Amphipod Newsletter 35 2011 35 ( 2011 ) Introduction of the Bibliography In remembrance Meetings & info new AN-team The list of new amphipod George Crawford XIV ICA 2010 who will take over the literature since Amphipod Stella Vassilenko XVICA 2013 Amphipod Newsletter? Newsletter 34 (2010) TCS summer 2012 Page 2 Pages 3-43 Pages 44 - 45 Pages 46 - 47 INTRODUCTION The Amphipod Newsletter was started up by me in 1971, and in 40 years I have, often with the help of colleagues, produced 35 issues, at first mimeographed, the later ones on the Amphipod Website on the Internet. I have retired from my position as curator of zoology at Tromso Museum in Tromso, N. Norway, 4 years ago on reaching 70, and at the latest amphipod conference, in Sevilla in Spain in September 2010, 1 have asked for more regular assistance in the production of the newsletter, even though I am willing to continue for the time being to assist in the compiling of a bibliography of recent amphipod literature. At the meeting help was indeed offered, and from this issue, AN 35, the newsletter will be produced in cooperation with Adam Baldinger (Harvard), Miranda Lowe (Natural History Museum, London) and Anne Helene S. Tandberg (Norwegian Institute of Marine Research, Tromso, Norway). They will, maybe unnecessarily for most of you, introduce themselves elsewhere in this newsletter. Also the Amphipod website will move from Tromso to Harvard eventually and as soon as some practical difficulties have been overcome. I use this opportunity to once more thank the many colleagues who has helped me with the newsletter during all these years. In the early years Jan Stock in Amsterdam regularly contributed many references, later Egor Vinogradov in Moskva helped out a lot with the Russian literature, and these last years Franz Krapp (Bonn) has assisted me a lot with finding amphipod papers. I am also very grateful to my colleagues at Tromso Museum for allowing me to use time on the Amphipod Newsletter, even though most was produced outside working hours. I hope AN has been some help during these years, maybe especially for those colleagues who do not have a large library at hand. Troms 0 , August 2011 Wim Vader New Amphipod Web-Site A new amphipod website is under construction at Harvard under the supervision of Adam Baldinger. For the time being we are sad to say we do not have this ready, but this will come soon. We promise! the AN-team 1 Amphipod Newsletter 35 2011 New AN editors Adam Baldinger Department of Invertebrate Zoology, Museum of Comparative Zoology (MGZ), Harvard University, Cambridge, Massaehusetts, USA. Adam began working on amphipods in 1985 at Eastern Conneetieut State University under the direetion of Dr. Miehael Gable. Along with Miehael Gable, and eollaborator, Erie Eazo-Wasem (Peabody Museum of Natural History, Yale University), Adam’s researeh has foeused mainly on the taxonomy and biogeography of marine amphipods from Bermuda and northern Caribbean areas. He has also done some work on the taxonomy of North Ameriean Hyalellidae. Adam is the Golleetions Manager of reeent invertebrates at the MGZ and is eurrently eurating the amphipod eolleetion. Adam looks forward to eontinuing the tradition of the AN. Miranda Lowe Department of Zoology, The Natural History Museum (NHM), South Kensington, Eondon, UK. Miranda started working in the Grustaeea seetion at the NHM in 1991. Under the guidanee of Dr Roger Eineoln and Ms Joan Ellis she developed her taxonomie skills in peraearid erustaeea in partieular amphipods. As well as being senior eurator of the erustaeea eolleetions she is involved in NHM marine eonsultaney work. Miranda is now Golleetion Manager of the Invertebrates Golleetions Management Group providing aeeess to the NHM eolleetions for the seientifie eommunity. Miranda is happy be to part of the AN team and maintaining the eontinued sueeess of the newsletter. Anne Helene Tandberg Institute of Marine Researeh, Tromso. Anne Helene has studied amphipods under Wim Vader at the University Museum in Tromso, where she has speeialized in systematies on Amphiloehidae and Stenothoidae. She has also worked a little with eeotoxieology using Gammariis as a test speeies, and is now working for the Norwegian national benthie mapping programme Mareano. She sometimes teaehes at the University studies at Svalbard (UNIS) and is eonneeted to the marine biodiversity group at the University of Bergen. Anne Helene will be the new teams direet eonneetion with Wim, and she will use her interest in design and eleetronie eommunieation to further the AN and present it to even more users. Our plans with AN and the new amphipod site Our immediate plans with the Amphipod Newsletter are: • Continue AN - web-based/emails • Continue the bibliography-work initiated by Wim • Webpage (pietures, eonferenees, doeuments to share (bibliography and list of amphipods deseribed sinee 1974) ete We weleome suggestions and wishes from all users of AN! Planning for AN in Seville 201 0 2 Amphipod Newsletter 35 2011 BIBLIOGRAPHY As usual, I am very grateful to Franz Krapp (Bonn), who regularly sends references and often complete pdf’s to me, and without whom this bibliography would have been much less complete. I am also grateful to those ( sadly few) colleagues, who inform me of their papers, when they appear. These last years I have encountered a new problem in collecting this amphipod bibliography, i.e. the many papers that are published on line several months before the relevant issue of the journal appears. I have noted such papers here as ‘in press’, but that possibly is not quite the right way to cite them. I am also unsure whether newly described taxa date from the time the ms is published ‘on line’ or from the time the paper copy of the journal is printed and sent out. I have compiled these bibliographies now during 40 years. During this time it has become much easier to check literature on the internet, also when one lives far from any large library. It is therefore not certain that the need for a bibliography of amphipod literature still is as great as it was earlier. I get little feedback in this respect, and would very much like to hear from colleagues, in how far AN, and its bibliographies, are of any assistance to them in their research. Compiling the bibliography is quite a lot of work. Wim Vader, Troms0, Norway AARNIO, K., J. MATTILA, A. TORNROOS & E. BONSDORFF 2011. Zoobenthos as an environmental quality element: the ecological signihcance of sampling design and functional traits. — Marine Ecology 32, SuppL 7, 1-14. (Data from three areas in the Aland archipelago.) ACOSTA, R. & N. PRAT 2011. Trophic ecology of Hyalella sp. (Crustacea: Amphipoda) in a High Andes headwater river with travertine deposits. — International Review of Hydrobiology 96, 274-286. AGUIFERA, M. A. 2011. The functional roles of herbivores in the rocky intertidal systems in Chile: A review of food preferences and consumptive effects. — Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 84, 241-261. AHFGREN, J., K. ABJORNSSON & G. BRONMARK 2011. The influence of predator regime on the behaviour and mortality of a freshwater amphipod, Gammarus pulex. — Hydrobiologia 671, 39-49. AHYONG, S. & S. F. WIFKENS 201 \ . Aliens in the Antipodes: non-indigenous marine crustaceans of New fealand and Australia. — Pp 451-485 in B. S. Galil et al. (eds). In the wrong place — alien marine crustaceans: distribution, biology and impacts. Invading Nature — Springer Series in Invasion Ecology 6. Springer Science + Business Media. (Twenty amphipod spp in NZ listed on p. 455, 18 Australian spp on pp 461-462. Caprella mutica is discussed on pp 470-471). AJEMIAN, M. J. & S. P. POWERS 2011. Habitat-speciflc feeding by cownose rays {Rhinoptera bonasus) of the northern Gulf of Mexico. — Environmental Biology of Eishes, in press. (Haustoriid amphipods important prey) AFONSO, A., V GARGIA-JOHANSSON, H. J. DE EANGE & E. T. H. M. PEETERS 2010. Effects of animal starvation on the sensitivity of the freshwater amphipod Gammarus pulex to cadmium. — Chemistry and Ecology 26, 233-242. 3 ALWES, E, B. HINGHEN & C. G. EXTAVOUR 201 L Patterns of cell lineage, movement, and migration from germ layer specification to gastrulation in the amphipod crustacean Parhyale hawaiensis. — Developmental Biology^ in press. AMSEER, G. D., M. O. AMSEER, J. B. McGEINTOGK & B. J. BAKER 2009. Eilamentous algal endophytes in macrophytic Antarctic algae. Prevalence in hosts and palatability to mesoherbivores. — Phycologia 48^ 324-334. AMSEER, G. D., J. B. McGEINTOGK & B. J. BAKER 2011. Amphipods exclude filamentous algae from the Western Antarctic Peninsula benthos: experimental evidence. — Polar Biolog)) ^ in press . AMSEER, M. O., J. B. McGEINTOGK, G. D. AMSEER, R. A. ANGUS & B. J. BAKER 2009. An evaluation of sponge-associated amphipods from the Antarctic Peninsula. — Antarctic Science 2p 579-589. (The many amphipods found in the twelve investigated sponge species are listed on pp 580-581.) ANBUGHEZKIAN, R., S. RAVIGHANDR.\N, J. SESH SEREBIAH & E. P. NOBI 2010. Geographic information system based assessment of benthic macrofauna in Thondo coastal area. South East coast of India. — World Journal of Jpologp 5, 172-182. (5 amphipods listed on p. 174.) ANDREW, D. R. 20 1 1 . A new view of insect-crustacean relationships. II. Inferences from expressed sequence tags and comparison with neural cladistics. — Arthropod Structure and Development 40^ 289-300. (Not seen) ANGEE, B. M., S. E. SIMPSON & D. E JOEEEY 2010. Toxicity io Melita plumulosa from intermittent and continuous exposures to dissolved copper. — Environmental Toxicolog)) & Chemistry 29, 2823-2830. ANTEAU, M. J., A. D. AETON, A. G. E. ANTEAU & E. B. MOSER 2011. Eish and land use infiuence Gammarus lacustris and Hyalella azteca (Amphipoda) densities in large wetlands across the upper Midwest. — Hydrobiologia 664, 69-80. ARIYAMA, H. 2011. Six species of the family Odiidae (Grustacea: Amphipoda) from Japan, with descriptions of a new genus and four new species. — Bulletin of the National Museum of Natural Sciences, Ser A, SuppL 5, 1-39. (Deals with Postodius imperfectus, P igneus n. sp. (Izu Islands, Japan), P ornatus n. sp. (Shizuoka pref, Japan), P striatus n. sp. (Miyagi pref, Japan), Gordonodius n. genus for G. z^leri, transferred from Postodius, zmdAntarctodiusjaponicus n. sp. (Ariake sound, Japan). Keys to the genera and to Postodius spp are provided.) ARP, H. P. H., N. M. AZZOEINA, G. GORNEEISSEN & S. B. HAWTHORNE 2011. Predicting pore water EPA-34 PAH concentrations and toxicity in pyrogenic-impacted sediments using pyrene content. — Environmental Science and Technology 45, 5139-5 146. (Test animals are Hyalella azteca and I^ptocheirus plumulosus) ASHAUER, R., A. HINTERMEISTER, E. POTTHOEE & B. I. ESGHER 2011. Acute toxicity of organic chemicals to Gammarus pulex correlates with sensitivity of Daphnia magna across most modes of action. — Aquatic Toxicology 103, 38-45. ASEAN-GHANGIR, H. & M. A. PANGUGGI-PAPADOPOUEOS 2011. Spatial and temporal variation of soft- bottom peracarid (Grustacea: Peracarida) infauna in the Ganakkale Strait (Turkey). — Mediterranean Marine Science 12, 153-182. (A long list of amphipod species, with many new for Turkish waters, is found on pp 176-181.) ASZMANN, G., K. RINKE, J. NAGHWATAE & E. von EEST 2011. Perfiuorooctane sulfonate accumulation and parasite infestation in a field population of the amphipod Monoporeia affinis after microcosm exposure. — Ereshwater Biology 56, 867-876. AUMAGK, G. E 2010. Chemically mediated macroalgal-mesograzer interactions along the Western Antarctic Peninsula. — PhD Thesis, University of Alabama at Birmingham, 125pp (Not seen) AUMAGK, G. E, G. D. AMSEER &J. B. McGEINTOGK 2010. Impacts of mesograzers on epiphyte and endophyte growth associated with chemically defended macroalgae from the western Antarctic Peninsula: a mesocosm experiment. — Journal of Phycology 47, 36-41. 4 AUMACK, C. E, G. D. AMSLERJ. B. McGLINTOGK & B J. BAKER 2010. Chemically mediated resistance to mesoherbivores in finely branched macroalgae along the western Antarctic Peninsula. — European Journal of Phy colog)) 45, 19-26. (Not seen) AUMACK, G. E, G. D. AMSLER, J. B. McGLINTOGK & B. J. BAKER 2011. Changes in amphipod densities among macroalgal habitats in day versus night collections along the Western Antarctic Peninsula. — Marine Biolog) 158, 1879-1885. (It looks as if amphipods seek refuse among chemically defended algae during the day, and graze on palatable algae at night.) AUSTER, P. J., K. B. HEINONEN, L. WATLING, G. PARRISH-KUHN, E. HEUPEL &J. LINDHOLM 2011. A rare deepwater anemone and its associates in the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary (Gulf of Maine, north-west Atlantic). — Marine Biodiversity Records 4, 4 pp (Many Stenothoe brevicornis on the sea anemone Liponema rnulticornis.) AVERINA, E. S., O. GRAHL-NIELSEN, S. V BAZARSADUEVA & L. D. RADNAEVA 2011. Transformation through the food chain of Lake Baikal hydrobionts fatty acids. — Chemistry of Natural Compounds 46, 857-861. AYARI, A. & K. NASRI-AMMAR 2011. Locomotor rhythm phenology of Talitrus saltator from two geomorphologically different beaches of Tunisia: Bizerte (North of Tunisia) and Gulf of Gabes (South of Tunisia). — Biological Rhythm Research, in press AYARI, A. & K. NASRI-AMMAR 2011. Distribution and biology of amphipods on two geomorphologically different sandy beaches in Tunisia. — Crustaceana 84, 591-599. (Deals with Talitrus saltator, Deshay esorchestia deshayesii and Orchestia gammarellus.) AZMAN, B. A. R. & G. W. H. MELVIN 2011. Two new species of Urothoe (Crustacea, Amphipod, Gammaridea) from the East Johor Islands archipelago, Malaysia. — fpoKeys 87, 43-62. (Deals with U. sibuensis n. sp. (Pulau Sibu) and U. tinggiensis n. sp. (Pulau, Tinggi), both from the East Johor Islands archipelago.) BACH, L., A. EISGHER &J. STRAND 2010. Local anthropogenic contamination affects the fecundity and reproductive success of an Arctic amphipod. — Marine Ecolog) Progress Report 419, 121-128. (A Greenland study on Orchomenella pinguis.) BAGH, L., V E. EORBES & I. DAHLLOE 2009. The amphipod Orchomenella pinguis — A potential bioindicator for contamination in the Arctic. — Marine Pollution Bulletin 58, 1664-1670. BACKER, A. de, E v. COLLIE, E MONTSERRAT, P. PROVOOST, G. v. GOLEN, M. VINGX & S. DEGRAER 2010. Bioturbation effects of Corophium volutator: Importance of density and behavioural activity. — Estuarine, Coastal and Shef Science, in press. BAIRD, D. J., T. J. PASGOE, X. ZHOU & M. HAJIBAI 2011. Building freshwater macroinvertebrate DNA-barcode libraries from reference collection material: formalin preservation vs specimen age. — Journal of the North American Benthologcal Society 30, 125-130. (Not seen) BAIRD, H. P, K. J. MILLER &J. S. STARK 2011. Evidence of hidden biodiversity, ongoing speciation and diverse patterns of genetic structure in giant Antarctic amphipods. — Molecular Ecolog), in press. (The species Eusirus giganteus and E. perdentatus each consist of a number of cryptic species.) BAKER, E., A. EUSARO & R. STURTEVANT 2011. Watchlist of potential Great Lakes aquatic invasive species. — GLANSIS, 7 pp (8 amphipods are included, 7 gammarids and Chelicorophium curvispinum.) BAKIR, K. & T. KATAGAN 2011. On the occurrence of Caprella scaura Templeton, 1836 (Crustacea: Amphipoda) in Turkish waters. — in the Middle East 52, 125. (Not seen). 5 BAKIR, K., M. SEZGIN & T. KATAGAN 2010. First record of Abludomelita aculeata (Grustacea: Amphipoda) from the eastern Mediterraean. — Maiine Biodiversity Records 3, 2 pp.. BAKIR, K., M. SEZGIN & T. KATAGAN 2011. Alien amphipods on the Turkish coasts. — ^oologia Baetica 21, 191-196. (Deals with Gammaropsis togoensis, Maera hamigera, Stenothoe gallensis, Elasmopus pectenicrus and Parhyale explorator.) BAKIR, K., M. SEZGIN & A. A. MYERS 2011. A new species of amphipod, Megamphopus katagani sp. nov. (Grustacea: Peracarida: Photidae) from the Sea of Marmara (Turkey), with a key to the species of Megamphopus in the North Atlantic, Mediterranean and associated seas. — ^ootaxa 2791, 63-67. BARBIERO, R. P, K. SCHMUDE, B. M. LESHT, G. M. RISENG, G. J. WARREN & M. L. TUGHMAN 2010. Trends in Diporeia populations across the Laurentian Great Lakes, 1997-2009. — Journal of Great Lakes Research 37, 9-17. (Diporeia has not been found in L. Erie in this period, and is largely absent at depths <90m in lakes Ontario, Huron and Michigan. There have been no changes in L. Superior.) BARKOy D. V & E. A. KURASHOV 2011. (Population characteristics and ???? of the Baikal ??? Gmelinoides fasciatus (Stebbing, 1899) (Grustacea: Amphipoda) in Lake Ladoga ). — Biologiya Vnutrennikh Vod 2, 46-56. (In Russian. On the Baikal amphipod Gmelinoides fasciatus in Lake Ladoga.) BATHE, J. & E. GORING 2010. Biological effects of anthropogenic salt-load on the aquatic fauna: A synthesis of 17 years of biological survey on the rivers Werra and Weser. — Limnologica 41, 125-133. BAUZA-RIBOT, M. M., D. JAUME, J. J. FORNOS, G. JUAN &J. PONS 2011. Islands beneath islands: phylogeography of a groundwater amphipod crustacean in the Balearic archipelago. — BMC Evolutionary Biology, in press. (A study of Metacrangonyx longipes.) BEERMANN, J. & H.-D. FRANKE 2011. A supplement to the amphipod species inventory of Helgoland (German Bight, North Sea): Indication of rapid recent change. — Marine Biodiversity Records 4, 15 pp. (Seven spp are new to Helgoland, of which two, Amphilochus brunneus and Orchomenella crenata are also new to the entire North Sea. Also the alien Caprella mutica is found.) BELGAGEM, W, H. LANGAR & O. KALTHOUM BEN HASSINE 2011. Depth and temporal distribution of vagile fauna associated with Posidonia oceanica meadows in Gap Zebib, north-eastern Tunisian coastline. — African Journal of Ecology, in press (Amphipods in Table 4; Elasmopus rapax, Leptocheirus pilosus and Lysianassa longicornis are new for Tunisian waters.) BEREZINA, N. A. 2011. Perch-mediated shifts in reproductive variables of Gammarus lacustris (Amphipoda, Gammaridae) in lakes of northern Russia. — Crustaceana 84, 523-542. BEREZINA, N. A., V V PETRYASHEV; A. RAZINKOVAS &J. LESUTIENE 20W . Alim Malacostraca in the eastern Baltic Sea: Pathways and consequmces. — Pp 301-322 in B. S. Galil et al. (eds). In the wrong place — Alien marine crustaceans: distribution, biology and impacts. Invading Nature — Springer Series in Invasion Ecology 6. Springer Science + Business Media. (Nine amphipod spp are listed and discussed on pp 305-307 and 311-313.) BEREZINA, N. A. & A. P. STRELNIKOVA 2010. The role of the introduced amphipod Gmelinoides fasciatus and native amphipods as hsh food in two large-scale north-western Russian inland water bodies: Lake Ladoga and Rybinsk Reservoir. — Journal of Applied Ichthyology 26, Suppl. 2, 89-95. (Not seen) BERGAMINO, L., D. LERGARI & O. DEFEO, 2011. Food web structure of sandy beaches: Temporal and spatial variation using stable isotope analysis. — Estuarine, Coastal and Shef Scimce 91, 536-543. (A study from Uruguay, with i.a. Atlantorchestia brasilimsis) BHAVE, V J. & V D. DESHMUKH 2009. A record of skeleton shrimp Paracaprella pusilla Mayer, 1890 from Mumbai waters. Journal of the Marine Biological Society of India 51, 111-113. 6 BIANCO, E. M., V L. TEIXEIRA & R. G. PEREIRA 2010. Chemical defenses of the tropical marine seaweed Canistrocarpus cervicornis against herb ivory by sea urchin. — Brazilian Journal of Oceanography 58, 213-218. BLOOR, M. G. 2011. Animal standardisation for mixed species ecotoxicological studies: Establishing a laboratory breeding programme for Gammarus pulex said Asellus aquaticus. — Jpologia Baetica 21, 179-190. BOGHERT, R. & M. E. ZETTLER 2010. Grandidierella (Amphipoda, Aoridae) from Angola with description of a new species. — Crustaceana 83, 1209-1219. (Deals with G. ischienoplia n. sp. (shelf coast of Angola) and G. elongata.) BOETS, P, K. EOCK & P. L. M. GOETHALS 2011. Shifts in the gammarid (Amphipoda) fauna of brackish polder waters in Flanders (Belgium). — Journal of Crustacean Biolog)) 31, 270-277. (The alien Gammarus tigrinus has increased, the indigenous G. duebeni and G. zaddachi decreased. A decrease in salinity seems to be the most important causal factor. All 9 amphipods found are listed in Table 2, p. 274.) BOETS, P, K. LOCK & P. E. M. GOETHALS 2011. Assessing the importance of alien macro-Grustacea (Malacostraca) within macroinvertebrate assemblages in Belgian coastal harbours. — Helgoland Marine Research, in press. (Twenty amphipod spp are listed (Table 2) of which 4 [Caprella mutica, Monocorophium sextonae, Dikerogammarus villosus and Orchestia cavimana (why? WV) are considered to be aliens.) BOETS, P, K. LOCK, M. MESSIAEN & P. L. M. GOETHALS 2010. Combining data-driven methods and lab studies to analyse the ecology of Dikerogammarus villosus. — Ecological Informatics 5, 133-139 (Not seen) BOOS, K., G. V ASHTON & E. J. COOK 2011. The Japanese skeleton shrimp Caprella mutica (Crustacea: Amphipoda): A global invader of coastal waters. — Pp 129-156 in B. S. Galil et al. (eds). In the wrong place — Alien marine crustaceans: distribution, biology and impacts. Invading Nature — Springer Series in Invasion Ecology 6. Springer Science + Business Media. BOROWSKY, B. 2011. Responses to light in two eyeless cave dwelling amphipods [Mphargus ictus and JViphargus frasassianus). — Journal of Crustacean Biology, in press (The species can detect light and shows negative phototaxis). BROOKS, S. J. & G. LLOYD MILLS 2011. Osmoregulation in hypogean populations of the freshwater amphipod, Gammarus pulex (L.). — Journal of Crustacean Biology 31, 332-338. BROOKS, S. J. & G. L. MILLS 2011. Parasitic infection manipulates sodium regulation in the freshwater amphipod Gammarus pulex (L.). — Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A 159, 247-252. BUNDSCHUH, M. & R. SCHULZ 2011. Population response to ozone application in wastewater: an on-site microcosm study with Gammarus fossarum (Crustacea: Amphipoda). — Ecotoxicology, in press. BUNDSCHUH, M., J. P. ZUBROD, S. KOSOL, L. MALTBY, G. STANG, L. DUESTER & R. SGHUTZ 2011. Fungal composition on leaves explains pollutant-mediated indirect effects on amphipod feeding. — Aquatic Toxicology 104, 32-37. BUNDSCHUH, M., J. P. ZUBROD & R. SCHULZ 2010. The functional and physiological status of Gammarus fossarum (Crustacea: Amphipoda) exposed to secondary treated wastewater. — Environmental Pollution 159, 244-249. BURGESS, R. M., S. B. HAWTHORNE, M. M. PERRON, M. G. GARTWELL, C. B. GRABANSKI, D. J. MILLER, K. T. HO & M. A. PELLETIER 2011. Assessment of supercritical fluid extraction use in whole sediment toxicity identiflcation evaluations. — Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, in press. (Test animal is Ampelisca abdita) BUSTAMANTE, M., E J. TAJADURA-MARTIN &J. I. SAIZ-SALINAS 2010. Temporal and spatial variability on rocky intertidal macrofaunal assemblages affected by an oil spill (Basque coast, northern Spain). — Journal of the Marine Biological Association UK 90, 1305-1317. (Amph. listed on p. 1309.) 7 CAMPOS, L. de S., M. BASSOI, G. NAKAYAMA, Y Y VALENTIN, H. P LAVRADO, L. MENOT & M. SIBUET 2011. Antarctic-South American interactions in the marine environment; a GOMARGE and CAME effort through the South American consortium on Antarctic biodiversity. — Oecologia Australis 15^ 5-22. CARDOSO, R. S., G. MATTOS, G. H. S. GAETANO, T. M. B. GABRINI, E. B. GAEHARDO & E MEIREIS 2011. Effects of environmental gradients on sandy beach macrofauna of a semi-enclosed bay. — Marine Ecology, in press (A study from SE Brazil). GARETON, J. T. 2011. The global dispersal of marine and estuarine crustaceans. — Pp 3-23 in B. S. Galil et al. (eds). In the wrong place — Alien marine crustaceans: distribution, biology and impacts. Invading Nature — Springer Series in Invasion Ecology 6. Springer Science + Business Media. CARTES, J. E., V MAMOURIDIS & E. EANEEEI 2011. Deep-sea suprabenthos assemblages (Crustacea) off the Balearic Islands (western Mediterranean): mesoscale variability in diversity and production. — Journal of Sea Research 65, 340-354. CASTIGEIONI, D. da S., B. K. DUTRA, A. CAHANSKY, E. RODRIGUEZ, G. T. OEIVEIRA & G. BOND- BUGKUP 2010. Variations in biochemical composition and lipoperoxidation levels of Hyalella bonaiiensis maintained in laboratory with different diets. — Animal Biology 60, 34-360. CHANG, V-J., G.-E. SUN & S.-Z. YEH 2011. Modelling the growth of crustacean species. — Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, in press (Not seen) CHAPMAN, N. D., G. G. MOORE, D. B. HARRIES & A. R. EYNDON 2011. The community associated with biogenic reefs formed by the polychaete, Serpula vermiculaiis. — Journal of the Marine Biological Association UK, in press (Amphipods in Table 2) CHENG, Y-T, K. NAKAZONO, Y K. EIN & B. K. K. CHAN 2011. Cryptic diversity of the semi-terrestrial amphipod Platorchestiajaponica (Tattersall, 1922) (Amphipoda; Talitrida: Talitridae) in Japan and Taiwan, with description of a new species. — Jpotaxa 2787, 1-18. (Deals with Platorchestia paludosus n. sp. (Taipei Co, Taiwan); the correct spelling of this specihc epithet, clearly an adjective, paludosa.YdK) GHIESA, I. E. & G. M. AEONSO 2011. Redescription and generic assignment of Fuegiphoxus uncinatus (Ghevreux, 1912) (Crustacea, Amphipoda, Phoxocephalidae). — Jposystema 33, 219-233 (The redescription is based on Ghevreux’ holotype. A key to Fuegiphoxus spp is provided.)) CHRISTENSEN, J. R. & W. G. CRUMPTON 2010. Wetland invertebrate community responses to varying emergent litter in a prairie pothole emergent marsh. — Wetlands, in press. (‘Invertebrate patterns were driven primarily by amphipod abundance and may be related to the use of lemnids as a habitat.’ The amphipods in this Iowa study were Hyalella spp)) CHUNG, P. P, R. V HYNE, R. M. MANN &J. W. O. BAEEARD 2011. Temporal and geographical genetic variation in the ^unphipod Melita plumulosa (Crustacea: Melitidae): link of a localized change in haplotype frequencies to a chemical spill. — Chemosphere 82, 1050-1055. COHEN, J. H., T. W. CRONIN, N. EESSIOS & R. B. EORWARD 2010. Visual physiology underlying orientation and diel behaviour in the sand beach amphipod Talorchestia lonmcornis. — Journal of Experimental Bioloay 213, 3843-3851. (Not seen) GOEE, V J. & G. D. McQUAID 2010. Bioengineers and their associated fauna respond differently to the effects of biogeography and upwelling. — Ecology 91, 3549-3562. (A study of mussel habitats in S. Africa) GOEEMAN, G. O. 2010. Batea aldebaranae sp. nov. (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Bateidae) from the coast of Belize with redescriptions of two related species. — Journal of the Marine Biological Association UK 91, 455-469. (Deals WUh Batea aldebaranae n. sp. (Turneffe Island, Belize), B. cuspidata and B. carinata.) 8 GOLOMBINI, L, M. BRILLI, M. FALLAGI, E. GAGNARLI & L. GHELAZZI 2011. Food webs of a sandy beach macroinvertebrate community using stable isotopes analysis. — Acta Oecologica, in press (no amphipods) GOLSON-PROGH, G., A. MORALES, F. HERVANT, L. KONEGNY, G. MOULIN & G. J. DOUADY 2010. Eirst cellular approach of the effects of global warming on groundwater organisms: a study of the HSP70 gene expression. — Cell Stress and Chaperones 15^ 159-170. (A study on Miphargus rhenorhodanensis and Ai virei) GORNET, S. 2011. Density-dependent effects on parasite growth and parasite-induced host immunodepression in the larval helminth Pomphorhynchus laevis. — Parasitology 138, 257-265. (This acanthocephalan is a parasite of Gammarus pulex.) GORNET, S., N. ERANGESGHI, L. BOLLAGHE, T. RIGAUD & G. SORGI 2009. Variation and covariation in infectivity, virulence and immunodepression in the host-parasite association Gammarus pulex-Pomphorhynchus laevis. — Proceedings of The Royal Society B 276, 4229-4236. GORREA-ARANEDA, E, A. GONTRERAS & P. DE LOS RIOS 2010. Amphipoda and Decapoda as potential bioindicators of water quality in an urban stream (38*S, Temuco, Ghile). — Crustaceana 83, 897-902. (i.a. Hyalella araucana) GOSTA, F. O., G. M. HENZLER, D. H. LUNT, N. M. WHITELEY &J. ROGK 2009. Probing marine Gammarus (Amphipoda) taxonomy with DNA barcodes. — Systematics and Biodiversity 7, 365-379. (A study of 16 species, with many interesting and surprising results.) GOTHRAN, R. D. & P. D. JAYASINGH 2010. Gondition dependence of sexually selected trait in a crustacean species complex: importance of the ecological context. — Evolution 64, 2535-2546. (An amphipod study; not seen) GOULTHARD, M. E. & D. J. HAMILTON 2011. Effects of Ilyanassa obsoleta (Say) on the abundance and vertical distribution of Corophium volutator (Pallas) on mudflats of the upper Bay of Fundy. — Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 397, 161-172. GUI, L., G. NEWGOMBE, D. S. URGAST, A. RAAB, E. M. KRUPP &J. FELDMANN 2011. Assessing the toxicity of arsenic-bearing sulphide minerals with the bioindicator Corophium volutator. — Environmental Chemistry 8, 52-61. GULVER, D. G. & T. PIPAN 2010. Glimate, abiotic factors, and the evolution of subterranean life. — Acta Carsologica 39, 577-586. GULVER, D. G. & T. PIPAN 2011. Redeflning the extent of the aquatic subterranean biotope — shallow subterranean habitats. — Ecohydrology , in press (Not seen) GUNHA, M. R., G. L. J. PATERSON, T. AMARO, S. BLAGKBIRD, H. G. de STIGTER, G. FERREIRA, A. GLOVER, A. HILARIO, K. KIRIAKOULAKIS, E. NEAEOVA, A. RAVAR, G. L. RODRIGUES, A. TIAGO & D. S. M. BIELETT 2011. Biodiversity of macrofaunal assemblages from three Portuguese submarine canyons (NE Atlantic). — Deep-Sea Research II, in press. GUVELIER, D., P.-M. SARRADIN, J. SARRADIN, A. GOLAGO, J. T. GOPLEY, D. DESBRUYERES, A. G. GEOVER, R. SERRAO SANTOS & P. A. TYLER 2011. Hydrothermal faunal assemblages and habitat characterisation at the Eiffel Tower ediflce (Lucky Strike, Mid-Atlantic Ridge). — Marine Ecology 32, 243-255. (With data on Luckia striki) GYRUS, D., H. JERLING, F. MacKAY & L. VIVIER 2011. Lake St Lucia, Africa’s largest estuarine lake in crisis: Gombined effects of mouth closure, low levels and hypersalinity. — South African Journal of Science 107-3/4, 13 pp (Not seen) 9 CZARNECKA, M., J. KOBAK & R. WISNIEWSKI 2010. Preferences of juveniles and adults of the invasive Ponto- Caspian amphipod Pontogammarus robustoides for various species of macrophytes and artihcial substrata. — Hydrobiologia 655^ 79-88. (Adults do not show much preference, but juveniles clearly preferred hnely structured water plants.) DAEEAS, H. E & Z. A. KETEEY 2011. Upper thermal limits of aquatic macroinvertebrates: Comparing critical thermal maxima with 96-ET50 values. — Journal of Thermal Biology ^ in press (i.a. Paramelita nigroculus) DANEEYA, M. E. 201 1. A new species of Sandro Karaman & Barnard (Crustacea: AnTp]ivpod-di\ Aiistroniphargus family group) from South-East Madagascar. — Jpotaxa 2929^ 37-50. [Sandro straussi n. sp. from the Ranomafana NP. With a key to all four Austroniphargus and Sandro species.) DASHTGARD, S. E. 2011. Einking invertebrate burrow distributions (neoichnology) to physicochemical stresses on a sandy tidal flat: implications for the rock record. — Sedimentology, in press (i.a. Corophium volutator.) DAUVIN, J. G., S. AEIZIER, G. ROEET, A. BAKAEEM, G. BEEEAN, J. E. GOMEZ GESTEIRA, S. GRIMES, J. A. de-la-OSSA-GARRETERO & Y. Del-PIEAR-RUSO 2011. Response of different benthic indices to diverse human pressures — Ecological Indicators^ in press DAUVIN, J.-C., G. ROEET, S. AEIZIER & T. RUEEEET 2011. Spatial patterns in suprabenthic communities in the English Channel. — Journal of Sea Research 65^ 182-185. DAVOEOS, D., E. PAVESI, E AGGORDI & E. DE MATTHAEIS 2011. Morphology and histology of the mouthparts and gut system of Macarorchestia remyi (Schellenberg, 1950) (Amphipoda, Talitridae). — fpologia Baetica 2f 151-178. DE BACKER, A., E VAN GOIEEIE, E MONTSERRAT, P. PROVOOST, C. VAN GOEEN, M. VINGX & S. DEGRAER 2011. Bioturbation effects of Corophium volutator. importance of density and behavioural activity. — Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 9f 306-313. DE BROYER, C., B. DANIS, with 64 SCAR-MarBIN EDITORS 2011. How many species in the Southern Ocean? Towards a dynamic inventory of the Antarctic marine species. — Deep-Sea Research II 58, 5-17. DEGERMENDZHY, A. G., E. S. ZADEREE\? D. Yu. ROGOZIN, I. G. PROKOPKIN, Y V BARKHATOy A. P. TOEOMEEy E. B. KHROMECHEK, J. H. JANSE, W. M. MOOIJ & R. D. GUEATI 2010. Vertical stratiflcation of physical, chemical and biological components in two saline lakes Shira and Shunet (South Siberia, Russia). Aquatic Ecology 44, 619-632. (i.a. Gammarus lacustris) DEEGADO, E., G. GUERAO & G. RIBERA 2011. Effects of different salinities on juvenile growth of Gammarus aequicauda (Malacostraca: Amphipoda). — International Journal of Jpology, in press. DEMCHENKO, N. E. 201 1. Ecological aspects of the dominant vimphipod Monoporeia affinis (Amphipoda: Pontoporeiidae) in the infralittoral zone on the northeastern coast of the Sakhalin Island. — Jpologia Baetica 21, 143-149. DETHIER, M. N. 2010. Overview of the ecology of Puget Sound beaches. — pp 35-42 in H. Shipman, M. N. Dethier, G. Gelfenbaum, K. I. Eresh & R. S. Dinicola (eds). Puget Sound shorelines and the impacts of armouring, US Geological Survey Scientiflc Investigations Report 2010-5254. DEUDERO, S., A. BOX, J. AEOS, N. E. ARROYO & N. MARBA 2011. Eunctional changes due to invasive species: Eood web shifts at shallow Posidonia oceanica seagrass beds colonized by the alien macroalga Caulerpa racemosa. — Estuarine, Coastal and Shef Science, in press (A study from Mallorca; no amphipods considered at all!) DIANNE, E., M. PERROT-MINOT, A. BAUER, M. GAIEEARD, E. EEGER & T. RIGAUD 2011. Protection first, then facilitation: a manipulative parasite modulates the vulnerability to predation of its intermediate host according to its own developmental stage. — Evolution, in press (Not seen) lO DIANNE, L., T. RIGAUD, E. EEGER, S. MOTREUIE, A. BAUER & M J. PERROT-MINOT, 2011. Intraspecific conflict over host manipulation between different larval stages of an acanthocephalan parasite. — Journal of Evolutionary Biology^ in press. (Not seen) DIGK, J. T. A., M. ARMSTRONG, H. G. CEARKE, K. D. EARNSWORTH, M. J. HATGHER, M. ENNIS, A. KEELY & A. M. DUNN 2010. Parasitism may enhance rather than reduce the predatory impact of an invader. — Biology Letters 6, 636-638. (A study with Gammarus pulex as the predator VindAsellus aquaticus as the prey.) DOI, W, S. WATANABE &J. T. GARETON 201 1. Alien marine crustaceans of Japan: A preliminary assessment. — Pp 419-449 in B. S. Galil et al. (eds). In the wrong place — Alien marine crustaceans: distribution, biology and impacts. Invading Nature — Springer Series in Invasion Ecology 6. Springer Science + Business Media. (Twelve amphipod spp listed on pp 423-424.) DROEET, D. & M. A. BARBEAU 2011. Movement patterns drive within-mudfiat distribution of an intertidal amphipod. — Marine Ecology Progress Series 43 f 255-265. {Corophium volutator in the Bay of Eundy) DUBAND, S., E EOREST, Y GAIELARD, J.-M. DUMOELARD, M. DEBOUT & M. PEOG’H 2011. Macroscopic, histological and toxicological aspects of early Gammarus pulex scavenging. — Eorensic Science International 209, el6-e22. (This somewhat gruesome paper details damage on two drowned corpses by Gammarus pulex, one of the amphipod species that I had suspected least of such activities) DUNN, R. J. K., D. T. WEESH, M. A. JORDAN, T. R. TEESDAEE & G. J. EEMGKERT 2009. Infiuence of natural amphipod [Victoriopisa australensis) (Ghilton, 1923) population density on benthic metabolism, nutrient fiuxes, denitrification and DNRA in sub-tropical estuarine sediment. — Hydrobiologia 628, 95-109. (Not seen) DUTRA, B. K., E A. EERNANDES, D. M. EALEAGE & G. T. OEIVEIRA 2011. Effects of Roundup (glyphosate formulation) in the energy metabolism and reproductive traits of Hyalella castroi (Grustacea, Amphipoda, Dogielinotidae). — Ecotoxicology 20, 255-263. DUTTON, J. & N. S. EISHER 2011. Bioaccumulation of As, Cd, Gr, Hg (II) and MeHg in killifish {Eundulus heteroclitus) from amphipod and worm prey. — Science of the Total Environment 44, 3438-3447. (The amphipod is Leptocheirus plumulosus.) DVORETSKY, A. G. & V G. DVORETSKY 2009. Epifauna associated with an introduced crab in the Barents Sea: a 5-year study. — ICES Journal of Marine Science 67, 204-214. (The crab is Paralithodes camschaticus) DVORETSKY, A.G & V G. DVORETSKY 2010. Interspecific relationships of symbiotic amphipods on the Red King Grab in the Barents Sea. — Doklady Biological Sciences 433, 279-281. DVORETSKY, A. G. & V G. DVORETSKY 2010. (Some aspects of biology of Ischyrocerus anguiceps inhabiting on the red king crab [Paralithodes camschaticus) from the Barents Sea.) — Jpologshesky Jhurnal 89, 1062-1069. (In Russian. Not seen, unfortunately) DVORETSKY, A. G. & V G. DVORETSKY 2011. Population biology of Ischyrocerus commensalis, a crab-associated amphipod in the Southern Barents Sea: a multi-annual summer study — Marine Ecology, in press ELEIS, J. R., T. MAXWELE, M. SGHRATZBERGER & S. I. ROGERS 2010. The benthos and fish of offshore sandbank habitats in the southern North Sea. — Journal of the Marine Biological Association UK9\, 1319-1335. (11 amphipod spp on p. 1334.) ENGRAE, M., G. SOEERE, K. E. G. SMITH, P. MAYER & I. DAHEEOE 2011. Aquatic toxicity of PAHs and PAH mixtures at saturation to benthic amphipods: linking toxic effects to chemical activity. — Aquatic Toxicology, 102, 142-149. (Studies on Orchomenella pinguis and Corophium volutator) n ESQUETE, P., J. MOREIRA & E S. TRONGOSO 2010. First record of Perioculodes aequimanus (Crustacea: Amphipoda) in the north-east Atlantic, with remarks on taxonomic characters. — Marine Biodiversity Records 3, 6 pp. ESQUETE, P.,J. MOREIRA &J. S. TRONGOSO 2011. Using perac arid assemblages as an environmental indicator in a protected area with a high level of urban pressure (0 Grove inlet, NW Iberian Peninsula). — V Simposio Brasileiro de Oceanograha, 3 pp. FABRI, M.-C., A. BARGAIN, P. BRIAND, A. GEBRUK, Y FOUQUET, M. MORINEAUX & D. DESBRUYERES 2010. The hydrothermal vent community of a new deep-sea held, Ashadze-1, 12*58’N on the Mid- Atlantic Ridge. — Journal of the Marine Biolof cal Association UK, in press (Amph. present, but not identihed) FADEEV, VI. 2011. Benthic studies in feeding grounds of western gray whales off the northeast coast of Sakhalin Island (Russia), 2002-2010. — International Whaling Commission, 63d Annual Meeting, Tromso, Norway, 2011, 13 pp. (The most important amphipod species on these helds are Monoporeia affnis, Eogammarus schmidti, Anisogammarus pugettensis, Anonyx nugax and Eohaustorius eous. The numbers varied from year to year, but there was no statistical difference between 2002-2003 and 2009-2010.) FAISAE, M. & A. D. WINTERS 2011. Detection of viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus (VHSV) from Diporeia spp (Pontoporeiidae, Amphipoda) in the Eaurentian Great Fakes, USA. — Parasites & Vectors 4-2, 4pp FAKSNES, E.-G., P. J. BRANDVIK, R. E. DAAE, E EEIRVIK &J. F. B0RSETH 2011. Earge-scale oil-in-ice experiment in the Barents Sea: Monitoring of oil in water and MetOcean interactions. Marine Pollution Bulletin 62, 976-984. {Gammarus setosus.) FANEEEI, E., J. E. CARTES, E BADAEAMENTI, G. d’ANNA, G. PIPITONE, E. AZZURRO, P. RUMOEO & M. SPROVIERI 2011. Meso-scale variability of coastal suprabenthic communities in the southern Tyrrhenian Sea (western Mediterranean). — Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 91, 351-360. FANEEEI, E., V PAPIOE, J. E. CARTES, P. RUMOEO, G. BRUNET & M. SPROVIERI 2011. Food web structure of the epibenthic and infaunal invertebrates on the Catalan slope (NW Mediterranean): Evidence from dl3G and dl5G analysis. — Deep-Sea Research 1 58, 98-109. FAREIN, J. P, E. S. EEWIS, T. W. ANDERSON & G. T. EAI 2010. Functional diversity in amphipods revealed by stable isotopes in an eelgrass ecosystem. — Marine Ecology Progress Series 420, 277-281. (A study from San Diego Bay, California.) FARRAPEIRA, G. M. R., D. de O. TENORIO & E D. do AMARAE 2011. Vessel biofouling as an inadvertent vector of benthic invertebrates occurring in Brazil. — Marine Pollution Bulletin, in press. FAZAEOVA, V, B. NEVADO, T. PERETOEGHINA, J. PETUNINA & D. SHERBAKOV 2010. When environmental changes do not cause geographic separation of fauna: differential responses of Baikalian invertebrates. — BMC Evolutionary Biology 10, 320-33 1 (i.a. Gmelinoides fasciatus) FINSTON, T. E., M. S. JOHNSON & B. KNOTT 2008. A new genus and species of stygobitic paramelitid amphipod from the Pilbara, Western Australia. — Records of the Western Australian Museum 24, 395-410. [Kruptus linnaei n. gen., n. sp. Earlier overlooked and still not seen.) FEEGKENSTEIN, N., G. BUSGHBAUM & E. GUTOW 2011. Go west: the role of invasive amphipods Gaprella mutica from East Asia in European coastal ecosystems. — 15. Deutschsprachlige Grustaceologen.Tagung 7-10 April, Regensburg, Germany. (Not seen. Can somebody help me out?) FEORES, H., J.-A. v. FRANEKER, B. GISEWSKI, H. EEAGH, A. P. VAN DE PUTTE, E. MEESTERS, U. BATHMANN & W. J. WOEFF 2011. Macrofauna under sea ice and in the open surface layer of the Eazarev Sea, 12 Southern ocean. — Deep-Sea Research II, in press (Amphipods listed in Table 2, mostly Eusirus and hyperiids. A pelago- sympagic mode of life is proposed for Eusirus laticarpus) FLYNN, M. N., W. R. L. S. PEREIRA, R. G. PIRES & M. T VALERIO-BERARDO 2009. Population dynamics of Hyale nigra (Haswell, 1879) (Amphipoda, Hyalidae) associated to Bryocladia thyrsigera (J. Agardh) at Peruibe beach, Itanhaem (SP), southeastern Brazil. — Nauplius 17, 1-8. EOLEY, G. J., D. J. RYAN & T. O. HOOK 2010. Eength reduction of larval Yellow Perch and freshwater amphipods in ^RNAlater solution. — North American Journal of Eisheries Management 30, 1143-1148. {Diporeia amphipods shrank 3% after 2 months.) FONG, D. W. 2011. Management of subterranean fauna in Karst. ???? FORD, T. D. 2011. Limestone and caves in Wales. — Gambridge University Press, not seen FRANGE, R. L. 201 1. Profundal-pelagic macrocrustacean abundance in boreal lakes before and after experimental clearcut logging. — Environmental Research, Engineering and Management (201 1)-2, 5-10. [Diporeia hoyi is not negatively impacted by clearcutting.) ERANGE, R. E. 201 1. Non-harmonic covariation among life-history traits in amphipods [Hyalella azteca) and crayhsh (Orconectes vinlis) in Ganadian boreal lakes. — Journal of Ecology and the Natural Environment 3, 205-209. ERANGESGHI, N., L. BOLLAGHE, S. GORNET, A. BAUER, S. MOTREUIL & T. RIGAUD 2010. Go-variation between the intensity of behavioural manipulation and parasite development time in an acanthocephalan-amphipod system. — Journal of Evolution Biology 23, 2143-2150. [Pomphorhynchus laevis in Gammarus pulex.) FRANGESGHI, N., L. BOLLAGHE, E DEGHAUME-MONGHARMONT, S. GORNET, A. BAUER, S. MONTREUIL & T. RIGAUD 2010. Variation between populations and local adaptation in acanthocephalan- induced parasite manipulation. — Evolution 64, 2417-2430. [Pomphorhynchus laevis in Gammarus pulex) ERANGESGHI, N., J.-E EEMAITRE, E GEZIEEY & L. BOLLAGHE 2010. Size-assortative pairing in Gammarus pulex (Grustacea: Amphipoda): a test of the prudent choice hypothesis. — Animal Behaviour 79, 911-916. FRASER, G. L, R. NIKULA &J. M. WATERS 2010. Oceanic rafting by a coastal community. — Proceedings of the Royal Society B, in press (A New Zealand study.) FUHRMANN, M. M., H. NYGARD, R. H. KRAPPJ. BERGE & I. WERNER 2011. The adaptive significance of chromatophores in the Arctic under-ice Apherusa glacialis. Polar Biology 34, 823-832. GABEL, E, M. T. PUSGH, P. BREYER, V BURMEISTER, N. WALZ & X.-E GARGIA 2011. Differential effect of wave stress on the physiology and behaviour of native versus non-native benthic invertebrates. — Biological Invasions 13, 1843-1853 (i.a. Gammarus roeselii vs Dikerogammarus villosus) GABLE, M. E, E. A. EAZO-WASEM & A. J. BALDINGER 2011. The Amphipoda of Bermuda— A century of taxonomy. — Jpologia Baetica 21, 131-141. GAEIPAUD, M., E-X. DEGHAUME-MONGHARMONT, A. OUGHADOU & L. BOLLAGHE 2011. Does foreplay matter? Gammarus pulex females may beneht from long-lasting precopulatory mate guarding. — Biology Letters 7, 333—335. GALKIN, S. V, T. A. SAVILOVA, L. I. MOSKALEV & N. V KUGHERUK 2010. Macrobenthos of the Novaya Zemlya Trough. — Oceanology 50, 933-944. (8 amphipods listed) GARGIA-MADRIGAL, M. del S. 2010. Littoral Maeridae and Melitidae (Amphipoda: Gammaridea) from the Gulf of Tehuantepec, Mexico. — Jpotaxa 2623, 1-51. (Deals with Elasmopus temori, E. tubar, E. zoanthidea, E. bastidai n. sp.^ 13 E. karlae n. sp., E. lecroyae n. sp., E. marcelae n. sp., E. oaxaquensis n. sp., Maera umame n. sp., Quadrimaem chimarm, reishi^ dindMelita bousfieldi n. sp.. All material stems from the Gulf of Tehuantepec, Oaxaca province, Mexico.) GASGA, R., E. SUAREZ-MORALES & G. FRANGO-GORDO 2010. New records of hyperiids (Amphipoda, Hyperiidea) from surface waters of the Gentral Mexican Pacihc. — Crustaceana 83, 927-940. (Includes 18 new records for the area, bringing the total to 80 spp.) GEBRUK, A. V, N. E. BUDAEVA & N. J. KING 2010. Bathyal benthic fauna of the Mid- Atlantic Ridge between the Azores and the Reykjanes Ridge. — Journal of the Marine Biological Association UK 90, 1-14. (No amphipods included) GERHARDT, A. 2011. GamTox: a low-cost multimetric ecotoxicity test with Gammarus spp. For In and Ex Situ application. — International Journal of Jpology (201 1), art. ID 574536, 7 pp. GIBBS, V K., K. A. BROWN, M. E. POWEEE & S. A. WATTS 2011. Opportunistic predation of the sea urchin, Lytechinus varuiegatus, by the amphipod, Elasmopus levis, in an intensive inland culture system. — -Journal of the World Aquaculture Society 42, 364-369. (Not seen) GEAZIER, D. S. & T. J. DEPTOEA 2011. The amphipod Gammarus minus has larger eyes in freshwater springs with numerous hsh predators. — Invertebrate Biology 130, 60-67. GOEDING, E. A., U. BORGMANN & G. DIXON 2011. Modeling chronic dietary cadmium bioaccumulation and toxicity from periphyton to Hyalella azteca. — Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 30. 1709-1720. GONZAEEZ, M. E., J. PEREZ-SGHUETHEISS & D. A. EOPEZ 2011. Exotic amphipods in aquaculture systems: Presence and potential use. — Crustaceana 84, 769-775. (Not seen. marmorata most abundant.) GONZAEO, G., J. A. GAMARGO, E. MASIERO & S. GASEEEATO 2010. Fluoride toxicity and bioaccumulation in the invasive ViinfKvpod Dikerogammarus villosus (Sowinsky, 1894): A laboratory study. — Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicologyy 85, 472-475. GOROKHOVA, E., M. EOF, H. HAEDORSSON, M. EINDSTROM, U. TJARNEUND & B. SUNDEEIN 2010. Assessing differential response of Monoporeia affinis to hypoxia and contaminants using multiple biomarkers of oxidative stress. — Aquatic Toxicology 99, 263-274. GOSEER, A. M., U. KOPUZ & E. AGIRBAS 2010. Seasonal changes of invertebrate fauna associated with Cystoseira barbata facies of Southeastern Black Sea coast. — African Journal of Biotechnology 9, 8852-8859. (Amphipods listed on p. 8855) GRABOWSKI, M. & T. MAMOS 201 l.Gontact zones, range boundaries, and vertical distribution of three epigean gammarids (Amphipoda) in the Sudeten and Carpathian mountains (Poland). — Crustaceana 84, 153-168. (Not seen. Gammarus fossarum, G. balcanicus and C leopoliensis.) GRADINGER, R. & B. BEUHM 2010. Timing of algal grazing by the Arctic nearshore benthic amphipod Onisimus litoralis. — Arctic 63, 261-379 (Not seen, unfortunately) GREUTER, W, G. GARRITY, D. E. HAWKSWORTH, R. JAHN, P. KIRK, S. KNAPP, J. McNEIE, E. MIGHEE, D. J. PATTERSON, R. PYEE & R. J. TINDAEE 2011. Draft BioGode (201 1): Principles and rules regulating the naming of organisms. — Bulletin of Jpo logical Nomenclature 68, 10-28 GRIFFITHS, C, T. ROBINSON & A. MEAD 2011. The alien and cryptogenic marine crustaceans of South Afica. — Pp 269-282 in B. S. Galil et al. (eds). In the wrong place — Alien marine crustaceans: distribution, biology and impacts. Invading Nature — Springer Series in Invasion Ecology 6. Springer Science + Business Media. (Seventeen amphipod spp listed on pp 271-272.) 14 GRINTSOy V A. 201 1. Morfologicheskie razlichiya samok rodov Orchestia i Platorchestia (Amphipoda, Talitridae) supralitorali Ghernogo Morya (Krym). — ^oologicheskii Zhurnal 90, 143-148. (Data on Orchestia gammarellus, 0. mediterranean 0. montagai, 0. stephenseni 3.nd Platorchestia platensis) GRINTSOAJ V & M. SEZGIN 2011. Manual for identification of Amphipoda from the Black Sea. — DigitPrint, Sevastopol, 15 1 pp (A most welcome identification tool for Black Sea amphipods, especially as it is entirely in English. With some data on ecology, and a series of colour pictures by the first author.) GUBANOy M. V, E. S. ZADEREEV & A. G. DEGERMENDZHY 2010. Chemical interactions between two dominant species in Lake Shira: Gammarus lacustris Sars (Crustacea: Amphipoda) zmd Arctodiaptomus salinus Daday (Crustacea: Copepoda). — Doklady Biological Sciences 434, 318-321. GUERRA-GARGIA, J.M., E. BAEZA-ROMANO, M. P. GABEZAS &J. G. GARCIA-GOMEZ 2010. Vertical distribution and seasonality of peracarid crustaceans associated with intertidal macroalgae. — Journal of Sea Research 65, 256-264. GUERRA-GARGIA, J. M., M. P. GABEZAS, E. BAEZA-ROMANO &J. G. GARGIA-GOMEZ 2010. Spatial patterns and seasonal fiuctuations of intertidal macroalgal assemblages from Tarifa Island, southern Spain: relationship with associated Crustacea. — Journal of the Marine Biological Association UK, in press. GUERRA-GARGIA, J. M., M. P. GABEZAS, E. BAEZA-ROMANO «&J. G. GARGIA-GOMEZ 2010. Na, K, Ca and Mg of intertidal caprellids (Crustacea: Amphipoda). — Marine Biolog)) Research 6, 321-326. GUERRA-GARGIA, J. M., M. P. GABEZAS, E. BAEZA-ROMANO, I. PAGIOS &J. G. GARGIA-GOMEZ 2010. Carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen and sulphur components of intertidal caprellids (Crustacea) from Southern Spain. — Aquatic Biology 8, 39-43. GUERRA-GARGIA, J. M., T. GANESH, M. JAIKUMAR & A. V RAMAN 2010. Caprellids (Crustacea: Amphipoda) from India. — Helgoland Marine Research 64, 297-310. (Deals W\\hjigurru longimanus n. sp. (Vellapati near Tuticorin), Haemiaegina minuta, Metaprotella excentrica, and Paracaprella pusilla) GUERRA-GARGIA, J. M. & D. IZQUIERDO 2010. Caprellids (Crustacea: Amphipoda) associated with the intertidal alga Corallina elongata along the Iberian Peninsula. — Marine Biodiversity Records 3. GUERRA-GARGIA, J. M., M. ROS, A. DUGO-GOTA, V BURGOS, A. M. ELORES-LEON, E. BAEZA- ROJANO, M. P. GABEZAS &J. NUNEZ 2011. Geographical expansion of the invader Caprella scaura (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Gaprellidae) to the East Atlantic coast. — Marine Biology, in press (Recently found in numbers in SW Spain (Cadiz) and on Tenerife in the Canary Islands.) GUERRA-GARGIA, J. M., M. ROS, I. GORDILLO, M. P. GABEZAS, E. BAEZA-ROMANO, D. IZQUIERDO, J. GORZO, J. DOMINGUEZ & S. VARONA 2011. Distribution patterns of intertidal and shallow water caprellids associated with macroalgae along the Iberian Peninsula. — Jpologia Baetica 21, 101-129. (With many data on the ecology of the species involved) GUERRA-GARGIA, J. M., A. RUIZ-TABARES, E. BAEZA-ROMANO, M. P. GABEZAS, J.J. DIAZ-PAVON, I. PAGIOS, M. MAESTRE, A. R. GONZALEZ, E ESPINOSA &J. G. GARGIA-GOMEZ 2010. Trace metals in Caprella (Crustacea: Amphipoda). A new tool for monitoring pollution in coastal areas? — Ecological Indicators 10, 734-743. GUKOy A. Yu. 2011. Monitoring of the bottom biocenoses of the Novosibirsk polynya. — Oceanology 51, 443-448. (Originally published in Russian) GUZIK, M. T, A. D. AUSTIN, S. J. B. COOPER, M. S. HARVEY, W. E HUMPHREY, T. BRADEORD, S. M. EBERHARD, R. A. KING, R. LEYS, K. A. MUIRHEAD & M. TOMLINSON 2010. Is the Australian 15 subterranean fauna uniquely diverse? — Invertebrate Systematics 24^ 407-418. (The authors answer is’probably yes’, although other little studied parts of the southern hemisphere may also turn out to be very rich in this respect.) GUZIK, M. T, S. J. B. COOPER, W. F. HUMPHREYS, S. ONG, T. KAWAKAMI & A. D. AUSTIN 2011. Evidence for population fragmentation within a subterranean aquatic habitat in the Western Australian desert. — Heredity, in press. HALEBERG, E. & M. SKOG 2010. Chemosensory sensilla in crustaceans. — Pp 103-121 in T. Breithaupt & M. Thiel (eds). Chemical communication in Crustaceans. Springer Science & Business Media. HARRIS, L., R. NEE, M. SMALE & D. SGHOEMAN 2011. Swashed away? Storm impacts on sandy beach macrofaunal communities. — Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, in press. (A South African study) HARTKE, T. R., G. FISER, E HOHAGEN, S. KLEBER, R. HARTMANN & S. KOENEMANN 2011. Morphological and molecular analyses of closely related species in the stygobiont genus JViphargus (Amphipoda). — Journal of Crustacean Biology, in press. (A study of K aquilex, K fontanus and K schellenbergi, compared with K virei and K rhenorhodanensis. The hrst three species are ‘good species’, and a key is provided.) HARTEAND, A., G. D. FENWICK & S. J. BURY 2011. Tracing sewage-derived organic matter into a shallow groundwater food web using stable isotope and fluorescence signatures. — Marine & Freshwater Research 62, 1 19-129. (With data on Paraleptamphopus. Not seen) HARVEY, M. S., M. G. RIX, V W. FRAMENAU, Z. R. HAMILTON, M. S. JOHNSON, R. J. TEALE, G. HUMPHREYS & W. E HUMPHREYS 2011. Protecting the innocent: studying short-range endemic taxa enhances conservation outcomes. — Invertebrate Systematics 25. 1-10. (Data from the Pilbara region, W. Australia) HAVERMANS, G., Z. T. NAGY, G. SONET, G. DE BROYER & P. MARTIN 2010. DNA barcoding reveals new insights into the diversity of Antarctic species of Orchomene sensu lato (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Lysianassoidea). — Deep Sea Research II 58, 230-241. (Studies on the orchomenid complex of taxa in the Southern Ocean. Cryptic species were suspected in 4 cases, and Orchomenella pinguides is split in two species, 0. pinguides and 0. lobata (transferred from Allogaussia, and earlier synonymized with 0. pinguides).) HAY, M. E. 2010. Crustaceans as poweful models in aquatic chemical ecology. — Pp 41-62 in T. Breithaupt & M. Thiel (eds). Chemical communication in Crustaceans. Springer Science & Business Media. HEGNA, T, & E. A. LAZO-WASEM 2010. Micro-CT investigation of a new genus and species of Amphipoda (Crustacea: Malacostraca: Talitridae ) preserved in amber from the Lower Miocene of Chiapas, Mexico. — Geological Society of America, Denver Annual Meeting, Paper 270-5. (A blind talitrid, close to Cerrorchestia.) HELLUY, S. & E THOMAS 2010. Parasitic manipulation and neuroinflammation. Evidence from the sustem Microphallus papillorobustus (Trematoda) — Gammarus (Crustacea). — Parasites & Vectors 3-38, 1 1 pp (The Gammarus is G. insensibilis) HEKMATARA, M., A. SARI & M.-H. HEIDARY BALADEH 2011. Two new Gammarus species (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Gammaridae) from Zagros Mountains, Iraqn. — Jpotaxa 2894, 39-57. [G. hegmatanensis n. sp. and G. sirvannus n. sp.) HESSELSGHWERDT, J. 2009. Impacts of invasive amphipods on the local benthic fauna and leaf litter decomposition. — PhD Thesis, University of Konstanz, not seen. HOGG, O. T, D. K. A. BARNES & H. J. GRIFFITHS 2011. Highly diverse, poorly studied and uniquely threatened by climate change: An assessment of marine biodiversity on South Georgia’s continental shelf — PLOS One 6-5, 16 PP 16 HOLSINGER, J. R. 2009. Three new species of the subterranean amphipod genus Stygobromus (Crangonyctidae) from the District of Columbia, Maryland, and Virginia. — Virginia Museum of Natural History Memoir (2009), 261-276. (The new species are S. hubbardi, S. mausi and S. sextarius.) HOLSINGER, J. R., L. MEADOR ANSELL &J. SHAEER 2011. Four new species of the subterranean amphipod genus Stygobromus (Amphipoda: Crangonyctidae) from shallow groundwater habitats on the Costal Plain and eastern margin of the Piedmont in Maryland and Virginia, USA. — fpotaxa 2972^ 1-21. (Deals with Stygobromus caecilius n. sp (Cecil Co., Maryland), S. felleri n. sp. (ibidem), S. paxillus n. sp. (Baltimore Co., Maryland) and S. foliatus n. sp. (Charles Co., Virginia). All four species have Holsinger as sole author.) HOP, H., G. J. MUNDY, M. GOSSELIN, A. L. ROSSNAGEL & D. G. BARBER. 2011. Zooplankton boom and ice amphipod bust below melting sea ice in the Amundsen Gulf, Arctic Canada. — Polar Biology^ in press. HORTON, T. & M. THURSTON 2011. Centromedon zoe (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Lysianassoidea; Uristidae), a new deep-water scavenger species from the North Atlantic, with a key to the genus Centromedon. — fpotaxa 2869^ 54-62. (Uristes typhlops mediator is upgraded to a full species, and Orchomenella laevis is transferred to Centromedon. Tryphosella abyssi is considered a species dubia; it may also belong in Centromedon) HOSONO, T. 2011. Effect of temperature on growth and maturation pattern of Caprella mutica (Crustacea, Amphipoda): does the temperature-size rule function in caprellids? — Maiine Biology, Berlin 158, 363-370. HOSONO, T, H. TANAKA & Y SAKURAI 2010. First-instar juveniles of six caprellids in the genus Caprella (Crustacea, Amphipoda) from the Pacihc coast of southern Hokkaido, Japan. — Species Diversity 15, 25-40. (Deals with C. acanthogaster, C. alaskana, C. bispinosa, C. ciistiPrachium, C. mixta and C. mutica.) HOLTGAMP, W. 2010. The tiniest catch. — Nature 468, 26-27 (Themisto libellula in the Bering Sea.) HOU, Z. & S. LI 2010. Intraspecihc or interspecihc variation: delimitation of species boundaries within the genus Garnmarus (Crustacea, Amphipoda, Gammaridae), with description of four new species. — fpological Journal of the Linnean Society 160, 215-253. [Garnmarus from all over China were analyzed molecularly, and 4 new species described (Garnmarus spp 1-4 in Hou, Fu & Li 2007): Garnmarus illustris n. sp. (Wuxu Lake, Sichuan Prov.), G. clarus n. sp. Jumahe River, Hebei Prov.), G. hypolithicus n. sp. (Baishishan mtn, Hebei Prov), and G. parvioculus n. sp. (Tongdong Gave, Beijing).) HUANG, J. P, J. B. McGLINTOGK, C. D. AMSLER & Y M. HUANG 2008. Mesofauna associated with the marine sponge Amphimedon viridis. Do its physical or chemical attributes provide a prospective refuge from hsh predation? — Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 362, 95-100. (Associated amphipods are Laticorophiurn baconi, Elasrnopus levis, Ericthonius brasiliensis and Bemlos setosus.) HUFF, T. M. 2011. Effects of human trampling on macro- and meiofauna communities associated with intertidal algal turfs and implication for management of protected areas on rocky shores (Southern California). — Maiine Ecology 32, 335-345. (Amphipods not specihed.) HUGHES, L. E. 201 1. New species of Hoho, Mallacoota and Parelasmopus (Maeridae: Amphipoda) from Australian waters. — Jpotaxa 2955, 1-76. (This important monograph deals with Hoho caiieta, H. cornishi, H. fenwicki n. sp. (Port Stephens, NSW), H. hirtipalma, H. kalbarri n. sp. (Kalbarri, WA), H. kangarooensis n. sp. (Kangaroo island, SA), H. lowryi n. sp. (Batemans Bay, NSW), H. marilla, H. tiicarinata n. sp. (Torbay Bay, WA), H. wittecarra n. sp. (Kalbarri, WA), Mallacoota barnardi n. sp. (Cocos Keeling Islands), M. bulowara n. sp. (Batemans Bay, NSW), M. capricornia, M. chandaniae, M. diemenensis, M. euroka, M. insignis, M. kameruka, M. kunmunyah n. sp. (Beagle Gulf, NT), M. maiidwinae n. sp. (Port Stephens. NSW), M. nananui, M. penelope n. sp. (Seal Islands, VA), M. sirius n. sp. (Norfolk Island), M. worini n. sp. (Port Stephens, NSW), Parelasmnpus aumogo n. sp. (Norfolk Island), P cymatilis, P dancaui, P echo, P sowpigensis and P cf suensis.) HUGHES, 1. E. &J. K. LOWRY 2011. The genus Elasrnopus (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Maeridae) in Australian waters. — Journal of Natural History 45, 579-628. (Deals with Elasrnopus alalo, E arcfura n. sp. (Arafura Sea, NT), E. bollonsi, E. carteri n. sp. (Ningaloo Reef, WA), E. hooheno, E. hyperopia n. sp. (Point Quobba, WA), E. leveque n. sp. (Gape Leveque, 17 WA), E. mcluerensis n. sp. (McCluer Island, NT), E. menurte, E. otus n. sp. (Forster, NSW), E. shepherdi n. sp. (Cape Northumberland, SA), E. spinicarpus, E. spinidacylus^ E. warra, E. woodjonesi n. sp. (Pearson Island, SA) and E.yunde.) HUMPHREYS, W. E 201 1. Management of groundwater species in karst environments. — ???? lANNILLI, V, A. MINELLI & S. RUEEO 2009. Haploginglymus morerwi (Crustacea, Amphipoda, Niphargidae), a new interstitial Iberian species with unusual maxilliped. — Bolletino delMuseo Civico di Storia Maturate di Verona 33, 105-112. (H. morenoi n. sp. from Beceite, Aragon, Spain. The maxilliped palp ends spoon-like.) IKKO, N. V & O. S. LYUBINA 2010. Distribution of the genus Gammarus (Crustacea, Amphipoda) along the coast of Arctic ^ords as an indicator of prevailing environmental conditions. — Doklady Biological Sciences 431, 149-151. (G. duebeni, G. oceanicus, G. setosus and G. zaddachi.) IRIGOYEN, A. J., G. TROBBIANI, M. P. SGARLATTA & M. P. RAEFO 2011. Effects of the alien algae Undaria pinnatijida (Phaeophyceae, Laminariales) on the diversity and abundance of benthic macrofauna in Golfo Nuevo (Patagonia, Argentina): potential implications for local food webs. — Biological Invasions 13, 1521-1532. ISMAIL, T. G. 2011. Coexistence of two species of haplosporidian parasites in a population of the marine amphipod Parky ale hawaiensis with evidence for parasite phagocytosis and transmission mode. — Journal of the Eg))ptian Society of Parasitology 41, 227-241. (Not seen) ISSARTEL, J., V BOULO, S. WALLON, O. GEFEARD & G. GHARMANTIER 2010. Cellular and molecular osmoregulatory responses to cadmium exposure in Gammarus fossarum (Crustacea, Amphipoda). — Chemosphere 81, 701-710. ITO, A., M. N. AOKI, K. YAHAYA & H. WADA 2011. Complicated evolution of the caprellid (Crustacea: Malacostraca: Peracarida: Amphipoda) body plan, reacquisition or multiple losses of the thoracic limbs and pleons. — Development, Genes and Evolution, in press. (A most intriguing paper, concluding that the Gaprellidea can be divided into three clades: Gaprellidae, Gyamidae and Gaprogammaridae; Gaprellinoididae and Phtisicidae; and Pariambidae and Protellidae. The caprogammarids use their abdomen in swimming.) ITO, A., M. N. AOKI, S. YOKOBORI & H. WADA 2010. The complete mitochondrial genome of Caprella scaura (Crustacea, Amphipoda, Gaprellidea), with emphasis on the unique gene order pattern and duplicated control region. — Mitochondjial DMA 21, 183-190. (Not seen) IZQUIERDO, D. &J. M. GUERRA-GARGIA 2011. Distribution patterns of the peracarid crustaceans associated with the alga Corallina elongata along the intertidal rocky shores of the Iberian peninsula. — Helgoland Marine Research 65, 233-243. JACOBSON, T, K. HOLMSTROM, G. YANG, A. T. FORD, U. BERGER & B. SUNDELIN 2010. Perfluorooctane sulfonate accumulation and parasite infestation in a held population of the amphipod Monoporda ciffinis after microcosm exposure. — Aquatic Toxicology 98, 99-106. JACOBSON, T, B. SUNDELIN, G. YANG & A. T. FORD 2010. Low dose TBT exposure decreases amphipod immunocompetence and reproductive htness. — Aquatic Toxicology, in press. (Studies on Monoporda affinis) JAKUBAS, D., L. ILISZKO, K. WOJGZULANIS-JAKUBAS & L. STEMPNIEWIGZ 2011. Eoraging by little auks in the distant marginal sea ice zone during the chick-rearing period. — Polar Biolog)) , in press. (Ice amphipods, Apherusa glacialis, are an important part of the food.) JAMIESON, A. J., N. M. KILGALLEN, A. A. ROWDEN, T. EUJII, T. HORTON, A.-N. LORZ, K. KITAZAWA & I. G. PRIEDE 2011. Bait-attending fauna of the Kermadec Trench, SW Pacihc Ocean: Evidence for an ecotone across the abyssal-hadal transition zone. — Deep-Sea Research 1 58, 49-62. (14 amphipod species from the traps are listed in Table 3, p. 5 5, all amphipods found from deeper than 4000m in the New Zealand EEZ are listed in Table 6, p. 58 ).) JAMIESON, A. J., A.-N. LORZ, T. FUJI & I. G. PRIEDE 201 1. 7;^ situ observations of trophic behaviour and locomotion of Princaxelia amphipods (Crustacea: Pardaliscidae) at hadal depths in four West Pacihc trenches. — 18 Journal of the Marine Biolof cal Association UK, in press (Princaxelia turns out to be a predator of the smaller amphipods, attracted to bait) JANSSEN, E. M.-L. & K. JANET 2011. PGB-induced changes of a benthic community and expected ecosystem recovery following in situ sorbent amendment. — Environmental Toxicology, in press. jARy L., J. KOTTA, I. KOTTA & T. RAID 201 1. Linking the structure of benthic invertebrate communities and the diet of native and invasive fish species in a brackish water ecosystem. — Annales Jpologici Fennici 48, 129-141. (An Estonian study.) JASGHINSKI, S., D. G. BREPOHL & U. SOMMER 2011. Seasonal variation in carbon sources of mesograzers and small predators in an eelgrass community: stable isotope and fatty acid analyses. — Marine Ecology Progress Series 431, 69-82. (A study from the Kieler ^ord, with i.a. Gammarus oceanicus.) JAZDZEWSKA, A. 2011. Soft bottom sublittoral amphipod fauna of Admiralty Bay, King George Island, Antarctic. — Oceano logical and Hydro bio logical Studies 40, 1-10. JOHNSON, G. L., J. A. RUNGE, K. A. GURTIS, E. G. DURBIN, J. A. HARE, L. S. INGZE, J. S. LINK, G. D. MELVIN, T. D. O’BRIEN & L. VAN GUELPEN 2011. Biodiversity and ecosystem function in the Gulf of Maine: Pattern and role of zooplankton and pelagic nekton. — Plos One 6-1, 1-18. JONES, J. L, J. P. MURPHY, A. L. GOLLINS, D. A. SEARS, P. S. NADEN & P. D. ARMITAGE 2011. The impact of fine sediment on macro-invertebrates. — River Research and Applications, in press. JOYDAS, T. V, P. K. KRISHNAKUMAR, M. A. QURBAN, S. M. ALI, A. AL-SUWAILEM & K. AL- ABDULKADER 2011. Status of macrobenthic community of Manifa, Tanajib Bay System of Saudi- Arabia based on a once-off sampling event. — Marine Pollution Bulletin 62, 1249-1260. JUAN, G., M. T. GUZIK, D. JAUME & S. J. B. GOOPER 2010. Evolution in caves: Darwin’s “wrecks of ancient life” in the molecular area. — Molecular Ecolog)} 19, 3865-3880 (Not seen. Amphipods?) JUST,J. 2011 . Australolestes nom. nov. for Austrolestes ]ust, 1998 (Grustacea, Amphipoda, Ischyroceridae, Siphonoecetini) homonym of Austrolestes Tillyard, 1913 (Insecta, Odonata). — Crustaceana 84, 383. KAIM-MALKA, R. A. 2010. The spatheform organ: a ballasting organ in Grustacean Peracarid species (Amphipods and Isopods). — Memorie delMuseo Civico di Storia JVaturale di Verona, 2. Serie, JV20, 1-66. (A beautiful and important monograph on a little-known organ, the ‘side line system’ of peracarids, studied by SEM and TEM technology.) KANGUR, K., M. KUMARI & M. HALDNA 2010. Gonsequences of introducing the invasive amphipod Gmelinoides fasciatus into large shallow Lake Peipsi: present distribution and possible effects on fish food. — Journal of Applied Ichthyology 26, Suppl. 2, 81-88. (G. fasciatus is dominant, while Gammarus lacustiis and Pallasea quadrispinosa seem to be extinct.) KARANOVA, M. V & A. A. ANDREEV 2010. Eree amino acids and reducing sugars in the freshwater shrimp Gammarus lacustris (Grustacea, Amphipoda) at the initial stage of preparation to winter season. — Journal of Evolutionary Biochemistry and Physiology 46, 335-340. KEDRA, M., S. GROMISZ, R. JASKULA, J. LEGEZYNSKA, B. MAGIEJEWSKA, E. MALEG, A. OPONOWSKI, K. OSTROWSKI, M. WLODARSKA-KOWALGZUK &J. M. WESLAWSKI 2010. Soft bottom macrofauna of an AB Taxa Biodiversity Site: Hornsund (77*N, Svalbard). — Polish Polar Research 31, 309-326. KELLEY, N. E., E. K. SHEA, A. METAXAS, R. L. HAEDRIGH & P. J. AUSTER 2010. Biodiversity of the deep- sea continental margin bordering the Gulf of Maine (NW Atlantic): Relationships among sub-regions and to shelf systems. — PLoS One 5-11, in press. 19 KESTRUP, A. M., J. T. A. DICK & A. RIGGIARDI 2011. Interactions between invasive and native crustaceans: differential functional responses of intrasruild predators towards juvenile hetero-specifics. — Biolomcal Invasions 13, 731-737. (Not seen) KESTRUP, A. M., S. H. THOMAS, K. v. RENSBURG, A RIGGIARDI & M. A. DUEEY 2011. Differential infection of exotic and native freshwater amphipods by a parasitic water mold in the St Eawrence River. — Biological Invasions 13, 769-779. (Not seen) KHAN, E R., J. R. IRVING, N. R. BURY & G. HOGSTRAND 2011. Differential tolerance of two Gammarus pulex populations transplanted from different metallogenic regions to a polymetal gradient. — Aquatic Toxicology, in press. KI, J.-S., H.-U. DAHM, I.-G. KIM, H. G. PARK, H. HOP &J.-S. EEE 2011. Molecular relationships of gammaridean ampipods from Arctic sea ice. — Polar Biology , in press (An interesting paper, showing i.a. that the genetic distance between Onisimus glacialis and 0. nanseni is small, but that Gammarus wilkitzkii is clearly an independent species.) KIEGAEEEN, N. M. & S. T AHYONG 2011. The genus Mallacoota (Grustacea, Amphipoda, Maeridae) in New Zealand. — ^ootaxa 2929, 22-36. (Deals with M. chiltoni n. sp. (Ghatham Islands) and the revived species M. petriei (Thomson, 1882), originally described diS Maera petriei.) KIEPERT, E & E. PODSIADEOWSKI 2010. The mitochondrial genome of the Japanese skeleton shrimp Caprella mutica (Amphipoda: Gaprellidea) reveals a unique gene order and shared apomorphic translocations with Gammaridea. Mitochondrial DMA 21, 77-86. (Not seen) KIM, M.-S., K.-S. EEE & G.-S. MIN 2010. Einding of a new freshwater gammarid {Gammarus gageoensis) from South Korea. — -Animal Cells and Systems 14, 59-71. (Deals with Gammarus gageoensis n. sp. from Gageodo Island, S. Korea) KIM, M.-S. & G.-S. MIN 2010. Eirst record of terrestrial talitrid amphipod (Grustacea: Amphipoda: Talitridae) from Korea. — Korean Journal of Systematic Jpology 26, 93-98. (Eirst Korean record of Platorchestiajaponica. A key to the 4 Korean spp of Platorchestia is provided.) KIM. Y-H., E. A. HENDRYGKS & K.-S. EEE 2010. A new species and new record of the Amphilochidae (Grustacea: Amphipoda) from Korea. — Jpotaxa 2477, 21-36. (Deals with Hourstonius geojeensis n. sp. (Geojedo Island), with a key to N. Pacific Hourstonius spp, and Paramphilochus parachelatus, new to Korea.) KIM, Y-H. & K.-S. EEE 2010. Gammaropsis utinomii new to Korea (Grustacea: Amphipoda: Photidae). — Korean Journal of Systematic Jpology 26, 165-170. KNIGHT, E. R. E D. & T. GEEDHIEE 2010. The discovery of Microniphargus leruthi Schellenberg, 1934 (Grustacea: Niphargidae) in Britain and its distribution in the British Isles. — Jpotaxa 2655, 52-56. KNOX, M. A., I. D. HOGG & G. A. PILDITGH 2011. The role of vicariance and dispersal on New Zealand’s estuarine biodiversity: the case of Paracorophium (Grustacea: Amphipoda). — Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 103, 863-874. (Both NZ species consist of several cryptic taxa at species level.) KOBAYASHI, Y, G. AGHAZ & A. TEESGHOW 2011. Effect of parasitic sex- ratio distorters on host gene frequencies in a mainland-island context. — Journal of Evolutionary Biology, in press. KOEHE, M. A. R. 2010. Hydrodynamics of sniffing by crustaceans. — Pp 85-102 in T. Breithaupt & M. Thiel (eds). Ghemical communication in crustaceans. Springer Science + Business Media KOEHEER, A. V & R. POUEIN 2010. Host partitioning by parasites in an intertidal crustacean community. — Journal of Parasitology 96, 862-868. (A New Zealand study. The amphipods concerned are Paracalliope novizealandiae and Transorchestia chiliensis.) 20 KONTARAKIS, Z., A. PAVLOPOULOS, A. KIUPAKIS, N. KONSTANDINIDES, V DIOURIS & M. AVEROF 2011. A versatile strategy for gene trapping and trap conversion in emerging model organisms. — Development 138, 2625-2630. (Studies on Parhyale hawaiensis. Not seen) KOPEOVITZ, G., J. B. McGEINTOGK, G. D. AMSEER & B. J. BAKER 2009. Palatability and chemical anti- predatory defenses in common ascidians from the Antarctic Peninsula. — Aquatic Biology 7, 81-92. [Gondogenda antarctica one of the test organisms.) KORBEE, K. E. & G. G. HOSE 2011. A tiered framework for assessing groundwater ecosystem health. — Hydrobiologia 661^ 329-349. KORNOBIS, E., S. PAESSON, B. K. KRISTJANSSON &J. SVAVARSSON 2010. Molecular evidence of the survival of subterranean amphipods (Arthropoda) during Ice Age underneath glaciers in Iceland. — Molecular Ecology 19^ 2516-2530. (Not seen) KORNOBIS, E., S. PAeSSON, D. A. SIDOROy J. R. HOESINGER & B. K. KRISTJAnSSON 2011. Molecular taxonomy and phylogenetic affinities of two groundwater amphipods, Crangonyx islandicus and Crymostygius thingvallensis^ endemic to Iceland. — Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 58, 527-539. KORPINEN, S. & M. WESTERBOM 2010. Microhabitat segregation of the amphipod genus Gammarus (Grustacea: Amphipoda) in the northern Baltic Sea. — Marine Biology ^ in press. (Not seen) KOTTA, J., H. ORAV-KOTTA, K. HERKUE & I. KOTTA 2011. Habitat choice of the invasive Gammarus tigrinus and the native Gammarus salinus indicates weak interspecihc competition. — Boreal Environment Research 16^ Suppl. A, 64-72. KRAMER, M. & R. KIKO 2011. Brackish meltponds on Arctic sea ice — a new habitat for marine metazoans. — Polar Biology 34^ 603-608. [Apherusa glacialis) KRAPP-SCHIGKEE, T. 2009. On Austral-Antarctic Stenothoidae sensu lato (Grustacea, Amphipoda) with description of Sandrothoe eucla sp. nov. — Mittdlungen Hamburg Zoologisches Institut & Museum 106^ 7-25. (Deals with Goratelson woka (transferred from Stenothoe), Probolisca elliptica, P nasutigenes, P ovata (with Paraprobolisca leptopoda as probable junior synonym), Prometopa tuberculata, and Sandrothoe eucla n.sp. (Eucla, W. Australia).) KRAPP-SGHIGKEE, T. 2011. On the Austral- Antarctic stenothoids Proboloides^ Metopoides, Torometopa and Scaphodactylus (Grustacea Amphipoda). Part 2: the genus Proboloides^ with description of two new genera and the transfer of two nominal species io Metopoides . — Z^oKeys 86, 1 1-45. (Part 2 of this important revision. The genus Malvinometopa is erected for Proboloides porcellanus, redescribed here. Proboloides typicus is redescribed and transferred to Metopoides. Proboloides stephenseni is also redescribed; it turns out to be a junior synomym of Metopoides rotundas (Stebbing, 1917), originally described in Metopa. Proboloides holmesi is redescribed and provisionally retained in that genus. The situation of Proboloides typicamimus is as yet uncertain; it probably does not belong in Proboloides. Stenothoe aequicornis (redescribed here) turns out to belong in Proboloides. Victometopa roiida n. gen., n. sp.(Bass Strait) becomes the type of the new genus, Victometopa, to which probably also Proboloides armata belongs. A cladistic analysis is presented, as well as keys to Proboloides (9 spp) Vind Metopoides (15 spp). P tundus and P pacificus may well be synonymous.) KRAPP, T, R. GRASSO & S. RUFFO 2011. New data on the genus Eeach (Amphipoda, Ischyroceridae). — Zoologiu Baetica 21, 85-100. (Deals with an unnamed species, found in thermal waters in Sardinia, and with trinacriue n. sp from a Sicilian cave 175m above sea level!) KRAPP-SGHIGKEE, T, J. M. GUERRA-GARGIA, E. BAEZA-ROJANO & M. P. GABEZAS. 2010. Taxonomy and ecology of some gammaridean species (Grustacea: Amphipoda) from Tarifa Island, southern Spain. — Journal of the Marine Biological Association UK 91, 447-453. (Deals with Ampithoe ferox, Apherusa mediterranean Hyale spinidactyla, H. cf youngi, Viudjassa cadetta.) KRAPP-SGHIGKEE, T. & E KRAPP 2010. Sandro Ruffo, 24 August 1915-7 May 2010. — Journal of Crustacean Biology 30, 778-789. (An In Memoriam, followed by lists of published papers of Sandro Ruffo, of species described by Sandro Ruffo, and of taxa dedicated to him.) 21 KRAPP-SGHICKEL, T. & E KRAPP 2011. In Memoriam. Angelo Libertini (1957-2010). — ^oologia Baetica 21^ 197-199. KRAPP-SGHICKEL, T. & E KRAPP 201 1. In Memoriam. Sandro Ruffo (1915-2010). — Z^ologia Baetica 21, 207-215. (With a list of all amphipods described by Sandro Ruffo) KREBES, L., M. BLANK, J. ERANKOWSKI & R. BASTROP 2010. Molecular characterisation of the Microsporidia of the amphipod Gammarus duebeni across its natural range revealed hidden diversity, wide-ranging prevalence and potential for co-evolution. — Infection, Genetics and Evolution 10, 1027-1038. (Microsporidia were present in 9 1 % of all examined specimens.) KRONGKE, I. 2011. Changes in Dogger Bank macrofauna communities in the 20* century caused by hshing and climate. — Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, in press. (There is a clear decrease of ‘sand-licking amphipods’, primarily Bathyporeia spp , in later years.) KROUPALOVA, V,J. BOJKOVA,J. SGHENKOVA, P. PARIL & M. HORSAK 2100. Small-scale distribution of aquatic macroinvertebrates in two spring fens with different groundwater chemistry. — International Review of Hydrobiology 96, 235-256. KUBIGEK, A., K. BESSHO, M. NAKAOKA, M. WAHL & M. LENZ 2011. Inducible defense and its modulation by environmental stress in the red alga Chondrus yendoi (Yamada and Mikami in Mikami, 1965) from Honshu Island, Japan. — Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 397, 208-212. KUKLIN, V V & M. A. MASLIGH 2011. Parasitic fauna of crustaceans of the family Gammaridae on the Murman coast of the Barents Sea. — Doklady Biological Sciences 417, 709-7 1 1. (Data on parasites from Gammarus duebeni, G. oceanicus and Marinogammarus obtusatus.) LABAT, E, G. PISGART & B. EONTAN 2011. Eirst records, pathways and distributions of four new Ponto-Gaspian amphipods in Erance. — Limnologica, in press. (Deals with Dikerogammarus bispinosus, D. haemobaphes, Echinogammarus ischnus and E. trichiatus, all found for the hrst time in Erance.) LACAZE, E., A. DEVAUX, G. JUBEAUX, R. MONS, M. GARDETTE, S. BONY, J. GARRIG & O. GEEEARD 2011. DNA damage in Gammarus fossarum sperm as a biomarker of genotoxic pressure: intrinsic variability and reference level. — Science of the Total Environment, in press. (Not seen) LAGAZE, E., A. DEVAUX, R. MONS, S. BONY &J. GARRIG 2011. DNA damage in caged Gammarus fossarum amphipods: A tool for freshwater assessment. — Environmental Pollution 159, 1682-1691. LAGAZE, E., O. GEEEARD, S. BONY & A. DEVAUX 2010. Genotoxicity assessment in the amphipod Gammarus fossarum by use of the alkaline Comet assay. — Mutation Research 700, 32-38. (Not seen) LAGAZE, E., O. GEEEARD, D. GOYET, S. BONY & A. DEVAUX 2011. Linking genotype responses in Gammarus fossarum germ cells with reproduction impairment, using the Comet assay. — Environmental Research 111, 626-634. LAGRUE, G., N. KALDONSKI, S. MOTREUIL, T. LEEEVRE, O. BLATTER, P. GIRAUD & L. BOLLAGHE 2011. Interspecihc differences in drift behaviour between the native Gammarus pulex and the exotic Gammarus roeseli and possible implications for the invader’s success. — Biological Invasions 13, 1409-1421. (Contrary to G. pulex, G. roeseli shows a marked diel periodicity, with high nocturnal and low diurnal drift.) LARSEN, P. E 2010. The macroinvertebrate fauna of Rockweed {Ascophyllum ^o^/ojwm)-dominated low-energy rocky shores of the northern Gulf of Maine. — Journal of Coastal Research, in press (Amphipods listed on p. 9; Gammarus obtusatus is one of the dominant species.) 22 LASLEY-RASHER, R. S., D. B. RASHER, Z. H. MARION, R. B. TAYLOR & M. E. HAY 2011. Predation constrains host choice for a marine mesograzer. — Marine Ecology Progress Series 434^ 91-99. (A New Zealand study, featuring Tora typica) LATELLA, L. & B. SAMBUGAR 2011. Sandro Ruffo. Remind of a master. August 26, 1915-M27 7, 2010. — Subterranean Biology 5, 69-70. LEBRUN, J. D., M. FERRET, E. UHER, M.-H. TUSSEAU-VUILLEMIN & G. GOURLAY-ERANGE 2011. Waterborne nickel accumulation in Gammarus pulex: comparison of mechanistic models and influence of water cationic composition. — Aquatic Toxicology 104^ 161-167. LeGROY, S. E. 201 1. T/z illustrated identification guide to the nearshore marine and estuarine gammaridean Amphipoda of Florida. Vol 5. Families Leucothoidae, Liljeborgidae, Neomegamphopidae, Ochlesidae, Phliantidae, Phoxocephalidae, Platyischnopidae, Pleustidae, Podoceridae^ Pontoporeiidae, Sebidae, Stenothoidae, Synopiidae and Talitridae. — Elorida Department of Environmental Protection, Division of Environmental Assessment and Restoration, Tallahassee, Eloria, pp 615-816. (The last part of the wonderful series of identiflcation guides produced by Sara LeGroy. It must be great to live in Elorida as an amphipod worker!!) LEE, K.-S. & S.-S. HONG 2010. A new species of the genus Perotjipus (Grustacea: Amphipoda: Gaprellidae) from Korea. — Animal Cells and Systems 7^, 53-58. [Perotiipus koreanus n. sp. from off south coast of S. Korea) LEEWIS, R. J. & A. GITTENBERGER 2011. Assessing the vulnerability of Dutch water bodies to exotic species: A new methodology. — Current ^oology, in press. LEIJS, R., A. BLOEGHL & S. KOENEMANN 2011. Bogidiella veneris^ a new species of subterranean Amphipoda (Bogidiellidae) from Australia, with remarks on the systematics and biogeography. — Journal of Crustacean Biology 3f 566-575. [B. veneris n. sp from a well at Venus Bay, S. Australia..) LENZ, M., B. A. P. da GAMA, N. V GERNER, J. GOBIN, E GRONER, A. HARRY, S. R. JENKINS, P. KRAUEVELIN, G. MUMMELTHEI, J. SAREYKA, E. A. XAVIER & M. WAHL 2011. Non-native marine invertebrates are more tolerant towards environmental stress than taxonomically related native species: results from a globally replicated study. — Environmental Research, in press. (One of flve pairs of compared species is Gammarus zaddachi (native) and G. tigrinus.) LERGARI, D., L. BERGAMINO & O. DEEEO 2010. Trophic models in sandy beaches with contrasting morphodynamics: Gomparing ecosystem structure and biomass flow. — Ecological Modelling 22 f 2751-2759. (A study from Uruguay) LIBER, K., L. E. DOIG & S. L. WHITE-SOBEY 2011. Toxicity of uranium, molybdenum, nickel, and arsenic to Hyalella azteca and Chironomus dilutus in water-only and spiked-sediment toxicity tests. — Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, in press LIBERTINI, A. & M. RAMPIN 2009. A molecular cytogenetic study of some Icelandic amphipods (Grustacea) by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). — The Open Jpo logy Journal 2, 109-1 16. LINDSAY, D. & F. PAGES 2010. Voragonema tatsunoko (Trachymedusae: Rhopalonematidae), a new species of benthopelagic medusa, host to the hyperiid Mimonectes spandli (Physosomata: Mimonectidae). — Jootaxa 267 f 31-39. (This is the first record of this amphipod as an associate and also the first outside the Atlantic.) LOPEZ, S, Y DIAZ, K. NORRIS & A. GABRERA 2010. (Lipids in the amphipod Talorchestia margaritae (Amphipoda: Talitridae) and their relation with the ecology of the species.) — Revista de Biologa Tropical 58, 841-855. (In Spanish, not seen) LORZ, A. N. 2010. Pacific Epimeriidae (Amphipoda: Grustacea). — Journal of the Marine Biological Association UK9f 471-477. [Epimeria nofanzi n .sp. from the West Norfolk Ridge, 1268m. A synopsis of Pacific Epimeria and an identiflcation key are provided.) 23 LORZ, A. N. 201 1. Trench treasures: the genus Princaxelia (Pardaliscidae, Amphipoda). — ^oologia Baetica 21^ 65-84. [Ejamiesoni n. sp. from the Japan Trench, 7700m). The differences between the 4 described Princaxelia spp are discussed, and a key provided.) LORZ, A.-N. & R. N. BAMBER 2010. Peracarid crustacean assemblages of benthic soft sediments around Moreton Island, Queensland. — Memoirs of the Queensland Museum-Nature 54^ 385-399 (Not seen) LOVALVO, D., R. S. GLINGENPEEL, S. McGINNIS, R. E. MAGUR, J. D. VARLEY, W. P. INSKEEP, J. GLIME, K. NEALSON & T. R. McDERMOTT 2010. A geothermal-linked biological oasis in Yellowstone Eake, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming. — Geobiolog)) 8, 327-336. {Gammarus and Hyalella) LOWRY, J. K. 2Q\\.Dana, replacement name for the New Zealand talitrid amphipod genus Tara Duncan, 1994 (Grustacea, Amphipoda, Talitridae), preoccupied by Tara Peckham & Peckham, 1886 (Araneae, Salticidae, Amicini, Astiini). fpotaxa 2912^ 68. LOWRY, J. K. & G. O. GOLEMAN 2011 . Africorchestia a new genus of sand-hoppers (Grustacea: Amphipoda: Talitridae). — fpotaxa 2825, 55-68. (The genus is erected with Orchestia spinfera as the generotype, and contains otherwise Orchestia fischeri, Talorchestia quadrispinosa, Talorchestia skoogi and T tricornuta. The species are redescribed (except the still enigmatic A. ^r/zm) and a key provided.) LOWRY, J. K. & H. E. STODDART 2011. The new deep-sea families Gebocaridae fam. nov., Gyclocaridae fam. nov.and Thoriellidae fam. nov. (Grustacea: Amphipoda: Lysianassoidea). — fpotaxa 2747, 53-68. (A new issue in the ongoing review of the Lysianassoidea by these authors. The Gebocaridae n. fam. contain, besides the type genus Cebocaris, the genera Crybelocephalus, Crybelocyphocans, Cyphocarioides, Mesocyclocaris , Mesocyphocaiis, Metacyclocaiis, Metacyphocaris and Paracyphocaris. Metacyphocaris helgae is redescribed. The Gyclocaridae n. fam. are monotypic, Cyclocaris guilelmi and C. tahitiensis are partly redescribed. The Thoriellidae contain, besides the type genus Thoriella, the genera Chevreuxiella, Danaella and Parachevreuxidla. Parachevreuxiellajusti n, sp. was collected from S. of Pt Hicks, Victoria, Australia, at 1720m. Keys to the genera of Gebocaridae and Thoriellidae are provided.) LOWRY, J. K. & H. E. STODDART 2011. The tryphosine genera Photosella gen. nov. and Tryphosella Bonnier, 1893 (Grustacea; Amphipoda: Lysianassoidea: Lysianassidae: Tryphosinae) in Australian waters. — fpotaxa 2956, 1-76. (Deals with Photosella n. gen — type species Tryphosella charlotteae Lowry & Stoddart, 2009, further species P miersi (Stebbing, 1888) said P mucronata (Pirlot, 1936), all three redescribed here— and Tryphosella (with Pseudotryphosa as new synonym), with the Australian species T bet, T betka n. sp. (Mallacoota, Va), T bicheno n. sp. (Fortescua Bay, Tasmania), T carnela, T chinchilla n. sp. (Fitzroy Reef, GBR), T cooee n. sp. (Eortescue Bay, Tasmania), T foiiescue n. sp. (Fortescue Bay, Tasmania), T freycinet n. sp. (Freycinet Peninsula, Tasmania), T martrudan n. sp. (Fortescue Bay, Tasmania), % orana, T rodondo n. sp. (Rodondo Island, Va), T sorell n. sp. (Gape Sorell, Tasmania), T tathra n. sp. Jervis Bay, NSW), T toowoomba (Moreton Bay, Qld), T tuckanarra n. sp (King George Sound, WA) and T wangaratta n. sp. (Western Port, Va). A key to Australasian species is provided. The authors list 40 certain spp and 24 possible spp in Tryphosella, and exclude hfteen further spp currently placed there, several of them to the Uristidae.) LUNDSTEN, L., K. E. SGHLINING, K. ERASER, S. B. JOHNSON, L. A. KUHNZ, J. B. J. HARVEY, G. GLAGUE & R. G. VRIJENHOEK 2010. Time-series of six whale-fall communities in Monterey Ganyon, Galifornia, USA. — Deep-Sea Research I, in press. LUQUE, J. E., E M. VIEIRA, K. HERRMANN, T. M. KING, R. POULIN & G. LAGRUE 2010. New evidence on a cold case: trophic transmission, distribution and host-specificity in Hedruris spinigera (Nematoda: Hedruridae). — Folia Parasitologica 57, 223-231. (The intermediate host is Paracorophium excavatum, the final hosts 6 fish species. A New Zealand study.) LUSTRIK, R., M. TUPJAK, S. KRAIJ-EISER & G. EISER 2011. Goexistence of surface and cave amphipods in an ecotone environment. — Contributions to fpology 80, 133-141. (A Slovenian study. The surface amphipod is Gammarus fossarum, the cave amphipod Niphargus timavi.) 24 LYUBINA, O. S. 2011. (Morphology and distribution of two species, Ericthonius stephenseni and Guernea nordenskjoldi (Crustacea, Amphipoda), from the Barents and Kara Seas) — ^oologicheskii Zhurnal 90^ 285-292 (In Russian. Both species are illustrated and distribution maps provided. NB. I have recently found G. nordenslgoldi also on the west coast of Spitsbergen. WV) MA, W. S., T. MUTKA, B. VESLEY, M. O. AMSLER, J. B. McGLINTOCK, G. D. AMSLER, J. A. PERMAN, M. P. SINGH, W. M. MAIESE, M. J. ZAWOROTKO, D. E. KYLE & B. J. BAKER 2009. Norselic Acids A-E, highly oxidized anti-infective steroids that deter mesograzer predation, from the Antarctic sponge Crella sp. . — Journal of Natural Products 72^ 1842-1846. MAAZOUZI, G., G. PISCART, E LEGIER & E HERVANT 2011. Ecophysiological responses to temperature of the ‘killer shrimp’ Dikerogammarus villosus: Is the invader really stronger than the native pulex? — Comparative Biochemistry & Physiology A 159^ 268-274. (Not seen, so I don’t know the answer.) McCALLA, S. G. 2010. Patterns of genetic diversity in Diporeia in the Laurentian Great Lakes. — M Sc Thesis, Purdue University, 68 pp (Not seen.) McLENAGHAN, N. A., A. G. TYLER, U. H. MAHL, R. W. HOWARTH & R. M. MARINO 2011. Benthic macroinvertebrate functional diversity regulates nutrient and algal dynamics in a shallow estuary. — Marine Ecology Progress Series 426^ 171-184. MacNEIL, G. 2010. Threats to European freshwater biodiversity from invasive amphipods. — Advances in Environmental Research 5, (Not seen) MacNEIL, G. & M. BRIEEA 2009. Replacement of a native freshwater macroinvertebrate species by an invader: implications for biological water quality monitoring. — Hydrobiolofa 635, 321-327. (Replacement of Gammarus duebeni celticus by Gammarus pulex in the Isle of Man) MacNEIL, G. &J. T. A. DIGK 2011. Parasite-mediated intraguild predation as one of the drivers of co-existence and exclusion among invasive and native amphipods (Crustacea). — Hydrobiologia 665, 247-256. (A study from the Isle of Man concerning Gammarus duebeni celticus, G. pulex and Crangonyx pseudogracilis) MacNEIL, G, J. T. A. DIGK, D. PLATVOET & M. BRIEEA 2011. Direct and indirect effects of species displacements: an invading freshwater amphipod can disrupt leaf litter processing and shredder efficiency. — Journal of the North American Benthological Society 30, ?-? (Not seen) MacNEIL, G., D. PLATVOET, J. T. A. DIGK, N. EIELDING, A. CONSTABLE, N. HALL, D. ALDRIDGE, T. ERENALS & M. DIAMOND 2010. The Ponto-Gaspian ‘killer shrimp’, Dikerogammarus villosus (Sowinsky 1894), invades the British Isles. — Aquatic Invasions 5 (4), 441-445. (Found in Graffiam Water, a large reservoir in Cambridgeshire.) MAORIS, R. A., G. BOND-BUCKUP, G. MAGALHAeS, F. L. MANTELATTO, J. W. REID, L. M. A. E. LOEREIRO, P. A. GOELHO, W. SANTANA, L. BUCKUP, S. SCHWARZ da ROCHA, S. L. de SIQUEIRA BUENO, M. A. A. PINHEIRO, F. d’INGAO, G. T. G. IVO, J. D. NETO, E. S. RODRIGUES, P. B. ARAUJO, H. B. JUNIOR & L. F. de ALMEIDA DUARTE 2010. Quantihcation of extinction risk for crustacean species: an overview of the National Red Listing process in Brazil. — Nauplius 18, 129-135. MAGUIRE, G., K. GALLAGER, G. MAGGS, J. DIGK, J. GAFFREY, G. O’FLYNN, U. FITZPATRICK, J. KELLY & G. HARROD 20\\. Alien invasive species in Irish water bodies. STRIVE End of Project Report (2007-W-MS-2-S1), Environmental Portection Agency, Ireland, 124 pp. (Some data on Gammarus pulex and G. tigiinus) MAIER, G, A. KLEY, Y SGHANK, M. MAIER, G. MAYER & D. WALOSZEK 2011. Density and temperature dependent feeding rates in an established and an alien freshwater gammarid fed on chironomid larvae. — Journal of Limnology 70, 123-128. 25 MAMOURIDES, V J. E. CARTES, S. PARRA, E. EANEEEI &J. L SAIZ SAEINAS, 201 1. A temporal analysis on the dynamics of deep-sea macrofauna: influence of environmental variability off Catalonia coasts (western Mediterranean). — Deep-Sea Research /, in press. (Table 1 lists all amphipods.) MANCINEEEI, G. 2008. Quantitative assessment of animal-induced leaf damage: a test with three brackish crustaceans feeding on leaf detritus. — Transitional Waters Bulletin 2, 38-48. (i.a. Gammarus aequicauda) MANN, R. M., R. V HYNE & E. M. E. ASCHEN 2011. Eoraging, feeding and reproduction on silica substrate increases the toxicity of waterborne zinc to the estuarine epibenthic amphipod Melita plumulosa. — Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry^ in press. MANN, R. M., R. V HYNE, D. E. SIMANDJUNTAK & S. E. SIMPSON 2010. A rapid amphipod reproduction test for sediment quality assessment: in situ bioassays do not replicate laboratory bioassays. — Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry 30, 1649-1658. (The test species is Melita plumulosa) MARIA, T. E, M. DE TROCH, J. VANAVERBEKE, A. M. ESTEVES & A. VANREUSEE 2011. Use of benthic vs planktonic organic matter by sandy-beach organisms: A food tracing experiment with 13C labelled diatoms. — Journal of Exp eiimental Marine Biology and Ecology^ in press. (A Belgian study, with i.a. Bathyporeia pilosa and B. sarsi.) MARIN JARRIN,J. R. M. & A. E. SHANKS 2010. Spatio-temporal dynamics of the surf-zone faunal assemblages at a Southern Oregon sandy beach. — Marine Ecology 32, 232-242. MARUZZO, D. & A. MINEEEI, 2011. Post-embryonic development of amphipod crustacean pleopods and the patterning of arthropod limbs. — Jpologischer Anzdger 250, 32-45 (A study on Gammarus roeselii.) MEDOC, V, C. PISCART, C. MAAZOUZI, E. SIMON &J. N. BEISEE 2011. Parasite-induced changes in the diet of a freshwater amphipod: held and laboratory evidence. — Parasitology 138, 537-546. (A study on Gammarus roeseli) MEZZETTI, M. C., S. GAMBINERI, C. ROSSANO & E SCAPINI 2011. Visual ecology of talitrid amphipods from Mediterranean and Atlantic coasts. Jpologia Baetica 21, 55-63. (Studies on Orchestia gammarellus, Talitrus saltator and Talorchestia spin f era.) MIRJAZANI, A., M. SAYAHADRIM & A. SARI 2011. Reproductive traits of some amphipods (Crustacea: Peracarida) in different habitats of Iran and southern Caspian Sea. — International Journal of Jpology (201 1), 12pp. (Data on Gammarus lacustris, G. paricrenatus, G. komareki, G. aequicauda, Obesogammarus acuminatus, Pontogammarus maeoticus and P borceae.) MIYAMOTO, H. & H. MORINO 2010. Taxonomic studies on the Talitridae (Crustacea: Amphipoda) of Taiwan. IV The genera Pacforchestia and Lanorchestia gen. nov.. — Species Diversity 15, 155-167. [Lanorchestia kanoi n. gen., n. sp is described from Eanyu island off Taiwan. A Pacforchestia sp. is found on the same island) MOHAMMADI, G. H., M. KHODADADI, A. NASR & H. SAEIKHAN 2010. Eecundity reproductive cycle of a local population of Gammarus pulex in Sepidan (Ears province, Iran). — Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences 4, 5571-5577. MOEDOVAN, O. T, E. EEVEE, C. MARIN, M. BANCIU, H. E. BANCIU, C. PAVEEESCU, T. BRAD, M. CIMPEAN, I. MEEEG, S. lEPURE & I. POVARA 2011. Spatial distribution patterns of the hyporheic invertebrate communities in a polluted river in Romania. — Hydrobiologia, in press. MOEDOVAN, D. T, I. A. MEEEG & A. PERSOIU 2011. Habitat fragmentation and its effects on groundwater populations. — Ecohydrology, in press MONDAE, N., M. RAJKUMAR,J. SUN, S. KUNDU, P. S. EYEA, S. A. KHAN &J. P. TRIEEES 2010. Biodiversity of brackish water amphipods (Crustacea) in two estuaries, southeast coast of India. — Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 171, 471-486. (Not seen) 26 MORET, Y, T. RIGAUD, S. MOTREUILJ.-P. TROUSSARD &J. MOREAU 2010. Condition-dependent ecdysis and immunocompetence in the amphipod crustacean, Gammarus pulex. Biolog)) Letters d, 788-791. MORI, M., Y SUZUKI, A. YAMAKI & D. J. EINDSAY 2010. (A checklist of hyperiid amphipods (Amphipoda: Hyperiidea) from Japanese waters, including new records from 1996-2007 for Sagami Bay and outlying areas.) — Bulletin of the Plankton Society of Japan 57^ 41-54. (In Japanese, not seen) MORIEEO-VEEARDE, P. S., J. EEORET, A. MARIN & E J. SANCHEZ -VAZQUEZ 2011. Effects of cadmium on locomotor activity rhythms of the amphipod Gammarus aequicauda. — Archives of Environmental Contamination & Toxicology 60^ 444-45 1 . MORTON, B. & G. N. W. EEE 2011. The composition and spatial distribution of scavenging hyperbenthos in the Gape d’Aguilar Marine Reserve, Hong Kong. — Journal of the Marine Biological Association UK^ in press. (Amphipods listed in Table 1. Interestingly, by far the most numerous amphipod in the traps is a Ceradocus sp.; this species was still more numerous in the unbaited control trap, however.) MUGNI, H, A. KONGO & G. BONETTO 2010. Insecticide toxicity to Hyalella curvispina in runoff and stream water within a soybeam farm (Buenos Aires, Argentina). — Ecotoxicologp and Environmental Safety 74^ 350-354. MURPHY, N. P, M. T. GUZIK &J. G. WORTHINGTON WIEMER 2010. The influence of landscape on population structure of four invertebrates in groundwater springs. — Ereshwater Biology^ in press (An Australian study, with i.a. the amphipod Wangiannachiltonia guzikae.) MURRAY, G. G., E. A. PAKHONOV & T. W. THERRIAUET 2011. Recreational boating: a large unregulated vector transporting marine invasive species. — Diversity and Distributions^ in press. (With a note on Caprella mutica) NAHAVANDI, N., M. PEATH, R. TIEDEMANN & A. MIRZAJANI 2011. Sexual and natural selection on morphological traits in a marine amphipod, Pontogammarus maeoticus (Sowinsky 1894). — Manne Biology Research 7, 135-146. (Not seen) NARAYANASWAMY, B. E. & B. J. BETT 2011. Macrobenthic biomass relations in the Earoe-Shetland Channel: an Arctic-Atlantic boundary environment. — PLOS One 6-4, 10 pp. NASER, M. D., K. N. WHITE & M. H. AEI 2010. Grandidierella macronyx Barnard, 1935 (Amphipoda, Aoridae): a new record from Shatt Al-Basrah, Basrah, Iraq. — Crustaceana 83, 1401-1407. NAVEE, S., E. SIMON, G. EEGUYER, E EOUREE & E MERMIEEOD-BEONDIN 2010. The shredding activity of gammarids facilitates the processing of organic matter by the subterranean amphipod JViphargus rhenorhodanensis. — Ereshwater Biology 56, 481-490. NEBRA, A., N. GAIOEA & G. IBANEZ 2011. Community structure of benthic macroinvertebrates inhabiting a highly stratifled Mediterranean estuary. — Scientia Marina 75, 577-584. [Corophium oiientale numerous.) NEIRA, G., G. MENDOZA, E. A. EEVIN, A. ZINNO, E DEEGADIEEO-HINOJARA, M. PORRACHIA & D. D. DEHEYN 2011. Macrobenthic community response to copper in Sheffer Island Yacht Basin, San Diego bay, California. — Marine Pollution Bulletin 62, 701-717. (Amphipods are the most affected taxon.’) NEESON, D. 20\\ Mammaru^-rmcvohidl interactions: A review. — International Journal of Jpology (2011), ID 295026, 6 PP NEESON, D. & E M. WIEHEEM 2011. Survival and growth of the stygophilic amphipod Gammarus troglophilus under laboratory conditions. — Journal of Crustacean Biology 3f 424-433. NOEE, P. Y. 2011. Checklist of cryptogenic and alien Crustacea of the European Atlantic coast. — Pp 345-375 in B. S. Galil et al. (eds). In the wrong place — Alien marine crustaceans: distribution, biology and impacts. Invading Nature — 27 Springer Series in Invasion Ecology 6. Springer Science + Business Media. (Twelve spp of amphipods are listed on p 347 and discussed on pp 357-359— One question by WV here. Why does everybody say th?it Monocorophium sextonae is a NZ species?) NORKKOJ., D. C. REED, K. TIMMERMANN, A. NORKKO, B. G. GUSTAESSON, E. BONSDOREE, G. P, SEOMP, J. GARSTENSEN & D. J, GONEEY 2011. A welcome can of worms? Hypoxia mitigation by an invasive species. — Global Change Biology, in press. (The polychaete Marenzelleria sp in the northern Baltic Sea.) NOYON, M., E NARGY, S. GASPARINI & P. MAYZAUD 2011. Growth and lipid class composition of the Arctic pelagic amphipod Themisto libellula. — Marine Biology, Berlin 158, 883-892. NYGARD, H. 2011. Scavenging amphipods in the high Arctic. Studies of benthic and sympagic amphipods in the genera Onisimus and Anonyx. — Dr. Philos. Thesis, UNIS Svalbard and Univ. of Tromso. (Sadly not seen). NYGARD, H., j. WAEEENSGHUS, E. GAMUS, 0. VARPE &J. BERGE 2010. Annual routines and life history of the amphipod Onisimus litoralis: seasonal growth, body composition and energy budget. — Marine Ecology Progress Series 417, 1 15-126. (A semelparous 2-yr life cycle.) OBERMUEEER, B. E., S. A. MOREEY, D. K. A. BARNES & E. S. PEGK 2010. Seasonal physiology and ecology of Antarctic marine benthic predators and scavengers. — Marine Ecology Progress Series 415, 109-126. (Deals i.a. with Paraceradocus miersii.) OJAVEER, H., J. KOTTA, A. POEEUMAE, M. POEEUPUU, A. JAANUS & M. VETEMAA 2011. Alien species in a brackish water temperate ecosystem: Annual-scale dynamics in response to environmental variability. — Environmental Research, in press. (A study from Estonia, with Gammarus tigrinus as one of the alien species.) 0KEAND, E, J. 0KEAND, K. A. 0KEAND, E’ E. N0RDSETH & G. E. N0RDBY 2011. The unexpected discovery of a brackish water amphipod, Gammarus zaddachi Sexton, 1912, found isolated at 150m depth in an inland freshwater lake in Norway. — Crustaceana 84, 701-706. (Not seen, unfortunately.) 0EIVA, M. E., A. MAEEET &J. EAUDIEN 2010. Association between Chrysaora plocamia (Gnidaria, Scyphozoa) and Hyperia curticephala (Peracarida: Amphipoda) in Mejillones Bay, northern Ghile. — Revista de Bio logia Marina y Oceanografia 45, 127-130. 0RTEGA, I., Y J. DIAZ & A. MARTIN 2011. Eeeding rates and food preferences of the amphipods present on macroalgae Ulva sp. and Padina sp. . — fpologia Baetica 27, 45-53. (A study from Venezuela, with Ampithoe ramondi as main test amphipod) de-la-GSSA-GARRETERG, A. &J.-G. DAUVIN 2010. A comparison of two biotic indices, AMBI and BGPA/ B02A, for assessing the ecological quality status (EcoQS) of benthic macro-invertebrates. — Transitional Waters Bulletin 4, 12-24. OZBEK, M. 2011. An overview of the Gammarus Eabricius (Gammaridae: Amphipoda) species of Turkey, with an updated checklist. — in the Middle East 53, 71-78. (Not seen, unfortunately) OZBEK, M. & N. OZKAN 2010. Amathillina cristata Sars, 1894, a Ponto-Gaspian amphipod genus newly recorded from Turkey (Amphipoda: Gammaridae). — fpology in the Middle East 50, 148-150. (In a freshwater lake near Istanbul) OZBEK, M. & N. OZKAN 2011. Dikerogammarus istanbulensis sp. n., a new amphipod species (Amphipoda: Gammaridae) from Turkey with a key to the genus. — fpotaxa 2813, 55-64. (Not seen) PAAVO, B., R. JONKER, S. THRUSH & P. K. PROBERT 2011. Macrofaunal community patterns of adjacent coastal sediments with wave-reflecting or wave-dissipating characteristics. — Journal of Coastal Research 27, 515-528. PAGGIARDI, E. A. M. DE BIASI & E. PIAZZI 2011. Effects of Caulerpa racemosa invasion on soft-bottom assemblages in the Western Mediterranean Sea. — Biological Invasions, in press. 28 PAGIOS, L J. M. GUERRA-GARGIA, E. BAEZA-ROJANO & M. P. GABEZAS. The non-native seaweed Asparagopsis armata supports a diverse crustacean assemblage. — Manne Environment Research 71^ 275-282. (Not seen) PAFIE, P, P. REZNIGKOVA & S. ZAHRADKOVA 2011. Eife history of Gammarus fossarum Koch 1936 in an intermittent stream of the temperate zone — habitat utilisation and the role of refugia in drough survival. — ???? PAEMQyiST, K., A. EAIRBROTHER J. SAEATAS & P. D. GUINEY 2010. Environmental fate of pyrethroids in urban and suburban stream sediments and the appropriateness of Hyalella azteca model in determining ecological risk. — Integrated Environment Assessment and Management 7, 325-335. PANDEY, R. B., G. E. ADAMS & E. W. WARREN 2011. Survival and precopulatory guarding behaviour of Hyalella azteca (Amphipoda) exposed to nitrate in the presence of atrazine. — Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry 30^ 1170-1177. PAPP, J. &J. KONTSGHAN 2011. First record of Gammarus leopoliensis ]dizdzewdki & Konopacka, 1989 (Peracarida, Amphipoda) from Hungary. — Crustaceana 84^ 419-423 (Not seen) PARGHEM, R. J., F. POUEIN, A. B. STUART, G. T. AMEMIYA & N. H. PATEE 2010. BAG library for the amphipod crustacean, Parhyale hawaiensis. — Genomics 95^ 261-267. (Not seen) PAUEAJ. G. de, M. A. VAEEIM & V E. TEIXEIRA 2011. What are and where are the bioactive terpenoids metabolites from Dictyotaceae (Phaeophyceae). — Revista Brasileira de Earmacognosia 21^ 216-228. PAVESI, E., V KETMAIER, R. TIEDEMANN & E. DE MATTHAEIS 2011. Population genetics and phylogeography of the sandhopper remyi (Schellenberg, 1950) (Amphipoda, Talitridae) based on GOI sequence data. — Zoological Studies 50, 220-229. (Not seen) PAVESI, E., E. DE MATTHAEIS, R. TIEDEMANN & V KETMAIER 2011. Temporal population genetics and GOI phylogeography of the sznidhopper Macarorchestia remyi (Amphipoda: Talitridae). — Studies 50, 220-229. (Not seen) PEEEETIER, A. J. D., D. E. JEEINSKI, M. TREPEIN & M. ZIMMER 2011. Golonisation of beach-cast macrophyte wrack patches by talitrid amphipods: a primer. — Estuaries and Coasts 34, 863-871. (A Ganadian study on Traskorchestia traskiana ?cc\d Megalorchestia californiana.) PEREIRA, R. G., E. M. BIANGO, E. B. BUENO & M. A. A. P. da GAMA 2010. Associational defense against herbivory between brown seaweeds. — Phycolo^a 49, 424-428. (Not seen) PEREZ-MATUS, A. &J. S. SHIMA 2010. Density- and trait-mediated effects of hsh predators on amphipod grazers: potential indirect benehts for the giant kelp Macrocystis py lifer a. — Maiine Ecology Progress Series 417, 151-158. PERRON, M. M., R. M. BURGESS, K. T. HO, M. G. PEEEETIER, G. E. FRIEDMAN, M. G. GANTWEEE &J. P. SHINE 2011. Eimitations of reverse polyethylene samplers (RePES) for evaluating toxicity of held contaminated sediments. — Chemosphere 83, 247-254. (Tests with Ampelisca abdita) PERROT-MINOT, M. J., M. GAIEEARD, R. DODET & E GEZIEEY 2010. Interspecihc differences in carotenoid content and sensitivity to UVB radiation in three acanthocephalan parasites exploiting a common intermediate host. — International Journal of Parasitology 41, 173-181. (The host is Gammarus pulex.) PESGI, I. 2010. Fresh water terrace springs near Pavia: an unusual example of ecological peculiarity. — Scientifica Acta 4, 17-26. (i.a. Echinogammarus stammeri) PHIEEIPS, B. M., B. S. ANDERSON, J. P. VOORHEES, J. W. HUNT, R. W. HOEMES, A. MEKEBRI, V GONNOR & R. S. TJEERDEMA 2010. The contribution of pyrethroid pesticides to sediment toxicity in four urban creeks in Galifornia, USA. — Journal of Pesticide Sciences 35, 302-308. {Hyalella azteca as test animal) 29 PIRES- VANIN, A. M. S., P. MUNIZ & P C. DE EEO 2011. Benthic macrofauna structure in the northeast area of Todos os Santos Bay, Bahia State, Brazil: patterns of spatial and seasonal distribution. — Brazilian Journal of Oceanography 59^ 27-42. PISGART, C., B. BERGEROT, P. EAEAIEEE & P. MARMONIER 2010. Are amphipod invaders a threat to regional biodiversity? — Biological Invasions 12^ 853-863. PISGART, G., B. J. KEEEORD &J.-N. BEISEE 2011. Are salinity tolerances of non-native macroinvertebrates in Erance an indicator of potential for their translocation in a new area? — Limnologica 4f 107-1 12. PISGART, G., E MERMIEEOD-BEONDIN, G. MAAZOUZI, S. MERIGOUX & P. MARMONIER 2011. Potential impact of invasive amphipods on leaf litter recycling in aquatic ecosystems. — Biological Invasions^ in press PISGART, G., J. M. ROUSSEE, J. T. A. DIGK, G. GROSBOIS & P. MARMONIER 2011. Effects of coexistence on the habitat use and trophic ecology of interacting native and invasive amphipods. — Freshwater Biology 56, 325-334. (Not seen) PEATVOET, D., G. v. d.VEEDE & S. El 2010.. Glothespin setae of Dikerogammarus villosus (Sowinsky 1894) as possible mediators between environmental gas concentrations and pleopodal beat frequency — AMPIS report 7. — Crustaceana 83, 1251-1260. PONTI, M., G. GASSEEEI & M. ABBIATI 2010. Anthropogenic disturbance and spatial heterogeneity of macrobenthic invertebrate assemblages in coastal lagoons: the study case of Pialassa Baiona (northern Adriatic Sea). — Helgoland Marine Research 65, 25-42. PORRI, E, J. M. HIEE & G. D. McQUAID 2011. Associations in ephemeral systems: the lack of trophic relationships between sandhoppers and beach wrack. — Marine Ecology Progress Series 426, 253-262. (A South-African study; the sandhopper is Talorchestia capensis.) POTTER, M., E MENARD, H. D. BENIVARY & R. SABATIE 2011. Eength and weight estimates from diagnostic hard part structures of hsh, Grustacea and cephalopods forage species in the western Indian Ocean. — Environmental Biology of Fishes, in press, (i.a. Phrosina semilunata and Platyscelus ovoides.) POUEIN, R. 2010. Parasite manipulation of host behaviour; an update and frequently asked questions. — Advances in the Study of Behaviour 4f 151-186. (Not seen) POUEIN, R. 2011. The many roads to parasitism; A tale of convergence. ——Advances in Parasitology 74, 1-40. (Not seen, unfortunately.) PROKOPOWIGZ, A. J., S. RUEGKERT, B. S. EEANDER, J. MIGHAUD & E. EORTIER 2010. Parasitic infection of the hyperiid amphipod Themisto libellula in the Ganadian Beaufort Sea (Arctic Ocean), with a description of Ganymedes themistos sp. n. (Apicomplexa, Eugregarinoidea). — Polar Biology 33, 1339-1359. PROTASOVA, E. N., K. V REGEE & G. I. ATRASHKEVIGH 2010. Occurrence of Spacebothnum simplex and Diplocotyle olriki (Gestoda, Pseudophyllidea, Gyathocephalata) procercodes in amphipods from the northern part of the Sea of Okhotsk. — fpologicheskii fhurnal 89, 939-947. (In Russian. Two, c q six amphipod hosts are reported for these tapeworms.) PROTOPOPOVA, M. V, V V TAKHTEE^ Z. M. SHATIEINA, V V PAVEIGHENKO, D. V AXENOV- GRIBANOy D. S. BEDUEINA & M. A. TIMOEEYEV 2011. Small HSPs molecular weights as new indication to the hypothesis of segregated status of thermophilic relict Gmelinoides fasciatus among Baikal and Palearctic amphipods. — Journal of Stress Physiology & Biochemistry 7, 175-182. 30 QUILLFELDT, P. J. E MASEEEO, P BRIGKEE & D. MARTIN-GREUZBURG 2011. Eatty acid signatures of stomach contents reflect inter- and intra-annual changes in diet of small pelagic seabird, the Thin-billed Prion Pachyptila belcheri. — Ma?ine Biology, in press (Up to 40% of the diet is Themisto gaudichaudii) RAESTON-HOOPER, K. J., B. G. SANGHEZ, J. ADAMEG & M. S. SEPUEVEDA 2011. Proteomics in aquatic amphipods: Gan it be used to determine mechanisms of toxicity and interspeciflc responses after exposure to atrazine? — Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry 30, 1 197-1203. RAUQUE, G. A., R. A. PATERSON, R. POUEIN & D. M. TOMPKINS 201 1. Do different parasite species interact in their effects on host fitness? A case study on parasites of the amphipod Paracalliope jluviatilis. — Parasitology, in press (The answer is ‘probably yes’.) REGIER, J. G., J. W. SHUETZ, A. ZWIGK, A. HUSSEY, B. BAEE, R. WETZER, J. W. MARTIN & G. W. GUNNINGHAM. Arthropod relationships revealed by phylogenomic analysis of nuclear protein-coding sequences. — Nature 463, 1079-1083. (A most important paper!) REIGHERT, K. &J. BEERMANN 2011. Eirst record of the Atlantic gammaridean amphipod nitida Smith, 1873 (Grustacea) from German waters (Kiel Ganal). — Aquatic Invasions 6, 103-108. REISS, J., R. A. BAIEEY, D. M. PERKINS, A. PEUGHINOTTA & G. WOODWARD 2011. Testing effects of consumer richness, evenness and body size on ecosystem functioning. — Journal of Animal Ecology, in press. (Gammarus pulex one of three models) RENSBURG, K. van 2010. Native parasite combating an invasive species: an oomycete vs. Echinogammarus ischnus. — BSc Thesis, Georgia Institute of Technology, 39 pp. (Not seen) RIEE, M. G. van, G. van der VEEDE & A. bij de VAATE 2011. Dispersal of invasive species by drifting. — Current Zoology, in press. RIGAUD, T, M.-J. PERROT-MINOT & M. J. E BROWN 2010. Parasite and hoist assemblages: embracing the reality will improve our knowledge of parasite transmission and virulence. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 277, 3693-3702. RIGOEET, G., P. EE SOUGHU, X. GAISEY & S. E DUBOIS 2011. Group sweeping: feeding activity and filtration rate in the tubicolous amphipod Haploops nirae (Kaim-Malka, 1976). — Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 406, 29-37. RIVADENEIRA, M. M., M. THIEE, E. R. GONZALEZ & P. A. HAYE 2011. An inverse latitudinal gradient of diversity of peracarid crustaceans along the Pacific coast of South America: out of the deep south. — Global Ecology and Biogeography 20, 437-448. (An important paper. The diversity along the Ghilean coast increases greatly polewards) ROBERTSON, A. E., J. W. N. SMITH, T. JOHNS & G. S. PROUDEOVE 2009. The distribution and diversity of stygobites in Great Britain: an analysis to inform groundwater management. — Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology 43, 359-368. (Not seen) ROBSON, B. J., E. T. GHESTER & G. M. AUSTIN 2011. Why life history information matters: drought refuges and macroinvertebrate persistence in non-perennial streams subject to a drier climate. — Marine & Ereshwater Research 62, 601-610. (Not seen) ROHDE, S. & P. J. SGHUPP 2011. Allocation of chemical and structural defenses in the sponge Melophlus sarasinorum. — Journal of Experimental Marine Biology & Ecology 399, 76-83. ROSKOSGH, A., M. HUPFER, G. NUTZMANN &J. EEWANDOWSKI 2011. Measurement techniques for quantification of pumping activity of invertebrates in small burrows. — Archiv Jilr Hydrobiologe 178, 89-1 10. (Not seen) 31 RUBAGH, A., H. HILLEBRAND & B. K. ERIKSSON 2011. Understorey benthic microalgae and their consumers depend on habitat complexity and light in a microtidal coastal ecosystem. — Aquatic Botany^ in press. RUEGKERT, S, T. G. SIMDYANOy V V AEEOSHIN & B. S. EEANDER 2011. Identihcation of a divergent environmental DNA sequence clade using the phylogeny of gregarine parasites (Apicomplexa) from crustacean hosts. — PLOS One 6-3^ 17 pp. (i.a. Heliospom cf longissima from Eulimnogammarus verrucosus and E. vittatus, and Heliospora caprellae n. sp. from Caprella alaskana.) RUIZ, G, P. EOEONOEE, B. STEVES & A. DAHESTROM 201 \ . Marine crustacean invasions in North America: A synthesis of histoiical records and documented impacts. — Pp 215-250 in B. S. Galil et al. (eds). In the wrong place-Alien marine crustaceans: Distribution, biology, and impacts. Invading Nature — Springer Series in Invasion Ecology 6. Springer Science-Business Media. (32 amphipod spp are listed on p. 232.) RYU, J., J. S. KHIM, J.-W. CHOI, H. G. SHIN, S. AN, J. PARK, D. KANG, G.-H. EEE & G.-H. KOH 2011. Environmentally associated spatial changes of a macrozoobenthic community in the Saemangeum tidal flat, Korea. — Journal of Sea Research 65, 390-400. (i.a. with Sinocorophiumjaponicum.) SANGHEZ-MOYANO, J. E. & I. GARGIA-ASENGIO 2010. Gmstacean assemblages along the Guadiana River estuary (South-western Iberian Peninsula). — Journal of the Marine Biological Association UK, in press. SAREYKA, J., P. KRAUEVEEIN, M. EENZ, M. EINDSTROM, R. TOEERIAN & M. WARE 2011. Differences in stress tolerance and brood size between a non-indigenous and an indigenous gammarid in the northern Baltic Sea. — Marine Biolog)) , in press {Gammarus zaddachi and G. tigrinus) SGAPINI, E & O. OTTAVIANO 2011. The possible use of sandhoppers as bioindicators of environmental stress on sandy beaches. — Jpologia Baetica 21, 33-44. SGHAEEER, J., J. DHARAMSHI & E. G. DUD EE 2011. Enhanced metal and metalloid concentrations in the gut system comparing to remaining tissues of Gammarus pulex E. . — Chemosphere, in press. SGHANDER, G., H. T. RAPP, J. A. KONGSRUD, T. BAKKEN, J. BERGE, S. GOGHRANE, E. OUG, I. BYRKJEDAE, G. TODT, T. GEDHAGEN, A. EOSSHAGEN, A. GEBRUK, K. EARSEN, E. EEVIN, M. OBST, E PEEIJEE, S. STOHR, A. WAREN, T. T. MIKKEESEN, S. HADEER-JAGOBSEN, R. KEUNING, K. HEGG0Y PETERSEN, I. H. THORSETH & R. B. PEDERSEN 2010. The fauna of hydrothermal vents in the Mohn Ridge (North Atlantic). — Marine Biolog)) Research 6, 155-171. (Amphipods listed on pp 162-163.) SGHEGKEE, K. G, A. G. B. WIEEIAMS, G. Me DERMOTT, D. GRATSON, D. NEPTUNE &J. A. RYAN 2011. Eead speciation and bioavailability in apatite-amended sediments. — Applied and Environmental Soil Science, in press. [Hyalella azteca test animal.) SGHORIES, D., K. REISE, K. SANAMYAN, N. SANAMYAN, E. GEASING & A. REISE 2011 Actinia dominated intertidal mudflats: A new case of an extraordinary rare phenomenon from southern Ghile. — Journal of Sea Research 65, 304-314. (Monocorophium acherusicum ‘superabundant’.) SGHUGKEE, U, S. SGHUGKEE, M. BEGK & G. EIEBEZEIT 2010. New range expansion of Caprella mutica Schurin, 1935 (Malacostraca: Gaprellidae) to the German coast. North Sea. — Aquatic Invasions 5 SuppL 1, S85-S89. (Eound in Jadebusen, Wilhelmshaven) SGHVEZOy N. & O. AMIN 2011. Biochemical response of amphipods (Gammarid: Paramorea (sic!)) in a sediment laboratory exposure from Ushuaia Bay, Beagle Ghannel. — Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, in press. (Experiments with Paramoera sp.) SGIPIONE, M. B. & V ZUPO 2011. Gmstacean amphipods from the seagrasses Jpstera marina, Cymodocea nodosa and Posidonia oceanica in the Adriatic Sea (Italy): a first comparison. — Jpologia Baetica 21, 15-32. 32 SELLESLAGH, J., S. EESOURD & R. AMARA 2011. Comparison of macrobenthic assemblages of three fish estuarine nurseries and their importance as foraging grounds. — Journal of the Marine Biological Association UK^ in press. (Three Erench estuaries. Bathyporeia sarsi very important) SENNA, A. R. 201 1. A new species of Elasmopus (Amphipoda: Hadzioidea: Maeridae) from Suape harbor, northeastern Brazilian coast. — Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciencias 83, 1031-1040. {E. souzafilhoi n. sp.) SENNA, A. R. &J. E SOUZA-EIEHO 201 1. A new species of the Elasmopus rapax complex (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Maeridae) from Brazilian waters. — Cahiers de Bio logie Marine 52, 57-70. {Elasmopus longpropodus n. sp. from Atol das Rocas, Brazil. A key to Brazilian Elasmopus is provided.)) SEREJO, G. S. 2011. In Memoriam. Yoko Wakabara (1933-2006). — fpologa Baetica 21, 217-222. (With a list of her publications) SEZGIN, M. & A. GIE 2011. Rocky bottom crustacean fauna of Sinop (Black Sea, Turkey) coast. — Jpologia Baetica 27,5-14. SHATIEINA, Zh. M., D. S. BEDUEINA, M. V PROTOPOPOVA, V V PAVEICHENKO, T. P. POBEZHIMOVA, O. I. GRABEENYKH & M. A. TIMOEEYEV 2010. Heat shock proteins in the mechanisms of stress adaptation in Baikal amphipods and Palearctic Gammarus lacustris Sars. II. Smal HSP family. — Contemporary Problems in Ecology 3, 449-456. (Originally published in Russian.) SHATIEINA, Zh. M., M. V GUBANOy E. S. ZADEREEy V V PAVEICHENKO, D. V AXENOV-GRIBANOy E. A. SAPOZHNIKOVA, M. V PROTOPOPOVA, D. S. BEDUEINA & M. A. TIMOEEYEV 2010. Comparative study of thermoresistances’ cellular mechanisms in representatives of the Gammarus lacustris Sars populations inhabiting saline Eake Shira (Republic of Khakassia) and a fresh water body in the cis-Baikal region. — Doklady Biological Sciences 434, 359-362. SHATIEINA, Zh. M., H. W. RISS, M. V PROTOPOPOVA, M. TRIPPE, E. I. MEYER, V V PAVEICHENKO, D. S. BEDUEINA, D. V AXENOV-GRIBANOV & M. A. TIMOEEEV 2011. The role of heat shock proteins (HSP70 and sHSP) for the thermotolerance of freshwater amphipods from contrasting habitats. — Journal of Thermal Biolog)) 36, 142-149. (Deals with Gmelinoides fasciatus, Echinogammarus beiilloni, Gammarus pulex, and Eulimnogammarus verrucosus.) SHIEEDS,J. D. 201 1. Diseases of spiny lobsters: A review. — Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 106, 79-91. (Amphipods on p.87) SHIMOMURA, M. & K. KAKUI 201 1. A new species of the genus Ingolfiella Hansen, 1903 (Peracarida, Amphipoda) from the Ogasawara Islands, southern Japan. — Crustaceana 84, 543-551. (Not seen; I. ogasawarensis n. sp., a marine species) SHIN, M.-H., J. S. HONG & W. KIM 2010. Redescriptions of two ampithoid amphipods, lacertosa andT. tarasovi (Crustacea: Amphipoda), from Korea. — Korean Journal of Systematic Jpology 26, 295-305. {A. tarasovi is new to Korea, where it was earlier confused with A. lacertosa) SIGINSKI, J., K. JAZDZEWSKI, G. DE BROYER, P. PRESLER, R. EIGOWSKI, E. E NONATO, T. N. GORBISIER, M. A. V PETTI, T. A. S. CRITO, H. P. EAVRADO, M. BLAZEWIGZ-PASZKOWYCZ, K. PABIS, A. JAZDZEWSKA & L. C. CAMPOS 2010. Admiralty Bay benthos diversity — a census of a complex polar ecosystem. — Deep-Sea Research II, in press SIDOROy D. A. Pseudocrangonyx elenae sp. n. (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Pseudocrangonyctidae) from shallow subterranean habitats (SSHs) of eastern Sikhote-Alin. — Amu?ian Jpo logical Journal 3, 3-10. SMIRNOy A. V & N. L. DEMCHENKO 201 1. In Memoriam. Nina 1. Tzvetkova (1932-2010). — - Zoologa Baetica 21, 201-206. (With a list of species described by her.) 33 SORBE, J. G., I. FRUTOS & E AGUIRREZABALAGA 2010. The benthic fauna of slope pockmarks from the Kostarrenkala area (Gapbreton canyon, SE Bay of Biscay). — Munibe 58, 85-98 (With Tryphosella caecula and Metaphoxus simplex.) SOTKA, E. E., A. McGARTHY, E. MONROE, N. OAKMAN & F. VAN DOLAH 2011. Gan benthic herbivores transmit brevetoxins through estuarine food webs? A test of an unrecognized pathway in the Gulf of Mexico. — Proceedings from the 2010 AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting, abstract only. SOTKA, E. E. & P. L. REYNOLDS 2011. Rapid experimental shift in host use traits of a polyphagous marine herbivore reveals htness costs on alternative hosts. — Evolutionary Ecology, in press. (A study on Ampithoe longimana.) SOUGEK, D. J., A. DIGKINSON & B. T. KOGH 2011. Acute and chronic toxicity of boron to a variety of freshwater organisms. — Environmental Toxicity, in press (i.a. Hyalella azteca) SOUZA-FILHO, J. F. 2011. First record of the family Gheidae (Amphipoda, Gammaridea) from the Brazilian coast, with description of two new genera and new species. — Journal of Natural History , in press. (Deals with Microcheus nortoni n. gen, n. sp. (Praia Fardim do Eden, Rio Grande do Sul ) and Ruffosius fluminensis n. gen. n. sp. (Praia Escalhau, Rio de Janeiro), both from intertidal sandy beaches. A key to all three Gheidae is provided.) SOUZA-FILHO, J. E, A. M. T. SOUZA & M. T. VALERIO -BERARDO 2010. Six new species of the genus Chevalia Walker, 1904 (Amphipoda, Gorophiidea, Ghevaliidae) from Brazilian waters, with a key to world species of the genus. — fpotaxa 2713, 25-51. (Deals with Chevalia anomala n. sp. (Baia de Gampos), C. caetes n. sp. (Porto de Galinhas, Pernambuco), C. convexa n. sp. (off Rio Grande do Norte), C. marajoara n. sp. (Para-Maranhao basin), C. setosa n. sp. (Rocas atoll, Rio Grande do Norte), and C. thomasi n. sp. (Baia de Todos os Santos, Bahia). A key to all Chevalia is provided.) SRODA, S. & G. GOSSA-LEGUILLE 2011. Seasonal variability of antioxidant biomarkers and energy reserves in the freshwater gammarid Gammarus roeseli. — Chemosphere, in press STANLEY, G. E.. 2011. Effects of long-term isolation and metal exposure on the common test species Hyalella azteca. — M.Sc Thesis, Oklahoma State University, 87 pp. (Not seen) STANLEY, J. K., A. J. KENNEDY, J. D. FARRER, D. R. MOUNT &J. A. STEVENS 2011. Evaluation of reduced sediment volume procedures for acute toxicity tests using the estuarine amphipod Leptocheirus plumulosus. — Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 29, 2769-2776. STODDART, H. E. &J. K. LOWRY 2010. Lepidepecreellidae fam. nov. (Grustacea: Amphipoda: Lysianassoidea) in Australian waters. — fpotaxa 2634, 63-68. (The new family Lepidepecreellidae is monotypic, the only genus, Lepidepecreella has 1 1 described species, of which L. nellae (off Pt Hicks, Viet., Austr., 1000m) is new. A key to all spp is provided.) STOFFELS, B. E. M. W, J. S. TUMMERS, G. van der VELDE, D. PLATVOET, H. W. M. HENDRIKS & R. S. E. W. LEUVEN 2011. Assessment of predatory ability of native and non-native freshwater gammaridean species: A rapid test with water fleas as prey. — Current Zoology, in press (Dikerogammarus villosus is more predatory than Gammarus pulex, G. fossarum and G. roeselii.) STRAUSFELD, N. J. & D. R. ANDREW 201 1. A new view of insect-crustacean relationships. I. Inferences from neural cladistics and comparative neuroanatomy. — Arthropod Structure and Development 40, 276-288. STUDER, A., D. W. THIELTGES & R. POULIN 2010. Parasites and global warming: net effects of temperature on an intertidal host-parasite system. — Marine Ecology Progress Series 415, 1 1-22. 34 STURARO, N. &J. GUERRA- GARCIA, 201 1. A new species of Caprella (Crustacea: Amphipoda) from the Mediterranean Sea. — Helgoland Marine Research^ in press. (C tavolarensis n. sp. from Sardinia. With a list of all Mediterranean caprellids) TAHERI, M. & M. YAZDANI EOSHTOMI 2010. Community structure and biodiversity of shallow water macrobenthic fauna at Noor coast, South Caspian Sea, Iran. — Journal of the Marine Biological Association UK9f 607-613. (i.a. Pontogammarus maeoticus) TAKESHITA, E, R. GARLOS-EOMBARDO, S. WADA & Y. HENMI 2011. Increased guarding duration reduces growth and offspring number in females of the skeleton shrimp Caprella penantis. — Animal Behaviour ^ 661-666. TAKHTEEV, V V, A. V GALIMZYANOVA, E. V AMBROSOVA, L. S. KRAVTSOVA, N. A. ROZHKOVA, G. L. OKUNEVA, V P. SEMERNOI, G. I. POMAZKOVA & O. G. LOPATOVSKAYA 2010. Zoobenthos communities and their seasonal dynamics in non-freezing springs of Baikal Region. Biolog)) Bulletin 37^ 638-646. (i.a. Stygobromus anastasiae) TANDBERG, A. H. S., W. VADER &J. BERGE 2010. Studies on the association of Metopa glacialis (Amphipoda, Crustacea) and Musculus discors (Mollusca, Mytilidae). — Polar Biology 33, 1407-1418. (The amphipod appears to be an obligate associate of the mussel, not damaging its host in the process. The amphipod has several broods per year, very uncommon in Arctic waters) TANG, K. W, T. G. NIELSEN, P. MUNK, J. MORTENSEN, E. ERIIS M0LLER, K. E. ARENDT. K. TONNESSON & T. JUUL-PEDERSEN 2011. Metazooplankton community structure, feeding rates estimates, and hydrography in a meltwater-influenced Greenlandic ^ord. — Marine Ecology Progress Series 434, 77-90. TAG, J., C. G. INGERSOLL, N. E. KEMBLE, J. R. DIAS, J. B. MUROWGHIGK, G. WELKER & D. HUGGINS 2010. Sediment contamination of residential streams in the metropolitan Kansas City area, USA. Part II. Whole- sediment toxicity to the amphipod Hyalella azteca. — Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 59, 370-381. TAYLOR, S. J. &J. R. HOLSINGER 2011. A new species of the subterranean amphipod crustacean genus Stygobromus (Grangonyctidae) from a cave in NevadaX, USA. — Subterranean Biolog)) 8 (2010), 39-47. {S. albapinus n. sp. from Great Basin National Park, Nevada) TEIXEIRA, H., S. B. WEISBERG, A. BORJA, J. A. RANASINGHE, D. B. GADIEN, R. G. VELARDE, L. L. LOVELL, D. PASKO, G. A. PHILLIPS, D. E. MONTAGNE, K. J. RITTER, E SALAS &J. G. MARQUES 2011. Calibration and validation of the AZTEs Marine Biotic Index (AMBI) for Southern California marine bays. — Ecological Indicators, in press. (Not seen) THIEL, M. 2010. Chemical communication inperacarid crustaceans. — Pp 199-218 in T. Breithaupt & M. Thiel (eds). Chemical communication in crustaceans. Springer Science + Business Media. THIEL, M. 2011. The evolution of sociality : peracarid crustaceans as model organisms. — Pp 285-297 in: New frontiers in crustacean biology. Brill, leiden THIEL, M. & T. BREITHAUPT 2010. Chemical communication in crustaceans: Research challenges for the twenty-first century. — Pp 3-22 in T. Breithaupt & M. Thiel (eds). Chemical communication in crustaceans. Springer Science + Business Media THOEN, H. H., G. JOHNSEN &J. BERGE 2010. Pigmentation and spectral absorbance in the deep-sea arctic amphipods Eurythenes gryllus and Anonyx sp.. — Polar Biolog) 34, 83-93. THOMAS, E, J. BRODEUR, E MAURE, N. ERANGESGHI, S. BLAGHET & T. RIGAUD. 2011. Intraspeciflc variability in host manipulation by parasites. — Infection, Genetics and Evolution 11, 262-269. 35 THOMAS, E, E. GULDNER & E RENAUD 2010. Differential parasite (Trematoda) encapsulation in Gammarus aequicauda (Amphipoda). — Journal of Parasitology 86, 650-654. (Not seen) THOMAS, J. D. & T. KRAPP-SGHIGKEE 201 1. A new species of leucothoid sunphipod, Anamixis bananarama, sp. n., from shallow coral reefs in Erench Polynesia (Grustacea, Amphipoda, Eeucothoidae). — JooKeys 92, 1-8 (A. bananarama n. sp from Moorea, Erench Polynesia, found in general washings.) THRUSH, S. E & V J. CUMMINGS 2011. Massive icebergs, alteration in primary food resources and change in benthic communities at Gape Evans, Antarctica. — Marine Ecology 32, 289-299. THUNKEN, S. A. BAEDAUE, N. BERSAU, T. C. M. BARKER, H. KUEEMANN &J. G. EROMMEN 2010. Impact of olfactory non-host predator cues on aggregation behaviour and activity in Polymorpkus minutus infected Gammarus pulex. — Hydrobiologia 654, 137-145. TOMIKAWA, T, N. KOBAYASHI & S. E MAWATARI 2010. Phylogenetic relationship of superfamily Gammaroidea (Amphipoda) and its allies from Japan. — Crustacean Research 39, 1-10. (Not seen, unfortunately) TREBITZ, A. S., G. W. WEST, J. G. HOEEMAN, G. S. PETERSON & I. A. GRIGOROVIGH 2010. Status of non-indigenous benthic invertebrates in the Duluth-Superior Harbor, the role of sampling methods in their detection. — Journal of Great Lakes Research 36, 7747-756. (i.a. Echinogammarus ischnus) d’UDEKEM d’AGOZ, G. 2010. Contribution to the knowledge of European Eiljeborgiidae (Grustacea, Amphipoda), with considerations on the family and its affinities. — Bulletin de Hnstitution Royal des Sciences Maturelles de Belgique, Biologie 80, 127-259. (An important paper. There is a discussion on terminology of setae, spines and teeth, and the author maintains that original spellings with ‘qv’ in e. g. aeqvicornis may not be amended to ‘qu’. A detailed discussion of the position of the Eiljeborgioidea (here seen as monotypic for the Eiljeborgiidae) among amphipod families provisionally suggests the Melphidippoidea as closest relatives. The family Eiljeborgiidae is divided into two subfamilies, the Idunellinae subfam. nov. with the genera Idunella and Sextonia. The genera Listriella and Ronconoides are for the time being synonymized with Idunella, but Idunella s. 1. is probably polyphyletic and later research will again lead to its splitting. The type species /. aeqvicornis and /. picta are redescribed in detail, as well as Sextonia longirostris. The other subfamily, the Eiljeborgiinae, contains only the genus Liljeborga, here divided into three subgenera, Liljeborgia s. str., the revived Lilpeborgiella, and Isipingus. In Liljeborgia s. str. the following species are redescribed L. (L.) brevicornis (revived), L. (L) dellavallei, L. (L.) inermis, L. (L.) kinahani, L. (L.) macronyx, L. (L.) mixta (not studied here), L. (L) pallida (the type species), L. (L.) psaltiica and L. (L) sp. 4, a Mediterranean taxon close to dellavallei.. A key to N. Atlantic and Mediterranean Eiljeborgiidae is provided, as well as an annotated checklist; here the recently described species L. (Liljeborgiella) caliginis is reduced to a forma of L . (Liljeborgiella) charybdis. In an appendix the families Gheirocratidae and Hornelliidae are formally described.) d’UDEKEM d’AGOZ, G. 2011. Validation of the family Bathyporeiidae (Grustacea, Amphipoda). — Jpotaxa 279 f 54-62. UGOEINI, A., G. BORGIOEI, G. GAEANTI, E. MERGATEEEI & T. HARIYAMA 2010. Photoresponses of the compound eye of the sandhopper Talitrus saltator (Crustacea, Amphipoda) in the ultraviolet-blue range. — Biological Bulletin Woods Hole 219, 72-79. (Not seen) UNGERER, P, M. GEPPERT & C. WOEEE 2011. Axogenesis in the central and peripheral nervous system of the amphipod crustacean Orchestia cavimana. — Integrative Jpology 6, 28-44. (Not seen) VADEBONCOEUR, Y, P. B. McINTYRE & M. J. VANDER ZANDEN 2011. Borders of biodiversity: Eife at the edge of the world’s large lakes. — BioScience 61, 526-537. VANIN, S. & S. ZANGANER 2011. Post-mortal lesions in freshwater environment. — Eorensic Science International, in press. (Another amphipod feeding on a drowned person, this time Mphargus elegans^) 36 VARGAS-VILA, M. A., R. L. HANNIBAL, RJ. PARGHEM, P Z. LIU & N. H. PATEL 2010. A prominent requirement for single-minded and the ventral midline in patterning the dorsoventral axis of the crustacean Parhyale hawaiensis. — Development 137^ in press. (Not seen) VAZQUEZ-LUIS, M., P. SANGHEZ-JEREZ &J. T. BAYLE-SEMPERE 2010. Effects of Caulerpa racemosa van cylindracea on predatory availability: an experimental approach to predation of amphipods by Thalassoma pavo (Labridae). — Hydrobiologia 654^ 147-154. (The presence of Caulerpa decreases amphipod feeding by this predator.) VEER, H. W. V. d., J. ROOT, G. AARTS, R. DEKKER, W. DIDERIGH, V EREITAS &J. IJ. WITTE 2011. Long- term trends in juvenile flathsh indicate a dramatic reduction in nursery function of the Balgzand intertidal, Dutch Wadden Sea. — Marine Ecology Progress Series 434^ 143-154. VELOSO, V G, I. AVAZEDO-SALLORENZO, B. G. ARAUJO EERREIRA & G. NEVES DE SOUZA 2010. Atlantorchestia brasiliensis (Grustacea: Amphipoda) as an indicator of disturbance caused by urbanization of a beach ecosystem. — Brazilian Journal of Oceanography 58, 13-21. VONK, R. & D. JAUME 2010. Glyptogidiella omanica gen. et sp. nov, an inland groundwater bogidiellid from Oman with enlarged coxal plate V (Grustacea, Amphipoda). — Jpotaxa 2657, 55-65. WARES, J. P. 2011. Insights from population genetics: Are all crustaceans created equal? — Journal of Crustacean Biology 3f 339-344. (No, some are more equal than others.) WARRANT, E. & M. DAGKE 2010. Visual orientation and navigation in nocturnal arthropods. — Brain, Behaviour & Evolution 75, 156-173. (Not seen) WATTS, J. & G. A. TARLING 2011. Population dynamics and production of Themisto gaudichaudii (Amphipoda, Hyperiidae) at South Georgia, Antarctica. — Deep Sea Research II, in press WERNER, L, L. A. DEANOVIG, D. MARKEIWIGZ, M. KHAMPHANH, G. K. REEGE, M. STILLWAY & G. REECE 2010. Monitoring acute and chronic water column toxicity in the Northern Sacramento-San Joaquin Estuary, California, USA, using the euryhaline amphipod, Hyalella azteca: 2006 to 2007. — Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry 29, 2 1 90-2 1 99. WESLAWSKI, J. M., A. OPANOWSK, L. LEGEZYNSKA, B. MAGIEJEWSKA, M. WLODARSKA- KOWALCZUK & M. KEDRA 2010. Hidden diversity in Arctic crustaceans. How many roles can a species play? — Polish Polar Research 31, 205-216. (The authors maintain that in long-lived Arctic crustaceans the different age-groups act as different ecological species.) WESTRAM, A. M., G. BAUMGARTNER, I. KELLER &J. JOKELA 2011. Are cryptic host species also cryptic to parasites? Host specihcity and geographical distribution of acanthocephalan parasites infecting freshwater Gammarus. — Infection, Genetics and Evolution 11, 1083-1090. WHITELEY, N. M., J. L. MAGNAY, S. J. McGLEARY, S. KHAZRAEE NIA, A. J. EL HAJ &J. ROCK 2010. Characterisation of myosin heavy chain gene variants in the fast and slow muscle hbres of gammarid amphipods. — Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A 157, 116-122. WHITELEY, N. M., S. P. S. RASTRICK, D. H. LUNT &J. ROCK 2011. Latitudinal variations in the physiology of marine gammarid amphipods. — -Journal of Experimental Marine Biology & Ecology 400, 10-11. WIKSTROM, S. A. & H. HILLEBRAND 2011. Invasion by mobile aquatic consumers enhances secondary production and increases top-down control of lower trophic levels. — Oecologia, in press. {Gammarus tigrinus one of six test species.) 37 WILDSMITH, M. D., T H. ROSE, L C. POTTER, R. M. WARWICK & K. R. GEARKE 2011. Benthic macroinvertebrates as indicators of environmental deterioration in a large microtidal estuary. — Marine Pollution Bulletin 62^ 525-538. (The Swan River estuary, in SW Australia) WIEKINSON, T. J., J. ROCK, N. M. WHITEEEY, M. O. OVGHARENKO &J. E. IRONSIDE 2011. Genetic diversity of the feminising microsporidian parasite Dictyocoela: new insights into host-specihcity, sex and phylogeography. — International Journal for Parasitolog)) ^ in press (A parasite of gammarid amphipods. Not seen.) WINEIEED, I. & M. ORTIZ 2010. Golomastigids (Amphipoda: Gammaridea: Colomastigidae) from the Veracruz Coral Reef System, SW Gulf of Mexico, with a description of two new species associated with sponges. — Scientia Marina 74^ 773-782. (Deals with Colomastix sarae n. sp. (from Amphimedon compressa), C. escobaraen. sp. {from Desmopsamma anchorata), D. halichondiiae, C. irciniae and C. tridentata. A world list of Colomastix species is provided.) WINEIEED, L, M. ORTIZ & S. GHAZARO- OLVERA 2009. (A new species of commensal amphipod (Amphipoda: Gammaridea: Leucothoidae) from Veracruz Coral Reef Systems, SW Gulf of Mexico.) — Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad 80^ 315-321. ( In Spanish. Deals with Leucothoe hortapugai n. sp., from the sponge Aplysina fistula?is. The new species is compared to 5 related Leucothoe species.) WONG, K. L. G. & S. O’SHEA 2011. The effects of a mussel farm on benthic macrofaunal communities in Hauraki Gulf, New Zealand. — New Jealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 45^ 187-212. (i.a. two Paraphoxus species) XU, Z. 2010. Statistical analysis on ecological adaptation of pelagic Amphipoda in China Sea. — Acta Oceanologica Sinica d, 61-69. (Not seen) XUEREB, B., L. BEZIN, A. GHAUMET, H. BUDZINSKI, S. AUGAGNEUR, R. TUTUNDJIAN, J. CARRIE & O. GEFEARD 2011. Vitellogenin-like gene expression in freshwater amphipod Gammarus fossarum (Koch, 1835): functional characterization in females and potential for use as an endocrine disruption biomarker in males. — Ecotoxicology, in press. XUEREB, B., A. GHAUMOT, R. MONS, J. GARRIG & O. GEFEARD 2009. Acetylcholinesterase activity in Gammarus fossarum (Crustacea Amphipoda). Intrinsic variability, reference levels, and a reliable tool for held surveys. — Aquatic Toxicology 93, 225-233. (Not seen) YANG, G., S. SHORT, P. KILLE & A. T. FORD 2010. Microsporidia infections in the amphipod, Echinogammarus ma?inus (Leach): suggestions of varying causal mechanisms to intersexuality. — Ma?ine Biology 158, 461-470. YE, N., X. WENG, Y MAO, G. LIANG, D. XU, J. ZOU, Z. ZHUANG & Q, WANG 2011. ‘Green tides’ are overwhelming the coastline of our blue planet: taking the world’s largest example. — Ecolof cal Research 26, 477-485. ZADEREEy E. S., A. P. TOLOMEYEy A. V DROBOTOy A. Yu. EMELIYANOVA & M. V GUBANOV 2010. The vertical distribution and abundance of Gammarus lacustris in the pelagic zone of the meromictic lakes Shira and Shunet (Khakassia, Russia). — Aquatic Ecology 44, 531-539. 38 ZAIKO, A., M. LEHTINIEMI, A. NARSGIUS & S. OLENIN 2011. Assessment of bioinvasion impacts on a regional scale: a comparative approach. — Biolof cal Invasions, in press. ZAKHAMA-SRAIEB, R. & E GHARFI-GHEIKHROUHA 2010. First record of two Lessepsian amphipods in Tunisiw. Elasmopus pectenicrus nnd Stenothoe gallensis. — Journal of the Marine Biological Association UK 90, 1291-1295. ZAKHAMA-SRAIEB, R., Y R. SGHAIER & E GHARFI-GHEIKHROUHA 2010. Community structure of amphipods on shallow Posidonia oceanica meadow off Tunisian coasts. — Helgoland Marine Research 65, 203-209. (44 spp of amphipods are listed in Table 2; the most numerous species were Ampithoe helleri, Hyale camptonyx and Ericthonius punctatus.) 38 ZAKHAMA-SRAIEB, R., Y R. SGHAIER, S. GUESMI & E GHAREI-GHEIKHROUHA 2011. Peracarid crustaceans associated with the red alga Corallina elongata in Rafraf, Tunisia (Mediterranean Sea). — Crustaceana 84^ 69-80. (22 spp of amphipods, with Elasmopus pocillimanus, Caprella gmndimana and Stenothoe monoculoides dominant.) ZAMANPOORE, M., M. GRABOWSKI, M. POEGKE & E SGHIEMER 2010. Erratum. — - Zootaxa 2666, 68. (In the earlier paper by these authors on two new Gammarus species from the Zagros, Iran, Eig. 4 was missing. It is here presented.) ZAMZOW, J. P, G. E AUMAGK, G. D. AMSEER, J. B. McGEINTOGK, M. O. AMSEER & B. J. BAKER 2010. Gut contents and stable isotope analyses of the Antarctic hsh, Motothenia coriiceps (Richardson), from two macroalgal communities. — Antarctic Science 23, 107-1 18. (Amphipods were the primary prey everywhere, but the distribution of amphipod spp varied with the algae.) ZHANG, W, Y YE, Y TONG, D. HU & X. WANG 2010. Modeling time-dependent toxicity to aquatic organisms from pulsed exposure of PAHs in urban road runoff — Environmental Pollution, in press (i.a. Gammarus duebeni and Hyalella azteca) ZUBROD,J. P. , M. BUNDSGHUH & R. SGHUEZ 2010. Effects of subchronic fungicide exposure on the energy processing of Gammarus fossarum (Grustacea: Amphipoda). — Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 73, 1674-1680. New amphipod taxa in AN35 1 . Families and Subfamilies Bathyporeiidae d’Udekem d’Acoz, 2011 Cebocaridae Eowry & Stoddart, 201 1 Cheirocratidae d’Udekem d’Acoz 2010 Cyclocaridae Eowry & Stoddart, 2011 HorneUiidae d’ Udekem d’Acoz 2010 Subf. Idunellinae d’Udekem d’Acoz 2010 (Eiljeborgiidae) Lepidepecreelbdae Stoddart & Eowry, 2010 Thorielbdae Eowry & Stoddart, 2011 2. Genera and subgenera Africorchestia Eowry & Goleman, 2011 Talitridae Australolestesjust, 2011 Ischyroceridae Dana Eowry, 2011 Talitridae Gordonodius Ariyama, 2011 Odiidae Glyptogidiella Vonk &Jaume, 2010 Bogidiellidae Subg. Isipingus Barnard & Karaman, 1987 (rev.) {Liljeborgia) Eiljeborgiidae Kruptus Einston, Johnson & Knott, 2008 Paramelitidae Lanorchestia Miyamoto & Morino, 2010 Talitridae Lilljeborgiella Schellenberg, 1931 (rev.) {Liljeborgia) Eiljeborgiidae Malvinometopa Krapp-Schickel, 2011 Stenothoidae Microcheus Souza-Eilho, 20 1 1 Gheidae Photosella Eowry & Stoddart, 2011 Tryphosinae Ruffosius Souza-Eilho, 2011 Gheidae Sandrothoe Krapp-Schickel, 2009 Stenothoidae Victometopa Krapp-Schickel, 201 1 Stenothoidae 39 3. Species and Subspecies albapinus Taylor & Holsinger, 201 \[Stygobromus) aldebaranae Coleman, 2010 {Bated) anomala Souza-Filho, Souza & Valerio-Berardo, 2010 {Chevalia) arafura Hughes & Lowry, 2011 (Elasmopus) aumogo Hughes, 20 1 1 {Parelasmopus) bananarama Thomas & Krapp-Schickel, 201 1 (Anamixis) barnardi Hughes, 2011 {Mallacoota) bastidai Garcia-Madrigal, 2010 {Elasmopus) betka Lowry & Stoddart, 2011 {Tryphosella) bicheno Lowry & Stoddart, 2011 {Tryphosella) bousfieldi Garcia-Madrigal, 2010 {Melitd) brevicornis (Bruzelius, 1859) revived {Liljeborgia) bulowara Hughes, 201 1 {Mallacoota) caecilius Holsinger, 201 1 {Stygobromus) caetes Souza-Filho, Souza & Valerio-Berardo, 2010 {Chevalia) carteri Hughes & Lowry, 2011 {Elasmopus) chiltoni Kilgallen & Ahyong, 2011 {Mallacoota) chinchilla Lowry & Stoddart, 2011 {Tryphosella) darns Hou & Li, 2010 {Gammarus) convexa Souza-Filho, Souza & Valerio-Berardo, 2010 {Chevalia) cooee Lowry & Stoddart, 2011 {Tryphosella) elenae Sidorov, 20 1 1 {Pseudocrangonyx) escobarae Winheld & Ortiz, 2010 {Colomastix) eucla Krapp-Schickel, 2009 {Sandrothoe) felleri Holsinger, 2011 {Stygobromus) fenwicki Hughes, 2011 {Hoho) fluminensis Souza-Filho, 20 1 1 {Ruffosius) foliatus Holsinger, 2011 {Stygobromus) fortescue Lowry & Stoddart, 2011 {Tryphosella) freycinet Lowry & Stoddart, 2011 {Tryphosella) gageoensis Kim, Lee & Min, 2010 {Gammarus) geojeensis Kim, Hendrycks & Lee, 20\0{Hourstordus) hegmatanensis Hekmatara, Sari & Baladehi, 2011 {Gammarus) hortapugai Winheld, Ortiz & Ghazaro-Olvera, 2009 {Leucothoe) hubbardi Holsinger, 2009 {Stygobromus) hyperopia Hughes & Lowry, 20 1 1 {Elasmopus) hypolithicus Hou & Li, 2010 {Gammarus) igneus Ariyama, 2011 {Postodius) illustris Hou & Li, 2010 (Gammarus) ischienoplia Bochert & Zettler, 2010 (Grandidierella) istanbulensis Ozbek & Ozkan, 2011 (Dikerogammarus) jamiesoni Lorz, 2011 (Princaxelia) japonicus Ariyama, 2011 (Antarctodius) justi Lowry & Stoddart, 2011 {Parachevreuxiella) kalbarri Hughes, 2011 (Hoho) kangarooensis Hughes, 2011 (Hoho) kanoi Miyamoto & Morino, 2010 (Lanorchestia) karlae Garcia-Madrigal, 2010 (Elasmopus) katagani Bakir, Sezgin & Myers, 2011 (Megamphopus) koreanus Lee & Hong, 2010 (Perotripus) kunmunyah Hughes, 201 1 (Mallacoota) lecroyae Garcia-Madrigal, 2010 (Elasmopus) 40 Grangonyctidae Bateidae Ghevaliidae Maeridae Maeridae Leucothoidae Maeridae Maeridae Tryphosinae Tryphosinae Melitidae Liljeborgiidae Maeridae Grangonyctidae Ghevaliidae Maeridae Maeridae Tryphosinae Gammaridae Ghevaliidae Tryphosinae Pseudocrangonyctidae Golomastigidae Stenothoidae G rangonyctidae Maeridae Gheidae G rangonyctidae Tryphosinae Tryphosinae Gammaridae Amphilochidae Gammaridae Leucothoidae Grangonyctidae Maeridae Gammaridae Odiidae Gammaridae Aoridae Gammaridae Pardaliscidae Odiidae Thoriellidae Maeridae Maeridae Talitridae Maeridae Photidae Phtisicinae Maeridae Maeridae leveque Hughes & Lowry, 2011 {Elasmopus) linnaei Finston, Johnson & Knott, 2008 (Kruptus) longimanus Guerra-Garcia, Ganesh, Jaikumar & Raman 2010 (Jigurru) longipropodus Senna & Souza-Filho, 20 1 1 [Elasmopus) maridwinae Hughes, 20 1 1 [Mallacoota) marajoara Souza-Filho, Souza & Valerio-Berardo, 2010 [Chevalia) marcelae Garcia-Madrigal, 2010 [Elasmopus) martrudan Lowry & Stoddart, 2011 [Tryphosella) mausi Holsinger , 2009 [Stygobromus) mcluerensis Hughes & Lowry, 20 1 1 [Elasmopus) morenoi lannilli, Minelli & Ruffo, 2009 [Haploginglymus) nellae Stoddart & Lowry, 2010 [Lepidepecreella) norfanzi Lorz, 2010 [Epimeria) nortoni Souza-Filho, 201 1 [Microcheus] Maeridae Paramelitidae Phtisicinae Maeridae Maeridae Ghevaliidae Maeridae Tryphosinae Grangonyctidae Maeridae Niphargidae Lepidepecreellidae Epimeriidae Gheidae oaxaquensis Garcia-Madrigal, 2010 [Elasmopus) ogasawarensis Shimomura & Kakui, 2011 [Ingolfiella) omanica Vonk &Jaume, 2010 [Glyptogidiella) ornatus Ariyama, 2011 [Postodius) otus Hughes & Lowry, 2011 [Elasmopus) paludosa Cheng, Nakazono, Lin & Chan, 2011 [Platorchestia) parvioculus Hou & Li, 2010 [Gammarus) paxillus Holsinger, 201 1 [Stygobromus) penelope Hughes, 2011 [Mallacoota) petriei (Thomson, 1882) rev. [Mallacoota) rodondo Lowry & Stoddart, 2011 {Tryphosella) rorida Krapp-Schickel, 201 1 [Victometopa) sarae Winheld & Ortiz, 2010 [Colomastix) setosa Souza-Filho, Souza & Valerio-Berardo, 2010 [Chevalia) sextarius Holsinger, 2009 [Stygobromus) shepherd! Hughes & Lowry [Elasmopus) sibuensis Azman & Melvin, 201 1 [Urothoe) sirius Hughes, 2011 [Mallacoota) sirvannus Hekmatara, Sari & Baladehi, 2011 [Gammarus) sorell Lowry & Stoddart, 2011 [Tryphosella) souzafilhoi Senna, 20 1 1 [Elasmopus) straussi Daneliya, 2011 [Sandro) striatus Ariyama, 2011 [Postodius) tavolarensis Sturaro & Guerra-Garcia, 201 1 [Caprella) tathra Lowry & Stoddart, 2011 [Tryphosella) thomasi Souza-Filho, Souza & Valerio-Berardo, 2010 [Chevalia) tinggiensis Azman & Melvin, 2011 [Urothoe) toowoomba Lowry & Stoddart, 201 1 [Tryphosella) tricarinata Hughes, 20 1 1 [Hoho) trinacriae Krapp, Grasso & Ruffo 20 1 1 (Jasso) tuckanarra Lowry & Stoddart, 2011 [Tryphosella) umarae Garcia-Madrigal, 2010 [Maera) veneris Leijs, Bloechl & Koenemann, 2011 [Bogidiella) wangaratta Lowry & Stoddart, 2011 [Tryphosella) wittecarra Hughes, 2011 [Hoho) woodjonesi Hughes & Lowry, 2011 [Elasmopus) worimi Hughes, 20 1 1 [Mallacoota) zoe Horton & Thurston, 2011 [Centromedon) Maeridae Ingolhellidae Bogidiellidae Odiidae Maeridae Talitridae Gammaridae Grangonyctidae Maeridae Maeridae Tryphosinae Stenothoidae Golomastigidae Ghevaliidae G rangonyctidae Maeridae Urothoidae Maeridae Gammaridae Tryphosinae Maeridae Austroniphargidae Odiidae Gaprellidae Tryphosinae Ghevaliidae Urothoidae Tryphosinae Maeridae Ischyroceridae Tryphosinae Maeridae Bogidiellidae Tryphosinae Maeridae Maeridae Maeridae Uristidae 41 4 . New taxa ranked taxonomically after families. Amphilochidae Aoridae Austroniphargidae Bateidae Bathyporeiidae Bogidiellidae Gaprellinae Cebocaridae Gheidae Cheirocratidae Ghevaliidae Golomastigidae Grangonyctidae Cyclocaridae Epimeriidae Gammaridae Hornelliidae Ingolfiellidae Ischyroceridae Lepidepecreellidae Leucothoidae Liljeborgiidae Maeridae Melitidae Niphargidae Odiidae Paramelitidae Pardaliscidae Photidae Phtisicinae Pseudocrangonyctidae Hourstonius geojeensis Grandidierella ischienoplia Sandro straussi Bate a aldebaranae Bogidiella veneris Glyptogidiella omanica Gaprella tavolarensis Microcheus nortoni Ruffosius fluminensis Ghevalia anomala, caetes, convexa, marajoara, setosa, thomasi Golomastix escobarae, sarae Stygobromus albapinus, caecilius, felleri, foliatus, hubbardi, mausi, paxillus, sextarius Epimeria norfanzi Dikerogammarus istanbulensis Gammarus darns, gageoensis, hegmatanensis, hypolithicus, illustris, parvioculus, sirvannus Ingolfiella ogasawarensis Australolestes Jassa trinacriae Eepidepecreella nellae Anamixis bananarama Eeucothoe hortapugai (Idunellinae) subgenus Isipingus (rev.) (Liljeborgiinae) Eiljeborgia brevicornis subgenus Lilljeborgiella (rev.) Elasmopus arabira, bastidai, carteri, hyperopia, karlae, lecroyae, leveque, longipropodus, marcelae, mcluerensis, oaxaquensis, otus, shepherdi, souzafilhoi, woodjonesi Hoho fenwicki, kalbarri, kangarooensis, lowryi, tricarinata, wittecarra Maera umarae Mallacoota barnardi, bulowara, chiltoni, kunmunyah, maridwinae, penelope, petriei (rev.), sirius, worimi Parelasmopus aumogo Melita bousfieldi Haploginglymus morenoi Antarctodius japonicus Gordonodius Postodius igneus, ornatus, striatus Kruptus linnaei Princaxelia jamiesoni Megamphopus katagani Jigurru longimanus Perotripus koreanus Pseudocrangonyx elenae 42 Stenothoidae Talitridae Thoriellidae Tryphosinae Uristidae Urothoidae M alvinome top a Sandrothoe eucla Victometopa rorida Africorchestia Dana Lanorchestia kanoi Platorchestia paludosa Parachevreuxiella justi Photosella Tryphosella beta, bicheno, chinchilla, cooee, fortescue, freycinet, martrudan, rodondo, sorell, tathra, toowoomba, tuckanarra, wangaratta Centromedon zoe Urothoe sibuensis, tinggiensi 43 In remembrance of George Crawford On the 16* April 201 1 George I. Crawford died at the grand age of 100. Photo: O. Coleman George worked as Assistant Keeper at the British Museum (Natural History) before and after World War II and throughout his career he maintained an interest in amphipods and worked extensively on the genus Corophium and in 1937 he did a review of the genus. In 1937, he participated in the Percy Sladen expedition to Lake Titicaca. The hnance for this expedition was given by the Percy Sladen Trustees with help and support by the Royal Society and the Museum. As a result George became the deputy leader of the expedition and zoologist in charge of the collections from the world’s highest and largest lake. His held notebooks from the expedition, are held in The Natural History Museum Archives (accession number 2000/1 1) The Natural History Museum, London (NHM) holds a huge collection of his amphipod slides and spirit specimens collected from this expedition, some of which were further identihed by Oliver Coleman and some named in honour of George for his tremendous efforts in collecting and sorting this material: Hyalella crawfordi 2005.89, Allotype ov. female (Spirit specimen + 1 slide) Hyalella crawfordi 2005.90, Holotype male (Spirit specimen + 2 slides) Hyalella crawfordi 2005.91 - 94, Paratype females (2) and males (2) (Spirit specimens) With his continued passion for amphipods he offered his assistance with Amphipod Newsletter (AN), especially with the index in AN 14, which has him as hrst author. George was full of good memories of his past and was always smiling when he looked back on them. Wim Vader, Oliver Coleman, Gauthier Chapelle and I were all privileged to meet George throughout the various stages of our careers. A selection of his scientihc papers include: Crawford, G.I., 1936. Additions to the Plymouth marine fauna (1931) in the crustacean orders Tanaidacea, Isopoda and Amphipoda. Journal of the Marine Biological Association (UK) 21(1): 95 - 106 Crawford, G.I., 1937. An amphipod, Eucrangonyx gracilis S.I. Smith, new to Britain. Nature 139: 327 Crawford, G.I., 1937. A review of the amphipod genus, Corophium with notes on the British species Britain. Journal of the Marine Biological Association (UK) 21(2): 589 -630 Crawford, CL, 1937. Notes on the distribution of burrowing Isopoda and Amphipoda in various soils on the sea bottom near Plymouth. Journal of the Marine Biological Association (UK) 21(2): 631 - 646 Crawford, CL, 1937. The fauna of certain estuaries in West England and South Wales with special reference to the Tanaidacea, Isopoda and Amphipoda. Journal of the Marine Biological Association (UK) 21(2): 647 - 662 Crawford, CL, 1939. The amphipod Melita pellucida with new to Ireland and the Isle of Man. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, Sen 11,3: 530-531 In tribute to George: Coleman, C.O. & Gonzalez, E.R. 2006. New hyalellids (Crustacea, Amphipoda, Hyalellidae) from Lake Titicaca. Organisms Diversity and Evolution 6 (10): 1-28 Hyalella crawfordi Coleman & Gonzalez 2006 Miranda Lowe Pictures and text are taken from http:/ / olnud.livejournal.eom/28886.html Translation from Russian was kindly produced by Aleksander Plotkin. Obituary for Stella Vassilenko An obituary for Stella Vassilenko will be published in fpotaxa. Stella Vassilenko was the only Russian specialist on Caprellidae and Gumacea. As a young woman, she had to choose between studies in biology or music. Her choice fell on biology, despite her beautiful voice, which surely would have given her a good career as a singer. At the beginning of her career she worked on algae, she soon switched to zoology. Since 1963 she worked at the Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg. She did not like to be photographed, but this one picture was secured by her colleagues. She described several new species and was the coauthor of some new families; together with Kudryashov she established the genus Caprogammarus. They also established the family Caprogammaridae for this genus, which combined the features of Caprellidae and Gammaridae. The drawings are examples from Stella’s beautiful artwork. In remembrance of Stella Vassilenko 45 Early Announcement of the 15 ^^ ICA We are pleased to announee that the 15^*^ International Colloquium on Amphipoda is planned to be held in Poland in summer 2013, and organized by the Department of Invertebrate Zoology & Hydrobiology University of Lodz. As the previous two eolloquia in 1980 and in 1994, as well as the European Grustaeean Gonferenee in 2002 were organized by our team in Lodz, this time we deeided to move to another part of Poland. Thus, we would like to invite you to the very pieturesque ranges of Carpathian Mountains, full of nature, wildlife and folklore, not far from the historieal town of Graeov. At the moment we are in stage of making the arrangements with eonferenee venues, so as to host everybody in a most eomfortable, friendly and peaeeful atmosphere. As in the previous years the meeting will last for 5-6 days, ineluding the keynote presentations, thematie sessions and poster presentations. Obviously, you should prepare yourself also for the mid-eonferenee held- trip and soeial program. In the following months we will inform you with more details regarding the exaet dates, plaee and ofheial website for the meeting. We are looking forward to meet you all there! On behalf of the organizing eommittee, Miehal Grabowski Karolina Baeela-Spyehalska The Crustacean Society Summer Meeting 2012 The call for abstracts is out on The Crustacean Society Summer Meeting 2012. The venue will be Athens^ Greece^ and the meeting will be held jointly with the 10th Colloquium Crustacea Decapoda Mediterranea. The Crustacean Society invites submissions of papers for oral and poster presentation and proposals for Symposia topics at its Annual Conference jointly hosted with the Colloquium Crustacea Decapoda Mediterranea in June 2012, in Athens - GREECE. The event will place particular emphasis on innovating research from all areas of crustacean science including systematics, taxonomy, evolution, phylogeny, ecology, behavior, sociobiology, development and larval biology, physiology, symbiosis, parasitology, genetics, molecular biology, biogeography, fossils and ichnology, taphonomy, palaeobiology, conservation and introduced species. Particular focus will be given on issues regarding safety, quality, health, nutrition and other themes related to crustacean farming. Aim of the joined organization is the promotion of meetings, exchange of scientific knowledge and potential collaborations among carcinologists from different regions of the world. You are most welcome to join us for the TCS summer meeting and the 10th Colloquium Crustacea Decapoda Mediterranea in Athens, Greece. Please see for more information The deadline for abstracts is December 15th 2011 ^^rihe 03*07 Crustacean Junt Society 46 XIV ICA Seville 2010 The 14* International Colloquium on Amphipoda (ICA) was held in Seville, Spain from 13-18 September 2010. A total of 137 participants from 30 countries participated in the colloquium. The sessions included 50 oral presentations and 83 posters that were divided within topics on amphipod taxonomy, phylogeny, databases, invasive species, biogeography, molecular approaches and ecotoxicology. Much of the proceedings were published in a special volume of the international journal Zoologica Baetica (2010: vol. 21). Also presented during the meeting was a slide show on ‘Tour Decades of Amphipod Meetings” and a tribute to several members of the amphipod “family” whom have passed namely Sandro Ruffo, Angelo Libertini, Nina L. Tzvetkova and Yoko Wakabara. There was also the opportunity relax, and with a glass of wine in hand, reacquaint with old friends and make new friendships as well. Very warm temperatures (over 40°C) greeted members of the amphipod “family” giving us plenty of opportunity to enjoy the scenery and culture of Seville. This included the typical Spanish ham “jamon” and other Spanish tapas provided during the get-together dinner. We enjoyed the sounds of violins in front of the Giralda during the welcome dinner reception and to visit the “Alcazares” at sunset. After a memorable tour of Seville in horse- drawn carriages, dinner and dancing “sevillanas” occurred aboard ship while sailing on the Guadalquivir River. A day trip to Dohana National Park and to Tarifa Island brought us to the beautiful landscapes and ecosystems of Southern Spain. Thank you! None of the above could have occurred without the work of Jose M. Guerra Garcia and his organizing team. For this, we once again thank you Jose for organizing such a memorable meeting! Images and more can be viewed at amphipoda/seville.pdf For contributions to future Amphipod newsletters: Please contact Adam (abaldinger (at), Miranda (m.lowe(at) or Anne Helene (annehelene.tandberg(at) We are always happy to hear from you: what do you want us to include in the newsletter, do you have information about meetings, how do you think we can improve? Thankyou for your help! Wim, Adam, Miranda and Anne Helene 47