426 LIFE OF with age3 and more still with the mood in which the ever-present feeling of a great loss contemplates nature and the retirement of country life. The fruit of this less sad than, solemn frame of mind was a large num- ber of poems^ all in the same form, whose existence was unknown to Ms brother or to any member of his affectionate family. He had for several years dictated these sonnets to his secretary, Ferdinand Sciralz, every evening, even when on Ms shorter journeys, and a portion of them have now been published. To every volume of Ms collected works his brother Alexander Las prefixed a selection from this eyclus of beautiful sonnets7 so that several hundreds have been published, and these are only a very small proportion of the entire quantity, Two men especially gladdened the last years of his life—his brother Alexander and Goethe. The brother now lived near him. How much they had to tell each other who had been so long sepa- ratedj and? from reasons one may easily imagine, could not even communicate by correspondence. The letters they wrote to each other were rare, and were like a landscape without water or foliage. For, as is frequently the case^ they did not even communicate what they might safely have written. What joy must it then have been for Humboldt to itave- his younger and more robust brother aretana near him, aad see him advance on Ms course. We know how their studies had always advanced Itand-in-handj— hoWy when their paths lay far asunder^ they watched each others course with anxious interest,,—and how, in the most -opposite studies and pursuits, the relation of their souls oouki not be concealed, Humboldt artel Goethe also continued in uninter- rupted correspondence until the death of the latter, and did not cease to each other by active interest and assistance. If, especially in the present age^ there is something exceedingly' gratifying in seeing two such eminent men maintain^ sach an intimate friend* for nearly half a century* it is doubly affecting*