DIVER ASSESSMENT OF THE INSHORE SOUTHEASTERN LAKE MICHIGAN ENVIRONMENT NEAR THE D. C. COOK NUCLEAR PLANT, 1973-82 John A. Dorr III and David J. Jude Under contract with American Electric Power Service Corporation Indiana & Michigan Electric Company Ronald Rossmann, Project Director Special Report No. 120 Great Lakes Research Division The University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109 1986 CONTENTS LIST OF FIGURES « ., iv LIST OF TABLES „ viii LIST OF APPENDICES x ACKNOWLEDGMENTS xi INTRODUCTION 1 METHODS 5 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION • 15 PHYSICAL FEATURES 15 Waves and Cur ren ts 15 Thermal Ef f ec ts 20 Surf icial Fea tures 22 Sediment 26 Transparency 31 Inorganic Debris 35 BIOLOGICAL FEATURES 37 Organic De tr i tus 37 Periphy ton 46 Attached Macroinvertebrates 54 Free-living Macroinvertebrates 58 Fish Spawning 70 Juvenile and Adult Fish 80 ECOLOGY 117 PLANT EFFECTS 125 Physical Presence 125 Opera tional Ef f ec ts 127 SUMMARY 131 REFERENCES 140 APPENDIX 1 145 APPENDIX 2 156 APPENDIX 3 160 111 LIST OF FIGURES Figure Number Page 1 Scheme of the Cook Plant study area in southeastern Lake Michigan, 1973-1982, showing locations of the scuba-monitored intake, discharge, and reference structures and stations. Stippled area represents approximate dimensions of riprap zone. Depths at intake, discharge, and reference stations were 9 m, 6 m, and 6 m, respectively 8 Prescribed format in which observations and measurements were recorded underwater on water-resistant paper during dives in southeastern Lake Michigan near the D. C. Cook Nuclear Plant, 1973-1982 11 Length of periphyton (mm) on top of the south intake structure (at the 3-m depth stratum) and on the upper surfaces of riprap (at the 7.4-m depth stratum) adjacent to the base of the structure. Measurements were made during dives in southeastern Lake Michigan near the D. C. Cook Nuclear Plant, 1973-1982 48 Total number and percent composition by major groups of periphytic algae collected by divers from the top of the south intake structure of the D. C. Cook Nuclear Plant, located at the 3-m strata of the 9-m contour in southeastern Lake Michigan. One sample was collected each month, April- October, 1974-1981, in most years. A wet-mounted subsample was qualitatively analyzed under a microscope, and algae were identified to lowest recognizable taxon. Total number of samples analyzed each year was: 1974 = 1, 1975 = 5, 1976 = 6, 1977 = 4, 1978 = 7, 1979 = 7, 1980 = 7, 1981 = 7 51 Numbers of snails observed by divers in southeastern Lake Michigan near the D. C. Cook Nuclear Plant, 1973-1982. Snails were seen only at stations within the riprap zone and none was observed after 1978. ND = no diving that month 62 Numbers of crayfish observed by divers (1973-1982) and impinged on traveling screens (1975-1981) at the D. C. Cook Nuclear Plant, southeastern Lake Michigan 65 iv LIST OF FIGURES (Continued) 7 Total numbers of crayfish seen by divers during day and night swims over two adjacent 1 X 10-m transects (20 m^ total area) along the base of the south intake structure of the D. C. Cook Nuclear Plant, southeastern Lake Michigan, 1975-1982. .• 66 8 Chronology of maturation, spawning, egg incubation, and hatching of alewife, spottail shiner, yellow perch, johnny darter, and slimy sculpin, in southeastern Lake Michigan near the D. C, Cook Nuclear Plant. Spawning periods were cited from Auer (1982); all other data were compiled during 1973-1982 studies at the Cook Plant , 71 9 Comparison of relative ranked abundance of yellow perch observed by divers during all dives (1973-1982) and transect swims (1975-1982), collected in standard series field samples (1973-1982), and impinged (1975-1982) at the D. C. Cook Nuclear Plant, southeastern Lake Michigan. Ordinate scale is inverted and extends from lowest to highest rank of relative abundance. Blanks indicate zero observations or catch. ND = no diving or sampling 87 10 Comparison of relative ranked abundance of common carp observed by divers during all dives (1973-1982) and transect swims (1975-1982), collected in standard series field samples (1973-1982), and impinged (1975-1982) at the D. C. Cook Nuclear Plant, southeastern Lake Michigan. Ordinate scale is inverted and extends from lowest to highest rank of relative abundance. Blanks indicate zero observations or catch. ND = no diving or sampling 90 11 Comparison of relative ranked abundance of alewives observed by divers during all dives (1973-1982) and transect swims (1975-1982), collected in standard series field samples (1973-1982), and impinged (1975-1982) at the D. C. Cook Nuclear Plant, southeastern Lake Michigan. Ordinate scale is inverted and extends from lowest to highest rank of relative abundance. Blanks indicate zero observations or catch. ND = no diving or sampling „ „ 94 LIST OF FIGURES (Continued) 12 Comparison of relative ranked abundance of spottail shiners observed by divers during all dives (1973-1982) and transect swims (1975-1982), collected in standard series field samples (1973-1982), and impinged (1975-1982) at the D, C, Cook Nuclear Plant, southeastern Lake Michigan. Ordinate scale is inverted and extends from lowest to highest rank of relative abundance. Blanks indicate zero observations or catch. ND = no diving or sampling 97 13 Comparison of relative ranked abundance of trout-perch observed by divers during all dives (1973-1982) and transect swims (1975-1982), collected in standard series field samples (1973-1982), and impinged (1975-1982) at the D. C. Cook Nuclear Plant, southeastern Lake Michigan. Ordinate scale is inverted and extends from lowest to highest rank of relative abundance. Blanks indicate zero observations or catch. ND = no diving or sampling 100 14 Comparison of relative ranked abundance of rainbow smelt observed by divers during all dives (1973-1982) and transect swims (1975-1982), collected in standard series field samples (1973-1982), and impinged (1975-1982) at the D. C. Cook Nuclear Plant, southeastern Lake Michigan. Ordinate scale is inverted and extends from lowest to highest rank of relative abundance. Blanks indicate zero observations or catch. ND = no diving or sampling 102 15 Comparison of relative ranked abundance of sculpins ( Cottus cognatus or C. bairdi ) observed by divers during all dives (1973-1982) and transect swims (1975-1982), collected in standard series field samples (1973-1982), and impinged (1975-1982) at the D. C. Cook Nuclear Plant, southeastern Lake Michigan. Ordinate scale is inverted and extends from lowest to highest rank of relative abundance. Blanks indicate zero observations or catch. ND = no diving or sampling 105 VI LIST OF FIGURES (Continued) 16 Comparison of relative ranked abundance of burbot observed by divers during all dives (1973-1982) and transect swims (1975-1982), collected in standard series field samples (1973-1982), and impinged (1975-1982) at the D. C« Cook Nuclear Plant, southeastern Lake Michigan. Ordinate scale is inverted and extends from lowest to highest rank of relative abundance. Blanks indicate zero observations or catch. ND = no diving or sampling 109 17 Comparison of relative ranked abundance of johnny darters observed by divers during all dives (1973-1982) and transect swims (1975-1982), collected in standard series field samples (1973-1982), and impinged (1975-1982) at the D. C. Cook Nuclear Plant, southeastern Lake Michigan. Ordinate scale is inverted and extends from lowest to highest rank of relative abundance. Blanks indicate zero observations or catch. ND = no diving or sampling Ill 18 Comparison of relative ranked abundance of white suckers observed by divers during all dives (1973-1982) and transect swims (1975-1982), collected in standard series field samples (1973-1982), and impinged (1975-1982) at the D. C. Cook Nuclear Plant, southeastern Lake Michigan. Ordinate scale is inverted and extends from lowest to highest rank of relative abundance. Blanks indicate zero observations or catch. ND = no diving or sampling 114 vxi LIST OF TABLES Table Number Page 1 Summary of day and night dives performed during 1973-1982 in southeastern Lake Michigan in the vicinity of the D. C. Cook Nuclear Plant near Br idgman , Michigan 6 Direction of generation (quadrant), height (trough-to-crest), and width (crest-to-crest) of ripple marks observed by divers in reference areas north and south of the D. C, Cook Nuclear Plant, during some months from 1973 to 1982 • Quadrant: I = north to east (0-90**); II = east to south (90-180**); III = south to west (180-270^); IV = west to north (270-360**); Asym = asymmetric (no clear direction of generation). Dimensions are in cm. Blanks indica te no da ta 23 Depth (mm) of flocculent surficial sediment measured on riprap surrounding the D. G. Cook Nuclear Plant intake structures and at reference stations north and south of the plant, 1973-1982. T (trace) = detectable, but unmeasurable. Blanks indicate no measurements were made 27 Horizontal visibility (m) as measured by divers on the bottom near Cook Plant intake structures (9 m) and in reference areas (6 m) north and south of the plant, 1973-1982. Asterisk (*) shows months when measurements were not made on the same day at intake and reference stations. Measurements at reference stations were always made on the same day for any given month. Omitted months and blanks indicate no measurements made 32 Frequency of observation (%) of organic detritus on the bottom of southeastern Lake Michigan during standard series dives in the vicinity of the D. C. Cook Nuclear Plant, 1973-1982. Observations of fish (F) are expressed in absolute numbers of fish counted during dives 39 Record of dead fish observed during all dives in the vicinity of the D. C. Cook Nuclear Plant, southeastern Lake Michigan, 1973-1982. Blanks indica te no da ta 43 vixi LIST OF TABLES (Continued) 7 Total number and number of previously unrecorded taxa of periphyton identified in diver-collected samples scraped from the top of the south intake structure of the D. C. Cook Nuclear Plant, 1974-1981. One sample per month, April-October, was collected each year with the exception of 1974 (all months but June omitted), 1975 (April and September omitted), 1976 (October omitted), and 1977 (April, May, and October omitted). Fraction (%) of total periphyton taxa that were identified in samples of entrained phytoplankton collected from the plant forebay is also listed. Blanks indicate no samples collected. 52 8. Composition by number (and percent) of the number of taxa found in diver-collected periphyton samples scraped from the top of the D. C. Cook Nuclear Plant south intake structure during 1974-1981. One sample per month, April-October, was collected each year with the exception of 1974 (all months but June omitted), 1975 (April and September omitted), 1976 (October omitted), and 1977 (April, May, and October omitted). Algae were categorized as follows: diatoms = Bacillariophy ta, green algae = Chlorophyta, blue-green algae = Cyanophyta, golden- brown algae = Chrysophyta, red algae = Rhodophyta, and other algae = Euglenophyta and Pyrrophyta 52 9 Annual relative ranked abundance of fish observed during all diving in sou theias tern Lake Michigan near the D. C. Cook Nuclear Plant, 1973-1982. Fish were grouped according to frequency of obser- vation. Blanks indicate no observation. Common names of fish assigned according to Robins et al. (1980) 81 10 Annual relative ranked abundance of fish observed during duplicate observations made during transect swims in southeastern Lake Michigan, 1975-1982. Observations were made by itiwo divers swimming side- by-side for 10 m along the base of the south intake structure of the D. C. Cook Nuclear Plant. Each diver examined an area 1 m wide; observations were summed and then ranked for the total area (20 m^) examined. Fish were grouped according to frequency of observation. Blanks indicate no observation. Common names of fish assigned according to Robins et al. (1980) 84 ix LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix Number Page 1 Summary of observations made during dives on riprap substrate surrounding the D. C. Cook Nuclear Plant intake and discharge structures in southeastern Lake Michigan, 1973-1982 145 2 Duplicate observations made during transect swims in southeastern Lake Michigan, April through October, 1975-1982. Observations were made by two divers swimming side-by-side for 10 m along the base of the south intake structure of the D. C. Cook Nuclear Plant. Each diver examined an area 1 m wide. Total area of each transect was 10 m^. Omitted swims are indicated by an asterisk (*) .....o... 156 3 Scientific name, common name, and abbreviations for species of fish observed by divers in southeastern Lake Michigan near the D. C. Cook Nuclear Plant, 1973-1982. Names were assigned according to Robins et al. (1980) 160 X ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We would like to thank the present project director Ronald Rossmann and past directors John Ayers and Erwin Seibel for their support, guidance, and editorial acumen. Valuable on-site assistance and practical expertise were provided to us by past and present Indiana & Michigan Power Company staff members Jon Barnes, Tom Kriesel, and Eric Mallen. We would like to recognize our colleagues Jim Barres and Laurie Feldt for their efforts to identify the periphyton collected during the study. Thanks are extended to Sam Ritter who drafted the figures found in this report, and to Beverly McClellan and Marion Luckhardt who assisted in the technical preparation of the report. Many useful suggestions for improvement of the text v/ere provided by Jim Bowers. We would like to recognize and gratefully acknowledge the extensive time, effort, and dedication of Lee Somers who has supervised and guided the devel- opment of diving activities at The University of Michigan and without whose support and assistance this study could not have been conducted. Finally, our deepest appreciation is extended to the many divers whose efforts, dedication, and sacrifices contributed during the many hours of physically and mentally demanding work made this study possible. This project was funded by a grant from the Indiana & Michigan Power Company, a subsidiary of the American Electric Power Service Corporation. We thank Alan Gaulke for his liaison work throughout the study. XI INTRODUCTION This report is a summary and analysis of observations made by divers in southeastern Lake Michigan near the D. C. Cook Nuclear Plant, 1973-1982. This investigation was one component of a multi-disciplinary environmental impact study conducted by the Great Lakes Research Division, University of Michigan, for the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant from 1970 through 1982. Overall scope of work included: physical studies - hydrology, sediments, shore erosion, ice effects; chemical studies - standard water chemistry, nutrients, trace metals; and biological studies - psammo- littoral organisms, periphyton, algae, zooplankton, benthos, and fish. In addition, studies by other agencies included radiological work, weather and currents, thermal plume mapping, terrestrial flora and fauna, and other environmental, sociological, and economic assessments associated with plant site selection and pre- construction activities. In 1986, the various s'tudies conducted by Great Lakes Research Division were integrated into an overview of the aquatic environment in the study area. The purpose of the underwater assessment program was to gather data via direct observation or analysis of hand-collected samples. Information amassed through these efforts was used to collaborate or augment other studies at the Cook Plant and to provide a unique assessment of the aquatic environment, its ecology, and plant- induced effects. The D. C. Cook Nuclear Plant is located in Berrien County on the shore of southeastern Lake Michigan near Bridgman, Michigan. The plant site was purchased in 1959 and pre-cons truction activities began in the 1960s. Construction of the two-unit, 2,200 megawatt plant began in the late 1960s. Placement of in- lake structures (intake and discharge pipes and structures. and riprap field) was completed in late 1972 • Unit 1 achieved "on-line" status during 1975, following a prior startup period in 1974, Unit 2 went on- line during 1977. Great Lakes Research Division studies began at the Cook Plant in 1970 and were divided into two general phases: preoperational and operational. Underwater studies were conducted during 1973-1982 and included 10 annual periods of observation from April through October during most years. In accordance with the plant construction schedule, tlie preoperational study period began in 1970 and extended through 1974 when Unit 1 went on-line. Therefore, the preoperational database for diving observations encompassed the 2-yr period from 1973 to 1974. Operational studies were conducted from 1975 through 1982, although full operational status was not attained until late in the study. An important feature of Cook Plant structure and operation regarding its potential effects on the lake was the presence of in- lake structures and once- through circulation of water to cool the plant reactors. At peak operation, 6.1 million liters per minute (1.6 million gpm) of water are drawn through a system of three water intakes located 223 m (2,250 ft) offshore in 9 m of water, circulated once through the plant, and returned to the lake via two discharge structures located 109 m (1,100 ft) offshore in 6 ra of water. Aquatic biota entrained in the cooling water are exposed to physical and thermal effects, as is the environment immediately surrounding the discharge area. Also, the presence of in- lake plant structures (intakes and riprap) creates a physical environment that is atypical of the surrounding area. Nearshore surficial sediments in the study area are typically composed of coarse- to medium-sized grained sand (1.0-0.25-mm diameter) with fine- to very fine-sized sand (0.25-0.06-mm diameter) becoming predominant offshore (Davis and McGeary 1965, Hawley and Judge 1969), A distinct change in sediment composition that occurs offshore at about 24 m is a function of depth and severity of nearshore physical processes (Seibel et al. 1974, Rossmann and Seibel 1977). An accumulation of 1-10 mm of fine particulate material consisting of sediment, periphyton, organic detritus, and diatom tests often covers the bottom (Dorr and Jude 1980a, b). Inshore surficial sediments are unstable, and topography can be attributed to nearshore physical processes including waves and currents. Typical manifestations in the study area are an inner and outer bar and a gentle slope of 1:100 or less beyond a depth of 4 m (Davis and McGeary 1965). Thus most areas of the bottom exhibit only little relief and provide minimal to no surficial shelter or protection for macroscopic biota, e.g., fish, crustaceans, and molluscs. In contrast, substrate surrounding the intake and discharge structures and sub-surface water circulation pipes consists of crushed limestone riprap (0.1-1.0 m in diameter). It was installed during plant construction to reduce scour by plant discharge water on in- lake, cooling-water structures. In its central area, the riprap bed is mounded 1-2 m above bottom, and the structures rise an additional 3 m above the riprap. Consequently, the surface profile in the water intake and discharge areas is considerably more rugose than the surrounding natural environment. The focus of our underwater studies was to examine selected features of this man-made environment and to compare and contrast them with those of the surrounding area. Through these observations, a better understanding of the aquatic environment in the vicinity of the plant was achieved, as well as of the plant impact on that environment. Patterns of colonization of aquatic biota were also delineated. V/ithin the report, Cook plant data and findings are Integrated with other underwater studies conducted In Lake Michigan. Changes In the ecology of the Cook Plant area related to the Impact of the plant are also discussed. The knowledge gained through the underwater assessment study has provided unique Insight Into the Inshore southeastern Lake Michigan environment. This Insight augments that obtained from other components of the Cook Plant environmental study. Our results should help guide future similar studies, as well as add to the understanding of physical and biological processes In the Great Lakes and elsewhere. METHODS The underwater assessment study at the Cook Plant is unique to the Great Lakes in two respects: its duration, which encompassed 10 separate field seasons, and its design. Diving began in 1973 and continued through 1982. During this period, 281 (221 day, 60 night) dives were performed in the study area (Table 1), and more than 161 h of underwater time were amassed. The area was examined by divers each month, April-October, for 8-10 seasons. The second unique aspect of this study was the extent to which observational techniques, effort, and sampling were standardized. During 1973-1974, diving and underwater assessment techniques were developed for the study area and were incorporated into the Cook Plant environmental monitoring scheme for plant operation as required by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the Michigan Department of Natural Resources. These environmental technical specifications (U.S. Atomic Energy Commission 1975) were in effect from 1975 through completion of our field studies in 1982, and stringently defined baseline study objectives and sampling regimes for all sections of the Cook Plant environmental survey including underwater studies. Strict adherence to these specifications resulted in a sampling program that was both rigorous and relatively inflexible with regard to modifications. However, it had the advantage of generating a continuum of data that permitted identification and analysis of ecological patterns, changes, and plant impacts on the environment over a period of years., Environmental technical specifications stipulated that visual observations would be conducted at least once per month, April through October, at five specified locations, including two dives (one day, one night) in the area of the intake structures, one day dive in the area of the 5 a bo CO a bO "H CM •H >J 00 ^ p ON O TJ 1— 1 •H S 'O CU (U 4-» ^ a m La condu 1—4 00 1—1 •H CM Q _ 1 CXD c\ 1— 1 • C7> I a rH CO CO r^ bO CTn "H -H ,13 a GO "H 00 a s 1^ •H ON }^ -^ i-H a c TJ CO E T3 bO 0) 'H S -H tl M r^ O PQ r>. U-i c\ M M »-H 0) CO 04 dJ C CO a •H CO TJ rH z u o> ^w CO f-H % Q Q % M U %rO S -tJ S 00 6 -H CTk 00 •H r—i a ^ •H . > ^ -^ >s o; M 4 f-H rH :r CO CO CO CO CO -^f 4 ON C7> r^ in CM in CN m CO f^ 00 CM CM as 00 vO CO rH CM CO CM CN4 m rH m CO a; > O •H S in discharge structures, and two day dives in reference areas (one north and one south of the plant) (Fig. 1). Station names were abbreviated as follows: south intake station - SI, middle intake station - MI, north intake station - NI, south discharge station - SD, north discharge station - ND, south reference station III - SR-III, south reference station II - SR II, south reference station I - SR-I, north reference station III - NR-III, north reference station II - NR-II, and north reference station I - NR-I. Dives were separated into two categories: standard series dives (those which were performed to satisfy technical specifications) and supplemental dives. Standard series dives were conducted according to fixed procedures which described the area examined by divers, observational and sampling techniques, and recording of data. The formats for supplemental dives were flexible in response to the objectives of the dive. During standard series dives, two divers equipped with scuba swam side- by-side and either 1 or 2 m apart. Divers made observations and collected samples at the intake structure stations by swimming around the top (61 m in circumference) and base (78 m in circumference) of the structure. While swimming, each diver examined a plot of 2 m in width; the areas examined on top and around the base of the structures were approximately 244 m^ and 312 m^, respectively. In addition, divers swam a 10-m transect along the north side of the south intake structure base following an anchored line placed there for the duration of the study. While swimming a transect along this line, each diver examined adjacent plots 1 m in width, resulting in observations collected from 1 x 10 m (10 m^) plots. These observational efforts in measured areas provided a quantified data base. Swims and observations at the discharge stations were conducted in exactly the same a o JG CO CO a CO "U o OJ H TJ -M bOiH 12 m) , a distinct thermocline was encountered along with a large difference in temperature between the epilimnion and hypolimnion. 21 Surficlal Features Presence of riprap and in- lake plant structures created artificial features and atypical habitat. Most of the lake bottom in inshore south- eastern Lake Michigan is composed of coarse- to fine-grained sand with occasional areas of pebbles, and presents a flat, unbroken profile. Only iso- lated rocks and an occasional log or branch were encountered during our studies. Dorr (1982), Dorr and Jude (1980b), and Jude et al. (1978) conducted extensive diver surveys of areas containing rough substrate of natural (moraines, clay banks) and artificial (reefs, utility structures, harbor breakwalls) origin from Muskegon, Michigan, south to Michigan City, Indiana. Areas of rough substrate were isolated within the total inshore system and represented only a small portion (<1%) of the total inshore area. Ripple marks and occasional large depressions were observed at the reference stations and during swims along the 6-m contour. The dimensions and direction of ripple marks observed 1000 m north (Station III) and 1200 m south (station III) of the plant were measured and recorded during 1973-1982 (Table 2). Most often, ripple marks were generated from a westerly- to- northerly direction (quadrant IV - 270-360^). This was the situation during 84% of the dives at the north station, and 74% of the dives at the south station. The slight reduction (10%) in frequency of generation from the fourth quadrant observed at the south station was probably created by the riprap north of the south station. This hypothesis is supported by our observations that ripple marks were consistently smallest at the south reference station (station I) closest to the riprap. Discharge of water in a north and westerly direction combined with the "reef-like" barrier that the riprap and discharge structures presented, undoubtedly acted to diminish the 22 Table 2. Direction of generation (quadrant), height (trough- to-crest), and width (crest-to-crest) of ripple marks observed by divers in reference areas north and south of the D. C* Cook Nuclear Plant, during some months from 1973 to 1982. Quadrant: I.= north to east (0-90*^); II = east to south (90-180''); III = south to west (180-270''); IV = west to north (270-360*^); Asym = asymmetric (no clear direction of genera- tion). Dimensions are in cm. Blanks indicate no data. North Reference Areas South Reference Areas Month Quadrant Height Width Quadrant Height Width 1973 Sep IV 17 61 1974 Apr IV 3 15 Jun IV 3 18 Jul IV 4 10 1975 May IV 5 15 IV 4 17 Jun m 1 11 Jul III 4 10 III 5 31 Aug I 3 9 III 4 13 Sep IV 6 20 Oct I 5 9 IV 4 19 1976 Apr III 11 75 II 2 5 May III 4 15 III 4 14 Jun IV 5 16 IV 4 5 Jul IV 2 8 IV 4 6 Aug I 6 15 IV 2 6 Sep IV 6 8 1977 Apr IV 13 100 May IV 2 18 IV 2 11 Jun IV 4 10 Asym 1 6 Jul IV 3 10 IV 2 5 Aug IV 2 5 IV 3 15 (Continued) . 23 Table 2, Continued. North Reference Areas South Reference Areas Month Quadrant Height Width Quadrant Height Width 1978 Apr III 5 15 May III 4 20 Asym <1 <1 Jun IV 6 25 III 5 20 Jul IV 5 18 IV 2 10 Aug IV 3 15 IV 3 15 Sep IV 25 50 IV 2 5 Oct IV 3 10 1979 May IV 4 20 IV 4 20 Jun IV 5 15 IV 4 12 Jul IV 3 10 IV 5 150 Aug IV 5 20 IV 5 18 Oct IV 3 15 IV 2 6 1980 Apr IV 4 12 IV 6 20 May IV 14 90 Asym 2 10 Jun IV 5 15 IV 3 15 Jul IV 15 60 IV 5 8 Aug IV 4 12 IV 4 15 Sep IV 4 6 IV 2 10 Oct IV 3 5 IV 2 6 1981 Apr IV 50 100 IV 3 6 May IV 2 6 IV 2 6 Jun IV 20 60 IV 2 6 Jul IV 3 10 IV 2 6 Aug IV 2 6 IV 2 6 Sep IV 6 10 IV 4 8 Oct IV 4 8 I 4 6 1982 Apr IV 8 10 IV 6 6 May IV 12 15 Asym 4 10 24 strength of waves and currents approaching from that direction, which is the prevailing direction of approach at this location on the lake. In general, ripple marks were smallest and most asymmetrically developed at reference stations (stations I and II) closest to the riprap and discharge area. Very large ripple marks with amplitudes (heights) exceeding 10 cm were occasionally observed at the two most northerly reference stations. These marks often had wavelengths of 50-100 cm, and extended for 10 m or more along the bottom. They were always generated from the 270-360° quadrant (quadrant IV - west-north), and were never observed at south reference stations. These large marks usually occurred in isolated patches along the 6-m contour and were separated by extensive areas containing much smaller ripple marks. Often these smaller marks were generated from a different direction and cross- hatched the large marks. Most likely, these large ripple marks were the remnants of marks generated during conditions of high winds and large surface waves coming from a westerly to northerly direction. Large marks were never observed at the north reference station (station I) closest to the discharge area, again probably a result of the disruptive effect of the north-westerly directed discharge current on incoming waves. In fact, the disruption of surface waves by the plant's water discharge is observable from shore. The other surficial feature of the bottom observed in the vicinity of the reference stations was the presence of localized depressions in the lake bottom. These depressions were only observed during swims parallel to shore between north reference station II and sitation III. During the 5-10-min swims, divers occasionally encountered depressions about 1 m deep and 5-10 m across; because the third dimension was not measured, the actual shape of these depressions is not known. We suspect that they may have been roughly oval in shape with the long axis oriented more closely perpendicular to shore than the short axis. These depressions were surficial features of the bottom that were distinctly different from the major troughs that were located between the major sand bars. One possibility is that these depressions were trenches or cuts across these major bars and that the depressions connected adjoining troughs. Another possibility is that the depressions were remnants of old troughs that had been mostly filled in during the relocation of a bar. These features are not unique to the Cook Plant area, since we observed them during other underwater studies in inshore southeastern Lake Michigan. Sediment Qualitative microscopic analysis of the flocculent ("floe") layer of material overlying the riprap and sand revealed it to be composed primarily of sediment, diatom tests, and some organic detritus (primarily algae). The thickness of this layer ranged from complete absence to about 10 mm; a layer 2-3 mm thick was typical of the area (Table 3). When present, similar amounts of floe were observed in both reference areas and on the riprap. However, only once, in April 1982, was floe totally absent from the riprap surrounding the intake structures, whereas, complete absence of floe in reference areas was more common (8 occurrences at north reference station III, 11 occurrences at south reference station III). Observations of floe deeper than 10 mm were made on two occasions north of the plant and once south of it. The floe layer on the riprap was never thicker than 6 mm between 1975 and 1982. We attribute the more continuous presence of floe on riprap compared with sand to be the result of the better trapping action of the riprap surface. 26 Table 3. Depth (mm) of flocculent surficial sediment measured on riprap surrounding the D. C. Cook Nuclear Plant intake structures and at reference stations north and south of the plant, 1973-1982. T (trace) = detectable, but unmeasurable. Blanks indicate no measurements made. A rea Month Intake N. Reference S. Reference 1973 Jun Aug <5 Sep <5 1974 Apr >10 May 5-10 Jun <5 Oct 5 1975 May 6 Jun <5 Jul 4 Aug 3 Sep 3 Oct 2 1976 Apr 2 May 3 Jun 2 Jul 3 Aug 2 Sep 2 Oct 4 1977 (Continued) <5 5-10 <5 <5 T 2 T 2 2 20 3 1 1 2 2 5 2 Apr 3 15 May 3 2 Jun 2 Jul 3 Aug 4X0 Sep 2 27 Table 3. Continued, Area Month Intake N. Reference S. Reference 1978 Apr 5 May 3 Jun 2 Jul Aug 1 Sep 2 Oct 3 1979 Apr 1 May 2 Jun 3 Jul T Aug 4 Sep 1 Oct 1 1980 Apr 2 May Jun 1 Jul Aug Sep 2 Oct 2 1981 Apr 2 May 2 Jun 2 Jul 2 Aug 4 Sep 2 Oct 1 1982 Apr May 3 Aug 4 Oct 2 4 3 3 3 2 8 4 2 2 4 3 5 8 3 1 3 2 2 2 2 2 3 4 2 2 2 3 20 2 2 2 4 5 4 2 5 2 2 2 3 4 1 8 6 2 3 28 The uneven surface of individual clasts and the presence of periphyton caused floe to be retained more effectively than on the smooth surface of the sand bottom. Two general observations support this contention: (1) floe accumu- lated in the troughs of the ripple marks, and not on the sides or crests, and (2) surface wave action often caused movement of floe on the sand bottom but not on the riprap. Rarely did floe accumulate on the sides or crests of ripple marks. Most often, it was carried into the troughs by water movement. It was noted earlier that surface wave action could be felt on the bottom at 6 m when waves exceeded 1 m in height. Also, the threshold for noticeable water movement occurred when waves were 0.5-1.0 m in height. When surface waves were 1 m, a slight oscillation or movement of the floe in the troughs of ripple marks was apparent. Under these same conditions, the periphyton on riprap was observed to sway, but no movement of the floe could be seen. Additional evidence that uneven surfaces trapped sediment more effectively that smooth surfaces was provided by the occasional deep accumulations of floe in depressions observed in the sand bottom in the north reference area (see previous section - Surficial Features). Floe 10-20 cm deep was measured in some of these depressions (Table 3). Suspended material, transported along the bottom, probably encountered these depressions where water velocities were reduced resulting in this material being deposited in thick layers. In a sense, these large depressions were analogous to small pockets or interstices in the surface of the riprap. A small trough (1-2 m wide and less than 1 m deep) in the sand bottom adjacent to the riprap often formed along the perimeter of the riprap,. Quite often, floe accumulated in this restricted area to depths of 10-20 mm. Most likely, this was the result of a small area of stagnant water created by the barrier which the riprap 29 imposed as it rose off the bottom at this point. Observations made during studies of other areas of naturally formed sand (Jude et al. 1978, Dorr and Jude 1980b), rock or clay bottom (Dorr 1982), and artificial substrates (Dorr et al. 1981b, Dorr 1982) confirm that rugose surfaces trap sediment more effectively than smooth surfaces. There appeared to be a direct relationship between absence or presence of floe and water depth. In this study and others (Dorr 1974, Dorr and Miller 1975, Dorr 1982), floe was rarely observed at depths less than 6 m. However, it was always present at 12 m or more. Seibel et al. (1974) and Rossmann and Seibel (1977) noted a distinct demarcation at 24 m where finer-grained sediment predominated. Its occurrence was a function of depth and severity of nearshore physical processes, including wave action and currents. Our observations, combined with the calculated attenuation of even the largest surface waves observed during any period of several years, suggest that at depths greater tlian 12 m, the movement of water is not sufficient to sweep even smooth bottom clear of flocculent material, much less rugose surfaces. This observation has significant implications regarding the depth location of structures such as artificial reefs or natural lake trout spawning reefs, where the removal or absence of floe from the surfaces or interstices of the substrate by natural movements of the water is desired. In a 1977 experiment, we positioned several vertical sediment-collecting tubes 1 m off bottom over Cook Plant intake riprap. Following a 21-day period (25 May-16 June), 74 mm of material was collected in the 3.8-cm diameter tubes. The tubes were constructed to permit diffusion of formaldehyde from an attached reservoir into the collection chamber, thereby preserving the mater- ial from decomposition. About 90% of the floe collected was sediment; 30 the remaining portion was composed of diatom tests and organic detritus. This experiment confirmed the potential for rapid deposition and accumulation of sediment in inshore depressions. Flocculent material may change the circulation of water, dissolved gas exchange, and sediment oxygen demand (SOD) in microhabitats such as surfaces and interstices of substrates, which might adversely impact biological entities such as incubating lake trout eggs. Transparency Water transparency, the maximum distance between two divers at which they remained visible, was measured on the bottom with a line marked at 0.5-m intervals; values were relatively comparable among riprap and reference stations (Table 4). Highest visibility recorded was 6.8 m at the 9-m intake station, while the lowest was 0.6 m at a north reference station. Typical values were 2-3 m at all stations. Visibility tended to be highest during summer months (June-August). This was probably the result of summer thermal stratification, followed by depletion of nutrients, and reduced plankton productivity. Also, fewer severe storms and reduced turbulence during summer permitted suspended material to settle. Highest visibilities occurred following a period of one to two weeks of calm lake conditions. Several patterns were noted in the visibility among stations. Visibilities were usually lower at the two stations closest to the discharge structures (NR-1, SR-1 ) than at other reference or riprap stations. Also, there was a noticeable decrease in visibility from surface to bottom (6 m) at these two stations. The reduction in visibility at these locations was the 31 Table 4, Horizontal visibility (m) as measured by divers on the bottom near Cook Plant intake structures (9 m) and in reference areas (6 m) north and south of the plant, 1973-1982. Asterisk (*) shows months when measurements were not made on the same day at intake and reference stations. Measurements at reference stations were always made on the same day for any given month. Omitted months and blanks indicate no measure- ments made. Month Intake Area N. Reference S. Reference 1973 Jun* 2.0 Aug 4.5 Sep 1.2 1974 Apr* 1.0 May 3.8 Jun 3.3 Jul Oct 1.2 1975 May* 2.1 Jun 7.6 Jul 4.5 Aug* 3.0 Sep 2.7 Oct 2.7 1976 Apr* 2.5 May* 2.0 Jun 4.0 Jul 1.5 Aug* 3.0 Sep 2.0 Oct 3.0 1977 May Jun Jul* Aug Sep (Continued) 3.0 6.8 5.0 6.0 2.5 0.6 2.0 6.1 4.0 3.0 2.7 2.0 1.8 1.8 4.5 1.5 3.0 1.5 6.1 3.0 4.0 2.0 2.0 1.8 3.3 1.7 4.5 1.5 2.5 1.0 1.2 3.0 2.0 3.0 6.0 4.5 4.0 2.0 32 Table 4. Continued, Area Month Intake N. Reference S. Reference 1978 Apr 1.0 1.0 1.0 May 1.0 2.0 2.0 Jun 3.0 3.0 3.0 Jul* 2.0 3.0 3.0 Aug 2.5 2.5 3.0 Sep 2.0 2.0 2.0 Oct 1.0 3.0 1979 Apr 2.0 May 2.0 2.5 2.0 Jun 2.0 2.0 2.0 Jul 4.5 4.0 4.0 Aug 3.0 3.0 3.0 Sep 3.0 Oct* 1.3 2.0 2.0 1980 Apr 2.0 3.0 2.0 May 3.0 2.5 Jun 3.0 3.0 3.0 Jul 1.0 2.5 1.5 Aug* 2.0 2.0 2.0 Sep* 2.0 2.5 2.5 Oct* 2.5 2.0 2.5 1981 Apr 1.5 1.5 2.0 May 2.0 2.0 2.0 Jun 3.0 3.0 3.0 Jul 2.0 3.0 1.0 Aug 3.0 4.0 3.0 Sep 3.0 2.5 2.0 Oct 1.5 1.0 2.0 1982 Apr 1.5 1.0 1.0 May* 3.0 3.0 3.0 Jun 4.0 Jul 4.0 Aug 4.0 Sep 3.0 Oct 3.0 33 result of increased turbulence and suspension of sediment near the point of water discharge. No effect of plant- induced turbulence and reduced visibility was noted at reference stations farthest from the discharge structures. On several occasions (Table 4), visibility at intake structures was greater than at reference stations. This situation occurred during summer months when a slight thermal stratification developed inshore (see previous section - Thermal Effects). A warm, clear layer of water occasionally overlaid a narrow band (1-2 m thick) of colder, more turbid water adjacent to the bottom. At reference stations where these layers were undisturbed, visibility was markedly reduced by one- half or more compared to the intake area. The overlying water layer was often drawn down into the lower layer at the intake structures, thus displacing the cooler, more turbid water and accounting for lower visibilities at reference stations. While diving on the bottom around the base of the intake structures, divers often swam in and out of these two water masses. This probably occurred because the water was not drawn evenly from both layers at all points around the structures. Our studies in other inshore areas of southeastern Lake Michigan revealed that water transparency, measured as underwater visibility, did not vary consistently among locations. Underwater visibilities recorded at the Cook Plant were typical of the area. But, in another study (Dorr 1982) south of the plant near New Buffalo, Michigan, we found visibility on the bottom (6-12 m) in an isolated area of clay substrate and extensive submarine trenches to be consistently lower than the surrounding area, including that of the Cook Plant. This was the result of erosion of the clay substrate combined with relatively stagnant water contained in trenches. The water was usually much more transparent several meters above bottom. 34 Observations at the Cook Plant and elsewhere in the area suggest that inshore visibility (transparency) is largely a function of water movements or currents that suspend sediment off bottom. During quiescent periods, this material settles and transparency increases significantly. Presence of accumulations of sediment or erodable material such as clay may reduce visibility locally. Inorganic Debris We distinguished between inorganic debris observed in the study area and organic material which was termed detritus. Two general types of debris were noted: that which was deposited during initial construction and subsequent repair of in- lake plant structures, and debris which accumulated as a result of activities unrelated to plant construction and maintenance operations. A variety of materials was deposited on the riprap during construction including: steel girders and plates, metal pipe, plastic, steel cable, and tires. For the most part, heavy objects remained in place for the duration of the study. Subsequent repair work on these structures (e.g., replacement of broken ice guards on the structures, addition of riprap or cement scour pads, etc.) resulted in accumulation of debris which remained in the area. However, some transport of lighter materials (plastic, tires, containers, etc.) from the area occurred during major storms. In contrast with the riprap area, debris from plant construction was never observed on the surrounding sand bottom. If such debris were deposited in this area, lighter materials were probably rapidly transported from the area, while heavy objects sank into the bottom and were covered over by sand. The end result was that plant construction debris did not remain exposed in 35 sand bottom areas for an extended time. In contrast, inorganic debris and organic detritus deposited on the riprap could not sink into the substrate, but snagged on the projections and in the crevices of the rugose substrate and was held in place. This debris served to expand the variety of substrates and habitats available to local biota. The other general type of debris that was noted in the area was that which resulted from the dumping of trash into the lake. Some of this material (beverage containers, clothing, fishing tackle, household items, etc.) was dumped directly into the area by people fishing from small boats. It was not uncommon to count 20 or more small boats over the riprap area on a summer day. The other source of this trash came from refuse dumped in surrounding areas of the lake or eroded from the beach. In general, the bulk of this trash was composed of lighter items which were eventually transported from the area. Trash was less abundant in the early spring following the prolonged absence of fishermen from the area coupled with the intense fall and spring storms which swept trash from the area. Evidence of such transport was provided by the occasional observation of such trash at all reference stations. Our observations during this and other studies reveal that while most trash is washed onshore or buried and eventually degraded in the substrate, considerable amounts of litter must be exposed and washed along the bottom of the lake at any given time. We base this observation on consideration of the relatively small areas of the lake bottom observed by divers, and the fairly high frequency at which trash was observed. With the exception of the riprap area itself, accumulations and observations of trash near the Cook Plant were similar to those noted elsewhere in the lake. 36 While plant construction materials that remained in place on the riprap provided expanded substrate and habitat, the trash did not. Trash was an inevitable result of the intensive use of a small area of the lake by the fishing populace. BIOLOGICAL FEATURES Organic Detritus Organic detritus observed in the study area by divers was classified into two groups: microscopic and macroscopic. Microscopic organic detritus was defined as organic material whose original form could not be discerned by the unaided eye. These materials included remains of planktonic organisms or parts of larger organisms that were finely divided, such as shredded plants or decomposed animal tissue. Macroscopic organic detritus included dead algae, parts of plants (e.g., grasses, bark, twigs, limbs, trunks), and dead animals (e.g., crayfish and fish). Accumulations of sediment greater than 10 mm thick were uncommon but amounts less than 5 mm thick were frequently observed in the study area. No diver-collected samples were analyzed for loss of organic material upon igni- tion, at which time organic material would be oxidized to carbon dioxide and water. However, in a separate study, analysis of 34 samples collected at depths less than 18 m in the vicinity of the study area showed a mean loss in sample weight upon ignition of 4.3% with a standard deviation of 4.1% (Rossmann and Seibel 1977). Combined with diving observations, these results suggest that both the total accumulation of surficial sediment and its organic component are variable in inshore southeastern Lake Michigan. Typical values for thickness and organic content of inshore surficial sediment are 3-5 mm and 37 4,3% total weight, respectively. These observations also suggest that small amounts of microscopic organic material are consistently available to benthic detritivores including epibenthic zooplankton, sponges, bryozoans, Hydra , snails, clams, crayfish, insect larvae, and fish. Not surprisingly, all of these organisms were found in the study area, although they were unevenly distributed. Presence of macroscopic organic detritus was recorded in one of several categories contained in the prescribed record format (Figure 2). Some of these groups were later combined and summarized in six general categories of macroscopic material: algae (A), dune grass (B), shreds or chips of wood (C), twigs and branches (D), tree trunks and stumps (E), and fish (F) (Table 5). Other materials such as mollusc shells, insect larvae exuviae, crayfish, and fish feces were seen on occasion, but not often enough to warrant inclusion in the general summarization of observations. It was not possible to discern or count individual detrital objects. Therefore, only presence (or absence) of detritus within the various categories was noted and summarized as frequency of occurrence (%) among stations and years (Table 5). Most types of organic detritus were observed at one time or another at all stations. Twigs and branches were most common and were seen at all stations at least once in all years. Clumps of loose algae were seen during 22% and 26% of all dives at the north- and south- reference stations, respectively. Dune grass was noted more often at the reference stations than at the intake or discharge stations. Shreds and chips of wood were consistently seen at all stations, but were observed more frequently in reference areas. The smooth, flat bottom at the reference stations facilitated diver observation of small detrital objects such as algae, dune 38 Table 5. Frequency of observation (%) of organic detritus on the bottom of southeastern Lake Michigan during standard series dives in the vicinity of the D.C. Cook Nuclear Plant, 1973-1982. ^ Observations of fish (F) are expressed in absolute numbers of fish counted during dives. and No. of ' Category 3 Year s ta tion^ dives A B C D E F 1973 NR 1 100 SR 1 10 AL I 4 25 25 25 25 D 3 33 33 33 1 YP 1974 NR 1 100 100 100 SR 3 100 33 5 AL I 9 D 6 33 50 50 67 1 SS, 1 YP, 1 XX 1975 NR 6 50 67 33 1 AL SR 4 50 50 4 AL, 1 YP I 11 27 1 AL D 7 14 14 100 43 1976 NR 6 17 67 50 1 AL SR 5 20 40 1 AL I 12 17 1 AL D 6 33 100 33 7 AL 1977 NR 5 60 20 20 4 AL, 1 SP SR 4 75 2 AL, 1 SM I 12 8 8 17 D 4 25 50 75 9 AL, 1 CP, 1 SS 1978 NR 7 29 14 2 AL SR 6 17 17 1 CC, 1 XX I 12 8 8 8 D 1979 NR 7 14 29 14 2 AL SR 7 14 14 43 29 I 14 14 14 14 D 5 80 (Continued) • 39 Table 5. Continued, No. of Ca tegory^ Year and station^ dives A B G D E F 1980 NR 7 14 43 4 AL SR 7 14 14 2 AL I 14 14 7 2 AL, 1 YP D 3 1981 NR 7 29 43 71 3 JD SR 7 29 14 57 32 AL, 2 YP I 14 7 7 9 AL D 3 33 33 1982 NR 2 50 SR 2 100 50 1 AL I 14 7 D 2 All years NR 49 22 6 35 35 14 1 AL, SP 3 JD, SR 46 26 9 24 15 2 57 1 AL, CC, 3 YP, 1 XX I 116 4 <1 4 13 2 13 AL, 1 YP D 46 7 7 20 54 20 16 2 1 AL, SS, XX 2 YP, 1 CP, Total 257 14 4 16 25 5 100 3 1 1 2 AL, JD, CC, SM, XX 6 YP, 2 SS, 1 CP, 1 SP, Frequency of observation (%) = ~ x 100 where i No = no. dives at station when observed, Nt = total no. of yearly dives at station. NR = north reference stations, SR = south reference stations, I = intake station, D = discharge station. A = loose algae, B = dune grass, G = shreds or chips of wood, D = twigs and branches, E = trunks and stumps, F = fish (AL = alewife, CC = channel catfish, CP = common carp, JD = johnny darter, SM = rainbow smelt, SP = spottail shiner, SS = sculpin, YP = yellow perch, XX = unidentified fish). 40 grass, and shreds or chips of wood. At the intake and discharge stations, the uneven surface of riprap and abundance of interstices made observation of these small objects more difficult than at reference stations. Tree stumps and trunks were observed infrequently (5% of total dives) and only once at a reference station. Stumps and trunks were most often observed at the discharge station. Their projections snagged on the uneven substrate. The solid foundation formed by the riprap also prevented the heavy stumps and trunks from sinking into the substrate. Water discharge currents from the Cook Plant kept these objects washed free of sediment that might otherwise have eventually covered them. On several occasions (1974-1976), divers observed tree trunks which were adjacent to ithe discharge structures and remained in place for several months, including winter. In areas of sand substrate, moderately heavy objects resting on the bottom sank into the substrate and were rapidly covered by sediment. We observed many large chunks of wood, logs, and stumps during excavation of the lake bottom for placement of plant intake and discharge pipes. A portion of an excavated stump was examined and thought to hsive been buried along the shoreline during a previous low- level stage of the lake; possibly during the Chippewa (5,000-6,000 years ago) or Nipissing (4,000-5,000 years ago) stages (Hough 1958; personal communication, C. I. Smith, Department of Geology, University of Michigan).. Shells of snails and sphaeriid clams were observed occasionally, most often in troughs of large ripple marks or in shallow, flat- bottomed depressions in the riprap. These shells were often fragmented and many were severely eroded. This suggests that the shells were transported by waves and currents and accumulated in these areas of slack water. Divers often 41 encountered shells or fragments when sifting through coarse sand, but rarely when examining fine sand. Again, this was probably the result of the sorting of sediments by water movement; shell fragments contained in the fine sand were too small to be observed by the unaided eye. Fish feces were commonly observed at reference stations. Alewife feces were most abundant during May-June when these fish concentrated in the area. Following commencement of heated water discharge from the plant during 1975, common carp began to be attracted to the area and feces of this fish were often found in abundance at reference stations closest to the discharge structures. The feces of these alewives and common carp undoubtedly increased the supply of organic material to detritivores and recycled nutrients to algae in the local area, but the significance of tliis contribution is unknown. On a few occasions, dead crayfish were observed in the riprap zone but no pattern was detected in their occurrence. However, crayfish are often used by fishermen as bait for yellow perch that congregate over the riprap. Some of the dead crayfish seen by divers may have been discarded by these local fishermen. Dead insect larvae and shells were observed occasionally but never in large numbers. Larvae of mayflies, water bugs, caddisflies, and water beetles were seen at both sand and riprap stations. The preceding observations indicate that a spectrum of plant and animal material is available to detritivores inhabiting the inshore region of southeastern Lake Michigan. The role that detrital- feeding organisms play in lake ecology is discussed in more detail later in this report (see ECOLOGY). Large accumulations of dead fish were never observed during dives in the vicinity of the Cook Plant (Table 6). The largest number of dead fish 42 Table 6. Record of dead fish observed during all dives in the vicinity of the D. C. Cook Nuclear Plant, southeastern Lake Michigan, 1973-1982. Blanks indicate no data. Water temp.(°C) Fish obsei rved Date Time Surface Bottom Species-'- Dead Live2 Nor th reference stations 25 Jun 75 1945 19.0 19.0 AL 1 13 May 76 1333 13.0 12.0 AL 1 9 Jun 76 1730 21.7 16.2 AL 1 75-100 19 May 77 1530 19.0 16.0 AL 4 1 13 Jul 77 1745 23.7 21.6 SP 1 28 Jun 78 1515 20.5 16.5 AL 2 25 Jun 79 1605 13.5 9.5 AL 2 24 Jun 80 1605 19.0 17.4 AL 5 26 May 81 1615 14.8 12.3 JD 3 Sou th reference stations 18 Jun 73 1717 22.0 18.0 AL 10 1 22 Jul 74 1945 15.6 10.0 AL 1 23 Jul 74 1445 15.6 7.8 AL 4 17 Jul 75 1450 25.0 22.8 AL YP 15 Jul 76 1910 23.5 22.7 AL >1,000 19 May 77 1630 19.5 16.5 AL SM 25-30 28 Jun 78 1620 20.5 19.5 CC 18 Jul 78 1556 18.0 15.0 XX 28 May 80 1804 13.6 11.9 AL 26 May 81 1635 14.5 12.5 AL 23 Jun 81 1835 17.4 16.0 AL YP 30 1 Jul 81 1630 AL YP 20 19 May 82 1722 19.0 17.0 Intake s AL tation >100 16 Jul 75 1425 22.2 22.2 AL 1 8 Jun 76 2145 19.0 16.2 AL >1,000 15 Jul 76 1705 23.5 22.6 SS 2 28 May 80 1559 13.0 10.5 AL 1 28 Jul 80 0400 18.0 12.5 YP 26 May 81 1720 15.5 12.0 AL 60 23 Jun 81 1900 . 18.0 16.5 AL 7 1 Jul 81 1730 18.0 13.0 AL 30 (Continued) . 43 Table 6. Continued. Date Time Water Surface temp. CO Bottom Fish observed Species ■'■ Dead Live2 Discharge station 16 Aug 73 1103 21.1 17.8 YP 22 May 74 1150 12.0 11.0 SS YP XX 12 May 76 1540 14.4 11.8 AL 11 19 May 77 1330 19.6 15.4 AL SS CP 2 1 18 16 Jun 77 1920 19.0 16.2 AL 8 >100 1 AL = alewife, YP = yellow perch, SS = sculpin (C. cognatus or C. bairdl), JD = johnny darter, CC = channel catfish, CP = common carp, SM = rainbow smelt, SP - spottail shiner, XX = unidentified fish. See Appendix 3 for scientific names, 2 Number of live fish of same species observed during same dive. 44 observed during a single dive was 30 alewives, which were seen during a dive in June 1981 at a south reference station. Observation of more than 5 dead fish during a dive was rare, and of the 281 dives made in the vicinity of the Cook Plant during 1973-1982 (Table 1), dead fish were observed on only 35 occasions (12% of the dives). During the 281 dives made near the Cook Plant, 125 dead fish were count- ed. Of this total, 107 or 86% of the fish were alewives (see Appendix 3 for scientific names); the remainder was comprised of yellow perch (5), slimy sculpin and johnny darter (3 each), common carp (2)<, spottail shiner (1), channel catfish (1), rainbow smelt (1), and 2 unidentified fish. All of these fish species were abundant in the study area (Tesar and Jude 1985) and were commonly observed by divers, with the exception of channel catfish. No particular pattern or trend was detected in numbers of dead fish observed among stations or years. However, 71% of the dives during which dead fish were seen were conducted during May-June. This observation was not surprising because of the high percentage (86%) of dead fish that were alewives. Annual dieoffs of alewives have typically occurred during May-June in southeastern Lake Michigan since the late 1960s (Brown 1968, Jude et al. 1979). In fact, considering the thousands of dead fish occasionally seen floating on the surface of the lake above the divers and washed up directly onshore, the small number of carcasses seen on bottom was unexpected. An unquantified but probably small proportion of the alewife carcasses that sank to the bottom may have been eaten or decayed, but severely eroded or decayed fish were seldom seen. Most dead alewives seen inshore of the 10-m depth contour of the lake probably floated on the surface or bottom until they eventually washed up onshore. The continuous exposure of this inshore region 45 of the lake to waves and currents undoubtedly quickened the transport of dead fish to the beach. Dead fish were never observed during April, September, and October. Inshore water temperatures were lower during these months than in May-August, and adult alewife and yellow perch remained farther offshore. The few dead yellow perch (5) observed during the underwater study were probably caught and discarded by local fishermen fishing from boats above the riprap and in-lake plant structures. Observations of all other species of dead fish were incidental and showed no pattern or particular significance. Periphyton Installation of the Cook Plant intake structures and associated riprap field was completed in late 1972. The surfaces of these objects then underwent a rapid sequence of initial rusting (of metallic surfaces), accumulation of sediment and organic detritus, and formation of bacterial slime. Much of this occurred in 1972-1973. As the inshore water warmed during spring 1973, the surfaces of the structures and riprap began to be colonized by periphyton (attached algae), associated zooplankton, and other microscopic invertebrates. Macroscopic at- tached invertebrates such as sponges, bryozoans, and Hydra also appeared in small numbers on these surfaces. The structures and riprap field were first examined by divers in June 1973. From 1973-1982, the length of periphyton on the top of the south intake structure and on riprap surrounding its base was measured by divers during most monthly dives (Appendix 1). Extensive colonization and growth of periphyton on the top of the intake structure occurred during its first year 46 in the lake because the periphyton was already 3,7 cm long when first examined in June 1973. Periphyton 0.5 cm in length also appeared on the upper surfaces of riprap surrounding the structure at this time. Periphyton grew rapidly on top of the structure during late spring and attained peak lengths during mid- summer. This was followed by sloughing of the algae during late summer and over-wintering at minimal lengths (Fig. 3). Although the pattern of growth for periphyton on top of the structure was similar for all years, peak length attained each year varied. This was primarily the result of mechanical abrasion by ropes tied to buoys surrounding the structure and diver- construction activities during some years. Periphyton attained greatest lengths on protected portions of the structure (e.g.,, crevices, flanges, etc.) and along the top edges of the structure. Periphyton growth on riprap surrounding the base of the south intake structure followed an annual pattern that paralleled that on top of the structure. Peak lengths were usually less than those attained on top of the structure, except during years of abrasion to the top of the structure. The primary reason for reduced growth of periphyton on the riprap was the increased depth (an additional 3 m) and commensurate reduction in light. Some basic patterns in periphyton growth on the structure or surrounding riprap were detected during the 10 seasons that the area was examined (Fig. 1). Periphyton growth was most luxuriant at the edges of the structure top and within 5 m of the base of the structure, probably the result of maximal water currents which occurred at these locations. The movement of water kept the periphyton free of sediment and increased exchange of gases and nutrients. Periphyton growth was limited on vertical surfaces and non- 47 CM . o. 01 • 11 ) \ i 1 6*. o O CM- I ! ! MM I I I f MAMj JA SOM l»73 1974 £ A Tif M l I If M M M ll| Ti n l i M m r MAM J JA S0*« Dl ^ MAM Jj A S OM0( ^ 1975 »76 n y^ M n ! I f I /t ! r I ! f I I H I » ■ ] IJjASOMOirMAMJjASONDl r9r7 1978 X * TOP OF STRUCTURE (3.5- m stratuml • • RIPRAP SURROUNDING BASE OF STRUCTURE (7.3-m depth) 1 1 1 il'i I 11 i I 1 1 I FMAM J JA SONO lf »»H r979 mr f MAM JJ ASONO 1960 1961 DATE I f < > i M M M I F MAM JJ ASOMOl / Hh-rrr M I I FHAajJ* SONC I C 1983 Fig. 3- Length of periphyton (mm) on top of the south intake structure (at the 3-m depth stratum) and on the upper surfaces of riprap (at the 7.4-m depth stratum) adjacent to the base of the structure. Measurements were made during dives in southeastern Lake Michigan near the D. C. Cook Nuclear Plant, 1973-1982. 48 existent on the undersides of the structure, riprap, and other unlighted surfaces at all depths. The rapid attenuation of light with increasing depth also limited growth of periphytic algae. Periphyton growth at depths exceeding 10 m was minimal in comparison with that which occurred at lesser depths. A similar ob- servation was made during our underwater examinations in 1978-1981 of fine- mesh screens, intake structures, and riprap at the J. H. Campbell Power Plant at Port Sheldon, Michigan, located 100 km north of the Cook Plant (Jude et al. 1982). Periphyton growth on all objects was depauperate in comparison with that observed on the upper surfaces of the Cook Plant structures and riprap. However, depths at the Cook Plant ranged from 4 to 9 m, while those at the Campbell Plant exceeded 10 m. At Hamilton Reef, located near Muskegon, Michigan, about 140 km north of the Cook Plant, periphyton was very sparse and Cladophora was absent (Cornelius 1984). The minimum depth of this reef is 8.3 m. Observations on the Campbell and Hamilton reefs suggest that periphy- ton growth is limited at depths greater than 7-8 m in eastern Lake Michigan. These observations also suggest that, given the general light, tem- perature, and water transparency regime in southeastern Lake Michigan, clogging of water intake structures by periphytic algae should be limited to horizontal surfaces exposed to direct sunlight at depths less than 8 m. However, clogging of structures by attached invertebrates such as sponges, bryozoans, and Hydra would not necessarily be eliminated by increasing depth, and in fact these organisms became very dense on the Campbell Plant intake screens (Rutecki et al. 1985, Jude et al. 1982). For several years prior to 1975, periphyton samples were collected from artificial substrates placed in the lake. Analysis of these samples provided 49 baseline information on the taxonoraic composition of periphyton in the study area. Preliminary studies in 1974 and full sampling efforts occurred from 1975 through 1981. During this time, the sampling program was altered so that samples of periphyton were collected from the top of the south intake structure and surrounding riprap by divers. Comparison of the 1974-1981 diver-collected samples with those collected earlier from the artificial substrates revealed that direct sampling of periphyton from the structures and riprap to qualitatively assess colonization and growth of periphytic algae on these objects was preferable to use of hand-placed artificial substrates. A distinct trend occurred toward increasing numbers of taxa, or taxonomic diversity, with time (Fig. 4; Table 7). Total numbers of taxa increased from 97 in 1975 to 189 in 1981. Numbers of previously unrecorded taxa followed a trend similar to that observed for total taxa but was less pronounced. This trend was mostly the result of an increasingly diverse diatom flora. The fraction diatom (Bacillariophy ta) taxa made of total taxa increased every year (except 1980) from 58% in 1975 to 75% in 1981 (Table 8); data from 1974 were considered inconclusive because they were based on analysis of only one sample from June. The percentage of the total that green algae (Chlorophy ta) comprised decreased by 14% during the same period. Percent composition of blue-green algae (Cyanophyta) remained relatively stable and varied from 4% in 1976 to 9% in 1978 (range =5%). Other algae (Chrysophy ta, Euglenophy ta, Pyrrophyta, and Rhodophyta) comprised from 1% (1979) to 8% (1975) by number of the total taxa recorded for each year. The increase in algal taxonomic diversity was accompanied by a decrease in numbers of dominant forms. In 1977, 8 of 97 taxa occurred in all samples; in 1978, 3 of 117 taxa were present in all samples; in 1979, no taxon was 50 002 (%) NOIllSOdWOO w (0 u -u > u TJ CO U T3 O 4J 0) 03 ^ u o > T3 iH C 03 3 o 6 a 03 03 r>H (U CO 11 >%rH rH *J r-f a^oo o 03 S a^ s O rH CO > 03 "H :5 -iJ m r>^ 03 E o^ (U -w 3 ^ •H ij CO 3 O *-> a, a s 3 O 3-1 CO d) ^ 03 3 o ^J CO a; rH O 4J a, o o CrH S 03 03 3 CO C7* «H m CO O S •^J s • B to O •H J-i C7N 00 x: I O ^ ^ II OJ in 3 TJ r^ •H T-t o^ u ^ il 03 CO a o +J CO CO a >. • •H rH ^ 0) CO CO >% 0) T3 > CO CO O CO CO 3 c: CO > li •H CN4 Q CO 00 2 CO .-H I • M-i m cxD o r>» r^ CO •— I rH u S C -^J n CO «4-< 2 rH CO . ^4 0) »n CO > • rH Q) bO O CO ^ 'Z o 62 t±e riprap reached a point at which it interfered with the respiration or movement of the snails. Another possibility is that composition of microscopic flora and fauna that snails fed upon was altered through the accumulation of sediment and periphyton, and eventually the riprap surfaces no longer provided suitable food for the snails. Yet another possibility is based on the observation that snail egg cases were commonly observed during the first few years of diving but not in later years. Perhaps as the surface of the riprap aged and accumulated material, it was no longer sufficiently clean to serve as substrate for the attachment and incubation of these eggs. On a few occasions, live snails were seen on the metal surfaces of the intake and discharge structures. However, only isolated animals were observed and densities never exceeded one snail per several square meters. The surface of the structures was always covered with either periphyton and sediment, or, when periphyton was absent, rust. The snails may have avoided all such surfaces. Also, snails were quite obvious on the flat surface of the structure and may have been more susceptible to predation by fish. In contrast to sightings of Valvata in areas surrounding the Campbell reef, live snails were never observed by divers in sand-substrate areas surrounding the Cook Plant riprap zone. No explanation can be offered for this difference. However, snails were observed in areas of natural (clay, cobble) rough substrate north and south of the Cook Plant (Dorr 1982). These isolated areas of naturally occurring, stable substrate probably served as preserves on the lake bottom where snails, along with crayfish and attached invertebrates could survive and emigrate to areas of newly placed artificial substrate. 63 Information on the abundance and distribution of decapods (crayfish) in the study area originated from two sources: diving observations made during 1973-1982 and records of their impingement from 1975 through 1981 on Cook Plant traveling screens (Fig. 6). Three species of crayfish were present in impingement samples; Qrconectes propinquus , £. virilis , and Cambarus diogenes diogenes . Only isolated specimens of the latter two species were collected, representing only a fraction of a percent (0.08%) of all crayfish collected (Winnell 1984). Crayfish were observed during all years of the underwater study, although their abundance fluctuated during this period. It was assumed that most crayfish observed by divers were jO. propinquus , based on the predominance of that species in impingement samples. Crayfish were observed more frequently at night than during the day (Fig. 7). This was in accordance with the generally nocturnal habits of this animal which remains hidden in burrows or under substrate during the daytime (Pennak 1953). At the Cook Plant, crayfish could be found during daytime by excavating some of the riprap. At night, crayfish emerged and rested on top of the stones or among the interstices. Comparison of total numbers of crayfish observed by divers each month with numbers of crayfish impinged documented a general pattern of initial low abundance, followed by rapid population growth, and then by a decline to about one- tenth of peak abundance. Crayfish were observed in 1973 and had therefore colonized the reef within one year of its placement in the lake. During 1979- 1982, numbers of crayfish observed and impinged fluctuated but remained within the same general upper and lower limits during the period. During April-October, 1975-1982, day and night observations were made at two side-by-side, 1 x 10 m transects adjacent to the base of the south intake 64 in. O. in. €\J Q UJ > UJ (/) m O M I i f I n M I M J II I I FMAM JJASd ©73 O O O -O MAM J J A SONOIfMAM JJ ASONOl FMAMJJASONDIFMAMJJ 1974 1975 1976 1977 FT ASONO 1978 . OBSERVED ^ IMRNGED Q UJ O CL I M I ( f i t I I F MAM J JA SO 1978 M M I ! I ! I II rrr n6 Ifmamj jasond 1979 I I I ? I M ITT MAM JJ ASOND 1980 1961 II 11 I FMAM J J A SO NO Ifmamj J ASOND I (962 1983 DATE Fig. 6. Numbers of crayfish observed by divers (1973-1982) and impinged on traveling screens (1975-1981) at the D. C. Cook Nuclear Plant, 1975-1981, southeastern Lake Michigan. 65 /t en CO — Q -O -CO < -2 ^co —-3 -2 I — I I I I I — r^r 08 OZ 09 OS Ofr 0£ 03 01 -z -o — w -< -3 -s M o o CJ 4J CJ a Q) • a Q cd •r-) ^ o o wmm'-^ o iH"* CQ U B •^J (k-S •H CO <»-< :2 CO a; -s J^ — Ul CVJ OD Si3 K -o 25 ii — 2 ?-o no 4-1 a 3 ? ? 1 CO CO 1 j 1 i i al bO •H -2 -a. 55 UJ U TJ CO 00 -Q g> s CO C7N CQ rQ -H ^ 1 -z cy --5 ^ C ►--5 rH CO C CO bO < ^5 Q) "H \ h-< 0) ^ ^ CO CO — S O -« s GO CO CO ■M^lM 2 •H Q) — Q ^ r-i M >% CO CO — Z CO 4J hJ ^ > HCO ^< -< -2 mbers of cr s (20 m^ to uthea stern _ a *-> -Ul fe C a CO -a. 1^ 11 Ij ^ 55 w S3103dS U JS ^ bO OT O C O "H •H 3 (0 • T3 O • d) CX Q iH CO •H U-4 a s o u CO -i C CQ CM O CO <» •H (U CTk •IJ ^ r-H CO -^J v-^ n O ^^ a CO ^ CO •» CO O 'O *J CO U ^4 a CO _ CO iH CO o •H ^ •^ J4 O U 0) o ^ C CO CO bo d cu o ^ 00 CO iH O cu d • 'O j-4 x: d ■»-' ^ a CO w (U Oi CM Oi CX5 c» rs CO ^ O > Z -4 71 eggs might be observed ^ situ followed by hatching and appearance of yolk-sac larvae in the area. Most data presented in Figure 8 were compiled exclusively from diving observations and concurrent studies of adult and larval fish at the Cook Plant, with the exception of the literature survey. Therefore, some disparity between reported spawning periods and the timing of other events in the reproductive cycle shown in Fig 8. was expected. This occurred because the literature survey included habitats other than the Cook Plant where environ- mental conditions might elicit spawning at other times of the year. For ex- ample, temperature-dependent spawning of fish may occur earlier in the year in a shallow inland lake where the water warms more rapidly in spring than in Lake Michigan. Another cause for the disparity among events depicted in Figure 8 may be that these data summarize the findings from several years of study. Some variability occurred among years in the timing of reproductive events (e.g., maturation of gonads, deposition of eggs, and hatching of larvae). Therefore, for any given year, the duration of reproductive events was probably shorter than the periods shown. Alewife showed the most protracted period of reproductive activity among the five species. Over a 4-6-yr period, yolk-sac larvae were taken in field samples as early as April and appeared in both field and entrainment samples until the beginning of October. Occurrence of ripe adults (early May-mid- July) and observation of eggs (June-mid-August) were in close agreement in terms of the sequence of these reproductive events. The spawning period reported in the literature for alewife was longer than that suggested by adult fish studies and diving observations but agreed with the occurrence of yolk- 72 sac larvae late in the summer. The appearance of yolk-sac larvae in field and entrainment samples during April was difficult to explain in terras of the data presented in Figure 8 but may have resulted from exceptionally early spawning by a few fish. Yolk-sac larvae were never captured in large numbers during April or early May. The period from mid-May through July appeared to encompass the bulk of alewife spawning and egg incubation in the study area. Most eggs observed during late July and August were either opaque or fungused, indicating that they were no longer viable. Of these five fish, alewife, spottail shiner, yellow perch, johnny darter, and slimy sculpin, only alewife has pelagic eggs that are randomly broadcast during spawning; the other four species have demersal eggs that adhere to the substrate. Also, only alewife eggs were observed in areas outside the riprap zone. The eggs often accumulated and formed a thin layer in the troughs of the ripple marks at the sand- substrate reference stations north and south of the plant. Alewife eggs were commonly observed on top of the riprap and plant structures, trapped among the filaments of periphyton. Eggs were seen in about equal abundance in the riprap zone and at reference stations. No indication of area- or substrate-selective spawning was noted. During 1973-1982 adult fish studies near the D. C. Cook Nuclear Plant, several thousand yellow perch stomachs were examined. Many were found to contain alewife eggs, thereby documenting predation by yellow perch on these eggs (unpublished data, Great Lakes Res. Div., Univ. Mich., Ann Arbor, Mich.). These studies and those of Dorr (1982) showed extensive yellow perch predation on young-of-the-year and adult alewife as well. Yellow perch predation on large larval alewives was suspected, but larvae were not found in the stomachs of yellow perch, probably because of the rapid rate at which this material was 7 3 digested beyond recognition. The Cook Plant adult fish studies also documented a dramatic increase in abundance of yellow perch in the area and a concurrent decline in abundance of alewife (Tesar and Jude 1985, Jude and Tesar 1985 )• The recent decline in abundance of alewife in Lake Michigan probably resulted from salmonine predation. Increased abundance and predation of yellow perch on eggs, larvae, juveniles, and adult alewife combined with tliat from stocked salmonids may cause a possible future collapse of alewife stocks in Lake Michigan. Spot tail shiners were observed spawning on top of the south intake structure during a night dive in 1973. As the eggs were broadcast over the mat of periphyton that covered the surface of the structure, they settled into the periphyton and adhered to the algal filaments. Spawning was not observed on the riprap. On several occasions during later years, a few eggs were collected from the top of the structure and incubated in the laboratory, and the newly hatched larvae were identified as spot tail shiners. The chronology of reproductive events observed for spot tail shiners in the study area (Fig. 8) closely paralleled the expected timing of events. Ripe fish were caught during mid-April-mid-July. Spawning and eggs were observed during June. Yolk-sac larvae appeared in field samples from June through mid-August and in entrainment samples from June through mid-October. The bulk of spot tail shiner spawning, egg incubation, and hatching occurred during June-mid-July in the study area. The only unexplained component of the data (Fig. 8) was the observation of yolk-sac larvae in entrainment samples during September and October, one to two months after ripe fish ceased to be collected in the area. The spawning period reported in the literature for 74 spottail shiners was in close agreement with that which would have been predicted from field study data. Spottail shiner eggs were occasionally seen on the riprap but never at reference stations. This is probably due to the more nearshore distribution (O m) of their eggs. Maturation, spawning, egg incubation, and hatching of yellow perch in the study area was examined in detail by Dorr (1982). He documented that spawning and incubation of yellow perch eggs was limited to areas of rough (natural or artificial) substrate. Yellow perch egg masses were never observed on sand substrate during nearly 500 dives in the study area which encompassed 10 spawning seasons (Dorr and Jude 1980a, b; Dorr 1982). These findings concur with those reported in the literature and clearly establish that in southeastern Lake Michigan yellow perch spawned selectively on stable, rugose substrate. These substrates probably serve to anchor the eggs and suspend them slightly above bottom, thereby reducing settling of eggs into the substrate or transport to areas with conditions less favorable to survival, e.g., the turbulent beach zone. In addition to the Cook Plant reef, evidence of yellow perch spawning on two other artificial reefs in eastern Lake Michigan lias been compiled. Al- though yellow perch egg masses were never observed on the Campbell Plant reef (Rutecki et al. 1985), the high abundance of ripe fish and yolk-sac larvae in field samples and predominance of yellow perch larvae in entrainment samples (Jude et al. 1982) suggest that perch spawned on this reef. Yellow perch eggs were usually observed in situ for no more than 2 weeks (Dorr 1982); most like- ly, the timing and intensity of diving on the Campbell reef was inadequate to 75 permit observation of eggs. Biener (1982) reported aggregation and spawning of yellow perch on Hamilton Reef near Muskegon, Michigan, in 1981. Yellow perch egg masses were also observed in areas of natural rough substrate by Dorr (1982). Masses were seen at 6-9 m on cobble substrate near Saugatuck and South Haven, Michigan, and on rugose clay substrate 3 km north of the Cook Plant and on New Buffalo shoals south of the plant. Egg masses have also been seen on clay substrate near Michigan City, Indiana (personal communication, G. McDonald, Ball State Univ., Muncie, Indiana). Capture of ripe yellow perch during early April-early June and observa- tion of eggs during mid-May-early June corresponded with the expected timing of these events. Occurrence of yolk-sac larvae in field and entrainment sam- ples during mid-May-July corresponded with maturation and spawning. The oc- currence of yolk-sac larvae in the study area during April and early May has been attributed to riverine input of larvae spawned in inland waters that warm to spawning temperatures earlier in the spring than inshore Lake Michigan waters (Wells 1973; Jude et al. 1979, 1981a; Dorr 1982; Perrone et al. 1983). Appearance of yolk-sac larvae in August entrainment samples may have been the result of some isolated late spawning or unusually slow maturation of larvae. The spawning period (mid-May to mid-June) reported for yellow perch in southern Lake Michigan corresponded closely with that predicted from Cook Plant fish and underwater studies. Lake Michigan yellow perch have a short reproductive season relative to other fish species, and the bulk of spawning, incubation, and hatching occurs during a 3-4-week period from mid-May through early June in this area of the lake. Johnny darter eggs were found on two occasions in 1977, during May and June. In May, one cluster of eggs was found attached to the underside of a 76 fiberglass washtub and another was attached to the underside of a swim fin. Both of these objects had been lost from the dive boat during the previous month. In June, two more clusters of eggs were found attached to the underside of a flat slab of wood. The female darter often lays her eggs in several clusters each containing 20-200 eggs (Scott and Grossman 1973); the two clusters of eggs found on the wood slab may have been spawned by a single fish. The clusters were 2-3 cm in diameter and were composed of several hundred eggs packed closely together in a single layer. The eggs were collected, hatched in the laboratory, and larvae verified as johnny darters. The concurrent appearance of ripe fish in field samples and observation of eggs during mid-May to mid-June (Fig. 8) defined a short spawning period for johnny darters in the study area. The occurrence of yolk-sac larvae in field and en trainmen t samples during mid-May-July was in general accord with the timing of spawning and incubation of eggs, as was the spawning period reported in the literature. But, like the other species, both early and late occurrences of yolk-sac larvae were noted. These data suggest that the bulk of johnny darter spawning, incubation, and hatching occurs from mid-May through late June in the study area. Sculpin eggs were found on two occasions, in May of 1974 and 1978. In both instances, the eggs occurred as a flattened mass attached on the underside of a piece of riprap. These masses were similar in appearance to the johnny darter egg clusters except that both the individual sculpin eggs and size of the egg mass were larger than those of the darter. On both occasions, the collected eggs were incubated in the laboratory until the larvae hatched and were identified as slimy sculpin (Cottus cognatus) . 77 The chronology of reproductive events documented for slimy sculpin by Cook Plant fish and diving studies was nearly perfect, in biological terms. Ripe adults were caught during April- mid-May, and eggs were observed during the first three weeks of May. Yolk-sac larvae appeared in entrainment samples from mid-May through June and in field samples during June. Larvae appeared in entrainment samples about two weeks earlier than in field samples, because sculpin spawning was concentrated in the riprap zone where field net tows were not conducted. Netting was conducted north and south of the riprap, and some time probably elapsed before the newly hatched larvae migrated from their nests in the riprap zone to surrounding areas of the lake where they were subsequently netted. The spawning period reported in the literature generally agreed with that predicted from Cook Plant data. Again, spawning reported during March-early April probably occurred in inland waters that warm to spawning temperatures more rapidly than inshore Lake Michigan. These data (Fig. 8) indicate spawning, egg incubation, and hatching of sculpins occurs during a relative brief period, with the bulk of this activity taking place during late April- late May. Several conclusions may be drawn from the preceding discussion on reproductive activity of fish in the study area. Two general modes of spawning were noted: fish that broadcast their eggs at random without regard to substrate type and fish with substrate-specific spawning requirements. Alewife was a primary example of the first category of spawner. Its eggs were pelagic and ubiquitously distributed. Examples of the other spawning mode included spottail shiner, yellow perch, johnny darter, and slimy sculpin. Spottail shiner eggs were demersal and adhesive and were found attached to a variety of stable substrates. It appeared that while this species selects 78 stable substrates for spawning, the composition and configuration of that substrate is not a critical factor in the selection process. Johnny darter and slimy sculpin were more selective in that eggs were laid on the flat, clean undersides of riprap and inorganic or organic debris. As in other studies in the area (Biener 1982, Dorr 1982, Rutecki et al. 1985), yellow perch were found to have rather specific substrate requirements that focused on substrate configuration and rugosity. Finally, related studies (Dorr and Jude 1981a, Dorr et al. 1981b, Jude et al. 1981b) in the area have compiled evidence that some species such as lake trout have extremely specific spawning-substrate requirements that include characteristics such as composition, configuration, rugosity, and interstitial dimensions. With the exception of alewife and spot tail shiner, spawning was concentrated in the riprap zone, and much of the reproduction of the species discussed occurred during May-June. During this period, survival and growth of these fish populations could be affected by perturbations of specific events (spawning, incubation, hatching and early survival) in their reproductive cycle. Populations of pelagic spawners such as alewife that broadcast their eggs randomly over a wide area are less likely to be affected by a point ecological impact than populations of fish which concentrate their spawning in the area of the impact. With regard to johnny darters, slimy sculpins, and to a small degree spottail shiners, an ecological trade-off exists between reproduction and plant operation. These species concentrate around and spawn on in- lake plant structures, thus increasing their vulnerability to impingement, entrainment, and physical (heat) and chemical (chlorine) discharges. But at the same time, populations of these fish have 79 been enhanced by the creation of this artificial substrate and would not exist in such abundance if the plant structure were not present. Juvenile and Adult Fish Twenty- two taxa encompassing 24 species of fish were observed by divers during the study and were grouped according to frequency of observation (Table 9) from data presented in Appendix 1. Frequently observed species included alewife, yellow perch, sculpins (slimy sculpin and mottled sculpin), johnny darter, and spot tail shiner. All of these fish were seen at least once during each year of the study. Commonly observed species included trout- perch, common carp, rainbow smelt, burbot, and white sucker. These fish were seen during seven to nine years of the study. Uncommonly observed species included largemouth bass, lake trout, channel catfish, black bullhead, smallmouth bass, and longnose sucker. These fish were seen in more than one year but less than half of all study years. Species that were rarely observed and were seen during only one year included emerald shiner, brown trout, quillback, walleye, coregonids (bloater and lake herring), and shorthead redhorse. The 10 taxa that were frequently or commonly observed composed the bulk of the observations of fish. The remaining 12 taxa were seen too infrequently to make detailed inferences based on underwater observations. A total of 72 species of fish were identified among the 1.1 million fish collected during 1973-1982 field studies near the Cook Plant (Tesar and Jude 1985) and 5.8 million fish impinged on its traveling screens during 1975-1982 (Thurber and Jude 1985). Therefore, about one third (31%) of the species documented in the study area by Cook Plant studies were observed by divers. These observations suggest that a large number of the species that occurred in 80 Table 9. Annual relative ranked abundance of fish observed during all diving in sout±ieastern Lake Michigan near the D. C. Cook Nuclear Plant, 1973-1982. Fish were grouped according to frequency of observation. Blanks indicate no observation. Common names of fish assigned accord- ing to Robins et al. (1980). Species Year No. yrs observed 73 74 75 75 77 73 79 80 81 82 Frequent Alewife Yellow perch Cottus spp.^ Johnny darter Spottail shiner Common Largemouth bass Lake trout Channel catfish Black bullhead Smallmouth bass Longnose sucker 10 10 10 10 10 2 3 5 6 1 6 4 1 3 2 1 3 2 4 5 1 4 2 1 3 5 2 7 1 3 4 4 7 1 1 2 4 5 5 4 6 3 3 9 10 1 1 2 2 5 4 4 6 7 5 Trout- perch 9 4 5 6 7 8 8 8 3 7 Common carp ^ 9 7 7 5 6 6 6 7 6 3 Rainbow smelt 8 8 8 4 2 7 2 8 7 Burbot 7 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 White sucker 7 9 10 9 10 10 9 9 Uncommon 10 9 10 9 10 Rare Emerald shiner Brown trout Quillback Walleye Goregonus spp.^ Shorthead redhorse 10 10 10 Total taxa 6 12 12 11 10 11 11 13 10 14 i Includes both C^. cognatus (slimy sculpin) and C. bairdi (mottled sculpin) . ^ Includes both C^. artedii (cisco or lake herring) and C^. hoyi (bloater). 81 the area were rare and that diver observations of fish were limited to the more abundant species. The 5 fish taxa most frequently observed by divers were also among the 10 fish taxa most frequently collected in field and impingement samples. Total number of fish taxa observed each year varied from 6 to 14 (Table 9). If 1973 data are ignored (both the diving methodology and schedule were incomplete that year), numbers of fish taxa observed ranged from 10 to 14, annually. Considering that 11 taxa were seen at least 7 out of 10 years, and 5 taxa were seen every year, the diversity of species regularly observed by divers was low in comparison with total number of species occurring in the area. However, tlie most abundant species in field and impingement samples were nearly always observed by the divers. These observations suggest that diving is effective for documenting the presence of abundant species but ineffective for studying rare species. Fish species observed by divers could be divided into two categories based on their behavior and response to the presence of the Cook Plant. The first category described orientation of fish in the water column - pelagic or demersal. The second category was related to the response of fish to the physical presence or aspects of plant operation - attracted or indifferent (species repelled by the plant were not discerned by this study) (see Tesar and Jude 1985). Four combinations of these behavior-response categories were represented in the observational data base: pelagic fish that were attracted to the plant (pelagic-attracted), pelagic fish that were indifferent to the plant ( pelagic- indif f eren t) , demersal fish that were attracted to the plant (demersal-attracted), and demersal fish that were indifferent to the plant (demersal-indifferent) . 82 Pelagic fish that appeared to be attracted to the in- lake structures or operation of the plant included yellow perch and common carp and possibly largemouth bass, smallmouth bass, and walleye. Pelagic species that appeared generally indifferent to the in-lake presence or operation of the plant included alewife, spottail shiner, trout-perch, rainbow smelt, lake trout, emerald shiner, brown trout, and coregonids. Demersal fish that appeared to be attracted to the in- lake presence or operation of the plant included sculpins, burbot, channel catfish, and black bullhead. Demersal fish that appeared indifferent to the in- lake presence or operation of the plant included johnny darter, white sucker, longnose sucker, quillback, and shorthead redhorse. Inspection of relative ranked abundance of fish within and among years revealed that in most years alewife was most abundant. Yellow perch always attained one of the next three ranks (second-fourth). Alewife, yellow perch, johnny darter, spottail shiner, and sculpins always comprised at least four of the top five ranks each year. Relative ranked abundance of fish species observed during transect swims along the base of the south intake structure (Table 10) generally paralleled that established for total dives (Table 9). Total number of fish species observed each year ranged from five to nine. Number of species observed during transect dives was always less than the total number observed for any given year, primarily because the observational effort for transect swims was much less than for total dives. However, during transect swims, observations were focused on the bottom and did not extend above bottom beyond the range of visibility, which was usually between 2 and 3 m (Table 4). Consequently, a slightly higher percentage (44%) of those species classified as demersal was 83 Table 10. Annual relative ranked abundance of fish observed during duplicate observations made during transect swims in southeastern Lake Michigan, 1975-1982. Observations were made by two divers swimming side-by-side for 10 m along the base of the south intake structure of the D. C. Cook Nuclear Plant. Each diver examined an area 1 m wide; observations were summed and then ranked for the total area (20 m^) examined. Fish were grouped according to frequency of observation. Blanks indicate no observation. Common names of fish assigned according to Robins et al. (1980). Species No. yrs Year observed 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 8 1 1 1 1 1 4 6 2 8 3 4 4 2 2 3 4 1 8 2 2 3 5 3 2 1 3 7 4 3 2 3 5 6 3 7 5 5 4 4 5 4 4 5 6 5 6 1 2 4 8 6 7 7 Frequent Alewife Yellow perch Cottus spp.-^ Common Johnny darter Spottail shiner Rainbow smelt Trout-perch Uncommon Burbot Rare Black bullhead Total taxa 8 ^ Includes both £. cognatus (slimy sculpin) and C^. bairdi (mottled sculpin) . 84 seen than of t±ose classified as pelagic (38%). Of those species frequently or commonly observed during the total diving effort, only burbot and white sucker did not appear in these same observational frequency categories during transect dives. These two species were not abundant and never attained a rank higher than ninth in total dives conducted after 1974. As with total dives, alewife was the most frequently observed fish species during transect dives. Sculpins displaced yellow perch as the second- most abundant fish species observed during transect swims. This was not unexpected considering the generally high abundance and demersal behavior of sculpin. Yellow perch was generally the third-most abundant species seen during transect swims. Johnny darter and spottail shiner occupied a lower frequency category for transect dives than for total dives. However, the significance of this shift was relatively inconsequential considering the overall abundance of these two species in the study area. No pelagic species classified as uncommon or rare among total diving observations (Table 9) were observed during transect swims (Table 10). In addition to total diving observations (summarized from Appendix 1) and transect observations (summarized from Appendix 2), summary data are presented from standard series field sampling (Tesar and Jude 1985) and studies on impingement of fish on the Cook Plant traveling screens (Thurber and Jude 1984, 1985) for 10 species of fish: yellow perch, common carp, alewife, spottail shiner, trout-perch, rainbow smelt, sculpins, burbot, johnny darter, and white sucker. The remaining 12 species of fish observed during underwater studies at the Cook plant were seen too infrequently to permit meaningful analyses based on observational data. Species discussions are 85 grouped according to the four behavioral categories noted earlier: pelagic- attracted, pelagic-indifferent, demersal-attracted, and demersal-indifferent. Pelagic-Attracted — The species complex of diver-observed pelagic fish that appeared to be attracted to the in- lake structures or plant operation included yellow perch, common carp, and possibly largemouth bass, smallmouth bass, and walleye. Sufficient evidence (Tables 9, 10) was compiled during the study to infer the attraction of yellow perch and common carp to the plant. The attraction of the other three species to the plant was hypothesized more from general knowledge of the species and their habits than from empirical data. Yellow perch was usually the second- or third-most abundant species observed during all dives and transect swims and was never lower than fourth (Fig. 9). It was also among the five most abundant species in field and impingement samples. During 1973-1977, the relative ranked abundance of yellow perch fluctuated among the four sampling categories. A distinct decline in abundance occurred in field and impingement samples between 1977 and 1978 and was followed by a steady increase in relative abundance. Although this pattern was not reflected in diving observations, yellow perch were frequently observed during 1978-1982 underwater studies. The disparity in trends of relative ranked abundance between field and impingement sampling and all dives and transect swims may be explained by the documented affinity that yellow perch have for rough substrate in the generally smooth, sandy-bottom areas of inshore eastern Lake Michigan (Dorr 1982, Rutecki et al. 1985). The attraction of yellow perch to the riprap zone, established through underwater observations, elevated their local 86 CVJ- to lUilUI 00' III o>-\ ^m ^m ^m ^m ^m ^m ^m ^m imrngement 9- | ND ND ^^^^^^^^ SAMPLES — — 1 r~ iulUlUll luUliI ^ 00- I— <^-| ^H ^M ^M ^M ^M ^M ^M ^M transect ^ 2-1 NO NO ^m ^H ^1 ^m ^m H ^H ^1 ^^'^^ «l ^ J~T r-^^^^^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ UJc OCtn 00 luuuiilL 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 YEAR Fig. 9. Comparison of relative ranked abundance of yellow perch observed by divers during all dives (1973-1982) and transect swims (1975-1982), collected in standard series field samples (1973-1982), and impinged (1975-1982) at the D. C, Cook Nuclear Plant, southeastern Lake Michigan. Ordinate scale is inverted and extends from lowest to highest rank of relative abundance. Blanks indicate zero observations or catch; ND = no diving or sampling. 87 abundance in comparison with field sampling, which was conducted only in areas of sand substrate (Fig. 9). The parallel in ranked abundance of yellow perch in impingement samples with that of field samples suggests that rate of impingement was related more closely to their general field abundance than their attraction to the riprap zone. Most yellow perch observed by divers were adults; juveniles were seldom seen, although they were abundant in field and impingement samples. A dis- tinct pattern in the temporal distribution of yellow perch was noted. Adult fish moved inshore into the study area during April. This movement appeared to be more closely related to inshore spawning than initial feeding, because most fish did not eat until spawning was completed (Dorr 1982). Spawning oc- curred in the study area during late May, and yellow perch remained concen- trated in the riprap zone throughout the summer. Feeding commenced shortly after spawning was completed. During fall, yellow perch moved offshore and were seldom seen by divers during October dives. Largest numbers of adult fish were collected in field samples during May-August. Young-of- the-year were collected in trawl and seine hauls during late summer and fall and in impingement samples during fall and winter. At least two patterns in the spatial distribution of yellow perch were discerned by this and related studies. The first pattern was the seasonal inshore migration of adults in spring and an offshore migration during fall. These movements were documented by underwater observations, field studies (Tesar and Jude 1985), and impingement studies at the Cook Plant (Thurber and Jude 1984, 1985). Juvenile yellow perch inhabited the inshore area throughout fall and winter, as evidenced by their impingement at the Cook Plant during these months. The second pattern in spatial distribution was the 88 concentration of adult fish in areas of rough substrate. As water temperatures increased in spring, adult fish moved inshore and onto natural and artificial reefs present in the area. Although Dorr (1982) compiled some evidence that limited movement off the reefs occurred after spawning, the bulk of the fish appeared to remain close to areas of rough substrate. Yellow perch were never observed at smooth-bottomed reference stations; however, they were commonly collected there during summer months in trawls and gill nets (Tesar and Jude 1985). Adult yellow perch were distinctly day-active and at night rested on the bottom, often in crevices formed by the riprap. As further evidence of yellow perch nocturnal inactivity, divers were able to grasp fish at night. During the day, fish on several occasions were fed crayfish by divers. Fish formed loose schools composed of various sizes of fish with a length range often exceeding 100 mm. Random swimming or "milling" was typical; closely coordinated group movements were not observed. Both solitary fish and schools remained within 1-3 m of the bottom or the plant structures. Common carp was the sixth or seventh most commonly observed fish in the study area; they were seen during all years except 1973. Field sampling and impingement of common carp at the plant suggested that the overall abundance of this species in the study area was relatively constant during the study period (Fig. 10). However, several patterns and changes in the temporal and spatial distribution of common carp were evidenced by underwater observations and other studies of adult and larval fish. Diving observations documented a distinct increase in abundance of these fish near the plant following the start-up of warm-water discharge. This local increase was paralleled in field study catches (Tesar and Jude 1985). Of 8 9 CVJ- to- 00. Ill <^ IMPINGEMENT SAMPLES g CVJ z, mmJ lO CD <0 Li.o> Oo ^- ^ ro- FIELD SAMPLES ^- >« to- (£>• 00- O)- o- NO ND 1 r- TRANSECT SWIMS JllUUll 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 ALL DIVES YEAR Fig. 10. Comparison of relative ranked abundance of common carp observed by divers during all dives (1973-1982) and transect swims (1975-1982), collected in standard series field samples (1973-1982), and impinged (1975-1982) at the D. C. Cook Nuclear Plant, southeastern Lake Michigan. Ordinate scale is inverted and extends from lowest to highest rank of relative abundance. Blanks indicate zero observations or catch; ND = no diving or sampling. 90 the more than 460 common carp observed during the study, none was seen in 1973, and only two were seen in 1974, preoperational years. Nine fish were seen in 1975. From 1976 to 1982, numbers of fish observed annually varied from 14 to more than 200 (Appendix 1) and averaged about 40. Larval common carp were never collected in preoperational years 1973-1974 at the Cook Plant but were collected and entrained at the plant during its first operational year (1975) and in most later years of the study (Noguchi et al. 1985). Larval common carp were not collected during 1973-1979 at reference stations located 7 km south of the Cook Plant near Warren Dunes State Park, but a few larvae were taken at these reference stations during the last years of the study. Bimber et al. (1984) attributed this uneven distribution of larval common carp to spawning in the warm-water plume of the plant. Although common carp were attracted to the plant, annual impingement was low and ranged from zero to 34 fish between 1975 and 1982 (Thurber and Jude 1985). This suggests that the fish were not particularly susceptible to entrapment at the intake structures, probably because they concentrated near the discharge area. Further evidence of attraction of common carp to the warm-water plume was that of the more than 460 fish observed by divers, only 12 were seen at the intakes and none was seen at reference stations. All other observations were made in the vicinity of the discharge stations. On several occasions during late spring and summer, divers in boats and on shore observed schools of common carp swimming in the vicinity of the discharge structures; none was seen in the vicinity of the intake structures. Divers observed common carp in greatest abundance during the period May- August. Most fish taken in field samples were collected during the same period. However, the impingement of common carp did not show any temporal 91 pattern, probably because their susceptibility was low even when they were abundant in the vicinity of the discharge. Common carp were day-active and seldom seen at night. The few fish that were observed during night dives were on the bottom, solitary, and inactive. Most often, common carp were seen in groups rather than individually. Most diver-observed fish were swimming randomly in the vicinity of the discharge structures. They often approached the divers closely and on several occasions swam into the divers. As noted earlier, their feces were often abundant at the closest reference station north of the discharges (north reference station I - Fig. 1) but were rarely seen at other diving stations. Largemouth bass, sraallmouth bass, and walleye were seen three times, twice, and once, respectively, during the study (Table 9) and never during transect swims (Table 10) or at reference stations. In all instances, the fish were seen in close proximity to the intake or discharge structures. It is believed that these fish were attracted to the structures and not just the surrounding rough substrate, perhaps because of the elevated profile that the structures presented. All fish were seen during the warm-water months (May-September) and during the day. Only solitary fish were observed. Pelagic-Indifferent — The species complex of diver-observed pelagic fish indifferent to the in-lake structures or plant operation included alewife, spottail shiner, trout-perch, rainbow smelt, lake trout, emerald shiner, brown trout, and unidentified coregonids (bloater or lake herring). Sufficient observational data were compiled on the first four species to permit meaningful discussion 92 and inferences. The remaining fish species were seen infrequently and little can be concluded based on these sightings. Alewife was generally the most abundant species observed and collected in the study area. Comparison of summary data (Fig. 11) revealed few fluctuations in annual relative ranked abundance within each of the four data categories. Field sampling data and other evidence indicated that the abundance of alewife in the study area declined during 1980-1982 relative to previous years (Jude and Tesar 1985). This decline was paralleled by transect swim data where annual observational effort was standardized. The decline was not reflected in data compiled from all dives. It is possible that the small annual variation in total diving effort that occurred during 1975-82 may have obscured this decline, although more dives were conducted annually during 1975-1979 (17-19 dives yearly) than during 1980-1982 (15-17 dives yearly). Another explanation may be that large schools of alewives were rarely encountered during transect swims; whereas, they were frequently encountered during non- transect diving. Also, estimation of these large schools of fish (often containing more than 1,000 individuals) may have smoothed and obscured yearly variations in abundance. Nonetheless, alewife were the most abundant and ubiquitously distributed fish in the study area. No patterns or trends were observed in the spatial distribution of alewife during the underwater study. Individual and schooling fish were observed at both riprap and reference stations. A distinct temporal pattern was noted in the abundance of alewife. Alewife were rarely observed during April but were usually seen in great abundance during May-June, and the impingement of alewives usually peaked during the same period. Adult fish were collected in field samples in 93 IMPINGEMENT SAMPLES FIELD SAMPLES TRANSECT SWIMS ALL DIVES 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 YEAR Fig. 11. Comparison of relative ranked abundance of alewives observed by divers during all dives (1973-1982) and transect swims (1975-1982), collected in standard series field samples (1973-1982), and impinged (1975-1982) at the D. C. Cook Nuclear Plant, southeastern Lake Michigan. Ordinate scale is inverted and extends from lowest to highest rank of relative abundance. Blanks indicate zero observations or catch; ND = no diving or sampling. 94 greatest abundance during the same period a The abundance of alewife in the study area during this period corresponded with their spring migration from offshore areas of the lake to the more rapidly warming inshore waters where they subsequently spawned during late May-August, Adult fish continued to be observed throughout the summer, although numbers of fish observed were reduced from peak levels that occurred during May-June. Numbers of adult fish seen during October were always low and corresponded with the fall migration of fish to offshore areas. Young-of-the-year (YOY) alewives' were usually first observed by divers during August or September and large schools were often seen during September- October. This fall pattern was paralleled by an increase in impingement of YOY alewives, which by this time were large enough (>50 mm) to be retained by the traveling screens (Thurber and Jude 1984, 1985). Young-of-the-year fish were often seined in great abundance during August-September. When observed, schools of both adult and YOY alewives were distributed throughout the water column. Schooling of adult fish was observed only during the day. Movements of individual fish were rarely coordinated into simultaneous group movements and considerable "milling" of fish occurred. Solitary fish were commonly seen. At night, fish often occurred in groups or clustered at various locations around the intake structure. Although the fish were active at night, swimming appeared undirected, and fish could often be approached closely or touched by divers. Schools of YOY alewife were only observed at night and were closer to the surface than the bottom. On several occasions, adult fish were observed to group near the intake structure and face into the oncoming current. Some individuals made snapping or sucking 95 (not coughing) movements with their mouth and may have been ingesting zooplankton in the water. Spot tail shiner was included among the group of frequently observed species; they were seen during all years of the study. It was also included among the five most-abundant species in field and impingement samples. The relative ranked abundance of spottail shiners in impingement catches fluctuated somewhat among years but remained nearly constant for field samples (Fig. 12). A nearly constant level of relative abundance was also reflected in transect- swim data. Pooled observations from all dives suggested that the relative abundance of spottail shiners declined during the late 1970s, but this decline was not reflected among the other three data bases. Therefore, it was concluded that the relative ranked abundance of spottail shiners remained relatively unchanged during the study. Spottail shiners were not observed at reference stations, but field and impingement studies did not indicate any notable differences in spatial distribution. However, diving was more extensive in the riprap area and the small size of the fish made them difficult to see off bottom, particularly when visibility was low. No other evidence of substrate-selective behavior or attraction to plant structures or operation was compiled during the underwater studies. A distinct temporal pattern was noted in the seasonal distribution of spottail shiners as observed by divers. Fish were rarely seen in the study area in April and October and were most often observed during June-August. A similar pattern of seasonal abundance was reflected in field catches of spottail shiner (Tesar and Jude 1985). This temporal pattern of abundance resulted from movement of fish into the inshore area of the lake during June- 96 CVJ- in ys ibllui ^ ' ■ IMPINGEMENT ND ND ^'^^^ T r Hui ^Z) to CD (0 oi:ni ■■■■■■■■ '"sVes ^- llJ ...^ 00 h- ^~l ^1 ^1 ^1 ^1 ^1 ^1 ^M TRANSECT _i_ "-T — I ^^ I ^n r"r"r iIIIipJmI... 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 YEAR Fig. 12. Comparison of relative ranked abundance of spottail shiners observed by divers during all dives (1973-1982) and transect swims (1975-1982), col- lected in standard series field samples (1973-1982), and impinged (1975-1982) at the D. C. Cook Nuclear Plant, southeastern Lake Michigan. Ordinate scale is inverted and extends from lowest to highest rank of relative abundance. Blanks indicate zero observations or catch; ND = no diving or sampling. 97 August when spawning and feeding occurred. During fall, fish moved offshore. Although peak impingement of spot tail shiners usually occurred during May- August, fish were often impinged in large numbers throughout the year. The relatively high impingement of fish during periods of low field abundance may have resulted from their seeking shelter near the structures during fall and winter storms or from their general disorientation and increased susceptibility to entrapment during these periods of severe inshore turbulence. Spot tail shiners were more commonly observed at night than during the day, but this was believed to be more the result of increased vulnerability to approach and observation at night because of reduced light than to actual increases in nocturnal activity. This belief was based on the observed similarity between daytime and nighttime behavior, including levels of activity and alertness. Most spottail shiners seen by divers were adults; juveniles and YOY fish were rarely observed. Although schooling probably occurs for this species (Nursall 1973), it was not observed by divers. No differences in diel activity were noted. Fish were seen throughout the water column and did not appear attracted to the structures or riprap. During a 1973 night dive on the south intake structure, several thousand spottail shiners were observed, some of which were seen to broadcast their eggs over the periphyton growing on top of the structure. Spawning was not observed in subsequent years, but spottail shiners were usually seen in considerable abundance during June night dives in the vicinity of the structures. The fish are abundant and widely distributed in Lake Michigan, and no evidence supporting substrate-selective spawning was compiled during 98 this study. Spottail shiner eggs are demersal, adhesive, and probably randomly broadcast without regard to substrate configuration or composition. Most spawning occurs in the <3 m depth zone (Tesar and Jude 1985, Noguchi et al. 1985). Trout- perch were seen during 9 of the 10 study years (Table 9) but usually not in great abundance, i.e., more than 60 fish during any set of monthly dives (Appendix 1). Trout-perch were never seen in abundance during transect swims along the base of the south intake structure (Table 10). This was attributed to their tendency to remain off-bottom during the day, which encompassed half of the transect diving effort. The relative ranked abundance of trout-perch remained similar among years for impingement and field samples and transect swims (Fig. 13). A decline in relative ranked abundance occurred in data summarized from all dives, but this decline was not reflected in the other three data sets. Although trout-perch were never seen at reference stations, no evidence was compiled during field sampling and impingement studies to suggest that they were attracted to tlie plant structures or riprap or by plant operation. A seasonal pattern was evident in the temporal distribution of the fish. Generally, trout-perch were seen most frequently during May-August; sightings during other months were rare. Both field and impingement catches of trout- perch were largest during May-September and small during the winter. No pat- tern was noted in the diel distribution of fish as observed by divers. All fish observed were solitary. During the day, trout-perch were alert and active and were difficult to approach. At night, most fish were seen within 1-2 m of the bottom, and although they were active, swimming was 99 JlUuii I I r 111 I I I I CVJ- ^- m- 00- ^m ^m ^m ^m ^m h ^m ^m imrngement ND ■■■■■■■■ gcvi- 2^ CSJ- lUlUlUI CD (0- ® ^_ ^_ ^_ ^_ ^_ ^_ ^_ ^ ^_ ^_ Li- o> H ^ ^1 ^1 ^1 ^1 ^1 ^1 ^M ^M ^M F'lELD O 2- H H ^H ^1 ^H ^^1 ^M H ^1 ^1 SAMPLES 15 1 r *JU 00- oi-\ ^m ^m H ^m transect NO ND ■ ■ ■ ■ SWIMS CVJ- hBBBB ■BBBB all dives I I I I I I I I ^"^T^ 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 YEAR Fig. 13. Comparison of relative ranked abundance of trout-perch observed by divers during all dives (1973-1982) and transect swims (1975-1982), collected in standard series field samples (1973-1982), and impinged (1975-1982) at the D. C. Cook Nuclear Plant, southeastern Lake Michigan. Ordinate scale is inverted and extends from lowest to highest rank of relative abundance. Blanks indicate zero observations or catch; ND = no diving or sampling. 100 undirected and sporadic, and the fish appeared disoriented and often darted against the bottom when approached. Rainbow smelt were seen during 8 of the 10 study years. Adult fish were never seen in abundance although schools of YOY fish were occasionally ob- served during September and October. The relative ranked abundance of rainbow smelt remained similar among years for field samples but varied among impinge- ment samples, transect swims, and overall diving observations (Fig. 14). A pronounced seasonal pattern was noted in the temporal distribution of rainbow smelt. Fish were most commonly collected in field and impingement samples during the early spring when the fish moved inshore to spawn and during fall after the lake water cooled. Exceptions to this pattern occurred during summer when upwellings brought fish associated with offshore cold-water masses into the study area. Much of the variability among years for diving observations was attributed to the sporadic occurrence of upwellings inshore during summer months and the association of rainbow smelt with these masses of cold water. Rainbow smelt were not observed at reference stations, but no pattern or differences in spatial abundance of fish were established during the underwater studies. Quite likely, fish avoided the warm-water discharge area and plume, but this was undoubtedly a local effect and had negligible impact on the overall inshore distribution or abundance of rainbow smelt. Adult fish were seen more often at night than during the day. Fish were solitary, active, and alert. They were usually seen off-bottom and did not exhibit any affinity for the structures or riprap. Schooling was not observed for adult fish, but small schools of YOY fish were seen during some night dives in September and October. 101 IMRN6EMENT SAMPLES FIELD SAMPLES rz a>- ^m ^M ^M ^M ^M transect S 2~ NO NO ^H ^H ^H ^1^1 SHMS _j ^ '— T 1 1 ^ 1 ^ 1 % ll I — I — I III I I I I I 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 YEAR Fig. 14. Comparison of relative ranked abundance of rainbow smelt observed by divers during all dives (1973-1982) and transect swims (1975-1982), collected in standard series field samples (1973-1982), and impinged (1975-1982) at the D. C. Cook Nuclear Plant, southeastern Lake Michigan. Ordinate scale is inverted and extends from lowest to highest rank of relative abundance. Blanks indicate zero observations or catch; ND = no diving or sampling. 102 Lake trout were seen during three of the study years, and emerald shiner, brown trout, and unidentified coregonids (bloaters or lake herring) were seen during one year. Brown trout, emerald shiner, and unidentified coregonids were seen too infrequently to permit meaningful inferences regarding these fish. However, no evidence was compiled during the underwater studies which indicated that any of these four species of fish were attracted or repelled by presence of in- lake structures or riprap or by operation of the plant. In a separate study, lake trout were seen in abundance in the Cook Plant intake area and at 6 m in an area of rough clay substrate 5 km north of the Cook Plant off the Grand Mere Lakes during night dives conducted on 14 Novem- ber 1977. The fish were active, alert, and occurred in groups, but spawning was not observed. The substrate was examined closely, but no eggs were found (unpublished data, Great Lakes Research Division, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan). The only other observations of lake trout were inci- dental sightings of solitary fish made primarily at night. During 9-10 Novem- ber 1975, an intense storm passed through the Great Lakes region, and thou- sands of windrowed lake trout eggs were observed along the beach at the Cook Plant (personal communication, J. Barnes, Indiana & Michigan Power Company, Bridgman, Mich.) as well as near Charlevoix, Michigan (personal communication, T. Stauffer, Marquette Fisheries Research Station, Marquette, Michigan). However, lake trout eggs were never observed by divers or taken in entrainment samples pumped from the plant forebay. On a few occasions, salmonid eggs were found in the stomachs of slimy sculpins impinged at the Cook Plant, but the species and location where the eggs were spawned and eaten were not estab- lished. During 10 years of study, no evidence was compiled to suggest that lake trout spawned on the Cook Plant riprap. 103 Demersal-Attracted — The species complex of diver-observed demersal fish tliat appeared to be attracted to the in- lake structures or plant operation included sculpin ( Cottus cognatus or jC. bairdi ) , burbot, channel catfish, and black bullhead. We believe sculpins and burbot were attracted to the plant area. The at- traction of channel catfish and black bullhead to the plant area was hypothe- sized more from general knowledge of the species and their habits than from empirical data. Three species of sculpin were found in field and impingement samples col- lected in the study area: Cottus cognatus or slimy sculpin, C^. bairdi or mot- tled sculpin, and Myoxocephalus thompsoni or deepwater sculpin. Deepwater sculpins were rarely collected and are excluded from this discussion. Both slimy sculpins and mottled sculpins were identified in field and impinge- ment catches made in the study area (Tesar and Jude 1985; Thurber and Jude 1984, 1985). There was some evidence that mottled sculpin were more abundant inshore during summer than slimy sculpin. However, it was not possible for divers to distinguish between the two species; therefore, they are treated as a single group and referred to collectively as sculpins. Sculpins were seen during every year of the study for both total standard series dives (Table 9) and transect swims along the base of the south intake structure (Table 10). Overall, it ranked as the fourth- or fifth-most abundant fish species seen by divers during the study. Comparison of the relative ranked abundance of sculpins observed during all dives and transect swims with their ranked abundance in impingement and field samples indicated the attraction of this fish to the plant area (Fig. 15). Sculpins ranked as only the sixth- to ninth-most abundant fish in field samples that were 104 IMRNGEMENT SAMPLES FIELD SAMPLES < Sj ND ND TRANSECT SWIMS in 00 lilUuiuu 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 YEAR Fig. 15. Comparison of relative ranked abundance of slimy sculpins (Cottus cognatus or C. bairdi) observed by divers during all dives (1973-1982) and transect swims (1975-1982), collected in standard series field samples (1973- 1982), and impinged (1975-1982) at the D. C. Cook Nuclear Plant, southeastern Lake Michigan. Ordinate scale is inverted and extends from lowest to highest rank of relative abundance. Blanks indicate zero observations or catch; ND = no diving or sampling. 105 collected exclusively in sand-bottom areas. But in impingement samples, they ranked as the fifth to sixth most abundant species and were always among the first five most abundant species in transect and total diving observations. Sculpins are cryptozoic in their behavior which is reflected in their preference for rugose substrate (Scott and Grossman 1973). The interstices among the riprap provided ideal shelter and habitat for these fish. Sculpins were probably attracted to the riprap and the protection it afforded rather than to any specific factor associated with plant operation (e.g., circulation, heated-water discharge, turbulence, suspension of sediments and locally elevated turbidity, etc.) Evaluation of the temporal abundance of sculpins as reflected in their relative abundance among years showed that a decline occurred during 1976- 1977, which was followed by a gradual recovery during 1978-1982 (Fig. 15). This decline and recovery was noted in both field and impingement collections as well as in diver observations of sculpins. No explanation can be offered for these changes in annual abundance. Of all fish observed by divers, sculpins were the most evenly distributed throughout the observational period (April-October). Unlike most other fish, sculpins were frequently observed in the study area during April-May and September-October. Although sculpins were impinged during most months, numbers of fish taken during April-May usually peaked at levels 10-fold higher than during other months (Thurber and Jude 1984, 1985). This was probably related to higher levels of activity and movement associated with spawning in riprap areas surrounding the intakes and subsequently, increased vulnerability to impingement. Elsewhere in the area, sculpins were found to move shoreward in early spring to spawn but generally avoided the warm inshore waters during summer (Tesar and Jude 1985). 106 Comparison of diving observations and impingement catches with the field distribution of sculpins underlines the attraction and concentration of fish in the riprap zone during periods (summer) when the overall abundance in the inshore area was low. The uneven spatial distribution of sculpins reflects their preference for rough substrate and their attraction to the riprap. Sculpins were rarely observed in sand-bottom areas surrounding the riprap, although small numbers of fish were trawled and seined from these areas (Tesar and Jude 1985). Sculpins were also observed during other underwater studies in areas of natural rough substrate north and south of the Cook Plant (unpublished data, Great Lakes Research Division, Univ. Mich,,, Ann Arbor, Mich.). All sculpins observed by divers were solitary. Most fish were adults, but juveniles were occasionally seen during late summer. Sculpins showed a distinctly nocturnal activity pattern which was reflected in the large number of fish observed during night transect swims (Appendix 2). During the day, fish remained hidden below the top layer of riprap and were less frequently observed. At night, they moved onto the upper surfaces of the stones where they remained active and alert. None was ever seen swimming off bottom, and only an occasional fish was sighted at night on top of the intake structures. Burbot were commonly observed in the riprap area and were seen during 7 of the 10 study years. They were consistently the ninth-most abundant fish observed during all dives (Table 10) but were among the least frequently observed fish species seen during transect swims (Table 10). Similar to sculpins, burbot were relatively less abundant in field samples collected outside the riprap area than in impingement catches and diver observations 107 which sampled the population on the riprap (Fig. 16). These data suggest that burbot concentrated in the riprap area. The attraction was probably related to the increased protection that the more rugose substrate provided and not to some aspect of plant operation. Diving observations revealed no temporal patteL-n in the seasonal inshore abundance or distribution of burbot, although field sampling and impingement catches indicated that the fish left the inshore area during summer months. Underwater observations of burbot revealed a clear pattern in their diel distribution. Nearly all fish were seen at night, and they remained out of sight during tlie day. As with sculpins, all burbot observed were solitary, alert, and active, although they could usually be approached and grasped by divers. They were always seen on the bottom and were usually entwined among the riprap. Despite the relatively low abundance of burbot in the area, on one occasion a specimen was found lodged headdown inside a 7-cm diameter tube that had been suspended perpendicular to and 1 m off the bottom for three weeks to collect suspended sediment. This attested to the active exploration of the area by this particular species. Burbot were never observed at reference stations, and their spatial distribution reflected tiieir attraction and concentration in the riprap area. The relatively frequent impingement of burbot in relation to their low field abundance also reflected their concentration in the area. Construction divers working inside the intake and discharge pipes and plant forebay reported seeing burbot in high abundance relative to the riprap area (personal communi- cation, A. Sebrechts, Sebrechts Inc., Bridgman, Michigan). Quite possibly. 108 CVJ- fO- ^- lO- - ^^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ALL DIVES 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 YEAR Fig, 17. Comparison of relative ranked abundance of johnny darters observed by divers during all dives (1973-1982) and transect swims (1975-1982), col- lected in standard series field samples (1973-1982), and impinged (1975-1982) at the D. C. Cook Nuclear Plant, southeastern Lake Michigan. Ordinate scale is inverted and extends from lowest to highest rank of relative abundance. Blanks indicate zero observations or catch; ND = no diving or sampling. Ill in absolute value of annual rank between these data sets never exceeded three and was often only one. These differences were probably not significant and did not suggest an unusually high rate of impingement of fish in relation to their general field abundance. Johnny darters were occasionally observed at dive study reference stations, although they were seen in far greater abundance on the riprap. The relative ranked abundance of johnny darters observed during transect swims and for all dives differed slightly in absolute value but followed nearly identical patterns in terms of annual variation. The close similarity in these patterns of abundance was attributed to the abundance, demersal behavior, and rather even distribution of johnny darters on the riprap. As a result, the small areas of riprap examined during transect swims served well as representative samples of the abundance of johnny darters. Several patterns appeared in the temporal abundance and distribution of johnny darters. Diver observations and field and impingement catches suggested that the abundance of johnny darters relative to other species declined after 1977 and then fluctuated at lower levels during remaining years of study. The rebound in relative abundance was more apparent in field samples than in impingement samples or diver observations. This suggests that the decline was more pronounced in the riprap area relative to the surrounding area and that recovery to former levels of relative abundance was slower. Quantitative substantiation and explanation for a differential decline and recovery in abundance of johnny darter between the riprap and surrounding sand area are lacking. Secondly, johnny darters were absent from the area during April and October, in contrast with their high abundance and widespread distribution 112 during warm-water months (May-September), Monthly peaks in numbers of fish observed, impinged, and collected in field samples often occurred in May and coincided with the spawning period for these fish (Fig, 8), A final temporal pattern occurred in diel abundance. Although johnny darters were commonly seen during the day, numbers observed during transect swims were consistently higher at night (Appendix 2). As noted earlier, although johnny darters were seen in much greater abundance at riprap stations than at reference stations, no overall patterns or differences in the spatial distribution of this species were supported among the three general studies (diving, field, impingement). While johnny darters may prefer rough substrate, particularly for spawning, they appear to be widely distributed inshore during spring, summer, and fall. The decline in rate of impingement of johnny darters during winter suggested that either the fish moved offshore, or their activity and susceptibility to impingement were lower during this period. Nearly all johnny darters seen were adult fish, which were solitary, alert, and active during day and night. All fish were seen on the bottom and often rested on the upper surfaces of the riprap. Occasionally, a fish was observed on top of the intake structure. White suckers were seen during 7 of the 10 study years and ranked as the ninth- or tenth-most frequently observed species of fish (Table 9). White suckers were never observed during transect swims, primarily because of their low abundance in the area. The relative ranked abundance of white suckers in field samples remained the same (seventh) for all but two years, when it declined by one rank (Fig. 18). Relative ranked abundance of white suckers in impingement samples fluctuated slightly but showed no strong patterns or 113 ys: CM- ^' iO- 00' o ND ND "T r- IMRN6EMENT SAMPLES g CM GD 100 1 26 X 95 12 3 10 5 50 >1,000 >200 50 SP 145 Appendix 1. Continued. Category Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct No. of dives^ Periphy ton ^ Structure Riprap Invertebrates ^ Crayfish Snails Hydra Bryozoans Sponge Other Fish^ YP JD SS TP SP AL BR CC CP ES BB LT WS SB SM LB BT LS QB SR XC WL Fish eggs ^ Riprap Sand 1974 3.8 7.5 0.5 1.0 1 5 30 100 >100 25 45 39 60 >100 2 50 >100 35 SS SP AL 3.0 1.3 50 1 75 >100 X P 75 72 (Continued) 146 Appendix 1. Continued, Category Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct 1975 No. of dives^ 1 2 3 3 3 3 3 Periphyton^ Structure 2. 5 13. 8 12.5 7. 5 5.0 1.0 Riprap 0.5 1. 12. 5 5.0 4. 5.0 1.0 Invertebrates-^ Crayfish 5 37 95 89 103 70 Snails >1,000 30 28 7 Hydra Bryozoans Sponge X X Other Fish^ YP 5 >100 67 54 JD 4 4 62 >133 15 SS 19 >100 >100 >128 51 32 TP 1 60 SP >100 AL 4 >1,000 >1,000 >1,000 >1 ,000 >1 ,000 BR 1 CC CP 1 3+1* 2 2 ES BB LT WS 1 SB 1 SM 2 LB 1 BT LS QB SR XC WL Fish eggs^ Riprap AL, SP,YP AL Sand (Continued) . 147 Appendix 1. Continued. Category Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct No, of dives-^ 1976 Periphy ton ^ Structure Riprap Invertebrates- Crayfish Snails Hydra Bryozoans Sponge Other Fish^ YP JD SS TP SP AL BR CC CP ES BB LT WS SB SM LB BT LS QB SR XC WL Fish eggs ^ Riprap Sand 1.2 1.2 2.5 11.5 10.0 6.3 1.5 2.5 1.0 0.5 5.0 0.5 3 18 2 27 >216 >382 >134 1 5 X X X X 13 1 107 13 8 19 24 11 79 89 59 135 1 3 2 2 7 2 2 >1,000 >100 >243 >1,000 1 1 108 8 30 SP,AL AL AL AL AL (Continued) 148 Appendix 1. Continued, Category No. of dives^ Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct 1977 Periphyton^ Structure Riprap Invertebrates^ Crayfish Snails Hydra Bryozoans Sponge Other Fish^ YP JD SS TP SP AL BR CC CP ES BB LT WS SB sn LB BT LS QB SR XG WL Fish eggs ^ Riprap Sand 0.5 0.5 1.5 1.8 3.0 1.5 0.4 1.0 1.0 1.2 1.5 0.3 >225 122 >125 >298 1 13 31 >151 X X 7 1 21 43 200 42 14 50 8 187 13 28 11 7 1 5 39 1 >1 ,000 16 >1,000 14 >102 JD.YP JD,YP,AL AL AL AL 15 (Continued) 149 Appendix 1. Continued. Category Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct No. of dives-^ Periphyton ^ Structure Riprap 1978 0.3 0.1 7.5 10.0 3.0 2.0 1.7 1.0 3.5 8.0 7.5 2.5 2.0 Invertebrates - Crayfish Snails Hydra Bryozoans Sponge Other Fish^ YP JD SS TP SP AL BR CC CP ES BB LT WS SB SM LB BT LS QB SR XC WL M,C 50 25 11 X X 47 X X 11 13 25 1 7 6 15 5 5 14 8 8 10 1 3 2 11 2 >360 >1 ,000 3 >100 >1,000 Fish eggs - Riprap Sand SS AL,SP AL AL (Continued) . 150 Appendix 1. Continued. Category Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct 1979 No. of dives^ 3 3 3 8 5 9 9 3 3 8 1 1 2 1 2 2 36 8 3 8 >1, ,000 327 >1,000 3 1 1 Periphy ton ^ Structure 0.5 1.5 3.0 6.0 1.0 1.0 Riprap 0.5 1.2 3.0 5.5 5.0 3.0 2.5 Invertebrates^ Crayfish 4 8 16 5 Snails Hydra X X Bryozoans Sponge X XX Other Fish ^ YP 99 1 170 36 2 JD SS TP SP AL BR CC CP 8 4 11* ES BB LT WS SB SM 5 3 LB BT LS 1 QB 1 SR XC WL Fish eggs ^ Riprap YP AL Sand AL ( Con tinned) . 151 Appendix 1. Continued, Category Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct 1980 No. of divesl 2 2 3 3 2 2 3 Periphyton^ Structure 2.0 1,6 6.5 1.0 Riprap 3.0 1.8 1.5 6.0 1.0 1.3 1.0 Invertebrates ^ Crayfish 4 7 13 10 5 5 Snails Hydra X Bryozoans X Sponge X Other Fish^ YP JD SS TP SP AL BR CC CP ES BB LT WS SB SM LB BT 1 LS QB SR XC WL Fish eggs ^ Riprap AL Sand AL (Continued) . 15 114 7 7 2 10 3 3 31 53 38 27 5 1 >106 1 7 9 1 15 40 50 >103 1 1 30 1 1 1 2 6 41 5 210 152 Appendix 1. Continued, Category Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct 1981 No. of dives^ 3 2 3 X X X X X P P >110 9 >243 2 >109 28 5 4 1 21 89 11 1 3 22 1 >175 30 3 1 5 7 31 1 1 4 60 15 40 2 >1,000 Periphy ton ^ Structure 1.5 12.5 7.5 1.0 0.8 0.7 Riprap 1.0 2.5 5.0 2.0 1.5 1.8 Invertebrates -^ Crayfish 4 9 3 1 Snails Hydra Bryozoans Sponge Other Fish* YP JD SS TP SP AL BR CC CP 18 30 ES BB LT WS SB SM 11 15 LB BT LS QB SR XG WL Fish eggs ^ Riprap YP Sand (Continued) , 153 Appendix 1. Continued. Category Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct 1982 No, of divesi 12 2 3 3 2 2 Periphyton ^ Structure Riprap 0.5 1.0 4.0 Invertebrates ^ Crayfish 3 1 Snails Hydra X Bryozoans Sponge X Other Fish^ YP 12 44 >765 >131 JD 5 SS 84 1 TP 1 SP 2 AL 1 >178 BR CC 1 CP 3* >100 >100+6* ES BB LT WS - 1 SB SM 3 LB 1 BT LS QB SR 1 XC 1 WL 7 1 34 5 3 2 1 12 >170 >114 >1,000 1 Fish eggs ^ Riprap Sand 154 Total number of standard series dives (usually three) made in the ripraped area surrounding the plant intake and discharge structures. From August 1977 to May 1982, diving in the area was reduced to only those occasions when water was not being discharged from one of the structures. During June 1982, the technical specifications for monitoring were reduced to two dives per month in the intake area only. Length (cm) of periphyton on top of the structure and on riprap adjacent to the base of the structure as measured by divers. Numbers of crayfish and snails were counted by divers. Values showing the greater than (>) symbol are tot;als which included open-ended estimates of 100+ or 1,000+ (see Fig. 2 and Methods). Presence of other invertebrates was noted (X) but animals were not enumerated. C = Chironomid (midge) larvae, E = Ephemeropterid (mayfly) larvae, M = Mysis , N = Notonectid (back swimmer), P = Pontoporeia , T = Trichoptera (caddisfly) larvae. See Appendix 3 for scientific and common names, and abbreviations for fish. * = observed at intake stations. Denotes observation of eggs of the fish species indicated during standard series dives on riprap substrate or during dives at reference stations north and south of the plant in areas of sand substrate. 153 (N O vO O O O O PO o •.o • * * o -^ o -^ o o o o o oooooooo oooooooo -^ o O ^O 00 o *o • ^ * o o o -^ o en o ooo-^roooo OOOCMOOOO a 3 o o n , to V •a jz o *J «4-4 O o V 0) to m u c *J o CO H ^ c • JS o • -u B 5 C ^ o e « d o U M^ *J «) « "O 0) >% CO 3 O (0 •H C H CO 03 I O I c • •H 00 X CO &0 CO E C tJ "H ^ £ > (U •H TJ CO ^ - «> a c 00 (Q CO CO CO 00 Co; C O CO ^ •^ 3 iH CO 3 -H t3 >^ U t3 ^ CO C (0 4) "^ CO TJ U CO . 0) *J Q *J CO "-^ > (1) e u x: o CO CO a xs **^ • •H O OCNJ (U Qu 3 u o O CN 3 ^ CM I U in *-» X f^ CO •H ON -a ^ » O o o 3 o o o O^ o o o % •r-l > CO CO G u c M u CO a; u c x: 0) T-l u u X3 u u CO V CO Q. T3 f-i (U c •ol 3 **-i >. •r-l 3 o 1-4 c cu f-i 3 c fH U rH 0) x: 3 O 0) rH o y Gu >• < ^ CO 00 oococooooo OO-d-CMOOOO CO ino-Jtr^OOOO . o -^ O O oooooooo oooooooo OOO-HOOOO CMOOCOO-hOO 0) CO CO OJ >^*H x: CO CO 03 CJ CO fc 3 IM >> "H (0 O o "H c a* «-<»-5COCOOiCQH 156 a o ***** ***** a 00 o o r< o vf O a\ o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o ^ o o o oo oooooo oo oooooo ** */\**** o o o /\ * oo oooooo oo oooooo oo oooooo oo oo»-* o o O "H O -M o O <— • O "^ "— • O o o o oooooo o o o o o o" en o -4 o o o o o cvi o O ^ -^ -H CM O m o CO •* •o o o o o o O O CM o o m o o o o vO ^ O O O o o o o O O u-> o o o o o m ^ o o ****** (0 <0 c o o o «M o" CM tn CM o o CM •* » • • ^ m o o in vO O ro O r-4 f* ^ 00 so ^ o m •<}■ CO o O O o o o o r-* o o •k •> a^ Vk ^ ^ o O -4 O • o 00 so CM O SO SO O O r^ -d- -^ CM O in o O o O O CM O O O -^ O 00 O o o o o O O CM O o o en CM o o o o o o en o o o 00 •-< o o o o^o^ CO tn o o o o CM CM ^ •-H »-i O o o O O O CD O O o o o o o o in o cm" CD O O O O O '-H »-< o o o o csi * * * * ****** ****** R} (0 CJ CO U *J <0 ^ t-l S a> (d 03 a, -o 5 IM Js^ o o "H c a -Q rH 3 C rH c -• < ♦-J CO oi 0) 01 s o u u Oi Ta »H o •H c a *J u3 rH Qj x: 3 o -^ « rH O O Ou (d >^ < •-) CO CO cati 157 o o o o o o o o o o o »-< o o o o o o o o o o o o *-^ m o 'H o o o oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Cv* o o o o o CN o CM o o o o o o o oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo .-^O^Hf-iCM •'OO o m o o o o o o o o *o *•«•.. o o o o o o o o l-< o O A O ^ O O O • » *o • • * »-« o o o •o o o o -• o o oooooooo o oooooooo ^ moorooooo CM cMOO'Hoinoo o o 3 ON o o o 00 o o o o o o o o o en o o o so o o oooooooo oooooooo o o o o o o o in m in » * o cs 00 -H oooooooo oooooooo o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o oooooooo oooooooo o o o o o o o o o O O 'H o o o o o o OroOOOOOO cs«-hOco.-«<-h»hO td z o o o o o o o o o O O 'H o o o o o o oooooooo OO'HOOOOO vO o o o o o o vO O O O O CM o 000<1"0000 CMOOvOOOOO < c o * * -K * •K * * •K O OO^O ooooo o oooooooo •K * M -K * 0) ■K -K o o oooooooo oooooooo u 03 ^ C CO U C AJ o s J3 JC Si 0) •H rH ca u u CO o CO U U CQ E U u 0) (0 u M 0) (0 CO u ja JZ o. •o rH » •H 3 4-1 u •H 3 IW >. •H (B O -tJ 1 u %4 O "H c a. o 4J u U-l > JB •H 3 c rH 4J JQ 3 0) >N jc »H3CtH'«-»c^3 > cd « fH CQ CQ fHa.i:30'»HU0 c Ui •H <-<>-)CO0ODdCQH HH O (X> >-• < ^ 00 00 n H M O (x* 158 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o ■ic * * -K •k * * * a 9) CO z o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o »-< o o O CM O O C»l O O •K * -k -K •H * * * o o o o o o o o •» o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o » o o cs o kH o o o ■K -K •)« * a 3 o o o o o o o o CM o o o o o o o o 00 .— • o o o o o o o 1— 1 o o o o o -o * * * * * * -K * C 3 o o o o o o o o o o o o o >^ o o o o o o o m o «r» o CN O CM CO O vO O o o o o •.en * * O "O o o m CM m o o is to o o o^ o -^^ o^ o o^ o^ o o * O «H c 3iL 5 «« -H (B o "H a -w a; >» x: •H 5 C rH 4-» C 3 jC rH 5 rH 4-» > CO m rH 0) J3 3 ©•HO CO rH a; 3 o c: U •H a> rH o a CU CO L4 t-» <1> rH U Ou h-t u PS4 >'<'-> CO CO (il H (X. p-« < CO 00 159 Appendix 3. Scientific name, common name, and abbreviations for species of fish observed by divers in southeastern Lake Michigan near the D. C. Cook Nuclear Plant, 1973-1982. Names were assigned according to Robins et al, (1980). Scientific name Alosa pseudoharengus (Wilson) Carpiodes cyprinus (Lesueur) Catostomus catostomus (Forster) Catostomus commersoni (Lacepede) Coregonus spp.^ Cottus spp.2 Cyprinus carpio Linnaeus E the o stoma nigrum Raf inesque Ictalurus melas (Raf inesque) Ictalurus punctatus (Raf inesque) Lota lota (Linnaeus) Micropterus dolomieui Lacepede Micropterus salmoides (Lacepede) Moxo stoma macrolepido tum (Lesueur) Notropis atherinoides Raf inesque Notropis hudsonius (Clinton) Qsmerus mordax (Mitchill) Perca flavescens (Mitchill) Percopsis omiscomaycus (Walbaum) Salmo trutta Linnaeus Salvelinus namaycush (Walbaum) Stizostedion vitreum vitreum (Mitchill) Common name Abbreviation alewife AL quillback QL longnose sucker LS white sucker WS unident. coregonid xc unident. cottid SS common carp CP johnny darter JD black bullhead BB channel catfish CC burbot BR smallmouth bass SB largemouth bass LB shorthead redhorse SR emerald shiner ES spottail shiner SP rainbow smelt SM yellow perch YP trout- perch TP brown trout BT lake trout LT walleye WL May include both Coregonus artedii Lesueur (lake herring or Cisco) and Coregonus hoyi (Gill) (bloater) because divers could not distinguish between these species while underwater. May include both Cottus cognatus Richardson (slimy sculpin) and Cottus bairdi Girard (mottled sculpin) because divers could not distinguish between these species while underwater. 160