1 AMPHIPOD NEWSLETTER 27 Produced by Wim Vader, Tromso Museum, N-9037 Tromso, Norway (wim.vader@tmu.uit.no ) in May 2005. INTRODUCTION This newsletter mainly covers the amphipod literature for 2004, but as I have prepared files about all amphipods described since 1990 (to be published in Amphipod Newsletter 28 before long) I have here included a number of articles which I had earlier overlooked and which contain descriptions of new amphipod taxa (pp 34-38). I shall be very grateful, if colleagues could notify me of any omissions in and corrections to these lists. As I have done in the latest newsletters, I have again taken the liberty to copy an important revised classification in this newsletter; after the Baikal amphipods by Kamaltynov and the Corophiidea by Myers and Lowry this time the entirely revised classification of the Talitrida, resulting from the cladistic analysis of this group by Cristiana Serejo (2004), is written out on pp 39-40. As usual, I have also provided alphabetical and systematic indexes to the new amphipod taxa, that are described in the papers listed in this bibliography. In view of the state of flux in which amphipod systematics and classification finds itself these days, this is a complicated task and one where it will be impossible to please all colleagues. I have used a number of informal groups, where I have not been able to find formalized family names as yet. This is especially the case within the Lysianassoidea, where we eagerly await the magnum opus of Lowry & Stoddart, but also in some freshwater groups, where maybe mainly my own insufficient knowledge is to blame. Wim Vader, 30 May 2005 BIBLIOGRAPHY It is increasingly difficult to obtain good library services at the smaller universities, and I have therefore more often than before been unable to see the actual papers that are contained in this bibliography. This has as consequence that I too often have been unable to provide annotations even for papers that look quite important for my colleague amphipod workers. Where I have written ‘not seen, unfortunately’ I should very much appreciate receiving a copy or pdf.file of the papers concerned from people, who have been luckier than me. (I send out many copies to colleagues myself, and am always willing to help out where I can.) Many thanks are due to those colleagues who have sent me references, reprints, or pdf- files. As usual, especially Egor Vinogradov (Moskva) and Franz Krapp (Bonn) have rendered very frequent good service and greatly improved the quality of this bibliography. Wim Vader AKOUMIANAKI, L & J. A. HUGHES 2004. The distribution of macroinfauna along mediterranean submarine caves with sulphur springs. — Cahiers de Biologie Marine 45 , 355-364 (4 Amph. spp on p. 361). 2 ANASTACIO, P. M., S. C. GONCALVES, M. A. PARDAL & J. C. MARQUES 2003. A model for amphipod ( Talitrus saltator ) population dynamics. — Estuarine, Coastal & Shelf Science 58 (Suppl.), 149-157. ANDRES, H. G. 2004. Ingolfiella sandroruffoi sp. nov. (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Ingolfiellidae) from the Great Meteor Seamount north-eastern Atlantic Ocean). - — Mitteilungen aus der Hamburger Zoologisches Museum und Institut 10 7, 225-236. ANISIMOVA, A.N. 2004. (Biology of Talitrus saltator (Crustacea, Amphipoda) from Sambiya Peninsula (Kaliningrad oblast, Russia).) — Zoologicheskii Zhurnal 83 , 668-673. (In Russian) APOSTOLOV, A. & I. PANDOURSKI 2004. Crustaces des eaux souterraines karstiques des montagnes de Vitoche et de Golo Bardo (Bulgarie occidentale): composition taxonomique, caracteristique generate et repartition spatiale dans le karst. — Historia Naturalis Bulgarica 16 , 47-57. APPADOO, C. & A. A. MYERS 2004. Corophiidea (Crustacea: Amphipoda) from Mauritius. — Records of the Australian Museum 56, 331-362. (Deals with Ampithoe kava, A. lafkui n.sp., A. laxipodus n.sp., A. longicarpus n.sp. , A. mascarenensis n.sp., A. ramondi, Cymadusa cavimana (transferred from Ampithoe ), C.foliosa, C. microphthalma, Exampithoe latibasis n.sp., Paragimbia vorax, Aora inermis n.sp., Bemlos quadrimanus, B. teleporus , Globosolembos excavatus, G. indicus, Grandidierella bonnieroides , Monocorophium acherusicum, Gammaropsis sp. (in atlantica group), G. digitata, Ericthonius brasiliensis, E. pugnax, and E. punctatus (new to the Indian Ocean). Keys to all Mauritian corophiid genera, as well as to the local species of Ampithoe, Cymadusa, Bemlos and Ericthonius, are provided.) ARBACIAUSKAS, K. 2002. Ponto-Caspian amphipods and mysids in the inland waters of Lithuania: history of introduction, current distribution and relations with native malacostracans. — Pp 104-1 15 in E. Leppakoski, S. Gollasch & S. Olenin (eds). Invasive aquatic species of Europe. Distribution, impacts and management. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht. ARIYAMA, H. 2004. Two new species of the family Aoridae (Crustacea: Amphipoda) from the coasts of Wakayama and Osaka prefectures, central Japan, with description of a new genus. — Natural History Bulletin of Ibaraki University 7, 1-16. (Deals with Pseudobemlos serratus n. gen, n. sp., and Tethylembos japonicus n. sp., both from Wakayama prefecture). 3 ARIYAMA, H. 2004. Nine species of the genus Aoroides (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Aoridae) from Osaka bay, Central Japan. — Publications of the Seto Marine Biological Laboratory 40 , 1-66. (This beautiful paper deals withX. columnaris n.sp., A. curvipes n.sp., A. ellipticus n.sp., A. longimerus, A. myojinensis n.sp., A. punctatus n.sp., A. secundus , and A. semicurvatus n.sp. . A key is provided. All new species come from Osaka Bay.) ASHTON, G., K. WILLIS, E. COOK, D. TIERNE & W. VADER 2004. European distribution of the non-indigenous marine amphipod Caprella mutica. — Poster, Scottish Association for Marine Science. BACELA, K. & A. KONOPACKA 2005. The life history of Pontogammarus robustoides , an alien amphipod in Polish waters. — Journal of Crustacean Biology 25, 190-195. BARTLETT, A. J., U. BORGMANN, D. G. DIXON, S. P. BATCHELOR & R. J. MAGUIRE 2004. Tributyltin uptake and depuration in Hyalella azteca\ implications for experimental design. — Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry 23, 426-434. BAUER, A., S. TROUVE, A. GREGOIRE, L. BOLLACHE & F. CEZILLY 2000. Differential influence of Pomphorhynchus laevis (Acanthocephala) on the behaviour of native and invader gammarid species. — International Journal for Parasitology 30, 1453-1457. BELLAN-SANTINI, D. 2005. European species of Haustorius (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Haustoriidae), with description of a new Mediterranean species. — - Journal of Natural History 39, 1101-1110. (/Y orientalis n.sp., from Michmoret beach, Israel). BELLAN-SANTINI, D. & M. MENIOUI 2004. Une nouvelle espece d 'Urothoe U. atlantica (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Urothoidae) de la cote atlantique de Maroc. — Cahiers de Biologie Marine 45, 305-213. BELOFASTOVA, I. P. & V. A. GRINTSOVA 2003. (On the find of acanthellae of the acanthocephalan Telsosentis exiguus in Apherusa bispinosa (Amphipoda, Calliopiidae) in the Black Sea.) — Vestnik Zoologii 37, 57-59. (In Russian). BERGE, J. & W. VADER 2004. Description of two new and unusual stegocephalid species (Crustacea: Peracarida: Amphipoda: Stegocephalidae). from Heard Island and the East China Sea. — Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia 128, 1-11. (Deals with Mediterexis macho n.sp. from the East 4 China Sea, and Stegocephalina wolf n.sp. from subantarctic Heard Island, the latter found in association with a sponge.) BERGE, J. & W. VADER 2004. Two new Antarctic stegocephalid (Amphipoda: Stegocephalidae: Stegocephalinae) species, with implications for the phytogeny and classification of the two genera Pseudo and Schellenbergia. — Deep-Sea Research II 51, 1709-1716. ( Pseudo spp 1 and 2 are described, but not named. The genera Pseudo and Schellenbergia are amalgamated under the former name.) BERGE, J., W. VADER & S. LOCKHART 2004. A survey of amphipod associates of sea urchins, with description of new species in the genera Lepidepecreella (Lysianassoidea: lepidepecreellid group) and Notopoma (Photoidea: Ischyroceridae) from Antarctic cidarids. — Deep-Sea Research 51, 1717-1731. ( Lepidepecreella andeep n.sp., from 58° 16’S, 24° 54’W, 2950m, from Aporocidaris antarctica , and Notopoma cidaridis n.sp., from 60° 58’S, 55°7’W, from Rhynchocidaris triplophora. Keys to both genera are provided, as well as a survey of all amphipods reported from sea urchins.) BERNERTH, H. & S. STEIN 2003. Eine weitere gebietsfremde Flohkrebs-Art dringt in hessische Flusse vor. — Natur und Museum 133 , 33 1-337. ( Echinogammarus trichiatus). BERNERTH, H. & S. STEIN 2003. Crangonyx pseudo gracilis und Corophium robustum (Amphipoda), zwei neue Einwanderer im hessischen Main sowie Erstnachweis fur Deutschland von C. robustum. — Lauterbornia 48, 57-60. BERTHOLD, E.L. & I. KAISER 2004. Weitere Funde von Crangonyx pseudogracilis und Chelicorophium robustum (Amphipoda) im Main. — Lauterbornia 50, 15-16. BESSOLITSYNA, I. A. 2002. (Nighttime vertical migrations of Baikal benthic amphipods). — Izd. Vo Instituta Geografii SORAN, Irkutsk, 160 pp (In Russian, not seen) BIGONGIARI, N., T. BRAIDA, E. CARETTI & D. PELLEGRINI 2004. Influence of the temperature on the mortality and sensitivity of Corophium orientale. — Bidletin of Environmental Contamination & Toxicology 72, 881- 887. BLUM, B. A., I. R. MacDONALD, C. DEBENHAM & K. IKEN 2005. Macro- and megabenthic communities in the high Arctic Canada Basin: initial findings. — Polar Biology 28, 2 1 8-23 1 . 5 BOLLACHE, L. 2004. Dikerogammarus villosus (Crustacea: Amphipoda), another invasive species in Lake Geneva. — Revue Suisse de Zoologie 111 , 309-313. BOLLACHE, L., G. GAMBALE & F. CEZILLY 2001. The effects of two acanthocephalan parasites, Pomphorhynchus laevis and Polymorphus minutus , on pairing success in male Gammarus pulex. — Behaviour , Ecology & Sociobiology 49 , 296-303. BOLLACHE, L., T. RIGAUD & F. CEZILLY 2002. Effects of two acanthocephalan parasites on the fecundity and pairing status of female Gammarus pulex (Crustacea: Amphipoda). — Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 19 , 102-110. BORGMANN, U., W. P. NORWOOD & D. G. DIXON 2004. Re-evaluation of metal bioaccumulation and chronic toxicity in Hyalella azteca using saturation curves and the biotic ligand model. — Environmental Pollution 129 , 469-484. BOTTORFF, R., A. BRAELYN & W. I. HAMILL 2003. Records of the exotic freshwater amphipod, Crangonyx pseudogracilis , in San Luis Obispo County, California. — California Fish & Game 89 , 197-200. BOUSFIELD, E. L. & P. MARCOUX 2004. The talitroidean amphipod family Najnidae in the North Pacific region: systematics and distributional ecology. - — Amphipacifica 3(4 % 3-44. (One of the many invaluable regional monographs of recent years by Ed Bousfield and collaborators, in this case treating an entire family. Deals with Najna consiliorum, N. amchitkana n.sp. (Amchitka isl., Aleutians), N. parva n.sp., (SE Alaska), Carinonajna n.gen. (type C. bicarinata n.sp.), C. kitamati (transf. from Najna), C. lessoniophila n.sp. (N. California), C. bispinosa n.sp. (Washington), C. barnardi n.sp. (SE Alaska), C. carli n.sp. (Vancouver Isl., BC), C. longimana n.sp. (S. Juan Isl., Wash.), C. botanica n.sp. (Vancouver Isl., BC), and C. bicarinata n.sp. (Q. Charlotte Isl., BC) (NB. Several of the new names replace manuscript names given by Bousfield 1981). As usual in this series, a key and extensive phyletic and zoogeographic discussions are also provided.) BRANDT, A., N. BRENKE, H.-G. ANDRES, S. BRIX, J. GUERRERO- KOMMRITZ, U. MUHLENHARDT-SIEGEL & J.-W. WAGELE 2005. Diversity of peracarid crustaceans (Malacostraca) from the abyssal plain of the Angola Basin. — Organisms, Diversity and Evolution 5, 105-112. 6 BUCKLEY, Ph., G. DUSSART & J. A. TRIGWALL 2004. Invasion and expansion of Corophiidae (Amphipoda) in the Stour estuary (Kent, UK). — Crustaceana 77, 425-433. BUHL-MORTENSEN, L. & P. B. MORTENSEN 2004. Symbiosis in deep- water corals. — Symbiosis 37 , 33-61. (Eight spp of amphipods listed on p.45.) BUHL-MORTENSEN, L & P. B. MORTENSEN 2005. Distribution and diversity of species associated with deep-sea gorgonian corals off Atlantic Canada. — Pp 849-879 in A. Freiwald & J. M. Roberts (eds). Cold-water corals and ecosystems. Springer Verlag CALOSI, P., G. CHELAZZI & A. UGOLINI 2003. Optocardiographic recording of heart rate in Talitrus saltator (Amphipod, Talitridae). — Physiological Entomology 28 , 344-348. CAMUS, L. & B. GULLIKSEN 2004. Antioxidant defense properties of Arctic amphipods: comparison between deep-, sublittoral and surface-water species. — - Marine Biology, Berlin 146 , 355-362. ( Anonyx nugax, Eurythenes gryllus and Gammarus wilkitzkii.) CASU, D., G. CECCHERELLI & A. CASTELLI 2004. Spatial distribution of small benthic invertebrates in rocky upper infralittoral at the Asinara Island (NW Mediterranean): A pilot study. — Vie et Milieu 54 , 239-245. CESAR, A., A. MARIN, L. MARIN-GUIRAO & R. VITA 2004. Amphipod and sea urchin tests to assess the toxicity of Mediterranean sediments: the case of Portman Bay. — Scientia Marina 68 (Supplement), 205-213. (Test amphipods are Gammarus aequicauda and Microdeutopus gryllotalpa) CHAPELLE, G. & L. S. PECK 2004. Amphipod crustacean size spectra: new insights in the relationship between size and oxygen. — Oikos 106 , 167-175. CHAPMAN, M.A. 2002. Australasian species of Paracorophium (Crustacea: Amphipoda): the separate identities ofP. excavatum (Thomson, 1884) andP. brisbanensis n.sp. — Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand 32 , 203-228. ( P . brisbanense n.sp. (NB spelling corrected W V) from the Brisbane river, Queensland, Australia.) CHAPMAN, M.A. 2003. A revision of the freshwater amphipod genus Phreatogammarus in New Zealand: a redescription of P. helmsii Chilton, 1918, and a new species from Northland. — Journal of the Royal Society of New 7 Zealand 33 , 633-661. (The new species is P. waipoua from Waipoua Forest, Northland.) CHAPMAN, M.A. 2004. A revision of the Phreatogammaridae (Crustacea, Amphipoda) of New Zealand. Part 2: Phreatogammarus fragilis and P. propinquus. — Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand 34 , 59-79. CHAPMAN, M.A., I. D. HOGG, K. E. SCHNABEL & M. I. STEVENS 2002. Synonymy of the New Zealand corophiid amphipod genus, Chaetocorophium Karaman, 1979, with Paracorophium Stebbing, 1899: morphological and genetic evidence. — Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand 32 , 229-2412. CHERTOPROOD, M. V., A. A. UDALOV, A. P. STOLJAROV & R. R. BORISOV 2004. (Diversity of macrobenthic communities in the White Sea estuaries.) — Okeanologiya 44 , 901-911. (In Russian, but English translations , by MAIK 44 Nauka/Interperiodika” exist. Deals with i.a. Gammarus duebeni, G. oceanicus, G. setosus, G. zaddachi and Pontoporeia affinis .) CHRISTIE, H. & P. KRAUFVELIN 2004. Mechanisms regulating amphipod population density within macroalgal communities with low predator impact. — - Scientia Marina 68 (Supplement), 189-198. CLARK, R. & C. C. CAUDILL 2001. Females of the marine amphipod Jassa marmorata mate multiple times with the same or different males. — Marine and Freshwater Behaviour & Physiology 34 , 131-138. (Not seen, unfortunately) COLD, A. & V. E. FORBES 2004. Consequences of a short pulse of pesticide exposure for survival and reproduction of Gammarus pulex. — Aquatic Toxicology 67 , 287-299. COLEMAN, C.O. 2004. Aquatic amphipods (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Crangonyctidae) in a piece of Baltic amber. — Organisms, Development & Evolution 4, 119-122 CORBARI, L, J. C. SORBE & J.-C. MASSABUAU 2005. Video study of the caprellid amphipod Parvipalpus major : morpho-functional and behavioural adaptations to deep-sea bottoms. — Marine Biology, Berlin 146 , 363-371. (A fascinating paper!) COSTA, F. O., M. R. CUNHA, T. NEUPARTH, C. W. THEODORAKIS, M. H. COSTA & L. R. SHUGART 2004. Application of RAPD DNA- fingerprinting in taxonomic identification of amphipods: a case study with 8 Gammarus species (Crustacea: Amphipoda). — Journal of the Marine Biological Association UK 84, 171-178. (An important methodological paper!) COSTA, F. O., T. NEUPARTH, C. W. THEODORAKIS, M. H. COSTA & L. R. SHUGART 2004. RAPD analysis of southern populations of Gammarus locusta : comparison with allozym data and ecological inferences. — Marine Ecology Progress Series 277 , 197-207. CRISTESCU, M. E. A., J. D. S. WITT, I. A. GRIGOROVICH, P. D. N. HEBERT & H. J. MacISAAC 2004. Dispersal of the Ponto-Caspian amphipod Echinogammarus ischnus : Invasion waves from the Pleistocene to the present. — -Heredity 92, 197-203. CROWE, S. E. & J. D. THOMAS 2002. Abundance and distribution of commensal amphipods from common marine sponges of southeast Florida. — Pp 105-110 in F. Alvarez & E.Escobar-Briones (eds). Modem approaches to the study of Crustacea. Kluwer Academic/ Plenum Publishers, New York, 355 pp. (Not seen, unfortunately) DAVOLOS, D., V. KETMAIER, M. COBOLLI & E. de MATTHAEIS 2002. (Genetic structure and levels of differentiation of Mediterranean populations of Orchestia (Amphipoda, Talitridae).) — Biogeographica 22, 23-34. (In Italian, not seen). DAVOLOS, D., N. MACLEAN & B. PIETRANGELI 2004. A molecular phylogenetic study of the freshwater talitrid amphipod Orchestia cavimana (Crustacea). — Rivista de Biologia 97, 161-168. (Not seen). DE BROYER, C., F. NIJSSEN & P. DAUBY 2004. The crustacean scavenger guild in Antarctic shelf, bathyal and abyssal communities. - — Deep-Sea Research II 51, 1733-1752. (Species lists onpp. 1740-41 and 1742.) DEVIN, S., L. BOLLACHE, J.-N. BEISEL, J.-C. MORETEAU & M. J. PERROT-MINOT 2004. Pigmentation polymorphism in the invasive amphipod Dikerogammarus villosus : some insights into its maintenance. — Journal of Zoology, London 264, 391-397. DEWICKE, A., A. CATRIJSSE, J. MEES & M. VINCX 2003. Spatial pattern of the hyperbenthos of subtidal sandbanks in the southern North Sea. - — Journal of Sea Research 49, 27-45. 9 DEZFULI, B. S., MAYNARD, B. J. & T. A. WELLNITZ 2003. Activity levels and predator detection by amphipods infected with an acanthocephalan parasite, Pomphorhynchus laevis. — Folia Par asitologia 50, 129-134. DIAS, N. & M. SPRUNG 2004. Population dynamics and production of the amphipod Orchestia gammarellns (Talitridae) in a Ria Formosa saltmarsh (Southern Portugal). — Crustaceana 76 , 1123-1141. DUNN, A. M., J. C. HOGG, A. KELLY & M. J. HATCHER 2005. Two cues for sex determination in Gammarus duebenv. adaptive variation in environmental sex determination? — Limnology & Oceanography 50 , 346-353. DUDINAK, V. & M. SPAKULOVA 2003. The life-cycle and seasonal changes in the occurrence of Pomphorhynchus laevis (Palaeacanthocephala, Pomphorhynchidae) in a small isolated lake. — Parasite , Journal de la Societe Francaise de Parasitologie 10 , 257-262. (In Gammarus balcanicus ) EFFORD, M. 2000. Consumption of amphipods by the New Zealand land snail Wainuia urnula (Pulmonata: Rhytididae). — Journal of Molluscan Studies 66, 45-52. (Not seen). EGGERS, T. & A. MARTENS 2001. Bestimmungsschlussel der Siiszwasser- Amphipoda (Crustacea) Deutschlands. — Lauterbornia 42 , 1-68. (A most useful paper! The illustrated keys are both in German and in English.) EMISON, W. B. 2000. Revision of Eusirus perdentatus Chevreux, 1912 and E. propeperdentatus Andres, 1979 (Crustacea: Amphipoda). — ANARE-Report 145 , 1-40. ESCOBAR-BRIONES, E. 2003. (Patterns of species richness and evolution of the taxonomic record for amphipods of the Pacific of Mexico territory.) — Pp 1-19 in M.E. Hendricks (Ed.). Contributions to the study of East Pacific crustaceans 2. Mazatlan, 303 pp. (In Spanish, not seen). FAASSE, M. 2005. Notes on diagnostic characters and morphological variability of Caprella mutica Schurin, 1935 in the Netherlands (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Caprellidea). — Het Zeepaard 65 , 22-28. FAASSE, M. & G. van MOORSEL 2003. The North American amphipods, Melita nitida Smith, 1873 and Incisocalliope aestuarius (Watling & Maurer, 1973) (Crustacea, Amphipoda: Gammaridea), introduced to the Western Scheldt estuary, the Netherlands. — Aquatic Ecology 37, 13-22. 10 FANINI, L, C. M. CANTARINO & F. SCAPINI 2005. Relationship between the dynamics of two Talitrus saltator populations and the impact of activities linked to tourism. — Oceanologia 47 , 93-112. (A study from Toscane, Italia) FEIKE, M., A. FECHTER & M. MADEL 2002. Einfluss von Platorchestia platensis (Kroyer) auf die Abbaugeschwindigheit von Zostera marina L. und den Kohlenstofffluss in das Sediment. — Rostocker Meeresbiologische Beitrage 77, 57-64. FIELDING, N. J, C. MacNEILL, J. T. A. DICK, R. W. EL WOOD, G. E. RIDDELL & A. M. DUNN 2003. Effects of an acanthocephalan parasite Echinorhynchus truttae on the feeding ecology of Gammarus pulex (Crustacea: Amphipoda). Journal of Zoology 26 7, 321-325. FORD, A.T., T. F. FERNANDEZ, S. A. RIDER, P. A. REID, C. D. ROBINSON & I. M. DAVIES 2003. Reproduction in the amphipod, Echinogammarus marinus : a comparison between normal and intersex specimens. — Journal of the Marine Biological Association UK 83, 937-940. FOSTER, J. M., R. W. HEARD & D. M. KNOTT 2004. Northern range extensions for Caprella scaura Templeton, 1836 (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Caprellidae) on the Florida Gulf coast and in South Carolina. — Gulf and Caribbean Research 16, 65-69. FREIRE, P. R. & C. S. SEREJO 2004. The genus Trischizostoma (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Trischizostomatidae) from the Southwest Atlantic, collected by the REVIZEE Program. — Zootaxa 645, 1-15. (Deals with Trischizostoma costai n.sp. (off Brazil), T. denticulatum, T. longirostrum, T. r as chi and T. richeri. This is the first record of the genus from the SW Atlantic.) GALIL, B. S. 2004. The limit of the sea: the bathyal fauna of the Levantine sea. — Scientia Marina 68, Suppl. 37, 63-72 . (Amph. listed on p. 73) GAMO, S. & Y. SHINPO 1992. A new gammaridean amphipod Pleusymtes symbiotica ectosymbiotic with a Japanese gorgonacean octocoral, Melithaea flabellifera (Kukenthal) from Sagami Bay. — Science Reports of the Yokohama National University 39, 1-11. (Earlier overlooked; not seen) GARM, A. 2004. Revising the definition of the crustacean seta and setal classification systems based on examination of the mouthpart setae of seven species of decapods. — Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 142, 233- 252. 11 GASCA, R. 2004. Distribution and abundance of hyperiid amphipods in relation to summer mesoscale features in the southern Gulf of Mexico. — Journal of Plankton Research 26 , 993-1003. GASCA, R. & S. H. D. HADDOCK 2004. Association between gelatinous zooplankton and hyperiid amphipods (Crustacea: Peracarida) in the Gulf of California. — Hydrobiologia 530/531 , 529-535. (Not seen, unfortunately) GASCA, R. & E. SUAREZ-MORALES 2004. Distribution and abundance of hyperiid amphipods (Crustacea: Peracarida) of the Caribbean Sea (August 1986). — Caribbean Journal of Science 40 , 23-30. (34 species, of which eight are new to the area) GILLIAN, D. & N. DUBILIER 2004. Novel epibiotic Thiothrix bacterium on a marine amphipod. — Applied and Environmental Microbiology 70 , 3772-3775. (Not seen). GILLIAN, D., J. RIBESSE & CH. de RIDDER 2004. The iron-encrusted microbial community of Urothoe poseidonis (Crustacea, Amphipoda). — Journal of Sea Research 52 , 21-32. GOLLASCH, S. 2002. The importance of ship hull fouling as a vector of species introductions into the North Sea. — Biofouling 18 , 105-121. (i.a. Paracaprella tenuis.) GONCALVES, S. C., J. C. MARQUES, M. A. PARDAL, M. F. BOUSLANA, M. EL GTARI & F. CHARFI-CHEIKHROUHA 2003. Comparison of the biology, dynamics and secondary production of Talorchestia brito (Amphipoda, Talitridae) in Atlantic (Portugal) and Mediterranean (Tunisia) populations. - — Estuarine , Coastal and Shelf Science 58 , 901-916. GOVORUKHINA, E.B. 2003. (The time course of population structure of Baikalian coastal amphipods in the Angara river source area over the period of 1999-2002.) — Sibirskii Ekologicheskii Zhurnal 10 , 575-580. (In Russian, not seen) GRADINGER, R. R. & B. A. BLUHM 2004. In-situ observations on the distribution and behavior of amphipods and Arctic cod (Boreogadus saida) under the sea ice of the High Arctic Canada Basin. - — Polar Biology 27 , 595- 603. GRANDA, L. D., N. FOCKEDEY, M. DE MEY, B. BREYT, M. del P. CORNEJO, J. CALDERON & M. VINCX 2004. Spatial patterns of the surf 12 zone hyperbenthic fauna of Valdivia Bay (Ecuador). — Hydrobiologia 529, 205-224. GUERRA-GARCIA, J. M. 2003. The Caprellidea (Crustacea: Amphipoda) from Mauritius island, western Indian Ocean. — Zootaxa 232 , 1-24. (Deals with Caprella scaur a, Hemiaeginina minuta, Metaprotella mauritiensis n.sp. (Cap Malheureux, Mts) (with a key to world Metaprotella), M. sandalensis, Noculacia sp., Orthoprotella australis and Paracaprella sp.. A key is provided.) GUERRA-GARCIA, J. M. 2003. Caprellids (Crustacea: Amphipoda) from Papua New Guinea, with the description of a new species. — Helgoland Marine Research 57, 100-109. (Deals with Metaproto novaehollandiae, Protogeton inflatus, Pseudoproto papua n.sp. (South PNG), Quadrisegmentum triangulum, Hemiaeginina minuta, Metaprotella sandalensis and Pseudaeginella biscayensis. A key is provided.) GUERRA-GARCIA, J. M. 2004. The Caprellidea (Crustacea: Amphipoda) of Western Australia and Northern Territory, Australia. — Hydrobiologia 522, 1- 74. (Another important paper by this prolific author. Deals with Caprellina longicornis, Dodecas tasmaniensis, Hircella inermis, Liriarchus perplexus, Metaproto novaehollandiae, Paraproto tasmaniensis, Pseudocaprellina pambanensis, Pseudoproto fallax, Pseudoprotomima grandimana n.sp. (W.Austr.), Aciconula australiensis n.sp. (Dampier Arch., W.Austr.), Caprella danilevskii, C. equilibra, C. penantis, C. scaura, C. traudlae n.sp. (Thompson’s Bay, W.Austr.), Hemiaeginina minuta, Metaprotella sandalensis, Noculacia australiensis, Orthoprotella australis, O. nana n.sp. (Thompson’s Bay, W.Austr.), O. tuberculata, Paradeutella sp., Protella similis, Pseudaeginella biscayensis, P. vaderi n.sp. (E.Africa, also NT), and P. soela n.sp. (W.Austr.). A key is provided. GUERRA-GARCIA, J. M. 2004. Deep-sea Caprellidea (Crustacea, Amphipoda) from Azores with the description of three new species. — Zoosystema 26, 235- 262. (Deals with Liropus azorensis n.sp., Protoaeginella paraspinifera n.sp. , P. verrucosa n.sp., and Pseudoprotella phasma. World keys to these genera are provided.) GUERRA-GARCIA, J. M. & J. C. GARCIA-GOMEZ 2003. A new species of Caprella (Amphipoda, Caprellidae) from deep water. — Crustaceana 76, 581- 590. (C. sabineae n.sp. from 600m off Sagami, Japan) GUERRA-GARCIA, J. M. & J. C. GARCIA-GOMEZ 2004. Crustacean assemblages and sediment pollution in an exceptional case study: a harbour with two opposing entrances. — Crustaceana 77, 353-370. (Ceuta, N.Africa) 13 GUERRA-GARCIA, J. M., I. MARTINEZ-PITA & M. L. PITA 2004. Fatty acid composition of the Caprellidea (Crustacea: Amphipoda) from the Strait of Gibraltar. — Scientia Marina 68 , 501-510. HAAS, G., M. BLUNK & B. STREIT 2002. Fast turnover in dominance of exotic species in the Rhine river determines biodiversity and ecosystem function: an affair between amphipods and mussels. — Pp 426-432 in E. Leppakoski, S. Gollasch & S. Olenin (eds). Invasive aquatic species of Europe. Distribution, impacts and management. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht HAASE, P., S. PAULS, A. SUNDERMANN & A. ZENKER 2004. Testing different sorting techniques in macroinvertebrate samples from running waters. - — Limnologica 34 , 366-378. HAGERTHEY, S. E., E. C. DEFEW & D. M. PATERSON 2002. Influence of Corophium volutator and Hydrobia ulvae on intertidal benthic diatom assemblages under different nutrient and temperature regimes. - — Marine Ecology Progress Series 245 , 47-59. HAGGITT, T. R. & R. C. BABCOCK 2003. The role of grazing by the lysianassid amphipod Orchomenella aahu in dieback of the kelp Ecklonia radiata in north-eastern New Zealand. — Marine Biology (Berlin) 143 , 1201- 1211. HAMILTON, D.J., M. A. BARBEAU & A.W. DIAMOND 2003. Shorebirds, mud snails, and Corophium volutator in the upper Bay of Fundy, Canada: Predicting bird activity on intertidal mud flats. — Canadian Journal of Zoology 8f 1358-1366. HANEY, T. A., A. O. DE ALMEIDE & M. S. S. REID 2004. A new species of cyamid (Crustacea: Amphipoda) from a stranded cetacean in southern Bahia, Brazil. — Bulletin of Marine Science 75 , 409-421 ( Syncyamus ilheusensis n.sp. from Globicephala macrorhynchus .) HARO-GARAY, M. J. 2004. Diet and functional morphology of the mandible of two planktonic amphipods from the Straits of Georgia, British Columbia, Parathemisto pacifica (Stebbing, 1888) and Cyphocaris challenged (Stebbing, 1888). — Crustaceana 76 , 1291-1312. HARRIS, J.D. 2004. “Published works” in the electronic age: recommended amendments to Articles 8 and 9 of the Code. — Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 6 J 138-148. 14 HECHT, S. A., J. S. GUNN ARS S ON, B. L. BOESE, J. D. LAMBERSON, C. SCHAFFNER, W. GIGER & P. C. JEPSON 2004. Influences of sedimentary organic matter quality on the bioaccumulation of 4-nonylphenol by estuarine amphipods. — Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry 23, 865-873. HECKER, A., B. QUENNEDEY, O. TESTENIERE, A. QUENNEDEY, F. GRAF & G. LUQUET 2004. Orchestin, a calcium-building phosphoprotein, is a matrix component of two successive transitory calcified biomineralizations cyclically elaborated by a terrestrial crustacean. — Journal of Structural Biology 146, 310-324. HENDRYCKS, E. A. & E. L. BOUSFIELD 2004. The amphipod family Pleustidae (mainly subfamilies Mesopleustinae, Neopleustinae, Pleusymtinae and Stenopleustinae) from the Pacific coast of North America: systematics and distributional ecology. — Amphipacifica 3 (4), 45-1 13. (Part 4 of Ed Hendrycks’ monumental thesis on this fascinating family. Deals with Mesopleustes ? abyssorum, Eosymtes minutus, Myzotarsa anaxiphilius, ?Pleustoides mediterraneus, Stenopleustes latipes (NB Sympleustes is returned to synonymy), Arctopleustes glabricauda, Gracilipleustes n.gen (Stenopleustinae, type Sympleustes gracilis), G. gracilis, Pleusymtes pacifica n.sp. (SE Alaska), P. pribilofensis n.sp. (Pribilof Isl.), P. uncigera, P. glabroides, PL sp., P. mucida, Rhinopleustes n.gen. (Pleusymtinae, type R. acuminatus), Rh. acuminatus n.sp. (Pribilof isl.), Budnikopleustes n.gen. (Pleusymtinae, type Pleusymtes vasinae), B. vasinae, Heteropleustes n.gen. (Pleusymtinae, type K setosus), H setosus n.sp. (Vancouver Isl., BC), H. brachypalmus (transf. from Pleusymtes), Anomalosymtes n.gen. (Pleusymtinae, type A. coxalis), A. coxalis n.sp. (Br. Columbia), Holopleustes n.gen. (Pleusymtinae, type H. aequipes), H aequipes n.sp. (Oregon), Pleustomesus medius, Kamptopleustes n.gen (Pleusymtinae, type K. spinosus), K. spinosus n.sp. (Br. Columbia), K. coquillus and K. camui (both transf. from Pleusymtes), Pleustostenus displosus, Neopleustes columbianus n.sp. (Br. Columbia), N. pulchellus, ?N. kussakini, Shoemakeroides n.gen. (Neopleustinae, type Sympleustes cornigera), S. cornigerus, and S. gagarae (transf. from Stenopleustes). Neopleustes major and N. oculata are transferred tentatively to Gnathopleustes, N. bicuspis to llncisocalliope. Keys and extensive phyletic and distributional discussions are, as usual, provided.) HINZ, H., I. KRONCKE & S. EHRLICH 2004. Seasonal and annual variability in an epifaunal community in the German Bight. — Marine Biology, Berlin 144, 735-745. 15 HIRST, A. J. 2003. Encounter 2002 expedition to the Isles of St. Francis, South Australia: Peracarid crustacean epifauna of subtidal macroalgal canopies. — Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia 127 , 189-203. (Not seen). HOFFMANN, J. 2003. Redescription of Griffithsius latipes (Griffiths, 1976) (Crustacea, Amphipoda, Phoxocephalidae) from the coast of Namibia. — Organisms, Diversity & Evolution 3, 307. HOLSINGER, J. R. & S. RUFFO 2002. Indoweckelia superstes n.gen. n.sp. from the subterranean waters of Socotra Island: the first weckeliid amphipod crustacean (Hadziidae) found in the Indo-West Pacific region. — Bollettino del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Verona 26 , 27-36. HOLSTEYN, H. 2004. (An Asian on the Dutch coast). — Het Zeepaard 64 , 149-150. (In Dutch. New locality for Caprella mutica , in extreme NE Netherlands) HOU, Z.E, P. LI & S. Q. LI 2004. On a new species of Gammarus (Amphipoda; Gammaridae) from Zuanyankong cave, Guizhou, China. — Crustaceana 77 , 825-833. ( Gammarus translucidus n.sp.) HOU, Z. E.. & S. Q. LI 2004. A new subterranean amphipod of the genus Procrangonyx from Beijing, China. — Crustaceana 76 , 1179-1 188. (P. limpidus n.sp. from near Beijing.) HOU, Z. E & S. Q. LI 2004. Three new species of Gammarus from Shaanxi, China (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Gammaridae). — Journal of Natural History 38 , 2733-2757 . ( Gammarus shenmuensis n.sp., G. murarius n.sp, and G. martensi n.sp.) HOU, Z.E. & S.Q.LI 2004. Two freshwater species of the genus Jesogammarus (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Anisogammarus (sic!)) from China. — The Raffles Bidletin of Zoology 52 , 1-12. ( Jesogammarus (J.) fontanus n.sp. (Linfen, Shanxi prov.) and J. (J.) hebeiensis n.sp. (Lake Baiyangdian, Hebei prov.).) HOU, Z.E. & S.Q.LI 2004. Gammarus species from Tibet plateau, China (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Gammaridae). — The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 52 , 147-170. (Deals with G. lasaensis, G.frigidus n.sp. (Nagqu County, Tibet, 4500m), G. jaspidus n.sp. (Lake Yamzho Yumco, Tibet, 4500m), and G. sinuolatus n.sp. (Lancang River, near Qarndo, Tibet).) 16 HOU, Z.E. & S. Q. LI 2005. Two new Gammarus species from Benxi Water Cave, China (Crustacea, Amphipoda, Gammaridae. — Revue Suisse de Zoologie 112 , 47-64. ( Gammarus pexus n sp. and G. stalagmiticus n.sp.) HOU, Z. E., S. Q. LI & D. PLATVOET 2004. Three new species of the genus Gammarus from tributaries of the Ii river, China (Crustacea, Amphipoda, Gammaridae). — Revue Suisse de Zoologie 111 , 257-284. (The Ii river runs from the Tien Shan mountains in Kazakhstan to Lake Balkhash in China. The new species are Gammarus montanus n.sp. , G. brevipodus n.sp. and G. takes ensis n.sp.) HUMPHREYS, W. F. 2002. The subterranean fauna of Barrow island, northwestern Australia, and its environment. — Memoires de Biospeologie 28, 107-127. IANILLI, V. & S. RUFFO 2002. Apennine and Sardinian species of Gammarus , with the description of Gammarus elvirae n.sp. (Crustacea Amphipoda, Gammaridae). — Bollettino del Accademia Gioenia , Scienze Naturale 55, 519- 532. (Deals with G. italicus, G. elvirae n.sp. from the Apennines, and G. lacustris . ) IANNILLI, V. & A. VIGNA TAGLIANTI 2005. New data on the genus Niphargus (Amphipoda, Niphargidae) in Italy, with the description of a new species in the orcinus group. — Crustaceana 77 , 1253-1261. (N. cornicolanus n.sp. from Lazio) IVANOVA, M. B., N. G. KUPINA & A. P. TSURPALO 2001. Macrobenthos of brackish- water areas in the intertidal zone of Del ’fin Bay (Shikatan Island, Small Kuril Islands. — Russian Journal of Marine Biology 27 , 271-281. JANECKI, T. & S. RAKUS A-SU SZCZE W SKI, 2004. The effect of glutamic acid (glu) and kyrurenic acid (kyn) on the metabolism of the Antarctic amphipod Abyss orchomene plebs. — Journal of Crustacean Biology 24 , 81-83. JANECKI, T. & S. RAKUSA-SUSZCZEWSKI 2005. The influence of starvation and amino acids on metabolism of the antarctic amphipod Waldeckia obesa. — Journal of Crustacean Biology 25 , 196-202. JAZDZEWSKI, K. & A. KONOPACKA 2002. Invasive Ponto-Caspian species in waters of the Vistula and Oder basins and the southern Baltic Sea. — Pp 384-398 in E. Leppakoski, S. Gollasch & S. Olenin (eds). Invasive aquatic species of Europe. Distribution, impacts and management. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht. 17 JONES, E. G., A. TSELEPIDES, P. M. BAGLEY, M. A. COLLINS & I. G. PRIEDE 2003. Bathymetric distribution of some benthic and benthopelagic species attracted to baited cameras and traps in the deep eastern Mediterranean. - — Marine Ecology Progress Series 251 , 75-86. JUST, J. 2004. Sicafodiidae, fam. nov. for Sicafodia stylos , gen. nov., spec, nov., from the marine bathyal of south-eastern Australia (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Gammaridea). — Memoirs of Museum Victoria 61 , 65-73. (A strange amphipod with extraordinary mouthparts). KAIM-MALKA, R. 2004. Oostegite development during the sexual maturation of females of Tmetonyx similis (G.O.Sars, 1891) (Amphipoda, Lysianassidae). — — Journal of Natural History 38 , 2403-2424. KAIM-MALKA, R. 2004. Podoprion mediterraneum (Crustaces, Amphipodes) , nouvelle espece de Podoprionidae de Mediterranee. — Bolletino del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale de Verona , Zoologia 28, 3-16. (Off Toulon, France, 500m. With a synoptic key to Podoprion species.) KAMENSKAYA, O. E. 2001. Deep-sea amphipods from the collections of the drifting station *North Pole-22* with some remarks on morphology, feeding and ecological groups. — Pp 159-163 in A. P. Kuszetsov & D. N. Zezina (eds). Composition and structure of the marine bottom biota: collected proceedings. VNIRO Publishing House, Moskva. (Not seen) KAREZ, R. & K. LUDYNIA 2004. Niche differentiation in habitat and current preference corroborates taxonomic distinction in Jassa falcata and J. marmorata (Amphipoda, Crustacea). — Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 58, 279-292. KETELAARS, H. A. M. 2004. Range extensions ofPonto-Caspian aquatic invertebrates in continental Europe. — Pp 209-236 in H. Dumont, T. A. Shiganova & U. Niermann (eds). Aquatic invasions in the Black, Caspian and Mediterranean seas. NATO Science Series 35. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht. KEVREKIDIS, T. 2004. Population dynamics, growth and reproduction of Corophium insidiosum (Crustacea: Amphipoda) at low salinities in Monolimni Lagoon (Evros delta, North Aegean Sea). — Hydrobiologia 522, 1 17-132. KIM, Y. H. & K. S. LEE 2003. Newly recorded Byblis japonicus (Malacostraca: Amphipoda: Ampeliscidae) from Korea. — Korean Journal of Systematic Zoology 19, 267-276. 18 KING, R.A. 2004. A description of Harpinia karamani sp. nov. (Amphipoda: Phoxocephalidae) from the Mediterranean, with a redescription of Harpinia truncata Sars, 1891. — Zootaxa 724 , 1-10. KING, R.A., A. A. MYERS & D. McGRATH 2004. Th q Ampelisca aequicornis group of species (Amphipoda: Ampeliscidae) with a key, and a description of Ampelisca eclimensis sp. nov. from Ireland. — Journal of the Marine Biological Association UK 84, 155-164. (Deals with A. aequicornis, A. eclimensis n.sp. (NW Mayo, Ireland), and^4. sorbei .) KLEY, A. & G. MAIER 2003. Life history characteristics of the invasive freshwater gammarids Dikerogammarus villosus and Echinogammarus ischnus in the river Main and Main-Donau Canal. — Archiv fur Hydrobiologie 156 , 457-469. KOCATAS, A., T. KATAGAN, M. OZBEK & M. SEZGIN 2004. A new amphipod for the Turkish fauna, Pontogammarus maeoticus (Sowinsky, 1894). - — Crustaceana 76, 879-884. (Found in a lagoon near the border with Bulgaria) KOCATAS, A., T. KATAGAN, M. SEZGIN & F. KIRKIM 2001. (Benthic amphipods of Cesme peninsula (Aegean Sea) coast.) - — Su Urunleri Dergisi 18. 111-115. (In Turkish). KOCATAS, A., T. KATAGAN, M. SEZGIN, F. KIRKIM & C. KOCAK 2004. Crustacean diversity among the Cystoseira facies of the Aegean coast of Turkey. — Turkish Journal of Zoology 28 , 309-316. KONOPACKA, A. 2003. Further step to the west — Obesogammarus crassus (G.O.Sars) (Crustacea, Amphipoda) already in the Szczecin Lagoon. - — Lauterbornia 48 , 67-72. (Not seen) KONTSCHAN, J. 2004. The aquatic Amphipoda and Isopoda (Crustacea) of the Transdanubian mountains in northwest Hungary. — Lauterbornia 49 , 73-76. KOTTE, J., K. TORN, G. MARTIN, H. ORAV-KOTTE & T. PAALME 2004. Seasonal variation in invertebrate grazing on Chara connivens and C. tomentosa in Koigusta Bay, NE Baltic Sea. — Helgoland Marine Research 58 , 71-76. (i.a. Gammarus oceanicus) KOVACHEV, S., V. HAINADJIEVA & S. STOICHEV 2003. Qualitative characteristics of the zoobenthos of several coastal lakes in north-east Bulgaria. - 19 — Annual of Sofia University “St. Klement Ohridski”, Faculty of Biology, Zoology 1, 19-23. KRAPP-SCHICKEL, T. 2004. Sorting of the old 4 Maera sensu lato ’ flock continues: three members change to three different genera. - — Bollettino del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Verona 28 , 23-38. ( Deals with Quadrimaera ascensionis (transf. from Maera), Maera lucinae n.sp. (Padre Island, Gulf of Mexico), and Zygomaera suasoris n.sp.(near Madras, India).) KRAPP-SCHICKEL, T. & I. TAKEUCHI 2005. A new species of Caprella (Amphipoda: Caprellidae) from the Cape Verde Islands, with note on Mediterranean Caprella liparotensis. — Journal of the Marine Biological Association UK 85 , 93-100. (C. wirlzi n. sp., close to C. liparotensis .) KRAVTSOVA, L. S., R. M. KAMALTYNOV, E. B. KARAMANOV, I. V. MEKHANIKOVA, T. Ya. SITNIKOVA, N. A. ROZKOVA, Z. V. SLUGINA, L. A. IZBOLDINA, I. V. WEINBERG, T.V. AKINSHINA & D.Yu. SHERBAKOV 2004. Macrozoobenthic communities of underwater landscapes in the shallow- water zone of southern Lake Baikal. — Hydrobiologia 522 , 193- 205. (An important paper!) KUMAGAI, N. H. & M. N. AOKI 2003. Seasonal changes in the epifaunal community on the shallow-water gorgonian Melithaea flabellifera. — Journal of the Marine Biological Association UK 83 , 1221-1222. (Pleusymtes symbioticus dominant) KUTLU, M. & F. SUSUZ 2004. Effects of lead as an environmental pollutant on ERDO enzyme in Gammarus pulex (L.) (Crustacea, Amphipoda). — Bidletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 72 , 750-755. LAB AY, V. S. 2003. A new species of Melita Leach (Amphipoda: Melitidae) from oligosaline waters of Russian Far East. — Zootaxa 356 , 1-8. ( Melita nitidaformis n.sp. from Lake Tunaycha, Sakhalin Island) LABAY, V. S., Yu. N. POLTEV & I. N. MUKHAMETOV 2002. Feeding of the snailfish Careproctus roseofuscus in Pacific waters of the northern Kurile Islands and southeastern Kamchatka. — Russian Journal of Marine Biology 28, 252-258. (Amph. important prey) LANG, B. K. , V. GERVASIO, D. J. BERG, S. I. GUTTMAN, N. I. ALLAN, M. E. GARDON & G. WARRICK 2003. Gammarid amphipods of northern Chihuahuan desert spring ecosystems: an imperiled fauna. — Texas Technical University Museum Special Publications 46, 47-57. 20 LAWRENCE, P.N. 2004. A quantum leap for the Collembola? — Crustaceana 77, 621-636. (More evidence for this author’s startling idea, that the Collembola in reality are Crustacea, close to the Amphipoda.) LEE, K.T., J. S. LEE, D. H. KIM, C. K. KIM, K. H. PARK, S. G. KONG & G. S. PARK 2005. Influence of temperature on the survival, growth and sensitivity of benthic amphipods, Mandibulophoxus mai and Monocorophium acherusicum. — Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environmental Engineering 8 , 9- 16. LEE, J. S., K. T. LEE, D. H. KIM, J. H. LEE, K. H. PARK & G. S. PARK 2005. Application of indigenous benthic amphipods as sediment toxicity testing organisms. — Ocean Science Journal 40 , 17-24. ( Mandibulophoxus mai, Monocorophium acherusicum, Haustorioides indivisus and H. koreanus .) LEHTONEN, K. K. 2004. Seasonal variation in the physiological condition of the benthic amphipods Pontoporeia affinis and Pontoporeia femorata in the Gulf of Riga (Baltic Sea). — Aquatic Ecology 38 , 441-456. LEITE, F. P. P. & A. Z. GUTH, 2003. (Morphological variations of post- marsupial stages of Sunampithoe pelagica Milne-Edwards (Crustacea, Amphipoda, Gamaridea, Ampithoidae) associated to Sargassum cymosum C. Agardh. ) — Revista Brasileira de Zoologia 20 , 65-73. (In Portuguese) LEPPAKOSKI, E. 2004. Living in a sea of exotics — the Baltic case, — Pp 237- 255 in H. Dumont, T. A. Shiganova & U. Niermann (eds). Aquatic invasions in the Black, Caspian and Mediterranean seas. NATO Science Series 35. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht. LEPPAKOSKI, E., S. OLENIN & S. GOLLASCH 2002. The Baltic Sea— a field laboratory for invasion biology. — Pp 253-259 in E. Leppakoski, S. Gollasch & S. Olenin (eds). Invasive aquatic species of Europe. Distribution, impacts and management. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht. LEVIN, L. A., D. W. JAMES, C. M. MARTIN, A. E. ROTHBURN, L. H. HARRIS & R. H. MICHENER 2000. Do methane seeps support distinct macrofaunal assemblages? Observations on community structure and nutrition from the northern California slope and shelf. — Marine Ecology Progress Series 208, 21-39. 21 LINSE, K., A. BRANDT, B. HILBIG & G. WEGENER 2002. Composition and distribution of suprabenthic fauna in the southeastern Weddell Sea and off King George Island. — Antarctic Science 14 , 3-10. LOPES, O. L. & S. MASUNARI 2004. (Distribution and abundance of Talitroides topitotum (Burt) (Crustacea, Amphipoda, Talitridae) nearby the Guaricana Hydroelectric Plant, Serra do Mar, Gueratuba, Parana). — Revista Brasileira de Zoologia 21 , 219-227 . (In Portuguese) LORZ, A.-N. & C. HELD 2004. A preliminary molecular and morphological phylogeny of the Antarctic Epimeriidae and Iphimediidae (Crustacea: Amphipoda). — Molecular Phylogeny & Evolution 31 , 4-15. (An important paper! The genera Iphimediella and Gnathiphimedia are probably not monophyletic. The Iphimediidae are closer to Eusirus than to the Epimeriidae.) LOWRY, J. K. 2004. A new species of Corophium from eastern Australian estuaries (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Corophiidae: Corophiinae: Corophiini). - — Zootaxa 754 , 1-10. ( Corophium colo n.sp.) LOWRY, J. K. & R. T. SPRINGTHORPE 2005. New calliopiid and eusirid amphipods from eastern Australian waters (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Calliopiidae: Eusiridae). — Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 118 , 38-47. (Deals with Membrilopus kensleyi n.sp. (Wollongong, NSW), Regalia juliana n.sp. (NSW) and Rhachotropis elliottana n.sp. (Queensland).) LYUBINA, O.S. 2001. (Distribution of Amphipoda, Gammaridea, in the south part of the Kara Sea.) — Doklady Akademiya Nauk 377, 423-426. (In Russian, not seen) McCURDY, D. G., M. R. FORBES, S. P. LOGAN, M. T. KOPEC & S.I. MAUTNER 2004. The functional significance of intersexes in the intertidal amphipod Corophium volutator. — Journal of Crustacean Biology 24, 261-265 McCURDY, D. G. & B. MORAN 2004. Parasitism and soft-bottom community structure: studies in a polychaete-amphipod system. — Journal of the Marine Biological Association UK 84, 165-169. (The amphipod is Corophium volutator). MacNEIL, C., J. T. A. DICK, M. J. HATCHER & A. M. DUNN 2003. Differential drift and parasitism in invading and native Gammarus spp. (Crustacea: Amphipoda). — Ecography 26, 467-473. 22 MacNEIL, C., J. PRENTER, M. BRIFFA, N. J. FIELDING, J. T. A. DICK, G. E. RIDDELL, M. J. HATCHER & A. M. DUNN 2004. The replacement of a native freshwater amphipod by an invader: roles for environmental degradation and intraguild predation. — Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 61, 1627-1635. ( Gammarus duebeni celticus replaced by G. pulex inN. Ireland.) MALYUTINA, M. 2004. Russian deep-sea investigations of Antarctic fauna. — - Deep-Sea Research II 51, 1551-1570. (A most useful review). MATAFONOV, D. V., M. Ts. ITIGILOVA, R. M. KAMALTYNOV & L. M. FALEICHIK 2005. (The Baikalian endemic species Gmelinoides fasciatus (Micruropodidae, Gammaroidea, Amphipoda) in Lake Arakhlei.) — Zoologichesky Zhurnal 84, 321-329 (In Russian) MAYEN-ESTRADO, R. & M. A. ALADRO-LUBEL 2004. First record of Conidophrys pilisuctor (Ciliophora: Pilisuctorida) as ectosymbiont of Hyalella azteca from Mexico. — Hydrobiologia 529, 19-26. MEISZNER, K. & T. SCHAARSCHMIDT 2000. Ecophysiological studies of Corophium volutator (Amphipoda) infested by microphallid trematodes. — Marine Ecology Progress Series 202, 143-151 . MENG, K., Z.E. HOU & S. Q. LI 2003. A new species from Xinjiang, China (Crustacea, Amphipoda, Gammaridae). — Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica 28, 621- 628. (G. decorosus n.sp.) MESSANA, G. & S. RUFFO 2001. A new species of Longigammarus (Crustacea Amphipoda, Gammaridae) from the Pianosa Island (Tuscany Archipelago). — Italian Journal of Zoology 68, 161-164. ( L. planasiae n.sp.) MEYER, A., N. KASCHEIC & E. I. MEYER 2004. The effect of low flow and stream drying on the distribution and relative abundance of the alien amphipod , Echinogammarus berilloni (Catta, 1878) in a karstic stream system (Westphalia, Germany). — Crustaceana 77, 909-922. MINCHIN, D. & C. ENO 2002. Exotics of coastal and inland waters of Ireland and Britain. — Pp 267-275 in E. Leppakoski, S. Gollasch & S. Olenin (eds). Invasive aquatic species of Europe. Distribution, impacts and management. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht. 23 MIRZAJANI, A.R. 2003. A study on the population biology of Pontogammarus maeoticus (Sowinsky, 1894) in Bandar Anzali, southern Caspian Sea. — Zoology in the Middle East 30, 61-68. MONAKOV, A.B. 2003. Side-swimmers (Amphipoda). — Pp 219-228 in Kenobi Productions, Ghent, Belgium. Feeding of freshwater invertebrates. (Not seen) MORINO, H., H. KUSANO & J. R. HOLSINGER 2004. Description and distribution of Crangonyx floridanus ( Crustacea: Amphipoda: Crangonyctidae) in Japan, an introduced freshwater amphipod from North America. — Contributions of the Biological Laboratory , Kyoto University 29, 371-381. (Spreading quickly in eastern central Honshu, also found in western Kyushu.) MOSHCHENKO, A. V. & A. Y. ZVYAGINTSEV 2004. Composition, structure and some distribution features of fouling community in the water intake tunnel of Vladivostok heat and power plant. — Ocean and Polar Research 26, 619-633. (i.a. Jassa marmorata. Further amphipods listed on pp 622-623 and 625.) MULLER, J.C. & E. M. GRIEBELER 2002. Genetics on invasive species. — Pp 173-182 in E. Leppakoski, S. Gollasch & S. Olenin (eds). Invasive aquatic species of Europe. Distribution, impacts and management. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht MYERS, A. A. & M. R. CUNHA 2004. New and little known corophiidean amphipods from the “Lucky Strike” hydrothermal vent, Mid-Atlantic Ridge. — Journal of the Marine Biological Association UK 84, 1019-1025. (Deals with Autonoe longicornis (transferred from Hansenella ) — with a key to male Autonoe-, and Bonnierella compar n.sp. (“Lucky Strike”, 1700m).) MYERS, A. A. & J. M. HALL-SPENCER 2003. A new species of amphipod crustacean, Pleusymtes comitari sp. nov., associated with gorgonians on deep- water coral reefs off Ireland. — Journal of the Marine Biological Association UK 83, 1029-1033. (P. comitari n.sp. from Porcupine bank, 730m) NASRI-AMMAR, K. Z. & E. MORGAN 2005. Variation saisonniere du rythme de l’activite locomotrice de Talitrus saltator issu de la plage de Karba (Cap Bon, Tunisie). — Bidletin du Societe Zoologique de France 130, 19-29. NEHRING, S. 2002. Biological invasions into German waters: an evaluation of the importance of different human-mediated vectors for nonindigenous macrozoobenthic species. — Pp 373-383 in E. Leppakoski, S. Gollasch & S. 24 Olenin (eds). Invasive aquatic species of Europe. Distribution, impacts and management. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht NEWELL, R. C., L. J. SEIDERER, N. M. SIMPSON & J. E. ROBINSON 2004. Impacts of marine aggregate dredging on benthic macrofauna off the south coast of the United Kingdom. — Journal of Coastal Research 20 , 115-125. NOGUEIRA , J. M. de M. 2003. Fauna living in colonies of Mussismilia hispida (Verrill) (Cnidaria: Scleractinia) in four south-eastern Brazil islands. - — Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology 40 , 421-432. (Nineteen amphipods, listed on p. 425.) OHTA, M., T. ARAI & N. MIYAZAKI 2003. Timing of sex disturbance caused by tributyltin exposure during the embryonic stage in the caprellid amphipod Caprella danilevskii. — Journal of the Marine Biological Association UK 83 , 943-944. OHTA, M., T. ARAI & N. MIYAZAKI 2004. Effects of tributyltin on the survival of the caprellid amphipod Caprella danilevskii. — Journal of the Marine Biological Association UK 84 , 345-349. OHTA, M., T. ARAI & N. MIYAZAKI 2003. Chronic effects of tributyltin on the caprellid amphipod Caprella danilevskii . — Marine Pollution Bulletin 46 , 1263-1272. OJAVEER, H., E. LEPPAKOSKI, S. OLONIN & A. RICCIARDI 2002. Ecological impact of Ponto-Caspian invaders in the Baltic Sea, European inland waters and the Great Lakes: an inter-ecosystem comparison. — Pp 412- 425 in E. Leppakoski, S. Gollasch & S. Olenin (eds). Invasive aquatic species of Europe. Distribution, impacts and management. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht. OLIVA-RIVIERA, J. J. 2003. The amphipod fauna of Banco Chincorro, Quintana Roo, Mexico, with ecological notes. — Bulletin of Marine Science 73 , 77-89. ORAV-KOTTE, H. & J. KOTTE 2003. Seasonal variations in the grazing of Gammarus oceanicus, Idotea baltica and Palaemon adspersus on benthic macroalgae. — Estonian Academy of Sciences, Biology & Ecology 52 , 141-148. O’REILLY, M. 1998. Whale-lice (Amphipoda: Cyamidae) and sea lice (Copepoda: Caligidae) from stranded whales in the Firth of Forth. - — Glasgow 25 Naturalist 23 , 24-26. ( Cyamus catodontis from Physeter, Platycyamus thompsoni from Hyper oodon.) O’REILLY, M. 2002. A new species of parasitic copepod Sphaeronella keppellensis n.sp. (Siphonostomatida, Nicothoidae) from the amphipod Orchomene nana (Kroyer, 1846) in the Firth of Clyde. — Glasgow Naturalist 24, 83-91. O’REILLY, M., E. HAMILTON & L. HEANEY 2001. New records of amphipods and leptostracans from the Forth sea area, with notes on their copepod parasites (Siphonostomatidea. Nicothoidae). — Glasgow Naturalist 23, 35-42. (Not seen) ORTIZ, M., A. GARCIA-DEBRAS & R. LALANA 2003. (A new species of anchialine amphipod crustacean of the genus Socarnopsis (Amphipoda, Lysianassidae) of the cavern system of Playa Giran, Cuba.) — Avicennia 16, 71-77. ( In Spanish. S. karamani n.sp. .) ORTIZ, M. & A. JIMENO 2003. (Contribution to the knowledge on amphipods (Gammaridea) of Ibiza, Balearic Islands.) — Graelssia 59, 97-99. (in Spanish, not seen) ORTIZ, M. & R. LALANA 2003. On a new species of Podocerus (Amphipoda: Gammaridea: Podoceridae) from the Indonesian archipelago. — Travaux du Museum National dHistoire Naturelle “Grigore Antipa” 45, 61-66. (P. sandroruffoi n.sp. from Bunaken island, Celebes Sea.) ORTIZ, M., A. MARTIN, I. WINFIELD, Y. DIAZ & D. ATIENZA 2004. (Amphipoda (Crustacea: Gammaridea). Illustrated key to the identification of the families, genera and species of the marine and estuarine tropical west Atlantic.) - — Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico. Facultad de Estudios Superiores Iztocala, 162 pp. (In Spanish. This key uses illustrations exclusively, not a classical dichotomic key. A list of species is annexed.) OUTREMAN, Y., L. BOLLACHE, S. PLAISTOU & F. CEZILLY 2002. Patterns of intermediate host use and levels of association between two conflicting manipulative parasites. — International Journal for Parasitology 32, 15-20. OZBEK, M., S. BALIK & M. R. USTAOGLU 2004. An amphipod species new for the Turkish fauna: Pontogammarus aestuarius (Derzhavin, 1924). — Zoology in the Middle East 32, 63-68. 26 OZBEK, M., S. BALIK & M. R. USTAOGLU 2004. Malacostraca (Crustacea) fauna of Yuvariak Stream (Koycegiz-Mugla). — Turkish Journal of Zoology 28, 321-327. (Five amphipod species). OZBEK, M. R. USTAOGLU & S. BALIK 2003. Contribution to the knowledge on variability and ecology of Echinogammarus antalyae Karaman, 1971 (Crustacea: Amphipoda). — Zoology in the Middle East 29 , 1 13-1 15. OZBEK, M., M. R. USTAOGLU & S. BALIK 2004. A new species of corophiid for the Turkish fauna: Chelicorophium maeoticum (Sowinsky, 1898) (Amphipoda). — Crustaceana 77 , 1013-1018. PANOV, V. E. & N. A. BEREZINA 2002. Invasion history, biology and impacts of the Baikalian amphipod Gmelinoides fasciatus. — Pp 96-103 in E. Leppakoski, S. Gollasch & S. Olenin (eds). Invasive aquatic species of Europe. Distribution, impacts and management. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht. PASCOE, D., K. CARROLL & D. W. BOWKER 2004. Does social isolation during early development affect the reproductive behaviour of the amphipod Hyalella azteca (Saussure, 1858)? — Archiv fur Hydrobiologie 159 , 137-144. (Not seen, so I still don’t know). PATZNER, R. A. 2004. Associations with sea anemones in the Mediterranean Sea: a review. — Ophelia 58 , 1-11. PAULA Y, G., R. KROPP, P. K. L. NG & L. G. ELDREDGE 2003. The crustaceans and pycnogonids of the Mariana Islands. — Micronesica 35/36 , 456-513. PEREIRA, R.C., D. N. CAVALCANTI & V. L. TEIXEIRA 2000. Effects of secondary metabolites from the tropical Brazilian brown alga Dictyota menstrualis on the amphipod Parhyale hawaiensis. — Marine Ecology Progress Series 205 , 95-100. PEREIRA, V.F.G.C. 2004. Hyalella dielaii sp. nov. from Sao Paulo, Brazil (Amphipoda, Hyalellidae). — Revista Brasileira de Zoologia 27, 179-184. PERRONE, F. M., A. DELL’ANNO, R. DANOVARO, N. DELLA CROCE & M. H. THURSTON 2002. Population biology of Hirondellea sp.nov. (Amphipoda: Gammaridea: Lysianassoidea) from the Atacama Trench (south- east Pacific Ocean). — Journal of the Marine Biological Association UK 82 , 419-425. 27 PERROT-MINNOT, M.-J. 2004. Larval morphology, genetic divergence, and contrasting levels of host manipulation between forms of Pomphorhynchus laevis (Acanthocephala). — International Journal for Parasitology 34 , 45-54. PETRYASHOV, V. V., A. A. GOLIKOV, M. SCHMIDT & E. RACHOR 2004. (Macrobenthos of the Laptev Sea shelf). — Issledovanya Faunyi Morei 54-1 (62), 9-27. (In Russian). PIENIMAKI, M., M. HELAVUORI & E. LEPPAKOSKI 2004. First findings of the North American amphipod Gammarus tigrinus Sexton, 1939 along the Finnish coast. — Memoranda pro Flora et Fauna Fennica 80 , 17-19. PISCART, C., S. DEVIN, J.-N. BEISEL & J.-C. MORETEAU 2003. Growth- related life-history traits of an invasive gammarid species: evaluation with a Laird-Gompertz model. — Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences <57, 2006-2014. {Dikero gammarus villosus) PLAISTOW, S. J., J.-PH. TROUSSARD & F. CEZILLY 2001. The effect of the acanthocephalan parasite Pomphorhynchus laevis on the lipid and glycogen content of its intermediate host Gammarus pulex. — International Journal for Parasitology 3f 346-351. PODRAZA, P., T. EHLERT & P. ROSS 2001. Erstnachweis von Echinogammarus trichiatus (Crustacea: Amphipoda) im Rhein. — Lauterbornia 4f 129-133. POGGIALE, J.-C. & J.-C. DAUVIN 2001. Long-term dynamics of three benthic Ampelisca (Crustacea, Amphipoda) populations from the bay of Morlaix (western English Channel) related to their disappearance after the 4 Amoco Cadiz’ oil spill. — Marine Ecology Progress Series 214 , 201-209. {Ampelisca armoricana, A. sarsi and A. tenuicornis ) POORE, A. G. B. 2004. Spatial associations among algae affect host use in a herbivorous marine amphipod. — - Oecologia 140 , 104-112. PRENTER, J., C. MacNEIL, J. T. A. DICK & A. M. DUNN 2004. Roles of parasites in animal invasions. — Trends in Ecology & Evolution 19 , 385-390. RAYOL, M. C. & C. S. SEREJO 2003. A new species of Monoliropus Mayer, 1903 (Amphipoda, Caprellidea) from Guanabara Bay, RJ, Brazil. — Arquivos do Museu Nacional (Rio de Janeiro) 6f 165-170. (Not seen. M enodis n.sp.) 28 REISE, K., S. GOLLASCH & W. J. WOLFF 2002. Introduced marine species of the North Sea coasts. — Pp 260-266 in E. Leppakoski, S. Gollasch & S. Olenin (eds). Invasive aquatic species of Europe. Distribution, impacts and management. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht. REN, X. 2003. Studies on genus Corophium (Crustacea: Amphipoda) from the China Sea. — Transactions of the Chinese Crustacean Society 4 , 154-180. (Mostly in Chinese. Twenty species, of which C. serraticaudatum n. sp. from the N. Yellow Sea is new, and C. acutum is new to Chinese seas. A key to Corophium is provided (in Chinese), and there are illustrations of most of the species. There is an English description of C. serraticaudatum n.sp.) RICHOUX, N. B., R. J. THOMPSON & D. DEIBEL 2004. Population biology of hyperbenthic crustaceans in a cold water environment (Conception Bay, Newfoundland). II. Acanthostepheia malmgreni (Amphipoda). — Marine Biology, Berlin 144 , 895-904. RIGAUD, T. & Y. MORET 2003. Differential phenoloxidase activity between native and invasive gammarids infected by local acanthocephalans: differentiated immunosuppression. — Parasitology 127 , 571-577. RUDOLPH, K. 2001. Zur Frage des giiltigen Names fur die pontokaspische Amphipoden-Art Echinogammarus ischnus (Stebbing, 1899). — Lauterbornia 41, 85-88. (Not seen) RUFFO, S. 2004. Nihotunga traudlina new species from the Island of Bah (Indonesia) (Crustacea, Amphipoda, Nihotungidae). — Bollettino del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Verona 28 , 17-22. RUFFO, S., J. R. HOLSINGER & T. R. SAWICKI 2003. Indoweckelia stocki n.sp. from subterranean waters of northern Oman: the second weckeliid amphipod crustacean (Hadziidae) described from the Middle East (Stygofauna of Oman, nr 6). — Bollettino del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Verona 27, 3-11. SALOVIUS, S. & P. KRAUFVELIN 2004. The filamentous green alga Cladophora glomerata as a habitat for littoral macrofauna in the northern Baltic Sea. — Ophelia 58, 65-78. (i.a. Gammarus spp) SANO, M., M. OMORI & K. TANIGUCHI 2003. Predator-prey systems of drifting seaweed communities off the Tohoku coast, northern Japan, as determined by feeding habit analysis of phytal animals. Fisheries Science 69, 260-268. (Amph. p. 262) 29 SARVER, R. J. & K. B. LISTER 2004. Surface stream occurrence and updated distribution of Allocrangonyx hubrichti Holsinger (Amphipod: Allocrangonyctidae), an endemic subterranean amphipod of the interior highlands. — Journal of Freshwater Ecology 19 , 165-168. SATAH, K. 2004. Occurrence of Phronima sedentaria (Forskal, 1775) (Amphipoda, Hyperiidea) in the stomach of the Longnose Lancetfish, Alepisaurus ferox (Lowe, 1833) (Alelopiformes, Alepisauroidei) in the north and tropical Atlantic Ocean. — Crustaceana 77, 729-739. SAWICKI, T. R. & J. R. HOLSINGER 2004. Systematic^ of the subterranean amphipod Bahadzia (Hadziidae), with description of a new species, redescription of B. yager ae , and analysis of phylogeny and biogeography. — Journal of Natural History 38 , 1397-1414. ( B . caymanensis n.sp.) SCHRAM, F. R. 2005. The place of Collembola amongst the Arthropoda. - — Crustaceana 77, 1263-1265. (Not particularly near Amphipoda!) SCHULZ, M. & C. G. ALEXANDER 2001. Aggressive behaviour of Caprella scaura typica Mayer, 1890 (Crustacea: Amphipoda). — Marine and Freshwater Behaviour & Physiology 34 , 181-187. (Not seen.) SCHIRLING, M. R., R. TRIEBSKORN & H.-R. KOEHLER 2004. Variations in stress protein levels (hsp 70 and hsp 90) in relation to oocyte development in Gammarus fossarum (Koch, 1835). — Invertebrate Reproduction & Development 45, 161-167. SEREJO, C. S. 2004. Talitridae (Amphipoda, Gammaridea) from the Brazilian coastline. — Zootaxa 646 , 1-29. (Not seen. Deals with Chelorchestia darwinii , Atlantorchestia n.gen, for Pseudorchestoidea brasiliensis, ‘Talorchestia ’ tucurauna and Platorchestia monodi. Lectotype is designated for Platorchestia platensis. Keys to Brazilian talitrids are provided.) SEREJO, C.S. 2004. Cladistic revision of talitroidean amphipods (Crustacea, Gammaridea), with a proposal of a new classification. — Zoologica Scripta 33, 551-586. (An epochal paper, and the start of a new era in the classification of the Talitroidea. I have taken the liberty of copying the proposed new classification of this group on pp 39 and 40 of this newsletter.) SHADRIN, N. V. & V. A. GRINTSOV 2003. (Hyperhaline lake— a new biotope for Orchestia gammarella (Pallas, 1766) (Amphipoda).) — Mors ’kij 30 Ekologichnij Zhurnal 2 (3), 80. (In Russian. On Black Sea shore near Sebastopol.) SHEADER, M., C. L. VAN DOVER & M. H. THURSTON 2004. Reproductive biology of Bouvierella curtirama (Amphipoda: Eusiridae) from chemically distinct vents in the Lucky Strike vent field, Mid-Atlantic Ridge. — Marine Biology, Berlin 144 , 503-514. SILBERMAN, J. O., A. G. COLLINS, L. A. GERSHWIN, P. J. JOHNSON & A. J. ROGER 2004. Ellobiopsids of the genus Thalassomyces are Alveolates. — - Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 57, 246-252. (A molecular study). SIRENKO, B., S. DENISENKO, H. DEUBEL & E. RACHOR 2005. Deep water communities of the Laptev Sea and adjacent parts of the Arctic Ocean. — Issledovanya Faunyi Morei 54-1 (62), 28-73. (An important paper. Amph. listed on pp 59-60). SLOTHOUBER GALBREATH, J. G. M., J. E. SMITH, R. S. TERRY, J. J. BECNEL & A. M. DUNN 2004. Invasion success of Fibrillonosema crangonycis , n.sp, n.g.: a novel vertically transmitted microsporidian parasite from the invasive amphipod host Crangonyx pseudogracilis. — International Journal for Parasitology 34 , 235-244. SPEARS, T., R. W. DeBRY, L. G. ABELE & K. CHODYLA 2005. Peracarid monophyly and interordinal phylogeny inferred from nuclear small-subunit ribosomal DNA sequences (Crustacea: Malacostraca: Peracarida). — Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 118 , 1 17-157. (An important paper) SPICER, J. L. & E. HODGSON 2003. Between-population variation in haemocyanin composition of the beachflea Orchestia gammarellus (Crustacea: Amphipoda). — Journal of the Marine Biological Association UK 83 , 945-947. SPICER, J. I. & E. HODGSON 2003. Structural basis for the salinity-induced alteration in oxygen binding by haemocyanin from the estuarine amphipod Chaetogammarus marinus (L.). — Physiology & Biochemical Zoology 76 , 843- 849. STODDART, H. E. & J. K. LOWRY 2004. The deep-sea lysianassoid genus Eurythenes (Crustacea, Amphipoda, Eurytheneidae n. farm). — Zoosystema 26 , 425-468. (Extensive redescriptions of E. gryllus and E. obesus , and description of E . thurstoni n.sp. from off New South Wales, Australia. A new monotypic family is erected for the genus.) 31 SUBIDA, M. D., M. R. CUNHA & M. H. MOREIRA 2005. Life history, reproduction, and production of Gammarus chevreuxi (Amphipoda: Gammaridae) in the Ria de Aveiro, northwestern Portugal. — Journal of the North American Benthological Society 24 , 82-100. SZANIAWSKI, A., T. LAPUCKI & M. NORMANT 2003. The invasive amphipod Gammarus tigrinus Sexton, 1939, in Puck Bay. — Oceanologia 45 , 507-510. TAFANI, B., A. UGOLINI, M. BAZZICALUPE, A. MENGONI & S. RUFFO 2004. Phylogenetic relationships among Mediterranean sandhoppers. - — Journal of Natural History 38 , 499-508. (With diagnoses of the new genera Deshayesorchestia n.gen., for Talorchestia deshayesii , and Sardorchestia n. gen., for Talorchestia pelecaniformis.) TAKEUCHI, E, M. MATSUTSAMA & S. KIKUCHI 2003. Gill ultrastructure and salinity tolerance of Caprella spp (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Caprellidea) inhabiting the Sargassum community. — Fisheries Science (T okyo) 69 , 966- 973. TAKEUCHI, I., S. TAKAHASHI & S. TANABE 2004. Decline in butyltin levels in Caprella spp (Crustacea: Amphipoda) inhabiting the Sargassum community in Otsuchi Bay, Japan from 1994 to 2001. — Journal of the Marine Biological Association UK 84 , 911-918. TAKEUCHI, E, S. TAKAHASHI, S. TANABE & N. MIYAZAKI 2004. Butyltin concentrations along the Japanese coast from 1997 to 1999 monitored by Caprella spp (Crustacea: Amphipoda). — Marine Environmental Research 57, 397-414. TAKHTEEV, V. V., A. M. LEVASHKEVICH & E. B. GOVORUKHINA 2004. Effect of artificial illumination on the intensity of nocturnal vertical migrations of amphipods. — Russian Journal of Ecology 35, 421-423. TANAKE, M. D. & F. P. P. LEITE 2004. Distance effects on short-term recolonization of Sargassum stenophyllum by mobile epifauna, with an analysis of gammarid life habits. — Journal of the Marine Biological Association UK 84, 901-913. THIEL, M. 2003. Extended parental care in crustaceans — an update. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 76, 205-218. 32 THIEL, M. 2003. Rafting of benthic macrofauna: important factors determining the temporal succession of the assemblage on detached macroalgae. — Hydrobiologia 503 , 49-57. THIEL, M. & L. GUTOW 2004. The ecology of rafting in the marine environment. 1 . The floating substrata . — Oceanography & Marine Biology , an Annual Review 42 , 181-264. (An important review paper!) TIERNEY, T.O., F. KANE, O. NAUGHTON, S. KENNEDY, P. O’DONOHUE , L. COPLEY & D. JACKSON 2004. On the occurrence of the caprellid amphipod, Caprella mutica Schurin, 1935, in Ireland. — The Irish Naturalists Journal 27, 437-439. TOMIICAWA, K., E. A. HENDRYCKS & S. F. MAWATARI 2004. A new species of the genus Dactylopleustes (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Pleustidae) from Japan, with a partial redescription of D. echinoides Bousfield & Hendrycks, 1995 . — Zootaxa 674 , 1-14. ( D. yoshimurai n.sp. from off Hokkaido, Japan, on the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus intermedius. New material of D. echinoides comes from S. droebachiensis. A key is provided.) TORCHIN, M. E., K. D. LAFFERTY, A. P. DOBSON, V. J. MacKENZIE & A. M. KURIS 2003. Introduced species and their missing parasites. - — Nature, London 421 , 628-630. TZVETKOVA, N.L. 2004. (To the centenary of professor E.F.Gurjanova (25.01.1902-27.01.1981), — - Pp 88-101 in B.I.Sirenko (ed.). (Fauna and ecosystems of the Laptev Sea and adjacent deep waters of the Arctic Basin. Part II.) ( Explorations of the fauna of the seas) 54. St Petersburg, Zoological Institute. (In Russian. With many photographs, a bibliography and a list of animals named in her honour) D’UDEKEM D’ACOZ, C. 2004. The genus Bathyporeia Lindstrom, 1855, in western Europe (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Pontoporeiidae). — Zoologische Verhandelingen, Leiden 348 , 1-162. (A most thorough revision of this difficult genus, dealing with Bathyporeia elegans, B. gracilis, B. guillamsoniana, B. nana, B. pelagica, B. pilosa, B. sarsi and B. tenuipes. A key is provided.) d’UDEKEM d’ACOZ, C. & M. MENIOUI 2004. On three new Bathyporeia species from the Atlantic coasts of North Africa (Crustacea, Amphipoda, Pontoporeiidae). — Cahiers de Biologie Marine 45 , 175-195. (Deals with B. elkaimi n.sp. (Bou Regreg, Morocco), B. ledoyeri n.sp. (S. of Dakhla, Morocco), and B. microceras n.sp. (Bay of Dakhla, Morocco). 33 d’UDEKEM d’ACOZ, C. Sc W. VADER 2004. Bathyporeia elegans Watkin, 1938 (Crustacea, Amphipoda): proposed conservation. — Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 61, 162-164. VALERIO-BERARDO, M. T. & Y. WAKABARA 2003. Leptocheirus spinicoxa , a new species of Corophiidae (Amphipoda) from the northeastern brazilian coast. — Nauplius If 51-56. (from Bahia, Brazil) VASSILENKO, S. V. 2004. (Caprellidea (Amphipoda) of the Laptev Sea, northwestern part of the East-Siberian Sea and adjacent waters of the Arctic Ocean . Pp 5-14 in B.I.Sirenko (ed.). (Fauna and ecosystems of the Laptev Sea and adjacent deep waters of the Arctic Basin. Part II.) ( Explorations of the fauna of the seas) 54-2. St Petersburg, Zoological Institute. (In Russian. Deals with Aeginina longicornis, Protellina arctica, Tritella pilimana, Metacaprella horrida, Caprella carina, C. linearis and C. microtuberculata) VELDE, G.v.d., I. NAGELKERKEN, S. RAJAGOPAL Sc A. bij de VAATE 2002. Invasions by alien species in inland freshwater bodies in western Europe: the Rhine delta. — Pp 260-372 in E. Leppakoski, S. Gollasch Sc S. Olenin (eds). Invasive aquatic species of Europe. Distribution, impacts and management. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht VINOGRADOV, G.M. 2004. Near-bottom and pelagic gammaridean amphipods in the western Indian Ocean. — Annals of the South African Museum 112 , 39-88. (Deals with Trischizostoma tanjae (with key to the genus), Amaryllis maculata n.sp., (Walters Shoal), Erikus dahli , Scopelocheiropsis sublitoralis n.sp. (Mozambique Channel), Eurythenes gryllus, Ichnopus walkeri n.sp. (Mozambique Channel), Eusirella ? elegans, Regalia oculata n.sp. (Mozambique Channel) and Paramoera austrina. Many other species are recorded.) VINOGRADOV, G.M. 2004. ( Leucothoe uschakovi (Amphipoda, Gammaridea) as a symbiont of deep-water sponges. ) — Trudy Belomorskoj Biologicheskoj Stantzii im N.A.Pertzova 9 (2003), 34-35. (In Russian. From Mohns ridge, Norwegian Sea, 2900m.) WALKUSZ, W., S. KWASNIEWSKI, K. DMOCH, H. HOP, M. J. ZMIJEWSKA, L. BIELECKA, S. FALK-PETERSEN Sc J. SICINSKI 2004. Characteristics of the Arctic and Antarctic mesozooplankton in the neritic zone during summer. — Polish Polar Research 25 , 275-291. WANG, X. Sc G.-P. ZAUKE 2004. Size-dependent bioaccumulation of metals in the amphipod Gammarus zaddachi (Sexton, 1912) from the river Hunte 34 (Germany) and its relationship to the permeable body surface area. — Hydrobiologia 1 5 1 , 11-28. WERNER, I., H. AUEL & T. KIKO 2004. Occurrence of Anonyx sarsi (Amphipoda: Lysianassoidea) below Arctic pack ice: an example of cryo- benthic coupling? — Polar Biology 27 , 474-481. WHISSON, C. S., F. E. WELLS & T. ROSE 2004. The benthic invertebrate fauna of the Peel-Harvey estuary of south-western Australia after completion of the Dawesville Channel. — Records of the West Australian Museum 22, 81-90. (Eleven amphipod spp mentioned) WILLIS, K. J., E. J. COOK, M. LOZANO-FERNANDEZ & L TAKEUCHI 2004. First record of the alien caprellid amphipod, Caprella mutica , for the UK. — Journal of the Marine Biological Association UK 84 , 1027-1028. (W. Scotland, near Oban.) YAMADA, Y., T. IKEDA & A. TSUDA 2004. Comparative life-history study on sympatric hyperiid amphipods ( Themisto pacifica and T. japonica ) in the Oyashio region, western North Pacific. — Marine Biology, Berlin 145 , 515- 527. ZEIDLER, W. 2004. A review of the hyperiidean amphipod superfamily Lycaeopsoidea Bowman & Gruner, 1973 (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Hyperiidea). - — Zootaxa 520 , 1-18. (With redescription of Lycaeopsis themistoides and L. zamboangae. L. pauli is a junior synonym of zamboangae.) ZEIDLER, W. 2004. A review of the families and genera of the hyperiiidean amphipod superfamily Phronimoidea Bowman & Gruner, 1973 (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Hyperiidea). — - Zootaxa 567 , 1-66. (An important contribution! Three new families are erected: the Lestrigonidae, with the genera Lestrigonus , Phronimopsis, Themistella, Hyperioides, Hyperiella and Hyp eri onyx, and 2 monotypic families, the Bougisidae (recte Bougisiidae WV) and the Iulopididae. Iulops loveni and I. mirabilis are described and illustrated, as is Dairella californica (of which D. latissima is considered to be a junior synonym).) Earlier overlooked taxonomic papers on amphipods (Of course these are mainly papers that I have never seen, so there are often few details on the species involved. WV) 35 ALIEV, R.A. 1997. (A new species of amphipod of the genus Gammarus (Crustacea, Amphipoda) from freshwater habitats of Azerbaijan.) — Izvestya Akademii Nauk Azerbaidzhana, Ser. Biologicheskikh N auk (1993-4/6), 119-122. (In Russian, not seen. Gammarus kasymovi n.sp. from the Ismaillinskogo region.) ANDREEV, S. 2001. Niphargus bulgaricus sp.n. et deux especes nouvelles pour la faune de Bulgarie — Niphargopsis trispinosa Dancau et Gammarus roeseli Gervais (Amphipoda: Niphargidae, Gammaridae). - — Historia Naturalis Bulgarica 13 , 79-87. (Not seen) BOUSFIELD, E.L. & H. MORINO 1992. The amphipod genus Ramellogammarus in fresh waters of western North America: systematics and distributional ecology. — Contributions to Natural Science 77, 1-21. ( Deals with Ramellogammarus californicus n.sp. (Calif.), R. campestris n.sp. (Oregon), R. columbianus n.sp. (B.Col.), R. littoralis n.sp. (Oregon), R. oregonensis, R. ramellus, R. setosus n.sp. (Wash.), R. similimanus and R. vancouverensis. A key is provided.) BUSTAMANTE, A. 2002. Three new species of Microphoxus Barnard, 1960 (Amphipoda, Phoxocephalidae, Metharpiniinae) from the coast of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. — Arquivos do Museum Nacional (Rio de Janeiro) 60, 55-78. (Not seen. Deals with Microphoxus breviramus n.sp. , M. moraesi n.sp, and M. uroserratus n.sp..) COLEMAN, C.O., L. ADORF, N. EIKMEIER, B. HOFFMANN-KOBERT, A. LEISTIKOW, D. MEIER, D. PETZOLD, K. REMMERT, F. SCHIERL, M. C. SCHUTTE, E. SIEBENSOHN, T. STAVRIDIS & K. WAGNER 1994. Taxonomy of two iphimediid amphipods (Crustacea) from the Southern Ocean. — Journal of Natural History 28, 1059-1075. (Deals with Gnathiphimedia watlingi n.sp. (Antarctic) and Iphimediella margueritei.) GHANI, N. 1999. Associates of Gorgonia species. — Proceedings of Parasitology 27, 63-65. (Not seen) HIRAYAMA, A. & L TAKEUCHI 1993. New species and new Japanese records of the Gammaridea (Crustacea: Amphipoda) from Matsukawa-ura inlet, Fukushima prefecture, Japan. — Publications of the Seto Marine Biological Laboratory 36, 141-178. (Not seen. Deals with i.a. Atylus matsukawaensis n.sp. , Dulichia biarticulata n.sp., Gitanopsis oozeki n.sp., Stenothoe dentirama n.sp. and Synchelidium longisegmentum n.sp. . The species Eogammarus possjeticus, Lepidepecreum gurjanovae and Tiron spiniferus are new to Japan.) 36 JAUME, D. 1991. Two new species of the amphipod genus Pseudoniphargus (Crustacea) from Cabrera (Balearic islands). — Stygologia 6, 177-189. (P. daviui n.sp. and P. triasi n.sp.) KARAMAN, G.S. 1995. Two interesting Niphargus species from Italy, Niphargus catalogus n.sp. and N. ambulator G. Karaman, 1975 (Fam. Niphargidae). — Poljoprivreda i Sumarstvo 41 , 83-97. (Not seen) KARAMAN, G.S. 2002. On two Bogidiella species (Amphipoda, Bogidiellidae) from Southern Europe. — Odjeljenja Prirodnikh Nauka Crnagorska Akademij a Nauka i Umjetnosti Glasnik 14, 135-150. (Not seen. B. glacialis cataracta n.ssp from Serbia and Montenegro, and B . longiflagellum from Greece and Turkey.) KARAMAN, G. S., T. GLEDHILL & M. C. HOLMES 1994. A new subterranean amphipod (Crustacea: Gammaridea: Niphargidae) from southern Ireland, with comments on its taxonomic position and the validity of the genus Niphargellus Schellenberg. — Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 112 , 309-320. (Not seen. With A. wexfordensis n.sp.) KARAMAN, G. S. & S. M. SARBU 1995. Niphargus decui n.sp. (Amphipoda, Gammaridea, Niphargidae), a new species from Romania. — - Travaux de Vlnstitut de Speologie * Emil Racovitza’ 34, 77-87. (Not seen) KULKINA, L.V. 1990. (Amphipoda of Kazakhstan). — Pp 125-146 inE. G. Sodorov (ed.): (The ecology and morphology of helminths of animals from Kazakhstan). Nauka, Alma Ata, 158 pp. (In Russian, not seen. Stygobromus kazakstanica n.sp. from Kazakhstan.) LEE, K. S. & I. S. SEO 1990. One new species of freshwater Jesogammarus (Crustacea, Amphipoda, Anisogammaridae) from South Korea. — Korean Journal of Systematic Zoology 6, 251-259. (Not seen. Jesogammarus (Annanogammarus) koreaensis n.sp. from S. Korea.) LEE, K. S. & I. S. SEO 1990. Two new species of freshwater Gammarus (Crustacea, Amphipoda, Gammaridae) from South Korea. — - Korean Journal of Systematic Zoology 6, 219-229. (Not seen. Gammarus kyonggiensis n.sp. and G. wangbangensis n.sp. from S. Korea.) LEE, K. S. & I. S. SEO 1992. One new species of freshwater Jesogammarus (Crustacea, Amphipoda, Anisogammaridae) from South Korea. — Korean Journal of Zoology 35, 344-349. (Not seen. J. (J.) ilhoii n.sp. from Kang wong do province, S.Korea.) 37 LEE, K. S. & I. S. SEO 1992. One new species of freshwater Gammarus (Crustacea, Amphipoda, Gammaridae) from South Korea. — Korean Journal of Systematic Zoology, Special Issue 3, 93-100. (Not seen. G. longisaeta n.sp.) LOWRY, J. K. & H. E. STODDART 1994. Crustacea Amphipoda: lysianassoids from the tropical western South Pacific Ocean. — Resultats des Campagnes Musorstom 12 , 127-223. (Deals with Aristias thio n.sp. (N. Caledonia), A. uokonia n.sp. (Isle de Pines, N.Cal.), Bathyamaryllis ouvea (N.CalJ, Clepidecrella tropicalis n.sp. (N.Cal.), Coriolisa novacaledonia n.gen, n.sp. (N.Cal.), Cyclocaris tahitensis, Cyphocaris bellona n.sp. (N.Cal.), Figorella tasmanica, Hippomedon vao n.sp.(N. Cal.), Ichnopus malpatun, Kerguelenia koutouma n.sp. (N.Cal.), K lifou n.sp. (Loyalty Islands), Lepidepecreella sarcelle n.sp. (N.Cal.), Onesimoides abyssalis n.sp. (Loyalty islands), O. carinatus , Orchomenella abyssorum, O. distincta, O. gerulicorbis, Perambasia acuticaudata, Procyphocaris indurata , Socarnes tiendi n.sp. (N.Cal.), S. rurutae n.sp. (Austral islands), S. tuscarora n.sp. (Wallis & Futuma), Socarnopsis Honiara n.sp. (Solomon Islands), S. tandai n.sp. (Solomon Islands), Trischizostoma richeri n.sp. (Loyalty islands), Tryphosella ama n.sp. (N.Cal.), T. oupi n.sp. (N. Cal.), and two Waldeckia spp.) MINCHIN, D. & J. M. C. HOLMES 1993. A skeleton shrimp Caprella andreae Mayer (Crustacea: Amphipoda) new to Ireland, and other strandings in September 1991. — Irish Naturalists ’ Journal 24 , 285-286. (on coconut hull) MULLER, H. G. 1992. Colomastigidae from coral reefs in the Society Islands. Description of two new species (Crustacea, Amphipoda, Gammaridea). — Cahiers de Biologie Marine 33, 425-433. (Deals with Colomastix lunalilo, C. minuta n.sp. and C. tiahurae n.sp.) PRETUS, J. L. 1990. Three new species of the genus Pseudoniphargus (Crustacea: Amphipoda) in Balearic ground waters. - — Stygologia 5, 101-118. (Not seen. P. pedrerae n.sp. and P. pityusensis n.sp. from Formentera, P. racovitzai n.sp from Majorca.) RAUSCHERT, M. 1994. Gitanopsilis (Crustacea, Amphipoda, Gammaridea), eine neue Amphilochiden-Gattung aus dem Sublittoral der Konig-Georg-Insel (Sudshetlandinseln). — Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum in Berlin 70, 133-156. (Not seen. Deals with Gitanopsilis n.gen (type Gitanopsis simplex), G. amissio n.sp. , Gitanopsis denticulata n.sp and G. fucatosquamosa n.sp. . Keys are provided.) REN, X. 2001. Gammaridean shrimps of the family Ampithoidae (Crustacea: Amphipoda) from Hainan Island, South China Sea. — National Science 38 Museum Monographs 21, 65-74. (Not seen. Deals with Paragrubia latipoda n.sp. and 9 other ampithoids. Keys are provided.) RICHARDSON, A. M. M. & J. E. JACKSON 1995. The first record of a terrestrial landhopper (Crustacea. Amphipoda: Talitridae) from Macquarie island. — Polar Biology 15, 419-422. {Puhuruhuru patersoni ) SEDLAK- WEINSTEIN, E. 1992. A new species of Isocyamus (Amphipoda, Cyamidae) from Kogia breviceps (de Blainville, 1 838) in Australian waters. — Systematic Parasitology 23, 1-6. (Not seen. I kogiae n.sp. from Queensland waters) SANCHEZ, E. 1991 . Stygofauna of the Canary Islands, 18. New records of Pseudoniphargus (Crustacea, Amphipoda) from ground waters of Tenerife and Hierro, with description of new species. — Stygologia 6, 53-64. (Not seen. Deals with Pseudoniphargus fontinalis , P. porticola and P. associatus n.sp.) SEREJO, C. S. & M. V. S. LICINIO 2002. The genus Ampithoe (Crustacea, Amphipoda, Ampithoidae) from the Brazilian coast. — Arquivos do Museum Nacional (Rio de Janeiro) 60, 41-50. (Not seen. Deals With Ampithoe divisura, A. seticoxae n.sp. and A. ramondi. A key is provided.) STOCK, J. H. & A. D. ABREU 1993. Three new species of Pseudoniphargus (Crustacea: Amphipoda) from the Madeira archipelago. — Boletim do Museo Municipal de Funchal 44 (1992), 131-155. ( P . portosancti n.sp. from Porto Santo, and P. macrurus n.sp. and P. littoralis n.sp. from Tenerife.) TACHTEEW, V.V. & I. V. MEKHANIKOVA 2000. (New species of amphipods (Crustacea, Amphipoda) from the mountain streams of Khamar- Daban ridge.) — Trudy Biologo-Pachvennogo Fakul let IGU 3, 115-123. (In Russian, not seen. Deals with Gammarus dabanus n.sp. and G. lacustris.) TZVETKOVA, N. L. 1990. (An addition to the fauna of amphipods (Amphipoda, Talitroidea, Hyalidae) from the shallow waters of the East Kamchatka.) — Trudy Zoologicheskogo Instituta 218, 40-53. (In Russian, not seen. Contains key to Allorchestes spp and describes Parallorchestes asiaticus n.sp. .) TZVETKOVA, N. L. 1990. {New subfamily, genus and species of amphipods (Amphipoda: Gammaridea, Corophioidea) from the coastal waters of Simashir Island, Kurile Islands.) — Pp 26-42 in V. S. Levin & G.A.Evseev (eds). (Systematics and chorology of marine organisms: collected scientific works.) Akademiya Nauk SSSR, Vladivostok. (In Russian. Deals with Cerapus lukini 39 n.sp. and Corogammaropsis kudrjaschovi n. gen., n.sp., type of the new subfamily Corogammaropsinae.) VASSILENKO, S. V. 1994. (i Caprogammarus and caprellids (Amphipoda, Caprellidea) of the continental slope of the Kurile Islands.) — Issledovanijya Fauny Morei 46 (1993), 130-155. (In Russian, not seen. Describes i.a. Caprella fimbrillata n.sp. and C. indeterminata n.sp.. Keys to Caprogammaridae, Paracercopidae and Caprellidae are provided.) VINOGRADOV, G. M. 1994. (Amphipoda (Crustacea) from seep fields and nearby common benthic communities of the northern and eastern Pacific. ) — Trudy Instituta Okeanoloii Akademii NaukSSSR 131 , 100-125. (In Russian, not seen. Deals with Gammaropsis (Podoceropsis) miri n.sp., Hippomedon keldyshi n.sp., and Lepidepecreum calif orniens is (recte: californiense WV), all from off California.) ZELICKMAN, E. A. 2004. Fauna Palaestina — Crustacea I: Hyperiidea, Amphipoda of Israel, a morphological atlas. — ISBN 965-208-164-7. 442 pp (Not seen, unfortunately. 105 species are reported from the area. Of the 98 Mediterranean species , 5 1 are new to the area, of the 47 Red Sea species, 37. All species are extensively described and illustrated, i.a. with SEM pictures.) NEW CLASSIFICATION OF TALITROIDEA, ACCORDING TO SEREJO 2004 (ZOOLOGICA SCRIPTA 33, 551-586. Infraorder Talitrida Superfamily Kurioidea Family Kuriidae Superfamily Phliantoidea Family Biancolinidae Family Ceinidae Family Eophliantidae Family Phliantidae Family Plioplateiidae Family Temnophliantidae Kuria, Micropythia Biancolina Ceina, Tauhape, Waitomo Bircenna, Ceinina, Cylindrylloides, Eophliantis, Lignophliantis, Wandelia Gabophlias, Iphinotus, Iphiplateia, Pariphinotus, Pereionotus, Phlias, Quasimodia Plioplateia Hystriphlias, Temnophlias 40 Superfamily Talitroidea s.str. Family Chiltoniidae Afrochiltonia, Austrochiltonia, Chiltonia, Phreatochiltonia Family Dogielinotidae Subfamily Dogielinotinae Allorchestes, Dogielinoides, Dogielinotus, Eohaustorioides, Exhyalella, Haustorioides, Marinohyalella, Parhyalella, Proboscinotus Subfamily Hyalellinae Hyalella Subfamily Najinae ?Insula, Najna Subfamily Hyalinae Apohyale, Hyale, Lelehua, Neobule, Parallorchestes, Parhyale, Protohyale, Ptilohyale, Ruffohyale, Serejohyale Family Talitridae Agilestia, Americorchestia, Arcitalitrus, Austrotroides, Bousfieldia, Caribitroides, Cariborchestia, Cerrorchestia, Chelorchestia, Chiltonorchestia, Chroestia, Eorchestia, Floresorchestia, Hawaiorchestia, Kanikania, Keratroides, Macarorchestia, Makawe, Megalorchestia, Microrchestia, Mysticotalitrus, Neorchestia, Orchestia, Orchestiella, Orchestoidea, Paciforchestia, Palmorchestia, Parorchestia, Platorchestia, Protaustrotroides, Protorchestia, Pseudorchestoidea, Puhuruhuru, Sinorchestia, Spelaeorchestia, Talitriator, Talitrus, Talorchestia, Tara, Tasmanorchestia, Tethorchestia, Transorchestia, Traskorchestia, Trinorchestia, Ulorchestia, Waematau B. I have taken the liberty to amend the name Plioplateidae to Plioplateiidae and that of Najniinae to Najninae. WV 41 New taxa in AN 27 A. Alphabetic list New families and subfamilies Bougisiidae Zeidler, 2004 Corogammaropsinae Tzvetkova, 1990 Eurytheneidae Stoddart & Lowry, 2004 Iulopididae Zeidler, 2004 Lestrigonidae Zeidler, 2004 Sicafodiidae Just, 2004 New genera and subgenera Anomalosymtes Hendrycks & Bousfield, 2004 Atlantorchestia Serejo, 2004 Budnikopleustes Hendrycks & Bousfield, 2004 Carinonajna Bousfield & Marcoux, 2004 Coriolisa Lowry & Stoddart, 1994 Corogammaropsis Tzvetkova, 1990 Deshayesorchestia Tafani et al., 2004 Gitanopsilis Rauschert, 1994 Gracilipleustes Hendrycks & Bousfield, 2004 Heteropleustes Hendrycks & Bousfield, 2004 Holopleustes Hendrycks & Bousfield, 2004 Indoweckelia Holsinger & Ruffo, 2002 Kamptopleustes Hendrycks & Bousfield, 2004 Rhinopleustes Hendrycks & Bousfield, 2004 Sardorchestia Tafani et al., 2004 Shoemaker oides Hendrycks & Bousfield, 2004 Sicafodia Just, 2004 Pleustidae Talitridae Pleustidae Najnidae pachynids Photidae Talitridae Amphilochidae Pleustidae Pleustidae Pleustidae Hadziidae Pleustidae Pleustidae Talitridae Pleustidae Sicafodiidae New species and subspecies abyssalis Lowry & Stoddart, 1994 ( Onesimoides ) acuminatus Hendrycks & Bousfield, 2004 ( Rhinopleustes ) aequipes Hendrycks & Bousfield, 2004 ( Holopleustes ) ama Lowry & Stoddart, 1994 ( Tryphosella ) amchitkana Bousfield & Marcoux, 2004 ( Najna ) amissio Rauschert, 1994 ( Gitanopsilis ) andeep Berge, Vader & Lockhart, 2004 ( Lepidepecreella ) asiaticus Tzvetkova, 1990 ( Parallorchestes ) Tryphosinae Pleustidae Pleustidae Tryphosinae Najnidae Amphilochidae lepidepecreellids Hyalidae 42 associatus Sanchez, 1991 ( Pseudoniphargus ) australiensis Guerra-Garcia, 2004 ( Aciconula ) atlantica Bellan-Santini & Menioui, 2004 ( Urothoe ) azorensis Guerra-Garcia, 2004 ( Liropus ) barnardi Bousfield & Marcoux, 2004 ( Carinonajna ) bellona Lowry & Stoddart, 1994 ( Cyphocaris ) biarticulata Hirayama & Takeuchi, 1993 ( Dulichia ) bicarinata Bousfield & Marcoux, 2004 ( Carinonajna ) bispinosa Bousfield & Marcoux, 2004 ( Carinonajna ) botanica Bousfield & Marcoux, 2004 ( Carinonajna ) brevipodus Hou, Li & Platvoet, 2004 ( Gammarus ) breviramus Bustamante, 2002 {Microphoxus) brisbanense Chapman, 2002 ( Paracorophium ) bulgaricus Andreev, 2001 ( Niphargus ) Pseudoniphargidae Caprellidae Urothoidae Caprellidae Najnidae Cyphocarididae Dulichiidae Najnidae Najnidae Najnidae Gammaridae Phoxocephalidae Corophiidae Niphargidae californicus Bousfield & Morino, 1992 ( Ramellogammarus ) Anisogammaridae californiense Vinogradov, 1994 ( Lepidepecreum ) campestris Bousfield & Morino, 1 992 ( Ramellogammarus ) carli Bousfield & Marcoux, 2004 (i Carinonajna ) catalogus Karaman, 1995 ( Niphargus ) cataracta Karaman, 2002 ( Bogidiella glacialis) cidaridis Berge, Vader & Lockhart, 2004 ( Notopoma ) colo Lowry, 2004 ( Corophium ) columbianus Hendrycks & Bousfield, 2004 ( Neopleustes ) Tryphosinae Anisogammaridae Najnidae Niphargidae Bogidiellidae Ischyroceridae Corophiidae Pleustidae columbianus Bousfield & Morino, 1992 (7?ame//ogamm<2r^)Anisogammaridae columnaris Ariyama, 2004 (. Aoroides ) comitari Myers & Hall-Spencer, 2003 ( Pleusymtes ) compar Myers & Cunha, 2004 ( Bonnierella ) cornicolanus lannilli & Vigna Taglianti, 2004 ( Niphargus ) coxalis Hendrycks & Bousfield, 2004 ( Anomalosymtes ) curvipes Ariyama, 2004 ( Aoroides ) costai Freire & Serejo, 2004 ( Trischizostoma ) dabanus Tachteew & Mekhanikova, 2000 ( Gammarus ) daviui Jaume, 1991 ( Pseudoniphargus ) decorosus Meng, Hou & Li, 2003 ( Gammarus ) decui Karaman & Sarbu, 1995 ( Niphargus ) denticulata Rauschert, 1994 ( Gitanopsis ) dentirama Kirayama & Takeuchi, 1993 (Stenothoe) dielaii Pereira, 2004 ( Hyalella ) eclimensis King, Myers & McGrath, 2004 ( Ampelisca ) elkaimi d’Udekem d’Acoz & Menioui, 2004 ( Bathyporeia ) elliottana Lowry & Springthorpe, 2005 ( Rhachotropis ) ellipticus Ariyama, 2004 {Aoroides) elvirae lannilli & Ruffo, 2002 {Gammarus) Aoridae Pleustidae Bonnierellinae Niphargidae Pleustidae Aoridae Trischizostomatidae Gammaridae Pseudoniphargidae Gammaridae Niphargidae Amphilochidae Stenothoidae Hyalellidae Ampeliscidae Pontoporeiidae Eusiridae Aoridae Gammaridae 43 enodis Rayol & Serejo, 2003 {Monoliropus) fimbrillata Vassilenko, 1994 ( Caprella ) fontanus Hou & Li, 2004 ( Jesogammarus ) frigid us Hou & Li, 2004 ( Gammarus ) fucatosquamosa Rauschert, 1994 ( Gitanopsis ) grandimana Guerra-Garcia, 2004 {Pseudoprotomima) hebeiensis Hou & Li, 2004 ( Jesogammarus ) honiara Lowry & Stoddart, 1994 {Socarnopsis) ilheusensis Haney, de Almeide & Reid, 2004 {Syncyamus) ilhoii Lee & Seo, 1992 ( Jesogammarus ) indeterminata Vassilenko, 1994 ( Caprella ) inermis Appadoo & Myers, 2004 ( Aora ) japonicus Ariyama, 2004 ( Tethylembos ) jaspidus Hou & Li, 2004 ( Gammarus ) juliana Lowry & Springthorpe, 2005 {Regalia) karamani King, 2004 {Harpinia) Caprellidae Caprellidae Anisogammaridae Gammaridae Amphilochidae Phtisicidae Anisogammaridae Lysianassinae Cyamidae Anisogammaridae Caprellidae Aoridae Aoridae Gammaridae Eusiridae Phoxocephalidae karamani Ortiz, Garcia-Debras & Lalana, 2003 {Socarnopsis) Lysianassinae kasymovi Aliev, 1997 {Gammarus) kazakstanica Kulkina, 1990 {Stygobromus) keldyshi Vinogradov, 1994 {Hippomedon) kensleyi Lowiy & Springthorpe, 2005 {Membrilopus) kogiae Sedlak- Weinstein, 1992 {Isocyamus) koreaensis Lee & Seo, 1990 {Jesogammarus) koutouma Lowiy & Stoddart, 1994 {Kerguelenia) kudrjaschovi Tzvetkova, 1990 {Corogammaropsis) kyonggiensis Lee & Seo, 1 990 {Gammarus) lafkui Appadoo & Myers, 2004 {Ampithoe) latibasis Appadoo & Myers, 2004 {Exampithoe) latipoda Ren, 2001 {Paragrubia) laxipodus Appadoo & Myers, 2004 {Ampithoe) Gammaridae Crangonyctidae Tryphosinae Calliopiidae Cyamidae Anisogammaridae kergueleniids Photidae Gammaridae Ampithoidae Ampithoidae Ampithoidae Ampithoidae ledoyeri d’Udekem d’Acoz & Menioui, 2004 {Bathyporeia) Pontoporeiidae lessoniophila Bousfield & Marcoux, 2004 {Carinonajna) lifou Lowry & Stoddart, 1994 {Kerguelenia) limpid us Hou & Li, 2004 {Procrangonyx) littoralis Stock & Abreu, 1 993 {Pseudoniphargus) littoralis Bousfield & Morino, 1992 {Ramellogammarus) longicarpus Appadoo & Myers, 2004 {Ampithoe) longimana Bousfield & Marcoux, 2004 {Carinonajna) longisaeta Lee & Seo, 1992 {Gammarus) longisegmentum Hirayama & Takeuchi, 1993 {Synchelidium) Phoxocephalidae lucinae Krapp-Schickel, 2004 {Maera) Melitidae lukini Tzvetkova, 1990 {Cerapus) Ischyroceridae macho Berge & Vader, 2004 {Mediterexis) Stegocephalidae Najnidae kergueleniids Procrangony ct i dae Pseudoniphargidae Anisogammaridae Ampithoidae Najnidae Gammaridae 44 macrurus Stock & Abreu, 1993 (. Pseudoniphargus ) maculata Vinogradov, 2004 ( Amaryllis ) martensi Hou & Li, 2004 ( Gammarus ) mascarenensis Appadoo & Myers, 2004 {Ampithoe) matsukawaensis Hirayama & Takeuchi, 1993 ( Atylus ) mauritiensis Guerra-Garcia, 2003 ( Metaprotella ) mediterraneum Kaim-Malka, 2004 {Podoprion) Pseudoniphargidae Amaryllidae Gammaridae Ampithoidae Dexaminidae Caprellidae Podoprionidae microceras d’Udekem d’Acoz & Menioui, 2004 {Bathyporeia)? ontoporeiidae minuta Muller, 1 992 ( Colomastix ) miri Vinogradov, 1994 ( Gammaropsis ) montanus Hou, Li & Platvoet, 2004 ( Gammarus ) moraesi Bustamante, 2002 {Microphoxus) murarius Hou & Li, 2004 {Gammarus) myojinensis Ariyama, 2004 {Aoroides) nana Guerra-Garcia, 2004 ( Orthoprotella ) nitidaformis Labay, 2003 (. Melita ) novacaledonia Lowry & Stoddart, 1994 (i Coriolisa ) oculata Vinogradov, 2004 {Regalia) oozeki Hirayama & Takeuchi, 1993 {Gitanopsis) orientalis Bellan-Santini, 2005 {Haustorius) oupi Lowry & Stoddart, 1994 {Tryphosella) pacifica Hendrycks & Bousfield, 2004 {Pleusymtes) papua Guerra-Garcia, 2003 {Pseudoproto) paraspinifera Guerra-Garcia, 2004 {Protoaeginella) parva Bousfield & Marcoux, 2004 {Najna) pedrerae Pretus, 1990 {Pseudoniphargus) pexus Hou & Li, 2005 {Gammarus) pityusensis Pretus, 1990 {Pseudoniphargus) planasiae Messana & Ruffo, 2001 {Longigammarus) portosancti Stock & Abreu, 1993 {Pseudoniphargus) pribilofensis Hendrycks & Bousfield, 2004 {Pleusymtes) punctatus Ariyama, 2004 {Aoroides) racovitzai Pretus, 1990 {Pseudoniphargus) richeri Lowry & Stoddart, 1994 {Trischizostoma) rurutae Lowry & Stoddart, 1994 {Socarnes) sabineae Guerra-Garcia & Garcia-Gomez, 2003 {Caprella) sandroruffoi Andres, 2004 {Ingolfiella) sandroruffoi Ortiz & Lalana, 2003 {Podocerus) sarcelle Lowry & Stoddart, 1 994 {Lepidepecreella) semicurvatus Ariyama, 2004 {Aoroides) serraticaudatum Ren, 2003 {Corophium) serratus Ariyama, 2004 {Pseudobemlos) seticoxae Serejo & Licinio, 2002 {Ampithoe) Colomastigidae Photidae Gammaridae Phoxocephalidae Gammaridae Aoridae Caprellidae Melitidae pachynids Eusiridae Amphilochidae Haustoriidae Tryphosinae Pleustidae Phtisicidae Caprellidae Najnidae Pseudoniphargidae Gammaridae Pseudoniphargidae Gammaridae Pseudoniphargidae Pleustidae Aoridae Pseudoniphargidae Trischizostomatidae Lysianassinae Caprellidae Ingolfiellidae Podoceridae lepidepecreellids Aoridae Corophiidae Aoridae Ampithoidae 45 Pleustidae Anisogammaridae Gammaridae Gammaridae Caprellidae setosus Hendrycks & Bousfield, 2004 (. Heteropleustes ) setosus Bousfield & Morino, 1992 (. Ramellogammarus ) shenmuensis Hou & Li, 2004 ( Gammarus ) sinuolatus Hou & Li, 2004 ( Gammarus ) soela Guerra-Garcia, 2004 (Pseudaeginella) spinicoxa Valerio-Berardi & Wakabara, 2003 (Leptocheirus) Corophiinae spinosus Hendrycks & Bousfield, 2004 (. Kamptopleustes ) Pleustidae stalagmiticus Hou & Li, 2005 ( Gammarus ) stocki Ruffo, Holsinger & Sawicki, 2003 ( Indoweckelia ) stylos Just, 2004 (Sicafodia) suasoris Krapp-Schickel, 2004 ( Zygomaera ) sublitoralis Vinogradov, 2004 (, Scopelocheiropsis ) superstes Holsinger & Ruffo, 2002 ( Indoweckelia ) symbiotica Gamo, 1992 (. Pleusymtes ) takesensis Hou, Li & Platvoet, 2004 ( Gammarus ) tandai Lowry & Stoddart, 1994 ( Socarnopsis ) thio Lowry & Stoddart, 1994 ( Aristias ) thurstoni Stoddart & Lowry, 2004 (. Eurythenes ) tiahurae Muller, 1992 ( Colomastix ) tiendi Lowry & Stoddart, 1994 ( Socarnes ) translucidus Hou & Li, 2004 ( Gammarus ) traudlae Guerra-Garcia, 2004 ( Caprella ) traudlina Ruffo, 2004 ( Nihotunga ) triasi Jaume, 1991 ( Pseudoniphargus ) tropicalis Lowry & Stoddart, 1994 ( Clepidecrella ) tuscarora Lowry & Stoddart, 1 994 ( Socarnes ) uokonia Lowiy & Stoddart, 1994 ( Aristias ) uroserratus Bustamante, 2002 (Microphoxus) vaderi Guerra-Garcia, 2004 ( Pseudaeginella ) vao Lowry & Stoddart, 1994 ( Hippomedon ) verrucosa Guerra-Garcia, 2004 ( Protoaeginella ) waipoua Chapman, 2003 (. Phreatogammarus ) walkeri Vinogradov, 2004 ( Ichnopus ) wangbangensis Lee & Seo, 1990 ( Gammarus ) watlingi Coleman et al., 1994 ( Gnathiphimedia ) wexfordensis Karaman, Gledhill & Holmes, 1994 ( Niphargus ) Niphargidae wirtzi Krapp-Schickel & Takeuchi, 2005 ( Caprella ) Caprellidae wolf Berge & Vader, 2004 (, Stegocephalina ) Stegocephalidae yagerae Sawicki & Holsinger, 2004 ( Bahadzia ) Hadziidae yoshimurai Tomikawa, Hendrycks & Mawatari, 2004 ( Dactylopleustes ) Pleustidae Gammaridae Hadziidae Sicafodiidae Melitidae Scopelocheiridae Hadziidae Pleustidae Gammaridae Lysianassinae Aristiidae Eurytheneidae Colomastigidae Lysianassinae Gammaridae Caprellidae Nihotungidae Pseudoniphargidae kergueleniids Lysianassinae Aristiidae Phoxocephalidae Caprellidae Tryphosinae Caprellidae phreatogammarids Uristidae Gammaridae Iphimediidae 46 B. Systematic list Amaryllidae Amaryllis maculata Ampeliscidae Ampelisca eclimensis Amphilochidae Gitanopsilis amissio Gitanopsis denticulata, fucatosquamosa, oozeki Ampithoidae Ampithoe lafkui, laxipodus, longicarpus, mascarenensis, seticoxae Exampithoe latibasis Paragrubia latipoda Anisogammaridae Jesogammarus fontanus, hebeiensis, ilhoii, koreaensis, Ramellogammarus californicus, campestris, Columbian us, littoralis, setosus Aoridae Aora inermis Aoroides columnaris, curvipes, ellipticus, myojinensis, punctatus, semicurvatus Pseudobemlos serratus Tethylembos japonicus Aristiidae Aristias thio, uokonia Bogidiellidae Bogidiella glacialis cataracta, Bonnierellinae Bonnierella compar Bougisiidae Zeidler, 2004 Calliopiidae Membrilopus kensleyi Caprellidae Aciconula australiensis, Caprella fimbrillata, indeterminata, sabineae, traudlae, wirtzi Liropus azorensis Metaprotella mauritiensis Monoliropus enodis Orthoprotella nana Protoaeginella paraspinifera, verrucosa 47 Pseudaeginella soela, vaderi Colomastigidae Colomastix minuta, tiahurae Corogammaropsinae Tzvetkova, 1990 (now in Photidae) Corophiinae Corophium colo, serraticaudatum Leptocheirus spinicoxa Paracorophium brisbanense Crangonyctidae Stygobromus kazakstanica Cyamidae Isocyamus kogiae Syncyamus ilheusensis Cyphocarididae Cyphocaris bellona Dexaminidae Atylus matsukawaensis Dulichiidae Dulichia biarticulata Eurytheneidae Stoddart & Lowry, 2004 Eurythenes thurstoni Eusiridae Regalia juliana, oculata Rhachotropis elliottana Gammaridae Gammarus brevipodus, da ban us, decorosus, elvirae, frigidus, jaspidus, kasymovi, kyonggiensis, longisaeta, martensi, montanus, murarius, pexus, shenmuensis, sinuolatus, stalagmiticus, takesensis, translucidus, wangbangensis Longigammarus planasiae Hadziidae Bahadzia yagerae Indoweckelia stocki, superstes Haustoriidae Haustorius orientalis Hyalellidae Hyalella dielaii Hyalidae Parallorchestes asiaticus Ingolfiellidae Ingolfiella sandroruffoi Iphimediidae Gnathiphimedia watlingi 48 Ischyroceridae Cerapus lukini Notopoma cidaridis Iulopididae Zeidler, 2004 Kergueleniids Clepidecrella tropicalis Kerguelenia koutouma, lifou lepidepecreellids Lepidepecreella andeep, sarcelle Lestrigonidae Zeidler, 2004 Lysianassinae Socames rurutae, tiendi, tuscarora Socamopsis honiara, karamani, tandai Melitidae Maera lucinae Melita nitidaformis Zygomaera suasoris Najnidae Carinonajna barnardi, bicarinata, bispinosa, botanica, carli, lessoniophila, longimana Najna amchitkana, parva Nihotungidae Nihotunga traudlina Niphargidae Niphargus bulgaricus, catalogus, cornicolanus, decui, wexfordensis pachynids Coriolisa novacaledonia Photidae Corogammaropsis kudrjaschovi Gammaropsis miri Phoxocephalidae Harpinia karamani Microphoxus breviramus, moraesi, uroserratus Synchelidium longisegmentum phreatogammarids Phreatogammarus waipoua Phtisicidae Pseudoproto papua Pseudoprotomima grandimana Pleustidae Anomalosymtes coxalis Budnikopleustes Dactylopleustes yoshimurai 49 Gracilipleustes Heteropleustes setosus Holopleustes aequipes Kamptopleustes spinosus Neopleustes columbianus Pleusymtes comitari, pacifica, pribilofensis, symbiotica Rhinopleustes acuminatus Shoemakeroides Podoceridae Podocerus sandroruffoi Podoprionidae Podoprion mediterraneum Pontoporeiidae Bathyporeia elkaimi, ledoyeri, microceras Procrangonyctidae Procrangonyx limpidus Pseudoniphargidae Pseudoniphargus associatus, daviui, littoralis, macrurus, pedrerae, pityusensis, portosancti, racovitzai, triasi Scopelocheiridae Scopelocheiropsis sublitoralis Sicafodiidae Sicafodia stylos Stegocephalidae Mediterexis macho Stegocephalina wolf Stenothoidae Stenothoe dentirama Talitridae Atlantorchestia Deshayesorchestia Sardorchestia Trischizostomatidae Trischizostoma costai, richeri Tryphosinae Hippomedon keldyshi, vao Lepidepecreum californiense Onesimoides abyssalis Tryphosella ama, oupi Uristidae Ichnopus walkeri Urothoidae Urothoe atlantica 50