LIFE OF been included in the collected edition of Ills works. They form, a valuable supplement to it, giving Hnm- "boldVs views on this field of art, and are a valuable contribution to the history of art in Germany. In the spring of 1826, Humboldt went to Silesia to spend some time in OttmachazL He travelled over Breslai25 where lie made some new Meads, among tliem the famed piiEologlaii and lexicographer,, Franz Passow. Humboldt honoured Ms opinions as much as his talents, for Passovr was one of those who bravely opposed the romantic pietistic reaction in literature, which tkreattned to gain ground. In the summer we find him again in Tegel, while his wife was at the baths of Qastein, and towards the end of the year lie paid Goethe another Tibit, and remained with him over the new year. Goethe writes to Ms friend Zelter, 9th J~an.5 1827, " I must acknowledge that I have been very well these last days, for Herr von Humboldt remained with us longer than I could have Iioped3 and I thus had the opportunity of filling up a wide breach of social in- tercourse/ * The year 1826 is marked by two events which ex- cited Humboldtfs interest., though in a different degree. The first was the Greek war of emancipation^ which kept alive the opposition against the system of prince ICettemieii during the following oppressive years. The pubfic sympathy for. this cause was kept down in. Berlin for some time5 l>ut a chaiige was eftected herein, in April^ 1826 ; soon after the emperor Alex- ander's Professor Hufeland ajid three theolo- gians of Berlin issued an appeal in favour of the Greeks in the beginxfcing of May in this yeaxy which excited the enthusiasm. The eoniribntions were reported in. the Berlin newspapers, and among the first and most miratfieemtj next to those of prince August,, was that of tike miimfcer Von Hixmboldt. The event is of ap. entirely different It an agitation