Historic, Archive Document

Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices.

The B. P. Wade Co., Printers, Toledo, O.



The Division of Botany, U. S Department of Agriculture say in their 1 8 9 8 Annual report :

"Never before has the Depart- ment distribut- ed Seeds of higher purity and g-ermina- tive capacity than during the past year."

This refers to the Govern- ment Seeds put up by us last year.

Send in your Orders.






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The progressive, practical farmer or gardener does not look for cheapness when buying his seed. What he wants is seed true to name and of strong vitality, which he certainly gets when he buys Philippe Pioneer Brand Seeds.

We were "born and raised " ia the seed business, and our customers get the benefit of a lifetime of experi- ence. Our customers also have the advantage of our unequalled shipping facilities. Toledo, with 25 railroads, besides S express companies, many steamship lines and central location, is far ahead of any other city in this respect.

We have many seeds in slock, thai on account of lack of room, we cannot catalogue, so please remember ' that we can furnish any kind of seeds that any seedsman can, and do not hesitate to send to us for any thing in | If \ that line. Also look through the other departments, you may find there just what you have been looking for.

MAIL ORDER BUSINESS.— We have no canvassers or agents to solicit orders. All outside business is done through mail orders direct to us. This means a saving to our patrons as well as to the firm. Close and prompt attention to such orders and honorable dealing have assured us a steady growth, and we now enjoy an immense mail order business. Our friends and patrons have found by experience that buying through letter is as safe and satisfactory as buying over the counter, and have materially assisted in the extension of our business.

SEEDS POSTPAID BY MAIL.— Ali Vegetable and Flower Seeds by the packet, ounce or pound will be delivered by us, postage paid and free of all expense. When Beans, Corn and Peas are ordered we have to request an additional 10c. per quart to be added for part postage on same. This system places our store at your very door and enables customers thousands of miles away to obtain their supplies as cheaply as if they called in person at our store.

NOVELTIES.— We devote considerable time each year to testing the various so-called novel sies offered by the seed dealers of this and other countries, and whenever we discover anything desirable we offer it to our customers. . In each department of this catalogue we offer a number of well tested novelties, which we are sure will prove satisfactory.

QUALITY OF SEEDS.— We don't buy cheap Seeds. We have our Seeds grown by the most celebrated and reliable Seed growers, and it is our constant aim to send out only Seeds of superior quality, and the prices we ask for them will compare favorably with those of any first-class house. We guarantee that all our Seeds are of good germinating quality. All persons conversant with horticultural operations will, however, know that at times the best of seeds fail to grow, owing to causes we cannot control and entirely beyond our responsi- j bility.

ADDRESS, Etc.— In ordering, please be particular to write your Name, also that of your Postoffice, County and State plainly, also mention the mode of conveyance you prefer— whether by mail, express or freight. Serious delays are sometimes occasioned by failure to give attention to these matters. When not specified we shall use our best judgment. When goods are sent C. O. D., return charges will be added. As the prices of articles are catalogued, the purchaser can save the return charges by enclosing the remittance with the order.

ORDER EARLY.— The best time to order is just as soon as you receive this catalogue, as we can always give your orders more of our personal attention if they come in before the rush of the spring trade. Please use ! your order sheet, as it makes it more convenient for us in filling orders.

GUARANTEE.— Complaints made that Seeds are not good, should quite as often be attributed to other causes as to. the quality of the Seeds. There are contingencies continually arising to prevent the very best Seeds always giving satisfaction, such as sowing too deep, too shallow, in too wet or too dry soil ; insects of different descriptions destroying the plant as soon as or before they appear; wet weather, cold weather, frosts, chemical changes in the Seeds, induced by temperature, etc. For these reasons it is impracticable to guaran- tee Seeds under all circumstances, and wbile we exercise the greatest care to have all Seeds pure and reliable, we do not give any warranty, expressed or implied. If the purchaser does not accept the heeds on these terms, and conditions, they must be returned at once, and the money that has been paid for same will be refunded.

HOW TO SEND MONEY.— Cash should always accompany the order. We will be responsible for money sent us by Postoffice Order, Express Money Order, Bank Draft. Express or by Registered Letter.

Bills, Coin or Stamps (we accept postage stamps same as cash) can be sent safely by registered letter. Every postmaster is required to register any letter on payment of eight cents extra postage. We will in no way be responsible for Stamps or Money enclosed in letter without registering. In case it is possible to send in no other way than U. S. Postage Stamps, we prefer the two cent letter stamps, and care should be taken not to have them get moist and stick together. We guarantee full and complete satisfaction.

The Henry Philipps Seed and implement Co.


Northern Grown, Double Tested, Pioneer Brand .... seeds

We put nothing out on commission, therefore have no old Seed returned at the end of the season to be dis- posed of the next year.

All our Seeds are tested very carefully, and a record is kept of the percentage of each variety that grows, so nothing is sent out but will germinate and prove as represented. We do not sell undersized packets at 3 ceuts, but advertise our 5 cent packets that hold 5 cents worth of seed, and any one buying them can easily see the difference as compared with the 3 cent packets sold by some other seedsmen.



Packet Seed Discounts.- This does not refer to Seeds offered by weight or measure, but to Seeds in packets only. Nor does it refer to Potatoes, Onion Sets or Bulbs.

For 25 cents you may select 6 five cent packages of Vegetable or Flower Seeds. For 50 cents you may select 15 five cent packages of Vegetable or Flower Seeds. For $1.00 you may select Seeds in Packets (no ounces remember) to amount of .$1.50. For $2.00 you may select Seeds in Packets (no ounces remember) to amount of 83. 25. For $5.00 you may select Seeds in Packets (no ounces remember) to amount of $8.50.

Bulk Seed Discounts.— This discount refers to Seeds quoted in catalogue by weight or measure, and not to Potatoes, Onion Sets or Clover, Timothy and other grass and field Seeds, as some mistook it last season, neither to Seeds in packets.

On an order of $5.00, 10 per cent.

On an order of 810.00, 12 per cent.

On an order of $20.00, 15 per cent.


1— One Pkt. Beans, Refugee or 1,000 to 1.

17— One Pkt. Parsnip, Hollow Crown.

" " Golden Wax.

18— "

" Peas, Philipps' Early Summit.


" Beet, Early Blood Turnip.

19- "

" " Telephone Late.

4— "

" Cabbage, Extra Early Jersey Wakefield.

20— "

" Radish, Early Scarlet Turnip.

5— "

" " Improved Autumn King.

21— "

" Improved Chartier.

6- "

" Celery. White Plume.

22- "

" Squash, Toledo Warted Hubbard.

" Corn, Sweet, S to well's Evergreen.

23- "

" Tomato, Improved Stone.

8— "

" Cucumber. Long Green Improved.

24— "

" " Dwarf Champion.

9— "

" " Toledo Market Evergreen.

25— "

" Turnip, Purple Top Strap Leaf.

10- "

" Lettuce, Grand Rapids.

26— "

" " Monarch Sweede Ruta Ba

11— "

" '} New Salamander.


" Sweet Peas, Mixed Flowering.

12— "

" Watermelon, Improved Dixie.

28— "

" Mignonette, Sweet.

13— "

" Muskmelon, Extra Early Hackensack.

29— "

" Balsam, Double Mixed.

14- "

" Onion, Yellow Dan vers.

30- "

" Pansy, Mixed.

15— "

"' " Prize Taker.

31— "

" Nasturtium, Mixed.

1G— "

" Pepper, Ruby King.

32— "

' Zinnia.

You cannot beat this collection for the money.

Rem ember these are full-sized packets.

The '* Farm Seeds

Is Great Specialty.

The Henry Philipps Seed and Implement Co.




CULTURE.— Sow in April in rich soil and transplant to permanent beds the next Spring, in hills three feet apart each way, with three plants to a hill. A rich deep loam is required and plenty of moieture.

The Globe Artichoke is cultivated for its flower heads, which are cooked like Asparagus. On account of its hardiness, easy culture and perennial nature, plants will remain in bearing a long time. Sow seed in April and May.

Large Green Globe is the most popular and best for general cultivation. Paper 5c; oz. 30c; lb. $2.50.

Tuberous-Rooted Artichoke— Neu> White. Well known throughout the country. The roots are esteemed for pickling, and profitable crop to grow for feeding hogs, colts, calves and sheep. Yield sometimes 1000 bushels per acre. Like parsnips, freezing solid and thawing many times does not spoil them: ao it is not necessary to dig them for Spring use. Six bushels plant an acre. Per peck 50c; bush. $1.75; by mail, postpaid, 25c. lb.


CULTURE.— Sow early iu Spring in drills two inches deep, rows one foot apart; "keep ilear from weeds by frequent weeding. When one or two years old, transplant into perma- nent beds, which should be made rich by plenty of manure. The perfection of the shoots depend mainly upon the favor- able condition of the soil. Set the plants in the rows about one foot apart, with crown of the root three inches below ihe surface. Every Fall lemove the stalks and apply a good dressing of manure, which it would be well to stir in the fol- lowing Spring with a liberal dressing of fine salt.

Conover's Colossal. A well-tried standard variety; large size, quick growth, excellent qualitv. Pkt. 5c; 2 oz. 10c; % lb. 15c; lib. 50c.

Palmetto. Very early and desirable on account of its large size, even and regular growth, great productiveness and .excellent quality. Pkt. 5c; 1 oz. 10c; % lb. 25c; 1 lb. 75c.

Barr's Mammoth. Of very large, quick growth. Earlier th »n the Conover's Colossal, and more than twice as large. It is wonderfully productive throughout the et tire season; verv tender and verv delicious flavor. Pkt. 5c; oz. lCc; % lb. 20c; 1 lb. 65c.

Columbian Mammoth White. This variety is a sport from Conover's Colossal, and originated on the farm of a prominent Asparagus grower on Long Island. It produces pure white shoots and requires no artificial blanching. On this account it brings in the market a much higher price than any other sort. It is a strong grower and comes re- markably true from seed— not more than ten per cent, reverting to the tvpe. Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c; % lb. 25c; per lb. 75c.

ASPARAGUS ROOTS. By purchasing Good Strong Roots one or two years1 time is saved. Columbian Mammoth White. Bv mail, postpaid, 50 roots, $1 .00; 100 roots, $1.50; by express, not prepaid,

100 roots, $1.00; 500 roots, $3.00; 1,000 roots, $5.50. Conover's Colossal. Bv mail, postpaid, 50 roots, 60c; 100 roots, $1.00; bv express, not prepaid, 100 roots, 75c;

500 roots, $2.50 ; 1,000 roots, $4.50. Palmetto. By mail, postpaid, 50 roots, 70c; 100 roots, $1.25 ; by express, not prepaid, 1C0 roots, 75c; 500 roots, $3.00 ; 1,000 roots, $5.50.

Barr's Mammoth. Bv mail, postpaid, 50 roots, 70c; 100 roots, $1.25; by express, not prepaid, 100 roots, 75c ; 500 roots, $3.00; 1,000 roots, $5.50.


DWARF BUSH VARIETIES. Of the many varieties of Beans, the following list comprises the very best of all of which our stock is extra choice, the stock each year being carefully " rogued " and the seed stocks improved by continued intelligent selection. The Bean crop was not as large as last year, and prices therefore advanced.

CULTURE.— About the first of May select a warm, dry, sheltered spot; dig and manure slightly ; make drills two inches deep and two feet apart ; droD the Beans three inches apart in the drills and cover not more than two incites deep. Keep hoed (when not wet) and the weeds killed, fcow every two weeks for a succession.

PHILIPPS' DWARF OR SNAP BEANS— Green-Poddeb Varieties.

Prolific Tree Bean. Productive white sort, smaller than the Navy. Pkt. 5c; % pint 10c; pint 15c; quart 20c; peck 90c.

White Kidney. Excellent, either green or ripe; early and very prolific. Pkt. 5c; % pint 10c; pint 15c ; quart 20c; peck 90c.

White Marrowfat. Good as either a string or shell Bean : heavy cropper. Pkt. 5c; y2 pint 10c; pint 15c; quart 20c; peck 90c.


White Navy, or Boston Pea Beans.

quart 20c ; peck 75c.

Pkt. 5e; 34 pint 10c; pint 15c;


The Henry Philipps Seed and Implement Co.

Philipps' Lavarf or Snap P.ka.ns— Continued.


Improved Extra Early Round Pod Red Speckled Valentine. A select strain of Early Red Valentine, ripening very uniformly and producing enormously. Pod* tender and succulent; the most profitable sort for the gardener, ready lo pick in 35 days. Pkt. 5c; % pint 10c; pint 15c; quart 20c; peck 90c.

Early Mohawk. Long, flat and straight pod; very hardy. Pkt. 5c; H pint 10c; pint 15c; quart 20c; peck 90c.

Early China. Early and continues long in bearing. Pkt. 5c; Y<i pint 10c; pint 15c; quart 20c; peck 90c.

Long Yellow Six Weeks. Extra early and a most ex- cellent variety; the leading market sort; has full flat pods. Pkt. 5c ; Y% pint 10c ; pint 15c ; quart 20c; peck 90c.

Horticultural Dwarf. Excellent quality as a shell Bean, either green or dry ; equal to the pole Bean, easier to cultivate. Pkt. 5c; % pint 10c; pint 15c; quart 20c; peck 90c.

Canadian Wonder, or Rose Bean. Of very dwarf habit. Pods tender and delicious, growing long, fre- quently fifteen inches. Pkt. 5c; pint 10c; pint 15c; quart 20c ; peck 90c.

The Goddard, or Boston Favorite. Particularly valuable as a shell bean, being verj large, handsome, and of delicious flavor either green or dry ; it is very productive. Pkt. 5c; % pint 10c; pint 15c; quart 20c: peck 90c.

Extra Early Refug-ee, or lOOO to 1. Medium to late ; very productive and tender, and largely grown for main crop; round pod. Pkt. 5c: % pint 10c; pint 15c; quart 20c ; peck (. 0c.


The Bush Limas grow without aid of stakes or poles, in compact bush form, 15 to 18 inches high; produce enormous crops of delicious Lima Beans which can be as easily gathered as the common garden bush Beans. 1 hey are earlier than the climbing Limas and bear until frost.

Henderson Bush Lima or Dwarf Sieva. The first introduced. Pki. 5c; % pint 10c; pint 15c: quart SEc; peck $1.50.

Burpee's Bush Lima A bmh form of the large pole Lima, the Beans be- ing large and flat, like those of that vaiiety. It is very productive, and its dwarf character's well established. Hkt. 5c; Vo. pint 10c: pint 15c; quart 25c: peck $1.50.




Currie's Rust-Proof Golden Wax.

It is positively rust-proof. While grown side by side for several years with other Wax Beans, all of them more or less affected by rust, many of them completely ruined by it, this Bean has remained entirely free from it. Exceedingly crisp and tender, and of a most delicious flavor. As early as the Golden Wax. and it is, more- over, amazingly productive. Habit upright and robust, holding the pods well from the ground; pods long, flat and straight, of a beautiful golden color; the best Black Wax Bean out. Pkt. 5c; >2 Pnit 100 ! l'iut ^c: quart 25c ; peck $1.25.


The Henry Philipps Seed and Implement Co.


Philipps' Dwarf Wax Podded Varieties— Continued.

Wardwell's Dwarf Kidney Wax. Ex- tra early, hardy and productive; pods long, broad, flat, and of a delicate waxy yellow; brittle and entirely stringless; decidedly the best bean for market gar- deners. Our price on this bean lower than other seedsmen sell them should in- sure us your order. Beans white with two shades of reddish purple and a dis- tinct kidney shape, remarkably free from rust; excellent flavor. Pkt. 5c; % pint 10c; pint 15c; quart 20c; peck 81.00.

We were awarded the entire U. S. Government seed contract last year. This being the first time the entire order went to one House. Try our Seeds.



The Davis Kidney Wax Bean. This is a new and distinct Kidney Wax variety of late introduction, and proveo without exception to be the best white seeded wax podded Bean known. The plant is vigorous and healthy, of compact, upright growth, carrying its pods on the center and well up from the ground. It is very productive, always giving a large yield of handsome pods, with a small proportion of imperfect and mis- shaped ones. The pods are very long, oval, clear waxy-white color, and when suitable size to use for snaps quite stringless, showing no t ^ndency to string until they approach ma'urity. Practical market gardeners are delighted with it because of its earliness, hardiness, productiveness, handsome appearance, its good shipping and selling qualities and small proportion of waste and second quality pods. Canners say it is just what we want, a long straight, clear white pod which does not discolor in canning. The large white handsome kid- ney-shaped dry beans are attractive and this new Bean is sure to become a very popular and standard sort for family garden as well as market, and we highly recommend it to our friends to give it a trial . Pkt. 5c ; yQ pint 10c; quart 25c; peck 81.25.

We do not handle any Vegetable Seeds but those that germinate up to the Government Standard, and all the Vegetable Seeds sold by us are grown under our own careful supervision by the most experienced seed farmers, who make it their business to grow nothing but seed stocks.

The Henry Philipps Seed and Implement Co.

Philipps' Dwarf Wax Podded Varieties— Continued.


Improved Golden Wax. (Rust-proof.) The handsomest and hardest of all the Wax Beans. Very produc- tive; pods straight, broad and a beautiful golden wax; quality very excellent. It is also one of the very best green shelled Beans and excellent dry. We recommend it to all. Pkt 5c; % pint 10c; pint 15c; quart 20c; peck $1.00.


Dwarf Red Flageolet Wax. Pods very large, sometimes 10 to 12 inches in length, entirely string- less, very fleshy, exceedingly tender and succulent; one of the heaviest yielders and nearly always ex- empt from rust. Pkt. 5c: 14 pint 10c; pint 15c; quart 20c; peck 81.00.


New Prolific German, or Cylinder Black Wax Bush Bean. This is an entirely new and improved strain of the old favorite German or Black Wax Bean, earlier and very productive. Pods perfectly round, straight, long, and of an even rich golden color Pkt. 5c; % pint 10c; pint 15c; quart 20c ; peck $1.00.

Read page 2 carefully and you will be convinced that we sell good Seed cheaper than other Seedsmen. Also read Seed Collections offered on page 24.

The Henry Philipps Seed and Implement Co.



CULTURE.— Sow as soon as the soil becomes warm and dry, from the first of May (for all ex- cept Limas) to the latter part of May, in hills four feet apart each way. Limas should not be planted until warm weather has fairly set in. One quart of Limas will plant about 100 hills, allowing four or five beans to a hill, and of the smaller sorts about 200 hills. Poles eight to ten feet long should be set firmly in the center of the hills before putting in the seed.

Horticultural or Speckled Cranberry.

Showy and excellent either snap or shell beans. A popular variety. Pkt. 5c; y% pint 10c ; pint 15c ; quart 25c ; peck $1.25.

Dutch Case Knife. White seeded. Pods long, green and flat; can be either snapped or shelled when used; also for pickling. Pkt. 5c; y2 pint 10c; pint 15c; quart 25c; peck SI .40.

Scarlet Runner. A popular English pole bean ; very ornamental, producing scarlet flowers ; good for snap or green shelled. Pkt. 5c; y2 pint 10c; pint 20c; quart 30c; peck 81.50.

Seiberts' Extra Early Lima.

Extra Early Jersey Lima. J

Mature ninety days from germination. Yield: about eighty bushels green pods per acre Pkt. 5c ; % pint 10c ; pint 15c ; quart 25c ; peck $1.25.

Extra Large or Mammoth White Lima.

This is the largest of all the Limas, the pods are of enormous size and containing from five to eight beans. Largely grown and highly esteemed. Pkt. 5c; y2 pint 10c; pint 15c; quart 25e; peck $1.50.

Tall German Wax (Indian Chief). Black seed. A good snap sort, maturing in seventy- five days ; also good for shell beans. Pkt. 5c ; % pint 10c ; pint 20c; quart 35c; peck $2.00.

Giant Red Wax. Pods long, yellow and tender; very good. Pkt. 5c; pint 10c; pint

20c; quart 35c; peck $2.00.

New Golden Andalusia Wax Bean. This new Bean has created a decided sensation. Hundreds pronounce it emphatically the most valuable pole variety ever offered. It originated in Andalusia, Bucks county, Pa., with a celebrated bean grower. Our illustra- tion gives some idea of its wonderful produc- tiveness. It is nothing unusual to pick one- half bushel to three pecks from a single vine at one picking. The pods are five to six inches long, broad, thick, very fleshy and entirely stringless, far surpassing all other varieties in this respect, and retaining those important qualities until almost ripe. Ex- ceedingly rich, buttery and fine flavored. The vines cling well to the poles, a very im- portant feature, as the weight of a vine filled with such a mass of large pods is very great. They commence bearing in great abundance


The Henry Philipps Seed and Implement Co.

Pole or Running Beans— Continued.

when the vines are quite young, and continue to hear profusely the entire season. The beans when dry are as round as a bullet, pure white in color, and also make a fine shell or winter bean. Large pkt, 10c: pint 25c ; quart 30c ; 4 quarts 51.00 ; peck .$1.75.

White Creaseback Pole. Exceedingly productive; in clusters of from four to twelve handsome green pods, six inches long, perfectly round, entirely stringless, very fleshy. Pkt. 5c; % pint 10c; pint 15c; quart 25c; peck $1.50.

Red Speckled Cut-Short, or Cornhill. An old variety, very popular for planting among corn, and will give a good crop without the use of poles; vines medium, with dark colored, smooth leaves; pods short, cylindrical and tender. Pkt. 5c ; y2 pint 10c ; pint 15c ; quart 25c ; peck $1.50.

New Early Golden Cluster Wax. Undoubtedly the earliest pole variety. Only about ten days behind the Dwarf Golden Wax. Although it begins to bear early, it continues until frost. Everyone is surprised at its beautiful appearance and productiveness. The pods are from six to eight inches long, borne in clusters of from three to six, and most freely produced; stringless, very tender, and of delicious flavor. Pkt. 5c; % pint 15c: pint 20c; quart 30c; peck $2.00.

Horticultural Lima. This Bean being a cross between Dreer's Pole Lima and the Dwarf Horticultural, combines the rich, delicious flavor of the large Lima with the dry, mealy character of the Horticultural, and matures beans fit to use green as early as the latter. It originated along the Ver- mont shore of Lake Champlain, and is perfectly adapted to latitudes far north of where any Lima can be grown successfully. It is the hardiest, the earliest and the best quality of any green podded pole bean; sptcially adapted for using green shelled. We advise all our customers to tiy it. Pkt. 5c ; % pint 10c ; pint 15c ; quart 25c.

Lazy Wives Pole Bean. This variety originated in Bucks county, Pa. where for a number of years it has been the most popular Pole Bean grown. Pods are wonderfully broad, thick, fleshy, and, above all, entirely stringless. In these respects they surpass any other known. Then, again, the pods retain their rich, stringless and tender qualities until they are almost ripe ; so much so, in fact, that we are perfectly safe in saying they are the best of all Snap-Sorts. They also surpass every variety in the way vines cling to the pole, and every bean grower will at once acknowledge this is a most important qualification. Its name, we think, implies productiveness, for the vines being covered all summer with masses of beautiful pods, it is just the sort to suit lazy wives, as a mess can soon be picked for dinner. Pods are rather flattish, oval shape, and when fully grown are from four to six inches long, exceedingly rich, buttery, and fine flavored when cooked. They are hardy, easily grown, and enormously productive. We could furnish hundreds of testimonials from persons who have used the Lazr Wives Bean, all claiming it to be the best bean they have ever tried, and many have discarded all other kinds, using this for an early and late snap sort, and also as dry, shell or Winter bean; and such is the peculiar taste and flavor of this bean that we have known many persons who could not be induced to eat other varieties of string beans after tasting Lazy Wives, if they could obtain the latter. Pkt. 10c ; pint 20c ; quart 30c.

All Our Beans are Northern Grown E£^r£!^.n ™-

favor, as of late years this insect has been a great disturber and ruination of many Bean crops.

At prices quoted postage is paid on Peas, Beans and

new early golden Corn in Packets only. V2 Pints, pints and quarts, postage extra.



One ounce sows 60 feet of drill; 4 to G lbs. for one acre. CULTURE.— Sow as early in the Spring as the ground can be worked, and every two weeks af 'er for a succes sion up to the first week in July. For general crop sow about the middle of May. The soil should be light, well enriched with manure, plowed and harrowed until very fine. Sow in drills one foot to fifteen inches apart, and when well up, thin from four to six inches. The young Beets pulled out of the rows are excellent used as Spinach.

Long Smooth Dark Blood. A good variety of late Beet, sweet and tender; will keep solid and fresh all

Winter. Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c; 4 oz.loc; 1 lb. 40c.

The Henry Philipps Seed and Implement Co.



New Columbia Blood Beet. This is a distinct

new Beet of a handsome turnip shape, with feali EGYPTIAN.

smooth skin and deep blood red flesh of finest quality. Ready to use very early, as soon as the well-known Egyptian, but of better quality. It is remark- ably thoroughbred. The tops uniformly small, and of a rich broDzy color. Is not only of unusual value to market gardener, but its fine quality will delight the private planter. ' (Is a money maker.) Pkt. 5c ; oz. 10c ; 4 oz. 20c; lb. 60c.

Crosby's Improved Egyptian. We believe this to be the earliest variety of Beet in existence. It was orig- inated b<- a leading maTket gardener for the Boston market, and is a great improvement on the old Egyptian, being thicker, handsomer and more regular in shape, smooth, with very small tops and small tap root. It is of perfect shape when small, thus making a good Beet for bunching, and is very popular with the Toledo market gardeners for this purpose. Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c; 4 oz. 20c; lb. 50c. Lentz' Blood Turnip. This variety originated with one of the largest market gardeners in Philadelphia. It is as early as the Egyptian, but larger, of fine dark red color, a very small top, tender and sweet. It is very productive and a good keeper. Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c; % lb. 20c; lb. 50c. Edmand's Early Blood Turnip. One of the best Beets grown, being a very careful selection. The roots are of good form, round, with only one single small tap root ; the flesh is of a deep blood red color, and very

sweet and tender; they can be planted very closely, as they do not grow large and coarse and have a very small top. It is one of the best for the market gar- dener and for table use. Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c; % lb. 20c ; lb. 50c.

}0T2 3EET

We stand back of every claim made in our cata- logue and we want your trade. Our policy is good Seeds, full meas- ure, a living for you and one for ourselves.


Eclipse. A very early, smooth, dark, globe-shaped Beet, with small top ; in earliness and quality it is excelled by none; a good cropper; we can recommend it bignlv for market and garden use. Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c; 4 oz. 15c; lb. 50c.

Early Blood-Red Turnip. The old stand-by and a universal favorite. Deep blood color. Good early and late. Pkt. 5c ; oz. 10c ; 4 oz. 15c ; lb. 50c.

New Half Long Blood. This is an entirely new and distinct variety ; by far the best for Summer and Winter use. The roots are only half as long as the Long Blood, but weigh as much on account of their thickness. They are always smooth and handsome, and their rich, dark red flesh is very sweet, crisp and tender, never becoming woo'dy even in the exposed portions. Pkt. 5c ; oz. 10c ; 4 oz. 15c ; lb. 50c.


The Henry Philipps Seed and Implement Co.

Improved Early Egyptian. The standard early market sort; color verv deep red; tender and sweet- in form like the Flat Dutch Turnip. Our seed is a special selection of the darkest, earliest and most perfect roots with small tops. Pkt. 5c oz. 10c ; 4 oz. 15c ; lb. 50c.

Improved Arlington, or Bawson's Boston Market Beet. A great

favorite, of medium size and a dark, rich, blood- red color. One of the strongest points in favor of this variety u the fact that it does not get bitter aud stringy when it is a little old, as is the case with many other varie- ties, but is sweet and tender at all times. Its grand quality, uuiform shape and 1-eautiful col- or, leave nothing to be desired in this grand Beet. Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c; J^lb. 20c; lb. 60c.

Swiss Chard, Silver or Sea - Kale Beet. Cultivated for its leaves, which are used similar to spinach . The mid - ribs a-e stewed like Aspara- gus. Pkt. 5c ; oz. 10c ; 4 oz. 20c; lb. 50c.




The Sugar Beet Industry in this country is growing each year, and first quality seed will be in demand. We import our rfugar Beet seed direct from Germany and Fiance so that our customers can depend upon getting first-class seed at rock bottom prices. Sugar Beets are not so heavy crop- pers as Mangels, but are of superior qual- ity, containing a large amount of saccha- rine matter.

g From five to six pounds of seed required to the acre. Write for estimates on larger quantities.

The attention of farmers to the growing of roots for feeding stock has increased rapidly, judging from the increased sales of our selected seeds which now reach several tons annually. The wonderful results are plainly shown in the health and general condition of the animals, and in the increased yield of milk in cows.

The importance and value of this crop to farmers cannot be over estimated, and is fully realized by very few, when the fact is considered that as high as fifty tons of Mangel Wurzel may be grown on a single acre, thus providing fresh and healthful stock food for the Winter at so small an outlay.

Culture. The seed should be sown from April to middle of June, in drills two feet apart, and afterwards thinned out to stand nine inches apart in the rows. Keep well cultivated and you will have an abundant crop of roots for winter use. The plants can also be replanted like Cabbage. White French Sugar Beet. Grows large and useful for sugar, as well as stock feeding. Pkt. 5c ; 2 oz. 10c ; % lb. 15c; lb. 30c. Klein- Wanzleben. This kind is culti- vated on a larger scale th<tu any other Sugar Beet. The root is conical, straight and even, quite large at the head and rapidly tapering. It is a heavy yielder, and contains 13 to 15 per cent of sugar. Pkt. 5c ; 2 oz. 10c ; % lb. 15c ; lb. 30c. Lane s Improved Imperial Sugrar Beet. (See illustration.) An im- provement on the French Sugar Beet.



The Henry Philipps Seed and Implement Co.


Sugar Varieties— Covt inued.

The most popular, profitable and productive variety of Sugar Beets in cultivation. For feeding cattle, sheep and swine it has no equal. This Beet will yield from 30 to 40 tons per acre, at a cost of 5c. per bushel. It is the result of many years' improvement, by carefully selecting and planting for several years the finest specimens of the French Imperial Sugar Beet. * It is one* of the best adapted to the soil and climate of the United States, and most valuable of any for stock feeding purposes. The Beets grow to a large size, and per- fect in shape. Very free from side roots, easily grown and excellent keepers. We recommend Lane's Imperial Sugar to our friends and customers who anticipate growing Beets for feeding purposes, as it is certainly one of the most profitable and valuable kinds. Pkt. 5c; 2 oz. 10c: %lb. 15c; lb. 30c.


No crop will pay the farmer better than Mangel Wurzel and Sugar Beet. Special price given on application for large quantities of any kind Mangels and Beets.

Mammoth Long- Red Mang-el-Wurzel. Very large and pio- ductive. Pkt. 5c ; 2 oz. 10c ; % lb. 15c ; lb. 30c.

Norbiton Giant or Jumbo Red Mangel. Stands heart above all other varieties of Mangels ; unequalled for yielding and feed- ing qualities. Thousands of farmers have grown this Mangel and call it the most profitable farm crop they ever tried. If vou want a large crop of large Mangels of good quality, don't fail to try the Norbiton Giant or Jumbo Red Mangel; enormous cropper. Pre- ferred by many to common Lom: Red, as its keeping quality is considered better and it is much larger. Pkt. 5c; 2 oz. 10c ; % lb. 15c ; lb. 30c.

Golden Tankard Yellow-Fleshed Mang-el. This distinct variety is a most important addition to our list of roots for stock feeding, as ii contains less water and more sug-r than any other Mangel, a special teature is the rich, deep yellow color of tbe flesh, nutritious and milk-producing qualities. In England, where it is considered indispensable for dairy farming, large dairy farmers state that they are not only ^Kle to obtain a higher price per gallon for milk from cows fed on this Mangel, but also that the cows are in much better condition. Is exceedingly hardy and maturing earlier than other large sorts. Pkt. 5c; 2 oz. iOc: % lb. 15c; lb. 30c.

ChampionYellow Globe Mang-el Wur- zel. For cattle; large and productive; keeps well; is of orange yel- low color: very sugary; easily pulled. Pkt. 5c; 2 oz. 10c; % lb 15c; lb. 30c.

Growing Mangel Wurzel and Sugar Beet for stock is the growers' best invest- ment. These make the cheapest of foods for all kinds of live stock, Cattle, Horses, Sheep, Higs. Chick- ens. Two bushels of Man- gels are worth as much as one bushel of Corn. Four bushels of Mangels are equal to 100 lbs. of good Hay. It is pleasing to re- ceive scores of the most flattering reports from our friends of their great crops of Mangels grown from the seed they bought of us. Our friends may rely upon getting the best seed, grown from the choicest strain and stock in the world. Send us your order.


Read page z\ for Seed Collections.



CULTURE.— Same as" Cauliflower. This very much resembles Cauliflower in appearance and uses, but is by many considered more delicate.

Broccoli. Large White Mammoth Cape, produces fine large heads and are equal in size and quality to the best and largest varieties of Cauliflower. Pkt. 5c ; oz. 25c.

The Henry Philipps Seed and Implement Co.


Culture.— Same as Winter Cabbage. This is a delicious vegetable of fine flavor, allied to the Cabbage family, producing great numbers of small heads or sprouts on the main stem of the plant, which are used in the manner of Cabbage. Used and prepared as greens, they are the best in the Autumn, especially after frost. Pkt. 5c; oz. 15c; % lb. 35c.




We are Headquarters for Select and Double Tested Seed.

To Market Gardeners generally no vegetable is of greater importance than the Cabbage; and to manv growers the success or failure of this crop means gain or loss for the year. It does not pay, therefore to take anv risk in buying seed. Much of the seed commonly sold has not had the great care necessary in growing to make it reliable.

Our Cabbage Seed is high grade and reliable, because it is sure to head under any circumstances where Cabbage will head. Sure to head because the seed is all carefully grown from selected heads of the very best strains. Our trade increases largely every year among Market Gardeners and large growers, who are very cautious of whom they procure their Cabbage Seed, and well they may be, for it is their most important crop. We especially recommend our Select Very Early Jersey Wakefield, a variety of celebrity for first early; Hender- son's Early Summer, Philipps' Improved Succession, Fottler's Improved Brunswick, Early Winningstadt, our Market Gardener's Large Late Flat Dutch Philipp's Premium Flat Dutch. All Seasons, Sure Head, Flat Dutch, Philipps All Head and Autumn King, for general crop.

Our Cabbage 3eed is the best that is grown in the United States. We do not touch any cheap seed. Import- ed Cabbage Seed of the late sorts especially, will not head in this country.

One ounce of seed produces 1>500 to 2,000 plants, and sows an area of about 40 square feet.

Culture.- Soil for Cabbage should be rich and heavy loam, with good drainage.

Of the earl; varieties of Cabbage, in lattitudes where the thermometer never indicates 20 degrees below the freezing point,' seed may be sown in the open*border in October, and transplanted on the first opening of Spring, but in our northern States they must either be sown in hot beds in February or wintered over in cold frames; for this purpose the seed is sown from the 10th to the 20th of September. Attention to date is important ; if too soon the plants might run to seed, and if too late they would be too small, in four or five weeks from the time of sowing they wiU be fit to transplant into the cold frames. In planting, it is very important with Cabbage or Cauliflower that the plant is set down to the first leaf, so that the stem is all under ground, for, if exposed, it will be split by the action of the frost, and will be injured in consequence. The plants are usually set out from the middle of March to the middle of April, in rows about two feet apart, and eighteen inches between the plants in rows. This earliest crop matures in June. For second early the early kinds should be sown first week in April and planted out in May. This crop should mature in July and August. The late varieties are usually own in the early part of May and the plants are set in July at a distance of three feet between the rows, and wo feet between the plants. This crop matures September, October and November.

For Cabbage Worm Try Slug- Shot. Read page 24 for Seed Collections.


Select Extra Early Jersey Wakefield. Certainly deserving of its great popularity, and is growa for market more extensively than any other early Cabbage. It heads up remarkably hard and solid; the heads are pyramidal in shape, generally pointed at the end, and having few outside leaves. The plants can be

close together. The heads are of excellent quality and good size. Pkt. 5c: oz. 15c; ^ lb. 50c; lb. $1.75. The Charleston or Large Wakefield Cabbage. It is five to six days later than Early Jersey Wakefield. The heads are fully one-half larger an d quite solid. It is very com- pact in growth, and can be easily planted in rows two feet apart and twenty inches in the rows. One great advantage is it does not burst open when ripe, lite many other early sorts, and consequently can be left standing on the ground a long while without injury until a favorable opportunity for cutting. Pkt. 5c; 1 oz. 20c; 14 lb. 60c; lb. $2.00. Early Winningstadt or Cone. An old standard variety ; heads of a fair size, conical in shape, verv solid; good lor early and late. Pkt. 5c; oz. 15c; % lb. 40c; lb. $1.25. Henderson's Early Surhmer. The stand- ard for second early. We have an excellent strain of this well known sort. Pkt. 5c ; oz. 15c; 34 lb. 40c; lb. $1.25. Fottler's Early Drumhead or Short Stem Brunswick. A rapid grower, has large solid head, and few outside leaves If planted early it is ready for use in July or August ; planted late it is a choice winter sort.

SELECT EXTRA EARLY JERSEY WAKEFIELD. Pkt. 5C; OZ. 15c ; K lb. 40c ; lb. $1.25.

The Henry Philipps Seed and Implement Co.



Genuine Surehead. This popular Cabbage is rightly named Surehead. It never fails to make a remarkably fine, solid, large head, with few outer leaves. It originated some years since with a practical market gar- dener, by crossing the Flat Dutch and Drumhead varieties, and has always brought the highest price in markets. It is a strong, vigorous grower, ripening late for a main crop, and very uniform in size and color. Our supply is grown from the original seed, and none better is to be had at any price. Pkt. 5c; oz. 15c; lb. 40c : lb. 81.25.

All Seasons. This strain of Early Drumhead Cabbage we offered to the public some years since, under the broad claim of being about as early as the Early Summer, and growing much larger. Gardeners everywhere say they find our claims are fully substantiated in every particular. As its name indicates, it can be planted at all seasons. It forms a fine large head of superior quality, not bursting after headiug: the heads are of great thickness, which makes a capital market sort and good keeper. Pkt. 5c; oz. 15c; % lb. 40c; lb. $1.25. Ynil nannnt mice buying ar»y variety of our CABBAGE SEED. It is all of the highest grade, fresh and I Ull udHIIUl III loo pure. Order just what you want, even if only a single packet. We believe, however, that if you look carefully through our list, you will find many that you want. You can select 32 five cent packets for $1.00, postpaid.

I^We have no old Seeds in our buildings whatever. All new Stock.



This famous Cabbage was bred and introduced by Mr. Lupton, who is probably the largest individual producer of Cabbage Seed in the world. It was bred from a single early plant of a late variety; is earlier than any of the late sorts, much more uniform in growth, heads more evenly, is of better quality, is not quite so large can be planted closer, and will give a crop in weight larger than any of them. Th e heads are unusually deep, similar to the Hollander or Danish. It is a strong, but not a coarse grower; dark green in color, and fine grained; a good keeper. Intended for a market gardener's main crop Cabbage. Price, pkt. 5c; oz. 15c; 4 oz. 40c 1 lb. $1.50.


The Henry Philipps Seed and Implement Co.


Philipps' Improved Suc- cession. This new Cab- bage we offer is the best Long Island Seed grown from the center shoots of carefully selected solid heads of the very best strain. The succession is about one week later than the Early Summer, but is double the size and is so finely bred that in a field of ten acres every head was a magnifi- cent, perfect specimen, fit for exhibition purposes. The Succession brings pay- ing prices wherever grown, and may be regarded a boon to ihe gardening communi- ty. Pkt. 5c: oz 15c: yx lb. 40c; lb. 81.50.

Philipps' All Head Medi- um Early Cabbage. It is the earliest of all large cabbages. Is fully one-third larger than Early Summer. The deep, flat heads are re- markably solid and uniform in color as well as in shape and size. Is of fine quality. By reason of the compact habit of growth of the Philipps' All Head Medium

Early and the absence of loose leaves, fully one thousand more heads can be obtained to the acre than of most other varieties of good size. Set the plants eighteen inches apart in the rows with three feet between the rows for cultiva- tion, and Nine Thousand Six Hundred and Eighty (9,680) plants can be set on one acre, ninety-five per cent, of which, in an ordinary season, and with good cultivation, will make good merchantable heads. "All Head" is all that can be desired for earliness ; it is also valuable for a late or Winter Cabbage. To winter well the heads must be deep or thick through— a prominent feature of this variety. Seed of the "All Head" sown iuJuly.and plants set out about the middle of August, will bring heads laige and solid which are sure to winter well. Pkt. 5c; oz. 15c; % lb. 40c; lb. $1.50.

Early Dwarf Flat Dutch. An excel- lent second early old standard variety, producing fine large heads after the first early varieties have disappeared. Highly valuable both for its fine quality and ability to resist heat.

Heads are very solid, broad and round, flattened on the top; tender and fine grained, lb. 40c; lb. 81.26.

Hollander or Danish Export Cabbage. For several years past all the large cities in the United States have been furnished with Cabbage Shipped in from Holland. This Cabbage, although of medium size, weighs about twice what our native grown Cabbage does, and therefore easier to handle when selling by the ton. In order to stop this importation and keep our money at home, we imported the finest strain of this Cabbage grown, and now offer this seed to our gardener friends and patrons. The heads are of medium size, heavy and solid as a cannon ball, and will keep over winter much better than our old standard varieties of Cabbage. Give it a trial. Pkt. 5c; oz. 25c; 4 oz. 75c; lb. $2.50.


Pkt. 5c ; oz. 15c

The Henry Philipps Seed and Implement Co.


Philipps' Premium Large Late Flat Dutch. As a variety lor main crop arid the Winter market this has no superior. Heads largt, round, solid, broad, and flat on the top; they open white and crisp, are tender and -well flavored. It is also one of the very best varieties to keep. Pkt 5c; oz. 15c; % lb. 40c; lb. 81.25.

Toledo Market Gardeners' Large Late Flat Dutch. This strain of Cabbage has worked itself to the front, and enormous crops are grown every season around Toledo, and we honestly recommend this strain of Cabbage to all who wish to grow a large, heavy, haid, smooth-leaved, late ripening Cabbage; no strain is superior, and few equal to this. The leaves are feathered to the stock, slightly fluted or twisted on the outer edges. Color, a clear gieenwith a gray or ashy shade under certain lights. The head is thick, bread, solid and slightly rounded on the top, though the variety is what is termed a flat head. The natural habit of the^seedling plants is to develop thick, short, stocky si ems. The seed is worth twice the money asked for it. The strain carefully selected to meet the most critical demand. To those who fcave never grown this splendid type of Cabbage, will say that we have received hundreds of the most flatterirjg testimonials about it. All give it the highest praise, and we recommend it to our friends as one of the best and most productive .Winter Cabbages in the countrv. Pkt. 5c; oz. 15c; }ilb. 40c; lb. $1.50.


Do not fail to send us your order for one or more of Jour lightning Sprayers made in two different stylets, in Tin or Brass, at 75 cents and $1.50 each. These are the best liquid sprayers made for House, Garden, Orchard or Potato Field

USe. (See page 77.)


(Specially grown for us on Long Island.)

Ma I'll pf fiarrlPIIPrQ In fact all'who grow Cabbage for market or private'use, don't fail to try our ■■■111 l\Cl udl UCIICI Oj Cabbage deed; it will highly please you, and prove a great money maker for Market Gardeners. We have our Cabbage Seed grown by the most reputable, honorable, and experienced Cab- bage Seed growers on Long Islaud (in fact in the world) . We get our seed direct from the growers, and not second handed. We pay a good price for it, as good seed costs money, and then it is cheap. We make special prices to Market Gardeners and large growers. Don't fail to give us yourorder, as it is to your own bentfit to do so



bages, which is the case with the Autumn Kin;

Philipps' Toledo Large Late Drumhead. This

is one of our standard late maturing varieties. Large, solid head, with very short stem, grows very compactly. Heads frequently attain 20 to 30 pounds. We highly recommend this great Cab- bage to all ; always reliable ! as a b eader and noted for its excellent quality. Pkt. 5c; oz. 15c ; % lb. 40c ; lb. $1.50.


We desire to call special at- tention to this class, all of the varieties enumerated below being of much finer flavor and quality than the best of other Cabbages. They are particu-


. Pkt 5c ; oz. 15c ;

Improved Autumn King Cab- bage. Has proved itself a peer- less variety and is coming into general use. We have no hesita- tion in recommending it as one of the finest late Cabbages in this country. The Autumn King is an entirely distinct variety and the best keeper ever seen; it pro- duces enormous solid heads of that dark shade of green that is most desirable in a Cabbage, and has such small outer If aves that it can be planted much closer than the ordinary late sorts, and can be relied upon to produce a greater weight of crop per acre from the fact of its producing so few outer leaves and going all to head. We understand that some other seeds- men are offering this same stock of Cabbage under the name of " World Beater,'' which variety was introduced a few years later as one of the grandest of all Winter Cab- llh. 40c; lb. $1.50.


larly adapted for private use, where quality rather than quantity is desired. Grown in the Fall and allowed to be touched by frost, it is one of the most delicious of all vegetables.

Netted Savoy. This is the finest of the Savoy clasp, and a general favorite. Heads large, very solid and compact, a "yellowish green color, and like all other of the Savoy varieties, is of excellent flavor, far surpassing that of any other late Cabbage. Pkt. 5c ; oz. 15c : lA lb. 50c; lb. $1.50.

American Drumhead Savoy.

excellent flavor. Pkt. 5c ; oz. 15c

The largest heading Savoy ^ lb. 50c; lb. $1.50.


Marvin's Savoy. This distinct variety originated with a Long Island trucker of many years' experience. It is very uniform, large solid, very curly, and a sure header (ninety ;o ninety five per cenu. Pkt. 5c; oz. 15c; % lb. 50c; lb. $1.50.

See Our Big $1.00 Collection on page 2.

The Henry Philipps Seed and Implement Co.




Extra Early Dark Red Erfurt. The earli- est and finest red. A useful sort for pickling. Pkt 5c; oz. 15c; 4 oz 40c ; lb. $1.50.

Mammoth Rock Red. The Man moth Rock is by fit the best, largest and surest heading Red Cabbage ever introduced. The plant is large, the head is large, round, very solid and of deep red color ; will average 12 lbs. each Pkt. 5c; oz. 20c; 4 oz. 60c: lb. S2.00.

it was the Red Cabbage exhibited at the Fairs in our section, from Sad we sold, which drew the highest premium. Do not fail to try some.

Much imported Cabbage seed is offered as American at low prices. Our experience is that imported seed of the late varieties is worthless.

Plants quoted "by mail," are sent at our expense; "by express," at the purchaser's.

Cabbage Plants. Any of our early varieties ready April 10th. By mail, 100, 75c; by express, 100, 50c; 1000, $3.50.

Cabbage Plants. Any of our late varieties ready June 1st. By mail, 100, 75c ; by express, 100 , 40c ; 1000, $2.00.

We can sell our Farmer and Gardener friends just as good seed as any Seeds- man has to offer. Please remember we are Growers and Importers. Send us your order and get new seeds true to name.


Sow 1 ounce to 150 feet of drill; 4 lbs. to the acre.

Culture.— The Carrot, like all other root crops, delights in a sandy loam, richly tilled. For early crops sow in Spring as soon as ground is in good working order; for later crops they may be sown any time until the middle of June. Sow in rows about fifteen inches apart, thinning out to three or four inches between ihe plants. In field culture, when grown for horses or cattle, the rows should be two feet apart, so that the crop can be worked by the horse cultivator. As carrot seed is slow to germinate, all precautions must be taken.

Chantenay Half Long Scarlet. A stump rooted vari- ety, somewhat resembling the well known Nantes Carrot, but having a larger shoulder and being much more productive; sweet, fine flavored, almost without a core; very fine grained ; excellent for home garden and market. Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c; % lb. 20c; lb. 60c.

Early Scarlet Horn. Blunt, deep red flesh, tender and delicate; a good early summer sort. Also good for forcing. Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c; 4 oz. 20c; lb. 60c.

Early Scarlet Horn Pointed. A fine variety of medium size; color deep scarlet; fine flavor: very pro- ductive; fine table. Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c; ~% lb. 20c; lb. 60c.

Read pages 71 and 76.



The Henry Philipps Seed and Implement Co.

Altringham. This Carrot is an immense and sure yielder. Roots are long and large, of a fiue scarlet, good flavor, and superior feeding qualities. Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c; lb. 20c; lb. 45c; 5 lbs. $2.00.

Large White Belgian. Very productive kiud, grown almost exclusively for stock ; grows one-third out of the ground; lower part of root white; that above ground green. Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c: % lb. 20c; lb. 45c; 5 lbs. $2.00.

James' Intermediate. This variety nearest resembles the Danvers (it might be called two-thirds long), but thicker at shoulder and heavier Pkt. 5c ; oz 10c. % lb. 20c; 1 lb. 60c.


Danvers Half Long Orange. This variety originated where the raising of Carrots is made a special business, twenty to .thirty tons per acre being no unusual crop. In form it is midway between the Long Orange and Short Horn. The root is 'of a rich, dark orange color, and grows very smooth. Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c; % lb. 20c; lb. 60c.


©werande, or Ox-Heart Carrot. A very [desirable new Carrot. In length intermediate between Short Horn and Chantenay ; much thicker than either, and carries its thickness well down towards the bottom. In color as dark as Chantenay; is an immense cropper, early harvested, requiring no digging, while its handsome appear- ance and excellent table qualities make it valuable for either the improved long orange carkot. market or home garden. Pkt. la ; oz. 10c; % lb. 20c; lb. 60c.

Improved Long Orange. Our improved Long Orange Carrots, as will be seen by the illustration annexed, are far superior to the ordinary varieties of Long Orange Carrots, and will yield fully twice as much to the acre as the common varieties. In no other vegetable has there been such improvements recently made as in the Carrot, and we claim to have best strain of Long Orange Carrots there is to be found in this country. We ask our friends to give it a trial, and be convinced of its great superiority. Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c; % lb. 20c; lb. 50c; 5 lbs. $2.25.

See Our Big Collection —Catalogue page 2.

The Henry Phitipps Seed and Implement Co.


CAULIFLOWER. Philipps Choice Selected Varieties.

CULTURE.— The most delicate and delicious of all the Cabbage family, and requiring the same culture and treatment, but being more delicate the good culture and richness of the soil recommended for Cabbage are absolutely necessary for the Cauliflower. By sowing the early varieties in the Spring in a hotbed or cold frame, or even in an open border, they can be obtained in pretty good season. One ounce of seed will produce about 2,000 plants.

Extra Selected Extra Early Dwarf Erfurt. One of the earliest varieties; small-leaved, dwarf for forcing;

producing very solid, pure white heads of the finest quality; about fifteen inehes high. Do n< t confound

this variety with the cheaper Early Dwarf Erfurt. Pkt. 20c; \i uz. 75c; % oz $1.25: oz. $2.25; % lb. $7.50.

Ijarg-e Late Algiers. A splendid late variety; very popular with canners and market gardeners. Seldom

fails to produce large white heads. Pkt. 10c; oz. 75c: \i lb. $2.00. Extra Early Paris. One of the earliest varieties in cultivation. Very dwarf, large white compact heads »f

finest quality. Highly recommended; sure heading variety. Pkt. 5c; % oz. 20c: Y2 07.. 35c: oz. 65c.


Gilt Edge Snowball. The strain we have of this variety is withou doubt the very best to be had. Our stock was grown from the very finest specimens, noted for their earliness, dwarf habit, large size, uniform shape, and compact growth For forcing under glass during Win- ter and early spring, or for planting in the open ground, no stock of Snowball can surpass it. Pkt. 25c; Yi. oz. 75c; % oz. $1.25; oz. $2.25; J< lb. $8.00. m#

Cauliflower Plants. Ready May 1st. Snowball and Erfurt By mail, doz. 20c; 100, $1.25: by ex- press, 100, $1.00; 1,000, $7.00. Less price for other varieties.


The Finest and Most Superior Strain of Celery Seed Grown in the World.

One ounce will produce about 3,000 plants.^gwg; _rifr__

Culture.— A. very popular and now extensively grown vegetable. It can be grown with good success in any ordinary good soil, but attains per- fection in deep mellow, bottom land. Sow when the apple ia/in bloom, on a finely raked surface and cover scarcely at all, quite early in the Spring in a moist place or conveniem to water, which apply freely in dr\ weither. When the plants are four inches, (more or less) in height trans- plant a portion into veiy shallow trenches in well manured land, which


The Henry Philipps Seed and Implement Co.


New Giant Pascal. The latest and best varietv of Celery. It is a selection from the Golden-Self- Blanching and adds to the general good qualities of its parent, superior keeping qualities. The stalks are very large, thick, solid, crisp, and qf a rich nutty flavor, free from any laste of bitterness. It blanches very easily and quickly and retains its freshness a long time after being marketed. The heart is golden yellow, very full and attractive Jin appearance. Pkt. S c; oz. 15c; % lb. 40c ; lb. $1.50.

Dwart Golden Heart. A distinct variety or sturdv dwarf habit. It is solid, and an excellent keeper, and of fine, nutty fla- vor. When blanched, the heart, which is large and full, is of a light yellow, making it an exceedingly showy and desirable variety for either mar- ket or private use. Pkt. 5c; oz. 15c; % lb. 40c; lb. $1.25.

Mixed Celery Seed. For flavoring, oz 5c; % lb. 10c; lb.

25c .

Celery Plants.

Ready May 1st. By mail, doz. 20c; 100, $1.00; express, 100, 60c; 1,000,$4,00. After June 20th, 83 00 per 1.0C0.

planting repeat at intervals of two or three weeks for

a succession, until the necessary quantity is set out.

White Plume Celery. The earliest and nand- somest, the easiest grown and most profitable for early market. White Plume is self-bleaching; the stalk and portions of the inner leaves and heart are naturally white; needs very little banking up to blanch; crisp, solid and of a nutty flavor, while its white, feather like foliage places it at the head of all others as a table ornament. Our seed can be relied upon as the "True White Plume.'' We have made a specialty of White Plume ever since its introduction. Pkt. 5c; oz. 20c;i% lb- 50c; lb 81.75.

Boston Market. A very superior market variety; much esteemed i or family and market use and'a good keeper. Pkt. 5c; oz. 15c; ^lb. 40c: lb. 81.25.

New Golden Self-Blanching. (Golden Yel- low Large Solid.) This is the best Celery in cul- tivation, and it cannot be too highly recommended. The plant, with its close habit, compact growth, and straight vigorous stock has a beautiful appear, ance. 1 he ribs are perfectly solid, crisp, brittle- and of delicate flavor, surpassed by no other vari- ety, while it has the decided merit of being self- blanchiog to a very remarkable degree. The heart is large, solid, and of a beautiful, rich golden yellow color. The leaves also'are of a beautiful golden yel- low after the plant has been bleached, which adds greatly to its handsome appearance when prepared for the table. No variety ;can surpass, if indeed, equal the Golden Self-Blanching in striking ap- pearance and delicious flavor. Exceedingly popu- lar with every planter. Excellent sort for early planting and good keeper. Pkt. 5c; oz. 20c; lb. 60c; lb. 82.00.

Crawford's Half Dwarf A great favorite with market gardeners. Early, solid, of vigorous growth, and nutty flavor; very ornamental, and exceeds many of the larger growing kinds in weight. Pkt. 5c; oz. 15c; 3^ lb. 40c; lb. 81.25.

Giant White Solid. The best of the large grow- ing sorts and a favorite variety, solid, crisp and tender. Pkt. 5c ; oz. 20c ; yA lb. 40c; lb. 81.50.

Red or Pink. A variety fancied by reason of its distinctive color and hardiness. Quality good ; desirable in the private garden as one of the most reliable sorts. Pkt. 5c; % oz. 10c; oz. 20c; % lb. 60c; lb. $2.00.


The Henry Philipps' Seed and Implement Co.



Culture.— Sow early in the Spring, in light, rich soil; trans- plant in May into beds. Grown exclusively for its roots, which which are turnip shaped, very smooth, tender and marrow like. The roots are cooked and sliced; used with vinegar they make an excellent salad. They are also used for seasoning meats and to flavor soups.

Prague Giant. Of fine flavor and large size. Pkt. 5c; V2 oz. 10c ; oz. 20c; % lb. 50c; lb. $1.50.


Curled. An aromatic herb. The young leaves are used in soups and salads. Sow thinly in Mav, in drills half an inch deep, one foot apart. Pkt. 5c; oz. 15c; % lb.* 30c; lb. $1.00.


Large Rooted Magdeburg. Roots of this form the Chicory of commerce. Used to mix with or as a substitute for coffee. Cultivation the same as for Carrot. Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c; XA lb. 30c: lb. $1.00.


Chives are very hardy and perennial members of the onion family. They are grown exclusively for their tops, which are used wherever the flavor of onion is wanted. Planted in clumps in any celeraic. garden soil, they grow readily, and increase so as to render a divis-

ion necessary. The tops appear very early in the Spring, and can be cut throughout the season. They should have a placeln every garden. Roots, per bunch, 25c, postpaid.


True Georgian or Creole. Excellent for greens; quite extensively grown in the South. Sow for suc- cession from June to August, and treat as Cabbage. Pkt. 5c ; oz. 10c; % lb. 30c; lb. $1.00.


ALL EASTERN GROWN. fi^Special Prices will be made for Larger Quantities than here quoted~®a

It is a well known fact that Connecticut grown Sweet Corn, transferred to the middle and Western States, will be ten days earlier, is sweeter, of better flavor, and better cropper. We could buy splendid Poking Sweet Corn, grown in the Western States, at one half the price we paid for ours but we prefer to work for the benefit and interest of our customers as well as our own, even at less profit. Half peck and half bushel at peck and bushel rates.

Culture.— The Sweet or Sugar Corn varieties being liable to rot in cold or wet ground should not be planted until May, or when the ground has become warm, and for a suc- cession plant every two weeks until the last week of July, in hills 2x3 feet for the early kinds, and 3x4 for the Jarge late kinds. Some plant in drills 3% feet apart and 8 inches in the row. Give frequent and thorough cultivation. One quart plants 200 to 300 hills. Eight or ten quarts for an acre.






The Henry Philipps Seed and Implement Co.

Extra Early Adams. The earliest white Corn; ready for table sixty days after germination. Height of stalk three to four feet; not a sugar corn, but a decided acquisition so very early in the season. In large demand among market gardeners Pkt. 5c; pint 10c; quart 15c; peck 75c.

New Cory. Extra early. The earliest variety of Sweet Corn known. Has a large ear considering the size of the stalk and its extreme earliness , small cob, well filled with broad, deep grains; good quality. Pkt. 5c; pint 10c ; quajt 15c ; peck 75c.

Extra Early White Cory., In all respects identical with the New Cory, except color, kernels and ^cob being white; earliness the same . This removes an objection some have to the Cory on account of its color . Pkt. 5c ; pint 10c ; quart 15c; peck 75c. Shaker's Early. Ready about the same time as the Early Minnesota, but the ears are much larger; from two to three large ears to the stalk; kernals large, of pearly whiteness and of delicious flavor. Pkt. 5c; pint 10c; quart 15c; peck 75c. Early Minnesota. One of the earliest sorts of Sweet Corn, ears of suitable size for market purposes, esteemed for its excellent qualities. Pkt. 5c; pint 10c; quart 15c; peck 75c.

Crosby's Early Sugar. Early; great favorite in the markets, productive and of excellent quality. Pkt. 5c; pint 10c; quart 15c, peck 75c. Moore's Early Concord. A good second early. Many gardeners plant it as late as July 1st, as the ear will sell as well as Stowell's Evergreen. Pkt. 5c: pint 10c; quart 15c ; peck 75c.

Ohio Red Cob Evergreen Sugar. This variety we consider one of the best for a general crop, coming immediately after the second earliest. It is very pro ductive, has large, well-filled ears, with deep kernels and small cob ; is very sweet. Pkt. 5c; pint 10c ; quart 15c; peck 80c.

The Hickox Corn. A large eared variety, very white, tender and sweet. It grows eight, ten and twelve rowed. A great favorite with those who can corn for market. It ripens about a week earlier than Stowell's The ears are longer and not quite as thick as Stowell's Highly recommended. Try it. pkt 5c, pint 10c: quart 15c; peck 75c.

Stowell's Evergreen. Grown more extensively than any .other variety, being a great favorite with canners and market gardeners for late use. The ears are of large size, kernels very deep, tender and sugary; very pro- ductive, and remains a long time in fit condition for table use. Pkt. 5c; pint 10c; quart 15c; peck 75c.

Philipps' New Wonder Early Sweet Corn. We offer this new Sweet Corn as the New Wonder of all the early varieties of Sugar Corn ever grown. Its great merit is its earliness, large f yield, with ears as large as Stowell's Evergreen.with'two

and three ears to stalk. Kernel pure white, very delicious, sweet and tender, and the most wonderful extra early large eared Sweet Corn ever introduced. We con- fidently recommend this New Wonder to the Market Gardeners as a great money maker, and should be in every private garden. Our supply is not over large, and would advise all in want of this choice Corn to [order early. Pkt. 5c; pint 10c ; quart 20c ; peck 90c.

Read page 24. Vegetable Collections.

These are first-class collections and we want your order at once. J Try Us. Buy of Us.




The Henry Philipps Seed and Implement Co.



Country Gentleman Sweet Corn. This is one of the finest of all Sweet Corns for private table. The shape of the kernels on the cob indicates high quality. The moment your teeth sink into this luscious, milky, tender Corn, you will become a complete convert to it, for it will delight the most fastidious epicure. Ears are plump, milky, pearly white; kernels fairly melting in your mouth; retaining its delicate flavor and tenderness even when a little old. Medium early, very productive, each stalk yielding three and often four ears. The Country Gentleman is also the most profitable sort for Market Gardeners and dealers. The ears are enclosed in a tieavv husk, which tends to keep the ear in the milk for several days longer than other eorns. The ears average eight to nine inches in length, a very attractive size for table. The cob is usually- small, and the pearly white kernels of great depth, of delicious quality and flavor. Don't miss trying it. Price, pkt. 5c; pint 10c; quart 20c; peck 90c.

Russell's Prolific. Only a few days behind the earliest. As large as the Evergreen; kernels very large, pearly white and sweet; ears are ten to twelve rowed, large and plump; stalks strong, bearing two or three ears each; Pkt. 5c ; pint 10c; quart 15c; peck 75c.

Black Mexican. A black-grained variety; one of the sweetest of all kinds. Pkt. 5c; pint 10c; quart 15c; peck 75c.

Egyptian, or Washington Market. Ears of a laTge size. Very sweet and of rich flavor. Very produc- tive; used extensively for canning. Pkt. 5c; pint 10c; quart 15c ; peck 75c.

SWEET CORN IS ONE OF THE BEST paying crops to grow. If it cannot all be disposed of in the green state, for table use, the Corn in its dry state, also the fodder, is very valuable.

IT IS OF GREAT IMPORTANCE to Market Gardeners, also Private Families to get the Earl- iest, Sweetest, most Delicious and most Prolific Sweet Corn Grown in this Country. We can supply you with such, as our Sweet Corn Seed is Connecticut and Northern Grown exclusively. We therefore advise you to consider your own interest and send your order to us, which will have prompt attention. Read carefully pages 71 and 72.


Early White Rice Pop Corn. One of the finest and most prolific Pop Corns grown. Pkt. 5c; pint 15« * quart 25c.

Queen's Golden. A new variety of great excellence ; stalks six feet, with three, to six large golden ears each. It pops perfectly white and often expands to an inch in diameter; remarkably tender and of a delicious taste. Pkt. 5c; pint 15c; quart 25c. Pop Corn in the ear at 10c. each, postage paid.

Nothing will please the boys better than to supply them with some Pop Corn for seed, and give them a little piece of ground to grow a supply for Winter use Will they not be more contented to spend their evenings un- der home influences instead of running the streets or lounging at the corner grocery, often under bad influences? Is also a profitable crop for the bo> s to sell and buy Christmas presents with. Try it. On account of its small grains, Pop Corn is valuable for feeding to young chicks and other poultry, it being considered much more healthy for them tian the bread or dough generally used. It requires only ordinary culture, and may be sown thickly in rows.

B^T"At prices quoted, postage is paid on Beans and Corn in Packets only.~^8


Culture.— Sow during August and September, in drills or broadcast. Keep down weeds with hoe. Just before the first of the Winter cover thinly with clean straw or leaves. A delicious hardy salad.

Large Seeded. Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c; 4oz. 25c; lb. 75c.


Culture.— Sow thick in shallow drills every two or three weeks. Cut often, it will continue to grow. Useful as salad, for breakfast table and garn- ishing. True Water Cress should be grown in damp soil ; if a stream of water can be utilized it would be much finer; will also thrive in damp hotbeds.

Curled or Pepper Grass. Pkt. 5c: oz. 10c; lb 50c.

Broad Leaved. Pkt. 5c; oz. 15c; lb. 75c.

True "Water Cress. Pkt. 10c; oz. 30c: lb. $3.00.



The Henry Philipps Seed and implement Co.


25 Cent Collection, by mail, postpaid

i Package Beet, Early Blood Turnip.

I *'

Cabbac** TTfxtider«5nti,<; "Earlv Summer.

I "

" Large, Late Flat Dutch.

I "

Cucumber, Toledo Market Evergreen.

I "

Lettuce Early Curled Simpson.

I i(

Onion, Priise Taker.

I "

Radish, Chartier.

I "

Tomato, Dwarf Champion.


IEEE ....

25 Cent Collection, by mail, postpaid.

i Package Asters, Mixed.

i "

Balsam, Double Mixed.

i "

Mignonette, Sweet.

i "

Nasturtium, Mixed.

i "

Pansy, Choice Mixed.

i "

Petunia, Choice Mixed.

i "

Sweet Peas, Choice Mixed.

i "

Ten Weeks' Stock.

i "

Zinnia, Double Mixed.


ljE 5EEE . . .

50 Cent Collection, by mail, postpaid.

i Package Peas, Philipps' Early Summit.

i "

Beans, Golden Wax.

i "

Sweet Corn, Early Cory.

i "

Beet, Early Blood Turnip.

i u

Cabbage, Large Late Flat Dutch.

i "

" Henderson's Early Summer.

i tf

Cucumber, Improved White Spine.

i "

Lettuce, New Salamander.

i "

Watermelon, Improved Dixie.

i 11

Musk Melon, Hackensack.

i "

Onion, Silver Skin.

i "

Parsnip, Hollow Crown.

i "

Radish, Chartier.

i "

Tomato, Dwarf Champion.


The Henry Philipps Seed and Implement Co.



NORTHERN GROWN FROM CAREFULLY SELECTED SEED STOCKS. Growers of Large Quantities of Cucumbers should write to us for Special Prices.

One Ounce for Fifty Hills. One to Two Pounds for an Acre.

Slug Shot is Death to the Bugs.

Culture. For very early sow seeds in hot beds upon pieces of sod, or in small pots, and they can be readily transplanted, with a gain of about six weeks before they can be sown in the open ground. Plant out in rich soil, when danger of frost is over. For general crop sow in the open ground as soon as the weather is set- tled and warm, and again every two weeks for a succession. For pickles, sow from the middle of June to the first week in August. Early Russian. Earliest in cultivation, hardy, prolific, only about three inches long; fine fur pickles; unsurpassed for table use; remarkably solid, with very few seeds, and of best quality Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c; 34 lb. 20c; lb. 50c. Extra Early Frame, or Early Short Green. Although often sold under each name as different varie- ties, both are one and the same cucumber. Productive, of vigorous growth, early fruits of medium size, straight and -well formed; popular for both table use and pickling. Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c. % lb. 20c. lb. 50c.


Toledo Market Evergreen White Spine. A new and improved strain of the well-known White Spine and fast becoming the favorite with market gardeners, both for forcing and outdoor culture. It differs from the ordinary White Spine in the fact of always remaining of a deep green color in all stages of growth. Alto- gether it is a most welcome and valuable acquisition for pickling, market or home use, and should be tried

by all who have a garden- Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c; ^ lb. 20c; lb. 60c.

Improved Extra Early White Spine. For both market use and pickling, this variety is now more largely grown than any other, and is very much su- perior to the old White Spine. Our stock is grown from the true Boston strain. Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c; % lb. 20c; lb. 50c.


Give us a trial order— We want your trade.


The Henry Philipps Seed and Implement Co.

Nichols' Medium Green Cucumber.

This new Cucumber is worthy of the first place among pickle sorts, sec- ond to none as a slicer, and very good for early forcing purposes."; in color dark igreen ; flesh crisp and tender; pro- ductive, medium in size, always straight and smooth, a real handsome good variety. Pkt. 5c; oz.

NICHOLS' MEDIUM GREEN CUCUMBER. 10(}. lb 20c ; lb. 50.

Long1 Green Improved. Long, crisp and a popular and reliable variety for pickling and slicing for table'.

good for general crop. Pkt. 5c: oz. 10c; X lb. 20c; lb. 50c.


Extra Green Prolific Pickling. One of the best for pickling: dark green, very productive and of uniform

small size; very few seeds. Pkt. 5c ; oz. 10c; 34 lb. 20c; lb. 50c. Boston or Jersey Pickling1. A. favorite eastern sort, of fine quality, 'medium length; reliable variety for

pickling and slicing. Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c; 34 lb. 20c; lb. 50c. Extra Long White Spine or Evergreen. This variety often grows to exceed 12 inches in length.^Very

smooth, straight and handsome; is quite early, very prolific, ,of a dark green color in all stages of ^growth,

crisp, tender and free from bitterness. Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c; 3^ lb. 20c; lb. 50c. Philipps' Everbearing. Small size; very early and enormously productive, and valuable as a green pickler.

Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c ; V4 lb. 20c; lb. 60c. Small Gherkin. Very small burr; used for pickles. Pkt. 5c; oz. 20c; V4 lb. 40c; lb. $1.00.


Improved Large Leaved. A very early and healthy Spring salad. Sow early in the Spring in ;drills eigh- teen inches apart and tbin out to six inches in the drills. Pkt. 10c; oz. 50c ; % lb. $1.25; lb. $4.50.


One Ounce will produce about One Thousand Plants. Culture.— Sow early in the hotbed. When plants are three or four inches high transplant two feet [apart in rich, warm, dry soil. Cultivate the same as cabbage.

To Cook.— Cut the slices one-fourth to one half inch in thickness; pare off rind; put into dish with a layer of salt between the pieces, beginning with a layer of salt at the bottom of dish. Let stand three or four hours, then wipe each slice dry with a cloth ; fry in a batter of eggs and flour; season to taste, and you have an excellent dish.

New York Improved Large Purple. The best vari- ety in cultivation ; contract grown. Being early, a sure cropper; and of fine quality. Fruit very laige, oval, deep purple; flesh white and tender. Pkt. 10c; % oz. 20c; oz. 30c; % lb. $1.00. New Jersey I-nproved Large Purple Smooth Stem. Claimed to be the[finest of all Egg Plants. Pkt. 10c; Y2 oz. 20c; oz. 30c: % lb. $1.00. Egg Plants. Ready May 1st. New York Improved. By mail, doz. 25c; by express, 100, $1.00.


Culture.— For an early crop sow in April. For general

«= e- *»? . crop sow in June or July; cover lightly. When up, thin out

new york improved large purple egg plant. to eight inches apart. When the leaves are six or [eight

inches long blanch by gathering iin the hand and tying together near the top with yarn or bast. This must be done when quite dry, or they will rot. At the approach of Winter, take up carefully, with a ball of earth to each plant, and place close together in frame or cellar for use. They must be kept dry and have plenty of air or they will rot.

The Henry Philipps Seed and Implement Co.



Green Curled. Best for general crop, for early and late use ; crisp in qual- ity; hardy. Pkt 5c; -oz. 15c; 4 oz. 40c.

White Moss (Juried. Very beautifully curled; for early season, fine fla- vored. Pkt. 5c; oz. 15c; 4 oz. 40c.

Broad-Leaved Batavia. Has broad, thick, slightly wrinkled leaves ; pale green, and good keeper. Pkt. 5c; oz. 15c; 4 oz. 40c.


Garlic is the most pungent in taste and has the strongest odor of aM thf Onion family. It is esteemed for flavoring soups, stews, sausage, etc.

Culture. Prepare ground and cultivate same as Onions. Large Bulbs. 25c. per lb.

Small Sets or Seeds will make large bulbs. Per pound 50e.


Culture.— The Gourd is a tender annual, and should not be planted until the danger of frost is over, an<il not less than six feet apart each way, in good rich loam.

Sugar Trough. This variety grows to a very large size, and is valuable when dry for a variety of household

purposes, baskets, buckets, etc. Pkt. 5c; oz. 25c. Dipper.— Very useful for many purposes ; holding about a quart; with a long handle. Pkt. 5c ; oz. 25c. Nest Egg. Japanese Nest Egg. They resemble a hen's egg in color, shape and size. Pkt. 5c; oz. 25c. Dish Cloth. Grows two feet in length. The lining and inner portion is sponge like, toagh and elastic, and is

used for dish cloths. Pkt. 5c; oz. 25c. Fine Mixed. A collection of the most. ornamental, including all the above. Pkt. 10c ; 3 pkts. 25c; oz. 25c.


Culture.— Sow from the middle of April to the beginning' of May in prepared beds; transplant in June and treat in same manner as for the Cabbage. Of all the Cabbage tribe this i* ihe most tender and delicate, and would be much more extensively ?rown than it is if its excellent qualities were generally known. The varieties are all extremely hardy and are best when touched by frost.

Curled Tall Green Scotch. Hardy; best after frost. Pkt-

5c: oz. 10c; 4 oz. 30c. German Dwarf Green Curled. Very fine; light green. '■W Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c; 4 oz. 40c. »warf German curled kale. German Dwarf Brown Curled. Very hardy. Pkt. 5c; oz.

10c; 4 oz. 40c.

KOHL RABI— Aboye the Ground, or Turnip-Rooted Cabbage.

Culture.— When young and tender they are fine for table use; when matured they will keep well, and are excellent for Winter feeding to stock. For early use sow in hotbed; transplant and cultivate like early cabbage. For Winter use sow the middle of June or first of July, in rows ten inches apait. One ounce of seed for 1,500 plants. Early White Vienna. Flesh white and tender, excellent forcing variety. Pkt. 5c; oz.

20c; 4 oz. 60c.

Early Purple Vienna. An excellent sort, later than the White. Pkt. 5c; oz. 20c; 4 oz 60c.



One ounce will produce 1,000 plants.

Culture.— Sow early in Spring, in drills six inches apart and one inch deep. Thira out to one inch. When about seven inches high, transplant them in rows twelve inches apart, and as deep as possible, but do not cover the young center leaves. Water thorough- ly, if dry when planted out. Dr^aw eaTth up to them as they grow. Very rich soil is- required. Take up and store in earth in a cool cellar before Winter weather. Large Improved London Flag. An old standard. Broad leaves; of strong and

vigorous growth; hardy. Pkt. 5c; oz. 10; 4 oz. 30c. Large Musselburg, or Scotch Champion. Of enormous size. Leaves broad and

tall, spread like a fan; hardy, and of excellent quality. We highly recommend thTs.

Pkt. 5c; oz. 15c; 4 oz. 45c

Read over our Spraying outfits as offered on pages 77, 78 and 79. These Sprayers ahead of any on the market— Order One.


The Henry Philipps Seed and Implement Co.


One ounce of seed for 2 500 plants.

Lettuce, the most used of all salads, is of very easy culture, every gardener and garden spot should have a plentiful supply. With but little trouble and the proper selection of varieties, it can be had the whole year round, while no other salad is so appetizing or more wholesome.

Culture.— To have fine Lettuce, in early Spring; sow in seed-bed from commencement to middle of Autumn. Protect the plants by a cold frame or with litter, ias they stand on the ground. Early in the Spring transplant them into rich ground. Or in early Spring sow in hotbeds and transplant. For a later supply sow in drills, from time to time, during Spring and Summer ; when up a few inches thin out, leaving plants at proper distances: tins is better than transplanting late in the season.


Denver Market. This novelty in Lettuce forms beautiful, large, solid heads, of a delicate light green color ; the leaves are blistered like a Savoy Cabbage, most attractive in appearance. It is very tender, of excellent flavor, grows quicklv; is good to sow early in the open ground, vet is slow to run to seed. Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c:

4 oz. 30c; lb. $1.00.

Philipps' Early White Cabbage or Butter Salad". This is our leading and standard sort; heads large, solid, close and well formed, very tender, crisp and of excellent flavor, and always free from bitterness, Desirable for forcing and for out of doors. Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c; 4 oz. 30c; lb. $1.00.

Iceberg. For two seasons we offered this beautiful Lettuce to our customers, and all, so far asheard from, are highly pleased, and regard it as worthy of general cultivation. The large curly leaves are of a bright, light green, with a very slight reddish tinge at the edges. The unusual solidity of the heads is insured by the large, white main ribs of the leaves, each of which curving strongly into the centre acts like a truss, making it impossible for the leaves to open outward and expose the centre, which is constantly thoroughly blanched. The quality is simply perfect. Pkt. 5c; oz. lCc; 4 oz. 30c: lb. $1.00.


New Silver Ball. This Lettuce produces a beautiful head, very firm, solid and compact, with handsomely curled leaves The head is of an attractive silvery white color, very rich, buttery, and .if niostjdelicious flavor. Earlv, and stands a long while before running to seed. An excellent vatiety, both for early Spring and Summer use. Pkt. 5c; oz 10c; 4 oz. 30c; lb. $1.00.

Early Hanson. Improved hard heading stork. Forming fiue, laige, solid heads, which are both crisp and •tender. They frequently attain two to three pounds each. We regard it as a very valuable variety. Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c; 4 oz. 30c; lb. $1.00.

Tennis Ball. (White seeded.) A. favorite forcing variety, forming a hard head: can be planted quite closely under glass. Largelv used in hotbeds, forcing pits and greenhouses; vcrv hardy. Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c: 4 oz. 30c;

lb. 81.00.

Grand Rapids Forcing. Being often disappointed in getting the genuine slock of this grand Lettuce, we this se is >n, had our seed of this kind grown for us by a highly responsible party he>e at home, and wc recommend the same as pure aud reliable. There is nothing superior, if it has any equal, for. growing under glass; it requires less care, will grow more weight in the same space, is not liable to rot. and will keep longer without wilting than any other variety: is of tine appearance, crisp and tender. It is also valuable for out- door growing. Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c; 4 oz. 35c; lb. $1.25.

The Henry Philipps Seed and Implement Co.


Big- Boston. This variety is identical in color, shape and general appearance with the famous Boston Market Lettuce, but is double the size. It is about one week later in maturing, but its solidity and grt ater size of head will make it a most valuable sort. A desir+ble variety either for foicing in cold frames or open ground plant- ing, i he. "Big Boston" is sure to be warned by market gardeners and tiuckers, because it always produces large, solid, saleable heads, and will commend itself t" amateurs because it heads up well at all seasons of the year, and is of crisp, tender quality. Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c; 4 oz. 35c; lb. $1.25.

Hardy Green Winter. Very hardy, and forms a *olid head. Pkt. 5c; oz 10c; % lb 35c; lb. $1.25.

Black-Seeded Simoson. Like the curled Simpson, this variety does not properly forma head, but it is lighter in color, ihe leaves nearly attaining double the size of the Curled Simpson ; it is well suited for forc- ing, and it is one of the best for market gardeners. Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c; 4 oz. 35c; lb. $1.25.

Boston Market. This is an improved variety of the Tennis Ball, and attains a large size. It grows very compact; Is white and crisp; one of ihe best varieties for forcing or out door growing. Try it. Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c: 4 oz. 3=ic; lb. $1.25.

New Salamander. For Summer use: forming good sized, compact heads; color light green outside, white on

inside ; withstands heat. Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c; 4 oz. 30c ; lb. $1.00 Prize Head or Early Brown Cabbage. Bronzed, curled. New sort. A half cabbage variety of bronze

edged leaves; a beauty. Pkt 5c; oz. 10c; 4 oz. 35c; lb. $1.25. All-the-Year-Round. Adapted for growing any season of the year; heads medium i-ize, very hard, crisp,

compact; of good quality. Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c; 4 oz. 30c; lb. $1.00. New York. A very large green Lettuce with solid heads, often weighing three to four pounds each. Not

suited for forcing, but excellent for Summer use, being slow to shoot to seed. Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c; 4 oz. 30c;

lb $1.00

See page 24 Send us your order for one of the collections.

California Cream Butter Lettuce. This forms round, solid heads of good size. The outer leaves are green, marked with small brown spots; the inner portion is a rich cream yellow and of a rich buttery flavor: is medium early ; an excellent Summer Lettuce, slow to go to seed. Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c; 4 oz 30c; lb. $1.00.


Early Curled Silesian. A

cutting variety; earliest for out-door planting. Does not head; affords good flavored salad long before the cabbage varieties have commenced to head. Color almost golden. Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c; 4 oz. 30c; lb. $1.00.

Early White-Seeded Curled Simpson. This variety does not head, 'but forms a com

pact, close mass of leaves; for forcing and early out- door sowing. Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c; 4 oz. 35c; lb. $1.25.


No Better Seed Grown in the Land.

One ounce of Seed for sixty hills; 2 to 3 lbs. for an acre."

Cvlture. Select a light, sandy rich soil, and after all danger of frost is over and the ground has become warm and dry, plant in hills from four to six feet apart each way, six to twelve seeds to the hill. When up and all danger of inf-ects is past, pull out all but three plants. Cultivate until the vines cover the ground, and pinch ends of the growing shoots to induce early fruiting. Ashes, lime, or even dry read dust is excellent to sift over the young plants w'hen the dew is on to prevent the attack ot insects. A few hills for early fruit may be had by sowing in hotbed on pieces of sod or in pots. The Seeds may also bt started out of doors, under hand frames or glas'ses.

Extra Early Hackensack. This valuable variety is ready for market fully ten days ahead of the well- known Hackensack, which it much resembles in shape and quality. The melons are of good size, weighing from five to ten pouncs each; excellent for market and private garden. Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c; 4


The Henry Philipps Seed and Implement Co.


Extra Early Citron Nutmeg1. First in the market, the largest of the very early. A decided acquisition among the Cantaloupes. Ten days earlier than any other, fair size and of fine flavor. A variety which for its early maturity will he found profitable by all market gardeners, also in the private garden till others come into condition. Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c; 4 oz. 20c; lb. 60. Improved Green Nutmeg- or Chicago Market. A superior market variety. It is the most popular green fleshed Nutimg in Chicago and other Western markets, and is steadily growing in favor in the East. It comes quite early for such a good-sized melon. Verv uniform in size, deep green, flesh of excellent qual- ity. Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c; % lb. 20c; lb. 60c. Hackensack or Turk's Cap. Without doubt the best general crop Melon. It is round, well netted, similar to the Early Hack- ensack, but of larger size; flesh green and thick, delicious" flavor, beautiful in appearance. Very popular the world ever. Pkt. 5c ; oz. 10c; 4 oz. 20c; lb. 60c. Netted Beauty Musk Melon. This new variety of recent in- troduction has met with large sale. Its great earliness, distinct, handsome appearance and productiveness, has made it a favorite with all who gave it a trial. The whole crop averaged the past two seasons over ten melons to a vine on good ground. Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c; % lb. 20c; lb. 65c.

Long Yellow Cantaloupe. Yellow flesh. Very fine. Pkt. 5c; czlOc; 4 oz. 20c; lb. 60c

Emerald Gem. Medium size, nearly round; flesh a delicate light salmon color, veiy thick, fine grained and of most excellent flavor. The rind is thin, dark green, ribbed, but not netted, very early, and one of the best for home use. Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c; J<lb. 20c; lb. 60c.

Toledo Early Market. This fine Melon has been in our market for many years, cultivated and sold by our market gardeners of long ex- perience, especially successful as Melon growers, in which no little skill is required, as market men well know. The seed was successfully con- trolled by a few gardeners, for the reason that they could market them two weeks earlier than others and at higher prices. They have sold this Melon as high as $3.00 per doz. to our markets and commission houses. Is a type of the well- known Chicago Market Musk Melon, equal to it in quality, which Ave hold to be of the very sweetest and much larger and ivery productive. It is decidedly ribbed, extra well netted, with very thick green flesh. We managed to purchase some of the true seed of this grand Melon and offer it at a moderate price. As our supply is not large, we advise our friends to favor us with their orders at ;as early a date as possible. Post-

TOLEDO EARLY MARKET. Paid> Pkt" ^ 0Z- 10°' 4 0Z' 250 ' lb* ?5C>

New Columbus Musk* Melon. This distinct, attractive, peculiar netted, handsome Melon, has proved to be one of the finest ever cultivated; it is a green fleshed, general crop variety, ripens with Hackensack, and very heavy yielder, the flesh is very solid, thick, never bursts open at either end and the best melon for shipping. We highly recommend it. Pkt. 5c: oz. 10c; 4 oz. 20c ; lb. 60c.

Baltimore Nutmeg Cantaloupe. A melon of

high repute in Philadelphia and Baltimore. Ls

showy, pointed at both ends, strongly netted.

green fleshed, fine flavored, productive and a

good shipper. Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c; 4 oz. 20c; lb. 60c. Miller's Cream. Ranks high as a market Melon,

either for home or shipping. The flesh is of a

rich, salmon color, very sweet and melting, and

is so thick that the Melon is almost solid, the

seed cavity being Remarkably small. A strong

grower and very productive, and covers the

ground with beautiful solid fruit. This Melon

is undoubtedly one of the finest, best flavored

and most profitable for market or private garden.

Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c; % lb. 20c; lb. 60c.


The Henry Phiiipps Seed and Implement Co.


Paul Rose. This new melon is a cross between Os- age and Netted Gem, combin- ing the sweet- ness of the form- er and the net- ting of the latter. Is a salmon flesh- ed small sized melon and sur- passes all others as a shipper and long keeper. It has thick flesh and small seed cavity so is bound to rank first as a Market Gardener's favor- ite. Do not fail to buy some seed and give it a trial. Pkt. 5c; oz. 25c; 4 oz. 75c; lb. 83.00

The Princess. Nearly round in shape, with heav- ily netted dark

green skin; flesh of a rich salmon color, and thicker than in any other melon; very sweet and luscious in flavor; ripens early and grows to a good size. Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c; 4oz. 20c; lb. 60c. Montreal Market. Excellent variety of the largest size. We have had them weighing over twenty pounds. In shape almost round, flatt en ed at both ends, deeply ribbed; sfcin green and netted, flesh green.


Pkt. 5c;

An excellent shipper and a tip top melon in every way. Pkt. 5c;

WATER /fteisON

Musk Melon, except that they should be planted eight or ten feet apart, Large, bright red flesh, of fine quality and a good shipper. Pkt. 5c;

oz. 10c; 4 oz. 20c; lb. 60.

Tip Top. Flesh vellow and very sweet. 10c; #lb. 20c; lb. 60c.

Musk Melon Seed in mixed lots of 5 pounds, 15 cents per pound less.


One ounce will plant about 50 hills, and 4 pounds will plant an acre.

Culture,— Treat the same as according to variety.

Kolb Gem. Extra Northern grown, oz. 10c; 4 oz. 20c; lb. 50c.

Peerless Improved. Of medium size, thin rind, light mottled green; flesh bright scarlet, solid to center, §^ crisp, melting, and sweet as honey. Pkt. 5c ; oz. 10c; 4 oz. 20c; lb. 50c.

Improved Ice Cream. True. (White Seed.) Rind light green; flesh scarlet, [solid and delicious; enorm- £2lously productive; of unexcelled quality. Pkt. 5c; oz. ]0c; 4 oz. 20c; lb. 50e.

Phinney. Extra early market. The first to ripen, and of fine quality; red flesh. Pkt. 5c; ok. 10c; 4 oz. 20c.; lb. 50c.

Black Spanish. Large, round- ish, nearlyblack; dark red flesh; early. Pkt. 5c: cz. 10c; 4 oz. 20c; lb. 50c.

Cuban Queen. Selected. This magnificent and distinct Melon is certainly one of the largest and finest varieties ever intro- duced. Try it. Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c; 4 oz. 20c; lb. 50c.

The Boss. The most delicious. A new handsome, early oblong variety, of nearly the same thick- ness throughout ; skin very dark, flesh deep scarlet, sugary, melt- ing, and of excellent flavor. Pkt. 5c; cz.lOc; 4oz.20c; lb.50c.

Improved Mountain Sweet.

Oblong; dark green, rind thin, flesh red, solid, sweet. Pkt. 5e; oz 10c; 4 oz. 20c; lb. 50c.




Improved Long- Dixie. Selected. A new Water Melon of excellent merits and recommended as the best shipping Melon grown, being larger, earlier and more productive than the Kolb Gem, which has hereto- fore been considered.the best Melon for shipping. It is of very fine appearance a darker green than the Kolb, more beautifully striped. Longer and extremely hardy ; its eating quality is unexcelled. We have the genuine stock. Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c; 4 oz. 20c; lb. 50c.

Improved Long Light Icing", or Ice Rind. Form Jong; rind light green in color. A good cropper, very desirable in quality. The favorite Water Melon among market gardeners. A grand variety, superior to the Round Icing, doing well on light soils. Highly recommended. Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c; 4 oz. 20c; lb. 50c.

Sweet Heart. Has no equal as a shipping Melon. Vine vigorous and productive, ripening its fruit early. Fruit large, oval, very heavy, uniformily mottled, very light green; rind thin but firm; flesh bright red, firm, solid but very tender, melting and sweet. Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c; 4 oz. 20c; lb. 50c.

Fordhook Early. New, of late introduction ; an extra early sort of large size, averaging in weight do lbs , excellent quality. Don't fail to try same. Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c; 4 oz. 20c; lb. 60c.

Preserving Citron. Red seed. Used in making sweetmeats and preserves ; flesh solid white. Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c; 4 oz. 20c; lb. 60c.

Lots of five pounds and upwards ten cents per pound less.


Culture..— Mushrooms can be grown in a dry cellar, under the benches of a greenhouse, or in sheds where the temperature can be kept from 50 to 60 degrees through the winter. (We offer Spawn put up in bricks.).

English Spawn. 20c per single brick; 12 bricks for $1.50. Special prices in large




Culture.— Select rich soil and plant jwhen ground becomes warm. Tin used to thicken soup being gathered when young.

Dwarf Prolific. Of dwarf habit and an abundant bearer; the best sort in use; with long green slender pods. Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c; "% lb. 25e.

mushroo Mf

If in want of Flower Seeds and Bulbs, read pages 53 to 60. If in want of Grass Seed read pages 60 to 7o.

The Henry Philipps Seed and" Implement Co.



Write for Special Prices on 10 lbs. or over, naming the varieties you want. We offer special Inducements to those wanting a Seed Drill or Cultivator, with Seed enough to sow an acre. We are headquarters for Onion Sets, and will sell you first-class Sets at the very lowest price.

Good Onion Seed is of the Utmost Importance. Fully realizing this, we have for some years made a Specialty of Onion Seed, arid have all our crops raised under special contract, subject to careful supervision . Our Onion Seed all grown from choice selected bulbs, critically examined before being set out for seed. In quality it is vastly superior to much thu is put upon the market, often grown by-persons too inexperienced or too care- less to select fine, well-shaped bulbs. In vitality it is very strong, being carefully tested. The very rapid increase in our Onion Seed trade, particularly among market gardeners, many of whom order seventy -five and more pounds, is the very best evidence that our Onion Seed is unexcelled in quality.

Culture.— One oune-> to 103 feet of drill, four to five pounds to the acre. The Onion thrives in a rather deep, rich, loamy snl, and unlike most vegetables, succeeds well wben cultivated on the same ground for successive years. As early in the Spring as the grouud is in working order, commence ;operations by leveling the ground with a rake, and tread it firmly ; sow thinly in drills about a quarter of an inch deep and a foot apart, cover with fine soil, and press down with the back of a spade or light roller. If grown to make large Onions, thin plants gradually, so that they stand two or three inches apart. Keep the ground free from weeds hy frequently hoeing, taking care not to stir the ground too deeply.

■WYou can grow futl sized Onions the first year from our black seed; for this 'purpose four or five pounds of seed per acre are requr ed. To raise sample sets, forty to fifty pounds of seed are required per acre, and for this purpose the best varieties are the Yellow Danveis, Yellow Strasburg, Early Eed and White Silverskin.

Large Red Wethersfleld. The most profitable Red Onion for the market gardener, as it is the heaviest yielder. 600 to 800 bushels having been fre- quently harvested upon a single acre from seed sown in the Spring. It grows to good size, single Onions often weighing from one to two lbs. apiece. In short, it is the best Red main crop Onion for everybody. Our strain is unsurpassed, the seed we offer having been saved from ihe largest Onions of perfect shape and deepest color. Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c; 4 rz. 30c; lb. $1 00. Extra Early Red. Smaller than Red "Wethersfleld. and about ten days ear- lier; color beautiful deep red. Give it a trial, Pkt, 5c ; oz. 15c j 4 oz. 40c ; lb. $1 25.

Southport Early Red Globe. This is a very handsome variety, and is de- serving of general cultivation. It matures early, [grows to a medium size, skin deep red; flesh fine grained, %nild and tender. Pkt. 5c; oz. 20c; 4 oz. 75c ; lb, S3 00. Early Flat Yellow Danvers. Differ- ing from the Globe strain only in shape, being more flat. A splendid Onion for the market or home use, sells readily in the market. Very pro- ductive. Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c; 4 oz. 30e;

lb, n oo.

Yellow Dutch or Strasburg-. One

of the oldest varieties, a good keeper, used largely for growing sets as well as for market. Pkt. 5c ; cz. 10c ; 4 oz ; 30c; lb. 9Cc.

It there is anything- in the Seed or Implement line that you want and do not find listed in this Catalogue, write us and we_wi.ll try to get it for you.



The Henry Philipps Seed and Implement Co.

Mammoth Silver Kingr

Onion. This mammoth variety is one of the largest in cultiva- tion, averaging from 15 to 22 inches in circumference and often weighing 2>4 to 4 poundi each. It matures early and is of uniformly large size and fine shape, being flattened DUt thick. The skin is of a beauti- ful silver-white, flesh snowy- white and tender, of a mild, sweet flavor. We know of no variety of this vegetable that has attracted so much atten- tion as this. Its large size and handsome appearance, as well as mild flavor, recommend it for exhibition at fairs, for the fancy market as well as the home table. Pkt. 5c; oz . 20c ; % lb. GOc ; lb. $2.00.

Yellow Globe Danvers.

Extra selected. Extensively grown as a main crop; true globe shaped variety, beautiful golden color, very productive ; a first rate keeper and shipper, the best and most profitable market sort. Our seed cannot fail to please. Pkt. 5c; ox. 10c; 4 oz. 30c; lb. Sl.Ot


Read over our Potato Price List, page 42. Incubators, page 76.

See what we offer in the way of

Our Northern Ohio Yellow Globe Onion.

Fancy selected stock. Generally admitted bv Onion growers everywhere to be the most desirable strain and perfect type of globe- shaped Onion in existence; We name it Northern Ohio Globe, to distinguish it from the many strains of Globe Danvers now of- fered. It represents the product of years of careful selection and cultivation, this, the finest sUain of that popular type of the Yellow Globe Danvers Onion, which intelligent, pains- taking care can produce. It is immeasurably superior to the average iseed offered, not only in shape and color, but in productiveness. Its main points of excellence are distinct and attractive shape, handsome, bright, even color: it ripens early, and all at once. The necks are very small and cure almost down to nothing. The firm, solid bulbs are excellent winter keep- ers, and all that can be desired in size and^qual- ity; enormous yielders, 800 bushels (standard weight) per acre are frequently grown on rich onion land. This is a superb onion for all classes of soil (when well enriched), and espe- cially good for marsh lands on account of its quick maturing qualities. Try this big money maker. Pkt 5c; oz. 15c; % lb. 50c; lb. $1 75.

Southport lLargre White Globe. Large strain of globe shape, white skin, a good keeper; commands the highest market price.

Pkt. 5c ; oz. 20c; % lb. 60c; lb. $2.25.


The Henry Philipps Seed and Implement Co.


White Portugal, or Silver Skin. Very desirable for family use, a good keeper, flavor mild and pleasant, skin silvery white; of handsome appear- ance; highly esteemed for pickling when young, also for market in early winter. Thisisthi variety of which White Onion bets are grown. Pkt. 5c; oz. 20c; % lb. 50c; lb. $1 75.

American Extra Early Pearl. This is among the earliest, if not the ear- liest, of White Onions, Keeps well. Of a fine, showy, waxy appearance ; the flesh is snow white; flavor mild and pleasant; grows five;tosix inches in diameter the first year from seed. Pkt. 5c; oz. 20c; X lb. 50; lb. 81 75. early pearl.


The Prize Taker. Genuine American grown. The handsomest largest Yellow Globe Onion. A new vari introduced a few yeais ago which has proved to bean excellent keeper, of fine flavor, handsome shape and enormous size, many single Onions having been raised to weigh five pounds and over from seed tbe first year. It is of the same type as those immense imported Onions which can be seen in fruit stores and always com- mand a very high'price. The Prize Taker grows always to a perfect globe shape, with a bright straw-colored skin; the necks are very small and the Onions always ripen up hard. Pkt. 5c* oz. 20c ; yA lb. 45c; lb. $1 50.


The Henry Philipps Seed and implement Co.


New Giant Rocca. Light Red. 'ihese Onions are of large size, handsome appearance, and mild, delicate flavor, of beautiful round form, the outer skin bright red, while the flesh is -white, mild and pleasant. Pkt. 5c; oz. 15c: lb. 40c ; lb. $1 40.

Red Mammoth Tripoli. Similar in size and shape to the Giant "VN hite Tripoli. Skin thin and of rich blood red color ; flesh white, fine grained, mild and pleasant; of quick growth, immense size. Pkt. 5c; oz. 15c; 341b. 40c; lb. $1 40.

Southport Large Yellow Globe. Beautiful in shape and size, maturing a few days later than the Red Wethersfield. It is a splendid keeper and in quality is superior to most other varieties. Pkt. 5c ; oz. 15c ; lb. 40c ; lb. 81 50.


Early Paris Silver White. One of the earliest var- ieties; small, white and beautiful; valuable for an early bunch Onion, also much used as a pickling variety ; popular with the Paris market men. Pkt.

5c ; oz. 20c ; lb. 60c ; lb. 82 00,

Adriatic Barletta. A very early, small, pure white variety, having a very delicate silver Skin, flesh firm and mild in flavor. Its great merit is its extreme earliness. For pickling purposes it is unexcelled. Pkt. 5c ; oz. 20c ; L/± lb. 60c ; lb. $2 00.

White Queen. Remarkable for its extreme earliness and very mild flavor; it is small and white skinned, much liked for pickling. Pkt. 5c ; oz. 20c ; % lb. 60c ;

lb. $2 00.


Northern Ohio and Pennsylvania Grown White, Yellow *and Red Onion Sets.


Culture— They should be planted out as early in Spring as the ground is dry enough to work. Bottom sets are produced by sowing the Seed as early as the ground can be worked in Spring, very thickly, in beds or drills, at the rate of 50 lbs. per acre. One quart of sets to 30 feet in drills: S to 12 bushels, depend- ing on size, to set an acre in drills. Express or Freight charges to be paid by the purchaser. On account of the eirly publication of this Catalogue, we csnnot guarantee prices given, but to avoid unnecessary delay in writing, we will fill orders sent, and will give as many as the money sent will pay for. Prices may be lower or higher.

Quart. Peck. Bush.

Yellow Onion Seed or Bottom Sets $0 15 $0 75 $2 50

White Onion Seed or Bottom Sets 20 1 CO 3 50

Red Onion Seed or Bottom Sets 15 75 2 50

Yellow Top or Button Sets 20 1 00 4 00

Yellow Potato Onions 15 85 3 00

Shallots or Yellow Multiplyers 15 75 2 50

White Multiplyers 20 1 00 3 50

Egyptian or Perennial Tree Onion Sets. . . 15 50 1 50

The Henry Philipps Seed and Implement Co.



e®*If Onion Sets are wanted to be sent by mail, 10 cents per

quart or pound must be added to prepay postage.

e®~Bottom Sets and Potato Onions are sold by measure, White

Mnltiplyers, Button and Egyptian by weight, 28 pounds for a bushel.

TOP SETS OR BUTTONS— "Toppys." 1 hese produce the email clusters on top of the stem, where seed is produced in the com- mon kinds. These small ones are planted in the Spring and the result is large Onions, and these large ones, wiih one year's growth, produce the clusters on the top.

WINTER, OR EGYPTIAN TREE. When once set out they grow for years without any protection or care, except in keeping down the weeds. They stari so early in the fc-pring that they are ready for use a long time before any other Onion can be had Are mild flavored, sweet and tender. They form no large bulos, but divide and grow as many as 15 or 20 small Onions in one bunch. Desirable for family use, and very early and profitable for market gardeners.

WHITE MULTIPLYERS. Are of a pure silvery-white color enormously productive, frequently producing as many as twenty bulbs in a single cluster from a single bulb planted, of excellent quality and size forjbunching green, or can be ripened for use in pickling Onions. Their keeping qualities are remark- able, but their most important quality is their extreme earliness, being ready for market from/three to four weeks ahead of other Onion Sets.

YELLOW POTATO SETS. They produce large, dry, ripe Onions early, and esteemed by many as the best for early use; are Urge size, mild, sweet flavor, very early.

e^We are headquarters for Onion Sets and sell cheap bv the pec£, bushel or barrel. We will quote special prices on large lots.



Culture.— Parsley succeeds best in rich, mellow soil. As the seeds germinate very slowly, three or four weeks lapsing sometimes before it makes its appearance, it should be sown early in Spring, previously soaking the seed for a few hours in tepid water. Sow thickly in rows a foot apart and half an inch deep. For Winter usi protect in a frame or light cellar, or a few plants may be placed in pots or boxes and kept in the house for convenient use during the winter.

Extra Double Curled. A curled variety for garnishing. Pkt. 5c ;

oz. 10c: % lb. 15c; lb 50c. Champion Moss Curled. Leaves crimpod and curled like a bed of

moss, giving a most beau- tiful decorative appear- ance. Pkt. 5c ; oz. 10c ; X

lb. 20c; lb. 75c. Plain or Single. DaTk

grt en with plain leaves;

very hardy. Pkt. 5c: oz.

10c; lb. 15c; lb 50c. Hamburg- or Turnip

Rooted. A very p >pu

lar variety in Europe-

Fine, fleshy vegetable

roots, which are used in

soups, etc. Pkt 5c ; oz.

10c; % lb. 15c; lb. 50c.



Culture.- .Sow a< early in Spring as weather will admit Cultivate similar to carrots.

Long- Smooth White. No side roots; tender and excellently fla- vored. Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c; 4 oz. 15c: lb. 40c.

Large Improved Sugar or Hollow Crown. The best variety in cultivation; roots long, white, smooth, tender, sugary ; excellent flavor. Pkt. he: oz. 10c: 4 oz. i5n: ]h. 40o

We sell lull sized Packets. No half sizes to be had. Send us your order.


The Henry Philipps Seed and Implement Co.


One pound will plant about fifty feet of drill, from one to two bushels^per^acre. Culture— The Pea comes earliest to maturity in light, rich soil. For general crops a deep loam or a soil strongly inclined to clay, is the best; for early crops, mild manure, such as leaf mould, should be employed. Plant as early as the weather will permit, in well prepared soil, and cover about two or three inches deep. Sow three feet apart for early kinds, and four feet for late. For a continuous supply, sow from early in April until the last of June ; then discontinue until the middle of August, when an early sort will sometimes pioduce a good crop.


The Earliest, Evenest Cropper, the Hardiest, Finest Flavored and Most Productive.


Philipps' Extra Early Summit Pea. Most profitable Pea for Market Gardeners to grow, This Extra Early Summit Pea is a careful selection of our own and will be found entirely distinct and superior to any other. In the neck-and neck race for the production of first-class peas (each seedsman naturally endeavor- ing to have the earliest), we claim that "The Summit." we introduced and for us specially grown, is the earliest, best and most productive white round pea grown, none as early, maturing all the pods in about forty-five days; height about two feet, and ninety-five per cent, of the gathering in one picking. Also for a late Fall crop it is unsurpassed, growing with great rapidity. The very best for market-garden use. and we confidently recommend it in every garden for the earliest crop. >a pint 10c ; pint 15c ; quart 25c; peck $1 25 ; bushel $4 00.

Lanareth's Extra Early Pea. (None genuine unless in red- sealed bags or in our packages). Pkt. 5c; % pint 10; pint 15c; quart 25c ; peck $1 15 ; bu. $4 50.

Blue Peter. Tom Thum variety. Seed blue; height 12 inches^ similar to Tom Thum. except in color. Pods large and well filled with delicious and large sized peas. Pkt. 5c ; y2 Pint 10 pint 15c; quart 25c; peck $1 15; bu. $4J)0.

Bliss' American Wonder. The earliest of the wrinkled peas, and best tor family use. Very dwarf, nine inches high and re- markably productive, well-filled pods, flavor unsurpassed. We heartily recommend this valuable pea. Pkt. 5c; pint 15c; quart 30c; peck SI 15; bu. $4 50.

Carter's Extra Early Premium Gem. Pods long aDd of a dark green color. A type of and improvement on the Little Gem. Very early and productive. Height 15 inches. Highly recommended. Try it. % pint 10c; pint 15c; quart 25c; peck ?1 15 ; bu. $4 00.

McLean's Little iGem. Seed green, wrinkled. Height 15 inches. Second early. Very prolific and excellent flavor. Es- pecially recommended for family [garden. Pkt. ;5c; pint 15c; quart 25; peck $1 15; bu.$4 00.

McLean's Advancer. A fine market variety, prolific. Early, tender and delicious flavor. Long pods, well filled io end. Height 2% feet. Pkt. 5c ; % pint 10c ; pint 15 ; quart 25c ; peck carter's extra early premicm gem. 51 15; bu. $4 00.

The Henry Philipps Seed and Implement Co.


Carter's Telephone. Season midway between First in Market and Marrowfat. Green, wrinkled; height, Z]/2 feet; enormously productive ; pods unusually large, elegant shape and well filled with peas of large size and good quality. Average 18 pods to the stalk. Pkt. 5c; y2 pint 10c; pint 15c; quart 25c; peck $1 15; bu. $4 00.

The Heroine. This is one of the mammoth-podded, English-bred varieties, of elegant habit of growth, luxuriant foliage, pods remarkably hand- some, slightly curved, well filled with large, luscious peas of fine flavor, a gem of the first water. It is similar to pride of the Market, but far superior to the variety in habit, as it is re- markably true and fixed in its habits of growth. This is one of the grandest peas on the entire list, is now offered at a price that places it within the reach of all. It should be in every garden. Height, 2 feet; seed green and very much wrinkled. Pkt. 5c; Y2 pint 10c; pint 15c; quart 25c; peck $1 15; bu. $4 00.

Shropshire Hero. A prime new Pea, pronounced by all market gardeners who have tested it the most valuable acqui- sition in new peas made in recent years. It is a second early large wrinkled pea, a robust grower like Stratagem, 2 to 3 feet in height, producing its large pods in abundance. The pods are larger and better filled than such fine sorts as Telephone and others of its class, averages seven and often contains eight or ten large peas of exquisite flavor. Pkt. 5c; pint 15c; quart 25c: peck $1 15; bu. $4 00.

Nott's Excelsior. Extra early. A cross between American Wonder and Advancer; grows one foot high, very hardy and vigorous; can be planted with perfect safety in early Spring with any smooth varieties, and will mature almost as soon, while the quality is far superior; pods very large and well filled with tender and fine flavored peas. Early, hardy, pro- ductive, extra fine; ready for table in forty, five days, Earlier by several days than Little Gem; a fine bearer; earliest wrinkled pea. Pkt. 5c; pint 15c; quart 25c; peck $1 25; bu. $5 00.

Dwarf White Marrowfat. A sturdy variety, prolific and and of good quality ; vines thirty inches high; foliage strong and dark: maturing about seventy days after germination. Pkt. 5c; pint 10c; quart 15c; peck 60c; bu. $2 25.

Black-Eyed Marrowfat. This is extensively grown as a garden and field Pea ; very productive ; height about SlA feet, with large and well filled pods ; a popular market variety. Pkt. 5c: pint 10c; quart 15c; peck 60c; bu. $2 25.

White Marrowfat. Tall. A favorite variety for market, canning and field cultivation; very large, broad pods, well filled; height, four feet. Pkt. 5c; pint 10c; quart 15c; peck

60c: bu. $2 25. the heeoine.

Rural New Yorker. This well known standard variety of extra early Pea is still the favorite of many for market and private garden. Seed white, slightly dented; of vigorous habit. Pods of fine shape, contain from six to nine peas of fine quality; prolific, extra early, uniform in growth and ripening; height 24 inches. Pkt. 5c; pint 15c; quart 25c; peck$L 15; bu. U 00. .



Extra Early Alaska. This beautiful blue market Pea has become a standard variety, and the earliest of all blue Peas. The vines are dwarf, growing only about twenty inches high; very uniform, maturing the crop for one picking; of excellent quality, fine flavor, sweet, and retains its desirable color after cooking; excellent for canning and for the market or private garden. Pkt. 5c; pint 15c; quart 25c; peck $1 00; bu. 83 75.


The Henry Philipps Seed and Implement Co.


Sharpe's Queen. One of the most desirable of the late varieties that have^recently been introduced. This is a wrinkled pea of the Stratagem class, and better. It is dark colored and thick stemmed, very sturdy sort, resisting mildew. Height of vine about 2% feet. Pods mammoth in size, curved, borne often in pairs and so many on a vine as to make the sort very productive. The edible peas are of a deep green color, large and of good flavor, and tightly packed in the pods. This Pea is one of the best English sorts and does well in this country, which cannot be said of other English varieties. Pkt. 5c ; pint 15c ; quart 25c; peck SI 25; bu. $5 00.

Stratagem. (Wrink ed.) One of the finest second early I'eas grown. The strong, sturdy vine is literally cov- ered with immense pods. Many of the pods measure nearly 5% inches in length, and contains as high a ten large, fine flavored, wrinkled peas of excellent flavor, very sweet; t-vo feet high. Pkt. 5c. pine 15c quart 25c; peck $1 25; bu.$5 00. I ;

rne wrinkled peas should be sown thicker than the round p^as, and not till the "ground has become

warm, as they are more liable to rot. They are the finest flaviren of all peas.

Pride of the Market. Is

a strong growing Pea two feet high , wonderfully pro- ductive. T hi pods also are of large size and handsome appearance, and the Peas are of splendid quality. Similar to Stratagem and Telt phone. Pkt. 5c; ^pint 10c; pint 15c; quart 25c; peck SI 25 ; bu.$5 00. Having for a long time re-


Allan's Dwarf Telephone.


alized the value of a pea with dwarl vines bearing large handsome pods with peas of highest quali:y without the long vines of the Telephone, more dwarf than the Strata- gem, and what is most important of all, regular and uni- form in growth, without the tendency to sport that has caused so much annoyance and loss to those who have grown the Stratagem, we have for years been breeding up a pea that will fill the above requirements, and now offer for the first time under the name of Allan's Dwarf Tele- phone. Height: under high culiure. eighteen inches. Habit : dwarf stockv. healthy and vigorous, remarkably uniform in height with almost no tendency to sport, very productive, plants frequently beaiing from fivetoseveu pods. Season : medium, from five to seven days earlier than Stratagem. Pods: long, frequ. ntly five inches in length, broad, straight, rounded or curved at the end, remarkably welJ filled, often containing ten peas, color, pale green, thick and of good lasting quality for nurket purposes Seed of large size, tendtr and of delicious flavor when fit for the table liau green and much shriv- elled and shrunsen when dry. From the unusually ten- der and delicate texture of the pea, it does not when jipened present that handsome appearance of those sorts l hat have a firmer texture and tougher skin. The shriv- elled and damaged appearance of the ripened seed which might condemn it, being caused by the tenderness that is of paramount importance in a first class pea for the table. We offer this pea to our customers as it is sure to become exceedingly popular, and confidently recommend it. Pkt. 5c ; pint 20c ; quart 30c ; peck $2 25 ; bu. $8.00 Gradus. The most attractive novelty of recent years: large, handsome pods resembling Telephone in size and shape, well filled with large peas ripening with the earli- est, is certain to be eagerly sought. Kipening very quickly the pods must be picked as soon as fit for the table. Habit vigorous very quick to germinate and push to maturity; foliage large, pale green in color: pods long, stro'ght, .-dightlv rounded at the point, seed large, wrinkled, cream color, height, 3 feet. Pkt. 5c; pint 20c; quart 40c; peck $3 25; bu. $12 00.

The Henry Philipps Seed and Implement Co.



BJiss' Ever-Bearing-. The great value of this variety is found in its long continued bearing. Puds three to four inches long, « ell filled. Peas vei y large, half an inch and over in diameler Unsurpassed in sweetness and flavor. Two feet high. Try it. l/2 pint 10c; pint 15c; quart 25c; peck $1 10; bu. $4 CO.

Champion of England. A variety possessing merit of high order, wrinkled and -very sugary; requires sticking. Ripens for table in seventy days from germination. ]/2 pint 10c; pint 15c; quart 25c; peck 9uc; bu. $3 25.


Tall and Dwarf Sugar. Edible pods. About two feet in height, very sweet and tendt r. Only to be eaten with pods. Pkt. 5c; y2 pint l(c; pint 15c; quart 25c ; peck $1 50.

Dwarf Grey Sugar. Edible pods. Grows about two feet high, and is remarkable for its earliness as well as its character. The seeds are large, shrivelled and of a dark brown color. The pods are broad, flat and crooked, and contain five or six peas. Pkt. 5c; % pint 10c: m'nt.lESo: rjnnrt 25'1: r>^ok #1 50.

Buy Pioneer Seeds. If your dealer does not handle them and will not, send us ydur order— send direct— and we will try and con- vince you that Toledo is the greatest place to buy Garden Seeds in the country, and » hat Pioneer Seed cannot be beaten anywhere in the World.


Culture.— Sow each kiud in drills on a warm border, late in Spring or commencement of Summer, and thin to stand sixteen or eighteen inches apart; or they may- be sown early in the season in a hotbed or flower pot and transplanted.

Mammoth Ruby King. A very mild flavored variety which grows to a large size, often 5 or 6 inches long, arid 3 or 4 inches thick, of a bright ruby red co]or when ripe; fine for Mangoes. Plants are stocky and very prolific. Pkt. 5c; % oz. 15c; oz 25c ; 4 oz. 75c.




GoUen Rell or Golden Dawn. Similar to Sweet Spanish, except the color, which is golden. Very early,

mild flivor. Pkt. 5c; V2 oz. 15o; oz. 25c; 4oz.75c. Re<1 Cherry. Ornamental pickles; small; very hot. Pkt, 5c; Y2 oz 15c: oz. 25c; 4 oz. 75c. La-go Bell or Bull Nose. Earlier than other large size Peppers, thica meated, veiy mild flavor, excellent

f >r stuffed pickles or Mangoes. Pkt. 5c; % oz. 15c; oz. 20c; 4 oz. 65c. Sw et Mountain or Mammoth. Similar to the Bull Nose, but larger and milder in flavor For stuffed

l.ickles, "Mangoes;" 6 t>> 7 inches. Pkt. 5c; % oz. 1,4*; oz. 20c; 4 oz. 65c. Long Red Cayenne Fruit long, slim and blight red in color. Pkt 5c ; y2 oz. 15c ; oz. 25c ; 4 cz. 75c. Very Small Cayenne. Bright red color, very hot. Pkt. 5c: % oz. 15c; cz. 25c; 4 oz. 75c. Pepper Plants. Ready May 1st. By mail, doz. 25c; 100 $1 00; by express, 100, 75c.

We do not give prizes to our special friends for growing the biggest vegetables at the expense of our out-of-town customers, as some of our competitors do, but we give you the prizes ourselves at the time you purchase, furnishing you first-class seed and full measure.


The Henry Philipps Seed and Implement Co.


Choice Northern Grown Seed Potatoes.


Growing Potatoes for Seed has been a Specialty with us for Years.

In drills three feet apart; ten to twelve bushels to the acre. One peck will plant about 125 hills.

The Potato, like all robust growing vegetables, can be grown with varying success on soils of all kinds, and in all conditions of fertility, but the soil best suited to it is a sandy loam. In all heavy soils it is more subject to disease, and the flavor also is much inferior. In breaking up good pasture land the decaying sod answers sufficiently well for the first year in lieu of manure. Manure is applied either in rows or hills, or broadcast over the hills and plowed in the latter in most cases being preferable. If the soil is good but little manure is required. In highly enriched soil the plants are more liable to disease than when grown in soil that is naturally good. The best fertilizers are those of a dry or absorbent nature, as plaster, lime, superphosphate of lime and bone dust. For wet soils these are particularly beneficial, as they not only promote growth, but prevent disease. Plant as early in Spring as the ground can be had in fair working order, in hills or ridges three feet apart, covering in light, warm soils about four inches deep, but in cold, wet situations two and one-half or three inches will be sufficient.

By using our Northern-grown seed you are assured of early maturity, increased yield and a vigorous growth. Our stock has been grown from selected seed and expressly for seed purposes. We book orders at any time, and fill them in rotation just as soon, in our judgment, as the weather will permit. However, we cannot become responsible for changes in the weather by which they may become damaged in route. "We will ship at any time when requested to do so, regardless of the weather, but customers must take the risk. Prices subject to variations of


Special prices given on most kinds for large quantities, on application. When customers request it we will pack a barrel with two or three kinds without extra charge.

Our Potatoes are all specially raised for seed purposes, and are " Northern Grown 8 by us and for us in Michigan and around Toledo. We deliver all Potatoes into the hands of transportation companies, safely packed ; after that our responsibility ceases. Purchasers must take all risks from freezing or heating. In comparing our prices on Potatoes remember we make no charges for barrels or cartage, but deliver F. O. B. at Toledo at prices quoted. Our barrels contain 165 lbs. net.


Early Toledo Market

Early Wonderful Freeman (from original stock)..

Early Beauty of Hebron (a beauty)

Early Maine

Early Ohio (pure)

Early Ohio Junior

Early Rose (medium early)

Monroe Seedling (late)

Empire State (late)

Rural New Yorker No. 2 (a very heavy cropper) ...

Carman No. I (the great new Potato)

Carman No. 3 (the greatest new Potato ever introduce

Single lb. 10c ; by mail 20c, or 3 lbs. by mail 50c, of any of the above varieties except Carman No. 3, which is twice this price.

These prices are binding only so long as our stock of any variety remains unsold. Potatoes grown in our section and Northern Michigan are far better for planting in the Middle, Southern and even Eastern States than the Western grown, in earliness, yield and quality, and should be preferred by all who grow for market or in private garden.





,$0 20

SO 40

$1 00

$2 75

. 20


1 00

2 75



1 00

2 75



1 00

•2 75



1 25

3 00

.. 20


1 25

3 00

.. 20


1 00

2 75



1 00

2 75



1 00

2 75



1 00

2 75



1 25

3 00

. 20


1 25

3 50

The Henry Philipos' Seed and Implement Co.



early ohio junior.

Toledo Early Market, Six Weeks Pota- to. Espec- ially recom- mend e d for early market- ing, because it is extra early and of fine quality, cook- irjg well as soon as it ob- tains market- a b 1 e size. Tubers s-imi- lar to Early Rose, large, light pink or fltsh color. An immense yielder, flesh very white; cooks dry and mealy. Good keeper, being excellent till planting time. (See price list.)

Ohio Junior. (Extra Early.) This potato originated in a chance seeding; it is with- out doubt in some way related to that good old sort, the "Early Ohio," as it is almost identical with that variety in the form and marking of ihe tubers, habit and growth, etc. The tubers are oval-oblong, with full eyes that are almost even with the surface. It is an excellent keeper, very productive, of fine quality, and has proved to be a most valuable addition to our list of Extra Early varieties. (See price list.)

Early Beauty of Hebron. One of the best early sort; productive and of excellent flavor; good keeper; pure white skin and flesh and a beauty. (See price list.)

Early Maine. This potato originated from a seed ball of the Early Rose ; resembles its parent in color, but nicer shaped and smoother, and far superior in productive- ness and quality. Our stock is very choice. (See pric- 1M. i


The Great Early Freeman Potato. This extra early variety was introduced under the broad claims of being the greatest potato introduced since the Early Rose. It has made a wonderful record, giving enormous yields in all sections where grown. It has a handsome shape and beautiful russet skin, and is fully equal to the old Soowflake in eating qualities. It will pay every tiller of the soil to plant the Freeman. (See price list.)

Rural New Yorker, No. 2. A splendid intermediate and main crop Potato, originated on the experiment grounds of the Rural New Yorktr. It is most distinct in appearance and could readily be distinguished among a hundred other varieties. Very large and unusually smooth, with few and shallow eyes; in form, oblong, inclined to round; flesh white and of superior quality. The vines are very strong, and the yield handsome tubers of great uniformity ; wonderful cropper. (See price list. )


The Henry Philipps Seed and Implement Co.

Early Rose. Every cultivator of the Potato, both far and near, is familiar with the Earlj Rose. It was the pioneer of all the improved varieties; its highly extolled character has not depreciated. Good stock not plentiful. (See price list.)

Improved Extra Early Ohio. The earliest market potato; is well known and popular. The tubers are of good size, always cook dry and mealy, and can be eaten long before the tops die down. (See price list.)

Empire State. A main crop of oblong variety, wonderfully productive; does well on almost any soil. The skin is white and smooth, flesh pure white, of fine flavor. (See price list.)

Monroe Seedling: . A very productive vigorous grower; its large, long, smooth white tubers render it so valuable that it has become very popular. (See price list.)

Cabman No. 1. A Handsome Potato. (See price list.)

The New Potato Carman, No. 1, has the peculiarity of being a seedling from seedlings raised through several generations; is intermediate between early and late in ripening. It has but few eyes, and these s tallow. The flesh is white as flour, and the quality perfect, being not only dry but of excellent flavor; is » hearty vigorous grower, the vines being remarkably stout and stalky. A great cropper, the tubers are extra large, wi.h hardly one among them below market size. We heartily recommend it to all our customers; it cannot fail to give satisfaction. Ripens in time to sow ground to wheat and rye. Our stock is grown from specially selected seed of original stock and is free from *eab or rot.

Pot'ito Carman, No. 3. This splendid Potato is without any approach to an exception, the greatest yielder ever introduced. It may be fairly claimed that it does not yield any small tubers at all. It bears its tubers very close to the plant, a single turn of the fork turning out every Potato. It is of the largest size aud of the shapliest f »rm, almost similar to Carman No. 1. It is a peifect keeper; that is, it will not sprout up to plant- ing time, unless kept in a warm place. Both skin and flesh are of extreme whiteness. Eyes few and shallow. (See price list.)


Orown especially for -Seed purposes in this State and New Jersey, of the following varieties : Yellow Nanse- m ii'l, Yellow Jeisey. Per lb. 10c; bushel $2 00: barrel $4 00. Write for special prices for large quantities.

Sweet Potato Planta. Ready May 1st. We make a specialty of supplying first-class Sweet Potato Plants, and we take great pains to send out only such as are strong, vigorous, well rooted and hardy. Write if you want a large lot, as prices onay be 1 >wer. Price, by mail, 100, 60c; by express, per 100, 30c; 1,000, 82 50.

UTTor list of Grass Seeds, read pages 66 to 70.

The Henry Philipps Seed and Implement Co.



Cri/ruRE.— May be planted after first of May, among the Indian corn, or in the fleM or garden, in hills of eight or ten feet apart each way, four seeds in a hill.

Large Sweet Cheese. Excellent for cooking purposes, orange colored, flesh yellow and sweet: very productive, and exctllent for pies, also stock. Pkt. 5c ; oz. 10c ; 34 lb. 20c ; lb. 50c,.

Large Tours or Mammoth. Grows to an immense size, often weighing over 200 pounds, very productive : for cattle and table ; flesh bright yellow. Pkt. 5c ; oz. 10c ; 34 lb. 20c ; lb. 50c.

Cushaw. Resembling the White Crookneck Squash, flesh salmon yellow . Pkt. 5c ; cz. 10c ; 34 lb. 25c ; lb. 70c.

Connecticut Field. The common large yellow field Pumpkin ; good for stock. Pint 15c; quart 20c ; bush. S3 50.

Sugar. This great pie Pumpkin is used exclusively in making the celebrated Yankee Pumpkin pies. Of fine, sugary flavor, fine grained. Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c; % lb. 25c; lb. 60c.

American and French Grown Radishes for all the Year Round.

One ounce will sow 100 feet of drill; 8 to 10 pounds for an acre. Culture. All the varieties thrive best in light, sandy loam. For early use sow in hot-bed, giving plenty of ventilation, or outside in drills as soon as the soil can be gotten in order, covering the seed about half an inch deep. Sow every two weeks from March to September, for a succession. They must grow rapidly to be crisp and tender.

^ All seed saved from selected and transplanted roots.

Special prices for those buying in larger lots. Five pounds of any variety at 10c. less per lb. EXTRA EARLY AND FORCING VARIETIES.

Earliest White Turnip. A remarkably early sort for forcing, very few and small leaves, crisp and delicate

bulbs (new). Pkt. 5c , oz. 10c ; 4 oz. 20c ; lb. 50c. Early Scarlet Forcing Turnip. Quickest in maturity of any of the Red Turnip Radishes; crisp root and

small top ; an excellent forcing variety, as well as in private garden. Don't fail to try it. Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c; 4 oz. 20c ; lb. 6Cc.

Extra Early Scarlet Turnip, White Tipped. A fancy French variety; scarlet bulb with white bottom. Very showy and delicate. Choice variety for forcing and open ground Pkt. 5c ; cz. 10c; 4 oz 20c; lb. 60c.

Celestial. A comparatively new variely which is popular wherever known. The root is long, cylindrical, with beautiful white skin and flesh, so white as to attract attention even when among the other white varieties. The flesh is tender and of good quality. Pkt. £c; oz. 10c: 34 lb. 25c; lb. 75c.

Turnip Extra Early Deep Scarlet White-Tipped Forcing. (New.) A rich, dark scarlet, pure white at the base, tender, and mild in flavor. Pkt. 5c ; oz. 10c; 4 oz. 20c ; lb. 65c.

Olive-Shaped Scarlet White Tipped French Breakfast Radish. A variety of quick growth. Very mild and tender: one of the best for early scarlet whitis tipped forcing; oval lorm, scarlet, tipped with white. Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c, 34 lb.

radish. 20c; lb. 50c.

Early White Giant Stuttgart Summer. (Round.) A large grower, top shaped and long keeper, all white, smooth, brittle, never pithy; second early. Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c; % lb. 20c; lb. 60c.


The Best Long Red Radish in Cultivation.

This wonderful new Radish has won special favor in all sections of the country, and sells more readily than any other variety tnat is put in competition with it on the market. The tops are very small, and the radishes may stand much closer in the rows than Wood's Early Frame and Long Scarlet without danger of running up to seed. They grow straight and smooth, and from six to seven inches in length; the flesh is exceedingly tender, crisp, and delicious,never becoming t ollow and pithy; the skin is very thin, and has an attractive, glossy, scarlet appearance. This is undoubtedly the finest Long Red Radish for every purpose, being equally desirable for the market or home garden. Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c; 34 lb. 20c; lb. 65c.

Market Gardeners Early Long Scarlet Short Top. Brightest scarlet. The well known Long Red market variety. Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c ; 34 lb. 20c; lb. 50c.


The Henry Philipps Seed and Implemsnt Co.



Extra Early Scarlet Prussian or Vicks' Globe. Eighteen days to maturity. A small leaved variety well adapted for forcing under ghass; root round and carmine colored, early, vtry attractive and desirable, fine for forcing. A new color and very choice. Every gardener should have it. Pkt. 5c ; oz. 10c ; XA lb. 20c ; lb. 60c.

Half-Long" Deep Scarlet. Matures in 24 days, isred and grows from 3 to 4 inches. Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c; % lb. 20c; lb 60c.

Wood's Early Frame. Shorter and thicker than the Long Scarlet Short Top. Best long Radish for forcing, also good for out door crop, either Spring or Fall; mild, brittle, of fine flavor. Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c; ^ lb. 20c; lb. 50c.

Gray Summer Turnip. An excellent sort for Summer. A heat resister. Pkt. 5c ; oz. 10c ; % lb. 20c ; lb. 60c. Long- White Vienna. Beautiful in shape ; skin and flesh are pure snow white ; crisp and of rapid growth.

Pkt. 5c ; oz. 10c ; % lb. 20c ; lb. 60c. White Straeburg. It ie of a tapering shape, skin and flesh both white. It is an excellent Summer variety,

being tender, crisp and of fine flavor, and a quick grower. Pkt. 5c ; oz. 10c ; % lb. 20c; lb. 65c.

Early Golden Yellow

Oval. A comparatively new sort, very popular in the New York market. The roots are oval, very smooth and hand- some; bright, light yellow color, and of fine quality. It matures very quickly and has a small top and neck. Our stock is grov\n from selected roots and is verv fine. Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c; # lb. •20c ; lb. 60c.

Improved Chartier. (Scar- let white tip.) A distinct, exceedingly handsome and attractive sort. Color of the top is scarlet rose, shading into pure waxy-white at the tip. Attains a very large size before it becomes unfit for the table; undoubtedly the best All Seasons Radish for i he open ground. Ready for use or market nearly as early as Long Scarlet Short 'l op, and keeps crisp and tender for two months. Planted late it makes a good Winter keeper. Pkt. 5c ; oz. l"c; % lb. 20c; lb 60c.



The Henry Philipps Seed and Implement Co.


White Lady Fingrer. Twenty-four days to maturity, quick growing, a long slim white; a great favorite, the only good long early white; very crisp and nutty. Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c; hi lb. 25c; lb. 75c.

Golden Yellow Summer. Expressly grown for us. The best Summer Radish. Shape globular; color amber; flavor mild; keeping long in eating condition; withstanding heat well. Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c: \i lb. 20c ;

lb. 50c.

Long White Spanish. Fall or Winter. A long winter sort, very solid and crisp, long keeping. Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c; % lb. 20c; lb. 50c.

Long Black Spanish. Winter. Grows six to eight inches long, and about one and one-half inches Ihrough at the lop; skin black; flesh white and of firm texture. Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c: ~% lb. 20c: lb. 50c.

Round Black Spanish, winter. Like the above except in

shape. Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c; J^lb. 20c; lb. 50c. Russian or j California Mammoth ; White. Grown ex- tensively by Chinese in California; 8 to 10 inches long, 2 to 3 inches ^in diameter; white, solid, good flavor. Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c; Klb, 20c; lb. 65c. Rose or Scarlet China Winter. A fine Winter sort; root a half long stump of from three to four inches; scarlet and pink in color, tipped with white. Quite salable in market during Fall and Winter. Keeps perfectly. Paper 5c; oz. 10c; hi lb. 20c; lb. 65c.

fi^*Radishes are one of the most important vegetable crops for Market Gardeners and private garden. It depends a good deal upon the seeds and soil and how to grow them. As to the first part, we positively assure our friends that the seed we offer is grown for us by the largest and the most reliable and best growers in France and this countrv, and we know and guaran- tee that our seed is equal to any offered by any first-class, re- liable seedmen.


Culture.— Plant at any time during Spring, in rows about two feet apart and about eighteen inches apart in the rows. By mail, perdoz. 35c; by express, per 100, 75c; per 1,000, $6 00.

RHUBARB.— Pie Plant.

One Ounce will produce about 1,000 P'ants. Culture. Sow in April in drills one inch deep and one foot apart. When the plants are three or four inches high thin out to ten inches apart, and cultivate well during the season; in Fall or following Spring transplant into hills about three feet apart each way. The soil must be very deep and heavily manured. Give a top dressing of manure every fall.

Mammoth Victoria. An excellent cooking variety. Pkt. 5c; oz. 15c; \i lb. 40c; lb. $1 25.

Rhubarb Roots.— Each 20c; doz. $1 50; 100, $6 00. By mail, postpaid, 30c each, or %2 50 per dozen. Special prices as to sizes, quality and quantities on application.



SALSIFY. Vegetable Oysters.

When properly cooked it is a good substitute for Oysters in taste and flavor, and is very nutritious.


Culture.— Sow early in Spring in drills fifteen inches apart and one to two inches deep; thin to six inches apart. Soil should be very deep and mellow, in order that the long root may grow straight down. Store same as carrots for Winter use, or they can be left in the ground until Spring. One ounce of seed will sow fifty feet •of drill.

Mammoth Sandwich Island. This variety is of enormous size, twice the size of the ordinary French; pure white, very tender and delicious. Invaluable for the market gardener and private garden. Pkt. 5c ; oz. 10c ; 4oz. 35c. lb. SI 25.


Ten to Twelve Pounds are required for an Acre.


Culture.— For Spring use sow early in drills one foot apart, and every two weeks for succession. As it grows thin out for use, keeping it clear of weeds. For Fall use sow in August; for Winter use in September, in well manured ground ; mulch with straw on the approach of severe cold weather.

48 The Henry Philipps Seed and Implement Co.

SPINACH Continued.



Extra Large Thick Round-Leaved. The Market Gardeners' Favorite for Spring or Fall sowing. Very hardy and large cropper. Pkt. 5c; 2 oz. 10c.'; 4 oz. 15c; lb. 25c.

New Longstanding-. Will stand an unusually long time before running to seed; in other respects it. resembles the round leaved closely. Pkt. 5c ; 2 oz. 10c ; 4 oz. 15c ; lb. 25.

Prickly Seeded The hardiest of all, therefore the best where the Winters are severe. Pkt. 5c; 2 oz. 10c; 4 oz. 15c; lb. 30c.

Curled Leaved Savoy. (Norfolk BloomsdaleL The earliest variety ; upright growth; fine, laTge, tender, savoyed leaves. Growth quick. Pkt. 5c; 2 oz. 10c ; 4 oz. 15c ; lb. 25c.

Bloomsdale Savoy Leavt d. In 5 and 10 lb. sacks only, 25c. per lb.



Culture— Plant after all danger from frost i* past, and get in the" Winter kinds as soon as ;possible,»"in lorder that they may mature. Plant in hills five feet apart for the bush varieties, and six or eight feet [for jthe running varieties, putting six or eight seeds in the hill, finally leaving but three.! [One ounce of bush varieties for forty hills, or of large seeded running kinds, fifteen hills ; three to"four pounds for an acre.,

True Hubbard. Generally considered the leading Squwsh for Fall and Winter use: good in any climate, hard skinned: splendid keeper; flesh dark yellow, fine grained, very dry and rich; very prolific. We offer a very carefully grown stock. Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c ; 4 oz. 20; lb 50.

Toledo Warted Hubbard Squash. For years it has been our constant aim to get an imprf yed strain of Hubbard Squash. We finally succeeded, and now offer to our friends the Toledo Wsrted squash (similar to the so-called Chicago), which we claim is the best strain in the market. A H ub bard sq uash, large, blackish .green , bard as wood, with warty knobs all over it, satisfies even the inexperienced observer that it is the best of its class. Rich in quality, a keeper and thick-fleshed —such as will sell at sight Our strain of the above will produce mainly the type shown in the accompanving cut, which we consider the idenl Hubbard for home or for market. Pkt. 5c . oz. 10c ; lA lb 20c ; lb. 65.

Mammoth White Bush Scallop. An excellent large strain, earlier than the common stock, creamy white and average double in size; pro- lific bearer; a splendid variety for market, and the best of flll for southern shippers. Pkt. 5c: i z. 10c; yi lb. 20c; lb. 60c.

Extra Large Golden Custard Bush Scallop.

L'ecidedly the best strain. It has been selected and grown for vears until it has doubled in size, and at the same* time lost none of its other good points such as earlinoss quality and productive- ness. Pkt. 5c: oz. 10c; ^lb.'JOc; lb 55c.

Giant Summer Crookneck Double the size of « the o-dinary Crookneck and very warty, hut

similar in other respects. Their handsome ap- pearance commands an extra price in the market,

TOLEDO \V A KTED HUBBARD SQUASH. ™. * »■ ^ * lb« ,b-

The Henry Philipps Seed and Implement Co.


Fordhook. A most excellent new Squash, of handsome appearance, yellow outside and straw yellow within. 1 he flesh is as dry as Pike's Peak and of the most delicious flavor. It ripens early and is one of the best kee? ers we know of ; it can be kept all through the Winter until June. It is very prolific and bug and borer proof We can highly recommend it to our customers. Pkt.5c; oz. 10c; % lb. 20c; lb. 60c.

Sibley or Pike's Peak. A great improvement on the Hubbard. The shell is pale green in color, very hard and flinty, but at the same time so very thin and smooth as to occasion the least possible waste in baking. The flesh is solid and thick, and a vivid, brilliant orange color, dry, and has a rich, delicate flavor peculiarly its own ; more productive and a better keeper than either the Hubbard or Marblehead. Weight from 9 to 11 pounds. Pkt. 5c ; oz. 10c ; lb. 20c; lb 60c.


Boston Marrow. Extensively grown andmost profitable for Winter use and canning. Flesh orange fine grained ; splendid for pies and as a Winter keeper. Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c; yA lb. 20c; lb. 50c; 5 lbs. and over, 40c per lb.

Mammoth Chili. True stock ("Jumbo"). The "big" exhibition Squash, the largest of all, often weighing over 200 lbs. There is a record of one Squash having been grown that weighed 292 lbs. The flesh is very thick and a rich yellow color, skin smooth and bright orange color. Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c; % lb. 30c; lbs. $1.00.


Culture.— For early use sow in Feb- ruary, in boxes or pots, and place near a window or in a hotbed. When about two inches high, prick them out singly In small pots and nurse carefully in frames; when danger of frost is past, plant out in sheltered situation, where they may have full influence of the sun. To hasten ma- turity of the first fruit which sets, pinch off extremities of the tops. One ounce will produce about thirteen hundred plants.

The New Stone Tomato. This new Tomato has already been generally adopted by canners and market gar- deners everywhere. Its solidity and carrying qualities are far in advance of any other sort now known ; color rich red ; shape perfectly smooth and thicker from stem to blossom end than most varieties, making it very desirable and saleable. Very large in size and very heavy cropper. Pkt. 5c; oz. 15c; oz. 25c; lb. 50c ; lb. %\ 75.

We have no old seeds in our buildings whatever. All new stock.


The Henry Philipps Seed and Implement Co.

New Dwarf Champion. In form and color the fruit closely resembles the Acme; it is always smooth, symmetrical and attractive in appearance; the skin is tough and the flesh solid ; ripens well close round to the stem and is not so much subject to crack as some other sorts. Pkt. 5c; % oz. 15c; oz. 25c; %Yb, 60c ; lb. $2 25.

Selected Early Acme. Ripens evenly; of medium, uniform size, round, very solid, and of a pink purplish color ; very productive, bearing until killed by frost. Pkt. 5c ; oz. 15c: % lb. 50c ; lb. $1 75.

Early Favorite. A large, smooth, perfect' shaped Tomato, of a dark red color ; does not rot or crack, ripens early, very prolific, good flavor, flesh solid, has few seeds, very early; good shipper. Pkt. 5c; oz. 15c; % lb. 50c; lb. SI 75.

New Beauty. Well named. Fruit large and showy; color deep red with a slight tone of purple; growing in clusters, Solid, meaty, xxw DWA.Br champion. smooth, and free from rot or gTeen core ; a good

sort for shipping on account of its solidity and toughness of skin. Certain to give satisfaction, Keeps well. Pkt 5c ; oz. 15c ; % lb. 50c ; lb $1 75.

Perfection. It is one of the earliest, ripening evenly ; a good keeper ; color blood red, almost round in shape, perfectly smooth and solid, having very few seeds : very productive ; good shipper. Pkt. 5c ; oz. 15c ; }^ lb 50c; lb. 8175.

New Peach. The most distinct Tomato ever introduced; the fruit resembles the peach in shape and color— which is deep rose and amber ; the flavor is remarkably fruity and delicious. Pkt, 5c ; oz. 25c : lb. 60c. lb. $2.25.

See page 72 for Fertilizers. See page 76 for Incubators. See price list Planet Jr. Tools, page 88.

Golden Queen. Specially recommended for canning, for eating raw, or slicing as a table fruit; somewhat resembles the Trophy in appearance. It will please you. Pkt. 5c ; oz. 25c ; % lb. 65c ; 1 lb. $2 50.

Royal Red. Royal Red is a first-class main crop variety for the shipper, market and private gardener; of

special value to the canner and catsup maker. Pkt. 5c ; oz. 20c ; ^ lb. 60c ; lb. $2 00. New Buckeye State Tomato. A fine new extra large sort, nearly one half larger than the Beauty, deep

color, heavy and of splendid quality, Pkt. 5c ; oz. 20c ; }i lb. 65c ; lb. $2 25.

Yellow Plum or Pear. A small yellow variety, used for pickling. Pkt. 5c ; oz. 20c ; 34 lb- "5c ; lb. $2 50.

PonderoBa. In growing we have found it of immense size, solid, almost seedless, and of good sub-acid flavor. The single fruits were large, but somewhat scattered on the vine, and did not yield near so muck as the Beauty and other varieties. Pkt. 5c; oz. 30c; ~% lb. $100; lb. $3 50.


This variety has been originated by careful selections and special methods until it has attained the height of ten feet for the tree, and a weight for a single tomato of thirty ounces and six inches in diameter, with testi- monials of over sixty pounds of ripe fruit to a single tree, of a quality that surpasses all others. Fruit ripens from July 4th until frost ; they are as solid all the way through as a hard boiled egg, and but few seeds in a tomato. Pkt. 10c ; % oz. 15c : oz. 25c ; % lb 80c.


Price, each, 15 cents; dozen, $1.50.

TOMATO PLANTS ready May 1st. Strong transplanted plants. By mail, doz. 2">c ; 100, $1.00 ; by express, per 100, 75c; 1,000, $5.00.

The Henry Philipps Seed and Implement Co.





Culture.— For early Turnips sow as soon as ground opens in Spring, but the other kinds for winter use may be sown from middle of July to end of August. Turnips are generally sown broadcast, but much larger crops are obtained (particularly of Rutabagas) by cultivating in drills 18 inches apart, and thinning to six inches in the drill. One and one-half pounds to the acre.

Extra Early Milan. A new early very white variety, with purple top and strap leaf. Mild and Sweet; remains in good condition for a long time. Choice variety, and as such Ave recommend it. (Short crop.) Pkt. 5c: oz. 10c; 4 oz. 20c; lb. 75c.

y Flat Red or Purple Top. (Strap- Leaved). The

tandard for this country. Superior for early or late plant- ing. Round, flat, good sized, small top with but few leaves, flesh very fine grained, flavor good. Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c; 4 oz. 15c; lb. 40c.

Amber Globe. This we recom- mend highly, and is almost in- dispensable in every rural house- hold for table use or stock. Pkt 5c; oz, 10c; 4 oz. 15c; lb. 50c. Large Early Purple-Top Globe. Similar to above, except shape. This is the largest yielder of any Turnip on the ist, and very de- sirable for table or stock. Pkt. 5c ; oz. 10c; 4 oz. 15c ; lb. 40c. Extra Early White Egrgr. Very early and particularly desirable for the table ; flesh firm and fine grained, sweet and sugary, and of snowy whiteness; egg shaped. For Spring or Fall sowing. Pkt. 5c ; oz. 10c ; 4 oz. 15c; lb. 50c. Extra Early Dutch. Rather flat; good white early sort. Pkt* 6c ;

EARLY WHITE EGG. OZ. 10c J 4 OZ. ]5c; lb. 50c.

The Monarch Swede. This new and distinctive form of

Rutabaga is, we believe, by far the best of all. The bulbs

are of tankard shape, with very small neck, skin dark, red

above ground and yellow below, flesh rich yellow, fine

grained and best quality. For earliness, quality and weight

it is superior to any variety in cultivation, producing from

two to seven tons per acre more than any other Swede,

whilst the large percentage of saccharine matter contained

in the root makes it very palatable and nutritious to stock

fed on it. Monarch Swede is of handsome shape and distinct

appearance. Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c; 4 oz. 15c; lb. 50c. Improved American Purple-Top Rutagragra. The leading variety, and largely grown for stock as well

as family use; hardy, productive, solid, sweet. Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c; 4 oz. 15c; lb. 50c. Champion Swede or Yellow Rutabaga. (Imported.) A superior English grown Rutabaga, the best to

be.had abroad. Pkt. 5c ; oz. 10c ; 4 oz. 15c ; lb. 40c.



The Henry Philipps Seed and Implement Co.

Sweet German. This variety partakes largely of the nature of the Rutabaga, and should he sown a month earlier than the flat Turnips. The flesh is white, hard, firm and sweet ; good for Winter and Spring use. Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c: 4 oz. 15c; lb. 50c.

Yellow Aberdeen or Scotch Yellow. This is highly ap- proved as a market and cattle Turnip, attaining a large' size. It is solid, nutritious, a good keeper, and is in every respect splendid for table use. Pkt. 5c; oz. 10o; 4 oz. 15c; lb. 50c.

Early Snowball. Extra Early. This is a small white globe, very quick, the earliest in maturity of its form and charac- ter. "We highly recommend it for table purposes. Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c; 4 oz. 25c; lb. 75c.

Long Cowhorn. Carrot- shaped, short; of delicate flavor for table. Pkt. 5c ; oz. 10c; 4 oz. 15c; lb. 50c.

Pomeranian White Globe. (Strap-leaved). This is a free growing rough-leaved sort, useful for both table and stock, and may be recommended for both purposes. Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c; 4 oz. 15c; lb. 45c.

Gold en Ball. A small yellow turnip of second size, early and a good keeper ; very good for market and table. Pkt. 5c;

oz. 10c; 4 oz. 15c; lb. 45c.


Osage Orange 30 cents per lb.



Aromatic Herbs are those which possess medicinal as well as culinary properties, and should be found in every garden. They impart a pleasant, spicy odor, and are quite savoij to the taste. To secure the herbs for use, cut them on a sunny day, and spread thinly in the shade to dry.



Pkt. Oz.

Anise (German, Anis.), Cordial flavoring



Balm (Ger., Afelisse.) Medicinal use



Basil Sweet (Ger., Bosilicum) soup, sauces



Borage (Ger., Ourkenkraut) bee feed, salad...



Caraway (Ger., Kuemmel) grown foritsseed 5






Coriander (Ger., Koriander) for confections 5


Dill (Ger., Diil)|leave8 for soups seed flavor'g.



Fennel (Ger., Fenchel) used in fish sauces





Pkt. Oz.

Lavender (Ger. fpiklavendel) medicinal use 5 25

Majoram, Sweet (Ger., Majaran) flavoring 5 25

Rosemary (Ger., Rosmarin) ornamental 5 40

Rue (Ger., Route) for medicinal purposes 5 25

Sage (Ger., Saibti) for sausages and^sauce 5 85

Saffron (Ger. Safran) medicine and^dyeing.. 5 25

Summer Savory (Ger. Bohnenkraut) 5 25

Winter Savory 10 50

Garden Sorrel (Ger., Sauerampfor) 5 25

Sweet Thyme (Ger., Thymion) for season'g 5 85

Wormwood (Ger., Wein, wh) 5 80

Do not fail to read pages 1 and 24. Send us your order.

The Henry Philipps Seed and Implement Co.



Our Flower Seedsare the best that can be procured from the best growers in America end Europe. Ourli&t comprises nearly all the varieties that can be successfully grown by the average cultivator, emitting -such as requires the skill of a veteran, and special facilities. Cultural Directions are printed on each package, together ■with a correct illustration in colors. The Seed we offer can be fully relied upon as fresh and pure. We have more and rare varieties not embraced in this list; if any others are wanted we are able to supply them. Send us your order for any others you may want, not mentioned in this list.

£5flP~On all orders for Flower Seeds in packets, the purchaser may select twenty-five cents worth extra for •each One Dollar sent us. Thus, anyone sending $1 00 can select fceeds in packets amounting to $1 25 ; for $2 00 .Seeds in packets to the value of $2 50, and so on.


Very pretty trailing plants



Abronia Umbellata (Sweet scented Flowers) 5c Alyssum, Sweet Maritimum 5c

Acroclinium Roseum 5c Amaranthus, Melancholius Ruber 5c

Acroclinium Album 5c Amaranthus, Tricolor 5c

Ageratum Mexicanum 5c Antirrhinum, Snap Dragon 5c

The Henry Philipps Seed and Implement Co.


Price per Pkt.

Antirrhinum, Dwarf, mixed 5c

Aquilegia, Columbine, mixed 5c

Aster, German, mixed 5c

Aster, Peony, flowered and mixed 5c

Aster, Comet, white, pink and red, each 6c

Balsam, double white, Impatiens 10c

Balsam, double crimson 5c

Balsam, double mixed f>c

Balsam, double Camelia-flowered, mixed 10c

Balloon Vine, a beautiful climber 10c

Clarkias 5c

Celosia Crisiata, Cockscomb, mixed , 5c

Carnation, Marguerite, mixed 10c

Candytuft, white 5c

Candytuft, dark crimson 5c

Candytuft, mixed 5c

Canna. mixed 5c

Canterbury Bells, mixed 5c

Canterbury Bells, double mixed 5c

Centaurea, mixed 5c

Cobaea Scandens 5c



Price per Pkt.

Cockscomb, Japan, mixed 5c

Cosmos, white, pink, and mixed 5c

Convolvulus Major, mixed 5c

Convolvulus Minor 5c

Coreopsis, mixed 5c

Cypress Vine, mixed 5c

Chrysanthemum, double yellow 5c

Chrysanthemum, white 5c

Chrysanthemum, mixed 5c

Diauthus Chinensis, China Pink 10c

Forget-Me-Not, mixed 5c

Forget Me-Not, dwarf, mixed 5c

Godetias 5c

Gaillardia, mixed 5c

Globe Amaranth 5c

Helichrysum, double, mixed, tall and dwarf 5c

Heliotrope, mixed 5c

Hollyhock, double, mixed 5c

Hyacinth Bean 5c

Job's Tears (Coix Lacryma) 5c

Larkspur, Tall Rocket, double, fine mixed 5c

The Henry Philipps Seed and Implement Co.







Price per Pkt.

Larkspur, Dwarf Rocket, double, fine mixed 5c

Larkspur, branching, double, fine mixed 5c

Latbyrus latifolius— Everlasting Pea 10c

Lobelia Gracius, blue 5c

Lobelia Speciosa, Crystal Palace 10c

Lupinus mixed, new, tall annual 5c

Mimulus Moshatus, Musk Plant 5c

Maurandia, Small Climber 5c

Marigold, African 5c

Marigold, French 5c

Mallow, Melva Mauritiana, vermilion red 5c

Marvel of Peru, Four o'clock 5c

Mignonette, Sweet 5c

Mignonette, large flowering 5c

Moon Flower 5c

Morning Glory, Brazilian 10c

Morning Glory, Japanese 10c

Nigella, Love-in a-Mist 5c

Nolana, mixed 5e

Pansy, Imperial German, mixed 10c

Pansy, mixed English 10c


Price per Pkt.

Petunias, choice mixed 5c

Petunia, new double fringed .25c

Phlox Drummoudi, mixed or separate color 5c

Phlox, large flowering 10c

Poppy, double mixed 5c

Portulaca, mixed 5c

Portulaca, double, mixed 10c

Portulaca, single, mixed 5c

Primula Chinesis, fine mixed 10c

RecinusZanzibarensis, mixed 5c

Scabiosa, mixed Morning Bride 5c

Sensitive Plant 5c

Stocks, ten weeks, mixed 10c

Stocks, large flowering 10c

Sweet William, mixed 5c

Thunbergia, mixed 5c

Verbena, mixed hybrid, new choice varieties 10c

Verbena, good mixed varieties 5c

Violets, mixed 10c

Wall Flower 5c

Zinnia, double mixed 5c


The Henry Philipps Seed and Implement Co.

Oz. 4 Oz. Lb.


(Lathyrus odoratus.)

These exceedingly beautiful and fragrant hardy annuals are now most popular.

Directions fok Culture.— Sweet Peas succeed best in a deep, rich soil. The most approved method of cul- tivation is to sow in a trench five or six iachesdeep. covering them at first with only one inch of soil ; then as the plants grow, fill in with dirt about them one inch at a time. After the plants are well grown up they should be watered copiously, and bone meal worked into the soil about the roots is recommended. Proper trellis or other support should be provided.

The first sowing of Sweet Peas may be made very early in the Spring; as soon as the frost is out of the ground. For a succession some should be sown every few weeks afterwards. For Fall flowering, they may be sown as late as July. By cutting the flowers before they fade, thus preventing pods forming, the blossoms may be continued the whole season.


Apple Blossom. Bright pink and blush ; beautifully shaded.

Blanche Perry. Large pink and white flowers; verf

early; free flowering. Boreatton. Crimson pu» pie ; very dark large flowers. Butterfly. Plain grey, with distinct porcelain edge. Uaptain of the Blues. Bright purple and pale blue. Cardinal. Crimson scarlet.

The above six varieties— price, pkt. 5c; oz. 10c; 4 oz. 15c; lb. 40c.


Blushing Beauty. Soft pink, suffused with lilac; extra large- Emily Henderson. Splendid pure white; good for forcing

Her Majesty. Beautiful soft rosy pink; very large flowers

Lady Penzance. Beautiful pale but very bright rose; splendid form

Monarch. Bronze crimson and blue; superb flowers

Mrs. Gladstone. Delicate soft pink, with rosy blush wings

Painted Lady. Rosy crimson and blush white

Scarlet Invincible. Flowers large, rich scarlet pink ; blooms profusely

Venus. Salmon buff; standards delicately shaded with rosy pink


Philipps1 Special Mixture. -Comprising the finest new a-nd large flowering named varieties. Pkts. 5c; oa. 10c; 4 oz, 15c; lb. 40c.

Choice Standard mixed varieties. 6 pkts. for 25c; 4 oz. 10c; lb. 30c.

Special Offer. Assorted named varieties. 6 pkts for 25c; 34 pkts. for 50c; 30 pkts. $1 00.

Choice Mixed varieties. 7 pkts. for 25c; 16 pkts. for 50c; 35 pkts. $1 00.

NEW AND RARE CANNAS-Eyer-Blooming French Cannas.

Madame Crozy. The grandest of all varieties. Color a brilliant vermilion scarlet, bordered with deep golden yellow. Flowers are borne in great clusters and in such profusion that they crown the plant with a blaze of glowing coIot. Foliage is a vivid green, broad and massive ; the habit of the plant is compact and vigorous; its natural height being rarely more than four feet. We have a grand stock of this peerless variety and offer it very low ; all stroug plants. Price, $1 25 per doz.; $10 00 per 100; 15c each ; postpaid, 3 for 5t)c.

Chas. Henderson. A dwarf-growing, very free flowering variety ; rich crimson. $125 per doz. ; $10 00 per 100; 15c each.

Egrendale. Dark foliage; flowers soft currant red. very distinct and striking in appearance. $1 20 per doz;

$8 00 per 100; 15c each.

Other standard unnamed varieties, either dwarf or tall, 75c per doz; 10c each. We have other new named varieties and can furnish anv varietv.


{Calla Aethiopica.)

The well-known Lily of the Nile, having large, white flowers and strong, broad leaves. It is a plant particu- larly valuable for parlor culture, as it will prosper under the most trying treatment. Furnace-heated air and stove gas do not injure it, nor is the plant susceptible to insect depredations. Let the plant. rest during the summer by turning the pot on its side; re-pot in the Fall in fresh soil. Splendid California grown, early ma- tured bulbs, each, 15c ; 3 for 40c; postpaid. By express, per doz., $1 50.





































The Henry Philipps Seed and Implement Co.



Tall or Climbing Nasturtiums.

Beautiful and luxuriant annual climbers, for trellises and arbors, of easiest culture, bearing their gorgeous flowers in profusion until killed by frost. 6 to 10 feet.


King- of the Blacks— Deepest brown.

King- Theodore— Velvety dark crimson ; dark -foliage.

Tall Rose— Brilliant.

Each of above, pkt. 5c; oz. 15c; 4 oz. 50c Mixed— All colors, Pkt. 5o; oz. 15c; 4 oz. 40c; lb. $1 50.

NASTURTIUMS— Dwarf or Tom Thumb Varieties.

Lady Bird— A. new and distinct sort, rich golden yetlow, each petal barred with a broad vein of bright ruby

crimson : very showy and charming. Ruby King-— Car mi ue. Bronze chocolate. Dwarf varieties, mixed; comprising a fine mixture.

Each of above varieties, pkt. 5c; oz. 15c; 4 oz. 50c.


Auratum— The Gold-Banded Lily of Japan. Considered by many the finest Lily in cultivation.

The flowers are white, thickly studded with crimson spots while through the center of e-ich petal runs a clear golden band. Fully expanded the flowers measure nearly afoot across, are produced abundantly from June to October, and possess a most delicious fragrance. 3 to 5 feet. Price, 9 to 11 inch, large bulbs, 15e. each; $1 50 doz. Extra large bulbs, 20c. each; $1 00 doz. Candirium. (Annunciation, Madonna or St. Joseph Lily.) The well-known Garden Lily; snow-white fragrant blossoms. It is also one of the best forcing lilies for florists: 3to4 feet. Blooms in the open ground about June. 10c. each; 75c. doz.; $5 00 per 100. Very hardy. Long-iflorum. The well-known, beautiful, snow-white, fragrant garden Lily; flowers trumpet shaped, 6 to 8 inches long. This is also a splendid variety for forcing for Winter flowers, and is also known as the "Easter or St Joseph Lily." Height 2% to 5 feet. In the open ground it blooms in June and July. 15c. each; $1 50 doz. Lily Speciosum Melpomone. Bulbs 8 to 9 inch. Flowers very large and very abundant, of rich blood crimson, heavily spotted (new). Price 20c. each : $2 per doz.

Lily Speciosum Rubrum. Bulbs 9 to 11 inch. Flowers very large, white

shaded with deep rose and spotted red. Price, 20c. each; $2 00 doz. Lily Elegans Atrosanguineum. Flower large, rich blood red crim'son-

spotted with black; 1% to 2 feet high. Price, 30c. each; S2 50 doz. Lily Speciosum Album. Bulbs 8 to 9 inch. Flowers pure white, large, abundant. 25c. each; $2 50 doz




This is one of the most important and grandest bulbs introduced in many vears, immense quantities being plant d yearly to be force i into bloom for Thanksgiving Day, Christmas, New Year"s and Easter They are most charming pot plants and easily forced. A succession of blooms can be kept up all through the Winter by bring- ing the pots of rooted bulbs in from the cold frames or cellar at intervals. Can also be planted out-doors and covered with coarse manure which must be removed in thp 8pring. Extra sized bulbs, measuring 7 to 9 inches in circumference which should produce 10 to 15 flowers— each 10c; dozen $1 00. By express, $6 00 per 100.


Tuberose Bulbs. We have our Tuberose Bulbs grown for us, and can offer you better quality and size bulbs than you can buy elsewhere.

Each. Doz. 100

Dwarf Pearl Tuberose Bulb 4 to 6 inch 5 35 $2 00

Tall White " " 4 to 6 " 5 35 2 00

Caladium Bsculentum. (Elephant Ear.) Oneof the handsomest of the orna- mental leaved plants for a grand bed of foliage in the garden or on the lawn. Good bulbs, each 5 to 15 c; per doz. $1 00 and $1 50, If by mail, add 5c. each to prepay postage.

Maderia Vine. Roots. A beautiful climber, with thick, glossy, light green

leaves, flowers pure white; rapid grower. Price, 5c. each; 30c. per doz. Double Dahlias. Grandest Autumn flower we have. Large flowering or show

Dahlias of all colors. Roots from 10c. to 25c ; $1 00 to $2 00 per doz. Gladiolus. These fine Summer-blooming bulbs produce flowers of every shade

of c<lor, and som i are marvels of beauty. Are easy of culture and their bril"

liant spikes make one of the most magnificent displays of the flower garden'

By planting from May till June a continuous succession of flowers will be

secured. Hybrid varieties ; splendid mixture. Single bulbs and dozens wil^

be delivered free to any postoffice in the United States, but at the price per loo

purchaser pays transit charges. tuberose.


The Henry Philippe Seed and Implement Co.

gladioli-!. Each. Doz.

All colors, mixed 3c 30c

American Hybrid , mixed 4c 40c

White and Light varieties 4c 40c

Striped and Variegated varieties, mixed. 4c 40c

Pink varieties, mixed 4c 40c

Bed and Scarlet varieties 3c 30c

Yellow varieties, mixed 4c 40c

Scarlet and Pink. Write Throats 4c 40c

Lemoine's Butterfly Gladiolus, mixed . . 4c 40c


New Tuberous-Rooted Begronias. These vig- orous oulbs are now the most popular plants for beds of Summer flowers, or as pot plants for the . greenhouse, conservatory or sitting room. Noth- ing can exceed the brilliancy of their colors, the delicacy of their tints, the richness of their waxy flowers, the gorgeousness of their eflect in masses or their graceful appearance in beds or borders. From the time the first blossom appears until all atiiOMA. growth is stopped by frost, they are never out of

bloom. (See cut.) We imported these bulbs direct from Paris (France), and they are all sound, well matured and of large size. Price Single Tuberous Begonias— finest mixture large sizp bulbs- each 5c; per doz. 50c ; per 100 |4 00. The same in separate colors, viz: Bose, scarlet, brilliant red, orange and white, at 8c each: 60c. per doz.


Asmany of our customers do not know ihat we carry a full line of FloueHvg Bulbs. Flower Seed* and Florists' Supplies in stock, we include a list of the varieties in general demand. Our friends will please keep this Cata- logue where they can see it. and order of us such teeds, Bulbs and JmpUments as aie needed during the different

seasons of the year. Be friendly and write us of- ^

ten. We import Bulbous .s^ \Jk

Roots direct from the most reliable growers in Hol- land, Japan and China, and they should not be confounded with those frequently sent to this market in "cases" on speculation.

Chinese;Sacred Lille s

The Chinese Sacred Lily or Sacred Lily^of Japan- is the Chinese emblem of good luck. The Chin- ese Sacred Lily produces very large bulbs, meas- uring from 12 to 18 inches in circumference, which throw up from 5 to 10 flower spikes bearing clusters of large, perfect, waxy white blossoms, with yellow center of most delicious fragrance. They grow well in pots



The Henry Philipps Seed and Implement Co.


in a light and sandy soil, but the most successful way of cultivating is as the Chinese do in water, as fol- lows: Fill a glass or any kind of bowl with pebbles, small stones or coarse gravel, in which place the bulb, setting it about one-half its depth so that it will be held firmly, then fill with water to the top of the pebbles and place it in a cool sunny window. The bulb will at once commence a rapid growth and bloom in 3 to 5 weeks. The bulbs are so large and have so much vitality they can be kept dry all winter and be planted at any time when the flowers are desired. Bulbs are hardy and bloom well in the open ground, bu* their great- est value is for winter blooming. After blooming during the winter, they should be planted in the open ground as early as possible in the Spring. It is the most easily grown and satisfactory bulb for house or window culture that we know of, flowers freely and can be planted at any time from October until March. It seldom fails even with the most careless cultivators, and taken all in all, the bulb is like the nation from which it comes— a remarkable one. Price, each 10c; 76c and $1 00 per dozen, as to size.

Lily of the Valley. So universally known as to require no description. For planting out-doors clumps should be ordered ; for Winter blooming in the house choose Pips. Put 6 pips in a 4-inch pot; cultivate same as Hyacinths. Flowering Pips, 6 for 30c; doz. 50c; postpaid. By express at buyer's expense, 100, $2 00. Clumps, for out-door planting, 40c each; $2 75 per dozen.

The Hyacinth is one of the most universally admired, both for its perfect and chaste flowers and its delicate and fragrant perfume. It affords support to thousands, pleasure and delight to millions of the human race.

From its Eastern home it has spread West, South and North, until its beauty and fragrance enrich all civilized people. They succeed equally well in the house and garden, adorning both with the varied colors and delicious fragrance of their showy flowers. They can be had in bloom most every day during winter in the house, and by planting them outside in beds any time until the ground iietzes too hard, will give you the finest show on earth early in the Spring.

Choice, named Single Hy8cimhs, extra large, each, 10c; doz. 75c. Choice, named Double Hyacinths, each, 10c; doz. 75c,

Mixed Hyacinths, in separate colors, single or double. Blue, all shades ; red and rose ; rose; white and blush : pure white; yellow; pink, mixed, all colors. Each, 5c; doz. 50c; 100, hyacinth. $3 25.

Double and Single Tulips. The Tulip is perfectly hardy, and as it flourishes under the moat ordinary care it can justly lay claim to being the popular flower for the millions; yet so varied and brilliant are its blooms that it captures the heart of all flower lovers. It is adapted to open air c\ilture in nearly every country and locality; also for window culture it is unsurpassed. Tulips are dashing and showy, of the most brilliant and varied coloring.

Very Fine Double Mixed Varieties Tulips at 25c per dozen; 1 00 per 100. Very Fine Single Mixed Varieties at 25c. per dozfm ; $1 00 per 100; $6 50 per 1,000, by express or freight at purchaser's expense.

Parrot Tulips. Admiral of Constantinople, price, each 4c; doz. 40c; per 100, 82 00. Very Choice Mixed Colors, price, each 4c; doz. 40c; per 100, $2 00. Very large flowers of singular and picturesque forms and brilliant colors, very beautiful and interesting bu not as reliable bloomers as the ordinary Tulip.

Narcissus-Daffodils. Narcissus bulbs are indispensable for Winter and early Spring flowering. They are varied and beautiful in form and color, and their delicious fragrance is unexcelled. Their season of bloom- ing continues about two months from the earliest to the latest varieties. Many varieties are so cheap they should be planted extensively. Narcissus, when;once planted, will increase from year to year ; always hardy and profuse bloomers. For blooming in the house during winter, all varieties are well adapted. Double or single, each 3c; doz. 25c; 100, $1 50.;

Crocus. The hardiest and earliest of all Spring flowers, sending up its bright little flowers before the snow ha s fairly disappeared. They should be planted about 2% inches deep and covered slightly during seveie weather. Planted in clusters or borders they are quite showy, and increase from year to year. They will flower easily in the house in moss.

Named Flowering Crocus. These are mammoth flowering bulbs. Doz. 15c; 100, 75c.

Mixed Crocus. White, doz. 10c; 100, 50c; Striped and Variegated, doz. 10c; 100, 50c. All Colors in splen- did mixture, doz. 10c; 100, 40c.

Freesia. A beautiful Cape bulb of recent introduction. Is a decided acquisition, both for parlor culture and for forcing for cut flowers. The flowers are tube shaped, pure white, blotched with yellow on {the lower petal, and are borne on a slender branch; from 12 to 20 inches high. It has a very delicate, sweet perfume, is easily forced, and remains fresh for along time. Refracta Alba, pure white, with small yellow blotch on lower petal. Each, 8c; 6 for 10c; 12 for 15c; 100 for $1 00.



The Henry Philipps Seed and Implement Co.




(48 lbs. to bushel.) Quantity of seed sown per acre is about \% to 2 bushels. NOTE.— This crop is receiving more attention in some sections of the country than formerly, and is now con- sidered more profitable than the wheat crop. It bring* a fair price on the market, and makes excellent feed for stock . The best soil for barley is a light fi iable loam, but it does well on most clay lands that receive good culti- vation and are properly drained.

Ohio Beardless Barley. This new beardless Barley is of recent introduction. We offer it to our farmer friends. It is six rowed and of unusual length of head. Is earliest to ripen, therefore good for all sections. The straw is stiff and will stand up on any soil, and will produce 80 bushels and more to the lacre. This is the only Barley fit to feed to stock. Every farmer should try it; it can be sown early; frost will not huit it; weighs twice what oats does per bushel, so worth more to the farmer as a crop. Be sure to try it. Price, peck 40c; bushel $1 00. In lots of five bushels and over, special price.

iManshury Barley is one of the very best six rowed Barley grown; for malting is the very best known; is early in ripening, which helps it to fill well, thus it always fills plump; six rowed, has a strong upright straw, that makes it easy to harvest; yields from 50 to 80 bushels per acre. Heads of this Barley are very long and contain from 75 to 100 heavy kernels of grain. Peck 30c; bushel %\ 00. Special price for five bushels and more.

Scotch Golden Grain Barley. Exceedingly handsome, two rowed, of very iplump, heavy grain, highly prized for its superior malting quality; very prolific. Always commands a high price. Peck 35c; bushel %\ 00. In lots of five bushels and over, special price.

Barley for Hens. Price per bushel, 60c. i


(50 lbs. to bushel.) Sow from 3 pecks to a bushel to the acre. NOTE.— Buckwheat thrives on comparatively poor land; can be planted so late as to prove a profitable second crop to follow early grass, peas, potatoes, etc. Good to plow under for green manure. Early Japanese. Sown at the same time with Silver Hull is about two weeks earlier. The kernels are twice the size of any other Buckwheat, of a rich dark brown color, and manufacture a superior flour. Peck 40c; bushel $1 25.

European Silver Hull Buckwheat. Yields more and produces more flour than the common. Is longer in bloom than the ordinary sort. Husk is very thinr; grain is rounder, of a beautiful light gray color. Peck. 40c; bushel $1 25.

Common Gray. The old well-known sort. Peck 30c; bushel 75c.

For large- lots, special prices on application.


Improved Evergreen. The Improved Evergreen Broom Corn grows about seven to nine feet high, stands up well, and is free from crooked brush. Its greatest value to growers is the fact that it will not get red in the field before it is cut, but is strictly a green variety of brush, and will always command highest price. (Bushel, 48 lbs.) Lb. 10c; V2 pk, 35c; pk. 60c; bu. 52 00.

Early Dwarf or Mohawk. Grows from three to five feet high and produces short fine brush, suitable for whisk brooms and brushes. Lb. 10c; ^ pk. 35c ; pk. 60c ; bush. $2 00. (By mail postage extra 8c per lb.)


Good fodder and plenty of it, supplemented by a generous grain ration, is as e»sential as good cows in pro- fitable dairying, and when well grown and properly cured is far better than average hay. To secure the full nutritive value of Corn Fodder, it should be planted in drills three feet apart, and at the rate of 12 to 16 quarts per acre.

The Celebrated Red Cob Ensilage A southern type of large white Corn with deep red cob, strorg, leafy stalks and short joints. Adapted to all sections of the country, and a general favorite with thousands of dairy farmers we sell to every year. Price, shelled, peck 30c; bushel SOc; 2 bushels 81 50; in bag of J' 2

bushels, $1 80.


There is nothing better for green food, or for curing for winter, than S^eet Corn. Cattle highly relish it, and when fed on it keep in fine condition and give an abundance of milk. It has the great merit of being so sweet and palatable that cattle eat every part of the stalks and leaves, and consequently none is wasted. Farmers iu this section should raise more Sweet Corn as feed for young hogs, which is sure to give better results than feeding common field corn. Also excellent for soiling. Sow thickly in drills or broadcast, at the rate of two or three bushels per acre. Peck 40c ; bu- hel $1 25; lower grade SI 00.

•^"Special prices given on application to parties wishing to purchase large quantities i f Sweet Corn.

The Henry Philipps Seed and Implement Co.

Choice Selected Northern Grown Seed Corn.

The Seed we offer is grown for this pur- pose, carefully selected and shelled.

We have for years made a careful study of the best varie- ties of Corn grown in the United Slates, and fully appreci- ating the great importance to the farmer of good field crops, especially Seed Com, we hold that Corn grown in our section of the United States, just at the edge of Michigan, is iar preferable for planting in the Eastern, Middle and Southern States, to the Western grown. Corn grown in our section will mature sooner and make a far better vield than the Western grown. Our Seed Corn will do better in the West than their own to plant. We have gigen particular at- tention to this department of our business, and have made Selection and Improvement of Farm £eeds a Specialty, exercis- in g great care to secure the best varieties, thoroughly cleaned and of the finest possible quality.

We make it an invariable rule to test our seeds carefully before sending out, and our customers may depend on get- ting Seed Corn that will grow perfectly under favorable cir- cumstances. A sample ear is put in each sack with all ore ers of one bushel and over. Sample ears will be sent by mail to any address on receipt of twenty cents to cover postage.

- eeg=At prices given we charge 15c for cotton bags, and deliver free to any freight depot or express in Toledo.

Ohio Early Gold Mine Corn. It is early, ripening- only a few days later than the Pride of the North; ears are of good size and s\ mmetrical ; color, a bright golden yellow, as handsome as a twenty dollar gold coin just from the mint; grain is very deep; cob small, and therefore dries out very quickly as soon as ripe. Seventy pounds of ear com makes sixty to sixty-two pounds of shelled corn, and in hauling to market it weighs out five bushels more to the wagon load than common varieties in the same size wagon. Price, peck 40c; bushel SI 00; 5 bushels or more at 90c per bushel. The;Celebrated Maumee Valley Yellow Dent Corn This valuable corn is one of our introductions. We have sold and shipped thousands of bushels to all parts of the United States, and it has proved to be without exception the finest and best yielding Corn in the country , has a deep, rich, oily grain and a small red cob; extra heaTv in weight; bushel shelled weighs 60 to 62 lbs.; the stalk is medium in height, strong and stalky, not easily broken or blown down, and altogether is almost certain to make a crop even if planted as late as June, The time of maturitv is 85 to 90 days. Price, quart 20c; peck 40c bushel $1 00; 5 bushels $4 00. Champion Early White Pearl. An extra earlv pure white variety of the Dent family ; very productive and exceedingly heavy, maturing in 85 to 90 days from the time of planting. The grain is extra deep and uide, two of which will more than Ispan the cob, which is very sma7i. Quart 20c; peck 40c; bushel 81 00; 5 bushels $4 50. Improved Genuine Early Pride of the North. A very early Golden Dent variety, ripening with the Flint sorts, and.can be successfully grown further norih than any otlur variety of Dent Corn. Stalks small, with broad leaves. Ears short, 12 to 16 rowed, well filled. Grain long, yellow. Quart 20c; peck 40c; bushel $1 00. Our Maumee Valley Extra Early Gilhouse. A hybridized Yellow Dent and Flint Corn; a beautiful light yellow, kernals % of an inch broad, 8 rowed, grows- of medium height, enormous yielder, 2 to 4 good sized ears on stalk, the earliest of all the Corn; will make a crop and ripen if planted as late as July the first. The finest kind for meal and stock. By mail, ear, 20c; quart 30c ; by express, peck 50c; bushel 81 50. New White Cap Early Yellow Dent Corn. This new Corn has shown more fine and lasting points than any corn in cultivation, It has more solid merit than the Learning Corn, for it grows larger ears and is a better sheller. and from a week to ten days earlier, and on poor, thin soil will out yield the Learning by at least 80 per cent. The tip ends of the grain are white, the inside yellow, making it a beautiful color, both on cob and when shelled. Expert Corn growers prononnce it a per- fect field corn, as to yield, size of ears, color, size of cob and growth of fodder. More genuine testimonials can be procured in its favor than all other sorts combined. No corn in the world will yield as well on poor, thin land, and none stauds the drouth as well. While on strong, rich land its yield is wonderful. Many of our customers reported to us immense yields, from 100 to 150 bushels per acre, and this on thin land, and hardly any rain.


The Henry Philippe Seed and Implement Co.

Large growers in the great corn belt, as well as those out of it will be pleased with this Corn Because, 1st: It is as nstural a yielder as weeds. 2nd. It will yield large crops on poor, thin soil. 3d. The ears are large, handsome and well filled. 4th. It is sure to mature in 85 to 95 days. oth. It husks easy and shells easy. 6th. It commands the highest market prices. 7th. It will grow more bushels on poor, thin land than any other kind in the world. 8th stands the drouth better than 60 other kinds grown in the same county. 9th. It has small cob and large number of rows on cob, making it a wonderful yielder. loth. It will out-shell and out-yield the Learning Corn. 11th. It grows its fodder strong. 12th. It combines more genuine merit for all soils and climates than any Corn in cultivation. 13th. It is sure to please all who give it a trial. We highly recommend this corn to our friends, and hope they will give it a trial. Price, per peck 40c; bushel ?1 00. In 5 bushel and upward lots, 90c. per bushel.

Longfellow Flint. An eight rowed Yellow Flint variety. Ears from 10 to 15 inches long (shape shown in illustjaiion) ; 1% to \yA inches in diameter ; well filled out to extreme end of cob. Cob small ; kernel large and broad. Ear 20c ; quart 20c ; peck 50c ; bushel $1 25. Five or more bushels, %\ 00 Per bushel.

Thoroughbred Rural Early Large White Flint Corn. This large Early White Flint Corn was introduced for the first time by the Rural New Yorker, and it has proved itself to be the largest early flint corn in cultivation; a wonderful yielder, from 3 to 4 ears of 12 to 18 inches on one stalk; strong grower even on light soil. Quart 20c; peck 50c; bushel $1 40. Extra Early King Phillip. (Improved Flint ) This excellent red or variegated Flint Corn

is so well known that it needs no special description. Quart 20c; peck 50c; bushel $1 40. The Clarage Early Yellow Dent Corn. This is an early Yellow Dent Corn, and suitable, if necessary, for late planting The Ohio State Board of Agriculture grew it on the grounds of the State Experimental Farm, and give it in their report the highest recommend of all the early varieties of Yellow Dent Corn, in earliness, the number of bushels to the acre, average ears to each stalk, size of ears, and least per cent of nubs. It is of good, bright color, ear very even in size its entire length, and kernels set square in rows ; 14 to 18 rowed ; it is a week earlier than any other Dent Corn, and large ears. We introduced this valuable variety of Corn years ago, and must say that we never sold Seed Corn which gave such universal satis- faction, and have received many flattering testimonials. SeveraJ farmers have sold their crops of hundreds of bushels, at double the price of Corn, to their neighbors and dealers in other parts of the country. Quart 20c ; peck 40c ; bushel 81 00 ; 5 bushels $4 50. Improved Learning Corn. The true Improved Learning Corn is a pure, fixed and distinct variety. It is not a hard, flinty Corn, but sweet and nutritious, making excellent feed and the finest meal, its quality not being surpassed by any other known variety. The ears are large and handsome, with very large deep grain of deep orange color and red cob. Produces two good ears to each stalk, and husks and shells easily; great producer. Price, quart 20c; peck 40c; bushel 81 00; 5 bushels and over, 90c per bushel.

Clark's Early Mastodon. This variety has proven itself to be the largest eared and greatest yielding Dent Corn ever introduced. Out of 25 reports 24 of them claim for it a most perfect Dent Corn of strong growth, long grain, fine fodder, small cob, rank, quick to ear and ripen ; the most productive of all field corns. Quart 20c ; peck 40c; bushel $1 00. Extra Early Huron Dent Corn. After trial on a large scale, we have concluded that this is the earliest Dent Corn grown. Good sized stalk and ear, small red cob, long deep grain, very rich in oil and starch, and is the only smooth, very early Dent Corn known. Ears ■wonderfully perfect, grained even on both ends of cob; has quick, rank, strong growth, and is very productive; it heads the list of all extra early varieties. Our supply is genuine and from the originator's stock, strictly pure and carefully selected. Quart 20c: peck 40c; bushel



We are redeaners of all kinds of field seeds, having power cleaners operated by Electric Motor, and can therefore give you better and more even grades of field seeds than you would buy elsewhere. Commission houses do not, in all cases, reclean the seed they ship out, so it will pay you to order of us and get seed that is all of one grade. Give us a trial.


(56 lbs. to bushel.)

Flax. Dakota. Extra cleaned. Lb. 6c ; % peck 25c ; peck 50c; bushel 91 50.


Northern Grown Choice Sbed. We are not great believers in fancy Oats at extravagant prices, but we do believe an occasional change of seed is a payiDg investment, and that new hybrids have been introduced of great value. The stock we offer was especially grown for us for seed, and carefully recleaned by us, and who would not grow pure, reliable, choice, improved heavy oats, in preference to the light mixed and chaffy kinds, which only yield half a crop of inferior quality.

New White Superior Scotch Oats. The heaviest Oats ever introduced in the U.S. Very often weigh 50 lbs. to the measured bushel. They surpass all other White Oats in heavy weight, thin hull, shortness and plumpness of grain. Their strong straw adapts them to rich bottom ground where common Oats will fall down and waste, and are enormously productive, some reports being as high as 152 bushels per acre. We therefore recommendall progressive agriculturists to give them a trial and make Oats a paying crop. Price, peck 25c ; bushel 75c ; 5 bushels and upwards 65 ceuts per bushel of 32 lbs. Larger lots, special price.

The Henry Philipps Seed and Implement Co.




We offer this year carefully grown Seed, raised entirely from selected stock. The result of this care in selection is shown in the crop, which is the finest ever grown, and averaging upwards {of 80 bushels to the acre. So that the Seed now offered as The Improved Banner Oat is the very best, and every one should renew their stock at once. (j\

This wonderful grain stands the tests even in the driest seasons, and to-day, after hundreds of trials in all parts of the country, its fame is higher and more secure than ever before. Reports from all sections indicate a satisfactionjthat is truly gratifying, but not more than was expected when it was first sent out. For it had been very thoroughly tried and proved to be the most prolific variety of Oats on record. One hundred bushels to the acre has been raised, and that certainly ought to satisfy the most exacting. On fields to which no fertilizer had been applied for two years, 70 bushels to the acre was produced. This year all tha has been claimed for it has again been realized, and so it stands to-day as the Improved Banner Oat of America. An average of eighty pounds has been raised from a single pound of seed— thirty pounds in excess of the claim 'made for it when first introdnced. ) ,

The grain is white, large and plump, ripens early, has a stiff straw of good \ lerjgth. It tetters freely and throws up a large number of stems, and therefore can be sown thinner than ordinary Oats. It is as near rust proof as any Oats can be. Every one who raises Oats should try the variety. An Oat that will yield 65 to 80 bushels to the acre with ordinary culture, is good enough to raise, and good enough for everybody to make a trial of. On good soil and with good weather it will go far ahead.

Prices, postpaid, per pound 20c; 3 pounds 40c. By express or freight, at ex- pense of purchaser . Per peck 25c; per bushel 75c; 5 bushel lots 60c. per bushel. For larger quantities, special prices on application.

Improved Black Tartarian. These Oats were grown specially for seed from pure imported stock from Europe, which we have grown in sufficient quan- tity to offer this year, so that our customers can have a jchance to try its merits. The grain is very large, shrny, plump and full, very thin hull, and it is exceedingly prolific, having yielded at the rate of 100 bushels to the acre, with only ordinary cultivation, and haslproved absolutely rust proof, where other varieties were destroyed by rust; weighing 48 pounds to; the measured bushel. Peck 25c ; bushel of 32 lbs. 75c; 5 [bushels and over, 65c. a bushel. Larger lots special price. Samples mailed on application.

The Famous Lincoln Oats. We have had grown for us a very fine stock of these New Lincoln White Oats, introduced in 1893, in the Western 8tates with such grand results, as to its wonderful productiveness, some reporting as high as 174 bushels from a single bushel of seed sown ; claimed to have a re- markably stiff straw, standing up well on all kiuds of soil: very early, and so far proven entirely rustproof; is very valuable for seeding on account |of its thin hull, heavy meat and soft nib. From what reports we have, we think this oats ought to be grown by every progressive agriculturist, especially when the price we offer them is so reasonable. Price, peck 25c ; bushel 32 lbs. 75c; 5 bushels and over, 65c. a bushel; large lots, special price.

Full weight and full size cotton bags for Barley and Oats, 15c. each.




Prices Subject to Market.

White and blue varieties; They are used mostly for field culture. In their dry state they are used exten- sively for feeding pigeons, making soups, also table use; in their gTeen state for turning in hogs.

Our stock is Canada and Northern grown, and free from bugs. Two bushels are sufficient to sow per acre. Bushel $1 25; peck 35c; quart 10c: pint 5c. Special price on five bushels or over. Lower grades at lower prices.

Southern Black-Bye Cow Peas (Whip-poor- Will) and other varieties. The best for soiling. Nothing better for stock of all kinds, green or dry state. Quart 15c; bushel $2 00. Special price for five bushels and larger orders.

We sell car loads every season, and are headquarters for Field Peas.


The Henry Philipps Seed and Implement Co.


True Dwarf Essex English Rape Seed. Millions of acres of good land that annually lie idle or run to weeds in this country, in the latter part of the season, after the grain, potato and hay crop have been har- vested, might be made to produce one of the finest feeds imaginable, and in the greatest abundance, at a time when cattle and sheep are roaming through bare pastures in search of a scanty living. Rape may be sown broadcast at the rate of six pounds per acre and harrowed in, or the land may be thoroughly harrowed and the seed sown in drills. Under favorable conditions it is ready for pasturing sheep and cattle within six weeks from time of sowing, and on an average one acre Will carry twelve to fifteen sheep six weeks to two months. There are several varieties of Rape, but care should be taken to procure the genuine Dwarf Essex, which does not seed the same season as sown, and seed is larger than the common Rape and Mustard seed usually used and sold for bird seed. Rape Seed can be sown and cultivated in the growing corn. Price, 10c lb. ; $7 00 per 100 lbs. Cotton bags, 15c.


Very little attention has been paid to fertilizing this crop until lately, but recent experiments have shown that it pays as well to feed the Rye crop liberally as almost any other. It is a good crop to grow for green man- uring. We know of some farmers on clay lands who grow corn every year and keep up the fertility of the soil by using fertilizers and rye as a catch crop, which turned under in the Spring keeps plenty of humus in the soil and the land improving all the time.

Spring Rye. As a catch crop or fodder. Per peck 40c ; bushel $1 50. Sow about two bushels to the acre. Mammoth White Rye. For Fall seeding. Per peck 30c; bushel $1 00.


Early Amber. This is a standard variety now being successfully grown even in the extreme northern lati- tudes. It may be planted as late as the 15th of June, and will be ripe enough to manufacture in September. It is the earliest variety with which we are acquainted. The beautiful amber-colored syrup it produces is thought to be superior in flavor to any other, and for sugar is unsurpassed. It is useless to plant Cane Seed before the weather is warm in Spring. Three or four pounds are required per acre. Our stock is choice. Price, 10c per lb ; 10 lbs. 65c ; 50 to 100 lbs. 4c. lb.

Early Orange. Another favorite sort. Price, 10c per lb; 10 lbs. 65c; 50 to 100 lbs. 4c. lb.

Sorghum or Sugar Cane for Stock Fodder.

Sow different times, up to July 16, at the rate of 20 lbs. per acre. Dairymen, and in fact every farmer, should grow it for horses, cattle, hogs, as they eagerly eat and relish it, and nothing pays better. Dairymen especially should grow this sugar cane seed, as it gives them the best green fodder just in time when pasture is dried up, and will produce more and better milk than any other forage plant, even clover. 5c per lb; 10 lbs. 40c; 20 lbs. 65c; 60 to 100 lbs. 2%c per lb.

Non-Saccharine Sorghums.

These varieties bear dry weather well. They grow on any land where corn will, even on land too poor for corn. It takes from five to six pounds to plant one acre.

Kaffir Corn or Sorghum Kaffir Corn is now successfully cultivated for both forage and grain in all sec- tions of the United States. It is the best general purpose plant of all the varieties of Sorghum yet offered, unless it be the new Jerusalem Corn, and will make a paying crop on land that will not yield five bushels of Corn or Wheat. It is early as Amber Cane. It will make a fine crop of forage if cut in early bloom, and the shoots that then follow will make a second crop to feed green or dry for winter. Per lb. 10c; 10 lbs. 40c; 20 lbs. 60c; 50 to 100 lbs. 2%c per lb.

The Jerusalem Corn. A new forage and grain plant introduced in this country a few years ago, and the U. S. Experimental Stations recommend it very highly. Pkt. 10c; lb. 20c, postpaid. Per express or freight

10 lbs. 60c; 20 lbs. $1 00.


Culture.— The Sunflower, during the past few years, has attracted considerable attention as a profitable field crop, its leaves being used for forage and its seed for poultry and the manufacture of oil. It is also planted with satisfactory results on low, swampy grounds to avoid miasma.

Mammoth Russian. Striped seed. Price, per lb. 10c; 50 lbs. and upwards 6c per lb. This is one of the best egg-producing foods known for poultry; keeping them in fine condition. Cotton bass, 15c.

fl@~See our Grand Premium Offer on page 70— Garden Seed Drill

and Seeds.

The Henry Philipps Seed and Implement Co.



Best Vakietihs.

Connecticut Seed Leaf. Best adapted to the climate of the Middle and Northern States, as it is more hardy and endures the cold better than the tender varieties. Pkt. 10c; ounce 50c.

Ohio Seed Leaf. Pkt. 10c; ounce 50c.

White Burley. Pkt. 10c ; ounce 50.

Imported Havana. Pure Cuban grown seed, and when grown in this country commands a high price for cigar stock. Pkt. 10c; ounce 75c.

*&~ When wanted, we can furnish other varieties at low prices.


Vetches are grown for a forage crop. Sow two bushels per acre. Per lb. 10c; peck 90c; bushel (60 lbs.) $3 00.

The Hairy or Sand Vetch. (Vicia Villosa.) This has proved to be ihe most valuable of all Vetches. It succeeds on all soils and does not suffer from extreme drouth, heat or cold. Sown in Spiing or Fall, it quickly produces a most luxuriant crop. From tests made by Ohio's Department of Agriculture, the Hairy or Sand Vetches do well and will remain green throughout all but the most severe winter weather. Try it. Sow 40 to 50 pounds per acre. Price, 10c. lb., not postpaid; $6 00 per 100 pounds, by freight or express.


Note.— No matter how low prices may go, wheat will continue to be grown, because there is nothing else that will take its place in many crop rotations, especially where grass is to follow. It makes a sale crop, and the straw is indispensable about the barn if stock is to be kept comfortable and in a thriving condition. It has been found that wheat can be fed to stock very profitably when the price is too low to send it to market, and, altogether, the consumption of wheat is likely to increase rather than diminish in the near future. In view of these facts farmers snould learn how to grow the crop cheaper, o** in other words, how to increase the average yield per acre, for there is a profit when between thirty and forty bushels are obtained. 'J here.is no doubt of most farmers being able to obtain such a yield if thorough cultivation and iertilization are employed.

North Dakota Fife Spring Wheat. Peck 50c; bushel 81 50.

We will have all the leading and new varieties of northern1 grown Winter Wheat, of which we will issue a Special Seed Wheat Catalogue, containing full descriptions and prices, by July 20th next, and mailed free to all applicants.

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One thing is certain, that good pasture land is the foundation of the riches of a farm.


The Henry Philipps Seed and implement Co.


The past years have demonstrated the necessity of devoting more attention to good pastures. Most of the farmers have not yet learned that a pasture or Meadow of Mixed Grasses is far superior to Clover and Timothy alone, but such is the case.

There is an increasing demand for grass seeds for remaining down for two or more years, and in the present depressed condition of agriculture, the|systtm of extending the period during which rotation grasses remain down has many advantages, while the cost of suitable seeds is much less than those for permanent pasture.

Grass Mixture for Permanent Pastures.

The base of this special mixture is Orchard Grass, which yields as abundant crops as the ordinary mixture of "[Timothy and Red Top," and is also a much more permanent grass than Timothy; with the great luxuriance of its aftermath, it possesses remarkable powers of enduring the cropping of cattle. Besides Orchard Grass this mixture is made up of our Northern Red Top (which grows taller and makes better hay thau the Red Top from the South) and English Rye Grass, Italian Rye Grass, Tall Meadow Oat Grass, English Blue Grass, Kentucky Blue Grass, and Alsike Clover Seed, which gives permanency to the sward. Frcm 25 to 35 pounds should be sown to the acre. This mixture is gcod on any soil. Per lb. 18c; per 100 lbs. $14 CO.

For Mowing and Grazing in Orchards and Shaded Situations.— English Rye Grass, Timothy, Meadow Foxtail Grass, Orchard Grass, Wood Meadow Grass, Italian Rye Grass, Tall Meadow Oat Grass, Mammoth Clover, Red Top Grass and White Clover. Allowing 20 :bs. per acre. Per lb. 15c; per 100 lbs. $12 00.

For Pastures on any Soils.— Timothy, Meadow Fescue Grass or English Blue Grass, Meadow Foxtail Grass, Red Top Grass, Orchard Grass, Kentucky Blue Grass, Lucerne Clover, Alsike Clover, White Clover. Allowing 20 pounds per acre. Per lb. 18c; per 100 lbs. $15 00.

For Ordinaby Pasture.— Orchard Grass, Kentucky Blue Grass, Timothy, Red Top, Red and Alsike Clover Seed. Allowing 25 pounds per acre. 12c per lb ; $10 00 per 100 lbs.

For Wood and New Ground Pasture.— We have a mixture of the following grasses, which we offer at such price that any one who has any room and need for same will no doubt avail themselves of our very low offer. Orchard Grass, Blue Grass, Red Top Grass, Timothy, low grade Alsike and other Clovers. Allowing 30 pounds per acre. 6c per lb; $5 00 per 100 pounds.


Prices grlven below for the Field Varieties are for the present only, as the Market

changes daily.

The growing of Farm Seeds is oue ofjoHr great Specialties. Our central location and more even and temperate climate is especially adapted for growing seeds of all kinds. Corn, Oats, Potatoes, Clover Seed, e'e, grown here have the preference over all other sections. If transferred and* planted East. South, West orJNorth, they are assured of more vigorous growth, increased yield and earlier maturity.

Toledo, Ohio, is the greatest Clover Seed market in the world, and we are right in the seed belt. Our Pioneer Brand Medium and Choice Mammoth Clover Seed are the purest and best cleaned of all. Our large mail order trade has been built up by honorable dealing, handling the best grades, and giving our customers just what they pay for and expect to get. We have pleased thousands, according to their friendly testimonials, and will please any one who will favor us with their order, and ask you to be friendly and write us for samples and prices when- ever wanting to buy in large or small quantities.

High Grade Extra Clean Clover, Timothy and Other Grass Seeds,

We pay particular attention to this part of our business. These Seeds are selected and tested with special reference to theirfquality. Purchasers may rely upon our best exertions to furnish Grass and Field Seeds pure and free from noxious and foreign seeds. We grow and buy our stock of growers, and keep in stock large quantities of Clover Seed, and other Grass Seeds, cleaned by the most improved electric machinery. Our Clover Seed, Medium and Mammoth, is kept separate and not mixed, as is generally the case of most all seed sold and bought on the Exchange and of commission and export Seed houses. Our prices are as low as any reliable seed- men can sell such Clover and Grass Seeds for. Of course we do not pretend to compete with the Exchange and commission house prices, where good and indifferent seeds are mixed and sold at low price*. It is better every timetto pay a little more and getjthe genuine unmixed and clean seed. Clover is the foundation of all farming. It would even pay the farmer if he had to give $10 00 per bushel for it. We are in position to save you money every time on Grass and Clover Seed . Send us your order, or apply for prices, pamphlets, and samples.

Kentucky Blue Grass, English Rye Grass, Orchard Grass and Red Top, in lots of five hushels and over, vo charge for bags. For all other seeds, cottonjbags extra. Your orders are solicited, and will receive prompt and careful attention, and will be filled at the lowest market price on receipt of fame, unless prices are agreed upon before.

See Our Grand Premium List on Page 70.

The Henry Philipps Seed and Implement Co.


Alsike Clover. Swedish Clover (Irifolium Hybridum.) So called from being intermediate in its appearance between the Red and White Clovers, possessing qualities common to both, being productive, sweet and per- manent. Is valuable for pasturage or soiling; makes the finest hay sown with or without Timothy. The flowers are a distinct light pink and afford fine pasturage for bees. Sow 8 pounds per acre. Pound, postage paid, 25c; per bushel, market price.

The crop of Alsike Clover was a short one this year and seed not of finest quality. This seed has in former years been mostly sold for export, bat there is a growing demand for same in this country, as it makes one of the best forage and hay crops and great yield in seed.

Lucerne or Alfalfa Clover. {Medicago Sativa.) Alfalfa is a wonderful forage, fertilizer and hay plant; the greatest cropper of all Clover and Grass varieties; willlproduce three to four crops in the season; will thrive and grow on dry, barren, sandy, gravelly and hilly land, where no other plants live. The Alfalfa sprout sinks its roots deeply after moisture and nourishment, and the severest drouth has no effect on it; the barren soil keeps covered with a beautiful green crop; also stands wet, heavy rains, deep snows and cold winters. Nothing better to renew old worn out land. The crop this year is an average one. Is now grown success- fully in Ohio and we have Ohio grown seed to offer. Seed can be (sown with? any grain crop in Spring, or as a separate crop, at rate of 12 or 15 pounds to acre. Pound 15c; postpaid 25c. Market price in quantity.

Bokhara Clover. Honey plant (Melilotus Alba). Excellent for bee food; growing well on poor soil. Bymail postpaid, 30c per pound. Market price for quantity.

Crimson or Scarlet Clover. ( Trifolium Incarnatum) . Is an annual variety in common use in Italy, France, and of late in this country. The best time for sowing is in the early fall. It is a rapid grower; the yield is immense, and for feeding green, late in the Fall and early Spring, it has no equal. Sown also in the months of April and May, for hay, pasture, and as a fertilizer, with excellent results. Crop this year a short one, with prospect of higher prices. As an improver of the soil, or for an early Summer forage or hay crop it is unsurpassed. As a green manuring crop for grain, fruit or trucking crops it gives the very best results, while for improving poor land it has no equal. It succeeds on nearly every kind of soil, and is now grown largely in all Middle States, and has succeeded in every State in the Union where tried. Sow 20 pounds to the acre. Pound 10c ; 10 pounds 75c ; bushel of 60 pounds $3 50.

Red Clover. (Trifolium Pratense). This is the common Ked Clover, the seed of which is the Clover Seed of commerce. At lowest market price.

Mammoth Red Clover was largely damaged by rains during harvest this year, therefore the seed is not of so bright and dark green a color as the medium. The brown and red seed our samples of Mammoth contain is off color, but will grow, and barring color is as good for seed as the blue seed.

Mammoth Sapling1 Clover, English Clover. Compared with the common Red Clover, its flower, foliage and stems are of darker color. Is valuable when grown with other grasses for mixed hay, as it ripens later than common Red Clover, about the time Timothy, Orchard and other grasses ripen, thereby making the hay a much better quality. Being a very rank grower, it is coming into general use for soiling purposes. Market price.

White Dutch Clover. {Trifolium Repens). Grows naturally in pastures in a great variety of soils; and situations, and is an indispensable requisite in all parks and lawns. Pound 20c ; postpaid 30c. Market price in quantity.

Timothy. (Phleum Pratense) . This well known variety is extensively grown throughout the country. It will produce a large crop. Sow from 10 to 15 pounds per acre. Bushel 45 pounds. Lowest market price.

Sainfoin. (Ono brychis Sativa). A valuable fodder. Plant on light, dry sandy soil. 20 pounds $160; pound 10c.

Hungarian Grass. A valuable forage grass and hay, both because of its foliage and nutritious seeds; early;

resists drouth; does well on light soils. Sow one bushel per acre. Bushel 48 pounds. Lowest market price. Common Millet. An excellent early forage grass, with long, broad leaves and nutritious grain. Grows to

height of three or four feet. Very early. One bushel per acre. Bushel 50 ponnds. Lowest market price. Improved German or Golden Wonder Millet. This is not so early as the common Millet, but yield

much larger crop. Southern grown seed is preferred, producing more hay. Northern grown seed is usually

hybridized with other millets and will not grow as tall. Southern grown seed at lowest market price. The Russian Forage, or New Manitoba Millet. This is largely grown in Russia, British Columbia and

the Dakotas, and introduced by us four years ago. Lowest market price. Swaet Vernal, True Perennial (Anthoxanthum Ordoratum). Very fragrant, especially when bruised. For

pasture, mixed with other grasses, is quite valuable, as it starts early in Spring and grows until late in Fall.

By mail, pound 75c ; at store, pound 65c. English Perennial Rye Grass. (Lolium Perenne). A nutritious permanent grass for meadows and pas- tures; also for mixing with other grasses for lawns. Pound 10c; bushel, 24 pounds, $2 00. Tall Meadow Oat Grass {Avena Elatior). A valuable grass for permanent pasture on account of its early

luxuriant growth. Makes splendid hay. Pound 20c; bushel, 13 pounds, $2 50. Italian Rye Grass (Lolium Italicum). Recommended for permanent pasture mixture. Pound 10c; bushel,

20 pounds, $1 50.

See Our 50c. Collection^ Vegetable Seed, Page 24.


The Henry Philipps Seed and Implement Co.


Wood Meadow Grass (Poa Nemoralis.) Adapted for pleasure grounds under trees; fine for pasture under close feeding. Sow 28 pounds to acre. Pound, 35c; bushel, 14 pounds, $4 00.

Meadow Foxtail. Rough Stalked Meadow. Each, per lb. 35c ; 10 lbs. and over. 30c. per lb.

Hard Ft scue, Sheep Fescue, Meadow Soft. Each, per lb. 20c; 10 lbs. and over, 15c per lb.

Kentucky Blue Grass (Poa Pratensis.) Kentucky (not Canada] Blue Grass crop was an average one this season. Is very valuable and exceedingly popular in some sections of the country as a pasture grass. It is very productive and unusually early in Spring, furnishing delicious food throughout the season for all kinds of stock. It is not easily effected by drought or frost, is suited to any variety of soils succeeding best on a moist, rich meadow. For permanent pasture it is particularly valuatye, being of dwarf growth ; therefore not so well suited for meadows. Unexcelled for lawns. If let grow up in fall, .without grazing, makes good winter pasture. Our seed is all new crop, Kentucky grown and the best grade, "Fancy Cleaned." Beware of the Canada blue grass, which does not make as good pasture as the Kentucky, and the seed contains a considerable proportion of Canadian thistle, which would be a great damage to any farmer, but can be purchased at about half price. We under- stand that even some Kentucky dealers buy this and sell it as Kentucky grown seed. Sow 28 pounds per acre for pasture and 40 to 50 pounds for lawns. Extra choice. Bushel $1 25; peck 40c; pound by mail 20c. Fancy: bushel $1 50; peck 60c ; pound by mail 25c. For larger orders, special price. We can furnish a lower grade (extra clean) Kentucky Blue Grass at $1 00 a bushel, but there is but little vitality left in it, and do not recommend it.

Meadow Fescue (Festuca Pratensis). English Blue Grass. A highly valuable species for permanent grass land. It does not, however, attain its full produc- tive power till the second year, when it far exceeds most other sorts in quantity of its produce and nutritive matter. It is relished by live stock, both in hay and pasture, and is one of the most desirable permanent grasses for general culture and mixtures for permanent pasture. 20 to 30 pounds per acre. Per 100 pounds $9 00; per pound 10c.

Orchard Grass (Dactylis Glomerata). A rough coarse, perennial'grass, extremely hardy; of all grasses the best for sowing under trees or in orchards; furnishes abundance of pasture during the entire season, wet or dry ; makes excellent hay mixed with Clover. Sapling or Alsike Clover is best to sow with it, as it ripens about same time. Sow in September or Spring at rate of 1% to 2 bushels per acre. Weight per bu* hel, 14 pounds. Bushel $1 50 to $1 75; peck 45c to 75c; pound 20c. This seed has been in great demand by English and other foreign dealers. It grows about two and one-half feet high, producing an immense quantity of leaves and foliage. On account of its earliness and quick growth it is of exceptional value for permanent pastures. It furnishes the first green bite in the Spring and the last in the Fall; is quick to recover from close croppings, even thrives better the more it is cropped, and is heartily relished by all kinds of stock. It should not be sown alone, as it grows in tufts, but in a mix- ture with other grasses it should be included, so as to get a close and even sod.

Herd or Red Top Grass (Agrostis Vulgaris). (14 pounds to the bushel). This is a good, permanent grass, and makes a perfect sod. It is the best grass that can be sown on washy lands for holding the soil. In most sections it is highly appreciated for hay, succeeding Clover and Timothy when they have dried out. It is a good forage plant when kept fed close. It never grows so coarse or hard but that the stalk is sweet and tender, and eaten without waste. It should enter largely into a mixture with other grasses. Sow two bushels to the acre. Pound 10c; subject to market price.

Red Top Faacy. Cleaned from chaff and is solid seed. (About 50 pounds to the bushel). Three pounds thus equaling one bushel of ordinary Red Top. Unlike ordinary Red Top, it can be sown at same time with other grasses, thus avoiding going over the ground the second time. Pound 20c; 10 pounds $1 75; 100 pounds 812 50.

The crop of Red Top seed this season was larger than it has been for years past.

Red Top grows almost everywhere, but in a moist soil it reaches its highest state of perfection; is good for pasture and also lawns. There is a great difference in the grade and qualities. The low-priced seed is really nothing but the chaff and hulls of the Choice and Fancy cleaned, and contains but a small [percentage of germinating


Read over carefully page 71, also page 76.

The Henry Philipps Seed and Implement Co.



THE HENKY PHILIPPS SEED AND IMPLEMENT CO. LAWN GRASS which we offer, should not be compared with the cheaper preparations advertised. Our combination is of the best chosen varieties and clear of weed seeds. Any one who purchases cheap, ill-chosen Lawn Grass will soon realize that it is a poor investment, as the crop is a constant reminder of a poorly considered purchase.

Much of the success of lawn making depends upon the preparation of the ground. ^ The land must be well plowed or dug, and harrowed or raked, to secure thorough pulverization, and, if possible, well rolled down and top dressed with a good fertilizer, unless the land had received an application of well-rotted stable manure before plowing or spading, and we would recommend a good grade of super-phosphate or a mixture of phosphate, ammoniated bone, as especially adapted for lawns, at the rate of 500 pounds to the acre, which should be lightly harrowed in and upon the seed bed. Our Lawn Grass Mixture should be sown at the rate of three or four bushels to^ the acre, lightly harrowed in and thoroughly rolled. When the young shoots of grass have attained the height of three or four inches it should be carefully mown with a sharp scythe ; after this it should be mown about every ten days with a lawn mower. Frequent mowing is indispensable to maintain turf in good order.

When your lawn has already been established, you. will find it greatly to your advantage to renew it every season. As early in the spring as the weather will permit, have your lawn care- fully raked so as to remove the dead grass and leaves that may be thereon ; then sprinkle it with our'Mixed Lawn Grass Seed, which will renew the thin places and spots which have been killed by Winter; then give it a dressing with our Lawn Fertilizer Mixture, and finish by giving the w*hole a thorough rolling ; after which the lawn mower should be used every week or ten davs. This will make the lawn a source of ever-varying beauty and enjoyment throughout the season.

We have tried all kinds of Lawn Grass Seed, both native and foreign, and confidently recom- mend our Mixed Lawn Grass Seed as the best in use. It makes a quick and luxuriant growth, and permanently occupies the ground, giving it a velvety evergreen sod, which is the charm of a lawn. Put up in packages or as wanted.

" " M Common " " " "

Extra Fancy genuine Kentucky Blue Grass Seed

Choice Kentucky Blue Grass Seed.

Best Extra Clean genuine Kentucky Blue Grass Seed..

White Dutch Clover Seed, Extra Choice

" " " " " Prime

If sent by mail, add 10c. per pound to prepay postage. Special price in larger lots.




$0 20

$0 65

$2 50



2 00



1 50



1 25



1 CO


3 00

10 00


2 50

8 00


The Henry Philipps Seed and Implement Co.



The "Acme" Garden Seed Drill




A GARDEN SEED DRII,I, that will distribute Beet, Cabbage, Carrot, Celery, Lettuce, Radish, Turnips and all such seeds with perfect regularity, it is utterly impossible for it to sow anything but accurately, doing theTwork as thoroughly as the costly machines, and will cover ten times the ground that can possibly be covered by hand. It is simple in con- struction and so easily understood that a child can be instantly taught to use it, so simply con- structed it is impossible to get out of order.

Send us $3.00 for 60 5-CENT PACKETS Vegetable or Flower Seeds and get one of these ACME DRILLS FREE.;

No Discount Allowed on this Offer.



The famous Clark's Cutaway Harrow supersedes the plow and makes a perfect seed bed. Clark's Improved Cutaway Harrow is " The Boss." It beats anything in the way of Spading and Pulverizing Harrows ever introduced. With it you can prepare your land for Oats seeding without plowing. They have no equal. We have tested them with other so-called Spading Harrows and found they were no competitors to the

CUTAWAY. Hard clay or stubble made into a perfect seed bed. Has also a seeding attachment for sowing all kinds of grain and grass seed. We have all sizes of them, for one, two and three horses. Also cultivators for use in corn, orchards and vegetable gardens, for fruit growers especially. No tiller of soil can do without it We have sold them for the last ten years and have the most flattering testimonials, and can refer to hundreds who use them. We have the exclusive agency for them in this section, and sell them at manufacturer's prices. Call and see, or send for full descriptive circular and prices. Price, $20 00.

Keystone, Cutaway and Solid Disc Harrows of all sizes.

Catalogue and prices upon application. Diamond Steel Tooth Harrows. These Harrows with

patent 8teel Teeth, each tooth riveted, which prevents splitting. We have <s8-tootb, cutting 8 feet; 60-tooth, cutting 10 feet; 72- tooth cutting 21 % feet. These are all Hinge Harrows— hinge made of wrought iron. We haye a section Harrow, with long eveners sold by the section, 20 teeth in each section. Two sections, 40 teeth, cuts 8 feet ; three sections, 60 teeth, cuts 13 feet, steel teeth riveted. These are for small gardeners. Price, from $3 00 to $12 00.

The Tiger Protection Steel Frame, Spring* Teeth, Floating: Harrow; The Tigrer Protection Wood Frame, Spring: Teeth, Floating- Harrow— of different sizes and prices.

Evans' Adjustable Steel Frame Lever Harrows, 50. 60 and 70 Solid Steel Teeth. It is acknowledged to be the most perfect Harrow on the market. Price, $10 00, $11 00, and $12 00, each.

We have different makes and kinds of Lever Harrows of Steel, Iron and Wood Frames; two and three sections. Call and see, or sen >: descriptive circulars aad price s.

The Henry Philipps' Seed and Implement Co.





Commercial Fertilizers are sure to come into more general use as fast as they are tried. Their quick i and direct action commend them to the gardener and the farmer. A customer who once buys almost invariably con- tinues its use. The enormous quantities sold every year give the best evidence of its utility and value to the gardener and farmer.


Life is too short for the intelligent to spend any great portion of it in wading through the long drawn out publications of some fertilizer companies. You know that your land needs manure, and we know that we have the goods that will suit you. Bone Fertilizers are the most valuable, and though they cost a little more than the South Carolina Rock, at the start, they are the cheapest in the end.




Maumee Valley Pure Raw Bone Meal. Pure Bone Meal analysis : Ammonia 6.50 per cent. ; Bone Phos- phate and Phosphoric Acid 45 to 50 per cent; Potash 98 per cent. State commercial value $37.76. Every bag guaranteed pure bone. Price, per bag of 200 pounds, $3 50 ; in ton lots, $30 00. Harrow or drill in, using 200 to 800 pounds per acre at time of seeding. Small lots by express, not prepaid, 5 pounds 25c ; 10 pounds 50c ; 25 pounds $1 00.

Maumee Valley Pure Phosphate. State analysis : 4.50 Ammonia ; Phos. Acid and Insol. 22.67 ; Potash, 88 per cent. This brand of Fertilizer is the purest and best of its kind made. It consists of animal meat and bone only; is very strong; most excellent for wheat, corn, potatoes and vegetables. Price, 200 pound bags $3 00 ; in ton lots, $25 00.

Desiccated Bone. Guaranteed analysis: Ammonia 1.50 to 2.50 per cent.; Phosphoric Acid 25 to 30 per cent; Bone Phosphate 55 to 65 per cent. Is a pure animal bone, without adulteration, from which all the grease and gelatinous matters have been extracted by a patent process, leaving the resultant bone in a finely divided state. Numerous tests have shown that the results from using Desiccated Bone are more satis- factory than those with Raw Bone, because the former is more quickly decomposed in the soil and the phos- phoric acid is more readily rendered available ae food for growing plants. Price, 200 pound bags, $3 50 ; in ton lots, $30 00.

Recommended for use on bottom lands or where there is a good supply of moisture for all kinds of grain and also for strawberries and fruit trees in connection with some form of potash. May also be used to good advantage composted with barnyard manure.


No weeds. No litter around your house. Old and|new lawns require stimulating in Spring or in the' Fall after season of cutting and heat of Summer. It is chemically prepared, containing only elements to make grass growth; has never failed to produce a rapid and rich green velvety^lawn. By using this dressing all unsightli- ness and disagreeable odors are avoided. No weed seeds will fill your ilawns as they frequently do when stable dressing is used. It is very lasting, and by its use worms and other troublesome insects aie driven from the toil. Should be sown broadcast at the rate of 6C0 to 800 pounds- to acre, according to condition of lawn. 100 pound bag 82 25; 50 pound bag $1 50 ; 25 pound bag $1 00 ; 10 pound bag 50c; 200 pound bag $4 00; special price for larger quantity.


The Henry Philipps Seed and Implement Co.

Nitrate of Soda. This is valuable solely for the nitrogen it contains, equal to 20 per cent of ammonia. It is chiefly a stimulant ; it is used in addition and mixed with barnyard and other fertilizers. It comes from Chili, and is very quick in its action and hastens the maturity of crops. Price, nominal, sack 20t lbs., §6 50 ;

half-ton, S30 00; ton lots. $55 00.

Muriate of Potash. Contains 50 percent, actual potash. Price, nominal, per bag of about 224 lbs., 16 50;

per ton of 2,000 lbs., $55 00.

Prices on Nitrate of Soda and Muriate of Potash are subject to market fluctuations.

Pure Peruvian Guano. (Genuine Lobos Brand.)— Free from adulteration. One lb. 10c: 10 lbs. 75c ; 25 lbs. $1 50; 50 lbs. $2 50; 200 lbs. $4 50; per ton of 2,000 lbs. $55 00. One ton of pure Guano is worth twenty tons of stable manure. Mixed in water like Paris Green) it is most valuable in foreing garden truck, both in hot- beds and out in the field

Land Plaster or Gypsum. Analysis.— Sulphate of Lime, pure Gypsum, 94.23; Carbonate of Magnesia (a valuable fertilizer) 2.65 ; Common Lime Stone 2.20 ; Alumni Silica and Oxide of Iron .92. We have the gen- ine New Yorji State gray only, and this Land Plaster used as Fertilizer gives better results for money invested than any thing a farmer can put on his land. Valuable for all crops, especially in dry seasons where c©m- mercial fertilizers fail. Used by many potato growers. This is excellent to mix with Paris Green at the rate of 100 pounds of Plaster to 1 pound of Paris Green. Per barrel of about 300 pounds, on cars, $1 50; 5 barrel lots, per barrel, $1 25.

Ashes— Canada Unleacbed Hard Wood. Nature's Fertilizer. Contains all of the fertilizing elements. Ashes correct sourness of the soil, rendering sandy soils more capable of retaining fertilizers and making clay soils less stiff and more easily worked. They drive away insects, and are indispensable for all crops requiring potash. They are very beneficial for garden and field crops, and are of high value for cabbages, potatoes, onions, strawberries, celery, fruit trees, corn, clover, wheat, beans, grass lands and lawns. Price per barrel of about 200 lbs., S2 50; per ton of 2,000 lbs., $20 00. Special price in larger lots. Please let us know for what crop and on what kind of soil you wish to use Fertilizer, and? we will be pleased

to write you what we consider best for your use.

Bowker's Food for Flowers. An excellent fertilizer for house plants. Easily applied by dissolving in water. Clean to handle ; without odor; produces rich green growth and profusion of flowers. Price, large packages, 25c., or by mail 40c.


Imperial Eg-g- Food. For all kinds of laying fowls and young poultry. Will make your hens lay winter and summer; supports them during moulting and keeps fowls in the best condition ; prevents and cures the common ail- ments such as cholera, gapes and roup, making poultry one of the most profitable of farm stocks. Imperial Egg Food, one lb. package 35c ; 2% lbs. 75c; 25 lbs. $5 00. Also Egg-ine Egg- Food, one lb. boxes 25c.

.Trade Mark.)


Our X-Ray Egg Tester is just the thing for town people to test eggs with for eating and cooking purposes, as it will plainly show at a glance whether an egg is fresh or stale.

It is just the thing for poultry raisers and farmers to test eggs for hatching, as it will show them if the eggs are fertile or not after a few days incubation or setting, thereby enabling them to hatch more and healthier chicks. Poultry raising pays big if given close attention, and our X-Ray Tester is just what you want. It is handy, durable and cheap ; buy one. Price, 25 Cents, Postpaid.


RUST'S EGG PRODUCER supplies those substances, which, when assimilated by fowls, produce





^ It contains the elements of eggs, and theretore makes hens and O tardy pullets lay, exactly as certain foods produce milk in cows or ^ fertUizers increase crops.

S Although at half the usual price, it is not too cheap to be the best "Hen Persuader." or Egg Food known. It is so exc< in quality, and so moderate in price, that everybody keeping fowls should use it in summer and winter

It makes egg producing profitable. Full directions on each package PRICES:— lib. package, 25 cent!.; 2>< lb. box, 50 cent*; « lb. box, SI. OO; 101b. box, #1.50; 251b. keg, #3.25. If by mail, add 16 cents per lb. for postage.

For Fowls.

The best thing yet.


as convenient to fill and empty as a water pail. ! C h i c ks will not get 'drowned in it. Price, one Igallon size, 50c.

The Henry Philipps Seed and Implement Co.



Rust's Havene' Climax Condition Powder

Is exactly what every Farmer and Poultry Raiser Needs.

Keeps stock and fowls healthy. It always cures Gapes and Fowl Cholera, when used as directed. It expcis worms from Horses, etc., harmlessly. It improves and increases the production of milk. It makes Hogs thrive and fatten. Try this. It is the only reliable Poultry Powder. It is not a feed, but an honest medicine at an honest price. All who have used it once will have it again. Price, one package, 25c; if by mail, 15c extra for postage. Five pound box (equal to 6 packages), $1 00. Full descriptive circulars and anything else in line of Poultry supplies wanted, will be furnished on application.


Experienced feeders claim it to be the most profitable food for Beef Cattle, Cows, Horses, Sheep, Hogs, Fowls, etc. Keeps stock in a healthy condition. Makes fine, palatable meats more tender and juicy. A wonderful food for milch cows— increased quantity and quality of milk, butter and cheese. A double gain in rich manure that is left. Oil Cake Menl, like cooked food, is easily digested and shows good results. Prices subject to change. Price per 100 pound bag, SI 50: per ton, $25 00. No charge for bags. Royal Stock Food for Horses, Cattle, Hogs, Sheep and Poultry. For large lots apply for prices, as we may be able to sell for less than here quoted.


Makes hog raising profitable. An absolute prevention and cure for Hog Cholera. It will put your hogs in first-class condition ; stop cough and regulate the bowels ; arrest disease in every instance ; destroy worms ; repay its cost many times over in the extra pounds of pork it will ;make without extra feed; 50c a package; $4 00 per dozen. Agents wanted.


This is about the size of wheat, and can be fed like any other food, in grain. The phosphate of lime con- tained in bone assists^n the formation or the egg and largely increases the productiveness of hens. Price, 1 to 10 lbs. §c; 15 to 50 lbs. 3c; 100 lbs. 2' 4c; in ton lots 2c per lb.


Both important articles for the poultry yard througn ine Winter, and should be liberally supplied to the fowls. When everything is frozen or covered with snow, they must be helped out if eggs are wanted. The fact that our "Excelsior Oyster Shells" are ground when green, makes them valuable as an aid to the digestive organs of the fowl. Price, 1 to 10 lbs. 2c; 20 lbs. 35c; 50 lbs. 75c; 100 lbs.ll 00; barrel 75c per 100 pounds. Special prices on larger lots. Crystal Grit same price.


For young£chicks whose power of digestion is not mature, this will be found an indispensable addition to their food. JPrice, Slbs. 25c; 10 lbs. 40c; 50 lbs. $1 50; 100 lb bag 82 50; per barrel (about 250 lbs.) 2c per lb.


Blood Meal is a valuable supplemental food for Poultry. Don't fail to give it a trial. 10 lb. packages 50c; 50 lb. bag $2 00; special price in larger lots. For more full information, apply for special circular. Mixed Chicken Feed, from 50c to SI 00 per 100 lbs., as to quality.

Rust's Havens' Roup Pills at 25 cents per box.

Sunflower Seed, Russian Mammoth at 10

Barley for Hens at 75

Buckwheat for Hens at 75

Millet for Chicks at 50

China Nest Eggs g at 25

Slug Shot -Insect Destroyer at 25

Lee's Lice Killer at 50

" at 75

Sturtevant's Vermin Killer at 25

pound, bushel.


5 lb. package. Yz gallon. 1


Powder Guns at 15 to 25 cents.


The Henry Philipps Seed and Implement Co.



Green Bone, Shell, Corn Mills and Cutter.

Will successfully cut Fresh Market Bones, with meat and gristle attached. Valuable implements for the Poultryman, Gardener and Housekeeper. They will take wnole oyster or clam shells and bones of the same size and crush a peck in 15 minutes. Also grinds stale bread, crackers, roots, spices, etc.

We have Mann's and Wilson's patent full line bone and vegetable cutters for hand and power, at from %o 00 up to $225 00. For full description, in. formation and price, please apply for special circu- lars and direction.

An Infallible Insecticide or Insect Destroyer.

200,000 Tons of it Used with Safety to Man and Beast. Its Efficiency is Conceded by All Who Make Thorough Tests.

What is SLUG 8H0T ? Slug Shot is an impalpable powder, a combina- tion of insecticides ; poisonous to insects preying upon vegetables, and withal an excellent fertilizer, affecting nearly all classes of insect life, so that they either die or leave for parts unknown. IT KILLS THE POTATO BUGS in all stages of their growth. IT KILLS THE BLACK FLEAS on Cabbage, Turnips, Beets, Radishes and Egg Plants. Apply by dusting over the plant. IT KILLS THE CABBAGE WORM, and also the Currant and Gooseberry Worm; the Aphis or Green Fly on Roses and other flowers. Has prevented the ravages of the Curculio and Canker Worm on Fruit Trees; used for Beans, Melons, Squash, Cut Worms. KEEPS THE STRIPED BUGS FROM ALL VINE CROPS. For full information and testimonials from all sections of the United States, apply for pamphlet— "Hammond's Slug Shot and Its Uses." Slug Shot is put up in 5 and 10 pound bags, and in flour barrels, loose, that contain 235 pounds each. It is applied by duster or bellows. Price, for 5 pound package 25c ; 10 pound package 50c; 100 pounds 4c per pound. Full directions on every package.

Grape Dust. A non-poisonous powder for the remedy and control of mildew and rot on grapes, gooseberries,

roses, etc. Price. 5 pound package 35c; 100 pound keg So 00. Apply with bellows or powder gun. The Flour of Tobacco and Sulphur will prevent and cure mildew on grapevines and rose bushes. It

will destroy the green and black fly, grubs, cut worms, lice and the eggs of insects, mealy bug, and the red

spider. Pulverized, in packages, at 25c and 50c. Carbolic Soap. For freeing animals from insects and washing the bark of trees and plants for scale, lice. etc.

Price, 4 oz. package 10c, or by mail 15c. Directions: Dissolve 2 ounces to a gallon of water and apply with

brush, sponge or spray.

Whale-Oil Soap. An effectual remedy for destroying and preventing insects on plants, trees, vines, etc.; for

washing down the bark of trees, grapevines, etc. In cans, with directions, 25c. Hellebore. For destroying Rose Slugs. One or two applications are usually sufficient for a season, and it is

thoroughly effective. Per pound 20c; by mail 40c. Pure Paris Green. For destroying Potato Bugs. It is effectual for destroying that pest. Directions for use

with each package. 25c per pound ; by mail 40c; 10 pounds for $2 00. London Purple. Very poisonous and equally as efficacious as Paris Green, and more soluble in water. Price,

25c per pound ; 10 pound lots and over at 20c per pound. If by mail, add 15c per pound for postage. Use iu

the same way as Paris Green. Tobacco Dust. For Cabbage Worms, Caterpillars, etc. Very effective, being leaves and not ground stems;

much used in vegetable hot houses. Pound 10c; by mail, postpaid, 25c; express, 10 pounds, 50c; 25 pounds

SI 00; 100 pounds $3 00.

Blue Vitrol. Now very extensively used in spraying grapevines, in large vineyards and orchards. Price

from 5 to 10 cents per pound, according to quantity. Fir Tree Oil Soap. To all interested in the production of fruit and (lowers the effectiveness of Fir Tree Oil

Soap as an insecticide is well known and we recommend it as the most satisfactory yet produced. In %

pound tins, 25c each. One ounce makes one gallon.

The Henry Philipps Seed and Implement Co


Monitor Incubators,

Nursery Under Egg Drawee.

Galvanized Iron Tanks.

50 Egg Size. 100 " " . 150 " " . 200 " . 300 " " . 400 " " .

.310 00 .. 15 00 . 18 00 23 00 . 30 00 .. 38 00

Copper Tanks.

50 Egg Size

100 " 150 " 200 " 300 " 400 "

.$12 00 . 16 00 . 20 00 . 25 00 . 33 00 . 44 00

The above Incubators both Hot Water and Hot Air.

If Xursery Egg Drawers are needed, which have wire cloth on bottom of same, send $1 00 extra for each egg drawer. Chicks can be put in these and kept in the Incubator a day or two, as they are well ventilated on bottom of egg drawer. Chicks cannot be hurt in them. Duck ma- chines have more space in egg drawer and any one wanting to hatch duck eggs must mention this fact.

Reasons why these Machines are the Best.

First— We have sold the Machines for several years and can guarantee them. Second These Machines can be left twenty-four hours at a time in safety, if necessary. Third All boilers and pipes are made out of the very best copper untinned. Fourth Every machine is tested before leaving the factory. Fifth They will keep an even temperature in the coldest weather.

Sixth The egg chambers are large and roomy so chicks cannot get injured in hatching. Seventh They are extremely simple to manage. Ten minutes a day is all it requires.

The cost of hatching with a two hundred egg Machine is less than for any other machine made. About thirty cents for oil. Machines will hatch hen's, ducks', turkeys', geese', or eggs of any other fowl or bird. Copper tank Machines do not cost but little more than galvanized iron, and will last 20 years or more.

First-Class Brooders we Price as Follows :

50 Chick size, Bristol $ 7 00 100 Chick size, Monitor $12 00

100 " " " 8 50 150 " " " 14 00

200 " " " 15 00 200 " " " 17 00

Please remember these Brooders are first-class in every way and not cheaply gotten up.


The Henry Philipps Seed and Implement Co.


Nearly every one is now familiar with the practice of spraying plants with various in- secticides and fungicides for the prevention of injury by insects and fungous diseases. It has been estimated by competent authorities that over $300,000,000 worth of crops are an- nually destroyed by insects and fungi in the United States. But by proper spraying a large part of this immense loss can be prevented.

The spraying should be done by means of a spray pump, many styles of which are on the market. To do satisfactory work in spraying one must have a first-class outfit. The pump must have its working parts made of brass, as the fungicides soon corrode iron or tin. The nozzle must be of good quality, it must thiow a fine misMike spray, and if it will throw a solid stream, so much the better for its general utility. The kind of spraying outfit which should be selected will depend entirely upon the kind and amount of work to be done.

We here offer to our friends and customers a complete line of Spraying appliances, such as we consider good in every way, and the best made for the prices asked. The dif- ferent Sprayers we offer can be used in many ways for spraying the garden, orchard or vineyard by florists, nurserymen, fruit and tobacco growers, poultrymen and stock raisers.


Insect Powder Guns. The most popular in the market, with screw cap in place of cork, which allows a larger opening for filling with powder . "We have several sizes. Prices, 10c, 15c, 20c, 25c each. Per doz. 80c, $1 00, $1 25, $2 00. These are the best. They will last a lifetime. Never fail to completely destroy Bedbugs, Roaches, Moths, Mosquitoes, Flies, Fleas on Dogs, Lice on Birds, Animals, Plants, etc.

Bellows of different sizes, with patent Powder receivers which cannot choke up. Bellows, 12, 16, 24, 30 inch. Price, 75c, $1 00, $1 25, $1 50, $2 00.


This little liquid Sprayer weighs one pound, is cheap and durable, and will soon be wanted by every farmer and gardener in the country. Once filling will cover 1,000 hills of potatoes. This is the best Sprayer for farmers' wives to spray house and garden plants- disinfecting rooms, for use in lightning sprayer.

the laundry and anywhere that spraying of any nature of liquids can be used. The best Sprayer for barn use to keep flies off stock, etc.~Price low and within reach of all. Tin, 75c each ; brass, $1 50.

These machines have been used by the leading florists and gardeners in the United States, with the greatest degree of satisfaction. It throws a spray as fine as a cloud of smoke, which being damp, .adheres to the plant ; it is worth its cost many times each season to any household: it will surely disinfect any place, and destroy any living insect if theproper liquids are used. Kerosene emulsion may be used on most any kind of plant without harming same. When using operate vrith a quick stroke.

Desirable Formulas for Various Purposes.— For Potato Bugs— Two tablespoonsful o^f pure Paris Green ; fill cup with water and shake well.

For Plant Lice, Fly Beetles, Aphis, Green Flies, Jlealy Bugs, such as attack cabbage, melons, squash and small fruits of all kinds, use kerosene emulsion. This is made by mixing one quart of soft soap, one pint of kerosene and six quarts of water; stir thoroughly until it becomes a homogeneous creamy mass from which the kerosene will not separate. Dilute with water so tbat the kerosene will be one-fifteenth of the entire mixture. For cur- rant and gooseberry bushes, which are attacked by currant slugs, saw flies and span worms, use white helebore. For rose bushes and house plants, use fir tree oil soap, roseleaf extract of tobacco, tobacco soap or whale oil soap. The above will destroy scale, mealybugs, red spider, black or green fly, or mildew on roses and other flowers.

For a Disinfectant use carbolic acid. For killing lice in the walls and on roofs of poultry houses, use kero- sene or carbolic acid and lime water. For killing house flies use Persian insect powder or lavender oil.

For preventing flies, mosquitoes, fleas, etc., on horses, cattle, hogs and poultry, use the following— it is harmless to man or beast, but very obnoxious to insects : '1 wo quarts fish oil, one pint crude carbolic acid, one ounce oil of pennyroyal and eight ounces oil of tartar, mixed together. The above is desirable for collar galls or cuts, being very healing and also acts as a disinfectant.

Care of Sprayer.— Keep the leather pluuger soft and pliable with a few drops of lard oil or a little vaseline. If small tube entering cup at point of air chamber clogs, remove obstruction with small wire; always rinse cup well with clean water, and dry before putting away. With reasonable caie it should last for years.

The Henry Philipps Seed and Implement Co.

Scollay Putty Bulbs, for Giazing. A pressure wfth the hand ejects the putty along the sash bars. Price, 75c and 9fle each ; hy mail, 85c and 5f 1 00.

Scollay's Rubber Sprinkler. Indispensable for floral work and gardening. Invaluable when once tried. Very useful for dampen- ing clothes or sprinkling in any way. Beware of imitations, as this is the best. Price, SI 00 ; Same style medium, 75c ; small, 50c.


Spraying Fruit Trees by Hand and Horse Power. Spray- ing- is no longer an Experiment, but a Science and a Necessity to Secure a Crop of Fruit.

Outfit B Spray Pump with 2% ft. 1 in. iron suction pipe with brass strainer and two leads 10 ft. each, % in. discharge hose with Masson (or other) spray nozzle, $9 00; $7 50 fo$ a pump with one lead only.

Maud S. Double acting Spray Pump, as used in barrel. Price of Pump, with five feet of hose and spray nozzle ?7 50. Ihese pumps can be mounted on wagons and plank sleds at a very trifl- ing expense and trouble. We can guarantee these outfits to give good satis- faction. Special circular, giving full information and directions, upon ap- plication.

Thejprice ofJLeggett's Gun complete, with 4 extra tubes, 5 nozzles, oil can , 2 straps, as il- lustrated, is $7 00.

Circular gives full information as to the mixtures and cost of different powders, etc., with each Gun.

Leggett's Paris Greex "Powder Gun.

For Orchard, Vineyard, Garden or Potato Field. Distributes Paris Green, Sulphur, "Fungiroid," (a powdered Bordeaux Mix- ture ) or any dry powder.

Thousands In Use

Illustrated Circular application.

or Dry


Won- derful

Inven- tion





Strorg and


Knapsack Sprayer.

The Only Machine on the Market that will Spray UP or DOWN.

You can spray vege- tables growing low or high from the ground. Our Bulb, with Patent Combination Valve, does it all, simply by

turning the nozzel in direction you wish to spray. Press your thumb, you get your spray: release the pressure and you stop the spray. To spray vines and trees, point nozzle upward. You will reach 15 feet high. The Sprayer weighs, full, 50 pounds. The straps are provided with buckles and are adjustable to fit a boy or man of any size. It is also provided with a fine strainer cloth at the top, where the liquid enters, to prevent leaves or dirt from getting into the Sprayer, thus im- possible to clog up the nozzle. A man with one of these Sprayers will only use one-half the Paris Green that is required by the whisk-broom or any other method, the spray being a mere mist. No waste whatever. No burning of the vims by large drops. You will only require to take out one barrel of water to the field, instead of four, by any other method. The most economical and perfect working apparatus on the market. It pays for itself oy very little use. apacity 24 quarts. With double attachments, as shown in cut, $4 00.


The Henry Philipps Seed and Implement Co.

Philipps' "Handy" Knapsack Spray Pump.

For Orchard, Vineyard or Field Service.

Our Improved KnapsackJiSpray Pump which we have designed and which experience will, we feel con- fident prove the best pump of this character upon the market. The pump itself is made entirely of brass and copper, with rubber ball valves and metal plunger, all of which are easily accessible and can be, there- fore, readily examined and repaired. It is so arranged and stayed in the reservoir that it is capable of doing long and continuous service and will not easily get out of order.

The discharge in our New Im- proved is at the bottom, and the pump £an, therefore, be entirely drainecf of the liquid. You can arrange Pump in the reservoir to be operated by either the right or left hand, as desired, although we shall make them locating the Pump to be operated by the right hand, unless ordered otherwise. The reservoir is made of heavy copper and will hold about five gallons of liquid.

" Handy " Knapsack Sprayer, complete as shown in cut, with 3% feet of %-inch Discharge Hose Ver- morel Nozzle, $10 00; less Vermorel Nozzle, 8-inch Lance and iLever, $8 50.

Philipps' Horse Power Sprayer

^^Especially designed for Spraying Nursery stock, Grape Vineyards andlPotato fields. This machine has a heavy hard wood frame, and tank holding 50 gallons; has strong iron wheels 3 feet 2 inches in diameter, 3 inches wide. Price, piped for vineyard Spraying, with thills for one horse, with four Vermorel Nozzles. $50,00; price, piped for Spraying Potatoes, with pole for two horses, with three Vermorel Nozzles, $60 00. Two 10 foot sections of hose and two Vermorel Nozzles for orchards. We sold several of them and they have all given the highest satisfaction. For more full explanation of the machine, ask for special circular of same.

The "PRIZE" Knapsack Sprayer is provided with special attach- ment for •lamping the pump (which can be easily removed) to tank, and has a handle by which tank may be carried about after removing the lever and its handle. In this way it can be used similar to a bucket pump. Horticulturists will appreciate this novel feature. The price is very low— only $6.00.

The working1 parts of the Pump are brass, which will resist the action of acids contained in the fungicides.

A Return Stream Agitator made by a hole through the lower valve stirs the liquid and keeps the strainer^free from sediment. No other agitator of this kind will so thoroughly agitate the spraying solution.

Nothing- could be more convenient than this apparatus for use in greenhouses and in gardens. It is an excellent potato sprayer where any solution is used except Bordeaux Mixture and Ammoniacal Solution of Cop- per Carbonate. To resist the action of acids, a copper tank is preferable.

The "SUCCESS" represents a new and excel- lent Pump for use in gardens, vineyards, greenhouses, orchards, for washing windows and buggies ; also for spraying poultry houses. The working parts are all brass and bucket foot- rest is made of malleable iron. Noth- ing could be simpler and more durable than this Pump. It has large air-chamber space and is double-acting, throwing an absolutely continuous stream, either solid or in fine spray. The end of hose connecting to Pump is coiled with brass spring wire, adding largely to its durability. The "Bordeaux" Nozzle, the best combination Spraying Nozzle on earth, is furnished with "Success" Pumps. This nozzle throws a solid stream, fine or double spray (adjustable), and is easily degorged; or may be shut off altogether. Price, $3.00.

The "Bordeaux" Nozzle is the simplest and best combination Spraying Nozzle on the market. It throws solid stream or a fan-shaped spray adjust- able to any fineness ; is readily degorged by turning the cock handle. It will also throw a long-distance coarser spray for spraying very; largej trees ; or it success. may be shut off altogether— featuies possessed by no other Spray Nozzle. It can be used with any of our Spray Pumps. Price, for both %-inch pipe and '^-inch hose, as per cut, 75 cents.

The Henry Philipps Seed and Implement Co.



Aquaject Portable Hand Force Pumps. The easiest and most powerful Garden Force Pumps ;ver produced. Fitted with suction hose to draw water or other liquids from a pail or other source, even 20 >r more feet off. A perfect minature fire engine of brass and malleable iron. Serviceable for house, garden,

orchard, washing buggies, etc. With suction and discharge hose, brass discharge pipe and sprayer and agitator. Price complete, $4.00.

Philipps' Improved Buck- et Spraying Pump. This all brass hand Force Pump has all the latest improved points, and we guarantee every Pump to give entire satis- faction. Price, $1.75.

No. 1 Brass Portable Spray

Pump. Repre- sents our new Brass Portable Spray Pump equip- ped with "Calla" spray nozzle. This pump sets in buck- et, requiring no suction hose. It will be noticed that this Pump is provided with Agi- t a t o r, especially adapting it for spraying. We furnish discharge


hose.'etc. Price, with 3>£ feet J^-inch discharge hose and

No. 1.

'Calla" spray nozzle, $2.50.

Empire Double Acting" Well Force Pump. For shallow or deep wells, open, driven or drilled. We can furnish i these |pumps for deep or shallow wells with common top or windmill top, as wanted. Universal bushing, adapting pumps for shallow or deep wells, strainer and hose connec- tion go with each pump and are included in prices given here. Three way cock and connecting rod also furnished if wanted, so yon will have to ac- knowledge this Pump to be the most complete pump ever offered for sale- Pump complete with brass lined cylinder (shallow or deep well), $9 00; extra for brass body cylinder, $150; extra for windmill top, 50c; extra for three-way cock, $1 50. This makes it the best and cheapest windmill Pump in the world.

We carry in stock a full line of Wood and Iron, also Combined Lift and Force Pumps of all sizes; Well Curbing Fixtures, Galvanized Chain, Rubber Buckets, Iron Pipe, Wood Tubing. All of these goods sold at the very lowest prices.

Circulars and Prices Mailed on Application.

We have also other Spraying Pumps, Greenhouses and Conservatory Syringes of different kinds, sizes and prices, not enumerated in our Catalogue for want of space, and will be pleased to mail circulars and give all information and prices upon application. The foregoing is a partial list of our outfits.

See our Premium List, Page 70.



The Henry Philipps Seed and Implement Co.



Pure Manila runs 650 feet to lb.; Manila, not pure, runs 625 feet to lb.; Standard Manila mixed with New Zealand color, same as Manila, but fibre not so good, sold by many as Manila, 600 feet to lb. Pure Sisal, natural color- 500 feet to lb. American and Russian Hemp, standard Manila. Manila rope. also Jute Binder Twine of best

quality, at rock bottom prices. Manila Rope, 1, %, %, %, y4 inch. Sisal Rope, 1, %, %. y2, 3-16 inch.

Our Twine and Rope are of unequaled make, and prices as low as first quality Twines can be sold by any reliable business firm in this country. Samples and prices (naming amount wanted), upon application.



A full line, of which we will mention the following:

Butter Workers % 3 50 to $20 00

Floral Tools, for ladies per set 30 to 2 00

Forks— Digging and Spading, Hay or Stable 30 to 1 50

Forks— Manure and Snort Handled 30 to 125

Garden Lines— finest '. 50 to 75

Grafting Wax, in %, y2 and 1 lb. packages, per lb 15 to 30

Grass Hooks, each 25 to 50

Grass Edging Knives 50 to 1 00

Hoes— a full line 20 to J 00

Rollers -Garden and Field 9 00 to 50 00

Scythes— Brush, short blade 50 to 1 25

Scythes— English and American, Lawn Grass and Grain, cast steel, in sizes 50 to 2 30

Scythe Stones— different kinds, 75c per dozen ; each 5 to 10

Saws— Pruning and Grafting 60 to 1 50

Transplanting Trowels 10 to 50

Weeders— Lang's, Noyes, and other makes. Price, 25c


Pruning Shears— solid Steel, improved springs and other 50 cents up to $1.25 each.

Price, $1.00 to $2.00.

The Wilson Spring Whiffletree. Price, pair, $1.40. $1.65, $1.75.

; ^Churns— Batcheller , Union, Blanch a all sizes.

Mole Trap— Olmstead, $1.50 Transplanting Dibbler, 40c. ITotbed Cloth. Out O' Sight, 85c.

Hotbed Protecting Cloth— Specially prepared, to prevent mildewing and rotting, valuable for forwarding and protecting early plants from frosts, covering hotbeds and frames in Spring in lieu of glass and for throwing over bedding plants at night in Fall, for Chrysanthemum houses, etc., at one-tenth the cost of glass. Pieces contain from 40 to 60 yards. Price, heavy grade per yard, lie; by piece, ppr vard 10c Medium grade, best for general purposes, per yard, 10c: by piece, per yard, 9c.

The Henry Philipps Seed and Implement Co.



Oiie of the best Drills made. Drills. It has an excellent marker.a broad wheel lending ease to work the machine; a pood covering roller. The flow of seed can be stopped instantly by means of a string attached to your hand. The index is right under your eye, while the hopper is easily watched. Holds two quarts of seed and will sow this amount or a paper with equal ease, rapidity and accuracv.

Price, $6.00 Double and Single Wheel Com- bined Wheel Gem Cultivator.

The very best hand culti- vators made. Price of Double Wheel Gem, 84.50. Single Wheel Gem, 83 50.

It has many advantages over other


Hose, Rubber— 3 ply extra heavy. We have sold a large quantity of this grade and it has given general satisfaction. Very durable and best for general use. We keep it in lengths of 25 and 50 feet, and these we do not cut. Price, % inch (includ- ing couplings) per 25 feet, $3 50; 50 feet, $6 50; 100 feet 812 00.

Hose Rbel.— "The Success." Price, with capacitv for 100 feet % inch hose %\ 50. Reel for 200 feet hose. $2 50.

Hose Nozzle, ' Gem."— New, throw- ing all variations, from fine spray to stream. Price, 40c.

2 B

Hedge Shears, best English Steel, 8, 9 and 10 inch.


The Janesville Hay Tool Co., Dead Lock Reversible Hay Carrier. Sole agency.

THE BOSS.— The lightest and strongest made Reversible Carrier, for wood track. This Carrier is used more eutensively throughout the United States than any other Carrier made. It is made entirely of malleable iron. Strickler's New Reversible Dead Lock and Swivel Steel Track Hay Carrier, the 6tiongest and mctt duisllc <f any in use; cannot break; is made of steel and malleable iron. Price, single one, S3 00.

HAY FORKS AND GRAPPLERS. The Improved Harris Double Harpoon, Nellis' Single, Walker's Single. Price, Forks 81 00 each; Grapplers 50c each.


Steel Track and Couplings, Pulleys of all kinds, Hanger Hooks, Floor Hooks, Rafter Brackets and Irons, Steel Grapplers, Rope Hitches and Rope.

Janesville new Hay Slings, complete with Carrier. With these a wagon load of Hay, straw or grain can be unloaded and elevated in a few minutes. Will furnish illustrated circulars showing the tools, directions for putting up, full information of their working, and rock bottom prices.

Hay I/oaders, Hay Tedders, Hay Rakes.

Latest Improved Hay Loaders

Advance, 6-Fork Hay Tedder, for one or two horses

Advance, S-Fork Hay Tedder, for one or two horses

Advance, Improved Horse Hay Rake

Improved Self-Dump Horse Hay Rake

Keystone Side Delivery Horse Hay Rake


Empire Hand Presses, for Baling Hay, Straw, Paper, Rags, Wool, Corn Husks, Hair, Tobacco.

Cotton, and for general purposes $ 85 00

Empire, Improved Wool Press 8100 00 to 150 00

Leading Hand, Horse and Steam Power, Hay and Straw Presses $90 00 and upwards

Write us if in want of a Baling Press of any kind, and we will mail you descriptive circular and lowest price.

Threshers and Clover Hullers.

Our arrangements with the Aultman & Taylor Machinery Co., Advance Thresher Co., and Birdsell Manu- facturing Co., are such that we can make anyone in want of a good Threshing Outfit, and the best Clover Huller, rock bottom prices.

845 00 . 24 00 . 28 00 . 18 00 . 17 00 45 00


The Henry Philipps Seed and Implement Co.


complete— 1. 1% 2 and 3 barrels, lOAvest market price.


The Kelley Duplex Feed Mills, all sizes $30 00 to $75 00

The Nonpareil Feed Mills, all sizes 40 00 to 200 00

The Cham pion Combined Feed Mill and Corn

Sheller '. 40 00 to 60 00

The Ohio Corn and Cob Sweep Feed Mill.... 22 00

French Buhr Stone Farm Mills 75 00 to 300 00

All the before named Mills will crush and grind corn on the ear into fine meal; also any kind of grain separate or mixed. Descriptive circulars, giving full information and prices of same, upon application.

Agricultural Furnaces, Caldrons and Kettles.

Agricultural Portable Furnaces and "Farmers' Boilers,


Also Caldrons for same. Iron Kettles, from 5 pails up to 5 barrels, at


The illustration shown faithfully represents our Steam Feed Cooker or Agricultural Boiler, and we believe it to be the best Cooker ever placed on the market. It is made in the most sub stantial and workmanlike manner, The material used in its construction is the best boiler plate steel, 60,000 pounds tensile strength hand riveted, tested to 100 pounds hydrostatic pressure, securing perfect safety and ample capacity to users. The fire door is of ample size, and the grate so designed that any kind of fuel may be used. The boiler is the tubular type, the flues passing through the water, giving unusually large heating surface, and as durable and efficient as any engine boiler of same dimensions.


feed cooker. No. 1— Diameter of shell, 19 inches; height of shell 40 inches ; number of 2-inch flues. 9 ; length of Boiler, 54 inches; shipping weight, 360 pounds: price, $30 00.

No. 2— Diameter of shell, 19 inches; height of shell 40 inches; number of 2-inch flues, 13; length of boiler, 5S inches; shipping weight, 430 pounds: price. $35 00.

The following fittings and trimmings are furnished with each cooker. One safety valve, two gauge cocks, one'pump, two valves, glass waier gauge, steam gauge, sufficient pine connections, and two feet of hose. It is fitted with connections for one tank or barrel, but may be used with three or five, with additional pipe and fittings. Send us your order for one.


We have both the old style and latest improved style. These Weedeas were introduced on their merits, and have proven to be the most important tools on faim and garden. Every farmer and gardener should have one. Removable Tooth Weeder (old style), 810 00. No. 4 Weeder (new style), $12 00.

Special circular, giving full information and directions, on application.


"THE greatest labor and seed saying lwestiok of the age.

The Crank or Geared Seeder will be preferred by many. They are the best, as to work and durability, at one-half the cost of other makes.

With Metal Bow and Agitator or Force Feed.

This is the best built, easiest running, most perfect machine in the market. It saves one-third seed and two-thirds labor. Weighs but three pounds. Man or boy can sow on hilly, stumpy, stony and rough, as well as on clean and old land, per- fectly even any desired quantity (one quart to three bushels per acre), of Clover. Timothy, Millet, Hungarian. Flax. Wheat, Rye, Oats. Peas, Corn, Orchard Grass, Blue Grass, Hed Top, or other seed Fertilizer and Ashes, etc, Price for Bow Seeder, single one, $2 00; three in one order, $5 00: six in one order, $9 00; single crank Seeder 12 50 ; three in one order $6 50: six in one order, $12 00, to any place in the United States. Express charges prepaid by us. Special price for largo- orders. Fully warranted the best out. It is the best implement of its kind and for the money on earth. No farmer who has used one would do without it for five times its cost. Strongest, prettiest and lightest running. No equal on the mat ket. A liberal discount to agents and dealers; write for special circular and directions. We sold thousands of them in the last few vears and every one gave the best satisfaction, as hundreds of the most flattering testimonials from all parts of the United States Avill testify. We guarantee either one to give entire satisfaction. We allow 50c on each single Seeder and 25c each on orders for three and six, ordered and shipped with seeds, etc . at purchaser's expense.

No careful, economical farmer will continue to sow his seed by band (the old style) when he can get one of these machines at our reduced prices. They will save their cost almost daily in saving of seed, to saj nothing about saving of time and more even distribution, which will have a great effect on the crop.


Agency for the celebrated Milwaukee Harvester Go. Light Binders and New Chain Mowers, improved steel frames; the Eureka Mowers, the Royce 8ingle Reapers and repairs for same; Deere Combined Hay Rake and Loader— only one good man is necessary to operate the Loader and do the work of raking and loading: the only Loader which will, in all kinds and under every and anv condition of grass, successfully rake from the swath.

Keystone and Deere-Mansur Gorn Iluskers and Fodder Shredders— the best machines made for this work. Satisfaction guaranteed.

Grain Drills, Cider Mills for haud and power: Wheelbarrows, garden and canal; Scales, counter and ware- house; Store and Warehouse Trucks; Farmers' and (hardeners' Steel Tools, Shovels, Spades, Scoops. Hoes: Iron, Steel and Wooden Rakes. A full line of the most improved and best Lawn and Garden Tools made, which we guarantee to be as represented, and sell them at the lowest price possible.



The Improved Champion Lever Horse Power, also Heebner's Tread Powers, and guarantee them to be the best in the market. At bottom prices. Be friendly and write us your wants.


The celebrated Blymyer Bells for Churches, Academies, Schools, Court Houses, Fire Alarm, Factory and Farm. Unrivaled for sweetness, purity of tone and durability. Kindly let us know what kind, size and tone Bell is wanted, and we will send descriptive circulars and prices. They are guaranteed ;for two years, and if broken at any time wiJl replace a new Bell for one-half the price.

Crystal Metal Farm Bklls, Nos. 1 to 5, from $2 00 to $5 00 each.


This style Hand Carts, 36 inch wheel, box 21x36 in., 10 in. deep. $5 50. Hand Carts with removable end boards, $6 00. Larger sizes from 87 00 to $10 00.

Barrel Cart, with and without the barrel. Price, with barrel. $5 00; without the barrel, $3 50, Any ordi- nary water barrel will fit, and is bolted to the axle, and the barrel is held upright and in position by the frame, used also as a handle or shafts. The barrel can be taken out and put in without any trouble, and a box substi- tuted.


The Most Perfect, Strongest and Cheapest Mill on Earth.

Mill ever has or will do.

This Mill will do what no other

The Clipper Mill No. 1, is for general use, is furnish ed with eight sieves, suited for all fcinds of grain and seed, seven ot which are zinc— the best material for sieves as it will not rust. This Mill cleans Wheat, Oats. Kye, Barley, Corn, Rice, Beans, Buckwheat, Coffee. Spice, Flax,"Clover, Timothy, Millet, Hungarian and all other grasses and garden seeds with once through, and leaves no tailings to be recleaued. They separate Peppergrass, Plantain, Buckthorn and other foul and noxious seed from Clover and Red Top. Plantain and Peppergrass out of Timothy Seed. The only mill which separates Red Clover. Timothy. Dock and noxious seed from Alsyke Clover. It separates Cockle and Mustard from Wheat and Oats. You can grade all your grains per- fectly for seed.

Another important and strong point of the Clipper . Mills over others is that they are more compact and stronger built. They have a large box which the grain and seed drops iuto, and the price is as low as any ordi- nary mul. No. 2 Clipper Mill, for hand power; No. 5 Clipper Mill, for power only; No. 10 Clipper Mill, for power only. Price, No. 1, $20 00 . No. 2, $25.00. Special circulars and prices mailed on application.


Wa hflvp thP lare-est assortment and best selected stock of Feed cutters of any concern in the State. We have afiiUlinJolth^ FEED CU TIERS and the famous OHIO Ensilage and Feed Cutters, also the

Tmnroved CD Feed Cutters, with Carriers for elevating Ensilage and Dry Kodder. for all large sizes when

wanted Our prices are low. We nave Cutters, for hand and power, from $3.00 upwards to .$125.00. Call or write for special circulars and Prices.


Deere & Mansur one and two horse Corn Drills and Planters, with and without Fertilizer attachments. Aho other makes one and two horse planters from $5.00 upwards. ,

Please let us know what you want, when we will send circular and quote you rock bottom prices.


The Henry Fhilipps Seed and Implement Co,


Smith's Celebrated Ohio Corn Planter. This planter has stood the test for 37 years, and never failed to receive the highest commendation in a single instance. Price, $2.00. Special price in dozen lots.

The Celebrated American Hand Plunger Corn Planter, greatly improved, $1.25 each.

The Eureka, Triumph, and other Hand Corn Planters, 75c to SI. 00 each; less price for dozen lots. ACME HAND POTATO PUNTER.

This is the pioneer implement of its kind, Simple, Practical, Durable. It is the lightest (weighs but 2}f2 nounds) strongest and most durable Hand Potato Planter yet made. Puts in the seed cheaper, easier and better than any other method. Works perfectly in clay, gravel or sandy soil, sod or new ground. Any farmer with less than thirty acres of potatoes to plant can put his seed in cheaper with the Acme Plaster than by any other way. It is considered a good day's work for a man to plant three-fourths of an acre of potatoes in a day. With an Acme Planter a man can plant two acres in a day of ten hours.

It makes the holes, drops and covers at one operation. Once over the field:does the work. Special price 81.00.


We have the agency for the following celebrated : Frick Company's Eclipse Traction Portable and Stationary Engines, Saw Mills and Boilers: James Leffell & Co., Steam Engines" and Boilers, and we can make you low figures for anything in this line.


Columbus Solid Steel. Square and Pressed Bowl, Wheel and Drag Scrapers.

No. 1— Boss Pressed Bowl Steel Scraper 85 00

No. 2— " " " " " 4 75

No. 3— " " " " " 4 50

Add extra 25 cents for Runners.


No. 1. No. 2. No. 3.

Square Bowl $25 00 $32 00 836 00

Pressed " 26 00 33 00 37 00


One size $4 50

Be sure to buy no other make,"i ven for less money, as the genuine Doan is the only ditching scraper worth buying.

We carry in stock neavy grade and contraetois Plows, suitable for two to ten horses. Also agency for steam or horse Rollers. Road Machines, etc. Can furnish Mattocks, Picks, Shovels, &c. So please let us know your wants in that line, when we will name you right prices for best goods money will buy.


We are in a position to execute promptly any order for Dynamite entrusted to us, at prices as per strength and percentage of nitro-glycerine therein, from 15 cents up to 30 cents per pound. We can furnish Caps double

and triple strength; Cotton Fuse. Single and Double Tape Fuse, etc. Also regular Black Blasting Powder. Descriptive catalogue and prices mailed upon applica- tion.


The Perkins Direct Motion Steel Mill.

Simple, Strong and Efficient. Every User is Pleased with It. Investigate It Before Buying.

We can furnish a full line of geared Pumping and Power Mills. Also all sizes and shapes Galvan- ized Steel Stock Tanks, Pipes, &c. Let us know your wants and we will figure with you.

We also sell Wingers' Improved Double Feed Grinder that can be operated by any size or make Pumping Windmill, and will grind any kind of grain, separate or mixed. A grand success, every one owning a Windmill should have one. Price, $15.00.


S ft. Galvanized Steel. Windmill f 27 50

10 ft. " " " 32 50

80 ft. «' Steel Tower and Anchor Posts 25 00 40 ft. M M " ' 30 00



Space will not permit illustrating and describing all of the "Planet Jr.'" tools, but we will gladly send a fully illustrated Catalogue to any who desire it; and we can supply promptly anything ordered. "Planet Jr." goods are standard machines - the btst on the market. In sendirg your orders to us, you can rely on getting bottom

The "PLANET JR." No. 5 Hill Dropping Seeder.

This beautiful new tool will be a delight- ful surprise to every gardener who tries it. We all know that a garden seed sower that does not drop in hills is fast becominga thing of the past, for there are but few now who do not wish to plant beans and corn, spinach and salsify, carrots and turnips, parsnips and beets in hills. All crops that are to be grown from seed and then thinned to a regular stand, should beplanted in hilte and at just the distance apart the plants are desired; for in drilling, unless the seed is sown unnecessarily thick, there will not always be a plant at the proper spot, and the crop is therefore irregu- lar. This means that nowadays a seed sower should drop in hills and at almost every dis- tance apart. The new No. 5 ' Planet Jr." drops at 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 16, 24 and 48 inches apart, and also beautifully in a continuous row. It drops without injury, can be changed from hill to drill, or from one distance to another very quickly, and without any changing of bolts, and without any loose wheels or parts so easily lost or mislaid; and a neat, clear index with brass screw regulator and quick cut off is arranged most conveniently just at the top of the handle. In a word no seeder has ever been made that compares with this newly perfected No. 5 "Planet Jr." Price,? 12 00.

The "PLANET JR." No. 4 Combined Hill Dropping Seeder and Single Wheel Hoe, Cultivator, Rake and Plow.

This has exactly the same fine points that have proven such a marvelous success in the No. 5 "Planet Jr." Hill Dropper. As a drill, the points of difference are: First, that it is smaller in capacity, though still of good size, holding three pints, and that it does not drop at so many different distances apart; however, it drops at all the most important distances, at 6,9. 12, 18 and 36 inches, The index is just as line and accurate and plain, though being a combined tool it is not placed at the top of the handle. It is like no. 5 in dropping in just the same way, just as accurately, and in handling the smallest paper of seed perfectly and to the last grain; has no loose parts, and is simple and durable and very light running. 1 he drill is quickly detached and the tool frame substi- tuted. It then becomes the most admirable Single Wheel Hoe of the "Planet Jr." family. Has a fine garden plow, two elegantly shaped new-style hoes, three delightful cultivating rakes, made new form and specially to fit 6, 9, 12, and using two at once, 14 and 16 inch rows; and a practical leaf guard. Price, complete $10 00. As a drill only, $7 00.

The "Fire Fly" Single Wheel Hoe, Culti* ator and Plow. This popular tool is exactly the same as the "Planet Jr." Single Wheel hoe, excepting that it does not have the rakes or leaf lifter. The attachments are a pair of hoes that can be set to work to or from the row, a set of three reversible cultivator teeth, and a large garden plow. The whole tool is light and strong and capable of standing hard usage foryears. Price, $3.75.

Thousands of farmers and gardeners who own this tool save its cost one or more times every year, for in an onion field and among many other crops, one can do more and better work with it than six men with ordinary hoes. It is invaluable for all market garden crops. The wheels are only ten inches high, as a high wheel is wrong for a Wheel Hoe, since the wheels are simply depth regulators, not load carriers. The "Planet Jr." Double Wheel Hoe

"PLANET JR." No. 11

Double Wheel Hoe, Cultivator, Rake and Plow.

Price, $3.00.

will straddle plants 18 inches high, and finish rows from six to eighteen inches apart at one passage. One hne sets slightly ahead of the other, to prevent dragging out young plants. The new frame permits the changing of attachments without removing the nuts. All the tools shown in the cut go with the machine for the price; and all blades are steel, hardened in oil and pol- ished. The wheels are adjustable to make the work shallow or deep, as required, and to adapt the machine to all width rows. The tool is charming in every style and kind of work, the admiration of all wrho see it in operation, and is the acknowledged standard the world over.

To accomodate those who have little work but hoeing, we offer the above machine, with hoes only, und^r the name of "Planet Jr." Plain Double Wheel Hoe at $3 50. The other parts can be added at any time and will be found to fit.


The Henry PhiUpps Seed and Implement Co-

PLANBT JR." No. 1 Combined Drill and Wheel Hoe.

This is the most popular combined tool known and its friends have been gained by substantial merit alone. It won the highest and only award at the Chicago Exposition. As a seed sower it is identical with the No 2 "Planet Jr." Drill, except in size, a id has all its merits, its strength, durability, ease of operation and perfection of work.

It may be set with teeth trailing by sim- ply changing one bolt in each tooth.

The foot lever pulverizer is a capital ad- dition for preparing ground for the seed drill or for plant setting. Hand levers regu- late both width and depth while in motion ; it contracts to twelve inches, and may be further reduced in width by taking off the outside teeth ; it expands to thirty-two inches. It cultivates deep without throwing earth upon the plants and the smooth, round- throated teeth turn strawberry runners with- out injuring them. See Price list, page 87.

"PLANET JR." 12-Tooth Harrow.

This comparatively new tool has grown rapidly into favor with market gardeners and strawberry growr rs. It is carefully made and finished, has a high frame, and the chisel shape teeth cut an inch wide each, and may be worn down three inches before that width is lessened or the teeth worn out; even then they ate cheaply replaced

" PLANET JR. Harrow and Cultivator

Price, plain . . $5.40 «« with Wheel, 6.65 «' complete, 8.00

"PLANET JR." No. 15

Single Wheel Hoe, Cultivator, Rake and Plow.

The "FIRE-FLY" Wheel Garden Plow.

This tool is valuable for those who have small gardens. The mouklboard is tempered and polished steel. The depth may be changed very quickly. Price, $2.00

This new Wheel Hoe has the advantage of a high wheel with broad face of a convenient arrangement of ihe frame, and a very full set of tools, most of them being of a new special design, such as have been found to per- form wheel hoe work in the very best manner.

The ' 'PLANET JR" No. 8, Com- bined Horse Hoe and Cultivator.

This well-known and popular tool, though acknowledged for years past to be the best in the market, has striking improvements for ISO'.). As a Horse Hoe with side teeth reversed it cuts close to the row without injury to the roots, leaving but little and in many cases nothing for the hand hoe. As a Cultivator, the reversible teeth cut off and turn over the weeds in the most perfect style. As a Hiller, the side teeth work in combination with the rear Jshovel to perfection, We can supply a large variety of attachments for these machines; full description will be mailed upon application. See Price list, page 87.

The Henry Philipps Seed and Implement Co.



Call and see or send for our Special "Planet Jr." Catalogue, fully describing and illustrating a large variety of hand and horse power implements, superior to anv other makes in, the world.


"Planet Jr." No. 5 Market Gardener's Hill Dropping Seed Drill..

" No. 4 Hill Dropping Seed Drill, Cultivator, Rake and Plow

No. 4 " " " " plain (as a drill only)

No. 3 Hill Dropping Seed Drill

No. 2 Seed Drill

" No. 1 Combined Drill. Cultivator, Rake and Plow

Fertilizer and Pea Drill

" Fertilizer and Seed Drill Combined

No. 10 DouMe Wheel Hoe, plain

" No. 11 " " complete

No. 12 " " •' Cultivator and Plow

" No. 13 " " '• plain

" No. 15 Single Wheel Hoe, complete,

No. 16 " " H

No. 17

No. 18 '• " " complete.

(1808 Model)


Grass Edger


No. 8 Horse Hoe and Cultivator, complete

No. 7 '• •■ " " "

No. 6 " " " " "

No. 5 " " " "

No. 5 " " " " '• without wheel

No. 4 " ' " i

No. 4 •• " " " without wheel

Nine-Tooth Horse Hoe Attachment

Pulverizer and Leveller (all steel)..

'Fire-Flv" 'Planet Jr

Beet Grower's Horse Hoe (new)

Market Gardener's Horse Hoe (new)

Sweet Potato Horse Hoe, complete -

Twelve-Tooth HarrOAv, complete

•• " " without pulverizer

" '• " without pulverizer or Avheel.

No. 5 Plain Cultivator, with wheel

No. 5 " '■ without wheel

No. 4 " " with wheel

No. 4 " " without wheel

Double Celery Hiller

Single Celery Hiller

Universal Cultivator (cuts 5 feet three inches), two horse. Pivot Wheel Cultivator, complete, two horse



45 lbs.


45 "


37 "


49 -


39 "


47 "


59 "


96 "


28 "


40 "


37 "


37 "


25 "


23 "



25 "




26 "

5 00

13 "


83 "


78 "

7 00

75 "


71 "


62 "


65 "


56 "


45 "


102 "


78 "


70 "


74 "


72 "


64 "


51 "


C3 "




58 "


49 "


85' "


70 "

9 00

140 "


140 "


355 »


400 "

40 00

390 "



1%-inch Steels 10.08

W* "

4 "

7 inch Shovel Steels

Sweeps and Bolt

Side Steels for Horse Hoe Hoe Steels


20 iuch Furrower with wings

.09 10 '■ " 1 without wines

.10 Wings, each

.11 Ridging Steels

.12 Bolts

.25 Lever Wheel, for No. 8 Horse Hoe ..

.30 .. ■«• for No. 6 '■ " ...

.30 Wheel for No 5 Horse Hoc

.35 Lever Runner Attachment

.40 Roller

.45 Reversed Rake

.50 Pulverizer

,40 " for Harrow, special

.50 Marking Attachment

.80 Nine-Tooth Horse Hoe Attachment.

1.25 Vine Lifter Attachment



.50 1.10

.01 % 1.90 1.40

SO 1.60 J.-O

.80 2.00 1.73 2.50 5.00 1.40

Mice in the Pantry,



Will catch two mice to one of any other trap made in a given length of time.

Mouse trap, sent postpaid - 10 cents Rut trap, sent postpaid - - 25 cents




CO ^



Mole Trap

This cut shows the best Mole Trap ever offered, and only has to be tried to be appreciated.


is a Goon Trap, and to know their habits.

Full information sent with each trap.

Send $5C for Sample Trap,



The Henry Philipps Seed and Implement Co.







cn o o



o m o











% or %xA Vs or %xfc % or Kx1/ % or y^A

End Spring, Piano Body. Cloth Trimmed.

" " Leather " " " Corning " Cloth " " " f " leather "

S uot

$40 00 45 00 40 00 4b 00

$50 00 55 00 50 00 55 00

$53 00 58 00 53 00 ,58 00

800 00 65 00 50 00 65 00

(Brewster Spring Buggy Same Price.

AXLES— 15-16 Double Collar -Steel. WHEELS Sarven Patent or Compressed Band, 3 ft. 4 in. and 3 ft. 8 in. BODIES -Corning or Piano, 22x52 -22x54 or 24x54.

TOPS— B, Rubber; C, Leather Quarter; D, Full Leather with Rubber Side Curtains.

GEARS— End Spring or Brewster.



Body Outside Measure.

Len g tli


Depth. '




7 ft. 6 in.

3 ft. 6 in.

10 in.


7 ft. 6 in.

3 ft. 6 in.

10 in.


7 ft.

3 ft. 9 in.

10 in.

7 ft. 6 in.

3 ft. 9 iu.

10 in. i

8 ft.

3 ft. 9 iu.

K in.


Add if Wanted Price. Brake. Pole.

$70 00

72 50 75 00 70 00 s'.) On

$4 50 4 50 4 50 4 50 6 50

$6 00 6 00 fi 50 6 50 9 80

Deduct if not Wanted.


$4 00 4 00 4 50

4 50

5 60



$5 50 ft f»0 6 50 fi 50 6 50

These Wagons Priced with Wing Boards and Shafts.



This wonderful six rowed Beardless Spring Barley has now been grown by us for five years past with the best of results, so we can safely guarantee it in every way as being the very best barley for farmers to raise.

Is beardless, and the hull remains tight, which fact alone places it at the head of all barley.

Is six rowed, of unusual length of head, well packed with solid plump grains clear to the tips.

Is the earliest to ripen, hence valuable to plant either in the extreme north or extreme south, and will do equally as well in the middle states.

Frost will not hurt it, and it can be planted early in March and ripens in June, therefore suited in every way to be easily handled by the farmer.

The straw is somewhat larger and taller than common barley, but much stiffer and will stand up on any soil. Will produce from eighty to one hundred bushels to the acre, and combines all the rich and nutricious qualities of the bearded sorts, and being beardless is easily handled and can be fed to stock the same as oats.

By reason of the above facts this barley is worth more money to the farmer, especially so when you consider that barley weighs forty-eight pounds to the bushel as against oats thirty-two pounds, besides producing more bushels to the acre and selling for twice the money per bushel.

We have the Ohio Beardless Barley and offer what has been grown for seed by us in this county, near Toledo, and we know it be ahead of any barley now on the market.

Try it and you will be pleased with your bargain.

Price $1.00 per Bushel, Cotton Bags extra, 15 Cents each.


115 and 117 St. Clair Street,


orrn nATO northern grown


We are not great believers in fancy Oats at extravagant prices, but we do believe sin occasional

paying, grown oats, in

e of seed is a as especially


[proved, heavy

value. - The stock we off e row pure, reliable, choic alf a crop ot inferior quajf

or Scotch Oats The heaviest Oats ever in- troduced in the U.S. Very often weigh 56 lbs. to the measured bu- shel. They surpass all other White Oat'sin heavyweight, thin hull shortness and plumpness of grain . ; Their strong straw adapts them to rich bottom ground wbefe^ CQj^orf^Wats will fall down and waste, and are enormously "productive. sca^^M^|^^eing as r high as 152 bvu per acre. We therefore recommend all progressive agriculturists to give them a trial and make Oats a paying crop. v, ,• Price/ peck 25c ; bushel 75c ; 5 bushels and upwards. 65c per bushel of 32 lbs. Larger lots, special price% W»^^Swly 977 08 .suuwi 10 tq^d . : jfJo

Tfis Improved AmBrican Banner

Oats, raises

year carefully grown 13eed,>raised efitirely from jc ^sele^cjgd( stocky j -T^result of thi^HHr£ in selection is$^own in the crop, which is the finest ever gnaSnT^nd. averagjfflMupwards of So ;b^h.els to>£he a^re. So that the/Se^^pw ]j^im^^^xe improved Banner Oat"is the very best and evj«jpne should||Hfew their stock

viq^ffe&4ft&sl?m&£tful graija ^^^^0f¥^^^lt in the dryest 'seasons, and to-day, after hundreds of triajff^gfall parts of the i,l j^ojintry, itefarne is higher and more secure than ever before. Re- ports from all .sections indicate a satisfactibn that is truly gratify- i OtCt^^U^Byt iHo'^tlMiA was expected when it was first sent out.

Mhjiibj^ej^vejTQ thoroughly trjML aS^>roved to be the most ■c variety of Oats on record. Crae hunwed bushels to the acre Hid frftf ^fr%rr^r^iand tnat certainlJMmght toBatisfy the most exact- ing. On fields to which no fertiliA^r had bran applied for 2 years. ^ an^ftfnsfetlgt^ftMfil^rdrwas produd&d This Isar all that has been claimed for it has again been reprized, andsso it stands to-day as tf^ne^irfip^ovM <&iMi¥ Oat of iwnerica. An average of 80 lbs. has c been ^aisgdrf^omajing^^uad^f seed thi?ty;ipQuai4s]in excess '^ofrne claim made for it^hen first introduced. j|«|9 T^et-^rajaj^cRh^titilgT/ge and pluiflft tfpe^&ear^jtea^i'sW straw of good length. It tetters freely and throws up a large num- be* tof^fle^'af^tfc^f^r'ei'ean^De1 isowti ^nMe^ ftian ordinary

Oats .should tryHKe variety . An Oaf that will yield 65 to 80 bushels tottheac^e^w^y^ or^jnaty culture, is good enough to raise, and good enough for everybody to make a trial on. On good soil and with goddi^featiJ^ife^it^-flaifJaBfeattSli?^ 03 7li£ID£K|-. / Per peck 25c ; per bushel 75c ; 5 bushel lots 65 cents per bushel. ^ For larger quan£hb^«peeiailpriqes<on' application*? co Jaffl-Bg-B

Improved Black Tar^a^afycr'Jfkose/Qate (weralgro^tvfepecddlly for seed from puie imported stock 'from Europe, which we have grown in sufficient quantityntd toffetf[<^As^ear?*feb'ttefer our custo- mers can have a chance to try its merits. The grain is verjv large, shiny, plump and full, ' ^ry^Wnun/a^k is ^xWeyrng'ly prolific, having yielded at the rate of 100 bushels te the acre^.w^h only ordinary cultivation, and has proved absolutely rust proof, where other varieties were destroyed fcp ft}s£; ,we>ghing 4ft ppaiids to the measured bushel.

Peck 25c; bushel of 32 lbs. 75c- 5/bnshels and^tnrer, 65c a bushel, larger lots special price. Samples mailea on application.

The Famous Lincoln Oats.— We have had grown for us a very fine stock of those New Lincoln White Oats, introduced in 1893, in the Western States with such grand results, as to its wonderful pro- ductiveness, some reporting as higWs i^b^hftefSMip a single bushel of seed sown; claimed to ha^<ynQe^ar|yij>ty ptiff straw, standing up well on all kinds of soil ; very early, and so far proven entirely rust proof ; is very valuable for seeding on account of its SEED OATS. thin hull, heavy meat and soft nib. From what reports we have,

we think these oats ought to be grown by every progressive agriculturist, especially when the price we offer them at is so reasonable. Peck 25c ; bushel, 32 lbs., 75c ; 5 bushels and over, 65c a bushel ; large lots, special price. 4ES*Full weight and full site cotton Bags for Barley and Oats, 15c each.






The Henry Philipps Seed and Implement Co.,

115 & 117 St. Clair Street,









High. Inches.

Wide, Inches.

Deep. Inches.

High. Inches.

Wide, Inches.

Deep. Inches.





13 "




$ 7 50








14 00









16 00









18 00









24 00









30 00








35 00

These safes are guaranteed fire proof, with the strongest, most durable and least complicated com- bination lock made. Be friendly and send us your order. Nos. 4 and -i1., have special inside iron door

The Genuine Philadelphia I,awn Mower.

Latest Improved, Easiest Running- and Finest Lawn Mowers Made.

Universally acknowledged the best Mowers made. They outwear any other mower. Pre- eminently approved by the highest govern- ment authorities. The manufacturers of the Philadelphia are now the largest producers of Lawn jVIowers in the world. The great superiority of their product is shown by the enormous increase of their sales (now 800,000 in the U. S. alone), and nearly all other makers endeavor to imitate them. Ask those using them, why? The Phikdelphia was un- rivaled years ago; it is unrivaled now. We have in stock a full line of their makes.

Farm, Truck and Spring Wagons, Bicycles and Buggies.


Vicia Villosa has proven to be the most valuable of all Vetches. It succeeds on all soils, and does not suffer from extreme drouth, heat or cold. Can be sown either in Spring or Fall, and quickly produces a most luxuriant crop. Vicia Villosa makes the finest green fodder crop known, and is also invaluable for turning under as green manure.

From tests made here by Ohio's Department or Agri- culture, Vicia Villosa will do well and remain green throughout all but the most severe winter weather. Sow 40 to 50 lbs. per acre. Price, postpaid, 20 cents per pound.




This wonderful six rowed Beardless Spring Barley has now been grown by us for five years past with the best results, so we can safely guarantee it in every way a- being the very best barley for farmers to raise.

Is beardless, and the hull remains tight, which fact alone places it at the head of all barley.

Is six rowed, of unusual length of head, wTell packed with solid plump grains clear to the tips.

Is the earliest to ripen, hence valuable to plant either in the extreme north or extreme south, and will do equally well in the middle states.

Frost will not hurt it, and it can be planted early in March and ripens in June, therefore suited in every way to be easily handled by the farmer.

The straw is somewhat larger and taller than common barley, but much stiffer and will stand up on any soil. Will produce from eighty to one hundred bushels to the acre, and combines all the rich and nutricious qualities of the bearded sorts, and being beardless is easily hand- led and can be fed to stock the same as oats.

By reason of the above facts this barley is worth more money to the farmer, especially so when you consider that barley weighs forty-eight pounds to the bushel as against oats thirty- two pounds, besides producing more bushels to the acre and selling for twice the money per bushel.

We have the Ohio Beardless Barley and offer what has been grown for seed by us in this county, near Toledo, and we know it to be ahead of any barley now on the market.

Try it and you will be pleased with your bargain. Price. $1.00 per hushel, Cotton Bags extra, 15 cts. each.

The HENRY PHILIPPS Seed and Implement Co,,


115 and 117 St. Clair Street;