Historic, archived document Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices. eateee five es oe OE eS RE Oo ae ae, N t A Fi c ! Sos & \ } *® a : aw: i boon, ¥ ng - “ lon pissy te AVERSA TINS PIN norms a CSS = ¥ 4-H CLUB INSECT MANUAL MISCELLANEOUS PUBLICATION 318 No eo DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE 4 other crops. INSECT CONTROL AN AID TO THE WAR EFFORT Now, in time of war, the need for maximum production of foods and fibers and for protection of those already produced makes insect control more important than ever before. Greater difficulties will be encountered in putting such control measures into effect. Because of the scarcity of farm labor, it will be necessary for every 4-H club member to learn about control of insect pests and to do his part in combating insects affecting the crops, livestock, stored products, and woolens on his farm. TECHNICAL GUIDANCE WILL BE SCARCE 4-H club members will have less entomological guidance during the war, because many entomologists have ule the Army, Navy, or Public Health Service as technical advisers. These men will assist in protecting not only the armed forces from such disease-carrying and pestiferous insects as flies, mosquitoes, lice, ticks, and bedbugs, but also the food, woolens, furs, and other supplies of the Army and Navy from insects. However, entomologists who remain on the job at State colleges and experiment stations “and in the Federal Govern- ment are always ready to be of service. BY HELPING YOURSELF YOU SERVE OTHERS Valuable service can be rendered through learning to recognize threatening insect populations and making | counts to determine how abundant they are. Club members can be of help to entomologists and to their neighbors if they will be on the lookout for insect pests and report to their county agent, or to the State or Federal ento- mologist the finding of unusual varieties and the outbreak of these and of common pests. If these reports are of general interest, they will be relayed to farmers in the community, so that control meas- ures can be applied. When insecticides are necessary, they can usually be made available before insects have time to destroy crops. YOUR JOB IS BIGGER In the absence of the older menfolk, 4-H’ers will have to do more of the spraying and dusting. In the Cotton States, farmers and planters should know the insect populations and apply insecticides only when necessary. Club members will want to help in insecticide conservation, not only by avoiding the use of unessential materials and the cost of applying them, but by economical application of the insecticides needed. This conservation applies to control of insects affecting fruits and vegetables as well as of those affecting cotton and KNOWLEDGE OF INSECT HABITS IS AN AID TO PEST CONTROL Through knowledge of insect habits greater use can be made of sanitary and cultural means for pest control, and thus insecticides can be conserved. 4-H club members should realize that plants such as cabbage and beans, when allowed to continue to grow after the crops have been harvested, will serve as breeding places for pests. Members with such knowledge will be prompted to destroy crop refuse immediately after the crop is harvested. This practice will not only kill many of the insects present but reduce pests on the next crop.. Many scarce insecticides can be saved by employing more hand-methods of control, such as picking off insects and the use of “collars” and protective covers to prevent insects from attacking gar- den vegetables. Club members who know insect habits will be in a better position to devise other simple, Inexpensive home remedies as substitutes for critical insecticides needed in the war effort. USE SCARCE INSECTICIDES SPARINGLY Some of our best and safest insecticides, such as derris, cube, and pyrethrum, are extremely scarce, and are restricted to use on vege- tables high on the food priority list, for which there are no satisfac- tory substitutes. Your county agent or local dealer has a list of the uses that can be made of restricted materials. This scarcity has necessitated many changes in recommendations regarding insecticides, and, no doubt, changes in recommendations will continue as long as the war lasts. Government restrictions may prevent the use of rotenone-bearing compounds as well as some other insecticides for control of certain insects. These restrictions may affect the recom- mendations contained in this manual. It would be advisable, there- fore, before applying an insecticide, to consult your county agent. The life histories and habits of insects described herein should prove as useful as ever in effecting control, even though substitutes may have to be used for the insecticides recommended. YOUR EFFORTS WILL HELP WIN THE WAR The foregoing information about msecticide shortage is not given to discourage the planting of crops, but rather in the hope that 4-H club members, fortified with such knowledge, will be better able through insect-pest control to save crops and livestock and their products. The things we produce must be protected from insect damage, so that we at home shall be better equipped to meet the vital needs of our soldiers and our allies. By fighting insect pests, we are _ fighting the enemy, even though we are far removed from the actual fields of battle. I “ UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE MISCELLANEOUS PUBLICATION No. 318 February 1939 Washington, D. C. Slightly revised April 1943 4-H CLUB INSECT MANUAL By M. P. JongEs, senior extension entomologist, Division of Cooperative Extension, Extension Service* CONTENTS Pag Page Nan PRO GUC Ul OMe see oe ee nano RE 1 | Part I1.—Life studies and control of insects___ 43 iVslave SLE GhVSINSCCEStaesa ne sa eee eae ee 2 LE SLUGS os se 2 ok eR ee en 43 Part I.— Acquaintance with insects___________ 3 @ontroloiimseciss == sos at eee 43 Collection and identification______________ 4 Collection and identification______________ 44 ’ Calendar of activities, first year___________ 6 Calendar of activities, second year_______- 46 Activities for first year outlined___________ 6 Activities for second year outlined________ 46 Scientific names of insects________________ 11 Things to know about insects_____________ 52 Further aids to identification_____________ 12 List of common insects_-_-_-_-__-______ 54 Orthoptera (grasshoppers and others) _ 13 Answers to questionnaire_____________ 55 Hemiptera (true bugs)_----___________ 15 | Part III.—Telling others about insects________ 57 HOMOoOplera (DUS) a= eee 17 Collection and identification______________ 57 Coleoptera (beetles) __-..._---_______- 19 Calendar of activities, third year_________ 58 Lepidoptera (butterflies and others) __ 23 Playilets eo SS Stes eee Se ee 58 Diptera (Mics) 2 sass es ee 30 Demonstrations sso sees sae eee eee 59 Hymenoptera (wasps and others)_____ 33 1 Dy. d OV Oy As pean =e NL ger eet See eee ee 62 Miscellaneous groups-_--_-_-_----_-___- 37 SUPVOY Sass ne a ee ee ee 62 Insect record sheet_...---------___- eps 41 INTRODUCTION This insect manual was prepared primarily for the use of 4-H club members, but it also may be useful to other groups of young people. Its purpose is to give a better understanding of insects and the principles underlying insect control. The study of insects at camps affords an ideal way to introduce entomology. Under a competent leader who knows insects many interesting things can be pointed out, such as facts pertaining to insects in relation to other forms of life. Although this manual was | prepared primarily for a definite year-round project in entomology, it will be helpful at camps also. In industrial sections of the country where use of leisure time is becoming a problem, the study of insects and the making of insect collections afford an excellent pastime. The cost of equipment is small, and the insect supply is almost unlimited. In some places county fair boards and local chambers of commerce have provided money to be given as awards for commendable insect collections. Although some insect collections have sold for large sums of money, such collections represent the lifetime jobs of the persons making 1 Grateful acknowledgment is made to the Division of Insect Identification of the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine for selecting the list of representative insects of the United States, for providing photographs or drawings of them, and for the outline of the story about each insect. The other subject- matter divisions of the Bureau reviewed all references to the biology and control of the insects listed. Acknowledgment is also made to the extension entomologists and 4-H club workers in the States who offered suggestions that have aided in making this manual useful and workable. 7 2 MISC. PUBLICATION 318, U. 8. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE them. The collector should not be misled by advertisements of cer- tain companies to the effect that they will purchase insects, espe- cially when he is obligated to buy a book of instructions before these companies will buy the insects. ~ | Insect collecting should be started as a hobby, just as the collect- ing of stamps and other objects, and not as a means of making money. The value of insect collections to scientific institutions depends on the number of authentically identified species the collections contain and the preciseness with which the specimens are mounted and labeled. The public in general is becoming more conscious of the damage caused by insects and the need for more information on insect con- trol. Members of 4-H clubs who participate in the activities out- lined in this manual will learn many things of permanent value to them. To get.the most out of the insect study, one should follow the 3-year program outlined. This will allow time not only for the acquirement of experience, which is the best teacher, but for a review of litera- ture on insects. All persons cannot become entomologists, but they may acquire knowledge for practical use. WHY STUDY INSECTS? Many persons go through life finding little enjoyment in the beau- ties of Nature and knowing very little about them. If we learn to know more of our natural surroundings, we shall be building toward a fuller life. The human race makes up only a very small part of the living creatures here on earth. Man feels that he has about reached the top of the social ladder, but in reality he still has a long way to go. HISTORY OF INSECTS People could profit much by turning to some cf Nature’s other children who have been struggling along life’s pathways for millions of years, possibly long before man came into existence. The lowly insects, as we think of them, were living on the earth more than 40 million years ago. In fossils and in amber, we find preserved insects almost identical with those we can find in our own back yard today. Scientists have found no trace of man that dates back to anywhere near those geological ages. What is 1t about the insect that has permitted it to withstand all these centuries while many other forms of animal life have appeared on the earth and after a relatively few years passed out of existence? We see pictures of large prehistoric animals and wonder why, with all the strength they must have possessed, they did not dominate the earth. This process of elimination is still going on, and every few years some form of animal life passes out of existence. Our natural- ists today are working hard to perpetuate certain kinds of birds and animals that are almost extinct. IMPORTANCE OF INSECTS Insects, however, live on, and today they are man’s greatest com- petitors in his struggle for existence. Insects destroy our crops, they kill our animals, they crumple our buildings, and they actually feed on man himself. In addition, they spread disease germs that 4-H CLUB INSECT MANUAL 3 threaten our plants and animals. Some of the diseases carried only by insects have killed more people than have been killed in all wars. However, to give the impression that all insects are pests would be unfair, for most of them are of little or no importance and many, such as the ground beetles, ladybeetles, wasps, and certain flies, are beneficial, as they feed on insect pests. The honeybee makes honey and beeswax, the silkworm makes silk, and many insects pollinate plants. Insects also provide food for birds and fishes. This manual has been prepared so that young people may have a better understanding of the lives and habits of many of the insects and why they have been able to exist for so many centuries. Re- member that even an insect may be justly entitled to a living and do not destroy one wantonly or without good reason. We must, how- ever, be able to protect ourselves against their taking too much of the material we claim. The more of us there are who know our friends and foes in the insect world, the better we shall be equipped to stand our ground against the ravages of our greatest rivals, the insect pests. Part I—ACQUAINTANCE WITH INSECTS - [Introduction to first-year work] What is this creature we call an insect, and how does it differ from other forms of animal life? Insects are animals that in the adult stage have an external skeleton and three definite body regions, the head, thorax, and abdomen. They have three pairs of legs and only one pair of antennae (feelers). They usually have compound eyes and one or two pairs of wings. =—— -Antennde'~ = Abdomen FIGURE 1.—External construction of an insect. Insects are adapted to a wide range of conditions. Some live in the air and soil, some in plants or animals or their products, and some in the water. Those that live out of the water breathe through small openings along the sides of their bodies, and some of those that live in the water are equipped with gills which enable them to get their air from the water. There are more kinds of insects than of all other forms of animal life put together. In fact, an entomologist found more than 1,000 different kinds in his small back yard in a suburb of New York City. As there are about 700,000 different kinds of insects known to exist, the need for some form of classification becomes apparent. Entomolo- gists separate them into orders, families, genera, and species. (Each of these classifications further divides the one preceding.) In this manual no more can be done than help to acquaint the reader with the more common orders. 4 MISC. PUBLICATION 318, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE A scientific name, in addition to helping to classify an insect or show its relationship to other insects, aids in designating more clearly the particular insect referred to. There are several insects that have the same common name. For instance, potato beetle is a name which may refer to the Colorado potato beetle, the black blister beetle (old- fashioned potato bug), or the tiny flea beetle; but if we say Leptino- tarsa decemlineata, 1t doesn’t matter whether we are in the United States, England, or China, the entomologist knows the beetle to which we refer. Let us analyze Leptinotarsa decemlineata and see what the words mean: : Leptinotarsa: From leptos, meaning thin, and tarsos or tarsus, meaning part of insect leg. decemlineata: From deca, meaning 10, and linea, meaning line. Thus we have Leptinotarsa decemlineata, an insect with small tarsus and 10 lines on its back. The technical name of an insect often refers to some part of the insect, or to the plant or animal on which the insect feeds. Insects may have different common names. Take the corn earworm, for instance. In places where tomatoes are grown extensively, this worm is called the tomato fruitworm; in the cotton sections it is called the cotton bollworm, and in corn-growing sections it is referred to as the corn earworm. But if we say Heliothis obsoleta, the ento- mologist anywhere will know the insect we mean. No doubt many boys and girls will want to refer to the scientific names of some insects. For this reason, in the discussion accompany- ing the pictures, on pages 13 to 40, are mentioned the common name, and the names for the order, genus, and species of several of our common insects. It must be remembered that in referring to the scientific name, only the names for genus and species are given. COLLECTION AND IDENTIFICATION It is hoped that club members will make an insect collection, and that after a few years each member will have representative specimens of the more important orders of insects and note sheets giving a complete description of each. Beginners should endeavor to have by the end of the first year insects representative of the following eight orders: ORTHOPTERA.—Orthos (straight), pteron (a wing). Four wings, when present; front wings leathery, straight; hind wings folding fanlike under them. Chewing mouth parts. Antennae and legs usually: long. Life changes (meta- morphosis) incomplete. Grasshoppers, crickets, FIGURE 2.—Grasshopper. katydids, roaches, walking sticks. HEMIPTERA.—Hemi (half), pteron (a wing). Four wings, when present; front wings leathery at base, forming an X on back when wings are folded. Piercing and sucking mouth parts folding under body. Life changes incomplete. Odor sometimes sickening. Stink- bugs, squash bugs, plant bugs, chinch bugs, and bedbugs. FIGURD 3.— True bug. 4-H CLUB INSECT MANUAL 5 HOMOPTERA.—Homos (same), pteron (a wing). Winged forms having four wings, front pair clear or leathery and longer ~ and narrower than hind wings; wings folding rooflike over back. Mouth parts for piercing and sucking. Life changes incomplete. Aphids, cicadas, leafhoppers, treehoppers, and scale insects. FicurE 4.— Plant louse. COLEOPTERA.—Coleos (sheath), pteron (a wing). Front wings leathery, fitting over hind part of body like a case, meeting in a straight line along center of back; hind wings clear, jointed in middle, folded under front wings when at rest. Mouth parts formed for chewing. Life changes complete. Ladybeetles, potato beetle, Ficure5.— leaf beetles, carpet beetles. Beetle. LEPIDOPTERA.—Lepis (scale), pteron (a wing). Four similar wings, when present, mem- branous, but covered with overlapping scales. Mouth parts for sucking. Life changes complete. Butterflies, moths, skippers. DIPTERA.—Dis (twice, from duo, meaning “two’’), pteron (a wing). Two clear wings; knobs in place of hind wings. Three distinct body regions. Mouth parts tubular, for sucking, piercing, or lapping. Life changes complete. Flies, mosquitoes, gnats. FIGURE 7.—F ly. TN HYMENOPTERA. — Hy men (membrane), pteron (a wing). Four clear wings, when pres- ent; few wing veins; hind wings smaller than front wings and often hooked to them. Mouth parts for chewing. Abdomen often with slender waist, females of some kinds with stingers. Life changes complete. Wasps, ants, bees, sawflies. FIGURE 8.—Wasp. ODONATA.—Odous (a tooth). Four long, rather narrow wings, finely netted and either clear or banded, of equal or nearly equal size. Wings with a short, heavy cross vein and a slight notch along front side so that they look as if jointed. Large eyes, head loosely joined to long, narrow body; antennae short. Mouth parts for chewing. Nymphs living in wa- FIGURE 9.—Dreagonfly. ter. Life changes incomplete. Dragon- flies, damsel flies. 6 MISC. PUBLICATION 318, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE CALENDAR OF ACTIVITIES, FIRST YEAR This manual is so outlined that 4-H club members can carry on insect work for 1, 2, or 3 years. To help members get the most out of this insect study, the following calendar outlines the activities for the first year. Similar calendars for the second- and third-year activities appear on pages 46 and 58, respectively. If less than 12 meetings a year are held, two or more activities can be combined in one meeting period. Meetings Acquaintance with insects Page First, February ----------_- Organization. Review introduction to manual________________________ 6 Second, March________-__- Outline work for year. Make collection box__________________________ 6 Rhind, Aconils aes Makecollectinoinet sae a ee ee 7 Mourthy: Wa yes see Make Kalin) anso¢ btn SCCUS se oe eee ete eee 8 MAH G Wee TTC eee Make spreading board. Spread butterflies or moths____________-______ 9 Sixth uly2 S225 ee ees Collectiandidentifyinsects =e ee ee 9 Seventh, August_________- Collecting trip. Make butterfly mounts____________~_________________ 9 Eighth, September-_______- Fill out note forms. Arrange insects by orders________________________ 10 Ninth, October---.-- 2 = XAT DIGI COMECETOMS sei WHO INI eT AS byes se teen 10 Tenth, November________- Hocateinsectsinm-wanter: GUAT bers eee eee ee 11 Eleventh, December__--__ Reports on work and literature references_____________________________ 11 Twelfth, January__-______- DISCUSSIOMNLON Ife Cy ClElO fATASCC bs meee a ae ee 11 ACTIVITIES FOR FIRST YEAR OUTLINED The following outline breaks down the calendar of activities for the first year of insect work. It lists some of the equipment neces- sary and suggests a few steps in procedure for carrying out the work for each meeting of each month. When entire clubs are engaged in insect work, the work for each meeting can be illustrated by team demonstrations. The introduc- tion and summary for each demonstration will be about the same. In the introduction the demonstrators should tell (1) what is being demonstrated, and (2) what it will be used for. In the summary, they should present briefly the main points in the demonstration to be remembered and ask for questions. Because the equipment and procedure will vary with each meet- ing, this outline gives the equipment necessary and a few points on procedure for each meeting. ORGANIZATION. REVIEW INTRODUCTION TO MANUAL [First meeting—February] The county agent or entomologist tells the story of msects—how they cause damage and how they are controlled. Reads and explains the introduction to the manual. Tells how club members can do in- sect work. The club is organized. OUTLINE WORK FOR YEAR [Second meeting—March] The club president, county club agent, or extension entomologist outlines the work for the year and has club members make a survey of the insect situation before the next meeting. Summary of work for the year is read through. 4-H CLUB INSECT MANUAL if: MAKE COLLECTION BOX Equipment : . Cigar box, 2 by 6 by 8 inches preferred. . Piece of double-faced, corrugated cardboard or soft fiberboard. Glue. . Moth ball. - Common pins. . Box or folder of matches. O> OUR 09 DD bd : FIGURE 11.—Cigar box equipped FiGuRE 10.—Cigar box. for insect collecting. Procedure: . Cut cardboard to fit bottom of box. . Smear glue on bottom of box and insert cardboard. . Box may be lined with white paper. . Heat head of pin from lighted match. . Insert hot head of pin into moth ball and cool. . Stick moth ball, on pin, into corner of box. DOP De MAKE COLLECTING NET [Third meeting—April] Hquipment : 1. Small wooden handle about 8 feet long (broom handle). 2. Five feet of heavy, stiff wire (barrel hoops or telephone wire). Wood handle Wire Cloth pattern FiGurRE 12.—Wooden handle, wire, and cloth pattern for making collecting net. 3. Piece of cloth 3 by 5 feet (mosquito netting or better grade material). 4. Pattern from which to cut cloth. 5. Saw, hammer, brace, small bit, narrow wood chisel. 6. Cord for wrapping wire onto handle. Procedure: 1. Bend wire into shape. 2. Bore hole and cut grooves in proom handle. 3. Cut cloth and sew it together. 4. Slip bag on wire. 5. Attach wire to handle. 6. Reference: Collection and Preserva- tion of Insects. United States De- partment of Agriculture Farmers’ Figure 13.—Collecting net. Bulletin 1601, 516678 °—43——_2 8 MISC. PUBLICATION 318, .U. 8. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE MAKE KILLING JARS [Fourth meeting—May] Equipment : 1. A 1-pint fruit jar (tight lid). 2. Piece of cardboard (double-faced, corrugated preferred). 3. Small bottle of gasoline or calcium cyanide. 4, POISON label for calcium cyanide. Procedure: Cut cardboard to fit tightly inside jar. For gasoline killing jar— 1. Place several small scraps of cardboard in bottom of jar. 2. Saturate scraps with gasoline. Ciera ae Ss ®eE ——— —— FIGURD 14.— FIGURE 15.— FIGuRE 16.— Glass jar. Gasoline Cyanide killing jar. killing jar. 3. Cover with cardboard disk. 4. Place lid on tight. For calcium cyanide killing jar (dangerous! handle with caution )— 1. Place calcium cyanide (G grade) about half an inch deep in bottom of jar. 2. Cover with cardboard disk. 3. Place lid on tight. 4. Place POISON label on jar. 5. Plaster of paris may be poured in jar on cardboard to make a better Seal. PIN INSECTS Equipment: 1. Pins (No. 3 insect pins preferred; common pins may be used). 2. A few freshly killed insects representing each of the five major groups; namely, stinkbug, beetle, bee or fly, grasshopper, butterfly. 3. Spreading board. 4. Labels to be placed on pin with insect. Beet Bee Grasshopper FIGURE 17.—Insects, properly pinned. Procedure : 1. Pin insects according to figures 5, 6, 7, and 8 of Farmers’ Bulletin 1601 (pp. 8-10). 2. Place on pin, label giving name of insect, name of collector, date wie collected, and place. a. Instructions: See sixth meeting, calendar of activities, first year. 4-H CLUB INSECT MANUAL 9 MAKE SPREADING BOARD. SPREAD BUTTERFLIES OR MOTHS [Fifth meeting—June ] Equipment : 1. Two strips, 44 by 2 inches, of softwood 1 foot long. 2. One strip of cork or similar material, %4 by 2 by 12 inches. 3. Two blocks, % by 2 by 5 inches. 4. Small nails, hammer, pins. Procedure: 1. Nail wooden strips on blocks, leaving them about one-fourth of an inch apart. 2. Nail cork strip flatwise to slats, beneath erack between slats. 3. Pin butterfly before it is dry. 4. Insert pin through cork so that body rests on cork between slats. 5. With point of another pin move wings forward. 6. When wings are spread, place strip of paper across them. Fasten down with pins. Allow butterfly to remain on spreader a few days, or until dry. =I FIGURE 18.—Butterfly, spread. COLLECT AND IDENTIFY INSECTS [Sixth meeting—July] Equipment : 1. Killing jar or bottle. 2. Collecting net. 3. Extra bottle or box for young or soft- bodied forms. 4. State or Government farmers’ bulletin on insects. Textbook on insects. Small labels % by 1 inch, cut from stiff paper. Procedure: 1. Collect economic insects from gardens, orchards, or field crops. Fieurs 20.— Ficure 19.—Insect 2. Observe plant on which each insect is Insect, pinned in killing jar. feeding. and labeled. 3. Kill adult forms only in killing jars. . Keep lid tight on killing jar except when inserting or removing insects. Immature insects may be pickled in alcohol or formaldehyde. Compare insects with pictures and descriptions in bulletins and books. Prepare labels (to be placed on pin with insect). On one or more labels have: a. Name of insect. b. Place where collected. ce. Date collected. d. Name of collector. HOt DONA Si GaL te COLLECTING TRIP. MAKE BUTTERFLY MOUNTS [Seventh meeting—August] Equipment: 1. Collecting material. 2. Piece of window glass 4 by 4 inches. 10 MISC. PUBLICATION 318, U. 8S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE 3. Piece of cardboard, _ same size as glass. 4. Thin layer of cotton, Same size as glass. | 5. Picture binding such as passe partout tape. 6. Butterfly with wings spread and dried. Procedure: 1. Collect insects and note kind of plants on which they are found. 2. Make mount by— C4: LY / ‘a. Spreading thin layer COT 2) N ) of cotton on card- board. << l, b. Arranging butterfly ZZ, y, on cotton. = Cen, c. Placing glass over butterfly. d. Binding edges. of cardboard to glass with binding tape. e. String may be attached for hanging mount, or strip of cardboard may be glued on back of mount as a support. FIGURE 21.—Materials for making butterfly mount. FILL OUT NOTE FORMS. ARRANGE INSECTS BY ORDERS [Highth meeting—September ] Equipment : 1. Note forms, pencils. 2. Insect collections. 3. Reference bulletins. Procedure: 1. Write notes about insects on forms similar to that shown on page 41. 2. Arrange insects in the collections. 3. Make sure that each insect is prop- erly labeled. Date and locality are important. 4. Insects should be neatly arranged in rows, heads toward back of box. . Place insects representing the differ- ent orders together—beetles in one Figure 22.—Butterfly in mount. place, flies in another, ete. OM C1 EXHIBIT COLLECTIONS. ‘“‘WIENIE”’ ROAST [Ninth meeting—October ] Equipment : 1. Insect collections and any notes on insects. 2. “Wienies,” cider, marshmallows, ete. FIGURE 23.—Insect collections arranged for exhibition. Procedure: 1. Place all insects from a given club in neat order. 2. Refreshments. 3. Program—games, playlets, stunts, etc. | | | 4-H CLUB INSECT MANUAL jade LOCATE INSECTS IN WINTER QUARTERS [Tenth meeting—November] Equipment: 1. Notebook and pencil. 2. Bulletins, as an aid in identifying insects. 3. Hoe, pick, or shovel to uncover insects. Procedure: i. Locate hibernating insects under loose bark of trees, in crevices in bark, clumps of grass, under rubbish or plant refuse, in soil, ete. 2. Make notes on insects—kinds, when and where found. REPORTS ON WORK AND LITERATURE REFERENCES [Eleventh meeting—December ] Equipment : 1. Collection and any notes that member may have. 2. Book, farm paper, newspaper, or bulletin carrying some unusual or interesting story about an insect. Procedure: Each club member— 1. Tells name of the insects in his or her collection. 2. Tells what he or she knows about each insect in collection. 3. Names book or bulletin where information was obtained 4, Tells in his own words an interesting story about an insect, and his source of information. DISCUSSION ON LIFE CYCLE OF INSECTS [Twelfth meeting—January] Equipment: 1. Book, bulletin, or paper giving life history of some insect. Procedure: 1. Each member reports on life of some insect. a. Its name. b. The plant or animal on which it feeds. c. How it feeds (chews or sucks). d. Kind of life cycle, complete or incomplete. e. Where it Spends the winter. SCIENTIFIC NAMES OF INSECTS Some boys and girls may want to know more about the technical names of insects or the relationship of one insect to another. In the description accompanying the pictures, the scientific name of the insect is given. For example, the scientific name of the red-legged grass- hopper shown on page 13 is Melanoplus femur-rubrum. For classi- fication purposes, other larger divisions such as orders and families are also used. No reference is made to families in the description, but the order to which the insect belongs appears under the discussion of the first insect in the group, if not under each insect. The following chart shows how the technical name of an insect is used in classification. Remember that in the order Homeptera there are many more families, genera, and species than are shown here. In the family Aphiidae (plant lice) five genera are listed, each of which has certain characteristics in common. One finds on close examina- tion, however, that in each of the genera are individuals differing in character, so these are placed under species, as we see, for example, under “Aphis.” 12 MISC. PUBLICATION 318, U. 8S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE The order Homoptera subdivided into some of its families, genera, and species Order Family Genus Species gossypii. ee maidi-radicis . AD Sone ee eee pomi. TrumMicis. Aphildde saan eae WeANALY DIVES Sence—e s eee roseus. LEST EVICOTY C= = a eee ae brassicae. EULOSO TGs eee see eee lanigerum. esate es SK tm wae t, Ser ees cerasi. 1cadid aes 22S ae QgtCiCadG==== = ee septendecim. Homoptera - ---------------- Cicadellidae (Baspoasce CL one oe maligna. Sikri pee gate EP YtRTONG UT a= ee comes. Membracidae____________- CT ESO. Hote HRS ier bubalus ies NeNE ee ae Neri eae perniciosus. ‘ RLONOS DTS ae ae furjura. Coccidae___----------____- Lepidosaphes==-- a ae ulmi. PAO CU iar et he SU vitis. Thus it can be seen that the cotton or melon aphid (Aphis gossypii) belongs to the family Aphiidae and the order Homoptera. FURTHER AIDS TO IDENTIFICATION Anyone who is sufficiently interested in insects to want to make a collection, will want to know the names of those collected. Because there are so many different kinds, it is almost impossible to prepare a simple key for identification that the average person can use, The best that can be hoped for in this publication is to acquaint club members with the larger groups of insects such as the orders. In some cases it is well to know the families, and, where the insect is of major importance, it is very helpful to be able to identify the species. INCHES 2 40 50 60 70 MILLIMETERS FIGURE 24.—Rule for measuring insects. Instead of the usual key, a number of pictures have been used to assist in identification. In some cases the picture of a single insect is Shown to represent an entire order, and in other instances the pic- tures represent the family also. Remember that there may be a thou- sand or more insects that are very closely related to the insect shown in the picture, and in many cases closely resemble it. Textbooks and bulletins may be used to help further in identification. Since a means of measuring is not always available, the rule sketched above should be useful. The upper portion is divided into inches, and the lower portion into millimeters. 4-H CLUB INSECT MANUAL 13 ORTHOPTERA (GRASSHOPPERS AND OTHERS) Grasshoppers.—A large group of the order Orthoptera is repre- sented by the grasshoppers. They vary greatly in size. Most grass- hoppers are greenish and yellowish gray in color. Their rather long hind legs, thickened at the base, equip them for jumping. The mouth parts are of the chewing type, and these insects destroy many kinds of field crops, vegetables, and weeds; at times they also eat the leaves and bark off trees. Most of the grasshoppers overwinter in the ground in the egg stage. These insects have changes in form during the hfe cycle. When first hatched, they are very small. They shed their skins several times during life, each time coming out in a larger skin and a little more closely resembling the ss edule form which has four wines “Phe —~'0U== °2— Grassheppe®: hind wings are folded fanliké under the rather long, narrow fore- wings. Since these insects destroy crops, they most certainly are pests. Grasshoppers may be controlled by cultural practices, but when they become abundant, it is necessary to apply poisoned bait. The scientific name of the grasshopper shown here is J/elanoplus femur-rubrum. (The length of this species is approximately 1 inch.) Crickets.—Nearly every boy and girl has heard the chirping of the cricket although they may never have seen the little insect, about five-eighths of an inch long, that does the chirp- ing. Crickets vary widely in shape and struc- ture. Most of them are black in color. The one shown here is the large, black field cricket (@ry/- lus assimilis). The four wings fold over the back but are seldom, if ever, used. Like other Orthoptera, the crickets have incomplete life changes and overwinter mainly in the egg stage in the ground, or in the nymphal stage in pro- tected places. They have chewing mouth parts and feed on a wide variety of substances. This species sometimes causes damage by eating the twine from bundles of grain. Katydids.—No doubt many boys and girls in the Northern States have heard the remark “It will be only 6 weeks until frost,” because some member of the family has heard the fa- miliar katydid. The sound of this insect is much easier to de- tect than the insect itself, because its green color makes it difficult to see amidst green foliage. Like the grasshopper and the cricket, the katydid belongs to the order Orthoptera and has incomplete hfe changes. It winters in the ese stage. [he eggs are often-| — mistaken for some kind of scale Hie aun OTe eedia: insect because of their peculiar shinglelike arrangement along the margins of leaves or along twigs. The large angular-winged katydid (Microcentrum retinerve) 1s about 2 inches long. It has chewing mouth parts and feeds mainly on the i | FIGURE 26.—Cricket. See ¥ 3 ESSE SS 14 MISC. PUBLICATION 318, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE leaves of trees. It has four rather large wings folded over its back. This insect, like the grasshopper, can crawl, jump, or fly. The katy- did is seldom of economic importance. Tree crickets.—In the order Orthoptera are a number of small, pale-green insects, about three-fourths of an inch long, known as tree crickets (Oecanthus spp). They have chewing — - mouth parts and feed on a wide range of materials, : including the leaves, blossoms, and sometimes the ripening fruit of plants, or on weakened members of their own kind. Like most other Orthoptera, tree crickets have four wings. The eggs of tree crickets are deposited in the twigs or canes of plants, where they remain over winter, and the egg punctures made in the stems cause this insect to be considered a pest of raspberry and similar small fruits. Stomach poisons will kill the nymphs, and burning the canes containing the eggs will destroy them. : Mantids.—Not all Orthoptera are injurious. : : The mantids are beneficial because they feed on ee age a. other insects, many of which are pests. Mantids ee * can be easily distinguished from other Orthoptera by the much elongated thorax or waist part of the body, and by the large front legs, which are fitted for grasping their prey. The four wings usually are folded back over the hind part of the body. The total length of the body of the species here illustrated is approximately 214 inches. These in- sects have incomplete life changes. The eggs are laid in clusters, usually covered with dried froth, on branches and twigs of trees or shrubs and re- main there through the winter. The next spring the eggs hatch, and the young mantids start their beneficial work of destroying other insects. Since the mantids are friends of man, we need not worry about control measures. The one shown here is Stagmomantis carolina. ESS Figure 29.—Mantid. Roaches.—The cockroaches make up another family of the Orthoptera. Two kinds are rather common over the United States, the small German roach and the larger American roach. These insects prefer to remain in dark places, although at times they do venture into the hght. Their very flat bodies permit them to get into extremely narrow cracks. ‘These in- sects have four wings, but they are seldom used. They feed primarily on human foods and waste food products. Cock- roaches have incomplete lfe changes. ; After the eggs hatch, the nymphs shed a8 _, their skins several times and finally reach po 5 «theadult stage. Some roaches live in the FIGURE 30.—Roach. woods in the loose bark of trees or logs, 4-H CLUB INSECT MANUAL 15 but those most commonly seen are around the home. In our modern houses, heated the year round, all stages of the roach may be found at any time during the year. ‘These insects are pests, not so much be- cause of the food they destroy as of the filth associated with them. Roaches have a habit of passing their feet and antennae through their mouths in cleaning themselves, so if stomach poisons are distributed in places frequented by roaches, they are taken in during the cleaning process. The roach shown here is Periplaneta americana. It is about ~ 11% inches long. | Walking sticks.—Another insect that belongs in the order Orthop- tera very much resembles a small slender twig. Members of this OEraui: are sea LOG = aes walking sticks, and | our common species is Diapheromera femorata. They range in length from 25% to 4 inches, are often grayish in color, and frequent- ly feed on the foli- age of trees and shrubs, but seldom become abundant enough to war- rant control measures. The eggs are simply dropped to the ground from where the insect is feeding. In some cases the eggs remain on the ground and do not hatch until the following spring. The young walk- ing sticks crawl to their food plants and complete their development. ing stick. HEMIPTERA (TRUE BUGS) The order Hemiptera comprises a large group of insects that vary considerably in general appearance. Many have a rather unpleasant odor, and one smaller group of this order is referred to in many localities as the stinkbugs. Stinkbugs.—True stinkbugs vary considerably in size and color, but all present the five-sided appearance with the small triangular area in the center of the back. The adults have four wings; the fore pair is half leathery and half clear wing, hence the name of the order Hemiptera, meaning half wings. The adults fly, but the nymphs are limited to crawling. The suggestion in the word “nymph” indicates that this insect, and all insects of the order Hemiptera, have incomplete life changes. The mouth parts are fitted for suck- ing. The stinkbug group feeds on a wide variety of plants. Some, that feed on insect pests, are beneficial. The insect pictured here, known as the southern green stinkbug (Wezara viridula) is about five-eighths of an inch long; it feeds on cotton and many vegetable crops. It hibernates as an adult in rubbish. It is often a serious pest and is very difficult to control, as it does not readily succumb to the usual contact insecticides. Harlequin bug.—In the Southern States cabbage and related crops are often severely damaged by a member of the order Hemiptera— 516678°—43 3 Figure 32.—Stinkbug. 16 MISC. PUBLICATION 318, U. 8S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE , the harlequin bug (Murgantia histrionica). This in- sect is about three-eighths of an inch long and is black with large orange, red, and yellow markings. It is a sucking insect, and has four wings. The adults fly, and both adults and young crawl readily. The adults and the full-grown nymphs are active throughout the winter when the days are warm. On cold days, or in the northern limits of their distribution, the harlequin . bug hides in and among old cabbage plants, weeds, and Ficure 33— other debris. It is rather a severe pest, but can be Harlequin bug. 3 ; : partially controlled by field sanitation, trap crops, cul- tural practices, and sprays such as strong nicotine-soap solution or rotenone extracts. Water bug.—Occasionally around electric lights one finds a grayish-brown bug about 2 inches long. This insect: is often called the giant water bug or electric-light bug. The specific name is Lethocerus americanus. It has four wings; flies; overwinters as a nymph or adult in trash, mud, or pools of water; has incomplete life changes, and may be 3 considered a pest when it at- tacks fish, snails, etc., in ponds and aquariums. The larvae of this insect are , A water loving and feed on va- Pay rious forms of water life. _ This insect belongs to the order Hemiptera. Masked Hunter.—Another of the true bugs is the masked hunter (eduvius personatus). It is from one-half to three-fourths of an inch long and is black, has sucking mouth parts, four wings, and can fly. This insect is bene- ficial because it feeds on various household and ~~~ cereal insects. It overwinters as a nymph or hunter. odult under trash and the like. The life changes are incomplete. This insect belongs to the order Hemiptera. Squash bugs.—Practically every grower of squash has seen a rather large, elongated, dark- gray insect, and oftentimes clusters of small lighter gray spiderlike pests feeding on _ his squash. ‘These insects, like all other insects of the order Hemiptera, have incomplete life changes and sucking mouth parts. The adult insect is about one-half an inch long. The adults of this group have four wings and fly readily when dis- turbed. Both the adults and the nymphs feed on the leaves, fruits, and vines of squash and related plants. The adult insects overwinter beneath rubbish and loose bark of logs. Because of their injury to squash, they are considered pests. They may be partially controlled by use of contact sprays and cultural practices. The common squash bug shown here is Anasa tristis. FicurE 36.—Squash bug. FiGgurE 34.—Water bug. FIGURE 35.—Masked 4-H CLUB INSECT MANUAL 17 Plant bugs.—Certain other members of the order Hemiptera that rather closely resemble the true stinkbug, except that they usually are smaller and a little more elon- gated, are the plant bugs. These insects have incomplete life changes. They have sucking mouth parts and four wings. The adult can fly readily, and both the adults and nymphs crawl. This group feeds on the leaves and small stems of weeds and on many crops. Plant bugs spend the winter as adults beneath rubbish. Most of them are pests and are controlled by cultural practices. However, some can be killed by contact sprays. The common tarnished plant bug (Lygus pratensis) shown here is brownish yellow in color, marked with black, and is about three-sixteenths of an inch long. Chinch bug.—In the grain belt, when the chinch bug is mentioned, farmers’ thoughts at once go to the bug that destroys their grain crops. There are several species of chinch bug, but the most destructive one is Blissus leucopterus. This hemipteron has incomplete life changes. It is about three-sixteenths of an inch long. The adults have four white wings and are black with silvery-gray hairs. The nymphs are reddish in color. They suck the juices from stems of grain, and, although small, quite often build up such enormous numbers that they cause complete destruction of large por- tions of grainfields. They overwinter prefer- ably in bunch grass and other grasses, but will 4 survive under leaves on the ground in wood- es land, under loose bark of trees, and in similar Ficurr 38.—Chinch bug. protected places. Control measures are me- chanical barriers, cultural practices, and the planting of less favored hosts. Bedbug.—Another one of the Hemiptera which is a notorious pest is the bedbug (Cimew lectularius). This insect has incomplete life changes. In the adult stage it is about three-sixteenths of an inch long. It is reddish brown, has sucking mouth parts, and is wingless. This means that its only mode of travel is to crawl or be carried by man or mov- ing objects. The bedbug feeds on man, chickens, and many other warm-blooded animals. In the South or in well-heated homes in the North these bugs continue to feed throughout the winter. All stages of the insect may be found the year round. These insects are pests and can be controlled by applying sanitary measures. Under certain conditions fumigation would be preferred. HOMOPTERA (BUGS) The order Homoptera consists of a group of insects closely related to the Hemiptera. In fact some entomologists consider them a sub- order of the Hemiptera. FIGURE 37.—Plant bug. | Preven 39 —Bed- ug. 18 MISC. PUBLICATION 318, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE Cicadas or “locusts.”—Almost every autumn one hears shrill noises in the trees. The maker of these shrill noises is called the dog-day cicada or harvest fly. There are other similar insects, however, that appear earlier in the season. Dog-day harvest flies have piercing mouth parts and can suck the juices from plants. The adults are about 114 inches in length and have four clear wings that fold shedlike over the back. They have incom- plete changes in the life cycle. Some of these species require 4 years to round out their life cycle; others require a longer period. In = 4. fact, one species of cicada requires 17 years. Figure 40.—Cicada. The name “locust” is often applied to these Homoptera, but incorrectly. The principal injury is caused by the adult, which punctures the twigs of trees in order to deposit its eggs inside. This injury is especially noticeable when great swarms of the 17-year cicadas appear. The insect shown here is the periodic cicada (Magicicada septendecim). Leafhoppers.—Quite often annual plants begin to show signs of stunted growth from no apparent cause, but when disturbed, tiny insects can be seen flying from the plants. These insects, often in- correctly called white flies, are really leafhoppers. The tiny beak through which they suck plant juices causes a mot- —__ tled or stippled effect on the leaves of grapes and many hardy plants. Some kinds of leafhoppers also carry plant diseases from one plant to another. Leafhoppers vary considerably in size and color, but all are long and narrow with four wings, also rather long and narrow, folded over the back when at rest. Leafhoppers have incomplete life changes. The nymphs are difficult to see because they are very ac- tive and usually, when the plant on which they are feeding is disturbed, scurry to the opposite side of the leaf, away from the observer. The observer, when fortunate enough to see a nymph crawling, will .. es note that it usually does not run straight forward Ficurp 41—Leaf- but somewhat sidewise. Leafhoppers feed on a wide Pepnes. variety of plants. In the South they are active throughout the season. In the Northern States some overwinter as adults and some as eggs. The insect pictured here, the potato leafhopper (E’'mpoasca fabae), is approximately one-eighth of an inch long. It may be controlled by spraying with bordeaux mixture or pyrethrum, or by dusting with sulphur. Mealybugs.—Anyone who has attempted to grow house plants, especially coleus, has become familiar with a downy growth which occurs along the main stem, but too few people realize that this down covers an insect, the mealybug. Mealybugs vary considerably in size and structure and feed on a Biguge 42,—Mealy- wide variety of host plants. Although very tiny, the insects are able to insert their sucking beaks into the tender parts of the leaves and stems of plants. They are practically all wingless, and both adults and young are obliged to SSE REE RS UN RSE Se 3 4 4 ; 7 1 >: ablbine 7 ts ab 4-H CLUB INSECT MANUAL 19 crawl. They prefer warm weather and spend the winter in all stages on the host plant. The life changes are incomplete. Mealybugs often become serious pests, but can be controlled by washing the host with water under pressure, or by contact spray or fumigation, de- pending on the plant on which they are feeding. The common mealybug (Pseudococcus adonidum) 1s the one shown here. It is about three-sixteenths of an inch in length. Scale insects.—Practically every person longs for a house in which he can eat and sleep and possibly rest, but certain tiny insects build a house in which they spend their entire life. Scale insects are the ones referred to. Many people have seen the little houses, about one-eighth of an inch wide, under which the insects live, but few have ever seen the insects themselves because they are so tiny. The shape or style of the house often assists in distin- guishing the name of its inhabitant. For instance, there is an in- sect which builds a house somewhat resembling a tiny oystershell, and for this reason it is called the oystershell scale. The scale insect pictured here, which always presents the appearance of a small nipple, is called the San José scale (Aspidiotus perniciosus) because it was accidentally introduced at San Jose, Calif. Scale insects in feeding suck the juices from many kinds of plants. The San José scale spends the winter on its host plant and attempts to live over in all stages, but most of the survivors are second-stage nymphs. During F'cvRE 43." Scale in- the first few hours of its hfe, the young scale ; insect crawls about on the plant, but soon settles down and starts to secrete a scalelike covering. Once established, the female never leaves the scale. The male insects, however, have wings and come out at certain seasons of the year, depending on the locality. Scale insects become very destructive at times. Some are controlled by contact sprays and others by fumigation. COLEOPTERA (BEETLES) One of the largest orders of insects is the Coleoptera to which belong the beetles, all of which have complete life changes. They usually have leathery forewings, and the hind wings when present and not in use are folded up under these leathery wings. Many of the beetles are severe pests. Ladybeetles.—Very common representatives of this order are the ladybeetles. However, most ladybeetles are beneficial because they feed on other insects. The species vary widely in color, are usually spotted, and have a somewhat oval body about one-fourth of an inch long. Lady- beetle larvae are somewhat lizardlike and usually have short tufts of spines over the body. These insects abound in colonies of plant lice. They over- winter in the adult stage; their four life stages are spent above ground. The little friend shown here is the convergent ladybeetle (Hippodamia conver- gens) . 4 FIGURD 44. — Lady- beetle. 516678°—43 20 MISC. PUBLICATION 318, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE Mexican bean beetle.—In certain parts of the country bean grow- ing is difficult because of a little black-spotted beetle, approximately one-fourth of an inch in length, that chews the leaves of bean plants. Like the other beetles, or Coleoptera, it has two pairs of wings, the fore pair leathery and the hind pair clear. The adults are hemispherical in shape, and coppery brown in color with black spots; the larvae are bright yellow with many forked spines on their backs. The adults overwinter in protected places. Ficurs 45.— Mexican Most of the ladybeetles are beneficial, but this IEEE! WISE Ise one, the Mexican bean beetle (H'pzlachna varwes- tis), is a pest. It can be controlled with derris or cube dusts or sprays. Colorado potato beetle—What boy or girl in most parts of the United States, when visiting a potato patch, has not, at some time or other, seen a yellow and black striped beetle and a small, soft-shelled, brick-colored grub with black spots along its sides, feeding on the potato leaves? This is the Colorado potato beetle. The adult is about three-eighths of an inch long. It has five black lines on each wing cover and black spots on the other part of the body. Of its four wings, the fore or outer are leathery, and the under wings are veinous and fold beneath the leathery wings when tha insect is not in flight. The potato beetle overwinters in the adult stage in the ground, and in the spring flies to potatoes or certain closely related plants and starts chew- : ing the leaves. Soon after the adults appear, Ficurr 46. — Colorado clusters of orange-colored eggs may be found on Ds the under side of the leaves. The grubs which hatch from these eggs also feed on potato foliage, and, when growth is completed, burrow into the ground and go into the pupal stage, later to emerge as adults. There may be two generations a year in some sections. Paris green or lead arsenate is dusted or sprayed on the potatoes to control this beetle. The scientific name of this insect, which belongs to the order Coleoptera, is Leptinotarsa decemlineata. Spotted cucumber beetle.—Rather early in the spring in the most northern parts of this country there appears on beans, cucumbers, and various other plants, an elon- gated, greenish-yellow beetle about one-fourth of an inch in length. The head and legs are black. Because of 12 black spots on its back, 6 on each wing cover, and » because it chews holes in the leaves of very small cucum- ber plants, the adult of this insect is called the 12-spotted cucumber beetle. The larva feeds to a large extent on f + corn roots, and in this stage it is known as the corn FicurE 47.—Spot- rootworm. ‘This insect overwinters in the adult stage. yed cucumber ‘Phe eggs are laid just beneath the surface of the soil in the early summer. Because the larvae feed on a great number of the roots of plants belonging to the grass family, and the adults on a wide variety of plants and flowers, the damage to any 4-H CLUB INSECT MANUAL S|: one plant usually is not serious. Control of the spotted cucumber beetle on most crops is difficult, but on such plants as melons damage can be prevented by means of treatment with arsenicals. This insect belongs to the order Coleoptera; its scientific name is Diabrotica duodecumpuncta. : Ground beetles—Among the beetles is another family that is mostly beneficial. These are the ground beetles, so named because many of them have the habit of running around over the ground in search of food. Most species are shiny black with long legs, but a few are blue, green, or brown in color. Both the adults and larvae of the ground- living species hide under stones and debris during the day and come out at night in search of food, which for the most part consists of other insects. The beetle shown here, however, is an active tree climber; it is Calosoma serutator, known as the caterpillar hunter. It is about 114 inches long. The wing covers are green with rosy metallic margins. Like the other beetles, both the adults Ficurs 48 — and larvae have chewing mouth parts. The adults have S7°U™@ beetle. four wings, the front pair leathery and completely covering the abdomen, and the hind pair clear. When at rest, the hind wings are folded up under the forewings. Although it more commonly moves about on foot, this beetle can fly. It overwinters as adult or pupa underground. Tiger beetles.—Along streams and sandy shores one often finds insects about half an inch long that run very rapidly, and fly to escape capture. They are called tiger beetles. These beetles vary greatly in color, some having brilliant metallic hues. The tiger beetle shown here, Czncindela tranquebarica, is about half an inch long, brownish with whitish bands, and has chewing mouth parts and four wings. It feeds on various small insects and other small animals. It has complete life changes. Both the adult and larva hibernate in holes in the ground. Since this beetle feeds on other in- sects, 1t may be considered beneficial. June beetles——During the early part of the summer there is an insect that flies clumsily about, knocking itself against screens, lights, and the walls of houses. Close examination reveals that it is a rather stout, dark-brown to light-reddish colored beetle, ranging from % to 1 inch in length, with four wings, the fore pair leathery and the hind pair clear. ‘This insect feeds on the leaves of various trees and shrubs. The larva of the June beetle is the white grub that abounds in the soil, where it feeds on the roots of plants. It hibernates in the ground, 4 usually lives over two full winters, and pupates late . in the summer. The adults emerge and lay eggs late SS in the spring or early in the summer of the follow- Fr¢urw50—June ing year. Cultural practices assist in the control of Beis the grubs. The June beetle shown here belongs to the order Cole- optera, and is Phyllophaga drakii. FIGURE 49.—Tiger beetle. eps MISC. PUBLICATION 318, U. 8. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE Click beetles.—Click beetles are familiar to almost any person who has had anything to do with insects. This little elongated beetle has a body apparently divided into two parts only, the head being rather indistinct. When the insect is placed on its back_it has the ability to flip itself into the air, and, after several attempts, alight on its feet. Click beetles vary considerably in size, from 14 of an inch to 2 inches. The larvae are called wireworms. ‘They feed on the roots and in the stems of various plants. Some of these insects complete their life cycle in 1 year, but other kinds may require several years. Control is rather = difficult. The insect pictured here belongs to the Ficure51—Click order Coleoptera; its scientific name is J/elanotus beetle. communis. Locust borer.—Among the beetles are some with very long anten- nae. These are called longhorn beetles. Most members of this group have elongated bodies ranging in length from 14 inch to 2 inches. The adults are rather strong fliers and swift runners. The larvae are borers and live within the woody parts of trees and shrubs or beneath tree bark. ‘The species shown, here is the locust borer, Cyllene robiniae, a black beetle with yellow markings. It is about five- eighths of an inch long. The adults may be found basking in the sun on locust trees during Septem- ber. They feed on the flowers of goldenrod, and the larvae live inside locust trees. These beetles have complete life changes and overwinter in the larval stage in the inner bark, where they have 5, ..ns59tocust been feeding. They bore deep into the wood dur- borer. ing the following spring and summer and cause serious damage to locust trees, especially those of low vigor. This insect belongs to the order Coleoptera. Flatheaded borer.—There is another group of insects that are fairly robust. They have a rather uniform width of body except for the hind third, which tapers somewhat abruptly. Most of these dark-bronze-, brassy-, or coppery- colored beetles are commonly called buprestids. Like all the other Coleoptera, they have chewing mouth parts in both the adult and larval stage. The larvae are wood-boring insects and feed on many kinds of trees. They are decidedly seg- mented, and their broad, flat heads are about twice as wide as the rest of the body. There is oe - this type have difficulty in establishing them- Ficure 53—Flat- — selves in healthy or vigorous growing trees, but headed apple-tree . ° 5 borer. following drought or weakening of the trees from other causes these borers do become established, and control measures are necessary. Clean up and burn all infested trees and branches during April and May. Younger trees may be protected by wrapping with burlap or building paper. The insect usually only one brood each season. Insects of — 4-H CLUB INSECT MANUAL 23 shown here is the adult of the flatheaded apple-tree borer (Chryso- bothris femorata). It is about one-half an inch long. Granary weevil.—There is a weevil, rather elongated—about one- eighth of an inch in length—with a long nose, and | aay chestnut brown in color. The size of this insect ith may be compared to the grain of wheat upon which — it rests. This weevil lives indoors and attacks vari- aA ous kinds of stored grains, often doing considerable damage. The chewing jaws of the adults are located at the end of the long, snoutlike head. Hind wings or the ones used in flight are absent, so that the insect can move about only by crawling. Like all other Coleoptera, the weevils have four stages in their life cycle—egg, larva, pupa, and adult. This insect may have several generations a year, depend- ing on the temperature. Fumigation with carbon disulphide is the most effective control measure. The youre s4—Gran. scientific name of this insect is Sttophilus granarius. ary weevil. Bean weevil.—Entomologists are often asked during the winter or early in the spring for information about infestations of a rather small insect about one-eighth of an inch long discovered flying about the house and windows, or perhaps by some housewife when pre- paring dry beans for cooking. This insect has a body that tapers sharply to the head, four wings, and a few white markings on its back. ‘The adults fly rather readily to the green beans in the field and lay their eggs in the pods. Soon after hatching, the larvae burrow inside the bean and con- ~ tinue to develop with it. Small circular holes often seen in dry beans indicate that the beans have been infested and the weevils have left the bean through these holes. When the dry beans are placed in storage, if the weather is warm, the insects continue to breed all the year FIGURE 55.— through, but when the weather is cold the larvae remain . ‘ Inactive. The bean weevil belongs to the order Cole- optera, and is called Acanthoscelides obtectus. It may be controlled by fumigation or heating. LEPIDOPTERA (BUTTERFLIES AND OTHERS) Where is the boy or girl who never chased a butterfly? But did this boy or girl ever consider that the butterfly came from a small worm, or larva as the entomologists call it? Butterflies, moths, and skippers have a great deal in common. Their life cycles are the same in that they consist of four distinct stages, the egg, the cater- pillar (or feeding stage), the pupa (or resting stage), and the adult butterfly or moth (the reproducing stage). The butterfly, pupa, and larva are quite unlike one another in appearance. This group of insects carries the name “Lepidoptera,” which means “scale wings,” and everyone who has handled a butterfly or moth knows that the four wings are covered with a fine scaly powder which, when brushed off, leaves a clear wing. The butterflies and moths have sucking- type mouth parts, but the young, or caterpillars, have chewing mouth arts. Cabbage butterfly.—Possibly one of the most common of these butterflies is the little white cabbage butterfly, which has a wing YA MISC. PUBLICATION 318, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE expanse of about 114 inches. The tips of the forewings are black. The female butterfly has two black spots and the male, one black 2 | spot on each forewing. The hind wing of each sex has a single black spot on the outer front margin. The eggs are very small and easily overlooked. The larva is a velvety-green cater- pillar found on cabbage and related plants. When the larva finishes feeding it forms a pupa, ~ or chrysalis, on the leaves where the caterpillars HicugE 56.— Cabbage but- have fed. Cabbage butterflies have three or more generations each year, depending on the locality. They overwinter in the pupal stage. The caterpillars cause consid- erable damage to cultivated cabbage and related crops, and derris and cube powders are used to control these pests. The technical name of the cabbage butterfly is Pieris rapae. Swallowtail butterflies—Butterflies of another group, and of much larger size than the cabbage butterflies, have long tails on the tips of the hind wings and are therefore called swallowtail butter- flies. The different kinds of these butterflies feed on various plants. The large black butterfly pictured here is the one whose larva feeds on celery and related plants. It has a wingspread of about 3 inches. The spots along the margins of the wings are yellow instead of white as indicated in the picture. Like all other butterflies, this one has four wings. In the adult stage it has sucking mouth parts, but the caterpillars have chew- ing mouth parts and sometimes cause damage to cultivated celery, parsley, and related crops. Hand picking these caterpillars would give control, although under some conditions poison application may be necessary. There are two or three generations each year, and Ficur 57.—Swallowtail but- the winter is passed in the pupal stage. Most ne, of the swallowtail butterflies carry the name “Papilio,” and this one is called Papilio polyxenes. Monarch butterfly—Throughout much of the summer one sees large reddish-brown butterflies. Their wings have black veins and borders, and in the borders are many small white spots. The wing- spread is from about 314 to 4 inches. The butterflies have sucking mouth parts and sap the juices from flowers. The larvae feed on the leaves. Until fairly recent years it was not known that these butterflies moved north in the summer and south in the winter, but now large droves have been located moving southward in much the same fashion as do wild birds. They remain throughout the winter in the hedges or other sheltered places in the South. They have complete life changes. Butterflies are of questionable importance, but if the larvae should build up FIGURE 58.—Monarch butterfly. 4-H CLUB INSECT MANUAL 25 to destructive numbers stomach poisons will kill them. The scien- tific name of the butterfly shown here is Danaus menippe. This insect belongs to the order Lepidoptera. Cecropia moth.—An insect frequently observed is the Cecropia moth. This moth is also very large, with a wing expanse of 5 to 6 inches. It is brown in vary- ing shades, and each of the four wings bears, near the cen- — ter, a crescent-shaped white spot bordered with red. This moth has sucking mouth parts. The larva is covered with knoblike spines and is of a delicate, dull bluish-green color. The moth overwinters in a rather large grayish cocoon attached to the branches of trees and shrubs where the _ Cs latvia. has eds ~Av-cocoon is. == Ha often taken into a building and Fioven 59—Cecropia moth, the Cecropia moth allowed to emerge in captivity. The life changes of this insect are complete. It is of questionable importance. This moth belongs to the order Lepidoptera. The scientific name of the insect shown here is Samia cecropia. Regal moth.—The entomologist’s atten- tion is often called to some ugly, rather large, spiny caterpillar, the larva of the royal walnut moth, or regal moth (C7th- eroma regalis). It is one of the largest of its group and has a wingspread of 4 to 5 inches. It is reddish brown with yellow spots. Like other Lepidoptera, this insect has four wings. The larva feeds on the leaves of shrubs and trees and in some regions is known as the hickory horned devil. This insect over- winters as a pupa in the soil and has complete life changes. It is of questionable importance. Imperial mot h Another closely related species is the imperial moth (acles im- perialis). This moth rivals the regal moth in size with a wing expanse of 4 to 5 inches. It is pale yellow, banded and speckled with purplish brown, and the wings have lilac- colored bases. The larva of this insect bears rather short, Figure 61.—Imperial moth. spiny horns on the head end of the body, and feeds on the leaves of shrubs and trees. The moth has four wings and sucking mouth parts. This insect overwinters as a pupa in the soil. It is of questionable importance. Hawk moths.—Certain insects resemble the hummingbird in that they hover around flowers and suck the nectar from deep bell-shaped FIGURE 60.—Regal moth. 26 MISC. PUBLICATION 318, U. 8. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE flowers. The adults of this group of Lepidoptera are called hawk moths. These insects have rather heavy bodies and four wings, the hind pair being much shorter than the fore pair. The larvae of this group of moths are rather large and have a taillike horn at the end of the body. When disturbed these larvae throw their heads back almost at a right angle and remain in that majestic position. Both the adult and ‘larva of the different species of hawk moths vary considerably. The We) POs poe Ga. larvae feed on the foliage of a large variety of plants. The species shown here is Protoparce quinquemaculata, and is the parent of the large, green tobacco or tomato worm. It is possibly the most common and most destructive form. This moth is ash gray in color with darker markings, and its wing expanse is from 4 to 5 inches. This species overwinters in the earth in the pupal stage. The worms can be hand-picked and killed, or killed by applying a poison dust or spray to the food plant. Tomatoes in fruit should not be sprayed with poisons. This species feeds on tobacco, tomatoes, or potatoes. Carpenter worm.—Orchardists often find rather large holes in the branches or trunks of their trees, and when the holes are opened the larvae, or young, of the carpenter moth are found. This moth has a wing expanse of from 2 to 31% inches; the wings are mottled gray, the hind wings of the male being yellow to orange lined with black. The mouth parts are absent or vestigial. The life changes are complete. In many sections this insect is a pest. Suggestions for control are to cage the tree trunks to prevent infestation, and the injection of carbon di- sulphide into the occupied burrows.- The scientific name of the carpenter worm is Prionoxystus robiniae. This insect belongs to the order Lepidoptera. Banded woolly bear.—In the fall and early spring there is a black and brown banded woolly bear caterpillar that appears to be wander- ing around aimlessly. Quite often it is noticed crossing highways or sidewalks. In the fall it attempts to find protected places where it can spend the winter. This caterpillar is the larva of the Isabella tiger moth. The moth, or adult insect, has a wing expanse of from 2 to 2% inches. It is dull orange yellow with dusky spots. The adult has sucking mouth parts; the - larva has chewing mouth parts and feeds on grass and leaves of various low-growing plants. Although it is of questionable importance, this insect can be controlled with stomach poisons. It belongs to the order Lepidoptera; the scientific name of the species shown here is /s7a zsabella. Bollworm or corn earworm.—Some insects have several common names, depending on the food plant on which they feed. This is one FIGURE 63.—Carpenter worm. FIGURE 64.—Banded woolly bear. 4-H CLUB INSECT MANUAL Dy reason why scientists assign a technical name to an insect. For in- stance, Heliothis obsoleta refers to the corn earworm or the cotton bollworm, known to tomato growers as the tomato fruitworm. No doubt many persons have seen this worm feeding on the end of a roasting ear or chewing holes in tomatoes; others have seen it feeding in cotton bolls, but probably few have realized that this worm is the young stage of a fawn-colored moth which has a wingspread of about 114 inches. These moths have sucking mouth parts but cause no damage ex- cept in laying eggs that hatch into little larvae. The insects have complete changes in form during the life cycle, and there are several generations each year. ‘They overwinter in the pupal stage in the Ficvure 65.—Boll- earth. This pest is possibly public enemy No. 1 ee among the insects attacking the food crops of man. It is distributed uous! temperate and tropical regions and attacks various kinds of ants : Cutworms.—Practically everyone who has set out young plants has noticed that within a day or so after planting some are ‘cut off just at the surface of the ground. Under such circumstances, a well- informed person usually scratches a little soil away from the remaining stump of the plant and there finds a gray worm or larva coiled and waiting for darkness so that it can attack another plant. These larvae are called cutworms. The parent is a night- flying moth. There are a great many dif- ferent kinds of cutworms. The markings on the adults and larvae differ greatly. The moths have four wings, the hind pair usually being paler in color than the forewings. The wing expanse is about 114 inches. Cutworms feed on many kinds of plants, and sometimes climb fruit trees and injure them. They have a complete life cycle and there is one generation a year. Eggs are usually laid in midsummer, and the imsects overwinter as partially grown larvae. Cutworms are rather severe pests. The most common control measure is the appli- eation of poisoned bait; however, stomach poisons sprayed on the plants they are injuring will kill the climbing forms. The species shown here is the moth of the spotted cutworm (Agrotis c-nigrum). Eastern tent caterpillar.—Practically every spring, about the time the apple and cherry trees, especially wild cherries, begin to leaf, there appears in the crotches of the branches a small webb which harbors a young army of caterpillars. These little fellows appear as if by magic and start chewing the leaves off the trees. Some- times they become abundant enough to strip all the leaves off these trees. This insect is called the eastern tent caterpillar (Malacosoma americana). Its parent is a 7 Se moth that flies around at night late in the — Ficure 67.—Fastern tent cater- summer and deposits eggs in the branches ee of certain fruit trees. The eggs do not hatch until the follow- ing spring. The moths are reddish brown with whitish lines on FIGURE 66.—Cutworm. I8 MISC. PUBLICATION 318, U. 8S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE each forewing, as shown in the picture, and have a wing expanse of from 1 to 14% inches. They have sucking mouth parts but do not feed. The caterpillars feed during the sunny part of the day. In commercial orchards, the usual poison sprays control these insects, but where they are found elsewhere they may be controlled by carefully burning or otherwise destroying the nests or webs as soon as discovery, is made. Some relief may be had by destroying the eggs during the winter. Grape leaf folder.—Around the grape arbor one often finds a very dark-brown moth with a wing expanse of nearly an inch. Two oval white spots appear on each forewing. This insect is called the grape leaf folder (Desmia funeralis). 'The larva is an ac- tive pale-green caterpillar that rolls and ties the leaves of wild and cultivated grapes and chews the leaves within the tie. There are two or three generations each year, de- pending on the locality. The insect over- winters in the pupal stage. It is necessary to spray grape leaves with poison to con- FIGURE 68.—Grape leaf folder. trol this pest. Codling moth.—How many times have you opened an apple and found a worm, half a worm, or a brown tunnel where the worm has been feeding? Even though many persons have seen the apple worm, few have seen the parent, which is called the codling moth. This moth is from about one-half to three-fourths of an inch in length. The four wings of the codling moth are folded leaflike over the back, and have numerous light- and dark-gray mark- ings. The moths lay their eggs on the leaves and fruit of several kinds of trees such as apple, pear, and quince. This insect has complete life changes, and there are from one to three gen- erations a year, depending on the locality and climatic conditions. The full-grown larvae overwinter in silken co- coons hidden in crevices in the bark of trees or in similarly protected places. This insect is the chief pest of apples. Spraying is used in its control, although sanitary measures will help to reduce the number of overwintering larvae. Scientists speak of the codling moth as Carpocapsa pomonella. Indian-meal moth.—Many housewives have be- come alarmed at the sight of a rather small moth, with 34-inch wingspread, around the house, not realizing that this little creature originated in the pantry or the granary and is the Indian-meal moth, the larvae of which feed on all manner of dried vegetable products, seeds, nuts, fruits, etc. In the household it frequently is found in corn meal or oatmeal. This moth can be distinguished from the _, clothes moth by the wings, the outer or hind part Ficure 70.—Indian- being much darker in color than the fore part. The eae larva is a rather small white caterpillar, and almost all of the four life stages may be found any time of the year. This insect, which is called Plodia interpunctella, belongs to the order FIGURE 69.—Codling moth. 4-H CLUB INSECT MANUAL 29 Lepidoptera. It can be controlled by cleaning out all the old corn meal in the cracks and crevices of the pantry, or by poison gas. Clothes moths.—There are. other small moths not quite so large as the one just described that are found most frequently around clothes closets where woolens and furs are stored. These insects are of a uniform fawn color, and the wingspread is only about one-half an inch. Each of the four wings 1s much nar- rower than those of most of the butterflies and | moths. These insects are the clothes moths. Clothes moths have complete life changes. The young of the moths—the small white larvae— chew holes in woolen clothes and the mohair fabric on furniture. These moths do not feed on any vegetable product such as rayon or cot- — ton. “Whe Jarvae pupate where they have been "1¢U"= 71 Clothes feeding. ‘There are three or more generations, and breeding is continuous throughout the year if buildings are heated. The best control is prevention by frequent airing, sunning of clothes, and storing in mothproof contamers. The clothes moth shown here is the kind known as the webbing clothes moth (7Z%neola biselliella). It, like other moths, belongs to the order Lepidoptera. Webworms.—During the summer and fall there appear in the grasses a number of small moths that fold their wings closely about their bodies when at rest. They usually rest with their bodies forming an angle with the stalk of grass on which they alight, the front part of their bodies being farthest from the stalk. The palpi (mouth parts) are much elongated and extend beyond the head. The moths of this group belong to the genus Crambus. Owing to their peculiar resting position and extension of the palpi, they are readily distin- guished from other small moths. The larvae of the Crambus are called sod webworms because they usu- ally feed in a web on the roots of grass plants, where they overwinter. The wings of these moths = gee are buff to ight brown in color with a spread of from Figure 72.—Web- 38/4 inch to 114 inches. The life changes are com- worm moth. : : . plete. The insects quite often cause considerable damage to corn and other members of the grass family, and cultural practices are suggested for control. The species shown here is quite commonly called the larger sod webworm; the specific or scientific name is Crambus trisectus. Clearwing moths.—Any boy or girl who has found an insect like the one illustrated here per- haps has had a hard time decid- ing whether it belonged to the order including the butterflies and moths (order Lepidoptera), or to some other group of in- sects having clear wings. These moths do not have scales cover- : ing the entire wings, as do most _ : sili. of the others, but careful exam- Ficure 73.—Clearwing moth. ae = rm gm oe Doone an, be abe BT Ie cae = AOS? DaOel eos 30 MISC. PUBLICATION 318, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE ination will show that scales are present on the body and at least on the veins and margins of the wings. Insects of this group also have a pronounced tuft of hair on the tip of the abdomen. They are known as the clearwing moths. The larvae, or caterpillars, of most of these moths chew their way into the woody portion of plants and often cause serious damage. These moths have complete life changes, and usually there is one generation each year. The moth shown here is the parent of the peach borer (Conopia exitiosa). It has a wing- spread of 114 inches. ; Skippers.—Among the butterflies and moths may be found insects that resemble butterflies when flying around in the daytime, but on close inspection they resemble moths because of their heavier bodies. If the antennae are hooked, as shown in the accompanying pic- ture, these insects belong to the group called skippers. They get this name from their rapid, darting flight. The one pictured here is the locust skipper (Lpargyreus tityrus). It has a wing expanse of from 134 to 2 inches. ee The forewings are dark brown with yellow Ficure 74.—Skipper. § bands and silver spots beneath; the hind wings are uniform in color. The mouth parts of these moths are made for sucking, and the larvae feed on various leguminous plants such as clovers. The skippers overwinter as pupae on the ground in dead leaves. The life changes are complete. These insects occa- sionally become pests. Stomach poisons will kill the larvae. DIPTERA (FLIES) In this big insect world there is one group that is particularly annoying to picnic parties, either while they are attempting to eat or when they are fishing along streams. The group of insects re- ferred to belongs to the order Diptera, which means that members of this family have two wings and only stubs where the hind wings ought to be. Members of this order vary considerably in size and shape, as the description of the following kinds, representing different families, will indicate. Houseflies.— Possibly the most common of this greup is the housefly (Musca domestica), which is about one-fourth of an inch long, gray with black stripes, eyes dark red, and abdomen yellowish at the base. Contrary to the ideas of many persons, the house- fly cannot bite, as it has specialized or lapping- type mouth parts. The stablefly, which closely resembles the housefly and is quite often mistaken for it, has piercing mouth parts and can most cer- tainly register its presence. Houseflies feed on all sorts of filth and possibly are one of man’s worst enemies, since they carry disease organisms. They have complete life changes, overwinter in all stages, and have several generations each season. The most effective control is sanitation, which in effect is destroying the breeding places. Barnyard FIGURE 75.—Housefly. 4-H CLUB INSECT MANUAL 31 manure seems to be the preferred breeding ground, although the larvae © may be found in other decaying vegetation. Fly sprays will kill the adults but they afford only temporary relief. Syrphid flies.—Another family of flies that are quite often found hovering around flowers, or places where there is an abundance of plant lice, is the syrphid flies, of which there are a great many kinds. Although there is a wide variation in these insects, many have de- cided markings on the abdomen. The adults of this group have two wings and sucking mouth parts. These flies have complete life changes. Some larvae feed on aphids. One would need to examine but few colonies of plant lice before finding a very small, leg- less, sluglike creature feeding on the lice. This is the larva of the syrphus fly. These peurn 76—syrphus fiy. flies remain over winter in the pupal stage among leaves on the ground or on stems of plants. Since they are beneficial, no control measures are necessary. The syrphus fly shown here is Syrphus ribesii, which varies from three-eighths to one-half inch in length. Flesh fly—During the summertime any meat or dead animal will draw a number of flies. Among the number will be found some that —’___ are rather large, with black stripes on their backs Lo s | and their abdomens covered with hairs. Many have - red eyes. Like the other Diptera, the blowflies have two wings. The adults feed upon carrion and flow- ers, and the maggots upon meat. Some may be con- sidered beneficial because the maggots help to de- stroy dead animals; others are pests because they feed on living tissue at open wounds and cause much suffering, loss of flesh, and sometimes death of animals. The pests can be controlled by good ~ animal-husbandry practices, but 1n some cases med1- ee -+ cation is necessary. These insects overwinter in the Higure (i-—Flesh puparium in the soil. The flesh fly here shown is Sarcophaga plinthopyga. ‘This species is from one- fourth to one-half of an inch in length. Greenbottle flies—Around meat or dead animals may also be found a-number of metallic, shiny, green or blue flies, slightly larger than the housefly, the greenbottle or bluebottle flies. These insects have lapping mouth parts and two wings. They feed on carrion and flowers, and overwinter in the puparium in the soil. They have complete life changes. The larvae or mag- gots feed on decaying meat and may be consid- ered beneficial. In case the adults become pests, they may be controlled by sprays and by burn- ing or burying decaying meat or dead animals ; so that breeding will not take place. The green- — ricurs 78.—Green- bottle fly pictured here is Lucilia sericata; this pote Ay. species is from one-fourth to three-eighths of an inch long. et a a en) ey Te ems i) ¥ ae gros Wer mos. Pome Figure 79.—Horsefly. 32 MISC. PUBLICATION 318, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE Horseflies. In the horse-and-buggy days many runaways were caused by large black flies lighting on the horse. The group of flies to which this species belongs are called horseflies. They vary considerably in size and can be dis- tinguished by the peculiar shape of the head, which is nearly all eyes and fits over the front part of the body cap fashion. The adults have two wings and piercing mouth parts. They feed on a humber of animals. Horseflies have complete life changes and spend the winter as larvae in mud. Although these insects are pests, there is no effec- tive control except drainage of the marshy areas in which many kinds breed. The black horsefly pictured here is Tabanus atratus. This species is from %/, to 11% inches long. Robber flies.—Can it be possible that when man desired more speed in the air he looked to the robber flies? Most robber flies are rather large. Even though they have but two wings they are capable of flying very fast. They feed almost entirely on other insects. The head of the robber fly somewhat re- sembles that of the horsefly, but its neck is much longer. The adult has piercing mouth parts. These insects usually winter as larvae or pupae in the ground, where the larvae feed on worms and larvae of other insects. Like all other Diptera, the robber fly has complete life changes. The one shown here is Prom- achus rufipes, which attains a length of from 1 to 1% inches. Mosquitoes.—What person has not heard the buzzing of a mos- quito or felt the mouth parts pierce an exposed part of the body? This group of Diptera possibly causes as much annoyance to people, especially picnickers, as any other insect. It is only the female mosquito that can bite, and not all kinds of mosquitoes feed on man or animals. In addition to causing annoyance from feeding, some mosquitoes are responsible for carrying dis- eases such as malaria and yellow fever. Malaria is a major health problem in this country. All mosquitoes have a long, narrow body with com- paratively long legs and two wings. The life changes are complete. The larvae, or “wigglers,” are found in stagnant water. Mosquitoes breed commonly in rain barrels, cisterns, ponds, and other places where water stands for a few days. Such accumulations of water should be tightly covered, or the surface treated with a light film of kerosene or oil every week. If possible, stagnant pools should be drained. Mos- quitoes are usually much smaller than crane flies, and can be dis- tinguished from crane flies by the tiny hairs on the margins of the wings. The one shown here is the yellow-fever mosquito (Aedes aegyptz), which is about three-sixteenths of an inch long. FIGuRE 80.—Robber fly. FIGURE 81.—Mosquito. : 9 7 : aes ee eT 4-H CLUB INSECT MANUAL BB} Crane flies.—Quite often one sees long-legged, awkward insects which look like overgrown mosquitoes flying over the fields. They are commonly called crane flies. ‘These flies vary from one-eighth of an inch to 2 inches oo in length and are brownish in color with i y mottled wings. The adults have lapping mouth parts and probably lap nectar from open blossoms. ‘These insects have complete life changes and spend the winter as eggs, or larvae, in the soil. The larvae are some- times called leatherjackets because of their leathery skin. Occasionally they warrant a control measure. Poisoned bait is effective. Fy = i \i ‘ HB The male of the range crane fly pictured Pa Se here, 7ipula simplex, has wings but the ~~ oo . female is wingless. This species is from / N three-eighths to one-half of an inch in length. Diem G2 Cease Pe HYMENOPTERA (WASPS AND OTHERS) There is another group of insects that in many respects resemble flies, partly because of their clear wings. ‘This group is the Hymenoptera. They may be distinguished from the flies by the number of wings. The winged Hymenoptera have four wings, but they are often so close together that it is difficult to tell whether there are two or four unless they are-examined at the point of attachment to the body. Insects in the group vary considerably in appear- ance. Among them are the wasps, ants, bees, etc. For the most part, a basal portion of the abdomen is re- duced to a very slender, threadlike structure, which varies in length, de- pending on the species. Wasps.—In the wasp, this slender structure is very long. The mud- dauber wasp (Sceliphron caementa- - rium) shown here is almost an inch long, black with orange-yellow mark- ings. It has modified mouth parts for chewing and lapping. The | adult feeds on flowers, and the larva feeds on paralyzed spiders which the parent wasps store in cells. The wasp has complete life changes and overwinters as a full-grown larva in the cell of the mud nest. The eco- nomic importance of this insect is questionable. Golden digger wasp.—Another insect of the order Hymenoptera, closely related to the mud-dauber wasp, Js the golden digger wasp. It also is about an inch long, black or SS Se FIGURE 83.—Wasp. Se 4 = FIGURD 84.—Golden digger wasp. 34 MISC. PUBLICATION 318, U. S..DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE reddish yellow with golden hair, and has four wings. This insect has complete life changes. The mouth parts are fitted for chewing and lapping. This wasp, Ammobia ichneumonea, in the adult form feeds on flowers, and the larva feeds on paralyzed grasshoppers. It hiber- nates in a cell in the ground, probably as a full-grown larva or pupa. Because it destroys grasshoppers it can be considered beneficial. Bald-faced hornet.—A nother of the wasps, and one having a short, thick body, is the bald-faced hornet. The queen of this species is about seven-eighths of an inch long; the workers are somewhat smaller. This wasp is black with creamy- white markings and has four wings which enable it to fly rapidly. The mouth parts are fitted for chewing and lapping. The bald-faced hor- net also is able to inflict a painful sting. The adult feeds on flowers, fruit juices, and honeydew; the larva feeds on softened insects. This insect has complete life changes; the _ adult queens hibernate in sheltered fai goin oe aed cao Horne. places such as under bark or in crevices. When the days begin to warm in the spring, the queen starts the construction of her paper- like nest, and as soon as sufficient. comb is built, begins to rear her brood. As the season advances and the first workers emerge, the nest is increased in size by tearing out the inner lining, widening the layers of comb, and adding more layers of comb below. Additional layers of the paperlike covering of the nest are then built on the out- side. This material consists of wood fibers mixed with a salivary secre- tion, is waterproof and very tough, and affords protection for the nest. The nest sometimes attains the size of a foot or more in diameter: The economic importance of this insect is questionable, although it does kill some destructive insects. ‘The bald-faced hornet shown here is Vespula maculata, and belongs to the order Hymenoptera. Parasitic wasps.—No doubt many persons have encountered wasp- like insects with long appendages like the one shown here, but have mop; realized that. these (27 ~ 0 threadlike structures are _ | for egg laying. The : insect illustrated here, — - | Megarhyssa lunator, is — ~ * = ! : an inch or more long. 7 The egg-laying structure, or Ovipositor, may be 3 : a 7 inches long. The body a is very slender, light | : cr brown, with lighter chev- HIGHER SO. gatas eeu rons along the sides of the abdomen. Although the adult has chew- ing mouth parts, it 1s doubtful if it does very much feeding, but the larva feeds by sucking the blood from the larva of the pigeon horn- tail, The long egg-laying appendages permit this wasp to drill aI 2 f ee ee. eee ~ 4-H CLUB INSECT MANUAL ~—6B5 rather deeply into the wood to parasitize the larva of the pigeon horntail. There are many more insects in this group, but they have much shorter egg-laying appendages. ‘This insect has complete life changes, as do all other Hymenoptera. Parasitic wasps.——Another of the group Hymenoptera or wasplike insects is E'phialtes pedalis. It is a parasite of | other insects and therefore may be con- sidered beneficial. This insect is about one-half inch long, black, with four clear wings. The legs are brownish red except for the hind tibiae and tarsi, which are black. The tibiae and tarsi are the joints of the legs far- ' thest removed from the body. The mouth parts are fitted for chewing. This insect overwinters as a larva in the pupa of the moths, upon which the larva feeds. As with all other wasps, the life changes are complete. Ants.—Many interesting hours have been spent by people in watch- ing and studying the activities of the ants, and many books have been written about them. Ants are social insects and live in colonies as do the bees, which belong also to the order Hymenoptera. ‘They vary con- siderably in size, but all have three distinct body regions. They are wingless except at swarming time. The swarming forms have four clear wings which they lose soon after they establish their new quarters. Ants have chewing mouth parts. They have complete life changes. The partic- ular species shown here is the black carpenter — ant (Camponotus herculeanus pennsylvanicus). It is about three-eighths of an inch long. It builds its nest in decaying wood of various kinds, and sometimes in sound wood. ‘The adults hiber- nate in the nest. This ant is sometimes injurious to timbers in buildings, and is also annoying in the household, getting into sweet-flavored material, on which it feeds. It can be controlled by locating the nest and fumigating or by using poisoned sweets. Honeybees.—It is doubtful that man has probed into the private life of any other insect as much as he has into the life of the honeybee. Perhaps one reason for this is that the honeybee has ts been known for centuries and has been the only insect to provide a natural sweet. Beeswax has been used for a long time in the preparation of various house- hold articles. In more recent years honeybees have been found to be important factors in the pollination of blossoms, which is essential to seed and fruit pro- duction. Honeybees are social insects and live in col- onies. There are several races. The workers are about Figure h)-— five-eighths of an inch long and usually dark brown in color. Like other Hymenoptera, they have four wings, and the adults fly readily. The mouth parts of the adults are modified for sucking eee Seno = FIGURE 87.—Parasitic wasp. FIGURE 88.—Ant. on 36 MISC. PUBLICATION 318, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE liquid foods such as the nectar of flowers. The honeybee (Apis melli- fera) spends the winter in the adult stage in the hive. The life changes are complete. Bumblebees.—What farm or small-town boy or girl has not had the experience of fighting a nest of bumblebees? It is doubtful if any of these boys or girls realized that bumblebees are beneficial insects and necessary to the pollination of certain flowers, especially the clovers. Bumblebees are so well known that little description is necessary. How- ever, it should be stated that they are about five-eighths of an inch long, have four wings, belong to the order Hymenoptera, and have mouth parts i | modified for chewing and sucking. SER sige ener The adults feed on flowers. It is at the time of feeding as well as of gathering nectar and pollen, upon which they rear their young, that they pollinate the flowers. Bumble- bees have complete life changes and overwinter as adult queens in sheltered crevices or cavities. The one shown here, Bombus ameri- canorum, is sometimes called the black- tailed, yellow-banded bumblebee. Pigeon tremex.—The pigeon horn- tail (Tremex columba) is one of our largest Hymenoptera. It may grow to be 114 inches in length, exclusive of its ege-laying appendages. It is black, with ocher-yellow markings, the pro- portionate amounts of yellow varying. The mouth parts are modified for chew- ing and lapping. The larva of this insect bores into the dying branches or trunks of trees such as maple, elm, apple, pear, beech, oak, and sycamore, and apparently spends the winter as a full-grown larva or pupa in the trunks of these trees. This insect, lke all other Hymenoptera, has complete hfe changes. Infestations may be prevented by keeping trees in a vigorous grow- ing condition. In case of heavy infestation, trees may be cut and burned during the fall and winter, thereby destroying the larva. Chalcid flies—If it were not for our friends in the insect world, certain pests would make our existence difficult. Some of these friends of ours are very tiny and frequently unnoticed; for example, the chalcid flies. Some species are parasitic and live inside various other insects. All chalecid flies belong to the order Hymenoptera. They have four wings, chewing mouth parts, and complete life changes. The species SES eS | FIGURE 91.—Pigeon tremex. FIGURE 92.—Chalcid fly. 4-H CLUB INSECT MANUAL Oy) shown here is Brachymeria ovata, which lives as a parasite inside the pupae of various moths. It is about three-sixteenths of an inch long. It overwinters possibly as an adult, or perhaps within its host as a full-grown larva. Some species of chalcids, however, live in seeds. These may be controlled by cultural practices. Sawflies.—In the order Hymenoptera is another group of insects, the sawflies, whose larvae very much resemble cater- pillars. Adult sawflies rest with their wings folded flatwise over their backs. The adult shown here is about three- eighths of an inch long. The wings have been spread to show the structure. This is the imported currant worm (Pteronidea ribesii). The larva chews holes in the leaves of currants and gooseberries. It has complete life changes and overwinters as either a full-grown larva or a pupa in a silken case in trash on the ground near where the larva feeds. It can be controlled with any good stomach poison. FIGURE 93.—Sawfly. MISCELLANEOUS GROUPS Lacewings.—Very few clusters of aphids or plant lice appear without the presence of small cream-colored lizardlike insects. These active little insects, which are the larvae of lacewing flies, have long, sickle- shaped jaws in addition to antennae, or feelers. ‘The parent as pictured here is pale green in color; some species have black and red markings about the head. This insect is approximately half an inch long. It has chewing mouth parts, four lacelike wings, and can either crawl or fly. The larvae have a combination of chewing and sucking mouth parts; that 1s, the sickle- like projections referred to earlier are hollow, and after the larvae have pierced the bodies of weaker insects they suck the body fluids of their prey through the hollow, hooked mouth parts. Lacewing flies have a complete metamorphosis. They belong to the order Neuroptera. The full-grown larvae or adults over- winter under bark, in fallen leaves, etc. These insects are beneficial in helping to control pests. The species shown here is Chrysopa oculata. Dragonflies—Every boy or girl who has wandered along a stream has seen the msect which in some sections | _sis lc cll is called a snake feeder, or snake Figure 95.—Dragonfly. doctor, but as a matter of fact it is a dragonfly and has no connection with snakes. The adults have four thin glossy wings, some with smaller or larger darker patches and numer- ous veins. The adults have chewing mouth parts and catch insects while in flight. The nymphs are carnivorous and live in water, where they feed on insects and other small aquatic animals. Dragonflies FIGURE 94.—Lacewinhg. ™ fa 28 MISC, PUBLICATION 318, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE winter as nymphs in water, particularly in ponds and lakes, and may be considered of some value as enemies of flies and mosquitoes and as fish food. The life changes are incomplete. The species shown here is the 10-spotted dr agonfly (Libellula pulchella). Its body is about 2 inches long and its wing expanse about 314 inches, This insect belong to the order Odonata. Damsel flies.—There is another group of the Odonata called damsel flies. They have long, narrow bodies with shiny wings that taper rather sharply to the point where they are attached to the body. When at rest these wings are folded rather close to the body. These insects have chewing mouth parts, and the adults catch small in- sects from the air during flight. The nymphs feed on small insects and_ other aquatic animals, and winter usually in small streams. The life changes of the damsel fly are incomplete. These insects are of some importance, as are the dragon- flies, and for the same reasons. The species shown here is the black-winged damsel fly (Agrion maculatum). It has a body about 134 inches long and a wing expanse of 21% inches. In this species the wings are shiny black and the body metallic green with black on the thorax. Termites.—In recent years we have been hearing more and more about a little insect pest that has caused destruction to frame build- ings. Many people call this insect the white ant. It is ‘really not an ant but a termite, which belongs to the order Isoptera. Termites differ from ants in that the body is of fairly uniform width throughout its entire length, whereas the body of the ant appears pinched in the middle to almost a thread. Termite wings are about twice as long as the body, whereas the wings of the ant are about as long as the body. The members of this family are social and live in colonies as honeybees do. Each species has a number of different forms or castes within the colony. Most people make the acquaintance of termites during swarming season, at which time they come out in great droves fr om around the floor or foundation of en pees an infested house. Termites during the swarming season have four rather large wings, loosely attached to the body. The workers of this group of insects are the ones that cause damage by chewing the wooden parts of houses, but they also work on a great many plant or animal products. Most species of termites work under cover and must have contact with soil moisture. In nature, termites can be found feeding almost any place where there is dead wood on or in the ground. The species shown here is /eticuli- termes flavipes, and “this worker is about one-fourth of an inch long. arwine. Collectors often come across insects with hooklike ap- pendages on the hind portion of the body. These, no doubt, are earwigs, which belong to the order Dermaptera. T hey have chewing FIGURE 96.—Damsel fly. Baistloe Pe ee oy 4-H CLUB INSECT MANUAL 39 mouth parts and feed primarily on plant material, but also may eat organic substances including meats or dead or weakened insects. The true wings are folded in a complicated man- ner beneath the wing covers or nonfunctional front wings. These insects dig in the soil, hide under old boards and other suitable shelter, and may re- main over the winter either in the egg stage or as adult earwigs. The life changes are incomplete. Karwigs are sometimes pests and should be con- trolled by poisoned baits and sanitation. The ac- companying picture is that of the male European earwig (forficula auricularia). Adult insects of this species are from one-half to three-fourths of an inch long. Fleas.— Whenever cats and dogs are kept around the house, there is likelihood of introducing small insects that cause much annoyance to members of the household by attacking their legs and sucking the blood. Certain species carry bubonic plague. These insects are fleas, of PAaaae which there are many kinds, but all types ae belong to the order Siphonaptera. They usually are dark reddish brown, very much flattened, and give the appearance of standing on edge. Fleas do not have wings. They have sucking mouth parts; the legs are fitted for jumping and are their only means of locomotion. The changes in the life cycle are complete. The larvae usually as are found wherever cats, dogs, hogs, and BEGG SEE. some other animals bed down. The human flea (Pulex irritans) is shown here. It is about one-eighth of an inch long. Removal of hogs from the vicinity of dwellings, treating cats and dogs with derris powder to destroy the fleas infesting them, and cleaning up the bedding of these animals will help in the control of this pest. Silverfish, silver moth, or bristletail—There is another small silvery-colored insect usually found on the floor, around books, or in other dark places. Occasionally it ventures out into the light. It has several common names such as silverfish, silver moth, or bristletail. It is wing- less, and the body tapers rather gradually to the hind end, which branches out into three very definite spikes. These spikes give it the name bristletail. The silverfish belongs to the order Thysanura. Since the adult has the same form as the larva, it cannot be considered as having a metamorphosis; that is, there are no changes in form during the life cycle. It has chewing mouth parts and feeds especially on starchy materials Sear gs such as bookbindings, wallpaper, and starched Picurp 190-—Silver- clothing. In the house this insect is active through- oe out the year and has no definite hibernation period. The species shown here is from one-half to five-eighths of an inch long and is Lepisma saccharina. Use of poisoned bait made of a mixture BGS FIGURE 98.—Earwig. ’ the nymphs crawl and swim in the water. wieure 102—Stone fiy. 4O MISC. PUBLICATION 318, U. 8S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE of oatmeal, white arsenic, sugar, salt, and water is the best method of control. ; Caddisflies.—A long streams where the water flows rather swiftly, one finds small mothlike insects of pale-brown color with wings folded rooflike over their backs. These are the caddisflies. Unlike those of Piet eo SC _ the moths, the two pairs of wings are _ sealeless and usually more or less clothed with long, silky hairs. The adults take very little food, but many accept sweet fluids to a certain extent. They fly readily. The larvae crawl or _ swim in water and feed on water forms of either plant or animal life. They winter as larvae, usually in streams. Their life changes are complete. The caddisfly shown here is about three-fourths of an inch long with a wing expanse of about 114 inches. A sketch of the caddisfly, ap- pearing in the section on collections and identification, order Tri- choptera, part III of this manual, gives an idea of the position of the wings when at rest. The scientific name of this insect 1s Platyphylax subfasciatus. — Stone flies.—There is another group of insects that lives around rapid streams and wave-washed, rocky shores. This is the stone fly group, which belongs to the order Plecoptera. _ These insects range from 34 to 114 inches in © length, are pale brown, and the wings are ~ folded flat over the back. They have chewing mouth parts, but the adults feed very little; the nymphs feed mainly on insects in the fast- flowing streams. The adults fly readily, but FIGURE 101.—Caddisfly. The stone fly winters as a nymph in water leading to large rivers. The life changes are incomplete. The nymphs may serve as fish food. The species shown here is Acro- neuria abnormis. . Common name of insect . Description: 4-H CLUB INSECT MANUAL Al INSECT RECORD SHEET 1. Size (indicate by mark) SRS SS Soo ss Se a5] 5 4 SS 5 6 SS SS SS SS Se SS Ee Se Se SB ee SS Pe C OO ae ee ner en ee Sh a es 3. Mouth parts: Chewing_-_______ Pe GUC Kel Owes eee -Japping—<=souem Age NTA OCT AO Ra WAM OS eee et een ee eee ON ae SS) Se ee III. Where does insect live: Air_____-_ SES Ol leant tes Sawai Lele 22 In host. === IV. On what does insect feed: VI. WAISES Main stems ——— Item Leaves | Blossoms] Fruits | Branches Orchard trees Other trees Vegetable crops OGhenicropsst. 222 ses ses see eae See eee | Se as Soa ne ee ee eee Re Sore Se Ee eee Wiooda sae = ; wood products_______- ——WOOlNS=ee = === = BUTS 5-20 ee albiilesee sss eae STOO mavenials= === e-—es “SotoOred: pLoducts== === == Mane ee eee oe bi 724 OUD OCW bs epee ener mae Se ; other insects Tiny plants or animals in water Habits: 1. How does it spend the winter: Hove sos= anv a se = nymph =o 4 O10 OF: Ree acee + arcnlGa snes De Where does it spend the enter? ec mn ee ee ee eS 3. Kind of life cycle: MaCompletes(our Stages) ys. sss Bas aes es bs Incomplete(less Ghanttour)= 2] 932 a2 ee Se eee Economic importance: ie Renee eect are opt eta IC GRE ee A RN Soe LTO ee Pak ae a DIR GM GIGI le eer eee ic es ee ey nee ee 2 SO ee ae ee Se Ouestiona bl Gus sa een tee oi ee Par ee ee oe ee ee Control for pest: Hee vem eh apOIsOM. ee ete cls Pash ar eae eee ee DEC omtachis Play aaa he ee ee ee ee Spied SA TNC GOT eee Me Ge ee et ee ea Ace GO ciGuinanls pra CLICES sere! ie een enn ee a ee a a Part I1.—LIFE STUDIES AND CONTROL OF INSECTS : (Introductign to second-year work) LIFE STUDIES (How insects grow) Once the insect becomes an adult it never grows any larger. A enat will always be a gnat: it is not a baby fly. Insects make all their growth while in the immature stages. There are, however, two types of growth. Some insects, like the grasshopper, develop gradually, FIGURE 103.—Incomplete metamorphosis. and each time they shed their skin, the newly emerged young more closely resemble the adults. We call this incomplete metamorphosis. Grasshoppers, crickets, the true bugs, and plant lice go through in- complete metamorphosis. The young or larvae of the butterflies and beetles do not resemble the adult. When the larva has completed its growth, it goes into a €3 6 FIGurRE 104.—Complete metamorphosis. pupal stage where the complete change, which we call complete metamorphosis, takes place. Butterflies, beetles, wasps, and flies go through complete metamorphosis. i CONTROL OF INSECTS Many years ago very little was done about insect control, as_out- breaks that caused serious damage occurred only occasionally. Since then many changes have taken place, and we have an entirely dif- ferent problem today. 516678°—43 5 , 43 Shes 44 MISC. PUBLICATION 318, U. 8. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE Through commerce, man has upset Nature’s balance, and many insects have been accidentally introduced and their natural enemies have been left behind. Many plants have been introduced which provide better food for native insects than native plants provide, thus stimulating the rapid reproduction of these favored insects. Certain plant breeding has made plants more susceptible to. insect attack. Then, also, one phase of our agricultural system—the planting of large acreages of one kind of crop in a concentrated area—has made it possible for insect pests to increase in such destructive numbers that they can cause serious damage. In recent years quarantines have been put into effect which regu- late the shipment of plants and animals. Plant breeders are work- ing toward greater resistance in plants to insects and diseases. Much work with parasites is being done to help Nature reestablish her balance. All these factors are helping, but more immediate or drastic control measures are necessary, and chemicals poisonous to insects must be used in many cases. FicurRn 105.—Chewing mouth parts (left); sucking mouth parts (right). Tn the earlier days, a blanket recommendation was made—stomach poisons for chewing insects and contact sprays for sucking insects. Now an effort is being made to use less and less of the metallic poisons. The organic or plant-product sprays have been found to be much more specific, and the old rule does not always apply. A person must know much more about insects and insecticides (spray material) than was formerly necessary if he hopes to control insects adequately. This control phase of the project is for the purpose of acquainting the club member with insect habits and the effect of different control measures. COLLECTION AND IDENTIFICATION In addition to studying insect control and life habits, club members of second-year groups should endeavor to collect and prepare notes on eight orders of insects not included in the first-year work. Some of the orders listed below contain many small insects, specimens of which should be mounted on small cardboard points or preserved in alcohol or formaldehyde. : NEUROPTERA.—Neuron (nerve), pteron (a wing). Four large leaflike wings, nearly equal in size, usually finely netted; wings notched, held rooflike over back when at rest. Antennae long. Mouth parts for chew- ing. Life changes (metamorphosis) com- plete. Larvae of some living in the water. inate. Dobson flies, aphis lions, ant lions (doodle- bugs). FIGURE 106. t : ; ‘ . 2 4-H CLUB INSECT MANUAL 45 EPHEMERIDA.—Ephemeron (a short-lived in- sect). Four netted, veined wings folded vertically over back when at rest; hind pair much smaller than front pair. Mouth parts for chewing. Anten- nae short. Three long tails on tin of abdomen. Life changes incomplete. Body rather frail; molt once in adult stage. Very short lived. Nymphs living in the water. Mayflies, lake flies, or Shad flies. FIGURE 107.—Mayfly. ISOPTERA.—isos (equal), pteron (a wing). Most forms wingless; kings and queens having four wings at mating time; wings equal in size, long, narrow, and folded over back when at rest. Somewhat resembling ants, but pale in color and having no slender waist in abdomen. Termites (white ants). FIGURE 108.— Termite. SIPHONAPTERA.—Siphon (a tube), apteros (without wings). Small, wingless body, laterally compressed (flat- tened at sides). Hind legs long, stout, fitted for jumping. Mouth parts piercing and sucking. Life changes complete. Fleas. ANOPLURA.—Anoplos (unarmed), oura (tail). Small, wing- less, flattened parasites of mammals. Mouth parts for piercing and sucking. Head narrow and pointed in front. Eyes wanting or degenerate. Life changes slight. Blood-sucking lice. FicuRE 110.— Sucking louse. MALLOPHAGA.—Mallos (wool), phagein (to eat). Small, wingless, flattened insects. Large broad heads, rounded in front; eyes degenerate; mouth parts for chew- ing. Life changes incomplete. Mostly parasites of birds, FIGURE 411.—Bit- some of mammals. Chewing lice or bird lice. ing louse. THYSANOPTERA.—tThysanos (fringe), pteron (a wing). Mostly wingless; when wings are present, four long and narrow, fringed with hairs, folded over back when at rest. Body much elongated. Mouth parts for rasping. Life changes incomplete. Thrips. FIGURE 112,—Thrip. 2 rg aR Sees EES secre 46 MISC. PUBLICATION 318, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE THYSANURA.—Thysanos (a tassel), oura (tail). Small, gray, wingless insects. Long antennae. Mouth parts for chewing, and long bristlelike tails. No metamorphosis, that is, no changes in form during life cycle. Body somewhat earrot Shaped. Found in dark places. Feeds on starchy sub- stances Such as bookbinding. Silverfish, bristletails, or fish moths. Figure 113.—Sil- verfish. CALENDAR OF ACTIVITIES, SECOND YEAR Meetings Life studies and control of insects Page First, February ----------- Organization. Repair collecting equipment_____________-_____-________- 46 Second. March____________ Outline work. Study bulletins. Make collection boxes_______________ 46 aMiauhe oly ws oval Ue want ee es Spring survey. Make preservatives for immature insects-_-____ bel eee 46 Hounth,sVlaye= ss Select insects to be reared. Make rearing cages______________________- 47 I Milinolg dh bao(w anes ese eas Select control project. Mix and apply insecticides___________________- 47 Sixthee ules ees Visit control projects. Make mounts of insects and plants____________ 48 Seventh, August_-________ Check results of control. Exhibit control materia\____________________ 48 Highth, September________ Make hibernation cages. Collect and place insects in cages____________- 49 Ninth O ctobers2sse2=s2s— 5 Exhibitinsects. Stuntsand playsaboutinsects. ‘‘Wienie’’ roast__--_- 49 Tenth, November-__-_-_-__-_- Complete record books. Spade garden or follow plow__------_--------- 49 Eleventh, December _-_-____- Identification contests. Judging contests___..__________-_-------------- 50 Twelfth, January---______- Make permanent exhibit for school or county agent’s office_____-_____- 52 ACTIVITIES FOR SECOND YEAR OUTLINED ORGANIZATION. REPAIR COLLECTING EQUIPMENT [First meeting—February ] Equipment: 1. Copy of insect manual. 2. Material to repair old collecting equipment or agit new. Procedure: 1. Read and discuss each paragraph of manual separately. 2. Make net according to instructions on page 7, part I, of this manual. or on pages 4 and 5 of Farmers’ Bulletin 1601. OUTLINE WORK. STUDY BULLETINS. MAKE COLLECTION BOXES [Second meeting—March] Equipment : Cigar box, corrugated cardboard, manual, bulletins. Procedure: President of club, club agent, or entomologist outlines work for year; reads manual. Before next meeting, each club member should make survey of insect pests about his home. SPRING SURVEY. MAKE PRESERVATIVES FOR IMMATURE INSECTS [Third meeting—April] Equipment: Small vials (size of man’s largest fin- ger) with stoppers; 5-percent solu- tion of formaldehyde. Procedure: 1. Dilute formaldehyde to 5-percent solution. 2. Distribute solution in vials, to members. F LODE Daal cemeee 3. Field trip. Make survey of abun- yas ea TT Penta oe iat dance of important insect pests in 55452, P sects. hibernation or on crops. BS ee : iz ee Li ea a Mea Nal ART et as PTS OS te Ne ee bo ad na Maha 4-H CLUB INSECT MANUAL AT SELECT INSECTS TO BE RBARED. MAKE REARING CAGES [Fourth meeting—May ] Equipment : 1. Each member should have a list of common insects about the farm or home. 2. Glass container with both bottom and top open, such as lamp chimney or fruit can with bottom removed. 3. A piece of cheesecloth. 4. Flowerpot or can in which to grow plant. 5. Sereen wire. HU TI6 = Ginks 6. Sticks of wood (small, to support screen cage). insect rearing ¢. Carpet tacks. cage. Procedure: 1. From life cycle presented in books or bulletins, decide which insects can be reared during summer. 2. As far as possible, have each member select a differ- ent insect to rear. . Outline procedure for rearing insects. ~ . Glass cage. a. Place globe over plant and firm it in soil. b. Fasten cheesecloth over top. 5. Screen cage. a. Roll screen to make cylinder of desired size. o.. Tack stick to fold in screen (leaving stick 2 or 3 inches longer than screen). He OO F 117 c. Fasten cloth or sereen over top. aaa ieee d. Insert point of stick in soil. Firm soil around rearing cage. base of wire. SELECT CONTROL PROJECT. MIX AND APPLY INSECTICIDES [Fifth meeting—June] Equipment: 1. List of crops or animals about your home. 2. List of insects causing damage. 3. Samples of all insecticides to be used by each club member. Om “Ts FIGURE 118.—Insecticide containers. 4. Necessary vessels for mixing. 5. Bulletins and books on insect control. Procedure : _ Select most troublesome insect pests in community. Assign to each club member a different insect to control. Work out control measures to be followed by each club member. io . Bach member, or team, demonstrates mixing of each kind of insecticide to be used. _ Tell story of need for thorough mixing, for caution, ete. om WOO ES AS MISC. PUBLICATION 318, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE VISIT CONTROL PROJECTS. MAKE MOUNTS OF INSECTS AND PLANTS [Sixth meeting—July] 1. Piece of glass about 6 by 8 inches (win- dowpane). 2. Shallow box, 6 by 8 by 1 inches. 3. Cotton. 4, Insect and portions of damaged plants . or products. 5. Paper for labels. 6. Tools: Hammer, saw, pincers, chisel, ete. Figure 119.—How to mount 7. Record sheets for insect-control experi- specimens of insect and its injury to host. ment. Procedure: 1. Visit control project. a. Compare sprayed and unsprayed plants. b. Select life stages of the insect. c. Select typical injury to leaves, fruits, or twigs. 2. Fit lid for box; use glass for top. 3. Place cotton in box. 4, Arrange insect and damaged leaves, cloth, ete., in box. 5. Fasten lid on box. ci 6. Fiil out record sheet with information on spray E Duepes (ap uen for insect control: complete, showing in- 7. Write narrative report. Sample copy of a narra- 4 sect and injured host. ~ tive report appears on page d1. ; CHECK RESULTS OF CONTROL. EXHIBIT CONTROL MATERIAL [Seventh meeting—August] Equipment: 1. Pencil and notebook. 2. Equipment to weigh or measure crop. 3. Insect mounts. ee at oe oes ee | . . : ‘ FIGURE 121.—Materials used in insect studies. 2 4. Preserved specimens of immature insects. 5. Potted plants showing insects and damage. 2 Procedure : =f 1. Harvest crop. =A 2. Weigh or measure crop. 2 3. Record weights or measures for check and control. 4. Arrange exhibit Showing each club member’s- mounts, preserved insects, and potted plant; also any notes available. 4-H CLUB INSECT MANUAL 49 MAKE HIBERNATION CAGES. COLLECT AND PLACE INSECTS IN CAGES [Eighth meeting—September ] Equipment: 1. Two pieces of screen about 24 inches square and one piece 24 inches a and 6 feet long (or enough to cover four sides of a 24-inch cube). FIGURE 122.—Materials for making hibernation cage. 2. Wooden strips to make frame for cage (eight 1- by 1- by 20-inch, and four 1- by 1- by 22-inch strips). 3. Nails and carpet tacks. 4. A container in which to collect live insects. Procedure: 1. Nail frame together. Cover with screen. . Tack very tightly to prevent insects’ escape. . If possible, fit door into one side. . Allow the four longer corner strips to extend below wire. Sink longer legs in soil. Place leaves, sticks, ete., in cage. Collect live insects from crops. Place several hundred beetles or bugs inside. . Examine occasionally to see that cage has not been molested. . Examine and count bugs that come out alive in SOOIAm oR = pea FIGURDP 123.—Hibernation : cage, complete. spring. EXHIBIT INSECTS. STUNTS AND PLAYS ABOUT INSECTS. ‘“WIENIE” ROAST [Ninth meeting—October] Equipment: 1. Collections of insects. 2. “Wienies,’”’ marshmallows, cider, ete. 3. Club members, parents, and friends. Procedure: 1. Arrange collections. 2. Prepare and serve refreshments. 8. Games, stunts, and plays. COMPLETE RECORD BOOKS. SPADE GARDEN OR FOLLOW PLOW [Tenth meeting—November ] Equipment: 1. Record book, pencils. 2. All notes taken during year. 3. Spade. 4. Blank forms. 50 MISC. PUBLICATION 318, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE Procedure: 1. Completely fill out record books. 2. Fill out blank forms from information on pages 54 to 56. 3. Spade garden or follow plow. a. See how many insects are in trash to be plowed under. b. See how many soil insects can be found on freshly turned soil that are exposed to the weather and birds. 4. Plant cover crops on freshly worked soil. Nane (Club member) Insect=Control Experiment Spray Record Sheet Name of plant: Ga hepa Se Name of insect to be controlled: CextéKe ae! Does this insect have chewing or sucking mouth parts? “fgets What spray or dust material was used?___- H/-e*ttee/ Strength of dust material: ~ GIDE gue fe ee es Spray Calendar —— Application —_—— —___ -— __ Third FIGURE 124.—Sample of record sheet. IDENTIFICATION CONTESTS. JUDGING CONTESTS [Eleventh meeting—December] Contests may be used to make individuals better acquainted with insects and insect injury to the host, as well as with control measures. Contests may be between individuals within a club or between members of different clubs. Each club member may fill out a form for 10 insects as indicated in the contest record sheet shown on page 52. sad Hi ia 4-H CLUB INSECT MANUAL ol Equipment (identification) : 1. Representative specimens of several insects, each bearing a number. 2. Record sheets. 2 | as : ween ool 6 ae a LZ, ate Tx ; pas oe oe ete at Phaabing a, Lice) the tin a the rE EEL LEE SIE Se. FIGURE 125.—Sample of narrative report. Procedure (identification) ; each member works separately: 1. Remove names from insects. 2. Assign a number to each insect. 3. Write number and name of insect. bi at Per, Bae SEE ae. SL eT 7 as eee 2 Re el 52 MISC. PUBLICATION 318, U. 8S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE Equipment (judging) : 1. Twelve samples of injury caused by insects, each sample carrying a number. . Twelve specimens of economic insects, each specimen carrying a number. . Twelve samples of insecticides, each sample carrying a number. . Series of placards, each placard carrying a number and the name of a particular control practice, such ag spraying, dusting, fumigation. . Forms to be filled out by contestants. Contest Record Sheet 2 z | | Injury sample Insect Insecticide Control practice ; a Potatoes Colorado potato | Lead arsenate___| Dusting or spraying. beetle. Procedure (judging) : 1. Contestants work separately. a. Select sample of injury. Write name of host in proper column on forms similar to the one preceding. 6b. Identify insect which caused injury and write name (or number) in space. c. Pick out insecticide used for control, and write its number in space. d. Pick out control-practice placard and write its number in space. MAKE PERMANENT EXHIBIT FOR SCHOOL OR COUNTY AGENT’S OFFICE [Twelfth meeting—January ] Equipment: 1. Collections. 2. Glass-topped boxes for collections. 3. Material on life cycle of insects. 4. Mounts to be made up. Procedure: . Select best specimens of representative insects. . Arrange by orders in glass-topped box. . Label insects plainly. . Make mounts of insect in different stages of life cycle and of material damaged. . Label material on mounts plainly. THINGS TO KNOW ABOUT INSECTS OT H> GO ND Club members should know something about the habits of the insects in their collections, and control of the pests. If a paragraph were written on each insect, this manual would be too large to be practical for the purpose for which it is intended. The key appear- ing on pages 54 and 55 (table 1) will prove helpful in aiding members to obtain the information they need regarding each common insect listed. On page 53 is a completed questionnaire (fig. 126) in which cap- ital letters indicate the 10 questions listed. ‘To fill out similar ques- tionnaires, turn to pages 54 and 55, on which appear a list of common insects arranged in alphabetical order. The capital letters appear- ing in table 1 correspond to those appearing in the questionnaire; following each insect name is a series of numbers arranged in col- umns under the capital letters. These numbers refer to like num- bers on pages 55 and 56, which give the answers to the questions. For example, if an alfalfa caterpillar is the insect concerned, and we want to fill out a questionnaire, we turn to table 1, page 54, and find alfalfa caterpillar; then look for eolumn A, which represents the 4-H CLUB INSECT MANUAL 53 question, “What plant, animal, or its products afford food for this insect?” Opposite alfalfa caterpillar and under A, we find the number 2. If we turn to page 55 and look under A, we find that number 2 refers to alfalfa and clovers, which are the food of the caterpillar. By the same procedure all the questions for each insect THINGS TO KNOW ABOUT INSECTS Name of collector: Oey Place where collected: Town aa State CZy Name of insect: Common ee Genus KLecia/ Species 7 Date collected: Day pee Month___ Ze one/ Year /7.37 4. What plant, animal, or its products afford food for this insect? B. What part of the food plant or animal is infested? So ew : C. In what stage does insect spend the winter? D. Where does insect spend the winter? E. What kind of mouth parts has this insect? F. Of what economic importance is this insect? Ee es ee ee G. What is the injurious stage of this insect? H. Control is directed toward what stage of this insect? Sr I. What control measures are recommended? Je Woat “Zag es used? FIGURE 126.—Sample of questionnaire. may be answered. In table 1, if the mouth parts, controls, or other factors differ for the adult and larva, the top number refers to the adult and the bottom number to the larva. The reference for the codling moth indicates that control is directed to the larvae and that all control practices and materials refer to the larvae. 54 MISC. PUBLICATION 318, U. 8. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE LIST OF COMMON INSECTS Only a few of the more important insects found throughout the country are named in the list of common insects. In each community some will be found that are not included in the list. By studying lit- erature on this subject, club members can familiarize themselves with facts regarding the insects in their own locality. | TABLE 1.—List of common insects with a key to information on their life history, habits, and control [Column heads A through J correspond to questions on page 53. All numbers in table refer to information indicated by similar numbers listed under capital letters on pages 55 and 56] Question Common name of insect Stage A B Oleh caD) aie an clean G H I J : NC UT Yr fe eS a S| a He Gf eS | Se ae ere ae les | ee ee Alfalfa caterpillar_- { Larva__- 2 32 148,50| 60| 62| 67 73|. 73| 80,86 112 Ameoumois- Stain) (ACUI Ss | Soe eS ee ee 6) el |e ees fee ga |r ers oe ee elles aa moth. Larva__- 21 | 34,35 50 60 62 67 73 76 88, 90 106 fg er ee ee Be eee Pas ee | eo Apple aphid__----- { Sige oe Ley here nals eh EGE = Greece | at 97 | 117, 113, 115 Gate aii ota eee ees eee js etl Re oetted Ri tea ees een Armyworm.___--_- Marval. |snni ol 32 |47,50 |57,60| 62| 67 TER EtoTR 77 | 119, 123 B SN AU Ges see ENS eae | Bee li as CB [ae ee | eS |e eee | ee UNI) BU saa aes Larva_-- 23 32 46 60 62 67 73 73 |86, 89,97 | 105, 112 Se eo rely (cee ae Wer a eel eee Le eer teh oe Pe a oS Te eG ee Bean weevil_----__ { oem 4 | 34,35 50 60 62 67 | 73,75 76 90, 98 106 Sets { HE De ssl eager reek de ees || Sace a SE As oe) on 73 O7-| eae OOM Sas scecasere| Ni 14,1 40 50 |54, 60 64 67 | 73, 75 75 88,90 | 108, 111 Adult___ SV PCDE ERY gnae [ure oo G2c(E 3675 eee 75 | 86,97 101 Blister beetle_--..- oe 15 Mae | 2 a7 R7E| 628 |: 68 5 lisse lee ee ee ee 7 { Sei me arate SA Be as ee es | akc | ee eal ee (PRC ONS ees Boll weevil_-------)) 77 8 |33,34| 49| 56| 62; 67|73,75| 75| 86,96 105 oar je Sea eee ee Boi liee ace a |e 66. | Se er eel ea ORW Orn ———————— Larva_-- 18 | 32, 34 48 57 62 67 73 73 80, 86 105 Brown chicken |---------- 20 40 50 60 62 67 | 73,75 76 84, 86 125 louse. Cabbage aphid___-|- era 6 32 |46,50| 60 64 67 | 73,75 | °76| 86,97 115 UIC Ss eS See Mee Se | SSeS SO On ee Ss | SSS eS ee See ee ee Cabbage looper___- vars 6,18 32| 48 | 55 |. 621) 67 WB 73h 285807 109 Atal bes |e es te |e |e G6i haces eae 75 78 126 Cankerworm--__-- eee 3, 23 32 48 57 62 67 73 73 86, 97 112 Carpet beetles 11.15 ee i 88 90 ae eee ee 25 | 39,42| 50| 60] 62| 67| 73,75] 76| 96,98| 106, 108 @aband dog fea {|e i ee ee Adult___| 7,21 | 28,32| 49| 56| 64] 67 73.5 27b0| = 832 100c| Seas Chinch bug------- \Nowmph (OM bet BO) ce lle 6441 «67 75 | 73 78 127 arene eae SE tne eal es ER Oe Ea Fa enalas 64| 67 75 | 75 Pal eee MOEN Se ee eae Nymph_ 23 26 475\ BTA60| 64s ose se | ee ee Cattle grub_-------|- rent Cattle AQ |= 247 | 8 G08 65-15 67: 73 | 73 |86, 89, 91 109 Gee foe eee acres | ESAS 66: (Sse ce 75 | 88,90 | 106, 108 Clothes moth 1___. ee 11, 25 FO eae Ga Ga a 73 | 73 | 96,98 | 116,118 BOW tere atecer ics, (itis neon) et bea is once pee ge dLt 9786 lacoste Cockroach_-------- Ce eee 12 35| 50] 60| 62| 67 | 73,75 | 73,75| 96,97 | 109, 124 sips A dials ale 22 a SS eek OG |e 66.5 a ee eae ees § 80-\ee Codling moth?.----/\T arya __ 3 34 | aA7 al 56 | 16241 167 73 | 73 | 83,97 112 Colorado potato |.-----___- 19 32| 49] 57| 62| 67 | 73,75 |73,75 | 86,97 | 112,119 beetle. fae : ale oon | ee ee ee re Wepeagreal Rie eee tape Geta Corn earworm--_-. tieeeeess 18 | 32,34] 48 57 62 | 67 73 | 73| 92,86 105 PO rte aN DR DNL Se S| Ss es eh eat Hey ata ec oho | ete | eee Cotton flea hopper- ee 8,18 | 30,31| 46| 52| 64| 67|73,75| 76| 80,86) 119, 129 ial 213) 1016/1533) 34/2 lee G4 [eR SR eS eg oe eae ee Cotton leaf worm. Goeenee Bil ss190) |e lene me 62| 67| 73| 73 |- 86,97 | 1085, 112, 11 Le Uae pede a en tage Se CUE op Ce (neta (Waele (Naud laters janene ce ede se ye Ss Cricket (field) ----- { cena een 15,18 | 32,36 [46,47 157,56 | 62| 71 | 73,75 73,75 77 | 105, 119, 123 1 Numbers in columns I and J apply to both adult and larval stages uf the clothes moth. 2 Numbers in columns I and J apply only to the larva of the codling moth. 4-H CLUB INSECT MANUAL 50 TABLE 1.—List of common insects with a key to information on their life history, habits, and controi—Continued Question Common name of insect Stage x Be Os aD leeh cee -G H I 7 Ge pean cS saae es Re Rk GG ee ee etc | se een om ee DANO SUN SSeS Larva__- 18 | 26, 28 47 57 62 67 73 73 W7 \ 119; 123 Adult___ th:| seieee [cee eee Gols GRE es ele er eee Dragonfly --------- (Noon! ih ene Mele SOc Goes O8r (Wate os |e oh Die Sateen ees Rinofly 2 ea 18010265360 | 5 ATE) = S57 GD ead eee | ee abo Ese SPs |e | oe 5 ll ll eee cee eae |e es [LCR 88:90: [iam tae Granary weevil....|{ Eee 7,21 | 34,35| 50] 60| 621 67 | 78,75! 76 96 | 106, 108 Seas Den eae ee Ses Be es ss face tg |e reece P| ene Grasshopper------- { eeKC ee 18 | 33,34 | 46| 57| 621 67 -|73,75| 76| 77,80| 119,123 Ree ipa ee [pers oe [eee le ee | eee ee fe (eel eee Harlequin bug----- { pe Oe 6| 32] 49| Go| 641 67|73,75| 73| 83,89] 109,115 RFeSsiamuthy passe cess ee 21 28 47 60 65 67 3 76 SOF82 7 |e ees EGney DCCs | ee 10 33 50 | Hive| 66 GBs | Se sd | eae Ede ee ree Horse botfly...____|.__-_____- 13 ADA AF OBOE 2 65-67. 73 \73, 72 91 106 (EVOESCH yaes= sae |e aS 1 39 47 57 64 67 (faye eee ead be OE Sales e ae Se ANN ee ee |S eo eee een ee ers | rer A ea Eee House ant. --------)) 77777 1 ae | ee 50 [54,571 621 67 75| 76| 88,96] 106, 123 Adult. = |> 12:14 [aes BOE piel ee (iil ees 75 | 97,99 | 121,126 Housefly_--------- ‘Teo in| pee ete Gu Re ew alent AGG bese 75 | 73 06) [Knees Imported cabbage- eee ss | nee ence gle [eee | orto ree (Ke GG 7st | este ee SA es | ee ee |S nen worm. Larva... 6 32 148,50) 55 | 62\|. 67 73 | 73 | 86,97 | 109, 121 Adult___ 187] 92-94 (Se 62415 67 73 | 75 7a Japanese beetle __ iia i a6 car ecs7 |e 62 67 |. 75 |B 80 128 Wadybéetle wo sip e eee 15 | 44, 45 49 56 62 Baa Far | ee oe eee Mearitid= 2 |e eee A alMs tae PAG. |e aBSe|e G26 GO| a ees ae etl ae Lire Deel Gotan e 8,9 Biel cate rade clr ear |e (Sather near, Stee Mega aphid_____|{~7---- 18 | 32,33 |46,50| 52| 64 | 67 | 73,75 |73,75 | 86,97 115 Mexican bean { pe ee | eee Rs SG esata | eae ae | Is Seah | so eres | ane | py | ete heat | ne pe pectle ee | ee 4 34] 49| 56| 621 67 | 73,75 173,75 | 86,97 | 107, 109 ites: : Amimab 2 sole Se 1 40| 50 |51,54| 64| 67 | 73,75 |73,75 |84, 91, 97 128 IDO WOT Stel Baa ee me Fea pM tains | ara at ae eed ie ann eee UN eb outeie ray ees |W ee SE Vegetable___._|_________- 3,18 | 32,34 [46,50] 60] 64] 67| 73,75] 76| 87,97 |{11% 13 EUROS eee ee Re ene ee Ds CS AN se eral Sele FS ee | here are ei acetal [=e tatiana Wath eee a Shrubs 2 22622 Se 93°| 33,341 461 53 | 64\| 67 | 73,75 | 76 97 | 113,117 Sart eel (ee Ale eau (morse (iene a oe pe le ge 73 | 285, 96.1 we Mosquito --------- { See, 1 AQs| Se IOU eal e| 1648 | Bano Te1B8 75415 75 7 121 Onion thrips { Caress S| Smee sos Oe See eee 18'| 33,341 °-49 | 55 | 65 | 67 | 73,75 '| 76 97 | 109, 115 et Pico eA eee ee eg ST | centre ees tee sae ee re ok ire ies ee Pea aphid___-____- Kaa | 217 | 32.34 [46.49 | 60 08,08 | 67 | 73,75 [73,75 | 86, 07 109 Ulta ee Ee GBS la caete ae aes ae Seen eter see TEER ONS oo \Larva 160) 200s 4751) 260" 621-67 Baie 7 88 118 SUD 8 | EE as os | ped eR | oe a | ate | ae eee ea a a | a | ee cheer | OSE eran SS eee (yas 4s 047 BS onl 62 |Pec67 (23 731 73 Sa Os ee Wireworms (click pectles) ee eg es 18 | 26,27 | 47 |57,60| 62! 67 73. arose eee [ee gee ANSWERS TO QUESTIONNAIRE A. Food, plants, animals, or their 16. Peaches. products: 17. Peas. 1. Animals, many kinds. i ee many kinds. 2. Alfalfa or clovers. 0 ORO: = 3. Apples and pears. 20. Poultry and birds. 4. Beans 21. Small grains and grasses. 5. Books and papers. 22. Tomato and tobacco. 6. Cabbage and related crops. 23. Trees in general. 7. Corn. 24. Wood and wood products. 8. Cotton. 25. Woolens. 9. Cucumbers, melons, and B. Part of host infested: Squash. . 10. Flowers. 26. Roots. 11. Furs. 27. Bulbs or tubers. 12. Food products. 28. Main stem or trunk. 13. Horses and mules. 29. Bark. 14, Annoyance. 30. Branches. 15. Other insects. 31. Buds or squares. | } 56 32 33. 34 35 36 BT 288: 39 40 41 42. 43. 44 45 . MISC. PUBLICATION 318, U Leaves. Blossoms. Fruits or grains. Stored plant products. Decaying vegetation. Paste, glue, starch. Lumber. Hide or leather. Flesh or blood. In intestines. Dried hair and feathers. Decaying animal matter. Eggs (insect). Young and adults (insect). C. Stage in which insect spends the winter : 46. AT. 48. 49 50 Egg. Immature stages. Pupa. Adult. All stages (in South or in heated buildings). D. Where insect spends the winter: 5. 52. Do. 54. 56. DT. 58. 59. 60. 61. Animals. Alternate host. Branches of trees. Buildings. Crop refuse. Protected places in general. Soil. Stored products. Water. Where it fed. Woody portion of plants. EK. Mouth parts: 62 63 64 65. 66 Chewing. Lapping. Piercing and sucking. Rasping. Sucking. F. Economic importance: 67. 68. 69. 70. a: q2 Pest. Beneficial. Larva beneficial. Adult beneficial. Questionable importance. x. Injurious stage: (Same numbers as H.) H. Control directed toward: . Egg. . Immature stage. Puppia . Adult. . All stages. Sheree 2) i 24 be OF AGRICULTURE I. Control measures: (ue . Banding or barriers. . Burning. . Culture. . Date of harvesting. . Date of planting. . Destroying hibernating quar- 99. 10 Baits. ters. . Dipping. . Drainage. . Dusting. . Hot-water treatment. . Fumigation. 9. Hand picking or squeezing. . Heating. . Medication. . None satisfactory. . Parasite. . Pruning. . Rotation. . Sanitation or crop-refuse de- struction. . Spraying. . Store products in tight con- tainer. Trapping. Use plants of resistant varie- ties. J. Insecticide to use: . Barium fluosilicate. . Benzol. . Beta-naphthol. . Bordeaux mixture. . Calcium arsenate. . Carbon disulphide. . Cryolite. . Cyanides. . Rotenone (derris or cube). . Hellebore. . Kerosene. . Lead arsenate. . Lime-sulphur. 5. Nicotine. . Naphthalene. . Oil emuision. . Paradichlorobenzene. . Paris green. . Pine-tar oil. . Pyrethrum. . Soaps. 3. Sedium arsenite. . Sodium fluoride. 5. Sodium fluosilicate. . Fly paper. . Creosote. . Rather complicated. See a bulletin on the subject. ee a) 4, pcre 2 ret ck See Geer re ee Pe ar ee UR A ‘ ee PART Iii.—TELLING OTHERS ABOUT INSECTS [Introduction to third-year work] Members of the group organized for third-year insect study will, in addition to continuing with insect collecting, be ready to carry to other club members and to adults their knowiedge gained from pre- vious study. The third-year outline of work should include giving plays and demonstrations, preparing and displaying exhibits, and making surveys. Through these devices, entomologists and exten- sion workers may be aided in getting correct insect-control informa- tion into the hands of many persons who otherwise would not be reached. The great number of insects and the wide variety of con- trol practices provide almost limitless work for club members to do in this field. COLLECTION AND IDENTIFICATION There is a difference of opinion as to the total number of orders of insects, but it is about 25. Representatives of some orders are very rare and would seldom be picked up for collections. However, seven orders, in addition to those already described, are listed here, and specimens of some of them can be located with sufficient effort. DERMAPTERA.—Derma (skin), pteron (a wing). Front wings beetlelike (leathery), but much shorter than abdo- men. Hind wings earshaped, veins radiating from middle forward margin. Often wingless. Cerci (forceplike struc- tures) on tip of abdomen. Mouth parts for chewing. Life changes (metamorphosis) incomplete. Earwigs. FIGURE 127.—Earwig. CORRODENTIA.—Corrodens (gnawing). Minute in- sects, wingless or with four membranous wings with few prominent veins; wings, when present, folded rooflike over body. Mouth parts for chewing. Life changes very slight. Booklice, dust lice, bark lice, deathwatches. FIGURE 128.—Booklouse. TRICHOPTERA.—Thrix, genitive trichos (a _ hair), pteron (a wing). Four similar membranous wings; hind pair shorter and broader. Mouth parts modified for chew- ing. Antennae long, legs long. Life changes complete. Ficurn 129.—Caddisfly, Larvae living in water. Caddisflies. 516678°—43—__6 a6 58 MISC. PUBLICATION 318, U. 8S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE PLECOPTERA.—Plecos (plaited), pteron (a wing). Four netted, veined wings, front pair narrow, hind pair very broad and folding like a fan, folded flat on abdo- men when at rest. Mouth parts for chewing. Life changes incomplete. Stoneflies. MECOPTERA.—Mecos (length), pteron (a wing). Four long, rather narrow wings, with numerous cross veins. Mouth parts elongated into a snout three times as long as width across the eyes; chewing portion of mouth parts at end of snout. Life changes complete. Scorpion flies. FIGURE 131.—Scor- pion fly. COLLEMBOLA.—Colla (glue), embolon (a bolt or bar). Tiny, primitive, wingless insects. Mouth parts for chewing, sunken into head. Never more than six abdominal segments. First segment with a forked adhesive organ or ventral tube. Fourth segment with a forked spring, which the insect uses Ficurr 132— to flip itself along. No metamorphosis, that is, no changes in Springtail. form during the life cycle. Springtails. STREPSIPTERA.—Strepsis (a turning or twisting), pteron (a wing). Four wings, front pair reduced to mere clubs, hind pair triangular. Hyes stalked, degen- erate. Mouth parts for chewing. Mouth parts mere vestiges. Wormlike insects, living throughout life in the interior of other insects. (Females without wings, eyes, Ficure 133.—Twisted- or antennae.) Twisted-wing parasites. wibg parasite. CALENDAR OF ACTIVITIES, THIRD YEAR Telling others about Meetings aeete First, February Organization. Second, March Outline work. Third, April \Playlets. Surveys. \Demonstrations. Seventh, August nas Eighth, September \Exhibits. Ninth, October Tenth, November. Eleventh, December - Twelfth, January \Playlets. Sixth, July \Pall surveys. PLAYLETS* Playlets can be effective teaching devices. ‘There is no question that through playlets many people can be “shown the light” to better insect control when dramatic situations dealing with the solution of some 2Playlets may be given at the April, May, December, and Jamuary meetings. See calendar of activities for third-year work. ORE UTA BNE ALS HES OR RR oY TURN amare Ne By ey eae Ty ORRIN ea Na ECE 4-H CLUB INSECT MANUAL 59 local problem are cleverly presented with sufficient wit and humor to lighten the serious thought back of the play. Young people engaged in insect study should be encouraged to take the initiative in writing their own playlets to suit local conditions, and then cast them in harmony with the talent available. This procedure should be helpful in stimulating originality and sustaining interest among the club members concerned. Each member who takes part in a playlet should keep in mind that in portraying a character he should be natural; avoid acting too me- chanically; try to speak smoothly—not hesitate; practice to imper- sonate the character he is to represent. Two playlets, which may be helpful in the preparation of others, have been duplicated by the Federal Extension Service and will be sent to club leaders on request. One of these playlets* attempts to show how. little the average person knows about insects and their con- trol, and pokes fun at the absurd remedies recommended. There is a short scene in which the insects themselves are characterized. The other playlet* deals with a community garden contest, the difficulty encountered in buying the proper insecticides in adequate amounts, and a solution of this problem. DEMONSTRATIONS * Demonstrations provide club members with the opportunity ac- tively to study the details and technicalities of insect control, es- pecially in relation to insects that are prevalent in their own com- -munities. Club members themselves not only become well informed, but are thereby better prepared to pass this information on to others. _ The damage done by an insect, how it lives (life cycle), its feeding habits and methods of control, constitute major points which should be well developed in any 4-H team demonstration dealing with insect control. These points are outlined a little more in detail in the sample outline on pages 60 and 61. Club members may use this guide in planning a team demonstration on the control of any insect or insects found in their community, as, for example, insects on flowers, or peach borer control. - A club tour or a survey of the various kinds of insects found around their homes and in their communities not only will aid club members in the selection of a demonstration subject having much practical value and worthy of being demonstrated, but will furnish them with helpful, important data for the development of their dem- onstration. (Note points listed under introduction in outline.) The insect, the host,° and some evidence of the damage caused by the insect should be shown in the introduction. A chart or poster presenting important data on the insect or demonstration subject, resulting possibly from a club survey, makes the introduction more convineing because it helps to emphasize the need for good control methods. : In presenting the demonstration, material such as models of insects or charts should be kept out of sight except when in use. 3 JONES, M. P. STRIPED CUCUMBER-BEETLE CONTROL. Hxt. Serv. 1939. [Mimeographed.] 4 JONES, M. P. BUYING INSECTICIDES. Ext. Serv. 1939. [Mimeographed. ] °* Demonstrations may be given at the fifth meeting, in June, and the sixth meeting, in ' July. See calendar of activities for third-year work. ®°'The host of an insect is the plant or animal or its products on which the insect feeds, such as cabbage for the cabbageworm or furs and woolens for the clothes moth. 60 MISC. PUBLICATION 318, U. 8S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE When these materials are being used in the demonstration, they should be handled in such a way that they are plainly visible to the audience. Diagrams or charts will help to illustrate the feeding habits and different kinds of mouth structures of insects, and other minute processes and structures. To have their demonstration fundamentally sound and complete, club members should make an exhaustive study of all the subject- matter material available relating to their demonstration. In addi- tion to using the material in this manual, club members may consult such well-informed persons as the county agricultural agent, club agent, or extension specialist, and obtain bulletins from them on the particular subject being demonstrated. SAMPLE OUTLINE FOR TEAM DEMONSTRATION ON INSECT CONTROL DCMONSEFStOL S- NAME se ae eee Demonstrator’. WaMme es. eae 1. Introduction (talking and showing). Reasons for giving demonstration : Kinds of insects prevalent in community. Damage done by these in- Sects. Most important insect in com- munity: Host of this insect. Nature of damage by this insect. Economic or _ aesthetic value of host. (No talking.) 2. First part of demonstration (talking Demonstrator assists teammate with and working). work. A. Habits of the insects: Furnishes teammate with equipment (1) Time of year and place and supplies as needed. where the different life stages (egg, larva or nymph, pupa, and adult) are found. B. Relation of habits to control: (1) Feeding. a. Chewing. b. Sucking. (Under cover or out in x open. ) (2) Where insects spend the winter. (3) Migration (check by bar- riers). (4) Others. 3. Second part of demonstration (talk-| (No talking.) ing and working). Demonstrator assists teammate with A. Control methods: work. (1) Insecticidal. Furnishes teammate with equipment a. Kind. and supplies as needed. 1. Name of poison. 2. Contact or stomach poison. b. Cost. c. Method of mixing in- secticide. 7. Dilution. 2. Procedure. d. Methods of application. 4-H CLUB INSECT MANUAL 61 1. Dusting, spraying, fumigation, or medication. 2. Place to apply poi- son. e. Time of application. f. Number of applications. g. How long is insecticide effective? h. Time required to kill insect. (2) Other methods. a. Hand picking. b. Cultural practices. c. Management practices. d. Sanitary measures. e. Natural control. 1. Parasites. 2. Predators. (No talking.) 4, Summary (talking and showing). Demonstrator assists teammate with A review of all important points con- charts, posters, and all equipment sidered in demonstration. Use necessary for Summarizing all im- charts, posters, and any type of il- portant points of demonstration. lustrative material necessary. There is almost no limit to the number of insect-control practices that lend themselves to team demonstrations. Below are listed a few suggestive topics which may be developed according to the sample outline given. The subheads under each topic are control methods that should be demonstrated. 1. Controlling the clothes moth and carpet beetle. a. Fumigation. b. Brushing. c. Sunning and airing. d. Cleaning and storing. 2. Controlling stored-grain insects. a. Cleaning bins. b. Fumigation. 3. Controlling ox warble. a. Squeezing. b. Ointment. c. Wash. 4. Controlling screwworm. a. Medication. b. Prevention of wounds. 5. Controlling lice on animals. a. Dipping. b. Spraying. ce. Dusting . Controlling peach borer with paradichlorobenzene. . Controlling vegetable-garden insect pests. . Controlling flower insect pests. . Controlling houseflies. a. Sanitation. bo. Traps. c. Sereens. d. Sprays. 10. Mixing poison bait for use in grasshopper and cutworm control. 11. Mixing poison sirup for use in house-ant control. In addition to the team demonstrations on insect control, there are many other phases of the work with insects that can be presented by individual demonstrations.. They are simple processes that may become part of a team demonstration. The following items may offer a few suggestions: 1. Preparing insects to be sent away for identification. 2. Making a collection net. 3. Making a jar for killing insects. C9 20 “ISD. SS Ee eS eee eee 62 MISC. PUBLICATION 318, U. 8. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE 4. 5. 6. it Pinning insects. Making a spreading board. Spreading butterflies. Mounting butterflies for ornamental use. EXHIBITS * The primary object of an exhibit is to create interest. Tt is often difficult to tell an entire story with an exhibit. Quite frequently when people go where exhibits are shown, they do not take time to make a complete study of the whole exhibit. For these reasons, exhibits must be simple and so built that they will suggest the story without the use of too many legends. Exhibits should create enough interest to influence the obese when he sees an article or bulletin on the subject, to want to read it and know more details of that particular subject. If one of the purposes of the exhibit is to show insect damage to a plant or animal, living specimens should be used whenever possible, and arranged in their natural position and surroundings. In displaying control measures, the major steps in procedure may be shown. For instance, in peach borer control, use three trees or stumps. Around one have the ground leveled off and free of stones and trash. Around another show the position of the chemical, and arrange the third to show the job completed with the soil mounded up around the tree. Whenever possible, have the life stages of the insect and the mate- rial to be used in control in conspicuous places, where persons who wish to examine them more closely may do so. SURVEYS * Through surveys it is possible to locate areas of heavy insect popu- lation and arrange to apply control measures before damage occurs. Where certain control measures are to start with given populations of the insect, surveys are very important. Entomologists make sur- veys every year, but conditions do not permit them to cover every farm or even every county. Reports by local people often will help the entomologist to locate threatening numbers of insects that might otherwise be overlooked until after damage occurs. Information on the abundance of many insect pests not mentioned in this manual would be valuable. How to survey for only a few insects can be ex- plained here, however. Large quantities of grasshoppers in a given area during late sum- mer and early fall might indicate that numerous eggs were being laid there. County agents or entomologists could be notified to this effect, and an egg-bed count could be made. These areas could be watched closely the following spring, and if young “hoppers” ap- peared in dangerous quantities, poisoned bait could be applied to these areas. If this were done, the hoppers would be killed before they spread over the fields and necessitated the placing of poison in larger areas at a much greater cost. 7Exhibits may be given at the August and September meetings. See calendar of activities for third- -year work, p. : e peaks 8 Surveys may be given at the October and November meetings. See calendar of activities for third-year work. deh ; URL ROM MO Ra Ne ICR Ar A a Toe * 4-H CLUB INSECT MANUAL 63 The information gained from surveys with reference to the cotton boll weevil would be important. The early spring survey to be made ebout the time cotton is chopped would indicate the number of wee- vils emerging from hibernation. When 40 or more weevils per acre are present on any given field, control measures are likely to be necessary on that field, and arrangements for applying such measures should be made. The square-infestation survey should be made on each field when the cotton begins to fruit, to determine when 10 percent of the squares are infested. If cloudy, rainy weather, which is favorable to boll weevil development, prevails, dusting with calcium arsenate should be started. The occurrence of scale insects increases and decreases from year to year. Too often damaging infestations are not located until the trees or shrubs are in foliage. Control measures for scale insects are applied while trees are in the dormant period. If the public could be taught to be on the lookout for these pests and to consult entomologists, control measures could be started during the dormant period before damage to the trees occurs. Possibly one of the best examples of the effectiveness of surveys is that made for the hessian fly. Through a survey made each sum- mer by entomologists, the danger of hessian fly infestation in wheat sown in the fall is determined, and if necessary the farmers are warned to observe the safe seeding dates. Club members in terri- tory where the hessian fly is prevalent could, by familiarizing them- selves with the survey, do much to assist entomologists, as well as to educate farmers, regarding the value of withholding planting until after the safe seeding date. U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1843 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. - Price 10 cents