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Be lorado 1, eae A

Flower |



Collector of Native Plants and Seeds from the Plains and


Mountains of Colorado. | |


ADDRESS MRS. S. B. YVALKER, / Sedalia, Colorado, U.S. A. / FE @ Box...

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Colorado Wild Flowers


Alone ere te in es: of

Manitou and Pike’s Peak Route, Cog Wheel Route.

Colorado Springs & Cripple Creek District

The Short Line.


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The seed from the flowers named in these lists as well as later gatherings are collected from the best and finest specimens with the utmost care.

They are put up in packages carefully labeled, giving range of altitude, character of soil, color of blossoms, etc,

Ornamental shrubs, suited to cultivation, a specialty.

Plants, as well as seeds, are collected from the plains of Colorado at four thousand feet altitude to the peaks of the mountains at four- teen thousand feet. Flowers, ferns and grasses —choice and rare specimens for ornamental and scientific purposes—in stoek; also New Mexico and Texas varieties collected on order.

As this list is intended for the use of Botan- ical Gardens, Landscape Gardeners, those Florists who make the introduction of novel- ties a specialty, and for large private grounds where seeds and plants receive careful and well-directed attention, more than for the or- dinary retail trade, and as some varieties on list are subject to change, no prices will be quoted, but price per oz. or collection of pack- ets will be furnished upon application or at- tached to this list.® While for amateurs and flower lovers who wish to acquaint them- selves with the Colorado Flora, a uniform price of Ten Cents Per Packet will be made for those below timber-line, the quantity of seeds to be determined by the range of alti- tude and value of seeds.


Bulbs of Calochortus or Mariposa lily and the Tiger lily are furnished in place of-seed, a limited supply of them being kept. Prices fur. nished On application, :

It is with the hope that the beautiful varie- ties of flowers of Which Colorado is so justly proud may find a place in. the gardens, both foreign and American, that this catalogue is issued, .

On account of space, only a few descriptions will be given.

Rubus deliciosus (shrub)—A magnificent shrub growing under cultivation six feet in height and three to five feet across. Large, snowy white flowers with golden. center form profusely along its branches, making elegant sprays of bloom; delicately fragrant.

Ceancthus Ovatus (shrub)—Two or more feet high, bearing leaves of shining green and dense clusters of white blossoms; a very deli- cate shrub.

Philadelphus microphyllus (shrub)—Dwarf habit, slender, erect growth, fragrant white flowers,

Lepachys columnaris and pulcherrima— (Fairy Torch)—A beautiful flower, rays yel- low with dashes of reddish brown. with its column-like center bearing fragrant disk flowers.

Aconitum Columbianum—Stcut, herbaceous, hardy, fine for fall blooming, dark purple, and white blossoms—plants three to six feet in height. é

Sedum Stenopetalum—Low growing, fine for rock work, bearing trusses of brilliant yel- low flowers, remaining jn bloom a long time, standing drouth well. .

Pentstemon—In sky blue, purple, rose and scarlet varieties,

Gaura coccinea (wild mignonette)—Very fragrant, branching, leafy, six to twelve inches high, bearing racemes of white and rose col- ored flowers turning to a deep scarlet; a beau- tiful and dainty plant.

Genethera caespitOsa—Bearing a large but delicate blossom, measuring four and one-half inches across; white, turning to a rose color— fragrant.

Aquilegia chrysantha—Two and a half feet high, making a bushy plant more than two feet across; blooming season lasting two months; golden yellow blossoms.

Anemone patens—A béautiful anemone for winter blooming; large blue and purplish blos- soms With feathery seed pods succeeding bloom, little less attractive than the flowers,

Argemone platyceras—Large showy white flowers, gold center, four to six inches across, growing very large under cultivation, <Aquilegia coerulea (Rocky Mountaia Colum- bine)—Broad flowers, three and four ®Mches in


diameter, outer sepals and spurs deep blue, petals white, centers gold. A grand variety.

Mentzelia ornata—A grand variety, very large white blossom, opening at twilight, with gold-ecolored, tassel-like stamens; fragrant in evening,

The Pike’s Peak region abounds in wild flora of astonishing variety and rare beauty. The large number of distinct and widely dif- fering flowers found along the line of the Manitou & Pike’s Peak Railway isgaccounted for by the great difference in altitude and at- mospheriec conditions between the two termi- nals of the road—a vertical mile and a half. Even on the Summit, the warmth of the glar- ing sun, obstructed only by a highry rarified atmosphere and reflected from great ledges of rocks, nourishes and matures some of the most delicate and exquisite specimens of the entire floral kingdom,

The flowers mentioned in the following list are mainly alpine varieties, but below timber line on Pike’s Peak are found anemones, roses, mariposas, red lilies and columbines in abun-~ dance.

Anemone narcissiflora. Dryas octopetala. Ranunculus adoneus, Geum Rossii. Caltha leptosepela. Saxifrage aizoides. Trollius albiflous. Saxifrage chrysantha. Draba alpine. Saxifrage nivalis. Draba chrysantha. Cymopterus alpinus, Erysinum pumilum. Anaphalis margaritacea Viola paulustris (Vio- (Everlasting). let). Senecio aureus. Silene aucaulis (Catch- Primula Parryi. fly). Gentiana frigida. Arenaria biflora (Sand- Polemonium confertum. wort), Mertinsia alpina. Claytonian megarrhiza Myosotis alpestris (For- (Spring Beauty). get-me-not). Trifolium Parryi. Oxytropis multiceps. Castillia pallida.



Over Canon and Crag to the Land of Gold via the Short Line.

The formal opening of The Colorado Springs & Cripple Creek District Railway, bet- ter known as “The Short Line.” connecting the tourist center of Colorado Springs with the Cripple Creek District—The World’s Greatest Gold Camp—by the shortest feasible route, was celebreted on April 8th, 1992, since which time its fame as a line of unparalleled scenic


attraction and marvelous engineering achieve- ment has spread to all parts of the country. The ride of forty-five miles from Colorado Springs to Cripple Creek District is one con- tinuous panorama of Nature’s most gorgeous mountain and cenon scenery, condensing, és it were, the glories of the world with'n the ¢23m- pass of a two and a half hours’ trip.” Tt stire;


where the beauty begins, it chooses the most lovely spots as its pathway and seems to lead us to a very high mountain apart, whence we may behold the glories of the world.

Within the short distance of forty-five miles there is to be found an almost numberless variety of wild flowers. The sparkling stream along the route gives just the necessary moist- ure so essential to bring ferns to perfection and in consequence the ferns are much more abundant here then in many portions of Colo- rado. Gay red lilies, fairy mariposas, stately blue cOlumbines, the saucy face of the sun- hower and gleaming roses make charming sig- nals elong the line.

Fiowers Aiong the Short Line,


Clematis ligustic‘folia Prunus Virginiana,

(Travelers’ Joy). «Cnoke Cherry). Clematis alpina. Scirea var. S. Ciematis verticmaris, Physocarpus var. S. Anemone patens. -ubvus nutkanus, Anenowze dichotoma. Rubus deliciosus S. Caitha lepicsepala. Rubus Sitrigosus (Wild C3lumbine— Var. i°eld Rasy berry). Delr'cirnium azu.eum. Geum triflorum. D-lnhinium menzies i. * Potentilla var. Aconitum Columbianum Rosa Sayi.

Monkshood). Rosa Arkansana. Berbertis repens, Sclidago humilis. Corvdalis aurea. Townsendia var. Thaspi alo stre. Aster var. Violets Var. Antennaria dioca (Pink

' : Everlasting).

Claytonia Carcliniana Rudbeckia hirta.

(Soring Beauty . Senecio var. Lizum perenne (Flax). Campanula uniflora. C-a-othus ovatus §. Campanula planiflora,

Cerenothus Fendleri. Ampelopsis quinquefolia. Arctostaphylos uva-ursi

Saxifrage bronchalis. (Kinnikinnick).

faxifrage Jamesii. Gentian humilis,

Parnassus var. Gentian Parryi. _.—Shrub.


Jamesia Americana §S. Ribes aur2m S&S. (Flowering Currant). Sedum stenopetalum, Epilobium Spicatum. Oenthera pinnatifida. (Evening! Primrose), Oenthera coronopifolia. Oenthera caespitosa. Gaura coccinea. Menzelia albicaulis. (Evening Star). Symphoricarpos S. (Snowdrop). Galium triflorum. Galium boreale. Chrysopsis villosa. (Golden Aster). Acer glabrum S. Lupine var. Prunus chicasa S. (Chicasa Plum),



Gila, pink, white, scear- let.

Polemonium var,

Mertens'a Sibirica.

Pentstemon—scarlet, rose, purple.

Castilléia linariarfolia (Painted Cup).

Abronia fragrans.


Humulus Lupulus (Wild Hop).

Cypripedium Moccasin- flower).

Tris Missouriensis.

Sisyrinchium (Blue- eyed Grass).

Lilium Philadelphicum (Tiger Lily).

Zygadenus elegans.

Adiantum capillus ven- eris,

Cvstopteris fragilis.

While ‘each thing in its place is best” and nothing can be more pleasing than the sight of the tiny blue alpine forget-me-not overshad- owed by a huge granite boulder, and looking up from its grassy bed on Pike’s far-famed Peak; still it is also beautiful when grown, as it easily can be, in the conServatory or the cold frame,—its blossoms quite a blue es when in native haunts, while it grows a little taller to make up for the distance it is from sky and wind-swept heights. AIl varieties of the columbine thrive under careful cultivation. The anemone used for forcing bloom in the winter window garden is very satisfactory and gives an abundance of blossoms. In making’ preparations for an extensive Wild Flower Garden, thought should always be given. to the character of its native soil, which will greatly add to the success of the experiment.

Special orders for trade packets or seed by the ounce will be given careful attenticn by addressing MRS. S. B. WALKER, Sedalia, Colo,


The Beauty Spots of Colorado are along the Line of the Colorado & Southern.

In fact, we have a monopoly on the scenery and offer the best Service between Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo. each way daily.

Six swell trains No other line “just «s good.” T, E. FISHER,

Gen’l Pass, Ag’t, Denver, Colo.

The mountains are not the homes of all the beautiful flowers of Colerado, The plains and lesser hills as well have their full share, and where the Colorado & Southern threads its way along the plains and through chaparral valleys near the foothills in Eastern Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona, some of the most brilliant-hued flowers are found,

The magnificent crimson blossoms of the Opuntia arborscens or cahe cactus, the large white argémone or prickly poppy, the red, white and pink blossoms of the graceful gilia, columbines and countless other beautiful flow-

ers are in profusion.

Cleome integrifolia. Cleomella augustifolia. Helianthernum cana- dense (var. Walkerae). Liatris punctata. Mentzelia Ornata. Zinnia grandiflora. Arnica alpina, Thermopsis rhomifolia. Thermopsis Montana. Petalostemon violaceus (Prairie Clover). Petalostemon candidus. Geum strictum. Mamillaria Missourien- sis. Cereus var,

Opuntia Missouriensis.

Opuntia Rafiniesquii.

Opuntia arborscens.

Solidage var. (Golden Rod).

Eriogonum umbellatum.

Leucocrinum Montanum (Sand Lily.

Gaillardia var.

Gramineae, limited quantities.

Gentiana var.


Mertensia lanceolata.

Castillera integra. (Painted Cup),

Scutellaria—3 var.

Mirabilis multiflora Calo hortus.

Four O'Clock). Verbesina Encloides. Shepherdia argentea §S. Cretaegus Coccinea. Euphorbia marginita Mamillaria Vivipara.

(Snow on the Moun- Liatris squarrosa.

tain). \l-o California’s Golden Yucca baccata. Poppy and Gypsophilia,

Yucca Augustifolia, 10 CENTS PER PACKAGE, Seeds for sale at The Gallup Floral and Seed Co., 819 16th St., Denver, Colo.

The Georgetown Loop Colorado and Southern Railway.

Booke - - Seeds - - Plants

Mrs. Walker's “Colorado Wild Flower Bcoks” for sale at Dealers in Colorado

Springs, Denver and Pueblo PG edie to. $ F700

“Flowers from Nature’s Garden” and “Colorado Wild Flower Books” made to order with appropriate inscriptions, names, Etc.

upon application to

iV\rs. S. B. Walker,

Sedalia Colorado.

Views of Western Scenery

We carry in stock the most complete line in the United States. Calland see them or send for catalogue. State agents for Detroit Photographic Company A, C. Photos.

a RES ne Mae & AR ACORGRIGHTLD 1809 "FT m=

Colorado Wild Flower Books 25c to $10 Each.

The Kendrick

Book and Stationery Co.

The largest Book, Stationery, News and Art Store in Colorado.

Corner 16 and Stout Sts. DENVER. COLO.

VVestern Souvenirs OF ALL KINDS.

Navajo Indian Blankets

Minerals Cut Stones


Colorado Springs. Branch: Free Museum Garden cf Gods

Charles H. Wyman.

A Curiosity Store Worth Visiting

Aiken's Museum Colorado Springs

Game Heads and Native Fur Rugs

Our Specialty.

Colorado Wild Flower Books.

The Best Taxidermist and Most Expert Furrier In the west

12 E. Pike’s Peak Ave.

Opposite Gazette Office.


Dining Room and Bakery

Clean, Pure Food is Conductive to Health.

Right Living is the Finest Art. Health is the Best Wealth.

Phone Main 560. MISS M, W. BALLEW, Proprietor.

109- to bl le EatBysa Sts Colorado Springs.

Colorado Springs, Colo. STREET DIRECTORY

NORTHWARD Pikes Peak Ave. 9

BiOWS Stee. canes 150 Bijou & High St. 2°0 Platte Ave......-:. 20) Boulder St......... 490 St Viain Stic. .: ~ 500 Willameite Ave... 6 U Monument St...... rend) Dale & Maple St. Sul

Cache la Poudre..

Be RE YD YAEL © ics con => 1009 San Rafael St....1100 iintade: Stirs. 5:- 1200 San Miguel St...15i Gotim bia. St.2--=<.. 140) Buena Ventura...1500 Caramilio St,4\<-%> 1600 Del Norte St..... 17.0 Espanola St....... 18) Fontanero St...... 19°70 Washington St...2000 Jefferson St... ....2100 Madison: St.. 22200 Monroe St-........2300 Jackson eo a Van Buren 8t....2500 PLarrison, Wl. 02. sc< 2600 EASTWARD

Cascade Ave...... 9 SREGOT cbse eae ee 160 Nevada Ave...... 200 Wreber <5t.....t%. 2 300 Wahsatch Ave.... 490 Corona, Nt. 590 LeU Om ICS amore Dna ger ee §05 El Paso PE Oey 1

Prespect See» 5s 800 Institute- Stes: >. .% 900 Cedar St xaos. Gee 10k) Willow Stasi... 1100 Hancock Ave..... 1200


Pike’s Peak Ave. 0

Huertfano St,

@ucharas -St:. 72... 200 Vermijo “Ave...... gut Gastillae ot. S-n26<° 409 Cimarron St. .)..< 500 Moreno Ave....... 600 Rio Grande St....700 Las Animas St.. 80 Fountain St.>....:. 900 Mill & Ft. Worth.1060 was Vegas ..... a pred WESTWARD @ascade st Ave?.s<..%

0. Sahwatch St. ...<« 100

Sierra Madre .... ‘vonejos or Pine.. 300 Spruce Walnut or Cooper Avv Chestnut 600

Seventh ts. s0-5 700 miehthe St. eescr- - 800 PERE TSU. =. eee 900 bei e SLs cee eat 900 ene Stan acca. hie s 10060 Wicventh «St. .....- 1100 Tier eheth soe. 2. <e 1200 Thirteenth St....: 1300 Fourteenth St.....1490 Fifteenth St....... 1590 Sixteenth St...... 1600

Seventeenth St....1700 Bighteenth St..... Nineteenth St..

Tow entieth: ‘St---.. ”* 2000 North from Colo. Av. Washington Ave. 100

iineohlr vAVe\. 22.) .- 200 Parke PAVE. oe tees 300 Rosita Aves! ::..-- 400 Pola Sts. vs eae 500

6 @ Miller’s @eose Curio Store Everything in Western


Agate and Goldstone Novelties, Genuine Mexican Drawn Work.

Burnt Leather and Post Cards.

116 E. Huerfano Street, Colorado Springs.



% AQUILEGIA CCERULE A-- Rocky Mountain Columbine,

Colorado State Flower.