s 583.57 Nllhau 1992 '>&' MONTANA STATE LIBRARY STAT£ DOCUMENTS COLLECTlQu S 583.57 N1 1hau 1992 c.1 Roe Update to the status review of HoweHia 11111 3 0864 00082565 6 retf in 1993 MONTANA STATE LIBRARY 1515 E. 6th AVE- HELENA, MONTANA 59S20 UPDATE TO THE STATUS REVIEW OF HoweHia aouatilis FIELD SURVEYS, MONITORING STUDIES, AND TRANSPLANT EXPERIMENTS 1992 Prepared for: U.S.D.A. Forest Service Flathead National Forest 1935 Third Avenue East Kalispell, MT 59901 Prepared by: Lisa S. Roe Montana Natural Heritage Program State Library Building 1515 E. 6th Avenue Helena, MT 59620 and J. Stephen Shelly U.S.D.A. Forest Service, Region 1 Wildlife and Fisheries P.O. Box 7669 Missoula, MT 59807 Order No. 43-0385-1-0243 April 1992 p| I ?*2£" IP* 9* *t fe ;s „ II This is an abridged report For the full report please contact: The Montana Natural Heritage Program 1515 E Sixth Ave Helena, Montana 59620 406-444-3009 1992 Montana Natural Heritage Program This document should be cited as follows: Roe, L. S., and J. S. Shelly. 1992. Update to the status review of Howellia aquatilis : field surveys, monitoring studies and transplant experiments, U.S.D.A. Forest Service, Flathead National Forest. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT. 51 pp. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ACKNOWLEDGMENTS i SUMMARY ii I . INTRODUCTION . 1 II . REVIEW OF PRESENT STATUS 1 III. UPDATE OF GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION. 2 IV. MONITORING STUDIES 6 V. TRANSPLANT EXPERIMENTS 18 VI . STUDY RECOMMENDATIONS 21 VII . MANAGEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS 22 VIII. ELEMENT OCCURRENCE PRINT-OUTS: RESURVEYED SITES .... 2 3 IX. LITERATURE CITED 50 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Nancy Warren (Flathead National Forest) and Angela Evenden (U.S. Forest Service, Region 1) have been very supportive throughout these studies. Peter Lesica provided valuable insights regarding transplant methods. Jim Stimson (Natural Resource Information System) provided invaluable assistance in compiling the climatological data. Maria Mantas and Anne Morley provided assistance with the field surveys and monitoring studies. SUMMARY Howe Ilia aguatilis Gray (Campanulaceae) is currently included on the sensitive (Montana) and watch (Idaho) species lists in Region 1 of the U.S. Forest Service (U.S. Department of Agriculture 1988; Reel et al. 1989) , and the sensitive list in Region 5 (Shelly and Moseley 1988) . It was recently designated as a Category 1 candidate species by the U.S. Department of Interior (1990). A proposal to list the species as threatened under the federal Endangered Species Act of 1973 is currently being reviewed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Nordstrom 1992). Field inventories for this species have been ongoing in Montana since 1987, and a total of 59 occurrences, in nine locations within the Swan River drainage, have been documented. Ten ponds in the Lake Five area southwest of West Glacier, Montana, were surveyed in 1991. None of them contained H. aguatilis . Thus, a total of 4 37 potential habitats (ponds and other wetlands) have been surveyed to date in Montana, the species having been found in 13.5% of them. Results of population size estimates, and data obtained from transects utilizing line-intercept (1987, 1989, 1990) and frequency measures (1989, 1990, 1991), document the high annual variation in population sizes displayed by this species. These size fluctuations are related to annual variations in climatic factors, especially precipitation and temperature. Because the seeds of H. aguatilis germinate only when exposed to the atmosphere upon drying of the habitat in the fall (Lesica 1990) , the populations are usually smaller in seasons following years when summer precipitation is above normal and/or temperatures are below normal (i.e., 1989, a year in which summer precipitation was above normal, was followed by reduced population sizes in 1990) . These climatic factors, by their influence on the extent of autumn pond drawdown, directly influence subsequent population sizes via their effects on the required seed germination conditions. Results of the 1989 transplant experiments have been mixed. Plants established themselves in two of the four transplant ponds in 1990 (A and B) , and although reduced in number in pond A, were again observed in 1991. Transplant ponds C and D were resurveyed in 1991 and still did not contain H. aguatilis . While ponds A and B continued to successfully support plants in 1991, the reduction in population size could be detrimental. It remains to be seen whether or not these artificially established H. aguatilis populations will remain viable. Recommendations are made for continuing studies. li I . INTRODUCTION This report summarizes the results of ongoing monitoring studies and field surveys conducted from 1988-1991. The principal goal of these studies has been to assess population trends and the conservation status of Howell ia aquatilis Gray (Campanulaceae) . This species occurs on the Flathead National Forest, in Region 1 of the U.S. Forest Service. Previous reports summarize research conducted prior to the 1991 field season (Shelly 1988, 1989; Shelly and Schassberger 1990; Schassberger and Shelly 1991). The field work conducted in 1991 represented the third year of a three-year inventory and analysis project, conducted cooperatively by the Montana Natural Heritage Program and the Flathead National Forest. The purpose of the project was to collect information needed for the preparation of a U.S. Forest Service species conservation strategy. The 1991 goals were to: 1.) continue field surveys of potential habitat for H. aquatilis on the Flathead National Forest. 2.) resurvey 26 populations, emphasizing those found on Flathead National Forest lands, to obtain ongoing estimates of population size, condition, persistence, and response to management activities. 3.) monitor transplant experiments (soil plugs from ponds with high densities of H. aquatilis were placed in unoccupied potential habitats at four locations in September 1989 (Shelly and Schassberger 1990) ) . 4.) continue detailed quantitative monitoring studies, begun in 1988, for five populations; percent frequency measurements were used for this monitoring in 1991. The 1991 field studies were conducted by the authors on 22-27 July. II. REVIEW OF PRESENT STATUS Howellia aquatilis is currently included on the sensitive (Montana) and watch (Idaho) species lists in Region 1 of the U.S. Forest Service (U.S. Department of Agriculture 1988; Reel et al. 1989), and the sensitive list in Region 5 (Shelly and Moseley 1988) . It was recently designated as a Category 1 candidate species by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (U.S. Department of Interior 1990). In 1991, it was proposed for federal listing as threatened by the latter agency, and that proposal is currently in review (Nordstrom 1992) . Also in 1991, the species was petitioned for federal listing as endangered by the Biodiversity Legal Foundation, P. Lesica, the Flathead Chapter of the Montana Native Plant Society, and the Swan View Coalition, for the following reasons: (1) the species has been extirpated from a large portion of its previously known global range. (2) it has a narrow ecological amplitude. (3) it lacks detectable inter- and intrapopulation genetic variation. (4) it is currently known from only two areas that have potential long-term viability (the Swan River drainage, Montana, and in suitable habitats near Spokane, Washington) . (5) threats from habitat alteration in major portions of its range, due to a.) invasion of its habitat by an agressive grass species, Phalaris arundinacea . and b.) timber harvest and associated road construction. (6) a lack of regulations protecting this species in the states in which it is found. A U.S. Forest Service conservation strategy, which addresses management of the populations on Flathead National Forest lands, has been drafted (Shelly 1992) . This strategy is currently in review, and should be implemented by the Flathead National Forest in 1992. III. UPDATE OF GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION Howell ia aouatilis continues to be known from a total of 76 extant populations worldwide: one in Idaho, 59 in Montana, and 16 in Washington. All known Montana populations are located in the Swan River drainage (Lake and Missoula counties), and constitute 77.6% of those known globally for the species. Thirty-eight populations (50% of those known globally) occur wholly or partially on Flathead National Forest lands. The land ownership status for the Montana populations is summarized by Schassberger and Shelly (1991) . Surveys of ten sites suspected to contain potential habitat were conducted in 1991, in the Lake Five area southwest of West Glacier, Montana. None of these sites appeared to support populations of H. aguatilis . Thus, a total of 437 ponds and other wetland habitats have been surveyed to date, in Montana, for the presence of H. aouatilis . The locations of the sites surveyed in 1991 are indicated on pp. 3-4. The results of these field surveys are summarized below. 1991 FIELD SURVEY RESULTS: Lake Five Area, Flathead County, Montana 24-25 July 1991 None of the following ten sites were observed to contain Howell ia aouatilis in 1991 (site numbers correspond to those shown on pp. **-**) . site 9 was very interesting, and should be surveyed earlier in the season for the presence of rare orchid species (i.e, Cv pripedium calceolus ) . Site 1: small pond (dry on date of survey) , with Carex vesicaria r Sium suave; margin surrounded by Populus balsamifera . The riparian corridor to the south contains Alnus sinuata . Salix drummondiana . Betula papyrifera f Picea engelmannii . Larix occidentalis . Pinus contorta , Cornus stolonifera , Carex vesicaria . and Adenocaulon bicolor. Site 2 wetland: Typha latifolia (dominant on south end) , Sium suave, Carex vesicaria (dominant on west end) , Carex rostrata, Potentilla palustris . Eouisetum f luviatile (dominant in central portion), Carex lanuginosa ; surrounded by Betula papyrifera . Populus balsamifera , Alnus sinuata . Clear cut just north of wetland. Site 3 pond: muddy bottom, with Potentilla palustris . Carex vesicaria ; surrounded by Pinus contorta . Populus balsamifera . Salix drummondiana . Site 4 pond: deep, with sparse Carex rostrata ; surrounded by Pinus contorta . with a few Populus balsamifera . Shepherdia canadensis . Site 5 lake: deep, with Carex lasiocarpa (dominates shoreline) , Typha latifolia . Eauisetum arvense , Nuphar polvsepalum (in protected areas) ; surrounded by Pinus contorta forest, with Betula papyrifera . Cornus stolonifera . Betula occidentalis and Shepherdia canadensis . Site 6 Rhamnus alnifolia , Populus balsamifera . Salix drummondiana . Site 7 pond, nearly dry, with Carex rostrata . Populus balsamifera . Alnus sinuata . Cornus stolonifera . Site 8 small dammed area, with ponded portion containing Chara and Typha latifolia . Site 9 spruce bottom, with Taxus brevifolia . Betula papyrifera . Rhamnus alnifolia , Alnus sinuata, Habenaria dilatata . Listera convallarioides . Adenocaulon bicolor, Gvmnocarpium dryopteris . This site needs further survey work, as it may support other plant species of special concern. Site 10 wetland, with Carex lasiocarp a. Carex vesicaria . Populus tremuloides . Populus balsamifera f Alnus sinuata . Salix Candida . IV. MONITORING STUDIES During 1991, 26 previously documented populations were resurveyed, and estimates of population size, and the percentage of each pond occupied by H. aguatilis . were recorded. Updated element occurrence records for these populations are provided in Section VIII, p. 23. Quantitative monitoring of five occurrences (008, 009, 013, 020, and 027) was also continued. The locations of the resurveyed ponds are provided in an earlier status review (Shelly 1988) . The locations of the long-term monitoring sites, and the study methods used, are described by Shelly (1989) . In 1991, after an evaluation of the methods used to monitor H. aguatilis . the line-intercept method of population monitoring was omitted. We felt that this method was too time-consuming in relation to the type of information obtained, and that similar information can be gained by recording percent frequency along the study transects, and by making estimates of total population size and percentage of the ponds occupied by H. aguatilis . Percent frequency was recorded again in 1991, and the line-intercept transects were used for this purpose. Percent frequency was measured by presence/absence in 20x50 cm quadrats placed at one-meter intervals along the transects. RESULTS: The results of the population size surveys are presented in Table 1, p. 7. As stated in previous reports (Shelly and Schassberger 1990, Schassberger and Shelly 1991) , these figures are to be strictly regarded as estimates. Nonetheless, they do indicate that populations remained fairly stable in size from 1987 to 1989; however, between 1989 and 1990, 20 populations were reduced in size by at least 50 percent, and 14 were reduced by more than 75 percent from the previous years' estimates. In 1991, fourteen populations showed a ten percent or greater increase in size, while nine populations remained nearly the same size and three were reduced in size. Of the nine ponds that remained approximately the same size, two were ponds where H. aguatilis populations were reduced to zero individuals in 1990, and which again did not contain plants in 1991. The four ponds for which water depth measurements were taken in both 1988 and 1989 were all deeper during the second year, with Ti a\ 1 a) iH rH > " > 10 3 TJ •H > •H T5 C •H <4-l O J-i 0) e C in a) «h U) (0 •^ •— i w ^ o ° -H = -P ^ (0 ^ • rH ™ ^ D H ooo CU w~ o o o o in o o oo in o o <— o o »- <© cm in o • cm to ••+ «!+,- O+iO I OO+O OOOi o o o «- oo NOOONinnmo Ooo ooo i o in o Ninin«tNMM»-MO«-«0NO«-N»-OMOO«-M'-O(\( ** °.oinooinoointnooinmoooinoooomooin it «OinOmtovmineov*oN-mvN.»»rom*»>r«ocMvcM«- f> CO o o o o o o o o o o O CM to to r~ O >» l i i O • »- i O oooo«-iino ooo inoooooT-S-ooointn CMCMrOCM«-«-mcMtoinc\icMr- * * * * •> * * * « « « * ^5^3£< >J rO«*vOr'«.ocMtoin»oF«-<>ocMin«*in«ON-coo> OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 1 I T3 CI (A 8. ■? £ > ul O CI v , col <♦- o «My • " 5 ? 4-> O — > o> .X > l_ 3 _. "8 o u JC i to o (A (0 o> ca CD o CI CI z z o ac O % pond numbers 020 and 027 significantly deeper in 1989. In 1990, pond number 008 was only slightly less deep than in 1989, the depth of pond 013 remained the same, and the rest were slightly deeper. In 1991, the two ponds in the Condon area (020 and 027) were substantially deeper than in 1990, whereas the three ponds closer to Swan Lake (008, 009, and 013) were all less deep. The water depth measurements are given in Table 2, p. 9, and summarized in Figures 1-6, pp. 10-15. The results from the monitoring transects are also presented in Table 2, and summarized in Figures 1-6. Figure 1 is based on averages of pond depth and percent frequency from all five transect ponds. Figures 2-6 indicate pond depth and percent frequency from each individual transect pond, for the three two-year intervals from 1988-1991. NOTE: Depth measurements were not recorded for pond 008 in 1988; average pond depth for all five ponds is thus based on the remaining four ponds only for that year. DISCUSSION: Populations were observed to be greatly reduced again in 1990, as shown by the results of line-transect, frequency and population size estimate studies. In 1991, most of the populations either increased in size, or remained approximately the same size, in comparison to 1990 observations. However, compared to original 1987 population estimates, all populations, except 023, remain reduced in size. As noted by Lesica (1990) , one possible reason for the fluctuating population sizes could be the date of pond drying each year (see discussion below); this date is undoubtedly influenced by annual patterns of precipitation and temperature (Schassberger and Shelly 1991) . The observed decline in population sizes in nearly all of the surveyed ponds in 1990, and the small increases in population size in 1991, may reflect the suboptimal drying regimes in 1989 and 1990 (i.e., late, and/or inconsequential, drying resulting from prevailing climatic conditions) . The monitoring transect data support the hypothesis that the extent and timing of pond drawdown, as influenced by climatic factors, directly influence the annual population dynamics of H. aguatilis . A review of precipitation patterns, based on data from stations at Bigfork and Seeley Lake, Montana (Tables 3-4, pp. 16-17), is revealing. Data indicate that total precipitation at Bigfork and Seeley Lake was below normal in summer 1988, but above normal in summer 1989 (Tables 3-4). In 1990, total precipitation was near normal from June to August at Seeley Lake and Bigfork. As a result, depths in the five monitoring ponds were shallower in 1988, but deeper in 1989 and 1990 (except for pond 008; Table 2, and Figures 2-6) . In 1991, June precipitation was above normal at both stations, and the water depth again increased in ponds 020 and 027, but decreased in the other 3 ponds (Table 2, p. 9). Thus, significant increases in water depths occurred in all of the ponds in 1989 and 1990, and for two of the ponds in 1991. The subsequent population sizes, as estimated by percent frequency, inversely Table 2. Monitoring transect data, Howell ia aouatilis . Swan Valley, Montana, 1988- -91. Occurrence number 008 009 013 020 027 Date read 1988: 1989: 1990: 1991: 21 JUL 12 JUL 18 JUL 23 JUL 21 JUL 12 JUL 19 JUL 23 JUL 21 JUL 11 JUL 19 JUL 23 JUL 22 JUL 14 JUL 18 JUL 22 JUL 22 JUL 13 JUL 17 JUL 22 JUL Transect length (■) 48.95 50.0 46.0 42.9 50.0 Uater depth (dn) Tape point (m): 20.0 40.0 20.0 40.0 15.0 30.0 10.0 23.0 15.0 30.0 1988 not measured 3.1 3.2 1.7 1.8 2.72 2.64 1.96 1.50 1989 3.4 4.95 3.45 3.55 2.4 2.2 4.45 4.35 4.5 4.0 1990 3.1 4.06 3.6 3.81 2.4 2.1 4.8 4.75 4.7 4.5 1991 2.3 3.6 2.7 2.9 2.0 2.0 5.5 5.4 5.7 5.2 Estimated X cover: 1988 1989 1990 1991 Howe Ilia aqua t i I is 8.21 27.40 2.01 8.48 7.06 7.24 2.95 3.7 6.44 4.87 0.83 6.1 26.29 59.21 6.13 20.3 1.80 5.86 3.28 28.3 X frequency 1989: 1990: 1991: 56 25 56 36 18 18 69 16 31 95 19 26 40 8 6 10 AON3n03Ud % 39VU3AV a i CO CO o< b>. o § OS —I C UJ°- O X CM vJ > o c - SZ ■*-' CL Q) Q i (wp) HJLd3Q QNOd 39VU3AV 11 A0N3n03UJ % w PS 1 CO CD 00 i_ CO O tl O) T-" *_! ~ O CO >* -J ; — h- o 1 < CO 3 O i O < CO o < o (l> —j o -j c LU CD £ 3 o O TO CM > O c CD D cr o v_ LL I > (UUP) HldBQ QNOd 39VH3AV 12 A0N3nD3dd % LO O 00 w PC o fa •r— Ti o> CD 1 C7) 00 O) 00 O G) -J T— V. CO o -J >* h-O < 3 1 ^— ' CO O o _J < O o < o _J -J LLI u c CD £ 1_ -J O I o o o C\J v_! >- >i O c CD D CT CD LL I JZ Q. CD Q I (WP) Hld3Q QNOd 30VU3AV 13 AON3nD3dd % CO o hb < * L 3 o < LLi CO o CD O c CD £§ o X O O o CM o c CD D cr I >- (wp) HldBQ QNOd 30VH3AV 14 A0N3n03bd % in W PC cop 00 LL o ^ ,r " - 3 o o° = o c CD 13 D" i_ UL I > (wp) Hld3Q QNOd 30VU3AV 15 AONanoaad % LO O W PC o En So 1— XL OS CM o c CD cr CD \__ I >■ Ql CD Q (wp) Hld3Q QNOd 39Vd3AV 16 o «- O 00 »0 vt ro r*- o o •O in • o «- o o «- O 00 o «- «- ■ CM o CM o ro o N- CM o «* fc£ M CM CO 00 ro cm >o o oo ro o in o >o z cm o CM r- O O »- o CM «- «- o h- cm oo >o O O *- ro o o ro «- fSIC £$ O i- 00 tO t— o o «- o o «- o o cm o cm «- rO r^ O O O CM in K 00 o 00 -o «- CO O CM o 00 «- rO O fO ^* to ro 00 o CD < o o CM O o »- «* CM CM O «- O i 5 o CM »- o in in «- h. oo O CM o o r<~ cm ro o «o o * * _l =1 «- O in *» »- o o CM «- o «- at o z <0 Q O 00 O O in ro 00 CM o 00 O O g ro in o o CM «- 5 Of UL. C o z ro o i CM O «" 7 CM 0 ro in ro o In K m ro in K- < o r— CM O o o o o «- o o o o o CO w -J CO < O T^ Or- «- «- g S 17 O o «- »- *- (MO r»- o iv cm to in cm S- o o in O r- cm o o *-> 10 r>» in o T~ in r>- oo ro in r*- ro oo CM O N. in CM O o 00 ro o c o z —I CM o ■ »- o • •- o • «- O i CM O ro »- "~ a "5. CM <0 *o ro CM «0 in ** O CM O O «- 00 CM *» in in 00 00 • o •>» 00 O in in F- o o O oo ro «- o «-^ W CQ < >o o ro r^ o 00 O r^ • CM «- o • • o CM <> o o «- 1 >6 o «- o < »— o »— CO z < >* in «- o «- 00 O CM KS »j- in «- o in •* f*- cm oo ro z o o O CM w- r- & & 18 these changes in depth, at least in ponds 009, 013, 020, and 027 (Figures 2-6) . In summary, pond depth, which has been measured during the second half of July, appears to be a reliable predictor of population levels during the following growing season. Deeper pond depths in year one are usually followed by reduced population sizes in year two, presumably as a result of reduced fall drawdown in year one, a resultant low percentage of seed germination, and low numbers of plants in year two. The climate patterns and population levels observed in 1990 and 1991 indicate that suboptimal drying regimes occurred in 1989 and 1990. Pond 044 continued to be deep yellow-red in color, and had what appeared to be an oily slick on the surface of the water, in 1991. This pond did not contain plants in 1990 or 1991, and the H. aouatilis population may have been extirpated. The causes of this reddish color and the oily slick are still unknown. However, the resultant reduction in incoming light due to discoloration may be a factor in the apparent loss of this population. Additional studies, focused on the actual dates and amounts of autumn pond drawdown, and coupled with population size data from the following growing season, are needed to more closely determine the relationship of population size to annual climatic patterns. V. TRANSPLANT EXPERIMENTS METHODS: During September 1989, transplant experiments were initiated by obtaining soil plugs from two ponds containing dense populations of H. aouatilis . The transplants were placed in four ponds that appeared to contain suitable habitat for H. aouatilis . but that had not been observed to support the species. Exact locations of transplant ponds, and methods for the transplant study, are described in Shelly and Schassberger (1990) . Transects at ponds A and B were read on 23 July 1991, and at ponds C and D on 22 July 1991. Transects were read by carefully wading out into the pond and visually searching along the length of the tape for H. aouatilis plants, and then searching the rest of the ponds in case seeds had been dispersed away from the transects. RESULTS: In 1991, as in 1990, Howell ia aouatilis was present in ponds A and B, and not present in ponds C or D. The two-year results for ponds A and B are shown in Table 5, p. 19, and Table 6, p. 20, respectively. No plants were found away from the transects in ponds A or B in 1991. DISCUSSION: As described by Schassberger and Shelly (1991), ponds C and D still contained water on the original transplant date, and it is unlikely that these ponds dried much further prior to freezing. Similar conditions existed in 1991. The failure of Howell ia aouatilis to become established in these ponds is probably a result of incorrect conditions for seed germination (i.e., 19 10 ^ > ■P W (0 -p 10 rH G M 0.10(11 tt O rH II Q) H 10 I (1) o Q*<* H -P u rH (0 <4-l H Q* ■P G a) a) > fr •H ^ -P 0) (d g-P a) a) tP JC •H £ II in o rH id 3 u 1! "8 > > > > t_ c_ c_ L. a> Q> a> co fc 1 o o JS o V— (A (0 >» C c c C a a a a 3 -5 a a a a o o z o z o z *3 «0 O E t- a. *^ 1 "8 > > «_ i_ V 0) 3 8 o o M 0> *J 4-> c c co CO a a o o 4-> C 4-> CO — . — . u "8 IS IS > > > > L. i_ c_ 1_ cu o a> O ^ JS o 1 o JS o CO ♦-> o ♦"» CA (A CA CA «-> 4-> ♦J 4-> w C C c c *-> co CO co a c Q. Q. a a "q «A CA 0) O O o o* Z z z z n» «- «- C\J "8 4-> C 4-> — CO O CO — ' .2 Q. J8 CA *■> C CO Q. W ~> -P W C ^ - rG -p W H C ^ aid«) rH £ CO ttO •H „ rH iH II s •H rH a> rH rH ^•d Q) +J £ £ c «* O ^^ ft m -s Q •£ 2 >4J W *H _ •H >fi «w £ ^ «W W .Q °VA o) c -H jj a T3 " i S w -p (0 w"g 0) H* Q) H I. W 1 " a) o ^ <* w o«(* w . H ^^ TJ W ^ Sffl ft 5 TJ *£ ~ c o c •P 4J -P iflCCO) U (0 Q) > O ^ CP-H Hft^+J W 0) (0 *c e-p -4 (0 0) Q) fl) £ t7> 1 -P > 3 G-H 53 -H £ || • a iH 4 H 20 3 I 3 2L = ~ a o E U "8 "8 > « .8 o ■8 "3. "El "a. "a. -rr -t- -f o o o o "8 "8 H i "8 > > > > i_ <_ l_ JZ t_ O) a> u u o CA JQ X) 15 a (A JQ O O o O CA IA «A (A «J ♦J «■> «-> C c C *■> c a CO "8 "8 > > x: t_ i_ 4-> at 0) Q (A (A a J5 XI X) 4-> o O o (A (A v> 4-> 4-> (A *-> c C «-> c co a c a (0 Q. a. a. a o o 4-> 4-1 C a. a. a. "a a. -± -? o o o o "8 "8 7, 1! Tl > > > > > C_ i_ c t_ t_ a> a> a> 0> *-> «-> (A c c 4-> c c C <-> a CD C CO (0 ID c co CD Q. a a a a. a. "q o o o o o z z r ~ z z z in 21 insufficient fall drawdown, and lack of exposure of the seeds to the atmosphere) . Seeds and/or root systems of other aquatic plant species were, however, successfully transplanted, as demonstrated by the presence of Sium suave and Potamocreton gramineus . both of which were observed along the transects where the soil plugs had been placed. This was especially apparent in Pond D. A small number of H. aquatilis plants were again present in ponds A and B in 1991. Both ponds contained plants that were reproductive. The population size of Pond A was significantly reduced (by 85%) from 1990 levels, but continued to have plants with submergent and/or emergent flowers. Pond B contained five plants in 1991, all of them again having only submergent flowers. A significant phenomenon in the successful transplant ponds has been the appearance of plants at soil plug sites, in the second year following transplanting, where none had appeared during the first year. This suggests that some seeds can retain viability for at least two years, and that H. aquatilis may be capable of forming at least short-lived seed banks. Such seed banks may serve as a buffer against unfavorable drying regimes in certain years, although the longer-term longevity of such seed banks remains unknown. Both of the successful transplant ponds appear to have suitable bottom substrates and drying regimes for seed germination, but mid- season water levels along the transect in Pond B have been too high for the plants to reach the water surface and produce emergent flowers. Only cleistogamous (self -pollinated) submerged flowers were produced by these plants. In summary, results of the transplant studies have been mixed. Although plants were still present in ponds A and B, the great reduction in population size of Pond A means that fewer seeds would be produced in 1991. The possibility of further declines, followed by "extirpation," is high for both ponds. Also, plants continued to be located only along the transect lines, with none being observed elsewhere in the ponds. Continued monitoring will be necessary to fully evaluate these transplant experiments. Again, if these transplant populations remain viable, it might be hypothesized that limited dispersal events keep H. aquatilis from being established in currently uninhabited but suitable ponds. If the transplant populations do not persist, then it is possible that the transplant ponds were unsuitable for H. aquatilis over the longer term, perhaps due to one or more unknown environmental factors aside from those influenced by climate. VI. STUDY RECOMMENDATIONS Population size and percent cover estimates of H. aquatilis appear to be adequate for detecting fluctuations experienced by this 22 species over time. The relationship of these fluctuations to climatic patterns, especially precipitation, is important, and examination of this relationship should be continued. If possible, information on pond drying should be obtained from several marked locations within occupied ponds, in areas that contain a high density of H. aouatilis , and in areas that have no plants present. This would entail evaluating these selected sites at frequent intervals (i.e., weekly) for the months of August and September, and possibly October. Valuable data to collect include the date of drying, length of dry period prior to seed germination, date of seedling emergence, and date of subsequent submergence or burial by snowfall. Finally, it is imperative that monitoring of the transplant ponds be continued to ascertain the long-term success of those experiments. For long-term monitoring of H. aouatilis . population size estimation is the recommended method of study. Frequency measurements can also be used to quantitatively track population shifts from year to year. However, this method requires repeated wading along the transect lines, and the disruption to the bottom substrates and vegetation may be such that it alters the occurrence of H. aouatilis along the transects. All ponds on the Flathead National Forest should continue to be monitored, in order to assess long-term population trends and response to adjacent management activities. VII. MANAGEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS Because of the extremely dynamic relationship of population levels to macroclimatic factors, it is difficult to determine, from the monitoring results to date, whether disturbance adjacent to the ponds is also influencing population size or persistence. Nonetheless, in areas that are managed for timber harvesting, it will be important to maintain undisturbed buffers around the margins of ponds that support H. aouatilis , as described by Shelly (1992) . Such protective buffers would best insure the maintenance of the physical environment of the ponds, and is especially important for ponds that have remained undisturbed. Also, to the extent possible, consideration should be given to maintaining landscape-level corridors among occupied, as well as suitable but unoccupied, pond habitats within the Swan River drainage. The goal of these corridors will be to allow for movement of mammal and bird species that may be serving as seed dispersal agents for H. aouatilis . 23 VIII. ELEMENT OCCURRENCE PRINT-OUTS: RESURVEYED SITES Element Occurrence Record 24 Howell ia a quatilis Occurrence number: 001 Global rank: G2 Forest Service status: SENSITIVE State rank: S2 Federal Status: CI Survey site name: LINDBERGH LAKE EO rank: D EO rank comments: SMALL POPULATION; NORTH MARGIN OF POND IMPACTED BY LOGGING. County: MISSOULA USGS quadrangle: CYGNET LAKE Township: 019N Range: 017W Section: 12 Precision: S Township-range comments: NE4SE4NW4 Survey date: 1984-07-15 Elevation: 4230 First observation: 1984 Slope/aspect: LEVEL Last observation: 1991-07-22 Size (acres) : 2 Location: SWAN VALLEY, 0.68 AIR MILES NNE. FROM THE FIRST FORK ON LINDBERGH LAKE ROAD, CA. 2.5 MILES WEST FROM ST. HWY. 83. Ilement occurrence data: 1991: CA. 25 PLANTS; 1990: 27 PLANTS; 1989: 300-400 PLANTS; 1987: EST. 75-100+ PLANTS; NORTH END OF POND IMPACTED BY LOGGING, WITH SOME SLASH PILED INTO THE WATER. General site description: GLACIAL POTHOLE; WITH CAREX VESICARIA, SIUM SUAVE, RANUNCULUS GMELINII; POPULUS TRICHOCARPA, PINUS CONTORTA, LARIX OCCIDENTALIS, SALIX SP. AROUND POND. Land owner/manager: FLATHEAD NATIONAL FOREST, SWAN LAKE RANGER DISTRICT Comments : Information source: ROE, LISA S. MONTANA NATURAL HERITAGE PROGRAM, 1515 E. 6TH AVE., HELENA, MT. Element Occurrence Record 25 Howell ia aquatilis Recurrence number: 006 Global rank: G2 Forest Service status: SENSITIVE State rank: S2 Federal Status: CI Survey site name: CONDON CREEK EO rank: C EO rank comments: LARGE POPULATION; AREA THREATENED BY LOGGING. County: MISSOULA USGS quadrangle: CONDON Township: 021N Range: 016W Section: 18 Precision: S Township-range comments: NE4NW4SW4 Survey date: 1986-07-14 Elevation: 3740 First observation: 1986 Slope/aspect: LEVEL Last observation: 1991-07-25 Size (acres) : 1 Location: SWAN VALLEY, WEST BASE OF SWAN RANGE UPLIFT, 3.5 AIR MILES NORTH OF CONDON, 2,1 AIR MILES EAST OF ST. HWY. 83, 0.1 AIR MILES SOUTH OF CONDON CREEK. ^■lement occurrence data: 1991: CA. 800-1000 PLANTS; 1990: 500-1000 PLANTS; 1989 AND 1987: EST. 1000-2000 PLANTS (MANY PLANTS DISTURBED BY MOOSE AND/OR WATERFOWL ACTIVITY) ; AREA IS ACTIVELY THREATENED BY LOGGING ROAD CONSTRUCTION AND TIMBER HARVESTING. General site description: VERNAL POND, IN PINUS PONDEROSA/LARIX OCCIDENTALIS FOREST; WITH SIUM SUAVE, CAREX VESICARIA, RANUNCULUS AQUATILIS, VERONICA CATENATA, CALLITRICHE HETEROPHYLLA. Land owner/manager: FLATHEAD NATIONAL FOREST, SWAN LAKE RANGER DISTRICT Comments : VOUCHER-LESICA, P. (3965), 1986, SPECIMEN #104450 (MONTU) . Information source: ROE, LISA S. MONTANA NATURAL HERITAGE PROGRAM, 1515 E. 6TH AVE., HELENA, MT. Element Occurrence Record 2 6 Howe Ilia aguatilis Recurrence number: 007 Global rank: G2 Forest Service status: SENSITIVE State rank: S2 Federal Status: CI Survey site name: SWAN RIVER WEST EO rank: AB EO rank comments: VERY LARGE POPULATION; NEARBY STATE LAND IS LOGGED. County : LAKE USGS quadrangle: CILLY CREEK Township: 024N Range: 018W Section: 14 Precision: S Township-range comments: SW4SE4SE4 Survey date: 1987-07-01 Elevation: 3190 First observation: 1987 Slope/aspect: LEVEL Last observation: 1991-07-25 Size (acres) : 1 Location: WEST SIDE OF SWAN VALLEY, 1.4 AIR MILES WEST OF ST. HWY . 83; 0.57 AIR MILE WEST OF SWAN RIVER; CA. 6.5 AIR MILES SOUTH OF SWAN LAKE (TOWN). • lement occurrence data: 1991: CA. 1000-2000 PLANTS; 1990: 500-1000 PLANTS; 1989: 1000-2000 PLANTS; 1987: ABOUT 3000-4000 PLANTS, POSSIBLY MORE PLANTS; VERY DENSE, AND FORMING MATS, IN WEST POND; THE TWO PONDS, WHICH ARE SEPARATED BY A SALIX BORDER, ARE JOINED BY HIGHER WATER IN THE SPRING. General site description: IN TWO SMALL, ADJACENT GLACIAL POTHOLES, IN 1-2 FEET OF WATER; WITH CAREX VESICARIA, EQUISETUM FLUVIATILE, SIUM SUAVE; POPULUS TRICHOCARPA, BETULA PAPYRIFERA AROUND PONDS. Land owner/manager: FLATHEAD NATIONAL FOREST, SWAN LAKE RANGER DISTRICT Comments : VOUCHER-SHELLY, J.S. (1356), 1987, MONTU. pH = 7.20 IN WEST POND. Information source: ROE, LISA S. MONTANA NATURAL HERITAGE PROGRAM, 1515 E. 6TH AVE. HELENA, MT. Element Occurrence Record 27 Howell ia aquatilis Recurrence number: 008 Global rank: G2 Forest Service status: SENSITIVE State rank: S2 Federal Status: CI Survey site name: LOST CREEK-CILLY CREEK PONDS EO rank: B EO rank comments: LARGE, VIGOROUS POPULATION; IN GOOD CONDITION HABITAT. County: LAKE USGS quadrangle: CILLY CREEK Township: 024N Range: 017W Section: 06 Precision: S Township-range comments: N2SE4 Survey date: 1987-07-07 Elevation: 3190 First observation: 1987 Slope/aspect: LEVEL Last observation: 1991-07-23 Size (acres) : 2 Location: SWAN VALLEY, CA. 4.5 AIR MILES SSE. OF SWAN LAKE (TOWN); 0.5 AIR MILES EAST OF ST. HWY. 83; 0.5 AIR MILES SSE. OF CONFLUENCE OF NORTH AND SOUTH FORKS LOST CREEK. Element occurrence data: 1991: CA. 1000-2000 PLANTS; 1990: 40+ PLANTS; 1989: 1000-1500 PLANTS; 1987: EST. 2000-3000 PLANTS, IN A SINGLE POND; SURROUNDED BY A RELATIVELY UNDISTURBED FOREST, WHICH WAS REPORTEDLY LIGHTLY SELECTIVELY LOGGED IN ABOUT 1910. General site description: THROUGHOUT A GLACIAL POTHOLE POND, BOTTOM SOIL OF CONSOLIDATED CLAY MUCK; WITH SIUM SUAVE, RANUNCULUS AQUATILIS, GLYCERIA BOREALIS, CAREX VESICARIA, POTAMOGETON, ELEOCHARIS. Land owner/manager: FLATHEAD NATIONAL FOREST, SWAN LAKE RANGER DISTRICT Comments: VOUCHER-SHELLY, J.S. (1358) AND ANNE MORLEY, 1987, MONTU. pH=7 . 57 . Information source: ROE, LISA S. MONTANA NATURAL HERITAGE PROGRAM, 1515 E. 6TH AVE., HELENA, MT. Element Occurrence Record 28 Howell ia aouatilis occurrence number: 009 Global rank: G2 Forest Service status: SENSITIVE State rank: S2 Federal Status: CI Survey site name: LOST CREEK-CILLY CREEK PONDS EO rank: C EO rank comments: MEDIUM-SIZED POPULATION, ADJACENT FOREST PREVIOUSLY LOGGED. County : LAKE USGS quadrangle: CILLY CREEK Township: 024N Range: 017W Section: 07 Precision: S Township-range comments: NE4NE4NE4 Survey date: 1987-07-01 Elevation: 3250 First observation: 1987 Slope/aspect: LEVEL Last observation: 1991-07-23 Size (acres) : 3 Location: SWAN VALLEY, 0.6 AIR MILES EAST OF ST. HWY. 83, 0.6 AIR MILES SOUTH OF SOUTH FORK LOST CREEK, CA. 5.0 AIR MILES SSE OF" SWAN LAKE (TOWN). Ilement occurrence data: 1991: CA. 40 PLANTS; 1990: 220+ PLANTS (SEVERAL AREAS HIGH COVER OF Lemna minor); 1989: 500-1000 PLANTS (SPECIES DOES NOT OCCUPY ALL OF THE AVAILABLE, SUITABLE HABITAT AT THIS SITE); 1987: EST. 500-600 PLANTS; AREAS AROUND SOUTH AND EAST SIDES OF POND, CLEARCUT CA. 15 YEARS AGO. General site description: IN SHALLOW WATER OF A GLACIAL POND, ORGANIC CLAY BOTTOM; WITH EQUISETUM FLUVIATILE, CAREX VESICARIA, SIUM SUAVE; POPULUS TRICH6CARPA BORDERING POND. Land owner/manager: FLATHEAD NATIONAL FOREST, SWAN LAKE RANGER DISTRICT Comments : VOUCHER-SHELLY, J.S. (1357) AND ANNE MORLEY, 1987, MONTU. Information source: ROE, LISA S. MONTANA NATURAL HERITAGE PROGRAM, 1515 E. 6TH AVE., HELENA, MT. Element Occurrence Record 29 Howellia aguatilis Recurrence number: 012 Global rank: G2 Forest Service status: SENSITIVE State rank: S2 Federal Status: CI Survey site name: LOST CREEK-CTLLY CREEK PONDS EO rank: C EO rank comments: MODERATE-SIZED POPULATION; SURROUNDING FOREST LOGGED. County: LAKE USGS quadrangle: CILLY CREEK Township: 024N Range: 017W Section: 08 Precision: S Township-range comments: NE4SW4NW4,SE4NW4NW4 Survey date: 1987-07-07 Elevation: 3235 First observation: 1987 Slope/aspect: LEVEL Last observation: 1991-07-23 Size (acres) : 2 Location: SWAN VALLEY, 0.83 AIR MILES EAST OF ST. HWY 83, 0.37 AIR MILES NORTH OF CILLY CREEK, CA. 5.0 AIR MILES SSE OF SWAN LAKE (TOWN). ^lement occurrence data: ) 1991: CA. 260 PLANTS; 1990: EST. 35 PLANTS (Nuphar VERY ABUNDANT, H. aquatilis SCATTERED AMONG Sium suave); 1989: 16 PLANTS; 1987: EST. 400-500 PLANTS; MUCH OF POND HAS NO VEGETATION; LOGGING HAS OCCURRED AROUND POND. General site description: IN SHALLOW WATER OF A GLACIAL DEPRESSION, SOILS FAIRLY UNCONSOLIDATED; WITH NUPHAR VARIEGATUM, SIUM SUAVE, POTAMOGETON SP. , POPULUS TRICHOCARPA, BETULA PAPYRIFERA AROUND POND. Land owner/manager: FLATHEAD NATIONAL FOREST, SWAN LAKE RANGER DISTRICT Comments : SIGHT RECORD, NO VOUCHER SPECIMEN COLLECTED; SITE SURVEYED WITH ANNE MORLEY (SWAN LAKE, MT) . Information source: ROE, LISA S. MONTANA NATURAL HERITAGE PROGRAM, 1515 E. 6TH AVE., HELENA, MT. Element Occurrence Record 30 Howell ia aquatilis Recurrence number: 013 Global rank: G2 Forest Service status: SENSITIVE State rank: S2 Federal Status: CI Survey site name: LOST CREEK-CILLY CREEK PONDS EO rank: C EO rank comments: LARGE POPULATION; SURROUNDING FOREST LOGGED. County : LAKE USGS quadrangle: CILLY CREEK Township: 024N Range: 017W Section: 08 Precision: S Township-range comments: N2SW4NW4 Survey date: 1987-07-07 Elevation: 3240 First observation: 1987 Slope/aspect: LEVEL Last observation: 1991-07-23 Size (acres) : 2 Location: SWAN VALLEY, 0.79 AIR MILES EAST OF ST. HWY 83, 0.3 6 AIR MILES NORTH OF CILLY CREEK, CA. 5.0 AIR MILES SSE OF SWAN LAKE (TOWN). • lement occurrence data: 1991: CA. 310 PLANTS; 1990: 33 PLANTS; 1989: 500-1000 PLANTS; 1987: EST. 1000-1500 PLANTS; LOGGING HAS OCCURRED AROUND POND. General site description: IN SHALLOW WATER OF A GLACIAL DEPRESSION; OPENINGS AMONG CAREX VESICARIA, WITH SIUM SUAVE, ELEOCHARIS PALUSTRIS, CAREX ROSTRATA; POPULUS TRICHOCARPA, BETULA PAPYRIFERA AROUND POND Land owner/manager: FLATHEAD NATIONAL FOREST, SWAN LAKE RANGER DISTRICT Comments : VOUCHER - SHELLY, J.S. (13 59) AND ANNE MORLEY, 1987, MONTU. Information source: ROE, LISA S. MONTANA NATURAL HERITAGE PROGRAM, 1515 E. 6TH AVE., HELENA, MT. Element Occurrence Record 31 Howell ia aquatilis Vccurrence number: 014 Global rank: G2 Forest Service status: SENSITIVE State rank: S2 Federal Status: CI Survey site name: LOST CREEK-CILLY CREEK PONDS EO rank: C EO rank comments: MODERATE-SIZED POPULATION; SURROUNDING FOREST LOGGED. County : LAKE USGS quadrangle: CILLY CREEK Township: 024N Range: 017W Section: 08 Precision: S Township-range comments: NW4SW4NW4 Survey date: 1987-07-07 Elevation: 3245 First observation: 1987 Slope/aspect: LEVEL Last observation: 1991-07-23 Size (acres) : 2 Location: SWAN VALLEY, 0.68 AIR MILES EAST OF ST. HWY 83, 0.44 AIR MILES NORTH OF CILLY CREEK, CA. 5.0 AIR MILES SSE OF SWAN LAKE (TOWN). Element occurrence data: 1991: CA. 80-100 PLANTS; 1990: 150-250 PLANTS (SEVERAL AREAS OF DENSE Potamogeton) ; 1989: 500+ PLANTS; 1987: EST. 300-400 PLANTS; LOGGING HAS OCCURRED IN ADJACENT FORESTS. General site description: IN SHALLOW WATER OF A GLACIAL DEPRESSION; AROUND LOGS & IN OPENINGS AMONG CAREX VESICARIA, WITH SIUM SUAVE , POTAMOGETON SPP; POPULUS TRICHOCARPA, P. TREMULOIDES, BETULA PAPYRIFERA. Land owner/manager: FLATHEAD NATIONAL FOREST, SWAN LAKE RANGER DISTRICT Comments : SIGHT RECORD, NO VOUCHER SPECIMEN COLLECTED; SITE SURVEYED WITH ANNE MORLEY (SWAN LAKE, MT) ; pH = 7.00. Information source: ROE, LISA S. MONTANA NATURAL HERITAGE PROGRAM, 1515 E. 6TH AVE., HELENA, MT. Element Occurrence Record 32 Howellia aguatilis Recurrence number: 016 Global rank: G2 Forest Service status: SENSITIVE State rank: S2 Federal Status: CI Survey site name: LOST CREEK-CILLY CREEK PONDS EO rank: C EO rank comments: MODERATE-SIZED POPULATION; ADJACENT TO LOGGING ROAD. County : LAKE USGS quadrangle: CILLY CREEK Township: 024N Range: 017W Section: 07 Precision: S Township-range comments: SE4SE4NE4, NE4NE4SE4 Survey date: 1987-07-07 Elevation: 3235 First observation: 1987 Slope/aspect: LEVEL Last observation: 1991-07-23 Size (acres) : 2 Location: SWAN VALLEY, 0.61 AIR MILES EAST OF ST. HWY 83, 0.18 AIR MILES NORTH OF CILLY CREEK, CA. 5.0 AIR MILES SSE OF SWAN LAKE (TOWN). .Element occurrence data: 1991: CA. 70 PLANTS; 1990: 300-500 PLANTS (Carex vesicaria VERY DENSE; H. aguatilis ONLY IN SHALLOW OPEN WATER AT EDGES OF POND, EMERGENT FLOWERS); 1989: 1000-1500 PLANTS; 1987: EST. 400+ PLANTS; ADJACENT TO LOGGING ROAD. General site description: IN SHALLOW WATER OF A GLACIAL DEPRESSION; WITH CAREX VESICARIA, SIUM SUAVE; POPULUS TRICHOCARPA BORDERING POND. Land owner/manager: FLATHEAD NATIONAL FOREST, SWAN LAKE RANGER DISTRICT Comments : SIGHT RECORD, NO VOUCHER SPECIMEN COLLECTED; SITE SURVEYED WITH ANNE MORLEY (SWAN LAKE, MT) . Information source: ROE, LISA S. MONTANA NATURAL HERITAGE PROGRAM, 1515 E. 6TH AVE., HELENA, MT. Element Occurrence Record 3 3 Howell ia aguatilis • ccurrence number: 017 Global rank: G2 Forest Service status: SENSITIVE State rank: S2 Federal Status: CI Survey site name: LOST CREEK-CILLY CREEK PONDS EO rank: D EO rank comments: SMALL POPULATION; ADJACENT TO LOGGING ROAD. County : LAKE USGS quadrangle: CILLY CREEK Township: 024N Range: 017W Section: 08 Precision: S Township-range comments: SW4SW4NW4 Survey date: 1987-07-07 Elevation: 3245 First observation: 1987 Slope/aspect: LEVEL Last observation: 1991-07-23 Size (acres) : 3 Location: SWAN VALLEY, 0.71 AIR MILES EAST OF ST. HWY 83, 0.25 AIR MILES NORTH OF CILLY CREEK, CA. 5.0 AIR MILES SSE OF SWAN LAKE (TOWN). Element occurrence data: 1991: PLANTS; 1990: PLANTS (WATER POSSIBLY TOO DEEP, Carex vesicaria DENSE); 1989: 10-20; 1987: EST. 10-12 PLANTS; ADJACENT TO LOGGING ROAD; THIS DEPRESSION WAS MUCH DRYER THAN THE OTHERS, HOWELLIA AQUATILIS PRESENT IN A FEW PUDDLES; HABITAT MAY BE MORE ADVANCED SUCCESS IONALLY THAN NEARBY PONDS. General site description: IN SHALLOW WATER OF A GLACIAL DEPRESSION; WITH CAREX VESICARIA, SIUM SUAVE, POTAMOGETON, CAREX ROSTRATA, POTENTILLA PALUSTRIS; POPULUS TREMULOIDES AROUND POND. Land owner/manager: FLATHEAD NATIONAL FOREST, SWAN LAKE RANGER DISTRICT Comments : SIGHT RECORD; NO VOUCHER SPECIMEN COLLECTED; SITE SURVEYED WITH ANNE MORLEY (SWAN LAKE, MT) . Information source: ROE, LISA S. MONTANA NATURAL HERITAGE PROGRAM, 1515 E. 6TH AVE., HELENA, MT. Element Occurrence Record 34 Howell ia aquatilis Recurrence number: 020 Global rank: G2 Forest Service status: SENSITIVE State rank: S2 Federal Status: CI Survey site name: CONDON CREEK EO rank: C EO rank comments: LARGE POPULATION; AREA BEING LOGGED. County: MISSOULA USGS quadrangle: CONDON Township: 021N Range: 016W Section: 18 Precision: S Township-range comments: SW4NE4SW4 Survey date: 1987-07-02 Elevation: 3740 First observation: 1987 Slope/aspect: LEVEL Last observation: 1991-07-22 Size (acres): 2 Location: SWAN VALLEY, 3.3 AIR MILES NORTH OF CONDON, 2.13 AIR MILES EAST OF ST. HWY 83, 0.25 AIR MILES SOUTH OF CONDON CREEK. Element occurrence data: 1991: CA. 210 PLANTS; 1990: 190+ PLANTS; 1989: 1000-1500 PLANTS; 1987: EST. 1000 PLANTS; NEARBY FORESTS RECENTLY LOGGED. General site description: IN SHALLOW WATER OF A GLACIAL DEPRESSION; WITH SIUM SUAVE, CAREX VESICARIA; POPULUS TRICHOCARPA, PINUS PONDEROSA, LARIX OCCIDENTALIS IN SURROUNDING FOREST. Land owner/manager: FLATHEAD NATIONAL FOREST, SWAN LAKE RANGER DISTRICT Comments : SIGHT RECORD, NO VOUCHER SPECIMEN COLLECTED. pH=7.28. Information source: ROE, LISA S. MONTANA NATURAL HERITAGE PROGRAM, 1515 E. 6TH AVE., HELENA, MT. Element Occurrence Record 35 Howell ia aouatilis Recurrence number: 022 Global rank: G2 Forest Service status: SENSITIVE State rank: S2 Federal Status: CI Survey site name: CONDON CREEK EO rank: C EO rank comments: MEDIUM-SIZED POPULATION; AREA BEING LOGGED. County: MISSOULA USGS quadrangle: CONDON Township: 021N Range: 016W Section: 18 Precision: S Township-range comments: SW4NE4SW4 Survey date: 1987-07-02 Elevation: 3750 First observation: 1987 Slope/aspect: LEVEL Last observation: 1991-07-25 Size (acres) : 1 Location: SWAN VALLEY, 3.28 AIR MILES NORTH OF CONDON, 2.18 AIR MILES EAST OF ST. HWY 83, 0.27 AIR MILES SOUTH OF CONDON CREEK. Ilement occurrence data: 1991: CA. 100 PLANTS; 1990: 60-100 PLANTS (WATER DEEP RED-YELLOW, Sium suave SPARSE); 1989: 500-1000 PLANTS; 1987: EST. 200 PLANTS; NEARBY FORESTS RECENTLY LOGGED. General site description: IN SHALLOW WATER OF A GLACIAL DEPRESSION; WITH SIUM SUAVE, CAREX VESICARIA; POPULUS TRICHOCARPA, PINUS PONDEROSA, LARIX OCCIDENTALIS IN SURROUNDING FOREST. Land owner/manager: FLATHEAD NATIONAL FOREST, SWAN LAKE RANGER DISTRICT Comments : SIGHT RECORD, NO VOUCHER SPECIMEN COLLECTED. Information source: ROE, LISA S. MONTANA NATURAL HERITAGE PROGRAM, 1515 E. 6TH AVE., HELENA, MT. Element Occurrence Record 3 6 Howellia aouatilis occurrence number: 023 Global rank: G2 Forest Service status: SENSITIVE State rank: S2 Federal Status: CI Survey site name: CONDON CREEK EO rank: C EO rank comments: MEDIUM-SIZED POPULATION; AREA BEING LOGGED. County: MISSOULA USGS quadrangle: CONDON Township: 021N Range: 016W Section: 18 Precision: S Township-range comments: NW4SE4SW4 Survey date: 1987-07-02 Elevation: 3740 First observation: 1987 Slope/aspect: LEVEL Last observation: 1991-07-25 Size (acres) : 1 Location: SWAN VALLEY, 3.2 AIR MILES NORTH OF CONDON, 2.10 AIR MILES EAST OF ST. HWY 83, 0.35 AIR MILES SOUTH OF CONDON CREEK. Ilement occurrence data: 1991: CA. 110 PLANTS; 1990: 20 PLANTS; 1989: 400-500 PLANTS; 1987: 3 PLANTS (1987); SEVERAL HUNDRED PLANTS OBSERVED IN 1986 BY P. LESICA; NEARBY FORESTS RECENTLY LOGGED. General site description: IN SHALLOW WATER OF A GLACIAL DEPRESSION; WITH SIUM SUAVE, CAREX VESICARIA; POPULUS TRICHOCARPA, PINUS PONDEROSA, LARIX OCCIDENTALS IN SURROUNDING FOREST. Land owner/manager: FLATHEAD NATIONAL FOREST, SWAN LAKE RANGER DISTRICT Comments : SIGHT RECORD, NO VOUCHER SPECIMEN COLLECTED. Information source: ROE, LISA S. MONTANA NATURAL HERITAGE PROGRAM, 1515 E. 6TH AVE., HELENA, MT. Element Occurrence Record 37 Howellia aquatilis Recurrence number: 025 Global rank: G2 Forest Service status: SENSITIVE State rank: S2 Federal Status: CI Survey site name: CONDON CREEK EO rank: D EO rank comments: SMALL POPULATION; POND MARGIN IMPACTED BY LOGGING. County: MISSOULA USGS quadrangle: CONDON Township: 021N Range: 016W Section: 18 Precision: S Township-range comments: S2SE4SW4 Survey date: 1987-07-02 Elevation: 3750 First observation: 1987 Slope/aspect: LEVEL Last observation: 1991-07-25 Size (acres) : 2 Location: SWAN VALLEY, 3.08 AIR MILES NORTH OF CONDON, 2.18 AIR MILES EAST OF ST. HWY 83, 0.4 5 AIR MILES SOUTH OF CONDON CREEK. • lement occurrence data: 1991: CA. 15 PLANTS; 1990: O PLANTS (Carex AND Nuphar VERY EXTENSIVE); 1989: 100-125 PLANTS; 1987: EST. 25 PLANTS; POND MARGINS RECENTLY DISTURBED BY LOGGING. General site description: IN SHALLOW WATER OF A GLACIAL DEPRESSION; WITH SIUM SUAVE, CAREX VESICARIA; POPULUS TRICHOCARPA, PINUS PONDEROSA, LARIX OCCIDENTALS IN SURROUNDING FOREST. Land owner/manager: FLATHEAD NATIONAL FOREST, SWAN LAKE RANGER DISTRICT Comments : SIGHT RECORD, NO VOUCHER SPECIMEN COLLECTED. Information source: ROE, LISA S. MONTANA NATURAL HERITAGE PROGRAM, 1515 E. 6TH AVE., HELENA, MT. Element Occurrence Record 38 Howell ia aquatilis Recurrence number: 026 Global rank: G2 Forest Service status: SENSITIVE State rank: S2 Federal Status: CI Survey site name: CONDON CREEK EO rank: C EO rank comments: MEDIUM-SIZED POPULATION; AREA BEING LOGGED. County: MISSOULA USGS quadrangle: CONDON Township: 021N Range: 016W Section: 18 Precision: S Township-range comments: SE4NW4SW4 Survey date: 1987-07-02 Elevation: 3710 First observation: 1987 Slope/aspect: LEVEL Last observation: 1991-07-26 Size (acres) : 1 Location: SWAN VALLEY, 3.29 AIR MILES NORTH OF CONDON, 1.97 AIR MILES EAST OF ST. HWY 83, 0.28 AIR MILES SOUTH OF CONDON CREEK. .Element occurrence data: 1991: CA. 1000-2000 PLANTS; 1990: 1000-1500 (VERY DENSE WITH MANY EMERGENT FLOWERING STEMS, ONLY MISSING FROM SHALLOW EDGES OF NORTHERN END OF POND); 1989: 500-1000 PLANTS; 1987: EST. 200-300 PLANTS; NEARBY FORESTS RECENTLY LOGGED. General site description: IN SHALLOW WATER OF A GLACIAL DEPRESSION; WITH SIUM SUAVE, CAREX VESICARIA; POPULUS TRICHOCARPA, PINUS PONDEROSA, LARIX OCCIDENTALS IN SURROUNDING FOREST. Land owner/manager: FLATHEAD NATIONAL FOREST, SWAN LAKE RANGER DISTRICT Comments : SIGHT RECORD, NO VOUCHER SPECIMEN COLLECTED. Information source: ROE, LISA S. MONTANA NATURAL HERITAGE PROGRAM, 1515 E. 6TH AVE., HELENA, MT. Element Occurrence Record 39 Howellia aquatilis Recurrence number: 027 Global rank: G2 Forest Service status: SENSITIVE State rank: S2 Federal Status: CI Survey site name: CONDON CREEK EO rank: D EO rank comments: MEDIUM-SIZED POPULATION; POND MARGIN IMPACTED BY LOGGING. County: MISSOULA USGS quadrangle: CONDON Township: 021N Range: 016W Section: 18 Precision: S Township-range comments: NW4SW4SW4 Survey date: 1987-07-02 Elevation: 3690 First observation: 1987 Slope/aspect: LEVEL Last observation: 1991-07-22 Size (acres) : 2 Location: SWAN VALLEY, 3.18 AIR MILES NORTH OF CONDON, 1.84 AIR MILES EAST OF ST. HWY 83, 0.4 AIR MILES SOUTH OF CONDON CREEK. 4 lement occurrence data: 1991: CA. 195 PLANTS; 1990: 200+ PLANTS; 1989: 300-400 PLANTS; 1987: EST. 300 PLANTS; SOUTH MARGIN OF POND RECENTLY DISTURBED BY LOGGING. General site description: IN SHALLOW WATER OF A GLACIAL DEPRESSION; WITH SIUM SUAVE, CAREX VESICARIA; POPULUS TRICHOCARPA, PINUS PONDEROSA, LARIX OCCIDENTALIS IN SURROUNDING FOREST. Land owner/manager: FLATHEAD NATIONAL FOREST, SWAN LAKE RANGER DISTRICT Comments : SIGHT RECORD, NO VOUCHER SPECIMEN COLLECTED. pH=7.66. Information source: ROE, LISA S. MONTANA NATURAL HERITAGE PROGRAM, 1515 E. 6TH AVE., HELENA, MT. Element Occurrence Record 40 Howell ia aouatilis Occurrence number: 029 Global rank: G2 Forest Service status: SENSITIVE State rank: S2 Federal Status: CI Survey site name: CONDON CREEK EO rank: D EO rank comments: MEDIUM-SIZED POPULATION; POND MARGINS IMPACTED BY LOGGING. County: MISSOULA USGS quadrangle: CONDON Township: 021N Range: 016W Section: 19 Precision: S Township-range comments: NW4NW4NW4 Survey date: 1987-07-02 Elevation: 3690 First observation: 1987 Slope/aspect: LEVEL Last observation: 1991-07-26 Size (acres) : 2 Location: SWAN VALLEY, 2.97 AIR MILES NORTH OF CONDON, 1.88 AIR MILES EAST OF ST. HWY 83, 0.59 AIR MILES SOUTH OF CONDON CREEK. llement occurrence data: 1991: CA. 165 PLANTS; 1990: 100-200 PLANTS (ONLY IN VERY SHALLOW EDGE WATERS); 1989: 500-1000 PLANTS; 1987: EST. 200-300 PLANTS; POND MARGINS RECENTLY DISTURBED BY LOGGING. General site description: IN SHALLOW WATER OF A GLACIAL DEPRESSION; WITH SIUM SUAVE, CAREX VESICARIA; POPULUS TRICHOCARPA, PINUS PONDEROSA, LARIX OCCIDENTALS IN SURROUNDING FOREST. Land owner/manager: BURLINGTON NORTHERN LAND Comments : SIGHT RECORD, NO VOUCHER SPECIMEN COLLECTED. Information source: ROE, LISA S. MONTANA NATURAL HERITAGE PROGRAM, 1515 E. 6TH AVE., HELENA, MT. Element Occurrence Record 41 Howell ia aquatilis Recurrence number: 030 Global rank: G2 Forest Service status: SENSITIVE State rank: S2 Federal Status: CI Survey site name: CONDON CREEK EO rank: D EO rank comments: LARGE POPULATION; POND MARGINS IMPACTED BY LOGGING. County: MISSOULA USGS quadrangle: CONDON Township: 02 IN Range: 016W Section: 19 Precision: S Township-range comments: NE4NE4NW4 Survey date: 1987-07-02 Elevation: 3740 First observation: 1987 Slope/aspect: LEVEL Last observation: 1991-07-26 Size (acres) : 1 Location: SWAN VALLEY, 2.99 AIR MILES NORTH OF CONDON, 2.19 AIR MILES EAST OF ST. HWY 83, 0.55 AIR MILES SOUTH OF CONDON CREEK. • lement occurrence data: 1991: CA. 15 PLANTS; 1990: PLANTS; 1989 AND 1987: EST. 1000 PLANTS; POND MARGINS RECENTLY DISTURBED BY LOGGING. General site description: IN SHALLOW WATER OF A GLACIAL DEPRESSION; WITH SIUM SUAVE, CAREX VESICARIA; POPULUS TRICHOCARPA, PINUS PONDEROSA, LARIX OCCIDENTALIS IN SURROUNDING FOREST. Land owner/manager: BURLINGTON NORTHERN LAND Comments : SIGHT RECORD, NO VOUCHER SPECIMEN COLLECTED. Information source: ROE, LISA S. MONTANA NATURAL HERITAGE PROGRAM, 1515 E. 6TH AVE., HELENA, MT. Element Occurrence Record 42 Howell ia aquatilis Recurrence number: 032 Global rank: G2 Forest Service status: SENSITIVE State rank: S2 Federal Status: CI Survey site name: LINDBERGH LAKE EO rank: B EO rank comments: MEDIUM-SIZED POPULATION; HABITAT RELATIVELY UNDISTURBED. County: MISSOULA USGS quadrangle: CYGNET LAKE Township: 019N Range: 016W Section: 07 Precision: S Township-range comments: SE4SW4NW4 Survey date: 1983-07-24 Elevation: 4165 First observation: 1983 Slope/aspect: LEVEL Last observation: 1991-07-26 Size (acres) : 2 Location: SWAN VALLEY, 0.16 AIR MILES SOUTH OF LINDBERGH LAKE RD. , CA. 1.75 AIR MILES WEST OF ST. HWY 83. Ilement occurrence data: 1991: CA. 25 PLANTS; 1990: 3-10 PLANTS (PLANTS INTERTWINED, DIFFICULT TO ESTIMATE; FEW Sium suave PRESENT); 1989: 750-1000 PLANTS; 1983: EST. 101-1000 PLANTS. General site description: GLACIAL POTHOLE, IN ONE TO TWO FEET OF WATER; WITH EQUISETUM FLUVIATILE, SIUM SUAVE, TYPHA, CAREX ROSTRATA; POPULUS TRICHOCARPA, P. TREMULOIDES AROUND POND. Land owner/manager: PRIVATELY OWNED LAND (INDIVIDUAL OR CORPORATE) Comments : Information source: ROE, LISA S. MONTANA NATURAL HERITAGE PROGRAM, 1515 E. 6TH AVE., HELENA, MT. Element Occurrence Record 4 3 Hovel lia aguatilis iccurrence number: 035 Global rank: G2 Forest Service status: SENSITIVE State rank: S2 Federal Status: CI Survey site name: LINDBERGH LAKE EO rank: B EO rank comments: MEDIUM-SIZED POPULATION; HABITAT RELATIVELY UNDISTURBED. County: MISSOULA USGS quadrangle: CYGNET LAKE Township: 019N Range: 016W Section: 07 Precision: S Township-range comments: E2NE4SW4 Survey date: 1983-07-24 Elevation: 4150 First observation: 1983 Slope/aspect: LEVEL Last observation: 1991-07-26 Size (acres) : 2 Location: SWAN VALLEY, 0.38 AIR MILES SOUTH OF LINDBERGH LAKE RD. , CA. 1.5 AIR MILES WEST OF ST. HWY 83. llement occurrence data: 1991: CA. 15 PLANTS; 1990: PLANTS (NO Sium suave PRESENT, WATER DEEP YELLOW RED, OILY SCUM AT SURFACE (POSSIBLY DUE TO HIGH LEAF CONTENT) ) ; 1989: 500-750 PLANTS; 1983: EST. 51-1000 PLANTS. General site description: GLACIAL POTHOLE, IN 0.5-1.5 FEET OF WATER; WITH SIUM SUAVE, CAREX ROSTRATA. Land owner/manager: PRIVATELY OWNED LAND (INDIVIDUAL OR CORPORATE) Comments : Information source: ROE, LISA S. MONTANA NATURAL HERITAGE PROGRAM, 1515 E. 6TH AVE., HELENA, MT. Element Occurrence Record 44 Howell ia aguatilis Recurrence number: 044 Global rank: G2 Forest Service status: SENSITIVE State rank: S2 Federal Status: CI Survey site name: LINDBERGH LAKE EO rank: C EO rank comments: LARGE POPULATION; ADJACENT TO A GRAVEL ROAD. County: MISSOULA USGS quadrangle: CYGNET LAKE Township: 019N Range: 017W Section: 12 Precision: S Township-range comments: S2SE4NE4, N2NE4SE4 Survey date: 1987-07-29 Elevation: 4215 First observation: 1987 Slope/aspect: LEVEL Last observation: 1991-07-22 Size (acres) : 1 Location: SWAN VALLEY, SOUTHEAST OF LINDBERGH LAKE RD. , 2.0 AIR MILES WEST OF ST. HWY 83. • lement occurrence data: 1991: O PLANTS (RED-YELLOW COLOR AND OILY SLICK PRESENT); 1990: PLANTS (POND HAD OILY SLICK ON SURFACE, DEEP RUST COLORED WATER, VERY LITTLE Sium suave PRESENT); 1989: 90-120 PLANTS; 1987: EST. 275-400 PLANTS; POND IS ALONGSIDE A HEAVILY USED GRAVEL ROAD, AND IS UNDER A POWER LINE. General site description: GLACIAL POTHOLE DEPRESSION; WITH CAREX VESICARIA, SIUM SUAVE, RANUNCULUS AQUATILIS; POPULUS TRICHOCARPA, P. TREMULOIDES PINUS CONTORTA, LARIX OCCIDENTALIS AROUND POND. Land owner/manager: FLATHEAD NATIONAL FOREST, SWAN LAKE RANGER DISTRICT Comments : Information source: ROE, LISA S. MONTANA NATURAL HERITAGE PROGRAM, 1515 E. 6TH AVE., HELENA, MT. Element Occurrence Record 45 Howell ia aguatilis • ccurrence number: 045 Global rank: G2 Forest Service status: SENSITIVE State rank: S2 Federal Status: CI Survey site name: LINDBERGH LAKE EO rank: C EO rank comments: FAIRLY SMALL POPULATION, NEARBY AREAS LOGGED. County: MISSOULA USGS quadrangle: CYGNET LAKE Township: 019N Range: 016W Section: 18 Precision: S Township-range comments: SE4SW4SE4 Survey date: 1987-07-10 Elevation: 4250 First observation: 1987 Slope/aspect: LEVEL Last observation: 1991-07-26 Size (acres) : 2 Location: SWAN VALLEY, 1.83 AIR MILES ESE OF NORTH END OF LINDBERGH LAKE, 1.08 AIR MILES SOUTH OF SWAN RIVER, CA. 2.0 AIR MILES WEST OF ST. HWY 83. ^Jllement occurrence data: ^ 1991: 500 PLANTS; 1990: 10 PLANTS (HEAVY ALGAL BLOOMS, WATER RUST COLORED, WATER APPEARED DEEPER) ; 1989 : 300-400 PLANTS; 1987: EST. 300 PLANTS. General site description: GLACIAL POTHOLE POND, SURROUNDED BY PINUS CONTORTA FOREST, POPULUS TREMULOIDES NEAR MARGIN; WITH CAREX VESICARIA, EQUISETUM FLUVIATILE, POTAMOGETON GRAMINEUS, SIUM SUAVE. Land owner/manager: FLATHEAD NATIONAL FOREST, SWAN LAKE RANGER DISTRICT Comments : VOUCHER - SHELLY, J.S. (1364) AND L. CAMPBELL, 1987, MONTU. Information source: ROE, LISA S., MONTANA NATURAL HERITAGE PROGRAM, 1515 E. 6TH AVE., HELENA, MT. Element Occurrence Record 4 6 Howell ia aquatilis • currence number: 046 Global rank: G2 Forest Service status: SENSITIVE State rank: S2 Federal Status: CI Survey site name: LINDBERGH LAKE EO rank: D EO rank comments: SMALL POPULATION; SURROUNDING HABITAT DISTURBED BY LOGGING. County: MISSOULA USGS quadrangle: CYGNET LAKE Township: 019N Range: 016W Section: 18 Precision: S Township-range comments: SW4NW4NW4 Survey date: 1987-07-10 Elevation: 4230 First observation: 1987 Slope/aspect: LEVEL Last observation: 1991-07-27 Size (acres) : 1 Location: SWAN VALLEY, 0.58 AIR MILES SOUTH OF SWAN RIVER, 2.13 AIR MILES WEST OF ST. HWY 83. jglement occurrence data: W 1991: CA. 25 PLANTS; 1990: 3 PLANTS (NEAR AREA OF Sium suave); 1989: 3 0-50 PLANTS; 1987: EST. 50 PLANTS; ADJACENT AREAS DISTURBED BY CLEARCUT LOGGING. General site description: GLACIAL POTHOLE POND; WITH SIUM SUAVE, CAREX VESICARIA, TYPHA, RANUNCULUS GMELINII, POTAMOGETON GRAMINEUS . Land owner/manager: FLATHEAD NATIONAL FOREST, SWAN LAKE RANGER DISTRICT Comments: VOUCHER - SHELLY, J.S. (1368) AND L. CAMPBELL, 1987, MONTU. Information source: ROE, LISA S. MONTANA NATURAL HERITAGE PROGRAM, 1515 E. 6TH AVE., HELENA, MT. Element Occurrence Record 47 Howell ia aguatilis Iccurrence number: 047 Global rank: G2 Forest Service status: SENSITIVE State rank: S2 Federal Status: CI Survey site name: LINDBERGH LAKE EO rank: C EO rank comments: MED. -SIZED POPULATION; SURROUNDING AREA DISTURBED BY LOGGING County: MISSOULA USGS quadrangle: CYGNET LAKE Township: 019N Range: 016W Section: 18 Precision: S Township-range comments: SW4NE4NW4 Survey date: 1987-07-10 Elevation: 4215 First observation: 1987 Slope/aspect: LEVEL Last observation: 1991-07-27 Size (acres) : 1 Location: SWAN VALLEY, 0.5 AIR MILES SOUTH OF SWAN RIVER, 1.95 AIR MILES WEST OF ST. HWY 83. Ilement occurrence data: 1991: CA. 200 PLANTS; 1990: 150 PLANTS; 1989: 200-300 PLANTS; 1987: EST. 200 PLANTS; POND LOCATED ON EDGE OF A CLEARCUT. General site description: GLACIAL DEPRESSION; WITH SIUM SUAVE, CAREX VESICARIA, TYPHA LATIFOLIA, NUPHAR VARIEGATUM, ELEOCHARIS PALUSTRIS, SPARGANIUM MINIMUM; ALNUS ON EDGES, NO POPULUS. Land owner/manager: FLATHEAD NATIONAL FOREST, SWAN LAKE RANGER DISTRICT Comments : VOUCHER - SHELLY, J.S. (1365) AND L. CAMPBELL, 1987, MONTU. Information source: ROE, LISA S. MONTANA NATURAL HERITAGE PROGRAM, 1515 E. 6TH AVE., HELENA, MT. Element Occurrence Record 4 8 Howell ia aquatilis occurrence number: 048 Global rank: G2 Forest Service status: SENSITIVE State rank: S2 Federal Status: CI Survey site name: LINDBERGH LAKE EO rank: C EO rank comments: MED. -SIZED POPULATION; SURROUNDING AREA DISTURBED BY LOGGING County: MISSOULA USGS quadrangle: CYGNET LAKE Township: 019N Range: 016W Section: 18 Precision: S Township-range comments: SW4NE4NW4 Survey date: 1987-07-10 Elevation: 4215 First observation: 1987 Slope/aspect: LEVEL Last observation: 1991-07-27 Size (acres) : 1 Location: SWAN VALLEY, 0.5 AIR MILES SOUTH OF SWAN RIVER, 1.89 AIR MILES WEST OF ST. HWY 83. :iement occurrence data: 1991: CA. 20 PLANTS; 1990: PLANTS OBSERVED (MANY DEAD SEDGE PLANTS SOUTH END OF POND, DEAD Typha IN NORTH END, WATER APPEARED DEEPER THEN IN 1989) ; 1989: CA. 200 PLANTS; 1987: EST. 250 PLANTS; ADJACENT AREAS DISTURBED BY CLEARCUT LOGGING. General site description: GLACIAL POTHOLE POND; WITH CAREX VESICARIA, SIUM SUAVE, EQUISETUM FLUVIATILE, TYPHA LATIFOLIA. Land owner/manager: FLATHEAD NATIONAL FOREST, SWAN LAKE RANGER DISTRICT Comments : VOUCHER - SHELLY, J.S. (1366) AND L. CAMPBELL, 1987, MONTU. Information source: ROE, LISA S. MONTANA NATURAL HERITAGE PROGRAM, 1515 E. 6TH AVE., HELENA, MT. Element Occurrence Record 49 Howellia aquatilis Recurrence number: 049 Global rank: G2 Forest Service status: SENSITIVE State rank: S2 Federal Status: CI Survey site name: LINDBERGH LAKE EO rank: C EO rank comments: LARGE POPULATION; ADJACENT TO NEW LOGGING ROAD. County: MISSOULA USGS quadrangle: CYGNET LAKE Township: 019N Range: 016W Section: 07 Precision: S Township-range comments: SW4SW4SE4 Survey date: 1987-07-10 Elevation: 4150 First observation: 1987 Slope/aspect: LEVEL Last observation: 1991-07-27 Size (acres) : 1 Location: SWAN VALLEY, 0.16 AIR MILES SOUTH OF SWAN RIVER, 1.60 AIR MILES WEST OF ST. HWY 83. • lement occurrence data: 1991: CA. 1000 PLANTS; 1990: 200-300 PLANTS (HIGH COVER OF Lemna minor IN SOME AREAS); 1989: 2000+ PLANTS; 1987: EST. 1500-2000 PLANTS; POND IS ON NORTH SIDE OF A NEWLY CONSTRUCTED LOGGING ROAD, JUST NORTH OF USFS BOUNDARY. General site description: GLACIAL POTHOLE POND; WITH CAREX ROSTRATA, C. VESICARIA, RANUNCULUS GMELINII, R. AQUATILIS, ALOPECURUS AEQUALIS ; POPULUS SPP. , ALNUS INCANA, SALIX SPP. AROUND EDGE. Land owner/manager: PRIVATELY OWNED LAND (INDIVIDUAL OR CORPORATE) Comments : VOUCHER - SHELLY, J.S. (1369) AND L. CAMPBELL, 1987, MONTU. pH=7.29. Information source: ROE, LISA S. MONTANA NATURAL HERITAGE PROGRAM, 1515 E. 6TH AVE., HELENA, MT. 50 IX. LITERATURE CITED Lesica, P. 1990. Habitat requirements, germination behavior and seed bank dynamics of Howellia aouatilis in the Swan Valley, Montana. Unpublished report to USDA Forest Service, Flathead National Forest, Kalispell, Montana. Conservation Biology Research, Helena, Montana. 44 pp. + appendix. Nordstrom, L. 1992. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Helena, MT. Phone conversation of 8 January 1992, on the current federal listing status of Howellia aquatilis . Schassberger, L.A. and J.S. Shelly. 1991. Update to the status review of Howellia aquatilis : field surveys, monitoring studies and transplant experiments. Unpublished report to USDA Forest Service, Flathead National Forest, Kalispell, Montana. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena. 57 pp. Shelly, J.S. 1988. Status review of Howellia aouatilis . U.S. Forest Service - Region 1, Flathead National Forest, Montana. Unpublished report to USDA Forest Service, Flathead National Forest, Kalispell, Montana. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena. 120 pp. Shelly, J.S. 1989. Addendum to the status review of Howellia aquatilis. U.S. Forest Service - Region 1, Flathead National Forest, Montana. Unpublished report to USDA Forest Service, Flathead National Forest, Kalispell, Montana. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena. 17 pp. Shelly, J.S. 1992. Conservation strategy: Howellia aquatilis (DRAFT). U.S. Forest Service, Northern Region, Missoula, Montana . Shelly, J.S. and R. Moseley. 1988. Report on the conservation status of Howellia aquatilis . a candidate threatened species. Unpublished report to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Denver, Colorado. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena. 166 pp. Shelly, J.S. and L.A. Schassberger. 1990. Update to the status review of Howellia aquatilis : field surveys, monitoring studies and transplant experiments. Unpublished report to USDA Forest Service, Flathead National Forest, Kalispell, Montana. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena. 50 pp. Reel, s., L. Schassberger and W. Ruediger. 1989. Caring for Our Natural Community: Region 1 - Threatened, Endangered and Sensitive Species Program. U.S.D.A. Forest Service, Northern Region, Wildlife and Fisheries Unit, Missoula, Montana. 309 pp. + appendices. 51 U.S. Department of Agriculture. 1988. Sensitive Plant Field Guide (Montana), Northern Region. U.S.D.A. Forest Service, Missoula, Montana. U.S. Department of Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service. 1990. Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants: Review of plant taxa for listing as endangered or threatened species. Federal Register 50: 6184-6229.