TROMS 0 MUSEUf'i BIBLIOTEKET /' An Amphipod Newsletter, a feasible idea ? This paniplilet is being sent to all scientists on the attached list of amphipod workers, in tlie hope that such an initiative may lead to the regular issuing, yearly or half-yearly, of an informal Amphipod Newsletter, containing information of mutual interest. Sucii information may take several forms. Lists of recently pub- lished papers and a survey of current research programmes should be recurring items, especially useful to those who work in compara- tive isolation and in some cases without easy access to a large library. Other items .-jf interest may include changes of address, requests for cooperation in procuring material for comparative purposes, short notes about the rediscovery of type-specimens or classical amphipod collections, bibliographical data, availability of translations of important amphipod literature written in foreign languages etc. As an example I have appended a list which gives the year of publication of tlie separate parts of G.O. Sars famous monograph on the Amphipoda of Norway, as I have noticed that these are not available in print. T li e attached list of a m p li i p o d workers contains only the add- resses of scientists at present ivorking on the taxonomy of marine and brackish-water Gammaridea and Caprellidea, and it is undoubt- edly far from complete. I hope that somebody will be able to pro- vide a similar list of people w o r 1^ i n g on H y p e r i i d e a , and on f r e s li - water and subterranean Gaiinnaridae. Because biologists who are not primarily taxonomists are less J^ound to a particular group of ani- mals, it will be mo re difficult to compile a list of amphipod ecologists and physiologists, who should ideally also be included, in my opinion. I hope that as many people as possible will respond to this ijiitiative and indicate, whether they consider it worthwhile pur- suing the idea of an Ampliipod Newsletter. I shall be very grate- ful for any opinions and comments on what sort of iji formation such a newsletter should contain, how it should be financed, how often it should be issued, where and by whom, whether it should concern taxonomists only or sliould also be directed tow'arch ecologists and physiologists, and whetlier it should also embrace tlie Isopoda, as Dr, Desmond Hurley suggested to me in a letter, etc. If there is a satisfactory response, I shall try to present these ideas in a further Newsletter, probably some time in the autumn. I shall also be very grateful for corrections and additions to the list of amphipod workers contained in this issue, and for reprints of or references to amphipod papers published in 1972, for inclusion in this second newsletter. Blomsterdalen, January 1972. Wiw Vader Biologisic stasjon Espegrend N-5065 Blomsterdalen Norwa y . ADDRESSES OF TAXONOMISTS WORKING WITH MARINE AMPHIPODA GAMMARIDEA AND CAPRELLID EA. A, Andersson , N a x u r h i e t o r i s k a R i k s m u s e e t , S lock nolm 50, Sverige. I, Arimoto , Tokyo University of F i s ii e r i e s Museum, M i n a t o ~ M i n a m i 4-5-7 M i a n t 0 - K u , Tojk ]EP » Japan, J . La ure n s Barnard , Department of Invertebrate Zoology, Smithsonian Institution, W a s h i n g t o n , D,C. 2 05 60, U,S.A. D. Bellan - Sant in i C*^), Station Marine d'Endoume, Rue de la Batterie des Lions, Mars eille (7^), France. E. L. Bousfield , National Museum cf Canada, Natural History Branch, Ottaw a , Canada, Cl. de Br oyer. Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles (Oceanographie) Rye Vautier 31, Bruxe l les 4, Belgique, B B r u n , Labor a Loire de Biologic Generate, Faculte des Sciences S t , Charles, Place c t o r Hugo, Marseille (3 ) , France, Departernent^ des Sciences Biologiques, Universite de Montreal, CP= 6128, Montreal , Quebec, Canada. Faculty of Biology, "Al. I Cuza” University, Jassy , Romania* R * Cooper , Fisheries Division, Marine Department, A u r o r a H o u s e , P.O. Box 10142, Well i n q t o n , New Zealand. R . A . Brok er, Department of Zoology University of New Hampshire, Durham . N H „ 03824, U„S.A. P . Brune i , S. Caraus n, E , D a li 1 , Zoologislca Institutionen, Lund , Sverige, Dang N g o Tha nh , Chaire de Zoolog i. e Invertebree, Faculte de Biologie, Universixd de Hanoi, Hanoi , \Li e t n a m ( N o r d ) . K,W. Duncan , Department of Zoology, Canterbury University, Private S 3 9 t C h r i s t c h u r c } i , New Zealand. A. Escofet ($ ) t Catedra de Artropodas, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales - 2 - H , J . F e a r n - W a n n a n , Mercer House, Associated Teachers Training Institution, Armadale , Victoria, Australia. I . I . Gr eze (9), Institute of Biology of South Seas, Academy of Scienoes UKSSR, 2 Nahimov Street, Sevastopol . USSR ti.L. Griffiths , Zoology Department, University of Cape Town, R ond e - b 0 s c h , Cape Town, South Africa. E , F , G urg a n ova (9), Zoological Institute, Academy of Sciences USSR, Leningrad V-164, USSR D.E. Hurley . New Zealand Oc e a n og r a p li i c Institute DSIR, P.0, Box 8009, iV e 1 1 i n g t 0 n , New Zealand. J . Just , Institute of Comparative Anatomy, University of Copen- iiagen, Universitetsparl^en 15, 2100 K d b e n h a v n 0, Danmark. R. Kaim-Malka , Station ftiarine d'Eridoume, Rue de la Batterie des Lions, Marseille (7^), France. V. Kaneva-Abadieva (9), Institut Central de Recherches Scientifiques sur la Pisciculture et la Pec he, Varna , Bulgaria. G , t(a r a ma n , P.O. Box 40, Titograd , Yugoslavia. G . Klein , Gl’iicksburger Strasze 20, 463 Bochum , Bundesrepublik D e u t s c li 1 a n d . G, Krapp-Schickel (?), Zoologisclies Forschungs-institut Museum Alexander Koenig, Adenauerallee 150-162, 53 B o n n , Bundesrepublik Deutschland. V.A. Kudr.iaschov , Far East University, Biological Faculty, Department of Hydrobiology and Ichthyology, Vladivostok 10, USSR. J. P. Lagard^re , Station Marine d'Endoume, Antenne La Roclielle, Allee des Tamaris, 17 L a Roche lie , France. D . R . La ub i t z (?), National Museum of Natural Sciences, National iM u s e u m of Canada. Ot ta wa , Canada. M , L e d 0 y e r , Station Marine d'Endoume, Rue de la Batterie des Lions, Ma r s e i 1 1 e (7 ), France. -3^ R , J , iVi a r q u .1 i s (9), Biological Faculty, Moscow State Faculty, Mo s c ow , USSR, A , M a t e u s f;. E , d e Oliv eira Ma te u s (9),Instituto de Zoologia "dro Aug us to Nobre" . Universidade de Porto, Port o, Portugal* J. C, McCain , Hazleton Laboratories, Inc,, P,0, Box 30, Fal ls Church o Virginia. U , S , A L . R , M c C 1 0 s k e y . Marine Biological Laboratory, W oods Hol e, Mass. 02543, U*S. A, J . M c I n t y r e , Department of Biology, University of New South Wales, S i d u e y . N 5 W , A u s t r a 1 i a , A , Michae l, System atics-Ecology Program, Marine Biological Lab, W oods Hole . Massc 02543, U,S,A, E , L * Mill s ; Institute of Oceanography, Dalhousie University, Halifax , Nova Scotia, Canadar : Sect i a "Prof* L* Borcea", IRCM Aq i ge a . 'uol. Dobrogea, Romania A » A * My e r s f Department of Zoology, University College of Cork, Cork, Eire * K * N a q a t a , Oceanographical Division, Nanseikai Regional Fisheries Research Laboratory, Sanbashi-dori, Kochi Ci ty , Shikoku, Japan, R . 0 1 e r b d , N a t u r h i s t o r i s k a R i k s m u s e e t , Stockholm 50, Sverige, S, Per ep ere z , Laboratori' de Zoologia, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias, Cerrito 73, Montev ideo , Uruguay* N , K 1 - i s lin a P i 1 1 a i , Marine Biological Laboratory, University of Kerala, T r i V a n d r u m , I n d J a , S, Pinkster . Zoolog isch Museum. Plantage Midden la an 53, Amsterdam , Holland , P , Rabindranath , Department of Zoology. NSS College, Chanqanacherry 2 Ker ala, India -4- S , R u f f 0 , Museo Civico di Storia Naturale,. Lungadige Porto Vittoria9 Verona , Italia. U. Schiecke , Repo Ecol. Marina, Villa Acquario, 80077 Ischia-Porto , Italia, W „ Scott Gray . Pacific Marine Station, Oillon Beach (Marin County), California, U . S , A , S. G. Seqerstrale , Institute of Marine Research, Biological Laboratory, Helsinki , Finland. T . E . S i V a p r a k a s a m , Zoological Survey of India, Southern Regional Station, My 1 a p or e , Madras 4 , India. G . M . Spooner , Tiie Laboratory, Citadel Hill, Plymouth , England, D, H, Steele . Memorial University of Newfoundland, St, John’s Newfoundland, Canada. J . H , Stock , Zoologisch Museum, Plantage Middenlaan 53, Amsterdam , fi " J. 1 a n d < M , H . Thurston , National Institute of Oceanography, W o r m 1 e y , G o d a 1 tii i n g Surrey, England. N . Z . Tzvetkova (?), Zoological Institute, Academy of Sciences USSR, Le n i n q r a d V-164, USSR,. IV . ,: V a d e r , Biologisk stasjon, Es peg rend, N-5065 B 1 o m s t e r d a 1 e n . Norge. S.V. Vassilenko (9), Zoological Institute, Academy of Sciences USSR, Leningrad V-164, USSR. M.E. Vinogradov , Institute of Oceanology, S a d o v a y 1 , L u !.i 1 i n o iM 0 s k V a , USSR. W , D . IV i 1 1 i a m s . Department of Biology, Monash University, P.O.Box 92, Clayton , Victoria, Australia. Argentina Australia Belgique Bulgaria Canada D a n ni a r k Deutschland ( BRD ) Eire England Finland France Holland India Italia Japan New Zealan d Norge Portugal Romania South Africa Sverige Hr ug u a V H.S.A. USSR Vietnam ( N o r d ) Yugoslavia : E s c 0 f e t : F e a r n “ W a n n a n , M c I n t y r e , Williams : de Broyer : Kaneva-Abadievao : Bcusfield, Brunei, Laubitz, Mills, Steele, : Just : Klein, K r a p p - S c ii i c k e 1 : Myers : Spooner, T ii u r s t o n : Segerstrale : Bella n-Santini, Brun, Kaim-Malka, Lagardere, L e d 0 y e r ; Pinkster, Stock : Pillai, Rabindranath, Sivadpralcasani : R u f f 0 , S c ii i e c k e : Arimoto, Nagata : Cooper, Duncan, Hurley : V a d e r : A. Mate us, E. de Oliveira Mate us : C a r a u f5 u , Mu 1 1 e r : Griffittis : Andersson, Dalil, Olerdd : Pereperez : Barnard, Croker, McCain, McClosl