Historic, Archive Document

Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices.




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Thorburn’s Special Collections of Choice Bulbs


No. 1. Collection of Choice Bulbs for House Culture Price, $2.50.

If ordered by mail, add 40 cents for postage

6 White Roman Hyacinths 6 Trumpet Narcissus, Princeps 6 Fine Named Dutch Hyacinths 6 Double Narcissus, Van Sion 6 Fine Mixed Duteh Hyacinths 6 Poet’s Narcissus

12 Fine Mixed Single Tulips 12 Mixed Spanish Iris

.z Yine Mixed Double Tulips 6 Campernelle Jonquils 30 Mixed Crocus 6 Freesia refracta

6 Polyanthus Narcissus

No. 2. Collection of Choice Bulbs for House Culture

Price, $4.75. Postage or Expressage extra

Consists of the same varieties as Collection No. 1, but with double the number of each sort.

No. 3. Collection of Choice Bulbs for House Culture

Price, $9. Postage or Expressage extra.

Consists of the same varieties as Collection No. 1, but with four times the number of each sort.

No. 4. Collection of Hardy Bulbs for Outdoor Culture Price, $2.

If ordered by mail, add 40 cents for postage

6 Mixed Double Red Hyacinths 12 Mixed Double Anemones

6 Mixed Single Blue Hyacinths 1 Crown Imperial

6 Mixed Single White Hyacints 12 Spanish Iris

24 Mixed Early Tulips 6 Double White Narcissus 50 Mixed Crocus 6 Butter-and-Eggs Narcissus

No. 5. Collection of Hardy Bulbs for Outdoor Culture

Price, $3.75. Postage or Expressage extra.

Consists of the same varieties as Collection No. 4g, but with double the number of each sort.

No. 6. Collection of Hardy Bulbs for Outdoor Culture

Price, $7. Postage or Expressage extra

Consists of the same varieties as Collection No. 4, but with four times the number of each sort.

Copyright, 1906, by J. M. Thorburn & Co.


INCORPORATED 1894 A utumn, 1906



Bulbs and Flowering ‘Roots for Fall ‘Planting

August 15, 1906

HE growing of bulbs for winter and spring flowering is very interesting and very easy. If the gil directions given in this Catalogue are observed, there need be no disappointment with the results. Many of our most beautiful flowers are produced from bulbs, and they may be grown indoors in

the winter months, when flowers are most appreciated. By successive plantings a constant supply of cocaine Si flowers may be had from December till May. The finest outdoor displays of

the early spring months are also from bulbs planted in the autumn. There

Sees ¥ , Bs is nothing more refreshing than the first Snowdrop of spring. It appears Bs *. FY x aa before the snow is right off the ground, and is quickly followed by the Ale a Re OO Chionodoxa, or “Glory-of-the-Snow,” the bright and variously

colored Crocuses and Scillas and the lovely Daffodils. Then come the gorgeous lawn displays of Hyacinths and Tulips. All these are produced from bulbs planted in the fall.

We invite special attention to the collections of bulbs offered on the second page of cover, both for indoor and outdoor cultivation. They contain only sorts that will insure satisfaction. The cultural direc- tions found under the respective headings are also worthy of careful attention.

Our Bulbs are all selected, and from the best grow- ers, and should not be confounded with the cheap “case” bulbs sent to this country on speculation and often sold at auction, and otherwise, at very low prices.

NAME and ADDRESS. We often receive orders with eitherthe name or the address of the sender omitted. As we can do nothing with them, the customer thinks his order is being neglected. We, therefore, beg our eorrespondents to write on each order their name and full address.

ORDERS should be sent as soon as pos- sible after receipt of this Catalogue. The bulbs will be sent in proper time for plant- ing. They are ready from September to November, according to the time of ripen- ing and the country from which they come. Orders booked earliest are surest of being filled as ordered. If left too late, the supply of some of the varieties may be exhausted.

Please address all orders and remittances to


F, W. BRUGGERHOF, PRESIDENT. 33 Barclay Street through to 38 Park Place, E, E. BRUGGERHOF, VICE-PRES. AND TREAS,




Ready for delivery in September

The Hyacinth is one of the most popular and beautiful of spring-flowering plants for indoor and outdoor decorations. By careful management in keeping up a succession, they may be had in flower from the beginning of wiuter to the end of May. For a spring display in the open ground they are unexcelled. Brilliant effects can be obtained by’ massing different colors in varieties that grow about the same height and bloom at the same time. We furnish very large numbers for this purpose to publie parks and cemeteries, and we shall be pleased to recommend to anyone suitable sorts, when desired.

OUTSIDE CULTURE.—October is the month to plant Hyacinths outside. They succeed best in a light soil and in a sunny situation. If the soil is naturally-heavy, some sand should be mixed with it; and if the beds have been occupied with other plants throughout the summer, some well-rotted cow manure should be added. The soil should be well dug to a depth of 14 inches, and raised from 2 to 4 inches above the level of the walk. The bulbs should be planted evenly, about 6 inches deep to the bottom of the bulb, and from 6 to 7 inches apart: if planted at uneven depths they

Group of Hyacinths i will not bloom at the same time, but irregularly.

Care must be taken not to press the earth too firmly

around and over the bulbs; some successful gardeners follow the plan of setting each bulb in a handful

of clean sand, which insures proper drainage. After the ground has become frozen in early winter,

cover with a few inches of dry litter, evergreen boughs or coarse manure. If this covering be applied

before freezing weather, it renders the bulbs liable to the predations of field mice, which may burrow in it.

CULTURE IN POTS. For growing in pots, large, selected, named varieties should be used. They should be potted singly in 5-inch or 6-inch pots. Three bulbs in a 7-inch pot are very effective. The best potting compost is fibry loam and manure in about equal parts, with some river sand intermixed. The pots should be filled lightly, and the bulb pressed into the soil so that its base is firmly fixed. About one-third of the bulb should remain above the soil. The pots should then be buried in the open ground to the depth of 6 inches, and left there for five or six weeks, until the pots are well filled with roots. They may then be taken into the house, where the warmth will soon bring them into flower. Where a succession is desired, it is best to pot at intervals from September till the end of November. Plenty of water should be always applied, and manure-water is beneficial after the flower- spikes appear.

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CULTURE IN GLASSES.—Single varieties are better adapted for culture in glasses than double ones. The bulb should be placed so that the base is just in contact with the water. Soft rain-water should be used, and a little charcoal might be placed in it to keep it pure. The glasses should be kept in a cool, dark closet for ten or twelve days, until roots are formed, and then exposed to the light and air as much as possible. Do not place them near gaslight. In very cold weather the glasses should be removed from the window, as the bulbs cannot stand frost. The water should never be allowed to freeze, and it should be changed every two or three days.

Persons unacquainted with the different varieties will do well to leave the selections to us, only speci- fying in their orders whether the bulbs are wanted for pot, glass or garden culture.

We invite special attention to the assortments of named Hyacinths of our selection offered on page 4, and to the Hyacinth Glasses which are described at the end of the Catalogue.

The names of our Hyacinths and Tulips are those given to them by the originators in Holland, and are not sold under fancy names manufactured in this country.

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N.B. Our selected named Hyacinths are the cream of the Holland Nurseries under their orig-

inal names. For forcing in pots or for outdoor beds they far surpass the class of bulbs usually sold.

The single-flowered varieties are generally more effective than the Double ones.

They also, as a rule,

succeed better in glasses. The Double varieties are distinguished by an asterisk (*) and those of them that

do well in water by two asterisks (**).

If ordered by mail, please add 15 cts. per dozen for postage.

Three of a kind sold at the dozen rate.


Each TRIER, . SPAR EUE cat ws ena ote anode a $0 15 Argus. Dark blue, white eye.............. 15 Baron van Thuyll. China-blue ............. 10 Bleu Mourant. Dark; compact ............ 10 **Blocksberg. Porcelain, striped ............ 12 Blondin. Tinged with purple............. 12 *Bride of Lammermoor. Dark blue.......... 15 Charles Dickens. Dark porcelain .......... 12 **Charles Dickens, Double. Dark blue........ 12 Czar Peter. Splendid light blue............ 18 *Delicata. Light blue; very fine............ 20 *Garrick. Deep lilac-blue ...........0scese 12 **General Anthink. Light blue........ feeneele 12 General Pelissier. Porcelain ............... 15 Grand Lilas. Porcelain-lilac ....... af cbidlaina 15 Grand Maitre. Large truss; deep porce- lain-blue; extra fine.............. satel Sea Johan. Pale gray-blue; large bells; splen- did compact spike; new................. 30 King of the Blues. Dark blue .............. 10 La Peyrouse. Light porcelain ............. 10




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Each Alba Maxima. Pure white ............... $0 20 Alba Superbissima. Pure white............ 15 Atbertine, ‘Pare white. =.'...<.c20 puewee oa 15 Angenis Christine. Pure white............. 15 *Anna Maria. Blush, purple eye............ 15 Baroness van Thuyll. Pure white; large iPUSss $? Venweanlin sce obese deals dene 12 Rlaschard. Pare white: io 5.22035, 526500 3K 15 *Bouquet Royal. Pure white................ 12 British Quéen. | Pure: whites... .. 2.2... 2 eee 30 Elfride. Blush white; large bells......... 12 *Plevei “Pare Wee 2 st ae aan cen eet 15 *Florence Nightingale. Extra fine, pure white 30 *Grand Vainqueur. Pure white.............. 15

Grand Vedette. Pure white ................ 12 Grandeur a Merveille. Blush white; large

{VUSSS LE ond Se tee eee eae ieee 10 *Isabella. Rosy white; grand spike; new.. 15 *Jenny Lind. White, purple eye............ 15

La Belle Blanchisseuse. Pure white ........ 15 La Grandesse. Pure white; extra.......... 20 La Franchise. Fine waxy white............ 12 La Neige.. Pure white ..2, 2 4esJe-05. aaa os 20 **La Tour d’Auvergne. Pure white........... 12 *tLa Virginite.. Blush white: ..<3).0+-cess2sc- 12 Leviathan. Blash white: .c.inc once eae. 20 L’Innocence. Pure white; large truss ..... 15 Madame Vanderhoop. Pure white .......... 15 Mammoth. Pure white; large bells........ 12 Mina. Pare white: [stpe.4..- 0 aces ene 15 Mont Blanc. Pure white; splendid ........ 20

Mr Plimsoll. Blush white; large truss .... 15

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Each *Laurens Koster. Violet-blue............. $0 20 Leeman... (one hinges... adh wcebusinneet 12 Lord Derby. Light porcelain .............. 20 *Lord Wellington. Dark stripes............. 15 PAGES, SRE WING CINEO cc cctow esis alec wlan! ais ants 10 Masterpiece. Purplish black; fine......... 20 **Mignon de Dryfhout. Light porcelain, RRO ARTIC ince isn dian wage b is nme nleletep 12 Orondatus. Light blue; early ............. 18 “*Othelle. _-Violet-black.. o.0.6,. cons cence na pen 15 Pieneman. Dark porcelain ................ 10 Prince of Wales. Dark blue, white eye..... 20 *Prince von Saxe Weimar. Dark blue; large SPERO Tc ceite's «a Peete Ctibe: Jono anc Oc 12 Queen of the Blues. Light; extra.......... 15 Regulus. Large; porcelain-blue........... 10 *Rembrandt. Splendid light blue; largetruss 15 Schotel. Fine porcelain; immense spike... 20 *Van Speyk. Lilac; large bells............. 15 William I. Fine purplish black ............ 15 Watts Ti. Pne BING osc os os amen cain 15 Each *Ne Plus Ultra. Blush white _............ $0 15 Paix de l’Europe. Pure white .............. 12 **Prince of Waterloo. Pure white ............ 15 Rousseau. Rosy ©ye «2.0.0. cee cen ccd cccece 15 *Sceptre d'Or. Pure white.................. 15 Snowball. Large; pure white ............. 25 Menta. Binshowhite ce... osl cca caldenscn 15 Veltsrre: = Bish omhite’ «5.26 <)cc00.- noes ee 10

: Single Hya


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NAMED RED, CRIMSON AND PINK HYACINTHS | AMY >. Dricht, Gark TCd-. sevice oe nie $010 $1° 00 La Reine des Jacinthes. Crimson......... $012 61°35 Baron van Thuyll. Fine rose; early........ 10.1 00 |” \ Uinasens, = Fine -crimsom-.s06: 10h ce oc. oe 15 . .1 50 “Bouquet Royal. Rose, red center .......... it eo Lord Macaulay. Carmine stripes........... 12 1 25 | **Bouquet Tendre. Crimson............¢.---. TZ “i-2b | Lord Wellington, Single. Rose ........ es io: ye Cardinal Wiseman. Carmine-rose; immense | **Lord Wellington, Double. Extra large....... 15, “450 SPEC reein aise oleim sorte lvin ales eisai cies nial ietsihiegs 1 lO Madame Hodson. Pink, striped carmine ... 12 1 25 Charles Dickens. Fine pink; early......... 15 150) #£xMariaCornelia. Light rose; early.......... 15. 75) *Chestnut Blossom. Pink; fine ............. 20 2 00 Monsieur Hoboken. Soft carmine; extra... 15 1 50 **Czar Nicholas. Pale rose; large............ 12) 5 a Moreno; Waxy pink... 3.525. .iccs ieee o noe 15,>.°.1° 50 Fabiola. Pink, carmine-striped............ V2. -sleeo Norma. Delicate waxy pink .........ossece bt tea Garibaldi. Brilliant carmine; fine......... 15 150) **Noble par Merite. Fine red ................ m1 25 General Pelissier. Carmine ................ 10 100 | **Prince of Orange. Semi-double............. 2 (ee Gertrude. Fine spike; bright pink ........ 10 100 *Princess Alexandra. Magnificent dark rose. 15 1 50 Gigantea: Bright: rosev iis 2 aaiiete are = 1 OO *Princess Louise. Dark red................. At ais et *Glory of the Netherlands. Fine rose ........ eet 50 *Regina Victoria. Light rose....... ae ee "2°? "2°25 Grand Vainqueur. Rose; large truss....... i5° 1 50 Robert Steiger. Fine crimson.............. 10 100 : **Grootvorst. Peach blossom............--. Ue ANS Roi des Belges. Dark red; fine truss pages 1200125 Homerus. Bright red; early .............. is” 1 50 Roses: Maxima, Delicate rose; fine spike... 15°. .1)50 fei Sarah Bernhardt. Fine rose ............... 20 200 Kohinoor, Single. Splendid dark rose....... 2p) 6-2 50 *Sir Walter Scott. Light rose, large bells.... 25 2 50 *Kohinoor, Double. Bright rose; large spike. 20 2 00 Sultan’s Favorite. Blush pink, shaded...... 12 125 Lady Derby: Bright rose”. 0-40. .--ewe soe er 40 400 | Von Schiller. Large; dark truss........... I ee


Each Doz. Each Doz. Charles Dickens. Light violet: splendid.$0 20 $2 00 L’ Unique: "Darkeviolets 1. ons. s cee $0 20 $2 00 Distinction. Maroon; quite distinct........ 30 =63:00 Lord Balfour. Reddish violet; large bells.. 25 2 50 Haydn, TWiilae-mauve 3) acc cece eae seccict 20 2 00 Sir Edwin Landseer. Rich claret........... 25 250 Jeschko. Fine spike; dark lilac...... ioe OO. ee Sir William Mansfield. Fine mauve..... ods eo ee L’Esperance. Glowing claret; late......... 25 - 2 50 Thackeray. Violet-purple................ « 20 3.00

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} Each Doz. Each Doz. Adonia. Orange-yellow.............+-e+: $0 15 $1 50 King of the Yellows. Deep yellow........ $0 20 $2 00 Bird of Paradise. Dark yellow............. 15 -..1 50 La Pluie d’Or. Light yellow................ 15... 50 *Bouquet Orange. Reddish orange.......... 15 1:50 *Minerya. Oranges oiase cdicpe seis « siwsieha cme 15 1 50 | 2 ee aerate Papa SUB ES sob a0 2 202° - : a! Obelisque. Golden yellow.............00-. 20 200 eur WOri’ ‘Pale well6w to 5 225..0 ek cee 2 *Ophir d’Or. Yell 1 t , ooo een +Goethe, Pale 'yellow.22/ia02.. 0. sees he ae 15 1-50 aap hea egg Al da iat oS = : Heroine, Yellow, tipped: @eeen o.2.+ 0. 4... 15 150 Sonora. “Garces Yellow.’ ccins x <0 </cx'' zee 15 1 50 Ida. Pare yellow jcc unite Peet cs -'3- 15 150} *Sunflower. Buff-yellow ................++. 20 2 00 | **Jaune Supreme. Dark yellow .............. 15.) 250 Yellow Hammer. Golden yellow ........... 30 ©6300 {


No. 1... 12, Named: Hyacinths;. for house culture mm pots or @laSSes eo. wc. 6c ccs sc.ovme + on cenn ses cuen «seaaeeeee $1.25 ; No. 2. ' 12 Fine Named Hyacinths, for house culture in pots or glasseS.... 2... ..ccenescecesces sons sucess uuee 1 75 7 No. 3. 12 Extra-fine Named Hyacinths, for house culture in pots or glasseS........cc00 cece eee nee eee ee eee 2 25 a | No. 4. 50 Fine Named Double and Single Hyacinths, in 12 varieties.... 2... .... 0. cee eee cee ee eee eee tee 4 50 . No. 5. 100 Fine Named Double and Single Hyacinths, in 25 varieties. ..........0. ce cece ee cece en eee eee neee 8 00


To obviate the disappointment resulting from selecting unsuitable varieties for design beds, we give the following groups of some of the sorts that bloom about the same time and grow to the same height. They will all form most effective combinations. We recommend named sorts for design bedding as decidedly better than mixtures.

Baron Thuyll, Red. General Pelissier, Red. | At Superbissima, White. | Baroness van Thuyll, White.

Charles Dickens, Blue. Grand Maitre, Blue.

Robert Steiger, Red. | Mas Vanderhoop, White.

Gigantea, Red. Marie, Blue. ( Norma, Red. ; i Grandeur a Merveille, White. La Franchise, White. Baron van Thuyll, Blue. | La Peyrouse, Blue.

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Single Hyacinths.



The very largest size. Suitable either for forcing or bedding

Our Mixed Hyacinths should not be confounded with the small-sized, low-priced mixtures often sold. Our bulbs are all of the largest size. Being furnished in so many separate colors, splendid bedding effects may be produced with them. They are also admirably adapted for forcing in the greenhouse for winter cut-flowers.

If ordered by mail, add 10 cents per dozen for postage. Three of a color at dozen rates, 25 of a color at 100 rates.

Doz. 100 Doz. 100

Single- Dark Bitte 2. sce ta se tees ones $0 60 $4 25 | Double Dark Bilge... oi. -ounssnnvsesanteeee $0 60 $4 25 aR ae) BF) 1) CT eee ne en ie 60 4 25 se Light Bine@~ sues 00's «s0s'a pees eee 60 4 25 cS Blge:s. cA SHAGCS s< oak eele ohare aie oe 60 4 25 ‘S|. Blne. cAM: shades’. : 25: 5222502 See 60 4 25 $6 © ACK OCU cic: 0 w cisihe oe are 6 eatetneln svejan ee ewe 60: 4°25 6 Dark Red oso. eso sos oe won eee 60 4 25 ‘6 Rose and Pink. ..All-shades -.3.0)...2...5, 00. “2-25 ‘6 Bose and Pink.. All shades............ 60 4 25 iss Bed OxAll shades. .cnn:. steve cae ee eee 60 4 25 ‘6. Red, = All shades «2... 4. sc cn-oe eee 60 4 25 66S PEO White foe. vckis eSaseye 6a eee 60 4 25 ‘e> Pure: White . .i.20 62% oo<.s.nnie eee 60 4 25 66°) les White. 35: cie e nivincsie nies alent pie wets 60° 4:25 ‘¢> Dlush White.......<.. ..coceameeemeeeee 60 4 25 6 eo Wihtite: val SHAGGS: su ctisesns aot sm etry alia 60 4 25 66 - White.. “All -shades,..:: J2c.ceeeuee eee GO: 4035 (s- Yellow ee All shades. cose acecnae eee 60 425 “> Yellow: All shades. 222.2525 ---- ee 60 - 725 ‘¢ ALL COLORS MIXED....per 1,000, $34.. 60 4 00 ‘¢ ALL COLORS MIXED ...per 1,000, $34.. 60 4 00


Extensively used by florists for forcing for cut-flowers. For this purpose they are the best and most popu- ar of bulbs. The flowers are pure white, delightfully fragrant, and each bulb will throw up from three to four spikes. For forcing, three or four bulbs are gener- ally planted in a suitable pot, in good soil (as ree- onimended for other varieties). The pots must be kept in a cool and dark place until they fill with roots, when the flower-spikes can be rapidly de- veloped by exposure to light and moderate heat. They are very easily grown and extremely early, and by making successive plantings they may be had in flower all through the winter. The blue and rose Roman Hyacinths flower from one to two weeks later than the white variety.

If by mail, add 10 cts. per dozen for postage.

f Each Doz. 100 Pure White. First size..1,000,$32..$0 06 $0 55 $3 50

‘«« ** -Extra-selected, largest ..

per 1,000,$38.. 06 65°" 425

Mammoth size.1,000,$45.. 08 73>, .Beh0 Double Rose-Pink Roman ............ 06 65 4 50 Double Dark Rose Roman............ 05 BD... aan Single Blue Roman.................. 05 17 fgets beat


These are grown largely by florists for cutting. The flowers are single, very graceful and fragrant, and produced abundantly. They are hardier than the Romans, and may also be planted outside in the fall for flowers for early spring cutting.

Each Doz. 100

Single White Italian .............. $0 06 $0 60 $4 00 SE OMOW au.s 5 s.'c + ec enn 10°). 108; 6340 BOG. ht EWRTNO Side, o wits ya! aid-svetiti aie atte termes 0d D0, ee O


These are also known as ‘Dutch Roman”’ and ‘* Pan Hyacinths.’’ They are very suitable for growing in groups in pots or earthern pans. We offer them in separate colors, and also mixed, as follows:

Pure White, Cream-White, Dark Red,Rosy Red, Light Blue,

: Dark Blue and Yellow. 40c. per doz., $2.75 per 100. Roman Hyacinths. Mixed, All Colors. 40 cts. per doz., $2.50 per 100.


Tulips are ready for delivery in September

For beauty of form and brillianey of coloring, Tulips are unequaled. For bedding they are the most popular and effective of all hardy bulbous plants. In our descriptions we give the color and average height to which they grow, so that purchasers can select suitable sorts for forming display beds in design. The most gorgeous effects can be produced by harmonious massing of contrasting colors. For pot culture and forcing for winter cut- flowers, they are also invaluable.

CULTURE.—The cultural directions given for hyacinths, on page 2, are equally applicable to Tulips, except that the bulbs, being smaller, must not be planted quite so deep. Four inches to the


TULIPS, continued

bottom of the bulb is deep enough, and a distance of 5 or 6 inches between the bulbs is sufficient. They may be planted in October and November, before the ground freezes. A little sand around each bulb is generally recommended, but in light, sandy soil this‘may be dispensed with. For pot culture, a compost of two parts loam to one part light manure, with some sand intermixed, is suitable. From three to five bulbs, according to size, in a 5-inch pot, are very effective. The pots should be buried until the bulbs are well rooted, in the manner recommended for hyacinths. Most of the varieties named below are

equally well adapesa for pot culture or the open border. A, B and C indicate season of flowering. A and B may be planted to flower about the same time in the open

ground; C fiowers later. SINGLE EARLY ~ TULIPS

If ordered by mail, add 5 cents per dozen or 30 c2nts per 100 for postaze. Six of a kind at dozen rates, 25 of a kind at 100 rates.

Height in. Doz. 100 C Admiration:. Fine: scarleti ...03 63550 fed aeek ss oe ee Sates nn See eS ee ee eee 8....each 5c. $0 40 $2 50 C Alba regalis. Pine white 22.5: ark ev ea cides ote ee eee. tae ee 5 OE) es Pane ERS Gs 30) =aleas A Alida Maria. Cherry-red, white-striped....... 2.2.06 -s0w..-ee Pie aa 0 cia ntetn ana 7....each 8e. 60 4 00 B Artus. Bright searlet; fine bedder....... le cnge abi, oats oocs vakges Per deD00, $164.7 ..2each 5e, oO. 2 ae A Belle Alliance (Waterloo). Rich crimson; fine foreer or bedder.... ‘‘ $26..7....each 6c. 50 863 00 B Bizard Verdict. Brilliant carmine, gold-striped...... 5.2... ..eeeececes SR ae Tne rOr 18e. 30:* 63250 B Brutus. Orange-crimson, yellow edge; good forcer........... eg Ay rio eee OA 6....each 5c. oa. A 2eRe B Californian ‘Gold. Golden <yellow. .: «<0 sae to cee ee + «ee ee eee 7....each 5c. 35 200 A Canary Bird. Rich golden yellow; fine cup; fine for foreing........ per 1,000, $12..8....each 5c. 35 62 00 B Cardinal’s Hat. Dark crimson; .032% 0. Sik tia. cases ea iia Bs $11..8....3 for 10c. D0. 2yt ee B Cerise Grisdelin. Purple-cerise, edged white; very beautiful...................--- 9....each 7c. 60 4 00 A Chrysolora. Splendid; pure yellow; good forcer or bedder..... ... LG Sil... 7 ctw LOGAOG. 30. 125 B Cottage Maid. White, with rose edge; for forcing or bedding....... $12.27" a2. 5 fOr Ge; 30, laste. C Couleur Cardinal. -Brilliant’crimson; finefor bedding. .. .-.\:aeeases anaes cece cee 8....each 10c. 75. 5 00 B ‘* Ponceau. Rose, crimson border; on white ground........... per l, 000, SLL. 8.2. ia kOr te. 30-° b% A Crimson King (Roi Cramoisie). . Bright crimson; large flowers ..... oe $16..7....each 5¢. 40 2 50 B De Keyser. Extrailarge: fine scarletsn. 2,). 2 cctace ce «civics este ee eral asichcani ot OSS 6....each 10c. 75 «65 (00 C De Viieger. > Very beautiful rose. colors jac 2 o-foie te proe ate <= )- ne ile ee intone! <= 7....each 10¢. 90 6 00 A Dac’ de Gerlin: ,Red'and yellow; earliys Qive tee cp ale ete eine at clin alee sine ote eee an 6....each 5e. 40 2 50 B Duchesse de Parma. Red, yellow border; forcer and bedder........ per 1,000, $12..9....3 for 10c. a0 - 1-25 B Dusart. A splendid dark scarlet, unsurpassed for bedding ..............00...2 000: ices. @ach- be. 60 3 50 B Fabiola. Large; white, deep violet-striped..... EUS alates siacemeinc aia S mp tinle eomaie's cope ene dixie caine nee 40 250 B Gold Finch. Pure yellow, sweet-scented early; forcer .............-c00cceeseee eee Cxiom«@aelL: ee 40°" 225 B Golden Prince. Bright yellow; fine for forcing or bedding.......... per 1,000, $12..7....3 for 10c. 30> 4395 A Grand Duke of Russia. White, striped deep Violet ............. cee ccc eee eee eeeee Ti isc OReh OCs 40 2 50 B. Jagt van Delft... Pare swittesgocood eipehorms. me aes cuniwie ssc ce. cciae ook ss keie eae 7. wo DOr Ue, 30. 3550 A Joost van Vondel. Crimson and white; fine forcer or bedder ....... per 1,000, $16..7....each 5c. 40 2 50 B Keizerkroon. Red, golden yellow border; fine forcer or bedder ..... ay $22. .9 each) Gc. 50 =63 00 A King of the Yellows. Deep golden yellow; fine forcer; one of the earliest ‘‘ $18..8....each 5c. 40 2 25 A La Reine (Queen Victoria). White, rose border; fine forcer........ ty $12..7....3 for 10e. 30 61 75 B L’Immaculee. Pure white; fine forcer; very early.................- “s $l fs s ee ton We. 25.~ 1 50 A Maas. Dazzling scarlet; very large flowers; fine bedder................ SSaeacacn 8....eaeh 12¢. - 1 25 ~ sip: A Mon Tresor. Large; pure yellow; extra fine; early forcer ...................2--- 8. ..<each> Ge. 50 3 00 B Moucheron. Beautiful deep scarlet; fine large flower ............ 0.00 ceccescccccees 8....each 6c. 50 =63.:(00 B Nelly: .Pure white; swery large, S seee se reiee ice oa alee wince nls avccle s cape icin'ara ale oe Seine P<ewad LOL AGE: 30.) ee A Ophir d’0Or. Largest, deep, pure yellow; splendid forcer................ee0-ee0ee: 7....each. 5e: 40. 225 B Pink Beauty. Deep rose, with snowy white flush in outer petals, center white and

yellows -aanost lovely IPR p .2 ames octnace pee tie seit os ocia s-cersisie « pelea tame metas Tes. each 30¢... 3200

A Pottebakker, Yellow. Bright canary, yellow striped; forcer ............-....e+0 +e: 8....each 5c. 40 2 25 A White.. -White-self, ‘200d formic) fine: forcer. 2 iii. <b 0 bs weiss sles she nis se « 8....each 5c. 40 2 50 C ud Scarlet. Very effective; bright scarlet; forcer ...........cceeosese cee 8....each 5c. 40 2 50 A Prince de Ligne. Rich yellow; extra fine forcer; very early; long stems .......... 8....each 5c. 40 2 50 B Prince of Austria. Splendid; orange-red; very fragrant; extra for forcing......... 9....each 8c. 60 4 00 A Princess Mary Ann. Rosy white; extra large; fine forcer or bedder............... (2500 LOY kes 30 175 A Proserpine. Extra; salmon-pink; very fine form; good forcer..... per 1,000, $32..7....each 8c. 65 4 00 A Purple Crown. Dark purplish, vedl..6 00): hsm -s'< pe wae <n imceieane ate eptieeete leis ete! a= 6.. ...€80h- 5G, 35 62 00 A Queen of the Netherlands. Large, egg-shaped flowers; most beautiful, soft rose ...8....each 25ec, 2 50 A Eachel'Ruisch.. Extra fine: rose: co0d Torco. vc wie nistan (ss ntersieigs ala x's » ogi x le'g plas es ee 8....ea8ch 5¢, 35 2 00 A Rembrandt. Superb; bright scarlet; large flowers; fine forcer .............2.2-4-- 8....each 6c. 45 2 75 B Rosa Mundi Huikman. ‘Rosé and white's.:- .-c sec nee et. s theses Cece per 1,000, $12..8....3 for 10c. S00 IM fe B Rose Aplati. White, with soft rose edge; beautiful... ..2. .2ascss cece deen ben nitbae Zsa. each, Tes 55 «63 75 B Rose Grisdelin. White and dark rose; fine forcer and bedder..............2ee0-00 6....each 5c. 40 2 50 B Rose Luisante, Deep rose; beautiful large flower............... eee Saison oe eine oofeee-each 8c. 65 4 50


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SINGLE EARLY TULIPS, continued Height in.

nese Temdce, . Rovd madewiite= Amlomei ooo «can vw ca wucenuniecemapuaesnac aesdadcaces 6....each 6e. B Standard Royal, Silver. White, crimson-striped................ -ccccccccccccceccecs 7....each 6e. B Thomas Moore. Buff-orange, shaded; distinct; fine bedder................eeeeceee 9....each 6c. ee TE ge TYE BT 2S lp gle cite ali RS a Fa gal AE gaa Cates 7....each 6c. co RR Pe ES Ts 7h 1 te ae a 6....each 6c. B Van Goijen. Rosy white; very beautiful; forcer.............cccceccccceccccccceace 7....each 5c. A Vermilion Brilliant. Most brilliant vermilion; fine for pots and for forcing......... 8....each 8c. B Wapen Van Leiden (Arms of Leiden). White, rose-shaded...............ceeeeeeeee Gs CACH, 5G. B Washington. Silvery white; fine bedder and forcer.............cc0 cece cece cece cece 7....each 8c. nC mnnne” atic WIOl JGec soc. 5.0 ave cole wh cc gp mek oh cckan wes apas necece 6....each 6c. cd ees pore wihlte> fd for forking: ooo ea ol. sce so ce voce cuss anaes 7....each 6c. B White Swan. Pure white; true egg-shaped variety ...........ccccecccecccccesccces 8....each 5c.

Mixed Early Single, Thorburn’s Special Mixture. Extra choice.......... per 1,000, $10....3 for 10c.




mm DO WO WH DO FO Co & G

These are all tall-growing May-flowering Tulips, with very large, most brilliantly colored flowers of perfect form. They will be found invaluable for garden work. The named Bizarres and Bybloems are the sorts grown

100 $4

by florists for show purposes.

Bizarres. Crimson, violet-purple, etc., on yellow ground (25 named varieties) ............ each 8c. Pemecers. Hesy ow white (25 named varietses)* 15252254605 Lee cet eee ae PION. each 8c. ae. tues ance varieties: - See: gaa Wo. oon wae cw cree seems biecwnecavedases each 8c, at Wits. MIke “all SOLES: oo = .52 ss ooh ce cee eee ett takes ace eeniike ee eer, per 1,000, $12....each 5c. Mixed Bizarres, Bybloems and Breeders, see under the head of * Mixed Tulips,” page 11. Braety er amen” © rom, chanpine to (pms. os S22. ssa hoe ee On oe neta notes cnceatanene each 8c. Bucs pieernee nee). SplChdia . ces oe hca ch bas tc dees Gee eee een eens ues fe teae oad. each 5e. Bouton d’Or (Ida). The only late pure deep yellow; very beautiful; fine for cutting....... each 5c. Gesneriana. Dazzling scarlet, black center; effective in beds; fine for cutting............. each 5e. Golden Crown. Deep yellow, edged red; fine for cutting............... 2c. cece eee een eeees 3 for 10c. Golden Eagle, or Yellow Gesneriana. Deep yellow, with narrow orange-red fringe .......... 3 for 10c. Pomel sotose and white winie late SOF... cs <nas cc s'sns ew unten see cnn aee oa. cceracee succes each 5c. La Merveille. Salmon-rose, shaded orange-red; flowers of great size; elegant pitcher-

shaped when closed; sweet-scented; magnificent .............-.22 cece eeee pate naked wee teach 12c, Priester (Mamen.« Binsi). White, ‘with rose’ cde@ yas ea oe sete tae fe Sod Sa ous aeons oNe each ic. Rare, Pempen. PINE TOSS COOP: nc. cone sen sbtn es bck abaeewebeeea LLee PEs ate nece CuOV eee eues each 6c. SE Se ee eee ere rr terre reer oe kerries per 1,000, $9..2 for 5c.


Doz. $0 70 70



65 40 35 40 30 30 40

1 00 40 50 25



50 50 50 00

The Double Tulips come into bloom a little later than the single varieties. They are splendid for bedding,

and the flowers last longer in bloom than the single sorts. Some of the sorts are quite dwarf,

If ordered by mail, add 6 cents per dozen for postage.

Height in. Doz. 100 B Agnes. Brilliant red; early; quite dwarf..5....each 5c. $0 40 $2 25 B Alba Maxima. Pure white; BRELY § huh oan ac ens T..-.each 5e. 40 2 25 B Beacon Light (Vuurbaak). Bright fiery scarlet; extra large.......... 6....each 10ce. 75. 5.00 A Blanche Hative. Earliest pure white .......... 7....each 10ce. 7 ~6=6« 5 00 C Belle Alliance. Fine Nearletdge ost «ss ers 12....each 5e. Ane ne C Bleu Celeste (Blue Flag). Violet-blue; late ...14....each ie. CN A B Count Leicester. Orange- yellow; feathered...7....each 5c. 40 2 25 A Couronne des Roses. Delicate rose........ 8....each 10c. 100 6 00 A Couronne d’0r. Beautiful orange-yellow; large, hands ome POWERS lak ees oes 8....each 8c. Tee 5 OO B Duke of York. Crimson andi but€ (. 2ii59%-.5%5 8....3 for 10c. 30. £50

A Gloria Solis. Rich bronze-

crimson, with yellow

border; early ....... (.-0s ach fe: 40 225 B Helianthus. Scarlet, with

yellow border; early 6....each 6c. 50 63 00 . B Imperator rubrorum. Rich ‘i yi

crimson-scarlet; fine a FS

forcer; early........ 8....each 8c. 60 4 00 Double Tulips.


A Lady Grandison. Dwarf scarlet; fine for bedding; early ........ ..ccecceeeeceee ss ieee 5c. $0 35 $2. 00 A Lady Palmerston. Rosy white; large flower; fine ............. ccc. cece ceecccecece 10....each 8c. 65 4 00 B La Candeur. Pure white; fine for bedding with Rex Rubrorum.................... 6....each 5e. 40 2 25 B Le Blason. Blush white, tinted with rose; fine flowers; early.............-...eece. 6....each 5e. 40 2 25 B Mariage de ma Fille. Pure white, striped with rose; late-flowering................. 9....each 6c. 50 3.00 A Miss Margaret. Bright rose; very beautiful; large flower ................ccceceeee 7....each 8c 75 500 B Murillo. Beautiful rosy white; fine for forcing; early............cccccccccsccccee: 6....each 6c. 50 3 00 C Paeony Gold. Clear golden yellow; late-flowering...........c-.sescvececrcccscaces 6....each,. Be. 40 2 25 C Pacony Red. Fine, deep red; late-flowerine . <.o..ccec so noiee socio < cen oe eee 6 each 5c. 40. ies C Pourpre Blanc Borde. Purple, white-bordered; late...............c cece cecccccccece 6....3 for 10¢ a A Prince of Wales. Deep claret; handsome large flower..............cecececceeeces 10....each 8c. 65 4 00 B Purperkroon..Deep.purple:” carly; cc ssc. a an'e oie cities dacs. 6 cece ee $SipnSear eo Lok fOr. 30. 01 75 B Queen Emma. Brilliant deep cherry-rose...... dacs. 2 se<ierscs00s+uleesceeee eee 8 each 10c. 100 600 B Rex Rubrorum. Brilliant scarlet; fine for bedding with La Candeur............... 8....each 5c. 45 2 50 B Rose Blanche. Extra pure white; very fine; early .......... 0000 ccccce ccc ccvcccess Gt...0 Lor 10c; 30 150 B Rosenkroon.,. Carmina=1ose3; early), o::<sci > Gaia’ sities ole eclts cialac ends da eee ede eee ae 8 3 for 10c 30.1 75 B Rosine. White, tinged rose; tall; semi-double; early; fine forcer................. 9....each 5c 45 2 75 B Rubra Maxima. Dark scarlet; splendid flower; early forcer...............seee+ee- 6....each 6c. 50 63.00 A Salvator Rosa. White, flamed deep rose; splendid for forcing; early.............. 7....each 8e ToxeamalD B titiaan. .Red,ryellow-bordered; fine bedder; early... <..22< 2 oda smoiaceeeeeeen Crees @S0h),. S- 45 2 50 B Tournesol. Scarlet and yellow; earliest double ..........00ccccecccas seve sccvcenes (xo. sCACH ..5e 45 2 50 B Tournesol Yellow. Orange-shaded; very early..... aah e'S le guieik o'm © ace miata 7..«.each 8c. 65 4 00 B Voltaire. Deep purplish red; fine large Mower te fore Ai- ve o1e.20) reise eles 10....each 8c. 75 65 00 C Yellow Rose. Pure golden yellow; late-flowering; sweet-scented.................. 8....3 for 10c. 30... 1 5)

Mixed Early Double, Thorburn’s Special Mixture................... perii,000, S10. «ine 3 for 10e. 20. AAD


The Due van Thols are the earliest of all the Tulips. They are of dwarf habit, and well adapted for foreing and for pot culture. They bloom outdoors before the early single Tulips.

Height in. Doz. 100 Red. . Bordered with: yellow): ..2cceiies ties stoseee. 3 apne. ose ee enemies 6....each 5e. $0 35 $2 00 Maximus: (Red; ;vellow edge; fine form: 25 ein «ccm e a 0% «se defemietelopemeny: cae al ayaa amine 6....each, 6c. 50 63 00 Rose. Milky white; shading to beautifull rose: 2). oj... -\. oi06- ain. © ousvabieheiabsicieye hanes isin e 6....eachy Ge. 50 3 25 Scarletan Dazzling veddish; scarlet’. 2) yoceeeews ots See oes ee ees Doe per 1,000, $14..7....each 5e. 35 2 00 TE be TeyMdeng Ovni Ol © sy. o spr Lo 06 OUSADD BOe HROU BEACONS opronn. BAcooeconidsenscoaoe 7....3 for 10e. 30 1 50 Orange: of V Cryo tine, 2)s5.)5) sec espe stents ae apa Sa are beds oS foe rep hiepe ya lerataralande vate epapepee eet pRLe RTA 6....eaeh (5e. 40 2 25 Vermilion, .. Bright, vermilion 6is:isic).j0 8. cinnayoiae rigas stew be piae'cton otha ne ke eats sauce eayernete G......0 for L0e; 30° IT -7h Gold-striped. Glossy red, striped with golden yellow.............c.eecececcceee cecees 6.2 ..0 Lor 0c: 30): "475 Violet... White-ed eed’ very. Gwart ~ 5... scccc si cectele «ccs mss ciek s sicte etal ste eras OIC ers. toi 6:'...3 for 10c. 30 =—«-1:«50 Yellow: Citrom=yellow. coco. ees cise ie cccinite dene cose oe te sels telern ee eet cetnin ete ee 6....each 6c. 50 3-50 White” Clear’ satiny. wihtiterinctyyees saree oe sts mete iete lays iofos e ss nlecla no ofnseyepatene totat ate me reree) et aie eateries 6....each 5e, 4D «odes White Maximus. Large; very early; fine forcer............. cece cece cece ce ceececcees 6....each 6c. 50 =—3:(00 Cochineal. | Brilliant vermilions }very-Car Wi sire c/cisie\sajo1s. we cienye o © nye sieisjainis “ialeioialele te nisl alee G....each 8c. 75 4 50 Double Red, Yellow-bordered..................- Bo doling auaiciyetn isso eteinraihesvisterle elec otis tale ketene ene of. aa for 10c, 25 140


They grow very tall, with large flowers of fine form. Being borne on very long stems, they are excellent for cutting to put in vases for house decoration. They are all single, self-colored, and of great brilliancy.

Asa: Gray Darl car mine s:c5 ihe cin «feta n Sete eRe ETE PIE = «Sinks Giuicra Skiers elave SENS MINORS ep laine in ew'e $10 $0 08 $0 60 $3 50 Cabamel.. “ROS. ci picsocsicte Sian Setar cle SURES ae aR ol «(ase “ovn.-a R nulni olin 8 al mrcrap alley a alieNe! a Senate 'ote" aif wins) oLavetae a 08 60. 3°50 Dream. Lilac. Very large flower .......... eee eR ITEM er s|<, a folish'uhn’e.ugGiteis’c oc + S/teisl Spersinun ©:0.e) al la,e.0 nae heiare 08 Go” 3:60 EdmondsRostand..) Scarlet. «7320. & Ramer teeta oe eb «ake o: se. v nolan mje se!'opaieim alcielele( Cale wim aye sraile’eyaip am apelsie 08 60°. 13-36 Emil Seripel,. Wuicht. pink’... «| J fac scene MONE «x ses e ays le cing ec Owis,e/eolee sp du seas usps © malsigmies 08 60 3 50 Geeks, Violet ys sc. 6. iste Cael ees Pe eT sinc & au ale\e.wigae's S% Wie Coates peer c's se eee mae meme 08 60 3 50 Langtellaw.: (Cerise os tailek Ooi 5 bs, auett crore RRR Te rete OMEEIG oi 5) sicletels's'o\e bie(e\s auwelewafara sia ne s-o-vie vicnd uislahett omnere 08 60 3 50 Louie Maimerél,, |) OSC ais. ci. cinhe cco DESI cle 'eeteehare cae ayeta eters. s.0),a) abet aya "Ealinin GM’ slarat w-u-6 be) oislwiStens wie ciinfe bieinmieveteeeiemre 08 60 3 50 Mmevdebeynat.. Bricht cherty-red te. ect ttiee #1 os sin lai = ina vinta se we sicce © wee, 6oelneipeeine 08 60 3.50 Mme-Bosboom. Toussaint)”: Dark. £TOse <.. Satie teteiae << clecG tells »albtsle'w ie alas © o/p/ejere nie «fm o's ietelvimplie 08 60 3 50 Mrs: Potter’ Palmer; | Purpled.eicc.< cai ite, i= vse ie eialeis sles on sje ¢ ae sees © atee vic cine)s pian 08 60 3 50 Pales.* “Sot Wibod in vale cat's oS ev aA ce Cae EIEN at) ei esa oferu e) Ge siya p Fess s lejly we e.eije.u a! wale july eet ee 08 60 3 50 Mixed Darwitts?: sAUlSonts ccs tec, crite siete Ieee eI oon) we sya) cainie = wie miele Vive wsice eis! esis per 1,000, $12... 05 an 2 00


For outdoor cultivation. The petals of these have feathered edges, and in addition to other colors combine shades of green—a peculiarity confined to this class. The flowers are very singular and picturesque, of large size and brilliant color, and form very effective groups for the flower border. To get the best results they must have the full effect of the sun. Very late in flowering.

If ordered by mail, add 6 cents per dozen for postage. Each Doz. 100 Cafe Brown. Brown and=yellow Stripediag. ss sav o> v's slurs sale mers mse alee win t teins CRM iam leila ROE $0 05 $0 30 $1 75 Constantinople. Large, blood-colored flowers, tipped with orange ..........0c cee eee cece tence eees 05 30 175 Lutea major., Large, yelloweHowers. «.i jes cise ss wavs > «som = lid neo wih om vpeletelhe even ene enter ea 05 SOL. «nes Markgrave of Baden. Bright yellow flowers, striped with scarlet.............. 000 cece cece ee reece 05 OU eae Monstre Cramoisie (Brilliant... 20% 2.85. o'er oe ctineceno a web 0 am binnle macieis wore octal eal see nima eee Si cate eiaeane 05 35 = =62 «00 Periecta, Yellow, Spottedprad fciciae os cicte is ow vice ale ule wveie's bua nye a mlerw apblaOieie 5 wicjain) oie iere etal ie iatets fete neta 05 S08 eto

Mixeds i Allecolons 3 Ave. cae ac ee sade wakes oer Shaina 1957 06 ease to salolaroletereiete otereke teats per 1,000, $9....3 for 10c. 25.) 1°25



If ordered by mail, add 5 cents per dozen for postage

Tatipa Billifiana. “Yellow; orange-cyed ..< .....~.«.«.« dean peed ee « ea awens stn cece nek $006 earinaia.. Purple-1odd icc csiecuine occ cntins asc. «eee a ne nees 2 ete ore ean 8 2 05 “i ceisana (Australis); Yellow, outside maroouseee scale eins aes ola kc dacs Swe ce een! 10 % Clusiana (The Lady Tulip). Red stripes, black center on white ground ..............0e-ecece eee 10

Tulipa cornuta (Chinese). Scarlet and yellow...............eceee cee cece 10 66 Biter. Ligh Gg aan eee dette win swede aise wane caide dvs ehenie 05 ns Cleans. Crime wee ceo w nie wk weasels cana nvaw abcd cannes tis 15 sae Florentina odorata. Yellow; violet-scented........... per 100, $2.. 05 <4; -efiigem al: Grint ee a ee ee 6 a cole vowed anccsrGvcdubescualeess, 08

af Gesneriana. Large; bright scarlet, dark eye; fine for bedding. per 100, $2.50.. 05

ae Greigii. Orange-scarlet, black center; spotted leaves............. 15 ie Haageri. Red} black and yellow center... csccc cia tes ccc cca waves 08 ig Lewnel.’ Lightimeses yevlow centers. . 2 Gis suwewce once suc susclowne 15 as macrospila:: ' Gemisane: 2 ooo 2.2 hs es ok oe eee per 100, $1 50.. 05 ea Montana. Brilliant crimson-red; black center................00.- 12 ‘¢ Oculus Solis (Cotton Tulip, or Sun’s Eye). Vermilion, with black .@y © soma entree betes a iene ee ateta en a ld creak Sale ine s.dcmemin we 08 he Persica, Y cll@we eh weGe secetee een cram « Seni e s ntle enema nase eis 15 ‘6 praecox. Oraliie-ed eiiaChseeeee oe oc cat a wis auen dacs swiews wana sie 08 ne retroflexa. Yellow; recurved petals.............. SONS SOR 10 = saxatilis. * Rosegegeceeie sak eae ne ewes ely anidcnewduenscnaweec- 10 Viridiflora. Grpexivandim ante) soni soe nceo a oth ates cle waciwe ness 12


Height in. Each

> =

Tulipa Greigii.

Canary Bird. ‘Yellow sosilet cancer eee sae owe wee gee ce eer eO ese dee $U 25 Cottage "Mad." Dark rose;‘sinele. ... 5.55. 210 6... 23 See eee ea See ee ed to ea eee 15 Dac vae Thel. Singte; ‘red and yellow’: : .\... /2. s «Bee ine a ieee ei aie ne ee ws le Be cca aeosie 12 Golden’ Priate:~ Single: yellow; fine for beddine. .. Spee eere ee sees Sales ee noe te as wn ese = ie Tes et ere 12 La'Candear. Double; white; very fine for bedding: 2ge cr sew wies onc cicanwee -o enw anwen ee Wires «ae es 08 Lac van Ehyn. “Violet, bordered’ with white. .2¢ 7. . . eee ee wee eee oe per 100; $4026. =. S327: 06 Purple Crewn. Single; deep purple-red; carly... ..Sespeeee oats ee Sa ee wn san eee Dave a 06 Rex Rubrorum. Double; very beautiful; color softer than the ordinary.......... per 100, $3..8.. 05 Rese‘Luisante. Fine rese;i single. ..... ..< <0 + -- «= Ee ee ata co's ciel 2 oes oie Tajecaa eee 12 Yellow Rose. Double; fine yellow; late; very sweet-scented..............0 220s eee eee seceee eo re sists 6 05 Tournesol. Double; red and yellow ...... .:.0.«awvs ameeeneee eee eae eee ens gh ie ease SEE ares 08 Waterlee. “Scarlet; single «20... .00sa0cansces2. <<a eee 4 StS ECAP Soe ee ee Teinesiee 10



1 1

_ _ bow OF) Ole >) >) i)


_ nocenons ocovcoc ci

For bedding. Planted in large masses, these make a magnificent show, and, being inexpensive, should be largely used. Our special mixtures of Early Single and Early Double Tulips are made up of the finest bulbs and

the brightest colors. If planted in large beds, they will produce an exceedingly beautiful and lively effect.

If ordered by mail, add 6 cents per dozen for postage.

Fine Mixed, EARLY SINGLE. Thorburn’s Special Mixture; extra choice............00.eeee eee $0 35 $1.40 =~ 2 EARLY DOUBLE. Thorburn’s Special Mixture; extra choice..............e0-eeeeees 25 1 40 Se << Late Single... oi)... di folSaen bl «nutes id « cquteteete eae eee mralare an acne Dae chee 2a le2o “s BS Late Double. .'.0. 0. o/xia Sh od 2tshd bytes bln «ak ieee eed oe a ete nee eet ene rete cet ar 25 1 40 = ve BAZAR TOD: 5 a sine ne wim ome a eheie tg wade Spell re ace RR hn RE el aa tT 25. 1.25 ae “e By bloeaas. 6 < o-o:u 0000 owing mayer Fienicainlas sw ma eee ete eres acca le ERM p are’ niseaie'e sve. o 6 a5. °. eT ss “> Rosy om White, ... 2.0.2 oj. «naa wndnpasaaemnap © oe meee aie orale © nite nle oo ele eles civ oie inhale see 25 AD oy es rer poe i Ee a | ee ee 2a.” ioe ie sip Breeders, or Mother Tulips.................. CEE Pr ne ee a ee ete oa. Je ho < ae Darwin. Single, late,, self-colared,;; mix@@e<.o.k. 6.35 Sos ce se eee oc ne paw ce ee Senee's 35 2 00


No. 1. One each of the following 12 varieties Named Early Single Tulips for house culture or bedding........ Artus, Cottage Maid, Keizerkroon, Pottebakker White, Belle Alliance, Couleur Ponceau, La Reine, Rosa Mundi, Chrysolora, Duchesse de Parma, L’Immaculee, Wapen van Leiden.

No. 2. Two each, same 12 varieties as in Collection No. 1 (24 named bulbs).............2.0 ee cece cece eee ees

No. 3. Four each, same 12 varieties as in Collection No. 1 (48 named bulbs)...............20 cece seeeeee nes

No. 4. Eight each, same 12 varieties as in Collection No. 1 (96 named bulbs)..........-..0 sce cece cece ceeecee


Types of Narcissi


Narcissi are Ready for Delivery in September

The very beautiful species and varieties of Narcissus are among the most popular and largely grown of spring-flowering bulbs, and that deservedly, too, for they are certainly “the fairest among them all.” Their exquisite grace, beauty and charm of habit have been immorta- lized in the poetry of all times. No garden should be without them. To know them is to love them, and to love them is a liberal edu- cation.

They are all of the easiest cultivation, thriv- ing in almost any soil and situation, and they may be left alone for several years after once being planted. They do best, however, in a deep and somewhat stiff soil, and in a partially shaded position. They are well adapted for planting by the sides of streams, or lakes, or ponds, and in mixed flower or shrubbery bor- ders. They are also suitable for naturalizing in the grass, by the side of woodland walks or in Open spaces between trees and shrubs. With the exception of the Polyanthus section, they are all perfectly hardy.

Narcissi are also very suitable for growing in pots, requiring about the same treatment as hyacinths, with 3 or 4 bulbs in a 5-ineh pot. Some of the varieties are grown in large num- bers by florists for winter cut-flowers.


If ordered by mail, add 13 cents per dozen for pos- tage. Each Doz. 100 Ard Righ (Irish King). Mag-

nificent golden yellow trum-

pet; very large and graceful.

One of the earliest and finest

for FOLCiNG 00120 5,9e4eemarepo, 10, ($0.85. Sa /00 Barri Conspicuus. Lovely shape;

broad sulphur petals, heavily

stained orange-scarlet. Very

long-stermmed and graceful,

fine for cutting ...../..s3% 7 O5 40 Bicolor Horsfieldii. “Queen of

Daffodils.” Rich golden yel-

low trumpet; pure white and

well-expanded perianth; a

magnificent flower; fine

POTCOT.'s n*.tarete's'e oe’cta wie te-abe's JateVe ee 50 63 00 Bicolor Empress. One of the

largest and most beautiful;

white perianth and rich gol-

den yellow trumpet; an ex-



cellent: forcereiaan estemo aie er 06 50 rns 20 Biflorus. White; 2 or 3 on a

stem; for planting in grass

and wood walks............. 05 40 200 Bulbocodium (Hoop Petticoat).

Rich golden yellow; for fore-

WHS te sess prey te Mee ge Boll 35... 5-00

Bulbocodium citrinus. Citron- yellow, ¢#. G2URAL. oh as 85 5 00



Bulbocodium Monophyllum, or Clusii. Pure white, very early; fine for pots................0000e $010 Countess of Annesley. Sulphur-yellow petals, yellow trumpet..... Sa TR A 1 RAT CEE a RS 15 Emperor Flowers of great size and substance, primrose petals, rich lustrous yellow trumpet; Ginone, Stately babit-. splencid for eutting’ .\. ...c0ncal sun pacsdetia y rants op Astin cece bis «bse 06 Bietle, d Or (Golden Star)< (Bright yellow: very pretty: ccs ncis coe cecaccccwecccesceusacancnacss 08 Golden Spur. Distinguished by its enormous flower, wide trumpet and rich golden color; very early, and fine for forcing or outdoors..............seeeeee sit males pi wiclsl iti a siyn giao ah o's @ gone 08 Grandee Maximus. Extra large flower, clear yellow trumpet, white perianth; dwarf.............. 05 Henry Irving. Large, golden yellow; one of the best for cutting...........0..ce cece ccaccccccsccs 05 Incomparabilis. Single; yellow; early; fine for cutting................-seeee sees sa sida ee = ene 05 ie Cynosure. Bright orange cup, large white perianth; early...............eeeeeeeee 05 _ Figare.. Cup. orange, perianth yellows ery Marge... 22+. <secstec suse CageUuWew wes « 05 ‘f Sir Watkin (Giant Welsh Chalice Flower). Golden crown, primrose perianth. Larrest of all, often over 5 incCHGS BEEBE .i5.sen05s'c ons oaeh Caneel «mas wane he 06 a Stella. White, with orange cup.............. a err to a ee 05 Leedsii. Pure white, star-shaped sweet-scented flowers; fine for cutting........................ 05 a Duchesse de Brabant. White perianth, lemon cup; good for forcing..................... 05 Mrs. Langtry. White perianth, large white cup edged golden yellow; beautiful.......... 05 “= Queen of England. Large pure white perianth, lemon cup...............00 cee sone ecceces 05 Obvallaris Maximus /ien»y Daffodil). Early; yellow; large; fine forcer.................0e0--00: 06 Poeticus (Pheasant’s Kye). Pure white, with red cup; fine for cutting......... Sea a OpLOk Ob ORS - Ornatus. Same color as Poeticus, but the flowers are larger. It is one of the most as valuable for cut-flowers, being very early and of great beauty and substance....... 05 Poetarum. Pure white, with very bright orange-scarlet eye...........-.c0 eee cece eee eeee 05 Princeps. Sulphur-yellow perianth and deep yellow trumpet; long, handsome flower; valuable for: forcing .or ontdeor,culture. A splentlid variety... i. o.cmen. oat ee las ow wee eaen ns 05 INGLE ROM WOLIONE: oie cidicis aie « «= os meen oases, neni oe ae stelle ais rar lee ata = AE RSS Be 05 Tenuior (Silver Jonquil). Handsome ~ dwarf variety; sulphur-white. ic. BR

each, 45 cts. per doz., $2.25 per 100.

Trumpet Major. Large, early; deep gol- den yellow; earliest for forcing. 5c. each, 45c. per doz., $2.25 per 100.

Mixed Early Single. All sorts. 5c. each, 25 ects. per doz., $1 per 100.


If ordered by mail, add 12 cents per dozen for postage.

Albus plenus odoratus. Double, pure white, very sweet-scented; for out- doors. 5 cts. each, 30 cts. per doz., $1.25 per 100.

Incomparabilis (Butter and Eggs). Lem- on and orange; fine for forcing or outdoors. 5 cts. each, 35 ets. per doz., $1.75 per 100.

Orange Phoenix (Eggs and Bacon). Very large dou- ble white and orange oe flower of great beauty; ae splendid for pot cul- i ture. 5cts. each, 45 cts. per doz., $2 25 per 100.

Sulphur Crown, or Silver Phoenix. Most beautiful, pure white; very double. 8 cts. each, 65c. per doz., $4 per 100.

Tazetta (Roman). Very early; double yellow; for forcing and pot cul- ture. 5 cts. each, 45 cts. per doz., $2.50 per 100.

Van Sion. The largest double yellow trumpet variety; extra fine for forc- ing, and most largely grown by flior- ists for winter cut-flowers. Our bulbs are Dutch-grown, of the pure golden yellow variety, and the larg- est size. 5 cts. each, 45 cts. perdoz., $2.50 per 100, $17 per 1,000.

Van Sion, Double-nosed Bulbs. 6 cts. ea., 60 cts. per doz., $3.50 per 100, $24 ' per 1,000. Single and Double Narcissi


5) 5 45 3 5

30 40

bo bo


mS ee DO Nw on ~ oO

Io bo oro O1

bo bo or

wnon 6 &@ & Ww tw o1



Invaluable for forcing. All very early; flowers exceedingly fragrant: may be grown in glasses or pots. If planted in open borders, must be protected over winter by a covering of litter.

If ordered by mail, add 20 cents per dozen for postage. Bazelman Major. Broad white perianth, deep yellow cup; largest of all. 20 cts. each, $2 per doz.

Bathurst. Yellow. 8 cts. each, 75 cts. per doz., $4.50 per 100.

Gloriosus. White perianth, deep orange cup; very striking. 8 cts. each, 65 cts. per doz., $4 | per 100.

\ y , \ Yi, lp Grand Monarque. White, with WS alll INN VN Y yellow cup; very large flower; I vigorous grower. 8 cts. each,

A uh } \ i W)) Grand Soleil d'Or. Yellow, } / with orange cup; very free-

65 cts. per doz., $4 per 100. 4) : \/ | : lf blooming. 6 ets. each, 60 cts.

\ N

WY, \ \\ \\ \ \\\ Ww \\\

\ i

AW \ lus con y


MN Was Gv Gi AY \ ) per doz., $3.50 per 100. UY SS \ I} A\\ 23 Grand Primo. White, lemon ae Yn = 2ZZ cup. 6 cts. each, 60 cts. per

doz., $3.50 per 100.

Jaune Supreme. Primrose, orange cup. 10 cts. each, 85 cts. per doz., $5 per 100.

Lord Canning. Yellow; extra fine; profuse bloomer. 8 ects. ea., 7ac. per doz., $4.50 per 100.

Muzart Orientalis. White, orange cup. 6 ects. each, 60 ects. per doz., $3.50 per 100.

Mont Cenis. Very large hand- some flowers, pure white, with yellow cup. 10 cts. each, $1 per doz., $6.50 per 100.

Newton. Pure yellow, with orange cup; extra fine. 8 ets. ea., 7oc. per doz., $4.50 per 100.

Paper White, Large-flowering. Very early, and largely forced for cut-flowers. Beautiful clus- ters of large pure white flowers. 5 cts. each, 45 ects. per doz., $2.50 per 100.

Paper White, grandiflorus mul- tiflorus. Very large and free- flowering. 6 cts. each, 50 ets. per doz., $3 per 100.

Queen of the Netherlands. White, yellow cup. 8 cts. each, 75 ets. per doz., $4.50 per 100.

Queen Victoria. White, with yellow cup; large, handsome flower. 8 cts. each, 75 cts. per doz., $4.50 per 100.

Staten General. White, with primrose yellow cup; free bloomer. 6 cts. each, 60 cts. per doz., $3.50 per 100.

White Pearl. Perianth pure white, cup primrose; fine for cutting. 6 cts. each, 60.cts. per Paper White Narcissus doz., $3.50 per 100.

Mixed. All sorts. 5 cts. each, 40 cts. per doz., $2.50 per 100.

N GY f

a N \

// Hi,


A class related to the Narcissus, and suitable alike for pot culture or planting out. The culture required is the same as for Hyacinths.

If ordered by mail, add 6 cents per dozen for postage. Each Doz. 100 1,000 Single Yellow Sweet«scented...).c% ic ccs c ieee <6 co bios oslo wale means ce neceue 2 for 5cts... $0 20 $0 85 $6 00 Large Single (Campernelle). Yellow ........... oo REERIB TSe io gen eg Reig fee ee $0 05 20 100 7 00 Odorus rugulosus. An improved Campernelle; deep yellow, large, crinkled flowers;

PEAT ANG. o.c'. ck wielcc uiete aces) clo.e ceva ee Ohh eae ERIE Tai Ginn eS Slarm'wia /oRia, wlewis cle ofbiule beawadiorte 05 25 «1 25

Large Double. Deep golden yellow, very double, delightfully fragrant; fine for forcing... 05 40 2 00 Silver Jonquil (Warcissius tenwior) .ocno. cere speccnecce serene serene ccccsae ae rere 05 45 2 25



For stateliness of habit, beauty of form and variety of coloring, the Lily is without a rival among bulbous plants. Many of the species are delightfully fragrant. Though they may nearly all be called hardy, it is well to protect them against frost in winter by a covering of ashes or litter. They are easily grown and require little care. With the exception of LZ. candidum and L. tigrinum, which prefer a rich, deep loam, they all do best in a light, well-drained soil. Some peat or leaf-mould may be used to advantage. LZ. auratum cannot bear manure, but thrives in ordinary light soil. They all prefer a partial shade, and the taller sorts must have protection from high winds. Many of the stronger-growing kinds are well adapted for planting among shrubs. Most of them make splendid conservatory plants. For pot culture, a compost of loam and peat in equal parts, with the addition of some sand, is recommended.

Lilium Harrisii and Lilium candidum ready in August; others not until November.


Bulbs ready now; large sizes very scarce

The Bermuda Easter Lily is perhaps the finest and most popular of winter-blooming plants. The large, hand- some, pure white, trumpet-shaped flowers are very sweet-scented and of great substance, and last a long time after cutting. Its stately and graceful habit renders it a perfect pot-plant for table or window decoration. It gets its popular name from the fact that it is so largely used for church decoration at Easter. It is easily grown and ean be forced into flower in a remarkably short time. It requires rich soil but without manure. It is also well adapted to garden culture, but in this latitude the bulbs should have a good cov- ering of ashes or litter to protect them over winter.

If ordered by mail, add from 10 to 20 cents per dozen for postage, according to size.

5 to 7 inches in circumference, 10 ects. each, $1 per doz., $6.50 per 100.

7 to 9 inches in circumference, 25 cts. each, $2.50 per doz., $15 per 100.

9 to 11 inches in circumference, 60 cts. each, $6 per doz.


If ordered by mail, add 3 cents each for postage

Owing to the very unfavorable season in Bermuda, Harrisii Lilies are very scarce. We are, therefore, importing a large quantity of Japan longiflorums, a.similar and very beautiful Lily, to help cover the shortage on Harrisii.

6 to 8 inches in circumference, 10 cts. each, 85 cts. per doz., $5.50 per 100.

7 to 9 inches in circumference, 15 cts. each, $1.50 per doz., $9 per 100.

8 to 10 inches in circumference, 20 cts. each, $2 per doz., $12 per 100.

Multiflorum. 6 to 8 inches in circumference, 12 ects. each, $l per doz., $6 per 100.

7 to 9 inches in circumference, 15 ects. each, $1.50 per doz., $9 per 100.

Multiflorum giganteum. 6 to 8 inches in circumference, 20 cts. each, $1.75 per doz., $10 per 100.

7 to 9 inches in circumference, 25 cts. each, $2.25 per doz., $14 per 100.


These do not generally arrive until November and Decem- ber. We import our supply direct from Japan every year. Every garden should have some of these most beautiful and easily grown Lilies.

Lilium Harrisii

Postage on these barieties from 2 to 10 cents on each, according to size.

Auratum (Gold-banded Lily). The grandest of all hardy Lilies; flowers white, spotted with maroon, having a bright yellow band through the center of each petal. The plant grows from 3 to 6 feet high. 8 to 9 inches in circumference, 12 cts. each, $1.25 per doz., $8 per 100. 9 to 11 inches in circumference, 20 cts. each, $2 per doz., $12 per 100. 11 to 13 inches in circumference, 35 cts. each, $3.50 per doz., $20 per 100. Auratum macranthum, or platyphyllum. A splendid variety of the above, with much larger flowers; of perfect form and great substance; 5 to 8 feet, 40 cts. each, $4 per doz.


Types of Lilies


If ordered by mail, add 3 cents each for those marked (*); others 2

cents each, for postage.

*Atrosanguineum (Wulgens). Dark crimson, black spots. 25 cts. each, $2.25 per doz.

*Brownii. Most beautiful flowers of immense size, inside creamy white, outside shaded chocolate-purple; a splen- did pot-plant; 2% to 3% feet high. 50 cts. each, $5.50 per doz.

Canadense. Our native “Meadow Lily.” Graceful, droop- ing, bright yellow flowers, spotted red; 1% to 3 feet. 10 cts. each, $1 per doz.

Canadense rubrum. Red flowers. 15 cts. each, $1.50 per doz.

*Candidum (Madonna Lily; St. Joseph’s Lily). The com- mon garden Lily. Large, pure white, very sweet- scented flowers; valuable for forcing; 2 to3 feet. 15 cts. each, $1.50 per doz., $9 per 100.

*Candidum flore pleno. Double white. 50c. each, $5 per doz.

Chalcedonicum (The true Scarlet Turk’s Cap Lily). Bril- liant scarlet, recurved flowers; 3 feet. 60 cts. each, $6 per doz.

*Colchicum (Monadelphum). Citron, black spots; a splen- did Lily; 2 feet. 70 cts. each.

Excelsum (Testacewm). Lovely cream-colored flowers, tinged with apricot; very fragrant; 5 feet. 70 cts. each, $7 per doz.

*Giganteum. A magnificent species, growing 6 to 10 ft. high, and bearing many large funnel-shaped flowers 5 to 6 in. long; color white, with purplethroat; extralarge. $4 ea,


JAPAN LILIES, continued

Auratum rubro-vittatum. Enormous flowers, sometimes measuring 10 inches across; pure white, beauti- fully spotted, and with a deep crim- son stripe through center of each petal; very fragrant. 65 cts. each, $7 per doz.

Auratum pictum. Flowers like those of the common Auratum, with yellow band through each petal. It is beau- tifully spotted with rich crimson. 40 cts. each, $4 per doz.

Auratum Wittei. Very large, pure white flowers, with raised spots of satiny white; agrand Lily; 4 to 6 feet. 75 cts. ea., $8 per doz.

Auratum Virginale. Very large, pure white flowers, with yellow band through center of each petal; a magnificent variety, growing from 4 to 6 feet high. 50c. each, $5 per doz.

Speciosum album Kraetzeri. Beautiful

pure white flowers of large size; 2 to 4 feet high; one of the hand- somest and easiest grown Lilies we have. 8 to 9 inches, 20 ets. each, $2 per doz.

9 to 11 inches, 30c. each, $3 per doz.

Speciosum rubrum. White, shaded rose and spotted deep red; 2 to 4 feet high. 9 to 11 inches, 20 ets. each, $2 per doz.

Speciosum rubrum Melpomene. Very dark crimson-spotted flowers of large size and striking appearance; 2 to 4 feet high. 9 to 10 inches, 25c. each, $2.50 per doz.

Batemanni. Richly colored, unspotted flowers of bright apricot tint; a most beautiful variety; 3 to 4 feet high. 25 cts. each, $2.50 per doz.

Krameri. White, slightly tinged with red; sweet-scented. 20 cts. each, $2 per doz.

Leichtlinii. Orange-red, with crimson spots; 2 to 3 feet high. 25cts. each, $2.50 per doz.

Lilium auratum




*Humboldtii. A beautiful Lily with orange-red flowers, spotted claret ...... 2... 2.02. ccceee cece eee eeees §0°40 $4 00 Maritimum. A rare and beautiful Lily. Narrow, funnel-formed flowers; blood-red to orange-red, ELSE TICS Stier OE PRR ee ai 6 Wah cep Win eNews neh ab Gee Wee Veep emp eKmale one ce anee +e ces 40 4 00 Nec LG Pe ee caw were ais oa dec vanispenucppencec suse erufatyip Wa ia aie wis penta ee ereinaaetoe Dest epetees 25 2 a0 Michauxianum (Carolinianum). Orange-yellow, spotted brown and scarlet...........ccecece cece eees yy” 2 6D Pardalinum (Leopard-spotted Lily). Orange-red, yellow center, large purple spots .............-.00- 10 100 en a. wee cence conece soc paics sobesbsbances 60 6 00 ee LCS VEEN Y RICE PP NNPER EEL UIUC cnn kip oc ccnc coneccsconsecs sececssnaccerucses 60 =6 50 cease. sOran@e-yellow, Spotted purples a eet NIPN 6c cc eee cece eset cece sce wens conscwcues ses 40 4 00 “Philadelphicum. Bricht Oran ee-Trod- wirnenlack SpOUseteTEOh DIZ 0... c0c cece cee cccs waccucewecvaree Me Ae 25 OMIM CEPicht Ted every NamesOMe fg Od LEO - obese... cc cece cece cent peccce cue pesccceusecs 30 63 00 : Roezlii. Brilliant orange-red flowers, spotted dark purple, and with the petals reflexed to the base.. 40 4 00 2Superbum (Turk’s Cap Lily). Deep orange-red, thickly spotted; 4 feet ......... cc... ccccce cccsceccee 10 1 00 ~ Tenuifolium (Siberian Coral Lily). Nodding, rich searlet flowers; 114 feet ........ 02. cccecececeeeee 15.5 50 ee CN eS ceo oe ORCI, so. as ous dace ceceiddwedeustees sabes BO ESO “Fy 8 pin a eS ME, oe wok b dog cb ubiblew cawilers 25 250 ee Petes ceerieat-vellow. spetbed: DlIaGik =o FECG on... once. pees cons cacecccccccdccusesusce 15 150 oe reer eranre a Crane wellaw= 1 TOOb. cu s5d. 6 ox. soics ecauiceae vccnas uns sspaceiace 20 200 oe Soe NEN Se I Fe Tas we ew aks cn inal e os aisle Sees bday wade eavn sae ndansadaaclen oe 38554 .45 *Tigrinum (Tiger Lily). Orange- gulntod’ SGULE DHHOK 5.0 CE os beeds ebb s owelileins name per 100, $3.50.. 08 75 ae eplengenn ieuescariet, with DlACk Spots... 2. 6 ctie cece cee cane wees unisie wevidds per 100, $5.. 10 £1 00 Bs flore pleno (Double Tiger Lily). Bright orange-red, black spots; 4 to 5 ft...per 100, $6.50.. 12 1 25 PP RNIMEmereit. ~ LAT TOU tse ORNL . claw ciescgiae cajnipele + «s+ ccc sese vdeaca sia Saud soeetscaworcaes a2 1 25 oe PROMO Tein Crane Cee ee eee PIE cee ean ndcneavecedecesece nace sce ee io. 830 e Sapho. Orange, flushed red..... ee os concn vadd anaes bac cadewecepnces cee 20 2 00 IRE © ht Peete "oa re ee lee NE oa dn an auhcinme scenes aamcmeeececeecnceoass | ge eS _.Wallacei:~ “Orange- Pte WI Une COGN, SPN. THe EERE TED... sce cose nees eee cmeden avicrmaraaecen 10 100 *Washingtonianum:. A lovely native variety of very stately habit; large, trumpet-shaped flowers 3 00

pure pate, tinged purple or lilac; very fragrant; 4 to 7 feet high ............ cee ccececeeececees 30


One of the most beautiful and admired spring-flowering plants, and universally sought for its neat and chaste outline and delicate odor. The growth is close, dwarf and compact, and the plant is hardy and permanent. It is now a most popular plant for forcing, which is easily done by planting the pips in pots, from 6 to 12 in each, watering freely, keeping in a cold cellar, and starting from week to week, to keep up a succession. They generally flower in three or four weeks after planting. They require a considerable amount of heat to start them. Clumps. Fine large clumps, with many flowering pips on each. Fine for planting outside in shaded positions, and for naturalizing by the side of streams or wood walks. 30 cts. each, $3 per dozen.

Pips for forcing. 50 cts. per bundle of 25, $1.75 per 100, $14 per 1,000.


If ordered by mail, add 5 cts. each or 25 cts. per dozen for postage.

A variety of the Polyanthus Narcissus, im ported from China. The bulbs should be placed from three to six in a bowl or glass dish of water which has been partly filled with pebbles, some of which place over the bulbs so as to prevent them from floating. The water should be tepid and changed every two days. Submerge the bulbs entirely, and place in a sunny window ina cool room. ;

Price, 10 cts. each, 80 cts. per doz. Lily - of-the- -Valley



18 J. M. THORBURN & CO. -CATALOGUE OF BULBS . ANEMONE, or WINDFLOWER | Very orramental hardy perennials, producing beaytifully colored flowers in spring and summer. They do best in rich soil and in a sheltered and well-drained position. Plant in autumn. May also be grown in pots or i|

forced in frames for early flowers. 1 If ordered by mail, add 15 cents per 100 for postage.


Ready in September

Each Doz. 100 Caen Mixed (The Giant French or Poppy-flowered Anem- one). Great variety of finest iGolorsiececen eee $0 05 $0 30 $1 70 St. Brigid. Single, mixed; dis- tinct bright colors; extra

large flowers’: n-%. 2. se2.< ee 06 60 3 50 Blue, Prince Albert. Double.... 05 40 2 50 ‘Double’ Mixed) :7. 7222-22. 05 35 «62 (00 ‘¢ Single. Light colors...... 05 30 1 75 Scarlet, Feu Superbe. Bright; doubles shee eek ee 10 7d 5 00 ‘Oe Eclair. Double ize. een 06 60 3 50 ‘¢ Scarlet Star. Single..... 05 35 2 00 ‘* Double Mixed ..3-c. sso 05 40 2 50 ‘s 5 Single Mixed’. .-3:..25.c.2005 30 1 50 White Ceres. Double; tinted rose. 06 60 3 50 ‘¢ The Bride. Single; pure WHET. sitios hee aseptic 05 25 1 25 Rose, Rosette. Double rose; ex- GUA AR Pee een cee ss iciers 05 35 2 50 ‘¢ Leverrier. Double ....... 05 45 3 00 ‘« Mignonne. Double ....... 05 45 3 00 Striped, Thalia. Double......... 06 50 3 00 oe Ivanhoe. Double....... 06 50 3 00 fit Charmante. Double..... 06 50 3 00 Double. All colors mixed....... 057) 30" s50 Saaee |\\| By) Ai Single. All colors mixed........ reper | AAs || REL 2 for 5 ets... 20 1:00 Anemone coronaria


Ready in November és Each Doz. 100 Apennina, Blue Star. Very charming clear

blue, star-shaped flowers; excel-

lent for naturalizing; early

HOWELIN Gees eres ccleaner cid eave $0 05 $0 30 $17 $6 White. A variety of the above...... 05

Fulgens. Dazzling vermilion or scarlet; flow- ers very early in the spring. It does best in good loam and in a moist situation. A fine pot-plant for house decoration.... 06 50 863 00

Pulsatilla. The Pasque Flower............... 10 8 5 00 Japonica alba. Large, pure white flowers; in- valuable for cuthine.< 7. sce 06 60 3 50 ot rosea. Large, rosy carmine flowers, 2 tO. 256. IBGHES ... vcwabmnn nee 06 60 3 50 «¢ Queen Charlotte. Light pink; semi- GOWDLE: &.. «cinta n'0 weienjois ee eee eee 16° eb eo

‘¢ Lady Ardilaun. A greatly improved

Alba, with larger flowers of greater

SUS HANG Cn. caine a lpaere ek sieteet eee 10 90 5 50 ‘* Whirlwind. It bears in profusion

large, semi-double, pure white

flowers of great substance; splen-

did ‘for enttin? 2220p. s2e see ae ee 05 40 2 50 Sylvestris (Snowdrop Windflower). Very Anemone Japonica beautiful pure white ............00- paininteishe 06 60 3 50



Ready in October

Extremely ornamental greenhouse plants, with large, fragrant, beautifully colored flowers. The most suitable soil is good loam, with one-fourth part of leaf-mould or pulverized manure, and some sand. Good drainage is very important. The growing season is from early spring until about September, when the plants should be kept cool and allowed to rest until February. They require plenty of sunshine, but in the flowering season a light shading tends to preserve the blossoms longer. Frequent disturbance of the roots is to be avoided. Established bulbs in large pots should have a top-dressing each year when starting, and manure-water during the growing season.


Ag S/

2 Each Doz. Aulica (Lily-of-the-Palace). Very large, handsome flowers; crimson,

MEER GUURUVLC RT PEGA |). aie ss +.0 coke nveis.muis.s © cena ste giigie © carat aly ofa ere Rene eee $1 00 Belladonna major. Violet and white; flowers in large umbels; fragrant.... 25 $2 50 Peunsice) tod. with white Margin “oo ge chine dc seein ~cinw te Men «0 Be 4 00 Pee SOrOie NET WIC |... eos esos e oe bad oe Bln co eP Es cbels ten cinilascs 2 00 RENE OMEN te oon oe as cic wees ond cnn OSES aid os 2 0Nis oe eens eh a eee wie 30 3 00 SE AMP REMY UIREIUTANEO: .. 5. oo oe cece cc cnc cee wit ulet on oc oe 6 os eee ioe eee wea 2 25 Josephine (Gigantea). Very fine scarlet; flowering in immense umbels; these REGTOXPEA-SIZeEG DEIDS..3 4.00135 Seles = «oem oes» « ole eaten edie we olleiwiels © © wa t= 6 00 Johnsonii (Spice Lily). Very large, exceedingly beautiful flowers; crimson, SUMO! WAILC cccte ccc .s «cc sod" Jee vo,cicinpiy ale bas «= Oimia arate tate ealalieis sn = s'u< » 50 =65 (00 Lonpuolia resea.. Rose; hardy «... ....0s00< oss + 22 2 ees eee Mei ae Reh, Pom retoo: 2G e alba. Whites; hard yi. ...0.4j. ascire s Sac ac) so DRM Ee eaten = > aap e bw esis ae 20 2 00 Amaryllis Lutea (Sternbergia). Hardy autumn-flowering variety, with bright yellow, BEOCUS LUCE MO WEESin: « «jaja bem. tyd ono aicid ie «2:06 Oo_o'e ro a RTs oan cle per 100; $f::-° 15 1 50 een UO MB REUEE VATICCY <5 ote a '5)2 = cicim bis wow a win oie tbicl oaks wan oa vs occ nn ccltaalge cc seuese seecedpaseone 4 50 AT WHNICLY SLPINCO POSE sy. 2 2 eee oh tan eels vice ein p tin ole oclein svc we Us oe Ce nebe sees episs wi aece's =e 3 50 Prince of Orange. Bright orange; beautiful........... a eee ei lorcet caiiniane Aas. stam wie ee aie 1 75 esau siriatiouam, Violet, striped WRIGG 2. 2... 2-000 <ciewes «canto ccaeice = enncn o4= cnn a antes cues . 4 00 Mixed Hybrids. Beautifully colored hybrids; large bulbs.......... 2... -c- eee cece cee cee cee tee ee ceneee 60 6 00 ARUMS Ready for shipment in September and October

A genus of curious and ornamental perennials, with peculiar and distinct foliage and flowers. They make handsome pot-plants, and are also very effective in subtropical gardening. A. Dracunculus is hardy, and may be left in the ground over winter, with a little covering. The others should be potted in the autumn and kept dormant till spring. They are all of easy cultivation, re- quiring rich soil and plenty of water during the growing season. A compost of rich loain, with a third of well-rotted manure and some sand, is very suitable.

If ordered by mail, add 3 cents each for postage.

ae Each Crinitum. Marble stems; _ broad, flesh-col-

ored, spotted flowers, covered with hairs...$0 30 Cornutum (Red Calla). Flowers red, spotted black, stems mottled; handsome pot-plant; ~ flowers without water or soil.................. fm , 50 Dracunculus (Dragon-flower). A _ striking and . very ornamental plant for pots or garden. It grows to a height of 3 feet, with mottled stem

aad. Gandsome foliage od. ceeweade ay as cers 1 1 50 -Italicum. A hardy species from the Channel _ Islands, with creamy white flowers........... 05 50 Maculatum. A fine decorative plant; flowers

white; green foliage, spotted black......... ye Palaestinum sanctum (Black Calla). From the

Lebanon mountains. A splendid pot- and

chamber-plant, with fine dark green foliage, BY ap hie

large black spathe and black spadix .......... SR OSD

per 100, $12.. 20 2 00 Arum Palestinum sanctum



Splendid pot-plants for the house or greenhouse, and especially valuable for bedding, flowering in the greatest profusion throughout the summer. For bedding they should be started in hotbed in Marchand April. The hollow

Tuberous- rooted

end of the bulb should be up and but slightly covered. They should get very little water until the plants are growing.

Each Doz. 100

Single Crimson: . jf 202, -u sect cee ck $0 10 $0 75 $4 00 ‘6 Scarlet 2... 23442... ee 10 75 400 BS ROBE So celecce ow see ne ee Cee ee 10 7 400 £6 SWIG bias sins oes cn Oe ee eee 10 7 400 OO WeNOW’ 32.0: 6 n0.ce des Soe 10 wD. 4900 “Pinks 42:52..28.. oF ee eee 10 ta 4.00 ‘<6. Mixed 205 5.0.00 eee 10 7a 400

Double White. ....... ... dace ener eel De ‘Yellow... . J.c2.0. ese eee eee eee LS 0S 25 ee ‘6. Starlet. .2:54 22 yd Dyke as OO ‘“.. Rose. See eee eee lack? 1325.5 noo ‘Mixed o2 287938 SS 1 329252700


Ready in September

Very pretty, hardy, bulbous plants from the Pacific coast. ‘They have narrow, grassy leaves, slender stems,. and a head or umbel of lily-like flowers.

loam. If grown in pots, a compost of loam, leaf-mold and: sand is recommended. Hach. - Bas 100 Bridgesii. Rich reddish purple flowers. .$0 08 $0 60 $4 00) Californica. Often 2 feet high, with large

: pinkish purple flowers. Fine........ 08 60 4 90

Begone Coccinea (Floral Fire Cracker). Rich blood-crimson, tipped white......... 06 50 «363 50 . Congesta. Tall-growing; purple flowers.. 05 30 17 Capitata. Handsome deep violet fiowers in compact umbels, borne on long, slender stems ....... 05 40 2 50 ue alba: Very beautiful, pure waxy White .....2 n-ne eceteee eeekeias em elerae ote teeter 08 65 4 50 Grandiflora.-Deep purple flowers; large ‘and ‘showy 2-2 scmseen emer ee ao ae aces ees oe eee 05 40 2 50 Howell: lilacina. Very beautiful porcelain-blue................ eceeee- Siaice aia Syatg: minia x Ratan o,"omaateae’d 102: 1 060 eee Ixioides splendens. Large Mlicht yellow flowers. ... :.j:mcee.. cece ee Cae ao epee eee eee 05 40 2 50 Lactea:.. White, with greengstripes:.:.... 0.45. x cs0 = sislelers cuentas Seles cen ie alae ae eee elas eee 05 35 2 00 Laxa. ‘Tall, with large blogiflower's «a. «acs a ssnlehec steus'anie pp. biajoe dice mgd. +S sa oi eke eee een eet 05 40 2 50 Peduncularis. Porcelain-white flowers in immense umbels............. 0.2022 eee cece cece cee e ees 08 60 4 00 Mixed. All ‘Sorts: 20:00). 22's tabiwine dpwiclayesledapray aaurd micpers ae hbap. Bem eehoraaae Leal ne eee eee ee eae 05 30 1 50


(Fritillaria imperialis )

A stately-growing plant, with dark green foliage, and flowers of all intermediate shades between yellow and crim- son; effective for centers of. beds; hardy and permanent, “neir flow- ers are produced quite early in spring, and are very orna- mental and decorative in the center of a bed of other bulbous The old, dull red_-variety, while handsome, does not give anything like the effect that the newer sorts do. The double varieties are especially conspicuous and desira- They are all the better for being planted in good, rich, well-drained soil; the flowers will be larger and of fine coloring, as well as more enduring.

and not so generally planted as:.they should be. plants.

ble in every respect.

Ready in September If ordered by mail, add 3 cents each for postage

Each Aurora. . (TOG: si. cic cc ac Sees s Me tesla icles, Sostoneeeenele $0 20 Crown on’ Crown. Red 2... Bic. .s2 sec eeee ene 20 SinglecRed ...o vis <sc.c él pd te lake sine’ ipa eee 20 Single Yellow <5. 5 c0s.:...<x Rete ae culnd ab eae 30 Gold-Striped leaved. Crimson flowers; varie- gated foliage: ,i.5.2s ons cteae ns abit ata! s cled seen 30 Silver-Striped leaved ................-2-. 2200: 60 Large: Double. Red. «::2....\. as, Acbesnds coe clelae nace 60 Large Double Yellow® 20 0:0). Gesbeee vc stele one ces 60 Maximus, Bright Yellow,; .c25. te- cece eras nctan 45 os Red. ¢ sich s cen so eet eo brews ae 35 Orange Brilliant ; 2.3 see oe i < » ve 30 Red Slagzwaard - ..-c oecta: case fe cess 20

Fine Mixed Varieties .............. per 100, $7.. 15

et own =) o

25 Crown Imperial

Suitable for: forcing or outdoor culture. They do best in rich, sandy:

J. M.


For pots and borders. A univer- sal favorite, being one of the earliest flowers seen in the spring. They are neat, dwarf and com- pact in growth, and the blooms are of bright colors. If planted close,—say 2 inches apart,—and 3 inches deep, they make a very pretty display immediately after the snow goes off in the spring. Do not disturb for several years. Should be largely planted in the grass on lawns. They will flower very early in spring before mow- ing. The effect is beautiful.

For flowering in pots, baskets, ete., they should be plunged in the open ground for three weeks after planting, precisely in the same manner as directed for hyacinths.

If ordered by mail, add 15 cents per 100 for postage.

Per doz.

Faree White ....dg22..0. - sax ee tora $0 10 Large Yellow ...... 222s. -2.-02.0- Fase 10 Giant Yellow............. yiio? no ee ARR. . 25 PPO Re age now civic on 0 oo cine oval 10 Raree TMLee te cnc es. oe eMac ews 10 Striped and Variegated........ Selabn ad . 10


Composed of the most beautiful varieties; remarkable for richness of color and immense size.

100° $0.45 a) 1 25 45




$3 4

www reo

50 50% 00 50




Per doz. ; jarée Scotch. White with purple ae CUBMIETO Sil 2 't,ctare iota, aloes si eteke ashore sis $0 30 ‘Cloth of Gold. Golden yellow, striped PRMEEE eoiermie tie scien is xed piaee marx gates 15 Cloth of Silver. Light Bliss striped.. 15

Mixed ‘All colors’............--.--++ 10



These varieties

are best for forming letters or designs on the lawn, for which purpose they may be planted without disturbing The flowers are produced very early, and the mowing later

the grass, by*the use of a dibble or a narrow trowel.

on will not seriolisly injure the Crocus bulbs. If or dere@- dy mail, add 25 cents per 100 for postage.

Per doz 100 1,000 | c* Per doz. Albion. Fili@striped es aoe aaa a $0 12 $0 75 $5 50 | Mammoth. White................... $0 12 PEMIONS SOOEBIO , o-2c's «aise deirigiraal= Bias eee 12 75 5 50 | Mont Blanc. Finest of all whites..... «ale Baron von Brunow. Dark purple ..... ages 75 5 50 | Non Plus Ultra. Blue, white-bordered . 12 Caroline. Pure white ............ ae eee 75 5 50 | President Lincoln. Deepest purple...., 12 Dawid. Rizzie, Purple ....ctc2c. cee cwe 12 75 od 50 | Purpurea grandiflora. Purple.......... 12 King of the Blues. Very large ........ 12 75 5 50 | Queen of the Netherlands. Pure white. 12 La Majesteuse. Violet-striped......... 12 75 5 50 | Queen Victoria. Fine white.......... aes (7 Lord Palmerston. Blue........... pete ee 75 5 50 | Reine Blanche. Pure white; very early. 12 Mad. Mina. Violet and white..... A eet 75 5 50 | Sir Walter Scott. Variegated .......... 12 Saffron. Purple. Blooms in autumn ............ aldontel thie totereae 5 BR ces haneet hee we eo leew aie es 25 Crocus speciosus. sgensiticnrohe with golden anthers. Plant in September. Flowers in Nov.... 25

Pett re

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(Mariposa Lily, or Butterfly Tulip) Ready in September

Very handsome bulbous plants from California. They are remarkable for the brilliancy and variety of their color- ing, and their gracefulness of habit. They grow freely in light, sandy loam; though hardy, they should be protected during winter with litter. They may also be successfully grown in frames and in pots

It ordered by mail, add 5 cents per dozen for postage

Each Doz. 100 Albus. Pearly white, rich blotch........... $0 05 $0 40 $2 50 Amabilis. Very pretty golden yellow......... 05 40 2 50 Benthami. Rich yellow, with black spots .... 05 40 2 50 Gunnisonii. White, with purple band......... 10 100 600 Leichtlinii. Creamy white; very fine......... 08 60 4 00 Lilacinus. Large, finely formed lilac flowers. 05 40 2 50 Lutens. Dwarfish yellow-flowered species.... 05 40 2 50 Maweanus major. White ground, open cup filled with fine blue hairs................ 05 40 250 Nuttallii. Pure white; finely marked......... 08 75 4 50 Nitidus. Handsome lilac flowers, with large indigo blotch in middle of petal......... 08 60 4 00 Splendens ruber. Fine dark red.............seeeeeeeee eee ee teens 10 100 600 af atroviolaceus. Flowers purplish lilac; stems tall and floriferous:,...< ue eae nase ee erence.» sete ++. 08 75 4 50 Venustus purpurascens. Flowers 3 inches across; purplish lilac Yi outside, creamy white and purple inside...................-. 08 15 74.450 Venustus roseus. White inside, carmine outside ........-++ee0- Set Wc ahaleieastate CL RCM em oto Rs 08 75 64 50 Vesta. Immense flowers, 3 to 5 inches across; white, suffused with lilac to rose-purple. Hardy, vigorous, easily grown ............ eee eee ee nee eeeeteneseescens Sreiereth seal AR SHOa5 hog aye ans 08 75 «4 50 MIZE DS ANPSorts::. 2. iis. Se wines er eee - Re ee ee ce eeeeseeeres Seite Sinle aoinra Gimmiantatnle e's © «ny niayss 05 DE oko


Most of them ready in November

When well grown, it is difficult to find a more useful plant than this for green- house, room and window decorations. The various species produce flowers vary- ing from deep red to pure white, and of much elegance of form in flower and plant. The C. giganteum is an improved strain of the old C. persicum, naving much larger and more brilliantly colored flowers, and producing them more abundantly. We offer seed of our superb strain of these at the end of this Catalogue.

Each Doz. Coum, Crimson, round-leaved $0 15 $1 50 Europaeum roseum. Very showy, FOSY Ved): HaEY .5.5 ost atiesie crete 1 125 Giganteum, Rose ................. 20 2 00 as Dark Crimson ......... 20 2 00 a White ‘Mont Blanc’’... 20 2 00 se Mixed: eke eee omees 1 1 50 Hederaefolium album. Autumn- flowering ..... 35° 3 50 Ne rubrum. Autumn- flowering ..... 20 2 00 Ibericum. Purple................ 19;:; 2a Neapolitanum. The Ivy-leaved Cyelamen:. Hardy iss. csec cece US 25

Repandum. Rosy red, with pur- : DIOIEVGien oware Pawnee eee sinister eer aah! Mee Cyclamen giganteum



Ready in September Graceful, hardy, spring- flowering, bulbous plants, thriving in good, rich, well-drained soil. They are effective in mixed flower borders, and they also make excellent pot-plants. Each Doz. 100 Acmeme: ~ViGUOW we coc cee oe alts cae cletes $0 05 $0 40 $2 50

Coccinea. Narrow, tubular flowers of a

deep, glowing red color.............. 10 85 5 00 Lanceolata. Tall flowers, with large,

greenish bells, mottled with yellow

TITS (Ge 1 Oe ee a ee ne 10,1 00. 6.50 Liliacea. Flowers white; easily grown... 10 100 6 50 Pluriflora. Large, strong-growing plant,

with beautiful reddish purple flowers,

blcoming very early .....022..sces0e0 10° 1°00" 6-50 Recurva. The finest of all the Fritillarias.

The flowers are between tubular and

bell-shaped, and of a brilliant orange-

Seis OH COLOI ongei cis ela eee ela ernie uateotensiers 08 65 4 50 Whittallii. Green and brown checkered

LOW GTS eer ctatals cravcre afore sie a sia teieineraia selon 10 100 650 Meleagris (Guinea Fowl Flower). Mixed 3

CODES Or eiede sicicavalesancie/eieisieieysiscenectioiersie oie . 05 a eee 110

Fritillaria imperialis. See Crown Imperials, on page 20.


The justly popular Freesias are greatly prized for the delightful fragrance of their delicately colored flowers, which, when cut, will remain in good condition for a long time in water. They are easily grown or forced in a light, sandy soil, in a frame or greenhouse, and are excellent for window culture in winter; one plant will per- fume a large room, but notin the persistent manner of a tuberose. The plant has tooth- shaped bulbs and flat, spreading leaves. For the information of all not acquainted with these bulbs, we may say that they are quite small, and produce large blooms in comparison to their size

Freesia refracta alba. Pure white and sweet-scented; very largely forced. The flowers are 2 inches long, and about the same in width, shaped like minature gladioli, and in clusters of 6 to 10, on depressed horizontal scapes. The body of the flower is pure white, with lower segments spotted lemon-yellow. The fragrance is remarkable and very lasting.

Doz. 100 1,000

Monster Size Bulbs...... $0 35 $2 00 $14 00 First Size Bulbs....... Snopes oON To 00 Second Size Bulbs....... 20 85 6 00

Freesia Leichtlinii. Creamy white, shading to : yellow with orange blotch: Freesia refracta alba distinct in enlora seu. ease: 45 3 00

Messrs J. M. THORBURN & Co., New York. STANSTEAD PLAIN, QUEBEC, November 8, 1904. Gentlemen.—I duly received the hyacinths and calla bulbs sent by you some time ago, and the amaryllis sent on the 2d inst., and am greatly pleased with the size and quality of the bulbs, and with the eare and attention displayed in attending to my order, as well as former orders which you have filled. I shall take pleasure in recommending your firm. I am, gentlemen, Very truly yours, (Signed) CHARLES M. THOMAS.



Ready in November

The following varieties are the sorts generally to be had at this season of the year, and they are usually planted in pots in autumn, and require to be kept in a warm room or greenhouse, except Byzantinus, which is hardy, and may be planted out; it is best, however, to give it slight protection. Some varieties are successfully forced.

The French Hybrids, for spring planting, will be in by November. These form a family of bulbs of rare beauty. Every year is now adding varieties of most exquisite tint and shade; and, from the time of year during which these bloom, and the long continuance of their flowers in perfection, they become one of the greatest orna- ments of the garden at a season when flowers of vivid tints are scarce. They are valuable for bedding.

Named varieties will be found in our General Catalogue, published January 1

If ordered by mail, add 5 cents per dozen for postage.

Each Doz. 100 Autumn Giant. (ew). Bright scarlet to deep crimson flowers, with large deep yellow throat. Grows 3 to 4 feet high, with spikes of bloom sometimes 2 feet long. If planted in the open ground in spring, it blooms in September and October, when other Gladioli are gone..... $0 35 $2 50 $25 00 ByZantinuss DISC ate PUTAS PU ALY’ .cictas os on.s c ealaics 0.0 w\n'n'a'winion amisie ia aie bre ini aepabewie eisai siae bie asia - 05 35 2 00 Cardinalis Blushing Bride. Beautiful ivory-white, with crimson HakeS 00 ci icens vnc cicicet seni 08 60 3 50 are Rin MerrectiOn ©. oe fcr. oiiale oclsicite’s oc we v ace sie ceiec't aca sie ct /siautateeehiaee een = eineped 08 60 3°50 4 Rosea Maculata:: Pale ved, Marked white. .... oc vec. oc 210000 0c culate Sactbiets claale cose ticle 10 85 5 50 gs SalmomaQieen yr secs Secession casein fo Meo nie oS dis xie.w 6p annie ee «tha goss ee ee eee: 10 85 5 a0 Ge Sapho. Large white, shaded pale lilac, with cane creamy blotches, edged violet. 05 45 3 00 Colville 2 Burpleastriped cape mnteetttniseie fc Ms See we o:s-015 0.0 sed Geb nian we tes emlan ents x emeRieeeeere 05 30 1 50 a albus, ‘‘ The Bride.’’ White, EOv LOLCINE Ns oc od 2s ee ene ate BERN Ube ERR See RAS 05 30 1 50 ie ROSES. “inden (Crt iene «erence a iat te’ « in v's wie'eid ig: ose: vo oie site Meieinem tke sla'dkisiegt = beg 05 40 2 25 Floribundus.; White, Teathered TOSE AMOUVIGIOL. o.. o.c.c cance sie 00 sists clo oc wicjwecicns. bees cvecen cules views 08 75 4 50 Ne’ Plusauiteca, <Crintsons and plies DIGtCHay. ae ac wos. wo eee vic cv ev socwd We tecle aye v sie cles ciclsiamisie cies 10 80 5 00 Queen Victoria. Salmon-scarlet, feathered pure white .............2c0ee cece ne cece eccee cece ees 10 85 5 50 Ramosws;— Im iHixtureys oes oe tects ss cis.ce.0 cin s,atnle Talo oe win. til L iieiiaial Sirs lea aS te iayateeoihenewarse ies eg-talehe eens 08 60 3 50 Mixed Lemoine 5p cis. ate ea byistlag pith sc is'e siv's.0p:0:0 0:0 dips pidig.a 0 on tine reh cum > ohn Giebis ere eae cae 05 40 2 50 Mixed French Hybrids... fic so.0 wo cas oc vo ce we sch s eee Se Oh See EE eRe Ree tes DE a OEE eons 05 35 2 00 Mixed Finest Select Seedlings. All colors secs: < secu ete ieee oes eee re eee 05 40 2 50

5 ie Me fe eg Ready in Novenkes

Gloxinias are among the most beautiful of greenhouse plants, the flowers: being remarkable for the intensity and variety of their colorings, and the exquisite manner in which they are often blotched, mottled, penciled and blended. The plants are extremely. floriferous, and, by making successive pot- tings, they may be had in bloom, t 2 greater part of the year.. They thrive best in a soil composed of leaf-moit le Pad peat in equal parts, with a little sand added. When growing, plenty oF water should be supplied, but it should always be tepid. The bulbs we offer are large-sized, and of erect flowering strain.

Ep pvc

aS: Each Doz. 100 Crassifolia erecta, Red ..............-.+4.: 3 a $0 ig ? a +1 po _ 86) SW HG.. |2'c; 053% a;s)act, nioos-n im aim mtg mmm ee thereat aS, 2 25 ‘3 Blue ies cies lie aie tnlave a relentless " erste (emis ele epete 12.) d<20" sae 00 ve ve Spotted... sGioms serena’ s wrote opiate elas ia vies 12: 0-25) 4700 cs ‘6 Mixed: 3s. eee ee saat ets = ieee eS 10 100 6 00


Very pretty hardy bulbous plants, well. & Aipted for mixed borders and for naturalizing in sunny spots among short grass. They succeed in almost any soil and situation, and require little care. Algo suitable for growing in pots in the house, five or six bulbs in a pot.

s Each Doz. 100

Muscari azureum. Sky-blue .... 02.6... ..0c ceccenencvecssuces $0.08 $0 75 $4.00 = Botryoides. White Grape Hyacinth........... paar ees 05 30th 925 Diy oy Purple Grape Hyacinth...... 2 fO¥ OE. 15*°-1°00

a ~ Large Pearl Hyacinth ...........5..508 20 2 00 ¢ commutatum. Dark blue ...........0-eee cree ee eenes 05 -. 40 2.25 ‘¢ comosum, Blue Tasseled Hyacinth.............++-- . 05 50. «3:50 e Heavenly Blue, Light-blue.s.... 0.2... cece ee eee ees ee AZ ed Zoe ee

& moschatum major, Large Nutmeg Hyacinth ........ 25 2 50

s a minor. Small Nutmeg Hyacinth......... 25 2 50 ua plumosum. Large Feathered Hyacinth ............. 05 40 225 che monstrosum, Purple Feathered Hyacinth........... 05 40 2 25 a racemosum. Blue Starch Hyacinth ............+.-.- 05 40 2 50

= Hyacinthus candicans. A snow-white, summer- flowering

Grape Hyacinths Giant LLYVACIDED «ess ce wcew cnn steele ecu se avn mn ahaa 05 45 3 00



Splendid large flowering bulbs, closely allied to the Amaryllis. The most suitable soil is a compost of turfy loam, cow manure and some sand, They should be grown in large pots or in tubs, about three-fourths of the bulb being out of the soil. In late fall they should be removed to a coolhouse and allowed to rest till new leaves begin to appear in February. The bulbs should receive a top-dressing each year when starting, and manure water during the growing season. They may be placed outside when warm weather begins, and will flower all through the summer, making splendid lawn or veranda plants.

Each Giganteum, Giant White. Immense bulbs; large white flowers; blooms all summer; very fragrant. They should be watered plentifully while growing......... $2 00 Amabile, Giant Pink. Extra large, bright pink, with white stripe; splendid flower; enormous bulb. This and tne Giant White are unsurpassed for growing in

tubs, blooming profusely outside all summer........ 2 00 Kirki. Large umbels of heautiful pure white flowers, with

purple stripe in center of each petal................. 75 Powelli. It produces long stems bearing at the top five to eight large, dark rose, bell-shaped flowers

BenOoe IMCHOS JONES, . uw. sh nace scenes eed tetenae 40

~ Se REO WRILO «oh wa Se ee eae s Comet 70

LXIAS Ready in October

The Named Hybrid Ixias are so beautiful and rich in tints that no lover of flowers should be without them. They are equally adapted for pots or the open ground, exceedingly free-flowering, and invaluable for cutting. If planted out, they require rather more covering during winter than hya- cinths. In pots their culture is the same as that usually rec- ommended for other bulbs. By reason of their curious forms and strange coloring, the Ixias attract much attention.

Kach Doz. 100

Azurea. Blue, with purple center; very. beautifuh. © ..2usbi cee ieae. ot le ete deeb sent $0 05 $0 35 $2 00 Receoualas-major,’ Rich crimson; Very: fine. .cicciarciaysmat teed oot nee velo tunes Solita e bec wa 05 35 2 00 Geepecnices: “bright crimson’ 62205 5/60 Ps ee ee ee et US eee ee 05 40° © 225 Beesemonse larch lilse, black eye ; 2225. 252s doles ce te ae ee te ee Pence Cu tdasete met ejccuaa ds 05 oo tO PRECISE DICCOMISN BYOTIZE . <6. occ os Gone one © oyna mole lew cea ane She One are ncPe eee rn ene 05 35 2 00 Pamerer 0: China. Golden yellow, purple 696: s< ccntmcd- sac,cs tees aa Garchs s+ anaes nen we sidnaele® © 05 40 2 50 Buargaenernt. Witte, Shaded lilac... << suc cisiaea cosine sume ata unsere eines: ens anecteh a ewebataliy See 05 35 2 00 Fagnrite. Sulphur-yellow. <2...» i2cssjciseobdslideed nadaeta pe bens 2entth ter. abroad) 3 abewa bee deep 05 35 2 00 Gematnea, pWiite, with blue Ce. .2....».0,0,00nasmeunantldeleiile te emanation eke <uihld bidet abjele behiele na eee be 05 40 2 50 Eady of the Lake. Magenta; dark eye: ce .utetee rae cae eal, PORES Sie se Ls 05 40 2 50 Dae Slade. Licht: rose . 10-406 cotese a caved scnwunlrasma tata dats eee tate attend cle Cakes eawee oleae ewan 08 60 3 50 Smmine’ Mary. Cherry-red'; Tine variety 00% 6 fo92 2 US, Bo ere ee ee eat actions cane dnedevde age 08 60 3 50 Wiliam the Conqueror. Large; white, with purpleBye.. 5. cae ccc cuwe's occa hn se venus beeenawapniemnnt 05 45 2 50 RIO TITOMIAT PUIREUIEC: 6. oo ov «5 oss « cinhik nm as nin onge ne ened mains cei eterna = per 1,000, $4; 2 for 5 cts... 20 60


(DOG’S-TOOTH VIOLETS) Ready in September

Very ornamental, hardy, bulbous plants, of neat and dwarf habit. They succeed in almost any light soil, but prefer a mix- ture of loam and peat. They should be planted in groups, and do well in sheltered positions on rockeries, or in mixed flower or shrubbery borders. Rariean Dain 4100

Californicum. Cream-yellow, with maroon band

at base; leaves very richly mottled. The

BREROT A. oaks gata sp aise® sian 5 495% $0 08 $0 65 $4 50 Californicum, White Beauty. Flowers more nearly

white than Californicum; leaves richly

SERENE 3. sina’ Setonaie me onda e's a doe ey @\h's' chain esis se" 10 80 5 00 Giganteum (Giant Dog’s-tooth Violet). Very

large, straw-colored flowers, with orange

center, borne on long, slender stems; the oh

foliage is richly mottled in dark brown and

its elegant habit makes a very attractive

pot-plant for window decoration .......... 08 65 4 50 Citrinum. Leaves mottled; flowers yellow .... 08 65 4 50 Grandiflorum. Leaves unmottled; flowers bright Erythronium yellow, with recurved petals.............. 08 65 4 50 Hartwegii. Fine new variety; light yellow flow- ers like those of #. giganteum, but each borne on a separate stalk..........-..--e02 ee ee eens 05 45. 2 50 Hendersonii. Flowers pink, with very dark purple center; leaves beautifully mottled in dark brown; petals Stromply TeCurved) PAlMioa. occsce wren Osu dep kte ss bees wh bua wces da nind PiMa ses a3 08 65 4 50 PROG <.. 5 ont ago Seam eee a ae Reel ele eo a a wie oad ce ue co cect eae aeesaaw pe me see 05 40 2 50

Dens-canis (Dog’s-tooth Violet). Mixed colors; very pretty; leaves blotched in brown and white , 05 30 —CoT 0


IR | S (F LEUR-DE-LIS) Ready in October and November

Iris, the Greek name for the rainbow, was applied to this flower in allusion to the manner in which many beautiful colors are blended together. Irises are of easy culture. They do best in a light, rich, sandy soil, and in a sunny situation. Good drainage is important. The newer varieties of Iris Kempferi, from Japan, are re- markable for the beauty of their colors and their stateliness of habit. Some of these send up 10 or 12 flower- spikes 3 feet high, each bearing 2 to 4 enormous blossoms, measuring 8 to 10 inches across, and of the most deli- cate and beautiful colors, markings and combinations. These require a liberal supply of water when growing. With the exception of Morea pavonia and Tuberosa, all varieties are hardy.


We are importing from Japan a large supply of the following twenty-four newest and best of these magnifi- cent Irises, which excel in size, perfection of form and richness of color, any ever shown. They come in large extra-strong clumps. Each

Doz. 100

Gekka-no-nami (Waves on Moonlight). Dense pure white, yellow blotches; petaloid stigmas

creamy *(G) petals . fase aeercc eee TERI. o 6a'nine wie a's oiuiele pie oie ate mie erm sila) ai o alae eaten oe aoe $0 35 $3 50 $20 00 Shishi-odori (Dancing Lion). Purple, profusely stained; 3 standards same color; petaloid

stigmas purple and watites O Petals 2s 52's. ces 22 a0 aoe ayeyte apsys oie e x oe ola ico eel geet aie 35 350 20 00 Kumoma-no-sora (Sky Amidst the Cloud). White, strongly marked sky-blue zone, mottled in

same shade; yellow blotches; petaloid stigmas white, margined lavender-blue; 6 petals... 35 350 20 00 Kumo-no-obi (Band of Cloud). Dark lavender-purple, white halo surrounding the yellow

blotches and radiating into strong white lines; large standards same color; petaloid stig-

mas white, tipped and bordered lilac; handsome flower; 3 petals................++eeeece 35 350 20 00 Ho-o-jo (Ho-o-Castle). Ruby crimson, primrose blotches, surrcunded with white halo, radiat-

ing out into clear white lines; petaloid stigmas white, tipped purple; 6 petals............ 35 330 20 00 Gei-sho-ui. Rich vinous purple, primrose blotches, surrounded by a white halo, which radiates

out into the purple petals; petaloid stigmas creamy edged and tipped purple; 6 petals... 35 3 50 20 00 Manadzuru (Crane). White, yellow blotches, radiating into sky-blue feathers; petaloid stigmas

violet, speckled white. This variety will at times give acreamy white flower; 6 petals... 35 350 20 00 Hana-no-nishiki (Floral Embroidery). Brilliant claret-red, penciled white; petaloid stigmas

white, tipped purple} ominee blotches; 6 petals, . cc. atic. tassel iain iad hls nie nto elie 35 350 20 00 Yomo-no-umi (Boundless Sea). Lavender-blue, blue halo surrounding the yellow blotches, radi-

ating into feathers; petaloid stigmas red-lavender; distinct and beautiful; 6 petals ..... 35 350 20 00 Meiran, Veined and flushed crushed raspberry, and white margined ground; orange-yellow

blotches, surrounded with a blue halo; petaloid stigmas lilac; standards crimson; 3 petals 35 3 50 20 00 Kuma-funjin (Excited Bear). Purple, overlaid with navy-blue; 2 standards; petaloid stigmas

purple and blue; very large orange blotches; 6 petals. xo c:o5 joie ue njsicte nope ateteloi ole ai ee he 35. 330 20 00 Taiheiraku (Peace). Rich vinous purple, with conspicuous yellow blotches tipped blue, radiat-

ing out into purple veins and feathers; petaloid stigmas gray and lavender; 6 petals..... 35 350 . 20 00 Uchiu. Cerulean-blue, yellow blotches, surrounded with white halo, radiating out into broad

lines; 3 thin white standards, tipped blue; petaloid stigmas white, tipped blue; 6 petals 35 350 20 00 Shippo (Cloisonne). Rich tyrian-blue, edged purple and feathered white, yellow blotches;

petaloid stigmas lavender-blue and white; 6 petals ...... 01-22. 2200 csc ccs cece ce nce cee 35 | 3°50" *20- Ob Yezo-nishiki (Yezo-Embroidery). Deep rich crimson, mottled and blotched white; 3 standards

same color as petal; petaloid stigmas lavender-blue; 6 petals..............eeceeeecceeeee 35.°° 3 50 20700 Shishi-ikari. Rich broad purple petals, orange blotches; 3 large standards same color; petaloid

stigmas purple, stained white; very large flower;. 6 petals...... 2... 50.005 cojeesccccnccccs 35 350 20 00 Oniga-shima. Brilliant purple, blue halo surrounding the yellow blotches; small crushed stand-

ards; petaloid stigmas white, suffused and tipped violet; very large flower; 6 petals .... 35 350 20 00 Yedo-jiman. Royal blue; large petals; standards purple; petaloid stigmas dark violet; 3 petals 35 350 20 00 0-torige. Light purple, with blue halo surrounding the orange blotches, radiating out into

feathers; claret-colored standards, tipped white; petaloid stigmas purple-blue.tipped white. 35 350 20 00 Shirataki (White Waterfall). Great fine white petals, primrose blotches, radiating gracefully

into the white; petaloid stigmas creamy, tipped white; 6 petals..............-. 22+ eeeees 35 350 20 00 Kagaribi. Brilliant ruby, feathered white, yellow blotches; petaloid stigmas white, tipped

TUDY 2G Petals OI eect c cles ae ee ec ce aes Ce ceed cate ele wice.e « » a iteis meta ieee tte eae 35 .3 50, 20200 Shimoyo-no-tsuki (Frost Moonlight). Gray, suffused lavender, yellow blotches, radiating into

pearl-bIue feathers; standards purple, edged white; petaloid stigmas gray, tipped lavender. 35 3 50 20 00 Tora-odori (Dancing Tiger). Gray, overlaid with lavender-blue, yellow blotches; petaloid

stigmas violet and whites. 6 DeEbAIS « cfeicey sje sere oferstie sine :e|d a nye aio a /4ke eeinelets oienca ake eat anats s eivii ye 35 350 20 00 Tsuru-no-kegoromo (Crane’s Feather). Large, pure white flowers, yellow blotches; standards

whites” petaloid stigmas Creamy; 3 petals... . ecco eee 2 sine vin «cine wine nlaieiee mieiaieenie™= =le 5 winks 35 «63. 50° «620 00 Datedogu. Rich claret-red, with orange blotches surrounded with a blue halo, standards light

claret and white; petaloid stigmas white, bordered pale claret; very large flower ........ 35 3 50... 20:08 Mixed Common Small-flowered Japan Iris, Single and Double ..................-: SSS ae 08 60 3 00

SPANISH IRIS (ris Hispanica)

Very profitable for florists, who are planting them largely for cut-flowers. Plant in beds ‘n the open as soon as received in the autumn, and protect slightly in the winter months. In the beginning of April cover the beds with glass, so as to have the flowers ready for cutting in May.

Each Doz. 100 Belle Chinoise. Yellows @xtrar ooo) c's celnc oe 5 nici ou oe» » cide sis olw sv cis's chemraminialecs ie ihieip cia sisal aie $0 05 $0 25 $1 00 Blanche Superbe.. Pitre White... .0.00 5 cece cece co vem cn ees 6 cleie se 0) 6c taiteie setae amiatsl pitta. (ates eet eee 05 257 3°08 Ciryselofa. Bright yellow. ce coc vos oc os sarin eis ple:dic eo Vibe bus ©. a ntalte eectet ete te teeter 0) eset 05 23> 3°08 Darling. “Bright Dlue soi c o.oo cece oc cpg s fae oe wn mute nie © oe ncule siggy 5 aie) aus So NmEmnBIE wr a eetnee eat etal Ae te 05 25 1 00 Heroine, Deep yellow .. oi... 0.2 teins so oer vis oslem ise oasis s etetetouniate eel ora eiinWisls Sins) seis 5 elnialt/hvhGiniy sa eee 05 3p 1 La Candeur.. Pure white ces oils cous cus ws 2s bn 8 0 pep seers Sia deubra.c weve, sa nial eevee Sie oe See ee ape nee 05 30 “10a8 Louise. Pale blu, Slightly Spotted... 5 <5 succes nee oes ce ce ene were e's 6 ojala d Sireue dys wine) sini alvin 5 wine iets 05 ga> ae Philomela; +l ine Pale Wit i. is og. oo ee oie des cateip aie » emiens's Tem -clavele salam cata > ais ses ipittsinin pitts mis ty Riemer 05 Fi ire | Prince of (Orange, Bronze anid O©range sc...) cease ace ance cence cs tnvine ses aeeeee® aatm cu slene seems 05 25 «61:00 Snewhall (Blanchileur).> Waite... fo oc sw enicle ee ee emeels cr eicains wi dleainan Shieiinraie (<= Sint eeeee ae 05 30 1.50

Superfine Mixed ...,.--.:+:+-eeeee SE-B ists en Aaa ork Ste per 1,000, $2.75; 2 for 5 cts,.. 15 45



meine. Pare Whitin Paes: POs on ce ache nan ad dppeab.¢ ts nen sai nina wn ie 7! ale $0 10 75 $5 00 LECT FURIES 1. WA ONIONS 0 koe Ne nae en dene Rca tecnses SaMEn Rhee on 4s SPR ay Oma BY 05 35 2 00 Alata (The Scorpion Iris), Sweet-scented, sky-blue flowers; fine for pots.............22+eeeeee: LT hetes -s gei R Ira MMIC CRON EARNS a ee inns w lite On ane am wien ean <i plen.n n> in 50 naan? Wit VEUOUW ERROR secede eae edn Waite mann cane se Sky's Waa w Amey s he Seine eM se oe on we 08 65 4 50 ee as. | SORUGITUL BALIN WHIT BOWOES wa cane cies pnavs st asm ses mses ~ sich, e sa unampdins a bpelcs 05 40 2 50 Germanica, Gasary Bird. Yellow and bronze, striped Wilte. ... 6... nccus -rennnsnc dr wiastncencaness 10 75 = (00 Grachas, Crimson, reticulated white: Very f00. . <m0ccnqecdidrinn weamerineninndeericnnas.s 15 150 ss Madame Chereau. White, elegantly frilled, BEER SDD rn, cing to naingl aa waive! sid sa eeidas « 10 75 ~=655 (00 ng Maori King. Golden-yellow standard; velvety crimson falls, margined gold.......... 20 200 12 00 5 Premeemacanset, Pate dime. os gots s weqscotta selon s + besiraline ena aan habla n = aiain wtiveid yy! 10 85 5 50 as weer @. ciel, Ol ve, Wilt WiGlet POUR. cicnac 5 vcinse'siwe sx GRR ate aemacah wate ea paheniaie 10 65 4 50 $4 Pimemuemed:.. All: colets |. ..:.5 cnliguccce ¢divnecu siatalde a slate ares del itew sy ans «She Oech ae 05 35 2 00 eeeess: aes, light blue.spotted . flowers: co. vn) «ne «waco vnc aoqsdtelgvaann teks «= 0ppiieh dnm vena s 25: 2.50 Iberica. Gray, striped Violet-purple...........sceseceescecccecncnescenccnes sce sccesncscccscecnes 25 2 50 peeeemenatin:{ Peacock). Pretty soc i nacee cs cdaws at newe vs wines Lob ageeleia +s «dpaerinensaad sis dss 05 25 «#1 25 Persica. Early dwarf Persian; fine for forcing. (The French Fleur-de-Lis).................+06- 20 200 12 00 20 UL SAL a anne Seed meme eres Ae eee EO ke ag ee a oe 10 65 4 00 Peewee. Violet, spotted white, yellow and. BISCK,....«cecscc--+ ss henner i. 5. c min pans nm ees claiet 15 1 50 IRIE cat bbs oh agave «dpe debd osenine Felgen = hey anadeba gw hil eens heslh areas eats octane 05 50 3 00 nT Sas Ua i as rts ee ay So wich wrrbe hensonurte Nos Shame) bail md Roles haba elbeien Sharad 5) Gea a aoe rel. wine aes 1D ob oo Susiana major (Chalcedonian Iris). Bluish, tinted brown, dark lines............20-ee cece eee eee 20 2 00 eres ewsies Head Iris). Rich violet. joes aac seen sae Guten! ianeaeign obi ae oe eeeenlceen ite ein 05 40 2 50


Ready in September

Very pretty, spring-flowering, greenhouse, bulbous plants, with brightly colored flowers and elegant habit. They should be grown in pots, four to six bulbs in a 5-inch pot, in a compost of two parts loam, two parts leaf- mould and one part each of peat, sand and well-rotted cow manure. Apply but little water until growth is some- what advanced, but give more freely as the foliage develops; give them plenty of light and air, and keep near the glass to insure sturdy growth. Lachenalias are also excellent subjects for hanging baskets.

Each Doz Emeein. (Dale yellow flowers, flushed with greet... 5 52sen. cca nacinnceah ins nce gasp ee einn dees eondae x oAh $0 25 $2 50 Pendula. Very handsome, large and showy species, with broad foliage and rich red flowers, tipped TT yal EL geo aaa ke ea CS ene Oe ae, 5 Meee es ORES 5 eet So. an ee 25 2 50 Quadricolor. Bright green, red and yellow flowers; very pretty ..........ceccce cece cccccncceccccncceecs 25 2 30 Pree etted. yellow and! STEER... 6 vac ose sc cuted a atane Heme Econ aes ee <n eee eee, ae eas. oe 25 2 50 Versicolor. Foliage heavily spotted brown; flowers yellow, tipped with green and red; very pretty for SENS ons oe J occ ocwes csc onc onal ped ponnin cehipats + aoe eae eked 4s\c a SOE 3 wwe ohiveaneaanseeesces 1 1 50 SUMO MLOMEO ow icehins tee nove wv'oeice daa Gils sh eee Sele ee me ee Nee oe wo tee dade aie sewicin wine's Ts 125


Ready in November

Hardy, summer-flowering, bulbous plants that are becoming more popular every year. Their brightly colored flowers are borne on long, graceful spikes in the greatest profusion, and they are most valuable for cutting and general decorative purposes. They should be planted in groups and left undisturbed. Ordinary garden soil and a sunny position suit them. The following are the handsomest and most distinct varieties:

Each Doz.

EE ESET EVE LL W iro Sow 5 we da 2 wn odin Meebo ee mime NRE Ee Ea iS RAE 2 $0 05 $0 40 $2 50 Bouquet Parfait. Large, bright vermilion —_ Doz. 100

flowers, with deep yellow center........ $0 05 $0 40 $2 00 Crocosmiaeflora. Large; bright orange, tinged

3 UE ED 65 ek eee ee eer 05 30 1 50 Eldorado. Large, golden yellow flowers; very

Borterans. Gwart habit... vce. ccsssmeecce 05 40 2 25 Elegans. Bright yellow, outside streaked with

Meet CXt6a HNG ...~ 5 est s~< twins wenn 05 40 200 Etoile de Feu. Bright vermilion, with deep

yellow center; large flowers.............-. 08 60 3 50 Germania. Very large, orange-scarlet. The

ie OY VATICEN ond s js os vow uch ane ones 20 175 10 00 Golden Sheaf. Bright yellow ................ 05 40 200 AN Pottsii. Orange and scarlet; very free-flow- ; WSs N\}

CE 2 5 Be elie Sa aie eimai aa ke eaier ee 05 30 61 50 ws Sunbeam. Rich yellow, spotted brown; large

NUE Seta So 'e'a siden dines < aoa eens 05 40 2 50


Ready in September

P : Each Doz. 100 Arabicum. White, with black center; valu-

HOLCEOM LOTCIN Ds o:5.. chases wateiebaitn oreo Sie $0 05 $0 45 $3.00 Pyramidale. Showy spikes of white flowers.. 20 2 00 Umbellatum (Star of Bethlehem). Outside

green and white striped, inside satiny

white; flowers in umbels; very showy ..., 05 30. «1:50 Montbretias


N ERI N E Ready in October and November

Very beautiful greenhouse bulbous plants succeeding best in pots, in light soil—say a compost of loam, leaf-mould and sand. Frequent repotting is not advisable, but an annual top-dressing of new soil before the flowering season is recommended. During the growing season they succeed best in a frame with some bottom heat. After the leaves die they should be kept quite dry in a cool place until they begin to grow again. ten Doz.

Corasca. . Brilliant scarlet flowers’. .'.'s'0.)'sisce altasteas woe caela cluls'e's'v'e se seals se Eee oo ee $0 Crispa. . Very- handsome scarlet flowers... - 2 eve ewebin ase ware bes soe copia teen aes o.oo ane 1 00 Flexuosa. Bright. crimson-scarlet, tinged With OTan ges... o's oon coccinaccecsnennwrouploseeces! cms «see eee 1 25 Fothergillii. Bright, glittering scarlet, in a many-flowered umbel.............. 220 cece cece csencccccees 90 ns major. A magnificent plant for house or conservatory. The flowers are of the most in-

tense shining scarlet, and by artificial light the crystalline cells of the petals sparkle

like jewels. / It:fowerswery freely... ..'-.''-\s'sse'elsiols oat sale eis os a eleel Mela ole a <i ate 1 50 Japonica (Lycoris radiata). uso. emma ae eae Dov cc soe cdo ace acon a emo n Sis alan per 100, $5.. 10 $0 80 Sarniensis (True Guernsey Lily). Flowers brilliant crimson, in large clusters. The best known sort. 50 4 50 Undulata... Rosy purple, wavy flowers; ‘very handsome.\.\0.-.).2.)oc'ie. facie! con ete aeabeaes siete we ae wel eee 75

O 4 A L | S Ready in September

A very pleasing class of small bulbs, producing vast quantities of brilliant flowers during the autumn and winter months; they are especially desirable for planting in hanging baskets. They are easily grown in a sandy soil, seven or eight bulbs in a 4- or 5-inch pot. Pot in September, and remove indoors early in October; keep in moderate temperature. Exch Doz. 100 Buttercup. A splendid winter-blooming plant for pot culture. The flowers are pure bright

yellow, and produced in great abundance. It is very easily cultivated, and, being a strong

grower, only one or two bulbs should be planted in a 5- or 6-inch pot............. Ist size..$0 05 $0 35 $1 75 OCONG SIZE sis bya inieilage ta Dinancateteucter o PRea Ee eels Oke tle Me nna oe) =o eaiapa Seal spate os eee are tara ake 2 for 5 cts... 25 1 50

TOW a aie is 5105; sa ment 5 clacl eevee agate nice eee ee sim ao a6. = eine pO Ree ao <a teie, nie ee eee 06 60 3 50

Bowiei:!: Crimsott.:: 2. s%:00asiie. decidid oa. cpbaeia. Hab iis o's. bissablin.w ik eisielg pile och AeReI Ae io « cine eee eae 05 Dope ie ge Grande Duchesse, grandiflora alba. White ............. OP ee ae i i. act) Paes oe 35. 1 75 if ‘f ay rosea:(: | Brightapink «is. cur wesc bestiecrepeae eee ssl ide «bios eee oS 05 351 75

As ae of Jaw ender cose. iets 03s ora « » 2 vine ede ototp we Dloeha eee ois barry = fei eee 05 Bae’ ber 3 Lutea.. Yellow. ..<.ttacieukepeae ee pitn Aspeas ch brn «! chats Lista hec@ stave ia. epalgis eRe oiek -c = pic 2 for 5 cts... 20: phy 2D $s Rosbiles Ye LOW fcsatic temas Spopeioatiereietileens in.* +0». o'e o0:0'sce's 2 ee eis pe aye IS re ere Tee eee 05 40 2 00 Ribella. (PUP ple: ao, ms cnos ap cevte aerctater rn Ghote thera) aaj drereren.« «ne mur @ aim alere a dai eR ee te Sen: Sie. 05 40 2 00 Versicolor.. Reds violetiand wititel's. Bie. soemicn. . Soest. Hae M.S Cate See Ee wseelee 2 for 5 ets... 25 2{4025 Ma O oecd ote aig et apencaice Pend A ako on Ao ahaa, ARMOR «cman ise lohedlonned aa ot Aol aA Ree 3 for dicts... 15 75

PE FELONIES Ready in October

The old-fashioned double Ponies are too well known to require description. Their popularity is due to their great merits—their easy culture, the handsome appearance of the plant, and the brilliant and striking effect of their massive, finely formed, richly colored flowers. Among hardy herbaceous perennials, the Chinese Ponies rank about first for lawn or flower-border or shrubbery decoration. They are all hardy.


Each Doz.

Achille.” Fine-rosy color, mearly, Whitey. os 5 epee sepa crm iajere, sin aterm in vinie Siem eteiciniaiepe ie ic + ols «in = ean eet eer $0 30 $3 00 Asa Gray. -IROSY Carmine qo 2s so 5.5 «p< = as0's 6s eyepeueis open wo, v eiwin aa bigin, auscs)e me ann eam & 0,6) & ps8 eee 75 «67 50 Charlemagne. | Creamy white, center lilac and chamois. .2.,... s0c.c emacs ccs «ass osc sae Eeeeeeaen soar 30) «63:00 Comte de Niepperg Bright carmine; Very Carly qs -s)siy esse a= acini pee acalnin 50.6» «=. «le ieee eects 30) =—3 (00 Dachesse!'de' ‘Nemours. Pure. White... cicicxinc epee en avimals se mee wean Be sp ww. 25 ono er ee 7506s 7:50 Edolis. Bright: rose .cic soiinciccic e's 00 tee mnkien ov ove oles oatlethais sic ae hp eT ae ETRE CES ee a en Etec coe 30 =63 (00 Festiva. Maxima. White .&.....2....0.+% Ry ahs sichyie ne wale sieteinelateateniaretste eine sao = wc She eee eee een 75 867 50 Gigantea. Fine pink; early; fragrant........:. Ne 0, 6's 9.0; pis) aijime) sie oré.simimn p alaid shel Jc, stake Ete ears Seis. eee 75 «67 50 Humei: Carnea;4 Pale rosegipassing to White ... 2p. » «liebe ole cence noses oak eine Cena ae 30. 3:00 Madame Géissier. “Rosy lilac; large flowers: early.......cccvelnccssccave ss sed» odemeeieMmeaMans dst dniak . eee 75 7 50 Marie Deroux;; Roseyand tilegh ‘Colon... .dete oe eo onc wclaecle aie chthes os mcleld'e coe wa cmiere SE een ees a iba esl ey ara 30 363 :00 Rubens:.: GrmMMson 6 thy = Ms wide 5a Bye lees v0 » on hn bie alanine ale eunlery w'e\eie o/h oye id SO ieee ae Rh ote leg 30) «3:00 Thorbeckis, \ Uender rose, center deepproses.s 6 J. .cee «tka ce se cls ons «sind sans eine eee ens === See 30 «63:00 Double Mamed White « . 35. . dis. Sm aicoe's gh mie dive ps v.0 sis e.0,00ie.0/s a'c.ce,s ass ain cn lgo athe = iaeeiee ae eae = 9 oe eee 25 2 50

tit re Ceimson .. 2%... 5 Raciehs He boa Abe ap adele eire in aw vp vic he aly win clk ss vu Oem EEE pile ee oe Ane re 25 2 40

a < BRIG gas, oaicheve see Ways nite: Ma Lee teen de shale djalnedise «2s sae + nos 0 5, stk e re aEmmneae eal ike tietetOs tia re ae 25 2 50

uy a All Colors ........ CL SMS APOE EZ. sn oe tS BL. Ge ok ss Aeneas one a'sy 5 na a 20 200


These are very beautiful and free-flowering, and bloom two or three weeks earlier than the herbaceous sorts. We are importing an assortment of the newest and best sorts in five separate colors. Price, $1.25 each, $12


Very elegant plants with narrow-leaved feathery foliage. Each Doz. Dowble-flqwering. Rich erimSOnkebs-2 we ae obec odes ov ogee cord aepicw lee ene vcecocece Samm cek ih Ean aes $0 30 $3 00 Single-flowering. Rich ‘crimsormcic. 6 Gol. Pete. Pie nw ww da cle wee a eels we 2c oly logins ose nue a ee ee 20 2 00

P/EONIA OFFICINALIS hen Anemonaeflora. Crimson;.anemione flower SHAPC. ol. scice secs caece vcccley eas ss ucjeuie ames ® simne oes emEenee $0 20 $2 00 Atro-rubra plena. Dark red i. <cijpdc cess de wns once ablcepley pet speb os 5 ciepeye/s doe nina be eiete rs pene ee ete ea 20 200

Muytabilis plena. Tender rose, passing to white .,..,..c0:-.cyerertertateoerererrerdserryt tsetse ones sie Lees eee



Ready in September

The main soil for these should be loam or clay, with a good dressing of rotten manure and leaf-mould; if heavy, add a little sand. The soil should be well drained, cool, deep, rich and moist. Plant late in the autumn, claws downward, from 4 to 6 inches apart and 3 inches deep, covering with fine, pulverized soil.

If ordered by mail, add 3 cents per doz. for postage


Each Doz. 100

TRRMRMBGER. WILE ccc ce ciccwce cccesscccvee pt OF $0 40° 82.50 Commodore Napier. Yellow and brown border. 05 40 2 50 ISS SS a 10 75 4 00 Favorite des Dames. Striped ................ 05 45 3 00 Jaune Supreme. Splendid yellow ............ 05 45 3 00 ol. OT reer ee 05 50 3.50 ENE SOU ICO iis. cls ba cence ne ncsn huis 05 40 2 50 Queen of the Netherlands. Violet-black...... 05 45 3 00 SORPROR MNOS CRISMON cos ne penn ccecn sent cnnenc 05 35 2 00 Vm ih at Se ae Fireball. Brilliant scarlet.................05. 06 40 250 @ ie WY) SEO FRG Persian Mixed, all sorts......... 3 for 5 ets... 15 80 ) NWiining French Named, in 25 varieties................ 06 45 2 50 AY: - Mixed, all sorts ......... 3 for 5 ets.c: 15 80


These are the most hardy of the Ranunculus, and will succeed with much less care than is necessary for the Persian sorts,

Each Doz. 100 IRE EE ROW cob eo we cia nid tele as coke (> os $0 05 $0 35 $1 75 Gramdimora. Crimsonc ic 0402 «<= diana cwnes 05 45 3 00 Ramameo¢scaries =. 3. . 206 ~. 2. oy . o> Fas Bees 05 op «BS Herenies: shure witite |). Joi 5. . sede set yew es 05 45 3 00 Merveilleuse. Orange-yellow................-- 05 40 2 50 Serene.) Omron) 6366) .2 2 ot . iAL 32 eens 05 35 2 00 Souci Gonew Oranee ss ie Joa, ue ce oo Meee 05 a 7 Ranuncuius Gira se oe sete Mec a sss de font. st te eeee 05 35 2 00 Each Doz. 100 ee ane LOrern CORLEES/ L, 0) ogi ote Weare wicdeins asic Sac vie at reise Ree fda oo esa ede s antec $0 05 $0 35 $2 00

pres, TIT AT A SS 5 2 a A 9 ie re oe EEN GS ee ee a 2 for 5 cts... Di E25


Ready in September and October

Tall-growing, bulbous perenniais of exceedingly graceful habit and very handsome foliage and flowers. They are easily cultivated in pots, requiring only a rich soil and plenty of water, A compost of one part good loam and one part cow manure is recommended. It is a good plan to plant them out in the garden each summer, in rich, well-manured soil, giving them plenty of water, taking them up and carefully repotting in September.

Each Doz. 100 White Calla, or Lily-of-the-Nile (Calla £thiopica). Large, white, trumpet-shaped flowers of

great substance. One of the most popular and ornamental of house and greenhouse

plants. Juargest size bulbs Sc... =. oo: $0 25 $2 25 $14 00 “Little Gem” Calla. Very neat, dwarf habit; makes an excellent pot-plant .............. 06 60 3 50

Spotted Calla (C. £thiopica alba maculata). An extremely ornamental pot-plant, with pure white flowers and handsome, deep green leaves, spotted with white .......... 10 60 4 00

Black Calla. See Arum Palestinum sanctum.. 20 200 12 00

Red Calla (Avwum cornutum). Flowers red, F spotted black; stems mottled; a handsome Nn EO Dian oD a 7 15 150 900 New Yellow-flowered, Spotted Leaf. Grows about 2 feet high, with immense dark green leaves spotted and blotched with silvery white; flowers of medium size, pure bright yellow, with a black-purple blotch at base. Fine for spring planting. Blooms outside all summer ........ ony Gp 18°00



Ready in September

No garden can be complete without these beautiful flowers. S. Peruviana requires slight protection; all the others are quite hardy, and may remain in the ground several years. The effect in early spring of the intensely rich blue, early-flowering Scilla, contrasting with the snow-white of the Snowdrop and the varied hues of the Crocus, can hardly be overestimated; are most valuable for permanent edging, or planted in bunches of a dozen or so.

If ordered by mail, add 5 cents per dozen for postage, except those marked with a (*), to

Which add 2 cents each. Each Doz. 100

Sihirica.. Blue» /23.2..<. 35. ...35... eu, Ce ee $0 05 $0 35 $1 75

Me alba. White-flowered variety of the above ......... 06 45 3 00

Campanulata (Wood Hyacinth). Blue..............0..ceeeeeee 05 25 «ily 2d

Ce alba. “White. ..\...< Peso faceetenee nen ns ee Ce ee 05 35" Soa te

a POSER, TOSCiy. < . .\s aes «oc wel taco bce arias = © ieee 05 35. . 2,00

Italica. ight. blues ‘very fragrant... icssdesccdssnsndvadsd usenet 10 65 4 00

Nutans coerulea (Nodding Squills). Blue .................... 05 35. 0. ao

Com Wa MAAS WINN DULEO LD. 5, c:ecb x50 poraia tha aha ninja in aa pea ee 06 50 3 00

Scilla Sibirica eT POSER OSE. «cSt 2 0d ie be be ghee aces oak renee eee 06 50 863 00 Each Doz. *Peruviana alba (White Cuban Lily)........... $0 20 $2 00 lutea (YeJlow Cuban Lily) ........... 50 65 00

ae coerulea (Blue Cuban Lily) .......... 15 1 50


Perhaps no spring flower is a more general favorite than the Snowdrop. The earliest flowering of its varie- ties is the common single sort, which is also very graceful and beautiful, commencing to bloom before the snow is fairly off the ground in spring. This is succeeded by the double-flowered variety, with its elegant drooping, snow- white blossoms. Should be planted 2 to 3 inches deep, in a shady location. Snowdrops

If ordered by mail, add 3 cents per dozen, or 25 cents per 100 for postage.

Doz. 100 1,000 Single-flowering Snowdrops .............eeeeeeeccerecees $0 20 $100 $8 00

Double-flowering SnowdropS.............cceee cece cece ee eeee 35 200 15 00 Giant Snowdrops of Asia Minor (Galanthus Hlwesii’....... 2Oee 2. 00. 7800


Ready in December

The purity of color and rich perfume of the Tuberose are well known. In this latitude May 1 is early enough to plant in the open ground, but the bulbs may be started in pots much earlier if desired. They do best in a rich, warm soil and in a sunny situation. Cut off about a quarter of an inch from the bottom of the bulb before planting, and set so that the top will be one inch below the soil.

Each Doz, 100 Dwarf Double Pearl. Dwarf habit; large fine flowers of reat SUbStANCE. osc... 0 cece cece yan nese stein ew meen $0 06 $0 40 $2 00

Albino. Purest white, single flowers .......e0e.eeeeeeeeees 08 45 2 50

Variegated Leaf. Foliage striped white and green; single Dwarf Double Pearl Tuberose White MOWELS. . 5. vs woe c's.c otis lagen lswiainiSicni Seine Waele nie eee 10 60 3 00




Ready in NCovember

Tall, graceful, branching, herbaceous per- ennials, thriving in rich soil and damp positions. Those we list are extensively used for forcing for winter decorative purposes, for which they are eminently adapted, either as cut-flowers or in pots for window and table decoration. They should be potted when received and buried out- side till they begin to form roots. They may then be taken in and forced as required. They require abundance of water.

Japonica (Hoteia). Excellent pot-plant for win- ter blooming. Large, branching panicles of pure white, feathery flowers; fine for cut-

ting. Clumps for forcing or outdoor plant- ing. 15 cts. each, $1.25 per doz., $6 per 100.

Japonica fol. aurea reticulata, Beautiful gold- striped foliage; large panicles of pure white flowers. 15 cts. each, $1.50 per doz., $10 per 100.

Japonica compacta multiflora. The neat, compact habit and profusion of large, handsome, pure white flowers make it a most elegant pot-plant. 15 cts. each, $1.25 per doz., $6.50 per 100.

Astilboides floribunda. Very large, pure white plumes; neat habit; very abundant bloomer. 15 ets. each, $1.50 per doz., $7 per 100.

Palmata. Crimson; strong clumps. 15 cts. each, $1.50 per doz., $7 per 100.

Aruncus. Handsome plant, with large plumes of pure white flowers. 25 cts. each, $2 per doz,

Hybrida Gladstone. A new hybrid Spirza, which excels all others in its profusion of snow- white plumes borne on strong stems one and a haif feet long, standing erect above the foliage. The plant is

perfectly symmetrical in shape, the foliage very hand- some and the flowers exquisitely fragrant. The best of all for forcing. 20 cts. each, $1.50 per doz., $10 per 100.



Hardy herbaceous perennials, succeeding best in a deep, well-drained soil and in a somewhat shady situation. They require plenty of water during the summer. All are natives of North America, and are known by various com- mon names in different localities. They have violently emetic roots.

‘i Each Doz. 100 Grandiflorum (“Giant American Wood-

Lily,” or “Wake Robin”). Large white flowers, changing to rose; quite hardy, and easily grown in shaded

POSUMONS 45 .. cecc.sahelevatelete\ tieiare tieie sins0 os $0 06 $0 45 $3 00 Erectum (‘“ Birthroot ”).- Dark purple flow-

ers; erect habit; about 1 foot high... 06 50 0«=6 3:50 Erectum album. A white-flowered variety

BE RNG UR OVO on, i. nas as mp oe sais s,s 08 65 4 50 Erythrocarpum. Large, white flowers;

grows about 1 foot high ............. 15 861 50

Petiolatum. A rare and very odd variety

from Oregon, with each leaf on a

SEPHIMte PCUUIO. ston vee de sedan woclane 15 150 Sessile Californicum. Handsome, pure

white flowers; prettily mottled foliage 12 125 700 Sessile rubra. Beautiful reddish purple Trillium sessile Californicum POGuIne etm Ao. take cone dun bas 2 duis o's 15. 150


Miscellaneous Bulbs and Roots

Those marked with an asterisk (*) will not be ready till October.

*Achimenes. Mixed. Lovely greenhouse pot-plamts ...006 vcctes sence clacvcecucecs secceccecces $0 08

Acidanthera bicolor. A gladiolus-like plant, growing two feet high; flower-spikes pure white and sweet-scented, with a large triangular blotch in the center. Blooms during July and August. The bulbs must be kept warm and dry over winter..............ccescccccccececs 30 Aconite. See Eranthis, page 33.

Allium. Perfectly hardy bulbous plants of the easiest cultivation. They are excellent for the flower border or for naturalizing in masses. The varieties offered below are also suitable for forcing for winter cut-flowers.

ee Azureum. Beautiful sky-blue flowers in large umbels; fine for pots or garden ........ 08 ue Neapolitanum. Large umbels of pure white flowers, borne on long stems; valuable for forcing for winter cut-flowers, as well as for summer garden decoration...... og Mee Moly luteum. Golden yellow flowers in large umbels; very showy and attractive; fine for growing in the garden in groups or for naturalizing in masses ............ 05 Hermettii grandiflorum. Makes a splendid pot-plant for winter blooming in the house, the handsome, large, pure white flowers being produced abundantly and for a long time; largely used by florists for forcing for cut-flowers..............-. Bialis Spah cg ARG) ae Ostrow SK yA Ce CATMIING coc on aime cice’nly velwe dh cocncses eves aisles ste bib da memes epeeies 05 Alstromeria aurea. Golden yellow..... 12 Re Brasiliensis. Deep red, with DIACK ISUOLS... cm aaenieemeion 12

a Mixed. Tall plant, beautiful flowers; for potsorframes 10

Anomathecacruenta. Rich crimson flow-

ers; neat, dwarf habit; excellent for WindOw- arden pes toe = eee oe oie aie 05

Anthericum. Very ornamental border plants, and also excellent for pot culture. They do best in light, rich soil, and require plenty of water while growing. ae Liliago (St. Bernard’s Lily). Pure white flowers; 1% feet igh \wiw snp aise 12

Ramosum. Of branching habit; white flowers; 2 feet highs: .. sca Ste ss ap 12 Antholyza, Mixed. Like Gladioli. Take yi he bide erly bes ee SS ee eer 12 Apios tuberosa. Hardy climber, with clusters of fragrant purple flowers.. 05 Asphodelus ramosus. Hardy perennial; large, white flowers: very

DECHIN, Seeing: ola twas cme 40

3: luteus. Bright yellow..... 10 Babiana. Mixed colors; charming for

POPS eel inie ne oiere silyinle sin wnlanie © weenie 05 *Bessera elegans (Coral Drops). Bright

coral-scarlet, with white cups....... 08 Bravoa geminifloraa Orange and

scarlet; twin-flowered.............. 15

Bulbocodium vernum. A very pretty little bulbous plant, with rosy purple, crocus-like flowers; it is one of the

Allium Neapolitanum earliest of spring plants, blooming

even before the Crocus............. 12 *Caladium esculentum (Elephant’s Ear). Large-sized DulbS.......cc cee cece necceene ceceeeeees 25

Callas. See Richardia, page 29. Camassia Cusickii. Superb new variety with very large leaves and lovely pale sky-blue

flowers, produced in racemes 2)to. 3 feet long. 2.25 0... ce wowews cwicwewnsescs ceca 20

oe esculenta. Pretty violet-blue flowers; fine for cutting ........ CAS SLi, Se eee 05

3 Leichtlinii. Splendid, tall, purple variety..........c0ssccssssvus ee eeuene ERNE wins «6 ee 10

Chionodoxa gigantea. Very large lilac-blue flowers, with large white eye..............-+.+--- 05

fe Lucilixw (“Glory of the Snow”). Porcelain-blue, white eye.........-.-e-0 eee eenees 05

30 Sardensis. Lovely deep blue flowers, produced in great numbers.............---. 05

bs Tmolusi. Bright blue and white. Late blooming..... s Win eit Gin tRnT aRO Ia awl Bite > 05 Cinnamon Vine. See Dioscorea.

Clematis coccinea. A hardy herbaceous perennial climber; flowers rich scarlet............+.- 15

Doz. $0 75

3 00

ip fou] oOo

100 $5



noe & bo Oe

_ >













Each Per doz.

Colchicum Agrippinw. From Asia Minor ................ cen cana cen » pacavae Pome raeaeeO ta

: nnbamnale. f. pl. (Meadow Saffron) Sores. Give vee. < biak cane powelsc cnideccdleckb auc’ 12

~ Ser IPED PARTCEERS OUR os eck Ale ie elias Metin oui Sic clacn nip hii ne. nome en, Was ie 10 Cooperia Drummondii (Evening Star). White; take up in fall and keep in cellar, covered with

Rae en th verre, Os. SoS BR Pe Fe cer et OR Oe, SUM ee. debes So7eae. 05

pedunculata (Rain Lily). Beautiful white fragrant flowers...............2e0eeeceee 05

BRT IOTWOESGET.. DSYIO Rn PPAR. oc oe a ec ee oh ree rs a's i le awe 05

Corydalis bulbosa rubra. Rosy purple; very early spring flowering..............2.eeeeeeeeees 05

Crocosmia aurea (Tritonia). Half-hardy; orange flower......... ccs cccecccccccccccccceccecees 05

Cypella,Herberti. Bright orange-yellow; half-harGy.,o- cc cessccschernconcwecnsueanveceecsd wae 20

*Dicentra spectabilis (Dielytra, Bleeding-Heart). Hardy; also for forcing .................++ 20

rn ec nimamon Vie pO foe POSE os cues ois Sees Ma wk Oe dadun cre dad deat Wa ta oitocins 05

Dodecatheon Hendersoni. Rose-purple, with yellow band... ........ccce cece cee cee cece cece cees 08

= Hieveitnds. White, tinted, pinky tall... sd. 2. sren tee eee cee et Ie a ak adres ws 08

53 meadia (Shooting Star). Pink to deep lilac-purple....... 2.2.20... cece ceeeee cece 08

Eranthis hyemalis (Winter Aconite). Yellow .............200seceee hin Pl on A Sy gh age y ie a goa 05

Eucharis Amazonica. Fine white-flowered greenhouse plant............ a iniaatolecs Soa ae Sean, cree 70

*Funkia alba marginata. Beautiful white-bordered Day Lily............. 220 -ceececcceccccces 15

Galanthus Elwesii (Asia Minor Giant Snowdrops)...............2+- SOS ons Sik Bis per l, 000, $8..

Gerantam sauzumeum,. Crimson-purple flowers. 2. S22... ncixijc eee ene een eee 10

MeMEAMENES NYUTICOS.. . 3. 6 56. so ed ee Renee eee dee 0m en 15

*Haemanthas albifios. ‘White; fine for pots::: <2... 2... 000 6a00 0s « </gneeaeree eeeeeieee ee 1.25

“ce eoecineus. Scarlet; for pots! . 2.2. SUL SE 2... oo «cee ae = cee 1 50

Re puniceus. Orange-red; for ‘pots . 2202705... :..< qe <- E La 1 25

“3 fiprinus. Crimson; for pots .. 0.0 5 See 0 os ood wn Sk ee 2 00

*Helleborus niger major (Christmas Rose). Perfectly hardy, but most valuable for forcing.... 35

*Hemerocallis, Apricot. Distinct rich apricot. 2.222300 4s... «once «= aa eed: 2) Sener 05

ms fiava: Clear yellow .... 2.22... 0 cces codece bs 0s on eee alee ata Sia ere AG

< fulva. Coppery orange, shaded crimson.............- feet 75h) co SSSR eo 10

= Gold Dusti wc. 0s 02S con cc cece cece cae ene nee ae eee ole 05

= Kwanso fiore pleno. Coppery orange; double.............. Se ae Se a eee 10

- sieboldii. Reddish orange ....... 0000.00 .=+0 os ue eee eee. ee 10

*Hyacinthus candicans. A snow-white summer-flowering giant Hyacinth ...................... 05

Incarvillea Delavayi. Large; rosy purple; splendid hardy perennial, with handsome foliage.. 25

*[smene calathinum. White; sweet-scented; hardy.......... Oe nos oe Set ee Bee Sar 20

Leucojum xstivum. Summer-flowering white Snowflake .... 2.2.00 220 cece ccee neces cnnes concer 0d

es vernum. Spring-flowering dwarf Snowflake...............0- OR A ee omen ey 05

Milla biflora. Pure waxy white flowers, over 2 inches in diameter ..............2-.escecceceess 05

*Ostrowskya magnifica. A gigantic campanulaceus flower of a delicate mauve color, suffused with white; stems strong, growing 3 feet high; hardy........................ 60

*Pancratium calathinum (Basket-flower). Very fragrant white flowers. .............-2e0 eee eee 20 as Illyricum. Half-hardy; large, fragrant white flowers............-2..-..0..5+-se0. 50 oe maritimum (Sea nit errs Delightfully fragrant 3wehes oe fees Seo aes 20 es undulatum. White. : errr ti = eee ee EPS 15 Pentlandia miniata. Beautiful crimson foward for preenhousGiaeences tock ae ore ne bees 25 Phaedranassa chloracra. Scarlet flowers, tipped POON. ...6 . « «desien sees ee ene os < o's eee 05

*Schizostylis coccinea. Scarlet gladiolus-like flowers in spikes .............c. eee eee eeeeeeeeee 08 solomon s Seal (Polyzonatnm mutifiorum)'....2 283024 2... ..+0 aE ee eee eet) eee

Ste HUMES TCE... a2 5 o's sve ew eee cota eee et eal sce eee eee SED hn oan ns hte nie cm oe 05 Tricyrtis hirta. Beautiful; fall-flowering; hardy; from Japam ...............-----c2ee2------ 10 Triteleia uniflora. Pure white, shaded with bide; hardy. .....6cceseesess soucuc docs secacccucse 05 *Tritoma uvaria grandiflora (Red-Hot Poker Plant). Half- erie Seatbelt ee 5 Se rere 12 os MacOwani. Dwarf variety; bright orange-red ..............s000:: Gp Jas or AeA 12 os fra Se ee ee pee ee eee Ss co etein dee ected 20

. Pfitzeri. Large spikes of intense flame-colored flowers. In beds it makes a gorgeous display. It'should be planted in the spring. .... .diepamenes deep = ances ss da ae tens i 20 Remnnreroeatn. | Mixed’... 2.1. </. <0 ese sles scecuap «00cm oin)=,s 0 8. neta Cements caer an 05 Sines uropous.) Yellow... -...\- 2-2 2eececuecence am nisain 5 = =jalelllamE aimee mista an 5 sli/a/idimistettretainuas 20 Spe STanteUs.. Y CLIOW. ~ 2-000 -n-c4npie erin & wisps bm t alate 6 nia yea eo clait age na aed 20 *Tropaeolum tricolorum Jarrattii. Fine greenhouse climber; for pots ...........eceeeeeceeuees 20 re POLY Pla PUAN. e002 a. 0a ist Sate da Silk © The aye = wa whe wire pe Sida ola eiaidan' ech abiaies aj 40 speciosum (Flame-flowered Nasturtium). Brilliant scarlet ..............-2.0e-+-- 20 *Vallotta purpurea (Scarborough Lily).. Teer. ee e-em

Watsonia Ardernei. Each bulb Paice: pees 50 to 100 laze and very beautiful snow- white gladiolus-like blooms over 3 inches in diameter. Fine for forcing in the green- house or for planting outdoors in Spring. ......0ccccceccccccccccsncnvensecnncees 45

$1 50 1 25

bo S Oo

nmr pw or lo S i—)

~1 to bo ou

4 50



$8 00 5 00

2 00 2 00 2 00




Wrnruow nm ow i) oO

bo ke bl bo or or


1 > i)

34 J.


Hardy Annual and i erennial F lower Seeds

For Autumn Sowing

Many varieties of Flower Seeds, ANNUALS as well as BIENNIALS and PERENNIALS, may be sown in the

open ground in the autumn.

We give here a list of such as will succeed in this latitude and southward.


plants from autumn-sown seed become larger and more robust, flowering earlier and more numerously than if

sown in the spring.


Acanthwus ‘mollis. .)..3.05:. soicas as oeneeneee $0 05 SPINOGUS s.24sstenietatetaterdiate teeters eats 05 Aconitam Napelluss. .:..::.:.irun toe aise c's e'e'e'e's 05 - PUY VAM CA aN aero totale e elu aleseieus,cieisinis 05 Adenophora! Po tari iiathcsse,o scr isc soioscie wfaiacc «0 no eerie 2% 10 Adonis vernaligg eee ae eee cle siaweunse’s 05 Agrostemma coronaria (Rose Campion)....... 05 of +s TMD GEOOD EGOL OOB000 05 Misime : pit fOli agains ea. oix'e'0:oie'e e'w'ad eieie cholo selva 05




Alyssum saxatile compactum .............. $0 05 Anchusa ‘Gatrelierl*..-~ 5 .focecers spencer eee 25 Anemone coronaria. Single Caen............ 05 Aquilegia chrysantbha: 7.2. sicee artes ceserens 10 caryophylloides .03) 1243.8 Geeebeen 25

Be corulea hy brida aaocerietia eee 25

He glandulosa ‘Vera.o.4..<22 2. eee. 10

as TrUNCAtA dae es occ eos eee Tone 10

as Skinner? Sloccdee ASR oe. 25

e vulgaris, Single Mixed. Rieke) s" De

ae ae Double Mixed. . be lasal ousBavaleve 05 Acabis sal ping soe sb sarc erties wn mice 10 Asperula, odorata, ¢ dec daaccp ache aean, caste tearior: 05 Auricula,:..Binest + Mined): x: cnitecis soem Geese oe 25 Aubrietiadelioidea...... 1)... .nnee eee eee eee 10 tf [Ong 0 Wee meno yo ce nso) Ae ee 10

ae (GYBCB) o14 cin Bes ele crane Hels ee eee 10 Baptisia australis.. sade nacinccm pine appear Se 05 Bocconia Japonies ....2cisjtasjccmatye ee eee 05 Boltonia: asteroides)....s% . «om aceita« 4 eee es 25 Bunhthalmum cordifolium .................... 05 Campanula: amabilisw..2i.c). atest pene ose 25 a CAL PAtlCa- 2 se enuaeisoemte etnies 05

ae al back Esa cd eects 05

te Medium Single Mixed............ 05

oe a Double Mixed ........... 10

oe MACKOStYIS ..<.-)ten eelerae ote ee 05

eS persicifolia grandiflora, Blue..... 25

ae Bs BID Bs ace wis 25

se py ramidalis, Blue A.. Haeeeeekee 05

uG IW hitb inc, ¥ o's "Secntrapeheroets 05

gs eae Buen taetce ese 05

a collection of 12 finest varieties.... 60 Candytuft sempervirens................-+-00- 05 ae Gibraltaricd':.. 06 see cee eee 10 Catananche coerulea. ©... «22sec cee teens 05 Cedronella catia. .: .22). «nstteeamietee rere = =e 05 Centaurea, Blue Cornflower ..............---. 05 as Mixed Cornflower ................ 05

os odorata Margarit@ ...........-.+% 10

os imperialis, Mixedes.....000 5 cj6nqn 10 Cephalatia PatariGar sy ecias« bict ein cee - one ee 05 Cerastium tomentosum .................--+5- 50 Chamaepeuce Casabon® ............--+++--- 05 Clarkia elerans,, Mixed «0.2 ois). %jei a0 5) b,s0l- eee 05 Clematis paniet lata: s.. so. 6:0cicicinn atin segeeiiers 10 Convolvulus Mauritanicus................+..- 10 Crocianella) stylosa., si. «.-.02,cimainpieinins ay ENE 10 Daisy, Double WVU EO Ss </,\. \eleintconypheieh tit eereaetaia dees 25 UC <, «aici ays ’o, are rare ateetee ren acini iat 25

as of SNOW Dalle yeveiete eeetererete Siaiere settee 25

a oe Longfellow stnnwicniientemn seteeeee 25

ic 4 Maxima, Extra Large.......... 20

£6 ‘¢ Mixed, Extra Large....../.. ~. 2d 66 Shasta. «sss: si cere = ne seee niete tani saree nial ene *_ 20 Delphinium Ajacis, Dwarf Rocket..........-- 05 (6 Pall WOCKCh cs. <.0' eee a eee 05

es Brunonidnums cece cee ters 25

cs hybridum. Double...........-.. 25

fS Cardinale: csc ce =. ee eet 25

fe CashmerianuM,. 0a: 220 ccnan pens 25

us Chinese, Mise |. <n sane sien 05

ss POLM OSL cic leter cole) ores ierares a sein etatee 10

% Baliye Nowy. SUS is Heck wake ee 10 Dictamnus Fraxinella, Red...........0.seeeee 10 ts a White), 0.2% Fefere whe Mi

$0 60


60 30

30 25


5 00

5 00

30 30

50 75



Dracocephalum Moldavicum................

Eschscholtzia ADCORIGS) on ca sac oe dames

The Golden West... secicsseins

Pripereth AGTANIIACHS. <6 canescens cw ep sincee sis Forget-me-not (Myosotis)

as alpestris, LE eae

a alba se ‘ec


Wigton tia ssjies sess a: ENCINITAS elo cle Gaia a a's iin plainse he SUMICRENC Ian alc n a 4 4 hisieiajoin de W,als sie

Foxglove, LTT Pee a ae a ee

oe Slat aiteetd wlareial a a\niaimi sce ade meee

ms RONG E er prccre icteca cha S sie sleds eee e aisiee

es gloxinioides, White of

eee shaieietotiwie te fetehats

“ec oe maculata superba ................ ‘ce monstrosa, Splendid Mixed....... nf Collections of 12 finest varieties.. Gaver a IDIVORON . con 5 cc cs eens cece e tee os -- SLABGINOFA MAXIMA... 0... 0005005 Galega officinalis

ee oe

eeee se eeee ese eee sess tee eee


Gaura Lindheimeriana.................00:. GOTIATMTIAGACAINIS oie. nes ais. ciss cc <'ecjecce cecesc

Geum Chiloense coccineum fl. pl........... ee es atrosanguineum fl. pl. ....

GotletiaswMixed sarees eee ws asec ct encce

Gunnera manicaita ... .-.. 2 cee cccecws cnc ces - SOS OF... ay ng SR REA Ae OCC aa

Gypsophila paniculata...................... Helentnmt Dowedasii. «oo... o 2. ect acc cece

HeMeH OLS WIC. ~ wisi c eww ss nies sees eecees . DIN CAVOELVARFIOS 0.2 Ho onesies aces

Heuchera sanguinea oe

splendens Hibiscus Moscheutos roseus ...............

Hollyhock, Double MEN te i iaitie o\accid ee, «ares Paeht Rose i235 688% SPICES 7 Bright Pink .2..0....3 Sulphur Yellow IW Bert Wee 3: ie a a ee Allegheny Mixed oe Collection, 12 varieties..........

46 8 6 ce

“eé 66 66 eect esos




eeerere sees

Hunnemannia fumariefolia................. MVPPLIGUME CICCANS coe ccc ccc cece nese nasnes eS eel or) ee 6s

Jacob’ SE MOGOr IC! coe so cis asic «dels deielncieiar ae SVVIIUU Be oi uiapay oaks orca) Siac Siete as

Lavatera arborea variegata...............--

Lathyrus EtOMMS SCALPEL. 222:aiels oie c is elects # Pink Beauty

oe oe White Mixed

Leontopodium alpinus...............-eee00. Linaria Cymbalaria

eeeceeewesee eee eee e ee ee eee eee


evr eeeeeseeer sees ee

eeeeseseseseeoeseere es eeeeses

Linum Lewisii variegatum.................

Lupinus polyphyllus, Mixed Perennial...... ‘¢ tricolor elegans

Lychnis CHAICCHOHICR <n nin aio onle won secs sine nisia He BU UDA ee revels: io ncotece satan

MolnceliniSpintOsaiys .. 1.590 sadelasis oe wa he Nierembergia frutescens,,,.........+..s000-

robusta grandiflora.


$0 40

ot oO A)






50 00 00 00 50 75


30 30 30 30

60 30

OR a eS Sa: Soe ener ee PameRiMiGHioOInAlISS ;... bios «0s Suacws sake wen os SUA Y SSARIRR REIS o> ia 3. Stata fe ate soa meoiece dm ot Seabee Pansy. See page 37. Pemigiemem COpMas. 6c: ccxdccknees oss een aee - RESO a. och irda os Wuslecnmcome's PeCWCOrn eG ena w uae twee sdc0eve sddginn's ous ee IUEENE) Seietecatn'ls Slavs Sam a ce a tale bn ws Fhioz decessata, Mixed... ccscsvess cbewerss ‘« Large-flowered Mixed Hybrid Per- EPEREUNURE crtite acess od 0 wha a ow cite ieee hes Diy Walia: FOAM EEDT so vic o:5:c10 mcinte cu ae adenine Piceles. Write 2TOURG «6s iio nd cam ciah ten wan ve aie WiGhiOW QFURNG, vo. sewn dad's anny bavi es Mixed. Extra fine Platycodon PTHMGUNOEMUN crs sio's v cttcie bag owes “e BOTS FS cid ore tice te x Mariesi Polyanthus; Pinest sec: hes. wise tained pe daey oi GOlG- ACE eee ic ace ameter nici isictas ae Potentilla atrosanguinea...........2...e eens RS Mixed Poppy CO) a Si E11 ye eee nes yen aN ae ys ee ts Mixed Hybrids 's'e ccc wane ce ‘* nudicaule (Iceland Poppy) a album Mixed

eeoee eee ee eee ee eeeeeeeeee

eee eee eee ee eeeeeeeseeesese ene

eee eee sees ee ee]

ss PUP OMNGTE Se vis, Aa Se ha iss ise me ave wine ore ue PALIN OS Ais ais yoann al» 2 cic sheila sie leeke oe Forbesi

es eee sere eee eee e sees Cee eee ee

eee e ec eseee eee seeeeer sees ee

Pyrethrum atrosanguineum ................ o's roseum hybridum, Double Mix’d es ay re Single Mixed.

at Parthenium aureum be

weet ee ee tees

Rheum palatine. oo ese we a ee re cies ces 6 SI COUMTMANUIAE Be cists sros crore ste dete a win.c os

Rudbeckia amplexicaulis ...................

Scabiosa minor aurea fl. pl. ...............-. ‘« Caucasica

Sedums. (Mixed es oie oa. <, 0: <.occch cle otatarc tates ole etnies

Snapdragon, Dela alate oc acy, duiers, uate amnion Galathée ue Romeo. QucensVictoria. g-.. 22 sais ost = a8 Pink, Pnipresst! . 2g chee. ws + = a Black FIN GOED oy. yeike eiaroheaaleiele =

eres ser eseeeeseeeseeeeeree

- New Large-flowered Mixed.... “¢ Fine Dwarf Mixed; so. 2. <..2im

Stachys lanata.......... Pe Mad hantd eo what atohiste, Sie Statice, Mixed Perennial 2... occ oc 6.00 enemas Sfokesia CvAaNes. 2.0 stes ss mae kong poe dine aise Sweet William, White Single ee Ae PSOTOEE, Cok a eis cles eer ale x Dark Crimson Single........ = = S Double....... Auricula-flowered........... Mixed Single ps es e DOUG cceetrete sisters Sweet Peas. All sorts in General Catalogue. Thorburn’s Special Mixed, per Ib. 75c.. Trifolium suaveolens..............0.-.-002: Verbascum pannosum.............eeeeeeee Veronica, Mixed, .6iaio icepc ce wtsacmpvisis siesniiee wee Wallflower Brown. 56.62. ccc saieedan ct se eult oe WNMIERROs o'<1 wince via ols vie ee wikcs clake wire a Double Mixed German. a eats Recs

sf Harbinger. Early..


be 46

eee e eee eee eseee

$0 40


50 1 00


40 30 75


40 40


Flower Seeds for Frames and Greenhouses

Per pkt.

Abrasprecatorins 7.20.20. tee oe 7 eeremerele ee meter $0 05 Abatilon, Mixed’. .ciccy marae ae oes» amieni racine 25 Acacia deeurr lis...’ 22's «<5 2,6 cies ap iaystotsvalaaeaty eaters 10 ee Harn @sSlamals <a: « «s:cinw/abeieheaie/alote aiaiotel neem oan 05

se mollissima floribunds. . ....<. «sis ode Meeieee = ok 25 Achimenes, Best Mixed ... ......\>..-.lewpehe «eee er siaent> te 25 Angelonia. grandiflora. 2)... ebads/o utd wie eee atataet ote ws 25 Antigonon: leptopus 7th oracles = etree re eto ise 05 Asparagus Sprenger.’ 2% a0 see lee ew amae « temls ns 2 10 ot PINMIOS US WRRUISS soe orca ste = aie Sere ae eialate © me 25

os a PODUESTUS cect leusgchayaie i<:djapumperete (0, =: 25 Begonia, Single Tuberous-rooted .............++e-00: 25 ie Double oe SEVER Riles aralct als amis s wierotene release 75

as Fringed Single Tuberous.c60. 0022)... ojo nc 50

Ss PROU OM Het. tar cheetah ets eel alee ne aerate meine st 25

es SCM PESLHOLEMS VOSA) ats oso teia, «<< sini mreeieiatet eines 25

oe ae BUDE: 25 ol eihe cororernsnliara to haere aioe s' 25

af ae ViGLMONS J.) chelsea Saemeete ws 25

as as Lo PSUs sivtefela ekopatel aieterm (exe ep siaveve @.0 25 Browallia relata, Blue... «x caicis.chde cileistow eh veeebeaelactee «' 10 Ks PUL INES ha fat sere slates eh oloie tote abe ere faveen em emerele aeiauee is: «ie 10

ae STOCTON OEY THe 8 (0) Meee Sehr cali OCU POE ape 25 Calceolaria, Large-flowered, Self-colored............. 25 oH ut es Tigered, or Spotted...... 25

: ae ie Dwarf Tigered .......... 25

‘e 6 as Tigered and Selfs....... 2d

ee eh a New colors, Mixed....... 35

a WUC ha aes Hogue Stadt aodoné oder seOo se 50 Candytuft, Empress..............--- per oz., 40 cts... 05 as GIG HEM TINE ebersecteiee aa stain sin vette widersy-linte «6 10

a Queen of Italy 2. 7.2... - per oz., 40 cts... 05 Carnation, Margaret, Mixed........... per oz., $1.50.. 10 a oe Half Dwarf, Mixed, oz., $1.75.. 10

ap Be Very Dwarf, Mixed ............ 10

We os White... sits. Beware sre septs ate 10

oe gt Mell Opts cr abe Aa ete see tee ls ss 25

as Chabaud-Perpettaliins <s<riesttgntieeietcete 25 Cineraria hybrida, White::.2-:2-.14 ae one ieee eee: 25 as as Are BNW, salcte ss araters aysinieieteres ei 25

a é (CPUS OM saree ois ts a ie canara eae hfe. 25;

se as Splendid (Maxed: .wkenwieceses +. 25

aC OC Large-flowered, Half Dwarf...... 50

WG ug ts es PEIZO Us sion ase eroniae 50

ah i POU si 2paiaie,< 01 -\clarate whew eetete micteiete ete. s 7d

as stellatat..c7fie secsune ae Wetom ave s cee eenetneinrayelaye 25 Chanthws) Dam iieri-. fas iets io: stspar, ae ounce pointe see 10 oe Joubavicye| DIR SePmGUMIncGdaciodconoadie.c toss 10 Cobaea Scandens...2..cccucccnws sige per oz., 75 cts... 10 Colews, Fine iy bridge oie iccc cen ois 9 « ctetetelscaiseeet eee eee es 25

Cyclamen giganteum, Mont Blanc, 100 seeds, $1.50.. 25

a a atropurpureum ‘‘ ‘5 $1.50.. 25 it st SUpPeCEDUMNL....054 4 @yeck $1.50.. 25 se es VERICCALUM jee coe $1.50... 25 ue 2 TOSOMU scrote Roya | beni $1.50.. 25 «s a Mixed casas te ae $1.50.. 25 a os SVU OT ce ANG Wie = :0'u sy sie Sfo(ele sp win the fans 50 ee

Aurora Borealis. Beautiful new

variety; fringed white and pink; extra large

PCr or Peon CePA an UGHEOOROrO CDE One 10 seeds, 50 Echeveriw, SCH G87 so cicl actin cies 0 ccceleierss < oblate sso lee 25 a PILE DUS Pectneie ae <tc soimiarckad a aida leis aintaratele fet atater ee 25 Erythrina, Crista-oallt eres c.em oe ciel nie piste posieic kita leita = eleie ins 10 Genista: Can Ariensis cas cccrsrm acct neste winveaeleletorasbtelels arele Slo 10 Geranium Zonale . cece wiemicanunacisiweneniee cn ctiie eel

Per pkt Gesneria;“Eixtra Mixed...) .a-aaeee eee $0 50 Gloxinia hybrida, Mixed /7-. haat 50 ie crassifolia erectas cil JJs. cen ee eee 50 a Fe horizontalis) $.... .ccen. 50 sie é grandiflora “Defiance”... ....5 206. 50

e % ~ French Tigered and Spotted, . onan anne 50 ah gigantea; “Cyclops”. . ....2. sens oe 50 Impatiens Sultani; ‘Scarlet 23 ane an eee eee 25 se Mixed .geete es ceases eee eee 25 Lobelia erinus erecta, Crystal Palace compacta ...... 25 a ae ay Emperor William: .* sc. s6.5 10 = ns zs White lady. as-¢cu-cecaasue ces 25 Maurandya, Mixed °. ...\.:.:... usaccome eee ee 10 Mignonette, Machet................. per oz., 60 cts... 10 ef Allen’s Defianeecs#h...; -caeteseacenee oe 10 ae Bismarck, ..\:..40 addlatin ss + aa nine eee 10 Musk PANE. . 2-.se:etorcrare vereratorw es! eae ioe, os ella aie 10 ‘#1 New. Compaet ......20 Sethe foe aes ae 10 Nicotiana Sanders... -.'. {>>> auepec cbc sia eee 10

oS ca New Hybrids. Collection of eight Vurieti€Ss.... ¢2dy ss aeeeemiael each 35

Pansy. See page 37.

Phormium, temax.. ....«s «x ums os, slaelamale’s 6 ieee 10 Primula obconica grandiflora alba.................4-- 25 ts a “s TOSCA.:. s\ceieit/epe wis Selene 25 os % o CALPMIMeK ©...» »a-eiieees 25 OG es ae h¥brida:2?. TU fiaseaest 25 of Sinensis. fimbritta tubraciei.4, «200. cee auee 25 ef gu ge allD 2... <,s,..345 20s eae eetee ee 25 a es =e punctata atropurpurea.. 25 us oe Bs kermesina splendens... 25 a & ss Mixed |) ‘osc ne eee 25 us ae me filicifolia alba .......... 25 es ee £§ ae rubra: *..wee: 25 es aS ae es Mixed... capinphes 25 us <r ss globosa rubra.......... 25 es as as as alba. . a oitod ween a of ee ne Mixed.. Reins vcpleranss 25 bic es ss plena Tabre occ cssaee- 75 es Or a 66° Yada Pie 2 vee eee 75 rep Ye eg 6s MM ROG cot hth 7 s stellata (Star Primula), White Star.. .- 50 Hi Giant White Statae. os. sevens «nner 50 ae ‘s Blue. Stamnes. dadsots isactas aes reer 50 is £4 ROS Yo SCRE ters ei sehes oo iwin olen setae, ee 50 as ‘¢)- King of the Star. Crimson....... 50 ae p EOS Evin sie dd tals ate. « om a's =e nim aie 50 Rivina HUMES 6. cass cee ted eet ave atic sen eee eee 10 Rosa WAUMIAOLA DANA. soe 6 cqcse osisce oclaiw opener eee 25 Smilax cog cisier sss. ss «cis cs gaciebie per oz., 75 cts... 10 Solanum. capsicastrum. ... 22. .esecs sce «aan eee 10 me SIPANCCUM .. os oe nce ccs sine alain sini een 10 oe Hendersoniis s J 2s 604 coals cs cere sicher a/etenerenntets 10 Me Seaforthianum . 0.0... «060 « «lacs © ee ener ae 10 a Warscewiczioides . ...cc.scceccce vcevccseces 10 Stevia Serrata, . . cccc scene ecu die alsin talsnis celehelasiankinenne 10 Stocks, Cut-and-Come-Again. .....s.. «div cceeesauaee 10 ne Dwarf, Large-flowering. Mixed ...........- 10 ‘¢ Winter, Empress Elizabeth...............-. 25 Re Intermediate White Model . ..............-- 25 Se Rose, Brilliant de Nice........ccscceos recess 25 Strelitzia regina. ... 0.2. ceccve meses + cemenfscb inet pie 25 as AUGUSTA 4 oss cian» 0050's boven Onis Se 25 Tacsonia Von Volxemii .......0..ceeee eee ceccee cece 25 Trachymene coerulead........ee eee e cence cece rece ees 05 Vinca alba pura. .... ccc cect ee scence as oe nn ceenwnas 10 66 APOSOM See dcde otc clec sive eee eis n modi Nee. seats 10 us “calla tide ccen 22825 eee s wee ee Re eee 10 a (+ “Mixed <i ivk. cust foe Re Oe ser 10 Wallflower, German Double.........-+++seeeee eee eees 10 “e Single, Blood-colored....per 0z., 40 cts 05 a6 a Yellow ..... sans a0 ence aeeees femmes 05 toe 66 Mixed syery per OZ., 40 cts... 05



To have fine Pansies for spring flowering, the seed should be sown in frames in August, and not later than September.

Pkt. Oz. Pkt. Oz.

Thorburn Superb. The richest and most Meteor. Bright yellow and brown.......... $0 10 $1 50

choicely varied mixture ever offered..... $0 25 $5 00 | Peacock. Large, peacock-blue............. 25Ia E00 Bugnot Superb Blotched..................... 25 400 | President Carnot. White, deep blotch....... 10° ."2°00 Cassiers Rime Mixed; .. .. 225. s- <2... 25 4 00 | Rainbow, or Pheasant’s Eye (Quadricolor).. 10 1 25 Masterpiece. Curled wavy petals; splendid. 25 2 50 | Red Riding Hood. Brilliant shades of red... 10 1 25 Madame Perret. Giant-flowered............ 25 2 50! Snow Queen (Candidissima). Pure white.... 10 1 25 Parisienne Mixed. Newstrain; handsome.. 10 2 00 | Tiger. Curiously striped and mottled ...... 10, ,..115:50 Fine Large English. All colors mixed ....... 10 1 25 | Victoria. A fine deep solid wine-red........ 10. tle: 0 Mixed Grainury strain 2.562). 0% esce sb ee 2 05 75 | White, with Black Center. Very showy....... AO. dads Mise CHAISE i's din sais adds » onc Sswinms 10 1 25 | Yellow, with Black Center. Splendid ........ 10. 1:25 Coquette de Poissy. Mauve................. 10 150) Yellow Gem. Pure yellow, without eye...... ae St Emperor William. Ultramarine-blue......... 10 25 | Giant Trimardeau, White . . ... <<... 20.0. scjnee ss 10a 250 Fairy Queen. Light blue, with white border 10 1 50 Es 2 Yellow (Golden Crest) .... 10 1 50 Fire King. Golden yellow and purple....... 10.150 se é Auricula-flowered.......... 25 Giant Orchid-flowered....................... 25 400 “i HS Azure-Blue@s sje. 2.5.50... i Wes eae Gold Margined...... She elavototorchassuslortee tol omic ecasenece LO 5 = oc Lord Beaconsfield. ......... 10 150 Lord Beaconsfield. Deep purple-violet...... 10 225 . a Mixes. . ooicws © ganas ke Hoy 41.50


Designed for use on ordinary lawns, small parks, tennis courts, etc. It is 25 inches wide over all, weighs 28 pounds, and carries a 21-inch brush. The brush is fan-shaped, and revolves very rapidly in the same direction as the drive wheels, throwing the litter backward from the

under surface. Price, $11.

Se = 3 THE GEM The Gin Paci Gieaer age LAWN CLEANER

A revolving fan with metal teetn creates an air current which carries into the canvas basket all leaves, dead grass, stones, etc., that the rake encounters. It straightens up crab grass and other running weeds : so that they may be cut by the lawn mower. Price, $14. Lawn saresper, ee * Model No. i é



38 pI M, ARTICHOKE Per pkt. Oz. Vb. Lb. French Globe................. $0 10 $0 35 $100 $3 50 Laon, or Paris Green............ 10 35.) 100) Saou BEANS Perpt. Ota | Boimtithires 3 ccc:cic a sie wleietleeen ac « elated armies $0 15 $0 30 | Longiellow 2.006 cide she Seceeem vn salen ees 20 Golden Refugee ..22. ies ccs cece css voce ee 15 30 Marvel of Paris.c. 7: fac oe Seeicscitas sein o's'e Sena 15 30 Round Six: Weeks) coycc coh eeee tiie creek dees cas. 15 30 Stringless, Green-pod...2 2.2 ccc sss ccs cna ck 20 35 Valentine oc. cm cecteteee toekiw eae s sean ogee 15 30 BEETS Per oz. %4lb Lb EGY PUiAihcc te isiccie c's win cjemre's,e aoe nine $0 10 $0 20 $0 50 Crosby Egyptian.: 2%... cnc... oe cecem ter 10 20 50 Crimson Globe.) soc oP oxo. cos ce deeoeeee 10 20 50 Detroitecs oss ccscn eee oc ososk cee ee 10 20 50 Rclipse acs. 2 oc nadine hecamersme ease eens 10 20 50 CABBAGE Peroz. %4lb Lb. Early Spring (32.0% G05 «sda cowemien. $0 25 $0 75 $2 50 Extra-Early Jersey Wakefield ........... 25 ip. 92750 Early Jersey Wakefield................. 25 hi PANY Charleston Wakefield................... 25 75 2 50 Colossal, Thorburn’s .................- 25 75 2 50 Improved Early Summer ............... 20 60 2 00 Selected All-Seasons ................26- 20 60 2 00 Succession Improved..........--....... 20 60 2 00 Thorburn Market-Gardener’s Private Stock Flat. Dutch. 2....60.. 60. Seeeloee es 25 75 2 50 CAULIFLOWER Per pkt. Oz. Ylb. Lb. Extra-Early Dwarf Erfurt..... $0 50 $5 00 Large Early Erfurt. Extra fine 25 225 $750 $30 00 Thorburn Large Early Snowball. 25 225 750 30 00 Thorburn Gilt Edge............ 25 220° a0 P3000 Large Algiers (Italian) ........ 10 30 361 «00 4 00 CARROTS Per oz. 4lb. Lb. Early Bellot-:. cscs eee ieee $0 15 $0 30 $1 00 Walflon¢ Lue? 232) Vee eee ee tes 15 30). -1500 Half-long Pointed .................0ce0e 10 25 90 Half-long Stump-rooted, Nantes Strain.... 10 25 90 Half-long’ Stumps.) 3 eres. os ee ee ee 10 25 90 Half-long Chantenay..................0- 10 25 90 Long Orange..:'..6)-A:6Gekae. eae een e 10 25 90 St: Valery: 34:55 See ecco 10 25 WD CELERY Per oz. lb Lb. Thorburn Fin de Siecle............... $0 20 $0 60 $2 00 Improved White Plume................. 20 60 2 00 Golden Self-blanching Gilt Edge Strain... 50 150 5 00 Perfection Heartwell................... 20 60 2 00 Giant Pascale ite n ces ees 20 50 1 50 CUCUMBERS. For Frames Per pkt Prescott Wonder. soos bse secs cece camer coe teen $0. 25 Noa’'s Forcing. ciivsniise cine 6s paslone sm neath we kaeee te 25 Suttom's Progress...) ccd ae ce wt etme e ne an Gee 25 Telegraph. se. ass oie se Cee oe oe. See 25 EGGPLANT Peroz. %4lb Lb. Improved New York Spineless........ $0 30 $100 $3 00 Black Beauty ecco its ye eee isieceseicys. 40: 21925 ~ 4:00 ENDIVE Per oz. %4lb Lb. Green-curled Winter.................. $0 15 $0 40 $1 25 Broad-leaved (Escarolle).............. 15 40 leZo Queen or Winter? 222 eo. foo c cee ceca 25 (Ome es oo



Per oz. lb. Curled Siberian, Thorburn Improved...$0 10 $0 20 Dwarf Green Curled Scotch............. 10 20 Emerald Isle. Finest of all............. 10 30 LETTUCE Per oz. lb. Thorburn’s Maximum................ $0 15 $0 35 Market-Gardener’s Private Stock........ 15 35 Big, Boston... sc. seek 0.8 Se eee eee 15 35 Giant Crystal Mead i bc... oe pees 15 35 Thorburn’s Glass-House................ 20 60 Improved Salamander.................. 15 35 Thorburn Mammoth Butter, Black Seed.. 15 35 Thorburn Yellow Winter................ 20 50 ONIONS Per oz. 4)b. White Early Barletta.................. $0 20 $0 60 BOY MB CAL Ds aise, dcbia. ec steels Ge de ee 20. 60 $6 ViCtOPia ...o.ctccccesiacse a eee eee 25 75 ‘¢ Mammoth Garganus.............. 20 60 ‘* Bermuda (Teneriffe-grown) ..... 25 75 Yellow Danvers. ............. 2.22 cceees 15 40 “¢* Grant Bocca... .. 3325. ssee eae eee 20 60 ¢: Large Globe: .....2c¢ucoseece meee 25 75 ‘¢ Strasbure® ©: . 24.2 See eee 20 60 Red Giant: Rocca... : .ccc5 . ce aeieeteee: 20 60 ‘Large Globe... «2c so.ekuee eee 25 re ‘* Mammoth Garganus............... 20 60 ‘« Bermuda (Teneriffe-grown)....... 20 60 PEAS

Perqt. %pk. Pk

Thorburn Extra-Early Market..$0 25 $@ 75 $1 25 Alaska S200. 22. Bie, Ree 25 1) OPS PAGS: 55 o0 siecuhac. ccs teeieetoeee 50° Tar ae Thomas Laxton................. 50> ol Deen Abundance < sesso. <& ose en 30 85 1 50 Dwarf Champion................ 25 (a vehlee Prince of Wales................. 25 1D) ghee PARSLEY Per oz. %lb Moss Curled..... we Wevain lan whepele 0 fefetortetave cee $0 10 $0 20 Hamburg, Rooted................-..--: 10 20 RADISH Per oz. 4lb. Turnip, French Scarlet............... $0 10 $0 20 ‘+ Scarlet, Globe-shaped........... 10 20 Half-long Scarletc. coo U eee ees wet eas 10 25 SPINACH Peroz. lb. Round Viroflay (Thick-leaved)....... $0 10 $0 15 Curled-leaved Savoy, or Bloomsdale..... 10 15 Long-standing (Round thick-leaved) ... 10 15 Prickly, ...od.« ¢ o's\s Gitte sale eee 10 15 TOMATO. For F be: Under Glass pkt. Oz. %b. Earliana. Earliest of all...... eeo P10 $0 30 <0 85 Sutton’s Best of All ............. 10 30 85 Frogmore Selected ............. 10 75 Stirling Castle. ..¢ 2.0 eee 10 40 ~ ie 25 TURNIP Per oz. 4)b. Purple-top Milan ..o. ci ev. cee c cee owes $0 10 $0 20 White Milan.’...f 2.0... See AA 10 25 Red-top Strap-leaf....................-. 10 20 Red-top Globe-shaped .................-. 10 20 White Strap-leat Flat’: < .6:). 00 s65,.cavaewas 10 20) Yellow Ston€°22. sconces es foe te eee 10 20 | Rutabaga, Thorburn Purple-top Improved 10 20

Lb. $0 50 60 1 00


Grass Seeds for Autumn Sowing

Autumn sowing is recommended from the latter part of August to the end of September, so that the young grass may become well rooted before winter sets in. Our new-crop seed of the leading sorts is ready now.


Practically all the finest lawns in America were produced from this mixture. It is composed exclusively of permanent grasses that make a finer and thicker turf the older they become, and yet give a rich green sward in three or four weeks from the time of sowing. The ordinary Central Park Lawn Grass Seed as usually sold is not to be compared with this superior mixture. It should be sown at the rate of 4 to 5 bushels to the acre (15 pounds to the bushel). Per qt., 25 ets.; 2 qts., 40 cts.; %pk., 65 cts.; pk., $1; bus., $3.50.


This extra-choice mixture contains a large proportion of the finer and more expensive species, such as Rhode Island Bent, Crested Dog’s-Tail, Creeping Bent, 1n extra-heavy samples, bringing the weight up to 20 lbs. per bushel, and producing a turf of the closest and finest texture possible. Price per bushel of 20 lbs., $5.


A mixture of grasses peculiarly suited to take firm hold and grow quickly on hard, worn-out or burned spots The best time to resow them is very early in spring, but seed may also be sown in the fall from first of Septem- ber to first of October. Some Lawn-restoring Grass Seed should also be sown before every summer rain on thin places. Price per qt., 30 cts.; per bus. of 24 lbs., $5.


A mixture of grasses that stand extremes of heat and drought well and that are therefore peculiarly adapted for southern lawns. Per bushel of 20 lbs., $5.


A mixture of grasses that thrive in shaded situations, under trees, or close to walls where there is little sun. Price per quart, 35 cts.; peck, $1.75; bushel of 24 lbs., $6.

Also Permanent Grass Seed for Golf Links, Tennis Courts and Polo Grounds

We have devoted much attention to the seeding and preservation of golf links, tennis courts and polo grounds, and offer the following mixtures, which have been used on most of the finest links, etc., in the country with very satisfactory results.

FAIR GREEN MIXTURE | PUTTING GREEN MIXTURE For the grounds in general. Per bus. of 20 lbs., $2.50. | A mixture of extra-fine grasses that will make a close, firm, green and lasting turf, which will improve with TENNIS COURT MIXTURE tramping. Per qt., 30 cts.; peck, $1.75; per bushel of 24 lbs., $6.

A mixture of extra fine grasses peculiarly adapted for tennis courts. This mixture will make iri green POLO GROUNDS MIXTURE and lasting turf of the finest texture that will improve A mixture of fine-leaved and deep-rooting grasses, with tramping. Per qt., 30 cts.; peck, $1.75; bushel of | forming a strong and lasting turf that will stand hard 24 lbs., $6. usage. Per bushel of 20 pounds, $2.50.


For over a hundred years our house has made a specialty of grasses. The formation of permanent pastures and meadows has for many years been a subject of careful study with us, and the following mixtures for seeding grass-lands have received universal recognition.

MEADOW MIXTURES PASTURE MIXTURES Sow at the rate of 2 bushels to the acre Sow at the rate of 2 bushels to the acre No. 1. For good land, neither too dry nor too wet. No. 4. For good land, neither too dry nor too wet. Per bushel of 20 Ibs., $2.60. Per bushel of 20 lbs., $3. No. 2. For high and dry Jand. Per bus. of 20 lbs., $3. No. 5. For dry land. Per bushel of 20 lbs., $3.25.

Wo. 3. For wet, late land. Per bus. of 20 lbs., $2.70. No. 6. For wet land. Per bushel of 20 lbs., $3.


We have always on hand fresh spawn of the very highest grade. Cultural directions will be found in our General Catalogue. Any one requiring fuller details should get Mr. Wm. Faleconer’s book on Mushroom Culture, which we can send postpaid. for $1-

English Spawn. In bricks. Per lb., 15 cts.; 10 lbs., $1; 100 lbs., $9.

French Spawn. In bulk. Per lb., 30 cts.; 10 lbs., $2.50; 100 lbs., $22. =

American Spawn. In bricks. Per lb., 15 cts.; 10 lbs., $1.25; 100 lbs., $10. Mushrooms


Insecticides and Remedies for Plant Diseases


This is a fungicide, insecticide and plant-food com- bined. 1-lb. package, 15 cts.; 3-lb. package, 35 cts.; 5-lb. package, 50 cts.; 12%-lb. package, $1; 100-lb. package, $7.


For greenhouse and house-plants. It destroys all plant insects without injuring the plant. It is the best insecticide for scale, aphis, red spider, mealy bug, thrip and worms. Dilute in the proportion of 1 pint to 20 gallons of water. Apply with vaporizer or syringe. %pt., 40 cts.; pt., 75 cts.; qt., $1.25; “%gal., $2.25; gal., $4.


This is the same as the Fir-Tree Oil, but in soap form. Mix at the rate of 1 ounce toa gallon of water, and apply with bellows or syringe. %-lb. tin, 25 cts.; 2-lb. tin, 75 cts.


Effective against almost all kinds of insects. 44-lb. box, 30 ets.; per 1-lb. box, 50 cts.


A certain remedy for greenfly, scale, mealy bug, etc. Excellent for greenhouse use. Per 1-lb. box, 50 cts.


For the prevention of mildew on roses, grapes, gooseberries, etc. Apply with bellows. 5-lb. package, 35 ets.; 10-lb. package, 60 cts.; 100-lb., $5.


An excellent protection from currant worms, grape slugs, caterpillars, ete. May be applied dry or mixed in water—1 oz. to 3 gallons. Per 2-lb. box, 35 cts.; per 1-lb. box. 20 cts.; %-lb. box, 12 cts.


For cabbage worms, scale on trees, caterpillars, melon louse, rose bugs, greenfly and lice of all kinds, either on plants or animals. Dilute 25 to 50 parts. Qt.

40 cts., gal., $1. LEMON OIL

For destroying scale, caterpillar, mealy bug, red spider, greenfly, etc. Directions on can. wpt., 25 cts.; pt:, 40) cts.2 ot, 75 cts. gal, $2.


A sure destroyer of all insect pests. Wogal. can, $1; gal. can, $2,


For fumigating or spraying. Used effectually for greenfiy, mealy bug, red spider and thrips. Does not damage the foliage or flowers of the most tender plant. Sold in cans as follows: No. 1, containing 1 pt., suffi- cient for 32,000 cubic feet of space, $2.50 each; No. 2, containing % pt., sufficient for 16,000 cubic feet of


Qt. 60 cts.;

space, $1.25; No. 3, containing 44 lb., sufficient for | Fumi- |

8,000 cubic feet of space, 70 cts.

Per gal., $16. gators for same, 50 ets. each.


For fumigating greenhouses. “Nico-Fume” is the strongest Tobacco-Paper on the market; does not injure blooms. Packed in special friction-top tins and sold as follows: 24 sheets, 75 ects.; 144 sheets, $3.50; 288 sheets,


For spraying or fumigating. Effective against green- fly, mealy bug, ete. Does not stain nor injure blooms, and leaves no disagreeable odor. For spraying, 1 to 2 teaspoonfuls to a gallon of water. Four ounces (% pint) vaporized in house 100 x 20 will produce a strong fumi- gation. 4 pt.,50cts.; pt.,$1.50; % gal.,$5.50; gal.,$10.50.


Mixed at the rate of 1 lb. to 200 gallons of water, it will prove effective against all chewing insects. Per 1-lb. can, 35 cts.; %-lb. can, 20 ects.; %-lb. ean, 15 ets. This article is liable to fluctuate in price.


Excellent for destroying cabbage, turnip and beet fiy, potato bugs, currant worms, etc. 5-lb. package, 30 cts.; 10-lb. package, 50 cts.; 100 lbs. $4.


Valuable for protecting against mildew on grapes, roses, etc. Per lb., 10 cts.; 10 lbs., 60 cts.; 100 lbs., $4.


Dissolve in proportion of 2 ounces to a gallon of water, and apply with a syringe or atomizer. It will destroy rose slugs, aphides, greenfiy, bark-lice, ete. Per 3-0z. box, 10 cts.; 8-oz. box, 20 cts.; 10-lb. box, $3.


If dusted on while the foliage is moist it destroys rose lice, cabbage and turnip fleas, ete. Spread upon the ground, it keeps off all earth insects. Per 1-lb. box, 10 cts.; 5-lb., 30 cts.; 10-lb., 50 cts.; per 100 lbs., $2.50.

TOBACCO STEMS For fumigating plants infested with greenfly. Per bale of about 100 lbs.,$1.50; 200 lbs., $2.75; 40U lbs. ,$4.50. “ROSE LEAF” TOBACCO EXTRACT

A perfectly pure, highly concentrated extract of to- bacco, most effective for destroying all insects and scale on plants. Pint cans, 30 cts.; qt., 50 cts.; gal., $1.25.


For washing trees and destroying all insects on the bark. Per 1-lb. ‘box, 15‘ cts/;.5 lbst; 50setsi; 80 aia. 90 cts.; 100 lbs., $7.


For all fungous diseases. Dry, 1-lb. box, 20 cts.; 5 lbs. and over at 18 cts. per lb.; 50 Ibs., $7; liquid, qt., 40 cts.; gal., $1.25.


(CALIFORNIA WASH) One of the best remedies for San José seale. One gallon makes 25 by simply adding water. Qt., 40 cts.; gal., $1.

Thorburn’s High-Grade Fertilizers


Per ton, $48; single bags of 167 lbs., $4.50; per bag |

of 100 Ibs., $3; 50 lbs., $1.75; 25 lbs., $1; 10 lbs., 50 ets. CLAY’S CELEBRATED FERTILIZER

One of the best manures for all horticultural pur- poses. 1 ewt. (112 ibs.), $7; % cwt. (56 lbs.), $4; % ewt. (28 lbs.), $2.25: % ewt. (14 lbs.), $1.25.

| top-dressing | mixing with the soil for greenhouse plants—one part | manure and six parts soil.

THOMPSON'S VINE MANURE Per ewt. (112 lbs.), $7; % ewt. (56 lbs.), $4.


A very rich, pure natural manure. Is excellent as a for lawns. There is nothing better for

5-lb. package, 30 cts.; 10

Ibs., 50 cts.; 50 Ibs., $1.25; 100 lbs., $2; ton, $30.



This finely pulverized ground-bone is excellent for rose culture. It is excellent for mixing with the soil for potting. 5 lbs., 25 ets.; 50 lbs., $1.25; 100 lbs., $2; per ton, $32.


Highest grade, extra-screened, unleached, analysis guaranteed. For top-dressing for lawns, especially if the soil is inclined to be stiff or sour, there is nothing better. In barrels of 200 Ibs., $3; per ton, $20.


The best fertilizer for house plants. Fuil-directions on each tin. 15 cts. per tin; by mail, 25 cts.


Flower Tubs, Columbia. Made of cypress timber.

Natural varnish finish. Each ane Ginm.. oy 41-inch high 20 o.<. 2.6%. 4 20s $1 00 157 2 ce eee eR eS ath SS Rea a ta ae 1 50 | ag ae peers Peo eMC enan © twins 2 00 i, od a Eee Moth os ee to Snags Sale sh oe 2 50 oA <e Sea ee ea aes wan tae = = 3 00

American Tree Tubs, Made of cypress timber,

painted green.

No. Diam. Height Each Re Nae Se wien oa cg wie ae oe ee $0 75 Eo RC i ance Gablnis aan one ee ets 6 1 00 MS NN ie clo cc alw Meise He a scien eae =a 3:0 1 50 Pe ee ER ES ate ccrcis Senin Gm wiud clon ewes om 2 00 5, 24 PNM ca ale iged ain nine abel tthe Set a Eine i's Se 2-13 OEE e et i Na a a8 aoe ee ee 3 50

Bamboo Canes. 6 to § feet long in bundles of 250, $1 per 100; 250, $2.25; 500, $4.25; 1,000 and over, $8 per 1,000. Not less than 100 sold.

Doz. 100

Carnation Supports, Model Extension. 2 ring..$0 50 $3 00 | te se se

| Mastica Glazing Machine.


| Galvanized Wire Stakes. For roses, ete. Doz. 100 SOU Dra 2 ee i a ee ner $0 40 $2 50

wei ete! >. eens In iy Se RAE Aen, hot Se ae 50 3 00

Glazing Points, Van Reyper’s Peerless. pincers for same, 50 cts. each.

Grafting Wax. In 4, % and 1-lb. packages, per lb., 30 cts.

Horse Boots. The best make. Per set, $9.

Hose, Rubber, Three-ply. %4-inch, in any length. Walla- bout, per foot, 15 cts.; Cascade, per foot, 15 ets.; Triton, per foot, 18 cts.; Electric, per foot, 20 cts.

Hyacinth Glasses, Tall Shape. Blue, Green and Purple. Each, 20-ets.; per doz., $1.75.

Tye’s Style. Blue, Green and Purple. per doz., $1.75.

LABELS, WOODEN Pot and Garden—

Per 1,000, 75 cts.;

Each, 20 ects.;

(= ae IAN. PAINTED ——

Per 100 1,000 Per 100 1,000

EPG NT) eS eee $0 15 $0 60 $0 15 $0 90

Bak ee Bee ae os oe ks 15 80 20 1 00

Sneek aerate iors teams Se 15 90 20, -125

eagle eee ee 20 100 25° 1-33

Sia) oh gill Ned ae tne ile ers 40 3 50 50 «64 00

BA eis sae ew econ 60 5 00 75 ~=6«6. «00 Notched, Tree—

a INO as cele acinus ae 10 60 15 90

gs Sees eee ere 20. 1 50 25 2 v0

3%4- ‘‘ (copper-wired).. 20 1 75 30) 22:25

Mastica. For glazing greenhouses, sashes, etc. Per

qt., 40 ets.; % gal., 70 cts.; gal., $1.25.

Each, $1.25.

Mats. For covering sashes. Made of jute, stitched through; hemmed with canvas and thickly padded; size 76 inches by 76 inches; one mat

covers two sashes.

No. 1. Both sides jute.

Each, $1.25. Per doz., =~ EY =—S—=—_

$14. SSE EE No. 2. One side jute, the other side waterproof

ze: Jring.. 60 3 50 duck. Each, $1.75; per doz., $20. INDEX PAGE PAGE PAGE re a AP oe eer rer 32 lie or rn oe cis aia re oh = 26 Kuly-of-the-Valloy .c.2 2... 552k 17 DUPER INOS Sitesi en AAS ae oes 19 Flower Seeds for Frames and Mariposa Lily, or Butterfly Tulip .22 American Wood Lily, or Indian GreenhOuses® . 5.203 sw ase: os 36 Miscellaneous Articles.......... 41 SHAMTOCK oc waee ce ox wa ce.ee.a cas 31 Flower Seeds, Hardy........ 34, 35 Miscellaneous Bulbs and Roots

Anemone, or Windflower....... 18 PIG MWPEeLUDS fis. s act oe wanes oes Ee vic Seine te amines atin e aS eiwdis 6 Sood PE RERE ES tain Cais diaia ciabe ai eme <= wee 19 i een ete e ec oe iiae ea See sie 23 IMORUDTOCUAS Ae ste socials Jen wise a 27 EeaIMG AGAMNICR o.oo siecle fo none sis 41 EUR AS c'Sy. aww aw a Ske 3 23 Mushroom Spawn .............. 39 Begonias, Tuberous-Rooted ....20 PREIS cc iaba cone cians se ceenism es 0) bow INEPCISSHS 2). <0 ce, oncosce avne L214 Brodiwas..... aE eS Seer 20 COIS a Sassi <x wien net's bss 24 GREG SE Sow Aina Weise se sine oe Shc 28 Se ce Se eae am ga ewes DOO SUS Se eee pee 8 ets 24 rAytnerataiyoc2 0s scares aces 27 DIUCHOEINS 22540525 sc20 ties = 22 fape Enyaemetns, J... 256°. ac. 26% 24 Rep ee oa ahichs aie'a'st laisse 28 Choice Bulbs, Special Collec- Grass Seeds for Autumn Sowing.39 RPV is ee wn bc inlets Wa Se ae’ orf RIGMMBE)2 oo aes ws ac 2d page cover Eiyaemih Glasses. 2. sas .:2c ss. 41 EEMMEIG Siececiacn cha a amis a moe Rie wile achat 28 Choice Vegetable Seeds......... 38 Hyacinths .............-.-.---. 2-6 Plant-food..... a Gaeths ele eeiw mao 41 oN 6 ee eee ee ee 17 Insecticides and Remedies for SEROUS le ws nic eve nts w wy le miele 29 CEES Fe wine so ecain ore a Se Se ae 25 Pistee Pl ISCASCR io, wc an'< ss 0. 40 HAGHALOIRS oes csenree vn nwaeie sams 29 Cracas gone Fens a eeo ka wtap sowie 21 JS A Se 26, 27 Sie Se ae ee oo 30 Crown Imperials........... aes Pee a eee oeedae pea naka ww ood 25 SGUWONUPS cc cece tise oa hae 30 Cyehaien 252 os Sa Sa eee wie =~ 22 SUIGIRAE RE es a haters Sb acinisig:« o's 14 Spirza, or Astilbe. ........-....3L Dog’s-tooth Violets...... hs ones 25 PRs ee 27 | PIGS 2 so css sic ohne abc Sense cae PIFYeNeQaInMS oo hoe as oon 25 DS WHASMCE DEES S55 30% wxiee'es =e 37 Re eae oo oo iw ae wee 7-11 WERRRMAGES Stace chao meted as a 40 LY a ee ee ee oe 15-17 PH PERGRES So rint wc sw asd aa a ee 30


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