Crosswalking National Wetland Inventory attributes to hydrogeomorphic functions and vegetation communities: a pilot study in the Gallatin Valley, Montana Prepared For: The Montana Department of Environmental Quality and The United Slates Environmental Protection Agency By: Linda Vance, Gregory M. Kudray and Stephen V. Cooper Montana Natural Heritage Program Natural Resource Information System Montana Slate Library MONTANA Natural Heritage Program Crosswalking National Wetland Inventory attributes to hydrogeomorphic functions and vegetation communities: a pilot study in the Gallatin Valley, Montana Prepared For: The Muni ana Department of Environmental Quality and The United Slutcs Environmental Protection Agency Agreement Number 205003 By: Linda Vance, Gregory M. Kudrny and Stephen V* Cooper I OMA N A Natural Heritage Program w T 5ltate *V Natural Resource y Lihrar irary V VDr InfL,rmaliun System © 2006 Montana Natural Heritage Program P.O. Box 20 1 800 • 15 15 East Sixth Avenue • Hclciu, MT 59620-1800 • 406-444-5354 This document should be cited as follows: Vance. Linda. Kudray. Gregory M. and Stephen V. Cooper 2006. Crosswalking National Wetland Inventory attributes to hydrogcomorphic functions and vegetation communities: a pilot study in the Gallatin Valley. Montana. Kcpm to The Montana Department of Environmental Quality and The United Slates Environmental Prelection Agency* Montana Natural Heritage Program. Helena. Montana 37 pp. plus appendices. Executive Sum m a r y The Wcllund anil Riparian Mapping Center of the Montana Natural Heritage Program has recently begun new National Wetland Inventory (NWIj mapping fur Montana. The present study was a pilot project lo investigate ways to enhance (he new mapping through additional classification? and modifiers. Specifically, our goals were to: • Evaluate CIS-based approaches lo Hydrogcomorphic (HGM) classification and profiling: • Conduct an HCM functional assessment of the Gallatin Valley study area based on these classification and profiles: • Establish a crosswalk between NWI classifications, HCM classification, and vegetation associations: • Determine whether these additional classifications and associations could be efficiently linked with the National Wetland Inventory in future mapping. Using existing NWI and gcospatial data for soils, elevation, and hydrology, we developed a dichotomous key that could assign HGM classes to approximately 854 of the wetland polygon* in the study area with 904 accuracy, as determined by visual irapectionof the wetlands on t-meler color imngeiy. The remaining wclland polygons were classified manually. We used a total of 32 HGM classifications. 17 for unaltered wetlands and 15 for altered wctlanoS. Nearly 834 of the wetland acreage in the study area is classified as li.. Lotic wetland acreage is concentrated in the Gallatin River-Gallalin Gateway (474) and Lower East Gallatin <254 ) watersheds, which contain the main Gallatin River and East Gallatin River channels. Smaller proportions are found in the Smith Creek (10^) and Hyalite Circle (94 i witcishcdv Terrene wetland acreage Ls most plentiful in the Lower Easi Gallatin (414) and Smith Creek (27%) watersheds. In the study area as a whole. NWI mapping from Ihe l9SOi shows less than 84 of the total wetland acreage as being direclly altered. However when wetland numbers are considered, almost 1 7^ of wetlands wcte altered in some way. Although 854 of all the wetland acreage in Ihe study area is Lotic. 724 of Ihe altered wetland acreage is Terrene. We used Principal Components Analysts to separule the 5th code HUCs into impact categories, evaluating road density, land cover, population density.scplic density, average parcel si/e. percentage of private land owneiship. percentage of public ownership and casemenls. and percentage of public land survey sections wilh one or more noxious weeds. The watersheds with the highest impact ranking were the Lower East Gallatin. Hyalite Creek, and the Upper East Gallatin. Together, ihcsc walcishcoS hold 87*1- of Teircnc Inlerfluvc Basin wcllanoV 714 of Terrene Inlerlluve flat wellanoS. and 334 of Terrene Basin wetlands. Because these types of wetlands have high function ratings for nutricnl cycling, sediment trapping, aquatic and terrestrial habilal. and wetland biodiversity, we consider those functions lo be ai risk both within those watershed and across the study urea as a whole. Similarly, those three watershcoS contain almost 404 of Lotic River Lower Gradient Floodplain wellanos. 364 of Lolic River Lower Gradient Fringe Wetlands, and 39"]+ of Lotic Stream Lower Gradient Hoodplatn wetlands. Because these weilund types exist in other, somewhat less impacted watcisheck (notably the Gallatin River-Gall atin Gateway and LowerCallatin). their specific functions (surface ivatcr detention, stiram maintenance, and plant community maintenance! are at least moderately at risk in the study area. Furthermore, because Ihcsc Lotic types, like the Terrene types, also have high function rating for sediment trapping and aqualic/teirestrio) habitat. Ihosc functions may be especially compromised in these three watershcoS. Prom our lield-hased surveys and Ihe GIS, we linked Nalional Vegetation Classification .System vegetation associations, Montana riparian types, and HGM-derivcd ecological functions to NWI types in the Gallatin Valley, so tacts could relate NWf c 1 ass i lie a lions lo detailed information tfieful for planning and manugement. These associations air compter A specific NWI type typically encompasses several vegetation associations, but (he relationship is usually understandable if past CIS approach to adding HGM attributes K> N\V] disturbances and regional environmental conditions types, we have ml evaluated ii beyond the study air considered- NWI associations with HGM area, and therefore cannoi say whether it offers a modifiers and ecological functions ire similarly cost and lime savings over individually clarify in complex with a one-lo-many relationship common, each polygon by hand. However, we recommend linking functions to NWI types continues in We recommend that mapping in new areas some form Wetlands are valued (and rcgulatcdi continues to associate vegetation types with because of their function and associated values; USFW5 types, since the comprehensive, readily connecting mapping with functions will aid available information about these vegetation types wetland mitigation, restoration, conservation, and will help those seeking to better undetstand or management, manage wetlands. Despite our success with a D iv Acknowledgements Tins project would not have been possible without the dynamic leadership of Lyndi Saul. MT Department of Environmental Quality, in promoting wetland science and conservation. We also acknowledge Montana's Wetland Council in ireogni/Jng the need for a new National Wctlincbi Invcntoiy in Montana. Tammy Crone of ihcCallutin Valley Local Water Quility District wis very helpful in contacting private landowner for access. Erin Farm, an inlern at the MT Department of Environmental Quality, also assisted in landowner cont act and other project support. Cob urn Currier, or the Montana Natural Heritage Program, took on the task of fomtatiing and publishing the report. We extend our thanks to all these individuals, hut remind the reader any errors or omissions in the report arc entirely the responsibility of the authors. Table of Contents Introduction and Background I Classification and Assessment I Crosswalk between NWI Classifications. HGM Classifications, and Vegetation Associations 2 The Study Area 2 Methods 7 HGM- based Classification and Assessment 7 National Wetlands Inventory Enhancement 1 1 Results 12 HGM Classification of Wetlands 12 HGM Assessment of Wetlands 12 Evaluation of the Classification and Assessment Methodology 20 Crosswalking between NWI, HGM, and NVCS 2 I Guide to National Wetlands Invcntofy Types and Functions 22 Conclusions and Recommendations 35 Literature Cited 36 Appendix A* Die ho to mo us key for CIS-based Assignment of HGM Classifications to NWI Wetlands in the Gallatin Valley Appendix B, NWI and HGM Codes and Descriptions Used in This Report Lint or Figlies Figure I. Location of study area 3 Figure 2. Mapped wetlands, Gallatin Valley 5 Figure 3* Public and private owncrship^Callatin Valley 6 Figure 4* Geology of study area IS Figure 5* Elevation of study area 16 Figured. Hydrology of study area 17 List or Tables Table I. GISdata sources 7 Table 2. HGM terms and descriptions used in this study S Table 3. Unaltered wetland acreage in the study area, by HGM class 13 Table 4. Allcrcd wetland acreage in the study area, by HGM class 14 Table 5, Impacts by 5th-codc HUCs in study area 19 Table 6. Correspondence Tabic, NWI loHGM 23 Table 7. Typical HGM types associated with PAB/PUB wetlands 25 Table 8. Functions associated with PAB/PUB wetlands 25 Table 9, Typical HGM types associated with PEM wetlands 27 Table 10, Func lions associated with PEM wetlands 27 Table 1 1, Typical HGM types associated with PSS wetlands 30 vi List or Tiiles (cuntimed) Tabic 12. Functions associated with PSS wetlands 30 Tabic 13. Typical HGM types associated with PFO wcllands 32 Tabic 14, Func lions associated with PFO wcllands 32 Tabic 15. Typical HGM types associated with R2US wcllands 34 Tiblc 16. FunLliuiu associated with R2US wetlands 34 vu Introduction and Background Wetlands provide numcroiE habitat and cconDtnic benefits, und arc key factors in flood reduction, groundwater recharge, and biodivciNity maintenance (Brinsonct al. 1981. Keddy 2D00). The scale and importance of wetland values arc disproportionate Id the physical extent of wetlands on the landscape, especially in a semi- arid western slate such as Montana (Finch and Ruggiero 1993. Fallen 1998). Yet despite their importance to humans and wildlife, a significant portion oT Monlana*s wetlands have been lnsi or degraded (Dahl 1990, Scott ct al. 2003). Furthermore, assessment of wetland extent am condition has been impeded by the lack oF wetland maps. Although the pholo interpretation has been completed for Ihe National Wetlands Inventory |NW1) in Montana, digital maps have not been produced for much of the slate. Because the NW1 is now over 3) ycais old, Montana's Wetland Council has encouraged new h NW] mapping rulher than simply digitizing the old maps. This mapping has recently been undertaken by the Wetland and Riparian Mapping Centerof ihe Montana Natural Heritage Program. The present study was a pilot project to investigate ways to enhance the new mapping ilin tugh additional classification and modifiers. Specifically, our goals were to: * Evaluate G 1 5- based approaches io Mydrogcomoiphic (HGM) classification and profiling: * Conduct an HGM functional assessment of the Gallatin Valley study area based on ihcse classifications and profiles: * Establish a crosswalk between \W| classifications. HGM classifications, and vegetation associations; * Determine whether these additional classifications and associations could be efficiently linked with National Wetland Inventory in fulure mapping. Classification and Assessment TheNWI classification system (Cowaalinct al. 1979) is hierarchical. with an increasing level of detail There arc five broad Systems, three of which exist in the interior United States: Pahtftrinc. Lacustrine, and Riverine. Systems are further divided into Subsystems* for example. Lacustrine Systems may be Limnetic or Littoral: Riverine Syslenn may be Upper Perennial. Lower Perennial. Intermittent, etc. No Subsystemsoccurinthe Pulustrinc System. Systems and Subsystems contain Classes describing the substrate, or. in the case of Palifttrine wellanuV the vegetation life form (e g emergent. scrub-shrub, forested, etc), and hydrologic modifieis describe Ihe water regime. Most Montana wcllanus arc PaliRlhne. This System generally includes any wetlands not within a stream or river channel (Riverine System) or within bodies of water which arc either larger than 20 acre$ORtfccpcrthan6.6 feet (Lacustrine System). Paluslrinc systems can be found in a broad range of landscape positions and across a variety of ecological classifications, encompassing such diverse wetland types as mountain fens and floodplain oxbows. Consequently, it is difficult lo determine Ihe specific habitat orecological functions and bene Ills of a given Paluslrinc wetland simply from its Class. The Hydrogconxjrphic (HGM) approach (Brinson cl al. 1993) is also a nationwide wetland classification system, but emphasizes wetland function, recognizing some wetlands perform certain hydrologic. habitat, or biochemical functions more effectively than others. Our objective was to determine if we could develop a GIS-biscd method to link HGM types lo NW] types in the study area, and to assess whether this could be done in other watersheds or on a lurger scale. We hoped ageospatiu) HGM classification key would provide a cost-eflcclive. streamlined methodology for associating wetland function* with NWI lypcs. so evaluations of function and condition could be accomplished w ith a GIS. We recognize, of couiscGlS-bascd assessment* are noi asuhslilute for full HGM evaluation, which are based on regional reference conditions and require substantia) field investigations. However, recent studies in M an land (Tincr ct al. 2000* aixl Coloraub (Johnson 2005) hive illustrated the value o\ this methodology for initial, co use-scale charactcri/aiion and assessment. We were especially interested in the appmach described by Johnson (2005) is Hydrogeomorphic Wetland Profiling (HGM WP). In non-impocted sellings wetland abundance and diversity of wetland types ire Jinked 1o such lantfccapc-lcvcl faclois as geo morphology, basin hydrology, and regionil or local climate (Johnson 2005). Consequently, similar lamlscipcs can be expected lo have similar wetland "profiles.*" When landscapes are altered by humin activity, it follows that these profiles, loo. will change. The goal of HGM WPis lo determine if differences in wetland abundance and diversity across a region are attributable Id differences in the physical setting or rather to disproportionate impacts caused by human activities. Johnson (2005) was able to use HGM WP with some success in Summit County. Colorado. Although we recognized the extreme physical gradients and concentrated human impacts characteristic of Summit County differed significantly 1mm gradient and impacts in our relatively homogcneoiA study area, we wanted to lest out the appmach lo determine its utility for future use. Crosswalk he/ween NWI Classifications, HGM Classification s y and Vegetation Associations While NWI and HGM classifications aie information rich, we believed there could be significant added value in our ongoing mapping efforts if even mote classification systems could be associated with the mapped NWI types. The National Vegetation Classification System (NVC5. Gmssmanclal. 1998) has described specific vegetation associations occurring in Montana and nationwide. Hansen el oL (1995) also developed descriptions of riparian types in Montana, which ore widely toed. Both NVCS and Hansen et al. (1995) descriptions include detailed accounts of associations and their components . and provide interpretative information on ecological and m an age menl characteristics. If NWI and HGM classification could be linked with NVCS andfar Hansen ct al. (1995) associations, either across the boaid or in specific environmental contexts, wetland maps would be greatly enhanced. By attempting a cmssw alk in this relatively homcogenous study area, we hoped to gauge whether this would be an efficient way lo enhance NWI maps. The Study Area The present wxirkis an extension of ecological surveys and evaluations of wetland and riparian habitats, carried out by a group of univeixily, state, local and MTNHP researches in the 4IG\000- acrc lower basin of the Gallotin River waleishcd. commonly referred to as the Gallatin Valley {Figure I). Il isessentiolly Ihcsamesludy area as was used by the Gallatin Local WaterQualily District (2004) in their assessment of wetland and riparian resources in the valley, mums the Bo/eman Creek wateisbed. The study urea includes all or part of nine 5lh-codc USOS Hydrologic Units (HUCs): BridgerCreeL Camp Creek- Dry Creek. Gallatin River-GollatinGatcwoy. Hyalite Creek. Lower East Gallatin. Lower Gallatin, Smith Creek, and Upper East Gallatin. The study area boundary was initially drawn by thcGallalin Local WaterQualily District lo encompass the laige concentration of wellands in the valley. We continued lo use it for consistency, and became this is the only pan of the lower Gallatin wateisbed for which NWI digital maps ore available. However. NWI mapping is not complete even within these boundaries. We note loo the study area does not include most o[ the uplands surrounding the valley, where additional (unmappedj wetlands may exist. The sludy area is within the Gallatin River subbasin. ilself pari ol the Upper Missouri Kixcr Basin, The subbasin covets almost 1.2 million acres, extending from the Yellowstone Plateau to ihe Gallalin Valley (Figure I >. Upper portions of the subbasin receive over 40 inches of rain per year. The Gallatin Valley, however, is sub-arid, with a typical precipitation average of 1 2 inches per year (Western Regional Climate Center 2006). Fifitu* I. Ijtcatitirttfxlttdvatra* Two main river systems dominate Galium Valley hydrogcomorphology. The Wcsl Gallatin River (typically refciTed tn simply as the Gallatin Riven Hows for over 100 miles from its origin in Ycllowstune Nalional Park to its confluence with Ihe M adison and Jefferson Rivers at Ihe M issouri HcadwalenL The East Gallatin River originates in Ihe Bridgcr Mountain** east of Ihe study area, and joins Ihe main Gallatin River 4 J miles later near Manhattan. Several perennial streams flow from Ihe mountains south and east of the Valley to join Ihe East Gallatin and Gallatin Rivers. These rivers and peirnnial streams have left extensive alluvial deposits in Ihe Valley, and as a result, Ihe Valley overlies a thick aquifer system, as much as 600 feet deep at Belgrade (Bridger Outdoor Science School, no dale). In many pans cif the Valley, deplh to groundwater is \c*& than 3 feeL Abundant water and fertile soils support agriculture throughout Ihe Valley, but especially in its northern and eastern range, where wheat, barley, alfalfa and hay fickfc arc common The high gmundwalcr luble also suppons an extensive complex of wetland vegetation in swales and ditches, along riven* and streams, and in low-lying depressions (Figure 2). Wetland vegetation ranges fmm the eo Hon woods, ofcgwood, chnkcchcrry, willows and alder in seasonally Hooded riparian forests lo Ihe recifc, sedges, and rushes found inswalcs. En Ihe study area as a whole, the National Weilands Inventory has identified nearly 5,830 acres of wetlands.' The northern and northeastern portions of the study area (Lower East Gallatin and Lower Gallatin watersheds), which are Ihe general discharge areas for the aquifer, have the highest concentration of non-riparian wetlands. The watersheds associated with the Gallatin and East Gallatin River (Gallatin River-Gall at in Galeway, Hyalite Creek and Lower East Gallatin) have extensive tloodplain and riparian welland systems. The southeast, nonhcast, and western portions of Ihe study area (Bridgcr Cieck, Camp Creek. Upper Easi Gallatin) have relatively few wetland features. The Gallatin Valley is one of Montana** fastest- growing areas, having gained 34*i in population between I W0 and 2000 (Census 2000). Gallatin County estimates an addition 21 f i population increase by 2010. Most of Ihe Valley is privately owned, while uplands have a high concentration of public ownership (Figure 3\. With farmland rapidly being converted to residential land, and increased pressure on water resources from both extraction and discharge, wetland and riparian resources are at considerable risL TheNutionul Wetbndslavestory did not map all njurian forctfs as wet bftds. excluding those ih;i are ooiai least srasotally flooded. Asa result* this acreage does noi adequately reflect ike cxiensive rijxihan areas uloag the Callu- i in and Has Galium Rivets aad ibe LinierHirums Gallatin Valley Wetlands | We lands I Quads wilh we* and mapping 2.3 ID Mil-v- Figure 2. \I*/fq*rU nrfhuuix* Gutiittht VW/rt Gallatin Valley ownership Private Land Montana Slate Tm&l Lands Montana Rsh. Wildife. and Parks Montana Univetdfy Systa* City Govetnmeni US Pored Service US Dcplot Agnntftaa 2 J 10 Miles Fifflv* X Puttie and {Hywie rnrnrM/V/i GulUilttt Vaifcv Methods HGM~based Classification and Assessment Clarification Wc used ArcCIS 9.1 fESRI 3005) ind several diu sources iTabtc t \ to create a Geographic InlbniMlton System (GI5) with Uye& representing elevation, soils, stream?*, wetlinoX land cover, parcel ownership, conservation holdings, mads, and potential water impacts in the study aira. We Tabic /. GIS iAi/jj sunn ?s~ underlaid true color 1-melcrNatinnal Agricultural Imagery Program (NAIP| aerial photos from 2005 oniheGIS (o allow verification of features, since land caver and wetland layers weir marc than ten yearn old. Using dichotomous keys developed byTiner(2D03al and Johnson (2005). wc mode several passes over the data to assign HGM classes to wetland identified by the NWI. basing assignments cm Utufccapc position, relationship to stream and river features, and soils, and visually inspecting the outcome on the NAIP imagery. The L*y*f Nam« Oota Source Oaficripvon Mapping scila FJaliaul fir laiito frjerrarf U Ei Flth.TrrJ VMtltl? fJ.llnilJ . I.J ' '■ 1 r = : * . Dtadal dati taifd un 1 .1*4000 arnrt phakis torn i«8on 1J4.000 Honiara &ti -cod* wafcitfwd& ri.urr* nr: ourcr Coraerraltin Servie* u S Geological Survey BaGr«iops. IMG l K-i I'll rtairaal land Coirr Gatnri U S Genlofycal Surety B[io£r*-i H- i:;irrr DftMlon lOn ptirl lancl&al tnaot'f lUOi? 1*0 1H» Goil Surveys r^UJHnnlKf Cnlisrri-alivi SrfvlCl SSURGO and MiN-s G 124 DUO ! t 1 i ( H . ■ 1 ■ ■ j: .ij ' : 1 . 1 ■' ' 1 US GnUopcal Surety and EPA Prtnisinnai non-re mluton Da Ainr. ?co*i 1 »4 DIM I atdu»r r.tmhra Ualpai Heritage Pro jam upratd rasrinrniand adruntainn ZOQ6 1 »4 DIM Catiratal Databatt r.fnnbru D* pafttteniol Cartattal retard* 2006 f. 1* Mmlara F4onds us crttMo aurrau jooo US Grdoaftai Survey i ma ooamapt 1*100 000 CenjtUI Greupft 3000 U.S. CrmiB Burau 3000 trr^yrar terms data wtiictraus each f;;-ii Walei Rwnh Pain* ol Mantna Drpaitne nl ol tjatrai Reiuivtci iTwl Cansvrvntiiri Wdrl Rnuiktc DiJiman 200* r-ditiakd tian feD>J Eand drtcnpiuni pi VOuWd uucriinalet vaitaPte Grotfidwalri Welt Crnter Etimated »o«i nei dtriltiu too*, wafer ntfib niirxjt Ik Id ftUfveyi 1J4.000 SepicDtntily U.S. Crtaut Burau 3000 US Gralootcal Surrey Map* andiurtty data MOO 000 n; " 4 -i : * s 11 1. * Srrvu* HrpofU torn Araty Corpt ol Entprvrii 1J4O00 wastewater PrfirvH Man Ira DEO. 3000 t'lalfd lainDeo records 1^4 QIW keys were nrfinxrcl until iheCIS-bascxicJissiiicalion and visual inspection produced agreement in 9i : of 100 randomly selected wcllanus (Appendix A)* Approximately J5ft ofthc wctlimfc in the study area could not be classified using keys: Ihcsr weie classified manually. HGM attributes were then coded onto the NWI allhbuie tables, and statistical summaries were carried oul 1o evaluate the distribution of HGM types across the study area watcisbeds. HCM terminology followed categories described by Tiner (2DQ3al in his work with NWI enhancements in Mainland. This terminology differs fium other HGM classifications in its use of such tcims as "Tenrnc*" and "Lotic** instead of "Dcprcssional" or "Riverine," and by iDi extension or the lenn "Flat** K» mean any wetland nol having adisiinct basin form and is located on relatively level ground. The decision to use Tiner's terminology was based on a desire to maintain consistency of NWI products and enhancements. A description of each oT the terms can be found in Table 2. Table 2. N(jftf lenttx tmt tSrM'tiftiitint turd in //aV MiinJy- HGU LANDSCAPE POSiTIOH Definition Lntfe Lolio River Lotto Stream Terrene Associated witi a lake . reservor or ofaer large standing wafer body. There were no len&e we lands in t\e siidy area A&oacioFMj will a IbAing wafer system depfcled as a 2*1™ feature on a 1^4 ooo U5GS topomap. Associated witi a Ibwing waer p/stem depicted as a ssKjhHine Fea*pe on a 1 34 OQO U5GS lopo map Sunaunded ur afrnosl ajnui»*ded by uplaniH These ATrlanda may have inlet or tmfel channels, bul do no I ha^e a channel entemg and eufno. hdides hiroan^nade ponds* HGU GRADIENT (with Loie londscope position) Definition Love r Gradient Middle Gradient The do wet -lb vi ing ara ol a rivet ot steam ohaiocterced b/ meandets and IDodpiain de^-elopmenl. Corresponds to NWI Lo**r Perennial* Faster* no wing area of a livet or steam <*iti limiled Ibodpluwi development Conesponds to NWI Upper Perennial. HGU LAHOFORM Definition fiosb Fbl Flood plain Fringe blond A depresbonaJ tandform octurnricj in upland mis or on foodpftains (e ^j Oibow). NWI Aquatic bed sl**s aie aliva|-i dnssified as Badn Can be pari of Terrene or Lotc landscape position. A level Ian J or in usually but no I always on a feodplain or inter fcn*e Typical^ only ideniftted Itom .Imal inspection. Brnad Hal landforrn rJiaped bf ri'ivrine or oher AivlaJ processes h fhi= case t*e area del bed b j tie presence ol soils listed as Ibodplawi soils in ISeNftCSSSURGO database. Can be Further described as Basin. Rat Or 0>bow Avough qumbinaliun al G G and ,i- ji.i inspecton Wetland on tie moigin of a steam river, pond, ui lake, hclutfes non* *rcjetated or sparsely vege toted point bora along a river's edoe. Alancform ttaiis completely surrounded by a sfream ri»er pond, si lake LiMfl CVtnfj ■in HGM WATER PATM Deiailba Inflow bo toted Tbroughflow A Ireland receiving {pound in surface Aaler but **ti no significant d^thaige. Typicall/ only identfed tn^ugti visual vispecfon- A lenene we land witi no apparent surface ivaier oilbvi or nuill™ A *eland wtti suriace of orounoVal-i finding tvough H lo a naw body or another we land. ThrounhAow may be epher»eraJ or internrilienl Assessment Johnson (20051 used geology, hydrology, climate and elevation to assign Summit County 6th code HUCs inlo three relatively homogeneous process domains isettxu Montgomeiy 1999), and then assigned them into impact categories ("reference" and "impacted") hascd on land cover and mad density. He was then able to determine whether characteristic wetland profiles differed between the Ihrcc process domains (yes) and between impacted and reference examples ul individual process domains (ycsi. Our initial intent was to follow hts methodology in our study area, but when we examined our G1S. we determined the mapped wetlands were almnst entirely confined to a single geologic layer (alluvium), and a narrow elevation band 0250m to 1575m) within a 12-14 inch precipitation zone. Principal components analysis so. We also used principal components analysis to separate the 5th code HUCs inlo impact categoric*. We added several impacts lo the ones used by Johnson |2005|. evaluating mad density, land cover, population density, septic density, average parcel size, percentage of private land ownership, percentage of public ownership and easements. Because field surveys revealed extensive weed infestation in the studv area, we also ihlIixLM percentage of public land survey sections with one or more noxious wcco>* us on impact. Based on these impact factor*. 5th code HUCs were ranked from "Less Impacted" to "More Impacted." (We did not feel the term "reference" was appropriate in the study area, even in a relative context.) We examined a suite of additional factors lo determine whether they would altcci the analysis (water diversions. Section 404 Clean Water Act permits, wastewater discharge permits and number of groundwater wells relative lo wetland acreage), bul did not find these changed the outcome of the analysis. Once 5th code HUCs were determined as units of analysis and impact categories assigned, we (allied areal coverage of each HGM class within each HL'C and summed HGM classes using the gcopiutcssing functions of ArcGI S 9.1. These weir then exported into Microsoft Excel, and pivot table functions were used to generate descriptive statistics of HGM classes. Functions weir identified fn>m a review of HGM literature (Hnnson 1993. Junkovsky- Jones et al. 1999a and 1999b, Hauerct al. 2002a and 2002b, Sheldon et id. 2DQ3. Tincrcl aL 2000. Tincr 2003a and 2003b) and professional opinion. The study assessed eight wetland functions: I) surface water detention andslreamllow maintenance. 2) nutrient cycling. 3)sedimenl trapping: 4) plant community maintenance. 5) shoreline stabilization; 6i aquatic habitul; 7) terrestrial habitat; and 8) conservation of wetland biodivcisiiy. We assigned functions to wetlands as a class, rolherthanio Individual wetlands, so si/e was not considered us a factor We then ranked each wetland class as having "high", "jmderute" or "low"* importance vis-a-vis that function. based on literature reviews, field surveys in the Gallatin Valley, and opinion. 1 ) Surface water detention andslreamllow maintenance. Floodplain wetland^, especially along I o we r gradient streams and rivets, an: typically inundated during flood events, and to a lesserdegrec. during o verb ink (lows. These wetlands reduce flood peaks by capturing and storing water, stored water is released later, helping In maintain baseline flows We ranked Lotic River and Lotic Stream Lower Gradient Floodplain wetlands "high" on this calegoiy. Island wellanoS. fringe wetlands, and Middle Gradient Lolk wetlands were given a "moefcrate" ranking on this category, is they typically do not store as much noDclwalcrfTiner2D03a|. Tenrnc Intcrfluvc Basin wetlands, while not on lloodplain soils, may receive and store considerable amounts of snow and rainfall, and arc often groundwater recharge onddischargesitcs. Because of their landscape position (the intcrfluvc area), they contribute lo both detention andslreamflow maintenance, so these were also given i "mndcrale~ ranking. Tencne wellanoV not in Ihe interfluve area and Tenene Inieriluvc Hat wetlands were ranked as "low. 2) Nutrient cycling. Forested riparian wetlands. Ihickly vegcluled upland wetlands, and ponded wetlands with aquatic bottoms all take up and recycle nutrients (c>g. nitrogen and pfmsphorus). Slreamside wctlanch. through Iheir sediment (rapping functions, funhcr reduce phosphon& input into flowing waters. We ranked all Terrene Basin wetlands is high on this function, and oil Floodplain wetlands is moderale. although we note thai if we weir assessing individual wetlands Ihcse rating could change depending on vegciaiion structure (i.e. large B asin wetlands with subslantial open water could rank "moderate** and some heavily vegetated lloodplain wcllamb could rank "high.""i. Fringe wetlands and flat wetlands were ranked "low." because vegciaiion is ofien sparse in the former, and flat wetlands do not generally contain as much ofganic maltcr is basin wetlands 3) Sediment (rapping. All wetland* perform some sediment trapping functions, but Ihcsc funclions air especially significant near walcnxiuntcs in agricultural areas. Therefore, we gave all Floadplain and Intcrfluvc Basin wcllanus a ranking of "high" on this calegoiy. while upland Terrene Basins weir rated as "moderate** and all Flat wetlands were rated as "low." 4) Plant community maintenance. Wcllanus wilh fluctuating water table depths, layered soils, and oiganic mailer can support Ihc most diverse plant communities, while wetlands with considerable open water or wellamh subject to ice scour and frequent bankful flows cannot. We gave floadplain wetlands a "high" score in this calegoiy. because Ihcy typically have the characteristics associated wilh high plant diversity. Beaver ponds* were ranked low because of the open water associated wilh them (the edges of beaver ponds in Ihe Gallatin air characterized simply as Floodplain wetlands, and therefore rank as "high"*), as were Flal wetlands, because Ihcy trap less organic maiter and have less of the horizontal complexity that leads io plant diversity. All other wetlands- ireeived a score of "moderate" on this function. 5) Shoreline stabilization. This is on important function for wctlaixls in coastal, estuarine, and lacustrine settings, none of which are found in Ihc Gallatin. In our study area, the only shoreline exists along rivets and streams. Floodplain throughtlow wetlands were all ranked as high an this function. Fringe wetlantfc often contain deep-rooted vegetation providing critical bank anchoring* bul because many of them are associated with unstable substrates, and have lillle deep moled vegelalion in Ihe Gallatin, we gave Ihc diss is a whole a ranking of "moderate." Beaver ponds, basins, and Lotic Island wetlands were given a rating of "law.*" 6) Aquatic habitat. Fringe, and island wellaiufc offer cover, nutrient inputs, temperature moderation, andjuvenilc and rearing habitat for fish, especially along lower gradient rivers and streams, so these were all ranked as "high.** Floadplain wetlands fitter sediments that could clog spawning gravels, contribute woody debris m lo streams, and shelter reptiles and amphibiara, so these wen: ranked as "moderate. ** unless ihcy were beaver pomK in which case Ihcy were "high." Basins arccritical to reptiles and amphibians, so these too were given a rating of "high." Flit wetlands were ranked as "low" because ihcy typically lack open water and have less structural diversity. 7) Terrestrial habitat. Wbody wetlands ofter food, shelter access to water, and breeding and reproduction sites for a wide range of mammals and blob, so all Hood pi am wetlands received a "high" ranking in thiscalcgoiy Jntctfluvc basins, because of their proximity m woodlands and their ownstnarlural complexity, also have considerable habitat value for hinls and small mammals, so they too were ranked as high* Non-inleifluvc basins and Inlerfluvc Hat wclluntfe wen: given a score of "mndenrtc," while Lotic Fringe and island wcilands. which provide more limited terrestrial habitat, were ranked as "low" 8) Conservation of wetland biodiversity* These rankings were assigned ex past facto based on the representation of wetland classes in Ihe study area. The least common wetlands were given a ranking of "high/ while the most common and well- represented wetlands were scored as "low" and "moderate," respectively. National Wetlands Inventory Enhancement Sites for field sampling were selected by using existing NW1 mapping to identify localiom we could access and represented Ihe spectrum of NWI types. We coordinated with the Gallatin Valley Water District to gain private land access. Sites were characterized for vegetation and the correct NWt type was rerouted if the mapped type was incorrect. Vegetation communities were coded to Ihe closest NVCS or Hansen rial. |IW5l type and a crosswalk table was coratructcd. We adapted Ihe HGM modifier key developed by Tiner (200 3a I to lest Ihe application of HGM modifiers tn NWI delineation in the field Major NWI types were assessed far their ecological functions through a review of the HGM literature cited above and professional opinion, and were added to Ihe crosswalk. lb refine Ihe crosswalk for future use in mapping, we wanted to determine if any or all of the Palusthnc and Riverine wetland classes would predictably align with a specific HGM class. If I his were so, Ihen future mapping efforts could use a simple "if-then" logic approach to assign HGM categories to given NWI attributes. Because we hod observed a onc-tu-many relationship in our visual inspection of the data, we began by Icsling Ihe hypothesis NWI Riverine types would always be HGM Lolic types and NWI Palustrinc types would always be HGM Terrene types. As we sifipected. NWt Riverine types had a onc- lo-onc relationship with HGM Lotic types, both as a group and one a class-by-cltss basis, but HGM Lotic types had a onc-tu-many relationship with NWI Riverine types. All Paluslrine types had complicated onc-to-many relationships with HGM classes. We then constructed a pairwisc comparison/correspondence table, using numerical scores of 1 to 10 lo represent the percentage of observed incidences of an exact pairwise mulch (sec Table 5 under Result, below) However we urge Ihe reader K> refer to the dichotonuiK key rather than to the correspondence table to extend this methodology beyond the Gallatin, This caveat Is disclosed more fully under the Results section, below. U Rksults HGM Classification of Wetlands Tables 3 and 4 show the breakdown of HGM types amiss the study area, as determined by our classification keys and accompanying visual inspections We used a total or 32 HGM classifications. 17 for unaltered wetlands and 15 Tor altered wellantfc. Nearly 85 - I of the wetland acreage in the study* area is classified as Lotic. In the NWI classification scheme, the Riverine System includes only those wetlands within the active channel of a flowing water feature depicted as a 2-line channel (i.c. a channel wide enough to be represented as an area, rather than a single line) on a 1 :24.G0D U5C5 tono map. Riverine wetlands most typically include fnnge wctiintts ilong thr liver's edge, mid-channel islands and point bam submerged at bunkful flow, and side channels completely flooded by the river at least part of the year. Stable point bais and doodplains above the active channel are classified as Palustrinc, even if their main source of water isover-bankfu) How?;. By contrast. Lolic wcllaixls in the HGM system include all those wetlands found within the approximate 100-year floodplain. as that i- dctcrmincd fmm floodplain mans or soils maps indicating floodplain soils. Lolic wetlands would therefore include wetlands along the maigin of single-line channels (i.c. streams), saturated backwaters, old meunders. oxbows, and the like. In this way. the Tcrrene-Liilic HGM classification dichotomy conveys more information about the origin and hydrology of wctlanos in a given area than docs the Riveri ne-Paluslrinc dichotomy. It is not surprising, therefore, that Lolic wetland acreage is concentrated in the Gallatin Rivcr- Gallatin Gateway (47 r 4) and Lower East Gallatin (25ft) walcishcds. because these watctshcA contain the main Gollalin River and East Gallatin River channels. Smaller proportion are found in the SmithCreck i-j- bv HGAI ciast. — iGM CLASS 5r.dgerCk DampCk )ryCk £allatrn River -ya ne C hi .ower E. Gallatin .GMerGaltatin I-mi-h CI. Upper 1 ; Galbtr Total 3 1 04 3*13 0.72 0.10 2.72J ^I'tiage Parce! S'=e 3008 39-70 104,21 1020 8.39 4.93 144 3748 244 Percent private ownership 71 BO 91 17 84 .OS 90.19 924)4 M4I 8034 OBBI 74.70 ^errenl pubic ownership ease merits 3323J 1838 23,91 2334 7J0 20 19B3J 2? 2* 29.34 mpnet ranking (1 denoted least. 9 denotes moot) 1 J 3 8 8 i 7 2 9 otal acre* 3SO0 453 17 19487 tOS44| 393SS 29422 3404 2 28Z73 ffetbnd Acrr* 23 108 2420 334 ioos 304 740 23 * pe* tVef and z*re H i — ■. per ojiare nrfe of watershed " **oJatre'G *iti papijakm deceit/ > 103 per per oquaf e mile " 'aol aoe-iki residential. agnctJUah iiiljstial or rantnet dd iters * ■• of sections iwti one cr rKie noxious *reds " "» of acres «ti sepic density rating THyfi wetland acreage (16.374) of my watershed with 100 or more wetland at to The Smilh Creek/Dry Creek pair, which ranked 2nd and 3rd in Impact*, differed in their alterulion percentages, with Smith Creek (the less impacted) having almost 84 on Is acreage altered and Dry Creek only 3fi. We cannot say for certain this is not a reflection of incomplete mapping, hut we helievc it is likely attributable m (he Smith Creek waleishcd wetlanos being more concentrated cm the noodplain* We also iKed impact rankings to determine which wetland functions wen! most at risk in the study area us a whole. Johnson (2005) has made a useful distinction between impacts and effect*, noting impacts are actions while effects arc Iheir rcsulti. Draining. ditching, ordirccl alteration of a wetland is an impact: loss of specific function is an effect. Although altered wetlands can still perform wetland functions (e.g. excavated wetlands can provide water storage, or habitat for ducks and lish), Ihcy generally do not perform ul as high a level as unaltered wetlands in intact landscapes* A future project will examine the loss of wetland function in the Gallatin Valley over the past twenty- plus yeus based on an JiGM analysis of past and present wetland distribution and abundance. Heir we are primarily concerned with identifying Ihe functions at risk in watersheds where overall human impacts —that is, impacts at the wetland and whole-watetshed level— are highest* The Gall atin River-Gallatin Gateway, Lower East Gallatin, and Hyalite Creek watcntheck conlain 7fis of the altered wetlands in the entire study area, but they also contain 7SS of all the wetland acreage, so this is not particularly surprising. What we are concerned with here is the threat to Ihe integrity of non-altered wetlands that is posed by more generalized impact: road building, residential and commercial development, irrigation and other water withdrawals, the spread of noxious weeus. and so on. Assuming ihcse sorts of generalized threat to wetland integrity arc nearest at hand in those watcishcds with Ihe highest impact ratings, what are the watershed functions particular to their wetland profiles? The watctshech with the highest impact rankings ojt Ihe Lower East Gallatin, Hyalite Creek, and Ihe Upper East Gallatin Together, these watersheds hold 87*< of Terrene Interiluvc Basin wctlancfc. 7! ft of Terrene lntcrfluve Flat wclluiuK and 33M of all Terrene B asin wetland?. Because these types of wetlands typically rank high on nutrient cycling, sediment trapping, aquatic and terrestrial habitat and wetland biodiveisily. it follows that those functions are at risk both wilhin those watersheds and across the study area as a whole. Similarly, those three watersheds conlain almost 40*ft of Lobe River Lower Gradient Hoodplain wellaiub. 36 1 * of Lolic River Lower Gradient Fringe Wetlands, and 39*tf of Lolic Stream Lower Gradient Hoodplain wetlands. Because these wetlands exist in other, somewhat less impacted watcishcds (notably Ihe Gallatin Rivcr-Oallalin Gateway and Lower Gallatin), their functions arc somewhat less at risk across Ihe study area as a whole. Nevertheless, we should consider surface water detention, stream maintenance, and plant community maintenance are al least moderately at risk in the study area, Eurthcrmore, because these Lolic types, like the Terrene types, also have high function m lings for sediment trupping and aquatic/terrestrial habitat, these functions may be especially compromised in Ihcse three watersheds. Impact rankings are not sialic, and as rankings, Ihcy are relative to each other We do not have any reference standaid watersheds in the study area againsl which impact scores could be calculated. The least impacted watershed wilh any significant wetland acreage. Smith Creek, still has over 51 ** human land cover (based on the best available but 15-yearold land cover maps), almost 69*( private ownership, and no&jous weedS in63*!t of its sections. Wetland function may be less at risk in this watershed than in the Hyalile Creek wateished. bul it isslill at risk, and if development pressures continue h push new* development into Ihe foothills, impacts and risks will both increase. Evaluation of the Classification and Assessment Methodology GIS-based attribution of HGM descriptors was simple and efficient m the case of NWI Riverine 20 System wet I amis. Bcciusc these well and* ore by definition within an active eiutmwl* they were implicitly pan of the HGM Lalie landscape position, which includes tny wctlanoS within the K\WtflutMlplain. USCS topo maps allowed npid classification into Lotic River and Lotic Slream types, and the existence nr a good soils layer allowed us to complete further assignment of floodpluin wcllanus without difficulty. The GIS approach began to have limitations when we attempted to assign Jandfomt. Paluslrine Aquatic Bed wetlands wen: assumed to be depression)], and thus were attnbuted as Basin wetlands* We made the some assumptions about Palustrine Unconsolidated Bottom wctlanoK but as these weir all directly altered, they wen: classified as such (e xi > Terrene, Inlerfluve, Basin. Excavated). The otthbution of tandform to Palustrine Emergent. Scrub-shrub, and forested welluixls was more difficult- Most of these were classified as Lotic Stream or Lotic River Floodplain wcllaiuh. or as Terrene Inlerfiuvc wellanos with no further londform descriptors, hut the ones we inspected visually as pan of our accuracy assessment wen: often given additional modifieissuch as "Basin** or "Basin Oxbow." since Ihesc characteristics were clearly visible on the aerial photographs. Because oxbow wetlands have a notably high functional capacity instrcamllow maintenance and water detention, the inability to identify these from a GIS alone should be considered a limitation of the approach* We aho note the classification of Polusthne Emeigcnt wetlands that were neither on a floodplainor an interfluve could only proceed beyond the "Terrene** classification with visual inspection. Appioximately 15^ of wetlands could not be classified at all with the GtS. primarily because of incomplete geomoiphic information on the soils maps: it was unclear whether the underlying soils wen: or wen: not pari of the floodpluin until the aerial photographs were ljD.iU-v.V in .1 Mrti >in '■. Mh .'iii.Mi' li ■ -\ :>i\ floodplain maps, this would not have been an issue, and would have saved the step of drawing out a putative lloodplain based on the soils maps. not refine our dichotomous key beyond its initial iteration. We caution the reader that this is a limitation of the key in future use. We believe the assessment methodology shows great potential for future use. Because the study atra has neither complete nor current maps, we did ml attempt a highly detailed functional assessment that would integrate HGM and Palustrine types to tease out differences in functional capacity (e.g. between Lotic River Floodpluin-Paluslrinc Scrub-Shrub wellanos and Lotic River Floodplain- Paluslrine Aquatic Bed wellanos). Similarly, because the National Land Cover Database is almost 1 5 years old, and does not capture the demographic change in (he Gallatin Valley, we did ml assess potential land use impocts to functions along wetland orstieam corridors. However w ith updated wetland and riparian maps, and edited (or newly generated) land caver layers, the combination of mare detailed functional assessments and more focused impact assessments would yield a comprehensive coarse-scale evaluation of wetland function and condition. This is the direction we encourage in future work. Crosswalking between A 7 W7, HGMandNVCS National Vegetation Classification System (NVC5) and other vegetation types (Hansen cl aL 1995) were readily associated with U5FW5 types after ourfieldwork in the Gallatin Valley, although the relationship was typically complex with several types possible for a USFW5 type, Within NWI classes we also associated water regime modifiers with specific vegetation associations when possible. This result also allows an understanding of the considerable vegetation (and also the related habitat) diversity inherent within a type. For example. Palustrine Emergent wetlands have a high conservation of wetland biodiversity functional value in the HGM cmsswolk due to the wide variety of vegetation associations potentially present. Because almost all our wetland* were on the volley floor or the floodplain terrace of larger streams, we did not encounter slope wellanos and so did The relationship between HGM and NWI types was also complex, especially in the case of the NWI Palustrine Class*, ami the HGM Lotic Class. 21 Tabic 6 is a correspondence tabic showing the relationship between wetland classes (Appcndu B contains the abbreviations used in ihc tabic). The NWI Palustrine Class has a one-to-many relationship with MOM types, including both Terrene and Loiic types, depending on ihcir location and underlying soils. Similarly, although NWI Riverine Class wetlands arc always HGM Lolic wetlands. HGM Loire wetlands can be Rivcnne or Palustrine. In general, once Ihc relationships were defined through repeated iterations, descriptive statistics, probability analyses and inspection oT aerial photographs, the CIS-based key worked fairly well. However, it has not been tested beyond the Gallatin, and therefore we do not know how well it would work in areas with more high-gradient slopes and less fioodplarn development While the key did not allow us to produce a simple one-to-one crosswalk, the ability to attribute individual wetland polygons with HGM classifiers holds great promise for detailed wetland analyses that combine the best of both systems. In the field, we aligned specific HGM wetland functions to wellantK based on site-specific factors that could be discerned from observation of wetland composition, hydrologic relationships, and overall site condition. A similar kind of detailed connection is possible when a database includes both HGM and NWI attributes for specific polygons. For example. Lolic River Floodplain wetlands with thick forest coverage lake up more nutrients than sparsely treed or semi-baic wetlands, but vegetation cannot be inferred from an HGM classification atone. When a particular polygon has both an NWI attribute and an HGM attribute, there is enough information to begin characterizing the degree to which a particular function is carried out by assigning weight values to modifiers or to attribute combinations. That type of detailed analysis was beyond the scope of the current study, but with additional research and fie Id- testing, enhanced wetland databases would provide considerable assessment potential. We are attributing HGM types to NWI and riparian polygons now inourBillenool Valley mapping, so Hut would be an ideal starling poinl for advanced analysis. Despite the complex relationship between cltuttcs. we were able to produce a guide lo NWI types, functions and vegetation, reproduced in Ihc next section. We recommend that work continues in Ihc association of USFWS wetland and riparian types with NVCS vegetation typos as mapping coniinucs. Vegetation strongly influences habitat and many other ecological functions. Most land managets directly manage vegetation. so a linkage to the information rich NVCS with spatially explicit wetland/riparian mapping will be beneficial for many aspects o[ planning and management. Guide to National Wetlands Inventory Types and Functions We examined wctlanoS in the Gallatin Valley and reference literature lo link the common NWI types lo National Vegetation Classification Syslem types, other vegetation types (Hansen el al 1995). and Hydmgcomoiphie (HGM) (Brinson IW3) wetland functions. While the HGM Approach is useful due lo its focus on the functions aT wcilandc, there is no HGM mapping. Since NWI maps are available our goal was to associate HGM functions with NWI types to improve assessment and mitigation of wetlands in Montana. The association o[ NWI types with HGM types has pmven useful in watershed- based wetland planning and evaluation in other areas (Tinerct al. 2000). The NWI classification system is hierarchical with an increasing level of detail. Five broad Systems cusl: Palustrine. Lacustrine, Riverine. Estuarine. and Marine. Only the first three exist in Montana. Lacustrine and Riverine Syslcms arc further divided into Subsystems, for example. Lacustrine Systems may be Limnetic or Littoral; Riverine Systems may be Upper Perennial. Lower Perennial . Intermittent, etc. No Subsystems exist in the Palustrine Syslem. Below* Systems and Subsystems are Claries describing the substrate, and hydmlogic modifiers describing the water regime. Accuracy of map coding decreases further down the classification system; hydn>logic modifiers are the least accurate, especially in Montana with our periodic droughts. 22 &!»/«• a Co*rrjfiprt(iffir<* foW*All7fr>//GM. -: m* tBVl |RO»t ■ H ♦-! L ■ W» 1 i K(4 m^i L *:i ifUl HD-T Cr*l iHiN ppp » W» i * >n K«. .11.:-* Llll^l 1H# P*r -**■ -«■ ■b ■V :>* >*> ■■ ,m THI IB* -rw » BB) *twf *M ■■ 4 i» a J9 *.» . 4 4 Q lt| !•■♦ H *3 4*Ut . a +■»* *"- B ' H 3 t' M n 1 " ■ ■II i 4 n ■■» n . «.. ■ a T 41M »* a* *K - *j ■ r 3 • at »<* a «■(« ^4 ■ o JT «c. ■ 1 a a a ™ i ■ ^ a ■W * U *. BBBh . t BUM £j -^ -*1 B j >> * IH 4 a ;- pK a BBB -■ 1 • **r m, a ".i- ■ a .» 4 4 n *— . ) 4 » a K .» 4 *«* . a ^. U « r : B >..., «4 Mi. ... ■K. :-»•- ft it«"" * T tn«< BT Dimj 1* or Pi" #■ ** :aiv i ■M I a «H U]t( be ..;.,. -, j ,i. ■ ■ 1 " ■ T*4 " rt 1 tf 17 ' :,] n s H 1 ■ i * •** ^ O 12 a / 3 IB tZT ' ■ : ui IBflhlJQJlBpd cdurana ind*aa? racist anrani N'A'I or HGM dtt&esin ;'. -:l . a ea Most Montana wellaniK ore Paluslrinc. This System includes any wcllaiufc ncil within a stream orrivcrchanncl (Riverine System) or within bodies of water which ire either > 20 acres OR deeper linn 6.6 feet (Lacustrine System). SecCowardtn el al. (1979) for complete details on the NWI classification system* Nine possible Classes in the Palustrine System exist. Five were common and sampled in the Gallatin Valley. Only one Riverine System was described. The HGM Approach Hi wcUand classification emphasizes wetland function, recognizing some wetlands perform certain hydrologic. habitat, or biochemical furclions more effectively lhanotheis. We chose eight broad wetland functions, and evaluated the relative importance nl'eoch function for the common NWI types wc sampled. The following crosswalk is specific to our study area in the Gallatin Valley, with applicability elsewhere depending on the similarity of environmental conditions, Palustrine System Unconsolidated Bottom Class (PUB h Aquatic Bed ClamtPABt Stamtiary The Unconsolidated Bottom Class has <_1n'i vegetation cover and a surface with >25 r i of the panicles smaller lhan stones. The closely related Aquatic Bed Class has >3D^t vegetation cover of plants growing on or below the water s surface for most of the growing season in almost all years. Most of our wetlands in this cliv* have a mix of silt. clay, and organic matter us substrate. Envinmment Typically found along watercourses in meander cutoffs (oxbows) and beaver pomh. The low vegetation cover is ofien due to relatively deep (>~5m) and turbid water inhibiting a higher cover of emergent or submerged plants. In these situations, the hydrologic modifier will be "permanently flooded" but during years of drought, this may vary considerably. Vegetal it m These shallow potxls wilh silly bolloms usually have a concentric zoneoremcrgent vegetation around the drier perimeter. Sec the Falustrlnc Emergent Vegelalion System for a description of this vegetation. As the walcrdepth increases to about 0.5m typical emergents like cattail {Typlta ftilijnfia)* sedges (Ca/r.vspp*). and bulrush {Scityms aixl Sclmeiwplectut spp.) become very sparse and submerged plants become more abundant, including species of waterweed {Eiodea spp). watermilfoil tAtyiiop/iyllutn spp.), bladderworis {Utticalario spp. ). pondwectb iPotatno&eloa spp.) and Mare's tail {Hip/Hiiis mlgarix}. Ecolftgical Dynamics and Management CtMtsideru tit vis Beavers are responsible for the formation of many of ihcsc wetlands, which may peisisl in this stale forsomc period of Lime but will eventually drain or become filled with silt and transition lo a different wetland or non-wetlund environment. In mountainous landscapes, this type and the animals depending on it for habitat would be extremely rare without the beavers 1 dum-building activity Floodplain dynamics create another typical setting for these ponds. If river hydrology is altered, or if beaver activity* ceases, existing types may fill in wilh sediment and new locations may nol be created. If livestock have access to this type, they can degrade the habitat by trampling the vegelalion. pugging the soft soil nearby, ami exposing soil for weed colonization sites. As is true with all wetland^, maintaining the hydrology is key to the welland: changes in the quulily or quantity of water reaching the weiland will alter the vegetation and habitat values. Hydmge€m&rphic Types and Functions PUB and PAB wetlands correspond to several HGM types depending on location. IntheNWI classification system, only those wetlands occurring within the stream or river channel are classified as Riverine. Wetlands occurring within Ihe bankful channel and/or the active fioodplain of a river or stream have a lotic landscape position: those surrounded by uplands have a terrene landscape M position. Within the Gallatin sampling area, the PUB wetlands hid a lotic landscape posilinn when Ihcy were associated with beaver activity, or a Icrrcnc position when Ihcy were ml on an active floodplain The R\B wetlands we sampled wcie also typically beaver ponds, and so were classified as lube river or stream. These air import ml habitats due to ihe dependable presence of walcr in most years, a rarity in much of our arid landscape. Amphibians and aquatic reptiles are especially dependent but waterfowl and numerous other ciratuirs also need these wetland*. Table 7 shows Ihe HGM classifications Lhatcan be associated with PUB andPAB wetlands. Tabir7. Tx^rtJ HGM / i/vi atutciafrd i iith PAU/PVB urtlatub Landstupc Position ! - » i i ; i - ■ j in ho Ik Water Size Modifier Lu tic Flow Recline Water Ftoti Path I. Terrene Depression Floodplain Bidirectional Thro ugh flow Isolaled Inflow Oulllow 2 Lotic River Stream Dammed Reach Low Gradient TafJr J\ Fim-titm tustxiultd tart FAH/VLB u rf/f i#*/s f 11 IK Ll"El Relative Importance Comments 1. Surface and Groundwater Storage and Slrcamflow Maintenance High to Moderate Larger and deeper depressions arc the most effective. Tine textured and high organic content soils are better Throughflow walcr paths and terrene oulllow wetlands an: less effective. Wetlands on higher order streams are more important 2. Nutrient Cycling High to Low Vegetatcd types have higher importance. Denitrification is higher with organic substrates. A fluctuating water table is best. 1 ligh organic content and fine textured substrates are most effective. Lotic wetlands are more important in preserving water quality, especially on lowerorder streams. X Maintain Plant Community High to Moderate Dammed reaches and other deeper water environments can have little vegetation* Otherwise, a variety of water depths create different vegetation /ones for these distinctive plant communities. 4. Retention of sediments, elements, and compound* High to Low Terrene Lhroughllow basins and most lotic wellands other than Hals are Ihe most cffeciive. Ponds with a small watershed are of low h importance. Vegetated wctlunoS are more effective. 5. Shoreline Stabilization Low Most of these types are ponds with little shoreline erosion potential. 6. Terrestrial Habilai High These walcrsourccs are critical for waterfowl and many other animal species. 25 ZttfeA ftinbwr.-/. 7. Aquatic Habitat High Amphibian incl aquatic reptile habitat value is high, especially with deeper water depths. These types may also provide good Jish habitat. The king water mention lime is important for some macro in vertebrates. 8. Conservation of Well and Biodiversity High These are relatively common types but the absence of beaver could significantly diminish these occurrences. Palustrine System Emergent Wetland Class IPEM) Summary This type is defined by the dominance of erect rooted herbaceous (not woody) wetland plants. If then: tsvXffc cover of woody plants, then the type would be Scrub-Shrub or Forested. Then: arc a variety of water regimes influencing the soil, vegetation and habitat characteristics. Effvi/tMtmefil In the Gallatin Valley these wetlands were mostly associated with floodplains but were also occasionally found on sub irrigated terraces. The floodplains range from seasonally inundated and perennially saturated at their wettest to merely seasonally sub irrigated at Ihcirdry extreme Landscape features include sloughs created by channel meandcts. shorelines of oxbow lakes and drier or drained beaver ponds. While this community often occurs arouixl the edges of beaver ponds, this fringe is typically too small to be mapped on NWI maps unless it is a veiy large pond. The more xcric riparian sites occur higher in the landscape and are inactive floodplains. terraces and toes lopes: these sites are primarily seasonally subinigated and have high water tables receding below the mating /one by mid to late summer. Of communities with predominantly native plants those dominated by beaked sedge (Cwvx uSrictdala) arc the nwsl common and exhibit the broadest range of water regime, from permanently flooded (oxbows and beaver potufco to saturated and temporarily flooded. The Baltic rush {Juncia baltiens) vegetation community b neatly as well represented. It exhibits a brood range of adaptability to water regimes, but does not occur under permanently flooded conditions* The woolly fruit scenic (Carex latut&uwsa). slender sedge nonnalive vegetation. 4. Retention of sediments, elements, and compound* High to Low Terrene ttuoughflow basins and lotic wetlands are the most effective. Depressions with a small watershed are low importance. 5. Shoreline Stabilization High in Low Most important in Lotic positions with higher water gradients and ttuoughflow water paths. 6- Terrestrial Habitat High In Moderate These types are often in transition zone between deeper water and uplantk providing cover and food for many species. Waterfowl and other birds use this habitat. 7. Aquatic Habitat High to Low Amphibian and aquatic reptile habitat value can be high with deeper walcrdepths. These types may also provide fish habitat. S. Conservation of Wetland Biodivcrsitv Moderate to Low These arc relatively common types. Pulustrine System Scrub -Shrub Wetland ClamfPSSt Summary This type is defined by >X*t campy cover of shmhs or small trees <6m (20 ft.) in height. All water regimes except subtidul and permanently hooded are potentially included, but Montana types are. in approximate order of extent: saturated, seasonally flooded, temporarily Hooded and semipermanently flooded. The semipermanently flooded condition is especially common in areas where beavers have been active. Although all four subclasses (Broad-leaved Deciduous. Broad-leaved Evergreen. Needle-leaved Evergreen and Dead) occur within Montana, the Broad-leaved Deciduous Subclass was the only sampled subclass in the Gallatin Valley and is the typical Suhcltss across the state, even in mountainous terrain. Environment These types are most common in floodploin environments, often where deposition on inside curves creates sand or gravel bats quickly colonized bv shrubs and trees. The drier fringes of beaver ponu\ and oxbows can also have this type, although these are often loo small in area to be mapped in NWI mapping. Vegetation The most abundant Scrub-Shrub types in the Gallatin Valley are dominated by sandbar willow {SuH i ev&Huy These cod \ uj from i dersc bed of seedlings on recently deposited alluvium, which probably will be exposed to seasonal Hooding for a number of years, to a sapling class or a mature stand approaching 5m (16 ft.) in height in which other wilkiw \Sa/i\ spp.) and Cottonwood and aspen [to/mtus spp.i species are well established with a saturated to temporarily flooded water regime. Three other common early succession^ willow species i.Si;/f\ spp.). Pacific willow (5* Utcida ssp* fasiandra)* yellow willow (5. hitea)* and Bebb willow (5. bef>hiantt). may co-occur with sandbar willow, or in any mix with one another or be sole community dominants. Other than sandbar 2K willow only Pacific willow appcan* capable of colonizing raw gravel bant. The undergrowth dominants of Lhcsc stands range from beaked sedge (Catvx titriatfttla) on ihc wettcsl of siles* to bluejoint rcedgross (Calattta&nixtix ewtadenxis) and tufted hairgrora (Dactltttnpsia CVSfrttma) nns\\cssiXiSTltct\ to (he surface but seldom flooded, to smooth bmmc {Brwnus otortiux)* Kentucky hlucgrass {toa pru tenxi x I arcl. in the uncommon instances of native dominance, western wheatgrass (Pastwpynim stnitlui) on the driest sites. Reed canaiygrass {Plmlatix atwulituuiw and fowl hlucgrass (fott pa/iisffis) have a broad tolerance range of water regime and degree of shading. Although both are exotics, (here is no indication disturbance (beyond what is c\peclcd in riparian systems) is necessary for their introduction or maintenance. Kccdcanarygrass is a very aggressive colonizer capable of forming a virtually monospecific undergrowth. Although the western snowbeiry {Sympfioricurpax oecidenSalis) community* type is quite abundant in the riparian zone on alluvial lloodplain terraces, only one wetland site, probably subirrigated or tempomrily flooded* was identified- This type is often not considered wetland or even riparian but occurs more typically in upland swales (Hansen et at. 1995). Et has the potential to support western ■■ he it -■ i .!>.- . green nccdlegrass {Xaxello \itidula\ and a variety of native herbs, but is more typically dominated by exotic grasses including quackgross U\grupywn tvpens)* smooth brome {Bmmtts inenmsu Kentucky blucgrass ytoit prtttenxixi and limothy ythtetfm praletuey Wood's rose {Roxa uuwiixii) also may attain high coverages. Only the very* wettest margin of this type seems capable of supporting the otherwise ubiquitous reed c anaiygrass* Alder \.\hms iiuwiat communities were often associated with beaver activity, both old and new. Beaver activity (as a disturbance) did not result in the establishment of these stanch; rather they occupy lloodplain terraces, which may have experienced ice jam phenomena in the post. Most stands observed during the fleld season of 2005 are currently sufficiently removed from the main channel to moke ice scour a remote probability. The Gallatin Valley occurrences had a strong component of willows (Bcbb willow and Pacific willow), and willow-dominated communis types were Intermingled with mountain aldcrstands. Narrow-leaf coltnnwood (Fopuhis anpisUJoUa) is scattered in the stands or occurs nearby and will probably become the canopy dominant. Wcll- browscd red-osier dogwood (Conuis svricva) is often present in the mid-shrub layer* Stands adjacent io beuvcr ponds and semipermanent flooding are dominated by beaked sedge in the herbaceous layer Higher positions* although continuously saturated* have bluejoint recugrass, redtop \,\£ivxtix xlolonifera), reed canaiygrass and drooping woodreed \C\mm tatifntia) as dominant* of the herbaceous layer, with the most constant forb being the obligate wetland species western water hemlock (C tfon&lasii). Ecological Dmunths and ManaRemenl CtHisidemik mA Where the lloodplain is relatively narrow* succession may not progress beyond a Scnjb-Shnjh wetland before the watercourse meanders back, eroding the bank where a shrub- or tree- dominated stand was developing. Young stanus of cotton wood would also be in the Scrub-Shrub Wetland Class: with continued development they would grow into the Forest Wetland Class. Some willow communities, especially those dominated by Pacific willow* also transition Io Forest Wetlands. Floodplain dynamics create the typical setting for these wcilands. Like oil wetlands, maintaining Ihc hydrology is key to maintaining the wetland; changes in the quality or quantity o[ water reaching Ihe wetland will alter the vegetation and habitat values, and new locations may not becreaied* When beavers are responsible for the formation* sites are quite dynamic and the community may transition to a different wetland or a non-wclJand environment within fairly short time periods. Beavers are especially important in mountainous landscapes where this type, and the habitat, would be extremely rare without their dam-building activity 29 If livestock have access Id this type, especially when the suits arc wet, they can degrade the habitat by trampling the vcgelalion. pugging the soft soil, and exposing soil for weed colonization sites. Fcrfiaps the condition most favorable lo exotic introduction is created when flooding deposits fresh alluvium, and seeds arothcr pmpagules are dcliveird waiter or wind-home. HGM types and modifiers Most of the Shrub-Scrub wetland* in our sampling area arc Lotic River or Stream. Low to Middle Gradient Floodplains (Tables II and 12)* Sandbar willow communities were most characteristic of the Lotic River or Stream. Middle Gradient Inflow wetlands* Lotic River Thioughflow types often have iklcr as ihe dominant Bcbb willow wis typical of Low r Gradient I i i \< Stream wetlands* On some of the alluvial ban* associated with Lolic Stream. Middle Gradient, wetlands, young narrowleaf collomvooox were establishing. Beyond the active Hoodplain, Palustrinc scrub- shrub well anus were likely to be Tenrne Ploodplain or Slope Wetlands with Throughflow water regimes. Early succcssiona) shrubs like yellow willow with a beaked sedge unde&tory dominated Ihe Terrene HoodpUin wetland.*. Slope wetlands had alder. Pacific willow or yellow willow as dominants. Tijtf/f //. TifwYiW HG\t l\jtr% uMiKuiJf*/ ut/Jr PSS ntltunUs. Landscape Position ! .ml]"] n. Lotk Water Stcc Modifier Lotfc Flow Rc£lmr Water Flow Path I . Terrene Depression Ploodplain Slope Bidirectional Thioughflow Isolated Inflow Outflow 2. Lotic River Stream Dammed Reach Low Gradient Moderate Gradient Tiifrtc 12. I iir*. !wtu itiu<-iu!cti with PSS wttttituii Function RcUtVt IniptirtimtL- Comments 1 . 5urface and Ground water Storage and Streamflow Maintenance High to Low Fine textured and high organic content soils are belter. Thiuughflow water paths and tenrne outflow wellanos are less effective. Well amis on higher order streams are more imponant. Miny of these types are on coarse soils near watercourses and will not rale highly for Ihis function. 2. Nut lien! Cycling High to Low Deni trifle a lion is higher with more organic material in the substrate. Tine textured substrates are more elTective than the coaise substrates that most of these types have. A fluctuating water luble is best* Lotic wetland^ are more important in preserving water quality, especially on lower order sire atns. 3. Maintain Plant Community High to Moderate The undcislory can be dominated by normative vegetation. 30 Tii/rfr tl CitnfrwiL 4. Retention of sediments, elements, and compound* High lo Low Tenrne thmuehflow basins and loik wetlands are the most effective. Depressions with a miuII watershed arc low importance. 5. Shoreline Stabilization High Id Moderate Most imponanl in Lone positions with higher water gradient and Ihioughflow water paths. Shrubs typically have erosion resistant mot systems lhat arc important For bank stabilization. 6- Terrestrial Hahiial High Especially important IbrhinJs but other species also rely on the dense rover and the food resource some shrub species otter Important food source for beavets. 7. Aquatic Habhal Moderate fri Low Can provide some stream shading and woody debris in Lotic positions. S. Conservation of Wetland Biodive&ity Moderate fri Low These on? relatively common types but some have been impacted by improper grazing regimes. Palustrine System Forested Wetland Class Summary This type has woody vegetation >6m (20 ftj in height with >30W canopy cover. The Broad-leaved Deciduous, Needle-leaved Evcigrecn and Dead are the only Subclasses present in Montana. In the Gallatin Valley only Broad-leaved Deciduous types are present. Potentially all water regimes, except sub I kill and permanently flooded, are included, but in the Gallalln Valley only the temporarily flooded and saturated regimes were associated with this class. Eftvinwttnettl The most common landform is Hoodplains where seedlings* of narmwlcaf Cottonwood (Poptdas tirtgusliJotUii and/or Pacific willow (S. /uriuV/ ssp. laxiandru) establish on recently deposited alluvium. Vcwtalion Willows typically establish at the some lime as the iree seedlings and dbminatc the stand until the slower glowing trees overtop the shrubs. In the Gallatin Valley we sampled narcowleaf collonwuod/ red osier dogwood (Cornui sericea) and nanowleaf cottomvood / herbaceous vegetation communities. In the Unit community red-osier efagwood is indicative of the type, but msc species (ftaraspp.) and western snowbeny \Sytnphoricurpos otvidentafis) may have greater canopy cover. The herbaceous component includes redtop {A&tvsfis sMoniJera). reed canorygrass {Pluduris anmdinitceti). latge-leaved avens|C7evim fnacmplty/IuHr) and Canada thistle (Cinittm arwnse) with low to moderate cover we have noted Minus where iced canarygrass has become abundanl f> 25*1 cover) and dominant. The nanowleaf cottomvood /hert>aceous vegetation type is a default type (Hansen ct al. 1995) only defined by having < 25*% shrub cover representing a severely disturbed secondary succession stage of other community types. The undcrgmwih in the Gallatin Valley included smooth brome \Bmmux inennisj, Kentucky blutgrass {Poa prafemish timothy (/Vzfrmtt/'ra/titff}. quuekgross iA&tvpynm repens)^ and western wheatgrass (Pascopynun simtlui). Reed canarygrass is present in small patches, suggesting these stands arc at the diy extreme of this species moisture tolerance. The nmious weeds leafy spuigc {Eiiphoiina aula). knapweed* (Cenhturca spp.), uixl Canada thistle {drsiutn urvmtt*) can be common, especially in openings. Eeirfo&icol Dynamics and Management CtMtsidera! Urns Floodplain dynamics create the typical selling for these wetlands. River hydmlogy has been altered :;i through dams on miny rivets, and the floods creating lire regeneration sites may no longer occur Like all wetlands, maintaining the hvdrology is key to maintaining (he wetland: changes in the quality or quantity of water retching the wetland will alter the vegetation and habitat values. If livestock have access 1o this type, especially when the soils arc wet, (hey can degrade the habitat by trampling the vegetation, pugging the soft soil, and exposing soil for weed colonization sites. Livestock are active hmwscts of some or the shrubs native to these habitats and, along with trampling, can eliminate or change ihe composition of ihe shiuh layer These lloodplain locations arc particularly vulnerable lo colonization by invasive plant species due to the regular disturbance of soil and Ihe deposition of seeds or other pmpagulcs by floodwalcrs. These stands ohen have a herbaceous layer almost totally composed of nonnaiivc species. Stream meander can place older stanoV inclose pmtimily lo the active channel. There can be active erosion that may eventually eliminate some or all of ihe stand. HGM types and modifiers In the Gallatin Valley wetlands we surveyed. PPO wetlands were classified asLotic River Middle Gradient. Floodplain Wetlands with a Throughflow water regime (Tables 1 3 and 14). 1M? I J. TvtHcatHGbtlxf/esaMUKiatedwiihPFQ wtltaitcU. I^indsvapc Position I. a (id form Lotfc Water Sbe Modifier Lotk Flow Regime Wafer Fm Pnlh Lotic Doodplain River Stream Low Gradient Moderate Gradient Throughflow* Tatitt M. Fwirtitttti ux&it:itilfd frith Pt wftltiikh 1 iiii- r ■■- ii Relative importance Comments 1 . Surface and Groundwater Storage and Slreamflow Maintenance Moderate to Low* Trees will root deeply and transpire considerable water during Ihe growing season- Fine lex lured and high oiganic content soils ore better 2. Nutrient Cycling High to Moderate Denitrification is higher with more oigunic material in Ihe substrate. Fine textured substrates are more effective than coarse substrates* A fluctuating water table is best. These Lalic wetlands ore important in preserving water quality. 3. Maintain Plant Community Moderate to Low* The undetsloty is often dominated by nonnaiivc vegetation and the shrub uixlciMoty may be absent or diminished. M any of these stands are decadent and dying. Regeneration can be limited due to altered hydrology. 4. Retention of sediments, elements, and compounds High In Moderate These vegetated wetlands in lloodplain locations ate generally effective for this function* 32 Tuht* 14. Cvttiiittted. 5. Shoreline Stabilization High These trees with large woody mot systems occur in settings with high erosion potential and an: very effective at stabilizing banks. 6. Terrestrial Hihilal High Especially important for bint* and bats, paniculatiy cavity ncsters* A variety of other species abo rety on this habilal. Important food source for be a vets. 7. Aquatic Habitat Moderate to Low Can provide some stream shading, woody debris, terrestrial insect input as a food source and leaf drop us u nutrient source. 8. Conserve lion of Wetland Biodiversity High Non-wetland riparian forests are much more common. Both typos arc in decline due to altered hydrokigic regimes and invasion from Russian olive and salt cedar. They have also been impacted by improper grazing regimes so siles with good shrub structure ore relatively unoimmon. Riverine System, Lower Perenninl Unconsulitlated Shore 1R2US1 Summary This type is contained within a lower perennial river channel An unconsolidated shore musl have <75* cover of stones or laigcr rock and <30ft canopy cover of vegetation other than pioneering plants. Water regime can be irregularly exposed, irgularly flooded. iiTegulariy flooded. seasonally flooded, temporarily flooded, intermittently flooded, saturated or artificially Hooded. The Unconsolidated Bottom type is similarly defined but has a wetter water regime. EnvinMtiticttt Riverine Systems occur within a lower perennial liver channel and have a disturbance regime limiting the establishment or dense permanent vegetation. These locations experience periodic flood and ice scour. Fairly narrow streomsidc Tringes. point bars and c\irnsive braided gravel bats ore the typical sites for this type. Vegetal Urn By definition, vegetation is sparse. Vcgetotion can vary annually depending on the species of propagulcs ir aching and establishing on a site since these environments arc regularly disturbed, although some species may be able R> persist like wcll-rooied woody species or reed canarygrass {Phalarix anuulinacea^ Although spante overall, there can be relatively dense clumps of vegetation, usually willows (5al/xspp.). narrowleaf collonwood iPo/ndtti tm&itslijatia) scedlingt/saplings. and reed c an un grass {Plmtarix antntlinacettt. Water knotweed {Polygonum amphibium). rccltop {Agwsiis xtolonrjera). and other herbs may occur. Knapweed (Cenhmmt spp. muslly spotted knapweed. C bieberxtetnii)* common mullein lYcrtmsats llutpxnx), leafy spuige \Enphoiina esula). Canada thistle (Cirsiam unwise} and other weedy species arc also rapid cotnnuecs on the drier portions of these open sites. Most of these sites would be considered to have "sparse vegetation" (canopy cover < 10*% \ in the National Vegetation Classification System (hence mostly unclassified). Ecological Dynamics and Management CtMtsUtrra tions Floodplain dynamics create these wetland sites. River hydrology has been altered through dams on many rivcis and the flooth creating these siles may have changed in intensity' or liming. Like all wetlands, maintaining the hydrology is key to maintaining the wetland, changes in the quality or quantity or water reaching the wetland will alter the vegetation and habitat values. These locations experience active change and the shape or existence of any specific site can vaiy annually. These floodplain locations are particularly vulnerable to colonization by invasive plant species duct* the regular disturbance of the substrate and 33 the deposition of sceth orother propagules by (lood waters. HGAI types and modifiers Wetlands classified us Riverine under the NW1 system anr always Lotic River or Lotic Si trim HGM types. In iheCallalin. R2U5 wetlands corresponded lu Lotic River Middle Gradient, Ploodplain Wetland* with a ThmughnYiw water regime (Tables 15 and 16|. Table 15. Tvt*c Low These lypes are eroded faster than vegetated types but they ore Ihe liiM line of defense for shore stabilization* 6. Terrestrial Habitat Moderate to Low Some insccfr and birds use these habitats. 7. Aquatic Habilal Moderate Rocks and stones along the shoreline provide colonization surfaces fnr macro invcjicb riles, undercut banks provide shelter for fish 8. Conservation of Wetland Biodiversity Low* Common and non- threatened. 34 Conclusions and Recommendations Updated USFWS NWI and itpamn mapping is underway in areas of Mont ina where funding is available. We recommend mapping in new areas continues 1o associate vegetation types wilh USFWS types, since the comprehensive, iradily available information about these vegetation types will help those seeking 1o better understand or manage wetlands. Although this effort wis confined to theCalluiin Valley, it represents a Strang beginning in our effort* *» accrue this information for Montana. We have also demonstrated that it is possible to use a GIS to attribute HCM classes lo NWl-cl ossified polygons, especially when (he majority of wetlands occur on Hoodplainsoil, and this permits a bmad assessment of wetland function and potential impairment on a landscape scale. What we have not yet determined is the degree to which this approach can be used in other landscapes, even in Montana. Individually attributing HGM modifiers at a detailed level to NWI polygons during the mapping process represents a significant effon, but if dicholumous keys have to be ircidiftcd for even' t incise ape and leave enough uncertainly that 2tt to 30** of wetlands still have to be individually classified, there may be little time savings in a CIS-based appmach. In our new mapping cltorfe, we will analyze both methods to determine the costs and benefits or adding an HGM attribute lo every NWI polygon, but whatever the outcome of that analysts, we recommend linking functions to NWI types continues in same form Wcllancb arc valued (and regulated) because of their functions and associated values, connecting mapping wilh functions will aid wetland mitigation, restoration, conservation, and management. 35 Literature Cited BridgexOutdnor Science School. No dale. A reference guide Id wuter resources in the Gallatin Watershed. 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Stanley. E. Siockdale. August 2003 Draft. Freshwater Wetland* in Washington Stale \blumc I : A Synthesis of the Science. Washington State Department of Ecology PuhlKaTiPii#[)3-0fr-0lP, Tincr, R.. M. Starr. H. Bctgquist. and J, S wonts. 2000. Watershed-based Wetland Characterization for Maryland's Nonttcoke River and Coastal B ays Watershed;: A Preliminary Assessment Report. U.S. Ftsh& Wildlife Service, National Wetlands Inventory iNWIj Program, Nonheosl Region. Hadley. MA. Prepared for the Maryland Department of Natural Resources, Coastal Zone Management Program (pursuant to National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration award}. NWl technical report. 37 Appendix A. Diciiotomous Key for GIS-baskd Assignment of HGM Classifications to NWI Wetlands is the Gallatin Valley Key A: Key lo Wetland Landscape Position 1. Wetland is classified as Riverine in NWI 3 L Wetland Ls not classified as Riverine in NWI 2 2. Wed a nd is completely or almost completely surrounded hy upland sods Terrem (T) Go to AVv Bjor inland latuiform 2. Wetland is completely or almost completely surrounded by floodplam soils 3 3. Wetland is associated with a stream U linear or single-line watercourse on a 1:24*000 U.S. Geological Survey topographic map) « . Go to Cgggfej "a " hcltrw a. Wetland is the source of a stream bul this watercourse Joes not e\icnd through the wetland Terrene M below 3. Wetland is associated with a river (a broad channel mapped as a polygon or 2-lincd water- course on a 1:24,000 U.S. Geological Survey topographic map) Lotk River (LR) Go to Couplet "b" bdow h Stream or river associated with wetland is mapped as intermittent on a 1:24,000 USGS map. Intermittent Gradient (IG) Gtt to AVv D toy water How path fc. Stream is mapped as perennial on a 1:24-000 USGS map .€ t\ Slope at stlc of wetland is greater than 4% Hfeh Gradient (HG) Gi> to AVv Djor jtgjggjjflg path c. Slope i\ site of wetland is less than 4'* but more than 2% Middle Gradient (MG) Go to AVv Dfoy water flow path i\ Slope at site of wetland is 2** or less Low Gradient (LG) Go to Kt-\ D tor wvitcr tltnv path 3. Wetland is classified as Lacustrine in the NW ; I Lentlc (LE) Go to Key C for Luke Type Then Go to AVv B lor inland htmlU *tvt Key B: Key to Inland Landforms L Wetland is Terrene and occuis on slope >4% Slope Wetland i lluve Wetland (I ) Gn to Key Dft>r water jltrw pulh 5. Wetland not as above ,6 6. Wetland exists in a distinct depression visible on aerial pholos or a DEM. or is classified as a Paluslrinc Aquatic Bed or a Paluslrinc Unconsolidated Bed in NW1 Basin Wetland (Hi 6. Wetland is not as above Flat Wetland (FL) Gn to Kcv D for water ft L Water does not pass through this wetland to other wetlands or watcrbodics 2 2. Water flows in and out of the walcrbody through the same channel Bidirectional till) 2. Water flow is not bidirectional —J 3* There is no surface inflow or outflow to the wetland on NHD mafti. and no inflow or outflow path is apparent on DEMs or aerial photos Isolated (I) 3 4 Wetland is not hydrologically or geographically isolated »„„3 4. Wetland lies in the flow path of groundwater or surface water as determined from a DEM or NHD flowlinc but no outflow flowline exists and no outflow path is apparent on DEMs or aerial pbotos Inflow (IF) 4. Wetland does not lie in the flow path of groundwater or surface water as determined from a DEM or NHD but surface or ground water is dtschaigcd from this wetland to another wet- land or water body at a lower elevation, as determined by an NHD flowline. a DEM or aerial photos Oulllow(OU) Appendix A-2 Appendix B. NWI am* HGM Conns and Descriptions Used in This Report INWI CODE FULL DESCRIPTION "*ABF Palustrine. Aquatic Bed, Semipermanently Flooded PABFn Palustrine, Aquatic Bed, Semipermanently Flooded, Diked/Impounded PABFX Palustrine. Aquatic Bed, Semipermanently Flooded, Excavated PABGu Palustrine. Aquatic Bed, Intermittent^ Exposed. Beaver PABGn Palustrine, Aquatic Bed, Intermittently Exposed. Diked/Impounded PABKX Palustrine, Aquatic Bed, Artificially Flooded, Excavated PEN! A Palustrine. Emergent Temporarily flooded PEMAd Palustrine. Emergent Temporarily flooded. Partially Drained/Ditched PEMAn Palustrine, Emergent Temporarily flooded, Diked/Impounded PEMAx P alustnne. Emergent T emporanty flooded, E xcavated PEMB Palustrine. Emergent Saturated PEMC Palustrine. Emergent Seasonally Flooded PEMCd Palustrine, Emergent Seasonally Flooded, Partially Drained/Ditched EMCn Palustrine. Emergent Seasonally Flooded, Diked/Impounded EMC)* Palustrine. Emergent Seasonally Flooded, Excavated EMF Palustrine, Emergent Semipermanently Flooded EMFb Palustrine, Emergent Semipermanently Flooded, Beaver EMFn Palustrine. Emergent Semipermanently Flooded, Diked/ Impounded EMFX Palustrine. Emergent SemipermanentJyFlooded, Excavated PEMKX Palustrine, Emergent Artificially Flooded, Excavated PFOA Palustrine. Forested. Temporarily flooded PFOB Palustrine. Forested. Saturated PFOC Palustrine. Forested. SeasonalyFlooded PS 5 A Palustrine, Scrub-Shrub, Temporarily flooded PSSAd Palustrine. Scrub-Shrub, Temporarily flooded. Partially Drained/Ditched PSSAx Palustrine, Scrub-Shrub, Temporarily flooded. Excavated P55B Palustrine. Scrub-Shrub Saturated P5SC Palustrine. Scrub-Shrub, Seasonally Flooded PSSCb Palustrine. Scrub-Shrub, Seasonally Flooded. Beaver PSSCh Palustrine, Scrub-Shrub, SeasonallyFlooded. Diked/Impounded PUBFx Palustrine, Unconsolidated Bottom. Semipermanently Flooded. E "tavated PUBGX Palustrine. Unconsolidated Bottom. Intermittently Exposed, E xcavated PUS A Palustrine, Unconsolidated Shore, Temporarily flooded PUS AX Palustrine. Unconsolidated Shore. Temporarily flooded. Excavated PUSCn Palustrine. Unconsolidated Shore. SeasonallyFlooded. Diked/Impounded PUSCX Palustrine, Unconsolidated Shore. Seasonally Flooded. Excavated Appendix B - / INWI CODE FULL DESCRIPTION R2UBF Riverine. Loner Perennial Unconsolidated Bottom. 5 errdpermanently Flooded H2UBG Riverine. Lower Perennial, Unconsolidated Bottom. Intermittently Exposed R2UBH Riverine, Lower Perennial, Unconsolidated Bottom. Permanently Flooded R2USA Riverine. Loner Perennial, Unconsolidated Shore, Temporarily flooded R2U5C Rivenne. Loner Perennial, Unconsolidated Shore, Seasonally Flooded R3UBF Riverine, Upper Perennial, Unconsolidated Bottom. Semipermanently Flooded R3UBH Riverine, Upper Perennial, Unconsolidated Bottom. Permanently Flooded K3U5A Riverine, Upper Perennial. Unconsolidated Shore, Temporarily flooded R3USC Riverine, Upper Perennial, Unconsolidated Shore. Seasonally Flooded R45BCK Rivenne. Intermittent, Streambed, SeasonallyFlooded. Excavated HGMCODE FULL DESCRIPTION ftD Appears to have been drained LRIFX Lobe River. Intermittent Floodplain, Excavated LRLGFu Lobe River Lower Gradient Floodplain, Dammed, Beaver LRLGFu Lobe River Loner Gradient Floodplain, Diked/impounded LRLGFRtf Lobe River Lower Gradient Fringe. Through (low LRLGItf Lobe River F Loner Gradient Island. Throughflow LRMGFdl Lobe River Middle Gradient Floodplain. Diked/impounded LRMGFRtf Lobe River. Middle Gradient Fringe. Throughflon LSLGFb Lobe Stream, Loner Gradient Floodplain. Dammed. Beaver LSLGFu Lobe Stream, Lower Gradient Floodplain. Diked/impounded LSLGFdr Lobe Stream, Lower Gradient Floodplain. Drained/ ditched LSLGFlf Lobe Stream, Lower Gradient Floodplain. Inflow LSLGFtf Lobe Stream, Lower Gradient Floodplain. ThroughPon tSLGFX Lobe Stream, Lower Gradient Floodplain. Excavated SMGFu Lobe Stream, Middle Gradient Floodplain. Diked/impounded _5MGFtf Lobe Stream, Middle Gradient Floodplam.Throughflon FBu T errene, B asm. Diked/impounded FBdr Terrene. Basin. Drained 'drlched rblf T errene. B asin, Inflow i BIT Terrene, Basin, Throughlovr FBK T errene. B asm, E xcavated TFtf T errene. F lat T hroughflow TIBd Terrene. InterHuve. Basin, Diked/impounded I I B dr T errene. Interfluve. B asm. Drained/ditched Appendix B - 2 HGMCODE FULL DESCRIPTION flBi Terrene, Interfluve. Basin. Isolated flBif T enene. Interfluve. 8 asm. Inflow riBtf Terrene. Interfluve. Basin. Thro ugh iow riBK T errene. Interfluve. B asm, E icavated riFtf Terrene. Interfluve. Flat Throughfiow rn Terrene. Interfluve. Isolated fiif Terrene. Interfluve. Inflow AppcndixB -j