Historic, Archive Document Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices. ae pa x 4 = P “a THIRD, they do not require such large holes and can be planted quicker—cheaper. FourtH, they have longer fibrous roots and more of them in comparison to the tops, con. off better, grow faster and soon overtake the 2- or.3-yr. tree. FirTH, the orchardist can head his trees low (low heads are decidedly best) and can shape the. meet his own ideas and local coditions. ; SrxTH, the l-yr. tree, owing to its more rapid development, not only comes into bearing as quickly as the 2- or 3-yr. tree planted at the same time, but having been transplanted while young, consequently with less of a check or shock, is better qualified to set and macure a heavy crop. We heartily recommend the l-yr. apple tree to planters of commercial orchards everywhere, a recommen- dation not based on theory, but on clearly proven facts as shown, not only by actual results in our own large orchards, but in orchard after orchard in all leading fruit growing sections. For small assorted orchards and for the suburbanite or town planter, the 2-yr. tree will probably be more satisfactory, as it makes a showing at once. For such planters and for those commercial orchardists not yet convinced of the advantages of the l-yr. apple, we have in stock aad will continue to grow a full line of 2-yr. sizes. | cs i\ GRADES OF ONE-YEAR APPLE || eno atte nang e Owing to our having secured exceptionaliy fine nursery land, we are enabled to enlarge the grades of 1-yr. apple to the measures shown in the photograph; for spring we will make the first size 4 ft. and up; 2nd size, 3 to 4 ft.; 3d size, 2 to 3 ft. As our price list, order sheet, etc., are already printed, we are unable to change them at this time, to show the enlarged grades; but we assure our customers that they will receive the benefit of the increase in size when ordering 1-yr. trees. w: oTARK BROS NURSiaRDs C Louisiana, Mo. }