Historic, Archive Document

Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices.

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Be sure and avail your-

self of these offers

We will include in all orders (if asked for at the time the order is placed) a collection of fine, assorted bulbs, all carefully labeled, in the following sized orders :—

Offer No. 1. On orders amounting to $1.00 (one dollar) and over, 12 Bulbs (our selection) Gratis Offer No. 2. On orders amounting to $2.00 (two dollars) and over, 25 Bulbs (our selection) Gratis Offer No. 3. On orders amounting to $3.00 (three dollars) and over, 50 Bulbs (our selection) Gratis

Offer No. 4. On orders amounting to $5.00 (five dollars) and over, 100 Bulbs (our selection) Gratis Offer No. 5. On orders amounting to $10.00 (ten dollars) and over, 250 Bulbs (our selection) Gratis

Hints on Bulb Culture for Amateurs




Directions for Planting in the Open Ground.—This should be done in October and November, but they can be set out at any time, as long as the ground is open and the bulbs remain sound, but early planting always insures good root development and thorough establishment. The best compost for their culture is the following: One-third river sand, one-third well rotted cow manure and one-third good garden mould; or, where the soil is naturally light, well rotted cow manure liberally intermixed is all-sufficient. Special care should be taken not to add any bone fertilizers. as they usually draw vermin. The beds composed of the above compost should be well dug to a depth of fourteen inches, and raised from two to four inches above the level of the walks. The bulbs should be planted evenly about six inches deep (to the bottom of the bulbs) and from five to six inches apart; if planted at uneven depths they will not bloom at the same time, but irregu- larly. Care must be taken not to press the earth too firmly around and over the bulbs; some successful gardeners follow the plan of set- ting each bulb in a handful of clean sand, which insures drainage. After planting, rake the bed smooth, and after the ground has frozen tolerably hard in early winter cover with dry litter, leaves or coarse manure. If this covering be applied before freezing weather it ren- ders the bulbs liable to the predations of field mice.

For Culture in Pots.—Prepare the above compost, adding, if ossible, a quantity of leaf mould, The most favorable time for plant- ing is September, October and November. The size of the pot depends on the number of bulbs planted in a single one; three bulbs in a pot of, say, six inches diameter make a rich, massive effect; one or two bulbs in each may be planted in proportionately smaller pots—two bulbs in each are very effective. In potting, each bulb should remain one-half above the surface of the soil; when thus planted water them well; to imbed the bulbs firmly in the soil, allowing them to remain in this condition one or two days; then bury the pots in the open ground to the depth of six inches for eight weeks, in which condition the preparatory root growth necessary to a vigorous development of their flower spikes is made. After this period take up the pots and remove them to a room not heated, but not so cold as to freeze. Being ex- posed to the light for the first time, they are, of course, very delicate. Care should therefore be exercised not to place them in the direct rays of the sun for two or three days. When about ready to flower bring them to the ordinary living-room, where the warmth will soon cause them ts bloom. By so bringing them out, a few at a time, you can secure a succession of beautiful flowers all winter. They will need oc- casional watering until they begin to grow, when they should have an abundance of air in mild weather and plenty of water.

For Growing in Glasses.—Single varieties are the best for this purpose, as they produce much more satisfactory blooms than the double ones. Place the bulb in the glass, which should be filled with water so it touches the bottom of the bulb, place them in a. close box in a cool place, or on a shelf in the dark part of the cellar, changing the water every ten days or two weeks; keep them in the dark, cool place from six to eight weeks, then remove them to the light (not too strong). If then kept in a cool room they will produce very fine spikes and remain in bloom a loug time.

S.—A small piece of lump charcoal] placed in the water will prevent it from getting foul.


These are most satisfactory for blooming indoors as well as for bedding in the garden. Few bulbs can be had at so little cost that will produce stich splendid results.

For Bedding Out.—The bed should be formed of a compost similar, to that recommended for Hyacinths; the bulbs should be planted about four inches apart and about five inches deep (close planting makes a much finer effect and prevents the flowers breaking off when swaying in the wind}; they should then be covered with a litter shortly before the severe freezing weather sets in, and left in this condition until spring approaches.

For Pot or Pan Culture.-—Plant about four bulbs in a six-inch pot or five bulbs in a six-inch pan, water thoroughly and then remove to the open ground or in a cold frame, covering with coal ashes; after they have rooted thoroughly they should be brought into a moderately cool room and gradually warmer; by bringing in a fresh supply from. the outside every ten days, and by careful treatment, they can be had

in bloom continually. NARCISSUS

One of the most successful bulbs to be grown by the amateur. The double and single trumpet varieties should be planted in soil. For indoor culture, plant in boxes or pots, and treat similar to Hyacinths, Chinese Lilies and Paper White Narcissus, and the Polyanthus types, such as Grand Soleil d’Or, etc., succeed very well and are quite inter- esting if planted in watér and pebbles, as one can watch their progress oi growth. A small lump of charcoal prevents the water from getting foul, although changes of water are advisable.


A real show can be obtained from these tiny bulbs; purchased at so small an expense, the results obtained are wonderful. They will bloom in a few weeks from time of planting inside. Place a few bulbs, or as many as the size of crock wil] warrant, in a receptacle, perfo- rated. In a short space of time the bulb will start to grow and make a grand display. Pianted out in the open ground, they bloom among the first of the spring flowers, coming up through the grass (where they may be planted with little trouble).


The Easter Lily is imagined by many hard to succeed with; though handled properly, the trouble is well repaid by beautiful flowers. Plant the bulb in a pot suitable to the size of same, watering same thoroughly; then plunge it outside, until about December 1oth, twelve inches deep in ashes, sand or soil, not giving any more water than naturally received from rainfalls. Then bring it in the house and place in a moderately warm room. Keep as dark as possible, as this somewhat prevents too long a growth of the plant. CALLA LILIES are also an excellent winter flowering plant. Planted in suitable pots inside and given plenty of water, they bloom very freely.

IMPORTANT NOTICE.—When using a dibble, or planting-iron, for making holes in the ground, before inserting the bulbs be sure and

throw a little sand or soil in the opening, to insure proper drainage.

When dibble is plunged in the ground, it packs or compresses the soil ail

around; and when the bulb is inserted, it does not touch the bottom, which provides a space for water to settle, and the bulb cannof root properly. THESE SPECIAL DIRECTIONS ARE FOR OUTSIDE PLANTING OF BULBS.

TELEPHONES Bell--3973 Filbert

Bell--3974 Filbert Keystone--1933 Race

Henry F. Michell Co.

Bulbs stm.Seeds 1018 Pais’

Henty F. Michell, Pres.

Fred. J. Michell, V. Pres.

HENRY F. MICHELL CO., 1018 MARKET ST., PHILADELPHIA. I A Newspaper Clipping from the Piladelphia Press, October 29, 1904.


Gardeners Arranging Floral Treat for Philadelphia Next Spring. City Forester Lewis began yesterday his preparation for a floral treat in the larger

IMPORTATIONS for 1905 so far booked and ordered

emount to four million,

three hundred and eighty thousand, nine hundred.


city squares next springtime.

A force of gardeners was set to work planting the 100,- 000 bulbs of tulips, hyacinths and narcissus.

The main displays will be in Independ-

ence and Logan Squares, but there will be beds in all the Philadelphia Public Parks. Henry F. Michell & Co., 1018 Market Street, have had the City’s contract

for Bulbs for five years. and lowest prices.

out the country, also many of the largest private gardens and estates.

Bids are awarded on merit of previous year’s display This firm supplies a number of the principal parks through-


dependability of color, luxurious flowering qualities of the Michell importa= tions has given this firm an enviable position and ranks it as one of the largest

importers of bulbs in America.

P.S. We have again been awarded the contract for furnishing the city with LIES for this autumn delivery for next spring’s display.

Testimonial from the City Forester and Landscape Gardener of Philadelphia Office of Bureau of City Property, Ci‘y Hall,


Philadelphia, May ro, 1905.

It affords me a great deal of pleasure, and I may add $ratification to once AGAIN bear

testimony to the excelleucy in every point of the bulbs furnished by your house for our City Squares and


Our bulbous display has become one of the features of the City, and great numbers come here for

the sole purpose of eximining and admiring the spring treat, as so many term it, copying the designs and the names of varieties of bulbs used. I congratulate you on continued success in obtaining the best



PAGE Amaryl] .......s06--eeeceee ees seen eteneneneecceeeeneens 11 FACOMMLG eeeeeeeeeeneeen ee seneeeeecees Meenas caecee ac sesns 11 Autumn Crocus (Colchicum)..................600+ 11 Anomatheca (Searlet Freesia). .............--2- 11 Anemone ( Wind Rlower) Be oe en esncneecancsseess=> 11 Ad hime ROOROt Gee Sasa COERCCACEC DC 1] Astilbe (see Spirea)... See mececctcesescses srs 15 Bleeding Heart (Diciytraye e Bech Ses. a cbse tans foe 13 TEX EXO Chop een eonconase edosencoscsosncoss ssccoucOseocrCS 11 Buttercups (see Ranunculus)......... ......-..26 15 Chionodoxa (Glory of Snow ve Boe ed Pac 11

Colchicum (Autumn Crocus).. ...........ee00e ee 11 Groywan Lap Cia) Sire eee ee eneeeccnnes=ncesanes il

GO CUS aan ees cee eee ieee senate 12 Calla Ltly, all varieties..............-.-----.----+e22+ 12 @himese Wiilliyi2 se c-o-- -ooeenrnenenae Ep eR EpeE ee 12 Daffodils (Narcissus)...............- pete aeeeed Maes Re Dielytra (Bleeding Heart) BESS SiG et ee ete ee ere oes io os Scarlet (see Aaaeineee Eee i akcacsee 11 GEIB IOVS cr ca cen conse care be cede sees connate css ebcnceves 13 C68 Cob 9 hE eeaer cea ec ceded nnee os oS se9 SUCaS ScnOCO NUDES 13 Hyacinths, First Size Named ......... -......00-+ 23 Second Size Named.................- 3 oe Dutch! Wmnsamed ss2..c-e.-e<--- -e--s 4 fe Grape... SoSH SCO DSOSE SE SIO WOOOCCOLG 4 ve French ‘Roman.. Scoees 4 “4 Miniature or Dutch Roman.. ase 4 i Bot: pe cresnee | Ceeoieor eos ec DeecLeCLE DCS SAS EERE 14 Tris, all ‘yarieties Bae Soa nc ea ca nssdkun otne eRe sete escaaese 13 AOA EH Ei ccaceceenccccoscaceeanoseo coaoquosacbaeeneesnooooasS 7 Lilium RAT TIS once esc esac cance cncaet sores eoeeeet aces 10 Candide ek. ccesenescoe-e tHe lewes cates 10 se Mom eah Or Wrasse eens eee eee aces o: 10 CS (CHIESA ETIED, Sacco ccocosnoaesseccnbos osacss Seca 10 fs INES AIT ss cocon eq so Reon encane SaKcon CoA 10 © J NOURI posononeecsesec cate ance ceconad Loco ceeaSaEEE 10 te P2951) eB toe e ances Cee ECO sug aete epee CCS ReCoCEOS 10 2 IWielp Omen eC ayes cceecine se ashaencemnansceanse 10 ee MUSTO NEED cocaeeeas GonocRrco TAcEOoNeE ooSDOSETcEOS 10 ss Men muUifo Lia acer eee eee 10 Lily of the Valley ............2-.----2.--s0-+e0--=- o----s 14 Djache nal iaecc re ceeee ete eee ine -ceeersmcccencsteeness 14 INA TCISSUS fore sesest sae cess eee ee eee es Ry ck eS 7,8,9 CONTE RS Spacap sci socscaca ascend 2 Bap serene aa ocooea PoE CEES 14 Oxnbho wall Gmaiescee oes tee genres eee nee no 15 I FS o LE KS | sec - oc) PEE OROCE AEROS OOACEE EOC EERE SaCISOS S00 15 TSS CTEDN TE Bath scscccccceosagocons Gcassepmesosessse0 rae 15 SDD I OIRO) DE hccoececes een onnoconnenesesosc coseresSee sone ceease 15 SCT eater eter ecne ccces Reseeaecont ceccecrestetniececcteseeceres 15 S}OIEES Sto nceates coe-cececedo =e: seco -enup bocce heumsoseodaeeo 15 Spires rere cncesee see tee reance= 15 Star of Bethlehem (see Ornithogalum ....... 15 USOT oy} ster ecocnoce 8 ogee acco see ncOsURemIeLsdoaaa aSEOAECO 5 "4 Single, Early.. By es eee ee 6 £6 PED OUD Ean hiseecssnoeacs acecees soce=bee<oeeeeceos 7 oe 5 Flower Farm Grass Mita Shroom Spa wwiheeess ee nee conennccnanecssece--meclene 24

\ SOE Dees se hecaocanpeccete: SeSCoe DoS cE REEED COC SeEEy, Baece 25

Yours truly,

JNO. C. LEWIS, City Forester and Landscape Gardener.




ANT AACR Tees ates: coass ses eeSe EAS Cons. Cenenasesiiccess 40 JA TOCA asdaee soso east Tene eos AREOMIMED he f see bathers 40 ASparagus ............. Rear Inside Cover and 40 IiPEVO Road nee oseeccoceenecscocse=s Conccoceo nae neDOEEEO 33 War naliOMy.. scsi o os a0 5 ren aoe seen aeesece 39 @urmranteeete cee ssh SWRI Soe ase) oss aheses 38 COCOS RAINS sc ccscsccecs 5 Seek ea wan en ar oeenaese 40 SHG LS fog sore eea cs epees shee ean eee . 21 40 Fern Ball.. ise 21 Fruit Trees... Bo ETON gc occ cou cuct meee eeae tees scan esesteee@esuee 38 Gooseberrv... 38 Grape Vines.... wae scuee Seceeetnaseees 38 Een tia Palm Siac. .ccccs et aeeeete neces eset sa neceeecsece 40 A VAG ON eee PER Arn SA any ee ears 40 Osage Orang e:sccsccccw nc eeetentas voce Sos eee as ece 37 f ET ah (si Pace ca eee eet Coe RCE ER Cco Sone EEE Oa ees 37 NRASDD ELLY, 0-<- so-so -=o-eeeereese Woe ceemu asi ac eseetestere 38 Rubbet........ LA Ft ee OLA oO eRe ee 40 Straw DeMniyic.c--ce 2c ce-20c -sonsnenecternces==sncese eortcace x 37 Viol tix. esr iies cs Risccues «seers eter en oe nese reece aes 39

MISCELLANEOUS IAT CON Ol ies cccnan soc sjscscecnsescssce nomtuetacas pabecedeenec ase 32 ANUICOIS PERV ere sconce scence ces -tiereereereereneecemeceeeetins 34 Berry, Crusher. aces sc--eoee ee eee eee econ 30 Books on Poultry.. .... 36 ** on Mushrooms. ee ene) eee as 2

IBermyg PICSSES ss seesscecccecos-cobacse cee seewces -shonee es 30 POLL OVS eaten nace scawas Sette eset tee ete ees oaneceseewes 33 Bulb Pans... Seen ECE BEER REECE 27 Boxes for Cut ‘Flowers.. PRs Oe eos loa e ESS 33 G@orksforiOrenidse ss occ see oe once aren eines whee 27 Cider Mills......... Shen one 60 Garcon lees aos mcase occ ease sen as ok osscbanwat tesestene 30 Carriage Uleater:)ce..--..-seccceecesesesss Se nie ee B4 Coal for Carriage Heater............. .:2.-:eeee2 oe 33 Carnatione Bands ----:2.-.sj-ccneoFssareeesee 89 Warn atlOMisUpPORLSacrsecces eecees coconeceoecsces ose 39 Mertilizersi(opesll) Kinds) .c-ccs-ce--c- ssc sdees coon 31 IDIOMA ROVE SIos5 co Seccooeoosoncoseo= cont . 33 Hodder Cutter: seen ESA 35 Fern Pans.. REE Sameera acto ne eT se eee 27 Fibre Ware... Ra ae et aNa nes Pec accN soc cas soscseaversevsse 35 LOWED AVBSE Seer seca ccs = cota se osteae ete doesn ye des-n ese 27 se TERY SR ee Renan en Biase eee EEE E Da eeanCE At 27 PEGG PEA COTS ere reac cecas scien sie cncewonarsiccctscacorones 30 GilazinevE@intSee ese eec cree: 28 Glass Gutter aie a ee 28 Grub him py Niu eee neee te - eacnas oaecacecnnas <>ncamuncasaccaans 30 TM OSCRINC CIS eee rckc senna fenceten dense ieteerataseees 26 IBRD ES p55 ene o cere hconcasr ean BeaRenOn eaeacr ol 26 TRIG ee TGS) -- a osarce as eee GCOS eB BUI eCPeCors LOTOIS 29 EV OER ONAL eee necy core ecteas oe etncemtresescccc stevens 29 Hedge Shears..... De airarasan oaeeeacee 35 Hot Bed Sash........ He 28 Hyacinth Glasses........ 00.1.2 cee cecssecceeccteeee ace 2 IELOSCHELOLE CLO Ree ccr cence teiote eee eecsel conten cecenseaee= 3 30 lea yal © GbE Reeennctincesseteersbansalaccacnccessiionccal tuemssle-n 35


Insecticides (all kindS)...........02¢.ccseccscces sence 32 Rn VOS he coor re soc clec teenies Munsce ne ieieas ee 29 Mieaii Racking acc sss ne cogee essa ee eee 26 Lopping Shears.. —_............ seerect seb hs 29 Labels ( Pot) . 33 Leaf Mould....... , 30 MBP OTOP TRDS ies. 2c coat eee arte ceca cess sese se Nee 29 Mats (Hot Bed) ie iicreclee oeateee eee 29 Masticaterncc6 oss Master arereeeer ec ss 23

Vea CHING teens teen a mee ceacoeeaa koran See 28 Moss (all kinds) ........... nn tar cle eee teh Ue 30 IN GU Zess 7 Reed eee oe cate cme ec ee 26- 34 OrehidiBasketss secs ota ses 27 OrchidGPans== == Uoshe ee eases sso Sruecakaseunese 27 Pencil indelible 33 Poultry Supplies ae 35 IPébblesiy- S22. csccceesecects Boney pode ck teeeecniee ee ee eee 12 OES ee eec eerie ese Serer ce cae free Roca Seca ee Dah Plant Tubs BeBe be ceteeea se coteaciausaees Al duu deceon cesaeoees 27 LEO) 5) INC RS eS | Gan oecoate te ReceeOREC EO ee aoe OeeCo aco 27 Pruning $ SAWS se eu sen oes eos cemin wen cece edees nesse OEE 29 SUT S se tec steno saee a eee yas seein eee eS eect eS 34 Pruning shears seg ee e ee ee as 35 FROLEB RACKS oe ceries hc core eee coo cone ke ee 34 lant Stand sirccessessess oon orscsee ees ice ee 28 PAU CGY RE UD eee Me ecece a ec babes ooccelstsescesean teed eee 28 PlanteBed' Clothiers ete ncon davon ee eee 23 ROA Gye tee tee cose sect 30 Propagating Sand... 30 Paper for Celery... 30 PlamtiS takes vices coeicscees costa ra eee eeeeaeee 33 Pincers for Glazing Points eee ee 28 RR a eh SRE or) OL eee asec caay et race eas I vimeyS band Sxcsse sesso eas co eoeeataeee ci asenen Rafi cae eee nee. sees Root Cutters...................--- SECO Ae ee Saucers) (ROL) ieccssseseeeeeeeraae-se SRS eRe RESCUE SeedtiBa ns ese ae cores eae aes ome en cece nase ees Shears... WE ae, EER eee es Saws.

Spray Pumps... seseatisceiceclesnies conieeneceaseitte Stoves (Hot W ater). DeGes cha teinas won cast acitecines senoe Straw Mats.. adedduevecs

Shading Cloth.. Soa S tae eld eae ce Ota Soames Silkaline Sef Miaig ca says sscaeerara te cals Monee aa MS Soil.. Stakes .. attorech ete a hea saeeBese eos Sulphur Blow ene

Syringes... ef

Sweeney: Lawn..

Sieves.. Seer


Thermometers ..

Tree Pruners... Bee Ue ea eeiueceinenteumace

Twemlow’s tty sae cnncentn nsec ncncn 28 Tobacco Stems.. Usseaakrck cans Sengesads eeweneeslossees 30 Trellis.. 2 OOPS AOA EOE CEE 33 Tongs for Lehman Coal..... . 34 Torches... : 35 Twine.. SenSsck cache dtatiats Sale oaas tcawans cee oees 30 Wases.. age ie wsiud sag ob ds cued vackeantees veeegeen eee 27 Suara Pots. 4 26 Wheel Barrows. SEeEBars 26 Wagon] 18 (err) o= Geeeeronnockebcrere conc cEMeCaC RECORD ae 3t Wire.. a Sedeg ecunels scent ens eee sastes cos/eccine slesneee 33


Michell’s First Size Named Single Hyacinth.


Belgian, in all colors, 18 cts. each; per doz., $1.75. Tye or Low Pattern, 18 cts. each; per doz., $1.75.


Io cts. each ; per doz., $1.10.


There is much pleasure derived from growing Hyacinths in water ; select good, large bulbs (single flowering preferred) and place them in the glasses, allowing the water just to touch them, place them in the dark until thoroughly rooted, changing the water every ten days (a small piece of charcoal in the bottom of glass prevents the water from fouling). It is advis- able to use tubes in order to prevent the bulb from 2etting handled, so that when the water is changed, the bulb may be lifted out with tube.



Which produce the largest and most perfect flower spikes, Adapted for forcing in water or in soil. Most of these varieties here offered have won first prizes at the Horticultural exhibitions.

SINGLE RED VARIETIES, Each Per doz. Per 100

Amy.) Richi oc. .ae Mey DG) Gow $7.00 Roi des Belges. Bright scarlet .. .10 1.00 7.00 General Pelissier. Rich Crimson,.. .10 1.00 7.00 Robert Steiger. Crimson | -10_ ,1f00) 97!ce Koh-i-Noor. Semi Double. Bright, very

fines wee ee : -10 (Loowm7Eso


Baron von Thuyl. Rosy ..... 10 1.00 7.00 Moreno. Extrafine ....... . 5 (320ieeomeeen Gertrude. Bright. .. .... . (10) itcem—evea Gigantea. Light ...-. . . . . .) ito) ioommmad Lord Macauley. Bright . - . TORR CORma Ion Maria Cornelia. Rose, very Early,. . .12 1.20 8.00 Norma. _ Flesh color - S10) SISComma7zad Rosea Maxima, One of the finest. . -12)) GEEZOMESioc SINGLE WHITE VARIETIES.

Alba Superbissima. Pure white 10-10 RaasG Baroness von! Thuyl. Pure white, very

Carlya =) se : - .. TORRE Wop : Grandeur a’Merveille. Blush . Tee

Whites 3c oe ore - + + 5 SIO" Tikcommi@oa La Innocence. Pure extrafine. . .. .12 1.20 800 La Grandesse. Pure white 12 eT 25 smoroa Mad Vander Hoop. Pure white,com-

pacieer LO) TS tOm 450 Queen of the Netherlands. Extra fine

spike, pure white. . . . 212 « 120nSoo


Blue Mourant. Deep Blue. .... .10 1.00 7.00 Chas. Dickens. Porcelain. . . . LOi-| LOO RCO Czar Peter. Rich ance blue, extra large spike ... ae ae 12 1.207 8.00 Grand Maitre. Bright . ae «10° Roo mngee5 King of the Blues. The best bright blue. ; .10).. 1,00 7Z00 Haydn. Best Violet, good spike | . i 2 te Biconma7zos Leonidas. Light, large . . 10 9 1.COmme7 ECO Queen of the Blues. ehh extra large spike wire. Pe Cones ieoloe 17/-(610) SINGLE YELLOW VARIETIES. Hermann. Orange. .10 1.00 7.00

Ida. Bright yellow. .12 1.20 8.00 King of the Yellows. .12 1.20 8.00 La Citroniere. :

[cemoneae ae -16* 100) 77200

A single bulb mailed free. For mailing 1 doz. add 15¢c, to price for postage.

The Hyacinths bought of you last fall proved Magnificent Specimens. Mrs. W. H. Edwards.

Smith’s Mills, Pa.

S Bulbs of any one variety at dozen

rates; 25 at 100 rates, 250 at 1000 rates.

Hyacinth growing in water, roots contained in a tube. me EE EET EE es Se eee ee


pe 2 FIRST SIZE NAMED HYACINTHS—coentinuea. DOUBLE RED AND PINK VARIETIES. Each Per Doz. Per 100 Bouquet Royal. Pink sto8l 3 Miaees PREY Ue ae se $0.10 $1.00 $6.75 Bouguet TNendre> Dark red, latses 4)... os we ae .10 1.00 7.00 Czar Nicholas. Pink... oh FE uth er eRe uinas Pablo \pipn ha Ti(6) 1.00 7.00 Lord Wellington. Pink, large trader ee. AUB eT ji MARE tne ee TO I.09 7.00 Prince of Orange. Dark pink rca ies fish Wales 2). Mas Src ne a .10 T.00 7.25 DOUBLE WHITE VARIETIES. le vara Mure tine :truss aan i Te ee We ah .10 1.00 7.CO La Tour de Auvergne. Pure w hite perfect spike eS at .10 I.00 7.00 La Virginite. Cream. . Meier ote Tee eer TO T.00 7.00 Prince of Waterloo. Pure white, extra large Seah ee ee LO 1.00 7.00 DOUBLE BLUE VARIETIES. Blocksberg. Porcelain, large bells andspike. .......... .10 1.00 7.00 Garnicksy Deep, very 200d. 6 AME i Lee Pe 10 1.00 7.00 Mignon Van Dryfhout. Light blue, large bulb and spike ... .10 I.00 7.00 Rembrandt. Porcelain, a grand SORtG. hype 1d wee eases, 2 .I0 1.00 7.00 DOUBLE YELLOW VARIETIES. PouguetedeqOranGe To ee ee eas ee eee he .10 1.00 7.60 Geethewerichyellow. Cote. Mee eee et gee Aun ate .10 1.10 7.50

Single Bulbs mailed free. (Add 10c. per dozen for mailing.)



These Hyacinths produce vastly superior results as compared with the ordinary bedding sorts. The price is just a little higher to justify the extra care taken in the production and harvesting of this stock. Our bulbs are extra fine and anyone will be well repaid by


i a i\



Double Hyacinth planting them.

SINGLE RED VARIETIES. Each Per Doz. Peri1oo Per 1000 Koh-i-Noor (Semi-double). Bright ... . .. . $0.08 f#o.80 $5.50 $50.00 Queen of Hyacinths. Scarlet .......... .07 75 5.50 48.00 Robert Steiger. Crimson, compact truss ..... . .O7 Las 5-50 48.00 Roi des Belges. Bright scarlet, very fine ...... .07 75 5-50 48.00


Baron von Thuyl. Light rose, fine spikes .... . .07 75 5-50 48.00 Chas. Dickens. Light, largespike = ....-. .07 75 5-50 48.00 Gertrude. Bright, very compact ........... .07 75 5.50 48.00 Giganteas wlichtaiesh-color <2. 0. (nee eee wn ee .07 75 5.50 48.00 Lord Macauley. Biteht canine we.) sm eee os ore .07 75 5.50 48.00 Morene. {Este ots ES CEN atit ars eeeegecano) 5S cee Pec .07 75 5-50 48.00 Rosea Maxima. One of the finest pinks") Sas as .08 .80 5-50 50.00 SINGLE WHITE VARIETIES. Alba Superbissima. Pure white, goodtruss. .... .08 .80 5-50 52.50 Baroness von Thuyl. Pure white, fine forforcing. . .08 .80 5-50 52.50 Grandeur a Merveille. Blush white, largespike . . .08 .80 5-50 50.00 La Grandesse. Pure white, the finest ........ .08 85 6.00 55-00 La Innoceneée. Pure, very Gent ee re soe .08 .80 5-50 52.50 Mad. Van der Hoop. Pure pslaree bellser agents os .08 .80 5.50 50.00 Queen of the Netherlands. Pie s(Cxthay) if a5, 1-6 se, ahs. 08 .80 5.50 52.50 SINGLE BLUE VARIETIES. Baron von Thuyl. Deep blue, large sls pee 8 .07 5 5-50 48.00 Blue Mourant. Deep blue ...... EES erence O7 75 5.50 48.00 Chas: Dickens corcelaine te wee eee .07 75 5.50 50.00 Czar’ Peter. © Porcelain (extra fine)" eS .08 85 5-50 52.50 Grand Maitre. Bright (very rich), largetruss . . .. .07 75 5.50 50.00 King of the Blaes.. Bright: 0. 2.20 kee ee eee es .O7 75 5.50 50.00 Leonkdassrifieht) S292 4.755 Sac IERIE 07 75 5.50 50.00

SINGLE YELLOW VARIETIES. ermany .Orance 06 a ne, ee ee Se 08 75 5.50 50.00 da seeBricht; theibestiyellow ia @ s 3 6 20. aces 3 08 5 5.50 50.00

In sending you this order allow me to congratulate you on the FINE HYACINTHS, TULIPS and DAFFODILS you sold me !ast fall. My gardens were the handsomest in the neighborhood, and it has been a pleasure for me to hear the many pleasing comments

made on the flowering bulbs. W. W. MATOS. SWARTHMORE, PA. Single Second Size Named Hyacinth

G Bulbs of any one wariety at dozen rates; 25 at10OO rates: 250 at 1000 rates.




Roman Hyacinths afford a continuous supply of bloom from early winter until late in spring if forced successfully. They are veryfragrant. The blooms are suitable for most any kind of cut-flower work ; they also look very attractive if planted in boxes

or pots and used for window decoration. do for outdoor planting.

They are not hardy, consequently will not

Each Doz. 100 1,000

First Size, Pure White. : . . PO O05 fo 45 $3 25 $28 oo Mammoth Size, Pure White stil 06 60 4 00 33 50 Giant Size, Pure White . 07 75 5, 00 43 00 Pink, Light . Ne 05 50 3 25 28 00 Pink, Dark . 04 Ao 3, 00 26 00 Bluesea es Ai Ae BAU OG Ao 2715 26 00 Italian. White. Larger spikes, blooming

later than the French PILES 05 45 3, 00 28 00

If Roman Hyacinths are wanted by mail, please

add toc. per doz. for postage.


Excellent for growing in pots, pans or boxes, blooming freely and early. They may be planted close together, either in pans or pots, or in the open ground. Culture is the same as for other Dutch hyacinths.

Each Per doz. Per 100 Red. Named sorts, our selection . R. £8 e$0\05 $o 45 $3 00 White (a 66 66 66 ea 05 50 3 25 Pink GG 66 6 6 o4 40 275 Blue GG GG GG 66 o4 40 275

separate color grade usually offered.


We will furnish I10 bulbs of hyacinths for producing the opposite illustrated bed, in superior bedding grade, for $2.85, or if second size named hya- cinths are preferred, as offered on page 3, we will furnish for $5.75, in any assortment of colors, our selection of varieties.


An early Spring bloom- ing bulb for outdoor and house culture, resembling a bunch of grapes in ap- pearance.

Per Per Per

Doz. I00 1000 White $0.20 $1.00 $7.50 Blue We 67 BO

are far superior to the


Michell’s Superior Unnamed Hyacinths

(In Separate Colors). in water or pots.

Michell’s Su perior Be

dding Hyacinths.

These bulbs ar

as the named varieties.





Very desirable for bedding, also for growing ethe best quality, but not as large



; Each Perdoz. Perzoo Per 1000 Each Perdoz. Perzoo Per 1,000 Red. All shades, including pink. $o 05 $o 45 f2 85 $26 oo | Red. Allshades . - . . fo05 fo 50 $2 90 $27 50 White. All shades, including pure Pink a Sia ere 05 50 290 27 50

white . SI TURP NSaMR ete tt 05 45 285 2600 | White. All shades . 5

Blue. All shades, including purple 05 45 285 2600 | Pure White 5a ot 2G) Quer ae Yellow. All shades. ...... 05 45 285 26 00 | yxy ; O oe ID) Ail Se Pinks 30%. ae 05 45 285 2600 ue. Allshades . 05 50} 1) 2,90 m2 7—I5e Dark Red. . 05 45 285 2600 | Yellow . HiGa: Oi eee 05 50 290 27 50 Pure White... 05 45 285 2600 | Mixed. All colors . . oO 8 Blush White. . 05 AS 6oG ONO ued 5 45 2 eae Light: Blue)...,.. 6 .<.)... 05 ANS DIS” ASIC) LLL... Dark Blue and Purple. 05 iS) DE VaR ee SEE CULTURAL DIRECTIONS FOR BULBS ON THE Mixed. Allcolors . a 05 40 275 25 00 FIRST INSIDE COVER PAGE OF CATALOGUE.


eeEEEeEeree SS -



Tulip Gesneriana Scarlet (One-half Natural Size).

Those TULIP BULBS | got from you are

certainly SHOWING OFF FINE Somervitte, N. J



Each Doz. Io 1000

Bybloemen. A mixture of white with

grounds of scarlet, pink, scarlet and

crimson markings Pa . $0.03 $0.25 $1.50 $12.50 Bizarres. Yellow ground stripes and

markings of red, white and orange .03 .20 1.35 II.00 Darwins. The Darwins embrace most

every imaginable color, the effect in

sunlight is gorgeous indeed . TOAD aS 2100), I7A50 Parrots. Sometimes called Dragon

Tulips from the fact of their possess-

ing a very irregular cut or fringed

edge, exquisitely fragrant; our

mixture embraces a fine range of

colors. Our bulbs are extra large

and sure to bloom ae yt ee he OSu eee 20N AT TS O450 Superfine Mixture or Cottage

Garden Mixture. All colors and

varieties . HOY Wl XO ANC), “Easi(Xohe)


Paeony Red. A brilliant red variety,

of good substance, good keeper fo.04 $0.35 $1.75 $13.00 Yellow Rose. Of a rich golden

yellow, very fragrant, showy ... .03 .25 1.50 12.00 Choicest Mixed. Allcolors. . . . 103) 20) 41-250 250

The Bu_ss | received of you last Fall Gave SPLENDID SATISFACTION. | shall want quite a number this Fall and


will place the order with you. CANTON, OHIO.


Few, if any, flowering bulbs have created such admiration, or met with such favor as the late flowering tulips. Their real value has only become known in latter years. It is remarkable with what prominence and brilliancy they stand out after other tulips have long faded away. They usually are at their best the latter part of May. The long slender stems, sometimes two feet, according to variety, on which the flower is supported, elevate them to a height that will permit them to be recognized from a distance ; the odorous scent which they impart to the air is a grand characteristic ; our list embraces the most desirable kinds, and we offer them in collections below to be within the reach of means of <ll flower lovers.


Each Per Doz. Per1oo Per 1000 Bouton D’Or. Immense yellow flower, stem long and stout. . . . $0.03 $0.25 $1.60 $13.50 Gesneriana Rosea. Of a brilliant rose shade,

an elegant companion to the above 5 Oe 2 Sl OLN E2550 Gesneriana Spathulata. The true Ges-

neriana tulip with the blue-black centre, of

a dazzling scarlet color; it can be seen at

a great distance. . .04 “50h ww¥l47.5)) 10.00

Greigii (Quven of Tulips). ‘A handsome type of a brilliant orange color with a yellow and black centre. . . Pept eee OE Te LISS OU ETOROO

Picotee (Maiden’s Blush). This is one of the finest of the class of late tulips of a pure white, with brilliant rose (ERS large flower on stout stem . . .04 490 3.00 25.00


I consists of 12 each of all the late named and mixed sorts (except Greigii) offered on this page. Single and Double (144 bulbs) $3.00 2 consists of 25 each of all the late named and mixed sorts (except Greigii) offered on this page. Single and Double (300 bulbs) 4 75 3 consists of 50 each of all the late named and mixed sorts (except Greigii) offered on this page. Single and Double (600 bulbs) 9.25 4 consists of 100 each of all the late named and mixed sorts (except Greigii) offered on this page. Single and Double (1200 bulbs) 16.00

Parrot or Dragon Tulinv. 6 BULBS OF ANY ONE VARIETY AT DOZEN RATES; 25 AT 100 RATES; 250 AT 1000 RATES.


EARLY SINGLE U | S Strictly True to Name and Color : U LI : S&S

Ne Se is more beautiful than a bed of tulipsin the spring. They are the showiest flower in bloom at that time of the year-

They should be planted in beds of any design, made of a good portion of loam and manure mixed well with the soil; the dis- tance apart should be about fourinches. The bulbs must be planted about four inches deep. A covering of long manure or straw for over winter is very beneficial f\rthe bed. Tulips are also excellent for growing in the house; four or five bulbs to six or seven inch pots, or they can be forced in the greenhouse with good results.


Height Per Per Per Height Per Per Per im inches doz. Too 1000 in inches doz. 100 I000 8 Artus. Bright red ...... ROOT AE SCOOC CTT CORD DOL OU SaOO ED EaOCEeEEE $0.25 $1.35 $12.00 8 Jagt vom Belft. White si......cccccccccsesccccssccescececeee $0.25 fi.40 $11.00 8 Adelime Patti. Rosy Red .. .........eeeeeeeeeeee cenceeeeenes 635 2.00 18.50 9 Joost van Vondel. Bright pink, white stripes ..... .25 1.75 14 00 10 Belle Alliamce. Scarlet, large ........0....ccsscee cceeteee oe -40 2.50 22.00 9 Joost van Vondel. Pure white, very large, new..... .15 5.00 27.50 10 Camary Bird. Clear yellow ........ 30 1.75 15.00 9 L*Immaculee. Pure white .......0.... lice. cece sececesesee .20 1.25 To. £0 9 Cardinal’s Hat. Datk scarlet .... 25 1.25 Io 00 9 La Reine. (Queen Victoria). Blush white, very 2 10 Chrysolora. Golden yellow, large. 38 3 1.35 II.00 S000 sii sccs De eee Rae ccasn ch ceaesenencee .20 I.25 9.50 9 Couleur de Cardimal. Red .............0... cee ceeececeeeee 45 3.25 30 00 9 Ophir de Or. Mammoth yellow..........ccccccccccecccees eee VE Bone Bole 8 Cottage Maid. White, large pink bor 25 1.50 12.50 12 Pottebatiker. Yellow, large .........cccccececeeseee cesceees 135 2.00 17.00 9 Colour Ponceau. Cherry red ......... pats 20 1.50 12.00 12 6 Wihite Marges n ee ee ES 2.00 17.00 9 Crimson King. Bright crimson ......... ...... seceeete GO 1.50 12.50 12 66 Scarlet iss. ce. Wises eoeec te eck pa eek ae cue 35 2.25 19.50 Z Duc van Thol. Scarlet «0.00.00. 25 1.50 12.00 | 10 Prince of Austria. Red 0. eeeece eee eeeeee 45 300 28.00 Lf 66 66 White... Ac: ee eee 35 2.25 1800 | 10 Proserpine. Very large, glossy, brilliant pink.......... 145 3 25 30.00 q 66 66 Wellow: co a ee ae 235 2.25 21.00 9 Rachel) Ruish, Pinkie eee ee Be . 25 11.00 q 66 66 GrimsOni coeteieace cee eS LaQes II.00 | 9 Rose Grisdelin. Bright pink ....................0...... 5 XO 2.00 17.00 q 3 66 Fi) a eg eo ee 2.25 21.00 9 Rose Mundi (Auickman). Pink... cecccceceeeeees 20 1.50 12 00 J 66 66 Red, yellow edge...........0eeee0s HM S25 1.50 11.50 9 Silver Standard. White, striped with crimson........ 30 2.00 16.00 z 66 66 Goldlstriped ema eee 25 1.50 I2 50 10 Verboom. Bright rich scarlet................ccscc0e sessseseece .40 2 50 22.50 140 Duchesse de Parma. Red, yellow border ............. +25 1.20 10.00 9 Vermilion B:illiant. Brilliant scarlet.................. 45 3.00 27.50 8 Grand Master of Malta. Crimson and white...... 535) 2.25 20.c0 9) Wiaterlooss Warceiscarlete ee -40 2.50 22.50 15 Keizer Kroon. Red, with broad yellow edge......... 30 1.75 I5.00 9 Wouwerman. Violet, large....... ....... 35 2.00 18.50 8 Gold Finch. Fine golden yeilow...........0..c..csce sees =35 2.25 16.00 | 10 Yellow Prince. Large flower 125 1.50 12.00 9 White Hawk, One of the choicest ...............ceeceeeee “45 2.50 22.00 MIXTURES OF EARLY SINGLE TULIPS.

y : ; : Per doz. Per 100 Per 1000 Michell’s Superfine. All brightest colors and largest flowering. Extrachoice ........... $0.20 $1.10 $8.00 Fine Mixed: Very good\quality205 2. 5) 3 ic en Re es 15 75 6.50

Red, White, Pink, Yellow. UNNAMED SINGLE TULIPS. Separate Colors. Per doz., 20 cts.; per 100, $1.25; per 1000, $10.00, : NOTICE.

This beautiful bed

[ 4 Tah. If tulips are desired by | of Tulips, = $4.00. yy

VAS “7 oN TY SV : WARIS mail, please add 5c. per. 4) Src WG \\ AAAS doz. to the price for postage. ey \ 1) \\\ 2 A , i ANN { A\e is Ne \.4 INN yy LY aN \e ees vie UY) Wi LUT) Ni TN . BNA Ui NK { WN a MN) ] er


SS ie Wy = eS = =\; A 2. = = Y



Practical Bed of Tulips.

A very ‘Effective and Practical Bed”’ of Single Tulips.

Everybody should have one of these effective beds at this small cost. Eight feet in diameter or twenty-four feet in cireum- ference, requires 250 bulbs, planted five inches apart. 125 Chrysolora, yellow, and 125 Pottebakker Scarlet. PRICE FOR THE 250 BULBS, $4.00. Any other color may be used in their place at cost ranging according to varieties used. Ask us for special price and other suggestions on different design Tulip Beds.



Height DOUBLE VARIETIES in inches Each Perdoz. Per100 Per 1000 9 Coronne @’Or. Pure yellow, fine forcer...... $).06 $9.60 $4.00 $35.00 6 Due van Thol. Red and yellow ................ 02 -20 iit 9.00 9 Duke of York. Red with white edge......... .03 5) 150 12.00 4 Gloria Solis. Red, yellow border ............... (3 225 1.60 14.00 9 Imperator Rubrorum. Brilliant scarlet, THN® HORTLE cesacresccteconcscescy, —-oaecocbaseonconascetd -05 -40) 2.85 26.50 9 La Candeur. Pure white, excellentforcer... .03 25 1.60 13.00 Qreige Ela sOmMew Ries roe cece cose ce aceintvos seneseedeses 04 85 2.00 17.50 9 Murillo. Pink, best for forcing .................... .04 -40 2.60 23.00 § Rex Rubrorum. Scarlet ....................04 ee Fed “3 2.00 17.C0 9 Rose Blanche. Pure white Pees Caccesteesiese CO 25 1.40 11.00 9 Salvator Rosa. Extra fine pink, forcer...... 07 -€0 4.25 37 50 8 Titlan. Redand yellow. ...........2..2cc00: cess eeeees 04 80 1.85 16.00 8 Tournesol. Red, yellow border, good forcer .04 35 2.10 18.50 8 Tournesol. Yellow, fine forcer..................... .05 45 3.40 30.00 8 Yellow Rose. Pure Yellow... ........-cceee22 08 -25 1.50 12.00


Our mixtures of tulips are carefully made so as to insure perfect harmony in color and evenness of bloom and growth. The largest bulbs are used for this purpose and our customers can positively rely upon getting entire satisfaction.

Each Perdoz. Per100 Per 1000

Miechell’s Early. Fine mixed.................::::seeeeeees 02 $0.15 $0.85 $ 7.50 Michell’s Early. Superfine mixed é 25 1.00 9.00

EARLY DOUBLE TULIPS (in Separate Colors)

These are intended to be used where no special effect is to be carried out. They are composed of named sorts thrown together in separate colors. They produce splendid results at a nominal cost. The named varieties should however be used where special effect or designs are wanted. Gach Perdoz Peri00. Per 1000

Ree a aes naan eae sense a oa Us Soe hea aa $0.03 $0.20 $1.49 $12.00 WPM Be 5 oo ciac saan cv tewesens cacacas os Giscenedemesouksciasncguesascuseeanee 03 .20 1.40 12.00 WWI rane ect oak oebeisccscasscnsesccnanenss oteane couseaccccwcccrene 03 -20 1.40 12.00 Wee ww aaa ree as ak nw ees sdna Sane doace d Seeeedencianaaees -03 -20 1.40 12.00

Single bulbs of Tulips mailed free; add 5c. per dozen for postage, if desired by mail.


(For outdoor planting)

The Narcissus or Daffodil planted outside, when established and thoroughly Double Tulip Tournesol (Red and Yellow) acclimated, yields abundant returns for the care and money expended on them. They form dense clumps and bloom most profusely. The failure of Narcissus to flower the first year, when planted outside, is attributed to the fact of their necessity of first becoming thoroughly accustomed to the climate and soil, they rarely fail to give good results the second year. Most of the double and singlesorts are perfectly hardy, and need not be disturbed oftener than once in three or four years, and not then unless they have become too much crowded by offsets. Plantin the Fallin good garden soil about three or four inches deep, and four to six inches apart.

NARCISSUS IN MIXTURE All large flowering bulbs.

Each Doz. Per100 Per1000 Single, all varieties ...$0.02 $0.18 . $1.00 $7.75 Doubler ee 02 20 1.00 8.25

If desired by mail add dc. per doz. to price quoted, for postage. z


Re SS \


These flowers when in bloom are very attractive imparting a very sweet odor to the surrounding atmosphere; they are hardy and the bulbs, when planted outside, increase from year to year. t Each Per doz. -Per100 Per 1000

Simgle Yellow. Very sweet scented ................cceceee ceceeeeceeeeeeceeceetenceeees $0.02 $0.15 $0.75 $ 6.25 Double Yellow |... ......0..........0.0... tris -COCLDIRD “2S eCRNS ASE OSLOLOO OLED GIFT .04 B80 2.50 2.0 00 Campernelle Phylogine Rugulosus. Large single yellow, excel- iiihhdssiie anit lent for forcing; an improvement on the old Campernelle..... .......... 02 .20 1.25 9.50 Camper me les GVS Ow, coerce cos cc sco cece cncsec ciseusc sense snes Hucsovsundnene ease all Renew 02 15 1.C0 7.25 Single Jonquils. SEE ALSO PAGES 8S ANDO 9 FOR OTHER NARCISSUS



NARCISSUS—CONTINVUED. @ 2 ; Single | e@ Narcissus (Daffodils)

Ard Righ, or Irish King. Rich yellow trumpet, very early. Each, 6c.; per doz., 65c.; per 100, $4.00; $30.00 per 1000.

Empress Bicolor. Perianth snow-white, trumpet rich yellow ; valuable for cutting. A good companion to Emperor. Each, 6c.; per doz., 60c.; per 100, $4.00; $35.00 per Tooo.

Emperor. (See cut). One of the finest daffodils in cultivation, flower of the richest yellow, trumpet of immense size; the petals of the perianth measure 3% inches across. Each, 6c.; per doz., 60c.; per 100, $4.00; $35.00 per 1000.

Barrii Conspicus. Sulphur perianth, broad cup marked with scarlet, very desirable. Each, 4c.; per doz., 30c.; per 100, $2.00; $18.00 per 1000.

Bicolor Grandee. A grand trumpet'variety, golden yellow with white petals, late flowering. Each, 5c ; per doz., 50c.; per 100, $3.50; $30.00 per 1000.

Campernelle. A large flowering Jonquil, producing an abundance of yellow flowers, fragrant; Mach 2c. per doz. 15c.Eper 100, $1.00 3 $7.25 per 1000.

Campernelle Rugulosus. An improvement on the above variety, producing larger flowers Bach 2 penidozrr 20C) Pek 1oo, $1.25 ; $9.25 per 1000,

Cynosure. A favorite cup variety, perianth primrose, yellow centre stained scarlet. Eachw3¢, perxdoz)) 25C.; Pet oo; i pi 50r $12.00 per 1000.

Giant Princeps. Large golden yellow (unovooyeler, DAV, AS.8 ee Clow, AXC.8 [Deir Too, $1.40; $11.00 per 1000.

Golden Spur. One of the grandest daffodils, with extra large, bold, rich yellow flowers ; foliage very broad and striking. It is of unusual robust habit and unsurpassed for gardens, pots or forcing. Each, 6c.; per doz., 60c.; per 100, $4.00; $32.50 per Iooo.

Hoop Petticoat (Bulbocodium). Of rich golden yellow color. | Trumpet Major (Holland Grown). A large yellow favorite;


Narcissus Emperor (The Grand Single Daffodil)

Bears from six to twelve flowers to each bulb. Three to six fine for forcing or bedding. Each, 3c.; per doz., 25c.; per

bulbs may be placed in a six-inch pot. A dry and sheltered 100, $1.50; $12.00 per I000.

situation suits it best when, planted in the open ground. | Trumpet Major (/yeuch Grown). Particularly adapted for early

Each, 6c.; per doz., 65c.; per 100, $4.25; $35.co per Ioco. forcing, coming into bloom considerably earlier than the Dutch Henry Irving. A golden yellow trumpet sort with deeper yellow grown bulbs, otherwise the flower is the same. Each, 5c.; per

perianth or petals ; most desirable. Each, 5c.; per doz., 5oc.; doz., 50C.; per Ioo, £2.25; $20.00 per tooo.

per 100, $3.75 ; $32.50 per 10co. Sic Watkin. A giant cup variety, centre deep yellow tinged with Horsfieldi Bicolor. Very large, perianth white, trumpet golden orange, petals sulphur yellow ; a very fine sort. Each, 6c.; per

yellow ; one of the finest types. Each, 5c.; per doz., 50c.; per doz., 6oc.; per 100, £4.50; $37.50 per ooo.

100, $3.25 ; $30.00 per I000. Single Mixed. All varieties and colors. Each, 2c.; per doz., 18c.; Stella Incomparabilis. White star-shaped flower, with distinct per 100, $1.00; $7.75 per Iooo.

yellow trumpet. Each, 3c., per doz., 20c.; per 100, $1.25;

$9.00 per 1000. See also Pages 7 and 9 for other Varieties of Narcissus.


Double Roman. White suffused yellow. Veryfragrant. $0.04 $0.30 $1.50 $12.00

Gloriosa. A desirable sort for forcing. Sulphur yellow. .04 .4o 2.50 20.00 Grand Monarque. Whiteand Yellow. ....... .05 .40 2.50 20.00 Grand Soleil d’Or. A yellow flower, reddish cup . . .04 .40 2.25 20.00 Paper White Grandiflora Multiflora. Flowers larger

Eaaiethe Granainioray., xtra, ChOICe > =)... 9) 2 3. 05.40 2:50. 20.00 Paper White Grandiflora. Very large flowering, the

favorite forcing variety, superior to the old sort . .. .04 .30 1.75 15.00 Polyanthus Narcissus. Choice mixed, of allsorts. . .04 .30 1.75 15.00

Poeticus. (Pheasani’s Eye). Fragrant white flowers with orange cup. Giant




Each Perdoz. Per1oo Per 1000

Von Sion. Extra fine Holland-grown bulbs. The color of the flower is a bright yellow, devoid of the green tips often found in the cheaper stock. Very fine for forcing or bedding. Size ee ees eS sat aaa

Von Sion. Extra large, two-nozed bulbs. Will average 190 blooms from too bulbs. . :

Von Sion. Monster size bulbs. Very choice. Our stock of this favorite variety is extra fine. .06 .65 4.00 3500

Alba Plena Odorata, (Youdble White Daffodil).

Deliciously fragrant. Does not force satis-

$0.03 $0.30 $2.00 $17.50

04 .40 2.60 22.00

factorily .. SR op rte pe a ne Peace ae 10300 (20min 20M IG:00 Incomparable Double. (Az/f/er). An old-

fashioned type used principally for outdoor

Plantinesen Orange suiused,yellowanse a) al O26 20m aI O08 51/900 Sulphur Phoenix. White suffused yellow. Is

classed among the finest of double varieties. .06 .60 3.75 30.00 Orange Phoenix. (Zggs and Bacon). Light

yellow with orange centre. Good for forcing

or bedding Pein oY. a gape Deere tae eek OF 22.) COBig2: OOle215° OO Mixed. All colors. Fine for outside massing. .02 .20 1.00 8.25

Polyanthus Varieties.

The Polyanthus Nar- y

cissus are a very inter- esting class. They may be grown in water or soil with equal success. If grown in water treat similar to Chinese Lil- ies, and if in soil like other varieties of Nar- Narcissus Von Sion. cissus used for forcing. They are not hardy. POLYANTHUS NARCISSUS.

Each Perdoz. Per 100 Per 1000

Hardy Poets Narcissus.

Each, 2c.; per doz., 15c.; per 100, 70C.; per 1000, $5.00.

Poeticus Ornatus. Similar to Poeticus, but larger and four weeks earlier. Mag- nificent cut flowers. Ex- cellent for forcing. Each, 2657 sper doz, 20Cs+) = perk 100, $1.20; per 1000, $10.00.

COLLECTIONS OF NARCISSUS—SINGLE VARIETIES. 3 each of 17 varieties offered on page 8— 51 bulbs. . $1.70 (Post paid, $1.85)

Gr raeg 07 a S——NO2D ar ue S825 na 8 Ty cs « « S204 a ee (0525 a5 17 « « 8—425 II.25

DOUBLE VARIETIES. 3 each of 5 varieties offered on this page— 15 bulbs . $0.35 (Post paid, $0.45)

6 WC Oni! 6 I2 ce : ce ce ce en €é i cee 25 ce “ce 5 ce ims ins ce 125 ce 5 2.25 50 “ce ce 5 66 “ce ce 250 ce R 4.25

POLYANTHUS VARIETIES. 3 each of 7 varieties offered on this page— 21 bulbs . $0.55 (Post paid, $0.65) 6 ce «¢ ce


12 E i i ce ce ¢ 84 ce Bie 25 ae ims 7 cc ce ce ce 175 ce ; 3.50 50 ins ce 7 ce «¢ ce (6 350 ims * 6.25 Narcissus Poeticus. See also Narcissus offered on pages 7 and 8.

6 Bulbs of any one variety at dozen rates; 25 at 100 rates; 250 at 1000 rates.

10 HENRY F. MICHELL CO., 10{8 MARKET ST., PHILADELPHIA. | ; EASTERG Michell’s Superior Lily Bulbs

| EASTER IN 1906 COMES APRIL 151u. |


LILIUM HARRISII (True Bermuda Easter Lily) Grown and. Selected Especially for Us. Strictly Free from Disease. MICHELL’S SPECIAL STOCK

Size of bulb Each: Per doz. Per 100

5 tO 7 INCHES CIFCUM............seeeeeeeeeeettecee scent seen ffo.10 $0.90 $ 6.00

70 Q iNChES CiFCUM...........2eeeceeeerseeeeeetetee cette tees .20 2.00 12.50

g to II inches circum........ beet seen sarcoapinee ele cees Ae 3.50 25.00

11 to 13 inches circum. (Monster bulbs) .......-- --.++ 65 6.50 50.00


Average No.

ize of bulb of blooms Each Per doz. Per 100 Bio 7 INCHES CIFCUM........s0e2eesererrrereetee sees 5 $0.08 £0.75 $ 5.00 7 tO g INCHES CIFCUM.......eeeereerrerree terete ees 8 15 1.50 II.50 g to Tf INChES CITCUM.........seeeee rere ceeeeereeees 12 25 2.50 20.00

TI to 13 inCheS CIFCUM........ ceeeeeeeeeeseeee eee ees 15 .50 5-00 40.00


Color: a beautiful scarlet; growing about 1 ft. high............... $o. 20 $2.00

PARRASRARRABINAAS RARER EIRARILD APS PAPPDPP PIL PPS Elmira, N. Y. March 9, ’05 The LILY BULBS I had from you last fall certainly 3 proved immense. I had plants with 18 flowers on. En-

closed find my order of Bulbs. J. B. RUDY. GARDENER TOHON J.S FASSETT.


Many private gardeners now use very extensively the Japanese Easter Lily Bulbs. They are generally entirely free from disease, requiring just a little bit more forcing, to bring into flower, than the regular Lilium Harrisii.


Size of bulbs : Each Per doz. Per 106 7 to) ‘g\imches CircUm. -...-0.. 0.2... seco jeeneeweenceon aces $o.12 $1.25 $ 7.00 OMOMOMNCHES |CINGUMranss seers. ne ene eeene eee .20 1.75 10.00

Io to 12 inches circum. (Mammoth size)............. 30 3.00 15.00 LILIUM LONGIFLORUM (Japanese Easter Lily)

Size of bulbs 2 Each Per doz. Per 100 7D) GQ MONG NES CUKS WIT aseqn0c3ecs0530293 ac0da-copneceaceeased $o. 10 $1.00 $ 6.00 O) LO) 1) MAG NSS AEWA. cceareoddacicesscaceocosses sspaccna0se0 115 1.50 9.00

Io to 12 inches circum. (Mammoth size)............. .20 2.00 12.50


(Mammoth Flowering Species) .

Sizeofbulbs) _ Each ‘Per doz. Per 100 PF MOMOMNG NES. CUCU ss cepatcieaacuceseaacsee ee meee acre $0.15 $1.50 $ 9.00 OMLOPLOMNGEHES CINCUM tenes rears es nactte-tcecee see ceee eee .20 2.00 12.50

HARDY JAPAN LILIES (Ready in October)

Each Per doz. Per 100 Auratum. (Golden Band.d Japan.) White,

Daw A tHe

| dotted with brown spots, with a yellow streak in He SN Tw am il

the centre of each petal; extra large bulbs ...... fo.25 $2.50 $16.00 ME mares ay a Auratum. Very fine blooming bulbs.. .............. 3I05, 1.50 10.00 em Lancifolium Speciosum Album. Pure white, pep i

extravlance bulbsicemre scsi ne. ecco eam an nee 20 2.00 15.00 Zilium Candidum ‘Lancifolium Speciosum Album. Fine bloom- LILIUM CANDIDUM

VOY? DUI DIS) Sone. cuudhodnadsssdes ShaccudsdababosoaddanessanoGG5000 sre 1.25 00 ar : Se Eeanicivolitimn Speciosum Rubrum or Roseum. 3 (Annunciation oe St. Joseph’s Lily )

Bink aNienylarce)bullbst.cersne acca see ee cere it 1.50 10.00 , Ahardy variety, pure white in color, fragrant, blooming Melpomene. Very large. Rich crimson............ 15 1.50 10.00 In June. Hach Per dos aebenco Tigrinum. Single. Orange, spotted brown.. ..... .IO .80 comm ean Sem ul nS wuces.ue rate sae $0.10 $1.00 £ 6.50 Tigrinum. Double. Orange, spotted brown...... 05} 1.30 Sr See XtraMaLce: WUlllysesseessies eee eae $ .15 1.50 9.00



In early Spring the golden-yellow blossoms of Winter Aconite look charming and form a striking contrast to the pure white Bache 3Gysapet, COZ. | 20C..

snowdrop. Height, 6 to 8 inches. $1.00 per 100.

Single Anemone


Belladonna Major. Bright pink. Each, 15c.; per doz., $1.50.

Formosissima (/acobean Lily). blooming early in the summer.

ef doz., $1.00.

Hybrids of Vittata. Large bulbs. Each, 5oc.; per doz., $5.00.

Johnsoni. Very large flower, rich crimson- scarlet color, striped with white. Each, 35c.; per doz., $3.50.

Treatiz Alba. Pure white, blossoms the entire

Crimson, Hach imocs:

summer. Each, 5c.; per doz., 40c.; per Ioo, 3-00. : Treatiz Rosea. Bright rose. Each, 5c.; per doz., 40c.; $3.00 per Ioo. 4 - i . Each Per Doz. Giant Flowering Crimson. . . $1.00 $10.00 ss ‘+ QOrange-red. . I.00 10.00 ‘6 ‘¢ White, red stripes 1.00 10.00 ss ‘¢ Red, white stripes I.00 10.00



Suitable for pot or border culture ; when planted in masses are most effective; succeed best in a light, rich, well-drained loam. Plant in October or November. manure on approach of Winter. rich porous compost, with good drainage, planting four bulbs ina

Cover with leaves, straw or long For pot culture fill pots with any

six-inch pot; place in cold frame or any moderately cool situation, giving very little water until plants appear, then remove to greenhouse or sitting room window.

Double Mixed. All colors... . Single. Scarlet Le ks See Single Mixed. All colors Fulgens. Scarlet Windflower

Each Per Doz. Per 100

. $0.03 $0.25 $1.50

e103 .20 T.00

03 20 1.00

see at eins .04 30 2.00 : 2.25

Excellent for winter flowering, exten- sively forced for cut flowers, pure white with green stamens, borne in large loose umbels. Height, 15 to 18 inches. Per doz., 20€.; per 100, $1.00; $7.50 per 1000.


(Scarlet Freesia.) (Ready in October.)

A very pretty species of bulbs for indoor blooming, resembling very much Freesias from which they partially derive the name. | It may also be planted outdoors and will endure the winter with slight protection. Flowers rosy scarlet, dotted crimson on petals.

Per doz., 20c.; $1.25 per Ioo.

Fancy Giant Amaryllis

on SES Cas


\ = & &



CHIONODOXA (Glory of the Snow)

A most exquisite early spring flowering bulb, thoroughly hardy, and will thrive well in any soil.

Lucilliz. Flowers brilliantsky-blue color with white centre. 2c. each; per doz., 15C.; $1.00 per 100; per 1000, $8.00.

Sardensis. Beautiful deep blue flowers. Per doz., I5C.; per 100, $1.00; per Io00, $8.00.

Gigantea. A very distinct species with very large lavender blue flowers with white centre. 3c. each; per doz., 25c.; $1.50 per I00 ; $11.00 per Iooo.

BEGONIAS—Tuberous Rooted. (Ready in November)

These bulbs are most satisfactory for window, garden, greenhouse or conservatory blooming. The bulbs when received should be potted, well watered and placed in a dark warm place until thoroughly rooted, when they may be brought to the light. Begonias thrive best in a warm, shaded place.

F SINGLE Each Per Doz. Per 100 DOUBLE Each Per Doz. Crimsonie 9 s05 9) eS $o.10 $1.00 $6.00 Crimsonmigg, 4 244 "2..4 $0.15 $1.50 Orange .....4:. «10 1.00 6.00 Oranve a... . ait 1.50 Pinker ee eee .10 1.00 6.00 Pinker. |S. Date a eae 1.50 Scanletrr ses. .IO 1.00 6.00 Scarlet sits 1.50 Whites oe as 10 1.00 6.00 White peaae OES ait, 1.50 Yellow tr. 2). ysis .10 1.00 6.00 Wellow terre 20 8). 3. Bay 1.50 Mixed e os, Me at jo WitxeUiree sos. ai 1.20



The tatest improvement in Begonias—they are really magnificent.

5 to 6 inches in diameter, and beautifully ruffled and frilled.

Mixed, all colors, 25c. each ;

per doz., $2.50; $18.00 per Ioo.


Each Per Doz. Per roo

Single Yellow. ..... $0.15 $1.50 $8.00 Sinvle Rede ait. 4 4sr 2 he 225 ek S08 08:00 Single Mixed. Allcolors .10 1.00 -7.50 Double Red. ...... 25 1-250). 17-50

6 Bulbs of any one variety at dozen rates; 25 at 100 rates; 250 at 1000 rates.


Autumnale (Hardy Giant Flowering Crocus). A very interesting bulb ; blooming in the autumn without the foliage, which follows in the spring.

Flowers are all shades of purple and rose.

bulbs, 5c. each; per doz., 50c.; $3.75 per Ioo.

The flowers are very large,

Per roo $10.00 10.00 T0.00 10.00 I0.00 10.00


strong Begonia




undoubtedly one of the easiest culture bulbs in existence.

green mottled white, flower pure white ae aaa BLACK CALLA. (Ready in October). Foliage a rich

LITTLE GEM CALLA. Aminiature type, very similar to the regular white calla but much smaller and

for postage.

Callas require a good rich soil and plenty of warmth to make them thrive. It is

The white or Lily of Nile

WHITE CALLA. Flower pure waxy white, leaves dark green.


Monster Bulbs, specially large. . . ..... . . $0 4o

Mammoth ‘* SE cal ee aera Te Ae! Ar 25

First Size Sethe AAS es i AROS GRR Ser 15

Second Size SAIS Tk Er raamane Soh eg Bi Uh 10 SPOTTED CALLA. (Ready in October). Foliage

4 10

green. Flower very large and ofa purplish black color. 15

Gwarlerileeveny way scans cs a.) as sae ae Io YELLOW CALLA. (Elliottiana). An entirely distinct

golden yellow variety, otherwise very much like the

Common whitesort = 06 fees ee ee OO

Per Doz.

$4 00 2 50 I 50 I 00

II 00

Price 5c. each ; per doz. 5o0c.; $3 50 per Ioo. quart, 25c. for 6 quarts; 3oc. per peck ; per bushel, $1

Japanese Ware, at all prices.

See te page for other Narcissus suitable for growing in water.


Chin ese Sacred Lily.

We especially recommend, for fine effect, the planting of the named varieties, which will produce vastly superior results to the other unnamed sorts.

Baron von Brunow. Deep blue... . . $015 065 $600 Cloth of Gold. Rich yellow, brown veins 15 65 6 00 Cloth of Silver. Silvery white, striped lilac 15 65 6 oo Mont Blanc. Pure white. . BSN pea i 65 600 Purpurea Grandiflora. Fine purple -.. 15 65 6 00 Sir Walter Scott. White, striped purple. 15 65 6 00

Giant Yellow. Immensesize .. . 15 80 700

Blue and Purple ........... . $010 040 $350 White 4 yore ee as Shiner. 0 ee oe Striped eye pee ae. Glee e eilt ATO 4o 3 50 Yellow Mammoth. ........... #12 60 5 50 Yellow. Repulansizeg. ce erie oO AO W350 Mixed. Allcolors ..... Io 35 3,00

Dozen lots of Crocus will be mailed free if 100 are desired; by mail


Of the first flowers to appear in the Spring the Crocus leads,


Perdoz. Perioo Perzooo


Perdoz, Perzoo Perxzooo

please add 10 cents postage. SEE ALSO COLCHICUM OR AUTUMN CROCUS, PAGE 11.

ciously fragrant. Color white, with a yellow centre. toc. each ; 3 for 25c.; goc. per doz.; per basket of 30 bulbs, $2.00,


This variety is very similar in every way to the above, excepting that the bulbs are considerably smaller and the flowers are of a rich golden yellow. Treatment, same as the regular variety. Delightfully fragrant.

Calla requires plenty of moisture constantly. The black variety requires very little until it has made considerable start. The bulbs should be potted when received and put ina Cark place until thoroughly rooted, when they may be brought to the light,

Per 106

$30 00 16 00

10 00 7792

6 00

8 50

7 00

Single bulbs of Callas mailed without extra cost. For a dozen add 15c. to the price quoted,

CHINESE SACRED LILY. (Ready in October.)

The Chinese Lily or Narcissus is too well known to require much description. The flowers are borne in clusters, as the illustration represents, and are deli-

Price, Mammoth bulbs,


Michell’s Giant Named Crocus.

6 Bulbs of any one variety at dozen rates: 25 at 100 rates: 250 at 1000 ra


Pebbles for planting Chinese Lily Bulbs, clean and uniform in size, 5c. per

Bowls for Chinese Lilies. A large selection of Glass, Stone, and


Ready in November One of our popular garden border perennials, blooming very early in the Spring. The flowers are borne on long racemes of a beautiful pink and white color. Strong roots, 15c. each (by mail, 20c. ); per doz. $1.50; $11.00 per Ioo.


A beautiful white, fragrant flower. They make very successful house blooming bulbs ; a very satisfactory cut flower, desirable for

growing in pots or pans. Each Perdoz. Per100 Per 1000 Refracta Alba. First Size Bulbs... $0.02 $0.15 $0.90 $ 7.00 “i 6 Mammoth .. .03 25 1.50 IO oO GC Monster - .05 35 2.00 15.00

FREESIA PURITY. Fisher’s Original Stock. A magnificent snowy, glistening white, of very large size, and’great length and strength of stem; , produces trusses of eight to eleven flowers. Stems can be cut two feet long. § 4g Three to four strong blooming shoots are produced from each bulb zz addition iY to the main stalk. No greenhouse or conservatory should be withcut this » glorious Feesia. Price, each toc. ; $1.00 per doz. ; per 100, $6.00. LEICHTLINI. Large, pure yellow, fragrant variety ; good contrast to the hite sort. Price, each 3c. ; 25c. per doz. ; per 100, $1.50; $10.00 per 1000. SCARLET FREESIA. (See Anomatheca, page II.)


For Winter Forcing. Ready in November.

‘*¢May.’’ The finest forcing large-flowering variety ; produces a large spike of nearly pure white flowers. 50 cts. per doz. ; per Io0,

$3.00. The Bride. A lovely, pure white

gladiolus. Six bulbs can be planted in a six-inch pot. Each 2 cts. ; per doz., 20 cts. ; per Ioo, $1.15.

jal Bride. (Pink.) <A type like the fg above, but pink in color. Very

Y “p Za

U/GIANT FREESIAS handsome. Per doz., 25 cts. ; per SE 1005 S1-50:

GLOXINIAS (Ready in November)

Our strain of this indispensable winter flowering bulb is the finest to be had. The bulbs should be treated similar to begonias, excepting that they delight in a very warm place, and entire seclusion from the sun. Only strong bulbs sent out by us.

Each Per doz. Per 100 Each Per doz. Per 100

Scarlet and Red ... $0.15. $1.50 $7.00 | Spotted and Tigered..go.15 $1.50 $7.00

Blue ..cc eee ui 1.50 7ROOE PONV REG ect ek. See cstines Sus 1.50 7.00

Bordered Scarlet.. .15 1.50 7.00 | Choicest Mixed............10 1.00 6.00 Bite’.....% 215 1.50 7.00

os > x




I am pleased to tell you of the fine show of Gloxinias and Begonias from the bulbs you supplied. They have been admired by all who have seen them. The colors are grand; the assortment splendid. J, CURNOW

Gardener to Akron, O. C. B. Raymond, Esq.



A bed of Iris in bloom is truly a wendenul Stet pee bloom consecutively ; the Germanica or German Iris coming first, LEIS BETES being followed by the Spanish, English and Japanese. The Spanish varieties may be successfully forced in the house, when treated similar to tulips desired for forcing. The Japanese make an especially fine show, and a bed of them will yield a magnificent display. Plant in the fall, in well drained soil.

: Each Perdoz. Per roo Spanish Iris Named Varieties. Michell’s Sez Japanese Mixed Varieties . . $0.15 $1.50 $10.00 Pendossunrce oe pe tee pute Tene Varieties ee -I0 1.00 6.50 Blanche Superbe. Pure white $5.15 $1.00 $8.00 oxinias usiana. Silvery gray, mottle 55 15 Om LOLOO . 5 English Mixed. Large flowered 103 125 1.75 Alex Von REED AE Light blue .15 1.00 8.00 Spanish Mixed. Orchid flowering .o2 .12 75 | Jaune Brilliant. Pure yellow .15 1.00 8.00




ae & oe

LSS | <r SSS Sapeetereerten

Lily of the Valley (Michell’s Russian.)


Ready in November.

It is now a most popular plant for forcing, which is easily done by plant- ing the pips in pots, from 6 to 12 in each, watering freely. This grade is the finest imported to

MONSTER OR EXCELSIOR XXX. this country Produces very long,

heavy flower spikes. Per doz., 40c.; per 100, $3.00: $5.50 for 20U; per 100U, $18.00.

" BERLIN” ES DUTCH Recommended for outdoor blooming particularly... Per bunch of * 25 roots, 35e.; per 100, $1.25; per 1000, $11.00.

forci y time. Orders booked for 100 COLD STIURAGES tort aeeertlap acktcvesmerommcena. Price about 2.50 per 100.



A brand especially selected. Will produce good spikes. doz., 25c.; per 25, 40c.; per 100, $1.50; per 1000, $12.00.

Large undivided clumps for massing or making beds of out-of- doors. 25c. per clump; per doz, clumps, $2.50; per 100 clumps, (Clumps of Valley are not mailable.)


Desirable for planting in hanging basket, making a grand show; a rich vermilion color. 15¢e. each; per doz., $1.50; per 100, $10.00.

\\ \ 77

Oxalis Grand Duchess.

6 Bulbs of any one variety at dezen


This bulb produces a very pretty flower a well drained soil and winter protection. in various shades of all colors.

MIXED. 12c. per doz.; per 100, 75c.; $5.00 per 1000. CRATHROIDES. Fiery scarlet. 25c. per doz.; per 100, $1.50; $12.00 per 1000.

They are half hardy, requiring The flowers in the mixture range


Z pil v tiny WR \\P en

rates; 25 at 100 rates; 250 at 1000 rates.


OXALIS (Bermuda Buttercup).

An unrivalled winter-flowering pot plant, of the easiest culture, succeeding with everybody. One of the finest winter-flowering plants for pot culture. Place in a dark, cool position for a few weeks to root thoroughly, and remove to a sunny situation in the window or conservatory, and the great profusion of bloom for weeks will astonish and delight you. The flowers are of the purest bright buttercup yellow.

dtarge) bulloseessest ee 10c. for 3; per doz., 25c.; per 100, $1.50. Mammoth bulbs......... de. each; per doz., 50c.; per 100, €3.C0.

BOWEI. Flowers large, A) 323 sf Wy \} most brilliant rose color, 50 PS 5 in great profusion. 10c. BSS U iS an <= for 4; per doz., 25c.; per Tie \F Qe 100, $1.50. 7) NAW aN UN, x

PINK. 10c. for 4; per BS TIS ZINE ) HFRS doz., 25c.; per 100, $1.50. “OSALIVWFE By | ED


WHITE. 10c.for4; per ¢ SyaWAAN ae ree ZE doz., 25c ; per 100, $1.50. CN Zw cS POS wv

op MG . ~

YELLOW. 10c. for4; per S LG TAS doz., 25ce.; per 100, $1.50. ) Wa )


VERSICOLOR. Red, ANG FRA violet and white. 10c. 4X ESaS x for 4; per doz., 25e.; per GI 7 100, $1.50.

MIXED. All colors. 10c. for 6; per doz., lic; per 100, $1.00.

DOUBLE YELLOW. 10c. for 4; per doz., 27c.; v per 109, 1.20."

Oxalis Bowel.

OXKALIS (Grant Duchess).

A new, compact, growing sort; very desirable as a pot plant. eu Sce Illustration Opposite.

Wilber a srenssteesatcscedenctreneoesecrsecesesere Ole Ges) PEL GOz-a e050 maper 1 O02: 00 WP UTA wocesee esac er ree eae nee Re ee 3 for 0c. ss -30 5 re 2.00 WAV CNG OL =: ccsoecessserses tecccccsGvecstuitectsseett 3 for 10c. cs 30; WY 2.00



(Star of Bethlehem.) A hardy white flowering bulb, particularly adapted for outside. 5c. each; per doz., 40c.; $2 50 per 100.


5,8 Br EY |

Mt ya J "kr j Hye lm

w ; G

Hardy, pretty blue flowers, for the house or garden. Per doz., 25 ets: $1.40 per 100; $11.00 per 1900.


A beautiful class of bulbs, a'lied to the Ixias and requiring the same treatment, producing spikes of the most exquisite flowers. Mixed varieties.

PZEON IES Ready in November. : Per doz., 15 cts.; 75 cts. per 100- e

Extra fine large clumps, will bloom next Spring’

Dow les Walaa arse een rereeaere a aee se aneee eeeeeeass HOCN, Gy.29)) 1), $2.50 per asz. DOO WW CC ieee coon ececcceaneccne cas seeeeatse cante est ceeusescs ss 75) 200) SS

Dowlble,) Feed ed eiincpaec on couse neces swessbacainestits Co 25 2.50 ss Double, Mixed Colors................cccccccccesenceceee eens ge 220 2.25 Tennuifolia. tinest scarlet, feathery foliage...... gs 225 250i else

Japanese Paeonies.

These are a very beautiful and distinct species, flowering quite early. Each Perdoz.

PROG ox oer ce eck tacsaesecesetssOUC. $3.00 WWE CC ca cceccnscecssessese cence 0G. 3.00 PE es oo oa cceonev ee ecsaesie 80e. 3.00

Ranunculus or Buttercups.

Turban, or Turkish. Very doubleand distinctly marked. Finest mixed, per doz., 15 e's.; 75 ets. per 100.

Persian. Finest mixed, per doz., 15 ets.,; 75 ets. per 100.




New Spirea ‘“‘ Gladstone’’

SPIREA (Astilbe). Reavy In NovemBer.


Each Perdoz. Per1oo 46 Gladstone’’—New. (See i//ustration). The handsomest of all Spireas; was awarded silver medals wherever ex- hibited. Each plant produces from 25 to 4o spikes of snow-

= White HOWerSs..cr ats ce peaceceaeeeaccas cstece sone anteecievenc de ausescenacsuess 0.25 $2.25 $12.50 SCOPNRISHATED LANG CERO CEE ecocec, oo oce: 22 abenon ococauceesco Soda CL acBEE EO ROE a5 COoC OOS BOSOCLCO +10 1.00 6.00

Compacta Multiflora. Superior to Japonica, of more

compact habit, flowers more freely and closer; foliage,

beautiful dark green .............e-000e0-+- Bee ak: MeMeu (mace el 12 1.25 9.00 Astilboides Floribunda. An improvement on the com-

mon Astilboides; large, pure white plumes, with bright

Set about two or three inches deep, and one inch apart in clumps or triple Pa) OO RR Ra eae Migs tech eh) Lin ie om .I2 1.25 7.00 rows (if planted singly they are not conspicuous). Wiashingtortl (New jos. (nt ee 252.23 «36.0 Solin ele ees rececens meee oe een eck nn cctaiies per doz.,$ .15 $0.75 per100 $6.00 per 000 WPalmata. The red flowering variety .........1.--.csseeseeeeee eee 15 1.50 3.00 Elwee’s Giant Be be 15 .79 ¥ 6.00 Zz Superba. A grand new white variety.........02.000- eceeeeeeeeeeees 225 2.50 Id.va Doula errr ee eae kc eeccass 4s .25 1.50 12.56 Note.—Spireas are not miailable.

: 6 Bulbs of any one variety at dozen rates; 25 at 100 rates; 250 at 1000 rates:




For Autumn AND

Winter Sowing

For the convenience of our customers, and to facilitate the filling of orders, we have affixed numbers to all varieties of Flower Seeds, and in ordering it is only necessary to give the quantity wanted, and the number; but care should be taken to give the correct number, as a mistake in this would result in getting the wrong variety.


90 Ptarmica Plena. Hardy perennial; useful for Pkt. cut flowers and for cemetery decoration; double white flowers..... (Large pkt., $0.30)

ACONITUM (Monk’s Hood or Wolf’s Bane) 25 Napellus. Hardy perennial, producing curious,

hood-shaped blue and white flowers; 4 feet. (Large pkt., $0.20) 05


70 Carpet of Snow. Dwarf and compact; flowers

white; 4 inches....$0.15 per 1%4 0z.; oz. $0.50 05 71 Little Gem. Dwarf, profuse bloomer; white; 4

WACOM. ob 5sacd5oe bla Wee YA OF3 OA 0a) 05 72 Saxatile Compactum (Basket of Gold). Showy

golden yellow flowers; hardy perennial; 1

FOOLS Sete eset ces teeter (Large pkt., $0.15) 05 73 Sweet. Fragrant, white flowers; 6 in..oz. $0.25 05

ANEMONE (Windflower) A very pleasing hardy perennial, easily grown from seed, and producing large flowers. 105 Coronaria Mixed. 2 feet...(Large Pkt., $0.15) 106 Queen Charlotte. A beautiful variety; large, semi-double pink flowers; 38 feet............ 25 107 St. Brigid or Poppy. Very pretty and perfectly hardy; flowers embrace all the rainbow shades and also black and white, and are of a very large size; 2 feet..(Large pkt., $0.30) 15

$0 10

$0 05

VAT | ay Ne “ww AC Aquilegia (Columbine) AQUILEGIA (Columbine)

Hardy perennials of easy cultivation, blooming from May to August. Suitable for herbaceous borders and groups among shrubs.

130 Chrysantha (Golden Spurred). Bright golden

yellow flowers; 3 feet....(Large pkt., $0.25) $0 10 131 Chrysantha Alba (White Spurred). A beauti-

ful pure white variety....(Large pkt., $0.30) 10 132 Coerulea (Rocky Mountain Columbine). Violet-

blue and white; 2 feet.... (Large pkt., $0.30) 10 134 Single Mixed. All colors; 2 feet....0z., $0.35 05 135 Double Mixed. All colors; 2 feet....0z., .35 05

ASPERULA 165 Odorata (Sweet Woodruff). Pretty hardy per- ennial with fragrant leaves and stems; flowers white; 1 foot.......... Y% oz., $0.20 05

ASTER (Michaelmas Daisy) 328 Perennial Mixed. Hardy herbaceous plants bearing single flowers..(Large pkt., $0.25) 10

ANTIRRHINUM (Snapdragon)

A showy and useful plant, and is fast becoming one of our most popular flowers; useful for beds or borders, and is also extensively grown under glass for cutting during the winter. Pkt. 110 Dwarf Firefly. Scarlet; 1 foot (L’ge pkt., $0.15) $0 10 112 Dwarf Mixed. Choicest colors; 1 foot.oz., $0.50 05

114 Giant Scarlet. 2 feet...... (Large pkt., $0.20) 10 115 Giant White. 2 feet....... (Large pkt., .20) 10 116 Giant Yellow. 2 feet...... (Large pkt., 20) 10

120 Queen of the North. A fine variety; forms a large plant, densely covered with large, white flowers; excellent for beds or pot cul-

CURE I TOOL Bere bhe Soa ene ae Y% oz., $0.25 10 122 Tall Mixed. Extra fine; 2 feet...... oz., .40 05 123 Imported Collection. 10 dwarf varieties...... 40 124 Imported Collection. 10 tall varieties..... ess 40

AURICULA (Primula Auricula)

410 Choice Mixed. A well-known half hardy per- ennial; flowers of many beautiful colors; 6 INCHES Cea hser secon aah eng UE CoA a DRE Toy 10


Elegant, free flowering plants; blooms finely

winter if sown in July or August; 18 inches. 500 Elata Coerulea Grandiflora. Large sky-blue HOW CLS = cae oeine aoe (Large pkt., $0.15) 502 Speciosa Major. A new large flowering vari- ety, of the most brilliant ultramarine blue; especially desirable as a pot plant for winter and early spring flowering. (L’ge pkt., $0.25) 10


An ornamental plant, and a universal favorite for dec- orating the greenhouse or conservatory; produces a mass of beautiful pocket-like flowers. Our strains of Calceolaria have a wide reputation as to large size, rich and varied colors of the flowers.

515 Hybrida Grandiflora, Tall Mixed. Large flower- ing, rich, self-colored flowers saved from a choice collection; 18 in...(Large pkt., $0.60)

516 Hybrida Grandiflora Pumila Compacta. Of dwarf, compact growth, producing immense trusses of large, brilliant self-colored and spotted flowers; 1 foot... (Large pkt., $0.60) 25

517 James’ Superb Strain. A robust grower, pro- ducing very large and beautiful flowers; 18

in the

$0 05

$0 25

PTUCINSG rien eye ee oes iche cet Ueto Sr eoahe tees tere uae 50 518 Rugosa Mixed (Shrubby). Small flowering va-

rieties for bedding; of the finest colors; 1 ft. 50 519 Sutton’s Perfection. Mixed...Per original pkt. 90

CAMPANULA (Canterbury Bell or Bell Flower) These are well worthy a place in every garden, bearing a great profusion of attractive bell-shaped flowers. 545 Cup and Saucer (Calycanthema). Pure white flowers, resembling a cup and saucer; hardy

biennial, 214 feet-....... (Large pkt., $0.25) $0 10 546 Cupand Saucer. Mixed ...(Large pkt., .20) 10 547 PersicifoliaGrandifloraBlue. An elegant hardy perennial, bearing large cup-shaped flowers; 2. tOn3) Tete ammo ae (Large pkt., $0.25) 15 548 PersicifoliaGrandifloraWhite. Same as above, except in color.......... (Large pkt., $0.25) 15 549 Pyramidalis (Chimney Bell Flower). Stately hardy perennial, either for garden or pot cul- ture; mixed, blue and white flowers: 3 feet (Large pkt., $0.20) 05 550 Single Mixed. Large bell-shaped flowers, hardy biennial; 2 to 3 feet...... (Large pkt., $0.10) 05 551 Double Mixed. All colors..(Large pkt., 15) 05



FLOWER SEEDS—continued CANDYTUFT (liberis)

570 Sempervirens. Hardy perennial, profuse pk. bloomer; pure white; 1 foot....1%4 oz. $0.25 $0 10 CARNATION

Desirable for greenhouse culture in winter and ior the garden in summer. 600 Early Vienna. Early flowering, double, extra fine; all colors mixed; 1 foot

(Large pkt. $0.25) $0 10 602 Finest German. Double, mixed colors; seed saved from flowers of the finest quality. (Large pkt. $0.50) 25 610 Choice Mixed. Double; all colors (Large pkt. $0.40) 10

Marguerite Carnations The Marguerite Carnations are the earliest to bloom, and produce large, double, sweet-scented flowers. Being half- hardy perennials, if they are slightly protected during the winter they will flower profusely the next summer; 1 foot. 604 Excelsior. Extra large flowering

(Large pkt. $0.30) $0 15

606 White. Large flowers...... (Large pkt. _.30) 10

608 Yellow. Very fine.........(Large pkt. .50) 10

609 Choice Mixed. All colors...(Large pkt, .20) 10 CINERARIA

One of the

most ornamen-

tal plants for

conservatory or

house decora-

tion ; seed may be sown from May to Septem- ber for a succes- sion. Michell’s Grandiflora Prize Strain is the best procur- able, producing immense truss- es of the largest flowers.

Michell’s Giant Cineraria

691 Grandiflora Prize Dwarf. Mixed colors;

plants of dwarf habit....(Large pkt. $0.60) $0 35 693 Grandiflora Prize Medium Tall. Mixed colors; desirable as a decorative plant (Large pkt. $0.60) 35 695 Hybrida. Choice mixed....(Large pkt. .50) 25 697 Double Flowering. Mixed colors (Large pkt. $0.60) 35 699 James’ Giant Strain. A superb variety; mixed COLOLS ert a cores oe eee eee ea Be cs as 50 703 Stellata (Sutton’s). Desirable as a pot plant, or for cutting; medium sized star-like flowers 75 705 Stellata Hybrida. Of graceful and vigorous habit, producing a profusion of* elegant HOW CES te cer are ee ween Md Bh es 1 00 707 Sutton’s Superb. Mixed colors; extra fine... 60


t One of the finest hardy plants, producing showy flowers in great abundance from June till frost; excellent for cut- ting; 2 feet.

540 Lanceolata Grandiflora. Large golden yellow

NO WICUSER semen Se ome esis 5 Deis oz. $0.60 $0 10 541 California Sunbeams. This variety is larger

than the old-fashioned types, flowers beauti-

fully formed; various shades of yellow and

JDEROK ADS By eer a 2 eae (Large pkt. $0.20) 10

CYCLAMEN Beautiful plants for the window or greenhouse; with

mottled leaves and rich colored flowers. Pkt. 780 Giganteum Album. White....100 seeds $1.25 $0 35 782 Giganteum Roseum. Pink....100 seeds 1.25 35 784 Giganteum Rubrum. Red..... 100 seeds 1.25 35 7386 Giganteum White with carmine eye 100 seeds $1.25 35 788 Giganteum Mixed............. 100 seeds 1.00 25 802 Papilio (Butterfly). The edges of the flowers are beautifully fringed, or waved; mixed.. 40 804 Persicum. Choice mixed..(Large pkt. $0.30) 10 806 Sutton’s Giant. Choicest mixed.Per orig. pkt. 1 00

DAISY (Bellis Perennis) Beautiful spring flowering perennials, easily raised from seed; 4 inches.

855 Giant White. Large, double (Large pkt. $0.40) $0 15 857 Giant Mixed. Double, extra large.

(Large pkt. $0.40) 15 859 Longfellow. Large double pink(L’e pkt. —_.30) 10 860 Snowball. Double pure white (L’ge pkt. .30) 10 861 Double Mixed. Very choice (Large pkt. .30) 10

DELPHINIUM (Perennial Larkspur)

Handsome hardy perennial plants for the herbaceous bor- der and shrubbery, producing a profusion of splendid spikes of flowers throughout the summer.

873 Cashmerianum. Large, dark blue flowers; 18

INCHES es Cate sauces (Large pkt. $0.40) $0 10 875 Chinense Grandiflorum. Large, bright blue; DOC be sunscreens nae has eons Oz. $0.60 10 876 Elatum (Bee Larkspur). Rich blue with dark Centre. AGRE ee eee (Large pkt. $0.20) 10 877 Formosum. Rich blue, with white centre oz. $0.75 10 379 Nudicaule. Compact growth, spikes of scarlet flowers; 18 inches........ (Large pkt. $0.40) 10 881 Zalil. Beautiful sulphur yellow (L’ge pkt. .40) 10 883 Hybridum Mixed. Choice single..... oz. $0.50 10

DIANTHUS (Pinks) Hardy garden varieties; excellent for beds and borders; very fragrant. 917 Erfurt. A new sort recently introduced; blooms

very early; very fragrant; choice mixed.... $0 15 919 Clove Scented. Double and semi-double vari-

eties, in beautiful colors..(Large pkt. $0.40) 10 921 Pheasant’s Eye. Single white; fringed flowers

WithadarkwCentrnencs) 3. eee oz. $0.40 05 923 Double Scotch. A choice variety of colors;

fragrant erect eo (Large pkt. $0.40) 15

DICTAMNUS (Gas Piant) 925 Fraxinella. Hardy perennial, with fragrant fol- iage, and red flowers; 21% feet....oz. $0.40 $0 10

DIGITALIS (Foxglove)

A handsome hardy perennial; either for borders or in groups among shrubs; 3 feet.

930 Gloxinizflora. Gloxinia shaped flowers: all

COlOrS aIMixed Se ste eee ee ee oz. $0.40

932 Monstrosa (Mammoth Foxglove). The tall

spikes are surmounted by one monstrous

flower; all colors mixed (Large pkt. $0.25)


975 Fraseri. A fine hardy perennial; clusters of white flowers............ (Large pkt. $0.20)

GAILLARDIA (Bianket Flewer) Splendid showy plants for beds or borders.

1020 Grandiflora Compacta. Hardy perennial, a compact variety, bearing long stemmed flow- ers; choice mixed colors........ Y% oz. $0.25

1022 Grandiflora Superba. Hardy perennial; splen- did mixed varieties; 2 feet....14%4 oz. $0.20

GYPSOPHILA (Baby’s Breath)

1105 Paniculata. Free flowering hardy perennial; flowers in graceful sprays of white; fine for DOWGQUCtSHe ED Leis ion Seid cae oz. $0.35

$0 05



$0 10




MER a ee



HEUCHERA (Alum Root) 1125 SANGUINEA. Hardy perennial; crimson flow- ers; excellent for cutting; 1 foot (Large pkt. $0.30)

HIBISCUS (Marshmallow)

Showy, ornamental perennial plants, for mixed beds or shrubbery borders, having large sized, beautiful colored flowers.


Pkt. $0 10

Large white flowers with crim-

SOMe Centre te. Sainte ite a oe YY, oz. $0.20 $0 10 1132 GOLDEN BOWL. Giant yellow with maroon cen- LRCST OMECCU ri yat03/.5 cceue eee Y% oz. $0.25 10 1134 PALUSTRIS. Large pink flowers; 3 feet Y% oz. $0.20 05 HOLLYHOCK

One of the most popular and desirable of hardy perennial plants; 6 to 7 feet.

1146 ALLEGHENY. Semi-double; mammoth flowers, hay- ing the edges of the petals finely fringed and laciniated; mixed col- ors. oz., $0.50 (L’ge pkt. $0 25) pkt. $0.10.

|| CHATER’S IMPROVED DOUBLE HOLLYHOCK : Our strain of this is the 2+ best that can be procured: =| seeds saved from the most double flowers. 1149 PINK. Oz. $1.25 (Large pkt. $0.25), pkt. $0.10. 1151 RED. Oz. $1.25 (Large pkt. $0.25), pkt. $0.10. =| 1153 SALMON. Oz. $1.25 g (Large pkt. $0.25), —S pkt. $0.10. wij) 1155 WHITE, Oz. $1.25 (Large pz pkt. $0.25), pkt. $0.10. ~3| 1157 YELLOW. Oz. $1.25 (Large pkt. $0.25), pkt. $0.10. 1159 CHOICE MIXED. Oz. $1.00 (Large pkt. $0.20), Ni pkt. $0.10. | 1160 SINGLE MIXED. Oz. $1.00, Y, oz. $0.30, pkt. $0.10. 1161 IMPORTED COLLECTION. 6 colors, $0.40. iE aE EY, SS 1163 IMPORTED COLLECTION. 12 Chater’s Double Holly hock colors, $0.75. LATHYRUS LATIFOLIUS (Everlasting or Perennial Pea)

Free flowering, hardy perennial climbers, bearing beau-

tiful pea-shaped flowers.


= “YL =\\ i NT

121OKGRIMSON. | Brilliante peea een ore oz. $0.40 ¢9 10 1212 PINK BEAUTY. Bright, rosy-pink....... OZ. 40 10 DA AV TE ee ee he eee ear genes OZ. 40 10

IQIGEGHOIGE MIXED: All colorseeene eee OZ. 30 05 LAVENDER (Lavendula Vera)

1220 Hardy perennial; long spikes of fragrant blue WON VES? US NOME 5 5505c000acooess oz. $0.30 05

LOBELIA 1237 CARDINALIS (Cardinal Flower). MWHardy peren- nial; brilliant scarlet flowers; 3 feet (Large pkt. $0.50) 10

LYCHNIS 1285 CHALCEDONICA. Fine scarlet flowers, 2 feet 0z. $0.30 05 1287 HAAGEANA. Brilliant orange, scarlet, crimson, etex inemixtunes: Latoouee see Y, oz. $0.25 10

LUPINUS (Lupin) A useful annual flower, for cutting and house decora- tion; very free flowering; seeds sown in greenhouse dur- ing the late summer and fall months will produce an abun- dance of bloom for Christmas and winter season; 2 to 3 feet. 1265 BLUE. 1269 RED. 1273 WHITE. 1267 PINK. 1271 SCARLET, White Tipped. 1275 YELLOW. Each of the above colors, oz., $0.30 ; pkt , $0.10. 1277 MIXED. All colors, oz., $0.20; pkt., $0.05.


One of our most popular annuals; prized for its delicious fragrance; sowings may be made at intervals for a succes- sion of bloom; also valuable for growing in pots for winter and spring flowering.

1340 ALLEN’S DEFIANCE. Grown under favorable con-

ditions the spikes will attain a length of 12 py. to 15 inches; deliciously fragrant...oz. $0.60 $0 10 1341 ALLEN’S DEFIANCE (Special). Indoor grown seed; extra choice; originators’ stock (Half-size pkt. $0.50) 1 00

1343 BIRD’S MAMMOTH. Large spikes of reddish flowers; excellent for pots or open ground '

oz. $0.50 10

1345 BISMARCK. Spikes of immense size, compact, SHICOUNES FAROMVEIPS Go acocadoucc (Large pkt. $0.25) 10

1349 GOLDEN MACHET. Large spikes; yellow.oz. $0.50 10

1352 GOLIATH. One of the finest varieties; giant spikes of brilliant red flowers; very fragrant

(Large pkt. $0.25) 10

1353 GRANDIFLORA. large flowering...... oz. $0.25 05 1355 MACHET. One of the best sorts for pot culture;

spikes of reddish-tinted flowers....oz. $0.60 10

1357 MILES’ SPIRAL. Flowers whitish...... oz. $0.25 05

1363 SUTTON’S GIANT, Large; reddish-buff......... 25

1367 IMPORTED COLLECTION. 10 varieties........... 50

MYOSOTIS (Forget-Me-Not) Neat and beautiful little plants with star-shaped flowers; succeeds best in a moist, shady situation; perennial.

MM: 'y osotis (Forget-Me-Not)

1390 ALPESTRIS COERULEA. Bright blue; 6 inches (Large pkt. $0.15) 1391 ALPESTRIS VICTORIA. Of bushy habit; bearing large bright blue flowers. (Large pkt. $0.25) 10

$0 10

1393 DISSITIFLORA. Compact; rich blue; 6 inches (Large pkt. $0.30) 10 1395 ELIZA FANROBERT. Large flowering; bright blue; Gminichesee ers he eee (Large pkt. $0.20) 10 1399 GRANDIFLORA ALBA. Large white flowers; 6 IN CHESEa eA. arte ne (Large pkt. $0.20) 10 1401 PALUSTRIS. The true Forget-Me-Not; bright blue HOWieLSE GO InChess-» =a ee (Large pkt. $0.30) 10

1403 PALUSTRISSEMPERFLORENS. Dwarf; blooms from spring until autumn; blue: 6 inches (Large pkt. $0.25) 10 1407 CHOICE MINED: occ cee e cee Y% oz. $0.25 05



Michell’s Giant Exhibition



Separate Colors

A strain secured from the leading Pansy specialists, and not to be compared with the ordinary Giant Trimardeau, as the flowers are of much heavier texture.


1535 Giant Prize Azure Blue. Violet blue. ¥% oz. $0.65 $0 15 1537 Binckn teresa te LOZ. OO 15 158 Emperor William. ...---- % oz. .65 15 1541 “s = Hortenvia Red scceodéc ose Y% OZ. .65 15 1pts “King of the Blacks....% 0z. .65 15 1545" 9 “Lord Beaconsfield. ...... % OZ; .69 15 1549 : * Peacock. Upper petals beautiful

blue, lower petals deep claret with

White mancing 545... Ym oz. $1.00 15 ft ysl ee Snow Queen. White....% oz .65 15 Tae 3 Striped and Mottled....% 0z. .65 15 UE. “White with dark eye...% oz. .65 15 ays) MmeePUreVLellowme a sco. ie oz 65 iayml “Yellow with dark eye...% oz. .65 15

SPECIAL OFFER. We will send 6 packets of any of the |

above varieties of Giant Pansies for 75c.; 12 pkts. for $1.40.

PANSIES (Other Sorts)

or the entire

1565 Belgian Striped..... oz. $1.00 (Large pkt. $0.25) $0 10 1567 Emperor William .-9Zz. 1.00 (Large pkt. .25) 10 1569 Faust (King of the Blacks). Almost black oz. $1.00 (Large pkt. $0.25) 10

1571 Gold Margined..... oz. 1.00 (Large pkt. .25) 10 1573 Havana Brown..... oz. 1.00 (Large pkt. .25) 10 1575 Lord Beaconsfield ..0z. 1.00-(Large pkt. .25) 10 1577 Mahogany Colored .0z. 1.00 (Large pkt. .25) 10 1579 Silver Edged........ oz. 1.00 (Large pkt 25) 10 1581 Snow Queen. White.oz. 1.00 (Large pkt. ~ .25)

1583 White with eye...... oz. 1.00 (Large pkt. 1.25) 10 1585 Yellow Gem. Pure yellow

q oz. $1.00 (Large pkt. $0.25) 10 1587 Yellow with eye..... oz. 1.00 (Large pkt. .25) 10

SPECIAL OFFER. We will send 6 packets of any of the |

above varieties of regular sorts of Pansies for 50c.; entire 12 packets for 90c.

or the

10 |

| 1595 Michell’s Giant Exhibition.


A strain which we have secured from the leading pansy special- ists in Germany and France. It can be relied upon to produce flowers of immense size, very heavy texture, and of the most brilliant

colors. Per oz., $6.00; $1.00 per 1% oz. Pkt. (Large pkt. $0.50) $0 25 1597 Bugnot, Odier and Cassier. A Superb mixture of giant blotched varieties....% oz. $1.00 25 1599 Giant Trimardeau. Very large ‘flowering; all colors mixed..14 oz. $0.60 (Large pkt. $0.30) 10 1600 Mad. Perret. A new Strain, early flowering, fragrant, a great diversity of Colors, espe- cially rich in red shades ... ....% oz. $1.00 2d | 1601 Masterpiece. New giant curled....4 oz. 1.00 25 1603 Non Plus Ultra. Beautiful colors..% oz. 1.00 Ds 1605 Odier or Blotched................. TENOZe Wali 15 1607 Parisian Large Stained............ 102, 1d 15 1609 Finest English Mixed .0z. $1.50 (Large pkt. .25) 10 1611 Very Fine Mixed - .75 (Large pkt. .20) 05 1613 Imported Collection. 6 colors................ 40 | 1614 Imported Coaleetion, iI2 CGolGHSscckbscouoccesoc 75 | PHLOX (Hardy) 1725 Decussata. A fine herbaceous perennial for beds and borders; mixed colors, 3 feet (Large pkt. $0.25) $0 10 y. Oriental HyDb POPPY (Perennial) 1780 Giant Orange............. .(Large pkt. $0.15) $0 10 1782 Giant Scarlet (Bracteatum) . (Large pkt. .15) 10 1784 Iceland, Single Mixed. Colors range from white and yellow to deep orange scarlet (Large pkt. $0.15) 10 1786 Iceland, Double Mixed. 1 foot.(L’ge pkt. .25) 10 1788 Oriental Hybrids. Beautiful flowers often measuring 6 inches across; of many colors (Large pkt. $0.25) 10 _ 1790 Imported Collection. 8 varieties ..........-.-- 40


Hardy perennials; fine for borders; very desirable for

cutting; 1% to 2 feet. 1862 Roseum. Bright rose color (Large pkt. $0.25) $0 10 1866 Uliginosum. Large, single white flowers

(Large pkt. $0.25) 10 1868 Hybridum Single Mixed...... (Large pkt. .25) 10 1869 Hybridum Double Mixed....(Large pkt. .50) 25




The seed we offer is of the very choicest strain secured from a leading Primula specialist, and our customers may rely upon it to be the very best.

1805 Alba Magnifica. Very large white flowers with Vellowms yeeros + acleeee (Large pkt. $0.60)

1806 Chiswick Red. Brilliant red.(Large pkt. .60) 1807 Holborn Blue............--.- (Large pkt. .60) 1809 Kermesina Splendens. Crimson with yellow

NARCOTIC eae rIOD (Large pkt. $0.60)

1811 Rosy Morn. Delicate pink.. (Large pkt. 60) 1813 Stellata (Sutton’s). Excellent pot plant, or for

CULLING MmEXed SaeeeeEeiee oe Per original pkt. 1815 Fern Leaved. Mixed ...... (Large pkt. $0.60) 1817 Williams’ Superb Strain....(Large pkt. .60) 1819 Michell’s Prize Mixture. This mixture con-

tains only the very finest sorts selected from

the best strains.......... (Large pkt. $0.60) 1821 Double White. Elegantly fringed............ 1823 Double Mixed. All colors...................

1825 Imported Collection.

PRIMULA OBCONICA GRANDIFLORA 1828 Compacta. (New) Excellent

1830 Fimbriata. Flowers fringed (Large pkt. $0.50) 1832 Kermesina. Red; very fine..(Large pkt. .40) ISS4eRoseassee minke eerie (Large pkt. 30)

1836 White. Pure white, shading occasionally to Tae Area a eur as he aie gem (Large pkt. $0.30) 1838 Hybrida Mixed. Various colors. (L’ge pkt. -.30)

PRITIULA—OTHER VARIETIES 1840 Cortusoides Sieboldii. Hardy perennial vari- ety; should have slight protection during the winter; also fine for pots; mixed colors (Large pkt. $0.50) 1842 Floribunda. Fragrant, yellow.(L’ge pkt. .50) 1844 Forbesi (Baby Primrose). Free flowering; fine for pots; color rosy lilac. (Large pkt. $0.50) 1846 Veris (English Cowslip). Hardy perennial: MIAO TMM] 543555552 (Large pkt. $0.20) 1848 Vulgaris (English Primrose). The common hardy English variety; canary yellow (Large pkt. $0.30)

RUDBECKIA (Cone Flower) 1902 Newmani. Hardy perennial; yellow flowers with black centre....... (Large pkt. $0.40) SCABIOSA (Mourning Bride) 1950 Caucasica. Fine hardy perennial; flowers lilac DIME 3 MeCta eee ee (Large pkt. $0.30)






STOCKS (Gilliflower)

The seed we offer is from pot-grown plants and will pro-

duce 80 per cent. large double flowers; 1 to 1% feet.


2010 Blood Red.

2012 Light Blue .....- oz. .50, (Large pkt. .25) 9014: Pink. Sees woz. .50, (Large pkt. .25) | 2016 Purple ..........- oz. .50, (Large pkt. .25) 2018 White ....------- woz. .d0, (Large pkt. .25) 2020 Yellow ----------- ieoz. .50, (Large pkt. .25) 9022 Choice Mixed .---%o0z. .50, (Largepkt. .25)

2023 Imported Collection. Large flowering; 8 varieties.

VARIOUS STOCKS 2025 Wallflower Leaved. Choice mixed 1% oz. $0.50, (Large pkt. $0.25) 2035 Beauty of Nice. A winter flowering variety; grows 2 to 21% feet high, with spikes 1 foot in length, around which are a number of side shoots covered with fragrant flowers; color, a delicate shade of pink........ a revolerotorernciens 2037 Brompton or Winter. Mixed. (Large pkt. $0.30) 2039 Excelsior. Immense spikes of fragrant white OWES ieceepscs iseiste aera Per original pkt. 2043 Princess Alice (Cut and Come Again). Perpet- ual blooming; throws out numerous side branches, all bearing clusters of double white fragrant blooms; fine for cutting; 2 feet % oz. $0.50, (Large pkt. $0.30) 2045 Snowflake. A dwarf variety with large double, snow-white flowers...... (Large pkt. $0.30)

STOKESIA (Cornflower Aster) 2055 Cyanea. A hardy perennial, each plant bearing 20 to 30 lavender-blue flowers, resembling cornflowers; 2 feet...... (Large pkt. $0.30)

SWEET WILLIAM (Dianthus Barbatus)

2310 Auricula Flowered. A beautiful class of “eyed”

single varieties, all colors mixed... .oz. $0.30 | 2312 Single Mixed. All colors ............ OZ. .25 2314 Double Mixed. Finest colors ......... oz. .60

VINCA (Madagascar Periwinkle) 9375 Alba. White with rose eye.. (Large pkt. $0.20) 2376 Alba Pura. Pure white..... (Large pkt. .20) 2377 Rosea. Rose with dark eye..(Large pkt. .20) 2978 (Mixed! akon. coco « 3 ore oh Geen Y, oz. $0.25

WALLFLOWER 2404 Double Mixed. All colors ...(Largepkt. .30) 2406 Paris Extra Early. A single variety, flowering

first year from seed; mixed (L’ge pkt. $0.20) 2408 Single Mixed All colors............. oz. $0.30

Si awe 1% oz. $0.50, (Large pkt. $0.25) $0 10



25 10


10 15


05 05 10

10 10 10 10


10 05


a =


For a complete list see page 59 of our General Catalogue for 1905. THE VARIETIES HERE OFFERED ARE THE CREAM OF THE LARGE FLOWERINS VARIETIES. For early flowering, we advise planting in Autumn.

Selected Named Varieties.

Blanche Burpee. Large pure white and of graceful form.

Blanche Ferry. Standard bright carmine rose, wings white tinged with pink.

Blanche Ferry. Extra Early. Same as above, but two weeks earlier.

Captain of the Blues. Standard purplish mauve, wings blue.

Countess of Radnor. Mauve standard, lavender wings, fine form.

Earliest of All. Standard rosy pink, wings creamy white, extra early.

Emily Henderson. Large pure white, early and profuse bloomer.

> Hon. Mrs. E. Kenyon. A beautiful primrose color, one of the largest

Ge; and best.

ZY Katherine Tracy. Soft, but brilliant pink, very attractive.

Lady Grisel Hamilton. Standard light lavender, with azure blue wings.

Lord Kenyon. Self colored, bright rose pink, a fine large flower.

Lovely. Soft shell pink, large and extra fine.

Mars. Bright crimson scarlet, self colored.

Miss Willmott. Rich, deep orange pink, very large.

Mont Blanc. Large size, pure white, the earliest of all.

Mrs. Eckford. Primrose yellow, of large size and fine form.

Navy Blue. Dark indigo blue and violet, the best blue.

Othello. Very dark maroon, of fine form and large size.

Prince of Wales. Rose crimson, self-colored, of very large size.

Sadie Burpee. One of the largest whites.

Salopian. (Sunproof). The largest and best crimson scarlet.

Prices for any of the above named Sweet Peas. 5 cts: per pkt.; per oz,,-10 ets.) 25 ets. per Y4olb:; per Ib:, 75 cts.

For complete list of Named Sweet Peas see page 59 of our Spring Catalogue.


All of the Mixtures offered below have been made up by ourselves and cannot fail to give entire satisfaction.


This mixture is composed of all large flowering varieties in hight colors, including many shades of pink, red, white, lavender, primrose, as well as striped, mottled, etc. The finest mixture obtainable and is sure to produce many new colors and shades. Price, 5 cts. per pkt.; per oz., 15 cts.; 25 cts. per ¥ 1b.; per Ib., 80 cts.

MICHELL’S GILT EDGE MIXTURE. ECKFORD’S LARGE FLOWERING. Cannot fail to give entire satisfaction ; contains the large flowering varieties in a wide range of colors. Price, 5 cts. per pkt.; per oz., Io cts.; 20 cts. per 4% 1b.; per lb., 60 cts.

Michell’s Booklet, ‘HOW TO GROW SWEET PEAS,” free with all orders if asked for.


Ready in December.

Though nota novelty, the Fern Ball still holds its place among the collections of plants and ferns in conservatories, and even in the dwelling room. It is easily succeeded with. Cultural directions sent with each ball if asked for. See illustration of Fern Ball in foliage on rear inside cover page.

Price, Dormant Fern Balls, 4o cts. each; per doz., $4.00; by mail, 50 cts. each. “Started . em GOCE Oe 5e 6.00. Started Fern Balls cannot be sent by mail. Dormant Japauese rerun Ball.







Our Farm Seeds are all carefully selected with a view of furnishing absolutely pure seed. Gentleman and commercial farmers may depend upon us for very best of quality.

CLOVERS. (All varieties, 60 Ibs. per Bu.)

Add 18c. for each Two Bushel Sack (returnable).

5 bushel lots Red. Finest recleaned seeds; free from dodder, etc. Per Ib. Per bu. Per bu. Sow ;2ollbsmpeia chemin rn a mete seysoa > ae Mee ae fo. 18 $8.75 $8.65 Crimson. Choicest Delaware grown seed. Sow 20 lbs.

PET eACKe sa ey are acetal a i 51 5-75 5.65 Alfalfa. Our stock is Utah grown, the finest Alfalfa

regions, | SOWwszOy lS joe mia Che gre enero eae ee .18 8.75 8.65 Alsike. Western grown; fine for mixing in Timothy.

Sow 20 lbs. per acre 18 8.75 8.65

White Dutch. Most desirable for lawn work, best ; grades) Sow mis) bsy pera Cheng me aime nen eer 25 13.20 13.00


Add 18c. for each Two Bushel Sack (returnable).

We are one of the largest handlers of choice recleined Timothy Seed in the city. Our stock can be depended upon to be clean and free from foul seed of any kind. Sow % bushel per acre, or with wheat 1% pecks. Price: $2.10 per bu.; 5 bu. at $2.05 per bu.; Io bu. at $2.00 per bu. (45 lbs. per bu. )



Add 18c. for each Two Bushel Sack (returnable).

Penna. White Winter. This variety is a splendid yielder, large grain, stiff straw of fine quality. Sow 1% to 2 bushel per acre. Price: $1.20 per bu.; 5 bu. at $1.15 per bu.; ro bu. at $1.10 per bu. (56 lbs. per bu.)



A highly valued farm plant ; can be sown as late as September, and in a few weeks’ time is suitable to turn pigs or sheep into. Sow to lbs. per acre if broadcast, or 6 Ibs. in drills. roc. per lb. (by mail, 18c.) ; goc. for 10 Ibs.; 50 Ibs., $3.25 ; $6.25 per 100 lbs. Crimson Clover.


Our Seed Wheat is principally grown on the farms or estates of a = =6gentleman farmers who bear in mind the most important point in wheat Ce vrowing, that is, well fertilized ground. Most of the wheat offered here a) “% has been engaged by us and has a record of having yielded from 36 to 40 bushels per acre. Sow 1% to 2 bushels per acre (60 lbs. per bushel).

Wea cl } WY, Fultzo-Mediterranean. A hybrid variety, a cross between the old reliable /w/¢z eM

WL ; and the Rea Mediterranean (Bald). 50c. per peck; per bu., $1.60; 5 bu. at

= tN re NN

SS Wy > ay WAR bu. ; b UR UF SSS NT Caprese $1.55 per bu.; 1o bu. at $1.50 per ou. eS Ai = a9, Wis yg iA WZ Fultz. A white bald variety, a big yielder of seed ; straw very stiff. 50c. per peck ; MEZA


per bu., $1.50; 5 bu. at £1.45 per bu.; 3o bu. at $1.40 per bu. : Dietz Longberry (Bearded). One of our best red wheats, largely in demand by Sj millers. 50c. per peck ; per bu., $1.60; 5 bu. at $1.50 per bu.; 10 bu. at $1.45 per bu. Say Zi ah Ns Jones Winter Fife (Bald). Very prolific, hardy red variety, long grain heads, fine AP, MSS Z ZEN 74 fi YN %traw. s5oc. per peck ; per bu., $1.60; 5 bu. at $1.55 per bu. MON EN ZIP, VALE WE CAN ALSO FURNISH ALL OTHER VARIETIES OF WHEAT NSS \iy Why ae SAMPLES AND PRICES ON LARGER QUANTITIES QUOTED.

= Paz Vit

=. \V NSS) Gu)

WINTER VETCHES (Vicia Villosa).

Frequently called sand or hairy Vetch. Sow with rye for a nurse crop, % to 1 bushel per acre (60 lbs. per bu.) 5c. per lb. (by mail, 23c.); per bu., $7.25.




Our stock embraces the finest qual- ities of the various sorts. Any special mixture, for special purpose, com- pounded to order. Sow Grass Seed in summer, and with the aid of an oceasional sprinkling a most beautiful lawn can be obtained before winter. Grass starts well in summer, as weeds and other obnoxious growth do not thrive at that time.

Michell’s Non-Superior Evergreen Lawn Grass Seed. (20 lbs. per bushel.) Too well known to need description. The best lawn grass seed that exists for general use. Prices: Per qt., 25c.; 40c, for 2 qts.; 4 qts., 65e.; $1.00 per pk.; perabu. of 20 lbs., $4.00 (5 bu. lots at $3.75 per bu.) (10 bu., $3.50 per bu.) (50 bu., $3.25 per bu.).

Michell's Shaded Lawn Grass Mix= ture. (20 lbs. per bushel.) Difficulty is frequently experienced in establish- ing a lawn where shade and other trees exist. This has been entirely overcome by the introduction of this fine formula. Prices: Per qt., 25c.; A40c. for 2 qts.; 4 qts., 65c.; $1.00 per pk.: per bu. of 20 lbs., $4.00 (5 bu. lots at $3.65 per bu) (10 bu., $3.50 per bu.) (50 bu., $3.25 per bu.).

Fairmount Park Lawn Seed. (15 lbs. per bushel.) A very fine mixture indeed. Prices: Per qt., 20c.: 35c. for 2NGtSe 4 Otse DUCE aSe. per pk per bu. of 15 Ibs., $2.75 (5 bu. lots at $2.50 per bu.) (10 bu., $2.30 per bu.) (50 bu., $2.20 per bu.).

Evergreen Grass with no Clover. (20 lbs. per bushel.) Many people do not like white clover in a lawn. Price: Per qt., 25e.; 40c. for 2 qts.; 4 qts., 65¢e.: $1.00 per pk.; per bu. of 20 Ibs.,

$4.00 (5 bu. lots at $3.65 per bu.) (10.

bu., $3.50 per bu.) (50 bu., $3.25 per bu.)

Michell’s Seashore Formula Grass Seed Mixture. The salt atmosphere plays havoe with the seashore lawn, and unless the proper formula of seed is sown, trouble is sure to come. Prices: Per qt., 25c.; 40c. for 2 qts.; 4 qts., 65c.; $1.00 per pk.; per bu. of 20 lbs., $4.00 (5 bu. lots at $3.65 per bu.) (10 bu., $3.50 per bu.) (50 bu., $3.25 per bu.).

Michell’s Terrace or Embankment Grass Seed Mixture. (20 Ibs. per bushel.) A serious problem that al- Ways confronts the gardener after a rainstorm is the replacing of washed- out places in the terraced lawn. Prices: Per qt., 25c.; 40c. for 2 qts.; 4 qts., 65c.; $1.00 per pk.; per bu. of 20 lbs., $4.00 (5 bu. lots at $3.65 per bu.) (10 bu., $3.50 per bu.) (50 bu., $3.25 per bu.).

Michell’s Golf Course Grass Seed Mixture. (15 lbs. per bushel.) There’s no dread of defeat on the fair greens or links where this seed is sown. iPricess. eer Gt.) 20C¢ 35. Lon 2. gtss: 4 qts., 50c.; 70c. per pk.; per bu. of 15 Ibs., $2.50 (5 bu. lots at $2.25 per bu.) (10 bu., $2.15 per bu.) (50 bu., $2.00 per Du.).

(20 lbs. per bushel.).

Michell’s Putting Greens Mixture. (20 lbs. per bushel.) Made up espe- cially from such grasses as will grow very short. Prices: Per qt., 25c.; 40c. for 2 qts.; 4 qts., 65c.; $1.00 per pk.; per bu. of 20 Ibs., $4.00 (5 bu. lots at $3.65 per bu.) (10 bu., $3.50 per bu.) (50 bu., $3.25 per bu.).

Lawn Tennis and Polo Grass Seed Mixture (Michell’s). (20 Ibs. per bushel.) The game can be enjoyed much better when the proper grass (where grass is still used on tennis courts) is under foot. Prices: Per aqt., 25¢.; 40¢. for 2 qts.; 4 qts:, 6ac.; $1.00

| |

1. Michell’s Ever- green Lawn Seed.

2. Michell’s Shaded Lawn Seed.

3. Michell’s Pas- ture Grass Seed.

“5 A Garten Magazine.

lots at $3.65 per bu.) (10 bu., $3.50 per bu.) (50 bu., $3.25 per bu.). GRASS MIXTURES FOR FIELDS

Michell’s Permanent Pasture and Hay Grass Mixture. (20 lbs. per bushel.) A composition of varieties of erasses best suited to the purpose named. Prices: Per qt., 20c.; 50c. for 4 qts.; per pk., 85c.; $3.00 per bu. of 20 Ibs. (5 bu. lots at $2.75 per bu.) (10 bu., $2.60 per bu.) (50 bu., $2.40 per bu.).

Exposition or Quick Growth Mix- ture. (15 lbs. per bushel.) Prices: Per at., 20c.; 30c. for 2 qts.; per pk.,

per pk.; per bu. of 20 lbs., $4.00 (5 bu. | 65c.; $2.25 per bu. MICHELL’S GRASS SEEDS ARE RENOWNED FOR PURITY AND QUALITY






If wanted by mail add Sc. per 1b. to prices quoted.

5 5 Lb. Awnless=-Brome Grass (Bromus inermis).

A valuable grass for light, dry soils. Will stand long droughts and produce heavy growths where other grasses frequently fail. Forty Ibs. tothe acre. Bu. (14 Ibs.) .

Blue Grass (Kentucky). Extra fancy cleaned. One of the most valuable sorts for lawn purposes, and as a pasture grass is indis- pensable. This grade is best for sowing lawns. Sow 3to5 bu. per acre for lawn; for pasture sow 2% bu. Bu. (14 lbs.) Qt. 15¢.

Creeping Bent Grass (Agrostis stolonifera). Excellent for lawns, succeeds well in all locations, makes a low velvety growth. Bu. (20 Ibs.). : sae 8; eh eee

Canadian Blue Grass. “Adapted especially to high, dry situations. Fine for Seay eens, | WOE (Giiillos)) 5 53 Ra bern

Crested Dogstail. An excellent Iptass for hard, dry soils, valuable for pastures or lawns, 25 lbs. to acre. Bu. (21 lbs.).

English Rye Grass (Perennial Rye). Fine for an immediate effect. Bu. (24 lbs.) .

Fancy Herd or Red Top. Extra recleaned seed, free from chaff. Bu. (g2lbs.) .. .. .20

Hard Fescue. Thrives well in dry situations,

where many other grasses fail; 30 Ibs. to the. acne: tBu; (a2illos))) ae cen erm 25

Mushrooms from Michell’s English Superior Mushroom Spawn


We have made arrangements to represent the most experienced and reliable maker of Pure Culture Spawn. This brand of spawn is the result of careful and scientific experimenting, being produced in an entirely different manner than the English, the brick of compost being inoculated by the tissues or fibres of finest selected mushrooms and allowed to go through a process of developing in manure before inserting in the bricks at the time of manufacturing. It has promised big returns, having been tested thoroughly and pronounced a perfect success. The spawn is claimed to produce larger, whiter and more abundantly fine quality of mushrooms.

Prices of Pure Culture Spawn:

Rembrick =) 2 f2a-160.301)| To bricks. / $2.20 Per brick, postp’ d -45 | 25 bricks. 5.00 GibrICksS.»: Men. fers | 5OlbrickS.e = 6 44)0.) 9:00


ita 7/5)



roo Lbs.

go.20 $2.50 $12.50




25.00 8.00



Herd or Red Top Grass. Very popular for field use. Bu. (10 lbs.) .

Italian Rye Grass, An ‘annual quick in

maturing. Bu. (22 Ibs.). .

Meadow Fescue. English Blue Grass. An excellent grass for permanent pasture or nen, Huey (2 agus) Se ieee nee

Meadow Foxtail. An elegant pasture grass. Buse @albs:)igeee. -

Natural Green Grass. Largely used on lawn and field’ Bus(@4 Ibs!) 53-8. i ;

Orchard Grass. For i sowing under orchards or shady places. Bu. (14 lbs.) . .

Rhode Island Bent Grass ( Agrostis Canina). Resembles Herds Grass, forming a fine turf

even on thin soils. Doing especially well in™

salt atmospheres. The only Lawn Grass used at Newport. Sow forty Ibs. to the acre. Bitersylbse) seek =o.

Sheep’s Fescue (Festuca Ovina). Sow ‘forty Ibs. to the acre. Bu. (12 lbs.) .

Sweet Vernal (Perennial). Very fragrant. Five lbs., $2.50 . . :

Sweet Vernal (Annual) Five Ibs., ‘$1.00 .

Timothy Seed. Prime

Wood Meadow Grass (Poa Nemoralis). Particularly adapted for pleasure grounds and lawns; will grow under trees where few other grasses can exist. Bu. (14 lbs.) .












England. PRICES: er bnickimes = (M9 -p/Onl5 ql ernroo) lbs: Per brick, postpaid. . —.25 | TOA OICKS aes i 2hty! fa. 1300 Per 250 Ibs. - 25 lbs. 2.50 | Per 1000 Ibs.

Robinson’s Book LS 5 Falconer’s Book . Pica


bore 4 months. each. cluded he had never seen such a crop.

Gardener to Col. S. B. Dick, Esq., Meadville, Pa

Of eourse the spawn was from you.


Books on Growing Mushrooms Pamphlet (gratis for a postal card te for oe

Mushrooms from Michell’s Pure Culture Mushroom Spawn.

We are the largest importers of mushroom spawn in Philadel- phia. We receive during the making season shipments every two weeks, thus insuring our patrons fresh spawn, whereby good results can be obtained. Our English Spawn is hard to equal, being made by one of the most reputable manufacturers in

$ 8.00

17.50 60.00

. fo.50 I.00

I had another record-breaking mushroom bed which

Some of the mushroums weighed Y Ib. Mr. Dick con-





Barr’s Mammoth and Conover’s Colossal. Extra strong two-year-old ‘roots. Per 100, 75 cts.; per 500, $3.00; per 1000,

$5.00. Columbian Mammoth White. 8octs. per 100; per 1000, $5.co. BEETS. Eclipse. Per pkt., 5 cts.; per oz., 10 cts.; per % 1b., 20 cts.;

per lb., 60 cts. Crimson Globe. Per pkt., 5 cts.; per oz., 10 cts; per & Ib., 30 cts.; per lb., 80 cts. Crosby’s Egyptian. Per pkt., 5 cis.; per oz., 10 cts.; per Ib:, 25 cts.; per lb-, 7< cts. BEANS—For Forcing.

Emperor William Fine, Green Pod. 60 cts. per qt.

Sion House. Improved. One of the best and most desirable. 60 cts. per qt.


Early Jersey Wakefield. The best for early use; of excellent quality, good size and sure to head; extra fine select- ed stock. Per pkt., 1octs.; per 0z., 30 Cts.; per

i SS SSS =—_ Siri a I


Henderson’s Early Summer. A second early sort with large solid heads, coming in a few days later than the Wake- field. Per pkt., 1o cts.; per oz., 25 cts.; per 4 Ib., 75 cts.

Large Jersey Wakefield. Per pkt., Io cts.; per oz., 30 cts; per ¥% Ib., $1.00.


Sow for early use about middle of September or October in a bed of rich earth; transplant in frames, cover with sashes and shutters during severe weather, giving light and air every mild day. Early Snowstorm. The earliest and best of all for forcing;

must be kept growing constantly; will not stand a check at

any period of its growth. Per pkt.; 25 cts.; per 4% oz., $1.50. Selected Dwarf Erfurt. Per pkt., 20cts.; per % 0z., 75 cts.

Lenormand’s Short Stem. Veitch’s Autumn Giant.

Per pkt., 10 cts.; per oz., 65 cts. Per pkt., to cts.; per oz., 65 cts.

Snowball. Per pkt., 20cts.; per 4% oz., 75 cts. Algier’s Giant. Per pkt., Iocts., per oz., 75 cts. CARROT.

Early Short Horn or French Forcing. Per pkt., 5 cts.; per oz., Iocts.; per % lb., 30 cts.; per lb, $1.00.

CUCUMBER—English Prize.

Sow the seeds in small pots about the middle of January ; when they have grown to three leaves plant in prepared hill of rich, loose soil in the centre of a sash. Rochford’s Market. Per pkt., 20 cts, Marquis of Lorne. Per pkt, 20 cts. Tender and True. Per pkt., 20 cts. Long Gun (/fierson’s). The best of all. Telegraph. Per pkt., 20 cts.

Covent Garden. Per pkt., 20 cts. Sion House. Per pkt., 20 cts. ALSO ALL OTHER VARIETIES.

CORN SALAD—Fetticus,

Large Seeded. Best garden sort. For Winter and early Spring use, sow in drills in August and September. Per pkt., 5 cts.; per oz., lo cts.; per % lb, 20 cts.; per lb., 60 cts.

Per pkt., 20 cts.



For early use sow in September. straw or litter. Dwarf Green Curled German. Leaves green, finely fringed. Per pkt., § cts.; peroz., 1octs.; per % lb., 25 cts.; per lb., 75 cts. Imperial Long Standing. A first-class curled sort. Per

Protect in Winter with

pkt., 5 cts.; per oz., 1octs.; per ¥% lb., 25 cts.. per lb, 75 cts. LETTUCE. (A few leading sorts for forcing.)

‘“‘All-Right’’ Spring and Autumn. TOCA OZ-5, 250.004 ths) 75 C.> 1 bs. 62-50:

(Michell’s). Pkt., Big Boston. Pkt., Sas OZ 20Cr Za lbs. 65c.; lb., $2.00. Forcing Emperor. PEE 56:5 (07), 20c;, % Ib., 50¢.; 1b., $1.75 Early Tennisball. Pkt., §c.; 0z., 15¢.; 4% Ib., 4oc.; lb., $1.25. Boston Market. Pkt., 5c.; 0z.,15¢.; & lb., 4oc.; lb., $1.50. Early Dutch But- ter, Spotted. Pkt. 5c.; 0z., 20c.; % lb. 5oc.; lb., $1.50.


We offer two of the best English sorts, de- liciously sweet and fra- grant. Fruit should be supported in net if vines are growing with sus- pended fruit.


“Ee i ft 5

Blenheim Orange. 25 cts. per pkt. Windsor Castle.

BLENHEIM ORANGE. 25 cts. per pkt.

PARSLEY. Double Curled Covent Garden. \{ Ib., 30 cts.; 1b., $1.00.


Cardinal or Searlet Globe. One of the very best for forcing. Pkt., 5 cts.; oz., 1octs.; 4 Ib., 25 cts.; 1b., 80 cts.

Round Red Forcing, or Button. Pkt., 5 cts.; oz., 1o cts.; Y Ib., 25 cts.; lb., 75 cts.

Round White Forcing. 25 cts.; lb., 75 cts.

Fireball. Pkt., 5 cts.; 0z., 1octs.; 4 lb., 25 cts.; 1b., 75 cts.

Early French Breakfast. Pkt., 5 cts.; oz. Io cts.; 4 Ib., 25 cts.; lb., 70 cts.

PEt., 5\ cts; 0z., 10 cts.;

PKs 5 (ClS:+10Z.5 5 TOUCtS..) Zs,

White Box. (Piiladelphia). Pkt., 5 cts.; 0z., 10 cts.; 4 Ib., 25 cts.; lb., 70 cts. White Box. (Feélton’s Private Stock). Pkt.,5cts.; oz., 15 cts.;

¥ Ib., 30 cts.; 1b., $1.00. SPINACH. Victoria. A new variety; dark green leaves; long standing. We can recommend this very highly. Oz., 5 cts.; 4 lb., 15 cts.; “1p., 35¢-; $1.50 for 5 lbs.

Bloomsdale Round-seeded Savoy. The best for family purposes. Oz., 5 cts.; 4 Ib., 15 cts.; Ib., 35¢.; 5 lbs., $1.50. Long Standing Round-seeded. Oz., 5 cts.; Y Ib., 15 cts.;

1b., 35¢ ; 5 Ibs., $1.50. Prickly Seeded. 02z., 5 cts.; 4 1b., 15 cts.; lb., 35 cts.

TOMATO—For Forcing. Sutton’s Best of All. Original true stock. Pkt. 4octs. Sutton’s Eclipse. Original true stock. Pkt., 4o cts.

‘Lorillard. Pkt., tocts.; oz., 30 cts.

Frogmore. An old English variety. 25 cts. per pkt.

Stone. Pkt., Iocts.; oz., 25 cts.

ayflower. Pkt., 10 cts; oz., 30 cts. Maxi ALSO ALL OTHER VARIETIES.

(To er CE ne TE SO Ee



This is an extensive branch of our business. The very large quantity we handle enables us to supply our customers the best hose at lower prices than sold for elsewhere.

We couple our hose free.

Per foot

Red Cross Brand 3{ in..e..........ccccessecsseec essen see cuceeeee AS Standara) Brands :3( ins es ccsecsuseneeceateeseoerecceteens IIc. Michell’s Reliable Brand. 34 in., 3 ply, with our guarantee 13c. 66 34in., 4 ply, «6 “ee ae 16c Chicago Electric (New)............cescsscccessseccsereecsereeeesee ae 16c, Wire Wrapped 3-Py 34 im............ eee eeeeeee ce eeceeeeneeee 17C. **Cyclone.”’ 3 in......... MaSasesctsscccueca cess sacccrseteeccwecs cutee IIc,

| Wirts’ All Iron | HOSE REELS | Very Durable | epLOse MELOLOS Hoe tee br ssee. ees nee sah Sore saeco etna 3 Nogen ricligne eee oe Ren Nee ae MICHELL’S GUARANTEED No s0usiloldsizcoifeety sate cet oirerec eee savacec ou cceeeonecere 5 00 ae Sylply Reel. Holds 200 feet .............2.0000. -c-soans coereecnoees 2.25 ROSE. WIRTS’ IRON HOSE REEL. Champion Reel. Holds 100 feel... ssssescesesen cere ic


The best and most durable watering pot made. Each has two roses—one fine and one coarse.

HOSE NOZZLES, 25c., 35c., 40c. each

Boston Spray Nozzle. Made of Copper.

Round Ovai . LG ee $1.60 Kine or coarsets prayers eee eee 50c. each Sie we eaceccacreteees 1.85 $2.10 = SRC anisoceactaen bose 2.co 2.35 10)" | OV * ealogobadesba -poeks 225 2.00 LEAF RACK. RA aa Se et are 2 60 2.85 BS) IF gagkecnnsen6onhsos 3-15 Light and durable. Can

W otherspoon’s

Galvanized Iron Clad Watering Cans | be easily folded and de-

Make. 4 quart, ea. $0.40 | 10 quart, ea. $0.65 tached and the truck

Bightin cuit eigenen eae. ioe used with water barrel.

The Iron Clad watering can have but one rose each. ee itlenwlicelen-nanees $ 9.75 BYBE TENS eS estate 10.50

MODEL LAWN SWEEPER. 3 ec Tie Sn ect 11.25

Just what is wanted on every private place, very neat and suh-

stantial in construction; sweeps aswath zo in. wide, has box

for carrying the rubbish swept up which can be readily emptied ina moment. Price, $11.00 each.


This is the most satisfactory Rotary Rake yet offered, has teeth that are malleable in a way, and that will yield to any obstruc- tion that may be on the grass, sweeping area

24in. Price $14.00.

Leaf Rack only $4.25.


GARDEN | BARROW | HUH Strong and Light Running. Eastern, No. 4—Broad (3 inch) tire $4500 Sa Cops sNOws2 sn) eee $3.25, (a «6 ce ce (a «6 «6

: = 4.50 Basadosscanone0 3-75

S| SS SBOE, Grd es), GOKOE 5 cosodohocoaanonnce each, 3.00 i SS OW: ssoseeewname 4.25

Model Lawn Sweeper. } Special Greenhouse <...:./1......--... 295.60 Canal Side Dump...... 2.50

Ames, 16 teeth, 55c. each.

LAWN RAKES. {0 ee see

24 teeth, 7oc, each,

GIBBS? RAKE. Lawn King 50 teeth, 4 feet long...g1.00 Automatic, 22 teeth.........$ .60

fs i 38 oe Olechustc hee, 75 ss SOU SIN Te: e ZOWERNAG T otaeec cavesseeees «50 38: WES) Cocos 1.00 yaX Ul mn a Ig CY We hh edie RG Ite: .40 Regular Wooden Lawn to atic

) , and Straw Rakes, each .35 e Gibbs?’........ 24 1D., 50c.; 48 in., $1.00 Coldwell............ Each, .50 Self ] Cleaning Rake.



Standard Flower Pots. NOTICE. Diameters of Tubs are

Outside Measurements.

Full inside measurement, height and width. : ast Columbia Plant Tubs. No charge for barrels or packing. 12 in. diam. x rr in. high.. 0.2.0... .sessseeees BIO - . x SL Goocontauteonszqpasnee I. 6 supplied at dozen rates. 50 supplied a: 100 rates. Biss aot SAO: hci Ses 500 supplied at 1000 rates. 21 es x 18 i teeccesee coon: enoeeree 2. 24 56 BY J aoncosoconneceosnoncos: 3-0 > bh) ‘Excelsior ’’ Piant Tubs. Size, inches Size, inches i ir height and Per Per Per height and Per Per - Per Mace ec Painted cota auc woe width inside doz. 100 1000 widthinside Each doz. Too 1000 No. I, £3) ciam., It in. staves, Price, $1.00 mentee stem auseseceeieas $o.4t $3.13 $24.75 Ne: 25 *4 78 Bi x3 ve oe Bee Co. Setancoscccococncnsssops $0.07 fo.50 $3-96 Of see $o.05 49 3-75 29.70 No. 3,1 Fe aa ie 1.00 OU ap Spee€ iS HOOD SURLEEOD -08 -56 4.45 Ob Ricte ee 07 62 4.80 4400 NG okey se z sa case 3h ecco eee a B45 | 7 seereeeene 08 78. «6 00_—-§5.00 0. 5, 24 2% 3.0¢ 2h MASSES BACON eC : -93 Shes ee LE 1.09 8.40 77.00 | SSIES Ln ESP PrEr CPA Sree Sy) Bescrco Soo Saoc eRe 1.06 8.41 OVE miasstencseces 16 1.56 I200 {£10.00 CUT FLOWER VASES ANDRE. acon as ee ee aS seeeenssseeees ze an ee 148.50 Made of Wood Fibre. Unbreakable POET Ere eocct-caneses : : Phe halts Cy ig ethene! Seay é : : : : pi seen epee ecereweneeseces 24 1.88 I4 85 32 Se fic 5 ‘ae 3.99 30.00 Diam. In. Depth in, Soe erie th wea AS 2) uu et Oue 2G: SOM eR ay Wares EIS 7ite 6olce No. inside inside Each Per go, We can also supply the Hand Made Pots. 16 sseccsersessee T25¢ 16.50 5 : rai DEMS ee eas = eel 2 3.60 «© NEPONSET ”’ Flower Pots. ; 2.40 (Water-Proof Paper.) 9.00 Used principally for shipping plants and for temporary potting. 6.00 Size Per doz. Per 100 Per 1000 4 80 $0.08 $0.25 $ 2.20 ees 10 +30 2.40 Columbia Tub. eyed -12 oe 3-90 a ee : a -18 : 5-15 is ‘80 6.90 Flower Pot Saucers—Made of Wood Fibre. +25 eee ee WATERPROOF. -30 E05 14-5 EACH DOZ. PER 100. UNBREAKABLE. 4 in 8c $0.90 $7.33 5 in gc 95 7:37 6 in roc 96 7-60 7 in IIc I.04 8.36 8 in r2c I 14 8.93 { 9 in 13C¢ 1.26 9.88 eB ro in I4C 1.32 10.45 12 in I5C 1.56 2 35 2 ad 14 In. 1S¢e 2.04 16.15 Pot Stands or : 16 in. 30C. 3-60 28.50 (Earthenware). Saucers. 18 Ji. 35¢- 4.20 33-25

Per 100 Each Perdoz, Per 100 ROLLING STANDS.

on m7 oo 28 ites ae Fo35 Be For Heavy Plants and Palms. Made of Indurated Fibre Ware.

= Bb Ce) 98 6.00 2 Sakewocesseees Will not soak or rust. Casters have ball bearings. Every heavy plant sold needs one 92% AS E.30 8.40 ee soccosseece to save carpets and floors. 30 s 20 3.63 20.80 | ores Will Fit 14 sgh gag) Sas | a eee See Stas AE Seen 2% * go 7-80 Golooaimraicte ences 38 1.25 11.70" pereo's| 152 Splteees sccm

BAS sececcce sro COM tte BOSS E5000 Sale ce ee ee | gt Se

SEED PANS (Earthenware). $ in. seach g0c. $2.00 doz | 10 in...cach Dae $3.00 doz g* ae 4s 25 2.50 “se I2 * F 3: 50 46

Pot Hangers. The best device for lifting plants

FERN PANS. PLANT Per Per TUBS Width Height Eack Doz. 100 CF FIBRE

ta a in. $0.04 fo.3r $1.65 se Unbreakable, cannot Rot . in and out of jardinieres; also for sus- % 278 195 -33 2.20 ahogany reen Ename j « Za -06 41 275{ Finish. Each Finish. Each pending plants, such as Asparagu M s8 ain 36 -07 -49 3-39 | 121% inch.g0.g0 | to in. with Saucer, go 80 Sprengerii, Ferns, etc. z ? ) % 2 - 209 55 B05 || nays Sere || a Ge $ 100 oil . 5-50 ee “ec e : “< AY, 15 oe eis Sea Se 2 eB hi mE0 No. I. 40 cts. per doz. —. -.° > =. ae for 3 to 5 inch pots. 4 Improved White No. 2. 50 cts. per doz.

for 6 and 7 inch pots,

Cedar Plant Tubs

Made of white cedar, bound with extra heavy iron hoops. Drop handles of spe- cial pattern, serving as hooks. Substantial iron feet of original design. Removable perforated bottoms, painted green outside and brown inside

No. 3. 60 cts. per doz. for 8 to 10 inch pots

Wood Orchid Baskets. Each Per doz.

5 Gin Chore terceterarscccdce sic sepsseeasncsctessses $0.30 $3.50 Outside Length Bie Si race seassetecceeenes cote soluscuaettce seers averse -40 4-25 No diam. of stave $e PRN A eee eee ir ma bacecsts Stesae -50 5.00 ° 27 in, grins sn ks $5.00 Hh) 7 : 2 WM Sires eee wences ers seaacecerestseecaesetancrnceucorser .60 6.50 , I 25a ry CO eee 4 4.50 a ‘iit 2 23 - ZO eeasacenees 4.0 i a : en Ss ce eaay Se Orchid Baskets (Eartnenware.) PAIIbis, MeveCLONE Sha. Seedesse, 5 | | Lun mT E s & 14 4 earnah eeecse 2 50 Each Beso? i hhieaee see ae mies I ao Digg eee cone tere 2.00 : S uare, in. I 1.35 ound, 6 in. 20 1.80 uF UES a 1 OEP ncn 1.75 | Cork Bark—for Orchids, ue “ey Bie Zz 2.25 «7g ce -30 2.50 H xa, (<* 1G) OO mrescreode I.50 30 cts. per Ib, ae pp eS 3.00 SSO) “6 40 3.60

Cedar Plant Tub.


The New Patent “Superior” Enameled ron Plant Stands,

The New ‘‘Superior’’ Iron Plant Stand Showing a Palmin TILTING Position.

This is the very best and only stand that fills a long felt want. You can tilt and set your plants at any angle desired to produce the proper decorative effect.

Height Size of Plates Price Height Size of Plates Price Wied 5 5 . ox 7 seeker Pp Sone 65/5 SkIOHA . 5 5 SNES) LS iy 3 SAE)». Callas Po) Bow 2 56 Opell eG Sie ee Rox OP2h. oe OG | (AZ ae ss For 5 557 Meri) a Sees Xa OZ pace ye alta eA en San melt! 1.80 24 oo see oho (a by a aly Se > tapelle 1.85 ail), 8 FOX OLD Sue a leoO | 40 Ong . 8x12 5. dle 30s soe ire TRAD | eae see 8x12 2.05

“STAR” IRON PLANT STANDS. Somewhat similar to the above, excepting that they are not fitted with the tilting device, and are finished in black varnish.

[2hinches high ies: $0.70 | 30 inches high $1.15 HS Sens Sa cab igre RR se)) oko) se epee mete aan oe 1.40 Dara 8 SOY ed Are a a {OOM 42) vac Bev Bes vteaueees 1.55

WIRE Plant Stands,

P:inted green and bronzed. Without Arch.

TP Sae Diet aagern sa $2.0 DSO a neta see PTD bo Sis: Sag A arp aa ate Bald x iB 3 Wround with toes ; Arch. . = 5.00 fal is

| eer PSE of OSA ag

WOODEN Plant Stands,

Very neat and durable.

3 shelves. . each, $1.25 Ai an Mercere oes 1.75

BSE ee : 2 AWW, | SSE



(See Cut)

These are made of steel wire and gal-

vanized. No rights

and lefts. Per box of ~Gi 1000, 60c.; 5000 lots at : 55c. per 1000. Pincers |

for driving, 50c.

40c. per lb.

Siebert’s Popular Glazing Points. Bruen Glazing Points. 45c. per lb. Michell’s New T Points. 90c. per Ib. Zine Nails. 20c. per Ib. Brass Peerless Points.


Special price will be quoted on quantities, \\ also on glazed and painted complete sash. Y Price fluctuates; ask for same before pur-

| ae chasing elsewhere. 3 ft. 2 in. x 6 ft. 2 in.,

$1.00 per 1000.

unglazed, about $1.40 each. MASTICA.

Machine For Glazing Greenhouses, new or old. Pet for gallon, $1.25; % gallon, 70c.; 5 gallons, $5.75. Applying


Each $1.25


For Glazing.

T6spound Can 57.4 eS WS ee $1.25 OOTE SE IG neath ae ee 3.75 SOE IG 2 3c ce Sie he eee 6.00


Used for applying Putty when Glazing. Bach ose) ies ce sino pe Se ee ee $1.00


Single wheel, 15c. each; 6 wheel, 30c. each.


Hold the Diamond against the ruler. Place it so that the Diamond and Guide Wheel rest on the glass, Wheel towards you. Press on it gradually, until it makes a singing sound, not a harsh noise. Draw over the glass slowly and uniformly ; never cut twice in the same place.


Ebony hande.......ccccccecceeeeeeeeres $3.00 Cocoa handle with extra large he aes GUSTO YNG| SagsoccssnogrocosonDSbooc9D HARD 4.00 our =


A Substitute for Glass Sash on Hot-beds and Cold Frames. :



I 7



Light Grade. Mostly used for shading greenhouses. Per yard, 4c.; by the piece of 68 yards, 3c. yard. Medium Grade. The best for general purposes. Yard, 8c;

by the piece of 50 yards, 7c. yard.

Heavy Grade. Water-proof and advised for protecting and dense shading. Per yard, 10%c.3 by the piece cf 40 yards, 10c. per yard.





Palmer’s Burlap— Rattan Frost Proof.

Made expressly Hot Bed Mats. SSS for Winter covering of hot beds and cold Very Durable. frames.

Incestructible, Each mat covers

Cheap and Warm.

Will not harbor mice or vermin. Easv handling. Have now been in

two ordinary frames, 3 x 6 feet.

One size only.

aC Heyes 2.00 Rerdozeear2i-CO

ae ; practical use fcr years. Costing less than half as much as old-fashioned straw mats

and entire.y taking their place.

Size 76x 76 inches, fully covering two regular size hot bed sash, $1.10 each; $12.00 per doz. Size 40x 76 inches, fully covering one hot bed sash, 75 cts. each; $8.50 per dcz. Duck and Burlap, 49x 76 inches, $1.15 each; $12.75 per doz. OC cs a 76 SIO os Te 5 OMe 16.50 “i We can supply these mats any length desired, as follows: Duck and Eurlap, 76 inches wide, at 25 cts. per running foot. Plain Burlap, at 18 cts. per running foot. 76 inches wide.


Our list of these embraces the very best makes, sure to catch moles.

Straw Mats. For covering hot beds and frames. 3 x 6 feet, $1.90 each, $10.00 per doz.; 6 x 6 feet, $1.40 each, $15.50 per doz.

TAO 5 6 6-0 ORS

Pruning Shears, Saws and Knives,

German Hand Pruning Shears. Steel blades, coiled steel spring, which cannot drop out. A large assortment. 60 cts. to £1.35 each. Extra springs, Io cts. each.

Hedge Knives. $1.coeach.

American Hand Pruning Shears. Price, 35 cts. per pair. _ ;

Hedge Shears. Best quality. 8inches, $1.50; 9 inches, $1.75; I0 inches,

Out-o’=Sight. = IDA. ae age Sikes) saz ae eee = 9 Mushroom and Hot-bed Thermometer, best quality, Brass Tip. Olmsted’s. $1.25 and $1.50 each. Bache hiya) fi 50 a : Each Per doz. . Guaranteed Three Point Tested, Sins., $0.50 $5.00 Enterprise. ce ins «6 “cc Io 65 6.50 h ; aoe Standard Tin Case ...... Ree “li EXO) Fa ea! ss * « SM Oyo eee io 8 -20 2.CO Perfection. (a3 GEG . ; A : é ; a “<c e ae IDA 5 6 5 < $2.00 Maximum and Minimum Thermometers. Reddick’s. Registering the coldest and warmest temperature. Each . . . . $1.00 8 inch, each, $2.50; Io inch, each, $3.00. English Mole Traps. \\ {TINY


$2.00. With fly nut, 50 cts. extra. 4 feet ebOW/ 5a FO feet...) . <, $1-15 Disston’s Pole Pruner | Pruning and Budding 6 eR COH ry V2, eel ans Perey G25 y Knives. A large assort- Sis OO! Pe TAA I.50 Price, $1.00. ment. 5cc. to $1.25 each.

Pruning Gloves, Best qual- ity buckskin. $1.25 pair.

PRUNING SAWS—Disston’s Make.


. CAG h TTC EE ane a ee a F 18 ane Sear Thee ame eal TIES BL 0 Ce: Signe a me 85 10 Ve ne £.00™, 20.-<5 SON ae win Sty, I.00

j \mproved | (

Red Clinper Lonning Shears.

$2.25 per pair


Charcoal (Lump), 25c. per peck ; per bush., 85c.; $2.00 per bbl. Grafting Wax. Finest quality, with directions; lb., 25c. Moss (Green). Per barrel, $1.75.

Moss (Sone Sheet). Per barrel, $2.75.

Moss (Sphagnum), Green. Per bbl., $1.50.

Moss Sphagnum (Dry). Per barrel bale, $1.00.

Peat (Jersey) Best quality. Per barrel, $1.25.

Tobacco Stems (Fresh Havana). {2.00 per large bale. Prepared Soil for Potting. Per bush., 50c., per bbl., $1.25.




‘‘ Buckeye Junior.”? For cider making ; also for pressing

Derries orapesvetcr= | eura idee aed ne c(h. se eee mele $12.00 <Buckeye \Wedqium 77cm ero san See 16.00 ‘* Buckeye Senior.’’ Capacity five barrels perday . . 22.00 Senior Press. Fitted up for poweruse ........ 25.00


= =

Universal . $1.00

a tI SLR Lees . 75 ‘=== a= Na

BOSS. og 5 American .


Green Silkaline. The best material for tying ; does not fade; is very strong and durable.

20 cts. per spool, $1.50 per lb.

i Raffea. Natural color.

7 20letsperalbs js lbs:,

go cts.

Colored Raffea. All colors, for fancy work, etc. 50 cts, per lb,


Orchid Peat (Lapp’s). Propagating Sand. Extra clean. Wax Paper. Tin Foil. Tar Twine. Leaf Mould. Binder Twine. Paper for Covering Celery (Outdoors). Roll, $1.00


a a _-————_—-~ = re a = ————— Ye gi Pe: )

aw | aa

Per barrel, $2.00.

Per barrel, $1.50.

30 cts. per lb.; 5 lbs, $1.25.

T5.cts: per lb); 2 lbs. for25xets:

For tying mats, fodder, etc. Per ball, 15 cts. Similar to peat. $1.50 per barrel.

5 |b. ball, 75 cts.


of hel jee, cel eye te cerbie: oie fsa: espa, ve guce oe) Mele). ae beet Neon me


ii, py 7] } Tl, "a = Vy,

a .




30 cts. each ; per doz., $3.00

Se. CMEEOr Oe On Ons Or ern iche op at Os 6



Prices on Some Sorts Vary During the Year.

Highest Quality. Ashes (Canada Unleached Hardwood). These contain all of the fertilizing elements except nitrogen. 5 Ibs., 20C.; 35c. per Io lbs.; 25 lbs. 60c.; 85c. per 50 lbs.; per roo lbs. $1.50; bbl. of 250 lbs. $2.50; ton of 2000 lbs. $18.00. Apply about tooo lbs. to the acre. THE COST OF WOOD ASHES can be reduced $3.00 per ton by customers

giving us their order two weeks ahead, to enable us to ship it direct from Canada to the customer. Special rate on application.

Michell’s Strictly Pure and Fresh. In Bone Mea fertilization nothing takes precedence in im- portance over animal bones, because they furnish the soil with the essential requisite of nitrogen as well as phosphoric acid. The most substantial fertilizer for lawns and plants is Michell’s Bone Meal. It keeps on feeding the soil for fully ten months. 3 Ib. bag 15c.; 5 lb. bag 25c.; 10 lbs. goc.; 25 Ibs. 75c.; 50 lbs. for $1.10; 1e0 Ibs. $2.00; sack of 200 lbs. $3.50; ton $30.00.

Blaker’s ‘‘Odorless’”’ Lawn Dressing. One of the best

fertilizers, supplying just what every worn-out lawn requires. Per 100 Ibs. $3.00. F. O. B. Factory only. Special price will be quoted on larger quantities.

Pure. Ground perfectly fine; excellent for

Bone Flour pot plants or beds where an immediate effect

is wanted. 5 lbs. 25c.; 10 Ibs. 45c.; 25 lbs. $1.00; 50 Ibs. $1.50; 100 Ibs. $2.50; bag or bbl. of 200 lbs. $4.50; ton $40.00. (Dried.) Very rich in nitrogen. 5 Ibs. 30c.; 10 Ibs.

Blood. 50c.; 25 lbs. $1.00; 50 lbs. $1.85; roo Ibs. $3.50.

%> Plant Food. Made especially for plants grow- Bowker S ing in conservatory or house. Clean, free from offensive odor. Full directions with each package. Package 15c. and 25c.; by mail 25c. and 4oc.

? 4 Imported manure, especially recom- Clay S Fertilizer mended for flowers or vegetables, to bring the highest perfection. Should be used in potting soil, and spread on staging of greenhouses planted with flowering plants. Per lb. 15c.; 5 lbs. 60c.; 10 Ibs. $1.10; 28 Ibs. $2.00; $6.50 per cwt. (112 lbs.)

Cotton Seed [Meal. 5]Ibs. 25c.; 10 lbs. goc.; 25 lbs. 85c.; 50 lbs. $1.50; I00 lbs. $2.50; 200 lbs. $4.00; per ton, $33.00. A powerful liquid fertilizer for house plants. Flora Cola 25c. per bottle. Guano Pure Peruvian. 1% lb. box 15c.; 3% lb. box 25c.; 10 lbs. 50c.; 100 lbs. $2.50; per ton $40.00. Gu ano Potato, Corn and Truck. Sharpless and Carpen- ter’s Brand. Guaranteed analysis: Actual Potash, 6 to 8 per cent; Ammonia 1% to 2% per cent.; available Phos. Acid, 6 to 8 per cent., in original sacks only. Price $3.50 per sack of 200 lbs.; $30.00 per ton. 5 A very valuable and rich fertilizer, Horn Shavings especially for roses, chrysanthemums, etc. toc. per lb.; 5 Ibs. for goc.; 25 lbs. $1.75; $5.00 per 100 lbs. 9. Flower and Vegetable Manure. This is one Thomson S of the very best fertilizers, introduced from England, and can be highly recommended to any one wishing an immediate effect in forcing. Highest testimonials from those who have tested its merits. Put up in original bags. 28 lbs. (K%ecwt.), $1.75 ; 56 lbs. (% cwt.), $3.25 ; $6.25 per cwt.

; | 1q Plant Food. One of the best and Imperial Liqui most reliable plant fertilizers now on the market. Highest testimonials received from all who are using it now. 55 0z., $1.00; 7 lbs., $1.60; 20 lbs., $4.00 (F. O. B. Factory). 66 ads (er i A popular fertilizer in liquid form.

Jadoo Liquid Specially adapted for feeding house plants. 15c. per bottle. K ainit (Pure). Apply at the rate of tooo lbs. per acre, 5 lbs.

* 20¢c.; Io lbs. 35c.; 25 lbs. 50c.; $1.25 per 100 lbs.; per 200-lb. sack, $2.00; $15.00 per ton.

(Nova Scotia). A valuable top dressing. Land Plaster It also purifies and sweetens worn out, sour soils. Used also extensively for mixing with Paris Green for destroying insects. 5 lbs. 15c.; 25 lbs. 30c.; 4oc. for 50 lbs., 100 Ibs. 75c., $1.50 per bbl. (300 lbs. ), ton $9.00,

fertilizers, or mixed with phosphates.

SOLD WITH OUR GUARANTEE. Lawn Dressing (Michell’s Odortess).

fertilizing ingredients. Makes your lawn green, bright and durable. 5 lbs. for 30c.; 25 lbs. $1.00; $1.75 per 5o0-lb. bag; per too lbs. $3.00; $5.00 per 200 Ibs; per ton


Manure We can supply at short notice, strictly first-class, clean, short or long manure. Our large sales these

past three years prove that we send outa choice article. In car-

load lots only at $1.25 per ton. Special price will be quoted on

larger quantities.

Michell’s Plant Food

4 pkgs. 5oc. Ma es Celebrated Fertilizers. Prices quoted here are f. o. b. p Phila. Itis, however, more advantageous to the custo- mer to have them shipped direct from Mapes’ factory as the price will be 25c. less per sack, and $2.00 less per ton than prices here- with quoted, only paying one freight charge. Sack of 200 lbs.

Very rich in

clean and 15c per pkg.;

Very effective, easily applied.

Ton of 2000 Ibs.

RotatopManurerepedeat.+ aceasta iOOe $4.50 $39.00 Conn Mlan une yes ae = La ee ae oie 4.25 36.00 Cabbage and cauliflowermanure. ..... 4.25 38.00 BG ane Vine silanes carer ase pee ee ae 4.25 39.00 Grass and grain spring top dressing 4.25 40.00 Complete manure, for generaluse ..... 4.25 38.00 Complete manure, for heavy soils ..... 4.50 "39.00 Complete manure, for light soils. ..... 4.50 41.00 Vegetable manure, forallsoils. ...... 4.50 41.00 Early vegetable and truck manure... . . 4.50 41.00

Ib; toc, »5)lbs:-35¢.,- 10 lbsy 50e5

Muriate of Potash 50 lbs. $1.75, 100 lbs. $3.25.

Nitr ate OF SODA. For all crops. Contains the largest per-

centage of nitrogen; equal to I9 per cent. of ammo- nia. It is very quick in action, and hastens maturity of crops fully two weeks. Should not be applied until the plants are above the ground, when too to 150 lbs. per acre should be sown with other iby doeres lbs 30es, ton: 50c., 25 lbs. $1.00, 50 lbs. $2.00, 100 lbs. $3.50, 200 Ibs. $6.25; per

ton, $57.50- Per Ib. toc. (26c. by mail); 5 lbs. 20c.; 35c. per

Poudrette to lbs.; 25 lbs. 60c.; $1.00 per 50 lbs.; $1.50 per

100 lbs. ; per 200 Ib. sack $2.50;$8.00 per 1000 Ibs.; $15.00 per full ton.

Baugh’s Celebrated Double Eagle Brand. Phosphate 50 lbs. $1.00; $1.75 for 100 lbs.; $3.00 per 200 lb. sack; $25.00 per ton.

Phosphate Super High Grade. Analysis; Ammonia 4 to

* 6 per cent.; bone phosphate 24 per cent. ; avail- able phos. acid 6 to 8 per cent.; sulph. potash 1 to 2 per cent. It stands without a rival as the largest crop producer. Apply 4oo lbs. per acre. 5]bs. 20c.; 10 lbs. 35c.; 25 lbs. 60c.; 100 Ibs. $1.75; 200 Ibs. $3.25; per ton $28.00.

Potato Manure

200 lb. sack; per ton $30.00. Imported Scotch. Per lb. toc; per 5 lbs. 35c.; $1.25 00 for 25 lbs.; 100 lbs. $4.00. Salt (Agricultural Brand). per acre.

(Baugh’s). Very high grade. Guar- anteed (from factory only). $3.50 per

For topdressing lawns or aspara- Apply early in spring, at rate of 800 to 1000 lbs. 25 lbs. 30c.; $1.00 per 100 lbs.; 200 lbs. $1.50; ton $9.50.

Sheep Manure Pure, Fresh Pulverized. One of the

richest general fertilizers. Michell’s XX Brand, Pkg. 15c; 5 lbs. 25c.; 10 lbs. goc.; 25 lbs. $1.00; 50 lbs. $1.50; $2.25 per 100 lbs.; $42.00 per ton.

Sulphate of Ammonia

$2.50, 100 pounds for $4.50.

Largely used for covering lawns during Tobacco Stems the winter. 5c. lb.; 5 lb. for 20c.; barrel $1.00; $2.00 per large bale; per half ton $6.00; $11.00 per ton.


gus beds.

Eby, 10e%) 456 per 5 lbs. 10 lb. for 60c.; 50 lb. for




Aphis Punk. (JVzkoteen.) Especially designed for use in private places and in houses without convenient furnaces for heating irons necessary for vaporizing Nikoteen or Tobacco Extract. The Punk is lighted with a match and allowed to burn, which it does without flaming, at the same time giving off dense white fumes of nicotine that kills aphis and thrip very effectively. Per box 6oc. Per twelve boxes $6.50.

Ant Exterminator. Very effectual for destroying ants in gardens

and lawns. Per ¥ lb. 20c., 4oc. per % Ib., per Ib. 75c. Alcohol. For nicoticide lamps. Per quart 65c.

Bowker’s Bodlime. Stops canker worms, caterpillars and all creeping insects from crawling up trees. Superior to all other articles heretofore on the market. 5 Ibs. 9o0c., $1.35 10 lbs., 25 Ibs. $2.75.

Bordeaux Mixture. For black rot, downy mildew, and anthrac- nose of grape, potato blight, potato rot, leaf blight of cherry, pear, quince and other fungus diseases. Per Ib. box 20c., 75c. 5 lbs., makes 25 gallons spray, 10 lbs. $1.25 makes 50 gallons spray, $2.50 25-lb. box makes 125 gallons.

Bordeaux Mixture. Inliquidform. Per qt. 4oc., $1.00 per gallon.

Bug Death. Now largely used instead of Paris Green, safer, just as effectual and acts as a fertilizer as well as an insecticide.

Price, 11b. 15c., 35c. for 3 lbs., 5 lbs. 50c., $1.00 for 12% lbs., too lbs. $7.00. (Special Shaker 25c. ) Copperdine. For blackrot, carnation rust, and anthracnose of the

grape, pear, leaf blight, apple scab and powdery mildew. One gallon can (makes 100 gallons wash), per qt. 5oc., $1.50 per gal.

Copper Soap. (Permol). Positive cure for mildew, rust and all fungus. Percan75c. Dilute 1 part soap to 30 parts water.

Dalmation or Persian Powder. Pure, % Ib. 15c., doc. Ib., 5 lbs. $1.50.

Fir Tree Oil. For destroying insects, suchas mealy bug, red spider, scale, thrip, green fly, etc. Full directions with each can. % pt. 50c., 75¢. per pt., per qt. $1.50, $2.75 per % gal., per gal. $5.00.

Fir Tree Oil Soap. ¥% Ib. 25c., 75c. for 2 lbs.

Fostite. Prevents mildew. 5 Ibs. 60c., $2.50 25 lbs.

Good’s Caustic Potash Whale Oil Soap. Per Ib., 20c , 75c. per 5 lbs., 25 lbs. for $1.75, $3.00 per 50 Ibs., roo Ibs. for $5.00.

Grape Dust. Best remedy for mildew. 5-lb. pkg. 30c., $5.00

too-lb. keg.

Hellebore. For destroying rose slugs. Per Ib. 25c., $1.00 5 lbs., 10 Ibs. $1.85.

Horicum. A salt, sulphur and lime solution made by Hammond.

For San Jose Scale. 35c. per qt., per gal. $1.00.

Hustler Insecticide. A new remedy for mealy bug, and soft scale, excellent for washing palms, spraying roses, etc. ; in paste form and is diluted in water. Price, per %-lb. can 165c., $1.00 for 5 lbs.

Kerosene Emulsion. (Paste). For plant lice of any kind, cabbage worms, scale, insects on pear and other trees. 1 lb. 15c., 60c. 5-Ib. can, makes 50 gallons of spray, 25-lb. can $2.50 makes 250 gal- lons of spray.

Kerosene Emulsion. (Liquid). Per qt. 4oc., $1.00 per gal.

Kerosene Soap (Permol). Per pkg. 15c., 25c. per lb., 1o-Ib. pails $1.75, $3.75 25 lbs.

Lemon Oil. Will destroy mealy bug, scale, thrip, red spider, etc. Per ¥% pt., 25c., 40c. per pt., per qt. 75c., $1.25 per % gal., per gal. $2.00, $9.00 per 5-gal. keg. Dilute 1 part oil to 30 parts of water.

London Purple. Cheaper and less dangerous than Paris Green. Lb. 25c., $1.10 5 lbs. Special price on larger quantity.

Nicoticide. A powerful insecticide for evaporizing. % pt. 75c., $1.25 per % pt., per pt. $2.50, $4.50 per qt., $15.00 per gallon. Lamps for Nicoticide evaporating 50c. each.

Nico Fume. An improvement on Aphis Punk; elegant reports from florists who have used it. Positive death to red spider and aphis. Put up in air tight metal packages. Price, per box 75c., $3.50 for 144 sheets, 288 sheets for $6.50

Nico Fume. (Liquid). Similar in effect to the above; used for vaporizing where more convenient to use in this form. Per 4 pint 50c., $1.50 per pint.

Nikoteen. For spraying and vaporizing. Per pt. $1.50.

Noxall. (Michell’s),. The best article to be used as a spray for insects. Similar to Disparene. Per lb. can 30c.

Nicosol. A very promising nicotine preparation for green fly, aphis and other greenhouse pests ; can be sprayed or vaporized. No. 1 can, enough to fumigate 40,000 cubic feet of space, $2.25. No. 2 can, enough to fumigate 20,000 cubic feet of space, $1.25.

Paris Green (Pure). Lb. 30c., $1.40 5 Ibs., 14-lb. buckets $3.50.

Persian Insect Powder. Fresh and pure. Per \% Ib. 15¢. Aoc. per lb.

Rose Leaf Extract of Tobacco. 5 gal. $4.25.

Salt, Sulphur and Lime. For spraying for San Jose Scale. Concentrated,. . . . per gallon, $1.50; per % gallon, 80c. Partly diluted, . . per gallon, 60; $2.50 per.5 gallons.

Seal Oil Soap. 1-lb. can 25c., $2 20 for 10 lbs., 30-lb. cans 2oc. per Ib,

Slug Shot. Canister with perforated top 15c., 25c. 5 lbs., 10 lbs. 50c., $4.25 100 lbs. Bulk in barrels weighing about 225 lbs. (33c. per lb. F. O. B. factory) 4c. per lb. F. O. B. Phila.

Sulphur. A preventive and cure for mildew. Lb. 7c., 30c. 5 Ibs., 25 lbs. for $1.25.

Sulphate of Copper. Ibs., 25 Ibs. $2.00.

Tobacco Dust. Cheaper than snuff and quite as effectual. Sure remedy for green fly. Per Ib. roc., 25c. 5-lb. pkg., 100 Ibs $3.50.

Tobacco Soap. (Pinners.) For destroying insects, parasites and their eggs, infesting either plants oranimals. % lb. 2o0c., 4oc. Ib.

Tobacco Stems, Fresh. For fumigating. Lb. 5c., $1.00 bbl., per large bale $2.00, $6.00 per % ton, per ton $11.00.

Tobakine Fumigating Paper. Per box 6oc., $6.50 per doz. boxes.

Tobakine Fumigating Liquid. ¥ pt. 60c., $1.10 per ¥% pt., per

t. $2.00.

Tobakine Fumigating Powder. Used asa substitute for tobacco stems. 5 lbs. 25c., 45c. for ro lbs., 25 lbs. £1.00.

Tobakine Fumigating Dusting Powder. Claimed to be superior to tobacco dust. 5 Ibs. 25c., 45c for Io lbs., 25 Ibs. $1.00 ©

Whale Oil Soap. For destroying and preventing insects on plants, trees, vines, etc., for washing down the bark of trees, grape vines, etc. With directions, per % lb. toc., 15c. per lb., per 5 lbs. 5oc., goc. per Io lbs., per 25 lbs. $1.75.

Worm Eradicator. The best article for destroying worms.

Per qt 50c., $1.25 per gal.

For spraying. Per lb. toc., goc. per Io


bottle 50c., $1.00 and $3.00. Sulpho Tobacco Soap. Works in the greenhouse just as well. 4 Oz. Ioc.

Especially adapted to be used for the Easily

window garden. (postpaid r4c.),

prepared for use. Very effective. 8 oz. 20C., (postpaid 25c )

Kilo-Scale is now one of our foremost remedies for combating with the dread San Jose scale. It does the work quickly and thoroughly. Whole orchards destined to destruction have been saved by it. A trial will convince. Price 45c. perqt., per gal. $1.50,

- 5 and to gal. cans at $1.25 per gal; per barrel (50 gals.) $45.00. One gallon makes 20 to 25 gallons of solution. 3



For Applying the Insect Destroyers

Sarge Double Cone...... ....-.each, $3.00 | Liquid Spraying...each, $1.50 and $2.00 Large Single Cone............ ss 2.00 Suiphur Bellows................. each, 1.50 Small Single Cone........... s 1.00 | Houchin’s Single Cone .60


Deakin’s Brass Garden Syringes

No. A. 1 stream and spray hose,12 x1 . inches ...........2.........2-0 see ceseeeeseees $2.20 No. B. 1 3 Es 3 SIIB 3 IY, acy SodsemngccscnsotbsosenopoeanDCcEss 3.00 INO; Gs al oad Gane ETRE $2 UB os ere Sera saseosen areesnosceeadcncaeNes 3.50 ENO: 2: re ** 2 roses, BPA xe WR SSIs eben eesscu nc oancceseececoeacooaos ace 4.25 NOs & we ae St GUEST EA ae ek vik ec he ea 6.25 iNo: H-. iSinches long, 134 inéhes in diameter = ~~ ......-22-2-cseteccessen-coce= senses 2.25 No. H. 18 is 0 EA A: with movable spray.............. 2.50

LEWIS BRASS SYRINGE, . ° ° . $1.50


This is the most satisfactory distributor of Sulphur and other Insecticides in powder form. Will never wear out.

Satisfaction guaranteed. Price $4.50.


For carrying or sending cut flowers. In sets of three boxes, one lid to each set, each box forming a lid for the other.

BOHN CHD ELISE bees cerces sons -sescees-coees) OO-00) a]. 42 1NCh, pen Sebi... .-..ctesacscccee's $5.00 sSouneh, per set, .::::< <=::-.-::<-- sce Ha) 4S8hineh permsetics:..ccc<o-accssecnccaes 5.55 PAPER BOXES A few of the leading sizes, most any other size furnished to order. lg. wide deep Per doz. Per 100 HSBXa OMRON CLA CS woes ae onesivoas = pu saascseacnat'-comi cee -ecsnaseaeodecseecaasceciecset $0.45 $3.50 po eX au fexet ssa TN CHES es. 6 acensd 5 ees vabde cages ssi) opetclace soscet castes sseyesseszeseosciec’s 50 3.80 SZ AME XaTO BER ant MTNA CTL OS ecco. eases (os cassemenions can: Fccsaabcicdnnanias seeeusater <ccucesegessec -60 4.75 ED SMeXSEO MEX MCNE IID GL Sos 2 S25 2 Se Ae wii specie ceses (ete nada yas <a gets vs cup ateeees -90 7.20 WAX PAPER 30 cts. per pound; 5 pounds for $1.25 ° Fumigators.

Perfection, No. 1, holds 1 pk. of stems $3.00 Perfection, No. 2, holds % bush. of stems 3.50 Perfection, No. 3, holds 34 bush. of stems 4.00 Perfection, No. 5, holds 1 bush. of stems Bee cose: OO, Eureka, No. |, height 12in., fora house 10 x 20 ft.... 1 20 Eureka, No. 2, height 16 in., for a house 12 x 40 ft... 1.75 Eureka, No 3, height 20in., fora house 15 x 100 ft... 2.25 Eureka, No. 4, height 24 in., for a house 20 x 10 ft... 3.25 Tobacco Stems (Fresh). For fumigating. 5]bs. for

25 cts.; $1.00 per bbl; $2.00 per bale of 250 Ibs.; $11.00

per ton. 14 ton, $6.(0.

See also Nicoticide, Aphis Punk, Nikoteen, for

wbther fumigating materials.

| |

Perfection Fumigator.



Doz. 100 Doz. 100 14 ft. Tapering green...... $0.17 $1.00 | 8 ft. heavy, rose or dahlia, $0.75 $4.85 ) ae “cc 0 yew bid 28 1.70 31 ee ce ee ce “cs Ss 5 68 2% ua i oO sept a} 2.40 - 7 “cc ce “a 3 cc cc LG Saas 51 3 90 4 F vy 1.10 6.5¢ He se oe LO ea a 3 4.00 5 oe oe oe se oe 1.95 8.15 Be Mo) espre 75 4.80 | 6 12x 8 5 yh Mente 88 5.60 | 1.55 9.80 BAMBOO OR CANE STAKES SOUTHERN............ 25c. per doz.; per 100, $1.00; 250 for $2.00; $7.00 per 1000 DEA TPV AUNTS Biieiccccctencs ceesccecasscssrsccessss per doz., 25e; per 100, $1.00; per 1000, $7.00 GALVANIZED STEEL PLANT STAKES No. 10 Wire Per doz. Per100 Per 1000 Per doz. Peri100 Per 1000 2 ft. long...... $0.12 $0.60 $5.00 | A tb lOO. eee $0.25 $1.25 $10.50 OD SO acbaas m3) -75 6.25 44% ** Bim stood .30 1.35 12.C0 Each by panne 18 -90 en paents «Sewanee 30 1.50 13.00 3% * ey Ueeucce -22 1.10 9.00 6Re = SO Sse. 40 1.75 14.25 No. 8 Wire—Galvanized Stakes,

4 ft lone... $0.30 $1.70 $14.00 Dib plOn geese $0.40 $2.00 $16.00 BB csc Bt) 1.85 15.00 Gilbey asccosceo te 4D 2.25 18.00 HYACINTH OR MATCH STAKES

Per doz. Perl100 Per 1000 Per doz. Perl00 Per 1000 12 inches long...$0.05 $0.20 $1.25 | 18 inches long...$0.08 $0.30 $1.75 UNPAINTED STAKES OR DOWELS Doz. 100 1000 86 in. long, 24. im GiaMete -2.c......2....-0sseccenescceccaceanae-0+cnoneeconceee- $0.15 $0.60 $4.50 35 %, cA ath MOM NM RES CIC ae, 15” 1755.00 36 SE Alas SOMME Rese cs ctnak con sae soueescae ee coetweue Wecnss coenccseses PA) ALCO), "71 450) 42 Oem yict sel IMB ce as asec cence aeteaksusscocetsecenaee setenv en se) ok ob .20 80 5.75 ADVE Cor S/ane NO CEE ECA. EEE EEE DOL DCEEC EOE DEERE ECE EERO EEE 20 75 6.00 ZG AOE NN Ae Ge raat MRR LPR IR MERE SES Bett | 25 1.10 900 GALVANIZED WIRE IN ROLLS No Per lb. Per Roll, 12 lbs. No. Per Jb. Per Roll, 12 lbs. 1GSh sieccassezescs. HOW OResecccewseseee-28 O30 DW) reaeaccesevoscesses SOW Secs $1.15 WS ees, Gescscesdesee SU ec ccdeeccetes 1.00 DDO Te RO COCO ne Sea Ee rc 1.20 1 QPevcasscescecwssss nl eeasccccecewess-s 1.10 Linh bsswcsesosaftaece a SEDs c chee se cevee 1.25 & ce Painted Pot Labels ina 100 3000 100 1000 rmx 3% inch. $0.10 $0.75 | 6 inch. $0.25 $1.50 eS ft | 4 ae Se ape} fey Se 2) 3.25 Dox Gl | 434 15 100/10 50 4.50 i al Eee ce 20 1.25112 | 75 6.00 i?) gob >

Painted Tree Labels

Per 100 Per 1000

Iron Wired ............. 15e. $1.00 Copper Wired........... 20e. 1.25 St 66 painted.. 25e. 1.50

Indelible Marking Pencil, 0 ets. each.

Indestructible Copper Labels. Made of copper thin and pliable; can be written on with a pencil, which indents the copper, leaving a per- manent impression. Per doz., 20c.; $1.00 per 100.

Painted Pot and Tree Labels

DODGE’S EVERLASTING GLASS LABELS. Will never wear out Sample mailed free on application. 50c. per doz.; $3.50 per 100.



PUMP only, no hose or nozzle, $7.00. into trees, $9.50.

Barrels with trunions ready to mount on truck, $2.50 each. Truck Barrel and Pump Outfit A complete with trucks as below:


Sc.ccess (see Cut). Made of brass, fitted with 314 feet of hose, witha ‘‘ Bordeaux'’ nozzle attached Price, $4.00.

Perfect Success. Similar to the above, but with an attachment for fastening to a bucket. Price, $5.00-

: Hose. 7 foot sections with couplings for extending the length, suitable for either the Success or Perfect

aN ass Success Pump. Price, $1.25.

Acme Force Pumps. Very durable. Made of brass. Price, $4.50 each.

Beming’s Barrel Spray Pump.

Extra Nozzles

for Deming’s Bucket

or Barrel Pumps.

Vermorel Nozzle.

Vermorel and Bordeaux. ......0.c..02cc.c0e-scocssees scones rceessesvesesees- FOC. EACH (Postpaid, 80c.)

The above are fitted for regular 34 inch couplings. For % oS 1 ite)": inch attachments add 25c. to the above price. h 5 = = j 10 Cc v—q—l I IH q ROOT CUTTERS | a | fee

Me These are a necessity on every stock and poultry farm in ¢ winter, the milk and egg yield can be greatly increased by means

of green food in winter in the form of roots.

Each iy Tall | No. 7. Bamner, for Poultry and Sheep........ Je sees socosnae £155) (00) i / No. 16. «“ FUR ga a ce ee re rt anit irony 12.00 Nt i | No. 20. oY (SCOROUG) heccearccecacssestcecastsccteaacescincandsnscnciesses 8 50 m ut


Wagon, Carriage and


Automobile Heaters

=_ =

raat POE These heaters bave proved them- selves very effici- ent for the work they are designed.


This pump is one of the very best spravers on the market. Fitted with brass cylinders. Will not corrode or rust. OUTFIT A—Pump with 121% feet hose, fitted with either a Bordeaux or Vermorel nozzle and pole connection for reaching

OUTFIT B—Pump with two 12% foot sections of hose, two Bordeaux or Vermorel nozzles and pole connections, $11.50.

14 inch tire truck..........00.00-seeeeee eee $17.00 | 214 inch tire truck..........ccc0ceceeeeeeeeee $17.75 | 34% inch truck, complete.............26.0- «$18.75

Success Pump. Showing itin et,


Pot Brackets

Pot Brackets solve completely the problem where to put plants in winter. They can easily be fastened to frames and other places in a few moments. They are substan- tial in make and very ornamental. Jones’ Pot

Bracket (see Cut.)

These are madeof spun metal and can easily be mailed.

No. 1. Holds 5 in. pot. Each, 30e.; per doz., $3.00.

No. 2. Holds 6 in. pot. Each, 35c.; per doz., $3.50.

No. 3. Holds 7 in. pot. Each, 40c.; per doz., $4.00.

If single brackets desired by mail, add 15e. to price of each bracket.

Japanned Bronze Bracket

Small, for Pot 4 to5in. Each, 35e.; per doz , $3.50.

_ Medium, for Pot6 in. Each, 50c.; per doz., $5.50.

Large MNouble. for 2 Pots. Each, 75c; per doz., $7.50.

They will keep the HANH TTT temperature above =. freezing in most No. 10 Heater. any ordinary. AU closed vehicle during the severest weather. Fine for IN FS WI \ automobiles. Made oft heavy sheet iron, white metal ends. \ | ie i) il No. 5. Single drawer, 14 inches long...............2.... $2.75 Ne | i No.5 B. Same as above, but covered with Brussels | || i =a. CEH P OLED conn dacasadocacossaseaboEcdocccodcoed ssoDRs HaDD00 D0 3.00 | | = | ; PSs: No.5 ©. Same as No. 5, but covered with Velvet \\ i = Canpetpesen tia ieee eee ee ae cee rcoree 3.25 \ EI] == No.7 B. 20 inches long, Brass ends, covered with jen ANA = Ir = —— Brussels) carpetec sssess eee eee tees : ie iit (hg = No. 7C. 20 inches erie Brass ends, covered with Se eS (ii } = Velvet carpet. 5.00 = aa = = No. 10. Three drawers, 14 inches long..... ............ 7.25 = Coal for Lehman Heaters, 75 cents per doz. bricks; per 100, $6 00. Tongs for Handling Hot Coals, 25 cents.


This machine is now used in every orchard, garden and nursery throughout the country, it is simply the most durable and best compressed air sprayer offered. The maker of them is so confident of their merits that he guarantees every machine.

Brass, complete with hose and nozzle.........ccccceeec scree ceneen eres: teneesees peeeoce SOB OROS eooeacdoseHa odaboG $6.00

The Auto Spray. nozzle by a mere pressure of the thumb, $1.00 extra per machine.

Galvanized Irom, complete with hose and noZzle... .........:c:0ceeececeeeeeees senses sees 4.00 EXTENSION PIPES, 2 Feet Lon~-. Brassg........... seorseeseeeeeee GUC. EACH. Galvanized Tron........ 0... ee cceseeceeee 25c. each.

AUTO-POP ATTACHMENT, which permits the operator to control th» flow of liquid at the


SIEVES—For Soil and Sand.

NGgIChy Galvani Zed ice-cess-cs2s<ieec22. «coseeceeeedeoeoe $0 45 WShestocTorch 18“ oS A ne ee a teen 55 ; oo TORCHES


Improved Hot Water Stove.

: For Burning Out Caterpillars

in Trees, etc. Limbs infected with cater- pillars and other insects may be burned out very easily. Asbestos Torch, price 35c.; by mail, 45c. Reservoir Torch, price 25c.: by mail, 35c.



For transporting heavy flower pots and tubs, without lifting. (See cut.)

These are made of Papier Mache, and are absolutely faultless. They are light, substantial and waterproof. The heaviest plant can easily be moved by achild. Every saucer fitted with ball bearing casters, which allows them to be moved in any direction.

PRICES. Will Fit Size Pot Tub Each Doz. Dine etesasetecocssccteereesecses 10 in INO Eye poeat ce sacta seen pbesonaeces $0 §O $5 70 WAIL ec oct oc can tteacsctacesconereet 1 fe Bicemtetbsacwcbecouecet wosteee 60 6 84 16 in Tans SONG: Seeaers cecctenceeseatencees 75 8 55 USP mse eccce tess sccccuceeetee secs 16s SE EG MMMM au sc soSraneesttennters 85 9 50 DON ieeperen ercccsccccccceceetedeccseceacsccactasstsss=s sO (Di ecadeuciss.cccvanvecctedeome 1 00 11 40 DATS T en ccna eee EE SOCECRE OSE ESERIES eE CEE LO AE ea nase case oraes et saenee 1 20 14 25


Indestructible, and will take the place of a jardiniere, having a heavy coat of green gloss enamel, which renders them very ornamental. PRICES Complete with Saucers. 12 inch, $1.00,

10 inch, 80ce., 14 inch, $1 60.

See, also, page 27 for a large line of Papier Mache Ware.

Chio Hay Cutter.


This is considered the finest machine in the market for cutting hay ensilage, ete. Wecan furnish it with one or two knives. Single knife, $12.00; two Knives, $16.50.





No. 0. Capable of heating 150 feet 1 in. Pipe..........sscccccceeeceeteereereetenceeee: price, $12.50 No. 1. + 5 oe DOOR asaee se ME Saran ee aantecdaccacctcore-acsceosesosese ie 15 50 No. 2. hs sy te A00 Mocs Pie polite sacccseneracteces Beene ce nereecortese ‘s 22.50 IDEAL JR. WATER STOVE. No. 0 No. 10 No. 11 No. 12 Direct square feet of radiation...............eeeeeeeee sere 60 125 155 175 Capacity of tank in galloms..............-..cssc0sessees e200 80 165 200 225 PL CG jsccccce aces trae sca Seas somes cee acssueiostesesncsaescssacccenet $19.50 $26.70 $29.40 $31.80


A Few of the Most Popular. French, small

aT large .. Wiss, 8 in.......


BEST ENGLISH MAKE. i 8 in. plain, $1.50; 8 in. fly nut, $2.00; 9 in. plain, $1.75; Qin. fly nut $2.25; 10 in. piain, $2.00, 10 in. Aly nut, $2.50.

Henckle, 7 in.... ee Oh SS oo Percheacetiey aS QIN ears, Oesecees


German, 8 TMhs.--eeseeeceeeneeee 60 American, 8 1D......cceesee-e 30

Ideal Hot Water stove.




We have omitted the prices of some foods in larger quantities, as prices, especially of grains, fluctuate continually. Write for prices on larger quantities.


Animal Meal. (Bowker’s). 5 lbs. 20c., 10 lbs. 4oc., 25 lbs. 75c., 50 lbs. $1.20, 100 lbs. $2.25.

Barley. Per qt. roc.

Bone (Granulated). The use of ground bone tends to keep fowls in good health, and materially aids laying hens. 5 lb. pkge. 20C., 25 lbs. 75c., 50 lbs. $1.25 100 lbs. $2.50,

Buckwheat. For pigeons and young poultry. Per qt. 1oc., peck


Cloves Meal (Alfalfa). Best quality, 5 lbs. 20c., 25 Ibs. 75c., 50 Ibs. $1.25, 100 lbs. $2.00.

Charcoal (Ground). A little ground charcoal mixed with the soft feed in the morning, once or twice a week, keeps them healthy. 1 lb. 8c., 5 lbs. 35c., 10 lbs. 60c., 25 lbs. $1.25, 100 lbs. $4.00.

Charcoal (Pulverized). Same price as ground charcoal ; used for stock feeding.

Cut Clover Hay. Excellent food for winter and early spring. 5 Ibs. 20c., 10 lbs. 35c., 50 lb. bag $1.10, 100 Ibs. $2.00.

Chick Manna, or Food for Little Chicks. Specially prepared for little chicks when first hatched. Should be the first and only food, and continued for ro or 12 days before feeding any- thing else. Directions for feeding on each package. 1 Ib. pkge. toc., by mail, 25c.; 5 lb. pkge. goc., 15 lbs. $1.10, 60 Ib. box, bulk $4.20.

Chick Food. (Michell’s). 5 lbs. 25c., ro lbs. 4oc., 25 lbs. 75c., 50 Ibs. $1.50, 100 Ibs. $2.50.

Chick Food. (Steinmesch). 100 ibs. $2.50.

Cracklings. Similar to Poultry Meat. 50 lb. cakes only, 3%c. lb.

Dried Blood. A great egg producer. 5 lbs. 30c., 10 Ibs. 50c., 25 Ibs. $1.00, 100 Ibs. $3.50.

‘sH. O.”’ Poultry Food. 5 lbs. 20c., 25 lbs. 75c., too Ibs. $2.25, *per 4 ton $20.00, *per ton $37.00. (*From factory prepaid. )

Hemp Seed. Used largely for feeding birds and pigeons. Per qt. 12c., peck 50c., bush. $1.75.

Hulled Oats. 5 Ibs. 20c., 10 Ibs. 35c., 25 lbs. 75c., 100 Ibs. $2.35.

5 lbs. 25c., to lbs. goc., 25 lbs. 75c.,

Remedies and Preventatives

Death to Lice. (Lambert’s).

I0C., 25C., 50C., $1.00 per pkge. Death to Lice Ointment.

(Lambert’s). Ioc., 25c. per box.

Death to Lice. (Slack’s). 25c. per pkge. Gape Cure. (Micheil’s). 15c., 25c., 4oc. per bottle. Gape Cure. (Madoc). 20c., 35c. per can.

Germozone (Disinfectant). 12 0z., 50Cc.

Hen Tonic. 15c., 25c., 4oc. per bottle.

Lice Killer Liquid. (Lee’s). per gal., 5 gal. for $4.00.

Lice Killer Liquid. (Rust’s). $1.00 per gal.

Multum in Parvo Powder.

Roup Preparation.

Roup Pills. (Rust’s). 25c. per box, 250 for $1.00.

Roup Cure. (Conkey’s). 50c. and $1.00 per box.

Spongia (for Roup). 15c., 25c., 4oc. per bottle.

Standard Oil of Tar (Disinfectant). Used by U. S. Government. 35C. per qt., 6oc. per 4 gal., p1.oo per gal.

Thymo Cresol (Disinfectant). 35c. per bottle.

Tobacco Stems. 5 lbs. 2o0c., $1.00 per barrel.

25¢. per qt., 6oc) ‘per 34 “gall,

20C., 35c. per pkge. 20c., 4oc. per pkge.

35. per qt., 60c. per % gal., $1.00

Imperial Egg Food. Yor making hens lay winter and summer. Keeps the fowls in the best condition. 26 oz. pkge. 25¢c.

Kaffir Corn. Excellent poultry food. Qt. toc.

Linseed Meal. (New process). 5 lbs. 30c., 10 Ibs. 55c., 25 Ibs. $1.15, 100 lbs. $4.00. Rete f

Meat for Poultry (Prepared). This is prepared with great care. It is the finest thing we know of to cause hens to lay during the winter ; extremely profitable to feed. 5 Ibs. 25c., 10 lbs. qoc., 50 lbs. $1.50, 100 Ibs. $2.50, 500 lbs. $12.00, per ton $44.00.

Milk (Granulated). 5 Ibs. 3oc., 10 Ibs. 50c., 25 Ibs. {1.00, 50 lbs, $1.75, 100 lbs. $3.00.

Mash Food (Early Breakfast). 75c., 100 Ibs. $2.50.

Mica Crystal. For digestion, 5 lbs. 15c., 10 lbs. 20c., 25 Ibs. 35c., too Ibs. 85c. Three grades—fine, coarse and medium.

Oyster Shell (Fresh Ground). The finest article to feed for shell making. 5lbs.1oc., 25lb. bag 25c., 100 lbs. 75c., % ton $5.50, per ton $10.00.

Peas (Canada Field). Per qt. toc.

Pratt’s Food. Will make hens lay all the year, and is excellent for feeding to young chicks. For large fowls mix one ounce with the food for fifteen or twenty. For fifteen or twenty chicks give one-half ounce every other day. 1% lb. pkge. 25c., 5 lb. pkge. 60c., 12 lb. bag $1.25, 25 lb. bag $2.50.

Pratt’s Horse and Cattle Food. 5 lb. pkge. 50c., 12 lb. bag 75C., 25 lbs. $1.50, 50 lbs. $3.00.

Rice (Broken). For young chicks. $1.25, 100 lbs. $5.00.

Rust’s Egg Producer. 1 lb. 25c., 2% lbs. 50c., 6 lbs. $1.00, 10 Ibs. $1.50, 25 lbs. $3.50.

Rust’s Havens Condition Powder. Per pkge. 25c., large size 50c., 5 lb. box $1.00, 8 lb. box $1.50, 20 Ib. box $3.50.

Sheridan’s Condition Powder. 4 oz. pkge. 25c., 2% Ib. can $1.00, six 2% lb. cans $5.00.

Sunflower Seed. Ot.1oc., 4 qts. for 30c.

5 Ibs. 20c., ro lbs, 35csn25ullsy

Lb. 6c., 10 Ibs. 55c., 25 Ibs.



Chicken Holder To Kill Chickens on

The holder is made of malleable iron

and will last a lifetime. Simplifies the operation and, if you kill many fowls Ny you should have a number of them. yi Price: 50c. each; per doz., $4.50.

Tobacco Dust. 5 lbs. 25c. Price Vero Insect Powder: pee per & lIb., 30c. per % |b. BOOKS ON POULTRY AND PIGEONS. peu COny

Poultry Craft. (The best book of its kind). ...... $1.50

NEST EGGS Winter Eggs—How to Get Them. (Robinson). ... .25

Each Per Doz. | Capons for Profit. New Edition. (Greimer)...... 50

Knox (Medicated)... +... ..--.-.. oS: Soc. |Profitsiin Poultry... . 0... I.00

MCAT Cate dire ae Re ee Sere cae tec 5c. 30. A

Porcelain ae ea) G08 tec yc moire: 3C. pec, | Money In Squabs . | es eee “5°

Woodenins (Coxes)ij cg: ue Aor ene | BE 250%) \oDiseases Of Poultry. (Salmon). i). 2 > .50 ET

Ask for our new POULTRY CATALOGUE—the most Complete List of its kind.



PRICES: (Except where noted)

POT GROWN-—Per doz., 60c.; per 100, : $3.00; per 1000, $25.00.

LAYER PLANTS—Per doz., 25c.; per 100, $1.00; per 1000, $6.00.


One of the finest varieties for general

crop; will produce more berries in the space allotted to its growth than any sort

in existence; ripens very evenly and up

to the stem.


POT GROW N—Per doz., 75c.; per 100, $4.00; per 1000, $30.00.

LAYER PLANTS—Per doz., 35c.; per 100, $1.50; per 1000, $10.00.

The Great ‘‘ New Berry’’, Michell’s Abundance.

Brandywine. Late, Perfect. The finest of all late fruiting sorts; ithas nota

L Clyde. Early to mid-season, Perfect. Exceedingly productive, of fine single defect. Fruit extra large, heart-shaped; color, bright, rich red.

quality. A top-dressing of stable manure in Winter will stimulate greater foliage growth. Few strawberries succeed as well as the Clyde.

1 and 2 year old, 12 to 18 inch............93.50 $30.00 2 year old, 18 to 24 inch... ........ 4.00 35.00 - 2 year old, 24 to 30 inch..... ...... 4.50 40.00


Bismarck. Early, Perfect. A seedling from Bubach and resembles its parent in every way. Itis enormously prolific.

Bubach. Mid-season, Pistillate. One of the best and most profitable; an old favorite.

Cumberland Triumph. Early to mid-Summer. An excellent variety for the home garden.

Gandy. Late, Perfect. One of the best berries for market. Fruit solid, of fine flavor.

William Belt. Mid-season, Perfect. For size, beauty and fine quality it is one of the very best. Ten of the largest fill a quart box.

Sharpless. Mid-season, Perfect. An old favorite with many. Fine color, good quality.

Gladstone. Mid-season, Perfect. The fruit, which is borne in great clusters, is of largest size and beauty; unexcelled in quality.

Glen Mary. Mid-season to late Imperfect. Its roots are enormous, enabling it to ripen its great crop of monster berries in the driest season. Never failed to produce a large crop of fruit.

Marshall. Early, Perfect. This is one of the finest berries. It is the earliest

of all the very large varieties and it usually matures all its fruit. Berry is dark, glossy red, and of fine quality.

Michel’s Early. Early, Perfect. A very strong growing, extra early variety; worthy of a place in all gardens.

Nick Ohmer. Mid-season, Perfect. The berries are a giant among straw- berries, conical in form. Rich crimson, firm and solid, excellent in quality.



Large Stock, Strong Plants.

Exceedingly beautiful, nearly evergreen hedge plants. Very vigorous and hardy; leaves deep green, bright and very glossy. Especially adapted for hedges at the seashore; very easily transplanted. Beware of spurious kinds of privet which are being offered for the above and which are not nearly so desirable. Ours are the genuine California, or Japan Privet (Ligustrum Ovalifolium). Most of them have been transplanted and are furnished with an abundance of fine fibrous roots, are well branched and are sure to give satisfaction.

Per100 Per 1000

Also larger sizes quoted on application.

Osage Orange. 1 year old, per 100, 75c.; per 1000, $5.00. 2 years old, per 100, $1.00; per 1000, $7.50.

Hemlock Spruce. 1 to 2 ft. high, per doz., $6.00; per 100, $10.00. 2 to 214 ft. high, per doz., $7.50; per 100, $55.00.

Norway Spruce. 12 to 18 inches high, per doz., $3.00; per 100,

20.00. 2to 2% ft. high, per doz., $6.00; per 100, $40.00.

American Arbor Vitae. 18 to 24 inches high, per doz., $3.00; per 100, $20.00. 3 to 3% ft. high, per doz., $7.00; per 100, $50.00.

Althea (Hibiscus). 1 to 2 ft. high, per doz., $1.50; per 100, $10.00. 3 to 4 ft. high, per doz., $3.50; per 100, $25.00.

Berberis (Thunbergii). 1 to 1% ft. high, per doz., $2.00; per 100, $12.00. 114 to 2 ft. high, per doz., $2.25; per 100, $16.00. 2 to 2% ft. high, per doz., $3.50; per 100, $25.00.

A Hedge of California Privet (Catalpa Trees in the rear).



Strong, Sturdy Stock Only, Shipping Season April Ist to about November Ist.

in the row.

and well worked.

Erie. doz. 60c., per 100 $3.00.

ductive. Per doz. 60c., per 100 $3.00. Wilson’s Junior.

enough to stand without staking.

f; Brandywine.

variety, extensively grown. Cuthbert.

{ GiB $2.50. as EB yz Philadelphia. Dark crimson; hardy and productive. Per doz. e

50C., per 100 $2.50. Golden Queen.


per 100 $2.50. Japanese, or Wineberry.

$1.00, per 100 $6.00.

fruit, bright scarlet.


An excellent early berry; ripens its entire crop at once. \) Berries good size, black, firm, sweet and of good quality. Per . U}

Kittatinny. large, juicy, sweet and excellent; hardy and pro-

yet introduced. Per doz. 60c., per I00 $3.00.

Considered the best and most profitable late berry. Un if Sei Of large size, unsurpassed productiveness, “il) M fine flavor and early. The largest and best early blackberry ANY wy

Raspberries Plant in rows five to six feet apart, two to four feet apart inthe row. Cut

the tops off within a few inches of the ground when planted. Pinch the vigo- A af rous young shoots several times during the summer, they will then grow stout ¢==>=—>

Large ; bright red; hardy and productive; an old ®& Per doz. 50c., per I0o0 $2.50.

Large, firm, deep rich crimson, of excellent quality ; perfectly hardy and very productive.

The best yellow variety.

Gregg. A large black variety; fruit firm, of excellent quality and a good shipper.

Large clusters of red berries, excellent for jelly or preserving.


Plant in good rich soil, in rows five feet apart, and three or four feet apart After the fruiting season or in early spring, cut out all the dead wood. Should be planted early, before the buds start. A good top dressing of stable manure, applied annually, produces large crops. Keep the ground clean





wy il)

Per doz. 50c., per 100 (

Per doz. 50c., per 100 Ruspberricg

Per doz. 50,

Per doz.

Strawberry Raspberry. A raspberry in the form of the strawberry, growing about 18 inches high; Per doz. $1.50, per 100 $6.00.


Currants should be planted in good soil, which must be kept rich and well worked. Sprinkle ashes around the roots occasionally, to keep the borers away. The currant worm may be destroyed by sprinkling the bushes with powdered white hellebore while they are wet with dew. Where it has been applied, the fruit should not be used without first being washed.

Black Naples. Vigorous and productive ; used for jelly and jams and highly profitable for market in somesections. Two years, per doz. $1.00, per 100 $6.00.

Fay’s Prolific. Color rich red. Per doz. $1.50, per 100 $7.50.

Red Dutch. Medium size; in large bunches, the old and well- known currant of the garden. Per doz. $1.00, per 100 $6.00.

Red Cherry. Large. Per doz. $1.00, per 100 $6.00.

White Grape. The best white variety ; large, sweet. $1.00, per 100 $6.00.

Hardy Grape Vines Catawba _ A very good keeper; red, sweet and rich, with pleasant flavor. Does best against buildings.

Concord. One of the most profitable of all hardy grapes. and berry large ; black, juicy and sweet.

Delaware. Light red, very sweet. Duchess. Medium size; greenish white; excellent quality.

Martha ( White Concord). Large, pale yellow ; strongly resem- bles the Concord in all points except in color: hardy and

Per doz.


vigorous. TMoore’s Early. Bunch and berry round and large ; black. Niagara. Bunches very large and very compact; berries large,

light greenish white, skin thin but tough, and does not crack. Pocklington. Golden yellow. Worden. Large, Black. Salem. Large; bright reddish brown ; fine rich aromatic flavor.

Price of any of the above varieties : Strong two year old Vines, 25c. each, per doz. $2.50 Extra strong three year old Vines, 50c. each, per doz. $5.00.


Treatment same as for Currants.

Downing. Large pale green; soft, juicy and good for family use. Per doz. $1.00, per 100 $6.00.

Houghton’s Seedling. Pale red) JPeridoza Siroomsper 100 $6.00.

Industry. Although a for- eign sort, it has done ad- mirably, being a vigorous grower and an immense yielder, and showing no signs of mildew. Color dark red. Each 20c., per doz. $1.75, per 100 $10.00.

Gooseberries APPLES—Baldwin, Early Harvest, Maiden Blush. per doz. $8.00. APRICOTS.—Acme, Rowan. CHERRIES—Black Tartar, Gov. Wood Each $1.00, per doz. $10.06

Each 75c., Each 5oc,, per doz. $5.00.

PEACHES—Crawiords Early, Elberta. Each 30c., per doz. $3.00. PLUIMS—(European) Bradshaw, Reine Claude, Each $1.00, doz. $10. se (Japan) Abundance Burbank. Each 75c., per doz. $8.0c PEARS—RBartlett, Kieffer, Seckel. Each $1.00, per doz, $10.00. QUINCE—Meeches Champion. Each 5oc., per doz. $5.00.

The above Trees are all 2 years old, except where noted. We can furnish smaller Trees at lower prices.






: Ns th “a 4 VIOLETS.


For planting in frames and greenhouses; in fine, healthy condition, free from rust and disease. Grown by specialists.


La France. Very large. One of the very best. $2.00 per doz.; |

rane. The very best large single blue variety. It is of a S E L E Cc al E D C A R N A T f O N Ss =

beautiful rich soft violet color, with strong stout stems from 9 FOR WINTER BLOOMING.

to 12 inches long, very fragrant. $1.50 per doz.; $12.00 per Ivo. Fst fh kes df f di Princess of Wales. $1.50 per doz.; $12.00 per Ieo. sata ie Maal ae fOr US EE ete Cea oe amet California. One of the largest single blue violets in cultivation. a + a PRICES:

Strong clumps per doz., $1.50; per Ioo0, $11.00. Per doz., $2.00. Per 50, $6.50. Per 100, $12.00.


Lady Hume Campbell. The best double blue. Field clumps Vesper, May Naylor, Lillian Pond, The

per doz., $1.503 per 100, $12.00. Queen, Queen Louise, Flora Hill, Gov. Wol-

Double Russian. Dark blue. Per doz., $1.50; per too, $12.00. | .cott, Norway, White Cloud, Boston Market, Swanley Double White. Strong clumps. Per doz., $1.50; | Lady Bountiful, Fred Burki.

per 100, $12.00. PINK

Lawson, Joost, Crocker, Genevieve Lord, Marquis, Melba, Enchantress, Fiancee, Fair Maid, Nelson

Fisher. § RED AND SCARLET VARIETIES Crane, Roosevelt, Estelle, Adonis, America, Maceo, Challenger, Harry Fenn, Cardinal.

VARIEGATED AND YELLOW VARIETIES Amarzindy, Bradt, Prosperity, Gold Nugget, Golden Beauty, Sunbird.


«s Model.”’ Doz. 100 1000 2 rings AE Eni es) tet nce BOCA H.* -83-00)) $27.50 ce ee EC a ia ei cults Sarit ee hee NS 3.50 32.50


Don’t throw away bursted calyx carnation blooms. To

eel Iwo Bing ; : 3 : aye arnation Support. the grower of this favorite winter flower this band is invalu- shies

able. Can be readily and quickly adjusted ; almost invisible when on the flower ; will not injure the most delicate flower.

PRICES: Sulpho- FHOSG) oe hay ae Se i Seer ee ee au ee pOr & Tobacco 4,500 <r au Spek eee a ee? MCE AO) es tags POCO TE ide Sn a ee EAU S o> eee ee 255 Soap. Ses Ge 3 Bag 1 OGOu ae Yah a 2 1 ie iy UR ead Mb eats ee Ae te Pale SG, WE , a, NSECTS Cut showing Bursted Carnation without our Carnation Band. Postpaid to any address in the United States. IN atone



AN Z AY} Ni Me y \ AU iz i mn


Pui CYCAS REVOLUTA. (Sago Palm) A A very fine, hardy house plant, 75c. to $5.00 each ya FICUS ELASTICA (Rubber Plant) Cocos Weddeliana Palm A 4 Each B Each Very graceful fine foliage, especially adapted a2 inches high......$0.50 a inches high...... Fe for planting in Fern Dishes. us Che aeatee “75 2 a6 BaD Sesser oO Each Doz. : 3-inch pots, 12 inches high ..............$0.25 $2.50 PALMS fey 1G} i eee el sscuscccestens 50 5.00 Special Price will be quoted on larger quantities. Grown in cool greenhouses, preferable and mote satisfactory than those grown in hothouses. Areca Lutescens Palms ARAUCARIA KENTIAS Wack . Ss aay fx i Leaves Height Each Doz. R (Norfolk Island Pine ) a inches high, pts 5 leay OS) cosas aacoac aa cenasseddieds on 3-inch pots, 4 to 5, 12 to 15 inches...80.25 $2.50 / ) t Bets cachuccresiecctente ose : 4 4 CMR GIB OTTS Cra te 5.00 . : : 24 to 30 inches high, 6 to 7 leaves .................. 2.00 = ce & 2 One of the most beautiful decorative plants. Easily See AG) = 5 6 to 7, 18 to 21 ccm UAV) 10.00 aa Sennen Also larger sizes, from $2.50 to $5.00 each. 6g « 7 to 8 24 to 26 Gs By 21.00 Each Doz. | LATANIAS (Fan Leaved Palm) a Gpinchesshi ane ce use aes ula eee $0.75 $7.50 | " Each Asparagus Sprengerii Plants Sy Lid Jo ame h ate apa CARY ft 1.00 10.00 | 5 to 6 leaves, 15 inches high...............-.-++..-+---80.50 12 “< 1.50 15.00 6 well-developed leaves, 15 inches high ........ 1.00 p Each Doz. Per 100 2 $ ZOE SSE CEERI SEER ODS. 2320205 “9 2: | 6 to 7 well-developed leaves, 20 inches high.. 1.50 | 3-inch pots................. $0.15 $1.50 $10.06 TS {oy UG THES, WANED DG acosen cess consssbcoccesn coxsco PAOD 21.00 Also larger sizes, from $2.00 to $5.00 each. NS oy bcocoodseen cco hoes 725) 2.75 22.50


Desirable Varie- ties Special for Filling Fern Dishes or



zt Each Doz. Young Plants.................. $0.25 $2.50 Strong Plants............. se 00) 000 Large Plants, 6-in. Pots... 1.00 10.00 Specimen Plants.....$2.00 to £5.00 each


2Y, inch Pots.

$1.00 per doz. 7.00 per 100.

2 inch Pots.

$1.25 per doz. 9.00 per 100.

Winter Decorations for the Home and Conservatory

Michell’s Giant Cyclamen Plants Asparagus Plumosa Japanese Fern Ball Produced from our own strain of seed in A very sturdy house plant. Desirable Japanese Fern Balls, new importation ; ready in December.

the brightest colors. for growing in fern dishes. Dormant Fern Balls as 40 cents each

30 cents each; per dozen, $3.00 15 cents each; per dozen, $1.25 Started Fern Balls = e 75 cents each

4 =>

<2 See Li eS Se

Q Kap in 4

Fern Dish Planted \ ae with Michell’s

Long - Keeping Ferns : ‘\ JARDINIERES | ra Our stock of Fancy Jardinieres is ex- FERN DISHES AND FERNERIES clusive; the most original designs and - The amount of satisfaction derived from a fern dish is remark- patterns can be obtained here, suitable for able. Planted with hardy ferns, the kind we select especially for all sizes of pots. The prices are low—as that purpose, they stand the abuse of any room. The dishes, little as 25 cents, as high as $10. Call and empty, with an inside liner, can be had at 60 cents to $3.00 each. examine our stock before purchasing else- Prices for filling fern dishes, from 75 cents to $1.50, according to

where. | size of dish and assortment of plants.



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