 30 — • - • — • • LjJ Q • • — • • • • • • X • • 40 — ■"- — • — — 2A • 16 • 25 30 • 36 • 49 """ " _ "•30A-SC ""• "— c;n 1 1 • 1 1 1 • 1 1 1 X30A-2-SC 1 1 • 1 1 1 1 1 .03.06 .04 .08 .12 .04.08 .12 .04 .08 .04 .08 MANGANESE (wt.%) Figure 28. Vertical distribution of manganese in selected sediment cores. 44 • • • . • • ..•••••..••. • ' • • • • • J I \ L '«««'^;xxjfrf<.. ^ « • J \ I L. -••••••••••• • J \ I L •••••• • J L • ••-•• • • • •••". 00 ro ± L o ro o (^ < ID CXJ CD O - 00 < J L J. L O 00 O o 00 o o OJ O \ CO o> - cr o X CO o o O 00 O CO 0) u o u c CO u r—l CO c D •H E O u JO u c o D •1-4 u CO •r-t > CN OJ u D 00 O (\J O O O (^2) Hid3a 45 • •...•••••• • J L I ' L ... .••., CD ro •• • . • J i__ ... • J I •••«•• . • . O ro X • . O I I oo ro ro J L (NJ . . • . J I 1 L CD ••••. • * *•«..« . . . . . . J L J L ••.•. < CM • T o CM O ro O (^3) Hid3a • X O CO o O CM O \ CM CP o cr ^ o o CM CM o CM CO cu u o u c T3 0) XJ U I— I O) U a a o u c o 3 4-1 •H > o m 0) O 46 £ o CL Q \ • 1 • 1 1 ♦ 1 >• 1 1 !• 1 1 # • • #< • • • • X • • • • x« • • • • •X _ _ • • "" • x« • • • • x» • • • • «x • • • • •X • • 10 • • • • • • ><• • • • • • • • • • • • • -• • ~" • - ym — • • ■"" • • • • • • • '• • • • 20 ""■ • "~ • " • • • • x» • • - • • • — 4» • • • • • • 30 — ~ — ~ • • II • • • • • • 40 - 2A 16 • 25 • -^= 30 II - 36 • - 49 • ^ 30A-SC 30A-2-SC p^n \ 1 • 1 1 • • X III 1 • 1 1 1 1 40 40 80 40 80 40 80 LEAD(/xg/g) 40 80 20 40 80 Figure 31. Vertical distribution of lead in selected sediment cores. 47 *-•• ^'^^'^xxxx^x • . J L • • . • • • CD --J I I L J L J L 00 I CM < ^ o ro I L • • • • • • -O CM I I L J L O to O o CM O O O o O U3 \ _1 LiJ UD •••.••., •..•• . J I J I I L J L < CXI L ••'•..•.. J I L J L O O O o CM CO a; o u c a; n3 0) CO T5 QJ XJ U QJ f— 4 dj CO 0) 3 •f-t u CO CT3 CJ U > CM u 3 00 •H o c\J O. ro O O in (LUG) HldlQ 48 £ X h- Q_ LJ Q • 1 1 • 1 4 1 1 •! l*< 1 • • • • ># • • • >m • • • ># • • • • %( • • • •< • • • •< • • • •< • • • •X 10 — • • • • • ^ • • • • • • • • • -• - • • • • • - •( • • • • • • 20 — - • • • • • • • >• " " — • • -• • • — • 30 - - • • • • • • • • • • 40 — — . — X 2A MA .16 . 25 '• 30 — O30A-SC • 50 1 1 X30A-2-SC • II II • 1 1 1 1 .1 .2 .1 .2 .2 .40 .1 .2 .2 4 PHOSPHORUS (wt.%) Figure 33. Vertical distribution of acid soluble phosphorus in selected sediment cores. 49 • ••S*^ . • • • *••••• ••••••• • • (J) o o o J L J L — in • • CD ro •• • J I I I I I L O c/) • CO OJ 1 I < < o o ro ro O O O 5 • . O rO ■ • • o -o o in J L • X • •• •••«•••• in CM o in O O o in u INI J 1 I I L • • • • (X) *•••• • • • • • • • J L O o o lO J L • • ••••. J L < CM • • O o o o (M J \ L O ro O O to {^^) HldlQ 0) u o o CD 50 As seen in Figure 27, the concentration of Fe tends to be constant within zones 1-2, decreases abruptly within zone 3, and remains constant within zone 4, For manganese (Fig» 28), the behavior is similar to that of iron except for a significant increase within zone 1 (the flocculent material in the upper 1 cm). The minor elements (Figs. 29-34), for the most part, exhibit the same behavior as iron: constant or slightly decreasing concentrations in zones 1-2, an abrupt decrease in zone 3, and again constant concentrations in zone 4. These profiles suggest that zones 1 and 2 are comprised of sediments containing recent anthropogenic constituents overlying older, uncontaminated materials. As the minor constituents are of relatively uniform concentration within these upper sediments, zones 1 and 2 appear to be either recent overlays of translocated materials or materials thoroughly reworked to a depth of well-defined extent which varies systematically with location (Fig. 38). The notion of well-mixed recent materials comprising zones 1-2 is further supported by radiometric evidence discussed below. The extent of enrichment of elements within the upper sediment zones (1 and 2) relative to underlying sediments (zone 4) is given in Table 5 in terms of the ratio of element concentrations in zone 2 to concentrations in zone 4. On the average, concentrations of Cu, Pb, and Zn are four times higher in zone 2 than in zone 4. Elements Cr, Ni, and Mn are twice as high, and the remaining elements, while possessing elevated concentrations relative to underlying sediments, do not exhibit a major degree of enrichment. At least part of the enrichment is due to the increase in inert (quartz?) constituents in underlying sediments (zone 3 and possibly 4). To eliminate effects of dilution by inert materials, the degree of enrichment may be recalculated in terms of the concentrations of elements on a weight soluble 51 >^ CO CO C •H 60 CO cn o CO 0) o o •H CO CO o CO o CO a 0) a c o CJ u CO o CO en PQ ;fvOiAU^ CO • ••• ••••• f-lr-lr-«t-l| IrHi— ICMCMICN • ••• •••• • CNJr-lrHi— 1| jrHr-Jr-^r-llrH mcNcncomcofn<-vo;l-O^0O00vO r-^l-lcNc^JcsJ^OfnfO-d•. 00 ON CO LO CO ^ v£>r>.inoou'^MD CO i I i I vomoocjNOvooooco^* i- 55 TABLE 7. Excess element accumulation in selected cores from lower Saginaw Bay (yg/cm^). Site '.r Element Numbe Cr Cu Ni P Pb Zn 2 97 54 60 1,620 61 230 11 71 40 52 1,100 81 160 16 130 68 59 3,700 140 230 25 460 230 190 4,500 340 690 28 - 150 130 - 270 600 29 - 100 60 - 200 380 30 340 140 130 2,936 200 460 36 120 150 150 - 150 320 38 180 130 130 - 220 420 40 460 220 200 - 290 570 43 320 230 160 - 340 720 49 630 350 580 - 470 1,064 Mean (SB) 280 160 160 2,800 230 490 Mean (SLH)* 19 25 75 94 *Data from Robbins (1980), (anthropogenic) Cr, Cu, Ni, P, Pb, and Zn is stored per unit area in the lower bay than in open lake sediments • How can this be reconciled with the generally lower element concentrations in surface sediments of the bay? Simply because the overlay of enriched sediments is generally of far greater depth in lower bay deposits. Evidence provided below indicates that the zoobenthos present in these deposits redistribute contaminants throughout a considerable depth in the sediments. Thus, in the lower bay, contaminant concentrations in surface sediments are apparently reduced as a result of two important processes: (1) dilution by inert materials and (2) redistribution of materials throughout a portion (up to '\.20 cm) of the sedimentary column. An approximate estimate of the total excess storage of selected "anthro- pogenic" elements in the lower bay is provided in Table 8. Insufficient data are available to compute very accurate averages. Hox^ever, an order of magni- 56 Mean Excess Total Total Storage in Accumulation Storage Southei rn Lake Huron (yg/cm^) (metric tons) (metric tons) 280 1,500 -0 160 830 710 160 830 950 2,800 15,000 =^0 230 1,200 2,400 490 2,500 2,900 TABLE 8. Approximate total storage of anthropogenic metals in lower Saginaw Bay.* Element Cr Cu Ni P Pb Zn *Based on acid soluble concentrations. tude comparison indicates that amounts of Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn stored in the lower bay are comparable to amounts stored in deposits of southern Lake Huron, which are roughly five times as extensive as those in the lower bay. SEDIMENT MIXING AND SEDIMENTATION RATES In the preceding discussion, it has been possible to investigate patterns of contaminant metal deposition, inter-element associations, and even total anthropogenic element loadings without reference to sedimentation rates. To gain information about the rates of contaminant deposition, however, it is necessary to associate a time scale with concentration profiles in individual cores. Two independent methods have been used for sediment geochronology in this report. The first relies on measurement of the vertical distribution of cesium-137 and the occurrence of a horizon corresponding to the onset of nuclear testing about 25 years ago. This method provides a measure of the average sedimentation rate over the past 25 years. The second method is based on the radioactive decay of lead--210 (ti/2 = 22.26 years) following burial in sediments. In principle this method is capable not only of yielding average sedimentation rates over a period of roughly 100 years, but is capable of revealing changes in the rate of sedimentation over this period of time. 57 The computation of contaminant fluxes is sensitive to the interpretation given to individual profiles. This fact has been emphasized in a number of recent studies (Robbins et al. 1977, Robbins and Edging ton 1975, Edgington and Robbins 1976, Robbins et al. 1978) which show that the mixing of surface sediments, probably by benthic organisms, has a significant influence on radioactivity and metal contaminant profiles and in the estimate of contaminant fluxes (Edgington and Robbins 1976). In the section below on cesium-137, the effects of sediment mixing on radioactivity and contaminant profiles are discussed. Cesium-137 Cesium-137 is a uniquely anthropogenic radionuclide first introduced into the environment as a result of atomic weapons testing which began roughly 25 years ago. Many studies have now demonstrated the utility of cesium-137 for investigation of sedimentation processes in aquatic systems such as lakes and reservoirs. Cesium-137 is an especially useful tracer because its input to the lakes may be accurately inferred from atmospheric and precipitation radioactivity measurements (Sr-90) made for about a 20-year period within the watershed of the Great Lakes and elsewhere. The time dependence of the input of this isotope is discussed in greater detail in the previous report (Robbins 1980). Most of the cesium-137 was introduced into the lakes during the period from 1958 to 1964. Thus, to a good approximation, the input is in the form of a pulse whose subsequent behavior in the water column and sediments serves to trace long-term aquatic transport processes. Studies by others have shown the residence time of cesium-137 in the water column to be very short (for details, see Robbins 58 1980), about one year. Thus the radionuclide is rapidly removed from the water, and changes in its aqueous concentration mimic the history of atmospheric deposition as a result. As the hydraulic retention time of the lake is long (about 30 years) in comparison with the overall residence time of the radionuclide, the dominant process for removal of cesium-137 is particle scavenging and sedimentation. This inference is consistent with the knox^ high affinity of radiocesium for certain clay minerals present in the water column. It is therefore expected that the flux of cesium~137 to the sediments would follow the time-dependence of aqueous concentrations as well as that of atmospheric inputs. While the flux may do so, profiles of cesium-137 do not, but are generally smoothed out both in open lake sediments (see Robbins 1980) and in those of Saginaw Bay as well. As part of this and the previous report , a model has been developed to account for the discrepancy between observed and expected cesium-137 profiles. The details are presented in Robbins et al . (1977). The smearing is assumed to occur only in the sedimentary column and, as a result of the rapid steady- state mixing of sediments over a zone of fixed depths, at the sediment x>7ater interface. This depth is referred to as the mixing depth. It can be shown (Robbins et al. 1977) that if the activity of radiocesium added to the sediments at time t (with t = corresponding to a very deep sediment layer) is Ag(t), the expected cesiura-137 distribution is given by: A = Aijj(T) z<_s A = A^(T + (s - z) /d) ) e""^(z-s)/a3 z>s and t (8) A^(t) = Y e-a + Mt Je+(y + X) ^^(^ ) ^^ 59 where y = r/s, t = T corresponds to the sediment water interface, and ^ is the sedimentation rate (cra/yr) neglecting the effects of compaction. A is the ra- dioactive decay constant for cesium-137 (A = 0«69315/ti/2 ; tx/2 ^ 30.0 years) and z is the depth below the sediment-water interface. The effects of compaction are automatically taken into account by expressing z in terms of the cumulative mass per unit area and o) in terms of the mass sedimentation rate (g/cm^/yr). The mixing depth, in consistent units, is expressed in terms of mass /unit area. A computer program was developed to find the value of the mixing depth, sedimentation rate, and surface activity Ag(T) giving the best least squares fit of the above equation to the observed profiles. The results of the calculation are illustrated in Figure 35 for the distribution of cesium-137 in a core from station 10. The solid line represents the model distribution with values of 2.2 g/cm^ for the depth of mixing and 0.11 g/cm^/yr for the sedimentation rate. In linear terms this mixed depth corresponds to about 10.5 cm and a sedimentation rate of about 0.53 cm/yr (a mean value for the upper 10 cm of sediment). The shaded area in Figure 35 is the distribution of cesium-137 expected if there were no mixing at this location but if the sedimentation rate remained the same. The effect of mixing is thus to drastically smear out the distribution. Distributions of cesium-137 in Saginaw Bay are in fact so dominated by mixing that often the peak (such as that seen at about 15 cm in the core at station 10) is completely absent. Such distributions provide little reliable sedimentation rate information but yield data on mixing depths. Profiles of cesium-137 in other cores are illustrated in Figure 36. It can be seen that the activity is smeared over an interval ranging from about 10 to 25 cm. 60 Cesium-137 (pCi/g) 2 4 6 T Figure 35. Vertical distribution of cesium-137 in a sediment core at station 10. Also shown is a theoretical distribution based on the rapid steady-state mixing model (see text). The shaded region shows the distribution of cesium-137 expected in the absence of mixing. 61 Cesium- l37(pCi/g) ^0 24602460246024602460246 e o X h- CL LxJ Q 1- UJ Q UJ (f) KJ F 1 1 I* 1 1 1 • 1 1 __ III* !• 1 1 1 t 1 • • • • • • • • • • • • ^ • • • • 5 ■^ • • • • • • • • • • • • '• • • • 10 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • » • • • • • B • • • • 15 — • • • • • • 2 1 1 16 • 25 28 29 1 K 1 1* i 1 1 1*1 1 *i 1 1 • 1 1 i • 1 1 • • • • 5 ' ; • • • • 10 — t • • • • • • • • • • • • ► • • • • • • 15 "^ i • i • • • • • 20 — • • 25 • "" 30SC 36 38 40 43 • 49 • Figure 36. Distribution of cesium-137 in selected sediment cores (1975 data). 62 As part of this report, the vertical distribution of zoobenthos was determined in a number of sediment cores (Batac-Catalan et al. 1980). Previously, Robbins et al. (1977) observed that the zoobenthos occurred primarily in the zone of mixing as defined by radiocesium and radiolead profiles and that they were present in sufficient numbers to account for estimated mixing rates. A summary plot for cores examined to date from this study area, from Lake Huron and from Lake Erie, is given in Figure 37. The 90% cutoff depth is very well correlated with the depth of the mixed zone (S = -0.2 -f 1.16 Z; r = 0.91, N = 10). Thus, there is strong circumstantial evidence that benthic organisms are primarily responsible for the mixing of near-surface sediments and the resultant alteration of radioactivity and contaminant metal profiles. Previously it had been suggested (Lerman and Lietzkie 1975) that profiles of cesium-137 as well as those of strontium-90 might be affected or even largely determined by diffusional migration. However, Robbins et al . (1977) showed that cesium-137 cannot migrate significantly in sediments by molecular diffusion as it is strongly bound to sediment solids. This result cannot be generalized to include other contaminants, tracers, or sedimentary environments however. Cesium-137 can experience significant diffusional migration in sediments which do not contain minerals with a specific affinity for this radionuclide (cf . Alberts et al. 1979). Also, a nearly conservative tracer such as Sr-90 undergoes consider- able diffusion in sediments of the Great Lakes (Lerman and Lietzkie 1975). Shown in Figure 38 is the depth of sediment mixing as determined from inspection of Cs-137 profiles. In all cases the depth of penetration of this isotope is comparable to or slightly less than the depth of penetration of contaminant metals. This result suggests that the organisms mixing sediments 63 16 12 E (J CO o Saginaw Bay • Lake Huron ■ Lake Erie 8 Z90 (cnn) 12 16 Figure 37. Relation between the depth of sediment mixing based on cesium-137 profiles and the range of zoobenthos which actively redistribute sediments (primarily ollgochaetes) . 64 MIXED DEPTH (cm) 5-10 44«00 — 43°50 — 43M0 — o N LOWER SAGINAW BAY 5 10 KILOMETERS Figure 38. Contour plot of the depth of sediment mixing as determined radiometric ally. 65 were able to completely homogenize the overlay (zone 2) in the time period from about 1964 to 1975 (or about 10 years). Such inferences are based on the assumption that local contributions of Cs-137 (such as from the Saginaw River) are unimportant. Generally, loading of the isotope from watershed erosion is small. The mixed depth contours shown in Figure 38 possess features comparable to those in open lake sediments: greatest depths occur toward the centers of depositional basins. However, while mixed depths range from about 2-5 cm in the open lake basins, those in Saginaw Bay range from 5-20 cm. The total cesium-137 stored in bay sediments is shown in Figure 39. Highest accumulations occur toward the southwestern end of the deposit and in areas of deeper water. While the pattern may be interpreted as implying a riverine source of the isotope, it must be kept in mind that the gyre-like circulation in the lower bay could easily redistribute incoming atmospheric and open-lake loadings so as to produce the observed pattern of deposition. The mean deposition within the muddy deposits was 13.9 + 1.4 pCi/cm^ in 1975 and 12.8 +2.3 pCi/cm^ as remeasured in 1978. As very little new Cs-137 was introduced during the period from direct fallout, and if river , loadings are negligible, then the expected amount stored in 1978 should be less as a result of radioactive decay. Assuming losses of Cs-137 through resuspension, the expected 1978 activity would be 13.9 X e-0-69315 x 3/30 =: 12. 96 pCi/cm^ which is close to the observed value of 12.8 pCi/cm^. If the loading to the lower bay were directly from the atmosphere and there were no losses via outflow or gains either from tributary inputs or from importation of the isotope from the main lake, the expected amount within the lower bay would be 66 TOTAL CE :siuM- 137 (pCi/9) H >20 ■ 15-20 ^ 10-15 ■ 2-10 r- <2 44000'— 43»50- 43M0 L N LOWER SAGINAW BAY 5 to KILOMETERS 83°30 Figure 39. Total amount of cesium-137 deposited in sediments of the lower bay. 67 10 pCi/cm^ (fallout value decay corrected to 1975) x 15.8 x 10^^ cm^ (area of the lower bay) = 158 Ci. The observed inventory is 13.9 pCi/cm2 x 3.74 x 10^^ (area of the mud deposit) = 52 Ci. Allowing for a maximum of 1 pCi/cm^ deposited over non-muddy areas of the lower bay, this amount would contribute (15.8 - 3.74) X 10^2 ^ 1.0 pCi/cm^ = 12 Ci. Thus, the total amount of Cs-137 in the lower bay is estimated as 52 + 12 = 64 Ci. Thus, in the absence of watershed contributions, there is a net storage of 64/158 = 40% of the cesium-137 entering via at- mospheric fallout. The effect of watershed inputs remains to be evaluated. Lead-210 The lead-210 method of dating coastal marine and lacustrine sediments has been used with increasing frequency since its first application by Krish- naswami et al. (1971). The extensive literature concerning radioactive lead isotopes and lead-210 in particular has been recently reviewed by Robbins (1978). The method has been shown to be of value in dating fine-grained sediments from all of the Great Lakes (Superior: Bruland et al. 1975, Evans et al. 1981; Michigan: Robbins and Edgington 1975, Edgington and Robbins 1976; Huron: Robbins et al. 1977; Erie and Ontario: Robbins et al. 1978, Farmer 1978). Generally, the method has been applied to a very limited set of cores. Only a brief account of the lead-210 method of dating sediments is given in this report. For a detailed discussion of the principles underlying the method, see Robbins (1978). 68 Lead-210 is produced as the indirect result of the decay of uranium present in crustal and sedimentary materials. The principal components in the decay scheme are : U238 -> R^226(t3^/2 = 1*620 yr) -> Rn222(t-^^2 = 3.8 d) -> Pb210(ti/2 = 22.26 yr) -> Po210(t;^/2 = ^38 d) -> Pb206 Short-lived products in the decay scheme are not shown. Some lead-210, present in sediments, is produced by in situ decay of radiura-226. Generally this is a small and nearly constant activity referred to as supported lead-210. In addition to supported lead-210, there is an excess which is supplied to sediments from atmospheric deposition. Atmospheric lead-210 originates from a unique property of the uranium series decay scheme shown above. Radium-226 decays to form the radioactive noble gas, radon-222, which diffuses out of crustal materials into the atmosphere. Radon-222 decays through a series of very short-lived nuclides to lead-210 which has a high affinity for atmospheric particulate matter and is rapidly scavenged from the air. The flux of lead-210 over the Great Lakes has not yet been measured but is expected to be around 0.5 pCi/cm^/yr and quite constant from year to year. Once in the water, lead-210 is rapidly transferred to sediments and this excess, not being supported by radium activity, decays toward supported levels during burial. In sediment cores from the Great Lakes, excess lead-210 may be roughly twenty times higher than supported levels (cf. Robbins and Edgington 1975). 69 In undisturbed cores where the sedimentation rate is constant, the activity of excess lead-210 is given by A(m) = A^.e-^t = a^ e""^^/^ (9) where Aq is the excess activity at the surface (m = o) , t is the time before collection (years), m is the cumulative dry weight of sediment (g/cm^), and r is the mass sedimentation rate (g/cm^/yr). The radioactive decay constant is given by 0.69315/22.26 = 0.311 yr^^. The total (observed) activity is given by ^tot = A(^) + Af where Af is the activity of supported lead-210. The above equations suffice to describe profiles in sediments where there is no mixing. Incorporation of the effects of rapid steady-state mixing is comparatively straight-forward for lead-210 (Robbins et al. 1977) as Ag(t) in Eq. 8 is essentially constant over time. Using mass units rather than linear (cm) units and substituting Aq for Ag(t) in that equation, the distribution of excess lead-210 is given by A^ = Aq / (1 4- Xs/r) A(m) = Anj m £ s > (10) = A^e-^ (m-s)/r ^>s. This is the equation used to obtain sedimentation rates and mixed depths from excess lead-210 profiles. Eq. 10 describes a theoretical profile in which the activity of lead-210 is constant from the sediment-water interface down to depths. Below that depth (mixed depth) the activity falls off exponentially. An example of the lead-210 distribution is given in Figure 40, together with the distribution of cesium-137 and ragweed (ambrosia) pollen in a core at 70 o in O^ O •V ^ fO O ^p" X o v I i 1 uk ' .-A^ r^v^\v^^;Tt\\\\\\\ J3» ^ - rO CO UJ u o o CVJ lO • ^ • • • >% • •• •• — > «n • C ^ o h-bJ ID in o o tn ro O O in a; u o u c 0) a CO o u £ CD C o I- I e .5 ^ 0) CNI I 0) CO a; o o 3 CU (Luo) lN3^^ila3S JO SHid3a 71 station 25 (1975). Note that over the zone of about 12 cm depth, where cesiuTn-137 activity is essentially constant, the activity of lead-210 is also essentially constant as expected if both isotopes are uniformly mixed. Below 12 cm, the activity of excess lead-210 falls off more or less exponentially, as expected, due to a combination of radioactive decay and burial. A least squares fit of model parameters to the distribution yields a mixed depth of 2.5 g/ car- (12 cm) and a sedimentation rate of 0.078 g/cm^/yr (0.31 cm/yr average over upper 20 cm). The ragweed distribution shown in the figure was provided by Dr. A. Kemp, formerly with Canada Centre for Inland Waters. Use of ragweed pollen data to obtain sedimentation rates in the Great Lakes is discussed in detail elsewhere (cf. Robbins et al. 1978). Following forest clearance in the Great Lakes region roughly 130 years ago, a dramatic increase in production of ragweed pollen occurred. As the grains are well preserved in recent sediments of the Great Lakes, the depth at which an increase occurs (horizon) may be used to obtain an average sedimentation rate for the past 130 years or so. In the core at station 25 the horizon is at 30-35 cm, cor- responding to a cumulative sediment weight of 10.1 g/cm^. Thus the average sedimentation rate is 10.1/130 = 0.078 g/cm^/yr. Such good agreement between dating methods is completely accidental in view of the many approximations, assumptions, and uncertainties. Distributions of excess lead-210 (on a weight soluble basis) are shown for additional cores in Figures 41-43. As can be seen, profiles exhibit the characteristic zone of mixing below which the activity decreases more or less exponentially. Summary data and model parameters derived from least squares fits are given in Table 9. These rates must be treated with some reservation because exponential portions of the profile occur at depths where there may be 72 o C\J e — OJ ^ UJ (f) 5 LJ ^ > OlT) CM — in^^OlO OsJ - C) - (•|0S 5/!0d) Ol8-aV31 SS30X3 (los 6/!Od)oiZ-aV3n SS30X3 in d ^ LU > O CO o u c s TD (H CO 0) CJ cu »—* 0) CO CO CO ^-> cu in 0) r-H r-t W - 3 ^ O X5 D in o CO TS C •u cu 00 •* CVJ • 1-1 \0 E s^ o s-^ •» CM ■\ ,— H CT« O -H i-H 1- CN Z 1 CM UJ CO CO 2 ^ o Q •H 03 IxJ CO 4J CO cu U,. u w o 1- X *4-t o O UJ c 3 U CO •r-4 Q oO 73 (•|0s6/!0d)av3n SS30X3 (•|Os5/!Ocl)oi2-aV3n SS30X3 u 00 ft. 74 (■|0S 5/!0d) 012 aV3n SS30X3 (los 6/iod) q\z aV3n SS33X3 0) y—^ 0) CM u E o u U "V. 4^ OsJ CP c ■^— "»«— ' OJ h- e -z. -u UJ 0) ^ CO Q TD UJ 4^ CO U coq. 0) r— 1 o 0) 03 h- X C o LiJ CO Is 'd- IxJ > -^ a^ h- ^ --^ < n _J 3 "=7 Z) ^ ^ CO _J •1-4 3 Q "^ • o on > PQ 15 cd a •H 60 cd en o a a X •H cd o § B •H 0) CO PQ I c o o CO 'H Pd :3 a o •H Cd ^ t; > o 4J CO •H > 60 •H """^ 4-» •H o u cvjr^ocMo>noOoin,-H • •••••••••• c^. incMCSCvJCOrO-inaNvOv£>vD 0'--^a^Or-^.Oc^co CMC\JCM^ a tg a .s 0) CO 60 O a u >- +J o CO r^ooorooooOrHCvir^i^O^ • ••••••••••• cMinooocsicMOfOinr^cx)m noocsj rH coincM^CN4cMinvo CNj f-i vo rH eg CM oooooooooooo vDin00O>OvO00OC0CN r-HCMCMCs|COCOCO<-% >.-• o o CM CM "^^^ -- II o u in 1— « o CO a o X Pm • ■ic o CO • •K r-i CO • C CM CM CO z*-^ O •H U Cd 4J Q) O C o o U in 0) cd r«H rH C^ ON /•^ rQ f-« U d C N-^ Cd rH /-^ O 0) o C •H >» >» CO •H 4J cd ■^-s^ CO cd PQ CO T3 cd tH a •H PQ 3 15 o O cd 4.) Cd -^ ;U C X-N HJ O O •H O a PQ kJ -H O 60 •H o CO CO u ^ a u 3 o o 3 0) en C o 03 > C O CO CT3 0) 0) 85 8000 6000 CM (f) 4000 5. 3 2000 AE= 16.3 kcal /mole 10 T(«C) 20 Figure 47. Temperature dependence of the soluble reactive silicon flux at station 31. 87 TABLE 11 • Zoobenthos density and soluble reactive silicon fluxes from cores collected in Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron. Core Density ( number /m' ■2) Cruise Tublfj Lcidae Naididae Ch ironomidae Silicon Flux Number Mature Immature (Ug/cm2/yr) 7* 1 850 40,000 5,900 1,100 3 850 65,000 7,900 770 1' 280 8,200 850 560 1,800 2' 1,700 29,000 8,200 850 2,700 3' 2,300 18,000 560 560 1,680 8** 1 1,400 23,000 1,130 3,600 2 280 5,600 1,300 8 280 5,600 280 1,600 2' 280 29,000 13,000 560 2,400 * October, 1978. **November, 1978. TABLE 12. Correlations* between nutrient fluxes and benthic organism densi- ties in cores from station 31 in Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron. (CRUISE 7) Organism Phosphate Ammonia Nitrate Sulfate Silicon Group (PO4) (NH3) (NO3) (SO4) (Si) Tub. Mature 0.93 -0.09 -0.17 -0.75 -0.07 Immature 0.07 -0.82 0.69 -0.54 -0.36 Naididae -0.19 -0.49 0.13 -0.41 -0.29 Chironomidae 0.11 0.74 0.04 0.04 0.97 Total 0.06 -0.69 0.55 -0.56 -0.26 (CRUISE 8) Organism Phosphate Ammonia Nitrate Sulfate Silicon Group (PO4) (NH3) (NO3) (SO4) (Si) Tub. Mature 0.41 0.92 0.23 0,97 0.88 Immature 0.23 0.14 0.93 0.22 0.49 Naididae -0.30 0.63 0.78 -0.50 0.13 Chironomidae 0.09 0.63 0.25 0.76 0.99 Total -0.9 -0.05 0.94 0.01 0.62 *Correlations which are significant on both sampling periods are underlined. 88 4000- CM E -^ (J) o» J. X 3 O O 2000 ^ 4000- 2000 STATION 31/31' SAGINAW BAY CRUISE 7: OCT 1978 F=873+ 1.86 N, 1 CRUISE 8 : NOV. 1978 F= 1130+ 2.15 N, 400 800 1200 CHIRONOMID DENSITY (m^) 1600 Figure 48. Relation between the SRS flux at station 31 and density of Chironomid larvae during the fall months (1978). 89 correlations which are persistently higher over both cruises are underlined in Table 12 • The results for silicon suggest the relationship: Flux = 1,000 + 2 X chironomid larvae density, where the flux is in micrograms Si/cm^/yr and the density is in numbers m~^. As the mean density of chironomid larvae at this location is about 500 m"^, roughly half the flux of silicon from the sediments is attributable to the presence of these organisms. This circumstantial evidence for the effect of chironomids is strengthened by considering Tessenow's experiments with sediments from Lake Heiden, Germany (Tessenow 1964), in which he demonstrated a causal relationship. Addition of chironomids (Plumosus group) to his sediments resulted in enhanced silicon release. Converting Tessenow' s results to the above form, his experiments yield: Flux = 1,000 + 4 X chironomid larvae density. Graneli (1977) has also observed that Chironomus plumosus larvae increase the release of silica as well as phosphorus from sediments of several lakes in Sweden. It would therefore seem likely that, at least in shallow waters pf the Great Lakes where fine-grained sediments can be found, such as lower Saginaw Bay and most of Lake Erie, chironomid larvae may play a major role in the regeneration of silicon from sediments. In Lake Erie, average chironomid densities may be as high as 1,000 m"^ (P. McCall, Dept. of Geological Sciences, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, pers. comm.). That these organisms may enhance silicon fluxes does not necessarily mean that their removal or exposure to aquatic pollutants will result in a long-term reduction in the capacity of the sediments to return silicon to overlying waters. It is always possible that the ecological niche represented by 90 processing of silica-rich diatom detritus can be filled by another biotic or abiotic component. It should be noted that Robbins and Edgington (1979) found that the flux of Si from sediments in Lake Erie is proportional to the concentration of amorphous silicon in surface sediments. This result suggests that the flux is dominated by dissolution of particulate silica recently deposited on the sediment surface. Processing of such materials by chironomids, which can selectively attract and ingest diatom fragments by controlling water movements in the vicinity of their burrows, (D. White, School of Natural Resources, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, pers. comm.), would enhance silica fluxes but reduce pore water silica gradients. CONCLUSIONS During the period from 1975 through 1978, sediment cores and grab sam- ples were collected from over 100 sites evenly arrayed in lower Saginaw Bay. This intensive coverage of the lower bay, with subsequent comprehensive analysis of sediments for over 30 elements,, as well as other properties, has provided a detailed picture of the type of sedimentary materials present and patterns of major element and metal contaminant concentrations. This study has revealed an extensive mud deposit in the lower bay covering about 400 km^, oriented predominantly with the bathymetric contours but skewed toward the western side of the bay in shallower regions, presumably as a result of prevailing gyre-like current patterns. The clay content of this deposit exceeds 50% toward the center and in parts lying in deeper water. The mean grain size in the high clay areas exceeds 6 phi units. Grain sizes increase toward the margins of this basin, exhibiting the classic pattern associated 91 with hydrodynamic particle sorting. Calcium family elements (Ca, Mg, and inorganic carbon) are preferentially concentrated at the southwestern end of the deposit, either because of the distribution of source materials or current structure in the bay. Iron and organic carbon exhibit highest concentrations in the clay-rich sediments. Most contaminant metals such as lead, zinc, copper, nickel, and chromium are strongly correlated with iron concentrations (r>0.9 in most cases for N>30) and thus have very similar surface concentration patterns. Concen- trations of contaminant metals in surface sediments are consistently lower than concentrations in deposit ional basins of the open lake. Because the Saginaw River is considered to be a strong tributary source of contaminants, low metal concentrations in lower bay sediments require explanation. At least two processes reduce concentrations: (1) dilution of contaminants by a greater amount of allochthonous material in the bay, and (2) intensive re- working of sediments by zoobenthos. Corrections made for dilution effects show that chromium is significantly higher in sediments of Saginaw Bay than in open lake deposits. Vertical distributions of minor elements, cesiura-137 and lead-210, show that the upper 10-25 cm of sediment are extensively reworked. The depth of sediment mixing varies systematically over the deposit, with highest values occurring toward the centers in fine-grained materials. Vertical distributions of benthic organisms (primarily worms) indicate that 90% of the zoobenthos occur within the zone of mixing as determined radiometrically. Thus, organisms are probably responsible for sediment mix- ing. Numbers of benthos range from 10,000 to 50,000 m~^ and are sufficiently abundant to recycle particle bound contaminants in the mixed zone annually. 92 The total amount of cesium-137 stored in sediments of the lower bay is estimated to be 64 Ci , as compared with an estimated 158 Ci deposited over the same area from cumulative atmospheric fallout (decay corrected to 1975). In the absence of tributary contributions, the muddy deposit appears to be about 40% efficient in retaining this radionuclide. Integrated amounts of contaminant metals such as Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn (yg/cm^) far exceed amounts stored in offshore deposits. A comparison with atmospheric loadings shows that Cr, Cu, and Ni especially have strong non-atmospheric sources in the bay. Thus, relatively low surface concentrations of these elements conceal the fact that much contamination has been reworked dox^nward to appreciable depths. Total inventories of metal contaminants in metric tons are: Cr, 1,100; Cu, 590; Ni, 590; P, 11,000; Pb, 850; and Zn, 1,800. Sediment mixing is, in fact, so deep that cesium-137 provides little or no information on sedimentation rates. However, lead~210 appears to give valid rates. Sedimentation rates based on ragweed pollen data and lead-210 in one core are very consistent. Values determined from lead-210 in 12 cores range from 0.07 to 0.24 g/cm^/yr and imply a total mass accumulation in the deposit of 6.3 x 10^ metric tons per year. The relatively few sedimentation rate values indicate a systematic variation in rate over the deposit, with highest rates occurring at the southwestern end in proximity to the Saginaw River. Contaminant metal current deposition rates are estimated using a model of steady state mixing and exponential increase in loading with a 20 year doubling time. Annual loadings are estimated in metric tons/year as: Cr, 54; Cu, 28; Ni, 30; P, 420; Pb, 40; and Zn, 86. In combination with sediment mixing depths, sedimentation rates provide a measure of the particle residence time in the mixed layer. This time is also 93 equivalent to the time resolution in cores and, to the extent that resuspen- sion of particle-bound contaminants from the mixed layer controls concen- trations in the water column, is also the response time for recovery of the bay as a closed system to cessation of external contaminant loads. In the cores examined, this time varies from 11 to 60 years with a mean of 30 years. This latter value is presently the best estimate of mixed layer residence time to be used in bay-wide eutrophication models involving resuspension processes. Direct flux measurements provided the following average values over the period from April 1978 to November 1978: P, -530 yg P/cm^/yr; N(NH3), +200 pg N/cm^/yr; N(N03), -360 yg N/cm^/yr; and Si, 3,000 yg Si/cm^/yr. Releases of Si constitute a major input of Si to the bay. The flux of silicon from sediments exhibits an annual cycle ranging from about 1,500 yg/cm^/yr in the spring to a maximum of about 6,000 yg/cm^/yr in August. The mean flux may be reliably predicted from thermodynamic expressions and the sediment tempera- ture. During the fall months the flux in individual cores is strongly corre- lated with the numbers of chironomid larvae present. Correlations between other nutrient fluxes and organism densities are generally insignificant. Further studies attempting to account for the behavior of contaminants and materials in the lower bay system must take account of zoobenthos-mediated integration processes occurring in sediments. A further deception occurring as a result of dilution of contaminants by inert materials and extensive reworking should be considered: low concentrations of contaminants in bulk sediment do not necessarily imply reduced transfer up the food chain by benthos. Their particle selective feeding behavior may allow them to take full advantage of contaminants on food particles distributed throughout the reworked zone. Experience with intensive coring in the lower bay as well as 94 the open lake demonstrates the high degree of spatial heterogeneity in sediment composition and accumulation/mixing rates within depositional basins. Sediment budget calculations, if they are to be realistic, must take account of sediment variability. In modelling the behavior of contaminants and nutrients in the water column, depositional and non-depositional zones should be treated separately with realistic model elements characterizing integration and resuspension processes. Direct flux measurements are to be preferred to pore water gradient flux estimates because of a multiplicity of effects, including surface dissolution processes and zoobenthos mediated exchange of solutes . ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I should like to thank J. Murphy, captain of the R/V Simons, and the crew as well as E. McCue of the R/V Bluewater for their good-natured assistance in carrying out the sampling operations. Thanks are due R. Rossmann and E. Seibel and their staff for help in analysis of samples for grain-size distributions. I appreciate the assistance of K. Johansen and J. Krezoski in making radionuclide measurements, and K. Remmert , G. Burin, L. Hess, and M. Willoughby for their help in the laboratory work. Thanks are due J. Jones for his assistance in conducting the neutron activation analysis of samples at the Phoenix Memorial Laboratory, University of Michigan. I appreciate the help of Z. Batac-Catalan and D. White in the determination of the composition of benthos in sediment samples. I wish to express my appreciation to S. Schneider, Lisa Tabak, and to the technical illustration group for their help in production of this report. Finally, a special note of appreciation to several individuals at the USEPA Grosse lie Laboratory and the Great Lakes 95 Environmental Research Laboratory (NOAA) for their support of this work: M. Mullin, N. Thomas, B. Eadie, and £• Aubert . DATA FILE The complete set of data on which this report is based includes grain size distributions, elemental concentrations in sediments and in pore water, nutrient fluxes, abundances of zoobenthos and element regression tables. The 278-page data file is available from the author upon request (J. A. Robbins, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, 2300 Washtenaw Ave., Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104). 96 REFERENCES Alberts, J. J., L, J. Tilly, and T. J. Vigerstad. 1979. Seasonal cycling of Cesium-137 in a reservoir. Science 203: 649-651. Batac-Catalan, Z., J. R. Krezoski, J. A. Robbins, and D. S. White. 1980. Distribution and abundance of zoobenthos in the muddy deposits of Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron. 23rd Conf . on Great Lakes Research of the International Association for Great Lakes Research, Kingston, Ontario. May 19-22. Abstracts p. 63. Bruland, K. W., M. Koide, C. Bowser, and E,. D. Goldberg. 1975. Lead-210 and pollen geochronologies on Lake Superior sediments. Quater. Res. 5: 89-98. Dams, R., and J. A. Robbins. 1970. Nondestructive neutron activation analysis of environmental samples. Great Lakes Research Division, University of Michigan, Special Report No. 48. 101 pp. Edgington, D. N., and J. A. Robbins. 1976.. Records of lead deposition in Lake Michigan sediments since 1800. Environ. Sci. Technol. 10: 266-274. Evans, J. E., T. C. Johnson, E. C. Alexander, Jr., R. S. Lively, and S. J. Eisenreich. 1981. Sedimentation rates and depositional processes in Lake Superior from lead-210 geochronology . J. Great Lakes Res. 7: 299-310. Farmer, J. G. 1978. Lead concentration profiles in lead-210 dated Lake Ontario sediment cores. Sci. Total Environ. 10: 117-127. Graneli, W. 1977. Sediment respiration and mineralization in temperate lakes. Ph.D. dissertation. Institute of Limnology, University of Lund, Sweden. Summary 9 pp. 97 Kemp, A. L. W., and R. L. Thomas. 1976 • Cultural impact on the geochemistry of the sediments of Lakes Ontario, Erie and Huron. Geosci. Can. 3: 191- 207. Kemp, A. L. W. , T. W. Anderson, R. L. Thomas, and A. Mudrochova. 1974. Sedimentation rates and recent sediment history of Lakes Ontario, Erie and Huron. J. Sediment. Petrol. 44: 207-218. Krishnaswami, S., D. Lai, J. M. Martin, and M. Meybeck. 1971. Geochronology of lake sediments. Earth Plant. Sci. Lett. 11: 407-414. Lerman, A., and T. A. Lietzke. 1975. Uptake and migration of tracers in lake sediments. Limnol. Oceanogr. 20: 497-510. Remmert, K. M. , J. A. Robbins, and D. N. Edgington. 1977. Release of dis- solved silica from sediments of the Great Lakes. 20th Conference on Great Lakes Research, International Association for Great Lakes Research. Robbins, J. A. 1978. Geochemical and geophysical applications of radio- active lead. In J. 0. Nriagu (ed). The Biogeochemistry of Lead in the Environment. Elsevier/North-Holland Biomedical Press, New York. Vol. lA, 285-393. Robbins, J. A. 1980. Sediments of southern Lake Huron: Elemental compo- sition and accumulation rates. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Research Reporting Series EPA-600/3-80-080 August 1980. 310 pp. + Appendix. 198 pp. Robbins, J. A., and D. N. Edgington. 1975. Determination of recent sedimen- tation rates in Lake Michigan using Pb-210 and Cs-137. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta. 39: 285-304. 98 Robbins , J. A., and D. N. Edgington. 1979. Release of dissolved silica sediment of Lake Erie. 22nd Conference on Great Lakes Research, International Association for Great Lakes Research. Abstracts, p. 19. Robbins, J. A., J. R. Krezoski, and S. C. Mozley. 1977. Radioactivity in sediments of the Great Lakes: Post-depositional redistribution by deposit-feeding organisms. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 36: 325-333. Robbins, J. A., D. N. Edgington, and A. Lo W. Kemp. 1978. Comparative lead-210, cesium-137 and pollen geochronologies of sediments from Lakes Ontario and Erie. Quater. Res. 10: 256-278. Royse, C. F. 1970. Introduction to sedimemt analysis. Arizona State College, Tempe, Arizona. Strickland, J. D. H., and T. R. Parsons. 1972. A practical handbook of sea water analysis. Fisheries Research Board, Canada, Bull. No. 125. Ottawa. 185 pp. Tessenow, U. 1964. Experimental investigations concerning the recovery of silica from lake mud by Chironomid larvae (Plumosus group). Archiv. f. Hydrobiol. 60: 497-504. Thomas, R. L. , A. L. W. Kemp, and C. F. M. Lewis. 1973. The surficial sediments of Lake Huron. Can. J. Earth Sci. 10: 226-271. Wood, L. E. 1964. Bottom sediments of Saginaw Bay, Michigan. J. Sed . Petrol. 34 173-184. 99 PUBLICATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS RECEIVING EPA SUPPORT UNDER GRANT R804686 TO DATE: Burin, G« , and J. A. Robbins. Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in dated sediment cores from southern Lake Huron and Saginaw Bay. 20th Annual Conference on Great Lakes Research of the International Association for Great Lakes Research, Ann Arbor, Michigan. May 10-12, 1977. Johansen, J. A., and J. A. Robbins. Fallout cesium-137 in sediments of southern Lake Huron and Saginaw Bay. 20th Annual Conference on Great Lakes Research of the International Association for Great Lakes Research, Ann Arbor, Michigan. May 10-12, 1977. Robbins, J. A. Recent sedimentation rates in southern Lake Huron and Saginaw Bay. 40th annual meeting of the American Society of Limnology and Oceanography. Lansing, Michigan, June 20-23, 1977. Ullman, W. , and J. A. Robbins. Major and minor elements in sediments of southern Lake Huron and Saginaw Bay: patterns and rates of deposition, historical records and interelement associations. 40th annual meeting of the American Society of Limnology and Oceanography. Lansing, Michigan, June 20-23, 1977. Robbins, J. A. Limnological applications of natural and fallout radio- activity in the Great Lakes, S3miposium on limnology of the Great Lakes, 40th annual meeting of the American Society of Limnology and Ocean- ography, East Lansing, Michigan, June 20-23, 1977. 100 Robbins , J. A., and L. W. Hess. Concentration profiles of heavy metals in recent sediments of Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron. Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, August 21-26, 1977. Robbins, J. A., P. McCall, J. B. Fisher, and J. R. Krezoski. Effect of deposit feeders on migration of radiotracers in lake sediments. American Society of Limnology and Oceanography ,» 41st Annual Meeting, Victoria, British Columbia, June 19-22, 1978. Robbins, J. A. Aspects of the interaction between benthos and sediments in the North American Great Lakes and effects of toxicant exposures. Invited paper for the Symposium on the Theoretical Aspects of Aquatic Toxicology, Borok, USSR, July 3-5, 1979. Robbins, J. A., and J. R. Krezoski. Effect of benthos on transport of particles and solutes in freshwater sediments. 9th Northeast Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Syracuse, New York, October 2- 5, 1979. Abstract. Krezoski, J. R. , and J. A. Robbins. Radiotracer studies of sediment rework- ing by Lumbriculid Ollgochaetes , 28th Annual Meeting of the North American Benthological Society, Georgia State University, Savannah, Georgia, March 26-28, 1980. Robbins, J. A. Seasonal variations in the flux of silica from sediments in Saginaw Bay. 23rd Conference of the International Association for Great Lakes Research, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, May 19-22, 1980. Abstracts, p. 41. 101 Batac-Catalan, Z., J. R. Krezoski, J. A. Robbins, and D. S. White. Distri- bution and abundance of zoobenthos in the muddy deposits of lower Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron. 23rd Conference of the International Association for Great Lakes Research, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, May 19-22, 1980 • Abstracts, p. 63. Krezoski, J. R. , and J. A. Robbins. Radiotracer studies of interactions between sediments and freshwater macrobenthos. The 21st Congress of the International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, Kgoto, Japan. Aug. 24-31, 1980. Verb. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 21, 382, 1981. Robbins, J. A. Stratigraphic and kinetic effects of sediment reworking by Great Lakes zoobenthos. 2nd International Symposium on the interactions between sediments and freshwater. Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada. June 14-18, 1981. Robbins, J. A. Geochemical and geophysical applications of radioactive lead isotopes. In: Biogeochemistry of lead in the environment. Part A., J. 0. Nriagu (Ed.), Elsevier Scientific Publishers, Amsterdam, Netherlands. Vol. lA. (1978) 285-393. Robbins, J. A., J. R. Krezoski, and S. C. Mozley. Radioactivity in sedi- ments of the Great Lakes: postdepositional redistribution by deposit- feeding organisms . Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 36, (1977) 325-333. Krezoski, J. R., S. C. Mozley, and J. A. Robbins. Influence of benthic macroinvertebrates on mixing of profundal sediments in Lake Huron. Limnol. Oceanogr. 23 (1978) 1011-1016. Robbins, J. A., D. N. Edgington, and A. L. W. Kemp. Comparative lead-210, cesium-137 and pollen geochronologies of sediments from Lakes Ontario and Erie. Quatern. Res. 10 (1978) 256-278. 102 Robbins, J. A., P. L. McCall, J. B. Fisher, and J. R. Krezoski. Effect of deposit feeders on migration of cesium~137 in lake sediments • Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 42 (1979) 277-287. Meyers, P. A., N. Takeuchi, and J. A. Robbins. Petroleum hydrocarbons in sediments of Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron. J. Great Lakes Res. 6 (1980) 315-320. Robbins, J. A. Aspects of the interaction between benthos and sediments of the North American Great Lakes and effects of toxicant exposures. In : Proc. of the US-USSR Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Aquatic Toxicology, Borok, Jaroslavl, USSR, July 3-5, 1979. Robbins, J. A. Stratigraphic and dynamic effects of sediment reworking by Great Lakes zoobenthos. Hydrobiologia 92 (1982): 611-622. 103