298 UFE OF and lie suffered from an eye disease, which sometimes even made reading a difficulty. He rarely received •visits., and sometimes did not go to Berlin for six. weekk Many obstacles prevented Ms producing any- tMng for publication at this period, and principally his ceaseless study. But the most important part of his correspondence with Schiller, took place at this time, and, as it has been published, the world has been a great gainer by the temporary separation of the two eminent friends. In their correspondence, we see the greatest works of Schiller planned, dis- cussed, corrected, and gradually brought to comple- tion, the ideas and sentiments contained in them are debated and suggested, and., now and then/ Goethe also sends manuscripts and plans of works to Hum- boldt, that he may peruse and correct them. This correspondence enables the reader better to compre- hend all the works of the German poet, as their .beauties and defects are discussed and pointed out with penetrating criticism., in the unguaxdecl outpourings of an affectionate correspondence. For himself, Humboldt made more plans and pro- jects at this period than he realized ; he seemed to live only for Schiller, as the adviser and corrector of his genius. But even his plans are interesting, and we will therefore briefly sketch them. He purposed to make Toss's "Louisa" the subject of a critical essay? and intended to confine himself strictly to the Idyllic portion of the work, to glance at the^Myllic poets of other nations, and take the opportunity of elucidating Ms favourite theory of the similarity of the Greeks and Germans. Another project was the criticism of Goethe's " Reinecke, the Fox/" of which only some very original ideas on the Fox have reached us in letters to Schiller. Schiller requested him to write an explanation of his " Reich der Schatten/* but although Humboldt would have liked the task, lie thought it unsuitable in "Hrm to constitute himself a commentator on SeMEer. The plans and works relating to antiquity were