Historic, Archive Document Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices. #1117 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE Region 8 Albuquerque, New Mexico L I B R A U.8.D3partm6nt of Asr'icuture Hugh G, Calkins Regional Conservator A SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WILDLIFE BIOLOGY I By LaviTrence V# Compton Assistant Regional Biologist Regional Bulletin No, 58 ViTildlife Ivknagement Series No, 3 September I5, 1939 INTRODUCTION Ifembers of various technical Divisions, including the Division of Biology, have frequently requested a list of wildlife literature. It was partly because of such requests that this bibliography was prepared, but another incentive came from the increased activity and interest in the improve- ment of personnel and program* It is hoped that this biblio- graphy Yflll aid in this improvement • The objective in preparing the list vfas to present references to the more or less basic literature of wildlife biology, to the literature pertinent to Region 8, to the standard manuals for identification of plants and animals, and to texts which treat of some of the fields that are closely related to wildlife biology. As indicated by the title, this is a selected bibliography and in no sense does it exhaust the literature on any subject. The first part of the bibliography is in the standard alphabetic form, the second part is a subject matter index. The citations preceded by an asterisk are available in the regional library; the others may be borrowed thi'ough the inter- library facilities of the regional library. It is expected that additions to the list will be made and it is hoped that each person using it will offer suggestions as to material which he feels should be added. PART I BIBLIOGRA.PHY Allen, G. M. 1925« Birds and Their Attributes, jyiarshal Jones Co» Boston. American Ornithologists' Union* 1931» Check-List of North American Birds* I|.th ed« Lancaster, Pa» Anthony, H. E« *1928. Field Book of North American Mammals. G» P* Putnam's Sons» New York. Bailey, M# ♦1917 • Handbook of Birds of the Western ISiited States. 7th ed. rev. Houghton Mifflin. Boston and New York. *1928. BiFds of New Mexico. New Mexico State Gome Commission. Santa Fe. Bailey, Vernon. *1931« Msonmals of New Mexico. U.S. Dept. Agri., Bur. Biol. Sur., N. Amer. Fauna No. 53 • Washington. Bennett, L. J. *1938. The Blue -winged Teal, Its Ecology and Management. Collegiate Press. Ames, Iowa. Bent, A. C. 1923» Life Histories of North American Vvater Fowl. Order Anseres, Part I. Smiths on. Inst., U. S. Nat. Mus., Bull. 126 • Vfashington. 192 5 • Life Histories of North American Water Fowl. Order Anseres, Part II. Smithson. Inst., U, S. Nat. Mus., Bull. I30. Washington. ♦1932 • Life Histories of North American Gallinaceous Birds. Orders Galliformes and Columbif ormes . Smithson. Inst., U. S. Nat. Mus., Bull, 162. Washington. *1937» Life Histories of North American Birds of Prey. Order Fa Iconi formes. Part I. Smithson. Inst., U. S. Nat. Mus., Bull. 167* Washington. ♦1938 • Life Histories of North American Birds of Prey. Order Fa Iconi formes. Part II. Smithson Inst., U. S. Nat. Mus., Bull. 170. Washington. - 2 - Brindley, I1rs» H« H. 1926» Forest, Steppe, and Tundra; Studies in Animal Environment. The Hfecmillan Co, New York, Brown, C. *1935« A General Introduction to Forestry in the United States. John Wiley and Sons. Nev^r York. Brunt, David. *1928. Meteorology. Oxford University Press. London. Buchsbaum, Ralph 193 8 • Animals Without Backbones. Univ. Chicago Press. Chicago. Buxton, P. A. ♦1923 . Animal Life in Deserts. Edward Arnold and Co. London. Chapman, F* M. *1932« Handbook of Birds. D, Apple ton-Century Co. New York. Chapman, R. N. ♦1931 • Animal Ecology. McGraw-Hill Book Co. New York. Clements, F. E. *1928. Plant ; Succession and Indicators; A Definitive Edition of Plant Succession and Plant Indicators. H. W. Wilson Co. New York. Clements, F, Eo, and Shelford, V. E. *1939» Bio-ecology. John V/iley and Sons, Inc. New York. Cottam, Clarence. *1939» Food Habits of North American Diving Ducks. U. S. Dept. Agri., Tech. Bull. No. ol^^* Washington. Coulter, J. M., and Nelson, A. *1909» New Ifenual of Botany of the Central Rocky Mountains. American Book Co. }]ew York. Coues, Elliott. 1903* Key to North American Birds. 2 vols. The Page Co. Boston. , Dice, L. R., and Blossom, P. M. *1937« Studies of Iitomalian Ecology in Southwestern North America with Special Attention to Colors of Desert Animals. Carnegie Institution of Washington, Publication No. I;85. Washington. Elton, Charles. ♦1927. Animal Ecology. The Lfe.cmillan Co. New York. Essig, 0. E. *193^« Insects of Western North America. The Ivlacmillan Co. New York. 3 Fenneman, N. M» *1931« Physiography of Western United States. McGrav/-Hill Book Co. New York. Forest Service. *1957» Range Plant Handbook, Prepared by the Forest Service. U. S« Dept. Agri. Washington. Girard, G. L« *1957* Life History, Habits, and Food of the Sage Grouse, Centrocercus urophasianus Bonaparte. Univ. Wyoning Publications, vol. 3* IhO^ 1, pp. l-So. Laramie. Goodding, L. N. *1938» Notes on Native and Exotic Plants in Region 8, mth Special Reference to Their Value in the Soil Conservation Program. U. S. Dept. Agri., Soil Censor. Ser. Albuquerque. Goodding, L. N» *1939» Native Legumes in Region 6. U. S. Dept. Agri., Soil Censor. Ser. Albuquerque. Gorsuch, D. M. Life History of the Gambel Quail in Arizona. IMiv. Ariz. Bull., vol. 5, ^-^ Bici, Sci. Bull. No. 2. Tucson. Graham, E. H. *1937» Botanical Studies in the Uinta Basin of Utah and Colorado. Anncvls Carnegie Museum, vol. 26. Pittsburg. Graham, E. H» *1939» Legumes: Thoir Erosion Control and Wildlife Values. U. S. Dept. Agri., Soil Censor. Ser., SCS-TP-23. Vfashington. Gray, Asa. *1908. A Handbook of the Flowering Plants and Ferns. Revised by B. L. Robinson and iJ. L. Fernald. American Book Co. New York. Grinnell, J., et. al. 1937 • Fur-bea"ring L^immals of California, Their Natural History, Systematic Status, and Relations to I.!an. 2 vols. Univ. Calif. Press. Berkeley. Gross, A. 0. *1930« Progress Report of the 'Visconsin Prairie Chicken Inve-grtigation. Wisconsin Conservation Commission. Ivfedison. Hesse, R., et. al. 1937* EcoTogical Animal Geography. John Wiley and Sons. New York. Henderson, J., and Craig, S. L. *1932. Economic liaminalogy. Charles Thomas. Baltimore. rlitchcock, A. S» *1935» ifenual of the Grasses cf the United States. U. $• Dept. Agri Ivlisc. Publ, No. 200. Washington, Hoffman, R« 1927. Birds of the Pacific States, Houghton Ivlifflin Co. Boston. Holt, S. G. *1938» ^2 Wildlife Conservation Program of the Soil Conservation Service. U. S. Dept. Agri., Soil Conser. Ser., SCS-AR-3» Wcshington. , et • al . *1939. Wildlife Issue of Soil Conservation. Vol. IV, No. 9., Dept. Agri., Soil Conser. Ser. Washington. Hubbs, C. L., and Sschneyer, R. W. *1938» The Improvement of Lakes for Fishing. Bulletin Institute for Fisheries Research, Univ. Mich. Ann Arbor. Hughes, H. D., and Hens on, E. R. *1936. Crop Production. The Ivfe.cmillan Co. New York. « i Jepson, W. L. *1925. A Ife-nual of the Flov/ering Plantr. of California. Associated Students Store, Univ. of Calif. Berkeley. Laurie, A., and Chadwiok, L. C. *1931* ThQ Ivlodorn Nursery. The Macmillan Co. New York. Leopold, Aldo *1931» Report on a Game Survey of the North Central States. Sportin Arms and Ammunition i^nuf acturors * Institute, J&Ldison, Wisconsin. *1933» Gam.o Ife-nagement. Charles Scribner*s Sons. New York. Ligon, J. ♦1927 • Wildlife of Nev/ Mexico. New Mexico State Game Comonission. Santa Fe. Longyear, B. 0. ♦1927 • Trees and Shrubs of the Rocky Mountain Region. G. P. Putnam' Sons. Nev7 York. Martin, A. C, and Uhler, F. M. *1939» Food of Game Ducks in the United States and Canada. U. S. Dept. Agri., Tech. Bull. No. 63U« Washington. *1935» The Hawks of North America. Nat. Assoc. Audubon Societies. New York. - 5 - McAtee, W, L# *1936« Groups of Plants Valuable for Wildlife Utilization and Erosion Control. U. S. Dept. Agri., Cir. l\fo« i^lS. Washington. *1939» Wildfowl Food Plants, Their Value, Propagation and ]\fenageiiient • Collegiate Press Inc. Ajnes, Iowa. MoJyiinn, H. E«, and IJlSiino, E. *1935» An Illustrated Lfejiual of Pacific Coast Trees. Univ. Calif* Press. Berkeley. Miller, G. S. 192i4.* List of North American Recent J^feimnals . Smithson. Inst» U. S. Wat. Mus., Bull. 128» Washington, mtchell, M. H. *1935« The Passenger Pigeon in Ontario. Univ. of Toronto Press. Toronto. Munz, P. A# *1935« A I/fenual of Southern California Botany. Claremont Colleges. Claremont, Calif. National Geographic Society. *1937. The Book of Birds. 2 vols. Nat. Geo. Soc. Washington. Neodham, J. G., and Lloyd, J. T. *1937« The Life of Inland Vfaters. 3''^'^* edition. Comstock Publishing Co. Ithaca, N. and Needham, P. R. *1938» X^uide to the Study of Fresh Water Biology, l^th ed., Comstock Publishing Co., Ithaca, N. Y» Nelson, E. W. *1930« Wild Aniraals of North Aiaerica. Nat. Geo. Soc, Yifashington. Nichol, A. A. *1937» The Natural Vegetation of Arizona. Univ. Ariz. College of Agri., Tech. Bull. No. 68. Tucson. Parkens, A. E., and Yfi taker, J. R. *193^» Our Natural Resources and their Conservation. John Wiley and Sons. Nov/ York. Peterson, R. T. 1939* A Field Guide to the Birds. Revised ed. Houghton Ivlifflin Co. Boston. Pettingill, 0. S. *1936. The American Y/oodcock. Memoirs Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. Boston. - 6 - Pirnie, !• D. *1935» Michigan Yfeterfowl Management. Michigan Dept# Conservation* Lansing. Pool, R. J. 1929. Flov\rers and Flowering plants, McGraw-Hill Book Co, New York. Potter, G, E. 1938. Textbook of Zoology, C, V, Mosby Co, St, Louis, Pratt, H. S. *1935» Manual of Land and Fresh Water Vertebrate Animals in the United States, P. Blakis ton's Son and Co, Philadelphia, Rchder, A# *193U» IVIanual of Cultivated Trees and Shrubs, Hardy in North America, The Macmillan Co, New York, Sampson, A, Tf, +1923 • Range and Pasture Ivlanagcment . Jolin n'ilcy and Sons, Nev/ York, Sargent, C, S, *1905. lyhnual of the Trees of North America, Houghton Mifflin Co, Boston and New York, Schrcnkcisen, Ray, 1938» Field Book of Fresh Water Fishes of North America North of Mexico. G, P, Putnam* s Sons. New York. Shclford, V. E, *1930» Laboratory and Field Ecology. The Responses of Animals as Indicators of Correct Working Methods, V/illiams and Wilkins Co, Baltimore, Sim.poon, G, G, 1939 • Quantitative Zoology, McGraw-Hill Book Co, Nev\r York, Small, J, K, *1933* Manual of Southeastern Flora, Published by the author. New York, Snyder, L, L, *1935» A Study of the Sharp-Tailed Grouse, University Toronto Studies, Biol, Ser, No, UO, Toronto Press, Toronto, Stejneger, L,, and Barbour, T, 1939» A Check List of North American Amphibians and Reptiles, L\±,h ed. Harvard Univ, Press, New Haven, Stomen, T, R., and %ers, W. S. *1937« Oklahoma Flora, Harlov/ Publishing Corporation. Oklahoma City. - 7 - Strausbaugh, P. D., and Weimer, B. R. 1938» General Biology. John Wiley and Sons. Nov; York. Stoddard, H. L. *1931» The Bobwhite Quail, Charles Scribncr's Sons. Now York. Sumner, E. L. *1935» A Life History Study of the California Quail, v.dth P.c c oniric ndat ions for Conservation and j\.fe.nagcmont . Calif. Fish and Game, vol. 21, Nos. 3 U* Sacramento. &i^rarth, H. S. *19lli. A Distributional List of Birds of Arizona, Cooper Ornith. Club, Pacific Coast Avifauna No. 10, PIoll;ynAx.od, Calif. 19^9* The Faunal Areas of Southern Arizona: A Study in Minimal Distribution. Proc, Calif, Acad, Sci., Lth Scr,, vol, 18, no, 12, pp, 267-353 • San Francisco. S^'dngle, D, B. *195ii. A Textbook of Systematic Botany, McGrav/-Hill Book Co. Nev-r York. Taylor, 'vT. P. *1930. Outlines for Studies of ikirmialian Ldfe Histories. U. S. Dept. Agri., Misc, Publ, No. 86. ViTashington. Tide Strom, Ivar. *1925, Flora of Utah and Nevada. Contri. U. S. Nat. Kerb., vol. 25, Washington. United States Department of iigriculture • *1936. Soils and men, yearbook of agriculture, U. S, Govt, Printing Office, vYashington. Van Dersal, W, R. *1938» Native Woody Plants of the United States, Their Erosion-Control and Wildlife Values, U. S. Dept. Agri., Misc. Publ. ^0. 303. Vfashington. Yfard, H. 3,, and ^Yhipple, G. C. ♦1915. Fresh-Water Biology, John '.Yiley a nd Sons, New York. Vfoavor, J. E., and Clem-ents, F. E. *1938. Plant Ecology. 2nd. edition. McGraw-Hill Book Co. New York. Wight, H. M. *1938» Field and Laboratory Technic in 'kYildlife Ivlanagement . Univ. Mich. Press. Ann Arbor. Woo ton, E. 0., and Stand ley, P. C. 1915* Flora of New IJexico. Contri. U, S, Nat. Herb., vol. I9. Washington. - 8 - PART II SUBJECT MTTER INDEX GENERAL Zoology - Buohsbaum, »38; Potter, '38; Simpson, '39 J Strausbaugh and Weimer, »38» Botany - Nichol, '57l Pool, »29; Sv/inglo, '3^« Agronomy - liughes and Hens on, '3^ J Forestry - Brown, '35 5 Soils - U« S. Dept. Agri., '38; Physiography - Fenneman, '3l5 Meterology - Brunt, '28; Y^ildlife l^danagoment^ - Henderson, '3^; Holt, '38j ^39l Leopold '31, '35* Ligon, '27; Pirnie, »35i Van Dersc.l, '38| Wight, '38; Limnology - E^ubbs and Esciimeyer, '38; Weedham and Llcyd, '37j Noedham and Ncedham, '38 1 Ward and "^Yhipple, '18» Nursery management - Laurie and Chadv/ick, '3l5 Conservation - Parkins and I'Titaker, '36; Range Lknagcment - Sampson, '23; « IDENTIFICATION Birds - Amer. Ornith. Union, »31; Bailey, F. M,, '1?, '28; Chapman, F* IvU, '32; Coues, '03; Hoffman, '27; Ivlay, '33; Nat, Geo, Sec., '37; Peterson, '39; Swarth, 'lU; Ivfeimmals - Anthony, '28; Bailey, 7., '31; Grinnell, '37; Miller, '2i4.; Nelson, »30; Pratt, '35; - 9 - Fishes - Pratt, Schrenkeisen, '38» Roptilcs and ^Imphibians - Pratt, ^33 1 StcjnGger and Barbour, ^395 Invertebrates - Essig, »3^J Y/ard and VjTiipple, '18; Plants - Coulter and Nelson, *09j Forest Service, *37l Goodding, '38* *39j Graham, '37* '39^ Gray, '08; Hitchcock, '35j Jcpson, '25; Longyoar, '27; McMnn and Ivlaino, '35 J Munz, '35 1 Rehdcr, ^3h', Sargent, '05; Small, '335 Stcmon and Meyers, '37? Tidestrom, '25; Van Dorsal, '38; VsTooton and Standley, '15 1 ECOLOGY General - Allen, *25; Brindloy, '26; Buxton, '23; Chapman, R» IJ., '31; Clements and Shclford, '39; Dice and Blossom, '37; Elton, '27; Hesse, »37; Leopold, »33; Nichol, »37; Shclford, '50; &i'ro.rth, '29; Yfcavcr and Clements, '381 Life histories and food habits - Borjictt, '38; Bont, '23, '25, '32, »37, »38; CottiTjn, '39; Girard, »37; Gorsuch, '3l|; Grinncll, '37; Gross, '30; Henderson, »32; Ligon, '27; Ijartin and Uhlor, '39; ifcy, »35; McAtec, »36, '39; Mitchell, '35; Pettingill, »3c>; Pirni^, '35; Snyder, '35; Stoddard, '31; Sumner, '33l Taylor, '30;